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Full text of "A new system, or, An analysis of ancient mythology : wherein an attempt is made to divest tradition of fable, and to reduce the truth to its original purity ..."

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OR,      AN 

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O    F 




O  R,     A  N 


O    F 


Wherein  an  Attempt  is  made  to  divefl:  Tradition  of  Fable; 
and  to  reduce  the  Truth  to  its  Original  Purity, 

In  this  WORK  is  given  an  HISTORY  of  the 







ALSO      OF      THE 


The  "Whole  contains  an  Account  of  the  principal  Events  in  the  firft  Ages,  from  the 
Deluge  to  the  Dispersion  :  AHb  of  the  various  Migrations,  which  enfued,  and 
the  Settlements  made  afterwards  in  different  Parts :  Circumftances  of  great  Confe- 
quence,  which  were  fubfequent  to  the  Gentile  History  of  Moses. 



By      JACOB       BRYANT, 

Formerly  of  King's  College,  Cambridge  ;  and  Secretary  to  his  Grace  the  late  Duke 
of  Marlborough,  during  his  Command  abroad  ;  and  Secretary  to  him  as  Mailer 
General  of  His  Majelty"s  Ordnance. 


Printed    for  T.  PAYNE,    Mews-Gate;    P.  E  L  M  S  L  Y,  in   the   Strand; 
B.  WHITE,  in  Fleet-street;  and  J.  WALTER,  Charing-cross. 


E       F       A      C       E. 

^'I^H  ROUGH  tlie  whole  procefs  of  my  inquiries,  it 
JL  has  been  my  endeavour  from  fome  plain  and  de- 
terminate principles  to  open  the  way  to  many  interefting 
truths.  And  as  I  have  fliewn  the  certainty  of  an  univerfal 
Deluge  from  the  evidences  of  mod  nations,  to  which  we 
can  gain  accefs  :  I  come  now  to  give  an  hiftory  of  the 
perfons,  who  furvived  that  event ;  and  of  the  families, 
which  were  immediately  defcended  from  them.  After 
having  mentioned  their  refidence  in  the  region  of  Ararat, 
and  their  migration  from  it :  I  fhall  give  an  account  of 
the  roving  of  the  Cuthites,  and  of  their  coming  to  the 
plains  of  Shinar,  from  whence  they  were  at  laft  expelled. 
To  this  are  added  obfervations  upon  the  hiftories  of  Chaldea 
and  Egypt;  alfo  of  Hellas,  and  Ionia;  and  of  every  other 
country,  which  was  in  any  degree  occupied  by  tlie  fons 
of  Chus.  There  have  been  men  of  learning,  who  have 
denominated  their  v/orks  from  the  families,  of  which  they 
treated  :  and  have  accordingly  fent  them  into  the  world 
under  the  title  of  Phaleg,  Japhet,  and  Javan.  I  might, 
in  like  manner,  have  prefixed  to  mine  the  name  either  of 
10  Curb, 


Cuth,  or  Ciithim  :  for  upon  the  hiftory  of  this  people 
my  fyftem  chiefly  turns.  It  may  be  afked,  if  there  were  no 
other  great  families  upon  earth,  belides  that  of  the  Cuth- 
ites,  worthy  of  re-cord  :  if  no  other  people  ever  performed 
great  adions,  and  made  themfelves  refped;able  to  pofterity. 
Such  there  poflibly  may  have  been:  and  the  field  is  open 
to  any,  who  may  choofc  to  make  inquiry.  My  taking 
this  particular  path  does  not  in  the  leaft  abridge  others 
from  profecuting  difierent  views,  wherever  they  may  fee 
an  opening. 

As  my  refearches  are  deep,  and  remote,  I  fhall  fome- 
times  take  the  liberty  of  repeating,  what  has  preceded  ; 
that  the  truths,  which  I  maintain,  may  more  readily  be 
perceived.  We  are  oftentimes  by  the  importunity  of  a 
perfevering  writer  teazed  into  an  unfatisfaftory  compliance, 
and  yield  a  painful  affent :  but  upon  clofing  the  book,  our 
fcruples  return  ;  and  we  lapfe  at  once  into  doubt,  and 
darknefs.  It  has  therefore  been  my  rule  to  bring  vouchers 
for  every  thing,  v/hich  I  maintain  :  and  though  I  might 
upqn  the  renewal  of  my  argument  refer  to  another  volume, 
and  a  diftant  page  ;  yet  I  many  times  choofe  to  repeat  my 
evidence,  and  bring  it  again  under  immediate  infpedlion. 
And  if  I  do  not  fcruple  labour  and  expence,  I  hope  the 
reader  will  not  be  diigufted  by  this  feeming  redundancy 
in  my  arrangement.  What  I  have  now  to  prefent  to  the 
Publick,  contains  matter  of  great  moment,  and  fnould  I 
be  found  to  be  in  the  right,  it  will  aifbrd  a  fure  bafis 
for  the  future  hiftory  of  the  world.  None  can  well  judo-e 
either  of  the  labour,  or  utility  of  the  work,    but  thofe,  who 


R      E      F      A      C      E. 


have  been  converfant  in  the  writings  of  chronologers,  and 
other  learned  men,  upon  thefe  fubje6ts;  and  leen  the  dif- 
ficulties, with  which  they  were  embarraffed.  Great  undoubt- 
edly muft  have  been  the  learning  and  perfpicuity  of  a 
Petavius,  Perizonius,  Scaliger,  Grotius,  and  Le  Clerc  ;  alfo 
of  an  Ufher,  Pearfon,  Marfham,  and  Newton.  Yet  it  may 
polTibly  be  found  at  the  clofe,  that  a  feeble  arm  has 
effecfted,  what  thofe  prodigies  in  fcience  have  overlooked. 

Many,  who  have  finifhed  their  progrefs,  and  are  determined 
in  their  principles,  will  not  perhaps  fo  readily  be  brought 
over  to  my  opinion.  But  they,  who  are  beginning  their 
ftudies,  and  paffing  through  a  procefs  of  Grecian  literature, 
will  find  continual  evidences  arife  :  almoft  every  ftep  will 
afi'ord  frefh  proofs  in  favour  of  my  fyftem.  As  the  defola- 
tion  of  the  world  by  a  deluge,  and  the  renewal  of  it  in  one 
perfon,  are  points  in  thefe  days  particularly  controverted  ; 
many,  who  are  enemies  to  Revelation,  upon  feeing  thefe 
truths  afcertained,  may  be  led  to  a  more  intimate  acquaint- 
ance with  the  Scriptures  :  and  fuch  an  infight  cannot  but  be 
productive  of  good.  For  our  faith  depends  upon  hiftorlcal 
experience  :  and  it  is  mere  ignorance,  that  makes  infidels. 
Hence  it  is  poflible,  that  fome  may  be  won  over  by  hiflori- 
cal  evidence,  whom  a  refined  theoloo-ical  argument  cannot 
reach.  An  illnefs,  which  fome  time  ago  confined  me  to  my 
bed,  and  afterv/ards  to  my  chamber,  aftorded  me,  during  its 
recefs,  an  opportunity  of  making  fome  verfions  from  the 
poets,  whom  I  quote:  when  I  was  little  able  to  do  any 
thing  of  more  confequence.  The  tranilation  from  Dio- 
nyfius    was  particularly    done    at    that    feafon  :     and    will 



R      E       F      A      C      E. 

give  the  reader   fome   faint   idea  >of  the  original,   and  its 

I  cannot  conclude  without  ackno^  ledging  my  obligations 
to  a  moft  worthy  and  learned  '  friend  for  his  zeal  towards 
my  work  ;  and  for  his  afliftance  both  in  this,  and  my  former, 
publication.  I  am  indebted  to  him  not  only  for  his  judicious 
remarks,  but  for  his  goodnefs  in  tranfcribing  for  me  many  of 
my  diflertations :  without  which  my  progrefs  would  have 
been  greatly  retarded.  His  care  likewife,  and  attention,  in 
many  other  articles,  afford  inftances  of  friendfhip,  which  I 
fhall  ever  gratefully  remxember. 

'  The  Rev.  Dr.  Barford,  Prebendary  of  Canterbury  ;  and  Reftor  of  Kimpton, 


Page  Line 

15  1 4 /or /s /strct/     read  ^ij[rt^ctl. 

17  10 /<!;■  Arbaches     rMi/ Arbaflus. 

54  J  for  T VI      read  Ti. 

59  '9  «/"'"■  Homer     add aXfo. 

106  II   after  iexit     add  them.- 

J  27  13  ^y/tT  difperfion     «flV  yet  fo  it  will  appeal'. 

155  5 /(/>- Cafhemife     rf/?rt' Cailimire. 

]6o  4 /ir  fynonimous     rrW  fynon vinous. 

187  7 /or  Colcas     read  Colins. 

194  2  for  in     read  into. 

212  ig  for  K.vfoi     read  Yicfot 

213  z  for  from  which  the  former  was  derived     reiui  of 

which  the  former  was  a  branch. 

227  ult. /or  diaphonous     ?■(■««' diaphanous. 

253  I  3  y«;- Cenofora     read  CsxQziors.. 

282  26  y'or  fifth     rtW fourth. 

304  8  for  at  laft     read  in  the  end. 

312  23  dele  thefe. 

327  20 /or  fourteenth     rfa^i' fourteen. 

330  19 /"or  Heraclotic     jrci/ Heracleotic. 

339  7  f"''  thirty-five     read  twenty-five. 

303  l6/5rEgyptus     )-f«^  ^gyptus. 

389  8  for  firll  iling     read  firft  king. 

391  14  for  Miz     read  CEta. 

404  l'^  for  a.fyii     read  etyfu. 

536  24/irFokein     read  Fokien. 

552  5   after  i lav     addrov- 

A     NEW 

NEW       SYSTEM^ 

O  R,    A  N 


O  F 



OF     THE 


Eyw  Js  'urs^i  ijToXKn  top  ctM^^  7\oyov  Tifji^fjiBVOi  koli  to  uk^i^ss 

'urccnoiag.     Georgius  Monachus,  p.  66. 

N  the  Mofaic  hiftory  wc  have  an  account  of  the  antedi- 
luvian world  being  deftroyed  by  a  deluge,  the  family  of 
one  man  excepted,  which  was  providentially  preferved. 
The  manner  of  their  prefervation  I  have  defcribcd  j  and 
have  ftiewn,  that  the  ark  rcfted  upon  Mount  Ararat,  in  a 
province  of  Armenia.  This  was  the  region  in  which  man- 
kind firft  began  to  multiply,  and  from  whence  they  after- 
wards proceeded  to  their  different  places  of  allotment.  It 
Vol.  III.  B  will 

2  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

will  therefore  be  neceffary  to  give  fome  account  of  this 
country;  as  from  fuch  an  inquiry  we  fhall  find  innumerable 
eviacnces  ftill  arife  in  confirmation  of  the  primeval  hiftory : 
and  there  will  be  alfo  many  proofs  obtained  in  confirmation 
of  my  opinion,  concerning  the  migration  of  mankind. 

Armenia  lay  to  the  north  of  Aramea,  or  Mefopotamia  r 
and  one  might  be  led  to  think,  from  the  fimilarity  of  terms, 
that  Armenia  and  Aramea  were  the  fame  name.  This, 
however,  was  not  the  cafe.  Aramea  was  the  land  of  Aram  : 
but  Armenia,  which  was  feparated  from  it  by  '  Mount  Tau- 
rus, was  denominated  from  Ar-Men,  and  Har-Men,  the 
mountain  where  the  ark  refted.  It  was  a  branch  of  the 
abovementioned  Taurus  :  and  was  diftingviifiied  by  feveral 
appellations,  each  of  which  was  fignificant,  and  afforded 
fome  evidence  to  the  hiftory  of  the  deluge.  It  was  called 
Ararat,  Baris,  '  Barit,  Luban,  which  laft  fignified  Mons  Lu- 
naris,  or  the  Mountain  of  Selene.  It  had  alfo  the  name  of 
Har-Min,  and  Har-Men,  which  was  precifely  of  the  fame 
fignification.  The  people  who  lived  round  it  were  called 
Minni  and  MinyaB  ;  and  the  region  had  the  name  of  Armenia 
from  the  mountain,  which  was  the  great  objeA  of  reverence 
in  this  country.  1  he  name  is  to  be  found  in  the  prophet 
Jeremiah,  where  he  is  calling  together  various  foreign  powers, 
ta  make  an  invafion  upon  Babylon.  ^  Set  up  a  Jta7idard  in 
the  land ;  blow  the  trumpet  among  the  nations  ;  prepare  the 
nations  againjl  her.      Call  together  agai?2jl  her  the  kingdoms  of 

*  Strabo.  L.  ii.  p.  792.  798. 
*"  See  Vol.  II.  of  this  work,  p.  442. 

'  Jeremiah,  c.  51.  v.  27.     Sufcitate  luper  eamgcntes;  annunciate  adverfus  illam 
icgibus  Ararath  Menni.     Vulgate. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  3 

Ararat  Minni^  and  Apchenaz,    By  Ararat-Minni  is  fignified 
the  region  about  Mount  Ararat,  which  was  poffeffed  by  the 
Minyze.      The  paffage  is   by   the  Chaldee   Paraphraft   very 
juftly  rendered  tdix,  Armini,  the  fame  as  Armenia.     From 
hence  the  learned  Bochart  infers  with  good  reafon,  that  the 
name  of  Armenia  was  taken  from  this  Ararat  of  the  Minni, 
called  Ar-Mini.      "^  Videtur  Armenia   vox   conflata  efie  ex 
*ja--in,  Har  Mini,  id  eft  Mons  Mini,  five  Montana  Miniadis. 
Something  fmiilar  is  to  be  found  in  Amos ;   where  the  fame 
mountain  is  mentioned  under  the  name  of  nJia  -in,    '  Har- 
Munah,  or  Mountain  of  the  Moon.      *  Jerome  takes  notice 
of  this  paffage,  and  mentions   how  differently  it  has   been 
rendered  by  expositors  ;  a  circumftance  which  muft  happen, 
when  writers  are  of  different  countries  and  of  different  times. 
^  Hieronymus  et  projiciemini  inquit  in  locis  Armenise,   qu^e 
vocantur  Armona.    Denique  Symmachus  ita  interpretatus  eft, 
et  projiciemini  in  Armenia  :   pro  quibus  LXX  montem  Rem- 
man,  Aquila  montem  Armona,  Theodotio   montem  Mona. 
^  Bochart,  who  quotes  this  paffage,  at  the  clofe  afks.  What  if 
Mini,   Minyas,  and  Monah,  fhould  after  all  prove  to  be  the 
fame  name,  only  differently  expreffed  ?     We  may  fafely  an- 
fwer,  that  they  are  ;   and  that  they  relate  to  the  fame  hifto- 
ry.    Even  the  Remman  of  the  LXX  is  a  tranfpofttion  of  the 
true  name ;  and  a  miftake  for  ^  Ar-Man,   the  fame  as  Ar- 

*  Geog.  Sacra.  L.  i.e.  3.  p.*  20. 

'  C.  4.  V.  3. 

'  Hieron  ct  Theodoretus.     See  Bochart.  Geog.  Sacra.  L.  i.e.  3.  p.  20. 

Bochart  fupra.  p.  20.  ©eo/a;oHTo?,  ccTroppi(pr,<Tta-^s  en  ro  o^a  to  Ao^waca,  &cc.  'O 
'Si  ''os.  Aof/.£viav  wfJ-Wivaii'   'O  Se  ©eoSorim  v-^vAov  opo?.  Ibid. 

'  This  is  manifeft  from  the  Vulgate,  in  which  it  is  rendered,  Et  projiciemini  in 

B  2  Mini 

4  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

Mini  in  the  Chaldaic  Paraphrafe,  as  Ar-Mona  of  Aquila, 
Ar-Muna  of  Amos,  and  the  Mountain  Mona  of  Theodotion. 
They  all  fignify  Mons  Lunus,  and  relate  to  the  Arkite  em- 
blem Selene,  of  which  I  have  before  treated. 

The  moft  common  name  given  to  the  mountain  was  Ara- 
rat ;  and  by  this  it  has  been  diltinguiflicd  by  Mofes.  This 
is  a  compound  of  Ar-Arat,  and  fignifies  the  Mountain  of 
Defcent,  and  is  equivalent  to  nT-"in,  of  the  Hebrews.  That 
the  name  was  a  compound  of  Ar-Arat,  is  plain  from  Hatho 
the  Armenian,  who  mentions  it  out  of  compofition  by  the 
name  of  Arath.  ^  In  Armenia  eft  altior  mons,  quam  fit  in 
toto  orbe  terrarum,  qui  Arath  vulgariter  nuncupatur ;  et  iu 
cacumine  illius  montis  area  Noae  poft  diluvium  primo  ftetit. 
Jofephus  tells  us  exprefly,  that  it  was  called  by  the  natives 
the  Mountain  of  Defcent,  which  he  tranflates  OLTTO^ciTYi^iov^ 
on  account  of  the  Patriarch  here  lirft  defcending  from  the 
ark.  '°  ATTO^dTYi^iov  tottqv  tutop  A^^jlshoi  KcO\E<nv.  The  fame 
is  mentioned  by  "  Euftathius  Antiochenus.  By  Jerome  it  i£ 
ftyled  the  place  of  exit.  ''  Nunc  locum  Armenii  exituni 
vel  egrefTum  vocant.  The  facred  writer  feems  always  to 
exprefs  foreign  names  of  places,  as  they  were  exhibited  by 
the  natives.  He  accordingly  calls  this  mountain  in  the  pro- 
vincial dialedl  '^  Ar-Arat ;   which  would  have  been  rendered 

'  Hatho  Armcnius.     See  Purchas.  Vol.  9.  p.  1 10. 

'"  Jofcphiis.  Antiq.  L.  1.  c.  3.  p.  16. 

"  Ka<  TQv  TOTTov  iTi  Y.aL  ivv  sxiivov  AttoSoltv^hv  01  STTip^cocm  x.ccA8(ri.  Eullathlus 
Antiochenus.     See  Bochart  above,  p.  20. 

'*  Hieron.  in  Eufebianis. 

"  Pro  VniH  Mofis  reperitur  in  Codice  Samaritano  tJ'^in,  Hararat.  Le  Clerc. 
Vol.  I.  p.  72. 

10  Har-Irad 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology,  5 

Har-Irad  by  the  Hebrews.  By  this  is  iignified  oLTTQ^OLTYi^ioy, 
or  place  of  defcent.  The  region  round  about  was  called 
Araratia,  and  alfo  Minyas,  where  the  Minyag  refided,  of 
whom  I  have  taken  notice  before.  This  probably,  after  the 
general  migration,  was  one  of  the  oldeft  colonies  in  the 
world.  Nay,  it  is  not  impoflible,  but  that  the  region  may 
have  been  originally  occupied  by  a  people  ftyled  Minys, 
who  out  of  .a  falfe  zeal  adhered  to  the  fpot,  and  would  never 
depart  from  it.  From  the  fimilitude  which  the  natives  of 
thefe  parts  bore  to  the  Syrians  and  Arabians,  in  religion, 
cuftoms,  and  language,  it  appears  plainly,  that  they  were 
one  of  the  '^Cuthite  branches. 

We  may  be  aflured,  that  the  ark  was  providentially  wafted 
into  Armenia  ;  as  that  region  feems  to  have  been  particularly 
well  calculated  for  the  reception  of  the  Patriarch's  family,, 
and  for  the  repeopling  of  the  world.  The  foil  of  the  coun- 
try was  very  fruitful,  and  efpecially  of  that  part  where  the 
Patriarch  iirft  made  his  defcent.  Some  have  objeded  to.  the 
Mofaic  account  of  the  dove  and  olive,  and  will  not  allow,  that 
the  ark  could  have  refted  in  Armenia,,  becaufe  travellers  of  late 
have  difcovered  no  olives  in  that  '^  country  :  they  therefore 
infer,  that  there  never  were  any  trees  of  this  fort  in  that  re- 
gion. In  like  manner,  there  may  be  in  thefe  dnys  no  balfam  at 
Jericho,  nor  date  trees  in  Babylonia  :  but  it  does  not  follow, 
that  there  were  none  of  old.      Vv^e   muft  not  therefore   fet 

To  ycto  TiiV  Aoijiiviciov  Si'ai^yic(.i  TO.TCtiv'  xai  Tjiv  A^aCiav  'woAAr,]/  ojjt.o(fv- 
?^tav  ifj.(pxi:st  n\-  Strabo,  L.  i.  p.  70.     One  of  the  principal  cities   in  this  part  q£ 
Armenia  was  Cu-Coufus,  which  fignifies  the  place  of  Chus.     See  tlierccles  X^vi^- 
cTwjt^o;.  p.  703.     Kqukouo-o?,  KajWayaj  AfsiootAtx- 
ii  ,Tournefort.  Letter  7  th. 


6  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

afide  ancient  liiftories  faithfully  tranfmitted,    becaufe    the 
fame  occurrences  do  not  happen  at  this  day.      But  the  infer- 
ence is  not  only  trifling,  but  falfc.      Strabo  was  a  native  of 
Alia  Minor  ;   and  he  fpeaks  of  the  fertility  of  Armenia,  and 
■efpecially  of  the  region  Gogarene,   which   he   particularly 
mentions   as  productive  of  the  olive.      '*  E;^'   j^    Tooyap^vri' 
Ilacra  ya^  y\  ^^'^a  ayrj]  y.a^Troi;  re  koli  roig  r^^e^oig  S'sv^^oigy  koli 
roig   OLei^oLhB(n   urKti^VBi'    (pe^si   h  koli  EKaiav,     He  had  been 
fpeaking  of  various  parts  of  Armenia,  and  then  adds,   After 
thefe  fucceeds  Gogarene.      All  this  country  abounds  with  fruits 
and  trees  for  the  ufe  of  man^    and  with  thofe  alfo  which  arc 
evergreen.      It  likewife  produces  the  OLIVE.      I   have  men- 
tioned, that  Arene  was  one  name  of  the   ark  ;   and  many 
places  were  fo  denominated  in  memorial  of  it.      It  is   to   be 
obferved,  that  there  is  fcarcely  any  eaftern  name,  which  be- 
gins with  a  vowel  or  common  afpirate,  but  is  at  times  to  be 
found  expreffed  with  a  guttural.      The  city   Ur  was  called 
Cur,    Cour,   and  Chora  :   Aza  was  rendered  Gaza :   Ham, 
Cham  ;   Hanes,  Chanes :   Hala,  Habor,  and  Haran  ;   Chala, 
Chabor,  and  Charan.     So  Arene,  an  ark  or  Ihip,   was  ex- 
preffed '^  Carene  :  from  whence  came  the  Carina  of  the  Ro- 
mans.     The   term   Go-Carene  [V Ui-V a.^Tivr\)  Signifies  literally 
the  place  or  region  of  the  ark.      I  do  not,  however,  imagine, 
that  this  was  precifely  the   fpot,   where  the  '^  defcent  was 

"  L.  II.  p.  800. 

''  Many  places  arc  to  be  found  in  Media,  Sufiana,  and  Armenia,  named  Carene 
and  Carina.     See  Cluvcr.  Gcog. 

'^  Gogaiene  was  beyond  the  Cyrus,  and  a  northern  province.  See  Strabo,  Ste- 
phanos, and  others.  It  was  at  too  great  dillance  from  Ararat,  which  was  upon  the 
river  Araxes. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  7 

firft  made,  though  the  name  was  given  in  memorial  of  that 
event ;  a  circumftance  common  to  many  other  places.  I 
make  no  doubt,  but  that  the  region  of  the  Minyas,  at  the 
foot  of  Mount  Arad,  or  Ar-Arat,  was  the  diftrid  where  the 
Patriarch  and  his  family  firft  refided.  It  was  upon  the  river 
''  Araxes,  and  one  of  the  mediterranean  provinces  of  Arme- 
nia. It  was  called  '"  Ararat  and  Araratia  from  the  moun- 
tain ;  and  feems  to  have  been  a  fine  "  country,  productive  of 
every  thing  neceffary  for  life.  The  whole  of  Armenia  ap- 
pears to  have  been  "''  fruitful ;  and  we  have  the  atteftation 
of  Strabo,  that  it  produced  the  olive.  It  feems,  for  the  moft 
part,  to  have  been  of  a  very  high  fituation.  One  province 
was  ftyled,  on  this  account,  Armenia  Alta.  It  bordered 
upon  Araratia  weftward  ;  and  the  account  given  of  it  by 
Mofes  Chorenenfis  is  remarkable.  ''^  Armenia  Alta  inter 
omnes  regiones  revera  altifiima  eft ;  quippe  quas  ad  quatuoF 
coeli  partes  fluvios  emittit.  Flabet  prasterea  montes  tres,, 
feras  plurimas,  aves  utiles,  thermas,  falinas,  atque  aliarunx 
rerum  ubertatem,  et  urbem  Carinam.  Armenia  Alta  is  o?ie 
of  the  highefi  regions  in  the  world ;  for  it  fends  out  rivers  i?r 
coittrary  direBions  towards  the  four  cardinal  pomts   m  the' 

''  The  Araxes  is  properly  the  river  of  Arach,  or  Aracha,  which  fignifies  the  river 
of  the  ark. 

"""  Ifaiah.  c.  37-.  v.  38.  and  2  Kings,  c.  19.  v.  37.  Ararat,  regio  ArmeniEe, 
Hieron.  in  Ifaiain.  Araratia,  in  medio  regionum  (ArmeniEe)  loco.  Mofes  Chore- 
nenfis. Geog.  p.  361. 

"  Habet  Araratia  montes  campofique,  atqvie  omnem  foecunditatem.  Idem.  p.  361. 

""■  Habet  Armenia  rerum  ubertatem.  Id.  p.  358.  Strabo  fays  of  Armenia,, 
•ZEToAAoi  aL/A&)>'£5j  0(  }jLiv  fjiiaooi,  w  Si  a(poSpa,y  euSai[Ji.oi'ei,  xa.u<x7re^  to  Apu^nvov  •srtJ'io/-.- 
L.  1 1.  p.  800. 

''  Geog.  p.  358. 

B  heavenr,- 

8  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology* 

heavens.  It  has  three  jnountains^  and  aboimds  with  wild  ani- 
mal's^ and  f pedes  of  fowl  for  food^  alfo  with  hot  baths ^  and 
mi7ies  of  falt^  and  with  other  things  of  utility  ;  ajid  the  chief 
city  is  called  '^  Carina.  The  region  ftyled  Araratia  was  alfo 
very  high,  though  it  had  fine  plains  and  valleys  between  the 
mountains.  A  country  of  this  nature  and  Htuation  muft, 
after  the  flood,  have  been  fooneft  dried,  and  confequently 
the  fooneft  habitable.  And  it  feems  alfo,  in  an  eminent  de- 
gree, to  have  contained  every  requifite  for  habitation.  The 
mountain  ftill  has  the  name  ot  Ararat,  which  it  has  retained 
through  all  ages ;  and  the  province  beneath  is  at  this  day 
peculiarly  ftyled  "^  Ar-Meni.  This  name  feems  by  the  na- 
tives to  have  been  originally  limited  to  the  "^  region  of  the 
ark ;  but  writers  in  after  times  have  fpoken  of  it  with  a 
greater  latitude,  and  extended  it  to  a  large  country.  It  was 
of  great  repute,  and  its  chief  city  very  ample,  before  it  was 
ruined  by  the  Tartars.  The  learned  Roger  Bacon  mentions, 
that  it  once  had  eighty  churches  :  ""/  Fuerunt  in  ea  civitate 
odtoginta  ecclefi^  Hermenorum. 

The  mountain  was  alfo  called  "^  Mafis,  and  likewife  Tha- 

**  Some  of  the  principal  cities  in  Armenia  were  Carina,  Area,  Comana,  Ararathia, 
Cucoufus.     See  Hierocles  2w£xcf  «/>(.:;.  p,  yo^.     Tliefe  names  are  very  remarkable. 

*^  Ermenia  of  D'Anville.  See  his  curious  map  of  Armenia,  entitled,  Carte 
generale  de  la  Georgie  et  de  I'Armenie,  definee  a  Peterfbourg,  en  1738,  d'apres  les 
Cartes,  Memoires,  et  Obfervations  des  Gens  du  Pays,  &c.  publiee  en  1766. 

^*  It  was  the  fame  as  Ararat,  which  was  extended  in  the  fame  manner.  But  Jerome 
fays,  Ararat  non  eft  tota  Armenia.  L.  1 1.  in  Efaiam. 

*^  Rogeri  Baconi  Pars  major  de  Aquilonaribus  Mundi  partibus.  See  Purchas. 
Vol.  3.  p.  S5- 

*°  See  Cartwright's  Travels,  p.  30.  and  William  de  Rubruquis.  c.  48.  Maaiov 
0^0:  £>'  h-u.ivia.  Scrabo,  L.  11.  p.  772. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  9 

manim  and  Shamanim,  the  purport  of  which  is  remarkable. 
I  have  before  taken  notice  of  the  facred  Ogdoas  in  Egypt, 
which    was    held    in    great    veneration.      It    confifted    of 
eight  ^'  perfonages  defcribed  in  a  boat,  who  were  efteemed 
the  moft  ancient  gods  of  the  country.      This   number  was 
held  facred,  and  efteemed  myfterious  by  other  nations.      It 
is  obfervable,   that   the  Chinefe  have  fomewhat  more  than 
two  hundred   principal  elementary  charadlers  ;   and   out   of 
thefe  all  other  reprefentations  are  formed,  by  which  in  wri- 
ting they  exprefs  their  ideas.      By  thefe  combinations,   the 
charadleriftic  is,   in  fome  degree,   made  a  definition  of  the 
thing  reprefented,  and  it  has  often  a  relation  to  the  original 
hiftory.   Some  of  thefe  have  a  reference  to  this  myftical  num- 
ber eight,  of  which  I  fhall  give  two  inftances  of  a  very  curious 
nature.      They  are   taken   from   the  letter  of  that  learned 
Jefuit  at  ^°  Pekin,  who  wrote  in  anfwer  to  fome  queries  fent 
by  the  Royal  Society  at  London.      Le  caradlere  de  barque, 
vaifleau,   eft  compofe  de  la  figure  de  vaiffeau,  de  celle  de 
bouche,   et  du  chiffre  huit :   ce   qui  pent   faire   allufion   au 
nombre  des  perfonnes,  qui  etoient  dans  I'arche. — On  trouve 
encore  les  deux  caradleres  huit^   et  bouche  avec  celui  d'eau 
pour  exprimer  navigation  heureufe.      Si   c'eft  un   hazard,   il 
s'accorde   bien   avec   le   fait.      The    fame   reference   to   the 
number  eight  is  to  be  obferved  in  the  hiftory  of  Mount  Mafis, 
or  Ararat.    It  was  called  the  Mountain  Thamanim,  or  Tflia- 
manim ;   and   there  was   a  town   towards   the   foot  of  the 

"^  See  Vol.  II.  of  this  work,  p.  234. 

'"  Lettre  de  Pekin  fur  le  Genie  delaLangue  Chinoife,  &c.     A  Bruxelles,  1773. 
p.  32. 

Vol.  III.  C  mountain 

lo  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

mountain  of  the  fame  name,  which  was  fuppofed  to  have 
been  built  by  Noah.  Now  Thaman  is  faid  in  the  ancient 
language  of  the  country  to  have  lignified  eight,  and  was  ana^- 
logous  to  the  fOtt',  Shaman,  of  the  ^'  Hebrews,  which  denotes 
the  fame  number.  Ebn  ^"  Patricius  mentions  the  Ark  refting 
upon  Ararat,  and  calls  the  diftridl  below  the  region  of  theTha- 
manin.  He  alfo  mentions  the  city  of  the  fame  name;  and  he 
fays,  that  it  was  fo  called  from  the  eight  perfons  who  came  out 
of  the  Ark.  Other  writers  exprefs  it  Thamanim,  which  is  a 
plural  from  Thaman.  Terra  Thamanim  iignihcs  the  region 
of  the  eight  perfons ;  whofe  hiflory  needs  no  explanation.  It 
is  fo  rendered  by  Elmacini,  who  fpeaks  of  the  town,  and 
flyles  it,  "  pagum,  quem  extruxit  Noa,  poftquam  ex  Area 
egreflus  efl: :  the  place^  which  Noah  built ^  after  that  he  came 
out  of  the  ark.  William  de  Rubruquis,  who  travelled  into 
Tartary  in  the  year  1253,  ^^^  returned  by  Armenia,  has  a 
remarkable  pafTage  to  this  purpofe.  ''^  Near  the  city  Nax- 
uariy  there  are  mountaitis  called  Mafs,  upon  which  they  fay 
that  the  Ai'k  of  Mofes  refled.   There  are  two  of  thefe  mou?itains^ 

"  See  Bochart.  Geog.  Sacra.  L.  i.  p.  i8. 

'*  Vol.  1.  p.  40.  Vocatur  autem  hodie  terra  Thamenin.  In  another  place  Ke 
adds,  Cumque  egreffi  efient,  urbcm  extruxerunt,  quam  Thamanin  appellariint,  juxta 
numerum  fiium,  quafi  dicas,  Nos  OSlo  fitvius.  p.  43. 

^*  L..  I.  c.  I.  p.  14.  Thamininum  vel  Thfamininum  pagum.  Ylia  to.  Y.a.a^s'^ia, 
£(»  xwf<,»f  QapiSi'jov.  Agatliias,  L.  4. 

'*  See  Purchas,  Vol.  3.  p.  50.  but  efpeclally  the  original.  AraxI  ct  Naxuanns  duos 
imminere  montes  Maffis  nomine-,  in  quibus  Area  refedit  :  etCemainum  oppidum  ab 
octo  illis  ibi  conditum,  qui  ab  Area  exiverunt  :  idque  patere  ex  ipib  nomine,  quo 
ofto  fignificatur.  Rubriquis.  The  town  of  Naxuan  is  mentioned  by  Ptolemy,  L. 
5.  c.  13.  and  placed  upon  the  Araxes.  In  the  map  of  D'Anville,  it  is  exprefTed 
Nadllhevan  ;  and  is  fituated  upon  the  river,  at  a  fmall  diftancc  from  Mount  Ararat. 


The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  ii 

the  one  greater  than  the  other ^  and  the  Araxes  runneth  at  the 
foot  of  them.  There  is  alfo  a  little  town  Cemainum,  which  is 
by  interpretation  eight  ;  for  they  fay  it  was  fo  called  from  the 
eight  perfons  who  came  out  of  the  Ark^  and  built  it.  This  is- 
plain  from  the  na^ne  ;  for  Cemainum  fgnifies  eight.  Thy  call 
the  mountain  the  mother  of  the  world.  From  hence  we  may- 
perceive,  that  what  this  writer  renders  Cemainum,  fhould 
rather  have  been  exprefled  Shemainum,  or  Shemanum  ;  for 
it  is  undoubtedly  the  fame  as  the  Themanim  and  Thama- 
nim  of  Elmacini  and  others,  and  analogous  to  the  pu^,  Sha- 
man of  the  Hebrews.  The  town  of  tlie  Thamanim,  or  Sha- 
manim,  was  fo  called  from  thofe  eight  primaeval  perfons. 
who  were  faid  to  have  founded  it.  There  is  reafon  to  think, 
that  it  was  the  fame  as  Naxuan,  a  very  ancient  city,  which 
is  mentioned  by  Ptolemy,  and  placed  upon  the  Araxes. 
The  editor  of  Mofes  Chorenenfis  has  fome  curious  obferva- 
tions  upon  the  hiftory  of  this  place.  "  This  town,  which 
feems  to  be  the  Naxua?ia  of  Ptolemy.,  is  clofe  upon  the  plain  of 
Araratia  \  and  held  in  great  regard  by  the  Armenians,  who 
give  outy  that  it  is  the  mojl  a?tcie?tt  place  in  the  world,  and  buili 
imjnediately  after  the  Deluge  by  Noah.  Galanus,  a  Roman 
Prefbyter,  who  wrote  an  account  of  the  Ar7ne7iia?i  Church 
being  reconciled  to  the  Church  of  Rome,  tells  us,  that,  according 
to  the  natives,  the  true  name  is  Nachidfhevan.  By  this,  they 
fay,  is  fgnified  ^^  the  first  plage  of  descent.  Hence  there 
can  be  no  doubt,  but  this  is  that  place  in  Armenia,  of  which  J  of  to- 
phus  tales  notice,   a?id  fays,    that  by  the  natives  it  was  called 

"  L.  I.  c.  29.  p.  71- 

'*  I  believe  that  the  name  related  to  the  hiftory  of  the  Patriarch  -,  but  whether 
the  etymology  is  precilcly  true,  I  qucftion. 

Vol.  III.  C  2  o^o^a- 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

a^TOoari^^/O!',  or  the  place  of  "  defce7it.  In  the  map  of  D' An- 
vdlle  it  is  exprefied  "^  Nadlilievan;  and  placed  at  the  diflancc 
of  a  i^w  miles  to  the  eafl  of  Mount  Ararat,  in  the  true  re- 
gion of  Har-Men,  or  Armenia,  which  retains  its  name  to 
this  day. 

I  have  mentioned,  that  the  fame  names  have  been  given 
to  different  places,  where  the  Arkite  rites  were  inftituted, 
under  the  titles  of  Baris,  Meen,  and  Selene.  Hence  the  fame 
event  was  fuppofed  to  have  happened  in  different  places, 
and  the  like  hiftory  has  been  recorded.  Mount  Taurus 
extended  a  great  way  eaflward  of  Armenia :  and  one  part 
of  it,  in  the  province  of  Adarbayn  in  PerjQa,  is  ftill  called 
Al  Baris,  fimilar  to  the  name  by  which  Ararat  was  of  old 
diilinguifhed.  ^'  Sir  Thomas  Herbert  travelled  this  way  in 
1626  ;  and  he  mentions  one  peak  near  the  city  Tauris  re- 
markably high,  which  he  with  great  reafon  imagines  to  have 
been  one  of  thofe,  where  fcood  the  lafonea  mentioned  by 
Strabo.  This  hill  was  called  ''°  Da  Moan  ;  and  the  town  at 
the  foot  of  it  had  the  fame  name.  By  this,  according  to  the 
natives,  is  fignified  a  fecojid  plantation.  But  Mon  and  Moan 
was  the  name  of  the  Arkite  type,  as  I  have  abundantly  fhewn: 
and  Da  was  the  ancient  '^'  Chaldaic  particle  analagous  to  the 

''  Jofephiis.  Ant.  L.  1,  c.  3.  p.  16. 

'"^  They  have  a  tradition  that  Noah  died  here.    See  Tavernier.  L.  i.  c,  4.  p.  16. 

"  He  calls  the  ridge  of  Taurus  El  Bors,  p.  197.  This  is  a  variation  of  El  Ba- 
ris. Taurus  is  exprefied  by  the  natives  Tabaris  :  from  whence  we  may  inter,  that 
the  former  term  is  only  a  contraftion  of  the  latter;  and  that  from  Tabaris  and  Ta- 
varis  came  the  names  of  Tauris  and  Taurus,  both  the  city  aod  mountain.  Har 
Ta-Baris  is  the  mountain  of  the  Ark. 

*"  p.  201. 

*'  See  of  this  work  Vol,  II.  p.  443. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  13 

in  our  own  language.  Da  Maon  related  to  the  Arkite  Moon: 
and  the  hiftory  of  the  place  flill  evidences  the  fad: ;  for  they 
have  an  ancient  tradition,  that  the  Ark  was  driven  to  this 
mountain,  *'  They  f pare  7tot  to  avei^fays  the  author^  from  a  tra- 
ditio?t,  that  upon  this  mountain  of  Damoan  the  Ark  rcfled.  Hard 
by  is  a  village  named  Morante,  where  they  fuppofe  the  wife  of 
■•^^  Noah  to  have  died.  I  mention  thefe  accounts,  however 
inaccurately  tranfmitted,  to  fhew  how  univerfal  the  hiftory 
was  of  that  great  event,  of  which  I  have  been  treating. 
The  fcene  of  adion  was  attributed  to  different  places  \  but 
the  real  appulfe  of  the  ark  was  upon  the  mountain  of  Arat, 
called  Ar-arat,  in  the  province  of  Har-Men,  upon  the  river 
Arach,  or  Araxes. 

After  the  facred  writer  has  defcribed  the  prefervation  of 
Noah  and  his  family,  and  their  defcent  from  the  Ark,  he 
gives  a  fhort  hiftory  of  the  Patriarch,  and  mentions  his  refi- 
dence  upon  the  fpot,  and  his  planting  of  the ''''  vine.  He  after- 
wards proceeds  to  fhew  how  the  reparation  of  mankind  was 
effedted  in  that  family,  and  how  they  multiplied  upon  the 
earth.  When  they  were  greatly  increafed,  he  gives  a  lift  of 
their  generations,  and  defcribes  them  with  great  accuracy 
upon  their  feparating,  according  to  their  places  of  deftina- 
tion  :  and  concludes  with  telling  us,  "^^  By  thefe  were  the  ifes 
of  the  Gentiles  divided  in  their  lands  ;  every  one  after  his 
tongue^  after   their  families^   i?i  their  nations.      And   again^ 

''^  Herbert's  Travels,  p.  20 1.     The  mountain  Da  Moan  fignifies  Mons  Lunus, 
or  Lunaris. 

■*'  Tavernier.  L.  i.e.  4.  p.  zo. 
^  Genefis.  c.  g.  v.  20,  21. 
*'  Genefis.  c.  10.  v.  5. 


14  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

^*  Thefe  are  the  families  of  the  Jons  of  Noah  ^  after  their  gejie- 
rations,  in  their  nations  ;   and  by  thefe  were  the  nations  divided 
in  the  earthy  after  the  food,      I  have  fpoken  upon  this  fubjed: 
in  a  former  '^^  treatife  ;   and  have  fhewn  that  this  diftribution 
was  by  the  immediate  appointment  of  God.      We  have  full 
evidence  of  this  in  that  fublime  and  pathetic  hymn  of  Mofes, 
where  he  addrelTes   himfelf  to  the  people  whom  he  had  fo 
long  conducted,  and  was  now  going  to  leave  for  ever.   '''^  Re- 
member^ fays  he,  the  days  of  old  \   confder  the  years  of  many 
generations.   AJk  thy  father^  and  he  will  Jhew  thee\  thy  elders, 
and  they  will  tell  thee.      When  the  Mof  High  divided  to  the 
nations  their  inheritance'.^  when  he  feparated  the  fons  of  Ada7n\ 
he  fet  the  bounds  of  the  people,  according  to  the  ?iumber  of  the 
children  of  Ifrael :  for  the  Lord's  portion  is  his  people  ;   facob 
is  the  lot  of  his  inheritance.      By  this  we  may  fee,   that  the 
whole  was  by  God's  appointment ;   and  that  there  was  a  re- 
ferve  for  a  people  who  were  to  come  after.      St.    Paul   like- 
wife  fpeaks  of  it  exprefsly  as  a  divine  ordinance.     '^'  ETO/j^crs 
T£  (o  (dsog)  s^  svog  difjLOLTog  utolv  e^vog  cti'^^coTruiv  koltqiksiv  stti  •wolv 
TO  'W^o(ru)7rop  7t)g  yi^g,  o^^rag  'W^oT&roL'yiJieviig  Kcti^Hg,  kou  Tccg  o^o- 
ostnug  Trig  KctTOiHictg  ocvtoov.      God  made  of  one  blood  all  nations 
of  fnen  for  to  dwell  on  all  the  face  of  the  earth  ;  and  determined 
the  times  before  appointed,  and  the  bounds  of  their  habitation. 
This   is   taken  notice  of  by  many  of  the  fathers.      Eufebius 
in   particular   mentions  ^°  the  difribution  of  the  earth  :  and 

**  Genefis.  c.  lo.  v.  32. 

*'  Oblcrvations  and  Inquiries  relating  to  various  parts  of  Ancient  Hiftory,  p.  261. 
*'  Deuteron.  c.  32.  v.  7. 
♦'  AAs.  c.  17.  V.  26. 

^°  M-^ii7/u.»s  7)1?  yn;.  Tu  'B(po€eTei  is  x-oa/J.^  eva.x.oatoq-c^JTpia'ttocrio^cii  t-rn  ryNw-,  xaTa 
S-sio*  (/xAoi'OTi  ^^vafjiov  iy.€ptae  Na)£  TsiS  roit/iv  vtoii  a'jxa  TUf  y.iv.  Euieb.  Chron.  p.  10. 

6  adds. 

The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  15 

adds,  that  it  happened  in  the  two  thoiifand  fix  hundred  and 
feve?tty-fecond  year  of  the  creatiojj,  and  in  the  fiine  hundred 
and  thirtieth  year  of  the  Patriarch' s  life.  Then  it  was  that 
Noah^  by  divine  appointment^  divided  the  world  between  his 
three  fons.  The  like  is  to  be  found  in  ''  Syncellus,  ^''  Epi- 
phanius,  and  other  writers.  The  Grecians  had  fomc  tradi- 
tions of  this  partition  of  the  earth,  which  they  fuppofed  to 
have  been  by  lot,  and  between  Jupiter,  Neptune,  and  Pluto, 

The  fons  of  Cronus  afcertain'd  by  lot 
Their  feveral  realms  on  earth. 

Homer  introduces  Neptune  fpeaking  to  the  fame  purpofe. 

We  are  from  Cronus  and  from  Rhea  fprung, 
Three  brothers;  who  the  world  have  parted  out 
Into  three  lots ;   and  each  enjoys  his  fharc. 

The    tradition   probably  came  to  Greece  from  Egypt ;   and 
we  have  it  more  fully  related  in  Plato.      ^'  @soi  ya.p  dTTffjTXv 

yriv  'WOTS  Kara,  Tovg  roirovg  ^isXay^avov,  ov  /ax  s^iv ^i/.ri;  Js 

KhTj^oig  ret  (piXcfjv  Kay^oir.nsg  /.ar'j^Ki^ov  rag  yjf)^ag.     The  gods 
of  old  obtained  the  dominion  of  the  whole  earthy  according  to 

'  Syncellus.  p.  89. 

'  Epiplianius.  L.  2.  t.  2.  p.  70:}. 

'  Callim.  Hymn,  in  Joveni.  v.  61. 

*  Iliad.  O.  V.  187. 

'  In  Critia.  Vol.  3.  p.  109. 



i6  The  Analysis  of   Ancient  Mythology. 

their  different  allotments,  T'his  was  effeSied  without  any  con- 
tention ;  for  they  took  poffeffion  of  their  feveral  provinces  in  an 
ajnicabh  and  fair  way  by  lot. 

It  is  faid  of  Noah,  from  whom  all  the  families  upon  earth 
were  derived,  '*  that  he  was  a  jufl  man.,  and  perfeEl  in  his  ge- 
7ieration  :  and  that  he  walked  with  God.  We  may  fuppofe, 
that  his  fons  fbewed  him  always  great  reverence  :  and  after 
they  were  feparated,  and  when  he  was  no  more,  that  they 
ftill  behaved  in  conformity  to  the  rules  which  he  eftablifhed. 
But  there  was  one  family  which  feems  to  have  ad:ed  a  con- 
trary part ;  and  however  they  may  have  reverenced  his  me- 
mory, they  paid  little  regard  to  his  inftitutions.  It  is  faid, 
that  "  Cup  begat  Nimrod.  He  began  to  be  a  ^nighty  one  in 
the  earth.  He  was  a  mighty  hu7iter  before  the  Lord :  where- 
fore it  is  faid.,  Even  as  Nimrod.,  the  niighty  hunter  before  the 
Lord.  And  the  begi7ini7ig  of  his  ki7tgdo7n  was  Babel,  and 
Erech,  and  Accad,  and  Cahieh,  i7i  the  land  of  Shi7iar.  Out 
of  that  land  went  forth  Affjur,  and  builded  Nineve,  and  the 
city  Rehoboth,  and  Calah,  and  Refen,  between  Nineve  and  Ca- 
lah,  the  fa77te  is  a  great  city.  We  have,  in  this  narration,  an 
account  of  the  firft  rebellion  in  the  world  ;  and  the  grounds 
of  this  apoftafy  feem  to  have  been  thefe.  At  the  diftribution 
of  families,  and  the  allotment  of  the  different  regions  upon 
earth,  the  houfe  of  Shem  ftood  firft,  and  was  particularly 
regarded.  The  children  of  Shem  were  Elam  and  Afhur, 
Arphaxad,  Lud,  and  Aram.  Their  places  of  deftination 
feem    to   have    been  not  far  removed   from  the  region  of 

'*  Genefis.  c.  6.  v.  9. 
^■^  Genefis.  c.  10.  v.  8. 



TJa/.- 1.  F. 

A    M  A  V    of 

lU'/lli'    <'/    ///,■///,'/   l///tll/l/ll/ 

i:   R  E  B 


1)  E    S  E  R  T  U  JVr 

The   Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  17 

deicent,  which  was  the  place  of  feparatioii.  They  in  general 
liad  Aiia  to  their  lot,  as  Japhet  had  Europe,  and  Ham  the 
large  continent  of  Africa.  And  in  Alia,  the  portion  of  Elam 
was  to  the  eaft  of  the  river  Tigris,  towards  the  mouth  of  it, 
which  country,  by  the  Gentile  writers,  was  ftyled  Elymais  : 
and  oppofite  to  him,  on  the  weftern  fide,  was  Afhur.  In 
like  manner,  above  Afhur,  upon  the  fame  river  was  Aram, 
who  polTeffed  the  countries  called  Aram  and  Aramea :  and 
oppoUte  to  him  was  Arphaxad,  who  in  after  times  was  called 
^^  Arbaches  and  Arbaces,  and  his  country  Arphacitis.  Lud 
probably  retired  to  Lydia,  and  bordered  upon  the  fons  of 
Japhet,  who  were  pofTeffed  of  fome  regions  in  Afla  Minor. 
This  was  the  original  difpoHtion  of  thefe  families  ;  but  the 
fons  of  Chus  would  not  fubmit  to  the  divine  difpenfation ; 
and  "  Nimrod,  who  iirft  took  upon  himfelf  regal  ftate,  drove 
Afliur  from  his  demefnes,  and  forced  him  to  take  fhelter  in 
the  higher  parts  of  Mefopotamia.  This  was  part  of  the 
country  called  Aram,  and  was  probably  ceded  to  him  by 
his  brother.  Here  the  Afhurites  built  for  their  defence  a 
chain  of  cities  equal  in  ftrength  and  renown  to  thofe  which 
had  been  founded  by  Nimrod.      We  have,  in  this  detail,  an 

*'  Juftln.  L.  r.  c.  3.  Ptolemy  exprelTes  the  country  Arrapachitis,  L.  6.  c.  i.' 
The  chief  city  was  Artaxata. 

-^  Nsf^wJ"',  0  xvp'/iyoi  xcci  ytya.?,  c  Aifiis^ Tdrcu  riu  Ne^^tuJ^  tw  (^xijiXuxv  Bx^' 

QuXxvoi  [JiSTcc  Tcc  KurxxXvajJiov  n  ^eicc  y^a.(r)n  avxrt^rri.  Chron.  Pafchale.  p.  28. 
Nimrod  was  ftyled  Orion,  and  Alorus  by  the  Gentile  writers-,  and  is  acknowledged  to 
have  been  the  firft  king  upon  earth,  and  to  have  reigned  at  Babylon,  Tol-jtck.  /msv  0 
Bn^cocroi  i<^o^mi  ■ux^urov  ysveaooci  BocatXea  AXoocov  ejc  Ba/SuA&^ros  XaAcTaicf.  Eufeb. 
Chron.  p.  5,  Syncellus  fays  the  fame,  p.  37.  79.  We  meet  with  the  fame  hiftory 
in  another  place  of  the  Chron,  Pafchale,  p.  36.  alfo  Johan.  Antiochen,  L.  2, 
p.  18. 

Vol.  III.  D  account 

1 8  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

account  of  the  firft  monarchy  upon  earth,  and  of  the  tyranny 
and  ufurpations  which  in  confequence  of  it  enfued. 

The  facred  hiftorian  after  this  mentions  another  aft  of  a 
rebellious  purpofe;  which  confifled  in  building  a  lofty  tower 
with  a  very  evil  intent.  Moft  writers  have  defcribed  this 
and  the  former  event,  as  antecedent  to  the  migration  of 
mankind,  which  they  fuppofe  to  have  been  from  the  plains 
of  Shinar  :  but  it  will  be  my  endeavour  to  fliew,  that  the 
general  migration  was  not  only  prior,  but  from  another  part 
of  the  world.  The  words  of  the  hiftorian  are  thefe  :  [°  A?id 
the  whole  earth  was  of  one  languagey  and  of  one  fpeech.  And 
it  came  to  pafs^  as  they  journeyed  from  the  eaft^  that  they  found 
a  plain  in  the  land  of  Shinar ^  and  they  dwelt  there.  A7td  they 
faid  one  to  another ^  Go  to^  let  us  make  brick^  and  bum  thetn 
thoroughly.  And  they  had  brick  for  flojie^  and  fime  had  they 
for  7}iortar.  And  they  faid ^  Go  to^  let  us  build  us  a  city,  and 
a  tower  whofe  top  7nay  reach  unto  heaven  \  and  let  us  make  us 
a  na?ne,  left  we  be  fcattered  abroad  upon  the  face  of  the  whole 
earth.  And  the  Lord  came  down  to  fee  the  city  and  the  tower, 
which  the  children  of  men  builded.  And  the  hord  faid.  Behold, 
-the  people  is  one  ;  and  they  have  all  one  language  ;  and  this 
tJjey  begin  to  do  ;  and  now  nothing  will  be  refrained  from  them 
which  they  have  imagined  to  do.  Go  to,  let  us  go  down,  and 
there  coyifound  their  language,  that  they  may  not  tmderftand 
each  other  s  fpeech.  So  the  Lord  fcattered  them  abroad  from 
thence  upon  the  face  of  all  the  earth  ;  and  they  left  off  to  build 
the  city  :  therefore  is  the  Jiame  of  it  called  Babel ;  bccaufe  the 
Lord  did  there  confound  the  la7iguage  of  all  the  earth  \   and 

*°  Genefi^  c.  ii.  v.  i. 

'■■'  2  frofn 

The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology.  19 

from  the?tce  did  the  Lord  feat  ter  them  abroad  npo?i  the  face  of 
all  the  earth.  It  had  been  in  the  preceding  chapter  men- 
tioned, where  the  family  of  Shem  was  enumerated,  that  wtio 
Heber  were  born  tivo  fans  ;  the  iia7}ie  of  07ie  was  Peleo- ;  for 
i?i  his  days  was  the  earth  divided.  I  think,  that  we  may, 
from  the  preceding  portions  of  Scripture,  obferve  two  diffe- 
rent occurrences,  which  are  generally  blended  together. 
Firft,  that  there  was  a  formal  migration  of  families  to  the 
feveral  regions  appointed  for  them,  according  to  the  deter- 
mination of  the  Almighty  :  Secondly,  that  there  was  a  6.i{£i~ 
pation  of  others,  who  flood  their  ground,  and  would  not 
acquiefce  in  the  divine  difpeiifation.  Thefe  feem  to  have 
been  two  diftindl  events,  and  to  have  happened  in  different 
places,  as  well  as  at  different  times.  In  the  beginning  of 
the  latter  hiftory,  mention  is  made  of  people's  journey- 
ing, and  proceeding  towards  a  place  of  fettlement.  It  is 
generally  thought,  that  the  whole  of  mankind  is  included 
in  this  defcription  ;  and  it  is  inferred  from  the  words  of 
Mofes.  A7td  the  whole  earth  was  of  one  language^  and  of  one 
fpeech.  And  it  came  to  pafs^  as  they  jourfieyed  from  the  eafly 
that  they  foimd  a  plain  in  the  land  of  Shinar  ;  and  they  dwelt 
there.  But  I  am  not  certain  that  thefe  words  afford  any 
proof  to  this  opinion  :  for,  in  refpeft  to  what  is  here  faid,  I 
do  not  fee,  but  that  a  migration  of  families  might  have  hap- 
pened antecedently  to  this  journeying  from  the  eaft.  The 
paffage,  when  truly  tranflated,  does  not  by  any  means  refer 
to  the  whole  of  mankind.  According  to  the  original,  it  is 
faid  indeterminately,  that  in  the  joti?'7ieyi?ig  of  people  fro7n  the 

*'  Genefis.  c.  JO.  V.  25.     Peleg  fignified  divifion, 

D  2  eafl. 

20  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

eaj}^  they  fotmd  a  plain  in  the  land  of  Shinar.  The  purport, 
therefore,  of  the  whole  pafTage  amounts  only  to  this,  that, 
before  there  was  any  alteration  in  the  language  of  mankind, 
a  body  of  people  came  from  the  eaft  to  the  place  above  fpe- 
cified.  This  is  all  that  is  faid  :  fo  that  I  am  far  from  being 
fatisfied,  that  the  whole  of  mankind  was  engaged  in  this  ex- 
pedition  from  the  eaft.  The  Scripture  does  not  feem  to  fay  fo: 
nor  can  there  be  any  reafon  afTigned,  why  they  fliould  travel 
fo  far  merely  to  be  dilTipated  afterwards.  We  have  reafon 
to  think,  that  foon  after  the  defcent  from  the  Ark,  the  Pa- 
triarch fotmd  himfelf  in  a  jfine  and  fruitful  country  ;  for  fo 
it  is  defcribed  by  '^^  Strabo  and  others  ;  and  there  is  nothing 
that  we  can  fuppofe  to  have  been  done  at  Shinar,  but  might 
have  been  effected  in  the  fpot  where  he  firft  refided  ;  I  mean 
in  refpedt  to  migration.  The  region  about  Ararat  may  be 
efteemed  as  nearly  a  central  part  of  the  earth  ;  and  it  is  cer- 
tainly as  well  calculated  as  any  other  for  the  removal  of  co- 
lonies upon  the  increafe  of  mankind.  The  Ethnic  writers, 
in  their  accounts  of  the  wanderings  of  Ifis  and  Jonah,  feem 
to  allude  to  the  journeying  of  mankind  ;  and  they  fpeak  of 
the  country  about  Caucafus  as  the  place  from  whence  thofe 
travels  began.  The  fame  is  to  be  obferved  in  the  original 
hiftory  of  the  Miny^e,  which  is  called  the  retreat  of  the  Ar- 
gonautae  :  for  they  retire  from  the  region  about  Caucafus  to 
the  remoteft  parts  of  the  earth  :  and  it  is  well  known,  that 
Ararat  in  Armenia  is  a  part  of  that  vaft  chain  of  mountains 
called  Caucafus  and  Taurus.      Upon  thefe  mountains,  and  in 

**  L.  II.  p.  8co.  Ararat,  regio  in  Armenia  campeftris  eft  ;  per  quam  Araxes 
fiuit;  incredibilis  ubertatis.  Hicron.  in  Eiaiam.  c.  37.  See  Tavernie/s  Travels,  p. 
14,  15.  andToiirnefort.  Letter  7th. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology,  21 

the  adjacent  country,  were  preferved  more  authentic  accounts 
of  the  Ark,  than  ahnoft  in  any  other  part  of  the  world. 
Mofes  Chorenenfis  takes  notice  of  the  many  memorials  re- 
lating to  ancient  times,  which  were  preferved  by  the  people 
of  Armenia.  They  were  commemorated  in  their  poems, 
fongs,  and  facred  hymns.  ^^  Czeterum  veteres  Armenii  in 
carminibus  fiiis,  cantilenis  ad  cymbala,  ac  tripudiis,  longe 
copiofiorem  -de  his  rebus  mentionem  agitant.  The  ancmit 
Arjneniafis  i?z  their  poems  and  hymns^  which  are  accompanied 
with  cymbals  and  dances^  afford  a  far  more  copious  account  of 
thefe  events  than  a?iy  other  natioji.  The  place  where  man- 
kind firft  refided,  was  undoubtedly  the  region  of  the  Minyas, 
at  the  bottom  of  Mount  Baris,  or  Luban,  which  was  the  Ar- 
arat of  Mofes.  Here  I  imagine,  that  the  Patriarch  refided; 
and  ^"^  Berofus  mentions,  that  in  this  place  he  gave  inftru6tions 
to  his  children,  and  vaniflied  from  the  iight  of  men.  But 
the  facred  writings  are  upon  this  head  fUent :  they  only 
mention  his  planting  the  vine,  and  feemingly  taking  up  his 
abode  for  a  long  time  upon  the  fpot.  Indeed,  they  do  not 
afford  us  any  reafon  to  infer  that  he  ever  departed  from  it. 
The  very  plantation  of  the  vine  feems  to  imply  a  purpofe  of 
relidence.  Not  a  word  is  faid  of  the  Patriarch's  ever  quit- 
ting the  place  ;  nor  of  any  of  his  fons  departing  from  it, 
till  the  general  migration.  Many  of  the  fathers  were  of 
opinion,  that  they  did  not  for  fome  ages  quit  this  region. 
According  to  Epiphanius,  they  remained  in  the  vicinity  of 
Ararat  for  five  generations,  during  the  fpace  of  fix  hundred 

"  L.  I.e.  5.  p.  19. 

5+  Apud  Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  %l 


22  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology,' 

and  fifty-nine  years.      *^  MsTOL  tJi  Tov  KccroiKXvT^LQV,  Qjig-c(.(rri; 

pioo'j  KOLi  ILoL^^vsm,  sv  TO)  Aa^oL^  o^Bi  x,a.Xiiiiem,  ezsiTs  TtX^^firov 
oiZYim  yivsTdi  ixsrx  top  KOLTa.KXvT^ov  Toov  cv^^ojTTCfjV  yJxBi  (pvrsvsi 
a[JL7rs7\Oivx  Nws  o  'ur^o:pyiTrjg,  oi/jg'rjg  ts  yivsrxi  rs  roTra.    VivonoLi 

Jg  roi;  avTn  'vrccKri 'urcLi^eg,  koli  'urai^ctjv  tzra<^e?,  giwj  'WSfXTTTrig  sToov  s^oLy.Qrim  ■wsnrjKona  bvvbol.  After  the  Ark  upon 
the  decreafc  of  the  ^waters  had  refted  up07t  the  7?iou7ita'nis  of  Ar- 
arat^ np07t  that  particular  e7ni7ie7ice  called  Lubar^  mohich  bou7ids 
the  cou72tries  of  the  Ar77te7tia7ts  a7id  the  Carduea7Js  ;  the  regio7t 
where  it  fettled  beca77ie  the  frfl  place  occupied  by  ma7iki7id. 
Here  the  Patriarch  Noah  took  up  his  refde77ce^  aTid  pla7tted 
the  viTie.      I71  this  place  he  faw  a  large  proge7iy  defce72d  fro7ft 

hij77^  childre7i  after  childre7i to  the  ^^  ffth  ge7ieratio77y  for 

the  f pace  of  fx  himdred  a7id  ffty-7ii7ie  years. 

During  the  refidence  of  mankind  in  thefe  parts,  we  may 
imagine,  that  there  was  a  feafon  of  great  happinefs.  They 
for  a  long  time  lived  under  the  mild  rule  of  the  great 
Patriarch,  before  laws  were  enafted  or  penalties  known. 
When  they  multiplied,  and  were  become  very  numerous,  it 
pleafed  God  to  allot  to  the  various  families  difFerent  regions, 
to  which  they  were  to  retire  :  and  they  accordingly,  in  the 
days  of  Peleg,  did  remove,  and  betake  themfelves  to  their 
different  departments.  But  the  fons  of  Chus  would  not  obey. 
They  went  off  under  the  condudl  of  the  archrebel  Nimrod; 



Hasref.  L.  i.  p.  5. 

The  fame  is  mentioned  by  this  writer  in  another  place.  TIsfJiTnyi  yivio.  fxirae. 

Tov  y,acTctx?\vaf:t.ov,  -izrA^Dyrof'T&u'  ct^ri  toov  an^pwTrooi xtto  ra  AuQctp  tk  A^jocgr/as, 

tbt'  e<r*^'  A^aoaT  T?)5  ;^w5a5,  yironTcci  tv  ■ziriS'tu  Xiyaap,  L.  I.  p.  6. 

•"     ''  and 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  23 

and  feem  to  have  been  for  a  long  time  in  a  roving  ftate ;  but 
at  laft  they  arrived  at  the  plains  of  Shinar.  Thefe  they 
found  occupied  by  AfTur  and  his  fons :  for  he  had  been 
placed  there  by  divine  appointment.  But  they  ejeAed  him, 
and  feized  upon  his  dominions ;  which  they  immediately 
fortified  with  cities^  and  laid  the  foundation  of  a  great  mon- 
archy. Their  leader  is  often  mentioned  by  the  Gentile 
writers,  who  call  him  Belus.  He  was  a  perfon  of  great  im- 
piety ;  who  finding,  that  the  earth  had  been  divided  among 
the  fons  of  men  by  a  divine  decree,  thought  proper  to  coun- 
teract the  ordinance  of  God,  and  to  make  a  diiferent  diftri- 
bution.  This  is  often  alluded  to  in  the  Ethnic  writings  ; 
and  Abydenus  particularly  mentions,  that  ^^  Belus  appointed 
to  the  people  their  place  of  habitation.  Dionyfius  refers  to 
this  Belus  and  his  aflbciates,  when  he  is  fpeaking  of  the  dei- 
ties, who  were  the  anceflors  of  the  Indo-Cuthites. 


They  firft  allotted  to  each  roving  tribe 
Their  fhare  of  fea,  and  land. 

This  is  the  beginning  of  that  period,  which,  upon  account 
of  the  rebellion  then  firft  known,  was  by  the  Greek  writers 
alluded  to  under  the  title  of  XfiV^iT^og,  Scuthifmus.  This 
ejectment  of  AfTur  feems  to  fhew,  that  thefe  tranfadions  were 
after  the  general  migration ;  for  he  was  in  pofTeffion  <jf  the  pro- 
vince allotted  to  him,  till  he  was  ejected  by  this  lawlefs  people. 

*^  Xtoretv  e>£a<j-(j)  tcwovetfJiccirx.  Eufcb.  Prtcp.  Evang.  L.  9.  p.  457. 
'^  V.I  173. 


.24  'i  ^iii   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

In  the  beginning  of  this  hifloiy  it  is  faid,  that  they  jour- 
neyed from  the  eaft,  when  they  came  to  the  land  of  Shinar. 
This  was  tlie  latter  part  of  their  rout  :  and  the  reafon  of 
their  coming  in  this  diredion  may,  I  think,  be  plainly  fhewn. 
The  Ark,  according  to  the  beft  accounts,  both  facred  and 
profane,  refted  upon  a  mountain  of  Armenia,  called  Minyas, 
Baris,  Lubar,  and  Ararat.  Many  families  of  the  emigrants 
went  probably  diredrly  eaft  or  weft,  in  confequence  of  the 
Situation  to  which  they  were  appointed.  But  thofe  who 
were  deftined  to  the  fouthern  parts  of  the  great  continents, 
which  they  were  to  inhabit,  could  not  fo  eafily  and  uniform- 
ly proceed  ;  there  being  but  few  outlets  to  their  place  of 
deftination.  For  the  high  Tauric  ridge  and  the  ^'  Gordyean 
inountains  came  between,  and  intercepted  their  due  courfe. 
How  difficult  thefe  mountains  were,  even  in  later  times,  to 
be  pafTed  may  be  known  from  the  retreat  of  the  ten  thoufand 
Greeks,  who  had  ferved  under  Cyrus  the  younger.  They  came 
from  thefe  very  plains  of  Shinar  -,  and  paffing  to  the  eaft  of 
the  Tigris,  they  arrived  at  thefe  mountains,  which  with  great 
peril  they  got  over.  But  in  the  times  of  which  we  are  treat- 
ing, they  muft  have  been  ftill  more  difficult  to  be  ^°  fur- 
xnounted  :  for  after  the  deluge,  the  hollows  and  valleys  be- 
tween thefe  hills,  and  all  other  mountainous  places,  muft 
have  been  full  of  flime  and  mud  ;  and  for  a  great  while  have 
abounded  with  ftagnant  waters.  We  know  from  ancient 
hiftory,  that  it  was  a  long  time  before  paflages  were  opened, 

'9  Strabo,  L.  ii.  p.  798, 

'"  In  later  times  there  were  only  two  paflages  fouthward.  Armenia  orientales 
Cilicioe  fines  attingit,  atque  ad  Tauriim  montem  patet-^atque  ex  ea  duo  adieus  in 
Syriam  patent.     Mofes  Chorenenf.  Geog.  p.  354. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  25 

and  roads  made  through  places  of  this  nature.  I  fhould 
therefore  think,  that  mankind  muft  neceflarily  for  fome  ages 
have  remained  near  the  place  of  defcent,  from  which  they 
did  not  depart  till  the  time  of  the  general  migration.  Ar- 
menia is  in  great  meafure  bounded  either  by  the  Pontic  fea, 
or  by  mountains :  and  it  feems  to  have  been  the  purpofe  of 
Providence  to  confine  the  fons  of  men  to  this  particular  re- 
gion, to  prevent  their  roving  too  foon.  Otherwife  they 
might  have  gone  off  in  fmall  parties,  before  the  great  fami- 
lies w^ere  conftituted,  among  v^^hom  the  world  was  to  be 
divided.  The  oeconomy  and  diftribution  afligned  by  Provi- 
dence, would  by  thefe  means  have  been  defeated.  It  was 
upon  this  account,  that  at  the  migration,  many  families  were 
obliged  to  travel  more  or  iefs  eaftward,  who  wanted  to  come 
down  to  the  remoter  parts  of  Afia.  And  in  refpe6l  to  the 
Cuthites,  who  feem  to  have  been  a  good  while  in  a  roving 
ftate,  they  might  pofTibly  travel  to  the  Pylaj  Cafpise,  before 
they  found  an  outlet  to  defcend  to  the  country  fpecified. 
In  confequence  of  this,  the  latter  part  of  their  rout  muft 
have  been  in  the  direction  mentioned  in  the  Scriptures ; 
which  is  very  properly  ftyled  a  journeying  from  the  eaft.  I 
was  furprifed,  after  I  had  formed  this  opinion  from  the  na- 
tural hiftory  of  the  country,  to  find  it  verified  by  that  an- 
cient hiftorian  Berolus.  He  mentions  the  rout  of  his  coun- 
trymen from  Ararat  after  the  deluge  ;  and  fays,  that  it  was 
not  in  a  ftrait  line  :  but  people  had  been  inftruded  ^'  'We^i'i 
'WO^BV^iTii/OLi  sig  BoL^vAwi/iccv,  to  take  a  circuity  a?id  fo  to  defceiid 
to  the  regions  of  Babylonia.     In  this  manner,  the  Ibns  of  Chus 

'■  Eufeb.  Chron,  p.  8.     nff/tf,  xt;xAM.  Hefych. 

Vol.  III.  E  came 

26  The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythologv. 

came  to  the  plains  of  Sliinar,  of  which  Babylonia  was  a  part; 
and  from  hence  they  ejected  Affur  :  and  afterwards  tref- 
pafled  upon  Elam  in  the  region  beyond  the  Tigris. 

It  may  ftill  be  urged,  that  all  mankind  muft  certainly 
have  been  at  Babel  :  for  the  whole  earth  and  its  language 
are  mentioned '" ;  and  it  is  faid,  that  God  co/ifounded  there 
the  language  of  all  the  earth.  But  this,  I  think,  can  never  be 
the  meaning  of  the  facred  writer  :  and  it  may  be  proved 
from  the  premifes,  upon  which  thofe  in  oppofition  proceed. 
The  confufion  of  fpeech  is  by  all  uniformly  limited  to  the  re- 
gion about  Babel.  If  we  were  to  allow,  that  all  mankind  were 
included  in  this  fpot,  how  can  we  imagine,  that  the  facred 
hifliorian  would  call  this  the  whole  earth  ?  If  mankind  were 
in  pofleffion  of  the  greater  part  of  the  globe,  this  figurative 
way  of  fpeaking  would  be  natural  and  allowable.  But  ir 
they  are  fiippofed  to  be  confined  to  one  narrow  interamnian 
diftrid: ;  it  is  furely  premature  :  for  we  cannot  fuppofe  that 
the  language  of  the  whole  earth  would  be  mentioned  before 
the  earth  was  in  great  meafure  occupied  ;  v/hich  they  do 
not  allow.  And  if  what  I  affert  be  granted,  that  the  earth 
was  in  fome  degree  peopled,  yet  the  confufion  is  limited  to 
Babel ;  fo  that  what  is  mentioned  in  the  above  paflage  can 
never  relate  to  the  whole  earth. 

There  are  two  terms,  which  are  each  taken  in  difi'erent 
acceptations  ;  and  upon  thefe  the  truth  of  this  hiftory  de- 
pends. In  the  firft  verfe  of  this  chapter  it  is  faid,  that,  Col 
Aretz,  the  whole  earth  was  of  one  language  (or  rather  lip), 
and  way  of  fpeaking.      The  word  Col  fignifies  the  whole^  and 

"^  C.  ii.v.  I. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  27 

alfo  every.  By  Aretz  is  often  meant  the  earth  :  it  alfo  fig- 
nifies  a  land  or  province ;  and  occurs  continually  in  this 
latter  acceptation.  We  find  in  this  very  chapter,  that  the 
region  of  Shinar  is  called  Aretz  Shinar;  and  the  land  of  Ca- 
naan "  Aretz  Canaan.  The  like  may  be  feeu  in  the  pre- 
ceding chapter,  and  in  various  parts  of  Scripture.  I  lliall 
therefore  adopt  it  in  this  fenfe  ;  and  lay  before  the  reader  a 
verfion  of  the  whole  paflage  concerning  Babel;  rendering 
the  terms  above  as  I  have  obferved  them  at  times  exhibited 
by  fome  of  the  beft  judges  of  the  original. 

1 .  And  every  region  ivas  of  one  lip  and  ''^  mode  of  fpeech. 

2.  And  it  came  to  pafs^  in  the  journeying  of  people  from  the 
eajl^  that  they  found  a  plai?i  i?z  the  (Aretz)  land  of  Shinar, 
and  they  dwelt  there. 

3.  A?id  one  7nan  faid  to  another  \  Go  to\  let  us  make  brick, 
and  burn  them  thoroughly  :  and  they  had  brick  for  fane  ;   and 

flime  had  they  for  mortar. 

4.  And  they  faid ;  Go  to  ;  let  us  build  us  a  city  and  a 
tower,  whofc  top  may  reach  imto  heaven :  and  let  us  make  us  a 
>nark  or  fignal,   that  we  may  not  be  fcattered  abroad  upon  the 

Jurface  of  every  region, 

5.  A?td  the  Lord  came  down  -to  fee  the  city,  and  the  tower ^ 
which  the  childreji  of  men  were  building, 

6.  And  the  Lord  faid'.   Behold,  the  people  is  one  (united  in 

"  V.  32.  So  Aretz  Havilah,  the  land  ofHavilah.  Genefis.  c.  2.  v.  ii.  U?tD  ^*1K, 
Aretz  Cufh,  v.  12.  the  land  of  Cufli.  The  Plalmifl  makes  life  of  both  tlie  terms 
precifely  in  the  fenfe,  which  I  attribute  to  them  here.  'Their  found  is  gone  out  into  every, 
land:  Col  Aretz,  in  omnem  terram.    Pf.  19.  v.  4. 

"*  Et  5»zK/j/frrfl  labium  unum,  et  verba  una.  Verfio  Ari^e  Montani.  -/.ai  q-cotn 
fAia  ■vsa.Qi.   Sept. 

E  2  one 

28  The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology. 

one  body)  ;  a?id  they  have  all  one  lip  «?r  pj'onu7iciation:  and 
this  they  begbi  to  do  ;  and  now  7iothing  will  be  rejirained  frotn 
them,  which  they  have  ijnagined  to  do. 

7.  Go  to\  let  lis  go  down,  and  there  coiifound  their  lip,  that 
they  may  not  imderjland  one  a?iother  s  lip,  or  pro7imiciatio7t. 

8.  So  the  Lord  fcattered  thetn  abroad  fro77i  the7tce  over  the 
face  of  every  regio7i  ;   and  they  left  off  to  build  the  city. 

9.  T'herefore  is  the  7^a7ne  of  it  called  Babel,  becaufethe  Lord 
did  there  co7ifound  the  lip  of  the  whole  land ;  and  fro7n  thence 
did  the  Lord  fcatter  the7n  over  the  face  of  every  region,  or  of 
the  whole  earth. 

This  I  take  to  be  the  true  purport  of  the  hiftory  ;  from 
whence  we  may  infer,  that  the  confufion  of  language  was  a 
partial  event :  and  that  the  whole  of  mankind  are  by  no 
means  to  be  included  in  the  difperfion  from  Babel.  It  re- 
lated chiefly  to  the  fons  of  Chus  ;  whofe  intention  was  to 
have  founded  a  great,  if  not  an  univerfal,  empire  :  but  by 
this  judgment  their  purpofe  was  defeated. 

That  there  was  a  migration  firft,  and  a  difperfion  after- 
wards, will  appear  more  plainly,  if  we  compare  the  different 
hiftories  of  thefe  events.  "  /;/  the  days  of  Peleg  the  earth 
•was  divided :  and  the  fons  of  Noah  were  diflifiguifoed  in  their 
generations,  in  their  7iations  :  and  by  thefe  were  the  nations 
divided  in  the  earth  after  the  flood.  We  fee  here  uni- 
formity and  method  ;  and  a  particular  diftribution.  And 
this  is  faid  to  have  happened,  not  after  the  building  of  the 
tower,     or    confufion   of  fpeech,    but    after  the  flood.      In 

'''  Genefis.  c.  10.  v.  25.  31.  32.  E§  a.vr'3  {^xXiy)  xai  rr,v  toh'  'Ka.X^aicov  Botcri- 
Atfac,  t]i  0  'WPWTOi  EvTu^ioijO  Kcii  'i^efJiCp^S,  (f'awsv  xccTcco^ccabxi.  Syncellus.  p.  79. 


The   Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  29 

the  other  cafe,  there  is  an  irregular  diflipation  without  any 
rule  and  order.  ^*  So  the  Lord  fcattered  them  abroad  from 
thence  upon  the  face  of  eve?y  regio?i ;  and  they  left  off  to  build 
the  city  :  and  from  thence  (from  the  city  and  tower)  did 
the  Lord  fcatter  them  abroad.  This  is  certainly  a  different 
event  from  the  former.  In  fliort,  the  migration  was  general ; 
and  all  the  families  among  the  fons  of  men  were  concerned 
in  it.  The  difperfion  at  Babel,  and  the  confufion,  was  par- 
tial ;  and  related  only  to  the  houfe  of  Chus  and  their  adhe- 
rents. For  they  had  many  affociates,  probably  ovit  of  every 
family;  apoftates  from  the  truth;  who  had  left  the  ftock  of 
their  fathers,  and  the  religion  of  the  true  God,  that  they 
miprht  enlift  under  the  rule  of  the  Cuthites,  and  follow  their 
rites  and  worfhip.  For  when  Babel  was  deferted,  we  find 
among  the  Cuthites  of  Chaldsa  fome  of  the  line  of  "  Shem, 
whom  we  could  fcarcely  have  expeded  to  have  met  in 
fuch  a  fociety.  Here  were  Terah,  and  Nahor,  and  even 
Abraham,  all  upon  forbidden  ground  ;  and  feparated  from 
the  family  to  which  they  belonged.  This  Jofhua  mentions, 
in  his  exhortation  to  the  children  of  Ifrael.  ''*  Tour  fathers 
dwelt  on  the  other  fde  of  the  food  iit  old  time^  even  'Terah  the 
father  of  Abraham^  and  the  father  of  Nachor^  and  they  fej'ved 
other  gods.  And  we  may  well  imagine,  that  many  of  the 
branches  of  Ham  were  aiTociated  in  the  fame  manner,  and- 
in  confederacy  with  the  rebels  ;  and  fome  perhaps  of  every 
great  divifion  into  which  mankind  was  feparated.      To  this 

^^  Genefis.  c.  ii.  v.  8.  9. 
■^^  Genefis.  c.  11.  v.  2&.  ; 
"*  Jofhua.  c.  24.  V,  z. 


30-  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

Berofus  bears  witiiefs,  who  fays,  that  in  the  firft  age  Baby- 
lon was  inhabited  by  people  of  different  families  and  nations, 
who  relided  there  in  great  numbers.  ^'  Ev  Jg  Tji  Bol^vXoovi 
'uroTw  'UT'kYi^oi;  oLvO^oiTroov  ybvbt^oli  aXkoB^mv  KctroDiYiTOLVTit^y  Xcth- 
^OLiOM.  ht  thofe  times  Babylon  was  full  of  people  of  differ  efit 
nations  and  families^  who  rejtded  in  Chaldea.  And  as  all  thefe 
tribes  are  faid  to  have  been  of  one  lip,  and  of  the  fame 
words,  that  is,  of  the  fame  uniform  pronunciation,  and  the 
fame  exprefs  language,  it  feemed  good  to  divine  wifdom,  to 
caufe  a  confufion  of  the  lip,  and  a  change  in  pronunciation, 
that  thefe  various  tribes  might  no  longer  underftand  each 
other.  *°  Go  to^  let  us  go  down^  a?id  there  co7tfound  their  ns::?. 
Up  ;  that  they  may  7iot  underjland  one  another  s  fpcech. 
*'  'Therefore  is  the  name  of  it  called  Babel  \  becaufe  the  Lord 
did  there  co7 found  the  lajiguage  of  all  the  earth.  Our  verfion 
is  certainly  in  this  place  faulty,  as  I  have  fhewn  :  for  by 
faphet  col  haretz  is  not  here  meant  the  language  of  the 
whole  earth,  but  of  the  whole  region,  or  province  ;  which 
language  was  not  changed,  but  confounded,  as  we  find  it 
exprefly  mentioned  by  the  facred  writer.  This  coniufion  of 
fpeech  is  by  all  uniformly  limited  to  the  country  about  Babel. 
We  muft  therefore,  inftead  of  the  language  of  all  the 
earth  fubftitute  the  language  of  the  whole  country :  for  fuch. 
is  the  purport  of  the  terms.  This  was  confounded  by  cauf- 
ing  a  *^  labial  failure  ;  fp  that  the  people  could  not  articulate. 

"  Eufebii  Chron.  p.  6. 
'°  Genefis.  c.  ii.  v.  7. 
'•  C.  11.V.9. 

*'  By  all  the  Grecian  interpreters  it  is  rendered  avyxyfJii'-  whicli  can  never  denote 
a  change  j  but  only  a  confufion, 

10  It 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythdlogy.  31 

It  was  not  an  aberration  in  words,  or  language,  but  a  failure, 
and  incapacity  in  labial  utterance.  By  this  their  fpeech  was 
confounded,  but  not  altered;  for,  as  foon  as  they  feparated, 
they  recovered  their  true  tenor  of  pronunciation  ;  and  the 
language  of  the  earth  continued  for  fome  ages  nearly  tfi^ 
*'  fame.  This,  I  think,  appears  from  many  interviews,  takea 
notice  of  in  Scripture,  between  the  Hebrews,  and  other  na- 
tions ;  wherein  they  fpeak  without  an  interpreter,  and  muft 
therefore  have  nearly  the  fame  tongue.  And  even  the  lan- 
guages, which  fubfift  at  this  day,  various  as  they  may  be,  yet 
retain  fufficient  relation  to  fhew,  that  they  were  once  dia- 
lers from  the  fame  matrix  ;  and  that  their  variety  was  the 
effedl  of  time.  If  we  may  truft  to  an  Ethnic  writer,  the  evi- 
dence of  Eupolemus  is  decilive  ;  for  he  fpeaks  of  the  difper- 
fion  as  a  partial  judgment,  inflidled  upon  thofe  perfons  only, 
who  were  confederate  at  Babel.  His  account  is  very  parti- 
cular, and  feems  to  agree  precifely  with  the  purport  of  the 
Scriptures.  He  fays,  **  that  the  city  Babel  was  jirjl  foimded^ 
and  afterwards  the  celebrated  tower  ;  both  which  were  built  by 
fome  of  thofe  people  who  had  efcaped  the  deluge.  'Eivai  cb  clvthq 
ViyccvTocg.    They  were  the  fame  who  in  after  times  were  recorded 

*'  Upon  this  head,  the  perfon  of  all  others  to  be  confulted,  is  the  very  learned 
Monfieur  Court  de  Gebelin,  in  his  wovk  entitled,  Monde  Primitif  Analyfe  et  Com- 
pare ;  which  is  now  printing  at  Paris,  and  is  in  part  finifhcd.  The  laft  publifhcd  vo- 
lume is  particularly  to  be  read  ;  as  it  affords  very  copious  and  latisfadlory  evidences 
to  this  purpofe  •,  and  is  replete  with  the  moft  curious  erudition,  conccrnino-  the 
hiftory  and  origin  both  of  writing  and  language. 

Ec/7roA£/<oS  Si  iv  Tu  -uiifi  IsSxtoiv  Tils  Aaffuoicci  (fyiai)  sroXiv  'EccCvAuvx  -zcrpuTov  fxsv 
XTicrDHr«(  UTTO  TOJi'  SioiCTM^evToiv  tx.  xj  xccTocKAvo-ixa'  eivcci  Si  cLVTiii  Tiycci'TcLi.  OixcSa- 
fxiiv  Se  TO!'  ic^op'zifxiv'A'  Ylupyov.  -weacrrof  Si  t^to  vtto  ms  tb  Qea  evsoyfta?,  louiTiyonTciii 
S'laaTrapmat  xa}f  oAw  Ti\v  yi]v.  ApudEufeb.  Prxp.  L.  9.  p.  418. 


32  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

under  the  charaSier  of  the  Gia?its.  'The  tower  was  at  length 
by  the  hand  of  the  Almighty  ruined :  and  thefe  Giants  were 
fcattered  over  the  whole  earth.  By  this  we  find,  that  only  a 
part  of  mankind  was  engaged  in  the  building  of  the  tower  ; 
and  that  thofe  only  were  difperfed  abroad  :  confequently 
the  confufion  of  fpeech  could  not  be  univerfal,  no  more  than 
the  difperfion,  of  which  it  was  the  caufe. 

The  people  concerned  in  this  daring  undertaking  encou- 
raged each  other  to  this  work  by  faying,  ^^  Go  to  ;  let  us 
huild  us  a  city  and  a  tower ^  whofe  top  may  reach  unto  heaven  : 
and  let  us  jnake  us  a  na?ne,  leji  we  be  fcattered  abroad  upon  the 
face  of  the  whole  earth.  What  is  in  our  verfion  a  name,  is 
by  many  interpreted  a  monument,  a  ^^  mark,  or  fign  to  di- 
rect :  and  this  certainly  is  the  fenfe  of  it  in  this  paffage. 
The  great  fear  of  the  fons  of  Chus  was,  that  they  might  be 
divided  and  fcattered  abroad.  They  therefore  built  this 
tower,  as  a  land-mark  to  repair  to;  as  a  token  to  dired 
them  :  and  it  was  probably  an  idolatrous  temple,  or  high 
altar,  dedicated  to  the  hoft  of  heaven,  from  which  they  were 
never  long  to  be  abfent.  It  is  exprellly  faid,  that  they  raifed 
it,  to  prevent  their  being  fcattered  abroad.  It  was  the  ori- 
ginal temple  of  Sama-Rama,  whence  the  Babylonians  were 
called  Semarim.  The  apoftates  were  one  fourth  of  the  line 
of  Ham,  and  they  had  an  inclination  to  maintain  themfelves 
where  they  firft  fettled,  inftead  of  occupying  the  countries 
to  which  they  were  appointed.      And  that  the  fons  of  Chus 

*'  Genefis.  c.  1 1.  v.  3. 

"  According  to  Schultens,  the  proper  and  primary  notion  of  tZSty,  is  a  mark,  or 
fign.  Handing  out,  raifed  up,  or  expofed  to  open  view.  Taylor's  Hebrew  Concord- 
ance, n.  1963.    CDU',  is  fimilar  to  o-»fca,  and  (  of  the  Greeks. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  33 

were  the  chief  agents  both  in  erecting  the  tower  of  Babel, 
and  in  profecuting  thefe  rebellious  principles,  is  plain  from 
a  previous  paffage  ;  for  it  is  faid  of  Nimrod,  the  fon  of 
Chus,  that  the  beginning  of  his  kingdom  was  Babel.  We  can- 
not therefore  fuppofe  this  defedion  general,  or  the  judgment 
univerfal  ;  unlefs  all  mankind  co-operated  with  this  ty-rant. 
Or  fuppoling,  that  the  term  of  his  life  did  not  extend  to  the 
ereding  of  the  tower,  and  that  he  only  laid  the  foundation 
of  the  city  :  yet  the  whole  was  carried  on  by  thofe  of  his 
family,  who  were  confefledly  rebels  and  apoftates.  They 
aded  in  defiance  of  God  ;  and  were  in  a  continual  ftate  of 
trefpafs  towards  man.  And  though  fome  did  join  them  ; 
yet  it  is  hardly  credible,  that  all  fhould  co-operate,  and  fo 
totally  forget  their  duty.  How  can  we  imagine  that  Shem, 
if  he  were  alive,  would  enter  into  a  league  with  fuch  people? 
or  that  his  fons  Elam,  Aram,  or  Arphaxad  would  join  them  ? 
The  pre-eminence  fhewn  them  in  the  regions  to  which  they 
were  appointed,  and  the  regularity  obfervable  in  their  defti- 
nation,  prove  that  they  could  not  have  been  a  part  in  the 
difperfion,  and  confequently  not  of  the  confederacy.  In- 
deed, they  had  retired  to  their  feveral  departments,  before 
the  ered;ing  of  the  tower  :  and  Affur,  the  fecond  of  the  fons 
of  Shem,  fo  far  from  co-operating  with  this  people,  had 
been  driven  from  his  fettlement  by  them,  and  forced  to  take 
Shelter  in  another  place.  In  fhort,  there  was  a  mio-ration 
firft,  and  a  difperfion  afterwards  :  which  latter  was  effedled 
by  a  fearful  judgment ;  a  confufion  of  fpeech,  through  a 
failure  in  labial  utterance.  This  judgment  was  partial,  as 
was  the  difperfion  in  confequence  of  it.  It  related  only  to 
Vol.  III.  F  the 

34  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

the  Cuthites  of  Shinar  and  Babel,  and  to  thofe  who  had 
joined  themfelves  to  them.  They  feem  to  have  been  a  very 
numerous  body  :  and,  in  confequence  of  this  calamity,  they 
fled  away ;  not  to  any  particular  place  of  deftination  :  but 
were  fcattered  abroad  upoji  the  face  of  the  whole  earth.  And 
the  truth  of  this  will  appear  from  the  concurrent  teftimony 
of  the  moft  approved  Ethnic  writers. 

Such  is  the  account  tranfmitted  by  Mofes  of  the  reparation 
of  mankind  after  the  flood  ;  and  of  their  migration,  accord- 
ing to  their  families,  to  the  regions  appointed  for  them  :  of 
the  rebellion  alfo  of  the  Cuthites,  and  the  conflirudlion  of  the 
tower ;  and  of  the  di/lipation,  which  afterwards  enfued. 
This  is  a  curious  and  inefl:imable  piece  of  hifl:ory,  which  is 
authenticated  in  every  part  by  the  evidence  of  fubfequent 
ages.  As  far  as  this  hiftory  goes,  we  have  an  infallible 
guide  to  dired:  us  in  refped;  to  the  place  of  deftination,  to 
which  each  family  retired.  But  what  encroachments  were 
afterwards  made  \  what  colonies  were  fent  abroad  ;  and 
what  new  kingdoms  founded ;  are  circumftances  to  be 
fought  for  from  another  quarter.  And  in  our  procefs  to 
obtain  this  knowledge,  we  mufl  have  recourfe  to  the  writers 
of  Greece.  It  is  in  vain  to  talk  about  the  Arabian  or  Perflc 
literature,  of  modern  date :  or  about  the  Celts,  and  the 
Scythse  ;  at  leafl:,  according  to  the  common  acceptation,  in 
which  the  laft  nation  is  underftood.  All  knowledge  of  an- 
cient times  has  been  derived  to  us  through  the  hands  of  the 
Grecians.  They  have  copied  from  the  moft  early  writers  of 
the  eaft  :  and  we  have  no  other  refources  to  apply  to,  where 
the  Mofaic  hiftory  clofes.     It  may  perhaps  be  faid,  that  thefe 

5  helps 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  35 

helps  nluft  be  very  precarious  ;  as  little  truft  can  be  repofed 
in  writers,  who  have  blended  and  fophifticated  whatever 
came  to  their  hands  :  where  the  mixture  is  fo  general,  that 
it  is  fcarce  poflible,  with  the  greateft  attention,  to  diftinguifh 
truth  from  fable.  It  muft  be  confefTed,  that  the  truth  is 
much  difguifed  :  yet  it  is  by  no  means  effaced  ;  and  confe- 
quently  may  be  flill  retrieved.  I  hope,  in  the  courfe  of  my 
argument,  that  this  has  been  abundantly  fhewn.  To  pafs  a 
proper  judgment  on  the  Grecian  hiftories,  we  muft  look 
upon  them  collecflively  as  a  rich  mine  ;  wherein  the  ore  lies 
deep  ;  and  is  mixed  with  earth,  and  other  bafe  concretions. 
It  is  our  bufmefs  to  fift,  and  feparate ;  and  by  refining  to 
difengage  it.  This,  by  care  and  attention,  is  to  be  effed:ed  : 
and  then  what  a  fund  of  riches  is  to  be  obtained  ! 

The  laft  great  event,  which  I  mentioned  from  the  Mofaic 
account,  was  the  difiipation  of  the  Cuthites  from  Babel  : 
from  whence  they  were  fcattered  over  the  face  of  the  earth. 
This  is  an  sera  to  be  much  obferved  :  for  at  this  period  the 
facred  penman  clofes  the  general  hiftory  of  the  world.  What 
enfues  relates  to  one  family  and  to  a  private  difpenfation. 
Of  the  nations  of  the  earth,  and  their  polities,  nothing  more 
occurs ;  excepting  only,  as  their  hiftory  chances  to  be  con- 
ne6led  with  that  of  the  fons  of  Ifrael.  We  muft  therefore 
3iave  recourfe  to  Gentile  authority  for  a  fubfequent  account. 
And,  previoufly  to  this,  we  may  from  them  obtain  collateral 
evidence  of  the  great  events  which  had  preceded,  and  which 
are  mentioned  by  Mofes.  We  learn  from  the  poets,  and  all 
the  more  ancient  writers  were  poets,  that  there  was  a  time, 
when  mankind  lived  a  life  of  fimplicity  and  virtue  :   that 

F  2  the^ 

36  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology." 

they  had  no  laws  ;  but  were  in  a  ftate  of  nature  ;  when 
pains  and  penalties  were  unknown.  They  were  wonderfully 
bleffed  with  longevity,  and  had  a  fhare  of  health  and  ftrength 
in  proportion  to  their  years.  At  laft,  there  was  a  mighty 
falling  off  from  this  primitive  limplicity ;  and  a  great  change 
was  effedled  in  confequence  of  this  failure.  Men  grew 
proud  and  unjuft :  jealoufies  prevailed ;  attended  with  a 
love  of  rule  :  which  was  followed  with  war  and  bloodfhed. 
The  chief  perfon,  who  began  thefe  innovations,  was  Nimrod. 
The  Greeks  often  call  him  Nebrod,  and  Nebros,  and  have 
preferved  many  oriental  memorials  concerning  him,  and  his 
apoftafy  ;  and  concerning  the  tower,  which  he  is  fuppofed 
to  have  ereded.  He  is  defcribed  as  a  gigantic,  daring  per- 
fonage  ;  a  contemner  of  every  thing  divine  :  and  his  affoci- 
ates  are  reprefented  of  a  charadler  equally  enterprizing  and 
daring.  ^^  Abydenus,  in  his  Affyrian  Annals,  alludes  to  the 
infurre6tion  of  the  fons  of  Chus,  and  to  their  great  impiety. 
He  alfo  mentions  the  building  of  the  tower,  and  confu- 
sion of  tongues :  and  fays,  that  the  tower,  analogous  to  the 
words  of  the  Scripture,  was  carried  up  to  heaven  ;  but  that 
the  Gods  ruined  it  by  ftorms  and  whirlwinds  ;  and  fruftrated 
the  purpofe  for  which  it  was  deligned  ;  and  overthrew  it 
upon  the  heads  of  thofe,  who  were  employed  in  the  work  : 

*'"  Ei'Ti  cTs  ii  Xiyaai  tb?  ■mpuTHi  ex.  yn;  ava.d'XpvTa.i  pcof^'(i  re  xcci  f/sj  sQf;  x^x-jyocf^errx?, 
xcciSij^eccvx.tx.TWpfovyja-ccvTaia.jj.etvQi'Ot.feii'cc.iy-zs-voycovTV^aiv  rtAiSccroi' ccsi^iw,  wot  vvv 
'Ea.QuXctiv  eq-iv,  «/«  Tg  aacroi'  eivxt  ra  B^avn'  xcct  Tfa«  aviixa  ^i:itat  /3i  JiovTXi  ai'XT^e-^xt 
'ojioi  ocvioKTi  TO  p.r)^a.vnfjia.'  ra  ^ma.  epsnrix  Aeyiadxi  Bx^uAmi'x.  Tsws  cTg  ovrxi  o/^a- 
yXai(r(jBi  iit  ^rsoM'  -sroAuB^ai'  ^wi'Hr  eveiHxa^xt.  Mgra  Se  Koovm  xxi  Tmivi  cuc^vaxi  -sro- 
?^ilJiov.  O  Se  T37ro;,  ev  a  'srvpyov  wxaJs/Ltuyai',  vuv  BaouA&j;'  KxXitrxt,  S'ix  Tnv  auy^vc-tu 
Tn  -zFrpt  r-i-ii/  §:x?:eytTov  t^^mtvv  ivx^yovi.  'ESpxict  yxo  t^v  avy^vaiy  BxSe?^  KxiK'dat. 
Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  13. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  ^7 

that  the  ruins  of  it  were  called  Babylon.  Before  this,  there 
was  but  one  language  fublifting  among  men :  but  now  they 
had,  "SToKv^^av  cpoji^riv,  a  manifold  found,  or  utterance.  A 
war  foon  after  enfued  between  Cronus  and  Titan.  He  re- 
peats, that  the  particular  fpot,  where  the  tower  flood,  was 
in  his  time  called  Babylon  ^^  It  was  fo  called,  he  fays,  from 
the  confufion  of  tongues,  and  variation  of  dialect :  for  in 
the  Hebrew  language,  fuch  confufion  is  termed  Babel.  The 
Scriptures  fpeak  only  of  a  confufion  of  tongue  :  but  Abyde- 
nus  mentions  high  winds,  which  impeded  the  work,  and 
finally  overthrew  the  tower.  The  like  is  mentioned  in  the 
Sibylline  oracles,  together  with  the  confufion  of  tongues  : 
which  circumftance  moft  of  thefe  writers,  from  not  being 
vi^ell  verfed  in  the  original  hiftory,  have  fuppofed  to  have 
been  general  *'.  And  fimilar  to  the  hiflory  of  Abydenus,  an  ac- 
count is  here  given  of  a  war,  which  broke  out  foon  after. 

Some  traces  of  thofe  fearful  events,  with  which  the  dif- 
perfion  is  faid  to  have  been  attended,  feem  to  have  been 
preferved  in  the  records  of  Phenicia.  Syria,  and  the  greateft 
part  of  the  country  about  Libanus,  was,  as  I  have  abundant- 
ly fhewn,  pofTefTed  by  the  fons  of  Chus :  and  even  the  city 
Tyre  was  under  their  rule.  The  people  of  this  city  were 
ftyled  Phenicians,  and  are  faid  to  have  been  driven  from 
their  firfl  place  of  fettlement,  which  we  know  to  have  been 
in  Babylonia,  by  earthquakes.      '°  Tyriorum  gens,  condita  a 

*'  Strabo  fpeaks  of  a  tower  of  immenfe  fize  at  Babylon,  remaining  in  later  times, 
which  was  a  ftadium  every  way.  L.  x6.  p.  1073.  Thefe  are  nearly  the  dimenfions 
of  fome  of  the  principal  pyramids  in  Egypt. 

*'  Theophilus  ad  Autclyc.  L.  2.  p.  371, 

''  Jufcin.  L.  18.  0.3. 


38  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

Phcenicibus  fuit ;  qui  terrse  motu  vexati  Aflyrium  ftagnum 
prime,  mox  mari  proximiim  littiis  incoluerunt. 

I  have  mentioned  the  remarkable  evidence  of  Eiipolemus, 
who  attributes  the  conftru6lion  both  of  Babylon,  and  the 
Tower,  to  people  of  the  giant  race.  By  thefe  are  always 
meant  the  fons  of  Ham  and  Chus :  fo  that  it  certainly  was 
not  a  work  of  general  co-operation.  Epiphanius  alfo  takes 
notice  of  Babel,  or  Babylon  ;  ''  Tri;  'W^uoTYig  'uroKsoog  fJLSTcc  top 
koltcckKvu'ijlov  K.ri(T^Si<rrig'  Which ^  he  fays,  voas  the  Jii'ft  city  that 
ivas  built  after  the  flood.  E^'  ayrj]  Tj5  oiko$'o[jlyi  ^iyj\  Mittqv 
cvfjtJosXioLgy  a&^oi(r[JLiiy  koli  Tv^oLVviSog,  yivsrcci  NsS'^w^.  Ns^^w^ 
ya.^  ^OLTiKevii  mog  T3  Xag  Aidiowog.  Fro7ntheveryfoimdation 
of  this  city^  there  comfnenced  an  imjnediate  fce7ie  of  co7jf piracy, 
f edition,  and  tyranny,  which  was  carried  o?z  by  Nimrod :  for 
royalty  was  then  firfl  afftmied  by  Nifnrod,  who  was  the  fo7t  of 
Chus,  the  JEthiop,  He  is  in  all  hiftories  reprefented  as  a 
giant ;  and,  according  to  the '"'  Perfian  accounts,  was  deified 
after  his  death,  and  called  Orion.  One  of  the  afterifms  in 
the  celeftial  fphere,  was  denominated  from  him.  The  Scrip- 
ture fpeaks  of  him  as  a  mighty  hunter  :  and  Homer,  in  re- 
ference to  thefe  hiftories,  introduces  him  as  a  giant,  and  a 
hunter  in  the  fhades  below. 

'•  L.  I.  p.  7. 

'*  ^Bi—oq'ne'yevvws  tov  "NeCpoo^  yiyocvra.^  rov  mv  Babt'^iwia  icTifjavroL^  ov  Af^a- 
otv  01  TJepaxi  ccyro^iu^evra,  xxi  yivojAivov  iv  a.<^poii  m  Ou^ccva,  ovriva.  Asyyan  HPIH- 
NA.  Chron.  Pafch.  p.  ;^6.  Ev  ^e  ion  'urpostpvt/.evoii  ^^oron  ysyove  tk  yiyxSyTyyo{jux 
Nef^o-'J^,  t;ic?  Xfs  ra  AStoTroi.  Johan.  Malala.  p.  18., 

"  Homer.  Odyff.  L.  A.  v.  571. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  39 

Next  I  beheld  Orion's  tow'ring  fliade, 
Chafing  the  favage  race ;   which  wild  with  fear 
Before  him  fled  in  herds.      Thefe  he  had  flain 
Upon  the  cliffs,  and  folitary  hills. 
His  arms,  a  club  of  brafs,  maffy  and  ftrong, 
Such  as  no  force  could  injure. 

The  author  of  the  Pafchal  Chronicle  mentions  all  his  at- 
tributes, in  fpeaking  of  him  :  '"^Ns^^wJ"  0  Kvnjyog,  koli  Fiyag,  0 
Ai^io\[/. — Tarn  rw  Ns^^cc^  tyiv  /Sacr/As/av  Bix^vXmog  fjusrx  tov 
KaTOLKXvtTfJLOV  iTj  ^siOL  y^cc^pif]  OLVCtTi&riTi.  Nebrod^  the  great  hunter^ 
and  giant ^  the  Ethiopia?! ;  whofn  the  f acred  writi7igs  make  king 
of  Babylon  after  the  deluge.  The  fame  author  fays,  that  he 
firft  taught  the  Affyrians  to  worfhip  fire.  ^Ovrog  JiJacr;££t 
AfTfTv^iag  (TS^siv  ro  'Wv^.  By  the  Affyrians  are  meant  the  Ba- 
bylonians, who  in  after  times  were  included  under  that 
name,  but  in  thefe  days  were  a  very  diftindl  people.  Nim- 
rod,  by  the  Grecians,  was  fometimes  rendered  Ns^^o^,  Ne- 
bros ;  which  fignifics  alfo  a  fawn  :  whence  in  the  hiftory  of 
Bacchus,  and  the  Cuthites,  there  is  always  a  play  upon  this 
term ;  as  well  as  upon  vs^^ig  and  PB^^i^sg,  Nebris  and  Hebrides, 

They  were  not  only  the  oriental  hiftorians,  who  retained 
the  memory  of  thefe  early  events  :  manifeft  traces  of  the 
fame  are  to  be  found  in  the  Greek  poets ;  who,  though 
at  firft  not  eafy  to  be  underftood,  may  be  fatisfadlorily  ex- 
plained by  what  has  preceded.     The  clue  given  above  will 

«*  Chron.  Pafch.  p.  28. 


40  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

readily  lead  us  to  the  liiftory,  to  which  they  allude.  The 
difperfion  of  the  Cuthites  is  manifeftly  to  be  difcovered  under 
the  fable  of  the  flight  of  Bacchus :  and  the  difunion  of  that 
formidable  body,  which  made  fo  bold  a  ftand,  and  the  fcat- 
tering  of  them  over  the  face  of  the  earth,  is  reprefented  un- 
der the  fable  of  difmembering  the  fame  perfon.  It  is  faid  of 
him,  that  he  was  torn  '^  limb  from  limb  :  that  his  members 
were  fcattered  different  ways  ;  but  that  he  afterwards  re- 
vived. The  Scripture  account  is,  that  the  Lord  fcattered 
them  abroad  ;  not  to  any  certain  place  of  deftination,  but 
over  the  face  of  the  whole  earth.  This  is  plainly  referred  to 
by  Nonnus,  where  he  fpeaks  of  the  retreat  of  Bacchus,  and 
the  diflipation  of  his  alTociates  j  by  whom  are  to  be  under- 
ftood  the  Cuthites. 

^^  Ag'Oihsg  Js  (pochotyysg  olyiObol  KvaKa  kbXbv^h 

Eg'lKOV  SV^OL  KCtl,  BV^OL  ^lOCK^l^QV,    B?  'UTTB^OV   Ev^H, 

Eig  Ts  poL'^iv  XB(pv^o^o,  KOLi  'EfTTtB^ia  kKi^cc  yoLirig, 
'Ai^b  Nora  'urct^a  'STBiciv  cLhri^ovBg^  diSe  Bo^rjog 
'Boi.(T(TOL^ihg  KhovBovro. 

His  wavering  bands  now  fled  in  deep  difmay 
By  different  routs,  uncertain  where  they  pafs'd, 
Some  fought  the  limits  of  the  eaftern  world  ; 

''  Clemens  Alexandr.  Cohort,  p.  15.  Oi  Tnavei  S'lSa-Trcco-a.v  ztl  rviriccxov  ouia. 
Juftin  Mart.  Apolog.  L.  i.  p.  56.  and  p.  75.  mentions  Aiorvaov  S'loccrTct^ivTa' 
Bacchus  was  the  fame  as  Ofiris. 

Ogygia  me  Bacchum  vocat : 
Ofirin  iEgyptus  putat :  &c.     Aiuonius. 
Ofiris,  in  confequence  of  this,  is  fiippofed  to  have  been  torn  to  pieces,  and  his  limbs 
fcattered.  Plutarch.  Ifis&  Ofiris.     See  alfo  Diodorus  Sicul.  L.  3.  p.  196. 
■f.  Nonni  Dionyfiac.  L.  34.  p.  864. 

7  Some, 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  41 

Some,  where  the  craggy  weftern  coaft  extends, 
Sped  to  the  regions  of  the  fetting  fun. 
Sore  travel  others  felt,  and  wandered  far 
Southward ;  while  many  fought  the  diftant  north, 
All  in  confufion. 

He  fpeaks  of  this  people  in  the  feminine  ;  becaufe  many  of 
the  attendants  upon  Bacchus  were  fuppofed  to  have  been 
women,  and  were  his  prieftefTes  :  but  the  meaning  of  the 
ftory  is  evident.  I  fliall  fhew,  that  many  of  them  fled  by  fea 
to  India,  where  they  fettled  upon  the  great  Erythrean  Ocean. 
The  poet  has  an  eye  to  this  likewife  in  another  place,  where 
he  fpeaks  of  the  flight  of  Bacchus.  He  paints  him  in  great 
terrors,  and  in  the  utmoft  confternation. 

-   Ta^^aKsoig  ^s  'uroos(r(n  (pvym  ciKi'^Yirog  o^iTio?, 
T'hoLVKoy  EPT0PAIH2  v7i:sh<roLro  kv^jlol  ^oLkoL<r<TY\i* 
Toy  (jg  @eri;  fivSiY]  (piXB(f 'UTYiKVVBV  ctyo^ui, 
Ka;  ^ly  s<ruj  hvovrcc  'uro7^(pXoi<T^Qio  fjLsXct&^s 

Bacchus  all  trembling,  as  he  fled  away, 
Call'd  on  the  mighty  Erythrean  deep 
To  yield  him  flicker.      Thetis  heard  his  cries, 
And  as  he  plung'd  beneath  the  turbid  wave, 
.   Received  him  in  her  arms :   old  Nereus  too. 
The  Arabian  God,  ftretch'd  out  his  friendly  hand. 
And  led  him  darkling  thro'  the  vaft  abyfs 
Of  founding  waters. 

'"  Nonni  Dionyfiac.  L.  20,  p.  552, 

Vol.  III.  G  The 

42  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology, 

The  check,  which  Bacchus  received,  and  his  flight  in  con- 
fequence  of  it,  is  fuppofed  by  many  to  have  been  in 
Thrace.  Here  Lycurgus  is  faid  to  have  been  king,  who 
drove  Bacchus  out  of  his  dominions.  But  Lycurgus  be- 
ing made  king  of  Thrace  is  like  Inachus  and  Phoroneus 
being  the  fame  at  Argos,  Deucalion  in  ThefTaly.  Thefe  are 
all  ancient  traditions,  ingrafted  upon  the  hiftory  of  the  place 
by  the  pofterity  of  thofe  who  introduced  them.  Diodorus 
Siculus  '*  afliires  us,  that  many  writers,  and  particularly  An- 
timachus,  made  Lycurgus  a  king  of  Arabia  :  and  Homer 
places  the  fcene  of  this  tranfacStion  at  Nufa :  but  which 
Nufa  he  does  not  fay.  In  fhort  Lycus,  Lycorus,  Lycoreus, 
and  with  a  guttural  Lycurgus,  were  all  names  of  the  Deity  ; 
and  by  the  Amonians  appropriated  to  the  Sun.  Under 
the  fable  of  ^'  Lycurgus,  who  exterminated  Bacchus  and  his 
aflbciates,  is  veiled  the  true  hifl:ory  of  the  jufl  judgments  of 
God  upon  Chus,  and  his  family ;  who  fled  every  way  from 
the  place  of  vengeance,  and  pafl'ed  the  feas  to  obtain  fhelter* 

"'  L.  3.  p.  199. 

''''  Lycus,  Sol.     Macrob.  Saturnal.  L.  i.  p.  195. 

So  alfo  Lycoreus,  In  Callimach.  Hymn,  in  Apoll.  v.  19. 

Lycurgus  is  Lycorus  with  a  guttural .-  which  manner  of  pronunciation  was  very 
common  among  the  ancients.  So  Reu  or  Rau  is  ftyled  Ragau  :  the  plains  of  Shinar, 
Singar  ami  Singara  :  Sehor,  Segor:  Aza,  Gaza  :  Nahum,  Nachum  :  Ifaac,  Ifchiac  ;: 
Urhoe,  the  land  of  Ur,  Urchoe,  and  Orchoe.  The  fame  place,  ftyled  ilcz,  is  by 
the  LXX  always  rendered  Xwpo.  The  rites  of  fue  were  originally  calkd.O/»a,  but 
were  changed  to  O^yia. :  aia.  to  yctia. 

As  Lycurgus  waa  a  title  of  the  Deity,  they  fometimcs  gave  if,  which  is  extraordi- 
nary, to  Bacchus  himfelf,  or  at  leaft  to  Dionufus.  Ka(  rov  cTg  Aiom<rov  y.oct  tov  H/o'iwf 
Avx.s^yov  aui'UTrrovTBi  eneyyToov  tiPM'  ofjLOiOTgOTricw  aiviTrovrxi.  Strabo  of  the  Thra- 
cians,  and  alfo  of  the  Phrygians.  L.  10.  p.  722. 

c  The 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  43 

The  facred  writings  mention  only  a  confufion  of  tongues : 
but  all  Pagan  accounts  allude  to  fome  other  fearful  judg- 
ment, with  which  this  people  were  purfued  till  they  were 
totally  diflipated.  Homer,  fpeaking  of  Lycurgus,  mentions 
this  purfuit ;  but  by  a  common  miftake,  introduces  Dionu- 
fus  inftead  of  Bacchus. 

Xsvs  KOLT  riy^Jsoi/  '  'Sviru'Yjioy''  di  ^'  ol^jlol  'utol<toli 

QsivofJLzvoLi  (^HTrMyi.    Aioovv(rog  Jg  (po^rj^sig 
AvTeff  olKq;  kol^ol  kv^xol'  (dsrig  J"  VTro^e^ccTo  KoXTTca 

In  a  mad  mood  while  Bacchus  blindly  rag'd, 
Lycurgus  drove  his  trembling  bands  confufed 
O'er  the  vaft  plains  of  Nufa,      They  in  hafte 
Threw  down  their  facred  implements,  and  fled 
In  dreadful  difTipation.      Bacchus  faw 
Rout  upon  rout ;   and  lofl:  in  wild  difmay 
Plung'd  in  the  deep  :    here  Thetis  in  her  arms 
Receiv'd  him,  fhuddering  at  the  dire  event. 

By  the  Tidr,va,i^  or  nurfes,  ot  Bacchus  are  meant  the  priefts, 
and  priefteffes,  of  the  Cuthites,  I  make  no  doubt,  but  the 
ftory  is  founded  in  truth  :  that  there  was  fome  alarming 
judgment  j   terrified  with  which  the  Bacchians,  or  Cuthites, 

Homer.  Iliad.  Z.  v.  133. 

S'lx.Ci  y-cci  AiCvr^,  xcci  Na^td,  oTTH  cTg  ■cj-sAi5,  ws  sv  Kaota,  y.ot.i  €v  t'j  oph'  oim 
S£  vncoi,  cdiv  Ns(Au  TM  'uirorxuu.     Scholia  in  Homer,  fiipra. 

G  2  fled 

44  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

fled  different  ways  :  that  their  priefts  in  confternation  threw 
away  what  Heftiaeus  ftyles  '  Ib^^^cltol  Zrivog  EvvotXiiSj  all  their 
implements  of  falfe  worjhip.  In  fhort,  the  hand  of  heaven 
hung  heavy  upon  their  rear,  till  they  had  totally  quitted  the 
fcene  of  their  apoftafy  and  rebellion,  and  betaken  themfelves 
to  different  quarters.  The  reafon  why  the  Cuthites  com- 
bined in  a  ftrong  body,  and  maintained  themfelves  in  their 
forbidden  territory,  was  a  fear  of  feparation.  Let  us  build  us^ 
a  tower ^  and  make  us  a  fgny  leji  we  befcattered  abroad.  It  was 
their  lot  to  be  totally  diffipated  :  and  they  were  the  greateft 
wanderers  of  all  nations :  and  the  titles  of  aJhrftoLi  and  aA»]- 
^ovsi  are  peculiar  to  their  hiftory.  They  feem  to  have  been 
in  a  roving  ftate  for  ages. 

I  have  often  taken  notice  of  a  cuflom,  which  prevailed 
among  the  Grecians ;  and  confifted  in  changing  every  foreign 
term,  that  came  under  their  view,  to  fomething  of  fimilar 
found  in  their  own  language,  though  it  were  ever  fo  remote 
in  fenfe.  A  remarkable  inftance,  if  I  miftake  not,  may  be 
found  in  this  paffage  from  Homer.  The  text  manifeftly 
alludes  to  the  vengeance  of  the  Deity,  and  the  difperfion  of 
the  fons  of  Chus.  The  term  Boy,  Bou,  in  the  Amonian 
language,  fignified  any  thing  large  and  noble.  The  God 
Sehor  was  called  Bou-Sehor.  This  was  the  Bufiris  (BBtTi^i?) 
of  the  Greeks,  who  retained  this  term  in  their  own  language; 
and  ufed  it  in  the  fame  fenfe.  Accordingly,  BuTrcag  was  a 
jolly  fine  boy :  Ba^v^ricc,  a  great  facrifice  :  BsTT^riovBg,  vaft 
rocks  :  Bayctiog,  a  great  boafter  :  B8Aip?,  great  hunger,  or 
famine.     Hence  Hefychius  tells  us.  Boy,  ro  fJLsyoL  Kai  iroKv 

.*  Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  13.. 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  45 

^Tihoi.  By  Bou  is  fignijied  any  thing  great  and  abundant. 
The  term  Pleg,  or  Peleg,  related  to  fepar^tion  and  difper- 
lion  :  and  when  Homer  mentions  ^sivofMSVoti  ^HTcKriyiy  the  ori"^ 
ginal  word  was  Bou-pleg,  or  Bou-peleg,  which  means  lite- 
rally a  great  difperdon.  In  the  Hebrew  tongue,  of  which 
the  Amonian  was  a  collateral  branch,  nSs,  Pelach  is  to  fepa- 
rate  ;  and,  jSb,  Peleg  to  fever,  and  divide.  The  fon  of  He- 
ber  was  named  Peleg,  ^  becaufe  in  his  days  the  earth  was  di- 
vided :  and  his  name  accordingly  fignified  divifion,  and 
feparation.  But  the  poet,  not  knowing,  or  not  regarding, 
the  true  meaning  of  the  word  Pleg,  or  Peleg,  has  changed  it 
to  an  inftrument  of  hufbandry.  And  inftead  of  faying,  that 
the  Deity  purfued  the  rebels,  and  fcattered  them  with  (Bou- 
pleg)  a  great  diflipation,  he  has  made  Lycurgus  follow  and 
beat  them,  jSaTrAi^y/,  with  an  ox-goad. 

The  city  of  Babel,  where  was  the  fcene  of  thofe  great 
occurrences,  which  we  have  been  mentioning,  was  begun  by 
Nimrod,  and  enlarged  by  his  pofterity.  It  feems  to  have 
been  a  great  feminary  of  idolatry  :  and  the  tower,  a  ftupen- 
dous  building,  was  ere<3:ed  in  honour  of  the  fun,  and  named 
the  Tower  of  Bel.  Upon  the  confufion  of  fpeech,  both  the 
city  and  tower  were  called  Babel  ;  the  original  appellation 
not  being  obliterated,  but  contained  in  the  latter.  And  as 
the  city  was  devoted  to  the  worfhip  of  the  fun,  it  was  alfo 
called  the  city  of  Bel-On,  five  civitas  Dei  Solis  :  which  was 
afterwards  changed  to  Babylon.  From  thefe  terms,  I  think, 
we  may  learn  the  nature  of  the  judgment  inflidled  at  the 
time  of  the  difperiion.     It  did  not  coniift  in  an  utter  change 

'  Genefis.  c.  lo.  v.  25. 


46  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

of  language;  but,  as  I  have  faid  before,  it  was  a  labial  failure; 
an  alteration  in  the  mode  of  fpeech.  It  may  be  called  the 
prevarication  of  the  lip  ;  which  had  lofl:  all  precifion,  and 
perverted  every  found,  that  was  to  be  expreffed.  Inftead  of 
Bel,  it  pronounced  Babel  ;  inftead  of  Bel-on,  Babylon : 
hence  Babel,  amongft  other  nations,  was  ufed  as  a  term  to 
lignify  a  faulty  pronunciation.  'E^^ccioi  yoL^  ty\v  <Tvyyy<Tiv  Ba- 
fgA  KCX.Kii<n.  'The  Hebrews^  fays  ''^  Jofephus,  by  the  word  Babel 
de?iote  cojifufwti  of  fpeech,  Thefe  terms  feem  ever  afterwards 
to  have  been  retained,  even  by  the  natives,  in  confirmation 
of  this  extraordinary  hiftory  :  and  the  city,  as  long  as  it  ex- 
ifted,  was  called  Babylon,  or  the  City  of  Co7ifufwn. 

The  tower  of  Babel  was  probably  a  rude  mound  of  earth, 
raifed  to  a  vaft  height,  and  cafed  with  bricks,  which  were 
formed  from  the  foil  of  the  country,  and  cemented  with  af- 
phaltus  or  bitumen.  There  are  feveral  edifices  of  this  fort 
ftill  to  be  feen  in  the  region  of  Babylonia.  They  are  very 
like  the  brick  pyramids  in  Egypt :  and  between  every  ninth 
or  tenth  row  of  plinths  they  have  a  layer  of  ftraw,  and  fome- 
times  the  fmaller  branches  of  palm.  Travellers  have  had 
the  curiofity  to  put  in  their  hands,  and  to  extrad:  fome  of 
the  leaves,  and  ftraws :  which  appear  wonderfully  frefh,  and 
perfedt ;  though  they  have  lain  there  for  fo  many  ages. 
Many  have  been,  led  to  think,  that  one  or  other  of  thefe 
buildings  was  the  original  tower  of  Babel.  But  ancient 
writers  are  unanimous,  that  it  was  overthrown  ;  and  that 
Nimrod  perifhed  in  it.  This  was  the  opinion  of  Syncellusv 
^  Ensivog  h  sfJLsivsv  sksi  koltoikooVj  koh  (jlyj  a.(pifoLiJ,svog  rs  Ylv^yHf 

*  Ant.  L.  I.  c.  4.  ^  P.  42. 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  47 

(iiX(n?<Bvoov  (jLs^iKH  Tivog  'srXn&Qvg,  B<p  ov  0  'urv^yo;  cfjsij,(fi  ^ictiWy 
cogifo^8(n,  tcciT(x.w£(rujVy  ^sia.  k^iq'si  tutov  btcoltol^sv.  But  Nijnrod 
would  Jlill  objlinately  Jlay.^  a7jd  rejtde  upofi  the  fpot :  nor  could 
he  by  aity  mea?js  be  withdrawn  from  the  tower ^  Jlill  having  the 
command  over  no  contemptible  body  of  mejt.  Upo?i  this^  we  are 
informedy  that  the  tower  being  beat  upon  by  violent  winds  gava 
way  ;  and  by  the  jufl  judgment  of  God  crufhed  him  to  pieces. 
Cedrenus  alfo  mentions  it  as  a  current  notion,  that  Nimrod 
perifhed  in  the  ^  tower.  But  this,  I  think,  could  not  be 
true  :  for  the  term  of  Nimrod's  life,  extend  it  to  the  utmofb 
of  Patriarchic  age  after  the  flood,  could  not  have  fufficed 
for  this.  And  though  writers  do  affert,  that  the  tower  was 
overthrown,  and  the  principal  perfon  buried  in  its  ruins  : 
and  it  mufl;  be  confelTed,  that  ancient  mythology  has  conti- 
nual allulions  to  fome  fuch  event:  yet  I  fhould  imagine,  that 
this  related  to  the  overthrow  of  the  deity  there  worfhiped, 
and  to  the  extirpation  of  his  rites  and  religion,  rather  than 
to  any  real  perfon.  The  fable  of  Vulcan,  who  was  throwa 
down  from  heaven,  and  caft  into  the  fea,  is  founded  upon 
this  ftory.  He  was  fuppofed  to  have  been  the  fon  of  Juno, 
and  detefted  by  his  mother,  who  threw  him  down  with  her 
own  hands.. 

E<p  cv  0  Uv^'Oi  ccvifxctj  (liaiCf),  &)«  tc^c^aai  rue',  v.a.1  uvto?  Joar,7roi,  y.xrccTSac>Jv  av- 
m^'Ce.  Cedrenus.  p.  ii.     See  Jofeph.  Ant.  L.  i.  c.  4. 

^  Homer,  Hymn  to  Apollo,  v.  317.    It  related  probably  to  the  abolition  of  fire- 
worlhip  at  the  deftrudtion  of  Babel.  . 


4S  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

My  crippled  offspring  Vulcan  I  produced : 
But  foon  I  fciz'd  the  mifcreant  in  my  hands, 
And  hurled  him  headlong  downward  to  the  fea. 

Many  writers  fpeak  of  him  as  being  thrown  off  from  the 
battlements  of  a  high  tower  by  Jupiter :  and  there  is  a  paf- 
fage  to  this  purpofe  in  Homer,  which  has  embarraffed  com- 
mentators; though  I  do  not  think  it  very  obfcure,  if  we  con- 
iider  the  hiftory  to  which  it  relates. 

The  poet,  who  was  a  zealous  copier  of  ancient  mythology, 
mentions,  that  Vulcan  was  caft  down  by  Jupiter  from  an 
eminence.  He  fays,  that  he  was  thrown  cctto  ByjKh  ,  which 
muff  certainly  lignify  ct'^o  'UTV^ya  B>iA8,  or  0L(p  U^a  BjjAs  ; 
for  the  fentence  is  manifeftly  elliptical. 

He  feiz'd  him  by  the  foot,  and  headlong  threw 
From  the  high  tower  of  Belus. 

This  is  the  purport  of  the  paffage  ;  and  it  is  confonant  to  all 

The  Giants,  whom  Abydenus  makes  the  builders  of  Babel 
are  by  other  writers  reprefented  as  the  Titans.  They  are 
faid  to  have  received  their  name  from  their  mother  Titasa. 
^  Koii/ojg  h  woLVTcag  cl-ko  rrig  [JLy]T^og  on^oiip^BViig  T/TJi^a? : 
by  which  we  are  to  underftand,  that  they  were  all  denomi- 
nated from  their  religion  and  place  of  worfhip.      I   have 

'  Iliad.  L.  A.  V.  591. 

'  Diod.  Sicul.  L.  3.  p.  190. 

Ky^as  J"  Ov^ccviuivxi  iyuvuro  "Txtotihx  Faia, 

'Oia  S^n  xa{  Tnmce.i  sinxM'nv  xaAsacni'.     Orphic.  Frag.  p.  375,' 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  49 

taken  notice  of  fome  of  the  ancient  altars,  which  conflfted 
of  a  conical  hill  of  earth,  ftyled  oftentimes,  from  its  figure, 
T^o^og  uocg'osi^rigy  a  mound^  or  hill^  i7i  the  fjape  of  a  womaTi  s 
hreajl.  Titsea  (TiTa<a)  was  one  of  thefe.  It  is  a  term  com- 
pounded of  '°  Tit-aia ;  and  fignifies  literally  a  breaft  of 
earth,  analogous  to  TtT^o?  (Xici.g  of  the  Greeks.  Thefe  altars 
were  alfo  called  Tit-an,  and  Tit-anis,  from  the  great  foun- 
tain of  light,  ftyled  An,  and  Anis.  Hence  many  places  were 
called  Titanis  and  "  Titana,  where  the  worfhip  of  the  Sun 
prevailed  :  for  Anes,  and  Hanes,  fignified  the  fountain  of 
light,  or  fire.  Titana  was  fometimes  expreffed  Tithana,  by 
the  lonians  rendered  Tithena  :  and  as  Titana  was  fuppofed 
to  have  been  the  mother  of  the  Titans ;  fo  Tithena  was  faid 
to  be  their  "  nurfe.  But  they  were  all  uniformly  of  the  fame 
nature,  altars  raifed  of  foil.  That  Tith-ana,  the  fuppofed 
nurfe,  was  a  facred  mound  of  earth,  is  plain  from  Nonnus, 
who  mentions  an  altar  of  this  fort  in  the  vicinity  of  Tyre  ; 
and  fays,  that  it  was  ereded  by  thofe  earth-born  people,  the 

Tit  is  analogous  to  TH,  Tid,  of  the  Chaldeans. 

So  Titurus  was  from  Tit-Ur,  jt/.a<j-o5  €lp.  The  priefts  fo  famous  for  their  mufic 
were  from  hence  ftyled  Tituri.  It  was  fometimes  exprefled  Tith-Or  •,  hence  the 
fummit  of  Parnalfus  had  the  name  of  Tithorea,  being  facred  to  Orus,  the  Apollo  of 
Greece.     Paufan.  L.  lo,  p.  878. 

There  were  places  named  Titarefus  from  Tit- Ares,  the  fame  as  Tit-Orus.  Tit- 
^tp^aioi'uTOTafj'.oi  H-Treifd.  Hefych. 

At  Sicyon  was  a  place  called  Titana.  Steph.  Byzant.  alfo  a  temple.  Paufan. 
L,  2.  p.  138. 

Euboea  called  Titanis.     Hefych. 

"  TiBjiJ-as-  rpc(p8;,  titQccs.  Hefych.  So  Tith-On  was  like  Tith-Or,<roi  r.Ki-a : 
whence  was  formed  a  perfonage,  named  Tithonus,  beloved  by  Aurora. 

Vol.  hi.  H 


50  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

Ti^yspssg  ^a^vKoXTtov  s^cjJfJiYiToiVTO  Ti^rip/iv, 

Upon  the  coaft  of  T^re,  amid  the  rocks, 
The  Giants  rais'd  an  ample  mound  of  earth, 
Yclep'd  Tithena. 

Tiiph  alfo  in  the  ancient  language  was  an  hill ;  and  Ty- 
phoeus  is  a  mafculine  compound  from  Tuph-aia,  and  fignifies 
a  mound  of  earth.  Typhon,  Tyf  wy,  was  in  like  manner  a 
compound  of  Tuph-On  ;  and  was  a  mount  or  altar  of  the 
fame  conftrudlion,  and  facred  to  the  fun.  I  make  no  doubt 
but  both  Typhon  and  Typhceus  were  names,  by  which  the 
tower  of  Belus  was  of  old  denoted.  But  out  of  thefe  the 
mythologifts  have  formed  perfonages  ;  and  they  reprefcnt 
them  as  gigantic  monfters,  whom  the  earth  produced  in  de- 
fiance of  heaven.  Hence  Typhon  is  by  Antoninus  Libera- 
lis  defcribed  as,  '^  Trig  viog,  s^oLiTiog  AaifJioov,  the  offspri?ig  of 
the  earthy  a  baleful  Dcsmon.  The  tower  of  Babel  was  un- 
doubtedly a  Tuphon,  or  altar  of  the  fun  ;   though  generally 

"  Nonni  Dionyf.  I..  40.  p.  104S. 

'*  Bci,  and  Belus,  was  a  title  beftowed  upon  many  perfons.  It  was  particularly 
given ,to  Nimrod,  who  built  the  city  Babel  or  Babylon.  Hence  Dorotheus  Sidonius-, 
an  ancient  poet,  calls  that  city  the  work  of  Tyrian  Belus. 

A^^ccni  TjxSvAci}1'  Tvprd  EwAois  Trc?:t<Ty.ixr. 
This  term  Tups?  has  been  applied  to  the  city  Tyre.  But  Tv^ioi  here  is  from  IMl, 
Turris  •,  and  Belus  Tvpioi  fignifies  Belus  of  Babel,  who  erei5led  the  famous  tower. 
This  leads  me  to  fufpecl,  that  in  thefe  verfes  of  Nonnus  there  is  a  miftake:  and  that 
this  Tithena,  which  the  Giants  built,  was  not  in  the  vicinity  of  the  city  Tyre:  but 
it  was  an  high  altar,  ety^t  Tuoy,  near  the  tower  of  Babel,  which  was  erefted  by  the 
Titanians.  Nonnus,  imagining  that  by  Tur  was  meant  Tyre,  has  made  the  Tithe- 
jia  to  be  fituated  •ma^cc  -axovTor,  I'y  thefea  ;  from  which,  I  believe,  it  was  far  removed. 

'^  Tvphon,  Terrs  filiiis.     Hyginus.  Fab.  152. 

g  reprefented 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  51 

rcprefented  as  a  temple.  For  in  thofe  early  times  we  do  not 
read  of  any  facred  edifices,  which  can  be  properly  called 
temples ;  but  only  of  altars,  groves,  and  high  places.  He- 
fiod  certainly  alludes  to  fome  ancient  hiftory  concerning  the 
demolition  of  Babel,  when  he  defcribes  Typhon,  or  Typhoeus, 
as  overthrown  by  Jove.  He  reprefents  him  as  the  youngeft 
fon  of  the  Earth. 

Th'  enormous  Earth, 
Produc'd  Typhceus  laft  of  all  her  brood. 

The  poet  fpeaks  of  him  as  a  deity  of  great  ftrength,  and  im- 
menfe  ftature ;  and  fays,  that  from  his  fhoulders  arofe  an 
hundred  ferpent  heads  ;  and  that  from  his  eyes  there  ifliied 
a  continual  blazing  fire.  And  he  adds,  what  is  very  re- 
markable, that  had  it  not  been  for  the  interpofition  of  the 
chief  God,  this  Daemon  would  have  obtained  an  univerfal 

Kcti  Kzv  oye  ^vt{Tqi<ti,  zai  oi&avctroKnv  oiva^eVj 
El  fjLri  oLo  Q^v  vQn<rs  xcct/j^  av^^oons  ^socnsj 
XkKy]^ov  J''  s^^ovTri<rs,  koli  o^^i^jloV  afjLtpi  Js  yaix 
XiJLB^^ccMoy  KovoL^r](rSy  koli  Ov^avog  sv^vg  vtts^^sv^ 
Uovrog  t?  ooKSOtm  ts  poa/,  nai  Ta^ra^a  yocii^g. 

"  Theogon.  v.  821, 

''  Typhceus  was  properly  Taicc  rieAcu/ja,  a  Pelorian  mound  of  earth  :  being,  as  I 
faid  above,  a  mafcuhne  from  Tiiphoea  5  which  is  a  compound  of  I'uph-aia,  a  mound 
of  earth. 

"  Hefiod.  fupra.  v.  836. 

H  2  llocrc; 

52  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology* 

KoiVfjLa  cT'  VTc'  a[JL<poTs^m  KctTsysv  toBihcL  'urovrov, 
Zsvg  STTSi  av  no^&vi/s  sov  [JLevog,  siKsTo  J"  oVAa, 
B^onriv  TS,  s's^OTrrinSj  koli  oLi^oLKoBvroL  kb^cwvov., 

TLAyi^sp  aTT  OvKvy^zoio  STtoCK^zvog. . 

AvTcc^  STTsi  ^n  ^iv  ^0LyM.(rs  'urKYiyriQ-iv  l^oL<T(roLZy 

That  day  was  teeming  with  a  dire  event ; 

And  o'er  the  world  Typhoeus  now  had  reign'd 

With  univerfal  fway  :   but  from  on  high 

Jove  view'd  his  purpofe,  and  oppofed  his  power* 

For  with  a  ftrong  and  defperate  aim  he  hurl'd 

His  dread  artillery.      Then  the  realms  above, 

And  earth  with  all  its  regions  j  then  the  fea. 

And  the  Tartarian  caverns,  dark  and  drear, 

Refounded  with  his  thunder.      Heaven  was  moved, 

And  the  ground  trembled  underneath  his  feet. 

As  the  God  march'd  in  terrible  array. 

Still  with  frefh  vigour  Jove  renew'd  the  fight ; 

And  clad  in  all  his  bright  terrific  arms, 

V/ith  lightnings  keen,  and  fmouldering  thunderbolts,, 

Prefs'd  on  him  fore ;   till  by  repeated  wounds 

The  tow'ring  monfter  funk  to  endlefs  night. 

Typhon  was  the  fame  perfonage  as  Typhoeus ;  and  Antoninus 
1°  Liberalis  defcribes  him  as  a  Giant,  who  was  thunderftruck 

*!   O  Txiifijn  ix.^v^'iy  IctuTsj',  xui  iicpciviai  rnv  (pMycc,  iv  Ti)  S-aAx(7(7))'     Fab.  28. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  53 

by  Jupiter.  But  he  fled  to  the  fea,  into  which  he  plunged, 
and  his  deadly  wounds  were  healed.  The  like  has  been  faid 
of  Bacchus,  that  upon  his  flight  he  betook  himfelf  to  the  fea. 
And  when  Vulcan  is  caft  down  from  the  tower,  he  is  fup- 
pofed  to  fall  into  the  fame  element.  Juno  is  accordingly 
made  to  fay, 

I  feiz'd  him  in  my  arms, 
And  hurl'd  him  headlong  downward  to  the  fea. 

Heflod  giv^es  an  account  of  the  difperflon  of  the  Titans,  and 
of  the  feuds  which  preceded  :  and  he  fays,  that  the  Deity  at 
laft  interpofed,  and  put  the  Titans  to  flight,  and  condemned 
them  to  reflde  in  Tartarus  at  the  extremities  of  the  earth. 
The  defcription  is  very  fine ;  but  he  has  confounded  the 
hiftory  by  fuppoflng  the  Giants  and  Titans  to  have  been 
different  perfons.  He  accordingly  makes  them  oppofe  one 
another  in  battle  :  and  even  Cottus,  lapetus,  Gyas,  whom 
all  writers  mention  as  Titans,  are  by  him  introduced  in  op- 
pofition,  and  defcribed  as  of  another  family.  He  fends  them 
indeed  to  Tartarus  ;  but  fuppofes  them  to  be  there  placed, 
as  a  guard  over  the  Titans.  His  defcription,  however,  is 
much  to  the  purpofe  ;  and  the  firft  conteft  and  difperflon  is 
plainly  alluded  to.  I  fliall  therefore  lay  fome  part  of  it  be- 
fore the  reader. 

!"'  Theogor..  v.  676. 


54  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

Ay.(pors^oi'  hivov  h  'urs^ict'^s  'srono;  oLTCsi^ocVy 
Ty]  Js  ixsy  s(rfj,oc^ccyri(rsi'j  STTsg'ei's  J^'  ov^oLvog  sv^v^ 
.^siofjLsvogy  'ureh^Bv  ^'  ij^clk^o;  Ohvyito;. 

KsKKofJLsi/oov'  01  Js  ^vyircLv  fJL£yix?M  aAaA>iTw. 
Ov  (j"  a^'  sri  Zsvg  kt'^bv  sov  fj^sv^g,  uTkAol  vv  th  ys 
Ei&a^  fjLsv  [jLSVsos  'srT^rjTo  (p^svsg,  sx.  Js  tyj  'urairctv 
^OLivs  (^iriV  oL^v^ig  T  a/  olt/  Ov^oiva,  rjJ''  oltt  0?^vijl71'8, 

IfiTy,^   OLfJM  ^^OVTl^TB  KOLi   a^S^OTTrj  '^OTBQVTQ 

Xsi^og  dTTO  '^i^OL^Yig. 

Xvv  $'  avsfJiQi  svomvTs  }coviv&'  d^JLO.  s(r(pa,^oLyi^ov, 

B^onrins,  s'S^ottyivts,  kcjli  mSccT^osna  ks^olvvov' 

noj/TOdT  ar^vysTog'  rag  S'  oi^(pzzz  ^s^fJLog  ayT|U.)] 
TiTrivag  '^Sovisg'  <pXo^  J"  j^s^a  ^iolv  Ikolvbv 

A(r^£TOr   0<T(rB   cT'   OL^JiB^h  KOLt.   Kp^lfJUf^P  'UTB^  SOVTUP 

Avyri  yoL^ycii^3(rct  kb^olvvhtb  ^B^oTrricrTs. 
•      ••••••♦.....•^ 

KoLVfJLCt  7S  ^£Q-7rB(n0V  KCCTS'^BV  '^OLOg 

Kai  rag  [jlbv  TiTrjVccg  vtto  y^ovog  sv^vo^Birig 
Ubix-^ccv,  KOLi  ^B(ryQi<Tiy  sv  oL^yoCKBQKnv  B^wav, 
NiKnravrBg  "^s^triv  v7rB^^v[j,ovg  'urs^  sonctg' 

Ey&x  ^soi  TiTrivsg  vtto  ip(pu^  yjs^obvti 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology,  55 

TlovTiiT   dT^vysToiOj  KOLI  Ov^cfjn  OLgs^osnog^ 

■'B^siYig  "uroLVToov  tfTYiycn  kxi  "UTSI^c/.t  sci(riv. 

Firm  to  their  caufe  the  Titans  wide  difplay'd 
A  well-embodied  phalanx  :   and  each  fide 
Gave  proofs  of  noble  prowefs,  and  great  ftrength, 
Worthy  of  Gods.      The  tumult  reach'd  to  heaven, 
And  high  Olympus  trembled  as  they  ftrove. 
Sea  too  was  mov'd  ;   and  Earth  aflonifh'd  heard 
The  noife  and  fhouts  of  deities  engag'd, 
High  vaunts,  loud  outcries,  and  the  din  of  war. 
Now  ]ov^  no  longer  could  withhold  his  ire  ; 
But  rofe  with  tenfold  vengeance  :    down  he  hurl'd 
His  lightning,  dreadful  implement  of  wrath, 
Which  flafli'd  inceffant :   and  before  him  mov'd 
His  awful  thunder,  with  tremendous  peal 
Appaling,  and  abounding,  as  it  roU'd. 
For  from  a  mighty  hand  it  fhap'd  its  courfe, 
Loud  echoing  through  the  vaulted  realms  of  day. 
Meantime  ftorms  rag'd  ;    and  dufky  whirlwinds  rofe. 
Still  blaz'd  the  lightning  with  continual  glare, 
Till  nature  languifh'd  :  and  th'  expanded  deep. 
And  every  fcream,  that  lav'd  the  glowing  earth, 
Boil'd  with  redounding  heat.      A  ruddy  flame 
Shot  upwards  to  the  fiery  cope  of  heav'n, 
Shedding  a  baleful  influence  :   and  the  gleam 
Smote  dreadful  on  the  Titan  bands,  whofe  eyes 
Were  blaflied,  as  they  gaz'd  ;   nor  could  they  fland 

The  fervour,  but  exhaufied  funk  to  ground. 


56  The  Analysis   of  A>fciENT  Mythology. 

The  Gods,  victorious,  feiz'd  the  rebel  crew, 
And  fent  them,  bound  in  adamantine  chains. 
To  earth's  deep  caverns,  and  the  fliades  of  night. 
Here  dwell  th'  apoftate  brotherhood,  confign'd 
To  everlafting  durance  :   here  they  fit 
Age  after  age  in  melancholy  ftate. 
Still  pining  in  eternal  gloom,   and  loft 
To  every  comfort.      Round  them  wide  extend 
The  dreary  bounds  of  earth,  and  fea,  and  air, 
Of  heaven  above,  and  Tartarus  below. 

Such  was  the  firft  great  commotion  among  men.  It 
was  defcribed  by  the  poets  as  the  war  of  the  Giants ;  who 
raifed  mountains  upon  mountains  in  order  that  they  might 
fcale  heaven.  The  fons  of  Chus  were  the  aggreffors  in  thefe 
ads  of  rebellion.  They  have  been  reprefented  under  the 
charadter  both  of  Giants  and  Titanians  :  and  are  faid  to 
have  been  dillipated  into  different  parts  of  the  world.  One 
place  of  their  retreat  is  mentioned  to  have  been  in  that  part 
of  Scythia,  which  bordered  upon  the  Palus  Maeotis.  It  was 
called  "  Keira ;  and  defcribed  as  a  vafl  cavern,  which  they 
fortified.  The  Romans  under  Craffus  are  faid  to  have  viewed 
it.  But  Keir,  and  Keirah,  fignified  of  old  a  city  or  fortrefs : 
and  it  was  the  appellative  name  of  the  place,  to  which  this 
people  retired.  They  were  to  be  found  in  various  parts,  as 
I  fhall  fhew  :  but  the  mofl:  prevailing  notion  about  the  Ti- 
tanians was,  that  after  their  war  againft  heaven,  they  were 
baniflied  to  Tartarus,  at  the  extremities  of  the  earth.  The 
ancient  Grecians  knew  very  little  of  the  weftern  parts  of  the 

"  To  cTTTwAaw  rtivKii^w  Kx?\.BiJ.ivtiv.     Dion.  Cafllus.  L.  51.  p.  313. 

7  world. 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  57 

world.  They  therefore  reprefent  the  Titans,  as  in  a  ftate 
of  darknefs  ;   and  Tartarus  as  an  infernal  region. 

*^  Kai  T^g  [JLSV  vtto  "^^ovog  sv^vohi^g 

Tortroj/  gyg^^'  v7to  yrig,  cxrov  Ov^avog  eg"'  cctto  yctirjg. 

They  plac'd  the  rebels,  faft  in  fetters  bound, 

Deep  in  a  gloomy  gulf;    as  far  remov'd 

From  earth's  fair  regions,  as  the  earth  from  heaven. 

They  are  the  words  of  Heliod  ;  who  fays,  that  an  anvil  of 
iron  being  dropped  down  would  but  juft  reach  the  abyfs  in 
ten  days.     Here  the  Titans  were- doomed  to  relide, 

**  Ei^Scc  ^soi  TiTrivsg  vtco  ip(pui  ^s^osnt 
KsK^v(poLrix.ij  ^'dMfTi  Aiog  vs(psXY]ys^&ra.o, 
Xotj^ca  sv  sv^(^svrij  'WB?M^irig  B(r'^oLrcc  yonrig. 
Eu&oL  TvyYjgy  KoTTog  rs^  jcccl  0  B^ici^svg  ixsya,l)v[JLog 

There  the  Titanian  Gods  by  Jove's  high  will 
In  manlions  dark  and  dreary  lie  concealed, 
Beyond  the  verge  of  nature.      Cottus  here, 
And  Gyges  dwell,  and  Briareus  the  bold. 

Thefe  were  part  of  the  Titanian  brood,  though  the  author 
feems  not  to  allow  it.  This  will  appear  from  fome  of  the 
Orphic  fragments,  where  we  have  the  names  of  the  Titans, 
and  a  fimilar  account  of  their  being  condemned  to  darknefs. 

*'  Hefiod.  Theog.  v.  7 1 7. 
''*  Ibid,  V.  729. 

Vol,  III.  I  KoiOV 

58  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

.^^  Koiop  TSj  K^siop  re  jCtsyaf,  ^o^kvp  ts  z^oLTouoVy 
Kai  K^QvoPy  £iKBOLVQv^\  'T7rs^sioyoLT\  IccTTsroprs. 

The  poet  here  fpecifies  feven  in  number  ;  Coeus,  Crius, 
Phorcys,  Cronus,  Oceanus,  Hyperion,  and  lapetus,  and  he 

'P/;rT£  ^oL^vv  yoLir\g  eg  Tol^tcl^ov. 

Soon  as  high  Jove  their  cruel  purpofe  faw, 

And  lawlefs  difpofition 

He  fent  them  down  to  Tartarus  confign'd. 

If  we  look  into  the  grounds  of  thefe  fidtions,  we  fhall  find 
that  they  took  their  rife  from  this  true  hiftory.  A  large 
body  of  Titanians,  after  the  difperfion  fettled  in  Mauritania, 
which  is  the  region  ftyled  Tartarus.  Diodorus  Siculus  men- 
tions the  coming  of  Cronus  into  thefe  parts  ;  and  gives  us 
the  names  of  the  brotherhood,  thofe  fons  of  Titaea,  who 
came  with  them.  The  principal  of  thefe,  exclufive  of  Cro- 
nus, were  '^^  Oceanus,  Coeus,  lapetus,  Crius,  and  Hyperion ; 
who  were  fuppofed  firft  to  have  fettled  in  Crete.  Atlas 
was  another  of  them,  from  whom  they  had  the  name  of 
!^  Atlantians ;  and  they  were  looked  upon  as  the  offspring 

*'  Orphic.  Frag.  p.  374. 

**  Diodor.  Sic.   L.  5.  p.  334.     According  to  Apollodorus  their  names  were  Ou- 
ranus,  Cceus,  Hyperion,  Crius,  lapetus,  and  the  youngeft  of  all  Cronus.  L.  i.  p.  2. 
"■'  Diodor.  L.  3.  p.  i8g. 

6  of 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  59 

of  heaven.  The  above  hillorian  defcribes  the  country, 
which  they  poflefTed,  as  lying  upon  the  gre^t  ocean  :  and. 
however  it  may  be  reprefented  by  the  poets,  he  fpeaks  of  it 
as  a  happy ''^  region.  The  mythologifts  adjudged  the  Titans 
to  the  realms  of  night ;  and  confequently  to  a  moft  uncom- 
fortable climate  ;  merely  from  not  attending  to  the  purport 
of  the  term  ^oipog. 

Ev^oL  ^soi  Tirrivsg  vtto  ^ocpca  ris^osni 

It  is  to  be  obferved,  that  this  word  had  two  iignifications. 
Firft,  it  denoted  the  weft,  or  place  of  the  fetting  fun.  Hence 
Ulyffes  being  in  a  ftate  of  uncertainty  fays,  *'  a  ya^  t  /Jjasf, 
OTTYi  ifxpog^  aS'  oxri  rjoog.  We  cannot  determine,  which  is  the 
wej},  or  which  is  the  eajl.  It  fignified  alfo  darknefs  :  and 
from  this  fecondary  acceptation  the  Titans  of  the  weft  were 
conftgned  to  the  realms  of  night :  being  fttuated  in  refped: 
to  Greece  towards  the  regions  of  the  fetting  fun.  The  vaft 
unfathomable  abyfs,  fpoken  of  by  the  poets,  is  the  great 
Atlantic  Ocean  ;  upon  the  borders  of  which  Homer  places 
the  gloomy  manftons,  where  the  Titans  reftded.  The  an- 
cients had  a  notion,  that  the  earth  was  a  widely-extended' 
plain  ;  which  terminated  abruptly,  in  a  vaft  clifF  of  immea- 
furable  defcent.  At  the  bottom  was  a  chaotic  pool,  or 
ocean  ;  which  was  fo  far  funk  beneath  the  confines  of  the 
world,  that,  to  exprefs  the  depth  and  diftance,  they  imagined, 

X&ipai/  evSoitfjiova..    Ibid. 
^5  OdyfT.  K.  V.  190. 

'    Zo(po>  axoTo?.    Hefych.     Ai'yii  Se  a  'uyomir^i  xui  to  aKoroij  y.xi  tiiv  i'vaiv^ 
^o^fov.    Ibid. 

I   2  an 

6o  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

an  anvil  of  iron  toffed  from  the  top  would  not  reach  It  under 
ten  days,  ^ut  this  mighty  pool  was  the  ocean  abovemen- 
tioned  ;  and  thefe  extreme  parts  of  the  earth  were  Maurita- 
nia, and  Iberia  :  for  in  each  of  thefe  countries  the  Titans 
refided.  Hence  Callimachus,  fpeaking  of  the  latter  country, 
defcribes  the  natives  under  the  title  of  ^°  O-^iyoi/oi  Tirrjvsg ; 
by  which  is  meant  ihe  offspring  of  the  ancient  ''Titans.  They 
were  people  of  the  Cuthite  race,  who  alfo  took  up  their  ha- 
bitation in  Mauritania  ;  and  were  reprefented  as  the  children 
of  Atlas.  He  was  defcribed  as  the  fon  of  lapetus  the  Ti- 
tan ;  and  of  fo  vaft  a  ftature,  as  to  be  able  to  fupport  the 

^'  Twy  'cr^oo'^'  IctTTsroio  'craiV  sysT  ov^avov  Bv^m 

There  Atlas,  fon  of  great  lapetus, 

With  head  inclin'd,  and  ever-during  arms, 

Suftains  the  fpacious  heavens. 

To  this  Atlantic  region  the  Titans  were  banifhed  ;  and  fup- 
pofed  to  live  in  a  ftate  of  darknefs  beyond  the  limits  of  the 
known  world. 

^*  n^Qcrhn  Js,  ^B(f)v  sKTOfrDsv  (iTravTciJv, 
TiTrii/sg  yaisci  ^sts^TiV  '^olsq;  io(ps^oio» 

'°  KiXTcv  ara.<^ncoi,\irii  anrx 

Q-\'i'ycvoi  Tnmii  a(p' esTTrspa  £<rx«Toj<»'Tc(;.    Hymn,  in  Delon.  V.  174. 
''  Hefiod.  Theog.  v.  746. 

AtA««  if  Ov^ocvoy  ev^uv  e^i  xpxr^^m  inr  a.voiyxr\i 

llsifcicrm  £i"}ai>ii.  Ibid.  V.  517^^ 

'r  Ibid.  V.  Si 3.  "        ' 

^  Fartheri 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  6i 

Fartheft  remov'd 
Of  all  their  kindred  Gods  the  Titans  dwell, 
Beyond  the  realms  of  chaos  dark. 

By  ^ao?  ip^e^QV  we  mufl  certainly  underfliand  the  weftern 
ocean  :  upon  the  borders  of  which,  and  not  beyond  it,  thefe 
Titanians  dwelt.  By  the  Nubian  Geographer  the  Atlantic 
is  uniformly  called  according  to  the  prefent  verlion  Mare 
Tenebrarum.  "  Aggrelli  funt  mare  tenebrarum,  quid  in  eo 
effet,  exploraturi.  They  ve?2tured  into  the  fea  of  darhiefs^  in 
order  to  explore  what  it  might  cojitain.  Another  name  for 
Tartarus,  to  which  the  poets  condemned  the  Titans  and 
Giants,  was  Erebus.  This,  like  ^Oi^of,  was  a  term  of  two- 
fold meaning.  For  Ereb,  3")y,  fignified  both  the  weft,  and 
alfo  darknefs :  and  this  ferved  to  confirm  the  notion,  that 
the  Titans  were  configned  to  the  regions  of  night.  But 
gloomy  as  the  country  is  defcribed,  and  horrid,  we  may  be 
affured  from  the  authorities  of  ^+  Diodorus  and  Pliny,  that  it 
was  quite  the  reverfe  :  and  we  have  reafon  to  think,  that  it 
was  much  reforted  to  ;  and  that  the  natives  for  a  long;  time 
kept  up  a  correfpondence  with  other  branches  of  their  fami- 
ly. Homer  affords  fome  authority  for  this  opinion,  in  a 
pafiage  where  he  reprefents  Jupiter  as  accofting  Juno,  who 
is  greatly  difpleafed. 

Xa'OjO.i*')!?,  aJ"  size  ra  vbioltol  'ursi^a^'  ijcmi 

"  Geog.  Nubienfis.  p.  4.  p.  6.  and  p.  156. 

'*  'X.oicav  vjS"a.iiJoi'ccviu.oiJiivat  (ArAarTe;).   L.  3.  p.  189. 
''  Iliad.  0.  V.  477. 

62  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

Fai^?  Koci  isronoio^  Iv  locTTSTou'rs  K§ovo(rTs 

I  Jhall  not,  fays  Jupiter,  regard  your  refentmetit ;  not  though 
youjhould  defer t  me,  and  betake  yourfelf  to  the  extrefjitties  of 
the  earth,  to  the  boundaries  offea  and  land ;  ^Sictra  'ZtTSi^ara, 
to  the  lower  limits,  where  lapetus  and  Cronus  refide  ;  who 
never  enjoy  the  light  of  the  fun,  nor  are  refrefoed  with  cooling 
breezes',  but  are  feat  ed  in  the  depths  of  Tartarus.  In  the  Ion 
of  Euripides,  Creufa,  being  in  great  diftrefs,  wifhes,  that  fhe 
could  fly  away  to  the  people  of  the  weftern  world,  which 
£he  alludes  to  as  a  place  of  fecurity. 

n^oo'w  yoLioii  'EXT^xnccg 

Ag-s^cig  'E<T7r£^iiig' 
Oiov  my  aJkyog  bt^ol^qv, 

O  !   that  I  could  be  wafted  through  the  yielding  air, 

Far,  very  far,  from  Hellas, 
To  the  inhabitants  of  the  Hefperian  region  : 

So  great  is  my  load  of  grief. 

From  the  words  of  Jupiter  above,  who  tells  Juno,  that  fhe 
may  retire  to  the  regions  in  the  weft ;  and  from  thefe  of 
Creijfa,  who  longs  to  betake  herfelf  to  the  fame  parts ;  we 
may  infer,  that  in  the  firft  ages  it  was  not  uncommon  for 
people  in  diftrefs  to  retire  to  thefe  fettlements.  Probably 
famine,   flcknefs,  and  opprefllon,  as  well  as  the  inroads  of  a 

'*  Euripid.  Ion.  v.  796. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  63I 

powerful  enemy,  might  oblige  the  lonim  to  migrate.  And 
however  the  Atlantic  Titanians  may  have  been  like  the 
Cimmerians,  defcribed  as  a  people  devoted  to  darknefs;  yet 
we  find  them  otherwife  reprefented  by  Creufa,  who  ftyles 
them  Afs^a?  EcTTTS^isg^  the  Jlars  of  the  wejiern  world.  They 
were  fo  denominated  from  being  the  offspring  of  the  original 
lonim,  or  Peleiad^,  of  Babylonia ;  in  memory  of  whom 
there  was  a  conftellation  formed  in  the  heavens.  Thefe  Pe- 
leiadas  are  generally  fuppofed  to  have  been  the  daughters  of 
Atlas,  and  by  their  names  the  ftars  in  this  conftellation  are 
diftinguifhed.  Diodorus  Siculus  has  given  us  a  lift  of  them, 
and  adds,  that  from  them  the  moft  celebrated  "  heroes 
were  defcended.  The  Helladians  were  particularly  of  this 
family ;  and  their  religion  and  Gods  were  of  Titaniaii 
^^  original. 

'^  Diodor.  Sic.  L.  3.  p.  194. 

*  Oxj^avB  xai  Tm  suriv  01  -zzr?^/  K^ovov,  01  a.?^Aoi  Tnacyei'  sx.  S'e  tcov  TtTod'oov  ot 
vq-epoi@eoi.     Scholia  in  Find.  Nem.  Od.  6.  v.  i. 

Tnni'Si  '  '  ■  HfjiSTepuv  -m^oyovoi  TurccTipccv.  Orphic.  Hymn.  36.  Pindar  fays  that 
the  Titans  were  at  lafl  freed  from  their  bondage.  Ava  cfe  Z-ivi  afSixos  Titccvxs. 
Pyth.  Od.  4.  V.  518. 


64  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology, 

GENESIS.     Chap.  X. 

V.  8.   And  CuJId  begat  Ni?nrod.     He  began  to  be  a  mighty 
one  in  the  earth. 

10.  And  the  beginni7jg  of  his  kingdom  was  Babel ^  and  Erech, 
a7td  Accad^  and  Calne  in  the  land  of  Shinar, 

11.  Out  of  that  land  went  forth  Ajfur^  a7id  builded  Nine- 
veh ;   a?tdthe  city  Rehoboth^  and  Calah  : 

1 2.  And  Rezen  between  Nineveh  and  Calah  ;   the  fame  is  a 
great  city. 

IN  the  courfe  of  my  arguments  I  have  followed  the  com- 
mon interpretation  of  the  paffage  above  about  Aflur,  and 
Nineve  in  verfe  the  eleventh.  And  I  think,  we  may  be 
aflured,  both  from  the  context,  and  from  the  fubfequent 
hiftory  of  the  city  and  country,  that  this  is  the  true  meaning 
of  the  facred  writer.  I  mention  this,  becaufe  the  learned 
Bochart  does  not  allow,  that  Nineve  was  founded  by  AiTur. 
He  gives  a  different  interpretation  to  the  "  paffage,  going 
contrary  to  all  the  verlions  which  have  preceded.  Inftead 
of  out  of  this  land  went  Affur^  and  builded  Nijieve^  he  ren- 
ders it,  out  of  this  land^  he  (NimrodJ  went  into  Affur^  or  Af- 
fyria^  and  built  the  cities  mentioned.     '^°  He  adds :   habeo  per- 

"  Gen,  c.  10.  V.  11. 

*'  Geog.  Sacra.  L.  4.  c,  12.  p.  229.  He  is  followed  in  this  opinion  by  LeClerc. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  65 

fualifilmum  Aflur  hie  hominis  nomen  non  efle,  fed  loei  : 
— 'adeoque  verba  Hebraea  ita  reddenda  :  Egrejftis  ejl  in  Ajjy- 
riam.  I  afn  perfuaded^  that  the  term  AJJur  is  not  i7t  this 
place  the  ?tame  of  a  man  ;  but  of  a  place, — The  words  therefore 
i?t  the  original  are  to  be  thus  interpreted.  He  ( Nijnrod)  went 
out  of  this  la7td  into  Affyria.  In  this  opinion  he  has  been 
followed  by  others,  who  have  been  too  eafily  prejudiced 
againft  the  common  acceptation  of  the  pall'age. 

As  the  authority  of  Bochart  muft  neceflarily  be  of  great 
weight,  I  have  fubjoined  his  arguments,  that  the  reader  may 
judge  of  their  validity. 

1.  His  firft  objedion  to  the  common  verfion  is  this.  He 
thinks,  that  there  is  an  impropriety  in  having  the  name  of 
AfTur,  the  fon  of  Shem,  introduced  where  the  facred  text  is 
taken  up  with  the  genealogy  of  the  fons  of  Ham. 

2.  It  is  contrary  to  order,  that  the  operations  of  AfTur 
fhould  be  mentioned  v.  1 1 .  and  his  birth  not  till  afterwards 
at  V.  22. 

3.  There  is  nothing  particular  in  faying  that  Affur  went 
out  of  the  land  of  Shinar  ;  for  it  was  in  a  manner  common 
to  all  mankind,  who  were  from  thence  fcattered  abroad  ov^er 
the  face  of  the  earth. 

Thefe  objections  are  by  no  means  well  grounded  :  and 
the  alteration  propofed,  by  remedying  a  fancied  evil,  would 
run  us  into  innumerable  difficulties  and  contradid:ions.  If 
Affur  be  in  this  paffage  referred  to  as  the  name  of  a  region, 
the  fame  as  Affyria  ;  and  if  Nimrod  feized  upon  a  preoccu- 
pied place  ;  colonies  muft  have  gone  forth  before  the  difper- 
fion  from  Babel.      This  (whatever  my  opinion  may  be)   is  a 

Vol.  III.  K  con- 

66  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

contradiction  in  Bochart ;  who  fuppofes  the  difperfion  to 
have  been  univerfal,  and  from  the  land  of  Shinar;  not  allow- 
ing any  previous  migration.  The  principal  city  of  Nimrod 
was  Babel,  feparated  from  Nineve,  and  the  other  cities  above, 
by  a  fandy  "^^  wild  ;  and  it  is  faid  to  have  been  left  unfinifh- 
ed.  T'hey  left  off  to  build  the  city.  c.  ii.v.  8.  Is  it  credible, 
that  a  perfon  would  traverfe  a  defert,  and  travel  into  a  fo- 
reign country  to  found  cities,  before  he  had  completed  the 
capital  of  his  own  kingdom  ?  It  cannot,  I  think,  be 

As  to  the  fuppofed  impropriety  of  introducing  an  account 
of  Aflur,  where  the  text  is  taken  up  with  the  genealogy  of 
another  family,  it  is  an  objection  of  little  weight.  It  arifes 
from  our  not  feeing  things  in  their  true  light.  We  fhould 
obferve,  that  it  is  not  properly  the  hiftory  of  Affur,  which 
is  here  given  ;  but  the  hiftory  of  Nimrod.  He  trefpailed 
upon  Affur,  and  forced  him  out  of  his  original  property  : 
and  the  accounts  of  each  are  fo  conne6ted,  that  one  muft  be 
mentioned  with  the  other,  or  the  hiftory  would  be  incom- 
pleat.  Many  things  recorded  in  Scripture  are  not  intro- 
duced according  to  precife  method  :  and  the  like  is  to  be 
found  in  all  writings.  We  have  in  the  fame  book  of  Mofes 
an  account  given  of " "  Canaan,  the  fon  of  Ham,  antecedent 
to  the  genealogy  of  his  family,  which  comes  afterwards  in 
another  '^'^  chapter. 

*'  Amona;  the  learned  men,  who  have  betaken  themfclves  to  thefe  refearches,  I 
have  hardly  met  with  one,  that  has  duly  confidered  the  fituationj  diftance,  and  natu- 
ral hiftory  of  the  places,  about  wliich  they  treat. 

*"  Gen.  c.  9. 

♦'  C.  10. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  67 

Bochart  thinks,  that  the  mentioning  of  Affur's  going  forth 
out  of  Shinar  is  imneceflary  :  as  it  was  a  circuniftance  com- 
mon to  all  mankind  :  but  I  have  endeavoured  to  prove,  that 
all  mankind  were  not  concerned  in  the  difpcrfion  from  Shi- 
nar. Befides,  Bochart  does  not  quote  the  whole  of  the 
paffage,  but  omits,  what  is  immediately  fubjoined,  and  of 
no  fmall  moment.  The  facred  writer  does  not  merely  fay, 
that  Affur  went  forth  out  of  the  land  ;  but  that  he  wejit  outy 
and  builded  cities ;  a  circumftance  not  common  to  all. 
Thefe  cities  were  afterwards  of  great  renown  ;  and  it  was 
of  confequence  to  be  told  their  founder,  and  the  reafon  of 
their  being  built. 

This  learned  writer  tries  farther  to  prove,  that  the  He- 
brew term  s**',  which  is  tranflated  by  the  words  'we7it  fof'th, 
always  denotes  a  martial  expedition  :  and  he  adds,  Nimrod 
porro  dicitur  egreffus  effe  in  Affur,  nempe  ad  bellum  infe- 
rendum.  By  this  we  find,  that,  according  to  Bochart, 
Nimrod  made  war  upon  the  Affyrians,  and  ^^  feized  upon 
their  country.  I  fliould  be  glad  to  know,  when  this  hap- 
pened. Was  it  antecedent  to  the  general  difperfion  ?  If 
fo ;  colonies  had  gone  forth,  and  kingdoms  were  found- 
ed, before  that  event  :  and  the  difpcrfion  was  not,  as 
he  maintains,  general ;  a  circumftance,  which  I  have  urged 
before.  If  it  were  afterwards  ;  then  Nimrod  and  his 
affociates  were  left  to  follow  their  wicked  purpofes,  when 
all  other   families  were  fcattered  abroad.      When   the  reft 

**  Quod  jure  non  poterat  fibi  arrogare,  id  per  vim  ufurpavit.     Bochart.  L.  4. 
p.  230. 

K  2  of 

-.68  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

of  the  world  was  diflipated,  the  founders  of  Babel  were 
exempted  from  the  calamity.  This,  I  think,  cannot  be 

Bochart  farther  adds,  that  Nimrod  muft  have  been  in  pof- 
feffion  of  AfTyria  :  for  it  was  called  the  land  of  Nimrod. 
The  converfe  perhaps  might  have  been  true,  that  the  land  of 
Nimrod  was  called  Aflyria  :  for  the  region  of  Babylonia  and 
Chaldea  was  the  original  country  of  Affur,  and  was  poffefTed 
by  Nimrod.  But  that  the  region  about  Nineve,  to  which 
Bochart  alludes,  was  ever  referred  to  Nimrod,  I  am  certain 
is  a  groundlefs  furmife  :  and  Bochart  is  miftaken  in  the  paf- 
fage,  which  he  quotes.  His  evidence  is  taken  from  '^^  Mi- 
cah,  where  thefe  words  are  found.  Et  depafcent  terram 
Affyrice  gladio,  et  terram  Nimrod  lanceis  ejus  :  '^^  vel  fi  ma- 
vis, oftiis  ejus.  He  fuppofes,  that  the  land  of  AfTur,  and  the 
land  of  Nimrod,  of  which  the  prophet  here  makes  mention, 
were  one  and  the  fame  region.  But  he  is  furely  guilty  of  a 
ftrange  prefumption.  If  this  were  the  purport  of  the  paf- 
fage,  there  would  be,  I  think,  an  unneceffary  repetition  ; 
and  a  redundancy  not  common  in  the  facred  writings.  By 
the  land  of  Affur  is  plainly  meant  the  region  of  Affyria  ; 
but  by  the  land  of  Nimrod  is  Hgnified  the  country  of  Baby- 
lonia, which  was  the  true  and  only  land  of  Nimrod.  In 
order  to  underftand  the  purport  of  the  prophecy,  we  fhould 
confider  the  time  when  it  was  "^^  uttered.      Micah  is  foretell- 


C.  5.  V.  6. 
*''  Bochart  fupra, 

*'   Micah  prophefied  about  the  times  of  Salmanaflar,  and  Aflarhadon;  and  of 
Merodach  Baladan  of  Babylonia. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  69 

ing  the  ruin  of  the  Affyrian  empire,  of  which  Babylonia  by 
coiiquefl;  had  been  made  a  part.  But  the  Babylonians 
were  at  this  time  difengaging  themfelves  from  their  de- 
pendence, and  fetting  up  for  themfelves.  However,  as 
they  made  a  part  of  the  Affyrian  empire,  they  were  to 
fhare  in  its  calamities.  To  thefe  events  the  prophecy 
alludes  ;  in  which  two  nations,  and  two  different  regions 
are  defcribed.  •  We  may  therefore  be  allured,  that  the  land 
of  AlTyria,  and  the  land  of  Nimrod  were  two  diftind: 

In  confequence  of  this,  it  may  not  be  improper  to  recapi- 
tulate what  I  have  before  laid  about  the  peopling  of  the 
regions,  of  which  we  have  been  treating.  At  the  time  of 
the  migration  from  Ararat  in  Armenia,  the  fons  of  Shem 
came  down  through  the  principal  paffage  in  Mount  Taurus 
to  the  countries,  which  they  were  to  occupy.  Elam  pof- 
fefled  the  region  called  afterwards  Elymais  upon  the  lower 
and  eaftern  part  of  the  Tigris  *^ :  and  oppofite  to  him  was 
AfTur.  Above  Elam  was  Arphaxad,  whofe  region  was  after- 
wards called  Arpacitis  :  and  his  oppolite  to  the  weft  was 
Aram.  Lud  took  poffeflion  of  the  country  called  AiiJia, 
Ludia,  and  bordered  upon  Tobal,  Mefliech,  Gomer,  Afh- 
kenaz,  and  other  fons  of  Japhet.  For  they  feem  at  firfl:  to 
have  fettled  in  the  regions  of  Afia  Minor.  The  fons  of 
Chus  came  at  lafl  by  a  different  rout  from  the  eaft,  and 
invaded  the  territories  of  Aflur,  who  was  obliged  to  re- 
treat.     He  accordingly  pafl'ed   northward    into  the   region 

^^  Elam,  regio  Perfidis  trans  Babylonem.    Hieron.     T.Kuy.oii  nco^a. — t«5  2«o"</o5 
&yyv:,     Stephanus.  Byzant. 


70  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

of  Aram  ;  a  part  of  which  he  occupied  :  and  to  feciirc 
himfelf  from  his  enemy  to  the  fouth,  he  built  four  ci- 
ties, which  are  fpecified  by  the  facred  writer.  To  fliew 
the  difpofition  of  thefe  families  in  a  clearer  light,  I  muft 
reler  the  reader  to  the  map,  which  is  fubjoined. 


JJ  J 

ASU  ('  K  \  K  X 


1   AA^A2^ 

M  O  «  IT  K  r' 

^         -^>: 

:1>.  :>-  -»- 

--s-  <»• 

G  O  M  Y.  R 

I,  XT^  D  I  M 


<:a.^   0--i 

IliU  2i  J'  ;,■ 

ASH  I'  i;\  K 

-  o.         ^v 

[     71     3 

O  F      T  H  E 


TH  E  firft  war  of  the  Titans  confifted  in  ads  of  apofta- 
fy,  and  rebellion  againft  Heaven :  but  there  was  an- 
other war,  in  which  they  were  engaged  with  a  different 
enemy,  being  oppofed  by  men  ;  and  at  laft  totally  difcom- 
fited  after  a  long  and  bitter  contention.  This  event  will  be 
found  to  have  happened  in  confequence  of  the  difperfion. 
It  is  a  piece  of  hiftory,  which  has  been  looked  upon  as  fo 
obfcure,  and  the  time  of  it  fo  remote,  that  many  have 
efteemed  it  as  merely  a  poetical  fable.  Yet  from  the  light 
already  difclofed,  and  from  farther  evidence  to  be  obtained, 
we  may  determine  many  circumftances  concerning  it,  both 
in  refpe<5l  to  the  people,  between  whom  it  was  waged,  and 
to  the  time,  when  it  was  carried  on.  I  have  taken  notice  of 
two  memorable  occurrences,  and  have  endeavoured  properly 
to  diflinguifh  them  ;  though  they  are  confidercd  by  moft 
writers  as  one  fmo;le  event :  I  mean  the  mipration  of  fami- 
lies  to  their  feveral  places  of  allotment ;  and  the  difperfion 
of  the  Cuthites  afterwards.  The  firft  is  mentioned,  as  ef- 
feded  in  the  days  of  Peleg  :   the  other  is   introduced  by  the 

9  facred 

72  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

facred  writer  aiterwards;  and  fpoken  of  as  a  different  ev^nt. 
The  Titanian  war  is  to  be  diftingiiiflied  from  both,  being  of 
ftill  later  date  ;  yet  not  far  removed  from  the  difperfion.  It 
has  been  fhewn,  that  the  fons  of  Chiis  were  engaged  in 
building  a  mighty  city  in  the  region,  which  they  had 
iifurped  ;  and  in  erecting  a  lofty  tower,  to  prevent  their 
being  fcattered  abroad.  They  were  however  difperfed  ; 
the  tower  was  deferted  ;  and  the  city  left  unfiniflied. 
Thefe  circumftances  feem  in  great  meafure  to  be  recorded 
by  the  Gentile  writers.  They  add,  that  a  war  foon  after 
commenced  between  the  Titans,  and  the  family  of  Zeiith  ; 
which  was  the  firft  war,  that  ever  happened  among  the  fons 
of  men.  Some  fuppofe  it  to  have  been  carried  on  againfl:  Cro- 
nus :  '  y^sTd  cs  K^om  ts  hcli  Tirtivi  ^vg-rjvai  'UTqXb^ov.  But  it 
matters  little  under  what  titles  the  chief  characters  are  re- 
prefented  :  for  the  hiftory  is  the  fame.  It  was  no  other 
than  the  war  mentioned  by  Mofes,  which  was  carried  on  by 
four  kings  of  the  family  of  Shem,  againft  the  fons  of  Ham 
and  Chus  ;  to  avenge  themfelves  of  thofe  bitter  enemies, 
by  whom  they  had  been  greatly  aggrieved.  The  difperfion 
from  Babylonia  had  weakened  the  Cuthites  very  much  :  and 
the  houfe  of  Shem  took  advantage  of  their  diHipation  ; 
and  recovered  the  land  of  Shinar,  which  had  been  imduly 
Iifurped  by  their  enemies.  Babylon  feems  to  have  been 
under  a  curfe  and  not   occupied,    being   deftitute   both    of 

T3t5,  3cai  tT})  Qii-'t'  x.ccTcc'^ poviio-ocvTcci  afxiii'oi'xi  in'xtj  nuoya.'t'  Tuo7ii'  vAi^ccTov  asipiii'j 

av(x.T^i-\ai  Tuici  auToiit  to  iJin^uvnf/.u. — fjLsrcx,  Si  Kpoyu  iccci  Tnw't  av^'O'cii  -3-oAe,asi'. 
Abydenus  apud  Eufeb.  Priep.  L.  g.  p.  416. 

6  prince 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  73 

prince  and  people  :  in  lieu  of  which  we  read  of  a  king  of 
Senaar,  or  Shinar,  who  joins  the  confederates,  having  lately 
gotten  pofTeffion  of  that  province.  There  is  a  curious  frag- 
ment of  Heftisus  Milefius,  which  feems  to  relate  to  this 
part  of  the  Titanic  hiftory  ;  and  fupplies  what  is  omitted  in 
the  account  given  by  Mofes.  The  paflage  is  in  Jofephus ; 
who  tells  us,  from  feveral  evidences  in  ancient  hiftory,  that 
the  tower  of  Babel  was  overthrown  by  whirlwinds,  and  that 
a  confufion  of  fpeech  enfued.  And  he  adds,  that  in  refpedl 
to  Senaar,  the  Shinar  of  the  Scriptures,  there  was  a  paffage 
in  Heftiaeus  Milefius,  in  which  it  was  mentioned  :  and  he 
fubjoins  the  paffage.  *  T(/jv  Js  'h^socv  rsg  ^lOLdu^^BvTctg^  ra  T8 
V.vudJKi'a  Aiog  Is^ooixctTo.  Aa^o^ra?,  Big  ^Bvacf.^  Tir,g  BahvTKWiag  bK- 
^eiv.  X/j^PdPTCii  cjg  TO  Xoizov  snsvhv^  vtto  rrig  ofj,oy?^ct)r(nag  rcf.g 
<rvvQiKioLg  'uroiY\<TciL^2voi  'UScLVTOLy^^  KOLi  ytiV  sKag-Qi  zciTsT^cc^^avov 
Tr,v  Bvw^i5<T0LV.  Somc  have  imagined,  that  this  hiftory  related 
to  the  people  faved  at  the  deluge  ;  rag  ^lOLCCtiGBnag  oltto  th 
KdTOL/.Xvcrixii.  But  this  is  impoffible  :  for  we  cannot  fuppofe, 
that  the  rites  of  Jupiter  Enualius  were  preferved  by  Noah  : 
or  that  the  priefts  of  this  Deity  were  in  the  Ark.  Jofephus 
moreover  introduces  this  paffage,  as  if  Heftisus  had  been 
fpeaking  'UTS^i  TH  'sre^m  XByoKLBva  Ssj/aa^,  about  the  coH?itry 
called  Sejiaar.      But  this  too  is  certainly  a  miftake,   as  may 

'  Oi  Si  0fO(  atSfJLovi  i7rt7r€fj.^ce.vrei  octnTCi-^av  tcv  llvpyov,  y.ix.i  toiocv<^u  (ponnif 
iocoxav'  xa»  Stoc  THTO  LccCvP^an'a  cwi^n  ■>cXSwixi  Tnv  'ojoAiv.  Vleot  ie  rd  'rnii't'i  ra 
A£')0M.£(B2£raap  iv  Tn  Bot^uA&rna  ;^^&>fa  piVVjjiorivei  '<  ^■.lyaii'  dTMi'  Tcov  J^g  'li:jui/ 
T^i  J  tacrOi'Uevra.'^  rcc  in  EruaAia  Aix  lepotuaToe.  Xa.^'^v'rai  sti  'S.ivtx.a.o  rw  Raf  uAo  ^  xi 
iMeivt  ^■Kimav'Ta.i  Je  to  Aoittcv  fVTfe&se  vtto  rm  ofj.oyXci:(TG'ia.i  nrai  nvvoitctixi  ■njoinaccuSf^.i 
iD-ai7a;ya,  xa<  ■)  >it  itta<^oi  X4C7fAaf(.C«v3r  t>jv  (VTV^cav.  Jofeph.  Ant.  L.  I.  C.  4. 
Eufeb.  Pn-Ep.  Evang.  L.  9.  p.  416.    Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  13. 

Vol,  III.  L  be 

74  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

be  fecii  from  the  words  of  the  author.  He  is  not  treatino- 
about  Babylon  in  the  land  of  Senaar ;  but  of  Senaar  in  the 
land  of  Babylonia  ;  and  of  circumftances  fubfequent  to  the 
difperfion.  Senaar.  in  Babylonia  muft  have  been  the  city  of 
that  name,  and  not  the  country.  It  was  the  fame  as  the 
Shinar  of  IVIofes,  and  the  Singara  of  Ptolemy,  and  other 
writers.  Heftiasus  had  undoiibtedly  been  treating  of  the 
demolition  of  the  tower  at  Babel,  and  of  the  flight  of  the 
priefts.  To  this  he  fubjoined  the  curious  piece  of  hiftory, 
which  has  been  tranfmitted  to  us  by  Jofephus.  The  pur- 
port of  it  is  this.  After  the  ruin  of  the  tower,  the  prieJIs, 
who  efcaped  from  that  calamity^  faved  the  impleme^its  of  their 
■idolatry.,  and  whatever  related  to  the  worJJjip  of  their  Deity ^ 
and  brought  them,  sig  Xsi/OLd^  rri^  BoL^vKooviag,  to  the  city  Se- 
naar in  Babylonia.  But  they  were  again  driven  from  hence  by 
a  feconcl  difpcrfon  ;  a?id  mankind  being  as  yet  all  of  one  ^  lan- 
guage, they  7nade  their  fettlements  in  various  parts,  laying 
hold  of  any  f pot  to  dwell  in,  that  chalice  offered.  The  former 
flight  of  the  people  from  Babylon,    and  particularly  of  the 

'  The  words  are,  \^iro  im  o/JcoyXaiaiTias  ra?  avvoixias  'mowaa.fji^voi :  which  fome 
may  fuppofe  to  mean,  ihai  they  made  their  fettlements^  where  they  found  people  of  the 
fame  language.  But  the  author  adds,  ia.i  cvioiiticcs  ■c7on:a«M£''3'  HANTAXOT.  By 
i!7ai'Ta^rji  is  meant  ir  ■zn-anTi  TOTTio.  They  made  their  abode  in  all  parts  of  the  worlds 
Thev  could  not  therefore  be  determined  to  any  particular  places:  for  it  is  plain 
that  they  were  indeterminately  fcattered  :  and  to  fliew  that  they  had  no  choice,  the 
author  adds,  jcai  yw  'excc<roi  ica7S?>.api.Cxvoi'  tmc  tpru^jaav.  The  whole  world  was. 
open  before  them  :  they  foj owned  in  any  Uaid,  that  fortune  put  in  their  way.  And  this 
was  eafy,  v-iro  nK  ofxoyXuiaata.'i;  on  account  of  the  uniforrnity  of  language.,  which  as  yet 
prevailed.  From  this  ancient  writer  we  find,  that  there  was  originally  one  language 
in  the  world:  and  though  at  Babel  there  was  an  impediment  in  utterance,  yet  lan- 
(Tuage  fuffcred  no  alteration  for  fome  ages.  Bochart  alters  ofMyXaitrenai  to  -zzroAu- 
')?M(  but  furely  this  is  too  bold  a  deviation.     See  Geog.  Sac.  L.  i.  p.  64. 

6  \  priefts. 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  75 

priefts,  is  the  circumftance  alluded  to  by  the  poet,  when  he 
fpeaks  of  Lycurgus,  as  driving  the  Tithenae,  or  Nurfes,  of 
Bacchus  over  the  plain  of  Nufa. 

*  'Oj  iiTors  ^ctmofjLS'joio  Aimvtroio  Ti^rivoLg 

Upon  the  expulfion  of  this  people  from  Senaar  it  was,  that 
the  fons  of  Shem  got  pofTeflion  of  that  city,  and  region :  and 
after  this  fuccefs,  they  proceeded  farther,  and  attacked  the 
Titanians  in  all  their  quarters.  Their  purpofe  was  either  to 
drive  them  away  from  the  countries  which  they  had  ufurped; 
or  to  fubdue  them  totally,  and  reduce  them  to  a  ftateofvaf- 
falage.  They  accordingly  fet  out  with  a  puifTant  army ; 
and  after  a  difpute  of  fome  time,  they  made  them  ^  tributa- 
ries. But  upon  their  rifing  in  rebellion  after  the  fpace  of 
thirteen  years,  the  confederates  made  a  frefh  inroad  into  their 
countries,  where  they  fmote  the  Repha)ms  i?i  AJljteroth  Kar~ 
nainiy  who  were  no  other  than  the  Titans.  They  are  ac- 
cordingly rendered  by  the  Seventy  ^  Tag  Tiyouuroig  Tag  sv  Ag-a.- 
^c«j^,  the  Giant  brood  z>z  AJiaroth  :  and  the  valley  of  the 
Rcphaim  in  Samuel  is  tranflated  ^  rrji/  /mKol^ol  tuv  Tirayojv 

*  Iliad.  L.  Z.  V,  1.32.  He  makes  them  in  their  fright  throw  away  all  their  idola- 
trous implements. 

*  Twelve  years  they  ferved  Chedorlaomer.     Gen.  c.  14.  v.  4. 

*  Ibid.  V.  5.  The  rebellion  of  their  family  is  alluded  to  by  the  prophet  Ifaiah, 
who  ftyles  them  in  tl>e  language  of  the  Seventy  FtyccrTis.  :^'MiyEc^mui  act  -ajaviii 
01  "yiyavTSi,  ci  ap^oLvrei  rv,  yni.   C.  14.  v.  g. 

'  2.  Samuel,  c.  5.  v.  18.     They  are  mentioned  by  Judith.     OvSe  i,oi   Tnav^v 

iTTiXTCC^CiV  UVTOV.    C.    l6.  V.  S. 

L  2  i/j^ 

76  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

the  'valley  of  the  Tit  mis.   We  are  alfo  told  by  Procopius  Gaz^eus, 

that  thoje^  whojn  the  Heb?^ews  mentio?ied  as  Raphaim^  'were  by 
other  people  called  Giants,  a7id  Titans.  Thofe  of  the  confe- 
deracy fmote  alfo  ^  the  Zuzims  i?i  Ham,  and  the  Emims  ifi 
Shaveh  Kiriaihatm.  All  thefe  were  of  the  Giant,  or  Tita- 
nian  race.  Hence  Mofes  fpeaking  of  the  land  of  Moab  fays, 
'°  The  Emims  dwelt  therein  in  times  pajl,  a  people  great,  and 
many,  ajtd  tall,  as  the  Anakims  :  hut  the  Moahites  call  them 
Emims ;  which  alfo  were  accounted  Giants.  He  mentions 
alfo  the  "  Zuzims  in  the  fame  light.  This  attack  made 
upon  the  fons  of  Ham  is  taken  notice  of  by  Theophilus  ; 
who  fpeaks  of  it  as  the  firft  war  upon  "  earth,  and  calls  it 
the  war  of  the  Giants.  Cedrenus  alTures  us,  that  there  were 
records  in  Egypt,  which  confirmed  the  account  given  by 
Mofes,  concerning  thefe  perfonages  of  fo  extraordinary  fta^ 
ture  ;  and  that  they  particularly  flourifhed  about  the  times 
of  '^  Abraham  and  Ifaac.      And  he  adds.    Tag  vjo  'EKKyjvw 

*  Ad  L.  2.  Rcgum.  c.  5.  Mofes  Chorenenfis  fpeaks  of  the  people  here  mern- 
tioned  as  the  Titans.  Cxterum  de  I'itanibus  ac  Raphxmis  memineiuat  Sacra;  Lir 
terre.  L.  i.e.  5.  p.  17. 

'  Genef.  fupra. 

"  Deuteron.  c.  2.  v.  10. 

"  Dcut.  c.  2.  V.  20.  Giants  dwelt  therein  in  old  time,  and  the  Ammonites  called  them, 
Zcnztanniim.     Tliey  were  the  fame  as  the  Zuzim. 

"  Ad  Autolyc.  L.  2.  p.  372.  duTn  cco^-.j  sysiSTO- 'w^mth  rs  yivea-^'zi  TuroAef/.'^i  eiri 
7/)5  >»«,  xai  xcLTixc-^xv  Tdi  TiyoLvrxi,  iv  Koc^cc.!'ca,u,  xcc:  e^vn  la^^ufo.  ct/na  ccvtoiS,  5cA._ 

''  'Ot(  £v  rot;  ^p:ivoi^  AQpocafJ.  xcct  Icra«>c  ■sT'jXvrFaiy.ctrovi  acivpaiTrovg  AtyuTrrtot  it^o- 
^natytiia^at^icvi  utto 'EAAhpwv  n^acxa?  ci/s^ai^oM'Ji'H;.  p.  34.  Artapanus  mentions 
Abraham  a.vxq.ioovra  HiTBiTiyaviot,^.  Eufeb.  F.  E,  L.  9.  p.  420.  Jolephus  alfo 
mentions,  that  this  ensaorement  of  t!ie  four  kings  was  with  fome  of  the  Titanic  or 
Gigantic  race,  whom  they  defeated.  Ka/  Ka.iiv.o\xv  ths  xTroyonhi  ruv  TiyavToiv. 
Amiq.  L.  I.  c,  9.  p.  31. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  77 

ViyoLvrcL;  ovoy^alp^eviig^  that  thefe  were  the  people^   whom  the 
Grecians  called  Giants. 

The  moft  full  account  of  the  Titans  and  their  defeat,  is. 
to  be  found  in  fome  of  the  Sibylline  poetry.  The  Sibyls 
were  Amonian  priefteflcs ;  and  were  pofTeffed  of  ancient 
memorials,  which  had  been  for  a  long  time  depofited  in  the 
temples  where  they  prefided.  A  great  part  of  thofe  compo- 
iitions,  which  go  under  their  name,  is  not  worth  being  men- 
tioned. But  there  are  fome  things  curious ;  and  among 
thefe  is  part  of  an  hiftorical  poem,  to  which  I  allude.  It  is-. 
undoubtedly  a  tranfl'ation  of  an  ancient  record,  found  by 
fome  Grecian  in  au  Egyptian  temple  :  and  though  the  whole 
is  not  uniform,  nor  perhaps  by  the  fame  hand,  yet  we  may 
fee  in  it  fome  fragments  of  very  curious  hiftory. 

^+  AAA'  oVoTa^  jUfiyaAoiO  ©sa  rsAswj'Tai  cLTtsihai^ 
'Ag  'WOT  £7n^7rsiKr.tTS  (^^oroig,  oi  Ylv^yo-J  sTsv^aif 
Xoj0  Bv  Acruv^iYj,  oiJLOi:pmoi  $'  r,<TOLV  dTransg.,. 
Kai  (iiiKovT  avoL^TiV  Big  Ov^olvov  ccg's^osna^ 
AvTLKOL  J"  A.^avciTog  fJLsyci?^r,v  STrB&r/.sp  amyKr,y 
Uy£V(JLC(.(rn/'      Avtol^  bttsit  olvbij^oi  fJLsyxv  v\^odi  ttrvoyov 
'Pi-^j/av,  KOLi  ^pr.TOLCiv  bt:   aAA>]Ao/?  B^iv  w^^tolv' 
TayBKcc  roi  Ba^v'Aooi/CL  ^^oroi  'uroKsi  hvo^jl  e&sno.- 
AvTct^  BTTBi  'urv^yog  t  bttb^b^  yXcfjtTcoii-T  ai'^^ooirocp 
Eig  -TJroAAa^  ^vrirocv  Bfjis^KrCr^G-av  ^iixKs'/.r'dg, 
UoLVTo^ccTrciig  (f:c>}mi(n  ^iB<^^B<pov,  olvtu^  a.7rci(rc<, 

VOLKX.  (i^OTOJV  'WKri^HTO  ^B^l^Q^BVm  jSaCTiAyj&i}^* 
Ka<  TOTS   ^Yi   hKOLTY]  yBVBYl  Ms^OTTWI/   CLl/^^OCTTOOV.^ 

'*  Sib.  Orac,  L,3.  p.  22^.     Theoph.  ad  Autol3'c.  L,  2,  p.  ^"i. 


yS  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

KoLi  (ici(n?\sv(rs  K^ovog,  tcai  T/raj/,  Iolzbto;  ts, 
TaiYig  rsKvoL  cpB^ig'OL  Kcti  Ov^avs,  s^smKs<r(rc(,v 
Avd^caTTQiy  yoLirig  tb  koli  '^  Ov^xvs  avofxa  ^snsgy 

T^KTCOLi  Jjo  fjLS^ihg  yociYjg  koltol  hM^ov  SKag-ov, 
Kcti  ^CL<nKsv(rsv  hcccog  s'^ucv  (xs^ogy  atJs  fxoL'^ovTo' 
'O^Koi  yoLo  T  eyzvovro  'uroLT^og,  [Jis^i^ig  rs  S'ikolioli, 
T'^viKCL  diQ  'UTOLT^og  TsXsog  '^i^oyog  Uzro  yji^w^, 
YLoLi  f  bQolvbv'  KCf.i  'uron^sg  V7rs^^ct(niriv  o^koktl 
Asij/JiJ/  ^QiY](ra,ursg,  btt  cO\MXovg  s^iv  o)^(roLVy 
Og  'urcit,vTB(r(n  (^^otqi^ip  b'^oov  (ioLU'iKYi'i^oL  ti^jltiV 
A^^si,      Koci  ^OL'^STXPTO  K^ovog  Tirai/  ts  -cr^o;  avTovg. 

AvTn  ^'  Sf'  Ot^X^  T'oXSfJiS  'WCtVTSTG'l   (^^OrOKTl* 

Yl^ojiTi  ycc^  Ts  ji^oToig  avrri  'uroAB[JLoio  KOLTcc^x/i* 

KOLI  TOTS   TlTO(,VB(T(Tl  @£0g  KOLKOV  ByyVOChi^B, 

But  when  the  judgments  of  the  almighty  God 
Were  ripe  for  execution  ;   when  the  Tower 
Rofe  to  the  fkies  upon  Aflyria's  plain, 
And  all  mankind  one  language  only  knew : 
A  dread  commiflion  from  on  high  was  given 
To  the  fell  whirlwinds,  which  with  dire  alarm 
Beat  on  the  Tower,  and  to  its  loweft  bafe 
Shook  it  convuls'd.      And  now  all  intercourfe, 

"'  Scilicet  rTnyivsiiyOtJ^uvMva.iy  'HAiacTa?. 

TovTif  i'i  fi'<f.S.iTU^wi  S'n^iTo^xa.i  r)jv  otx^iJievnv  rois  rpiaiv  aura  uion  S^ajjupic-t' 
S.yncclkis.  p.  8a 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythologv.  79 

By  fome  occult,  and  overruling  power, 
Ceas'd  among  men  :    by  utterance  they  ftrove 
Perplex'd  and  anxious  to  difclofe  their  mind ; 
But  their  lip  fail'd  them ;   and  in  lieu  of  words 
Produc'd  a  painful  babbling  found  :   the  place 
Was  hence  cali'd  Babel ;   by  th'  apoftate  crew 
Nam'd  from  th'  event.      Then  fever'd  far  away 
They  fped. uncertain  into  realms  unknown  : 
Thus  kingdoms  rofe;  and  the  glad  world  was  fiU'd. 

'Tv/as  the  tenth  age  fucceflive,  iince  the  flood 
Ruin'd  the  former  world  :   when  foremoft  far 
Amid  the  tribes  ot  their  defcendants  flood 
Cronus,  and  '^  Titan,  and  liipetus, 
Offspring  of  Heaven,  and  Earth  :  hence  in  return. 
For  their  fuperior  excellence  they  fliar'd 
High  titles,  taken  both  from  Earth  and  Heaven. 
For  they  were  furely  far  fupreme  ;   and  each 

'*  From  a  common  notion,  that  lapetus  was  Japhet,  this  name  is  afTigneii  to  one 
of  the  three  brothers  :  and  the  two  others  are  diilinguiflied  by  the  names  of  Cronus, 
and  Titan.     But  they  are  all  three  indeterminate  titles.      lapetus  was  a  Titanian  ; 
and  is  mentioned  as  fuch  by  Diodorus,  L.  5.   p.  334.     He  was  one  of  the  brood,, 
which  was  banifhed  to  Tartarus,  and  condemned  to  darknefs  ; 

Homer.  Iliad.  ©.  v.  478.     He  is  alfo  mentioned  as  an  earth-born  Giant  -,  one  of  the 
j)rime  apoftates. 

Turn  partu  Terra  nefando 
Goeiimque,  liipetumque  cieat,  fa^vumque  Typhoea, 
Et  conjuratos  coelum  refcindere  frattes, 

Virgil.  Georg.  L.  i,  v.  279. 
The  hiftory  of  lapetus  has  no  relation  to  Japhet.     loneroi  hs  tujv  Titcxvuv.  Schol.  in 
Homer,  lupra.     liipetus  ij^cs  one  of  the  Giiints, 


8o  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  MYTHaL,oGY. 

Ruled  o'er  his  portion  of  the  vaffal  world, 

Into  .three  parts  divdded  :   for  the  earth 

Into  three  parts  had  been  by  Heaven's  decree 

Sever'd  ;   and  each  his  portion  held  by  lot. 

No  feuds  as  yet,  no  deadly  fray  arofe  : 

For  the  good  fire  with  providential  care 

Had  bound  them  by  an  '^  oath  :   and  each  well  knew 

That  all  was  done  in  equity,  and  truth. 

But  foon  the  man  of  juftice  left  the  world, 

Matur'd  by  time,  and  full  of  years.      He  died  : 

And  his  three  fons,  the  barrier  now  remov'd, 

Rife  in  defiance  of  all  human  ties, 

Nor  heed  their  plighted  faith.      To  arms  they  fly. 

Eager  and  fierce :   and  now  their  bands  compleat, 

Cronus  and  Titan  join  in  horrid  fray  ; 

Rule  the  great  objedt,  and  the  world  the  prize. 

This  was  the  firft  fad  overture  to  blood  ; 
When  war  difclos'd  its  horrid  front  ;   and  men 
Inur'd  their  hands  to  flaughter.      From  that  hour 
The  Gods  wrought  evil  to  the  Titan  race ; 
They  never  profpered. 

This  Sibylline  hiflory  is  of  confequence.  It  has  been 
borrowed  by  fome  Helleniflic  Jew,  or  Gnoflic,  and  inferted 
amid  a  deal  of  trafh  of  his  own  compofing.  The  fuperior 
antiquity  of  that  part,  which  I  have  laid  before  the  reader, 
is  plain,    from  its   being  mentioned  by  '*  Jofephus.      Some 

"  See  Eufebii  Chron.  p.  lO.  1.  38. 
^'  Antiq.  L,  I.e.  4. 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythologv.  8i 

lines  are  likewife  quoted  by  "*  Atlienagoras,  and  ''  Theophilus 
Antioclienus.  But  there  are  paflages  afterwards,  which  re- 
late to  circumftances  of  late  date  :  fuch  as  were  in  time 
much  inferior  to  the  age  of  Atlienagoras ;  and  ftill  farther 
removed  from  the  a?ra  of  Jofephus.  Upon  this  account  I 
pay  a  greater  deference  to  thefe  verfes,  than  I  do  to  thofe 
which  are  fubfequent.  For  thefe  contain  a  very  interefting 
hiftory  ;  and  are  tolerably  precife,  if  we  confider  the  re- 
motenefs  of  the  times  fpoken  of.  We  have  here  an  accurate 
account  of  the  confuiion  of  fpeech,  and  demolition  of  the 
tower  of  Babel,  and  of  the  Titanian  war,  which  enfued. 
And  we  are  moreover  told,  that  the  war  commenced  in  the 
tenth  generation  after  the  deluge  \  and  that  it  lafted  ten 
years  ;  and  that  it  was  the  firfl  war,  in  which  mankind  were 
engaged.  The  author,  whoever  he  may  have  been,  feems  to 
allude  to  two  quarrels.  The  one  was  with  the  head  of  the 
family,  and  proceeded  from  a  jealoufy  and  fear,  left  he 
fhould  have  any  more  children  :  as  that  would  be  a  detri- 
ment in  polTefTion  to  thofe,  whom  he  already  "  had.  Some- 
thing of  this  nature  runs  through  the  whole  of  the  Pagan 
mythology.  The  other  quarrel  was  upon  a  fimilar  account. 
It  began  through  ambition,  and  a  defire  of  rule  among  the 
Titans  ;  and  terminated  in  their  ruin.  Abydenus  conform- 
ably to  the  account  given  above,  ~  mentions,  that  foon  after 
the  demolition  of  the  tower  commenced  the  "'  war  between 

Athenag.  Leg.  p.  307.  fxiiAv.nctt  h  ccvrvii  [Xt^vAAns)  y.cttUhccTa>y. 
"  Ad  Antol.  L.  2.  p.  371. 
*°  See  Sibylline  Verfes.  L,.  3.  p.  227. 

HJ^>!  cTg  aaaov  (ivcci  TtiQu^ccva  (tw  Tu^ct/O,  v.a.t  xa?  avifjiw  ayccTfe-Yoct — fJi^rx  S'e 
K^ovaj  Ti  acii  1  irnii  au^-iivoii  -ziToAifxov.  Eiifcb.  Prsep.  Evang.  L.  ig.  c.  14.  p.  416. 
Syncel.  p.  44.   "Zeus  's:(^t  tik  a.'^'xj^i  ■znfO'iTiravaci  iTroAi/JLtiae.  Athenag. Lcgatio. p.  325. 

Vol.  III.  M  Cronus 

iSfi  The  Analy45is   of  Ancient  Mythology'. 

Cronus  and  Titan  :  and  that  it  was  carried  on  by  people 
•of  uncommon  flrength  and  ftature.  Eupolemus  alfo,  whom 
I  have  before  quoted,  calls  them  "  Giants ;  and  fays,  that 
they  were  fcattered  over  the  face  of  the  earth.  Upon  this 
difperfion  Babylonia  was  quite  evacuated,  and  the  city  left 
oinfiniflied.  Some  of  the  fugitives  betook  therafelves  to  Shi- 
nar,  a  city  which  lay  between  Nineve  and  Babylon,  to  the 
north  of  the  region,  which  they  had  quitted.  Others  came 
into  Syria,  and  into  the  Arabian  provinces,  which  bordered 
upon  Canaan.  Thofe,  who  fled  to  Shinar,  the  Senaar  of 
Heftiaeus  Mileflus,  refided  there  fome  time.  But  being  in 
the  vicinity  of  Elam,  and  Nineve,  they  raifed  the  jealoufy  of 
the  fons  of  Afliur,  and  of  the  Elamites,  who  formed  a  con- 
federacy againfh  them  ;  and  after  a  difpute  of  fome  time 
drove  them  from  that  neighbourhood.  And  not  contented 
with  this,  they  profecuted  their  vengeance  ftill  farther,  and 
invaded  all  thofe  of  the  line  of  Ham  weftward  ;  and  made 
them  tributaries,  as  far  as  the  confines  of  Egypt.  The  fa- 
cred  writings  take  notice  of  the  conclufion  of  the  war,  which 
ended  almoft  in  the  extirpation  of  fome  families  in  thefe 
parts ;  efpecially  of  thofe,  which  were  properly  Titanian. 
And  that  this  was  the  fame  war  which  happened  in  the  time 
of  Abraham,  is  manifeft  from  its  being  in  the  tenth  genera- 
tion from  the  deluge  :  for  Abraham  was  tenth  in  defcent 
from  Noah  ;  and  confequently  from  the  deluge.  Cedrenus 
is  very  particular  in  his  account  of  thefe  times.  He  fays, 
that  in  the  days  of  Abraham,  *'  Tag  'sraiJaj  ra  Ov^am  0(.KfjLO(,<rcLi : 

"  Etvau  Ss  auras  FtyaiTai.    Eufeb.  Prsep.  Evang.  L.  9.  c.  17.  p.  418. 
*'  P.  29. 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  83 

the  fons  of  Ccelus  fiourijhed.  And  having  before  fpoken  of 
the  Patriarch's  retiring  upon  account  of  a  famine  into  Egypt, 
he  adds,  ""^  ym'xa.i  Js  /iai  0  Tixaj'wj'  'ure^oq  tov  Aiol  'uroTKSfJLog : 
about  this  time  was  the  war  of  the  Tita7ts  agai^ifl  fupiter. 
Theophilus  alfo  gives  an  account  of  this  war  from  the 
hiftorian  Phallus.  '^^  Kcci  ya^  Bi^Aa  Toy  A<r(rv^icav  ^0LU'i7\£V(TaV' 
Tog,  KOLi  K^ova,  koli  ICnoLvog^  ©xKhog  ixs^vyiXoli^  <poL<TKm^  rovBriKov 
'UTSTToAsixniiBvoLi  dvv  Totg  Tira.(n  irr^og  tov  Aict,  koli  rag  trvv  avTu) 
©sag  TKByof-iBvag,  Ep^x  (pri(ri,  fccti  0  Fvyrig  riTTrjSsig  s^pvysv  sig  Ta^- 
TY^ccov.  Phallus  takes  ?iotice  of  the  Affyrian  moiiarch  Belus  ; 
likewife  of  Cronus^  and  Tit  an  :  and  he  fays  ^  that  Belus  aitd  the 
Titatis  made  war  upon  fupiter  and  the  Gods  :  and  that  Gyges 
being  worjled  in  battle  fled  from  thofe  parts  to  Tartejftis.  la- 
ftead  of  Cronus,  he  mentions  Jupiter,  as  the  perfon  engaged 
on  the  opposite  fide  :  but  it  is  of  little  confequence  by  what 
title  the  leaders  be  called  ;  for  the  hiftory  of  the  war  is  very 
plain.  In  Mofcs  we  read  only  of  the  conclufion  :  but  the 
Gentile  writers  give  a  detail  of  the  whole  procedure  from  the 
beginning  of  the  quarrel.  We  accordingly  find,  that  there 
were  three  brothers,  and  three  families  ;  one  of  which  was 
the  Titanian  :  that  they  had  early  great  jealoufies ;  which 
their  father,  a  juft  man,  forefaw,  would,  if  not  prevented, 
become  fatal.  He  therefore  appointed  to  each  a  particular 
portion  in  the  earth ;  and  made  them  fwear,  that  they 
would  not  invade  each  others  right.  This  kept  them  during 
his  lifetime  in  order :   but  after  his  demife  the  Titans  com- 

'-*  Ibid. 

*'  L.  3.  p.  399.  Remakes  the  Titans  war  againft  ihe  Gods ;  but  they  were  pro- 
perly tr.e  perlons  efttemed  immortal.  He  alfo  makes  Belus  an  AfTyrian,  intlead  of 
a  Babylonian. 

M  2  menced 

§4  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

xnenced  hoftilities,  and  entered  into  an  affociation  againfl 
the  family  of  Sliem.  When  they  firft  formed  themfelves  into 
this  confederacy,  they  are  faid  to  have  raifed  an  *^  altar:  and 
upon  this  they  fwore  never  to  abandon  the  league,  nor  to  give 
up  their  pretenfions.  This  altar  was  the  work  ot  the  Cy- 
clopians,  a  people  who  feem  to  have  been  wonderfully  inge- 
nious :  and  it  is  thought  that  the  Chaldeans  in  memorial  of 
this  tranfacftion  inferted  an  altar  in  their  ancient  ""^  fphere. 

From  the  facred  hiftorian  we  may  infer,  that  there  were 
two  periods  of  this  war  :  the  firf!:,  v/hen  the  king  of  Elam 
and  his  affociates  laid  the  Rephaim,  Emim,  Horites,  and 
Amalekites  under  contribution  :  the  other,  when  upon  their 
rebellion  they  reduced  them  a  fecond  time  to  obedience. 
The  firft  part  is  mentioned  by  feveral  ancient  writers ;  and 
is  faid  to  have  lafted  ten  years.  Hefiod  takes  notice  of  both; 
but  makes  the  firft  rather  of  longer  duration. 

*''  Tovro  i^ii',  sv  cj  wpojrov  ot  Qeoi  inv  cruvufjiocrixv  eOfyTo,  ote  iirt  K^ovov  o  Z;'j5  i~fx- 
Ti'josv.     Eratofth.  After.  Srvaiocc^n^iou.  p.  1 4. 

Hyginus  fuppoies,  that  the  Gods  fwore  upon  this  altar,  when  they  were  going  to 
oppofe  the  Titans  :  and  he  fays,  that  it  was  the  work  of  the  Cyclopians.  But  the 
Cyclopians  were  Titanians  j  and  the  altar  was  for  the  ufe  of  their  brotherhood,  who 
were  called  T<tmi'«5  S-eoj. 

"Tnnvii  ii  ^eoi — tuv  e^  avofn  re  l^ioi  Tt. 

Homer.  Hymn,  in  Apol.  v.  335. 
Juno  in  Homer  fwears  by  the  Titans,  as  the  original  Deities. 

Tow  VTroTccprapiBi,  at  TnniH  '/.etXiovrai.        Iliad.  H.  v.  279. 
In  this  we  have  a  fliort,  but  true,  hiftory  of  dsmon-worfliip,  and  its  origin. 

*'  ESHxav  y.xi  ocvto  sv  ru  Ou^aiu  in  fJivniAOdwov,  Eratofthenes  fupra.  Some  how- 
ever think,  that  it  was  placed  there  upon  another  account :  in  memorial  of  tlie  lirft 
altar,  that  was  raifed  after  the  flood. 

*'  Theog.  V.  6^6. 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythologv.  85 

Ten  years  and  more  they  fternly  ftrove  in  arms. 

He  in  another  place  fpeaks  of  it  as  a  very  long  and  ftubborn 

Ti7r\ve!;  rs  ^so;,  koo.  otoi  K^ova  s^sysvono. 

Year  after  year  in  cruel  conflicSt  ftrove 
The  Titan  Gods,  and  thofe  of  Cronus'  line. 

In  the  fecond  engagement  the  poet  informs  us,  that  the  Ti- 
tans were  quite  difcomfited,  and  ruined  :  and  according  to 
the  mythology  of  the  Greeks,  they  were  condemned  to  reiide 
in  Tartarus,  at  the  extremities  of  the  known  world.  Ac- 
cording to  the  Mofaic  account  it  happened  fourteen  years 
after  the   concluiion  of  the  firft  war.      '°  'Twelve  years  they 

ferved  Chedorlao7ner :  and  in  the  thirteenth  they  rebelled.  And 
in  the  fourteenth  year  came  Chedorlaomer,  and  the  kings  that 
were  with  him  ;  and  fmote  the  Rephaims  i?t  AJIoteroth  Kar- 
natm^  and  the  Zuzims  i?t  Ham^  and  the  Emims  in  Shaveh  Ki- 
riathaim :  and  the  Horites  in  their  mount  Seir  U7ito  El  Paran^ 
which  is  by  the  wildernefs.  And  they  returned  and  came  to 
En-Mijhpat,  which  is  in  Kadejh,  and  fmote  all  the  country  of 
the  Amalekites^  and  alfo  the  Afnorites,  that  dwelt  in  Hazezon 
Tamar.  And  there  cafne  out  the  king  of  Sodom,  and  the  king  of 
Gomorrah,  &c.      Jofephus,  and  later  writers,  do  not  confider 

'the  purport  of  the  fcripture  account,  nor  the  extent  of  this 

''•V.  629.     'b''[ix.^cy.B'.ocv  Si  ck.-jTj:v  evtxuiBi  Sskk  n  F/)  t-j  /I'u  eysn7i  Tnv  vikw. 
ApoUodorus.  L.  i.  p.  4. 
''  Genefis.  c.  14.  v.  4.  5.  6. 


86  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

war  :  but  fpeak  of  it  as  carried  on  chiefly,  if  not  folcly,  with 
the  petty  kings  of  the  Afphaltite  \  ale.  They  bore  an  incon- 
fiderable  part  in  this  grand  ''  affair:  and  were  taken  in  after  a 
fweep  of  many,  and  far  more  powerful,  nations.  The  for- 
mer war,  when  the  power  of  the  Titans  was  firfi  broken, 
feems  to  have  been  a  memorable  aera  with  the  Cuthites  and 
their  defcendants,  though  overlooked  by  other  people. 

The  kings,  who  compofed  the  confederacy  againft  the  Ti- 
tans, were  the  king  of  Elam,  the  kingof  Elafur,  the  king  of 
Shinar,  and  a  fourth,  ftyled  king  of  nations.  It  was  a  family 
allociation  againft  a  common  enemy,  whence  we  may  form  a 
judgment  concerning  the  princes  of  whom  it  was  compofed. 
Of  the  king  of  Shinar  we  know  little  :  only  we  may  be  af- 
fured,  that  he  was  of  the  line  of  Shem  ;  who  had  recovered- 
the  city,  over  which  he  ruled,  from  the  Titanians.  And  we 
may  farther  prefume,  that  Tidal  king  of  Nations  was  no 
other  than  the  king  of  Aram.  In  like  manner  we  may  infer, 
that  Arioch  Melach  Elafur,  idSm,  however  expreifed,  was  the 
king  of  Nineve,  called  of  old,  and  at  this  day,  ^''  Afur  and 
AfTur.  In  the  ancient  records  concerning  this  war,  it  is 
probable,  that  each  nation  made  itfelf  the  principal,  and 
took  the  chief  part  of  the  glory  to  itfelf.  For  the  conquefts 
of  Ninus  (by  which  word  is  fignified  merely  the  Ninevite) 
coniifted  in  great  meafure  of  thefe  atchievemcnts:  the  whole 
honour  of  which  the  Ninevites  and  Aftyrians  appropriated 
to  "  themfelves.    The  real  principal  in  the  war  was  the  king 

''  See  Obfervations  and  Inquiries,  p.  206. 

'*  Benjamin  Tudtlcnfis.  p.  61. 

"  Zonaras  fpe.iks  of  the  war  as  being  carried  on  by  the  AfTyrians.  p.  22. 

10  of 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  87 

of  Elam  ;  as  we  learn  from  the  Scriptures  :  and  another 
material  truth  may  be  obtained  from  the  account  given  by 
Mofes  ;  that  notwithftanding  the  boafted  conquefts  of  the 
AfTyrians,  and  the  famed  empire  of  Ninus  and  Semiramis, 
the  province  of  Afilir  vi^as  a  very  limited  diftrid  ;  and  the 
kingdom  of  Elam  was  fuperior  both  to  that  of  Nineve,  and 
Babylonia.  The  king  of  nations  I  have  fuppofed  to  have 
been  the  king  ot  Aram  :  and  the  nature  of  the  confederacy 
-warrants  the  fuppolition.  But  there  are  evidences,  which 
fhew,  that  he  was  no  other,  than  the  prince  of  that  country  : 
and  it  was  called  the  region  of  nations,  becaufe  all  Syria, 
and  the  country  upon  the  Euphrates  confifted  of  mixed  peo- 
ple ;  which  was  obfervable  quite  down  to  Galilee  in  Canaan. 
Mofes  Chorenenfis  wrote  the  hiftory  of  Armenia  ;  and  he  tells 
us,  that  when  Ninus  reigned  in  '''^  Afiyria,  there  was  a  war 
■carried  on  againft  the  "  Titans  of  Babylonia,  whom  he  ftyles 
the  Immortals :  and  that  the  king  of  Aram  had  the  condud 
of  that  war.  It  is  well  known,  that  thefe  kings,  after  they 
had  defeated  thofe  in  the  vale  of  Siddim,  carried  off  many 
prifoners.  Among  thefe  was  Lot,  who  was  afterwards  in  a 
wonderful  manner  refcued  by  his  brother  Abraham.  This 
hiftory  is  mentioned  by  Eupolemus  ;  v/ho  fays,  that  they 
were  the  people  of  Aram,  who  had  taken  him  prifoner  :  and 
that  they  had  been  making  war  upon  the  people  of  Canaan, 
whom  he  ftyles  Phenicians.  He  adds,  that  upon  the  news 
of  Lot  being  a  prifoner,   Abraham  with  his  armed  houfhold 

'*  Mofes  Chorenenf.  L.  i.  c.  lo.  p.  27. 

''  Bellum  Titanium  cum  Gigantibus — immortalibus  ac  proceriflimis.     Ibid. 
AOTien  Titanium.    Ibid. 


88  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

alone  defeated  the  enemy,  and  regained  his  ^^  brother.     Dio- 
dorus  Siculus  has  a  paffage  very  much  to  the  prefent  piirpofe. 
Fie  tells  us,  that  "  Ni?ius^  or  the  Ninevite^  with  the  ajfiftancc 
of  another  prince.,   made  ivar  upo'n  his  neighbours  the  Babylo- 
nia?ts.      He  proceeds  afterwards  to  fay,  that  this  formidable 
expeditioTi  was  ?jot  agai?tji  the  city  of  Babylon  \  for  that  was 
not  then  in  being  :  but  againfl  other  refpeSiable  cities  of  the 
country.      In  this  war  he  zvith  much  eafe  fubdued  his  enemiesy 
and  obliged  them  to  pay  an  annual  tribute.      How  very  confo- 
nant  this  hiftory  is  to  the  account  given  by  Mofes  ?      The 
author  fays,  that  the  city  Babylon,  which  in  aftertimes  made 
fuch  a  figure,  was  not  now  in  being.      It  is  very  truly  faid  : 
for  the  city  Babel  had  been  begun  \  but  was   at  that  time 
deferted,  and  left  unfinifhed.     ^^  They  left  off  to  build  the  city. 
It  feems  to  have  been  under  a  curfe  :   and  we  hear  nothing 
more  of  it  for  ages.      Not  a  word  occurs  about  Babylon  or 
Babylonia,  till  the  time  of  Berodach  Baladan,  and  of  Nebu- 
chadnezzar, who  came  after  him,  when  this  city  was  rebuilt. 
And  from  the  extent  of  it,  when  compleated,   we  may  form 
fome  judgment  of  the  original  defign.      "  The  king   (Nebu- 
chadnezzar) fpake  aitd  faid:   is  7iot  this  great  Babylon.,   that  I 
have  built  for  the  houfe  of  my  kingdojn,   by  the  might  of  my 
power.,  and  for  the  honour  of  my  majefy  f    Abydenus  inforins 

jnfyuv  tjv  a.SiX(fitS iiv  aura  (A^oaa^),  rov  ACoaajj.  fj.era  cikstoiv  ^o-iTjija-avioc.  syxpxTn 
■yiHc^cu  Tcov  a.t;;^iJ.aAcori(TaiiJi.ivu'v,  x.t  A.     Eufeb.  Frxp.  Evang.  L.  g.  p.  418. 

"   Kar'  etcen'r^i  S'e  tk?  Pt^PorKs  n  fJ^sv  vw  aaa  Jju^vAoov  ay.  nv  exTia-fxim'  7carac  Si   Tnv 
B'X^uAwnai'  uir-it^'xov  acXAui  isoXHi  cc^ioXoyoi    pa^iaii  ^i  ^/ifcorrafxivoi  rovi  sy^yoi'di — > 

THTCK  imiii  BT.X^S  TiXilV  KUT    iflXJTZV  d^piCrfXiVii  p3fi35.       Diodof.   L.    2.  p.    QO. 

'^  Genefis.  c.  ii.  v.  8. 
'"  Daniel,  c,  4.  v.  30. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  89 

us  from  Megaflhenes,  *°  that  Babylon  was  frji  walled  rotmd  by 
Belus  :  but  in  time  the  wall  was  rui?ied.  At  lajl  Nebuchodo- 
nofor  built  it  anew  ;  and  it  remained  with  gates  of  brafs  to  the 
time  of  the  Macedonia?i  empire. 

In  the  pafTage  taken  above  from  Diodorus  Siculus  men- 
tion is  alfo  made  of  fome  fervice  impofed  upon  the  con- 
quered nations  ;  which  is  conformable  to  the  account 
given  by  Mofes.  '*''  Twelve  years  they  fervcd  Chedorlaomer  : 
which  fervice  undoubtedly  conlifted  in  a  certain  tribute, 
as  Diodorus  rightly  informs  us.  There  are  two  circum- 
fbances,  in  which  this  author,  as  the  text  now  ftands, 
does  not  accord  with  the  original  hiftory.  He  mentions 
firft,  that  the  king  of  AfTur  was  in  league  with  the  king 
of  Arabia :  and  in  the  next  place,  that  after  the  fub- 
duing  of  the  Babylonians,  he  attacked  the  Armenians.  In 
refpedl  to  Arabia,  there  was  probably  no  country  in  that 
age  fo  called  :  nor  could  it  be  the  king  ol  Arabia, 
with  whom  he  was  in  alliance  ;  no  more  than  it  was  the 
Armenian  with  whom  he  was  at  war,  Thefe  two  names, 
Arabia  and  Aramia,  are  very  Umilar,  and  have  therefore  been 
confounded  ;  and  the  hiftory  by  thefe  means  has  been  ren- 
dered obfcure.  The  prince,  with  whom  the  king  of  Nineve 
had  entered  into  an  alliance,  was  not  the  king  of  Arabia, 
but  Aramia.  He  was  a  branch  of  the  fame  family  as  Melech 
Al  Afur,  the  king  of  Nineve :   and  his  country  was  ftyled 

*°  BwAoi'  ]jo£vXo>va.  TSi^ft  -mepiCaAeiv'  tw  ^covm  S'e  fHHUfx^i'M  a<fuvtamna.t'  reiyjacci 
Je  x'jfjii  KaCbj^o/^ot'co-o^oi',  x.T.A.  Apud  Abydenum  in  Eufcbio.  Prsep.  Evang. 
L.  9.  p.  459. 

*'  Genefis.  c.  14,  V.  4.     See  Diodorus  above,  erafg  TsAe/y  <fo^B». 

Vol.  IIL  N  Aram. 

90  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

Aram.  '^'  Ta?  ycn^  V(p  v\^m  liV^sg  KaT^BfJLsmg  vtt*  avTO^v  Twy 
Xv^ocv  A^fj^sviagj  kcli  A^ciiJL[JLC(.isg  kolKbht^oli.  Thofcy  fays  Strabo, 
whom  we  Greciajts  na?ne  Syrians,  are  by  the  Syrians  themf elves 
called  Art?ie7tians  a7td  Ara?nceans,  On  the  other  hand  the 
people,  whom  Diodorus  by  miftake  ftyles  Armenians,  were 
the  fame  that  in  aftertimes  were  called  Arabians.  The 
countries  of  the  Rephaim,  the  Zuzim,  the  Amalekites,  and 
the  *'  Horites,  lay  in  Arabia  Petraea :  and  thefe  were  the 
people,  upon  whom  this  inroad  was  made.  It  lay  neareft  ta 
Babylonia,  though  feparated  by  a  defart.  It  was  accordingly 
invaded  by  the  confederates,  after  tliey  had  made  themfelves 
mafters  of  Singara.  We  fhould  therefore  for  Arabia  in  the 
iirft  inftance  replace  '^*  Aramia :  and  for  the  Aramians,  in 
the  latter  part  read  Arabians.  This  fmall  change  makes  the 
whole  perfedlly  agreeable  to  the  truth.  It  correfponds  with 
the  account  given  by  the  Armenian  writer  above  ;  and  a 
wonderful  atteftation  is  hereby  afforded  to  the  hiflory  of 

*^  L.  I.  p.  71. 

*'  The  Horites  were  Hivites  of  the  race  of  Ham.  ZIbeon,  Seir's  fon,  is  fo  ftyled. 
Gen.  c.  36.  V.  2. 

ApTCLTTOiVOi  (5g  (ptiaiV  iV  TO  iYsoxixOii £!'  Oi  01.0 iT TOT Oli  iVpOfJiiV  TOP  ACpctdix  ocvai^epovTcx.. 

Hi  Ttii  r lyOLVTOLi     THTaS  S^B  Qitt'-iVTai  iV  T>?  ^OlQdK'jIVIO,  S'KX.  TYIV    CX.alCsiXV    UTTO    TaV    Qi'jlV 

aval pi^m' act,  wv  hot  Bii^oy,  n.r.A^     Eufeb.  Prsp.  Evang.  L.  9.  p.  420. 

■**  Arabia  has  more  than  once  been  put  for  Aramia,  or  tather  for  Armenia.  A 
miftake  of  this  fort  is  to  be  found  in  Theophilus.  Every  b  dy  knows,  that  the  ark 
of  Noah  is  faid  to  have  refted  upon  Mount  Ararat  in  Aiuienia.  Bat  this  writer 
makes  it  reft  upon  the  mountains  of  Arabia  ;  and  fays,  that  the  remains  of  it  were 
to  be  feen  in  his  time.  'Hs  y.i€eoTB  tx  XH'^ccvoc  fxiy^oi  th  S'iupa  S^uxvitrou  nvcci  ev  tou 
ApocSixoii  opiui;  for  A^ccixiKoi;  o^ea*,  ihe  mountains  of  Aram.     Ad  Autol.  L.  ^v 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  91 

Thus  have  I  given  an  account  of  the  ancient  Titans,  or 
woriliippers  of  fire ;  who  were  engaged  in  building  the 
tower  called  Babel,  and  the  city  of  the  fame  name.  They 
feem  to  have  been  a  very  numerous  body,  who  had  attached 
themfelves  to  the  fpot,  and  were  determined  never  to  leave 
it.  But  they  were  wonderfully  diflipated  ;  and  fled  to  dif- 
ferent parts.  Some  of  the  remoter  clans  feem  not  to  have 
been  involved  in  the  firft  calamity  ;  whom  however  ven- 
geance purfued.  For  the  family  of  Shem  boldly  attacked 
thefe  formidable  tribes  ;  which  for  courage  and  ftature  had 
been  deemed  invincible.  They  carried  it  with  a  high  hand; 
and  feem  to  have  reduced  many  nations  to  a  ftate  of  obe- 
dience, from  the  Euphrates  downwards  to  the  entrance 
of  Egypt.  From  thence  they  turned,  and  pafTmg  up- 
wards by  the  weft  of  Jordan,  they  took  in  all  thofe  na- 
tions, which  had  before  efcaped  them.  From  the  fer- 
vice  impofed,  and  from  the  extent  of  the  conquefts,  we 
may  perceive,  that  the  king  of  Elam  and  his  affociates 
entertained  the  fame  views,  which  had  been  condemned 
in  their  adverfaries.  They  were  laying  the  foundation 
of  a  large  empire,  of  which  the  fupremacy  would  moft 
probably  have  centered  in  the  kings  of  Elam.  But  the 
whole  fcheme  was  providentially  ruined  by  the  Patriarch 
Abraham.  He  gave  them  an  utter  defeat ;  and  after- 
wards purfued  them  from  Dan  quite  up  to  ^^  Hobah,  and 

Thefe  are  the  events,  which  the  moft  early  writers,   Li- 

*'  Genefis.  c.  14.  v.  15. 

N  2  nus, 

92  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology, 

mis,  Olen,  '^*  Thamyras,  and  Thymcetes,  are  faid  to  have 
commemorated  under  the  titles  of  the  jflight  of  Bacchus  ; 
in  which  were  included  the  wars  of  the  Giants,  and  the 
fufferings  of  the  Gods.  *^  Ta  'urs^i  Trig  TiTOLVo^oLyjoLg,  Kcci 
70  (Tvvo7\ov  rrjv  'wc-^i  tol  "UTol^y]  tojv  @su)v  Ig-o^ioLV.  I  have 
before  mentioned  from  Hyginus  an  account  of  Phoroneus, 
the  firft  king  upon  earth  ;  wherein  is  contained  an  epitome 
of  the  Noachic  hiftory  ;  and  where  there  are  alfo  fome 
allufions  to  the  difperlion,  and  to  this  war.  *^  Inachus, 
Oceani  filius,  ex  Archia  forore  fua  procreavit  Phoroneum, 
qui  primus  mortalium  dicitur  regnaffe.  Homines  ante 
fccula  multa  fine  oppidis  legibufque  vitam  exegerunt,  una 
lingua  loquentes  fub  Jovis  imperio.  Sed  poftquam  Mer- 
curius   fermones    hominum  "^^  interpretatus   eft,   unde  Her- 

meneutes    dicitur    interpres Idem    nationes    diftribuit  : 

tum  diicordia  inter  homines  effe  coepit.  Inachus^  whofe 
father  was  Oceanus^  had  by  his  ftjler  Archia  a  fon  named 
Phoroneus  \  who  was  the  Jirji  kitig  upon  earth.  Before  his 
reign  people  had  but  one  la?iguage  ;  and  lived  for  many  ages 
under  the  direEiio7i  of  Jupiter^  without  any  cities  being  foimded^ 

■*    YliiT'-jnv.iYai  ii  THTor  '^QxfJOipu')  tt^opH'Toct   Tov  Tnavodv  ■n^poi  tbs  Qeus  'sro^ef/.ov. 
Plutarch,  de  Mufica. 

o  €l:^ct.irt!ji  iTrix/^n^tii,  iv  l2iC?vto  t/i  e^i^^a^oy.g;'/)  2£y^e»'a9'.     Theoph.  ad,  Autolyc. 
L.  2.  p.  ;^sz. 

*'  Diodorus,  L.  i.  p.  87. 

riAai'a?,  X.CCI   J*iafi«A«7/*8Cj  -arsAAa  toiccutcc  ■ma^ny.oLTcc.       Plutarch.    Ifis   et 
Ofir.  p.  355. 
-^  Fab.  143. 
'■'•^  Interpretatus  eft.     It  is  difficult  to  arrive  at  the  author's  precife  meaning. 

^  or 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  93 

or  any  laws  promtilged.  But  after  that  Her?fies  had  diverfi- 
jied  the  language  of  ma?i  ;  from  whence  Her?neneutes  came  to 
fignify  a?i  interpreter  ;  he  proceeded^  and  divided  them  into 
nations.  Upon  this  there  immediately  commenced  feuds  and 
com^notions.  It  is  a  fhort  account,  but  contains  much  inte- 
refting  matter:  and  we  learn  from  it,  that  immediately  after 
the  difperiion  the  firft  war  enfued. 


t    95    1 

OF     THE 



Abydenus,  Apollodorus,  and  Alexander  PolyhistoRj 



I  Cannot  proceed  without  taking  notice  of  fome  extradls 
of  Babylonifh  hiftory,  which  time  has  happily  fpared  us. 
From  what  has  been  already  faid,  it  is  evident,  that  the 
hiftory  of  nations  muft  commence  from  the  aera  of  Babylon: 
as  here  the  fiift  kingdom  was  founded ;  and  here  was  the 
great  fcene  of  aftion  among  the  lirftborn  of  the  fons  of  men. 
The  hiftory  therefore  of  the  Babylonians  and  Chaldeans 
fhould  be  the  firft  in  order  to  be  considered.  Not  that  I 
purpofe  to  engage  in  a  full  account  of  this  people  ;  but  in^ 
tend  only  to  confider  thofe  extrads,  of  which  I  have  made 
mention  above.  The  memorials  are  very  curious  ;  but  have 
been  greatly  miftaken,  and  mifapplied.  The  perfon,  to 
whom  we  are  beholden  for  them,  was  Berofus,  a  prieft  of 

5  Belus, 

96  The  Analysis  of  Ancibnt  My.thology. 

Belus.  He  was  a  native  of  Babylonia ;  and  lived  in  the 
time  of  Alexander,  the  fon  of  Philip.  The  Grecians  held 
him  in  great  efteem  :  and  he  is  particularly  quoted  by  the 
oriental  fathers,  as  well  as  by  Jofephus  of  Judea.  He  treated, 
it  feems,  of  the  origin  of  things,  and  of  the  formation  of  the 
earth  out  of  chaos.  He  afterwards  fpeaks  of  the  flood  ;  and 
of  all  mankind  being  deftroyed,  except  one  family,  which 
was  providentially  preferved.  By  thefe  was  the  world  re- 
newed. There  is  a  large  extract  from  this  author,  taken 
from  the  Greek  of  Alexander  Polyhifhor,  and  tranfmitted  to 
us  by  Eufebius  ;  which  contains  an  account  of  thefe  firft 
occurrences  in  the  world.  But  it  feems  to  be  taken  by  a 
perfon,  who  was  not  well  acquainted  with  the  language,  in 
which  it  is  fuppofed  to  be  written  ;  and  has  made  an  irre- 
gular and  partial  extrad,  rather  than  a  genuine  tranflation. 
And  as  Berofus  lived  at  a  time,  when  Babylon  had  been  re- 
peatedly conquered  ;  and  the  inhabitants  had  received  a 
mixture  of  many  different  nations:  there  is  reafon  to  think, 
that  the  original  records,  of  whatever  nature  they  may  have 
been,  were  much  impaired;  and  that  the  natives  in  the  time 
of  Berofus  did  not  perfedly  underftand  them.  I  will  foon 
prefent  the  reader  with  a  tranfcript  from  Polyhiftor  of  this 
valuable  fragment ;  in  which  he  will  perceive  many  curious 
traces  of  original  truth;  but  at  the  fame  time  will  find  it 
mixed  with  fable,  and  obfcured  with  allegory.  It  has  like- 
wife  fuffered  greatly  by  interpreters  :  and  there  ire  fome 
mift.ikes  in  the  difpofition  ^of  the  tranfcript  ;  of  which  I 
fliall  hereafter  take  notice  ;  and  which  could  not  be  in  the 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  97 

Other  authors,  as  well  as  Alexander  Polyhiftor,  have  co- 
pied from  Berofus :  among  thefe  is  Abydeniis.  I  will  there- 
fore begin  with  his  account;  as  it  is  placed  firft  in  Eufebius: 
the  tenor  ot  it  is  in  this  manner, 

"  '  So  much  concerninof  the  wifdom  of  the  Chaldeans, 


*'  It  is  fiid,  that  the  firft  king  of  this  country  was  Alorus ; 
who  gave  out  a  report,  that  he  was  appointed  by  God  to 
be  the  fhepherd  of  his  people.  He  reigned  ten  fari.  Now 
"  a  farus  is  erteemed  to  be  three  thoufand  fix  hundred  years. 
"  A  nereus  is  reckoned  fix  hundred  :  and  a  fofus  fixty. 
*'  After  him  Alaparus  reigned  three  fari:  to  him  fucceeded 
"*'  Amillarus  from  the  city  of  "  Pantibibkis,  who  reigned 
*'  thirteen  fari.  In  his  time  a  femid^emon  called  Annedotus, 
"  in  appearance  very  like  to  Oannes,  fhewed  himfelf  a  fe- 
■*'  cond  time  from  the  fca.  After  him  Amenon  reigned 
twelve  iari ;  who  was  of  the  city  Pantibiblon.  Then 
Megalanus  of  the  fame  ^  place,  eighteen  fari.  Then  Daus 
the  fhephcrd  governed  for  the  fpace  of  ten  fari :  he  was 
of  Pantibiblon.  In  his  time  four  double-fliaped  per- 
fonages  came  out  of  the  fea  to  land  -,  whofe  names  were 
Euedocus,  Eneugamus,  Enaboulus,  and  Anementus.  Af- 
ter Daus  fucceeded  Anodaphus,  the  fon  of  Aedorefchus. 
There  were  afterwards  other  kings  ;  and  laft  of  all  Sifu- 
thrus  ;    fo    that,    in    the  whole,    the  number   of   kings 

Eufebii  Chronicon.  p.  5. 

*  Sometimes  Pantibibkis,  atotlier  times  Pantibiblon  occurs  for  the  name  of  the 
place.     See  Syncelkis,  p.  38. 

'  It  is  in  the  original  Panfibiblon  :  but  the  true  name  was  Pantibiblon  ;  as  may 
be  feen  by  comparing  this  account  with  that  of  Apollodorus,  which  fucceeds  ;  and 
with  the  fame  in  Syncellus. 

Vol.  III.  O  "  amounted 

98  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

"  amounted  to  ten  ;  and  the  term  of  their  reio;ns  to  an  hun- 
*'  dred  and  twenty  fari."  This  lafl:  was  the  perfon  who 
was  warned  to  provide  againft  the  dekige.  He  accordingly 
built  a  veffel,  by  which  means  he  was  preferved.  The  hif- 
tory  of  this  great  event,  together  with  the  account  of  birds 
fent  out  by  Sifouthros,  in  order  to  know,  if  the  waters  were 
quite  abated  ;  and  of  their  returning  with  their  feet  foiled 
v/ith  mud  ;  and  of  the  ark's  finally  refting  in  Armenia,  is 
circumftantially  related  by  "^  Abydenus,  but  borrowed  from 

A  fimilar  account  of  the  firft  kings  of  Babylonia  is  given 
by  Apollodorus  ;  and  is  taken  from  the  fame  author,  who 
begins  thus.  "  This  is  the  hiflory,  which  Berofus  has 
"  tranfmitted  to  us.  He  tells  us,  that  Alorus  of  Babylon 
"  was  the  firft  king,  that  reigned  ;  who  was  by  nation  a 
"  Chaldean.  He  reigned  ten  fari :  and  after  him  Alaparus, 
"  and  then  Amelon,  who  came  from  Pantibiblon.  To  him 
"  fucceeded  Amenon  of  Chaldea :  in  whofe  time  they  fay^ 
•■'  that  the  Mufarus  Cannes,  the  Annedotus,  made  his  ap- 
*'  pearance  from  the  Eruthrean  fea."  ^  So  we  are  told  by 
Alexander  (Polyhiftor),  who  firft  took  this  hiftory  in  hand  ; 
and  mentions,  that   this   perfonage   fliewed   himfelf  in  the 

*  Syncellus.  p.  38.     He  ftyks  him  Abydenus  :  but  by  Eufebius  the  name  is  ex- 
preficd  Abidenus. 

'  Eufebii  Chronicon.p.  5. 

So  we  are  told.     Tiiele  are  the  words  of  Eufebius  :  fo  that  there  is  no  regular 

YlDoKacQm  ;  who  foreftalls  the  event,  and  makes  the  appearance  of  this  perfonage 
to  have  been  in  the  firft  year. 

The  account  of  Cannes  is  in  Alexander  Polyhiftor,  as  taken  from  the  firft  book  of 
Berofus  :  but  not  a  v/ord  is  there  of  his  appearing  in  the  reign  of  Amenon. 

"  firft 

The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  99 

firft  year:  but  Apollodoriis  fays,  that  it  was  after  forty  ^  fari. 
Abydenus,  differing  from  both,  makes  the  fecond  Annedotus 
appear  after  twenty-fix  fari.  "  After  this  laft  king,  Mega- 
"  larus  fucceeded,  of  the  city  Pantibiblon  ;  and  reigned 
"  eighteen  fari.  Then  Daon  the  fhepherd,  of  the  fame 
"  city,  ten  fari.  In  his  time  it  is  faid,  that  Annedotus  ap- 
"  peared  again  from  the  Eruthrean  fea,  in  the  fame  form, 
"  as  thofe,  who  had  fhewed  themfelves  before  :  having  the 
"  fhape  of  a  fifh,  blended  with  that  of  a  man.  Then 
"  reigned  Aedorachus  of  Pantibiblon,  for  the  term  of  eigh- 
"  teen  fari.  In  his  days  there  appeared  another  perfonage 
"  from  the  fea  Eruthra,  likg  thofe  above  ;  having  the  fame 
"  complicated  form  between  a  fifh  and  a  man  :  his  name 
"  was  Odacon."  All  thefe  perfonaf^es,  accordino-  to  Aool- 
lodorus,  related  very  particularly  and  circumflantially,  what- 
ever Oannes  had  informed  them.  Concerning  thefe  Abyde- 
nus has  made  no  mention.  "  After  the  kings  above,  fuc- 
*'  ceeded  Amempfinus,  a  Chaldean,  from  the  city  Larach, 
*'  and  reigned  eighteen  fari.  In  his  time  was  the  great  de- 
"  luge."  According  to  the  fum  of  years  above,  the  total  of 
all  the  reigns  was  an  hundred  and  twenty  fari. 

There  leems  to  be  fome  omiffion  in  the  tranfcript  given 
by  Eufebius  from  Apollodorus,  which  is  fupplied  by  Syncel- 
lus.  He  mentions  "  Amempfinus  as  eighth  king  in  order, 
"  v/ho  reigned  ten  fari.  After  him  comes  Otiartes  of  ^  La- 
"  ranch^  in   Chaldea,  to  whom  he  allov.s  eight  fari.      His 

'  From  what  fixed  term  do  they  reckon  ?  to  what  year  do  they  refer?  and  whofe 
are  thefe  reflexions  ?  ' 

^  Laracha,  the  Larachon  of  Eufebius, 

O   2   ,  "  fon 

100  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  MvTHOLOGr, 

"  fon  was  '  Xifuthros,  who  reigned  eighteen  fari  3  and  in 
"  whofe  time  was  the  well-known  deluge.  So  that  the  fuiu 
*'  of  all  the  kings  is  ten  ;  and  of  the  term,  which  they  col- 
*'  ledlively  reigned,  an  hundred  and  twenty  fari." 

Both  thefe  writers  are  fuppofed  to  copy  from  Berofus  : 
yet  there  appears  a  manifeft  diiierence  between  them  :  and 
this  not  in  refped:  to  numbers  only,  which  are  eafily  cor- 
rupted ;  but  in  regard  to  events,  and  difpofition  of  circum- 
ftances.  Of  this  ftraiige  variation  in  two  fhort  fragments,  I 
Ihall  hereafter  take  further  notice. 

J  come  now  to  the  chief  extrad:  from  Berofus  ;   as  it   has. 
been  tranfmitted  to  us  by  ^  Eufebius,   who  copied   it   from 
Alexander  Poiyhiflor.      It  is  likewife  to  be  found  ia  '°  Syn- 
cellus.      It  begins  in  this  wife. 

"  Berofus,  in  his  firft  book  concerning  the  hillory  of  Ba- 
*'  bylonia,  informs  us,  that  he  lived  in  the  time  of  Alexan- 
**  der  the  fon  of  Philip.  And  he  mentions,  that  there  were 
written  accounts  prefcrved  at  Babylon  with  the  greateft 
care  ;  comprehending  a  term  of  fifteen  myriads  of  years. 
Thefe  writings  contained  a  hiftory  of  the  heavens,  and 
*'  the  fea;  of  the  birth  of  mankind;  alfo  of  thofe,  who  had 
fovereign  rule  ;  and  of  the  actions  achieved  by  them.. 
And  in  the  firft  place  he  defcribes  Babylonia  as  a  "coun- 
try, which  lay  between  the  Tigris  and  Euphrates.      He 



'  The  name  is  expreflTed  Xiluthrus,  Sifufthru?,  and  Sithithrvis. 

'  Eufebii  Chronicon.  p.  5. 
'°  Syncelli  Chronograph,  p.  2S. 

"  It  is  necertary  to  obferve  the  arrangement  of  this  hlftor/  of  Berofus  ;  as  much 
depends  upon  the  difpofition  of  thefe  articles. 

**  mentions^ 

The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology,  ioi 

mentions,  that  it  abounded  with  ''  wheat,  barley,  ocrus, 
fefamum  :  and  in  the  lakes  were  found  the  roots  called 
gongje,  which  were  good  to  be  eaten,  and  were  in  refped: 
to  nutriment  like  barley.  There  were  alfo  palm  trees, 
and  apples,  and  mod  kind  of  fruits :  iifh  too,  and  birds; 
both  thofe,  which  are  merely  of  flight ;  and  thofe,  which 
take  to  the  element  of  water.  The  part  of  Babylonia, 
which  bordered  upon  Arabia,  was  barren,  and  without 
water  :  but  that,  which  lay  on  the  other  iide,  had  hills, 
and  was  '^  fruitful.  At  Babylon  there  was  ''^  in  thefe 
times  a  great  refort  of  people  of  various  nations ;  who  in- 
habited Chaldea  ;  and  lived  without  rule  and  order,  like 
the  beafts  of  the  field.  '^  In  the  firft  year  there  made  its 
appearance  from  a  part  of  the  Eruthrean  fea,  which  bor- 
dered upon  Babylonia,  an  animal  '*  endowed  with  reafon, 
who  was  called  Oannes.  According  to  the  accounts 
of  '^  Apollodorus,  the  whole  body  of  the  animal  was 
like  that  of  a  fifh  ^  and  had  under  a  fifh's  head  an- 
other head,  and  alfo  feet  below,  fimilar  to  thofe  of  a 
man,,  fubjoined   to  the   fifh's   tail.      His  voice  too,  and 

"  riu^'di  ay^i'jiy  wild  wheat. 

''  Euitb.  a.(po^ci:   Syncall.  ivi^opcc. 

'■*  I  add,  in  thefe  times  :  for  he  means  the  firft  ages. 

''  /« /^t'j?r/?j(?rtr  from  what  determined  time  ?  No  data  are  here  given ;  yet  the 
meaning  will,  I  believe,  be  eafily  arrived  at. 

'*  Eufebius,  or  rather  Alexander  Polyhiftor,  mentions  in  the  fequel  his  great  know- 
ledge and  fagacity.  In  like  manner  he  is  ftyled  Muo-acos-  by  Apollodorus ;  though 
reprefented  in  the  original  as  a  Being  of  great  juftice  and  truth,,  and  an  univerfal  be- 

'^  It  appears  from  hence,  that  this  is  no  regular  trandation  from  Berofus  j  the 
Grecian  copier  putting  in  obfervations  of  his  own,  and  borrowing  from  others : 
thoiighj  to  fay  the  truth,  they  feem  to  be  the  words  of  Eufebius. 

"  lano-uaore 

I02  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

*'  language  was  articulate,  and  human  :  and  there  was  a  re- 
"  prefentation  of  him  to  be  feen  in  the  time  of  Berofus. 
"  This  Being  in  the  day-time  ufed  to  converfe  with  men  : 
"  but  took  no  food  at  that  feafon :  and  he  gave  them  an 
"  infight  into  letters,  and  fcience,  and  every  kind  of  art. 
He  taught  them  to  conftruft  houfes,  to  found  temples,  to 
compile  laws  ;  and  explained  to  them  the  principles  of 
geometrical  knowledge.  He  made  them  diftinguiih  the 
"  feeds  of  the  earth  ;  and  fhcwed  them  how  to  colled: 
"  fruits  :  in  fhort,  he  iniiru6ted  them  in  every  thing,  which 
"  could  tend  to  foften  manners,  and  humanize  mankind. 
From  that  time,  fo  univerfal  were  his  inflruclions,  nothing 
has  been  added  material  by  v/ay  of  improvement.  When 
the  fun  fit,  it  was  the  cuftom  of  this  Being  to  plunge 
again  into  the  fea,  and  abide  all  the  night  in  the  deep." 
After  this  there  appeared  other  animals  like  Oannes ;  of 
which  Berofus  promifes  to  give  an  '*  account,  when  he  comes 
to  the  hiflory  of  the  '^  kings. 

Moreover  Oannes  wrote  concerning  the  generation  of 
mankind  :  of  their  different  ways  of  Hie,  and  of  civil  poli- 
ty :  and  the  following  is  the  purport  of  vv^hat  he  faid  : 
"  There  was  nothing  but  darknefs,  and  an  abyfs  of  water, 
*'  wherein  refided  moft  hideous  beings,  which  were  pro- 
"  duced  of  a  twofold  principle.  Men  appeared  with  two 
*'  wings  ;  fome  with  four:  and  with  two  faces.  They  had 
"  one  body,  but  two  heads  ;   the  one  of  a  man,  the  other  of 

Thcfe  again  are  the  words  of  the  tranfcriber. 
''  The  hiftory  of  the  kings  of  Babylon  was  to  come  afterwards  ;  which  is  of  con- 
fequence  to  be  obferved. 

7  **  a  woman. 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythologv.  103 

"  a  woman.     They  were  likewife  in  their   feveral  organs 
**  both  male  and  female.      Other  human  figures  were  to  be 
*'  feen  with  the  legs,  and  horns  of  goats.   Some  had  horfes' 
"  feet :   others  had  the  limbs  of  a  horfe  behind  ;   but  before 
were  fafhioned  like  men,  refembling  hippocentaurs.   Bulls 
likewife  bred  there  with  the  heads  of  men;  and  dogs  with 
"   fourfold  bodies,  and  the  tails  of  fifties.      Alfo  horfes  with 
"  the  heads  of  dogs :   men  too,  and  other  animals  with  the 
"  heads  and  bodies  of  horfes,  and  the  tails  of  fifties.      In 
"  fhort,  there  were  creatures  with  the  limbs  of  every  fpecies 
*'  of  animals.      Add  to  thefe,  fifties,  reptiles,  ferpents,  with 
**  other  wonderful  animals ;    which  aflumed   each   other's 
fliape,  and  countenance.     Of  all  thefe  were  preferved  de- 
lineations in  the  temple  of  Belus  at  Babylon.      The  per- 
fon,  who  was  fuppofed  to  have  prefided  over  them,   had 
"  the  name  of  Omorca.      This  in  the  Chaldaic  language  is 
Thalath  ;   which  the  Greeks  exprefs  ■S'aAao'ff'a,   the  fea  : 
but  according  to  the  moft  true  computation,  it  is  equi- 
valent to  [XsT^YiVYj)   the  moon.      All   things   being  in  this 
fituation,  Belus  came,  and  cut  the  woman  afunder  :   and 
out  of  one  half  of  her  he  formed   the  earth,  and   of  the 
other  half  the  heavens ;   and   at  the  fame  time  deftroyed 
the  animals  in  the  abyfs.      All  this,  Eerofus  laid,  was  an 
allegorical  defcription  of  nature.      For  the  whole  univerfe 
confifliing  of  moifture,  and  animals  being  continually  ge- 
nerated therein  ;  '°  the  Deity  (Belus)  abovementioned  cut 








Eufebius  exprefles  it,  rarw;/  5rsov  ;  Syncellus,  tutov  rov  S-gsr,  the  God  above- 
mentioned.  This  may  be  proved  to  be  the  true  reading,  from  what  comes  after: 
for  the  fad  is  repeated  j  and  his  head  cut  oil  again, 


104-  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 


off  ''  his  own  head  :  upon  which  the  other  Gods  mixed 
the  '"  blood,  as  it  guflicd  out,  with  the  earth  ;  and  from 
"  thence  men  were  formed.  On  this  account  it  is,  that 
they  are  rational,  and  partake  of  divine  knowledge.  This 
Belus,  whom  men  call  Dis,  divided  the  darknefs,  and  fe- 
parated  the  heavens  from  the  earth  ;  and  reduced  the 
*'  imiverfe  to  order.  But  the  animals  fo  lately  created,  not 
being  able  to  bear  the  prevalence  of  light,  died.  Belus 
upon  this,  feeing  a  vaft  fpace  quite  uninhabited,  though 
by  nature  very  fruitful,  ordered  one  of  the  Gods  to  take 
off  his  head ;  and  when  it  was  taken  oft,  they  were  to 
"  mix  the  blood  with  the  foil  of  the  earth;  and  from  thence 
to  form  other  men  and  animals,  which  fhould  be  capable 
of  bearing  the  ^'  liglit.  Belus  alfo  formed  the  ftars,  and 
the  fun,  and  moon,  together  with  the  five  planets."  We 
have  after  this  the  following  intelligence  concerning  the 
hiftory  above;  that  what  was  there  quoted,  belonged  to  the 
firft  book  of  Berofus,  according  to  the  author's  own  diftri- 
bution  of  fads :  that  in  the  fecond  book  was  the  hiftory  of 
the  Chaldean  monarchs,  and  the  times  of  each  reign;  which 
confifted  colledively  of  one  hundred  and  twenty  fari,  or 
four  hundred  thirty-two  thoufand  years  ;  7'eachmg  to  the 
ii7ne  of  the  deluge.      This  latter  atteflation  of  the  reigns  of 

*'  Al/th?,  according  tofome.     Others  have  eavTn,  which  is  the  true  reading. 

"  XufJioc,  Syncell. 

^'  Ae^a  (pvaiiv,  Eufebius ;  af^a  (^.e^SiVy  Syncellus ;  which  is  the  true  reading. 
The  original  word  was  TIN,  Aur,  light -,  which  Aur  they  have  changed  to  a«^: 
but  the  context  fliews  that  it  was  not  the  air,  which  they  were  formed  to  be  proof 
againft,  but 'lift,  light.  This  is  a  common  miftake  among  the  Latins,  as  among 
the  Greeks.  The  Orientals  v.'or{hipped  Aur,  *T)K,  the  fun  :  this  is  by  Julius  Fir- 
jnicus  and  many  other  writers  rendered  Aer. 

lO  the 

The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  105 

the  kings,  reaching  in  a  line  of  defcent  to  the  deluge,  was 
never  taken  from  **■  Berofus  :  they  are  the  words  of  the  co- 
pier ;  and  contrary  to  the  evidence  of  the  true  hiftory,  as 
fliall  be  plainly  fhewn  hereafter. 

After  this  comes  a  detached,  but  mofl:  curious  extract  from 
the  fame  author:  wherein  he  gives  an  account  of  the  deluge, 
and  of  the  principal  circumftances,  with  which  that  great 
event  was  attended,  conformably  to  the  hiftory  of  Mofes : 
and  he  mentions  the  perfon,  who  was  chiefly  interefted  in 
the  affair,  by  the  name  of  Sifuthrus.  "  '^  After  the  death  of 
Ardates,  his  fon  (Sifuthrus)  fucceeded,  and  reigned  eigh- 
teen fari.  In  his  time  happened  the  great  deluge  ;  the 
hiftory  of  which  is  given  in  this  manner.  The  Deity, 
Cronus,  appeared  to  him  in  a  vifion;  and  gave  him  notice, 
that  upon  the  fifteenth  day  of  the  month  Dasfius  there 
would  be  a  flood,  by  which  mankind  would  be  deftroyed. 
He  therefore  injoined  him  to  commit  to  writing  a  hiftory 
of  the  ^*  beginning,  procedure,  and  final  conclufion  of  all 
things,  down  to  the  prefent  term  ;  and  to  bury  thefe  ac- 
counts fecurely  in  the  City  of  the  Sun  at  ^^  Sippara.  He 
then  ordered  Sifuthrus  to  build  a  veffel ;  and  to  take  with 
him  into  it  his  friends,  and  relations  ;  and  truft  himfeif  to 
the  deep.  The  latter  implicitly  obeyed :  and  having  con- 
veyed on  board  every  thing  neceffary  to  fuftain  life,  he 
took  in  alfo  all  fpecies  of  animals,  that  either  fly,  or  rove 
upon  the  furface  of  the  earth.      Having  afked  the  Deity^ 

''*  It  is  accordingly  omitted  by  Syncellus,  as  foreign  to  the  true  hiftory. 
'-^  Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  8,    Syncellus.  p.  30. 

A/a  •)  pxy.fAct.rooi-  'urtx.vTuv  ccp^ai. 
*'  Xidirce.^vK.    Syncellus. 

Vol.  III.  p  whither 

io6  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

"  whither  he  was  to  go,  he  was  anfwered,  To  the  Gods : 
"  upon  which  he  offered  up  a  prayer  for  the  good  of  man- 
"  kind.  Thus  he  obeyed  the  divine  admonition  :  and  the 
"  veffel,  which  he  built,  was  fiv^e  ftadia  in  length,  and  in 
"  breadth  two.  Into  this  he  put  every  thing  which  he  had 
"  o-ot  ready  ;  and  laft  of  all  conveyed  into  it  his  wife,  chil- 
"  dren,  and  friends.  After  the  flood  had  been  upon  the 
"  earth,  and  was  in  time  abated,  Sifuthrus  fent  out  fome 
"  birds  from  the  veffel ;  which  not  finding  any  food,  nor 
"  any  place  to  refl  their  feet,  returned  to  him  again.  After 
"  an  interval  of  fome  days,  he  fent  forth  a  fecond  time  :  and 
"  they  now  returned  with  their  feet  tinged  with  mud.  He 
*'  made  tryal  a  third  time  with  thefe  birds :  but  they  returned 
*'  to  him  no  more  :  from  whence  he  formed  a  judgment, 
"  that  the  furface  of  the  earth  was  now  above  the  waters. 
"  Having  therefore  made  an  opening  in  the  veffel,  and  find- 
"  ing  upon  ^*  looking  out,  that  the  veffel  was  driven  to  the 
fide  of  a  mountain  ;  he  immediately  quitted  it,  being  at- 
tended with  his  wife,  children,  and  ""^  the  pilot.  Sifuthrus 
immediately  paid  his  adoration  to  the  earth  :  and  having 
"  coiifiru6led  an  altar,  offered  facrifices  to  the  Gods.  Thefe 
'^'  things  being  duly  performed,  both  Sifuthrus,  and  thofe, 
"  who  came  out  of  the  veffel  with  him,  difappeared.  They, 
"  who  remained  in  the  veffel,  finding  that  the  others  did  not 

*'  This  is  wonderfully  confonant  to  the  Mofaic  account ;  which  reprefents  Noah 
and  his  family  as  quite  fnut  up,  without  any  opening,  during  the  time  of  the 

*'  This  is  fcarcely  the  true  account.  Berofus  would  harldy  fuj^ipofe  a  pilot 
{K'j?spviims),  where  a  veflel  was  totally  fhut  up,  and  contefledly  driven  at  the  will 
of  the  winds  and  waves.  I  can  eafily  imagine,  that  a  Grecian  interpreter  would  run 
into  the  miftake,  when  lie  was  adapting  the  hiftory  to  his  own  tafte. 

7  *'  return, 

The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology.  107 

*'  rdturn,  came  out  with  many  lamentations,  and  called  con- 

"  tinually  on  the  name   of  Sifuthrus.      Him  they  faw   no 

"  more  :    but    they   could   diPcinguidi   his  voice  in  the  air  : 

"  and  could  hear  him  admonilli  them  to  pay  due  regard  to 

*'  the  Gods  ;   and  likewife  inform   them,   that  it  was  upon 

*'  account  of  his  piety,  that  he  was   tranllated   to  live  with 

"  the  Gods  :    that  his  wife,  and  children,  with  the  pilot,  had 

"  obtained  the  fame  honour.      To   this   he  added,    that  he 

"  would  have  them  make  the  beft  of  their  way  to  Babylonia, 

"  and  fearch  for  the  writings  at  Sippara,  which  were  to  be 

"  made  known  to  all    mankind.      The  place,  where  thefe 

*'  things  happened  was  in  Armenia.    The  remainder,  having 

"  heard    thefe  words,  offered   facrifices   to    the   Gods ;   and 

*'  ^°  taking  a  circuit,  journeyed  towards  Babylonia.    Berofus 

"  adds,  that  the  remains  of  the  veffel  were  to  be  feen  in  his 

"  time,  upon  one  of  the  Corcyrean  mountains  in  Armenia  : 

*'  and  that  people  ufed   to  fcrape   off  the   bitumen,   with 

"  which  it  had  been  outwardly  coated  ;   and  made  ufe  of  it 

"  by  way  of  an  alexipharmic  and  amulet.      In   this   manner 

*'  they  returned  to  Babylon  :   and  having  found  the  writings 

"  at  Sippara,  they  fet  about  building  cities,   eredting  tem- 

"  pies  ;   and  ''  Babylon  was  thus  inhabited  '''  again." 


"  Tleoi^  TcfivQiivxt,  Eufebius.  This  confirms  what  I  fuppofed  about  the  rout  of 
the  Cuthites,  as  mentioned  Genefis.  c.  11.  v.  2. 

''.  If  Babylon  furvived,  one  would  imagine,  that  other  cities  would  have  been  in 
like  manner  preferved  :  and  that  the  temples,  if  any  had  been  in  the  world  before, 
would  have  remained,  as  well  as  that  at  Sippara.  Whence  it  would  naturally  appear 
unneceflary  for  thefe  few  people  to  have  been  in  fuch  a  hurry  to  build.  In  lliort, 
they  are  not  the  genuine  words  of  Berofus  :  for  he  knew  too  much  not  to  be  apprifcd 
that  Babylon  was  not  an  antediluvian  city, 

'*  An   epitome  of  the  foregoing  hiftory  is  to  be  found  in  an  cxtracl  from 

P    2  Abydenus. 

io8  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

In  this  hiftory,  however  here  and  there  embelliflied  with 
extraneous  matter,  are  contained  wonderful  traces  of  the 
truth  :  and  we  have  in  it  recorded  fome  of  the  principal,  and 
moll  interefting  circumflances  of  that  great  event,  when 
mankind  periflied  by  the  deluge.  The  purpofe  of  the  au- 
thor was  to  give  an  account  of  Babylonia  ;  with  which  the 
hiftory  of  the  world  in  its  early  ftate  was  connedted.  If  we 
confider  the  three  writers,  to  whom  we  are  indebted  for  thefe 
fragments  ;  we  may  perceive  that  none  of  them  were  tranf- 
lators,  or  regularly  copied  any  part  of  the  original :  but  werd 
fatisfied  with  making  extracts,  v/hich  they  accommodated  to 
their  own  tafte  and  fancy ;  and  arranged,  as  feemed  beft  to 
their  judgment.  And  in  refpedl  to  what  is  more  fully  tranf- 
mitted  to  us  by  Alexander  Polyhiftor  from  Berofus  ;  we  may 
upon  a  clofe  infpedtion  perceive,  that  the  original  hiftory 
was  of  a  twofold  nature  ;  and  obtained  by  different  means 
from  two  feparate  quarters.  The  latter  part  is  plain,  and 
obvious :  and  was  undoubtedly  taken  from  the  archives  of 
the  Chaldeans.  The  former  is  allegorical  and  obfcure ;  and 
was  copied  from  hieroglyphical  reprefentations,  which  could 
not  be   precifely  deciphered.      Berofus  mentions  expreftly, 

Abydenu?.  MsrctJivBt^Oi^psa^ov  cx.?^?^ci  riva  nc^ocVyy.xi'X.trSpos,  Tw  JtiKpcroT  'zs-pcaa- 
fxctivii  eaeaflat  •mX-n'hci  ofj£p'jjv  /\a.ia-iy  li  xeAsvei  Si  ttolv  c,  t/  ypaj^uocruv  w  i'XP- 
[KiVQV  iv  'HAla  'utqXu  t/}  iv  'S.iinra.ooiai  a.7roy.f.v^cit.  "XterSooi  J's  tuutx  eTrneAea.  isToirr 
(Tcci  ev^icci  £7r'  Apfx.eniis  a.vnrXii-.i.''  v-oii  ■zs-ccoxvTix.a  fj.iv  xxTSAafi^arg  -ra  iy.  t3  0fH. 
TpT)i  Sey]Uipriy  iTrei  it  voci'  iy.07rcy.a-(,  y.erist  tuv  opuGcor,  ■:xj£to;;y  ■woisuy.e: a,  sitth  ym 
iSoiiii  TS  bSa.'TO',  SkSvcolv.  Ai/f,  ixS SX-o/JUvB  rj(picLi  'ureAxyloi  a;/y.(pi^ai'£3S,  uTTooeacrxij 
oyjn  ■KcSopfjiriaQV'ra.i,  Tua^a.  Xictboov  o—iaso  y.o/y.i^ovrat,  v.o.i  Sfri  cvjT'mt  sTSpcci.  '£li  Ss 
TTcri  Tpnr.a-i  iimw^fiiv,  {^carty.iwro  yap  S"-/)  'whAb  ■Kccra.jrAioi  rm  TaotrBi)  ^eot  e§ 
akGpwTi))'  a(poi.ii^y(n .  Toi^e  -srAo.'oi'  iv  AppLivivi  ^yAa  tusoixtttx  ccAe^i<p(xofjLXKa.  ku- 
Toi(7i27n^(iopioi(j-i  Tsa.pii'xiTQ.     Euicbii  Chron,  p.  8. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  109 

that  the  reprefentations  of  the  chara6lers,  which  he  defcribes 
in  his  chaotic  hiftory,  were  in  his  time  extant  in  Babylonia. 
In  confequence  of  his  borrowing  from  records  {o  very  diffe- 
rent, we  find  him,  without  liis  being  apprized  of  it,   giving 
two  hiftories  of  the  fame  perfon.    Under  the  chara6l°r  of  t/je 
man  of  the  fea^  whofe  name  was  Oannes,  we  have  an  a-iicgo 
rical  reprefentation  of  the  great  patriarch  ;  whom  in  hi 
hiftory  he  calls.  Sifuthriis.      '^  His  whole  body^    it  feem^^ 
like  that  of  a  fJJj  :   and  he  had  under  the  head  of  a  fflj  ano'L. 
head^  ^c.  and  a  delineatio7i  of  him  was  to  he  fee?i  at  Babylon. 
He  infufed  into  ?nanki?'id  a  knowledge  of  7~ight  and  wrong  :   in- 
flruEled  them  in  every  fcience  :  direSled  them  to  found  te77iples  ; 
and  to  fay  regard  to  the  Gods.      He  taught  the^n  alfo  to  diflin- 
guiflj  the  different  forts  of  feeds  ;   and  to  collcSi  the  fruits  of  the 
earth :  and  to  provide  agaijijl futurity.     In  ffort,  he  i7iflruSied 
tnankind fo  fully ,  that  ?iothing  afterward  could  be  added  there- 
to.     This  is  the  charadler  given   afterwards   to  '"^  Sifuthros, 
only  dificrently  exhibited.      He  was  a  man  of  the  fea,   and 
bequeathed  to  mankind  all  kind  of  inftrudlion  ;   accounts  of 
every  thing,  that  had  paffed  in  the  world;   which  were  fup- 
pofed  to  have  been  buried  in  Sippara.    They  were  to  be  uni- 
verfally  known  ;    and    confequently    abounded   with    every 
thing,  that  could  be  beneficial.      But  there  was  no  occafion 
for  this  care,  and  information,  if  fuch  a  perfon   as  Oannes 
had  gone  before  :    for,  according  to  Berofus,  he  had  been  fo 
diitufe  in  his  inftrudions,  and  comprehended  fo  compleatly 
every  ufeful  art,   that  nothing  afterwards  v/as  ever  added. 
So   that  Oannes  is  certainly  the   emblematical  charader  of 

"  Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  6,  '^  Ibid.  p.  S. 


no  TiiE  Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology. 

Sifiitlirus,  the  great  inftrudor  and  benefadior.  Cannes  is 
tlie  fame  in  purport  as  the  Grecian  Oivocg,  Oinas ;  and  as  the 
lonas  of  the  Babylonians  and  Chaldeans.  He  was  reprefented 
under  different  fymbols,  and  had  various  titles ;  by  which 
means  his  character  has  been  multiplied  :  and  he  has,  by  the 
Grecian  writers,  who  treat  of  him  above,  been  introduced 
feveral  times.  In  one  of  his  introduftions  they  call  him 
Odacon  ;  v/hich  is  certainly  a  corruption  for  o  Aoljioov,  or 
Aaywj/,  the  God  Dagon.  He  was  reprefented  varioufly  in 
different  places ;  but  confifted  always  of  a  human  perfonage, 
in  fome  degree  blended  with  a  "  iifh.  He  fometimes  appears 
alone :  fometimes  with  three  other  perfonages  fimilar  to 
himfelf ;  to  whom  he  gave  inflrudlions,  which  they  imparted 
to  the  reft  of  the  world.  He  is  faid  to  have  fhewn  himfelf 
sv 'W^it^TCf  sviCLVTUj  in  the  fir Jl  year  :  which  is  an  imperfeA, 
yet  intelligible  piece  of  hiftory.  The  firfl  year,  mentioned 
in  this  manner  abfolute,  muf!:  lignify  the  firft  year  in  time ; 
the  year  of  the  renewal  of  the  world.  He  appeared  twice, 
and  difcourfed  much  with  mankind  ;  but  would  not  eat 
with  them.  This,  I  imagine,  was  in  his  antediluvian  ftate  ; 
when  there  is  reafon  to  think,  that  men  in  general  fed  upon 
raw  flefh  ;  nay,  eat  it  crude,  while  the  life  was  in  it.  This 
we  may  infer  from  that  pofitive  injunftion,  given  by  the 
Deity  to  Noah,  after  the  deluge.  '^  Every  moving  thing,  that 
liveth  Jhall  be  meat  for  you but  fiefij  with  the  life  there- 
of which  is  the  blood  thereof  f jail  you  not  eat.  Such  a  cuftom 
had  certainly  prevailed :   and  a   commemoration  of  it  was 

''  The  Indian  reprefentation  of  Ixora,  and  VilTi-Nou. 

'^  Genefis.  c.  9.  v.  3.  4. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  in 

kept  up  among  the  Gentiles,  in  all  the  rites  and  inyfleries  of 
Dionufus  and  "  Bacchus. 

From  what  has  been  faid,  I  flatter  myfelf,  it  will  appear, 
that  Berofus  borrowed  his  hiflory  from  two  different  fources ; 
and  in  confequence  of  it  has  introduced  the  fame  perfon 
under  two  different  charadlers.  With  this  clue,  his  hiftory 
will  appear  more  intelligible  :  and  a -further  inflght  may  be 
gained  into  the  purport  of  it,  by  confldering  it  in  this  light. 
We  may  be  able  to  deted:,  and  confute  the  abfurdity  of  Aby- 
denus  and  Apollodorus ;  who  pretend  upon  the  authority  of 
this  writer  to  produce  ten  antediluvian  kings,  of  whom  no 
mention  was  made  by  him  :  for  what  are  taken  by  thofe 
writers  for  antediluvians,  are  expreffly  referred  by  him  to  an- 
other ^ra.  Yet  have  thefe  writers  been  followed  in  their 
notions  by  Eufebius,  and  fome  other  of  the  ancients  ;  and 
by  almoft  every  modern  who  has  written  upon  the  fubjedt. 
Their  own  words,  or  at  leaft  the  words,  which  they  quote 
from  Berofus,  are  of  themfelves  fuflicient  to  confute  the  no- 
tion. For  they  fpeak  of  the  firft  king,  who  reigned,  to  have 
been  a  Chaldean,  and  of  Babylon  ;  and  to  have  been  called 
Alorus.  Now  it  is  certain,  that  Nimrod  built  Babel,  which 
is  Babylon,  after  the  flood.  He  was  a  Chaldean,  and  the  firll 
king  upon  earth :  and  he  was  called  by  many  nations 
^*  Orion,  and  Alorus.      Yet  by  thefe  writers  Alorus  is  made 

'■  tlence  Bacchus  was  called  oofxcOxyoSy  crjyjj-vs.  Vivum  laniant  dcntibus  taurum. 
Jul.  Firmicus  of  the  rites  of  Crete. 

^loivcrov  MatvoXiiv  opyixf^aai  Y,aK.^oi,  ajp.o(payia,  ivv  'lir-oiJ.a.viav  ct'^ovTS-'  koli  ts- 
TvicTx'Jai  TOii  JtfgovOjtija?  twv  goupjo!',  uvic^itxy.H'oi  tois  ocpicnv.  Clemens  Alexandr. 
Cohort,  p.  II. 

'^  The  Perfians  called  Nimrod,  Orion :  and  Orion  in  Sicily,  and  other  places 
was  named  Alorus,     See  this  volume,  p.  17.  38. 


112  .1'he   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mvthology. 

an  antediluvian  prince  ;  and  being  raifed  ten  generations 
above  Sifuthrus  or  Noali,  lie  ftands  in  the  fame  degree  of 
rank  as  the  Protoplaft  :  and  many  in  confequence  of  it  have 
fuppofed  him  to  be  Adam.  We  are  much  indebted  to 
Alexander  Polyhiftor  for  giving  us,  not  only  a  more  copious, 
but  a  more  genuine  extrad;  from  Berofus,  than  has  been  tranf- 
mitted  by  the  other  two  writers.  We  know  from  him,  that 
there  were  of  that  author  '^  two  books ;  of  the  firfl:  of  which  he 
has  tranfmitted  to  us  a  curious  epitome.  In  this  book,  after 
having  given  an  account  of  the  country,  and  its  produce,  he 
proceeds  to  the  hiftory  of  the  people :  and  the  very  firfl:  occur- 
rejjce  is  the  appearance  of  Oannes,  (o  Aayw:/)  the  man  of  the 
fea.  He  is  introduced,  ev  ijr^ooTCf:  sviCLvrw^  in  the  firft  yeai:  of 
the  hiftory,  which  is  no  other  than  the  firft  year  of  the 
world  after  the  flood  ;  when  there  was  a  renewal  of  time, 
and  the  earth  was  in  its  fecond  infancy.  At  this  period  is 
Gannes  introduced.  But  the  other  two  writers,  contrary  to 
the  tenor  of  the  original  hiftory,  make  him  fubfequent  in 
time.  This  embarraffes  the  account  very  much  :  for,  as  he 
is  placed  the  very  firft  in  the  prior  treatife  of  Beroius  :  it  is 
hard  to  conceive  how  any  of  thefc  ten  kings  could  have  been 
before  him :  efpecially  as  the  author  had  expreflly  faid, 
"Ev  ti]  ^BVTzpcL  Tag  i  ^c.<ji7\B0Lq.  In  the  fecond  book  I  fall  give 
an  accou?jt  of  the  te?i  kings  of  Babyloii.  It  is  manifeft 
from  hence,  that  they  were  pofterior  to  Oannes,  and  to  ail 
the  circumftances  of  the  firft  book.  The  Grecians,  not 
knowing,  or  not  attending  to  the  eaftern  mode  of  writing, 
have  introduced  thefe  ten  kings  in  the  firft  book,  which 

''  There  were  in  all  three. 


The   Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.        hi 


^^  Berofus  expreffly  refers  to  the  fecond.     They  often  inverted 
the  names  of  perfons,  as  well  as  of  places  :   and  have  ruined 
whole  dynafties  through  ignorance  of  arrangement.      What 
the  Orientals  wrote  from  right  to  left,  they  were  apt  to  con- 
found by  a  wrong  difpofition,  and  to  defcribe  in  an  inverted 
feries.      Hence   thefe   fuppofed    kings,    who,    accordino-    to 
Berofus,  were  fubfequent  to  the  deluge,  and  to  the   Patri- 
arch,  are   made   prior   to  both  :    and  he,  who  flood  firft,  is 
made   later  by  ten  generations,   through  a  reverfion   of  the 
true  order.      Thofe,  who  have  entertained  the   notion   that 
thefe  kings  were  antediluvian,  have  been  plunged  into  infu- 
perable   difficulties ;   and   defervedly.      For  how  could  they 
be  fo  weak,  as  to  imagine,  that  there  was  a  city  Babylon, 
and   a  country   named   from  it,   ten  generations  before  the 
flood  ;   alfo  a  province  ftyled  Chaldea  ?      Thefe  names  were 
circumftantial ;  and  impofed  in  aftertimes  for  particular  rea- 
fons,  which  could  not   before  have  fubfifted.      Babylon  was 
the  Babel   of  the  Scriptures  ;   fo  named  from  the  confufion 
of  tongues.     What  is  extraordinary,  Abydcnus  mentions  this 
fad: ;    and   fays  that  '^^  Babylon  was   fo  called  from  confu- 
fion ;   becanfe  the   la72guage  of  77zen  was  the7~e  co7ifounded.      In 
like  manner,  Chaldea  was  denominated  from   people   ftyled 

*"  Abydenus  begins  the  hiftory  of  the  ten  kings  with  thefe  words  ;  'Ka.XS'a'.ojv  ij.iv 
TK  o-o(f.ia.i  icspircaccoTcx.:  So  much  concerning  the  ivifdom  of  the  Cbaldt'ain.  Is  it  not 
plain,  that  this  could  not  be  the  beginning  of  the  firft  book  ?  and  may  we  not  be 
afliired  from  the  account  given  by  Alexander  Polyhiftor,  that  this  was  the  intro- 
duftion  to  the  fecond  treatife,  in  which  Berofus  had  promifed  to  give  a  hiftory  of 
the  Chaldean  kings  ? 

*'  EaCuAcoi/  xa.?\.ina.i  i loL  t/jc  avy^aw,  x.t.A.  Eufebii  Chronic,  p.  13.  from 

Vol.  III.  Q^  Chafdim 

H4  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

'^'  Chafdim  and  Chufdim,  who  were  the  pofterity  of  Chus. 
But  if  the  name  were  of  an  etymology  ever  fo  different;  yet 
to  fuppofe  a  people  of  this  name  before  the  flood,  alfo  a  city 
and  province  of  Babylon,  would  be  an  unwarrantable  "^^  pre- 
fumption.  It  would  be  repugnant  to  the  hiftory  of  Mofes, 
and  to  every  good  hiftory  upon  the  fubje6t. 

At  the  clofe  of  the  firft  book,  it  is  faid  by  Eufebius,  that 
Berofus  had  promifed  in  the  fecond  to  give  an  account  of  the 
ten  kings,  who  reached  in  a  feries  to  the  deluge.  1  wifli  that 
Eufebius,  inftead  of  telling  us  himfelf  the  author's  inten- 
tion, had  given  us  his  words.  The  paffage  is  very  fufpi- 
cious  ;  and  feems  not  to  have  exifted  even  in  the  Greek 
tranflation  :  as  it  is  totally  omitted  by  Syncellus.  Berofus 
might,  at  the  conclufion  of  his  firft  treatife,  fay,  that  he 
would  now  proceed  to  the  hiftory  of  the  ten  kings:  but  that 
they  were  to  reach  down  to  the  deluge,  I  believe  was  never 
intimated  :  nor  does  there  feem  in  the  nature  of  things  any 
reafon  for  him  to  have  mentioned  fuch  a  circumftance.  It 
is  highly  probable,  as  Cannes  flood  foremoft  in  the  allego- 
rical hiftory  of  the  Chaldeans,  that  Sifuthrus  held  the  fame 
place  in  the  real  hiftory  of  that  country  ;  for  the^  were  both 
the  fame  perfon  :   and  whatever  feries  there  might  be  of  per- 

"*'  The  true  name  of  the  country,  called  by  the  Greeks  and  Romans  Chaldea, 
was  Chaldia  and  Chufdia-,  nained  ib  from  the  inhabitants,  fly  led  Chufdim,  or  the 
children  of  Chus.    This  is  the  general  name  which  uniiormly  occurs  in  Scripture. 

""'  Syncellus  fays,  that  before  the  flood,  are  YnxQvXmv  y,v  an  im  ym,  an  '\.(i ctirxv 
(2a(7iXiiix;  there  was  no  fuch  city  as  Babylon^  nor  any  kingdom  of  Chaldea.  p.  15,  Again,; 
Tar&iJ'  T(  aa^ic^i^ov  caoaiv  ebs^oifj.i  inipi  BabuAwj'O?,  on  Trrpo  Ta  ■Kxjcx.y.hua fJd  aSiTra 
ft.'^6i?,  aSi  y.iTa.  to*  ■ftara.KXua^QV^  iaos  tb  JC«'))'7a;  ts5  a.M^pMTrBi'UTXn^vy^ivToii  arro  a.vx- 
ToA&jr,  xcci  xxTOfKiicrcci  oairm  iv  yn  '^st'xa.p,  xcct  ofK'A  Ofx-iiacci  Tnv  tjioAiv  xca  tov  Tatuc- 
yov,  ■nrfr/jyBy.Bi'H  uvTcav  tb  !^ioij.oc^B  Ns^fwJ^,  kxi  l^sca-ihiVjrroi.     Ibid,  p.  37. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  xi$ 

fons  recorded,  they  were  m  defcent  from  him.  But  the 
Greeks,  not  attending  to  the  mode  of  writing  in  the  original, 
have  ruined  the  whole  difpofition,  and  made  thefe  perfons 
precede.  And  here  is  a  queftion  to  be  afked  of  thefe  hifto- 
rians,  as  well  as  of  Eufebius  in  particular,  allowing  thefe 
kings  to  be  antediluvian ;  What  is  become  of  thofe,  who  fuc- 
ceeded  afterwards  ?  Were  there  no  poftdiluvian  kings  of 
Babylon  ?  Did  nobody  reign  after  the  flood  ?  If  there  did, 
what  is  become  of  this  dynafty  ?  Where  is  it  to  be  found  ? 
The  hiftory  of  Babylon,  and  of  its  princes,  taken  from  the 
later  sra,  would  be  of  vaft  confequence :  it  is  of  fo  early  a 
date,  as  to  be  almoft  coeval  with  the  annals  of  the  new 
world  ;  and  muft  be  looked  upon  as  the  bails  of  hiftorical 
knowledge.  The  fuppofed  antediluvian  accounts  are  trifling 
in  comparifon  of  the  latter  :  the  former  world  is  far  fepa- 
ratcd  from  us.  It  is  like  a  vafi;  peninfula  joined  to  the  con- 
tinent by  a  flip  of  land,  whicJi  hardly  admits  of  any  com- 
munication. But  a  detail  of  thefe  after  kings  would  be  of 
confequence  in  chronology ;  and  would  prove  the  foundation 
for  all  fubfequent  hiftory.  Where  then  are  thefe  kings  ?  In 
what  quarter  do  they  lurk?  They  are  nowhere  to  be  found. 
And  the  reafon  is  this  :  their  dynafty  has  been  inverted. 
Hence  they  have  been  mifplaced  through  anticipation  ;  and 
adjudged  to  a  prior  £era.  On  this  account  the  later  dynafty  is 
not  given  to  us,  though  fo  neceflliry  to  be  made  known :  and 
much  I  fear  that  we  are  deprived  of  the  fecond  book  ot  Po- 
lyhiftor  from  Berofus  ;  becaufe  this  dynafty  of  kings  was  to 
be  found  there,  probably  differently  exhibited  ;  and  under  a 
contrary  arrangement:  which  would  have  fpoiled  the  fyftem 

ii6  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

efpoiifed.    For,  that  the  original  has  been  mifconftrued,  and 
mifquoted,  is  apparent  from  the  want  of  uniformity  in  thofe, 
who  have  copied  Berofus,  or  any  ways  taken  from  him.     In 
fhort,  the  tenor  of  this  hiftory,  even  as  we  have  it  in  Alex- 
ander Polyhiftor,  is  very  plain  ;  and  the  fcheme  of  it  eafy  to 
be  traced.      The  purpofe  of  Berofus  was  to  write  an  account 
of  his  ov/n  country  :  and  he  accordingly  begins  with  the  na- 
tural  hiftory  ;   wherein  he  defcribes  the  lituation  of  the  re- 
gion,  the  nature  of  the  foil,   and  the  various  produd:s,  with 
which  it  abounded.   All  this  is  faid  of  Babylonia,  not  of  any 
antediluvian  country.   He  muft  have  been  wife  indeed,  after 
an  interval  of  fo  many  thoufand  years,  to  have  known  that 
it  originally  bore  fefamum  and  dates.   He  is  fpeaking  of  Ba- 
bylon,   the   place   of  his  nativity,  and  the  country  denomi- 
nated  from   it  ;   of  which  when  he  has  given  a  juft  defcrip- 
tion,   he  proceeds  to  relate  the  principal  occurrences  of  for- 
mer ages.    And  the  firft  great  event  in  the  hiftory  of  time  is, 
the  appearance  of  "^  Cannes,  the  man  of  the  fea^  who  fhewed 
liimfelf  to  mankind  in  the  very  firft  ''^  year  :   fo  that  Berofus 

makes . 

*^  Helladius  fpeaks  of  this  perfon,  and  calls  him  Vi;)v,  which  the  Dorians  would 
cxprefs  flar.  I  have  fometimes  thought  that  this  term  was  Noe,  and  Noa,  reverftsd 
and  confounded.  This  author  fuppofcs,  that  Oan  is  the  fame  as  ^ov ;  and  that  the 
perfon  was  born  of  the  mundane  egg.  'On  fxv^DAoyei  avS'^a.  tivcc  O3voij.aca-fj.ivov- 
CiViV  Ti)i  lio'j^fas  '^a.Ka.auK  ai£A6si>,  t  aAAa  f/.iv  rcoi'  jj-eAcov  t^huoi  e^ovrcc,  xi<pa.ADv- 
Si  XCX.I  TsoS oLi  Ha/  X^'p<x.i  (xvi  fOi'  nxi  xxrccS^et^oci  t»i/  ts  di^^ovo/J.tciv,  xxi  to.  yptZfJLf/.ccrac- 
Oi  Se  avTov  i'K.  TyurpMToyovn  ■UTi(pm'Bvai  /Myaatv  ild' koci  fj-pcprvoHv  t  i^voucc'  ccvuooottqv 
iiovTcx.  ~o(.  Tcancc,  t^Quv  S^o^xi'  SioTeo  npi(pi£i^o  v.mwS'r)  S'opa.v.  Helladius  apud. 
Phot.  Hill:,  cclxxix.  p.  1594. 

I  have  before  fhewn,  that  bynsi-  'mpuToyovov-NHS  fignified  the  ark. 

'■'  It  is  faid  that  there  were  three  perfons  like  him,  who  made  their  appearance  from 

the  fea  in  the  fame  manner.     Their  hiftory  is  poftponed  by  Berofus  to  his  fecond 

6  book. 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  117 

makes  his  annals  commence  from  him.  This  perfon  is  re- 
prefented  as  a  preacher  of  julHce  ;  and  a  general  inftrudor 
and  benefaftor,  who  had  appeared  in  two  different  ftates. 
He  informed  mankind  of  what  had  happened  in  preceding 
times  :  and  went  higher,  even  to  the  chaotic  ftate  of  things, 
before  the  jera  of  creation.  He  faid,  that  there  was  origi- 
nally one  vaft  abyfs,  which  was  inveloped  in  univerfal  dark- 
nefs.  This  ab.yfs  was  inhabited  by  myriads  of  hideous  mif- 
created  beings,  horrid  to  imagination.  The  poet  Milton 
feems  to  allude  to  this  defcription  of  Berofus,  when  he 
fpeaks  of 

The  fccrets  of  the  hoary  deep,  a  dark 

Illimitable  ocean,  without  bound. 

Without  dimenfion,  where  length,  breadth,  and  height, 

And  time,  and  place  were  loft :   where  nature  bred 

Perverfe  all  monftrous,  all  prodigious  things,. 

Abominable,  unutterable,  and  worfe 

Than  fables  yet  have  feign'd,  or  fear  conceiv'd, 

GorgonSj  and  Harpies,  and  Chimeras  dire. 

After  having  given  an  account  of  chaos,  Berofus  tells  us, 
that  a  delineation  of  this  hiftory,  and  all  thefe  monftrous 
forms  were  to  be  feen  in  Babylonia  :  and  from  this  undoubt- 
edly he  borrowed  this  motley  reprefentation.  The  whole  is 
certainly   taken  from  ancient   hieroglyphics.      Oannes  nov/ 

book.     They  were  certainly  the  three  fons  of  Noah,  who  had,  like  their  father,  been 
witnefies  to  the  ancediluvian  world:   but  as  the  greater  part  of  their  life  was  after  the 
flood,  their  hiftory  is  by  this  writer  deferred  till  he  comes  to  treat  of  the  kings  of 
Babylon :  which  was  in  his  latter  book. 


ii8  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

proceeds  to  the  works  of  the  creation,  and  the  formation  of 
the  heavens  :  at  which  time  all  the  animals  of  the  deep  were 
annihilated.      A  fet  of  rational  beings  fucceeded,  who  par- 
took of  divine  knowledge  :    but  not  being  able  to   bear  the 
brightnefs  of  new-created  light,  they  perifhed.      Upon  this, 
another  fet  of  rational  beings  were  formed,  who  were  able  to 
bear  the  light.      The  Deity  alfo  formed  the  ftars,  together 
with  the  fun,  and  moon,  and  five  planets.    He  then  gave  an 
account  of  the  wickednefs  of  men,  and  the  ruin  of  all  man- 
kind by  a  deluge,  except  Sifuthrus.      Thefe  are  the  contents 
of  the  firfl  book  of  Berofus.      In  the  fecond  he  promifes  to 
write  of  the  kings,  who  reigned  in  Babylonia  :   which  hiftory, 
if  we  may  believe  Abydenus  and  ApoUodorus,  contained  an 
antediluvian  account  of  the  vv^orld.      In  this  notion  they  are 
followed  by  that  very  learned  father,  Eufebius.    At  this  rate, 
Berofus  expended  his  labour  upon  times  the  moft  uncertain, 
and  the  leaft  interefting  ;   and  of  his  real  anceftors,    the   ge- 
nuine Babylonians  and  Chufdim,  faid  not  a  word.      For  had 
it  appeared  to  Eufebius,  that  there  was  any  further  account 
given  of  the  kings  of  Babylon,  and  their  achievements ;   he 
could  not  but  have  mentioned  it ;   as  it'  was   oi   fuch   con- 
fequence  to  him  as  a  chronologer,   and  fo   connected  with 
the  purport  of  his  writings.     But,  if  we  may  judge  from  his 
filence,  there  was  no  fuch  account :   and  the  reafon,  as  I  be- 
fore faid,  is  plain.    For  whatever  kings  may  have  reigned  at 
Babylon,  or  in  Chaldea,  they  have  had  their  feries  reverfed  ; 
and  by  a  groundlefs  anticipation   havT  been  referred  to  an- 
other period.      But  if  we  turn   the   tables,   and   reduce  the 
fcri^r,  to  is  original  ■-^'-rier  ;   v/e  fhall  find  Sifuthrus,  the  Patri- 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  119 

arch,  ftand  firft  :  and  whoever  they  may  be,  who  are  brought 
between  him  and  Alorus,  they  will  come  after.  For  Alorus 
will  be  found  to  be  no  other  than  '^^  Nimrod,  the  fon  of 
Chus.  He  is  by  Berofus  truly  ftyled  XaK^cciogj  one  of  the 
Chufdim,  or  Chaldeans ;  and  reprefented  as  the  firfl:  king  of 
Babylon.  He  was  indeed  the  firft,  who  reigned  upon  earth. 
And  we  need  no  other  proof,  that  this  is  the  trvith,  than  the 
words  of  thefe  very  writers,  Abydenus  and  ApoUodorus. 
'^^  XolK^olioov  fjisv  TYi;  (Tocpiag  'UTs^i  rocroLVTOL.  BoLTiXsutTca  (5s  ttji; 
yj^^ccg  "ur^mov  Asysrat  AAw^ov.  So  jnuch  for  the  wifdom  of 
the  Chaldea?n.  It  is  faid,  that  the  firfl  king  in  this  coun- 
try (Chaldea)  was  Alorus.  To  the  fame  purpofe  ApoUodo- 
rus. Taura  ^sv  0  'Q^o)(T(rog  /fo^Jicrs,  'ct^wtoi/  ys^gtr^ai  ^oL<n7\eoL 
AAw^oy  2K  BoL^vXmog  XaK^diov.  What  the  Greeks  and  Ro- 
mans rendered  Chaldceus^  whom  we  in  our  fcripture  verfion 
idly  follow,  is  in  the  original  Chafdim  or  Chufdim,  one  of 
the  fons  of  Chus :  and  the  purport  of  this  extrad:  from  Be- 
rofus is  very  explicit  and  particular  :  that  the  firft  of  all 
kings,  that  is,  the  firft  perfon  who  reigned  in  the  world, 
was  a  man  ftyled  Alorus  ;  who  was  of  Babylon,  and  one  of 
the  Chufdim  or  Cuthites.  How  is  it  poiTible  to  imagine, 
that  this  defcription  refers  to  an  antediluvian  ?     We  may 

*'  riapx  \  XaAcTais/s -zirpwTo?  o  a/)^a5  a'JTWj'  AAojpos.     Chron.  Pafchale.  p.  2^. 

■^^  The  Chaldeans  were  famed  for  their  knowledge  in  aftronomy  and  other  fci- 
ences  :  and  according  to  Abydenus,  the  previous  account  given  by  Beroliis  was 
concerning  the  wifdom  of  this  people.  He  then  concludes  ;  XaAJaidtr  t/i;  co- 
<pia5  "wiq^i  raaravTx  :  §0  tnuchfor  the  wifdom  of  the  Chahkans:  we  come  new  to  their  kings. 
Thefirfi  of  thefe  was  Alorus,  a  Chaldean  by  birth,  &c.  Who  can  fuppofe  that  this  re- 
lates to  an  antediluvian  £era  ?  And  Eufebius  puts  the  matter  out  of  all  doubt  ^ 
0(  XaAcTccio*  T^rpcoroi  ccvnyopeucrixv  fayras  (Boca-ihsi?,  ccv  'uXPutus  Ev^^octS^'j  'wap  vf^iv  Nt'o 
^aJ' (or  Nejv.poJ^)  iQxcriAsuiv.     Eufebii  Chron.  p,  14. 


I20  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

therefore  clofe  the  account  with  that  curious  paffage  from 
Eupolcmus,  which  was  preferved  by  the  fame  Alexander 
Polyhiftor,  to  whom  we  are  indebted  for  the  fragment  from 
Berofus.  He  tells  us,  that  Babylon  was  the  iirfl  built  city 
in  the  world  ;  founded  by  fome  of  thofe  perfons,  who  had 
efcaped  the  deluge  ;  who  were  of  the  Giant  race.  They 
likewife  ereded  the  celebrated  tower.  But  when  that  was 
thrown  down  by  the  hand  of  God,  the  Giants  were  fcattered 
over  the  face  of  the  earth.     '^^  UoKii'  BoLovKmcc  'UT^ootov  fxsv 

KTKT^tiVOLi   VTTO  70CV  $lOL(T(jO^Snm  BK  T8  K0(,T0LK7\V(T^S'   BlVOLi   Ss   OLVT'dg 

TiyoLnoLg^  omo^o^siv  h  top  Ig-o^nfjisvov  Ilv^yov.  TLscronog  h  thth 
vjo  rrig  Tn  0sa  svs^ysioig,  isg  TiyoLVTa.g  hoL<T7i:oL^Y\voLi  kol^'  oXy]v  tyiv 


Who  the  perfonages  may  be,  who  intervene  between  Sifu- 
thrus  and  Alorus,  that  is,  between  Noah  and  Nimrod,  is 
hard  to  determine.  Thus  much  we  know,  that  the  Patri- 
arch never  affumed  royalty  :  fo  that  there  could  be  no  con- 
nexion between  them  as  monarchs  in  fucceflion.  The  feries 
exhibited  in  the  hiftory  muft  have  been  by  family  defcent ; 
in  which  Nimrod  ftood  only  fourth  :  fo  that  all  the  perfon- 
acres  but  two,  of  thofe,  who  had  been  introduced  in  the  in- 
terval, are  probably  kings  of  other  places  in  Chaldea  ;  or 
priefts,  who  had  a  kind  of  fovereign  rule,  and  have  been 
wrongly  inferted.  Sifuthrus  is  pafl:  controverfy  "^^  Noah. 
Amelon  is  compofed  of  the  titles  of  Ham,  confifting  of  Am 
El  On  ;  all  relating  to  the  Sun  or  Orus ;  under  which  cha- 
rader  this  perfon  was  in  after  times  worfhiped.    Daus  Paftor 

♦'  Eufebii  Pr£ep.  Evang.  L.  9.  c.  17.  p.  418. 

*'  NweSicrsBoos -ara/'X  XaA^TaioiS.     Cedrcnus.  p.  1 1. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  i2i 

is  by  Apollodorus  exprefTed  Daonus,  from  '°  Da  On,  tlieSun, 
a  title  alTumed  by  Ham  and  his  fons.  Amenoiij  like  Amel- 
on,  is  made  up  of  terms,  which  are  all  titles  of  the  fame 
perfon ;  each  of  them  well  known  in  Egypt.  Alaparus 
feems  to  be  the  fame  as  Al-Porus,  the  God  of  fire.  Am- 
illarus  is  a  compound  of  Ham-El- Arez,  all  names  of  Ham, 
and  the  fun.  Some  of  the  perfons  are  faid  to  be  of  Laracha, 
which  Syncellus  expreffes  wrongly  Larancha.  Laracha  is 
tor  Al-Aracha,  the  Aracca  of  Ptolemy,  one  of  the  cities  built 
by  ^'  Nimrod.  Others  are  faid  to  be  of  Pantibibla  or  Panti- 
biblon,  whom  I  take  to  have  been  Ponti-Babilon,  or  priefts 
of  Babel  or  Babylon.  Panti,  Ponti,  and  Phonti  in  the  Am- 
onian  language  Hgnified  a  ^^  prieft.  Argeiphontes  in  Greece 
was  an  Arkite  prieft,  or  minifter  of  Argus :  but  the  Grecians 
fuppofed  that  Phontes  denoted  flaughter,  from  a  word  in 
their  own  language  ;  and  in  confequence  of  it  beftowed  the 
name  on  Hermes,  whom  they  made  the  murderer  of  Argus. 
Pontifex  and  Pontifices  among   the   Romans  were  titles  of 

'°  It  is  a  title  given  to  Orion,  who  was  the  fame  as  Nimrod.  Chron.  Pafch.  ^6' 
He  is  ftyled  Chan-Daon,  the  Lord  Daon,  by  Lycophron  :  who  mentions  Tpiirocro- 
fioi  (fixcryccvov  Kav^xovoi.  v.  328.  Icillcet  D^ptuvoi^  ov  -tcai  KavS^xovct,  Boiwto;  xx^-bcrn'. 
Schol.  ibid.  So  Mcgalorus  of  Abydenus  is  Mag-Alorus;  in  other  words.  Magus 
Alorus,  Nebrodes,  Orion,  the  chief  of  the  Magi. 

''  He  built  Babel,  and  Erech,  and  Accad,  and  Calneh,  in  the  bnd  of  Sbinar.  Gen. 
c.  10.  V.  10. 

^'  Hence  'Iroofavrm^  a  facred  prieft,  or  prieft  of  Orus  ;  KaSa^o^acTus;  Hermo- 
phontes  ;  Cerefphontes  ;  AiVKocpovTHi  from  Aeuy.o?,  Sol.  See  Jablonlky  Proleo-om. 
p.  90. 

Phantafia  of  Memphis  was  properly  Phant-Afis,  a  prieftefs  of  Afis  or  Ifis.  Am- 
illarus,  Megilorus,  Adorcfcus,  Alaparus,  Daon  the  Shepherd,  are  all  faid  to  have 
been  of  Pantibiblon.  This  was  not  a  place,  but  an  office:  and  it  fignilied  that  they 
were  priefts  of  Babel, 

Vol.  III.  R  the 

122  The  Analysis  of   Ancient  Mythology. 

the  priePcs  of  fire.  I  imagine  that  the  original  lift,  which  has 
been  fuppofed  to  have  been  a  dynafty  of  antediluvian  kings, 
was  the  genealogy  of  Nimrod,  the  firft  king  of  the  country  ; 
in  which  were  contained  four  perfons  ;  Sifuthrus,  or  the 
Patriarch  :  next,  under  the  charadler  of  ^*  Amenon,  Amel- 
on,  Amilarus,  is  Ham  :  Eudorefchus  (Euc-Ad-Arez-Chus) 
is  his  fon  Chus  :  and  laftly  Alorus,  and  Daonus  the  Shep- 
herd was  Nimrod  :  for  it  is  expreftly  faid  of  him,  that 
he  took  the  title  of  "  Shepherd.  The  reft  are  foreign 
to  the  catalogue  ;  and  through  ignorance  have  been  in- 

It  is  faid,  that  both  Cannes  and  Sifuthrus  inftrufted  men 
in  the  knowledge  of  letters,  and  committed  many  things  to 
writing.  And  it  is  the  opinion  of  many  learned  men,  that 
letters  were  not  unknown  to  the  people  of  the  antediluvian 
world.  Pliny  fays,  Literas  femper  arbitror  Aflyrias  fuifle. 
But  this  v/as  only  matter  of  opinion  :  and,  as  he,  a  pro- 
feft'ed  geographer,  makes  no  diftin6lion  between  the  Afly- 
rians  and  Babylonians,  who  were  two  very  different  people  ; 
but  introduces  the  former  by  miftake  for  the  latter  ;  we 
cannot  p",y  mucli  regard  to  his  notions  in  chronology. 
If  the  people  of  the  firft  ages  had  been  poffeffed  of  fo 
valuable  a  fecret,  as  that  of  writing  ;  they  would  never 
have  afterwards   defcended    to   means   lefs    perfcdl    for  the 

^*  Amenon  may  be  Mencn  ill  expreffal,  the  fame  as  Men  or  Menes.  This 
was  one  of  the  moft  ancient  of  the  facred  titles.  Anticlides  in  ^gypto  in- 
venifle  quendam  nomine  IVTenona  tradit,  quindecim  annos  ante  Phoroneum  an- 
tiquiffimum  GrcEciiE  regem  :  idque  monumentis  adprobare  conatur.  Plinii  Nat. 
I-Iift.  L.  7.  c.  56. 

"  Abydenus  above  quoted, 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  123 

explanation  of  their  ideas.  And  it  is  to  be  obferved,  that 
the  invention  of  hieroglyphics  was  certainly  a  difcovery  of 
the  Chaldeans ;  and  made  ufe  of  in  the  firft  ages  by  the 
Egyptians  ;  the  very  nations,  who  are  fuppofed  to  have 
been  pofleffed  of  the  fuperior  and  more  perfed:  art.  They 
might  retain  the  former,  when  they  became  poirefied  of 
the  latter  ;  becaufe  their  ancient  records  were  entriifled 
to  hieroglyphics  :  but,  had  they  been  pofleffed  of  letters 
originally,  they  would  never  have  deviated  into  the  ufe  of 
fymbols  ;  at  leaft,  for  things,  which  were  to  be  pubiifhed 
to  the  world,  and  which  were  to  be  commemorated  for 
ages.  Of  their  hieroglyphics  we  have  famples  without 
end  in  Egypt  ;  both  on  obelirks,  and  in  their  fyringes  ; 
as  alfo  upon  their  portals,  and  other  buildings.  Every 
mummy  almoft  abounds  with  them.  How  comes  it,  if 
they  had  writing  fo  early,  that  fcarcely  one  fpecimen  is 
come  down  to  us  ;  but  that  every  example  fhould  be  in 
the  leaft  perfed:  character  ?  For  my  part,  I  believe  that 
there  was  no  writing  antecedent  to  the  law  at  Mount  Sina. 
Here  the  divine  art  v/as  promulgated  ;  of  which  other 
nations  partook  :  the  Tyrians  and  Sidonians  firft,  as  they 
were  the  neareft  to  the  fountain-head.  And  when  this 
difcovery  became  more  known  ;  even  then  I  imagine,  that 
its  progrefs  was  very  flow  :  that  in  many  countries,  whi- 
ther .it  was  carried,  it  was  but  partially  received,  and  made 
ufe  of  to  no  purpofe  of  confequcnce.  The  Romans  carried 
their  pretenlions  to  letters  pretty  high  ;  and  the  Helladian 
Greeks  ftill  higher  ;  yet  the  former  marked  their  years  by 
a  nail  driven  into  a  poft  :   and  the  utmoft  effort  of  Grecian 

R  2  literature 

124  Th^  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

literature  for  feme  ages  was  fimply  to  write  down  the  names 
of  the  Olympic  vidlors  from  Corasbiis ;  and  to  regifter  the 
prieftefTes  of  Argos.  Why  letters,  when  introduced,  were 
fo  partially  received,  and  employed  to  fo  little  purpofe,  a 
twofold  reafon  may  be  given.  Firfl:,  the  want  of  antece- 
dent waitings,  to  encourage  people  to  proceed  in  the  fame 
track.  Where  fcience  is  introduced  together  with  letters ; 
the  latter  are  more  generally  received,  and  more  abun- 
dantly ufed.  For  the  pradlice  of  writing,  or,  in  other 
words,  compoiing,  depends  upon  previous  reading,  and 
example.  But  the  Cadmians,  who  brought  letters  to 
Greece,  brought  thofe  elements  only  ;  and  thofe  much 
later,  I  believe,  than  is  generally  imagined.  Nor  had  the 
Helladians  any  tendency  to  learning,  till  they  were  awak- 
ened by  the  Aiiatic  Greeks,  and  the  iilanders,  who  had 
been  fooner  initiated  in  fcience.  They  had  made  a  great 
progrefs  ;  while  their  brethren  in  the  weft  were  involved 
in  darknefs.  And  this  early  knowledge  was  not  owing  to 
any  fuperiority  of  parts  ;  but  to  their  acquaintance  with 
the  people  of  the  eaft,  and  with  the  writings  of  thofe 
countries  ;  by  v/hich  they  were  benefited  greatly.  Com- 
pofition  depends  upon  fcience  :  it  was  introduced  in 
Hellas  together  with  philofophy.  Anaxagoras  of  Clazo- 
men^  brought  the  learning  of  the  Ionic  fchool  to  Athens  : 
he  was  fucceeded  by  Archelaus,  of  whom  Socrates  was  a 
follower.  Writing,  I  am  fenfible,  was  antecedent :  but  at 
this  time  it  became  general.  About  this  period,  Theog- 
nis,  iEfychylus,  and  Pindar  fhone  forth  in  poetry ;  and 
the    ancient    comedy    was    firft    exhibited.      After    which, 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythologv.  125 

wonderful   fpecimens    of  genius   were  in  every   kind  dif- 

Another  reafon  for  this  deficiency  feems  to  have  been 
the  want  of  fuch  materials  as  are  neceffary  for  expedi- 
tious and  free  writing.  The  rind  and  leaves  of  trees, 
and  fhells  from  the  fea,  can  lend  but  fmall  afiiftance  to- 
wards literature :  and  ftones  and  flabs  are  not  calculated 
to  promote  it  much  further.  Yet  thefe  feem  to  have  been 
the  beft  means,  they  could  in  early  times  procure,  to 
mark  down  their  thoughts,  or  commemorate  an  event. 
The  Chaldaeans  and  Babylonians  are  greatly  celebrated  for 
their  wifdom  and  learning  :  and  they  were  undoubtedly 
a  moft  wonderful  people  ;  and  had  ceitainly  all  the  learn- 
ing, that  could  arife  from  hieroglyphical  reprefentations. 
they  had,  I  make  no  doubt,  the  knowledge  of  lines,  by 
which  geometrical  problems  muft  be  illuftrated  :  and  they 
had  the  ufe  of  figures  for  numeration  :  but  I  imagine,  that 
they  were  without  letters  for  ages.  Epigenes  faid  that  the 
Babylonians,  vv^ho  were  great  obfervers  of  the  heavens,  had 
accounts  of  thofe  obfervations  for  feven  hundred  and  twenty 
years,  written  upon  plinths  baked  in  the  fun.  ^^  Epigenes 
apud  Babylonios  720  annorum  obfervationes  fiderum  co6li- 
libus  laterculis  infcriptas  docet  gravis  audor  in  primis. 
Qui  minimum,  Berofus  et  Critodemus,  490  annorum.  Ex 
quo  apparet  aeternus  literarum  ufus.  I  can  fee  no  proof 
from  hence  of  the  eternity  of  letters,  for  which  Pliny  con- 
tends :   nor,  indeed,  do  I  believe,  that  letters  exifted  among 

'*  PliniiHift.Nat.  L.  7.  p.  413.    Some  prefix  M.  or  Mille  to  the  other  numbers, 
and  make  thefums  1720  and  1490. 


126  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

them  at   the  time,   of  which   he   fpeaks.      For  if  they  had 
been  fo  fortunate  as  to  have  had  for  fo  long  a  time  thefe 
elements,  they  were  too  ingenious  a  people  not  to  have  ufed 
them   to   better    purpofe.      The    Babylonians   had    writing 
among  them  fooner  than  mod  nations  of  the  earth  :   but  the 
years  taken  notice  of  by  Epigenes  were  antecedent  to  their 
having  this  knowledge  :  at  which  time  they  were  ingenious, 
and  wife  above  the  refl:   of  the  fons   of  men  ;    but  had  no 
pretenfions  to  literature  properly  fo  called.      For,   as  I  have 
before  mentioned,  I  cannot  help  forming  a  judgment  of  the 
learning  of  a  people  from  the  materials,  with  which  it  is  ex- 
pedited, and  carried  on.     And  I  fhould  think  that  literature 
muft  have  been  very  fcanty,  or  none  at  all,  v/here  the  means 
abovementioned  were  applied   to.      For  it  is   impoflible  for 
people  to  receive  any  great  benefit  from  letters,  where  they 
are  obliged  to  go  to  a  jQiard  or  an  "  oyfter-fhell,  for  informa- 
tion ;   and  where  knowledge  is  configned  to  a  pantile.      As 
to  the  high  antiquity  affigned  to  letters  by  Pliny  ;   it  is  im- 
pofiible  to  give  any  credence  to  that  author,  v/ho  from  720 
years   infers   eternity,    and  fpeaks  of  thofe  terms  as   fyno- 

"  Oftracifmus,  Petalifmus,  Liber,  Folium,  Tabella,  Latercula. 
From  writing  upon  leaves  and  fliells,  came  the  terms  Petalifmus  and  OJlracifmia 
among  tlie  Greeks :  from  the  bark  of  trees  came  Libri  of  the  Latins. 

P  E  Z  R  O  N, 

[     127     ] 

E         Z  RON. 

I  Took  notice,  when  I  was  treating  of  the  firft  apoftafy, 
and  rebellion  upon  earth,  that  it  was  a  remarkable  aera, 
when  '  Scythifmus  was  faid  to  have  commenced.  This  was 
attended  with  Hellenifmiis ;  which  by  fome  is  brought 
after ;  but  feems  to  have  prevailed  about  the  fame  time. 
What  the  purport  is  of  thefe  terms  has  never  been  fatisfac- 
torily  explained.  In  refpedt  to  Scythifmus,  we  may  be  thus 
far  affured,  that  it  is  a  term  which  relates  to  a  people  ftyled 
Scythze  ;  and  they  were  the  fame,  from  whom  the  region 
called  Scythia  had  its  name.  There  were  feveral  countries 
of  this  denomination  :  but  what  relation  could  the  people 
have  with  Babylonia  ?  and  how  can  we  imagine,  that  their 
hiftory  could  precede  the  aera  of  difperfion  ? 

As  I  am  therefore  about  to  treat  of  thefe  nations,  it  will 
be  proper  to  fay  fomething  of  the  learned  Monlieur  Pezron, 
whofe  notions  upon  this  head  are  remarkable.  He  feems  to 
have  been  the  founder  of  a  new  fyftem  ;  in  which  he  has 
had  many  followers  :  and  all  that  fcience,  which  I  fuppofe 
to  have  been  derived  to  the  weftern  world  from  Babylonia, 
and  Egypt,  they  bring  from  the  Sacas,  and  Scythians  of  the 

'  P.  i6.  23.  of  this  volume. 
7  north : 

128  The   Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

north  :  making  it  take  its  rife  beyond  Media  and  Mount 
Imaus,  in  the  upper  regions  of  Afia.  We  are  particularly 
informed  by  Pezron,  that  there  was  a  people  in  thefe  parts, 
who  in  the  firft  ages  fpread  themfelves  over  Ba6lria,  and 
Margiana  ;  and  proceeding  by  Armenia  and  Cappadocia,  at 
iafl  paffed  over  into  Europe.  The  whole  of  this  continent 
they  conquered,  and  held,  under  the  names  of  Gomarians, 
Cimmerians,  Celts,  and  Scythse.  From  hence  he  takes  upon 
him  to  fhew,  that  the  GaulifK  and  Celtic  nations  were  from 
the  upper  regions  of  Afia  ;  and  particularly  from  thofe 
countries,  which  lay  beyond  the  Badlrians  and  Medes.  He 
takes  notice,  that  there  was  in  thefe  parts  a  city  named  Co- 
mara,  mentioned  by  Ptolemy,  and  others  ;  and  from  the 
iimilitude,  which  fublifts  between  Comarians  and  Goma- 
rians, the  learned  writer  is  induced  to  bring  the  fons  of 
Gomer,  by  whom  Europe  is  fuppofed  in  part  to  have  been 
peopled,  from  the  regions  about  Thebet  and  Tartary.  As 
he  proceeds  methodically  in  the  hiftory  of  this  people,  I 
will  lay  before  the  reader  an  epitome  of  what  he  advances ; 
and  this  in  as  precife,  and  fair  a  manner,  as  I  am  able. 

*  The  Comariajts^  fays  Pezron,  are  by  Ptolemy  placed  in 
BaSiria7ia^  7iear  the  foiaxes  of  the  laxartes^  towards  the  moji 
eajler?!  boimdaries  of  ^  Sogdiana  :  and  they  are  reprefented  as 
a  powerful  and  warlike  people.  They  paffed  the  mountains  of 
Margiana^  and  made  an  irruptiojt  into  that  country.  It  was 
the?i  i?t  the  poffefion  of  the  Medes  called  Arii  :  but  they  were 

*  See  Chap.  3.  4.  5.  6.  of  Monfieur  Pezron's  work,  entitled,  The  Antiquities  of 
Nations  •,  more  particularly  of  the  Celtse  and  Gauls :  by  Monfieur  Pezron,  Doftor 
in  Divinity,  and  Abbe  of  La  Charmoye.     Englifhed  by  Mr.  Jones,  1706. 

'  C.  3.  p.  18, 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  129 

afterica}'cls  fylcd  Partkians  \    a   name  impofed  by   the  co?i- 
qiterors.      By  this  is  meant  perfo?is   parted,    or  separated  ; 
fro7?t  the  Celtic  -isoord  to  part  ;   becaufe  they  were  expelled^  aijd 
fevered  from  their  country.      T'hefe  feparatifs  in  return^  find- 
ing  that  they  could  not  retaliate,    but  by  abufve  language, 
called  the  others  by  way  of  ridicule  Scac^,  or  Sac^,  jneaning 
by    it  Noxii,    Latrones,   Sackers  ;    people,    who   sack   and 
SLAY.      'Thefe  Sacce  feized  upo7i  BaBriana,   and  made  them- 
felves  mafters  of  the  mofl  eligible  part  of  Arjnenia,  which  they 
called  Sacafene,  after  the  jiajne,  which  had  bee77  given  to  them- 
felves.      They    afterwards  pajfed  into  "^  Cappadocia  ;   and  took 
pojfeffion  of  all  that  part,  which  lay  upojt  the  Euxine  Sea.     "The 
peffon,  who  conduBed  them  i?!  theje  eiiterprizes  was  o?ie  Ac7non. 
This  name  occurs  iit  Stephafius,   who  mentions,  that  a  city  in 
Phrygia  was  built  by  ^  Ac^non-,  and  flyles  hijn  Aa^m  Ts  Mc/jsoog, 
Ac7non,  the  f on  of  Man,  or  Maneus.      It  is  likely  that  Ac7non, 
or  Ach-Man,   as  perhaps   the  word  was  pronotmced  by   the 
Sacce,  fig7iified  properly  the  fen  of  7nan,  or  of  the  race  of  man. 

In  the  7nea7i  ti77ie  the  Ci77i7nerians,  who  were  of  the  fame  fa- 
77iily,  we7it  by  the  7iorth  ;  and  having  fnade  various  incurfons, 
at  lafl  fettled  above  the  Euxi7te  Sea,  7iear  the  Palus  Mceotis. 
If  a7iy  fdould  be  difide7it  about  what  is  here  advanced,  let  hi77i 
C077fult  Plutarch,  Pofido7tius,  Diodorus,  and  Strabo. 

Thus,  fays  Pezron,  have  I  conduBed  the  Sacce  from  their 
origifial  place  of  refidence  to  Ar7ne77ia  and  Cappadocia  :  but  as 

■*  Jofephus  and  Syncellus  make  the  Gomerians  the  firft  inhabitants  of  Cappadocia. 
fouip,  gf  01)  KuTTTTccS'oxe^.  Syncell.  p.  49.  They  were  the  people  attacked  by  the 
Sac£E,  who  feized  upon  the  belt  of  the  country. 

'  Of  Acmon  I  have  before  fpoken  in  my  fecond  volume.  Acmon  was  a  title  of 
the  Deity.     Axfj.Mv'  Kpovoi,  Ou^ayoi.  Hefych. 

Vol.  III.  S  if 

130  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology, 

if  this  ^famous  nation  'were  of  afuddeii  lofl^  we  hearno  more  of 
them.  Their  Jiame  feems  to  be  quite  extinEi  ;  and  the  people 
annihilated.  And  here  a  difcovery  is  to  be  made  of  matter s., 
which  have  laiji  concealed  from  all  a?icient  hiforians.  I  am 
now  to  bring  to  light  majty  great  and,  important  truths^  which 
they  could  iiever  arrive  at.  After  the  Sacce  had  entered  Up- 
per Phrygia  ;  as  if  they  had  gone  into  another  world,  they 
quitted  their  ancient  name,  which  they  probably  detefted,  and 
were  now  called  'Titans.  I  iiever  could  comprehend,  why  they 
took  the  name ;  whether  it  was  through  fome  myjlery,  or  a  fnere 
caprice,  that  they  affeSied  it ;  or  to  make  themfelves  ''  fo?y?iida- 
ble,  Thefe  events  were  lo?ig  before  the  war  of  Troy.  The  con- 
quefls  of  Acmon  were  prior  to  the  birth  of  Abraham,  and  the 
foundation  of  the  ^  Affyriaji  monarchy.  This  prince  was  fuc- 
ceeded  in  his  kingdom  by  Ura7ius,  who  conquered  Thrace, 
Greece,  and  the  ijland  Crete ;  aiid  afterwards  fell  violently 
ttpo?t  the  other  provinces  of  Europe  ;  and  carried  all  before  him 
to  the  tittermofl  boundaries  of  Spain.  He  alfo  fubdued  Mau- 
ritania. Uranus  was  fucceeded  by  Saturn  ;  and  Saturn  by 
fupiter,  who  was  three  hundred  years  before  Mofes.  This  lafi 
entrufted  one  part  of  his  vajl  e^npire  to  his  brother  Pluto,  and 
another  to  his  coujin-german  Atlas,  who  was  flyled  Tela?no?t. 
He  was  a  perfon  of  high  Jiature  :  and  Telamon  in  the  la?i- 
guage  of  yupiter  fignified  ^  ^  tall  man  ;  tell  being  tall> 
and  MON  fignifying  man. 

In  this   detail   there  are   many  exceptionable  poUtions  ; 

*  C.  S.  p.  45- 
'  C.  8.  p.  46. 

*  C.  8.  p.  48.     Even  Uranus  is  by   this  writer  fuppofed  to  have  been  before 
Abraham.     C.  12.  p.  83. 

«  c.  12.  p.  84.  y  which 

The  Analysis   op   Ancient  Mythology.  131 

which  are  too  .palpable  to  need  any  difcuiTion.  I  mall 
therefore  take  notice  only  of  fome  of  the  principal  fads, 
upon  which  his  fyftem  is  founded.  He  tells  us,  that  while 
the  Sac^  were  proceeding  by  the  fouth,  the  Cimmerians, 
who  likewife  came  from  Badriana,  are  fuppofed  to  take  their 
rout  by  the  north  of  Afia :  and  they  are  reprefented  as 
making  their  way  by  force  of  arms,  till  they  fettled  upon 
the  '°  Palus  Maeotis.  And  it  is  requefted  by  Pezron,  if  any 
fliould  doubt  the  truth  of  what  he  advances,  that  they  would 
apply  to  the  beft  Grecian  hiftorians.  But  thefe  writers 
have  not  a  fyllable  to  the  purpofe.  That  there  were  fuch 
a  people  as  the  Cimmerians  upon  the  Mseotis  is  as  certain, 
as  that  there  were  Phrygians  in  Troas,  and  Spartans  at  La- 
cedaemon.  But  that  they  came  from  Badria,  and  fought 
their  way  through  different  countries ;  that  they  were  the 
brethren  of  the  "  Scythians  ftyled  Sacae,  and  took  the  upper 
rout,  when  the  others  were  making  their  inroad  below  ;  are 
circumflances,  which  have  not  the  leaft  fhadow  of  evidence. 
They  are  not  mentioned  by  the  authors,  to  whom  he  ap- 
peals :  nor  by  any  writers  whatever.  The  conquefts  of 
Uranus,  and  the  empire  given  to  Jupiter,  are  incredible.  It 
would  be  idle  to  trouble  ourfelves  about  a  circumftance, 
which  does  not  merit  a  ferious  confutation.  The  conquefts 
of  Ofiris,  and  Sefoftris,  have  as  good  title  to  be  believed. 
To  thefe  we  might  add  the  exploits  of  the  great  prince  Ab- 

Herodotus  makes  mention  of  the  march  of  the  Cimmerians  :  and  proves  it  to 
have  been  in  a  quite  contrary  direcftion,  from  the  Palus  Mseotis  towards  Caucafus, 
and  the  eaft.  L.  4.  c.  12. 

Strabo  fays,  the  Cimmerians  were  driven  out  of  their  country  by  the  Scythians. 
Tbtss  ^ec  ouy  (K/^jwe^^as)  e^nAccG-xv  ex.  tmv  tottcov  ^JCoGa/.     L.  11.  p.  756. 

S  2  camaz. 

132  The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology. 

camaz,  who  ruled  over  the  whole  earth.  His  rib  was  jfhevvn 
to  the  "  Jew  of  Tudela  at  Damafcus :  and  by  the  moft  exad: 
meafurement  it  was  nine  fpans  long,  and  two  in  breadth  ; 
fo  that  his  ftature  was  in  proportion  to  his  dominions.  But 
fetting  ahdc  thefe  fabulous  hiftories,  which  confute  them- 
felves,  let  us  examine  one  circumftance  in  the  account  of  the 
learned  Pezron,  upon  which  his  whole  fyftem  depends.  He 
tells  us,  that  after  the  Sacse  had  entered  Cappadocia,  they 
feemed  in  a  manner  extinct :  but  they  appeared  again  under 
the  name  of  Titans ;  and  carried  on  their  conquefts  under 
the  fame  hero  Acmon.  This,  he  fays,  is  a  difcovery  of  the 
greatefl:  importance,  which  was  unknown  to  every  ancient 
hiftorian,  and  had  lain  dormant  for  ages.  And  for  the  hif- 
tory  of  the  Sacce  he  appeals  to  Strabo ;  and  particularly 
concerning  their  inroad  into  Cappadocia,  from  whence  they 
are  fuppofed  to  have  proceeded  to  the  conqueft  of  all  Eu- 
rope. But  in  the  execution  of  this  grand  and  pleafing 
fcheme,  he  is  guilty  of  an  overlight,  which  ruins  the  whole 
of  his  operations.  Carried  on  by  a  warm  imagination,  he 
has  been  eredling  a  bafelefs  fabric,  which  cannot  fubfift  for 
a  moment.  The  pafl'age  in  Strabo,  upon  which  he  founds 
his  notions,  makes  iiitirely  againfl:  him.  This  v/riter  fpeaks 
thus  of  the  Sac^e.  ''  2a/ai  [j^svroi  i7ra^a7rAr;cr<«?  sipohg  STroi-ri-- 
cravro  roig  Kii^i^B^LOtg.  The  exairfions  of  the  Sacce  'wej'-e  like- 
thofe  of  the  Cimmerians.  In  this  defcription  the  author  refers 
to  a  prior  circumftance.  Now  the  excurfions  of  the  Cim- 
merians were  in  the  reign  of  "^  Ardys,  the  fon  of  Gyges,  king 

'^  Benjamin  Tudtlenfis.  p.  c^G, 

*'  L.  II.  p.  779. 

'*  tierodotus.  L.  i.e.  6.  15.  16^ 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  133 

of  Lydia,  long  after  the  Trojan  war,  and  ftill  farther  removed 
from  Abraham,  and  the  fuppofed  foundation  of  the  Afiyrian 
empire.  And  in  proof  of  this  being  the  author's  meaning  we 
find  him  afterwards  more  explicitly  fliewing,  that  thefe  exciir- 
fions  of  the  Sacje  were  as  late  as  the  empire  of  the  Perfians. 
The  account  is  fo  particular,  and  precife,  that  I  will  lay  it  at 
large  betore  the  reader.  ''  The  inroads  of  the  Sacce  were  very 
like  thofe  of  the  Cimmerians^  and  Treres  ;  fo7ne  of  them  bciiio- 
made  to  a  great  diflance^  and  others  Jiearer  home.  For  they 
not  only  got  poffejfwn  of  Media  ;  but  alfo  feized  iip07i  the  mof 
eligible  part  of  Armenia  y  which  they  called  Sacafe?ie  after  their 
oivn  7iame.  They  advanced  as  far  as  Cappadocia ;  efpecially 
towards  that  part  of  it^  which  borders  upon  the  Euxine  fea^  and 
is  called  the  region  of  Pontus.  Thus  far  all  is  right :  but 
obferve  the  fequel.  Here^  as  they  were  giving  the^nf elves  up 
to  feafling  a?id  jollity  frotn  the  plunder ,  which  they  had  taken^ 
they  werefet  upon  in  the  ?iight  by  fotne  of  the  P  erf  an  SatrapcSy 
and  all  cut  off.  Pezron  therefore  might  well  fay,  that  the 
Sacje  in  the  midft  of  their  exploits  feem  at  once  to  have 
been  annihilated,  and  their  name  extind:.  Strabo  tells  us, 
that  they  were  totally  ruined  :  a^j)^:/  (wi'sq  rj:f)CiVi<TO(.v :  the  Per- 
fans  cut  thetn  all  off  to  a  7nan.  Hence  we  may  fee  of  what 
great  overfights  this  learned  man  v/as  guilty  in  the  profecu- 
tion  of  his  fcheme.  Firft,  in  fuppofing  thefe  Sacs  to  have 
been  of  as  great  antiquity  as  the  Patriarchs,  and  antecedent 
to  the  foundation  of  Aflyria,  who  were  manifellly  as  late  as 

"  L.  II.  p.  779- 

JLitihii^ivat  ^  ocuroii  'STCit>ii-)Ufi^sai»  c/.-ruo  rc>:v  >.a.<fvpm'  ot   jots   rciDrt  rev  flfCfrccy 
t^CdTiiyci  VVXJ0-1D,  a^Siw  a.-J7yi  /iqa.»icrciv.     Ibid. 


134-  '^^"^P'   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

the  reign  of  '^  Cyrus.  Secondly,  in  giving  the  character  of 
iiniverfal  conquerors  to  a  let  of  banditti,  who  in  one  attack 
were  extirpated.  Laftly,  in  attributing  the  moft  material 
circumfcances  in  the  ancient  hiftory  of  Europe  to  a  people, 
who  were  never  there.  Thus  is  this  fairy  viiion  brought  to 
an  end.  The  hiftory  of  the  Titans,  the  achievements  of  Ac- 
mon,  the  empire  of  Jupiter,  the  part  delegated  to  Tal-man, 
are  quite  effaced  :  and  much  labour  and  ingenuity  has  been 
expended  to  little  purpofe.  In  fliort,  the  whole  Celtic 
fyftem  is  ruined  :  tor  the  Sacas,  upon  whom  it  depended, 
are  flopped  in  their  career,  and  no  more  heard  of :  and  all 
this  is  manifeft  from  the  authorities,  to  which  Pezron  ap- 
peals. Such  too  frequently  are  the  quotations  made  ufe  of 
by  people  of  an  eager  difpofition  ;  which,  as  they  are  intro- 
duced, anfwer  but  in  part  ;  when  examined,  are  totally  re- 
pugnant. His  reafoning  throughout  is  carried  on  by  a  chain, 
of  which  not  one  link  is  fairly  connedred. 

An  ingenious  writer,  and  antiquary  of  our  own  nation 
has  followed  the  fteps  of  Pezron,  and  added  to  his  fyftem 
largely.  He  fuppofes,  that  all  fcience  centered  of  old  in 
Ba6lria,   called  '''  Bochary,    or    the  La?id  of  Books  ;    which 


"*  Strabo  fays,  that  according  to  fome  hiflorians,  it  was  Cyrus,  who  cut  them  off. 
L.  1 1,  p.  780.  But  it  was  probably  an  age  later,  when  the  Perfian  empire  was  more 
eftabliflied.  See  the  pallage  :  Qi  ^£,  07/  Ku^o?,  jc.t.A.  See  alfo  Diodorus  Sic. 
L.  2.  p.  1 19. 

■'  See  the  Hiftory  and  Chronology  of  the  Fabulous  Ages,  by  Wife.  p.  1 19.  and 
note  Ci)  in  another  treatife,  he  fays  :  Pezron  proves^  the!  Uranus^  Ca-ltis,  Saturn,  and 
Jupiter.,  zvcre  no  imaginaiy  hings  ;  but  the  true  tuimes  of  CeJ.ic  emperors,  "jjho  were  more 
generally  known  by  the  name  of  Titans.  Wife.  DiiTcrtatiun  on  the  Language,  Learning, 
&c.  of  Europe.  It  appears,  that  Uranus,  Saturn,  and  Jupiter,  were  powerful  princes ; 
fever eigns  over  a  vafi  empire,  comprehending  all  Europe,  and  a  great  part  of  Afia.  Ibid. 

p.  5.5- 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  135 

Pezron  had  fuppofed  to  have  been  the  principal  place  of  re- 
lidence  of  his  Sacie.  He  accordingly  tells  us,  that  in  thefe 
parts  we  muft  look  for  the  origin  of  the  Titans,  Celts,  and 
ScytliJE.  We  are  likewife  informed  by  another  writer,  that 
near  Cafhemife  and  Thebet  they  fpeak  good  '^  Irifh  at  this 
day.  The  learned  Salmalius  alfo  deduces  every  thing  from 
Scythia.  '^  Nulla  fere  Europae  gens  nee  Alice,  quin  a  fepten- 
trione  promanaverit,  &c.  Scythia  igitur,  quae  ad  feptentrio- 
nem,  omnes  tere  gentes  evomuit.  But  what  are  we  to 
underftani  by  Scythia  ?  It  is  an  unlimited,  undefined  term, 
under  which  Grecian  ignorance  flieltered  itfelf.  Whatever 
v/as  unknown  northward  was  called  Scythian.  It  is  certain, 
that  vaft  bodies  of  men  have  at  times  come  from  the  north  : 
though  Salmafius  carries  his  notions  to  a  degree  of  extrava- 
gance. But  giving  his  opinion  a  full  fcope.  What  has  this 
to  do  with  the  language  and  learning  of  Europe  ;  which  by 
many  are  fo  uniformly  deduced  from  the  fame  quarter  ?  It 
is  notorious,  that  this  vaft  track  of  country  called  ignorantly 
Scythia,  was  pofleffed  by  people  eflentially  differing,  from 
one  another.  Timonax,  a  writer  of  great  antiquity,  took 
notice   of   fifty    nations    of  "  Scythians.      Mithridates   had 

p.  S5-  Thefe  writers  were  too  modeft  in  limiting  J^-ipiter's  empire,  which  they  might 
as  well  have  extended  over  ail  the  earth-,  efpecially  as  they  might  have  quoted  au- 
thority for  it,  Tov  A.ia  ((pccai)  f2ciai?^ivaai  ra  ffvy.7rcx.vr0i  Koaixn.  Diodorus.  L,.  ?. 
p.  194. 

See  Parfons,  in  his  treatife  ftyled  Japhet. 
''  De  Helleneftica.  p.  366. 

Scholia  in  Apollon.  L.  4.  v.  320. 


136  The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology. 

twenty-two  "  languages  fpoken  within  his  territories,  mod 
of  which  were  efteemed  Scythic.  The  people  of  Colchis  at 
one  time  carried  on  a  great  trade  ;  and  variety  of  inland 
nations  came  down  to  their  marts.  According  to  Ti- 
mofthenes,  they  were  not  lefs  than  three  hundred,  which 
had  each  their  particular  ^"  language.  And  even  afterwards, 
in  the  times  of  the  Romans,  it  is  faid,  that  they  were  ob- 
liged to  keep  up  an  hundred  and  thirty  interpreters  to  carry 
on  traffic.  Yet  we  are  apt  to  fpeak  of  the  Scythians  collec- 
tively as  of  one  family,  and  of  one  language,  and  this  the 
Titanian  or  Celtic.  *^  "The  Titan  language^  lays  Wife,  ^was 
imiverfal  171  Europe  :  the  Titan  language^  the  vehicle  of  all  the 
knowledge^  which  daw?ied  in  Europe.  — The  Titans^  majiers  of 
all  the  knowledge  derived  from  the  Jojis  of  Noah,  And  who 
thefe  Titans  were,  he  repeatedly  fhews,  by  faying,  that  they 
were  the  firjl  civilizers  of~inunkind^  and  Scythians.  The  true 
Scuthai,  or  Scythians,  were  undoubtedly  a  very  learned  and 
intelligent  people  :  but  their  origin  is  not  to  be  looked  for 
in  the  north  of  Alia,  and  the  deferts  of  Tartary.  Their 
hiftory  was  from  another  quarter,  as  I  purpofe  to  fhew. 
How  can  we  fuppofe  one  uniform  language  to  have  been 
propagated  from  a  part  of  the  world,  where  there  was  fuch 

"  Mithridates  duarum  et  viginti  gentium  Rex,  totidem  Unguis  jura  dixit.  Plin, 
L.  7.  c.  24.  p.  387.  See  Aulus  Gcllius.  L.  17.  c.  17,  There  were  twenty-fix  lan- 
guages among  the  Albani.  Strabo.  L.  11.  p.  768.  See  alfo  Socratis  Hill.  Ecclef. 
L.  I,  c.  19.  p.  49.      Ijoic^ciooov  iuvm  -aroAAa,  S'i<x,(popoii  ^pctijJiiva.  yXwao'oLis. 

"  Plin.  1.  5.  c.  5.  p.  305.  Many  of  thefe  were  probably  only  dialedis.  Yet  there 
muft  have  been  in  fome  inftances  a  real  difference  of  language  ;  and  confequently  a 
diftinftion  of  people. 

"  P.  56. 

variety  ? 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  137 

variety  ?  And  how  could  this  language  be  fo  widely  ex- 
tended, as  to  reach  from  Ba6lria  to  Thrace,  and  from  thence 
to  the  extremities  of  Europe  ?  What  adds  to  the  difficulty 
is,  that  all  this  was  effedled,  if  we  may  believe  our  author, 
fix  hundred  years  before  Mofes.  Then  it  was,  that  Jupiter 
fubdued  all  Europe  from  Thracia  to  Gades.  As  to  the 
learning  fuppofed  to  be  derived  from  thefe  Scythians,  it  is 
certainly  a  groundlefs  furmife.  The  greater  part  of  thefe 
nations  commonly  ftyled  Scythic,  were  barbarous  to  the  lafl: 
degree.  There  are  no  monuments,  nor  writings,  remain- 
ing, nor  any  upon  record,  which  can  afford  us  the  leaft  idea 
of  their  being  liberal,  or  learned.  The  Huns  and  Avares 
were  of  thefe  parts ;  who  overran  the  empire  in  the  fourth 
century  :  but  their  character  had  nothing  in  it  favourable. 
They  were  fo  rude  in  feature  and  figure,  and  fuch  barba- 
rians that  they  were  not  thought  ""^  human.  It  was  a  com- 
mon notion,  that  they  were  begotten  by  devils  upon  the 
bodies  of  fome  favage  hags,  who  were  found  wild  in  the 
woods.  Procopius  fays,  that  they  neither  had  letters,  nor 
would  hear  of  them  :  fo  that  their  children  had  no  inftruc- 
tion.  He  calls  them  "*  olvyiKOOi  koli  a.iJ.BXiTf\roi  ;  quite  deaf, 
mid  averfe  to  all  fcience.  In  fhort,  all  the  Tartarian  nations 
of  '^  old  feem  to  have  been  remarkably  rude.  But  it  may  be 
faid,  that  the  people  fpoken  of  by  Pezron  and  Wife  were  of 
Badria    and   Margiana.      They    may    place    them    as    they 

*■*  Jornandes  de  Rebus  Geticis.  p.  104. 

*'  Procopius.  Bell.  Goth.  L.  4.  c.  3.  L.  4.  c.  ig. 

I  fay   of  old  :    for  there  have   in  later  times    been  fome  inftances  to  tlie 

Vol.  III.  T  pleafe : 

138  The  Analysis  of   Ancient  Mythology. 

pleafe :  ftill  they  are  no  other  than  the  Sacae  Nomades ;  a 
Tartarian  clan,  who  from  Strabo  appear  to  have  been  in  a 
continual  roving  ftate,  till  they  were  cut  off.  But  after 
all,  who  in  their  fenfes  would  think  of  looking  for  the  Ti- 
tans among  the  Tartars,  or  deduce  all  fcience  from  the 
wilds  of  Margiana  ?  But  if  thefe  countries  had  all  the  learn- 
ing, that  ever  Egypt  or  Greece  boafted,  how  was  it  tranf- 
mitted  to  Europe  ?  How  could  it  be  derived  to  us,  when 
fo  many,  and  fuch  mighty,  nations  intervened  ?  We  have 
feen  the  plan  adopted  by  Pezron  ;  which  was  found  defec- 
tive from  tlie  very  authorities,  to  which  he  appealed  :  and 
Wife  proceeds  upon  the  fame  fyftem.  Thefe  were  both  in 
their  time  refpeftable  perfons  on  account  of  their  learning : 
but  they  have  certainly  lowered  themfelves  by  giving  into 
thefe  idle  reveries.  What  can  be  more  fallacious  than  the 
notion  adopted  by  *'  Wife,  of  the  antiquity  of  the  Scythians 
from  the  height  of  their  ground  ?  Which  height^  he  fays,  the 
Scythiafts  urged  i7t  their  difpute  with  the  Egyptians^  as  a  chief 
argumefit  of  the  antiquity  of  their  nation  :  and  the  EgyptianSy 
at  leaf  other  good  judges^  acquiefced  in  the  proof  The  notion 
was,  according  to  Juftin,  from  whom  it  is  borrowed,  that, 
as  the  earth  was  once  overflowed,  the  higher  grounds  emerg- 
ed firf^,  and  confequently  were  firl^  inhabited.  And  that 
Scythia  was  the  higher  ground,  they  proved  from  this  j 
becaufe  all  the  rivers  of  Scythia  defeended  from  the  north 
to  the  fouth,  and  ran  towards  Egypt.  "^  Porro  Scythiam 
adeo  editiorem   omnibus   terris   effe,   ut  cunda  flumina  ibi 

''  Religion  and  Learning  of  Europe,  p.p. 
**  Juitin.  L.  2.  c,  I. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology,  139 

nata  in  Msotim,  turn  deinde  in  Ponticum,  et  .ffigyptium 
mare  decurrant.  What  a  ftrange  proof  is  this  ?  and  what 
an  argument  to  be  laid  before  the  Egyptians  ?  They  lived 
upon  the  Nile ;  and  from  the  fame  principles  might  draw 
a  different  conclufion.  As  their  river  ran  in  a  contrary 
diredion,  from  foiith  to  north,  they  had  the  fame  reafon  to 
'''  infifl,  that  Upper  Egypt,  and  Ethiopia  were  the  higher 
grounds,  and  the  more  ancient  countries.  And  they  would 
be  fo  far  in  the  right,  as  the  earth  is  certainly  higher,  as  we 
advance  towards  the  equator,  than  it  is  towards  the  poles. 
As  to  the  Tanais  running  from  north  to  fouth,  and  fo  enter- 
ing the  Palus  Maeotis,  and  Pontus  Euxinus  ;  it  is  well 
known,  that  there  are  many  rivers  upon  the  coaft  of  the 
Black  Sea,  which  run  in  various  and  contrary  diredlions : 
cpnfequently  different  countries  muft  be  equally  fuperemi- 
nent,  and  have  the  fame  title  to  be  the  moft  ancient;  which 
is  abfurd  and  a  contradidion.  The  learned  Pezron  argues 
no  better,  when  he  tries  to  fhew  the  fimilitude,  which  fub- 
fifted  between  the  Sacae,  and  the  ancient  Gauls.  He  takes 
notice  from  Herodotus,  that  the  Amyrgian  Sacae  wore 
breeches  like  the  Gauls  :  and  having  obferved,  that  they 
were  an  enterprifing  people,  and  given  an  account  of  their 
drefs,  and  arms ;  he  concludes  by  faying.  We  may  upon  the 
whole  find  hi  thefe  Gomarians  of  Margiana  the  laiigiiage^ 
arms.,  habit.,  with  the  rejllefs  and  warlike  fpirit  of  our  ancient 
Celtce.  Will  any  body  take  upon  him  to  deny.,  that  they  came 
originally  from  this  Afiatic  natio7if  Yet  after  all,  I  cannot 
affentj   lor  I  do  not  fee  the  refemblance:   and  the  authority 

''  The  Egyptians  did  infift  upon  it.     See  Diodorus.  L.  i.  p.  lo. 

T  2  upon 

140  «The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

upon  which  I  proceed,  is  that  of  Herodotus,  to  whom  he 
fends  me.      This  author  takes  notice  both   of  the  Badrians, 
and  the  Sacae.    He  fays,  that  the  Badrians  were  archers,  and 
ufed  bows  made  of  their   country   reed,   or  cane  ;   and   had 
fhort  darts.      In   other  refped:s,   they  were  accoutered  like 
the  Medes,   who  wore  tiaras,   tunics,    and  breeches,  with  a 
dagger  at  their  girdle.      The  Sacae,  or  Amyrgians,  had  caps 
upon  their  heads,  which  terminated  above  in  a  point  :   they 
had  alfo  breeches.      Their  chief  arms  were  bows  and  arrows 
with  a  dagger ;   alfo  battle-axes,   and   fagars.      Let  us  now 
turn,  and  view  the  habiliments  of  the  Celt^e  ;   and  fee  if  any 
refemblance  fubfifted.      Their  chief  weapons,  according  to 
Polybius,   Livy,    and   Cjefar,  were   a  long  dart,  or  framea ; 
and  a  long  cutting  fword,   but  pointlefs  :   and  they  ufed  an 
immenfe  fnield,  which  covered  the  whole  body.      They  had 
helmets  upon  their  heads,  which  were  ornamented  with  the 
winas  of  a  bird  for  a  creft  :   or  elfe  with  the  horns  of  fome 
wild  animal.      To  bows  and  arrows  they  were  flrangers,  or 
did  but  feldom  ufe  them.    From  hence  we  may  fee,  that  they 
were    in   nothing  Umilar,    but   breeches  and   bravery :   and 
of  the  former  they  were   divefted,  when  they  fought  j   for 
they  went  into  battle  naked. 

Great  reipeft  is  certainly  due  to  men  of  learning  ;  and  a 
proper  regard  fhould  be  paid  to  their  memory.  But  they 
forfeit  much  of  this  efleem,  when  they  mifapply  their  ta- 
lents ;  and  put  themfelves  to  thefe  fhifts  to  fupport  an  hy- 
pothefis.  They  may  fmile  at  their  reveries,  and  plume 
themfelves  upon  their  ingenuity  in  finding  out  fuch  expe- 
dients: but  no  good  can  pofTibly  arife  from  it;  for  the  whole 


The   Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythologv.  141 

is  a  fallacy,  and  impoiition.  And  a  perfon  who  gets  cut  ot 
his  depth,  and  tries  to  fave  himfelf  by  fuch  feeble  fupports, 
is  like  an  idcot  drowning,  without  knowing  his  danger:  who 
laughs,  and  plunges,  and  catches  at  every  ftraw.  What  I 
have  faid  in  refped:  to  thefe  two  learned  men,  will,  I  hope, 
be  an  argument  to  all  thofc,  who  follow  their  fyftem. 

O  F 

(     143     ) 

OF     THE 


ALSO     OF     THE 


AND      OF     THE 

HELLENES     of    EGYPT. 

AS  we  have  been  for  fo  many  ages  amufed  with  accounts 
of  Scythia  ;  and  feveral  learned  moderns,  taking  ad- 
vantage of  that  obfcurity,  in  which  its  hiilory  is  involved, 
have  fpoken  of  it  in  a  moft  unwarrantable  manner,  and  ex- 
tended it  to  an  unlimited  degree  :  it  may  not  be  unfatisfac- 
tory  to  inquire,  what  the  country  originally  was ;  and  from 
whence  it  received  its  name.  It  is  neceffary  iirfl:  of  all  to 
take  notice,  that  there  were  many  regions,  in  different  parts 
of  the  world  fo  called.  There  v/as  a  province  in  '  Egypt, 
and  another  in  Syria,  ftiled  Scythia.  There  was  alfo  a  Scy- 
thia  in  Alia  Minor,  upon  the  Thermodon  ^  above   Galatia, 

'  Pcolem.  Gcog.  L.  4.  c.  5.  p.  121. 

*  !Sxt^^i(«  uTTgp  rnv  ToL>^c(.iioLv.    Diod.  Sic.  L.  5.  p.  302^ 


144  T"^   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

■where  the  Amazons  were  fiippofed  to  have  refided.  The 
country  about  Colchis,  and  Iberia ;  alfo  a  great  part  of 
Thrace,  and  Mcefia  ;  and  all  the  Tauric  Cherfonefus,  were 
ftyled  Scythic.  Laflily,  there  was  a  country  of  this  name 
far  in  the  eaft,  of  which  little  notice  has  been  hitherto  taken. 
It  was  fituated  upon  the  great  Indie  Ocean  ;  and  confifted 
of  a  widely-extended  region,  called  ^  Scythia  Limyrica. 
But  the  Scythia  fpoken  of  by  the  ancient  Greeks,  and  after 
them  taken  notice  of  by  the  Romans,  conlifted  of  thofe 
countries,  which  lay  upon  the  coaft  of  the  Euxine  ;  and 
efpecially  of  thofe  upon  the  north,  and  north-eaftern  parts 
of  that  fea.  In  fhort,  it  was  the  region  of  Colchis,  and  all 
that  country  at  the  foot  of  Mount  Caucafus,  as  well  as  that 
upon  the  Palus  Maeotis,  and  the  Boryfthenes,  which  was  of 
old  efteemed  *  Scythia.  As  the  Greeks  were  ignorant  of 
the  part  of  the  world,  which  lay  beyond  ;  or  had  a  very 
imperfedl  knowledge  of  it  ;  they  often  comprehended  this 
too  under  the  fame  denomination.  Many  however  did  not 
extend  their  ideas  fo  far  :  but  looked  upon  the  coaft  above- 
fpecified  to  have  been  the  boundary  northward  of  the  habit- 
able ^  world.    Hence  we  read  of  extremum  Tanain,  ultimam 


'  Periplus  Maris  Erythr^i. 

*  The  people  were  of  Cuthite  original  j  a  part  of  that  body  which  came  from 
Egypt.  AtyuTnioov  cc7roiy.ct  aiiv  oi  'St'KV^a.t'  S'lx  raro  x«i  //.£A«i'o%5oa$  oi.vriii  ea'cn 
?\.syiiaiv.     Schol.  in  Pindar.  Pyth.  Od.  4.  v.  376. 

'  A. a  J'e  KoA^ti 
TJcvTB  Kou  yctiiii  iinKiy.KiTOii  ea-^ccTirun'. 

Apollon.  Rhod.  L.  2.  v.  419. 
Extremum  Tanaun  fi  biberis,  Lyce.     Horat.  L.  3.  Od.  10. 
XGiKO?  fAiv  Hi  Tnhn^ov  woy-sv  ■zrsS'oi', 
X^vdnv  a  oiy-ov^a-Qxrov  j<5  fowjocfar.     ^fch.  Prometh.  v.  i. 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology.  145 

Scythiam,  and  Kciv/.ct(Tov  scr'^ccTosna ;  Caucafus  the  boundary 
of  the  world.  And  although,  upon  the  return  of  the  Greeks, 
who  had  followed  the  fortunes  of  Cyrus  the  younger,  fome 
infight  might  be  fuppofed  to  have  been  gained  into  thofe 
parts  ;  yet  it  amounted  to  little  in  the  end  :  as  no  corre- 
fpondence  was  kept  up  ;  and  the  navigation  of  the  Bofporus 
was  feldom  attempted.  Hence  it  happened,  that,  till  the 
conquefts  of  LucuUus  and  Pompeius  Magnus,  thefe  coun- 
tries were  to  the  north-eaft  the  limits  of  geographical  know- 
ledge :  and  even  of  thefe  parts  the  accounts  were  very  ob- 
fcure  and  imperfeft.  Yet,  however  unknown  they  had  lain 
for  ages,  there  was  a  time,  when  the  natives  rendered  them- 
fehxs  very  rcfpedlable.  For  they  carried  on  an  extenfive 
commerce  ;  and  were  fuperior  in  fcience  to  all  the  nations 
in  their  neighbourhood.  But  this  was  lonp^  before  the 
dawning  of  learning  in  Greece :  even  before  the  conftitution 
of  many  principalities,  into  which  the  Hellenic  ftate  was 
divided.  They  went  under  the  name  of  Colchians,  Iberians, 
Cimmerians,  Hyperboreans,  Alani.  They  got  footing  in 
Paphlagonia  upon  the  Thermodon  ;  where  they  were  called 
Amazonians,  and  Alazonians :  alfo  in  Pieria,  and  Sithonia, 
near  Mount  Haemus  in  Thrace.  Thefe  were  properly  Scy- 
thic  nations  :  but  the  ancients,  as  I  have  before  mentioned, 
often  included  under  this  name  all  that  lay  beyond  them  ; 
whatever  was  unknown,  even  from  the  Cronian  and  Atlantic 

Plato  fpeaks  of  earth  being  extended  from  Gades  to  the  river  Pharis.  Phicdon. 
p.  109.     Herodotus  was  uncertain,  wliere  Europe  terminated.      L.  4.  c.  45. 

Colchidem  Grreci,  non  Homericis  folum  temporibiis,  fed  pluribus  etiam  feculis 
'poft,  orbis  noftri  ad  oricntem  terminum  effe  credcbant.  Vofl'ius  de  Idolatria.  L.  i. 
c.  24.  p.  177. 

Vol.  III.  U  feas 

146  Tim   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

feas  one  way,  to  Mount  Tabis  and  the  Corean  fea  the  other. 
'  'ATroLvroL;  {  h  th;  'nr^oc-^o^pHg  Kovjit^g  01  ^ctAaioi  Tm  'EKKyjvoou 
cvyy^oL^s^  l>y.vOixg  y.on  Ks?-^ro-XKvOag  SicaX'SV.  The  ancient 
•writers  of  Greece  tifed  to  include  ail  the  norther?i  nations  in 
general  under  the  name  of  Scythians  a?id  Celto-Scythians.  In 
this  they  went  too  far  :  yet  the  Scythic  nations  were  widely 
extended,  and  to  be  met  with  on  very  different  parts  of  the 
globe.  As  they  are  reprefentcd  of  the  higheft  antiquity, 
and  of  great  power ;  and  as  they  are  faid  to  have  fubdued 
mighty  kingdoms  ;  and  to  have  claimed  precedency  even  of 
the  Egyptians :  it  will  be  worth  our  while  to  enquire  into 
the  hiftory  of  this  wonderful  people ;  and  to  iift  out  the 
truth,  if  poflibly  it  may  be  attained.  Let  us  then  try  to  in- 
veftigate  the  origin  of  the  people  denominated  Scythians, 
and  explain  the  purport  of  their  name.  The  folution  of  this 
intricate  problem  will  prove  of  the  higheft  importance  ;  as 
we  fhall  thereby  be  able  to  clear  up  many  dark  circumftances 
in  antiquity  :  and  it  will  ferve  for  the  balls  of  the  fyftem, 
upon  which  I  proceed.  To  me  then  it  appears  very  mani- 
feft,  that  what  was  termed  by  the  Greeks  Xiiv^cc^  XjivOM, 
Xkv^ikoc,  was  originally  Cutha,  Cuthia,  Cuthica;  and  related 
to  the  family  of  Chus.  He  was  called  by  the  Babylonians 
and  Chaldeans  Cuth;  and  his  pofterity  Cuthites  and  Cuthe- 
ans.  The  countries  where  they  at  times  ^  fettled,  were 
uniformly  denominated  from  them.  But  what  was  pro- 
perly  ftyled  Cutha,    the   Greeks  expreffed  with   a  *  iigma 

prefixed  : 
*  Strato.  JL.  ii.  p.  774. 

^  Cufiftan  in  Perils  was  called  Cutha,  or  the  land  of  Cuth.     See  Jofeph.  Antiq. 
L.  g.  c.  14.  p.  507. 

'  So  'TA)}  was  by  the  Latines  rendered  Sylva ;  Ixra,  feptem;  epjrco,  ferpo  ;  and 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  147 

prefixed :  which,  however  trifling  it  may  appear,  has  been 
attended  with  fatal  confequences.  Whence  this  mode  of 
expreffion  arofe  is  uncertain  :  it  has  univerfally  obtained : 
and  has  very  much  confounded  the  hiftory  of  ancient  times, 
and  of  this  people  in  particular.  In  fliort,  the  miftake 
reaches  in  its  confequences  much  farther  than  we  may  at 
firO:  apprehend  :  and  being  once  detefted,  will  be  the  means 
of  explaining  many  difficulties,  which  cannot  otherwife  be 
folved  :  and  a  wonderful  light  will  be  thrown  on  the  re- 
moter parts  of  hiftory. 

As  the  Scythic  colonies  were  widely  difperfed,  I  will  take 
them  in  their  turns,  and  fhew  that  they  were  all  of  them 
Cuthic  :  that  the  people  upon  the  Indus  were  of  the  fame 
origin  as  thofe  upon  the  Phafis  and  Thermodon  :  and  that 
the  natives  of  Bastica  in  Iberia  were  related  to  both.  That 
the  Boeotians  and  Athenians  were  in  great  meafure  Cuthian, 
I  have  endeavoured  already  to  prove  :  and  what  I  term  Cu- 
thian, was  by  them  undoubtedly  ftyled  Scythian.  Hence 
Anacharfls  the  Hyperborean  plainly  maintained  that  the 
Athenians  were  apparently  Scythic  :  which  national  charac- 
teriftic  he  muft  have  obferved  in  their  language  and  man- 

from  a/ 5,  «Ao5  of  Greece  was  formed  fal,  and  falum.  The  river  Indus  was  often 
called  Sindus.  Indus  ah  incolis  Sindus  appellatur.  Plin.  N.  H.  L.  6.  p.  319. 
Ur  of  Chaldca  was  ftyled  Sur,  ^ovp:  and  it  is  fo  rendered  by  Syncellus.  Ek  x'^pa, 
rc:v  "KaP^OaicM',  iv  Xtup  th -tc-.Ae .  p.  95.  The  Elli,  thofe  priefts  of  the  fun  at  Do- 
dona,  W'jre  called  Selli.  The  Alpes  Cottire  are  by  Procopius  ftyled  Xxyxfa/.  De 
Bello  Goth.  L.  2.  p.  457.  And  Lycophron,  fpeaking  of  the  Alps  in  general,  inftead 
oi  AXtticc  op,  calls  them  SaAx/a,  Salpia. 

Kai  SaA7r<wi'  fiiQcDaocv  o^y\^u)v  'ujxyctiv.      V.  i-^6l. 
This  letter  is  ufed  by  the  Wellh  as  an  afpirate  :  and  has  undoubtedly  been  intro- 
duced by  many  nations  for  the  fame  purpofe. 

U  2  ners. 

148  The   Analysis   of   Ancirnt  Mythologv. 

ners.    '  E[j,oi  ct,  (piiTif  0  Ava^a^cTi;,  ^urcfJTBg  'E?.7.r,vsg  u-y.v^i^a^i. 
Li  all  other  countries,  where  this  people  fettled,  a  like  limi- 
Htude  will  be  found  in  their  rites  and  cuftoms ;   and  a  great 
correfpondence  in  their  original  hiftory :  and  all  this  attended 
with  a  manifcft  analogy  in  the  names  of  perfons  and  places ; 
and  in  the  language  of  each  nation,  as  far  as  we  can  arrive. 
It  may  be  faid,  if  by  IzvOia,  Scythia,  we  are  to  underftand 
Cutliia,  and  by  IfK-vOc'ii^  Cutha.i  or  Cutheans,  the  fame  fhould 
obtain   in   all   hiflorics  of  this  people  :    for  the  like  miftake 
would   be  obfervable  in  the  accounts  tranfmitted  in  the  ac- 
counts of  Chaldea,  and  Babylonia,  whence  this  people  firft 
came  ;   as  well  as  in  thofe  of  Egypt,  where  they  for  a  long 
time  refided.    And,  upon  enquiry,  we  fliall  find  this  to  have 
been  the  cafe.   Chus  was  by  the  Babylonians  ftyled  Cuth;  and 
the  country  of  his  pofterity  Cutha.      His  fens  were  the  firft 
rebels  upon  record.      The  building  of  the  Tower  called  Ba- 
bel is  fuppofed  to  have  been  effeded  under  their  direction  : 
for  Babel  was  the  place  of  habitation,  where  their  imperious 
prince  Nimrod,  who  was  called  Alorus  and  Orion,  refided. 
'" 'The  beginn'mg  of  his  kingdom^   we  are   told  by  Mofes,   was 
Babel.      In  confequence  of  this  it  may  be  urged,  that  if  the 
Cutheans  of  Colchis  or  Greece  are  fly  led  li/.vOcLi,  the  fame  name 
JJjotcld  be  fojnetimes  found  attributed  to  thofe  of  Babylonia  and 
Chaldea.      It  is  no  more  than  we  ought  to  exped:  :   and  we 
.{hall  find  that  the  natives  of  thefe  countries  are  exprellly  fo 
called.      Epiphanius,  who  has  tranfmitted  to  us  a  moft  cu- 
rious epitome  of  the  whole  Scythic  hilf ory,  gives  them  this 

'  Clem.  Alexandn.  Strom.  L.  i.  p.  364. 
'"  Gcncf.  c.  10,  V.  10, 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  149 

very  appellation.     "  Atto  Js  T8  y.T^i^arog  ra  ijr^og  Ev^oottyiv  sig 

(nv  2KT0AI*  KTi^sfTi  h  tt,v  liv^yoirouav^  koli  oiKo^o^^iri  rr,v 
BabiiAw^a.  T/jo/h  ?jatio7is^  which  reach  fouthward  frojft  that 
part  of  the  worlds  where  the  two  great  C07itinents  of  Etirope 
and  Afa  i?icline  to  each  other ^  and  are  co?t?ieBed^  were  tcniver- 
fally  fiyled  "  Scythes^  according  to  a?!  appellatioii  of  longfland- 
i?2g,  Thefe  ivere  of  that  family^  who  of  old  ereSied  the  great 
tower  (called  Babel),  and  who  built  the  city  Babylon.  This  is 
the  plain  purport  of  the  hiftory :  from  whence  we  learn  ex- 
preffly,  that  the  Scythians  were  the  Cuthians,  and  came 
from  Babylonia.  The  works,  in  which  they  were  engaged  ; 
and  the  perfon,  from  whom  they  were  denominated  ;  in 
fliort,  the  whole  of  their  hiftory  paft  all  controverfy  prove 
it.  They  were  the  fame  as  the  Chaldaic  lonim  under  a 
different  name.  '^  \'j}Vb;  Js  Tara'j'  a.^'ytiyoi,  yBysvrsVrcn,  w?  0 
ctx^i^ri;  s'^Bi  TKoyog,  ctjo  Td  loovay,  Bvog  au^^og  ra'i/  Toy  Ilv^yo'j 
oiKO^ofj,ri(rci.vrojy,  ots  di  y7\(jO(r<rcLi  ^iB[.JLB^i^-fi<TCLV  toov  oiv^^(f)7rooy. 
T'he  lones  were  the  leaders  of  this  people  according  to  the  beft 
information.  They  were  defcendanls  of  one  Io?i  or  lonah^ 
who  was  concerned  in  the  building  of  the  tower ^  whe7t  the  lan- 
guage of  mankind  was  cofifounded.  Thus  wx  may  obferve 
what  light  the  hiftories  of  different  nations,   if  duly  com- 

"  Epiphanius  adverfiis  Hferef.     L.  i.  p.  6. 

"  The  author  fuppofes,  that  all  mankind  were  occupied  in  the  building  of  the 
tov/er  •,  and  hence  leems  to  think,  that  all  families  were  Scythic.  But  this  is  a  oreat 
miftakc.  The  Cuthites  were  the  people  principally  engaged  In  that  work  ;  and 
tlity  are  the  family,  who  are  alluded  to  under  the  name  of  S^uOa;.  It  was  a  parti- 
cular and  national  appellation  ;  and  could  not  be  appropriated  to  all  mankind. 

"  Chron.  Pafchale.  p.  49.     Eufebii  Chron.  p.  7. 

pared  J 

J50  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mvthologt. 

pared,  refiedt  upon  each  other.  Like  evidence  may  be  ob- 
tained from  other  parts  of  Epiphanius  :  where  it  is  manifeft 
that  the  term  Scuthic  is  a  mifnomer  for  Cuthic.  In  de- 
fcribing  the  firft  ages  of  the  world,  he  tells  us,  that,  to  the 
time  of  Serug,  the  feventh  from  Noah,  there  continued  a 
Scythian  fucceflion  ;  and  that  the  Scythian  name  was  pre- 
valent.      '*  'Ew?  T8T»  (T/S^V^)  SfJLSVS  XfCV^lKYj  Tig  ^la.^O'^Yl  KOLl  STTl- 

KXif\7ig :  meaning,  that  this  period  was  efteemed  the  Scythian 
age.  The  fame  piece  of  hiftory  is  to  be  found  in  Eufebius, 
and  other  writers  ;  fome  of  whom  were  prior  to  '^  Epipha- 
nius. Now  I  think  it  cannot  be  doubted,  but  that  in  the 
original  hiftory,  whence  this  was  taken,  it  was  K.v^iKri  Tig  Si~ 
a.^o'vri  a  Cuthic  fuccejfion  ;  vl'xi  Ky^i/^J]  zirivSNcfTig^  and  it  was  the 
Cuthic  name^  by  which  that  period  was  marked.  Xzv^io'fJLogy 
fays  this  author  in  another  place,  cctfo  th  Kca'a.z7:V(T^j^s  ciy^i  th 
Uv^ya  :  from  the  deluge  to  the  ere&ing  of  the  tower  Scuthifm 
prevailed.  This  notation  is  perhaps  carried  too  far  back  : 
but  the  meaning  is  plain  ;  and  what  he  alludes  to,  is  cer- 
tainly Cuthifmus,  Kv^i^r^og.  The  purport  of  the  pafTage 
teaches,  that  from  the  time  of  the  deluge  to  the  conftrudlion 
of  the  tower  was  efteemed  the  Cuthic  age.  It  was  for  the 
moft  part  a  period  of  ufurpation  and  tyranny  under  the  fons 
of  Chus,  which  was  in  a  great  degree  put  a  ftop  to  at  the 
difperfton  :  at  leaft  the  intention  of  keeping  mankind  toge- 
ther, and  conftituting  one  great  empire  was  prevented  :  for 
this  feems  to  have  been  the  dcftgn  of  the  Cuthians  and  their 

'*  Epiphanius  adv.  H^ref.  L.  i.  p.  S.  alfo  L.  i.  p.  9.     See  alfo  his  Refponf.  ad 
Achaium  et  Paulum.  p.  8.  g. 
"  Eufebii  Chronicon.  p.  13. 

10  Some 

The  Analysis   op  Ancient  Mythology.  151 

Some  of  the  ancient  fathers,   from  terms  ill  underftood, 
divided  the  firft  ages  into  three  or  more  epochas  ;   and  have 
diftinguiflied  them  by  as  many  charaderiftics :  '*  Ba^Sa^Krao?, 
Barbarifmus,  which  is  fuppofed  to  have  preceded  the  flood  i 
l,KU^i(rf/,Oiy  Scuthifmus,  of  which  I  have  been  fpeaking :   and 
''  'EXXYiHQ'fJLOiy  Hellenifmus,   or  the   Grecian   period.      This 
laft  mufl:  appear  as  extraordinary  as  any.      For  how  was  it 
poflible  for  an  Hellenic  xra.  to  have  exifted  before  the  name 
of  Hellas  was  known,  or  the  nation  in  being  ?      This  arofe, 
like  the  preceding,  from  a  miftake  in  terms,  the  word  being 
warped  from  its  original  purport  and  direction.      The  Cu- 
feans  or  Cuthites  were  the  firft  apoftates  from  the  truth  :   of 
which  defedlion  I  have  before  taken  notice.      They  intro- 
duced the  worfhip  of  the  fun,  that  great  fountain  of  light  ; 
and  paid  the  like  reverence  to  the  ftars,  and  all  the  hoft   of 
heaven.   They  looked  upon  them  as  fountains,  from  whence 
were  derived  to  men  the  moft  falutary  '^  emanations.     This 
worfhip  was   ftyled   the  fountain  worfhip.      The  Grecians, 
juft  as  they  ftyled  the  Bay  of  Fountains  on  the  Red  Sea  El- 
anites  from  El  Ain,  might  have  called  this  charaderiftic  of 

At  Si  Tcov  atpSfTtuiv  "Sjccaajv  i^nreca  li  icai  "zs-poKpiroi  y.oct  ovofA-w^oi  enrtv  auTcci  Bac— 
€(zpia/A.o<^'^xu^iay.o?f'EA?^Wicrpt.o(,  lnScii'a-fAoi.  Chron.Pafchale.p.  23.  This  author  makes 
Barbarifmus  precede  the  deluge  :  Scythifmus  comes  after.  2KT0I2MO2  a-ro  rm- 
rifj-i^cov  r'd  Niwg  f/.irc(.  mv  xcx-rxxAuaixov  u^^^i  rvtira  TlupyB  oixoS'ofA^ii  ■  BccCiiAaivsi' 
xcti  fjLiTO.  rov  ^^Qvov  T«5  TH  Ylvoys  ctxo-^ ofj.TDi  iir  o?ifyoii  nsa-iv,  TBT  s^iv  ejus  Px- 
•ycoi'  ui^i^ov  J's  'EAAnvicj-fJLOs    h.t.A.    Chron,  Pafch.  p.  49. 

'^  Atto  Se  Td  'Xep'd;^  2<w?  tb  A^PctafA.  xai  Siv^o^  'EAAmi'/u^ao?.  Epiphan.  L.  i. 
p.  g.  Ssfia;;^,  cV'?  w^i'7  05  r]^^a.To  tb  EAAi)>'i(7/U.a.  Eufeb,  Chron.  p.  13.  In  like 
manner,  a  fourth  lierefy  is  fuppofed  to  have  arifen,  ftyled  Juda-'fnuis,  before  the 
lime  of  either  Jews  or  Jfraelites. 

''  Concerning  fountain  worfhip,  or  derivative  virtues,  fee  Pfellus  and  Jambli- 
chus;  and  Stanley  upon  the  Clialdaic  Religion.  El-ain,  Solisfons^  the  fountain 
of  the  fun, 


152  The  Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology. 

the  times  EAayJCjaof,  Elanifmus.  But  fuch  a  change  would 
not  fatisfy  them.  They  made  fome  farther  alteration  ;  and 
rendered  it  according  to  the  Ionic  dialect  'EKXtjVKTfJ^ogy  Plel- 
lenifhius  with  an  afpirate  ;  and  made  it  by  thefe  means  re- 
late to  their  own  country.  One  of  the  titles  of  the  Cufean 
fliepherds,  who  came  into  Egypt,  was  taken  from  this  wor- 
fliip,  and  derived  from  El  Ain,  the  fountain  of  light,  which 
they  worfliiped.  But  the  Greeks  expreflcd  this  after  the 
fame  manner  as  the  above  :  whence  they  are  by  many  wri- 
ters flyled  '^UoifjLSVs;  'EK7\mg,  He/Ienic  or  Grecia?i  pepherds. 
They  were  truly  El-Ancs,  and  by  race  Cuthites.  Many  of 
them  fettled  in  Armenia,  and  at  Colchis,  and  alfo  upon  the 
Palus  M^otis.  They  are  taken  notice  of  under  this  name  by 
"  Claudian  : 

patriamque  bibens  Maeotida  Alanus. 

Procopius  mentions,  that  all  the  nations  about  Caucafus, 
which  we  know  to  have  been  Cuthites,  as  far  as  the  Portse 
Caucafeze,  were  comprehended  under  the  name  of  "  Alani. 

Some  have  thought,  that  this  diilindlion  of  times,  taken 
notice  of  by  the  ecclefiaftical  writers,  vvas  owing  to  fome 
expreffions  of  St.  Paul  in  his  Epiftle  to  the  Coioflians. 
"  'Ottb  an  Bvi  'EA?.rji/,  koli  la^am'  'UT^iioiXYi  kcli  clkcq^v^lol' 
Bcc^^oLcog^  X/.v^Ytg'   ^nKog,    s'Ksv^s^og'    clKKol   Tct   istclvtoLj    icai    sv 

''    Exv^ai/gxaTM  Sufxq-nx,   Uoitxivsi  '£AA>;i/S5.     Syncellus.    p.  6|. 

*'  In  Rufin.  L.  i.  v.  3  12. 

"  TcxxiTi-.v  Ss  ivv  ^ir'Pccf,  r\  i^  QOBi  T«  Kcivycudi'd  (x^pi  is  Tcci  \{a.(77ricL;  Karariiei 
'zniAai,  AAai'oi  e^ncri.  Procop.  Goth.  Hift.  L.  4.  c.  3.  p.  570.  This  comprehends 
all  the  country  of  Iberia,  Colchis  and  CircafTia. 

"  ColofT.  c.  3.  V.  II. 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  153 

'SracTi  X^ifo?.  Where  there  is  7zeither  Greek  tior  "Jew^  circum- 
cifion  nor  uncircumciJion\  Barbaria7i\  Scythiajt ;  hot^d  nor  free  ; 
but  Chriji  is  all  and  in  all.  The  Apoftle  plainly  alludes  to 
thofe  invidious  diftin<5lions,  which  fubfifted  among  men;  but 
what  the  fathers  mention,  concerns  the  divifion  of  times, 
and  the  charadlers,  by  which  different  epochas  were  diftin- 
guifhed.  Some  writers  however  have  gone  farther,  and  from 
the  words  of  St.  Paul  have  added  Judaifmus  ;  introducing  it 
in  the  firft  ages,  to  which  it  could  not  poiTibly  belong.  For 
how  could  Judaifm  fubfift,  before  there  was  either  Jew  or 
Ifraelite  ?  In  fhort,  they  have  brought  in  fucceiTion,  and  at 
different  aeras,  what  the  Apoftle  fpeaks  of  as  fubflfting 
together  at  the  fame  time  ;  even  in  the  age  wherein  he 

Hellenifmus  however,  which  led  the  way  to  thefe  diftinc- 
tions,  was  of  ancient  date.  The  firft  innovation  in  religion 
was  called  by  this  name  :  which  had  no  relation  to  Greece  ; 
being  far  prior  to  Hellas,  and  to  the  people  denominated 
from  it.  Though  it  began  among  the  Cuthites  in  Chaldea ; 
yet  it  is  thought  to  have  arifen  from  fome  of  the  family  of 
Shem,  who  refided  among  that  people.  Epiphanius  accord- 
ingly tells  us,  that  Ragem^  or  Ragau,  had  for  his  fon  Seruch^ 
whe7t  idolatry  and  Helleniff?ius  firfl  began  amo?ig  me7i.      '^  Pa- 

TS,  K(/.i  6  'E?\7\r,vi<TfJLog.  By  this  we  are  only  informed,  that 
idolatry  and  Hellenifmus  began  in  the  days  of  Seruch  :  but 
Eufebius  and  other  writers  mention,  that  he  was  the  author 

*'  Hasref.  L,  i.e.  6.  p.  7. 

Vol.  III.  X  of 

154  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology,. 

of  this  apoftafy.  ^*  ^5^«%,  og-ig  "GT^odrot;  ri^^aro  ra  'EAXrinu-fjos. 
Seruch  was  the  firjl^  who  ifjtroduced  the  falfe  worjhip^  called 
Helle72ifmus.  Some  attribute  alfo  to  him  the  introdudion  of 
^■^  images :  but  moft  give  this  innovation  to  his^  grandfon 
Terah.  ^^  Na^w^  Js  yevvct  Toy  Qapfict,,  snsv^p  yeyoysp  ccv^pi' 
anoTrXaQ-ici — Jia  rY\g  rs  @ct^ps  ts'^vyj;.  Nachor  begat  Thar  ah: 
and  in  his  time  were  introduced  images  for  worjhip^  which  were 
Jirji  frajned  by  his  art. 

It  is  obfervable,  that  Johannes  Antiochenus  fiyles  the  peo- 
ple of  Midian  Hellenes :  and  fpeaking  of  Mofes,  who  married 
the  daughter  of  Jethro,  the  Cuthite,  the  chief  prieft  of 
^^  Midian,  he  reprefents  the  woman,  ^^  t/]j/  ^yyceTS^a  lo^o^  ra 
a^y}H^^^  Tuoy  'EAAio^wy,  as  the  daughter  of  Jother,  the  high- 
friefi  of  the  Hellenes.  This  is  not  fo  culpable  as  I  have 
fometimes  thought  it.  It  is  to  be  obferved,  that  the  people 
of  Midian  lived  upon  the  upper  and  eaftern  recefs  of  the 
Red  Sea  ;  where  was  a  city  called  El  Ain,  the  Elana 
of  ^'  Ptolemy,  and  Ailane  of  Jofephus.  It  happens,  that 
there  are  in  the  oppoiite  recefs  fountains,  which  retain   the 

^*  Eufebii  Chron.  p.  13.  See  Chron.  Pafchale,  and  Syncellus.  p.  94.  95.  Some 
fuppofe  this  innovation  to  have  been  introduced  about  the  death  of  Peleg.  Etti  tyiv 
Ta  4>aA£;v^  nXiurnv  irn  T^iax''^'cc'  sv^iv  ap^nv  rcrw  'EAA/jnxwf  Qsojt'  ?\ay.^cx.i'Hai  ra. 
ovo/JiccTa.    Cedrenus.  p.  15. 

Nsc'e  TB  S'laatty.    Conllant.  ManalTcs.  p.  21, 

**  Epiphanius.  L.  i.  p.  7. 

'■^  Exodus,  c.  2.  V.  16. 

''  P.  76.  77. 

*'  'H^e  EAaya  xutx  (m^ov  xei/Jt-evn  ra  cjjt.uvvfji.ii  koXttou.  Ptolem.  L.  5.  c.  1 7.  p»  162. 

Ou  "TO-oppiw  AiAavm  -TSToXicci.     Jofeph.  Ant.  L,.  8.  c.  2.  p.  4^y. 

AiAar«  ra-oA«  ApaCia?.    Steph.  Byzant.      AiA«?.    Piocop.  Perfica.  L.  i.  c.  19. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  155 

-name  of  El  Ain  at  this  day  :  and  they  are  likewife  called  by 
the  Arabs  Ain  Mofh,  or  the  fountains  of  Mofes.  Hence 
each  bay  has  been  at  times  called  Sinus  Elanites  ;  which 
Jias  caufcd  fome  confufion  in  the  accounts  given  of  thefe 
parts.  The  nether  recefs  had  certainly  its  name  from 
the  celebrated  fountains  of  Mofes,  which  ran  into  it  : 
but  the  bay  on  the  other  lide  was  denominated  from  the 
people,  who  there  ^°  fettled.  They  were  Cuthites,  of  the 
fame  race  as  the  lonim  and  Hellenes  of  Babylonia,  from 
which  country  they  came.  They  built  the  city  Elana ;  and 
were  called  ''  Hellenes,  from  the  great  luminary,  which  they 
worfhiped  ;  and  to  which  their  city  was  facred.  In  the 
days  of  Mofes  the  whole  world  feems  to  have  been  infeded 
with  the  rites  of  the  Zabians :  and  Jethro  the  Cuthite  was 
probably  high-prieft  of  this  order,  whofe  daughter  Mofes 
^*  married.  The  very  firft  idolatry  conlifted  in  worfhiping 
the  luminary  El  Ain;  which  worfliip  was  accordingly  ftyled 
Hellenifmus.  El  Ain  fignifies  Sol  Pons,  the  f omit  ain  of  light  : 
and  Ulpian  upon  Demofthenes  feems  to  have  had  fome  in- 
timation of  this  etymology  ;  for  he  explains  the  term 
s7\Ky]i/iH.uoTCiTov  by  "  KOi^cc^oorctrov  and  giAi/i^i^Sfaroy,  fomethi7ig 
'very  pure  anddear^  like  a  fountain.  Hefychius  alfo  intimates, 
that  the  name  related  to  the  '^  fountain  of  day  ;  and  in  a 
fecondary  fenfe  to  the  fountain  of  wifdom.     'EAA)i!/s?,  0/  a^ro 

'°  The  bay  Is  now  called  Bahhr  al  Akaba.     See  Defcription  d'Arabie  par  Monf, 
Niebuhr.    1773.  p.  345. 

"  The  people  ftill  retain  their  primitive  name  Ellancs.     Dr.  Pocock  exprcfics  it 
Allauni.     The  Arabs  about  Acaba  arc  called  Allauni.     Pocock's  Egypt,  p.  13S. 

'*  Exodus,  c.  2.  V.  16.     Numbers,  c.  12.  v.  i, 

"  P.  118. 

'■*  Jiih-T,  n  Tfj  n^m  xvyn.     Hcfych. 

X  2  T-g 

156  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

T8  A/0?  T8  'EhT^YjVOg'  Y}  <p^oi/i(JLOi,  YiToi  (ro<poi.  The  people  Jiyled 
Helle7ies  are  the  defce?idants  of  Hellene  the  fon  of  Zeuth  :  and 
by  this  title  are  denoted  people  of  intellige?it  and  enlightened 
minds.  Hellen  was  the  fame  as  Ion  ;  the  fame  alfo  as  He- 
lius,  Oiiris,  and  Apollo :  by  which  titles  was  iignificd  the 
Deity  of  light  and  of  fcience. 

From  Babylonia  the  Hellenes  came  into  Egypt;  and  were 
the  fame  as  the  Auritae^  thofe  Cuthite  fhepherds,  who  fo 
long  held  that  country  in  fubjedion.  Hence  we  read  of 
55  W^ii^zvii  'E?\.7\riiSij  and  ^*  Batr/As/?  'EXXnvsgy  Hellenic  fiep- 
herdsj  and  Helle72ic  princes,  who  reigned  in  the  infancy  of 
that  nation.  They  were  what  I  term  colledlively  Amonians; 
being  the  defcendants  of  Ham,  who  by  the  Gentile  writers 
was  reputed  the  firft-born  of  Deucalion,  or  Noah.  ^"  Tivov^ 
70.1  Jg  BK  riyppa?  I^zvKC(.7\imi  'UTaihg,  'UKT^yiV  (jlsv  'ur^mog,  01/  sz 
Aiog  svioi  yzy^vrfT^o.i  Asyaci — ^ix^^oltt^^  h  U^ooToyevBia.  Hellen 
•was  the  frfl-bor7i  of  Deucalio7i  by  Pyrrha  :  though  fotne  7nake 
him  the  f 071  of  Zeuth,  or  Dios. —  There  was  alfo  a  daughter 
Protogeneia  ',  fo  named  from  being  the  firft-born  ot  women; 
He  was  alfo  faid  to  have  been  the  fen  cf  Prometheus :  but 
in  this  there  is  no  inconfiftency  ;  for  they  were  all  titles  of 
the  fame  perfonage,  whofe  fon  was  '^  Ham,  reprefented  botli 

"  Africaniis  apud  Syncellum.  p.  6i. 

'*  Syncellus.  ibid.  * 

"  Apollodofus.  L  I.  p.  20. 

Ktto  V.AAm'oi  TH  AevxctAicci'oi  'EAAnv;5.  Syncellus.  p.  157.  EAXx^,  r.i,  0  Aios 
'£AA>i»  gJtTiirsr.  Diccearchus.  Geog.  Gr.  Vol.  p.  22.  Strabo.  L.  8.  p.  507.  'RAAw 
Ta  AefJtaAiOK-ios.  Tl^iicyd.  L.  1.  c.  3.  UpofAndeooi  xat  Flupfa^  EAAjji'.  Scliol.  ia 
Apollon.  I..  3.  V,  1086.  Strabo  mentions  the  tomb  of  Hellen  ;  raCpcv  Ta  'EAAhvss 
«ia  Aeyj^aAi&wos  u;y,  xxi  Flypp*?,  L.  g.  p.  C60. 

»'  C3n.  Sol. 

10  as 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  157 

as  Hellen,  and  Helius.  The  Cuthite  Hellenes,  who  came 
into  Egypt,  introduced  their  arts  and  learning  ;  by  which 
that  country  was  benefited  greatly.  Hence  the  learning  of 
Egypt  was  ftyled  Hellenic  from  the  Hellenic  fhepherds  : 
and  the  ancient  theology  of  the  country  v/as  faid  to  have 
been  defcribed  in  the  '^  Flellenic  charadter  and  language. 
This  had  no  relation  to  the  Hellenes  of  Greece  ;  being,  as  I 
have  before  obferved,  far  prior  to  that  nation.  The  Gre- 
cians, it  is  true,  were  both  lonim  and  Hellenes  ;  but  by  a 
long  defcent,  being  the  pofterity  of  the  people  here  fpoken 
of.  This  theology  was  faid  to  have  been  derived  from 
"^^  Agathodaemon,  that  benign  deity,  the  benefadlor  of  all 
mankind.  He  was  il-ippofcd  to  have  had  a  renewal  of  life  ; 
and  on  that  account  was  reprefented  under  the  figure  of  a 
ferpent  crowned  with  the  lotus,  and  flyled  "^^  Noe  Agatho- 
dsmon.  The  Grecians  fuppofed,  that  by  the  Hellenic 
tongue  was  meant  tlie  language  of  Greece  ;  and  that  the 
Hellenic  charafters  were  the  letters  of  their  own  country. 
But  thefe  writings  were  in  reality  fculptures  of  great  anti- 
quity :  and  the  language  was  the  Cuthite,  ftyled  by  *^'  Ma- 
netlion  die  lacred  language  of  Egypt.. 

"  Manethon  apud  Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  6. 

**°  Syncellus.  p.  40.     The  hiftory  was  fuppofed  to  have  been  by  him  trannated" 
after  ths  deluge^  jj.iTct  rov  KccrocK/^vapLo:',  tx.  rw  Upxi  SiccXix-ra  si;  tiiv  HLWiiviSx  (^'xrw 
from    the  facred  language  into  the  Hellenic:   by  which   mull  be  meant  the- ancient 

*"  The  name  Noe  the  Greeks  tranfpofed,  and  cxpreffed  it  Neo  Kya.^oSD(.-fjMv, 
See  Vol.  II.  p.  336.  Plate  VI.  where  the  Patriarch  is  defcribed  under  the  fymbol  of 
a  ferpent,  with  the  emblems  of  plenty  and  peace.  Agathodsmon  was  the  fame  as. 
Gneph.     Eufeb.  Prsep.  Evang.  L.  i.  c.  10.  p.  4.1.  '  * 

■**  Jofeph.  contra  Apion.  L.  i.  p.  445..  '■ 


,158  The  Analysis   of  Anci&nt  Mythology^ 

Philo  JudtEUS,  not  being  apprifed  of  this,  has  been  guilty 
of  a  great  miftake  in  his  Life  of  Mofes.  For  mentioning  how 
that  great  perfonage  had  been  inftrudled  in  his  youth  ;  and 
that  he  was  ficilled  in  all  the  learning  of  Egypt,  in  numbers, 
geography,  and  hieroglyphics ;  he  adds,  that  the  reft  of  the 
circle  of  fciences  he  learned  of  the  Hellenes,  or  Grecians : 
'*^  Triv  Js  ccAArjV  syy.vySKiov  'uroLihiav  'E?\?jji/Bg  £^i^oL(ryou :  as  if  the 
circle  of  fciences  had  been  eftabliflied,  and  the  Greeks  were 
adepts  in  philofophy,  fo  early  as  the  time  of  Mofes.  The 
Hellenes,  who  were  fuppofed  to  have  inftrucled  the  Patri- 
arch, were  undoubtedly  an  order  of  priefts  in  Egypt:  which 
order  had  been  inftituted  before  the  name  of  Hellas,  or  the 
Helladians,  had  been  heard  of.  Stephanus  mentions  from 
Ariftagoras,  a  place  called  Hellenicon  (E?^?'.r,viKOi')  at  Mem- 
phis ;  and  fays,  that  the  perfons,  who  relided  there,  were 
ftyled  ''*  Helleno-Memphitae.  Clemens  Alexandrinus  has 
tranfmitted  the  fame  account  concerning  Mofes,  as  has  been 
criven  above  by  Philo.,  ^^  Triv  ^s  aKKYjV  eyy.VKXiov  'Wa.i^eiciv 
[EKkTiVSQ  B^i^OL<Ty.ov  Bv  KiyvTTTLc^  c^;  ciV  ^CKTiXiKoy  ^oiihov.  The 
Hellenes  educated  him  in  Egypt  as  a  pi'ijicely  child  \  and  in- 
JiruEied  him  in  the  whole  circle  of  fciences.  Thefe  writers  have 
certainly  miftaken  the  hiftory,  from  whence  they  borrowed. 
It  did  not  relate  to  Greece,  but  to  the  Hellenes  of  Egypt ; 
thofe  Helleno-Memphita;  of  Stephanus  and  Ariftagoras. 
When  Clemens  therefore  tells  us  concerning  Mofes,  Oi  E?v- 
7\T,VBg  sMoLTZov  BV  Aiyy/TTio,  The  Hellenes  taught  him  in  Egypt : 

«  In  VitaMons,V.  2.  p.  84. 

qnTai,  coi  Apti^ccyopa?'     Steph.  Byziint. 
*'  Strom.  L.  i.  p.  413. 

9  it 

The  Analysis  of  Anciexnt  Mythology.  159 

it  fliould  be  rendered,  'Of  'E?\?^rtVsg  zv  AiyvTTTcp  bci^xtkov,  the 
Hellenes  of  Egypt  taught  him  :  for  fuch,  we  may  be  afTured, 
was  the  purpM^rt  of  the  original,  and  true  hiftory.  And  this 
may  be  proved  by  the  account  given  of  Ofiris  ;  of  whom  it 
is  faid,  that  after  his  travels  over  the  earth,  he  inflituted  re- 
ligious rites,  and  founded  fchools  of  eloquence  in  Egypt.  Of 
thefe  he  made  Hermes  profefTor,  who  inftruded  the  ''^  Helle- 
nes in  that  fcience.  This  was  many  ages  before  the  fuppofed 
arrival  of  Danaus,  or  of  Cadmus,  in  Greece  :  confequently 
thefe  Hellenes  could  have  no  relation  to  that  country.  They 
were  undoubtedly  an  order  of  priefts ;  the  fame  as  are  laid 
to  have  inftrudled  Mofes.  The  hiftory  was  certainly  true, 
though  the  perfons  have  been  miftaken.  Zoroafter  is  by  Ebn 
Batrick  flyled  luna-Hellen  ;  and  faid  to  have  been  the  au- 
thor of  the  Zabian  worfliip,  which  commenced  about  the 
time  that  the  tower  of  Babel  was  ereded.  "  Autumant  au- 
tem  nonnulli,  primum  rcligionis  Sabiorum  audiorem  fuiffe 
GriEcum  (Hellenem)  quendam  nomine  liinam. — Fertur  etiam 
ilium,  qui  primus  Sabiorum  religionem  inflituit,  ex  eorum 
numero  fuiffe,  qui  turri  Babelis  extruenda?  adfuerunt.  Ac- 
cording to  Dicaearchus,  the  great  Sefoftris  was  a  favourer  of 
*'  Hellenifm. 

From  what  has  been  faid,  it  appears  plainly,  that  the 
Hellenes  and  lones  were  the  fame  people  under  different  ap- 
pellations. They  were  the  defcendants  of  Heilen  and  Ion, 
two  names  of  the  fame  perfonage ;  among  whofe  fons  idolatry 
firft  began  in  the  region  of  Babylonia.      Fie  was  flyled  Ion, 

""    K«i  T85  E/./\«ra«  J^icTa^ai  TaTcc  to,  'zs-e^i  rriv  'Efy-mfcioct:  Diodorus.  L.  i.  p.  15. 

*'  Vol.  1,  p.  63.  from  the  Latin  verfion. 

*^  Kctt  E?\?\.}irix-d  l2rd^iaoy^oo(riiS'i'xi.   Schol.  in  ApoUon.  L.  4.  v.  273. 


i6o  The  Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology. 

loiian,  lonichus ;  and  was  fuppofcd  to  have  been  the  author 
of  magic.  From  him  the  Babylonians  had  the  name  of  lonim, 
as  weJl  as  ot  Hellenes  :  for  thefe  terms  were  ufed  as  in  fome 
degree  fynonimous.  Hence  when  the  facrcd  writer  men- 
tions people's  flying  from  the  weapons  of  the  *'  lonim,  or 
Babylonians,  it  is  very  truly  rendered  by  the  Seventy  fro7/i 
the  Helle?iic  fword :  ^°  Avccg'',  zy.i  cjoL7§B'l^(f)(J,si/  'UT^og  tov 
Kccov  Yiix,m  Big  ttiv  'urctT^i^a  ^jmv^  oltco  'or^ou'UTfii  fj^oi'^at^oig  'EA- 
7^.Ylvi/.Y]g.  Arife^  a?jd  let  us  go  again  to  our  own  people,  and  to 
the  land  of  our  nativity,  from  the  Hellenic  ^lewY/.  The  like 
expreflion  is  to  be  found  in  the  fame  verlion,  and  of  the  fame 
prophet :    ^'  Ato  ijT^o(nc7r8  fJiOL'^on^<xg  'EXXr.viKYig  s/.ag-og  sig  tqi> 

7\0LQy  0LVT3  OiXO^^S-^kHTl,  KXl  BKOL^Og  Big  TiTiV  y't\V  avTH  (psv^BTcci. 
From  the  fword  of  the  Hellenes  they  fj  all  tu7~n  every  one  to 
hjs  ow?i  people,  and  they  pall  flee  every  one  to  his  own  land.  In 
each  inftance  the  words  in  the  original  are  the  fword  of  T\i'\\ 
lijnah  :  by  which  are  meant  the  lonim  or  Babylonians.  The 
fame  worfhip,  of  which  the  Hellenes  are  faid  to  have  been 
the  authors,  is  attributed  to  the  lonim,  the  fons  of  lonah. 
^-  Iwsg  h,  01  SK  TYig  I«?,  rm  'ET^Mvm  ct^'^riyoi  ysyovoTBg,  roig 
^ooLVOig  'W^oTSKVVovv.  'The  lonim,  the  reputed  fons  of  lonah,  who 
became  the  head  of  the  Hellenes,  introduced  the  adoration  of 
images.  They  alfo  introduced  Zabaifm,  as  is  mentioned  by 
the  fame  "  author  ;  and  worfhiped  the  celeftial  conftellations. 
The  perfon,  from  whom  the  Hellenes  had  their  name,  was 

■«  nJV  D"in,  the  fword  of  the  lonah. 

*°  Jeremiah,  c.  46.  v.  16. 

''  Ibid.  c.  50.  V.  1 6.     See  Vol.  II.  p.  302.  of  this  work. 

'*  Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  13. 

-'  luvis  785  KXT  Ovpocvov  (pu<^tifxi  ^eoTToiBfJLii'ot.  Ibid.     See  alfo  Cedrenus.  p.  46. 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  i6i 

Hellen,  the  fame  as  Cham,  the  fon  of  Noah.      ^'  'EXXriv  mo; 
t^BViicO\imoi;.     Hellen  was  the  fo7i  of  the  pcrfo7i  who  efcapcd  the 
flood.      The  lones  were  from  the   fame   perfonagc,  under  a 
different  title. 

Such  was  the  firfl  herefy  in  the  world,  which  was  ftyled 
Hellenifmus  :  and  fuch  the  Hellenes,  by  whom  it  was  pro- 
pagated. They  were  diflipated  from  Babylonia,  and  paffed 
into  Egypt ;  and  betook  thenifelves  to  Syria,  Rhodes,  and 
Hellas ;  and  many  other  countries.  Many  traces  of  them 
are  to  be  found  in  Syria  ;  where  particularly  is  to  be  ob- 
ferved  a  city,  which  from  them  muft  have  had  its  name. 
Stephanus,  fpeaking  of  places  called  Hellas,  tells  us. 
Eft  KCLi  uXKr\  ■woXig  'EAAa?  KoiX'rig  l,v^icf.g'  to  z^vizov  'E7^XrjV. 
There  is  alfo  another  city  Hellas  in  Coile  Syria.  The  Gentile 
derivative^  or  pojfejfive^  is  Helle7t.  There  were  Hellenes  at 
Rhodes  ;  the  fame  as  the  Heliad^,  of  whom  ^^  Diodorus  Si- 
culus  makes  mention.  They  feem  to  have  been  the  firft, 
who  peopled  that  illand.  Thofe  Hellenes,  who  fettled  at 
Dodona,  were  the  firft  of  the  name  among  the  Helladians, 
and  from  them  it  became  at  laft  univerfal.  They  had  alfo 
the  name  of  Elli,  and  Selli,  and  were  properly  priefts  of  the 
oracle,  which  they  brought  from  Thebes  in  Egypt.  ^^  'EA- 
Aor  'EAAr/fg?,  hi  sv  Aoj^ocr/i,  y,cti  oi  is^sig'  EAAa  (it  fhould  be 
EAAar)  Aiog  le^ov  zv  At^^mri.  The  Elli  are  the  fame  as  the 
Hellenes  at  Dodona  :  a?id  the  priefls  of  the  place  have  the  fajne 

"  Enfeb.  Chron.  p.  28. 

'     I'-^iv  Si  viicrcv  raVTiv  TOTS  KaTiiJtBi/ 'EAA);r£c.  L.  4.  p.  26. 

''  Hefych.  Elli  and  Selli  arc  terms  of  the  fanie  purport  ■,  being  derived  from  El 
and  Sel,  two  names  of  the  fun.  What  the  Grecians  rendered  Hellas  would  have  been 
exprciled  more  truly  Hellan. 

Vol.  III.  Y  name. 

1 62  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology, 

■name.  Elian  is  the  name  of  the  temple  dedicated  to  Jupiter  at 
Dodona.  The  like  is  faid  by  **  Ariftotle  and  ^^  Strabo.  Of 
this  people  I  Ihall  fay  more,  when  I  come  to  the  lonah-Hel* 
lenic  colonies  of  Greece. 

''  Meteorolog.  L.  i.e.  14.  p.  772, 
"  L.  7.  p.  505. 


C   163  ] 

OF     THE 


O   R 

AGE      of     the      C    U   T  H   I   M. 

I  Have  taken  notice  of  the  manner,  in  which  the  firft  ages 
of  the  world  were  diftinguifhed :  and  I  have  Ihewn,  that 
Scythifmus  and  Hellenifmus  were  miftaken  terms :  that  they 
were  not  the  charafteriftics  of  times  in  fucceffion,  as  many 
of  the  learned  fathers  have  fuppofed ;  but  related  each  to 
nearly  one  particular  feafon,  the  age  of  Chus ;  and  to  the 
worfhip  introduced  by  his  fons.  The  Golden  Age  of  the 
poets  took  its  rife  from  a  miftake  of  the  fame  nature :  which 
miftake  being  once  eftablifhed,  a  Silver,  a  Brazen,  and  an 
Iron  Age  were  in  confequence  of  it  added.  What  was  termed 
Vsvog  X^v<rsov  and  X^v(rBiov,  fhould  have  been  expreffed  Xv(rsov 
and  Xvcreioy :  for  it  relates  to  the  fame  sera,  and  hiftory,  as 
the  terms  beforementioned  ;  to  the  age  of  Chus,  and  to  the 
domination  of  his  fons.  It  is  defcribed  as  a  period  of  great 
happinefs :   and   the    perfons,    to    whom   that  happinefs   is 

Y  2  attributed. 

164  The  Analysis   op   Ancient  Mythology. 

tributed,  are  celebrated  as  fuperiour  to  the  common  race  of 
men  :  and  upon  that  account,  after  their  death,  they  were 
advanced  to  be  Deities. 

A^avcnoi  'Woiiri(j-oiv,  OXv^TTiot  ^oofjiaT  Byovrsg' 

'Ol  fJLSV  STTl  K^Om  YiTOLVy    OT    OV^OLVUii  £IJ.^Ci(n?\BuSP, 

'£2f£  0£Oi  J"'  e^c/jov  olkyi^sol  ^v[jlov  s'^onsg, 
NocTip/v  oLTs^rs  'UTovm  Kcti  o'ii^vog'  ah  t;  hi7\ov 
Fri^ctg  S7rr]V'  h,tX. 

Aurot^  STTsi  Ksv  TBTo  yspog  koltol  yoLicn,  kolXv^s^ 
Toi  [xsi/  AcufJLoyeg  £i<n  Aiog  [xsyoLXa  ^ick,  jSaAa^, 

'Ol  pec  (pvXoL(T(riiinv  rs  ^iKctg^  koli  (T'^stT^ici  T^yct. 

The  Immortals  firft  a  Goldeii  race  produced  : 

Thefe  liv'd,  Vv'hen  Saturn  held  the  realms  of  heaven ; 

And  pafs'd  their  time  like  Gods  without  a  care. 

No  toil  they  knew,  nor  felt  folicitude  ; 

Not  e'en  th'  infirmities  of  age — 

Soon  as  this  race  was  funk  beneath  the  grave  ; 

Jove  rais'd  them  to  be  Demons  of  the  air. 

Spirits  benign,  and  guardians  of  mankind. 

Who  ftcrnly  right  maintain,  and  forely  punifli  wrong. 

We  have  in  this  fliort  account  a  juft  hiftory  of  the  rife  of 
idolatry,  when  deified  men  had  firft  divine  honours  paid  to 
them :  and  we  may  be  affured  of  the  family,  in  which  it 
began.      The  ancients  had  a  high  notion  of  this  Golden,  or 

'  Hefiod.  E^7  a  xsc/ 'H//f^.  L,  i.v.  109. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  165 

Cufean  age  ;  and  always  fpeak  of  it  with  great  deference,  as 
a  time  of  uncommon  equity  and  happinefs.  They  indeed 
take  into  the  account  the  sra  of  patriarchal  government, 
when  all  the  world  was  as  yet  one  family,  and  under  the 
mild  rule  of  the  head  of  mankind.  Aratus  fays,  that  this 
was  the  feafon,  when  Aftrzea,  or  Juftice,  appeared  perfonally 
in  the  world. 

She  ftay'd,  while  yet  the  Race  of  Gold  furvived. 

And  he  laments,  that  thofe  excellent  perfons,  who  then 
flourifhed,  fhould  have  been  fucceeded  by  a  pofterity  fo  de- 
generate and  bafe. 


What  an  unworthy  and  degenerate  race 
Our  Golden  Sires  bequeath'd  ? 

By  this  we  find,  that  not  only  a  particular  age,  but  alfo  per- 
fons were  ftyled  X^vo'sioiy  or  Golden.  Thofe  who  came  into 
Greece,  and  built  the  temple  at  Olympia,  are  reprefented  as 
'^  Xpv(riiV  yevog^  a  Golden  Race  :  by  which  is  certainly  meant 
Cufoan  or  Cufean.  But  however  this  people  may  have  been 
celebrated,  they  were  the  firft  idolaters,  who  introduced  a 
plurality    of  Gods,    and    made   other   innovations    in    life. 

*  Phajnom.  v.  113. 
'  Tbid.  V.  123. 

*  Piiufan.  L.  5.  p.  391, 

i56  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythologv. 

The  j^thlopes^  or  Cut  bites  ^  were  the  Jirji,  who  paid  honours  to 
■more  Gods  than  one.,  and  who  enaSied  laws. 

The  Grecians  by  rendering  what  fliould  be  Cufean,  X^ycrsoy, 
Crufean,  have  been  led  Hill  farther  in  chara6leriling  the 
times :  and  to  this  fuppofed  Golden  Age,  which  they  have 
embellifhed  with  many  ii6tions,  they  have  added  an  age  of 
Silver,  and  of  Brafs  and  of  Iron.  In  the  firft  of  thefe  periods 
the  poet  manifeftly  alludes  to  the  longevity  of  perfons  in  the 
patriarchic  age  ;  for  they  did  not,  it  feems,  die  at  threefcore 
and  ten,  but  took  more  time  even  in  advancing  towards 

f  AAA'  BUOLToy  fJLSv  'vroLi;  sTsa  tra^a  (jlyiTs^i  KS^i/ri 

In  early  times,  for  full  an  hundred  years 
The  foftering  mother  with  an  anxious  eye 
Cherifh'd  at  home  the  unweildy  backward  boy. 

He  fpeaks  however  of  their  being  cut  off  in  their  prime : 
and  whatever  portion  of  life  Nature  might  have  allotted  to 
them,  they  were  abridged  of  it  by  their  own  folly,  and  in- 
juftice  ;  for  they  were  guilty  of  rapine  and  bloodfhed ;  and 
in  a  continual  ftate  of  hoftility. 

7  AAA'  oroLV  yi^t^^tbib^  koli  rl^rig  ^sr^ov  iJiovTo, 

'  Steph.  Byzantin. 

*  Hcfiod.  Ep'y.'Kcti'Hi^fo,  L.  I.  V.  130. 

^  Ibid.  V.  132, 

y  A(p^O(.§mg' 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  167 

Soon  to  the  term  of  blooming  youth  they  came. 
But  did  not  long  furvive  it :   their  fhort  life 
Was  a  fad  fcene  of  mifery,  brought  on 
By  mutual  ad:s  of  infult. 

They  were  at  the  fame  time  highly  irreligious  and  great 
contemners  of  the  Gods ;  and  for  that  reafon  removed  from 
all  commerce  with  other  beings. 

*  Tg?  fjLSv  STTSira, 

OVH,  sMaV  [JL0UCOLeS<T(n  0£O{;,   61   OXVfJLTTQP  s'^au'iv. 

This  race  Jove  foon  confign'd  to  endlefs  night ; 
Vex'd,  that  due  honours  they  {hould  dare  refufe 
To  the  great  Gods,  who  high  Olympus  hold. 

Yet  what  is  extraordinary,  when  they  were  through  the  an- 
ger of  the  offended  Gods,  fwept  away  from  the  face  of  the 
earth,  they  were  made  fubordinate  Deities,  and  great  reve- 
rence was  jfhewed  to  them  :  '  Ti^ri  koli  roi(nv  OTri^Jgi  :  T^efe 
too  had  their  jhare  of  ho?iQiir. 

The  third  Age,  ftyled  the  Brazen,  was  like  the  former: 
only,  to  diverfify  it  a  little,  the  poets  fuppofed  that  there 
was  now  a  more  regular  procefs  of  war.      They  had  now,  it 

*  Ibid.  V.  137. 

'  To;  y.zv  UTTo^Ucvioi  MctttoLoei  Srnnoi  ■k.o.Xsovtcx.i, 
Aivrt^ot'  aAA  s/j-TrrK  tija^  XKnoia-ivoTn^Su.     v.  141, 


i68  The   Analysts   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

fecms,  brazen  arms,  and  brazen  houfes  :  and  every  imple- 
ment was  of  brafs.  This  race  is  faid  to  have  been  quite 
different  from  thofe  of  the  Silver  Age;  '°  a/c  a^yy^M  ahv  OfJLOiov. 
Yet  I  cannot  fee  wherein  the  difference  confifted.  The  for- 
mer were  guilty  of  violence  and  bloodflied  ;  and  flew  one 
another  fo  faff,  that  they  fcarce  attained  the  age  of  man- 
hood. The  latter  had  the  fame  love  for  war ;  and  fell 
in  like  manner  by  each  other's  hand ;  fo  that  not  one 

B/](raj/  sg  sv^oosna,  ^o^qv  k^vs^h  A't^aOy 

This  race  engag'd  in  deadly  feuds,  and  fell 
Each  by  his  brother's  hand.      They  funk  in  fight, 
All  to  the  fhades  of  Erebus  confign'd. 
Their  name  forgotten. 

After  thefe  came  another  Age,  by  moft  poets  called  the 
Iron ;  but  by  Hefiod  mentioned  as  the  Heroic,  or  Age  of 
Demigods ;  and  defcribed  as  a  time  of  great  juftice  and 
''  piety.  Yet  thefe  heroes,  whofe  equity  is  fo  much  fpoken 
of,  upon  a  nearer  enquiry  are  found  to  be  continually  engaged 

'°  Zevi  Se  'uraTnp  rpircv  aAAo  yevoi  fA-poTroov  aM^cMirwv 
XaAxeioi'  'utoi,y\(t\  yx.  ecpyvoa  uS iv  ofjLOiOv.     v.  14;^. 
See  Aratus  of  the  Golden  Age,  and  of  thofe  fucceedina;.    Phasnom.  v.  108,     Alfo 
Ovid.  Metamorph.  L.  i.  v.  8g. 
"  Hefiod  fupra.  v.  151. 

'ZjtuiKfoviini 'UTomui  ^iy.xioTipovyXaitx,piiov.     v.  156. 

Hefiod  nnakes  the  Iron  Ase  the  fifth  in  fucceflion. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  169 

in  wars  and  murders :  and,  like  the  fpecimens  exhibited  of 
the  former  Ages,  thefc  are  finally  cut  off  by  one  another's 
hands,  in  a£ts  of  robbery  and  violence  :  fome  for  purloining 
oxen  ;  others  for  ftealing  fheep  ;  and  many  for  carrying  away 
the  wives  of  their  friends  and  neighbours. 

''  Kcti  rsg  fJLSv  'uro?.s[JLog  rs  fcixKog,  koli  (pvXoitig  aivi^y 
Ta^  fJLSP  eip  STrTdTTuKw  ©n^ri,    Ka^^JiriUi  yonrjy 

In  battle  fome  were  carried  off;   and  fell 
At  Thebes,  renown'd  for  its  feven  tow'ring  gates, 
The  feat  of  Cadmus :   here  they  fternly  ftrove 
Againft  th'  Oedipod^  for  their  jQocks  and  herds. 
Some  paffed  the  feas,  and  fought  the  Trojan  fhore  : 
There  joined  in  cruel  conflid  for  the  fake 
Of  Helen,  peerlefs  dame  :   till  their  fad  fate 
Sunk  them  to  endlefs  nio;ht. 

In  like  manner  it  is  faid  of  the  hero  Cycnus,  that  he  robbed 
people  of  their  cattle,  as  they  went  to  Delphi  :  whence  he 
was  called  Kvavog  AJij-r^;.  He,  like  the  '*  reft,  was  flain  in 
fight,  having  ralhly  encountered  Hercules.  Such  was  the 
end  of  thcfc   laudable  banditti :   of  whom  Jupiter,   we  are 

''  Hefiod.  ■Mxi'H/j.fp.'L.  i.  v.  i6i. 
'*  Hefiod.  Aa-7ri<;'HociK?.  v.  478. 

Vol.  III.  Z  told, 

lyo  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

told,  had  (o  high  an  opinion,  that  after  they  had  plundered 
and  butchered  one  another,  he  fent  them  to  the  lilands  of 
the  BlefTed,  to  partake  of  perpetual  felicity, 

Thefe,  freed  from  grief  and  every  mortal  care, 
And  wafted  far  to  th'  ocean's  verge  extreme. 
Rove  uncontroul'd  amid  the  Happy  Ifles, 
Illuftrious  heroes. 

We  have  here  feen  four  divifions  of  times  :  in  fome  of 
which  the  poet  has  endeavoured  to  make  a  diftindion, 
though  no  material  difference  fubfifts.  And  as  thefe  times 
are  fuppofed  to  be  in  fucceffion,  he  has  brought  the  laft  pe- 
riod as  low  as  the  £era  of  Troy.  The  whole  relates  to  a 
feries  of  hiftory,  very  curious  and  interefting  ;  but  ruined, 
by  being  diverllfied,  and  in  a  manner  feparated  from  itfelf. 

From  what  has  been  faid  we  may  perceive,  that  the  Cru- 
fean  Age  being  fubllituted  for  the  Cufean,  and  being  alfo 
ftyled  the  tera  of  the  '^  Cuthim,  was  the  caufe  of  thefe  after- 
divifions  beins;  intro<:luced  :  that  each  Ao-e  mip-ht  be  diftin- 
guifhed  in  gradation  by  fome  bafer  metal.  Had  there  been 
no  miPcake  about  a  Golden  Age,  we  fhould  never  have  been 
treated  with  one  of  Silver;  much  lefs,  with  the  fubfequent  of 
Brafs  and   Iron.      The  original  hiftory  relates  to  the  patri- 

''  Heficd.  Tn  •  ><«'  'H,w.£/:.  L.  i.  v.  170. 
**  Cuthim,  CrjnD,  iignificd  Gold  and  Golden., 



The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  171 

archie  age,  and  to  what  the  Greeks  termed  the  Scuthic  pe- 
riod, which  fucceeded  :  when  the  term  of  man's  life  was  not 
yet  abridged  to  its  prefent  f!:andard  ;  and  when  the  love  of 
rule,  and  adts  of  vicvlence  firft  difplayed  themfelves  upon  the 
earth.  The  Amonians,  wherever  they  fettled,  carried  thefe 
traditions  with  them:  which  were  often  added  to  the  hiflory 
of  the  country ;  fo  that  the  fcene  of  action  was  changed. 
A  colony,  who  ftyled  themfelves  Saturnians,  came  to  Italy; 
and  greatly  benefited  the  natives.  But  the  ancients,  who 
generally  fpeak  colledlively  in  the  lingular,  and  inftead  of' 
Herculeans,  introduce  Hercules ;  inftead  of  the  Cadmians, 
Cadmus ;  fuppofe  a  lingle  perfon,  ''  Saturn,  to  have  betaken 
himfelf  to  this  country.  Virgil  mentions  the  ftory  in  this 
light :  and  fpeaks  of  Saturn's  fettling  there;  and  of  the  low 
ftate  of  the  natives  upon  his  arrival,  when  he  introduced  an 
Age  of  Gold. 

^*  Hxc  nemora  indigenae  Fauni,  Nymphaeque  tenebant, 
Genfque  virum  truncis  et  duro  robore  nata ; 
Quels  neque  mos,  neque  cultus  erat;  nee  jungere  tauros, 
Aut  componere  opes  norant,  aut  parcere  parto : 
Sed  rami,  atque  afper  vi6lu  venatus  alebat. 

He  then  proceeds  to  fhew,  how  this  people  were  difciplined 
and  improved  :  all  which,  according  to  the  ufual  miftake, 
he  fuppofes  to  have  been  effedied  by  one  perfon,  Saturn,  in- 
ftead of  Saturnians. 

''  It  is  faid  of  Saturn  alfo,  that  he  built  the  ancient  city  Byblus  in  Syria.  This  was 
many  ages  before  his  fuppofed  arrival  in  Italy.     See  Sanchoniatho  in  Eufeb.  Praep. 
Evang.  L.  i.  c.  13.  p.  37.     The  city  was  built  by  Saturnians. 
:'  Virg.  MnddA.  8.  v.  314. 

Z  2  Primus 

172  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology, 

''  Primus  ab  sthereo  venit  Saturnus  Olympo, 
Arma  Jovis  fugiens,  et  regnis  cxul  ademptis. 
Is  genus  indocile,  ac  difperfum  montibus  altis, 
Conipofuit ;   legefque  dedit :    Latiumque  vocari 
Maluit,  his  quoniam  latuilTet  tutus  in  oris. 
Aurea,  quse  perhibent,  illo  fub  rege  fuerunt 
Ssecula  :  fic  placida  populos  in  pace  regebat. 
Deterior  donee  paulatim,  ac  decolor  atas, 
Et  belli  rabies,  et  amor  fuccefTit  habendi. 

Lo  !   mighty  prince,  thefe  venerable  woods 

Of  old  were  haunted  by  the  fylvan  Gods, 

And  favage  tribes,  a  rugged  race,  who  took 

Their  birth  primasval  from  the  ftubborn  oak. 

No  laws,  no  manners  forin'd  the  barbarous  race : 

But  wild  the  natives  rov'd  from  place  to  place. 

Untaught,  and  rough,  improvident  of  gain. 

They  heap'd  no  wealth,  nor  turn'd  the  fruitful  plain. 

Their  food  the  favage  fruits  the  forefts  yield  ; 

Or  hunted  game,  the  fortune  of  the  field  : 

Till  Saturn  fled  before  vidorious  Jove, 

Driven  down,   and  banifh'd  from  the  realms  above. 

He  by  juft  laws  embodied  all  the  train. 

Who  roam'd  the  hills;  and  drew  them  to  the  plain ; 

There  fix'd  :   and  Latium  call'd  the  new  abode, 

Whofe  friendly  fhores  conceal'd  the  latent  God. 

Thefe  realms  in  peace  the  monarch  long  controll'd, 

And  blcfs'd  the  nations  with  an  Age  of  Gold. 

Tranflated  by  Pitt. 

''  Virg.  iEneid.  L.  8.  v.  319. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  173 

This  account  is  confufed  :  yet  we  may  difcern  in  it  a  true 
hillory  of  the  iirfl:  ages;  as  may  be  obferved  likewife  in  He- 
fiod.  Both  the  poets,  however  the  fcene  may  be  varied,  al- 
lude to  the  happy  times  immediately  after  the  deluge  :  when 
the  great  Patriarch  had  full  power  over  his  defcendants; 
when  equity  prevailed  without  written  law. 

Thefe  traditions,  as  I  have  repeatedly  taken  notice,  being 
adopted  and  prefixed  to  the  hiftories  of  the  countries,  where 
the  Amonians  fettled,  have  introduced  a  Saturn  in  Aufonia ; 
and  an  Inachus  and  Phoroneus  at  Argos :  and  in  confequence 
of  it,  the  deluge,  to  which  the  two  latter  were  witneffes,  has 
been  limited  to  the  fame  place,  and  rendered  a  partial  ''°  in- 
undation. But,  in  reality,  thefe  accounts  relate  to  another 
climate,  and  to  a  far  earlier  age  :  to  thofe  times,  when,  ac- 
cording to  "  Hyginus,  the  firft  kingdom  upon  earth  was 
conftituted :  and  when  one  language  only  prevailed  among 
the  fons  of  men. 

jiAuo-^o?.   Ciem.  Alexandr.  Strom.  L.  i.  p.  379. 
*"  Fab.  143. 

O  F 

C    175    ) 


CUSHAN     or     ETHIOPIA; 

AND     OF    THE 

of  the   CUTHITES. 

E  may,  I  think,  be  aflTured,  that  by  the  term  Scuthai, 
XKV&aij  are  to  be  underftood  Cuthai  or  Cutheans.  It 
may  therefore  be  proper  to  go  to  the  fountain  head,  and  to 
give  an  account  of  the  original  people;  from  whom  fo  many 
of  different  denominations  were  derived.  They  were  the 
fons  of  Chus;  who  feized  upon  the  region  of  Babylonia  and 
Chaldea ;  and  conftituted  the  iirft  kingdom  upon  earth. 
They  were  called  by  other  nations  Cufhan :  alfo  XsTdioiy 
A^a?s$,  D.^siTOLiy  E^'j^^a^oij  Ai^iotts^j  Cufeans^  Ar^abians^  Orei- 
tce^  EruthrceanSj  and  Ethiopians  :  but  among  themfelves 
their  general  patronymic  was  Cuth  ;  and  their  country  Cu- 
tha.  I  fliall  take  notice  of  them  in  their  feveral  mio;ration& 
under  each  of  thefe  appellations.      They  were  an  ingenious 

■    7  and 

176  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

and  knowing  people,  as  I  have  before  obferved  ;  and  at  the 
fame  time  very  prolific.  They  combined  with  others  of  the 
line  of  Ham  ;  and  were  enabled  very  early  to  carry  on  an 
extenllve  commerce,  and  to  found  many  colonies ;  fo  that 
they  are  to  be  traced  in  the  moft  remote  parts  of  the  earth. 
Thefe  fettlements  have  been  enumerated  by '  Eufebius,  Syn- 
cellus,  and  other  writers  ;  as  i'ar  as  they  could  be  difcovered. 
Nor  muft  we  wonder  if  they  appear  fo  numerous,  and  fo 
widely  extended,  as  it  is  perfedlly  confonant  to  their  original 
hiftory.  For  we  are  informed  by  ^  Mofes,  when  he  enume- 
rates the  principal  perfons,  by  whom  the  earth  was  peopled, 
that  Ham  had  '  thirty  and  one  immediate  defcendants,  all  of 
them  heads  of  families,  v^hen  Shem  had  but  twenty-fix;  and 
fourteen  only  are  attributed  to  Japhet.  A  large  body  of 
this  people  invaded  Egypt,  when  as  yet  it  was  in  its  infant 
ftate,  made  up  of  little  independent  diftridls,  artlefs  and  un- 
formed, without  any  rule  or  polity.  They  feized  the  whole 
country,  and  held  it  for  fome  ages  in  fubjection,  and  from 
their  arrival  the  hiftory  of  Egypt  will  be  found  to  commence. 
The  region  between  the  Tigris  and  Euphrates,  where  they 
originally  refided,  was  ftyled  the  country  of  the  Chuf- 
dim  or  Chafdim  ;   but  by  the  weftern  nations  Chaldea.      It 

Syncellus.  p.  46.  47.  48.  Johan.  Malala.  p.  15.  Euffb.  Chron.  p.  11.  12. 
See  alio  Vol.  II.  of  this  work,  p.  187.  188.  igi.  See  particularly  the  Chronicon 
Pafchale.  p.  29.  30. 

*  Genefis.  c.  10.  On  account  of  the  comparative  fmallnefs  to  be  obferved  in  the 
line  of  Japhet,  that  encouraging  prophecy  was  given,  that  Japhet  fhould  one  day 
be  enlarged.  Godjhnll  enlarge  Japhet.  This,  within  thefe  few  centuries  has  been 
wonderfully  completed. 

'  Moft  of  the  Fathers  make  the  number  thirty-two,  counting  Canaan  :  fo  that  the 
total  of  the  three  families  they  fuppofe  to  have  been  feventy-two. 

I  o  lay 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythologv.  177 

lay  towards  the  lower  part  of  the  Tigris,  to  tlie  weft,  and 
below  the  plain  of  Shinar.      On  the  oppofite  iide  to  the  eaft 
was  the  province  of  Elam,  which  country  they  feem  foon  to 
have  invaded  ;  and  to  have  occupied  the  upper  part.      This 
confifted  of  that  fine  region  called  afterwards  Sufiana^  and 
Chufiftan,   which   was  watered  by   the  Ulai,  Chobar,   and 
Choafpes,  and  by  other  branches  of  the  Tigris.      When  the 
Perfians  gained  the  fovereignty  of  Afia,   it  was  from  them 
denominated  Perfis.      Some  have  thought  Elam  was  Perfis : 
but  Elam  lay  to  the  fouth,  and  Perfis  was  only  another  name 
for  Cutha  :   for  the  Perfians  were  the  Cuthites  of  that  coun- 
try under  a  different  appellation.      The  prophet  Ifaiah  dif- 
tinguifiies  thefe  nations  very  accurately,  when  he  mentions  a 
return  of  the  captives  from  '^  Elam^  Chus^  and  Shinar.   This 
country  is  faid  to  have  been  alfo  called  Scutha ;   and  the  au- 
thor of  the  ^  Chronicon  Pafchale  mentions  Scuths  in  thefe 
parts,  who  were  fo  called  even  in  his  days.    But  he  fuppofes 
that  the  name  Scutha  was  given  to  the  region  on  account  of 
I  know  not  what,   Scythians   from    the  north.      Jofephus, 
whofe  language  had  a  greater  affinity  with  the   Chaldaic, 
and  to  whom  the  hiftory  of  the  country  was  better  known, 
exprefles  it  Cutha  ;   and  fpeaks  of  a  river  Cutha,  which  was 
probably  the  fame  as  the  Choafpes.      Hence  we  have  another 

*  C.  1 1.  V.  II.  Thus  far  is  true,  that  Sufiana  was  originally  apart  of  Elam.  See 
Daniel,  c.  S.  v.  2.  but  it  was  difmembered,  and  on  that  account  efteemed  a  feparate 

'  Kai  SfAettav  iv  Tiepaili  01  a.'j-'ii  S/CtyGa;  gf  exftva  iocs  t>!5  ivv.  p.  47.  Arrian 
mentions  a  region  called  Scuthia  near  the  Perfian  Gulf.  E^^t  Se  xot,i  aurv  (Xa.^~ 
^a^a.)  auy^pnaiv  toov  'vricxv  efA-Trcpioov,  Bcc^vyccQcci;  y.a.1  'Xy.vwa.':,  xai  Tm  "ZB-ct^ccKH' 
fjieiii;  Tle^ciS-Qi.     Arriani  Periplus  apud  Geog.  Gr.  minores.  vol.  i.  p.  15. 

Vol.  III.  A  a  proof, 

178  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

proof,  and,  I  think,  very  determinate,  that  what  the  Grecians 
ftyled  Scutha,  was  Cutha,  the  land  of  the  Cuthites.      It  ex- 
tended   a    great   way  eaftward,  and   was   in  great  meafure 
bounded  by  Media  to  the  north.      When  SalmanafTer  had 
taken  Samaria,  and  carried  the  people  into  captivity,  he  re- 
peopled  it  with  a   colony  from  *  Cutha,  Media,  Babylonia^ 
and  other  conquered  nations.      And   to  this  the  Samaritans 
allude,  when  they  give  an  account  of  themfelves  in  Jofephus. 
7  2aA|U,aya(ra^Ji?,    0   tw:^   K<T(Tv^i(j>}v   (ia.(ri7\svg  sk.  tyj;  XOT0IAX 
rjULoig  KOLTrjyoLys   koli  MjiJ/a?  svdctS's.     Salma?iaJ[er,   the  khjg  of 
the  AJjyriaiis^  brought  us  hither  from  the  cou?itries  of  Cuthia 
a?id  Media,      In  procefs  of  time,  through  conqueft  the  em- 
pire of  the  Perfians  was  greatly  enlarged  :   and  Cuthia  made 
but  a  part  of  it.      Hence  in  another  place  Jofephus,  fpeak- 
ing  of  the  people  of  Samaria  coming  from  Cuthia,  makes  it 
but  a  portion  of  Perils.      He  calls  it  here  Cutha,  and  fays, 
*  Efi  (5s  ax)i:r\  {y\  Xa^a)  ^w^a  zi)  W.ze,<r\,h :   The  province  of  Cu- 
tha, of  which  I  have  beeft  fpeaking,  is  aregio72  i7^  Perfis.   This 
is  one  of  the  countries  ftyled  Cuilian  in  Scripture  :   for  there 
are  certainly  more  than  one  referred  to  by  the  facred  writers. 
By   other   people   it  was   rendered   Ethiopia.      Having   thus 
traced  the  Scythe,  or  Cuthites,  to  their  original  place  of  re- 
fidence,  and  afcertained  their  true  hiftory ;  I  fliall  proceed  to 
defcribe  them  in  their  colonies,  and  under  their  various  de- 

*  See  2  Kings,  c.  17.  v.  24.  Men  of  Babylon  and  Cutha. 
'  Antiq.  L.  1 1.  c.  4.  p.  556. 

Jofvphus  Ant.  L.  g.  c.  14.  p.  507. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  179 

Of  CUSHAN  llyled  ETHIOPIA. 

As  I  have  repeatedly  mentioned  Cufhan,  or  Ethiopia, 
and  it  is  likely  to  continually  recur  again  ;  I  think  it 
will  be  proper  to  defcribe  the  countries  of  this  name,  and 
the  people,  who  were  in  like  manner  denominated  :  for  to 
the  beft  of  my  knowledge,  I  never  yet  faw  this  properly  per- 
formed. It  is  well  known,  that  the  Ethiopians  were  Cuth- 
ites  or  Cufeans.  '  Ek  (jlbv  Xag,  Xscccioi'  sroi  A^QiOTTsg  zktiv. 
Chus  is  the  perfon^  from  whom  the  Cufeaiis  are  derived.  They 
are  the  fame  people^  as  the  Ethiopians.  So  alfo  fays  Eufebius : 
"  Xa?,  £^  8  Ai^iOTrsg.  Chus  was  the  perfon^  from  whom  came 
the  Ethiopiafis.  The  name  is  fuppofed  to  have  been  given  to 
this  people  from  their  complexion  ;  as  if  it  were  from  a/^oj, 
and  0%]/ :  but  it  is  not  a  name  of  Grecian  original.  It  was  a 
facred  term  ;  a  title  of  the  chief  Deity  :  whence  it  was  af- 
fumed  by  the  people,  who  were  his  votaries,  and  defcend- 
ants.  Euftathius  tells  us,  "  A;o?  STTiSsrov  Aidio-^  :  .^thiops  is 
a  title  of  Zeus.  Prometheus  was  ftyled  ^thiops,  who  had 
particular  honours  among  the  people  of  the  eaft.      '^  Lyco- 

'  Zonaras.  p.  21.  Syncellus.  p.  47.  Ai^ioTrei,  uv  r^^?  (X-di)  sti  vuv  viro  ixo' 
TCr'v  IB  x.<xi  T&j>  £c  Tji  Affia  'wccviciov  'KoucTuioi  y.<x.hiivT(x.t.  Joicphi  Antiq.  L.  1. 
c.  6.   p.  22. 

Chron.  p.  1 1.    E/t  tw  (f'jXw  raXoitji  Xas  ovofjf.oiTt,  AiQ.'o^.  Chron.  Pafch.  p.  36. 
Ng^^wcT  hioi  Xa«  T8  AibioTTof.  Malala.  p.  18. 

"  Schol.  in  Homerum.     OdyfT.  A.  v.  22. 

'"  '^'^- 533-     Some  read  n^s/x^arOtu?. 

A  a  2  phron 

i8o  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

phron  flyles  him,  Aa<^wi/  H^QfjLOLhvg  Ai^io-^.  Pro7netheus 
^thiops^  the  Dcemon  or  tutelary  Deity.  Pliny  fpeaking  of 
the  country,  fays,  that  it  was  firft  called  ^theria,  and  then 
Atlantia  :  and  lafl:  of  all  Ethiopia,  ''  a  Vulcani  filio  iEthio- 
pe,  from  j/¥^thiops^  the/on  of  Vulcan.  Homer  fpeaks  of  two 
nations  only,  which  were  named  vEthiopes. 

'*  AAA'  0  ^Lzv  Ai^lottol;  (jlstskic/.^s  tioAo^'  sonotgj 

'Oi  ^sv  ^v(roy,Bvii  'TTTS^ioi/og,  oi  J"  avioPTog. 

Neptune  was  now  vifitiytg  the  Ethiopians.^  who  refde  at  a  great 
dijlance  :  thofe  Ethiopians,  who  are  divided  into  two  nations, 
and  are  the  mofl  remote  of  ma7ikind.  One  Jtation  of  them  is 
towards  the  fetting  fim  ;  the  others  far  in  the  eafl,  where  the 
fun  rifes.  But  this  is  much  too  limited.  For,  as  the  Cuth- 
ites  got  accefs  into  various  parts  of  the  world  ;  we  fhall  find 
an  Ethiopia  in  mofl;  places,  where  they  refided.  The  Scrip- 
ture feems  to  mention  three  countries  of  this  name.  One, 
and  the  neareft  to  Judea,  was  in  Arabia,  upon  the  verge  of 
the  defert,  near  Midian  and  the  Red  Sea.  This  is  alluded  to 
by  the  prophet  Habakkuk,  where  he  fays  that  '^  ]\q  faw  the 
tents  of  Cuffttfi  in  afjiiEiion ;  and  the  curtaitis  of  the  land  of 
Midian  did  tremble.  A  fecond  Ethiopia  lay  above  Egypt  to 
the  fouth  ;  and  is  taken  notice  of  by  the  prophet  Ezekiel, 
where  he  is  foretelling  the  defl:ru6tion  of  the  latter  country  ; 

"  I-  9-  P-  345- 

'*  Odyir.   L.  A.   V.  22.     Hefychius   ftyles  Dionufas  AS.cTrcaSa,   or    A<G.07ra 

*'  Habakkuk.  c.  3.  v.  7. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  i8i 

and  fays  that  It  fhall  be  laid  wafte  from  one  extreme  part  to 
the  other.  '*  Behold  therefore^  I  a7n  againji  thee,  and  aga'mji 
thy  rivers  :  and  I  will  make  the  land  of  Egypt  utterly  wajle 
and  defolate,  from  Migdol  to  Syene  aiid  the  borders  of  Ethiopia. 
The  third  country,  ftyled  Ethiopia,  comprehended  the  re- 
gions of  Perfis,  Chufiflan,  and  Suliana.  '^  Herodotus  takes 
notice  of  Ethiopians  about  thefe  parts :  and  the  country  is 
mentioned  by  the  prophet  Zephaniah,  when  he  fpeaks  of  the 
return  of  Judah  from  captivity.  '^  From,  beyond  the  rivers  of 
Cufljan,  or  Ethiopia,  my  fupplia7its,  even  the  daughter  of  jny 
difperfed  fljall  bring  mine  offering.  The  principal  rivers,  to 
which  he  referred,  were  the  '^  Ulai,  Kur,  Chobar,  and  Cho- 
afpes ;  all  eaftern  branches  of  the  Tigris  ;  near  which  were 
the  chief  places  of  captivity.     Still  further  eaft,  beyond  Car- 

'*  Ezekiel.  c.  29.  v.  10.  Our  verfion  feems  to  be  very  faulty,  and  renders  the 
pafiage,  from  the  toivcr  of  Syene  unto  the  borders  of  Ethiopia^  or  Cufh.  In  a  former 
treatife  I  v/as  under  a  miftake,  from  underftanding  it  in  this  light :  but  was  led  to 
the  right  interpretation  by  the  verfion  of  Xantes  Pagninus  and  Montanus.  Migdol,  or 
Magdalum,  was  a  fort  not  far  from  Pelufuim,  at  one  extremity  of  the  country :  Syene 
was  the  uttermoft  city  at  the  other  extreme  ;  and  Itood  under  the  Tropic  upon  the 
borders  of  Ethiopia.  The  meaning  of  the  prophet  is  plain,  that  the  whole  length  of 
Egypt,  north  and  fouth,  from  Migdol  the  garrifon  to  Syene,  fliall  be  utterly  made 
dcfoLite.  Syene  Hood  at  the  extremity  of  Pathros,  or  fuperior  Egypt ;  Migdol,  the 
fort,  was  nearDaphntE  Pclufuc  upon  the  lea.  Jeremiah  ftates  the  chief  divifions  of 
the  country  very  accurately,  fpeaking  of  the  Jews  who  dwelt  in  the  land  of  Egypt: 
which  dwell  at  Migdol^  and  at  Tabphanes,  and  at  Nopb,  and  in  the  country  of  Pathros. 
c.  44.  V.  I.     See  Obfervations  and  inquiries,  &c.  p.  152. 

'^  Oi  S'i  cLTT  ii/\m  avcLToAiojv  AivioTT&i,  Si^ot  ya.^  <?»  i^^^oLrivovro^  'ZtTp-ja-ereTxya.TO 
Toiai  lu-^ oiat^  ^icthXccQa-ovrti  uS'ai  jj.ivB^ev  toiti  erepotai,  (pwvnv  J'e  Kat  rpi^cDfAx  iJt.woy, 
L.  7.  c.  70.  p.  541. 

'^  Zephaniah.  c.  3.  v.  10. 

''  Upon  the  banks  of  the  Ulai,  or  Eulceus,  the  prophet  Daniel  had  his  vifions. 
Even  Chaldea  was  efteemed  Ethiopia  ;  and  Tacitus  fpeaking  of  the  Jews,  whofe  an- 
ceftors  came  fromUr  in  Chaldea,  ftyles  them  ^Ethiopum  prolem,     Hiftoi".  L.  5.  c.  2. 

10  mania, 

1 82  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

mania,  was  another  region  of  this  name,  which  by  Eufebius 
is  termed  '°  AidiOTria,,  Jo  ^XBTTi^crcc  koltcl  lyJa?,  'ur^og  Ev^oyorov^ 
the  Ethiopia^  which  looks  towards  the  Indiy  to  the  fouth-eajl  : 
and  even  the  Indi  themfelves  will  in  the  fequel  be  found  to 
have  been  Ethiopians.  The  fons  of  Chus  came  into  Egypt 
under  the  name  of  Auritae  and  Shepherds,  as  alfo  of  Ethio- 
pians. Hence  Egypt  too  inherited  that  name  :  "'  EK?\r,&yi  Js 
[AiyvTrTog] — koh  As^ia,  /,cn  IIoTapa,  Ka.i  AI6IOniA,  J/a  ry? 
£KBi  Ai^iOTTccg,  'UTB^i  m  'UToXXoi  rm  1jTcO\olio^v  Wo^ari.  This  coun- 
try was  called — both  Aeria^  and  Potamia,  or  the  River  Coun- 
try ;  alfo  Ethiopia  ;  which  nafne  it  received  from  fome  Ethio- 
pia72Sy  who  fettled  there  ;  a7td  of  whom  ma?iy  of  the  very  ancient 
writers  have  fpoke?!.  The  Cuthites  fettled  at  Colchus,  the 
Colchis  of  the  Greeks:  in  confequence  of  which  it  was  called 
Cutaia  and  Ethiopia.  "Jerome  in  his  Catalogue  of  Ecclcliafti- 
cal  Writers  mentions  St.  Andrew  preaching  the  gofpel  in  the 
towns  upon  the  two  Colchic  rivers,  the  Apfarus  and  Phafis  ; 
and  calls  the  natives  Ethiopians.  Andreas,  frater  Simonis 
Petri,  ut  ?najorcs  nofri  prodiderunt,  Scythis,  Sogdianis,  et  Sa- 
ceis  in  Augufd  civitate  preedicavit,  quce  cognominatur  magna ; 
ubi  efi  irrupt io  Apfari,  et  Phafs  fluvius :  illic  incolu7it  Ai^thio- 
pes  interiores.  He  relates  the  fame  circumftance  of  Matthias. 
In  altera  Ethiopia,  ubi  efi  irruptio  Apfari,  et  HyJJi  portus, 
prcedicavit.  The  port  of  HylTus  near  Colchis  is  taken  notice 
of  by  Arrian  in  his  Periplus,  and  by  Socrates  in  his  Life  of 

*"  Eufcb.  Chron.  P.  12.  he  adds,  aAA»  ASiOirix  -n^po?  voror,  o^/iv  eKTro^sueTcc.  0  Ns-i- 
Aos  'woTafj.oi. 
"  Euftath.  Comment,  in  Dionyf.  V.  241,  p.  42. 
"  Hieron.  de  Scriptoribus  Ecclefiafticis. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  183 

the  fame  faint :  Ev  rn  ^svTs^ct  Ai^iOTTict,  otts  j5  'Ufa^&iL^oM  A-^/a- 
PUj  KOLi  'T(r(r8  Ai^aji;/.  I  have  obferved  that  the  fons  of  Chus 
are  faid  to  have  come  under  the  titles  of  Cafus  and  Belus 
into  Syria  and  Phenicia,  where  they  founded  many  cities : 
and  we  are  informed  by  Strabo,  that  this  country  was  called 
Ethiopia.  ^'^  Ekti  Js  oi  koli  rr,v  Ai^iozioLV  sig  ri^v  kol^'  Ji^aa?  ^om- 
KtiV  u.STO(.y<i(Ti.  "There  ar^e  people^  who  would  ijit7'odiice  an  Ethio- 
pia into  the  region,  which  we  ejieem  Phe72icia.  In  the  account  of 
the  Cadmians,  who  are  ftyled  Arabians,  A^afs^  0/  <tvv  Ka^fxci}, 
I  have  fliewn  that  Euboea  v/as  the  place,  to  which  they  firfl 
came  :  and  here  was  a  place  called  '*  Ethiopium.  Samo- 
thrace  was  alfo  fo  called  :  ^^  AidiOTria,  ri  Xol^o^^ixkyi.  The  ex- 
treme fettlement  of  this  people  was  in  Spain,  upon  the  Bastis, 
near  TartelTus  and  Gades  :  and  the  account  given  by  the 
natives,  according  to  the  hiftorian  Ephorus,  was,  that  co- 
lonies of  Ethiopians  traverfed  a  great  part  of  Africa  :  fome 
of  which  came  and  fettled  near  TartelTus  ;  and  others  got 
polTeiTion  of  different  parts  of  the  fea  coaft.      ""^  Aeyz^oLi  ya^ 

*'  Strabo,  L.  I.  p.  73.  Thefe  nations  were  the  Scythje  of  the  Grecians.  Hence 
it  is  faid,  A^yvTTT.cav  cctt-idcoi  Haw  oi  -S'-to&af.  Find.  Fyth.  Od.  4.  Schol.  ad  v.  376. 
for  they  were  a  known  colony  from  Egypt. 

**  Strabo.  L.  10.  p.  68  j.  de  Cotho  et  Cadmo. 

A^jionoi'  ov3fx.oc  i^ajpiasv  EuSoia.     Harpocration. 
-sT?\.ri(Tiov  Ev^iTT'i.     Steph.  Byzantinus. 

*'  Hefychius.  Lefbos  had  the  name  of  Ethiope  and  Macaria.  Plin.  Nat.  Hift. 
L.  5.  c.  31.  p.  288. 

Arabians  lumetimes  diflinguifhed  from  the  fons  of  Chus.  Moreover,  the  Lordjlir- 
red  up  againft  Jebcram  the  [pifit  of  the  Philiftines,  and  of  the  Arabians,  that  -ujere  near  the 
Ethiopians.     2.  Chron.  c.  23.  v.  16. 

Beth  Arabah. 

**  Strabo.  E.  i.p.  57.     , 

184  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

(pYj(riu  VTTO  TMv  To(^rn<rG'im  Ai^iOTra^  rnv  Ai^vriv  STreX^onag 
f^-X^^  ^^^^^^>  "^^^  f^^'^  ^^'^^  [JLeivai^  Ts;  h  kcli  rrjg  iiroL^oLXixg 
Kcx,roc<ysiv  'uroXXrii'.  "They  7ne?itio?i  it  as  a  tradition  among  the 
people  of  T'arteJJ'us,  that  the  Ethiopians  o?ice  trave?-fed  the  re  • 
gions  of  Africa^  quite  to  its  isoefern  limits  :  and  that  fome  of 
them  came^  aiid  fettled  at  Tartejfus  :  others  got  poffeffton  of 
different  parts  of  the  fea-coaft.  They  lived  near  the  ifland 
Erythea,  which  they  held. 

Upon  the  great  Atlantic,  near  the  iile 
Of  Erythea,  for  its  paftures  fam'd, 
The  facred  race  of  Ethiopians  dwell. 

It  is  on  this  account,  that  we  find  fome  of  the  fame  family 
on  the  oppofite  coaft  of  '*  Mauritania ;  who  are  reprefented 
as  people  of  great  ftature.  ""^  Ki^iotBg  3T0i  si(n,  fJLsyi^oi  av- 
$^c/)7rct:v,  m  ri^sig  KTfXSV.  The  people  of  this  cotmtry  (Mauritania) 
are  Ethiopic  :  and  they  are  in  ftature  the  largefl  of  a7iy  nation 
with  which  we  are  acquai7tted.  The  original  Ethiopia  was, 
as  I  have  faid,  the  region  of  Babylonia  and  Chaldea,  where 
the  firft  kingdom  upon  earth  was  formed,  and  the  moft  early 
police  inftituted.    Here  alfo  the  firft  idolatry  began.    Hence 

*^  Dionyf.  Perieg.  v.  558. 

*'  Thefe  are  the  Ethiopians  alluded  to  by  Homer. 

Eo-^ocToi  ccvopoov^ 
'Ot  jmsv  SvaaofJLivd'TTreptoioi'     OdyflT.  A.  v.  22. 
*'  Scylax  Caryandenfis.  v.  i.  p.  54.     See  alfo  Strabo.  L.  .^5.  p.  237.  who  mentions 
the  Ethiopians  near  Mauritania,  upon  the  weftern  ocean,     'Ot  vT€p  tws  ISiccvpova-iui 
oiKnyrei  'srpoi  ion  '^(nrtomi  AiBw^''' 


The  Analysis  of   Ancient  Mythology.  185 

it  is  very  truly  faid  by  Stephanus  of  Byzantium :  T/]i/  Ai- 
GiOTTiav  yi\v  'ur^mtiv  'urccyrivoLi'  'ur^ooroi  J's  {ol  AidiOTTsg)  @B3g 
STifjiriTCiP,  KOLi  vo^oig  s'^^rjcroLVTO.  Ethiopia  was  the  firjl  ejlab- 
bUpoed  country  upo?i  earth  :  and  the  people  were  the  firjl^ 
who  i?itroduced  the  worJJjip  of  the  Gods^  and  who  enaSied  laws. 
And  as  the  Scythae,  or  Cuthites,  were  the  fame  people,  no 
wonder,  that  they  are  reprefented  as  the  moft  ancient  people 
in  the  world  ;  even  prior  to  the  Egyptians.  Scytharum  gens 
antiquiflima  femper  habita.  The  Scythce^  fays  Juftin,  were 
ever  ejleemed  of  all  natio?is  the  mofl  ancient.  But  v/ho  were 
meant  by  the  Scythe  has  been  for  a  long  time  a  fecret. 

Of    the    E  R  Y  T  H  R  E  A  N  S. 

NO  THE  R  title,  by  which  the  Cuthites  were  diftin- 
guifhed,  was  that  of  Erythreans :  and  the  places, 
where  they  refided,  received  it  from  them.  And  here  it  may 
not  be  improper  to  firft  take  notice  of  the  Erythrean  Sea ; 
and  confider  it  in  its  full  extent ;  for  this  will  lead  us  to 
the  people  from  whom  it  was  called.  We  are  apt  to  confine 
this  name  to  the  Red  Sea,  or  Sinus  Arabicus  ;  but  that  was 
only  an  inlet,  and  a  part  of  the  whole.  The  Cuthite  Ery- 
threans, who  fettled  near  Midian,  upon  the  Sinus  Elanitis, 
conferred  this  name  upon  that  gulf:  but  the  Perfic  Sea  was 
alfo  denominated  in  the  fame  manner,  and  was  indeed  the 
original  Erythrean  Sea.  Agathemerus  feems  to  make  it 
Vol,  III.  B  b  commence 

i8'6  Ths  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

commence  at  the  jundion  of  the  bay  with  the  fca.  ^^  Taxa 
h  ji  EfV^^oL  ^o(,Kci<r<rri  ocg  "ure^i  Tag  (rvfji^oXag  koltol  tb  Us^fTifca 
koKttb  g-0[MCC  KBirm.  Herodotus,  fpeaking  of  the  coaft  of  Afia 
arid  Perils,  after  having  mentioned  the  coaft  of  the  Pontiis 
Euxinus  above,  fays,  ^'  'H  h  irj  irs^ri,  utto  Us^o'S'jrj  a^^ciixsrrj, 
'UTctfictrsrctTCfj  eg  rr\v  E^v^^rtV  S-aAaircrav.  'The  other  coajfy  of 
which  I  am  to  fpeah^  commences  fro7n  among  the  Perfians  {xh^t 
is,  from  the  outlet  of  the  Tigris),  and  extends  to  the  Ery- 
threan  Sea :  which  Sea  both  he  and  Agathemerus  induftri- 
oufly  diftinguifli  from  the  Arabian  Gull  ;  though  the  latter 
was  certainly  fo  called,  and  had  the  name  of  Erythrean. 
The  Parthic  empire,  which  included  Perils,  is  by  Pliny  faid 
to  be  bounded  to  the  fouth  by  the  ^"^  Mare  Rubrum,  which 
was  the  boundary  alfo  of  the  "  Perfians.  By  Mare  Rubrum 
he  here  means  the  great  Southern  Sea.  And  the  poet  Dio- 
nyfius,  fpeaking  of  the  limits  of  the  fame  country,  fays,  that 
to  the  fouth  it  was  bounded  by  the  fame  fea,  even  to  the 
fartheft  eaft  ;  comprehending  under  this  name  the  whole 
tradt  of  ocean,  to  Carmania  and  Gedrolia. 

'°  Agathemer.  apud  Geogr.  Gr.  Minores,  vol.  2.  p.  50. 

''  Herodotus.  L.  4.  c,  39.  So  Megafthenes,  who  wrote  coitcerning  the  Baby- 
loiiifli  hiftory,  calls  the  Sinus  Perficus  Mare  Erythr.'sum.  He  is  quoted  by  Abydenus 
in  Rufeb.  Pra;p.  Evang.  L.  9.  c.  4 1.  p.  457.  ETrsTSi^iae  <^e  xnt  rm  Epv^pm  SrccAoca-- 
0-iii  gTTJxAuo-ir.  This  was  the  agger  Semiramidis;  a  work  attributed  to  an  imaginary 
queen.  Nearchus  mentions  king  Erythras  in  the  Indie  Sea  ;  and  lays  that  fea  was 
called  Eruthrean  from  him  :  oltt  ot«  xxt  t«v  t>?  ^ccXctaa-)}  T(X'jti\  itvxi,  x.cci 
EpvBpm'  3caAgf9a(.  Nearchi  Parapl.  apud  Geogr.  G rase.  vol.  i.  p.  30.  See  alfoMar- 
ccllinus.  L.  2->  c.  6.  p.  287. 

''-  Plin.  Nat.  Hilt.  L.  6.  c.  25. 

"  Perfte  Mare  Rubrum  femper  accoluere,  propter  quod  is  Sinus  Perficus.  vocatur. 
Pliny.  L.6.  c.  25.  p.  330. 

The   Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  187 

KA'j^£t'  E^vS^aioig  vjo  kv^xtiv  whbolvoio. 

Speaking  of  the  iiland  Taprobane,  which  he  places  far  In  the 
eaft,  towards  the  Golden  Cherfonefe,  he  fays,  that  this  too 
was  {ituated  in  the  Erythrean  Sea.  He  places  it  fo,  as  not 
to  be  miftaken,  in  Afia,  near  the  region  of  the  Indian  Col- 
cas,  or  Colchis ;  and  ftyles  it  the  great  breeder  of  Adatic 
elephants ; 

"  MrftB^ct  ToLTT^o^civriv  Atririysvem  sXt^avroov, 

He  mentions  the  whales,  with  which  its  coafl:  ufed  to  be  in- 
fefted  ;  which  are  taken  notice  of  by  other  writers. 

3"^  K/]T£a  ^ipsg  s'^atriVj  E^vQ^am  ^qtol  'UTovth, 

High  places,  and  ancient  temples  were  often  taken  by  the 
Greeks  for  places  of  fepulture ;  and  the  Deity  there  of  old 
worfhiped  for  the  perfon  buried.  A  tomb  of  this  fort  is  men- 
tioned by  the  fame  poet  in  the  ifland  Ogyris  upon  the  coaft 
of  Carmania. 

'*  Dionyf.  Perieg.  v.  931.  Mofes  Chorenenfis  gives  a  true  account  of  this  fea,  as 
being  one  of  the  three,  with  which  the  earth  is  furrounded.  Primum  eft  Mare  Indi- 
cum,  quodetiam  Rubrum  vocatur  •,  ex  cujus  finu  Perficum  et  Arabicum  profluunt 
maria;  atque  a  meridie  inhabitabili  ignotaque  terra,  ab  oriente  regione  Sinenfi,  a 
feptentrionibus  India,  Perfide  et  Arabia,  &c.  terminatur.     Geog.  p.  342. 

"  Dionyf.  Perieg.  v.  593. 

^^  Dionyf.  Perieg.  v.  597.     Alfo  of  the  Erythrean  Sea  to  the  fouthof  India." 

A/*.Aa  T0(  iCTTTi^lOli  jXiV  OfJiH^lOi  uS'a.tTll/  It'J'oi 

Fcctciv  uTTOTMiyei'  voTiov  S"'  aKoi  o(S'[jt.xr  EPT©PHS' 
Tacyyvi  <^'  m  auyoc;.     v.  1 132. 
The  fame  as  the  Colchic  Sea,  or  Indian  Ocean. 

IvS'aim  ijcergfo-gy  E^v^^aiw  AfooS'nm'.     Noiini  Dionvfiac.  L.  25'  p-  S76. 

B  b  2  E^'i 

1 8^  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

57  Eg-i  <Js  to;  'W^oTs^ca,  Kct^fMciviSog  zKro^sv  cx.k^y]';^ 
Q,yv^ig,  zv^OL  ts  TVfJL^og  E^v^^cx-m  &ixTihY]og. 

As  you  fail  onward  towards  Carmania's  cape, 
You  meet  the  ifland  Ogyris,  where  ftands 
The  tomb  of  king  Eruthrus. 

Thofe  of  this  family,  who  paffed  ftill  farther,  and  fettled  ia 
India,  and  upon  the  peninfula  beyond  the  Ganges,  conferred 
this  name  upon  the  great  Indie  Ocean.  The  author  of  the 
Periplus  wrote  profefTedly  about  the  hiftory  of  this  part  of 
the  world  ;  and  the  whole  is  ftyled  the  navigation  of  the  Ery- 
threan  Sea.  The  people  themfelves  muft  confequently  have 
been  called  Eruthreans,  from  whom  it  was  named.  People  of 
their  family  founded  many  places  weftward,  which  were 
called  Erythra,  in  ^^  Ionia,  Libya,  Cyprus,  ^Etolia;  and  one 
in  Bceotia,  mentioned  by  Homer : 

I  took  notice  that  there  were  Erythreans  about  Tarteflus. 
Pliny  from  Philiftus  and  Ephorus  acquaints  us,  that  Gades 
itfclf  was  called  Erythia :  a  fmall  variation  from  Erythria, 
*°  Gadis  infula — vocatur  ab  Ephoro  et  Philiftide  Erythia  t 
and  he  adds,  that  it  received  this  name  from  people,  who 
came  from  the  coafl:  of  Tyre ;   but  originally  from  the  Ery~ 

"  Dionyf.  Perieg.  v.  6o6. 

''  Vide  Steph.  Byzantin. 

^'  Homeri  Iliad.  B.  v.  499. 

'*"  Plin.  Nat.  Hift-  L.  4.  p.  2  p.  If  they  came  from  the  Erythrean  Sea,  and  were 
tlience  najned,,  the  text  fliould  be  altered  to  Erythria:  for  that  muft  have  been  the 
triK  name, 


The  Analysis  of.  Ancient  Mythology.  189 

threan  Sea.  Erythia  dida  eft,  quoniam  Tyrii  aborigines  eo- 
rum  orti  ab  Erythraeo  Mari  ferebantur.  What  is  here  meant 
by  Mare  Erythraeum,  may  be  known  from  Strabo,  who  fays, 
that  the  people  ftyled  Phenicians,  among  whom  are  include  J 
the  Tyrians,  were  by  fome  faid  to  come  originally  from  the 
ocean,    or   from    people,    who    reiided    upon   its    confines. 

by  which  muft  be  meant  the  Perfic  Gulf  near  Chaldea.  In 
refpedl  to  Gades,  or  Gadir,  the  fame  author  mentions,  that 
it  was  called  by  Pherecydes  Syrus  Erutheia :  JL^v^sic/j  cs  Tot 
FaJsi^a  soiKS  Xsysiv  0  ^B^eav^ri; :  Pherecydes  feems  to  fpeak  of 
Gadeira^  as  the  fame  as  Erytheia.  Here  lived  the  ^e'shzg 
Ai^iOT^iTiSg  of  '^'  Dionyfius ;  under  which  chara£leriftic  the 
Cuthites  are  particularly  denoted. 

It  may  feem  wonderful,  that  any  one  family  ftiould  extend 
themfelves  fo  widely,  and  hav^e  fettlements  in  fuch  different 
parts.  Yet,  if  we  confider,  we  fhall  find  nations  within 
little  more  than  two'  centuries,  who  have  fent  out  immenfe 
colonies,  and  to  places  equally  remote.  Moreover,  for  the 
truth  of  the  fadts  abovementioned,  we  have  the  evidence  of 
the  beft  hiftories.  Cedrenus  fpeak s  of  the  ufurpations  of 
the  fons  of  Ham  :  and  fays,  that  in  his  time  they  lived  in 
a  ftate  of  apoftafy  as  far  as  India  one  way ;  alfo  in  the 
countries   called   Ethiopia,  quite  to  Mauritania,  the  other. 

*'  Strabo.  L.  i.  p.  73.  I  cannot  but  take  notice  here  of  a  miflake,  which  I  ni.iJe 
in  a  former  work,  concerning  thefe  Eruthreans  of  Iberia.  I  fuppofed  that  they  v/ere 
Edomites  from  the  Red  Sea  :  but  they  were  certainly  ot  another  family,  and  came 
from  the  vicinity  of  the  Tigris,  and  the  Sinus  Perficus  j  where  the  original  Eru- 
tlireans  inhabited. 

*'  DionyfiiPerieg.  v.  ^^q. 


190  Tke  Analysis   (jv  Ancient  Mytholoov. 

KctT'j.  ys  Tbig  INAL\S,  holi  AiOioTtictg^  koh  Mccvfiimyictv  zyjx 
^s  KOLi  sv  TOig  zatci  /Sdpi^aj'  ftspso'ii)  'tsroL^i^'yJKy.^friof.g.  They  have 
difo  upon  the  nofthem  coaji  (that  is,  the  coaft  of  Europe)  y^/- 
tlements  upon  the  fea.  Zonaras  fpcaks  to  the  fame  purpofe  ; 
but  is  more  particular  ;  mentioning  the  place,  where  they 
laft  refided,  before  they  fpread  themfelves  in  the  weft. 
•^  'Oi  h  ys  'uroLihg  tb  Xa^a  rr\y  ctTto  Xv^iag  kcci  A^ava  koli  Ai- 
ca^a  rwv  o^uv  yriv  koltbo^ov — koli  q<tol  'ur^og  ^aAoco'irciv  avrm  srsr^a- 
TTSTO  jW.£^^i?  oozsctPH  KCLTBi,7\-fi(pa.fn.  Ihefons  of  Ha7n  feized  upo7i 
all  the  country^  which  7'e  aches  from  Syria,  and  from  the  7noiin- 
tains  of  Aba7ms  and  Libanus — They  got  alfo  poJ[effio7t  of  the 
places,  which  lie  upon  the  fea-ci)afl,  evefi  to  the  Ocean,  or  great 
Atlantic.  Thefe  writers  fpeak  of  this  people  very  properly 
under  the  name  of  the  foils  of  Ham  :  they  were,  however, 
chiefly  Cuthites,  or  Ethiopians :  to  the  vaft  extent  of  whofe 
colonies  Strabo  bears  witnefs.  "^^  Ha^a^AjiCioy  B'^iv,  0  Ksyoo, 
non  'UTB^i  rcu^v  ^I'^ci  Sirj^YjiJLSPoci/  Ai^iOTToov,  on  Js;  hy^BT^ai  rovg  'ura^" 
oXrjV  T/ji/  oczBOLHTiP  oioLTsmnxg  OL<p  rjT^iii  cavionog  fJi-B'^^i  rihm  ^voyievs. 
He  had  been  fpeaking  of  many  nations,  comprehended  under 
one  name  :  and  in  confequence  of  it  fays ;  What  I  have  been 
7ne7ttioni7ig  relates  equally  to  the  Ethiopia77s^  that  twofold  people, 
whom  we  i7iufl  look  upon  in  the  fa7ne  light ;  as  they  lie  extended 
171  a  lo7tg  traSi,  fro7n  the  rifmg  of  the  fun,  to  the  fet ting  of  the 

■"  Cedreni  Annal.  v.  i.  p.  14.      Waotv  /g  xara  tbtov  tov  nccipoi — :<  'srocvTSi  IQ^oixn' 
TtovToL  S'uo  civS'^isrov  apSfj.ov,  ct^^tiyoi  t£,  xca  x.Kp'xAa.ioorix.t.  To  jjhv  "Kctfjt.  yevB;  rptet- 

KOVTO.  Svo'    TB  Si  Ia(p£T  S SKOC  lAliVTi'  TB  Ss  'S.ilfJl.  ilXCXTl  'Z^iVTS.    EpiphaniuS.  L.   I.  t.  J. 

p.  28S. 

**  Zonar.  L,  i.  p.  21. 
*'  Strabo.  L.  i.  p.  60. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  igic 

fame.  Ephorus  gave  a  limilar  account :  "^^  Jb/is/  yaf ,  fJi-r;,  re 
Twy  AidioTTCiov  sdvog  'UTOL^oLTSivsiv  olt:  OLVOLToKm  ysifXB^ivudv  ysy^i 
Toov  ^v^TfJim.  This  fa?nily  of  the  Ethiopians,  fays  Ephorus, 
feems  to  me  to  have  exte?ided  thejnfelves  from  the  winter  tropic 
i7i  the  eafl  to  the  extre77iity  of  the  weft. 

In  fome  places,  as  I  have  before  mentioned,  they  mixed 
with  the  natives,  and  held  many  iilands  in  common  with 
them.  "^  AyTOi  h  v/jq-qi  STriKoivoi  (J^btcc^v  t«  Xa.^,  zoci  th  Icc- 
<p£(^,  roL  K0L7C/.  ^cO\0L<r<T0LV  yivovTcii,  Q^'d  rtirroi  ii^\  Thefe  ijlands, 
which  I  have  juft  fpecified,  are  thofe  that  are  jointly  held  i?y  the 
fons  of  Ham,  a?td  thofe  of  Jap  bet ;  and  they  are  in  number 
twenty  and  Jix.  The  principal  of  them  in  the  Egean  Sea  were 
Cos,  Chios,  Cnidos,  Imbros,  Lefbos,  Samos.  The  author  adds, 
''^  Ep^gf  Js  ra  o^;a  ra  Xo/jU,  w.\,  srs^ag  PYifrng,  Xa^^ccnoLVy  KpyjtyiVj 
KvTT^ov.  There-were  other  ifands  occupied  by  this  people,  fuch  as 
Sardinia,  Crete,  and  Cyprus.  Eufebius  enumerates  almoft  the 
fame  places  occupied  by  the  Amonians;  and  concludes  with 
their  fettlements  upon  the  Atlantic,  v/here  they  mixed  with 
the  natives  :  '^^  ^io^i^si  ^Tct^v  th  Xol^jl  koh  73  l(X(ps^  to  g-oua 
Trs  BTTTS^ictg  ^cO\&.<riTrig  ra  sttlkoipcc  T8  Xap,  zai  ra  ionps^. 

Thus  by  reciprocal  €videnc:es  from  the  moft  genuine  hif- 
tory  it  appears,  that  the  Cuthites,  Ethiopians,  and  Erythreans 
were  the  fame  people.  And  it  has  been  fhewn,  that  they 
h^d  a  ftill  more  general  name  of  X/.i^ai,  Scuthai.  This, 
though  an  incorredl  appellationj  yet  almoft  univerfally  ob- 

**  Strabo.  L.  r.  p.  59. 

*"  .Chron.  Pafchale.  p.  30. 

*"  Ibidem. 

*■  -Euleb. 'Chronicon.  p.  12.,     - 

7  C  U  T  H  I  A 

192  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 


O   R 


AS  fo  much  depends  upon  my  clearing  up  this  ar- 
ticle, which  I  have  taken  in  hand  ;  I  fhall  proceed 
to  fhew,  that  not  only  the  Scythae  of  Colchis,  Mcefia, 
and  Thrace,  with  thofe  upon  the  Palus  Maeotis,  were 
in  great  meafure  of  the  race  of  Chus  :  but  that  all  nations 
ftyled  Scythian  were  in  reality  Cuthian  or  Ethiopian.  This 
may  be  afcertained  from  the  names  of  places  being  the  fame, 
or  fimilar  among  them  all ;  from  the  fame  cuftoms  prevail- 
ing ;  from  the  fame  rites  and  vi^orfhip,  among  which  was  the 
worfhip  of  the  fun  ;  and  from  thofe  national  marks,  and  fa- 
mily charadleriftics,  whence  the  identity  of  any  people  may 
be  proved.  I  have  mentioned,  that  the  Cuthites  fent  out 
many  colonies  ;  and,  partly  by  their  addrefs  and  fuperiority 
in  fcience,  and  partly  by  force,  they  got  accefs  among  various 
nations.  In  fome  places  they  mixed  with  the  people  of  the 
country,  and  were  nearly  abforbed  in  their  numbers  :  in 
other  parts,  they  excluded  the  natives,  and  maintained  them- 
felves  folely  and  feparate.  They  are  to  be  met  with  in  the 
hiftories  of  the  iirft  ages  under  different  names  and  titles ; 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  193 

being  denominated  fometimes  from  the  cities,  which  they 
built ;  fometimes  from  the  worfhip,  which  they  profelTed  : 
but  the  more  general  name,  both  of  themfclves,  and  of  the 
coimtries,  which  they  occupied,  was  in  the  Babylonifh  dia- 
led Cuth,  Cutha,  and  Cuthia.  They  were  by  other  nations 
ftyled  Chus,  Cliufan,  Culei  :  and  thefe  terms  again  were 
altered  to  Cafus,  Callus,  CilTii,  and  ^°  CilTaei. 

After  they  had  feized  upon  the  province  of  Suliana,  and 
Chuliftan,  they  were  in  pofleflion  of  the  navigation  of  the 
Tigris  downwards  ;  and  probably  commenced  a  very  early 
trade.  They  got  footing  in  India,  where  they  extended 
themfelves  beyond  Gedrolia  and  Carmania,  upon  the  chief 
river  of  the  country.  The  author  of  the  Periplus  takes  no- 
tice of  them  under  the  name  of  Scythians ;  and  mentions 
thofe  places  in  the  eaft,  where  they  reiided.  ^'  MsTx  Je  ray- 
TYiv  YJf^^oLV  (Q.^a,ictv)  Yi^ri  Trig  WBi^Sy  J/a  to  jSa^o^  rocv  koXttoop 
£K  TYig  amroXr.g  VTrs^Ks^o^u'rig,  sK^'^BroLi  'srct^x^OL'KctG'u'iix,  {xs^yi  TYjg 
X/.v^iag,  ifTcc^'  CX.VTOV  KSifJLSPa  rov  (^o^soLVy  TXTrsiva.  Kiolv,  'E^ri; 
'UTora.fjLog  l^iv^og,  (Jisyis'og  7m  koltol  Tr]v  E^v&^olv  ^oLkoirtroLV  'nro^ 
Ta/x6oi/,  Kui 'urMig'ov  v^(a^'zig  ^oCKoL^<TOLVBK^cO\Km' — gVra  h  ^rog 
6  'uroTafJLog  zyo^v  g-oy^ajoi.  After  the  cotmtry  of  Ora,  the  con- 
tinent noWf  by  reafon  of  the  great  depth  of  its  gulfs  and  inlet s.^ 
forming  vaft  promontories^  runs  outward  to  a  great  degree 
from  the  eafiy  and  inclofes  the  fea  coafl  of  Scythia,  which  lies 
towards  the  7iorth^  that  is,  in  the  recefs  of  one  of  thefe  bays.    It 

*°  Of  Kiflla  in  Perfis,  iEfchyl.  Perf.  v.  16.  Oi  ts  to  2ao-wi',  nf  ExQarocvuv^Kat 
TO  riAAAION  Kia-amv  ioy.oe.  Strabo.  L.  15.  p.  1058.  Aiyovrou  tfg  xa<  Ki^a-m  6t 
Xao-iot.     Saitfe  in  Sufia.     Plin.  Nat.  Hift.  L.  i.  p.  334. 

^'  Arriani  Perip.  2.     Geogr.  Vet.  vol.  1.  p.  21. 

Vol.  III.  C  c  is 

194  The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology. 

is  low  land,  and  lies  upon  the  river  Sinthus\  iiohich  is  the  large]} 
river  of  any,  that  run  in  the  Rrythrean  Sea  ;  and  affords  the 
greatejl  quantity  of  water.  I  need  not  mention,  that  what  he 
calls  the  Sinthus  is  the  fame  as  the  Sindus,  or  Indus.  They 
bccupied  alfo  that  iiifular  province,  called  in  their  language 
from  its  iituation  Giezerette,  or  the  illand  ;  and  from  their 
anceflor,  as  well  as  from  their  worfhip,  Cambaiar,  or  the  Bay 
of  Cham,  Vv'hich  names  it  retains  at  this  day.  They  fettled 
alfo  upon  the  promontory  Comar,  or  Comarin  ;  and  were 
lords  of  the  great  ifland  Pelfelimunda,  called  afterwards  Se- 
ran-dive.  They  were  all  ftyled  the  Southern  Scuthae  ;  of 
whom  the  poet  Dionyfius  gives  the  following  defcription  : 

Acc^^QTctrov  ^oo'j  oczvp  CTTi  I'orov  o^Oov  BhOLVVm. 

This  country  is  likewife  taken  notice  of  by  Prifcian  under 
the  name  of  Scythia  : 

"  Eft  Scythise  tellus  auftralis  flumen  ad  Indum  : 

The  inhabitants  of  which  country  were  certainly  Cuthians, 
the  pofterity  of  Chus  and  Ham.  Ccdrenus  expreflly  men- 
tions them  in  this  light,  when  he  is  taking  notice  of  fome  of 
the  principal  Amonian  fettlements  in  a  paffage  before  quoted: 

**  Dionyfii  Perieg.  v.  1088. 

''  Prifcian.  v.  996.  The  PIrythrean  Sea  is  by  mod  writers  fuppofed  to  be  the 
fiime  as  the  Arabian  Gulf,  or  Red  Sea  :  but  Herodotus  calls  the  Perfic  Gulf  Ery- 
threaa  :  and  Agathemerus,  Dionyfuis,  and  the  author  of  the  Periplus  call  the  whole 
Indie  Ocean  by  this  name.     Many  other  authors  extend  it  in  the  fame  manner. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  195 

5+  Ta  h  TH  Xcc[jl  'urXsi^oL  fJ^s'-^^i  kc/li  vvv  s^i/y)  z^iv  sv  &.7ro- 
^a^ricf.  noLTa  ys  Tocg  INAIA2,  koli  AiOioTTic/.g  kc/j  Moiv^ircjixg. 
That  this  Scythia  was  the  land  of  Cutha,  may  be  known 
from  its  being  ftyled  Ethiopia ;  under  which  charadler  h  is 
alluded  to  by  Eufebius,  when  he  fpeaks  of  "  Ai^ioZiCi  ri  |3As- 
TTHira  aoLTct  ^*  h^'sg  'W^og  sv^ovotov.  The  Cuthites  worfhiped 
the  Patriarch  Noah  under  the  name  of  Nufos,  and  Dio-nufos: 
and  wherever  they  came,  they  built  cities  to  his  memory, 
called  Nufa.  They  alfo  worfhiped  Chus  under  the  cha- 
radler  of  lachus,  Pachus,  Bacchus:  and  their  hiftory  is  al- 
ways attended  with  an  obfcure  account  of  fome  check, 
which  they  once  received  ;  of  a  retreat,  and  diffipation  ; 
which  is  veiled  under  the  notion  of  the  flight  of  Bacchus. 
It  related  to  the  difperfion  at  Babel  ;  and  is  mentioned  in 
the  hiftories  of  moft  places,  where  they  fettled  :  and  was 
particularly  preferved  among  the  traditions  of  the  Indian 

^^  Efi   ^£   Tig   ^ri^tTog  Bv^^eirriV  'ura^cc  VayyrjV 
Xo:^og  TifJiriSig  ts   kva   iB^og,    ov  'UTqtz  'QoLKyog 

@V(JLC(.lUCiCV   STrCiTTtTSV,    OT    l(iKkOL<T(T0VTO  ^SV   OLo^OLl 

ATtVOL(j^v  Nso^iJs?  sg  oiiXTri^ag — 

T'  ^vsKct  Nucrcra/j^j/  y^Bv  B(pT,yA^oLvrQ  y.BXBV^ov. 

^*  Cedren.  Hid.  Compend.  vol.  i.p.  14. 

"  Eulcbii  Chron.  p.  12. 

The  arrangement  of  the  oriental  nations  by  Eufebiiis  Is  very  particular:  EAy- 
//a/o/,  Apafe,  A^;:{^«ic(,  Ks/fao-fo;,  XKT0AI,  Fi^f.i'oirc^-f^'a/.     Chron.  p.  ii. 

'*  Thele  are  the  Ethiopians  mentioned  by  Apuleius,  Qtii  nalcentibus  Dei  Solis 
inchoantibus  radiis  illultrantiir  jEthiopes,  Ariique.     L.  11.  p.  364. 

"  Dionyf.  Perieg.  v.  1152. 

Vol.  III.  C  c  2  In 

196  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

In  confequence  of  this,  they  had  many  rites  fimilar  to  thofe 
in  ^^  Greece.  It  was  cuftomary  with  them  to  crown  them- 
felves  with  ivy  ;  which  was  to  be  found  only  at  Meru,  a 
mountain  facred  to  Bacchus.  They  alfo  at  their  facrifices 
wore  the  nebris,  or  fpotted  fkin,  like  the  Bacchanalians  in^ 
the  weft:  and  ufed  cymbals  and  tabours  upon  the  like  fo- 
lemn  occa{ions.  They  had  alfo,  o^^j^cr;^  (TaTV^iKiri,  the  fatyric 
dance,  which  was  common  among  the  Thracians,  and  the 
people  of  Greece. 

On  this  account,  when  Alexander  came  into  this  country, 
the  natives  looked  upon  the  Grecians  as  in  great  meafure  of 
the  fame  family,  as  they  were  themfelves  :  and  when  the 
people  of  Nufa  fent  Acouphis,  the  chief  perfon  of  their  city, 
to  folicit  their  freedom  of  the  Grecian  conqueror  ;  they 
conjured  him  by  the  well-known  name  of  Dionufus,  as 
the  moft  efficacious  means  of  obtaining  their  purpofe. 
"  n  (ic(.<nKsv,  ^Bovrai  (ra  Nycrcraioi  scLTai  (r<pot,g  sKsvh^Bg  ts  koli 
ctvTovoy.agj  ai^oi  m  AiovvT'd.  0  kwg,  the.  Nujfaans  i-ntreat  thee 
to  fuffer  them  to  enjoy  their  liberties  and  their  laws^  out  of  re- 
gard to  their  God  Dionufos.  Their  chief  city  was  Nufa  : 
and  wherever  the  Cutheans  fettled,  they  feemed  to  have 
founded    a    city  of  this  ^°  name.      Hence   Stephanus    fays, 

'^  Arrian.  Hill.  Ind.  p.  318.  p.  321.    Diod.  Sic.  L.  2.  p.  123.    The  Indians  alfo 
worfhiped  Ofiris.     Ibid.  L.  i.  p.  17. 
-'  Arrian.  Exp.  Alex.  L.  5.  p.  196. 

"  The  Scholiaftupon  Homer.  Z.  v.  139.  mentions  a  Nufa  in  Arabia,  and  in 
Egypt.     Nufa  in  Arabia  is  taken  notice  of  by  HerodoruSj  a  later  poet. 
Ef /  Si  T(5  Inv-xm,  nircLTiv  xspa?,  avBgs!'  uA>i, 
T;;Aa  <I»3i)T/i;)?,  q'^^^'^v  Ai^otttoio  ioavy. 

Scholia  ApoUonii.  L.  2.  v.  12 15, 

f  2  N^'TCtr 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  197 

*''  Nycrar  ^oXsig  'uro'KKot.i.  The  Amonian  colonies  may  be 
continually  traced  by  this  circumftance :  for  there  was  a 
city  Nufa  in  Arabia,  in  Egypt,  in  Syria,  in  Colchis,  upon 
Mount  Caucafus,  in  Thrace,  upon  Helicon  near  Thebes,  in 
Naxos,  in  EubcEa ;  and  one  in  ^*  Libya,  of  which  it  was  faid, 
that  it  could  never  be  feen  twice  by  the  fame  perfon.  The 
Oxydracae,  another  Indian  people,  pretended  that  they  were 
immediately  defcended  from  Dio-Nufos  ;  of  whom  Strabo 
takes  notice  :  ^^  O^v^^olkoli,    iq  T8   A/oyyiTB   cuyysvBiq  £(pa^si/ 

^v^rjtrx^oLi — O^v^^dKcig  oLTroyovag  Aio^ycra. 

There  were  many  other  tribes  of  people,  which  lay  upon 
the  Indus  and  the  Ganges  ;  and  betrayed  their  origin  in  their 
name.     Of  the  latter  river  Dionyilus  fpeaks  : 

'*  Knvo;  rot  "sroT^sm  oLTroTSfJO/STcti  BSvsa  (^(jnm* 

''  Steph.  Byzant.  of  cities  ftyled  Nufa.  Alfo  Euftathii  7ra.pix.Qohai  in  Dionyf.  v. 
1 159. — Stephanus  of  Nufa  in.  Eubcea :  gr6a  S'lcc  fjLtcLi  rifjLf^aiTtii'  aqxiriKov  (paatv  a>Ge/v, 
xa<  TOv  (iorpiiv  luiTronvia^oci. 

*^  Strabo.  L.  7.  p.  459.     Nufa  in  Libya,  the  city  of  Dionufus. 

There  was  a  city  Scythopolis  in  Cr^naan,  undoubtedly  founded  by  Cuthites,  who. 
eame  early  into  thefe  parts  of  the  country  near  Hermon.  It  is  remarkable,  that  this 
place  was  of  old  called  Nufa :  Scythopolim,  antea  Nyfam,  a  Libero  Patre,  fepulta 
nutrice,  ibi  Scythis  dedudlis.  Plin.  Nat.  Hill.  L.  5.  c.  18.  So  that  there  is  an  uni- 
formity in  the  hiftory  of  all  thefe  places.  It  was  alfo  called  Tricomis,  T pixcofjui,  and 
Bethfan,  which  laft  fignifies,  the  houfe  or  temple  of  San,  or  Zan,,the  Shepherd  Deity, 
the  Zeus  of  the  Greeks  : 

Ey6a  lAiyoLi  xsirai  Zav,  ov  Aioi  xiy.?vniTy.ycn. 

^  Jamblich.  in  Vita  Pythag. 

'  Strabo.  L,  15.  p.  1008.  1026. 

t*  Dionyf  Perieg.  v.  1096.     He  expreffes  Arabes,  A^£ei.. 


198  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

*^ Ganges 

Separat  innumeras  et  vaftas  gurgite  gentes  ; 
Oritafque,  Aribafque  fimul,  Unique  Arachotas 
Utentes  Isenis. 

And  the  Scholiafl  upon  Dionylius  more  particularly  ;  tjrpo; 
^vtriv  Ts  h$H  'urorcciJLii  Q,^iTOii.  The  titles  of  Oritae  and  Aribes, 
like  that  of  "  ^thiopes,  were  peculiar  to  the  fons  of  Chus. 
Hence,  when  mention  is  made  of  Scythia  Indica,  and  when 
the  poet  to  the  fame  purpofe  tells  us, 

Eft  Scythise  tellus  auftralis  flumen  ad  Indum  ; 

we  may  be  afTured  that  the  country  alluded  to  was  Cuthia. 
The  inland  ^^  Oritae  in  fome  decree  deg-enerated  from  their 
forefathers,  and  became  in  habit  like  the  natives  of  the 
country  j  but  differed  from  them  in  fpeech,  and  in  their 
rites  and  cufloms :  ^*  yAwo'o'a  h  aAA/^  olvtokti  koli  olKKol  vofJiCLici  : 
fo  that  we  may  be  affured,  that  they  were  not  the  original 
inhabitants,  though  they  came  thither  very  early.  One  re- 
gion of  the  Gangetic  country  was  named  Cathaia,  and  the 
people  ''  Cathaians.  Arrian  fpeaks  of  them  as  a  very  brave 
and  refpedable  people ;   and  fays,   that  their  chief  city  was 

*'  Prifclan.  v.  1001. 
■    *'  AiQioTT/a,  71  ^AsTraact  xetroc  THi  Mai.  Chron.  Pafcli.  p.  29. 

*'  Infula  Solis — in  qua  Ori  gens.     Pliny.  L.  6.  p.  326. 

"  Arrian.  Hift.  Indie,  p,  340.  and  338.  of  the  Oritte. 

*'  The  Cathaians,  famous  for  a  breed  of  fierce  dogs ;  and  for  mines  of  fait,  and 
others  of  gold  and  filver.     Strabo.  L.  15.  p.  1025. 

Cathaia  is  no  other  than  Cuthaia,  the  name,  by  which  Perfis  and  Cufiftan  were 
called,  according  to  Jofcphus.  Ku6a«t, — sv  HefaiS'i.  Antiq.  Jud.  L.  11.  c.  4. 
p.  55^- 

Smgala  : 

The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  199 

Singala :  ^^  olvtovo^i^i;  h^(£V  ciXXzg,  koli  th?  XzyoiLZvaq  Ka^a/8? 

liOLYyoChOL  TO    QVOI^LCC  rn    TfToKBly    KCLl  OLVTOl   Ot  KoiOciiOl    SVTOKfJ.Cf)- 

TOLToi  TS,  KOLi  TCL  'WoXs^JLiOL  K^ojig'oi,  siofJiK^ovTO.  Cathaia  is  a 
fmall  variation  for  Cuthaia,  as  Aribes  before  was  for  ^'  Ara- 
bes  :  and  the  latter  are  rendered  by  Arrian  Arabians, 
A^QL^isg  ;  who  fpeaks  of  them  as  refiding  upon  one  of  the 
mouths  of  the  Indus,  near  the  ifland  Crocaie.  ^'  YI^OfToiKSSi 
^z  TccvTYj  s^vog  hS'aov,  o<  A^aJoisg  KoCh<i^evoi.  They  lived  upon 
the  river  Arabis  ;  which  ferved  as  a  boundary  to  them,  and 
to  their  brethren  the  Oreitce :  "  og  ^lOL  Tr,g  yt^g  auTOJv  ps&u;/  s;^- 
Imi  sg  ^oiKoL<T(roLv ,  o^i^ijov  tutxv  ts  rrfi  p/w^io!'  kcli  rui/  Q,^sirsct)y  : 
which  ran  thj'ough  their  territories^  and  fo  pajfed  into  the  ocean  \ 
ferving  as  a  boundary  to  their  country  ^  and  to  that  of  the  Orei- 
tce.  The  chief  city  of  the  latter  was  Ur,  like  that  in  Chal- 
dea ;  but  exprefled  by  the  Greeks  ^'^  O^a,  Ora.  They  had 
been  for  ages  an  independent  people  ;  but  were  forced  to 
fubmit  to  the  fortunes  oi  Alexander,  to  whom  they  furren- 
dered  their  city. 

Together  with  the  Oreitas  and  A  rabians  of  Dionyfius,  are 
mentioned  the  Arachoti.  Thefe  are  undoubtedly  the  fame 
as  theCathaians  above;  and  were  denominated  from  their  city. 
Ar-Chota  is  the  fame  as  Cothopolis,  or  the  city  of  Cutha, 
fomewhat  varied  in  the  poet's  defcription.  The  Arachotians 
are  ftyled  Kivo'^a.iVQi^  from  their  particular  habit,  which 
was  of  linen.      This  circumftance  is  a  ftrong  charafteriflic  of 


Arrian.  Expedit.  Alexandr.  L.  5.  p.  224. 

"  The  country  is  called  Araba  at  this  day,  to  the  wcfl  of  the  Indus. 


Arrian.  Hift.  Indie,  p.  336. 

Arrian.  Hift.  Indie,  p.  0,0,6.     ApxQa  Ii/sjc   Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  1 1. 
'*  Arrian.  Expedit.  Alexandr.  L.  4.  p.  190.  L.  6.  p.  261. 


200  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

the  Amonians.  I  believe,  in  every  place  where  they  fettled, 
they  were  famous  for  this  ^'^  manufadture.  They  introduced 
it  in  Colchis,  which  was  celebrated  for  its  flax  and  linen  : 
fo  was  the  country  of  Campania,  where  they  fettled  in  Italy. 
The  Egyptians  were  ftyled  "Ttirba  linigera :  and  the  ^^  Athe- 
nians had  not  long  left  ofl*  this  kind  of  apparel  in  the  time 
of  Thucydides.  The  fame  habit  prevailed  in  Bsetica,  efpe- 
cially  among  the  priefts : 

'* velantur  corpora  /ino, 

Et  Peluflaco  praefulget  ftamine  vertex. 

It  feems  to  have  been  univerfally  the  garb  of  the  Cuthic  In- 
dians :  as  we  may  infer  from  Philoftratus :  "  g'oKriv  h  siuai 
Toig  KOLTci  rov  hS^ov  Kiva  (pctfTiv  sy^oj^ia,  koli  VTro^rjfjLccTct  /SySXa. 
This  was  the  exprefs  habit  of  the  Egyptians,  whom  this  peo- 
ple refembled  in  many  other  refpedls.  From  circumftances 
of  this  nature,  many  learned  men  have  contended  that  the 
Indians,  and  even  the  ^*  Chinefe,  were  a  colony  from  Egypt : 
while  others  have  proceeded  as  warmly  upon  the  oppoflte  prin- 
ciple ;  and  have  inlifled  that  the  Egyptians,  or  at  leaft  their 

'*  Of  the  Colchi  :  e^na-i  (f'i  xai  ^ivn^ysa-i  rnv  xaAajwwf,  maTi^  Atyuirrioi-  Schol. 
in  Find.  Pyth.  Od.  4.  v.  376. 

Solomon  fent  for  linen  from  Egypt,     i  Kings,  c.  10.  v.  28. 

Moreover  they  that  work  in  fine  fiax  Jhall  be  confounded.     Ifaiah.  c.  19.  v.  9.  of  the 

Euftathius  of  the  Egyptians ;  to  Xiveti  i(T%Tai  a/x7rg;n^gcr6ai. 

Schol.  in  Dionyf.  Perieg.  ad  v.  689. 

'*  Thucydides,  L.  i.p.  6. 

'*  Silius  Italic.  L.  3.  v.  25. 

'^  Philoftrati  Vita  Apollonii.  L.  2.  p.  79. 

'*  Memoire,  dans  lequel  on  prouve,  que  les  Chinois  font  une  colonie  Egyptienne, 
&c.    Par  M.  de  Guignes,  de  1' Academic  Royale,  &c.  &c.    A  Paris.  1760. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythologv.  201 

learning  and  cufloms,   are  to  be  derived  from  the  Indi  and 
Seres.      But  neither  opinion  is  quite  true  :   nor  need  we  be 
brought  to  this  alternative  ;   for  they  both   proceeded   from 
one  central  place  :  and  the  fame  people,  who  imported  their 
religion,  rites,  and  fcience  into  Egypt,  carried  the  fame  to 
the  Indus  and  Ganges ;   and  ftiil  farther  into  China  and  Ja- 
pan.     Not  but  that  fome  colonics  undoubtedly  came  from 
Egypt :   but  the  arts  and  fciences  imported  into  India  came 
from  another  family,   even  the  Cuthites   of  Chaldea  ;    by 
whom  the  Mizra'im  themfelves  were  inftrudled :   and  from 
Egypt  they  palled  weftward.     ^'  Ez   XoCK^oLim   yoL^   "KByzroii 
<poiTr\<TOLi  Ta:;Ta  isr^o^  hiyvTtroVy   mKBi^ev  'ur^og  'EAAjii^a?.     T/je 
mofi  approved  accowit  is,   that  arts   came  from   Chaldea  to 
Egypt ;   and  from  the7ice  paffed  into  Greece.      Hence  we  mull 
not  be  furprifed,  if  we  meet  with  the  fame  cuftoms  in  India, 
or  the  fame  names  of  places,  as  are  to  be  found  in  Egypt,  or 
Colchis,  or  the  remoteft  parts  of  Iberia.     In  this  country 
were  cities  named  Ur,  Cuta,  Gaza,  and  Gaugamela.     The 
river  Indus  was  faid  to  rife  in  Mount  Caucafus,  Umilar  to 
the  mountain  in  Colchis.     There  was  a  place  called  Aornon 
in  Epirus,  in  Campania,  and  in  Iberia  near  TartelTus.      The 
like  was  to  be  found  in  India :   *°  Ao^rov  Ti^cc  'srer^ai/,   i5;  Ta^ 
pi^a?  0  \vIq(;  mo^^Bi  njfKYifrm  rm  'urriym.  It  was  fuppofed  hercj 
as  in  other  places,  to  have  received  its  name  from  the  iriipof- 
fibility  of  birds  flying  over  it ;   as  if  it  were  of  Grecian  ety- 
mology.    By  Dionyfius  it  is  expreffed  Aornis, 

'  Zonar.  v.  i.  p.  22. 
Strabo.  L.  15.  p.  looS. 


Vol.  III.  D  d  TaWa 

202  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

I  took  notice  that  the  Oreitse  and  Oxydracag  pretended  to  be 
defccnded  from  Dioniifus.  The  like  was  faid  of  the  Gargari- 
das,  who  lived  upon  the  Hypanis,  near  Mount  Hemodus,  and 
are  mentioned  by  the  poet  Dionyfius. 


jU,£Ta  78;  Jg,  Ai(/)W(r(rs  ^s^ciTrons; 

He  ftyles  them  from  their  worfhip  and  extra&iionihe/ervanfs  of 
Dmmfos,  As  there  was  a  Caucafus  in  thefe  parts,  fo  was  there 
alfo  a  region  named  *^  Colchis ;  which  appears  to  have  been  a 
very  flourifhing  and  powerful  province.  It  was  fituated  at  the 
bottom  of  that  large  ifthmus,  which  lies  between  the  Indus  and 
Ganges:  and  feems  to  have  comprehended  the  kingdoms,  which 
are  ftyled  Madura,  Tranquebar,  and  Cochin.  The  Garga- 
ridae,  who  lived  above  upon  the  Hypanis,  ufed  to  bring  down 
to  the  Colchians  the  gold  of  their  country,  which  they  bar- 
tered for  other  commodities.  The  place,  where  they  prin- 
cipally traded,  was  the  city  Comar,  or  Comarin,  at  the  ex- 
tremity of  the   ifthmus  to  the  fouth.      The  Colchians  had 

*'  Dionyf.  Pericg.  v.  1 151.  He  places  it  at  the  extremity  of  the  ifthmus,  near 
Cape  Comar:  for  there  were  two  places  in  India  of  this  name. 

'*  Dionyf,  Perieg.  v.  1 143.  Pompon.  Mela  fpeaks  of  the  city  Nufa  in  thefe  parts. 
Urbium,  quas  incolunt,  Nyfa  eft  clariflima  et  maxima:  montium,  Meros,  Jovi  facer. 
Famam  hie  pr^cipuam  habent  in  ilia  genitum,  in  hujus  fpecu  Liberum  arbitrantur 
eflTe  nutritum :  unde  Grscrs  aufloribus,  ut  femori  Jovis  infitum  dicerent,  aut  mate- 
ria ingeffit,  aut  error.  L.  3.  c.  7.  p.  276. 

The  mod:  knowing  of  the  Indi  maintained  that  Dionufos  came  from  the  weft. 

*'  Colclfis  mentioned  by  jEthicus,  and  ftyled  Colche  :  alfo  by  Ptolemy. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  203 

Kere  the  advantage  of  a  pearl  fifliery,  by  which  they  muft 
have  been  greatly  enriched.  A  learned  commentator  upon 
the  ancient  geographers  gives  this  account  of  their  country. 
'*  Poft  Barim  amnem  in  Aiorum  regione  eft  Elancon  empo- 
rium, et  Cottiara  metropolis,  ac  Comaria  promontorium  ;  et 
oppidum  in  Periplo  Erythrsi  Ko^cc^  et  KofJLot^si,  nunc  fervato 
nomine  Comarin.  Ab  hoc  promontorio  linus  Colchicus  in- 
cipit,  cui  Colchi,  KoA^oi,  emporium  adjacens,  nomen  dede- 
runt.  The  Periplus  Maris  Erythraei,  here  fpoken  of,  is  a 
moft  valuable  and  curious  treatife,  whoever  may  have  been 
the  author  :  and  the  paffage  chiefly  referred  to  is  that  which 
follows  :  ^^  Att  EXci^aKx^cc  to  ?.syo{JL£]/ov  Uv^pov  o^og,  aAA?) 
'wot^r/.s  "X^oo^a,  r)  Ila^aA/a  ?.syofJLsvY]y  'ur^og  avrov  rov  voroVy  sv  j5 
Kcci  ri  Ko'kv^^Y\(ng  B?iy  vito  tqv  ^ol(TiKscx.  Hcilv^iovol  'WivccKHy  koli 
'UTo'Kig  Y\  XsyoixsvYi  KoT^'^oi.  Il^mog  TOTfog  BaA/ra  )co(.As[JLSvogy 
o^lJLov  zolKov  s-^m  koli  KWfjLriV  'W(x.^ci&oLKa(r(noy,  Atto  h  Tocvrrig 
sg'iv  sTs^og  Tozog  to  Ko|W.a^  KsyofjLsvoVy  ev  ca  roTrca  to  (p^a^iov  b<^i, 
Kdi  Xi^Y\Vy    sig  ov  oi  (^sKofJisvoi  Toy  ^bIkKovtcl  avToig  '^^ovov  is^ot 

yeVzBoLly  "X/lgOl  ^BV^<TIV  ClVTSy   KOLKSl  S^'^O^SVOl   OL'n'OASOVTOLl.     To$' 

^*  Geographi  Minores.  Prolegom. 

'*  Arriani  Peripl.   Maris  Erythrsei,  apud  Geograph.   Grcccos   Mirj.ores.  Vi   i.' 

Dionyfius  calls  this  region  KwA/s  inftead  of  XoA;^o5. 

rjpoi  I'OTor  (Xy.'JiA.ivo:  'ura^a,  TipfjiccTct.  KcfoXi^oi  a;;-)?,    Perieg.  v,  1 14S. 
And  others  have  fuppolcd  it  was  named  Colis  from  Venus  Colias.    But  what  has  any 
title  of  a  Grecian  Goddefs  to  do  with  the  geography  of  India  ?  The  region  was  ftyled 
both  Colica,  and  Colchica. 

It  is  remarkable,  that  as  there  was  a  Caucafus  and  Regio  Colica,  as  well  as  Colchi- 
ca,  in  India:  fo  the  fame  names  occur  among  the  Cutheans  upon  the  Pontus  Euxinus. 
Here  was  Regio  Colica,  as  well  as  Cholcica  at  the  foot  of  Mount  Caucafus.  Pliny 
L.  6,  c.  5.  p.  305.     They  are  the  fame  name  differently  cxprefled. 

D  d  2  avTO 

204  The  Analysis  op  Ancient  Mythology. 

fJi-B'^^i  KoKyocv,  sv  i?  KoXv[jt,^Yi(ng  th  ^ivajia  Bg'iv'  octto  h  kxtol- 
•^ioi(r[jLif)v  zcLTs^ya^BTOLi.  JJ^og  rov  vorov  vtto  tov  jSactAsa  Uxp^iovct 
sg-iv.  MsTx  Js  KoT^'^ag  svhysTOLi  ctKKog  diyioLXog  sv  K<ii\'K(A  Ksi- 
y^vog.  From  Elabacara  extejids  a  motmtai?i  called  Purrhosy 
and  the  coajl  fiyled  Par  alia  (or  the  pearl  coaft),  reaching  down 
to  the  mofi  foiithern  pointy  where  is  the  great  ji fiery  for  pearly 
which  people  di%>e  for.  It  is  under  a  king  named  Pandion,  and 
the  chief  city  is  Colchi.  Tljere  are  two  places',  where  they  fifi 
for  this  *^  commodity  :  of  which  the  firfl  is  Balita  :  here  is  a 
forty  and  an  harbour.  In  this  placey  many  perfons  who  have  a 
mi7id  to  live  an  holy  lifey  and  to  feparate  themfelves  from  the 
worldy  come  and  bat  hey  and  then  enter  into  a  ft  ate  of  celibacy. 
There  are  women y  who  do  the  fame.  For  it  is  faid  that  the 
place  at  particular  feafons  every  month  is  frequented  by  the 
Deity  of  the  cotmtryy  a  Goddefs  who  comes  and  bathes  in  the 
waters.  Ihe  coaft y  near  which  they  fftj  for  pearly  lies  all  along 
fro?n  Comari  to  Colchi.  It  is  perfonned  by  perfons y  wJdo  have  been 
guilty  of  feme  crime  y  and  are  compelled  to  thisfervice.  All  this 
coaft  to  thefouthward  is  under  the  aforeme?2tioned  king  Pandion. 

■*'  Paralia  feems  at  firft  a  Greek  word  ;  but  is  in  reality  a  proper  name  in  the  lan- 
o-uao-e  of  the  country.  I  make  no  doubt,  but  what  we  call  Pearl  was  the  Paral  of  the 
Amonians  and  Cuthites.  Paralia  is  the  Land  of  F  earls.  All  the  names  of  gems,  as 
now  in  ufe,  and  of  old,  were  from  the  Amonians  :  Adamant,  Amethyft,  Opal, 
Achates  or  Agate,  Pyropus,  Onyx,  Sardonyx,  iEcites,  Alabafler,  Beril,  Coral,  Cor- 
nelian. As  this  v/as  the  fliore,  v/here  thefe  gem.s  were  really  found,  we  may  conclude, 
that  Paralia  fignified  the  Pearl  Coaft.  There  was  pearl  fifhery  in  the  Red  Sea»  and  it 
continues  to  this  day  near  the  iQand  Delaqua.  Purchals.  v.  5.  p.  778.  In  thefe 
parts,  the  author  of  the  periplus  mentions  iQands,  which  he  ftyles  Ilt^^aAao/,  or  Pearl 
IHands.     See  Geogr.  Gr.  Minores.  Periplus.  v.  1.  p.  9. 

^  After 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  205 

After  this  there  proceeds  another  traB  of  coafi^  'which  forms  a 

The  author  then  proceeds  to  defcrlbe  the  great  trade, . 
which  was  carried  on  by  this  people,  and  by  thofe  above, 
upon  the  Hypanis  and  Ganges :  and  mentions  the  fine  linen, 
which  was  brought  down  from  Scythia  Limyrica,  and  from- 
Comara,  and  other  places.  And  if  we  compare  the  hiftory, 
which  he  gives,  with  the  modern  accounts  of  this  country, - 
we  fhall  find  that  the  fame  rites  and  cuftoms  ftill  prevail  ; 
the  fame  manufactures  are  carried  on:  nor  is  the  pearl  fifhery 
yet  exhaufted.  And  if  any  the  leaft  credit  may  be  afforded 
to  etymological  elucidation,  the  names  of  places  among  the- 
Cuthite  nations  are  fo  fimilar  in  themfelves,  and  in- their 
purport,  that  we  may  prove  the  people  to  have  been  of  the 
fame  family ;  and  perceive  among  them  the.  fame  religion 
and  cuftoms,  however  widely  they  were  fcattercd.  The 
mountains  Caucafus  and  *^  Pyrrhus,  the  rivers  Hypanis,  Ba- 
ris,  Chobar,  Soana,  Cophis,  Phafis,  Indus,  of  this  country, 
are  to  be  found  among  the  Cuthite  nations  in  the  weft.  One 
of  the  chief  cities  in  this  country  was  Cottiara.  This  is  no 
other  than  Aracotta  revcrfed;  and  probably  the  fame  that  is 
called  Arcot  at  this  day.  The  city  Comara,  and  the  promontory 
Comarine  are  of  the  fame  etymology  as  the  city  Ur  in  ChaL- 
dea;  w-.icliv/as  called  Camar  and  Camarina  from  the  priefts 

^  ''  The  mountain  Pyrthus,  nuj^ss,  vjias  an  eminence  facred  to  Ur,  or  Qrus ;  who 
vvi".s  alio  ca.;c..i  ChanirUr,  and  his  priefts  Chamurin.  The  city  Ur  in  Chaldea  is  called 
Chamurin  by  iiupolemu?,  who  exprefles  it  Kafxvpirn,  w  rivei  'sroKiv  Ovoiav  ■A.ahn'jiv. 
Eufcb.  Prsp.  Evang.  L.  9.  p.  418.  Hence  this  promontory  in  Colchis  Indica  is  ren- 
der: J  Comar  by  the  author  of  tlie  Peripkis ;  and  at  this  day  it  is  called  Comorin. 
The  river  Indus  is  faid  to  run  into  a  bay  called  Sinus  Saronicus.  Plutarch,  de  Flu- 
min.  Sar-OnjDomiaus  SoL 


2o6  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

and  vv'orfliip  there  eftablifl:ied.  The  region  termed  Aia  above 
Colchis  was  a  name  peculiarly  givxn  by  the  Amonians  to  the 
places,  where  they  reiided.  Among  the  Greeks  the  word 
grew  general ;  and  Aitx.  was  made  to  fignify  any  land :  but 
among  the  Egyptians,  at  leaft  among  the  Cuthites  of  that 
country,  as  well  as  among  thofe  of  Colchis  Pontica,  it  was 
ufed  for  a  proper  name  of  their  country  t 

**  A/a  ys  ^lYiV  sTi  vw  (jl^vsi,  $[JL7rs^ov' 

And  again  ; 

It  was  owing  to  this,  that  the  name  given  to  the  chief  per- 
fon  of  the  country  was  Aiates  :  and  when  fome  of  the  fa- 
mily fettled  at  Circeum  in  Italy,  the  name  was  there  pre- 
ferved.  Hence  the  Goddefs  Circe,  who  is  reprefented  as 
fifter  to  Aiates,  is  called  by  Homer  Aiaia.;  v/hich  is  the 
Gentile  epithet  from  Aia,  the  country.  It  occurs  in  fome 
enchanting  verfes,  where  Ulyffes  defcribes  his  being  detained 
by  the  two  GoddeiTes  Calypfo  and  Circe : 

Eii  (T7t£<T<ri  y7\.ct<pv^Gi<riy  KiXctio^Bvri  'uro<nv  sivui* 
'Q.g  $'  a.vT(jt}g  Ki^tcri  KOLts^rfrvBv  sp  (JLeya^OKTiUy 
AioLiif}y  SoAo£<T(rcx,j  7\i\ouo^svr\  "urdcriv  simi' 

am'  SIJLOV  BTTOTS  ^V[JLOV  SVl  g'YldsTQ'Hf  STtBl^QV, 


ApoliOn.  Rhod.  L.  4.  v.  277. 
''  Apollon.  Rhod.  L.  2.  v.  423. 
'°  Homer.  Odyff.  L.  I.  v.  29. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  207 

The  adoration  of  fire  prevailed  no  where  more  than  in  thefe 
countries,  together  with  the  worfhip  of  the  fun.  They  were 
likewife  Ophites,  fuch  who  reverenced  the  Deity  under  the 
fymbol  of  a  ferpent.  All  the  names  of  ''  places  in  thefe  parts 
have  a  manifeft  reference  to  the  rites  and  worfliip  :  and  if 
they  be  compared  with  names  of  other  places,  where  this 
people  are  fuppofed  to  have  fettled  ;  they  will  be  generally 
found  very  fimilar,  and  oftentimes  the  fame.  And  this  not" 
only  in  ancient  accounts  ;  but  in  thofe  of  later  date,  fmce 
the  people  of  Europe  have  got  footing  in  thofe  parts.  We 
read  of  Onor,  Canonor,  Candonor,  all  terms  relating  to  the 
fun  and  fire.  Calicut,  Calcutta,  Cotate,  Comar,  Comarin, 
Cottia,  Cathaia,  are  of  an  etymology  too  obvious  to  need  an' 
interpretation.  The  moft  confiderable  miflion  in  Madura  is 
called  5'  Aour  (-nw)  at  this  day.  Near  it  is  a  city  and  river 
Balafore.  Bal  is  the  Chaldean  and  Syrian  Deity,  well  known : 
Azor  was  another  name  of  the  Deity,  worlhiped  in  the  fame 
countries.  He  is  mentioned  by  Sanchoniathon  and  other 
writers;  and  v/as  fuppofed  to  have  been  the  founder  of  Car- 
thage. He  was  alfo  known  in  Sicily,  where  there  were 
rivers  named  from  him.  This  people  got  likewife  pofieffion 
of  the  ifland  Pali^fimunda  or  Ceylon,  called  alfo  Taprobane. . 

5'  hi-tiTs^ct  Tct.7:^o^:m-iV  A(riYiysi/e(fJV  sXe^poiVTmy. 


''  Hence  fo  many  places  end  in  patan  zndpatam,  which  fignifies  a  ferpent. 

^'-  Travels  of  Jefuits  by  Lockman.  v.  i.  p.  470. 

"  Dionyf  Perieg.  v.  59^.  That  Taprobane,  named  alfo  Palcefinuinda. 
and  Serandive,  was  the  ifiand  now  called  Ceylon,  may.  be  proved  from 
many  authors.  '£^«5  Se  tbtciji/  i~iv  «  hS't-nn,  n  ivroi  ro!.')yy  ttroTa/xy  KiifA'-vn,  «•; 
xaxa  fjLiaatrarov  t/is  ijiriifd  vnaai  xar^  avrixpu  netTcci  [xeyiq-j]^  Tatpofaai'n  )caAs-- 
//gi'H.  Marcian.  Heracleot.  apud  Geog.  Vet.  v,  i..  p.  14.  Tw  a-y.^uTapM  T«f 
IfJ^ijcJis  Tw   AiyofAiytf    Kofv   ayrtxeira,!  to   t?(5  TuTrp-Xuvni   ccx^wt^oiov    KaXBf/.evov 


2o8  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  'Mythology. 

The  adoration  of  fire  and  the  wormip  of  the  fun  was  intro- 
duced here  very  early.  In  this  illand  is  an  high  mountain, 
held  very  facred  ;  the  fummit  of  v^hich  is  called  the  Pike  of 
Adam.  This  had  no  relation  to  the  great  Protoplaft,  though 
generally  underftood  to  be  denominated  from  him.  For 
writers  may  make  what  inferences  they  pleafe  from  Sancho- 
iiiathon,  and  other  antiquarians,  ill  interpreted,  and  worfe 
applied:  I  am  perfuaded,  that  there  are  very  few  allufions  in 
ancient  hiftory  to  the  antediluvian  world.  The  Pike  of 
Adam  is  properly  the  fummit  facred  to  Ad  Ham,  the  King 
or  Deity  Ham,  the  Amon  of  Egypt.  This  is  plain  to  a  de- 
monftration  from  another  nam.e  given  to  it  by  the  native 
Cingalefe,  who  Jive  near  the  mountain,  and  call  it  Hamalel, 
This  without  any  change,  is  '^  Ham-ail-El,   Ham  the  Sun ; 

Bop«or.    Marcian.  Heracleot.  p.  26.     Tbto  S't  ctv.^(aTyiDiav  t«?  j'mo-b  to  a.i'rix.iifA,evov  tu 
Kopv — ctTre^ei  q-cc^ta,  y^<^v^. 

The  poet  Dionyfius  places  it  in  the  great  Eruthrean  Ocean :  and  mentions  the 
whales,  vvitli  which  that  lea  once  abounded  :  a  clrcumftance  taken  notice  of  by  other 
writers.     He  fpeaks  of  it  as  a  very  large  ifland. 

AvT/i  S'  euouTocTn  [jnyshoi  -miXzC  aifjL(pi  S'S  'sra.vTyt 

Knnx  5riyei  ix^aiv,  EPT0PAIOT  /Sora  -njo^Ty, 

Ouoi(7iv  nhiQairoKTiv  eomora..  v.  596. 
^*  On  the  fide  of  Conde  Uda  is  an  hilL,  fuppofed  to  be  the  highefl:  in  the  ifland, 
called  in  theChingiilay  language  Hamalel,  but  by  the  Portugueze  and  theEuropeans 
Adam's  Peak.  It  is  fharp  as  a  fugar-loaf,  and  on  the  top  is  a  flat  ftone,  with  the 
print  of  a  foot  like  a  man's  on  it ;  but  far  bigger,  being  about  two  feet  long.  The 
people  of  this  land  count  it  meritorious  to  go  and  worfhip  this  imprefllon  ;  and  gene- 
rally about  the  new  year,  the  men,  women,  and  children  go  up  this  vaft  and  high 
mountain  to  worfliip.  Knox.  Hift.  of  Ceylon,  p.  5.  The  notion  of  this  being 
Adam's  Pike,  and  the  print  of  Adam's  foot,  did  not  arife  from  the  Portugueze,  or 
any  Europeans  •,  but  was  very  ancient.  It  is  mentioned  by  the  Mahometan  travellers 
in  the  ninth  century  :  and  the  name  of  the  mountain,  Ad  Ham,  was  undoubtedly  as 
old  as  thefirft  Cuthite  inhabitants.  See  p.  3.  of  Renaudot's  Edition  of  Moham- 
medan Travellers;  and  Notes,  p.  8. 


The  Analysis  of   Ancient  Mythology.  209 

and  relates  to  the  ancient  religion  of  the  ifland.  In  fliort, 
every  thing  in  thefe  countries  favours  of  Chaldaic  and  Egyp- 
tian inftitution.  The  worfliip  of  the  ape ;  the  imputed 
fandlity  of  the  cow;  the  fymbolical  adoration  of  the  ferpent 
have  been  introduced  by  people  from  thofe  parts  :  not  fo 
much  by  the  Mizraim,  or  genuine  inhabitants  of  Egypt,  as 
by  the  Cuthites.  They  came  hither  from  that  country,  as 
well  as  from  Chaldea  :  but  they  came  firft  and  principally 
from  the  latter.  Whatever  therefore  was  fimilar  in  the  rites 
of  the  Indians  and  the  Mizraim,  was  imported  into  each 
country,  principally  by  the  fons  of  Chus  ;  though  fome 
chance  colonies  of  real  Egyptians  may  have  likewife  come 
hither.  When  Alexander  had  taken  Nufa  in  India,  he  ap- 
pointed one  of  the  natives  to  be  governor,  whofe  name  was 
Acouphis.  In  like  manner  the  perfon,  whom  he  made  his 
fubftitute  at  the  great  city  Palimbothra,  is  ftyled  Moph  or 
Mophis.  He  feems  to  have  had  more  appellations  than  one  : 
for  he  is  by  Curtius  called  Omphis.  Laftly,  the  perfon,  to 
whom  Alexander  applied  to  get  Porus  to  furrender,  had  the 
name  of  Meroe.  All  thefe  are  names  apparently  limilar  to 
Egyptian  and  Chaldaic  terms.  Even  Porus  is  nothing  elfe 
but  Orus,  with  the  Egyptian  prefix.  And  as  names  of  this 
kind  continually  occur,  it  is  impoffible  but  that  fome  rela- 
tion muft  have  fublifted  between  thofe  nations,  where  this 
ftmilitude  is  found.  The  Cuthic  Indians  worfhiped  parti- 
cularly Dionufus ;  but  confeffed  that  he  was  not  a  native  of 
their  country,  and  that  his  rites  were  imported  :  ^^  Afovncroj/ 
ZK  7(/iV  'UT^og  SQ'Tts^oLV  TOTTOiV '.   He  camc  from  the  weft  ;   that  is 

''  Diodorus  Sic.  L.  2.  p.  123, 

Vol.  III.  E  e  from 

210  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology, 

from  Babylonia  and  Chaldea.  Arrian,  fpeaking  of  the  Nu- 
feans,  fays,  that  they  were  not  the  original  inhabitants  of  the 
country.  '^  NvfTG'onoi  §'  an  h^iKOv  yspo;  Bi.(nv^  olKKol  tocv  d[j(,cx. 
AiovviTc^  sX^qi'TCa)!/  sg  TYi^  yriv  7(/^v  h^oov.  "The  people  of  Nufa  are 
not  '^  p?'operly  an  Indian  race  \  hut  are  part  of  the  company^ 
who  attended  Uionufus  in  his  expedition  into  thefe  parts.  They 
were  therefore  of  the  family  of  Chus,  and  ftyled  Cufeans^ 
Cuthites,  Arabians,  and  Ethiopians  ;  which  were  the  moft 
common  titles  of  people  of  that  family.  The  fame  author 
tells  us,  that  they  diifered  very  little  in  their  appearance 
from  the  Ethiopians  of  Africa,  efpecially  thofe  of  the  fouth; 
being  of  the  fame  dark  complexion  ;  but  without  woolly 
hair.  Thofe,  who  lived  to  the  north,  refembled  the  Egyp- 
tians. ^*  "Vm  rs  0Lv^^w7:m  di  ihai  z  'Wanr^  oLito^aiTLV  a;  h^m  re 
Kdi  Ki^ioTtm.  'O;  ^jlbv  'ur^og  vora  avs^n  hSoi  (fcil.  oi  KoK'^oi) 
Toig  Ai^io-^i  (jlolKKov  t;  eomau'i,  ixsKavsg  rs  i^so'^cci  biti,  kocl  ri  zofJLn 
avToig  fjLsKoLivct,  -srAjii/  ys  Jh  on  (n[jiOi  ax.  (^(rcivrug,  h^b  hX^k^olvoi, 
dg  Ai^iOTTBg.  'Oi  ^b  (^o^biots^oi  raroov  kolt  AiyvTrTiag  ^cLXig-oL 
OLV  BiBV  TOL  (TCf^ULOLTCi.  'The  inhabitants  tipon  the  hidus  are  iiz 
their  looks  afid  appearance.^  not  tmlike  the  Ethiopians  (ot  Africa). 
Thofe  upon  the  font  hern  coafl  refemble  them  "  mofl :  for  they 
lire  very  black  ;  and  their  hair  alfo  is  black  :  but  they  are  7iot 

'*  Arrian.  Hifl.  Indica.  p.  31.3. 

"  They  were  miftaken  in  faying,  85t  h'^iv.Qv  ysioi :  but  their  meaning  is  plain, 
that  they  were  not  Aborigines. 

'^  Arrian.  Hift.  Indica.  p.  320. 

"  Vincentius  Bellovacenfis  mentions  two  Indian  nations  particularly  profeffing 
the  rites  of  Bacchus ;  one  of  which  was  named  Albarachuma.  Al-bara-Chuma 
means  tlie  fons  of  Chuni  or  Cham  :  and  that  they  were  the  fons  of  Cham  may  be 
inferred  from  Eufcbius  :  Ta  Ss  Xajw.  -ro-Asi-ra  f^i^p^  y~^'  'w  s^"')  ^T'"  -^  ccTro'^xaiaj 
KxrccTi  TccihS'iai  xxi  ASiQTixy^x.T.A.     Chron.  P.  1^.  ■         "    . 


The  Analysis  of   Ancient  Mythology,  211 

fo  Jiat-nnfed ;   nor  have  they  woolly  hair.      'They^  who  are  jjjore 

to  the  norths   have  a  greater  refemblance  to   the  Rgyptia7is, 

Strabo  defcribes    them  in  the  fame  manner  ;   and  fays  that 

the  fouthern  Indians  were  very  like  the  Ethiopians.      '°°  '0< 

|U,gj/  jU,S(r)i|a^^iJ'Oi  to<?  Ai^;o'^|/iy  zi^nv  OjO-oto;  /iara  TCii)  y^^qiolV  y.oLTCL 

Jk  TYiV  o'^iv^  KCLi  TiTiv  T^i'^wTiv  Toig  ccKkoig.    Ov^z  yoL^  nT^or^i'^sri 

^la  T>iy  vy^QTYira  m  as^og.     'O;  ^s  (^o^Biore^oi  roig  AiyvTrrioig, 

They  might  well  be  like  the  nations  fpecilied:  for  they  were 

colonies  from  Chaldea ;   colonies    chiefly  of  Cuthites,  who 

fettled  at  different  times  in  India.      Thefe  writers  all  concur 

in  fhewing   their    likenefs  to  the  Ethiopians:   whereas  they 

were  Ethiopians.    Herodotus  fpeaks  of  them  plainly  by  that 

name  :   and  fays,   that  they  differed  in  nothing  from  their 

brethren    in  Africa,   but    in    the  ftraitnefs  of   their   hair  : 

'  'Oi  fJLSV  yoLo  CL7C  rjKiis  Ai^ioTTs;  i^vr^iysg  skti.   They  extended 

from  Gedrofia  to  the  Indus,  and  from  thence  to  the  Ganges, 

under  the  name  of  '  Ethiopians,  Erythreans,  and  Arabians. 

When  Nearchus,  by  the  appointment  of  Alexander,  failed 

down    the    Stour,    an    arm   of  the   Indus;    the  firft  nation, 

which  he  encountered,  was  that  of  the  Arabians.    They  re- 

Uded,  according  to  Arrian,  below  Carmania,   in  the  mouth 

of  the  great  river,   near  the  ifland  Crocale.      ^  'n.^O(TOiK££i  ds 

'""  Strabo.  L.  15.  p.  1012. 

"'  Oi  yap  oLTT  vAin  AiQioTd  Surpi^n  eici'  ot  S's  ex  r^n  AiCvm  ovAotcctov  r^i- 
^cijfjLa  ix^'^'  T^avTcov  ctv^puiTTCiJi'.     Hcfiod.  L.  J.  c.  70.  p.  54 1 . 

^  ^thiopumGymnolbphiftas  mentioned  by  Hieronymus.   L.  4.  in  Ezechiel.  c.  i;^, 

'  Arrian.  Hift.  Indie,  p.  336.  Oras  tenent  ab  Indo  ad  Gangem  Palibothri  :  a 
Gange  ad  Colida  (or  Colchida)  atrte  gentes,  et  quodammodo  iEtiiiopes.  Pomp. 
Mela.  L.  3.  c.  7.  They  vvorfhiped  Zew  0//ffio?,  Strabo.  L.  15.  p.  1046.  He 
mentions  the  promontory  Tamus,  and  the  idand  Chrufe.  Tamvis  was  the  name  of 
the  chief  Egyptian  Deity  ;  the  fame  as  Thamuz  of  Syria. 

E  e  2  roLVTr^ 

212  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

TOLVT))  s^P'og  h^mov,  oi  A^oL^isg  KctXsofJLSVoi.  They  lived  upon 
the  river  Arabis,  by  fome  called  '^  Aribis,  to  which  they  had 
given  name. 

Of    the     I  N  D  J. 

f^  n  ^H  E  Grecian  writers,  finding  that  the  Ethiopians  and 
_L  Cutheans  of  this  part  of  the  world  were  not  the  ori- 
ginal inhabitants,  have  very  properly  diftinguifhed  them 
from  thofe  who  were  Aborigines  :  but  they  have  been  guilty 
of  a  great  miftake,  in  making  thefe  Aborigines  the  Indi,  and 
feparating  the  latter  from  the  ^thiopes.  The  Cuthites, 
ftyled  ^thiopes,  were  the  original  Indi :  they  gave  name  to 
the  river,  upon  which  they  fettled  ;  and  to  the  country, 
which  they  occupied.  Hence  ^  larchus  of  India  tells  Apol- 
lonius ;  OTi  AIQIOIIEZ  [JLev  mav  Bnccv^a,  ysvog  INAIKON. 
And  almoft  in  ^  every  place,  where  their  hiftory  occurs,  the 
name  of  Indi  will  be  found  likewife.  The  river  Choafpes, 
of  whofe  waters  only  the  kings  of  Perfis  drank,  was  efteemed 
an  Indian  river. 

'  Xuj^ig  fjLSv  Kv^og  b^i  [Jisyoig,  '}(o)§ig  rs  Xoacr:^)^^ 

*  Apo£ncii  fxiv  Si  £0>5?,  xai  la-ro  (XUTOvoi*.ov  ruu  Turspi  tov  Apcchwv  TuroTUfAov  vSi^ofAi^ 
vm-.     Arrian.  Expedit.  L.  6.  p.  260.     Of  theOrite,  ibid,  and  p.  261. 

'  Philoftrati  Vit.  Apollon.  L.  3.  p.  125. 

*  Diodorus  Sicul.  L.  i .  p.  1 7.   The  chief  inhabitants  upon  the  Indus  were  Gufeans- 

'  Dionyf.  Perieg.  v.  1073.     Coros  is  the  river  Cur,  the  river  of  the  Sun.    Kvpa, 
Sol.  Hefych.     Tov iAivn^.wvUip(TMKvpv  hiyjicru  Kupoi'  hairoTm.   Hefychius. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology/  211: 


It  ran  through  Chufiftan,  and  was  a  branch  of  the  Tigris  : 
whence  that  river,  from  which  the  former  was  derived,  mufi: 
have  been  Indian.  This  is  rendered  certain  from  the  Cuthite 
Ethiopians,  who  came  under  the  title  of  fhepherds  into 
Egypt.  They  came  from  Chaldea  upon  the  river  Tigris  : 
and  they   are   faid  expreflly  to  have  come  from  the  Indus. 

About  this  thnCj  fays  Eufebius,  fome  Ethiopia?ts,  takmg  have 
of  their  country  upon  the  river  Indus,  came  and  fettled  iii 
Egypt.  Hence  it  is  that  '  Bacchus  has  been  reprefen'ced  as 
the  fon  of  the  river  Indus.  Hence  alfo  arofe  the  true  notion 
that  the  Indian  Dionufos  was  the  moft  ancient :  i\io]iv<Tov 
OL^yy.iOTCLrov  IN  AON  ysyovsvm.  The  genuine  and  moft  an- 
cient perfon  of  this  title  muft  be  referred  to  Babylonia. 
This  is  the  country,  to  which  Phylarchus  alluded,  when  he 
faid  that  Bacchus  firft  brought  the  worfliip  of  the  two  bulls, 
which  were  called  Apis  and  Ofiris,  from  India  into  Egypt. 
'°  U^'j^Tog  sig  Aiyvirroy  s^  I^cTit'i/  Aiovv(rog  nyays  ^vcfj  fisg,  m  p-si/ 
ATTig  oyo^JLdj  rco  ^s  0(n^ig.  It  was  a  true  hiflory,  though  Plu- 
tarch would  not  allow  it.  This  worfhip  was  common  in 
Egypt  before  the  Exodus:  for  it  was  copied  by  the  Ifraelites 
in  the  wildernefs  near  Mount  Sinai.  It  \vq.s  of  too  early 
date  to  have  been  brought  from  the  country  near  the  Gan- 
ges :  and  was  introduced  from  Chaldea,  and  the  Tigris,  the 
original  Indus.  The  Africans,  who  had  the  management  of 
elephants   in   war,   were  called   Indi,  as   being  of  Ethiopic 

'  Eufeb.  Chrcn.  p.  26. 

'  Philoftrati  Vit.  Apollonii.  L.  i.  p.  64, 

"  Plutarch.  Ifis  et  Oiir.  v.  2.  p.  362. 


214  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  My-thology. 

ori<nnal.  Polybius  fays  in  the  pafllng  of  the  Rhone  ; 
"  T8S  [JLSV  h^a;  olttoAbOoli  o'vus^yi  "woLnoig,  rag  h  eKB(poLvrcLg  ^icc- 
<r(j}Si]KH  :  it  happeiied  that  Ha?mibal  lojl  all  the  Indi  \  but  ths 
elephants  were  preferved.  The  fame  author  fays  of  the  con- 
ful  Ctecilius  Metellus  in  the  battle  againft  Afdrubal  :  '^^j^^ia 
<rvv  ccvroig  Iv^oig  sXct^s  ^sna.  The  fable  of  Perfeus  and  Andro- 
meda, whatever  it  may  mean,  is  an  Ethiopia  ftory  :  and  it  is 
faid  of  that  hero  ; 

"'  Andromeden  Perfeus  nigris  portavit  ab  Lidls. 

Virgil,  fpeaking  to  Auguftus  of  the  people  of  this  family, 
calls  them  by  the  fame  name : 

.*^  Imbellem  avertis  Romanis  arcibus  Indum. 

If  we  change  the  fcene,  and  betake  ourfelves  to  Colchis, 
we  (hall  meet  with  Indians  here  too.  The  city  Afterulia 
upon  Mount  Caucafus  is  ftyled  Indica.  '^  Ags^HG-ia,  Iv^iKri 
'SroA/?.  I  have  mentioned  from  Jerom,  that  St.  Matthias 
preached  the  gofpel  at  Colchis,  near  the  Phafis  and  Apfarus ; 
which  country  is  called  Ethiopia.  Socrates  in  his  '*  Eccle- 
fiaftical  Hiftory  mentions  the  fame  :  and  adds,  that  St.  Bar- 
tholomew was  in  thefe  parts  ;  and  that  his  particular  pro- 
vince was  India ;   which  India  joined  to  Colchis,  and  to  the 

"  Polyb.  L.  3.  p.  200. 

"  Polyb.  L.  I.  p.  42. 

''  Ovid,  de  Arte  Amandi.  L.  i.  v.  53. 

'*  Virg.  Georg.  L.  2.  v.  173.  The  poet  means  here  the  Parthians,  who  were  in 
poflcnion  ot  Pcrfis  and  Babylonia. 

"  Stephan.  Byzantinus. 

'*  Socratis  Hift.  Ecclefiaft.  L.  i.  c.  19.  See  alfo  L..  i.  c.  20.  p,  50.  and  51. 
lyS'Mv  Tuv  erS^orefii)  xcci  iSijpuv  to,  io;w.  p.  49. 

9  region 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  215 

region  upon  the  Phafls,  where  Matthias  refided.     Ba^^oAo- 
fjt,a.iog  h  skKyi^sto  tyiv  (rvvTi^L^svYiv  tccvtyi  INAIAN,  t/)v  sv^ors^u. 
He  calls  it  the  innermoft  India,   to  diftinguifh  it  from  that 
which  was    not   mediterranean,    but   lay   on   the  Southern 
Ocean.      The  country  here  mentioned  was  a  part  of  Ibcrii 
Colchica  :   and  as  fome  of  the  fame  family  fettled  in  Iberia 
Hifpaniae,   we   find   there  too  an  Indie   city  ;   '^  INAIKH, 
♦croAi?  I'oYj^iccg,  '^KYinav  Ilv^r\VQi;.    The  author  adds,  what  is  very- 
remarkable,  rivsg  Jff  BXa^s^^^civ  avrr,v  /.ccKufri  ;    So^e   call  it  . 
Blaberoura.     Is  not  Blaberoura  ill  expreffed?    I  think  that 
there  is  a  tranfpofition  of  a  fingle  letter ;   and   that  it  was 
originally  Babel-Oura ;   jfo  denominated  from  the  two  chief 
cities  of  the  Cuthites,  Babel  and  Our,   in   Babylonia,    and 
Chaldea.    The  river  Indus  was  often  called  the  Sindus  r  and 
nations  of  the  family,   whereof  I   am  treating,  were' called 
Sindi.   There  were  people  of  this  name  and  family  in  Thrace, 
mentioned  by  Hefychius  :   2i;Jb/    (t»]?  @ficf,zi-{]g)   sdvog   Iv^ikqv, 
The  Sindi   (of   Thrace)  are  an  Indian  nation.      Some  v/ould 
alter  it  to  J:^iv^VMV^  Sindicmn:  but  both  terms  are  of  the  fame 
purport.      He    mentions    in    the    fame   part  of  the    world, 
'UToXig,  Xiv^izog  Xi^ir,v  KByofj^B^n  \   a  city,  which  was  defwminated 
the  Sindic,  or  Indian,  harhoiw.      '^Herodotus  fpeaks  of  a  re- 
gio  Sindica  upon  the  Pontus  Eu::inus,    opponte  to  the  river 
Thermodon.      This  fome  would  alter  to  Sindica.;    but   both 
terms  are  of  the  fame  amount.     Tliis  Indica  was  the  country 
of  the  Moeotiae,  a  Cuthic  tribe.      The  Ind,  or  Indus,  of  the 
eaft  is  at  this  day  called  the  Sind  3   and  was  called  fo  in  the 

"  Stepli.  Eyzantiri. 

*'  Herodot.  L.  4.  c.  S6. 


2i6  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology, 

time  of  Pliny  :  '^  Indus,  incolis  Sindus  appeliatus,  in  jugo 
Caucafi  montis,  quod  Paropamifus  vocatur,  adverfus  folis  or- 
tum  efJufus,  &c. 

If  this  title  be  peculiar  to  the  Cuthite  Ethiopians,  we 
may  well  expeft  thofe  above  Egypt,  among  whom  the  Nile 
took  its  rife,  to  be  fo  called.  We  accordingly  find  that  river 
diftinguifhed  for  being  derived  from  the  country  of  the 
Indi  ; 

"  Ufque  coloratis  amnis  devexus  ab  Indis  : 

and  the  fame  poet,  in  another  place,  fpeaking  of  Auguftus, 


" fuper  et  Garamantas  et  Indos 

Proferet  imperium. 

Nor  is  this  a  poetical  rant,  but  a  juft  appellation.  JEl'mn^ 
in  defcribing  the  Libyans  of  interior  Africa,  fays  that  they 
bordered  upon  the  Indi  ;  "  Ai^vuov  Toov  yenvi^nm  Toig  h^oig, 
by  which  were  meant  the  Ethiopians.  And  ApoUonius  of 
Tyana,  in  a  conference  with  thefe  fouthern  Ethiopians,  find- 
ing that  they  fpoke  much  in  praife  of  the  Indians  in  general, 
tells  them,  *^  Ta  [jlsv  h^m  STnrtVsnSi  INAOI  to  a.^'^a.iov  'UTixhoLi 

"  Plin.  Nat.  Hift.  L.  6.  c.  20.  p.  319. 

'Xtp^osTjjoTcifx.oi.    Arriani  Pcripl.  apud  Geogr.  Vet.  Grtec.  v.  i.  p.  21. 

''^  Virgil.  Georg.  L.  4.  v.  293. 

*'  Virgil.  JEn.  L.  6.  v.  794.     The  like  occurs  in  another  place. 
Omnis  eo  terrore  j^igyptus,  et  Indi, 

Omnis  Arabs,  omncs  verteriint  terga  Saba;i.     iEneid.  L.  8.  v.  75. 
By  the  Indi  are  meant  the  Ethiopians  above  Egypt. 

"  JEVian.  de  Animalibus.  L.  16.  c.  33. 

*'  Philoftrati  Vit.  ApoUon.  Tyansi.  L.  6.  c.  6.  p.  277. 

There  are  fome  remains  of  an  ancient  city  between  the  Tigris  and  Euphrates,  near 
the  ruins  of  ancient  Babylon,  which  ftill  retains  the  name  of  Sindia,  mentioned  by 
Gafpar  Balbi.     SeePurchas.  v.  2.  L.  10.  c.  5.  p   1723. 

7  opts;  : 

The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  217 

orrf  ^  :  You  f peak  much  in  favour  of  every  thing  relating  to  the 
hidians  ;  not  confdering  that  originally  you  were  Indians  your- 
felves.  In  fliort,  Egypt  itfelf  was  in  fome  degree  an  Indie 
nation  ;  having  received  a  colony  of  that  people,  by  whom 
it  was  named  Alt  or  Aetia.  '^  Y^/Jk-^yi  h  koli  Mv^a^ciy  Kdi 
As^iciy  xoLi  llQTCi[JLio(.,  KCLi  KsnoLy  aTTo  rivog  INAOT  "^  Asra.' 
Hence  it  is  faid,  '^  O^ti^i^ol  Iv^qv  sivoli  to  ysi^og,  That  Oftris  was 
a7i  I7idia7i  by  extraBion  :  becaufe  the  Cuthite  religion  came 
from  the  Tigris. 

Thus  have  I  endeavoured  to  fhew,  from  the  names  of 
places,  and  of  men,  but  more  particularly  from  various  parts 
of  ancient  hiftory,  that  the  Scythic  Indians  were  in  reality 
""^  Cuthic  ;  as  were  all  people  of  that  denomination.  They 
were  divided  into  various  cafts,  moft  of  which  were  denomi- 
nated from  their  worfhip.  The  principal  of  thefe  names  I 
have  enumerated,  fuch  as  Erythraei,  Arabes,  Oritas,  ^Ethiopes, 
Cathei,  Indi :  and,  however  various  in  title  and  charafterif- 
tic,  I  have  fhewn  they  were  all  one  family,  the  Cuthites  from 
Babylonia  and  Chaldea.  There  is  a  remarkable  pafTage  in 
the  Chronicon  Pafchale,  which  muft  not  be  omitted.  This 
author  tells  us,  ^\  Ej/  701;  "^^Qvoig  Trig  ILv^yoTronag  sk,  ts  ysvag 

Stephanus  Byzantinus. 

Nxi  //.>!!'  KcaAsTtct,  €K  rn'oi  INAOT,  Aera  JcaAH^eca.  Euftath.  in  Dionyf.  Perieg. 


i\u.i  fj.111'  K^imiiX,  EX.  TH'Oi  liNiLiV^l  ,  n.f:Tkl  XBLAU JJiimi ,    HUltiltll.  Ill  UlUUy  1.  JTCFIL^. 

v..  241. 

Diodor.  Sic.  L.  i.  p.  17.     Add  to  the  above  a  remarkable  paflage,  concerning 
the  people  about  the  Palus  Moeotis,  who  were  a  colony  of  Cuthites : 
y.ocu^of/.a.ra.i  J"'  eTrs^uaiv  eTrctaauTecoi  yiyxoirii 
2INAOI,  Kif/.f/.epioi  re,  kcci  ot  TreXcti  ^v'fiivoio 
KsfxeTiot  t',  OpiToti  re,     Dionyf.  Perieg.  v.  680. 
*^  Hence  Hefychius  :  SifcT;?,  or,  as  Albertus  truly  reads  it,  XivS la,  t,  X-'iu^ix. 
'"  Chron.Pafch.  p.  36. 

Vol,  III.  F  f  ra 

21 8  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology, 

73  A^(pci^oL$  ccvYj^  Tig  Iv^og  0Lvs(pavY]  <ro(pog  ot^^ovofJLogy  ovoixocri  Aj/-- 
^soOL^iog,  6g  Kcti  (rvvsy^oL-^s  'ur^ocrog  hSoig  ag-^ovofjuav.  At  the 
timey  when  the  tower  of  Babel  was  ereEled^  a  certain  perfoji 
made  his  appearance  in  the  worlds  who  was  (Indus)  an  Indian^ 
and  fat  d  to  have  bee7t  of  the  race  of  Arphaxad.  He  was  famed 
for  his  wifdomy  and  for  his  jkill  in  aflronojnyy  and  ?ia7ned  A?i~ 
doubarios.  He  frfl  delineated  fchemes  of  the  heavens y.a?id  in- 
flruSled  the  Indi  in  that  fcience.  The  fame  hiflory  occurs  in- 
""^  Cedrenus.  Why  thefe  writers  make  this  perfbnage  of  the 
race  of  Arphaxad,  I  know  not.  This  aftronomer  is  probably 
Chus,  the  father  of  the  Magi,  who  is  faid  to  have  firft  ob- 
ferved  the  heavens,  and  to  have  paid  an  undue  reverence  to 
the  celeftial  bodies.  The  name  Andoubarios  feems  to  be  a 
compound  of  Andou-Bar,  Indi  filius.  Hence  the  original 
Indus  mufl  have  been  Ham. 

I  cannot  conclude  this  account  of  the  Cuthites  in  India 
Limyrica,  without  taking  notice  of  the  great  character  they 
bore  in  the  mod  early  times  for  ingenuity  and  fcience. 
Traditions  to  this  purpofe  prevailed,  wherever  they  fettled : 
and  I  have  given  many  inflances  of  their  fuperiority  herein. 
They  were,  like  the  Egyptians,  divided  into  {qvqti  orders  ; 
of  which  the  philofophers  were  the  moft  honourable.  Each 
tribe  kept  to  the  profeffion  of  its  family  ;  and  never  invaded 
the  department  of  another.  ^°  ^^t^ti  (js  (Msycc^E^Ji?)  ro  rooi/ 
hci/^vysvog  sig  STrroL  [JiB^Yj  ^iri^riT^cci-  Nilus  the  Egyptian  tells 
ApoUonius  Tyanceus,  that  the  Indi  of  all  people  in  the  world 
were  the  moft  knowing ;   and  that   the  Ethiopians  were  a 

*'  Cedren.  Hift.  p.  14. 
'°  Strabo.   L.  15.  p.  1025. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  219 

colony  from  them,  and  rcfembled  them  greatly.      ''  So^^Ta- 


Pain  Js  8T0t  TYiv  (ro(piOLV.  The  Indi  are  the  isoifeft  of  all  man- 
kind. The  Ethiopians  are  a  colony  from  them  :  and  they  inhe- 
rit the  wifdom  of  their  forefathers. 

The  philofophy  of  this  ^*  people  was  greatly  celebrated  : 
infomuch  that  Alexander  vifited  the  chief  perfons  of  the 
country,  who  were  efteemed  profeffors  of  fcience.  Among 
the  Perlians  they  were  flyled  Magi :  but  among  the  Indo- 
Cuthites  they  had  the  title  of  Sophim  and  Sophitse.  Many 
regions  in  different  parts  were  denominated  from  them  So- 
phitis,  Sophita,  Sophene.  '^  Strabo  mentions  an  Indian  pro- 
vince of  this  name :  and  Diodorus  Siculus  fpeaks  largely  of 
their  inftitutions.  The  march  of  Alexander  through  their 
country  is  particularly  taken  notice  of  by  ^"^  Curtius.  Hinc 
in  regnum  Sophitis  perventum  eft.  Gens,  ut  Barbari  cre- 
dunt,  fapientia  excellit,  bonifque  moribus  regitur.  They 
were  formed  into  focieties,  and  reilded  in  colleges  as  re- 
clufes :  others  lived  at  large,  like  fo  many  mendicants. 
Their  religion,  like  that  of  all  the  Amonians,   con/ifted  in 

'"  Philoftrat.  Vit.  Apollon.  L.  6.  p.  2S7.     So  p.  125.  A/9jo7rg5— >fi'05  luT/xo!'. 

'*  2c(po<  iio-iv  61  2>cu8ai  afo^^x.  Antiphanes  Comicus  apud  AthenEum.  L.  6. 
p.  226. 

"  Strabo.  L.  15.  p.  1024. 

'*  Quint.  Curtius.  L.  9.  c.  i.  See  Voffius  de  Philofophorum  Seftis.  L.  2. 
c.  2.  §.  2. 

Ka6a/a*  -zroAfs  L'J^ixw.     Steph.  Byzantin. 

Pliny  mentions  Magi  among  the  Arabians. 

The  people  are  ftyled  Catheans  by  Strabo  :  and  he  fuppofes  one  Sopeithes  to  have 
been  the  chief  perfon  of  the  country.  Kac(iixv  (read  with  Berkelius  KaQaciay)  tivh 
TW  ^uTreSes  x.a.7 ac  rwSs  tw  MsaoTroTocfuxv  rt^eaatv,  L.  15.  p.  1024. 

F  f  2  the 

220  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

the  worfhip  of  the  fun,  and  adoration  of  fire.  Hence  the^r 
were  denominated,  from  Cham  the  Sun,  Chamin  and  Cho- 
min  ;  and  their  wife  men  Chomini  Sophite,  and  Sophitim : 
but  the  Greeks  from  the  term  Chomin  and  Chominus  formed 
FvfJLVog,  and  rendered  this  people  FufJiVQ-CQC^sncti  and  Vvfjuvo- 
(ro(pii^OLi ;  as  if  they  were  naked  philofophers.  Suidas  feems 
to  have  been  aware  of  the  miftake ;  and  owns  that  Tvfxvog 
was  the  Indian  name  of  a  philofopher.  Confequently,  it 
had  no  relation  to  Greece.  The  people  of  this  facred  cha- 
radler  were  divided  into  different  focieties,  which  were  de- 
nominated from  the  Deity  Manes,  whom  they  ferved.  He 
was  fometimes  compounded  Achmanes  and  Oro-Manes  'y 
and  was  well  known  in  Perfis,  and  in  Egypt.  From  him 
thefe  priefts  in  India  were  ftyled  Bar- Achmanes,  contracted. 
Brachmanes  :  alfo  Ger-manes,  Sar-manes  ;  and  Al-Obii» 
35  A/TToy  Js  Tarojy  {Fvixvoo'Oipis'ocv)  to  ysvog.  Oi  [  1,ol^^jlou/oli 
OLvrm*  01  h  B^0L')(^fJL0LVOLi  kolXs^svoi  '  KOii  7u)V  XoL^fJ^amv  01  AAAo- 
^loi  'UT^O(roLyo^BVO^zvoi.  Thefe  were  the  titles,  by  which  the 
profefTors  of  fcience  were  diftinguifhed.  They  were  the 
fame  as  the  '^  Magi,  and  fo  famed  for  their  knowledge,  that 
many  of  the  Grecian  philofophers  are  faid  to  have  tra- 
velled  to    them    for    information.       This    is    reported    of 

"  Clemens  Alexand.  Strom.  L.  i.  p.  359. 

Bar-Achmanes,  the  fons  of  the  great  Manes.  In  Phrygia  and  Pontiis  he  was 
ftyled  Ac-mon  :  Ax/jloov. 

'*  Of  the  Babylonian  and  Chaldean  Magi,  fee  Ariftotle  ev  tk  Ma.yi->ca  :  and  So- 
tion  in  Libris  n^i  S'loc.So^m  apud  Laertium  in  Procemio.  p.  2. 

'Oi  xaAafcgfo/  S'e  Mayoi,  yivoi  tbto  /jlolvtihov  xce.t  ©eon  amccxstfjiivop^  ■zuctpoc  t£  Vlep- 
acci^i  5c«i  n«p9o/''»  xa<  BaXT^oKt  xoii  'Kcopxa'/^toi:,  xoci  Alston,  tcai  2«>£a'?5  '<«'  MwJ^o/f, 
x.a.1  '  ixroAAow  aAAofS  Bx^Cx^on.     Lucian.  dc  Longaevitate.  vol,  i.  p.  632. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  2.21 


Democritus,    Pyrrho  of  Elea,  and   Apollonius   Tyaneus. 
Nay,  the  very  Scriptures  feem  to  allude  to  their  fuperlative 
knowledge  :   for  it  is  faid  of  Solomon,  that  his  ^*  wifdom  ex- 
celled all  the  wifdom  of  the  children  of  the  eaft  country,  and. 
all  the  wifdom  of  Egypt.      In  which  account  I  cannot  but" 
fuppofe  that  the  learning  of  the  Cuthim  Sophitim  was  in- 
cluded ;   if  not  principally  alluded  to. 

Thus  have  I  endeavoured  to  fhew,  that  all  this  interam- 
nian  country  between  the  Indus  and  the  Ganges  was  called 
Scythia  ;  like  that  about  the  river  Phafis,  and  upon  the  Pa- 
lus  Maeotis ;  as  well  as  regions  in  other  parts.  As  all  thefe 
places  were  apparently  inhabited  by  Cutheans  ;  I  think  we 
may  be  aflured,  that  the  name  Scuthia,  S;ii»^/a,  is  a  miftake 
for  Cuthia  ;  and  that  the  Scythae  were  Cuthae,  or  Cuthians. 
and  this  will  be  found  to  obtain,  wherever  the  name  of  Scy- 
thia prevails  :  the  people  of  that  country,  wherever  iituated, 
will  be  found  upon  examination  to  be  in  fome  degree  de- 
fcended  from  Chus,  whom  the  Babylonians  and  thofe  of  his 
family  feem  to  have  exprefled  Cuth. 

It  is  very,  remarkable  that  the  poet  Dionyfius,  having  de- 
fcribed  all  the  nations  of  the  known  world,  concludes  with 
the  Indo-Scythae  ;  of  whom  he  gives  a  more- ample,  and  a 
more  particular  account,  than  of  any,  v/ho  have  preceded.  He 
dwells  long  upon  their  habit  and  manners,  their  rites,  and 
cuftoms,  their  merchandize,  induftry,  and  knowledge  :   and 

"  Democritus  went  to  the  Indians.     Aio.  ravrx  toi  xcci  tuoXXw  sttyh  ■)  ?i»*  wer  av 

INAHN.     iElian.  Var.  Hid.  L.  4.  c.  20.  p.  375.     Of  Thracian  Philofophy,  fee 
Ger.  Voffius  de  Philofophorum  Sei5lis.  c.  3.  p.  ig. 
'^   X  Kings,  c.  4.  V.  2^^, 


2  2*2  The  Analysis   of  ANcrENT  Mythology. 

has  tranfmitted  fome  excellent  fpecimens  of  their  ancient 
Iiiftorv.  And  all  this  is  executed  in  a  manner  fo  affedting, 
that  if  Homer  had  been  engaged  upon  the  fame  fubje6t,  he 
could  not  have  exceeded, either  in  harmony  of  numbers^  or 
beauty  of  detail.  Some  extra<5ls  I  have  given  :  but  as  the 
poet  is  fo  difFufe  in  his  defcription  of  this  vv^onderful  people, 
and  his  hiftory  fo  much  to  the  purpofe,  I  w^ill  lay  the  greater 
part  of  it  before  the  reader,  that  he  may  be  v^^itnefs  of  the 
truth.     . 

"  h^QV  'srcc^  'urorccfJLov  NoTio/  Xkv^oli  evvoLiatyiVy 
'Og  fd  r  E^v^^oLiYig  Kccrsvccmov  sio'i  ^OLhoL(y<TYi<;y 

HT0<   fJLSV  ^VVOPTQS  ETTl   kKkTIV  YlsKlOlO 

XoiT^aiSag  ^\  oVcra?  re  ^sra^x  'urrv^i  Uct^TravKroio 
ZvvYj  ofjLCt^g  [jlolKci  'uravrctg  STroovvfjur/J  A^iYjvng' 

OV  'y&OVOL  VOLliTOLQVTOLg  S7rr]^CLT.0V,  .C(,?X  VTTO  KSTTTl^ 

AAA*  ziLTtYig  l(£Ti(riv  sra^Kssg  bkt^  zsKsvdoi. 

YioLVTY\  yoL^  Xi&og  sfiv  s^v&^h  ks^giXioio, 
Uctvrri  J"  sv  'ursr0(nv  vtto  <p7\B^sg  ooSiv^ci 

"  Dionyfil  Perieg.  V.  1088.  &c. 

*°  Scholia  Euftathii  ad  V.  1096.     Two  nations  Arachotje.     'Eravr^oivorov, 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  MyTHOLOcy.  223 

Trig  oLTroTBixvoiJLsvoi,  f^iori^(riov  mov  s'^hti. 

li^og  J"  oLvyoL;  *'  Iv^m  s^oltsivyi  'UTbtctoltoli  «/a, 

Xlacawv  'WUfJiaTi^j  "uroL^a  yeiXefriv  Q.KSctvoio. 

'Hv  pa  T  OLi/s^'^oy,£vog  Ma^KOi^m  stti  s^yct,  koli  cuv^^ocv 

HsKiog  'ur^ocTrjtriy  STtKpXzysi  ciKTivs(T(ri. 

@s(r7rs(nov  KiTComreg'  esi^o^BvoLg  $'  volkivQw 

TliOTOLTCtg  (pQ^ZHTlV  STTl  K^CILTS<T<piV  S&Sl^Ug, 

Tuv  ^'  01  fjisv  ^i^v(roio  [JLsraKX£VH(n  y^vB^'hYiv ^ 
"^cciJLiJLov  evymiJLWTri(n  Xoc^ctiyonsg  iidKzKr^nr 
'O/  <J"  l?^g  v(pQ(/)(n  Kivs^ysag'  ot  J"  &Xe<poLvr(*iv  ■ 
A^yv(psisg  'UT^Kr&svTa.g  vzo^v^(nr-  o^onag, 

HTTa  ^-fi^vKKa  y'h<x,viCY\v  hi^ov.,  yi  a,^ciy.cinoi 

H  KOLl   yAOLV/ClOOOVTOi   ?\idoV  KCt^OC^OiO   TOWCLC<if 

Ka/  yXvKs^riv  cl^jlb^vtov  v7rir,gSfJLC(,  tfTo^pv^saG-civ.- 
Yloinoioi/  yoL^  yoLiCL  ^zt  o.v^^clti.i'  oKbop  as^Bij 
Asvccoig  'WoroifJ.oKn  y.a.T7.'^'^u7Qg  bv^ol  kcli  su^ix. . 
Ka;  fJLYjV  KCLi  Kei^ixivzg  olsl  KOfxcjcin  'uTBTrP'^oi;. 

Kat  TJi^  ^Bv  'VTqXKoi  ts  hcii  o?Joioi  av^^sg  Byyriv^ 

*'  Ad  V.  1107.  AiXTtiTo  ^pvixci  'fep'^ai  (oi  If /o(")  ■zj-apoiTrAva-icv  ASto^i.  The 
Schoiiaft  fuppoks  tlie  complexion  to  have  arilen  from  the  climate.  Eto"*  Se  /AeAavxg- 
toi  Ti-'f  aA/\«:'  ai'DpaJTTwr,  -wAn"  AiOioireL'v,      ' 

^tXcaS'oi  o<  IvSqi  jcccl  (piAop^y^   Ibid. 

22A.  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

Ovy  diJLX  voLiBtoLovTBi;  o[Ji,mvfj,Qi,  aXKoL  ■hctfjL'pig 

^v^ofJLsvov  hy^sroLi  'W'h(j^roq  vyistciv  'TiJ*ao*;ni?. 
Toig  S'  B7ti  KOLi  KojipYig  T^iTog  strTTSZoii  a^yv^o^iprig, 
Tm  h  fX£(roi  }/ciiH(n .  2a^a;  koli  To^iT^oi  OLV^eg, 
XkoS^oi  J"  s^sirig'  stti  J"  i<T7rsrc(.i  ccy^icx,  (pvXa, 
'^5  YlsuKOLysodv.    Msra  tb?  ^s  Airnvrtra  ^s^aironBg 

AoLi^ccT^sr.v  'TTT.oLng  ts  (ps^ei,  ^skog  rs  MsyoL^fag^ 
AoL^^oTCLTOi  'uroTa.[jiCiov  aTTo  J"  a^sog  H/^wooio 

U§og  vorov  sX^ofJiSPoi  'UTcl^ol  re^fxoLTa  KooXi^og  airig, 

'H  J"  YjTOl  'VT^OVSVSVKSV  BTt'  (f^KBOLVOV  (^CcMiVYlVj 

HA<foo?,  Td'^ivoKn  ^v<r£[jjQCiTog  oimoKri* 
TivBKx  i^iv  KOLI  (p.oorsg  BTr^KKsmTLV  Ao^nv. 
JEfi  ^g  Tig  ^mTog  svppBiTriv  'UTol^ol  Vctyyiriv 
Xoo^og  TiiJLTtBig  ts  koli  h^og^  ^  qv  'urors  Botfc^og 
Qv^jLO-ivm  s7rx7ri(r£Vy  ot  YiK7\oL'r<rovTo  ^bv  ol^^oli 
AnvoLm  VB^^ihg  eg  oLTi^t^cLg,  sg  Js  cri^^QV 

**  Adv.  1 138.  'Ot  Aap^aveti,  IvS'tx.ov  sdvoi'  61  fxivroi  Aup^avoi  Tpu'iKoy.  Dardan 
was  the  original  name  of  each  people:  it  fignified  little  what  termination  the  Greeks 
were  pleafed  to.  affix. 

*'  Adv.  1 143.  TJivxavecev — 'E^  oiTlivicaAsii.     Peuce  at  the  mouth  of 

the  Danube. 

— Alarlcum  babara  Peuce 

Peuca-On,  and  Peuce-El. 

See  here  accounts  of  Aornis  and  Aornon — probably  a  metathefis  for  Ouranon. 
**  Ad.  V.  1 153.  'O^x  Ss  x.ofJi.7rov'EAA)jnKov. 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  225 

©v^(rQi  fjLctifjLoo.wnOy  Kai  si;  (rTrsi^i-j^jLoc  ^^a.H.ovTmy 
Xod^^eg  3"',  sKiKsg  ts,  'uroTwyvoL^TCTYig  sKifoio, 
Trj/jLOi  OT  cc(p^ci^irj(n  ^sa  OLri^Ti(Ta.v  so^t/jV. 
Thvskoc  Nv<r(rciiirjV  f.csv  £(prj^i'^o(.no  ksMv^ov' 
Ko<r[jL(t}  $'  ricrj<rcino  (Tvv  motriv  o^yia,  'urany.. 

AVTOg  (5",   OTTTfOTS  (pvXOL  KSKCilVOOP   CO?\S(reV  h^Cx^Vy 

'EKiCBTiyA  Hocoio  fj.ByoLg  poog  (^y.eoLvoio. 
'EvQoL  Jbo  g-riAoLg  ?ri<roLg  'urs^i  Ts^ixara  yciii]g, 

Tocr(roi  [mbv  koctcc  yoLioLP  vzs^raroi  oLv^^sg  boltiv, 
KKKoi  (J"  sy^cL  koli  su&a  kxt  rjTrsi^sg  aKomrai 
Mv^ioiy  4g  UK  OL))  Tig  a^L^p^ahoog  OLyQ^sv(roi 
Qi/riTog  soov  fxsvoi  h  ^bqi  fsa  'UTolvtol  hvoLVJOLi, 
AvToi  yct^  KOLi  ur^oorct  ^b^biXiol  To^v(id(ra,nOj 
Ka;  (ictdw  oi^xov  s^Bi^av  a^JiBr^rfCQio  ^cLhoLTiTrig' 
KvToi  J"  B^T^'s^a,  'Wanx  |3<w  ^isTSKixri^cinOj 
Ag-^cc  ^lOLK^ivoLVTBg'  B'iikY\^(ji(rcivro  J"  s/ia^rw 
yioi^oiv  B'^Biv  'urovroio  kch  t^ttbi^qio  (^ct&eirjg. 
Tw  pa  KOLi  (0\KoiY\y  pv(r[jL'd  (pv<nv  bXKol"^  img'ri, 

'H  fJ(,BV  yCL^  T^BVKY]  TS  KCLl    '^^  OL^yiyQB<T<TCL  TBTVKrdly 

*^  Adv.  1 176.  To  Se  a^yivoiaaavy  y^aifiTcti  xat  aypiXoecra-ai',  Stoc.  tj  Accu^S'cc, 
ycarcc  c^oi^ieMv  avyyeveiccv.  Ovtm  yxp  aai  to  virpoi'y  ?vtrpoVy  Ttai  tov  'zo-ycvfA.oi'x,  izKiv- 
u-ovx  (puaiv  01  ArTmoi. 

Prifcian  adds  to  the  charadter  of  the  Indians  great  fize  and  agility,  and  fpeaks  of 
their  philofophy  and  rites. 

Hie  alii  fuperant  procero  corpore  tantum, 
Infiliantequitum  faciles  ut  more  elephantos. 
Aft  alii  vivunt  fapienti  pedlore  nudi, 
Vol.  III.  G  g  Luminibufque 

226  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology^ 

HJ>i  ya^  'uroLT/ig  ^jlzv  BWB^^cLy.ov  oi^^ol  ^OLKy.(T<TYig'' 
H^Ti  c5"  rtTTSi^ocii  (TKoXioi/  ^QOQv.    AXhcf,  ^01  vyjm 
Avrojv  SK  fJLCi/,oi^m  ccvrc/.^iQ;  Bir\  a.^oi'ori. 

Upon  the  banks  of  the  great  river  Ind, 

The  fouthern  Scuthae  dwell :   which  riv^er  pays 

Its  watery  tribute  to  that  mighty  fea, 

Styled  Erythrean.      Far  removed  its  fource,, 

Amid  the  ftormy  cliffs  of  '^''  Caucafus  : 

Defcending  hence  through  many  a  winding  valcj.. 

Luminibufqiie  vident  redis,  mirabile,  folem  ; 

Et  radios  oculis  et  facra  mente  retradtant; 

Signaque  concipiiint  arcana  luce  futiiri.     v.   1027. 
Of  whales,  v.  600. 
Of  the  Tigris  ; 

T^KTiri  Ttxpo^oimL  Tif^nSoi'oi  cyyui  o^iuisv. 

Dionyf.  Perleg.  v.  982. 
According  to  this  poet,  Dionyfus  was  born  in  Arabia,  v.  939. 

ZtW  ccVTcv  ^lovucrov  t'j^'^a.(fioi  •ma.oa.  ixnpH' 
i.  e.  Chaldea,  afcribed  to  Arabia,  according  to  his  limits. 
Of  the  v/ealch  of  Arabia.  Ibid. 

*'  Mount  Caucafus  in  India  was  different  from  the  mountain  fo  called  upon  the 
Euxine  :  there  were  more  than  one  of  this  name.  The  poet  Dionyfius  makes  the 
Tanais  take  its  rife  in  Caucafus : 

Ta  (/^  ijron^iiyxi  fJLSv ev  BpecTiKecvKamoKTt.  v.  66^. 
The  Tanais  and  the  Indus  cannot  be  fuppofed  to  have  the  fame  fource. 

9  It 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mytiiologv.  227 

It  feparates  vaft  nations.      To  the  weft 

The  Oritae  live,  and  Aribes :   and  then 

The  Aracotii  famed  for  linen  geer. 

Next  the  Satraids  ;   and  thofe,  who  dwell 

Beneath  the.  fhade  of  Mount  Parpanifus, 

Styled  Arieni.      No  kind  glebe  they  own. 

But  a  wafle  fandy  foil,  replete  with  thorn. 

Yet  arc  they  rich  :   yet  doth  the  land  fupply 

Wealth  without  meafure.      Here  the  coral  grows^ 

Ruddy  and  fmooth  :   here  too  are  veins  of  gold  ; 

And  in  the  quarries  deep  the  fapphire's  found, 

The  fapphire,  vying  with  the  empyreal  blue. 

To  the  eaft  a  lovely  country  wide  extends, 

India;   whofe  borders  the  wide  ocean  bounds. 

On  this  the  fun  new  rifing  from  the  main 

Smiles  pleafed,  and  fheds  his  early  orient  beam. 

The  inhabitants  are  fwart ;   and  in  their  looks 

Betray  the  tints  of  the  dark  hyacinth, 

With  moifture  ftill  aboundino- :   hence  their  heads 

Are  ever  furnifh'd  with  the  fleekeft  hair. 

Various  their  funcflions  :    fome  the  rock  explore. 

And  from  the  mine  extract  the  latent  gold. 

Some  labour  at  the  woof,  with  cunning  fkill, 

And  manufafture  linen  :   others  fhape, 

And  poliili,  ivory  with  the  nicefl  care : 

Many  retire  to  rivers  fhoal ;   and  plunge 

To  feek  the  beryl  flaming  in  its  bed, 

Or  glittering  diamond.      Oft  the  jafper's  found 

Green,  but  diaphonous :   the  topaz  too, 

G  o-   2  Of 

228  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

Of  ray  ferene  and  pleafing  :   laft  of  all 

The  lovely  amethyft,  in  which  combine 

All  the  mild  Hiades  of  purple.      The  rich  foil, 

Wafhed  by  a  thoufand  rivers,  from  all  fides 

Pours  on  the  natives  wealth  without  controul. 

Here  mighty  meadows,  ftretch'd  out  wide,  produce 

Herbs  ol  all  fpecies,  trees  of  every  leaf.. 

The  fucculent  grafs,  ftyled  cenchrus,  here  abounds, 

And  yields  redundant  pafture.      High  above 

Wave  the  tall  groves  of  Erythrean  '^^  cane, 

Sweet  to  the  fenfe  and  grateful.    ..  ...... 

Nor  is  this  region  by  one  people  held  : 
Various  the  nations  under  different  names. 
That  rove  the  banks  of  Ganp-es  and  of  Ind. 


Lo,  where  the  ftreams  of  Acafme  pour. 
And  in  their  courfe  the  ftubborn  rock  pervade 
To  join  the  Hydafpcs !   here  the  Dardans  dwell ; 
Above  whofe  feat  the  river  Cophes  rolls. 
The  fons  of  '*  Saba  here  retired  of  old  : 
''  And  hard  by  them  the  Toxili  appear, 
Join'd  to  the  Scodri :   next  a  favage  cafl, 
Yclcp'd  Peucanian,-     Then  a  noble  race, 

*~  Ad  V.  1127.     Eufl'.ithius  of  thefe  eanes  or  reeds:  p^a;  xaAa;,M.a.'i — t<)  i  \-/i<jii 
yKvtciiOi:- — y.a?ia.iJ.zi  'x :,i'sat  /j.iP'.i,  y-iXiaaon  y.v  Hcrcov., 

*^  Ad  V.  1 141.     Gcner.  c.  10.  v.  7.     And  the  fons  of  Chus,  Sal^a,  and  Haz-ilah,  and 
£abtc.h,  &c. 

People  of  this  name  lay  alfo  to  the  weft  of  the  Indus,  towards  the  extreme  part  of 

TlpvTx  IccCxi,  uiTcc  T«?  cTe-riaaai^aJ^af.     Perieg.  v.  1069. 
Upon  which  pafraj;e  Euilathiiis  obferves,  HfT<xv  oettai  £^roi&pa.y.tx.ov  'XccSci. 

The  fame  poet  mentions  a  people  of  this  name  in  Arabia. 

MiiiKiot  Tf,  2«^x(  Tiy  Kxi  «y^L')vsi  KA£Taf«!'j/.     V.  959. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  229 

Who  ftyle  themfelves  Gargarid^e,  and  fhew 

To  Dionufos  a  peculiar  care. 

Near  a  fair  ftream  their  happy  lot  is  fallen, 

Where  the  fwift  Hypanis  and  Megarfus  fpeed 

From  Mount  Hemodus  to  Gangetic  Ihores, 

Fraught  as  they  run  with  the  rich  feeds  of  gold. 

Not  far  from  hence,  but  near  the  fouthern  maiuj 

The  limits  of  the  country  Colis  reach, 

By  others  Colchis  named.      Here  towering  fteep. 

The  rock  Aornon  rifes  high  in  view. 

E'en  to  the  mid-air  region  :   not  a  bird 

Of  boldeft  pinion  wings  this  fubtile  clime. 

There  is  moreover,  wonderful  to  tell. 

In  the  rich  region,  which  the  Ganges  laves, 

A  pafs  efteemed  moft  facred  :   this  of  old 

Bacchus  is  faid,  in  wrathful  mood,  diftrefs'd. 

To  have  travers'd,  when  he  fled:  what  tmie  he  chano-ed 

The  foft  Nebrides  for  a  fhield  of  brafs  ; 

And  for  the  Thyrfus,  bound  with  ivy  round. 

He  couched  the  pointed  fpear.     Then  firf!:  were  feen 

The  zones  and  fillets,  which  his  comrades  wore. 

And  the  foft  pliant  vine-twigs,  moving  round 

In  Icrpentine  direction,  chang'd  to  afos. 

Thefe  fads  lay  long  unheeded  :    but  in  time. 

The  natives  quickened  paid  memorial  due;, 

And  call  the  road  Nufaia  to  this  day. 

Soon  as  the  lovely  region  was  fubdued 

By  the  God's  prowefs,  glorying  down  he  came 

From  Mount  Hemodus  to  the  circling  fea, . 


230  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

Tliere  on  the  flrand  two  obelifks  he  reared, 
High  and  confpicuous,  at  the  world's  "^^  extreme. 

To  enumerate  all,  who  rove  this  wide  domain 
Surpafles  human  pow'r :   the  Gods  can  tell, 
The  Gods  alone  :   for  nothing's  hid  from  Heaven. 
Let  it  fufRce^   if  I  their  worth  declare. 
Thefe  were  the  firfh  great  founders  in  tlie  world. 
Founders  of  cities  and  of  mighty  '°  flates : 
Who  fhewed  a  path  through  feas^  before  unknown : 
And  when  doubt  reign'd  and  dark  uncertainty, 
Who  rendered  life  more  certain.      They  firft  viewed 
The  ftarry  lights,  and  torm'd  them  into  fchemes. 
In  the  firft  ages,  when  tkc  fons  of  men 
Knew  not  which  way  to  turn  them,  they  afligned 
To  each  his  juft  department :   they  beftowed 

*'  Ad  V.  1 164.     He  mentions  thefc  obelifks  or  pillars  io  another  place,  y.  623. 

EfOa  Ti  XXI  ij-ijAai  ^nSoii')  evios  /lioruay 
Hq'  ■mvfj.a.Toio  -wxpoc  fioov  ooxiaroio; 
JiSctiv uq-ccTioiaiv  iv  ypeaiv'  evux.  reTayyiji 

At  India's  verge  extreme,  on  hills  remote. 

Where  the  proud  Ganges  pours  the  facred  flream 

Nufean  call'd,  and  joins  thefouthern  wave. 

Beneath  a  grove  of  ftately  plane  arife 

The  lofty  pillars  of  this  arc-born  God. 
The  poet  confounds  Dionufus  with  Bacchus,  as  many  others  have  done. 

Q;iScx,iy€i'ni  is  Arc-born :  it  alludes  to  the  Patriarc's  prefervation  and  fccond 
birth  in  the  arc.  The  Greeks  interpreted  this,  hrn  at  Thebes.  Hence  Dionufus 
was  made  a  native  of  Bceotia. 

-°  Dionyfius  feems  in  this  paflage  to  fpeak  of  the  Gods  :  but  thofe,  who  by  the 
ancients  were  ftyled  Gods,  were  the  AOaiaro;,  Axifji.ovif,  'HA/ac(f  a/,  the  heads  ot  the 
Cuthite  family,  who  performed,  what  is  here  mentioned. 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  231 

Of  land  a  portion,  and  of  fea  a  lot  j 
And  fent  each  wandering  tribe  far  ofF  to  (liare 
A  different  foil  and  climate.      Hence  arofe 
The  great  diveriity,  fo  plainly  feen 

Mid  nations  widely  fevered 

Now  farewell 

Ye  fhores  and  fea-girt  illes  :    farewell  the  furge- 

Of  ancient  Nereus,  and  old  Ocean's  ftream. 

Ye  fountains  too,  and  rivers  ;   and  ye  hills. 

That  wave  with  fhady  forefts,  all  farewell. 

My  way  I've  fped  through  the  wide  pathlefs  deepj 

By  the  bluff  cape  and  winding  continent : 

'Tis  time  to  feek  fome  refpite  and  reward. 

Such  is  the  charadler  given  by  the  poet  Dionyiius  of  the 
Indian  Cuthites  under  their  various  denominations.  It  is  to 
be  obferved,  that  the  fons  of  Chus,  however  they  may  be 
diftinguifhed,  whether  they  be  ftyled  Orits,  Arabians,  Ethio- 
pians, or  Erythreans,  are  in  all  places  celebrated  for  fcicnce. 
They  were  fometimes  called  Phoinices  :  and  thole  of  that 
name  in  Syria  v/ere  of  Cuthite  extradlion  ;  as  I  have  before 
fhewn.  In  confequence  of  this,  the  poet,  in  fpeaking  of 
them,  gives  the  fame  precife  charafter,  as  he  has  exhibited 
above,  and  fpecifies  plainly  their  original. 

5'  Oi  J'  aAo?  syyvg  sone^j  sTrocwfjUYiv  ^-oiHKsg, 


''  Dionyf.  Perieg.  v.  905.     He  adds,  v.  910. 

'Oi  T  loirrv^  y.cii  TaC,a.v,  EAcciJ^ct  t'  fi'vaiaa't. 
He  does  not  diftinguifh  between  the  Pliiliftim  and  the  true  Phoinices,  who  were  of  a 
different  family.     The  former  were  the  Caphtorim,  of  the  Mizraim  race  -,  the  latter 
Cuthites,  of  wliom  he  fays  truly,  v.  911.  that  they  poffefled, 



210  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 


Oi  'ur^'jLiroi  VYisTO'iP  £7rs/^»ica^T0  ^ccKa,(r<rYjg, 

H^CCTOl   J"   e^JLTTO^lYig  a,Kl^iVSO;  BfXVY\TCILVTOj 

Ka/  jSa^yy  a^avioov  oc^^wv  'gto^ov  s(p^(x,(r(roLVTo, 

Upon  the  Syrian  fea  the  people  live, 

Who  ftyle  themfelves  Phenicians.    Thefe  are  fprung 

From  the  true  ancient  Erythrean.ftock  ; 

From  that  fage  race,  who  firft  afTay^d  the  deep. 

And  wafted  merchandize  to  coafts  unknown. 

Thefe  too  digefted  firil  the  ftarry  choir ; 

Their  motions  mark'd,  and  call'd  them  by  their  names. 

Here  they  mixed  wich  thefons  of  Canaan. 

[     233     ] 

O   F 

E         G         Y         P         T, 

AND      OF      THE 

ARRIVAL      of     the      TITANS 

in     that     Country. 

I  Have  mentioned,  that  there  were  two  memorable  occur- 
rence^ in  ancient  hiftory,  which  the  learned  have  been 
apt  to  consider  as  merely  one  event.  The  firft  was  a  regular 
migration  of  mankind  in  general  by  divine  appointment : 
the  fecond  was  the  difperlion  of  the  Cuthites,  and  their  ad- 
herents, who  had  a£led  in  defiance  of  this  ordination.  Of 
the  confequences  of  their  apoftafy  I  have  taken  notice  ;  and 
of  their  being  fcattered  abroad  into  different  parts.  The  Miz- 
raim  feem  to  have  retired  to  their  place  of  allotment  a  long 
time  before  thefe  occurrences  :  and  were  attended  by  their 
brethren  the  fons  of  Phut.  They  had  no  fhare  in  the  rebellion 
of  the  Cuthites ;  nor  in  the  Titanic  war,  which  enfued. 
The  country,  of  which  they  were  feized,  was  that,  which 
Vol.  III.  H  h  in 

234  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

in  aftertimes  had  the  name  of  Upper  Egypt.  They  called 
it  the  land  of  Mezor,  and  the  land  of  Cham,  from  their  two 
chief  anceftors  :  which  the  Greeks  rendered  '  Mefora,  and, 
'  Chamia.  The  lower  region  was  at  that  time  in  great  mea- 
fure  a  morafs,  and  little  occupied.  The  Caphtorim  had 
made  fome  fettlements  between  Mount  Cafius  and  Pelulium; 
but  were  obliged  to  quit  them,  and  retire  to  '' Paleftina.  In 
procefs  of  time,  the  Mizraim  were  divided  into  feveral  great 
families,  fuch  as  the  Napthuhim,  Lehabim,  Ludim,  Pa- 
thrufim,  and  others.  They  lived  chiefly  upon  the  lotos  of 
the  Nile,  and  the  herb  agroftis  :  and  fheltered  themfelves 
under  fheds  of  mean  workmanfliip,  which  they  thatched 
v/ith  the  flags  of  the  "^  river.  In  procefs  of  time,  they  began 
to  feed  upon  flfli,  which  the  fame  ftream  afforded  ;  and; 
were  cloathcd  with  the  {kins  of  beafts.  They  held  the  river 
in  high  reverence  ;  and  fuppofed,  that  man  had  fomehow  a 
relation  to  ^  water.  It  is  probable  that  fome  centuries  lapfed,. 
while  they  proceeded  in  this  iimple  way  of  life,  feparated  in  a 
imanner  from  the  world,  and  unmolefled  by  any  foreign; 
power.      At   lafl    the   Titanic    brood,   the  Cuthites,    being 

'  The  land  of  Egypt  is  called  Meftre,  MfT/Jvby.Joreph'js.  Aiu.  L.  i.  c.  7.  a!fo. 
lAic^-'fUicc.     Stephanus  llyles  Egypt  Muara,  which  is  certainly,  a  miftake  for  Mufara, 
Mverapa,  th':  land  of  Myfor.     Cairo  by  the  Arabs  is  now  called  Mefer,  and  Ivlelrc.. 
SeeLeoAfricanus.  L.  8. 

■'  The  land  of  Ham  by  the  lonians,  and  later  writers,. was  exprefled  Chemia.  A/— 
yv-TTTOv  yi)iiJLioLV  xxAbai.  Plutarch.  If.  et  Ofir.  p.  364.  By  Sttphaniis  it  is  com-., 
.pounded,  and  rendered  Hermo-Chumius,  'E^/oco-Xvftfos,  in  the  mafculine.  The  CoptL 
call  it  Chemi  at  this  day. 

-  Amos.  c.  9.  V.  7.     Jeremiah,  c.  47.  v.  4. 

"■  Diodorus  Sic.  L.  i.  p.  41.  OiXnamS'A  tuv  xaAafJiaiv, 

'  Ibid. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  235 

driven  from  Babylonia,  fled  to  different  parts:  and  one  very 
large  body  of  them  betook  themfelves  to  Egypt.  Eupo- 
iemus  fpeaks  of  their  diilipation,  and  calls  them  giants, 
*  Ylsronog  h  mrs  (th  Hv^ys)  vwo  tyi;  T3  Qsh  svs^ysioig,  tov; 
ViycLvroLQ  hoLU'7:ao-f\voii  naff  ohtiv  rr^v  yr]V,  Whe?i  the  tower  of 
Babel  was  by  the  hand  of  Heaven  overthrown^  the  Giajits  were 
fcattered  over  the  face  of  the  earth.  We  may  perceive,  from 
what  has  preceded,  that  they  were  a  knowing  and  expe- 
rienced people  ;  of  a  family,  which  had  been  long  engaged 
in  oppofition,  and  tried  in  fome  fevere  conflicts.  As  they 
had  maintained  themfelves  by  a  grand  confederacy,  they 
knew  how  to  obey,  and  were  fenfible  of  the  advantages  of 
being  under  one  head.  It  is  then  no  wonder,  that  a  people 
well  difciplined,  and  united,  fhould  at  once  get  the  fove- 
reignty  over  a  nation  fo  rude  and  unexperienced  as  the  Miz- 
raim.  They  took  Memphis  with  eafe,  which  was  then  the 
frontier  town  in  Egypt.  This  they  held  folely  to  them- 
felves ;  and  afterwards  overran  the  whole  region  above,  and 
kept  it  in  fubje6tion.  Manethon  therefore  might  very  truly 
fay,  paJ/w^  y.oa  a.^<iyT{Ti  rr^v  "Xoo^ccv  kiXov.  They  feized  the 
country  without  the  leaf  oppofition  :  7iot  a  fi?igle  battle  was  ha- 
zarded.  There  are  many  fragments  of  ancient  hiftory, 
which  mention  the  coming  of  the  Cuthites  from  Babylonia 
into  the  land  of  Mizraim  ;  and  the  country  changing  its 
name.  An  account  of  this  fort  is  to  be  found  in  Suidas. 
He  tells  us,   that  ^  Rameffes,   the  f on  of  Belus  (of  Babylonia) 


*  Apud  Eufeb.  Prrep,  Evang-  L.-g.  p.  418.     Diodoriis  mentions  that  there  was  a 
gigantic  brood  in  the  time  of  Ifis.  L.  i.  p.  23. 

'  Afj-t/TTTOs,  orofca  Kv^iov'  xat  n  l^wfa  Twy  AiyuTrrtcov'  oii  a<p.xgTo   PajjUf 7(7H«,  0  via 

HJ12  BMa, 

•2-26  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

-sho  was  thefo?!  of  Zeuth^  came  i?ito  the  rsgion  called  Mejlrcea^ 
a7id  gained  the  fo-vereignty^  over  the  people  of  the  cotmt7j.  He 
was  the  pe?fo?iy  whom  they  afterwards  called  j^gyptus  \  and 
the  region  was  denominated  from  him.  Others  fay,  that  it  was 
*  Sethos ;  others  that  it  was  Belus,  who  was  called  ^gyp- 
tiis ;  and  that  from  him  the  country  had  its  name.  '  B;i?vO? 
Tuq  MsKoc^JLTro^ag  '^si^O'JG'a.y.svog  ap  bolvth  ty\v  yy^^oLV  cojTm  mo- 
^OLfTcV  AiyvTTTOV.  Beliis  having  conquered  the  Mizraim^Jlyled 
Melampodes^  called  the  country^  after  one  of  his  own  titlesy 
^gyptus.  In  all  thefe  cafes  I  have  fhewn,  that  for  a  fingu- 
lar  we  mufl:  put  a  plural;  and  by  Belus  underftand  a  people 
ftyled  Beleidffi,  who  came  from  Babylonia.  Manethon,  who 
was  an  Egyptian,  gives  the  moft  particular  account  of  their 
inroad.  I'f^e  had  once^  '°  fays  he,  a  king  named  Titnaus^  i?i 
whofe  reig7t^  I  know  not  why^  it  pleafed  God  to  vifit  us  with  a 
hlafl  of  his  difpleafure,  when  of.  a  fudden  there  came  upon  this 
country^  a  large  body  of  obfcure  people  (to  yg^Of  acrrjfJLOi)  from 
the  eafl ;  who  with  great  boldtiefs  invaded  the  land,  and  took  it 
without  oppoftion.  The  chief  of  our  people  they  reduced  to  obe- 
dience, afid  then  in  a  mofl  cruel  manner  fet  fire  to  their  towns  ; 
and  overturned  their  tejnples.  Their  behaviour  to  the  natives 
was  very  barbarous  :  for  they  fiaughtered  the  men,  and  made 
flaves  of  their  wives  a?id  childreji.      At  le7igth  they  conjlituted 

E«Ay  TS  y.cci  /Im'-,  m  MeTpa/af,  i^xrnXiV(yiTtt3V  txn'  or  fxtre>}v:)fJLcc(Tat.v  Aiyvinov'  a.(p  ov 
At')V7rToiy)  ^ccpx.     See  alfo  Eufebii  Chron.  p.  29.     'Pxf/.£acnn—~o  Aiyvmoi  x«Afc'-- 

*  AiyjTnoiien  xr^'^xi->tM^i)OLTro'i»(ia.<TiXiuii'S,i^c>K.  Theoph.  ad  Autolycum.  p. 
:59  2.  There  feems,  to  be  fome  miftake  in  this  biftory  j  for  Sethos  was  a  king  of  later 

9  Scholia  in  Mk\\.  Prometh.  p.  52. 

'"  Jofephus  contra  Apion.  L.  i.  p.  444- 

7  ^''^^ 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient   Mythologv.  237 

one  of  their  body  to  be  their  hiiig  ;  whofe  na??te  was  Salatis.  He 
rejided  at  Memphis^  holdi7ig  all  the  Upper  and  Lower  country 
tributary  ;  and  having  gar  r  if  on  s  in  every  place  of  cotifequence. 
He  took  particular  care  to  fecure  evejy  part  to  the  eaf  ;  as  the 
Aj]yria7is  were  then  very  powerful  \  and  he  forefaw^  that  they 
would  one  tifne  or  another  make  an  attempt  upofi  his  kingdom. 
And  having  obferved  a  city^  %vhich  lay  particularly  commodious 
in  the  nome  of  SdtSy  to  the  eaf  of  the  Bubafite  river ^  which 
was  called  Avar  is  (a  tta^ne^  that  had  fome  relation  to  the  an- 
cient mythology  of  the  cowitry)\  he  fet  about  fortifying  it  in  the 
flrongefi  7?la^^7^er  ;  placi7ig  /;/  it  a  garrifo7i  of  two  hundred  and 
forty  thoufand  77ien.  Hither  he  reforted  i7i  fuj7i7ner  to  receive 
the  corn,  which  he  exaBed ;  a77d  to  pay  his  arjny  :  a7id  at  the 
fajne  ti7ne  to  7/mke  a  pew  of  exercifmg  and  difcipli7ti7ig  his 
troops,  by  way  of  terror  to  other  nations.  He  afterwards  gives 
an  account  of  fix  kings,  who  are  reprefented  as  in  a  co7iti- 
nual  fate  of  hoftility  with  the  natives  ;  and  who  fee7ned  to  la- 
bour, if  pojfble,  to  root  out  the  ve7y  na7ne  of  an  Egyptian. 
The  Shepherds  are  faid  to  have  maintained  themfelves  in 
this  fituation  for  five  hundred  and  eleven  years.  At  laft  the 
natives  of  Upper  Egypt  rofe  in  oppofition  to  them,  and  de- 
feated them  under  the  condudl  of  king  Halifphragmuthofis. 
They  afterwards  beleaguered  them  in  their  firong  hold  Ava- 
ris ;  which  feems  to  have  been  a  walled  province,  contain- 
ing no  lefs  than  ten  thoufand  fquare  "  Aroursc.      Here  they 


K«TaxA£/o-6nra<  J'  m  roTrov,  aoy^cov  i^ovto,  fMoioov  r-nv  7ripin.?rp'.i/'  Auxctv  oyoucc. 
Tx  roTTu.  Jofeph.  cont.  Ap.  L.  i.  p.  445,  Avaris  was  the  city  y\ur,  the  Cercafora 
of  Grecian  writers,  at  the  apex  of  Delta.  Abaris  was  properly  Abarim,  the  city  of 
the  pafTage  near  the  mountain  of  Arabia.     Thefe  two  places  are  continually  con, 


J3S'  The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology. 

maintained  themfelves  for  a  long  fpace  :  but  at  laft  under 
Tluimolls,  the  fon  of  the  former  king,  they  were  reduced  to 
luch  ftraits,  as  to  be  glad  to  leave  the  "  country. 

In  the  courfe  of  this  hiftory  Manethon  tells  us,  that  the 
whole  body  of  this  people  were  called  Ucfous,  or,  as  ''  Eu- 
febius  more  truly  exprelTes  it,  TKovfToog^  Ucoufos.  This  term 
is  analogous  to  Ufiris,  Uchoreus,  and  many  other  titles  in 
Egypt ;  and  undoubtedly  means  the  Noble  "^  Cufean.  Ma- 
nethon gives  another  interpretation  ;  but  owns,  that  Uc  in 
the  facred  language  fignified  fomething  Royal.  Tk  kol^'  Is^olv 
yX^^TOLV  /Sacr/Asa  crj/JLCLivsu  Hence  we  may  learn  for  certain, 
what  was  meant  by  the  facred  language  ;  and  confequently, 
what  was  alfo  the  facred  chara(5ler  in  Egypt:  and  be  alTured, 
that  they  were  the  ancient  Ethiopic,  or  Chaldaic  :  for  the 
original  Ethiopia  was  no  other  than  Chaldea.  This  writer 
adds,  Tivsg  Js  KsyH(nv  otVTsg  A^a^ctg  sii/OLi :  but  fome  fay,  that 
they  were  Arabians,  This  is  a  title  of  the  fame  purport;  fof 
the  Arabians  were  originally  Cuthites,  or  Ethiopians.  Hence 
the  province  of  Cufhan  in  Egypt,  the  fame  as  the  land  of 
Gofhen,  was  called  the  Arabian  nome  ;  which  was  the  beft 
of  the  land  of  Egypt.  They  were  alfo  ftyled  Hellenes, 
Phoenices,  Auritss  ;  the  laft  of  which  titles  is  of  great  con- 
fequence  in  the  hiftory  and  chronology  of  the  country.   The 

founded.  Avaris  was  from  UN,  the  city  of  Onus:  Abu. is  from  "13y,  fo  denomina- 
ted from  being  fitiiated  in  the  palTage  into  Upper  Egypt,  and  guarding  that  pafs. 
li  was  probably  the  fame,  which  was  afterwards  called  Eibylon.  The  two  places 
■vvcrc  very  near,  which  makes  the  miftake  of  more  confcquence, 

"  Manethon  apud  Jofephum  fupra, 

''  Prssp.  Evang.  L.  10.  p.  500. 

*+  See  Vol.  I.  p.  76. 


The   Analysis  of   Ancient  Mythology.  239 

people  fo  called  were  the  firll  who  reigned  in  Egypt :  and" 
with  them  the  hiftory  of  that  people  muft  commence. 
Syncellus,  who  follows  the  ancient  Chronicle,  in  fpeaking  of 
the  dynafties  in  the  Egyptian  chronology,  mentions  the  Au- 
rits  as  the  firft  who  reigned.  '^  Il^itjrop  rm  Avoirm.  They 
were  tlie  fame  as  the  'lAtxi^soi,  Semidei,  who  are  placed  in  the 
fame  rank. 

We  are  told  by  Manethon,  that  the  whole  body  of  this, 
people  had  the  appellation  of  Royal  Shepherds.  But  I 
ihould  imagine,  that  this  title  was  more  particularly  given, 
to  their  kings  ^  who,  by  Africanus  and  others  are  flyled  the 
'^  Hellenic  and  Royal  Shepherds.  It  was  a  mark  of  diftinc- 
tion,  which  they  borrawed  from  their  anceilors  in  Babylo- 
nia ;  among  whom  it  feems  to  have  been  common.  '^  It  is 
remarkable,  that  the  firft  tyrant  upon  earth  mafked  his  vil- 
lainy under  the  meek  title  of  a  Shepherd.  If  we  may  credit 
"the  Gentile  writers,  it  was  under  this  pretext,  that  Nimrod 
framed  his  oppoiition,  and  gained  an  undue  fovereignty  over 
his  brethren.  He  took  to  himfelf  the  name  of  Orion,  and 
Alorus ;  but  fubjoined  the  other  abovementioned  :  and  gave 
out  that  he  was  born  to  be  a  prote6tor  and  guardian:  or,  as 
it  is  related  from  Berofus  ;  '*  rovh  vttb^  Bo^vT'd  7\oyov  hoLO'dvai^ 
oti  fjLiy  T3  ?^s(^  IIOIMENA  0  Qbo;  cL7:ohi^oLi.  He  fpread  a 
report,  abroad-,,  that  God  had  marked  him  out  for  a  Shepherd  to 
his  people..     Hence,  this  title  was  affunied  by  other  kings  of 

''  Syncellus.  p.  51. 

'*  'EK^tatSixciTn  ivvacfiict  TloifxivSi  'E^vXvvii  (ioLijiKiti. .    SyncellLi.s  p.  6 1 . 
'^  ncrf/.i:si  ot  (Scca-iAeii  Myoi'Tat,  Scholia  In  iEichyli  Perfa.s,  v.   74.     I  am  the 
Lord,  that  faith  of  Cyrus,  he  is  my  Shepherd.  Il'aiah.  c.  44.  v.  28. 
''  Abydenus  apud  Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  5.. 

a>  '  the 

240  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

the  country,  as  may  be  feen  in  the  ''  Chaldaic  hiftory:  and 
from  them  it  was  borrowed  by  thofe  of  the  family,  who 
came  into  Egypt.  It  was  a  favourite  appellation  :  and  by 
this  they  may  be  traced,  both  here,  and  in  every  *°  fettle- 
ment  which  they  made.  All  their  anceftors  were  efteemed 
of  this  profeflion :  and  moft  of  their  Gods  were  ftyled, 
NopoJ  iCOLi  Iloi(JLSVsgy  Pajlors  and  Shepherds  ;  particularly 
Dionufus,  Orus,  Pan,  Zeuth,  and  Ofiris.  An  ancient  writer, 
alluding  to  the  Cuthites  in  Egypt,  and  to  their  iirft  king, 
ftyles  the  latter  Telegonus,  a  foreigiier  j  one  that  ca7ne  frotn 
a  far  cotmtry  :  and  he  defcribes  him  as  the  fon  of  Orus,  the 
Shepherd.  "  Sub  Acherre,  in  jEgypto  regnavit  Telegonus, 
Ori  Pajloris  filius.  The  name  Acherres  is  a  compound  of 
Heres,  pronounced  Cheres,  and  Cherres,  the  Sun.  Moft  of 
the  primitive  occurrences  in  Egypt  are  appropriated  to  the 
reigns  of  Apis,  Orus,  Vulcan,  Timaus,  the  fame  as  Tamus 
and  Thamuz.  Thefe  were  all  facred  titles,  and  did  not  re- 
late to  any  particular  king.  For  notwithftanding  the  boafted 
antiquity,  and  the  endlefs  dynafties  of  the  Egyptians,  they 
had  in  reality  no  king  of  the  country  to  whofe   time   thefe 

''  AXoffou  {iiTot'NiSpccl)  UoiiJ.ivct.  iloia3i-7roifj.Yiv.  Abydenus.  Ibid.  Aa,aivc.vTloif/.€vot 
[ZccatMuo-cci.  Apollodoi-Lis.  ibid.  p.  5.  This  title  was  probably  borrowed  from  the 
cluirch  of  God.  The  Deity  feems  from  the  moft  early  times  to  have  been  reprefented 
as  the  Shepherd  of  his  people.  This  was  retained  by  thofe,  who  were  apoftatcs  from 
the  truth.  They  gave  it  to  the  Gods,  which  they  introduced  -,  and  aflumed  it  them- 
felvcs.     Many  types  and  allufions  were  borrowed  from  the  fame  quarter. 

*'  It  obtained  in  Greece.  Hence  no/w))r/3a<riA£i;?.  n2ifj.oiyo}p,'STo:f/.r,v,v,Qxai}\eus. 
Hefych.     rioifjicciuo,  n  fcccfxiXiui.  Scholia  in  Perfas  ^Efchyli.  v.  2+1. 

-'  Eufebii  Chron.  Hieron.  Interprete.  p.  14. 

"  Syncellus  expreffes  it  Acheres,  p.  155. 

Acheres,  like  Uchorus,  is  probably  a  compound  of  Ach  or  Uch,  and  Heres ;  the 

.The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  24.1 

Fads  could  be  referred.    Their  iirft  monarchs  were  certainly 
the  Cuthites   ftyled  Aiiritce,  who  built  the  city  Aur,  called 
Avaris,    in   the   land  of   Golhen,   and   nome  of  Heliopolis. 
Tclegonus  is  above   faid   to   have  been   the   offspring  of  a 
Deity  :   for  it  was  ufual  tor  perfons   to   be  denominated  the 
children   of  the  God,  whom  they  worfliiped.      From  hence 
it  arofe,  that  this  foreigner  was  ftyled  the  fon  of  Orus  ;   and 
his  people  in  like  manner  were  called  the  Oritce  or  Auritoe  ; 
as  I  have  mentioned  before.     They  likewiie  efteemed  them- 
felves  the  offspring  of  Zeuth  :   and  are  faid  to  have  been  the 
firft  after  the  Gods,  who  reigned  in  Egypt.      Thefe  Gods 
were  no  other  than  their  principal  anceftors ;   whofe  names 
were  in  aftertimes  prefixed  to  the  lifts  of  their  kings.    Alex- 
ander the  Great,  in  a  very  large  letter  to  his  mother  Olym- 
pias,  takes  notice  of  this  intelligence,  which  he  had  extorted 
from  one  of  their  priefts.      He  learned  from  this  perfon  the 
fecret  hiftory  of  the  country  :   and  among  other  things,  that 
after  Hephaiftus,   or  Vulcanus,    fucceeded  the  offspring  of 
Zeuth.      Thefe  were  deified  men,  to  whom  divine  honours 
were  paid  ;   and   who  were   the   Dasmones   and  'HfJLi^Boi   of 
alter  ages.      "'  Alexander  ille  magnus,  Macedo,  infigni  volu- 
mine  ad  matrem  fuam  fcripfit,  metu  fuce  poteftatis  proditum 
fibi  de  Diis  hominibus,  a  facerdote  fecretum.      lUic  Vulca- 
num  facit  omnium  principem  ;   et  poftea  Jovis  gentem. 

However  they  may  have  degenerated  afterwards,  their 
religion  at  firft  was  the  pureft  Zaba'ifm.  They  worihiped 
the  fun  and  moon,  and  other  celeftial  bodies :  but  had  no 
images  ;  nor  admitted  any  refemblance  by  way  of  adoration. 

*'  Minucii  Felicis  Oclavius.  163. 

Vol.  III.  I  i  The 

242  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

The  Egyptians  Teem  to  have  been  quite  the  reverfe  ;  and 
were  lapfed  into  a  grofs  fpecies  of  idolatry.  This  was  the 
reafon,  when  the  Ciithites  came  among  them,  that  they 
ruined  their  temples,  and  overthrew  their  altars  ;  not  being 
able  to  bear  the  bafcnefs  of  their  fuperftition.  They  were 
however  of  great  fervice  to  this  people ;  and  compenfated 
for  the  evil,  which  they  are  faid  to  have  brought  upon  them. 
Their  hiftory  is  continually  alluded  to  by  ancient  writers,  who 
point  out  the  country,  from  whence  they  came.  Eufebius 
takes  notice  of  a  tradition  of  the  Ethiopians  arrival  in  thefe 
parts  :  and  fays,  that  they  came  from  the  river  ^*  Indus.  I 
have  fliewn,  that  the  Tigris  was  the  original  river  called 
Indus  :  that  the  Choafpes,  a  branch  of  it,  was  faid,  '^  £A;i£/j/ 
h^ov  v^ciCP,  to  furnip  a7%  Indie  fir ea7}t :  and  this  name  came 
from  the  fons  of  Chus  ;  who  both  in  thefe  parts,  and  in 
others,  where  they  fettled,  were  peculiarly  ftyled  Indi. 
Stephanus  Byzantinus,  fpeaking  of  the  ancient  names  of 
Egypt,  among  others  mentions,  that  it  was  called  ""^  Mufara, 
and  Aetia  ;  which  laft  it  received  from  one  Actus,  a7i  hi- 
diaft.  I  have  taken  notice,  that  the  name  ^gyptus  was 
from  the  fame  quarter;  and  that  it  was  conferred  by  a  fon 
of  Belus  ot  Babylonia.  Euftathius  gives  a  like  account  of 
the  ancient  names  of  Egypt :   and   fays,   that   it  was   called 

'*  Anioirii  a-roh'Ss  -z^ro-rxuB  ca.ixq'ct.yTii  -zspii  tyi  AiyuTTTK  i^xvaccv.  Eufeb.  Chron, 
p.  26.     Syncellus.  p.  151. 

Ai9o7raf  Toivuv  l—opaiTt  -mocarBi  aTravnov  yeyovsuxi,  xxi  ra?  ccTroi^ei^eis  rovruv  if/.(^oL- 
rsis  eivai. — ^ocai  Je  nai  tb;  AiyvTrribi  /zToixm  Ixin^v  uTup^^ui;  Oaipi-^oi  riynacciJ^va- 
T/!?  ctTT'AKia;.     Diodorus  Sic.  L,.  3.  p,  143.   14.4. 

*'  Dionyf.  'zueoiyiym.  v.  1074. 

**  Mucc^x  (read  Mva-apx) — kxi  Aeria,  ccttq  r^yoi  hSij  Aets.     See  alfo  Scholia  in 

Dionyf.  v.  239. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  243 

Aetia  from  one  Actus,  an  Indian.  He  adds,  that  it  was  alfo 
called  Ethiopia  from  a  body  of  Ethiopians,  who  fettled  there, 
^^7  'nrs^i  ecu  'TSTqKMi  t&jv  'GToCKoluxv  Ig-o^HTi :  of  whom  many  of  the 
aiicknt  hiflorians  make  mentmi.  They  miglit  well  take  no- 
tice of  them  ;  for  their  arrival  was  a  wonderful  a^ra,  and 
much  to  be  remembered  in  the  annals  of  iEgypt.  Though 
they  behaved  in  a  tyrannical  manner,  yet  they  performed 
mighty  works,  and  benefited  the  country  greatly.  Their 
very  oppreffion  obliged  the  Mizraim  to  exert  themfelves; 
and  afforded  them  an  opportunity  of  improving  both  in  li- 
terature and  arms.  Hence  the  latter  v/ere  of  neceflity  en- 
riched with  much  knowledge,  to  which  otherwife  they  had 
been  ftrangers. 

At  the  time,  when  the  Cuthite  Ethiopians  arrived.  Lower 
Egypt  v/as  in  great  meafure  a  ~'^  morafs :  but  under  their  di- 
rei5tion  it  was  drained  by  numerous  canals ;  and  rendered 
the  mofl  beautiful  country  in  the  world.  They  carried  a 
fluice  with  vaft  labour  from  the  Pelufiac  branch  of  the  Nile 
to  the  weflern  sulf  of  the  Red  Sea.  Part  of  it  remains  at 
this  day  ;  and  paffes  through  Grand  Cairo  towards  Matarea, 
and  is  kept  up  with  *^  great  care.  The  chief  of  the  pyra- 
mids at  Cochome  were  eredled  by  them.  Herodotus  men- 
tions  a   tradition  of  their   being  built  in   the  time  of  the 

^'  Ex/*i/)9/)  Si  -uraTS  xxtx  T'liv  iq-ofioct'  r\  TOiuvTit  ^jiwa,  xcci  Aipict,  xa.1  rioTafxtcc,  v.c/a 
AibiOTist.  Six  Ttib  ixet  A.6.0T«.',  xrA.  Euftath.  in  Bionyf.  ad  v.  239.  See  Eukbii 
Chron.  p.  29. 

KaG.iAy  ")  ctp  TW  vvv  Hcrcii'  AtyuTTT'jy  Kiyicnv  a  '^(ccfxv,  aAAa  S-ocAaTTar  yiyovevxi 
jctA.  Diodor.  L.  3.  p.  144. 

TloifToc.  n  ^w^cx.  'jroTcc!JLo')(y~ci.  Ibid. 

(?ccXa7(Tcc')ccp;iv  V  AtyuTTTo?.  Pint.  If.  et  Ofiris.  p.  ^567. 

"'  See  Pocock,  and  Norden's  Travels  in  Egypt. 

I  i  2  Sheoherd 

244  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

Shepherd  ^°Philitis,  when  Egypt  was  under  great  calamities;: 
when  princes  reigned,  whofe  names  were  held  by  the  peo- 
ple in  abomination.  The  modern  Arabs  have  accounts  oP 
their  being  built  by  ^'  liin  Ebn  Ian.  By  this  is  fignified,. 
that  they  were  conftrudted  by  the  lonim,  the  fons  of  that 
Ion,  called  lonas,  and  lonichus,  of  Babylonia.  Juba  in  his 
hiftory  took  notice,  that  the  city  Heliopolis  was  not  the 
work  of  the  native  Egyptians,  but  of  ^^  Arabians ;  by  which 
name  the  fons  of  Chus  are  continually  diftinguifhed.  They 
raifed  the  moft  ancient  obelifks  in  Egypt;  which  were  formed 
of  one  piece  ;  yet  of  an  amazing  fize  :  and  the  granate,  of 
which  they  confift,  is  fo  hard,  that  fcarcely  any  tool  now-a- 
days  can  make  an  impreffion.  Hence  it  is  m^atter  of  won- 
der, how  they  were  originally  framed,  and  engraved.  They 
are  full  of  hieroglyphics,  curioufly  wrought  ;  which,  as  we 
learn  from  Cailiodorus,  were  ancient  "  Clialdaic  characters.. 
Thefe  were  the  facred  characters  of  Egypt,  known  only  to 
the  ''""'  priefts ;  which  had  been  introduced  by.  the  Cuthite 

I  have  often  taken  notice  of  a  common  miftake  among 
the  Greek  and  Roman  v/riters;  who,  when  the  facred  terms 
grew  obfolete,  fuppofed  the  Deity  of  the  temple  to  have 
been  the  perfon,  by  v/hom   it  was  built.      Thus  it  is  faid  of 

'°  Ilerod.  L.  2.  c.  12S. 

''  HerbelotBiblioth.  Oriental. 

"  Plin.  L.  6.  p.  343. 

"  Obelil'corum  prolix-itas  ad  Circi  altitudinem  Iwblsvatiir  :  fed  prior  Soli,  inferior 
Lunse  dicatus  eft :  ubi  facra  prifcorum  CbaldauJs  fignis.  quafi  literis,  indicantur.. 
Caffiodorus.  L.  3.  Epift.  2.  and  Epift.  51. 

Tliey  had  two  forts  of  letters.     Ai(fy.ixioi(7i  Si  ycauuxm  ^^fi'j.irrai.  Herod.  L.  2.- 

c.  30. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  245 

the  Chaldaic  God  Mithras,  that  he  firft  ere<5led  the  obelifks 
in  Egypt.  '"^  Primus  omnium  id  (obelifcorum  eredlionem) 
inftituit  Mitres,  qui  in  Solis  Urbe  regnavit,  fomnio  jufTus. 
Mitres  was  no  other  than  Mithras,  the  fame  as  Arez,  and 
Ofiris,  who  was  greatly  reverenced  in  the  eaftern  world.  He 
did  not  reign  at  '^  Heliopolis  ;  but  was  there  adored  :  nor 
did  he  raife  the  obelifks  ;  but  they  were  eredled  to  his  ho- 
nour. His  rites  were  introduced  into  Egypt  by  the  people 
abovementioned.  But  he  was  more  commonly  reprefented 
under  the  charadler  of  Ollris  and  Orus.  Stephanus,  in  like, 
manner,  fpeaks  of  Mithras,  as  a  man,  and  joins  him  with 
Phlegyas.  H!e  fays,  ^^  that  thefe  two  were  the  authors  of 
the  Ethiopic  rites  and  worJJjip  :  for  they  %vere  by  birth  Ethio- 
pians :  which  people  were  the  firfi  natio7i  C07jflitutecl  in  the 
world',  and  the firflj  which  enaSled  laws,  and  taught  im?i  to 
reverence  the  Gods.  All  this  is  true  of  the  Chaldaic  Ethio- 
pians. A  large  body  of  this  people  fettled  in  Ethiopia 
above  Egypt :  and  from  their  hiftory  we  may  learn,  how 
much  the  Egyptians  were  indebted  to  their  anceftors.  They 
in  fome  degree  looked  upon  the  Egyptians  as  a  "'^  colony 
from  their  family  :  and  lo  far  is  true,  that  they  were  a 
draft  from  the  great  Amonian  body,  of  which  the  Mizraim 
and  the  Cutliites  v/ere   equally  a  part.      Nothing  can  more 

'^  Plin.  L.  36.  c.  s. 

"  By  tliis  however  is  pointed  out  tiie  r.ome,  in  vvhich  the  Cuthites  fettled  ;  the 
fame  as  Zoan,  of  which  Gollien  was  a  part. 

iy^YKTc^vTo.      Oi':/-ta^yo"i  6i  THi  cciTi'd'i  T8TWI/  MiGiac  ptai  'I'Aeyucx.-.'f  ociopxi  Ki'Hjircf,^  to 
•)iroi.  Steph.  Byzanc.    By  this  we  find,  that  tiie  fons  of  Chus,  called  here  Ethiopians, . 
were  the  firfl  confbituted  people,  and  the  authors  of  idolatrous  rites. 
"  ^^ao".  Je  An 'JTrr/ts  ccTi-iX-Bj  sa-jTc<;i' iJ,Tacp|^£;j'.     Diodor.  L.  3.  p.  14..;., 

9  fatis- 

246  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

fatisfadlorily  prove,  that  the  Ciithlte  Ethiopians  had  been  in 
Egypt,  and  ruled  there,  than  the  laws  of  the  '^  country, 
which  were  plainly  Ethiopic.  And  not  only  the  laws,  but, 
as  we  are  afTurcd  by  "  Diodorus,  the  rites  of  fepulture,  and 
the  honours  paid  to  the  ancient  kings,  their  anceftors,  were 
Ethiopic  inftitutions.  I  have  mentioned  from  Caffiodo- 
rus,  that  the  facrcd  characters  upon  the  obelifks  were  of 
Chaldaic  original ;  which  is  the  fame  as  '^°  Ethiopic.  In 
confirmation  of  this,  Diodorus  tells  us,  that  thefe  characters 
in  Egypt  were  known  only  to  a  few,  who  were  of  the  prieft- 
hood.  But  that  in  Ethiopia  they  were  the  national  charaAer, 
and  univerfally  "^^  underftood.  In  fliort,  this  writer  affures 
us,  that  the  rites  in  both  nations  had  a  great  refemblance, 
fo  as  to  be  nearly  the  '^'  fame.  The  priefls  in  each  were  re- 
clufe,  and  given  to  celibacy.  They  alike  ufed  the  tonfure, 
and  wore  a  garment  of  linen  :  and  they  ufed  to  carry  in 
their  hands  a  fceptre,  or  ftaff,  which  at  the  top  had  tvttov 
a^or^osiS'r},  the  7'eprefentation  of  a  plough ;  undoubtedly  in 
memorial  of  their  anceftor,  ol]/Q^(/}7:o;  yr)^,  the  great  hiijhafid- 
ma7i.  Their  bonnets,  as  well  as  thofe  of  their  kings,  were  or- 
namented with  figures  of  ferpents :  for  they  held  the  ferpent 
as  facred,  and  were  addicted  to  the  Ophite  worfhip. 

Among   the   cities,  which   the  Cuthites   built   in  Egypt, 

''  Ta  Si  'Zij?^ii^oc  Tuv  vofJLiiJLw  Toti  AiyuTntoii  uTccf^iiv  AiGisTixat.  Diodorus.  L.  J. 

p.  144. 

"  Ibid. 

*°  Diodorus  mal:es  mention  ASioynx.MV  •yoocy.iJicx.rxv  7mv  ij-a^'  Aiyvmioti  xctXa- 
f/.iva.^v  '\ifoyXv(piXMi'.  p.  145. 

■*■'  riaocc  Seroii  AiUio^n-  cc7ra.vTa,i  rouTOti  ^pncrooci  roii  tlittoi?.   p.  144. 

■*'  TaT£  (i'j^))}J.c(.i<x.  Tcciv  hpioov  ■maoo(.7r?\j)a ioiv  i^av  tcc^w  -urcipx  Uf-'-poTepoii  roa 
ihi7i.  Ibid. 


The  Analysis  of   Ancient  Mythology.  247 

there  was  one  in  the  nome  called  Men  El  Ai  [MsusXcciTrig) , 
or  Provincia  Dei  Luni.      This  city  was  called  Canobus,  and 
was  oppofite  to  the  ifland  Arg^eus.      The  Grecians  afcribed 
the  building  of  this  city  to  Menelaus  of  Sparta:  but  Ariftides 
allures  us,  that  it  was  far  prior  to  the  aera,  when  that  per- 
fonage  was  fuppofed  to  have  been  in  Egypt.     '^^  I  was  toldy 
fays  this  writer,  from  a  prieji  of  confequence  at  Canobus^  that 
this  place  had  its  name^  many  ages  before  the  arrival  of  Mene- 
laus.   He  did  not  mention  the  name  of  the  place  fo  articulately y 
as  to  give  me  an  opportunity  of  exprejjing  it  in  Grecian  charac- 
ters.     Befides^   it  did  Jiot  correfpond  with  our  idiom  :  nor  was 
it  round  and  f moot h  ;  but  quite  of  the  Egyptian  cajl^  a7td  hard 
to  be  uttered.      'Thus  much  I  learned  from  him^  that  it  fignified 
a  crolden  foundation.      I  make  no  doubt  but  the  term,  upon 
which  the  prieft  founded  his   notion,    was   Cuthim  ;   which 
undoubtedly  fignifies  gold  :    but    at   the   fame  time  it  is  the 
plural  of  Cuth,   and   relates   to   the   Cuthites.      The   later 
Egyptians  did  but  very  imperfedly  underftand  their  original 
language  ;   and  miiinterpreted  their  traditions.   The  original 
terms  certainly   fignihed   a  Cuthite  foundation.      They  re- 
lated not   to  gold,    but  to  the  ^  Cuthim,  who  founded  the 
city  Canobus  upon  the  lower  and  mofl  wellern  part  oi  Delta. 


*"'  E^'W^g  vxaacc  iv  Kat'ojScu  ion'  'hpiuv  ou  ts  q:xuhora.Td,  on  ixvpion  iriii  -zirporsp 
V  Mivf^-xov  Biceios  TSTfoa^stv,  to  ^o^ptov  aro)?  ajro.wa^gro.  x.a/  fcx  avrixp-Ji  fJ.iv  s/Ve^g  Trf- 
voixa,  r'dT  avTO,  &)?  ccToypaCpcci  yp«,uu.acriv  'EAAwrmoJf:,  aAA  (a;t)  »v  //.£)'  dmnp  eu<ps- 
^ouiroi',  y.cci  "^€^17 pQ^ov,  Aiyuiniov  Se  y.oc.i  Svay^afxixxiov  y.xAAov'  Toi  iv  ■ni/.e-ripa 
q^air.^  S-nXoi  -^^pvaow  iia.%.%.  Ariftid.  Qratio  iEgypt.  vol.  3.  p.  608. 

**  The  terms  were  probably  d"13  pK,  Adon  Cuthim.  They  mp.v  be  inter- 
preted a  golden  foundation,  or  a  Cuthite  foundation,  indifferently.  Adon  Cuthim 
may  alio  refer  to  Canobus,  the  God  of  the  Cuthites.  Adon  Cuthim,  Deus  Cu- 

I  o  The 

248  The   Analysis   op   Ancient  Mythology. 

The  facred  emblems  in  ufe  among  this  people  were  at 
firfl:  innocent ;  -but  in  time  proved  the  iource  of  much  fu- 
perflition.  Many  of  thefe  were  taken  from  the  forms  of 
animals,  by  which  they  diftinguifbed  both  the  titles  and 
attributes  of  their  Gods.  By  thefe  means  the  Deity  and  the 
animal  had  the  fame  name:  and  the  latter,  in  confequence  of 
it,  was  entitled  to  much  honour  and  reverence.  As  all  their 
cities  were  denominated  from  fome  God,  they  feem  to  have 
made  ufe  of  thefe  animals,  as  fo  many  devices,  by  which 
their  cities  were  diftinguifbed.  Hence  we  read  of  Lycopolis, 
Leontopolis,  Latopolis,  and  the  city  of  Mendes,  the  goat. 
The  hawk,  the  ibis,  the  crocodile,  the  dog,  were,  all  ufed 
for  facred  marks  of  diftindion.  After  the  Cuthites  had 
drained  Lower  Egypt,  and  had  there  built  cities,  it  is  pro- 
bable that  every  city  had  fome  one  of  thefe  facred  emblems, 
reprefented  in  fculpture,  either  upon  the  gates,  or  upon  the 
entablature,  of  their  temples.  This  charadleriftic  denoted 
its  name,  as  well  as  the  title  of  the  Deity,  to  whom  the 
place  was  facred.  And  the  Deity  in  thofe  cities  was  often 
worfliiped  under  fuch  particular  fymbol.  This  is  plainly 
alluded  to  in  fome  of  the  poets.  They  have  reprefented 
the  difperlion  of  the  fons  of  Chus  from  Babel,  as  the  flight 
of  the  Gods  into  Egypt  ;  where  they  are  fuppofed  to  have 
fheltered  themfelves  under  the  form  of  thefe  facred  animals. 
Ovid  in  particular  defcribes  this  flight  :  and  though  he  has 
in  fome  degree  confounded  the  hiftory,  yet  the  original  pur- 
port may,  I  think,  be  plainly  difcerned.  What  I  allude  to, 
is  to  be  found  in  the  fong  of  the  Pica,  when  fhe.  contends 
with  the  Mufes. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology,  249 

^^"  Bella  canit  Superum ;   falfoqiie  in  honore  Gigantas 
Ponit,  et  cxteniiat  magnorum  fa6ta  Deorum. 
Emifl'umque  ima  de  fede  Typhoea  narrat 
Coelitibus  fecifle  metum  ;   cundlofque  dedifTe 
Terga  fug^e  :   donee  feffos  JEgjpt'm  tellus 
Generit,  et  fepteni  difcretus  in  oftia  Nilus. 
Hue  quoque  Terrigenam  veniffe  Typhoea  narrat, 
Et  fe  mentitis  Superos  celaiTe  figuris. 
Duxque  gregis,  dixit,  fit  Jupiter  :   unde  recurvis 
Nunc  quoque  formatus  Libys  eft  cum  cornibus  AmmoD.  ■ 
Delius  in  corvo,  proles  Semeleia  capro, 
Fele  foror  Phcebi,  nivea  Saturnia  vacca, 
Pifce  Venus  latuit,  Gyllenius  Ibidis  alls, 

Ovid  diftinguiflies  between  the  Giants  and  the  Gods,  througii 
miftake.  The  Giants,  or  Titans,  were  the  Deities,  who  fled; 
and  Typhon,  the  fame  as  Typhceus,  by  which  is  meant  di- 
vine vengeance,  purfued  them.  The  folution  of  the  hiftory 
is  obvious.  It  amounts  to  this  :  that  the  Cuthites  fled  from 
Typhon,  or  Typhceus  ;  and  betook  themfelves  to  Egypt, 
where  they  flieltered  themfelves.  Here  they  built  many  cities, 
where  they  inflituted  the  religion  of  their  country :  and 
where  their  exiled  Deities  were  in  aftertimes  worfliiped  un- 
der diflerent  lymbols ;  fuch  as  a  ram,  a  lion,  a  ''*  goat,  and 
the  like.  Of  thefe  Deities  I  hav^e  before  taken  notice  ;  and 
fhewn,  that  they  were  the  chief  anceflors  of  the  Cuthites : 
from  fome  of  whom  the  Egyptians  v/ere  equally  defcended. 

■"  Metamorph.  L.  5.  v.  319. 

**  See  Antoninus  LibcFalis  from  Nicander,  concerniniT  the  chanttes,  which  the 
Gods  underwent  upon  their  flight  from  Typhon  into  Egypt.     Fab.  28.  p.  145. 

Vol.  III.  K  k  Hence 

250  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

Hence  they  alfo  looked  upon  themfelves  as  the  offspring  of 
the  Gods.     *^  Oi  (TopooTOLToi  AiyvTTTioi,  ^S(f)v  dTroyovoi. 

It  is  extraordinary,  that  Manethon,  in  fpeaking  of  the 
CuthiteSj  fliould  deicribe  them  as  ro  ysvog  ct(rYifjLOi,  people  of 
an  ohfcure  and  ignoble  race.-  This  cannot  be  rendered  con- 
fiftent  with  their  general  charader.  They  were  the  defcen- 
dents  -of  perfons  well  known  ;  who  were  reprefented  even  by 
their  enemies  as  a  race  of  luperior  beings.  They  were  llyled 
Gods,  and  Demigods,  and  the  children  of  Heaven.  The 
Egyptians,  who  hated  their  tyranny,  yet  in  fome  degree  re- 
vered their  memory.  They  are  called  by  Manethon  the  Royal 
Shepherds ;  and  are  alfo  ftyled  PhcEnices,  and  Hellenes  : 
which  terms,  whether  they  were  underftood  or  not  by  the 
writers,  who  have  tranfmitted  them,  were  certainly  titles  of 
the  higheft  honor.  They  were  a  people  who  valued  them- 
felves greatly  upon  their  defcent ;  and  kept  up  the  beft  me- 
morials of  their  family.  They  pretended  to  be  derived  from 
the  '^*  Sun ;  and  were  called  Heliads,  or  the  Solar  Race. 
They  were  the  defcendents  of  the  original  Titanians,  who 
were  fo  highly  reverenced  by  their  pofterity ;  and  whom 
Orpheus  addreffes,  as  the  origin  of  the  *'  Hellenic  nations. 
In  confequence  of  this,  I  cannot  help  thinking,  that  what  is 
rendered  ccTYiy.og^  was  an  ancient  term  of  a  very  different 
purport.  Manethon  wrote  in  Greek  ;  and  being  led  by  the 
ear,  has  chansed  this  word  to  one  familiar  to  him  in  that 
language  :   by  which  means  he  has  well  nigh  ruined  a  curious 

*''  Callifthencs  apud  Fabricium.  vol.  14.  p.  14^'- 

*'  'Pa^.go-o-Hi; 'HAis -LTaiC     From  Hermapion  in  Marcellinus.     I,.  17.  p.  126, 

*'  Orphic.  Hymn.  36. 

6  piece 

The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  251 

■piece  of  hiftory.  What  he  has  rendered  Afemos,  ignoble^ 
the  Dorians  would  have  exprelled  Afamos  ;  which  in  the 
original  was  Afamah,  noble  and  divine.  By  this  was  (ignified, 
that  the  Shepherds  were  of  a  ^°  royal  or  celeftial  race,  the 
children  of  Heaven.  Afamah  was  the  name  of  the  Deity 
among  the  Samaritans  and  Syrians.  The  God  of  Hamath  was 
called  ^'  Afamah  :  and  in  the  ancient  Samaritan  Pentateuch 
it  is  faid  to  have  been  made  ufe  of  as  the  name  of  the  true 
God  :  for  inftead  of  the  words,  hi  prijicipio  creavit  DeuSy 
there  was  fubfbituted,  In  pri?icipio  a^eavit  Afmjiah.  Some 
think,  that  this  is  only  a  falfe  imputation  of  the  Jews,  who 
hated  the  Samaritans.  It  may  poffibly  be  falfe,  that  the  term 
was  thus  applied  :  yet  it  fliews,  that  fuch  a  title  certainly  ex- 
ited, and  v/as  in  ufe.  The  people  of  Hamath,  who  were 
tranfplanted  into  the  land  of  Ifrael,  built  a  city  of  this  name, 
undoubtedly  in  honour  of  their  country  ^''  God.  Selden  ex- 
preffes  it  Alima;  and  affures  us,  that  there  was  fuch  a  Deity. 
^'  Deum  fuilTe  Alima,  et  facra  **  Scriptura,  et  citatus  Jofephi 
locus  oftendunt.  From  the  above  I  am  inclined  to  think, 
that  the  original  term  related  to  ^^  Heaven  ;   and  was   of  a 

^^  Analogous  to  (OUTI,  Hafamenj  of  the  Hebrews,  which  fignifies  Princes. 

"  Selden  de  Diis  Syris.  Syncag.  2.  p.  252. 

Afama  was  the  name  of  a  river  in  Mauritania,  Ptol.  Geogr.  L.  4.  c.  i.  Fluvius 
facer,  vel  divinus. 

'*  Afima  oppidum  in  terra  Judae,  quod  cedificarunt  hi,  qui  ad  earn  venerant  dc 
Emat.  Hieron.  in  Locis  Hebrjeis.  Afama  feems  to  be  in  purport  the  fame  as  Ou- 
fxro', ;  and  to  relate  to  Sam  and  Samah,  Ccelum.  The  prieils  of  this  Deity  were 
called  Samansi  •,  and  were  to  be  found  in  many  parts  of  the  world.  See  Clemens 
Alexand.  and  others. 

"  Selden  de  Diis  Syris.  Syntag.  2.  c.  g.  p.  252. 

'*  2  Kings,  c.  17.  V.  30. 

"  Analogous  to  Samah  of  the  Arabians,  NOiy. 

K  k  2  different 

252  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

difFerent  purport  from  that,  by  which  it  is  rendered  in  Ma  - 
nethon.  It  was  a  title,  I  imagine,  common  among  the  Sy- 
rians, and  all  the  family  of  Ham. 

From  fome  circumftances  not  well  explained  in  the  hillory 
of  the  Cuthite  Shepherds,  Jofephus  has  been  induced  to 
think,  that  they  were  his  anceftors  ;  and  that  the  account 
given  by  Manethon  related  entirely  to  the  fojournment  of  the 
Ions  of  Ifraei  in  Egypt.  Sir  John  Marfham  diffents  from 
him ;  and  with  good  reafon  :  for  the  hiftories  of  the  two 
people  are  repugnant,  and  can  never  be  reconciled.  Among 
other  arguments,  he  takes  notice,  that  the  Ifraelites,  when^ 
they  came  into  Egypt,  were  in  number  but  feventy  ;  whereas 
the  Shepherds  were  two  hundred  and  ^*  forty  thoufand^ 
The  former  were  in  a  ftate  of  fervitude,  and  grievoufly  op- 
preffed  :  but  the  latter  excrcifed  lordfhip  ;  and  made  the- 
whole  land  tributary.  Add  to  this,  that  the  Ifraelites  were- 
detained  ;  and  refufed  the  leave,  they  fued  for,  to  depart.. 
The  Shepherds  would  not  go,  till  they  were  by  force  driven 
out  of  the  country.  Thefe  arguments  alone  are  of  fuch 
force,  as  to  fet  afide  the  notions  of  Jofephus.  Had  he  not 
been  blinded  with  too  great  zeal  for  his  countrymen,  the 
author,  from  whom  he  quotes,  aifords  fufEcient  evidence  to 
overturn  his  hypotheiis.  Manethon  plainly  fpeciiies  two 
fets  of  people,  one  of  which  fucceeded  to  the  other.  The 
firfl  were  the  Cuthite  Shepherds  from  Babylonia:  the  fecond 
were  the  Ifraelites,  who  had  the  land  g-iven  to  them,  which 
the  former  had  deferred.      This  Vvas  the  diftrid:  of  Auris,  or 

'*  Marlham's  Chronol.  Sec.  8.  p.  101.  and  Sfc.  12.  p.   309.     Herman  Witfius 
refers  the  hiftory  of  the  Shepherds  to  Abraham.  L.  3.  p.  210. 

Avaris  ^ 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.        253 

Avians;  which  the  Cuthites  had  fortihed,  and  in  which  they 
were  finally  befieged.  After  their  departure,  it  was  demo- 
liflied  by  king  Amofis,  as  we  are  informed  by  Apion  t 
57  KOLTS<TKci-^ri  yoL^  T^v  A'dOL^iv  Afic^jfTLg.  It  was  afterwards  given; 
to  the  Ifraelites  by  Amenophis,  who  is  reprefcnted  as  third 
inclufive  from  Amofis.  ^^  Tiyj  tots  Tm  Iioiy.2V^y  £^Y][J,uchi<Ta.v 
'uroT^iv  KvoL^iv  (TV'JS'^o^^-riG'sy  (AjU-^j/o^is).  Upon  the  people  being 
difirejj'ed^  Ajnenophis  granted  them  for  an  habitation^  the  city 
Avai'is^  which  had  been  deferted  by  the  Shepherds.  It  was 
not  merely  a  city,  but,  as  I  have  before  mentioned,  a  walled 
province  :  for  it  contained  no  lefs  than  ten  thoufand  fquare 
5'  arource.  In  this  was  a  city  Aur,  -nx,  called  Avaris,  and 
Aouaris,  Aaa^i?,  by  the  Grecians  >  the  Cenafora.  of  Mela, 
and  other  writers.  Manethon  particularizes  the  people,  to 
whom  this  diftrid:  was  ceded  ;  though  he  has  in  many  re- 
fpeds  fadly  confounded  their  hiftory.  He  fays,  that  they 
were  employed  in  ads  of  fervitudc,  and  greatly  opprefled  : 
but  they  were  delivered,  and  formed  into  a  republic,  by  one,, 
who  was  their  lawgiver,  and  whofe  name  was  ^°  Mofes.  Thefe. 
data,  though  culled  out  of  a  deal  of  heterogeneous  matter, 
are  very  clear,  and  determinate:  and  if  learned  men,  inftead 
of  trying  to  adapt  thefe  plain  fads  to  the  flood  ot  Ogyges,. 
the  sra  of  Argos,  or  the  landing  of  Danaus  in  Greece, 
had  chofen  to  abide  by  what  is  fo  evident  and  fatisfadory, 

'^  Tatianus  Afiyrius.  p.  273.. 

Clemens  Alexand.  Strom.  L.  i.  p.  379.     Euleb.  Prjep.L.  10.  c.  1 1. 

'*  Jofephus  conii-a  Ap.  L.  1.  p.  460. 

"  Jof^^phus  contra  Ap.  L.  i.  p.  446- 

See  Oblervations  upon  the  Ancient  Hiftory  of  Egypt,  p.  175.  177, 

*°  Kai  •«r^off«'>;6f£u6fl  Miwu(7)if.     Jofephus  cent.  i^p.  L.  i.  p.  461. 


■2^54  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

the  liiflory  of  Egypt  would  have  been  lefs  obfcure.      But 
the  Fathers,  through  whofe   hands  we  receive   the  greateft 
part  of  our  knowledge,  are  ail  to  a'  man  mifled  by  thefe  no- 
tions :   and  the  teftimony  of  the  befl:  hiftorians  is   fet  afide, 
becaufe  it  does  not  agree  with  fome   preconceived  opinion  ; 
being  found  either  too  much  before,  or  after,    the  reign  of 
Phoroneus,  and  Apis ;  or  the  landing  of  Cadmus  the  Pheni- 
cian.      In  refpedl  to  the  hiftory  of  the  Shepherds,    the    beft 
writers  have  been  greatly  miftaken,   by  proceeding  always 
upon  extremes.   Theyfuppofe,  either  that  the  people  fpoken 
of  were  folely  the  Ifraelites,  which  is  the   opinion   of  Jofe- 
phus,  and  his  adherents  :   or  eife  that  they  v/ere  a  people  en- 
tirely of  another  race  ;   and  appropriate  the  hiftory  accord- 
ingly.    But  there  is  a  medium  to  be  obferved :  for  it  is  cer- 
tain that  they  were  two  feparate  bodies  of  people,  who  came 
at  different  times :   and  they  are  plainly  diftinguifhed  by  Ma- 
nethon.      Thofe,  who  are  mentioned  with  Mofes,  are  pofte- 
rior   to  the  others,   and  inhabited  the  very  province,   which 
the  former  had  vacated.      It    is   likewife   mentioned   by  the 
llime  writer,  that  thefe  fecond   Shepherds  were  once  under 
the  rule  of  an  ^'  Heliopolitan,  a  perfon  of  great  influence ; 
who   advifed   them  not   to  reverence  the  facred  animals   of 
the  country,  nor  regard  the  Gods :   nor  to   intermarry  with 
the  Egyptians  ;   but  to  confine  themfelves  to  thofe   of  their 
own  family.     The  name  of  this  perfon  was  Oca^cr/^o?,  Ofar- 
fiph.      Now  I  am   perfuaded,   that   Ofarfiph  is  nothing  elfe 
but  a  miftake  in  arrangement  for  **  Sar-Ofiph,  ^/je  Lord  OJiph, 


^'  JofepTi.  contra  Ap.  L.  i.  p.  460. 

''  Sar  is  a  Prince:  and  the  term  continually  occurs  in  the  hiftory  of  Egypt,  and  of 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythologv.  255 

By  which,  no  doubt,  is  meant  Jofeph  of  the  Scriptures.  Ma- 
nethon  has  to  be  fure  greatly  confufed  the  account ;  and  at 
the  clofe  fays,  that  Ofarfiph  at  laft  changed  his  name  to  Mo- 
fes  :  by  which  means  he  would  make  them  appear  as  the 
fame  perfon.  He  has  likewifc  interfperfed  much  foreign 
matter;  and  is  guilty  of  grofs  anachronifins :  notwithftand- 
ing  which,  he  affords  fufficient  light  to  afcertain  the  hiflory 
of  the  two  people.  And  in  refped:  to  the  Ifraelitifli  Shep- 
herds, we  may  be  affured,  that  by  Sar-Oiiph  they  were  in- 
troduced into  Egypt ;  ana  that  they  were  led  out  of  it  by 
Mofes.  jofeph  was  the  caufe  of  great  wealth,  and  plenty  to 
the  Egyptians ;  and  was  accordingly  efteemed  a  great  bene- 
factor. They  likewife  looked  upon  him  as  a  revealer  of  hid- 
den myfleries,  a  difclofer  of  the  will  of  the  Gods.  In  con- 
fequence  of  this,  they  ftyled  him  Hermes,  whick  figni- 
fies  an  interpreter.  Hence  came  s^^TiVsvziv-,  and  s^^r\VBV7Tt\gy 
among  the  Greeks.  There  is  a  remarkable  account  of  this 
Hermes  in  the  Chronicon  Pafchale,  and  Cedrenus,  which  is 
worthy  to  be  mentioned.      'Mt  is  faid.  of  him,   that  he  was^ 


other  countries  :  hence  we  read  of  Sar-chon,  Sar-don  or  Sar-Adon,  Sar-Apis, 
Sar-Apion,  Sar-Adon-Pul  -,  or  Sardanapalus.  The  name  of  Sarah  was  the  fame  as 
Hera,  Ladj.  See  Vol.  I.  of  this  work.  p.  73.  It  was  fometimes  exprefled 
Zar.  The  captain  of  the  guard  to  the  King  of  Babylon  was  ftyled  Nebo- 
Zar-Adon.  2  Kings,  c.  25.  v.  11.  The  feminine  was  Zarina.  Diodorus  Siculus 
mentions  a  Qiieen  of  the  Sacas,  called  Ztz/xc;;,  Zarina  •,  which  undoubtedly 
was  not  a  proper  name,  but  a  title.     See  Diod.  L.  2.  p.  1 19. 

*'  Troi/S  j^g^  E^//M$)  oTi  SiciXp^outuvrai  ccvtm  01  a.S'iA(poi  clutu' — n?ou?^ovTo  yap  avrov 
qovivc-ui,  ojs  ovTSi  ■woX?voi,  'uji^iTTov  eSSofj.:iKovTa, — ^Ks;^wp?<7-g!',  xoci  XTrSD^ercu  en  rnv 
At']  VTToi'  ijypoi  my  (juA»i'  Td  Kce.f/.^vid  N«?,  61  rivsi  ect'i^xvro  ccurov  sv  TifAr'.  xcct  SiirpiQiv  iiTif.Y>q,CLVuiv  'wa.vTCLi^  xai  (^opoov  i;\v  ^fuar.y  q-oAm'  £(3;Ao(7o^a  ■zrctpcc  roii  AtyvTnioi?, 
hiyo}V  avion  //.xvtsius  f/.eX?^ovTo:v\  m'  yap  (puaei  cr(po^fX  K'-iyixo'^.  Kci;  ■mpoa-invv^.w^  oai- 


V56  The   Analysis   of   Ai^cient  Mythology, 

efivied  by  his  brethren^  who  are  reprefented  2i%  feventy  m  num- 
ber.   Th.2.t  findings  they  were  contmu ally  laying  fnares  for  him, 
and'cojifulting  how  they  might  deftroy  him,  he  went  into  Egypt, 
•nr^o?  rr,v  (pvKnv  t«  Xa^,   to  the  fojis  of  Ham,  where  he  was  re- 
ceived with  great  honour.      Here  he  refded  in  much  fate,  being 
fuperior  to  every  body  :   and  he  was  cloathed  with  a  particular 
robe  of  gold.      He  proved  himfelf  in  fnajty  i7tflances  to  be  both  a 
philofopher  and  a  prophet ;   and  foretold  ma^ry  things,  bei7ig  by 
nature  nobly  endowed.      They  therefore  reverenced  him   as  a 
Deity ;   a72d'  conferred  upo7i  him  the  name  of  Heri7ies,  on  ac- 
coimt  of  his  prophecies,  and  for  having  i7iterpreted  to  the7n  thofe 
oracles,  tvhich  they  had  received  fro77t  heaven.      A7id  as  he  had 
■been  the  caufe  of  great  riches  to  their  nation,  they  fly  led  hifn  the 
difpe7ifer  of  wealth  ',   and  eftee7ned  hitn  the  God  of  gai7i.     Whe7i 
he  ca77ie  i7ito  Egypt,    Mizram  the  fo7z  of  Ha7n  reigned  there. 
This  account  is  very  curious;  and  feems  to  have  been  taken 
from  fome  ancient  Egyptian  hiftory.      It  is,    as   I  have  ob- ' 
ferved  in  refpedl  to  other  national  records,  in  fome  meafure 
perverted,  and  obfcured  :   yet   the   outlines  are  plain  ;   and 
even  in  the  miftakes  we  may  fee  allufions   to  true  hiftory, 

Toji'  ju.gAAii'Twr  T/;i'  xTroxcio-tv'  x.cci  -ztraPf^oi'Tx  auroii  ^pvixctTu,  ovTiycc  xcci  '^X^roS'orm 
iy.<x?\ouv,  wi  ra  ^iucTB  ®co\'  ovsu.oiQ^cvTii.  Ore  o:/v  xuToi  lip/JL/ji  en  tw  Aiyvirrov  vAvev, 
i^a.aiXiu<ji  TCrJV  AiyjirriMV  roji  i->t  fs  yivHi  ru  'Ka.f/.  0  Mi<^pefx.  jcA.  Chronicon  Pafch. 
p.  44.  45.  Cedrenus.  p.  i8.  I  have  omitted  adeal  of  exrnineous  matter  :  for  theft:; 
authors  have  ftrangely  perplexed  this  curious  hiftory.  They  imagine  Hermes  to 
have  be?n  the  fame  as  Fauiius  the  fon  of  Jupiter  :  and  fuppofe  that  he  reigned 
after  Picus  in  Italy  ;  though  in  the  fame  page  Cedrenus  tells  us,  that  he  lucceeded 
Mizraim  in  Egypt.  Me^fifjr.  in  u-a  Xajot,  ra  iy.n  fixaiArjovroi,  oiTroQavovro?,  iu^n  ocvx- 
yopi-^erat.  Mizrahi  the  fon  of  Hani,  who  was  khig  of  the  country,  dying,  Hermes  was 
ekSied  in  his  room.  See  Cedrenus.  p.  18.  He  is  placed  in  the  reign  of  Sefoftris  ; 
tiri  T8Ta  '^pij.w  (facr.i'  ei'  Ai^'JTTTw,  3-«v/Aa<f  Gr  ccvJ'pac,  yvu(r%va.i  xoci  (p-.^icof  stti  astpia. 
Cedrenus.  p.  20. 

^  however 

The  Analysis  of   Ancient  Mythology.  357 

however  mifapplied.  The  Egyptians  acknowledged  two 
perfonages  under  the  titles  of  Hermes,  and  of  Thoth.  The 
firft  was  the  moft  ancient  of  the  ^^  Gods,  and  the  head  of  all. 
The  other  was  ftyled  the  fecond  Hermes  ;  and  likewife  for 
excellence  called  T^icrjJLBy^g'og^  Trifmegiftus.  There  are  hifto- 
ries  given  of  this  Hermes  Trifmegiftiis,  which  will  be  found  to 
accord  very  much  with  thofe  of  the  Hermes  mentioned  above: 
and  his  real  name  will  appear  to  be  very  (imilar  to  Ofarfiph,  of 
whom  we  have  before  treated.  This  perfon  is  faid  to  have 
been  a  great  adept  in  myfterious  knowledge  ;  and  an  inter- 
preter of  the  will  of  the  Gods.  He  particularly  decyphered 
all  that  was  written  in  the  facred  *^  language  upon  the  obelifks 
in  Terra  Seriadicd :  and  inftruded  the  Egyptians  in  many 
ufeful  arts.  He  was  a  great  prophet  ;  and  on  that  account 
was  looked  upon  as  a  "  divinity.  To  him  they  afcribed  the 
reformation  of  the  Egyptian  ^^  year  :  and  there  were  many 
^^  books  either  written  by  him,  or  concerning  him,  which 
were  preferved  by  the  Egyptians  in  the  moft  facred  recefles 
of  their  temples,  and  held  in  high  efteem.  We  are  *'  told, 
that  the  true  name  of  this  Hermes,  was  Siphoas.  We  have 
here,  I  think,  an  inftance  of  the  fame  confuHon  of  elements, 

**  Eufeb.  Prcep.  L.  i,  c.  lo.  p.  ^2. 

''  Manethon  apud  Syncell.  p.  40. 

^lian  mentions  rcc  ra  'Epfxy  vofji.iy.a.  Var.  Hift.  L.  14.  p.  399. 

"  Clemens  Alexand.  Strom.  L.  i.  p.  399. 

'^'  Hermes  by  Cenforinus  is  ftyled  Arminus.  Annum  iEgyptiacum  noviflime 
Arminon  ad  duodecim  menfes  et  dies  quinque  perduxifTe  (ferunt).  c.  19.  p,  103. 
So  corredled  by  Scaliger. 

'^  Clemens  fupra.     Jamblicluis.  fetft.  8.  c.  i. 

''  Eratofthenes  apud  Syncelluin.  Xtq^ioaiyo'Epf/.iK,  vioilrii^xt<r'd'  p.  124.  fup- 
pofed  to  have  been  a  king. 

Vol.  III.  L  1 


258  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

as  was  obferved  in  Ofarfiph.  For  what  is  Siphoas  but  Aofiph 
mifplaced  ?  And  is  not  Aofiph  the  Egyptian  name  of  the 
Patriarch,  who  was  called  ^dv  by  the  Hebrews  ? 

The  names  of  thofe  Shepherd  kings,  who  are  faid  to  have 
reigned  in  Egypt,  are  tranfmitted  to  tis  by  Manethon,  Afri- 
canus,  and  Syncellus.  But  thefe  authors  differ  greatly  both 
in  refpedl  to  the  names  themfelves,  and  to  the  years,  which 
the,^°  kings  reigned.  The  firft  of  them  is  by  Manethon  called 
Salatis ;  but  by  Africanus,  and  Eufebius,  the  name  is  ren- 
dered Saitis.  From  hence,  I  think,  we  may  be  affured, 
that  Salatis  is  a  miPcake,  and  tranfpofition  for  ^'  Al-Sa- 
itis,  or  Al-Sait :  which  was  not  a  proper  naine,  but  a 
title  of  the  prince,  and  related  to  the  country,  which  he 
governed.  Sait  was  one  of  the  ancient  names  of  Upper 
Egypt  :  whence  the  colonies,  which  went  from  thence, 
were  called  ""^  SaitJE  :  and  that  region  has  the  name  of  "  Said 
at  this  ^'^  day.  Saitis  therefore,  and  Al-Saitis,  fignify  the 
Saite  Prince,  and  are  both  the  fame  title.  The  names  of 
the  other  kings  feem  to  be  equally  exceptionable. 

The  Shepherds  are  faid  to  have  relided  in  Egypt  five  hun- 
dred and  eleven  years.  But  the  total  of  the  reigns  of  thofe, 
who  are  fpecified,  amounts  only  to  two  hundred  and  fifty- 
nine,  if  we  may  credit  Manethon,  and  Syncellus  :  though 
Africanus  makes  them  two  hundred  and  eighty-four.      Ac- 

^°  See  M;irfh;ini's  Chron.  Ssec.  8.  p.  100. 

"'  n^coTofZaiTS.     Enfcb.  Chron.  p.  16.     Syncellus.  p.  61.     I  am  obliged  to 
diflfer  from  what  I  have  faid  in  a  former  treatife.  p.  318. 
''  ABmctioui  ccTToncovs  "^icc'ircov.     Diodor.  L.  i.  p.  24. 
"  Leo-Africanus.  L,  8. 
^■'  In  the  Arabic  vcrlion,  the  land  of  Gofhen  is  rendered  Sadir. 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  259 

cording  to  Eufebius,  they  amounted  only  to  one  ^^  hundred 
and  three.  I  take  therefore  for  granted,  that  the  five  hun- 
dred and  eleven  years  relate  to  the  IfraelitiilT.,  as  well  as  to 
the  Cuthite  Shepherds ;  and  that  the  refidcnce  of  both  peo- 
ple is  comprehended  in  that  term :  for  the  accounts  of  them 
are  certainly  blended.  And  as  the  one  did  not  fucceed  to 
the  other  immediately,  that  interval  alfo  is  taken  into  the 
computation.  This  eftimate  upon  examination  will  be  found 
to  ap-ree  with  all  the  circumflances  of  hiftory ;  and  will 
ferve  for  a  clue  to  afcertain  other  events.  The  children  of 
Ifrael  v/ere  tv/o  hundred  and  fifteen  years  in  Egypt  :  and 
Jofcph  had  been  there  ^^  twenty-one  years,  when  he  intro- 
duced his  brethren  into  that  country.  Thefe  amount  toge- 
ther to  two  hundred  and  thirty-fix  years.  The  years  of  the 
former  Shepherds,  according  to  Manethon  and  Syncellus, 
were  two  hundred  and  fifty-nine :  which,  added  to  the 
above,  amount  to  four  hundred  and  ninety -five  years. 
Thefe  fall  fiiort  of  five  hundred  and  eleven  juft  fixteen 
years ;  which  I  imagine  to  have  been  the  interval  between 
the  departure  of  the  Cuthites,    and  the  arrival  of  "  Jofeph. 

"'  Regnaverunt  Paftores  annis  centum  tribus.  Eufeb.  Chron.  A''errio  Lat.  p.  12. 
According  to  the  old  Chroniclcj  they  reigned  two  hundred  and  fevcnteen  years. 
Syncellus.  p.  51. 

'*  Jofcph  v/as  carried  into  Egypt,  when  he  was  feventeen  years  old.  Gencfis.  c.  37. 
V.  2.  He  was  thirty  years  old,  when  he  firfc  frood  before  Pharaoh.  Gen.  c.  41. 
V.  46.  He  law  [even  years  of  plenty,  and  two  of  faniine;  lb  that  when  he  invited  his 
brethren  into  Egypt,  he  had  refidcd  21  years  compkic. 


'"  The  firft  Shepherds  refided  —  —    •      —  —         ■ —         259 

Between  their  departure  and  the  coming  of  Jofeph  —  —  16 

Jofeph  relided  before  the  arrival  of  his  brethren  21  years  complete  21 

The  Ifraelitilh  Shepherds  were  in  Egypt         —  —  —  215 

L  1  2  •  But 

zbo  The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology. 

But  if  the  numbers  of  '^  Africanus   be   true,   thofe  added  to 
the  years  of  the  Ifraelitifli  Shepherds   make   four   hundred 
and  ninety-nine,  and  leave  an  interval  of  twelve  years  only. 
According  to  this  computation,  the  Cuthites  left  the  coun- 
try after  Jofeph  had   been   in   Egypt   fome   time,   and  only 
twelve   years  before  the  arrival   of  his  brethren.      I  fhould 
think  the  former   computation   the  neareft  to    the   truth : 
though  we  may  either  way  account  for  the  land  of  Goflien 
lying  vacant ;   and  for  the  city  Avaris  being  ^'  unoccupied. 
Jofeph  therefore  tells  his  brethren,   that   they  muft  fay  to 
Pharaoh,  that  they  were  fhepherds  ;    becaufe    he    forefaw, 
that  they  would  then  be  entitled  to  the  befl:  of  the  land  of 
Egypt.      This  was  Gofhen,   called  from  the  late  inhabitants 
Tabir  Cufhan  ;   and  in  aftertimes  the   Arabian  nome.      In 
conformity  to  this  the  province  is  by  Bar-Bahlul,  the  Syriac 
Lexicographer,  rendered  Cufliatha,  as  having  been  the  an- 
cient Cuthite  region.    It  lay  in  the  region  of  Heliopolis,  the 
Zoan  of  the  Scriptures,  at  the  extreme  part  of  Delta  ;  betv/een 
the  mountain  of  Arabia  to   the  eaft,  and  the  plain   of  the 
pyramids  weftward.      The  city  Avaris   feems  to   have  been 
rebuilt,  and  to  have  been  called  Cufh-Aur,  and  Cer-Cufhaur  ; 
the  Cercafora  of  ^°  Mela,  and  Herodotus.     Cer-Cufhora  fig- 
jnifies  the  city  of  the  Cufhan-Orits. 

''  2S4  The  time  of  the  firft  Shepherds,, according  to  Africanus. 
215  The  time  of  the  Ifraelites. 

499  This  fiibtraifled  from  5 1 1 ,  leaves  only  twelve  years. 
By  this  eftimate  the  firfl:  Shepherds,  left  Egypt  twelve  years,,  before  the  other3 

"  We  find  that  it  was  converted  tOipallure  ground,  and  pofTcfTed  merely  by  feme 
herdfmen.     Genefis.  c.  47.  v.  6. 

?°  Nilus  juxta  Cercaforum  oppidum  triplex  efTe  incipit.    Mela.  L.  1.  c.  9.  p.  '^i. 

7  ^^ 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  MyTHOLooy.         261 

The  fons  of  Chus  feem  to  have  come  into  Egypt  imme- 
diately after  their  difperfion  from  Babel.  And  as  their  ar- 
rival was  five  hundred  and  eleven  years  before  the  Exodus, 
this  w^ill  carry  us  in  computation  as  far  back  as  to  the  time 
of  Terah  ;  and  to  the  fixth  year  before  the  birth  of  Abra- 
ham. About  this  time,  I  imagine,  was  the  confufion  of 
fpeech,  and  the  difperfion  abovementioned.  If  then  we 
recapitulate  the  great  occurrences  of  the  firft  ages,  as  thpy, 
have  been  tranfmitted  to  us  both  by  facred  and  profane 
hiftorians  ;  we  fhall  find  that  they  happened  in  the  follow- 
ing manner,  and  order.  When  there  was  a  great  increafe  of 
mankind,  it  was  thought  proper,  that  they  fliould  feparate, 
and  retire  to  their  feveral  departments.  Their  deftination 
was  by  divine  appointment  :  and  there  was  accordingly  a 
regular  migration  ot  families  from  Araratia  in  Armenia. 
The  fons  of  Chus  fcem  to  have  gone  off  in  a  diforderly 
manner  :  and  having  for  a  long  time  roved  eaftward,  they  at 
lafl  changed  their  diredlion,  and  came  to  the  plains  of  Shinar. 
Here  they  feized  upon  the  particular  region,  which  had  fallen 
to  the  lot  of  Affur.  He  was  therefore  obliged  to  retreat ; 
and  to  betake  himfelf  to  the  higher  regions  of  Mefopotamia. 
In  procefs  of  time  the  Cuthites  feem  to  have  increafed 
greatly  in  ftrength,  and  numbers;  and  to  have  formed  apian 
for  a  mighty  empire.  People  of  other  families  flocked  in 
unto  them  :  and  many  of  the  line  of  Shem  put  themfelves 
under  their  dominion.  They  were  probably  captivated  with 
thefr  plaufible  refinements  in  religion  ;  and  no  lefs  feduced 
by  their  ingenuity,  and  by  the  arts,  which  they  introduced. 
For  they  muft  certainly  be  efteemed  great  in  fcience,  if  v/e 


262  The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology. 

conlidsr  the  times,  in  which  they  lived.  The  tower  of  Ba- 
bel, which  their  imperious  leader  had  erefted,  feems  to  have 
been  both  a  temple,  and  landmark,  from  which  they  had 
formed  a  refolution  never  to  recede.  It  therefore  feemed 
good  to  divine  Providence  to  put  a  ftop  to  this  growing  con- 
federacy :  and,  as  they  had  refufed  to  retire  regularly,  to 
force  them  by  judgments  to  flee  away,  and  to  fcatter  them 
into  different  parts.  The  Ethnic  writers,  as  I  have  before 
mentioned,  fpeak  of  many  fearful  events,  which  attended 
the  difperfion  ;  particularly  of  earthquakes,  and  hurricanes, 
and  fiery  meteors,  which  the  apoftates  could  not  withftand. 
Many  of  the  facred  Vvriters,  though  they  do  not  fpeak  deter- 
minately,  yet  feem  to  allude  to  fome  violent,  and  praeterna- 
tural  commotions,  which  happened  at  this  feafon.  What- 
ever may  have  been  the  nature  of  the  cataftrophe,  it  appears 
to  have  been  confined  folely  to  the  region  of  Babylonia. 

Upon  the  difperfion,  the  country  about  Babel  was  intirely 
evacuated.  A  very  large  body  of  the  fugitives  betook  them- 
felves  to  Egypt,  and  are  commemorated  under  the  name  of 
the  Shepherds.  Some  of  them  went  no  farther  than  '  Shi- 
nar ;  a  city,  which  lay  between  Nineve  and  Babylon,  to  the 
north  of  the  region,  which  they  had  quitted.  Others  came 
into  Syria,  and  Canaan  ;  and  into  the  Arabian  provinces, 
which  bordered  upon  thefe  countries.  Thofe,  who  fled  to 
Shinar,  refided  there  fome  time  :  but  being  in  the  vicinitv 
of  Elam  and  Nineve,  they  raifed  the  jealoufy  of  the  fons  of 
Afliur,  and  the  Elamites ;  who  made  a  confederacy  againft 
them,  and  after  a  difpute  of  fome  time  drove   them  irom 

*'  It  gave  name  to  the  whole  region,  of  which  Babylonia  was  only  a  part. 

10  their 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  263 

their  neighbourhood.  And  not  contented  with  this,  they 
carried  their  arms  ftill  farther  ;  and  invaded  all  thofe  of  the 
line  of  Ham  weftward,  as  far  as  the  confines  of  Egypt. 
This  was  the  firfc  part  of  the  great  Titanic  war,  in  which 
the  king  of  Elam  was  principal.  We  are  informed  by  Mo- 
fes,  that  they  ferved  him  twelve  years;  and  in  the  thirteenth 
they  rebelled  ;  and  in  the  fourteenth  year  the  king  of  Elam 
attacked  them,  in  conjundlion  with  the  kings  of  Aram, 
Afliur,  and  Shinar  :  for  Shinar  was  now  regained,  and  in 
the  hands  of  the  Shemites. 

This  invafion  happened,  when  Abraham  had  refided  fom.e 
time  in  Canaan  ;  in  which  he  iirfl:  fojourned,  when  he  was 
feventy-five  years  old.  It  happened  alfo  after  his  return 
from  Egypt ;  but  was  antecedent  to  the  birth  of  Ifhmael, 
who  was  born  in  the  eighty-lixth  year  of  Abraham's  life. 
We  may  therefore  venture  to  refer  this  event  to  the  eightieth 
year  of  the  Patriarch's  age.  And  as  the  firft  war  is  faid  by 
the  Gentile  writers  to  have  lafted  ten  or  ^^  eleven  years ;  if 
we  add  thefe  to  the  fourteen  mentioned  by  Mofes,  Vvdiich  in- 
tervened betv.'-een  that  war,  and  the  invaiion  made  by  the 
confederates,  it  will  be  found  to  amount  to  twenty-four 
years.  And  thcfe  being  deducted  from  the  eightieth  year 
of  Abraham,  will  give  us  the  tifty-fixth  of  his  life,  and 
the  firft  year  of  the  Titanian  war.  At  this  time,  or  near  it, 
I  fliould  imagine  that  it  commenced.  I  have  fupnofed,  that 
the  Cuthite  Shepherds  came  into  Egypt  immediately  upon 
the  difperfion :   and   it   is  very  plain   from  Manethon,  that 

*'  'livfS^iooi '^  eiJia^pno  Si-Kcc  ■mXii-iZvitfjTHi.     Hefiod.  Theog.  v.  636. 
hia^ofxiiKi  ae  uvtcdv  ivixuT^i  oSKc:  n  Fj;  gv__»crs  tjj  ilinnv  viki^v.  Apollod.  L.  i .  p.  4. 


264  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

their  coming  was  five  hundred  and  eleven  years  before  the 
Exodus.  The  call  oP^  Abraham  was  only  four  hundred  and 
thirty,  and  his  birth  five  hundred  and  five,  years  before  that 
[era :  therefore  the  difperfion  muft  have  been  about  fix  years 
prior  to  his  birth.  According  to  this  computation,  the  firft 
Titanian  war  was  about  fixty-two  years  after  the  difper- 
fion. **  Abydenus,  ^^  Cedrenus,  and  other  writers,  who  take 
notice  of  the  difperfion,  mention  this  war  as  the  next  great 

As  the  Cuthite  Shepherds  were  in  pofiefiion  of  Egypt  at 
the  time  of  this  war  ;  it  may  feem  extraordinary,  that  they 
did  not  take  a  ihare  in  it,  and  aflift  thofe  of  their  family, 
who  were  invaded.  There  is  an  obfcure  tradition  of  their 
being  folicited  to  interfere:  but  as  they  were  not  themfelves 
attacked,  nor  injured,  they  did  not  liften  to  the  propofals. 
This  is  intimated  in  a  hiftory  given  of  Oceanus,  who  was 
one  of  the  "  Titans.  It  is  alfo  a  name  of  the  Nile,  which 
was  called  both  *^  Oceanus,  and  i^gyptus  :  and  in  this  ac- 
count, that  country,  and  its  inhabitants  are  alluded  to. 
The  hiftory  is,  that,  ^*  when  the  Titans  entered  into  a  con- 

''  Abraham  was  feventy-five  years  old,  when  he  left  Haranj  and  eighty-fix  at  the 
birth  of  IHimael. 

'■*  F.ufeb.  Prasp.  Evang.  L.  9.  c.  15.     Syncclliis.  p.  44. 

'    P.   2g.    FlVlTacl  S'i  Xct.1  0  TiTai'UV  'SX^Oi  tov  £^UX  'ZaOXSfJiOi. 

^'  Diodorus.  L.  3.  p.  195. 

"'  "NiiXoi  D.icfct.voi.  Nithos  AiyvTTTo?.  Ibid,  p,  17. 

Tft)»  aXXuv  "TiTcuroov  Hi  rtiu  vccctcc  t«  'moirfsos  iiriQaK-nv  Ufjuvm'^  0  £lxixvoi  airoi- 

Ei'O  ev  Clxeocvoi  fxiv  svi  jmeyctfoicrn'  ifju/j.nst', 

rioAAa  Se  "z^opcpupuv  jjunv  ti[ji.spoi  sv  f/syapotatv. 

Proclus  in  Timasum  Platonis.  4.  p.  296. 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mvthclogv.  265 

{piracy  againft  their  father,  Oceanus  withflood  the  folicita- 
tions,  which  were  made  to  him  :  though  he  was  foine  time 
in  doubt,  whether  he  {houid  not  take  a  part  in  the -commo- 
tion. Proclus,  who  gives  this  account,  has  preferved  fome 
Orphic  fragments  to  this  purpofc.  The  fame  is  to  be  found 
in  Apollodorus  ;  who  mentions  the  Titans  engaging  in  war, 
and  fays,  that  Oceanus  would  not  join  them.  ^'  Oi  Js  ^o)^/? 
£lzsciV3  ETTiTihnai.  By  Oceanus  is  meant  in  the  language 
of  mythology  the  Oceanitse  and  NilotJe,  the  inhabitants  of 

1  imagine,  that  the  Canaanites  had  been  in  the  fame  ori- 
ginal rebellion  in  Babylonia,  as  the  fons  of  Chus  ;  and  that 
they  were  a  part  of  the  difperfion.  It  is  therefore  probable, 
that  they  came  into  Canaan  about  the  fame  time  that  the 
others  betook  themfelves  to  Egypt.  This  is  certain,  that 
when  Abraham  travcrfed  the  country,  it  is  repeatedly  faid, 
that  '°  t^e  Cajiaanite  was  then  i?i  the  la?id :  from  whence  we 
may  infer,  that  they  were  but  lately  come.  And  the  facred 
writer,  fpeaking  of  Hebron,  a  feat  of  the  Anakim,  or  Titans, 
fays,  that  it  was  built  /even  years  before  ^'  Zoait  i7i  Egypt.  By 
this  we  may  infer,  that  the  two  nations  in  fome  degree  cor- 
refponded  in  their  operations,  and  began  building  about  the 
fame  time.      All  the  while,  that  the  Patriarch  fojourned  in 

''  L.  I.  p.  2. 

'°  Gencfis.  c.  12.  v.  6.     c.  13.  v.  7. 

'"  Numbers,  c.  13.  v.  22.  Some  have  thought,  that  Zoan  was  Tanis,  towards 
the  bottom  of  Lower  Egypt,  and  it  is  lo  rendered  in  the  Vulgate.  But  this  part  of 
the  country,  called  afterwards  Delta,  was  not  formed,  when  Hebron  was  built.  The 
lower  region  of  Delta  increafed  gradually,  and  was  the  work  of  time.  Zoan  was 
Heliopolis,  one  of  the  firll  cities  built  by  the  Shepherds,  and  towards  the  2pex  of 

Vol.  hi.  M  m  this 

266  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

this  country,  we  find  it  fo  thinly  peopled,  that  he  could  pafs 
where  he  lifted,  and  pitch  liis  tent,  where  he  pleafed  :  and 
yet  he  travelled  with  a  large  retinue,  and  with  flocks  and 
herds  in  abundance.  All  this  feems  to  indicate  a  recent  po- 
pulation. Syria,  and  the  coaft  from  Libanus  upwards,  had 
been  peopled  by  a  different  family  before  :  and  it  is  probable, 
that  thofe  of  the  confederacy,  who  fettled  there,  had  fome 
battks  with  the  natives.  Eufebius  accordingly  mentions, 
that  in  ea?'ly  times  the  Chaldeans^  by  whom  are  meant  the  Baby- 
lonians, fnade  war  upon  the  people  of  Phenicia.  ^''  XaX^cfJoi 
KOLTOf,  0oin/.oov  Sf^XTSV(ra,i'.  But  the  land,  which  the  Canaanite 
invaded,  was  in  great  meafure  vacant,  and  had  been  fet  apart 
for  another  people.  For  the  diftribution  of  the  whole  earth 
was  by  divine  appointment ;  and  the  land  of  Canaan  was 
particularly  allotted  to  the  fons  of  Ifrael.  They  according- 
ly have  this  ftrongly  inculcated  to  them,  that  in  the  divifiorl 
of  countries,  "  the  Lord's  portion  is  his  people  ;  Jacob  is  the 
lot  of  his  inherit a7ice.  The  Son  of  Sirach  alfo  informs  us  to 
the  fame  purpofe  ;  that  '"^  in  the  divifon  of  the  nations  of  the 
4)^ole  earthy  He  (the  Lord)y^/  a  ruler  over  every  people  ;  but 
Ifrael  is  the  Lord' s  portion.  In  conformity  to  this,  the 
Pfalmift  introduces  the  Deity  as  telling  Abraham,  ^^  Unto 
thee  will  I  give  the  land  of  Canaan,  the  lot,  or  line,  of  your 
inheritance :  which  circumftance  had  been  before  recorded 
by  '*  Mofes.      And  yet  even  to  him,  and  to  his  pofterity,  it 

'^  Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  28.     Syncellus.  p.  153. 

"  Deuteron.  c.  32.  v.  9. 

9*  C.  17.  V.  17. 

"  Pfalm.  105.  V.  I  r. 

''  Genefis.  c.  13.  v.  15.  c.  15.  v.  iS. 

10  ,  was 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  267 

was  rather  a  loan  than  a  gift :   for  the  Deity  feems  always  to 
have  peculiarly  referved  the  property  of  this  country  to  him- 
felf.      The  Ifraelite  therefore  had  never  a  full  command  of 
it :   he  only  held  it  at  will,   and  was  fiibjedl  to  God  as  pro- 
prietor.     In  fhort  it  was  ever  the  Lord's  portion.     The  peo- 
ple therefore  are  told,  when  a  permiffion  is  given  to  them  in 
fome  degree  to  part  with  their  inheritance,  ^''  The  land JJj all 
not  be  fold  for  ever  :  for  the  land  is  mine  :  andje  are  Jlr  angers 
and  fojourners  with  me,   faith   the   Lord.      Indeed  the  whole 
earth  may  jnftly  be  called  the  Lord's  :   but  this  was  his  par- 
ticular  portion.      It   was   however  invaded,   as  were  other 
places,  in  oppoiition  to  the  divine  appointment.    Eufebius,  in 
conformity  to  this  tells  us,   that  Noah  explained  to  his  fons 
the  will  of  the  Deity  ;   and  allotted  to  each  their  particular 
place  of  retreat,  ^^  Konrct.  ^Siov  ^riKopon  y^^ri(riJLoyj  haviiig  received 
his  i?tJlruBio?ts  from.   Heaven.      But  the   fons  of  Chus  firft 
ufurped  the  region  allotted  to  Aihur;  and  afterwards  tranf- 
greffed  ftill  farther  upon  the   property  of  their  neighbours. 
Of  all  others    the   tranfgreflion   of  Canaan   was    the   moft 
heinous;  for  he  knowingly  invaded  God's  peculiar  ^^  portion; 
and  feized  it  to  himfelf.      The  trefpaffes  of  the  fons  of  Ham 
brought  on  the  difperlion  ;   and  afterwards  the  war  of  the 
confederates,  as  Syncellus  juftly  obferves.     '°°  'Of  vm  rs  l<r\iJL 

"  Numbers,  c.  25.  v.  23. 

''  Chron.  p.  10. 

*'  Tar&L*  Bv  Toiv  xA^i^o^o-TiiuevTcop  0  t8  X«fc  uioi  Xavaai',  tSiiii'  rijt'  Tn^oi  ru  AiSan-jj 

e^MAaere,  y.(Xi  btw  ^aacc  r)  -yn  t);5  £7rxyye?^ioii  tb  'Koc.vccav  ■nr^ocnyopeuTcx.i.    Auftor 
Anon.  Johan.  Malals  pi\xfixus.  p.  16. 
"°  P.  90. 

M  m  2  5^0- 

268  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

STToKsurirccv  'ur^og  Tsg  wag  Xa^a  'urz^i  ^m  o^iocv  Trig  IlcO^cLis'm,;. 
The  fons  of  Shem  7nade  war  upon  the  Jons  of  Ham  about  the 
botmclaries  of  Palceflina.  Eufebius  mentions  the  particular 
tranfgreflion  of  the  Canaanite.  '  NewTS^icra^  o  T8  Xa^  viog 
XcivciOLv  BTTZ^r]  toig  o^ioig  th  ^r]fji,  Kci  KCLrmri^rBv  szsi,  'Wa^yJoag  jtiV 
SVTO?\Yiv  Nws.  Canaan,  thefon  of  Ham,  was  guilty  of  imiova- 
tion,  and  trefpajfed  upo?i  the  allotment  of  Shem  ;  a?id  took  up 
his  habitation  therei?t,  contrary  to  the  C07mna7idment  of  Noah. 
Belides  the  kings  in  the  Afphaltite  vale,  the  nations  attacked 
in  this  war  were  the  "  Rephaims,  or  Giants,  in  Afliteroth 
Karnaim  ;  and  the  Zuzims,  and  Emims,  who  were  equally 
of  the  Titanic  race  :  alfo  the  Amorites,  and  Amalekites,  and 
the  Horim  in  Mount  Seir.  All  thefe  were  upon  forbidden 
ground  ;   and  were  therefore  invaded. 

Such  is  the  hiftory  of  the  Titanic  war,  and  of  the  difper- 
iion,  which  preceded.  Sanchoniathon  fpeaking  of  the  peo- 
ple, who  were  thus  diflipated,  and  of  the  great  works,  which 
they  performed  concludes  with  this  fhort,  but  remarkable 
charader  of  them,  ^  'Omov  Js  ;ia;  AAi^rat,  /ccti  TiTa^'sj  kolKsvtolu 


'  Eiiffb.  Chron.  p.  lo.  Eufebitis  lived  in  tlie  country,  ofv/hicli  he  fpeaks :  and 
had  opportunities  of  obtaining  many  curious  hiftories  from  the  original  inhabitants. 
Sfe alfo Epiphanius  adverf  Hsref.  L.  i.  c.  5. 

'  Genefis.  c.  14.  v.  5.  Tm  riyocvTcti  tbs  (v  A<^a^ci}^.  So  rendered  by  the  Seventy. 
See  Deuteron.  c.  2.  v.  10.  11.  alfo  v.  21.  22. 

'  Sanchoniathon  apud  Eufeb.  Pntp.  L.  i.p.  35. 

So  Pelafgus  aXvrm.    Cadmus  aXmni' 

Terah,  and  Nahor,  and  all  the  fons  of  Heber  had  feparated  themfelves  from  the 
Cock  of  their  fathers,  and  dwelt  in  a  forbidden  land,  tiere  they  ferved  other  Gods. 
But  the  faith  of  Abraham  was  at  laft  awakened  .:  to  which  perhaps  nothing  contri- 
buted more  than  the  demolition  of  the  tower  of  Babel,  and  the  difperfion  of  the  fons 
of  Chus:  and  lallly,  the  wonderful  and  tremendous  interpofition  of  the  Deity  in, 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  269 

Thefe  are  the  people^  who  are  defcribed  as  exiles  and  wajiderers^ 
and  at  the  fame  time  are  called  the  'Titans.      This  event  feems 
to  have  been  very  happy  in  its  confequences  to  thofe  of  the 
family  of  the  Patriarch  Abraham:   as  it  muft  have  facilitated 
their   converlion ;   and   given   them   an   opening   to   retreat. 
They  lived  in  the  land  of  Ur  of  the   Chaldees ;   which  lay 
upon  the  Tigris,  to  the  fouth  of  Babel  and  Babylonia.   There 
was  no  pafTage  for  them  to  get  away,  but  through  the  above 
country  ;   which  was  then  pofTeffed  by  a  people,  who  v/ould 
not  have   fuffered   their   defertion.      Nor  v/ould  they   have 
thought  of  migrating,  fo  long  as  they  followed  the  religion 
of  their   fathers.      But  when  Terah  and  his  family  had  i^^n 
the  tower  fhaken  to  its  foundations,   and   the  land   made  a 
defert;  it  was  natural  for  them  to  obey  the  firft  call  of  Hea- 
ven ;   and  to  depart  through  the  opening,  which  Providence 
had  made.  They  therefore  acceded  to  the  advice  of  Abraham; 
and  followed   him   to  Haran  in  Mefopotamia,  in  his  way  to 
Canaan.      The  rout,  which  the  Patriarch  took,  was  the  true 
way  to  the  country,  whither  he  was  going  :   a  circumftance, 
which  has  been  little  confidered. 

After  the  Cuthite  Shepherds  had  been  in  pofTeillon  of 
Egypt  about  two  hundred  and  iixty,  or  eighty  years,  they 
were  obliged  to  retire.      They  had  been  defeated  by  Halif- 

producing  thefe  efFecls.     This  event  not  only  infpircd  them  with  an  inclination  to 
get  away,  but  alfo  afforded  them  an  opening  for  a  retreat. 

It  is,  I  think,  plain,  that  even  the  Chaldeans  were  not  included  in  the  people  dif, 
perfed  ;  as  v/e  find  luch  a  nation  in  the  days  of  Abraham  ;   and  not  only  in  his  time, 
but  in  the  days  of  his  father  and  grandfather.     Both  Terah  and  Nahor  dwelled  in 
the  land  of  Ur  of  the  Chufdim  :  which  coulJ  not  have  happened,  if  thofe  Chufdim, 
ox  Cuthites,  had  been  fcattered  abroad. 

phragmuthoiis  -y 

270  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

phragmutholis  ;  and  were  at  lafl  bcficged  in  the  diflrid:  of 
■^  Avaris,  which  they  had  previoufly  fortified,  by  ^  Amofis, 
the  fon  of  the  former  king.  Wearied  out  by  tlie  length  and 
ftraitnefs  of  the  fiege,  they  at  laft  came  to  terms  oi  compo- 
fition  ;  and  agreed  to  leave  the  country,  if  they  might  do  it 
unmolefted.  They  were  permitted  to  depart ;  and  accords 
ingly  retired  to  the  amount  of  two  hundred  and  forty  thou^ 
fand  perfons.  Amofis  upon  this  deftroyed  their  fortifica-f 
tions,  and  laid  their  city  in  ruins.  Manethon,  who  has 
mixed  their  hiflory  with  that  of  the  Ifrael-ites,  fuppofes,  that 
they  fettled  at  Jerufalem,  and  in  the  region  round  about. 
This  has  led  Jofephus  to  think,  that  the  firft  Shepherds 
were  his  anceftors :  whereas  their  hiftory  is  plainly  alluded 
to  in  that  part,  which  is  flyled  the  return  of  the  Shepherds: 
\vhere  Ofarfiph  is  mentioned  as  their  ruler  ;  and  Mofes,  as 
their  conductor  upon  their  retreat.  Mofl  of  the  fathers, 
who  treat  of  this  fubjedl,  have  given  into  this  miftake  :  and 
as  the  Cuthites  were  expelled  by  Amofis,  they  have  fuppofed, 
that  the  Ifraelites  departed  in  the  reign  of  that  king.  This 
was  the  *  opinion  of  Tatianus,  Clemens,  Syncellus,  and  many 
others:  but  it  is  certainly  a  miftake:  for  it  was  not  till  the 
time  of  ^  Amenophis,   fucceflbr  to   this  *  prince,   that  they 


*  Jofephus  contra  Ap.  L.  i.  p.  446. 
5  By  fome  he  is  called  Thummofis. 

*  Kara  Ay-ooatv  AiyvTrT'd  (^ctariXicc.  yiyovsva.1  I'di^aioa  t«c  e^  AtyvirTS  'sro^enxv. 
Eufeb.  Prsp.  L.  10.  p.  493.  See  Tatianus.  p.  273.  Clemens.  Strom.  L.  i,  p.  379. 
Juftin.  Martyr.  Cohort,  p.  13.  He  calls  the  king,  Amafis.  They  have  certainly 
made  fome  alterations  in  the  i8th  dynafty,  to  make  it-accord  to  their  notions. 

'  He  gave  them  the  place  called  Avaris,  which  his  grandfather  had  laid  wafte. 
Jofeph.  cont.  Ap.  L.  i.  p.  460. 

'  Theliftof  the  kings  of  this  zera,  as  they  give  them,  proves  this. 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  271 

entered  the  country,  which  they  did  not  quit  till  after  two 
centuries.  And  however  Manethon  may  have  confounded 
the  hiftory  ;  yet  it  is  apparent  from  what  he  fays,  even  as 
the  Fathers  quote  him.  For  he  tells  us,  that  Amofis-  de- 
ftroyed  the  feat  of  the  former  people  ;  and  Amenophis  gave 
it  to  the  '  latter  :  fo  that  the  hiftory  thus  far  is  certainly 
very  '°  plain.  As  they  were  each  a  very  large  body  of  peo- 
ple, and  their  hiftory  of  great  confequence  in  the  annals  of 
Egypt  ;  their  departure  muft  have  been  faithfully  recorded. 
But  length  of  time  has  impaired  the  memorials :  fo  that  the 
hiftory  is  of  a  mixed  nature;  and  it  is  not  eafy  to  arrive  at 
precifion.  And  as  many  events  were  prior  to  the  reigns  of 
any  of  their  kings ;  they  generally  refer  thofe  to  the  times  of 
their  Gods.  Eufebius  gives  us  a  curious  account  of  an  event  in 
the  time  of  Apis;  "  when  a  large  body  of  men  deferted  Egypt  y 
and  took  up  their  abode  in  Palcejiijtay  upon  the  confines  of  Ara- 
bia. The  Ifraelites  may  poftibly  be  here  alluded  to  :  but  I 
fliould  rather  think,  that  the  hiftory  relates  to  the  Caphto- 
rim,  who  feem  to  have  reftded  between  Mount  Cafius  and 
Pelufium  ;  but  retired  to  Pal^ftina  Propria,  which  was  im- 
mediately upon  the  borders  of  Arabia.      There  are  howeven 

AjUi,'cri?,,  0  V.OU  Ti^jjLO-.mi 

See  Syncellus,  Eufebius,  &c. 

'  Jofephus  cont.  Ap.  L.  i.p.  460,461.. 

'°  Eufebius,  whole  evidence  Syncellus  without  realbn  reje£ls,  places  the  exit  of  the 
latter  Shepherds  in  the  reign  of  another  king,,  whom  he  calls  Cencheres.  Chron. 
p.  16.     Syncellus.  p.  72. 

"  Etti  hiriioi  TB  ^opuviooi  f/.oi^<x.  TB  AiyVTTTiaii'  T^aTH  e^eyrsasv  AkyuTrrs,  01  iv  tv 
naAaif""C  ^oLTvajAivv  X^^ia  qv  ■wopfct)  AoocS:aiqjxwocv.     Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  26. 


;272  The  Analysis   of  Ancient   Mythologv.  ' 

otKcr  Iiiilories  more  precife,  which  manifcflly  allude  to  the 
departure  of  the  Shepherds  from  Egypt ;  and  point  out  the 
places,  to  which  they  retired.  There  was  a  tradition  of  Ca-. 
fus  and  Belus  leading  one  colony  to  "  Syria,  which  fettled 
upon  the  Orontes.  By  Cafus  and  Belus  are  undoubtedly 
meant  the  Cuthites  and  Beleidae  of  Babylonia,  who  fled  from 
Egypt  ;  and  are  faid  by  Manethon  to  have  retired  to  thofe 
parts.  Some  are  faid  to  have  gone  to  '^  Jerufalem  ;  which 
hiflory  needs  no  explanation.  Eufebius  mentions,  that 
'■^  Cadmus  and  Phoenix  reflded  in  Egypt ;  but  afterwards 
pafTed  over  to  the  region  about  Tyre  and  Sidon,  and  were 
for  a  time  kings  of  that  country.  The  moft  plain  and  fa- 
tisfaftory  account  is  that,  which  I  have  more  than  once 
mentioned  from  Diodorus.  He  tells  us,  that  there  were 
formerly  in  Egypt  many  '^  foreigners,  whom  the  Egyptians 
expelled  their  country.  One  part  of  them  went  under  the 
condud:  of  Danaus  and  Cadmus  to  Greece  :  and  the  others 
retired  into  the  province  called  in  aftertimes  Judea.  But  it 
was  not  only  to  Syria,  and  to  Greece,  that  people  of  this 
family  betook  themfelves.  I  have  '^  fhewn,  that  they  were 
to  be  found  in  various  parts,  widely  feparated,  as  far  as  India 
and  the  Ganges  in  the  eaft  ;  and  Mauritania  weftward. 
Diodorus  mentions  Ammon,  by  which  is  meant  the  Am- 
monians,  reigning  in  a  part  of  '^  Libya  :  and  fpeaks  likewife 

"  Euftbii  Chron.  p.  24.     See  Zonaras.  p.  21. 
''  Jofeph.  cont.  Apion.  L.  I .  p.  460. 
'"  Chron.  p.  27.  ' 

'^  L.  40.  apudPhotiuin.  p.  1151. 

'*  See  Vol.  II.  oftliis  work,  and  the  treatife  infcribed  Cadmus :  which  is  inti- 
f-nately  connefted  with  tlie  whole  of  the  prefent  fubjeft. 

'^  A/-tMS);'a  (^aaiAivovTcc  [jiSp'diTm  Alburn.     Diodor.  L.  3.  p.  201. 

7  of 

The   Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  273 

of  the  Titans  of  '*  Mauritania,  whom  he  ftyles  the  fons  of 
Heaven.  The  Grecians  fuppofed,  that  they  were  conducied 
to  this  region  by  KaJju-o;  aAi^TJif,  Cadinus  the  great  rove?^  : 
and  Nonnus  mentions  : 

People,  who  dwelt  amid  the  Atlantian  cliffs, 
In  cities  founded  by  the  wandering  chief. 

They  came  alfo  with  the  Curetes  into  Crete  ;  and  fettled 
particularly  about  CnolTus,  where  they  were  of  the  greatefl 
benefit  to  the  natives  ;  and  improved  them  in  architedlure, 
and  in  various  other  arts.  Diodorus  fpeaks  of  the  temple 
of  Rhea  in  thefe  parts,  which  was  built  by  the  Titans,  the 
fons  of  Heaven  ;  whofe  foundations  were  fliewn  in  his  days : 
and  near  it  was  a  venerable  grove  of  cyprefs,  planted  in  early 
times.  He  mentions  the  names  of  many  of  the  Titans :  and 
fays,  that  there  was  not  one,  "  who  had  not  been  the  author 
of  fome  ufeful  art  to  mankind. 

The  calamities,  which  this  people  experienced,  were  fo 
fevere,  and  accumulated,  that  they  were  held  in  remembrance 
for  ages.  The  memorials  of  them  made  a  principal  part  in 
their  facred  "'  rites ;  and  they  preferved  them  alfo  in  their 
hymns.  Thefe  v/ere  generally  in  a  melancholy  ftylc  ;  and 
their  mufick  was  adapted  to  them.      The  chief  fubjccl  was 

"  L.  3.p.  190. 

'^  Dionuf.  L.  13.  p.  370. 

^'  L.  5.  p.  334.   ojv  r^ccq'Qv -TivMViufiTm  yivca'.»\.i:iii  c!.\%:yj:-roti. 

"  Ssje  Orph.  Argonaiuica.  v.  26.  31.  &c. 

Philoftratus,  Vita  Apollon.  L.  3.  c.  6. 

Vol.  III.  N  n  the 

274-  '^"^  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

the  hiftory  of  the  Titanic  age,  the  fiifferings  of  their  Gods ; 
and  above  all  the  flight  of  Bacchus,  and  the  fcattering  of  his 
limbs  over  the  plain  of  Nufa.  To  thefe  M^ere  added  the  wan- 
derings of  Ifls,  or  Damater  ;  who  went  over  the  world  to 
pick  up  the  limbs  of  the  fame  Bacchus,  under  the  charadler 
of  Oflris.  The  Egyptians  fucceeded  to  the  Cuthites  in  their 
cities  and  temples  ;  and  had  been  too  early  initiated  in  their 
rites  ever  to  forfakethem.  They  had  the  like  hymns ;  and' 
commemorated  the  fame  events :  for  they  were  a  branch  of 
the  fame  family.  Hence  they  recorded  the  labours  of  the 
Titans,  and  all  the  calamities  and  wanderings,  to  which  their 
Deities  had  been  expofed.  The  Grecians  did  the  like:  their 
rites  and  myfleries  related  to  the  fame  events.  Linus,  Or- 
pheus, Pronapides,  Thymoetes,  are  fuppofed  to  have  written 
upon  this  "  fubjeft  ;  fome  in  Pelafgic,  and  others  in  Phry- 
gian chara(5lers.  The  ground-work  of  their  hiflory  is  com- 
prifed  by  Plutarch  in  a  fmall  compafs,  ^''TiyoLvriKOL^  kcli  TiTa- 
viKci^ — (p^oyyoi  ts  AfOM'cra,  kcli  nrXoLVCti  ArifjiriT^og :  The  labours 
of  the  Giants  and  Titans — the  cries  of  Bacchus^  aitd  the  wan- 
derings of  Dajnater. 

Such  is  the  hiflory  of  the  Cuthites,  who  came  from  Baby- 
lonia, and  conquered  Egypt.  This  people  were  no  other 
than  the  ^zv(jcf.i^  Scuthce,  or  Scythians,  as  I  have  fhew^n.  It 
is  therefore  no  wonder,  that  the  nation  fo  denominated  fhould 
be  efteemed  the  mofi:  ancient  of  any  upon  earth.   ""^Scytharum 

^'  Diodorus.  L.  3.  p.  201. 

"'  Plutarch.  If.  et  Oilr.  P.  360. 

'wcLfct.  70. i  HAAiiTJ,  'ycxi  Tec  ■mici  Kpnvs  fjxiuoX^iy'dfxiva.,  xcci  roc.  'zoipi  Tr,i  Tnai'^iccf, 
xa.1  TO  auvoX'.v  Tijv  -mi^t  tx  njd^inojy  Qiow  i-j-ocnav.     Diodor.  L.  i.  p.  S7. 

**  Juftin.  L.  2.  c.  I.  gens 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology-.        275 

gens  antlquiflima  femper  hablta. — iEgyptiis  antlqiilores  fem- 
per  vifi  Scythae.  "The  Scythic  7iation  was  at  all  times  ejleemed 
the  moji  ajicient. — The  Scytha  were  always  looked  upon  as 
snore  ancient  than  the  j^gyptians.  All  this  in  its  proper  ac- 
ceptation is  true  :  for  the  Cuthites  were  the  firft  upon  earth, 
who  were  conftituted  into  a  large  kingdom  ;  and  reduced 
under  a  regular  government :  while  other  nations  confided 
of  little  independent  towns  and  villages.  And  as  they  paid 
the  higheft  reverence  to  the  memory  of  their  anceftors;  they 
preferved  evidences  for  their  own  antiquity,  of  which  other 
nations  were  bereaved :  fo  that  they  maintained  this  prero- 
gative for  ages. 

N  n  2  CON- 

(     277     ) 


UR      of      the      CHALDEESj 

AND      OF 

The  Region,  from  whence  it  was  thus  diftinguifhed. 

EFORE  I  proceed,  it  may  not  be  improper  to  obviate 
an  objed:ion,  which  may  be  made  to  the  place,  and 
region,  where  I  have  fuppofed  Abraham  to  have  been  firft 
converfant  :  as  there  are  writers,  who  have  imagined  Ur  of 
Chaldea  to  have  been  in  another  part  of  the  world.  The 
region  in  queftion  is  by  Strabo  plainly  defined  as  a  province 
ot  Babylonia :  and  Arrian,  Ptolemy,  Dionyfius,  Pliny,  and 
Marceliinus,  all  determine  its  fituation  fo  clearly,  that  I 
fhoiild  have  thouo;ht  no  doubt  could  have  arifen.  It 
appears  however,  that  Bochart,  Grotius,  Le  Cierc,  Cel- 
larius,  with  fome  others,  are  diilatisfied  with  the  com- 
mon opinion ;  and  cannot  be  perfuaded,  that  Abraham 
came  from  this  country.  Bochart  accordingly  tells  us, 
that  the  Ur  ot  the  Scriptures  was  near  Niiibis,  in  the 
Upper  regions   of  Affyria ;   and    bordered    upon  Armenia. 


•278  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology, 

*  Ur  Clialdjeorum,  ubi  Abrah^e  majores  habitarimt,  Gen.  11. 
28.  non  procul  erat  a  Corduena,  in  qua  fubftiterat  area  Noze. 
Res  patet  ex  Ammiani  L.  5.  Ibi  enim  Romani  tranfmilTo 
Tigri  ad  locum  a  Corduena  centelimo  lapide  difparatum,  via 
fex  dierum  emenfa,  ad  Ur  7Jomi?ie  Perjicum  verier e  cajlelhmi : 
vmde  profedtis  primo  Thifalphata,  deinde  Nifibin  iter  fuit. 
.itaque  Ur  circa  Nifibin.  This  is  furely  too  lightly  deter- 
mined. All  that  we  learn  from  Marcellinus  is,  that  they 
pafied  by  a  caftle  called  Ur  :  not  a  word  is  there  mentioned 
about  a  region  called  Chaldea ;  nor  ol  a  people  ftyled  Chal- 
deans :  which  was  necelTary  to  be  found.  Yet  the  learned 
writer  fays,  res  patet,  we  may  be  ajfuredy  that  here  was  the 
birth  of  the  Patriarch:  and  the  original  place  of  his  relidence 
was  near  Nifibis.  In  another  part  of  his  work,  he  mentions 
a  place  called  Ur,  near  Syria,  upon  the  Euphrates;  of  which 
notice  is  taken  by  ^  Pliny:  and  he  feems  to  think  it  not  im- 
probable, that  here  might  have  been  the  firft  abode  of 
^  Abraham.  From  hence  we  may  perceive,  that  he  was  not 
very  determinate  in  his  opinion.  Edeffa  is  faid  to  have  been 
called  Ur,  and  Urhoe  :  on  which  account  fome  have  been 
induced  to  place  the  birth  and  refidence  of  the  Patriarch 
here.  But  who  ever  heard  of  Chaldeans  in  thefe  parts ;  or 
of  a  region  named  Chaldea  ? 

If  there  be  any  thing  certain  in  geography,    we   may  be 
affured  from  a  number  of  the  beft  writers,  that  the  country, 

'  Geogr.  Sac.  p.  38. 

^  Ita  fertur  (Euphrates)  ufqiie  Uram  locum,  in  quo  converfus  ad  orientem  relin- 
quit  Syrias  Palmyrenas  folitudines.     Plin.  L.  5.  c.  24. 

'  Sic  Ur  Chalda-'orum  erit  Ura,  de  quii  Plinius.  L.  5.  c.  24. — quod  fiquis  tnalic 
fequi,  aon  veliementer  repugnabo.     Gcogr.  Sac.  p.  78. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology,  279 

of  which  we  are  treating,  was  in  a  different  part  of  the 
world.  Ghaldea  lay  to  the  fouth  of  Babylonia ;  and  was 
originally  bounded  to  the  eaft  and  weft  by  the  Tigris  and 
Euphrates  :  fo  that  it  was  an  interamnian  region.  Hence 
Jofhua  tells  the  children  of  Ifrael,  in  fpeaking  of  the  firft 
refidence  of  their  anceftors,  that  their  '^fathers  dwelt  on  the 
other  fide  of  the  flood ^  or  river,  in  old  time ^  even  "Terah^  the 
father  of  Abraham.  And  St.  Stephen,  fpeaking  of  the  call 
of  this  Patriarch,  fays,  ^  T'he  God  of  glo?y  appeared  unto  our 
father  Abraham^  when  he  was  in  Mefopotajnia^  before  he  dwelt 
in  Charran.  The  land  of  Chaldea  was  in  thofe  times  a  por- 
tion of  the  great  region  called  Mefopotamia  :  and,  as  I  be- 
fore faid,  it  was  bounded  to  the  weft  by  the  Euphrates ; 
which  in  its  latter  courfe  ran  nearly  parallel  with  the  Ti- 
gris, and  emptied  itfelf  into  the  fea  below.  But  as  this  river 
was  apt  every  year,  about  the  fummer  folftice,  to  overflow 
the  low  lands  of  ^  Chaldea,  the  natives  diverted  its  courfe; 
and  carried  it,  with  many  windings  through  a  new  channel 
into  the  Tigris  :  which  jundlion  v.^as  made  about  ninety 
miles  below  Seleucia.  There  were  in  reality  three  ^  ftreams, 
into  which  the  Euphrates  was  divided.  One  ot  thefe  was 
the  Nahar-Sares,  called  alfo  the  Marfyas.  There  was  an- 
other called  the  Nahar-Malcha,  or  Pvoyal  River ;  which 
was  made  by  ^  Nebuchadnezzar,  and  pafTed  into  the  Tigris 
near  the  city  abovementioned.      The  third  may  be  confidered 

*  C.  24.  V.  2. 
'  Afts.  c.  7.  V.  2. 

*  Strabo.  L.  16.  p.  1075. 
"  Plin.  L.  6.  ,c.  26. 

*  Abydenus  apud  Eufeb.  P.  E.  L.  9.  p.  457. 

9  as 

sSo  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

as  the  original  river,  which  ran  through  Babylon  ;  but  was 
foon  alter  diverted  into  a  new  channel  ;  and  joined  the 
Tigris  about  ninety  miles  below  the  Nahar-Malcha  and  Se- 
leucia.  ^  Periluunt  eafdem  terras  et  Marfes,  et  ilumen  Re- 
gium,  et  Euphrates,  cunftis  excellens,  qui  tripartitus  navi- 
gabilis  per  omnes  eft  rivos ;  infulafque  circumfluens,  et  arva 
cultorum  induftria  diligenter  rigans,  vomeri,  et  gignendis 
arbuftis,  habilia  facit.  There  were  at  the  fame  time  many 
fmaller  ftreams,  formed  by  the  natives  from  the  Euphrates, 
both  to  moiften  their  grounds,  and  to  take  oft  the  exuber- 
ance of  its  waters.  Thefe  fecondary  rivulets  are  often  al- 
luded to  by  the  facred  writers  :  and  in  the  Pfalms,  they  are 
fpoken  of  under  the  general  name  oix.\\Q^°  waters  of  Babylon. 
For  Babylonia  abounded  with  ftreams  and  pools;  and  was  wa- 
tered beyond  any  country  in  the  world,  except  Egypt,  which 
in, many  refpeds  it  greatly  rcfembled.  Thofe,  who  performed 
the  great  work  of  all,  which  conftfted  in  turning  the  river 
itfelf,  were  the  people  of  Ur,  called  by  "  Ptolemy  and  Pliny 
Orcheni.  ''  Euphraten  praeclufere  Orcheni,  et  accolte,  ripas 
rigantes  ;  nee  nili  Pafitigri  defertur  ad  mare.  Before  this  it 
ran  down  to  the  fea,  and  emptied  itfelf  into  the  Perftc  Gull, 
near  Teredon,  about  twenty-feven  miles  below  the  mouth  of 
the  '^  Tigris.  By  thefe  means  the  old  channel  became  dry  : 
and  the  region  was  now  bounded  to  the  weft   by  the  dcfert 

'  Ammian.  Marccllinus.   L.  23.  p.  287.     Maries  is  a  miftake  for  Narfcs  ;  and 
that  an  abridgment  for  Naar-S.ires. 
'°   Pfalrn.  137.  v.  i. 
•■L.  5.  c.  19. 
"  L.  6.  c.  27. 
'»  Plin.  L.  6.  c.  28, 

6  of 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.         281 

of  Arabia,  as  Strabo  and  other  "^  writers  obferve.  In  this 
province  was  the  Ur  of  the  Scriptures,  called  Ur  of  the  Chal- 
deans :  which  was  fo  ftyled,  in  order  to  diflinguifh  it  from 
every  other  place  of  the  fame  name.  It  was  alfo  expreffed 
Our,  Ourhoe,  Ourchoe;  and  the  people  were  called  Ourchani. 
It  was  fometimes  compounded  Camour,  and  rendered  Ca- 
murine  ;  and  it  is  thus  mentioned  by  Eupolemus.  The  de- 
fcription  of  Chaldea  given  by  Strabo  is  very  precife.  He 
fpeaks  much  in  favour  of  the  natives  :  and  fays,  that  they 
inhabited  a  portion  of  '^  Babylonia,  which  bordered  upon 
Arabia  and  the  Periic  Sea.  He  defcribes  them  as  being  de- 
voted to  philofophy  ;  efpecially  the  Borfippeni,  and  the  Or- 
cheni.  Thefe  laft  we  may  fuppofe  to  have  been  particularly 
the  inhabitants  of  the  city,  concerning  which  we  are  treat- 
ing. For  here,  in  the  true  land  of  Chaldea,  we  muft  look 
for  Ur  of  the  Chaldees.  We  accordingly  find,  that  there 
was  fuch  a  place,  called  Oy^^O],  Urchoe,  by  Ptolemy  ;  by 
Jofephus,  Ura,  or  Ure  :  '*  Ov^ri  Twv  XaXJcciwy.  By  Eufebius 
it  is  rendered  Ur:  and  it  was  undoubtedly  the  capital  city  of 
the  province.  '^  Ov^  "uroKig  T^g  (icc(n?\sicig  tojv  XocT^iouccv . 
Add  to  this  the  account  given  by  Eupolemus ;  who  points 
out  plainly  the  place  of  the  Patriarch's  birth,  and  abode. 
*^  He  was  bo7'n^   fays    this  hiftorian,  in  the  city  CajnaTina  of 

'■*   n«:ax.?iTa(  Tr  ffi'/zw  AcxCta  ri  XaXSccia  X^p'^-      Pcolem}'.  L.  5.  c.  20. 

''  L.  16.  p.  1074. 

'^  Jofephus  fay  of  Haran,  the  fon  of  Terah,  er  XaXSatm  airebctny,  ev  •nrcAsi  Ovpri 
?\.i'}Ofx.i]>>}ra]vXccA^aioov.  He  died  among  the  Chaldeans,  in  the  city  called  Ur  of  the 
■Chaldeans.     Anc.  L.  1.  c.  7. 

''  Eufebius  in  locis  Hebraicis,  five  facris. 

El'  -sToAgi  T»5  EafuAwr/xg  Ka^awrii,  r\v  Tivxi  Xeyiiv  Ovprm'  eimi  Ss  'jLe^Bpfjim'Suoue- 
nv  XaAJaiov  -uroKiv — ysnaQcci  AG^xuy..     Eufeb.  Prsep.  L.  9.  c.  17.  p.  418. 

Vol.  III.  O  o  Bahyloniay 

282  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

Babylonia,  ivhich  fome  call  Uria.      By  this  is  denoted  a  city  of 
the  Chaldeans. 

As  the  hiftory  is  fo  plain,  why  do  we  go  fo  wide  of  the 
mark,  as  to  fuppofe  this  city  to  have  been  upon  the  confines 
of  Syria  ?  or,  what  is  more  extraordinary,  to  make  it,  as 
fome  do,  an  Affyrian  city:  and  to  place  it  high  in  the  north, 
at  the  foot  of  Mount  Taurus,  upon  the  borders  of  Media, 
and  Armenia;  where  the  name  of  Chaldeans  is  not  to  be 
found  ?  Yet  to  thefe  parts  does  Grotius,  as  well  as  Bochart, 
refer  it:  and  mentioning  Ur  of  the  Chaldees,  he  adds,  ^'^  the 
nai?te  remairied  to  the  time  of  Marcelli7itis.  But  this  learned 
man  is  furely  wrong  in  determining  fo  haftily,  and  with  fuch 
a  latitude  :  for  there  was  no  Ur  of  the  Chaldees,  nor  any 
Chaldea  in  thefe  parts.  Lucian  was  born  at  Samofata : 
and  Marcellinus  was  thoroughly  acquainted  with  this  coun- 
try. Yet  neither  from  them,  nor  from  Pliny,  Ptolemy, 
Mela,  Solinus,  nor  from  any  writer,  is  there  the  leaft  hint  of 
any  Chaldeans  being  here.  The  place  mentioned  above  was 
an  obfcure  caftle  ;  of  little  "  confequence,  as  we  may  infer, 
from  its  never  having  been  taken  notice  of  by  any  other 
writer.  Grotius  fays,  manfit  loco  nomen:  from  whence  one 
might  be  led  to  imagine,  that  it  had  exijfted  in  the  days  of 
Abraham.  But  there  is  not  the  leaft  reafon  to  fuppofe  any 
fuch  thing.  It  is  indeed  idle  to  form  any  conjecture  about 
the  antiquity  of  a  place,  which  occurs  but  once  in  hiftory  ; 
and  which   is   never  mentioned   before    the   fifth   century. 

''  Grotius  in  Genefin.  c.  1 1.  v.  31.     Ur  Chaldsoriim  :  manfit  loco  nomen,  &c. 
*°  The  wliole  hillory  of  the  place  is  comprifed  in  four  words  :  Ur  nomine  Per- 
ficum  caliellum.     Marcellinus.  L.  25.  p.  ^^6. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  283 

Why  then  have  men  of  fuch  extendve  learning  fo  induftri- 
oufly  deviated  from  the  truth  ;  and  gone  contrary  to  the 
common  interpretation?  The  reafon  given  is  this.  We  are 
told  by  thefe  writers,  that  "'  Abraham  was  ordered  to  leave 
his  father  s  houfe^  and  to  betake  hijnfelf  to  the  la?td  of  Ca?taa7j. 
Now  to  go  from  Babylonia  to  Ca?iaan  by  Haran^  as  it  is  faid 
that  Abraham  did^  is  not  the  direSi  road :  for  Haran  lies  out 
of  the  way.  But  from  the  Ur  of  MarcellinuSy  or  fro?ft  the  city 
Edejfa.,  ''*  Haran  lies  in  the  very  rout ;  and  the  courfe  is  very 
direSi.  But  why  muft  all  hiftorical  certainty  be  fet  afide  for 
the  fake  of  a  more  plaufible  and  compendious  way  of  pro- 
ceeding ?  We  frame  to  ourfelves,  at  this  diftance  of  time, 
notions  about  expediency  and  convenience  ;  which  arife 
merely  from  our  inexperience,  and  from  thofe  unneceffary 
doubts,  which  are  formed  through  ignorance.  Where  is  it 
mentioned  in  the  Scriptures,  that  the  Patriarch  was  reftrained 
to  the  diredl  road  ?  After  he  had  left  Ur  of  the  Chaldees, 
he  went  with  his  father  to  Haran,  and  dwelt  there.  Some 
make  the  term  of  his  relidence  to  have  been  a  year  :  others 
imagine  it  to  have  been  a  great  deal  more.  If  he  did  not 
proceed  diredlly  in  regard  to  time,  why  muft  he  be  fuppofed 
to  have  been  limited  in  refpeft  to  place  ?  What  matters  it, 
by  which  rout  he  went  to  Canaan,  if  the  call  was  not  fo  co- 
gent, but  that  he  had  permiflion  to  ftay  by  the  way  ? 

There  is  another  queftion  to  be  afked.  As  the  rout  fup- 
pofed to  be  taken  from  Babylonia  and  the  fouth  towards 
Haran  is  objeded  to  j   I  fhould  be  glad  to  know,  which  way 

*'  Genefis.  c.  12.  v.  1, 

*'  In  Judceam  viareftaeftper  Carrhas.     Bochart  fupra.  p.  7S. 

O  o  2  the 

284  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

the  Patriarch  fliould  have  direded  his  fteps.  It  is  anfwered, 
that  he  ought  to  have  gone  to  Ca?2aa?z  direEfly  *'  wejiwardy 
through  Arabia  :  which  would  have  bee?i  nearly  in  a  Jlrait  liney 
if  he  had  gone  from  the  lower  regiojis  of  Babylonia  :  but  as  he 
proceeded  in  a  circuit,  that  could  not  be  the  place  of  his  depar- 
ture. Now,  from  the  bcfl  accounts,  we  may  be  affured,  that 
the  rout,  which  we  fuppofe  him  to  have  taken,  was  the  true, 
and  only  way :  there  v/as  no  other,  by  which  people  could 
proceed.  And  we  take  off  greatly  from  the  purport  and 
precifion  of  the  holy  Scriptures,  by  thus  arbitrarily  changing 
the  fcene  of  action,  becaufe  it  does  not  accord  with  our  pre- 
judices. And  thefe  prejudices  arife  from  our  being  accuf- 
tomed  to  fcanty  inaps ;  and  not  looking  into  the  natural 
hiftories  of  the  countries,  about  which  we  are  concerned. 
The  very  befl  accounts  prove,  that  this  was  the  rout  ever 
taken  by  people,  who  went  from  Babylonia,  and  its  pro- 
vinces, to  Palasftina  and  Egypt  :  for  the  dired;  way,  as  Gro- 
tius  terms  it,  and  which  Bochart  recommends,  could  not  be 
purfued.  From  Babylonia  and  Chaldea  weftward  was  a 
""^defert  of  great  extent ;  which  reached  to  Canaan,  and  ftill 
farther  to  the  Nile.  Nor  is  there,  I  believe,  upon  record 
above  one  inftance  of  its  having  ever  been  *^  traverfed.  All 
armies,  and  all  caravans  of  merchants,  were  obliged  to  go  to 
the  north  of  the  Euphrates,  when  they  came  from  Babylonia 

*'  Via  eflet  (e  Babylonia)  muko  compendiofior  per  Arabia  deferta.     Ibid. 

^*  Mera  Si  t««  avfACoAoci  EvippiiTB  re  x.a.1  TiyptSoi  xccrsicri*  n  JjccCv^pio.  M-S^pi  S'as- 
Aao-crw?,  SvTtxooTepacv  e^nax  rnu  Ep//oi'.     Agathemer.   apud'Geog.    Vet.    vol.  2. 

P-  43- 

*'  It  is  faid  by  Berofus,  that  Nebuchadnezzar,  hearing  of  his  father's  death,  made 

his  way  in  great  hafte  over  this  defert.     Apud  Jofephum  contra  Ap.   L.  1.  c.  9. 

p.  450. 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  285 

to  Egypt ;    or  the  reverfe,  when  they  went  from  Egypt  to  Ba- 
bylonia.     Herodotus,,  when  he  is  Ipeaking  of  the  march  of 
Cambyfes  to  Egypt,  fays,  that  the  only  way  into  that  coun- 
try was  downward  from  the  Euphrates,  by  Syrophenicia,  and 
Palccftine.     ''^  Movi'i)  Js  rocvrn  sicri  (pccPB^ai  ekt^cXui  eg  Kiyviriov. 
Thej'e  is  7J0  other  apparent  pajjage  irito  Egypt  but  this.      And. 
the  reafon  is  plain  :    for  the  Arabian  defcrt  rendered  it  im- 
pra6licable  to  proceed  in  a  flirait  line.      People  were  obliged, 
to  go  round  by  Carchemifh   upon  the   Euphrates :   and  the 
kings  of  Babylonia  and  Egypt  fortified  that  place  alternate- 
ly, to  fecure  the  pafTage  ot  the  river.   When  Pharaoh  Necho, 
and  the  king   of  Babylon  wanted   to   meet   in   battle,   they 
were  obliged  to  come  this  way   to   the  "'  encounter.     The 
army  of  Cambyfes,  and  all  the  armies  of  the  Greeks  and 
Romans ;   thofe  who  ferved  under  Cyrus  the  younger ;   the 
army  of  Alexander,  Antiochus,  Antonius,  Trajan,  Gordian, 
Julian,  went  to  the  north  by  the  Euphrates.      Someofthefe 
princes  fet   out  from   Egypt,   yet  were  obliged  to  take  this 
circuit.      It  is  remarkable,  that  CraiTus,  in  his  rout  towards 
Babylonia  went   by  *^  Charrse,   or   Haran :   which  was    the 
very  fpot,  where  Abraham,  in  his  way  from  Chaldea  to  Ca- 
naan,  refided.      At  this  place,   the  Roman  general  was  met 
by  Surena,  and  flain.      Alexander  the  Great  went  nearly  in 
the  fame  track  :   for  though  this  was  round  about,  yet  it  was. 

**  Herodotus.  L.  3.  c.  5. 

*''  The  army  of  Pharaoh  Necho— which  was  by  the  rher  Euphrates  iir  Carchemijh, 
which  Nebuchadrezzar,  king  of  Babylott,  fmote.  Jeremiah,  c.  46.  v.  2.  See  2  Kino-.s. 
c.  23.  V.  29.    2  Chron.  c.  35.  v.  20. 

"  Charrasis  called  Harran  by  the  Nubian  geographer,  p.  igS.  and  by  Naffir  Et- 
tufeus.  Geog.  Vet.  v,  3.  p.  94. 


286  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology, 

by  many  efteemed  the  beft  road  to  Babylonia.  The  emperor 
Julian  alfo  took  his  rout  by  Haran  ;  but  from  thence  went 
the  lower  way  by  Cercufium  and  the  Euphrates.  For  there 
were  two  roads  through  Mefopotamia  to  Babylon,  and  Perfia; 
and  they  both  commenced  at  *'  Charras  or  Haran.  All  thefe 
circumftances  afford  great  light  to  the  Mofa'ic  hiftory,  and 
abundantly  witnefs  its  truth  and  precision,  even  in  the  molt 
minute  particulars.  It  is  therefore  a  great  pity,  that  men  of 
learning  are  not  fufficiently  confederate  in  their  determina- 
tions. We  from  this  inftance  fee,  that  they  would  fet  afide 
a  plain  and  accepted  interpretation,  on  account  of  a  feeming 
difhculty,  to  the  prejudice  of  Scripture  :  which  interpreta- 
tion, upon  inquiry,  affords  a  wonderful  evidence  in  its  favour: 
for  it  appears,  upon  the  ftrideft  examination,  that  things 
muft  have  happened,  as  they  are  reprefented. 

The  inhabitants  of  Chaldea  were  Cuthites,  of  the  fame 
family,  as  thofe,  by  whom  Babylon  was  founded.  They  are 
in  the  Scriptures  uniformly  called  Chafdim,  or  Chufdim. 
This,  I  may  be  told,  is  contrary  to  the  ufual  mode  of  com- 
pofition  :  for  if  they  were  the  fons  of  Chus,  they  fhould  re- 
gularly have  been  rendered  Chufim.  How  then  came  they  to 
be  called  Chufdim,  contrary  to  all  rule  and  analogy  ?  To 
this  I  can  fay  little.  I  can  give  no  reafon,  why  Chus  was 
called  Cuth  ;  and  the  land  of  Cufhan,  Cutha:  much  lefs  can 
I  account  for  its  being  ftill  further  diverfified,  and  rendered 
Scutha,  and  Scuthia.  It  is  equally  difficult  to  fay,  why 
thefe  very  Chafdim  of  the  Scriptures   are    by   the  Ethnic 

*'  Marcelllnus.  L.  23.  p.  273.    Carras,  antiquum -oppidum  •,  unde  duas  ducentes 


Perfidem  via;  regise  diftingiiuntur. 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  287 

writers   continually   ftylcd  Chaldzei;   whicli  is  flill  a  greater 
variation.      All  I  know  is,  that  the  fame  names,  at  different 
periods,  will  be  differently  expreffed  :   and  fcarce  any  terms 
are  exhibited  by  thofe,  who  are  foreign  to  a  country,  as  they 
are  pronounced  by  the  natives.      But   we   are   not   to  go  by 
found  and  fimilarity:  nor  does  the  hiftory  of  a  family  depend 
merely  upon   their  '°  name.      Had  the  people,  of  whom  we 
are  treating,  been  in  any  degree  natives  of  Affyria,  we  fhould 
certainly  find  fome  traces  of  them  in   the   Affyrian  hiftory. 
But  we  hear  nothing  of  them  till  the   reign   of  Salmanaffer, 
or  Afuraddon  :   who,  when  they  tranfplanted  conquered  na- 
tions, and  had  removed  Ifrael  from  Samaria,  brought  men  of 
^'  Babylon  and  Cutha  in  their  room.      From  hence  we  may 
judge,  that  the  Cuthites  and  Babylonians,  among  whom  the 
Chaldeans  are  included,  were  in  the  fame  intereft  ;   and  had 
been  in  confederacy  againft  the  Affyrians:  confequently  they 
were  not  of  their  family.      In  a  little  time,  the  Babylonians 
fhook  off  the  Affyrian  yoke,  and  in  their  turn  formed  a  great 
empire  :   and  then  we  have  continual  accounts  of  the  Chal- 
deans.  They  were  in  a  manner  the  fame  as  the  Babylonians, 
who  were  indifputably  the  fons  of  Chus :   and  the  two  names 
are  ufed  by  writers  indifferently,  as  being  nearly  fynonymous. 
Hence  when  the  army  of  Nebuchadnezzar,  king  of  Babylon, 
furrounded  Jerufalem,  it  is  called  the  arfuy  of  the  Chaldees. 
'The  Chaldees  were  againjl  the  city  roimd  about :   ^'  ^nd  the 


'°  There  was  a  Chaldea  upon  the  Pontus  Euxinus,  to  the  eaft  of  Sinope,  in  the 
country  of  the  Chalybes  :   but  nobody  will  fuppofe  that  Abraham  came  from  hence. 

"   2  Kings,  c.  17.  V.  24.  of  Aflur-Adon.     See  Ezra.  c.  4.  v.  2. 

'*  2  Kings,  c.  25.  V.  4.  In  like  manner  it  is  faid,  that  the  army  of  the  Chaldeans  pir- 
fued  after  the  king,  and  overtook  Zedckiab.     Jeremiah,  c.  52.  v.  8. 

"  2  Kings,  c.  25.  V.  10.  ^j-j^^y 

288  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.. 

army  of  the  Chaldees — brake  down  the  walls.      Ifaiah  fpeaks  of 
Babylon,  as  ^*  the  beauty  of  the  Chaldees  excelle?2ce.   And  when 
Darius  the  Mede  obtained  the  throne  of  Babylon,  he  is  faid 
to    have    been  ^^  made  king  over  the  realm  of  the  Chaldees. 
Even  Nebuchadnezzar  abovementioned  is  diftingiiiflied   by 
•the  title  of  ^*  Nebuchadnezzar^  the  king  of  Babylon^  the  Chal- 
dean.     The  reafon  of  all  this,  I  think,  is  plain.      It  has  been 
mentioned,  that,  when  Babel  was  ruined,  it  lay  unoccupied 
for  ages :   and  the  region  of  Babylonia  feems    to  have  been 
but  thinly  inhabited.      The   city  was   at    laft  rebuilt :   and 
when  it  was  taken  in  hand,  the  work  was  carried  on  by  the 
Chaldeans,  under  the  infpedion  of  Merodach  Baladan,  but 
chiefly  of  his  fon  Nebuchadnezzar.      He  is  expreflly  faid  to 
have  "  built  it,  and  to  have  been  a  Chaldean.      Hence  Baby- 
lon  is   very  truly  reprefented,  as  the  beauty  of  the  Chaldea?is 
excellence  :  for  that  people  raifed  its  towers  ;   and  gave  it  an 
extent  and  magnificence  faperior  to  Erech,  Ur,  Borfippa,  and 
every  city  of  the  nation.      Indeed,  if  we  may  judge  from  the 
accounts  tranfmitted,  there  was  not  a  city  in  the  world,  that 
could  equal  it  in  ^^  grandeur  and  beauty.      For  this    reafon, 
the   Chaldeans   and   Babylonians  are  fpoken  of  as  the  fame 
people  ;  for  they  were  originally  the  fame  family  :  and  when 
they  came  to  refide  in  the  fame  province,  there  could  be  no 
difference  between  them.      There  were  however  fome  tribes, 
which  feem  to  the  laft  to  have  been  diflinguifhed,  and  called, 

'''  Ifaiah.  c.  13.  v.  19. 

"  Daniel,  c.  9.  v.  i. 

'*  Ezra.  c.  5.  V,  12. 

''^  Daniel,  c.  4.  v.  30. 

^'  Babylon,  tke  glory  of  kingdoms,  the  beanty  of  the  Chaldeans  excellence.  Ifaiah  above. 


The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  289^ 

by  way  of  eminence,  Chaldeans.  Such  were  thofe  of  Bor- 
fippa  and  Ur,  fo  celebrated  for  philofophy  and  divination ; 
out  of  whom  came  the  Magi,  Arufpices,  and  Soothfayers. 
Thofe  of  Ur  were  particularly  ftyjed  Urchani,  which  may 
either  fignity  Lords  of  Ur^  or  Priejis  of  Fire.  Strabo  fpeaks 
much  ot  the  Chaldeans,  -and  of  their  great  wifdom  :  and  fays, 
that  from  them,  and  from  the  Egyptians,  the  learning  of 
Greece  was  derived.  Such  is  the  hiftory  of  this  city  of  the 
Chaldees,  and  of  the  country,  wherein  it  was  fituated. 

Vol.  hi.  P  p  OF 

[       291       ] 

O   F 




AND      OF 


THE  land  of  Egypt  conflfted  of  a  narrow  region,  which 
reached  from  Syene  downwards  to  the  upper  point  of 
Delta,  following  the  courfe  of  the  Nile.  It  was  above  five 
hundred  miles  in  length  ;  and  on  each  fide  bounded  by 
mountains,  which  terminated  exadlly,  where  the  region 
ended.  At  this  point  the  Nile  divided,  and  the  country 
below  for  a  great  while  was  a  morafs  :  but  when  it  came  to 
have  canals  made,  and  to  be  properly  drained,  it  turned  out 
the  richefl,  and  at  the  fame  time  the  moft  beautiful,  part  of 
Egypt.  It  was  called  Delta,  and  divided  into  numberlefs 
iflands,  which  fwarmed  with  inhabitants.  In  confequence 
of  this  it  abounded  with  towns  and  cities  beyond  any  coun- 
try upon  earth ;   fome  of  which  feem  to  have  been  of  great 

P  p  2  extent. 

Z92  The  Analysis    of   Ancient   Mythology. 

extent.      Thefc   iflands  were  finely  planted  ;   and  the  com- 
munication between  them  was  kept  up  in  boats  and  baro-es. 
In  this  manner  they  made  their  vifits  to  particular  temples  at 
ftated  times :   which  voyages   were    attended-v  with   mufick, 
collations,  and  the  higheft  '  feflivity.      In  the  courfe  of  their 
navigation,  they  pafl'ed  by  innumerable  towns   and   villap-es, 
furrounded  with  gardens  well  difpofed,  and  abounding  with 
trees  of  difierent  forts,  particularly  with  palms,  and  "^  peach- 
trees,  and  groves  of  acacia.    On  the  Libyan  fide  to  the  weft, 
a  large  region  feems  to  have  been  of  old  overflowed  by  the 
waters  of  the  Nile,  which  had  no  outlet  to  pafs  freely,  and 
became  ftagnant  and  unwholefome.      An  ancient  king  took 
an  opportunity,  during  the  recefs  of  the  Nile,  to  dig  out  the 
wafte  mud,  and  with  it   to   form  an  head  below  :    by  which 
means   he  prevented  the  exuberant  waters  from  defcending 
any  more  to  the   lower  country.      All   that  was   above   he 
formed  into  a  mighty  lake,  which  comprehended  a  foace  of 
above  one  hundred  ^  miles  fquare.    In  this  were  many  illands, 
with  temples  and  obelifks  :  and  clofe  upon  it  was  the  Laby- 
rinth, a  fiupendous  work  ;  alfo  the  city  of  the  facred  croco- 
dile, held  in  great  veneration.     It  was  called  the  lake  Moeris; 
and  was  fuppofed  to  have  had  this  name  from  the  king,  by 
whom  it  was  made.     But  Moeris  fignifies  a  marifii,  or  marfii ; 
and  alludes  to  its  priftine  ftate,  from  whence   it  was  deno- 
minated.   The  later  Egyptians  did  not  know  for  certain  the 
name  of  any  one  prince,  by  whom  their  great  works  had  been 

'  Herod.  L.  2.  c.  60.  61. 

*  The  Perfica,  a  tree  moft  acceptable  to  Ifis.     Plutarch.  If.  et  Ofir.  p,  378. 
'  Herod.  L.  2.  c.  149.     Mela.  L.  i.e.  9.  p.  56.  Qiiingenta  millia  paffluim  in 
circuitu  patens. 

lo  performed. 

The   Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  293 

performed.  Tliey  cither  fubftitiited  the  title  of  fome  Deity  j 
or  out  of  the  name  of  the  place  formed  a  perfonage,  whom 
they  fuppofed  to  have  been  the  chief  agent.  Lacus  Mceris 
fignifies  the  marfh-lake;  the  piece  of  water  made  out  of  the 
fen  :  and  the  region  below,  which  was  converted  to  dry 
ground,  was  called  '^  Scithiaca,  alio  the  fca  without  wafer. 
That  part  of  Delta,  v/hich  cxifted  in  the  lirfl  ages,  was  in  like 
manner  marfhy,  as  I  have  fhewn.  It  was  likewife  conti- 
nually increaiing  towards  its  bails  by  the  protrufion  of  foil 
from  the  river.  This  was  very  conliderable,  when  the 
Nile  overflowed  ;  fo  that  the  lower  region  had  every  year  an 
additional  barrier  towards  the  fea  :  and  oftentimes  new 
illands  arofe  from  the  prevalence  ot  the  floods  above.  "What 
it  was  originally,  may  be  feen  from  the  natural  trending  of 
the  coaft,  if  we  take  in  a  large  circuit,  and  carry  the  ter- 
minating curve  from  Afcalon,  Gaza,  and  Mount  Caflus  on 
one  fldc,  to  Alexandria  and  Para^tonium  on  the  other.  This 
line  regularly  produced,  as  in  the  annexed  map,  will  fhew  the 
original  extent  of  Delta  :  and  what  exceeds  that  termination, 
Vvill  mark  the  increafe  of  foil,  which  the  country  has  for 
ages  been  obtaining.  Of  all  this  the  natives  availed  them- 
felves.  What  was  thus  given  them,  they  raifed  by  art,  and 
further  improved;  and  gained  one  third  more  of  territory  by 
this  increment  from  the  Nile. 

The  Mizraim,  who  fettled  in  Egypt,  w^ere  branched  out 
into  '  feven  families.  Of  thefe  the  Caphtorim  were  one  ; 
who  feem  to   have   reflded  between   Peluflum   and  Mount 

•*  2xiS;«xw  j^«oa.     Ptolemy.  L.  4.  c.  5.  p.  121.     Called    allb    Macaria,  or  the 
land  of  Macar. 

'  Genefis.  c.  lo.  v.  13. 


294  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

Cafius,  upon  the  fea-coaft.  Pelulium  was  properly  in  Ara- 
bia :  but  the  Egyptians  very  early  drew  a  vaft  canal,  which 
reached  near  an  hundred  and  fifty  miles  from  Bubaftus  to 
the  ^  fea.  This  was  a  barrier  to  the  eaft  ;  and  included  Pe- 
lufium  within  the  precindts  of  Egypt.  Caphtor,  from 
whence  the  people  were  denominated,  fignifies  a  tower  upon 
a  promontory  ;  and  was  probably  the  fame  as  Migdol,  and 
the  original  place  of  reiidence  of  the  Caphtorim.  This  peo- 
ple made  an  early  migration  into  Canaan,  where  they  were 
called  Paleflines,  the  Philiftim  of  the  Hebrews  ;  and  the 
country,  where  they  fettled,  was  named '  Palaeftina.  Whe- 
ther the  whole  of  their  family,  or  only  a  part,  are  included 
in  this  migration,  is  uncertain.  Be  it  as  it  may,  they  feem 
to  have  come  up  by  divine  commiflion,  and  to  have  been  en- 
titled to  immunities,  which  to  the  Canaanites  v/ere  denied. 
*  Have  not  I  (faith  the  Lord)  brought  up  Ifrael  out  of  the  land 
of  Egypt  f'  and  the  Phiiijii7tes  from  Caphtor  P  In  confequence 
of  this,  upon  the  coming  of  the  Ifraelites  into  Canaan,  they 
feem  to  have  been  unmolefted  for  years.  They  certainly 
knew  from  the  beginning,  that  the  land  was  deftined  for  the 
Ifraelites,  and  that  they  only  dwelt  there  by  permiffion. 
Hence  when  Abrahain  fojourned  at  Gerar,  the  king  of  the 
country  was  particularly  courteous  ;  and  oftered  him  any 
part   of  his    demefnes  to  dwell  in.      ^  y^nd  Abimehch  faid^ 

''  Diotlor.  Sic.  L.  i.  p.  52. 
rJaAaiT'''^  of  Greece.     Pelufuim  was   called  Peleffin,  and  Peleitin  :   and  the 
people,  who  fettlcdin  the  part  of  Canaan,   of  which  we  are  fpeaking,  calkd  it  Pe- 
leftina,  in  memorial  of  the  region,  from  whence  they  came. 

*  Amos.  c.  g.  v.  7.     Jeremiah  fpeaks  of  the  remnant  of  Caphtor,  by  which  he 
alludes  to  the  Philiftines.  c.  47.  v.  4.     See  Deuteronomy,  c.  2.  v.  2.5. 
'  Genefis.  c.  20.  v.  15. 

y  Behold^ 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology,  295 

Beholdy  my  land  is  before  thee :  dwell  where  it  pleafeth  thee. 
And  when  the  Patriarch  afterwards,  being  aggrieved,  retired 
to  Beerfheba ;   the  king  thought  proper  to  go  to   him,   at- 
tended with  Phichol,  his  chief  captain,   who  was   probably 
one  of  the  Anakim ;   and  infifted  upon  a  covenant  and  pro- 
mife,    which    was    to    be   in    force  for  future   senerations. 
■"^  Now  therefore  /wear  unto  me  here  by  God^    that   thou   wilt 
7iot  deal  falfely  with  7ne^   nor  with  7fiy  fon^   7ior  with  my  foil  s 
fon  :  hut  accordi7tg  to  the  kind7tefs,  that  I  have  done  unto  thee, 
thoufjalt  do  unto  7ne^   and  to  the  land,   wherein   thou  hajl 
fojourned.    Many  years  afterwards  the  fame  thing  happened 
to  Ifaac»     He  had  relided  at  Gerar  ;   and  was  obliged  to  re- 
tire to  Beerfheba,  where  he  pitched  his  tent.    The  herdfmen 
of  the  king  had  ufed  him  ill:  and  the  prince  of  the  country 
made  a  point  to  be  reconciled  to  him ;   and  fet  out  with  his: 
chief  captain,  and  in  the  fame  ftate  as   his  "  predeceffor. 
"  A7id  Ifaac  faid  unto  tbe7n^   Wherefore  co7ne  ye  to  7}ie^  feeing 
ye  hate  mef — And  they  faid ^  We  faw  certainly  that  the  Lord 
was  with  thee  :  a7td  we  faid y  Let  there  be  now  an  oath  betwixt 
us^  even  betwixt  us  and  thee ;  a77d  let  us  7nake  a  cove7ia?it  with- 
thee\  that  thou  wilt  do  us  710  hurt.     What   hurt    could   be 
feared  either  to  them,  or  to  their  country,  from  an  old  man 
of  above  an  hundred  years,  who  with  his  whole  retinue  had 
been  put  to  flight  by  fome  herdfmen  ?  or  what  harm  could 

'°  Genefis.  c.  21.  v.  23, 

It  was  undoubtedly  a  different  king  of  the  country.    Abimefech  wcs  not  a  pro- 
per nanne,  but  an  Iiereditary  title.     Phichol  fignifies  the  mouth  of  all;  or  tlie  perlbn,. 
who  gives  out  orders  :  in   other  words,  the  commander  in  chief.     The  meetis"  of 
ifaac  and  Abimelech  was  above  an  hundred  years  after  the  interview  with  Abraham, 
.'*  Gen.  c.  26.  V.  27. 


296  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythologv. 

be  dreaded  from  Abraham,  v/ho  was  equally  advanced  in 
years,  or  from  his  attendants  ?  Yet  a  covenant  was  deiired : 
and  nothing  can  more  effedlually  fliew  the  reputed  fand:ity 
of  thefe  Patriarchs,  and  the  dignity  of  their  charadler,  than 
the  reverential  regard,  which  was  paid  to  them.  Weak  to 
appearance,  and  unfettled,  without  the  leaft  portion  of  land, 
which  they  could  call  their  own,  they  are  folicited  by  the 
princes  of  the  country;  who  cannot  think  themfeives  fecure 
without  their  benedidion  and  favour.  And  the  covenant 
fued  for  by  thefe  perfons  is  not  merely  for  their  own  time  ; 
but  to  extend  to  their  fons,  and  fons  fons,  and  to  the  land, 
in  which  they  dwelt.  Accordingly  when  Joihua  conquered 
the  kingdoms  of  Canaan,  we  find  no  mention  made  of  the 
Philiftines  being  engaged  in  thofe  wars  ;  nor  of  their  having 
entered  into  any  confederacy  with  the  kings  of  the  country. 
And  though  their  cities  were  adjudged  to  the  tribe  of  Judah, 
yet  they  were  not  '^  fubdued  :  and  feem  to  have  enjoyed  a 
term  of  reift  for  above  forty  years.  No  mention  is  made  of 
any  hoftilities  during  the  life  of  Jofhua  :  which,  confidering 
their  fituation,  is  hard  to  be  accounted  tor,  except  upon  the 
principles,  upon  which  I  have  proceeded.  It  is  probable, 
that  they  afterwards  forgot  the  covenant,  which  had  been 
formerly  made  ;  and  would  not  -acknowledge  any  right  of 
property,  or  jurifdidion  in  the  Ifraelites  :  upon  which  they 
were  invaded  by  the  fons  of  Judah,  and  fome  of  their  cities 
taken.  Thefe  hoftilities  commenced  in  the  time  of  Caleb, 
above  forty  years  after  the  Ifraelites  had  been  in  Canaan. 
The  other  tribes  of  theMizraim  fent  out  colonies  to  the  weft; 

''  Jofliua.  c.  13.  V.  2. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  297 

and  occupied  many  regions  in  Africa ;  to  which  part  of  the 
world  they  feem  to  have  confined  themfelves.  The  children 
alfo  of  Phut,  the  third  of  the  fons  of  Ham,  paffed  very  deep 
to  the  fouthward  :  and  many  of  the  black  nations  are  de- 
fcended  from  them ;  more,  I  believe,  than  from  any  other 
family.  We  are  informed  by  "^  Jofephus,  that  P/jia  was  the 
fou7ider  of  the  jiations  in  Libya ;  and  that  the  people  were 
from  him  called^  ^wxai^  Phuti.  By  Libya  he  underftands,  as 
the  Greeks  did,  Africa  in  general  :  for  the  country  called 
Libya  Proper,  was  peopled  by  the  Lubim,  or  Lehabim,  one 
of  the  branches  from  Mizraim.  '^  Aa^iSi^,  £^  ov  Ai^vsg, 
From  Lehabi?n  came  the  Libyes^  fays  the  author  of  the 
Chronicon  Pafchale.  The  fons  of  Phut  fettled  in  Mau- 
ritania ;  where  was  a  region  called  Phutia,  as  we  learn  from 
Jerom  ;  and  a  river  of  the  like  denomination.  '*  Maurita- 
nia fluvius  ufque  ad  praefens  tempus  Phut  dicitur  :  omnif- 
que  circa  eum  regio  Phutenfis.  '^  Jofephus  alfo  mentions 
in  this  country  a  river  fo  called.  Some  of  this  family 
fettled  above  Egypt  near  Ethiopia  ;  and  were  ftyled  Troglo- 
dytse,  as  we  learn  from  Syncellus.  '^  Ooi^J",  sj  w  T^ooyKo^VTai, 
Many  of  them  paffed  inland,  and  peopled  the  mediterranean 
country.  In  procefs  of  time,  the  fons  of  Chus,  after  their 
expulfion  from  Babylonia,  and  Egypt,  made  fettlements 
upon  the  fea-coaft  of  Africa,  and  came  into  Mauritania. 
We  accordingly  find   traces   of  them  in  the  names,  which 

'*  Antiq.  L.  i.  c.  7.     See  Bochart.  Phaleg.  p.  295. 
"  Chron.  Pafch.  p.  29. 
'*  Traditiones  Hebr. 
'■^  Antiq.  L.  i.  c.  7. 
'■^  Syncellus.  p.  47. 

Vol.  IIL  Q^q  ^^^Y 

298  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

they  bequeathed  to  places;  fuch  as  Chuzis,  Chufarez,  upon 
the  coaft  ;  and  a  city  Cotta,  with  a  promontory  Cotis,  in 
Mauritania.  Flumen  Cofenum  alfo  is  mentioned  by  ''  Pliny. 
By  their  coming  into  thefe  parts  the  memorials  of  the  Phu- 
teans  were  in  fome  degree  obfcured.  They  are  however  to 
be  found  lower  down  ;  and  the  country  upon  one  fide  of 
the  river  Gambia  is  at  this  day  called  Phuta.  Of  this  Bluet 
gives  an  account  in  his  hiftory  of  Mofes  Ben  Solomon.  It 
is  not  pofTible  at  this  asra  to  difcriminate  the  feveral  cafls 
among  the  black  nations.  Many  have  thought,  that  all 
thofe,  who  had  woolly  hair,  were  of  the  Ethiopian,  or  Cu- 
thite,  breed.  But  nothing  can  be  inferred  from  this  diffe- 
rence of  hair  :  for  many  of  the  Ethiopic  race  had  ftrait  hair, 
as  we  learn  from  "  Herodotus  :  and  we  are  told  by  Marcel- 
linus,  that  fome  of  the  Egyptians  had  a  tendency  to  wool. 
From  whence  we  may  infer,  that  it  was  a  circumftancc 
more  or  lefs  to  be  obferved  in  all  the  branches  of  the  line  of 
Ham ;  but  univerfally  among  the  Nigritse,  of  whatever 
branch  they  may  have  been. 

The  learning  and  wifdom  of  the  Egyptians  have  been 
always  greatly  celebrated  ;  fo  that  there  is  no  writer, of  con- 
fequence,  who  treats  of  their  hiftory,  but  fpeaks  of  them 
with  admiration.  The  Grecians  had  high  notions  of  their 
own  antiquity  and  learning  :  yet  notwithftanding  all  their 
prejudices,  they  ever  allow  the  fliperiority  of  the  Egyptians. 
Herodotus  had  vinted  Egypt,  and  [qqh  the  temples  and  col- 
leges of  that  country.  In  confequence  of  this,  he  had  op- 
portvmities    of  gaining   fome   intelligence    of  the    natives, 

"L.5.  c.  1. 

*'  l^uTpixii  A(5.o7r£s.    L.  7.  c.  70.  whom 



l-l,l/f  III  1'  i<)& 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology-.        299 

whom  he  mentions  with  the  higheft  marks  of  honour.  He 
fays,  that  they  were  the  *'  wifeft  of  all  nations  :  and  he  ac- 
knowledges, that  they  were  never  beholden  for  any  thing  to 
the  Grecians  ;  but  on  the  contrary,  that  "  Greece  had  bor- 
rowed largely  from  Egypt.  No  nation  appears  to  have  en- 
joyed a  better  eftablifhed  polity.  Their  councils,  fenate,  and 
tribunals  feem  to  have  been  very  ''^  auguft,  and  highly  re- 
garded. Their  community  was  compofed  of  ^"^  feven  different 
orders.  In  moft  of  thefe  there  were  degrees  of  honour,  to 
which  particulars,  upon  their  any  ways  excelling,  were  per- 
mitted to  rife.  They  were  deeply  {killed  in  "^  aftronomy  and 
geometry  ;  alfo  in  chymiftry  and  phyfick.  Indeed  they  feem 
to  have  been  acquainted  with  every  branch  of  philofophy ; 
which  they  are  fuppofed  of  all  nations  to  have  cultivated  the 
"^  firft.  The  natives  of  Thebes  above  all  others  were  re- 
nowned for  their  great  wifdom  ;  and  for  their  knowledge  in 
thefe  ""'fciences.  Their  improvements  in  geometry  are  thought 
to  have  been  owing  to  the  nature  of  their  ""^  country.  For  the 
land  of  Egypt  being  annually  overflowed,  and  all  property 
confounded ;   they  were  obliged,   upon  the   retreat  of  the 

"  1..  2.  c.  121.  c.  160. 

"  L.  2.  c.  49.     See  Clemens  Alexand.  Strom.  L.  i.  p.  361. 

'^  See  Johannes  Nicolaus  de  Synedrio  j?^gyptiorum.  Lugd.  Bat.  anno  lyoS.- 

**  Herodotus.  L.  2.  c.  163. 

*'  Diodoriis.  L.  i.  p.  6^.  Clemens  Alex.  Strom.  L.  5.  p.  6§y.  Hefodot.  I,. 
3.  c.  129.  The  very  term  Chymiftry,  Chemia,  X«^<a,  fignifies  the  Egypiicvi  art. 
The  country  itfelf  was  named  Chemia,  antl  Chamia,  or  the  land  of  Cham.  Another 
fenfe  of  Chemia,  and  Al-Chemia  is  aprocefs  by  fire. 

"*  Tatianus  Affyrius.  p.  243.     Juft.  Martyr.  Cohort,  p.  18. 

''  O/  SiQy)Qoi.ioi  (fatcrivlccurfii  ccp^aioTXTBi  iivxi  Travrcnv a.v^F037rc>}f.jy.a.i  iinxci  Ictvrcii 
'SjpcDToii  <piAcco(pia.v  re  si;g»o-9ai,  xcct  mv  iir  axoiQa  a,<^poAo'yiccf',  xtA.  Diodorus. 
L,  I.  p.  46. 

'^  Herodot.  L.  2.  c.  log. 

Q^q  2>  waters, 

300  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

waters,  to  have  recourfe  to  geometrical  decision,  in  order  to 
determine  the  limits  of  their  poffeflions.      All   the  beft  ar- 
chited:ure  of  Greece  may  be  traced  to  its  original  in*'  Egypt. 
Here  were  the  firft  efforts  of  genius  difclofed  ;   as   may  be 
fhill  feen  about  Luxorain,   Ombus,   Afibuan,    and   Thebes. 
In  thefe  parts  relided  the  Artifts,  who   formed  the   ancient 
cornice  and  architrave  :   and  who  invented  the  capital,  and 
fliaft,  of  which  the  firft  pillar  was  compofed.    And  however 
early  thefe  fpecimens  may  have  been,  yet  there  are  among 
them  fome,  which  witnefs  no  fmall  elegance  and    beauty. 
To  them  is  attributed  the  invention   of  the    ^°  zodiac  and 
fphere  :   and  they  are  faid  to  have  firft  obferved  accurately 
the    folftitial   points  ;    and  to    have   determined   the    year. 
Macrobius  ftyles  Egypt  the  parent  of  ^'  arts:  and  he  fays,  that 
Julius  Casfar,   when  he  took  in  hand  to  correal  the  Roman 
Calendar,   eifedled   it   upon  Egyptian  principles ;   ^*  copyi7tg^ 
thoje  great  jnajlers^  who  were  the  only  proficients  upon  earth  in 
the  7ioble  and  divi?ie  fciences.    The  works,  which  they  erected 
were  immenfe.      Both  their  obeliiks  and  pyramids  have  been 
looked  up  to  with  amazement :   and  it  has  been    the  ftudy 
of  the  world  to  devife,  by  what  mechanical  powers  they  were 
eifedled.      Their  ramparts,  fluices,   canals,   and  lakes,   have 

*'  See  Pocock's  Egypt,  p.  216.  and  Norden.  Plates  107.  127.  and  144. 

*°  Macrobius  Somn.  Scip.  L.  i.  p.  75.  76,     Herod.  L.  2.  c.  4. 

Anni  certus  modus  apud  Iblos  j^gyptios  femper  fuit.     Macrob.   Saturn.  L.   i,. 

p.  169. 

''  iEgyptus  artium  mater.  Ibid.  p.  180. 

AiyBat  TOiivv  AiyvirTtoi  Tcixf  aurun  t;)v  t?  toiv  ypcx.ui/.ccrci:v  wpsaiv  yeieauxi,  xxt 
rccv  acTf^"  ■waparnpiiaiv'  'mpos  Se  7»rciii  Tct  re -zirepi  tiiv  ysu/xSTfiacv  ^nwpijfy.a.ra,  xxt 
Tuv  ri^vuv  Tce,s-Tzr?isi<^ot.isvpeonv(x.i.     Diod,  Sic.  L.  i.  p.  63. 

^*  C.  CiElar — imitatus  iEgyptios,  lolos  divinarum  rerum  omnium  confcios. 
Macrob.  Sat.  L.  i.p.  178. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  -joi 


never  been  fiirpaffed,  either  in  number,  or  magnificence,  by 
any  people  in  the  world.  Their  fculptures,  though  exe- 
cuted in  fo  early  an  age,  are  reprefented  in  many  inftances 
as  very  curious  and  precife.  Frederick  Haffelquift,  a  learned 
Swede,  "  aflures  us,  that  he  could  plainly  diflinguifli  every 
bird,  and  the  particular  fpecies  of  every  bird,  upon  the  obe- 
lifk  at  Matarea. 

No  wonder,  that  a  people  fo  excellent  fhould  be  beheld 
with  a  degree  of  ^*  veneration  by  the  Grecians.  On  this  ac- 
count all  thofe,  who  were  zealous  of  making  a  proficiency 
in  philofophy,  betook  themfelyes  to  ^^  Egypt,  which  was  the 
academy  of  Greece.  Among  the  foremofl:  of  thefe  were  Py- 
thagoras, Thales,  Solon,  ^'  Eudoxus,  '^  Plato  ;  who  fludied 
there  a  good  while.  In  the  days  of  the  two  lafl,  the  coun- 
try was  more  open  to  foreigners :  and  from  that  time  it  was 
more  generally,  and  more  eagerly  vifited.  Yet  the  JEgyp- 
tians  were  then  lowered,  by  having  been  fo  often  fubdued  : 
their  hiftories  had  been  greatly  damaged,  and  their  know- 
ledge much  impaired.  Yet  there  was  fufficient  merit  flill 
left  to  make  even  a  Grecian  admire.  From  hence  we  may 
fairly  judge  of  the  primitive  excellence  of  this  people  :   for 

"  Travels,  p.  gg. 

'  risAAa  yap  tcov  'urctXacwv  Svv  yivofAivuv  -map  AiyuirTioK  a  y.ovov  ■mapx  roi~  ey- 
^CL^pioii  acTToJ  o^'/j;  STJ^svy  aAAa  xxt  -wccpa  ron  'EAA«o-<i'  a  julbtpioh-  iuxvy.xa^n.  Diod. 
Sic.  L.  I.  p.  62. 

''  Diodorus.  ibid.    Clemens  Alex.  Strom.  L.  i.  p.  356. 

^*  Eudoxus  primus  ab  iEgypto  motus  (fiderum)  in  Grsedam  tranftulit. — C'onon 
poftea,  diligens  et  ipfe  inquifitor,  defedliones  quidem  (forte  quafdam)  Iblis  ab  ^gyp- 
tiis  fervatas  collegit.     Senecae  Qusft.  Nat.  L.  7.  c.  3. 

"  Macrobius  mentions,  that  Plato  in  particular  was  an  admirer  of  the  Egyptians. 
Plato  iEgyptios,  omnium  philofophis  dilciplinarum  audores,  fecutus.  Somn. 
Scip.  L.  I.  p.  64. 


302  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

if  fcicnce  appeared  fo  lovely  in  ruins,  what  muft  have  beea 
its  luftre,  when  in  a  ftate  of  perfe6lion  ? 

O,  quam  te  dicam  bonam 
Antehac  fuifle,  tales  cum  iint  reliquise  ! 

It  is  obfervable,  that  in  the  law  of  Mofes  a  deference  is  paid 
to  the  Egyptians  ;  and  the  Ifraelites  were  ordered  to  look 
upon  them  with  an  eye  of  favour  :  nay,  they  were  permitted 
to  enter  the  fandluary  after  the  fecond  ^*  generation. 

The  Egyptians  were  very  happily  iituated  ;  and  enjoyed 
all  the  neceffaries  of  life  within  themfelves.  They  were  pe- 
culiarly fortunate  both  in  the  falubrity  of  their  air,  and  in 
the  uncommon  properties  of  the  Nile.  Their  animals  were 
very  prolific  :  and  their  foil,  being  continually  renewed,  was 
beyond  meafure  fruitful ;  and  in  moft  places  produced  two 
•crops  of  corn  in  a  year.  They  moreover  enjoyed  the  good 
things  of  the  whole  earth  :  for  though  they  were  themfelves 
averfe  to  navigation,  yet  they  admitted  merchants  to  Coptos, 
and  to  other  places.  From  thefe  they  received  balm,  gold, 
fpices,  ivory,  gems;  and  in  return  they  gave  their  corn,  flax, 
and  fine  linen,  and  whatever  was  the  produdt  of  Egypt. 
The  facred  writers  take  notice  of  the  rich  garments,  and 
curious  embroideries  of  this  people  :  indeed  there  are  re- 
peated allufions  in  the  Scriptures  to  their  wonderful  "  fkill 
and  wifdom.  Hence,  when  the  prophet  Ifaiah  foretells  the 
ruin  of  the  kingdom,  he  fpeaks  of  the  fuperior  underfbanding 
of  the  people,  which  nothing  but  a  judicial  blindneis  could 

''  Deuteron.  c.  23.  v.  7.  8. 

"  Ezekiel  mentions  the  Tyrians  trading  for  the  fine  Unen,  and  embrohlred  work  ^f 
Eiypt.  c.  27.  V.  7.     The  Egyptians,  that  work  in  fine  flax.    Ifaiah.  c,  19.  v.  9. 

10  pervert. 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  303 

pervert.  "^^  The  Lord  hath  mingled  a  perverfe  fpirit  in  the 
midft  (of.  Egypt.)  *'  Surely  the  princes  of  Zoan  are  fools:  the 
counfel  of  the  wife  counfellors  of  Pharaoh  is  becoi7te  brutip. 
How  fay  ye  unto  Pharaoh^  I  am  the  f on  of  the  wife  ;  the  f on  of 
ancie?it  h.i?tgs  f  Where  are  they  f  Where  are  thy  wife  men  f 
— 'The  princes  of  Zoan  are  become  fools  :  the  princes  of  Noph 
are  deceived.  They  have  alfo  feduced  Egypt.  The  prophet 
had  before  faid,  *'  The  fpii'it  of  Egypt  Jhall  fail  in  the  midfl 
thereof  \  a7id  I  will  defray  the  counfel  thereof : — and  the 
Egyptians  will  I  give  over  into  the  hand  of  a  cruel  lord.,  and 
a  fierce  king.^  &c.  Hence  we  find,  that  nothing  but  infatua- 
tion could  be  the  ruin  of  this  people. 

Egypt  of  all  countries  feems  to  have  been  the  moft  fecure. 
It  was  to  the  north  defended  by  the  fea;  and  on  every  other 
fide  by  deferts  of  great  extent.  It  abounded  with  inhabi- 
tants ;  and  had  many  cities  of  great  ftrength  :  and  as  it  en- 
joyed every  thing  neceffary  for  life  within  itfelf,  and  was  in 
a  manner  fecluded  from  the  world;  it  had  little  to  fear  from 
any  foreign  power.  We  find  however,  that  it  was  conquered 
more  than  once;  and  after  a  feries  of  great  calamities  finally 
brought  to  ruin. 

The  misfortunes  of  this  people  arofe  from  a  repining  dif- 
Gontented  fpirit,  which  produced  inteftine  animofities.  They 
often  fet  afide  their  rightful  monarch;  and  fubftituted  many 
princes  inilead  of  ^^  one.  At  the  invafion  of  Sabacon,  the 
Ethiopian,   the  Egyptians  feem  to  have  been  difunited  bj 

*°  C.  ig.  14, 

"•^  C.  19,  V,  II,  12.  i3> 

^  V.  3. 

*^  See  Marfham's  Chron.  Scec.  i6.  rioAuxoi^am.  p.  443. 


304  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 


fadions,  and  under  many  petty  '^  princes.  And  when  the 
Ethiopic  government  ceafed,  they  again  lapfed  into  a  ftate  of 
mifrule;  till  at  laft  twelve  of  the  moft  powerful  in  the  nation 
aflumed  regal  dignity ;  and  each  feized  to  himfelf  a  portion  of 
the  ^'kingdom.  This  was  productive  of  ftill  greater  confuiion; 
and  of  more  bitter  feuds.  For  though  they  are  faid  to  have 
agreed  together  for  a  while;  yet  they  at  laft  quarrelled,  and 
hoftilities  "^^  commenced,  till  at  laft  the  monarchy  came  to 
Pfammitichus.  Of  thefe  commotions  the  prophet  Ifaiah 
fpeaks,  when  he  is  foretelling  the  deftru6tion  of  Egypt.  '^^  / 
will  fet  the  Egyptians^  fays  the  Deity,  agai?jjl  the  Egyptia?ts; 
a?id  they  JJjall  Jight  every  07ie  againjl  his  brother .^  and  every  one 
agai7ijl  his  neighbour ;  city  againji  city^  and  nojne  agai7ijl  7t07ne. 
.And  the  fpirit  of  Egypt  fmll  fail  in  the  midfl  thereof :  and  I 
will  deflroy  the  counfel  thereof.  They  were  the  wifeft  people 
upon  earth ;  but  their  good  fenfe  was  at  laft  perverted  :  and 
no  nation  ever  co-operated  more  ftrongly  to  its  own  deftruc- 
tion.  Hence  they  were  conquered  by  E  far- Adon  the  Aflyrian ; 
and  by  the  king  of  Babylon  Nebuchadnezzar,  who  took  ad- 
vantage of  thefe  internal  commotions.  Afterward  they  be- 
came a  more  eafy  prey  to  the  Perftans,  and  Grecians,  who 
ruled  over  them  in  their  turns.  The  conqueft  of  Egypt  by 
Nebuchadnezzar  feems  to  have  been  attended  with  grievous 

"^^  Sabacon  ^thiops  i^gyptum  jam  disjundis  viribus  debilitatam  occupat.  Ibid. 
Sasc.  16.  p.  456.  When  afterwards  Sennacherib  invaded  the  land,  the  foldiers  re- 
fufed  to  fight.     Herodot.  L.  2.  c.  141. 

*^  Tc^v  o-^Xkv  eti  Tapa^af  Koci  fcvovs  efjiq,v?^i8i  rpeTTofj.evuv,  eTrotrcccvro  avvooixoaia.v  01 
p.iyiq'oi  raiv  nyf/jLovajv  S'uSexoe,^  Ko.i—ccvsS'it^a.ii  lavrsi  (icKTiAeii.  Diodorus.  L.  J.  p.  59. 
See  alio  Herod.  L.  2.  c.  147. 

**  Diodorus.  L.  i.  p,  60. 

*'  C.  19.  V.  2. 

''  r  calamities, 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  305 

calamities,  fuch  as  the  nation  had  never  before  experienced. 
The  country,  as  I  have  mentioned,  was  fo  happily  fituated', 
as  to  have  little  occafion   to  interfere  with   the   politics  of 
other  nations.      But  they  were  a  mighty  people,  and  could 
not   refrain  themfelves  from  fhewing  their  power.      Hence 
they  unnecefTarily  oppofed  both  the*^  AfTyrians  and  Babylo- 
nians :   and  Pharaoh  Necho  went  up  ■"  twice  to  Carchemifh 
upon  the  Euphrates,   to  encounter  thofe  nations.     He  was 
at  laft  '"  beaten  ;   and  both  by  his  march  upwards,   and  by 
his  retreat,  he  pointed  out  the  path  to  Egypt,  and  fhewed, 
how  it  might  be  affaikd.     In  confequence  of  this  it  was  at- 
tacked by  Nebuchadnezzar,  and  totally  fubdued  :   and  not 
content  with  this,  the  vidtor  feems  to   have  carried  his   re- 
ientment  to  a  vioknt  degree,  fo  as  almoft  to   extirpate  the 
nation.     What  they  fufFered  may  be  known  from  what  was 
predidled ;  which  contains  a  fad  denunciation  of  evil.   ^^  There- 
forCt  thus  faith  the  Lord  God  \  Behold  I  will  bring  a  fword 
upon  thee  \  and  cut  off  man^  and  beajl  out  of  thee.      And  the 
land  of  Egypt  f jail  be  deflate  and  waffe  ;  ajid  they  fj  all  knowj 
that    I  am   the   Lord :  becaufe  he  hath  faid.    The    river    is 
mine^   and  I  have  made  it.     Behold.^    therefore  I  am  againfl 
thee  J   and.  agai?jf   thy  rivers ;   and  I  will  make  the  land  of 
Egypt  utterly  wafe^  and  deflate^  from  the   Tower  Migdol  to 
Syene.,  and  the  border  of  Ethiopia.     JVo  foot  of  man  fall  pafs 
through  ity  nor  foot  of  be  af  fall  pafs  through  it^  7ieither  fall 
it   be  inhabited  forty  years.      And  I  will  fnake  the  land  of 

*'  2  Kings.. c.  ig.  v.  9.  and  c.  23..  v.  29.     2  Chron.  c.  35.  v.  20. 
■*'  2  Chron.  c.  35.  v.  20.     Jeremiah,  c.  46.  v.  2. 
'^  Jeremiah,  c.  46.  v.  2. 
'*■  Ezekiel.  c.  29.  v.  8, 

'  Vol.  Ill,  R  r  E,gypt 

3o6  The  Analysis  or  Ancient  Mytholot>y, 

Egypt  defolute  in  the  midji  of  the  countries  that  are  defolate-^ 
and  her  cities^  among  the  cities  that  are  laid  wafie.^  jlsall be  defo- 
late  forty  years :  and  I  will  fcatter  the  Egyptians  among  the  na- 
tions.^ and  will  difperfe  them  through  the  cou?itries.   Tet  thus  faith 
the  Lord  God,  At  the  end  of  forty  years  will  I  gather  the  Egyp- 
tians from  the  people^whither  they  werefcattered.  And  I  will  bring 
again  the  captivity  ofEgypt'^  and  will  catife  them  to  return  into  ths 
landofPaphroSy  into  the  land  of  their  habitation,  and  they  fo  all  be 
.there  a  bafe  kingdom.   In  the  fubfequent  part  of  this  prophecy 
there  are  many  beautiful  allufions  to  the  rites   and  idolatry 
of  this  people  :   and  the  fame  is  to  be  obferv^ed  in  Jeremiah. 
^*  Ohy   thou  daughter,  dwelling  i?2  Egypt^  fu7'7iify  thyfelf  to  go 
into  captivity :  for  Noph  foall  be  wafle  and  deflate  without  an 
inhabitafit.    Egypt  is  like  a  fair  heifer  ;  but  deJlruBioj^  cometh  : 
it  cometh  out  of  the  north,     Alfo  her  hired  men  are  ifi  the  midJl 
of  her,  like  fatted  bullocks  'y  for  they  alfo — are  fled  away  toge- 
ther :  they  did  not  ft  and,  becaufe  the  dc^  of  their  calamity  was 
come  upo?i  them — 'The  daughter  of  Egypt  fhall  be  confounded  : 
fte  JJmll  be  delivered  into  the  hand  of  the  people  of  the  north. 
The  Lord  of  Hofts,  the  God  of  Ifrael,  faith  ;   Behold,  I  will pu- 
nifi  the  multitude  of  No,  and  Pharaoh,  and  Egypt,  with  their 
-  Gods,  and  their  kings  ;  even  Pharaoh,  and  all  them  that  truft  in 
him.      And  I  will  deliver  them  into  the  ha7td  of  thofe,  that  feek 
.their  lives  \   and  into  the  hand  of  Nebuchadrezzar,  king  of  Ba- 
.  by  Ion,  and  into  the  hand  of  his  ferv  ants  :  and  aftej'wards  it  fhall 
be  inhabited,  as  in  the  days  of  old,  faith  the  Lord.   We  fee,  that 
the  defoladon  of  the  country  is  foretold  by  both  prophets; 
and  likewife  a  rcfloration  of  thofe,  who  were  to  be  carried 

^*  Jeremiah,  c.  46.  V.  19. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancjent  Mythology.  307 

into  captivity.  This  return  of  the  people,  according  to 
Ezekiel,  was  not  to  be  effeded  till  after  forty  years.  The 
accounts  in  the  Egyptian  hiftories  concerning  thefe  times  are 
very  dark  and  inconfiftent.  So  much  we  learn,  that  there 
were  great  commotions  and  "  migrations  of  people,  when 
Pharaoh  Necho,  and  Pfammitichus  are  fuppofed  to  have 
reigned.  And  both  thefe,  and  the  fubfequent  kings,  are  re- 
prefented  as  admitting  the  ^"^  Carians,  and  other  nations  into 
Egypt ;  and  hiring  mercenaries  for  the  defence  of  the  coun- 
try. All  this  is  repugnant  to  their  former  ^^  manners ;  and. 
fliews,  that  the  country  was  become  thin  of  inhabitants,  and. 
wanted  to  be  repeopled.  Moll  writers  mention  an  interval 
about  this  time,  which  is  ftyled  '^^ovog  (xJoa.(nKsurog  :  but  they 
iitrppofe  it  to  have  been  only  ^*  eleven  years.  Diodorus  Sicu- 
ius  mentions  about  the  fame  time  an  interval  of  four  *^  ages, 
in  which  there  was  no  king.  The  original  hiftory  was  un- 
doubtedly not  fooir  ages,  but  four  decads  of  years  ;  and 
agrees  very  well  with  the  prophecy  of  Ezekiel.  The  hifto- 
i^ian  places  this  interval  between  the  reign  of  Pfammitichus 
arid  Apries.  But  there  is  no  truft  to  be  given  to  the  pofition 
of  the  kings  of  Egypt  about  this  time.  Apries  is  by  fome 
expreffed  ^*  Vaphres  ;   and  is  with  good  reafon  fappofed   to 

'^  Plin.  L.  6.  c.  30.     Strabo.  L.  i6.  p.  1115. 

'*  Diodorus.  L.  i.  p.  60.  61.     Strabo.  L.  17.  p.  1 153. 

"  UpMrotdroiiv  AtyvTcru  aAMyXuua-oi.     Herod.  L.  2,  c.  154. 

Sir  John  Marfham  thinks  very  truly,  that  thefe  eleven  years  relate  to  the  anarchy 
brought  on  by  Nebuchadnezzar.     Hiatus  ifte,  five  annorum  undecim  am/:;^(a,  cum 
calamitatibus  ^Egypto  a  Nabuchodonoforo  illatis  convenienter  fe  habec.     Chron,., 
Sasc.  18.  p.  543. 

"  L.  I.  p.  62. 

^'  Africanus  apud  Eufeb.  et  Syncellu-n, 

R  r  %:  ^1 

cibS  The  Analysis  op  Akcient  Mythologt.. 


be  the  Pharaoh  Hophra  of  the  "  Scriptures.  He  is  the  prince, 
concerning  whom  Jeremiah  prophesied  ;  and  who  by  Eu- ' 
febius  is  called  ^°  Oyacp^r^?,  Vaphres,  He  introduces  him  not 
long  after  the  captivity  :  and  fays,  that  when  Jerufalem  was 
ruined,  many  of  the  Jews  fled  to  him  for  fhelter.  On  this 
account  it  was,  that  the  prophet  denounced  God's  wrath 
upon  him,  and  upon  thofe,  who  trufted  in  his  affiflance. 
^'  Behold.,  I  will  watch  over  them  for  evil,  afid  not  for  good  :■ 
and  all  the  men  ofjudah^  that  are  in  the  land  of  Egypt,  fhall 
be  conf limed  by  the  fword,  and  by  the  famine,  u?itil  there  be  an 
end  of  thevi.  "Thus  faith  the  Lord :  Behold,  I  will  give  Pha- 
raoh Hophra,  king  of  Egypt,  into  the  hand  of  his  enemies,  and 
into  the  hand  of  them  thatfeek  his  life  :  as  I  gave  Zedekiah,  king 
of  Judah,  into  the  hand  of  Nebuchadrezzar^  king  of  Babylon, 
his  enemy,  and  that  fought  his  life.  By  whofe  hand  he  was 
cut  off,  is  not  faid.  We  find,  *^  that  he  lived  foon  after  Je- 
rufalem had  been  ruined  by  the  Babylonians ;  confequent- 
ly  before  the  defolation  of  Egypt :  for  this  did  not  happen 
till  after  the  feven  and  twentieth  year  of  the  captivity.  ''  A7id 
it  came  to  pafs  in  thefeveji  and  twentieth  year,  in  thefrfl  mo7tth, 
in  the  firfl  day  of  the  mo?ith,  the  word  of  the  Lord  came  unto 
me,  fayijtg  :  Son  of  7nan  ;  Nebuchadrezzar,  king  of  Babylon,  ■ 
catifed  his  army  to  ferve  a  great  fervice  agaiiift  Tyrus  :  yet  he 
had  no  wages,  nor  his  army,  for  the  fervice  that  he  ferved 
againfl    it.      Therefore   thus  faith    the    Lord    God:    Behold, 

''■''  Jeremiah,  c.  44,  v.  30.     Toe  Cux(pp»  (iuenAeac.      Seventy. 

*°  Oux(pfW  irii  xf,  ai  tiT pcae(piiyot',  aAacrwj  vtto  Aa-au^icov  lep^aaXyifx,  01  toov  lovS'auoy 
VsAocTToi.     Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  ij, 

"  Jeremiah,  c.  44.  v.  27. 

*'  Ibid.  V.  30. 

*'  ILzekiel.  c.  29.  v.  17.     Jeremiah,  c,  43.  v.  10.  and  c.  44.  v.  i. 
i  J       ^  J  will 

The   Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  309 

/  will  give  the  land  of  Egypt  unto  Nebuchadrezzar y  hng  of 
Babylon  :  and  he  Jh all  take  her  multitude^  and  take  herfpoil, — 
and  it  fjall  be  the  wages  for  his  army.      For  I  have  given  him 
the  land  of  Egypt  for  his  labour. — ^*  From  Migdol  to  Syene  Jhall 
they  fall. — ^^  And  I  will  feat  tcr  the  Egyptians  among  the  nations^ 
ajid  difperfe  them  among  the  countries.   This  defolation  was  to 
te  for  forty  years  ;  as  the  end  of  which  period  the  Egyptians 
were  to  be  reftored.     I  have  dwelt  a  good  deal   upon    this 
fubjed,  becaufe  it  is  an  aera  of  great  confequence.      We  nnd 
from  thefe  accounts,   that  Pharaoh  Hophra  preceded  thefe 
calamities  ;   and   fliould  be  placed  prior  to  the  four  ages  of 
Diodorus.      We  may  learn  alfo  from  hence,  why  the  hiftory 
of  Egypt  in  general,  and  efpecially  about  thefe  times,   is  fo 
defeftive.   From  Sabacon  downwards  to  Apries  there  is  great 
"  uncertainty  and  confufion.   All  this  was  owing  to  the  feuds 
and  commotions,  and  to  the  final  difperfion  of  the  people ; 
which  was  attended  with  the  ruin  of  their  temples,  and  of 
the  colleges,  where  their  priefts  refided.   Thefe  were  at  Aven, 
the  fame  as  On;  alfo  at  Taphanes,  No-Ammon,  Moph,  Zoan, 
and  Pathros  :   which  places,  and  regions,  had  been  by  name 
fpecified  as  the  objedls  of  God's  wrath.   When  their  femina- 
ries  were  again  opened,   and  their  priefthood  eftabliihed  ;   I 
make  no  doubt,  but  that  the  Egyptians  tried  to  retrieve  their 
loft  annals,  and  to  redify  what  had  been  impaired.    And  in 
refpeft  to  aftronomy,  and  other  parts  of  philofophy,  tliey  feem 
to  have  fucceeded.   But  a  great  part  of  their  hiftory  had  been 
configned  to  pillars  andobelifks;  and  defcribed  in  the  facred 

"+  C.  30.  V.  6. 
""'  Ibid.  V.  26. 
**  See  Manfnam's  Chron.  Sasc.  1 8.  p.  542. 


310  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

characters,  which  conlifted  of  hieroglyphics.     Thefe  were^ 
imperfed:  helps  to  oral  tradition  ;   and  never  could  from  the 
beginning    give    a   precife    account    of  thofe  great   events, 
which  they  were  fuppofed  to  commemorate.   They  contained 
the  outlines  of  the  hiftory  :   the   reft  was  to  be  fupplied  by 
thofe,  who  undertook  to  explain  them  ;   and  who  interpreted' 
as  they  had  been  traditionally  inftru6ted.     But  when  this, 
traditional  information  ceafed,  or  was  but  imperfe(fbly  known,, 
thefe  characters  became  in  great  meafure  unintelligible  :   at 
leaft  they  could  never  be  precifely  decyphered.     Hence  has 
arifen  that  uncertainty,  which  we  experience  both  in  the  hif- 
tory, and  mythology  of  this  people. 


(    3"     ) 

Q  F    THE 


A   N   0 


PLUTARCH  takes  notice  of  the  great  difficulties,  with 
which  the  Egyptian  hiftory  is  attended.  He  however 
acknowledges,  that  fome  helps  are  to  be  obtained;  but  thofe 
inconflderable,  and  very  difcouraging.  '  Kanoi  Kstttoh  Tivsg 
OLiro'f^oion^  Km  c(.(xv^^c(,t.  t/]?  c(.Kr,^sia,g  svsnTi  rctig  Kiyvirrim  sv^is- 
(TTra^^svoLi  fJLV^oXoyiaig'  ol7\7\ol  i'^vyiT^olth  Ssiph  ^sovraij  koli  i^syciKcc 
fjLiK^oig  sKsLV  ^vvci^svis.  'There  are  after  all  fome  Jlight  and  ob- 
fcure  traces  of  true  hiflory  here  and  there  to  be  founds  as  they  lie 
fcattered  up  a?id  down  m  the  ancient  writi?igs  of  Egypt.  But  it  re- 
quires aperfon  of  unconunoii  addrefs  tofndthem  out',  one, who  ca?i 
deduce  great  truths  fro?nfca7ity  premifes.  This  at  firfl:  is  fuffi- 
cient  to  deter  a  perfon  from  going  on  in  a  fludy  of  this  nature. 
But  upon  recolledion,  we  find  that  we  have  helps,  to  which 
the  more  early  writers  were  ftrangers.     We  have  for  a  long 

'  Plularch.  BpcariKix.  p.  762. 

'^  time 

312  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

time  had  light  opening  upon  us  ;  and  begin  now  to  avail 
ourfelves  of  the  blefling.  We  talk  indeed  of  ancient  days, 
and  times  of  antiquity  ;  but  that  time  is  moft  aged,  which 
has  endured  longeft  :  and  thefe  are  the  moft  ancient  days, 
in  which  we  are  ourfelves  converfant.  We  enjoy  now  an 
age  of  accumulated  experience  :  and  we  are  to  make  ufe  of 
the  helps,  which  have  been  tranfmitted,  to  difpel  the  mift, 
which  has  preceded. 

Nothing  has  fo  embarrafled  the  learned  world,  as  the  dy~ 
nafties  of  the  kings  of  Egypt.      We  find,    that  there  were 
people  very  early  in  the  Chriftian  aera,   who  took   pains  to 
collate  and .  arrange  them  :   and  many  of  the  beft  chronolo- 
gers  in  the  laft  and  prefent  century  have  been  at  much  pains 
to  render  them  confiftent.   But  notwithftanding  this  has  been 
attempted  by   perfons  of  moft  confummate  learning ;    yet 
their  endeavours  have  hitherto  been  attended  with  little  ad- 
vantage.   The  principal  of  thofe  of  old,  who  have  at  all  en- 
gaged in  this  hiftory,  are  Theophilus,  Tatianus,  Clemens, 
Africanus,  Eufebius,  and  Syncellus.      The  three  firft   only 
cafually  touch  upon  it :   but  the  others  are  more  particular 
and  diffufe.      Jofephus  alfo  of  Judea,  in  his  curious  treatife 
againft  Apion,  has  a  great  deal  to  this  purpofe.      The  chief 
perfons,  to  whofe  authority -tij^^  writers  principally  appeal,, 
are  three.      The  firft  is  the  anonymous  author  of  the  Old 
Chronicle ;    which  has   been    preferved   by  Syncellus,   and 
tliought  to  be  of  very  early  date.      To  this  fucceed  the  dy- 
nafties   of  Manethon  of  Sebcnnis  ;   who  was  an  Egyptian 
prieft  in  the  time  of  Ptolemy  Philadelphus ;  and  wrote  what 
he  exhibited,  at  the  requeft  of  that  prince.    The  third  is  the 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  313 

account  given  by  Eratofthcnes  of  Cyrene  in  the  reign  of  Pto- 
lemy Eiiergctes  ;  who  has  tranfmitted  a  curious  account  of 
the  Theban  kings ;  but  of  thofe  folely,  without  taking  any 
notice  of  the  princes  in  other  parts  of  Egypt.  From  thefe 
Egyptian  writers  the  accounts  given  by  Africanus  and  Eufe- 
bius  have  been  compiled ;  as  well  as  thofe  by  Syncellus. 
According  to  thefe  chronologers  the  number  of  the  dynafties 
amounts  to  thirty  and  one  :  and  they  extend  downwards  to 
the  reign  of  Darius,  who  was  conquered  by  Alexander. 
Many  moderns  have  gone  deep  in  thefe  inquiries  :  among 
whom  we  ought  to  mention  with  particular  refpedt  Petavius, 
Scaligcr,  Perizonius,  and  the  incomparable  Sir  John  Marfham. 

As   there  are  different  fpecimens   tranfmitted  by  ancient 
authors  of  the  Egyptian  hiftory  ;   one  would  imagine,  that 
there  could  not  be  much  difficulty  in  collating  the  reigns  of 
princes,  and  correding  any  miftake,  that  may  have  happened 
in  the  dynafties.      But  thefe  writers   often  differ  effentially 
from  each  other  :   and  as   there  is  nothing  fynchronical,  to 
which  we   can  fafely   apply ;    it  is  impoffible,    when  two 
writers,  or  more,  differ,  to  determine  which  is  in  the  right. 
Add  to  this,   that  thefe  dynafties  extend  upwards,  not  only 
beyond  the  deluge ;   but  one  thoufand  three  hundred  and 
thirty-fix  years  beyond  the  common    asra  of  the   creation. 
Sir  John  Marfham  is  very  fanguine  in  favour  of  the  fyftem, 
which  he  has  adopted  ;   yet  is  often  obliged  to  complain  of 
having  a  moft  barren  field  of  inveftigation,  where  there  are 
nothing  but  names  and  numbers :    and    he    acknowledges 
how  difficult  it  is  to  arrive  at  any  certainty,   when  a   fet  of 
unmeaning  terms  prefent  themfelves  without  any  collateral 

Vol.  III.  S  f  hiftory. 

314,  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

hiHory.  There  is  one  miftake  common  to  all,  who  have- 
engaged  in  this  dark  fcrutiny.  They  proceed  upon  fome 
preconceived  notion,  which  they  look  upon  as  a  certainty ; 
and  to  this  teft  every  thing  is  brought.  Such  is  the  reign  of 
Inachus,  the  flood  of  Ogyges,  the  landing  of  Danaus  in 
Greece.  Such  alfo  is  the  fuppofed  reign  of  a  king,  when 
Jofeph  went  into  Egypt ;  and  the  reign  of  another,  when 
the  Ifraelites  departed.  They  fet  out  upon  thefe  fads  as 
firft  principles;  though  they  are  the  things,  which  want  moft 
to.  be  canvafled  :  and  Vv'hen  they  have  too  inconflderately 
made  thefe  aflumptions,  they  put  a  force  upon  all  other  hif- 
tory,  that  it  may  be  brought  to  accord.  In  moft  lifts  of  the 
Egyptian  kings,  Menes  is  found  firft.  Many  writers  fuppofe 
this  perfonage  to  have  been  Mizraim :  others  think  it  was 
Ham  ;  others  again  that  it  was  Noah.  And  as  thefe  lifts 
go  down  as  far  as  Alexander  the  Great;  the  dynafties  are  to 
be  dilated,  or  curtailed,  according  to  their  greater  or  lefs 
diftance  from  the  extreams.  In  one  thing  they  feem  to  be 
agreed,  that  the  number  of  the  dynafties  was  thirty  and  one^ 
Whether  it  be  in  the  power  of  man  to  thoroughly  regu- 
late the  Egyptian  chronology,  I  will  not  pretend  to  fay.  To 
make  fome  advances  towards  a  work  of  this  confcquence  is 
worth  our  attempting:  and  it  it  is  not  always  poftible  to  de- 
termine in  thefe  dynafties  what  is  true,  it  may  however  be 
of  fervice  to  point  out  that  which  is  falfe  :  for  by  abridging 
hiftory  of  what  is  fpurious,  our  purfuit  will  be  reduced  into 
narrower  limits.  By  thefe  means  thofe,  who  come  after,  will 
be  lefs  liable  to  be  bewildered  ;  as  they  will  be  confined  to  a 
fmaller  circle,  and  confequently  brought  nearer  to  the  truth. 


The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  315 

The  firft  attempt  towards  redlifying  the  chronology  of 
Egypt  muft  confift  in  lopping  off  intirely  the  fixteen  firft 
dynafties  from  the  thirty-one  fpecified  in  Eufebius :  for  I 
am  perfuaded,  that  the  original  lift  confifted  of  fifteen  dy- 
nafties only.  The  reft  are  abfolutely  fpurious  ;  and  have 
been  the  chief  caiife  of  that  uncertainty,  of  which  we  have 
been  fo  long  complaining.  This  may  appear  too  bold  and 
defperate  a  way  of  procedure  :  nor  would  I  venture  to  fpeak 
fo  confidently,  were  I  not  aftlired,  that  they  never  really 
cxifted;  but  took  their  rife  from  a  very  common  miftake  of 
the  Grecians.  This  may  be  proved  from  that  ancient  Chro- 
nicle, of  which  I  took  notice  above.  The  Grecians  had 
this,  and  many  other  good  evidences  before  them,  as  they 
plainly  fhew  :  but  they  did  not  underftand  the  writings,  to 
which  they  appealed  ;  nor  the  evidences  which  they  have: 
tranfinitted.  In  the  firft  place  I  much  queftion,  whether 
any  Grecian  writer  ever  learned  the  language  of  Egypt. 
Many  negative  proofs  might  be  brought  to  fhew,  that  neither 
Plato,  nor  Pythagoras,  nor  Strabo,  were  acquainted  with 
that  tongue.  If  any  of  them  had  attempted  the  acquifition 
-of  it,  fuch  was  their  finefle  and  delicacy,  that  the  firft  harfii 
word  would  have  fliocked  them  ;  and  they  would  imme- 
diately have  given  up  the  purfuit.  If  they  could  not  bring 
themfelves  to  introduce  an  uncouth  word  in  their  writings, 
how  could  they  have  endured  to  have  uttered  one,  and  to 
have  adopted  it  for  common  ufe  ?  I  doubt  whether  any  ot 
the  Fathers  were  acquainted  with  the  language  of  the  coun- 
try. Befides,  the  hiftories,  of  which  we  are  fpeaking,  were 
written  in  the   facred  language  and  character,  which  were 

5  f  2  grown 

3i6  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

grown  obfolete  :   and  Manethon,  Apion,  and  the  other  Hel- 
lenic Egyptians,  who   borrowed   from   them,  were  not  well 
acquainted  with  their  purport.      Had  thefe  memorials  been 
underftood,  we  Ihoidd  not  have  been  at  a  lofs  to  know  who 
built  the  pyramids,   and  formed   the  lakes  and  labyrinth, 
which  were  the  wonders  of  the  world.      In  refpedl  to  the  Fa- 
thers, who  got  intelligence  in  Egypt,   they  obtained  it  by  a 
very  uncertain  mode  of  inquiry  ;   and  were  obliged  to  inter- 
preters for   their    knowledge.      The   Grecians  wrote    from 
left  to  right:   but  the  more  eaftern  nations  from  ^  right   to 
left.      This  was  a  circumftance,   which  they  either  did  not 
knov/ ;    or    to    which    they    did    not    always    attend ;    and 
were    therefore   guilty   of   great    miftakes  ;   and  thefe  con- 
iifted  not  only  in   a   faulty   arrangement  of  the  elements, 
of  which  the  names  are  compofed  ;   but  alfo  in  a  wrong  dif- 
tribution  of  events.      Hence  an  hiftorical  feries  is  often  in- 
verted from  want  of  knowledge  in  the  true  difpofition  of  the 
fubjed.      Something  fimilar  to  this  has  happened  in  refpe6t 
to  the  Old  Chronicle,  v/hich  has  been  preferved  by  Syncel- 
lus.      It  contains  an  epitome  of  the  Egyptian  hiftory ;   and 
was  undoubtedly  obvious  to  every  perfon  in  that  country. 
In   fhort,   it   mud  have  been  one  of  the  chief  fources,  from 
whence  Manethon,   and  others,  who  came  after  him,  drew» 
Thofe  of  the  Grecians,  who  copied  the  dynafties  from  the 
orio^inal,   were   neceiTarily  told,   that   the  true  arrangement 
here  was  different  from  that,   which  was  in  ufe  in  Greece  : 
that  according  to  their  way  of  reckoning,  the  firft  dynafty 
was  the  fifteenth,  or  iixteenth,  according  to  the  point,  from 

*  Ai>y7rTio(  (■> .oa(faa»')  avro  roi^y  (S'^^imv  stti  txccfi-eocc,  Herod.  L,  2,  c.  ^6. 

7  whence 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythologv.         -^ly 

whence  they  counted.  In  confequence  of  tliis,  they  have 
marked  it  the  fifteenth,  or  fixteenth  ;  and  then  fancying, 
that  there  was  a  long  feries  preceding,  they  have  invented 
as  many  dynafties  more,  as  they  thought  wanting,  to  fupply 
this  feeming  vacancy.  This  is  not  furmife  :  for  we  may  fee 
the  very  thing  done  by  ^  Syncellus.  Fie  has  tranfmitted  to 
to  us  an  abridgment  of  the  Egyptian  hiftory  from  the  Old 
Chronicle ;  containing  the  dynaflies  of  their  kings.  And 
as  he  was  told,  that  the  firll  was  the  fifteenth  according  to 
his  way  of  numeration,  he  has  aftually  marked  it  the  fif- 
teenth. In  confequence  of  this,  he  fuppofes,  contrary  to  the 
authority  of  the  hiftory,  fourteen  prior  dynafties,  which  with 
■  that  of  the  Demigods  make  thirty  in  the  whole.  But  what 
he  calls  the  fifteenth,  was  the  firfl  of  the  Mizrai'm,  who  fuc« 
ceeded  the  Auritas,  or  Demigods ;  and  this  is  plainly  indi- 
cated in  the  hiftory.  It  has  been  fhewn,  that  there  was  no 
regal  ftate  in  Egypt  before  the  coming  of  the  Shepherds, 
ftyled  Auritas :  that  with  them  commences  the  hiftory  of 
the  country.  Syncellus  accordingly,  having  mentioned  from 
this  Chronicle  the  imaginary  reigns  of  the  Gods,  comes  at 
laft  to  tho.fe  who  really  reigned  ;  and  places  them  in  this 
order  :  ^  'GT^ca^tov  ^sv  rm  Kv^nm,  ^bvts^qv  k  tocp  Mb^-acciu-j^ 
r^nov  k  AiyvTrrim.  The  firji  Jerks  of  princes  was  that  of  the 
AuritcB  :  the  fecQitd  was  that  of  the  Meflrccajis^  or  Mizrahn  ; 
the  third  of  Egyptiafjs.  Thefe  are  the  words  of  the  Chronicle  i 
and,  one  would  think,  fufiiciently  clear  and  determinate, 
had  not  the  Greeks  been  infatuated  through  their  precon- 
ceived opinions.      The  author  afterwards  fubjoins  the  lift  of 

'  I  mention  Syncellus :  but  it  ms.y  be  the  perfon  from  whom  he  borrowed,  who 
was  guilty  of  this  miftakc. 

^-  5'-  the 


3i8  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology^ 

their  kings  from  the  Chronicle,  in  which  the  Demigods 
ftand  plainly  firft  :  and  there  is  not  the  leaft  hint  given  of 
any  prior  dynafties.  Syncellus,  not  knowing,  that  the  De- 
migods were  the  Aurit^e,  begins  with  the  next  feries  as  the 
firft,  and  calls  it  the  fifteenth. 

'  The     REIGNS     of     the     GODS, 
according  to  the  Old  Chronicle. 

To  Hephaiftus  is  affigned  no  time,  as  he  is  uniformly  appa- 
rent both  by  night  and  day. 

Helius,  the  fon  of  Hephaiftus,  reigned  three  myriads  of 

Then  Cronus,  and  the  other  twelve  Divinities  reigned  3984. 

Next  in  order  are  the  Demigods  (the  Auritae),  in  number 
eight,  who  reigned  217  years      -      -     -     -     -     -      217 

After  thefe  are  enumerated  fifteen  generations  of  the 
Cunic  circle,  which  take  up  443  years       -      -      _      44^ 

16.  The    fixteenth  dynafty    is    of  the   Tanites,   eight 

kings,  which  lafted  190  years    -----      1.^0 

17.  The  feventeenth  of  Memphites,  four  in  defcent, — 

103  years      -      -      -      -------103 

1 8.  The  eighteenth  of  Memphites,  fourteen  in  defcent, 

—348  years    ----------      348 

19.  The  nineteenth  of  Diofpolites,  five  in   defcent,— 

194  years       -       -       -     ~     ------      ig^ 

20.  The  twentieth  of  Diofpolites,  eight  in  defcent, — 

^28  y£ars      -      ---------     .228 

'  Ibid. 

21.   TJie 

The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology.  319 

2"i,  The  tvventy-firfl;  of  Tanites,  fix  in  dercent, — 121 

years    ------------121 

22»  The  tvventy-fecond  of  Tanites,  three  in  defcent, — 

48  years    ------^_-..      _        ^g 

23.  The  twenty- third,  Diofpolites,   two  in  defcent, — ■ 

19  years    --------___        19 

24.  The  twenty-fourth,    Saites,   three  in  defcent, — 44 

years    ------------        ^^ 

25.  The  twenty-fifth,  Ethiopians,  three  in  defcent, — 

44  years    -----------        ^^ 

26.  The  twenty-fixth,  Memphites,  feven  in  defcent, — 

177  years      -      -      ----__-_      x  77 

27.  The  twenty-feventh,   Perfians,  five  in   defcent, — 

124  years       -       ---------124 

28.  The  twenty-eighth,  loft. 

29.  The  twenty-ninth,  uncertain  who. —  39  years      -       39 

30.  The  thirtieth,  a  Tanite, — 18  years     -     -     -     _       18 

To  the  above  fliould  be  added  the  thirty-firft  dynafty,  which 
confifted  of  three  *  Perfians  ;  for  with  this  every  catalogue 
^  concluded.  The  lifts  tranfmitted  to  us  by  Africanus,  and 
Eufebius;  anti  that  of  Manethon,  from  whom  they  borrowed, 
clofes  wdth  this :  and  it  was  undoubtedly  in  the  original 
copy  of  Syncellus.  We  have  in  the  above  an  epitome  of  the 
regal  fucceftion  in  Egypt,  as  it  ftood  in  the  Ancient  Chro- 
nicle :   and  though  fhort,  it  will  prove  to  us  of  much  confe- 

Darius  Ocliiis,  ArfeSj  and  Darius  Codomannus,  who  was  conquered  by  Alex- 

^  Tpiaxoc['-n  TfT^MT-,)  fwa.'^i.a.  Tlipcrxv  (Exaiheacv  y,     Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  17.     Syn- 
cellus. p-  77.  p.  256. 

6  quence 

3  20  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

quence  in  our  inquiries.  We  find  here,  that  the  Demigods, 
or  Auritsc,  ftand  firft:  and  with  them  the  hiftory  of  the  country 
muft  commence.  Thefe  are  fucceeded  by  thofe  of  the  Cunic, 
or  Royal,  circle,  the  ancient  Mizrann  :  and  thofe  again  by 
other  dynafties  in  their  order.  As  to  Hephaiftus,  Helius, 
and  the  twelve  other  Gods,  they  were  only  fo  many  facred 
titles,  which  were  either  prefixed  to  the  Egyptian  calendar, 
or  to  the  months  of  the  year,  by  way  of  diftindion.  The 
numbers,  with  which  they  were  accompanied,  were  aftrono- 
mical  computations  ;  and  related  to  time,  and  its  portions, 
and  not  to  the  reigns  of  princes.  From  hence  we  may  be 
afTured,  that  there  were  no  kings  prior  to  thofe  abovemen- 
tioned.  But  the  Grecians  having  been  told,  that  in  their 
retrograde  way  of  computation,  the  fifteenth  dynafty  was 
the  firft,  were  led  to  think,  that  the  converfe  alfo  was  true ; 
and  that  the  firft  was  the  fifteenth.  And  thofe,  who  difircr 
in  the  pofition  of  the  Shepherd  dynafty,  yet  count  from  the 
laft.  This  may  be  feen  in  the  Chronicle,  which  I  have  exhi- 
bited above  :  where  the  firft  dynafty  numbered  is  the  Tanite, 
which  is  marked  the  fixteenth :  and  this  is  the  ^  fixteenth 
from  the  bottom,  if  we  include  the  laft  of  the  Perfians.  In 
confequence  of  this,  that  of  the  Auritas  muft  have  been  the 
fourteenth  dov/nwards,  which  would  naturally  induce  us  to 
expeft  many  prior  kings.  But  it  is  manifeft  from  Egyptian 
evidence,  from  the  Chronicle  itfelf,  that  there  were  no  pre- 
ceding dynafties  :  for  the  lift  of  the  Deities  was  not  taken 
into  conlideration.    Manethon  counted  it  the  fifteenth  ;  and 

'  The  reafon  of  their  flopping  at  this  in  tlieir  computation  upwards,  was,  becaufe 
this  was  looked  upon  as  the  fiift  genuine  Egyptian  dynafty.  This  will  be  fhewn 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  321 

it  is  accordingly  fo  exprefTed  by  Africanus.  Hence  thefe 
writers,  and  their  followers,  have  been  led  to  fuppofe,  that 
there  were  once  fourteen  dynafties  antecedent.  They  ac- 
cordingly prefixed  them  to  the  true  lift;  and  immediately 
fet  themfelves  to  work,  in  order  to  remedy  an  evil,  which 
did  not  exift.  For  when  thirteen  or  ^  fourteen  dynafties 
had  been  thus  imagined,  it  afforded  matter  of  very  much 
ftudy  to  find  out  the  perfons,  of  whom  they  were  compofed. 
There  was  a  great  vacuity ;  and  the  means  were  fcanty  to- 
wards fupplying  what  was  demanded.  Menes  was  at  hand 
to  begin  with ;  who  is  made  the  firft  king  by  all :  and  to  him 
they  fubjoined  a  lift  of  others,  wherever  they  could  obtain 
them.  Africanus  in  his  lift  mentions  this  perfon  the  firft; 
and  fays,  that  he  was  a  Thinite  by  birth,  and  deftroyed  by 
an  hippopotamus.  In  this  he  is  followed  by  others.  But 
Menes  I  have  fhewn  to  have  been  the  Lunar  Deity,  who  was 
probably  worftiiped  in  fome  Thinite  temple.  The  hippo- 
potamus was  reprefented  as  an  emblem  of  his  prefervation  ; 
which  they  have  perverted  to  an  inftrument  of  his  deftruc- 
tion.      Eufebius    ftyles    him    a    Thebinite,    and    Thebean. 

Aioi/^og.  'The  jirjl^  who  reigned,  was  Menes  the  Thebinite,  the 
Arkccan  ;  which  is  hy  interpretation  the  Tonian.  This  The- 
binite, and  Arkasan,  was,  we  find,  the  fame  perfon,  of  whom 
the  lonah,  or  Dove,  was  an  emblem;  fo  that  of  his  true  hif- 
tory  we  cannot  doubt. 

At  the  beginning,  next  after  Menes,  they  have  got  together 

'  They  amount  to  fixteen  in  Eufebius  -,  and  as  many  in  Africanus. 
•'  Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  18. 1.  13. 

Vol.  III.  T  t  an 

322  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology* 

an  aflemblage  of  names,  and  titles ;   fome  of  which   belong 
to  Deities,  and  others  feem  to  be  borrowed  from  Eratofthe- 
nes,  and  occur  in  later  ages.     Such  is  Sefoftris,  whom  they 
repeatedly  introduce.      They   reprefent    him  as  a  gigantic 
perfonage  :   and  he  is  at  times  called  "  Sefolis,  SethooHs,  Se- 
fonchofis,  Gefon  Gofes;  and  otherwife  diverfified.      Diodo- 
rusj  and  others,  tell  us,  how  he  conquered  the  whole  earth  ;, 
Co  that  there  was  not  a  nation,  which  did  not  acknowledp-e 
his  power.      Upon   his  return  after  his  conquefts,  the  firft 
thing,  which  he  took  in  hand,   was   the  making  of  a  long 
"  ditch  upon  the  eaftern  coaft  of  Egypt,  to   fecure   himfelf 
fforix  hisi  Rcxt  neighbours.      Strange  !   that  the   monarch  of 
the  whole  earth,  whofe  army  is  faid  to  have  been  above  half 
a,  n:^illion,    fliould  be  afraid   of  a  few  clans  upon   the  de- 
fert.      He  is   mentioned   as   the  firft  of  the  line  of  ''  Ham, 
who  reigned  in  Egypt ;   and  he  is  placed  immediately  after 
''^  Orus.    According  to  fome,  he  comes  a  degree  lower,  after 
'^  Thules  :   in  which  Situation  he  occurs  in  '*  Eufebius.      Yet 
he  is  again  introduced  by  this  author  ijn,  the  fecond  dynafty 
under  the  name  of  '^  Sefocris :   and  the  like  hiftory  is  given- 
of  his   height,  and  ftature,   as  is  to  be  found  in  Herodotus, 
and  Diodorus.      Again  in  the  twelfth  dynafty  we  meet  with 
'*  Gefon  Gofes,  in  our  copies  of  Eufebius  ft;yled  ''  Sefon.chorisj 

"  Newton's  Chron.  p.  69. 

"  Diodor.  Sic.  L.  i.  p.  51. 

"  Chron.  Pafchale.  p.  47. 

'*  Scholia  in  Apollon.  L.  4.  v.  272. 

*'  Ceilrcnus.  p.  20. 

'"  Eufcb.  Chron.  p.  7.  1.  43. 

"  Ibid.  p.  14- 

'*  SyncelUis.  p.  59. 

"  Eulcb.  Chrcn.  p.  14.  but 

The  Analy$i$  oj?  AncieKt  Mythology.  32^5 

but  by  Syncellus  more  truly  rendered  "  Sefotichofis  :  and, 
what  is  flrange,  next  but  one  in  the  fame  dynafty,  we  meet 
with  *'  Sefoftris.  That  we  may  not  fuppofe  him  to  have 
been  a  different  perfon  of  the  fame  name,  a  fliort  hiftory  of 
his  life  and  conquefts  is  annexed.  His  height  too,  and  fta- 
ture,  are  defcribcd,  juft  as  we  find  them  reprefented  by  other 
authors.  From  hence  we  may  be  afllired  of  the  identity  of 
this  perfon,  who  is  thus  repeatedly  introduced  to  make  up  a 
fuppofed  deficiency.  In  fhort  they  have  adopted  every  va- 
riation of  a  name,  and  out  of  it  formed  a  new  king. 

In  this  manner  writers  have  tried  to  fupply  the  vacancies 
in  their  imaginary  dynaflies  of  the  kings  of  Egypt.  But  they 
foon  begin  to  be  tired  :  and  we  have  many  dynaflies  without 
a  fmgle  name.  The  duration  alfo  of  the  reigns  is  often  too 
fhort  to  be  credited.  In  the  eighth  dynafly,  twenty-feven 
Memphites  reign  but  146  years;  which  is  little  more  than 
five  years  apiece.  In  the  eleventh,  fixteen  Diofpolites  reign 
but  43  years ;  which  amount  not  to  three  years  apiece.  In 
the  thirteenth  dynafty,  fixty  more  Diofpolites  are  found,  and 
the  fum  of  their  reigns  is  but  184  years;  which  are  not 
more  than  three  years  and  a  few  weeks  apiece.  But,  what  is 
of  all  the  moft  incredible,  in  the  feventh  dynafty  feventy 
kings  reign  jufl  "  feventy  days. 

From   the  above  we  may   perceive  into  what  difficulties 
the  chronologers  were  brought,  who  tried   to   fupply  thefe 

'"  P-  7.?. 

"  Ibid.  p.  59. 

"  Quot  dies,  tot  reges.  Marfiiam's  Chron.  Sxc.  y.  p.  90.  Eulchius  alters  this 
to  hftcen  days  apiece:  upon  which  Sir  John  Marfham  obferves,  Numerus  dierum 
augetur,  ut  reges  finguli  xv.  dies  habeanr.     Ibid. 

T  t  2  fuper- 

324  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology, 

fupernumerary  dynafties  by  fuch  wretched  means.  They* 
fearched  into  every  old  regifter  j  and  laid  their  hands  upon 
every  lift,  which  occurred,  in  order  to  fill  up  thefe  vacancies. 
Synccllus  fuppofes  "^  Menes  to  have  been  Mizraim  :  but  I 
have  fhewn,  that  he  was  another  perfon  ;  and  the  emblem  o£ 
the  hippopotamus  proves  it.  Beiides,  what  reafon  have  we 
to  imagine,  that  Mizraim  reigned  in  Egypt ;  or  that  he  was 
devoured  by  fuch  an  animal  ?  The  kings,  who  are  brouglit 
in  immediate  fuccefTion  to  him,  are  ""^  Athothis,  Cercenes, 
and  Venephes.  But  thefe  very  kings  occur  in  the  fame  order 
elfewhere.  They  occupy  the  fifty-ninth,  fixtieth,  and  fix- 
ty-firft  places  in  the  catalogue  ot  Syncellus.  They  confe- 
quently  lived  above  one  thoufand  years  later.  Who  can  put 
up  with  thefe  dynafties  of  Diofpolites,  and  others,  whofe 
reigns  are  fo  uncommonly  ftiort  ?  And  is  it  poflible  to  give 
credit  to  the  account  of  feventy  kings,  who  reigned  but  fe- 
venty  days  ?  May  we  not  be  affured>  that  it  was  fome  col- 
lege hiftory  ;  and  related  to  a  fociety  of  priefts,  whofe  office 
came  in  rotation  ;  and  who  attended  once  in  that  ""^  term  ? 
After  all,  that  Africanus,  or  Manethon  before  him  could  da 
to  m.ake  up  what  was  wanting,  yet  many  dynafties  have, 
fcarce  a  name  inferted.  The  feventh,  eighth,  ^*  tenth,  ele- 
venth,  thirteenth,   and  fourteenth,   are   quite  anonymous : 

^'  Syncellus.  p.  91. 

^*  Euleb.  Chron.  p.  14. 

*'  The  Cunocephali  were  faid  to  die  by  piecemeal ;  and  the  whole  body  was  ex- 

t\n&  after  feventy-two  days.      Ems  (i"'  ax  at  iQi'ofj.ny.ovia.  xxi  Suo  'uj-Ampeo^Mo-iv  ri/xfpat^ 

TOTg  oAo?  a7ro9!'H(Tx.ii.     Horapollo.  L.  i.e.  14.  p.  29.     They  were  undoubtedly  an 

-order  of  priefts,  who  were  in  waiting  at  fon'je  temple  ;  and  their  term  was  completed 

in  feventy-two,  or  rather  in  feventy,  days.     See  of  this  work  Vol.  I.  p.  ^35.  note  14. 

*"  In  the  ninth,  one  name  only  out  of  nineteen  fpecified. 


The  Analysis  o?  Ancient  Mythology,  325 

and  in  many  places,  where  names  have  been  inferted  bv 
Africanus,  they  are  rejeded  by  Eufebius,  who  came  after 

For  thefe   reafons,   and   from   the   authority  of  the  Old 
Chronicle,    I   entirely  fet  afide  the  reigns  of  all  princes  an- 
tecedent to  the  Auritie,  or  Shepherds.      They   firfl:   reigned 
in  Egypt,  as  the  beft  hiftories  fhew.    And  however  high  the 
later  Egyptians  may  have  carried  their  antiquity  ;    I  cannot 
admit  of  any  dynafty  prior  to  the  fifteenth,   counting  back 
from  the  laft.      Indeed  we  may  infer,  that  the  fifteenth  was 
looked  upon  by  all  as  the  leading  dynafty,    before   the   true 
fyftem  was  fpoiled.      And  even  afterwards,   there   feems   to 
have  been  a  tacit  reference  to  it,  as   to   a  ftated   point,   by 
which  every  thing  elfe  was  to  be  determined.      Both  Mane- 
thon,  and  Africanus  place  the  Auritae,  or  Shepherds,  in  the  fif- 
teenth dynafty;  but  count  from  the  firft.   Eufebius  alfo  places 
them  in  the  fifteenth,  if  we  count  from  the  ^'  laft.  From  hence 
we  may  perceive,  tliat  which  way  fo  ever  we  may  reckon ;  and 
however  the  accounts  may  have  been  impaired-,  the  fifteenth 
was  the  obje6t>  by  which  they  were  originally  determined. 
The  words  of  Africanus  are  very  remarkable,  when  he  fpeaks 
of  the  kings  of  this  dynafty.      '*  lienehmTri  IlQiuLsvm.    Hrccy 
h  ^oiviKsg  ^si/oi  ^cc(TiXsig,  /,  01  mi  Ms[.i(pLu  elXov  0;  nm  bv  too  Xs- 
^.^OiTYi  vofj^M  TTo'Aiv  szTLTOLV,  dp  rig  o^^m^JLemi  AiyvTriiag  s^siccjcoLno, 
The  fifteenth  is  the  dynafty  of  the  Shepherds.   Thefe  were  foreign 
pri7ices,ftyled  Ph(B7iices..      They- firft  built  themfehes  a  city,  in 

*'   It  is  to  be  obferved,  that- Eufebius  begins  with  what  he  flyles  the  f^ventcenth, 
and.  ends  with  the  tiiirty.. firft  :  but  in  thc-kries  the  twentjvfirft  is  fomchow  oniittcdJ'' 
•^  Syncellus.  p.  61. 


326  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

the  Seihro'ite  for  rather  ^^  Sethite)  region  ;  fro7n  whe7tcc  they 
made  their  invafio?!^  and  conquered  all  Egypt.      This  author 
having  mentioned  thefe  Shepherds,  whom  he  calls  Phcenices, 
adds  a  dynafty   of  thirty-two  Hellenic  Shepherds ;   and  a 
third  of  forty-three  Shepherds,  who  reigned  collaterally  with 
as  many  kings  of  Thebes.      This  is  extraordinary,  that  they 
fhould  correfpond  fo  exactly  in  number ;   but  what  is   more 
ftrange,   that   they  fhould   reign  the  fame  number  of  years. 
5°  'O|u.oy  o{  Yloi^evsg  koli  01  (drj^oLioi  &^0L<n7\iV(rcLV  st/j   pvot.     The 
Shepherd  ki?igSj  and  thofe  of  Thebes  reigned  the  fame  number  of 
years  :  which  amount  to  one  huiidred  arid  fifty  07ie.      We  fee 
here  two  dynafties   at  different  places,   commencing  at  the 
fame  time,  which  correfpond  precifely  in  number  of  kings, 
and  in  number  of  years.    And  the  fum  of  thefe  years  allows 
little  more  than  three  years  and  an  half  to  the  reign  of  each 
prince.      For  there  are  forty-three  in  each  place  ;   and  reign 
but  one  hundred  and  fifty-one  years ;   which   is   incredible. 
"Both  the  Phoenician,  and  Hellenic  Shepherds  were  certainly 
the  fame  as  thofe,  who  made  an  inroad  into  Egypt,  and  took 
Memphis ;   and   afterwards   conquered   the   whole  country. 
They  are  brought  by  Africanus  in  fucceflion  after  the  for- 
mer ;   but  were  certainly  the   fame,   however  diverfified  by 
titles,   and  increafed  in  number.      The  years  of  their  reigns 
are  apparently  a  forgery.      We  may,    I    think,    be   affured, 
that  Manethon  and  Africanus  out  of  one  dynafty  have  formed 
three  ;  and  have  brought  them  in  fucceflion  to  one  another. 
And  this  arofe  from  their  not   knowing  the  ancient  titles  of 
the  perfons  ;   nor  the  hiftory  with  which  it  was  attended. 

■*'  It  was  the  province  of  Scth,  called  alfo  Sait,  to  which  the  author  alludes. 

'°  Syncellus.  p.  61.  6  Eufcbius 

The   Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  327 

Eufebius  faw  this ;   and  therefore  ftruck  out  two  of  thefe 
dynaflies ;   and  brought  the   third   downwards   two  degrees 
lower.   By  tkefe  means  the  dynafty  of  the  Shepherds  is  made 
the  fifteenth  upwards ;   which  is  the  true  place  :   and  at  this 
commences  the  hiftory  of  Egypt.      If  then  we   take  away 
the  two  fuppofititious.  dynafties  of  Manethon,  which  are  re- 
jecfled   by   Eufebius,    the  Shepherd  dynafty,  marked  by  him 
the  fifteenth,  will  be  the  fifteenth  from  the   bottom.      And 
It  will  be  plain,    that  the  feries,  from  the  Shepherds  to  the 
laft  Perfic  princes  inclufivc,  confifted  at  firft  of  fifteen   dy- 
nafties  only.   The  notion  of  any  antecedent  kings  arofe  fronr 
a  retrograde   manner  of  counting  among  the  Greeks ;   and 
from  an  error  in  confequence  of  it.      In  Eufebius  the  Shep- 
herd dynafly  is   the   fifteenth  from   the    bottom  :   and  if  we 
difcard  the  two  fpurious  dynafties,  which  he  has  fubftituted 
fn  the  room   of  the   two  inferted  by  Manethon,  it  will  be 
found  the  fifteenth  from  the  top,  and  accord  every  way.    In. 
fhort,  it  was,  according  to  Manethon,  the  center  dynafty  ol 
twenty-nine.      All   from   it   inclufive   downwards   were  ge- 
nuine ;    but    the    fourteenst  above    fuppofititious.      They 
were  fuperadded,  as  I  before  faid,  from  an  error  in  judgment, 
and  a  faulty  way  of  computation. 

As  the  mifhake  began  with  Manethon  and-  the  Hellenic 
Egyptians  ;  it  may  be  worth  while  to  give  a*  lift  of  the  dy- 
nafties, as  they  ftood  before  they  were  further  corrupted  by 
the  Grecians  in  other  parts. 


328  The  Analysis  op  Ancient  Mythology* 



From    the    D  E  L  U  G  E, 

As    they   are   recorded    by   Manethon. 

l^he  Firfl  Dynafiy, 

Next  after  the  Demigods  was  Menes  the  The- 

einite,  who  was  deftroyed  by  a  crocodile. 

TTdz  Second  Dynafiy  of  Thmites, 








TTje  Third  Dynafiy  of  Memphites, 



The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  329 





Tofer  tails. 




The  Fourth  Dynafiy  of  Memphitss. 

Suphis  the  Second, 
Sefocris,  who  was  five  cubits  high,  and  three 

in  circumference. 
A  ninth  unknown. 

The  Fifth  Dynafiy  of  Elephantine  Kings. 

Vol.  III.  U  u  Tarcheres. 

330  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 


The  Sixth  Dynajly  of  Memphites. 







The  Seventh  Dynajly. 
Seventy  Memphites,  who  reign  feventy  days. 

The  Eighth  Dynafty. 

Twenty -feven    Memphites,    who    reign    146 

The  Ninth  Dynajly  conftjls  of  nineteen  Princes  of  Heracka^ 

Othoes,  killed  by  a  crocodile. 
The  eighteeen  others  unknown. 

The  Te7ith  Dynajly,, 

Nineteen  Heraclotics,   who  reign  185  years; 
their  names  and  hiftory  unknown. 

The  Eleve72th  Dynajly, 

Sixteen  Diofpolites,  who  reign  43  years. 
Of  thefe  Amemenenes  only  fpecified. 

g  The 

The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  331 

The  Twelfth  Dyiiajly :  twelve  Diofpolites. 

^'  Sefonchoris,  the  fon  of  Ainanemes. 

Sefoftris :  the  great  monarch,  who  conquered 
all  the  world:  the  next  in  order  to  ^^  Ofiris  : 
his  height  was  four  cubits,  three  palms,  and 
two  digits. 

'^  Ammeres. 



The  reft  unknown. 

The  Thirteenth  Dytiajly, 

Sixty  Diofpolites,  who  reign  184  years.  No 
names  nor  hiftory  mentioned. 

The  Fourtee7ith  Dyjiajly. 

No  rhention  made  of  it.  Eufebius  however  fupplies  this  vacan- 
cy with  a  Dynafty  of  76  Xoites,  who  reign  coUediveiy  1 84 
years  :  which  is  but  two  ^*  years  and  five  months  apiece. 

''  He  is  called  Sefonchofis  by  Syncellus  In  another  lift.  He  is  faid  to  have 
been  the  fon  of  the  former  king.  But  all  dynafties  begin  with  kings  of  a  new 

'^  OvvTTo  AiyuTTTti)!'  /w,5Ta  Ocrifiv  fo/jjamvact.  How  then  can  he  be  a  king  in  the 
twelfth  dynafty  ?     The  account  of  his  ftature  is  from  Eufebius. 

''  Thefe  three  feem  not  to  have  been  in  Manethon  :  but  are  fupplied  by  Afri- 

^'  See  Syncellus.  p.  49.  Some  make  the  number  of  years  4S4,  which  amounts 
to  abou:  fix  years  and  feven  months  apiece.     Neither  account  feems  credible. 

uu  2  n 


332  The  Analysis-"6F  Ancient  Mythology. 

'The  Fifteenth  "'^  Dynafty  is  of  the  Shepherds. 

Tliefe  were  fix  foreign  princes,  ftyled  Phoenices,  who  took 
Memphis ;  and  built  a  city  in  the  Sethro'ite  nome  ;  from 
whence  they  made  an  irruption,  and  conquered  all  Egypt* 



Pachnan.  .       ~ 




At  this  period  are  introduced  the  two  fpurious  dynafties 
by  Manethon  ;  or  at  leaft  by  ^^  Africanus. 

The  firft  is  of  thirty-two  Grecian  Shepherd  kings,  who 
reign  518  years. 

The  fecond  of  forty-three  Shepherd  kings,  who  reign  col- 
laterally with  juft  the  fame  number  of  Diofpolites :  and  alfo 
reign  precifely  the   fame  number  of  years  j   which  amount 

to  153. 

Thefe  dynafties  I  omit :  and  in  confequence  of  it  call  the 
next  dynafty  the  lixteenth. 

The  Sixteenth  Dynnfly  of fxteeji  Diofpolites. 




"  This  is  in  reality  the  firft  dynafty  of  Egyptian  kings. 

'*  It  is  not  certain  to  whom  this  miftake  is  to  be  attributed  \  but  I  fhouH  judge, 
that  it  was  owing  to  Africanus, 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.        333 














The  Seventeenth  Dynafly  of  Diofpolites, 
Rap  faces. 

I'he  Eighteenth  Dynajiy  of  twelve  Diofpolites. 
No  names  nor  hiftory  is  given. 

The  Nineteenth  Dy?iafty  of  f even  Tahites. 





334         The  Analysis  of  Ancient  .Mythology, 


The  Twentieth  Dynajly  of  nine  Bubafiites, 



The  three  next  are  not  named. 


The  three  next  are  rot  n.imed. 

The  Twe7tty-firft  Dy7iafiy  of  Jou?'  Tanites. 


Tloe  T'we7ity-fecond  Dyjjo/ly. 
Bochoris  the  Saite. 

The  Tisoenty-third  Dynajly  of  three  Ethiopians. 


The  Tweiity-foiirth  Dynajly  of  nine  Sa'ites, 





The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  335 


Nechao  the  Second, 





The  Twenty-fifth  Dynafly  of  eight  Perftaiis, 


Darius,  the  Son  of  Hyflafpes. 







The  TweTi^^'-fxth  Dynafly. 
AmyrtfJus  the  Sai'te. 

The  Twer.ty-fevinth  Dynafly  of  four  Meftdefans,. 


The  Twenty-eighth  Dynafly  of  three  Sebetinytes,. 


T.  COS. 

N  e  fl^iiebes ..  The- 

2S^  The   Analysis   of   Akcient  Mythology. 

Tie  Twejity-ninth  Dyjiafiy  of  three  Perjtans. 


Darius  :    the    fame    who    was   conquered    by 

Such  was  the  ftate  of  the  dynafties,  before  they  had  fuffer- 
ed  a  fecond  interpolation,  by  having  two,  which  were  fpu- 
rious,  inferted.  Thefe  confifted  of  no  Icis  than  feventy 
Grecian,  and  other,  Shepherd  kings,  which  are  very  jufdy 
fet  afide  by  Eufebius.  This  learned  writer  had  done  well, 
if  he  had  flopped  fhort,  after  that  he  had  remedied  the  mif- 
take  in  Africanus.  But  he  had  no  fufpicion,  that  the  pre- 
vious dynafties  were  all  fpurious ;  I  mean  all  thofe  before 
the  fifteenth.  Fie  was  therefore  fearful  of  making  a  gap  in 
the  lift  ;  and  has  fupplied  the  place  of  thofe,  which  he  ex- 
punged, with  fome  Diofpolites,  or  ^^  Thebans.  But  they 
fhould  be  all  alike  cancelled  :  for  with  the  Shepherds,  thofe 
Auritae,  and  Demigods,  the  chronology  of  Egypt  began. 
Therefore  the  feventeenth  dynafty  of  Eufebius  fhould  have 
been  marked  the  firft  ;  for  it  certainly  was  fo  efteemed 
by  the  ancient  Egyptians  ;  and  we  ought  for  the  future  to 
read,  IT^wtj]  A^^^aj-sicc,  lioi^JLevB;  rj(ro(.v  ^svoi  jSair/As/?,  oi  koli  Msfj.-^ 
<piv  iiTKOVy  KTh.      The  Jirji  dy77ajiy  cojtjtjis  of  the  Shepherd  kings ^ 

"  As  the  two  dynafties  of  Manethon  were  brought  after  the  Shepherds,  Eufebius 
varies  his  difpofition,  and  places  his  Diofpolites  above  them  :  for  he  faw  plainly 
that  the  place  of  the  Shepherds  was  the  fifteenth  inclufive  from  the  bottom.  But 
by  this  interpolation  he  made  it  the  feventeenth  from  the  top.  Whereas  it  was  the 
center  dynafty  equally  removed  from  the  extremes.  It  ftood  between  the  fpu- 
rious and  the  genuine  dynafties  •,  and  belonged  tg  the  latter. 

7  ivho 

The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  337 

who  were  foreigners^  and  took  Memphis^  &c.      To  the  truth  of 
this   the   Old   Chronicle   bearr^   witnefs :    in  which   the   flrft 
who  reign  are  the  Shepherds,  under  the  title  of  Semidci  and 
Auritas.      The  number  and  titles  of  the  dynafties   do  not 
turn  out  fo  precifely  the  ^^  fame,   as   we   find  them  in  other 
accounts  ;  for  the  Chronicle  falls  off  towards  the  end  \  being 
mod  defedliv^e,  where  we  might  expedl  it  to  be  moft  perfed:. 
It  affords  however,  though  very  concife,    the  great  outlines 
of  the  Egyptian  chronology  ;   and    muii   be  efteemed  as  an 
excellent  guide,  as  far  as  it  is  capable  of  condii6ling  us.      I 
would  not  therefore  do  any  thing  to  difparage  its  merit :   yet 
it  is  probably  nothing  more  than  a  part  of  a  yearly  calendar, 
in  which  the  ceieftial  motions  were  calculated.   The  months 
and  holy  days  fpecified,  and  the  reigns  of  the  kings  prefixed. 
Among  many  others,    there   were  two  Hermetic  books,   in 
common  ufe  among  the  Egyptians.      The  "  firfl:  of  thefe  re- 
lated to  the  energy  of  the    heavens ;   to   the   powers  of  the 
planets,  and  the  influence  of  the  ftars ;   and  was  properly  a 
treatife  concerning  horofcopes,  and  aftrology  ;   and  was  full 
of  dark  and  myfterious  learning.      The  other,  which  related 
to  the  real  operations  of  nature,  was  of  more  ufe,  but  in  lefs 
efteem  ;    being  nothing  more  than  a  common  almanack,  and 
fo  denominated.  *°  Tars  gv  toic  A7\^bvi'^iclkqi;  (forte  AX^sviol- 

<TBm,BV  TOi;  BQ"^Ol.TQi;  Biy^B  7Y,V  'UTOL^'  AiyVKTlOig  C/ATlOhoyiOLV.    What 

''  It  has  in  fome  places  been  altered  to  ferve  a  purpofe  ;  and  probably  by  Syn- 

>'  Jamblichus,  Se(fl.  8.  c.  4.  p.  i5o. 
*°  Ibid. 

.      Vol.  III.  X  X  fays 

2S^  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology* 

fays    Chaeremon,   is  comprijed  in  the  Rgyptiait    almanacks^, 
contains  but  a  fmall  part  of  the  Herma'tc  injiitutions.      The 
whole,  that  relates  to  the  rijifig  and  occult  at  ion  of  the  Jiars,  to- 
the  increafe  and  decreafe  of  the  moon,  was  held  in  the  leaf:  efli- 
mation.     Porphyry   likewife  mentions  the  Egyptian  Alma- 
nacks ;   and  gives  an  account  of  their  contents,  which  feem 
to  be  very  curious.      They  coniifted   of  a  detail  about  the 
phafes  of  the  fun,  and  moon  ;   and  of  the  riiing,  and  fetting 
of  the  ftars  for  the  year  :   alfo  of  the  afped:s  and  influences  of 
the  planets,  and  what  was  from  them  portended :  '^'^ koli  ^s^x- 
TTSicci  'WOLom,  there  was  alfo  fotne  phyf  cat  advice  fubjoined.   Alt 
this,  fays  Porphyry,  sv  K7^^svi')(iOLK0ig  (psfSTai,   is  contained  in 
the  Egyptian  almanacks.      According  to   lamblichus,  thefe 
calendars  were  not  held  in  fo  high  repute,  as  the  other  Her- 
Tiietic  writings.      Be  this  as  it  may,  our  Chronicle  is  proba- 
bly of  this  fort :   and  though  formerly  of  no  great  efleem  on 
account  of  its  being  cheap  and  obvious,  yet  not  at  all  for  that 
reafon  of  lefs  authority.    It  began,  as  I  have  fhewn,  with  the 
fuppofed  reign  of  Hephaiftus,   and  of  the  Sun  ;   and  after- 
wards of  Cronus,   and   twelve  other  Gods.      Syncellus  ima- 
gines, that  it  mifled  Manethon  by  the  immenfe  number   of 
year^,  of  which  thefe  reigns  are  faid  to  confift.   The  amount 
of  the  whole  was  no  lefs  than  36525  years.      There  is  fome- 
thing  particular  in  this  number,   to  which  we  muft  attend  j 
as  it  has   mifled   not  only  Manethon,    but   Syncellus.      For 
they  with  many  more  have  applied  thefe  numbers  to  the  dy- 
nafties  of  Egypt :  by  which  means  the  annals  ot  the  country 
have  been  carried  to  an  unwarrantable  height.      lamblichus, 

■*'  Epiflola  ad  Ancbonem.  p.  7. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.         339 

who  had  ftudied  the  Egyptian  hiftory  very  clofely,  takes  no- 
tice of  the  fame  numbers,  and  applies  them  to  the  writings 
of  Hermes.  He  introduces  Chaeremon,  who  is  fpeaking  of 
firft  principles  and  effences  :  **  all  which^  fays  he,  Hermes 
tranjjnitted  in  twenty  thoufand  volumes^  according  to  Seleucus^ 
or  rather^  as  M.a7ietho7t  has  Jheiv?!,  they  were  compkated  in 
thirty-fix  thoufand  five  hundred  and  thirty-five.  We  may 
from  hence  perceive,  how  uncertain  writers  were  about 
a  circumftance  of  this  confequence.  What  fome  applied 
to  the  duration  of  their  monarchy,  others  fuppofed  to 
be  a  number  of  books,  the  volumes  written  by  Hermes.  But 
the  numbers  were  mifapplied  in  both  cafes.  They  related 
indeed  to  volumes  ;  but  to  volumes  of  another  nature  ;  to 
the  revolutions  of  the  fun  :  and  were  an  artificial  calcula- 
tion. One  kind  of  Egyptian  year  conilfted  of  three  hun- 
dred and  fixty  days ;  with  the  five  STroLyofJLSVOLi,  which  were 
facred  to  five  Deities,  *^  Ofiris,  Aroueris,  Typhon,  Ifis,  and 
Nephthe.  Some  Deity,  or  title  of  a  Deity,  was  afiixed  to 
every  day  in  the  calendar  :  hence  they  amounted  to  365  in 
number.  Thefe  were  introduced  into  Greece,  and,  as  was 
fuppofed,   by  Orpheus.      To  this  Theophilus  alludes,  when 

he  upbraids   Orpheus  with  his  polytheifm.  '^ti  Cfj(ps7\r,Q'£V 

O^cpsa  01  T^iamtrm  s^-riKonct  "srsnTS  ©soi ;  fFhat  advantage  did 
Orpheus  ever  find  fir  om  his  three  hundred  and  fiixty-five  Gods  f 
This  year  of  365  days  was  termed  the  Sothic,  from  Sothis, 

^^  ToLiixiv  Qvv  oAai'EpfAKevrxti  S'tcf^upiccn  (^iQXoif,  m'Zi^siix.oi  acTnypx-^xro'  n  tcch 
^fua-f^vpieciS  Tg  xa<  f^otx.ia-^tXiat.t?,  kcci  ■srivrccxoaiaa  staj  sixotri  ■srivn,  ik  ^fa(•£6w;  <V'f  •:;,, 
TiXiMi  KviS'ii^i.     lamblich.  Seft.  8.  c.  i.  p.  157, 
*'  Plutarch.  Ifiset  Ofir.  p.  ■^^^. 

"**  Theoph.  ad  Autol.  L,  3.  p.  381. 

X  X  2  the 

24-0  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

the  dog-ftar  ;  at  whofe  heliacal  rifing  it  was  fuppofed  to  com- 
mence. But  they  had  another  year  in  Upper  Egypt,  which 
was  heliacal,  and  ftyled  the  Theban.  This  confifted  more 
accurately  of  three  hundred  iixty-five  days,  and  {ix  hours. 
■^^  Tlsns  cJ"  ir,[JL£^ag  koli  tstol^tov  Toig  ^oohacL  fJUiTiv  BTroLya^ri. 
"They  add,  fays  Diodorus,  to  the  twelve  7nonths,  jive  days  complete 
a?id  one  quartej\  It  was  ufed  in  many  parts  of  Egypt :  and 
the  numbers  fpoken  of  above,  related  to  a  period  in  calcu- 
lation ;  and  was  no  hiftorical  account.  They  were  the 
amount  of  days  in  a  cycle  of  one  hundred  years  :  for  if  one 
year  confifts  of  three  hundred  iixty-five  days,  and  a  fourth 
part,  they  in  one  hundred  years  will  amount  to  36525,  the 
number  of  which  we  treat.  What  therefore  had  belonged  to 
an  ancient  ephemeris,  has  by  miftake  been  applied  to  hiftori- 
cal computation  :  and  days  have  been  taken  for  years.  This 
might  well  raife  the  Egyptian  hiftory  to  an  unwarrantable 
height ;  and  make  it  precede  the  creation  by  many  ages. 
Some  have  thought  to  evade  this  difficulty  by  fuppoling  that 
the  years  ''*  XsMvcciOij  and  ^''  ^YiHOCiOi  shccutqIj  lunar  and  monthly 

"'  Diotl.  I,.  I.  p.  46. 

Cuius — iniitatus  TEgyptios,  folos  dlvinarum  rerum  omnium  confcios,  ad 
numerum  foils,  qui  dicbus  fingulis  tricenis  icxaginta  quinque  et  quadrante  curluai 
conficit,  annum  dirigcre  contendit.     Macrob.  Sat.  L.  i.  c.  14.  p.  17S. 

The  Thebans  undcrftood  rm'  tir  a.xp£ii  a(r^c?^.o-)ixr.     Diod.  L.  i.  p.  46. 

(iEgyptii  menfes)  tricenum  dierum  omncs  habent :  eoque  cxplicitis  duodecinj. 
menlibus,  id  efl:,  360  dicbus  exacfbis,  tunc  inter  Augullum  et  Septembrem  reliquas 
quinque  dies  anno  fuo  reddunt  •,  adneilentes,  quarto  quoque  anno  exai5to,  interca- 
iarem,  qui  ex  quadrantibus  confit.     Macrob.  Sat.  L.  i.c.i5.p.  iSo. 

**  Euleb.  Chron.  p.  8.  See  Diodorus.  L.  i.  p.  22.  Kaicc  rw  tw  2:A)};'J),-  -Tirsoto^jv 
ocyia^cii  rci  iviocjiov. 

"•^  Oi "}  ccp  vjap  avTcti  sracXxtoTo.Tot'Zi^i'n'xiyi iCpxazov  eivxi,  n  jxin'tam  r'di  ii'iavrss  £* 
xfJLSPuv  TfiaxoiTa  auvi^onccc.  'Oi  S's  iJt,eT(x.  raxs;  'H(J.Seoi  oupovi  i-naXow  tbc  evtavry?. 
Syncellus.  p.  40.     Apud  .^.gyntios  pro  annis  menfes  haberi.     Varro  apud  Laftanr. 

L.  2.  c.  12.  p.  iCg.  years  I 

The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology,  3-41 

years  ;   which  were  in  ufe  in  fome  parts  of  Egypt.    Syncellus 
tries  to  folve  it  another  way  ;   by  giving  the  dynafties  from 
the  lixteenth  downward  their  proper  number  of  years,   and 
allowing  the  overplus  to  the  Gods,  and  Demigods.      But  we 
have  no  occafion  to  have   recourfe   to  thefe  helps  :    for  the 
numbers  of  the  real  dynafties  had  nothing   to   do  with  this 
aftronomical    computation :   and   lamblichus,    who    equally 
mifapplies  *^  them,  ftiews,  that  they  who   treated   of  them 
differed  in  their  opinions,  and  were  by  no  means  "'^  confiftent. 
The  dynafty  ot  thofe  kings,  who  immediately  fucceeded 
the  Shepherds,  is  termed  the  Cynic  cycle  :   and  the  ftar  Si- 
rius,  and  many  other  things  of  eminence  among  the  Egyp- 
tians, were  ftyled  Cynic  ;   and  fuppofed  to  have  fome  refer- 
ence to  dogs.      But   the  Cynic  cycle,   or  more  properly  the 
^°  Cunic,  was  the  Royal  cycle,    and  related   to   a   feries   of 
kings  :    and  every   thing  fo  denominated  is  to  be  taken  in 
that  acceptation.      Some  of  the  books  of  Hermes  are   ftyled 
Tbvikoli  KCLi  ^'  Kv^avLKOH,   Gem'c  and  Cui'anic  ;   and  from  them 
it  is  faid,  that  Apion,   Manethon,   and   Panodorus  obtained 
moft  of  their  knowledge.      Thefe  fecm  to  be  both  Egyptian 
terms,  diftorted  by  the  Greeks ;    but  oi:  the  fame  purport,  as 
that     above.      They    were    properly    Chanic    and    Curanic 
books ;   and  contained  the  hiftory  of  the   priefts,  and  kings 

■*'  He  fuppofes,  that  they  related  to  the  bocJks  of  Hermes  :  but  the  bocks  of  Her- 
mes were  but  forty-two.  Clemens  mentions  them,  and  ipecifKs  the  contents  of 
each.     Strom.  L.  6.  p.  75S. 

''^  We  learn  from  him,  that  what  Syncellus  in  aftertimes  applied  to  Chronology, 
was  by  Manethon  thought  to  relate  to  the  books  of  Hermes.     Sedt.  8.  p.  157. 

'°  Cun,  Chon,  Cohen,  a  King.     See  Vol.  I.  Radicals. 

''  By  Syncellus  exprcllcd  Y^upclvvh^.  'n>x7rfp  iv  TctiTii'ixonrii'Ep/j.ii,  v.cti  ev  tuh  Kw- 
^oLvvidi  (ii^Aoii  iip^iTcci.  p.  52.  See  Vol.  I.  of  this  work.  Radicals.  Keren,  Rex. 
Kuran,  Heliicus.     Hence  xurr-?,  Koi^ato5. 


The  Analysis,  of   Ancient  Mythology, 

of  tlie  country.  Every  Grecian  term,  which  alludes  to  Egypt, 
and  its  hiftory,  is  to  be  fufpefted.  It  is  to  be  obferved,  that 
Manethon,  and  his  copier  Africanus,  mention,  that  after  the 
reigns  of  the  Demigods,  there  was  a  fucceffion  of  other  per- 
fons ;  and  he  fpecifies  thofe  of  the  firft  dynafty.  ^^  MsTct 
vskvol;  rove  'Hfju^ssg  'ur^mri  (^ariXBia  KOLTCLPi^fjLZiTOLi^  ktX.  But 
what  can  we  rnake  of  thefe  terms  ?  Pojl  manes  Semideos 
prima  dynajiia^  or  poji  cadave?'a  Semideos  pj'i7na  dynajiia^  &c. 
They  cannot  be  made  fenfe  by  any  expoiition.  Eufebius  faw, 
that  there  was  fome  miftake ;  and  he  has  altered  it  by  in- 
ferting  a  copulative.  ^^  Msra  vevzccg  koli  Tsg  'tifJuSsag  'W^CfJTi]v 
hvafsiav  fCOiTa^i^^airi.  But  this  does  not  feem  to  mend  the 
matter.  PoJ^  manes,  vel  cadaver  a,  et  Semideos  pritna  dynajlia 
numeratur.  In  another  place  Syncellus,  befides  the  vzKVzg 
'H(Jnkoiy  makes  mention  of  ^  ©swv,  mi  'Hp^sw;/,  Kdi  vsKVcaVy 
KXi  ^vrjTOOV :  Deorum^  et  Semideorum^  et  cadaverwn,  et  mo7'ta- 
lium.  But  what  fenfe  can  be  obtained  from  hence  ?  Is  it 
not  manifeft,  that  there  is  fome  miftake  in  terms  ?  I  think, 
we  may  be  affured,  that  what  the  Grecians  have  rendered 
vzKoq,  a  dead  body,  was  Nechus,  a  King :  and  that  by  the 
words  Msra  vzmv.g  'Hjat^sa?  'sr^wTj}  ^ariKsix,  we  are  to  under- 
ftand,  poft  reges  Semideos,  after  the  reigns  of  the  Demigods- 
began  thefrfl  Egyptian  dynafty.  The  title  of  Nechus  was 
very  "  ancient,  and  to  be  found  in  many  nations.    The  king 

'*  Syncellus.  p.  54. 

"  Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  14.    Msra  rgxt^as  xai  ths  'HjHiSsa?.    Eufeb.  apud  Syncellum. 

P-  5S- 

'*  Syncellus.  p.  40. 

5'  It  feems  to  have  been  exprelTed  Ntcho,  Nechao,  Nechus,  Negus ;  and  was  pro- 
bably the  fame  as  nJ3,  Nagud  of  the  Hebrews,  which  fignifies  a  Prince.  It  occurs 
in  compofition  •,  and  wc  read  of  Necepfus,  Necherophes,  kings  of  Egypt.  It  was  a 
common  title.  *^*" 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  34^, 

ofAbyffinia  is  called  Negus  at  this  day.  The  purport  of 
the  hiflory  given  will,  I  think,  prove  what  I  fay.  Syncellus 
mentions,  that  Manethon  borrowed  what  he  wrote  from  the 
books  of  Hermes ;  and  that  the  firft  part  of  his  work  gave 
an  account  of  the  Gods,  and  Demigods ;  which  laft  we 
know  were  mortal  men,  and  reigned  in  '^  Egypt.  Thefe  cer- 
tainly were  the  firft,  who  had  the  title  of  Nechu-s  :  and  it  is 
infeparably  found  with  them.  Eufebius  indeed  and  Syncel- 
lus  take  pains  to  disjoin  them  ;  and  out  of  them  would  form 
a  different  fet  of  perfons.  The  former  accordingly  through 
miftake  complains  of  the  Egyptians  for  introducing  fuch  a 
ftrange  fet  of  perfonages.      ^^  YIol^ol  tstoi;   ('H|C/j^£Oi?)   vsavcf^v 

IxvaoXoyiav.      Beftdes  thefe  Demigods,   they  have  got  together 
a   tedious  ill-grounded   hijlory    of  dead  perfons,    and    other 
mortals,  who  reigned.      But  the  whole  of  this  is  a  miftake  of 
the  true  hiftory  :   and  I  am  perfuaded  from  the    pofition  of 
the   terms,    that  what  Eufebius  alluded  to  fliould  have  been 
rendered   NB'^ifiv   KUi   eiB^m   ^ol(Ti7\boov,     And  in  the  readijig 
above,  ^asTa  vBKVOLg  'Hfjuhag  fhould  have  been  expreffed,  ac- 
cording to   the    original,    fjisra  Ns'^ovg  'HfJU^Bagy  pofl   reges 
Semideos,  after  the  Demigod  kings,  the  firft  dynafy  C07nme7jced. 
But  either  the  traiiHators,  or  tranfcribers,  did  not  know  the 
meaning  of  the  title  Nechus  ;   and  have  changed  it  to  yB'/.'jg^ 
a  dead  body.    The  like  is  to  be  obferved  in  the  paffage  above 
quoted  from  Syncellus  ;    where    the   three   orders  of  princes 
are  mentioned,  which  occurred  in  the  Egyptian  lifts :   ©sw;/, 

'*  'H^<9£ci /2ao-<AS(; — xoii  iJ.iT  ccji'di  yivia.1  uKmr^'^i  y.vy.K^.    Eufcb.  Cliron.  p.  7. 
"  Syncellus.  p.  40. 

6  Ky.l 

344  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

KCLi  'H^JLiOsccfy  KOLi  vBKVm^  KOii  ^nftm.  I  make  no  doubt,  but 
according  to  the  true  hiftory  the  reading  was,  05wy,  kca  'H^i- 
i^£6(;^,  KOLi  "Ssyoov  ^i/r^rc^v :  Gorisy  and  Demigods^  a?id  kmgSy  who 
were  7tiortah.  I'liefe  mortal  kings  are  mentioned  in  contra- 
diftindion  to  the  Gods,  and  Demigods,  though  the  latter 
were  equally  men,  but  were  ftill  efteemed  a  fuperior  order 
of  beings.  Eufebius  is  very  fevere  upon  the  Egyptian  annals, 
as  beino- full  of  forgeries.  But  in  this  I  muft  in  fome  degree 
diffent  from  this  very  learned  author.  For  I  believe,  that 
the  hiftory  of  Egypt  would  have  been  fomid  far  more  con- 
fiftent,  than  is  imagined,  if  it  had  never  been  perverted  by 
thofe  who  borrowed  from  it.  The  Grecians  ruined  a  fine 
fyftem  by  blending  what  related  to  aftronomy  with  chrono- 
logy ;  and  confounding  theology  with  ^^  hiftory  :  by  not  dif- 
tinguifhing  between  Gods,  and  men  ;  between  reigns  of 
kings,  and  revolutions  in  the  heavens.  The  kings  of  Egypt 
had  many  names,  and  titles.  ^'  Aimv^jLOi,  KCii  t^ioovv^jloi  'UTqX- 
T^ayn  Toov  AiyvTrrLooi/  oi  'BoLTihsig  sv^r\VTa.i.  The  pri?ices  of  the 
country  have  often  two^  and  often  three  names.  The  Deities 
had  ftill  a  greater  variety  :  and  I  have  before  mentioned  a 
ftatue  of  Ifis,  infcribed,  ^°  Ifidi  Myrionymse,  to  Ifis  with  a 
thoufand  iiames.  Thefe  names  and  titles  have  been  branched 
out  into  perfons,  and  inferted  in  the  lifts  of  the  real  monarchs. 
Hence  we  find  Menes,  the  Lunar  God,  with  the  hippopota- 
mus ftand  foremoft  ;  and  Ofiris,  and  Orus  nearly  in  the  fame 
pofition.      I  have  mentioned  of  Ofiris,  that  he  was  expofed 

5'  Both  Eufebius  and  Syncellus  failed  by  trying  to  adapt  foreign  occurrences  to 
Grecian  mythology. 
''  Syncellus.  p.  63. 
'°  Gruter.  p.  83.  n.  11. 

JO  ,     m 

The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  345 

in  an  ark,  and  for  a  long  time  in  a  ftate  of  death.  Tlie  like 
is  faid  of  Orus,  whom  ^'  Ifis  found  floating  upon  the  waters: 
alfo  of  Adonis,  and  Thamuz,  who  returned  to  light  after  the 
expiration  of  a  year.  We  have  the  fame  hiftory  concerning 
Talus,  or  Tulus,  who  fucceeded  Orus.  He  is  by  fome  called 
Thoulus ;  and  is  faid  to  have  had  a  renewal  of  life,  and  to 
have  recovered,  when  Cybele  was  in  labour. 

Laftly,  it  is  faid  of  ^^  Rhamefes,  whom  Herodotus  calls 
Rhampflnitus,  that  he  defcended  to  the  manfions  of  death  ; 
and  after  fome  flay  returned  to  light.  The  anniverfary  of  his 
return  was  held  facred,  and  obferved  as  a  feftival  by  the 
Egyptians.  I  mention  thefe  things  to  fhew,  that  the  whole 
is  one  and  the  fame  hiftory :  and  that  all  thefe  names  are 
titles  of  the  fame  perfon.  They  have  however  been  other- 
wife  efteemed :  and  we  find  them  accordingly  inferted  in  the 
lifts  of  kings ;  by  which  means  the  chronology  of  Egypt 
has  been  embarrafled  greatly. 

Having  mentioned  Rhamefes,  and  his  defcent  to  Hades,  I 
cannot  help  adding  a  fhort  piece  of  hiftory  concerning  him  in 

*'  Plutarch.  Ifis  et  Ofir.  p.  ^i^-j. 

**  Nonnus.  L.  25.  p.  674.       TaAajs'   0  nhio;.     Hefych.       TaAaios'    0    'Ziui  ev 
Kfnrt).     Ibid. 

'  EXiyov  TBTcv  70V  (2ccai?^tix  i^Moi'  xxra€}]vai  xarw  £5  top  01  'EAA>ji'gs  oc'i^v  vo/xi^sa-i 
iivxi.  Herodotus.  L.  2.  c.  122.  He  is  faid  to  have  ruled  over  the  whole  earth,  like 
Zeuth,  Ofiris,  Orus,  and  others.  Hermapion  calls  him  Rhameftes,  Pa^fTWf. 
Marcellinus.  L.  17.  p,  126.     See  Tacitus.  Annal.  L.  2.  c.  60. 

Vol.  III.  Y  y  that 

346  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

that  fitiiation  ;  in  order  to  give  another  inftance  of  Grecian 
fophiftry,  and  abiife  of  terms.  It  is  well  known,  that  under 
the  character  of  Damater  the  ancients  alluded  to  the  ark, 
and  to  the  fuppofed  Genius,  which  prefided  over  it.  This 
Goddefs  is  faid  to  have  received,  and  fheltered  Rhame- 
fes  in  the  {hades  below  :  and  it  is  further  mentioned, 
'■^  TvyKV^sveiy  t>]  Arj^JLTtT^iy  that  he  played  at  dice  with  the  God- 
defs.  The  perfons  in  the  ark  were  reprefented  as  in  a  ftate 
of  death  :  and  the  ark  itfelf  was  looked  upon  as  a  bier  or 
coffin  ;  and  as  fuch  commemorated  in  all  the  rites  of  Oliris. 
A  coffin,  or  bier,  feems  by  the  Egyptians  to  have  been  ftyled 
Cuban  :  which  term  the  Greeks  retained,  and  expreffed 
Cubas.  Hence  Ki;oa;'  cro^oj.  Ciibas^  fays  Hefychius,  figni- 
jies  a  bier.  A  ffiip  alfo  -was  called  Cuba,  and  ^^  Cubeia. 
But  at  the  fame  time  that  Cubas,  Cuba,  and  Cubea,  had  a 
reference  to  an  ark  or  ffiip,  KiiS'o;,  Cubus,  iignified  a  die  : 
and  Ky^gw,  Cubea,  had  alfo  a  relation  to  a  game.  In  con- 
fequence  of  this,  the  Grecians  have  taken  the  terms  in  a 
WTong  acceptation  :  and  inftead  of  faying,  that  Rhamefes, 
during  his  ftate  of  confinement,  was  with  Damater  in  Cuba, 
a  ffiip,  or  ark,  they  have  turned  the  whole  into  paftime,  and 
made  him  play  with  her  at  dice.  The  like  llory  is  told  by 
"  Plutarch  of  Hermes:  whence  wx  may  infer,  that  one  of  that 
name,  for  there  were  feveral,was  the  fame  perfon  as  Rl:kamefes. 

**  Herod.  L.  2.  c.  122. 

^MCaCsics,  is/5  n^tfis/.  Hefych.  It  fhould  be  resjj.  Cubeam  maxlmam,  trlre-  inftar,  pulcherrimam,  atque  ornatiffimam.  Cicero.  Verrina  5.  17.  from  hence 
Apollo,  the  prophetic  God,  was  called  Cabasus. 

'O  xiaatvi  ArroAAi;!-,  0  Ka^ac;;,  0  y.xvTti.  ^Ichylus  apud  Macrob.  Sat.  L.  i. 
c.  iS.  p.  200. 

^  JfisetOfiris.p.  355. 

lO  It 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  347 

It  is  then,  I  think,  manifeft,  that  the  Cuthite  Shepherds 
compofed  the  firft  dynafty  of  kings  in  Egypt  :  and  that  the 
Ifraelitifli  Shepherds  fucceeded  them  not  long  after  their  de- 
parture. Moft  of  the  Fathers  are  milled  by  Jofephus ;  who 
fuppofes,  in  oppofition  to  the  beft  authority,  that  the  whole 
hiftory  related  to  one  body  of  people  only,  and  that  thofe 
were  his  anceftors.  But  the  purport  of  the  hiftory  given, 
and  the  very  dynafties,  which  they  have  tranfmitted,  prove 
the  contrary.  Yet  they  perfift  ;  and  accordingly  place  the 
Exodus  in  the  reign  of  ^^  Amos,  or  Amolis;  which  was  many 
years  prior  to  the  departure  of  the  firft  Shepherds,  as  will  be 
{hewn  ;  and  confequently  contrary  to  the  true  order  of  hif- 
tory. Of  thefe  Shepherds  we  have  very  circumftantial  ac- 
counts ;  though  their  dynafty  is  tranfmitted  to  us  by  diffe- 
rent writers  in  a  very  confufed  manner.  The  perfons,  who 
have  preferved  it,  are  Manethon,  Africanus,  Eufebius,  Syn- 
cellus,  and  Theophilus  of  Antioch.  There  is  to  be  found  a 
very  great  difference  fubftfting  between  thefe  writers,  of 
which  at  prefent  I  fliall  fay  nothing.  Let  it  fuftice,  that  we 
have  from  them  tranfmitted  to  us  a  dynafty  of  the  Shep- 
herds ;  the  fifteenth  of  Africanus  ;  and  the  feventeenth  of 
Eufebius,  which  is  likewife  the  fifteenth,  if  we  reckon 
from  the  bottom.  The  next,  which  is  by  them  all  intro- 
duced as  the  eighteenth,  begins  in  this  manner  : 

Mft;o"»)' e^»iA6e;' £|  AiyvTrra.     Syncellus.  p.  62. 

Yy  2  7%e 

348  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

I'he  Eighteenth  Dynajly  of  Sixteen  Diofpolite^  orTheban^^^  Kings. 


*'  AmoHs  or  Tethmofls. 

The  account  given  by  Manethon,  concerning  the  expul- 
fion  of  the  Shepherds,  is  this.  After  they  had  for  many- 
years  kept  the  Egyptians  in  fubjedion;  the  people  of  Upper 
Egypt  rofe  againft  them,  and  under  the  diredion  of  their 
kings  carried  on  a  long  and  bloody  war.  At  laft  Halifphrag- 
muthofis,more  generally  called  Mifphragmuthofis,  furrounded 
them  in  their  diftrid,  named  Avaris,  which  they  had  fortified. 
Here  they  were  befieged  a  long  time  :  when  they  at  laft  came 
to  terms  with  ^°  Amofis,  the  fon  of  the  former  king.      After 

*'  The  names  are  in  great  meaJure  taken  from  Africanus  in  Syncellus.  p.  72.  See 
alfo  Theoph.  ad  Autolyc.  L.  3.  p.  3-;2.  ,.,       .^   ,     ^    .  ^. 

*'  So  he  is  called  by  Apion,  and  Ptolemy  Mendelius :  hkewile  by  Tatianus  Al- 
fyriu.s,p.  273.  Jiiftin.  Martyr.  Cohort,  p.  13.  Clemens  Alex.  Strom.  L.  i.  p.  378. 
See  Eufeb.  Prasp.  Evang.  L.  10.  p.  490.  493.  497- 

''  Tethmofis  of  Africanus,  lome 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  '349 

Ibme  conferences,  they  agreed  to  intirely  evacuate  the  coun- 
try, if  they  might  be  permitted  to  go  off  unmolefted.  He 
accordingly  gav^e  them  his  promife,  and  they  all  departed. 
V/hcn  they  were  gone,  he  demolifhed  the  ^'  fortification, 
which  they  had  raifed  ;  that  it  might  not  any  more  be  a  re- 
ceptacle to  difaffeded,  or  rebellious  people.  From  this  hif- 
tory  we  learn,  that  Mifphragmuthofis,  and  his  fon  Amofis 
reigned  in  the  time  of  the  firft  Shepherds.  Therefore  the 
reign  of  the  former,  and  fome  years  of  the  latter,  fhould  be 
placed  in  collateral  order,  as  being  plainly  fynchronical. 
The  like  is  to  be  obferved  of  all  the  previous  kings  of  that 
dynafty.  They  v/ere  the  princes  who  firft  made  head  againft 
the  Shepherds ;  and  carried  on  the  war  mentioned  above, 
which  was  put  an  end  to  by  Amofis.  They  were  confe- 
quently  fynchronical.  But  by  this  not  having  been  obferved, 
they  are  brought  after,  and  fome  of  them  are  funk  above  an 
hundred  years  lower  than  they  fhould  be  :  and  this  in  con- 
tradiction to  the  very  evidence  by  thefe  writers  produced. 
For  they  allow,  that  Amofis  ruined  the  place  called  Avaris, 
into  which  his  father  Mifphragmuthofis  had  before  driven 
the  Shepherds:  and  it  is  expreflly  faid,  that  it  was  afterwards 
given  by  Amenophis  to  the  other  Shepherds,  who  fucceeded. 
Nothing  can  be  more  determinate  than  the  words  of  Mane- 
thon  ;  ^^  TTiV  tocd  TlQi[j(,sj/oop  s^r,fJM^Si(rav  'WoXiu  Kua^iv  crvvB^/oc^ri<Ts. 
He  gave  them  the  city  Avaris^  which  had  beoi  vacated  by  the 
fortner  Shepherds.  We  find  that  the  hiftory  lies  within  a 
fhort  compafs.  The  only  thing  to  be  inquired  into,  is  the 
identity   of  the   perfons  fpoken   of.      As  Mifphragmuthofis 

''  ¥.ctTZov^<u.-\i  ir,v  h-jctov.'  huMQii.     Tatianu.s  AfTyrius,  from  Ptolemy  McndtTi us. 
p.  273.     See  alio  Clemens  Alex.  L.  i.p.  ^78.  and  note  7. 

^'  Manethon  apud  jofephum  contra  Ap.  L.  i.  p.  460.  defeated 

350  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

<lefeated  the  Shepherds,  and  drove  them  into  Avaris ;  do  we 
find  a  king  of  Egypt  fo  called  ?  There  is  a  king  of  that 
name  :  and  if  we  look  into  the  lift,  we  find  him  the  fixth  in 
the  eighteenth  ^^  dynafty,  which  confifts  of  Theban,  or 
Diofpolite  kings.  His  fon  Amofis  is  faid  to  have  concluded 
the  whole  affair,  and  finally  to  have  expelled  them.  Does 
nny  prince  occur  of  the  name  of  Amofis  or  Tethmofis,  in 
this  order  ?  A  perfon  of  this  name  appears  in  the  fame  dy- 
nafty ;  and  he  is  fucceflbr  to  the  former,  in  conformity  to 
the  hiftory  given.  It  is  faid,  that  Amenophis  gave  the  dif- 
trift,  which  the  former  Shepherds  vacated,  to  the  latter.  As 
thefe  fucceeded  the  others  very  foon  ;  is  there  any  king  of 
the  name  of  Amenophis,  whofe  reign  coincides  v/ith  thefe 
circumftances  ?  Such  a  one  very  happily  occurs  :  and  he 
comes  the  very  next  in  fuccefiion  to  the  prince,  who  fent  the 
firft  Shepherds  away.  Thefe  things  furely  are  very  plain. 
Why  then  are  thefe  kings  brought  fo  much  lower  than  the  aera 
allotted  to  the  Ifraelites  ?  and  why  have  the  moft  learned  of 
the  Fathers  adjudged  the  departure  of  that  people  to  the  time 
of  the  firft  king  of  this  Theban  dynafty  ?  This  prince  is  faid 
to  have  lived  ^^  twenty-five  years  after  they  were  retired. 
From  hence  we  may  be  aflured,  that  this  could  not  be  the 
perfon,  with  whom  Mofes  was  concerned ;  for  that  king  was 
drowned  in  the  Red  Sea.  Theophilus  calls  this  king  Ama- 
fis  ;  and  fpeaking  of  thefe  twenty-five  years,  fays,  that  he 
reigned  that  term,  ^^  (Jlstci  Triv  bk^oM^  t^  ^^^  5   ^fi^^  ^^  ^^^^^ 

^'  6.  Mifphragmuthofis, 

7.  Amofis,  five  Tethmofis. 

8.  Amenophis. 

''*  Theoph.  ad  Autolyc.  L.  3.  p.  392, 

''  Ibid.  expelled 

The   Analysis  of   Ancient  Mythology.  351 

expelled  the  people  fpoken  of.  This  can  never  be  made  appli- 
cable to  the  Ifraelites.  It  cannot  with  any  propriety  be  faid 
of  them,  that  they  were  expelled.  They  were  detained 
againft  their  will :  and  when  they  were  fuffered  at  laft  to 
depart,  the  Egyptians  purfued  after  them,  in  order  to  bring 
them  '"^  back.  The  hiftory  certainly  relates  to  the  Cuthite 
Shepherds,  who  flood  their  ground,  till  they  were  a6lually 
driven  away.  So  far,  I  believe,  is  true  ;  that  the  Ifraelites 
left  the  country  in  the  reign  of  Amafis,  who  was  more  pro- 
perly called  Ramafes,  and  Ramafes  the  fon  of  Sethon  :  but 
this  was  a  long  time  after  the  reign  of  Amos,  or  Amofis,  who 
is  placed  at  the  head  of  the  Theban  dynafty. 

If  thefe  great  out-lines  in  hiftory  are  fo  clear,  as  I  prefume 
them  to  be  ;  it  may  be  afked,  how  it  was  pofTible,  for  fuch 
miftakes  in  chronology  to  have  arifen  ?  What  reafon  can 
be  given  for  this  wilful  inconliftency  ?  I  anfwer  with  regret, 
that  it  was  owing  to  an  ill-grounded  zeal  in  the  Fathers. 
They  laid  too  much  ftrefs  upon  the  antiquity  of  Mofes;  and 
laboured  much  to  make  him  prior  to  every  thing  in  "Greece. 
It  had  been  unluckily  faid  by  Apion,  that  the  perfon,  who 
ruined  Avaris,  v/as  contemporary  v/itli  '^^  Inachus  of  Argos. 
If  this  perfon  Vv^ere  before  Mofes,  then  Inachus  mufl  alfo 
have  been  before  him,  v/hich  was  not  to  be  allowed.   Hence 

'^  It  may  be  faid,  that  the  Egyptians  preftcd  the  Ifraelites  to  depart:  A:\ithe 
Egyptians  were  urgent  upon  the  people,  that  they  might  fend  them  out  of  the  land,  &c. 
Exodus,  c.  12.  V.  33.  But  this  does  not  come  up  to  the  real  and  hoftile  cxpulficn, 
which  is  mentioned  by  the  Egyptian  hiftorians  :  fo  that  the  people  thus  forcibly 
expelled  could  not  poffibly  be  the  Ifraelites. 

"  See  Clemens,  Tatianus,  and  the  authors  above  quoted.  Afi  Icanus  apud  Eufeb. 
Prrep.  L.  lo.  p.  490.     Juftin.  Martyr.  Cohort,  p.  15.     1  heophilus.  L.  3.  p.  393. 

'^  Syncellus.  p.  62.  p.  68. 


352  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythologv. 

names  have  been  changed,  and  hiftoiy  has  been  perverted, 
to  prevent  this  alarming  circumftance.  Accordingly  Tatia- 
nus  having  gone  through  a  long  feries  of  argument  to  this 
purpofe,  concludes  with  fome  triumph  :  ^'  Ov/,ouv  'UTB(pT^vs 
MuvjYii;^  caro  ye  7m  'sr^osi^i][j.svoo:j,  ■w^sG'^vTs^og  'H^if)m  'uraKo'jooVy 
'WoKsm,  ccii^.ovm.  Therefo?-e  it  is  maiiifejl^  from  what  has 
been  faid^  that  Mofes  %vas  prio?^  to  the  heroes,  to  the  cities.,  and 
to  the  Deities  (of  Greece).  But  truth  does  not  depend  upon 
priority  :  and  the  Fathers  loft  fight  of  this  blefling  through 
a  wrong  zeal  to  obtain  it.  They,  to  be  fure,  might  plead 
fome  authority  for  their  notions  :  but  it  was  not  of  fuch 
weight,  as  to  have  influenced  men  of  their  learning.  Ma- 
nethon  does  mofl  certainly  fay,  at  leaft  as  he  is  quoted,  that 
the  Shepherds,  who  were  expelled,  betook  themfelves  to 
Jerufalem.  ^°  Msra  to  s^shhiv  s^  AiyvTTTs  tqv  Kolqv  toov  IIo;- 
fjLS'Joov  sig  'lB^O(TQKv^oi,  0  B/J^oCKm  oLVTOvg  £^  AiyvTTTii  (io(.(nKsvg 
Ts^^^rig  B^oL(n7\sv(Ts  ixbtol  Tcf.vroL  btyj  siZO(n  'srsvTs,  Koti  (jLYivocg 
Tscru'ct^ag.  After  the  Shepherds  had  departed  from  Egypt  to 
feriifaletn,  T^ethmofs,  who  drove  them  away,  lived  twenty-fvR 
years  mtd  four  months.  This  one  circumftance  about  Jeru- 
falem has  contributed  beyond  meafure  to  confirm  the  Fa- 
thers in  their  miftakes.  Jofephus,  and  thofe  who  have 
blindly  followed  this  authority,  did  not  conflder,  that  the 
Ifraelites  were  not  driven  out ;  that  they  did  not  go  to  Je- 
rufalem ;  and  that  the  king,  in  whofe  reign  they  departed, 
did  not  furvive  the  event  :   for  he  perifhed,  as  has  been  faid 

"  Tatianus.  p.  274.     See  Juftin.  Martyr.  Cohort,  p.  13.     Theophilus  fuppofes 
the  Exodus  to  have  been  a  thoufand  years  before  the  war  of  Troy.    L.  3.  p.  393. 
'°  Jofephus  contra  Ap.  L.  i.  p.  446. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  353 

before.  Add  to  this,  that  the  fame  writer,  Manethon,  plainly 
fhews,  that  the  Ifraelites  did  not  come  into  Egypt,  till  the 
reign  of  *°  Amenophis,  who  was  many  years  later:  ib  that  this 
hiftory  could  not  relate  to  them.  He  gave  them  the  very 
diftrid:,  which  the  former  Shepherds  had  deferted.  The 
whole  account  of  the  firft  Shepherds  is  inconfiftent  with  the 
hiftory  of  the  latter.  The  Fathers  often  quote  Apion,  Pto- 
lemy Mendefius,  and  Manethon,  to  prove  that  the  Ifraelites 
were  expelled  Egypt  by  Amofis,  or  Amafis ;  and  fpeak  of 
Mofes  as  contemporary  with  that  king,  whom  they  place  at 
the  head  of  the  Theban  dynafty.  Thus  Juftin  Martyr  ap- 
peals to  the  firft  of  thofe  writers  for  the  truth  of  this  afTertion. 
^'  Kara  hoLyov  A^yag  ^oKriT^sa,  AixoL(n$og  AiyvKTrnv  ^cctiT^sv- 
onog,  oLto^YivoLi  la^onag^  oov  riysKr^oLi  Moov<tsix.  According  to 
Apion,  in  the  time  of  Inachus  of  Argos^  and  in  the  i-eigit  of 
Ajnafis  of  Egypty  the  Ifraelites  left  that  country  under  the 
conduSi  of  Mofes.  He  quotes  for  the  fame  purpofe  Polemo, 
and  Ptolemy  Mendefius.  But  the  hiftory  could  never  be  as 
we  find  it  here  reprefented.  We  have  a  long  account  of  the 
Shepherds  in  Manethon  ;  who  fays  not  a  word  of  what  is 
here  mentioned  of  the  Ifraelites ;  but  contradids  it  in  every 
point.  Apion  likewife  expreflly  tells  us,  that  Amofis  was 
the  perfon  who  ruined  Avaris ;  which,  we  know,  was  after- 
wards given  to  the  later  Shepherds.      And  fo  far  is  he  from 

'"  Jofephus  contra  Ap.  6i.  p.  460.  The  coming  of  the  Ifraelites  is  plainly  de- 
fcribed  under  the  return  of  the  firft  Shepherds.  Many  have  fuppofed  the  two  bodies 
of  people  to  have  been  one  and  the  fame.  They  have  therefore  miftaken  the  arrival 
of  the  latter  for  a  return  of  the  former -,  and  have  in  confequtnce  of  it  much  con- 
founded their  hiftory  :   but  the  truth  may  be  plainly  difccrtied. 

*'  Cohort,  p.  13. 

Vol.  hi,  Z  z  referring 

354  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

referring  the  departure  of  this  people  to  the  reign  of  the  firft 
Diofpolite  king  in  the  eighteenth  dynafty,  that  he  fuppofes, 
the  Exodus  to  have  been  in  the  ^'  feventh  Olympiad,  which 
was  many  centuries  later. 

The  Fathers  do  not  always  quote  precifely ;  but  often  put 
their  own  inferences  for  the  words  of  their  author.  Ptolemy, 
Apion,  and  others  mention,  that  a  people  called  Shepherds 
.were  driven  out  of  Egypt  in  the  reign  of  Amolis.  Thefe. 
Shepherds,  fay  Theophilus  and  Tatianus,  were  the  Jews : 
therefore  the  Jews  left  the  country  in  the  reign  of  that  king  : 
and  as  they  were  conduced  by  Mofes,  it  is  plain,  fay  they, 
from  Apion,  that  Mofes  was  contemporary  with  *^  Amofis. 
In  like  manner  Jofephus  tells  us,  that,  according  to  Mane- 
thon,  the  Jews  were  driven  out  of  Egypt  in  the  reign  of 
king  ^■^  Tethmofis.  Now  the  paffage,  to  which  he  alludes,  is 
preferved  in  his  own  works  at  ^^  large :  and  not  a  fyllable  does 
Manethon  there  fay  about  either  Jew  or  Ifraelite.  He  gives 
quite  a  different  hiftory.  A.nd  though  his  account  is  very 
incorrect,  yet  fo  much  we  may  plainly  learn  from  him,  that 
the  Ifraelites  came  into  Egypt  in  the  time  of  Amenophis,  the 


'*  Jofephus  contraAp.  L.  i.  p.  469. 

*'  The  fame  hiftory  is  quoted  from  difFerean  v/riters  with  a  fimirarity  of  language,. 
which  is  very  fufpicious.  Thus  Ctefias  is  by  Clemens  made  to  give  the  fame  account 
as  we  havi"  liad  from  the  writers  of  Egypt.  'H  M'jxn'jii  xara  Pifj-uaiv  rev  Aiyuirriuvy, 
xai  xxrctlva^^ov  70V  A^yiioi',  f^  Aiyjirrd  y.iv)iirii.  Strom.  L.  i.  p.  379.  It  is  very 
(rxtraordinarv,  that  fo  many  foreign  writers  fliould  uniformly  refer  Mofes  to  Inachus;. 
as  it  is  a  point  of  little  confequence  to  any,  but  thofe,  v/ho  wanted  to  enhance  the  an- 
tiquity of  the  former.  To  the  fame  purpofe  Apion,  Polemo,  and  Ptolemy  Mende- 
fius  are  quoted.  Yet  I  am  perfuaded,  that  the  ancient  Egyptians  knew  nothing  of 
Argos  •,  norof  Inachus,  the  fuppofed  king  of  it.     See  JuIlinMartyr.  Cohort,  p.  13. 

*+  Contra  Ap.  L.  I.  p.  469. 

"  Ibid.  p.  444.-  .    ,    , 


The  Analysis   of  Ancif.nt  Mythologv.  355 

eighth  king  of  the  Diofpolite  dynafty;  and  they  likewife  left 
the  country  in  the  reign  of  Amenophis,  fometimes  rendered 
by  miftake  Amenophthes.  This  was  not  the  fame  prince, 
but  one  long  after,  whofe  fon  was  Sethon,  called  alfo  Ra- 
mafes  Sethon,  from  Rampfes  (the  fame  as  Ramafes),  the  fa- 
ther of  ^*  Amenophis. 

If  then  we  recapitulate  the  principal  fads,  which  relate  to 
the  ancient  hiftory  of  Egypt,  we  lliall  find  that  they  hap- 
pened in  the  following  order.  After  that  the  Mizraim  had 
been  for  fome  time  fettled  in  that  country,  they  were  in- 
vaded by  the  Shepherds,  thofe  Cuthites  of  Babylonia.  Thefe 
.  held  the  region  in  fubjeAion  ;  and  behaved  with  much  cru- 
elty to  the  natives.  They  were  at  laft  oppofed  ;  and  by 
kingMifphragmuthofis  reduced  to  great  ftraits,  and  befieged 
in  their  fhrong  hold  Avaris.  His  fon  Amofis,  the  Tethmo- 
fis  of  Africanus,  prefled  them  fo  clofely,  that  they  were  glad 
to  come  to  terms  of  compofition.  He  agreed  to  let  them 
go  unmolefted,  if  they  would  immediately  leave  the  coun- 
try. Upon  this  the  whole  body  retired,  after  having  been 
in  poiTeilion  of  Egypt  above  two  hundred  and  fifty  years. 
To  Amofis  fucceeded  Amenophis ;  who  is  faid  to  have  given 
their  deferted  town  and  diftrid:  to  the  Ifraelitifh  Shepherds. 
Thefe  came  into  the  country  from  Canaan  about  thirty 
years  after  the  exit  of  the  ^^  former.  They  refided  here  two 
hundred  and  fifteen  years ;  and  then  they  too  retired  in  the 

'*  Ibid.  p.  461. 

*'  This  I  have  fhewn  before.  The  Old  Chronicle  makes  the  refidence  of  the  firfl 
Shepherds  in  Egypt  to  have  been  but  217  years :  but  I  believe  that  it  is  a  miftake  for 
271.  This  would  make  the  interval  25  years  between  the  departure  of  the  firll,  and 
arrival  of  thefecond  Shepherds. 

Z  z  2  reign 

356  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

reign  of  Amenophis,  the  Ton  of  Rampfes,  and  father  of  Rar- 
mafesSethon.  Such  is  tiiv  hiftory,  which  is  given  by*'Ma- 
nethon,  Apion,  and  other  writers.  That  we  may  know  in 
what  degree  this  accords  with  the  dynafty  of  princes  tranf- 
mitted  by  Africanus,  Eufebius,  and  Syncellus,  it  will  be  pro- 
per to  lay  before  the  reader  a  lift  of  the  firft  kings,  as  we 
find  it  exhibited  by  thofe  writers.  I  have  fhewn,  that  the 
firft  dynafty  confifted  of  the  Demigods,  or  Auritze ;  called 
alfo  the  Hellenic  and  Phoenician  Shepherds,  who  took  Mem- 
phis. The  next  dynafty  was  of  Diofpolite  or  Theban. 
princes,  who  were  of  the  Mizraim  race,  and  expelled  the  for- 
mer. And  as  the  perfon,  who  drove  them  away,  was  Amo- 
fis,  or  Tcthmofis,  the  fon  of  Mifphragmuthofis,  that  king,^ 
and  all  above  him,  fhould  be  placed  collateral  with  the  Shep- 
herd dynafty,  as  being  fynchronical.  Indeed  there  is  reafon 
to  think,  that  moft,  if  not  all,  of  the  five,  which  precede  are 
fpurious ;  being  for  the  moft  part  the  fame  names  placed 
here  by  ^°  anticipation  ;  and  having  the  fame  hiftory  re- 
peated. I  lliall  therefore  begin  with  Mifphragmuthofis;  as 
with  him  the  true  Egyptian  hiftory  commences ;  but  will 
firft  give  the  dynafty  of  the  Shepherds. 

"^  Apud  Jofephum  cont.  Ap.  L.  i.  p.  461. 

'°  Haiiiphragmuthofis,  Tethniofis,  Amenophis,  have  been  placed  at  the  head  of 
the  dynafty,  to  raife  the  antiquity  of  Mofes.  The  fame  names  occur  again  in  tlie 
fame  lift,  and  nearly  in  the  lame  order,  below.  What  was  truly  faid  of  the  firft' 
Shepherds,  and  their  expulfion  under  Tethmofis,.  and  Amofis,.has  been  anticipated, 
and  attributed  to  the  Ifraelitifti  Shepherds :  and  the  name  of  the  fame  king  has  been 
repeated,  and  placed  at  tlie  top  of  the  lift. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 


^he  Firfi  Dynajly  of  Kings  in  Egypt ;  tonfifiing  of  Hellenic 
and  Phenician  Shepherds^  who  were  Foreigners^  and  took 



Salatis  -     -     -     19 

Saites      -      -     - 

-     19 

''  Been       -     -      44  m.  7 

Byon      -      -      - 

-     44 

Apachnas  -     -     36  m.  7 

Pachnas  -     -     - 

-    61 

Apophis     -     -     61 

Staan      -     _     _ 

-      50 

lanias    -     -     -     50  m.  i 

Archies  -     -     _ 

-     49 

Aflis     -      -      -  49  m.  2 

Aphobis      —     - 

-     61 





-      19 

Saites     -     -     -      -      19 

Silites     -     -     _ 

Anon      -     -.     -     -     43 

B^on      -      _     _ 

-     44 

Apachnas      -     - 

-     36 

Aphophis      -     -     -      14 

Aphophis     -     - 

-     61 

Anchles    -     -     -     -    30 

Sethos     -     -     - 

-     50 

Kertus    -     _     _ 

-     29 

Afeth      -     -     - 

-      20 




»'  Many  of  thefe  miftakes,  with  which  thefe  lifts  abound,  are  owing  to  the  igno- 
rance of  tranfcribers  and  editors:  of  which  we  have  a  flagrant  in  ftan°ce  before  us. 
After  Salatis,  in  three  copies,  we  find  the  Shepherd  king  called  B^on  and  Bnon.' 


358  The  Analysis  of  At^cient  Mythology. 

The  Second  Dynafyy  co?iJiJiing  of  Diofpolite,  or  Thehan  Kings, 

According  to  '^  Jofephus 

According  to  ^^  Africanus 

from  Manethon. 

in  Syncellus. 

Halifphragmuthofis  2  5  m . 
Thmofis    -     -     -      gm. 


Tethmofis    -     -     -     ^ 


Amenophis  -      -      30  m. 


Amenophis     -      -      - 


Orus    -    -     -     -      36m. 
Acencres       -       -      12  m. 



Orus     ----- 
Acherres     -     -     ,     - 


Rathotis    -     -     -      9 

Rathos      -       -       -      - 


Achencheres      -       12  m. 


Chebres      -     -     -     - 


Achencheres       -       12  m. 


Acherres     -     -     -     _ 


Armais      -      -      -      ^m. 


Armefes       -       _      -     - 


Rhamefies       -       -      im. 


Rhammefes       -     -     - 


Rhamefies  Miamun  66m. 
Amenophis     -      -    igm. 
'^  Sethon  ^gyptus   59 
Rampfes      -      -      66 
Amenophis  -     -     00 
'^  Ramefi^es  Sethon  00 


Amenoph      -       -      - 


"Third  Dynajly. 

Sethos      -      -      —      - 
Rap  faces     -     -     -     - 
Ammenephthes      -     - 



But  this  is  a  manifeft  blunder.  There  was  a  fecond  king  in  the  dynafty  ;  but  the 
chronologers  could  not  arrive  at  his  name.  They  therefore  put  him  down  B.  arwr  : 
the  fecond  king  is  anonymous  :  and  fo  it  octurs  in  Eufebius.  But  in  the  other  lifts  it 
is  altered  to  Bjjwi',  Baiw*-,  Bvuiv ;  and  has  pafTed  for  a  proper  name.  See  Marfham's 
Chron.  p.  100.     Themiftake  is  as  old  as  Jofephus. 

'"  Contra  Ap.  L.  I.  p.  446. 

"  Ibid.  p.  460. 

»*  Ibid.  p.  46 1. 

''  Syncellus.  p.  72. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 


According  to  '*  Eufebius. 


Tuthmofis    - 


Orus      -     -     -     _ 


Athoris      -      -      - 



Cherres      -      -      - 

Armais    -     -     - 

Ammefes    -     -     - 


Third  Dynajiy. 













According  to  "  Theophilus 

Methrammuthofis  20  m.  10 

Tythmofis     -     -     9  m.    8 

Damphenophis  -    30  m.  10 

Orus      -      -     - 

Ori  Filia     - 

Mercheres    - 

Armais  -     -     _ 

Mefles    -      -      - 

Rhamefles      -     - 




Sethos  iEgyptus 

35  m- 

12  m. 

30  m. 

6  m. 

I  m. 
19  m. 






Some  of  thefe  names  by  collating  may  be  correded  ;   and 
each  of  the  authors  quoted  will  contribute  towards  it.      At 

'*  Eufeb.  Chron.  p,  i6. 

"  Theophilus  ad  Autol.  L.  3.  p.  392, 


pre  fen  t 

3'6o         The  Analysis  of  Ancient  MyTHOLcrSY* 

prefent  each  fpecimen  abounds  with  miftakes.  Tythmofis, 
Tethmolis  and  Thmofis,  feem  to  have  been  originally  Tha- 
mofis ;  probably  the  fame  as  Thamus,  and  Thamuz.  Me- 
nophis,  Amcnephthes,  and  Amenophthes  are  undoubtedly 
miftakes  for  '^  Amenophis,  as  it  is  rendered  in  Jofephus. 
Rathos,  and  Rathotis,  are  for  Rathor,  and  Rathccis:  and 
thofe  again  are  for  Athor  and  Athoris.  Chebres  of  Africa- 
nus  fliould  be  altered  to  Cheres,  the  fame  as  Sol.  The 
whole  lift  is  made  up  of  divine  titles.  Cheres  is  fometimes 
compounded  Chan-Cheres ;  and  exprefted  Achancheres  ; 
all  of  which  are  the  fame  title.  Meffes,  Ammefes,  and  Ar- 
mefes,  are  all  miftakes  for  Ramefes,  -either  abridged,  or 
tranfpofed  ;  as  may  be  fhewn  from  Theophilus.  Armais, 
and  Armes,  feem  to  be  the  fame  as  Hermes.  Raphaces, 
and  Rapfes  are  by  Jofephus  more  corredlly  rendered  Ramp- 
fes.  Thoefus  in  Theophilus  is  a  tranfpofition,  and  variation 
of  Sethos,  the  fame  as  Sethon,  whom  he  very  properly,  in 
another  place,  ftyles  Sethos  Egyptus.  As  thefe  names  may, 
I  think,  to  a  degree  of  certainty  be  amended,  I  fhall  endea- 
vour to  give  a  more  corred  lift,  as  I  have  prefumed  to  form 
it  upon  collation. 

1.  Mifphragmuthofis. 

2.  Thamoiis  ;   Amofts  of  Clemens  and  others. 

3.  Amenophis. 

4.  Orus. 

''  To  fay  the  truth,  I  believe  that  Menophis  is  the  original  name.  It  was  a  di- 
vifie  title,  like  ail  tlie  others  ;  and  afllimed  by  kings.  It  was  properly  IMenophis, 
five  Menes  Pytho,  vel  Menes  Ophion  :  and  it  originally  was  a  title  given  to  the 
.perfon  commemorated  under  the  charader  of  Noe  Agathodsmon,  changed  by  the 
■<Treeks  to  Neo.     See  Vol.  II.  Plate  VI.  p.  336. 

^  5.  Chan- 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  361 

5.  Chan-Cheres, 

6.  Athoris. 

7.  Chancheres  2. 

8.  Chancheres  3. 

9.  Armes,  or  Hermes. 

10.  Rhamefes. 

11.  Amenophis. 

Dy7iajiy  the  Third, 

1.  Sethos  iEgyptus. 

2.  Rampfcs,  the  fame  as  Rhamefes. 

3.  Amenophis. 

4.  Rhamafes  Sethon. 

But  though  this  lift  may  be  in  fome  degree  corredled  ; 
yet  we  may  ftill  perceive  a  great  difference  fubfifting  among 
the  writers  above,  and  particularly  in  the  numbers.  The 
only  method  of  proceeding  in  thefe  cafes,  where  we  cannot 
obtain  the  precilion,  we  could  wifh,  is  to  reft  contented 
with  the  evidence,  which  is  afforded  ;  and  to  fee,  if  it  be  at 
all  material.  We  are  told,  that  Mifphragmuthofts  was  the 
perfon,  who  gave  the  Shepherds  the  firft  notable  defeat :  and 
we  accordingly  find  him  in  the  fubfequent  dynafty  to  the 
Shepherds.  Next  to  him  ftands  his  fon  Themofis,  who 
drove  them  out  ol  the  country.  The  Ifraelites  came  foon 
after,  in  the  reign  of  Amenophis,  who  gave  them  a  place 
of  habitation.  In  conformity  to  this,  we  find,  that  Ameno- 
phis comes  in  the  lift-  immediately  after  Themofis,  or  Teth- 
mofis  :  all  which  is  perfectly  confonant  to  the  hiftory  before 
given.      This    people    refided    in    the    country    about    two 

Vol.  III.  A  a  a  hundred 

3^2  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythologt, 

hundred  and  fifteen  years ;  and  departed  in  the  reign  of 
Amenophis,  the  father  of  Ramefes ''  Sethon.  We  find,  that 
the  eleventh  king  is  Amenophis  ;  and  he  is  fucceeded  by 
Sethos  :  by  which  one  might  be  induced  to  think,  that  this 
was  the  perfon  alluded  to.  But  upon  due  examination,  we 
fhall  find,  that  this  could  not  be  the  king  mentioned;  for  he 
was  not  the  father  of  the  perfon,  who  fucceeded  him.  We 
find  in  Eufebius,  and  Syncellus,  that  at  Sethos  ^gyptus,  a 
new  dynafty  commenced,  which  is  prbperly  the  third.  Jo- 
fephus  takes  no  notice  of  this  circumftance  :  yet  he  gives  a 
true  lift  of  the  firft  kings,  who  are 

'!°  Sethon  ^gyptus. 
Ramafes  Sethoti. 

The  third  of  thefe  is  the  Amenophis  fpoken  of  by  Mane- 
thon,  in  whofe  reign  the  Ifraelites  left  Egypt  :  for  he  is  the 
father  of  the  Ramafes  called  Sethon.  In  refped:  to  the 
numbers  annexed  to  each  king's  name,  they  are  fo  varied  by 
different  writers,  that  we  cannot  repofe  any  confidence  in 
them.  I  therefore  fet  them  quite  afide  ;  and  only  confider 
the  numbers  of  the  kings,  who  reigned  from  Amenophis  the 

"  Toi'  viov  SsBwv  rov  xai  VoLfJuaanv  aTO  VetfA-^sooi  t8  -nraT^'QS  (th  A'/ASvcoiptoi)  et>vo- 
fAaa-fAevQv.  Jofephus  contra  Ap.  L.  i.  p.  460.  Rhamefles  feems  to  have  reigned 
•with  his  f;uher.  He  is  called  Rhameles,  and  Rhamafis  ;  and  is  undoubtedly  the 
perfon  alluded  to  by  Clemens,  and  others,  under  the  name  of  Amafis;  in  whole 
time  they  luppoie  the  Exodus  to  have  been.  See  Strom.  L.  i.  p.  378.  Of  Rha- 
mafis, they  formed  Amafis,  which  they  changed  to  Amofis,  and  thus  raifed  the  sra 
of  Mofes  to  an  unwarrantable  height. 

'"  Sethon  ^gypuis.    Cont.  Ap.  L.  i.  c.  460. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  363 

firft  to  Amenophis  the  father  of  Rhamafes.  I  find  them  to 
amount  to  twelve  inclufive.  If  then  we  allow  twenty  years 
to  each  king,  the  reigns  will  amount  to  tv/o  hundred  and 
forty  years.  And  as  we  do  not  know  the  year  of  the  firft 
Amenophis,  in  which  the  Ifraelites  entered  Egypt ;  nor  the 
year  of  the  latter  king,  in  which  they  departed  ;  if  we  make 
proper  allowance  for  this,  the  fum  of  the  years  will  corref- 
pond  very  well  with  the  fojourning  of  the  people  in  that 
country ;   which  was  two  hundred  and  fifteen  years. 

Manethon  tells  us,  as  I  have  obferved  before,  that  the 
Amenophis,  in  whofe  reign  the  Ifraelites  left  Egypt,  pre- 
ceded Rhamafes  Sethon.  In  his  reign  they  were  led  off, 
under  the  ''  conduSi  of  Mofes.  It  is  to  be  obferved,  that  Ma- 
nethon ftyles  this  king  the  father  of  Sethon.  This  is  the 
reafon,  why  I  do  not  think,  that  the  fcwmer  Amenophis  was 
the  perfon  fpoken  of.  Sethon  Egyptus,  who  fucceeded  that 
Amenophis,  was  of  another  dynafty,  confequently  of  another 
family,  and  could  not  be  his  fon  :  for  new  dynafties  com- 
mence with  new  families.  This,  I  imagine,  was  the  prince, 
who  is  alluded  to  in  Scripture ;  where  it  is  faid,  that  *  there 
arofe  up  a  ?iew  khig  over  Egypt  .^  who  knew  uot  Jofeph.  He 
was  not  acquainted  with  the  merits  of  Jofeph,  becaufe  he 
was  the  firft  king  of  a  new  dynafty ;  and  of  a  different  fa- 
mily from  thofe,  who  had  been  under  fuch  immediate  ob- 
ligations to  the  Patriarch.     In  the  ancient  hiftories  there  is 

'  Manethon  has  confounded  the  hiftory  of  Jofeph,  and  Mofes,  of  which  I  have 
before  taken  notice.  He  allows,  that  a  perfon  called  Mofes  led  off  the  Ifraelites ; 
but  fvippofes  that  tliis  was  a  fecondary  name.  MfTeTsG/j  rayofjix,  x.a.i  'urpoariyo^ivQn 
hlcoiiarvi.     Ibid. 

*  Exodus,  c.  I.  V.  8. 

A  a  a  3  a  dif- 

364  The   Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

a  diflindion  made  between  the  Mizra'im  and  the  Egyptians : 
and  the  former  were  looked  upon  as  prior  in  time.  Thus 
in  the  Old  Chronicle,  the  reigns  of  the  kings  are  divided 
into  three  clafles  :  the  firfl:  of  which  is  of  the  Auritse  ;  the. 
next  of  the  Mizraim  ;  and  the  third  of  the  Egyptians.  Here 
is  a  difference  expreffed  between  the  two  latter  ;  and  it  may 
not  be  eafy  to  determine,  wherein  it  confifted.  Thofe,  fa 
particularly  ftyled  Egyptians,  were  probably  of  Lower 
^  Egypt ;  and  of  a  more  mixed  family,  than  thofe  Mizraim, 
who  were  of  the  fuperior  region,  called  Sait.  Of  thefe  the 
Cunic,  or  Royal,  Cycle  confifted  ;  and  the  fupremacy  was 
in  their  family  for  fome  generations.  But  a  change  of  go- 
vernment enfued  ;  and  the  chief  rule  came  into  the  hands 
of  the  AiyvTTTioi,  Egyptians,  of  whom  "^  Sethon,  called 
-tEgyptus,  was  the  firft  m.;onarch»  This  new  dynafty  was 
the  third  :  but  according  to  the  common  way  of  computa- 
tion it  was  reputed  the  nineteenth.  Hence  in  the  Latin 
verfion  of  the  Eufebian  Chronicle  the  author  tells  us  very 
truly,  ^  ^gyptii  per  nonam  decimam  dynaftiam  yi/(?  impera- 
tore  uti  coeperunt ;  quorum  primus  Seth.os.  We  find,  that 
the  genuine  race  of  Egyptian  monarchs  did  not  commence 
before   Sethon,      He   was   of  a    different   family    from    the 

'  The  region  of  Delta  feems  to  be  particularly  denoted'  under  the  name  of  ^gyp- 
tus.  The  words  ^-aAacrtra  yxp  w  Aiyuirro;  relate  only  to  Lower  Egypt.  In  like 
manner  A'yvTTTO'i  J'u^ci'  th  tjjotccjj:^^  AiyvTrroi  's:(jT(x,u.:,^ci;cno^,  cxpi'cfTions  ufed  by 
Herodotus,  and  Diodorus,  have  a  like  reference  to  the  fame  part  of  the  country', 
and  to  that  only. 

*  O  iJ.iv  1.i^.ot3aii  iK.c(.XuTo  Afyvirrci.     Joiephus  cont.  Ap.  T..  i.  p.  447. 
Ai-yvTrrci  S.i  »  ;^&.'fa  g5cA;)fi);  aTTs  t8  Lacr,  A?&)«  St^a's'  T3  ya-o  SsS*'?}  (p^cnr,  Ai-)V7nai: 

-AaXiiTru.     Theophil.  ad  Autol.  L.  3.  p.  392,. 

*  Eufvb.  Chron.  Lat.  p-  17. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  365 

former,  and  undoubtedly  the  perfon  ftyled  a  7iew  king;  who 
was  not  acquainted  with  the  merits  of  [ofeph  ;  and  who 
unjuflly  enilaved  the  children  of  Ifrael.  To  him  fucceeded 
Rampfes ;  and  next  after  him  came  that  Amenophis,  in 
whofe  reign  I  have  fhewn  that  the  Exodus  happened  under 

I  wifli  that  I  could  proceed,  and  with  any  degree  of  ac- 
curacy fettle  the  dynafties  downward ;  that  the  whole  of  the 
Egyptian  chronology  might  be  eftablifhed.  But  as  this  is  a 
work  which  will  require  much  time,  and  more  fagacity,  than 
I  can  pretend  to,  I  fhall  leave  it  to  be  executed  by  others.  I 
flatter  myfelf,  that  it  may  one  day  be  effedled  ;  though  there 
will  certainly  be  great  difficulty  in  the  execution.  The  Exo- 
dus is  fuppofcd  to  have  happened  1494  years  before  the  birth 
of  Chrift.  As  this  event  has  been  miftaken  for  the  retreat  of 
the  firft  Shepherds,  and  adjudged  to  the  reign  of  the  hrft 
Amofis ;  it  has  been  carried  upwards  too  high  by  two  hun- 
dred and  fifty  years.  In  confequence  of  this,  the  v/riters, 
who  have  been  guilty  of  this  anticipation,  have  taken  pains 
to  remedy  the  miftake,  which  they  found  muft  enfue  in  chro- 
nological computation.  But  this  was  healing  one  evil  by  in- 
troducing a  greater.  They  faw  from  their  commencing  fo 
high,  that  the  years  downwards  were  too  many  for  their  pur- 
pofe.  They  have  therefore,  as  we  have  reafon  to  fear, 
omitted  fome  kings ;  and  altered  the  years  of  others  ;  in 
order  that  the  aera  of  Amofis  may  be  brought  Vv'ithin  a  pro- 
per diftance,  and  accord  with  the  year  of  Chrift.  By  means 
of  thefe  changes,  the  kings  of  Africanus  differ  from  thofe  of 
Eufebius ;   and    the   years    of   their  reigns   flill   vary  more. 


366  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

Syncelius  lias  formed  a  lift  of  liis  own:  upon  what  authority 
1  know  not ;  wherein  there  are  ftill  greater  variations  :  fo 
that  there  fometimes  occur  three  or  four  princes  in  a  fuite, 
of  which  there  are  no  traces  in  the  foregoing  writers.  Thus 
every  one  has  endeavoured  to  adapt  the  chronology  of  Egypt 
to  his  own  prejudices ;  which  has  introduced  infinite  con- 
fufion.  Of  this  Sir  John  Marfham  very  juftly  complains. 
^  His  modis  luculentiflimos  JEgypt'i  antiquitates,  Kara,  fTV^oXriv 
KXi  (5\a5-oAr;!/,  Kctra  'ur^o^eciv  Hcti  OL(poLi^B<Tiv  mifere  vexat^,  fpiflis 
involiita;  funt  tenebris ;  ab  ipfis  temporiim  interpretibus ; 
qui  omnia  fufque  deque  permifcucrunt.  Upon  Syncelius  he 
pafles  a  fevere  cenfure.  ''  Reges  comminifcitur,  qui  neque 
apud  Eufebium  funt,  neque  Africanum  :  annofque  et  fuc- 
cefTiones  mutilat,  vel  extendit,  prout  ipfi  vifum  eft,  magna 
nominum,  maxima  numerorum  interpolatione.  It  muft  be 
confefled,  that  there  is  too  much  truth  in  this  allegation  ; 
though  we  are  in  other  refpeds  greatly  indebted  to  this 
learned  chronologer.  The  perfon,  to  whom  we  are  moft 
obliged,  is  Eufebius:  for  he  went  very  deep  in  his  refearchesj 
and  has  tranfmitted  to  us  a  noble  colleiflion  of  hiftorical  re- 
cords, which  without  him  had  been  buried  in  oblivion.  But 
even  Eufebius  had  his  prejudices,  and  has  tried  to  adapt  the 
hiftory  of  Egypt  to  fome  preconceived  opinions.  Hence  he 
laboured  to  enhance  the  antiquity  of  Mofes :  and  not  conft- 
dering  that  the  Shepherd  kings  were  the  firft  who  reigned 
in  Egypt,  he  has  made  it  his  buftnefs  to  authenticate  ftxteen 
antecedent  dynafties,  which  never  exifted.  Hence  the  annak 

*  Marfham.  Can.  Chron.  p.  7. 
"  Ibid. 

*J  of 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  367 

of  this  country  have  been  carried  up  higher  than  the  sera  of 
^  creation  ;  and  have  afforded  embarraffment  to  men  of  the 
greateft  learning.  They  have  likevi^ife  afforded  handle  to 
ill  difpofed  perfons  to  arraign  the  credibility  of  the  Mofaic 
hiftory ;  and  to  call  in  queftion  the  authenticity  of  the 
Scriptures  in  general.  Some  have  had  fufpicions,  that  thefe 
dynafties  were  not  genuine;  and  would  gladly  have  fet  them 
afide.  But  fufpicions  are  not  fuiBcient  to  make  void  fuch  a 
portion  of  hiftory.  It  has  been  my  endeavour  to  detedl  the 
fallacy,  and  to  fhew  manifeflly,  that  they  are  fpurious :  and 
I  hope,  that  the  authorities,  to  which  I  appeal,  have  fuffi- 
ciently  proved  it. 

*  According  to  Africanus,  Menes  preceded  Conchares  in  the  Cunic  cycle,  no  lefs 
;ban3835  years. 

(    369     ) 

O  F    T  H  E 


AND      OF     THE 


I  HAVE  repeatedly  taken  notice,  that  the  worfliip  of  the 
Dove,  and  the  circumftances  of  the  Deluge,  were  very- 
early  interwoven  among  the  various  rites,  and  ceremonies  of 
the  eaftern  world.  This  worfhip,  and  all  other  memorials 
of  that  great  event,  were  reprefented  in  hieroglyphical  cha- 
radlers  in  Babylonia :  and  from  thefe  fymbolical  marks  ill 
underftood  was  that  mythology  framed,  which  through  the 
Greeks  has  been  derived  to  us.  The  people,  by  whom  thefe 
rites  were  kept  up,  were  ftyled  Semarim,  lonim,  and  Derce- 
tidse  ;  according  to  the  particular  fymbol,  which  they  vene- 
rated :  and  fome  alluHons  to  thefe  names  will  continually 
occur  in  their  hiftory,  wherefoever  they  may  have  fettled. 

The  Capthorim  brought  thefe  rites  with  them  into  Palef- 
tine  ;  where  they  were  kept  up  in  Gaza,  Afcalon,  and  Azo- 
tus.      They  worfhiped  Dagon  ;   and  held  the  Dove  in  high 

Vol.  III.  B  b  b  vene- 

370  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

veneration.  Hence  It  was  thought,  that  Semiramis  was  born 
in  thefe  parts,  and  nourifhed  by  pigeons.  Their  coaft  feems 
to  have  been  called  the  coaft  of  the  lonim:  for  the  fea,  with 
which  it  was  bounded,  was  named  the  Ionian  fea  quite  to 
the  Nile.  '  Aeyaci  $s  7ivsg  -/.cli  to  cctto  Ta^rig  [^sy^ig  AiyvTrvd 
'Wshayog  lONION  T^sys^ca.  Indeed  Gaza  was  itfelf  ftyled 
lonah  :   ^  Imrj  ya^  yj  Fa^a  skoAsito  :   which  name  Stephanus 

fuppofes  it  to  have  received  from  the  flight  of  16.      ^  Foc^cc 

BKM^n  ^s  Kcci  lONH  SK  T/jg  lag  'W^OQ"7r?\<^v(roL(rrig,  aoLi  fjLsivaiTYjg 
avTYig  BKBi,  EkKyj^yj  is  KOLi  Mima.  Euftathius  takes  notice  of 
the  fame  circumftance  :  '^  to  cltto  Tcc^rig  (jf-S'^^ig  Aiyv7rT8  'We^- 
7\a.yog  lono:^  7\zyz^on — oltto  TY]g  Isg — rjToi  Trig  ^sT^rji/Yjg'  loo  ya.^  r^ 
I/BKyivyi  koltcil  Tr\y  Tm  A^ysiocv  iicLhZKTOv.  If  the  title  of  Ionian 
came  from  16,  that  name  muft  have  been  originally  I6n  or 
lonah  :  and  fo  it  will  hereafter  appear.  What  one  writer 
terms  Minoa,  the  other  renders  ^sM^^  J  which  is  a  true  in- 
terpretation of  *  Mjjy,  the  Moon,  the  name  of  the  deified 
perfon,  Meen-Noah.  I  have  mentioned,  that  the  like  terms, 
and  worfhip,  and  allulions  to  the  fame  hiftory,  prevailed  at 
Sidon,  and  in  Syria.  The  city  Antioch  upon  the  Orontes 
was  called  I6nah.  ^Iwm^'  8Tw?  bkoCKsito  Yi  ApTio'^SiOL,  ri  S7ti 
At^.pYj,    TiV   wKiTOLV   A^ysioi.     Who  thefe  Argeans  were,  that 

'  Steph.  Byzant.  lovioy. 

*  Ibid. 

^  Ibid.  Ta^a.     Menois  oppidum  juxta  Gazam.     Hieron.  in  locis  Hebr^is, 

*  Scholia  in  Dionyf.  Pcri<'g.  v.  94. 

'  Hence  lo,  or  lonah,  by  being  the  reprefcntanve  of  Meen,  came  to  be  efleemed 
the  Moon.  Iw  •)  ao  n  2eA«yw  naTot.  rvv  tccv  A^yiim'  SiaMKiov.  Scholia  in  DionyC 
Pcrieg.  V.  94.  'Oi  A^ystzi  fy/jq-iKO.'i  to  ovoixa  t«5  2gAi;!'?)5  to  aTroJctyf  oj'  Ixi  ?:iy=Qiv, 
itoiapTi,     Joan.  Antijchenus.  p.  31.     See  Chron.  Paich.  p.  41. 

^  Steph.  Eyzant.  loom. 

2  founded 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  371 

founded  this  city   lonah,   needs  not,    I  believe,  any  expla- 

It  was  mentioned  ^  above,  that  16,  among  her  various  pe- 
regrinations, arrived  at  laft  at  Gaza  in  Palcftine,  which  from 
her  was  called  lonah.  Under  the  notion  of  the  flight  of  16, 
as  well  as  of  OUris,  Damater,  Affcarte,  Rhea,  Ifis,  Dionufus, 
the  poets  alluded  to  the  journeying  of  mankind  from  Mount 
Ararat ;  but  more  particularly  the  retreat  of  the  lonim,  upon 
their  difperflon  from  the  land  of  Shinar.  The  Greeks  re- 
prefented  this  perfon  as  a  feminine,  and  made  her  the  daugh- 
ter of  Inachus.  They  fuppofed  her  travels  to  commence 
from  ^  Argos ;  and  then  defcribed  her  as  proceeding  in  a  re- 
trograde direction  towards  the  eaft.  The  line  of  her  pro- 
cedure may  be  feen  in  the  Prometheus  of  i^fchylus  :  which 
account,  if  we  change  the  order  of  the  rout,  and  collate  it 
with  other  hiftories,  will  be  found  in  great  meafure  confo- 
nant  to  the  truth.  It  contains  a  defcription  of  the  lonim 
abovementioned  j  who,  at  various  times,  and  in  different  bo- 
dies, betook  themfelves  very  early  to  countries  far  remote. 
One  part  of  their  travel  is  about  Ararat  and  Caucafus ;  and 
what  were  afterwards  called  the  Gordiaean  mountains.  In 
thefe  parts  the  ark  refted  :  and  here  the  expedition  fhould 
commence.  The  like  ftory  was  told  by  the  Syrians  of  Af- 
tarte  ;  by  the  Egyptians  of  Ifis.  They  were  all  three  one 
and  the  fame  perfonage  ;  and  their  hiftories  of  the  fame 
purport.      ^  Quae  autem  de  Iflde  ejufque  erroribus  iEgyptii, 

'  Steph.  Byzant.  Fa^a, 

*  By  the  travels  of  16  from  Argus  is  fignified  the  journeying  of  mankind  from 
the  ark. 

'  Marlhami  Can.  Chron.  Sasc.  i.  p.  42. 

B  b  b  2  eadem 

372  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.' 

eadem  fere  de  Aftiirte  Phcenices,  de  lone  Grasci  fabulantur. 
The  Greeks  for  the  moft  part,  and  particularly  the  Athe- 
nians, pretended  to  be  oluto'^^ovb;,  the  original  inhabitants 
ol  their  country  :  but  tliey  had  innumerable  evidences  to 
contradi6t  this  notion  ;  and  to  fhew,  that  they  were  by  no 
means  the  lirfl,  who  were  feized  of  thofe  parts.  Their  beft 
hiftorians  ingenuoufly  own,  that  the  whole  region,  called 
Hellas,  was  originally  occupied  by  a  people  of  another  race, 
whom  they  ftyled  '°  Ba^S'a^of :  that  their  own  anceftors  came 
under  different  denominations,  which  they  took  from  their 
mode  of  worfliip.  Among  others  were  the  Idnim,  called  in 
after  times  lonians.  They  were  fuppofed  to  have  been  led 
by  one  Ion,  the  fon  of  Zeuth,  ftyled  by  the  Greeks  Xuthus  : 
but  what  was  alluded  to  under  the  notion  of  that  perfon> 
may  be  found  from  the  hiftory  given  of  him.  Tatian  ima- 
gines, that  he  came  into  Greece  about  the  time  of  Acrifius, 
when  Pelops  alfo  arrived  :  "  koltol  (Je  KK^i<nov  r\  XieXoTrog  olwo 
<I>^yyia?  (Jiaoacig',  jcoli  Imog  sig  rag  A^rimg  api^ig.  This  arrival 
cf  Ion  was  a  memorable  asra  among  the  Grecians  ;  and  al- 
ways efteemed  fubfequent  to  the  iirfb  peopling  of  the 
"  country.  Ion  in  the  play  of  Euripides  is  mentioned  as 
the  fon  of  Xuthus,  but  claimed  by  Apollo,  as  his  offspring. 
In  reality,  both  Xuthus  and  Apollo,  as  well  as  Dionufus  and 

'°  '^Zx'^^ov  cTg  T(  xat  n  avjj.Tcx.<j(x.  'EAAaj  xxTCficiu.  BccpSccpoov  uirvp^e  ro  'srxXoi.iov. 
Strabo.  L.  7.  p.  494.  YlxAoti  yatp  t>;5  vuv  ■H.aXBy.evni  liAAaJ'oi  ^ctoQaaot  Tcc-rsrohKot. 
(fjx.yiTxi.  Paujan.  L.  i.p.  100.  Ap^xJ'iocv  Bcc^Cxpoi  cej-nnaai:  Schol.  in  Apollon. 
Rhod.  L.  4-  v.  264.  H  S^  bv  Eoi&)T;«.  -ztr^oTepov  i^evuTro  Bao^apwi'  o.y.siTo.  Strabo. 
L.  9.  p.  615.  Sec  further  evidences  in  Vol.  I.p.  150.  of  this  work:  and  p.  181. 
Sec  alfo  the  treatife  inlcribed  Cadmus.  Vol,  II.  p.  136. 

"  Tatian.  p.  274. 

"  Clem.  Alexandr.  Strom.  L.  i.  p.  381.     Herodot.  L.  7.  c.  94. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.         373 

Ofiris,  were  titles  of  the  fame  perfon.  Xuthus  tells  his  fon, 
that  he  fhall  give  him.  the  name  of  Ion,  or  lone,  from  his 
meeting  him  fortunately,  as  he  came  out  of  the  temple  of 
the  Deity : 

l-^pog  (TvvYf^OLg  'W^ocTog, 

He  likewife  in  another  place  mentions,  that  his  fon  was  called 
Ion  from  an  aufpicious  encounter : 

'*  locv\  sTTsiTTs^  'ur^o^rog  rivTi^irsp  tJTOLr^i, 

It  is  true,  the  poet  would  fain  make  the  name  of  Grecian 
etymology,  and  deduce  it  from  the  word  iovTi^  to  which  it 
had  no  relation.  The  truth  he  fo  far  accedes  to,  as  to  own 
that  it  had  a  reference  to  fomething  aufpicious  ;  that  it  fig- 
nified  an  omen,  or  token  of  good  fortune.  There  are  fome 
other  remarkable  circumftances,  which  are  mentioned  of  this 
Ion.  He  was  expofed  in  an  Ark  ;  and  in  the  Ark  faid  to 
have  been  crowned,  not  with  laurel,  as  we  might  expeft  the 
reputed  fon  of  Apollo  to  have  been  ornamented,  but  with 
olive  : 

'5  'Li:B(pc(.voy  EKoLiotg  a^xips^riKa,  (roi  tots. 

From  thefe  two,  Xuthus  and  his  fon  Ion,  the  Dorians, 
Achaeans,   and  lonians  were  faid  to  be  defcended.      Hence 

"  Euripid.  Ion.  v.  66i. 
'*  Ibid.  V.  802. 
"  Ibid.  V.  14.34. 


n  >7 

74         The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythologv. 

Apollo  is  made  to  prophefy  in  this  manner  of  thefe  nations 
to  come,  addreiling  himfelf  to  Creufa  ; 

loovsg^Byrsg  s^ii(n  zKsog. 

A3^io  Js  Kcii  (TOi  yiyvBTai  koivov  ys'jog' 

HoAi^,  kolt'  oLiccv  Yls7.07CiaJ  J"  o  hvTSPog 

It  has  been  a  prevailing  notion,  that  the  lonians  were  of  the 
family  of  Javan.  His  fons  certainly  fsttled  in  Greece  ;  but 
they  were  the  original  inhabitants :  whereas  the  Dorians 
and  lonians  confefiedly  fucceeded  to  a  country,  which  had 
been  in  the  poffefTion  of  others.  They  were  therefor-:  a  dif- 
ferent people,  notwithftanding  the  fimilitude,  whicli  may 
fubfift  between  the  two  names.  There  is  a  remarkable  paf- 
fage  in  the  Chronicon  Pafchale,  which  determines  very  fatis- 
fadtorily  the  hiftory  of  the  lonians.  The  author  fays,  that, 
according  to  the  moft  genuine  accounts,  they  were  a  colony 
brought  by  lonan  from  Babylonia.  This  lonan  was  one  of 
thofe,  who  had  been  engaged  in  the  building  of  Babel,  at  the 
time,  when  the  language  of  mankind  was  confounded. 
'^lo^jj/'s^  h  T8T60I/  (^'E7J\r\vm)  oL^yriyoi  ysysyrivron,  w;  o  cm^i^Yig  zyj^i 
7^(jyog^  OL-KO  Td  \ma.v^  svog  av^^og  rcfjv  rov  Hv^yov  oiKoS'oy,r,'Tcinocv, 
ors  di  y7\W(T(TCLi  hsfJiS^i^r^froiv  Twv  ccv^^oottojv.  He  moreover  fays, 
that  the  Hellenes  in  general  were  denominated  airo  s7\a.iotg, 
from  the  olive.  It  is  very  certain,  that  fome  of  the  Hellenes, 

''  Ibid.  V.  1587. 

'"  Cliron.  Pafch.  p.  49; 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  375 

apd  efpecially  the  **  Athenians,  were  flyled  Sait^e  :  not  from 
the  city  Sais,  as  is  commonly  fuppofed  ;  but  from  the  pro- 
vince of  Sait,  in  ''  Upper  Egypt,  which  is  by  interpretation 
the  Land  vf  the  Olive.  ^°  <^(x,(n  Tag  ACrivctiag  OLiroiK'sg  stmi 
SaiTWf  TOJJ/  sj  AiyyTTa.  The  building  of  Babel  is  in  "  Scrip- 
ture attributed  to  Nimrod,  the  firft  tyrant  upon  earth  ;  and 
it  was  carried  on  by  his  afibciates  the  Cuthite  lonim.  They 
were  the  firft  innovators  in  religion  ;  and  introduced  idola^ 
try  wherever  they  came.  We  accordingly  find,  that  they 
were  the  perfons,  who  firft  infected  Greece.  "  loivsg  h  01  bk. 
TJi?  la?  TWf  ''EKhY\vm  oL^yr]yoi  ysyovorsg  roig  ^ooLvoig  'W^ou'skwhv. 
The  lonians,  ivho  were  denominated  fro?n  To7i  (or  lonah)^  and 
who  were  the  heads  of  the  Hellenic  families^  were  the  firjl  wor~ 
pipers  of  idols,  I  render  the  verb,  'sr^ocrs/iyj'Oiij/,  thefrfl  wor- 
fdipers  :  for  fo  much  is  certainly  implied.  The  tower  of 
Babel  was  probably  defigned  for  an  obfervatory  ;  and  at  the 
fame  time  tor  a  temple  to  the  hoft  of  heaven.      For  it  is  faid 

''  The  Athenians  brought  the  rites  of  Damater  from  Egypt  to  Eleufis ;  which 
was  poflefTed  by  a  different  race.  Others  fay,  that  they  were  introduced  by  Eu- 
molpus.  KctTOiKnacci  Si  im  Ryieva-iva.  i^opacri  'utputov  jjlsv  ths  auTo^bovci?,  ena  Qp-z- 
y.xi  T8f  YLvixoXttb  'ziTaPix.ysvQfji.ei'HS  -nj-POi  (2o-/SiMv  m  nrov  y.xr'  Eps^^sms  'zvoAspLOi'. 

Tnii  Si  (^am  V.a.1  TOV  EufJioKiraV  W^iiV  Tt]V    [AVYICTIV    T1)V    <TVVTiAiifJ.iV1)V   KCCT     BVIxilTOV    iv 

EAiua-ai  Ayi}Jimci  y.cci  Kopr.  Acufilaus  apud  Natal.  Com,  L.  5.  c.  14.  p.  279.  The 
Eumolpidffi  were  originally  from  Egypt,  and  brought  thefe  rites  from  tliat  country. 
Diodorus  Sic.  L.  i.  p.  25. 

''  Of  Siiit  in  Upper  Egypt,  fee  Obfervations  and  Inquiries  relating  to  various 
Parts,  &c.  p.  321. 

^°  Diodor.  Sic.  L.  i.  p.  24.  n?iW  tcov  fj^iToix^crctrroJv  vc^tpov  ivM  licuTooi',  xai 
'A.a.TOix.yiauvTCiiv  tuv  irs  EKXccS oi  fjinr^oiroXiv  Auf,!/a5,  rai  Qn^a.i.  See  Eufeb. 
Chron.  p.  12.  See  alfo  the  account  from  Theopompus  of  the  Athenians  from 
Egypt,  in  Eufeb.  Prasp.  Evang.  L.  10.  c.  10.  p.  491. 

"  Genef.  c.  10.  v.  8.  &c. 

"  Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  13. 


37"^  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

of  Chus,   that  he  was  the  firft  obferver  of  the  flats  :   and  his 
-defcendents  the  Chaldeans  were  famous  in  their  day.      Some 
attribute    the  invention    of  it    to   Ham,   ftyled  *^  lonichus. 
''^  Hie  lonichus  accepit  a  Domino  donum  fapientiae,  et  invenit 
aftronomiam.      Hie    Gigantem    Nimrod    decern  •cubitorum 
proceritate,  et  nepotem  Sem  ad   fe  venientem  erudivit,   do- 
cuitque  quibus  in  locis  regnare  deberet.      Multa  etiam  prse- 
vidit  et  prffidixit.      The  author  of  the  ""^  Fafciculus  Tempo- 
rum  mentions  lonichus  as  the  fon  of  Noah.      Ifte   lonichus 
fuit  filius  Noe    (de  quo  Moyfes  tacet)   fapiens.      Pfimo  poft 
Dihivium  aftronomiam  invenit:  et  quasdam  futura  prsvidit; 
■maxime  de  ortu  quatuor  regnorum,  et  eorum  occafu.   Cum- 
■que  pater  dediffet  ei  munera,  ivit  in  terram  Etham  ;   et  ha- 
titavit   ibi,    gentem   conftituens.      Hie  fertur  coniilium  de- 
dilTe  Nimroth,  quomodo  regnare  poffit. 

The  fame  hiftory  is  to  be  found  in  the  *^  Nurenberg  Chro- 
nicle, printed  in  the  year  1483  :  the  author  of  which  fays, 
that  lonichus  went  to  the  land  of  Etham,  and  founded  there 
a  kingdom :  and  adds,  liasc  enim  Pleliopolis,  id  eft,  Solis 
terra.  This,  if  attended  to,  will  appear  a  curious  and  pre- 
cife  hiftory.  The  ancients  continually  give  to  one  perfon, 
what  belonged  to  many.  Under  the  character  of  lonichus 
are  meant  the  Amonians;  thofe  fons  of  Ham,  who  came  into 
Egypt ;  but  particularly  the  Cuthites,  the  lonim  from 
Chaldea.      They  came  to  the  land  of  Etham,  and   built  the 

"  Centefimo   anno  tertin;   chiliadis   genuit  Noe   filium   ad  fimilitudinem  fiiam, 
qucm  appellavit  lonichum.     Ex  Method.  Maityre  Comeft.  Hift.  Schol.  C.  37. 
'*  Methodius  Martyr. 
"  Fafciculus  Temporum  impreff.  A.  D.  1474. 

'"  P.  J4- 


The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  377 

city,  named  Heliopolis,  in  the  province  of  Zoan.  Etham  is 
mentioned  by  Mofes  ;  and  was  the  firft  place  in  the  ^^  defert, 
at  which  the  Ifraelites  halted,  after  they  had  leftSuccoth.  The 
author  of  the  Fafcicuhis  fays,  that  lojiichus  ivas  afon  of  Noah ^ 
of  whom  Mofes  makes  no  nie7ition.  The  truth  is,  it  was  only  a 
different  name  for  a  perfon  often  mentioned :  for  lonichus  was 
Ham:  and  as  titles  were  not  uniformly  confined  to  one  perfon, 
it  is  probable  that  Chus  alfo  was  included  under  this  charadte- 
riiHc.  lonichus  feems  to  be  a  compound  o'i  lon-Nechus;  and 
is  undoubtedly  a  term,  by  which  the  head  of  the  lonim  was 

From  hence,  I  think,  wc  may  be  allured,  that  the  lonians 
were  not  of  the  race  of  Javan,  as  has  been  generally  imagined. 
I'he  latter  were  the  original  inhabitants  of  Greece  :  and  to 
them  the  lonians  fucceeded;  who  were  a  colony  from  Baby- 
lonia firfl:,  and  afterwards  from  Egypt,  and  Syria.  There  is 
a  pafl'age  in  Cedrenus,  fimilar  to  that  quoted  above ;  fhew- 
ing  that  the  lonim,  the  defcendents  of  lonah,  were  the  firfl 
idolaters  upon  earth  ;  and  that  they  were  upbraided  by  Plu- 
tarch for  their  defedion  from  the  purer  worn:iip.  "'  Iw^£^  Js, 
o;  £/  TJ^?  ly?  (it  fhould  be  \moL(;)^  oicrjKn  [jLBix:;:<iTa.i  o  Xcci^oovyiinog 
YlXarcc^'^ogj  ojg  'wXavriv  cLya^K^xTm  i^vm  si(roiyii<n,  ra;  kolt 
a^oLvov  (pwfji^a?  ^bo-koi^^zvqi^  tov  'HAtov  /coct  Tf,v  XsKYjvriv.  The 
lonians  are  the  defcendents  of  Tona  ;  a?id  are  the  people^  ivith 
'whom  Plutarch  of  Chceronea  is  fo  offended^  for  hi?ig  the  frfly 
iioho  f educed  ma7iki7id  to  idolatry^  by  introducing  the  fun  and 
moony  and  all  the  far  s  of  heaven^  as  deities.      They  were  the 

*'  Ibid.  c.  13.  V.  20. 

*'  Ccdren.  vol.  i.  p.  46.     See  alfo  Eufcb.  Chron.  p.  14. 

Vol.  III.  C  c  c  authors 

378  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology, 

authors  of  that  fpecies  of  idolatry,  ftyled  Hellenifmus,  of 
which  I  have  before  treated.  Thefe  hiftories  backed  with 
many  other  evidences  fhew,  I  think,  manifeflly,  that  the 
lonians  were  lonim,  a  colony  from  Babylonia.  They  feem 
therefore  to  have  been  diftinguiOied  from  the  fons  of  Javan, 
by  being  ftyled  loovsgy  lones  ;  whereas  the  others  were  ftyled 
laovsg-:  though  this  diftindlion  is  not,  I  believe,  uniformly 
kept  up.  The  people  of  Boeotia  in  the  time  of  Homer  were 
lonim  ;  and  the  laones  feem  by  that  poet  to  be  mentioned  as 
a  different  race  : 

2°  Eii^a  h  BoiWTOf  koli  Icnovsg  sKjis'^irmsg, 

And  Attica  is  faid  by  Strabo  to  have  been  called  both  Ionia, 
and  las :  ^'  Y}  yx^  Attwjo  to  'WaKaiov  Icfj'Ma  koli  lag  BKoChBiro. 
We  find  from  hence,  that  it  had  two  names  ;  the  latter  of 
which,  I  fliould  imagine,  was  that  by  which  the  primitive 
inhabitants  were  called.  The  Grecians  continually  changed 
the  V  final  into  figma  :  whence  p»,  Ian,  or  Javan,  has  been 
rendered  las.  It  was  originally  expreffed,  lav,  and  law^ : 
and  this  was  the  ancient  name  of  Hellas,  and  the  Hella- 
dians  ;  as  we  may  infer  from  its  being  fo  called  by  people 
of  other  countries :  for  foreigners  abide  long  by  ancient 
terms.  And  according  to  the  Scholiaft  upon  Ariftophanes, 
the  Grecians  in  every  country  but  their  own  were  ftyled 
laones  ;  by  which  undoubtedly  is  meant  the  fons  of  Javan. 
3"  ll^vroLg  T8?  'EAA^ya?  loLOVcig  01  Ba^^a^oi  sacChav.     The  like 

'=  Homer.  Ilisd.  N.  v.  685. 
''  Strabo.  L.  9.  p.  600. 
'*  Schol.  in  Acharn.  v.  106, 


The   Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  379 

evidence  is  to  be  found  in  Hefychius :  "  sttibikoo;  h  01  Ba^^a- 
poi  rsg  'EAAiii'a;  loivvccg  Xsys<riv.  All  foreig7iers  very  jujlly  call 
the  Grecians  lamus.  He  had  before  mentioned,  layya — ■ 
'EAArjj'W)!,  Z'KZi  lavvoLg  Tsg  'EKXrjyag  T^sysciK  lanna  is  certainly 
the  land  of  Javan  :  and  the  purport  of  what  this  writer  here 
mentions  is,  that  Hellas  ivas  of  old  called  Ia7i^  oryavan  ;  be- 
catife  the  natives  'were  ejleemed  layines^  or  Javanes ;  being  the 
■pofterity  of  the  perfon  fo  named.  Stephanus  alfo  mentions 
lawv,  and  Iti^v  :  bk  Js  T8  \am^  lav.  From  the  above  it  is 
very  plain,  that  by  the  laones  were  meant  all  the  ancient 
inhabitants  of  Greece  ;  all  that  were  the  offspring  of  Ian,  or 
Javan.  But  the  lones  and  Ionia  related  only  to  a  part. 
'^+  Ife'^s^*  A&ni/Moi.'  0;  Iw;'2$,  OLTTO  IcfJi/og,  Enoi  ncfj  T8g@^o(,y.c/.g,  koli 
Ap^aia?,  KVA  Bo;wT8f,  'EAA)]j'a?.  The  term  Jones  came  from 
Ion  5  who  was  the  reputed  fon  of  Xuth,  as  I  have  before 
fhewn  :  and  it  was  a  name  appropriated  to  fome  few  of  the 
Grecian  families ;  and  not  uniformly  beftowed  upon  all, 
though  by  fome  it  was  fo  ufed.  The  laones,  or  fons  of  Ja- 
van, were  the  firft,  who  peopled  the  country,  and  for  a  while 
a  diftinft  race.  But  when  the  lonians  afterwards  joined 
them,  and  their  families  were  mixed  ;  we  muft  not  wonder, 
if  their  names  were  confounded.  They  were  however  never 
fo  totally  incorporated,  but  what  fome  feparate  remains  of 
the  original  ftock  were  here  and  there  to  be  perceived  :  and 
"  Strabo  fays,  that  this  was  to  be  obferved  even  in  the  ao-e, 
when  he  lived. 

"  It  is  fo  correflcd  by  Ileinfius. 
'*  Hefych. 

e^eri.     Strabo.  L.  7.  p.  495. 

C  c  c  2  There 

iSo  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

There  are  fome  remarkable  truths,  which  have  been 
gleaned  up  by  Joannes  Antiochcnus :  and  we  (hall  find  them 
to  be  worth  our  notice  ;  as  they  relate  to  the  origin  of  thofe 
people,  who  brought  idolatry  into  Greece.  It  was,  he  fays, 
introduced  ''^  0,7:0  Tivog  'EAAjo^o?  OPoy^OLTi,  via  Kdi  olvts  UriKH 
Aiog,'iKCL  tivol  'uroiBno;  olv^^o;,  rm  sv  ''EKKy.^i  noLTOiKYiTocnuVy 
sz  Tr]g  ipyAj]^  onog  rs  Ict^s^,  ma  Nws  ra  T^iVd.  He  has  in  fome 
degree  confounded  the  hiftory,  in  making  the  chief  anceftor 
of  the  Grecians  of  the  line  of  Japhet.  The  name,  which 
milled  him,  and  many  others,  was  AiTTvrog^  and  IciTTSTog  :  of 
which  I  have  taken  notice  before.  It  was  a  title  given  to 
the  head  of  all  families,  who  fro-m  hence  were  ftyled  lapeti 
genus.  But  writers  have  not  uniformly  appropriated  this- 
appellation :  but  have  fometimes  bcftowed  it  upon  other 
perfonages ;  fuch  however  as  had  no  relation  to  the  line  of 
Japhet.  It  may  be  difficult  to  determine,  whom  they  moft 
particularly  meant  :  but  thus  much  we  are  informed ; 
"  IdTTSTog,  Big  Ta'j/  Tiroivctjv.  lapetus  was  one  of  the  T'itanic  7- ace. 
^*  loczBTog  a^yyuog  riv^  hg  T(fjv  F/yayTWV.  He  was ,  a  per/on  of 
great  antiquity.^  and  of  the  Giant  brood.  Hence  by  the  lape- 
tida2,  the  fons  of  Ham  and  Chus  are  undoubtedly  alluded  to: 
and  the  Grecians  were  maniieftly  af  the  fame  race.  The 
author  above  proceeds  afterwards  more  plainly  to  fhew,  whci 
were  the  perfons,  that  led  thefe  colonics  into  Greece ;  and 
propagated  there  the  various  fpccies  of  irreligion.      "  I:v'^£^ 

'*  P.  GG. 

"  Schol.  in.  Horn.  Iliad.  0.  v.  479.       Ia-£TC5  af^);^^.     Ikiych, 
''^  Lexicon  inedit.  apud  Albert,  in  Hcfych. 
^'   loan.  Antioch.  p.  G6. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  381 

Js  01  SK  Tri;  loo  (the  term  Iccvsg  could  not  be  formed  from  Iw  : 
it  fhould  here,  and  in  all  places,  be  exprefled  sz  Trig  II2NA2) 
raro^'v  a,oyT,yQi  sysvopTo'  ritrav  yx^  Si^a'^OEVTsg  sk  ts  IOANEHS 
ytyanog  ts  oizo^oi/,rtiTuvTog  crvv  joig  a.?.7\oig  rov  Hv^yov,  oontvuv: 
aoLL  y7M(r(TCLi  ^iS[JLS^i^ri(roLV.  The  loiies^  fo  denotnmated  from 
To}ta^  were  the  leaders  of  thofe  colofiies  :  they  had  bee?i  inflruEied 
by  loanfies^  07ie  of  the  Giant  race  ;  the  fame  perfon^  who  with 
his  ajfociates  built  the  tower ;  and  who,  together  with  them,  was 
punifed  by  a  C07ifufi07i  of  fpeech. 

It  may  be  here  proper  to  obferve,  in  refped  to  the  hiftory 
of  the  Ark  and  Deluge,  as  well  as  of  the  Tower  abovemen- 
tioned,  that  we  are  not  fo  much  to  confider,  to  whom  thefe 
circumstances  could  perhaps  in  general  relate ;  as  who 
they  were,  that  chofe  to  be  diftinguifhed  by  thefe  me- 
morials ;  and  moft  induftrioully  preferved  them.  They 
were  the  offspring  of  one  common  father :  and  all  might 
equally  have  carried  up  their  line  of  defcent  to  the  fame 
fource  ;  and  their  hiftory  to  the  fame  period.  But  one  fa- 
mily more  than  all  the  refc  of  the  Gentile  world  retained 
the  memory  of  thefe  events.  They  built  edifices,  in  order 
to  commemorate  the  great  occurrences  of  ancient  days :  and 
they  inftituted  rites,  to  maintain  a  veneration  for  the  means, 
by  which  their  anceflors  had  been  preferved.  Nothing  ma- 
terial was  omitted  :  and  v/hen  they  branched  out,  and  re- 
tired to  different  climes  ;  they  took  to  themfelves  names  and 
devices,  which  they  borrowed  from  the  circumftances  of  this 
wonderful  hiftory.  Hence,  when  we  meet  with  lones, 
lonit.e,  Argei,  Arcades,  Inachids,  Semarim,  Boeoti,  Thebani, 
and  the  like^   v/e  may  be  certified  of  their  particular  race.: 


382  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

and  in  the  accounts  tranfmitted  concerning  them,  there  will 
be  found  a  continual  feries  of  evidence,  to  determine  us  in 
our  judgment. 

The  Grecians  were,  among  other  titles,  ftylcd  Hellenes, 
being  the  reputed  defcendents  of  Hellen.    The  name  of  this 
perfonage  is  of  great  antiquity  ;   and  the  etymology  foreign. 
To  whom   the   Greeks   alluded,    may    be    found   from   the 
hiftories,    which   they    have    tranfmitted    concerning    him. 
'^°  FivovTOii  ^s  SK  Hv^^ag  /S.evKCiXioj'Ji  ^cA^sg'    'EAArj:^  fJLZi/  -tet^w- 
To;,  Of  BK  Aiog  ysysvrio^oLi  KeynTi^ — %yoLT]ri^    Js   II^wToysisja. 
Deucalion  had  children  by  his  wife  Pyrj'ha  ;   the  eldejl  of  whom 
was  Hellen^  who7n  fo'7ne  make  the  fon  of  Zeuth  :   he  had  alfo   a 
daughter  Frotogeneia  ;    by  which  is  {ignified  the  firfl-honi  of 
wome7t.      By  ''  others  he  was  fuppofed  to  have  been  the  fon 
of  Prometheus,  but  by  the  fame  mother.      In  thefc  accounts 
there  is  no  inconfiftency  ;    for  I  have  fliewn,  that  Deucalion, 
Prometheus,  Xuth,  and  Zeuth  were  the  fame  perfon.      The 
hiftories  are  therefore  of  the  fame  amount;   and  relate  to  the 
head  of  the  Amonian  family,  v/ho  was  one  of  the  fons  of  the 
perfon  called  Deucalion.   He  is  made  coeval  with  the  Deluge; 
and  reprefented  as  the  brother  to  thefirft-born  of  mankind:  by 
which  is  meant  the  firft-born  from  that  great  event  :  for  the 
Deluge  was  always  the   ultimate,    to  which  they   referred. 
The    Hellenes   were    the    fame   as   the   lonim,   or   '''  ICfJUBg : 
whence  Hefychius  very  properly   mentions   Iwj^a^,  'EKMvag. 
The  lonians  a?td  Hellenes  are  the  fwie  fatnily.      The  fame  is 

■*"  Apollodor.  L.  i.  p.  20. 

*"  npojw.«6e!W5  xa(  riuppas 'EAA>?^'.     Schol.  in  Apollon.  Rhod.  L.  3.  v.  10S5. 
**  They  were  equally  defcended  from  Ion,  the  ion  of  Zeuth,  called  alfo  Xuth: 
airo  Icovoi  t8  Sa6»  (fvvTH.     Dicjearch.  ap.  Geogr.  Vet.  vol.  2,  p.  2 1. 

10  to 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  383 

to  be  faid  of  the  ^olians,  and  Dorians :  they  were  all  from 
one  fource,  being  defcended  from  the  fame  Arkite  anceftors, 
the  lonim  of  Babylonia  and  Syria  ;  as  the  Phoenician  women 
in  Euripides  acknowledge  : 

*^    KOIVOV  C/A^a,   KQIVOL  rsKsx 

The  term  Hellen  was  originally  a  facred  title :  and  feems  to 
have  been  confined  to  thofe  priefts,  who  firft  came  from. 
Egypt ;  and  introduced  the  rites  of  the  Ark,  and  ^  Dove  at 
Dodona.  They  were  called  alfo  Elli  and  Selli :  under  the 
former  of  which  titles  they  are  mentioned  by  Hefychius  j 
'EAAor  'EAA/]J'£^,  oi  BV  Awowi/ji,  kch  oi  'is^sig.  This  country 
was  the  firft  "^^  Hellas  ;  and  here  were  the  original  Hellenes; 
and  from  them  the  title  was  derived  to  all  of  the  Grecian 
name.  Ariftotle  affords  evidence  to  this :  and  at  the  fame 
time  mentions  their  traditions  about  the  Deluge,  0  Kcih^i^BVOQ 
VTTO  AsvKCihioovog ',  which  he  thinks  chiefly  prevailed  about 
the  country  of  the  Hellenes  in  Dodona,  and  the  other  parts 
of  Epirus.      '^^  Kai  ya^  iirog  ws^i  top  'EXKyivizov  sysvsTo  ^jlol- 

*'  Phceniir.  V.  256.  \uvia — aTro  In'i/os  t«  HbO:?,  '^  h  Aevx.x?\iuivoi  iJLiv'[L/\?\.woi 
iivcci..     Strabo.  L.  8.  p.  587. 

**  Hence  the  Dove  Dione  was  laid  co  fliare  the  honour  with  Zeuth  in  that  country. 
^•jivccoi  Toj  All  ■cu poaxTTioii^yii  xcci  (i  zAiwi ;;.     Strabo.  L.  7.  p.  506. 

■*'  'EAAa  (or  'EAAcci)  Aioi  ispov  sv  AcoS'cai'r.  Heiych.  'EAAa?  m  sq^m,  Mcnrip 
f/.ixfcij  Tp^oTipov  itiimocy.i!;  nv  0  Aioi  'EAAiiv  sxTicrgr.     Dicasarch.  ap.  Vet.  Geoo-r. 

vol.   2.  p.  22. 

The  original  name  was  'EAAac. 

'EAAas  a(p'  'EAA)?i'05.      Ibid. 

The  people  in  Theffaly  had  alfo  the  name  of  Hellenes. 

MvpfuS'ovi;  Si  ^(xXiivTo,  KoLi  'EAAwei.     Horn.  II.  B.  v.  684. 
Some  fuppofe  thcfe  to  have  been  the  firft  of  the  name.     TI^utqi  incai  iXiyovra  at. 
evOiaaccAia,  avf^ccri-roi.     Breviorum  Schol.  Aufton. 

*^  Ariftot.  Meteorol.  L.  i.  c.  14.  p.  772.  »^ 

384  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

A/fa  rOTTOV  KOLl  TBTH  'UTB^l  TYiV  'EAAAAA  T^jV  APXAIAN.    ^vrT\ 
J"  BS'lV  jj  "^S^'   TfiV  AoJ^OJVYjVy   KVA  70V  A'^SKUCOV   (tMHV  yOL^  01  SsA- 

Aot  snccv&a,,  kcci  oi  KoCkaixevoi  tots  T^cf.iKoi,  vvv  Js  'EKArivsg, 
"The  Deluge  prevailed  greatly  in  the  Hellenic  regio?i ;  and  parti- 
cularly i?i  that  part  called  Ancie7it  Hellas.  "This  is  the  cowitry^ 
niohich  lies  about  Dodona^  and  upon  the  river  Achelous.  It  was  i?i- 
habitedhy  the  SclJi^  who  were  then  Jly led  Grceci,  hut  now  Hellenes. 
He  exprefTes  himfelf,  as  if  the  name  of  Hellenes  were  of  later 
date  than  that  of  Grsci.  But  if  the  region  was  originally 
called  Hellas,  the  name  of  Hellenes,  I  fhoiild  apprehend,  was 
coreval.  The  people,  who  refided  here,  the  Aborigines,  were 
of  another  family  ;  and  are  therefore  by  Strabo  flyled  Ba^- 
6'a^o<,  Barbari.  Thefe  were  the  Dodanim,  of  the  race  of  Ja- 
van:  but  the  temple  was  founded  by  people  from  Egypt  and 
Syria,  the  ^''  Ellopians,  Pelafgi,  and  "^  Hellenes. 

*'  Of  the  Ellopians  fee  Strabo.  L.  7.  ^o^. 

Ei'Barg  zNwj" &)!■);. 

From  the  fj.eya/\cii  Uoiai  m  fkliol.  Sophocl.  Trachin.  v.  xiSf 
*'  We  meet  with  Hellenes  in  Syria.     Et'  ^xi  ccAA»  '3r;A/j  XvfLxs  £AAai  •/.oi>.m 
"XvoiKi  Tot^ymov'EhMv.     Steph.  Byzant. 


(     3S5     ) 

OF     T  M  E 



S  every  colony,  which  went  abroad,  took  to  themfelves 
fome  facred  title,  from  their  particular  mode  of  wor- 
fhip  ;  one  family  of  the  Hellenes  ftyled  themfelves  accord- 
ingly Dorians.  They  were  fo  named  from  the  Deity  Adorus, 
who  by  a  common  aphsrefis  was  exprefled  'Dorus.  The 
country,  when  they  arrived,  was  inhabited  by  a  people  of  a 
different  race;  whom  they  termed,  a^  they  did  all  nations  in 
contradiftindion  to  themfelves,  Ba^^a^oi,  Barbarians.  '  Ila- 
Aa<  ya^  rrig  m  mX^  'EKhoL^g  Ba^S'a^Of  tcc  'UToKKol  mriQ-oLV. 
With  thefe  original  inhabitants  they  had  many  conflicts ;  of 
which  we  may  fee  fome  traces  in  the  hiftory  of  the  Heracli- 
dffi.  For  the  Dorians  were  the  fame  as  the  Herculeans :  and 
did  not  fettle  in  Greece  only;  but  in  many  parts  of  the  world, 
whither  the  Amonians  in  general  betook  themfelves.  They 
were  taken  notice  of  by  Timagenes:  v/ho  mentions  that  they 
were  widely  fcattered ;   but   that   the  chief  places   of  their 

'  Pauliin.  L.  I.  p,  loo. 
Vol.  III.  D  d  d  refidence 

386  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

reiidcnce  were  upon  the  fea-coaft  of  the  Mediterranean. 
Here  they  polTefl'ed  many  good  ports  for  navigation.  '^  Alii 
(ferunt)  Dorienfes  antiquiorem  fecutos  Herculem,  oceani 
locos  inhabitafle  confines.  Paufanias  imagines  that  the  Do- 
rians were  comparatively  of  late  date  :  yet  he  fhews,  from 
inany  evidences  in  different  parts  of  his  Antiquitiesj  that  they 
were  high  in  the  mythic  age  :  and  informs  us  of  one  curious 
particular,  that  all  the  ancient  hymns  of  Greece  in  every 
province  were  in  the  ^  diale6l  of  this  people.  From  hence  I 
fhould  infer,  in  oppofition  to  this  learned  antiquary,  that 
they  were  as  ancient  as  any  branch  of  their  family  ;  that 
their  language  was  the  true  Hellenic  ;  and  that  it  was  once 
univerfally  fpoken.  Their  hiftory  is  not  to  be  confined  to 
Greece:  for  they,  were  to  be  found  in^Phenicia,  '  Caria, 
f  Crete,  and  ^  Hetruria.  In  Greece  they  fettled  about  Par- 
naffus,  called  Tithorea ;  and  afterv/ards  in  Pthiotis  of  Thef- 
laly,    the    fuppofed   country    of  Deucalion.      They    forced 

^  Marcellin.  L.  15.  c.  9.  Plato  de  Leg.  L.  3.  p.  6S2.  gives  another  hiftory  of 
the  Dorians.  Bochart  excepts  to  this  account  from  MarceUinus  ;  but  without  any 
good  reafon,     Geogr.  Sacr.  L.  i.  c.  41.  p.  659. 

'  Kai  Sn  xa.1  raurx  (pMPoca ai  ijn  tu/?,  ret  iirn,  'x.a.i  ocra.  a  fcera  fxSTPB  f/.efJityfAlvcx.  Jfc 
roti  eireai,  tcc  -urcivrx  zlIiFJ^TI  sttsxojjito.     Paufan.  L.  2.  p.  199. 

*  Zlw^ofj  liTQAii  d'j;w5C)i5'  'ExxTaiof-, — kccl  aitys  luariTroi  avTVU  xaAsi^  x.t.A.  Stcph. 
Byzant.     Called  alfo  Dora. 

'   Et<  ^e  Kaptui  Hoopoi  ■njoA/?,  jc.t.A.      Ibid. 

Ka.1  otK^riTfi /^(^Ctiii  iycacA'dVTO.      Ibid.      lImpiqiu 

/howiesire  r^t^cctxi?,  Sioi  t«  UeActayv.     Horn.  Odyl!'.  T.  v.  177. 

See  Strabo.  L.  10.  p.  729. 

'  Herodot.  L.  i.e.  57.  A&.'pi?(5  J  s/criir  (oVPocTfo;),  wo-ttSo  xa/ 'AAixxfraacrgi?,  xai 
Ki'i^ioi.  Strabo.  L.  14.  p.  965.  A  city  Dora  in  the  Perfic  Gulf.  Another  in  Pa- 
Icftine,  between  Afcalon  and  Joppa.  llavaanai  Se  ev  rr)  rm  -nraTfJos  avrd  XTta-st 
^eo^iiii  ciVT'di  xaAei,  rxJg  yp(x.(puv^  Tupioi,  Ao-jcaAwi'/TCj,  j^copisii'—-x.cct  AAi^cci'J^pos  iv 

AiLipoi  T  ,  Ay^iaXoi  t\  Iotiv,  •sr^y^Ho-ci  ^-ccAaTT^.     Steph,  Byz. 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology.  387 

themfelves  into  Laconia,  and  Meffenia:  in  the  latter  of  which 
provinces  the  Dorian  language  was  retained  in  the  greated 
^  purity  :  and  from  their  hiftory  are  to  be  obtained  more  an- 
cient terms  than  can  be  elfewhere  colledled. 

The  Grecian  writers,  when  they  treat  of  the  principal  of 
their  anceftors,  fuppofe  Hellen  to  have  been  the  fon  of  Deu- 
calion, and  Ion  the  fon  of  Xuthus.  Dorus  is  introduced  a 
degree  later,  and  made  the  fon  of  Hellen.  But  in  thefe  points 
fcarce  any  two  authors  are  confiftent.  In  reality,  Xuthus, 
and  Deucalion  were  the  fame  perfon  :  and  Ion,  Dorus,  Hel- 
len, were  terms  imported  into  Greece  ;  and  related  not  to 
any  particular.  But  though  thefe  genealogies  are  ground- 
lefs,  and  thefe  perfons  ideal  ;  yet  we  may  hereby  plainly 
difcover,  to  what  the  hiftory  ultimately  relates.  And  of  this 
we  may  be  aflured  from  almoft  every  writer  upon  the  fub- 
jed; ;  that  the  Dorians,  like  their  brethren  the  lonim,  were 
not  the  firft  occupiers  of  the  country.  They  were  colonies 
from  Egypt :  and  Herodotus  fpeaks  of  all  the  heads  and 
leaders  of  this  people  as  coming  diredly  from  thence.  He 
takes  his  epocha  from  the  fuppofed  arrival  of  Perfeus  and 
Danae :  and  fays,  that  all  the  principal  perfons  of  the 
Dorian  family  upwards  were  in  a  dire6l  line  from  Egypt. 
'  Kito  h  HyLV<x't\q  T'/ic  AK^ttTi'd  KO(.roL?^syovTi  7sq  oLV'ji  ciisi  'Wcirs^otg 
uvrecf)v  cpaiuoiciTo  olv  sonsg  01  rm  Aw^/ewi/  riysfjiovsg  hiyvitrioi 
i^ccyBVSsg.  He  proceeds  to  fay,  that  Perfeus  was  originally 
from  AiTyria,  according  to  the  traditions  of  the  Perlians. 
"  O?  h  0  Ils^(rso^v  Koyog  KsyaTai^  avrog  0  Ils^(rsv;,  sooy  A(r<rv- 

^  Paufan.  L.  4.  p.  346.  347. 
'  Herodot.  L.  6.  c.  5^. 
"  Ibid.  c.  54. 

D  d  d  2  §iogy 

388  The   Analysis   Ox^   Ancient  Mythology. 

fio;,  sys'^sro  'E7\7\r,y.  The  like  is  faid,  and  with  great  truth, 
of  the  Heraciidss  ;  who  are  reprefented  by  Plato  as  of  the 
fame  race,  as  the  Achaimenidas  of  Perfis.  "  To  J's  'H^o(.K?\Siig 
ro  ysi/og  to  A'^cai^svag  sig  ns^trsy,  top  Aiog  (x,vct(ps^sTa.i, 
The  Perfians  therefore  and  the  Grecians  were  in  great  mea- 
fure  of  the  fame  family,  being  equally  Cuthites  from  Chal- 
dea :  but  the  latter  came  laft  from  Egypt.  This  relation  be- 
tween the  two  families  may  be  further  proved  from  '^  Hero- 
dotus. He  indeed  fpeaks  of  Perfeus  becoming  an  Hellenian; 
as  if  it  were  originally  a  term  appropriated,  and  limited  to  a 
country,  and  related  to  the  foil :  which  notion  occurs  more 
than  once.  But  Hellen  was  the  title  of  a  family  ;  and,  as  I 
have  fhewn,  of  foreign  derivation  :  and  it  was  not  Perfeus, 
nor  Ion,  nor  Dorus,  who  came  into  Greece  :  but  a  race  of 
people,  fly  led  lonians,  Dorians,  and  Pereiians.  Thefe  were 
the  AiyUTTTioi  iOaysvssg ;  but  came  originally  from  Babylonia 
and  Chaldea  ;  which  countries  in  aftertimes  were  included 
under  the  general  name  of  Affyria.  The  Pereiians  were 
Arkites:  v/hence  it  is  faid  of  Perfeus,  that  after  having  been 
expofed  upon  the  waters,  he  came  to  Argos,  and  there  upon 
Mount  Apefas  firft  facrificed  to  Jupiter.  The  fame  ftory  is 
told  by  Arrian  of  Deucalion  ;  who  after  his  efcape  from  the 
v/aters,  facriiiced  in  the  fame  place  to  Jupiter  Aphelius. 
"^  Arrianus  tamen  in  libro  fecundo  rerum  Bithynicarum 
Deucalionem  in  arcem,  locumque  eminentiorem  tunc  Argi 
confugiffe  inquit  ex  eo  diluvio  :  quare  poft  illam  inundatio- 
n^ii\Jovi  Aphefw^  Liberator!  fcilicet,  aram  erexiffe. 

"  Plat.  Alcibiad.  v.  2.  p.  120.     See  alfo  Faufan.  L.  2.  p.  151, 

''  Herodot.  L.  7.  c.  150. 

'*  Natal.  Com.  L.  8.  c.  17.  p.  466. 


The   Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  389 

When  thefe  colonies  fettled  in  Greece,  they  diftinguiifhed 
themfelves  by  various  titles,  which  at  different  aeras  more  or 
lefs  prevailed.  Some  were  called  '^  Caucones.  They  refided 
about  Meffenia,  near  the  river  Minyas,  and  the  city  Aren  ; 
and  betray  their  original  in  their  name.  Others  were  called 
'^  Leleges,  and  were  a  people  of  great  antiquity.  They  were 
fuppofed  to  have  been  conduced  by  one  Lelex,  who  by 
Paufanias  is  mentioned  as  the  firft  I^ing  in  Laconia,  and  faid 
to  have  come  from  '^  Egypt.  There  was  a  remarkable  paf- 
fage  in  Heliod,  v/hich  is  taken  notice  of  by  Strabo,  concern- 
ing thefe  Leleges.  They  were  fome  of  that  chofen  family, 
whom  Jupiter  is  faid  in  his  great  wifdom  to  have  preferved, 
out  of  a  particular  regard  to  that  man  of  the  fea,  Deucalion. 

'*  Tsg  pa  'urors  K^on^rig  Zsvg,  acpOira  p^cJeci  si^ijjg, 
AsKTsg  SJi  yciific  aA/w  'ZS'o^s  Asv;ic(.7\ic/:pi. 

The  lonim  are  fometimes  fpoken  of  under  the  name  of 
Atlantians  :  who  were  the  defcendents  of  Atlas,  the  great 
aftronomer,  and  general  benefactor.  He  was  fuppofed  to 
have  been  a  king  in  Arcadia  ;  alfo  to  have  refided  in  Phry- 
gia :  but  the  more  common  opinion  is,  that  he  was  an  an- 
cient prince  in  Mauritania  upon  the  borders  of  the  ocean. 
The  Grecians  made  a  diftindion  between  the  Heraclids, 
Atlantes,  and  lones  :  but  they  were  all  of  the  fame  family  ; 
all  equally  defcended  from  lonan,  the   fame  as  Hellen,   the 

*  Strabo.  L.  7.  p.  519,  and  531.  A§-/.a^r,cci'  yivoi.     They  were  denominated  fro'ii 
their  temple  Cau-Con,  ELdzs  Herculis,  five  Domus  Dei. 
'*  Pauian.  L.  3.  p.  203. 

'  Ai?^iya,  a.(^vitoij.irc]/  e'^  Ai')V7rr'd.      Paufan.  L.  i.  p.  gr. 
"  Strabo.  L.  7.  p.  496.     So  the  pafTage  fnould  be  read. 


■lao  'i'liE   Analysis    of   Ancient   Mythology. 

fame  aifo  as  Pelias,  the  offspring  of  the  Dov^e.  Hence  the 
children  oi:  Atlas  were  ftyled  Peleiadae,  being  no  other  than 
the  lones  ;  of  whofc  hiftory  and  peregrinations  I  have  before 
given  fome  "'  account.  Diodorus,  and  other  writers  fpeak  of 
the  Peleiads,  as  only  the  female  branch  of  the  family  :  but 
all  the  children  of  Atlas  had  equal  claim  to  the  title.  For 
Atlas  was  Ion  :  and  in  the  hiflory  of  the  Atlantians,  we 
have  an  epitome  of  the  whole  Ionic  hifcory;  comprehending 
their  connexions,  colonies,  and  fettlements  in  various  parts 
of  the  world.  Diodorus  accordingly  tells  us,  '^°  that  the  At- 
la7itidcs  gave  birth  to  a  j?ioJ}  7tobh  race  :  fojne  of  whom  ivere 
founders  of  nations ;  ar:d  others  the  builders  of  cities  ;  i7ifo?nuch 
that  mofi  of  the  more  antient  heroes^  not  only  of  thofe  abroad^  who 
were  efleemed  Barbari  ;  but  e''oe7t  of  the  Heiladia77S,  claimed  their 
a7iceflry  fro7n  thetn.  In  another  place,  fpeaking  of  the  Pe- 
leiadas,  he  ""  fays,  Thefe  daughters  of  Atlas  ^  by  their  connexio7ts^ 
a7id  marriages  with  the  77iofl  illuflrious  heroes^  and  divi7iitiesy 
may  be  looked  up  to  as  the  heads  of  77iofl  fa7nilies  upon  earth. 
This  is  a  very  curious  hiftory;  and  fhews  how  many  different 
regions  were  occupied  by  this  extraordinary  people,  of  whom 
I  principally  treat. 

Some  of  them  were  ftyled  Myrmidones ;  particularly  thofe 
who  fettled  in  ^monia,  or  ThefTaly.  They  were  the  fame 
as  the  Hellenes,  and  Achivi ;  and  were  indifferently  called 
by  either  of  thofe  appellations,  as  we  learn  from  "  Pliny,  and 

"  Vol.11,  p.  ^87. 
*"  Diodorus  Sic.  L.  3.  p.  194. 
^'  Ibid. 

"  Pliny.  L.  4.  c.  7.  p.  199.     Philoftratus  lays,  that  all  the  Thefialians  were 
called  Myrmidons.     Heroic,  c.  1 1.  p.  682.  ^"OPM^QVZC 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  391 

They  firft  fettled  about  the  cities  ^'^  laolcus,  and  Arenc  :  and 
they  had  a  tradition  of  their  being  defcended  from  one 
*^  Myrmidon,  a  king  of  the  country.  This  term  was  not 
only  a  proper  name,  but  alfo  iigniiied  an  ant  or  pifmire  , 
which  gave  occasion  to  much  fable.  It  was  by  the  ancient 
Dorians  exprefled  ""^  Murmedon.  Now  Mur,  Mar,  Mor, 
however  varied,  fignified  of  old  the  fca  :  and  Mur-Medon 
denotes  Maris  Dominum,  the  great  Loj'd  of  the  Ocea7t.  It 
is  a  title,  which  relates  to  the  perfon,  who  was  faid  to  have 
firft  conftruiled  a  fhip,  and  to  have  efcaped  the  waters.  He 
was  the  fame  as  Deucalion,  whom  they  imagined  to  have 
refided  in  the  fame  parts,  after  he  had  been  driven  by  a  flood 
to  Mount  ^ta.  The  Myrmidons  are  fometimes  reprefented 
as  the  children  of  ^acus:  and  are  faid  to  have  firft  inhabited 
the  ifland  of  iEgina.  It  is  mentioned  of  this  perfonage,  that 
having  loll  all  his  people  by  a  public  calamity,  he  requciled 
of  Jupiter,  that  the  ants  of  the  ifland  might  become  ""^  men  : 
which  wifh  was  accordingly  granted  to  him.  "Who  was  alluded 
to  under  the  name  of  iEacus,  may  be  known  from  the  hiftory 
tranfmitted  concerning  him.  He  is  reprefented  as  a  perfon 
of  great  juflice  ;   and  by  the  poets  is  fuppofed  for  his  equity 

-*'  Iliad.  B.  V.  684. 

'*  V\a.rja,  Se  MvpfxiS'  re  -zr-oAfS,  xXur'n  r'  lxv?<.xa;, 

Apc»  t',  wcT'  HA/x/j,  AybetccTS  i^     Heliod.  AtxTrii.  v.  jSo. 

*'  A  rege  Myrmidone  didi Jovis  etEurymedufe  filio.     Servius  in  TEncid. 

L.  I.  V.  7.  fo  it  iliould  be  read,  as  we  learn  from  Clemens.  Cohort,  p.  34.    Toe  Aix 
—Ev^v/xeSuari  ij.i-yYircci,  Mvpu.iT^oi'oc  yemia-xi. 

Muguii^ovii.,oi  ixv^ljt.;m?i  UTTo  Aojpiiuv.     Hefych. 
*'  Scholia  inLycoph.  V.  176.     Scholia  in  Iliad.  L.  A.  v.  iSo. 


392  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

to  have  been  made  iudf^e  of  the  infernal  world.  He  is  faid 
to  have  collected  people  together  :  '^  S^'^fxs^-:>)<TCJ  tSj  koli  voting 
iiivoLi,  KCA  (TVPTccriv  "UToAiTiKT,:/'  alfo  to  have  huma?iifed mafikindy 
and  to  have  enaBed  laws^  aiid  to  have  jirjl  eJlabUJljed  civil  po- 
lity. This  is  precifely  the  fame  cliarader,  as  vv^e  have  before 
fcen  given  to  Uranus,  Atlas,  OUris,  Dioniifus,  Saturnus, 
Phoroneiis,  Janus  :  all  which  are  titles  of  the  fame  perfon, 
by  whom  the  world  was  renewed,  and  from  whom  law  and 
equity  were  derived.  Both  i^acus  and  Mur-Medon  were 
the  fame  as  Deucalion  :  and  all  thefe  characters  are  com- 
prifed  in  that  of  the  Patriarch,  the  great  benefaftor,  andjuft 
man  ;  who  is  alluded  to  in  every  inftance  ;  particularly  in 
the  hiRory  of  the  firfl:  fliip.  This  circumftance  is  obfervable 
in  the  account  given  of  the  Myrmidons,  who  are  faid  to  have 
firft  conftrufted  fhips,  and  from  whom  the  art  was  made 
knov/n  to  the  world.      The  poet  accordingly  tells  us, 

Thefe  firft  compofed  the  manageable  float. 

Upon  this  fuppolition  they  had  the  name  of  Mur-Medons, 
or  Sea-Captains.  But  it  was  properly  derived  to  them  from 
their  chief  ancefcor  Mur-Medon  ;  who  firft  conftrudled  an 
ark,  and  was  efteemed  the  ruling  Deity  of  the  Sea. 

The  mofl  general  appellation,  under  which  thefe  colonies 
palled,  before  the  name  of  lonians  and  Dorians,  and  that 
flill  more  univerfal  of  Hellenes,  grev/   fo  predominant,  was 

''  Scholia  in  Pind.  Nem.  Od.  3.  v.  21. 

^'  Hefiod.  in  Genealog.  Heroic.     See  Scholia  in  Pindar.  Nem.  Od.  3.  v.  21. 
alfo  Scholia  in  Lycoph.  v.  176. 

7  that 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.         393 

that  of  Pelafgi.  They  are  reprefented  indeed  as  a  different 
people,  and  of  another  charader  :  but  this  difference  was  not 
of  perfons,  but  of  times.  They  were  very  numerous  ;  and 
fuppofed  to  have  been  for  a  long  time  in  a  wandering  ftate. 
Befides  Hellas,  they  occupied  many  regions  of  great  extent, 
where  their  name  was  in  repute  for  ages.  There  were  na- 
tions, called  Leleges,  Caucones,  and  Pelafgi  in  Alia  Minor  ; 
who  are  mentioned  by  Homer  among  the  allies  of  the 
Trojans  ; 

Strabo  fpeaks  of  thefe  Pelafgi  as  a  mighty  people  ;  and  fays, 
^'  that,  according  to  Menecrates  Elaites,  the  whole  coaft  of 
Ionia  from  Mycale,  and  all  the  neighbouring  iflands  were 
once  inhabited  by  them.  They  poffeffed  the  whole  region  of 
"^'  Hetruria:  nor  do  we  know  the  ultimate,  to  which  they  were 
extended.  ^'  AXKcc  01  fisv  ((poL<ri)  lisT^oLfTyag  sin  'urhsig-a  rri; 
oiKSfj^svrig  TtTKccvridsvragy  av^^caTTifJv  Tm  'urKsig-ctJV  }C^o(jyj(ro(.PTugj  av- 
Todi  KdToiJCYiQ-cii.  The  Pelafgi^  fays  Plutarch,  according  to  an- 
cie?it  tradition^  roved  over  the  greatefi  part  of  the  world :  and 
having  fubdued  the  inhabitants^  took  up  their  rejidence  in  the 
coimtries^  which  they  had  conquered.      Strabo  fpeaks  of  their 

'"  Iliad.  K.  V.  429. 

ta.i -rnXmiQ-y  vw'ii.  Strabo.  L.  13.  p.  922.  Thefame  is  faid  of  the  Carians,  and 
Leleges.  Hre  wv  Ic^via.  Myoysm  TsaMo.  iiro  Kacwi/  uxfiro,  v.a.i  AiKiyuv.  Strabo. 
L.  7.  p.  495. 

Strabo.  L.  5.  p.  339.     So^jjxAw  iv  hccx-c  (pvai,  xcci  01  Tvpam'oi  risAxcryoi. 
Scholia  in  Apollon.  L.  x.  v.  5S0.     See  alfo  Herod.  L.  i.e.  57. 
"  Plutarch,  in  Romulo.  p.  ly. 

Vol.  III.  E  e  e  great 

394     The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology, 

great  antiquity ;  and  fays,  that  they  overran  all  Greece : 
3*  A^yoLiov  Ti  <pvXov  koltcl  tfiv  'EAAaJ'a  'UToltodi  STrsTroXacrs. 
We  may  perceive  from  thefe  accounts,  that  the  Pelafgi  were 
to  be  found  in  various  parts  ;  and  that  it  was  only  a  more 
general  name  for  thofe  colonies,  which  were  of  the  difper- 
iion,  and  fettled  under  the  title  of  lones,  Hellenes,  Leleges, 
and  Argivi.  Hence  it  is  wonderful,  that  writers  fliould 
efteem  them  as  a  different  people.  Herodotus  has  much 
perplexed  their  hiftory;  or  elfe  his  account  has  been  greatly 
interpolated  :  yet  he  acknowledges,  that  they  had  their 
rites  and  religion  from  Egypt ;  and  that  from  them  they 
were  derived  to  the  Hellenes :  ^^  'urct^a.  h  HsAacryw;  'EAAjii/sj 
s^e^s^ccno  vs'S^qp.  The  perfon,  from  whom  this  people  are 
fuppofed  to  have  been  derived,  and  named,  is  by  fome  re- 
prefented  as  the  fon  of  Inachus  ;  by  others  as  the  fon  of 
^*  Pofeidon  and  Lariffa.  Staphylus  Naucratites  mentioned 
him  under  the  name  of  Pelafgus ;  and  faid,  that  he  was 
"  A^ysiov  TO  yzvog  ;  which  I  fhould  render,  of  Arhte  extrac- 
tion. Hence  it  is  faid  of  his  pofterity,  the  Argives  ; 
^*  K^Li  Oivroi  01  A^ysioi  SKaKEVTO  IIsAatryor  that  the  Argives 
aljo  were  denominated  Pelafgi.      They   fettled   very   early   in 

'*  Ly.  5.  p.  .^37-  'Oi  S'e  neXxayot  ruv  -ariot  rtiv  'EAAacTa  ^■jvac^ivaavTODV  ao^ccio- 
ToiToi.  Ibid.  L.  7.  p.  504.  Of  their  founding  cities  named  Lariffa,  fee  ibid.  L.  13. 
p.  922. 

''  L.  2.  c.  52. 

'°  Schol.  in  Apollon.  Rhod.  L.  i.  v.  580.  YltXacryB  TsYlia-eiS'cdvoi  vis  xctt  Aa- 
^iiraiii.  Some  make  him  the  father  of  Lariffa:  my  Ss  ax.ps7roAiv  {rm  Apysi)  Aa- 
(ii(7a(xv  jxiv  xa.X'daiv  o.TTo'rr.iTliKcia-j'd^uya.T^oi.  Pauflm.  L.  2.  p.  165.  Pelafgus, 
the  fon  of  Niobe.  Dionyf.  Halicarn.  L.  i.e.  1.  p.  9.     Of  Lariffa.  p.  14. 

"  Schol.  in  Apollon  above.     Ex  Pelafgo  Laris.     Hygin.  Fab.  145.  p.  253. 

''  Schol.  in  Apollon.  above. 

Thefialy  ; 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  395 

Thefialy  ;   to  which  they  gave  the  name  of  Aeria;  by  Apol- 
lonius  Rhodius  exprefled  Hs^iyj,  Eerie. 


This  was  the  ancient  name  of  Egypt,  from  whence  this  peo- 
ple came.  "^^  AiyvTrro;  skKt^^yi  Mytra^a,  teat  Hs^ia.  Egypt 
was  called  both  Myfara  and  Eeria.  The  part  of  ThefTaly, 
where  they  fettled,  was  the  fuppofed  country  of  Deucalion, 
the  fame  as  Inachus :  fo  that  we  need  not  wonder,  when  we 
find  Pelafgus  reprefented  as  an  *'  Argean  or  Arkite  by  birth. 
They  likewife,  as  I  have  mentioned,  called  the  fame  coun- 
try Ai  Monah,  Regio  Lunaris  ;  which  the  poets  changed  to 
Aimonia.  At  no  great  diftance  was  a  city  Argos,  and  a  na- 
tion Oritas  ;  from  whence  we  may  judge  of  the  natives,  and 
their  origin, 

■^^  E<Ta  jU,sTa  varov  bi<tiv  O^sitcci  T^syo^sm' 

EiT  AfJLcpiKo'^oi,  A^yo;  t  svto(,v&'  s?-i  ro 

I  have  fhewn,  that  all  the  country  about  Dodona  was  parti- 
cularly ftyled  Hellas ;  and  it  was  at  the  fame   time  called 

"  L.  i.v.  580. 

*"  Steph.  Byzant.  See  Schol.  in  Dionyf.  Perieg.  v.  239. 

*'  H>8rTo  Se  TW«  ccTToiKtixi  A^ccio?,  xat  $9(0$,  y-oLi  YliXaayo?,  o\  AAPIS2H2  xa; 
nr22EIz;^nN02  Ui3/.  Dionyf.  Haiicarn.  L.  i.  c.  17.  p.  14.  ns/\ccayoi  ex.  Aioi  xai 
Ni6^«5  Tw  ^c^wvyiM,  Ibid.  They  are  all  mentioned  as  the  fons  of  Larifla,  or  of 
Niobe  •,  both  which  terms  denote  the  children  of  the  Ark. 

**  Dicsearch.  apud  Geogr.  Vet,  vol.  2.  v.  45. 

E  e  e  2  Pelafgia. 

39^  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

Pelafgla.  The  Oracle  is  faid  by  Scymnus  Chius  to  have 
been  of  Pelafgic  original  : 

.The  rites  of  the  place  were  introduced  from  Egypt  ;  as  we 
are  affured  by  Herodotus,  and  other  writers :  confequently 
the  people,  who  founded  the  temple,  and  inftituted  thofe 
rites,  were  from  the  fame  country.  The  Deity  was  there 
worfhiped  under  the  title  of  Zeuth,  whom  Homer  ftyles 
Pelafgic  : 

The  prieftefTes  of  the  temple  have  been  mentioned  under  the 
character  of  two  black  Doves,  which  came  from  Theba  in 
Egypt.  In  fhort,  the  name  of  Pelafgi  feems  to  have  been 
the  mofl  ancient  and  '^^  general  of  any,  which  were  affumed 
by  thofe  foreigners,  who  came  into  the  land  of  Javan.  They 
forced  themfelves  into  **  countries  pre-occupied:  and  were  fo 
fuperior  to  the  natives  in  ability  and  fcience,  that  they  eaiily 
fecured  themfelves  in  their  fettlements.   Many  have  been  the 

*'  Apud  Geogr.  Vet.  vol.  i.p.  26.  v.  448. 

A(io^'j}vy,]i,q,-ny-v  TeyTh^iaa-ywy  tSoavovi  miv.     Hefiod.  apud  Strab.  L.  7.  p.  504. 
See  alio  L.  5.  p.  338. 

**  Iliad,  n.  V.  233. 

■*'  All  the  Peloponnefus  according  to  Ephorus  was  efteemed  Pelafgic.     Kaj  tw 
rieXoTroi'Viiaov  h  Yli?\oi,(jytav  (inatv  E(popoi  xAwG^fa;.     Strab.  L.  5.  p.  338. 

**  See  this  certified  in  the  Pelafgi,  who  came  to  Italy.     Dionyf.  Halicarn.  L.   i. 
c.  10.  p.  g.  &  14. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 


inquiries  about  this  ancient  people,  as  well  as  concerning 
their  language.  Even  Herodotus  is  at  a  lofs  to  determine 
whether  they  iliould  not  be  efteemed  "^^  Barbarians.  Yet  he 
feems  to  folve  the  difficulty  more  than  once;  and  this  too  in 
a  very  fatisfadory  manner,  by  mentioning,  among  other  in- 
ftances,  "^^  hjjVBg  IIsAaa'yo/,  that  f/je  Ioma72s  wef^e  Pelafgic ; 
*'  70  Attihov  s^vog  YIsXoL<Tyiy.oi/ ;  the  people  of  Attica  were  Pe- 
lafgic. He  likewife  fpeaks  of  the  ^°  Arcadians  under  this 
denomination  :  and  feems  to  include  all  the  Dorians,  the 
whole  of  the  ^'  Peloponnefus,  under  the  fame  title.  He 
fpeaks  alfo  of  the  iEolians  in  the  fame  light  :  ^^  AioAss^  Js 
— TO  'UTolKoli  KaKeo^Jisvoi  YlsKcicryoi.  From  hence  we  may  be 
affured,  that  by  the  Pelafgi  are  meant  the  ancient  Dores, 
lones,  and  Hellenes  :  in  fliort,  all  thofe  Cuthite  colonies, 
and  thofe  of  their  collateral  branches,  which  I  include  un- 
der the  name  of  Amonians.  When  therefore  it  is  faid,  that 
Greece   was   firft   occupied   by   Pelafgi  ;   and  afterwards  by 

*^  He  acknowledges  his  uncertainty  about  them.  Ovy.  sx'^  urpsxeui  iittsiv.  L.  r. 
c.  57. 

*'  L.  7.  c.  95. 

«  L.  I.  c.  57. 

'°  Apxa.3ei  ns?\.cc'7yc/i.  L.  i.  c.  146.  The  lones  of  Achaia  were  called  flgAao-^oi 
AiyiaXeei.  L.  7.  c.  94.  Pelafgi  alfo  in  Crete,  and  in  various  regions.  Strab.  L.  5. 

''  Herodot.  L.  i.  c.  §6.  He  is  fpeaking  of  the  Doiians  in  the  Peloponnefus, 
and  of  the  Athenians  ;  which  two  families  he  ftyles,  to  fj^iv  UiXcLcryiKov,  to  cTg  'E?\.- 
Mviicov  £6vo«.  By  this  one  would  imagine,  that  he  excluded  the  Athenians  from 
being  Pelafgic.     The  paflage  is  very  confufed. 

'"  L.  7.  c.  95.  All  the  coaft  of  Phrygia  was  peopled  by  them.  They  built  the 
cities  Theba  and  Larifla  in  Troas. 

JTTTriUco?  S^'ayi  (pvAu  YliKarjyoiv  ey^saifjiMcctiv, 
Tool',  01  Accpiccocv  ioi^wKoiXcx.  va.iiTcx.a.<jv.ov.     Horn.  II.  B.  v.  840. 

Leleges  \ 

39^  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology, 

Leleges  ;  and  then  by  Hellenes,  Dores,  and  lonians  ;  it  is 
only  a  change  of  title,  but  no  diiFerence  of  people  :  for  they 
were  all  of  the  fame  great  family,  however  branched  out. 
The  fame  is  to  be  obferved  in  the  hiftory  of  any  particular 
city,  fuch  as  Athens. 

To  ^Bv  HzXoLTyag  'nr^ooTov,  sg  Jj^  /ma  Koyog 
K^ccvccag  Ksy£(r^o(.i,  fjLSTd  cJs  ravTa  KsK^OTri^otg' 

vg'B^oiin  h  "^^ovQig 

Attq  7Y\g  K&Tf\voLg  rriv  'UTooo'riyo^ioLV  Kol^biv. 

All  thefe  were  different  names  of  the  fame  people.  In  like 
manner  the  people  of  Argos,  in  a  play  of  Euripides,  are  ad- 
drefled  by  Oreftes,  as  the  fame  race  under  different  appel- 

5'^  £2  yY\v  hayii  KBKrrifjLBUoi, 

The  like  is  to  be  obferved  in  a  paffage  from  the  Archelaus  of 
the  fame  author. 

i^  Aai/ao?,  o  ttrsvrYiy.ovra,  ^vyars^u^y  'Warri^, 
EA^wy  eg  A^yog  mid  hoLys  "sroKiv' 
HeAao'yiwTa?  J"  (fjvofjLOLfrfJLBimg  to  "UT^iv 
AccvoLug  kolKskt^oli  vo^jlov  s^yjzs. 

In  refped  to  the  Arcadians,  they  are  faid  to  have  been  fo 

"  Scymnus  Chius  apud.  Geogr.  Vet.  vol.  i.  p.  32.  v.  55^' 
'*  Euripid.  Oreft.  v.  930. 
"  Apud  Strab.  L.  5.  p.  ^39. 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  399 

named  from  ^*  Areas  the  fon  of  Zeuth,  being  before  called 
Pelafgians.  But  Pelafgus,  who  was  prior,  and  the  very  "  iirll 
man  in  the  country,  was  called  **  Areas  :  from  which  cir- 
cumftance  a  ftrange  inconiifteney  arifes :  for  the  country  is 
fuppofed  to  have  been  called  Arcadia,  before  the  birth  of  the 
perfon,  from  whom  the  name  was  receiv^ed.  It  is  therefore 
plain  that  the  term  Areas  was  a  title  ;  and  that  by  Pelafgus 
Areas  was  meant  Pelafgus  the  "  Arkite.  And  when  the 
people  of  Phrygia  and  Hetruria  were  faid  to  be  ^°  ai/SKOL^sp 
A^zcfJsg  ;  the  true  purport  of  the  exprcflion  was,  that  they 
v/ere  ab  origine  Arkites.  Neither  Argolis,  nor  Arcadia, 
could  have  fufficed  to  have  fent  out  the  colonies,  which  are 
faid  to  have  proceeded  from  them.  They  are  fuppofed  to 
have  filled  regions,  before  they  were  conftituted  as  a  people. 
The  Grecians  in  their  hiftories  have  been  embarraffed  and 
confounded  Vv^ith  variety  of  titles.  They  tried  to  feparate 
them,  and  to  form  diftindlions  :  by  which  means  their  my- 
thology became  more  and  more  confufed.  The  only  way  is 
to  unite  inftead  of  diverfifying:  andtofhew  that  thefe  titles, 
however  varied,  were  but  one  in  purport :  that  they  all  re- 
lated nearly  to  the  fame  perfon,  and  to  one  event.  By  this 
method  of  proceeding  we  fhall  render  the  hiftory  both  obvious 


Paufanias.  L.  8.  p.  604. 
''   UeAciayoi — ev  Tn  yriTccvT/i  's-^ano?.      Ibid.  L.  8.  p.  ^gS. 
'*  UiAuaya — Ta  ApxctS oi.     Ibid.  L.  2.  p.  143.     Paufanias  feems  here  to  make 
him  the  fon  of  Areas.     Either  way  it  is  inconfiftent. 
"  Hera,  the  fame  as  lonah,  is  ftyled  Pelafgis.     It  is  faid  of  Jafon, 

U^n- Se  niXaaythi  uy.  a/.iyi^tv.     Apollon.  Rhod.  L.  i.  v.  14. 
Dionyf.  Halicarn.  L.  i.    c.  10.    p.  9.     YliXaayBi  ctMxoJ^iv  ho~A.a.ias.     Strab. 
L.  5.  p.  I2il-  ^""^^  Schol.  in  Dionyf  Perieg.  v.  347. 

400  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

and  true.      The  accounts,  of  v/hich  we  have  been  treating,  1 
were  adopted   by  the  Grecians  ;   and  as   it   were   ingrafted 
upon  the  hiftory  of  the  country:  and  the  principal  terms,  in 
which  they  were  defcribed,   were  equally   foreign   and  im- 
ported.     I  have  mentioned,   that  by  the  appellation  Areas 
we  are  to  underftand  an  ^'  Arkite  :   and   who  is   principally 
alluded  to  under  this  chara<£ter  can  only  be  known  from  the 
hiftory,  with  which  it  is  attended.      We  find  this  perfonage 
defcribed   in   the  fame  light  as  Dagon,  Ilis,  Dionufus  ;   and 
as  Ofiris,  ftyled  Orus,  and  Helius.      He  is  reprefented  as  a 
great  *^  benefaftor  to  mankind:   teaching   them   the  ufe  of 
corn,  and  confequently  the  arts  of  agriculture,  v^^hich  were 
before  unknown.      He  likewife  intruded  them  in  weaving, 
in  order  to  cloath  themfelves :   and  the  whole  manufacture 
of  wool  is  attributed  to  him.      His  name  vi^as  a  title  of  the 
chief  Gentile   Divinity,  like   Helius,   Ofiris,   and  Dionufus 
above  :   and  he  was  worfhiped  with  the  fame  rites  at  Manti- 
nea,   near  a  temple  of  Juno  :   and   in  another  of  Zeuth  the 
Saviour,   there   flood  an  high  place  facred  to  Areas :   which 
in  aftertimes  was  miflaken  for  his   tomb.      There   feem   to 
have  been  more  than  one ;   for  they  are   fpoken   of  in   the 
plural :  and  what  they  really  were  may  be  known  from  their 
name  ;   for  they  were  called  *'  'HAta  Bio^o/,    the  altars  of  the 
Helius.     Areas  was  fuppofed  by  his  pofterity  to  have  been 

"  When  it  is  faid  by  Hyginus,  Arcades  res  divinas  primi  Diis  feccrunt ;  it  only 
means,  that  the  Arkites,  the  Ions  of  Ham,  were  t!;e  firll,  who  introduced  pclytheifm. 
Hygin.  c.  274.  p.  387. 

""■  Paufan.L.  8.p.  604. 

*'  Ibid.  L.  8.  p.  616. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  401 

buried  upon  Mount  Maenalus,  which  was  undoubtedly  de- 
nominated from  him. 

Near  the  bleak  Mount  Maenalia  lies  entomb'd 
Areas,  from  whom  the  natives  have  their  name. 

Mccnalia,  or  more  properly  Maenalus,  is  a  compound  of  Meen 
El :  by  which  is  fignified  Lunus  Deus,  another  title  of  Ar- 
eas, the  Arkite  God,  who  had  been  worfhiped  upon  that 

From  what  has  preceded,  we  may  decipher  the  hiftory  of 
the  Arcadians,  who  were  the  defcendents  of  Areas,  and  re- 
prefented  as  prior  to  the  *^  moon.  They  were  ftyled  "  Mi- 
nys,  Selenitze,  and  [A^yoLioi)  Archsei :  and  their  antiquity  is 
alluded  to  by  Apollonius,  when  he  mentions, 


fU  Arcadiaji  tribes^  who  lived  before  the  Moon. 

This  is  the  common  interpretation;  but  properly  by  Selene, 
and  Selenaia,  is  meant  the  Ark,  of  which  the  Moon  was  only 

'*  Oracle  of  Apollo ;  ibid. 

*'  Orta  prior  luna,  de  le  fi  creditur  ipfi, 

A  magno  tellus  Arcade  nomen  habet.     Ovid.  Fafl.  L.  i.  v.  469, 

Luna  gens  prior  ilia  fuit.     Ibid.  L.  2.  v.  290. 

Sidus  poft  veteres  Arcadas  editum.     Senec.  Hippol.  Ad.  2.  v.  785. 
"  Minyse  Arcades.     Strabo.  L.  8.  p.  519, 
*'  A  pollen.  Rhod,  L.  4.  v.  264. 

Vol.  III.  Fff 


402  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

an  emblem:  and  from  hence  the  Arkites  had  the  appellation 
of  Selenitae.  Dionylius  Chalcidenfis  takes  notice,  that  this 
name  was  preferved  among  the  Arcadians.  ^^  Euvog  K^KOLm'J 
XsXrjViTag.  When  therefore  it  is  faid  by  the  ancient  writer 
Mnafeas,  that  this  people  were  under  a  regal  government, 
before  the  Moon  appeared,  -nr^o  ^^  XsKrjVYjg  A^kol^ol;  (ia,(riXsv<roci' 
it  only  means,  that  their  family  originally  exifted,  and  were 
eftablifhed  under  a  monarchy,  before  the  Arkite  rites  pre- 
vailed. This  may  be  proved  by  determining  the  time, 
when  Selene  is  faid  to  have  firft  made  its  appearance.  This 
we  find  from  Theodorus,  and  other  writers,  to  have  been  a 
little  while  before  the  war  of  the  Giants.  ^°  ©so^cti^og  h  sy 
siKog-u^  syi'arc*} ,  oXiycp  'ut^ote^ov  (pr\(n  T8  'ur^og  FiyoLnctg  'uroKs^jLis 
— Tr,v  l,sMw  (pctvYjmi.  koli  A^ig-m  6  Xiog  ev  raig  ^s(rs(n,  kch 
Aiowirog  o  yLoCKmhvg  bv  td'^wtw  Krio'gw?  to.  olvtol  (pYiai.  Theodo- 
ras the  Chalcidian^  in  his  twenty-ni?ith  hook^  tells  us^  that  fome 
little /pace  afitecedent  to  the  war  of  the  Gm^tts^  SeleTie  jirji  ap- 
peared :  and  Arifion  the  Chian^  in  his  Thefes^  and  Dionyfus  of 
Chalcis,  in  the  firfl  book  of  his  treatife  upon  the  Creation^  both 
ajfert  the  fame  thing.  I  have  already  treated  of  the  Giants 
and  Titanians ;  and  of  the  wars,  which  they  carried  on  : 
and  it  has  been  fhewn,  that  a  little  before  thofe  com- 
motions the  Arkite  worfhip,  and  idolatry  in  general,  be- 
gan. When  therefore  it  is  faid,  that  the  Arcades  were 
prior  to  the  Moon,  it  means  only,  that  they  were  conftituted 
into  a  nation,  before  the  worfhip  of  the  Ark  prevailed,  and 
before  the  firft  war  upon  earth  commenced.      From  hence 

'*  Scholia  in  Apollon.  L-  4.  v.  264. 

"  Scholia,  ibid. 

'"  Ibid.  we 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  403 

we  may  perceive,  that  the  Grecians  have  referred  to  the  pla- 
net, what  was  merely  fymbolical,  and  related  to  another 
objedl.  The  Arcadians  were  a  party  from  the  difperlion  ; 
and  forced  their  way  into  Hellas.  Ariftotle  mentions  the 
region,  which  they  occupied  ;  and  fays,  that  it  was  poffefTed 
by  a  people  of  a  different  family,  whom  the  Arcades  ^'  drove 
out.  And  he  adds,  that  this  happened^  '''^  'UT^o  Tn  S/TiTfiiAat 
TYjV  XsXr,i/Yiv,  ^10  KOLT0VQiJLa.^QriVOLi  n^oTeXYjvag'  before  Selene  ap- 
peared^ on  which  accoimt  they  were  called  Profelejii.  It  was 
not  however  from  their  fettling  in  Greece,  but  from  their 
worfhip,  which  was  far  prior,  that  they  had  this  title.  In- 
deed they  could  go  ftill  higher  :  for,  as  they  were  both  Ar- 
cades and  Selenitse,  they  could  carry  up  their  hiftory  to  Ar- 
eas himfelf,  and  to  times  antecedent  both  to  the  Ark  and 
Deluge.  This  might  be  another  reafon,  why  they  were 
called,  not  only  Minyae,  Selenitae,  and  "  Arcades,  but  alfo 
n^otrsAjifo/,  Profeleni  ;  as  being  of  a  family  prior  both  to 
the  Ark,  and  Deluge.  But  the  later  Grecians  miftook  this 
hiftory,  and  referred  it  to  a  different  objedt:  hence  they  have 
fuppofed  the  Arcadians  to  have  been  older  than  the  moon. 

Similar  to  the  charadier  given  of  Areas,  is  that  of  Pelaf- 
gus  J  but  accompanied  with  many  additional  and  remarka- 
ble circumftances.   He  was  equally  a  benefadlor  to  mankind; 

'"  BapCapot  Tiiv  Apy.<x,hxv  axnaccy,  o.i tva  eS,iQXinriaa.v  a.7r3  tuv  Apy.(x,S(/jv  sTrjOg/^fmf 
oLVToi'^.     Scholia,  ibidem. 

^'  Ibid.  Apy.a.iiiTMv  E^?\.iivcijv  ccf^aioTxroi. —  Ot  AoxccS'si  So-jcaa-i  ■zir^or-iK'Xi^-'n'yji 
yiyovivoci.  AkipuS'S — A^x.<x.^oi  (pnciv  O^^ofjuva  vtoi — Apxai  o  Ei-Ju^iwr.  eytoi  i's 

UTTO  TB  Tu(f,etii'oi'  vTTO  ^6  AjXccvTo?,  Sii'ccycpcti  sipyixiv.     Ibid. 

li^pci  Si  (pvcri,@eiJit<^yg  xou  Atos  Apx.ix.i.    Steph.  Byz.     See  Paufan.  L.  S.  p.  604, 

"  Scaliger  gives  a  different  folution.  See  Prolegom.  ad  Emend,  Temp.  p.  3. 
5ee  alfo  Cenforinus  deDic  Natal,  c.  19.  p.  10^. 

F  f  f  2  and 

404  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

and  inftriided  them  in  many  '"^  arts.  He  taught  them  to 
cloath  themfelves ;  and  to  build  houfes,  that  they  might  be 
ilieltered  from  the  inclemency  of  the  weather.  He  likewife 
improved  them  in  their  diet ;  and  fhewed  them  what  was 
noxious  and  deadly.  He  is  faid  to  have  built  the  firft  tem- 
ple to  the  Deity  :  ^^  aedem  Jovi  Olympio  primum  fecit  Pe- 
lafgus.  I  have  taken  notice,  that,  as  Noah  was  faid  to  have 
been  olvQ^ootto;  yyig^  a  77ia7i  of  the  ea-rth,  this  charadleriflic  is 
obfervable  in  every  hiftory  of  thefe  primitive  perfons  :  and 
they  are  reprefented  as  vofjiioiy  ay^ioij  and  yrjysvsig.  Pelafgus 
accordingly  had  this  ^'  title :  and  it  is  particularly  men- 
tioned of  him,  that  he  was  the  firft  huibandman.  "  'O  <)s 
Yls?^a,(ryog  'ur^ooTog  ot^ys  KccTct(rn£vyjV  s^sv^s:  P elafgus  jirft  fou72d 
out  ally  that  is  necejfary  for  the  cultivation  of  the  groimd. 
There  is  a  curious  flcetch  of  his  hiftory  given  by  the  poet 
Alius;  which  is  comprifed  in  two  verfes,  but  points  out  very 
plainly,  who  was  meant  by  Pelafgus.  It  reprefents  him  as 
a  perfon  of  a  noble  characSter,  who  was  wonderfully  preferved 
for  the  good  of  mankind. 

I  have  fliewn,  that  Fa/a,  Gaia,  in  its  original  (tnfe,  figniiied 

'*  Paufan.  L.  8.  p.  599. 
"  Hygini  Fab.  225.  p.  346. 

'*  Ta  ynyiVdi  yap  iijx  eyu  'waXai^ovui 
Irii  UiXaa-yy.  ^fch.  Suppl.  v,  258. 

Some  read  it  ngAao-^o-:. 
''  Schol.  in  Euripid.  Oreft,  v.  930. 
''  P;^u^an.  L.  8.  p.  599. 

10  a  facred 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  405 

a  facred  cavern  ;  a  hollow  in  the  earth ;  which  from  its 
gloom  was  looked  upon  as  an  emblem  of  the  Ark.  Hence 
Gaia,  like  Hefta,  Rhoia,  Cybele,  is  often  reprefented  as  the 
^^  mother  of  mankind.  It  is  here  to  be  taken  in  that  fenfe  : 
and  the  paffage  will  be  found  remarkable,  though  concife^ 

On  a  high  mountain's  brow 
The  gloomy  cave  gave  back  again  to  light 
Godlike  Pelafgus,  that  the  race  of  man 
Through  him  might  be  renewed. 

In  like  manner  Inachus  is  faid  after  the  deluge  to  have  htcii 
faved  upon  the  top  of  a  high  mountain.  Inachus,  Pelafgus, 
and  Danaus,  are  titles  of  the  fame  perfon ;  though  diverfified 
by  the  Greeks,  and  made  princes  in  fucceflion.  The  Scho- 
liaft  upon  Euripides  mentions,  that  ^*  Inachus,  the  77tan  of  the 
earth,  was  the  ji?'fl  k{?tg  of  Argos  ;  Pelafgus  was  the  fecond  , 
and  Danaus,  the  fon  of  Belus,  the  third.  The  fame  writer 
adds,  '  MsTCL  rov\v<r^ov  bv  o^£(tiv  oiKuvrm  tu^v  ApyBioov 
'sr^mo;  aurag.  (rvv(^m<T£V  Ivocy^^q.  When  the  Argivi,  or  Arkites, 
after  the  Deluge  lived  ,difperfed  upon  the  mount ainsy  Inachus 
firfi  brought  them  together ^  and  formed  them- i?ito  communities. 
Concerning  the  language  of  the  Pelafgi^  there  have  been 
many  elaborate  difquifitions ;  and  we  find,  that  it  was  matter 
of  debate,  even  in  the  time  of  ^'  Herodotus.  Yet  the  quef- 
tion,  if  rightly  ftated,  amounts  only  to  this :   What  was  the 

"  Fafa  0!?a,  ^«Tg/3  Maxapuv,  Srvmuv  r  ccvSpMirMv.     Orph.  Hymn.  25. 

li'a.^3<  «t;To;^6a)r,  Trpajroi  ^aatXivi  A^ym'  Sivrepoi  YltKomyoi'  rpnos  Actvctos  a 
B/jAa.     Scholia  in  Euripidis  Oreft.  v.  930.     See  Herod.  L.  7.  c.  94 
"  Ibid.      . 

L.  i.e.  57. 


4o6  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

language  of  this  varioufly  denominated  people,  before  it  had 
undergone  tliofe  changes,  which  neceffariiy  enfue  from  time? 
In  other  words,  how  did  the  Hellenes  difcourfe  fome  ten,  or 
twelve  centuries  before  the  birth  of  iEfchylus  or  Pindar  ? 
As  we  have  no  written  records,  nor  any  monumental  evi- 
dences of  that  date,  or  near  it;  the  queftion  may  at  firft  feem 
not  very  eafy  to  be  decided.  Yet  from  the  names  of  places, 
and  of  men  ;  and  from  the  terms  ufed  in  their  rites  and 
worfliip  ;  but  more  efpecially  from  the  hiftory  of  the  peo- 
ple themfelves,  and  of  the  country  from  whence  they  came; 
we  may  be  affured  that  it  was  the  Cuthic  of  Chaldea.  This 
in  a  long  feries  of  years  underwent  the  fame  changes,  as  all 
languages  undergo.  And  this  alteration  arofe  partly  from 
words  imported  ;  and  partly  from  a  mixture  with  thofe  na- 
tions, among  whom  the  Hellenes  were  *^  incorporated.  Ex- 
clufive  of  thefe  circumftances,  there  is  no  language  but  will 
of  itfelf  infeniibly  vary  :  though  this  variation  may  be  in 
fome  degree  retarded,  where  there  is  fome  ftandard,  by  which 
common  fpeech  may  be  determined  and  controuled.  But 
the  Grecians  had  no  fuch  affiftance.  Letters  undoubtedly 
came  to  them  late  ;  and  learning  much  later.  There  was 
no  hiftorian  prior  to  Cadmus  Mileiius  ;  nor  any  public  in- 
fcription,  of  which  we  can  be  certified,  before  the  laws  of 
Draco.   The  firft  Grecian,  who  attempted  to  write  in  profe, 

*'  Of  old  there  were  many  nations  and  languages  in  Greece.    Strabo.  L.  7.  p.  494. 
495.     Scymnus  Chius  fpeaks  of  the  barbarous  people,  who  lived  near  Dodona  : 
Eiat  fJLiycci'ei  BxpCctpoi, 
'Ovi  xui  'njpc.aoixiiv  (pccai  tu)  ^^n<^r)f>ice). 

Apud  Geogr.  Vet.  vol.  2.  p.  z6. 
See  alfo  Herodor.  L.  i.  c.  146. 

^  was 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  407 

was  Pherecydes  the  philofopher :  and  he  lived  as  late  as  the 
reign  of  Cyrus  the  Perfian.  Hence  there  is  no  change  in 
their  language,  but  fuch  as  we  might  exped:  from  an  interval 
of  this  extent,  and  from  a  people  thus  circumftanced. 

Such    is   the  hiftory    of  the   Hellenes  and  lonim  in  their 
various  branches.      Of  thofe,   who  fettled  in  Hellas,  I  have, 
fpoken  before  ;   and  fliewn,  that   they  were  no  other  than 
the  Shepherds  of  Egypt,  who  came  originally  from  Chaldea.. 
They  were  expelled  by  the  Egyptians  a  very  few  years  be- 
fore the  Ifraelites  got  accefs  to  that  country:  and  when  they, 
came  into  Greece,  they  went  under  difFerent  denominations; 
being  ftyled  Pelafgi,  Leleges,  InachidcC,  DanaidDe,  Heracli- 
das,  and  ^*  Cadmians.    Of  their  expulfion  there  is  an  account 
given  in  a  curious  fragment  from  Diodorus  Siculus,  preferved' 
by  Photius  :    in  which  alfo  notice  is  taken  of  the  Ifraelites, 
who  migrated  from  the  famx^  country.      It   i-s   what    I   have 
before  ^^  quoted  :    but  I  efteem  it  of  fuch  confequence,  that  I 
muft  beg  leave  to  introduce  it  again.      "  Upopi  this^   as  fome 
writers  tell  us^  the  moji  emineiit  and  enterprijing  of  thofe  fo-. 
reigners^  who  were  bi  Egypt ^  and  obliged  to  leave  the  coimtry^ 
betook  themf elves  to  thecoafi  of  Greece^  and  alfo  to  other  regions  \ 

'*  They  were  alfo  called  Cutlii :  but  from  a  general  title  the  later  Greeks  always 
formed  a  perfonage,  who  was  fuppofcd  to  have  been  the  leader  of  the  colony.  Hence 
inftead  of  the  Cuthites,  and  Hercuk^ans,  Plutarch  fubftitutes  a  Cothus  and  Arclus  ; 
and  fays  that  they  fettled  in  Euboea,  K0605  xa<  ApAo?,  li  HaSy  -nycL^a  sa  EvQoiccv y^xov 
oix-naavm.  Cothus  and  Arclus,  the  two  fans  of  Xuth,  came  and  fettled  in  Eiihxa.  Plu- 
tarch. Qu^Itiones  Grascre.  p.  256.  Thefe  were  the  fame  as  thofe  Arabians,  who  are 
faid  to  have  come  v/ith  Cadmus.  Kfa&a,  o(  IWS ixm  avi'J tcc^c^yju.  Strabo.  L  10 

''  Vol.  II.  p.  ^/^/.. 

**  Ex  Diodori  L.  40.  apud  Photium.  p.  1 152. 



4o8  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

having  put  themf elves  under  the  command  of  proper  leaders  for 
that  purpofe.     Some  of  them  were  co7iduSied  by  DanauSy    and 
Cadmus  ;   who  were  the  jnof  illufiriaus  of  the  whole.      There 
were  iefdes  thefe  a  large ^  but  lefs  noble  body  of  people ,  who  re- 
tired into  the  province^  called  now  yudea^  which  was  7iot  far 
from  Egypty  and  in  thofe  times  uninhabited.      Thefe  emigrants 
were  led  by  Mofes^  who  was  fuperior  to  all ;';;  wifdoin  andprow- 
efs.^-^He  gave  them  laws  ;   atid  ordained  that  they  fj^ould  have 
no  images  of  the  Gods  ;    becaufe  there   was    only   07ie  Deity ^ 
the  Heaven^  which  furrounds  all  things^    a7id  is  Lord  of  the 
whole.      I  make  no  comment  upon  this  curious   extrad; :   let 
it  fuffice,  that  this  latter  migration  was  an  age  or  two  after 
the  former ;  though  mentioned  here,  as  if  it  were  of  the  fame 
date.      Thofe,  who  came  into  Greece,    brought  with  them 
the  fame  arts,  and  the  fame  worfhip,  which  they  had  before 
introduced  in   Egypt.      Hence   Zonaras  very  truly  tells  us, 
^'  E^  XoLK^aioo'j  yoL^   Ksysrai,  (pQirrj(rixL   tolvtol  Tjy^og  AiyvT^Toy^ 
KQLK&idsv  T'^og  'EAA)i!/a^.      yill  thefe  things  came  fro77i  Chaldea 
to  Egypt  \  and  fro7n  thence  were  derived  to  the  Greeks, 

''  V.  I.  p.  22.     See  Syncellus.  p.  102. 

s  n  A  p  T  o  I. 

(     409     ) 

s     n     A     P     T     O     I. 

OF     THE 




T  is  remarkable,  that  the  Cadmians,  and  people  of  other 
colonies,  ^who  came  into  Greece,  were  called  XTTdPTOi, 
Sparti.  The  natives  of  Bceotia  had  this  appellation  ;  as  had 
thofe  of  Lacedasmon,  which  city  was  peculiarly  named 
Sparta.  There  were  traditions  of  this  fort  in  Attica,  and 
alfo  at  Colchis  ;  and  a  notion  prevailed,  that  the  people  in 
thofe  parts  took  their  rife  from  fomething  which  was  fown. 
Hence  the  twofold  perfonage  Cecrops  is  faid  to  have  origi- 
nally fprung  from  the  teeth  of  a  '  ferpent  fcattered  in  the 
ground.  Alexander  Polyhiftor,  fpeaking  of  the  children  of 
Ifrael,  and  Edom,  fays,  that  they  were  originally  the  fons 
■of  Semiramis :   but  Claudius  lolaus  derives  them  from   one 

KexfOTTcc  Ai(p'jy]i — sk  nw  ry  S'^ccxcms  cS'ovim'  e^'sAOsir.     Scholia  in  Lycoph. 

V.    III. 

Vol,  III.  G  g  g  Sparton, 

4IO  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

Sparton,  who  came  from  Thebes  with  Dionufus.  This 
Sparton,  by  the  Greeks,  is  mentioned,  as  the  fon  of  ^  Phoro- 
neus,  the  firft  man  who  reigned.  The  terms  Sparti,  and 
Sparton,  were  both  foreign  to  Greece  ;  and  manifeftly  im- 
ported. Hence  the  name  of  Sparta  in  Laconia  was  conferred, 
^  aTTO  Td^J'  ixsrcc  KctcJj'XB  XTrct^roJv-.  by  the  Spa?'ti^  who  came  inta 
that  country  with  Cadmus,  A  fimilir  hiuory  of  this  place  is 
given  by  Timagoras ;  who  informs  us,  '^  that  it  received  its 
name  from  people,  who  had  wandered  from  their  own  coun- 
try, and  happened  to  light  upon  this,  w^hich  from  them- 
felves  they  named  Sparte.  They  are  by  fome  reprefented 
as  the  offspring  of  Ogyges,  the  fame  as  Inachus,  and  Deu- 

I  think,  it  is  plain,  that  the  people  here  mentioned  were 
of  the  family  of  the  difperfed,  who  were  fcattered  over  the 
face  of  the  earth.  They  were  denominated  Sparti  from  an 
ancient  word  analogous  to  "ins,  Parad,  of  the  Hebrews,  and 
to  '  (TTTa^aTTOJ  of  the  later  Greeks  ;  by  which  was  fignified, 
to  part,    fever,   and  difperfe.      Their   feparation    and   flight 

*  Paufun.  L.  2.  p.  1-46. 

Phoroneus,  qui  primus  mortalium  dicitur  regnaiTe.     Hyginus.  Fab.  143, 
Sparta  condita  a  Sparto  filio  Phoronei.     Eufeb.  Verfio  Lat.  p.  i  %. 
^  Schalia  in  Horn.  OdyfT.  A.  arc  twi'  iM^ivoi/.ivm  ^j-iTo.  Ka(J,wa  ^nrctorm  ccv^pccv. 
See  Suidasj  Epaminondas. 

*  Uipi  oov  iXyrcc^Tcor)  Tifj.xyociai  qimn',  eiCTTiCrovTcci  S's  avrsi  en  tw  Axxcavixw-, 
X-raaTm  a.<p  icvJTjiv  ovou.auat.  Steph.  Byzant.  STraarw.  Salmafius  would  alter 
txinaiiv  to  eiairidSiv.  He  iays,  that  he  would  do  it,  though  every  manufcript  were 
ao-ainft  him.  But  this  would  certainly  ruin  the  purport  of  the  hiftorian ;  who 
means,  that  the  Sparti  had  been  deprived  of  one  country,  and  lighted  upon  another. 
We  have  no  term  precifcly  analogous  as  a  metaphor  to  the  word  ufed  :  however  iK- 
TTiTeiv  i'.i  certainly  means  to  mifs  of  one  thing,  and  to  light  upon  another. 

'  Hence  partior,  difpertior,  partitio. 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient  ^JYTHOLOGY.         411 

from  Babel  was  continually  commemorated  under  the  notion 
of  the  flight  of  Bacchus,  and  Ofiris,  and  the  fcattering 
abroad  their  limbs.  V/liat  feems  to  confirm  my  notion, 
is  a  pafTage  from  Androtion,  quoted  by  the  Scholiafl 
upon  Lycophron  ;  who  fpeaks  of  the  Sparti  as  (TTro^OL^sg,  or 
people,  who  had  been  fcattered  abroad.  ^  Av^^onoov  h  6 
Ig-OPiKOg  {XSTOL  (T'^O^aiuV  TiPCCV  (pYtQ-i  TOV  Kot^^o'j  Big  ©s^of.i;  £?.hn'. 
By  Sporades  this  writer  does  not  mean  people  fown  ;  for  he 
fpeaks  of  them  as  prior  to  the  nsra  of  that  fable  :  but  the 
purport  of  his  words  is,  that  Cadmus  catne  to  T'hehes  in  Bceo- 
tia  with  fo7ne  people  of  the  difperfion.  Thofe  too,  who  gave 
name  to  Sparta,  are  by  another  writer  faid  to  have  been  a 
difperfed  and  a  wandering  crew.  ^  T'dc,  'Zzr^wTH?  TDVOiKtfS'a.via.q 
nv  'GTqXiv  AzTKByaq  AIESITAPMENOTS  sig  tolviyiv  irvveXkiv. 
"The  fij'Jl  who  inhabited  the  city  were  the  Leleges,  a  people  who 
came  after  a  difperjion.  In  their  hiftory  we  have  continual 
allufions  to  the  flood  ;  and  to  their  being  diilipated  after- 
wards. Hence  Lycophron  flyles  them  natives  of  Thebes 
*  Q.yvyov  I^Tra^Tog  Xsojg  :  the  original  purport  of  which  is 
merely  this,  that  they  were  the  defccndents  of  thofe  people, 
who  were  difperfed  after  the  Deluge.  And  ^fchylus  de- 
fcribes  them  in  much  the  fame  light. 

9  XTrot^rm  <J"  oltt'  olv^^cov,  ccv  A^r,g  s^f/caro. 

*  Schol.  in  V.  1206.  This  is  given  more  at  large  by  Pindar's  Scholiaft  ;  AvSpc- 
Ticiv  ^s  (pwi  <^vyovra  ex.  rm  ^sn'txns  tov  Kacf/^sv^wSTa  ixxruv  aTTopccSojv  xoiTiX^Uv  m 
©nCct';.  3C.T.A.     Efth.  Od.  7.  p.  447.  v.  18. 

'  Euftathius  in  Horn.  Iliad.  B. 

*  V.  1206.  Og,  Ogus,  and  Ogugus,  fignify  thefea,  or  ocean.  From  ogua  came 
aqua,  water. 

'  Septem  thebana.  v.  418. 

G  g  g  2  They 

412  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

They  were  the  fojierity  of  thofe  people^  whofn  the  cha?ice  of  war 
had  f pared \  but  who  were  afterwards  fcattered  abroad.  They 
were  the  fame  as  the  Titanians :  hence  the  Cecropians,  who 
came  into  Attica,  were  ftyled  '°  Fj^ysj/fi/^ ;  and  their  country 
"  Titanis. 

I  have  taken  notice,  that  the  great  objed  of  the  Cuthites 
in  ereding  the  Tower  of  Babel  was  that  they  might  not  be 
difperfed.  "  L,et  us  build  us  a  city,  and  a  tower, — left  we  be 
fcattered  abroad.  They  were  however  wonderfully  diflipated : 
and  this  circumftance  of  their  difperfion  is  to  be  found  com- 
memorated in  all  their  hiftories.  Hence,  as  I  have  before 
obferved,  we  read  of  Perfeus,  Cadmus,  and  other  leaders  of 
colonies,  ftyled  AA)iTa/,  Aletae,  or  wanderers.  At  Athens 
they  had  a  feftival  called  ''  Aletis :  and  there  was  a  facred 
'*  hymn  of  the  fame  name  ;  the  fubjeft  of  which  was  un- 
doubtedly the  wanderings  of  their  anceftors;  thofe  anceftors, 
'5  o{  ^Ki  A7\TiroLi  KDLi  TiTOLVsg  KCLhovvrcLi  :  who  were  diflinguifjed 
by  the  name  of  the  TFanderers,  and  of  theTitans.  Pindar  calls 
the  Corinthians  the  children  of  the  '^  Aletes.  Upon  which 
the  Scholiaft  obferves,  that  Aletes  was  the  perfon,  who  led 
the  colony,  which  fettled  in  that  city.  But  Aletes  was  not  a 
proper  name:  and  the  hiftory  merely  alludes  to  one  of  thofe 

'°  Lycophron  calls  the  Athenians  Tnyeveic.     Tiryiviii  Ksyu  rm  A^nvotmi.     See  v. 
III.  ad  Scholia.     This  v/as  a  title  of  the  Titans. 
"  TtTavtt^cc  ym'.     Etymolog.  Mag. 
'"  Genefis.  c.  1 1.  v.  4. 

''  AA))Ti5  loprn  A^i^vmiv,  ri  vuv  AiwPa.  Xiyojj.ivn.     Hefych. 
'*  AA/it/;,  acfj^oL  iom  copxh  'srpoaaS'ofjLei'oy.     Jul.  Pollux. 
'^  Sanchoniath.  apud  Eufeb.  P.  E.  L.  i.e.  10.  p.  35. 
■'  'Tz-t^iycTg,  •roaiJ'ss  AAara.     Olymp.  Od.  13.  v.  17. 
AAwtws  ya^  rymxTo  rm  aTroiKici?,     Scholia  ibid. 

-5  Aletze, 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  413 

Aletas,  or  people  of  the  difperfion,  who  came  into  the  Pelo- 
ponnefus,  and  founded  Corinth.  By  the  Gentile  accounts 
given  of  this  people,  who  were  their  anceftors,  it  appears, 
that  they  were  not  only  exiled,  and  difperfed  ;  but  doomed 
to  wander  for  ages,  before  they  could  get  a  place  of  reft. 
This  is  the  hiftory  given  of  the  Leleges,  and  Pelafgi,  and 
other  wandering  tribes.  The  fame  may  be  inferred  con- 
cerning thofe  of  the  family  who  fettled  in  Thrace.  Orpheus 
(by  which  character  we  are  to  underftand  the  Orphites  of 
that  country)  is  introduced  in  the  Argonautica,  as  giving 
Jafon  an  account  of  his  peregrinations. 

I  have  for  a  long  time^  fays  he,  had  enough  of  labour^  and  dif- 
quietude  :  for  I  have  wandered  over  a  vaft  traEi  of  country ^ 
and  over  various  cities.  But  my  Goddefs  Mother  put  a  fop  to 
my  rovi7ig,  and  healed  me  of  that  fatal  '*  iinpidfe^  by  which  I 
was  before  drive?!  ;  and  at  lafi  gave  tne  afettle7?te?it^  in  lieu  of 
that^  which  I  lof.  This  is  the  purport  of  the  words,  which 
cannot  be  explained  but  by  a  paraphrafe.  Something  fimi- 
lar  is  to  be  obierved  in  the  hiftory  of  Saturn,  and  the  de- 
fcription  of  his  flight  into  Italy.  By  this  flight  was  fignifled 
the  difperfion  of  a  people,    called  Saturnians ;   who,   after 

''  Orphsei  Argonaut,  v.  98. 

O'Tfos'  £^e&.o",woj — iJ.ct.via.,  eKKacvaiij  Aucrcra,  (fo^o?.     Hefych. 


414  Ti-iE   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

many  wanderings,  fettled  in  that  country,  and  introduced 
there  the  rites  of  this  God.  They  were  of  the  family  of  the 
AietcC,  and  Spartani:  whence  it  is  faid  of  Saturn,  that  in  his 
flight  from  Crete,  he  was  concealed  in  Italy  by  a  people  of 
this  denomination.  ''  Saturnus,  ex  Creta  tugiens,  in  Italia  a 
Spartanis  abfconditur.  We  have  been  told  above,  that  the 
Titans,  or  Giants,  were  Aletas:  and  Athenagoras  goes  fo  far 
as  to  fuppofe,  that  even  after  their  death  they  had  no  reft. 
"  Twy  Viycivrm  -^v^yj^  oi  'UTB^i  rov  zotuq-j  si<n  'wKavoj^svot 
AcLitJLOVsg.  He  is  fpeaking  of  the  fouls  of  the  Giants;  which 
Giants  he  fuppofes  to  be  Hjoandering  Damons .^  that  arz  ever 
roving  about  the  world. 

Such  is  the  hiftory  of  the  Sparti,  who  were  undoubtedly 
of  Titanian  race;  of  that  family,  which  was  difperfed.  They 
were  fuppofed  to  be  Heliads,  or  offspring  of  the  Sun  :  and 
at  the  fame  time  Ophitas,  worfliiping  that  Deity  under  the 
fio-ure  of  a  ferpent.  Hence  there  was  given  to  the  Spartan 
Meneiaus  a  ferpent  for  a  device  upon  his  "  fhield :  the  fame 
alfo  was  depided  upon  th.e  fhield,  and  cuirafs  of  ^'  Aga- 
memnon. There  was  alfo  a  ferpent  engraved  upon  the 
tomb  of  "'  Epamincndas,  and  inclofed  in  the  figure  of  a 
fhield  :  all  which,  fays  Paufanias,  was  done,  that  he  might 
be  known  to  have  been  a  Spartan  (%7ra.^rog)  by  defcent.      They 

'5  Julius  Firmicus.  p.  27. 

^°  P.  303- 

"  Paufan.  L.  10.  p.  863. 

*'  Homer.  Iliad.  A.  .v.  26.  a  ferpent  alfo  upon  his  fliield.     V.  39.  Yjja.vioi  eAe- 

von'S-oiv.    Paufan.  L.  8.  p.  622.  n  •       , 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  415 

worfhiped  the  Sun,  their  fuppofed  progenitor,  whom  they 
called  Zan:  and  his  images  were  ftyled  Zanes ;  and  were 
peculiar  to  '*  Sparta.  He  was  of  old  called  San,  and  Shan  : 
hence  we  meet  with  many  places  dedicated  to  him  under  this 
title.  One  of  thefe  was  Beth-San  ;  where  ftood  the  temple, 
to  which  the  Philiftines  faftened  the  body  of  *^  Saul,  after  he 
had  been  flain  upon  Mount  *'^  Gilboa.  The  Greeks  expreffed 
it  Bs^-craj',  and  ''^  Brj^-crai/.  It  was  built  in  early  times  by  the 
Cuthite  Ophitse,  or  Hivites ;  who  were  very  numerous  in  the 
upper  regions  of  Canaan.  Of  this  city  I  ihall  take  farther 
notice.  From  the  data  above  afforded,  we  may  dccypher  the 
fable  about  the  ferpent's  teeth,  from  which  the  Sparti  were 
fuppofed  to  have  been  derived  :  and  we  may  fhew  the 
grounds,  from  whence  the  miftake  took  its  rife.  I  have 
mentioned,  that  they  were  Heliada;,  the  fuppofed  offspring 
of  the  Sun  ,  whom  they  defcribed  as  a  ferpent,  and  ftyled 
San,  and  Shan.  But  ""^  Shan,  \\if,  fignified  alfo  a  tooth. 
Hence  the  Grecians,  inftead  of  faying,  that  the  Sparti  had 
their  origin  from  the  Serpent  Deity  the  Sun,  made  them 
take  their  rife   from  the   teeth  of  a  ferpent.      And  as  they 


Paufan.  L.  5.  p.  430.     KaAai'Toti    J'e  utto  rav  i7nX'^^ia)v  Zai'f?, 

^C-n^3.      i  Samuel,  c.  31.  v.  10.     Jofliua.  c.  17.  v.  11.     Judges,  c.  i.  v.  27. 

**  I  am  lorry,  that  I  did  not  recolledt  a  miftake  in  my  firft  volume,  p.  36.  time 
enough  to  have  it  corredled  in  my  Lift  edition.  I  tliere  mention  Beth-San  in  the  land 
of  the  Philiftines,  &c.  &c.  But  the  Beth-San  of  the  Scriptures  was  a  celebrated 
place  in  the  tribe  of  IManafles,  upon  the  borders  of  Galilee.  It  was  within  a  very 
few  miles  of  Endor,  and  ftill  nearer  to  Gilboa,  where  Saul  was  flain.  We  may 
therefore  be  affured,  that  here  was  the  temple,  to  whicli  the  Philiftines  affixed  his 
body.     See  Eugefippus  de  Diftant.  Locorum  Terra;  Sandlce. 

*"  B«8o-ai',  ;i  m;' 2)x.'jGo7roA/;.  Joleph.  Ant.  L.  6.  c.  14.  'Bi^aocvm'y  ttiv  x.ccAvfxevvi' 
v(p'  EAAhk'oi' SsoiOoTToAi!'.     Jofeph.  Antiq.  L,  i  ^.  c.  6. 

**  \Vf.  Dens.     Taylor's  Hebrew  Concordance.  1978. 

Vol.  III.  G  g  g  4.  were 

4i6  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

were  Sporades,  by  which  term  is  meant  any  thing,  that  is 
either  fcattered  abroad,  or  fowed  in  the  ground ;  they  took 
it  in  the  latter  fenfe ;  and  fuppofed,  that  thefe  teeth  had 
been  fowed  in  the  earth,  and  produced  an  army  of  men  *'. 

Of  the   S  P  A  R  T  O  -  H  E  B  R  ^  I. 

M  A  NY  things,  which  feem  inexplicable,  may,  with  a 
little  attention  be  made  out,  if  we  proceed  with  a  proper 
clew :  and  many  traditions,  which  we  efteem  as  fables,  will 
appear  to  have  been  founded  in  truth.  The  mythology  of 
the  ancients  may  be  looked  upon  as  fo  much  fymbolical 
writing :  and  we  muft  interpret  it  in  the  fame  manner  as 
one  would  decipher  a  colled:ion  of  hieroglyphics.  What 
can  at  firft  fight  appear  more  ftrange,  than  the  account  given 
of  Judea  by  Alexander  Poly hiftor  ;  or  that,  which  is  fub- 
joined  from  Claudius  lolaus  ?  yet  they  will  be  both  found 
in  great  meafure  confonant  to  truth.  ^°  laJbt/a"  ATKS^ccv^^og  q 
UoXvig'oo^  awQ  "uxcu^ocv  Xs^i^ctfJii^ogj  laJa  koli  I^a^JiaiOL'  oog  h  KKolv- 
Oiog loXaog  cctto  I'd^ai'd  "^Tra^rujvog^  sk. Qri^rig  [J.stol  Aiovv(rii  f^ocrsvonog. 
The  country  of  ytcdea^  accordi?ig  to  Alexaiider  Polyhijlor^  was 
fo  named  from  luda  and  Idiimea^  two  fo7ts  of  S emir  amis.  But 
according  to  Claudius  lolaus^  it  received  its  name  from  fudeus 
S part  Oft  \  who  wasofie  of  thofe^  who  went  from  Thebes  up072  an 
expedition  with  Dionufus.  We  find  in  the  firft  part,  that  the 
children  of  Edom  and  Judah  are  reprefented  as  the  fons  of 

*'  The  learned  Bochart  gives  a  difFerent  folution. 
'°  Stephanus  Bvzant. 

7  Semiramis, 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  417 

Semiramis.  This  at  hrft  may  appear  foreign  to  the  truth  : 
yet,  upon  my  principles,  this  is  very  confonant  to  the  hiftory 
of  thofe  nations.  For  their  forefathers  were  natives  of  Chal- 
dea,  and  Babylonia :  and  Abraham  came  from  thence  to 
Canaan.  Hence  they  might  ea{ily  by  the  eaftern  nations 
be  looked  upon  as  of  the  race  of  the  Semarim,  or  ''  Baby- 
lonians. In  confequence  of  which  their  pofterity  are  by  this 
writer  ftyled  the  fons  of  Semiramis.  According  to  Claudius 
lolaus  they  were  defcended  from  Judasus  Sparton.  By  this 
is  meant,  that  they  were  of  the  family  ftyled  Sparti ;  from 
among  the  people,  who  were  difperfed.  This  naturally  fol- 
lows from  their  being  efteemed  of  the  line  of  the  Semarim  : 
and  we  have  reafon  to  think,  that  there  is  great  truth  in  this 
hiftory.  For  though  Terah  and  Abraham,  who  relided  ia 
Chaldea,  were  not  of  that  number ;  yet  we  may  infer,  that 
many  of  the  fons  of  Heber  were.  For  they  muft  have  been 
pretty  numerous  at  this  time  ;  and  feem  to  have  been  all  ido- 
laters ;  and  to  have  reiided  upon  forbidden  ground  in  the 
vicinity  of  Babel.  It  is  added,  that  "Judceus  Sparton  went 
with  Dionujus  fro7n  Thebes^  and  attended  him  in  his  warlike 
expeditions.  It  is  to  be  obferved,  that  thofe  nations,  who  pre- 
ferved  any  traditions  of  their  ^"  forefathers  having  been  pre- 
ferved  in  the  Deluge,  came  in  procefs  of  time  to  think,  that 
the  hirtory  related  only  to  their  family  :   at   leaft  they  con- 

''  Some  of  the  Fathers  go  lb  far  as  to  make  them  of  Chaldean  race. 

"''  Dionufus  was  the  Patriarch,  the  head  of  all.  By  Bacchus  is  fomctimes  meant 
Zeus  Pachus,  ftyled  n«>co5  by  the  Ionian  writers,  who  was  Chus.  At  other  times, 
the  tide  relates  to  Nimrod-,  who,  as  Bochart  very  truly  fuppofes,  was  named  Bar- 
Chiis,  the  fon  of  the  former.  The  names  of  two  pcrfonagcs,  from  fimilitudc,  have 
been  blended  into  one. 

Vol.  III.  H  h  h  fined 

41 8  The   Analysis  of   Ancient  Mvthology. 

fined  it  to  thofe,  who  had  the  befl:  memorials  of  this  event. 
Among  thefe  were  the  people  of  Judea,  who  were  efteemed 
a  branch  of  the  Semarim.  Hence  it  is  mentioned  as  pecu- 
liarly charadieriflic,  that  Spar  ton,  by  whom  is  meant  the 
head  of  the  family,  which  was  difperfed,  came  with  D-ionufus, 
£Z  ©Yi'orjg ;  by  which  is  meant,  not  from  Thebes,  but  oja  of 
the  Ark  :  and  it  is  added,  that  he  attended  him  in  his  wars, 
Thefe  are  two  hiftorics ;  and  iliould  be  accordingly  diftin- 
guifhed.  The  Grecians  continually  confounded  Dionufus 
and  Bacchus,  and  often  fpeak  of  them  as  one  perfom  But 
they  were  two  diftindl  charaders  :  and  the  firft  of  thefe  hif- 
tories  belongs  to  the  one,  and  the  latter  to  the  other.  The 
coming  out  {^a  STi^'f\<;)  fro??t  the  Ark  relates  to  Dionufus  :  the 
warlike  expedition  to  Bacchus,  and  to  his  fons  the  Cuthites. 
If  this  allowance  be  made;  and  it  be  permitted  me  to  take  ofF 
the  falfe  glofs,  which  the  Grecian  writers  have  put  upon  this 
iiiflory ;  I  will  venture  to  paraphrafe  it  in  the  following  man- 
ner, and  by  thefe  means  reduce  it  to  its  primitive  flate.  Judea^ 
fays  Alexander  Polyhifor^  ivasfo  de?iomi?2ated from.  o?2e  Judah  ; 
who^  together  with  Edom^  was  looked  upon  as  of  the  ancient  flock 
of  the  Se?narim  inChaldea  :  for  their  ancefrors  came  from  that 
country.  But  according  to  lolaus  the  region  had.  its  name  from 
fudceus^ftyled  Spartan  :  fo  named ^  becaufe  his  ancefors  were 
among  thofe  of  the  difpe?fion  in  Babylonia.  They  were  of  the 
family  of  thofe  who  came  [sa  Qr^Tti)  out  of  the  Ark  with  Dionu- 
fus ;  and  who  were  co?federate  with  the  fons  of  Chus  irifome  of 
their  fir Jl  enter prifes. 

In  refped  to  theFIebrews,  and  Ifraelites,  whom  Claudius 

lolaus  deduces  from  Judceus  Sparton,  they  were,  according  to 

10  the 

The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  419 

the  Scriptural  account,  the  fons  of  Hcber ;  and  are  men- 
tioned as  fuch  by  many  of  the  "  Fathers.  This  name  is  by 
interpretation  '^  'urs^cLng ;  by  which  is  meant  o?te,  who  pajfes 
over.  The  names  of  the  Patriarchs  were  moft  of  them  pro- 
phetically given  ;  and  had  a  reference  to  fome  future  con- 
tingency. Thus  one  of  the  fons  of  Noah  was  fly  led  Hamj 
or  Cham  ;  which  was  prognoftic  both  of  the  worfhip,  and 
the  complexion  of  his  pofterity.  Peleg  {ignified  divifion  : 
and  the  earth  was  in  his  time  divided.  Sarah  was  called 
Ifcha,  or  Ifchac,  which  denoted  laughter  :  and  the  purport 
of  the  name  was  manifefted  by  an  involuntary  fit  of  laugh- 
ter upon  a  folemn  '^  occafion.  Her  fon  in  confequence  of  it 
was  named  Ilchac.      Thus   Heber  had  a  name  given  him, 

"  'EQipo<ii  «?)'  su  Tds  ldSui=i  'ECpxiB?  ot.o-)Q)hv  i:(.a.KHv'     Jofephus,  Ant.  L.  i. 
c.  6.  p.  25. 

'''  Airo  TB  ESsf — anf^anei  Se  tbto  top  SiotTrepoovTO..     Eufeb.  P.  E.  L,  9.  p.  520. 
TlioxTixaiyccpriveiipfj.iii'evQvrxi.     Ibid.  p.  309. 

^'  The  wife  of  Abraham  was  called  Sarai ;  which  was  changed  to  Sarah.  Sarai 
fignifies  a  Lady,  or  Princefs  -,  and  was  only  a  Chaldaic  title.  The  true  name 
given  at  her  birth  was  licha,  or  Ifchac ;  prophetically  beftowcd,  and  denoting 
laughter.  This  feems  to  be  not  properly  exprefied,  being  written  n3D' ;  whereas 
the  name  of  Ifchac,  or  Ifaac,  denominated  from  her,  is  fpelt  pniJ\  from  pnty,  ridere. 
Probably  Sarah's  name  is  rendered  according  to  the  ancient  Chaldaic  pronuncia- 
tion, when  the  name  was  firft  given.  Ifaac's  is  exhibited,  as  it  was  pronounced 
afterwards,  in  the  time  of  Mofes.  They  are  certainly  the  fame  words  in  different 
dialedts  -,  and  equally  relate  to  the  hiftory  above  given.  The  name  Ifcha  was  pro- 
phetic ;  and  the  purport  of  it  was  fulfilled  not  only  in  Sarah's  laughing,  but  in 
Abraham's.  For  Jl/raham  fell  upon  his  face,  and  laughed.  Genef.  c.  17.  v.  17.  The 
child  in  memorial  of  this  event  was  named  Ifchac  ;  or,  as  more  commonly  ex- 
prefied, Ifaac,  laughter.  By  this  was  further  prefigured  a  token  of  joy  and  gladnefs. 
The  child  was  to  be  an  omen  of  happinefs  to  the  world.  Therefore  God  direfts 
Abraham  to  name  him  Ifaac,  and  fubjoins  the  reafon  -,  ThouJ/jalt  call  his  name  Ifaac  ; 
and  I  iinll  eflallifh  my  covenant -with  him  for  an  everlafiing  covenant.  Genefis.  c.  17. 
V.  19.     In  Ifaac  were  all  the  nations  upon  earth  to  be  blcffed.  ■'  • 

H  h  h  2  which 

420  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

which  iignified  'oT^^aT/]?,  and  was  equally  prophetic.  Many- 
have  fuppofed,  that  it  related  to  Abraham,  who  pafTed  over 
the  Euphrates  in  his  way  to  Canaan.  Abraham  was  the 
fixth  in  defcent  from  Heber,  on  which  account  the  fons  of 
Heber  muft  have  been  very  numerous  in  his  time»  They 
may  have  amounted  to  fome  hundreds,  and  perhaps  tliou- 
fands.  It  feems  therefore  flrange,  that  a  general  name  ftiould 
be  impofed  upon  a  large  body  of  people,  becaufe  in  after-  one  of  the  family  pafled  a  river.  I  have  fhewn,  that 
moft  of  the  prophetic  names  were  given  to  denote  fome  ex- 
traordinary occurrence;  fuch  as  could  not  well  be  expefted 
in  the  common  courfe  of  things.  The  paffing  of  a  river 
could  not  be  efteemed  of  this  nature  :  efpecially  when  the 
perfon  fpoken  of  lived  in  an  interamnian  country  ;  and  in  a 
part  of  it,  which  was  clofe  bounded  by  two  ftreams,  the 
Tigris  and  the  Euphrates.  Many  deduce  the  name,  not 
from  Heber,  but  from  Abraham  ;  ftill  fuppoling,  that  it  was 
given  from  his  paffing  of  a  river.  In  confequence  of  which 
Abraham  is  made  the  head  of  the  whole  Hebrew  family. 
Hence  Artapanus  tells  us,  '*  KOiXsKT^ai  dviag  'E?^a/8?  dlttq 
A?^aa|W,8*  i/ja^  the  Hebrews  had  their  name  fr07n  Abraham. 
And  Charax  to  the  fame  purpofe  :  "  'E^^aiQi,  HTwg  la^aiai 
tt.'^o  A^pdfiujvo;.  This  feems  to  have  been  the  opinion  of 
many  '^  eccleiiaftical,  as  well  as  other  writers ;   who  deduce 

'*  Eufeb.  P.  E.  L.  9.  p.  420, 
"  Apud  Steph.  Byzant. 

'"  'L(^paioi  yccp  Qt  'wioaTcx.i  ipfA.m'?voi'rai,  SixTr^pxaccvTOi  llv(ppccTm  AQpoLXfJi'  xai  Hr, 
ui  oiovra.1  rtys?;a.7ro'ECip.  Ex  Eufebianis.  See  Selden  de  Dlis  Syris.  Prolegom. 
c.  2.  p.  4. 

A^pa;/.  nr-fparm.  Ilcfych.  In  another  place  he  comes  nearer  ro  the  truth-,  when 
he  fays,  'ECpci'o?^  xai  0  'ECpxio^,  -nrg^aTws. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology,  421 

the  name  from  Abraham,  and  not  from  Heber.  Thus  we 
are  told  by  Hcfychius,  A^^cc^jl,  ^urs^OLTtig'  By  Abraham  is  Jig- 
nijied  07ie^  who  pajjes  over.  From  hence  we  find,  that  they 
imagined  the  name  of  Abraham  to  have  been  a  compound  of 
Aber,  to  pafs  over  :  than  which  notion  there  can  be  nothing 
more  idle.  It  is  notorious,  that  Abraham  is  called  the 
"  Hebrew  ;  which  would,  be  unneceflary,  and  redundant,  if 
his  original  name  had  that  fignification.  He  is  not  ftyled 
Heber,  but  like  his  pofterity,  an  Hebrew.  This  fhews,  that 
he  did  not  giv^e,  but  receive  the  name.  It  was  a  patronymic  ; 
a  name,  by  which  his  fathers  had  before  him  been  diftin- 
gulined.  The  authors  of  the  Greek  verfion  are  therefore 
guilty  ot  a  miftake  in  tranflating  it  ■^°  'srs^aTJ^,  inftead  of 
'Eb^ctiO?.  For  they  introduce  it  as  referring  to  an  uncertain 
piece  of  hiftory,  about  the  pallage  of  a  river  ;  when  it  is  in 
reality  an  hereditary  title,  a  Gentile  mark  of  diftindtion.  As 
to  thofe,  who  have  imagined  that  the  name  of  Abraham  is  a 
compound  of  Aber,  to  pafs  ;  their  notion  is  founded  upon  a 
notorious  miftake  in  etymology.  The  Patriarch  had  two 
names,  which  were  both  given  prophetically,  and  were  of 
high  confequence  ;  relating  to  great  events,  which  in  the 
fullnefs  of  time  were  to  be  accomplifhed.  He  was  called 
both  Abram  and  Abraham;  which  names  are  faid  to  fignify 
"'  Pater  illuflris,  and  Pater  multitudinis.  They  were  both 
given  before  he  had  a  child,  and  when  there  was  little  pro- 
fpedl  of  his  having  fuch  a  progeny. 

"  Genefis.  c.  14.  v.  13. 
♦'  Ibid. 

♦'  AQpctix—mccT^ct  jj-iTEco^ov.     Eufeb.  P.  E.  L.  11.  p.  518.     Ab-Ram,  Pater 
magnus.     See  Genefis.  c.  17.  v.  5.  concerning  the  name  Abraham. 


42  2  The  Analysts   of   Ancient  Mvthology-. 

Abraham  therefore  could  not  have  been  the  head  of  the 
Hebrew  family.  The  perfon  alluded  to  under  the  name  of 
U.s^CK.rrig  was  Heber  :  he  was  certainly  the  father  of  the  He- 
b?ews  ;  and  they  are  fpoken  of  as  his  pofterity  by  **  Mofes. 
Syncellus  alfo  makes  him  vxry  truly  the  head  of  that  *''  line. 
The  name  of  Heber,  like  the  names  of  moil  of  the  Patri- 
archs, was  prophetically  given  ;  and  it  did  not  relate  to  the 
pafTing  of  a  river,  but  to  a  '^^  trefpafs  in  his  pofterity.  They 
pafled  over  from  the  ftock  of  their  fathers ;  and  dwelt  upon 
forbidden  ground,  among  the  fons  of  Ham,  and  Chus,  in  Shi- 
nar,  and  Chaldea,  where  they  ferved  other  Gods.  I  make  no 
doubt,  but  that  the  true  meaning  of  the  name  Heber  was  not 
fo  much  'UTS^ccTYig,  as  "Wx^aJoCLTrig ;  and  related  to  this  apoflafy 
of  his  family.  They  were  the  defcendents  of  Shem  ;  but  re- 
Uded  among  the  enemies  to  the  truth,  to  whom  they  had  gone 
over.  From  this  land  Abraham  was  called  ;  and  brought 
with  him  his  father  Terah,  and  others  of  his  family,  who  re- 
Iided  afterwards  at  Haran.  Hence  there  was  a  great  deal  of 
truth  in  the  words  of  Achior  the  Ammonite,  when  he  gave 
an  account  of  the  Hebrews  to  the  AfTyrian  general  Holopher- 
nes.  ''^  T'his  people  are  defcended  of  the  Chaldeans  ;  aitd  they 
fojourned  heretofore  in  Mefopotatnia^  becaufe  they  wotild  not  fol- 
low the  Gods  of  their  fat  hers ,  which  were  in  the  land  of  Chal- 
dea,    This  in  great  meafure  agrees  with  that  which  is  faid 

•**  Numbers,  c.  24.  v.  24.  They  are  fhewn  to  be  lineally  defcended  from  Hcb(.r. 
Genefis.  c.  10.  v.  25. 

*^  P.  87.  Eufeblus  alfo  fays,  'E^^aioj  clito  ra  'ECgp-  Tr^oTreirup  H  ra  AC^uxjj.  ouroi 
31'.    Prsep.  Evang.  L.  g.  p.  304. 

*♦  *iay,  to  tranigrefs. 

■*'  Judith,  c.  5.  V.  6.  J.  • 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology,  423 

by  Jofliua,  when  he  addreffes  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  puts 
them  in  mind  of  their  idolatrous  original.  '*^  Tour  fathers 
dwelt  on  the  other  fide  of  the  flood  m  old  time^  evejt  "Terah^  the 
father  of  Abrahcwi^  a?jd  the  father  of  Nahor  ;  and  they  ferved 
other  Gods.  Thefe  Gods  they  quitted,  and  came  to  Haran, 
as  Achior  truly  witnefled.  As  they  had  refided  fo  long  in  a 
foreign  land,  the  facred  writer  feems  to  have  been  apprehen- 
five,  that  their  true  line  might  one  day  be  miftaken  ;  and  that 
they  might  be  adjudged  to  a  wrong  family.  Hence  he  ftrongly 
inculcates,  that  Shem  was  the  ''''father  of  all  the  children  of 
Heber.  And  this  caution  was  not  unnecelTary  ;  as  we  may 
perceive  from  their  being  ftyled  the  fons  of  the  Semarim,  and 
of  the  Chaldeans.  And  this  is  to  be  found,  not  only  among 
Pagan  authors,  but  even  among  the  ecclefiaflical  writers,  by 
whom  Abraham  is  reprefented,  ''^  tq  ysuogXaX^cciog^  a  Chaldean, 
not  7?ierely  by  natio?t^  but  by  race. 

We  read  in  the  Mofaic  hiftory,  that  "*'  unto  Heber  were  born 
two  fons  :  the  name  of  one  was  Peleg ;  for  in  his  days  was  the 
earth  divided :  and  his  brother  s  ?ia}ne  was  JoBan.  The  fa- 
cred writer  then  proceeds  to  give  an  account  of  the  children 
of  Joctan,  who  were  very  numerous  ;  and  alfo  of  the  region, 
to  which  they  migrated..  ^'  And  their  dwelli7ig  was  from  Me- 
flja,  as  thou  goefl  unto  Sephar,  a  mountain  of  theeafl.  But  of 
Peleg  no  fuch  hiftory  is  given  :  no  mention  is  made,  where 
his  pofterity  refided  3   nor  are  his  fons  enumerated.      V/e  have. 

**  Jofhua.  c.  24.  V.  2; 

*■'  Genelis.  c.  lo.  v.  21. 

''^  Eufebius.  Chron.  p.  20,     See  alfo  Syncellus, 

*'  Genefis.  c.  10.  v.  25. 

^°  Genefis.  c.  10.  v.  30. 


424  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

only  a  line  of  fingle  perfons  in  defcent  from  him  to  Abraham. 
Peleg,  we  have  been  told,  was  fo  named,  becaufe  in  his  time 
there  was  a  divifion  of  the  earth  :  and  there  feems  alfo  to 
have  been  a  divifion  of  the  church  of  God.  If  then  we 
compare  all  that  has  been  faid  upon  this  fubje6t,  we  may  in- 
fer, that  the  fons  of  Peleg,  the  Hebrews  of  his  line,  were 
apoftates ;  and  dwelt  with  the  fons  of  Chus  in  Babylonia  and 
Chaldea;  while  the  fons  of  Jo6tan  went  to  their  proper  place 
of  fettlement.  As  the  former  mull  have  increafed  in  number 
greatly  at  the  time  of  the  difperlion  ;  we  may  fuppofe,  that 
many  of  them  were  involved  in  that  calamity.  Hence  came 
the  notion  of  Claudius  lolaus,  concerning  the  people  of  [u- 
dea;  that  they  were  the  fons  of  Sparton,  Xra^Toov.  This 
fliould  not  be  reprefented  as  a  proper  name  :  for  by  Sttoj^twj' 
is  meant  Xtto^ol^ojUj  and  by  the  hiftory  we  are  to  underftand, 
that  they  were  reputed  of  the  family  of  thofe  perfons,  who 
were  of  old  difperfed  abroad. 

Bochart  thinks,  that  they  were  not  all  the  fons  of  Heber, 
who  were  Hebrews ;  but  only  thofe  who  preferved  the  He- 
brew language  ^'  pure.  ^*  Itaque  majorum  Abrah^  hasc  fuit 
praerogativa,  quodHebrzeum  fermonem  fervaverimt  incorrup- 
tum  ;  cum  reliqui  omnes,  etiam  in  Heberi  familia,  aut  ilium 
prorfus  mutaverint,  aut  infecerint  faltem  cseterarum  lingua- 
rum  quafi  contagione  quadam.  This  is  prima  facie  very 
ftrange  ;   to  be  told,  that  any  of  the  fons  of  Heber  were  not 

"  Hebrfeos  voco  pofteros  Heberi  non  omnes  ;  fed  eos  duntaxr.t,  qui  primitivne 
linguje,  hoc  eft  Hebrsas,  ufum  conftanter  retinuerunt.     Geogr.  Sacra,  L.  2.  c.  14. 

p.  92-93- 
**  Ibid. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  425 

Hebrews.      Not  a  fyllable   to  this   purpofe  can  be  inferred 
from  the  Scripture  :    and   the   whole   of  what   is   advanced 
arifes   from   prejudice.      Bochart,    and    many   others,    have 
thought,  that  there  mufh  be  fomething  facred  in  the  Hebrew 
language  ;   becaufe  it  has  pleafed  God  to  make  it  the  means 
of  conveyance,  by  which  his  oracles  have  been  tranfmitted. 
From  hence  it  has  been  fuppofed  to  be  holy ;   and  likewife 
the  primitive,  and  original  language  of  the  world.      There 
are  many  things,  which  Bochart  has  advanced,  that  are  ex- 
ceptionable.     Firft  of  all,  the  poiition,   before  taken  notice 
of,   that  all  the   fons  of  Heber  were  not   Hebrews.      The 
Scriptures  exprefly  fay,  without  any  limitation,  that  the  He- 
brews were  from  Heber.    They  fpecify  Peleg,  Reu,  Serugh, 
and  all  that  were  in  a  dire6l  line  from  him  to  ''  Abraham. 
He  fays,  in  the  fecond  place,  that  only  thofe  were  Hebrews, 
who  retained  the  language  pure.      Here  too  the  Scriptures 
are   filent  :   not  a  fyllable  can  be  produced  to  this  purpofe  : 
nay  it  is  contrary  to  the  tenour  of  the   facred  writings.      It 
fuppofes    the    people   to  be   named   from   their   language  ; 
whereas   the  language  was  denominated  from  the  people. 
The  anceftors  of  the  Hebrews  lived  in  Chaldea,   and  ferved 
other  Gods ;   even  Terah,  and  Abraham,    from  whom  they 
were  fo  immediately  defcended.      They   were  confequently 
far  removed  from  the  flock  of  their  fathers.      Heber,  by  his 
name,  feems  to  have  been  the  firft  tranfgrellor  :    he  feceded 
with  a  large  part  of  his  family:   and  when  he  paffed  over, 
there  was  but  one  language  in  the  world.      In  the  days  of 

^'  Genefis.  c.  11.  v.  17.     See  alfo  Numbers,  c.  24.  v.  24.     Ships  from  the  coafi  of 
Chitthnfiall — affiiSi  Hchr. 

Vol.  III.  1  i  1  his 

426  The   Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

his  Ton  Peleg,  the  earth,  as  all  agree,  was  of  one  language, 
andfpecch.  The  language  therefore  of  Heber  was  common  to 
all  mankind,  confequently  there  could  be  nothing  particu- 
larly holy  in  it.  To  fay  the  truth,  for  ages  after,  there  was 
but  one  language  in  the  world.  This  in  procefs  of  time 
was  difparted  into  diale6ts ;  and  thofe  were  again  fubdivided. 
To  afk,  which  was  the  primitive  language  of  thefe,  is  to  in- 
quire which  of  the  feven  ftreams  of  the  Nile,  or  Danube,  is 
the  original  branch  ;  when  they  are  collateral,  all  equally 
deduced  from  one  common  fource.  There  is  this  difterence 
to  be  obferved  in  the  comparifon  :  the  parent  ftream  re- 
mains ;  but  the  maternal  fource  of  languages  is  probably  no 
more.  The  principal  of  Heber's  pofterity  ftayed  in  Chaldea 
after  the  migration  of  families,  and  the  confuiion  at  Babel. 
They  therefore  fpake  the  language  of  the  country,  the 
Chaldaic.  No,  it  will  be  faid  ;  they  were  excepted  in  the 
general  confufion  of  tongues ;  and  had  their  language  pre- 
ferved.  I  do  not  admit,  that  the  confufion  was  general :. 
but  if  it  were,  why  fhould  Terah,  and  his  anceflors,  who 
were  apoftates,  and  idolaters,  have  this  prerogative  granted 
them  ?  The  Scriptures  fay  not  a  word  about  it ;  and  it 
would  be  idle  to  infer  it.  The  fons  of  Heber  therefore  fpake 
the  ancient  Chaldaic  :  and  the  Hebrew  was  ever  a  dialed; 
of  that  lanoruao-e. 

C3  t> 

M  E  R  O  P  E  S. 

(    427     ) 

M      E      R      O      P      E      S. 

ANOTHER  name  given  to  thofe  of  the  difperfion  was 
Meropes.     '  A/str/tsJacrg  ya^  (o  ®bo;)  avruv  rag  yXw^r- 

(TCHq^     KOLl     OLTTO  fJLlOtg  Ziq  S^^OfJirilCOVTOL  ho   ^ISl/SlfJLSy    KOLTOL  rm  TOTS 

av^^c/jv  a^i^lJLOv  sv^sdsnct'  o^sv  koli  Ms^otts;  ovtoi  kskKyivtoli, 
The  learned  Father,  from  whom  I  quote,  fuppofes,  that  the 
language  of  mankind  at  Babel  was  changed  :  and  he  accord- 
ingly tells  us,  that  the  Deity  feparated  their  tongues ;  and 
from  07ie  language  forjned feventy  a7id  two  :  for  this  was  the 
exaSi  iiumber  of  men^  who  at  that  time  exified :  and  from  this 
feparation^  they  were  called  Meropes.  Many  other  *  writers 
have  imagined,  that  there  was  at  Babel,  an  univerfal  change 
of  language  ;   and  that  feventy-two  new  tongues  arofe,  ac- 

'  Epiphaniiis  adverf.  H^eref.  L.  i.  p.  6. 

'  By  fome  they  are  laid  to  have  been  leventy-five.  Evfpzpo^  Se,  ■/.a.i  aXAoi  "tbqXAoi 
TOiiviq'optx.uiv-,  xcciiuvrj  xcti  yXoma-cLi  insv-rs  x.xi  lQoofAr\-^ov~x  Aiyaaiv  etvxi,  ETTaKStrai-Tt; 

a.1  eii Atyvinov  y^xTe?idii<rcci.    Clemens  Alexand.  Strom.  L.  i.  p.  404.     By  the  author 
himfelf  there  are  fuppoled  to  have  been  only  feventy-two. 

The  author  of  the  Clementine  Homilies  mentions  only  feventy  nations,  and  fe- 
venty  tongues.  Horn.  18.  c.  4.  In  the  Recognitiones  Clement,  the  earth  is  fup- 
pofed  to  have  been  divided  into  feventy-two  parts,  for  the  reception  of  feventy-two 
families  of  mankind.    L.  2.  c.  42. 

I  i  i   2  cording 

428  The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology. 

cording  to  the  number  of  mankind  at  that  feafon.  For  this 
notion  they  have  no  ^  authority  :  and  it  is  certainly  contrary 
to  the  tenour  of  Scripture^  We  may  however  venture  to 
agree  with  them,  when  they  tell  us,  that  the  people  ftyled 
Meropes  were  fo  named  from  the  difperfion.  The  author  of 
the  Chronicon  Pafchale  more  truly  confines  the  change,  of 
which  we  are  treating  to  found  and  utterance.  He  fays,  that 
the  Meropes  were  the  people  originally  concerned  in  the 
conftrufting  of  the  Tower  in  Babylonia  :  and  that  they 
were  prevented  in  executing  their  purpofe  through  default 
in  fpeech :  *  ^ict  riV  olitiolv  koli  Ms^oTTsg  'uroLvrsg  KSKXYivraiy  ^icc 
Till/  ^s^JLS^KTiizvTiV  TTiV  (pm'fiV '.  On  this  account  they  had  the  name 
of  Meropes^  becaufe  their  fpeech  was  divided.  Johannes  An- 
tiochenus  fpeaks  much  to  the  fame  *  purpofe  :  and  all  wri- 
ters, who  take  notice  of  this  name,  and  its  origin,  fuppofe 
that  it  related  to  the  difperlion. 

I  have  mentioned,  that  the  apoftafy  in  Babylonia  com- 
menced under  Nimrod,  and  his  aiTociates,  the  fons  of  Chus. 
He  was  reprefented  as  a  perfon  of  extraordinary  flature,  the 

'  There  was  however  an  ancient  tradirion,  which  prevailed  among  the  Egyptians, 
that  the  earth  was  originally  divided  into  feventy-two  portions.  'ECSo/xnicovTci  Sua 
^copoti  rai  ap^aicti  (paa-i  tj)5  oiH.iiy.evvii  eivaci.     HorapoUo.  L.  i.e.  14.  p.  28. 

If  there  were  but  feventy-two  perfons  in  the  days  of  Peleg,  how  could  there  be 
fuch  confiderable  kingdoms  formed  in  the  days  of  Abraham  ?  The  Scripture  men- 
tions Elam,  Canaan,  Egypt,  and  feveral  others  ;  and  there  were  undoubtedly  many, 
of  which  we  have  no  account. 

*  Chron.  Pafch.  p.  49. 

*  'Curu  yivirat  SictixepiafJiO?,  j^tdi  Sixairo^a.  rccv  vioov  Nw?,  xa.t  rmv  E^  ccutuv  yivvrt- 
Blvruv'  StoTTi^  xai  Mf^oTes  g5cA»6«cr«y,  ctTro  le  t>J5  i/.i[Jii^iaiJi.Siins  (pooi'ijs.  jc.t.A.  Joh. 
Malala.  p.  13. 

Me^oTTE?,  uv^pccTroi'  Siccto  f/.£/ASpi(rf/.li'ijv  iy(eiv  rm  ovrcc,  vyouv  (puvw'  i\  airo'M.i^oirQi 
'stpo  tb  (pasdofToi  Kwy"  Aiyayrxi  cTe  Koooi  NlspoTrei.     Hefych. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  429 

head  of  the  Triysvsic,  or  earth-born  brood:  and  he  was  ftyled 
by  the  Grecians  Ncbros,  and  *  Nebrodes  ;  and  his  people 
Ns^^iJ^a/,  Nebrids.  According  to  Berofus,  he  was  the  firft 
who  took  upen  himfelf  the  title  of  a  ^  Shepherd  king.  Many 
of  this  family  came  into  Hellas,  Mylia,  and  Ionia,  as  I  have 
mentioned.  They  poffefled  fome  of  the  beft  illands  in  the 
JEgea.n  Sea ;  particularly  Lefbos,  Lemnos,  Samos,  Chios, 
Cos.  The  name  of  this  laft  ifland  is  often  expreffed  Coiis. 
By  this  is  meant  Xa?,  the  Grecian  name  of  Chus,  and  relates 
to  his  family,  who  fettled  here  :  for  this  ifland  was  particu- 
larly occupied  by  the  Cuthites,  who  preferved  many  memo- 
rials of  their  original.  We  are  accordingly  told  by  Stepha- 
nus,  that  it   was   the  feat  of  the  Meropes.      Kc*)g,  'UToKig  koli 

v^(ro; — Y\  Ms^oTTig  sy.ctKeiro  cctto  Ms^oTirog  Ttiyzvag.  Asysrar  h 
Kww?  J/a  ho  w,  Kc^A  Kow^ — AsysTat  h  Koog.    Ovroo  os  s'^^r,fjLCi- 

Tl^QV  'iTTTTOZ^OLTrig,   KOLI  Y.^CKTig'ooLTOg^    ICiT^Ol'    JjV   Js  'iTTTTOK^OLTrig  TOCV 

KaKaiJLBVOJy  NsS'^iJ^of.  Cos  is  both  a  city^  and  an  ijland. — It  was 
formerly  named  Meropis  from  Merops^  07te  of  the  earth-born 
giant  brood.  "They  fometimes  exprefs  it  with  tivo  07negaSy  and 
fome  times  with  one.  It  is  alfo  written  Cous.  Both  Hippocra- 
tes and  Eraffratus^  the  two  famous  phyficians^  were  of  this 
if  and y  and  denofninated  Coans.  Hippocrates  was  of  the  family 
of  the  Nebridce.      Euftathius  expreffes   it    Ka"/?,    Cois ;   and 

"  See  Vol.  I.  Radicals.  Nimrod.  p.  S. 

^  Euiebii  Chron.  p.  5. 
It  is  not  to  my  purpofe :  yet  it  may  be  worth  while  to  take  notice,  that  Erafi- 
ftratus  was  not  of  Coos,  but  of  the  ifland  Ceos. 

All  Myfia  is  thought  to  have  been  peopled  by  Cuthites,  and  efpecially  by  thofe, 
who  were  fuppofed  to  have  been  tJie  defcendents  of  Nimrod.  l^i^^xi  I  xvnyo;  xL 
•ytycci — i^  iu  Mmoi.     Chron.  Pafch.  p.  zS. 


430  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

fays,  that  the  name  Merope,  and  Meropeis,  was  given  to  it, 
^  CLiro  sdvagy  n  ysvag,  from  a  people^  or  family^  who  fettled 
here.  Ariftides  fpeaks  of  the  people  as  '°  Meropids  ;  and 
reprefents  them  as  great  in  knowledge.  The  two  principal 
occurrences  preferved  by  the  Cuthites  were  the  Deluge, 
and  DifperjGon :  and  they  ftyled  themfelves  both  Ogugians, 
and  Meropians,  from  thefe  circumftances.  Hence  Coiis 
is  characterized  by  the  fame  epithets  :  and  Callimachus 
fpeaking  of  the  wanderings  of  Latona  mentions  her  coming 
to  this  illand : 


The  Meropidae  were  the  fuppofed  defcendents  of  Merope  ; 
and  likewife  of  Merops.  Who  is  denoted  by  the  latter,  may 
in  fome  degree  be  known  by  the  character  given  of  him.  We 
are  told  by  Clemens  of  Alexandria,  that  this  perfonage  was  by 
fome  looked  upon  as  the  author  of"  Daemon  worfhip  ;  cqn- 
fequently  one  of  the  firft,  who  introduced  innovations  in  re- 
ligion. Antoninus  Liberalis  gives  a  further  account ;  and 
fays,  that  the  Meropidae  were  the  fons  of ''Eumelus  (a  Shep- 
herd) whofe  father  was  Merops :   and  he  adds,  that  their  oif- 

■    '  Euftath.  in  Iliad.  B.  p.  31S. 

'°  Kw  r/}v  M?£OTJ#a  >);r,  oixBf/isi'ijv  cltto  MiooTK^uv.    Oratio  in  Afclepiad,  torn,  I. 
p.  77.79. 

"  Callim.  H.  in  Delon.  v.  160. 

M.AviTCj  TJ,  Kccoi  Tg,  ■woXis  MepoTTCt)!'  <xp^Fco7ra)i\ 

Homer.  Plymn.  ad  Apoll.  v,  42. 
"  Cohort,  p.  :5  s. 

■'  Eumelus  fignifies  a  Shepherd.    Em/schAh  th  Msoa/ro;  eyevavTO  TirxiS'ei  vTre^iKfiavoi 
■xcct  u^piq-xi — y.cci  wkmi/  Kojj'  rw  M.spoin'Sa,  vncov.     Fab.  15. 

^  fpring 

The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology.  431 

fpring  were  people  of  great  pride,  and  addi6led  to  violence  ; 
and  that  they  got  ppfTe/Iion  of  the  ifland  Coiis.  They  were. 
the  fame  as  the  Heraclidas,  or  Herculeans  ;  though  Pindar 
fuppofes  them  to  have  been  conquered  by  Hercules,  v/ha 
fubdued  all  the  Meropians.  But  we  mufl  connder,  that 
Hercules  was  the  chief  Deity  of  the  firfl:  ages :  and  in  the 
fubduing  of  the  Meropes  we  have  an  ancient  tradition  tranf-- 
mitted,  which  the  Coans  had  preferved.  It  related  to  their 
difperlion,  and  to  the  Giant  monarch,  who  was  by  way  of 
eminence  ftyled  Al-Cuon,  or  the  great  king. 

**  IlsipVSy    h   (TVV  KSIVLC   Ms^OTTOOV 

T'  s^vsa,  KOLi  TQv  Ba^oraj',  a^ei  i^rovy 

We  find,  that  the  Deity  ruined  the  family  of  the  Meropes^  and 
defrayed  the  Giant  Shepherd  Al-Cuon  at  Phlegra ;  "who  was 
in  fze  equal  to  a  motmtai7t.  The  war  of  the  Giants  was  re- 
corded in  many  parts  of  the  world  ;  each  of  which  v/as  at 
length  thought  to  have  been  the  fcene  of  aftion.  It  was 
uniformly  called  Phlegra  ;  which  is  only  a  tranflation  of  the 
true  name  ;  for  Phlegra  fignifies  the  land  of  fire,  equivalent 
to  Ur  in  Chaldea.  Pindar  takes  notice  of  the  fime  hiftory 
in  another  place;  where,  if  infhead  of  Hercules  we  fubftitute 
divine  vengeance,  the  purport  of  the  tradition  will  be  very 

•  *5  ITo^^jia's  VMA  Ms^oTug  (Qeog), 

**  Pind.  Illh.  Od.  6.  v.  46.     BatoTjj;  is  properly  an  herdfman  :   but  in  early  time 
the  '..IHce  of  a  Ihepherd,  and  herdhnan  was  the  fame. 
*^  Pind.Nem.  Od.  4.  v.  4,2. 

432  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

E/.TrayXoy  AKkvovyi. 

"The  Deity  7'tmted  the  Meropians,  together  with  their  great  aitd 
^warlike  ?/i07tarch,  the  Jiupe?tdous  Al-Cuon,  The  poet,  as  I 
have  obfervedj  fuppofes  Hercules  to  have  invaded  them  : 
but  they  were  Heraclidis,  and  looked  upon  Hercules  as  one 
of  their  progenitors.  Wherefore,  when  Artaxerxes  tranf- 
mitted  his  orders  to  them,  and  required,  that  Hippocrates 
Ihould  be  fent  to  him ;  their  anfwer  was,  that  they  fhould 
never  fhould  do  any  thing  unworthy  of  thofe,  who  had  gone 
before  them,  mentioning  ^Efculapius,  Hercules,  and  ^*  Me- 
rops.  They  feem,  like  the  Cyclopians,  to  have  been  people 
of  great  ingenuity  :  and  there  is  a  ftatue  of  Apollo  men- 
tioned by  Plutarch,  which  is  faid  to  have  been,  ''^  g^yoj'  i;b)V 
KCi^'  'Hf  a;iA£CC  Mspottc^jv,  the  work  of  the  Meropes,  who  lived  in 
the  time  of  Hercules.  They  were  the  fame  as  the  Titanians: 
hence  Euripides,  fpeaking  of  a  female  of  this  family,  ftyles 
her  ''^  Ms^OTTOj  T<Ta;^iJct  r6^t\V^  a  Tiia?iia?i  damfel^  a  daughter 
of  Merops.  They  were  alfo  the  fame  as  the  Macares,  and 
A^OLVOLTOi  3  thofe  perfons  ftyled  Deities  and  Immortals.  On 
this  account  the  ifland  Coiis,  one  of  the  chief  feats  of  the 
Metopes,  is  by  the  poet  Demoxenus  faid  to  have  been  the 
parent  of  Gods  ;  ''  0£8?  ya^  ^ai;/£^'  Ji  rf]Tog  (ps^siv. 

Some  feem  to  apply  the  term  Merops   to  all   mankind : 

*'^  See  Spanheim's  Notes  upon  Callimach.  H.  in  Delon.  v.  i6o. 

'^  Plucarch  de  Mufica.  p.  1 136. 

*'  Eurip.  Helena,  v.  3S7. 

''  Athenasus.  I-.  i.  p.  15-  1 

g  and 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  433 

and  ^°  Hefychius  defines  Meropes  by  ccv^^xiroh  as  of  univerfal 
fignification.  But  it  is  plain  from  what  has  been  faid,  that 
they  were  a  particular  race :  and  Pindar  above  made  men- 
tion of  ''  Ms^OTTCfJV  sdi/sa  ;  intimating,  that  there  were  feveral 
families,  and  nations  of  them.  Among  thefe  were  the 
Athenians,  who  muft  have  been  Meropians  by  being  '*  Ne- 
bridge  ;  for  thefe  were  titles,  which  related  to  the  fame  fami- 
ly. They  were  alfo  ftyled  Eredlheidae,  or  the  defcendents  of 
Ere6lheus:  andMerope  was  fuppofed  to  have  been  his"daugh- 
ter.  Theopompus  feems  to  have  had  an  obfcure  tradition 
concerning  a  large  body  of  this  family  fettling  far  in  the 
weft,  and  occupying  a  region,  called  Ms^oTTiJa  yriv.  This  is 
looked  upon  as  an  idle  furmife  by  ^'^  Strabo  :  but  there  feems 
to  be  much  truth  in  the  tradition.  By  thefe  Meropes  are 
meant  the  Atlantians,  who  fettled  in  Mauritania.  They 
were  of  the  Titanian  race,  and  the  fuppofed  offspring  of  At- 
las. His  daughters  were  the  celebrated  Peleiadae  ;  one  of 
whom  was  Merope,  the  reputed  mother  of  the  family,  de- 
nominated here  Meropians.  The  like  hiflory  is  given  by 
^lian,  who  mentions  in  this  country,  "  MspoTrag  iivc.g  arw; 
KdKaiJLSi'iig  OLV^^i^TTUg ;  a  race  of  people  called  Meropia??s.  If 
we  compare  the  account  given  by  ^lian  with  that,  which 
has  been  given  above  ;   and   likewife   collate  it  with   thofe 

'°  Ms^o^rs?  acGawTTO/.      Hefych. 
"   Pindar  fupra. 

''  Liber — Nebridarum  familiam  pellicula  cohoneftavit  hinnulas.     Arnobius. 
L.  5.  p.  185. 

*'  Plutarch  in  Thefeo.  p.  8. 

'*  Strabo.  L.  7.  p.  458. 

'5  ^lian.  Var.  Hift.  L.  3.  c.  iS.  p.  251. 

A^OL.  III.  J^  k  k  lines 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology, 

lines  in  Heliod,  where  he  defcribes  the  place  of  retreat,  to 
which  the  Titans  were  configned  ;  we  Ihall  find  the  whole 
to  relate  to  the  Atlantians,  and  to  the  region  in  which  they 
dwelt.  They  were  the  fame  as  the  Cuthite  Erythreans  ; 
and  the  ocean,  upon  which  they  lived,  was  called  the  Ery- 
threan  Sea.  Heliod,  as  I  have  fhewn,  defcribed  it  as  a  vaft 
pool,  and  an  unfathomable  abyfs.  Strabo  has  preferved  a 
curious  fragment  from  the  Prometheus  liberatus  of  ^fchy- 
lus  ;  wherein  there  are  allufions  to  all  thefe  circumftances  : 
and  where  the  Atlantians  are  very  truly  defcribed  under  the 
chara<£ler  of  Ethiopians,  who  lived  upon  the  Erythrean  Sea  : 

'iv   0  'ZfTOLnBTroTnag  tiBhio; 

'TS'a.rog  ixaXana  'Wp'^oaig  oLVOLitoLVBi. 

The  learned  Cafaubon  thinks,  from  a  paffage  in  Dionyiius 
Halicarnaffenjis,  that  thefe  verfes  are  a  part  of  a  fpeech  of 
Hercules,  who  is  informing  Prometheus  concerning  fome 
future  events.      This  is    very  probable ;   and  they   feem,    I 

'"  Strabo.  L.  i.  p.  58. 

"  What  XccAxaxipavyov  means,  I  know  not.     It  may  pofllbly  be  a  miftake  for 

'*  So  it  occurs  in  fome  MSS.  for  -ziTavTor^ocpMy.     See  Cafaubon's  learned  notes 
upon  this  paflage  in  Strabo. 

6  think, 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  435 

think,  particularly  to  relate  to  the  wanderings  of  the  Tita- 
nians,  and  Meropes,  who  fettled  in  Mauritania.  The  poet 
here  mentions  "The  f acred  waves  of  the  Krythrean  Sea  :  and 
the  vajl  pool  7iear  the  ocean,  upon  the  borders  of  which  the 
'^  waftdering  Ethiopia?2S  had  taken  up  their  refdence  :  where 
the  Sun  J  that  all-feeing  Deity,  tfed  to  refrefj  his  i^mnortal  body, 
und  recruit  his  wearied  horfes,  in  the  tepid  Jirea^ns  of  that  falu- 
tary  water.  The  term  Erythrean  Sea  has  mifled  Strabo  ; 
who  fuppofes,  that  the  people  fpoken  of  were  to  the  fouth, 
above  Egypt.  But  how  can  it  be  faid,  that  the  Sun  refted 
from  his  labours  in  the  fouth,  and  refreflied  his  horfes,  when 
he  was  in  his  meridian  ?  The  waters,  in  which  the  poets 
fuppofed  him  in  the  evening  to  fet,  were  thofe  in  the 
weft,  in  the  midft  of  the  great  Atlantic.  He  was  in  like 
manner  reprefented  as  riling  from  an  Erythrean  Sea  in 
the  eafl.  Here  lived  the  Indo-Cuthites,  a  people  of  the 
fame  family  as  the  Meropes,  and  called  Ethiopes,  Mauri,  and 
Erythrffii.  There  is  another  fragment  preferved  in  Strabo, 
which  is  from  the  Phaethon  of  Euripides,  and  relates  to  this 
people.  The  poet  in  this  takes  notice  of  the  eaftern  Indie 
Ethiopians,  and  of  the  region,  which  they  pofTefTed. 

'Hv  SK  Ts^^/TTzrwj'  d^fJLarm  'UT^^ttiv  y^^ovx 
'Hhiog  ciLViQ"^m  '^^V(r£ci  ^cikKsi  cpT^oyi, 
KaAH(r<  J'  OLVTriV  ysnovsg  ^bKolii^^otqi 

''  rixi'To^pofoi  may  fignify  wife  and  artful. 
^'  Strabo.  ibid. 

K  k  k  2  'E8g 

43^  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology, 

The  poet  is  fpeaking  of  Clymene,  who  was  the  fuppofed 
mother  of  Phaethon,  and  of  the  Heliades,  his  fifters  :  and 
he  tells  us,  that  the  Gods  bejiowed  Clyme?2e  upon  Merops^  a 
king  of  that  country.  This.,  fays  he,  is  the  region^  which  the 
fun  fi7'Ji  enlighte?is  with  his  golden  7'ays  in  the  mornings  whe?t  he 
afcends  his  car.,  aiidfets  out  with  his  four  hoffes.  On  this  account 
it  is  called  by  all  the  black  tribes  in  the  vicinity^  the  place  ofrepafly 
and flable^  both  of  Aurora.,  aiid  of  the  Sun.  Thus  we  find, 
that  whether  we  inquire  in  Mauritania,  or  at  the  Indus,  the 
fame  names  occur :  and  in  almofl  all  places,  where  the 
Cuthites  fettled,  the  titles  of  ^thiopes,  Titanes,  Mauri, 
Erythrei,  and  alfo  of  Meropes  will  be  found.  From  hence 
we  may  learn  the  extent  of  the  curfe  at  the  difperfion  j  and 
how  widely  the  Meropes  were  driven.  That  they  came  into 
Greece  has  been  fhcwn  :  all  the  Helladians,  as  well  as  the 
lonians,  were  Meropians.  Hence  the  term  occurs  continually 
in  Homer.  The  Trojans  alfo  were  of  this  family  :  and  the 
poet  fpeaking  of  the  foundation  of  Troy,  mentions  it  as  a 
city  of  the  Meropes. 

*'  Aa^oV;/oi/  ay  'Ufe,'^i;QV  t6}{sto  vB(pBXr\ye^ercL  Zsug-y 
Kt/ctits  ^e  Aoi^^oLVtriV,  sttbi  ^nt^  iKiog  I^yi 
Ep  'urs^iw  'UTBTTo'Kig'o,  "uroXig  Ms^o'Km  oLv^^c/)7rm, 
AAA'  g^'  VTroo^sictg  i>mBov  'UTo'hVTn^oLKog  iJj^?. 

*"  In  the  original  the  line  is  'Esj  (paivvav,  Strabo  i^ys,  ISluv  fj.iv  S'n  xowx?  ts-otsnai 
T-a^iVrrsT-ao-gi?  t>i  re  Hs<,  zoci  tw'HAiu.  This  is  not  true,  according  to  the  prefent 
read'npr.  It  fhoiild  therefore  be  'Eas  qiuivftiiy  or  Has,  that  l7r7ro^a.(rBii  may  relate  to 
both'Ea?,  and'HAia. 

*'  Iliad.  T.V.2 15. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  MyTHOLOGYr  437 

Offspring  of  Jove,  great  Dardanus  arofe. 

And  founded  all  Dardania.      Troy's  high  tow'rSj 

The  facred  feat  of  the  Mcropian  bands, 

Grac'd  not  the  plain.      The  fcatter'd  tribes  as  yet. 

Dwelt  at  the  foot  of  Ida's  fhady  hill, 

Amid  the  gufhing  waters. 

The  Dardanians  were  Atlantians,  being  the  reputed  children 
of  Eledtra.  Their  hiftory  is  comprifed  in  that  of  Dardanus, 
whom  Virgil,  in  opposition  to  Homier,  makes  the  founder  of 
Ilium  or  Troy. 

■**  Dardanus,  Iliacae  primus  pater  urbis,  et  auftor, 
Eledlra,  ut  Graii  perhibent,  Atlantide  cretus, 
Advehitur  Teucros. 

The  common  opinion  is,  that  the  city  was  built  by  Ilus,  the 
fon  of  Dardanus  ;  who  muft  confequently  have  been  of  the 
fame  family,  a  Merop-Atlantian.  On  this  account  the  poet 
fpeaking  above  of  Troy  ftyles  it  "UJoXig  Ms^otto^v  av^poiTroop, 
or  a  city  of  the  Difperfed. 

The  Trojans,  and  '^''  Myfians  were  of  a  different  family 
from  the  native  Phrygians  ;  being  of  the  fame  lineao-e,  as 
the  people  of  Hellas  and  Ionia.  The  Phrygians  were  the 
defcendents  of  Japhet,  and  Javan  ;  and  poffeffed  the  whole 
country,  except  fome  diftridts  upon  the  fea-coafl.  It  is  Hiid 
indeed  by  Homer,  that  there  had  been  a  dynafty  of  feven 
kings,  at  Troy  ;  who  are  mentioned  as  refpedable  princes: 
and  Virgil   ftyles  Priam,  fuperbum  regnatorem  Afias.      Yet 

■**  ./Eneid.  L.  S.  V.  134.  0 

*'  Ne^gw/'  0  Kwnyoi — :-^  oJ  Muaot,     Chron.  Pafch.  p..  2.S, 


43^  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

the  region  of  Troas  was  comparatively  ^^  fmall ;  and  the  in- 
habitants few  in  number,  in  refpe6l  to  the  natives  of  Phrygia. 
The  latter,  as  they  were  of  a  different  race,  fo  they  had  a 
language  of  their  own  diftind:  from  that  of  Troas.  They 
were  likewife  in  fubjedion  to  a  king,  who  is  reprefented  as 
monarch  of  the  whole  country.  All  this  is  to  be  obtained 
from  the  evidence  of  Homer  himfelf ;  who  mentions  this 
prince,  and  his  people,  and  fpeaks  of  their  language,  as  dif- 
ferent from  that  of  the  Trojans.  This  piece  of  hiftory  is  to 
be  found  in  the  defcription  of  that  interview,  which  Venus  is 
fuppofed  to  have  had  with  Anchifes  upon  Mount  Ida ;  and 
it  is  introduced  in  the  Hymn  to  that  Goddefs.  Upon  en- 
tering the  cave  of  Anchifes,  among  other  things,  Venus  tells 
him,  upon  his  accofting  her  as  a  Deity,  that  Jhe  is  no  God- 
defs ;  a7id  wonders^  that  he  jhould  take  her  for  fuch  apetfojiage, 
'The  mother^  fays  fje^  who  bore  me^  was  a  woman  ;  and  I  am  a 
mere  mortal.  My  father  indeed  is  of  note  ;  and  is  no  lefs  than 
the  monarch  Otreus,  of  whom  you  ca?mot  hut  have  heard :  for  he 
rules  over  all  Phrygia^  which  fo  abounds  with  well-walled  towns, 
I  am  acquainted  with  your  language^  as  well  as  that  of  tny  own 
fiat  ion. 

"^  Ov  ri;  roi  Qsog  £1^X1'  ri  [m  ASavctrriiTiv  si^Dcsi; ; 

AAAa   KOLTOLCvriTYl  T2,  yWYi  h  [JLS  yHVOUTO  (JLYiTH]^, 

Or^svg  §'  sg-i  utoltiti^  ovo^cl  kKutq;^  sitts  oLKHzig^ 

^  If  any  credit  may  be  given  to  the  Trojan  hiftory,  as  related  by  Homer,  the  very 
cities  of  Troas  were  not  fubjed  to  Priam.  Lyrnefflis,  like  Troy,  was  fituated  at  the 
foot  of  Mount  Ida,  at  the  diftance  of  a  very  few  miles  from  the  latter  city  ;  yet  was 
fubjeft  to  its  own  king.  Iliad.  T.  v.  295.  Strabo.  L.  13.  p.  910.  The  fame  cir- 
cuinftance  is  to  be  obferved  in  refped  to  Thebes,  and  other  neighbouring  cities. 

♦'  Hymn  to  Venus,  v.  109. 

The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mviuology,  439 

Thus  we  find,  that  the  language  of  the  Trojans,  and  of 
the  native  Phrygians  was  different ;  for  they  were  not 
of  the  fame  race.  But  the  Grecians  and  the  Trojans 
were  of  the  fime  family,  however  they  may  be  repre- 
fented,  as  in  a  ftate  of  warfare  :  and  they  are  introduced  as 
fpeaking  the  fame  language.  Priam's  people  could  converfe 
with  their  enemies  :  but  their  allies  difftred  from  them  in 
fpeech,  and  indeed  from  one  another.  The  Carians  were 
a  large  and  powerful  nation  :  and  Homer  reprefents  them. 
particularly,  as  barbarous  in  refpe6l  to  language. 

Polydamas  therefore  advifes  Hedlor  to  arrange  the  troops  in 
their  encampment  according  to  their  tribes,  and  dialedis ; 
that  there  might  be  no  confufion.  As  the  Trojans  were  Me- 
topes and  Titanians,  they  were  confequentlv  A^ai/arof,  or  of 
the  race  of  the  Immortals.  Their  language  accordingly  is 
charaderized  by  Homer  as  the  language  of  the  Gods.  It  was 
the  Amonian,  or  Titanian  tongue  ;  and  we  often  find  it  op- 
pofed  to  that  of  men,  which  was  the  language  of  Japhct  and 
Javan.  Homer  makes  a  diftindion  of  this  nature,  when  he 
is  fpeaking  of  Briareus. 

■^^  12^'  sKc/.roy^si^ov  KaXscroLir'  eg  (jlcck^qv  0?Kvy,7ro'j^ 
KiyoLimcL,  * 

-"^  Iliad.  B.v.  867. 
*'  liiaJ.  A.  V.  402. 


44^  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

The  like  occurs,  when  he  is  fpeaking  of  the  tomb  of  Myrin- 
na  the  Amazon. 

"*  Eff  h  rig  'nr^oTra^oi&s  'uroXsocg  oLiTrsict  KoT^ujpriy 

Tnv  YiTCii  cLv^^sg  BoLTisiav  Ki!iXYi(rKii(nv, 
A^ayciToi  h  Ts  (Tyjixol  'WqXvct/.ci^Cijlqio  Mv^imig. 

There  is  a  third  inftance,  when  he  is  fpeaking  of  the  bird 

*9  Ep^'  rig-'  o^QKTiv  lirsTi^vKCiTfJLsvog  siT^oltivoktiVj 

A  fourth,  when  he  introduces  the  river  Xanthus. 

*°  Avroi  $'  a^'  'H<pong-oio  (xsyctg  'ZtTora^os',  f^a^vSivrigy 
Op  'Eolp^op  KccK£ii(n  ©£0/,  up^^sg  h  Xkol^clp^^qp, 

In  fpeaking  of  the  herb  Moly  in  the  OdyfTey,  Homer  again 
mentions  the  language  of  the  Gods  5  but  without  putting  it 
in  oppofition  to  that  of  men. 

^'  'Fii^ri  fxsp  [jLsKolp  strtcs,  yoiXccKTi  h  siKshop  cLP^og* 
MwAy  (Te  (jlip  KoChe^^Ti  0£o;. 

In  the  fame  manner,   he  takes  notice  of  the  famous  rocks 
'  Symplegades : 

♦'  Iliad.  B.  V.  811. 
-*'  Iliad. -S.v.  289. 
'°  Iliad.  T.v.  73. 
"  Odyff.  K.  V.  304. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  441 

^*  Hhccyzrag  $ri  701  raorys  Qeoi  Mam^sg  aoLhBinri, 

In  the  Scholia  upon  Theocritus,  the  fame  rocks  are  faid  to 
be  differently  denominated  by  Gods  and  by  mortals,  accord- 
ing to  Caryftius  Pergamenus.  ^'  l^OL^v^io;  0  Hs^yaiJLYjyog  (pYifTi, 
Kvavsag  [jlsv  vzo  OLv^^o^irm^  vto  ^s  Qsoov  O^icn  HvXag  kbkT^yi^t&oli, 
Proclus  quotes  fome  poet,  who  fpeaks  of  the  Moon,  as  dif- 
ferently named  by  thefe  two  parties. 

K^CLVOLTOl  KMiiifTlVj   ZTtl'^QoVlOl   h  T£  Mj^J'^^y. 

Heiiod  mentions  the  language  of  men  ;  but  of  men  only  % 
and  fays,  that  they  had  a  particular  name  for  a  pigeon. 
"  Tag  h  (i^oToi  KCiKs3(ri  ITsAsiaJa?.  Probably  there  was  a 
reference  to  the  Gods  in  that  part  of  the  paflage,  which  is 
loft,  and  to  the  lonah.  Thefe  are  the  only  inftances  of  this 
nature,  that  I  am  able  to  recollect. 

Hence  we  find,  that  there  were  two  languages  alluded  to 
by  the  Grecian  writers  :  one  of  which  was  the  Meropian,  or 
that  of  the  Difperfed  ;   the  other  was  the  language  of  Javan, 

*'  Odyir.  M.  V.  61. 

"  Scholia  in  Theoc.  Idyl.  13.  v.  22. 

'*  Proclus  in  Timjeum  Plat.  ^.i.y.  p.  154, 

"  E  Fragmentis  Hefiodi. 

Vol.  III.  Lll  OF 

(  443  ) 

O  F 


In    SYRIA,     and    in    COLCHIS; 

AND      OF 

THOSE      IN      THE      WEST. 

S  there  are  many  circumftances  to  the  purpofe  above, 
here  and  there  fcattered  in  the  courfe  of  the  former 
treatifes,  I  muft  beg  leave  in  fome  degree  to  recapitulate 
thefe  evidences,  and  to  place  them  in  one  view  before  the  eye 
of  the  reader.  For  this  is  a  very  interefting  fubjed,  which 
has  been  ftrangely  overlooked,  and  negledled  :  though  it  will 
appear  upon  enquiry  to  be  the  bails  of  all  Gentile  hiftory. 
Of  the  fons  of  Chus,  who  upon  the  difperlion  betook  them- 
felves  eaftward  to  the  Indus  and  Ganges,  I  have  fpoken  at 
large  :  alfo  of  thofe  who  palTed  into  Egypt.  When  they 
were  ejected  from  this  country,  they  retired  to  many  parts  : 
and  particularly  to  the  coaft  of  Syria ;  which  they  occupied 
under  the  titles  of  Belidae,  Cadmians,  and  Phoenices.  From 
hence  they  went  to  Hellas,  as  I  have  {hewn,  likewife  to  He- 

L  1  1  2  truria, 

444  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

truria,  and  Iberia  ;  and  the  coaft  of  the  great  '  Atlantic.  A 
colony  alfo  fettled  at  Colchis,  and  upon  different  parts  of 
the  Pontic  region.  Wherever  they  came,  they  were  in  every 
refpedt  fuperior  to  the  natives :  and  as  their  fettlements  were 
made  very  early,  the  annals  of  each  nation  begin  with  their 
hiftory ;  and  with  the  hiftory  of  their  forefathers,  which 
was  ingrafted  upon  it.  They  were  very  fkilful  in  phyiic  : 
and  generally  carried  with  them  vulnerary  herbs,  and  plants  of 
ufeful  and  falutary  properties ;  which  they  adapted  to  the 
foil  of  the  countries,  whither  they  came.  They  particularly 
cultivated  the  vine  :  and  almoft  every  region,  where  they  fet- 
tled, will  be  found  famous  for  the  grape.  They  introduced 
Zuth,  or  ferment;  and  taught  the  compofition  of  many  liquors. 
As  the  earth  in  the  firft  ages  had  been  overgrown  with  woods 
and  forefts;  and  was  in  many  places  obftruded  by  lakes,  and 
moraffes :  they  opened  roads,  and  formed  caufeways ;  and 
drained  the  ftagnant  waters.  Specimens  of  thefe  extraordi- 
nary performances  were  exhibited  in  various  parts :  but  all, 
that  they  performed  at  different  times,  has  been  attributed  to 
fome  one  heio,  either  Oliris,  Hercules,  or  Bacchus.  In  the 
peregrinations  of  the  laft  perfonage  may  be  particularly  (etn, 
the  hiftory  of  this  people,  and  of  the  benefits,  which  they 
conferred  upon  the  world.  "There  was  no  natioji  upon  earthy 
fays  *  Diodorus,  neither  Grecian^  nor  foreign.,  hut  what  was 
indebted  to  this   Deity  for  fome  mark  of  his  munifcence^y  and 

'  See  Diodorus  Sic.  L.  i.  p.  24.  and  26.     They  feem  to  have  been  the  firft>  who 
peopled  the  ifland  Sicily. 

^acpno9.     Diodor.  Sic.  L.  3.  p.  207. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.         445 

favour. — He  taught  people  to  pla?jt  the  ^  vine,  and  to  preferve 
the  juice  of  the  grape:  a?id  to  lay  up  the  fruits  of  the  earth  in  pro- 
per repoftories. — 'Thofe  who  pojfejfed  an  harfj,  and  ungenial foil^ 
not  adapted  to  the  cultivatio?i  of  the  vine^  were  fljew7t  the  art  of 
making  a  dri?ik  from  barley^  not  lefs  grateful  than  that^  which 
proceeded  from  the  grape.  The  "^  perfon.,  from  whom  thefe  blef- 
fmgs  were  derived^  is  reprefented,  as  of  the  highejl  antiquity ; 
and  the  great  eft  hefiefaSior^  that  ever  jnankind  experienced. 
The  like  liiftory  is  given  of  ^  Ofiris,  under  which  character 
we  are  to  underftand  a  people,  who  went  forth,  and  per- 
formed all  that  has  been  mentioned.  Their  religion  coniifted 
in  the  worfhip  of  the  Sun  under  various  titles.  To  this  were 
added  divine  honours,  paid  to  their  anceflors,  the  Baalim  of 
the  firft  ages  :  all  which  was  attended  with  particular  myf- 
terious  rites.  In  thefe  were  commemorated  the  circum- 
ftances  of  the  Deluge  ;  and  the  hiftory  of  the  great  Patri- 
arch, through  whom  mankind  was  preferved. 

Among  the  many  titles,  under  which  this  people  pafTed, 
they  particularly  preferv^ed  thofe  which  were  moft  effential, 
and  charadieriflic.  Hence  they  are  continually  in  the  more 
ancient  hiftories  reprefented  as  Tircojizq  Triyei/Big,  Titanian 
and  Earthhorn.  They  were  alfo  fly  led  Arabians,  Ethiopians, 
Saites,  Sethites,  Sithonians,  Zones,  Zoanes,  Azones,  Ama- 
zones,  and  Arkites.    This  laft  was  by  the  Grecians  rendered, 

av.^o^Dvcov,  y.oii  nvMV  aAAcov  KapTrojv.      Ibid, 

*  riaAuiov  itvat  a(poS poc  TdTov,  xai  y.eyt<^cU5  Svs^yeaian  xonccti^ia^ai  ru  yevi-t  Tcav 
avD^ojTTwy.     Diodorus  Sic.  L.  4,  p.  210. 

'  See  the  treatife  infcribed  Ofiris.  vol.  2.  p.  5S.  The  fame  things  are  mentioned 
of  Ouranus.  Diodor.  L.  3.  p.  189.  alio  of  Cronus.  L.  5,  p.  384,. 

44^  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

A^KctSss  mi  A^ysioi,  Arcadians  ajtd  Argeans.  But  above  all 
they  retained  their  family  name  of  Cutje,  Cuths,  and  Cu- 
theans ;  which  I  have  fliewn  to  have  been  almoft  univerfally 
expreffed  XKvdai,  Scuthae,  or  Scythians. 

Thofe,  who  fettled  in  *  Syria,  built  the  city  Antioch  upon 
the  Orontes  :  and  Zonaras,  who  fpeaks  of  them  colle6tively, 
as  the  fons  of  Ham,  mentions,  that  they  got  poffefTion  of  all 
the  country  about  Libanus  quite  up  to  the  farther  part  of 
^  Syria.  As  Phoenicia  was  imagined  to  have  had  its  name 
from  a  hero,  Phoenix  :  fo  Syria  is  faid  to  have  been  denomi- 
nated from  a  like  perfonage  Syrus  ;  who  was  fuppofed  to 
have  come  there  in  the  firfl:  ages.  *  Taroig  TOig  y^^ovoig  Xv^og 
ho^siroLi  ysyovsvoti  yn]ysvrjgy  ov  B7!:mv^og  ii  I^v^icl.  In  thofe  twies 
it  is  reported^  that  Syrus  livedo  one  of  the  earthborn  people  : 
and  from  him  the  comitry  received  its  name.  But  the  term 
Sur,  and  Sour,  from  whence  was  formed  Sn^o?,  figniiied  the 
Sun.  It  was  the  fame  as  Sehor  of  Egypt,  exprelTed  Xsi^iog^ 
Seiriusj  by  the  Greeks.  Hence  we  are  told,  ^  l>si^iog  o  'HA/o^, 
By  Seirius  is  meant  the  great  luminary.  In  confequence  of 
this  we  find  places,  where  the  God  of  light  was  worshiped 
under  the  name  of  Sehor,  and  Sur,  called  '°  Bji^cra^,  Bethfur, 
and  Bn^Tn^dj  Bethfoura.  The  city  Ur  in  Chaldea  was  fome- 
times  expreffed  Sur.      Syncellus  fays  that  Abraham  was  born 

'  'Ot  cTg  Xa,we  nsjaiSii  im  airo  2uf '«?,  ta^  h^avs  xaci  AiCavB  T&;;'  ofoon  yw  v.a.Tiayj))/. 
Jofeph.  Aiitiq.  L.  i-  c.  lO.  p.  22.     SeeEuleb.  Chron.  p.  12. 

'  P.  21.    See  alfo  Syncellus.  p.  126. 

*  Syncellus.  p.  150. 

»  Hefych. 

■°  Beth-Sur.  Jofliua.  c.  15.  v.  28.  BsGo-ap.  Jofephus.  Antiq.  L.  12.  c.  ;_. 
E>;9o-ap.  Ibid.  L.  8.  c.  10.     Ba^Qo-aga.  i  Machab.  c.  4.  v.  29. 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  447 

"  gj/  Tj)  %w^ct  Twv  XaAoViw^,  s^  Soy^  tj^  "uroXsi  :  hi  the  land  of 
the  Chaldeans^  and  in  the  city  Sur.  Xv^ov  Kom}/  ovo^CL  "uroKhm 
TO'KUiV  :  Sti?'-,  fays  Stephanus,  is  a  najne  co77imon  to  many  places. 
The  Persians  called  their  chief  Deity  Sura  :  "  Perf£e  Sy^jj 
Deum  vocant :  and  we  know,  that  they  particularly  adored 
the  Sun>  Eufebius  fpeaking  of  Oiiris,  the  fame  as  Melius, 
tells  us,  '^  'EAAi^ys?  A<oj'y(ro^  'UT^QQ-ayo^svafn^  Koii  Xv^iov  lira^w- 
iivfic^g.  The  Grecians  call  him  indiffe7'ently  Dionufus,  or  Su- 
rius^  as  beiiig  fyno7ty7nous.  Plutarch  alfo  mentions  ^"^  07i^iv 
Xsi^ioVj  Oft7~is  Sirius  :  which  is  the  fame  name  differently 
exhibited.  From  this  perfonage  the  region  had  its  name. 
'5  2y^<a  h  0,1:0  Xv^s  KBKXTf^oLi.  Syria  had  its  7ia7ttefro7n  Syrus  : 
which  was  the  fame  as  Helius,  and  Apollo.  It  is  by  Maun- 
deville  in  his  travels  uniformly  expreffed  '^  Surrye  :  which 
we  may  imagine  to  have  been  the  true  name,  as  it  was  in  his 
time  rendered  by  the  natives. 

I  have  dwelt  upon  this  circumftance,  becaufe  many  have 
fuppofed  Syria  to  have  been  named  from  the  city  Tyre,  ex- 
preffed  Tfor  :  which  is  a  notion  void  of  all  truth.  Tyre  did 
not  belong  to  that  country.  It  was  feparated  from  Syria  by 
the  whole  ridge  of  mountains  called  Libanus,  and  Anti-Li- 
banus.  It  did  not  fo  much  as  give  name  to  the  little  diflridt, 
where  it  ftood.     We  never  read  of  Tyria;  no  more  than  wc 

Lilius  Gyraldus.  Syntag.  L.  i.  p,  5. 
"  Prsp.  Evang.  L.  i.  p.  27. 
'■^  If.  etOfir.  p.  372. 

'^  Scholia  in  Dionyf.  v.  498.     He  is  fometimes  mentioned  as  the  fon  of  Apollo: 
Su/)ia  a/To  Xvm  yeyovoToi  tb  AttoAAwj/qs.     Ibid.  v.  775. 
i*  The  Voiage  and  Travaile  of  Sir  John  Maundevile,  Knt.  anno  1322. 

10  do 

44^  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

do  of  Sidonia.  In  fliort,  thofe,  who  have  given  into  this 
opinion,  have  erred  for  want  of  geographical  precifion. 
Tyre  was  not  a  city  of  Syria ;  but  ot  Canaan  :  and  fo  was 
Sidon,  which  ftood  ftill  higher,  about  four  and  twenty  miles 
above  it.  They  were  both  included  in  the  land  of  Ifrael ; 
and  belonged  to  the  tribe  of  Afher.  It  is  accordingly  dif- 
tincruilhied  by  the  author  of  the  book  of  '^  Judith  :  who 
mentions  the  people  of  Tyre  and  Sidon,  and  thofe  who 
dwell  in  Sur :  Tovg  onag  sv  Xiioon  KCii  zp  Ty^w,  koli  rovg  kol- 
ToiKovnctg  Soy^. 

Some  of  this  family  fettled  in  that  part  of  Canaan,  called 
Galilee  ;  which  feems  always  to  have  confilled  of  mixed  in- 
habitants ;  and  from  hence  was  ftyled  Galilee  of  Nations. 
Here  they  founded  a  city,  which  was  in  aftertimes  called 
Scy thopolis ;  but  originally  '^  Beth-San,  from  the  worfhip  of 
the  Sun.  It  had  alfo  the  name  of  Nufa ;  and  there  was  a 
tradition,  that  it  had  been  founded  by  Dionufus,  in  memory 
of  his  ''  nurfe.  It  feems  to  have  been  a  Typhonian  city  : 
for  there  was  a  hiftory  of  a  virgin  having  been  there  facri- 

■^    C.  2.  V.  28. 

"  Scythopolis  civitas,  Galilean  metropolis,  qiias  et  Bethfan,  id  eft  Domus  Solis. 
Eugefippus  de  Diftantiis  Locorum  in  Terra  Sanda. 

''  SxuSoTToAf?,  Nuo-o-)),  riuAatq-tvyji  'uroXii,  'ur^ore^ov  Xiyo}^ivn  BaGaai'-  Stephanus 
Byzant.  lb  correded. 

Scythopolin,  antea  Nyfam,  a  Libero  Patre,  fepulta  nutrice,  Scythis  dedudis. 
Pliny.  L.  5,  p.  262.  The  Nufa  in  India  was  alfo  built  in  memory  of  the  nurfe  of 

Bporoia-i  jcAen'Mi/  Nuffcrai',  w  0  Baxe^ui 
lax^oi  avTCti  MAIAN  rtS'icrnv 

Strabo.  L.  15.  p.  1008.  from  Sophocles. 

In  all  thefe  hiftories  there  is  a  ftrid  analogy. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mvthologv.  449 

ficed,  whom  they  called  Nufa  :  and  the  offering  Is  faid  to 
have  been  firft  made  by  "  Argcans.  The  city  alfo,  which 
they  built  upon  the  Orontes,  was  one  of  thofe  ftyled  Ty- 
phonian.  Hence  the  river  was  called  the  ftream  of "'  Ty- 
phon  :  and  there  was  a  tradition  of  Typhon  being  buried 
upon  its  "'  banks.  This  was  owing  to  a  Taphos,  or  high  altar, 
named  Typhon,  upon  which  they  offered  human  vidlims. 
The  name  of  Orontes Vas  faid  to  have  been  given  to  the  river 
by  one  Orontes,  an  *^  Indian.  From  hence  we  may  learn,  that 
they  were  Babylonian  and  Chaldaic  perfons,  by  whom  it 
was  conferred  ;  a  colony  of  people  from  the  Tigris.  Hard 
by  was  the  fine  grove  of  Daphne,  denominated  from  Taphanes 
in  Egypt.  The  natives  of  this  region  were  ftyled  both  lonim 
and  **  Argeans :  and  retained  many  memorials  of  the  Deluge, 
and  of  the  difperfion  afterwards.  Many  of  this  family  ex- 
tended themfelves  quite  to  the  Euphrates  ;  and  ftill  farther 
into  Aram-Naharaim  :  for  we  read  very  early  of  a  prince  in 
this  region,  named  ^^  Cufhan-Rifhathaim  :  to  whom  the  If- 
raelites  were  tributary.  This  is  certainly  the  colony  alluded 
to  by  Diodorus  Siculus,  when  he  tells  us,  "^  that  Belus  led  a 
body  of  people  from  Egypt  to  the  Euphrates,  and  there  infti- 
tuted  the  Chaldaic  v/orfliip. 

Cedrenus.  p.  135. 
"  Srrabo.  L.  16.  p.  logo. 
"  Ibid. 

O^orTjjK  eii'ai'  yivcvi  cTe,  eivxi  xvtqv  inhSoov,    Paufan.  L.  8.  p.  661. 
*■*  Chron.  Pafchale.  p.  40. 
*'  Judges,  c.  3.  V.  S. 

L.  I.  p.  24.     He  fuppofes,  that  they  went  to  Babylon  :  but  no  colony  ever 
fettled  there  ;  nor  was  Babylon  inhabited  for  ages. 

Vol.  III.  u  m  m  Of 

450  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology., 


THE  region  called  Colchis  was  lituated  at  the  foot  of 
Mount  Caucafus  upon  the  Pontus  Euxinus  :  and  was  one  of 
the  moft  ancient  colonies  of  the  Cuthites.  It  is  faid  to  have 
exifted  many  ages  before  the  sera  of  the  Argonauts  :  nay,  ac- 
cording to  the  poet,  many  of  the  conftellations  were  not  form- 
ed in  the  heavens  at  the  time,  when  this  colony  was  ''''founded. 
One  of  the  principal  cities  was  called  Cuta,  and  Cutaia : 
hence  we  read,  *^  KvTo,  "nfoKig  YLoXyjUTi^  "War^ig  Mri^siccg.  Cuta 
was  a  city  of  Colchis^  in  which  Medea  was  born.  *'  ILvtoliol, 
'UToh.ig  KoKyi^og'  aljo  Cutaia  was  a  city  of  the  fatne  region. 
The  country  was  called  ^°  Cuteis,  and  Cutais,  from  the 
Cuthite  inhabitants.  Herodotus  mentions  many  particulars, 
wherein  this  people  refembled  the  ^'  Egyptians.  T'hey  had 
the  like  tendency  to  woolly  hair  ;  ajtd  were  of  the  fame  dark  cofn- 
plexion.  There  was  a  great  Jimilitude  i?t  their  manufaBures  ; 
particularly  in  their  linen  :  for  they  abounded  in  flax^  which 
they  wrought  up-  to  a  high  perfcSiion  after  the  Egyptian  method. 

*''  Ol/ttoi  Tiipicc  -wccvTct,  tat'  oupuvui  iiXiaa-Qviai' zi'dAui  yap  ciSriv  iTreptnouiy^ 

atm'.  Apollon.  Argon.  L.  4.  v.  267.  v.  276. 

'*  Steph.  Byzant. 

*'  Scholia  in  Apollon.  L.  4..  v.  401, 

*°  TciiA  Kvriiii.     Orph.  Argonaut,  v.  818. 

''  Ms?<.ay^^^oSi  iiari,  aai  ouhorpi^es. — Au'or  jwsvov  8T0«  TS  Kai  Aiyvynioi  B^ycx,<^or- 

rrai.  L.  2.  c.  104.  105, 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  451 

^'  KoLi  j5  ^ojy]  "UTdfroLj  KM  Yi  y'K(j^(f(rciL^  £fX(ps^rjg  sg-iv  ctKXriXoKnv. 
In  Jhort  their  whole  way  of  life^  and  their  language  had  a 
great  refemblatice.  From  hence  we  may  perceive,  though 
they  were  not,  as  the  hiftorian  fuppofes,  of  the  real  Miz- 
raim  race,  yet  that  they  came  from  a  collateral  branch,  and 
were  a  colony  from  Egypt.  They  retained  a  great  reverence 
for  the  memory  of  their  anceftor  Chus :  and  the  vaft  moun- 
tain, or  rather  ridge  of  mountains,  which  ran  through  their 
country,  was  from  him  denominated  Caucafus  ;  or  more 
truly,  according  to  the  idiom  of  the  natives,  "  Co-Cufus. 
There  was  alfo  a  city  of  the  fame  ^'^  name.  It  Signifies  the 
place  or  temple  of  Chus,  who  was  called  both  Cafus,  and 
Cufus.  Apollonius  mentions  an  ancient  Typhonian  Petra 
in  the  hollows  of  the  mountain  ;  where  we  may  fuppofe  the 
fame  rites  to  have  been  prad:ifed,  as  in  the  Typhonian  cities 
of  Egypt.  It  was  an  Ophite  temple,  where  the  Deity  was 
probably  worfhiped  under  the  figure  of  a  ferpent.  Hence 
the  poet  fuppofes  the  ferpent,  with  which  Jafon  engaged,  to 
have  been  produced  in  thefe  parts  : 

''^  'Ov  avrr]  Feci'  0Lve<pv<TBv 
KoLVKaTii  sv  KVYi^JLOKri  Tv(po(,onYi  on  IIbt^oc, 

I   have  mentioned,    that   Egypt  was   called  Ai-Ait,  by  the 
'*  Ibid. 

"  It  is  called  Co-cas  by  Hatho  the  Armenian.     PurchalT.  vol.  3.  p.  109. 

'*  Iter  a  Sebattia  Co-cufo  per  Melitenem.  Antonin.  Itin.  p.  176.  See  alfo  p. 
178.  This  city  ftood  at  the  foot  of  the  mountain  in  Armenia  :  and  by  Johan. 
Chryfoflome  it  is  called  Cucufus. 

"  Apollon.  L.  2.  V.  1213. 

M  m  m  2  Grecians 

452  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

Grecians  expreffed  Aetia.  ^^  EKT^ri^ri  h  KCCi  AsT/a,  oltco  Ij/Jk 
Til/OS  AsT3.  li  was  named  Aetia  from  one  Aetus  of  Indie  ex~. 
traSiion.  Ai-Aet  anfwers  to  KiOL  A&TH  of  the  Greeks  ;  and 
fignifies  the  land  of  the  Eagk  :  a  name  given  to  Egypt  from 
the  hieroglyphic,  by  which  it  was  denoted.  For  both  an 
eagle  and  a  vulture  were  fymbols  of  that  "  country.  The 
people,  who  fettled  in  Colchis  gave  this  name  to  the  ^^  coun- 
try: whence  the  king  had  the  title  of  Aiates ;  by  the  lonians 
exprefled  Ajj^Ty]?,  Aietes.  We  are  told  above,  that  it  was 
originally  an  Indie  name,  oltto  Tivog  INAOT  Astb.  Hence  the 
Colchians,  who  were  of  that  family,  which  firft  introduced 
it,  were  looked  upon  as  an  Indie  people,  being  by  defcent 
Cuthites  of  Babylonia.  ''  '0(  ^s  KoT^-^oi  h^uoL  ^KV^ai  sktiv, 
'The  Colchians^  fays  the  Scholiaft  upon  Lycophron,  are  no  other 
than  the  Indie  Scythce  :  the  purport  ot  which  terms  I  have 
before  explained.  The  Scholiaft  upon  Pindar  calls  them 
Scyths  ;  and  under  this  title  gives  the  fame  hiftory  of  them, 
as  has  been   previoully  given   by  Herodotus.     '^'^  AiyvKTim 

'*  Steph.  Byzant.  hiywrroi. 
"  It  was  called  Ai-Ait,  and  Ai-Gupt. 

^'  ApoUonius  uies  it  out  of  compofition,  and  calls  the  country  Aia. 
E|  Aiij;  iv-.GVTo  tna.^  KmTa.0  Ki/Ta:(0.      L.  2.  v.  1095. 
But  the  original  name  feems  to  have  been  Ai-Aet,  or  Ai-Ait,  though  in  aftertimes 
exprefied  A/a,  Aia.     See  p.  206.  of  this  volume, 

"  Schol.  in  Lycoph.  v.  174.     See  p.  214.  of  this  volume. 
*"  Pind.  Pyth.  Od.  4.  v.  376.     The  poet  had  previoufly  mentioned  the  com- 
plexion of  the  Colchians. 

^\%a.  y.i?vct.ivM7retjai  Y^oX^oim  fSixv 
Mt^xv  Ai»ja  -ujoif  auT^.'.     Ibid. 

10  l^e 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.       453 

'The  ScythcSy  or  CtithceanSy  of  Colchis,  are  a  colo7iy  frojn  Egypt, 
Hence  they  are  reprefented  as  of  a  very  dark  complexion.  They 
deal  in  fax,  of  which  they  7nake  linen  after  the  jnanner  of  the 
Egyptians.  Under  the  name  of  Indi  they  are  fpoken  of  by- 
Socrates  ;  who  feems  to  allude  to  more  nations  than  one  of 
this  denomination.  '^^  TrjUiKOLVTO.  ya^  I^^iji;!/  ts  tccv  sv^ts^oj,  koli 
l^Yj^ujv  B^VY\.  Some  of  them  were  called  Sindi,  and  Sindones; 
and  they  had  an  harbour  named  '^^  Sindicus  Portus.  Of  their 
ingenuity  and  extenfive  knowledge  I  have  fpoken  before  : 
alfo  of  the  obclifks,  which  they  creeled,  fimilar  to  thofe  at 
Thebes,  and  in  other  places  of  Egypt.  Some  traces  of  thefe 
things  were  to  be  obferved  in  after  ages  :  and  one  vaft  flone 
is  particularly  commemorated,  which  was  fuppofed  to  have 
been  the  anchor  of  the  *^  Argo. 

Some  of  thefe  fugitives  from  Egypt  came  from  Heliopolis, 
the  capital  of  the  region  called  Zoan.  Hence  they  particu- 
larly reverenced  the  Sun;  and  from  this  worfliip  were  named 
'''^  Soani.  Pliny  calls  them  Suani  ;  and  they  are  fpoken  of 
as  a  powerful  people,  and  of  great  natural  ftrength.  Their 
neighbours,  the  Iberians,  were  of  the  fame  race,  and  like  all 
the  Cuthite  families,  followed  the  Dionufiaca,  or  rites  of 
Dionufus.      This  people  are  faid  to  have  come  from  Pyrene. 

*'  Hift.  Ecclefiaft.  L.  i.  c.  19.  p.  49. 
*"  Strnbo.  L.  II.  p.  753.  757, 

'2,iv^oi  e^)}y.a.icv  TsiS lov  fj.iya.  vonSTccoiTei.     Apollon.  L.  4.  v.  322. 
*'  Ai6n')j5  S's  Tivoi  aAA»5  ^pava,v.ccTcc  iSeixiVjro  -sraAaia'  i>$— rci5c«(7a(  eKewcc  iivoci 
Tu  A£/4-ai'«  TW ctyxucoci  tyu  A^-j-hs.     Aniani  Periplus  Maris  Eiixini.  p.  9. 
**  rjA>;o-*of  J"g  }t«i  0/  2oarg?»  xcctTit^oi  x«t'  aAjojc.      Strabo.  L.  11.  p,  762. 
*'  Dionyf.  7>:ip:))yrKr.  v.  695. 

454  T'^E   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

Tlie  poet  fuppofesj  that  they  came  eaftward  from  Pyrene  in 
Spain :  but  in  thefe  early  times  colonies  did  not  come  from 
the  weft  ;  but  went  for  the  moft  part  in  a  quite  contrary  di- 
redlion.  The  Pyrene,  Uv^rivriy  from  whence  the  Iberi  came, 
was  Ur,  the  land  of  fire  ;  in  other  words,  Babylonia  and 
Chaldea.  Next  to  them  was  the  nation  of  the  Camaritae, 
who  ftiew  their  original  in  their  name.  They  are  reprefented 
as  a  large  and  powerful  tribe  :  and  are  faid  to  have  enter- 
tained Bacchus,  after  the  Indie  war  in  which  he  had  been 
put  to  flight.  This  flight  was  (Oi^pprji^yi^si')  from  the  land  of 
fre,  the  Chaldaic  Ur:  and  from  the  banks  of  the  Tigris,  the 
original  Indus.  From  hence  the  Camaritse,  thofe  priefts  and 
votaries  of  Cham  fled,  together  with  the  Iberi,  and  brought 
the  rites  of  Bacchus  into  the  neighbourhood  of  Colchis  and 
Caucafus:  and  eftablifhed  them,  where  they  fettled;  which 
is  called  the  entertaining  of  the  fugitive  Deity.  Of  this 
people  the  poet  Dionyflus  gives  a  fine  account  immediately 
fubfequent  to  the  former. 

'^^  Ka/  KcLfxct^iTccocv  cvXov  fJisyoLy  roi  'urors  BoiK'^ov 
IvJw;'  SK  'WqXbixqio  ^shy^svoi  £^siH(r(roVy 

Euoi,  Bc(.yjyB^  7\iyovizz'  o  ^b  (p^sin  pXctro  Acci[jlup 
Ksiiiojp  av^^taTTocv  yepsrivrs,  kcli  rfieoL,  yaiYig. 

It  is  obfcrvable  of  the  '^^  Iberians,  that  they  were  divided 

♦'  V.  700. 

f  Strabo.  L.  11.  p.  765. 

9  into 

The   Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  455 

into  different  cafts :  each  of  which  had  its  proper  fundlion.. 
The  rank  and  office  of  every  tribe  were  hereditary  and  un- 
changeable. Tliis  rule  of  invariable  diftinftion  prevailed 
no  where  elfe,  except  in  ''^  India,  and  '^^  Egypt. 

That  the  Colchians  were  from  the  latter  country,  is  mani- 
feft  from  the  evidence  already  produced.  And  we  may  not 
only  perceive,  from  whence  they  came  \  there  are  fufficient 
proofs  to  afcertain  alfo  who  they  were.  We  may  be  allured, 
that  they  were  a  part  of  that  body,  who  by  the  Egyptians 
were  ftyled  the  Hellenic  and  Phenician  Shepherds.  They 
quitted  Egypt,  and  were  fucceeded  by  the  Ifraelites,  called 
afterwards  the  Jews.  Thefe  alfo  retired,  and  fettled  in 
Canaan,  between  Arabia  and  Syria.  Of  this  migration,  and 
of  that  previous  to  Colchis,  Diodorus  affords   the  followino- 

•extraordinary  evidence.  '^^  To  T£  "Xm  KoA^oij:/  z(}voq  sy  Twllo!/- 
Tw,  K^i  TO  TL'JV  lsccacf:v  QLV(x  ^strov  A^oL^iag  km  Xv^iag,  oiKr\<TCLi 
Tivotg  o^fj^ri^snag  'sra/  savTCf^v  {Aiyv7rTi(A)v).  The  hiftorian  had 
been  fpeaking  of  various  colonies  from  this  country,  and 
particularly  of  that  colony  fuppofed  to  be  led  by  Danaus  to 
Argos ;  and  of  others  to  different  places  :  and  then  adds, 
t/jai  the  Colchic  nation  tipon  the  Pontus  Ruxinus^  as  well  as  that 
of  the  Jews  J  iv  ho  fettled  (in  Canaan)  hetweejt  Syria  and  Ara- 
bia^ were  both  foimded  by  people^  who  w.e7it  forth  in  early  times 

from  Egypt.  As  they  enriched  this  country  withr  many  ufe- 
ful  arts,  we   may  well  expedl  that  they  retained  to  the  laft 

*'  Strabo.  L.  15.  p.  1029. 

*'  Herodotus.  L.  2.  c.  164.     The  Egyptians  and  Indi  were  divided  into  feven 
cafts  ;  the  Iberi  only  into  four. 
*'  L.  2.  p.  24. 


45^  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

feme  o£  their  original  excellence.  We  accordingly  find, 
that  writers  fpeak  greatly  of  their  ^°  advances  in  fcience, 
though  it  muft  have  been  much  impaired,  before  the  Gre- 
cians were  acquainted  with  their  coaft.  They  however  car- 
ried on  for  a  long  time  an  extenfive  commerce:  and  we  have 
from  Strabo  a  very  good  defcription  of  their  country  ;  the 
nature  of  which  we  may  prefume  to  have  been  always  the 
fame.  He  fays,  ^'  that  the  whole  region  abounded  with 
fruits  of  every  kind  ;  and  with  every  material,  that  was  re- 
quifite  for  navigation.  The  only  produd  of  the  country  at 
all  exceptionable  was  the  honey,  which  had  a  bitter  tafte. 
Timber  was  in  great  plenty  :  and  there  were  many  rivers  for 
its  conveyance  downwards.  They  had  alfo  abundance  of 
flax  and  hemp  :  together  with  wax  and  pitch.  The  linen 
manufadlured  by  the  natives  was  in  high  repute.  Some  of  it 
was  curie\ifly  painted  with  figures  of  animals  and  flowers  ; 
and  afterwards  dyed,  like  the  linen  of  the  Indians.  And 
^*  Herodotus  tells  us,  that  the  whole  was  fo  deeply  tindured, 
that  no  wafhing  could  efface  the  colours.  They  accordingly 
exported  it  to  various  marts,  as  it  was  every  where  greatly 
fought  after.  Strabo  fays,  that  many  people,  who  thought 
that  they  faw  a  fimiiitude  between  the  natives  of  Colchis  and 
of  Egypt,  particularly  in  their  cuftoms,  made  ufe  of  this  cir- 
cumfliance  to  prove  the  refemblance.  He  adds,  that  the  high 
reputation  and  fplendor,  which  they  once  maintained,  may 
be  known  by  the  repeated  evidences,  that  writers  have  tranf- 
mitted  concerning  them. 

^°  0(751!'  e-^:q)o!,vsixv  iax^v  «  Pti^'/""  at^T);,  ^nA'^aty  ot  [/.v^i,     Strabo.  L.  1 1,  p.  76 

'■  Ibid.> 

^'  Herod.  L.  i,  c.  203. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  457 

Of     the     AMAZON   S. 

AS  the  Cuthitcs  of  Colchis  were  fo  very  cntcrpriling;  and 
carried  on  fuch  an  cxtenfive  commerce;  they  in  confequence 
of  it  made  many  fettlements;  fo  that  the  coaft  of  the  Euxine, 
upon  which  they  lived,  was  in  many  places  peopled  from 
them.  One  of  their  chief  colonies  feems  to  have  been  of  that 
celebrated  people,  who  were  called  Amazons;  and  whom  the 
Grecians  have  reprefented  as  a  nation  of  women.  They  are 
fuppofed  to  have  been  of  a  very  v/arlike  turn  ;  and  to  have 
made  expeditions  into  countries  at  a  great  diflance.  To  keep 
up  their  community,  they  permitted  men  at  ftated  times  to 
come  among  them  :  but  after  that  they  had  enjoyed  a  fuffi- 
cient  commerce  with  them,  they  put  them  to  death.  Hence 
they  are  faid  to  have  been  called  "  Aorpata,  or  murderers  of 
their  hufbands.  Of  the  children,  which  were  born  to  them, 
they  flew  all  the  males:  but  nurfed  the  females;  and  trained 
them  up  to  war.  And  that  they  might  in  time  ufe  their  arms 
more  readily,  they  feared  up  the  right  ^^breafl:  in  their  infancy, 
to  prevent  its  growth :  imagining,  that  otherwife  there  v/ould 
be  fome  impediment  in  their  management  of  the  bow.    They 

"  Herod.  L.  4.  c.  no, 

^py^iovt  ttT^oi  i^a.'^mv  XP'"^^'-     Strabo.  L.  11.  p.  769.     Penthifilea  in   Virgil  is 

Aurca  fubnectens  exedtC  cingvila  mamma;.     iEneid.  L.  i.  v.  492. 

Vol.  III.  N  n  n  refided 

458  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

redded  chiefly  upon  the  river  ^''  Thermodon,  and  the  coaft  of 
Cappadocia ;  where  they  held  the  cities  ^^  Cutora,  Amila, 
Comana,  Themifcura,  Cadifia,  Lucaftia,  and  Sinope.  They 
aifo  poflefTed  a  large  tra6l  of  territory  in  Armenia.  They 
overran  divers  countries ;  and  many  cities  are  faid  to  have  been 
founded  by  them  ;  which  cities  were  of  the  highefl:  antiquity. 
This  is  the  hiftory  which  has  been  tranfmitted  concerning  the 
Amazons:  but  is  it  poflible,  that  fuch  a  nation  could  have  ex- 
ifted  ?  or  could  fuch  mighty  operations  have  been  carried  on 
by  a  band  of  women  ?  Every  circumftance,  as  it  is  related, 
is  incredible  :  yet  there  have  been  at  all  times  "  perfons,  who 
have  efpoufed  this  notion  ;  and  made  ufe  of  all  their  learning 
and  ingenuity  to  lliew,  that  fuch  a  community  of  women  did 
exift.  In  confequence  of  this,  they  have  been  forced  to 
maintain  the  whole  feries  of  grofs  abfurdities,  with  which 
the  notion  is  attended. 

Many  try  in  fome  degree  to  extenuate  the  cruelty  men- 
tix)ned  in  the  above  hiftory,  in  order  to  make  it  more  corre- 
fpondent  to  reafon.  They  tell  us,  that  the  Amazons  did  not 
kill  their  male  children  ;  but  only  ^^  lamed  them,  that  they 
might  ftay  at  home,  and  be  more  fubfervient  to  their  com- 
mands.    In  refpedl   to  their  fearing  the  right  breafts  of  the 

"  Qiialcs  Threicis  cum  flumina  ThermodontJs 

Pulfant,  etpiftis  bellantur  Amazones  armis.     Ibid.  L.  11.  v.  659. 
'*  Strabo.  L.  12.  p.  823.  825. 

©iviirTxvpx, — iv  11  TO.  (iaa iKiioc  roou  A/bta'C^orau'  uTrv^'^e.   DIodor.  Sic.  L.  4.  p.  224. 
"  See  particularly  Petri  Petiti,  Philofoplii  et  Medici,  de  Amazonibus  Diflertatio. 

Lutetife  Parifior.  16S5. 

'^ TojiJ'e  yevofjiivoiv  ras  fAiv  cipcrevaf  iinoouv  to,  t«  axiXn^  ■x.a.i  ra?  ^pa^io'.'x?^ 

y.a.'^ov  iTixxHiv.     Dioclor.  Sic.  L..  2.  p.  12S, 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythologv.  459 

females,  both  Hippocrates  and  Galen  allow,  that  it  was  [o 
reported  :  but  they  fay,  that  it  was  not  done  on  account  ol: 
liny  impediment,  which  might  have  accrued  in  the  manage- 
ment of  the  bow  ;  but  to  render  the  right  arm  ftrongcr  by 
an  addition  of  "  aliment.  For  what  would  have  p-onc  to  the 
breaft,  would  now  be  expended  on  the  neighbouring  mcm^ 
ber.  This  is  a  notable  refinement.  Thefe  learned  men 
fhould  have  been  fure  of  the  fa6t,  before  they  gave  a  reafon 
for  the  procefs.  To  me  it  appears  to  be  a  mofl  idle  fable  : 
and  notwithflanding  the  high  authority  of  thefe  truly  great 
phyficians,  I  appeal  to  any  anatomift  to  determine,  whether 
it  be  pofUble,  by  any  cauterizing  in  the  ftate  of  infancy  to 
prevent  the  future  breaft  from  riling  :  and  were  it  poffible, 
whether  it  could  be  performed  by  any  means,  which  would 
not  equally  affed:  the  life.  But  fetting  this  alide,  the  ad- 
vantage is  too  ideal :  and  the  whole  is  fo  remote  a  cpnlide- 
ration,  that  it  never  could  have  been  thought  of  by  a  parent. 
Or  if  it  had,  fuch  a  theory  could  never  have  been  reduced  to 
practice,  and  adopted  by  a  nation.  It  is  not  to  be  believed, 
that  a  mother  could  be  devoted  to  fuch  an  infernal  policy,  as 
to  fear  the  bofom  of  her  daughter  with  a  red-hot  *°  iron  :   or 


"  Galen  of  Hippocrates.     Tai  -youi'  A y.oc^ot'iS m  auro?  (pvcni'  eTrivxisiv  rov  S'i'^icv 

yiviiToci' COS  Tn(fva-ii  ys  koci  lauTiii uTrccc^da-rii  ccafjevai.     Comment,  in  Aphorifm.  43. 
fetft.  7. 

MuooAo^ao"*  (Tg  t;t'B,  oti  oci  A/na^onSei  to  acpaSv  yeroi  10  g&jUTWi',  a'jT:/ca  vmriov  or, 
i^afvps'da-iv'  Oil  ij.iv  Kocra.  yavaru,  di  Si  kutcc.  tcl  io-^ia.,  cos  S'n^sv  yjjiKa.  jH'oiro,  xxi 

fx/i  tTritaAg'jsj  TO  cxppSi'  "j  ivoi  tcc  ^r)7\.ii. ^f;  'J.iv  av  ochiSix  rocurcc  i^'iv,  eyu  O'jk  oiiS^x. 

Hippocrates  -argri  apS^ijr.  c.  58.  vol.  2.  p.  814. 

Hippocrates  fays,  that  they  ufcd  ;^aAx.goj'  rSTf^Wfj'.iPor,  an  implement  of  brafj, 
which  thf  y  heated  for  that  piirpofe  -,  and  then  -sj^s  toc  f^-cc'Coi'  ti^sccci  tov  Sii,iov, 

N  n  n  2  «='* 

460  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

to  break  the  legs,  or  disjoint  the  knees  of  her  fon  ;  or  to  ren- 
der him  incurably  lame  in  the  hips  and  thighs  by  luxation, 
as  Hippocrates  and  Galen  afiert :  and  this  that  he  might  be 
more  eafily  reduced  to  a  ftate  of  dependence  and  flavery. 

The  whole  of  this  ftrange  hiftory  has  been  owing  to  a 
wrong  etymology.  The  Greeks,  who  would  fain  deduce 
every  thing  from  their  own  language,  imagined,  that  by  the 
term  Amazon  was  fignified  a  perfon  without  a  *'  breaft.  This 
perfon  they  inferred  to  be  a  female  :  and  in  confequence  of  it, 
as  the  Amazons  were  a  powerful  people,  they  formed  a  no- 
tion, that  they  were  a  community  of  ^"^  women,  who  fubiifhed 
by  themfelves  :  and  every  abfurdity,  with  which  this  hiflory 
is  attended,  took  its  rife  from  the  mifconception  above.  They 
did  not  confider,  that  there  were  many  nations  of  Amazons 
widely  feparated  from  each  other  :  nor  did  they  know,  that 
they  were  theirfelves  of  Amazonian  race.  There  may  be 
found  however  fome  few,  who  faw  the  improbability  of  the 
ftory,  and  treated  it  with  fuitable  contempt.  Paljephatus, 
a  man  juftly  complimented  for  his  good  *^  fenfe,  gave  it  no 
'*  credit.  Strabo  was  born  at  Amaftris  in  Cappadocia,  an 
Amazonian  region  ;   and  yet   could   obtain  no  evidence   to 

y.cii  iTTixatsrizi,  cio^e  t/\v  ccvtiicrtv  (fvsipsaoxt,  £?  J"s  rev  J's'^nv  o^j-iov  xa( /Spxjyiora  Tuoicrav 
T-flv  layxjv  to  ■aTA>i6sf  exi'iSorxi.     Hippocrates  de  Aquis,  Locis,  Aere.  c.  42.  vol. 

2.  p.  552- 

'''  Af^a.^6ov  was  fuppofed  to  be  a  compound  of  a  and  y.a.^o?. 

*'  "Ai  Si  AfJ'.c-^ofSi  iPTxacci  av^pcci  ajc  B^dtTiy,  aAA'  w?  rcc  aAoyx  ^soa  aTo.^  ra 
erovi  Tsrepi  TW  iacivw  tcrny-Bpiai'  vTrip^ccivaaai  ths  tiU^i  op3i  ttoivoiv^iai  Ton  ■mXt)ai'^^M- 
poif,  I'-^DTiiv  Tii'cc  TavTw  nyovfxivoif.     Bardefanes  apud  Eufeb.  P.  E.  L.  7.  p.  277. 

*'  naAa((faT05  0  ac(p'jjraToi. 

^*  XpccTSiccv  S'i  yvvxr/MV  BSevrore  sixoi  yiyia-^a.1  ovSe  ya.p  vjv  aj'auy.  PaLxphatus. 
p.  84. 


The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  46.1 

countenance  the  hiftory.  He  fays,  ^^  that  many  legendafy 
Jiories  have  a  mixture  of  tf^uth  ;  and  jnofl  accounts  adtnit 
of  fame  variation.  But  the  hifo?y  of  the  Amazons  has 
beeit  uniformly  the  fa7ne  ;  tl^e  whole  a  monfrous  and  abfurd 
detail^  without  the  leaf  fjew  of  prcbability.  For  who  ca?i 
be  perfuaded^  that  a  com?nu?iity  of  wofnen,  either  as  an  army^ 
or  a  city^  or  a  fate^  could  fubfefi  without  meft  f  and  7iot 
only  fubfifl^  but  make  expeditio?is^  into  other  countries^  a?id  gain 
the  Jovereignty  o'^er  kingdoms  :  not  jnerely  over  the  Tonians  and 
thoje^  who  were  i?i  their  7ieighbourhood\  but  to  pafs  the  feas^  and 
to  carry  their  arms  into  Ruropef  'To  accede  to  this  were  to  fup- 
pofe,  that  Jiature  varied  from  her  fxed  principles  :  and  that  in 
thofe  days  wofnen  were  7nen^  a77,d  77ie7i  wo7ne77.  This  is  very 
fenfibly  urged:  and  if  it  be  incredible,  that  fuch  an  eftablifli- 
ment  fhould  fublift  in  one  place,  as  Strabo  fuppofes ;  it  muH 
be  ftill  more  improbable,  that  there  fhould  be  nations  of  wo- 
men widely  feparated,  and  all  living  independent  of  men. 
This  has  not  been  attended  to  by  thofe,  who  'would  counte- 
nance the  fiible.  The  moft  confiderable  body,  that  went 
under  the  name  of  Amazons,  fettled  upon  the  Atlantic  in- 
Africa,  at  the  extreme  verge  of  that  region.  Of  their  exploits 
and  expeditions  a  long  account    is  given  in    the  hiftory  of 

*'  T\z'p^i  S'c  Tov  A|«aC,oi'5jr  Tx  aVTx  KsySTcti  y.xi  i-jv,  yccci  'urctKcci^  npccrocSi)  t'  ovtoc, 
xamriq^tus 'UTo'^ou.  ycrA.      Strabo.  1^.  ii.  p.  770. 

*^  Tc'JTo  yao  oyxiov^ooiav  (ir.iAsyct  raj  y.ev  avS'^izi  yuvonxcci  yiyvofj^iiHi  r'di  roTi, 
Tu^Se  •  uvo  feci.      Ibidi 

If  fuch  a  people  had  really  exifled,  fome  traces  of  them  would  have  been  found, 
either  in  Iberia,  and  Albania ;  or  in  the  country,  upon  the  Thermodon,  where  tliey 
are  fuppofed  chiefly  to  have  refided.  But  Procopius  fays,  that  there  was  no  mark, 
no  tradition  to  be  obtained  concerning  theiii.     DeBcUoGoth.  L.  4.  c.  3.  p.  570. 


462  The   Analysis    of   Ancient   Mythology. 

'^Myriiia.  She  is  fiippofcd  to  have  lived  in  the  tinieof  Orus, 
the  foil  of  liis,  and  to  have  conquered  Africa,  and  the  greater 
part  of  Alia  ;  but  was  at  lafl:  flain  in  Thrace.  There  were 
Amazons  in  Mount  Caucafus,  near  Colchis  and  ^^  Albania, 
and  likevvife  near  the  Falus  ''^  Ma:otis.  Polyrenus  fpeaks  of 
Amazons  in  '^°  Indi.i  ;  and  they  are  alfo  mentioned  by  Non- 
nus.  They  likewife  occur  in  ''  Ethiopia.  They  at  one  time 
poffeffedalH*  Ionia:  and  there  were  traditions  of  their  being 
at  "  Samos,  and  in  ^*  Italy.  Even  the  Athenians  and  Boeo- 
tians were  of  the  fame  family  :  hence  it  is  faid,  that  Cad- 
mus had  an  "  Amazonian  wife,  when  he  went  to  Thebes ; 
and  that  her  name  was  Sphinx.  It  will  be  found,  that  the 
Colchians  and  Iberians,  as  well  as  the  Cimmerians  and  Mceo- 
tse,  were  Amazonians.  So  were  all  the  lonians ;  and  the  At- 
lantians  of  Mauritania.  They  were  in  general  Cuthite  colo- 
nies from  Egypt  and  Syria :   and  as  they  worfliiped  the  Sun, 

^'  Diodor;  Sic.  L.  :>,.  p.  18S.  and  p.  185. 

Ai:.iVTtoi  iv  SevTfpc'j  xa.ra  Ai^uw  avrai  c>jKnv.irxi  (pnoii'. iiTrSra^xi  tS  avrciii  to 

ATAa^Tzx.oI'£'J^o?.     Scholia  in  Apollon.  L.  z.  v.  q66. 

*'    TttSo  ty,;  AhCctviai  opirji  xccnxs  A-fxa-C^ovai  oixnv  ^atn,   Strabo.  L.  II.  p.  769. 

"'  Twi'  Fui  aiv-ox px.Tdiy.ivciiy  e^^oi'TXi  MxiajToci.  Scylacis  Teriplus  apud  Gcogr. 
Vet.  vol.  2.  p.  31. 

^'  AfJLK^oi'ot.i  xcci  hoy;.     L.  I.  p.  II. 

''  ^ii/obsyji  Si  oc'jTcci  (pmiv  a-Kvuivcciei'  Ai9io7r;a.  Scholia  in  Apollon.  L.  2.  v. 

^'^oietot'  «T&);  iy.<xKiiTo  km  n  KuiJ.n.  Steph.  Byzant. '  There  were  Amazons 
upon  the  Danube,  according  to  Philoftratiis  in  Heroicis. 

"'  Plutarch.  QijEeft.  GraeccE.  vol.  j.p.  303. 

^*  Aua^orii  u7re<^pi->\-xv  caiQii  en  Ira^.mv.  Schol.  in  Lycoph.  v.  1332.  alfo  v.  995. 
There  was  a  town  in  MefTapia,  towards  the  lower  part  of  Italy,  named  Amazonia. 
Steph.  Byzant. 

^*  KaSfAOi  sp/on'  yvvaiy.a  Ay.a^oricTa, -;;  ovo[j(.a.'^(piy^,  ijX^iv  ei5Qi}^x5.  Patephatus. 
p.  26.    .He  went  firft  to  Attica. 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  463 

they  were  called  Azones,  Amazones,  Alazones ;  which  are 
names  of  the  fame  purport ;  and  have  equally  a  reference  to 
the  national  objedl  of  ^^  worfhip.  The  mod  noted  were  thofe 
who  fettled  near  the  river  Thermodon,  in  the  region  of  Pon- 
tus.  They  were  alfo  called  Chalybes,  and  Alybes ;  and  oc- 
cupied part  both  of  Cappadocia,  and  Armenia.  The  poet 
Dionyfius  takes  notice  of  their  fettlements  in  thele  parts^ 
and  flyles  the  region  Affyria. 

"  Tsg  Je  fjLsr  Acrcry^/Ji?  'ur^o'^VG'ig  ^^^ovog  szrzrcLVVs'Oii 

AbVKOV   V^OC^  'W^OLYlfTlV  EyVCi?JOg  0=^|U,wJ(WI/. 

It  is  fpoken  of  in  the  fame  manner  by  the  '^^  poet  Apollonius, 
There  were  more  regions  than  one  called  Affyria  :  but  the 
principal  was  that  about  "  Nineve.  This  was  denominated 
from  AfTur  the  fon  of  Shem.  There  were  others,  which  were 
fo  called  on  another  account,  and  of  a  different  etymology. 
They  were  properly  expreffed  Ai-Sur,  from  the  Sun,  to  whom 
they  were  facred.  For  as  Ai-Mon,  and  Ai-monia,  figniiied 
Lunaris  Regio  ;  fo  by  Ai-Sur,  and  Aifuria,  was  denoted  Re- 
gie Solaris.      Syria,  as  I  have  Ihewn,  was  denominated  from 

^*  Paufanias  mentions  Apollo  Amazonius,  who  was  worfhipped  in  Laconia, 
L.  3-P-274. 

"  V.  77 

''^  Apollonius  fpeaks  to  the  fame  purpofe. 

Tvccf/.-'l-xv  Af/.ci^ovi^o.'ti  ixaQsv  Aifxai'ti^oov  (x.->crvv.    L.  2.  v.  g66. 
"  The  original  Aflyria  was  undoubtedly  the  land  of  Babylonia  :  but  it  feems  to 
liave  loft  that  name. 

9  Sur, 

464  The   Analysis   oF'  Ancient   Mythology. 

Sur,  Sol :  and  it  was  often  called  ^^  AfTurla.  Ur  in  Chaldea 
was  fometimes  expreffed  ^'  Sur,  as  has  been  obferved  before. 
On  this  account  the  region  of  Syria  above  mentioned,  as  well 
as  that  in  Pontus,  ought  to  have  been  differently  rendered, 
and  diftinguifhed  from  the  land  of  ^^  Affur  :  but  the  Grecians 
from  a  fimilitude  in  found  were  led  to  exprefs  them  alike. 
As  the  land  of  Chaldea  was  fometimes  called  Sur ;  fo  the 
Pontic  Suria  had  the  name  of  Chaldea;  and  the  people  were 
ftyled  Chaldeans,  They  were  the  fame  as  the  Alybes,  and 
Chalybes ;  who  were  fituated  near  ''^  Sinopc  ;  and  extended 
towards  ^^  Colchis.  They  are  mentioned  by  Homer  among 
the  allies  of  the  Trojans ,  and  came  under  the  condu6t  of 
Odius  and  Epillrophus. 

This  paffage  has  been  quoted  by  Ephorus,  and  it  is  obferva- 
ble,  that  for  Alizonians  he  read  Amazonians :  which  un- 
doubtedly arofe  from  the  two  words  being  fynonymous. 
Pie  calls  the  place  Alope. 

*°  Eio-i  Sf  Irepji  {Aaavpici)  -urctpx  Tdi  Suaa?.     Steph.  ByzaaL 

'■  Abraham  was  bom  iv  t/i  p/&'fa  t<i.'*  XaAj'aiwf  er  '^o-op  Tn  'ujoXzi.     Syncelkis. 

P-95-  . 

*'  The  two  names  iliould  have  been  written  Affuria  and  Aifuria  ;  which  would 

have  prevented  all  rniftakes. 

^■'  Pomponius  Mela.  L.  i.e.  19.  p.  102. 

^■*  XoAi^aro*  fj^yj^i  KoA;^Jc<;.  Strabo.  L.  12.  p.  833.     XaAcfaiy;  //e;^p<  tj;?  \ 
Affxgj'.a';.     "Ibid.  p.  8  j2. 

*'  Iliad.  B.v.Sj6. 

"  Strabo.  L.  12.  p.  827, 

E  A  ^0:^7 

The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  465 

Strabo  fays,  that  the  name  of  Chaldeans  given  to  this  people 
was  not  fo  old,  as  that  of  Alybes  and  ^^  Chalybes.  It  is  of 
little  moment,  when  the  name  came  into  common  ufe  among 
the  Grecians:  it  is  fufficient,  that  the  people  were  fo  called. 
Two  of  their  principal  cities  were  Sinope  and  Amifon. 
^^  Chalybes  proximi  urbium  clariffimas  habent  Amifon  et 
Sinopen.  The  latter  city  by  Pliny  is  more  truly  exprefl'ed 
*'  Amazon :  and  he  mentions  a  mountain  near  it  of  the  fame 
name.  The  people  of  this  place  were  probably  the  principal 
of  thofe  ftyled  Amazonians. 

That  this  Affyria  had  no  relation  to  Affur,  but  was  a 
compound  of  Ai-Sur,  may,  I  think,  be  proved  from  the  lat- 
ter term  being  found  out  of  compolition  ;  and  from  the  peo- 
ple being  often  called  Xv^oi,  and  Xv^ioi ;  Syri,  and  Syriajts. 
The  Scholiaft  upon  Dionyfius  mentions  them  by  this  name. 
^°  ^v^ioiy  01  "urcc^a  Qs^^oo^ovtcc  'sroraijcov.  The  people,  who  live 
upon  the  Thermodo^j,  (by  whom  are  meant  the  Amazonians) 
are  Syrians.  Herodotus  fays  the  fame  of  the  Cappadocians. 
''  Oi  h  K.0L7t7tCL^Qy.a.i  i)(p  'EAAj^f&jy  l,v^m  ovoi^oLipvroLi,  The  Cap- 
padocians are  by  the  Greeks  called  Syrians.  The  country  of 
the  people  muft  in  confequence  of  this  have  had  the  name 
of  Syria,  and  alfo  Ai-Xv^ioty  Ai-Suria ;   by  miftake  rendered 

'  0(  Se  ivv  "KccAdodDi  y^aXuCes  to  'ury.^a.iov  'jivojJioiQovro.     Ibid.  p.  826. 

Pompon.  Mela.  L.  i.e.  19. 
^'  Mens  Amazonium  etoppidum.    L.  6.  p.  303. 

V.  772.      Oj  'S.-J^oi  uto  riepaxv  y.a.?\.BvTxi  KxTTTra^oKcct.     Ibid.  p.  137, 
''  L.  I.e.  72.     See  Strabo.  L.  12.  p.  832. 

Vol.  III.  O  o  o  AfTyria. 

466  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  MyTHOLocy. 

Affyria.  The  inhabitants  were  alfo  called  ''  Aovzo-Xvpoi, 
Luco-Syrij  from  AovKy  and  2oy^,  two  names  of  the  Deity, 
whom  they  worfhiped.  Stephanus  Byzantinus  having  men- 
tioned, that  there  were  Chaldeans  near  Colchis,  XocK^oiiov 
s^vog  'UTMcriop  Trig  KoAp^iJ'o?,  quotes  a  fragment  out  of  Sopho- 
cles, wherein  thefe  peculiar  names  of  the  Pontic  Amazonians 
are  mentioned. 

'"  KoA^o?  T£,  XoL?,^ciiog  rs,  Kcti  Xv^oov  s^vog. 

They  had  alfo  the  name  of  Mauri,  or  Moors  j  iimilar  to 
thofe  of  their  family  in  India,  and  Mauritania.  Under  this 
appellation  they  are  mentioned  by  the  author  of  the  Or- 
phic Argonautica. 

Every  circumftance  fhews  plainly  their  original. 

As  this  people  had  different  titles  in  the  countries  where 
they  fettled  ;  and  often  in  the  fame  region  ;  their  hiftory 
by  thefe  means  has  been  confounded.  We  find,  that  they 
v/ere  called  not  only  Amazonians,  but  Syri,  Affyrii,  Chaldaei, 
Mauri,  Chalybes  :  and  were  ftill  further  diverlilied.  They 
were  the  fame  as  the  lonirn  ;  and  in  confequence  of  it  they 
are  faid  to  have  founded  the  chief  and  moft  ancient  cities  in 
Ionia,    and    its    neighbourhood.      Among   thefe  are    to    be 

''  Strabo.  L.  16.  p.  107  r,     AvKce,  Sol.  Macrob.  Saturn.  L.  i.  p.  194.     Hence 
Lux,  and  Luceo. 

'*  V.  741, 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  467 

reckoned  '^  Ephefus,  Smyrna,  Ciima,  Myrina,  Latorea,  Anaea, 
Elaea,  Myrlea,  Paphos,  Cuna  ;  befides  many  others,  which 
further  witnefs  their  original,  by  the  devices  on  their  coins. 
For  the  money  of  the  cities  in  Ajfia  Minor,  and  particularly 
of  thofe  in  Phrygia,  Ionia,  and  Myfia,  has  often  an  Amazon 
for  its  device.  At  other  times  there  is  a  reprefentation  of 
Rhea,  or  Cybele,  crowned  with  a  tower,  to  denote  the  reli- 
gion of  the  place.  And  as  the  Deity  there  worfliiped  was 
known  under  different  titles ;  the  names  of  thefe  cities  will 
be  found  to  have  a  reference  to  them.  And  not  only  the  cities, 
but  the  rivers  and  fountains  being  held  facred,  will  appear 
to  be  denominated  in  the  fame  manner :  and  from  hence  the 
original  of  the  people  may  be  known.  "^^'Ori  h  di  A^Md^ovsg 
'UToTsXovg  ev  AtrioL  koltb<T'^ov  roTrovg  'UTots,  ^yjAhiti  koli  KopOLi  Tivsg 
KiioL^ovm  oftmviJLoi,  Kai  [jltiv  koli  "uroAsig^  oiov  ccvr^  ri  E(pS(rog^  ri 
Mv^iVYj  Tj  KioXiKYi,  That  the  Amazons  held  many  places  i7i  Afiay 
may  be  fee?t  from  their  fiamcs  havi?Jg  been  given  to  fount  ai7tSy  as 

Kliju-W,  5ta/  yiupivm.,  Koci  ria.<pou^  Kxt  aAAa  itTrofJt.vtt{JixTix..   Strabo.  L.  1 1.  p.  771.     See 
Diodorus  Sic.  L.  3.  p.  1 88. 

'XfJifjp'''^ — a7ro2f<.'Jci'/)§  Afca^oro;.     Steph.  Byzant. 

Ky/A'/j — TOcTe  ovofjLix.  ccTTo  AjULcc^d'oi,  xcSxTTi^  Koci  «  Mv^ivii.     Strabo.  L.  1 1,  p.  771. 
KvfAV  Tnohii  AtoAiKr, — xtto  Kuum  Afx.a.^ovoi.      Steph. 
Latorea — xtto  Aa-Tcomai  Aucc^ovoi.     Athenseus.  L.  i.p.  31. 
Avccia. — CCTTO  Avatai  AfjLa^ovoi.     Steph. 
lB.Aa.ia. — xTTO^Xxiai  AfJLxC,ovo?.     Schol.  in  Dionyf.  v.  828. 
Korra — xtto  fj.ixi  rcov'C^ivuv.     Steph.  Byzant. 

Kai  STTuyufjLOUi  {toou  AjjlxC^'A'mv)  -zrroAeti  Tivca  etvxi  (pxai;  kxi  yxp  Efsaor,  kxi  ^y.vo- 
rnv,  xai  Kvy.vr,  xai  MvpAeixv.     Strabo.  L.  12.  p.  S27. 
*'  Scholia  in  Dionyf.  v.  S28. 

O  o  o  2  well 

468  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

ii^ell  as  to  cities  :  which  ?iames  are  J} ill  "  retained.  This  is  ap- 
parent in  the  name  oj  Ephejus^  Ancca^  and  of  My  r  in  a  in  j^olia. 
They  were  no  other  than  the  lonim,  of  whom  I  have  treated 
at  large:  and  though  the  Helladians  would  perfuade  us,  that 
this  part  of  the  world  was  peopled  from  Attica ;  and  from 
other  little  difl:ri6ls  in  Greece;  jet  it  is  all  a  miftake.  They 
gave  out,  that  ^*  Neileus,  Athamas,  iEgyptus,  and  Canopus 
an  Erythrean,  went  at  different  times  from  Hellas,  and  founded 
the  chief  places  in  Ionia.  They  were  without  doubt  founded 
by  Nileidoe,  and  people  of  Egypt:  by  Canopians  and  Ery- 
threans :  but  they  did  not  come  from  Greece.  The  moft 
memorable,  and  one  of  the  moft  ancient  events  in  the  annals 
of  this  country  was  \moq  a^*  Ji5,  the  arrival  of  Ion  the  fon  of 
Xuth.  He  was  fuppofed  to  have  come  in  the  reign  of'  Erec- 
theus,  and  to  have  fettled  in  Attica,  at  the  very  time,  that 
Hellen  the  fon  of  Deucalion  betook,  himfelf  to  Ai-mon, 
Ai^awj'ia,  the  fame  as  Theffaly.  We  are  affured  by  '°°  Thu- 
cydides,  and  by  other  good  writers,  that  Greece  v/as  for 
many  ages  after  this  in  an  unfettled  ftate,  and  thinly  peopled. 
And  the  natives  of  Attica  for  a  long  time  lived  '  difperfed  1 

"  TIiolc  ancient  term^.,  which  he  looi;s  upon  as  the  names  of  Amazons,  were 
iacred  titles  ;  and  all  related  to  the  religion  of  the  people.  Elasa  wgs  tlie  city  of 
the  Olive  :  Cuma  the  city  of  the  Sun  :  Cuna  the  Royal  city. 

'^  AiyuTTTcr  NgiAewf.     Paufan.  L.  7.  p.  526. 

^uXiu-. — a  MiPunoy.  Paufan.  L.  7.  p.  524.  Ecv^ipui SeKaivuiTrof,  or  as  Cafaubou 
reads,  Kvcairo?.     Strabo.  L.  14.  939. 

NeiAeu?,  nfAoxo!'t'i!ffj&)!' xai  Aom'aiwf  :S2/yju.gco?,  en  Acixv  £A9a'y  t«;  IccviXi   Mxiaty^ 
■37oAsi5.     Euleb.  Chron.  p.  ^6. 

'^  Strabo.  L.  8.  p.  587.     Tatianus  AfTyrius.  p.  274. 

'°°  L.  I.e.  ^. 

^  Plutarch,  in  Thefeo. 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  469 

and  were  not  formed  into  any  kind  of  community,  till  the 
time  of  Thefeiis.  Yet  there  are  faid  to  have  been  many 
colonies  fent  out  before  his  £era.  Nay  the  very  perfon, 
Ion,  the  fon  of  Xuth,  who  is  fuppofed  to  have  come 
in  the  moft  early  times,  led  out,  before  he  could  be 
well  fixed,  no  lefs  than  thirteen  colonics  to  Ionia.  '^  Athe- 
nienfes  ex  refponfis  Apollinis  Delphici  communi  confi.- 
lio  totius  Hellados  tredeeim  colonias  uno  tempore  in  Afiam 
deduxerunt :  ducefque  in  fingulis  coloniis  conftituerunt ;  et 
fummam  imperii  partem  loni^  Xeuthi  et  Creufa;  filio  dede- 
runt.  'The  ylthenians  in  obediejice  to  fome  oracles  of  Apollo  at 
Delphi^  by  the  joint  C07ife7it  of  the  whole  Hellenic  fiate^  fent  out 
at  the  fame  time  thirteen  colonies  into  Afia^  and  appoi7ited  a 
leader  to  each.  Bict  the  chief  co?7tmand  of  the  whole  they  i7i~ 
trufled  to  /<?';?,  the  fon  of  Xetith  and  Creufa. 

Under  the  hillory  of  Ion  and  Hellen  is  fignified  the  arri- 
val of  the  lones  and  Hellenes  ;  who  came  into  Attica  and 
Theflaly.  In  thefe  times  there  was  no  Hellenic  body  :  nor 
was  the  name  of  Hellas  as  yet  in  general  acceptation :  fo 
that  the  above  hiftory  is  all  a  fable.  How  is  it  poilible  to 
conceive,  that  a  country  fhould  be  able  to  fend  out  thirteen 
bodies  of  men  fo  early  :  or  that  people  fhould  migrate,  be- 
fore they  could  be  well  fettled  ?  It  was,  it  feems,  effedled 
by  the  joint  advice  of  all  the  Grecian  ftates.  But  there  was 
at  thefe  times  neither  Hellenic  flate,  nor  kingdom  ;  nor  were 
any  of  the  great  communities  formed.  Befides  the  above- 
mentioned,  there  were  other  colonies  fent  out  in  a  long;  fuc- 

*  Vitruvius.  L.  4.  c.  i. 

lones,  duce  lone,  profecti  Athenis  nobiliffimam  partem  regionis  maritimre  occu- 
paverunt.     Velleius  Paterculus.  L.  i.  c.  4. 

cefllon  : 

47<^  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

ceffion  :   and  thefe  fo  numerous,  that  one  would  imagine  that 
the  country  quite  up  to  Thrace  muft  have  been  e'xhaufted. 
One  of  thefe  was  led  by  ^  lolaus  from  Attica  and  Thefpis  : 
and  not  long  after  there  were  migrations  under  *  Phorbus  to 
Rhodes ;    and  under  Tleptolemus  of  ^  Argos   to  the   fame 
place  :   under  Triopas  to  ^  Caria  ;  and  under  others  to  Crete. 
Under  Penthilus  the  fon  of  Oreftes  to  Thrace :   under  Ar- 
chelaus  to  Cyzicus  and  Bithynia.   The  Athenians  pretended 
to  have  founded  Erythaea;  and  to  have  built  Cuma,  Ephefus, 
and  the  twelve  cities  of  Ionia  :   and  mofl;  of  the  iflands  were 
peopled  from  the  fame  ^  quarter.   The  Amazonian  city  Elaia 
was  according  to  them  built  by  *  Mneftheus,   who  lived  at 
the  fuppofed  a^ra  of  Troy :  all  which  is  inconfiftent  and  un- 
true.     Some  fugitives  from  Hellas  may  at  times  have  croffed 
the  feas :   but  the  celebrated  cities  of  Ionia  were  coeval  with 
Greece  itfelf,  and  built  by  people  of  the  fame  family,  the 
lonim,  who  at  other  times  were  ftyled  Amazons.    Their  hif- 
tory  was  obfolete  ;  and  has  been  greatly  mifreprefented  ;   yet 
there  are  evidences  ftill  remaining  to  fhew  who  they  were  : 
and  the  Grecians,  however  inconliftent  it  may  appear,  con- 
fefs,  that  thefe  cities  were  of  '  Amazonian  original. 

The   Amazons   were  '°  Arkites,  who  came  from  Egypt ; 

'  Paufanias.  L.  7.  p.  524.     He  gives  an  account  of  many  colonies. 

*  Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  13.  Verfionis  Lat. 

'  This  was  before  the  war  of  Troy. 
E/$  Voaov  i^sv  aAwyW.ews  aAyeat.  Tirao-^mv  (TAwTrToAsfta;).      Iliad.  B.  V.  66y. 

^  See  Marfhani's  Chron.  p.  340.  Grtecorum  Coloniie. 

^  Strabo.  L.  14.  p.  939.     See  Marmora  Arundeliana. 

EAa/a  'Mevio'UBcoi  ■x.i i<j fJici^  xai  toov  auv  c.uTa  Amircciooy  tmv  crvq' pariucrxvTOov  eiri 
lAioc.     Strabo.  L.  13.  p.  923. 

'  See  backward  the  quotations  from  Strabo,  Diodorus,  Stephanus,  Athenens,  and 
the  Scholiafts,  p.  467. 

'°  One  of  their  chief  cities  was  called  Archceopolis.  Procop.  de  B.  G.  L.  4.0.  13. 

10  and 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythologt.         471 

and  worfniped  the  Sun,  and  Selene,  the  chief  deities  of  the 
country,  from  whence  they  came.  Herodotus  ftyles  them 
i^orpata,  and  fays,  that  they  had  this  name  from  killino- 
their  hufoands.  But  granting  that  they  were  women,  I  never 
found  that  they  ever  had  huibands  ;  unlefs  an  accidental 
commerce  with  any  man  they  met,  and  fuch  as  they  are  here 
fuppofed  immediately  to  kill,  can  entitle  him  to  be  called 
an  hufband.  ^orpata  is  a  name  taken  from  their  worfhip  ; 
which  was  given  to  their  priefts.  It  Hgnilies  a  prieft  of  nw, 
or  Orus,  analogous  to  Pataneit,  Patazithes,  Atropata,  Afam- 
pata,  of  Egypt,  and  other  countries.  Thefe  priefts  ufed  to 
facrilice  ftrangers,  who  by  chance  came  upon  their  coaft  j 
and  from  thence  were  ftyled  {Av^^ohtovoi)  murderers. 

It  is  well  known,  that  the  Egyptians  admitted  the  fiftrum 
among  their  military  inftruments  of  mufick  ;  and  made  ufe 
of  it,  when  they  went  to  war.  Hence  Virgil  fays  of  Cleo- 
patra— "  patrio  vocat  agmina  fiftro.  And  the  fame  princefs 
is  upbraided  by  another  poet  for  prefuming  to  bring  this 
barbarous  inftrument  in  oppoiition  to  the  Roman  trumpet — 

"  Romanamque  tubam  crepitant!  pellere  fiftro.. 

The  fame  pradlice  prevailed  among  the  Amazons,  who  wor- 
ihiped  the  Ifts  of  Egypt,  and  made  ufe  of  her  fiftrum,  when 
they  engaged  in  battle. — '^  Apud  Amazonas  fiftro  ad  bellum 
ieminarum  exercitus  vocabatur.  They  are  the  words  of  Ifi- 
dorus,  who  gives  into  the  notion  of  their  being  a  nation  of 

"  Virgil.  iEneis.  L.  8.  v.  696. 

Propertius.  L.  3.  Eleg.  9.  v.  43.. 
''  Ifidorus.  Orig.  L.  2.  c.  21. 

women ; 

472  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

women  ;  but  affords  us  this  material  circumftance  in  their 
hiftory.  In  another  place  he  fpeaks  to  the  fame  purpofe. 
'*Apud.  Amazonas  autem  non  tuba,  ficut  a  reglbus,  fed  a 
regina  fiftro  vocabatur  fcemlnarum  exercltus. 

The  Amazonians  of  Colchis  and  Armenia  were  not  far  re- 
moved from  the  Mlnyae  near  Mount  Ararat :  and  were  un- 
doubtedly  of  the  fame  family.  They  were  Arkltes,  as  we 
may  learn  from  the  people  of  Pontic  Theba ;  and  followed 
the  rites  of  the  Ark,  under  the  name  of  Meen,  Baris,  and 
lona.  Hence  it  is,  that  they  have  ever  been  reprefented  with 
lunar  fhields.  Many  have  thought,  that  they  were  of  a  lunar 
Ihape  :  but  this  is  a  miftake,  for  moft  of  the  Aliatic  coins 
reprefent  them  otherwife.  The  lunette  was  a  device  taken 
from  their  worfhip.  It  was  the  national  eniign,  which  was 
painted  upon  their  fhields:  whence  it  is  faid  of  them:  pi^lis 
bellantur  Amazones  armls.  And  in  another  place :  ducit 
Amazonidas  lunatis  agmlna  peltis  Penthifelea  furens.  The 
Amazonian  fliield  approached  nearly  to  the  fliape  of  a  leaf,  as 
did  the  fhields  of  the  Gothic  nations.  Pliny  fays  of  the  In- 
dian fig  :  '^  Foliorum  latitudo  peltas  effigiem  Amazonlze 
habet.  Upon  thefe  fhields  they  had  more  lunettes  than  one  : 
and  from  them  the  cuftom  was  derived  to  the  Turks,  and 
other  Tartar  nations. 

A  large  body  of  this  family  fettled  upon  the  Boriithenes  ; 
alfo  in  the  Tauric  Cherfonefe,  and  in  the  '*  regions  adjacent. 


"  Ifidorus.  Orig.  L.  i8.c.  4. 

"  Pliny.  Hill.  Nat.  L.  12.  c.5.  p.  657. 

'*  Efpecially  upon  the  Tanais. 

Tca-(T0i  fJLiv  ■nrOTo.fJiov  ■zs-eon'cciSrcciiO'i, 

So'cToi,  Kifx/jiSpiot  Ts.     Dionyf.  Ilfpiny.  v.  678. 


The  Analvsis  of  Ancient  MyTHOLocy.       473 

In  thefe  places  they  were  ftyled  Amazons,  and  alfo  '''  Cim- 
merians. Some  writers  have  thought,  that  the  colony  of  the 
Colchians  was  from  hence  :  but  others  more  truly  fuppofe, 
that  this  people  came  from  Colchis.  They  were  once  a  very 
powerful  '^  nation,  and  made  a  coniiderable  figure :  and 
though  their  hiflory,  on  account  of  their  antiquity,  is  fome- 
what  dark,  yet  we  have  fufficient  evidences  of  their  greatnefs. 
They  are  faid  to  have  overran  the  coafl:  of  Pontus  and  Bithy- 
nia ;  and  to  have  feized  upon  all  Ionia.  But  as  the  times 
■of  thefe  inroads  are  varioufly  reprefented,  there  is  reafon  to 
think,  that  thefe  hiftories  relate  to  their  firft  fettling  in  thofe 
parts.  For  though  it  is  not  impoflible,  but  that  one  part  of 
a  family  may  make  war  upon  another,  yet  it  is  not  in  this 
inftance  probable.  We  know  that  moft  of  the  migrations 
of  old  were  by  the  Greeks  reprefented  as  warlike  expedi- 
tions. And  there  is  room  to  think,  that  this  has  been  mif- 
•reprefented  in  the  fame  manner.  However  both  ''  Herodo- 
tus and  Strabo  mention  thefe  invafions;  and  the  latter  fpeaks 

Here  was  a  river  PIkiPis,  fimilar  to  that  at  Colchis.  E^-/  ya.p  zxi  mgo;  (^ao-/?)  Eu^w» 
7r«?,  'wX'iKTiQv  TM5  MciicaTiS'oi  A;/vti';i$,  T'd  Ta.vxii'Qi  'nrora.fJM,  Scholia  in  Find. 
Pyth.  Od.  V.  4.  376. 

''  Some  fpeak  of  the  Amazons  and  Cimmerians  as  only  confederates :  but  they 
were  certainly  the  fame  people.     When  Seneca  mentions  the  Amazons  invading 
Attica,  he  brings  them  from  the  Tanais  and  Ma^otis. 
Qualis  relidlis  frigidi  Ponti  plagis 
£git  catervas  Atticum  pulfans  Iblum 

Tanaitis  autMsotis Hippolytus.  Aft.  2.  v.  399. 

£ut  they  are  generally  fuppofed  to  have  come  from  the  Thermodon. 

'*  ExsJiTHCTo  tT'  01  Kiufx.epizi  fxiyccXriv  -zirore  iv  tu  Bo(TTOca  iuvxi^iv'  S'lOTip  xui  Kitn- 
'IJLspfKoiBotnropoiojvouccG-b)].     Strabo.  L.  1 1,  p.  756. 
■9  L.  I.  c.  6.  15. 

Vol.  III.  P  P  P  of 

474  The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology. 

of  the  Cimmerians  as  being  likewife  called  ""*  TpYjPCfJvcg,  Tre- 
rones.  He  fays,  that  they  often  made  inroads  upon  the 
Ibuthern  coaft  of  Pontus,  and  all  the  neighbouring  pro- 
vinces ;  fometimes  invading  the  Paphlagonians,  and  at  other 
times  the  Phrygians  and  lonians.  This  is  extraordinary  ; 
for  they  were  certainly  of  the  fame  family  as  the  lonim,  who 
were  denominated  from  lonah,  the  Dove.  The  word  T^rj^ooVy 
Treron,  is  a  tranflation  of  the  original  name  ;  and  is  pre- 
cifcly  of  the  fame  purport.  Hence  we  read  in  Homer  more 
than  once  of  ''  T^Ti^uova  'WzKsiCf.v  and  of  Mycene,  the  city  of 
luno,  being  ftyled  "  UToTwT^rj^uvct  Mvkyivyiv.  It  has  been  fliewn, 
that  the  Cimmerians  worfhiped  Ofiris,  and  the  emblematical 
Deity  Taur-Ione  :  fo  that  we  may  be  certified  of  their  ori- 
ginal. The  people,  whom  they  invaded  upon  the  coaft  of 
Pontus,  were  both  Cimmerians  and  Amazonians.  They 
lived  near  the  lake  Acherufia,  upon  the  river  Sagar  ;  or  as 
the  Greeks  expreffed  it  ""^  Xayya^iog  :  and  one  of  their  chief 
cities  was  ^^  Heraclea.  What  is  moft  extraordinary,  while 
they  are  carrying  on  thefe  adts  of  hoftility,   they  are  joined 

*°  Oi  re  KiiJ.fxspioi,  oui  re,  xcci  T^r,poora:i  ovofJLOi^'daiv,  n  sxiivoov  rt  suyo;,  ■vioXKa.v.n 
STTS'^ pxnov  Toc.  cfgfia  y.ep-n  rid  llovT'd^  x.cct  tcl  ami'x^i-\  ccujoii^  jctA.  Scrabo.  L,  i.  p.  io6. 

"  Iliad.  X.v.  2^8.  ^.v.  853. 

"  Iliad.  B.  V.  502.  and  v.  582.  They  were  alfo  Amazonians :  their  chief  river 
the  Tanais  was  ftyled  Amazonius.  ixex.Xino  cTg  si^orspoi'  Afxa^oviof.  Audor  de  Flu- 
minibus.  Geogr.  Vet.  v.  2.  p.  27. 

They  were  of  the  Titanic  race,  and  are  faid  to  have  retreated  hither  after  their  de- 
feat, and  to  have  been  fheltered  in  a  ftrong  hold  called  Keira.     Dion.  Caffius. 

''  Sagar  is  the  fame  as  Sachor,  the  name  of  the  Nile,  which  has  been  given  to  a 
river  in  Pontus.  Acherufia  is  from  the  fame  quarter.  In  thefe  parts  was  a  river 
Indus.     Amnis  Indus  in  Cibyritarum  jugis  ortus.     Pliny.  L.  5.  p.  275. 

'-*  risAi?  'HpcLxXacx. — STTB  Ki^jwspio;.     Scholia  in  Dionyf  v.  790. 

'HjcaxAeia — 'u:epivv  A^epBO'ix'Ksfpovncrof.     Ibid. 


The   Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  475 

by  the  very  people,  the  Amazonians,  upon  whom  they  are 
making  war.     ""^^ovsg  rp  Aoria.  STrriKdov  ol^ol  KtfJLfXs^ioig, 

OLVTCLl  KOLl  TO  BV  E(pS<T(f  Is^QV  'Ur^07ZV£77^T\(TCLy.  The  Amazo'/is 
overran  Ajia  in  co?ijiin£iion  with  the  Cimmerians :  they  likewife 
burnt  the  temple  at  Ephefus.  This  too  is  very  extraordinary: 
for  it  was  a  noble  ftru6liire ;  which  they  had  ereded  with 
their  own  hands ;  and  which  they  muft  have  particularly 
reverenced.  The  city  Ephefus  was  the  chief  feat  of  the 
Amazonian  lonim. 

Ev^cc  S-gj}  'WOTS  vYfiy  Afjict^onosg  tstv^qitq. 

The  like  is  mentioned  by  Mela.  ^''  Ephefus,  et  Dian^e  cla- 
riilimum  templum,  quod  iVmazones  Afia  potentes  facraffe 
traduntur.  I  think  it  is  fcarcely  poflible  for  thefe  accounts 
to  be  precifcly  true.  We  may  be  allured,  according  to  the 
generally  received  opinion  concerning  the  lonians,  that  they 
v/ere  the  fame  as  the  Amazonians;  and  their  cities  were 
of  Amazonian  original.  The  beft  hiftories  are  to  this  pur- 
pofe  :  and  the  coins  of  almoft  every  city  further  prove  it. 
The  Grecians  indeed,  though  they  continually  contradict 
themfelves,  claim  the  honour  of  having  peopled  thefe  re- 
gions. But  as  this  was  a  work  of  great  antiquity,  they  have 
been  forced  to  carry  the  aera  of  their  peregrinations  fo  high, 
as  to  totally  difagree  with  their  Hate  and  hiftory.      In  confe- 

*'  Eufeb.  Chron.  p.  35.     Syncellus.  p.  178. 

'^  Dionyfius.  v.  827.     See  alfo  Paufaaias.  L.  4.  p.  ^§-/. 

'■'  Mela.  L,  I.e.  17.  p.  87. 

P  p  p  2  quencc 

476  The   Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

quence  of  this,  they  are  reprefented  as  making  powerful  fet- 
tlements  abroad,  before  they  could  maintain  themfelves  at 
home  :  at  a  time  when  their  country  was  poorly  inhabited  : 
and  muft  have  been  exhaufted  by  fuch  draughts.  Strabo, 
who  had  enquired  into  thefe  hiftories  diligently,  laments  the 
uncertainty,  with  which  they  are  attended.  He  gives  into 
the  common  notion,  that  Rhodes,  and  other  Afiatic  places, 
were  peopled  from  Greece  before  the  war  of  Troy  :  yet 
feems  to  be  diffident ;  and  coniefTes,  that  the  accounts  given 
of  thefe  places  and  countries  are  very  obfcure  and  uncertain. 
f  This  obfcurity^  fays  Strabo,  has  arifeji  not  only  from  the 
changes  and  revolutions^  which  have  happened  in  thefe  provinces', 
but  alfo  from  the  dif agreement  to  be  found  in  writers,  who  never 
defcribe  the  fa7ne  fa8l  iit  the  fame  maiiner.  The  inroads  of  the 
Cimmerians  and  Amazonians  are  equally  obfcure  and  un- 

It  is  mentioned  by  ApoUonius  Rhodius,  that,  when  Or- 
pheus played  upon  the  lyre,  the  trees  of  Pieria  came  down 
from  the  hills  to  the  Thracian  coaft,  and  ranged  themfelves 
in  due  order  at  '^^  Zona.  As  the  people,  of  whom  I  have  been 
treating,  worfhiped  the  Sun,  whom  they  ftyledZon,  there  were 
in  confequence  of  it  many  places,  which  they  occupied,  called 
Zona.  One  of  thefe,  we  find,  was  in  Thrace,  near  the  Hebrus. 
It  was  undoubtedly  a  city  built  by  the  Orphite  priefts,  and 
denominated  from  the  luminary,  which  they  adored.    There 

rsycve  (fg  «  cio-a(pet<z  ov  S'la  xa;  />c£TafoAa;  fjcovov,  a.XAa.  xxt  S'lx  rai  roov  avfy^a,- 
(pioiv  ocvofjLoKoytai,  srepi  rooi'  aVTcav  ov  ra  clvtcx,  Aeyoyruv.     Strabo.  L.  12.  p.  859, 

^'  Argonaut.  L.  i.  v.  29. 

Serrium,  et,  quo  canentem  Orphea  fecuta  narrantur  nemora.  Zone.  Mela.  L.2.' 
c.  2.  p.  140.     See  Herod.  L.  7.  c,  59. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  477 

was  a  city  Zona  in  Africa,  faid  to  have  been  taken  by  the 
Roman  ^°  general  Seftius ;  which  we  may  fuppofe  to  have 
been  named  from  the  fame  objed:.  I  mention  thefe  things, 
becaufe  there  was  likewife  a  city  ^'  Zona  of  the  Amazons 
in  Cappadocia,  which  led  the  Greeks  into  a  ftrange  miftake. 
For  when,  in  their  legendary  hiftories,  they  fuppofe  Hercu- 
les to  march  to  Zona,  and  to  take  it ;  they  mifconftrue  the 
name,  and  imagine,  that  it  was  ^ocvyj,  a  ba?idage.  Hence  in- 
ftead  of  a  city,  they  uniformly  render  it  i^w^h]^,  and  make  the 
grounds  of  the  Amazonian  war  to  have  been  a  woman's 

The  term  Zon,  the  Sun,  was  oftentimes  varied  to  Zan, 
Zaon,  and  Zoan  :  and  people  and  places  were  accordingly 
denominated.  I  have  taken  notice  of  the  ^^  Suanes  and  Soanes 
of  Colchis  ;  who  were  fometimes  called  "  Zani.  Mention 
is  made  of  a  temple  in  Thrace  named  I^olov^  Saon  ;  which  is 
a  variation  of  the  fame  term,  as  is  mentioned  above.  It  was 
iituated  near  a  cavern:  and  is  faid  to  have  been  built  by  the 
Corybantes,  and  to  have  alfo  had  the  name  of  Zerynthus. 
^'  Lycophron  accordingly   ftyles  it,    Zr,^vi/dov  an^QV — s^v^vop- 

'"  Dionyf.  Hift.  Rom.  L.  48. 

"  It  is  called  Zoana  by  Antoninus,  p.  1S2.  who  places  it  in  Armenia  Minor  v 
which  was  an  Amazonian  province,  and  often  afcribed  to  Capp^idocia. 

'^  Pliny.  L.  6.  c.  4. 

"  They  were  called  Zani,  Zaini,  and  Zanitc-e  :  alio  SanitcE.  Agathias.  L.  5.  p. 
143.  To-«n'0(,  Tiaini.  The  author  of  the  Chronicon  Pafchale  calls  them  Salli  and 
Sanitse,  SaAAoi  xa.i  Xccvtrai — otou  e~iv  «  'u:a.^ifj£oAn  A-^-aps?.  p.  ^54.  Both  terms 
relate  to  the  Sun,  ftyled  Sal,  and  Sol ;  Zan,  and  Zon.  The  Amazons  lived  betweea 
the  Thermodon  and  the  river  Aplarus. 

■'*  Lycoph.  V.  77, 

2  One 

478  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

One  of  the  moft  extraordinary  circumftances  in  the  hiflory 
of  the  Amazons  is  their  invalion  of  Attica.  They  are  re- 
prefented  as  women,  who  came  from  the  river  Thermodon, 
in  revenge  for  the  infult  offered  to  them  by  Hercules,  who 
had  plundered  their  country.  Their  attack  is  defcribed  as 
very  violent ;  and  the  conflid:  for  a  long  time  doubtful.  At 
lafl:,  having  loft  many  of  their  companions,  they  were  ob- 
liged to  retreat,  and  intirely  leave  the  country.  The  Athe- 
nians pretended  to  have  many  evidenices  of  this  invasion  : 
they  pointed  out  the  place  of  engagement  :  the  very  fpot, 
where  they  afterwards  entered  into  a  truce  :  and  they  could 
fhew  the  tombs  of  thofe  Amazons,,  who  fell  in  the  difpute. 
The  place  was  named  Amazoneum:  and  there  was  an  ancient 
pillar  near  it,  faid  to  have  been  ereded  by  this  people.  The 
hiftory  given  is  circumftantial,  yet  abounds  with  inconfiften- 
cies ;  and  is  by  no  writer  uniformly  related.  Such  a  people 
as  the  Amazonians  had  certainly  been  in  Attica :  the  Athe- 
nians, as  well  as  the  Boeotians,  were  in  great  meafure  de- 
fcended  from  them.  Plutarch  from  the  names  of  places, 
which  had  a  reference  to  the  Amazonian  hiftory,  tries  to 
fhew  the  certainty  of  this  invafton,  and  of  the  circumftances, 
with  which  it  was  faid  to  have  been  attended.  For  there 
was  a  building  named  "  Horcomoftum,  which  he  fuppofes  to 
have  been  the   place  of  truce  ;   and  he  mentions  facrifices, 

"  AA Aa  Tfa'Q'S  Tcv  'TfToKifJLOv  en  Tirovicx.i  TsAstTHo-aj  fxacpTuptor  (t^i  ini  tb  Toir'd  ■>t?<.n- 
oii  TO  ■wxfcx.  TO  ©Jjcrgjcr,  ov  i^ep  Opxwftocr/o}'  KaAycr/f,  me  •)  erofxer/i  'zs-aAcci  ^-jtricc  Ton 
AfJiaC^oai  ■uTpoToivQiio-etocv.  Thefeus.  vol.  i.  p.  13.  Orchom-ous,  like  Afterous, 
Ampeloiis,  Maurous,  Amathous,  Achorous,  fignilies  a  place  facred  to  Or-Chom. 
He  was  the  Orcharnus  of  the  eait :  and  the  fame  perfonage  from  whom  the  cities 
called  Orchomencs  had  their  name. 

6  which 

The  Analysis  of   Ancient  Mythology.  479 

which  iifcd  there  to  be  offered  to  the  Amazons.  But  there 
is  nothing  in  thefc  arguments,  which  proves  the  point  in 
qucftion.  The  name  of  the  place,  if  it  be  genuine,  may  re- 
late to  an  oath  :  but  it  does  not  necellarily  follow,  that  the 
Amazons  here  entered  into  a  treaty  ;  nor  do  the  rites  eftab- 
lifhcd  at  all  fliew,  that  they  were  in  a  date  of  hofWity  with 
the  ^*  Athenians.  The  rites  confifted  originally  in  offerings 
made  to  the  Deity,  from  whom  the  Amazons  received  their 
name.  He  was  called  Azon,  and  Amazon,  the  fame  as  Ares, 
the  Sun.  They  worfhiped  both  Ares  and  Harmon  :  which, 
the  Grecians  chanc^ed  to  a  feminine  Harmonia:  and  the  Am- 
azons,  in  confequence  of  this  worfhip,  were  faid  to  be  the 
offspring  of  thofe  Deities. 


A/)  ya^  KOLi  ysysYiv  srocv  A^sog  ^A^^ovir^  ts. 

By  yzvzfi  A^sog  koli  A^fj-oviri^  is  meant  the  children  of  the  Surt 
and  Moon.  Hence  it  is,  that  the  wife  of  Cadmus  was  faid  to 
be  Harmonia ;  for  the  Cadmians  were  certainly  Amazonians, 
After  the  Grecians  had  fuppofed,  that  thefe  female  warriors 
invaded  their  country,  and  were  repulf'ed,  they  were  at  a  lofs 
to  account  whither  they  afterwards  withdrew.      Some  have 

'*  By  Plato  they  are  faid  to  hare  been  condufled  by  Eumolpus.  Eufxo?:7r3  fj.sp 
ovv  y.a.1^'jvciov  i7riq-paT:.vaur-ioiv  iiri  tw  •^uoa.v.  Menexeiuis.  vol.  2.  p.  239. 
He  introduced  hymns,  and  facrifices,  and  the  myfteries  at  Eleufis.  This  could  not 
be  the  work  of  an  enemy  in  a  ftate  of  war. 

''  Apollon.  Argonaut.  L.  2.  v.  992. 

Har-Mon  is  Dominus  Lunus.  Hara  Mona,  from  whence  came  'ApiJ.ovia,  Domi- 
naLuna.  The  Cadmians  were  certainly  Amazonians;  but  their  ancient  name  by 
length  of  time  was  effaced. 


480  The  Anj\lysis   of  Ancient  Mythology, 

given  out,  that  they  retreated  into  Magna  ^^  Gr^cia,  where 
they  founded  the  city  ^'  Cleite :  and  Ifocrates  fo  far  agrees, 
as  to  acknowledge,  that  none  of  them  returned  to  their  own 
^^  country.  But  Lylias  goes  farther,  and  fays,  ^'  that  their 
nation  was  wholly  ruined  by  this  expedition  :  that  they 
loft  their  territories,  and  were  never  more  heard  of.  Upon 
all  which  ^°  Plutarch  obferves,  i^at  we  7}iuft  ?tot  wo?tder.i  when 
tra}ifa8iions  are  of  fiich  aniiqtiity^  if  hiflory  fJjould  prove  contra- 
diSiory  a?id  obfcure.  The  Amazons  were  fuppofed  to  have 
always  fought  on  horfeback  ;  and  they  were  thus  defcribed 
by  Micon  in  the  Poicile  at  *' Athens.  Yet  it  is  certain,  that 
the  ufe  of  cavalry  in  war  was  not  known  in  Greece  till  long 
after  this  asra  :  and,  if  we  may  credit  Homer,  the  Afiatic 
nations  at  the  liege  of  Troy  were  equally  unacquainted  with 
this  advantage.  The  ftrongeft  argument  for  this  invafton 
of  the  Amazons,  and  their  defeat,  was  the  tombs  of  thofe, 
who  were  flain.  Thefe  are  mentioned  by  many  writers.  But 
tlie  Grecians  had  likewife  the  tomb  of  Dionufus,  of  Deuca- 
lion, of  Orion  ;  and  the  tombs  of  other  perfons,  who  never 
exifted  :   all  which  were  in  reality  high  altars,  raifed  in  an- 

Scholia  in  Lycoph.  v.  1332. 

"  KXiiTi). — jxixTuv  AfA.aZ.ovuivmcXivsx.TiO'i.     Etymolog.  Mag. 

^'    AiyiTUI  IJ.iV  O'JV  ■ZHi^t  TClIV  AfJLX^Oi'OJV,  (iJi  TMV  fAlV  eA^daCOV  B^ifJitai  IjTxXiv  (X.TTYl'h^iV. 

'At  ^i  u7rcAit(p^ei(jXi  d  IX  rnv  ev^xSe  (7Vjj.(popxv  tJt  rm  xo^k  iCji^K-iihwxv.  In 
PariCgyr.  p.  93. 

"  Ex£i»cii  \jiiv  cut'  TiK  aAAoT^/as  a.'Stx.coi  eirSypt.iia'xa-xi  rrjv  auruv  aixxieoi  xTu?y?aav. 

T/)»  txvTKv  -wxTfiSx  Stx  Till'  ii'^xh  av/jLCp-ioxv  xycDVUf/.ov  zxTSi^iiarxf'.  Lyfias.  Funeb. 
Orat.  T015  KooifbLoiv  Ci«9ois. 

*"  Qxvjxxq'ov  ax  e~n'  eyrt  'urpxyjAx-aiv  arw  TuxxXxioii  -TurKxvxavxi  my  tq'optxn, 
Plutarch  in  Thefeo.  p.  13. 

*'  T«5  Se  A/Aa^Qvas  axoTii,  as  MiKuv  eypx-^iv  iiri  'iirircjof  /i/.a;^ojMgraf.  Ariftophanis 
J^^vfilirau.  V.  6'io.  cicnt 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  481 

cient  (lays.  The  whole  of  this  hiftory  relates  to  old  rites 
and  cuftoms,  and  not  to  any  warlike  expedition.  They  like- 
wife  fhewed  a  pillar,  called  Amazoneum,  which  was  fuppofed 
to  have  been  denominated  from  this  ^'  people.  But  we  can 
only  infer  from  it,  that  fuch  people  were  once  in  the  country, 
and  probably  ereded  it.  This  was  the  exprefs  objed  to  which 
the  Amazonians  paid  their  adoration  ;  as  they  lived  in  an 
age,  when  ftatues  were  not  known.  Such  a  one  the  Arcro- 
riauts  are  faid  to  have  found  in  the  temple  of  Arez,  when 
they  landed  upon  the  coaft  of  Pontus ;  and  made  their  offer- 
ings to  the  Deity. 

^<T<rv^BV(^;,  rj  r  suTog  ccvri^s^psog  'urzhB  vy\^ 

'Is^og,  w  'urors  'WaTon  AMAZONE2  svysTooono, 

Now  to  the  grove  of  Arez  they  repair. 

And  while  the  vidims  bleed,  they  take  their  ftand 

Around  the  glowing  altar,  full  in  front 

Of  a  fair  temple.      Here  of  ebon  hue 

Rifes  in  air  a  lofty  antique  ftone. 

Before  it  all  of  Amazonian  name 

Bow  low,  and  make  their  vows. 

That  the  tombs  fpoken  of  were  high  altars  is  evident  from 
their  lltuation  :   for  how  could  they  otherwife  be   found  in 

riAiKTiov  ooTcii  rccv  TmiXcav  'w^oi  rri  AfJt.a^oriS'i  c^vXv.     Plato  in  Axiocho.  vol.  -5. 

''  Apollon.  Argon.  L.  2.  v.  1174. 

Vol.  III.  Q^q  q  the 

482  The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology. 

the  middle  of  the  ^'  city :  and  in  fo  many  different  places. 
There  was  an  Amazonian  monument  at  ^'^  Megara  :  and 
tombs  of  Amazons  near  ''^  Chceronea  upon  a  river  named 
Thermodon.  The  like  were  fliewn  in  Theflaly  near  ^*  Sco- 
tuffasa,  and  Cunofcephale :  all  which  were  fuppofed  to  have 
been  places  of  burials,  where  Amazons  had  been  flain.  To 
thefe  might  be  added  monuments  of  the  fame  nature  in 
^^  Ionia  :  and  others  in  ^^  Mauritania  ;  all  mifconftrued,  and 
fuppofed  to  have  been  tombs  of  female  warriors.  In  refpedt 
to  thofe  at  Athens,  the  place  where  they  were  ere6led  (sv  ctg-Biy 
within  the  walls  of  the  ^'  city  J  and  the  facrifices  there  offered, 
fhew,  that  they  could  not  relate  to  enemies  :  but  were  the 
work  of  people,  who  had  there  ''°  fettled.  The  river  Ther- 
modon, which  was  alfo  called  'Ai^m,  in  Theffaly,  could  not 
have  received  its  name  from  a  tranlient  march  of  Amazons ;. 
but  muft  have  been  fo  called  from  people  of  tliat  family^ 
who  relided  in  thofe  parts.  Every  circumftance  of  this  fup- 
pofed invalion  is  attended  with  fome  abfurdity.  It  was. 
owing,  we  are  told,  to  the  injuflice  of  Hercules,  who  ftole 
the  girdle  of  Hippolyte  ;   and  attacked  the  nation,  of  which 

*'  Plutarch  in  Thefeo,  p.  13.  Ey  ac^u  'x.a.ri'^^oTrfS'euffa.v.  p.  12.  Ev  Tvi-sroAgc. 

**  Ibid.  p.  13. 

''  Ibid. 

**  Ibid.     Called  by  Plutarch  SxoToyo-cra.'a.     By  fomeic  is  exprefled  Scotuffiu 

*■'  Xiip'.ac}-1vpiyi">ji.     Homer.  Iliad.  B.  v.  813. 

*'  DiodorusSic.  L.  3.  p.  188. 

*'  They  were,  according  to  Plutarch,  fuppofed  to  have  fought  'uri^i  tav  VIvvkhc 
xcci  TO  Maaeicv.  The  place  called  Uiv^  was  clofe  to  the  Acropolis.  YJw^  Ss  ijs 
^^lov  -zs-ipi  iw  Ait.po7roA.iv.     Jul.  Pollux.  L.  8.  c.  10.  p.  957. 

'°  Plutarch  in  Thefeo.  p.  13. 


The   Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  483 

(Ke  was  queen,  fo  as  to  quite  ^'  ruin  it.  The  Amazons  having 
been  thus  cruelly  defeated  and  weakened  ;  and  not  being 
able  to  withftand  their  next  '^'^  neighbours,  refolved  to  wage 
war  with  the  Greeks,  and  particularly  with  Thefeus  of 
Athens.  They  accordingly  began  their  march,  being  fully 
determined  to  make  reprifals.  In  this  difpojQtion  of  mind, 
one  would  imagine,  that  they  took  the  diredl  way  to  Greece  : 
but  it  was  far  otherwife.  The  rout,  by  which  they  are  fup- 
pofed  to  have  gone,  was  quite  the  reverfe  of  the  path,  which 
led  to  Greece.  Every  ftep  was  in  a  contrary  direftion.  To 
arrive  at  the  fouth-weft  they  paffed  north-eaft ;  and  ranging 
round  the  whole  Euxine  Sea,  by  Mount  Caucafus  and  Col- 
chis, to  the  "  Cimmerian  Bofporus;  and  having  pafled  many 
hills  and  many  rivers  ;  among  which  were  the  Phalis,  the 
Tanais,  the  Borifthenes,  the  '*  Ifter,  the  Hebrus,  they  at  laft 
arrive  at  Athens.  Here  they  pitch  their  camp,  zv  oig'sij 
within  the  precindls  of  the  city,  and  clofe  to  the  Acropolis. 
They  then  fight  a  fevere  battle,  and  are  obliged  to  retire : 
and  not  being  able  to  return  home,  they  are  diflipated,  and 
dwindle  to  nothing.  Lyfias  fays,^  "  T)jy  solvtooi/  'OTolt^i^x  ^icc 
Tr,v  (rvfJL(po^CiV  avodVVfJLOV  STroirjCav.  "They  by  this  7mfcarriage  ruined 
their  country  :  fo  that  their  very  name  becajne  extinB,     Here 

'■  To  £6:c;?  TdTo  TiMiMi  cvv'T^t^a.t.     Diodor.  Sic.  L.  2.  p.  129. 
'''  —i  lOTTip  T85  ■zcgc<o(X«rTa<:  ['-ii  Tiii  [J-iv  adUiviicLi  oi'jToov  xoiTa(pporniTa.yTa.-, 
xA.     Diod.  L.  4.  p.  229.     He  mentions  -z^aj'TgAws  to  gOio-:  aunwc  Gwrp£wat. 

"  EA  A«i'(xo«  Si  0  AioSioi  (pHo-/!',  CTi  'mxyiVToi  ra  KufAfJ-s^tKa  Boa-Tro.a  S'leSnTa* 
auTov  {cu  Afj(.cc'C,ovei)  ;ca;  jiAGsi'  en  Attc/.)))'.     Scholia  in  Lycophron.  v.  1332. 
''*  I ioij'cc?  a.bei\-yCTdi  afTTocyiii  i i^'iif^ivcci 
Tirip  xiXatroy  \^pov  jjAacaf  "^xvucci 
iTTTra?.  Lycoph.  v.  1336. 

''  Orat.  Funeb,  ion  Ko^iv^tuv  Eo^flo/?. 

Qj\  4  2  then 

484  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

then  one  would  imagine,  that  this  female  hiftory  would  con- 
clude. No  :  they  are  introduced  again  by  the  ^*  poets  at  the 
iien-e  oFTroy  :  and  are  to  be  met  with  in  the  wars  of"  Cy- 
rus. Some  ages  after,  in  the  time  of  Alexander  an  interview 
is  '^  mentioned  to  have  pafTed,  wherein  the  queen  of  the 
Amazons  makes  propofals  to  that  monarch  about  fharing  for 
a  night  or  two  his  bsd.  And  even  in  the  time  of  Pompeius 
Macrnus,  during  the  Mithridatic  war,  they  are  fuppofed  to 
cxift  :  for  after  a  vidory  gained  by  that  general,  the  Roman 
foldiers  are  faid  to  have  found  many  boots  and  bufkins,  which 
Dion  CaiTius  thinks  were  undoubtedly  ^'  Amazonian. 

Such  was  the  credulity  of  the  ancients  about  one  of  the 
moft  improbable  ftories,  that  was  ever  feigned.  Strabo  had 
the  fenfe  to  give  it  up  :  and  Plutarch,  after  all  the  evidence 
collefted,  and  a  vilible  prepoffefTion  in  favour  of  the  legend  ; 
nay,  after  a  full  affent  given,  is  obliged  in  a  manner  to  fore- 
o-o  it,  and  to  allow  it  to  be  a  forgery.  For  he  at  laft  con- 
feffes,  that  *°  the  whole^  'which  the  author  of  the  'Thefeh  wrote, 
about  the  ijivafion  of  the  Amazo7is,  and  of  Antiope' s  attack 
upon  Thefeus,  who  had  carried  off  Phcedra,  and  of  her  affociates 
fupporting  her  \  alfo  of  thofe  Afnazon^y  whom  Hercules  flew^ 
feemed  manifeftly  a  romance  a?id  fSiion. 

From  what  has  been   faid,  I   think   it  is    plain,  that  the 

"^  Homer,  Virgil,  Qiuntus  Calaber,  &c. 

"  Diodorus.  L.  2.  p.  128.     Polyffinus  Strateg.  L.  8.  p.  619. 

''  Cleitarchus  apud  Strabonem.  L.  11.  p.  771.  See  alfo  Diodorus  Sic.  L.  17. 
p.  549.  Alexander  is  ilud  to  have  had  feme  of  them  in  his  pay.  Arrian.  L,  7. 
p. 292. 

"  InBelloMithridatico. 

*"  Plutarch  in  Thefeo.  p.  13.  tsspiq^uvus  eoiKS  y.uQc>jy,ai7:!r/\xa-fJt.xTi, 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  485 

Amazoniaiis  were  a  manifold  people,  and  denominated  from 
their  worfhip.      They  were  fome  of  the  Titanic   race,   who 
fettled   in   Colchis,  Ionia,    Hellas,   and  upon  the  Atlantic 
in  Mauritania.      They  were  alfo  to  be  found  in  other  parts, 
and   their  family   charad;eriftic   may  in  all   places   be  feen. 
They  were  the  fame  as  the  Cadmians ;   and  the  ftrudlures, 
which  bore  their  name,  were  not  ere6ted  to  them,  but  were 
the  work  of  their  own  hands.      Such  was  the  buildino-  called 
Amazoneum.     *'  Aij.a,^ovsior  iTOLiog  ^isiXsKrai  sv  tc*)  "ut^o;  Aio~ 
kKsol  'Ws^i  Tooy  Ay.di^ovooi/  ci(pis^(jj(rsu)g  A&riVirj(nv'  sg-i  h  k^op,  6  A|U,a-. 
(^ovsg  IS'^vrcno.      They  are  the  words  of  Harpocration.      Con- 
cerning f  he  place  called  AmazoTieum^  Jfceiis  fays  a  great  deal  in 
his  treatife  to  Diodes  about  the  confecration  of  the  A7nazoits  at 
Athens.      It  was   a  temple'^    which  of  old  was  built  by  thefc 

I  have  before  taken  notice  of  a  pafTage  in  ^'  Plato,  where- 
in that  writer  mentions,  that  Eumolpus  led  the  Amazons, 
when  they  invaded  Attica.  This  perfon  is  reprefcnted  both 
as  a  Thracian,  and  as  an  Athenian  ;  and  fometimes  as  a  fo- 
reigner from  Egypt.  Clemens  of  Alexandria  fpeaks  of  his 
coming  with  the  Eumolpid^  into  Attica ;  and  ftyles  him  the 
*^  Shepherd  Eumolpus.  He  is  fuppofed  to  have  been  the 
principal  perfon,  who  introduced  the  rites  and  myfleries, 
which  were  obferved  by  the  Athenians.     Elis  fons  were  the 

"  Harpocration.  The  original  Amazons  were  deities ;  and  the  people  lb  called 
were  their  priefts  and  votaries.  Hence  S-ucria  ron'C'^ffi  in  Plutarch.  See  The- 
leus.p.  13. 

'*  Menexenus.  vol.  2.  p.  239. 

"  Evixo?\.7roi -moi/nvji'.     Cohort,  p.  17. 

Eumolpus,  Neptuni  filius.     Hyginus.  Fab.  46, 


486  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

priefts,  who  officiated  at  the  temple  of  Ceres  in  Eleufls. 
The  Eleufinian  myfterics  came  from  Egypt;  and  the  perfons, 
who  brought  them  muft  have  been  of  that  ^*  country.  All 
thefe  things  prove,  that  what  has  been  reprefented  as  a  war- 
like expedition  was  merely  the  fettling  of  a  colony  :  and 
thofe,  who  had  the  condu6l  of  it,  were  Amazonians,  who 
have  been  reprefented  as  women.  And  fo  far  is  probable, 
that  there  were  women  among  them,  who  officiated  at  the  reli- 
gious ceremonies,  which  were  inftituted.  Something  of  this 
nature  is  intimated  by  the  Scholiaft  upon  Theocritus,  who 
gives  a  fliort  but  curious  account  of  the  firft  Amazonian 
priefleffes.  ^^  KaAAi/>ta^o^  (p/^cTi,  T/)?  BoLU'iAKrcrrj;  tocv  Ay^y.^yjoov 
Yi^rcLV  ^vyccrs^sg'  di  YlsKsicc^s;  'W^o<rrjyo^svdri(rciv.  n^wrai  Js  olvtoh 
•^o^siccv  KOLi  'urcf.nv^i^cL  <rv]/BS'T,(roino.  We  lear7i  from  Cailima- 
chus^  that  the  quee^i  of  the  Amazo7is  had  daughters^  'who  were 
called  Pekiades.  Thefe  were  they^  by  who?n  the  facred'  dance^ 
and  the  night  vigils  were  f?'fl  inflituted.  It  has  been  before 
fhewn,  that  the  Peleiades,  or  Doves,  were  the  female  branch 
of  the  lonim,  by  whom  idolatry  was  firft  "  introduced.  And 
as  they  were  at  the  fame  time  Amazonians,  it  proves,  that 
they  were  all  the  fame  people,  under  different  ^^  denomina- 
tions ;  who  chiefly  came  from  Egypt,  and  were  widely  feat- 
tered  over  the  face  of  the  earth. 

**  Tas  fj-iv  yaa  Et;,i4sAx(/a5  cctto  rur  xxra  Aiyvmov  'lepeuv  fAiJxvnvi^xt. 
Diodorus.  L.  i.  p.  25. 

*^  Idyl.  13.  V.  25. 

**  I&jrg? — TKv  'EAAucwj'  a.p^y)yoi  '}eyovoTei  tou  ^oxtvis  "STpoaiKvyouv.  Eufcb. 
Chron.  p.  13. 

*'  Ticanians,  Atlantians,  lonim,  Amazonians,  &c. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythologt,        487 


ANOTHER  name,  by  which  the  ancients  diftinguifhed 
this  people,  was  that  of  Hyperboreans.  Under  this  appella- 
tion, we  may  obtain  a  farther  infight  into  their  hiftory. 
They  are  placed,  as  many  of  the  Cimmerians  and  Amazo- 
nians  were  upon  the  Palus  Maeotis,  and  Tanais;  and  in  thofc 
regions,  which  lay  near  the  Borifthenes,  and  Ifter.  But  from 
a  notion,  that  their  name  had  a  relation  to  the  north,  they 
have  been  extended  upwards  almoft  to  the  Cronian  Sea. 
They  were  of  the  Titanic  race,  and  called  Sindi ;  a  name,  as 
I  have  fhewn,  common  among  the  Cuthites.  **  T«?  'Ttts^- 
^o^sag  T8  TirccPiHa  ysv8g  ^s^BPiKog  (pri(riv  slvoli.  We  learn  from 
PherenkuSy  that  the  Hyperboreans  were  of  'Titanic  original. 
*»  Tm  MoLimm  $'  avroi  re  01  Xiv^oi.  The  Sindi  are  one  fa- 
mily of  thofe^  who  live  up07t  the  Mceotis.  Strabo  fpeaks  of 
them  as  called  among  other  names  Sauromatas.      '°  Tb?  as;/ 

VTiZ^    Vd    Ev'^SlVHy    KCLl   IS'^H,   Kdl   A^^lHj    KOLTOiKQVnOig  'TTTS^^O^S'dg 

sKsyoVy  KOLi  l/OLV^o^oLTOLgy  Kcci  A^ifJiOLTTrag.     Thofe^  who  live  above 

*''  Scholia  in  Find.  Olymp.  Od.  3.  v.  28. 

*'  Strabo  L.  11.  p.  757.     E;«  Jg  tvi  ^i^J^iX)?  to  Bao-<A£ioy  luv-  'Xi.vS'kv  'usKfiaiQV 

Tocraci  fJLSv  'srorixfj'.ov  Tccratv  TrepivaiiTot^crr 
'S.a.vpoixa.Tai  d   iiri^cfiv  iTroKjavTipoL  yiyzomi- 
^iv^oi,  KifJifxiOiot  Tfj  y.xi  01  -miXai  E.u^eiroio 
Ke^KiTioi  t',  Op£Ta;  te,  kki  aAKVivTSs  A^ccioi. 

Dionyf.  Uepmy.  v,  680.. 
'"  Strabo.  L.  11.  p.  774^ 

10  de 

488  The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology. 

the  EuxinCy  IJlcr^  and  Adriatic^  were  for77ierly  called  Hyper- 
6oreanSj  a?id  Sauromatce^  and  Arimafpians.  The  fame  by 
Herodotus  are  reckoned  among  the  ''  Amazonians.  They 
worfhiped  the  Sun,  whom  they  held  in  high  honour  \  and 
they  had  Prutaneia,  which  were  flyled,  '^  Ai^^iOL,  Aithria  ; 
where  they  preferved  a  perpetual  lire.  Like  the  people  of 
Colchis,  they  carried  on  in  early  times  a  great  trade  ;  and 
the  pafTage  of  the  Thracian  Bofporus,  as  well  as  of  the  Hel  - 
lefpont,  being  pofleffed  by  people  of  their  family,  gave  them 
opportunities  of  profecuting  their  navigation  to  a  great 
diflance.  When  the  Hetrurian  mariners  have  laid  hands 
upon  Bacchus,  and  are  thinking,  where  they  can  fell  him  to 
the  befl:  advantage;  the  mafter  ol  the  (hip  mentions  Cyprus, 
Egypt,  and  the  country  of  the  Hyperboreans,  as  the  befl: 
marts  in  thofe  days. 

'5  EA7rO|(/a/,  y]  AiyvTrrov  ci(pi^srcfj,  Ji  oys  Kvir^oVy 
H  sg  'TTTs^^o^sag. 

The  people  of  Cyprus  were  of  the  fame  race,  as  the  other 
nations,  of  which  I  have  been  fpeaking.  '*  Ei<n  h  Kai  01 
KvTT^ioi  SK  roov  KiTTiciioov,  KOLi  01  sv  TCfi  /3o^^a  oyLO(pvXoi  rm  ctvrojv 
KiTTioLiojv.  The  meaning  of  this  is,  that  the  people  of  Cy- 
prus were  of  Cuthean  original,  as  were  the  people  of  the 
north,  the  Hyperboreans :   they  were   all    of  the  fame  race, 

''  L.  4.  c.  10. 

^''  Koa-TU'cv  sv  Aii^ixaty,  'T7rs^Co^g<a«  ASpix  rifxciovrxi  <^i(pyi.  Hefych.  A/6|3<a. 
They  were  alfo  Atlantians :  for  we  read  of  Atlas  Hyperboreus.  Apollodorus. 
L.  2.  p.  102. 

9'  Aiovvo-oi  H  A/'trai.  V.  28. 

'*  Euleb.  Chron.  p.  12.  1.  38. 

7  all 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  4S9 

all  equally  Cutheans.  A  colony  of  them  fettled  in  Crete, 
whofe  priefts  were  the  ancient  Curetes,  fo  denominated  from 
their  "  temple,  and  fervice  ;  and  who  were  acknowledged  to 
have  been  of  Titanian  race.  'The  Creta?ts,  fays  '*  Diodorus, 
have  traditions^  that  the  Titania?ts  came  to  their  if  and  in  the 
time  of  the  Curetes;  a?id  took  pofeffion  of  that  part ^  which  lay 
about  Cnoffus.  Here  to  this  day^  they  few  the  ruijts  of  the 
temple  J  where  Rhea  is  fuppofed  to  have  refded :  ajid  there  is 
alfo  a  grove  of  Cyprus  treesy  which  were  pla?Jted  i7i  ancieitt  times. 
By  the  fame  rout  they  came  to  Eubcea,  and  other  parts  of 
Greece ;  and  were  fuppofed  to  have  been  condudled  by 
'^  Cothus  and  Archlus,  the  fons  of  Xuth  ;  and  by  Ion  and 
Hellen,  fons  of  the  fame  perfonage.  They  alfo  paffed  up  to 
Thrace,  and  to  Phrygia  :  hence  Anchifes  tells  iEneas,  that 
the  Trojans  were  originally  from  Crete. 

'*  Creta  Jovis  magni  medio  jacet  infula  ponto, 
Mons  Idaeus  ubi,  et  gentis  cunabula  noftrae. 

The  Hyperboreans  upon  the  Euxine  at  one  time  feem  to 
have  kept  up  a  correfpondence  with  thofe  of  the  Titanian 
race  in  moft  countries.  But  of  all  others,  they  feem  to  have 
refpedled  moft  the  people  of  Delos.  To  this  ifland  they 
ufed  to  fend  continually  myftic  prefents,  which  were  greatly 
reverenced.      In  confequence  of  this  the  Delians  knew  more 

"  Kir- Ait,  Templum  Solis.     Cfiris  was  called  Ait-Ofiris.     Herodotus.  L.  4. 
c.  59. 

'*  Diodorus  Sic.  L.  5.  p.  3^4. 

*'   K0605  5cai  A^;;^Ao;,  0;  EbGb  ■EraicTgs  m  Eu(2oix'.- ny.oy  oiXwayjl?.   Plut.  Qiijeftion. 
GrrecsE.  p.  296. 

^'*  ^neid.  L.  3.  v.  104. 

Vol.  III.  R  r  r  of 

490  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology, 

of  their  hiftory  than  any  other  community  of''  Greece.  Calli- 
machus,  in  his  hymn  to  Delos,  takes  notice  both  of  the  Hy- 
perboreans, and  their  offerings  ;  and  fpeaks  of  them  as  a 
people  of  high  antiquity. 

^°° Kdi  01  KOL^UTTB^^e  Bo^siYig 

Oiyjct  ^ivo;  S'^ii(n^  'uroTw^^onoorcnop  difiot. 

Afa^nwj/  cpo^sii(n. 

Plutarch  likewife  mentions,  that  they  ufed  to  come  to  Delos 
with  flutes,  and  harps,  and  other  inftruments  of  mufic  ;  and 
in  this  manner  prefent  their  '  offerings.  Their  gifts  were 
emblematical ;  and  confifted  of  large  handfuls  of  corn  in 
the  ear,  called  oi^aXKcci,  which  were  received  with  much 
reverence.  Porphyry  fays,  that  no  offerings  were  looked 
upon  with  greater  veneration  than  thefe  of  the  Hyperboreans. 
He  ftyles  them  prefents,  and  "^  VTrofXvrifJLOLrciy  memorials ;  for 
they  were  fymbolical,  and  confifted  of  various  things,  which 
were  inclofed  in  fheaves,  or  handfuls  of  ^  corn.  This  people 
were  efteemed  very  facred;  and  it  is  faid,  that  Apollo,  when 
he  was  exiled  from  heaven,  and  had  feen  his  offspring  flain, 
retired  to  their  country.  It  feems,  he  wept ;  and  there  was 
a  tradition,  that  every  tear  was  amber. 

"  Ho^Ai)  Jm  -crAe/f  a -ste/k  auTfwf  A«Aioi  Xiyvaiv.     Herod.  L.  4.  c.  33. 
'°°  V.  281. 

Kai  TO.  B^  Tire^Qociuv  lepa'  uuXcov  xxi  avpiyyoev^  xcci  mua-pai  eis  inv  /!\.nKov 
q/a.(Ti  TO  'nra.Xa.iQv  cfiAXi(r^xi.     Plutarch  de  Mufica.  vol.  2.  p.  1136. 

"S.ij/.vce.  J^g  )»/  Twv  'VTptv  u7rofJivnfJioc.T!X.  iv  A«A&)  e§  TTrSjiCopeooy  Af/.xXXo(poDm'. 
Porph.  de  Abftinentia.  L.  2.  p.  154. 

'  'I^a  ivS'iSefA.ivx  iv  Kot.Aay.ri'wupm.     Herod.  L.  4.  c.  33. 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  491 

'Q.g  «/  ATToXAct^i/og  rcfis  ^olk^vol  Ar^Toi'Jao 
'E^cps^zToti  ^ivoLi;,  axe  ^jlv^iol  y^Bvs  'UTol^qiQbv^ 

Ov^cLvov  ayA)isj/Ta  A/zrw;'. 

The  Celtic  fages  a  tradition  hold, 
That  every  drop  of  amber  was  a  tear, 
Shed  by  Apollo,  when  he  fled  from  heaven. 
For  forely  did  he  weep  ;   and  forrowing  pafs'd 
Through  many  a  doleful  region,  till  he  reach'd 
The  facred  Hyperboreans. 

In  like  manner  it  is  faid  of  Perfeus,  that  he  went  to  the 
^  Hyperboreans :  and  Hercules  alfo  made  a  viflt  to  this  people  : 

His  purpofe  was  to  obtain  a  branch  of  the  wild  olive,  which 
grew  in  the  grove  of  the  Deity.  They  are  fometimes  repre- 
fented  as  "^  Arimafpians  ;  and  their  chief  prieftefTes  were 
named  ^  Oupis,  Loxo,  and  Hecaerge ;  by  whom  the  Hyper- 

*  Apollon.  Argonaut.  L.  4.  v.  61 1.     Tertius  (Apollo)  Jove  tertio  natus  et  La- 
tona,  quem  ex  Hyperboreis  Delphos  ferunt  advenifie.    Cicero  de  Nat.  Deor.  L.  3. 

'  Find.  Pyth.  Od.  10.  v.  47. 

*  Find.  Olymp.  Od.  3.  v.  28. 

"  Apijj.x(77roi  Svoi'TTTipQopim't     Steph.  Byz. 

Y]p'j)ra.t  roi  tccS"'  eveiKav  otTro  ^avbiav  ApifxcccnrMv 

OvTTH  re,  Ao^ci)  re,  xcci  succioov  'ExaepyYi, 

Guyarspa  Bopsao — x  t  A.       .  Callim,  Hymn,  in  Delon.  v.  29  r,' 
See  Paufanias.  L.  5.  p.  392,    Qiiidam  diciint  Opin  et  Hecaergen  primas  ex  Hyper- 
boreis facra  in  infiilam  Delon  occultata  in  fafcibus  mergitum  pertuli/Te.     Servius 
in  Virg.  yEneid.  L.  11.  v.  522.     See  Pliny.  L.  4.  c.  12. 

••^  ^  r  2  borean 

492  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

borean  rites  are  faid  to  have  been  brought  to  Delos.  They 
never  returned,  but  took  up  their  refidence,  and  officiated 
in  the  ifland.  People  from  the  fame  quarter  are  faid  to 
have  come  to  Delphi  in  Phocis  ;  and  to  have  found  out  the 
oracular  feat  of  Apollo.  Paufanias  produces  for  this  the  evi- 
dence of  the  ancient  prieftefs  Baso.  She  makes  mention  of 
Olen  the  Hyperborean,  as  the  iirft  prophet  of  Delphi :  and 
further  fays,  that  the  firft  temple  of  the  Deity  was  founded, 
by  him  in  conjundtion  with  Pagafus  and  Agyieus. 

IlcfA^sg  'Ttts^^o^soov  IloLya.Q'Qg  xai  ^log  Ayvievg^, 

Q,7\YiV  J"  og  ysvsTQ  'UT^ooTog  ^oi^oio  'ur^o^oira-g, 

By  other  writers  Olen  is  faid  to  have  been  from  Lycia. 
'°  D.?\riV  Tsg  'urcLkoLisg  ufi-vag  B7rQiY}(rsv,  sk  AvKiT^g  £A^6(;i/,  rag  cisi^o- 
{jLSi/ag  sv  AriX(t).  Ohfi^  who  came  ft'om  Lycia^  was  the  author 
of  thofe  a?2cie?it  hymns y  which  are  Jung  at  Delos.  The  word 
Olen,  was  properly  an  Egyptian  facred  term  ;  and  expreffed 
Olen,  Olenus,  Ailinus,  and  Linus :  but  is  of  unknown 
meaning.  We  read  of  Olenium  Sidus;  Olenia  Capella,  and. 
the  like. 


'  Paufanias.  L.  lo.  p.  809. 

'°  Herod.  L.  4.  c.  35.     He  is  by  Paufanias   himfelf  mentioned   as   a  Lycian. 
Avxioi  h  QAmc,  oi  ■x.a.i  tb?  vfxvm  tow  af;^;;<auoTaTot;5  iiroinuiv  'EhXwu'.    L.  g.  p.  762. 

"  Arati  PlicEnom.  V.  164. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  493 

If  then  this  Olen,  ftyled  an  Hyperborean,  came  from  "  Lycia 
and  Egypt,  it  makes  me  perfuaded,  of  what  I  have  often 
fiifpedied,  that  the  term  Hyperhoreaji  is  not  of  that  purport, 
which  the  Grecians  have  affigned  to  it.  There  were  people 
of  this  family  in  the  north;  and  the  name  has  been  diftorted 
and  adapted  folely  to  people  of  thofe  parts.  But  there  were 
Hyperboreans  from  the  eaft,  as  we  find  in  the  hiftory  of 
Olen.  And  when  it  is  faid  of  Delos,  that  the  firft  rites  were 
there  inftituted  by  this  people  ;  and  that  they  founded  the 
temple  at  Delphi  :  we  mufl  not  fuppofe,  that  thefe  things 
were  performed  by  natives  from  the  Tanais,  and  the  Riphean 
hills  ;  much  lefs  from  the  Cronian  feas,  upon  whofe  fliores 
fome  people  would  place  them.  People  of  this  name  and 
family  not  only  came  to  Greece,  but  to  Italy  :  and  extended 
even  to  the  '^  Alps.  The  Mons  Palatinus  at  Rome  was  fup- 
pofed  to  have  been  occupied  by  Hyperboreans ;  and  the 
ancient  Latines  were  defcended  from  them.  Dionyfius  Ha- 
licarnaflenfis  tells  us,  '*  that  Lathncs  was  the  fon  of  Hejxules 
by  aft  Hyperborea?i  woma7t.    By  this  is  meant,  that  the  people 

Nafcitur  Olenias  fidiis  pluvi.ile  Capellse.     Ovid.  Fall.  L.  5.  v.  113. 

A  facred  ftone  ir.  Elis  was  called  Pftra  Olcnia.     Paufan.  1^.  6.  p.  504. 

'■^  nA«>,  ccviio  AvK-ioc.     Herod.  L.  4.  c.  ■^^. 

D.?\Yiv  Auxici.     Paulaji.  L.  5,  p^  392. 

i.lA;iv'T7refSofSz?.      Ibid.  L.  10.  p.  Sio. 

''  'TyripCopis-  0'x.sti'  -zripi  Ton  AAtte:?  rm  IrciXix^.  Scholia  in  Apollon.  Argonaut. 
L.  2.  V.  677.  Here  were  fome  remarkable  Cuchean  fettlements.  Tbtccc  cT"  f^-*  jcat 
'nli iovvi  Xiyou.ivn  yi),y.ot.i  Ti  KaxT/a.     Strabo.  L.  4.  p.  T,\i. 

'*  AaTirov  j'   S-SiTivos  TTre^Sspi-f'iixopy,?.      L.  i.  p.  34. 

Eufebius  makes  the  Citeans  of  Cyprus,  and  the  Romans  equally  of  Hyperborean 
original.  Eiai  S'S  xai  01  Kvyr^iot  iK  riov  KiTriaioov,  xai  ci  iv  tc/j  ^ol'ia.  cjwoCuAoi  T&jf 
a'jict:y  KiTTiaioji',  x«(  Tc>)vVc>}iy.ocix,v,     Chron,  p.  12.  1,  38^ 

494  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

of  Latium  were  an  Herculean  and  Hyperborean  colony. 
Thofe,  who  occupied  the  Mons  '^  Palatinus,  are  fuppofed  to 
have  been  alfo  Atlantians,  and  '^  Arcadians ;  by  the  latter 
term  is  denoted  people,  whom  I  have  diftinguiflied  by  the 
name  of  Arkites.  The  Hyperboreans,  who  came  to  Delos, 
were  devoted  to  this  worfhip.  Herodotus  mentions  two  of 
their  '^  prieftefTes,  whom  he  calls  Opis  and  Arge.  They 
built  the  chief  temple  in  that  ifland,  and  planted  the  olive. 
They  alfo  conftrufted  a  facred  ^Yj^cr).,  or  cheft,  on  account  of 
ooKVTOfCB,  a  fpeedy  delivery.  As  they  were  virgins,  this  cir- 
cumftance  did  not  relate  to  themfelves,  but  to  a  myfterious 
'^  rite.  In  the  celebrating  of  the  myfteries,  they  held  hand- 
fuls  of  corn  ;  and  had  their  heads  {liorn  after  the  manner  of 
the  Egyptians.  The  like  rites  were  pracSVifed  by  the  Pso- 
nians  and  people  of  ''  Thrace. 

It  would  be  unnatural  to  fuppofe,  that  thefe  rites,  and 
thefe  colonies  came  all  from  the  north  :  as  it  is  contrary  to 
the  progrefs  of  nations,  and  repugnant  to  the  hiliory  of  the 
firft  ages.      A  correfpondence  was  kept  up,   and  an  inter- 

•'  It  had  its  name  a  Palanto  Hyperborei  filia.     Feftus  apud  Auftores  Ling.  Lat, 


'"  They  were  fuppofed  to  have  come  with  Evander. 

Turn  rex  Evander  Romanjs  conditor  arcis.. 

Virg.  yEneid.  L.  8,  v.  313. 

Vobis  MercLirius  pater  eft,  queir,  Candida  IVIaia 

Cyllenes  gelido  conceptum  vertice  fudit : 

At  Maiam,  auditis  fi  quicquam  credimus.  Atlas, 

Idem  Atlas  generate  Cceli  qui  fidera  tollit. 

Yirg.  /Enei'd.  L.  8.  v.  138. 
•'  L.  4.  c.  34.  and  35. 

'*  By  the  name  Arge  is  fignified  S-«x»,  a  facred  cheft,  or  ark. 
'9  Herodot,  c.  33. 

9  courfe 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythologv.  495 

courfe  maintained  between  thefe  nations  :  but  they  came 
from  Egypt  and  the  eaft.  There  muft  have  been  fomething 
myfterious  in  the  term  '°  Hyperborean  :  it  muft  have  had  a 
latent  meaning,  which  related  to  the  fcience  and  religion  of 
the  people  fo  called.  Pythagoras,  who  had  been  in  Egypt, 
and  Chaldea,  and  who  afterwards  fettled  at  Croton,  was  by 
the  natives  ftyled  the  "'  Hyperborean  Apollo.  And  though 
fome  of  this  name  were  of  the  north,  yet  there  were  others  in 
different  parts  of  the  world,  who  had  no  relation  to  that 
clime.  Pindar  manifeftly  makes  them  the  fame  as  the  At- 
lantians,  and  Amazonians  of  Afric  :  for  he  places  them  near 
the  Iflands  of  the  Bleft,  which  were  fuppofed  to  have  been 
oppofite  to  Mauritania.  He  fpeaks  of  them,  as  a  divine  race; 
and  fays,  that  Perfeus  made  them  a  vifit,  after  that  he  had 
flain  the  Gorgon.  At  the  fame  time  he  celebrates  their  rites, 
and  way  of  life,  together  with  their  hymns  and  dances,  and 
variety  of  mufic  :  all  which  he  defcribes  in  a  meafure  exr- 
quiHtely  fine. 

"  MOKTCC   J'   UK  OLTrO^aiJLSl 


Herodotus  fuppofes  people  to  have  had  this   name  •rc-a^'  ci;o  Bopsxi  a  t3-tf<. 
Writers  give  different  rcalbns  for  the  name,  all  equally  unlatisfadory. 

ApcfoTgAws  A£9-£(,  icv  rivuctyo^ocv  utto  T&iy  K.^oTa}yiccTooy  tcv  AttoXKuvx  'TTTip^o- 
peiov  'uT^oda.yopivia^oii.     TElian.  Var.  Hill.  L.  2.  c.  26. 

"  Pindar.  Pyth.Od.  10.  V.  57.  jsj,^,, 

49^  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

OiKBOKTi,  (pvyovrsg 

Pleas'd  with  the  blamelefs  tenor  ot  their  lives, 

The  Mufe  here  fix'd  her  ftation. 

Hence  all  around  appears 

A  lovely  fcene  of  virgin  choirs. 

In  every  grove 

The  lyre  is  heard  refponfive  to  the  lyre  ; 

While  the  {hrill  pipe  confpires 

In  a  pleafing  din  of  harmony. 

The  natives  revel  in  delight, 

Their  heads  bedeck'd  with  laurel ;   and  their  hair 

Braided  with  gold. 

They  feel  not  age,  nor  anguiili : 

But  are  free  from  pain ; 

Free  too  from  toil. 

And  from  every  evil,  that  enfues  from  war. 

The  frowns  of  Nemefis  reach  not  here  : 

But  joy  abounds, 

Joy  pure,  and  unimpaired. 

In  a  continual  round. 

The  northern  Hyperboreans,  who  were  the  fame  as  the  Cim- 
merians, were  once  held  in  great  repute  for  their  knowledge. 
Anacharlis  was  of  this  family ;  who  came  into  Greece,  and 
was  much  admired  for  his  philofophy.  There  was  alfo  an 
I  o  Hyperborean 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.        497 

Hyperborean  of  great  fame,  called  *^  Abaris,  who  is  men- 
tioned by  ^^  Herodotus.  He  was  the  fon  of  Zeuth,  ftyled 
Seuthes  :  and  i/reprefentcd  as  very  knowing  in  the  art  of 
divination,  and  gifted  with  fupernatural  powers.  Apollo  is 
faid  to  have  lent  him  a  golden  arrow,  upon  which  he  was 
wafted  through  the  air,  and  vilited  all  the  regions  in  the 
"^  world.  He  neither  eat,  nor  drank  ;  but  went  over  the 
earth,  uttering  oracles,  and  prefaging  to  nations,  what  was 
to  come.  This  feems  to  be  an  imaginary  character  ;  and 
probably  relates  to  the  various  migrations  of  the  fons  of 
Chus,  and  the  introdudion  of  their  religion  into  different 
parts  of  the  world.  All  the  Ethiopic  race  were  great  archers. 
Their  name  was  fometimes  exprefled  Cufliitze  ;  and  the  an- 
cient name  of  a  bow  was  Cufhet;  which  it  probably  obtained 
from  this  people,  by  whom  it  was  invented.  There  is  rea- 
fon  to  think,  that  by  their  fkill  in  this  weapon  they  eftab- 
liflied  themfelves  in  many  parts,  where  they  fettled.  This 
may  poffibly  be  alluded  to  in  the  arrow  of  Abaris^  the  im- 
plement of  "^  pajjage  ;  by  which  he  made  his  way  through 
the  world. 

They  were  people  ot  the  fame  family,  who  fettled  in 
Thrace  under  the  name  of  Scythze  ;  alfo  of  Sithones,  Paso- 
nians,  Pierians,  and  Edonians.  They  particularly  worfliiped 
the  £rfl  planter  of  the  vine  under  the  known  title  of  Dio- 

"  See  Eufeb.  Chron.  Verfio  Lat.  p.  32.     Strabo.  L.  7.  p.  461. 
*'  L.  4.  c.  36.     Strabo.  L.  7.  p.  461. 

**  In  like  manner  Mufeus  of  Thrace  is  faid  to  have  had  the  art  of  flying ;  which 
was  Bopge cTwcof.     Paufan.  L.  i.  p.  53. 

^'  may  nirp.  nisy  raa 
Vol.  III.  Sff  nufus, 

498  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

niifiis,  and  alfo  of  Zeus^'^Sabazius.  They  had  alfo  rites,  which 
they  called  Cotyttia  from  the  Deity  *^Cotys;  and  others  named 
Metroa,  and  Sabazia,  which  were  celebrated  in  a  moft  frantic 
manner  by  theEdoni  upon  Mount  Hasmus.  The  Deity  was  alfo 
called  *^  Sabos,  which  term,  as  well  as  the  title  Sabazius,  was 
derived  from  «3D,  Saba,  wine.  Hence  amid  all  their  exclama- 
tions the  words,  Evoi  Xoitoi,  Evoe  Sabae,  were  to  be  particularly 
diftinguiflied.  He  was  worfliiped  in  the  fame  manner  by 
the  ^^  Phrygians,  who  carried  on  the  fame  rites  and  with 
the  like  fliouting  and  wild  geftures  upon  Mount  Ida.  The 
priefts  alfo  were  called  Sabi ;  and  this  name  feems  to  have 
prevailed  both  in  "'  Phrygia  and  in  ^°  Thrace- 
Some  of  this  family  are  to  be  found  in  Theffaly,  particu- 
larly in  Magnefia  and  Pthiotis.  A  large  body  came  into 
Italy  :  fome  of  whom  occupied  the  fine  region  of  Campania, 
and  went  under  the  name  of  ^'  Cimmerians.  It  has  been  the 
opinion  of  learned  men,  that  they  were  fo  called  from  "iD3, 
Cirnmer,  Darknefs.  This  may  poffibly  have  been  the  ety- 
mology  of  their  name  :  though  moft  nations,  as  far  as  I  have 
been  able  to  get  any  infight,  feem  to  have  been  denominated 
from  their  worfliip  and  Gods.      Thus  much  however  is  cer- 

^'  T«f  //.£!'  KoTVoi  rr,i  ec  tois  HoMvccii  Aicr^vAoi  fxiiJunnoti.     Strabo.  L.  10,, p.  72  r. 

2s/^c)'a  KcTu;  bv-toh  HcTwvsis.     jETch.  ibid. 

V.VQI  '^cnQoi,  'T/i;  Att»;  x.a(  Att»5  'Ti;5,  Tuuto..  ya^  BTi  Sa^'ac^ia,  xa*  Mnr^wct,, 
Ibid.  p.  72^. 

'^  2aS'a^'o?,  iiTKiWfJ.ov  Aiovva'd   xa.i.'S.i^^ov  eviore  xccXaam  avror.     Helych._ 

*'  Kat  0  '^ocCa.'C^iciSs  Tuv  ^^vyiaxcuv  £T'-      Strabo.  L.  10.  p.  721. 

'''  XccCoi,  Si-oi  ^^vytccg'  Xiyovroci  xa;  avTi  Td  Bocx^ot  'S.a.Qoi.      Steph.  Byz, 

'°  2ae«^oi'  TQv  Aiovvdov  h  QpcL/cii  xci?<.i)a-t,  xoa  '2.o£^i  tbs  leotn  acvja. ,  Schol.". 
in  Ariftoph.  Vefp.  v.  9. 

V  Strabo  L.  5.  p.  374. 

6  tainv 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.         499 

tain,  that  this  people  had  in  many  places  fiibterranean  apart- 
ments, where  their  priefls  and  reclufes  dwelt ;  and  were  fup- 
pofed  to  be  configned  to  darknefs ;  all  which  favovirs  the 
opinion  abovementioned.  UlyfTes,  in  Homer,  fpeaks  ot  his 
arrival  in  the  country  of  the  Cimmerians,  whom  he  defcribes 
as  in  a  moft  uncomfortable  fituation,  and  places  at  the  ex- 
tremities of  the  ocean. 

^^  'H  J"  zg  'UTsi^cc^'  Imvs  jSa^yppoa  wkbolvoio.  (fc.  vavg) 
'EvQoL  Js  Ki^^s^ioov  av^^m  ^iiiJLog  ts,  iiroXig  t£, 
Hs^i  y,cLi  vs(p£XYj  KSKdXvfjLixsi/riy  ah  'mfoT  avrsg 
Ushiog  <^a.z^m  sTrih^asrai,  a/.rivs(r(riv. 
OyJ"  6'^oT  OLV  <^siyj^<n  iJT^og  ov^olvqv  ag's^osna, 
Ov^'  oTccv  a.-^  STTi  yoLic/j  Ti:  ov^ctvo^sv  ijr^QT^ci7n]T7Jy . 
AAA'  STTi  vv^  oXoYi  TSTarai  hiXonri  ^^otokti.  •     '1 

Now  the  dark  bounds  of  ocean  we  explore^ 

And  reach  at  length  a  melancholy  fhore  : 

Where  loft  in  cloud,  and  ever-during  fhade, 

His  feat  of  old  the  fad  Cimmerian  made. 

The  Sun  may  rife,  or  downward  feek  the  main  ; 

His  courfe  of  glory  varying  ;   but  in  vain  ; 

No  pleaiing  change  does  morn,  or  evening,  bring  ; 

Here   Night   for  ever   broods,  and  fpreads  her  fable 


I  imagine,  that  many  temples  of  old,  and  efpecially  the  cele- 
brated Labyrinths,  were  conftrudied  in  this  manner.      Four 

"•  OdyfT.A.v.  13. 

S  f  f  2  -of 

500  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

of  thefe  are  mentioned  by  ^*  Pliny  :  of  which  the  moil 
famous  was  in  Egypt,  and  from  this  the  others  were  copied. 
That  in  Crete  is  defcribed  by  ^'^  Euftathius,  as  a  deep  cavern, 
which  went  far  under  ground,  and  had  innumerable  wind- 
ings. Virgil  fpeaks  of  it  as  a  fine  piece  of  architecture,  and 
executed  with  great  fkill. 

_"  Ut  quondam  Creta  fertur  Labyrinthus  in  alta 
Pari^tibus  textum  cascis  iter,  ancipitemque 
Mille  viis  habuifle  dolum,  quo  figna  fequendi 
Falleret  indeprenfus,  et  irremeabilis  error. 

About  Caieta,  were  fome  vaft  caverns  near  the  fummit  of  the- 
promontory.  Uere^  fays  ^^  Strabo,  are  to  befeen  huge  apertures 
in  the  rock ;  Jo  large,  as  to  be  able  to  afford  room  for  noble  and 
extenfive  habitations.  Several  apartments  of  this  kind  were  about 
Cuma,  and  Parthenope,  and  near  the  lake  Acherufia  in  Cam- 
pania. The  fame  author  fpeaks  of  this  part  of  Italy,  and 
fays,  that  it  was  inclofed  with  vaft  woods,  held  of  old  in  great 
veneration ;  becaufe  in  thofe  they  facrificed  to  the  manes. 
According  to  Ephorus,  the  Cimmerians  dwelt  here,  and  re- 
jided  in  fubterranean  apartments,  called  "  Argilla,  which 
had  a  communication  with  one  another.  Thofe,  who  applied 
to  the  oracle  of  the  cavern,  were  led  by  thefe  dark  paffages 
to  the  place  of  confultation.      Within  the  precinds  were  to 

"  L.  5.  c.  9.  p.  258.     L.  36.  c.  1 3.  p.  739. 

^*  AaSufnihoi;  a-n-flharjv  Kpy}Tixov,  iiTroyeioy,  woAoeA.'XTor.     In  OdyfT.  A.  -v.  14. 
'»  ^neid.  L.  5.  v.  588. 

'^  Strabo.  L.  5.  p.  357.  p.  374-     Pliny-  L.  3.  c.  5.  p.  153. 
"  We  may  perceive,  that  the  rites  in  all  thefe  places  had  a  reference  to  th?  fame 
objeft  of  veneration,  the  Argo. 

5  be 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythologv.  501 

Be  found  all  the  requifites  for  an  oracle  :  dark  groves,  foul 
ftreams,  and  foetid  exhalations  :  and  above  all  a  vaft  and 
dreary  cave.  It  was  properly  a  temple,  and  formed  by  the 
Cimmerians,  and  Herculeans,  who  fettled  in  thefe  '*  parts. 
Here  was  faid  to  have  been  the  habitation  of  the  Erythrean 
Sibyl,  who  came  from  Babylonia.  Places  of  this  nature  were 
generally  fituated  near  the  fea,  that  they  might  more  eajQly 
be  confulted  by  mariners,  whom  chance  brought  upon  the 
coaft.  On  this  account  Virgil  makes  his  hero  apply  to  the 
prieftefs  of  Cuma  for  advice. 

''°  At  pius  ^neas  arces,  quibus  altus  Apollo 
Prsefidet,  horrendsque  procul  fecreta  Sibylla 
Antrum  immane  petit. 

There  was  a  temple  near  it,  built  as  was  faid  by  Daedalus; 
with  a  defcription  in  carved  work  upon  the  entablature, 
reprefenting  the  Labyrinth  in  Crete,  and  the  ftory  of 

*'  Hie  labor  ille  domus,  et  inextricabilis  error. 
Magnum  reginas  fed  enim  miferatus  amorem 

^*  Lycophron  enumerates  moft  of  thofe  ancient  places  upon  the  coaft  of  Italy. 
Tvpryiv  fxaxiS'va.i  ixfji<pt  Kipxniia  vctTras, 
A^ym  re  xXeivov  o^fAov,  Aimm  /jieyav^ 
Aijuvw  Tg  ^op-y{.)i;,  Mcc^aicoyiJ^oi  'srora, 

Avvovroi  en  acpccvrcc  xguOfcwyos  /2a6>7,  ■ 

^Tuyvov  2<ffAA)jf  eq^m  omnTnpioy.         V.  1273. 
'*  Juftin.  Mart,  Cohort,  p.  33. 
*"  ^neid.  L.  6.  v.  9. 
*"  Ibid.  V.  27. 


50.2  T:HE   Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

Dsedaliis,  ipfe  dolos  tedl,  ambagefque  refolvit ; 
Caeca  reo-ens  iilo  veftisia. 

This  defcription  relates  to  the  temple  above  ground  ;  but 
the  oracle  was  in  a  cavern  beneath,  which  had  been  formed 
by  the  Cimmerians  into  numberlefs  apartments. 

*^  Excifum  Euboicae  latus  ingens  rupis  in  antrum, 
Quo  lati  ducunt  aditus  centum,  oftia  centum, 
Unde  ruunt  totidem  voces,  refponfa  Sibyllce. 

The  poet  has  ufed  fome  embellifhments  ;  but  the  hiftory  was 
founded  in  truth.  A  place  of  this  nature  upon  the  fame  coafl;, 
and  at  no  great  diftance  from  Tarracine,  remained  in  the  time 
of  the  emperour  Tiberius.  It  was  for  its  elegance  ftyled  Spe- 
lunca  Villa :  and  was  fituated  in  fuch  a  manner  as  to  have  a 
fiae  view  of  the  fea.  Tiberius  had  upon  a  time  retired  to  this 
place,  and  was  taking  a  repaft;  when  part  of  the  rock  fell  in, 
and  killed  fome  of  his  attendants.  But  the  emperour  efcaped 
through  the  vigilance  of  his  favourite  Sejanus:  who  ran  under 
the  part,  which  was  tumbling ;  and  at  the  hazard  of  his  life 
fupported  it,  till  he  faw  his  friend  ^^  fecure.  The  **  Syringes 
near  Thebes  in  Upper  Egypt  were  a  work  of  great  antiquity, 
and  confifted  of  many  paffages,  which  branched  out,  and  led 
to  variety  of  apartments.  Some  of  them  ftill  remain,  and 
travellers,  who  have  vifited  them,  fay,  that  they  are  painted 

'■   Ibid.  V.  42. 

*'  Vcfcebatur  in  Villa,  cui  nomen  Speluncs,  mare  Amuclanum  inter,  Fundanof- 
que  montcs,  nativo  in  Ipecu.  Ejus  os,  lapfis  repente  laxis,  obruit  quofdam  miniftros, 
&c.     Taciti  Annalium  L.  4.  p.  509. 

+*  Marccllinus.  L.  22.  p.  263.    There  are  many  fuch  to  be  ftill  feen  in  Upper 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  503 

throughout  with  the  moft  curious  hieroglyphics,  ftained  in 
theftone:  and  though  they  have  been  executed  To  many  ages, 
yet  the  colours  are  ftill  as  ftrong  and  vivid,  as  if  they  had  been 
but  juft  tindlured.  Jofephus  mentions  vaft  fubterranes  in  fome 
of  the  hills  in  the  part  of  Canaan  called  Galilee,  and  in  Tra- 
chonitis ;  and  fays,  that  they  extended  far  underground,  and 
confifted  of  wonderful  apartments.  They  were  formed  in  due 
proportion,  and  not  arched  at  the  top,  but  vaulted  with  flat 
ftones;  and  the  fides  were  lined  in  the  fame  manner:  and  by 
his  account  they  could  contain  a  great  number  of  people. 
Such  were  the  caverns  at  Gadara,  Pteleon,  and  the  *^  Spelunca 
Arbelorum.  They  at  laft  became  the  receptacles  of  outlaws 
and  banditti,  who  in  large  bodies  ufed  to  fhelter  themfelves 
within;  on  which  account  they  were  demoliflied.  Mention 
has  been  made  of  large  caverns  and  labyrinths  near  "^^  Nauplia, 
and  Hermione  in  Greece,  faid  to  have  been  the  work  of  Cy- 
clopians.  They  were  probably  in  part  natural,  both  here,  and 
in  the  places  taken  notice  of  above  :  but  they  were  enlaro-ed 
by  art ;  and  undoubtedly  defigned  for  a  religious  purpofe. 
They  all  related  to  the  hiftory  of  that  perfon,  who  was  prin- 
cipally commemorated  under  the  title  of  Cronus.  He  is  faid 
to  have  had  three  *^  fons ;  and  in  a  time  of  danger  he  formed 

*'  See  Jofephus.  Antiq.  L.  14.  c.  15.  and  L.  15.  c.  10. 

Kvy.Xc>)7retx  S'  ovoyM^Bcrtv.     Strabo.  L.  8.  p.  567. 

*^  E>•£l'^■>;9wa^ — Kpovo)  Tfen'ujaiSei.     Sanchon.  apud  Eufeb,  P.  E.  L.  i.  c.  10. 

OuTCo  xcct  0  K^ovoi  Sv  Ttu  uxiavu  uura  uvrpov  x.ccre(rx.eva(^si,  xaxmirTU  tou^Uvth 
'ZB-a.tS'x^.     Porph.  de  Nymphar.  Antro.  p.  109. 

ClaccvTUi  xut  A^fji.yiT)j^  ev  avrpaj  rpe(p€i  rttv  Koonv,     Ibid. 
2u/AfcoAov  Koo-jt/ts  Tcc  ffTTJjAa/a.     Ibid. 

Vol.  Ill,  Sff4  a  large 

C04  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

a  larcre  cavern  in  the  ocean  :  and  in  this  he  fhut  himfelf  ut> 
tQo-ether  with  thefe  fons,  and  thus  efcaped  the  danger.  The 
temple  at  Keira  upon  the  Mseotis,  whither  the  Titans  retired, 
was  a  "^^ cavern  of  the  fame  nature,  as  thofe  above.  It  was  pro- 
bably in  that  grove,  where  ftood  the  temple  of  Apollo  :  under 
which  Pherenicus  mentions,  that  the  Hyperboreans  reiided : 
thofe  Hyperboreans,  who,  he  fays,  were  of  Titanic  original. 

Ta?  [isv  oi^ct  'ur^oTs^ct)!/  £$  difxarog  vfj^n^afTi 

TiTaj'a'y  ^Xctg-onag  vtto  S^ofj^ov  ai^^risncx. 

He  fang  alfo  of  the  Hyperboreans^  who  live  at  the  extremities  of 
the  worlds  under  the  teinple  of  Apollo^  far  removed  from  the  din 
of  war.  They  are  celebrated  as  being  of  the  a^icient  blood  of  the 
Titans  :  and  were  a  colony  placed  in  this  wintry  ^°  climate  by  the 
Arimafpian  monarchy  thefon  of  Boreas.  One  tribe  of  them  is 
taken  notice  of  by  Pliny  under  the  name  of "'  Arimpheans.  They 

*'^  Ett*  to  o-^DjAaiif  TYiv  Kiip'iiv  y.oi.XBiJ.ivnv  s~parsva-a.To  (KpxaaDs),     Taio  yao 

nnv  uTTo  T&'K  QiMV  (Tq.'.ai  jivoy.ivm  avyx.aru(pvyiiv  y.vwivsdvcci,     Dion.  Caffius.  Hift. 

L.  51-P-  313- 

"9  Scholia  ill  Find.  Olymp.  Od.  3.  v.  28. 

*"  So  I  render  S^opiog  a.Sp;isi{,  curfus  gelidus  (fcil.  Boreas),  from  ui^po?,  frigus. 

"  Ibique  Arimphseos  quofdam  accepimus,  haud  difTimilem  Hyperborei's  gentem. 
Sedes  illis  nemora,  alimenta  baccse  :  capillus  juxta  foeminis  viriiquc  in  probro  ex- 
iftimatur.  rifas  clementes.  iraque  facros  haberi  narranr,  inviolatofque  efle  etiam 
feris  accolarum  populis.     Pliny.  Hift.  Nat.  L.  6.  p.  310. 

^  feem 

The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology.  505 

ieem  to  have  been  reclufes,  who  retired  to  woods  and  wilds, 
that  they  might  more  firidlly  devote  thcmfelves  to  religion. 
They  wore  their  hair  very  fliort,  both  men  and  women;  and 
are  reprefented  as  very  harmicfs ;  fo  that  they  lived  unmo- 
lefted  in  the  midft  of  many  barbarous  nations.  They  were 
addicied  to  great  abftinence,  feeding  upon  the  fruits  of  the 
foreft.  In  many  of  thefe  circumftances  they  refembled  the 
people,  from  whence  they  came.  The  fame  monaftic  wav 
of  life  prevailed  in  ^^  India  among  the  Sarmanes  and  Allobii. 

Thofe  who  fettled  in  Sicily  feem  to  have  been  a  very 
powerful  and  knowing  people  :  but  thofe  of  Hetruria  were 
ftill  far  fuperior.  At  the  time  when  they  flouriihed,  Europe 
was  in  great  meafure  barbarous :  and  their  government  was 
in  a  (late  of  ruin,  before  learning  had  dawned  in  Greece  ; 
and  long  before  the  Romans  had  diverted  themfelves  of  their 
natural  ferity.  Hence  we  can  never  have  an  hiftory  of  this 
people,  which  will  be  found  adequate  to  their  merits.  There 
is  however  a  noble  field,  though  not  very  obvious,  to  be 
traverfed  ;  which  would  afford  ample  room  for  a  diligent 
enquirer  to  expatiate ;  and  from  whence  he  might  colle6b 
evidence  of  great  moment.  In  refpecft  to  Sicily,  their  coins 
alone  are  fufficient  to  fhew  how  early  they  were  acquainted 
with  the  arts ;  and  from  the  fame  we  may  fairly  judge  of 
their  great  elegance  and  tafte. 

The  two  moft  diftant  colonies  of  this  family  weflward 
were  upon  the  Atlantic  Ocean  :  the  one  in  Europe  to  the 
north  ;   the  other  oppofite  at  the   extreme  part  of  Africa. 

''  Clemens  Alex.  Strom.  L.  i.p.  359. 

Vol.  III.  T  t  t  The 

5o6  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

The  country  of  the  latter  was  Mauritania;  vvhofe  inhabitants 
were  the  "  Atlantic  Ethiopians.  They  looked  upon  them- 
felves,  as  of  the  fame  family  as  the  ^^  Gods :  and  they  were 
certainly  del'cended  from  fome  of  the  firft  deified  mortals. 
Thofe  who  occupied  the  provinces  of  Iberia  and  B^tica,  on 
the  other  fide,  went  under  the  fame  "  titles,  and  preferved 
the  fame  hiflories,  as  thofe  who  have  been  mentioned  before. 
I  have  fhewn,  that  they  were  of  Erythraean  and  Ethiopic 
race  :  and  they  gave  name  to  the  ifland  ^^  Erythra,  which 
they  occupied  for  the  fake  of  trade.  Here  ftood  the  city 
Gadara,  faid  to  be  of  high  antiquity,  and  fuppofed  to  have 
been  built  by  Arcaleus  of  Tyre.  ^^  KXavSiog  laKiog  sv  Taig 
^QiviK/jg  ho^LOLig  {(pri(n,)  on  A^yctXevg  viog  ^oiviKog  KTKrag  rr\y 
'UToTKiVy  moyLOL<TS  T^  ^QiviKooi/  y^oKpri  **  TctJo^.     In    the   temple 

"  Diod.  Sic.  L.  3.  p.  1S7.  188. 

Prima  ejus  (Maris  Atlantici)  ^thiopes  tenent.    P.  Mela.  L.  3.  c,  10. 

'*  '0»  Toivuv  Ar?^avTioi-—TW  •y-neaii/  tcov  Qseav  nxraf  ccvtoh  yivscr^ai  (pccatv.     Ibid. 

p.  189. 

Ylfioi  ^vaiv  T-fii  Mavpaa-icci  ai  Kwts/s  Kiyoy.iva.i.     Places  called  Cotis.     Strabo. 

L.  17.  p.  1181. 

See  p.  1 84.  of  this  volume. 

*'  In  univerfam  Hifpania'm  Marcus  Varro  Iberos,  et  Perfas,  et  Phoenicas,  Celtaf- 
que,  et  Poenos,  perveniffe  tradit.     Pliny.  L.  3.  c.  i.  p.  137. 

^^  Scymnus  Chius  gives  the  following  hiftory  of  the  idand  Erythia,  or  Ery- 
threiaj  and  of  Gadara,  or  Gades. 

Aeyaaiv  avTnv^yivofxtvni  a.iroixia.i, 

TavTYiv  avreyyui  vTroAuCnact  luy^ecvH 

Tv(^iaiv  TiJCLT^.oiMV  efji.7ropooy  auroixia. 

Yociitfa..     Geog.  Vet.  Gr.  vol.  2.  p,  9.  v,  156. 
"  Etymolog.  Mag. 

"  So  it  fhould  be  read  ;  not  XolS-oy.  Gador  is  the  fame  as  inJ,  and  fignifies  an 
inclofed  and  fortified  place. 

7  was 

The  Analysis  of   Ancient  Mvthglogy.'  507 

was  neither  flatue,  nor  pillar,  nor  ftone,  by  way  of  adoration, 
which  fhews,  that  it  was  built  in  very  early  times.  The 
illand  was  originally  called  Cotinufa,  which  name  was  after 
changed  to  Gadeira, 

KKrj^oixs^y  Korii/ov(rxv  s^rjfjLi^ano  Vahipct. 

Though  it  may  have  been  fome  time,  before  they  lapfed  into 
the  more  grofs   idolatry,   yet  they  feem  to  have  been  very 
early  addifted  to  the  rites  of  the  Ark.    Lycophron  mentions 
people  coming  to  this  coaft,  whom  he  ftyles,  ^^  A^vrig  'UTol- 
T^OLioLg  ysyycif  the  offspriJig  of  ancient  Ar?ie  :  but  he   fuppofcs, 
that  they  were  Boeotians,   and  came  from   the   vicinity  of 
Theba  in  Greece.      They  were  indeed  Thebaeans  and  Boeoti: 
but  came  from  a  different  part  of  the  world.  Who  was  meant 
by  Arne,   may  be  known   from    the   account  given   by  the 
Scholiaft  :   ^°  Af^io  Wa^zi^moq  T^O!pog.      Arne  was  the  fame  as 
Arene,  and  we  find,  that  fhe  was  efteemed  the  fofiermother  of 
Pofeidon.      She  was  at  times  flyled  Maia  ©sw:/,  Ma<a  /^.tovvrov, 
Horzi^'j^vog  T^Q^og^  alfo  Ti^rivn^  ToTTog,  and  My]T>^^  ©swr.     Ar- 
cles,  Arclus,  and  Arcalus,  by  which  the  Deity  of  the  place 
was  called,  are  all  compounded  of  the  fame  terms,  Arca-El, 
five  Area  Dei.      From  hence  the  Grecians  and  Romans  de- 
nominated a  perfonage,  whom  they  ftyled  Heracles,  and  Her- 
cules.     But  the  original  was  ^'  Arclus,    and  Arcalus ;   and 

^'  Dionyf.  Uepiny.  v.  455. 

^'  Kcct  rot  fjiiv  a.-KTot.i  efj.^arno'OVTOii  Ag7r/;a?, 
iCnpoSoTitfiif  ot.yx}  TapTMffcra  ta-vXn?, 
Ap«s  •vraKa.ioL'i  yiv.'a.      V.  642. 
This  is  the  fame  perfon,  who  is  joined  with  Cothus  by  Plutarch.     K0805  xxt 
Ap)cAo>,o<Ht>6s'5r«i/gs,     SeealfoStrabo.  L.  10.  p.  495. 

T  1 1  2  ftiU 


5o8  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

ftill  more  truly,  without  the  termination,  Arca-El.  It  was 
not  a  name,  but  a  title :  and  was  given  by  the  Sidonians, 
and  other  people  in  the  eaft,  to  the  principal  perfon  preferved 
in  the  Deluge:  and  it  Signified  the  great  Arcalean,  or  Arkite. 
Arcalus  is  the  perfon,  who  was  fuppofed  to  have  been  pre- 
ferved in  the  body  of  a  Cetus  ;  and  to  have  traverfed  the 
ocean  in  a  golden  Scyphus,  which  was  given  to  him  by 
!*  Apollo. 

Qiii — ^pvffiov  eSc))x.e  cTgTras,  ip  w  mv  eaxsxvov  SuTrs^ccas.     Apollodorus.  L.  2.. 

p.  lOO. 

O  F 

(    509    ) 

O  F 


FROM  what  has  preceded,  we  may  perceive,  that  there 
once  exifted  a  great  refemblance  between  thefe  nume- 
rous colonies  of  the  fame  family  :  and  that  it  lafted  for  ages. 
I  have  mentioned,  that  they  were  famous  at  the  woof ;  and 
carried  the  art  of  weaving  to  a  great  degree  of  excellence. 
This  art  was  firft  pradifed  at '  Arach  in  Babylonia,  and  from 
thence  carried  to  *  other  neighbouring  cities ;  and  in  pro- 
cefs  of  time  to  the  mofl:  remote  parts  of  the  world.  The 
people  of  Egypt  were  famous  for  this  manufadlure.  It  is 
faid  of  king  Solomon,  that  he  had  his  fine  flax  from  this 
^  country.  The  prophet  Ezekiel  alfo  mentions  "^ fine  Ujujt 
with  embroidered  work  from  Egypt :  and  the  fame  is  alluded 
to  in  ^  Ifaiah.      The  linen  of  Colchis  was  called  '  Sardonic, 

'  See  volume  the  fecond.  p.  526.  527. 
*  Strabo.  L.  16.  p.  1074. 
'   I  Kings,  c.  10.  V,  28. 

''  C.  27.  V.  7.  .  - 

'  C.  19.  V.  g.     Pliny.  L.  19.  p.  156, 
Herod.  L.  2.  c.  105.     Aivov   Ko?^^ixov  'EAA/;i'aj>'   XotoSorixoy    aSKAvriXi. 
See  alfo  L.  I.  c.  203.     Strabo.  L.  n.  p.  762. 

Vol.  III.  T  t  t  3  juft 

510  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

juft  as  the  purple  of  Tyre  was  ftyled  Sarra,  and  Sarrana  : 
which  terms  alike  betoken  fomething  noble  and  royal.  It 
was  alfo  called  Sindon,  from  the  Sindi,  and  Sindones  of  the 
fame  country.  The  flax  of  ^  Campania,  which  had  been  in- 
troduced by  the  ancient  Herculeans  and  Cimmerians,  was  in 
equal  repute;  and  the  like  is  to  be  obferved  in  Beetica,  and 
other  parts  of  Spain  :  where  this  commodity  was  particu- 
larly worn.  The  Indi  were  vefted  in  the  fame  manner,  and 
were  noted  for  this  manufadlure.  Hence  the  poet  Dionyfius 
mentions  ^  Kii/o'^Ka^vag  A^cc^wtb?,  t/je  people  of  Archot  with 
their  li7ien  robes.  Nor  was  it  only  the  original  texture,  which 
was  found  out  by  people  of  this  family  ;  the  dying,  and  alfo 
imprinting  thefe  commodities  with  a  variety  of  colours  and 
^  figures,  muft  alfo  be  attributed  to  the  fame.  That  wonder- 
ful art  of  managing  filk,  and  likewife  of  working  up  cotton, 
v/as  undoubtedly  found  out  by  the  '"  Indo-Cuthites  ;  and 
from  them  it  was  carried  to  the  Seres.  To  them  alfo  is 
attributed  the  moft  rational  and  amufing  game,  called  chefs : 
and  the  names  of  the  feveral  pieces  prove,  that  we  received  it 
from  them.  We  are  moreover  indebted  to  them  for  the  ufe 
of  thofe  cyphers,  or  figures,  commonly  termed  Arabian  :  an 
invention  of  great  confequence,  by  which  the  art  of  nume- 
ration has  been  wonderfully  expedited,  and  improved.   They 

'  Pliny,  vol.  2.  L.  ig.  p.  155. 

*  neoi/i;))!^.  V.  1096.  (Indorum)  alii  lino  vefciuntur,  aut  lanis. — Lanas  {y\vs. 
ferunt.  P.  Mela.  L.  3.  c.  7.  We  may  perceive,  that  by  lan^s  the  author  means 

'  Herod.  L.  i.  c.  203. 

'°  See  Mela  above,  and  Strabo.  L.  15.  p.  1044, 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology,  511 

are  faid  to  have  written  letters  "  sii  tnv^o(n  :  but  whether  by 
this  was  meant  really  linen  ;  or  whether  we  are  to  underftand 
a  kind  of  paper  manufadlured  from  it,  is  uncertain.  Probably 
it  was  a  compoiition  from  macerated  filk :  for  paper  of  this 
kind  was  of  old  in  ufe  among  them;  and  the  art  was  adopted 
by  other  nations.  It  is  however  certain,  that  people  fome- 
times  did  write  upon  filk  itfelf.  Symmachus  takes  notice 
"  Sericis  voluminibus,  Achsemenio  more,  infundi  literas,  of 
letters  being  Jlained  upon  Jilk^  after  the  man?ter  of  the  Per  fans. 
But  this,  I  imagine,  was  only  done  by  the  Achaemenidae,  the 
princes  of  the  country. 

Thofe  who  cultivated  the  grape  brought  it  in  many  parts 
to  the  higheft  degree  of  perfedlion.  The  Mareotic  wine  is 
well  known,  which  was  produced  in  Scythia  iEgyptiaca;  and 
is  reprefented  as  very  powerful. 

"'  Haec  ilia  eft,  Pharios  quse  fregit  noxia  reges, 
Dum  fervata  cavis  potant  Mareotica  gemmis. 

All  the  Ionian  coaft  about  Gaza  in  Paleftine  was  famous  for 
this  commodity  :  as  was  the  region  near  Sarepta,  at  the  foot 
of  Libanus.  The  wines  of  thefe  parts  are  fpoken  of  by  Si- 
donius  Apollinaris,  and  ranked  with  the  beft  of  Italian  and 
Grecian  growth. 

'*  Vina  mihi  non  funt  Gazetica,  Chia,  Falerna, 
Quaeque  Sareptano  palmite  mifla  bibas. 

'■  Strabo.  ibid. 
"■  L.  4.  Epift.  34. 

"  Gratii  Cuneget.  v.  312, 
'*  Carm.  17.  v.  15. 


5.12  The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology. 

Above  all  the  wine  of  Chalybon  in  Syria  is  mentioned  as  of  the 
highefl  repute.  We  learn  from  Strabo,  that  at  one  time  it  was 
entirely  fet  apart  for  the  ufe  of  the  kings  of  '^  Perfia.  It  is 
taken  notice  of  by  the  prophet  Ezekiel,  when  he  is  fpeaking 
of  the^  wealth  ol  Tyre.  '*  Damafcus  was  thy  merchant  in  the 
midtkude  of  the  wares  of  thy  making  ;  in  the  multitude  of  all 
riches^  in  the  wine  of  Chelbon,  and  white  wool.  Cyprus, 
Crete,  Cos,  Chios",  and  Leibos,  called  i^^thiope,  were  famous 
on  the  fame  account.  There  was  alfo  fine  wine  very  early 
in  Sicily  about  Tauromenium,  in  the  country  of  the  Laeftry- 
gons  and  Cyclopians. 

Oivov  s'vTcc^vKov. 

In  Thrace  were  the  Maronian  wines,  which  grew  upon 
Mount  Ifmarus,  and  are  celebrated  by  '*  Homer,  and  by 
'^  Pliny.  But  no  place  was  in  more  repute  than  Campania, 
where  were  the  Formian  and  Falernian  grapes.  Some  of 
very  noble  growth  were  to  be  found  in  Iberia  and  Mauritania. 
In  the  latter  writers  mention  vines  fo  ample,  that  they  equalled 
the  trees  of  the  foreft.  *°  Strabo  fays,  that  their  trunks  could 
hardly  be  fathomed  by  two  men  :  and  that  the  clufters  were  a 
foot  and  a  half  in  length.     There  was  wine  among  the  Indie 

'^  L.  15.  p.  1068, 
■*  C.27.V.  18. 
'">  Homer.  OdyfT.  I.  v.  357- 
"  Ibid.  V.  196. 
''  L.  14.  c.  16.  p.  714. 

*°  AfJi.7rtXoi  (pvsTxt  ^va-iv'pot.a-iv  to  ■zs-ct^oi  Svff7rioi\t)7rTo;,  (Sot^up  "sjn^vxtovsrui 
aTToSi^^aa,.     L.  17.  p.  1182.       ■ 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mytholo.g^,^.  51:3 

Ethiopians,  particularly  in  the  country  of  the'^Oxydracse,  who 
were  fuppofed  to  be  the  defcendents  ol  Bacchus.  They  had,  alfo 
a  ftrong  drink  made  of  "  rice;  which  was  particularly  ufed  at 
their  facrilices.  In  like  manner  the  people  of  Lufitania  and 
Bsetica  made  a  fermented  liquor  called  Zuth ;  the  knowledge 
of  which  was  borrowed  from  "^  Egypt,  Hence  they  were 
fuppofed  to  have  been  inftruded  by  Oiiris.  Hefychius  calls 
it  ^*  wine,  and  fays,  that  it  was  made  of  barley.  It  is  alfo 
mentioned  by  Strabo.  *^  X^oonai  Js  KCCi  ^f^Si,  Oim  h  (Tttolvi- 
ipvTOLi'  civr  BKoLin  h  (^nTv^if)  '^^mroLi.  'They  have  barley  wi7ie 
injiead  of  the  juice  of  the  grape^  which  is  fcarce  :  a?jd  i?z  the 
roofn  of  oil  they  ufe  (bouturus)  butter. 

The  knowledge  of  this  people  was  very  great,  and  in  all 
parts  defervedly  celebrated.  Hence  Antiphanes,  fpeaking  of 
them  colledively,  tells  us,  *^  Sotpof  J/]T  Sfcr/y  o<  X/.vSoli  (npo^^a. 
By  this  is  meant,  that  all  of  the  Cuthite  family  were  renowned 
for  their  wifdom.  The  natives  of  Colchis  and  Pontus  were 
much  ikilled  in  flmples.  Their  country  abounded  with 
medicinal  herbs,  of  which  they  made  ufe  both  to  good  and 
to  bad  purpofes.  In  the  fable  of  Medea  we  may  read  the 
charadrer  of  the  people :  for  that  princefs  is  reprefented  as 
very  knowing  in  all  the  productions  of  nature,  and  as  gifted 
with    fupernatural   powers.      The   region    of  Iberia   in  the 

*'  Strabo.  L.  15.  p.  1008, 

"  Ibid.  p.  1035. 

*'  Oivcfi  cT'  ix.  y-^i^ioov  TsiTroinjJLivca  S'la^^ixvra.i  {oi  AiyvTiTiot).  Herod.  L.  2.  c.  77. 

**    ZoDOS,  QlVOiOLTTO  K^SilS  yiVOfJiSVOi. 

^''  Strabo.  L.  3- P- 233. 

Apud  Athenaeum.  L,  6.  p.  226. 

Vol.  III.  U  u  u  vicinity 

514  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

vicinity  of  Colchis  was  alfo  noted  for  its  falutary  and  noxious 
plants ;   of  which  the  poet  Horace  takes  notice. 

*'  Herbafqiie  quas  et  Colchis,  atque  Iberia 
Mittit  venenorum  ferax. 

I  have  mentioned,  that  the  natives  were  of  the  Cuthite  race  ; 
and  as  they  were  devoted  to  magic,  and  had  their  nightly 
orgies  in  honour  of  the  Moon,  thefe  circumflances  are  often 
alluded  to  by  the  poets.  Hence  Propertius  takes  notice  of 
Cutaean  charms. 

**  Tunc  ego  crediderim  vobis  et  fidera,  et  amnes, 
PofTe  Cutasinis  ducere  carminibus. 

In  another  place  he  alludes  to  the  efficacy  of  their  herbs, 

*'  Non  hie  herba  valet,  non  hie  nodlurna  Cutseis. 

Virgil  alfo  fpeaks  to  the  fame  purpofe. 

^°  Has  herbas,  atque  h^c  Ponto  mihi  leda  venena, 
Ipfe  dedit  Moeris :   nafcuntur  plurima  Ponto. 

Strabo  fays,  that  the  Soanes  were  fkilled  in  poifons,  and  that 
their  arrows  were  tinged  with  a  deadly  ^' juice.  The  natives 
of  Theba,  called  Tibareni,  were  fuppofed  to  kill  by  their  very 

*^  Epod.  Od.  5.  V.  21.     Dionyfius  fays  of  the  Colchians, 

iLcrSTi  ivv  'zsoXvcpapiJia.xoi  av^psaaau     v.  I02g. 
**  Propertius.  L.  i.  Eleg.  i.  v.  23. 
*'  Ibid,  L.  2.  Eleg.  i,  v.  73. 
'"  Eclog.  8.  V.  95. 
"  L.  II.  p.  763- 

effluvia  j 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  515 

^*  effluvia ;  and  at  a  very  great  diftance  :  and  it  was  faid  of 
the  Hyperboreans,  that  they  could  change  themfelves  into 

"  EfTe  viros  fama  eft  in  Hyperborea  Pallene, 
Queis  foleant  levibus  velari  corpora  plumis. 

The  like  faculty  was  attributed  to  the  Theflalians.  The 
notion  arofe  from  a  fuperiority  in  the  people  ;  who  were 
fuppofed  to  be  endowed  with  extraordinary  powers. 

Mount  ^*  Caucafus,  Mount  ^^  Pangaeus  in  Thrace,  and  the 
'*  Circean  promontory  in  Italy  were  famous  for  uncommon 
plants.  The  like  is  faid  of  Mount  Pelion  in  ThefTaly  :  of 
which  there  is  extant  a  very  curious  "  defcription.  The 
herbs  were  fuppofed  to  have  been  firft  planted  here  by  Chi- 
ron the  Centaur.  Circe  and  Calypfo  are  like  Medea  repre- 
fented,  as  very  experienced  in  pharmacy,  and  fimples.  Under 
thefe  charadters  wc  have  the  hiftory  of  Cuthite  prieftelTes, 
who  prefided  in  particular  temples  near  the  fea  coaft  ;  and 
whofe  charms  and  incantations  were  thought  to  have  a  won- 
derful influence.  The  nymphs,  who  attended  them,  were  a 
lower  order  in  thofe  facrcd  colleges  ;  and  they  were  in- 
ftrudcd    by    their    fuperiours    in   their  arts,    and  myfteries. 

''  KcciTci  rouiys  -srept  rov  YI'^vtcv  OnSgn  'w^o(T<xyoovjo;jiivdi  i~o^ii  $(Aao^o;  a 
'^cciSioii  /j.-jvav,  aAAa  xat  TiXnon  oXi^^i^i  eivxi.  Plutarch.  Sympof.  L.  5.  c.  7.  p. 
6b'o.     Thcfe  were  tlie  people,  who  were  efteemed  not  capable  of  being  drowned. 

''  Ovid.  JVIecamorph.  L.  15.  v.  ;^i:6. 

'*  Auftcr  de  fiuminibus.     pliafis. 

"'  Ibid.     Hebrus. 

'  O/355  Kipxaiov  TiToAv'pciouciK'-A'.  Scholia  in  Apollon.  Argonaut.  L.  ^5.  v.  311. 
Theophraftiis  dc  Pkntis.  L.  8.  c.  15. 

''  Apud  Dicaearchum.  Geog.  Gr.  Minor,  vol.  2.  p.  27. 

U  u  u  2  Ovid 

5i6  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

'Ovid  gives  a   beautiful  defcription  of  Calypfo,  and  her  ^t- 
tdhdants,  who  are  engaged  in  thefe  occupations. 

^^  Nereides,  Nymphseque  fimul,  qux  vellera  motis 
Nulla  trahunt  digitis,  nee  fila  fequentia  ducunt, 
Gramina  difponunt,  fparfofque  fine  ordine  flores 
Secernunt  calathis,  variafque  coloribus  herbas. 
Ipfa,  quod  has  faciunt,  opus  exigit :   ipfa  quid  ufus 
Quoque  fit  in  folio  ;   qu^e  fit  concordia  miftis, 
Novit,  et  advertens  penfas  examinat  herbas. 

Ffbrh  the  knowledge  of  this  people  in  herbs,  we  may 
juftly  infer  a  great  excellence  in  phylic.  Egypt,  the  nurfe 
of  arts,  was  much  celebrated  for  botany. 

To  the  Titanians  was  attributed  the  invention  of  chemiftry. 
Hence  it  is  faid  by  Syncellus,  *°  Xyj^jliol  FiyoLnm  sv^rj^a. 
The  Pseonians  of  Thrace  were  fo  knowing  in  pharmacy,  that 
the  art  was  diftinguifhed  by  an  epithet  taken  from  their  name. 
They  lived  upon  the  Hebrus  :  and  all  the  people  of  that 
region  were  at  one  time  great  in  '^'  fcience.  The  Grecians 
always  acknowledged,  that  they  were  deeply  indebted  to 
them ;  and  the  Mufes  were  faid  to  have  come  from  thofe 
parts.     Here  was  the  fpot — 

"'  Metamorph.  L.  14.  v.  264. 

''  Homer.  Odyff.  A.  v.  225. 

♦°  P.  14. 

*'  See  Vol.  II.  p.  I  JO"  of  this  Work. 

7  In 

Thb  Analysis  of  An'cient  Mythology.  517 

In  quo  tonanti  fancla  Mnemofyne  Jovi, 
Foecunda  noWes  artium  peperit  chorum. 

The  Pierians  were  as  famed  for  poetry  and  mufic,  as  the 
Pasonians  were  for  phyfic.  Thamyras,  Eumolpus,  Linus, 
Thymaetes,  and  Mufeus,  were  fuppofed  to  have  been  of  this 
*"  country.  Orpheus  alfo  is  afcribed  to  Thrace  ;  who  is  faid 
to  have  foothed  the  favage  rage  ;  and  to  have  animated  the 
very  rocks  with  his  harmony. 

Aicrrig  ©^rimi^g  Xmr\g  siri  Ti]7Ksdooo(raij 
'E^siYig  g-i'^ooo(nv  STTYjT^i^oi,  dg  oy  stti  'ur^o 
<dshyo^BvoLg  (po^^iyyi  K^Ttr/^yz  His^iri^sv. 

Of  him  they  tell,  that  with  his  tuneful  lyre, 
He  foft'ned  rocks  upon  the  rugged  hills, 
And  made  the  torrent  ftay.      E'en  now  the  trees 
Stand  in  due  order  near  the  Thracian  fhore, 
Proof  of  his  wondrous  fkill ;   by  muflc's  pow'r 
Brought  from  Pieria  down  to  Zona's  plain. 

Thefe  defcriptions,  though  carried  to  an  excefs  according  to 
the  licentioufnefs  of  the  poets,  yet  plainly  Ihew,  what  excellent 
muficians  the  Pierians  were  for  the  times  in  which  they  lived, 
and  how  much  efteemed  by  other  nations.  And  in  latter 
times  we  find  people  in  thefe  parts,  who  difplaycd  no  fmall 

*^  Diodorus.  L.  3.  p.  201. 
*'  ApoUon. Rhod.  L.  i.  v.  25. 


5l8  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

fhew  of  genius ;  and  were  much  addi^ed  to  letters.  Taci- 
tus, fpeaking  of  Cotys,  a  king  of  this  country,  defcribes  him 
as  of  a  gentle  and  elegant  turn  of  mind  :  ^"^  Ingenium  mite  et 
amaenum.  But  this  does  not  quite  come  up  to  his  charad:er  ; 
for  he  was  a  prince  devoted  to  fcience,  who  took  a  great  de- 
light in  poetry,  and  was  efteemed  a  good  compofer.  There 
is  an  affeding  epiftle,  written  by  Ovid  in  his  banifliment, 
wherein  he  addreffes  Cotys  on  this  head,  and  conjures  him 
to  fhew  fome  pity,  as  he  was  a  partner  in  the  fame  ftudies. 

*^  Ad  vatem  vates  orantia  brachia  tendo. 

The  Hyperboreans  feem  to  have  been  equally  celebrated. 
They  worfhiped  the  Sun,  and  had  peculiar  myfteries,  which 
were  attended  with  hymns.  I  have  mentioned  their  coming 
with  flutes,  and  harps,  and  other  inftruments  to  Delos,  and 
chanting  before  the  altar,  which  was  efteemed  the  moft  an- 
cient in  the  world.  I  have  alfo  taken  notice  of  the  muflc 
of  the  Egyptians  and  Canaanites,  which  was  very  afFcdling. 
An  Amazonian  tribe,  the  Marianduni,  were  noted  for  the 
moft  melancholy  **  airs.  The  Iberians  of  Baetica  feem  in  like 
manner  to  have  delighted  in  a  kind  of  dirges,  and  funereal 
muflc.  Hence  they  are  faid  by  Philoftratus  to  have  been  the 
only  people  in  the  world,  who  celebrated  the  triumphs  of 
death.     *'  Tov    QayaTov   fjLoi/oi    ay^^ooTToov  'WoLian low 01.1.     The 

**  Annal.  2.  c.  64. 

'*'  De  Ponto.  L.  2.  Eleg.  9.  v.  6^. 

**  Ka(  }-lafixyj'vvu:<.'  leocv  ■n^Sov.      Dionyf.  v.  7S8. 

It^iov  S'b,  on  iTri^ct.^pioc^cv  roH  Mccotccv^vvoa  2rpnvuv  ccvXtitui. — !c-pivr,Tixoi  Ss  xai  ei 
Kupii,  a^'  wi'  Kapixa  S-^Jirw^))  avKri^ci-Tct.     Scholia,  ibid. 
*'  PIiiloftratLis  in  Vita  Apollon.  p.  2 1 1. 

10  mufic 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythologv.  519 

mufiic  in  thefe  places  was  well  adapted  to  the  melancholy 
rites  of  the  natives :  but  it  was  not  in  all  parts  the  fame. 
The  ancients  fpeak  ot  the  Dorian  and  '^^  Phrygian  meafures 
as  more  animated  and  manly.  Thofe  of  Lefbos  and  JEolia. 
were  particularly  fweet,  and  pleafing,nor  was  it  only  harmony, 
which  they  efteemed  a  requilite  in  their  hymns  :  they  were 
made  the  repolitories  of  all  knowledge,  and  contained  an  hif- 
tory  of  their  anceftors,  and  of  their  Deities:  and  the  annals  of 
paft  ages.  Such  were  the  hymns  at  Delphi,  and  at  Delos:  and 
in  moft  regions  of  Hellas.  This  is  alluded  to  by  Homer  in  the 
liiftory  of  the  Sirens,  whofe  voices  and  mulic  are  reprefented 
as  wonderfully  taking;  fo  that  nothing  could  withftand  their 
harmony.  But  this  was  not  their  chief  excellence :  their  know- 
ledge was  ftill  more  captivating  ;  and  of  this  they  made  a 
difplay  to  Ulyffes,  that  they  might  allure  him  to  their  fhores. 

O-u  yoL^  'UT(>)  Tig  rrih  'UTa^riKcKTs  vr^i  fJiB7\oiivY\, 
H^iv  y  r]iJLSOjy  ^s7\iyrj^vv  oltto  g-Q^oLrm  oir  oL/.arcn' 
K7\7\  oys  T£^'^oL[jL£vog  vzncfj,  koli  'srKeiOi/a  si^o^g. 
\^^,ev  ya^  101  'UTolv^'  oV  evt  T^oijj  Bv^ziri 
A^yeioi  T^usg  r&  ^soop  ioirfn  ixoyrjcctv. 
l^(jLsv  J''  oV(ra  ysvrjTOLi  btti  y^^ovi  TraXv^oTSi^r;. 
'£lg  (pa<TOLV  Isktoli  otto,  kclKKi^ov 

Pride  of  all  Greece,  renown'd  Ulyffes,  ftay,. 
And  for  a  moment  liften  to  our  fong. 

*'  See  Ariftotlede  Rcpub.  L.  8.  c.  7.  p.  613.     They  were  however  in  fome  de- 
gree plaintive.     See  Scholia  in  Dionyf.  Uipinyw.  v.  788, 
.  ?'  Odyff.  M.  V.  184.  Pq 

c^^io  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

For  ae'er  did  mortal  yet  this  lov^ely  ifle 
Pafs  unregarded  ;   but  his  courfe  withheld 
To  Kear  our  foothing  lays  :   he  then  retired. 
His  foul  all  raptures,  and  his  mind  improved. 
We  know  the  fad  affeding  tale  of  Troy, 
The  godlike  heroes,  and  the  ten  years  toil ; 
Oh,  ftay,  and  liften  to  us :   we'll  unfold 
All,  that  time  treafures,  and  the  world  contains. 
So  fang  th'  alluring  Sirens,  pouring  forth 
A  moft  melodious  ftrain. 

Thus  have  I  attempted  to  iliew,  how  fuperiour  in  faience 
this  great  family  appeared,  wherever  they  fettled.  And 
though  they  degenerated  by  degrees  ;  and  were  oftentimes 
overpowered  by  a  barbarous  enemy,  which  reduced  them  to 
a  ftate  of  obfcurity ;  yet  fome  traces  of  their  original  fupe- 
riority  were  in  moft  places  to  be  found.  Thus  the  Turde- 
tani,  one  of  thofe  Iberian  nations  upon  the  great  weftern 
ocean,  are  to  the  laft  reprefented  as  a  moft  intelligent  people. 
72)ej  are  well  acquainted^  fays  ^°  Strabo,  with  gramjnar,  and 
have  ma7iy  written  records  of  high  antiquity.  They  have  alfo 
large  colleEiions  of  poetry  :  and  even  their  laws  are  defer ibed  i?i 
verfe^  which^  they  fay  ^  are  of  fix  thoufand years  flandi?ig.  Though 
their  laws  and  annals  may  have  fallen  tar  fhort  of  that  date, 
yet  they  were  undoubtedly  very  curious  ;  and  we  muft  ne- 
ceffarily  lament  the  want  of  curioHty  in  the  Romans,  who 
have  not  tranfmitted  to  us  the  leaft  fample  of  thefe  valuable 

TYii  ■njaXaicii  fj.vnu.rii  i^dat  ret  cuyypcty.fji.a.TXy  xxi  Tvoinf/.xTx,  kxi  yojjibi  ifj-fAiT^ai 
i^uytiQ^iKiwv  erui,  di  (f^xai.     L.  3.  p.  204. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.       521 

remains.  In  Tatianus  *'  Aflyrius,  and  more  efpecially  in 
Clemens  of  ^*  Alexandria,  we  have  an  account  of  thofe  per- 
fons,  who  were  fuppofed  to  have  bleffed  the  world  with  fome 
invention  :  and  upon  examination  almjft  all  of  them  will  be 
found  to  have  been  of  Cuthite  original. 

"  C.  I.  p.  243. 

*'  Stromat.  L.  i.  p.  364.     See  alfo  Pliny  and  Hyginus. 

Vol.  III.  X  X  X  OF 

{     523     ) 

O  F 

Their    BUILDINGS,    and    other    great 


IT  would  be  unpardonable,  if  I  were  to  pafs  over  in  filence 
the  mighty  works,  which  this  people  carried  on,  and  the 
edifices,  which  they  ere(51:ed  in  the  difFerent  parts,  where  they 
fettled.  All  thofe  mounds  and  caufeways,  the  high  roads, 
and  {lately  ftru6lures,  which  have  been  attributed  to  Semira- 
mis  of  Babylonia,  were  the  works  of  the  ancient  Semarim  of 
that  country.  They  formed  vaft  lakes,  and  carried  on  canals 
at  a  great  expence  :  and  opened  roads  over  hills,  and  through 
forefts,  which  were  before  impaffable.  Strabo  fays,  that  Ba- 
bylonia was  full  of  works  of  this  '  iiature  ;  and  beftdes  what  was 
done  /;z  thefe  parts ^  there  were  monu7nents  of  Babylojiian  induf- 
try  all  over  Afa.  He  mentions.y  Ao^oi,  high  altars  of  raifed 
earthy  and  frong  walls y  and  battlements  of  various  cities^  toge- 

'  He  attribures  the  whole  to  Semiramis.  Ka;  tj;»  ^nj/.i^aiM^o':,  X'^pti  ron'  ev 
BatuA&Ji't  ipyw^  "zs-oA^iCi  xoct  aAAa  y.aTcx.  t^ccuolv  ')Y,y  crKiSov  ouxvutui,  can  Tiii 
HTreiprf  raurn;  e^ii'.  Tare  j-f^&j/z.aTa,  a.  Sn  y^a.K'stn  '^-iJiicccf.t.i^o'i,  Kcei  lii^i),  xaci  f-vixcc- 
7C0V  xoLTccaxi'Jxi,  xKL  auoiyy'xiv  roov  iv  auroi?,  x.  t  A.      L.  i6.  p.  1071. 

Tet^Qil.ifA.tpapniQi.      Ibid.  L.   II.  p.  802. 

Tyana  near  Comana  in  Pontus.  'K.ioiJ.x  Xiy.ipxy.fSo:.  Ibid.  L,  12.  p.  Sii. 
See  alfoL.  2,  p.  134. 

X  X  X  2  therj 

524  The   Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

the?"  'with  fubterraneous  pajfages  of  co?nmu7jication.  Alfo  aque^ 
du  Sis  for  the  cojiveyance  of  water  U7ider  ground :  and  pajfages  of 
great  lejjgth  upwards  by  fairs.  To  thefe  were  added  beds^ 
formed  for  the  paffage  of  rivers^  a?id  for  lakes:  together  with 
bridges^  and  highways.  Thofc,  who  were  driven  to  Egypt^ 
and  took  up  their  refidence  in  that  country,  carried  on  the 
like  works  ;  many  of  which  remain  to  this  day,  and  are  the 
wonder  of  all,  who  view  them.  Beiides  clearing  the  river, 
and  gaining  a  moft  valuable  territory,  they  enriched  the 
upper  region  with  numberlefs  conveniences.  The  canal,- 
which  they  carried  on  from  the  upper  point  of  Delta  to  the 
Red  Sea,  was  an  immenfe  operation.  They  undertook  it : 
and,  however  people  may  difpute  the  point,  it  was  finidied. 
This  is  evident  from  the  abutments  of  the  floodgates,  which 
are  ftill  exifting  between  the 'hills,  through  which  it  pafled. 
For  they  took  advantage  in  conducting  it,  of  an  hollow  in 
the  Arabian  '  mountain  ;  and  led  it  through  this  natural  chan- 
nel. Don  John  de  Caftro  *  fays,  that  though  the  ancient  paf- 
fage is  in  great  mcafure  filled  with  fand,  yet  traces  of  it  are 
ftiii  to  be  feen  in  the  way  to  Suez.  The  ftones,  of  which 
they  made  ufe  for  the  confhrudion  of  their  obelifks,  and  py- 
ramids, were  hewn  out  of  the  mountain  of  Arabia :  and 
fome  were  brought  from  the  quarries  in  the  Thebais.  Moft 
of  thefe  are  fo  large  and  ponderous,  that  it  has  been  the 
wonder  of  the  bell:  artifts,  how  they  could  be  carried  to  that 

'  Something  of  this  nature  was  obferved  by  Pocock.  See  Egypt,  vol.  i.  p.  132. 
The  canal  was  again  opened  by  Ptolemy,  called  by  Diodorus  fjToAf^aii?  0  hu-n^oi, 
L.  I.  p.  30. 

*  The  fame  as  Phi  Pliroth  of  the  Scriptures.     Exodus,  c.  14.  v.  2. 

•*  Travels,  c.  7.     See  Aftley's  Collection,  vol.  \.  p.  126. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythologt.  525 

degree  of  elevation,  at  which  they  are  feen  at  this  day.  The 
obelifks  coniift  of  one  ftone,  and  are  of  a  great  length.  Two 
of  them  have  been  brought  from  Alexandria  to  Rome  :  and 
treatifes  have  been  written  to  fhow  the  manner  of  their  ^  con- 
veyance :  and  others  to  defcribe  the  means,  by  which  they 
were  afterwards  raifed.  What  muft  have  been  the  original 
labour,  when  they  were  hewn  from  the  rock ;  and  when 
they  were  firft  eredted  !  The  principal  pyramid  feems  at 
firft  to  have  been  five  hundred  feet  in  perpendicular  height, 
though  by  the  accumulation  of  fand,  it  may  fall  fomething 
fhort  of  that  extent  at  this  ^  day.  The  vertex  was  crowned 
with  thirteen  great  ftones,  two  of  which  do  not  now  appear. 
Within  are  rooms,  which  are  formed  of  ftones  equally  large. 
Thevenot  fpeaks  of  a  ^  hall,  thirty  feet  in  length,  nineteen 
in  height,  and  fixteen  in  breadth.  He  fays,  that  the  roof  is 
flat,  and  covered  with  nine  ftones,  of  which  feven  in  tlie 
middle  are  fixteen  feet  in  length.  Sandys  alfo  fpeaks  of 
a  chamber  forty  feet  in  length,  and  of  a  great  height. 
The  ftones  were  fo  large,  that  eight  floored  it ;  eight 
roofed  it  ;  eight  flagged  the  ends  ;  and  fixteen  the  fides  ; 
all  of  well- wrought  Theban  marble.  The  chamber,  to  which 
he  alludes,  is  certainly  the  center  room  :  but  he  is  miftaken 
in  his  menfuration.      We  have  it  more  accurately  defcribed 

'  Marcellinus.  L.  17.  p.  124. 
It  is  four  hundred  and  ninety-nine  feet  high,  according  to  Greaves.     Vol.  i. 
p.  94. 

Gemelli  makes  it  five  hundred  and  twenty  feet.     Churchill's  Vovnpes.  vol.  4. 
p.  27. 

^  Part  Second,   p.  1 32. 

.     J-.  2.  p.   102. 


C26  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

by  another  of  our  countrymen  *  Greaves ;  who  fpeaks  of  it 
trs  a  rich  and  fpacious  chamber  of  moji  curious  U'orkma77jJjip. 
1'he  fto?ies^  fays  he,  which  cover  this  place  .^  are  of  a  J}  range  ^  and 
fupendous  lengthy  like  fo  many  huge  beams  lying  flat^  and  tra- 
verjtng  the  room  j  and  withal  fupporting  that  infinite  mafs  and 
HJoeight  of  the  pyrajnid  above.  Of  thefe  there  are  nine^  which 
cover  the  roof.  He  makes  the  room  larger,  than  it  is  fup- 
pofed  to  be  by  Thevenot  ;  for  he  fays,  that  by  a  moft  exadt 
meafuremeiit,  he  found  it  to  be  fomething  more  than  thirty- 
four  Englifh  feet  in  length  ;  feventeen  feet  t^o^  in  breadth  ; 
and  nineteen  and  an  half  in  height.  Pocock  takes  notice  of 
fome  prodigious  ftones,  which  he  met  with  in  thefe  parts. 
One  was  found  to  be  twenty-one  feet  in  length,  eight  broad, 
and  four  in  depth.  Another  was  thirty-three  feet  long,  and 
five  broad. 

Many  have  been  the  furmifes  about  the  people,  by  whom 
thefe  ftately  flrudures  were  erected.  I  have  mentioned,  that 
they  were  the  work  of  the  Cuthites  ;  thofe  Arab  Shepherds, 
who  built  '°  Heliopolis,  who  were  the  Vr,yz]iBi<;',  the  Giants 
and  Titans  of  the  firft  ages.  The  curious  traveller  Norden 
"  informs  us,  that  there  is  a  tradition  ftill  current  among  the 
people  of  Egypt,  that  there  were  once  Giants  in  that  coun- 
try :  and  that  by  them  thefe  flrudures  were  raifed,  which 
have  been  the  aftonifhment  of  the  world.  According  to  He- 
rodotus, they  were  built  by  the  '^  Shepherd  Philitis ;  and  by 
a  people  held  in  abomination  by  the  Egyptians. 

'  Greaves,  vol.  i.  p.  126. 

'°  Juba  auclor  eft-^Solis  quoqiie  oppidiim,  quod  non  procul  Memphi  in  uEgypti 
fitu  diximus  Arabas  condicores  habere,     Pliny,  L.  6.  p.  343. 
"  Vol.  1.  p.  75. 

"  L.  2.  c.  128,  The 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  527 

The  ancient  temple  at  Heliopolis  in  Syria  was  in  great  re- 
pute, long  before  it  was  rebuilt  after  the  mode  of  the  Gre- 
cians. It  is  generally  called  Balbec,  which  feems  to  be  a 
variation  for  Bal-beth  ;  as  we  may  infer  from  '^  Gulielmiis 
Tyrius.  Of  the  original  building  we  may  form  fome  judg- 
ment, from  a  part  of  the  ancient  wall,  which  ftill  remains. 
Dr.  Pocock,  having  fpoken  of  the  temple,  which  now  lies 
in  ruins,  adds,  '*  but  what  is  very  fur prifingy  in  the  wall  to 
the  weji  of  the  temple,  there  are  three  flo7tes,  near  twe?ity  feet 
above  the  growid ;  each  of  which  is  fixty  feet  lo?ig  :  the  largefl 
of  thetn  is  about  fixty -two feet  nine  inches  in  length.  On  the7torth 
fide  are  likewife  feven  very  large  ftones  ;  but  not  of  fo  great  a 
fize  :  the  thicknefs  was  about  twelve  feet.  The  fame  were  ob- 
ferved  by  the  late  learned  and  curious  Mr.  Wood ;  whole 
account  feems  to  have  been  more  precife.  JFe  could  not, 
fays  he,  get  to  meafure  the  height  and  breadth  of  the  fi ones, 
which  compofe  the  fecond  firatum.  But  we  found  the  le?igth  of 
three  of  them  to  make  together  above  an  hmidred  and  ninety 
feet ;  aitd  feparately  fixty-three  feet  eight  i?iches,  fixty-four  feet, 
and  fixty-three  feet.  And  that  thefe  ponderous  mafies  were 
not,  as  fome  have  idly  furmifed,  faftitious,  may  be  proved 
from  the  places,  whence  they  were  manifeftly  taken.  There 
is  one  flone  of  an  immenfe  fize ;  which  has  been  faihioncd, 
but  never  entirely  feparated  from  the  quarry,  where  it  was 
firft  formed.      It  ftands  in  the  vicinity  of  thofe  abovernen- 

''  Heliopolim  Grsece  videlicet,  qua;  hodie  Malbec  (lege  Balbec)  dicirur,  Ara- 
bice  diftam  Balbeth.  Gulielm.  Tyrius.  L.  21.  p.  looo.  According  :o  Jablca- 
fky.  Bee  and  Beth  are  fynonimous. 

'*  Vol.  2.  p.  no, 

7  tioned  ; 

528  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

tioncd  ;   and   is   taken    notice   of  both  by  Dr.  Pocock,  and 
Mr.  Wood.      The  account  given  by  the   latter  is   very  re- 
markable.    '^  Li  the  firjl  quarry  there  are  JI ill  re7nai?ii72g.fome 
vajljlones,  cut  and  p^  aped  for  ufe.    'That  upoft  which  this  letter 
I  (in  the  fecG?td.  plate)  is  marked^    appears  from  its  fjape  and 
fizc  to  have  bee?t  intended  for  the  fa^ne  purpofe^  as  the  three 
ftones  mentio7ied  Plate  3.      It  is  ?tot  intirely  detached  from  the 
quarry  at  the  bottom.      IVe  meafured  it  feparately,  and  allow- 
ing for  a  little  difagreement  in  our  account s.,  owijjg^  we  think,  to 
its  7tot  heiii^  exaEily  foaped  into   a  perfeSlly  regular  body,   we 
found  it  feve7ity  feet  long,  four  tee7i  broad,  and  fourteen  feet  five 
inches  deep.      The  flone  accordi7ig  to  thefe  di7ne77fio7is   co7ttains 
fourtez7i  thoufand  07ie  himdred  a7id  twe7ity-eight  cubic  feet:  a7id 
fjould  weigh,    were  it  Portland  fione,    about  two  77iillio7is  two 
himdred  and  feve7tty   thoufa7id  pou7ids    avoirdupoife  j    or   07i^ 
thoufand  one  hundred  and  thirty-five  tons.      From  thefe  ac- 
counts, we  learn  two  things :  firft,  that  the  people,  by  whom 
thefe  operations  were  carried  on,  were  perfons   of  great  in- 
duftry  and  labour  :   and  in  the  next  place,  that  they  mufl 
have  been  very  ingenious,  and  deeply  {killed  in  mechanical 
powers.      For  even  in  thefe  days,  among  the  moft  knowing, 
it  is  matter  oi  difficulty  to  conceive  how  thefe  mighty  works 
could  be  effected.      There   occur   in  our  own  ifland  large 
ftones,  which  were  probably  firft  raifed  on  a  religious  ac- 
count.     It  has  been  a  fubjedl  of  much  inquiry,  to  find  out 
in  what   manner  they  were  brought,   and   by   what  means 
eredled,  where  they  ftand.      But  in  the  countries,  of  which  I 

"  Account  of  Balbec,  p.  18.     See  alio  the  Travels  of  Van  Egmont.  vol.  2.  p. 
^75.  and  Maundrel's  Journey  to  Aleppo,  p.  138. 


The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  529 

have  been  fpeaking,  we  fee  mafles  of  rock  of  far  fuperior  fize 
not  refting  upon  the  earth,  but  carried  aloft ;  fome  to  an 
hundred,  others  to  five  hundred  feet,  perpendicular. 

Many  have  looked  upon  thefe  ancient  buildings,  efpecially 
the  pyramids  in  Egypt,  with  an  air  of  contempt,  as  being  vaft 
piles  without  any  great  fymmetry :  and  have  thought  the  labour 
idle,  and  the  expence  unnecelTary.  But  it  muft  be  confidered, 
that  they  were  defigned  for  high  altars  and  temples;  and  were 
conftru6led  in  honour  of  the  Deity.  Though  they  are  rude, 
and  entirely  void  of  every  ornament,  which  more  refined  ages 
have  introduced  ;  yet  the  work  is  ftupendous,  and  the  exe- 
cution amazing :  and  cannot  be  viewed  without  marks 
of  aftonifhment.  And  il  we  once  come  to  think,  that  all 
coft,  which  does  not  feem  quite  neceflary,  is  culpable  ;  I 
know  not,  where  we  fliall  ftop  :  for  our  own  churches,  and 
other  edifices,  though  more  diverfified  and  embellifhed,  are 
liable  to  the  fame  objection.  Though  they  fall  far  fliort  of 
the  folidity,  and  extent  of  the  buildings  abovementioned,  yet 
lefs  coft  might  certainly  have  been  applied ;  and  lefs  labour 
expended.  One  great  purpofe  in  all  eminent  and  expenfive 
ftrudiures  is  to  pleafe  the  ftranger  and  traveller,  and  to  win 
their  admiration.  This  is  effefted  fometimes  by  a  mixture 
of  magnificence  and  beauty  :  at  other  times  folely  by  im- 
menfity  and  grandeur.  The  latter  fecms  to  have  been  the 
objeft  in  the  ereding  of  thofe  celebrated  buildings  in  Egypt: 
and  they  certainly  have  anfwered  the  defign.  For  not  only 
the  vaftnefs  of  their  ftrudlure,  and  the  area,  which  they  oc- 
cupy, but  the  ages  they  have  endured,  and  the  very  uncer- 
tainty  of  their  hiftory,   which  runs   fo    far  back   into  the 

Vol.  III.  ^  y  Y  depths 

530  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythologv. 

depths  of  antiquity,  produce  altogether  a  wonderful  venera- 
tion ;  to  which  buildings  more  exquifite  and  embellifhed 
are  feldom  entitled.  Many  have  fuppofed,  that  they  were 
defigned  for  places  of  fepulture  :  and  it  has  been  affirmed 
by  '^  Herodotus,  and  other  ancient  writers.  But  they  fpoke 
by  guefs  :  and  I  have  fhewn  by  many  inftances,  how  ufual 
it  was  for  the  Grecians  to  miftake  temples  for  tombs.  If  the 
chief  pyramid  were  defigned  for  a  place  of  burial,  what  oc- 
cafion  was  there  for  a  '^  well,  and  for  paflages  of  communi- 
cation, which  led  to  other  buildings  ?  Near  the  pyramids 
are  apartments  of  a  wonderful  fabric,  which  extend  in  length 
one  thoufand  four  hundred  feet,  and  about  thirty  in  depth. 
They  have  been  cut  out  of  the  hard  '^  rock,  and  brought  to 
a  perpendicular  by  the  artifts  chizel ;  and  through  dint  of 
labour  fajfhioned  as  they  now  appear.  They  were  un- 
doubtedly defigned  for  the  reception  of  priefts ;  and  confe- 
quently  were  not  appendages  to  a  tomb,  but  to  a  temple  of 
the  Deity.  It  is  indeed  faid,  that  a  flone  coffin  is  ftill  to  be 
feen  in  the  center  room  of  the  chief  pyramid  :  and  its  fhape 
and  dimenfions  have  been  accurately  taken.  It  is  eafy  to 
give  a  name,  and  affign  a  ufe,  to  any  thing,  which  comes 
under  our  infpeftion  :  but  the  truth  is  not  determined  by 
our  furmifes.  There  is  not  an  inftance,  I  believe,  upon  re- 
cord, of  any  Egyptian  being  entombed  in  this  manner.  The 
whole  practice  of  the  country  feems  to  have  been  intirely 
''  different.      I  make  no  doubt  but  this  flone  trough  was  a. 

""    L.  2.  C.  127. 

''  SeePocock,Norden,  and  Others. 

'^  Greaves  of  the  Pyramids,  vol.  i.  p. 141. 

?'  See  Shaw's  Travels,  p.  4 1  g. 


The   Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.         .531 

refervoir  for  water,  which,  by  means  of  the  well,  they  drew 
from  the  Nile.  The  priefts  of  Egypt  delighted  in  obfcurity ; 
and  they  probably  came  by  the  fubterraneous  paffao-es  of  the 
building  to  the  dark  chambers  within;  where  they  performed 
their  luftrations  and  other  nod;urnal  rites.  Many  of  the  an- 
cient temples  in  this  country  were  caverns  in  the  rock,  en- 
larged by  art,  and  cut  out  into  numberlefs  dreary  apartments  : 
for  no  nation  upon  earth  was  fo  addicted  to  gloom  and  me- 
lancholy as  the  Egyptians.  From  the  top  of  the  pyramids, 
they  obferved  the  heavens,  and  marked  the  conftellations : 
and  upon  the  fame  eminence  it  is  probable,  that  they  offered 
up  vows  and  oblations. 

As   the  whole   of  Upper  Egypt   was  clofely  bounded  on 
each  fide  by  mountains,  all  the  floods  which  defcended  from 
the  higher  region,  and  from  Abyflinia,  muft  have  come  with 
uncommon  violence.    The  whole  face  of  the  country  affords 
evidence  of  their  impetuolity  in  the  flrft  ages,  before  they  had 
borne  down  thofe  obftacles,  by  which  their  defcent  was  im- 
peded.    As  the  foil  was  by  degrees  wafhed  away,  many  rocks 
were  left  bare  ;   and  may  ftill  be  feen  rough  and  rude  in  a 
variety  of  diredions.      Some  ftand  up  Angle  :   others   of  im- 
raenfe  fize  lie  tranfverfe,  and  incumbent  upon  thofe  below  : 
and  feem  to  fhew,  that  they  are  not  in  their  natural   fltua- 
tion  ;   but  have  been  fliattered  and  overturned  by  fome  great 
convulflon   of  nature.      The  Egyptians  looked  upon   thefe 
with  a  degree  of  veneration  :   and  fome  of  them  they  left,  as 
they    found  "  them,    with    perhaps    only   an    hieroglyphic. 
Others    they    fhaped   with   tools,  and   formed  into  various 

"  SeeNorden.  Plate  122.  123. 

Y  y  y  2  devices. 

532  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

devices.  The  Sphinx  feems  to  have  been  originally  a  vaft 
rock  of  different  ftrata :  which  from  a  iliapelefs  mafs  the 
Egyptians  fafhioned  into  an  objedl  of  beauty  and  veneration. 
I  fhould  imagine,  that  the  pyramids  were  conftrufted  in  the 
fame  manner ;  at  leaf!:  thofe,  which  are  the  principal,  and 
ftand  oppofite  to  Cairo.  They  were  probably  immenfe 
rocks,  which  ftood  upon  the  brow  or  the  mountain.  The 
Egyptians  availed  themfelves  of  what  chance  offered ;  and 
cafed  them  over  with  large  ftones  ;  and  brought  them  by 
thefe  means  to  a  degree  of  fymmetry  and  proportion.  At: 
the  fame  time,  they  filled  up  the  unneceffary  interftices  with> 
rubbifh  and  mortar ;  and  made  chambers  and  apartm.ents, 
according  as  the  intervals  in  the  rock  permitted  ;  being  ob- 
liged to  humour  the  indirect  turns  and  openings  in  the  ori- 
ginal mafs  to  execute  what  they  purpofed.  This,  I  think, 
may  be  inferred  from  the  narrownefs,  and  unneceffary  floping 
of  the  paffages,  which  are  oftentimes  very  clofe  and  fteep  : 
and  alfo  from  the  fewnefs  of  the  rooms  in  a  work  of  fo  im- 
menfe a  fl:ru(£lure. 

I  have  mentioned,  thai:  they  fiiewed  a  reverential  regard  to 
fragments  of  rock,  which  were  particularly  uncouth  and  hor- 
rid :  and  this  practice  feems  to  have  prevailed  in  many  other 
countries.  It  was  ufual  with  much  labour  to  place  one  vafi: 
ftone  upon  another  for  a  religious  memorial.  The  ftones 
thus  placed-,  they  oftentimes  poized  fo  equably,  that  they 
were  affeded  with  the  leaft  external  force  :  nay  a  breath  of 
wind  would  fometimes  make  them  vibrate.  We  have  many 
inftances  of  this  nature  in  our  own  country;  and  they  are  to. 
be  found  in  other  parts  of  the  world  :  and   v/herever  they 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  533 

occur  we  may  efteem  them  of  the  higheft  antiquity.  All  fuch 
works  we  generally  refer  to  the  Celts,  and  to  the  Druids ; 
under  the  fandtion  of  which  names  we  fhelter  ourfelves, 
whenever  we  are  ignorant,  and  bewildered.  But  they  were 
the  operations  of  a  very  remote  age  ;  probably  before  the 
time,  when  the  Druids,  or  Celtae,  were  firft  known.  I  quef- 
tion,  whether  there  be  in  the  world  a  monument,  which  is 
much  prior  to  the  celebrated  Stone-Henge.  There  is  reafon 
to  think,  that  it  was  erefted  by  a  foreign  colony  ;  one  of 
the  firft,  which  came  into  the  ifland.  Here  is  extant  at  this 
day,  one  of  thofe  rocking  ftones,  of  which  I  have  been  fpeak- 
ing  above.  The  ancients  diftinguiflied  ftones  erected  with  a 
religious  view  by  the  name  of  amber :  by  which  was  figni- 
fied  any  thing  folar  and  divine.  The  Grecians  called  them 
*'  Ylsr^cii  K^^^o<Tioi.i^  Petrae  "  Ambroftae;  and  there  are  repre- 
fentations  of  fuch  upon  coins.  Horapollo  fpeaks  of  a  facred 
book  in  Egypt  ftyled  ''^  Ambres  ;  which  was  fo  called  from 
its  fandity ;  being  a  medicinal  book  of  Hermes,  and  intrufted 
folely  to  the  care  of  the  facred  fcribes.  Stonehenge  is  com- 
pofed  of  thefe  amber-ftones :  hence  the  next  town  is  deno- 
minated ^^  Ambroft>ury  :  not  from  a  Roman  Ambroftus  ;  for 
no  fuch  perfon  exifted  ;  but  from  the  Ambroft^  Petra?,  in 
whofe  vicinity  it  ftands.  Some  of  thefe,  as  I  have  taken  no- 
tice, were  rocking  ftones :  and  there  was  a  wonderful  monu- 

*'  Vaillant  de  nummis  Colon,  vol.2,  p.  69.  148.  2j8. 

Alj£^iL,iiV  ^i^OLTTiUiiV  BV  TOti  iSPCt;.       Ibid. 

-'  Eq-ic!'s'u:uoctTzii'lei,o-)pxy.iy.a7euaixai(ii?^.oiiiBcc^KxA>JiJt.eyr;Ay.^oiii.     L.    i. 
c.  38.  p.  52. 

*:*  See  Stukeley's  Stonehenge,  p.  49.  50. 


534  TuTL  Analysis   op  Ancient  Mythology, 

ment  of  this  fort  near  Penzance  in  Cornwallj   though,  I  be- 
lieve, it  h:  now  in  great  meafure  ruined.      It   ftill  retains  the 
pame  of  ^^  Main-Amber,    by   which   is   fignified   the  Jac?-cd. 
Jiojies.     We  find  it  defcribed  by  the  Englifh  antiquary  Nor- 
den,  who  **  fays,  that  it  confided  or  certayne  huge  Jio7tes^  fa 
fetty  and  fiibtillyc  combynedy   ?tot  by  art^   as  I  take  it^   but  by 
*^  riature^  as  a  child  may  move  the  tipper  Ji one ^  beiiig  of  a  huge 
bigjiesy  iLHth  one  finger  \  fo  equallie   ballanced  it   is :  and  the 
forces  of  7nanie  Jlrojtg  men  conjoi7ied  can  doe  ?io  jnore  in  inoving  it. 
He  mentions  another  of  the  fame  fort  called  ^^  Pendre  Stone. 
It  is,  he  fays,   a  rock   upo?t   the  topp  of  a  hill  7iear  Blijlon^  07i 
which  flandeth  a  beacon',  and  on  the  topp  of  the  rocklyeth  a  flo7iey 
which  is  three  yardes  and  a  haulfe  lo7tgey  four  foote  broad,  a7id 
two  a7id  a  haulfe  thick  \   a7id  it  is   equally  bala77ced,    that  the 
wi7ide  will  move  it,  whereof  I  have  had  true  experience.     A7id 
a  7nan  with  his  little  f7iger  %vill  eafly  Jlirr  it,  and  the  flre7tgth 
of  7na7iy  cannot  re77iove  it.      Such  a  one  is  mentioned  by  Apol- 
lonius  Rhodius,  which  was  fuppofed  to  have  been  raifed  in 
the  time  of  the  Argonauts.      It  flood  in   the  ifland  Tenos, 
and  was  the  monument  of  Calais  and  Zetes,  the  two  winged 
fons  of  Boreas.   They  are  faid  to  have  been  flain  by  Hercules; 

*'  Main,  from  whence  came  mcenia,  fignified,  in  the  primitive  langiiagej  a  ftone, 
or  flones,  and  alfo  a  building.  By  amber  was  meant  any  thing  facrcd.  Chil-Mi- 
nar,  by  which  name  the  celebrated  ruins  in  Perfia  are  diftinguilhed,  i'cems  to  fignify 
Collis  Petrse.  The  word  Minaret  is  of  the  fame  etymology,  from  Meen  and  Main, 
a  ftone. 

**  Norden's  Cornwall,  p,  48.  The  upper  ftone  was  eleven  feet  long,  fix  feet 
wide,  and  five  in  thicknefs. 

*'  Thele  are  works  are  of  too  much  nicety,  and  too  often  repeated,  to  be  effedted 
by  chance. 

''  P.  74. 

10  and 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  535^ 

and  though  the  hiftory  be  a  fable,  yet  fuch  a  monu- 
ment, I  make  no  doubt,  exifted  in  that  ifland,  as  the  poet 

A^Awy  ydo  HsKicco  h^'6%orog  a-vj/  aviovrotg 
Trjvo)  ey  OLiJ,:;:i^vTiri  ijr3(pvs]/,  koli  aixricrccro  yoLioLV 
A[JL<p  ctvToig,  fiTiKoLg  h  ^voj  acfMits^^sv  stsv^sv' 
'£lv  sTs^Y],  ^dfJiJoog  'urs^icijcrioy  olv^^oltl  7\ev(T<Tsiv, 

Thefe  haplefs  heroes,  as  they  bent  their  way 
From  the  fad  rites  of  Pelias,  lately  dead, 
Alcides  Hew  in  Tenos.     He  then  rais'd 
An  ample  mound  in  memory  of  the  flain, 
And  on  it  plac'd  two  ftones.      One  flill  remains. 
Firm  on  its  bafe  :    the  other,  lightly  poiz'd. 
Is  viewed  by  many  a  wondering  eye,  and  moves 
At  the  flight  inipulfe  of  the  northern  breeze. 

Ptolemy  *'  Hephoeflion  mentions  a  large  ftone  upon  the  bor- 
ders of  the  ocean,  probably  near  Gades  in  Bietica,  which  he 
calls  Petra  Gigonia  :  and  fays,  that  it  could  be  moved  with 
a  ^°  blade  of  grafs.  TiyooVj  Gigon,  from  whence  came  the 
term  Gigonia,  was,  according  to  Hefychius,  a  name  of  the 
Egyptian  ^'  Hercules.  From  hence  we  may  infer,  that 
both  the  ftone  here,   and  that  alfo  in  Tenos,   was   facrcd   to 

*'  Apud  Photium.  p.  475. 

'°  Aa-q>o^eAu.     The  author  fuppofes,  that  nothing  elfe  could  move  the  ftone. 

''  Tiyoov,  TIccTaiKos'  6i  Se  rav  At'}:V7rrrjv'Hpc(.x.^ia.. 

53^  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

this  Deity,  who  was  called  '^  Archal,  and  Arcalus,  by  the 
Egyptians,  Tyrians,  and  other  nations.  By  Petra  Gigonia 
was  lignified  an  Herculean  monument,  not  raifed  by  him, 
but  to  his  honour:  and  it  was  undoubtedly  eredled  by  people 
of  thofe  colonies,  who  came  both  from  Tyre  and  Egypt. 

I  once  made  mention  of  thefe  moving  Hones  to  a  gentle- 
man who  had  been  in  China  :  and  he  told  me,  that  there 
v/as  one  of  this  fort  in  the  ifland  Amoy,  which  belongs 
to  that  empire.  As  he  had  not  taken  particular  notice  of  it 
himfelf,  he  applied  to  a  friend,  who  had  been  upon  the  fpot, 
and  who  fent  him  the  ioUowino;  account.  As  to  the  fHoving- 
J}o?ie  at  Amoy  J  I  have  o?tly  my  mefjiory^  to  which  I  can  recin\  It 
is  of  a7i  hmnenfe  fize ;  and  it  would  have  beeji  diffxtdt  to  have 
meafured  it^  as  the  longefi^  though  the  fjnalle.Jl,  part  hu?tg  over 
a  precipice  ;  ajid  the  extretniiy  of  it  could  7iot  be  reached.  It 
was  i?i  great  raeafure  of  a  Jlrait  oblong  for?n  :  and  U7ider  the 
fhorteft^  which  was  however  the  biggefi^  part^  we  could  walk  for 
fome  paces.  By  prejfutg  againft  it  with  my  ca72e  upwards^  and 
then  withdrawing  7ny  ar77i^  I  could  perceive  a  fenjible  vibratio7i. 
We  judged  it  by  efli7nation^  to  be  forty  feet  in  length  :  a7id  be- 
tween forty  and  ffty  in  circu77ference  at  the  larger  end.  "The 
flone  did  720t  lie  quite  horizo7ital^  but  f  anting.  I  had  7tobody  to 
apply  to  for  inforjnatio7i  about  it,  except  07ie  perfon\  who^  though 
a  native  of  Fokein^  could  afford  me  7io  ijttelligence.  hi  the  vi- 
ci7iity  of  this  were  fever al  other  flones  of  an  e7ior77tous  fze  ;  a7id 
at  the  fame  ti/ne  as  rou7id  and  fnooth^  as  a7iy  pebbles  i7i  the 
high  way.  Three  of  thefe^  which  were  re7narkably  large,  lay  in 
contaEl  with  07ie  another  :  a7id  on  the  top  of  thefe  was  a  fourth. 
07ie  would  720t  thi7ik  it  poffible  for  a7ty  hu7nan  force  to  have  placed 

''  The  name  was  Ibmetimes  exprefied  Orchal,  and  Ourchol. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  537 

the  uppermoji  i?i  this  pofition.  Might  they  not  have  hee?i  fettled 
in  this  manner  at  the  Deluge?  I  agree  with  this  curious  gen- 
tleman, that  at  the  Deluge  many  of  thefe  vaft  ftones  were  left 
bare  upon  the  retreat  of  the  waters.  But  thofe,  which  are  fo 
equally  poifed,  and  fo  regularly  placed  upon  others,  muft 
have  been  thus  adapted  by  the  contrivance  and  induftry  of 
man.  For,  as  I  before  faid,  their  fituation  is  too  nice  and 
critical,  and  they  occur  too  '^'^  often,  to  be  the  efFed:  of  chance. 

There  are  probably  many  inftances  in  China  of  ftones  fo 
conftituted  as  to  be  affedted  by  a  ftrong  motion  of  the  air. 
Two  fuch  are  mentioned  by  Kircher  :  and  one  of  them  was 
in  the  fame  province,  as  that  taken  notice  of  above.  "  Ad- 
miratione  dignum  eft,  quod  de  Monte  Cio  referunt  Oriofcopi 
Sinenfes,  effe  in  ejus  vertice  lapidem  quinque  perticarum  al- 
titudinis,  et  in  regno  Fokienfi.  alterum,  qui  quoties  tempeftas 
imrninet,  omnino  titubat,  et  hinc  inde,  ad  inftar  Cuprefli 
vento  agitatae,  moveatur.  Kircher,  who  loves  the  marvel- 
lous, would  perfuade  us,  that  thefe  ftones  afforded  a  prog- 
noftic  of  the  weather.  But  this  is  an  idle  furmife.  It  is 
fufficient.  that  there  are  in  thofe  regions  immenfc  ftones,  fo 
difpofed,  as  to  be  made  to  vibrate  by  the  wind. 

When  the  Cuthites  began  their  migrations  to  the  feveral 
parts,  where  they  fettled  ;  the  earth  was  overgrown  with 
forefts :  and  when  they  had  in  any  region  taken  up  their 
abode,  it  was  fome  time  before  they  could  open  a  commu- 
nication between  the  places,  which  they  occupied.  It  is 
particularly  faid  of  ^*  Cyprus,  when  it  received  its  firft  inha- 
bitants, that  it  was  overgrown  with  impaffable  forefts.    They 

"  See  Stukeley's  Stonehengc  p.  49. 
"  China  liiuft.  p.  270. 
'*  Strab-^.  L.  4.  p.  lOOj. 

Vol.  III.  Z  z  z  l-.^^.,";-,,,-,^ 

538  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

however  in  their  different  journeyings,  felled  the  trees,  which 
intercepted  their  courfe  ;  and  formed  caufeways  and  high 
roads,  through  the  marfhes  and  fwamps,  that  intervened. 
Some  of  thefe  were  of  great  extent,  and  afford  wonderful 
evidence  of  their  ingenuity  and  labour.  One  of  thefe  was  in 
India;  and  ftyled  the  way  of  Nufa:  being  the  fame  by  which 
Dionufus  was  fuppofed  to  have  paffed,  when  he  fled  eafliward: 
"  NvT<roLiriv  ynv  S(prjfJLi^o(,vTo  ksKsv&ov.  In  Campania  was 
an  ancient  ftratum,  fuppofed  to  have  been  made  by  '*  Her- 
cules, and  called  ViaHerculanea:  and  there  was  a  city  of  the 
fame  name.  The  paffage  through  the  Alpes  Cottiae,  or  Cu- 
thean  Alps,  feems  to  have  been  a  great  performance  ;  and 
was  attributed  to  the  fame  Hercules.  There  was  a  third 
Herculean  way  in  Iberia,  which  is  mentioned  by  Feftus  Ru- 
fus  Avienus. 

"  Aliique  rurfus  Herculis  dicunt  viam. 
Straviffe  quippe  maria  fertur  Hercules, 
Iter  ut  pateret  facile  captivo  gregi. 

Thefe  noble  works  were  always  dedicated  to  fome  Deity,  and 
called  by  a  facred  title  :  by  which  means  the  perfonage  in 
aftertimes  was  fuppofed  to  have  been  the  chief  performer. 
The  ^^  Via  Elora,  called   alfo  Elorina,    in    Sicily,  was  one 

"  Dionyf.  nspiiryna-.v.  1159. 

^^  Qiia  jacet  et  Tiojce  tubicen  Mifenus  arena, 

Et  fonat  Herculeo  ftrufta  labore  via.     Propert.  Eleg.  L.  3.  16.  v.  3. 
It  was  alfo  called  Via  Puteolana. 

'O  (paaiv  'HgxxAex  (i^tx^aiaou.    Strabo.  L.  5.  p.  375. 
"  Ora  Maritima.  v.  326. 
''  'OS^ov  EAwpn-wj".     Thucydid.  L.  7.  p.  500. 

Hinc  Syraciifas  ufque  via  erat  antiquitus  piano  lapide  llrata,  quam  Elorinam 
appellabant.     Fazellus.  Decad.  i.  L.  4.  c.  2. 

7  of 

The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology,  539 

of  thefe  ancient  roads:  as  was  the  Via  ''  Fgnatia  in  Thrace; 
which  reached  from  Dyrrhachium  to  the  Pontus  Euxinus. 
They  often  raifed  vaft  ramparts  to  fecure  themfelves  from 
the  nations,  which  were  in  their  vicinity.  Some  of  thofe, 
eredted  by  the  Semarim  in  Afia,  have  been  mentioned.  In 
Albania,  one  of  the  Amazonian  regions,  was  a  fortification, 
which  extended  fifty  leagues  in  length,  to  guard  the  pafs 
between  Mount  Caucafus  and  the  Cafpian  Sea.  The  Nubian 
geographer  fpeaks  of  it,  and  ftyles  it — '^°  Aggerem  a  Bicorni 
extrudlum  inter  nos,  et  lagog,  et  Magog.  Near  it  was  the 
city  Bachu.  In  the  terms  Bachu  and  lagog,  we  may  plainly 
fee  a  reference  to  lacchus  and  Bacchus,  the  hero  here  de- 
fcribed  with  two  horns;  by  whofe  votaries,  the  ancient 
Amazonians,  this  work  was  conftrufted.  The  remains  of 
it  are  ftill  to  be  feen,  and  have  been  vifited  by  modern  tra- 
vellers. Olearius  had  the  curiofity  to  take  a  view  of  it:  and 
he  tells  us,  that  it  paiTes  near  the  city  Derbent.  '^'  T/jere  is 
a  mou7^tai7^  above  the  city^  covered  with  wood ;  where  there  may 
be  Jl  ill  feen  the  ruijis  of  a  wall  about  fifty  leagues  i?t  lejigth  : 
which,  we  were  told,  had  fometimes  ferved  for  a  communication 
between  the  Euxine  and  Cafpian  feas.  In  fome  places  it  was 
five  or  fix  feet  high  :  in  others  but  two  :  and  in  fome  places 
there  was  no  trace  at  all.  The  natives  fuppofe  the  citv  to 
have  been  built  by  Alexander  the  Great  ;  and  from  thence 
to  have  been  called  *'  Scaher  Iuna7t.  But  there  is  no  reafon 
to  think,  that  Alexander  was  ever  in  thefe  parts ;  much  lefs, 

"  It  was  five  hundred  miles  in  lengtli.    See  Strabo.  L.  7.  p.  496.  alfo  Antoninus. 
p.  317.  and  the  notes  of  Hieron.  Surrita. 
*°  Climat.  Sext.  pars  nona.  p.  267. 
■*'  Olearius.  L.  7.  p.  403. 
*■  Struys  Travels,  c.  20.  p.  222. 

Z  z  z  2  that 

540  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

that  he  built  here  a  city  :  and  the  terms  Scaher,  or  rather 
Caher  lunan  relate  to  a  hiftory  far  prior  to  that  prince.  I 
have  in  many  places  taken  notice  of  a  perfon  named  lonjloni- 
chus,  and  luna-Hellen,  who  was  fuppofed  to  have  been  the 
author  of  the  Zabian  worfhip  ;  and  from  whom  the  ancient 
lonim  were  defcended.  Caher  ''"'  Iiinan  was  certainly  a  city 
built  by  feme  of  this  family,  and  named  from  their  common 
anceftor.  Near  this  place,  they  £hew  a  tomb,  faid  to  belong 
to  a  gigantic  hero  of  ancient  days,  named  Tzamzuma. 
Many  ftories  are  told  of  him,  efpecially  by  the  eaftern  poets. 
But  by  the  name  is  plainly  indicated  the  family  of  the  perfon^ 
of  whom  this  memorial  remains.  It  fignifies,  that  he  was 
of  the  Anakim  and  Titanian  race  :  for  people  of  extraordi- 
nary flature  were  of  old  called  "**  Zanzummim. 

The  buildings,  which  the  Cuthites  ered:ed,  were  in  many 
places  ftyled  Cyclopian,  from  a  title  given  to  the  architedls. 
Many  ancient  edifices  in  Sicily  were  of  their  conftruftion  : 
for,  though  they  fucceeded  to  other  nations  in  many  parts, 
they  feem  to  have  been  the  *^  firft  inhabitants  of  this  ifland. 
They  were  alfo  called  Lasflrygons,  and  Lamii  ;  and  refided 
chiefly  in  the  Leontine  plains,  and  in  the  regions  near  iEtna.. 
They  ere6led  many  temples ;  and  likewife  high  towers  upon 
the  fea-coaft  :  and  founded  many  cities.  The  ruins  of  fome 
of  them  are  ftill  extant  ;   and  have  been  taken  notice  of  by 

*'  See  p.  ]  59.  of  this  volume. 

^'^  That  alio  was  accounted  a  land  of  Giants  :  Giants  dwelt  therein  of  old  time  ; 
and  the  Ammonites  call  them  Zanzummim  :  a  people  great  and  many  •,  and  tall, 
as  the  Anakim.     Deuteron.  c.  2.  v.  20. 

■*'  naKcx.ioTa.TGifj.iv  AsyonTcci  iv,tt  rti/i  tj!5  X^^ols  KvxXcaTS-,  km  AaK^^vyovss 
oixTtaai.     Thucyd.  L.  6.  c.  2. 

ras  Ku/cAwTras  Aiovrimi  oi  v^ifov  iKczAiaocv,     Euftath.  in  Homcrum.  OdylT. 

L.  9. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancieni'  Mythology.  541 

Fazellus,  who  fpeaks  of  them  as  exhibiting  a  mofl  magnificent 
appearance.  They  confifl:  of  ftones,  which  are  of  great  fize: 
fuch  as  arc  continually  to  be  found  in  the  ftrudlures  creeled 
by  this  people.  Fazellus,  fpeaking  of  the  bay  near  Segefla, 
and  of  an  hill,  which  overlooked  the  bay,  '^^  mentions  won- 
derful ruins  upon  its  fummit,  and  gives  an  ample  defcription 
o[  their  extent  and  appearance.  Mens  arduus, — in  cujus 
vertice  planicies  eft  mille  ferme  paffuum  :  cuju5  totum  am- 
bitum  ingentis  magnaj  urbis,  et  proftratarum  yEdium  ruinze; 
lapides  immenfi,  tegulffi  latericiae,  inaudit^e  craflltudinis;  vafa 
iiitilia  antiquiiTimas  inufitat^eque  formse  :  ac  pro  finguiis  li- 
minibus,  fingulae  fere  cifternas ;  quales  et  in  Eryce  et  in  Se- 
gefta  urbibus  notavimus,  fparfim  et  confufe  occupant.  Ad 
angulum  urbis,  qui  mari  et  Zephyri  ilatibus  prominet,  magn^ 
arcis  diruts,  cifternarum^  aediumque,  ac  murorum  ingentium 
vafta  cernuntur  monumenta.  Ingreflum  quoque  ejus,  moe- 
nium,  ampliflima  quondam  murorum  compagine,  lapidum- 
que  quadratorum  fabrica,  infurgentium,  magna  fragmenta 
*^  impediunt.  The  Cyclopians  were  the  fame  as  the  Minyze,. 
who  built  the  treafury  at  Orchomenus.  This  building  is  by 
''^  Paufanias  joined  with  the  walls  of  Tiryns  for  magnificence;; 

**  Decad.  i.  L.  7.  c.  5.     See  Cluverii  Sicilia.  L.  2.  c.  2.   p.  270.     There  are 
fimilar  ruins  at  Agrigentum. 

■"  The  city  Circa  in  Numidiafeems  to  have  been  buik  in  the  fame  manner.  It 
was  by  the  Romans  called  Conftantina  :  and  is  thus  defcribed  by  Gulielmus  Cu- 
perus  in  his  notes  upon  Laftantius.  Conftantina  montis  prope  inacceffi  vertici 
impofita,  qui  munitur  infuper  lapidibus  decern  vel  duodccim  pedes  longis,  quatuor 
vel  quinque  latis  ;  rotunda,  et  ejufdem  fere  ac  Roterodamiim  magnitudinis  ell. 
^dificia  pro  gentis  more,  et  genio,  parvi  momenti  funt ;  fed  rudera,  ac  columnie 
marrr.ores:,  quse  pafflm  a  fodientibus  terram  eruuntur,  certiffima  indicia  funt,  olim. 
ilia  fplendida  ac  magnifica  fuilTe.  Vide  notas  in  Ladantiimi.  vol.  2.  p.  498.  Leo 
Africanus.  p.  240. 

*'  L.  9.  p  783. 

^  and' 

54-2  The   Analysis   of   Ancient.  Mythology, 

and  he  fpeaks  of  them  as  equal  in  workmanfhip  to  the  pyra- 
mids of  Egypt.  The  walls  of  Mycene  were  faid  to  have 
been  eredied  by  the  fame  '^^  perfons:  and  they  were  fo  ftrong, 
that  when  the  people  of  Argos  made  ufe  of  every  power  to 
take  the  place,  they  could  not  ^°  eftedt  it.  In  the  time  of 
the  above  writer,  nothing  remained  of  Tiryns  but  the  ^'  ruins 
before  mentioned.  They  confifled  of  rough  ftones ;  which 
were  of  fuch  a  magnitude,  that  the  leaft  of  them  could  not, 
he  fays,  have  been  at  all  moved  upon  the  ground  by  a  yoke 
of  mules.  There  were  fmaller  ftones  inferted,  and  fo  happily 
adapted,  as  to  exactly  fill  up  the  interftices  between  thofe, 
which  were  fo  large. 

Such  were  the  mighty  works  of  old,  which  promifcd  to 
laft  for  ever  :  but  have  been  long  fince  fubverted  ;  and  their 
name  and  hiftory  oftentimes  forgotten.  It  is  a  melancholy 
confideration,  that  not  only  in  Sicily,  and  Greece,  but  in  all 
the  celebrated  regions  of  the  eaft,  the  hiftory  of  the  pilgrim 
and  traveller  confifts  chiefly  in  his  pafTing  through  a  feries  of 
dilapidations  ;  a  procefs  from  ruin  to  ruin.  What  hand  was 
it,  that  could  fubvert  fuch  powerful  ftates,  and  lay  thefe  cities 
in  the  duft  ?  and  for  what  caufe  were  they  reduced  to  this 
ftate  of  irretrievable  demolition  ;  and  referved  as  melancholy 
memorials  to  future  generations  ?  a  fpedlacle  both  to  the 
native,  and  fojourner,  of  the  utmoft  wonder  and  aftonifh- 
ment  ?      ^"^  Come   behold  the  woT'ks  of  the  Lo?'d:  what  defola- 

*'  ^T£Tii;^L<^o  yap  xccTx  TauTa  rM  ev  Ti^viSi  uto  tmv  Kvy.Aa)7ra)v  xa.?^yy,iva»'. 
Paufan.  L.  7.  p.  589. 

See  Vol.  I.  p.  502.  of  this  work. 

'°  Ibid. 

^'  TocTs  ni^QS,  0  <^»  fAQvov  TMv  ipsiTiMv  XiiTTirat,  Kiy)cAa)7r&)V  fJi2v  K^iv  epyov'  'srSTrww- 
Tai  S'e  ct^yuv  Aiuo;!',  uiySoi  g;^w»'  ex,ix<^oi  Ai6o«,  cog  cctt  ccurcav  /nyjS"'  ocr  ap^ny  Kivrt^i)vxi 
Tov  y-iKporcLioy  uiro  l^iuyovi  rifji.iovuv.  kt  A.     Ibid.  L.  2.  p.  169. 

^'  Pfalm.  46.  V.  8.  tiom 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  543 

tions  he  hath  made  in  the  earth.  He  maketh  wars  to  ceafe  unto 
the  ends  of  the  world.  He  breaketh  the  bow  ;  and  cutteth  the 
fpear  af under  :  he  bui^neth  the  chariots  with  Jire.  Be  Jlill^  and 
know  J  that  I  am  God :  I  will  be  exalted  amo?ig  the  heathen  : 
I  will  be  exalted  in  the  earth. 

Thefe  evidences  I  thought  proper  to  colledl,  in  order  that 
I  might  fliew  the  great  fuperiority,  which  this  people  once 
maintained  above  others  in  their  w^orks  and  enterprifes  ;  and 
in  every  branch  of  fcience.  In  confequence  of  this,  they 
were  looked  upon  as  general  benefaftors  to  mankind.  But 
this  noble  character  was  greatly  tarnifhed  by  their  cruelty  ; 
for  which  they  feem  to  have  been  infamous  in  all  parts.  And 
this  not  merely  through  degeneracy  in  later  times ;  though 
they  did  fall  off  from  their  original  merit :  but  from  their 
rites  and  religion ;  which  had  always  a  tendency  to  blood. 
I  have  before  fpoken  of  the  Lamii  in  Sicily  :  and  of  thofe  alfo, 
who  refided  in  Italy,  at  Phormias,  and  Cumae.  There  were 
people  of  this  name,  and  the  like  cruelties  were  pradlifed  near 
Amifa,  and  in  other  parts  of  Pontus.  The  Cuthse  upon  the 
Mseotis,  and  in  the  Tauric  Cherfonefus,  are  defcribed  as  very 
inhofpitable  :  and  all  thofe  in  their  vicinity  were  of  a  fivage 
caft,  and  guilty  of  great  barbarity. 

^''  'Ei<nv  h  rot;  oyXoi;  fjLsv  01  Tolv^oi  (Tv^uor 
Btov  J"  si/o^ioVj  vo^JLOL^cLT  s^r^XooKOTsg' 
Tyiv  J"  oi][A,orriTC(,  (^a^^ct^oi  Ts,  zoii  (poi/Bigy 

— —  5+  ct-/^;  7^j/  Kvrooi/ 

IfKVTdl  KCCT0i}i8(n, 

minores.  vol.  2.  v.  S^.  90.  99.    Vide  Fragrr 

^'  Scymnus  Chius  apud  Geog.  Gr.  minores.  vol.  2.  v.  S^.  90.  99.    Vide  Fragmenta 
'*  The  KuTxi  and  2>cy6ai  were  the  fame. 

544-  '■I'^^  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology* 

It  is  faid  of  the  Amazonians,  that  they  were  by  no  means  of 
a  gentle  turn  ;  nor  did  they  regard  juftice  ;  or  hofpitality  : 
but  were  devoted  to  war  and  rapine. 

*+  Ov  ycL^  AfjLOL^oviisg  fxaX  STrriTssgj  ovh  ^s^i^aq 
TiaiTCLLj  'ureiiov  AoioLniov  afjL^psvs^JiQvro' 
AAA'  v^^ig  5'ovoeG'a'oCj  kcli  A^sog  s^ya  ^sfxriXs. 
Aj)  yoL^  KOLi  ystsrjV  ztolv  A^Bog^  'A^^oving  ts. 

Strabo,  who  lived  in  Pontus,  fpeaks  of  the  nations  upon  that 
coaft,  as  being  given  to  horrid  cuftoms.  I  am  fenfible,  that 
many  people  cannot  be  brought  to  believe  what  is  reported 
of  thefe  nations.  They  think,  that  the  difpofition  of  man 
can  never  be  fo  depraved,  as  to  turn  to  its  own  fpecies,  and 
indulge  in  human  carnage.  I  fhall  make  no  anfwer  myfelf : 
but  only  place  before  the  reader  fome  few  attestations  out  of 
many,  which  might  be  produced,  of  this  unnatural  gratifi- 
cation. The  writer  before  appealed  to,  fpeaks  of  his  neigh- 
bours the  Scythians,  as  very  cruel.  "  Tag  ^sv  yct^  stvcti  ^a- 
7\S7nig,  cog's  koli  a.)/^^(^7i:o(pa,ysiv.  Some  of  them  were  fo  brutal^ 
as  to  feed  upo?i  their  own  fpecies.  Pliny  mentions  the  fame 
circumftance.  ^*  Anthropophagi  Scythce — humanis  corpo- 
ribus  vefcuntur.  The  fame  is  in  another  place  repeated. 
*^  Effe  Scytharum  genera,  et  plurima,  quae  corporibus  hu- 
manis vefcerentur,   indicavimus.      The  Scythae  Androphagi 

^''  ApoUon.  Argonaut.  L.  2.  v.  9S9. 

"  Strabo.  L.  7.  p.  463.     He  takes  notice  in  more  places  than  one,  '^■>at^m  ^evo- 
^(iiivcvT!t)v,Kai  TXpKO(pacyouyTo:ii.      See  L.  7'  P- 45^'- 
5*  Pliny.  L.  6.  p.  315. 
"  Ibid.  L.  7.  p.  370^ 


The  Analysis  of   Ancient  Mythology,  545 

are  alio  fpoken  of  by  ^*  Herodotus.  The  Sacas,  Indi,  and 
Indo-Scythae,  were  of  the  fame  family,  as  thofe  above  ;  and 
they  are  reprefented  by  Mela,  as  indulging  in  thefe  horrid  re- 
pafts.  "  Scythae  funt  Androphagi  et  Sacas. — Indorum  qui- 
dam  nullum  animal  occidere,  nulla  carne  vefci,  optimum 
exiftimant. — quidam  proximos,  parentefque,  priufquam  annis 
et  asgritudine  in  maciem  eant,  velut  hoftias  caidunt  ;  caefo- 
rumque  vifceribus  epulari  fas,  et  maxime  pium  eft.  TJje 
Scythce  are  Ca7tnihals^  and  fo  are  the  Sacce. — Soj?ie  of  the  Indi 
will  not  kill  any  animal.^  nor  feed  at  all  upo?i  fleJJj. — Others  make 
it  a  rule,  before  their  friends  are  emaciated  either  by  years y  or 
illnefs,  to  put  them  to  death,  like  fo  ma?iy  vi&i?ns :  a?id  they 
thijik  it  not  07ily  a  lawful  thi?tg,  but  a  matter  of  duty  and  affec- 
tion to  feed  up07i  their  inward  parts.  The  moft  reputable 
people  of  the  Indi  were  fuppofed  to  have  been  the  Nyfaeans: 
and  they  are  particularly  accufed  of  this  crime.  *°  OacTi— - 
T8?  -iirs^i  TO  Ni;tr(ra/ov  xi^o;  tuto  oiKHnag  (Iv^mg)  oLv^^t^TTOtpctysg 
siva.1.  Tertullian  gives  the  fame  account  of  the  Cimmerian 
Scythe,  as  has  been  exhibited  of  the  Indie  by  Mela.  *'  Pa- 
rentum  cadavera  cum  pecudibus  ccefa  convivio  convorant. 
Several  nations  devoted  to  the  fame  pradice  are  enumerated 
by  Ariftotle.  IIoAAa  J"  sfi  r(j)v  sSvct)v,  a  "ur^og  to  ktsivsiv,  Kca 
"ur^og  TTiV  oLv^^(i)7ro(poiyiciLv  sv^s^oog  £^£i,  Ka^azs^  roov  'ure^i  rov 
Iloj'TOJ'  A-^OLiQi  TS,  KOLi  Wvio'^oi,  KOLi  riTTSi^ocTiyMV  s^voov  BTB^oi.  There 

'*  L.  4.  c  118.  alfo  c.  106.  He  mentions  one  nation  only.  See  Liician.  Toxaris. 

''  P.  Mela.  L.  ^.  c.  7.  hShii  ocv%^o-iro<pa,yo-Ji.  Schol.  in  Dionyf.  v.  626.  See 
Criger.  cone.  Celf.  L.3.  c.  4/  Concerning  this  cuftom  in  different  places,  fee  Strabo. 
L.  4.  p.  307.  L.  II.  p.  787. 

'"  Scholia  in  Dionyf.  v. '624.  p.  ii6. 

"  Contra  Manich.  L.  i.  p.  365. 

Vol.  III.  4  A  are 

546  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

are  jnany  ?iations^  who  do  7iot  fcruple  to  kill  men ,  pjid  afterwards 
to  feed  upon  their  flefj.      Among  thefe  we  may  recko?i  the  nations 
of  Pojitus ;  fuch  as  the  Achceans^  a?id  the  He?iiochi ;   as  well  as 
other  people  upon  that  coajl.       One   province   in   thefe   parts, 
was  that  of  the  Chabareni,  who  lived  near  Colchis,  and  were 
denominated  from  their  ^*  worfhip.   They  ufed  to  behave  very 
inhumanly  to  all  ftrangers,  whom  chance  brought  upon  their 
Coaft ;   and  feem  to  have  been  very  refined  in  their  cruelty. 
*^  '0<  rm  ^sviKoov  yvvcuiKm  wV  iTm  ysvocncti  kv^ioi,  rn&ag  w^ota; 
S(r^iii(riy  rah  IjToli^iol  )cciTsuoo'^ii(n.     They  were  probably  the 
fame,  as  the  Thebeans,  called  ^*  Tibareni,  as  we  may  judge 
both  from  the  names,  by  which  they  were  diftinguifhed,  and' 
from  their  {ituation.      Some  of  the  Ethiopians  are  accufed  of 
thefe  fad  practices,  and  are  accordingly  ranked  by  Agathe- 
merus  among  the  *^  Cannibals.      To  fay  the  truth,  all  thofe, 
among  whom    thefe    cuftcms    prevailed,    may  be   efteemed 
Ethiopians.      They  were  all  of  the  Cuthite  race  ;   and  confe- 
quently  of  Ethiopic  original.      A  fociety  of  priefts  refided  in 
Africa,  near  a  cavern,  where  they  fabled,  that  the  queen  of 
the  Lamii  was  '*  born.      The  place  was  fituated  in  a  valley, 
and  furrounded  with  ivy  and  yew  trees,  being  of  an  appear- 
ance very  gloomy  j   and  not  ill   adapted  to  the  rites,  which 

*'  The  Chabareni  werefo  called  fromCha-baren,  Domus  Arcs  :  which  was  un- 
doubtedly the  name  of  their  chief  place  of  refidence. 

*'  Steph.  Byzant.  'XxSapnfoi.     See  Ariftotle:  Ethicorum  L.  7.  c.  6.  p.  tiS. 

^*  Thebsi,  Tibareni,  Chabareni,  have  all  a  reference  to  the  fame  worfhip  of 
Theba,  and  Arene. 

''  At^ioTTBi  Av^puTTc^ayoi.     Geogr.  Vet.  Gr.  vol,  2.  p.  41, 

**  Ai'TDov  luueyi^i-y  xa*  a-j^ihaKi  awij^e(pii.  .Diod.Sic.  L.  20,  p.  77S. 
See  Vol.  II,  p.  12.  of  this  work, 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology-.  547 

were  pra^tifed  by  the  Lamian  priefts.  There  is  an  account 
of  another  temple  in  the  fame  *'  country,  which  could  never 
be  feen  twice.  The  reafon  undoubtedly  was,  that  whoever 
came  within  the  purlieus  of  it,  was  feized  upon  and  flaugh- 
tered.  The  dread,  that  thefe  practices  caufed  among  tkofe, 
who  lived  within  the  verge  of  danger,  has  been  the  reafon, 
why  the  accounts  have  been  exaggerated :  yet  we  may  be  well 
affured,  that  there  were  in  general  too  good  grounds  for  this 
imputation  of  cruelty.  And  however  the  great  family,  of 
which  I  have  been  treating,  may  in  other  refpedls  appear  be- 
neficial and  fuperiour  ;  they  were  in  their  rites  and  religion 
barbarous  to  the  laft  degree. 

It  is  true,  that  there  are  fome  accounts  in  their  favour  :  at 
leaft  fome  tribes  of  this  family  are  reprefented  to  more 
advantage.  The  poet  Ch^rilus  has  given  a  curious  hiftory  of 
the  Saczean  Cuthites ;  ot  whofe  anceftry  he  fpeaks  with  great 
honour,  when  he  is  defcribing  the  expedition  of  Alexander 
the  Great. 


My;Aoi'0|Cto;  T£  XoiKccij  ysvscf.  X^cvdai,  ccvTot^  smiov 
Acr^Ja  'UTv^QCpo^oV   Noy^a^m  ys  (jlsv  yiu'olv  olttqikqi. 

Next  march'd  the  Sacae,  fond  of  paftoral  life, 
Sprung  from  the  Cuthite  Nomades,  who  liv'd 
Amid  the  plains  of  Afia,  rich  in  grain. 

^"  Ei'  cTg  T>i  Ai^vYi  Aiovvaov  titqKiv  eiyai,  Txvnn'  Se  bk  ei'Si^ea^ai  S'n  rov  clvtov  sf- 
ivpuv.     Strabo.  L.  7.  p.  459. 

**  Apud  Strabonem.  L.  7.  p.  464.  Anacharfis  was  fiippofed  to  have  been  of  this 
family.  K«<to5'  Kvcc^ctDtriv  Se  ccybpaiTrcv  adfov  ■ko.Kuv  0  Ecpopos  Tara  (pijtriv  eivai  ra 
■ynmi.     Ibid. 

4  A  2  They 

548  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythologt, 

They  from  the  Shepherd  race  derived  their  fource, 
Thofe  Shepherds,  who  in  ancient  times  were  deem'd 
The  jufteft  of  mankind. 

Yet  we  find,  that  thefe  Sacas  by  fome  have  been  reprefented 
as  Cannibals  :  from  whence  we  may  perceive,  that  people  of 
the  fame  family  often  differed  from  one  another.  Of  this 
Ephorus  very  juftly  took  notice,  as  we  learn  from  ^'  Strabo. 
When  thefe  colonies  came  in  aftertimes  to  be  fo  degenerate, 
there  were  ftill  fome  remains  of  their  original  fenfe  and  in- 
genuity here  and  there  to  be  found.  This  was  to  be  obferved 
in  the  people  ofBastica,  as  I  have  fhewn  from  Strabo:  and 
in  the  character  exhibited  of  Cotys,  king  of  Thrace.  The 
like  is  taken  notice  of  by  Curtius  in  fpeaking  of  the  Pontic. 
Scytha3.  ^°  Scythis  non,  ut  caeteris  Barbaris,^  rudis  et  incon- 
ditus  fenfus  eft.  Quidam  eorum  fapientiam  capere  dicuntur,. 
quantumcunque  gens  capit  femper  armata. 

There  was  another  cuftom,  by  which  they  rendered  them- 
felves  infamous,  though  in  early  times  it  was  looked  upon  in 
a  different  light.  They  contra6led  an  uniform  habit  of 
robbery  and  plunder :  fo  that  they  lived  in  a  ftate  of  piracy, 
making  continual  depredations.  This  was  fo  common  in  the 
firft  ages,  that  it  was  looked  upon  with  an  eye  of  indifference, 
as  if  it  were  attended  with  no  immorality  and  difgrace. 
Hence  nothing  was  more  common  in  thofe  days,  when  a 
ftranger  claimed  the  rites  of  hofpitality,   than   to  afk.  him 

/81HC  ccvofjiiiHi.     Tas  fJLiv  yao  en'xi  ^a-AiTrm,  oof^  Kai  a.v^pM7ro(fot,yiiv'  tbj  Si  kcci  twi» 
tcAAci'v  ^ooun  a.Ti^«}-Bxi,     Strabo.  L.  7.  p.  46-^. 
■'''L.  7.C.8, 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  549 

with  great  indifference,  whether  he  was  a  pirate  or  a  mer- 
chant. Oftentimes  both  characters  were  included  in  the 
fame  perfon.  This  is  the  queftion,  which  Neftor  puts  to 
Telemachus  and  Mentor,  after  he  had  afforded  them  a  noble 
repaft  at  Pylos.  ^'  It  is  now^  fays  the  aged  prince,  time  to 
ajk  our  guejlsy  "who  they  be^  as  they  have  jinijlDed  their  7neaL 
Pray,  Jtrs,  whence  come  you,  and  what  bujinefs  has  brought  you 
over  the  feas  f  Are  you  merchants  dejiined  to  any  port  P  or 
are  you  mere  adventurers,  and  pirates,  who  roam  the  feas  with- 
out any  place  of  definatiojt ;  and  live  by  rapine  and  rui?!  f 
The  fame  queffion  is  afked  by  other  perfons  in  different 
places ;  and  as  the  word  in  the  original  is  Ariig-rj^sg,  which 
ffgnifies  robbers  or  pirates,  the  Scholiaft  obferves,  that  there 
was  nothing  opprobrious  in  that  term,  or  culpable  in  the 
profeffion.  On  the  contrary,  piracy  and  plunder  of  old 
were  efteemed  very  honourable.  Thucydides  fpeaks  of 
Greece  as  devoted  to  this  ^*  pradice  in  its  early  ftate.  He 
fays,  that  there  was  no  fecurity  among  the  little  principali- 
ties ;  and  confequently  no  polity  :  as  the  natives  were  con«- 
tinually  obliged  to  fhift  their  habitations  through  the  inroads 
of  fome  powerful  enemy.  But  this  account  of  Thucydides 
relates  to  hoftilities  by  land,  between  one  clan  and  another, 
before  the  little  provinces  were  in  a  fettled  ftate.  But  the 
depredations,  of  which  I  principally  fpeak,  were  effeftcd  by 
rovers  at  fea,  who  continually  landed,  and  laid  people  under 
contribution  upon  the  coafl:.  Many  migrations  were  made 
by  perfons,  who  were  obliged  to  fly,    and  leave  their  wives,. 

"  Homer.  OdyfT.  P.  v.  6g. 
^  L.  I.  p.  2. 


550  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

and  effefts  behind  them.  Such  lofles  were  to  be  repaired:, 
^s  foon  as  they  gained  a  fettlement.  Hence,  when  they  in- 
fefted  any  country,  and  made  their  levies  upon  the  natives, 
one  of  their  principal  demands  was  women  :  and  of  thefe  the 
moft  noble  and  fair.  Diodorus  Siculus  makes  mention  of 
one  Butes  in  early  times,  who  having  been  driven  from  his 
own  country,  feized  upon  one  of  the  Cyclades,  and  reiided 
there  with  his  companions.     "  Kcci  ev  tolvtyi  KaroiKOVvroL  Ar^i- 

^iTrKsonag  ol^tccl^ziv  ttiro  7r,g  ')(^x^cf.g  yvuc^iKag.  Here  he  took  up 
his  habitation^  ajid  robbed  jnany  of  the  people,  who  failed  by  that 
if  and.  A?id  as  there  was  a  great  want  of  women  among  his 
aJfociateSy  they  tifed  to  pafs  over  to  the  continent,  a7td  recruit 
the??ifelves  from  thetice.  Thefe  depredations  gave  rife  to  the 
hiftories  of  princefTes  being  carried  away  by  banditti ;  and  of 
kings  daughters  being  expofed  to  fea-monfters.  .  The  mon- 
fters  alluded  to  were  nothing  more  than  mariners  and  pirates, 
flyled  Cetei,  Ceteni,  and  Cetones,  from  Cetus  ;  which  figni- 
fied  a  fea-monfter,  or  whale  ;  and  alfo  a  large  fhip.  KjjTO^, 
^i^og  vsoog'  KriTivr,  'urAoiov  fxsya  o:g  KriTog.  By  Cetus,  fays  Hefy- 
chius,  is  fgnifcd  a  kind  of  fhip.  Cetine  is  a  hitge  float,  in  bulk 
like  a  whale.  Andromeda,  whom  fome  mention,  as  having 
been  expofed  to  a  fea-monfter,  is  faid  by  ^*  others  to  have 
beeii  carried  away  in  a  Cetus,  or  fhip.  The  hiftory  of  He- 
fione  is  of  the  fame  purport :   who  was  like  Andromeda  fup- 

"  L-  5-  P-  432. 

^*  Conon  apud  Photium.  c.  40.  p.  447.  The  term  Khto;  was  by  the  Dorians 
exprefled  Karos,  Catus.  Among  us,  there  are  large  unwieldy  veflels  called  Cats, 
particularly  in  the  north.  Cat-water,  near  Plymouth,  fignifies  a  place  for  vefleis 
to  anchor ;  a  harbour  for  Kocto/,  or  fhips. 

c  pofed 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  551 

pofed  to  have  been  given  up  as  a  prey  to  a  ^^  Cetus.     Palte- 
phatus  takes  notice  of  the  legend,  and  tries  to  give  a  folution. 
According  to  the  original  (lory,  ^^  there  was  a  fea-mo?ifier  Ce^ 
tus^  who  ufed  to  frequeiit  the  Trojan  coafi :  and  if  the  natives 
made  him  a  prefent  ofyoimg  women^  he  peaceably  retired:  other- 
wife  he  laid  the  country  wafle.     He  imagines,   that  this  Cetus 
was  a  king  of  the  country,  to  whom  this   tribute  was  paid. 
But  thefe  demands  were  generally  made ;   and  this  tribute 
levied  by  people  of  the  fea.   They  landed,  and  exadled  thefe 
contributions,   as   the  hiftory   exprefly   tells    us.      In    fliort, 
thefe  fea-monfters  were  not  fo  much    the  Ceti,    as   the  Ce- 
teans,   and  Cetonians,   thofe  men  of  honour,   the  pirates,  of 
whofe  profefTion  and  repute  we  have  made   mention  before. 
Some  of  them   fettled  in  Phrygia,  and  Myfia,   where   they- 
continued  the  like  praftices,  and  made  the  fame   demands. 
K>]T£io/,  ys^o?  yi^<Tm.   '  The  Ceteans^  fays    Hefychius,  are  the 
fajne  people^    as   the  Myfans.      Their  hiftory  is  undoubtedly 
alluded  to  by  Homer  in  a  pafiage,  which  Strabo  looked  upon 
as  an  enigma  ;   and  fuch  a  one  as  could  hardly  be  "  folved. 
The  poet  is  fpeaking  of  Neoptolemus,  whofe  great  exploits 
are  related  by  Ulyffes  to  the  fhade  of  Achilles  in  the  regions 
below.      Among  other  things  he  feems  to  refer  to  fome  ex- 
pedition made  againfl:  the  Myfians,  who  were   allies   of  the 
Trojans,  and  their  neighbours.  Thefe  Neoptolemus  invaded,. 

"  The  hiftory  generally  turns  upon  three  articles.  The  women  are  guarded  by 
a  dragon,  Afccnoov,  chained  to  a  Petra,  and  expofed  to  a  Cetus  :  all  which  are  mil- 
taken  terms. 

'  riifi  TaK»Ta«  To.S'B  Xiynai.  oa  tqkT^&}<7iv bk  rm  ^<x.XoL-TTin t(poir<t.  x^t  it  [jlsv 
avTO)  S'otiv  xopxi,  ocTni^^STo'  ii  Si]  fjiv,  Tiw  '^ojpxv  auTuv  sAu/^aiHTo.  De  Incred. 
Hiftor.  p.  90. 

"^  Atyiyf^a,  ti  ti6s«  nftjf  ^waAAoi',  8  Pveycmy  n  (ra^s;.     L.  13.  p.  915. 


CC2  The  Analysis  of   Ancient  Mythology.  • 

and  flew  their  king  Eurypyhis  with  many  of  his  fubjeds,  in 
revenge  for  an  unjull  tribute,  which  he  had  exacted  of  other 
people.  Ulyfles  tells  Achilles,  that  he  cannot  enumerate  all 
the  adions  of  his  fon, 

However y  fays  Ulyffes,  one  aSiion  I  caitnot  pafs  over;  which 
is  his  encou7iter  with  the  hero  Rurypyhis^  the  fon  of  I'ele- 
phus ;  whom  he  few  :  and  at  the  fame  time  7nade  a  great 
faiighter  of  the  Ceteans.  And  all  this  was  done  "  yvvoLi- 
Km  sivsKCt  (JwfWJ/,  on  account  of  the  imjtif  gfts^  which  they 
extorted,  and  which  confifed  in  wojjien.  The  paflage  muft  have 
had  in  it  fome  original  obfcurity,  to  have  embarrafled  a  per- 
fon  of  Strabo's  learning.  But  when  we  know,  that  the  Ce- 
teans were  people,  who  ufed  to  make  thefe  demands  ;  and  at 
the  fame  time,  that  the  Myfians  were  ^°  Ceteans  :  I  think  we 
may  be  affured  of  the  true  meaning  of  the  poet.  In  fhort, 
thefe  Myfians  were  Cuthites,  and  by  race  Nebrids.  ^'  N£?^6(;J' 
0  iLWtiycx;  }coli  ytyaj,  o  Ai^<o\]/,  sj  ov  Mv(roi.  JVimrod,  fays  the 
author  of  the  **  Chronicon  Pafchale,  that  great  hunter ,  and 
giant,  the  Ethiopian,  was  the  perfon  from  whom  the  Myfans 
were  defcended.  The  hiftory  of  this  family  is  in  all  parts 
fimilar,  and  confiftent. 

''  OdyfT.  A.v.  518. 

"  The  term  is  here  ufed  adjei5lively.     We  meet  with  yvva.iy.ct.  y.a.^oy,  'EAAacTa 
<^pxrov,  in  the  fame  mode  of  acceptation,  as  ywaiica.  Su^a.. 
'°  Hefychius  above, 
'■  P.  28. 

I  have 

The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  553 

I  have  mentioned,  that  one  of  the  moft  confiderable 
colonies,  which  went  from  Babylonia,  wa«  that  of  the  Indi, 
or  Sindi  ;  who  have  been  further  diftinguifhed  by  the  name 
of  the  eaftern  Ethiopians.  They  fettled  between  the  In- 
dus and  Ganges,  and  one  of  their  principal  regions  was 
Cuthaia,  rendered  Cathaia  by  the  Grecians.  They  traded 
in  linen  and  other  commoditiesj  and  carried  on  an  exteniive 
commerce  with  the  provinces  to  the  fouth.  A  large  body  of 
them  palTed  inland  towards  the  north,  under  the  name  of 
^^  Sac£E  and  Sacaians  :  who  ranged  very  high,  and  got  poffef- 
fion  of  Sogdiana,  and  the  regions  upon  the  laxartes.  From 
thence  they  extended  themfelves  eaftward  quite  to  the  ocean. 
They  were  of  the  ^'  Cuthic  race,  and  reprefented  as  great 
^*  archers:  and  their  country  was  called  ^^  Sacaia  and  Cutha. 
The  chief  city  was  Sacaftan,  the  Sacafcana  of  ^^  Ilidorus  Cha- 
racenus.  Of  their  inroads  weftward  we  have  taken  notice 
*'  before  :  for  they  fent  out  large  bodies  into  different  parts ; 
and  many  of  the  Tartarian  nations  are  defcended  from  them. 
They  got  poffelHon  of  the  upper  part  of  China,  which  they 
denominated  Cathaia:  and  there  is  reafon  to  think,  that  Japan 
was  in  fome  degree  peopled  by  them.  Colonies  undoubtedly 
went  into  this  country  both  from  Sacaia,  and  the  Indus. 

''  "Strabo.  L.  7.  p.  464. 

'  2c.x«r.  Ts;  ^XL/oa;  arw  (pxcri.     Sceph.  Byzanr. 

Scytharum  populi — Pcrfe  illos  Sacas  in  univerllim  adpellaverc.     Pliny.   L.  6. 
c.  18.  p.  315.^ 

TuV   fXiT    iTTt  nSTpG^O-flalV  loC^aOTCCO    Vif^OVTXl 

To^a. ^(x.Kai  (loPiovTii.— 

KaiTo^xpoi,  ^paooi  ri,x<x.i  effect.  iSxpSxpy.^tipvv.     Dionyf.  rji^my.  v.    749. 
''  By  Agathemerus  called  2ax/a.     Geog.  Vet.  vol.  2.  p.  44. 

^oixaq-avct  Xccnojv  'S.x-j^ccv.     Ifidorus.  Geog.  Vet.  vol.  2.  p.  S. 
''  P.  1:53.  of  this  volume. 

Vol.  III.  4  B  The 

554  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

The  Chlnefe  were  the  ancient  SinjE,  and  Seres ;  who  were 
lb  famous  for  their  iiik.  There  is  in  Paufanias  a  very  curious 
account  of  this  people,  and  of  their  manufadure.  The 
author  has  been  fpeaking  of  the  fine  flax  in  Elis  :  and  from 
thence  takes  an  opportunity  to  digrefs,  and  to  treat  about  the 
nature  of  fllk.  The  forjner^  fays  V2i\i{2im'3iS^  arife  from  feed: 
but  thofe  fine  threads^  of  which  the  Seres  make  ufe  in  weavi?jgy 
are  of  a  dijfere?it  original.  In  their  country  is  produced  an 
i?ifeci^  which  the  Grecians  call^  I^io^,  but  the  natives  have  a  dif- 
ferent name  for  it. — This  the  Seres  attend  to  with  great  care, 
making  proper  receptacles  for  its  prefervation  both  in  fuj7imer^ 
and  winter.  He  then  proceeds  to  give  a  minute,  but  inac- 
curate, account  of  the  filkworm,  and  the  manner  of  its  fpin- 
ning,  which  I  omit  :  and  concludes  with  telling  us,  that  the 
country,  from  whence  this  commodity  comes.,  is  an  if  and  named 
Seria,  which  lies  in  a  recefs  of  the  Krythrcea7i  Sea.  I  have 
been  told  by  fome,  that  it  is  not  properly  the  Erythraean  Sea, 
but  the  river  Sera,  which  inclofes  it,  and  forms  an  if  and,  fmi- 
lar  to  the  Delta  in  Egypt.  In  fhort  fome  iytff,  that  it  is  7iot 
at  all  bou72ded  by  the  fea.  They  fay  alfo,  that  there  is  another 
if  arid  called  Seria  :  a7id  thofe  who  irihabit  this,  as  well  as  the 
ifamds  Abafa,  and  Sacaia  i7i  the  neighbourhood,  are  of  the 
Ethiopia!!  race.  Others  affLr7n,  that  they  are  of  the  Scuthic 
family,  with  a  77iixture  of  the  hidic.  The  hiftory  is  in  every 
part  very  true  ;  and  in  it  we  have  defcribed  two  nations  of 
the  Seres  ;  who  were  of  an  Ethiopic,  Indie,  and  Scuthic 
family.  The  firft  was  upon  the  great  Erythraean,  or  Indian, 
Ocean  ;   or  rather  upon  the  Ganges ;   being  a   province  in- 

'?  Paufan.  L.  p.  6.  519. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology,  555 

clofed  by  the  branches  of  that  river.  There  were  many 
iilands  (o  formed  ;  and  they  are  by  geographers  called  col- 
ledtively  the  ^'  Delta  of  the  Ganges.  The  other  region  of 
the  Seres  was  farther  removed.  It  is  the  fame  as  ^°  China, 
though  fpoken  of  by  Paufanias,  as  an  ifland  :  and  it  lies 
oppoUte  to  the  iflands  of  Japan,  called  here  Abafi  and  Sa- 
caia.  Of  the  fouthern  Seres  upon  the  Ganges  little  notice 
has  been  taken  ;  yet  they  will  be  found  upon  inquiry  to  have 
been  a  very  notable  people.  They  are  mentioned  by  Oro- 
Hus,  who  fpeaks  of  them  as  bordering  upon  the  Hydafpes. 
The  Seres  of''  Strabo  are  of  the  fame  part  of  the  world. 
Marcianus  Heracleota,  in  his  '"^  Periplus,  places  them  rather 
to  the  eafh  of  the  river,  and  makes  them  extend  very  high  to 
the  north,  towards  Cafgar  and  Thebet.  They  were  the  fame 
as  the  Indie  Cathaians,  who  at  different  times  got  accefs  into 
the  lower  regions  of  Seria,  or  China  ;  and  that  particular 
province  called  now  Iiinan.  The  Sacae  likewife,  who  were 
of  the  fame  family,  made  large  fettlements  in  the  upper  pro- 
vinces of  that  country  ;  which  from  them  was  called  both 
'^  Seria  and  Cathaia.  From  thence  they  paiTed  over  to 
the  iflands  of  Japan  :  one  of  which  was  from  them  named 
Sacaia.  It  ftill  is  fo  called  ;  and  the  capital  has  the  fame 
name  ;   and  is  famous   for   the   worfhip  of  the  God  '^  Dai- 

*'  Strabo.  L.  15.  p.  1026. 

'°  Mirct  (TVfx7rcca-<x.u  J^avQix  ei^iv  n  Xn^'icn.  Agathemerus.  L.  2.  c.  6.  p,  42. 
Geog.  Vet.  Gr.  vol.  2. 

'"  Strabo.  L.  15.  p.  1027. 

''  Geog.  Gr^c.  vol.  t.  p.  28. 

*"  Marcianus  Heracleota  places  a  nation  of  Seres  to  the  north  of  the  Sinenfes  ; 
where  now  is  the  region  of  Chinefe  Cathaia.  See  Periplus.  p.  29.   Geog.  Vet.  vol.  i. 

'*  Purchas.  vol.  5.  p.  596.  DaiMaogin  is  probably  Deus  Magog,  five  Deus 

4  B  2  Maogin. 

^^6  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

Maogin.  I''ather  Lewis  de  Froes,  in  a  letter  quoted  by 
'^  Keempfer,  takes  notice  of  a  terrible  earthquake  both  at 
Meaco,  and  in  Sacaia.  The  names  of  the  Deities  in  Japan 
and  China,  and  the  form  of  them,  as  well  as  the  mythology, 
with  which  they  are  attended,  point  out  the  country,  from 
whence  they  originally  came.  The  prevailing  religion  in 
each  of  thefe  kingdoms,  and  the  moft  ancient,  is  the  ^^  Sinto, 
or  religion  of  the  Sindi.  By  thefe  are  fignified  the  Indi,  who 
iirfl  introduced  this  mode  of  worfhip,  as  is  acknowledged  by 
the  Chinefe  themfelves.  One  of  the  Mohammedan  '^  travel- 
lers, whofe  account  has  been  publiflied  by  the  learned  Re- 
naudot,  affures  us,  that  f/je  Chinefe  had  no  fciences  :  that  is,  I 
fuppofe,  none,  but  what  were  imported.  That  their  religion 
and  mojl  of  their  laws  were  derived  from  the  Indi.  Nay.,  they 
are  of  opinion^  that  the  htdians  taught  them  the  ivorfip  of  idols  j 
and  confder  them.,  as  a  ver-y  religious  nation. 

The  people,  who  introduced  thefe  things  in  the  upper  re- 
gion of  this  country,  were  the  northern  Seres,  a  branch  of  the 
Cathaian  Sacse.  ''^  2Jl^£?,  z^voq  (^a^^a^ov  Xkv^ijcqv.  They  were 
a  different  people  from  the  Sinas  and  Sinenfes,  though  at  lail 
incorporated  with  them.  The  chief  city  of  the  country  was 
occupied  by  them,  which  they  called  after  their  own  name 
Sera  ;   and  they  named  the  region  Cathaia.     Hence  Ptolemy 

*'  L.  I.  p.  104.  notes. 

Annum   in  iirbe  Sacaio   moratus.     Epiftola  Gafparis  Vilete  apud  MaffiEum. 
Vide  Hift.  Ind.  p.  401.     It  occurs  often  in  the  letters  of  thefe  miffionarics. 
'*  Ibid,  p,  203.  204.     It  is  called  in  China  the  religion  of  Fo. 
''  Account  of  China  by  Two  Mohammedan  Travellers  in  the  Ninth  Century, 

P-  36. 

5*  Scholia  in  Dionyf.  v.  752. 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.         557 

makes  mention,  "  S^^^-a^,  rr,g  twj/  Xii/ci:v  Mr,T^07roXsccgy  of  Sera^ 
the  capital  of  the  Shics  :  fo  that  in  his  time,  and  indeed  long 
before,  the  Sinenfes  and  Seres  were  looked  upon  as  the  fame. 
In  China  the  Deity  upon  the  Lotos  in  the  midft  of  waters 
has  been  long;  a  favourite  emblem,  and  was  imoorted  from  the 
weft.  1"he  inhgne  of  the  dragon  was  from  the  fame  quarter. 
The  Cuthites  worfliiped  Cham,  the  Sun  ;  whofe  nam.e  they 
varioully  compounded.  In  China  moft  things,  which  have 
any  reference  to  fplendour,  and  magnilicence,  feem  to  be  de- 
nominated from  the  fame  object.  Cham  is  £iid  in  the  lan- 
guage of  that  country  to  fignify  any  thing  '°°fupreme.  Cum 
is  a  fine  building,  or  '  palace  ;  fimilar  to  Coma  of  the  Am- 
onians.  Cum  is  a  "^  lord  or  mafter  :  Cham  a  ^  fceptre.  Laftly, 
by  Cham  is  fignified  a  '^prieft,  analogous  to  the  Chamanim 
and  ^  Chamerim  of  Cutha,  and  Babylonia.  The  country 
itfelf  is  by  the  Tartars  called  ^  Ham.  The  cities  Cham-ju, 
Campion,  Compition,  Cumdan,  Chamul,  and  many  others 
of  the  fame  form,  are  manifeflly  compounded  of  the  facred 
term  Cham.  Cambalu,  the  name  of  the  ancient  metropolis, 
is  the  city  of  ^Cham-Bal:  and  Milton  ftyles  it  very  properly, 
Cambalu^  feat  of  Cathaiaii  Chan,  By  this  is  meant  the 
"  L.  I.e.  11. 

iDia.  p.  95. 

*  Ibid.  p.  102.     The  Tartarian  princes  are  ftylcj  Chain. 

'°°  Bayer's  Mufcum  Sinicum,  vol.  2.  p.  1.^6. 

■    Ibid.  n    n/r 

*  Ibid. 

^  Ibid.  p.  98. 

*  Ibid.  p.  102. 

'  2  Kings,  c.  23.  V.  5.     Hofea.  c.  10.  v.  5. 

*  Herbert's  Travels,  p.  375. 

'  Civitas  Cambalu,  in  provinci'i   Catliai  ibnat   autcm    Civitas    Domini-. 

Marcus  Paulus  Venetus.     L.  2.  c.  1. 

*  Chinam  potiflimam  Cachaii  partem.     Kircher.  China  Illuft.  p.  60. 


558  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

chief  city  of  the  Cuthean  Monarch  ;  for  Chan  is  a  derivative 
of  Cahen,  a  prince.  It  feems  fometimes  in  China  and  Japan 
to  have  been  expreffed  Quan,  and  Quano.  The  Lama,  and 
Lamas,  thofe  priefts  of  Thebet  and  Tartary,  are  of  the  fame 
original,  as  the  Lamii  in  the  weft. 

As  the  religion  of  this  people  extended  fo  far,  we  meet  with 
many  noble  edifices  in  various  parts  of  the  eafl,  which  ftill 
afFord  evidences  of  their  original.  Two  temples  are  taken 
notice  of  by  Hamelton  near  Syrian  in  '  Pegu  ;  which  he  re- 
prefents,  as  fo  like  in  ftrudlure,  that  they  feemed  to  be  built 
by  the  fame  model.  One  flood  about  fix  miles  to  the  fouth- 
wards,  and  was  called  Kiakiack,  or  t/je  God  of  Gods  Temple. 
The  image  of  the  Deity  was  in  a  fleeping  poflure,  and  lixty 
feet  in  length  :  and  was  imagined  to  have  lain  in  that  fliate  of 
repofe  fix  thoufand  years.  'The  doors  a?id  windows^  fays  our 
author,  are  always  open^  and  every  body  has  per^nijjton  to  fee 
him.  iVhen  he  awakes^  it  is  faid^  that  the  world  will  be  a?jni- 
hilated.  This  Temple  ftands  on  a  high  open  fpot  of  ground, 
and  may  eafily  be  feen  in  a  clear  day  eight  leagues  off. 
The  other  is  Htuated  in  a  low  plain  north  of  Syrian,  and  at 
about  the  fame  diftance.  It  is  called  the  Temple  of  Dagun, 
and  the  doors  and  windows  of  it  are  continually  lliut:  fo 
that  none  can  enter,  but  the  priefts.  They  will  not  tell  of 
what  fhape  the  idol  is ;  but  only  fay,  that  it  is  not  of  a 
human  form.  As  foon  as  Kiakiack  has  diffolved  the  frame 
and  being  of  the  world,  Dagon,  or  Dagun,  will  gather  up 
the  fragments,  and  make  a  new  one.  I  make  no  doubt, 
but  the   true  name  of  the  temple  was  lach-Iach,  and  dedi- 

'  Hamekon's  Account  of  the  Eafllndies.  vol.  2.  p.  57. 

6  cated 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.        559 

catcd  to  the  fame  God,  as  the  lachufi  in  Japan.  Mr.  Wife 
takes  notice  of  the  Grecian  exclamation  to  '°  Dionufus, 
when  the  terms  "  lacche,  O  lacche,  were  repeated  :  and  he 
fuppofes,  with  great  probability,  that  the  Peguan  name  had 
a  reference  to  the  fame  Deity.  It  is  very  certain  that  the 
worfhip  of  Dionufus  prevailed  very  early  among  the  nations 
in  the  eaft.  The  Indians  ufed  to  maintain,  that  his  rites 
began  firfl:  among  them.  ProfefTor  Bayer  has  fhewn,  that 
traces  of  his  worfhip  are  ftill  to  be  obferved  among  the  people 
of  thefe  parts:  and  particularly  among  the  Tamuli  of  Tran- 
quebar.  '^  T/jey  have  a  ti'adition  that  there  was  07tce  a  gigantic 
pe7'fo?i  na7ned  Maidajhuren^  who  was  born  at  Nifadahura^  near 
the  mount  ai?^  Meru.  He  had  the  horns  of  a  bull,  and  drank  wine, 
and  made  war  upo?t  the  Gods.  He  was  attended  by  eight  Pu- 
dam,  who  were  gigajitic  and  7niJchievous  dcemons,  of  the  family  of 
thofe  Indian  Shepherds,  called Kobaler.  In  this  account  we  have  a 
manifeft  reference  to  the  hiftory  of  Dionufus,  as  well  as  that  of 
the  Dionufians,  by  whom  his  rites  were  introduced.  And  we 
may  perceive,  that  it  bears  a  great  refemblance  to  the  accounts 

'°  See  Wife's  Treatifeof  the  Fabulous  Ages.  p.  95. 

"  la^cpf^?,  w  \tx.xx^.     Ariftoph.  Rans.  v.  318. 

'■  Inde  Tamuli  narraju,  Maidafhuren  fuifie  aliquem  diftum  a  Maidham  et 
Afliuren,  quafi  Taurum  Gigantem  vGigantas  autern  fingunt  Heroas  fuos  fuifie) 
in  Nifadabura  urbe  haud  longe  a  Meru  Monte  natum,  qui  Taurina  cornua 
geftarit  ■,  carnibufque  paHus,  turn  almium  animantium,  cum  vnccarum  (quod  in 
Indis  fummum  fcdus .  et  vino  ad  ebrietatem  replen  folitus,  Diis  bellum  intulerit. 
Ceterum  in  comitatu  habuiffe  o6to  Pudam,  feu  gigantsos  et  malitiofos  Da^rnonas,  ex 
famiiia  Indicoruni  Paftorum,  quos  Kobaler,  i  e.  Partores  vocant :  curru  vecLuin 
ab  odonis  leonibus,  aut  leopardis,  aut  tigriuibus,  autelephantis.  Habetis  Nyfain, 
ubi  natum  ferunt  Bacchum  etiam  GnEcorum  aiiqui.  Habetis  Merum  montem, 
unde  Jov;s  M'/tooi  Luciani  agitatus  locis  :  habetis  KoCaAss,  et  cornua  et  currum,  et 
quicquid  ad  fabulam  veteris  Grteci^  dcfideratis.     Bayer.  Hifl.  Baftriana.  p.  2.  3. 


560  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

tranfmltted  by  the  '^  Grecians.  What  are  thefe  Kobaler, 
who  were  defcended  from  the  Shepherds,  but  the  fame  as 
the  Cobali  of  Greece,  the  uniform  attendants  upon  Dionu- 
fus :  a  fet  of  priefcs,  whofe  cruelty  and  chicanery  rendered 
them  infamous.  '*  KobaAot  Scci^oi'sg  siTi  Tivsg  (TicXrj^oi  'UTSpi 
Tov  Aiororov'  ciTT'XTSfMsg.  T'he  Cobali  were  a  fet  of  cruel  dcemo?ts^ 
who  followed  in  the  retinue  of  Diofiufus.  It  is  a  term  made  ufe 
of  for  htaves  and  cheats. 

The  fecond  temple  near  Syrian  is  faid,  in  the  account 
above,  to  have  been  inaccefTible  to  ftrangers :  fo  that  they 
could  not  tell,  under  what  fliape  the  Deity  was  reprefented. 
Thus  much  they  were  informed,  that  it  was  not  human. 
As  the  Deity  was  called  Dagun,  we  may  eafily  conceive  the 
hidden  charadter,  under  which  he  was  defcribed.  We  may 
conclude,  that  it  was  no  other  than  that  mixed  figure  of  a 
man  and  a  fifh,  under  which  he  was  of  old  worfliiped  both 
in  Paleftine  and  Syria.  He  is  expreffed  under  this  fymbolical 
reprefentation  in  many  parts  of '^  India;  and  by  the  Brahmins 
is  called  Wiftnou  and  Yifhnou.  Dagon  and  Vifhnou  have  a 
like  reference.  They  equally  reprefent  the  man  of  the  fea, 
called  by  Berofus  Cannes  :  whofe  hiftory  has  been  reverfed 
by  the  Indians.  They  fuppofe,  that  he  will  reftore  the  world, 
when  it  fhall  be  deftroyed  by  the  chief  God.  But  by  Dagon 
is  fignified  the  very  perfon,  through  whom  the  earth  has  been 

''  Srrabo  mentions — NucTaiij  tivoh  tBro?,  v.ct.i  'sroXi.v  -zs-ap  ccvroa  t^vaaav,  Kai 
op55  TO  vTio  T«;  -arcAgw:  MHPON.  L.  15.  p.  1008.  Diodorus  has  a  moft  curious 
account  concerning  Dionufus  in  India,  and  of  the  fuppofed  place  of  iiis  birth. — 
Oi'Ofta^eo-Qa/  tw  opsirm  rxvnii  tov  mrov  rmov  Mnocv.      L.  2.  p.  123. 

'*  Scholia  in  Plutum  Ariftophanis.  v.  279. 

KofaAc?,  xay.oviyc?,  'arctiov^yo?,     Hefycii. 

■'  Kircher's  China,  p.  158.     Baldasus.  Part  2.  c.  i. 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology.  561 

already  reftored,  when  it  was  in  a  ftate  of  ruin  :  and  by 
whom  mankind  was  renewed.  Dagon  and  Noah  I  have 
fhewn  to  be  the  fame.  Vifli-Nou  is  reprefented,  like  Dagon, 
under  the  mixed  figure  of  a  man  and  a  fifh:  or  rather  of  a 
man,  a  princely  figure,  proceeding  from  a  fidi.  The  name  of 
the  diftricl,  near  which  the  temples  above  fland,  we  find  to 
be  called  Syrian  :  jud  as  the  region  was  named,  where  flood 
the  temples  of  Atargatus  and  Dagon.  Syrus,  Syria,  and 
Syrian,  arc  all  of  the  fame  purport,  and  fignify  Cceleflis,  and 
Solaris,  from  '^  Sehor,  the  Sun. 

Many  travellers  have  taken  notice  of  the  temples  in  India: 
which  are  of  a  Vv'onderful  conflrudtion  ;  and  to  which  there 
is  fcarce  any  thing  fimilar  in  other  parts  of  the  world.  The 
great  traveller  Gemelli  mentions  a  pagoda  in  the  ifland  Sal- 
fette  near  Bombay,  which  is  looked  upon  as  a  work  of  great 
antiquity.  It  is  called  the  pagod  of  '^  Canorin  :  and  a  tra- 
dition prevails  among  the  Indians,  that  it  was  conftru6ted  by 
iome  of  the  Giant  race.  It  ftands  towards  the  eaft  fide  of  a 
mountain,  which  confifts  intirely  of  a  hard  rock  :  and  out 
of  this  the  various  edifices  are  not  built,  but  hewn.  Round 
about  are  innumerable  columns,  and  many  inferiour  temples, 
covered  with  beautiful  cupolas,  together  with  figures  of 
men  and  animals,  all  alike  formed  out  of  the  folid  rock. 
Some  of  the  flatues  are  completely  carved  :  others  are  in 
bafTo  relievo  ;  and  habited  in  a  peculiar  manner ;  fo  as  to 
witnefs  great  antiquity.    There  are  likewife  many  caves,  and 

"  Syria  was  fuppoled  to  have  been  denominated  from  Syrus,  the  offsprino-  of 
the  Sun. — V.x.  XivcoTmi  xai  ATaAAwroi  "Zvpoi.  Diodorus.  L.  4.  p.  275.  Seep. 
446.  of  this  volume. 

■'  See  Churchil's  Voyages,  vol.  4.  p.  194. 

Vol.  hi.  4  C  orrottos. 

562  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

grottos,  ciirioiifly  contrived:  and  many  large  tanks  of  water, 
commodioiifly  difpofed  over  the  area  of  the  inclofure.  The 
author  is  very  copious  in  his  defcription  of  this  place  ;  and 
of  the  pagodas,  which  are  within  it.  And  he  affures  us, 
towards  the  clofe,  that  all,  which  has  been  hitherto  obferved, 
is  formed  from  the  rock,  without  any  feparation,  or  addition: 
every  figure  ftill  adhering  at  the  bafis,  to  the  mafs,  on  which 
it  flands.  The  whole  is  defolate,  unfrequented,  and  difficult 
of  accefs. 

At  no  great  diftance  from  Salfette  is  an  ifland  of  equal 
curiofity,  called  by  the  Portuguefe  Elephanto.  It  is  de- 
fcribed  by  our  countryman  '^  abovementioned,  who  fuppofes, 
that  it  was  thus  itamed  fj'cm  the  figure  of  an  elephant,  niohich  is 
carved  upon  it,  out  of  a  great  black  ftone,  about  feven  feet  in 
height.  It  is,  fays  he,  fo  like  a  living  elephant,  that  at  two 
hwtdred  yards  dijlance,  a  fjarp  eye  might  be  deceived  by  its 
fimilitude.  A  little  way  from  this  flands  an  ho?fe,  cut  out  of  a 
ftone  ;  but  not  fo  proportionable,  and  well  f  japed,  as  the  ele- 
phant. There  is  a  pretty  high  7nountai7i  Jlanding  in  the  middle 
of  the  ifland,  fijaped  like  a  bhmt  pyramid ;  a?id  about  half  way 
to  the  top  is  a  large  cave,  that  has  two  large  inlets,  which  fsrve 
both  for  a  pajfage  iiito  it,  and  for  light.  The  mountain  above 
it  refls  on  large  pillars,  hewn  out  of  a  folid  rock  ;  and  the  pil- 
lars are  curioufy  carved.  So?ns  have  the  figures  of  me?i  about 
eight  feet  high  in  fever  alpoflures  ;  but  exceedingly  well  propor- 
tioned, and  cut.  There  is  one,  that  has  a  Giant  with  four  heads 
joined;  and  the  faces  looking  fro?n  each  other.  He  is  in  a  fit- 
ting pofiure,  with  his  legs  and  feet  tmder  his  body.      His  right 

"'  HameUon's  New  Account  of  thjc  Eaft  Indies,  vol.  i.  c.  22.  p.  241. 

7  band 

The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  563 

hand  is  above  twenty  i7tches.  There  are  fever al  dark  rooms  hewn 
out  of  the  rock;  and  a  fine  fprbig  offweet  water  comes  out  of 
o?ie  room^  a?id  runs  through  the  cave  out  at  otie  of  the  inlets.  I 
fired  a  fuzee  into  one  of  the  rooms  \  but  1 7tever  heard  cannon  or 
thu?ider  make  fuch  a  dreadful  noife ;  which  contijiued  about  half 
a  minute  \  a7id  the  mountain  feemed  to  fijake.  As  foon  as  the 
noife  was  over^  a  large  ferpent  appeared  \  which  jnade  us  take 
to  our  heels y  and  get  out  of  the  cave  at  one  door ;  and  he  in 
great  hafle  went  out  at  the  other.  I  judged  hifn  to  be  about 
fifteen  foot  loitg  :  ajtd  two  foot  about  :  and  thefe  were  all  that  I 
faw  worth  ohfervation  on  that  ifiand.  I  ajked  the  inhabitants  of 
the  place,  who  were  all  Gentows,  or  Gentiles,  about  twenty  in 
nufnber,  if  they  had  any  accouiit,  by  hiflory,  or  traditio7t,  who 
fnade  the  cave,  or  the  quadrupeds  carved  in  ft  one  :  but  they 
could  give  no  account. 

We  have  a  like  account  of  thefe  pagodas  in  Purchas. — 
''  In  Salfette  are  two  temples,  or  holes  rather  of  pagodes, 
renowned  in  all  India.  One  of  which  is  cut  from  under  a 
hill  of  hard  ftone,  and  is  of  compaffe  within  about  the  big- 
neffe  of  village  of  foure  hundred  houfes;  with  many  galleries 
or  chambers  of  thofe  deformed  iliapes,  one  higher  than  an- 
other, cut  out  of  the  hard  rock.  There  are  in  all  three  hun- 
dred of  thefe  galleries.      The  other  is  in  another  place,  of 

like  matter  and  forme. In   a  little   illand    called  Porj, 

there  ftandeth  a  high  hill,  on  the  top  whereof  there  is  a  liole, 
that  goeth  downe  on  the  hill,  digged  and  carved  out  of  the 
hard  rocke ;  within  as  large  as  a  cloyfter,  round  befet  with 
fhapes  of  elephants,  tygres,  Amazons,  and  other  like  work, 

''  Purchas  from  R.  Fitch,  vol.  5.  p*  545. 

\0  2  workcmanly 

564  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

workemanly  cut,  fappofed  to  be  the  Chinois  handy  worke. 
But  the  Portugals  have  now  overthrovvne  thefe  idol-temples. 
Would  Godj  they  had  not  fet  new  idols  in  their  roome. 

There  are  defcriptions  of  many  other  ancient  edifices  in 
India  ;  fome  of  which  are  of  ftupendous  workmanfliip  :  but 
of  all  others,  that  which  was  vilited  by  the  curious  traveller 
Thevenot,  feems  to  be  of  the  greateft  extent,  and  of  the  moft 
wonderful  conftru£lion.  It  is  called  the  pagod  of  "  Elora  : 
and  flands  near  the  city  Aurangeabad,  in  the  province  of 
Balagate.  He  fays,  that  his  rout  lay  up  a  very  rugged  moun- 
tain, and  very  hard  for  the  oxen,  by  which  his  carriage  was 
drawn,  to  afcend  :  though  the  way,  cut  out  of  the  rock,  was 
almoft  every  where  as  fmooth,  as  if  it  were  paved  with  free- 
ftone.  At  the  top,  he  difcovered  a  fpacious  plain  of  well- 
cultivated  land,  with  a  great  many  villages  and  hamlets 
amidft  gardens,  and  plenty  of  fruit  trees  and  woods.  The 
firft  part  of  this  lovely  plain  was  occupied  by  people  of  the 
Mohammedan  perfualion.  A  little  farther  wejlward^  fays  our 
author,  my  Pio7is  and  I  were  above  half  an  hour  clambering 
down  the  rock  i?ito  another  very  low  plain.  The  firft  things  I 
faw  were  fome  very  high  chapels  ;  and  J  entered  i^ito  a  porch 
cut  out  of  the  rocky  which  is  of  grayifh  fione  :  and  on  each  fide  of 
that  porch y  there  is  the  gigantic  figure  of  a  man^  cut  out  of  the 
natural  rock  :  and  the  walls  are  covered  all  over  with  other 
figures  in  reliefs  cut  in  the  fame  manner.  Having  paffed  that 
porch,  I  found  a  fquare  caurt,  an  hundred  paces  every  way. 
The  walls  are  the  natural  rock,  which  in  that  place  is  fix  fathom 
highy  and  perpendicular  to  the  groundplot;   and  cut  as  fmooth 

"  Thevenot's  Travels  into  the  Indies.  Part  3.  c.  44.  p.  74.  Tranflation. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  565 

and  even ^  as  if  it  were  plajler  fmoothed  with  a  trowel.  Before 
all  thijtgs  I  refolved  to  view  the  outfule  of  that  court :  and  I  per- 
ceived^ that  thefe  walls^  or  rather  the  rock,  hangs  :  and  that  it 
is  hollowed  underneath  :  fo  that  the  void  fpace  below  i?talies  a 
gallery  almofl  two  fathoms  high^  and  four  or  fve  broad.  It 
hath  the  rock  for  a  bafs  :  and  the  whole  is  fupported  only  by  a 
f}igle  row  of  pillars  cut  in  the  rock  j  and  dijlant  f?~om  the  ex- 
tremity of  the  gallery  about  the  length  of  a  fathom  :  fo  that  it 
appears  as  if  there  %vere  two  galleries.  Every  thing  there  is 
exceeding  well  cut  :  and  it  is  really  a  wonder  to  fee  fo  great  a 
mafs  in  the  air^  which  feems  fo  fenderly  underpropped^  that  one 
can  hardly  help  fjudderi?2g  at  frf  e7ttering  into  it. 

In  the  middle  of  the  court  there  is  a  chapel^  whofe  walls ^  infde 
and  outfde^  are  covered  with  fgures  in  relief.  They  reprefent 
fever al  forts  of  beafs^  as  griffons^  and  others^  cut  in  the  rock. 
0?i  each  fde  of  the  chapel  there  is  a  pyramid^  or  obelifk^  larger  at 
the  bafs^  than  that  at  Ro?ne :  but  they  are  not  f^arp  pointed.  They 
have  fome  charaSlers  upon  them  ;  which  I  do  ?2ot  underjland. 
The  obelifk  on  the  left  hand  has  by  it  an  elephant ^  as  big  as  the 
life^  cut  out  of  the  rock,  as  every  thing  elfe  is  :  but  his  trunk  has 
beejt  broken  off.  At  the  farther  end  of  the  court  I  found  two  flair- 
cafes  cut  in  the  rock ;  and  I  went  up  with  a  little  Bramin,  who 
feefned  to  be  a  knowing  p erf 072.  Being  at  the  top,  I  perceived  a 
kind  of  area  (if  the  fpace  of  a  league  and  an  half  or  two  leagues, 
may  be  called  an  area)  full  of  Jlately  tombs,  chapels,  and  te??i~ 
pies,  which  they  call  pagodas,  cut  in  the  rock. 

I  entered  into  a  great  temple  built  iit  the  rock.  It  has  a  flat 
roof,  and  is  adorned  with  figures  within,  as  the  walls  of  it  alfo 
are.      hi  this  temple  are  eight  rows  of  pillars  in  length,  and  fx 


566  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

m  breadth  :  which  are  about  a  fathom  dij}a?tt  from  each  other. 

The  temple  is  divided  into  three  parts  : in  the  ?niddle  of  the 

third  J  or  extream^  part,  upon  a  very  high  bajis^  there  is  a  gigan- 
tic idol,  with  a  head  as  big  as  a  drum  \  a?td  his  other  parts 
proportionable.  All  the  ivalls  of  the  temple  are  covered  with  gi- 
gantic figures  in  relief  and  on  the  outfde,  all  round  the  temple , 
are  a  great  many  little  chapels,  adorned  with  figures  of  an  ordi- 
nary bignefs  in  relief,  reprefenti?7g  men  ajid  women  etnbracing 
one  another. 

heaving  this  f pot,  I  went  intofeveral  other  temples  of  a  diffe- 
rent firuEiure,  built  alfo  from  the  rock  ;  a7id  full  of  figures, 
pilafters,  and  pillars.  I  faw  three  temples  one  over  a?iother  , 
which  have  but  one  fro?it  all  three  ;  but  it  is  divided  ijito  three 
flories,fupported  by  as  many  rows  of  pillars  :  and  in  every  fiofy 
there  is  a  great  door  for  the  temple.  The  fiaircafes  are  cut  out 
of  the  rock.  I  faw  but  one  temple  which  was  arched:  and  thereifz 
I  found  a  room,  whereof  the  chief  ornament  was  a  fquare  bafon. 
It  was  cut  i7t  the  rock,  and  full  of  fpri7ig  water,  which  arofe 
within  two  or  three  feet  of  the  brim  of  the  bafo7i.  There  are  a 
vafl  nimtber  of  pagods  all  along  the  rock :  i7ideed  there  is  7iothi7ig 
elfe  to  be  feen  for  above  two  leagues.  He  concludes  with  fay- 
ing, that  he  made  diligent  inquiry  among  the  natives,  about 
the  origin  ol  thefe  wonderful  buildings  :  and  the  co7ifiant 
tradition  was,  that  all  thefe  pagodas,  great  and  ft7iall,  with  all 
their  works,  and  orna}ne7its,  were  77iade  by  Gia77ts  :  but  i7i  what 
age  they  could  7tot '°  tell. 

'"  Thefe  pagodas  have  been  feen  vifited  by  that  curious  traveller  and  Orientalift, 
M.  Anquctil  Du  Perron.  In  his  treatife  calleJ  Zend-Avefta,  a  very  precife  ac- 
count may  befoundof  thefe  buildings,  and  of  their  dimenfions;  alfo  the  hiftory, 
and  purport,  of  the  various  reprefentations,  according  to  the  notions  of  the  Brah- 
mins.    See  Zend-Avefta.  vol.  i.  p.  234.  ManT 

The   Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  567 

Many  of  thefe  ancient  ftruftures  have  been  attributed  to 
Ram-Scander,  or  Alexander  the  Great:  but  there  is  nothing 
among  thefe  ftately  edifices,  that  in  the  leaft  favours  of  Grecian 
workmanfiiip  :  nor  had  that  monarch,  nor  any  of  the  princes 
after  him,  opportunity  to  perform  works  of  this  nature.  We 
have  not  the  leaft  reafon  to  think,  that  they  ever  poffeffed 
the  country  ;  for  they  vi'ere  called  off  from  their  attention 
this  way  by  feuds,  and  engagements  nearer  home.  There  is 
no  tradition  of  this  country  having  been  ever  conquered,  ex- 
cept by  the  fabulous  armies  of  "  Hercules  and  Dionufus. 
What  has  led  people  to  think,  that  thefe  works  were  the 
operation  of  Alexander,  is  the  fimilitude  of  the  name  Ramt- 
xander.  To  this  perfon,  they  have  fometimes  been  attributed. 
But  Ramtxander  was  a  Deity,  the  fuppofed  fon  of  Bal ;  and 
he  is  introduced  among  the  perfonages,  who  were  concerned 
in  the  incarnations  of ''^  Vifhnou. 

The  temple  of  Elora,  and  all  the  pagodas  of  which  I  have 
made  mention,  muft  be  of  great  antiquity,  as  the  natives 
cannot  reach  their  aera.  They  were  undoubtedly  the  work 
of  the  Indo-Cuthites,  who  came  fo  early  into  thefe  parts  : 
and  of  whofe  hiftory  I  have  treated  at  large.  They  came 
hither  under  the  name  of  Indi  and  Sindi :  alfo  oi  Arabians, 
and  Ethiopians.  And  that  thefe  ftrudlures  were  formed  by 
them  will  appear  from  many  circumftances  ;  but  efpecially 
from  works  of  the  fame  magnificence,  which  were  performed 
by  them  in  other  places.  For  fcarce  any  people  could  have 
effedled  what  has  been  here  defcribed,  but  a  branch  of  that 
family,  which  ered:cd  the  tower  in  Babylonia,  the  walls  o^ 
Balbec,  and  the  pyramids  of  Egypt. 

'    "  Strabo.  L.  15.  p.  1C07. 

*'  Kirchci''s  China,  p.  153.  MarcO 

5-68  The   Analysis   of    Ancient   MythologYo 

Marco  Polo  was  in  Cathaia  in  the  time  of  the  Tartar  Em- 
perour  Cublai  Chan:  and  he  fpeaks  of  the  chief  city  Cam- 
pion, as  of  great  extent; ;  and  mentions  a  mod  magnificent 
temple.  He  '''^  fays,  that  the  idols  were  made  of  flone,  and 
wood  ;  and  fomc  of  clay  :  and  there  were  feveral  overlaid 
with  gold  ;  and  very  artificiaily  wrought.  Among  thefe 
fome  were  fo  great,  that  they  contained  ten  paces  in  length  ; 
and  were  placed  upon  the  earth  in  an  attitude,  as  if  they  lay 
upright.  Near  to  thefe  flood  feveral  fmaller  idols,  which 
feeip.ed  to  pay  obeyfance  to  the  '*  larger  :  and  they  appeared 
all  to  be  greatly  revered.  Hadgi  Mehemet,  a  great  traveller, 
who  difcourfed  with  Ramufio,  told  him,  that  he  had  been  at 
"  Campion  ;  and  mentioned  the  largenefs  of  the  temples. 
In  one  of  thefe  he  faw  the  Hatues  of  a  man,  and  a  woman, 
ftretched  on  the  ground  :  each  of  which  was  one  piece,  forty 
feet  long,  and  gilded.  Campion  is  probably  the  fime  city, 
which  is  alluded  to  by  Marco  :  the  fame  too,  which  the  an- 
cients called  Sera,  and  the  moderns  Nankin  :  for  the  names 
of  places  in  China  are  continually  changing.  In  the  account 
of  Sha  Rokh's  embafl'y  to  ''^Cathaia,  mention  is  made  of  a 
city  Kam-ju  :  and  of  a  temple,  whofe  dimenfions  were  very 
large.  The  author  fays,  that  each  fide  was  five  hundred  kes  or 
cubits.  In  the  middle  lay  an  idol,  as  if  it  v/ere  afleep  ;  which 
was  fifty  feet  in  length.  Its  hands  and  fctt  were  three  yards 
long  ;  and  the  head  twenty-one  feet  in  circumference.   There 

'*  Puichas.  vol.  ^.  c.  4.  p.  77.     See  Kircher's  China,  part  3.  c.  2.  3. 
*''  This  is  not  unlike  the  dclcription  of  the  God  Nilus,  as  we  meet  with  it  in  Gru- 
ter,  Sandys,  and  others. 

'*  Aftley's  Colleftion.  vol.  4.  p.  639. 

''  From  Ramufio.     Gee  Aftley's  ColIe<51ion.  vol.  4.  p.  624. 


The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  569 

were  others  at  his  back,  and  over  his  head,  about  a  cubit 
high  :  and  placed  in  fuch  attitudes,  that  they  feemed  alive. 
The  great  image  was  gilt  all  over  ;  and  held  one  hand  under 
his  head  ;  and  the  other  was  ftretched  along  down  his  thigh. 
They  called  it  Samonifu.  The  Babylonians,  and  Egyptians, 
and  all  of  the  fame  great  family,  ufed  to  take  a  pleafure  in 
forming  gigantic  figures ;  and  exhibiting  other  reprefenta- 
tions  equally  ftupendous.  Such  were  the  coloflal  ftatues  at 
Thebes;  and  the  fphinx  in  the  plains  of  Cocome.  The  ftatue 
credred  by  *^  Nebuchadnezzar  in  the  plains  of  Dura,  was  in 
height  threefcore  Babylonifli  cubits.  It  was  probably  raifed 
in  honour  oi  Cham,  the  Sun  ;  and  perhaps  it  was  alfo  dedi- 
cated to  the  head  of  the  Chaldaic  family  ;  who  was  deified, 
and  reverenced  under  that  title.  Marcellinus  takes  notice  of 
a  ftatue  of  Apollo,  named  "'  Comeils ;  which  in  the  time  of 
the  Emperour  Verus  was  brought  from  Seleucia  to  Rome. 
This  related  to  the  fame  Deity,  as  the  preceding.  We  may 
alfo  infer,  that  this  temple  at  Kam-ju  was  eredled  to  Cham, 
the  Sun,  whom  the  people  worfhiped  under  the  name  of 

An  account  is  given  in  '°  Purchas  of  a  ColofTus  in  Japan, 
made  of  copper  ;  which  was  feen  by  Captain  Saris,  an  Eno-- 
lifhman,  at  a  place  called  Dabis.  It  reprefented  a  man  of 
immenfe  ftature,  fitting  upon  his  heels.  The  fame  perfon 
faw  at  ''  Meaco,  a  Temple,  equal   in  extent  to  St.  PauTs  in 


Daniel,  c.  23.  v.  i. 

Simulacrum  Comei  Apollinis,  avulfum  fedibus,  pcrlatumque  Romam.     Mar- 
cellinus. L..  23.  p.  2S7. 

'"  Purchas.  vol.  5.  p.  595.     Saris  was  in  Japan  anno  1G12. 
"  Ibid. 

Vol.  III.  4  D  London, 

'570  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

London,  weftward  of  the  choir:  and  In  it  an  Idol  larger  than 
the  former,  which  reached  to  the  roof  of  the  building.  Thefe 
were  the  ftatiies  of  Xaca  and  Amida,  two  of  the  chief  Deities 
of  Japan.  Herbert  takes  notice  of  tlie  temples,  and  Deities 
above  ;  and  fays,  that  they  were  called  '*  Mannadies.  One 
of  thefe  coloflal  flatues  was  ereded  by  the  Emperour  Tycho- 
zama,  the  chair,  or  throne,  of  which  idol,  was  feventy  feet 
high,  and  eighty  wide.  He  fpeaks  alfo  of  the  ftatue  at  Dabis; 
which,  though  in  a  fitting  poflure,  was  in  height  twenty-four 
feet.  They  were  both  of  copper ;  or,  as  he  terms  it, 

It  is  remarkable,  that  in  Japan,  the  priefts  and  nobility 
have  the  title  of"  Cami.  The  Emperour  Qiiebacondono,  in  a 
letter  to  the  Portuguefe  viceroy,  1585,  tells  him,  ^^  that  Ja- 
pan is  the  hngdom  of  Chamis  \  whom,  fays  he,  %ve  hold  to  be  the 
fame  as  Scm,  the  origin  of  all  things.  By  "  Scin  is  probably 
fio-nified  San,  the  Sun  ;  who  was  the  fame  as  Cham,  rendered, 
here  Chamis.  The  laws  of  the  country  are  fpoken  of  as  the 
laws  of  Chamis :  and  wc  arc  told  by  Kaempfer,  that  all  the 
Gods  were  ftylcd  either  '^^  Sin,  or  Cami.  The  founder  of  the 
empire  is  faid  to  have  been  Tenfio  Dai  Sin,  or  'Te?iflo  the  God 
of  Light.  Near  his  Temple  was  a  cavern,  religioufly  vifited, 
upon  account  of  his  having  been  once  hid  :  when  no  fun, 
nor  ftars  appeared.      He  was  cfleemed  the  fountain  of  day, 

''  Herbert's  Travels,  p.  374.   Similar  to  Miii'  acTjjsof  the,  \Tholc  pricils 
were,  Man'iJf?,  the  Mx^nadcs. 
'*  Kfempfcr,  L.  2.  p.  15J. 

"  Organtinus  Erixienfis.     Sec  Purthas.  vol.  3.  p.  3:4. 
''  It  was  probably"  pronounced!n, 
»^  Ka;.Tipfer  above. 


The  Analvsis  of  AncieKt  MYTkoLoov.  571 

and  his  Temple  was  called  the  Temple  of  "  Naiku.  Near 
this  cavern  was  another  Temple  ;  in  which  the  Canufi,  or 
prieflsj  ihewed  an  image  of  the  Deity,  fitting  upon  a  coW. 
It  was  called  Dainits  No  Ray,  the  Great  Reprefentatmi  of  the 
^*  Sun. 

One  of  their  principal  Gods  is  lakufi ;  fimilar  to  the  lacchus 
of  the  weft.  Ksmpfer  fays,  that  he  is  the  ''  Apollo  or  the 
Japanefe  :  and  they  defcribe  him  as  the  Egyptians  did  Orus. 
His  Temple  ftands  in  a  town  called  Minnoki  :  and  lachufi 
is  here  reprefented  upon  a  gilt  Tarate  flower  :  which  is  fiid 
to  be  the  ''"  nymph^a  paluftris  maxima  ;  or  f\iba  iEgyptlaci 
of  Profper  Alpinus.  One  half  of  a  large  fcallop  fliell  is  like 
a  canopy  placed  over  him  ;  and  his  head  is  furromided  with 
a  crown  of  rays.  I  think,  that  we  may  perceive,  to  whom 
the  Temple  of  Naiku  was  dedicated :  and  from  what  perfon 
the  town  of  Minnoki  was  named,  where  lachufi  was  wor- 
fliiped.  They  have  alfo  an  idol  Menippe,  much  reverenced 
in  different  parts.  It  certainly  relates  to  the  fame  perfon  \ 
and  is  a  compound  of  two  terms  already  tuUy  explained."' 

Kampfer  is  a  writer  of  great  credit,  who  was  for  fome 
*"  time  in  thefe  parts.  He  certifies  what  has  been  above  faid 
by  Saris  about  the  idols  of  this  country.   He  fiw  the  Temple 

■'"  Ka^mpfer.  L.  3.  p.  231. 

'"  Ibid. 

"  Ibid.L.  5.  p.  493. 

*'  IbiJ.  KcEmpfer  mentions  the  image  of  Amida  in  Siam,  which  appeared  in  an 
upright  pofture  upon  the  Tarate  flower.  He  calls  it  in  this  pafflige  the  Nymphsa 
magna  incarnata.     L.  i.  p.  30. 

■*'  M/i;-  livira.     See  Vol.  II.  of  this  work. 

*'  He  went  to  Japan  in  the  year  1690. 

4  D  2  of 

572  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

of  DabySj  which  he  more  truly  renders  *^  Daibod.  He  had  a 
fight  of  it  in  his  firft  embaffy  to  Jcdo  ;  which  city  he  viiited 
twice.      He  fpeaks  of  the  buildings  as  very  fpacious  :   and 

""■  at  the  beginning  of  the  ave?iue  towa?-ds  it  on  each  fide  Jlood  the 
Jlatue  of  a7i  hero  i?i  blacky  7iear  fou?'  fatho7ns  high^  and  ahnofl 
naked,  having  07ily  a  loofe  piece  of  drapery  aroimd  him.  He  had 
the  face  of  a  lion  :  and  was  ifi  other  refpeSis  well  e?iough  pro- 
portioned. His  height  was  four  fathoms ;  and  he  flood  o?2  a 
pedefal  of  one  fathojn, — The  Temple  of  Daibod  was  oppofte  to- 
the  gate,  and  in  the  middle  of  the  court.  It  was  by  much  the 
loftiefl  building,  that  we  hadfee7i  i72  "Japan  :  and  had  a  double 
he7ided  flately  roof. — The  pillars  were  excejftve  large  ;  and  at 
leaf  a  fatho77t  and  a  half  thick.  The  idol  was  gilt  all  over  ; 
and  of  an  incredible  fize  \  i7fo77iuch  that  two  mats  could  lie  in 
the  pahn  of  his  hand.  It  was  ftti7ig,  after  the  htdian  7nannery 
crofs-legged,  on  a  Tar  ate  flower;  which  was  fupported  by  a7iother 
flower.  The  leaves  of  this  flood  upwards,  by  way  of  or7ia77ient  : 
a7id  they  were  both  raifed  about  two  fatho7ns  fro77i  the  floor. 
*'  Dai,  in  the  ancient  language  of  the  eaftern  countries,  fig- 
nified  Deus,  and  Diviis,  any  thing  divine.      By  Dai-Bod  was 

""  The  fame  isdefcribed  by  Lewis  Almeida,  who  cxprefTes  the  name  ftill  more 
precifely,  Dai-But.  See  Epifiola:  feleft.-E  Soc.  Jef.  apud  MafFzeum  Hift.  Indie, 
p.  428.     He  alfo  gives  a  delcripdon  of  t.he  Temple. 

^*  L.4.  p.  ssi- 

*'  Accordingto  Ka,*mpfer,  L.  2.  p.  159.  Dai  fignifies  a  Lord,  or  Prince.  Dius 
and  Divus  were  applied  in  the  fame  manner  by  the  Greeks  and  Romans  :  yet  they 
were  titles,  which  properly  related  to  the  Gods  :  and  Dai  did  fo  likewife.  This  is 
apparent  from  its  being  always  annexed  to  the  names  of  Deities. 

Dai  is  the  fame  as  Dairy,  the  title  of  the  ecclefiaftical  monarch.     Ibid. 

In  another  part  of  his  work,  he  fays,  that  Dai  fignificd  great :  Sin,  and  Cami,  a 
GcJi  or  Spirit.  L.  3.  p.  226.  But  in  none  of  thefe  expofitions  do  1  believe  hi.m  to  be 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  ^y ^ 

meant  the  God  Budha;  whofe  religion  was  ftyled  the  Budfo: 
and  which    prevailed  greatly   upon  the  Indus,  and  Ganges. 
The  origin  of  this  religion^  fays  ''^  Ksempfer,  mtift  he  looked  for 
among  the  Brahmins.      I  have  flrong  reafons  to  believe^  both 
from  the  affi.7tity  of  the  name^   and  the  very  nature  of  this  wor- 
f}:)ip',  that  the  author  was  the  fwie  perfon^  whom  the  Brahmins 
call  Budha^  a?td  believe  to  have  been  the  ejfential  part  of  Wift- 
nou.      The  Chinefe  and  Japanefe   call  him  Buds  and  Siaka\ 
The  people  of''''  Slant  reprefent  him  under  the  form  of  a  Moor^^ 
in  a  ftti7ig  poflure^  and  of  a  prodigious  fize.    His  fkin  is  blacky 
aitd  his  hair  curled:   by  which,  I  fuppofe,  is  meant  woolly  : 
a7id  the  images  about  hi^n  are  of  the  fatne  complexion.      He  was 
not  the  author  of  the  religion,  as  our  traveller  fuppofcs:  but 
the  great  objed:,    to  which   the  worfhip  was  direded.      He 
was  fuppofed  by  the  *^  Brahmins  to  have  had  neither  father, 
nor  mother.      By  Budha  we  are  certainly  to  underftand  the 
idolatrous  fymbol,  called  by  fome  nations  Buddo  ;    the  fame 
as  Argus  and  Theba.      In   the  mythology   tranfmitted  con- 
cerning it,  we  may  fee  a  reference  both  to  the  machine  itfelf, 
and  to  the  perfon  preferved  in  it.      In  confequence  of  which 
we  jfind  this  perfon  alfo  ftyled  Bod,  Budha,  and  Buddo ;  and 
in  the  weft  Butus,  Battus,  and  Boeotus.      He  was  faid  by  the 
Indians  not  to  have  been  born  in  the  ordinary  way ;   but  to 
have  come  to  light  indired:ly  through  the  fide  of  his  ■"  mo-^ 

*''  L.  3.  p.  241. 

*'  Ibid.  L.  I.  p.  36.     They  call  him  Siaka  and  Sacka.     Ibid. 

*'  Ibid. 

^5  Socratis  Ecclefiaft.  Hill.  L.  i.  c.  7. 

,  Buddamper  virginislatus  narrant  exortum. 

Retramnus  de  Nativitate  Chriili.  c.  3.' 


574  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

ther.     By  Clemens  of  '°  Alexandria,  he  is  called  Bouta  :  and 
in  the  hiftory  of  this  perfon,  however  varied,  we  may  perceive 
a  relation  to  the  Arkite  Deity  of  the  Sea,  called  Pofeidon  : 
alfo  to  Arcalus,  and  Dionufus;  ftyled  Boeotiis  and  Thebanus. 
Kaempfer  has  a  curious  hiftory  of  a  Deity  of  this  fort,  called 
^'  Abbuto  ;   whofe  Temple  ftood  in  the  province  of  Bungo 
upon   the   fea-£hore,    near  the  village  of  Toma.      About  a 
quarter  of  a   Gerraaii  niile^  before  you   co?m  to  this  village, 
Jla?ids  a  famous  Temple  of  the  God  Abbuto;  which  is  f aid  to  be 
very  eminent  for  miraculoufiy  curing  many  inveterate  difejn- 
pers  :  as  alfo  for  procuriiig  a  ivind,  and  good pajfage.     For  this 
reafon,  failors^    and  pajfengers,   always  tie  fome  fartlmtgs  to  a 
piece  of  wood,  a?id  throw  it  into  the  Jca,  as  an   offering  to  this 
Abbuto,  in  order  to  obtain  a  favourable  wind.      He  moreover 
tells  us,  that  they  call  him  Abbuto  Quano  Sama,  ov  the  Lord 
God  Abbuto.      But  the  title  more  precifely  fignifies,  if  I  may 
form   a  judgment,    Abbuto  the  Lord  of  Heaven.      The  fame 
Deity,  but  under  a  different  name,  was  worfhiped  in  China. 
He  is  mentioned  by  Pierre  Jarrige,  who  calls  him  the  God 
Camaffono.      ^' On  appelle  ITdole  CamafTono  :   et  ceux,  qui 
paffent  par  la,  redoutent  fort  cet  Idole  ;   et  de  peur,  qu'il  ne 
mette  leurs  navires  a  fond,  ils  luy  offrent,  quand  ils  font  vis 
a  vis  de  I'ifle,    ou   du  riz,  (qu'ils  jettent  en  la  mer)    ou  de 
rhuile,  ou  d'autre  chofe,  qu'ils  portent.     The  Apis,  Mneuis, 
and  Anubis  of  Egypt,  have  been  often  mentioned,  and  ex- 
plained ;   as  well  as  the  Minotaur  of  Crete.   The  fame  hiero- 

'"  Strom.  L.  i.  p.  359.     The  MSS.  have  B^jtsu  and  BooTTa. 
*'  L.  5.  p.  468.     Abbutus,  pater  Butus  five  Bceotus. 
'*  Hift.  des  Indes.  L.  5.  c.  51. 

2  glyphics 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  ^y^ 

glyphics  occur  in  Japan  :  and  we  are  informed  by  ''  Marco 
Polo,  that  the  inhabitants  worfliip  idols  in  different  fhapes. 
Some  have  the  head  of  an  ox  ;  fome  of  a  fwine  ;  and  others 
the  head  of  a  dog.  The  moft  common  reprefentation  in  this 
country  is  that  of  ^^  Godfo  Ten  Oo,  or  t/je  Oxheaded  Prince 
of  Heaven. 

Lewis  Almeida,  and  other  miffionaries,  give  a  noble  ac- 
count of  Japonefe  temples  :   and  defcrilbe  their  {ituation,  as 
imcommonly  pleafing.      Some    of  them  refided   at  Meaco, 
where  they  vifited  the  pagodas  of  Cafunga,  Cocuba,  Facu- 
mano,  and  Daibut.      They  fpeakofthem  as  very  large,  and 
happily  difpofed,    being  fituated  amid  trees  of  various  forts,, 
particularly   planes  and   cedars ;   and    in   places    abounding 
with  ftreams  of  running  water,   and  lakes  of  great  ^^  extent. 
The  fubordinate  temples  in  the  vicinity,   and  the  houfcs  of 
the  Bonzees,  are  ilieltered  by  groves.     The  court  before  the 
chief  building  is  generally  paved  with  black  and  white  ftoncs; 
and    the  avenue  is  ornamented  with  trees,  and  flatucs.      At 
the  Temple  of  Facumano,  ainong  other  things,  were  obferved. 
a  number  of  fine  citron  trees  ;  and  at  equal  diftances  between- 
each  were  ^^rofes  and  other  flowers  in  large  vafes  of  porcelaine. 
The  Temple  itfelf  was  richly  ornamented  ;   and  abounded 
with  coflly  lanterns  of  a  fadlitious  metal  gilded  :  which  were 
beautifully  contrived.     They  appeared  in  great  numbers,  and 

^'  Colunt  Viri  Zipangrii  varia  idola :  quorum  quxdain  hahent  bovis  caput ;  . 
quardam  caput  porci,  ct  qurcdam  caput  canis.  Marcus  Paulus  Venetus  apud. 
Kircher.  China  Ilhill.  p.  14^. 

'*  Krtmpfer.  L.  5.  p.  418. 

"  S^c  Letters  of  the  Mifiionaries,  particularly  of  Lewis  Almeida.     Mafilei  Hift. 
Indie,  p.  427.  alfocf  de  Frocs.  p.  441. 

y"  Fniteca-— Jv.cunda  rofarum  ct  fi(jrum  varietate  commifta.     Ibid.  p.  428. 


576  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

burned  all  night,  making  a  fplcndid  appearance.  About 
the  temples,  there  were  feen  herds  of  deer,  and  flocks  of 
doves :  and  the  latter  were  fo  tame  as  to  fufl'er  themfelves  to 
be  handled  :  for  they  were  jiever  injured,  being  facred  to 
the  Deity  of  the  place.  All  the  apartments  are  reprefented 
as  very  neat  and  elegant  :  and  the  Bonzees,  to  whom  they 
belong,  very  numerous.  They  keep  their  heads  and  beards 
clofely  Hiorn  :  and  go  very  rich  in  their  attire.  Almeida  had 
a  view  of  fome  of  them  at  the  temple  of  Cafunga  ;  but  it  was 
in  a  part  fo  facred,  that  he  was  not  permitted  to  come  near. 
Ex  hac  Bonziorum  domo  porticus  admodum  pulchra  ad  ufque 
adyta  pertinet  fani ;  quo  nemini  patet  ingreffus,  nifi  qui 
ipfms  loci  antiftites  funt :  quorum  vidimus  aliquot  intra  fe- 
dentes,  togis  amplis  e  ferico  indutos,  tedofque  capita  pileis 
plus  dodrantem  altis.  The  Budfo  temples  upon  the  moun- 
tains were  flill  more  romantic  and  beautiful. 

In  my  fecond  volume  I  took  notice,  that  the  Ark  was  re- 
prefented under  the  fymbol  of  an  egg,  called  the  mundane 
egg  ;  which  was  expcfed  to  the  rage  of  Typhon.  It  was  alfo 
defcribed  under  the  figure  of  a  Lunette,  and  called  Selene,  the 
Moon.  The  perfon,  by  whom  it  was  framed,  and  v/ho  through 
its  means  was  providentially  preferved,  occurs  under  the  cha- 
rafter  of  a  fleer,  and  the  machine  itfelf  under  the  femblance 
of  a  cow  or  heircr.  We  have  moreover  been  told,  that  it  was 
'  called  Cibotus :  which  Clemens  of  Alexandria  calls  Thebo- 
tha.  Epiphanius  mentions  it  by  the  name  of"  Idaal  Baoth; 
and  fays,  that  according  to  an  eaftern  tradition,  a  perfon 
named  Nun  was   preferved  in  it.      The   horfe   of  Neptune 

"  Epiphanius.  Hcrtef.  L.  i.  p.  7S. 

'  was 

The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.         577 

was  another  emblem ;  as  was  alfo  the  hippopotamus,  or 
river-horfe.  The  people  of  Elis  made  ufe  of  the  tortoife  to 
the  fame  '*  purpofe,  and  reprefented  Venus  as  refting  upon 
its  back.  I  repeat  thefe  things,  becaufc  I  think,  that  fome 
traces  of  thefe  hieroglyphics  may  be  obferved  in  Japan : 
which  were  certainly  carried  thither  by  the  Indie  Ethiopians. 
They  introduced  the  worfhip  of  their  deified  anceftors,  and 
the  events  of  thefe  firft  ages,  which  were  couched  under 
thefe  well  known  fymbols. 

In  the  account  given  of  the  Dutch  embaflies  to  Japan, 
we  have  a  defcription  of  feveral  deities  and  temples,  as  they 
occurred  to  the  perfons  concerned  in  their  journeys  to  Jeddo. 
Among  other  things,  there  is  a  curious  defcription  of  a  tem- 
ple, named  Dai-Both,  atMeaco  :  which  feems  to  have  been 
the  fame,  which  is  called  Daibod  by  Kcempfer.  The  account 
is  fo  particular,  that  I  will  give  it  in  the  words  of  the  author. 
And  I  will  prefent  it  to  the  reader  at  large,  as  there  are 
-jnany  things  of  confequence  here  obferved,  which  have  been 
omitted  by  other  writers. 

^'  Entre  les  plus  beaux  batimens  de  la  ville  de  Miaco,  on 
doit  compter  celui  de  Dayboth.  II  y  a  peu  de  temples  au 
Japon  et  plus  grands  et  plus  beaux.  La  premiere  porte  eft 
gardee  par  deux  figures  effroyables,  armees  de  javelots 
dont  ils  femblent  fe  menacer.  De  la  on  paffe  dans  la  cour, 
tout  autour  de  laquelle  regne  une  galerie  foutenue  de  piliers 
de  pierre  ;  au  haut  defquels  font  enchafices  des  boctes  tranf- 

''   Paufanias.  L.  6.  p.  515. 

"  Ambaffides  memorables  de  la  Compagnie  des  Indes  Oricntalcs  des  Provinces 
Unies,  vers  les  Empereurs  du  Japon.    Amfterd.  1680.  tora.  i.  p.  206. 

Vol.  III.  4  E  parentes, 

57^  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

parentes,  d'ou  rejalit  certain  eclat  dont  on  eft  ebloui.  La 
feconde  porte  eft  gardee  par  deux  lions  de  pierre,  au  milieu 
defquels  il  faut  pafter  pour  entrer  dans  le  temple.  Le  pre- 
mier objet,  qui  fe  prefente,  eft  une  Statue,  qui  bien  qu'  affife 
les  jambes  en  croix,  touche  neanmoins  a  la  voute.  La  ma- 
tiere,  dont  elle  eft  faite,  eft  un  certain  bois  convert  de  platre, 
puis  de  cuivre  dore,  a  I'epreuve,  dit-on,  de  toutes  fortes 
d'accidens.  Ses  cheveux  font  d'un  noir  crepu  a  la  maniere 
des  Maures  ;  et  fes  mains  feules  font  plus  grandes  que  n'eft 
un  homme  de  mediocre  taille,  encore  font-elles  petites  a 
proportion  du  refte  du  corps.  Elle  reflemble  a  une  femme 
toute  environnee  de  rayons,  entre  lefquels  font  reprefentes  de 
petits  Cherubins  ardens;  et  un  peu  plus  bas  des  deux  cotes, 
quantite  de  figures  faites  comme  les  Saints  de  Rome.  Pendant 
que  nos  ambaffadeurs  vifttoient  ce  temple,  ou  ils  etoient 
entres  en  caroffe  fuivis  d'une  foule  de  peuple,que  la  nouveaute 
attiroit,  quatre  de  leur  trompettes  taifoient  a  la  porte  des 
fanfares,  que  les  Japonois  admiroient.  L'autel  de  la  ftatue  eft 
un  peu  eleve  de  terre,  entoure  de  lampes  toujours  ardentes;, 
et  de  quantite  de  Pelerins,  qui  vont  incelTammcnt  y  faire 
leurs  prieres,  et  leurs  offrandes.  La  devotion  de  ce  peuple 
eft  telle,  qu'il  prie  d'ordinaire  profternc,  et  le  vifage  contre 
terre,  ou  dans  une  pofture  auftl  humiliee  que  celle-la. 

De  ce  temple  les  ambaftadeurs  pafi'erent  dans  celui  du 
Beuf,  ainft  nomme,  parce-qu'il  s'y  voit  un  beuf  d'or  maftif, 
ayant  fur  le  dos  une  tumeur  extraordinaire,  et  au  cou  un. 
collier  aufii  d'or,  et  tout  convert  de  pierreries.  Il  eft  eleve 
fur  un  pilaftre,  dont  la  fuperiicie  eft  melee  de  gravier  et  de 
terre.      Il  enfonce  les  cornes  dans  un  ceuf  toaiours  nageant 

I o  dans 

The  Analysis   of  Ancient  MyTHOLooy.        579. 

dans  I'eau,  ce  que  les  pretres  Japonois  expliquent  comme  il 

Le  monde,  difcnt-ilsj  avant  la  creation  etoit  enferme  dans 
un  oeuf,  dont  la  coque  etoit  de  metail.  Get  ceuf  flotta 
long-temps  fur  I'eau,  et  fut  enfin  par  fucceffion  de  temps 
enveloppe  d'une  croute  epaiffe,  melee  de  terre  et  de  gravier, 
elevee  du  fond  de  la  mer  par  la  vertu  de  la  lune.  Quoique 
ce  rempart  fut  ailes  dur  pour  refifter  aux  injures  du  temps, 
et  de  I'air,  il  n'etoit  pas  neanmoins  al'epreuve  de  tout  autre 
accident.  Le  Beuf  I'ayant  trouve,  il  le  heurta  de  telle  forte, 
qu'il  le  calla  :  et  en  meme  temns  le  monde  en  fortit.  Le 
Beuf  tout  efibufflc  de  I'cffort,  qu'il  venoit  de  faire,  echauffa 
tout  I'air  d'alentour,  qui  penctra  une  citrouille,  dont  en 
meme  temps  il  fortit  un  homme.  A  caufe  de  cela  les  Bon- 
zes nomment  la  citrouille  Pou,  et  le  premier  homme  Pour- 
ang,  c'eft-a-dire,  citrouille,  parce-qu'ii  lui  doit  fa  naif- 

We  may  here  perceive,  that  they  fpeak  of  the  renewal  of 
the  world  at  the  Deluge,  as  the  real  creation,  which  I  have 
fhewn  to  have  been  a  common  miftake  in  the  hirtories  of  this 
event.  And  though  the  ftory  is  told  with  fome  v^ariation, 
yet  in  all  the  circumftances  of  confequence  it  accords  very 
happily  with  the  mythology  ol  Egypt,  Syria,  and  Greece. 
It  matters  not  how  the  emblems  have  by  length  of  time  been 
milinterpreted  :  we  have  the  mundane  egg  upon  the  waters  ; 
and  the  concomitant  fymbol  of  the  moon;  and  the  egg  at  lafl: 
opened  by  the  aifiilance  of  the  facred  fteer  ;  upon  which  the 
world  iffues  forth  to  day.  Inftead  of  the  roia,  or  pomegra- 
nate, we  find  the  melon,  or  pumpkin,  fubftituted  j  as  abound- 

4  E  2  ing 

580  The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology. 

ing  equally  with  feed,  and  alike  adapted  to  reprefent  the  ru- 
diments of  all  things  ;  which  were  fuppofed  to  be  inclofed, 
and  fecreted  during  the  time  of  the  Deluge.  The  author  pro- 
ceeds afterwards  to  mention  the  great  veneration  paid  in  thefe 
parts  to  the  ox  and  cow  :  and  to  give  a  further  account  of  the 
religion.  And  fpeaking  of  the  former,  he  fays,  that  nobody 
dares  to  injure  them.  C'eft  d'ou  vient  lacoutumeen  pleu- 
Heurs  endroits  du  Japon  de  deffendre  fur  peine  de  la  vie  de 
tuer  un  de  ces  animaux  ;  et  peut-etre  aufli  celle,  qu'ont  les 
fujets  du  Grand  Mogol,  d'aller  a  *°  Nakarkut  pour  adorer  la 
Vache  dans  un  beau  temple  que  ces  peuples  lui  ont  bati. 
Ce  temple  de  Matta  (c'eft  ainft  qu'ils  nomment  la  Vache)  eft 
un  des  plus  fuperbes,  et  des  plus  beaux  de  toutes  les  Indes. 
La  voute,  et  le  pave,  font  tout  couvers  de  lames  d'or,  et 
I'autel  de  perles,  et  de  diamans.  Fie  mentions  a  temple 
in  Japan,  which  was  dedicated  to  the  Univerfal  Creator. 
The  image  is  defcribed  as  fitting  upon  a  tree,  which 
refted  upon  the  back  of  a  tortoife.  Its  hair  was  black, 
and  woolly  ;  and  the  head  was  ornamented  with  a  pyra- 
midical  crown.  This  Deity  had  four  hands.  In  the  two 
left  he  held  the  flov/er  Iris,  and  a  ring  of  gold.  In  the 
two  other  were  feen  a  fceptre,  and  an  urn  of  water,  which 
was  continually  flowing.  The  account  given  of  the  tree  is 
remarkable.  '"  Le  tronc  de  I'arbre,  qui  la  foutient,  ,eft  de 
metail ;  et,  au  rapport  des  Bonzes,  c'eft  ou  les  femences  de 
toutes  chofes  etoient  enfermees  avant  la  creation.  One  Deity 
of  the  Japanefe  was  ^^  Canon,  the  reputed  Lord  of  the  Ocean,, 

'°  Nacho-Arcet.     Noachus-Architis  :  or  Necho  Architis,  Rex  Archaevis. 
^'  Ibid.  p.  207. 
^^  Ibid.  p.  6s.  (>1. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  581 

of  whom  they  had  many  temples.  He  was  reprefented  in  an 
eredl  pofture,  crowned  with  a  flower,  and  coming  out  of  the 
mouth  of  a  cetus.  Oppofite  is  a  perfon  kneeling  in  the  (hell 
of  a  Nautilus,  which  feems  to  be  ftranded  upon  the  fummit 
of  fome  rocks.  This  figure  is  likewife  defcribed  with  the 
features,  and  complexion  of  a  Moor,  and  with  the  fame  crifp 
locks.  Though  the  Indians  feem  in  general  to  have  had 
ftrait  hair  ;  yet  their  deities  are  often  defcribed  as  woolly. 
Alfo  among  the  Siamefe,  both  Budha,  and  Amida,  is  repre- 
fented under  a  charader,  which  approaches  to  that  of  a 
*^  Negro.  We  are  inrormed  by  the  writer  of  the '*  Dutch 
EmbalTy,  that  black  in  Japan  is  a  colour  of  good  omen. 
This  is  extraordinary  :  for  the  Japonefe  are  by  no  means, 
black  :  nor  has  their  hair  any  tendency  to  wool.  Thofe 
who  imported  this  notion,  and  framed  thefe  figures,  copied 
their  own  complexion,  and  the  complexion  of  their  ancef- 
tors.  The  ftatues  abovementioned  are  faid  to  reprefent 
Ethiopians :  and  they  were  certainly  people  of  that  family, 
the  Indo-Cuthitse,  who  came  into  thefe  parts,  and  performed 
what  is  mentioned.  But  their  national  marks  have  beea 
worn  out  by  length  of  time  ;  and  by  their  mixing  with  the 
people,  who  were  the  original  inhabitants. 

I  have  taken  notice  of  the  Deity  of  the  Japonefe,  named 
Canon,  who  is  defcribed  as  proceeding  from  the  mouth  of  a 
fifh.  He  is  reprefented  in  the  fame  manner  by  the  natives 
of  India,  and  named  Viflinou,  and  Macauter  :  and  he  is  to 
be  found  in  other  parts  of  the  eaft.      It  is  probable,  that  the 

''  Kiempfer.  L.  i,  p.  35.  3S.  and  Ambaflades  memorables. 
**  Ambafiadcs  mem.  p.  207.     Lewis  de  Frees  mentions  the  temple  of  Amida  at 
Meaco  ;  ct  circa  ftatLK.m  Amid^  falrantes  ^chiopas.     Ibid.  p.  4^9. 


582  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

image  of  Dagon,  as  well  as  that  of  Atargatus,  did  not  confift 
of  two  forms  blended  together  ;  but,  like  the  above,  was  a 
reprcfentation  of  a  perfon  coming  out  of  a  cctus.  Father 
Boufhet  ^^mentions  a  tradition  among;  the  Indians  concerninor 
a  flood  in  the  days  of  Viflinow,  which  coveredthe  whole  earth. 
It  is  moreover  reported  of  him,  that  feeing  the  prevalenco  of 
the  waters  he  made  a  float  ;  and  being  turned  into  a  fifli,  he 
fleered  it  with  his  tail.  This  perfon,  in  the  account  of  the 
Banians  by  Lord  is  called  ^^  Menow  ;  which  fhould  certainly 
be  exprefled  Men-Now.  It  is  faid,  that  in  the  Shafter  of  this 
people  a  like  hifiiory  is  given  of  the  earth  being  overwhelmed 
by  a  deluge,  in  Vv'hich  mankind  periflied.  But  the  world 
was  afterwards  renev/ed  in  two  perfons,  called  Menow,  and 
Ceteroupa.  Viflmow  is  defcribed  under  many  charadlers, 
which  he  is  faid  at  times  to  have  afTumed.  One  of  thefe, 
according  to  the  Brahmins  of  Tanjour,  was  that  of  Rama 
Sami.  This  undoubtedly  is  the  fame  as  Sama  Rama  of  Ba- 
bylonia, only  reverfed  ;  and  it  relates  to  that  great  phasno- 
menon,  the  Iris ;  which  was  generally  accompanied  with  the 
Dove  ;   and  held  in  veneration  by  the  Semarim. 

As  the  hiftory  of  China  is  fuppofed  to  extend  upwards 
to  an  amazing  height  :  it  may  be  worth  while  to  coniider 
the  firfl:  sras  in  the  Chinefe  annals,  as  they  are  reprefented  in 
the  writings  of  Japan.      For   the   Japanefe  have   prefervcd 

*'  La  difficultc  etoit  de  conduire  la  barque. — Lt  D:eu  ViLlmou  eui;  (oln  d'y  pour- 
voir :  car  fur  le  champ  il  le  fit  poiffjn,  cc  il  fe  lervic  de  fa  quei.e,  comnie  d'un  gou- 
vernail,  pour  dinger  le  vaiffeau.  Lettres  Edifiantcs.  IX.  Recueil.  p.  21.  All  thefe 
legends  took  their  rife  from  hieroglyphics  mifmterpreted. 

^*  Lord  of  the  Banians,  c.  6.  7. 

*'  See  Zend-Avefla  of  Monf.  du  Perron,  vol.  i.  p.  250.  notes. 


The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythologv,  583 

hiftories  of  China  :  and  by  fuch  a  collation,  I  believe,  no 
fmall  light  may  be  obtained  towards  the  difcovery  of  fome 
important  truths.  Hitherto  it  has  not  been  obferved,  that 
fuch  a  comparifon  could  be  made. 

In  the  hiftories  of  this  country,  the  firft  monarch  of  China 
is  named  *^  Foki :  the  fame,  whom  the  Chinefe  call  Fohi,  and 
place  at  the  head  of  their  lift.  This  prince  had,  according 
to  fome,  the  body,  according  toothers  the  head,  of  aferpent. 
If  we  may  believe  the  Japanefe  hiftorians,  he  began  his  reign 
above  twenty-one  thoufand  years  before  Chrift.  The  fecond 
Chinefe  emperour  was  Sin  *^  Noo  ;  by  the  people  of  China 
called  Sin  Num  :  and  many  begin  the  chronology  of  the 
country  with  him.  He  is  fuppofed  to  have  lived  about 
three  thoufand  years  before  Chrift  :  confequently  there  is  an 
interval  of  near  eighteen  thoufand  years  between  the  firft 
emperour  and  the  fecond:  a  circumftance  not  to  be  credited. 
The  third,  who  immediately  fucceeded  to  Sin  Noo,  was 
Hoam  Ti.  In  this  account  vv^e  may,  I  think,  perceive,  that 
the  Chinefe  have  ad:ed  like  the  people  of  Greece,  and  other 
regions.  The  hiftories,  which  were  imported,  they  have 
prefixed  to  the  annals  of  their  nation  -^  and  adopted  the  firft 
perfonages  of  antiquity,  and  made  them  raonarchs  in  their 
own  country.  Whom  can  we  fuppofe  Fohi,  with  the  head 
of  a  ferpent  to  have  been,  but  the  great  founder  of  all  kino-- 
doms,  the  father  of  mankind?  They  have  placed  him  at 
an  immenfe  diftance,  not  knowing  his  true  a;ra.  And 
I  think,  we  may  be  aftured,   that  under  the  charader   of 

"  Ksempfer.  L.  2.  p.  145. 
"'  Ihid.p.  146. 



584  The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology. 

'"  Sin  Num,  and  Sin  Noo,  we  have  the  hiftory  of  Noah:  and 
Hoam  Ti  was  no  other  than  Ham.  According  to  Ka^mpfer 
Sin  Noo  was  of  exa6lly  the  fame  character  as  ^'  Serapis  of 
Egypt.  He  was  aji  hujbandman,  and  taught  mankind  agri- 
culture ;  and  thofe  arts^  which  relate  to  the  immediate  fupport 
of  life.  He  alfo  dif covered  the  virtues  of  7nany  plants:  and  he 
was  reprefented  with  the  head  of  an  ox-,  and  fojnetimes  ojtly  with 
two  horns.  His  piBure  is  held  i7t  high  ejleem  by  the  Chinefe. 
Such  is  the  hiftory  of  this  fuppofed  monarch,  according  to 
Ksmpfer:  and  he  might  well  think,  that  in  Sin  Noo  he  faw 
the  character  of  Serapis  :  for  this  perfonage  was  no  other 
than  ^*  Sar-Apis,  the  great  father  of  mankind  ;  the  fame  as 
Men-Neuas  of  Egypt;  the  fame  alfo  as  Dionufus,  and  Oiiris. 
By  Du  Halde  he  is  called  Chin  Nong,  and  made  the  next 
monarch  after  Fohi.  The  Chinefe  accounts  afford  the  fame 
hiftory,  as  has  been  given  above.  They  mention  him  "  as  a 
perfo?t  very  knowing  i?i  agriculture^  who  frft  made  the  earth 
fupply  the  wants  of  his  people.  He  invejited  the  necejfary  i^n- 
plements  of  hujbandry,  and  taught  majikijtd  to  fow  five  forts  of 
grain.  From  hence  he  was  called  Chi?j-Nong^  or  the  Divi?ie 
hufhandman.  Whether  the  etymology  be  true,  I  much  doubt: 
the  hiftory  however  is  very  curious,  and  correfponds  with 
the  Japanefe  account  in   all  the  principal  articles.      As  the 

'°  Sin  Ni;m,  or  Sin  Noum,  is  very  fimilar  to  Noamus  :  by  v,'hich  name  the 
Patriarch  was  iometinies  called.  Num  in  Ibme  degree  ccrrelponds  with  the  Nun 
of  Irenasus,  and  Epiphanius  •,  who  is  alio  mentioned  by  Lilius  Gyraldus.  Fir.t 
.etiam  Nun,  quem  ad  Jaadal  Baoth  natum  prodiderunt.     Syntag.  i.  p.  72. 

"  Kaempfer.  L.  2.  p.  146. 

'*  This  was  the  true  name  of  the  Deity.  Sar-Apis  fignifies  Dominus,  vel  Magnus 
Pater  :  alfo  Pater  Taurinus. 

"  Du  Halde's  China,  vol.  i.  p.  272.  oftavo. 


""(V*  ■ 

Th2  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  585 

family  of  Noah  confiiled  of  eight  perfons  inclufivc,  there 
have  been  writers,  who  have  placed  fome  of  them  in  fuccef- 
iion ;  and  fuppofed,  that  tliere  were  three  or  four  perfons, 
who  reigned  between  Sin  Noo,  and  Hoam.  But  Du  Halde 
^•*  fays,  that  in  the  true  hiftories  of  the  country  the  three 
firft  monarchs  were  Fohi,  Chin  Nong,  and  Hoam,  whom  he 
ftyles  Hoang  Ti.  To  thefc,  he  fays,  the  arts  and  fciences 
owe  their  invention  and  progrefs.  Thus  we  find,  that  thofe, 
who  were  heads  of  families,  have  been  raifed  to  be  princes  : 
and  their  names  have  been  prefixed  to  the  lifts  of  kings;  and 
their  hiftory  fuperadded  to  the  annals  of  the  country.  It  is 
further  obfervabie,  in  the  accounts  given  of  thefe  fuppofed 
kings,  that  their  term  of  life,  for  the  firft  five  or  fix  genera- 
tions, correfponds  with  that  of  the  ^'  Patriarchs  after  the 
flood  :   and  decreafes  in  much  the  fame  proportion. 

The  hiftory  of  Japan  is  divided  into  three  jeras,  which 
confift  of  Gods,  Demigods,  and  ^*  mortals.  The  perfon, 
whom  the  natives  look  upon  as  the  real  founder  of  their 
monarchy,  is  named  ^^  Syn  Mu  ;  in  w^hofe  reign  the  Sinto 
religion,  the  moft  ancient  in  the  country,  was  introduced. 
It  was  called  Sin-sju,  and  Chami-mitfa,  from  Sin  and  Chami, 
the  Deities,  which  were  the  obje<fts  of  ^^  worfhip.  At  this 
time  it  is  faid,  that  fix  hundred  foreign  idols  were  brought 
into   Japan,   and   firft  worfhiped   in  ^^  Chumano.      To  the 

'*  Ibid.  p.  273. 

"'  Du  Hulde.  vol.  I.  p.  285.  2S6.   and  Jackfon.  Chronol.  vol.  2.  p.  435.  438. 


"*  K^Empfer.  L.  2.  p.  143. 
"  Ibid.  L.  2.  p.  159. 
^'  L.  3.  p.  204. 
"  Ibid.  p.  159. 

Vol.  III.  4  F  Sinto 

586  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

Sinto  religion  was  aftenvards  added  the  Biidfo,  together  with 
the  worfhip  of  Amida.  This  Deity  they  commonly  reore- 
fented  with  the  head  of  a  ^°  dog  ;  and  efteemed  him  the 
guardian  of  mankind.  This  religion  was  more  complicated 
than  the  former  ;  and  abounded  with  hieroglyphical  repre- 
fentationsj  and  myflerious  rites.  It  is  the  fame,  which  I 
have  termed  the  Arkite  idolatry  :  wherein  the  facred  fleer 
and  cow  were  venerated  :  the  Deity  was  reprefented  upon 
the  lotus,  and  upon  a  tortoife:  and  oftentimes  as  proceeding 
from  a  ^'  fifh.  In  this  alfo,  under  the  character  of  Buddha, 
we  may  trace  innumerable  memorials  of  the  Ark  ;  and  of 
the  perfon  preierved  in  it.  The  Author  above,  having  men- 
tioned the  eleventh  Emperour  incjufive  from  Syn  Mu,  tells  us, 
that  in  his  time  thefe  rites  ^*  began.  In  his  reigi7  Budo^  oiher- 
wife  called  Kobotus,  ca7?ie  over  from  the  hidies  i?tto  Japaii^ 
a7id brought  ivith  h'mi^  icpoji  a  white  horfe^  his  religion^  mid  doc- 
trines. We  find  here,  that  the  objed.  of  worfhip  is  made  the 
perfon,  who  introduced  it ;  (a  miflake,  which  has  almofl 
univerfally  prevailed  :)  otherwife  in  this  fhort  account  what 
a  curious  '^^  hiftory  is  unfolded  ! 

The  only  people,  to  whom  we  can  have  recourfe  for  any 
written  memorials  about  thel'e  things,  are  the  natives  of 
India  Proper.  They  were,  we  find,  the  perfons,  who  intro- 
duced thefe  hieroglyphics  both  in  China,  and  Japan.  It  will 
therefore  be  v/ortK  while  to  confider,  what  they  have  tranf- 

*°  AmbalTades  memorables,  &c.  L.  i.  p.  102. 
.      '■  Ibid.  p.  67. 

"  Kaempfer.  L.  2.  p.  163. 

*'  See  vol.  2.  of  this  work.  p.  29.  229.  410.  412.  concerning  K<fwTc?,  and'lTTTros 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology,  587 

niitted  concerning  their  religious  opinions ;  as  we  may  from 
hence  obtain  ftill  greater  light  towards  explaining  this  fym- 
bolical  worftiip.  Every  manifeftation  of  God's  goodnefs  to 
the  world  was  in  the  firft  ages  exprefied  by  an  hieroglyphic: 
and  the  Deity  was  accordingly  defcribed  under  various  forms, 
and  in  different  attitudes.  Thefe  at  length  were  miftaken 
for  real  transfigurations :  and  Vifhnou  was  fuppofed  to  have 
appeared  in  different  iliapes,  which  were  ftyled  incarnations. 
In  one  of  thefe  he  is  reprcfented  under  the  figure  before- 
i-nentioned,  of  a  princely  perfon  coming  our;  of  a  filli.  In 
another,  he  appears  with  the  head  of  a  boar,  treading  upon  an 
€vil  dsmoHj  which  feems  to  be  the  fame  as  the  Typhon  of  the 
Egyptians,  On  his  head  he  fupports  a  lunette,  in  which 
are  ktn  cities,  trees,  and  towers  i  in  fhort  all  that  the  world 
'contains.  In  ^^  Eaklteus  we  have  a  delineation,  and  hiftory 
given  us  of  this  incarnation.  Kircher  varies  a  little  in  his 
reprefentation,  yet  gives  a  fimilar  figure  of  the  Deity,  and 
{lyles  him  ^^  Viihnou  B::rachater,  By  this,  I  fliouid  think, 
was  i\^m?iQd.FifinQu^  the  offspring  of  the  fijh.  The  Brahmins 
^'^fay,  that  there  was  a  time,  when  the  ferpent  with  a  thoufand 
heads  withdrew  himfelf,  and  would  not  fupport  the  world, 
it  was  fo  overburthened  with  fin.  Upon  this,  the  earth  funk 
in  the  great  abyfs  ofwaters,  and  mankind,  and  all  that  breathed, 
perifiied.  But  ViOmou  took  upon  himfelf  the  form  above 
■defcribed,  and  diving  to  the  bottom  of  the  fea,  lifted  the 
■earth  out  of  the  waters,  and  placed  it  together  with  the  fer- 

'*  See  Balda^us  in  Churciiill's  Voyages,  vol.  3.  p.  74S. 
'^  China  liluft.  p.  \r^6. 
'"  Biklccus  above. 

4  F  2  pent 

588  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

pent  of  a  thoufand  heads,  upon  the  back  of  a  tortoife.  Vifh- 
nou  occurs  often  in  the  pagodas  of  Elora;  and  I  wifli,  that  the 
curious  Monfieur  Perron,  inftead  of  his  prccife  menfurations, 
had  given  us  an  accurate  defcription  of  the  ftatues,  and 
figures,  with  their  concomitant  hieroglyphics. 

We  are  however  much  obliged  to  him,  for  what  he  has 
afforded  us  in  his  tranflation  of  the  Zend-Avefta,  and  of  other 
writings,  both  of  the  Brahmins,  and  Parfees.  What  the  Re- 
ligious of  thefe  orders  have  tranfmitted  concerning  the  fym- 
bolical  worfhip  of  their  anceftors,  will  moft  fatisfadlorily  prove 
all  that  I  have  advanced  about  the  like  hieroglyphics  in  other 
parts :  and  vv^hat  I  have  faid  will  greatly  illuftrate  their  my- 
fterious  traditions  ^  which  in  m.oft  places  would  othervvife  be 
quite  unintelligible. 

In  the  third  volume  of  Perron's  Zend-Avefta,  there  is  an 
account  given  of  the  Creation  from  the  Cofmogony  of  the 
'^  Parfees:  alfo  an  hiftory  of  thofe  great  events,  which  enfued. 
We  are  accordingly  informed,  that  v/hen  the  Deity  Ormifda 
fet  about  the  production  of  things ;  the  whole  was  performed 
at  fix  different  intervals.  He  iirft  formed  the  heavens ;  at 
the  fecond  period  the  waters  ;  and  at  the  third  the  earth. 
Next  in  order  were  produced  the  trees  and  vegetables:  in 
the  fifth  place  were  formed  the  birds  and  fifties  ;  and  the 
wild  inhabitants  of  the  woods :  and  in  the  fixth  and  laft 
place  he  created  man.  This  was  the  moft  honourable  of  all 
his  productions  :  and  the  perfon  thus  produced  is  by  the 
tranftator  ftyled  F Homme ^  et   P Homme  Tam^eau.      He   is  in- 

*'  Boun  Du-hefn:  Cofmogonie  des  Parfcs.     See  Zend-Avefta  par  M.  Aquetil 
reiron.  1771.  vol.  3.  p.  348. 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  589 

another  place  fpoken  of  as  the  firft  of  animal  beings.  The 
hiftory  is  fo  curious,  and  the  charad:er,  under  which  the  firf!: 
man  appears,  fo  particular,  that  I  will  give  the  words  of  the 
author,  from  whom  I  borrow.  ^^  Les  premieres  chofes  de 
I'efpece  des  animaux,  qui  parurent,  furent  THomme,  et  le 
Taureau  :  qui  ne  vinrent  pas  de  Tunion  du  male  avec  la  fe- 
melle.  L'homme  fe  nommoit  Kaiomorts,  et  le  Taureau  Abou- 
dad.  L'  homme  nommc  Kaiomorts  etoit  vivant  et  parlant;  et 
I'Homme  Taureau  mort  (fait  pour  mourn)  et  ne  parlant  pas: 
et  cette  homme  a  ete  le  commencement  des  generations.  In 
this  detail  we  fee  the  fame  pcrfon  differently  exhibited,  and 
rendered  twofold:  the  divine  part  being  diftinguifhed  from 
the  mortal.  The  former  is  ftyled — ^'  fainte  et  pur  ame  de 
I'Homme  Taureau  :  and  the  latter  is  exhibited  under  the 
femblance  of  a  bull ;  and  mentioned  as  the  author  of  all  ge- 
nerations. We  fhall  find  hereafter,  that  in  this  '-'"mytholoo-y, 
there  were  two  ancient  perfonages  reprefented  under  the 
fame  charadler,  and  named  THomme  Taureau :  each  of 
whom  was  looked  upon  as  the  father  of  mankind.  Of  the 
iirft  of  thefe  at  prefent  it  is  my  bufinefs  to  treat.  For  fome 
time   after   his   creation  there  was  a  feafon  of  great  felicity  : 

'*  From  Modgmel  el  Tavarikh  traite  de  Kaiomorts.     Zcnd-Avefta.  vol.    7.   n 

''  Ibid.  p.  3/ 

^°  There  is  a  MS.  mentioned  by  M.  Perron,  which  is  laid  to  be  in  the  library 
of  the  king  of  France  :  from  whence,  I  fiiould  imagine,  great  light  miohc  be  ob- 
tained towards  the  illuftrating  of  this  fubjecfl.  It  is  a  Treatife  of  MytholoCTy,  faid 
to  have  been  written  byViaiTen,  the  fon  of  Brahma.  Among  other  things  it  con- 
tains— L'Hiftoire  de  la  Creation,  de  la  Confervation,  et  de  la  Deftruftion  de  VVm- 
vers  :   celle  des  Metamorphofes  de  Viflmou  -,  et  I'Ongine  des  Dicux  fubalternes  ; 

des  Flommcs,  desGeans,  &c.    Zend-Aveda.  vol.  i.  p,  250.     Here  is  mentioned 

L'Hiftoire  de  I'lncarnation  de  A^'iflinou  fous  la  Figure-de  Rama  Sami,. 


ego  The  Analysis  of   Ancient  Mvthology. 

and  he  refided  in  a  peculiar  place  of  high  ^'  elevationj  where 
the  Deity  had  placed  him.  At  lafl  Ahriman,  a  Dasmon, 
corrupted  the  world.  He  had  the  boldnefs  to  vifit  heaven  : 
from  whence  he  came  down  to  earth  in  the  form  of  a  ^*  fer- 
pent,  and  introduced  a  fet  of  wicked  beings  called  KarfeRers. 
The  firfl:  oxlike  perfonage  was  infeded  by  him  ;  and  at  laft 
fo  poifoncd.,  that  he  died.  ^'' Le  Taureau  ayant  ete  '*frappe 
par  celui,  qui  ne  veut,  que  le  mal,  et  par  fon  poifon,  tomba 
fur  le  champ  malade;  rendit  le  dernier  foupir,  et  mourut. — -II 
eft  dit,  que  les  Devv^s  du  Mazendran  combattoient  centre  les 
etoiles  fixes.  Pour  Ahriman,  independamment  de  ce  qu'il 
machina  contre  Kaiomorts,  il  forma  le  deilein  de  detruire  le 
monde  entiere. — Les  Izeds  celeftes  pendant  quatre-vingt-dix 
jours,  et  quatre-vingt-dix  nuits  combattirent  dans  le  monde 
contre  Ahriman,  et  contre  tous  les  Dews,  lis  les  dchrent, 
et  les  precipiterent  dans  le  Doiizakh  (rEnfer).— -Du  milieu 
du  Douzakh  Ahriman  alia  fur  la  terre.  11  la  perca,  y  parut, 
courut  dedans.  11  bouleverfa  tout  ce  qui  ctoit  dans  le  monde. 
Get  ennemi  du  bien  fe  niela  partout,  parut  partout,  cherchant 
a  faire  du  mal  defliis,  deffous. 

We  may  perceive  many  curious  circumftances  in  the  fliort 
abftrads  above  quoted,  concerning  the  introdudion  of  evil 
into  the  world.  We  find  it  faid  of  the  figurative  ox-like  per- 
fonage, Le  Taureau  eft  appelle  I'Homme  Taureau,  le  com- 
mencement des  generations.     He  was  likewife  diftinguiilied 

'"  Le  Dleu  Supreme  crea  d'abord  I'homme,  et  le  Taureau  dans  un  lieu  clevc. 
Vol.  I.  p.  353- n.  2. 

''  Sous  la  forme  d'unc  Couleuvre  il  fauta  du  ciel  fur  la  terre.    p.  351. 

''  p.  354- 

'*  Blefie  a  la  poitrine  par  le  poifon  des  Dews.     p.  334. 

10  by 

The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  591 

by  the  title  of  Le  premier  Tanreau  ;  and  it  is  further  faid  of 
him,  that  he  was  called  ^^  Aboudad.  At  his  death  Kaio- 
morts,  of  whom  he  had  been  the  reprefentative,  '"^  died  alfo. 
Out  of  the  left  arm  of  the  deceafed  proceeded  a  being  named 
Gofchoraun.  He  is  faid  to  have  raifed  a  cry,  which  was 
louder  than  the  fliout  01  a  thoufand  men.  ^^  II  s'approcha 
d'Ormufd,  et  lui  dit.  Quel  chef  avez-vous  etabli  fur  le 
monde  ?  Ahriman  va  brifer  promptement  la  terre,  et  blefler 
les  arbres,  les  faire  fecher  avec  une  eau  bridante.  Eft  ce  la 
cet  homme,  dont  vous  avez  dit :  je  le  donnerai,  pour  qu'il 
apprenne  a  fe  guarentir  du  mal  ?  Ormufd  kii  rcpondit : 
Le  Taureau  eft  tombc  malade,  6  Gofchoroun,  de  la  maladie, 
que  cette  Ahriman  a  portee  fur  lui.  Mais  cet  homme  eft  re- 
ferve  pour  une  terre,  pour  un  temps,  ou  Ahriman  ne  pourra 
exercer  fa  violence. — Gofchoroun  fut  alors  dans  la  joie :  il 
confentit  a  ce  qu'Ormufd  demandoit  de  lui  ;  et  dit,  je  prcn- 
drai  foin  des  creatures  dans  le  monde.  After  this  it  was  de- 
termined to  put  Ahriman  to  flight,  and  to  deftroy  all  the 
wicked  pe'rfons,  whom  he  had  introduced  upon  the  earth  : 
for  there  feemed  now  to  be  an  univerfal  opposition  to  the 
fupreme  Deiiiy  Ormufd.  At  this  feafon  a  fecond  oxlike  per- 
fonage  is  introduced  by  the  name  of  ^°  Tafchter.  He  is 
fpoken  of  both  as  a  ftar,  and  as  the  fun.  At  the  fame  time 
he  is  mentioned  as  a  perfon  upon  earth  under   three  forms. 

''  P-  B5^-  By  Aboii-dad  is  probably  fignined  in  the  ancient  Indie  language 
Taurus  i^ater  :  whicli  is  analogous  to  Sor-Apis  of  the  Egyptians. 

'*  II  eft  dit,  que  dans  le  moment  ou  le  Taureau,  donne  unique,  mourut,  KaVo- 
morts  to:nba  (fortit)  de  Ton  bras  droit.     Apres  famort&c.  p.  355. 

"'  p.  356. 

''p.  359. 


5-92  The  Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology. 

By  Tafchter  is  certainly  Signified  "  De  Apter:  the  fame  per- 
fon  whom  the  Greeks  and  Syrians  reprefented  as  a  female,  and 
called  Aftarte.  She  was  defcribed  horned,  and  fometimes 
with  the  head  of  a  '°°  bull ;  and  fuppofed  to  have  proceeded 
from  an  egg  :  and  they  efteemed  her  the  fame  as  Juno,  and 
the  Moon.      To  this  Tafchter  was  delegated  the  brinsins  on 

D  too 

of  the  Deluge.  In  the  mean  time,  the  promoter  of  all  evil, 
Ahriman,  went  on  in  his  rebellion,  and  was  joined  by  the 
Darvands,  a  race  devoted  to  wickednefs.  The  chief  of  them 
is  m.ade  to  accoft  the  fpirit  of  iniquity  in  the  following 
words.  '  O  Ahriman,  levez-vous  avec  moi.  Je  vais  dans  le 
monde  faire  la  guerre  a  cet  Ormufd,  aux  Amfchafpands,  et  les 
ferrer.  Alors  celui,  qui  fait  le  mal,  compta  lui-meme  deux 
fois  les  Dews  feparement,  et  ne  fut  pas  content.  Ahriman 
vouloit  fortir  de  cet  abattement,  ou  la  vue  de  I'homme  pur 
I'avoit  reduit.  Le  Darvand  Dje  lui  dit  :  levez-vous  avec  moi 
pour  faire  cette  guerre.  Que  de  maux  je  vais  verfer  fur  I'homme 
pur,  et  fur  le  boeuf,  qui  travaille  !  Apres  ce  que  je  leur  ferai, 
moi,  ils  ne  pourront  vivre.  Je  corromprai  leur  lumiere  : 
je  ferai  dans  I'eau  :  je  ferai  dans  les  arbres :  je  ferai  dans 
le  feu  d' Ormufd  :  je  ferai  dans  tout,  ce  qu'  Ormufd  a 
fait.  Celui,  qui  ne  fait  que  le  mal,  fit  alors  deux  fois 
la  revue  de  fes  troupes. — ^  II  ne  refta  a  Ahriman  d'autre 
reffource,  que  de  prendre  de  nouveau  la  fuite,  lui,  qui  vit,que 

"  Both  The  and  De  were  inthe  ancient  languages  a  kind  of  demonflrative  par- 
ticles, and  occur  very  often. 

100  .|^  jNg  ^^jjj^^jj  £^,9»xg  T)i  iSiCL  xe(psi?\.ri,  Ba.o'i^iiot.f  'zirci^cia-yiiJ.oi',  zspccAvv  Tccvry. 
Sanchon.  apud  Eufeb.  P.-E.  L.  i.  c.  10.  p.  38. 

'  Vol.  ^.p.  350.  I. 

*  Ibid.  p.  358. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.  593 

les  Dews  difparoitroient,  et  qu'  il  feroit  lui-meme  fans  force, 
parce  qu'  a  la  fin  la  vicloire  etoit  refervee  a  Ormufd,  lors  de 
la  refurredlion  et  pendant  toute  la  duree  des  etres.  In  confe- 
quence  of  this  Ahriman  was  put  to  flight.  Upon  which  it 
was  thought  proper  to  bring  over  the  face  of  the  earth  an  uni- 
verfal  inundation  ;  that  all  impurity  might  be  wafhed  away. 
And  as  Tafchter  was  the  perfon  appointed  to  effect  this  great 
work,  he  accordingly  fet  about  it.  ^  Tafchter  fut  feconde  de 
Bahman,  de  Horn  Ized,  accompagne  du  Beni  Barzo  Ized,  et 
les  ames  pures  veillerent  avec  foin  fur  Tafchter  ;  qui  a  comme 
trois  corps  :  le  corps  d'un  homme,  le  corps  d'un  cheval,  et  le 
corps  d'un  Taureau.  Sa  lumiere  brilla  en  haut  pendant 
trente  jours  et  trente  nuits  :  et  il  donna  la  pluie  fous  chaque 
corps  pendant  dix  jours. — Chaque  goutte  de  cette  eau  etoit 
comme  une  grande  foucoupe.  La  terre  fut  toute  couverte 
d'eau  a  la  hauteur  d'un  homme.  Les  Kharfefters,  qui  etoient 
dans  la  terre,  perirent  tous  par  cette  pluie.  Elle  pcnetra  dans 
les  trous  de  la  terre. — *  En  quelle  prodigieufe  quantite  il  la  fit 
pleuvoir  !  par  gouttes  groffes  comme  la  tete  d'un  Taureau. 
At  laft  we  find,  that  there  was  a  retreat  of  the  waters  ;  and 
they  were  again  reftrained  within  their  proper  bounds.  The 
mountain  Albordi  in  Ferakh-kand  firfl:  appeared;  which  the 
author  compares  to  a  tree,  and  fuppofes,  that  all  other 
mountains  proceeded  from  it.  ^  Ormufd  renferma  toute 
cette  eau,  lui  donna  la  terre  pour  bornes,  et  de-la  fut 
forme  zare  Ferakh-kand.  Tous  ces  germes  des  Kharfef- 
fters,  qui  lefterent  dans  la  terre,  y  pourirent.     Enfuite   le 

'  P-  359- 
*  p.  360. 
'  Ibid.  p.  359.  361. 

Vol.  IIL  4  G  vent. 

594  The   Analysis   of   A^^cient  Mythology. 

vent,  pendant  trois  jours,  chafla  I'eaii  de  tout  cotes  fur  la 
Terre.  De  la  Dieu  fait  couler  les  autres  eaux,  reverfe  en- 
fuite  toutes  ces  eaux  dans  I'Arg  roud,  et  dans  le  Veh  roud 
lui,  qui  eft  le  Createur  du  Monde. — Ormufd  fit  d'abord  le 
Mont  ^Albordj,  et  enfuite  les  autres  Montagues  au  milieu  de  la 
terre.  Lorfque  I'Albordj  fefut  confidcrablement  etendu,  toutes 
lesmontagnes  en  vinrent,  c'eft-a-dire,  qu'elies  fe  multiplierent 
toutes,  ctant  forties  de  la  racine  de  I'Albordj.  Ellcs  fortirent 
alors  de  la  terre,  et  parurent  delTus,  comme  un  Arbre  dont  la 
racine  croit  tantot  en  haut,  tantot  en  bas. — II  eft  enfuite 
parle  de  ce  developpement  de  la  tej-re. 

After  this  there  was  a  renewal  of  the  world;  and  the  earth 
was  reftored  to  its  priftine  ftate.  The  particular  place,  where 
Ormifda  planted  the  germina  from  whence  all  things  were  to 
fpring,  was  ^  Ferakh-kand  :  which  feems  to  be  the  land  of 
Arach  ;  the  country  upon  the  Araxes  in  Armenia.  Here 
another  bull  was  framed,  which  was  the  author  of  all  abun- 
dance. We  are  moreover  told,  that  there  were  two  of  this 
fpecies  produced,  the  one  male  and  the  other  female  ;  and 
from  them  all  things  were  derived.  ^  Les  Izids  confierent 
ou  ciel  de  la  Lune  la  femence  lumineufe,  et  fort  de  ce  Tau- 
reaii.  Cette  femence  ayant  etc  purihee  par  la  lumiere  de  la 
Lune,  Ormufd  en  fit  un  corps  bien  ordonne,  mit  la  vie  dans 
ce  corps,  et  forma  deux  Taureaux,  Tune  male,  I'autre  femelle. 
Enfuite   de  ces  deux   efpeces   deux   ccns  quatre-vingt-deux 

*  Aibordi  is  undoubtedly  the  fame  as  Al-Barid,  and  Al-Baris  :  the  mountain  on 
which  the  Ark  refted  in  Armenia.  De  cette  montagne  qu'il  pofTede,  montagne 
donee  d'Ormufd,  il  doniine  fur  le  nionde.    Vol.  2.  p.  423. 

'  P-  362. 

*  Vol.  3-  P-  36.?.  - 


The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology.  595 

efpeces  d'anlmaux  furent  produites  fur  la  terre ;  les  oifeaux 
qui  font  dans  les  nuees,  et  les  poifons  dans  I'eau.  All  the 
feeds  and  rudiments  of  the  future  world  had  been  entrufted 
to  the  Moon  :  and  thefe  two  oxlike  perfonages  feem  to  have 
been  produced  by  its  influence.  ^  La  femence  du  Taureau 
ayant  ete  portce  au  ciel  de  la  Lune,  y  fut  purifi.ce,  et  de  cette 
femence  furent  formees  beaucoup  d'efpeces  d'animaux  :  pre- 
mierement,  deux  Taureaux,  Tune  male,  I'autre  femelle. 

The  flood  was  looked  upon  as  a  great  blefTing  :  for  from 
thence  proceeded  the  plenty,  with  which  the  prefcnt  world 
is  blefl:.  There  feems  to  have  been  a  notion,  which  of  old 
prevailed  greatly,  that  the  antediluvian  world  was  under  a 
curfe,  and  the  earth  very  barren.  Hence  the  ancient  mytho- 
logiits  refer  the  commencement  of  all  plenty,  as  well  as  of 
happinefs  in  life,  to  the  cera  of  the  Deluge.  And  as  the  means 
by  which  mankind,  and  their  fruits  ot  the  earth  were  pre- 
ferved,  had  been  of  old  defcribed  in  hieroglyphics ;  people 
in  tim.e  began  to  lofe  flght  of  the  purport  ;  and  to  mifliake 
the  fubftitutc  for  the  original.  Hence  inflead  of  the  man  of 
the  earth,  and  the  great  hufbandman,  they  payed  their  vene- 
ration to  the  fymbolical  ox  :  and  all  that  had  been  tranf- 
m.itted  concerning  the  lunar  machine,  they  referred  to  the 
moon  in  the  heavens.  This  vvc  learn  irom  the  prayers  of 
the  Brahmins  and  Parfccs ;  in  which  may  be  difcovered 
traces  of  fome  '°  wonderful  truths. 

'  p- 371- 

'°  This  may  feem  not  to  precifely  coincide  with  what  I  have  faid  in  the  34th 
page  of  this  volume  ;  where  I  affirmed,  that  all  ancient  knov/ledge  was  to  be  de- 
rived from  Greece.  But  herein  I  meant  all  hillorical  evidence,  and  not  collateral 
mytliclogy.  ^ 

4  G  2  N  E  A.  E  S  C  H 

596  The  Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

NEAESCH     DE     LA     LUNE. 
A    PRATER     of     the     PARSERS. 

"  Je  prie  Ormufd,  je  prie  "  Amfchafpands,  je  prie  la  Liine, 
qui  garde  la  femence  du  Taiireau  :  je  prie  en  regardant  en 
haiit,  je  prie  en  regardant  en  bas. — Que  la  Lune  me  foit 
favorable,  elle,  qui  conferve  la  femence  du  Taureau  :  qui  a 
ete  crec  unique,  et  dont  font  venus  des  animaux  de  beaucoup 
d'efpeces  :  je  lui  fais  izefchnc,  et  nl-aefch,  &c.  Je  prie  Or- 
mufd,  je  prie  Amfchafpands,  je  prie  la  Lune,  qui  garde  la 
femence  du  Taureau,  &c.  Comme  la  Lune  croit,  elle  de- 
croit  aufli :  pendant  quinze  jours  elle  croit ;  pendant  quinze 
jours  elle  decroit.  Lorfqu'  elle  croit,  il  faut  la  prier :  lorf- 
qu'elie  decroit,  il  faut  la  prier:  mais  fur-tout,  quand  elle 
croit,  on  doit  la  prier.  Lune,  qui  augmcntes,  et  diminues, 
toi  Lune,  qui  gardes  la  femence  du  Taureau,  qui  es  fainte, 
pure,  et  grande,  je  te  fais  izefchnc. 

Je  regarde  en  haut  cette  Lune  :  j'honore  cette  Lune,  qui 
eft  elevee  :  je  regarde  en  haut  la  lumiere  de  la  Lune:  j'honore 
la  lumiere  de  la  Lune,  qui  eft  elevee. 

Lorfque  la  lumiere  de  la  Lune  rcpand  la  chaleur,  elle  fait 
croitre  les  arbres  de  couleur  d'or  :  elle  multiplie  la  verdure 
fur  la  terre  avec  la  nouvelle  Lune,  avec  la  pleine  Lune  vien- 
nent  toutes  les  productions. 

Je  fais  izefchnc  a  la  nouvelle  Lune,  fainte,  pure  et  grande: 
je  fais  izefchnc  a  la  pleine  Lune,  fainte,  pure  et  grande. 

Je  fais  izefchne  a  la  Lune,  qui   fait  tout  naitre,   qui  eft 

"  Zend-Avefta.  vol.  ;}.  p.  17. 

"  Les  fept  prtmreres  Efprits  celeftes. 


The   Analysis   of  Ancient  Mythology.  597 

fainte,  pure  et  grande  ;  j'invoque  la  Lune,  qui  garde  la  fe- 
mence  du  Taureau,  &c. 

A  PRATER  of  the  fame  Nature  to  the  Sacred  BULL. 

'^  Adreffez  votre  priere  au  Taureau  excellent :  adreffez 
votre  priere  au  Taureau  pur  :  adrell'ez  votre  priere  a  ces 
principcs  de  tout  bien  :  adreffez  votre  priere  a  la  pluie,  fource 
d'abondance  :  adreffez  votre  priere  au  Taureau  devenu  pur, 
celefte,  faint,  qui  n'as  pas  ete  engendre  ;  qui  efl;  faint.  Lorf- 
que  Dje  ravage  le  monde,  lorfque  Timpur  Afchmogh  affoiblit 
rhomme,  qui  lui  eft  dcvoue,  I'eau  le  rcpand  en  haut :  elle 
coule  en  bas  en  abondance:  cette  eau  fe  refout  en  mille,  en  dix 
mille  pluies.  Je  vous  le  dis,  6  pur  Zoroaftre,  que  I'envie, 
que  la  mort  foit  fur  la  terre  :  I'eau  frappe  I'envie,  qui  eft  fur 
la  terre  :  elle  frappe  la  mort,  qui  eft  fur  la  terre.  Que  le 
Dew  Dje  fe  multiplie  ;  ft  c'eft  au  lever  du  foleil,  qu'il  de- 
fole  le  monde,  la  pluie  remet  tout  dans  I'ordre,  lorfque  le 
jour  eft  pur. — Si  c'eft  la  nuit,  que  Dje  defole  le  monde,  la 
pluie  retablit  tout  au  (gah)  Ofchen.  Elle  tombe  en  abon- 
dance :  alors  i'eau  fe  renouvelle,  la  terre  fe  renouvelle  ;  les 
arbres  fe  renouvellent,  la  fante  fe  renouvelle  ;  ce,  qui  donne 
la  fante,  fe  renouvelle. 

"^  Lorlque  I'eau  fe  repand  dans  le  fleuv^e  VoorokeicKc,  u 
s'en  cleve  (une  partie,  qui  tombant  en  pluie)  melc  Ics  grains 
avec  la  terre,  ct  la  terre  avec  les  grains.  L'eau,  qui  s'eleve, 
eft  la  voie  de  I'abondance  :  les  grains  donnes  d'Ormufd  naif- 
fent,  et  fe  multipleint.  Le  Soleil,  comme  un  couriier  vigou- 
1  reux,  s'elance  avec  majefte  du  haut  de  I'effrayant  Albordj^  et 

■'  Vol.  2.  p.  424, 


'*  p.  425.. 

59S  The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mythology. 

donnc  la  lumiere  an  moiicie.  De  cette  montagne,  qu'il  pof- 
lede,  montagne  donnee  d'Ormufd,  il  domine  fur  le  monde ; 
qui  eft  la  voie  aux  deux  defcins,  fur  les  grains  donncs  en  abon- 
dance,  et  lur  I'eau.  Soit  qu'  auparavant  vous  ayez  fait  le 
mal,  ou  qu'auparavant  vous  ayez  lu  la  parole  excellente, 
je  fais  naitre  pour  vous  tout  en  abondaiice  ;  moi,  qui  v^ous 
lave  alors  avec  I'eau. — Par  I'eau  je  purifie  mille  cliofes,  que 
je  vous  ai  donnees,  &;c. 

Lorfque  I'eau  fe  repand  dans  le  fleuve  Voorokefche,  il 
s'en  eleve  une  partie,  qui  tombant  en  pluie,  mele  les  grains 
avec  la  terre,  la  terre  avec  les  grains.  L'eau,  qui  s'eleve,  eft 
la  voie  de  I'abondance.  Tout  croit,  tout  fe  multiplie  fur  la 
terre  donnee  d'Ormufd.  La  Lune,  depofitaire  de  la  femence 
du  Taureau,  s'elance  avec  majefte  du  haut  de  I'effrayant  Al- 
bordj^  et  donne  la  lumiere  au  monde.  De  cette  montagne, 
qu'elle  pofTedc,  montagne  donnee  d'Ormufd,  elle  domine  fur 
le  monde,  qui  eft  la  voie  aux  deux  deftins,  fur  les  grains  don- 
nes  en  abondance,  et  far  l'eau,  S:c.  &c. 

'^  Lorfque  l'eau  fe  repand  dans  le  fleuve  Voorokefche,  &c. 
— Ce  cruel  Dje,  maitre  de  magie,  s'eleve  avec  empire  ;  il 
veut  exercer  fa  violence;  mais  la  pluie  eloigne  Afchere ; 
eloigne  Eghouere,  clle  cloigne  Eghranm,  &c.  elle  eloigne 
I'envie,  elle  cloigne  la  mort. — Elle  eloioine  la  '^  Couleuvre  ; 
elle  eloigne  le  menfonge  ;  elle  eloigne  la  mechancete,  la  cor- 
ruption, et  I'impurete,  qu'Ahriman  a  produites  dans  les  corps 
des  homines. 

"  P-475- 

'*  In  another  part  cf  the  Zend-Avefta  mention  is  made  of  thisferpent.  Ormufd, 
Ic  julle  Juge,  dit  \\  Ncrioiengh. — Apres  avoir  fait  ce  lieu  pur,  dont  I'cclat  fen:on- 
troic  au  loin,  je  marchois  dans  ma  grandeur  ;  alors  la  Couleuvre  m'apper^ut :  alors 
cette  Couleuvre,  cette  Ahriman,  plein  de  mort,  produifit  abondamment  contre  moi, 
Jieuf,  neut  fois  neuf,  neuf  cens,  neuf  millc,  quatrs-vingt-dix  milk  envies.  Ven- 
didad  "Sadi.  vol.  z.  p.  429.  '^Q 

The   Analysis   of   Ancient  Mvtiiology.'  599 

"VVc  may,  from  what  has  preceded,  perceive,  that  the 
Moon,  and  the  Tacred  Steer  were  two  principal  emblems  in 
the  Pagan  world.  And  though  the  mythology  of  the  more 
eaftern  countries  has  hitherto  appeared  obfcure,  and  even  un- 
intelligible :  yet  by  the  light,  which  we  have  obtained  ivQiji 
the  writings  of  Greece,  it  is,  I  think,  now  rendered  fuffi- 
ciently  plain  :  lo  that  the  main  purport  may  be  eafily  under- 
ftocd.  It  is  to  be  obferved  above,  that  there  vvere  two 
perfons  alluded  to  under  the  fame  character,  called  in  the 
Zend-Avefla  V Hornme  Tauj-eau  :  both  of  whom  were  lookeci 
upon  as  the  authors  of  the  human  race.  It  is  probable,  that 
the  like  was  intended  in  the  Apis  and  Mneuis  of  Egypt  : 
and  that  in  thefe  charaderiflics,  there  was  originally  a  two- 
fold reference.  By  the  former  was  perhaps  figniiied  our  great 
progenitor,  from  v/hom  all  mankind  has  been  derived  :  by 
the  other  was  denoted  the  Patriarch,  in  whom  the  world 
was  renewed. 

Some  have  thought,  that  the  truths,  which  are  obfervable 
in  Zend-Avefta,  Vendidad  Sadi,  and  other  writings  of  thcfe 
eaftern  nations,  were  derived  from  the  difciplcs  of  Nefto- 
rius,  who  were  found  very  early  upon  the  coaft  of  Malabar. 
But  this  is  a  groundlefs  furmife.  The  religious  fe6ls,  among 
whom  thefe  writings  have  been  prefer ved,  are  widely  fe pa- 
rated,  and  mofl  of  them  have  no  connexions  with  Malabar, 
or  the  Chriftians  of  that  quarter.  The  Brahmins  and  Ba- 
nians adhere  clofely  to  their  own  rites  :  and  abhor  all  other 
perfuaiions.  Many  of  the  Indian  Cafls  Vv'ill  not  drink  out  of 
the  fame  cup,  nor  feed  out  of  the  fime  difli,  with  a  perfon 
deemed  impure  :  and  they  hold  all  as  fuch,  excepting  their 
own  fraternity.  Many  are  fo  fcrupulous,  as  not  to  come 
^  within 

6oo  The   Analysis   of   Ancient   Mythology. 

within  reach  of  contact  with  other  people.  One  tribe  is 
that  of  the  Tamuli,  who  are  to  be  found  in  the  provinces  of 
Calicut,  Madura,  and  Narfinga  in  Tranquebar :  and  are 
neareft  to  the  Chriftians  ot  thole  parts.  But  they  have  no 
intercourfe  with  them  ;  and  are  fo  zealoufly  attached  to  their 
own  rites,  and  doctrines,  that  the  Danifh  miffionaries  meet 
with  great  difficulty  in  making  profelytes  among  them.  It 
is  fcarcely  poffible,  that  a  people,  thus  fortified  with  preju- 
dices, and  blinded  with  notions  of  their  own  fuperior  fanc- 
tity,  Ihould  fuffer  any  Chriftian  traditions  to  be  ingrafted  upon 
their  ancient  theology.  It  has  been  fliewn,  that  they  have 
accounts  of  the  origin  of  the  world,  the  fall  of  man,  and  all 
the  evil  confequences,  which  enfued.  If  this  primary  know- 
ledge had  been  introduced  by  Chriftians,  we  fhould  certainly 
fee  fubjoined  fome  remains  of  their  religion,  and  doctrines. 
But  neither  of  Chriftianity,  nor  of  its  Founder,  is  there  any 
trace  to  be  perceived.  We  may  therefore  be  affured,  that 
whatever  truths  may  be  found  in  the  writings  of  this  people, 
they  were  derived  from  an  higher  fource,  and  by  a  different 

Upon  the  whole,  I  think,  it  is  manifeft,  that  there  are  noble 
refources  fcill  remaining;  if  we  will  but  apply  ourfelves  to  di- 
ligent inquiry.  As  we  have  both  in  India  and  China,  perfons 
of  fcience,  and  curiofity,  it  would  be  highly  acceptable  to  the 
learned  world,  if  they  would  pay  a  little  more  attention  to 
the  antiquities  of  the  countries  where  they  refide.  And  this 
is  addreffed  to  people  not  only  in  thofe  regions,  but  in  any 
part  of  the  globe,  wherever  it  is  poiTible  to  gain  accefs.  There 
are  in  every  climate  fome  fhattered  fragments  of  original  hif- 
tory  J   fome  traces   of  a  primitive  and  univerfal  language. 


The  Analysis  of  Ancient  Mythology.         6oi 

And  thefe  may  be  obferved  in  the  names  of  Deities,  terms  of 
worjfliip,  and  titles  of  honour,  which  prevail  among  nations 
widely  feparated  :  who  for  ages  have  had  no  connexion.  The 
like  may  be  found  in  the  names  of  pagodas  and  temples  ; 
and  of  fundry  other  objects,  which  will  prefent  themfelves  to 
the  traveller.  Even  America  would  contribute  to  this  purpofe. 
The  more  rude  the  monuments,  the  more  ancient  they  may 
pofTibly  prove  ;   and  afford  a  greater  light  upon  inquiry. 

Thus  far  I  have  proceeded  in  the  explanation  and  proof  of 
the  fyflem,  in  which  I  firft  engaged.  Should  any  thing  ftill 
remain,  which  can  afford  a  further  illuftration,  it  mufl  be 
deferred  for  a  feafon. 















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