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Full text of "An analytical key to some of the common flowering plants of the Rocky Mountain Region"

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Dea Agee RON, cAN DC OM PANY. 

Two Copizs RECEIVED 

JUN. #8 1902 


CopyRIGHT, 1902 

Published June, 1902 

Pn EA Cab 

THERE are approximately 3,000 species of indigenous flower- 
ing plants in that portion of the United States known as the 
Rocky Mountain region. Many of these by reason of their 
abundance, attractiveness, and conspicuous characters afford 
material both suitable and available for use in the introduc- 
tory courses in botany in high schools and colleges. 

In spite-of the fact that botany to-day must take cognizance 
of several new phases of the subject, it must still be admitted 
that a certain amount of work in systematic botany offers a 
point of contact with Nature that is of inestimable value. But 
justice to the co-ordinate and equally important divisions of the 
subject requires that systematic botany should take no more 
than a co-ordinate place. 

For various reasons it has been found inexpedient in many 
instances to attempt the use of the standard manuals. It is 

‘hoped that this brief synoptical Key may meet the needs of 

such courses, and that the beginner, discovering for himself 
the names of a few of the common plants of his neighborhood, 
may develop an interest in his flora that will later make him, 
in some eases, a critical student of it. 

This booklet is not offered as a substitute for a manual of 
the region, but rather as an introduction, which will prepare 
the student for the better use of a manual. It seems best, there- 
fore, to include only the commoner species, and especially those 

that blossom during the spring and early summer. To select a 


few hundred that should give a considerable range of choice to 
the many schools of this vast intermountain country has been 
no easy matter. If it has been successfully done, much of the 
credit is due to the following persons, who have kindly sup- 
plied lists of plants that it seemed to them well to include: 
Mr. George E. Osterhout, New Windsor, Col.; Prof. Kugene 
Beardsley, Colorado State Normal School; Prof. Francis Rama- 
ley, University of Colorado; Prof. Ellsworth Bethel, Denver 
High School; Mr. H. L. Shantz, Colorado College; to each of 
whom the author’s thanks are due. By this co-operation it is 
thought that a list has been secured that will prove useful from 
Montana to New Mexico, and with a somewhat variable east- 
ward and westward extension. In spite of the care that has 
been exercised, some species that would be particularly availa- 
ble in some localities have no doubt been omitted. It will be 
greatly appreciated if teachers will report such species so that 
they may be included in subsequent editions. 

To secure the best results from the use of this Key in the 
classroom, the teacher must keep in mind the following things: 
(1) That the number of species included is limited. Therefore it 
would be very unwise to permit students to attempt to name a 
miscellaneous collection of plants by means of it—a practice 
that would surely result in confusion and discouragement. 
Much better lay before the class material of such species only 


as are known to be included. These will furnish the discipline. 

sought, with the added enthusiasm that comes from something 
actually accomplished. (2) That the descriptions are brief, no 
attempt having been made to distinguish a given species from 
all other species in that genus, but only from the other species 
in this Key. To do even this it will sometimes be necessary to 
keep in mind that the analytical keys are an essential part of 
the description, since the statements in the keys are not usually 
repeated. (8) That while the aim has been to avoid as far as 
possible strictly technical terms, yet conciseness has necessi- 


tated the use of many; therefore, one or more dictionaries, or 
manuals containing glossaries, ought to be always at hand. 
(4) That it is always well to have one or more copies of the 
standard manuals at hand for reference (Coulter’s is the only 
one out at present devoted to this region in particular, though 
many of our species will be found in Gray’s and in Britton’s). 
Lastly, I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to the first 
in this series of Keys, viz., that prepared by Dr. Coulter for the 
Eastern United States. In so far as the species used are the 
same for the two regions, I have taken the liberty of adopting 
not only the same mode of treatment, but in many instances 
the descriptions in their entirety. I am further deeply in- 
debted in many ways to Dr. Britton’s recent Manual and to 
Dr. Coulter’s Manual of the Rocky Mountains. 

Laramiz, March, 1902. 

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Ovules naked upon ascale or bract (not inclosed in an ovary). 

Resinous trees or shrubs with evergreen leaves : : ; . Pinacez 5 


Ovules inclosed in an ovary. 

Parts of the flower usually in threes (never in fives) ; leaves mostly parallel- 

veined ; ours all herbs. 

1. Flowers usually with neither calyx nor corolla and massed upon a 
more or less fleshy axis (spadiz) 

Marsh or aquatic plants, with linear leaves. 
Flowers in a dense cylindrical terminal spike . 2 : . Typhacez 7 
Flowers in globular heads . : : ; : : . Sparganiacez 7 

2. Flowers with calyx and corolla alike (perianth) or different, not 
collected upon a spadix 

a. Ovary superior (appearing within the flower) 

Pistils numerous. Ss ; : : 2 ; : : : Alismaceze 7 
Pistil one. 
Perianth of similar divisions or lobes. 
Styles 3; fruit a capsule . : 5 : n : . Melanthacez 8g 
Style 1; fruita capsule . ; 3 3 ‘ : : Z Liliacez 9 
Style 1; fruit a berry : : : : : Convallariacez 11 
Perianth of 3 green sepals and 8 colored petals. : Commelinacez 8 

b. Ovary inferior (appearing below the flower) 

Stamens 3. : : : : : ; : : s : : . Iridacez 12 
Stamens 1 or 2 and massed with the style ; flowers irregular Orchidaceze 12 


Parts of the flower usually in fives or fours ; leaves mostly net-veined. 




Corolla either wanting (apetalows) or of separate petals ( polypetalous). 

1. Corolla wanting, and sometimes the calyx also (naked) 

a. Flowers in aments (dense scaly spikes) ; trees, shrubs or vines 

Calyx wanting. 
A single flower in the axil of each bract; fruit a pod with numerous 

downy-tufted seeds. : : : . Salicaceze 
/Pistillate flowers 2 or 3 in the axil of ener “ne fruit a winged or wingless 
nut . 5 : : : ; : : : F c : . Betulacez 
Calyx present. 
Fruit a nut inclosed by a cup or involucre . : A : . Fagaceze 
Fruit an achene ; twining vines . : 5 é - c . Moraceze 

b. Flowers not in aments 

x Shrubs or trees 

Leaves opposite, palmately lobed ; fruit in pairs and winged . Aceraceze 
Leaves alternate, simple. 
Fruit winged all around . : Be cr : : F . Ulmaceze 
Fruit berry-like : : ; : : : : : 5 Hleagnaceze 
x « Herbs; sepals sometimes petal-like 
Pistils more than one, separate or nearly so . é 7 . Ranunculaceze 
Pistil one ; ovary superior. 
Ovary 5-celled and 5-beaked . : ; é 3 A Crassulaceze 
Ovary 3-celled, becoming a 3-lobed depenils : : . Euphorbiacez 
Ovary 2-celled, becoming an emarginate capsule . Scrophulariaceze 
Ovary 1-celled, becoming anachene . : ; : . Polygonaceze 
Pistil one ; ovary inferior. 
Leaves alternate ; fruit dry, nut-like . A : : f Santalaceze 
Leaves opposite ; fruit inclosed by the calyx . : . Nyctaginaceze 

2. Calyx and corolla both present, the latter of separate petals 

a. Stamens more than 10 

Trees, shrubs, or woody vines ; leaves alternate. 

Pistils numerous, leaves with stipules . 5 é c 6 .  Rosaceze 
Pistil one ; fruit fleshy. 
Ovary 1-celled ; fruit a drupe (stone fruit) . : 6 . Drupaceze 
Ovary 5-celled ; fruit a pome (calyx fleshy) . : C . Pomaceze 
Pistils several. 
Stamens on receptacle . : 4 - : : . Ranunculaceze 
Stamens on the calyx : ore : < c : .  Rosaceze 
Pistil one. 
Stamens separate. 
Sepals 2 : : j : : : é 4 . Papaveraceze 
Sepals 4 : ; : : E ; ; ; . Capparidacez 
Sepals numerous ; , : ‘ ; : : » Cactaceze 
Calyx 5-lobed ; Q 5 ; : i : : . Loasacez 

Stamens united into a column : ; 2 6 5 . Malvaceze 














b. Stamens not more than 10 

Trees, shrubs, or woody vines ; fruit fleshy. 
Fruit a drupe (stone fruit) 
Fruit a berry. 
Stamens alternate with petals 
Stamens opposite petals. 
Stamens 4 or 5; climbing by tendrils 
Stamens 6; not climbing . 
Pistils more than one 
Pistil one. 
Ovary 1-celled. 
Corolla regular or nearly so. 
Sepals 4; leaves compound 
Sepals 4 or 5; leaves simple 
Sepals 2; leaves fleshy 
Corolla irregular. 
Stamens 6, in 2 sets 5 
Stamens 5; one petal spurred . 
Stamens 5 or 10; petals not spurred 
Ovary 2- or 5-celled. 

Ovary superior (appearing within the flower). 

Ovary 2-celled. 

“ Stamens tetradynamous, petals 4 
Stamens 10. petals 5 

Ovary 5-celled. 
Leaves simple, flowers regular. 

Anthers opening by holes at the apex 

Anthers opening lengthwise. 

Leaves broad, lobed or toothed 

Leaves narrow, entire 
Leaves trifoliolate : 
Ovary inferior (appearing below the OuED 
Fruit a 4-celled pod 
Fruit splitting into 1- saeied halves. 


Corolla with petals united (sympetalous), at least at base, or rarely wanting. 


Z Vitaceze 
. Berberidaceze 


. Capparidaceze 
. Portulacacez 



. Pyrolaceze 



1. Stamens more numerous than the lobes of the corolla 

Ovary 1-celled. 
Sepals 5 
Sepals 2 
Ovary 3 to many- elle: 
Stamens separate, style 1; fruit a berry. 
Ovary superior 
Ovary inferior 
Stamens united into a egies 








2. Stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla or fewer 
Stamens opposite the corolla-lobes_ . ‘ Mls : Primulacez 
Stamens alternate with the corolla-lobes, or Jeet: 

a. Ovary superior (appearing within the flower) 

Corolla regular or nearly so. 
Stamens as many as the corolla-lobes. 
Ovaries 2, becoming a pair of follicles. 

Pollen powdery . ; : : 5 5 ; . Apocynaceze 
Pollen in 2 solid waxy masses . : : - Asclepiadaceze 
Ovary 1. 
Ovary deeply 4-lobed around the style. 
Leaves alternate . A : 3 ‘ : . Boraginacez 
Leaves opposite . . : . ; 0 j : Labiatze 

Ovary not lobed, 1-celled. 
Corolla scarious and veinless ; leaves entire Plantaginacez 

Corolla not scarious ; leaves not entire . Hydrophyllacez 
Ovary 2- to 10-celled ; stamens on the corolla-tube. 
Stamens 4. 
Pod opening by a lid : : ; : Plantaginacez 
Pod not opening by alid . ; : .  WVWerbenaceze 
Stamens 5. 
Fruit of 2 or 4 seed-like nutlets . : . Boraginacez 
Fruit a many-seeded berry . : c é . Solanaceze 

Fruit a many-seeded capsule. 
Style short or none; stigma of two lamelle Gentiana 

Style slender ; stigma entire . Serophulariacez 
Fruit a few-seeded capsule. 
Style 1, 3-cleft . : : . . Polemoniaceze 
Styles 1 or 2, entire or 2- cleft : Convolvulaceze 
Stamens fewer than the corolla-lobes. 

Stamens4 . : 6 : : S : : F ‘ Verbenaceze 

Stamens 2. 
Stems naked 2 : ‘ ; : : Plantaginaceze 
Stems leafy . : : : : : : . Scrophulariaceze 

Corolla irregular, or rarely wanting. 
Ovules and seeds solitary in the cells. 

Ovary 4-lobed . : : : : : “ : ; : Labiatze 
Ovary not lobed. , , , : é : Verbenacez 
Ovules and seeds 2 or more in dai cell : : . Scrophulariacez 

b. Ovary inferior (appearing below the flower) 

Flowers not in an involucrate head. 

Leaves alternate : : ‘ : 6 J C : Campanulacez 
Leaves opposite. 
Stamens 4 or 5; fruit berry-like . ; , 4 . Caprifoliaceze 
Stamens 3; fruit dry, 1-seeded : F Z : . Valerianaceze 
Flowers in an involucrate head. 
All the flowers with strap-shaped corollas . 5 : . Cichoriacez 

All but the ray flowers with tubular corollas. : : Compositz 






Trees or sometimes shrubs, evergreen, more or less resinous ; 
leaves needle-shaped or scale-like; staminate and pistillate 
flowers on the same individual (except in Juniperus); the 
male clusters of an indefinite number of stamens only; the 
female of few to many scales which become in fruit a dry 
cone, with 2 or more ovules at or on the base of each scale. In 
Juniperus the fruit is small, semi-fleshy, and berry-like. (See 
Plant Structures, Conifers, p. 191.) 

* Fruits becoming dry cones. 

1. Pinus. Leaves in bundles of 2-5. 
2. Picea. Leaves single, sharp-pointed. 
3. Pseudotsuga. Leaves single, blunt-pointed. 

x & Fruits semi-fleshy, berry-like. 
4, Juniperus. Leaves scale-like or awl-shaped. 


Trees ; leaves of two kinds, the primary ones early deciduous, the secondary 
(ordinary foliage) slender, needle-shaped, in bundles of 2-5, united at the base by a 
sheath formed from the bud-scales ; cones large, the scales becoming thick and 
woody and bearing 2 seeds on the base of each scale, not maturing till the second 

* Leaves 2 in each bundle. 
+ Scales tipped with delicate recurved prickle ; seeds winged. 

1. Pinus Murrayana ‘“ Oreg. Com.’ (LODGEPOLE PINE). Usually growing 
in dense groves or forests and then tall (15-30 m.) and very slender, nearly devoid 
of branches except at the summit ; if growing in more open ground, more freely 
branched and stockier ; leaves semi-terete, rather rigid, about 5 em. long ; cones 
small, adhering tenaciously to the branches, which are often marked by the dead, 
persistent cones of the previous years ; scales closely compacted, with quadrangu- 
lar ends. Common; preferring moist ground. 

+ Scales without prickles ; seeds wingless. 

2. Pinus edulis Engelm. (Pinon or Nut Pine). A low round-topped tree, 
freely branched, often from the base; leaves paired (rarely in threes), 3-4 cm. 
long, rigid ; cones of few scales, sub-spherical ; scale with thickened pyramidal 
tips ; seeds edible. 

* * Leaves 3 in each bundle. 


3. Pinus scopulorum (Engelm.) Lemmon (Rock Ping). A large tree, 25-40 
m. high, 1-2 m. in diameter ; leaves 12-16 cm. long, mostly 3 in each bundle (rarely 
only 2), in dense brush-like bunches at the ends of the branches ; cone 7-10 em. 
long ; scales thickened at the tip, which bears a sharp, recurved prickle. 

x * * Leaves 5 in each bundle. 

4. Pinus flexilis James (LIMBER PINE). A tree of wind-swept hills and sum- 
mits, scattering, often much distorted ; branches very flexible; leaves 4-7 cm. 
long ; cones light colored, 8-10 cm. long, egg-shaped ; scales with broad, slightly 
thickened tips, widely spreading when mature. 

2 PICEA (SpRucE) 

Spire-shaped trees, often tall and slender; leaves spirally arranged, jointed 
near the base, falling when dry and leaving the branchlets rough with the project- 
ing bases ; cones pendulous, oblong, of numerous scales bearing two ovules. 

x Branchlets pubescent ; leaves abruptly sharp-pointed. 

1. Picea Engelmanni Engelm. (ENGELMANN SPRUCE). A large tree of the 
higher mountains, forming dense forests; on alpine summits depressed and 
matted ; leaves keeled, 2-3 cm. long; cones solitary, oblong, about 5 cm. long. 

« Branchlets smooth and shining ; leaves needle-pointed. 

2. Picea Parryana (Andre.) Parry (BLUE SpRucE). A small, conical tree 
with soft wood, and smooth bark when young ; leaves slender, sharply 4-angled, 
usually bluish-green ; cones narrowly oblong, 5-10 cm. long, drooping, generally in 
clusters, and numerously crowded at the summit of the tree. This tree prefers 
moist situations. It is extensively used for ornamental planting, for which its 
beautiful color and handsome outline admirably fit it. As the chosen “State 
Tree’ of Colorado it is of interest. 


A large, stately tree, occurring in the mountains at middle elevations, on 
moist slopes and plateaus ; leaves with a short petiole, twisting on the base so as 
to appear comb-like on the branches, which are smooth when the leaves have 
fallen and marked only by oval scars. 

1. Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Lam.) Britt. (DouaLaAs Spruce). Often 35-50 m. 
high ; bark thick and fnrrowed ; leaves flattened, blunt pointed, whitish below, 2 
cm. or more in length; cones oval, 7-9 em. long, perfectly characterized by the 
fringe-like, somewhat reflexed, 3-pointed bracts which project from among the 
scales of the cone. 


* Leaves short, blunt and scale-like (except in seedlings). 

1. Juniperus scopulorum Sargent (Rocky MountTAIN JUNIPER). Becoming 
a low, round-topped tree with thick trunk, or sometimes freely branched from 
the base (rarely, in very exposed situations, a mere shrub); leaves in pairs, very 
short, nearly clothing the branchlets ; berries very numerous, not maturing till 
the second season, light green when young, when mature blue with whitish bloom. 

* x Leaves awl-shaped, prickly-pointed, 10-15 mm. long. 


2. Juniperus Sibirica Burgsd. (DwarRF JUNIPER). A low-spreading shrub, 
rarely 1 m. high, forming dense, usually circular patches ; leaves in 3s, crowded, 
rigid, channeled, and often whitish above ; berries small, fleshy, bluish, 1-3-seeded. 
Rocky hillsides. . 

Il. TYPHACE (Cartait Famity) 

Plants of marshes and shallow ponds, with stout rootstocks 
and fibrous roots; stems round and stout, with flat, striate, lin- 
ear leaves; staminate and pistillate flowers on same plant in a 
dense terminal spike; ovary 1-celled, becoming a 1-seeded nut- 

like fruit. 
1. TYPHA (Cart-TalIL) 

Tall herbs with large grass-like leaves sheathing the base of the simple stem, 
which is terminated by a long and very dense cylindrical spike of flowers, the 
upper part staminate and wilting, the lower part pistillate, more compact and per- 

1. Typha latifolia Linn. (BRoAD-LEAVED CatT-TaIL). Stem 1-2 m. high, sur- 
passed by the broad (15-30 mm.) leaves ; staminate and pistillate parts of the spike 
contiguous. (See Plant Structures, p. 239, Fig. 221.) Very abundant in ponds and 
on the marshy banks of streams. 



The characters of the family are nearly those of Typhacee, 
except that the flowers and fruits are in dense globular heads 
which are subtended by leaf-like spathes. 


Leaves broadly linear, flat, sheathing the stems at the base; the upper heads 
small, of stamens only ; the lower large, of numerous pistils. 

1. Sparganium eurycarpum Engelm. (BUR-REED). Stems branched above, 
8-15 dm. high; fertile heads 2 cm. or more in diameter; fruits sessile, angled, 
with flattened or depressed summit; scales several from the base of each nutlet. 
Borders of ponds and sluggish streams. 


Marsh plants with naked stems, sheathed at the base by the 
petioles of the broad leaves; sepals and petals each 3; stamens 
6 or more; pistils many. 

1. Alisma. Stamens 6; carpels in a single ring on a flat receptacle. 
2, Sagittaria. Stamens many ; carpels in a dense head. 


1. ALISMA (WarER PLaANnrTatrn) 

Marsh herbs, the naked stems freely branched above; leaves long-petioled, 
nerved, ovate or oblong, with rounded base ; the small flowers in loose clusters. 

1. Alisma Plantago-aquatica L. (WaTER PLANTAIN). Stem 3-7 dm. high, 
branching above to form the long, open panicle of flowers ; leaves 5-9-nerved, with 
fine cross-veins ; flowers perfect; fruit obliquely obovate, keeled on the back. 
Spring bogs, etc. 


Flowers monoecious, borne in whorls of 3s, the staminate uppermost, the pis- 
tillate numerous. 

1. Sagittaria arifolia Nutt. (ARROW-HEAD). Growing in shallow ponds or 
in stream margins; leaves sagittate, with broad blade, the apex acute, the basal 
lobes lanceolate, becoming acuminate; petioles and scape weak; bracts as long as 
the pedicels ; petals white, conspicuous ; akene obovate, winged, the very short 
beak erect. 


Perennial herbs, with jointed, leafy stems; leaves linear, 
channeled and sheathing at base; perianth free, of 3 green 
sepals and 3 blue ephemeral petals; stamens 6; a single style; 
and a 2- or 3-celled ovary becoming a pod. 


Low herbs, with nearly simple stems; leaves narrow; flowers in terminal 
umbels ; stamens densely blue-bearded. 

1. Tradescantia scopulorum Rose (CLIFF SPIDERWORT). Stems slender, 
2-38 dm. high, sparingly branched, light green and nearly smooth ; leaves numer- 
ous, linear, mostly radical, the involucral ones short, unequal, and filiform ; 
umbels several ; flowers pale blue. 


Leafy-stemmed herbs with bulbs (in ours); leaves broadly 
linear, alternate; perianth as in the Liliacee ; stamens 6, free ; 
fruit a 3-celled capsule. 

1. ZYGADENUS (Camass) 

Erect perennials from onion-like bulbs; flowers in racemes, the greenish-white 
or yellowish segments with a gland near the base ; capsule 3-lobed, splitting to the 
base at maturity. 


1. Zygadenus elegans Pursh (LARGE-FLOWERED Camass). Stem 48 dm. 
high; leaves glaucous, keeled, 1-2 em. broad; flowers greenish-white, the segments 
obovate, 7-10 mm. long, with an obcordate gland near the base ; capsule oblong, 
longer than the flower segments. In wet valleys. 

2. Zygadenus faleatus Rydb. Stem stoutish, 3-4 dm. high ; leaves some- 
what scabrous, shorter than the stem, usually conduplicate and faleate ; flowers 
yellowish-white, the segments 5 mm. long, ovate, short-clawed; gland semi- 
orbicular ; capsule ovoid-cylindrical. 

VII LILIACEA: (Lity Famity) 

Herbs; stems scapose or leafy, from bulbs or fleshy roots (a 
woody caudex in Yucca); leaves mostly linear; flowers per- 
fect; perianth of 6 distinct segments; stamens 6, on the recep- 
tacle or the tube of the perianth; styles united ; stigma 3-lobed 
or entire; ovary 3-celled, becoming a capsule. (See Plant 
Structures, p. 245.) 

* With fleshy roots from a short rootstock. 

1. Leucocrinum. Perianth white, with long narrow tube. 
x % Bulbous plants. 

+ Flowers in umbels. 

2. Allium. Umbel of flowers from a 1- or 2-leaved scarious sheath; onion 

+ + Flowers solitary, racemed or sub-umbellate. 

++ Perianth segments all alike. 

3. Lilium. Perianth large, erect, funnel-form, orange-red. 

4. Fritillaria. Perianth nodding, small, reddish-brown, segments not 

5. Erythronium. Perianth nodding, yellow, segments .reflexed. 

++ ++ Outer perianth segments narrower than the inner. 

6. Calochortus. Flowers erect, outer segments small, the inner with a hairy 
gland at base. 

* x « With large woody caudex. 

7. Yucea. Leaves rigid, sharp-pointed, numerous. 


Stemless, the numerous fleshy roots from a short rootstock which bears the 
several linear leaves ; flowers few to many from the crown of the rootstock. 

1. Leucocrinum montanum Nutt. (WarIre MountaIn Lity). Leaves thick, 
surrounded at base by searious bracts ; flowers white, the tube slender, 3-5 em. 
long, the segments spreading; stamens on the tube; style long, with dilated 
stigma. The fragrant blossoms appear just above the ground in early spring. 



°2. ALLIUM (Onion) 

Strong-scented herbs, with coated bulb and a basal cluster of leaves; stem 
naked, bearing a terminal umbel of small flowers ; perianth of distinct (or nearly 
so) divisions and a 3-lobed pod. 

1. Allium cernuum Roth. (NoppIne WiLp Onion). Stems slender, from 
deep-seated, clustered bulbs with long necks, 2-4 dm. high ; leaves flat, 2-4 mm. 
wide; umbel nodding; pedicels slender, long; flowers rose-tinted. Occasional; in 
the valleys among the foothills. : 

2. Allium reticulatum Don. (WiLD Onion). Bulb rather large, the coats 
strikingly fibrous-reticulate ; stem 1-2 dm. high; leaves narrow, channeled ; the 
flowers white or pinkish, on short pedicels, each bearing two crests. In sandy 
soil of plains and valleys. 

3. LILIUM (Lity) 

Bulbs of thick scales ; stems simple, with scattered or whorled leaves, flowers 
i-several, large, showy, erect or drooping, funnel-form or bell-shaped ; stamens 
and style long ; anthers versatile. 

1. Lilium montanum Aven Nelson (Mountain Lity. ‘Tiger Lity”’). 
Bulb depressed-globose, of thick fleshy scales ; stem 3-4 dm. high ; leaves smooth, 
dark green, alternate except the uppermost whorl of 5-7, lanceolate, sessile ; the 
segments of the single erect flower elliptic-oblong, tapering to both ends, brownish- 
red to orange-red, the base of the inner face dotted with purplish-black spots ; 
stamens and stigma purplish ; capsule oblong-cylindric. In moist thickets near 
mountain streams. 


Much like Lilium; flowers small, bell-shaped, nodding, leafy-bracted ; anthers 
not versatile. 

1. Fritillaria atropurpurea Nutt. (PURPLE FRITILLARIA). Bulbs from 
thick, nearly rice-shaped scales ; stems 1-2 dm. high ; leaves scattered or whorled ; 
flowers 1-4, dull-purple and mottled; stamens shorter than the narrowly oblong 
perianth segments ; capsule erect, obovate, acutely angled. 

5. ERYTHRONIUM (Doc-toots VIoLeEr) 

Herbs from deep-set bulbs; leaves only 2, smooth, flat, shining, sheathing the 
base of the naked stem ; flowers 1 or more, nodding; perianth of six separate and 
recurved segments. 

1. Erythronium parviflorum (Wats.) L. N. Goodding (CoLorapo Doe- 
TOOTH VIOLET). Bulb slender, 3-5 cm. long ; scape slender ; leaves oblong, taper 
ing to both ends ; flowers usually only 1, nodding, bright yellow, the segments 2-3 
em. long ; capsule oblong to oval, 2-3 cm. long. Moist slopes in the mountains. 

6. CALOCHORTUS (Mariposa Lity) 

Herbs from coated corms; stems slender, branching; leaves linear ; flowers 
few, showy, open campanulate, the 3 outer segments green and sepal-like, the 3 
inner petaloid, with densely hairy glands ; capsule oblong, obtusely angled. 

x Anthers obtuse. 



1. Calochortus Nuttallii T. & G. (NuTTALL’s Mariposa Lity). Stem 2-4 
dm. high; leaves few; flowers 1-5; the outer perianth segments lanceolate, 
shorter than the inner; the inner obovate-cuneate, white or lilac, with a purple 
spot above the yellow base, densely hairy around the circular gland ; filaments as 
long as the sagittate anthers ; capsule acuminate. Moist or dry ground, in the 

x « Anthers acute. 

2. Calochortus Gunnisoni Wats. (GuNNISON’s MARIPosa Lity). Very simi- 
lar but usually smaller ; outer perianth segments scarious margined, inner white 
or lilac with a yellow base ; gland transverse, oblong or reniform, hairy ; capsule 
narrowed at both ends. Mostly in dry ground, in the mountains. 

fe wUCECH 

Leaves crowded on the short, thick, woody rootstock, linear, rigid, and 
dagger-pointed ; flowers large, racemed on the thick scape-like stems, nodding, 
bell-shaped ; stamens with thick filaments and small versatile anthers; ovary ses- 
sile ; capsule large, incompletely 6-celled. 

1. Yueea glauca Nutt. (SpanisH BAYONET. SoAP-WEED. BEAR-GRASS). 
Leaves with numerous thread-like filaments on the margin ; flowers yellowish or 
greenish-white ; segments thick, ovate, 2-3 cm. long; fruit erect, large, broadly 
oblong, somewhat 6-sided ; seeds black and thin. Frequent on dry hillsides. 


Herbs with leafy or scapose stems, from true rootstocks ; 
leaves broad, parallel-veined (in ours); perianth segments dis- 
tinct or united ; styles 1 or 3; fruit a fleshy berry. 

x Flowers racemed. 
1. Vagnera. Raceme terminal on a leafy stem. 
x « Flowers solitary or two together. 

2. Disporum. Peduncles straight. 
3. Streptopus. Peduncles bent or twisted near the middle. 

1. VAGNERA (FatsE Sonomon’s SEAL) 

Stems slender, 1-3 dm. high ; leaves scale-like below ; inflorescence a terminal 
raceme or panicle ; flowers small, white or shading to green ; perianth segments 
similar, spreading ; anthers versatile ; fruit a berry. 

* Flowers in a raceme. 

1. Vagnera stellata (L.) Morong (STAR-FLOWERED SoLomon’s SEAL). Stem 
smooth, 1-4 dm. high ; leaves smooth above, minutely pubescent below, oblong- 
lanceolate, sessile and somewhat clasping, 3-8 em. long, usually folded on the mid- 
rib ; filaments shorter than the perianth; berry at first green with dark stripes, 
becoming red when ripe. In moist woods and meadows. 

x * Flowers panicled. 


2, Vagnera amplexicaulis (Nutt.) Greene. Stems 48 dm. high; leaves 
ovate to broadly lanceolate, clasping at base ; flowers in a small, close panicle ; 
berry red. Not frequent ; in moist rich woods. 


The branching stems from slender rootstocks; leaves alternate, clasping ; 
flowers terminal, yellowish-white ; perianth of 6 narrow deciduous segments ; 
stigma 3-cleft ; berry sub-globose. 

Disporum trachycarpum (Wats.) B. & H. Leaves ovate or narrower, 
acute ; perianth segments whitish, acute; fruit lobed and roughened. Shaded 
woody slopes. 


Stem stout, with forking and divergent branches; leaves ovate, acuminate, 
thin, clasping ; flowers small, the peduncles slender and twisted near the middle. 

1. Streptopus amplexifolius (L.) DC. Stems 6-10 dm. high; the thin 
smooth leaves glaucous below ; peduncles 1-2-flowered ; anthers tapering to a 
slender point ; stigma entire, truncate ; berry oval. In moist woods. 

IX. IRIDACE (Iris Famtty) 

Perennial herbs; leaves linear, 2-ranked, equitant, sheath- 
ing; flowers perfect, the 6 perianth segments petal-like; sta- 
mens 3, with extrorse anthers; style 3-cleft at the apex; 
ovary inferior, 3-celled, becoming a triangular pod with many 

1. IRIS (Irnts. Fae) 

Tall herbs from thick rootstocks, with sword-shaped leaves and large showy 
flowers ; the perianth segments united below into a tube; the 3 outer ones (sepals) 
refiexed and larger than the 3 erect inner (petals) ; divisions of the style petal-like, 
arching over the 3 long stamens. (There are many handsome species in cul- 
tivation. ) 

1. Iris Missouriensis Nutt. (WESTERN BLUE.FLAG). Stem slender, the 
leaves few, mostly basal, shorter than the stem ; flowers 1-2, with scarious dilated 
bracts, light blue; parts of the flower 5-7 em. long; capsule oblong, obtusely 
angled, 2-3 cm. long. Common on wet lands. 

X. ORCHIDACEZ (Orcuis Famity) 

Herbs with alternate leaves, very irregular and often showy 
flowers, 3 petal-like sepals, 3 petals (the lower one different 
from the others and called the lip), a central column composed 
of blended stamens and style, and an inferior 1-celled ovary 


becoming a pod with innumerable very minute seeds. (See 
Plant Structures, p. 249, also Figs. 235-237; also Plant Rela- 
tions, p. 127, Fig. 1238, also Figs. 137-142.) 

x With tufted fibrous roots. 
1. Cypripedium. The lip a large inflated sac. 
x x With fascicled fleshy roots. 

2. Limnorchis. Stem leafy ; flower spike not twisted. 
3. Gyrostachys. Stem leafy below only ; flower spike twisted. 

x * * Bulb-bearing. 

4, Calypso. Stem naked, a single basal leaf. 

1. CYPRIPEDIUM (Lapy-s.ipper) 

Herbs with large many-nerved leaves sheathing at base, solitary or few large 
and showy flowers, spreading sepals, usually narrow petals, lip a large inflated 
sac, and a declined column. 

1. Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb. (SMALL LADY-SLIPPER). Stems 2-5 . 
dm. high ; leaves oval to lanceolate, 4-12 cm. long ; sepals and petals longer than 
the bright yellow lip, which is marked with purple stripes or blotches, flattened 
from above, 2-3 cm. long. In bogs and damp woods. Rare. 


Leafy plants, with fleshy roots; flowers white or greenish in a long spike; 
sepals and petals spreading, the lip entire ; column short ; glands naked. 

1. Limnorchis viridiflora (Cham.) Rydb. (GREEN ORcHIS). Stem stout and 
leafy, 2-4 dm. high ; leaves lanceolate, obtusish or acute; spike crowded, 6-12 
em. long ; flowers small, greenish, the lip lanceolate ; ovary more or less twisted. 
In bogs and wet woods. 


Herbs, leafy below, from fleshy roots; flowers small, spirally 3-ranked ; lip 
dilated, embracing the column, undulate or crisped at apex ; capsule erect. 

1. Gyrostachys stricta Rydb. (Hooprp Lapy TreEsses). Stems naked 
above, 1-3 dm. high ; leaves smooth, narrowly oblanceolate or oblong; spike 5-10 
em. long; bracts shorter than the white fragrant flowers; oblong lip thin and 


Low bulbous herb, with a single thin ovate leaf, a short naked stem bearing a 
large and showy (variegated purple, pink and yellow) flower, nearly similar 
spreading pointed sepals and petals, a sac-shaped inflated lip larger than the rest 
of the flower, and a broadly winged petal-like column. 5 

Calypso bulbosa (L.) Oakes (Catypso). Bulb solid, with coralloid roots ; 
the low scape sheathed by 2-3 loose scales; leaf ovate, subcordate ; lip woolly- 
hairy inside. Moist spruce and pine woods. 


XI. SALICACEA: (WiILLow Famity) 

Dicecious trees or shrubs, with alternate undivided leaves, 
flowers in aments and destitute of floral envelopes ; stamens 
2-30; ovary 1-celled; and fruit a pod containing numerous 
seeds with long silky down (“cotton”). (See Plant Structures, 
p. 255.) 

1. Salix. Bracts of the ament entire ; stamens few; buds with a single scale. 
2. Populus. Bracts of the ament cut-lobed at apex ; stamens numerous ; 
buds scaly. 

1. SALIX (WILLow) 

Trees or shrubs, generally growing along streams, with lithe branches and 
mostly with long pointed leaves ; the staminate ament with 2-5 stamens to each 
bract ; the pistillate ament with 1 slender pointed ovary to each bract, becoming 
a 2-valved capsule. (See Plant Structures, p. 219, Fig. 196, and p. 257, Fig. 240.) 

x Stamens 2. 
+ Leaves broadly linear ; capsule glabrous at maturity. 

1. Salix fluviatilis Nutt. (SANDBAR or RIVER-BANK WILLOW). A shrub often 
in dense clumps, 1-3 m. high ; the branches or young shoots very slender ; leaves 
sparsely denticulate, pubescent only when young, 4-7 cm. long, 5-7 mm. wide; 
aments on short leafy branches ; capsule ovoid-conic. Common on the banks of 
rivers and on the borders of the smaller streams. 

+ + Leaves lanceolate or broader ; capsule silky. 

2. Salix Nuttallii Sargent (NuTTALL’s WitLow). A slender shrub, often 
spreading from the root and forming dense clumps, 1-2 m. high ; bark on young 
branchlets distinctly yellowish ; leaves oblong to obovate, from acute to broadly 
obtuse, glabrous and dark green above, lighter and pubescent below ; aments 
expanding in early spring before the leaves}; capsule on a short pedicel, white- 
tomentose, tapering to a beak. 

3. Salix Bebbiana Sargent (BEBB’s WILLOW). A shrub or small bushy tree, 
2-5 m. high, not spreading from the root, though often branched from the base ; 
leaves elliptic to lanceolate, acute, entire or nearly so, puberulent above, pale and 
tomentose beneath ; aments expanding with the leaves; capsule long, taper- 
pointed, on a slender pedicel half as long as the capsule. 

x * Stamens 3-5. 

4. Salix amygdaloides Anders. (PEACH-LEAF WILLOW). Becoming a small 
tree ; leaves lanceolate or broader, 5-9 em. long, serrate, taper-pointed, pubescent 
when young only; aments appearing with the leaves; capsule ovoid, glabrous, 
becoming as long as the filiform pedicel. 

2. POPULUS (Cotronwoop. ASPEN) 

Trees with leaves from lanceolate to broadly deltoid, the buds with resinous- 
aromatic scales; staminate flowers 1 to each bract, with 8-380 or more stamens; 
pistillate flowers also single in the axils of the bracts of the ament, with 2-4 elon- 
gated styles. 


x Petiole flattened laterally; leaves broadly ovate or deltoid. 

1. Populus tremuloides Michx. (ASPEN. AMERICAN ASPEN). A small tree, 
6-20 m. high, usually in dense groves and rarely attaining the maximum size ; 
bark smooth, greenish-white ; leaves small, roundish heart-shaped, with a short 
sharp point and small regular teeth, smooth on both sides, with downy mar- 
gins ; petioies slender, flattened laterally, causing movement of the leaves in the 
lightest breeze ; lobes of the bracts linear, silky; stamens 6-20; capsule conic. 
Very common on moist slopes and valleys in the hills and mountains. 

2. Populus deltoides Marsh. (CoTTonwoop. NECKLACE PoPLAR). The largest 
of the cottonwoods, 1m. or more in diameter and 20-30 m. in height, with thick 
rough furrowed bark; branches angular; leaves large, broadly deltoid, sometimes 
heart-shaped, abruptly acuminate ; scales lacerate; capsule ovate. On stream 
banks. (See Plant Relations, p. 70, Fig. 61.) 

x * Petioles sub-terete; leaves lanceolate. 

3. Populus angustifolia James (NARROW-LEAVED COTTONWOOD). Becom- 
ing a medium-sized tree, with rough furrowed bark, 10-20 m. high, rarely 1 m. in 
diameter ; leaves mostly narrowly lanceolate, sometimes broader with rounded 
base, acute or obtusish at apex, finely crenulate the whole length ; petioles not 
flattened laterally; branches terete ; capsule ovoid. Usually forming groves on 
bottom lands. 

4. Populus acuminata Rydb. (RypBERG’s CoTToNwoop). A tall tree with 
smooth light-colored bark, taller and slenderer than the preceding; branches 
terete ; leaves bright green, smooth, lanceolate or broader, long acuminate, 
rounded at base, crenulate, petioles slender; capsule ovoid, obtuse. From the 
Black Hills south through the Rocky Mountains. Largely planted as a shade-tree. 

XII. BETULACE (Birco Famity) 

Trees or shrubs with alternate simple straight-veined leaves, 
staminate flowers in elongated aments, fertile flowers in long 
or short aments, 1-5 sepals or none, 2-8 stamens, and a 2-celled 
ovary becoming a nut (with or without wings). 

1. Betula. Stamens 2; fruiting bracts 3-lobed, fruit winged. 
2. Alnus. Stamens 4; fruiting bracts woody, fruit wingless. 
3. Corylus. Stamens 8; nut large, bony, enclosed by a leafy involucre. 

1. BETULA (Bircz) 

Trees or shrubs ; bark usually separable in sheets, dotted on the branchlets ; 
staminate aments long, bearing membranous flowers with 2 stamens ; pistillate 
aments short, 2-3 flowers in the axil of each bract, the bracts deciduous with the 
fruit ; nut small, scale-like, broadly winged. (See Plant Relations, p. 71, Fig. 62.) 

* A small tree or tree-like shrub. 

1. Betula fontinalis Sargent (Rocky Mountain Biren). Ranging in size 
from a tree-like shrub to a tree 12 m. or more high, usually slender and freely 
branched ; bark smooth, dark; branches gracefully drooping ; leaves thin, broadly 
ovate, with small gland-tipped teeth ; smooth above, lightly pubescent beneath ; 
wings of the nutlet as broad as the body. On the banks of streams. 


x A low shrub growing in clumps. 

2. Betula glandulosa Michx. (Mountarn-BoG BircH). A small shrub about 
1m. high, usually occurring in rather dense patches, the twigs glandular-warty ; 
leaves small, glabrous, crenulate, sub-orbicular or obovate, dark green above, 
lighter and gland-dotted beneath ; bracts 3-lobed ; nut orbicular-winged. Common 
in wet sub-alpine parks. 


Shrubs or small trees with flowers in terminal aments and developed before 
the leaves, elongated and drooping staminate aments (3 flowers to each bract, a 
3-5 parted calyx and as many stamens), ovoid or oblong pistillate aments (2 or 3 
flowers to each fleshy bract, calyx of 4 small scales, and a 2-celled ovary), and a 
wingless fruit. (See Plant Structures, p. 257, Fig. 241.) 

1. Alnus tenuifolia Nutt. (PAPERLEAF ALDER). A large shrub or small 
tree, usually several-stemmed from the base ; leaves ovate, with prominent veins, 
rather large, sharply double-toothed ; aments begin their development the sum- 
mer preceding the season in which they open and hang naked upon the branches 
during the winter, opening in the spring before the leaves develop ; fertile aments 
erect, their scales becoming woody, persistent for a time after the small, com- 
pressed, scarcely winged nuts have fallen. The common Alder on all the streams 
of this region. 


Shrubs with toothed leaves, staminate flowers in drooping cylindrical aments 
(consisting of 8 stamens), pistillate flowers from scaly buds, each in the axil of a 
bract, with a pair of lateral bracts which become enlarged in fruit, forming the 
elongated involucral cup or husk. 

1. Corylus rostrata Ait. (BEAkED Hazrt-nutT). A small shrub, 1 m., more 
or less, in height, usually in clumps or small thickets ; leaves ovate, acute, subcor- 
date ; the involucre bristly, much prolonged above the ovoid nut, forming a narrow 
tubular beak. Rare in this range. 


Trees with alternate simple leaves, staminate flowers in slen- 
der aments or small heads, fertile flowers 1 or 2 inclosed ina 
small cup which becomes hard and more or less surrounds the 
nut, 4-8-lobed calyx, no petals, and 3-20 stamens. 

1. QUERCUS (Oak) 

Trees with alternate simple leaves, greenish or yellowish staminate flowers in 
slender aments (with 4-8-lobed calyx and 6-12 stamens), pistillate flowers scattered 
or somewhat clustered, a nearly 3-celled ovary inclosed by a scaly involucre, which 
becomes a hard cup around the base of the nut or acorn. 

1. Quercus Gambellii Nutt. (GAmMBELL’s WHITE Oak). A shrub 3-5 m. 
high ; leaves obovate in outline, deeply lobed, green above, downy on lower sur- 
face ; cup hemispheric ; acorn ovoid, acute or obtusish. 


XIV. ULMACE (Em Famity) 

Trees with alternate serrate pinnately veined leaves, 4—9- 
cleft calyx, no petals, 4-9 stamens, 2 styles, and a 1-2-celled 
ovary becoming a winged or berry-lke fruit. 

1. CELTIS (HacksBerry) 

Small or large trees with pointed petioled leaves, greenish axillary flowers 
appearing with the leaves, and fruit fleshy, inclosing a stone (drupe). 

1. Celtis occidentalis L. Leaves reticulate, heart-shaped, ovate, or lanceo- 
late, taper-pointed, sharply serrate ; fruit reddish or yellowish, becoming dark 
purple, as large as small cherries, sweet, edible. Woods and river banks. Rare in 
this range. 


Trees, shrubs, or herbs (our only native genus an herbaceous 
vine) ; calyx 5-parted ; petals none; stamens 5; ovary superior, 

1. HUMULUS (Hop) 

A rough twining vine, climbing to a height of several meters ; leaves large, 
opposite, palmately veined, petioled and stipulate ; flowers dicecious, the staminate 
panicled, the pistillate in clustered aments ; bracts leafy, each 2-flowered ; akene 
invested with the enlarged scale-like calyx. 

1. Humulus lupulus L. (Hop). Leaves broadly ovate in outline, deeply 
3-7-cleft ; the ripe fruits (hops) 2-4 em. long, sprinkled with yellow resinous grains, 
as is also the calyx. 


XVI. SANTALACE (Sanpatwoop FaAmity) 

Herbs or shrubs; leaves alternate, without stipules; flowers 
perfect, the calyx 3-5-cleft and adherent to the ovary ; stamens 
as many as the calyx lobes; fruit a nut-like drupe. 

1. COMANDRA (ComanprRA) 

Smooth perennial herbs, probably parasitic on the roots of other plants; 
leaves pinni-veined, alternate ; flowers bractless. in terminal umbel-like cymes ; 
calyx bell-shaped ; fruit globose, surmounted by the persistent calyx. 

1. Comandra pallida A. DC. (Pate ComanpRaA). Erect, 1-2 dm. high, the 
stems arising from horizontal rootstocks ; leaves pale and glaucous, linear to 
lanceolate or oblong ; cymes corymbose, several-flowered ; calyx greenish-white 
or purplish ; fruit becoming dry and hard. 5-7 mm. in diameter. Abundant on 
Sandy open or partly wooded slopes and in the draws. 


XVII. POLYGONACEA  (BuckwuHeat Famity) 

Herbs with alternate entire leaves, stipules in the form of 
sheaths above the swollen joints of the stem or wanting, 3-6- 
cleft calyx, no petals, 4-8 stamens, and a 1-celled ovary usually 
becoming a 3-angled nut-like fruit (achene). 

x Ochrea none ; flowers subtended by involucres. 
1. Eriogonum. Stamens 9; calyx 6-cleft or parted. 
* x Ochrea present ; flowers not involucrate. 

2. Rumex. Stamens 6; calyx 6-parted. 
3. Polygonum. Stamens 8; calyx 5-parted. 


Annual or perennial herbs or with shrubby base, with entire leaves, small 
flowers in umbellate or capitate clusters which are subtended by a 5-8-toothed 
or cleft involucre ; style 3-parted ; stigma capitate ; achene 3-angled. 

* Flowers yellow ; involucre turbinate. 
+ Achene angled (not winged). 

1. EKriogonum umbellatum Torr. (SULPHUR FLOWER). Perennial, with 
scapose stems; leaves smooth and green above, white-tomentose below, oblanceo- 
late or spatulate; bracts large and leaf-like; umbel of 2-10 rays; flowers glabrous, 
sulphur yellow. Abundant on hillsides and mountain foothills. 

2. Eriogonum subalpinum Greene (SUB-ALPINE ERI0GoNUM). Very simi- 
lar to the above, but often larger, 3-5 dm. high ; the leaves more tomentose above, 
and the flowers a light yellow or creamy-white. In similar situations. 

3. Eriogonum flavum Nutt. (YELLow Er1ogonum). Perennial, white-tomen- 
tose ; scape naked, about 2 dm. high ; leaves oblanceolate ; bracts rather large ; 
flowers bright yellow. very silky-pubescent ; filaments villous at base ; achene vil- 
lous near the top. Cafions and foothills. 

+ + Achene winged. 

4. Eriogonum alatum Torr. (WINGED Ertioconum). An erect perennial, 
5-10 dm. high, branched above, with a stiff pubescence ; leaves nearly linear, the 
midrib conspicuous below ; inflorescence an open panicle, the solitary involucres 
with five erect teeth ; flowers small, yellow ; achene 3-winged. 

* x Flowers white, shading to pink or purple. 
+ Annual. 

5. Eriogonum annuum Nutt. (AnnuaL ErtoGonum). White-tomentose ; 
stems mostly simple, leafy below, 3-6 dm. high ; leaves oblong or oblanceolate ; 
bracts small; inflorescence a di- or trichotomous cyme ; calyx white, the outer 
segments broader than the inner, glabrous, as is also the achene. Common on the 
dry plains. 

6. Eriogonum cernuum Nutt. (Noppinc Errogonum). Nearly glabrous ; 
leaves radical, oval to orbicular ; the slender naked stem branching diffusely and 
terminating in trichotomous cymes ; flowers white or rose-colored, on deflexed 


pedicels, the outer sepals broader than the inner. Sandy slopes and plains ; 

+ + Perennial. 

7. Eriogonum ovalifolium Nutt. (OVAL-LEAVED ERIOGONUM). Cespitose ; 
leaves from the crowns of the much-branched caudex, from orbicular to ovate ; 
bracts very small; involucres in a single close head ; flowers yellow. This species 
is abundant in but few localities, but the following variety is very generally dis- 

Var. purpureum (Nutt.) Aven Nelson. Size and habit of the species ; the 
flowers varying from white through pink to purple. Dry gravelly plains. 

2. RUMEX (Dock) 

Coarse herbs often with large leaves, clusters of small mostly greenish flowers, 
calyx of 6 sepals (8 outer spreading in fruit, 3 inner larger and somewhat colored, 
enlarged after flowering, veiny, and closing over the nut-like fruit), 6 stamens, and 
3 styles. 

* Wings much enlarged, without tubercles. 

1. Rumex venosus Pursh (VEINED Dock). Stems stout, erect, 15-380 cm. 
high, from running rootstocks ; leaves large, somewhat leathery, ovate to lanceo- 
late, on short petioles ; panicle short, dense in fruit ; pedicels jointed at middle; 
the 3 inner sepals much enlarged in fruit, with conspicuous veined wings, a deep 
sinus at the basé, from reddish to a deep maroon-red, without grain-like tubercles 
or callosities ; achene with smooth, shining concave faces. 

x Wings rather small, with tubercles. 

2. Rumex salicifolius Weinm. (WILLOW-LEAVED Dock). Stems clustered, 
erect or spreading, 3-6 dm. high ; leaves lanceolate or narrower, tapering to both 
ends, petioled ; racemes erect or spreading; pedicels jointed near the base ; 
wings each bearing an ovoid tubercle on the back ; achene acuminate, with con- 
cave faces. 


Herbs with conspicuous stipules sheathing the prominent joints of the stem, 
small flowers, a 5-parted often petal-like calyx, 4-9 stamens, 2 or 8 styles, and a 
triangular or lens-shaped achene. 

1. Polygonum aviculare L. (DooRWEED). Slender and smooth, mostly 
prostrate or ascending, leafy throughout ; leaves oblong to lanceolate, acutish ; 
sheaths 2-lobed or lacerate ; flowers in axillary clusters or in spikes with leafy 
bracts ; sepals very small, with green and pinkish margins ; stamens 8 (rarely 5) ; 
styles 3; nut dull and minutely granular. Yards and waste places. 

2. Polygonum bistortoides Pursh (MounTAIN SMARTWEED). Stems 3-5 
dm. high, slender; leaves mostly basal, oblong to linear, the cauline much 
reduced ; flowers in a dense oblong spike terminating the scapose stem or pedun- 
cle, white or rose-colored ; stamens and styles exserted ; achene smooth and shin- 
ing. Frequent in grassy mountain valleys and parks. 


XVIII. NYCTAGINACEA: (Fovur-o’ctock Famity) 

Herbs with entire fleshy opposite leaves, the stems with 
swollen joints ; calyx corolla-lke, its persistent base constricted 
above the 1-celled, 1-seeded ovary and becoming an indurated 
pericarp (anthocarp). 

1. ABRONIA (Apron) 

Stems branching, more or less glandular ; peduncles axillary and terminal, 
bearing a terminal involucrate cluster of several to many flowers ; perianth tube 
elongated, with a 5-lobed limb. 

x Annual ; flowers small ; fruit with 3-4 broad wings. 

1. Abronia micrantha (Torr.) Chois. (SAND FLOWER). Prostrate, the ex- 
tremities of the branches ascending; leaves ovate to oblong, obtuse; flowers 
several, greenish-red or pink ; the limb not more than 3-5 mm. broad ; wings of 
the fruit 3 or 4, broad, membranous, wholly encircling the fruit, emarginate at 
both ends, beautifully reticulated. 

x * Perennial ; flowers larger ; fruit with 2-5 narrow wings. 

2. Abronia fragrans Nutt. (WHITE ABRONIA. SNOWBALL). Stems several, 
spreading, 3-7 dm. long, viscid-pubescent ; leaves ovate, obtuse, paired but differ- 
ing in size; peduncle long; flowers numerous, white, forming a sub-spherical 
cluster, opening at night and very fragrant; fruit with narrow leathery wing, 
which do not close over the summit. Common on sandy plains. 


Herbs with entire fleshy leaves, conspicuous flowers that 
open only in sunshine or bright daylight: sepals 2 (8 in Lew7- 
sia), separate or united; petals usually 5; stamens 3-many ; 
styles 2-8-parted ; capsule 1-celled. 

1. Portulaca. Flowers yellow ; stamens 7-20; capsule opening by a lid. 

2. Lewisia. Flowers pink; stamens numerous; capsule globose, splitting 
from the base upward. 

3. Claytonia. Flowers white, streaked with rose; stamens 3-5; capsule 
splitting into 3 pieces. 


Low herbs, with scattered leaves, sessile flowers, 2-cleft calyx, 5 or 6 ephem- 
eral petals, 7-12 stamens, a 5- or 6-parted style, and a globular pod opening by 
a lid. 

1. Portulaca oleracea L. (‘‘PussLtey’’). Prostrate and smooth; leaves 
obovate or wedgeform ; petals pale yellow. Cultivated and waste ground. 


2. LEWISIA (BirrER-RooT) 

Perennial, from thick fleshy roots ; leaves all radical; petals large and showy. 

1. Lewisia rediviva Pursh (RESURRECTION Root). Flowers 2-3 dm. broad, 
terminating a short scape which is jointed above the middle and bears a scarious 
involucre of 5-7 bracts. Common on stony ridges, especially northward. The 
““ State flower ”’ of Montana. 

3. CLAYTONIA (Sprine BEauty) 

Succulent herbs, with opposite leaves, racemose flowers, 2 persistent sepals, 5 
petals, and a 3-cleft style. 

x From large (for the plant) deep-set tubers. 

1. Claytonia lanceolata sessilifolia Aven Nelson (MounTAIN SPRING 
Beauty). A single root-leaf (often wanting), a pair of fleshy, sessile, oblong- 
lanceolate stem-leaves ; flowers few-several, on a peduncle surpassing the leaves ; 
sepals subacute ; petals spatulate to obovate, entire, pale rose-color with purple 
veins. Common on moist, rich hillsides. 

x x Annual, with stolons. 

2. Claytonia Chamissoi Ledeb. (CHAMISso’s CLAYTONIA). Stems weak and 
slender, decumbent, stoloniferous, rooting at the nodes; leaves spatulate or 
oblanceolate, obtuse ; the white flowers racemose, on slender pedicels. In spring 
bogs and on wet banks. 



Herbs with opposite entire leaves, usually 5 sepals (united 
or separate), 5 petals, 10 stamens (sometimes fewer), 2-5 styles, 
and a 1-celled ovary becoming a pod. 

x Sepals united into a tube or cup ; petals clawed. 

1. Agrostemma. Calyx 10-nerved, 5-lobed ; styles 5. 
2. Silene. Calyx 5-toothed ; styles 3. 
3. Vacearia. Calyx strongly 5-angled ; styles 2. 

x Sepals distinct ; petals not clawed. 

4. Cerastium. Sepals, petals, and styles 5; petals bifid. 
5. Arenaria. Sepals and petals 5; styles 3; petals entire. 


Annual herbs with linear-lanceolate leaves, large red flowers terminating 
axillary peduncles ; calyx narrowed at the throat, with linear foliaceous lobes ; 
capsule 1-celled. 

1. Agrostemma Githago L. (CoRN CocKLE). Erect, 3-8 dm. high, covered 
with long soft hairs ; calyx lobes longer than the broad purple-red petals. A weed 

in wheat fields ; introduced from Europe. 
4 A 


2. SILENE (CatcHFLy) 

Herbs with solitary or clustered flowers, a 5-toothed calyx, 5 petals with slen- 
der stalk-like base, 10 stamens, 3 styles, a 1-3-celled ovary, and a pod opening at 
apex by 3 or 6 teeth. 

1. Silene antirrhina L. (SLEEPY CATCHFLY). A slender, nearly glabrous 
annual, 3-5 dm. high, glutinous about the upper nodes; leaves from spatulate 
below to linear above ; inflorescence an open cyme, the pink flowers on slender 
pedicels ; calyx narrowly ovoid ; petals obcordate. Common on dry sandy rocky 
banks and slopes. 


A smooth glaucous annual herb, with tubular, angled, 5-toothed calyx, 5 
petals, 10 stamens, 2 styles, and a pod which splits at summit into 4 teeth. 

1. Vacearia Vaccaria (L.) Britt. (Cow HERB or CocKLE). Erect, branching 
above into the wide-spreading cyme; leaves ovate to lanceolate, acute at apex and 
clasping at base, 3-5 cm. long; flowers small, white or rose color ; calyx inflated 
in fruit. A common weed in cultivated grounds ; introduced from Europe. 


Small pubescent herbs with weak stems, terminal cymes, white flowers having 
5 sepals, 5 petals, 10 stamens, and 5 styles ; a cylindric capsule opening by 10 teeth. 

1. Cerastium occidentale Greene (WESTERN CHICKWEED). Tufted, with 
many sterile leafy shoots from the base ; the numerous flowering stems somewhat 
decumbent, 1-2 dm. long, few-leaved ; leaves broadly linear, acute ; cyme few to 
several-flowered ; peduncle, pedicels and calyx glandular-pubescent ; sepals sca- 
rious-margined, acute, about 5mm. long ; petals and mature capsule about twice 
as long as the sepals. Common on open slopes and in grassy draws. 

5. ARENARIA (Sanpwort) 

Tufted herbs with slender sessile leaves, white flowers in cymes which are 
either compact (head-like) or more open ; sepals and petals 5); styles 3; capsule 
globose or oblong, many-seeded and opening by either 3 or 6 teeth. 

x Flowers in a close head. 

1. Arenaria congesta Nutt. (CoNGESTED SANDWORT). Many-stemmed 
from the crown of a thick tap-root, smooth, 1-2 dm. high ; leaves subulate-linear, 
pointed, scabrous on the margins ; flowers in 1-3 dense clusters, with large, dilated 
membranous bracts ; petals nearly twice as long as the sepals. Frequent on open 
or wooded slopes. 

* *« Flowers in a more open cyme. 

2. Arenaria Fendleri Gray (FENDLER’s SANDWoRT). Similar to the preced- 
ing in habit, glandular above, the leaves serrulate-scabrous ; flowers in an open 
cyme, small ; sepals acuminate, about as long as the 6-7 mm. long, white, obovate 
petals, scarious-margined ; seeds roughened. Dry open hillsides. 

3. Arenaria Hookeri Nutt. (Hooker’s SANDWorRT). A cespitose peren- 
nial, the mats usually broad; leaves glabrous, crowded, stiff, awl-shaped and 
sharp-pointed, 1-2 em. long; flowering stems short (5-10 cm.), pubescent ; cyme 
crowded ; bracts linear-lanceolate, with ciliate margins, exceeding the similar 
sepals ; petals twice as long as the sepals. Frequent on barren stony hills and 



Herbs with flower parts all distinct, 3-15 sepals, petals 3-15 
or wanting, numerous stamens or rarely few, and many or few 
pistils becoming either pods, achenes, or berries. (See Plant 
Structures, p. 259.) When the petals are wanting the calyx is 
often colored like a corolla. 

x Fruit a follicle with several ovules. 

+ Flowers regular. 

1. Caltha. Leaves simple; petals none; sepals petal-like, 7-12; follicles 
several, forming a head. 

2. Aquilegia. Leaves compound ; petals 5, produced backward into a hollow 
spur ; follicles 5. 

+ + Flowers irregular. 

3. Delphinium. Leaves palmately cleft or divided; petals 4, the upper 
spurred and projecting backward into the spur of the upper one of the 5 petal-like 
sepals ; follicles many-seeded. 

4. Aconitum. Leaves palmately lobed; petals 2, covered by the upper sepal, 
which is arched into a hood or helmet ; follicles 3-5. 

x * Fruit an achene. 
+ Petals none or inconspicuous ; sepals petal-like. 

5. Anemone. Flowers subtended by an involucre; sepals indefinite; achenes 

6..Pulsatilla. Flowers subtended by an involucre; sepals 5-7; achenes with 
long feathery tails. 

7. Clematis. Involucres wanting ; sepals 4, valvate ; achenes tailed. 

8. Atragene. Like Clematis ; the sepals very large ; small petals present. 

+ + Sepals and petals both present. 

9. Ranunculus. Petals yellow, with a nectariferous pit at the base; achenes 
compressed ; leaves simple. 

10. Batrachium. Petals white; achenes transversely wrinkled ; leaves dis- 

11. Cyrtorhyncha. Petals yellow, narrow; achenes terete; leaves compound. 

12. Oxygraphis. Petals yellow; achenes longitudinally striate; leaves simple, 

1. CALTHA (Marsu Maricorp) 

Smooth herbs with round or oblong leaves with cordate base; sepals large, 
showy, early deciduous ; stamens numerous : follicles many-seeded. 

1. Caltha rotundifolia (Huth.) Greene (ELK Surp). Leaves radical, rather 
thick, with narrow basal sinus, entire or dentate ; scapes 1-15 cm. high, one flow- 
ered; sepals oblong-obovate, white or bluish on the outside. Abundant in wet 
sub-alpine parks. 


Herbs with ternately compound leaves, lobed leaflets, large showy flowers ter- 
minating the branches, 5 sepals colored like the petals, 5 petals with short spread- 


ing lip and produced backward into large hollow spurs much longer than the 
calyx, numerous stamens, and 5 pistils becoming erect follicles. 

1. Aquilegia czerulea James (BLUE COLUMBINE). Glabrous, 3-8 dm. high ; 
leaves mostly radical, glaucous below, the leaflets lobed ; flowers large, varying 
from blue to white; the spurs long and slender. This beautiful plant is the ‘‘ State 
flower’? of Colorado, and is said by gardeners to be the handsomest Columbine in 
the world. It is abundant in moist woods in the mountains. 

2. Aquilegia chrysantha Gray (YELLOW COLUMBINE). Taller and more 
slender, with peduncles often pubescent ; flowers bright yellow, the spurs very 
slender. Wet ravines in mountains ; Colorado and southward. 

3. DELPHINIUM (Larkspur) 

Herbs with palmately divided leaves, flowers in terminal racemes, 5 petal-like 
sepals (the upper one prolonged into a spur at the base), 4 petals (the upper pair 
continued backward into long spurs inclosed in the calyx spur), numerous 
stamens, and 8 pistils becoming many-seeded pods. (See Plant Structures, p. 260, 
Fig. 244.) 

1. Delphinium scopulorum Gray (MouNTAIN LARKSPUR). Tall, 1m. more 
or less, branching above ; leaves 5-7-parted, each lobe again cleft or parted, the 
divisions from lanceolate to narrowly linear; inflorescence minutely cinereous- 
pubescent ; flowers blue ; ovaries minutely pubescent. Moist open woods. 

2. Delphinium Geyeri Greene (GEYER’S LARKSPUR. POISON-WEED). A 
tufted perennial with numerous thick fibrous-woody roots, canescently tomentose, 
3-6 dm. high ; root-leaves numerous, stem-leaves few (especially upward), all cleft 
into many linear divisions ; flowers in a strict raceme, blue, with a stoutish spur. 
Common on the plains, where the dense tufts of root-leaves appear in early 
spring, offering a tempting mouthful to hungry cattle; sometimes eaten with 
fatal results. 

3. Delphinium Nelsonii Greene (NELSoN’s LARKSPUR). Perennial from a 
cluster of tuberous roots ; stem slender, nearly simple, 1-3 dm. high, finely pubes- 
cent ; leaves cleft into broadly linear divisions; flowers blue, somewhat pubescent, 
the lower petal 2-cleft, with a tuft of hair near the middle. Common in the loose 
soil of draws in the foothills. 

4, ACONITUM (Monxsnoop) 

Erect perennial herbs with showy flowers; sepals 5, petal-like ; stamens 

1. Aconitum Columbianum Nutt. (MounTain MonxsHoop). Stem 1 m. or 
more high, pubescent above, with short viscid hairs; leaves large, the lobes 
toothed or cut ; flowers purple, in a loose raceme. Moist open woods. 


Erect perennial herbs ; radical leaves petioled, lobed or parted ; those of the 
stem forming an involucre ; stamens numerous; achenes compressed, pointed. 

1. Anemone Canadensis L. (CANADA ANEMONE). Somewhat pubescent ; 
leaves large, 5-7-cleft, and the lobes more or less toothed : those of the involucres 
similar but sessile ; flowers solitary, on bifureate peduncles with secondary invo- 
lucres ; sepals large and white; achenes flat, nearly glabrous, in globose heads. 
Common on the banks of streams. 


2. Anemone globosa Nutt. (ROUND-FRUITED ANEMONE). Stems slender, 1-3 
dm. high, silky, as are also the leaves, which are dissected into narrow lobes; 
flowers 1 or more ; the sepals red or dull crimson, 6-10 mm. long ; the oblique, 
pointed, densely woolly achenes in a globose head. 

6. PULSATILLA (Pasquz FLowER) 

Perennial herbs, from thick semi-woody roots, densely soft hairy throughout ; 
stems scapose and 1-flowered ; sepals petal-like ; stamens very numerous and the 
achenes with long feathery tails. 

1. Pulsatilla hirsutissima (Pursh) Britt. (AMERIcAN PasquE FLoweEr). 
Leaves all radical, dissected, the divisions narrow ; stems naked but for the dis- 
sected involucre, which is some distance below the single large flower, the blossoms 
opening before the leaves appear ; sepals large, ovate-oblong, purplish, varying to 
nearly white. In early spring, in moist caflons and on wooded slopes. 

7 CLEMATIS (Virein’s Bower) 

Perennial herbs or semi-woody climbers with opposite, petioled, pinnately 
compound or parted leaves ; the genus is easily recognized by its 4 valvate sepals 
and the long-tailed achenes. 

1. Clematis ligusticifolia Nutt. (WESTERN VIRGIN’s Bower). Stem climb- 
ing, more or less woody ; leaves mostly pinnately 5-foliate, the leaflets incisely 
toothed or trifid, nearly glabrous ; the white flowers in leafy panicles ; sepals 
equaling the stamens. Clambering over bushes on creek banks. 

2. Clematis Douglasii Hook. (DouGLas’s CLEMATIS). An erect, tufted, 
somewhat villous herb, 3-6 dm. high ; leaves pinnatifid, the divisions linear or 
linear-laneceolate ; sepals 3-4 em. long, thick, deep purple within, paler on the out- 
side, valvate, only the villous tips spreading ; achenes silky, with tails 2-3 cm. long. 
Moist slopes in open woods. 

8. ATRAGENE (Vriretn’s Bower) 

Climbing vines much like Clematis ; of the numerous stamens, a few of the 
outer ones have the filaments broadened (petal-like); sepals large and showy; the 
long styles plumose 

1. Atragene Americana Sims (PURPLE VIRGIN’s BOWER). Leaves trifo- 
liate, with thin, ovate, acute leaflets; the four large sepals widely spreading, 
thin, strongly veined, and pubescent on the veins and margins. Moist wooded 

9. RANUNCULUS (Buttercup) 

Herbs with alternate leaves, solitary or clustered yellow (sometimes white) 
flowers, 5 sepals, 5 (rarely more) flat petals, numerous stamens, and numerous 
pistils becoming a head of mostly flattened and pointed achenes. (See Plant 
Structures, p. 222, Fig. 202.) 

x Radical leaves undivided ; low (mostly less than 15 cm.). 

1. Ranunculus ellipticus Greene (BRIGHT-FACED BUTTERCUP). Stems 5-10 
em. high, 1-several-flowered ; leaves smooth; the root-leaves entire, mostly 
elliptic ; the stem-leaves few, generally 3-cleft to about the middle ; flowers large, 
18-25 mm. across; the petals twice as long as the sepals, bright yellow, glossy 



and shining ; achenes with a short beak. Moist hillsides and draws. Very early 
spring. ’ 

2, Ranunculus inamoenus Greene (HOMELY BuTTERCUP). Taller, at length 
20 cm. or more high, sparsely pubescent; root-leaves broadly oval, crenately 
toothed at summit, on petioles 2-3 times as long as the blade ; stem-leaves sessile, 
ternately divided into oblanceolate segments ; petals 5, obovate-oblong, about 5 
mm. long ; achenes pubescent, in a small ovoid head. Moist parks and valleys. 

* x Leaves all cleft or parted ; tall (20-30 or more cm. high). 

3. Ranunculus acriformis Gray (Wyomine BuTTERcup). Tall and slender, 
often 3 or more dm. high, pubescent ; leaves all 3-5-parted, the segments 2-3-cleft 
into linear divisions ; petals broadly obovate, 5-7 mm. long ; achenes with a broad 
curved-hook beak shorter than the body. Common in wet meadows and on 
grassy stream banks. 

4, Ranunculus Macounii Britt. (MAcoun’s BurTercup). Stems coarse, 
2-5 dm. high, with spreading branches, the whole plant rather roughly hairy; 
leaves large, 3-divided to the base, the ovate divisions (leaflets) variously parted 
and cleft into acute segments]; petals about 5 mm. long ; achenes in a sub-globose 
head, with a short pointed beak. 

5. Ranunculus eremogenes Greene. A light-green, very glabrous plant, 
with thick or swollen hollow stems, 1-2 dm. high; leaves 5-parted and the seg- 
ments lobed, the lobes toothed ; petals light yellow, longer than the sepals; the 
numerous achenes in an oblong head, small, smooth, and nearly beakless, falling 
from the receptacle when dry. Very Common in the margins of spring bogs and 


Perennial aquatic herbs, with finely dissected leaves and white flowers ; other- 
wise nearly as in Ranunculus. 

1. Batrachium trichophyllum (Chaix) Bossch. (WHITE WATER-CROW- 
FooT). Submerged ; stems slender ; leaves petioled, the segments linear ; flowers 
on stout peduncles, blooming at the surface of the water ; achenes beakless. In 
ponds and sluggish streams. 


Characters nearly those of Ranunculus ; the long-petioled bipinnately divided 
or compound leaves, the narrowly spatulate petals, and the longitudinally ribbed, 
thin-walled, slightly inflated achenes will serve to distinguish it. 

1. Cyrtorhyncha ranunculina Nutt. (NuTTaLu’s BurtEercup). Tufted, 
with many slender stems and long-petioled root-leaves, 1-2 dm. high ; leaflets with 
oblong or linear lobes; sepals yellowish, almost as long as the petals; achenes in a 
globular head, oblong-cylindric, tipped with the incurved style. 


Much like Ranunculus, but the stems scape-like, the achenes flattened and 
longitudinally striate on the faces. 

‘1. Oxygraphis Cymbalaria (Pursh) Prantl. (SrAstpDE Crowroot). Small, 
mostly less than 1 dm. high, spreading by runners which root at the nodes ; leaves 
mostly basal, oval with cordate base: flowers 1-5; the petals 5-9; achenes in an 
oblong head, tipped with a sharp point. Common on wet alkaline flats and ditch 



Low shrubs with alternate compound leaves without stip- 
ules; sepals 6, petals 6, and the 6 sensitive stamens opposite 
them; the anthers open at the top by uplifted valves; the 
single pistil becomes a 1-3-seeded berry. 

1. BERBERIS (BarBerry) 

Shrubs with yellow wood and yellow flowers in dense racemes; the style short 
and the stigma peltate. 

1. Berberis Aquifolium Pursh (TRAILING BARBERRY. OREGON GRAPE). 
. Low, mostly creeping among rocks or on stony slopes; the leaves evergreen ; 
leaflets 3-7, ovate, acute, spiny-toothed; racemes terminal; the berries blue or 


Herbs with alternate leaves, 2 ephemeral or scale-like sepals, 
4-6 petals, 6 to many stamens (opening lengthwise), and a 
single pistil ; the fruit a 1-celled pod or capsule. 

1. Argemone. Stem spiny ; sap yellow ; leaves glaucous. 

2. Enomegra. Stemspiny and densely hispid ; sap milky ; leaf not glaucous. 

3. Capnoides. Stems smooth ; sap watery ; leaves decompound and glau- 


Spiny branching herbs, with sessile, lobed, spiny-toothed leaves, which are 
glaucous and more or less blotched with white ; flowers large and showy, with 2-3 
sepals bearing a horn-like spine near the tip; capsule spiny, opening by several 
valves at summit. 

1. Argemone intermedia Sweet. (Spiny Poppy). Tall, often 1 m. high, 
freely branching; flowers white, 6-9 cm. broad; the petals broadly obovate. 
Common on sandy plains. 


Characters much like those of Argemone, but the stem and leaves densely 
bristly and less spiny ; the leaves a dull green with some puberulence and slightly 
if at all glaucous; sap thick, milky-white. 

1. EKnomegra hispida (Gray) Aven Nelson (H1spip Poppy). Erect, branch- 
ing, 4-8 dm. high; sepals hispid on the horn-like tip; petals white, obovate, 
about 3 cm. long; capsule armed with stout, hispid spines. Frequent on sandy 
slopes and valleys. 


Pale leafy-stemmed herbs, with compound dissected leaves and racemes of 
yellow flowers; 2 small sepals and 4 connivent petals (1 of the outer is spurred 


and the 2 inner are keeled), all early deciduous ; stamens 6, in sets, opposite the 
outer petals; capsule linear. 

1. Capnoides aureum (Willd.) Kuntze (GoLDEN CapnoipEs). Tufted, the 
many leafy stems spreading; leaves dissected, the segments oblong or cuneate; 
flowers golden yellow, the spur shorter than the rest of the flower; pod spreading 
or drooping, distinctly torulose ; the seeds black and shining or obscurely reticu- 
lated. Sandy or stony draws and banks. 

2. Capnoides montanum (Engelm.) Britt. (MounTarn CAPNOIDES). Very 
similar but with lighter green, more finely dissected foliage ; the pods ascending 
or erect, terete and not torulose. This species is the more frequent in the south- 
ern part of our range and the preceding northward and eastward. 

XXIV. CRUCIFERA (Mustarp Famity) 

Herbs, usually pungent, with alternate leaves, terminal 
clusters of flowers, 4 sepals, 4 petals, 6 stamens (4 long and 2 
short), and a 2-celled pod. (See Plant Structures, p. 261, Fig. 
246.) . 

x Flowers white. 4 
+ Silique flattened contrary to the partition, short (less than 8 mm.). 

3. Thlaspi. Petals conspicuous; silique obovate, with keeled and obscurely 
wing-margined sides. 

9. Bursa. Petals smail; silique obcordate-cuneate, not winged. 

2. Lepidium. Petals either inconspicuous or evident; silique much com- 
pressed, orbicular or elliptic. 

+ + Silique linear ; seeds in 1 row, about 2 cm. long. 

6. Cardamine. Petals large; silique erect, with a short thick style. 
x x Flowers yellow. 

+ Silique globose to oblong, short (not more than 8 mm.). 

10. Draka. Silique oblong, flattened parallel to the partition. 
8. Lesquerella. Silique globose or ellipsoidal, stellate-pubescent. 


7. Physaria. Silique didymous, the cells globose-inflated, stellate-pubescent. 
+ + Silique on a long stipe, linear, 3 cm. or more long. 

1. Stanleya. Silique flattened, with an evident mid-nerve. 

+ + + Silique terete, from linear oblong to long linear. 

5. Roripa. Silique linear-oblong, 9-12 mm. long leaves pinnatifid. 

4. Sisymbrium. Silique linear, 3-5 cm. long. 

+ + + + Silique 4-angled, linear, 2-8 cm. long. 

11. Cheiranthus. Petals long-clawed, with a flat blade. 


Perennials with large roots and large glaucous pinnatifid leaves; flowers in 
long naked terminal racemes of yellow flowers. 


1. Stanleya pinnata (Pursh) Britt. (STanuteya). Stems 5-10 dm. high ; 
leaves from nearly entire to deeply pinnatifid ; sepals linear, the petals with a 
long claw; filaments exserted ; siliques 2-3 times as long as the style. 


Herbaceous plants with entire, toothed or pinnatifid leaves and mostly small 
white flowers. 

1. Lepidium ramosissimum Aven Nelson (BRANCHED PEPPER-GRASS). 
Freely branched from the base up, 2-4 dm. high; leaves pinnately toothed; petals 
small, spatulate, half as long as the sepals; the fruiting racemes long and numer- 
ous; siliques ovate with a broad shallow sinus. Waste grounds and open stony 

2. Lepidium montanum Nutt. (LARGE-FLOWERED LEPIDIUM). Stems sev- 
eral, 1-2 dm. long, loosely spreading ; leaves pinnatifid; flowers conspicuous,- 
white or yellowish-white ; siliques elliptical, with a shallow notch and an evident 
style. Frequent on alkaline flats. 

3. THLASPI (Penny Cress) 

Small perennials with mostly entire leaves, conspicuous white flowers, and ob- 
cuneate siliques. 

1. Thlaspi Coloradense Rydb. (CoLoRADO CANDYTUFT). The stems few to 
many from the crown of a tap-root, 5-10 cm. long; root-leaves rosulate, elliptic or 
broader, petioled; stem-leaves ovate, sessile by an auricled base; the silique 
about 6 mm. long, obscurely retuse. Moist draws in the foothills. 



Slender perennial herbs, glabrous, with nearly entire linear-oblanceolate 
leaves. ‘ 
1. Sisymbrium linifolium Nutt. (Mountain Mustarp). Glabrous and 
glaucous, 3-5 dm. high, with several slender simple stems; leaves thick ; flowers 
light yellow ; siliques divaricate, on short pedicels ; seeds in 1 row. Frequent on 
sandy plains and slopes. 

5. RORIPA (CrEss) 

Perennial herbs from rhizomes, with sinuate pinnatifid leaves; flowers with 
spreading sepals and conspicuous petals. 

1. Roripa sinuata (Nutt.) A. S. Hitch. (SPREADING CRESS). Stems several, 
spreading-prostrate, 1-3 dm. long; leaves oblong-lanceolate in outline, mostly 
deeply pinnatifid ; siliques acute at both ends, often curved, beaked by a slender 
style. Abundant in wet, waste grounds and on saline flats. 

2. Roripa Nasturtium (L.) Rusby (TRuE WaTER-CREss). Stems spreading 
and rooting; leaves with 3-11 roundish or oblong nearly entire leafiets; petals 
white, twice the length of the calyx ; pods linear, ascending on slender widely 
spreading stalks. Cultivated from Europe, but escaped into brooks and ditches. 

6. CARDAMINE (Birrer Cress) 

Erect glabrous plants, growing along streams, with rather large white flowers; 
the leaves lobed or lyrately pinnate ; siliques flattened, mostly linear. 


1. Cardamine vallicola Greene (CREEK-BANK Cress). Stems clustered, 2-4 
dm. high, rather stout ; leaves green with a few scattered hairs on the margins, 
deeply lyrate-pinnatifid, the leaflets 5-9, the terminal one large; siliques erect on 
ascending pedicels, linear, tapering to the style. 


Low perennial herbs, with entire leaves; the yellow flowers in terminal racemes, 
and the silique membranous-inflated, the two cavities sub-globose. 

1. Physaria didymocarpa (Hook.) Gray (DOUBLE BLADDER-POD). Stel- 
lately pubescent throughout, the several stems and numerous root-leaves crowded 
on the crown; leaves broadly spatulate or obovate ; flowers large; siliques deeply 
emarginate above and below. 


Low herbs much like Physaria except as to the silique, which is globose or 
ellipsoidal and much smaller. 

1. Lesquerella argentea (Pursh) MacM. (SitvERY BLADDER-POD). Stel- 
late-pubescent throughout ; stems several, slender ; leaves linear or narrowly 
oblanceolate, 3-6 cm. long; the yellow flowers conspicuous, with petals 5-6 mm. 
long; pedicels 1-2 cm. long, in fruit recurved ; silique globose or nearly so, with a 
slender style as long as the silique. Common on sandy plains. 

2. Lesquerella montana (Gray) Wats. (MounTAIN BLADDER-POD). Re- 
sembling the preceding ; root-leaves from oblanceolate to broadly obovate, peti- 
oled ; siliques elliptical, 5-6 mm. long, equaled by the slender style, erect, on 
widely spreading, curved pedicels. Stony slopes and hilltops. 

38. Lesquerella condensata Aven Nelson (Compact BLADDER-POD). Leaves 
and stems very short and crowded, forming a small sub-spherical tuft, stellate- 
pubescent throughout ; flowers crowded, the spatulate petals about 6 mm. long ; 
silique ovate, compressed at summit, about 5 mm. long, equaled by the slender 
style. Mostly on naked stony slopes ; flowering very early. 


Low plants with clustered pinnatifid basal leaves, arrow-shaped, sessile stem- 
leaves, an elongating raceme of small white flowers, and an obcordate-triangular 
silique flattened contrary to the narrow partition. 

1. Bursa Bursa-pastoris (L.) Britt. (SHEPHERD’s PurRsE). Annual, 2-4 dm. 
high, somewhat pubescent with forked hairs; flowers Sea, A very common 
weed in waste ground. Introduced from Europe. 

10. DRABA (WuitLow-GRass) 

Small herbs, annual or perennial, entire toothed leaves, the yellow flowers in 
naked racemes ; sepals equal and the silique narrowly oblong, sub-acute at both 

1. Draba nemorosa L. (Woop WuHrTLow-GRAss). Annual, sparsely pubes- 
cent with forked hairs; 1 or more slender stems from the base ; leaves elliptic to 
broadly ovate, entire or toothed, sessile ; flowers small; silique 10-12 mm. long, on 
slender, widely spreading pedicels about twice as long ; stigma sessile. Common 
on wet grassy banks. 


2. Draba saximontana Aven Nelson (Rocky MouNTAIN DRABA). Peren- 
nial, cespitose, the woody caudex of very numerous slender branches; leaves 
linear, short, densely crowded on the base of the stems ; the yellow petals about 
twice as long as the elliptic sepals ; silique ovate, sub-acute, shorter than the pedi- 
cel; style short but evident. Frequent on stony ridges or sandy cliffs in the foot- 

11. CHEIRANTHUS (Watt FLower) 

Simple or branched herbs with roughish pubescence ; flowers rather large 
with erect sepals, the petals with spreading blade ; silique long-linear, 4-angled. 

1. Cheiranthus asper Nutt. (WESTERN WaLL FLOWER). Stem mostly sim- 
ple, 3-6 dm. high ; leaves oblanceolate, tapering into a petiole, entire or dentate ; 
the upper narrower and sessile ; flowers large, about 15 mm. high and nearly as 
broad ; silique 4-sided, 5-8 cm. long, widely spreading. Very common in early 
spring on sandy slopes and plains. 

2, Cheiranthus inconspicuus (Wats.) Greene. Freely branched above 
and less pubescent; the flowers smaller ; the silique slenderer, half as long and 
nearly erect. Plains and sandy river banks. 

XXV. CAPPARIDACEA: (Caper Famity) 

Herbs, with alternate leaves and perfect flowers, the sepals 
and petals as in Crucifere, stamens 6 or more (not tetradyna- 
mous), pod 1-celled with 2 parietal placental and reniform 
seeds. Rank-smelling weeds. 

1. Cleome. Pod long stipitate, drooping. 
2. Polanisia. Pod sessile or nearly so, erect. 

1. CLEOME (CLEome) 

Erect branching annuals, with leaves digitately 3-5-foliate; conspicuous 
flowers in bracteate racemes ; fruit long-stalked, elongated, with many seeds. 

1. Cleome serrulata Pursh (PINK CLEOME. Rocky MounTAIN BEE-PLANT). 
Glabrous and erect, tall and branching, often nearly 1 m. high ; leaves trifoliate ; 
the leaflets lance-oblong, remotely serrulate, 4-8 cm. long; bracts lanceolate- 
linear ; the showy flowers pink (rarely white); fruiting raceme long; pod com- 
pressed, nearly linear, longer than the stipe, which about equals the pedicel. A 
weed in waste grounds. A reputed honey plant. 


Annual herbs resembling Cleome ; petals emarginate, clawed ; stamens 8-16, 
exserted ; pod sessile. 

1. Polanisia trachysperma T. & G. Glandular-viscid, 2-4 dm. high; 
leaves trifoliate; the leaflets lanceolate ; flowers large, pinkish or yellowish ; 
stamens exserted, with purple filaments: pod lanceolate-linear, seeds usually 
pitted or roughened. Sandy cafions and bottom lands. 



Usually fleshy herbs with sessile leaves, flower parts all of 
the same number or the stamens double, and fruit a pod. 


Smooth thick-leaved herbs with flowers sessile along one side of spreading 
flowering branches, the first or central flower mostly with 5 sepals and petals and 
10 stamens, the others often with 4 sepals and petals and 8 stamens, and 4 or 5 
distinct pistils ripening into many-seeded pods. 

1. Sedum stenopetalum Pursh (StTonEcrRop). <A tufted glabrous fleshy 
perennial, 8-15 cm. high ; leaves crowded, terete, acute, sessile, about 1 em. long ; 
flowers bright yellow. Very common on stony slopes. Foliage often deeply tinged 
with red before flowering. 


Herbs or shrubs with alternate and opposite leaves usually 
without stipules, mostly 10 stamens, and a 1—5-celled superior 
or inferior ovary becoming a pod. 

* Herbs. 

1. Saxifraga. Petals entire ; ovary of 2 nearly distinct cells with divergent 

2. Tellima. Petals cleft ; ovary 1-celled, with 2 or 3 short styles. 

3. Heuchera. Petals entire, minute ; ovary 1-celled, the capsule 2-beaked. 

4. Parnassia. Petals fringed, large; ovary 1-celled, with 3 or 4 sessile 

* x Shrubs. : 

5. Edwinia. Leaves serrate ; cymes 5-10 flowered. 
6. Fendlera. Leaves entire ; flowers 1-3. 

1. SAXIFRAGA (SaxirraGe) 

Herbs with clustered basal leaves, stems naked or with alternate leaves, a 
terminal cluster of flowers, a 5-cleft calyx, 5 entire petals, 10 stamens, 2 styles, and 
a 2-celled ovary becoming a 2-beaked pod or 2 almost separate and divergent pods. 
(See Plant Structures, p. 58, Fig. 48.) 

1. Saxifraga rhomboidea Greene (SNow-BALL SAXIFRAGE). Stem a stout 
leafless scape, 1-2 dm. high ; leaves a rosulate tuft at the base, from rhombic-ovate 
to oval, toothed or crenate, on short broad petioles ; the small white flowers in a 
dense spherical head about 2 cm. in diameter, in fruit more open. Abundant on 
moist slopes in the foothills ; early spring. 

2. Saxifraga punctata L. Stemless; the leaves long-petioled, nearly gla- ~ 
brous, reniform or orbicular, deeply dentate ; scapes 3-5 dm. long ; flowers in an 
open panicle ; peduncle, pedicels and free calyx glandular; petals white, oval or 
orbicular. Frequent on the banks of cold sub-alpine rivulets. 


2, TELLIMA “¢ 

Perennials with palmately divided leaves, the petioles with stipule-like dilations 
at base; calyx adhering to the lower half of the ovary; the 3~7-cleft petals con- 
spicuous ; stamens 10. 

1. Tellima parviflora Hook. (SMALL-FLOWERED TELLIMA). The cuneate 
divisions of the leaves again 3-cleft, pubescent, as are also the few-leaved slender 
stems; flowers terminal in a single raceme; the petals 3-cleft into linear-oblong 

2. Tellima tenella Wats. (SLENDER TELLIMA). Similar to the preceding, 
but the pubescence glandular, the leaves smaller (1 em. in diameter); the petals 
3-5 parted into mostly linear divisions, the ovary nearly free. 

3. HEUCHERA (Atum Root) 

Herbs with rounded heart-shaped basal leaves (those of the stem, if any, alter- 
nate), greenish or purplish flowers in long clusters, a 5-cleft bell-shaped calyx, 5 
small spatulate and entire petals, 5 stamens, 2 slender styles, and a 1-celled ovary 
becoming a pod. 

1. Heuchera parvifolia Nutt. (SMALL-LEAVED HErUCHERA). Scabrous- 
puberulent ; root large and woody; the naked scape 2-5 dm. high: leaves round- 
ish-cordate, crenately 5-7-lobed; flowers at first crowded, at length an open 
raceme ; petals inconspicuous, short-lived ; seeds roughened (under lens). Fre- 
quent on rocky banks. 

" 4, PARNASSIA (Grass or Parnassus) 

Smooth perennial herbs, with the leaves entire and chiefly radical and the 
large solitary fiowers terminating the long naked stems. 

1. Parnassia fimbriata Banks (FRINGED PaRnassIA). Leaves reniform or 
cordate ; petals short-clawed, fringed below the middle; a cluster of 5-9 united 
sterile filaments alternate with the stamens. 

5. EDWINIA (Named for Epwiyn JAMEs) 

-A branching shrub 6-10 dm. high ; petals white, obovate ; alternate stamens 
shorter ; capsule included in the enlarging calyx. 

1. Edwinia Americana T. & G. (Jamesia). Flowers 5-10 in each cyme ; 
petals glabrous or soft hairy within, longer than the sepals but the latter enlarged 
and leaf-like in fruit. On cafion sides and among rocks of the cliffs. 

6. FENDLERA (Named for Augustus FENDLER) 

An erect pubescent shrub with entire leaves; calyx tube 8-nerved ; petals 
clawed, emarginate at apex ; filaments 2-forked at apex, the lobes surpassing the 
anther ; capsule crustaceous, the seeds reticulate, winged below. 

1. Fendlera rupicola Eng. & Gray (FENDLERA). Leaves oblong-lanceo- 
late, 3-nerved at base ; the branches striate ; flowers large, white, 1-3 on the ends 
of the short branchlets. Frequent in the cafions of southwestern Colorado. 



Like Saxifragacec, but shrubs with alternate palmately 
veined and lobed leaves, 5 stamens, an inferior 1-celled ovary 
and fruit a berry. 

1. RIBES (Currant. GoosEBERRY) 

Low sometimes prickly shrubs with lateral clusters of small flowers, a 5-lobed 
often colored calyx, 5 small petals in the throat of the calyx, and 2 separate or 
more or less united styles. 

x Branches prickly or bristly ; gooseberries. 

1. Ribes irriguum Dougl. (CREEK-BANK GOOSEBERRY). Stems branched, 
1-2 m. high, generally prickly, subaxillary spines usually 3; leaves roundish, 
5-lobed, mostly cordate at base, nearly glabrous ; peduncles 2-4-flowered ; calyx 
cylindrical, the lobes reflexed ; the petals fan-shaped ; fruit dark purple, very 
acid. Common on stream banks. Very fruitful. 

2. Ribes parvulum (Gray) Rydb. (CURRANT GOOSEBERRY). Stems hispid, 
procumbent, mostly less than 1 m. high ; leaves sub-orbicular, 3-5-parted or lobed, 
cordate at base, nearly glabrous, 2-4 cm. long ; flowers in 5-12-flowered racemes ; 
berry small and currant-like, nearly black when ripe, covered with short weak 
gland-tipped bristles. Frequent on the shaded banks of mountain brooks. 

* * Branches without prickles or bristles ; currants. 
+ Leaves convolute in bud ; flowers yellow ; calyx long. 

3. Ribes aureum Pursh (GoLDEN, BuFFALO. or MiIssouRI CURRANT). 
Smooth bush with rounded 3-lobed and cut-toothed leaves; short racemes of 
spicy-scented bright-yellow flowers ; tube of yellow calyx much longer than the 
spreading lobes; berries blackish. Commonly cultivated but also indigenous ; 

+ + Leaves plicate in bud; flowers white, pink, or rose-color ; calyx-tube 

4. Ribes cereum Dougl. (Squaw CurRANT). Sparingly glandular-pubes- 
cent ; the leaves 3-5-lobed, the lobes crenate ; flowers nearly sessile ; the calyx 
white or pink, dilated above the ovary ; petals minute ; berry red, rather insipid. 
A common shrub in cafions and on dry stony hillsides. 

5. Ribes floridum L’Her. (Witp BLAcK CURRANT). Leaves orbicular, 
sharply 3-5-lobed, glabrous above, pubescent and sprinkled with resinous dots 
below ; flowers white or pinkish ; bracts longer than the pedicels ; the calyx-lobes 
short and obtuse ; berry large. 

6. Ribes variegatum (Wats.) Aven Nelson (DRY-FRUITED CURRANT). 
Moderately branching, 5-10 dm. high, smooth stemmed, lightly glandular-pubes- 
cent ; leaves deeply 5-cleft, lobes obtuse ; calyx red. the lobes not reflexed ; young 
fruit glandular-hairy, becoming maroon or black, rather tough, and devoid of 
juice. Frequent on wooded mountain-stream banks. 


XXIX. ROSACEZ: (RosE FaAmity) 

Herbs or shrubs with alternate stipulate leaves, usually 5 
more or less united sepals, as many petals, numerous stamens 
(with the petals) on the calyx-tube, numerous superior ovaries 
(sometimes enclosed in the calyx-tube), and fruits various. (See 
Plant Structures, p. 262.) 

* Stems shrubby, at least biennial. 
+ Carpels few, becoming follicles. 

1. Opulaster. Carpels 1 or 2; flowers white, in a short, umbel-like corymb. 
2. Holodiscus. Carpels 5; flowers white,'in ampie panicles. 

+ + Carpels few to many, becoming achenes. 

38. Kunzia. Carpels 1 (rarely 2), large; flowers yellow, terminal. 

4. Rubus. Carpels many, becoming drupelets; flowers white, conspicuous. 

5. Dasyphora. Carpels many, becoming dry achenes; flowers yellow, showy. 

12. Cercocarpus. Carpel 1, becoming an achene with a long plumose tail; 
petals none. 

13. Rosa. Carpels several, becoming bony achenes inclosed in the fleshy 
receptacle ; flowers large and showy. 

x * Stems herbaceous. 

+ Carpels borne on an enlarged pulpy edible receptacle. 

6. Bracaria: Carpels many; flowers white, conspicuous. 

+ + Carpels dry achenes; style decdacas! receptacle not enlarged. 

7. Argentina. Carpels many; style lateral; stems creeping, with pinnate 
leaves; flowers yellow. : 

8. Potentilla. Carpels many; style terminal or nearly so ; leaves pinnate or 
palmate ; flowers yellow. 

9. Drymocallis. Carpels many; style basal; stems erect, with pinnate leaves; 
flowers yellow or yellowish. 

+ + + Carpels dry achenes ; style persistent; leaves interruptedly pinnate. 

10. Geum. Carpels many; style jointed above, the upper part deciduous; 
flowers yellow. 

11. Sieversia. Carpels many; style not jointed, plumose or naked. 


Branching shrubs, with simple palmately lobed leaves, white flowers in umbel- 
like corymbs, campanulate calyx, 5 petals, 20-40 stamens inserted with the petals, 
and 1-5 pistils. 

1. Opulaster monogynus (Torr.) Kuntz (CoLorADO NINE-BARK). Stems 
with shreddy bark, 7-15 dm. high; leaves glabrous and bright green, 2-3 em. long, 
ovate-cordate, the lobes toothed; inflorescence a capitate-corymb, nearly glabrous; 
petals obovate, exceeding the glabrous sepals; carpels 2 (rarely only 1), united 
below, divergent above. Frequent in mountains and cafions. 


2. Opulaster pubescens Rydb. (Wyomine NINE-BARK). Very similar to the 
preceding, the young shoots often unbranched, finely pubescent, especially in the 
inflorescence; calyx stellate-pubescent, its lobes obtuse; the ovaries pubescent and. 
in fruit but slightly divergent. Common on rocky slopes. 


A freely branched shrub, with light-gray bark, numerous white flowers in 
large spreading panicles, a deeply 5-cleft calyx, oblong petals, and 5 pubescent 

1. Holodiscus dumosus (Nutt.) Heller. Usually less than 1 m. high, erect 
or spreading, the branchlets slender, pubescent; leaves obovate, dentate, the base 
cuneate, pubescent or even tomentose beneath; panicle pubescent, the small petals 
scarcely longer than the ovate acute sepals. 


A small, freely branched, spreading or prostrate shrub, with small fascicled 
leaves, funnel-shaped calyx, yellow petals, about 25 stamens, and 1 (rarely 2) pubes- 
cent carpels. 

1. Kunzia tridentata (Pursh) Spreng. Leaves cuneate-obovate. 3-lobed or 
toothed at apex, white-tomentose beneath, greener above; calyx tomentose, and 
with some glandular hairs; the broadly spatulate petals exceeding the calyx. 
Frequent, sandy cafions and foothills. « 


Herbs or somewhat shrubby plants with usually compound leaves and mostly 
white flowers, a 5-parted calyx, and usually many small fleshy stone fruits col- 
lected on a dry or fleshy receptacle. 

* Leaves simple ; stems not prickly. 

1. Rubus parviflorus Nutt. (SALMON-BERRY). Stems erect, 8-16 dm. high, 
glandular-pubescent when young, becoming brown and shreddy; leaves large, 
palmately 5-lobed, 1-2 dm. broad, more or less glandular-pubescent ; flowers few, 
large, white; the calyx densely tomentose; berry pubescent, broad and flat, red, 
flavor excellent. 

2. Rubus deliciosus James (UNSAVORY RASPBERRY). Stems either strict 
or branched, about 1 m. high, pubescent but not glandular; leaves reniform- 
orbicular, somewhat lobed, the lobes finely serrate, 2-5 em. broad; flowers large, 
white, 3-4 cm. across; fruit smooth, large, purplish, ‘‘ not agreeable to the human 
palate but prized by bears.”’ Cafons of Colorado. 

x * Leaves compound ; stems prickly. 

3. Rubus strigosus Michx. (WILD RED RASPBERRY). Stems woody, upright, 
with stiff straight bristles ; leaflets 3-5, ovate, pointed, serrate ; petals as long as 
the sepals; fruit light red. Thickets and hills. (See Plant Structures, p. 262, 
Fig. 248.) 


Shrubs with pinnate, stipulate leaves; solitary or cymose flowers (bracts, 
sepals, and petals 5 each), and a lateral, club-shaped, glandular style. 

1. Dasyphora fruticosa (L.) Rydb. (SHRUBBY CINQUEFOIL). Stem erect, 
shrubby, 3-12 dm. high, much branched ; leaves pinnate ; leaflets 5-7, crowded, 


lanceolate, entire, silky; flowers numerous, with yellow rounded petals ; achenes 
densely hairy. Wet grounds. 


Low herbs with runners, a cluster of palmate basal leaves, the 3 leaflets 
obovate and serrate, the naked stem terminated by a cluster of white flowers which 
are nearly as in Potentilla, but the receptacle in fruit much enlarged and conical, 
becoming pulpy and scarlet and bearing the minute dry achenes scattered over 
its surface. (See Plant Relations, p. 57, Fig. 47.) 

1. Fragaria glauca (Wats.) Rydb. (MounTAIN STRAWBERRY). Sparingly 
appressed-silky ; the leaves thin and glaucous; leaflets obovate, short petioled, 
coarsely toothed, the lateral ones oblique at base; scape few-flowered, about 
equaling the leaves; achenes in shallow pits. The most frequent of our wild 

2. Fragaria prolifica Baker & Rydb. (FRUITFUL STRAWBERRY). Similar, 
but with very short thick rootstock, the leaves strongly veined beneath, green and 
not glaucous; the runners very numerous and stout; the obovate petals scarcely 
exceeding the sepals; fruit large, the achenes in pits. In the Colorado mountains; 
at higher elevations than the preceding. 


Perennial, the leaves interruptedly pinnate ; spreading by runners ; the soli- 
tary flowers on long peduncles from the axils of the leaves ; petals sub-orbicular ; 
stamens 20-25 ; styles lateral, slender ; the achenes glabrous. 

1. Argentina Anserina (L.) Rydb. (SILVER-WEED). Leaflets 7-21, green and 
glabrate above, silvery-silky beneath ; from oblong to obovate, sharply serrate ; 
the stipules membranous. 


Herbs with compound leaves, solitary or clustered flowers, flat 5-cleft calyx 
with as many bractlets at the intervals, and numerous achenes in a head with the 
styles not persisting as a tail. (See Plant Relations, p. 79, Fig. 72; also Plant 
Structures, p. 225, Fig. 205.) 

x Leaves pinnate. 

1. Potentilla Plattensis Nutt. (PoTENTILLA OF THE VALLEY). Stems 
spreading or prostrate, 1-2 dm. long ; leaves green, appressed-strigose or glabrate; 
the stipules large; leaflets 4-7 pairs, obovate, deeply incised ; petals obovate, 
retuse, exceeding the long acuminate sepals which exceed the similar bractlets. 
Frequent on sandy bottom lands. 

2. Potentilla Coloradoensis Rydb. (CoLoRADO PoTENTILLA). Silky tomen- 
tose throughout ; stems several, about 3 dm. high ; leaflets interruptedly pinnate, 
46 pairs; cyme branched; petals obcordate, scarcely longer than the narrow 
sepals ; carpels 10-20. A common species on dry gravelly hills. 

x * Leaves ternate. 

3. Potentilla Monspeliensis L. (RouGH CINQUEFOIL). Stout, erect, hirsute, 
2-4 dm. high; leaves ternate, with obovate or lanceolate serrate leaflets ; small 
yellow flowers in a rather close leafy cluster, stamens 15 (rarely 20). Open ground. 

* x x Leaves palmately 5-foliate. 


4. Potentilla concinna Rich. (EARLY PoTENTILLA). Low, spreading, many 
stemmed ; leaves white tomentose, especially beneath ; leaflets 5, obovate, deeply 
toothed; petals obcordate, exceeding the sepals and bracts. Warm gravelly 
slopes and plains ; early spring. 

5. Potentilla pulcherrima Lehm, (BEAUTIFUL POTENTILLA). Stems slen- 
der, 3-6 dm: high ; leaves green and silky-pubescent above, white with tomentum 
beneath, long petioled except the smaller stem-leaves; leaflets mostly 5, oblanceo- 
late or broader, crenate ; the obovate, emarginate petals nearly equaled by the 
acuminate sepals. Frequent in meadows and grassy valleys. 


Erect, glandular-pubescent or viscid herbs, with pinnate leaves; stamens 
25-30; style thickened and glandular below and attached near the base of the 
achene. Otherwise much as in Potentilla. 

1. Drymocallis fissa (Nutt.) Rydb. Very leafy, stems several, 15-30 cm. 
high, glandular hairy, viscid in the crowded cyme ; leaflets about 4 pairs, orbicu- 
lar or rhombic, cleft and serrate; petals orbicular, bright yellow, about 1 cm. 
long. Very abundant in rocky cajfions. 

2. Drymocallis arguta (Pursh) Rydb. Taller and stouter, 3-8 dm. high, 
brownish hairy, clammy above; leaflets 7-11, oval or ovate, serrate, downy beneath; 
flowers white or yellowish, in an upright close cluster; stamens mostly 30. An 
eastern species extending into the foothills of the Colorado Mountains. 


Herbs with pinnately compound or lyrate leaves, a bell-shaped or flattish 
5-cleft calyx, numerous achenes crowded on a prominent receptacle and with the 
long persistent styles forming hairy or naked tails. 

1. Geum strictum Ait. (YELLOW AVENS). Hairy-pubescent, erect, rather 
stout, branched above, 4-10 dm. high; leaflets wedge-ovate, the terminal one large; 
receptacle of fruit downy; styles bent and jointed near the middle, the upper part 
deciduous, the lower naked and hooked, becoming elongated. Meadows and mar- 
gins of copses. 

2. Geum macrophyllum Willd. (LARGE-LEAVED AVENS). Similar, more 
bristly hairy; the long root-leaves with terminal leaflets large, suborbicular-cor- 
date, the lateral small or minute ; receptacle nearly naked. Moist creek banks 
and bottom lands. 

11. SIEVERSIA (AveEns) 

Like Geum, but with stem-leaves reduced or bract-like, the styles wholly per- 
sistent and not jointed, and the calyx lobes erect instead of reflexed. 

1. Sieversia ciliata (Pursh) Rydb. (Lone-PLuMED AveEns). Densely soft- 
pubescent; stems scapose, 1-2 dm. high; leaflets very numerous, small ones 
interposed among the larger, obovate, cut-toothed leaflets ; flowers 3 or more, on 
long peduncles ; calyx and corolla both purplish ; styles long and plumose in fruit. 
Frequent on stony slopes. 

2. Sieversia turbinata (Rydb.) Greene (Rocky MounTaIn AVENS). Green, 
slightly pubescent above ; leaflets ovate or wedge-shaped, 3-lobed or entire ; tube 
of calyx turbinate ; the yellow, sub-orbicular petals exceeding the calyx lobes; 
styles glabrous. Very abundant on wet slopes in the higher mountains. 



A rigid branching shrub, 1-3 m. high ; stamens 15-20, in 2 or 3 rows on the limb 
of the calyx ; fruit inclosed in the persistent calyx. 

1. Cerecocarpus parvifolius Nutt. (MounTAIN MaHoGany). Leaves thick, 
cuneate-obovate, serrate at apex, rather small ; somewhat silky above, tomentose 
beneath ; flowers pediceled, the calyx-limb with short teeth; achenes with 
plumose tails 3-5 em. long. Abundant on the stony slopes of hills and mountains. 

18. ROSA (Rose) 

Shrubby and usually spiny or prickly plants with odd-pinnate leaves and 
showy flowers, an urn-shaped calyx-tube contracted at the mouth and becoming 
fleshy in fruit, 5 broad petals inserted with the numerous stamens into the rim of 
the calyx-tube which bears within and below the numerous hairy pistils, which 
become bony achenes. 

1. Rosa Sayi Schwein. (Say’s Rosse). Low (less than 1 m.), branched, very 
prickly ; leaflets 3-7 (mostly 5), elliptic, obtuse or acutish, obscurely glandular or 
resinous on the teeth and the under side; sepals erect, acuminate or dilated, 
entire or few-toothed ; flowers large, 5-8 cm. broad, usually solitary-terminal. 
Frequent on moist wooded slopes. 

2. Rosa Woodii Lindl. (Woop’s Ross). Freely branched. mostly less than 1 
m. high ; moderately spiny ; the spines straight ; leaflets 5-9, oval, narrowed at 
base, somewhat glaucous below; stipules glandular edged and acute ; sepals erect 
in fruit ; flowers 3-5 cm. broad. Open grounds; creek banks, etc. 

“XXX. POMACEAZ: (AppLe F Amity) 

Trees or shrubs with the characters of Rosacec, but with 
white flowers, 2-5 styles distinct or united at base, an inferior 
5-celled ovary, and a fleshy fruit formed by the calyx-tube and 
ovary (pome). 

1. Amelanchier. Branches not thorny; flowers in corymbs. 
2. Cratzgus. Branches thorny; flowers in racemes. 


Small shrubs, more rarely becoming tree-like, with 5 narrow refiexed calyx 
lobes, 5 narrow petals, 5 styles united below and a 5-celled ovary, becoming imper- 
fectly 10-celled; with 1 seed in each cell. 

1. Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt. (NoRTHWESTERN SERVICE-BERRY). Leaves 
orbicular or oval, very obtuse, coarsely dentate above the middle, pubescent when 
young ; raceme dense, petals white, spatulate or oblong, 12-15 mm. long ; fruit 
6-8 mm. in diameter, in ripening passing from red to purple, and finally nearly 
black. Edible. 

2, CRATZEGUS (Tuory) 

Shrubs or usually small freely branched trees, with simple incised and serrate 
leaves, cup-shaped calyx, 5 rounded petals and numerous stamens, the fruit with 
5 bony seeds. 


1. Cratzegus rivularis Nutt. (RIVERSIDE THoRN). Spines few, stout, 3-4 em. 
long ; leaves ovate, serrate, mostly acute at apex and cuneate at base, pubescent 
or nearly glabrous ; corymbs 5-8 flowered, the petals white ; fruit black, 10-14 mm. 
in diameter. Frequent on stream banks. 

XXXI. DRUPACEZ (Pium Famtty) 

Trees or shrubs with the characters of Rosacec, but with 
simple leaves, a single style, and a superior 1-celled ovary 
becoming a fleshy fruit with a stone (drupe). 

1. PRUNUS (Pium. Pracu. CHERRY) 

Small trees or shrubs with clusters of flowers, a bell-shaped to tubular 5-cleft 
calyx, 5 spreading petals, and 15-20 stamens. 

1. Prunus demissa melanocarpa Aven Nelson (Rocky Mountain CHOKE- 
CHERRY). Generally a small shrub 1-3 m. high, sometimes tree-like ; leaves ovate 
or obovate, abruptly acuminate or merely acute, glabrous or slightly pubescent ; 
the white flowers in dense racemes terminating the branchlets ; fruit large (7-9 
mm. in diameter), black when mature, juicy and scarcely astringent. Common; 
moist canons and slopes. 

2. Prunus americana Marsh (CoMMON WILD Pium). A thorny shrub or small 
tree, 2-5 m. high; leaves ovate, conspicuously pointed, coarsely serrate, smooth 
when mature ; flowers usually white ; fruit roundish oval, yellow, orange, or red. 
Woods and river banks. 


Herbs, shrubs, or trees with alternate and usually compound 
leaves, irregular flowers, 5 sepals more or less united, 4 very 
dissimilar petals (upper petal or standard larger than the 
others and inclosing them in the bud, turned back or spread- 
ing’; the two lateral petals or wings oblique; the two lower 
petals coherent by their edges and forming the keel which 
usually incloses the stamens and pistil), usually 10 variously 
united stamens (mostly 9 united into a tube and the upper one 
separate), and a 1-celled ovary becoming a more or less elon- 
gated pod. (See Plant Structures, p. 264, Wig. 250.) 

x Leaves trifoliate ; stamens 10, distinct ; pods long. 

1. Thermopsis. Stipules conspicuous; flowers yellow, in racemes. 

* * Leaves digitately 5-11 foliate ; stamens 10, monadelphous ; pods large. 
2. Lupinus. Calyx 2-lipped ; anthers of 2 forms. 

x x * Leaves trifoliate ; stamens 10, diadelphous; anthers all alike; pods 

3. Medicago. Flowers in racemes; pods curved or coiled. 

4, Melilotus. Flowers in racemes; pods with thick wrinkled walls. 


5. Trifolium. Flowers in heads ; pods membranaceous. 

* x x x Leaves unequally pinnate ; stamens 5, monadelphous. 

6. Petalostemon. Flowers in dense spikes ; pods 1 or 2 seeded. 
* * * x * Leaves unequally pinnate ; stamens 10, diadelphous. 

7. Glycyrrhiza. Foliage glandular-punctate ; flowers in dense spikes ; pod 
1-celled, covered with hooked prickles. 

8. Astragalus. Foliage not punctate; keel of corolla blunt; pod fleshy, 
leathery or membranous, 2-celled, only partially so, or 1-celled. 

9. Aragallus. Much like Astragalus, except that the keel of the corolla is 
acute or tipped with a point. 1 

% * * x x x Leaves evenly pinnate, with tendrils ; stamens diadelphous. 

10. Vicia. Style filiform, a tuft of hair at the summit. 
11. Lathyrus. Style flattened, hairy down the inside. 


Stout perennial herbs with clustered stems from rhizomes, large free stipules 
and entire leaflets, campanulate calyx cleft to the middle, the standard shorter 
than the wings and the straight keel, and with narrow flattened pods. 

1. Thermopsis montana Nutt. (MounTAIN THERMOPSIS). Erect, 4-7 dm. 
high ; leaflets oblong, silky-pubescent becoming glabrate ; the stipules exceeding 
the petioles; pod softly cinerous-pubescent, erect, 4-6 cm. long, about 6 mm. 
broad, 10-12 seeded. Open woods and copses. 

2. Thermopsis divaricarpa Aven Nelson (RIVER-BANK THERMOPSIS). Leaf- 
lets elliptic or obovate; nearly glabrous; the large stipules ovate, somewhat 
inequilateral, longer than the petiole ; pods pubescent when young, at length 
glabrous, 8-10 cm. long, about 7 mm. broad, slightly curved and becoming widely 
divaricate. Wet banks and bottom lands. 

3. Thermopsis arenosa Aven Nelson (SAND-DUNE THERMOPSIS). Smaller, 
2-4 dm. high, branching; leaflets oblanceolate to obovate ; stipules ovate to sub- 
orbicular ; pod stipitate, divaricate from the first, sometimes drooping, slightly 
curved, constricted between the few large seeds. Dry sandy ravines and dunes in 
the foothills. 

2. LUPINUS (Lupine) 

Perennial herbs with palmately 5-15 foliolate leaves, showy flowers in terminal 
racemes, a deeply 2-lipped calyx, a scythe-shaped pointed keel, and an oblong 
flattened pod. 

1. Lupinus Plattensis Wats. (NEBRASKA LUPINE). Simple stemmed; 
appressed silky-villous except on the upper face of the 7-10 spatulate leaflets ; 
raceme terminal; corolla blue, with a conspicuous dark spot on the standard ; 
ovules 5-8. Sandy plains and ridges. 

2. Lupinus humicola Aven Nelson (Wyomine LupINE). Stems simple, 
numerous, in dense tufts, with crowded, long-petioled root-leaves; finely 
appressed-pubescent throughout; leaflets 7-12, oblanceolate, acute ; raceme ter- 
minal; flowers blue ; pods villous-pubescent, about 6-seeded. Early spring ; in 
moist copses and wet cafions. 

3. Lupinus argenteus Pursh. (Sttvery LupPINe). Bushy-branched, 3-5 dm. 
high, appressed-silvery-pubescent, leaflets 5-8, linear-lanceolate ; racemes ter- 
minating the branches; flowers purple; pods silky, 3-5 seeded. Open plains, 
banks of ravines, etc. 



3. MEDICAGO (Mnpicx) ° 

Herbs with pinnately 3-foliolate leaves, toothed leaflets, flowers nearly as in 
Melilotus, but the pod curved or variously coiled. 

1. Medicago sativa L. (LUCERNE. ALFALFA). Upright and smooth ; leaflets 
obovate-oblong, toothed ; purple flowers in racemes ; pods spirally twisted. Cul- 
tivated for fodder ; from Europe. 

4, MELILOTUS (Sweet CLoveEr) 

Herbs (fragrant in drying) with pinnately 3-foliolate leaves, toothed leaflets, 
flowers much as in Trifolium but in long racemes, and ovoid tough and wrinkled 

1. Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam. (YELLow ME.LILoT). Upright, 2-4 ft. high; 
leaflets obovate-oblong, obtuse; flowers yellow. Waste or cultivated ground ; 
from Europe. 

2. Melilotus alba Desv. (WHITE MELILOT). Leaves truncate ; flowers white. 
Waste or cultivated ground ; from Europe. 

do. TRIFOLIUM (CuLoveEr) 

Tufted or spreading herbs with palmately 3-foliolate leaves, usually toothed 
leaflets, small flowers in heads or spikes, a 5-cleft calyx with bristle-like teeth, a 
short and obtuse keel, and a small membranous pod. 

x Introduced ; in cultivation and escaped along roadsides and ditch-banks. 

1. Trifolium pratense L. (RED CLOVER). Stems ascending, somewhat hairy; 
leaflets oval or obovate, often notched at tip and with a pale spot above; rose- 
purple flowers sessile in dense ovate heads, the corolla elongated-tubular. 
Meadows and largely cultivated ; from Europe. 

2. Trifolium repens L. (WHITE CLOVER). Stems slender, smooth, spreading 
and creeping ; leaflets inversely heart-shaped or only notched, obscurely toothed ; 
flowers on stalks in small and loose umbel-like heads, reflexed when old ; calyx 
much shorter than the white corolla. Fields, lawns, and roadsides. 

* « Native. 

3. Trifolium scariosum Aven Nelson (RocK CLOVER). Low, densely czespi- 
tose, silvery or cinerously canescent, nearly stemless ; leaflets linear-oblong, taper- 
ing to both ends; stipules scarious ; involucre of several, unequal, scarious green- 
ribbed segments ; calyx purplish, with unequal, linear teeth ; corolla uniformly 
purple ; styles as long as the few-seeded pod. Occurring mostly on naked stony 
slopes and in rocky ravines. 

4. Trifolium Parryi Gray (PARRyY’s CLOVER). Low, glabrous and stoutish ; 
leaflets oblong-oblanceolate, sharply dentate ; bracts 5-7, oblong, obtuse ; flowers 
purple, 20 or more in a rather large head. In open coniferous woods at sub-alpine 


Perennial herbs, sometimes with woody base ; leaves glandular-punctate and 
the flowers spicate. Calyx teeth nearly equal; petals clawed, the cordate standard 
free, the claw of the wing and keel petals attached to the stamen tube. . 

1. Petalostemon oligophyllus (Torr.) Rydb. (SLENDER PRAIRIE-CLOVER). 
Stems several from the woody caudex, spreading, 2-4 em. long; leaflets 5-9, nearly 


glabrous, linear-oblong or oblanceolate ; spikes short-cylindric, dense ; flowers 
white. Frequent ;-on dry hills. 

2. Petalostemon purpureus (Vent.) Rydb. (VIOLET PRAIRIE-CLOVER). Leaf- 
lets linear, glabrous, 3-5 ; spikes very dense, oblong or cylindric ; corolla violet or 

7 GLYCYRRHIZA (Liquorice) 

Erect, perennial herbs, from large sweet roots; the flowers in peduncled, 
axillary dense spikes, with anthers of two sizes, and ovary sessile with short rigid 

1. Glycyrrhiza lepidota Pursh (Wi~D Liquorice). Glandular-pubescent ; 
4-8 dm. high ; leaflets 13-17, mostly lanceolate, entire ; spikes dense ; the peduncles 
shorter than the leaves ; flowers yellowish-white ; pod 12-15 mm. long, few-seeded, 
closely beset with hooked prickles. On creek banks and in moist draws. 


Herbs with odd-pinnate or rarely simple stipulate leaves, flowers in racemes 
or spikes, calyx tubular with equal teeth, clawed petals and a dehiscent or inde- 
hiscent pod. 

x Flowers white or yellowish (rarely purple) § 1, 2, 5, and 6. 
* + Flowers blue, violet or purple § 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9. 

§1. Stems prostrate ; leaflets 15-25 ; flowers yellowish or purple ; pod thick- 
walled and fieshy, 2-celled. 

1. Astragalus prunifer Rydb. (PLUM-BEARING VETCH). The depressed leafy 
stems 2-3 dm. long, somewhat strigose, as are also the leaves ; leaflets 17-25 ; spike 
short, peduncled ; flowers yellowish, the keel purple-tipped ; pod plum-shaped, 2 
em. long. Saline plains and slopes. Wyoming and northward. 

2. Astragalus crassicarpus Nutt. (GRouND PLum). Similar, but with purple 
flowers and broader leaves. Colorado and eastward. 

§ 2. Tall; leaflets 15-27; flowers yellowish ; pod leathery, 2-celled, oblong, 

3. Astragalus Carolinianus L. (CARoLINA MILK-VETCH). Erect, 4-8 dm. 
high, glabrous or nearly so ; flowers in dense spikes ; pod sessile, acute, 12-15 mm. 
long, indehiscent. Common; on wet banks 

§ 3. Bushy-branched ; leaflets 19-25 ; flowers violet-purple ; pod glabrous and 
grooved at both sutures, 2-celled. 

4. Astragalus mollissimus Torr. (WooLLY Loco-wWEED). Densely pubescent, 
with long soft hairs, 3-4 dm. high ; the stem proper short ; the peduncles long and 
scape-like ; flowers in dense spikes. The commonest of the Colorado ‘‘ Loco- 

§ 4. Low, spreading or assurgent; leaflets 15-25; flowers purplish or violet ; 
pod pubescent, 2-celled. 

5. Astragalus adsurgens Pall. (AscenpDING MiLK-veTcH). Tufted, the 
numerous stems decumbent at base with ascending tips; leaflets oblong, cin- 
erous ; spikes dense, capitate or cylindric ; pod leathery, grooved dorsally, 10-12 
mm. long. | 


6. Astragalus hypoglottis L. (PURPLE MILK-vETCH). Low, spreading, 
branched ; leaflets elliptic ; flowers capitate ; pod membranous, densely white- 

§ 5. Acaulescent ; leaflets 11-17; flowers white or yellowish; pod densely 
white-woolly, 1-celled. 

7. Astragalus Purshii Dougl. (PuRSH’s MILK-vETCH). Silvery or white, with 
dense woolly hairs ; leaflets oblong ; keel purple-tipped ; pod elliptic, 10-14 mm. 

§ 6. Erect or ascending ; leaflets 11-81; flowers ochroleucus ; pod glabrous, 

8. Astragalus Drummondii Doug]. (DRUMMOND’s MILK-vETcH). Stout, 
erect, 3-5 dm. high, woolly pubescent throughout ; leaflets 17-81, oblong ; pod dis- 
tinctly stipitate, linear, furrowed dorsally, pendent. Frequent on warm sandy 

9. Astragalus pectinatus (Hook.) Dougl. (NARROW-LEAVED MILK-VETCH). 
Nearly glabrous, erect or ascending 2-4 dm. high ; leaflets 11-19, narrowly linear, 
2-5 em. long ; pod terete, sessile. Sandy plains ; common. 

§ 7. Stems tufted, tall; leaflets 15-25 ; flowers purple ; pod 2-grooved dorsally, 
at length glabrous. 

10. Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.) Gray (Two-GRoovED MILK-VETCH). 
Puberulent, 3-7 dm. high, mostly in dense clumps ; leaflets oblong ; flowers in long 
racemes, on peduncles surpassing the leaves; pod stipitate, drooping, membranous. 
Alkaline plains ; common. 

§ 8. Nearly acaulescent, spreading ; leaflets 7-23 ; flowers blue, violet or purple; 
pod terete or flattened, 1-celled. 

11. Astragalus Missouriensis Nutt. (Missourt MILK-vetcH). Silvery-silky, 
tufted ; the stems short and prostrate ; leaflets 9-17, oblong or elliptic, 10-12 mm. 
long; flowers purple; pod oblong-lanceolate, coriaceous, transversely rugose, 
nearly straight ; 2-8 cm. long. Open plains. 

12. Astragalus Shortianus Nutt. (SHorT’s MILK-vETCH). Very similar, leaf- 
lets 9-18, elliptic to broadly obovate ; flowers blue or violet ; pod ovate-lanceolate, 
strongly curved at apex. When not in fruit may be distinguished from the pre- 
ceding by the broader, less canescent, thick leaves, the less tufted habit and the 
deep-blue flowers. Sandy draws and ridges. 

13. Astragalus alpinus L. (ALPINE MILK-vETcH). Nearly glabrous; stems 
spreading-assurgent ; leaflets 11-28, thin, oval, obtuse. often notched ; flowers from 
nearly white to violet, on long peduncles; pod membranous, stipitate, black- 
pubescent. Stony valleys in the mountains. 

§ 9. Ceespitose ; leaflets simple or 38-5-foliate; flowers purple; pod small, 
1-celled, coriaceous. 

14. Astragalus spatulatus Sheld. (Turrep MILK-vETcH). Forming broad, 
low, densely silvery canescent mats, which become almost hidden by the small 
crowded purple flowers ; leaves simple or 3-5 pinnate, narrowly linear-spatulate, 
24 em. long ; raceme elongated in fruit ; the pod few-seeded. 

15. Astragalus sericoleucus Gray (Hoary MILK-vetTcH). Similarly tufted, 
silky-pubescent ; leaves trifoliate ; the leaflets oblong, 6-12 mm. long; peduncles 
few-flowered (2-6) ; pod ovoid, acute. 


9. ARAGALLUS (Loco) 

Tufted perennials with many of the characters of Astragalus, leaves mostly 
basal and the strict stems scape-like. 

1. Aragallus splendens (Dougl.) Greene (SHowy Loco). Densely silvery- 
woolly, stemless ; leaves long, crowded on the crown, tufted-spreading ; leaflets 
numerous, in whorls of 3-6; peduncles longer than the leaves (2-3 dm.) ; flowers 
deep purple, in dense bracteate spikes, pod pubescent, 2-celled, long-acuminate. 
Frequent in grassy mountain-valleys. 

2. Aragallus multiceps (Nutt.) Heller. (TurTED Loco). Silky-hairy, low 
and matted; leaflets 7-11, oblong ; peduncles 1-3-flowered ; pod 1-celled, ovate, 
somewhat turgid, wholly inclosed in the enlarged, bladdery, sub-globose calyx. 
Frequent on gravelly banks and slopes. 

3. Aragallus Lamberti (Pursh) Greene (LAMBERT’s Loco). Stems singly or 
in small tufts, erect, as are also the rather few leaves; leaves basal. with 9-17 
lanceolate leaflets; flowers purple, in a short spike; pod terete, half 2-celled, 
taper-pointed, considerably longer than the calyx. This plant is the one oftenest 
referred to by the term ‘‘ Loco.” Plains and gravelly slopes. 

4. Aragallus saximontanus Aven Nelson (Rocky Mountain Loco). Mostly 
in large dense tufts of crowded leaves and scapes, somewhat grayish-pubescent ; 
scapes stout, erect. surpassing the leaves ; flowers white, varying to a cream- 
yellow, keel often tipped with purple ; pod oblong, with a straight tip. Frequent 
on denuded hills and gravelly plains. 

10. VICIA (VeErcH) 

Herbaeeous, often climbing and vine-like, with pinnate, tendril-bearing leaves, 
half-sagittate stipules, racemose purple flowers and stigma pubescent at the tip. 

1. Vicia Americana Muhl. (AMERICAN VETCH). A stoutish climber ; leaflets 
6-14, ovate or oblong; flowers 4-8 on each peduncle; pod stipitate, glabrous, 
oblong, few-seeded. Moist open copses. 

2. Vicia linearis (Nutt.) Greene (NARROW-LEAVED VETCH). Lower, scarcely 
climbing ; leaflets linear, 6-12, 2-3 cm. long, otherwise much like the preceding. 
Often on open ground. 

11. LATHYRUS (Pz) 

Much like Vicia, except that the style is flattened and pubescent down the 
inside ; not climbing. 

1. Lathyrus decaphyllus Pursh (WILD SWEET-PEA). Somewhat branched, 
3-5 dm. high, nearly glabrous or even glaucous: leaflets 6-12, thick and strongly 
nerved, narrowly oblong ; flowers very large (2-3 cm. long), purple ; pod broadly 

2. Lathyrus ornatus Nutt. (SHowy WiLp-PEA). Similar, but smaller in every 
way; leaflets linear and pod relatively broader, the peduncle few-flowered (2-5). 
Sandy plains and draws. 

3. Lathyrus ornatus ineanus Smith and Rydb. Like the species but very 
white, with a short, dense, woolly pubescence. 


XXXII. GERANIACE: (Geranium Famity) 

Herbs with lobed or divided leaves, 5 sepals, 5 petals, 10 
stamens, and a deeply lobed ovary whose 5 carpels separate 
elastically from the elongated axis when mature. 

1. GERANIUM (Geranium) 

Perennial herbs with forking stems, swollen nodes, mostly opposite palmately 
lobed leaves, scarious stipules and 1-3 flowered peduncles. 

1. Geranium Fremontii Torr. (FREMoNT’s GERANIUM). Tufted, closely 
glandular-puberulent and sparsely pilose ; stems few, somewhat branched, stout- 
ish, 3-5 dm. high ; leaves 3-7 cleft, the segments lobed or cleft ; petals light-purple. 
Frequent on partially wooded, stony slopes. 

2. Geranium czespitosum James (TUFTED GERANIUM). Many-stemmed 
from the broad, matted base, slender, only 2-8 dm. high ; leaves smaller, deeply 
5-7 cleft, pubescent but not glandular ; flowers purple. Sandy banks and ravines. 

3. Geranium Richardsoni Fisch. & Mey. (RICHARDSON’s GERANIUM). Not 
tufted, tall and slender, with fine appressed pubescence, glandular only on the 
pedicels ; leaves cleft nearly to the base, the segments incisely toothed ; flowers 
white or purplish. Moist woods along streams.) 

XXXIV. LINACEA® (Fiax Famity) 

Perennial herbs with regular 5-merous flowers, imbricated 
calyx and convolute petals, stamens monadelphous at base, and 
a 10-seeded, 10-celled pod. 

1. LINUM (FLAx) 

Herbs with woody base, alternate, sessile leaves and cymose flowers, globose 
pods and flattened seeds. 

1. Linum Lewisii Pursh (Lewis’s WiupD FLAx). Stems simple, slender, vir- 
gate ; leaves linear ; corolla blue, 2-8 cm. broad ; petals ephemeral. 


Herbs with alternate simple leaves, milky, acrid juice, 
moncecious or dicecious flowers (usually apetalous), a 3-celled 
and 3-seeded ovary. 

1. EUPHORBIA (SpurGe) 

Moncecious ; the flowers in a cup-shaped involucre which bears a gland in 
each sinus ; staminate flowers numerous, borne on the wall of the cup, each of a 
single stamen ; pistillate flowers solitary, pedicelled and soon exserted ; ovary and 
capsule 3-lobed. 


1. Euphorbia marginata Pursh (‘‘SNowW-ON-THE-MOUNTAIN’’). Stout, erect, 
hairy, 3-6 dm. high; leaves ovate, oblong or obovate ; the floral leaves (bracts) 
large, white-margined (petal-like); inflorescence umbel-like; involucres bell-shaped, 
5-lobed, the alternating glands with white reniform appendages; capsule sub- 
globose. Frequent on sandy plains. 

2. Euphorbia robusta (Engelm.) Small (Rocky Mountatn SpurGE). Smooth 
and glaucous, the numerous erect stems tufted ; leaves ovate to oblong, 1-2 cm. 
long; inflorescence an umbel; involucres campanulate, the glands naked ; pod 
globose, nodding ; the seeds with shallow pits. Frequent on stony, sandy ridges and 

3. Euphorbia petaloidea Engelm. (WHITE-FLOWERED SPURGE). Low, 
slender branched, spreading or prostrate ; leaves opposite, mostly oblong, 1-2 cm. 
long, entire; involucre bell-shaped, 4lobed; glands with conspicuous white 
petaloid appendages; the ash-colored seeds nearly smooth. Very abundant on 
warm sandy slopes. 

XXXVI. OXALIDACEZ: (Sorrext Famity) 

Herbs with alternate or basal 3-foliolate leaves, regular 
flowers, 5 sepals, 5 petals, 10 stamens usually united at base, 5 
styles and a 5-celled ovary becoming a 5-lobed pod. 

1. OXALIS (Woop-sorREL) 

Herbs with sour juice, and inversely heart-shaped leaflets (closing and drooping 
at night). - 

1. Oxalis stricta L. (YELLOW Woop-soRREL). Smooth or hairy, from running 
rootstocks ; stems leafy, branching, bearing axillary flower-stalks longer than the 
leaves and with 2-6 yellow flowers. 

XXXVI ACERACEA: (Mapie Famity) 

Trees with opposite simple or compound leaves, small regu- 
lar flowers, usually a 5-lobed colored calyx, petals often none, 
3-12 stamens, 2 long styles, and a 2-lobed ovary ripening into a 
pair of winged fruits. 

1. ACER (MapPte) 

Trees with palmately lobed leaves. (See Plant Relations, p. 26, Fig. 20; also 
p. 115, Fig. 116. Also Plant Structures, p. 212, Fig. 186.) 

1. Acer saccharinum L. (WHITE oR SitveR MAPLE). Ornamental tree; 
leaves very deeply 5-lobed, with rather acute sinuses, silvery-white underneath, 
the divisions narrow, cut-lobed and toothed ; flowers in lateral umbel-like clusters 
on short stalks, much preceding the leaves; stamens 3-6; fruit with large divergent 
wings. Freely planted in parks and home grounds. 

2. Acer glabrum Torr. (Rocky Mountain MAPLE). Generally a shrub in 
small clumps, or singly and tree-like ; leaves 3-lobed or 3-parted, the segments 


sharply toothed or incised ; flowers in an umbel-like corymb, sepals and petals 
light green, sub-equal; the petals spatulate ; stamens 8; winged fruit 2-3 em. 
long. Frequent in cafions. 

3. Acer Negundo L. (Box ELpER). A low, widely branched tree ; the leaves 
3-5-foliate, with ovate toothed strongly-veined leaflets which are pubescent when 
young, glabrate in age; flowers small, green, dicecious, drooping ; the staminate 
in close clusters ; the pistillate in racemes ; wings broad and incurved. 


Shrubs usually climbing by tendrils, with alternate simple 
or compound palmate leaves, small flowers, minute calyx, 4 or 
5 petals with as many stamens opposite them, a 2-celled ovary, 
and fruit a berry, usually 4-seeded. 

1. Vitis. Plants climbing by the coiling of naked-tipped tendrils ; leaves 

2. Parthenocissus. Plants climbing by sucker-like disks at the tips of 
tendrils ; leaves palmately compound. 


Shrubs climbing by the coiling of naked tendrils, with simple rounded and 
heart-shaped leaves, very fragrant clusters of flowers, with petals falling off with- 
out opening, and a short style or none. 

1. Vitis vulpina L. (RIVERSIDE GRAPE). Glabrous ; climbing over pushes and 
rocky ledges; leaves thin, with 3-7 acute lobes; panicles rather crowded ; fruit 
black with bloom, 6-8 mm.‘in diameter. 


Shrubs climbing by tendrils fixing themselves by sucker-like disks at the tips, 
with palmately compound leaves, and thick petals expanding before they fall. 

Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. (VIRGINIA CREEPER. Woop- 
BINE). Climbing extensively; leaflets 5, lance-oblong, cut-toothed, changing to 
crimson in autumn; berries small, black or bluish. Low or rich ground. (See 
Plant Relations, p. 63, Figs. 58, 54.) 

XXXIX. MALVACE: (Mattow Famity) 

Herbs or shrubs with alternate leaves, 5 sepals united at. 
base, 5 petals, numerous stamens united into a column, and 
numerous ovaries united into a ring or forming a several-celled 

1. Malva. Flowers with a 3-leaved involucre at base; petals whitish, fruit a 
ring of blunt carpels ; stigma lateral. 

2. Malvastrum. Flowers with 1-3-leaved involucre or none; petals pinkish- 
red ; fruit separating into beaked carpels ; stigma capitate, terminal. 


1. MALVA (MALLow) 

Low herbs with a 3-leaved involucre at base of calyx like an outer calyx, 
inversely heart-shaped petals, and numerous ovaries united into a ring around a 
central axis and forming a flattened fruit which separates at maturity into as 
many kidney-shaped blunt carpels. 

1. Malva rotundifolia L. (Common Matuow). Stems procumbent ; leaves 
round heart-shaped on very long petioles, crenate, obscurely lobed ; petals whitish, 
twice the length of the calyx ; carpels hairy. Roadsides and cultivated grounds. 

2, MALVASTRUM (Fatse Matitow) 

Herbaceous, somewhat tufted perennials with racemose flowers and 10-15 
rugose-reticulated carpels. 

1. Malvastrum coccineum (Pursh) Gray (RED FAatszE MAuLow). Low and 
branched, 1-2 dm. high; cinerous, with stellate-pubescence; leaves pedately 
lobed, the segments toothed or incised ; flowers in dense terminal racemes, con- 
spicuous, 15-20 mm. broad ; carpels rugose. Common on the plains everywhere. 


Herbs with leaves all basal or alternate and with stipules, 
axillary nodding flowers, 5 sepals. an irregular 1-spurred corolla 
of 5 petals, 5 stamens conniving over the pistil, a single style, 
and a 1-celled ovary becoming a pod which splits into 3 divi- 


Herbs with sepals extended into ears at base, the lower petal spurred at base, 
the 2 lower stamens bearing spurs which project into the spur of the corolla, and 
a club-shaped style. (See Plant Relations, p. 117, Fig. 121; also Plant Structwres 
p. 229, Fig. 211.) 

* Flowers yellow, more or less purple veined, sub-acaulescent. 

1. Viola Nuttallii Pursh (NuTTALL’s VioLeT). Nearly stemless and glabrous; 
leaves spreading, lanceolate, obscurely repand or crenate, 4-8 cm. long, tapering 
into a petiole as long as the blade; peduncles shorter than the leaves ; sepals 
lance-acuminate, the yellow corolla rather small. Frequent on the open sandy 

2. Viola vallicola Aven Nelson (VIOLET OF THE VALLEY). Similar, but stem 
evident, glabrous or puberulent ; roots fasciled, fibrous-fleshy ; leaves entire, from 
broadly to narrowly ovate, with rounded or even sub-cordate base, obtuse apex, 
the petiole equalling or longer than the blade ; the yellow flowers larger. Moist 
fertile mountain valleys. 

* « Flowers not yellow, leafy stemmed or stemless. 

3. Viola Canadensis L. (CANADA VioLeT). Upright, 1-3 dm. high; leaves 
heart-shaped, pointed, serrate ; stipules entire ; flowers white or whitish inside, 
the upper petals mostly tinged with purple beneath, the lateral ones bearded. 
Rich woods. 


4, Viola cognata Greene (MounTAIN MEADOW VIOLET). Glabrous, stemless ; 
the leaves from reniform to round-cordate, crenate, very obtuse, 1-18 mm. broad, 
long petioled ; peduncles usually longer than the leaves ; corollas large, light blue, 
the petals villous at base. Wet mountain meadows. 

x x x Flowers variously colored; leafy stemmed and with large foliar pin- 
natifid stipules. 

5. Viola tricolor L. (PANsy). Stem angled and branched, leafy throughout; 
leaves roundish or the upper oval and the lower heart-shaped, crenate or entire ; 
flowers variable in color or variegated (yellow, white, violet-blue, purple, etc.). 
Cultivated from Europe. 

XbLI. LOASACEZ (Loasa Famity) 

Herbs, rough with hooked or stinging hairs, no stipules, 
regular flowers, with 5 or 10 petals inserted with the stamens on 
the throat of the adnate calyx-tube, many stamens, a 1-celled 
capsule with parietal placentz. 

1. Mentzelia. Flowers small, yellow; petals 5; seeds not winged. 
2. Hesperaster. Flowers large, white ; petals 10; seeds winged. 


Brittle annuals with rough adhesive leaves ; obconic or terete, 5-lobed calyx 
tube ; numerous filiform filaments, truncate ovary, and oblong or irregularly 
angled seeds. 

1. Mentzelia albicaulis (Hook.) Doug]. (WHITE-STEMMED MENTZELIA). A 
slender annual 1-4 dm. high, branched ; stems light, becoming white and glisten- 
ing; leaves pinnatifid with narrow lobes; petals spatulate or broader ; capsule 
clavate ; the seeds irregularly angled, tuberculate. Frequent on dry loose banks 
and slopes. 

2. Mentzelia integrifolia (Wats.) Rydb. Quite similar, but the leaves from 
entire to sinuate-toothed, from narrowly oblong to ovate; seeds nearly cubical 
and not tuberculate. : 


Stout, erect, more or less branched biennials or perennials, hooked pubescence, 
pinnatifid leaves, large flowers with 10 petals or fewer, very numerous stamens and 
winged seeds. 

1. Hesperaster decapetalus (Sims) T. D. A. C. (SHowy WESTERN STAR). 
Roughish pubescent, 3-7 dm. high ; leaves from ovate to lanceolate, sinuate-pin- 
natifid ; flowers very large, 7-10 cm. across; petals 10, white ; stamens exceedingly 
numerous, all filiform ; capsule large, bracted at base ; the seeds winged. Flow- 
ers opening at sunset. 

2. Hesperaster nuda (Pursh) T. D. A. C. (BRACTLESS EVENING STAR). Some- 
what similar but smaller, moderately branched; the leaves lanceolate, with obtuse 
segments ; flowers bracted at base, 4-6 cm. broad, the outer stamens sterile and 
petal-like ; capsule nearly cylindric, 3-valved at summit ; the seeds winged. Fre- 
quent on sterile denuded hills. 


XLII. CACTACEA: (Cactus Famity) 

Green, thickened-fleshy, spiny and mostly leafless plants 
which in outline are globular cylindric or flattened ; the flow- 
ers of numerous sepals, petals and stamens which cohere by 
their bases and form a tube or cup above the many ovuled 
inferior ovary. | 

1. Echinocereus. Stems globular-ovate or oblong, ribbed ; the spines on the 
ribs and the dowers just above the bristle-bearing cushions (areolz); flowers 

2. Echinocactus. Stems globose, with tubercles (in spiral rows) bearing 
spines in apical areolee ; flowers greenish-pink, borne close to the areole. 

3. Cactus. Stems globose to oblong, with spine-bearing tubercles ; flowers 
borne between the tubercles. 

4, Opuntia. Stems jointed ; the joints flat or sub-cylindric ; flowers yellow. 


Stems singly or clustered, ribs 13, vertical ; calyx-tube also spine bearing. 

1. Echinocereus viridiflorus Engelm. (GREEN-FLOWERED CEREUS). Mostly 
less than 1 dm. high; spines radiating, 12-18, with 2-6 superior setaceous ones; 
the lower brown, the others white or purplish ; seeds tubercled. Plains. 


Stems singly or clustered ; rows of tubercles 8-13; calyx-tube covered with 
sepal-like scales, passing into the sepals and the sepals into the petals. 

1. Eehinocactus Simpsoni Engelm. (Stmpson’s Cactus). Outer spines 
20-30, whitish ; the inner 8-10, stouter and darker ; seeds black, tuberculate. Fre- 
quent in valleys and on rocky slopes. 

3 CACTUS (Cactus) 

Stems oval to oblong or in some species columnar ; the tubercles cylindric, 
woolly and spiny at summit ; the flowers from areole at the base of the tubercles. 

1. Cactus viviparus Nutt. (PuRPLE Cactus). Tubercles slightly grooved, 
with 3-8 reddish-brown and 12-25 shorter white spines ; flowers purple, 3-4 cm. 
long ; ovary naked ; seeds brown, pitted. Plains and prairies. 

4, OPUNTIA (Prickty PEarR) 

Stems jointed and branching; flowers lateral, with many petals and very 
numerous stamens ; fruit pear-shaped. 

1. Opuntia polyacantha Haw. (MANyY-SPINED OPUNTIA). Prostrate-spread- 
ing, the joints oval or obovate, variable in size; flowers large, 4-6 cm. broad ; 
fruit dry and prickly. Abundant ; exceedingly variable. 

2. Opuntia fragilis (Nutt.) Haw. (BRITTLE OpuntTiA). Usually in broad 
dense beds ; the stems prostrate, of many small ovate, sub-terete joints ; flowers 
yellow, much smaller than in the preceding, rarely produced—the plant spreading 
from the joints, which become broken off and scattered and then rooting. 



Shrubs or small trees; the entire leaves and the twigs sil- 
very or brownish, with scales or stellate hairs; flowers small, 
clustered in the axils, perfect or dicecious; the base of the peri- 
anth inclosing a 1-celled ovary; stamens 4 or 8; fruit drupe- 

1, LEPARGYREA (Burrato BErry) 

Flowers dicecious; the staminate 4-parted, with spreading lobes and 8 stamens; 
the pistillate with a short terete perianth with 4 erect lobes; the drupe-like fruit 
(berry) with a smooth flattened seed. 

1. Lepargyrea argentea (Nutt.) Greene (BUFFALO BERRY. BULL BERRY). A 
rather thorny shrub or small tree, with entire, silvery, oblong, obtuse leaves ; the 
edible berry in small nearly sessile clusters, decidedly acid and ovoid in shape. 
Often forming dense copses on stream banks. 

2. Lepargyrea Canadensis (L.) Greene (CANADIAN BuFFALO BERRY). A 
small thornless shrub with ovate leaves, which are green and sparingly stellate- 
seurfy above, as are also the twigs, silvery-scurfy beneath ; flowers yellowish ; 
fruit ovoid, yellowish-red, decidedly bitter ; inedible. Frequent on wooded slopes. 

XLIV. ONAGRACEZ: (Evenine Primrose Famizy) 

Herbs with 4-parted regular flowers, tubular calyx, 8 sta- 
mens, a single style, and an inferior 2—4-celled ovary becoming 
a capsule or indehiscent nut. 

x Fruit an elongated capsule opening by valves ; seeds comose. 

1. Chamezenerion. Calyx-tube not prolonged beyond the ovary. 
2. Epileobium. Calyx-tube prolonged beyond the ovary. 

x x Fruit a capsule opening by valves ; seeds not comose. 
+ Stamens equal in length ; flowers yellow. 

3. Onagra. Stigma cleft into 4 linear segments ; buds erect. 

4, Galpinsia. Stigma disk-shaped ; calyx-tube much longer than the ovary. 
5. Meriolix. Stigma disk-shaped ; calyx-tube much shorter than the ovary. 
6. Chylisma. Stigma capitate ; capsule pedicelled, linear-clavate. 

+ + Stamens equal in length ; flowers white, changing to rose or pink. 
7. Anogra. Stigma cleft into 4 linear segments ; buds drooping. 
+ + + Stamens unequal in length ; ovules and seeds few. 

8. Pachylophus. Flowers white, fading pink ; capsule obtusely 4-angled. 
9. Lavauxia. Flowers white or yellow, fading purple; capsule sharply 

x x x Fruit indehiscent, nut-like, few-seeded. 

10. Gaura. Petals clawed, unequal ; stigma 4-lobed, fruit terete, narrowed 
and 4-sided above. 


1.§ CHAMAENERION (Wittow Hers) 

Herbs with nearly sessile leaves, purple or white flowers, calyx-tube not pro- 
longed beyond the ovary, and capsule containing numerous silky-tufted seeds. 
(See Plant Relations, p. 112, Fig. 111; p. 113, Fig. 112 ; p. 128, Fig. 1384. Also Plant 
Structures, p. 212, Fig. 185.) 

Chamenerion (Epilobium) angustifolium (L.) Scop. (FIRE-WEED). Stem 
simple, tall, 7-12 dm. high; leaves scattered, numerous and large, lanceolate, 
nearly entire ; flowers large, purple, in a long raceme. In the mountains, in newly 
cleared or burned ground. 


Closely resembling Chamenerion ; the stigma clavate or more rarely 4-lobed 
(not cleft) ; calyx-tube prolonged beyond the ovary, the capsule long and slender, 

1. Epilobium adenocaulon Haussk. (NORTHERN WILLOW HERB). Stem 
moderately branched, 48 dm. high, glandular-pubescent in the inflorescence ; 
leaves narrowly ovate to lanceolate, usually more or less serrate; buds at first 
nodding; the petals notched, purplish or merely tinged with pink; seeds ellipsoidal, 
with a short beak and white coma. Frequent ; in wet places, creek banks, spring 
bogs, ete. 

2. Epilobium paniculatum Nutt. (PANIcLED Wi~LLow Hers). Slender 
annual, paniculately branched above and glandular-pubescent ; leaves linear or 
nearly so; calyx-tube shorter than its lobes; petals cuneate notched ; capsule 
fusiform ; the seeds black. Dry banks and open copses. 


Stoutish erect herbs, nearly simple, with alternate leaves, yellow nocturnal 
flowers, elongated calyx-tube, 4-celled ovary and 4angled capsule. 

1. Onagra strigosa Rydb. (EvENING PrRimROSE). Grayish, with a short stiff 
pubescence ; leaves obovate or oblanceolate below, becoming lanceolate upward ; 
flowers in a leafy-bracted spike ; calyx-segments with free tips; capsule 2-3 cm. 
long. Sandy stream-banks. 

4, GALPINSIA (Primrose) 

Perennial herbs, often with woody base freely branched, elongated slender 
calyx-tube, broad yellow corolla, elongated capsule narrowed at base and more or 
less curved. 

1. Galpinsia Hartwegi (Benth) Britt. (HarTwrc’s Primrose). Low and 
branched from the base, with whitish pubescence ; leaves from linear to lanceo- 
late, nearly entire ; flowers 3-4 cm. broad; the petals rhombic-obovate ; capsule 
cylindrical ; the seeds minutely tuberculate. 

0. MERIOLIX (Primrose) 

Perennial from a persistent woody base, moderately branched, the leaves 
narrow and sharply dentate, the flowers regular and axillary, the disk-like stigma 
4-toothed and the capsule sessile, 4-angled. 

1. Meriolix serrulata (Nutt.) Walp. (TooTHED-LEAVED PRIMROSE). Erect, 2-3 
dm. high, slightly pubescent ; leaves linear-oblong ; profusely yellow-flowered, the 
petals crenulate. Frequent on sandy and stony ridges. 


6. CHYLISMA (Primrose) 

Mostly small erect annuals, leafy at base and scapose (sometimes branched) 
stemmed ; flowers small, with obovate petals and cylindrical capsules borne on 
slender pedicels. 

1. Chylisma scapoidea (Nutt.) Small (ScaPposE Primrose). Nearly glabrous, 
from 1-3 dm. high, stem and branches slender ; leaves ovate-oblong, somewhat 
pinnatifid ; capsules 10-25 mm. long, obtuse at apex, acute at base. On steep 
banks, R.R. grades, etc. 


Annual or perennial branched, canescent herbs, with white and often shreddy 
bark, white flowers, elongated calyx-tube, long capsule and numerous ovules 
in 1 row. 

1. Anogra coronopifolia (T. and G.) Britt. (CUT-LEAVED EVENING PRIMROSE). 
A low .branched perennial with deeply pinnatifid leaves, white flowers, petals 
broadly obovate and oblong capsule constricted at top ; seeds tuberculate. Sandy 

2. Anogra pallida (Lindl.) Britt. (WHITE-sTEMMED EVENING PRIMROSE). 
Perennial; the stems more or less branched, glabrous or nearly so, becoming — 
white and glistening with shreddy bark; 3-7 dm. high, leaves linear, entire or 
remotely denticulate ; flowers axillary ; the corolla white, turning pink, about 
4 cm. broad ; capsule linear curved. . 

8. PACHYLOPHUS (Primrose) 

Stemless perennials with rosulate entire or pinnatifid leaves, basal flowers and 
capsules ; the seeds smooth, a deep furrow along the raphe. 

1. Pachylophus czespitosus (Nutt.) Raimann (TurrED PRIMROSE). Leaves 
oval to lanceolate, deeply sinuate-dentate, tapering into slender petioles, usually 
densely pubescent, forming with the few large flowers a compact tuft on the 
crown ; calyx pubescent, its tube 6-10 cm. long, with dilated mouth; corolla 
white, changing to rose, 7-9 em. broad ; capsule strictly basal and sessile, tubercu- 
late. Stony mountain sides. 

2. Pachylophus montanus (Nutt.) Aven Nelson (DESERT PRIMROSE). 
Smaller, the leaves only 3-5 cm. long, nearly entire, rather thick, sparingly pubes- 
cent on the faces, white-hirsute on the margins and midrib ; calyx-tube about as 
long as the leaves, pubescent ; the lobes pinkish, nearly glabrous ; corolla 4-5 em. 
broad, the petals broadly obcordate, changing to pink ; capsule small and searcely 
tubercled. : 


Quite similar to Pachylophus ; flowers white or yellow ; the capsule acutely 
angled or winged. 

1. Lavauxia brachycarpa (Gray) Britt. (GAupyY PRIMROSE). Whitish, with 
asoft pubescence; leaves thick from entire to pinnatifid, narrowly ovate to lanceo- 
late, petioled ; flowers yellow. large, 6-8 cm. broad; capsule oblong, corky, wrinkled 
on the faces. 

2. Lavauxia triloba (Nutt.) Spach. Nearly smooth, almost stemless, with 
leaves and flowers clustered ; leaves 1-2 dm. long, long-petioled, oblanceolate, 
pinnatifid or toothed ; flowers white or rose-colored ; calyx-tube slender, 5-8 em. 
long ; petals 15-25 mm. long; pod ovate, 15-25 mm. long, strongly winged and 
veiny. Plains. 


10. GAURA (GaAuRaA) 

Herbs with narrow alternate nearly entire leaves, racemose flowers, narrow 
calyx-tube with 4-lobed limb and an indehiscent nut-like fruit. 

1. Gaura coccinea Pursh (SCARLET GAURA). Several stemmed and more or 
less branched, whitish-pubescent or nearly glabrous; leaves linear-lancéolate ; 
flowers red or scarlet ; capsule 4-sided at summit. 

XLV. UMBELLIFER& (Carrot Famity) 

Herbs with alternate compound leaves having expanded 
sheathing petioles, small flowers in umbels, minute or obsolete 
calyx, 5 petals, 5 stamens, 2 styles, and an inferior 2-celled 
ovary which splits in fruit into 2 seed-like fruits, each of which 
has usually 5 longitudinal ribs and 1 or more longitudinal oil- 
tubes in the intervals between the ribs and also on the face or 
commissure of each. (See Plant Relations, p. 83, Fig. 77; also 
Plant Structures, p. 267, Fig. 253.) 

x Flowers yellow ; fruit flattened laterally. 

1. Musineon. Acaulescent; leaves pinnately decompound ; oil-tubes 3 in the 

2. Harbouria. Stems erect, few-leaved ; leaves ternately decompound ; oil- 
tubes solitary in the intervals. 

3. Zizia. Stems erect, branching ; leaves simple or of 3 large leaflets ; oil- 
tubes solitary in the intervals. 

x * Flowers white ; fruit long, linear, nearly terete, oil-tubes wanting. 

4. Washingtonia. Slender plants, 47 dm. high, with ternately compound 

x x x Flowers white ; fruit short, oblong or oval, flattened dorsally oil-tubes 

5. Phellopterus. Stemless, the crowded umbel at the base of the rosette of 
much longer leaves ; oil-tubes 1-3 in the intervals. 

6. Lomatium. Nearly stemless, leaves basal; umbel on a long (1-3 dm.) 
naked peduncle ; oil-tubes solitary in the intervals. 

7. Heracleum. Large coarse perennial 1-2 m. high, with large ternate 
leaves ; oil-tubes solitary in the intervals. 

1. MUSINEON (MusrnNEon) 

Perennials with thick, usually fleshy, elongated roots, the very short stems 
simple or dichotomous ; leaves about twice pinnate ; the segments small, oblong 
or linear ; the ribs on the carpel similar and filiform. 

1. Musineon divaricatum (Pursh) C. & R. (Leafy Musineon). Decumbent- 
spreading, glabrous ; leaves bi-pinnatifid with winged rachis ; peduncles 6-12 cm. 
long, rarely surpassing the leaves ; fruit smooth. Sandy plains. 


2. Musineon Hookeri (T. & G.) Nutt. (Hooxrer’s Musingon). Resembling 
the preceding ; stems minutely scabrous or pubescent, the rachis of the leaves 
scarcely winged ; fruit minutely scabrous. Naked slopes and ridges. 

3. Musineon tenuifolium Nutt.(Scaposk Mustnton). Tufted; the numerous 
tri-pinnatifid glabrous leaves crowded at the base; the segments linear ; peduncles 
slender, much surpassing the leaves ; fruit nearly glabrous. Stony slopes and 

2. HARBOURIA (HaArsBourtA) 

Root-leaves several, tufted ; stem-leaves 1-3, all ternately decompound with 
linear segments ; peduncles long, singly or more usually 2 from the uppermost 
leaf ; ribs of the carpels obtuse and prominent, corky-thickened. 

1. Harbouria trachypleura (Gray) C. & R. (HARBoUR’s PaRsnip). From 
38-5 dm. high; umbels crowded, 15-25 rayed ; the rays 12-25 mm. long ; carpel 
nearly round in cross-section, about 4 mm. long. 


Smooth herbs 3-7 dm. high, with ternately divided leaves (or the basal ones 
simple), broad-toothed leaflets, yellow flowers, and ovate to oblong smooth fruit 
with slender ribs. 

1. Zizia cordata (L.) Koch. (HEART-LEAVED MEADOW PARSNIP). Basal leaves 
cordate or rounder, crenately toothed, rarely lobed ; stem-leaves 3- or 5-divided, 
with leaflets ovate to lanceolate, serrate ; fruit ovate. Open ground, wet valleys. 


Glabrous or hairy herbs 3-8 dm. high, from thick aromatic roots, with ter- 
nately compound leaves, ovate leaflets, white flowers, and linear very bristly fruit 
with prominent tail-like prolongation at base. 

1. Washingtonia obtusa C. & R. (Rocky MounTAIN SWEET CICELY). Slender 
and nearly glabrous ; leaflets ovate to lanceolate, sharply toothed ; umbel with 
widely divaricate rays; peduncles only 2-4, longer than the obtuse, only slightly 
pubescent or hispid fruit. Moist rich woods. 


Stemless or short-stemmed from thick roots with pale bipinnate leaves and 
umbels with scarious involucres and involucels, fruit oblong to orbicular. 

1. Phellopterus montanus Nutt. (MouNTAIN PHELLOPTERUS). Stemless 
and nearly smooth, the flowers and fruit closely appressed to the ground among 
the bases of the leaves ; carpels large, with 3-5 broad membranous wings. Early 
spring, on the plains. 


Short-stemmed or stemless; leaves ternate or pinnate ; fruit much flattened 
dorsally ; only the lateral ribs winged. 

1. Lomatium orientale C. & R. (MounTAIN PARSLEY). Softly pubescent on 
the peduncles ; rays of umbel unequal, 1-3 cm. long ; involucre wanting, involucels 
of lanceolate, scarious-margined bracts; fruit orbicular, glabrous. Moist moun- 
tain slopes. 


7 HERACLEUM (Parsnip) 

Thick-stemmed, with huge ternate leaves on petioles with greatly dilated base, 
large umbels with conspicuous white flowers and strongly flattened carpels. 

1. Heracleum lanatum Michx. (Cow-PaRsnip). Pubescent or woolly above; 
leaflets round-cordate, cut-toothed, 10-25 cm. broad ; fruit oval, pubescent ; the 
lateral ribs of carpels winged. 

XLVI. CORNACEA + (Doewoop Famity) 

Usually shrubs with opposite (rarely alternate) simple leaves, 
4 petals, 4 stamens, a single style, and an inferior 2-celled ovary 
becoming a 1- or 2-seeded fleshy stone-fruit. 

1. CORNUS (Cornet. Doewoop) 

Herbs and shrubs with entire leaves, small flowers in open clusters or close 
heads, minutely 4-toothed calyx, and oblong spreading petals. 

x Flowers greenish, in a close cluster surrounded by a large and showy 4-leaved 
eorolla-like white or pinkish involucre. 

1. Cornus Canadensis L. (DWARF CORNEL. BUNCH-BERRY). Stems low and 
simple, 1-2 dm. high, from a slender creeping rootstock ; lower leaves scale-like, 
the upper crowded into an apparent whorl of 6 or 4, ovate and pointed ; leaves of 
the involucre ovate ; fruit globular, bright red. Damp cold woods. 

x Flowers white, in flat open clusters, with no involucre. 

2. Cornus stolonifera Michx. (RED-osI—ER DoGwoop). Shrubs forming 
clumps, 1-2 m. high, branches (especially the osier-like young ones) bright red- 
purple, smooth ; leaves opposite, ovate, rounded at base, short-pointed, minutely 
hairy on both sides, whitish beneath ; flowers in small loose clusters ; fruit white 
or lead-color. Wet places. ; 


Herbs with evergreen foliage, corolla of separate petals, 10 
stamens, anthers opening by pores at base, depressed globose 
5-lobed pods, and otherwise as in Hricacece. 

1. Chimaphila. Stems leafy, flowers in a terminal flat-topped cluster ; style 
very short. 
2. Pyrola. Leaves all basal; flowers in a raceme ; style long. 

1. CHIMAPHILA (Pipsissewa) 

Low plants with long running underground shoots, evergreen thick and 
shining leaves, fragrant flowers in a terminal cluster, and orbicular widely spread- 
ing petals. 

1. Chimaphila umbellata. Leafy, 1-2 dm. high ; leaves wedge-lanceolate, 
sharply serrate, not spotted ; flowers flesh color. Dry woods. 




Low and smooth, with a cluster of rounded evergreen basal leaves, a simple 
raceme of nodding flowers on an upright stem, and concave more or less con- 
verging petals. 

x Style straight ; flowers secund. 

1. Pyrola secunda L. (ONE-SIDED WINTERGREEN). Leaves several, near the 
base of a short stem arising from a branched base, thin, ovate, crenate, 2-4 em. 
long ; scape about 1 dm. long, bearing a 1-sided spike-like raceme of drooping, 
greenish-white flowers. Moist woods. 

x « Style and stamens declined ; flowers simply racemose. 

2. Pyrola chlorantha Sw. (GREEN-FLOWERED WINTERGREEN). Scape 1-2 dm. 
high ; leaves leathery, oval to orbicular, entire or nearly so; flowers 3-10; the 
calyx-lobes very short and obtuse, appressed to the greenish-white corolla ; anther 
cells with beaked tips. Sub-alpine woods. 

3. Pyrola uliginosa Torr. (BoG WINTERGREEN). Scape 2-4 dm. high ; leaves 
large, thick, dark, oval to orbicular, obscurely crenate ; flowers 8-15, with ovate- 
lanceolate calyx-lobes about one-third as long as the rose-colored or purple petals; 
anther cells beaked. Mountain bogs. 

XLVIII. ERICACE (Harn Famizy) 

Shrubs or small trees with regular sympetalous 4-5-parted 
flowers, as many or twice as many stamens (10 in ours), anthers 
opening by terminal holes, solitary styles, and a superior ovary 
becoming a berry-like fruit Gn ours), with 5-10 seed-like nut- 
lets. (See Plant Relations, p. 200, Fig. 167; also Plant Struc- 
tures, p. 269, Fig. 254; p. 270, Fig. 255; p. 271, Fig. 256.) 


Shrubs with alternate leaves, nearly white flowers in terminal clusters, urn- 
shaped corolla with a short revolute 5-toothed border, included stamens, and a 
berry-like fruit. 

1. Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi (L.) Spreng (KINNI-KI-NIc). Trailing ; leaves 
thick and evergreen, obovate or spatulate, entire, smooth; fruit red. Bare ground 
and rocks. 


Like Hricacee, but ovary inferior and forming an edible 
berry or berry-like fruit. 

1. VACCINIUM (BLvurBeErry) 
Shrubs with simple leaves, solitary or. clustered white or reddish flowers, 
corolla with 5-cleft revolute border, 10 stamens with anthers prolonged upward 
into a tube, and a 5-celled edible berry with many seeds. 


1. Vaccinium czespitosum Michx. (DWARF BLUEBERRY). Usually in dense 
patches in moist woods. Stems dwarf, bushy-branched, 1-2 dm. high, branchlets 
terete ; leaves from oblong-cuneate to obovate, minutely serrate, green, smooth 
and reticulate veined ; flowers solitary in the axils ; berry blue, glaucous, about 6 
mm. in diameter. Berry delicious. 

2. Vaccinium erythrococcum Rydb. (RED BLUEBERRY). In dense patches 
often of large extent. Freely branched from near the base, about 2 dm. high ; 
the branches crowded, erect, slender, green, angled, sparsely leafy ; leaves small, 
from ovate to narrowly oblong, 5-10 mm. long, glabrous and veiny ; flowers small, 
sub-globose, pinkish-white, nearly sessile; berries finally dark red. In the 

L. PRIMULACE (Primrost Famity) 

Herbs with simple leaves, regular sympetalous flowers, 5 
stamens opposite the corolla-lobes, a single style, a 1-celled 
ovary with ovules on a free central axis, and fruit a pod. 

* Scapose ; leaves clustered at the base ; flowers in umbels. 

1. Primula. Corolla-tube longer than the calyx ; style slender. 

2. Androsace. Corolla-tube shorter than the calyx ; style short. 

3. Dodecatheon. Petals reflexed ; stamens monadelphous, forming a slender 
projecting cone. 

* x Stems leafy ; flowers axillary. 

4. Steironema. Tall and leafy ; flowers large ; corolla rotate. 
5. Glaux. Small, with fleshy leaves ; corolla wanting. 

1. PRIMULA (Primrose) 

Herbs with flowers in an umbel, a 5-toothed calyx, a funnel-form or salver- 
form corolla with 5 included stamens inserted opposite its lobes. 

1. Primula Americana Rydb. (AMERICAN PRIMROSE). Scape 1-3 dm. high, 
mealy when young; leaves more or less mealy, from oblong to spatulate, with 
short, winged petioles ; bracts of the umbel linear-lanceolate, nearly equaling the 
pedicels of the flowers but much shorter than the pedicels in fruit ;- corolla lilae, 
its tube scarcely longer than the calyx, lobes obcordate. Wet meadows. 

2. Primula Parryi Gray (I1L-sMELLING PRIMROSE). Scapes stout, 2-5 dm. 
high; leaves large, succulent, spatulate to oblanceolate, 1-3 dm. long; flowers 
large and showy, 5-12, with glandular calyx, and rose-colored corolla with yellow 
eye. Frequent on the margins of sub-alpine streams. 


Smal] annuals or perennials with involucrate umbels of small white 5-merous 
flowers, salver-form corolla and turbinate or globose capsules. 

1. Androsace diffusa Small (SPREADING ANDROSACE). Annual, pubescent ; 
leaves rosulate, oblanceolate to spatulate, serrate or toothed, sessile or with short, 
winged petioles ; scapes spreading, 3-8 cm. high ; the pedicels of the umbel very 
unequal ; calyx turbinate-campanulate, with triangular teeth equaling or surpass- 
ing the white or pink corolla. Open woods and in cafions. 


2. Androsace septentrionalis L. (NORTHERN ANDROSACE). Leaves in a 
close rosette, oblanceolate, with a few teeth near the apex ; scapes several, slender ; 
the pedicels sub-equal, short at first but in fruit spreading, 5-10 cm. long and nearly 
as long as the scape; the white petals surpassing the green teeth of the calyx. 
Woods ; in the mountains. 

3. Androsace capillaris Greene (HAIR-STEMMED ANDROSACE). Perennial 6-12 
em. high ; scapes numerous from the rosette of dentate, ovate-lanceolate leaves, 
filiform; flowers minute, numerous, on capillary pedicels. Boggy margins of 


Smooth herbs with fibrous roots, a basal cluster of oblong or spatulate leaves, 
a single naked stem bearing an umbel of showy flowers nodding on slender stalks, 
deeply 5-cleft calyx with reflexed divisions, corolla with very short tube and long 
and narrow reflexed divisions, and anthers approximate in a slender cone. 

1. Dodecatheon pauciflorum (Durand) Greene (BoG SHOOTING-STAR). Gla- 
brous, leaves sub-erect ; segments of corolla lilac-purple, the short everted’ tube 
yellow, a scalloped ring of purple between the base of the segments and the stamen 
tube; anthers yellow; capsule terete, opening by 5 short teeth. Wet alkaline 
meadows and swamps. 

4. STEIRONEMA (LoossstRIre) 

Glabrous perennials with opposite leaves (apparently whorled on the branches) 
and large yellow flowers with 5 fertile and 5 sterile stamens. 

1. Steironema ciliatum (L.) Raf. (FRINGED LOOSESTRIFE). Leaves ovate- 
lanceolate, with short, ciliate petioles ; flowers nodding on long slender peduncles ; 
tube of corolla very short, the segments erose and usually cuspidate. \ 


Perennial from rhizomes ; with low, simple or branched stems, small, succu- 
lent leaves, axillary pink or white flowers (without corolla), 5 stamens alternate 
with the calyx-lobes and a glandular ovary. 

1. Glaux maritima L. (GLAUx. SALTWoRT). From 5-10 em. high, leaves 
sessile, oblong or narrow ; flowers nearly sessile in the axils, 3-4 mm. broad ; the 
calyx-lobes oval. 


Glabrous herbs with bitter juice, opposite simple leaves, 
regular flowers convolute in the bud, stamens as many as the 
lobes of the corolla, 1-celled ovary with 2 parietal placentze and 
many-seeded capsule. 

1. Gentiana. Low herbs, with funnel-form or campanulate corollas without 
nectariferous pits or glands. 

2. Frasera. Stout and tall, with rotate corolla bearing a pair of approximate 
fringing glands at the base of the lobes. 



Herbs with nearly sessile leaves, tubular 4-5-cleft calyx, 45-lobed showy 
corolla and sessile or short-styled stigma cleft into 2 lamelle. 

* Corolla without teeth or folds in the sinuses, the lobes fringed. 

1. Gentiana elegans Aven Nelson (ADORNED GENTIAN). Annual; stems 1 
or more, 1.5-3 dm. high, simple, terminated by a single large peduncled flower ; 
leaves 3-6 pair, obovate to spatulate ; calyx-lobes nearly equal, as long as the 
tube; corolla deep blue with lighter streaks downward, 4-5 cm. long, its lobes 
toothed at the summit, fringed on the sides. 

* * Corolla with teeth or folds in the sinuses, the lobes not fringed. 

2. Gentiana Parryi Engelm. (ParRy’s GENTIAN). Stems several; leaves 
ovate to oblong, thick, sessile, 8-12 pairs, the uppermost 2 or 3 pairs somewhat 
enlarged and subtending the 1-5 large bell-shaped dark-blue corollas like an 
involucre ; lobes of the calyx short-linear ; the appendages in the sinuses deeply 
2-cleft. Frequent in sub-alpine parks. 

3. Gentiana affinis Griseb. (OBLONG-LEAVED GENTIAN). The several or 
numerous stems clustered, ascending, 24 dm. long; leaves mostly oblong, 7-14 
pairs; flowers many (and thyrsoid-racemose) to few, 2-3 em. long; calyx-lobes 
linear, very unequal; corolla dark blue, with acute lobes, narrowly funnel-form. 
Frequent in meadows and valleys at middle elevations. 


Biennials from large woody roots, with stout, tall, column-like very leafy stems, 
rotate 4-parted corolla having conspicuous fringed glands on the base of each lobe, 
and a coriaceous flattened capsule. 

1. Frasera speciosa Dougl. (Conspicuous CoLumBo). Leaves in first year 
plants rosulate on the crown; the second year in whorls of 4-6 on the 7-15 dm. 
high, simple stems, spatulate or oblong 2-3 dm. long, passing into the lanceolate 
foliar bracts of the crowded spicate thyrsus; flowers greenish-white with dark 
dots. Widely distributed on open hills and in open woods in the mountains. 

LI. APOCYNACEZ (Docpane Famity) 

Herbs or woody plants with opposite entire leaves, regular 
sympetalous flowers with parts in 5’s, 2 distinct ovaries or a 2- 
celled ovary, and fruit a pod. 

1. APOCYNUM (DocBanz) 

Herbs with upright branching stems, small and pale flowers in flattish clusters, 
bell-shaped 5-cleft corolla, stamens on base of corolla and with anthers converging 
about the stigma, and 2 distinct ovaries united at tip by the stigma and becoming 
2 long slender pods containing seeds, with a tuft of long silky hairs at the apex. 
(See Plant Structures, p. 272, Fig. 257.) 

1. Apocynum androszmifolium L. (SPREADING DOGBANE). Branches fork- 
ing and spreading; leaves ovate, distinctly petioled; flower-clusters loose and 
spreading ; corolla pale rose-color, open bell-shaped, with revolute lobes, the tube 
much longer than the divisions of the calyx. Borders of thickets. 


2. Apocynum cannabinum L. (INDIAN Hemp). Stem and branches upright 
or ascending ; leaves oval to oblong, sessile or short-petioled; flower-clusters erect 
and closely many-flowered ; corolla greenish-white, with nearly erect lobes, and 
tube not longer than the divisions of the calyx. Moist ground. 

LII. ASCLEPIADACE (Mi:kweep Famtzy) 

Perennial herbs with milky juice; opposite leaves, perfect 
regular umbellate flowers with 5 sepals, petals and stamens and 
2 ovaries connected by the united styles and common stigma. 
Calyx and corolla reflexed, the lobes valvate in bud; a crown 
of 5 hooded lobes between the petals and the tube of united fila- 
ments which surrounds the pistil, each hood with an incurved 
horn; anthers adherent to the stigma, each containing a pair of 
pollinia; ovaries becoming a pair of large follicles containing 
compressed seeds bearing a tuft of long silky hair. (For fur- 
ther details see any of the standard Manuals, Coulter, Gray, 
Britton, etc.) 


Characters as given for the family. 

1. Asclepias speciosa Torr. (SHowy MILKWEED). Pale, with tomentose 
pubescence ; stem simple, stout, 4-8 dm. high ; leaves opposite, large and thick, 
broadly oval to ovate, 6-14 cm. long, on short petioles ; umbels 1 or more, many- 
flowered ; corolla purple or tinged with green, its lobes oblong ; hoods lanceolate, 

with short inflexed horn; follicles erect on deflexed pedicels, densely tomentose 
and marked with soft spine-like processes. Frequent on moist banks. 


Herbs often twining or trailing, with alternate leaves, 5 
separate sepals, 5-lobed sympetalous corolla, 5 stamens, 1 or 2 
styles, a superior 2- or 3-celled ovary becoming a globular few- 
seeded pod. (See Plant Structures, p. 270; also p. 273, Fig. 258.) 

1. Ipomeea. Style undivided and with a knob-like stigma. 
2. Convolvulus. Style undivided, 2-cleft at apex. 
3. Evolvulus. Styles 2, distinct or nearly so, each 2-cleft at apex. 

1. IPOMCEZA (MorniInc-GLory) 

Ours a perennial herb from an enormous deep-set root, with numerous slender 
spreading branches (not twining), 5-12 dm. high, linear leaves and large showy 
funnel-form purplish or crimson corolla. 

1. Ipomeea leptophyllia Torr. (BusH MorNiING-GLoRY). Glabrous, freely 
branched ; leaves 4-7 em. long ; sepals ovate ; corolla 5-8 em. long ; seeds pubes- 
cent. Banks of creeks and ravines in the plains and foothills. 



Trailing, twining, or erect herbs with funnel-form to bell-shaped corolla, and a 
single style with 2 slender or oval stigmas. 

1. Convolvulus sepium (HEDGE BINDWEED). Smooth or somewhat hairy ; 
stem twining or extensively trailing ; leaves triangular-halberd-shaped or arrow- 
shaped. acute or pointed, the basal lobes obliquely truncate and often toothed or 
lobed ; calyx inclosed in two broad leafy bracts; corolla white or tinged with 
rose ; stigmas oval. Along streams. (See Plant Structures, p. 273, Fig. 258.) 

2. Convolvulus arvensis (BINDWEED). Stems low, prostrate, or twining ; 
leaves ovate-oblong, arrow-shaped, with acute basal lobes ; calyx without inclosing 
bracts ; corolla white or tinged with red; stigmas very slender. Fields; from 


Mostly silky-pilose perennial herbs, with small leaves and small axillary 
flowers, filiform filaments and a 2-celled ovary. 

1. Evolvulus pilosus Nutt. Branched from a woody base, 6-15 cm. high, the 
branches slender and leafy ; flowers solitary in the axils; the corollas blue or 
purplish, short-funnel-form or nearly rotate. 


Herbs with alternate or opposite leaves, regular 5-parted 
sympetalous flowers, 5 stamens on the corolla-tube, a 3-lobed 
style,-and a superior 3-celled ovary becoming a pod. 

1. Phlox. Corolla salver-form ; leaves opposite, entire. 

2. Gilia. Corolla funnel-form or tubular ; leaves opposite or alternate. 

38. Collomia. Corolla tubular ; leaves alternate, entire. 

4. Polemonium. Corolla funnel-form; leaves alternate, pinnately com- 

1. PHLOX (PHLOox) 

Perennial herbs, ours mostly low, with somewhat woody caudex, opposite 
sessile entire leaves, terminal clusters of flowers, narrow tubular calyx, corolla 
with long tube and 5 flaring lobes and stamens very unequally inserted and 
included in the tube. (See Plant Relations, p. 80, Fig. 74b ; also Plant Structures, 
p. 228, Fig. 210b.) 

* Cespitose, the mats low and broad. 

1. Phlox bryoides Nutt. (Moss PHtox). Mats depressed, very dense; leaves 
imbricated, 4-ranked, minute, from ovate to lanceolate, copiously ciliate with 
woolly hairs ; tube of the white corolla longer than the calyx. Denuded stony 
slopes and hilltops. 

2. Phlox Hoodii glabrata Elias Nelson (LARAMIE PHLOx). Mats closely 
appressed to the ground, profusely slender branched, glabrous except for a few 
woolly hairs on the calyx and at the base of the subulate, 4-10 mm. long leaves ; 
corolla white, rarely pink. 7-10 mm. broad, its tube longer than the calyx. One 
of the earliest flowers on the plains and in the foothills. So closely appressed to 


the ground that the small white flowers suggest drops of milk spattered on the 
ground. 5 

3. Phlox multiflora Aven Nelson (SHowy PHLox). Base woody and freely 
branched, with numerous short, nearly erect, herbaceous, 1-flowered branchlets ; 
leaves broadly linear, glabrous, 1-2 cm. long; calyx angled by the prominent 
midrib of its lobes, which are as long as the tube ; corolla white or pink, about 2 
cm. broad, its tube exceeding the calyx. Very showy ; moist cafions and slopes. 

x * Plants single, or loosely tufted, with woody base and distant leaves. 

4, Phlox longifolia Nutt. (LONG-LEAVED PHLox). Slender and mostly erect, 
19-25 cm. high, the lower part of the stem woody and perennial ; leaves linear, 
with prominent midrib and thickened margins, 3-6 cm. long; flowers in small 
corymbose cymes, white, about 2 cm. broad. Hillsides and mountain slopes. 


Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, or sometimes shrubby ; calyx 5-toothed 
or cleft, scarious in the sinuses ; corolla various in shape ; capsule 3-celled. 

* Leaves alternate, entire or nearly so ; flowers spicate. 

1. Gilia spicata Nutt. (SprcaTE GiILIA). Glabrate, the stems simple, 1.5-3 dm. 
high ; leaves thickish, linear and entire, or sometimes 3-cleft ; flowers in a dense 
thyrsoid spike ; flowers bracteate, the bracts and calyx-lobes pungent ; corolla- 
lobes shorter than the tube. Sandy draws and slopes. 

x x Leaves fascicled, palmately parted, rigid and pungent; flowers solitary or 
few in a cluster at the summit of the branchlets. 

2. Gilia pungens Benth. (PRICKLY GiuIA). Shrubby and rigidly branched, 
1-2 dm. high ; somewhat viscid-puberulent ; leaves 3-5-parted into linear, rigid, 
pungent lobes, densely fascicled in the axils; flowers funnel-form, the limb 12-18 
mm. broad, white or pinkish. Ravines and cafions. 

x x * Leaves pinnately parted into linear segments ; flowers thyrsoid-payicu- 
late ; corolla salver-form or funnel-form with long slender tube. 

3. Gilia aggregata Spreng. (SCARLET GiLIA). Somewhat pubescent, loosely 
branched 4-8 dm. high ; leaves with thickish, linear, sharp-pointed lobes ; flowers 
in small nearly sessile clusters ; corolla scarlet or pink-red, with slender tube 3-4 
em. long, and short lanceolate soon recurved lobes. 

4, Gilia laxiflora (Coulter) G. E. O. (CoLorApo Giria). Annual branched, 
glabrous below, minutely glandular upward, 2-3 dm. high ; leaves with filiform 
mucronate segments; inflorescence open; corolla white, slender-tubular with 
acuminate lobes, 2-3 em. long and 2 or 3 times as long as the calyx. 

5. Gilia longiflora (Torr.) Don. (WHITE-FLOWERED GILIA). Resembling the 
preceding, but larger, freely branched from the base ; corolla white, salver-form, 
the limb about 2 cm. broad, the tube slender, 3-4 cm. long and 6 or 7 times as long 
as the narrowly campanulate calyx. 

x x * x Leaves pinnately lobed; flowers paniculate ; corolla salver-form, small, 
only 6-10 mm. long. 

6. Gilia pinnatifida Nutt. (SMALL-FLOWERED GiLIA). Biennial or perennial, 
viscid-glandular, especially above ; leaves crowded on the crown, becoming small 
and distant above, linear-oblanceolate in outline, deeply pinnatifid, the small lobes 
linear-oblong ; flowers numerous ; corolla violet or blue, its tube barely exceeding 
the calyx. Dry sandy soil. 



Small annuals with entire narrow alternate leaves, tubular corolla, straight 
stamens, and ovules solitary in each cell. 

1. Collomia linearis Nutt. (NARROW-LEAVED CoLLOMIA). Somewhat viscid- 
pubescent, stems either slender simple and erect or at length much branched, 5-20 
em. or more high ; leaves linear-oblong or lanceolate ; corolla white or purplish, 
the slender tube exceeding the calyx. 


Herbs with alternate pinnately compound leaves, spicate or cymose-paniculate 
flowers, cylindraceous or campanulate calyx, funnel-form or campanulate corolla 
and stamens inserted on the corolla-tube. 

1. Polemonium mellitum (Gray) Aven Nelson (HONEY-SCENTED POLE- 
MONIUM). Clammy and viscid-pubescent, the herbage rank musk-scented, tufted, 
1-2 dm. high ; leaflets numerous, small, crowded (as if verticillate); inflorescence 
short-spicate ; corolla 2-8 em. long, white, tubular funnel-form, its tube much 
longer than the calyx and the corolla-limb, honey-scented. Sides of rocky cliffs ; 
middle elevations. 

2. Polemonium pulchellum Bunge (PRETTY POLEMONIUM). Finely pubes- 
cent, especially above, 1-2 dm. high ; leaflets 15-21, oblong ; inflorescence cymose- 
paniculate ; calyx cleft below the middle; corolla campanulate-funnel-form, its 
tube shorter than the calyx and the violet or bluish corolla-limb. Frequent in the 
Colorado Mountains. 


Mostly hairy herbs with alternate leaves, 5-parted calyx, bell- 
shaped sympetalous 5-lobed corolla, 5 stamens on the corolla- 
tube, a 2-cleft style, and a superior 1-celled ovary becoming a 
many-seeded pod. . 

1. Hydrophyllum. Stamens and style conspicuously exserted ; corolla con- 
volute in bud ; ovary bristly hairy; leaves large, green, and hirsute. 

2. Macrocalyx. Stamens shorter than the corolla; calyx enlarging in fruit. 

3. Phacelia. Stamens exserted ; corolla imbricated in bud ; leaves entire or 
pinnatifid, whitish or silvery pubescent (in the species here given). 


Herbs with large petioled leaves, flattish clusters of white or pale-blue flowers, 
mostly protruding stamens, and a 1-celled bristly-hairy ovary. 

1. Hydrophyllum occidentale Gray (WESTERN WATERLEAF). Hirsute- 
pubescent, 2-5 dm. high ; leaves oblong-lanceolate in outline, pinnately parted into 
7-15 divisions, the divisions toothed or incised ; cymes dense, capitate, on elongated 
peduncles; corolla campanulate, violet purple, varying to white. 



Low spreading annuals with tender, somewhat hirsute herbage; alternate pin- 
nately parted leaves, and a small white corolla in a star-shaped gradually enlar- 
ging calyx. 

1. Macrocalyx Nyctelea (L.) Kuntze (NyctrLEA). Peduncles 1-flowered, 
opposite the leaves ; calyx-lobes lanceolate, about equaling the corolla, in fruit 
10-12 mm. long ; capsule globose, pendulous. 


Biennials or perennials, with hirsute, hispid or glandular pubescence, alternate 
leaves, flowers in dense, 1-sided, recurved or spicate cymes, and reticulate or pitted 

1. Phacelia leucophylia Torr. (SinKy PHACELIA). Perennial, more or less 
tufted, densely silky-pubescent, the several or numerous stems ascending ; leaves 
oblong or lanceolate, mostly entire, the lower long-petioled; flowers sessile, in 
dense scorpioid cymes ; calyx-lobes hispid, shorter than the 5-lobed bluish corolla; 
corolla-tube with 10 vertical lamina or folds (in pairs) between the filaments. Fre- 
quent on shale slopes and in the mountains. 

2. Phacelia sericea (Graham) Gray (WYOMING PHACELIA). Perennial, seri- 
ceous-silky, with a close pubescence ; stems usually several, 2-3 dm. high; leaves 
pinnately parted into narrow oblong divisions; inflorescence of several short 
spikes in a close terminal naked thyrsus ; corolla violet-blue or whitish ; stamens 
long-exserted ; style 2-cleft at apex. Stony ravines. 

LVII. BORAGINACEZ: (Borace Famtity) 

Mostly rough hairy herbs with alternate entire leaves, 5- 
parted calyx, regular 5-lobed sympetalous corolla, 5 stamens on 
the corolla-tube, a deeply 4-lobed superior ovary, becoming 
4 seed-like nutlets with the style arising from the center. 

* Nutlets attached to the style by more or less of their ventral face or angle ; 
throat of corolla-tube with 5 crests or folds. 

1. Lappula. Pubescent; flowers blue or white, with short tube; nutlets 
armed with barbed prickles. 

2. Oreocarya. Rough hirsute or hispid ; flowers white (in the species given) 
with short tube ; nutlets unarmed. 

3. Mertensia. Smooth or nearly so; flowers blue; corolla tubular-funnel- 
form or trumpet-shaped ; mature nutlets wrinkled. 

* * Nutlets attached by their base, smooth and bony when mature ; throat 

4, Lithospermum., Strigose pubescent ; flowers yellow, corolla salver-form 
or trumpet-shaped. 

1. LAPPULA (Sticksrrp. BrGGAR-LICE) 

Pubescent or hispid-canescent annuals or perennials with narrow alternate 
leaves, deeply 5-cleft calyx, salver-form corolla with 5-spreading lobes and its 
throat closed by the 5 crests, the margins or backs of the nutlets armed with 
barbed prickles and the sides often papillose. 


1. Lappula occidentalis (Wats.) Greene (WESTERN STICKSEED). Annuals, 
from 1-3 dm. high, more or less branched from the base upward, the branches 
slender, bracteate-floriferous ; leaves linear, mostly obtuse; flowers small; nutlets 
with 7-11 stoutish marginal prickles (not at all or scarcely connected at base) and 
numerous small, low, whitish tubercles on the back and sides. Frequent on the 

2. Lappula erecta Aven Nelson (UPRIGHT STICKSEED). Annual, canescently- 
pubescent, stoutish, erect, 2-8 dm. high; stems singly or 2 or more from the 
crown; leaves linear-oblanceolate, rosulate on the crown, with numerous stem- 
leaves passing into the foliar bracts of the branched summit; nutlets with about 
10 marginal prickles (connected at the base by an obscure marginal ridge) and 
minutely and densely muricate on all sides, the murications on the dorsal ridge 
more prominent. Sandy cafions and slopes. 

3. Lappula floribunda (Lehm.) Greene (LARGE-FLOWERED STICKSEED). 
Perennial, rough-pubescent, stout, 5-12 dm. high; stems erect, mostly simple ; 
leaves oblong to linear-lanceolate, 5-10 cm. long, the basal with margined petioles; 
flowers blue, often 8-10 mm. broad ; nutlets with flat marginal prickles somewhat 
confluent, the back elongated-triangular and merely scabrous. Common on moist 
rich banks. 


Rough-hispid biennials or perennials, with woody roots, white or yellow salver- 
form flowers crested in the throat, 4 acute-margined nutlets attached laterally to a 
subulate prolongation of the receptacle. 

1. Oreocarya affinis Greene (SMALL OREOCARYA). Biennial, 1-2 dm. high; 
stems singly or usually several from the crown (a stoutish, erect central or main 
stem with 2°or more smaller ones ascending from the base) ; leaves from obovate 
to lanceolate, canescent and bristly hirsute ; flowers in short racemes forming a 
sub-eylindric spicate thyrsus for two thirds the length of the stem ; nutlets more 
or less tuberculate or ridged on the back. Frequent on naked hills and slopes. 

2. Oreocarya thyrsifiora Greene (LARGE OREOCARYA). Very rough hispid, 
24 dm. high, usually 2 or more equally stout ascending or erect stems from the 
large woody root; leaves mostly oblanceolate ; the large paniculate thyrsus with 
dense tawny hispid pubescence ; corolla-tube shorter than the calyx-segments ; 
nutlets small, acute-margined, somewhat rugose on the back. Sandy plains and 

38. Oreocarya virgata (Porter) Greene (PORTER’S OREOCARYA). Bristly his- 
pid, the hairs mostly from a white pustulate base; 2-6 dm. high; stem single, very 
stout and erect, or sometimes 2 or more from the base, and then smaller ; leaves 
oblong-linear, acutish ; inflorescence a long close spicate thyrsus with leafy bracts 
much longer than the dense flower clusters; nutlets broadly ovate, somewhat 
papillose on the back. Open sandy slopes in the foothills and mountains. 


Perennials, smooth or minutely pubescent with alternate leaves, blue funnel- 
form or tubular showy flowers in racemose panicles or cymes, entire stigma, and 
4 rugose (when mature) nutlets. 

x Filaments inserted in the throat, enlarged and as broad or broader than the 
anther ; style exserted. 

1, Mertensia ciliata (Torr.) Don. (TALL MERTENSIA). Smooth and somewhat 
glaucous, the stems usually clustered, erect or spreading, 3-10 dm. high, very 


leafy; leaves large and veiny, ovate-lanceolate ; panicle crowded, the flowers 
slender-pediceled ; calyx-lobes short-oblong, obtuse, ciliate ; not more than one 
fourth as long as the corolla-tube. Moist places in the mountains. 

2. Mertensia lanceolata (Pursh) DC. (LANCE-LEAVED MieRTENSIA). Glabrous 
or nearly so; stems usually several, procumbent, becoming paniculately branched 
at summit, 1-3 dm. long; leaves lance-oblong to linear ; calyx-lobes linear-oblong; 
corolla-tube longer than the calyx and longer than the limb, hairy at the base 
within. Common in the foothills. 

x x Filaments inserted either on the margin of the throat or near the middle 
of the tube, narrower than the anther ; style included. 

3. Mertensia alpina Don. (ALPINE MERTENSIA). Glabrous and glaucous, 
tufted, 7-15 em. high ; root-leaves ovate to narrowly oblong, on slender petioles as 
long or longer than the blade, stem-leaves becoming sessile above ; flowers in a 
close cluster ; the calyx-lobes about as long as the corolla-tube. In early spring 
on stony slopes. . 

4. LITHOSPERMUM (Puccoon) 

Perennials with thick semi-woody roots, yielding a red stain, funnel-form or 
salver-form corolla, 5 included stamens, and 4 white polished nutlets. 

1. Lithospermum multiflorum Torr. (MANY-FLOWERED Puccoon). Stri- 
gose-hispid, 8-5 dm. high; stems several, simple, leafy ; leaves linear-oblong ; 
flowers crowded, short-pediceled ; corolla 10-14 mm. long, tubular with narrow 
limb, its tube at least twice as long as the calyx, pubescent crests in the throat 
inconspicuous. In the mountains. 

2. Lithospermum linearifolium Goldie (NARROW-LEAVED Puccoon). 
Minutely strigose-pubescent ; stems tufted ; at first low simple and erect, becom- 
ing branched and spreading, 1-3 dm. high ; leaves linear ; flowers bright yellow ; 
the earlier conspicuous, 15-18 mm. broad with slender tube about 2 em. long, and 
large crests in the throat; the later ones small and pale, inconspicuous and proba- 
bly cleistogamous. On the plains ; common. 


Herbs with opposite leaves, tubular 5-toothed calyx, tubular 
sympetalous corolla with flaring 5-cleft border, 4 included sta- 
mens, a Slender style, and a superior ovary splitting into 4 seed- 
like nutlets in fruit. 

Herbs with flowers in spikes or heads, and unequal (didynamous) stamens. 
x Anthers not appendaged, flowers small, in dense spikes. 
+ Bracts inconspicuous ; flowers blue or purple. 

1. Verbena hastata (BLUE VERVAIN). Tall, 10-15 dm. high; leaves lanceo- 
late or oblong-lanceolate, taper-pointed, cut-serrate, petioled, the lower often lobed 
and sometimes halberd-shaped at base ; spikes erect, with blue flowers. Waste 
ground and roadsides. 


2. Verbena stricta Vent. (HoARY VERVAIN). Downy with soft white hairs, 
erect, simple or branched, 3-5 dm. high; leaves sessile, obovate or oblong, serrate; 
spikes thick, somewhat clustered, hairy, with rather large purple flowers. Barrens 
and canons. 

+ + Bracts large and leaf-like ; flowers purplish. 

3. Verbena bracteosa Michx. (PROSTRATE VERBENA). Widely spreading or 
prostrate, hairy ; leaves wedge-lanceolate, cut-pinnatifid or 3-cleft, short-petioled; 
spikes single, remotely flowered with large often lobed bracts longer than the 
small bluish-purple flowers. Prairies and waste ground. 

x « Anthers of longer stamens glandular-tipped ; flowers showy, in heads be- 
coming spicate. 

4. Verbena bipinnatifida Nutt. (PRAIRIE VERBENA). Hirsute-pubescent, 
spreading by suckers ; stems mostly erect, 15-25 ecm. high; leaves ovate, bipin- 
natifid, the segments linear-oblong ; flowers showy ; the calyx. hardly equaling 
the narrow bracts; corolla purple or lilac, its lobes obcordate ; nutlets oblong, re- 
trorsely scabrous on the grooved commissure. Plains and prairies; and one of 
the several parents of the cultivated Verbenas. 

. LIX. LABIATZ (Mint Famity) 

Herbs with square stems, opposite aromatic leaves, more or 
less 2-lipped corolla, 2 or 4 stamens, a single style, and a deeply 
4-lobed ovary becoming 4 seed-like nutlets. (See Plant Struc- 
tures, p. 272; also p. 274, Figs. 259 and 260.) 

x Stamens 2. 
1. Monarda. Calyx tubular; corolla strongly 2-lipped; large flowers in 

whorled heads. 
2. Hedeoma. Flowers in small cymes in the axils of the leaves and bracts ; 

calyx 13-nerved. 
x x Stamens 4. 
+ Corolla almost equally 4-lobed ; stamens erect, distant. 

3. Mentha. Flowers small, in axillary spikes or heads ; aromatic fragrant 

+ + Corolla 2-lipped, the upper lip concave or arched. 

++ Inner pair of stamens longer than the outer. 

4. Dracocephalum. CoroHa small, included in the calyx. 

++ ++ Outer pair of stamens longer than the inner. 

= Calyx deeply 2-lipped, reticulate-veined (No. 5) or lips entire (No. 6). 

5. Prunella. Cluster of sessile flowers forming a close spike or head. 
6. Seutellaria. Calyx with a crest or hump-like ridge on the upper side. 

= = Calyx almost equally 5-toothed obscurely nerved. 

7. Physostegia. Flowers in a bracted spike, upper lip of corolla entire. 
= = = Calyx 5-10-nerved, 5-toothed. ® 

8. Stachys. Flowers in an interrupted spike ; calyx 5-10-nerved. 


1. MONARDA (Horst Mint) 

Odorous erect herbs with entire or toothed petioled leaves, rather large flowers 
in whorled heads closely surrounded by bracts, elongated tubular 5-toothed calyx, 
strongly 2-lipped elongated corolla, upper lip erect and entire or notched, lower 
lip 3-lobed at apex, and 2 elongated ascending stamens. 

1. Monarda mentheefolia Graham (Rocky Mountain Horse Mint). Mi- 
nutely appressed-pubescent, with a slightly glaucous hue; 3-7 dm. high, simple 
or somewhat branched above ; leaves ovate-lanceolate, serrate ; heads solitary, 
terminating the stem and branches (if any) ; calyx slightly hairy in the throat ; 
corolla lilac, somewhat purplish-dotted ; stamens protruded beyond the upper lip. 
Frequent in the valleys of the foothills. 

2. Monarda Nuttallii Aven Nelson (NUTTALL’s MonarpDA). Puberulent up- 
wardly, somewhat whitened and the foliar bracts tinged with purple, 2-4 dm. 
high ; leaves lanceolate or narrower ; the bracts oblong, the mid-nerve prolonged 
into an aristate tip ; heads in the axils of the uppermost pairs of leaves ; calyx- 
teeth aristate and soon spreading, ciliate-bearded ; corolla white or pinkish, not 
spotted but more or less punctate. Dry plains. 


Cinerous-puberulent perennials, aromatic, flowers in small axillary cymes, 
whitish or purplish corolla, perfect stamens only two, sterile ones (staminodia) 
minute, and nutlets smooth and ovoid. 

1. Hedeoma Drummondii Benth. (DRUMMOND’s PENNYROYAL). © Freely 
branched from a somewhat woody base, from 5-15 cm. high ; leaves oblong to 
linear, obtuse ; calyx hirsute, with subulate teeth, becoming closed in fruit; co- 
rolla purple. Dry cafions and slopes. 

3. MENTHA (Mint) 

Fragrant herbs with small purple or whitish flowers in close axillary clusters 
or spicate, bell-shaped or tubular 5-toothed calyx, corolla with short tube and a 
bell-shaped 4-cleft border (upper lobe largest, entire or 2-cleft), and 4 equal and 
distant stamens. (See Plant Structures, p. 229, Fig. 212.) 

1. Mentha Canadensis L. (AMERICAN WILD Mint). Perennial by rhizomes, 
from nearly glabrous to distinctly hairy, 1-3 dm. high ; stems simple or branched ; 
leaves mostly ovate-lanceolate, serrate, petioled, the uppermost axils flowerless ; 
calyx hairy, its teeth one fourth as long as the campanulate tube. General ; wet 
banks, both plains and mountains. 


Mostly coarse herbs, with large, leafy bracted, terminal clusters of flowers, 
with 2-lipped calyx, 2-lipped corolla, anther cells (Sacs) divaricate and nutlets 

1. Dracocephalum parviflorum Nutt. (AMERICAN DRAGON-HEAD). Slightly 
pubescent, 3-6 dm. high, usually several or many stemmed from the base ; leaves 
from ovate to lanceolate, serrate or incised ; flowers in thick heads or spikes, 
mostly terniinal ; corolla light-blue, nearly included ; its upper lip emarginate, the 
lower 3-lobed. Dry gravelly soil. 



Low herbs with clusters of flowers sessile in axils of round membranaceous 
floral leaves and forming a close spike or head, tubular-bell-shaped veiny 2 lipped 
calyx (upper lip broad and flat, truncate, with 3 short teeth, lower 2-cleft), 2-lipped 
corolla, the entire upper lip erect and arched, lower lip 3-cleft and reflexed-spread- 
ing (middle lobe rounded and toothed), and 4 stamens with anthers approximate in 

1. Prunella vulgaris L. Leaves ovate-oblong, entire or toothed, petioled, 
hairy, or smooth ; corolla violet or flesh-color (rarely white), not twice the length 
of the purplish calyx. Woods and fields. 


Small perennial herbs with solitary axillary flowers, 2-lipped corolla, inner 
pair of stamens 2-celled, the outer 1-celled and ciliate, and the nutlets papillose or 

1. Seutellaria Brittoni Porter (BRITTON’s SKULLCAP). Glandular-pubescent 
perennial, from rhizomes, branched from the base, 5-20 cm. high ; leaves oval to 
oblong, mostly sessile, obscurely crenulate, noticeably veined below, longer than 
the internodes ; corolia pubescent with enlarged throat, blue. Frequent; sandy 
banks and draws. 


Erect glabrous perennial herbs with purple flowers in a bracteate spike, pubes- 
cent filaments and smooth ovoid nutlets. 

1. Physostegia parviflora Nutt. (WESTERN Lion’s HEarT). Stems 2-5 dm. 
high, generally simple and rather slender ; leaves narrowly ovate to lanceolate, 
callous-denticulate or serrate ; bracts ovate, shorter than the calyx which be- 
comes inflated-globular in fruit ; corolla showy, purple, much exceeding the calyx. 
Margins of ponds and streams. 

8. STACHYS (Wovunpwort) 

Ours a hirsute perennial with the flowers in axillary capitate-verticils forming 
an interrupted spicate-inflorescence, the corolla purple, with slender tube, stamens 
paired and approximate, and the nutlets smooth. . 

1. Stachys palustris L. (MarsH Wounpwort). Pubescent, hirsute or hispid, 
2-7 dm. high ; leaves ovate to lanceolate, crenate-dentate, 4-8 cm. long, nearly or 
quite sessile ; flowers crowded ; corolla purple, its tube scarcely exceeding the 
calyx-teeth. Wet bottom lands. 


Herbs (rarely shrubs) with alternate leaves, regular 5-parted 
sympetalous flowers, 5 stamens on the corolla, a single style, 
and a 2-celled ovary becoming a many-seeded pod or berry. 

* Fruit a fleshy berry, corolla wheel-shaped. 

1. Solanum. (Calyx unchanged in fruit, anthers connected into a cylindrical 
cone and opening by a terminal hole. 


2. Physalis. Calyx becoming much enlarged and inclosing the fruit ; an- 
thers unconnected. 

x x Fruit a dry pod ; corolla funnel-form. 
8. Datura. Calyx tubular-prismatic, 5-toothed. 

1. SOLANUM (Nicursiape) 

Herbs or shrubs with wheel-shaped corolla, protruding anthers converging 
around the style and opening by terminal pores, and fruit a berry. (See Plant 
Relations, p. 26, Fig. 21; also Plant Structures, p. 198, Fig. 167a.) 

x Not at all prickly ; anthers blunt. 
+ Low and generally spreading ; cymes 1-3 flowered. 

1. Solanum triflorum Nutt. (CuT-LEAVED NIGHTSHADE). Nearly glabrous, 
branched and more or less spreading ; leaves oblong, pinnately lobed, the sinuses 
deep and rounded ; corolla white, small, nodding, longer than the 5-parted calyx ; 
berry green, 8-10 mm. in diameter. Abundant in waste ground and on the plains. 

+ + Hrect herbs. 

2. Solanum nigrum (Common NIGHTSHADE). Low, much branched and 
spreading, nearly smooth; leaves ovate, wavy-toothed ; flowers white, in small 
umbel-like lateral clusters; berries globular, black. Commonly introduced in 
waste grounds. 

3. Solanum tuberosum (Poraro). Erect; leaves pinnate, of several ovate 
leaflets with minute ones intermixed ; flowers blue or white; berries globular, 
green. Cultivated from Chili for the tubers. (See Plant Relations, p. 76, Fig. 67.) 

x * Prickly ; anthers acute. 

4, Solanum rostratum Dunal (BEAKED NIGHTSHADE). Yellowish-hoary 
with a dense stellate-pubescence and armed with numerous yellow prickles ;- 3-7 
dm. high ; leaves once or twice pinnatifid ; corolla yellow, 2-3 cm. broad ; stamens 
dissimilar, the lowest one larger and with an incurved beak ; fruit inclosed by the 
close-fitting and strikingly spiny calyx. Sandy plains. 


Herbs with simple toothed or lobed leaves, mostly solitary axillary drooping 
flowers, producing large juicy berries inclosed in an inflated reticulate-veined, 
husk-like calyx. 

x Viscidly glandular pubescent. 

1. Physalis rotundata Rydb. (RouND-LEAVED GROUND-CHERRY). Coarse 
prostrate or spreading perennials, with numerous, forked, zigzag branches ; leaves 
cordate-orbicular, somewhat toothed, on short, winged petioles ; corolla greenish- 
yellow with a brownish center, about 15 mm. broad ; fruiting calyx large, ovoid, 
and slightly sunken at base. 

x x Pubescence not viscid-glandular. 

2. Physalis lanceolata Michx. (PRAIRIE GROUND-CHERRY). Glabrous or 
pubescent with mostly simple hairs ; slender, erect, sparingly branched, 1-4 dm. 
high ; leaves with entire or undulate margin, oblong-ovate to narrowly lanceolate, 
tapering into the short petiole ; corolla yellowish with a darker center, 12-16 mm. 
broad ; berry greenish-yellow. Plains and canons. 


3. Physalis Fendleri Gray (FENDLER’S GROUND-CHERRY). Obscurely glandu- 
lar or merely pruinose puberulent, 1-3 dm. high ; leaves small, ovate, coarsely sin- 
uate-toothed, with abrupt or sub-cordate base; corolla yellow with brownish 
center ; berry yellow. Plains and cafions southward. 


Rank weeds with ovate leaves, large showy flowers in the forks of the branch- 
ing stem, prismatic and toothed calyx, funnel-form corolla with large and spread- 
ing plaited border, a 2-lipped stigma, and fruit a globular prickly pod. 

1. Datura Stramonium. Smooth with green stem; leaves sinuate-toothed 
or angled ; corolla white, 6-8 cm. long ; lower prickles of the pod usually shorter. 
Waste ground. From Asia. 

2. Datura Tatula. Mostly taller ; stem purple; corolla pale violet-purple ; 
prickles of the pod nearly equal. Waste ground. From tropical America. 


Herbs with 2-lipped or less irregular corolla, 4 unequal sta- 
mens (sometimes 2 or 5) on the corolla-tube, a single style and 
a superior 2-celled ovary becoming a many-seeded pod. 

x Stamens 5. 

1. Verbascum. Corolla rotate ; filaments bearded. 

x x Stamens 2. 

2. Synthyris. Corolla wanting or unequally 2 or more lobed or cleft; calyx 
4-lobed or cleft ; leaves alternate. 

3. Veronica. Corolla rotate, 4-lobed ; leaves opposite. 

x « « Stamens 5, only 4 anther bearing. 

4. Pentstemon. Corolla tubular or funnel-form ; sterile stamen as long as 
the others. 

x x « x Stamens 4, with a rudiment of the fifth, as a scale or gland. 

5. Scrophularia. Corolla globular saccate, unequally 5-lobed ; the fifth sta- 
men represented by a scale on the upper side of the corolla. 

6. Collinsia. Corolla 2-lipped, the middle lobe of the lower lip sac-like and 
inclosing the stamens ; the fifth stamen represented by a gland at the base of the 

x x x x * Stamens 4, not inclosed by the upper lip of the corolla. 

7. Mimulus. Corolla 2-lipped, the upper lip 2- and the lower 3-lobed; calyx 
prismatic, 5-angled and 5-toothed. 

* * x x x « Stamens 4, ascending under the upper lip and inclosed by it. © 

+ Anther sacs unequal or dissimilar—one affixed by the middle, the other 
hanging by its apex. 

8. Castilleja. Calyx tubular; upper lip of corolla much longer than the 
lower. i 

9. Orthocarpus. Calyx tubular-campanulate ; upper lip scarcely exceeding 
the lower. 

+ + Anther sacs similar and parallel. 



10. Pedicularis. Upper lip long and arched, beak (if any) short; calyx cleft 
on the lower side. 

11. Elephantella. Upper lip strongly arched and prolonged into a long 
slender upturned beak, calyx 5-toothed. 

1. VERBASCUM (Mutter) 

Tall herbs with alternate leaves (those of the stem sessile or decurrent), large 
terminal spikes of flowers, 5-parted calyx, wheel-shaped 5-lobed corolla, 5 stamens 
with woolly filaments, style flattened at tip, and a globular pod. 

1. Verbascum Thapsus L. (Common MULLEIN). Densely woolly throughout ; 
stem tall and stout, simple, winged by the decurrent bases of oblong leaves, flowers 
yellow (rarely white) in a prolonged and very dense cylindrical spike. Fields and 
roadsides. From Europe. (See Plant Relations, p. 44, Fig. 36.) 

2. SYNTHYRIS (Synruyris) 

Low herbs, with leaves mostly radical and the stems bracteate-scapes, flowers 
spicate, and fruit a compressed emarginate capsule. 

1. Synthyris Wyomingensis (Aven Nelson) Heller (WyomIne SYNTHYRIS). 
Puberulent, 1-3 dm. high; stems 1 or more from the crown of the short rootstock ; 
radical leaves petioled, ovate to oblong, crenate-dentate, rounded or sub-cordate 
at base ; stem-leaves small and sessile; calyx cleft to the base on the outer side, 
into 2 or 3 lobes onthe inner; corolia wanting; stamens twice as long as the calyx; 
capsule puberulent, protruding from the cleft side of the calyx. Frequent; moist 
valleys and slopes. ° ; 

2. Synthyris alpina Gray (ALPINE SYNTHYRIS). Nearly glabrous, except for 
the woolly spike, 5-15 cm. high ; leaves oval or sub-cordate, crenate-dentate, on a 
petiole generally longer than the blade; no stem-leaves; bracts and lanceolate 
sepals woolly on the margins ; corolla purple, its broad upper lip twice the length 
of the calyx, the 2-3-parted lower one small and included. Frequent in the higher 


Herbs with opposite alternate leaves, blue or white flowers, 4-parted calyx, 
wheel-shaped corolla with 4-parted border, 2 protruding stamens, and a flattened 
pod obtuse or notched at apex. 

x Leaves opposite ; flowers in axillary racemes, pale blue. 

1. Veronica Americana Schwein (AMERICAN BROOKLIME). Smooth, decum- 
bent at base, then erect, 2-3 dm. high ; leaves mostly petioled, ovate or oblong, 
serrate, truncate or slightly heart-shaped at base; pod inflated, round. Brooks 
. and ditches. 

x * Leaves opposite ; flowers in a terminal raceme. 

2. Veronica serpyllifolia L. (THYME-LEAVED SPEEDWELL). Much branched 
at the creeping base, nearly smooth, branches ascending, simple, 5-10 em. high ; 
leaves ovate or oblong, obscurely crenate, the lowest petioled and rounded, the 
upper passing into lanceolate bracts ; flowers whitish or pale blue with deeper 
stripes ; pods flat, rounded, broader than long, obtusely notched. Moist banks. 

x * * Leaves mostly alternate ; flowers appearing axillary and solitary. 


3. Veronica peregrina L. (NECKWEED. PURSLANE SPEEDWELL). Nearly 
smooth or puberulent, erect, 1-2 dm. high, branched ; lowest leaves petioled, oval- 
oblong, toothed, the others sessile ; upper leaves oblong and entire, longer than 
the almost sessile whitish flowers ; pod round, slightly notched. In damp soil. 


Herbs often branching at base, with opposite leaves (upper sessile and mostly 
clasping). generally showy flowers in a terminal cluster, 5-parted calyx, tubular to 
bell-shaped more or less inflated 2-lipped corolla, upper lip 2-lobed and lower 
3-cleft, and 4 stamens with anthers and a fifth represented by a filament which is 
usually more or less bearded. 

x Perfectly glabrous throughout; sterile filaments bearded at summit. 
+ Anther sacs not confluent ; corolla scarlet strongly bilabiate. 

1. Pentstemon Torreyi Benth. (TORREY’s BEARD-TONGUE). Glabrous and 
glaucous, slender, often 1 m. high ; leaves from oblong below to narrowly linear 
above ; thyrsus strict, often half the length of the plant; sepals ovate, very short; 
corolla scarlet, gradually dilated upward, slightly or not at all bearded in the 
throat and on the sterile filament ; the anthers protruding from the long upper 
lip. In the mountains. 

+ + Anther cells not confluent; corolla blue or purple, abruptly enlarged 
above the short tube, about 3 cm. long. 

2. Pentstemon glaber Pursh (WESTERN BEARD-TONGUE). Somewhat glau- 
cous ; stems several, ascending, stoutish, 2-5 dm. high ; leaves from ovate-lanceo- 
late to oblong, acute ; flowers numerous, in an elongated thyrsus ; sepals broadly 
ovate, scarious margined, abruptly acuminate ; corolla blue or purple, slightly 
2-lipped with rounded lobes ; anthers and sterile filament usually slightly bearded. 
Sandy soil. 

+ + + Anther cells confluent, becoming explanate ; corolla mostly less than 
25 mm. long. 

3. Pentstemon secundiflorus Benth. (TALL BEARD-TONGUE). Slender and 
erect, 48 dm. high; radical leaves spatulate, the cauline narrowly lanceolate ; 
thyrsus very long and narrow, somewhat one-sided ; sepals ovate to oblong, the 
entire margins scarious ; corolla about 25 mm. long, its tube twice as long as the 
sepals, abruptly dilated into the bell-shaped throat, the lobes of the spreading lips 
sub-orbicular ; anthers glabrous and the sterile filament nearly or quiteso. Cafons 
and gravelly ridges. 

4. Pentstemon acuminatus Dougl. (SHARP-LEAVED BEARD-TONGUB). Glau- 
cous, 2-4 dm. high, erect ; leaves thick, slightly cartilaginous on the margins, acu- 
minate ; the lower petioled, oblong or spatulate ; the upper ovate to lanceolate 
and sessile ; thyrsus narrow, often few-flowered and somewhat one-sided ; sepals 
lanceolate, acute ; corolla blue shading to violet, gradually dilated upward ; sterile 
filament flattened and bearded at apex. Frequent; stony or gravelly slopes. 

5. Pentstemon angustifolius Pursh (BLUE BEARD-TONGUE). Glaucous 1-2 
dm. high ; leaves long, broadly linear ; sepals scarious on the margins, narrowly 
ovate, abruptly acuminate ; corolla light blue, gradually dilated, 20 mm. or less in 
length ; sterile filament densely short-bearded. Plains. 

x « More or less pubescent or glandular, at least above; corolla somewhat 
bearded in the throat. 

+ Flowers in a narrow thyrsus. 


6. Pentstemon cristatus Nutt. (CRESTED BEARD-TONGUE). Viscid and villous- 
pubescent above. 1-2 dm. high ; the stem leafy ; leaves mostly oblong and acute ; 
thyrsus dense and leafy; sepals narrow ; corolla light red or pinkish, funnel-form, 
about 25 mm. long, long-bearded in the throat and the sterile stamen inordinately 
yellow comose. Canons and plains. 

7. Pentstemon humilis Nutt. (Rocky MounTAIN BEARD-TONGUE). Glabrous 
except the slender thyrsus, 1-2 dm. high ; stems tufted ; leaves largely basal, ob- 
long to lanceolate, usually some of them denticulate ; inflorescence narrow, the 
peduncles 2-5 flowered ; sepals ovate-lanceolate ; corolla blue, narrowly funnel- 
form, 12-15 mm. long; hairy on the lower lip; sterile filament yellow-bearded 
at tip. Rocky cafions and slopes. 

+ + Flowers in open or in capitate verticils. 

8. Pentstemon procerus Dougl. (SMALL-FLOWERED BEARD-TONGUE). Nearly 
glabrous, some minute puberulence in the inflorescence ; stems usually several, 
ascending or erect, 15-25 cm. high ; leaves oblong-lanceolate to linear ; flowers in 
1-8 capitate clusters ; sepals from ovate to lanceolate, with scarious margins and 
more or less lacerate tips; corolla small, nearly tubular, only 10-13 mm. long, 
bearded within, purplish-blue. Frequent in moist grassy valleys. 

9. Pentstemon stenosepalus (Gray) Rydb. (TIMBERLINE BEARD-TONGUE). 
Viscid-pubescent above, stems tufted, ascending, 8-5 dm. high ; leaves thickish, 
oblong to lanceolate ; flowers in 2-5 axillary cymes ; sepals lanceolate-acuminate ; 
corolla dull white or purplish, gibbously dilated above the short tube, 2-3 cm. 
long ; sterile filament bearded at the tip. In the upper limit of trees. : 

5. SCROPHULARIA (Ficwort) 

Tall herbs with mostly opposite leaves, small greenish-purple or lurid flowers 
in a loose terminal cluster, deeply 5-cleft calyx, corolla with a somewhat globular 
tube (4 upper lobes of the short border erect, the lower one spreading), and 4 de- 
clined stamens. 

1. Serophularia occidentalis (Rydb.) Bicknell (WESTERN FiewortT). Glan- 
dular-pubescent above ; stem 4-sided, 5-10 dm. high ; leaves from ovate to lanceo- 
late, sharply serrate ; corolla conspicuously gibbous. Wet banks. 


Slender branching herbs with opposite leaves, small flowers in clusters in the 
axils of the leaves, deeply 5-cleft calyx, deeply 2-lipped corolla saccate or bulging 
at base, upper lip 2-cleft with lobes turned backward, and middle lobe of the 3-cleft 
lower lip sac-like and inclosing the 4 declined stamens and style. 

1. Collinsia parviflora Dougl. (SMALL-FLOWERED CoLLINsIA). Obscurely 
puberulent, branched from the base, the slender stems soon spreading, 5-15 cm. 
long ; leaves linear-oblong ; calyx-lobes triangular-lanceolate, nearly equaling the 
blue and white corolla. Rich loose soil, cafons and woods. 


Herbs (in the species listed) growing in water or wet places, with opposite 
leaves, showy yellow axillary flowers and 2-lipped corollas. 

1. Mimulus Langsdorfii Sims (Marsh MoNKEY-FLOWER). Nearly glabrous, 
from 1 or 2 to several dm. high, often coarse and succulent ; leaves ovate or ob- 
long, from entire to dentate or even lyrate : corolla deep-yellow, large, frequently 
dark dotted and the lower lip blotched. Borders of rivulets and marshes. 


2. Mimulus Jamesii T. and G. (JAMES’s MONKEY-FLOWER). Glabrate ; stems 
spreading or creeping ; leaves sub-orbicular, entire or denticulate ; flowers on 
slender axillary pedicels, light yellow, about 12 mm. long; seeds shining and 
smoothish. In the mountains. 

8. CASTILLEJA (Inpian Patnt-BrRvusn) 

Herbs with alternate entire or cut-lobed leaves, floral leaves ‘usually dilated 
and colored and more showy than the yellow or purplish spiked flowers, tubular 
flattened and usually 2-cleft, 2-lipped corolla with tube included in the calyx, upper 
lip long and narrow and arched and inclosing the 4 unequal stamens and lower lip 
short and 3-lobed. 

x Leaves and bracts more or less cleft or lobed. 

1. Castilleja collina Aven Nelson (WYOMING PAINT-BRUSH). Finely puberu- 
lent with some white woolly hairs at the base of the leaves, tufted or many- 
stemmed from a short caudex, 25 cm. high ; leaves 2-4 cm. long, dark green, cleft 
into linear lobes or broader ; bracts as large as the leaves, more freely cleft, sear- 
let red ; calyx unequally cleft ; corolla yellowish, galea longer than the tube ; the 
lip very short, 3-toothed. 

2. Castilleja linearifolia Benth. (NARROW-LEAVED PAINT-BRUSH). More or 
less pubescent upward, the stems tall and slender, 4-8 dm. high ; leaves linear, en- 
tire, or cleft into linear lobes, especially above ; bracts 3-parted, red or crimson as 
is also the unequally cleft calyx ; corolla 4-5 em. long, slender, its narrow galea 
curved and long exserted, about equaling the tube. Moist woods and stream 

x « All the leaves entire. 

3. Castilleja integra Gray (MExIcAN PAINT-BRUSH). Cinerous-pubescent, 
stoutish, 15-25 em. high ; leaves all entire, broadly linear, 3-6 em. long, bracts en- 
tire or incised, red or rose-color ; corolla about 3 cm. long, its galea shorter than 
the tube, the lip with 3 short callous teeth. Dry ground. 


Much like Castilleja, but the lips of the corolla sub-equal. 

1. Orthocarpus luteus Nutt. (YELLow OrTHocARPUS). A small pubescent 
or somewhat viscid annual, 1-2 dm. high ; stem strict ; leaves linear or lanceolate, 
sometimes 3-cleft ; corolla golden yellow, 10-12 mm. long, 2-3 times as long as the 
calyx ; the lip sacecate and the galea obtuse, short, and straight. Plains and 
mountain valleys. 

10. PEDICULARIS (Lovusewort) 

Herbs with pinnately crenate or pinnatifid leaves, those of the flower-cluster 
bract-like, rather large flowers in a spike, calyx variously cleft, strongly 2-lipped 
corolla, upper lip arched and flattened and often beaked at apex, lower lip 3-lobed 
and 2-crested above, and 4 stamens under the upper lip. 

1. Pedicularis crenulata Benth. (Mzapvow Lousewort). At first villous- 
pubescent. becoming glabrate ; stems numerous, tufted, ascending, 2-3 dm. high ; 
leaves narrowly oblong, crenate and finely crenulate on the larger crenations ; 
spike short and dense ; corolla purplish, 15-20 mm. long, the galea short, 2-toothed 
and somewhat incurved. Wet grassy places. 


2. Pedicularis bracteosa Benth. (BRAcTED LOUSEWoRT). Glabrous except 
on the pedunculate spike, 3-5 dm. high, rather stout; leaves large, pinnately 
parted or divided and the segments again deeply cut-toothed ; bracts ovate, acu- 
minate ; corolla pale-yellow, about 2 cm. long and longer than the bracts, its galea 
much longer and larger than the lip. Open woods in the mountains. 


Like Pedicularis, but the calyx obliquely campanulate, the upper lip strongly 
arched and elongated into a narrow upturned beak. 

1. Elephantella Groenlandica (Retz.) Rydb. (LonG-BEAKED ELEPHANTELLA). 
A glabrous perennial, 2-5 dm. high, rather slender and erect ; leaves lanceolate, 
deeply pinnatifid and segments again pinnatifid or toothed ; spike naked ; corolla 
red or purple, its tube included in the 5-toothed calyx ; beak of galea about twice 
as long as the rest of the corolla. Marshy or wet ground in the mountains. 


Herbs with a basal cluster of ribbed leaves, and naked stems 
terminating in spikes of 4-parted sympetalous flowers. 

1. PLANTAGO (Puantary) 

Herbs with 4 sepals, wheel-shaped and 4-lobed corolla, 4 protruding stamens, a 
single slender style with long hairy stigma, and a superior 2-celled pod opening by 
a lid. 

x Leaves broad and strongly ribbed, smooth. 

1. Plantago major L. (ComMMon PLANTAIN). Smooth or somewhat hairy; 
leaves ovate, oblong, oval or slightly heart-shaped, often toothed, abruptly nar- 
rowed into a channeled petiole, the strong ribs distinct to the base ; spike dense, 
obtuse; pod ovoid, lid opening near the middle; seeds reticulated. Roadsides and 
near dwellings. Introduced from Europe. 

2. Plantago eriopoda Torr. (SALINE PLANTAIN). Glabrous except for more 
or less yellowish-brown wool among the bases of the leaves ; leaves rather thick 
and fleshy, 5-7-nerved, petioled, mostly oblong and entire; spike long; sepals 
oblong-obovate, scarious except the midrib ; capsule longer than the calyx, its lid 
opening below the middle. Frequent on moist alkaline ground. 

x x Leaves narrow and not strongly ribbed ; plant more or less white-woolly. 

3. Plantago Purshii R. & S. (PursH’s PLANTAIN). A silky white-woolly 
annual, 7-15 cm. high ; leaves linear. 3-nerved, narrowed into margined petioles ; 
spike dense, very woolly ; the narrow bracts about equaling the flowers ; capsule 
about twice as long as the calyx, opening near the middle. Dry sandy slopes. 

LXIII. CAPRIFOLIACEA (Honetysuckise Famity) 

Shrubs or herbs with opposite leaves, tubular or rotate 4- or 
5-lobed corolla, 4 or 5 stamens on the corolla-tube, and an infe- 
rior 4- or 5- (or 2- or 3-) celled ovary becoming a berry, stone- 
fruit or pod. 


«x Corolla wheel-shaped or urn-shaped ; stigmas sessile or nearly so ; flowers in 
terminal flat-topped clusters ; shrubs. 

1. Sambucus. Leaves pinnately compound. 
2. Viburnum. Leaves simple. 

x x Corolla funnel-form, bell-shaped or tubular ; style slender. 
+ Small trailing evergreen with terminal twin-flowers. 

3. Linnzea. Flowers long-peduncled. 

+ + Erect shrubs. 

4. Symphoricarpos. Corolla bell-shaped and regular ; berry 2-seeded. 
5. Lonicera. Corolla tubular and more or less irregular; berry several- 


Shrubby plants with pinnate leaves, serrate leaflets, numerous small white 
flowers in large clusters, calyx-lobes minute or wanting, urn-shaped corolla with 
broadly spreading 5-cleft border, 5 stamens, and a berry-like juicy fruit. 

1. Sambucus Canadensis L. (Common ExpErR). Stems scarcely woody, 1-3 m. 
high, with white pith; leaflets 5-11, oblong, mostly smooth, the lower often 
3-parted, flower clusters flat ; fruit black-purple. Rich open soil. 

2. Sambucus /jpubens Michx. (Rep-BERRIED ELDER). Stems woody, .5-3 m. 
high with warty bark and brown pith; leaflets 5-7, ovate-lanceolate, downy 
beneath ; flower clusters convex or pyramidal ; fruit bright red. Rocky woods. 

3. Sambucus melanocarpa Gray (BLACK-BERRIED ELDER). Pubescent when 
young, becoming glabrous, low, often killing back to the ground each winter, 
mostly less than 1 m. high ; leaves 5-9 foliate, sharply serrate ; cymes convex, as 
broad as high ; flowers white ; fruit black, without bloom. Moist rocky cafions 
in the mountains. 


Shrubs with simple leaves, white flowers in flat clusters, 5-toothed calyx, 
deeply 5-lobed spreading corolla, 5 stamens, and a berry-like fruit. 

1. Viburnum pauciflorum Pylaie (FEW-FLOWERED CRANBERRY-TREE). A 
nearly glabrous straggling shrub, 5-15 dm. high: leaves mostly oval, irregularly 
dentate or slightly lobed ; the small cymes terminating short Jateral branches ; 
flowers white ; fruit light red, globose, acid and edible ; the stone flat, orbicular. 


A prostrate perennial, with slender creeping woody stems, evergreen leaves, 
regular 5-merous calyx and corolla, the latter funnel-form, stamens 4, and ovary 
3-celled, only 1 ovule maturing. 

1. Linnza Americana Forbes (AMERICAN TWIN-FLOWER). Slightly pubes- 
cent, usually forming dense low beds or patches; leaves obovate to orbicular, firm 
and dark green ; peduncles slender, with a pair of bracts at summit and from the 
axil of each a filiform 2-bracted, 1-flowered pedicel ; flowers nodding ; corolla pur- 
ple or rose-colored, about 10 mm. long ; berry nearly globose. Coniferous woods. 



Low branching upright shrubs with short-petioled leaves, white or rose-tinged 
flowers in spikes or axillary clusters, short calyx teeth, bell-shaped regular 4- or 
5-lobed corolla with as many short stamens in its throat, and fruit a berry. 

* Flowers in axillary spicate clusters ; corolla campanulate, about 6 mm. long, 
densely hirsute-villous within. 

1. Symphoricarpos occidentalis Hook. (WOLF-BERRY). Somewhat pubes- 
cent, freely branched, 3-7 dm. high ; leaves ovate to oval, often undulate toothed, 
25 em. long; flowers often crowded ; the corolla cleft to the middle ; pinkish- 
white ; berry white, sub-globose. 

x * Flowers axillary ; corolla tubular-funnel-form, nearly glabrous within. 

2. Symphoricarpos oreophilus Gray (HILLSIDE SNOWBERRY). From gla- 
brous to softly pubescent, rather slender, 3-6 dm. high ; leaves broadly ovate to 
oblong, entire or nearly so; flowers few in the axils; corolla white, 10-12 mm. 
long ; berry large (about 8 mm. long), ovoid, white. Open woods on hillsides. 


Erect or climbing shrubs with entire leaves, often showy and fragrant flowers, 
very short calyx teeth, tubular or funnel-form corolla, 5 stamens, and a 2-38-celled 
ovary becoming a berry. 

1. Lonicera involucrata (Rich) Banks (GROUSE-BERRY). Generally some- 
what pubescent, erect, growing in clumps, 5-25 dm. high ; leaves from ovate to 
oblong-lanceolate, 4-8 cm. long, petioled, bracts ovate-cordate, enlarging in fruit, 
becoming purplish-black and inclosing the berry ; flowers usually paired, axillary; 
corolla yellowish, viscid-pubescent ; berry globose, about 8 mni. in diameter, black, 
with a sickening bitter taste. 


Perennial herbs with opposite leaves, panicled or cymose 
flowers, a 5-lobed corolla, 1-4 stamens, an inferior 3-celled ovary, 
becoming an indehiscent 1-seeded fruit. 


Herbs with large rank-smelling roots or rhizomes, cymose flowers, calyx-limb 
of 5-15 setiform lobes, tubular or funnel-form corolla, 3 stamens inserted on the 
corolla-tube, and a 1-seeded nerved fruit. 

1. Valeriana edulis Nutt. (EDIBLE VALERIAN. ToOBACCO-ROOT). Glabrous or 
nearly so ; root perpendicular, large, fusiform and branching below ; stem erect, 
few-leaved, 3-8 dm. high ; basal leaves parallel-veined, large, entire or sparingly 
pinnately lobed; stem-leaves sessile, pinnately parted into narrow divisions ; 
flowers in an elongated panicle of small cymes, yellowish-white; fruit ovate, 
shorter than the fully developed plumose calyx-segments. Wet banks. 

2. Valeriana septentrionalis Rydb. (NoRTHERN VALERIAN). Glabrous ; 
the erect stems from horizontal rootstocks, 2-5 dm. high; root-leaves petioled, 
entire, from spatulate to oval ; stem-leaves about 3-pair, pinnately lobed or parted 
into 5-7 divisions; flowers white, in a crowded cyme, more open in fruit; fruit 
glabrous, compressed, about 3mm. long. Moist wooded hillsides. 



LXV. CAMPANULACE4 (Campanvna Famity) 

Herbs with alternate leaves, bell-shaped or wheel-shaped 
usually blue and showy corolla, 5 separate stamens, a single 
style and a 3-5-celled ovary becoming a many-seeded pod. 

1. Specularia. Flowers sessile in the axils of the roundish clasping leaves; 
filaments hairy. 

2. Campanula. Flowers on slender stalks or in terminal spikes; filaments 

1. SPECULARIA (Venus Looxine-eLAss) 

Low herbs with axillary blue or purplish flowers, 5-lobed calyx, wheel-shaped 
5-lobed corolla, hairy filaments, and a 3-celled oblong pod opening on the side by 
3 holes. 

1. Specularia perfoliata (L.) A. DC. Somewhat hairy, 1-4 dm. high; leaves 
roundish or ovate, clasping by the heart-shaped base. toothed ; flowers sessile, 
solitary or 2-3 together, only the upper one with a conspicuous corolla ; pod open- 
ing ratuer below the middle. Sterile open ground. 


Herbs with terminal or axillary flowers, 5-cleft calyx, usually bell-shaped 
5-lobed corolla, broad filaments and a 3- or 5-celled short pod opening on the side 
by as many holes. (See Plant Relations, p. 19, Fig. 13; p. 80, Fig. 74a. Also Plant 
Structures, p. 228, Fig. 210a.) 

« Flowers few, on slender stalks ; stem-leaves narrow. 

1. Campanula rotundifolia L. (HAREBELL. BLUE-BELL). Mostly smooth, 
slender, branching, 1-3 dm. high, 1-10 fiowered ; basal leaves round-heart-shaped 
or oval, long-petioled, early withering away ; stem-leaves numerous, linear or 
narrowly lanceolate, entire, smooth; calyx-lobes awl-shaped; corolla bright 
blue; style straight; pod nodding; its openings below the middle. Shaded 
rocky ground. 

x *« Flowers solitary terminal ; leaves all narrow. 

2. Campanula Parryi Gray (PARRY’s BELLFLOWER). Glabrous, slender, 1-3 
dm. high ; leaves denticulate, from spatulate-lanceolate to nearly linear ; flowers 
peduncled, erect, rather large; corolla blue, shading to purple, shaped like a funnel 
without the tube, cleft nearly half its length; only slightly longer than the linear 
calyx-lobes. Wet grassy valleys. 

LXVI. CICHORIACE (Cuicory Famity) 

Like Composite, but all the flowers of the head with strap- 
shaped corollas (ligules). 
* Flowers yellow. 

+ Stemless ; heads solitary, terminal on naked scapes. 
1. Agoseris. Scape solid; achenes 10-ribbed, short beaked. 


2. Taraxacum. Scape hollow, achene 4-5 angled, spinulose at summit, with 
very long slender beak. 

+ + Stems usually leafy ; heads paniculate or corymbose. 

3. Crepis. Leaves entire to pinnatifid ; achenes narrowed at summit but not 

* « Flowers blue. 
4. Lactuca. Stems leafy ; achenes flattened, nerved and short-beaked. 


Acaulescent herbs with rosulate nearly sessile leaves, naked scape, imbricated 
involucre of unequal bracts, flat receptacle, truncate 5-toothed rays, slender style- 
branches, and a copious pappus of slender white bristles. 

1. Agoseris glauca (Pursh) Greene (LARGE-FLOWERED AGOSERIS). Glabrous 
and somewhat glaucous ; leaves from oblong-lanceolate to nearly linear, entire to 
somewhat pinnatifid ; scape longer than the leaves, 1-3 dm.jhigh : involucre cam- 
panulate, its bracts lanceolate, glabrous, 3-4 cm. broad ; the achene with its stout 
nerved beak long, longer than the scabrous pappus. Moist slopes and 

2. Agoseris Leontodon Rydb. (CuT-LEAVED AGOSERIS). Cinerous-pubescent, 
especially while young, somewhat tufted; stems slender, ascending, 5-12 cm. long ; 
leaves lanceolate in outline, more or less laciniate-pinnatifid ; bracts of the involucre 
lanceolate; heads only 2-3 cm. broad;-the rays usually purplish externally. Moist 


Herbs with basal rosette of pinnatifid leaves, large and solitary heads on slen- 
der hollow stems, double involucre (outer short scales, inner long and narrow erect 
scales in a single row), and an oblong ribbed achene prolonged into a very slender 
beak bearing the soft white pappus. 

1. Taraxacum Taraxacum (L.) Karst. Smooth or at first hairy; outer 
involucre reflexed; inner involucre at first erect, but reflexed in fruit and 
exposing the globular head of pappus. Everywhere. From Europe. (See Plant 
Relations, p. 114, Fig. 118; also Plant Structures, p. 218, Fig. 187 ; p. 277, Fig. 262 ; 
p. 278, Fig. 263.) 


Perennials with sparsely leafy stems, often branching, entire or pinnatifid 
leaves, yellow flowers, soft white pappus, striate achenes narrowed at summit (not 

1. Crepis glauca (Nutt.) T. & G. Glabrous and somewhat glaucous, stems 
nearly or quite leafless, ascending, 2-4 dm. long; leaves basal from entire to 
laciniate-pinnatifid, broadly spatulate to lanceolate ; heads few-several, about 2 
em. broad, on long slender peduncles ; bracts of the involucre lanceolate, acute 
except the outer very short ovate ones; achene fusiform-cylindric, with 10 well- 
marked ribs. Moist alkaline soil. 

2. Crepis acuminata Nutt. Somewhat cinerous-pubescent ; stems 1-several 
from the crown, 3-5 dm. high; leaves large, petioled, oblong-lanceolate in outline, 
deeply and irregularly pinnatifid, long acuminate at apex; heads small, very 
numerous in a corymbose-cyme ; involucre glabrous, few-flowered (4-6), its bracts 
somewhat keeled or thickened at base ; achenes fusiform, longer than the pappus. 
Frequent on dry stony hills. 


4, LACTUCA (Witp Lettuce) 

Tall herbs with milky juice, alternate leaves, cylindrical involucre of unequal 
imbricated bracts, rays truncate-toothed at apex, and ribbed achenes narrowed 
into a beak which is expanded at summit into a flat disk bearing the abundant 

1. Lactuca pulchella (Pursh) DC. (BLuE Lettuce). A glabrous perennial 

with slender leafy stem, 2-4 dm. high, simple except the corymbose-panicle of 
showy blue heads; leaves lanceolate or oblong, entire, toothed or pinnatifid ; 
achenes flat, oblong, 3-4 mm. long, longer than the beak ; pappus abundant, soft 
and white. 

LXVII. COMPOSIT 4: (CompositE FAmIty) 

The greatest family of the flowering plants, chiefly bloom- 
ing in summer and autumn, with flowers collected in a head 
which is surrounded by a rosette of bracts G(nvolucre), the mar- 
ginal flowers (rays) usually with strap-shaped conspicuous 
corollas, the inner flowers (forming the disk) tubular and 5- 
toothed, calyx in the form of hairs, bristles, teeth, scales, etc. 
(pappus), 5 stamens united by their anthers, a 2-cleft style, and 
an inferior ovary becoming a dry seed-like achene. (See Plant 
Structures, p. 275; also p. 276, Wig. 261.) 

x Disk flowers yellow ; ray not yellow. 
+ Receptacle naked ; pappus of capillary or rigid scabrous bristles. 

1. Townsendia. Pappus bristles few, rigid and scabrous ; style appendages 
lanceolate ; achenes flattened, with thick margins, those of the ray triangular ; 
rays white, blue or purple. 

2. Erigeron. Pappus bristles numerous, capillary; style appendages short, 
rounded ; achenes 2-nerved ; rays variously colored. 

+ + Receptacle chaffy; pappus wanting. 

3. Achillea. Involucre campanulate, its inner bracts membranous—like the 
bracts of the receptacle ; rays white, short and broad ; leaves dissected. 

* * Disk flowers white or pinkish; rays wanting or (if present) white and 

4. Cheenactis. Leaves pinnately dissected ; pappus of hyaline scales. 

5. Petasites. Root-leaves large, sagittate ; pappus of niimerous long white 
capillary bristles. 

* x x Ray flowers yellow. 

+ Receptacle chaffy ; pappus of 2-pointed scales or wanting ; achenes more 
or less 4-angled. 

6. Rudbeckia. Disk hemispherical or conical, brownish-black ; pappus 
wanting ; involucre of spreading leaf-like bracts. 

7. Helianthus. Disk fiat, brownish or dark purple; pappus 2 scarious 
deciduous scales, involucre of spreading attenuate bracts. 


8. Balsamorrhiza. Disk flat, yellow; pappus none; outer bracts of the 
broad involucre foliaceous. 

+ + Receptacle naked or fimbrillate ; pappus of 5-12 hyaline scales; achenes 
turbinate or ob-pyramidal. 

9. Tetraneuris. Bracts of involucre similar; receptacle naked; mostly 
ceespitose plants with scapose stems, and yellow flowers. 

10. Gaillardia. Bracts of involucre dissimilar: receptacle with slender 
fringed bracts; leafy stemmed plants with large yellow rays and disk-flowers 
becoming brownish. 

+ + + Receptacle naked ; pappus of numerous capillary bristles ; achenes 
slender ; disk yellow. 

11. Stenotus. Low cespitose, with woody base, narrow alternate leaves, 
and scapose stems. 

12. Arnica. Herbs; leaves few, opposite; heads solitary or few, rather 
large, conspicuously radiate. 

13. Senecio. Herbs; leaves alternate; heads few to many in a cymose- 
corymb or panicle ; rays few. 


Depressed, tufted, or spreading from the branched base, with narrow entire 
leaves, large heads with numerous rays ; the bracts of the involucre imbricated in 
several series (the outer shorter), the achenes compressed and pubescent with 
hairs forked at the tip. 

x Stemless, depressed, heads medium-sized (15-20 mm. broad). 

1. Townsendia sericea Hook. (EARLY TOWNSENDIA). Sericeous pubescent, 
closely appressed to the ground; heads solitary or several (when several crowded), 
more or less exceeded by the numerous spatulate-linear leaves which form a rosu- 
late cluster about the heads ; involucral bracts nearly linear, acute ; rays gener- 
ally white. Exceedingly abundant; plains and foothills; the earliest of the 

«x Stems branched from the base ; heads large, 3 cm. or more broad. 

2. Townsendia grandiflora Nutt. (LARGE-FLOWERED TOWNSENDIA). Canes- 
cently pubescent, becoming glabrate; the stems ascending, often branching ; 
leaves from spatulate to linear, the uppermost subtending the head ; involucral 
bracts lanceolate, scarious margined ; rays violet-purple to white ; pappus of disk 
flowers longer than the achene. 


Herbs with entire or toothed alternate leaves, solitary or clustered heads on 
naked peduncles, narrow and nearly equal involucral scales, variously colored 
rays, yellow disk, flattened 2-nerved achenes, and pappus of capillary bristles. 

x Leaves pedately trifid. 

1. Erigeron trifidus Hook. (BiIrRDFooT ERIGERON). Dwarf and tufted, with 
short hirsute pubescence ; leaves crowded on the numerous crowns or short stems 
of the depressed caudex, the short blade 3-5-parted into linear oblong divisions 
which are sometimes again cleft or lobed, on slender hirsute petioles 2-6 times as 
long as the blade ; peduncles slender, usually much surpassing the leaves, mono- 


cephalous ; involucral bracts linear; rays numerous, white. Sterile slopes and 
x *« Leaves narrow, entire ; plants tufted or spreading. 

+ Conspicuously hirsute-pubescent ; branched-spreading from the crown or 
crowns of a tap-root. 

2. Erigeron pumilus Nutt. (Low ERIGERON). Stems leafy, spreading- 
assurgent, 7-15 cm. long; basal leaves spatulate-linear ; stem-leaves linear ; heads 
15-20 mm. broad ; rays 50-80, white. Sandy plains and valleys. 

+ + Pubescence minute ; plants green ; rays white. 

3. Erigeron Eatoni Gray (EaTon’s Ericrron). Low and strongly tufted, 
the numerous short, slender stems and linear leaves crowded on the crowns of the 
branched woody caudex ; leaves 2-5 em. long, surpassed by the peduncles ; heads 
about 15 mm. broad, usually solitary, sometimes 1 or 2 smaller accessory ones ; 
involucre minutely hirsute, the bracts dark green on the midrib ; rays few (15-30). 
Frequent and abundant on stony gravelly slopes. 

4, Erigeron flagellaris Gray (RUNNING ERIGERON). More or less branched 
below, the stems slender and flexuous, spreading, 1-4 dm. long; the lower leaves 
narrowly oblanceolate, becoming smaller and narrower upward, reduced to bracts 
above; peduncles naked, monocephalous; rays very numerous and narrow, 
sometimes pinkish. Moist draws and banks. 

+ + + Glandular or granular ciliate-pubescent ; rays violet or purple. 

5. Erigeron giandulosus Porter (GLANDULAR ERIGERON). Stems and leaves 
crowded on the thick crowns of the cespitose caudex, 10-25 cm. high; leaves from 
narrowly spatulate to linear, 3-6 cm. long ; stems leafy below, naked pedunculate 
above with a single showy head ; rays 40-50. Stony slopes; foothills and moun- 

x x x Leaves large, some of them coarsely toothed, plants erect. 

6. Erigeron Philadelphicus L. (ComMMon FLEABANE). Hairy; stem leafy, 
branching above, bearing several small! heads ; leaves thin, oblong, the upper ones 
smoothish, clasping by a heart-shaped base, mostly entire, the lowest spatulate 
and toothed; rays innumerable and very narrow, rose-purple or flesh-color. 
Moist ground. 

3. ACHILLEA (Yarrow) 

Perennial herbs with erect stems, finely dissected pinnatifid alternate leaves, 
small heads in corymbs at the summit of stem and branches, campanulate invo- 
lucres of unequal imbricated bracts, yellow disk, and a few broad white rays. 

1. Achillea lanulosa Nutt. (WESTERN YARROW). Somewhat woolly pubes- 
cent, 2-5 dm. high ; leaves finely bipinnate ; cyme dense and flat-topped ; invo- 
lucral bracts with green, keeled midrib and thin brownish margins, the chaff on 
the receptacle membranous. Common; from the plains to the mountain-tops. 


Perennial herbs with alternate dissected leaves, rather large rayless heads in 
open irregular terminal cymes. 

1. Cheenactis, Douglasii H. & A. (DovuGcias’s CHa#nactTis). More or less 
whitened with jshort woolly floccose pubescence, sometimes becoming glabrate, 
branched from the base and sparingly upward, 1-4 dm. high; leaves bipinnately 


dissected, the lobes from linear to short oblong ; heads often nearly 2 em. high ; 
involucre campanulate, its bracts slightly or not at all imbricated ; achenes linear, 
pubescent ; the pappus of thin fringed glistening scales. Open stony and sterile 


Perennials from thick rhizomes, with scaly scapose stems, large radical leaves 
on stout petioles and white flowers in corymbiform racemes. 

1. Petasites sagittata (Pursh) Gray (SwEET CoLtTsFooT). Somewhat woolly- 
pubescent ; stems erect, 1-3 dm. high, with several alternate erect foliaceous 
lanceolate bracts ; leaves large, deltoid-oblong to reniform-hastate, very white- 
tomentose beneath, developing a little later than the stems, becoming 1-8 dm. 
long ; involucre campaunulate, its bracts in a single series ; corollas very slender, 
the outer with a narrow white ligule. Marshy mountain meadows. 


Herbs with alternate leaves, showy terminal heads, leaf-like and spreading 
involucral scales, long yellow rays, hemispherical to oblong or conical dark disk, 
with short chaff, 4-sided smooth achenes, and no pappus. 

1. Rudbeckia flava Moore (WESTERN BLACK-EYED SuUSAN). Hirsute or 
strigose ; stems simple, straw-colored, purple-dotted, 2-5 dm. high ; leaves oblong, 
lanceolate to nearly linear, tapering into a margined petiole ; heads solitary, long- 
peduncled; involucral bracts oblong-linear ; rays about 25 mm. long, linear-oblong, 
yellow. Frequent ; plains and foothills. 

2. Rudbeckia ampla Aven Nelson (LARGE CONE-FLOWER). Perennial, from 
horizontal rootstocks ; stems erect and branched, striate, 1-2 m. high; leaves large, 
compoundly trifoliate ; leaflets ovate, 3-cleft, coarsely and irregularly serrate ; 
heads large, terminating the branches, involucral bracts ovate to oblong ; rays 
6-12, conspicuous, 3-5 cm. long ; disk cylindrical ovate, 2-4 cm. high. Moist copses. 


Rather coarse herbs, the following being annuals with 3-nerved leaves alter- 
nate above and opposite below, the showy peduncled heads which terminate the 
branches having yellow rays and a broad flat brownish or purplish disk, an involucre 
of spreading attenuate bracts, and thick oblong somewhat 4-angled achenes. 

1. Helianthus annuus L. (COMMON SUNFLOWER). Roughish pubescent or 
hispid ; under favorable conditions becoming large and freely branched ; leaves 
broadly ovate, 1-2 dm. long ; heads in the wild plant 6-12 cm. broad; bracts of the 
involucre ovate or narrower, ciliate-hispid ; bracts or chaff of the receptacle 3-cleft. 
Waste grounds and on the plains. From this has been derived the much larger 
cultivated forms. 

2. Helianthus petiolaris Nutt. (PRAIRIE SUNFLOWER). Smaller, quite 
similar, hirsute, sparingly branched above; leaves mostly ovate-lanceolate, 4-8 
em. long on slender petioles, entire or nearly so; heads smaller, only 3-5 em. 
broad. Sandy plains and river bottoms. 

8. BALSAMORRHIZA (BaLsaAm-xr007) 

Perennials from thick deep-set balsamic scented roots, with tufted radical 
long-petioled leaves, and few-leaved or scapose erect stems bearing large solitary 
heads of yellow flowers. 


1. Balsamorrhiza sagittata Nutt. (ARROW-LEAVED BALSAM-ROOT). Root 
large, woody, vertical, often 1 m. in length ; leaves crowded on the crown, cordate- 
oblong to sagittate, 1-2 dm. long, on longer petioles, silvery-canescent ; scape 
equaling or surpassing the leaves; heads 8-10 cm. broad. Moist rocky ravines 
and slopes. 


Low perennials, the following czspitose, with crowded narrow radical leaves 
and scapose monocephalous stems, involucre of nearly equal bracts, conspicuous 
yellow 4-nerved (whence the name) rays, and silky-villous achenes. 

1. Tetraneuris acaulis (Pursh) Greene (STEMLESS TETRANEURIS). Silvery 
silky-pubescent ; czespitose, often in broad mats; leaves crowded on the crowns 
of the branched caudex, spatulate-linear, much exceeded by the 7-12-cm.-long 
scapes ; heads 20-25 mm. broad ; involucre somewhat woolly; rays 10-15 ; pappus 
of few awned scales. Dry rocky soil. 

2. Tetraneuris acaulis czespitosa Aven Nelson. More depressed, inordi- 
nately silky-villous throughout ; heads smaller and scarcely rising above the leaves 
of the broad mat. Sandy-clay draws and ravines. 

3. Tetraneuris simplex Aven Nelson (SimpL—E TETRANEURIS). Appressed 
pubescent ; plants singly, rarely in small tufts ; caudex short, of 1 or more crowns 
on a vertical tap-root ; leaves linear-spatulate ; scapes singly from the crown, 15-25 
em. high ; heads large, 2.5-4 cm. broad, silky-lanate on the involucre. Sandy 
valleys and plains. 

4. Tetraneuris Torreyana (Nutt.) Greene (ToRREY’s TETRANEURIS). Strongly 
ceespitose-tufted ; the numerous branches of the caudex thick and inordinately 
clothed by the imbricated bases of the leaves of the previous years, these involved 
in a dense hirsute-wool ; leaves nearly glabrous, bright green, closely and con- 
spicuously resinous impressed-punctate, linear, 4-7 em. long, somewhat exceeded 
by the lightly woolly scapes; heads large, 3-5 cm. broad, deep yellow, the rays 
persistent and becoming white and membranous in age. Stony ridges and bluffs. 


Erect herbs with alternate leaves and large showy mostly long-peduncled 
flowers, yellow rays and yellow disk turning brownish, and the villous achenes 
with slender-awned pappus scales. 

1. Gaillardia aristata Pursh (GREAT-FLOWERED GAILLARDIA). Somewhat 
hirsute, the hairs jointed ; stems erect, 3-6 dm. high ; leaves spatulate to lanceo- 
late, entire, sinuate-dentate or even laciniate ; heads 6-10 em. broad ; bracts of 
the involucre lanceolate, acuminate. Frequent on sandy plains and slopes. 


Densely czespitose perennials with woody base, narrow entire leaves, scapose 
stems, large heads of yellow flowers, campanulate involucre, alveolate receptacle, 
villous achenes with a pappus of white capillary bristles. 

1. Stenotus armerioides Nutt. (NARROW-LEAVED STENOTUS). Glabrous; 
leaves rigid, crowded on the crowns, narrowly spatulate-linear, acute ; stems 
about twice as long as the leaves, 2-3-leaved, naked-pedunculate above ; bracts of 
the involucre oblong, obtuse, scarious margined. Dry naked banks and hills. 


12. ARNICA (Arnica) 

Erect perennial herbs with mostly simple stems, opposite leaves, conspicuous 
long-peduncled heads of yellow flowers and linear pubescent achenes. 

1. Arnica cordifolia Hook (HEART-LEAF ARNICA). Somewhat pubescent or 
villous, 1-3 dm. high ; radical and lower stem leaves cordate-ovate, long-petioled ; 
stem leaves 1-3 pair, the upper small, ovate or oblong and sessile ; heads broad 
(4-7 em.), solitary or additional paired ones from the uppermost axils; bracts of 
the involucre ovate to narrowly oblong, acuminate. Moist wooded slopes. 

2. Arnica fulgens Pursh (SHINING ARNICA). Obscurely pubescent. erect, 
slender, 14 dm. high ; leaves 3-6 pair, erect or ascending, 3-5-nerved, narrowly 
oblong, sometimes denticulate, tapering into a broad margined base; heads. 
nearly as large as in the preceding, usually solitary, sometimes a pair from the 
uppermost axils ; bracts of the involucre oblong. Moist open slopes and plains. 


Herbs with alternate leaves, solitary or clustered heads of yellow flowers, 
cylindrical simple involucre of erect more or less united scales, and pappus of 
very numerous soft and slender white hairs. (See Plant Relations, p. 114, 
Fig. 114.) 

* Leaves entire ; heads few, medium size. 

1. Senecio perplexus Aven Nelson (Harty SENeEcI0). At first loosely floc- 
cose-woolly, soon becoming glabrate, stem erect, rather stout, 2.5-5 dm. high ; 
leaves basal or below the middle (the uppermost being reduced to linear bracts), 
oblanceolate to oblong, tapering to a short margined petiole, margin sometimes 
denticulate or crisped ; inflorescence a cymose-corymb of 8-15 heads; the central 
peduncles short, often over-topped by the lower ; involucral bracts linear, black- 
tipped ; rays 5-10; achene linear, as long or longer than the fine pappus. Fre- 
quent ; moist open slopes. 

2. Senecio Purshianus Nutt. (PURSH’s SENECIO). Permanently white-tomen- 
tose, mostly low and tufted, the several or numerous stems scapose-bracted above, 
1-2 dm. high ; leaves linear or narrowly oblanceolate ; heads few, with few but 
conspicuous rays. 

* » Leaves pinnately lobed, toothed or laciniate. 

3. Senecio Plattensis Nutt. (PLaTttE SENEcIO). Floccose woolly, the stem 
somewhat permanently so; stem mostly simple and not tufted, 3-5 dm. high ; 
basal leaves oblong, on slender petioles, serrate or somewhat lobed at base ; stem- 
leaves longer, lanceolate or oblanceolate in outline, deeply lobed and the lobes 
dentate ; heads several or numerous, in a rather open cymose-corymb ; rays con- 
spicuous. Frequent on Colorado plains. 

4. Senecio Nelsonii Rydb. (NELSon’s SENECIO). Rather thinly tomentose, 
soon nearly glabrous, very densely tufted ; the numerous stems erect, sparsely 
leafy, 1.5-4 dm. high ; leaves crowded on the crowns, oblong to lanceolate in out- 
line, sinuately toothed or lobed; inflorescence a sub-umbellate crowded cyme ; 
heads 7-10 mm. high ; achenes brown, glabrous and distinctly striate. Gravelly 
slopes and banks. 

L. of C. 


ate hee ti nla | 

Abronia, 20. 
Acer, 47. 
Aceracee, 47. 
Achillea, 85. 
Aconitum, 24. 
Agoseris, 82. 
Agrostemma. 21. 
Alder, 16. 
Alfalfa, 42. 
Alisma, 8. 
Alismacee, 7. 
Allium, 10. 
Alnus, 16. 

Alum Root, 38. 
Amelanchier, 39. 
American Cowslip, 60. 

American Dragon-head, 70. 

Androsace, 59. 
Anemone, 24. 
Anogra, 54. 
Apocynacee, 61. 
Apocynum, 61. 
Apple Family, 39. 
Aquilegia, 23. 
Aragallus, 45. 
Arctostaphylos, 58. 
Arenaria, 22. 
Argemone, 27. 
Argentina, 37. 
Arnica, 88. 
Arrow-head, 8. 
Asclepiadaceze, 62. 
Asclepias, 62. 
Aspen, 15. 
Astragalus, 43. 
Atragene, 25. 
Avens, 38. 

Balsamorrhiza, 86. 
Balsam-root, 86. 



Barberry, 27. 
Barberry Family, 27. 
Batrachium, 26. 
Bearberry, 58. 
Beard-tongue, 75. 
Beech Family, 16. 
Bellflower, 81. 
Berberidacee, 27. 
Berberis, 27. 
Betula, 15. 
Betulacee, 15. 
Bindweed, 63. 
Birch, 15. 

Birch Family, 15. 
Bitter Cress, 29. 
Bitter-root, 21. 
Bladder-pod, 30. 
Blueberry, 58. 
Borage Family, 66. 
Boraginacee, 66. 
Bramble, 36. 
Buckwheat Family, -18. 
Buffalo Berry, 52. 

Bunch-flower Family, 8. 

Bur-reed, 7. 
Bur-reed Family, 7. 
Bursa, 30. 
Buttercup, 25. 

Cactacee, 51. 
Cactus, 51. 

Cactus Family, 51. 
Calachortus, 10. 
Caltha, 23. 
Calypso, 13. 
Camass, 8. 
Campanula, 81. 
Campanulacee, 81. 
Campanula Family, 81. 
Caper Family, 31. 



Capnoides, 27. 
Capparidacee, 31. 
Caprifoliaceee, 78. 
Cardamine, 29. 
Carrot Family, 55. 
Cary ophyllaceee, 21. 
Castilleja, 77. 
Catchfly, 22. 
Cat-tail, 7. 

Cat-tail Family, 7. 
Celtis, 17. 
Cerastium, 22. 
Cercocarpus, 39. 
Cereus, 51. 
Cheenactis, 85. 
Chameenerion, 53. 
Cheiranthus, 31. 
Chickweed, 22. 
Chicory Family, 81. 
Chimaphila, 57. 
Choke-cherry, 40. 
Chylisma, 54. 
Cichoriaceee, 81. 
Cinquefoil, 37. 
Clammy Weed, 31. 
Claytonia, 21. 
Clematis, 25. 
Cleome, 31. 
Clover, 42. 

Cockle, 21, 22. 
Collinsia, 76. 
Collomia, 65. 
Coltsfoot, 86. 
Columbine, 23. 
Columbo, 61. 
Comandra, 17. 
Comme\linacee, 8. 
Compositee, 838. 
Composite Family, 83. 
Cone-flower, 86. 
Convallariaceee, 11. 
Convolvulaceee, 62. 
Convolvulus, 63. 
Cornaceee, 57. 
Cornel, 57. 

Cornus, 57. 
Corylus, 16. 
Cottonwood, 15. 
Cow Herb, 22. 
Cranberry Tree, 79. 
Crassulaceee, 32. 
Crateegus, 39. 


Crepis, 82. 

Cress, 29. 

Crowfoot Family, 28. 
Cruciferee, 28. 
Currant, 34. 
Cypripedium, 13. 
Cyrtorhyncha, 26. 

Dandelion, 82. 
Dasiphora, 36. 
Datura, 73. 
Delphinium, 24. 
Disporum, 12. 

Dock, 19. 
Dodecatheon, 60. 
Dogbane, 61. 
Dogbane Family, 61. 
Dog-tooth Violet, 10. 
Dogwood, 57. 
Dogwood Family, 57. 
Draba, 30. 
Dracocephalum, 70. 

| Drupaceee, 40 

Drymocallis, 38. 

Echinocactus, 51. 
Echinocereus, 51. 
Edwina, 38. 

Elder, 79. 

Eleaginaceee, 52. 
Elephantella, 78. 

Elm Family, 17. 
Knomegra, 27. 
Epilobium, 53. 

Ericacee, 58. 

Krigeron, 84. 
Kriogonum, 18. 
Erythronium, 10. 
Euphorbia, 46. 
Euphorbiacee, 46. 
Evening Primrose, 53, 54. 
Evening Primrose Family, 52. 
Evolvulus, 63. 

Fagacee, 16. 

False Hemlock-spruce, 6. 
False Mallow, 49. 

False Solomon’s Seal, 11. 
Fendlera, 33. 

Figwort, 76. 

Figwort Family, 73. 
Flag, 12. 

nT ores 


Flax, 46. Indian Paint-brush, 77. 
Flax Family, 46. Ipomeea, 62. 
Fleabane, 84. Tridacee, 12. 
Four-o’clock Family, 20. Tris, 12. 
Fragaria, 37. Iris Family, 12. 
Frasera, 61. 
Fritillaria, 10. Jamesia, 33. 
Jimson-weed, 73.. 

Gaillardia, 87. Juniper, 6. 
Galpinsia, 53. Juniperus, 6. 
Gaura, 55. 
Gentian, 61. Kinni-ki-nic, 58. 
Gentiana, 61. Knotweed, 19. 
Gentianaceee, 60. Kunzia, 36. 
Gentian Family, 60. 
Geraniaceee, 46. Labiate, 69. 
Geranium, 46. Lactucea, 83. 
Geranium Family, 46. Lady-slipper, 13. 
Geum, 38. Lady-tresses, 13. 
Gilia, 64. Lappula, 66. 
Glaux, 60. 5 Larkspur, 24. 
Glycyrrhiza, 43. Lathyrus, 45. 
Gooseberry, 34. Lavauxia, 54. 
Gooseberry Family, 34. Lepargyrea, 52. 
Grape, 48. Lepidium, 29. 
Grass of Parnassus, 33. Lesquerella, 30. 
Green Orchis, 13. Leucocrinum, 9. 
Grossulariacee, 34. | Lewisia, 21. 
Ground cherry, 72. Liliacee, 9. 
Groundsel, 88. Lilium, 10. 
Gyrostachys, 13. Lily, 10. 

Lily Family, 9. 
Hackberry, 17. Lily-of-the-Valley Family, 11. 
Harbouria, 56. Limnorchis, 18. 
Hawksbeard, 82. Linaceeze, 46. 
Hazel-nut, 16. Linnea, 79. 
Heart-leaved Meadow Parsnip, 56. Linum, 46. 
Heath Family, 58. Liquorice, 48. 
Hedeoma, 70. Lithospermum, 68. 
Helianthus, 86. Loasaceee, 50. 
Heracleum, 57. Loasa Family, 50. 
Hesperaster, 50. Loco, 45. 
Heuchera, 33. Lomatium, 56. 
Hispid Poppy, 27. Lonicera, 80. 
Holodiscus, 36. Loosestrife, 60. 
Honeysuckle, 80. Lousewort, 77. 
Honeysuckle Family, 78. Lucerne, 42. 
Hop, 17. Lupine, 41. 
Horse Mint, 70. Lupinus, 41. 
Humulus, 17. 
Hydrophyllaceee, 65. Macrocalyx, 66. 

Hydrophyllum, 65. Mallow, 49. 


Mallow Family, 48. 
Malva, 49. 
Malvacee, 48. 
Malvastrum, 49. 
Maple, 47. 

Maple Family, 47. 
Mariposa Lily, 10. 
Marsh Marigold, 28. 
Medicago, 42. 
Medick, 42. 
Melanthacee, 8. 
Melilotus, 42. 
Mentha, 70. 
Mentzelia, 50. 
Meriolix, 54. 
Mertensia, 67. 

Milk Vetch, 48. 
Milkweed, 62. 
Milkweed Family, 62. 
Mimulus, 76. 

Mint, 70. 

Mint Family, 69. 
Monarda, 70. 
Monkey-flower, 76. 
Monkshood, 24. 
Moracee, 17. 
Morning-glory, 62. 

Morning-glory Family, 62. 

Mountain Mustard, 29. 
Mountain Parsley, 56. 
Mulberry Family, 17. 
Mullein, 74. 

Musineon, 55. 
Mustard Family, 28. 

Nightshade, 72. 
Nightshade Family, 71. 
Nine-bark, 35. 
Nuttall’s Buttercup, 26. 
Nyctaginacee, 20. 
Nyctelea, 66. 

Oak, 16. 

Oleaster Family, 52. 
Onagra, 53. 
Onagracee, 52. 
Onion, 10. 
Opulaster, 35. 
Opuntia, 51. 
Orchidaceze, 12. 
Orchis Family, 12. 
Oreocarya, 67. 


Orpine Family, 32. 
Orthocarpus, 77. 
Oxalidacee, 47. 
Oxailis, 47. 
Oxygraphis, 26. 

Pachylophus, 54. 
Papaveraceee, 27. 
Papilionacee, 40. 
Parnassia, 33. 
Parsnip, 57. 
Parthenocissus, 48. 
Pasque Flower, 25. 
Pea, 45. 
Pedicularis, 77. 
Penny Cress, 29. 
Pennyroyal, 70. 
Pentstemon, 75. 
Pepper-grass, 29. 
Petalostemon, 42. 
Petasites, 86. 
Phacelia, 66. 
Phellopterus, 56. 
Phlox, 68. 
Physalis, 72. 
Physaria, 30. 
Physostegia, 71. 
Picea, 6. 

Pinaceee, 5. 

Pine, 5. 

Pine Family, 5. 
Pink Family, 21. 
Pinus, 5. 
Pipsissewa, 57. 
Plantaginacee, 78. 
Plantago, 78. 
Plantain, 78. 
Plantain Family, 78. 
Plum, 40. 

Plum Family, 40. 
Polanisia, 31. 
Polemoniacee, 63. 
Polemonium, 65. 
Polemonium Family, 638, 
Polygonacee, 18. 
Polygonum, 19. 
Pomacee, 39. 
Poppy Family, 27. 
Populus, 15. 
Portulaca, 20. 
Portulacacee, 20. 
Potentilla, 37. 

Prairie Clover, 42. 
Prickly Pear, 51. 
Primrose, 53, 54, 59. 
Primrose Family, 59. 
Primula, 59. 
Primulacee, 59. 
Prunella, 71. 
Prunus, 40. 
Pseudotsuga, 6. 
Puccoon, 68. 
Pulsatilla, 25. 

Pulse Family, 40. 
Purslane, 20. 
Purslane Family, 20. 
Pyrola, 58. 
Pyrolacee, 57. 
Pyrola Family, 57. 

Quercus, 16. 

Ranunculacee, 23. 
Ranunculus, 25. 
Ribes, 34. 

Rocky Mountain Bee-plant, 31. 

Roripa, 29. 
Rosa, 39. 
Rosaceee, 35. 
Rose, 39. 

Rose Family, 35. 
Rubus, 36. 
Rudbeckia, 86. 
Rumex, 19. 

Sagittaria, 8. 
Salicacee, 14. 

Salix, 14. 

Saltwort, 60. 
Sambucus, 79. 
Sandalwood Family, 17. 
Sand Flower, 20. 
Sandwort, 22. 
Santalacee, 17. 
Saxifraga, 32. 
Saxifragaceee, 32. 
Saxifrage, 32. 
Saxifrage Family, 382. 
Scrophularia, 76. 
Scrophulariacee, 73. 
Scutellaria, 71. 
Seaside Crowfoot, 26. 
Sedum, 32. 


Self-heal, 71. 
Senecio, 88. 

Service Berry, 39. 
Shepherd’s Purse, 30. 
Shooting Star, 60. 
Shrubby Cinquefoil, 36. 
Sieversia, 38. 

Silene, 22. 

Silver Weed, 37. 
Sisymbrium, 29. 
Skulleap, 71. 
Smartweed, 19. 
Snowball, 20. 
Snowberry, 80. 
Solanacee, 71. 
Solanum, 72. 

Sorrel Family, 47. 
Spanish Bayonet, 11. 
Sparganiaceee, 7. 
Sparganium, 7. 
Specularia, 81. 
Speedwell, 74. 
Spiderwort, 8. 
Spiderwort Family, 8. 
Spiny Poppy, 27. 
Spring Beauty, 21. 
Spruce, 6. 

Spurge, 46. 

Spurge Family, 46. 
Stachys, 71. 
Stanleya, 28. 
Steironema, 60. 
Stenotus, 87. 
Stickseed, 66. 
Strawberry, 37. 
Streptopus, 12. 
Sulphur Flower, 18. 
Sunflower, 86. 
Sweet Cicely, 56. 
Sweet Clover, 42. 
Symphoricarpos, 80. 
Synthyris, 74. 

Taraxacum, 82. 
Tellima, 33. 
Tetraneuris, 87. 
Thlaspi, 29. 
Thermopsis, 41. 
Thorn, 39. 
Thorn-apple, 73. 
Townsendia, 84. 
Tradescantia, 8. 


Trifolium, 42. 
Twin-fiower, 79. 
Typha, 7. 
Typhacee, 7. 

Ulmaceee, 17. 
Umbelliferee, 55. 

Vaccearia, 22. 
Vacciniacesze, 58. 
Vaccinium, 58. 
Vagnera, 11. 
Valeriana, 80. 
Valerianaceee, 80. 
Valerian Family, 80. 

Venus’ Looking-glass, 81. 

Verbascum, 74. 
Verbena, 68. 
Verbenacee, 68. 
Veronica, 74. 
Vervain, 68. 
Vervain Family, 68. 
Vetch, 45. 
Viburnum, 79. 
Vicia, 45. 

Vine Family, 48. 
Viola, 49. 
Violacee, 49. 
Violet, 49. 

Virgin’s Bower, 25. 


Virginia Creeper, 48. 
Vitacee, 48. 
Vitis, 48. 

Wall Flower, 31. 
Washingtonia, 56. 
Water-crowfoot, 26. 
Waterleaf, 65. 

Waterleaf Family, 65. 
Water Plantain, 8. 
Water-plantain Family, 7. 
Western Lion’s Heart, 71. 
Western Star, 50. 

White Mountain Lily, 9. 
Whitlow-grass, 30. 
Whortleberry Family, 58. 
Wild Lettuce, 88. 

‘Willow, 14. 
‘Willow Family, 14. 
Willow Herb, 53. 

Wintergreen, 58. 
Woodbine, 48. 

Wood-sorrel, 47. 
‘Woundwort, 71. 

Yarrow, 65. 
Yucea, 11. 

Zizia, 56. 
Zygadenus, 8. 




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