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Full text of "The ancren riwle; a treatise on the rules and duties of monastic life"

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A   TKl'A'li:;!:;   OX   ^11 

uri/KS  Axn  orTiES  of  iioxastic  life. 

I'MioM  A  :-;;:A;i-s  v^(;^  ms.  oi'  ii'k  iiii;rj':!-:\rjr  vi^x'iT 

\'  r  c  A  i;  o  I-   Tf  < )  1. 1;  i;  /,  c  i;.  i  i;  i;  \:  v.  n  i>  a  i-  v  o  r  l  i  x  c  o  i.  n. 
AM)  c:;  \ij.\:.\  m  iiii.  K":i;v  iio::.  i:Ani.  (;i!:;y. 

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J    11.  Mciioi.s  AM>  SONS,  ru 




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THE  camde:^  society 

io\t.  Tfii;  Yi'.AK  1852-3. 



JOHN   JJRUCE,  ESC2.  Tieas.  S.A.  Direcfur. 

JOIIX  TAYXE  COLLIER,  ESQ.  V.F.S.A.  Treasurer. 

C.  PURTOX  COOPER,  ESQ.  Q.C.,  D.C.L.,  F.P.S.,  F.S.A. 




SIR  IIEXRY  ELLIS,  K.IL,  F.R.S.,  Sec.  S.A. 







WILLIAM  eT.  TIIO.AIS,  ESQ.  F.S.A.,  Scrrelan/. 





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The  Council  of  the  Camdkn  Society  desire  it  to  be  uuder- 
stood  that  tliey  are  not  answerable  for  any  opinions  or  observa- 
tions that  may  appear  in  the  Society's  publications;  the  Editors  of 
the  several  works  being  alone  rcspon.sib^o  for  the  same. 


Ti!E  Ancivu  KiwiC'''  has  loii^-  been  known  and  a;)pi-e.-lak'cl  by 
many  of  tliosc  whv  liave  made  tlio  literaiy  antujuities  of  Eiigltind, 
and  the  history  of  its  ]angaa£:;e,  the  snbject  of  their  ;>tudy  and 
researeli ;  a  chiss  more  nmnerous  now,  perlia])S,  tlian  at  any  fbrnier 
time.  It  has  oftcii  been  thouglit  desirable  that  it  shoidd  f.e  }/i'inted, 
in  order  that  tlie  interesting  information  to  be  derived  from  it  uith 
I'cgard  to  the  state  of  society,  the  learning  and  nKumers,  the  nx>ral 
a?id  lelifi-ions  teaching,  and  tlie  language  of  the  period  in  Avhieh  it 
was  written,  nn'ght  become  more  generally  accessible  than  it  could  be 
wiien  contained  only  in  a  few  copies  in  ISIS,  deposited  in  two  of  our 
public  libraries.  Influenced  by  such  motives,  and  desirous  of 
therely  forwarding  the  objects  of  the  Canuleu  Society,  of  wliich  he 
has  tlie  honour  of  being  a  member,  the  Editor  has  endoa\oured,  in 
the  interval.-  of  professional  labours  and  duties,  and  with  sucli 
limited  aljilifies  and  means  of  illustration  as  lie  possesses,  to  prepare 
it  for  the  jjrehs,  to  whicli  he  now  connnits  It,  not  witiio'.;t  iear  that 
he  may  sometinu-.-,  have  failed  to  elucidate  the  obscarlties  of  its 
langnage,  but  in  the  h<)]ii.'  that,  the  result  of  his  labonr  m  111  be 
favourably  received  and  candiilly  judg(  d. 

"  Tin-,  li  llic  oiii^iiial  .11. .1  proper  title  of  the  wn.'k.  Kc'guhe  i:,:'lns;,nmi  is  ;.,M,;,I  ia  (lu- 
li,ui.Is'ri:iii.;  r:tm-Mioi!l.\  ll^,e'l  in  the  se\i'iit(  cntl,  ccnuiry.  'I'lie  l.t^'in  titles  at  t!.e  head  of 
some  of  the  scetie;is  are  taken  fn,ni  the  iiiar''iii  of  ti;e  Ovfor,!  .MS. 

vi  I'KErACE. 

Four  different  copies  of  this  work  are  extant.  They  arc  described, 
but  not  i[uite  correctly,  by  the  learned  11.  VVanley,  in  his  Catalogue 
of  Ancient  IManuscripts  in  the  Ang]o-5jaxon  and  other  Northern 
Languages,  appended  to  Dr.  IHckcs's  Thesaurus  Linguaruni  Septen- 

1.  The  first  is  a  quarto  volume  v/ritten  on  parchment,  l)elonging 
to  Corpus  Christi  College,  Cambridge,  and  marked  ccccii.  in 
Nasniith's  Catalogue  of  the  curious  and  valuable  library  of  that 
institution.  It  is  called  Ancren  Wisse,^  and  is  said  by  Wanley^  to 
be  abridged  from  a  Latin  work  by  Simon  of  Client,  bishoj)  ol" 
Sahsbury,  addressed  to  his  sisters,  anchoresses  of  the  order  of  St. 

2.  The  second  is  Nero  A.  xiv,  in  the  Cottonian  collection  in  the 
library  of  the  British  ]\Iuseu)n ;  a  square  volume  nearly  of  the  size 
of  a  common  octavo,  written  on  parchment.  The  learned  antiquary 
Dr.  Thomas  Smith,  in  his  Catalogue  of  the  MSS.  of  the  Cottonian 
Library,  published  in  1G9G,  descr:]:)es  it  as  the  work  of  i-.n  anony- 
mous author,  written  for  the  instruction  of  nuns,  and,  especially,  for 
the  use  of  his  sisters,  who  were  anchoresses.  lie  adds  that  there  is 
the  same  book  in  Latin  in  the  library  of  INIagdaien  College,  Oxford, 
with  an  inscription  indicating  it  to  be  the  work  of  Simoii  of  Ghent, 
bishop  of  Salisbury,  and  addressed  to  his  own  sisters,  anchoiesses  at 

•  The  govenimci.t  or  instruct!. m  ..f  mm-.  •*   I'ag^-'  1  il". 

•"  A  inoinonindum  on  tlte  first  i..'igf  slate?  tliat  it  was  prcscntod  to  tlic  tliuivh  of  Si. 
.laiiui  at  Wigniuru,  bj  Joliii  I'urocl,  at  the  farncst  rcijucst  of  Walter  l.odclv  -cnior,  I'tn 
rm-eiitor.  A  curse  i.s  iiiiiirccat.jil  against  aiiv  purson  wlio  slioul.l  alienate  tlu  book  from 
tbe  saitl  eburdi,  or  .-iliouKl  fli-stroy  its  title, 

''   Sniitb,  p.  r,0,    Wanlev.  p.  22^. 


3.  Titus  I).  x\'Jii.  in  tlic  same  collection;  a  square  octavo,  on 
parclunen!,  but  inij.erfcrt,  wanting  the  fu'st  ten  or  twelve  leaves. 

4.  Cleopatra  C.  ri.  also  in  tlie  Cottonian  Collection;  is  of  the 
form  and  size  of  an  ini[)Grial  octavo,  and  written  on  parclinieiit. 

The  l^atin  ^IS.  of  the  sanu^  worlc,  ali-eady  mentioned,  in  the 
lil)rar3  of  i\[agdalon  Colleoe,  Oxford,  is  imperfect,  the  first  part 
being  greatly  ahi-idged,  and  the  eighth  entire!}'  omitted. 

Another  JMS.  eopy  of  the  same  work  in  Latin,  Vitellius  VI.  vii. 
was  Inu-iied  in  the  f^ital  confiagralion  which,  in  October,  1731, 
destroyed  or  damaged  a  groat  number  of  tlie  valuable  MSS.  of  the 
Cotto)nan  Library.  A  eopj'  of  the  same  woi'k  in  French,  Vitellius 
F.  VII.  was  at  the  same  time  consumed  in  tins  disastrous  fire.* 

The  text  of  this  first  printed  edition  is  that  of  Nero  A,  Xiv.  It 
has  been  collated  with  Titus  D.  xviii.  and  with  Cleopatra  C.  vi. 
The  most  rcniarkablo  variations,  which  are  almost  all  nicrelv  verbal, 
are  printed  at  the  foot  of  tl:e  page.  The  Oxford  MS.  also  has  been 
examined  throughout,  and  whatever  illustrations  it  aftbrds  liave  been 
carefully  jioted. 

Smith,  whom  Wanley,  and  i\]r.  Planta,  the  compilei-  of  the 
enlarged  Cottonian  Catalogue,  pablished  in  1802,  imjilicitly  follow, 
pronounces  the  Latin  the  original,  and  the  vernacidar  text  merely  a 
ti'anslation.  It  does  not  appear  that  Smith,  had  any  other  ground 
for  this  assertion  thaii  the  insi'rijjtion,  or  prefatory  note,  above 
mentioned,  prefixed   to   the   Oxford  I\IS,^'     Wanley  j-ests  his  opinion 

»  It  i.-:  thus  aesfr;iira  in  Sinia.'.^  C:it:.I(,;i:o  :  "  l,a  Uinile  de  funuiu-s  Roligioiiscs  ct 
IJofluMS;  jifi-  Sit;ioii.-ni  <1l-  f-i.Mn'avj,  l'pisco|iU'ii  Surishnrii.'iisiuiii,  in  usuni  soruniin 
il.Mu.s."  p.  io;5. 

*■  '•  J I  if  incijiii  ]ir  ..Iii'!i;iuiii  vciiciaMli.-  l'-\tTis  iiiagistri  Simoiii-  do  Ccindav  o,  l''.i)isco]>i 
S:innn,  in  iilii;iiii  lU-  \ita  'ii  litarin.  rjiuvn  acripsit  sorori!nii  suis  .iiiacliureti.-^  ainid 
Tar..nlc."-M.S.  (h.,;,.  p.   1. 



Ujjon  a  collation  ni;idc — lie  does    not  say  bj  ^v]^ouj — of  tlic   scmi- 
Saxon  with  the  Latin  text  of  the  lost  .MS.  Vitollius  E.  vii/ 

The  Editor  is  ninvi]liiiL;ly  conij-fllLtl  to  difitT  in  opinion  froni  men 
so    distinguished    lor    their   learning   and    abilities^    iind    who    have 
rendered    most    iniportant    services    to    the   literary    antiquities    of 
'.\  England.      After  carefully  examining   and   comparing  the  text  now 

j  printed  with  the  Oxford  ]\IS.  he  believes  that  he  has  found  evidence 

1  in  tlic  work  itself  which  cleaidy  she\vs  that  the  vernacular  text  is  tlie 

I  original,  and  the  Latin  a  translation,  in  many  parts  abridged  and  in 

.j  some  enhirged,  made  at  a  comparatively   recL'iit  period,  wlien  the 

i  language    in    wliich    the    work   had   been    originally    written    Avas 

I  becoming  obsolete.     In  particular,  there  are  vrords  in  the  Latin  text 

I  erroneously  translated,  and   some    not    even    translated   at  all,  ap- 

i  parently  because  the   Latin  translator   did  not  know  how  to  render 

I  them,  which  could  not  have  been  if  the  vernacular  liad  not  existed 

j  before  the   Latin  text.     Thus,  in  page  88,  where  rikelot,  a  jnaavie, 

I  occurs,    and    in    the    corresponding   passage   of    Cleopatra    C.    yi. 

I  kikelot,   we   find  in   the  Latin    MS.    kikelota.^      Li   page   96,  the 

I  proverbial  phrase,  "  Euer  is  J^e  eie  to  ])e  wude  leie,"  is  in  the  Latin, 

I  "  Everc    ys    the   yerje    to    the    wode   lyi^he."        In    page    210    is 

:,  "  heggen,"   which  is   rendered  "luigges;'-"  and  •'•'cage,"  in  page  i02, 

is  "  kagya  "  in  the  Latin  MS.^ 

i  '  "  LibtT   Siiiionis   de  Gaiidavo,    Ejiiscoiii  Sarisburiciisis,  d.'  vitu  bolitail:i  soiuribu*  siiis 

anachoreticis,  ex    Latino  translatus,  lit  per  liujusfo  Bibliotliecro  c.\eniplar  l/.\t.  quod  iii.^c:-. 
^  VitcUius  E.  7,  (collatioiic  facta)  patet  fvidentor."-  -"WanU'j ,  p.  228. 

;  l"  "  Ane  rikelot  ]>ei  caktluS   Lire  al   )a   lu-o   i-siJuS  oNor  i-heiv?;."      •' KjLJni,n,i  mI 

faliiilaiiduni  quicquid  videt  et  au  lit."'- MS.  Oxoii.  fol.  13. 

'  "  l)Co  ilko  iiieu  senieS  iSc  deurtc^  <uft  Wl  liaLUeLi  i-win.'d  o  ]"eoa  scouen /cyyc);," 
"  Et  de  quo  otrii-io  serviuut  (■rimino.-.i  in  iiuia  <liali(ili  qui  Ins  spptiin  hayjes  duxeruut  in 
iixoros."— .MS.  Oxon.  fol.   14. 

'I    "  }l\v,.5rT  cni  lotildc*  u..nde<le  nurr  Ms  )..■(  he);,  .N  fu.  r  ntw.-ud  ase  in.t'.^c  hrid 



Of  mistranslation?  ^vl!icll  pervert  the  sense  of  the  original,  we  find 
"  urakele,"  signifvina'  frnil,'^  translated  vorax}"  Tlic  pronoun  lore, 
in  page  222,  tlurr,  h  translated  mcrcfri.r.''  T«h',  in  page  22G, 
meaning  7H/»/Ao',  is  rendered  ;;a/'y«('/o  in  the  Latin  version.'*  Vrm, 
in  page  286,  io  rcvj  ihc  hours  or  })rayei-s  at  stated  times  of  the  day,  is 
translated  andlrc^  In  page  224,  herhorinrc,  an  arbour,  or  lodging, 
is  In  tlie  Latin  hrrhorlmnf  J3odr,  in  page  400,  an  offer,  is  absnrdly 
rendered  eorpns."  These  imperfections  in  tlie  Latin  text  are  surely 
sufficient  to  wai  rant  the  conclusioai  that  it  is  not  the  original,  but  a 
translation  of  the  Ancren  irnvle.  And  it  is  further  to  be  observed 
that,  in  the  Latin  codex,  not  only  is  the  first  part,  or  book,  greatly 
abrido-ed,  or  rather  mutilated,  Imt  the  eighth,  or  last  part,  is  wholly 

ine  cage."  "Nunquia  ariqiiotiens  hoc  cxpcitie  sunt  an.-iel.o!vt;x>,  vel  sanctimoniales 
exterliH  rostrantos,  a.l  n-.odum  avis  iiuliseiplinata^  in  hnj^ti  exire  nitent;^=."-Fot.  10. 

»  or  ■rrOrhtd,  from  A.-S.  wi-a.'clic,  iil. 

b  "  ^et  cuericli.-  cftcr  his  stat  honiwc  et  tissc  v.raMe  worlde  so  Intel  so  heo  oucr  mei." 
"  Roli-io  recta  est  ut  quilibet  secundum  suum  statum  accommodet.  seu  mutuo  accipiat  a 
vyro.ri  iwnnAo  quanto  minus  potest  cihi  vol  vestimenti,,  aiit  cujuscnn.nie  rei 
mundana-."— Foi.  40  1). 

<:  '=  Swuch  fe<tc  mal<eS  sum  of  lore  bet  %NeneS  J-ot  heo  do  wcl,  ase  dusic  men  T  ndoteJe 
doS  hire  to  un(ler,tonden."  "  Tale  conviviam  facit  iiuandoqne  vuv,t,-ix.  Putat  quod 
benefacit,  sicut  stolidx>  et  aniantes  sibi  dant  intelligere."— Fol.  4(1. 

0  "lie  haueS  so  monic  bustcs  ful  of  his  Ictuaries-^c  lu'Scrc  Icche  of  helle.  jvnc  her  of 
the  tale  of  his  ampuiles."      -Tot  habet   pixides,  maledictns  medieus    infcrnaiis,  pK  na.s 

clectu.ariis,     Comtctis  h 


,,  d 

c  ejus  amp 

ullis."— Fob  lt;b 

'  S.-cpe,  cara-  soi'oi'e? 

e   "  Ofte,  lcoucsustron,S^=  schulen  v.xr  lesso  uortc  reden  mor. 
debetis  minus  aw'lrc,  ut  plus  Ic-atis."— Fol.  (Jii. 

f  "Of  swucbc   flures   make   hu   his  A.,-/... ,«<'(;  ^vi5innen  l>e  .uln..n.-     "  Kx  bis  lac  .ii 
hcrhari.jw  intra  -.cmetipsam."— Fob  Ci. 

K  "  a  mon,  nor  on  of  I'cos,  J^lnen  al  K'l  bo  oubtr  I-  And  alio  J'cos  Mn-cs  some. 
|„.(,N  nout  \sur\S  a  ncblr."  "  I'ro  nno  i>,  numquid  dant 
Jut  li:cc  omnia   simul    in    comitaratione   ad  r,,yj,ii^    lucum   non  vale 


iX^fyiw  mine 
juic(iuid  b; 
-icnm." — 1 

ol.  !•:.' 

CAM  J) 




otiiittod,  and  that  intentionally,  as  wo  Icavn  from  tlie  words  of  the 
t)'an^]:it^'r  liiniself,  or  his  transcriber,  at  the  conclusion  of  th.e  scventli 
p;irt^  And  yet,  Wanlcy  asserts  that  the  veniacuhir  text  is  an 
abridoinent  of  the  Latin.''  In  comparing  togetlier  the  two  texts,  it 
is  foimd,  indeed,  that  tliere  are  a  few  passages  in  the  Latin  which 
are  not  in  tlio  senii-Saxon  ;  but,  on  the  other  liand,  tliere  are  a 
greater  r.umber  in  the  latter  which  are  not  in  the  former.  In 
oeneral  the  two  agree  pretty  closely  with  each  otlicr,  with  tlio 
cxcej>t!on,  already  noticed,  of  the  mutilation  of  the  first,  and  the 
coinpleic  omission  of  the  last  part. 

]t  is  further  asserted  by  Wanley,  who  to  have  read  only 
a  few  pages  at  the  hcgimiing  of  the  work,  that  the  anchoresses  to 
whom  it  is  addressed  were  or  the  ordei-  of  St.  James  ; '"  an  order  not 
mentioned  clsewh.ere  as  having  existed  in  England,  or  even  in 
Europe.  This  error  may  easily  have  originated  from  misapprehen- 
sion of  the  following  passage :  "  If  any  ignorant  person  ask  you  of 
what  order  ye  are,  say  that  ye  are  of  the  order  of  St.  James.  If 
s\ich  answer  seem  strange  and  singular  to  him,  ask  him  what  is 
ordei-,  and  where  he  can  find  in  Scri])ture  religion  more  plainly 
descriljed  than  in  the  canonical  epistle  of  St.  James?  lie  saith  what 
religi(jn  is,  and  right  order.  '  Pure  ]-eligion,  and  without  stain,  is  to 
visit  and  assist  widows  and  orphans,  and  to  keep  himself  pniv  and 
unstaiiied  from  the  world.'  Thus  doth  St.  James  describe  religion 
and  order."''  All  that  can  justly  be  inferred  from  this  passage  is, 
that  the  ;)rofession  of  these  nuns  was  to  aim  at  being  good  Christians, 
following  the  rule  of  chailt_\-,  as  lai<l  down  by  St.  James  ;  which 
they  mi-ht    do   without  nec^'ssru'Ih' attacliing  themselves  to  any  one. 

Wanl,;,  ,,    Mt., 



PltKL  ACE. 




The  house  in  ^vllIcll  these  >istcrs  d^velt  was  at  Tarente,  in  Dorset- 
shire, called  also  Tarrant-Kaines,  Kaineston,  or  luu-sfon.  Tt  was 
situated  near  Crayford-hrid-e,  on  the  river  Stoure,  lower  down  than 
IMandtbrd.''  The  nuiniery  l>eing  suppressed  at  an  early  period,  soon 
after  Heiuy  VIII.  quarrL-lled  with  the  pope,  the  buikUngs  were 
shortly  after  demolished ;  and  all  traces  of  theui  had  disapper.rcd  long 
beforJ  IGGl,  when  Dugxble  published  the  second  vohunc  of  Ids 

The  original  founder  was  Ralph  de  Kahaines,  whose  flither, 
Kalph,  canre  from  Kornu-mdy  with  William  the  Conqueror.  In  the 
time  of  Richard  I.  he  built  near  his  mansion-house  at  Tarente,  "  a 
little  monastery-  for  nuns,  which  his  son  William  increased;  and, 
among  other  oifts,  gave  all  the  tithe  of  the  bread  made  in  his  house, 
wdierrvcr  he  might\.e  in  his  demesne,  except  the  Icing's  bread,  ai.l 
all  the  tithe  of  salt  pork,  and  of  cattle  killed   in  his  house  every 

year.''  "^ 

Richard  Poor,  who  lived  about  a  century  later  than  Ralph  .Ic 
Kahaiues,  and  was  successively  dean  of  Sallsbiuy,  bishop  of  Chi- 
chester, bishop  of  Salisbury,  a)ul  bishoj)  of  Durham,  is  also  said  to 
have  been  the  foimder  of  this  religious  honsc,'^  it  being  customary  to 
call  those  persons  founders  of  any  religious  institution  whicli  they 
had  considerably  augmented  by  their  benefactions.  Perhaps  Bishop 
Poor  rebuilt  or  enhu-ged  the  house,  and  augmented  its  re^■enucs. 
lie  was  a  man  likely  to  have  done  so,  being  of  a  pious  and  generous 
disposition,  and  born  at  Tarente,  where  he  also  died  in  1-237.  Of 
this  prelate,  Matthew  Pa.'I^  speaks  in  very  high  terms  of  connneuda- 



fartu  U.  riL.;,.   111.  dr  I' 

4,.  J)u-aalc,   Moua- 



tinii^  and  ^nv^s  t]\j  i'o]],)-^\h\^j^  accori'it  ol'  hU  denlli.  "Pcrcclvdng 
tli:it  the  time  ^^•as  at  ii:unl  \v\io\)  iie  iiu!>t  leave  thi-.  world,  lie  a~sem- 
bled  tli^.  p'X)p!e  and  aMivssed  them  in  a  attv  in-j)i\-.ssi\e  and  edlly- 
iiiU  discourse,  tehiiig  tlunn  tliat  lie  felt  tluit  his  de;it!i  w;(s  near.  On 
the  miirrow,  when  his  illnes^  was  increased,  he  rejicwed  liis  exhorta- 
tions to  them,  and  Ijaile  them  all  t'arevv"cllj  asking  llieir  forgiveness  if 
lie  had  otl'ended  any  of  them.  On  the  third  day  he  scut  for  his 
domestics  and  retainej's,  and  disti'ibuted  gifts  auiovig  thciu  according 
to  tlicir  inorit,  calmly  and  deliberately  settled  his  worldly  aflairs,  ar^d 
to(..k  !e:ive  of  his  frieiids  one  by  one ;  ^^hen,  it  being  iho  ])our  of 
Compliiiej  he  joined  in  the  pvayei'S,  aii'l,  while  })ronouricing  the 
N'erse,  '1  will  botii  lay  me  down  in  peace  and  sL-fp'."  he  fell  :isl(H.'p  in 
the  L.-d/' 

A\'e  learn  from  Tiinner  th  it  this  me]ias1ery  was  dedieat'jd  to  the 
honour  of  fhc  blessed  A'irgin  -Mary  and  all  Saii.:s.  From  a  c -laricr 
of  Henry  HI.  "Do  ]\[anerio  de  llnsseburn,"  before  referred  to.  it  is 
clear  that  the  reclu:  es  wcj'c  of  the  Cistertian  order. 

The  yearly  reveune  of  the  house  at  the  lime  of  the  dissolution 
amounted  to  23'J/.  ILs.  lOt'.  The  net  income  was  214/.  7.v.  dd. 
^^^illis  savs,  it  was  surrendered  by  the  abbess  and  eighteen  Jiuns, 
A  pension  of  40/.  yearly  was  still  payable  to  the  abbess  in  15o3, 
^^•ith  smaller  pensions  to  seven  of  th.e  ninis.  Tlic  common  seal  of 
tlic  communitj-  luid  fo)'  its  subject  a  )um  on  her  kr;ees  in  the  attitude 
of  praying  to  the  Virgin  and  Child  :  the  legend.  "  Sigillum  C-oir>  entus 
de  Tarent."  The  editors  of  Dugdale  observe  that  the  impression  <:,f 
it  in  Yi-(\  wax  is  attached  to  ti.e  surrender,  dated  oOth  .March,  ."Otli 
]b'n.  \'ill.  in  the  Auinaentation  Ofliee.  Ilutcliins,  in  his  History 
of  Ddrretshire,  savs,  tiiat  tJie  :u-mori;d  bearings  of  the  monastery 
v.rre  to  be  seen  in  cm"  of  the  \\indov.-s   of  V\  olveion  House,  in   that 

^iy  I'ltEFACE. 

coanty:    viz.  Azure,  a  cross  potcnce  argent,  in   the    firdt   (inrator 
the  Virgin  JNFary  sitting. 

After  the  dissohitioi),  the  al.Lcy  witli  the  ninnor  of  Preston,  or 
Tarrant  C^n^^fora,  Avcre  granted,  for  lairls  in  Kent  m  3'evevslou,  to 
Thomas  Wyatt.  They  were  again  graiUeJ,  in  the  3St]i  of  TIcr,ry^ 
VI I L  to  Hichard  Savage  and  W.  StrangeAva}s,  and  on  the  first  of 
Mary  to  Nicholas  Itokevrode. 

Concerning   Simon  of  Ghent,  tlie  reputed  author  of  the  Ancreu 
Iliwle,  very  little  hiformation  is  now  to  he  found.     He  avus  hoiii  m 
London  or  Westminster,^  and  his  father  was  of  Flanders;^'  from 
^yhich  circumstnnce  it  may  he  hiferred  that  he  was  cnlled  C  au;lav  us  - 
of  Ghent.     He  was  Archdeacon  of  Oxford  in  ]  284,^'  was  consecr:.ted 
Bishop  of  Salisbury  in  November,  1297,  t.nd  was  one  of  the  bishops 
who  officiated  ot  the  coronation  of  King  Edward  11.  at  Westn^.iastcr, 
on  the  21st  Sept.  1307.'^     He  died  May  31st,  1315.     He  is  said  to 
have  been  greatly  skilled  in  theology,  and  to  have  been  the  author  of 
iiumc>rou3  statutes  for  the  government  of  the  church  of  Sr.lishvay, 
which  were  still  in  force  in  the  tin.e  of  James  I.     He  gave  permis- 
sion to  the  inhabitants  of  Salisbury  to    fortify  their  city  with  walls 
and  ditches.     It  is  also  recorded   of  him  that  he  addressed  a  lonn' 
epistle  to  Pope   Poniface  VIII.  on  the  28th  of  April,  1302,  in  whi.h 
he  complains  of  the  scandals  which  have  arisen  in  his  church,  m  c^.n- 
sequence  of  the  stalls  having  been  given  to  foreigners.^     Tlie  Indief 
that  ho  is  the  Autlior  of  the  Ancren  \\\^^■h  rests  solely  on  the  autho- 
ri't.v'  of  the  anonynK.ns  j-refatcny  note,  already  mentioned,  prehx.d  to 

-   Gf:hvin,  do  rivc^uliliHH  An^H.^-  C..inin(nt:.rlus  i-.  317. 
b    |.-Hl,r.  l'.i:.l.   ?.i.a.  ct  inthu.  I.:>t.  lil-.  xili.  1>.  51'-:^. 

c    U.;;.  I'.tIk;,,.,  ai>.  'J 

■1  Thornc,;.]'-  ^-  -^f'-l 

,.  X.  Sorh,t..iv.Tur.leui,c.ol.-0t)7. 

MS.  Uj11.>!,  I!'-'  [<i^ii>«"-l.''- 




!  tliG   Latin  copy  of  tlie   work   in   tlio   library  of  ^Magclalen   College, 

(  Oxford  ;    nnJ   tlicr;'   facts   and   circmnstanccs    wliieli  render  it 

[  extremely  doubtiid.,  if  iiot  altoircthor  irniroljaMc.     The  langaiaire  in 

I  M-liicli  it  is  -written  is  Lvldently  tliat  of  tlic  th-st  (jnarfer  of  tlio  tliir- 

i  tcentli  century.      It  docs  not  greatly  diffei-  fj-oni   tliat  of  La5anion, 

I  uhicli  lias  been  elearls"  shewn   to  liaye   been  \vritten  n(jt  later  tlian 

I  '  ^  _ 

\  120.3.''     The  work  itself  contains  cyidence  of  haying  been  written  by 

I  .  .  p 

^  a  jfcrson  of  extensive  learning  and  great  experience,  and  thoreforo  of 

I  mature  age.     But   Bishop   Simon,  who  liyed  until  lola,  could  not 

I  hayc  been  of  mature  age  even  in  12o0,  if  we  could  suppose  the  work 

I  to  have  been  of  so  htc  a  date.     Wanley,  Avho,  in  describing  the  four 

I  different  cop)ies  of  the  worlc,  attributes  it   to  Simon  of  Ghent,  had 

i  evidently  some  doubt  upon  the   subject,  for  upon  one  occasion  ho 

I  speaks  of  it   as   merely  supposed.^     No  other  person  is   anywhere 

i  mentioned  as  having  written  it ;  but  there  are  circiunstances  which 

I  render  it   not  imjirobable   that   ]>isho}>  Poor  was   the   author,   and 

I  wrote  it  for  the  use  of  the   nuns  at  the  time  when  he  re-established 

or  enlarged  the  monastery.     He  was  born  at  Tarento,  and  evidently 

took  great  interest  in  the  })lace.     Jt  was  the  scene  of  his  exemplary 

death,  and   he  ehose  to  be   buried   there.^     His  great   learning,   his 

active  benevolence,  the  sanctity  of  his  life,  and  his   tender  concern 

for  the  .spiritual  welfare  of  his  friends  and  dependents,  shew)i  in  the 

]iious  exhoi'tations  wliieli  h<'  I'cpeatedly  addressed   to   them  innnedi- 

atvl}-  Itefore   his   death,   agree  well  with  the    lessons  of  piety  and 

morality  so  earnestly  and   affectionately  addressed,  m  this   book,  to 

the  ancliorcsses  of  Tarejite. 

ri;.rc  t(j 


,.K,  ;, 

".  xvi 

i.  ,\I\. 

>-  "Ut 


'   WaKlvy,  ; 

.  2!7. 


,  in  n 


mil  c. 


1  so  f>;Ilstni!io  \nlu 

t  tai.iula 

■i."-   Cl.xlsvi: 

.1>.7  10 



.IS  r.. 

tli:it  1 

is  licart 

only  was'ninod  at  ' 

iareiito,  1 

lis  l..Mly  al  S 


XV  i  rKKFACi:. 

Whoever  was  tlic  autlior,  lie  inu>t  liavc  l.)cen  a  ivAin  of  great  lear)i- 
ing,  extensively  and  iiitimately  eonvcr?ant  witli  the  Holy  Scriptures, 
arid  with  tlie  theological  and  ethical  literature  of  the  age  in  which  he 
lived.  He  very  frequently  quotes  the  sacred  volume,  aird  also  tlie 
woi-ks  of  Jerome,  Augustine,  Benedict,  Gregory,  r>ernard,  Ansehii, 
and  other  approved  wiiters.  His  acquaintance  with  the  Ivoman 
classics  may  be  inferred  fiom  his  quoting  Ovid  '■'  and  Horace.^'  As 
some  of  the  Latin  quotations  are  not  translated,  it  may  pcrliaps  be 
inferred  that  the  sisters  were  r^ot  ignorant  of  that  language,  Avithout 
some  knowledge  of  which,  as  tlie  services  of  tlie  clairch  were  in 
Latin,  they  could  not  well  "pray  with  the  understanding."^ 

The  treatise  is  divided  into  eight  parts  or  boohs:  1.  Of  Devo- 
tional Services.  2,  Of  the  Government  of  the  External  Senses  in 
keeping  the  Heart.  3.  INIoral  Lessons  and  Examples.  Reasons 
for  embracing  a  Monastic  Life.  4.  Of  Temptations,  and  the  Tvlcans 
of  Avoiding  and  Ivesisthig  thern.  5.  Of  Confession,  6.  Of  Penniico 
and  Amendment.  7.  Of  Love  or  Charity.  8.  Of  Dcme..iic  and 
Social  Duties.  In  treating  of  these  subjects  the  Author  affords  us 
many  incidental  glimpses  of  the  state  of  society  and  manners,  of  tlic 
wav  of  li^■illg  of  the  recluses,  of  tlieir  dress,  and  their  servants,  of 
whom  each  sister  had  one  woman  to  wait  on  her. 

\\'c  are  es[)ecially  furnished  in  this  work  with  much  information 
on  the  state  of  religion.  We  ihid  the  doctrine  of  f  ransubstantiatioii,'^ 
and  of  purgatory,*^  the  ad(jration  of  the  Alrgin  IMary,*'  and  of  the 
Cross-    and    ]-elics,''   auricular    confession,^   tlie    use    of  imager    in 

d  ,.|..  KJ,  M-2.  '   Pi'-  1: 

.  ,,.  IS.  "   lln.i. 


religious  service^''  and,  excejit  iuaulo-ciicc^,  wliicli  are  not  mentioned, 
all  other  usiiges  aj'.d  practices  of  the  elun'cli  of  Rome  at  tlie  same  |»er;o<], 
fully  received.     Or  saints,  we  i-ead  of  the  adora(io!\  of  the  A^iroin  onl  \ , 
I  ^  ^J^i^  ^ve  can  luu'dly  douLt  that  the  invocation  of  other  canonised  sainls 

was  likewise  practised,  since  it  v/as  in  use  in  i:nglaiid  two  hnndred 
years  before  tliis  period,  as  we  learn  from  tlie  homilies  of  ^Elfric.''  In 
all  other  points  the  religious  belief  and  practices  of  the  Anglo-Saxon 


I  church  at  that  period   appear   to  have  ditl'ered  little  I'rom  the  primi- 

tive, or  apostolic  cluirch.  Transuhstantiatlon  is  distinctly  disavowed 
by  ^Elfric.'^  And  there  is  a  prayer  in  the  present  work,'^  from 
which,  if  it  stood  alone,  we  might  reasonably  infer  th.-st  the  san;e 
docti-iirj  formed  no  part  of  tlie  creed  of  the  learned  and  pious 
Author.  But,  as  the  doctrine  in  question  a])pears,  from  othei- 
passages,  to  have  been  received  and  }>rofessed  by  him,  we  may  co]i- 
clude  that  this  prayer  is  a  relic  transmitted  from  primitive  tinies, 
and  not  yet  expunged  from  the  liturgical  services  of  the  church. 

The  Ancreji  liiwlo  is  written  in  a  plain,  unambitious  stvle,  and 
^vIth  scarcely  any  attempt  at  rhetorical  ornament.  The  spellin'-^-, 
whether  from  carelessness  or  want  of  system,  is  of  an  unconunon 
and  unsettled  character,  and  may  be  pronounced  barbarous  and 
uncouth.  U  and  r  are  used  indisci'Iminately  for  each  other,  and 
for/,  'J'hus  uvel,°  evil,  is  written_  vuel ;  {\ht,ji^ht,  is  uiht  or  viht; 
folc  is  uolc  or  vole;  fifte  is  uifte  or  vifte:  f  is  ofteji  substituted  for 
\>,  as  in  tis,  teo,  tenno,  for  ]'Is,  ]'eo,  jjcime:   r  and  L  change  places; 

»  P.  29S,  ,(  .,e,j.  !■   JI,„nilics,  vnl.  ii.  J,.  2i]-l.  <■   V.  .'ij. 

''  Vr-ivers  were  adilrcsso;!  to  fio.l   tlin.ugli  tlic  mteivi'v-ioi.  ot    ,-:.ints  ami  aii-nls  even  in 
the  Ttli  (■(.■ritiu-y.      Sco  "  Kituato  Iv-clfsi.i:  l)un"!ni,'ii:,is,"  imMi.-hc.l  l>y  tlir  Surtei'.s  SocietN 


in  1810.      S.'O  -.lUo  til.'  AI.Miolo^^imn  I'uctinim,  in  I  lirl;,v,'.s  Tl..-<  mriw.  vi.I.  i.  ,,,,.  CiCi— 'JO; 
■^   ul.fl  in  n.nn.-.n.      A.-S.  vf,l. 


thus    we    liave    cvind    or    kuiid,    Ci-oeke    or    ki-DcIce,    i-ciio^s-cn    or!!, 

The  laiignnge  is  soini-Saxon,  or  Anglo-Saxon  somewhat.  cliangcJ ; 
and  in  the  first  of  the  various  stages  through  wliieli  it  iuid  to  pass 
before  it  arrived  at  the  copiousness  and  elegance  of  the  presen.t 
Engh'slu  T*>y  the  disuse  of  most  of  the  inflections  that  mark  the 
oblique  cases  of  nouns  the  gi-aiiunat'r-a]  stj'ucture  is  rendered  more 
plain  and  simple  witliout  heing  less  clear  and  exact.  Tlie  disuse, 
also,  for  the  most  part,  of  genders  in  the  names  of  things  withur.l 
life,  contributes  to  the  same  effect.  Yet,  as  these  changes  are  partial 
and  incomplete,  enough  of  the  more  ancient  cliaracteristlcs  of  the 
language  is  left  to  justify  the  inference  that  the  iujiovations  are 
recent.  Not  only  is  cs  of  the  genitive  case  retained,  but  we  verv 
often  meet  with  the  dati\e  and  the  accusative  in  e,  and  the  accusa- 
tive in  r/i,  as  ]>en,  the.  We  also  meet  occasionally  with  the  genitive 
plural  in  rr,  from  the  Saxon  ra ;  and  ite  and  ene,  from  ena.  I'lms, 
"  aire  ]'ean.wcne  moder,""  the  mother  of  all  virtues ;  muSene,^  of 
mcufhs ;  moimc;  of  ineii.'^  The  cases  and  genders  of  adjectives  are 
genci-ally  disused,  but  not  always.  Thus,  "ideles  ]>oulites  ;"''i  "  cuer- 
idles  Avcis  i"*'  "of  roades  monncs  blode;"*'  "ones  cunnes  ;"*?  '-'ed- 
modies  monnes  bonen."''  The  moods  and  tenses  of  verbs  arc  little 
alto-ed  from  the  older  forms,  and  in  many  words  thev  are  not 
changed  at  all.  The  infinitive,  which  in  pin-e  Saxon  ends  invari- 
ably in  an,  is  changed  into  en,  as  habbeiij  helen,  from  habban,  luulan. 
"end"  in  tlie  ]iresentparticl]ile  becomes  '' inde,"  In  one  or  two  instances 

)'.  'j;-,  1.  L'l.  '•  "inu'Ncn.-  suctcst,"  p,  102,  1.  '_>.".. 

"iiiomi-  ^nr,..4,"  j..  :!'--2.  1,  l.v.  ''   p.  Ill,  I.  ]  S.  <•   p.  2lR.  1.  IS. 

1'.  Uyi,  I.  T.i.  t  p.  'id!-..  I.  2;?.  i-  p.  ■2\i\,  1.  1?:!. 

\  ^  the  fiuiil  u  is  dio[;po(i,  :i:;  in  warnio,-''  to  nam,  i-wur^c,''  to  he,  wiiidwe, 

i  i  fo  iL-'nuinir.''     Of  tliHi^s  bc'Iiig  cuMsiiUTcd   US   innsculiiio  or  R-iniuiiic, 

\  I  ^ve  mcvt  with   sucli  examples  as  tliese  :   "pol  j^et  waUe\S  swuc>e  uule 

i  I  /(/?  l)C(.n   ouerlaJeii?"'"      "  pe  wonibe  pot  ]'ct  wallet  eaer  of  ir.eles, 

I  \  aiid  nv-)i-e  of  drunchcs  ;  he  is  so  iicih  iicihcLur  to  }'ct  falitoweiie  lim 

\  I  ])ct  /it'o  delec)  mid  A/^/i  ]'e  bruiic  o'l  line  hete."  "^ 

I  i  It  lias  long  been  a  prevailing  o])inion  that  a?i  immediate  and  rapid 

\  %  change  in  the   Luiguagc   of  England  was  effected  hi  consequence  of 

I  I  the  Xorman  invasion.     Ikit  a  careful  investigation  of  the  matter  v/ill 

\  I  shew  that  from  a  reuiote   period  the  Anglo-Saxon  tongue  had  been 

I  I  irraduallv  changing,  and  becoming  more  copious  and  less  strict  in  its 

1  Ij  adherence  to  its  ancient  grammatical  forms  and  rules.     AVc  perceive 

I  I  a  o-reat  difference  between  its  more  ancient  state,  as  exhibited  in  tlic 

\  I  poem  of  Beowulf,  and  tlie   state  in  which  we  find  it  in  the  works  of 

[  \  King  Alfred,  and  in  the  homilies  of  iElfric  and  the  Saxon  Chronicle. 

1  The  earlier  ])agcs   of  the  Chronicle  itself,  connncnced  in  the  nintli 

I  centurv,  differ   materially  from   its    conclusion  in   1154.     This  pro- 

%  gressive  change  began  long  before  the  Norman  invasion.     It  ^^'as  a 

*  1  natm-al  consequence  of  the  frequent  intercourse  of  the  Saxons  with 

\  I  their  iieighbours  in   Normandy,  that  many  Norman  Avords  had  been 

1  I  already  introduced  hito   England,  so  that  the  Conquest  only  aece- 

I  I  lei-ated  hi   some  measure   the  change  previously  begun.      Similar 

f  I  changes  have   been  \vrouglit   in   all   languages,  with  or  witlujut  the 

I  I  intervention  of  foreigners.      If  wc  compare  Otfrid's  Paraphrase  of 


pp.  :,),!. -7;  Cl,l.  U.  ^  pp.  «(5,  1.  Ill;  l''^ 

I  .p.2rn,e.                                                              ^  p.  COS,  1.2,. 

I  •    lliid.  1.  2:;.      ir<.!i(!,   hiind,  Ks   feminine,  p.  118,1.  G;  l.nuli,  c   h,v„cl',  is  Miasciili 

%  ]..  l.-.o,  I.  G;   pLuiUnig.',  y."'->.</,*-/,  is  funi.   p.   :;'.'-J,    1.    H!;  ckM,n.->se    is    fein.   p.  :;i««,  1. 

I  :M,in..uinr.s  n  i:oun  is  ..uw.  in  oiio  pbcc,  :in<l  IViii.  in  another  :    thus,  lui.v.  in  p.  iW,  1. 

*  ..  !,,„!. •  in  1.  Vi,  n.a-c:   f.^vr,  nf^i-i.,..,  i.  f-ii.  an(i  n-utcr,  p.  M^^,  1.  IS  :ju1  1.  !. 


XX  ri;i:rAci:. 

tlic  Gospels  Avitli  tlic  Nibulungen  Not,  nnd  the  latter  -\vitli  the  ni<>lern 

Geruinn   of  Wieland   or   Schiller,  we  shcill  see  a  diiierencc--  quite  as 

J  great  as  we  find  between  the  ancient  Saxon  poem  of  licownlf  and  the 

\i  Ancren  IJi^vle,  and  again  betv.-ccn  this  and  the  lunglisli  of  the  prc- 

\\  sent  age.     A   similar   ohservatioji  may  he  made  with  regard  to  the 

Frcjich  tonn-ue,  if  wc  comj):tro   tlic  more  ancient  Fabliaux  ^^itll  the 

lancuafc  of  Froissart,  and  that  with  the  modem  Fr(;nch  of  Feneloii 

or  Boileau. 

The  Anglo-Saxons  and  the  Normans  in  England  were,  for  a  con- 
siderable time  after  the  Concjuest,  in  a  similar  position  with  rega.rd 
to  language  to  that  of  the  English  and  Celtic  r:ices  in  Britain  at 
present.  The  native  Irish,  Welsh,  and  Gael,  although  many  of  them 
find  it  convenient,  and  often  necessary,  to  under^■tand  and  syeak 
English,  yet  communicate  Avith  men  of  their  own  race  in  their  native 
.^  tongue,  which  they  prefer  and  cherish,  as  they  do  the  sentiment  of 

p  ;  their  nationality.     In   like   manner  would  the  Anglo-Saxons.  li\ing 

anion"-  the  Normans,  converse  with  each  other  in  their  own  language, 
and  delight  in  it,  as  belonging  to  their  race.  In  the  case,  liowoN-er, 
of  such  mixture  of  races,  wlien  there  is  a  considerable  disproportion 
between  the  numbers  of  the  oi'e  and  the  other,  it  usually  happens 
that  the  speech  of  the  more  numerous  race  becomes,  sooner  or  later, 
the  hmiiuage  of  the  whole  nation.  This,  huwever,  has  seldom  taken 
place  without  an  intermixing  and  bler.ding  together  of  both  laii- 
^  guages  in  some  measure  according  to  their  nundjcrs  respectively  and 

the  degrees  oi'  their  civilisation.     The  l^aiglish  language,  as  we  find 
it  in  the   iinu'  of  Cliaucci-,  liad  adopted  a  vast  number  of  Norjuaii- 
Fj'e'neli  \M)rds  whirli   had   not    yet   been    ineorporalod  witli   it  in  the 
*'"  twelllh  and  (liirlccnili  cmturies.      In  the  metrical  chronicle  of  L;)3a- 

fj  iii.;ji.  Sir   J''.   ?\iadden,    the   lea.i'ned   editor  of  tliai;   inijjurtan.t  work. 


found  only  00  FrL-ncli  w(;nls  in  50,000  verses."  This  appcurs  an 
extraordinfiiy  fact,  wlien  wc  consider  that  tlie  Norman-French  liud 
now  l)een  the  lanLiuage  of  the  ruling  powers  and  of  tlic  courts  of 
hiw  for  120  years.  Tn  the  present  work,  which  is  ai)parently  not 
much  more  recent  than  the  older  of  the  two  texts  of  La5anion,  and 
nearly  resemhles  it  in  most  other  points,  there  is  a  large  infusion  of 
Norman  words,  owing,  jn-obahly  to  the  peculiar  subjects  treated  of  in 
it,  which  are  theological  and  moral,  in  speaking  of  which,  terms 
derived  from  the  Latin  would  readily  occur  to  the  mind  of  a  learned 
ecclesiastic  much  conversfint  with  that  language,  and  with  the  works 
on  similar  subjects  written  in  it. 

The  learned  Dr.  Smith  above  referred  to,  a  competent  judge 
of  the  language,  says  of  the  Ancren  Pviwle  that  it  differs  little 
from  the  Sax'on.''  Wanley  calls  it  Norman-Saxon,  and,  with 
less  reason,  adds  that  it  is  written  in  a  Northern  dialect.'^  If 
it  were  so,  it  must  contain  many  of  the  peculiarities  of  the  language 
spoken  in  after- times  by  the  descendants  of  the  Danish  invaders 
whom  King  Alfred  settled  in  the  north-eastern  provinces  of  his 
kingdom.  These  peculiarities  are  fully  detailed  by  the  learned  Dr. 
llickes  in  his  valuable  Thesaurus  Ling.  Yett.  Septentrionahunij'i  and 
of  which  abvmdant  examples  may  be  seen  in  the  Durham  Ritual, 
edited  for  the  Surleos  Society,  in  1840,  by  the  Kev.  Joseph 
Stevenson,  Vicar  of  Leighton  Luzznrd.  Li  order  to  enable  the 
reader  to  form  his  own  (>[)inIon  upon  this  question,  it  is  necessary 
to  mention  only  a  very  small  number  of  the  peculiarities  that  abound 
in  this  Nortliern  dialect.     In  the  Dano-Saxon,  then,  i  often  takes  the 

I.aviinuii's  ISint,  vnl.  i.  [-.  Nxiii. 

'■  ru.iim  a  Hasoiuru  :,l.!u.lit/'     C'atalo-u.s  15ih!.  CotUw).  j).  Ml. 

Wank>,  Anti.).  Lil.  S'l't.  j..  22S.  ^   !'•  S3,  «  fOj. 

^^"  VllEFACE. 

place    >vliere   we   find   e  in  Anglo-Saxon  v.orcl.;   v.,  in  hloh,  flond, 

hiora,  for  bcoiS,  feond,  lieora.     The  prefix  rje  is  (hanged  to  .ji or  ^i, ; 

as  in  giher,  gilefde,  gitrivn,  glcvoenie,  gislog,  for  gt-her,  gelefdc,  &:c.; 

a  is  put  for  0,  as  Jicarte  for  lieorte;  o  for  e,  thus  healo,  bl^.tnio,  for 

heale,  blostine.     In  the  infinitive  mood  of  verbs,  and  in  many  words 

ending  in  en,   the   final  n   is   omitted;  as  in  gidoa,  gigladia,  arisa, 

giemonigfaldiga,,  for  gedoji,  gegladian,  arisan,  genmnigfealdan' 

^vesan;  sawela  is  put  for  sawlcn ;  mec,  ].ec,  |>erh,  steft,  miS^ju-e  put 

for  me,  ]^e,  ]>urli,  stcfn,  mid.    But  none  of  these,  nor  any  other  Scan- 

diiiavianisms,  arc  to  be  found  in   the  present  work;   unlos,  indeed, 

it  jnaj  be  thought  that  the  three  infinitives,  warnic,  wind\vc,  and 

i-wurSc,  that  have  lost  their  final  7t,  are  northern  words.     But  tliis 

surely  would  be   too  slight  a  foundation  for  the  opinion   tliat  the 

whole  book  is  in  this  dialect. 

There  are  circumstances  which  make  it  not  iinprobable  tliat  the 
dialect  in  ^vhich  it  is  written  is  that  which  was  sjwken  in  the  A\'e3t  of 
England  i)i  the  thii-teenth  century  It  bears  a  considerable  resem- 
blance to  tlie  older  text  of  La3amon,''^  which,  from  internal  evidence, 


following  extract  ^vilI  help  tl.o  reader  to  form  his  own  conclusion  on  this  point : 
Ileruion  niai  arcle 


•(•  11 


ill  ii 




of  Ar^iue  han  king, 

hu  he  twelf  3ere 

seo'Sen  wuneden  hero 

inne  gri'S  •]  inne  friSe, 

in  alle 

Na  ni;iii  liitii  ne  faht  wi^', 

no  lie  lie  nuilvedo  nan  un-fri5"; 

laii  inav  tell  of  .Arthur   the  King,  how 

11  fali-n..,,.      No  man  foayht  witii  him, 

Iv.k   of  h!i,..s   tiiat    were  greater  in  any 

so  mieklc  jo_v  as  wa.s  with  Ariluir,  and 

ne  niilit  nauerc  nan  niai 
bi-K'nclien  of  blisson 
hat  wcoren  in  ai  ]>codc 
luare  >an  i  |>isse. 
ne  milite  nauere  mon  cii 
nan  swa  muchcl  wnnnc, 
swa  wes  mid  Ar^'urc 
-}  mill  his  folke  here." 
art..Twards  dwe't  ). 
r  nuelr  he  any  strife;  might  never 
ii.'itry  than  in  thi<.      Uv^h,  ^j^^^,,.  , 
th  In.,  folk  here:      Vol.  ii.  p.  [.m. 

Jieace  and 

I    I  is  kno-^Mi  to  liave  been  written   on  the  ])anks   oF  the   Severn.     K 

[    i  Bishop  Toor,  who  wo3  a  native  of  Tarente,  wrote  tlic  present  work 

\    §  lie  \NouM   natnrally  write  it  in  the  hingnagc  of  his   native  district. 

I    I  wliicli  coukl  not  he  ^erv  aiOercnt  from   that  of  Gioucestcrsliire,  as 

I  there  was  no  settk'iiicnt  of  a  niuUifiide  of  foreio-ncrs  in  that  part  of 

I  the  kingdom  to  corrnpt  or  change  the  common  speech. 

I  In  conchl^ion,  the  Editor  subjoins  an  extract  from  tlie  Cambridge 

I  copy  of  this  woi'k,  being  the  specimen  given  by  Wanley,  page  U9  : 

This  an  15oc  is  todeak-t  in  eahte  lessc  Boke.  Nu  mine  leone 
sustr.jn,  ]'is  hoc  ich  tock-ala  on  eahte  destlnctiuns  ]wt  ge  cleopied^ 
dalen,  *?  euch  wiJSute  moriglunge  speke\S  al  hi  him  sealf  of  sunder- 
Hche  Jjinges ;  *?  ])ah  euchan  rlht  falleS  cfter  oSer,  1  is  };o  leatere 
cauer  iteiet  to  ]?c  earre. 

The  earste  dale  spekeS  al  of  ower  seruiso. 

The  ober  is  hu  ge  schulen  ]n\rh.  owr  fif  wittes  witcn  ower  heortc 
V«t  ordre  "i  religinn  1  sawle  lif  is  inne.  1  ]>i^  destincinn  aren 
chapitres  fine,  as  fif  stucchen  after  fif  wittes  ]>q  AviteS  ]ie.  lieorte  as 
wakemen  hwer  sa  ha  beo5  trewe.  "?  spekeS  of  euch  hwet  suuih-r 
lepes  o  rawe. 

The  ]>ridde  dale  is  of  anes  cunnes  fancies  ]jc  DauiJS  i  j^c  sawter 
eneneS  him  seolf  to  as  he  were  ancre.  ■?  hu  ].'e  cumde'^  of  ]^e  ilke 
fuheles  beocS  ancrcn  iliclie. 

The  feorSo  dale  is  of  fleschliclie  fonduiiges.  t  gastliche  babe, 
1  comfort  ageines  ham,  1.  of  hare  saluen. 

The  fifte  dale  is  of  schrifte. 

The  seste  dale  is  of  penitence. 

^J'lie  seouebe  of  scliir  heorte  liwi  me  ah  7  liwi  me  sclial  ihd 
crIst  luuien.      ?  liwet  l)inimeb  us  his  Kuie,  7  let  us  him  to  luuleii. 

The  eahtube  dale  is  al  of  ]'e  nttre  rlwlr,  earst  of  moto  %  of 
di-unch  7  of  o^re  V'nigos  ]>a't  faUeb  ])lt  abulm.    ]nv(ter  of  ].e  j-ingvs 


]>e  o-c  in.alien  undoruon  ?  Invct  jnnges  go  malicn  wlton  o>^cr  halMioi. 
]>reScr  of  owcr  cla'^es  7  of  swucclio  ].Iiiges  -a^.  ]k'V  abutoii  failed, 
)n'eftcr  of  ower  wcrkcs,  of  dodclungc  7  of  l..lodletuiigc.  Of  owcr 
nieidenes  rlwlo  a  least  liu  go  liani  scLuloii  leoflicli  Icaivru 



l.NIRODl  CTION  .  •  •         _ 

Qualific-atiuiis  reiiuired  in  those  who  make  profession 
The  primitive  Hermits  followed  St.  James's  Rule 
Division  of  the  Treatise  into  eight  parts 

Pai>.t  T.— Or  Divim:  Si.v 

Morning  devotions  in  private 
Adoration  of  the  Cross,  and  of  tlie  Virgin  Mary 
Canonieal  liours,  anniversaries,  commeudations 
Supplications  to  the  Holy  Trinity  and  to  Clirist 
Prayers  for  pardon,  for  benefaetors,  and  the  dead 
Meditations;  prayers  at  mass;  adoration  of  the  cross 


:-aI  di 

Invocation  and  worship  of  the  BU 
Private  devotions;  graces 

ised  V 



Part  II.— On  kerplnt;  tiii 
Moral  iunnence  of  the  Senses.     1.  Of  Sight. 
The  parlour  windows  to  be  avoided 
Eve's  temptation  began  by  the  eye 
Dinah's  honour  lost  from  her  being  seen 
David's  sin  caused  by  his  seeing  L'jthsheba 
The  command  to  co\er  a  pit  in^^taneed        ^     . 
Evil  conse'picnces  of  unguarded  looks.     Warnings 

2.  Or  Si'i:i;(ii.     Caution  to  be  n<ed  in  speaking 
Eve  and  the  Blessed  Virgin  contrasted 

The  presence  of  a  witness  required,  even  at  confession 

Proper  and  improper  subjects  of  conversation 

Silence  e(nnmendcd 

Talkativeness  blamed 

The  Virgin  Mary  spoke  little 

Spiritual  fruits  ..f  silence 

3.  Or  Hr.A!;!M;.     I'vii  sp.-aking  condemned 

1!     N 


Diiferent  Kind,  d 
Flattery,  barkliti 
OrSKiiiT,  Si^iDc 
Worldly  .si^liis  advcis..  to  medit;,tion 
Holy  anclnTesses  rewarded  in  li'  :.\e 
Seductive  si.ceeli  eondeinned 
The  lose  of  Clii-ist  alone  to  be  <i.,-ire 









'.         21- 



'.         29- 









The  Bride  in  Caiitides 

Who  those  are  wliom  Christ  loveth 

4.  Of  Smkli  .... 
Calvary  a  place  of  h)atI;.=}ome  smells 

The  patience  of  Christ  a  lesson  to  anchoresses 

5.  Of  Touch  or  Pfeling.     Christ's  suflering  on  the  cross 
The  sharpness  of  his  pain.     His  bitter  drink 
Meditations  on  death  and  judgment  enjoined 




113— lln 

Part  III. — Moral  usso.ns  and  EXAMPLEi.     Ueasco 
Remedies  against  anger 
Patience  of  Christ  and  the  saints     . 
Wrongs  borne  with  patience  become  benefits 
The  wicked  are  Gud's  instriiments  of  discipline 
False  and  true  anchoresses 
A  religious  house  compared  to  a  bird's  nest     , 
The  crucifix.     Confession 
MortLfication  of  the  flesli  by  toil  and  discipline 
The  asj'irations  of  the  soul  impeded  by  tlie  body 
The  anchoress  compared  to  an  anchor 
Eight  reasons  for  watchfulness  and  diligence 
Merit  rendered  wonhlcss  by  ostentation 
The  folly  of  seeking  the  world's  applause 
Merit  boasted  of  perishes  likf"  a  barked  tree     . 
The  meanest  most  vain.     PedKir  and  mercer 
Solitary  meditation.     Isaac,  Jacob,  Jeremiah 
John  the  Baptist.     The  Blessed  Virgin 
Holy  men  and  women  v.ho  loved  solitude 
Eight  reasons  for  retirement  from  tlie  world    . 
A  true  anchoress  compared  to  Queen  Esther  . 
A  false  anchoress  to  Shemei 
Recluses  arc  like  criminiils  fleeing  to  sanctuary 
A  sen-se  of  frailty  necessary  to  humility 

Part  IV. — Of  Temptations. 

Outward  and  inward  tempttttions 

Spiritual  benefits  of  sickness 

Man's  wickedness;  God's  chastening  rod 

Love  and  obedience  better  than  hard  penance 

When  sutTering,  meditate  on  the  sufferings  of  Christ 

Afflictions  are  God's  amba-.'^ailoi-s 

The  anchoresses  of  Tarentc  three  sisters 

The  pious  often  most  strongly  tempted 

The  s'^ven  deadly  sins:   Pride 

Knvv,  Wrath,  Sloth,  CovETOUSNrss 

fiRFl  |);.nf:>S,  f.ECHFRY 

Shaiiu  ful  depi-avity  of  licentiousness 
Sins  that  proceed  fiom  pi'ide  and  sk'th 
The  proud  are  the  devil's  trumpcftrs 
Tiio  wrathful  man.     'I'lie  sluggard 
The  covetous  man.     Tiie  ghittun     . 
The  foulness  of  I.;(;l'.ciy    . 


AsiK-  1  ir 






Gradual  progress  of  temptation 
I     s.  Craftiness  of  the  tempter.      Legendary  tale 

I     i  Sources  of  consolation  to  the  tempted 

Whv  God  suffers  us  to  he  tempted 

Saints  tempted.     Legendary  tale     . 

Tlic  contiucror  of  temptation  crowned 

Means  of  resisting  temptation 

The  present  a  shadow  of  the  future 

The  efficacy  of  prayc-r.     Tearful  prayers 

The  power  of  faith._-Kn>7;  ^'-'^'^^  f|^^^'=,°;^"f„,.^;°'' 

In  union  is  strength:  examples 
Tale-bearers.  Sloth.  Covetou 
Christ's  sufferings  from  poverty 

Evils  of  discord 
and  want 

Real  presence 

Of  Gluttonv.      yji  ineoiiuiicin.^;.      *»,...  j...  .^"-- 
nessengers  to  Heaven,  bring  divine  help 

Of  Incontinence 
Prayers,  messengers  to  Heaven, 
Faith  baffles  the  subtlcry  of  the  tempter 
Ishbosheth  slain  through  sloth  and  crrclessness 
The  remembrance  of  past  sins  ten>ptrth 
Remedies  .against  vices.     Pri'.l-.      Hunnlity      . 
The  humility  of  Christ     .  •  '      ,  ^.       / 

The  remedy  of  Envy;  of  Wrath;  of  Indolence;  of  Covetousness 
Temptations  are  to  be  driven  away 
The  wounds  of  Christ  a  refuge  to  the  soul 
The  cross  a  shield.     St.  Benedict's  remedy      . 
rk,  kindleth  a  great  fire 

Sin,  at  first  a  spa 

Part  V.— Or  Cumkssion. 

Efficacy  01  c<:infession 

Sin  not  to  be  palliated  or  cxcuse<l 

The  last  judgment  .  • 

Confession  must  be  bitter  and  sorrowtul 

Miserable  st.ate  of  the  guilty 

Sin  driveth  aw.ay  our  guardian  angel  ,.*     .     , 

Confession  must  be  plain,  complete,  and  undisguise.l 

Accomplice,  place,  thne,  and  manner  of  sin      . 

How  often,  and  why  sin  has  l)een  committed 

Sin  will  at  last  be  shamefully  exposed 

Confession  not  to  be  delayed  .  • 

It  must  be  humble;  with  shame,  fear,  and  hope 

Sinfulness  of  presumption,  and  of  despair         . 

Confession  must  be  prudent,  truthful,  and  voluntary 

It  must  be  of  our  own  sins  only;  and  premeditated 

Cautions  with  regard  to  confes'^ion 

'I'rivial  faults;  penance;  absoliitioti 

P.MIT  VI.— ()!■  I'KN- 

The  cbet  arc  of  three  kinds  .  „,,'.,., 

1    (;,K,d  pilgrims;  2.  Dcid  with  Christ;  3.  Crue.hed 
Pain  and  shame  are  a  ladder  reaching  to  Heaven 
l-Jiiali's  chariot  of  fire.     The  flaming  sword     . 
Ikavrnlv  jov  the  reward  of  earthly  suffermg' 
St    Peter;' St.  Andivw;  St.  Lawrence;  St.  k.athernu 


219 221 

223 22.'» 








253— 2.jr> 

257— 25y 






27  Ti 














351— 3:^:! 




The  foolish,  when  sick,  refuse  l>itt.;i-  iii.dieiue 
Christ  btootl  between  Ub  iiiid  ijiiiii-hmont 
Cautions  against  carnal  ease  and  indul^encf 
St.  Agatha.     Legendary  mirac-le      . 
The  three  J^arys,  throe  kinds  of  bitterness 
The  way  to  sweetness  is  tl:roMgli  bitterness      . 
Recluios  compared  lo  young  trees  fuueed  with  iliorns 
Lpjust  contempt  is  to  be  I)orr>o  with  meekness 
Love  rnak-etb-  all  thirc-s  c:io- 



37  P 

P.'.nx  VIL— Or  I,ove. 
A  pure  heart  essentinl  to  love 

What  God  has  done  to  win  oui  h,\i-  .  [ 

A  parable  of  the  love  of  Christ  .  '.  [ 

The  cross  of  Christ  our  shield;  his  love  to  oursouls  '. 

Baptism,  tears,  and  blood,  baths  to  cleanse  the  soul 
"What  Christ  will  give  for  our  love 

He  sheds  rays  of  love  from  the  cross  .  [ 

The  widow  of  Sarepta's  two  sticks  an  emblem  of  th^  cros's 
How  Chiisfs  love  is  re':iuited 

Greek  fire,  403.     It  bctokeneth  spiritual  love'  '. 

Love  bindeth  our  Lord— is  tlio  supreme  rule 

Part  V'llL— Of  domhstic  mattkrs. 
Times  of  holy  coniinunion;  food;  and  abstinence 
Intercourse  with  the  world  without  improper 
Alms,  gifts.      Keeping  of  cattle  improper 
Traffic  forbidden.     Clothing  and  discipline      .  [ 

Caution  against  finery  in  dress;  and  against  idleness 
Epistolary  correspondoice.     IJIood-lettii'g 
Obedience  and  modest  demeanor  enjoined 
Forbearance;  peace  and  Concord.      Graces  at  meals 
Silence;  faithfulness;  r.iiMnosr,  in  j>-p:i.\ing 
Concluding  ben'.'diction  aid  prajer  cf  the  author  Ind.-x  .... 

Correction.-,  and  a.Mitions 


339 ?,y] 

390— Sf'o 








R  E  G  U  L  iE  I  N  C  L  U  S  A  U  U  M 

KEQvLjH    iN(;L(jS/V]UiM 

P  Vj  a  i. .  {j  \.\  1.  J.N    ii :  \  V  iii.i. 

"Recti  diiigui.t  to."  Li  Canticis,  Sponr.a  ad  Spo^^sat'!.  Est 
Rectu"i:a  GiTtniauiiicuni,  7  Itoctum  Geoia'''t'-icn!n,  %  Uc.Miiru  l'ijC''0- 
glciip-! :  *?  sunt  diutrciicic  loliiiciu  U 
u'ico  ricLi's  sennu  est;  cuiua  Rciiulu- 

svx-t .    unn    circa  cordis 

direct  loneii 

ftlier;i  vcrs'itur  circa  oxtcviorcni  i'cciiiictioi; 

"Recti  anigmU  te.''  Loiiercl !  scIN  God.-;:  S]<msc  i»  Idro  ulcivc- 
\vii;''6e  Spus,  j^eo  ]><.'■  riiit  Uivieh  j?c,  J;eo  jjctbco^i  lilit:  ]?c.j  ]'ct  ili/r.o 
efter  rlwle.  AvA  jc,  mine  eustreii,  liabLco  moiii  -''■li  irci^su  oti 
irie"  cfter  riwlo.  IMoni  ciainc  riv.'lc  beo"b;  im\i  tuo  bc(.^  ;Mc.r.i)g  a'le 
]iet  icii  chrille  spoken  of^  ],nirxi  o^iver  bono^  mid  Godes  In. dpe.  pe  ou 
rhvle'i)  J;?  ]ieorto.  ];e  ni'ikcS  liire  efiie  1,  ^me'^e^  ^s'i^tlto  kt.'otte'z  dolkc 
of  '.voh  iiiwit?  orA-ieiiide;''  )7ci  sei^,  "bev  ho.  sunegcst;  "  o\5cr,  "pis 
ills  uov/t  ibet  i^et  ;d  se  wel  "^  Jiit  cuditc-''  pcos  viv/Ie  is  enero  wi'^iijir.cii ";' 
rl]!ic\S  ^L  Jieortij.  li^r  Juc  est  ca'/i!:is  qirii/n  (M'sci'lbit  ajjostobj.s,  -'di^ 
coidc  pin-ii  7  C(>;;5ci-.'.oi:''.  b(  ii.%  "i!  fido  )ioii  Hc'c."  peosz'ivvk.isc];cri{<' 
"of"  sciiir  beorte^cloraic  inv.if,  '^  trcwe  bilciiUC."  " Rrtjl<;ude/'  iijrjul;! 
}*iurh(i;.na,  "niiscricta-d;;*!;-.  t.ia!u  scicitil.'U.s  \j,  per  ndcm  i.oi\  viciam^  7 
justiciam  ticiiii,'' ■/.  c.  viitc^  i'eciit;u!;;ii.'in,  "  bis  (j\u  rcc-i  sunt  ccvilo ; " 
fpiij  pcibcctj  onuvjs  no'iiiWriccs  ^-xw-  clii-i_i;u!i!  ad  rep,iiiaii.  diui.ic  cc.bjii- 
tatiii :'    ^-ri     dicinihn'    boiii.    ai;''jnornati:a.;.       I'sabiiista,     "Ik'j'cfa-, 


i;uLi;y  and  dutik^ 


•  \ 


"TiiK  iipi-lolit  love  ih.'cr  ^^:'5f^>  the  Lriao  to  the  l.n.U-rooi.n 
C:iii.tieles,  I.  4/^  Tliere  is  a  Law  or  llule  oi' Gra-uiuar,  of  GeunTetry, 
and  of  Theolo-y ;  and  of  each  of  these  sciences  there  are  special  rules. 
We  are  to  treat  of  the  Theo^o^ical  Law,  the  rules  of  winch  are  two  : 
the  one  relates  to  the  right  conduct  of  the  heart;  the  otlicr,  to  the 
reo-ulatlon  of  the  outward  life. 

^'The  14.rl.d1t  love  thee,  O  Lord,"  saith  God's  bride  to  her 
belo^-ed  bridegroom,  those  ^vho  love  thee  rightly,  those  are  upriglit ; 
those  who  live  by  a  rule.  And  ye,  my  dear  sisters  have  oftentinu^ 
importuned  me  for  a  rule.  There  are  many  klmls  of  rules ;  !a. 
amonc.  them  all,  there  are  two  of  which,  with  Gods  help,  w.U 
speakT  l>y  your  request.  The  one  rules  the  heart,  and  makes  it 
Ln  and  smooth,  without  knot  or  wound-mark  of  e^il^or  accarsn,g 
conseience,  tlmt  saith,  «In  this  thou  cloest  wickedly  or,  11ns 
is  not  amended  yet  as  well  ns  it  ought  to  be  ^11'--;^^- 
always  within  you,  and  directs  the  heart.  And  this  is  that  chanty 
whicli  the  Apostle  describes,  "  de  cordc  puro,  et  conscientuv  bona 
et  fide  non  ficta."  This  rule  is  charity  "  Out  of  a  pure  heart,  and 
of  a  good  conscience,  and  of  fdth  unfl^igned.-'  "  Contmue,  sm  h 
thol^almi..,  "thvn.crcy  to  then,  that  know  thee,"  by  la,  h 
un!;-i.ned,  '^nul  tl,,  righteousnes^'Mlna  is,  r..t,tnde  of  Id^^  , 
th,.;who  are  upright    in   heart,-'   in   other  words,  who   ro.ulai.  . I 

...  >■    lV,,inK  s^^^^  T 

Folio  1  b. 


Donilii'^  bonis  1;  rectis  corde."  litis  dicitur  ut  gloricntn.r,  tosti- 
inonio,  Aidolicct,  bone  conscicncio,  "  GloriauiinI,  omncs  recti  cordo/' 
quos,  scilicet,  rectificauit  reo;ida  ilia  suprcina  rcctificans  oinnia.  De 
qua  Ann^ustinus,  "Nicliil  petendinn  preter  rcgulani  niagisterii." 
Et  Apostolus :  "  Omnes  in  eadcm  rcguia  perniancanius.''  pe  oScr 
riwle  is  al  wISuten,  1  riwlc?>  |>e  liconic  7  licomliche  dedcn;  })et 
techcS  al  Jiu  me  sclial  bcren  biui  ^^iSutcn, — lui  eten,  drinekL'u, 
Avcrien,  liggen,  slepcn,  walk  ion.  p]t  bee  esc  exercitacio  eorpoi'is 
que,  juxta  Apostolum,  modicnni  valet,  %  est  quasi  regula  recta 
mecbanici,  quod  geometnco  recto  continetur;  ant  }?eos  rlwle  nis 
bute  vorto  serui  ])g  oSer.  j^e  oSer  is  ase  lefdi :  ])eo3  is  ase  jjuften ; 
vor  al  J;et  me  eauer  deiS  of  \c  ob'er  ^  wicSuten,  nis  bute  vorto  riA\ Icn 
]7e  beorte  wiSinnen. 

JNu  aski  je  bwat  rlwle  je  ancren  scbullen  liolden?  Ye  scbullen 
alles  weis,  mid  alle  mibte,  ?  mid  alle  strcncSe,  wel  witcu  be  inre,  7 
]7e  uttre  vor  bire  sake,  pe  inre  is  euere  ilicbe :  J'c  uttre  is  mislicbe. 
Vor  euerlcb '"  scbal  bolden  \q  uttre  efter  }>et  pe  licomc  mei  best  mid 
bire  serui  ]?e  inre.  Nu  ];eonne  is  bit  so  J^et  alle  ancren  mu^yen  wel 
bolden  one  riwle?*^  Quantum  ad  puritatcm  cordis,  circa  quam  uor- 
satur  tota  religio:  J?et  is,  alle  mmven  1,  owen  bolden  one  riwle  onont 
purete  of  beorte:  ]7et  is,  clcane,  scbii-  inwit,  Avibute  witc  of  sunnc 
J;et  ne  beo  ]?urb  scbrift  ibet.  pis  makeb  J;c  leafdi  riwle,  be  riA\leeJ 
7  ribteS  t  snie^eS  J;e  beorte  1  tet  inwit  of  suime;  vor  nout  ne 
makeS  bire  woe  *^  bute  sunne  one.  Kibten  bire  7  ^^nieScn  Iiire  is  of 
eueb  religiuii,  7  of  efricb  oi'dre  ]'c  god,  ?  al  ]»e  strengSe.     peos  riw  le 

^,'.    ('.  »•   uh 

'   iiw.V"  ).:il'l'ii  an  riwle  wd.   C. 

''  lor  nawt  up  iiiaiTLMS  liiie  woti,  s;-ra,:;ri.  -|  uiicl'm  .   ('. 





their  wlslics  l.y  the  rale  of  the  dlvhie  uill ;  such  pe.'sons  are  rightly 
called  o-oo'l     The  Vsnhnht  says,  '^  Do  o;oo(l,  O  Lord,  to  those  that 
he  good,  and  to  them  that  are  upright  in  their  hearts."  '^     To  tliem  It 
is  staid  that  they  llla^-   dehght,    namely,  in  the  Avltucss  of  a  go'jd 
conscience.       "Be  glad   i-.i   llie   Lord  and  rejoice  all  ye  that  are 
iiprio-ht  in  heart," ^  fhat  is,  all  v>liom  that  supreme  law  hath  directed 
aright   ^^dlieh   dii'eets  all    things    rightly.      Concerning  Avhlch  Au- 
guSine   snlth,    "Xothiug   must  be  sought  contrary  to  tlie  rule    of 
the  supreme  authoricy  ; "  and  the  Apostle,  "  Let  us  all  abide  by  tlio 
same  rule." '^     The  other  rule  is  all  outward,  and  rulcth  the  boay 
and  the   deeds  of  tlie  body.     It  teaches  h.ow   men   should,   in^  all 
respects,  bear  themselves  outwardly;  how  they  should  eat  and  drmk, 
dress,   take   rest,   sleep,   and  walk.      And  this  is  bodily  exercise, 
which,  according  to  the  Apostle,  profiteth  little,'^  and  is,  as  it  were,  a 
rule  of  the   science   of  mechanics,  which  is  a  branch  of  geometry  ; 
and  this  i-ule   is   only  to  serve  tlie  other.     The  other  is  as  a  lady; 
this  is   tis  her  handmaid;  for,  ^^hatever  men  do  of  the  other  out- 
wardly, is  only  to  direct  the  heart  within. 

Do  you  now  ask  what  rule  you  anchoresses  should  observe  ?  Ye 
should  by  all  means,  with  all  your  might  and  all  your  strenglh,  keep 
well  the  inward  rule,  and  for  its  sake  the  outward.  The  mward 
rule  is  abvays  alike.  The  outward  is  various,  because  every  one 
ouc^ht  so  to  observe  the  outward  rule  as  that  thebody  may  therewith 
be^  serve  the  inward.  Now  then,  is  it  so  that  all  anchoresses  may 
well  observe  one  rule?  Quantum  ad  purltatem  cordis  circa  ciuam 
versatur  tota  rellgio:  that  is,  all  may  and  ought  to  observe  one  rule 
concerniug  purity  of  heart,  that  Is,  a  clean  nnstained  conscience, 
without  .my  rei^roach  of  sin  that  is  not  remedied  by  coniessu3n. 
This  the  lady  rule  eflbcts,  which  governs  and  corrects  and  smoothes 
ih.  and  tla.,  c.m.eiciee  of  sin,  for  nothing  maketh  it  nigged  but 
.iao  ,ly      To  correct  it  and  smooth  it  is  the  good  ofhco  and  the 

I  ,.„m,.,.n„ ,  ,„. ... 

I.   I'sulm,  ::nm..  11. 
•'   1  TiiiiMlliv,  iv.  K 


is  iiiKikcd  nuut  ol"  nioimcs  fundlfas,  ui-Ji  i.s  of  <^(h\c<  hcstcs.     For  ]n 
heo  is  euer  ou7scha1  beuii.  wibute  inoiifiluns'e  7  wiSute  cluiuiK'uiioc 

DO  Oft' 

7  alle  o\ven  hire  in  on  cuer  to  lioIJen.  Auh  alio  lie  muwc  noutliolcleii 
one  riwle  ne  no  |>urvenj  no  ne  owen  lioMcn  on  one  wise  ^c  vttiirc 
riwle.  "Quantum,  scilicet,  ad  uliseruantias  corporales ;  "  );ct  is  ononde 
licomlichc  lokinges.  Pc  vttre  riwle,  Set  icli  ]?uften  cleopcdc,  7  is 
monncs  findles,  nis  for  no}>ing  ellos  istald  bate  forte  seruie  be  inre. 
pet  niakeS  festcn,  wakien.  kold  7  here"  wericn,  7  swuclie  o^rc 
heardschipes  ])Qt  moni  flechs  raai  }K>iien,  7  moni  ne  niai  nout.  Yor 
J^i  mot  |>eo3  riwle  cliaiingen  hire  misliche  efter  euch  ones  mancrc,  7 
efter  hire  efne.  Yor  sum  is  strong,  sum  is  unstrong,  7  niei  ful  angI 
beo  cwite  7  paie  god  mid  Icssc.  Sum  is  clergesse,  7  sum  nis  nout  7 
mot  te  more  wurchen,  7  an  oSer  wise  siggcn  hire  ures.^  Sum  is  old 
7  atelich*'  7  is  'Se  leasse  dred  of.  Sum  is  jung  7  liuelich  7  is  ncode 
])c  betere  warde.  Yor  ]^i  schal  cfricli  ancro  habbcn  ]?e  uttre  riwle, 
Fulio  2.  efter  schriftes  read,  7  hwat  se  he  bit  7  hat  hire  don  in  '^  obedience 
Sc  cnowecS  hire  manere  7  hire  strencSe:  he  mai  ]je  vttre  riwle 
chaungen,  efter  wisdom,  alse  he  isihS  |7et  te  '^  inre  mai  beon  best 

Non  ancre  bi  mine  read  ne  schal  makicii  professiun,  ];ct  is,  biliuten 
ase  host,*"  bute  ];reo  ]?ingcs,  ]>ot  is,  obedience,  chastete,  7  studestaj>cl- 
uestnesse  ;  J>et  heo  ne  schal  ]'ene  stude  ncuer  more  chaungen:  bute 
vor  neod  one,  als  strengSe  7  deaSes  dred,  obedience  of  hire  bischope, 
o])er  of  hire  hcrre.  Yor  hwoa  sc  nimeS  ]ung  on  bond  7  bihat  hit 
God  also  heste  to  doime,  heo  bint  hire  ];erto,  7sunegeJS  dcadliche  iJSe 
briicho,  ^if  lieu  hit  brekoS  willcs  7  woldes.  Gif  heo  hit  ne  bliiat 
nuut  liL'o  hit  mai  don  J'auli,  7  leten  hwon  heo  wel  Avule,  alse  of  mefc 

■•   ,;  1   C  ''    ••^";-,'<'l  •'''■t'  I'^^ieu.   C. 

,    ,1,1    ,  1,1,1,,.    V.  '    1-t  l'"v  i„.    C. 

'   a  !-■  lu'  .-i.''  liu  l-c.    (.'.  '    l'''l   i-  I''  >i  liv  !..■  ;il.-\v,i  :i:.f  lK.^;e.   l". 

I  AVirO  Alci:   FIT  TO  MAKK   PHOFKSSFOX.  7 

w;  oxccllont   ofVcet  vf  :i1!    religion  ami   (j1'  every  religious  order.      This 

I  I'ule  is  fraii'.eil  not   by  nuin's  rontrivaiiee,  Itnt  l)v  tlie  coininainl  oi" 

I  God.      AMievi'Toi-e,  it  ever  is  and  sliul!  be  tlio  saniC;  witlinut  mixture 

Olid  Avitliout  cliaiige;  and' all  men  ouglit  ever  invariably  to  observe 
it.  r<ut  all  men  ca-.niot;,  nor  need  tliey,  nor  oiiglit  tliey  to  keep  tlic 
outward  rule  in  the  same  unvaried  manner,  "quantum,  scilicet,  ad 
observantias  cor])orales,"  that  is  to  say,  in  regard  to  observances  that 
relate  to  the  bodj".  The  external  rule,  which  I  called  the  handmaid, 
is  of  man's  contrivance ;  nor  is  it  instituted  for  ajiy  thing  else  but  io 
serve  the  internal  law.  It  ordains  fasting,  ■watching,  enduring  cold, 
wearing  haircloth,  and  such  other  hardships  as  the  flesh  of  many  can 
bear  and  many  cannot.  Wherefore,  this  rule  may  be  changed  and 
varied  according  to  every  one's  state  and  circumstances.  For  some 
are  strong,  some  are  weak,  and  may  very  well  be  excused,  and 
please  God  with  less ;  some  arc  learned,  and  some  ai*e  not,  and  must 
work  the  more,  and  say  their  prayers  at  the  stated  hours  in  a  different 
manner;  some  are  old  and  ill  favoured,  of  whom  there  is  less  fear; 
some  arc  young  and  lively,  and  have  need  to  be  more  on  their  guard. 
Every  anchoress  must,  therefore,  oljserve  the  outward  rule  according 
to  the  advice  of  her  confessor,  and  do  obediently  whatever  he  enjoins 
and  commands  her,  who  knows  her  state  and  her  strength.  He 
may  modify  the  outward  rule,  as  prudence  may  direct,  and  as  he 
sees  that  the  inward  rule  may  thus  be  best  kept. 

]Vo  anchorite,  by  my  advice,  shall  make  profession,  that  is,  vow  to 
keep  any  thing  as  connnandcd,  except  three  things,  that  is,  obedience, 
chastity,  and  constancy  as  to  her  abode ;  that  she  shall  never  more 
change  her  convent,  except  only  by  necessity,  as  compulsion  and 
fear  of  death,  obedience  to  her  bishop  or  superior ;  for,  whoso 
undcrtaketh  anything,  and  promises  to  God  to  do  it  ;is  his  command, 
binds  herself  thereto,  and  sinncth  mortally  in  breaking  it^  if  she  break 
it  wilfully  and  intentionally.  If,  howeve]",  she  does  not  vow  it,  she 
may,  nevertheless,  do  it,  and  leave  it  ofl"  when  she  will,  as  of  meat 
and  drink,  abstaining  from  flesh  or  fish,  and  all  otlu'i-  such  things 
rolalI)iu  to  (h-t'ss,  and  rest,  and    lion.i-s,  ant'    pi-ayei's.    Lot   Ium'  say  as 

Ki;r.rL.i:  i\cLT'SAi;rAr. 

?  of   di-iincli,  ilcsclis  Forooii  r.j-er  viscli,  7  allc  o];cr  swuclic  \nu^o>,  of 

vrQvhuige,^  of   Ilggungo,  of  vrc>,    of  bcodcn.     Siggo   so  iiionic,  1  o 

Jnvuche  wise  se  lieo  cuor  wulc.      poos  7  swuche  o];re'^  bcoS  nllc  ino 

freo  vv'ille  to  doniie  o]'cr  to  kivn  liw.jn  iiic  cuer  v.ule,  buto  ]ieo  Leoii 

bihoten.      Aiih  cl:ci-itc  ]>Qi  is  luuc   1  cdniodncsse,  7  ];olc]i,, 

treowcscliipc,  7  holding  of  be  tour-  oldc  liostLm,  sclivift  7  penitence' 

])Qos  7  swuclic  o]n-e  ]>ct  bcoS  smnmc  of  |>o  olde  lawc,  suninic  of  t)c 

neowc,  ne  bco^  nout  monnes  fun  dies,  iie  riwie  J;et  mon  stoldc,  ah 

beo-5  Godes  hesten,  7  for  ])i  eucrichc  mon  ham  mot  nede  liolden,'^  7 

je  ouer  alle  ]>ing ;   vor  ;peos  riv.leS  )>o  horte,  7  of  liiro  riwlungc  is 

al  mest  J^et  ich  riwlc^  butc  iSe  frum^e  of  ]>k  boc,  7  rSe  laste  ende. 

pQ  ]nngcs   ]yet  ich  write  her  of  «e  vttre  riwlo  50  ham  holde^  alse 

mine  Icoiic  sustren,  vre   Lonerd  bco  iSoncked/  7  sdinlen  ]?m-h  his 

graee,  se  lengre  se  betcre ;  7  jniuh  nulhch  noufc  ]»et  jc  biliotcn  ham 

asc  hcstc  to  holdcn ;  for  alsc  ofte  a1sc  je  };creftcr  breken  cni  of  ham 

liit  wolde  to  s^vu)70  hurten  OAver  hcorte  7  makicn  on  so  oflcrcd  l>et  tg 

^ui;o2h.     muliten  sone  uallen,  };et  God  forbeode  ou,  in  desperaunce,  ];et  is,  in 

unhope  7  in  iinbileaue  forte  beon  iboruwen.    For  ]n  ]?ct  ich  -write  on, 

mine  leoue  sustren,  of  vttre  ];inges  iSe  ereste  dole  of  ower  boc,  of 

ower  seruise,  7  nomeliche  iSe  laste,  je  ne  schulen  noiit  biliotcn  hit, 

auh  habbeS  hit  on  heorte,  7  doiS  hit  as  ]?auh  je  hofden  hit  bil)otcn. 

Gif  cni  uiiweote  acscS  on  of  Invut  ordrc  je  boon  alse  sum  delS, 
alse  je  telle JS  me,  ])c  isihJ5  |;ene  gnet  7  swoluweb  ]'e  vli^c,  onswerieb 
7  slgge^  ]>e,  je  beotS  of  seint  lames  ordre  |;et  was  Godcs  apostle,  7 
for  his  muchelc  holinessc  clcopede  Godcs  bro]>er.  Gif  him  JmnchciS 
wunder  7  sclku^  of  swuch  onswere,  aske^  him,  HwaL  bco  ordre  7 
hwar  he  ifinde  in  holi  write  religiun  oponlukcr  descriucd  7  isutelcd 
])Q]i  in  seiu  lames  canoniel  epistle  ?  lie  seiS  hwat  is  religiun  ?  ]n\-uch 
is  riht  ordre  :   "Keligio  immda  et  inunaculata  apud  Deum  7  J^itreiii 

■■»  wcnuigo. 


''  of  Imrus, 



.•  l.l' 

xlcn  t 

)  sc;,'[;i-n 

hoo>  -]  pulli.-li  V 

'  1  for  ^i  ir 





],<■],  h.ii, 

Ih.1.1..,,.    C. 

•'    writo.   C. 

>■   1km,  1 


?  I  '  ^ 

i  i  inaiiy,  mid  in  such    :'.    ^\ay,   as  slie   please.-.     I'lieso   aiul  such  utlier 

I  thinos  are  all  in  oui'  free  choice,  to  do  or  to  let  aloiic  -wlicncver  we 

I  choose,  unless  tliey  are  vowed.      I'ut  charity  or  l<)^  e,  and  nieelaiess 

;   I  and  i)atiencej  truthtaluess,  and  keeping  the  ten  old  coniniandments, 

':-   g  confession,  and  penitence,  these  and  such  other:^,  some  of  wliicli  arc 

•   I  of  tlie  old  law,  some  t)f  the  )icw,   are  not  of  man's  invention,  nor  a 

rule  cstahlishcd  by  maii.  hut   tiiey  are   the  connna.nduients  of  God, 

and,  therefore,  c^•cry   man   is   hound  and  ohligcd  to  keep  them,  and 

you  most  of  all ;  for  they  govern  the  heart,  and  its  government  is  the 

f    I  main  point  concerning  wliich  I  have  to  give  directions  in  this  book, 

except  in  the  begiiming  and  in  the  concluding  part  of  it.     As  to  the 

things  which  1  ^vritc   here   concerning  the  cxtei-nal  rule,  ye,  as  my 

dear  sisters,  observe  thein,  our  Lord  be  thanked,  and  through  his 

grace  ye  shall   do   so,  the   longer  the  better ;  and  yet  I  would  not 

I    I  Itave  you  to  make  a  vow  to  observe  them   as  a  divine  conunand  ; 

for,  as  often  thereafter  as  ye  might   break  any  of  them  it  woidd  too 

much  grieve  your  heart  and  frighten  you,  so   that  you  might  soon 

I    I  fall,  Avhich  God  forbid,   into   desi)air,   that   is,  into  hopelessness  and 

distrust  of  your  salviitiun.     Tlierefoi'e,  my  dear  sisters,  that  which  I 

shall  write  to  you  in  the  first,  and  especially  in  the  last  part  of  ycmi- 

book,  concerning  your  service,  you  should   not  vow  it,  but  keep  it 

in  your  heart,  and  perform  it  as  though  you  had  vowed  it. 

If  any  ignorant  pei'son  ask  you  of  what  order  you  are,  as  you  tell 
me  some  do,  wdio  strain  at  the  gnat  and  svallow  the  fly,  ariswer  and 
say  that  ye  are  of  the  order  of  Saint  James,  ^^ho  was  God's  AjiMstle, 
I  and   for   his    great    lioliness    was   called    God's    brother.       If  s\ich 

I  answer   seems   to  him    strange   and   singadar,    ask   him,   "  ^\'hat    is 

I  order,    and   \vhere  he  ]n;iy   fmd  in   holy  writ  religion  more  plainly 

f  described  and  manifested  than  in  the  canonical  epistle  of  St.  Jar.ies?'' 

i  He  saith  what  religion  is,  and  wdiat  right  order:  "  Keligio  munda  et 

I  immaculata   apud    Deurn    et   J'atrcm   h.'ec   est,    visitare    pupillos   et 

I  \idu;;s  in  tribulatione  eorum,   el    immaculatum    so  custodire  ab   hoc 

\l  seculo;  ■'  that  is,  "  Pure  j-eligion  and  withoui  stain  is  to  A'isit  and  assist 

I  widow.s  and   fathcj-le^s   chi!di-en,  an<i  to  keep  himsell"  pure  and  un- 

fj  CAMO.  SOC.  (' 


hoc  est,  visltaie  ])Upillo3  7  vidnas  in  triiAilatiunc  ooriun  7  inuaacu- 
latum  sc  custodire  ab  hoc  scculo;  "  ]>ct  \>,  clotuic  ivliij^iuii  ?  ^vic)Utr^ 
■vveui  is  iscou  7  liclpen  v/idcwen  7  tc'derlcase  cluMrcii  7  trom  ]>c 
world  witeii  liim  cleanc  7  unwcmincd.  pus  seint  lame  dcsc^riucb 
religiuii  7  ordre.  pc  latere  dole  of  his  suwe  liinpcS  to  recluses;  vor 
J?er  beoS  two  dolcn  to  two  manere  of  men  ];et  bco^  of  religiun. 
To  eij^erllinpeS  his  dole,  asc  ;;e  muwen  ihcren.  Gode  religiusc  bcoS 
i  j;e  worlde,  sumnic  nomeliche  prelaz  7  treowe  preciiurcs;  J;et  habbeb 
]?e  vorme  dole ""  of  ]>et  seiut  larne  selde.  pet  bco'^,  alse  he  seide,  ]'C 
go-S  to  lielpeu  widewen  7  federlease  children,  pe  sovde  is  \\ide\ve 
]?et  haueS  vorloren  hire  spus,  ]>et  is,  Iliu  Crist,  A^ib  eiu  heaucd 
suiuie.  pe  is  also  federleas  ]>et  haueS  J^urh  his  snnne  vorlore  })eiic 
Veder  ^'  of  Iieouene.  Gon  7  iseon  swuch  7  eluen'=  ham  7  helpen  mid 
fodc  of  holi  lore,  ]>is  is  riht  religiun,  he  seiS  ^  semt  lame,  po  latere 
dole  of  his  sawe  limpcJS  to  ancrcn,  to  ower  religiun,  alse  icli  cr  scide, 
}>e  witeS  ou  from  J;e  Avorlde,  ouer  alle  oSro  religiusc,  clcne  7  un- 
wemmed.  pus  j^e  apostle  seint  lame  dcscriueS  religiun  7  ordre ; 
nou}>er  hwit  ne  blac  no  nemneS  he  in  his  ordre,  ase  moni  ]?et  isihS 
]>ene  gnet  7  swolmveS  ]7e  vlijo,  ]?et  is,  make^  muchel  strencSe  J)er  as 
is  Intel.  Powel  ]>e  erest  ancre,^  Antonie,  7  Arsenic,  ^lakarie  7  te 
o-Sre,  neren  heo  religiusc  7  of  seint  Tames  ordre  ?  Also  seinte  Sare,  7 
seinte  SIncletice,  7  monie  oSre  swuchc  weopmen  7  wummen  mid 
hore  gi-eatc  mateu  7  here  herde  lieren,^  neren  heo  of  gode  ordre?  7 
hwiSer  Invite  o^ier  blake,  alse  unwise  aske'S  ou,  ]>et  wene'^i  J;et 
order  sittc  iSc  kurtel  o}>er  \]>e  kuuele,  God  hit  wot ;  noj^elcas  heo 
weren  wel  bcoSe:"  naut  tauli  onont  clodes^  auh  ase  G odes  spuse 
singe-5  bl  hire  suluen,  "  Nigra  sum  sed  formosa."  Ich  am  blac  7  tauli 
hwit,  heo  seiS,  unseaulich  wiSuten,  7  shene  wiJiinnen :'  o  ]nsso  \\  ise 
answerie^  to  ]'co  ]>ct  askeS  ou  of  ower  ordre,  7  hweSer  Invite  o]'tr 
blake:'  siggeS  ]'et  t;c  beoJS   bobe   jnudi   ]>o  gi-ace  of  God,  7  of  seint 

gau  i.5eoii 

r.    C. 


■  -J  IV 




H'lic  hv^v  fcdcr. 


ci'ir.itc.  C. 
in  \>e  i-ui  ti 

1,  K'" 



•s  h;.  V 

'   \si.N  lui 

,•  iiictui  -)  liai.- 
ut  I'acli  oi.oiuU' 




...,:,K.,1  r.-«.u  tl,o  .-0-.-1J."  Thus  docs  St.  J.,-.KS  ,k«a-lb<.  rdigion  nnd 
or.lcr.  The  l.tter  r^rt  of  Ins  saying  relates  to  .ncl,..-,  ,tos  :  ..r  thm, 
„.c  two  1.,,.,.  of  this  deception,  wl,i,-h  rchues  to  two  la.ds  of 
rcli.dousLn;  to  o.ok  of  then  his  own  ,«rt  npphcs,  ns  you  m.y 
hour.  There  are  in  tlte  world  good  religions  >«cn  espeendly  somo 
I  prelates  un.l  f:.ithfi.l  preaekers,  to  .Iton.  belongs  tlje  for.nor  part  of 

i  hat  «hiel,  St.  .lantes  said ;  who  are,  as  he  said,  those  who  go  to 

;  I  tit  widows  and  orphans.     The  soul  is  a  widow  wl- '>-^^  - 

!  I  husband,  that  is,  .Tesus  Christ,  by  auy  gr.evous  s.n.     H.  ,,  hbeuue 

;  I  an  orphan  who,  tbrousb  his  sin,  hath  lost  the  Father  of  Ileavcn.    1  o 

i  I  g    :,Kl  visit  sueb,  and  to  co.afort  and  assist  then  -"  ,^«  "  -"^ 

I  Ltruetion,  this,  saith  St.  Jan^es,  is  true  rehgton.      1  he    an^    p 

'   I  of  his  savin.-  relates  to  anehorites,  to  yonr  rehg.ous  oide,,  as  )  sa,  I 

i  befbt'c    wd  o°keep  yourselves  pure  a,rd  unspotted  from  the  world, 

;  n  0     ik      any  o  her  religious  persons.     Thus  the  Apostle  St.  Ja.nes 

de"<^.ib el  reliin  and  order;  neither  wkite  nor  black  does  he  speak 
M    ord-er,  as  tnany  do,  who  strain  at  tko  gnat  and  sw.llow   k 
fly    tkot  is,  exert  much  strength  where  httlc  ts      Pan , 
1  1      St  a;chorite,  Antony  a,td  Arsonius,,  an     tke^^^  , 

'    *  were  not  tkoy  religious  persons  and  of  St.  James's  order  ?    A.,d  St 

Sa  a  stcletica,  Jtd  manv  otker  such  men  and  women  with  the, 
0^;  mattress  s  and  their  hard  hair-eloths,  were  not  tkey  of  a  good 
o XV  And  wdrfter  white  or  black,  as  foolish  people  ask  you,  who 
d     k'thal  order  consists  in  the  kirtlc  or  tke  cowl,  God  kno^v  tl 
vcrtlless,  thev  may  well  wear  both,  not,  however,  as  to  clo  k  s, 

11. )i-    111    the    \\\uU',  iioi     lii   UK,    _,..<.j 

1-  KKCrllLyE   IXCLL.<AUU]\r. 

lames  ordre,  )?et  lie  wi'ot  latere,  "  Iininaculatuni  se  custodiie  ab  oc 
seculo,"  ])et  is,  Vet  icli  er  scide,  worn  ]>q  worlde  wlren  liini  cleno  ? 
umvemmed :'  lier  innc  is  relioiiui  7  nout  i]^e  wide  lu.d,  no  i^e  bi;d;o, 
ne  i^c  Invito,  iie  iSe  gre;^e  kuiiele  ^  c5er  also   inuiii   boo^   ii;edered 
togedercs,  ]?ereuore  mid  onrecbiesse "  me  sclial   makien  strenebc  of 
onnesse  of  clo]?es  ?  of  oScr  Invat  uf  vttre  ]'inges,  ]?ct  te  omiesse 
wiSiiten  bitoc.uic  ]>e  oimesse  of  o  June  7  of  o  wil,  J;ct  hco  alle  liabbeS 
imcne  wi'Sinnen  horo  abit,  ]7et  is  on,  j>et  euch  haueS  swucli  asc  oScr; 
■?  also  of  oScr  hwat  ajeines *>  );et  heo  liabbeS  alle  togederes  o  lime 
7  o  Avil,  eucli  alswucli  also  o|;cr :  <=  loke  J)et  heo  ne  H^en  r'  ])us  hit  is 
i  kiiuent.*'  auh  hwarse  summon  liueS  o5er  men  bi  him  one,  creniite 
cSer  ancre,  of  Jnncges  wiSuten  hwarof  scandle  ne  kumc :'  iii.^  nout 
muche  strencSe.     IlercneS  nu  INlichee,  Godes  prophote,  "  Tndicabo 
Foitv'M..     tibi  homo  quid  sit  bonum   7  (juid   Dominus   reqiiirat  a  to:'  utique 
facere  judicium  7  iusticiam,  7  sollicite  ambulare  cum   Domino  Deo 
tuo,"  ich  cimlle  schawo  J^e''  moii    seiS   J^e  lioli  Michce,  Codes  la-o- 
phete,  ich  ehuUe  scheawe  ^c  soSliche  Invat  is  God,  7  hwuch  is  reli- 
giun,  7  Invuch  ordre,  7  hwuch  liolincsse  God  askeS  of  5e.    Lokc  '5is, 
vnderstond  hit,  do  wel  7  dem  "Se  sulueii  ciicr  avoc,  7  mid  died  7  mid 
luue  go  mid  God  ]n  loucrd.*^  J;er  ase  })eos  };incges  beoS  }'er  is  riht 
religiun,  7  })er  is  riht  ordre ;  7  don  al  J7ct  o5er  7  leten  ]>is  nis  butc  a 
trukungc  7  a  fals  gile  i  al  ]?et  gode  religiuse  do5  oSer  weneS  «>  cfter 
J?e  nttrc  riwlc,  al  togedcrc  is  liereuore/  al  nis  bute  asc  a  sedole?  to 
timbrin  her  toward  :!  al  nis  bute  asc  a  schelchinc  to  seruien  ]'e  leafdi'^ 
to  riwlen  Se  heoi'te. 


iNu  mine  leoue  sustren,  j^cos  buc  ieh  to  dele  on  eihte  distinctii 
);et  je  clepieo  dolen,  7  euericli  dole  \vi^iate  moiicgluiige  spukeS  al  bi 

K'rfur  aiindiifsvp.    C.  "   u^'or  liw.r.      IJa  zeic.\   G. 

an  liiii.j  -J  an,  -J,  :ni  :,-  o^'cr.    C.  'i    i,-!i  wik-  m-Ikiwi'  )),^    C. 

^^"'■•"•■^-  <••  •  al  hit  is  Iionluiv.   C. 

al  rii.,  tuitcii  l,.njc  lol.    C.  ;,sc  ;..-;(■  dele  ;• 

si  ni.-  I.utci,  :,n  hiUVii  to  ktuu.    K   C. 



f  luaiiy  are  gathered  together,  they  shoiild,  for  tlie  sake  of  unity,  inako 

I  a  point  of  sameness  of  clothes,  and  of  other  outward  things,  that  tlie 

I  outward  sameness  may  denote  the  sameness  of  one  love  and  of  ojk.- 

I  will,  which  they   ha^  e  in  connnon  imder  their  liahit,  which  is  one, 

I  which  every  one  h;>.s  the  same  as  another;  and  also  of  other  kind  of 

i  properties,  that  the}'   all  united   haY(^-  one  love  and  one  will,  every 

I  one  the  same  as  another.     Let  them  look  well  th;it  they  do  not  lie. 

^  Thus  it  is  in  a  convent ;  but,  wherever  a  woman  llveth,  or  a  man 

I  liveth  Ly  himself  alone,  be  he  hermit  or  anchorite,  of  outward  things 

I  whereof  scandal  cometh  not,  it  is  not  necessary  to  take  so  much  care. 

I  Hearken  now   to   Micah,  God's  prophet,  "  Indicabo  tibi  homo  quid 

I  sit  bojmm,  et  quid  Doniinus  rcquirat  a  te ;  utioue  faccre  judicium 

I  et  justitlam,  ct  solhcite   ambulare  cum  Domino  Deo  tuo."     "  1  will 

I  shew  thee,  o   man,"  saith   the  holy  Micah,  God's  prophet,  "I  will 

I  shew  thee  truly  what  is  good,  and  what  religion  is,  and  what  order, 

i  and  what  holiness  God  requires  of  thee.     Mark  this,  understand  it, 

I  do  good,  and  deem  thyself  ever  Aveak,  and  with  fear  and  love  walk 

I  witii  God    thy   Lord.     AVherever    these  things    are,   there    is  true 

I  religion,  and  there  is  right  order;  and  to  do  all  the  other  things  and 

I  leave  this   imdonc  is  mere  trickery  and   deceit.     All  that  a  good 

I  recluse  does  or  thinks,'^  according  to  the  external  rule,  is  altogether 

I  for  this   end  ;    it  is  only  as  an  instrument  to   promote    this   true 

I  relirvion ;    it  is  only  a  slave  to  help  the  lady  to  rule  the  heart. 

I  iSow,  my    dear  si?ters,  this  book  I  divide  into  eight  distinctions, 

I  which  ye  call  parts,  and  each  part  treats  separately,  without  con- 

I  fusion,  of  distinct  uiatters,  and  yet  each  one  falleth  in  properly  after 

[  another,  and  the  latt.-r  is  always  connected  with  the  former. 

K<.(|is  lic'iKinicni  clouii.'. 

I  3  14  REGUL-li  IXCLUSA11U:\I. 

himsulf  of  sundcrliche  ]>incges  7  tauli  caicli  on  valleS  rllit  efUT  o]'or 
*?  is  j;c  latere  euer  iteied  to  Se  vonne." 
pe  vorme  dole  spcke^  al  of  ower  seruise. 

pe  o]>cr  is  Im  ^e  schulen  ))urli  o^v-er  vif  wlltes  witen  owor  hcoi'te 

bet  ordre,  1  religiun,  J  soulo  lif  is  inne.    I  )>Isse  distlnctlun  boob  fif 

cheapitres  alse  vif  stuccheues  efter  ]>e  vif  Avittes,  pet  ^vite«  ])c  lieorto 

'  alse  wakenicn  hwarse  lieo    beo«   treowe,  1  spekcd  of  cuorlcli  ^vit 

sunderlichc  area  we. 

pe  J^rldde  dole  is   of  ones   kuimes  fmvelcs  ];et  Dau.d  i]'e  santer 
I  efheS  himsulf  to,  alse  he  were  ancre  r'  1  hu  ])co  kunde  of  ]>eo  ilke 

1      ;  faweles  ^  beo^  aiicren  ilichc. 

;  pe  veorSe  dole  is  of  fleschliche  vondunges  1  of  gostllclic  bobe  J 

kunfort  a^eines  ham,  J  of  horc  saluen. 
:•  pe  vifte  dole  is  of  schrift. 

FoUo  i  a.         pe  sixtc  dole  is  of  penitence. 

pe  seoue^e  dole  is  of  schir  hcorte,  Invi  me  ouli,  ?  luvi  me  soal 
Ihu  Crist  luuien:^  %  hwat  binimcS  us  his  luue,  "?  let  us  to  liuuen 

him.  ci     p    1 

pe  eihtuSe  dole  is  al  of  ];e  uttre  riwle:'  crest  of  mete  7  of  drunc 
1^^  J  of  o'Ser  ]nnoes  })et  failed  5er  abuten  ;  )^er  efter  of  ];eo  >mges  ]>ct  ^o 

muwen  underuon  r'    7    hwat    j^ingcs  je  muwen  Aviten  ^    habben ; 
berefter,  of  ower  clones  %  of  swuche  >inges  ase  «er  abuten  ualleb : 
kr  efter  of  owcr  doddunge,  1:  of  ower  werkcs,  7  of  ower  blod 
'  letungc  :!  ower  <=  meidenes  riwle  a  last  hu  jc  ham  schullen  luucbche 


TTwon  TO  erest  ariseb,  blesceb  ou  7  sigge^,  ''  In  n.unne  I'atri.  7 
Filil  7   Sancti  Spirltus,   Amen:"  7   blginneb   anon  "  \  en.    Croat-.r 

a  ,M  ,.K.!.  .K.I.  an  richt  falloS  efter  !•.■  nNer  T  i.  k  .lalo  itei3.t  tu  be  anc.   C. 

b  ofl'ill.i;  fujelw.  C. 

.   .,f,.^v>•^v.,.■■k.sotMoaan;„c^..l■l.l.Kll.uuu.;   ..t   owcr.    (. 


^  ,  Tbe  fiv.t  part  treats  entirely  of  your  religious  service. 

U  The-  next   is,   l.ow   vou   ouglrc,  througli  your  five  senses,  to  keep 

[.^  The  ]KXt  1.,      _      .  ,,i.r^-'linion   and  the  liie  of  tlic  soul.     In 

11  your  hear,  .her.,  l^^;,^^-^,,^^,   ,,,,ennng  tl.c  five 

?  i    :^Lr;;«r::.:::i  t  ^!::^t  a;  .atcmnen  .1..  ..y  .e  f^iti^m, 

i  :  ::!  .4id;s,  J.  concerning  each  sense  separately  .n  o^r.^  ^ 

S  ^  The  cl.ird  part  is  of  a  certain  kind  of  Lird,  to  .vlnch  M  >n    he 

I  r  Jit   con.  aves  hin^self;  as  if  he  were  an  anchor.e,  and  how  the 

[  I  nature  of  those  hirds  resembles  that  of  anchorites. 

^  ■■  '  The  fourth  part  is  of  fleshly,  and  o^so  of  spiritual  ten.ptations,  and 

I  ^  of  comfort  against  them,  and  of  their  remedies. 

I  i  The  fifth  part  is  of  confession. 

I'  The  sixth  part  is  of  penitence.                                                  Tin 

^^  ,         .  •       f  o  ,.11  vo  heart   why  men  ought  and  should 

from  loving  hnn.  p        ^       i 



heaven,  Lending  forward   on  youi  knees  upc n 


KEGLT-.i:  IXCl-U.SAUr.M. 


Spiritus  r^ "  mid  up  alieuinJe  eion  t  lioTulen  toward  Iicouciio,  buinde 
oknon '"^  YorS^yal•d  vpo  ^c  bed  "?  siggeS  so  al  J^lc  iniiie  vt  inid  te  ■' 
uerset  "  Emitte  Spiritimi  tuuni  "  1,  te  orcisun,  "  Dens  fjul  corda  r  "  "^ 
)?or  eftcr  sdieoinde  ou  7  cloSiiide,  siggeS  l^atcr  Nostcr  ?  Civdo,  7 
seoScn  "  lesu  Xte  fili  Dei  viui  i;iiscrere  uostri  :^  Cj^ui  de  Viroino 
dignatus  es  nasci,  miserere  nobis/'  pis  word  siggeS  eucr  vort  jc- 
beon  algrciSc:''^  j^is  word  habbeS  muchcl  on  vs  7  i  mubc  eucli 
time  ])et  je  muwen,  sittinde  ?  stondinde.  ^ 

iiwon  je  beoS  al  grei&e  sprengeg  ou  mid  hali  water  ])et  i;e 
schulen  euer  habben  mid  ou,  ?  ]?enc]ic5  o  Godes  flesebs  "i  on  his 
blod  I'et  is  ouer*^  ])e  heic  weoucdc  1  falleS  aciicoii  Jicr  toward  mit 
)?eos  gretmige,  "  Ave  principium  uostre  creaciouis  !  Ave  preciuui 
nostra  redompciouis !  Ave  viaticum  nostre  peregrinacionis  !  Ave 
premium  nostre  expcctacionis !  " 

Tu  esto  nostrum  gaudium, 
Qui  es  futurus  premium. 
Sit  nostra  in  te  gloria, 
Per  cuncta  semper  secida. 
Mane  nobiscum  Domine. 
Noctcm  obscuram  remouc. 
Omne  delictum  ablue. 
Piam  modelam  tribue. 
Gloria  tibi  Domine, 
Qui  natus  es  do  uiryino. 

Also  je  schulen  don  hwon  ]>e  jtreost  halt  liit  vp  ette  mcs>e/  ?  biuore 
J>e  confiteor  hwon  je  schulen  beoji  ihuseled  :'  ef'ter  ])is  uallL'^  acncon 
to  ower  crucifix  mid  teos  vif  gretunge.s.'' 

"  iifiipoii.  C.  "  1  mid  J'f.  C.  <:  coiVl.i  fi<l(Iiu!u.  (;. 

•I  J'cusf  wunli^s  scggeS  aSet  t;c  Icon  gI■(•i^■e.  C. 

^   :in  vs   )  in  nHl^'(.■  ot'to  liwtiiiic  ;^e  niajrrn  sittf!  ge  oSer  stan.lcn.    C. 

'  uhmu:    C.  *-■  liwcniio  nic  l.,.l.l  liit  iii,  ( ,1  ln>  uw-^<".   C. 

^   nii.l  l-nse  gi-ctinj^rs  in  )>(,•  riumcgnn-.-  u(  |v  vif  wiind-n.  C. 



the  whole  hvnui  t^'  th.e  e'.ul,  with  the  versirle,  "  Scud  f'jrth  tliy  Tloly 
Spiri;,"  aiid  the  i)raye;-,  "  God,  who  didst  leach  the  hearts  of  thy 
iaitiiful  peoi»le,''  cSrc.  After  tliis,  piittuig  on  viAir  shoes  and  your 
clothes,  say  the  I'atL-riioster  and  the  Creed,  and  then,  "Jesus  Christ, 
Son.  of  the  living  God,  have  mercy  on  us  !  Thuv.  who  didst  conde- 
sce]id  to  be  Lorn  of  a  virgin,  have  mercy  on  us  I  "  ('ontinue  saying 
these  \v(i)-ds  until  you  Lo  (juitc  dressed.  Have  these  words  nuich  in 
use,  and  in  your  mouth  as  often  as  yo  niay,  silting  and  standing. 

>*^  hen  yc  are  ([uite  dressed,  s[)ri!iJvle  yourselves  with  holy  v.ater, 
wlilch  ye  should  have  always  with  you,  and  think  upon  G.nrs  flesh, 
and  Oil  his  blood,  which  is  over  the  In'gh  altar,  and  flill  on  your  knees 
toward  it,  with  this  salutation,  "  Hail,  tliou  author  of  our  creation  1 
Hail,  thou  price  of  our  redemption  !  Hail,  thou  who  art  our  support 
during  our  pilgrimage !    Hail,  O  reward  of  our  expectation !  " 

Be  Thou  our  joy, 
Who  art  U>  be  our  reward. 
i\Iay  our  glory  1)0  in  thee, 
Through  endless  ages. 
Abide  Avith  us,  O  Lord. 
Keiudvc  thr  dark  night. 
Wash  off  all  our  guilt. 
Grant  us  godly  medicine. 
Glory  be  to  thee,  O  Lord, 
Wiio  wcrt  horn  of  a  virgin. 

Thtis  sh:dl  you  do  also  when  tlie  priest  elevates  it  at  th(>  mass, 
and  before  the  confession,  when  you  are  about  to  receive  tho  host ; 
aft.M-  this,  tall  on  your  knees  to  yoiu-  crucifi-x,  with  these  five 
greetings  : — 

(AMI).    SOO. 

r.iio  4  h.  ''  Adoramiis  te  Cliriste,  7  Ijcncliciinas  tlbi  qui  i-cr  sanctam  cvacmi 
tuam  redemisti  inunduin.  Tuaiu  criiccm  adcvaums  Domino  f  tuain 
gloriosam  recolinuis  ])assionciu  r'  miserere  iiostri  qr.l  pa.-sns  c.s  pro 
iiolas.  Saluo  crux  sancta,  arlx.r  digna,  cujus  robur  prcciosum 
mundi  tullt  lalentum.  Saluo  crux  (|Ui>  in  corpore  Clmstl  dedioata 
es,  ot  ox  mombris  ejus  tan^uam  margarllis  0  crux,  lignum 
tri'umpliale  mundi:'  ucra  salus  uale,  inter  ligna  nullum  tale,^ fronde, 
fiore,  o-crmine.  Modocina  Clnnstiana  salua  saiios,  egro=^  sana."  Ar.d 
mit  tVs  ilke  wordo  l.eato^S  on  OAVor  Lrcoste.'^  "  Quod  iion  ualet  vis 
liumar.a  sit  in  tuo  nomine."  Ilwo  so  no  con  nout  ];eos  fine,  siggo  -^e 
vormeste^  vino,  "Adoramiis  to,  Chi-iste,"  fif  srJSon  knoolinde  .*'  7  blcsciS 
ou  mid  cuerichon  of  «eos  grotungcs,  7  mit,  tcos  ^vordos,^  «  miscrero 
iiostri  c|ui  passus  es  pro  nobis,''  beateS  on  ower  breoste,='  7  cusc(;S  J'C 
eorJSe  icrooiccd  mid  to  j^umo.'^  per  cftor  AvondeS  on  to  vrc  l.oaldi 
onlicncsse,  7  cneole^  mid  fif  auez;  a  last  to  ]>o  o'^er  oidicnosscs,'^  7  to 
ower  rolilvos  cneoleS,  o];er  lute>),  nomeHche  to  ]>eo  l^alc•^von  ];ot  5c 
habbeS  to  ]^urli  luue  iturnd  owcr  Avcouedes,  so  mueho  ])e  raSer  ei 
is  ilialewod/ 

per  ofter  anonriht  vrc  Loafdi  vlitsongs  siggo:>  o]>issc  wise  :'  jif  hit 
isv,erkc  dei,  vailed  to  ]>ereor5e;  jif  hit  is  halidoi  buinde  sumdel 
duneward,  7  sigge^  Pater  Nostor  7  Credo,  bo  stillicliej^  7  rihteS  ou  up 
her  efter,  7  sijzgc^  "  D<jminc,  labia  mea  aperies,"  7  makie^S  '  on  ower 
muW  mit  te  ]>mne  a  creoi/,  7  et  -  Deus  in  adjutorium,"  a  largo  crooiz 
mit  be  j.reo  vingres  vrom  abuuo  ]>c  vorheaued  dun  to'^'  ]>e  breostc 
7  Mdled  to  ]'or  c?j]-^e  -j;lf  hit  is  Averke  dei,  mit  te  Gloria  Tatri,  o]'er 
buwcS  dunoward.  lliV  hit  is  halidoi  vort'  "  sicut  orat."  JXis  do^  ot 
cuerich  Gloria  Patri,  7  ct   to   biginmmgc   of  )^c  A\'nite,  et  t.s  ^vord, 

^  eurcste.  C. 

s.  C 

"  lioortc.   C. 

<=  -]  hlcscit  ou  oil  uli  a!i  ■]  wis  I'oose  worses.  C. 

J    i  cnickct  mill  K' I'Uiuo.   C.  ,,.,,. 

r  sw.  ,nudK.  \-c  r.^cr.  ?;of  a.n  i>  ihaU-^/..!.  O.  •=  -nn  ^^e  hu.c.l.  vtsung.  C 

M,a  still...   C.  'u.rk.^C. 

V   rnak.S  aa  cros  fron,  W  f-vlH-aue.l  t..   C.  o^ct.   C. 

Al>OKATTOX  OF  Till:  ClIOSS  AM)  O!'  TIIK  \  IliGlX. 


I  r 

;ul(>n>  tliec,  O  Cluist,  anrl  \vc  blcs^  t'lec,  \vlici,  l.y  thy  holy 
t  rcdf.-iiiLvl  t!ie  v.ovU.  ^Ve  a.lore  tl.y  cto>.s  O  Lonl. 
Kji)ior;ito  tliA'  I'lwriuU'^  iias^^ion.      ]*ifv  u-^,  O  thou  ^vllo  didst 

(•n.>>,  li 
AW'  en 

sntlor  Ibi-  u>.  Had,  ()  lioly  Cj'oss,  worthy  tree,  avIioso  pivcious 
Vt-ood  lj(^rc  the  treasui't' of  the  world  I  Ilail,  O  Cross,  whu  in  the 
body  of  Christ  v.ast  dc(lii:;>ted,  and  with  his  linil.>s  adorned,  as  with 
pearls.  O  Cross,  wood  triuinph;int  o^•er  the  Avorld.  Tnie  safety, 
liail !  Among  woods  none  such,  for  leafj  flower,  bud.  O  Christian 
medicinej  heal,  heal  the  soinid  and  the  sick."'  And  with  this  saying, 
beat  on  }oiir  breast,  "  What  human  power  is  unable  to  do,  be  done 
In  thy  name."  AVhoso  docs  not  know  these  five,  may  say  the  fii'st 
five,  "We  adore  thee,  O  Christ,"  five  times,  kneeling  and  blessing 
yo\u-selvcs  at  every  one  f)f  these  greetings;  and  at  these  words 
'■'  have  Tiiercy  on  u.s,  thou  wlio  didst  suffer  for  us,"  beat  your  breast, 
and  kiss  the  earth  crossed  with  the  thumb.  Thereafter  turn  to  our 
Lady's  image  and  kneel,  saying  the  "  Ave  "  five  times  ;  lastly,  kneel 
or  bow  to  the  other  images  and  to  your  relics,  namely,  to  the  saints 
to  wlM;)m  you  have,  through  affection,  dedicated  your  altars,  so  much 
the  more  readily  if  any  of  them  are  hallowed.-'* 

Innnediately,  thereafter,  say  our  Lady's  nocturnal  service,  in  this 
wise  :  if  it  is  a  v.-orkday,  fdl  to  the  earth  ;  if  it  is  a  holiday,  bowing 
somcv.liat  downwnrd.  and  sav  the  Paternoster  and  Creed,  both  in  a 
low  voice,  and  then  stand  up  and  say,  "  O  Lord,  open  thou  my  lips,'' 
and  make  the  sign  of  the  cross  on  your  mouth  with  the  thumb,  and 
say,  "  God  be  our  help ;  "  then  a  large  cross  from  abo\-e  the  forehead 
down  to  the  breast,  with  tlie  three  fmgers,  and  fdl  to  the  earth,  if  it 
is  a  workday,  with  the  Gloria  l*atri,  or  bow  downward,  If  it  is  a 
holida\",  as  far  as  the  woixls  "  sicut  erat."  Thus  do  at  every  Gloria 
Pairi,  and  at  the  beginning  of  the  Venite,  at  tliis  \\-ord,  •' \\^nlle 
adoicnnis,"  and  at  Ave  Maria,  and  wheresoever  you  hear  >\Iary"s 
name  iianied,  and  at  e\ei-}- Paternoster  that  i')ccurs  in  the  hours,  and  in 
t!ie  Creed,  at  this  word,  "natus  ex  ]\Iaria  virgini-,"  ;:nd  at  tlu>  collect  of 

20  REGUL^E  1  NT  i, USA  RUM. 

"Yenitc  adorcmus,"  ?  et  Aue  iNIariii,  1  Invarso  je  cuer  ihcre^ 
Maries  nome  incumeu,  "1  to  cueri';h  Pater  Nestor  ];ct  fallcc)  to  ];c 
vros,  ?  i5c  Crede  ct  tis  word  "  natus  ex  Maria  nirii^iiK-,"  7  to  ]>c  collecte 
lUio  5.  of  euericli  tide,  1  to  ]'e  l.etaiiie,  7  to  laste  iier.s  of  eiioricU  iimio/-'  ^  ct  to 
laste  iiers  -wlouten  on*^  of  jnssc  salniCj '•' liencdicite  ojiinia  opera. 
Doniiiii  Domino,"  et  tisse  uerse,  "  Benedicaruus  Patreni  t  FJliiini  cum 
Sancto  Spiritu;"'  and  et  alio  j^eos  ilke,  jif  hit  is  ^verkedei,  vailed  to 
her  eorSe :'  jif  hit  is  hahdei,  buwexS  siimdel  duncwardr'  "^t  ct  te 
bigiuniinge  of  euerich  tide,  ct  tissc  worde,  "  Deus  in  adjutoriuni," 
makicS  rodentokne,  also  ich  cr  tauhte ;  J  ct  tis  word,  "  Veni  Creator 
Spiritus,"  Luwc^  oSer  kneolcS,  eftcr  ]^et  tc  dci  is ;  7  et  tissc  v/orde, 
"INIemcnto  salutis  auctor,"  valleS  euere  aduu;  '?  et  tissc  worde, 
"Nascendo  formam  sumpseris,"  cusceS  ]?c  eortSe,  7  also  incTe  Deuin, 
et  tisse  AYorde,  "Non  horruistiuirghiis  veiitreni,"  7  et  te  niessc  crede,^' 
et  tissc  worde,  "  Ex  IN'Iaria  uirgine,  et  homo  factus  es," 

l^^ucrieh  on  sigge  liiru  vres  also  heo  liaue-S  iwriteu  ham,  "?  euerich 
tide  siinderliche  also  uorb  alse  je  muwcn  siggeS  in  his  time,'*  aixh 
er  to  sonc  I'cn  to  leate.  Eif  je  nc  muwcn  eucr  holden  J;e  rihtc  tinic, 
vhtsono-  bi  uihte  ine  winter  r'  ine  sumer  i];e  dawunge :'  yh  winter 
schal  bif'innen  ctte  holi  rode  dci  ine  heruest,  1  lesten  voi-t  cfter 
prime  ij'c  winter  erliche ;  ij^e  sumer  biuor  deies,''  Preciosa  ];cr  efter. 
riif  -^e  habbexS  neodc  vor  eni  hihj'c  to  spekenc  ^e  nunven  siggen 
Preciosa  biuoren,  7  efter  vhtscng  anon  jif  hit  so  neodeS.  Non  eucr 
cfter  mete,  auli  Invon  jc  slepcS  sigge^  uon  efter  mete  ^  [slep]  |)c 
liwule  JK't  sumer  lested,  bute  hwon  jc  vested  ine  winter,  biuore 
mete  r'  'i  ine  sumer  hwon  jc  vestcS,  J^c  sunedei,  eftcr :'  vor  jc  etcJS 
twien.    Et  te  one  psalmc  i^e  schulen  stonden,  jif  ^e  beoc)  eise,-  7  et  tc 

»  CroJe  -)  to  )•'■  CoUicto,  ci!  ouucr  vli  tide,  T  to  j'C  kiterncste  vers  of  caucr  vli  iiimo.    C. 

^   l.utcn  an.  '^  T  ^'^  J"^  masse.     In  )'e  niudiel  ereiK'.  C. 

•1  ioro  as  ha  nu'i,  "J  in  his  lime.   C. 

••    1  surii'.')'  bii'orS  i(ianj;'.'n.   C. 

<  -]  hweiniu  s-  slel>^■^i,  rlt-r  sh-i..   C. 

y   aisc.    V. 



•       o,wl  ot  tiH>  L't-inv  and  at  the  last  verse  of  every  liymn, 
cvorv  service,  ana  attiie -i^ii^'ii^v,  aiai  c..  ,     r      i     ii    ,^ 

^^*^^3  -^"-''^  '  f  4.1/ .  i>.,ln-,   -' r)k=-3  tlic  Lord,  all  ye 

and  at  the  hist  verse  but  one  of  tlu^  1  -Un.,      uc.  i  i-  ,        j 

/       f  .1      T  n-,1  "  -n    tl-'s  ver-e,   "  Let  us  Lk^ss  the  Father,  and 
works   of  the  LiOiil,     ar    ti...^   vti.^-, 

;::  «„.,  ...a  ,1.  nob-  Cho.  ^  ..a  ..  .^^  t  o.e.  ,.  .t  ..  v,-or     ay  M 

to  the  e;ut!,,  if  it  is  IioliJay,  bow  somewhut  dov.av.  ,,.1.    A,  c!   at  .ho 

t!    nL     f  ovovy  ti,„.  of  service,  .t  this  word,  "God  be  our 

■t-r  '•  •„.l<e  the  .I^u  of  the  ores,  as  I  taught  you  before ;  and  at 

hi      ord,  "  Co,„e,  d  Creator  Spirit,"  bow  or  kneel  aceonhng  as  the 

1   nt  t  is  word,  "Be  mindful  of  us,  0  author  of  our 

,  e    .  ,  ••  i-;„  thf  ei^->h   find  also  at  tlie  1  e  IJenm,  at  tnis 

i';  didst  lake  our  form,    ki-s  tlie  e,  ..i.,  ."  ,  ^.  „,„i   .,t  tl,,-.  Mas- 

n  word,  "  Thou  didst  not  abhor  tl>e  vn-gurs  wotu  .,    and  a    th    Mas  . 

[l  Creed,-  at  this  word,  "  Of  the  virgin  Mary,  ana  was  made  man. 



^  Let  every  one  say  lier  hours  as  she  has  written  then,  and  say 

overy  s    vlee  separately,  as  far  as  you  ean,  in  its  own  tune,  bn 
ler  too  soon  han  too  late.     If  ye  cannot  aUvays  keep  to  the  r,gh 
i        say  the  Noeturus  by  night  in  the  winter;  n,  the  sunrmer,  at 
"break      This  winter  shall  begin  at  Holy  Rood-day  n,  autunn,, 
Jk^  :;    ;.«e  «„  thereafter.     Prin.e  shall  be  said  in  the  wu,ter  early ; 
r  un  ner  before  daybreak  ;  Pretiosa  thereafter.     If  you  luwe  need 
fr:;  any  en.ergeue/  to  speak  you  may  say  ^^^^^^ 
immediately  after  the  nocturnal  service  ,f  necessa.j.     iSon.sah.a.s 
I  -at     but  when  you  sleep,  say  Nones  [sleep]  durn,g 
™  ner     iut  when  you  fast  in  winter,  before  n.ea,  •,  and  n,  sunnne 
Z   y  u  first,  the   Sunday,   after  [nreat]  ;  f.n-  you  -*--;' 
K  one  Psahn  yon  shall  stand,  if  yon  are  at  ease,  and  at  the  othe,, 
:  a  a         ap  rise  np  at  the  Gloria  Pa.ri  and  bow;  wl.oever  .s 
n'   ?     ,  M      It  her  -dwavs  stand,  \n  God's  name,  in  honour  of  our 
£!;;;:":  a,  ^  hours  say  Paternoster  and  Ave  Mana, 

;,.  Niccnc  Crre.L 

FoUo  5  I 


o^er  Sitter,  ?  cucr  of  Gloria  Palri  up  ='  ?  buwcn  :'  ]nvo  so  uk-I 
stondon  euer  on  vrc  Leaflli  ^^  ursc]n|H-,  stoudo  a  godes  haluc,  7  et  all. 
seouc  tidcn  s.ggceS  Pater  Nostcr  7  Ave  xMaria,  bo  biuoren  %  ofter" 
i;idel.uni  amine  eftereiicricli  tide  biuoro  ];o  Pater  iSVfer-  ct  brco 
tiden  siggcS  Credo  niit  te  Pater  Noster  biuoren  Uhtson'-  %  elVn- 
1  rnne,  7  efter  Cunipelie.     Vroni  ]H>t,  efter  Preciosa,  ]ioldeb° silence.^ 

Efter  eucsong  anonriht   siggeS  owcr  Placebo  euerlclio  niht  Invon 
p  beo-5  eise :!  bate  pf  Int  beo  holiniht  vor  ];e  ^^,io  of  nie  lescuns  l^et 
kumeb  amor\yen,  biuorc  Cumplie/  oSer  efter  Uhtsong,  sirro-e-^  miv 
mit  ]n'eo  psalmcs,  7  mit  ]>reo  lescuns  eiiericlic  in'ht  snndcrTicIic      l",J 
anniuersanes,  is  ine  munedawes  of  ower  leoue  vreond  "  sio-c.-e5 
alle  iiiene,  7  ine  .tude  of  Gloria   Patri,  et  eueriche  psalnies  emle 
"  Pecjuieni "  cternani  dona  eis,  Domlne,  7  Ivx  perpetua  luceat  eis  •' "  et 
Placebo  30  muwcn  sittcn  vort '  Magnificat,  7  also  et  Dmo-o  bnte'et  te 
lescuns s  7  et  te  Miserere,  7  from  Laudate  al  vt."  sJ.-c.eb'a  hst   ino 
stude  of  Lcncdicanu.s,  "  Kequiescant  in  pace."    A  movvren,  ober  a  nilit 
efter  ].e  suffragiis  of  Ulitsong,  siggeS  Commendaciuni,   sittinde  ],c 
psalines,  7  kneolindc  ]>e  vreisuns  oj^er  stondiudo.     Eif  je  doS  bvs 
eueriche  Jiiht,  bute  a  suncnilit  one,  jc  doS  muclielc  bctere. 

8eoue  i)salnies  siggeS  sittinde  oSer  cneolinde,  mit  to  LctaiuL'. 
viftenc  psalnies  sigge"^   o  ]>hsQ  wkc:'  }>c  iiornieste  vine  uor  on  : 
7  for  alio  |?et  ou  god  dotS  o];er  unneS  :^  ],o  o]>er  vine  uor  Jn>  ],ei 
holi  churche.     pe  ];ridde  vino  uor  alle  crislene   soulen.     l<:fre. 
uorme  vino  "Kirieleison,  Chrlste  eleisuii,  JCyi-Ieleison."  Pater  No 
"Saluos  fac  scruos  tuos,  7  ancillas  tuas,  Dcus  mens,  sperantes  in 

"  ruiigcn  v|).   C. 

'■  o<l  J'L-  ]:n:u  lidi'u  wg-eS  l':,ier  Nostor  v.iiN  Cvcdo,>,eii  Vchiso,,^,  -j  ot  J>n„„. 
Compeliii;  froin  oiij-oi-  Coiiipcliii  oSor  I'n^  U-(,  isciil  liol.U-X  .-ilonpc.   0. 
"  for  Ibstc  ofiiij^e  Iccoons  J'c  comc'S  ine  inarot;oii  Irifuro  C'oiiiiitlin.   (!. 
''  and  gef  ))if  l>iS  aiii  munedal  of  oiiwcr  Icoiie  fionl.   (,'. 



S    (.f 

r  j>e 


.\x\i  vi:iisAi:ii:s — coim.mendations.  23 

botli  before  and  after  ;  Aninue  after  ev<Ty  l.eur  before  the 
Paternoster;  at  tinvo  bours  say  tlie  Creed,  ^vItb  tlie  l»aternoster, 
before  Nocturne  and  afrcr  l^riiiK-,  and  after  tbe  Con^.pline  ;  from  tbat 
time,  after  TrL'tiosa,  keep  silenee, 

Imr.iediately  after  vessel's  say  your  ]^]aeebo  every  ni-lit,  ^vbvu 

\  you  are  at  ease  ;  but,  if  it  be  tlie  eve  of  a  festival  of  nine  lessons 

that  comes   on  tbe  niorruw,  before  Compline  or  after  Koetuni,  say 

Dirigc,    with    three  I'salms,   and    ^vith    three    lessons    every    ni,:j;ht 

separately.     On  the  anniversaries,  that  is,   on  the  commemoration 

:  days  of  your  dear  fi'ien.ds,  say  all  the  nine,  and,  at  the  end  of  cveiy 

Psalm,  instead  of  Gloria  Patri,  say  "  Gi^•e  them  eternal  rest,  O  J.ord, 

and  let  contiiuial  light  shine  upon  them."     At  Placebo,  you  may  sit 

"  until  the  ^viai^nificat,  and  also  at  Dirige,  except  at  thu  lessons,  and  at 

I  thelNliserereCand   from  Laudato  throughout;   at  tb.e  end,  instead  of 

;t-  Benedicanuis,  say  "Pve(piieseant  in  pace."     On  the  morrow,  or  at 

t  night,  after  the  suffrages  of  the  nocturnal  service,  say  the  Connncnda- 

I  tio'Ji,'^  sitting  during  Psalms,   and  kneeling  or  standing  diu-ing  the 

•!  prayers.     If  ye  do  thus  every  evening,  Sunday  night  alone  excepted, 

:  t  ye  do  so  nuich  the  better. 

:'-  -^Yitl,  the  Litany  say  seven  Psalms,  sitting  or  kneeling;  say  the 

fifteen  Psa.hns  on  this  Avise :  the  first  five  for  yourself,  and  for  all 
who  do  }ou  good  or  befriend  yon:  the  next  five  for  the  peace  of  holy 
church;  the'^thivd  five  for  all  Christian  souls.  After  the  first  five, 
"  Lord  have  nu^rcy  upon  us.  Christ  have  mr-rcy  upon  us.  Lord 
have  nx^rey  nnon  us."'  Paterno.fer.  "  O  my  God.  save  thy  servants 
and  han.lmaids,  who  hope  ir.  Thee.  Let  us  pray.  O  God,  whose 
piupertv  is  alwavs  to  have  mei-cy  and  to  sj.are,  receive  our  j.rayer 
f(.i-  fbrjiveness,  a'ud  let  'Vhy  compassion  and  pity  absolve  us  who  are 
boun.l'\vith  tlie  chaiii  vi'  oni'  sins,  through  Jesus  Christ  our  Lord." 

,-s  for  tlicdcrnl. 

24  IlEGUL/£  INCT.USAIlUr^I. 

Oremus.  Dous  cui  propriuni  est  laiscreii  semper  1  pnrcere,  suscipe 
deprecatlonciii  nostram,  1  quos  clclictorum  cathena  coiistrir.git,  inisc- 
ratw  tue  pietatis  aljsolvat,  per  Cliristuni  Dumiiraiii;'  Eitrr  ]>c  oj-iT 
vine  also  "  Kirieloison,  Gliriste  clcison,  Kirieleison."  VnU-v  Xosta-. 
« Doiiiine,  fiat  pax  in  virtnte  tna,  7  liaLundaDcia  in  tiu'ribiu,  tub. 
Oremus.  Ecclesie  tue  Domine  prcces  placatus  admit te,  ut,  de- 
structis  aducrsitatibus  uni verbis,  sceura  tibi  scrviat  llbcrtatc,  per,  ^c." 
Efter  )^e  }>ridde  viue,  )>et  5c  schulen  siggen  wiSuteii  Gloria  Fatri, 
"Kirieleison,  Christeelcison,  Kirieleison."  Pater Noster.  "A  porta  inleri 
serue  Domine  animas  eoruni.  Oremus.  Fidelium  &c."  Seouc  psalmes 
t  teos  fiftene  psalmes  siggeS  abuten  undern  dcics :'  vor  abute  swucli 
time  alse  me  singeS  messe  in  alle  boli  religiuns,  uro  Eoucrd  j'olede 
Folw  6.  pi»G  ^M'  ^'  ]'^  1""^^^^  5^'  o '^'^^^  ^"  ^^'°"  nomeliclic  Ibcoden  ?  ibonen  r'  ?: 
also  vrom  Prime  vort  mid  morwen  Invon  ]>o  preostcs  of  be  Nvorlde 
sijigeS  bure  mcsscn.''* 

Vrc  leawcde  bre}?ren  siggeS  ]ms  horc  vres  :  vor  Yhtsong  ine 
werkedawes,  licihte  f.  twenti  Pater  Nosters:'  ine  lielidawcs,  forti :' 
vor  euesonge  viftene.  Yor  euericbe  oj^er  tide,  seouene:^  biuoren 
Uhtsoiig,  Pater  Noster  7  Credo,  kneolinde  to  );er  eor^e  on  Averkcdei, 
«?  buinde  on  lialidei:^  ?  ];enne  sclial  siggen,  bwo  se  con,  "Domino 
labia  mea  aperies :'  Dens  in  adiutorium  meum  intcnde :  Gloii;i  Patri, 
sicut  erat .  alleluia  "  :f  1  ine  Leinten,  "  Laus  tibi  Domine  rex  eti-rno 
glorie:'"  efter  ]>c  laste,  "Kirieleison,  Cbristcleison,  Kirieleison."  Pater 
Noster:''?  efter  ])e  amen,  "Per  Domimun:  benedicamus  Domino  r'Deo 
gratias  ^  %  et  alle  J^e  o]>re  tiden,  also  biginnen  7  also  endcn.  P.ute  ct 
Cumplie,  scbal  biginnen  Invo  so  con,  "Conuerte  nos,  Deus  salutaris 
noster:'"  and  et  aTle  ]>c  o]n-c  tiden,  "Deus  in  adiutorium,"  wibutcn 
"  Domine  labia  mea."  Eif  ci  of  on  Mide  don  )>us  beo  voleweb  ber,  ase 
in  o]>rc-  obseruannces,  mucbel  of  ure  ordve,  7  M-el  icli  lul  reade  :'  a  ]>isse 
wise  sv.  nunvcn,  jlf  ;<;e  wulleb,  siggen  o^vcr  Pat.ernost)-es. 

.  iiwcun.'  j)ifc>:.tcs   of   W    world    siiigi.>*N  li'jurt! 
'.iiU'jN  s,ri^i--!i    f.ui\'    l'.it.';    .\''j.^tivs;  Alinilitin 

H  T  alsw;,    from    I'lunc   u>.i-X   luiclinun 
inossen.      On  V\>^'-  "  i*'  ?;e   i'>a-.n    ?:;of 

Tin:  r.\xox!CAL  iioi  n>  or  [■ravf.i:.  Jo 

After  the  next  five.  s;iy  also,  "  l.nvd  hiivc  mercy  upon  u?,  Clirist 
have  mcrcN'  iijioii  iis,  Loi-d  liavc  iiu-rcy  upr.n  us."  P;iteriio>tcr. 
'•Mav  tluMV  be  li^'i'ce  iii  tliy  strcii-tli,  :in<l  iibiu'daiivc  in  tliy  strung- 
holds."  a  0  Lord,  niorc^fully  receive  the  pTay^'rs  of  thy  chiirch,  that, 
beino-  delivered  Ironi  all  adversities,  it  ma;,  servo  thee  in  security 
and  A-eedom,  tlirouoh,  &c."  After  the  third  five,  which  you  shall 
say  without  Gloria  Patrl,  '^Loj'd  have  mcrc}-  upon  ns,  Christ  have 
nierev  u])n)i  us,  Lord  have  mercy  upon  us."  T'ater  noster.  Say,  "Lord 
deliver  their  souls  from  the  gate  of  hell.  J-et  us  pray.  "Fidelium, 
&c."  Say  seven  psalms,  and  those  fifteen  psalm?  about  undern  tlme,^ 
for  about  such  time  as  mass  is  sung  in  all  religious  communities,  when 
GUI-  Lord  suftered  j^ain  u])on  the  cross,  ye  ought  to  be  especiall\  in 
pravers  and  supplications,  and  also  from  Prime  till  mid-morrow, 
wheii  the  secular  priests  sing  their  masses. 

Oui'  lay  brelhren  say  thus  their  liours:— For  Nocturns,  on  work- 
dn\s,  eight-and-twenty  Paternosters;  on  holidays,  forty;  for  ves- 
pers, fifteen  ;  for  every  other  time,  seven  ;  before  Xocturns,  Pater- 
noster, and  Creed,  kneeling  on  the  ground  on  a  workday,  and 
bowing  on  a  holiday;  an<l  then  whosoever  can  shall  say,  "O  Lord, 
open  thou  my  lips.  "  O  G(jd,  make  haste  to  help  me.  Glory  be  to  the 
Father,  &:c.  Hallelula."  And  in  Lent,  "  Praise  be  to  thee,  O  Lord, 
eternal  Iving  of  Glory."  After  the  last,  "Lord  have  mercy  upon  us, 
Christ  have  mei-cy  upon  us.  Lord  have  mercy  upon  us."  Pater 
no-^ter.  And  after  the  Amo!,  "  Through  the  Lord,  let  us  bless  the 
Lord  ;  thaid^s  to  God."  And  at  all  the  other  hours,  thus  begin  and 
tlmsend;  but,  at  Comj.line,  whosoever  can  shall  begin,  " 'i"ur;i  us, 
O  G(Klof  our  salvation ;"  and  at  all  the  olhrr  liwurs,  "  O  God,  make 
spped  to  save  me,"  omitting  "O  Lord,  oj,e,i  thou  my  lip.."  L'  anv 
of  v<.u  will  do  thi.,  she  tbiloweth  here,  as  in  otliM-  observances,  umcli 

\i„r.  oVlo, 

r,  p:,l;u. 

iiEfa-i.K  l^■^^,^sAKl■M. 

'■-  -\ln,il.ti  Goa,  Fcler,  ,  Sur.c,  ,  soSfost  lT,.ii  flo.t,  -Mo  jo  ),i-co 
b.c.5  0  flod,  7  o  miht.,  o  «lsa„n,,  ,  o  lu.u,  7   t»ul,  i.  nuht.  ,.uiT,a 

of  Vine  Snne;  lo  l-o  luue,  of  l-c  lloU  0.«t;  5.I  n.e  o,,  ;,1nn,„.  God  . 

liilcn  vorto  ,ucn,c  ic,  Innc  ,  .il  to  a„n  U,  nnl,,,.  ]>.t  ,.1.  nunvo 
.V,M-'  ^«.  l.of.  icl.  cnnno  don,  luuo  )>et  icl.ulle  don  .nl  j.rt  t.  .» 
Iconesf   also  In,  crt  ful  of  cucricii  god,  also  nis  no  god  wone  ■  ],»■  asc 

Ltte  n'c.  l.un,  l.oVi  ),n„n„e«o  Trinito  ■)..  wu-hsclnpc.  of  ).c.  ro. 
P.tevno.fos  Crodo.  r,encaicnn»s  ]>r,t.en,  7  I'll.nn,  cum  Sjmitn 
S:nu-to,  Laudenn,s,  c,  ..„,«■.  0„.nnH  :  "  Ounn^otens  s<.,n,„«-ne 
Dous  oui  dedisti  fau.ulis  tnis  conf.ssionc  ncvc  hd..,  otcnu-  I  nnnu.,, 
™-"-  o-lori-un  a-noscei-e,  7  in  potrncia  niajestatis  aduraro  unUatan,  .,ao- 
sumus  nt  ejusden,  fidei  finni.atc  ab  on.nibns  sc.n,.u-  nnnnanu.r 
adversis,  qui  vivis,  vcgnas."  \Uo  so  lutl.aneb,  obc-  sun,  oboi  ot  ,.0 
holi  Jirumnesso,  sigge  }o  wullc." 

Svvctc  Jo^n  I'in  ore!  swete  .Tosu  vol-  ndnc  sutmon  anl,on,:..Hl  0  ).e 
rode  u„r  l-eo  ilke  uif  vnn.deu  ^  tn  on  l.iiv.  U.Jd.,^,  l,el  nunc  Uo  1, 
sonk  of  alio  1-0  uunden  ).et  l,eo  i.  nddo  i-,vn„d,.d;  J.nh  nun.  n,l  v.aU,-., 
■I  „n,„uu.o  of  liaul :  Vet  bit  so  n.ote  boon  :'  .li-orwnl  be  l.oucrd, ; 

"^T^     nX^-OnJ   tena    adoret    ,e    Den.,   et   psalla,    ,ibi ; 
i':;::di:atnou,i,-,i.uoD,,u;u,e.''     0..=n,us."dusK,indo.,b..u 

. ..,„  ,.  „■■,,,.„„.  u,„„,  a.  W  i..  -l.^-,; l..l»;.  in.  .;.■.««■«; S,.  VVU,, ...  K 

' ;;;"-:  la  i.r,...»  ^.i  "*a-  '■"■'■ "'  i-- '"'"  i-""""""'  "•»■"'■ ""-  """'■  '■■■ 

.  •     _..:V  ;.,.,-iirl,.|  1.    C 

iN  iwi-ndt 

Ml'l-MCATIDNS  lOU  <.]t.V(  K,  TO  TllK  ■IIMXHV,  AND  TO  CH'II.T.  27 

of  our  order,  and  1  canu-tly  advice  it.      In  this  n.nnner  you  may 
sa^-,  ifA'ou  will,  y<.ur  P.itL'i-nostrr.^. 

'"■  Aliiii'ditv  ''ioil,  yariicr,  Son,  and  ,sootlir;i>t  Holy  Gliu-^t,  cvoi  as 
^..  !]'.,,.  a^.-  one  Gnd,  and    one   V)o-,ver,    on.   wi>doni,   and  one  love, 
;nl  ^vl  ^vi<dun^  is  ospec-ialiv  a.eril.ed  to  tliee  in  holy  ^vrIt,  thou  dear 
rather:   t<.  thee   ^vi^d^n!,   of  fhy  S<m  ;  to  rluv   love,   of  the  Holy 
gC^   '  Give  me  -race,  Almi-hty  Gt>d  ;  inspire  into  me,  yo  three 
pJr^un.    these  same   three   thin-;:   power  to  serve   tliee,   wisdom  to 
please  thee,  love   and   will  to  do  it ;  power  that  I  Uiay  do,  wisdom 
that  I  mav  know  what  to  do,    love  tliat  I  may  he  eonstrained  <o  do 
all  tint  is"most  approved  hv   tlu.e;   as   thou  art  full  of   every   good 
t],i„,  ns   there  is  no  good  wanting  th^.e  thr^e  are,  power, 
wii;m,  and   love  united  together,  that  thou  grant  n>e  them,  O  holy 
Trini.v,  in  the  worship  of  thee/'     Throe  Paternosh^s.     I  B^.evo 
.-.I,.t\,s  hh-;s   the  Tathor  mid  the  Son,  with  the  Holy  Ghost ;  let 
XH  prii^e  and  hi'dilv  extol  him  lor  ever."     Let  us  pray  :   "  Almighty 
and   evcrla^ting^God,  who  ha.t  given  unto  thy  servants  hy  the  con- 
fl..i,.n  of  t]r-"true  thith   to   acknowledge  the   glory  ot   the  eternal 
Trimtv,  and   in  the  p.wer  of  the  [divine]   Majesty   to   worship  the 
unitv,\ve  be.eeeh  thee  that  in  the  steadlastne^s  of  tins  fnth  we  may 
h.«  (l..|ended  alwavs  fr.nn  all  adversities,  who  live.t  and  reignest,  ^c. 
Who.,  hath  this;   or  any  other  prayer  to  the  holy  Trinity,  may  say 
which  he  will. 

''  Sweet  Jesus,  thy  n.ercy  !   Sweet  Jesus,  (hr  niy  sinssuspended  on 
.1  ~  ■  .   for  the  sake  of  the  same  five  woun  Is  hy  winch  thou  didst 


,,_,,;,.    it   is   w.anidod  through  n.ynve 

],,nee  of  them  ;  so  nK,y  it  ]>e,  dear  Wd.       1  ne  1  a  enio.te  .         U^ 


Ml,o  hv  tho  i-rec-ions  hh-od  of  thy  only  hegotten  >on  Jesus  (  hrisi,  ^c." 

,       ,-    „    ,  ,■   ,1,..   tro-^-    ;ma    in    prwc.-.M..u>  xvhcro    llic   cross  i- 


Chrl^te;-'  Tip  ]m  no  const  iiout  ^05110  seic  siino  o^lt  of  tie   creulz. 
Deus  qui  i^nigeniti  filii  tui  Domini  nostri  Jesu  C'hristi  prec.o.o. 

'^  Uor  -tie  scone  jiftcs  of -SeHoli  Gostc,  ba  icl.  nu-te  ]i:iU.on  luun, 
^  for  be  scoue  tidcn  ).ct  lioli  chirche  singed  jx't  ioli  mote  delcn  nio 
ham,  slope  icli  o>er  wakie,  ^  for  ];e  seoue  Lonen  i]>e  Paternoster 
axein  >c  seouen  Leaned  deadliehe  snnnen,  ];et  tu  wite  me  wrS  ham 
,  alle  hore  brnchen,-^  j  '^l?  me  ]>e  seouen  seh  eadinesses  ]>ot  tu  hauest, 
Louerd,  hihoten  ]nn  icorene  i]nn  eadi  nome."  Seone  Paternostres, 
V.  "  Eniittc  spiritum  tunm  ^t  creahuntur,  7  renonahis  faciem  ternv. 
Orenur^  "Dens  cul  onnic  cor  patot  et  onmis  vokmtas  hjquitnr, 
et  qnem  nnlkun  latet  seeretnm,  purifiea,  per  infusionen  Sancu 
Spiritus,  cogitationes  cordis  nostri,  nt  perfbcle  te  diligere  et  digne 
laiidare  mereaun.r,  per,  &e.  Exaudi,  qnesnmns  D-uuino,  suprhciim 
preces  ^j  confitencium  tlhi  parcc  peccatis :  ut  pantc-r  nobis  mdnl- 
gentiam  tribuas  benignns^^  pacem,  per,  &c.  Ecclesie  tne,  quesnmus 
Domine,  preces  phicatus." 

L'orbetenhesten  ^et  ich  ibrokeu  babbe,  smnme  o5cr  alle,  and 
nv^  snlf  toward  te  Invat  se  beo  of  oj^-r  ]n^•at  vntreouliclie  iteo]>eged, 
ibote  ^  of  Veos  bruchen,  vorte  seilitnl  ^-  me  ^^  iS  ]-e  deorewurSe  Louerd. 
Ten  Paternostres  .  v.  ego  dixi,  Domine,  miserere  mci ;  sana  anunam 

meam  quia  peccavi  tdji. 

Deus  cui  proprunn. 

"To^^  wur^chipe,  .Tesu  Crist,  of  ]>ine  t^v-colf  apostles  ]>ei  ich  mote 
oueral  r.ulewen  hore  lore  7  ^et  ich  jnirh  Imre  boneu  mote  habben  pe 

itcohrAU'l  ill  h'A-j.   C 
in  h:  C. 



"  r  or  tlie  scvuii  gifts  oF  tlic  Holy,  tliat  !  may  ]i:i%-e  them, 
and  fur  tiio  seven  time.s  that  holy  cluirch  sinpeth,  tliat  I  may 
partielpate  in  tliem.  Nvlietliei*  aslee]^  or  auake  ;  o'lil  for  tlic  seven 
petitions  in  tht-  riitenioster  against  the  seven  chief  deadly  sins, 
that  ihon  gnard  me  against  them  arid  all  th.eir  brood,  and  givi.; 
me  the  seven  happy  beatitudes  Avhicli  thoUj  Lord,  hast  jiromiscd 
thine  elect  in  thy  blessed  name."  Seven  Paternosters,  vers.  "  Send 
forth  thy  spirit  and  tliey  shall  bo  created,  and  thou  shalt  renew  the 
face  of  the  earth."  Let  us  pray:  "  O  God,  to  whom  every  heart  is 
opLii,  and  every  wish,  speaketh,  and  from  wliom  no  secret  is  liid, 
purity,  by  the  infusion  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  the  thoughts  of  our  heart, 
that  we  may  perfectly  love  thee,  and  worthily  j-raise  thee,  through, 
&c.  llfar,  we  beseech  thee,  O  Lord,  the  prayers  of  thy  suppliants, 
and  forgive  the  sins  of  those  who  confess  them  to  thee  ;  that  likewise 
of  thy  goodness  thou  maycst  grant  us  thy  favour  and  peace,  through, 
&:c.     O  Lord,  graciously  hear  the  prayers  of  thy  church." 

"  Because  of  the  ten  connuandments,  some  or  all  of  which  I  have 
broken,  and  in  wliatever  other  things  I  have  tithed  mjself  untruly 
toward  thee,  in  re[)air  of  those  breaches,  to  reconcile  myself  with 
thee,  dear  Lord."  Ten  paternostei's  ;  vers.  "I  have  said,  O  Lord, 
have  mei'cy  u})on  me,  heal  my  soid,  for  I  lun-e  sinned  against  thee. 
O  God,  whose  piojierty,  &c." 

"In  honour,  O  Jesus  Christ,  of  tliy  twelve  apostles,  that  I  may  in 
dl    things  follow   their  doctrine^,  and   that,   through   their  prayers. 

30  i;i':oin,/E  ]]sci.rsAi;L,M. 

tv.-colf  bov.-cs^  ]>ct  L'lo^vc^  ofclicritc,  ;ise  scinte  IV.wcl  •^vil•n(;^,  Ijlisrule 
Lovic-i-cl.  T\vcoir  ratcriiosti'os.  ''' Annuiicinvei-niit  opera  Dei  et 
saiicl-;tateni  ejus."  Oremus:  "Exandi  iios  Dens  saliitaris  iioster,  et 
apostoloruui  tuovuin  iios  tucro  prasidii>,  quorum  douasti  Hdelcs  esse 
doctrinis,  pe]-— " 

Halowen  j^ct  50  luuieS  best  7  nicst  In  liore  wnr^icliipc  siggeo 
oper  hs,  o]?er  niOj  alse  ou  Lcree)  on  lioorto,  ^  tet  uerset  cftcrward 
mid  here  collecte. 

"  Uor  alle  J'co  j^et  habbccS  cni  god  ido  mo,  iseid  me,  o]?er  iunned 
me,  ■'f  for  alle  ]>co  ilke  ]K't  m'uvcW6  ])c  six  wcrkes  of  misericordc.^ 
merciablc  Louerd.'""  Six  Paternostres.  "DIspoi-sit,  dcdit  i)aupeiibus; 
justicia  ejus  n)anet  in  secula  scculorum.  Hetribuere,  dignare  Domine, 
onmibus  nobis  bona  facientibus  propter  nornen  tanm,  A-Itam  eternam,'' 
Ilwose  Nvulc  mei  siggen  ]?csnc  psaluK  "Ad  te  levavi,"  buioren  ])0 
Paternostres,  ^  sco]?cn,  "  Kirieleison,  Christeleison,  Kirieleison." 

"  Uor  alio  ]'e  soulen  ]'et  bcoS  for^faren  i^e  l/ileaue  of  ];e  vour 
gospclles  ]'ct  holdcb  al  Cristendoni  up  a  uour  lialues,  j^et  tu  ])g  vour 
moririuen^  jiue  liani  innc  lieouene,  uiilccfule  Louerd."  Four  I'atci-- 
iiostres  :^  '^  *^'if  5^  siggeS  }iicne,  asc  )»er  LeoS  niene,  englene  ordres," 
])et  God  JMu-h  liis  milcc  j  for  liis  merci  lu'je  liain  ut  of  pine  to  horo 
velauredden,^  ^e  do]i  jet  bcterc :'  7  lier  also  siggeS  "Do  i)rofundis," 
biuore  ];e  Paternoster.  "  Kiriel.  Christel.  Kii'iel.  A  porta  inferi,  erne 
Domine  animas  eoruui."  Oremus:  ""Fidelium,  Dens,  omnimn  con- 
ditor  et  redemptor,  anlmabus  fanudorum  famularuuKpie  [tnarum 
remissioiKMn  eunctoru)ii  tribue  i»eeeatorum  :  ut  indnlgentiam  (pi;uu 
seiuj.ei-  (.ptave]-unt  juis  supplicafionibus  consequantur.] '^ 

inil.'C'fiilf  Lriui 

utoifa.s.  c. 

[>iii-.lntc.].    (• 












n;AYKi:-  Vini  !u:m..a(  tous  axd  vcni  Tin:  ni:Ai: 


I  ,.av  l.ave  iV.   t^.elvo  h.uu^n.   of,  .vlnch  Wesson  ,  ..  S 
P.ul'shcwet!,  M.s^.a  Lonl.-'   Twelve  I'   "  J  Ley  cL.cLuod 
,1,.  ,,„,!,,  .r  the  and  Ins  ll.lin.s.'^     Let  us  pray  :    ;  Kc.n- «=, 
O  Gud  of  ouv  Saivatlou,  and  keen  us  sale  U  H.e  in-utec,on   ot   t. 
apostle.,    to   doctrines   tl.ou   Last   granted   u<^   to  be    f^ntlnu,, 

tln-on-li,  c^-c." 

In^b.  worddp  of  those  saints  ul.oni  yc  love  best  and  most,  say 
less  or  as  your  heart  inclines  yon,  and  that  ver.iele  afterwanls, 
with  their  collect. 

"  P(j^.  all  tho^e  v.h.o  have  done  me,  said  of  me,  or  granted  nu;  any 

I  oood    and  ibr  all  .ueh  as  Avork  the   six  works  of  mercy,  O  merclfid 

*  1  -r  1 ''    ^"^Ix  IMi-rno^ters.    "  He  hath  dispersed,  lie  hath  given  to  the 

I  .Ir-    his  ri.d>teonsuess  remaineth   fbr    ever.      Deign,  O  Lord,  t^ 

:        ]  reward  all  those  m  lio  do  good  to  us  Avith  eternal  lifb,  for  thy  .lame  s 

■        i  vd.e  "      Who  NviU  n>av  say  this  psalm,  "  To  thee  have  I   lifted  up, 

I        f  befbre    the   PaternestJr;    and   then,    "Lord  have  mercy  upon  me, 

V        I  Clirist  have  mercy.  Lord  have  mercy." 

i        I  -  \\,,  all  the  souls  that  have  departed  in   the  belief  of  the   four 

^        !  P-osv.cls  Avhich   support  all  Cdn-istendom  on  four  sides,  give  them  m 

i        I  heavei.  the  tbur  n.arrlage  portions,  gracious  Lord."  Four  Paternosl^s ; 

and   if  vou  sav  nine,  as  there  are  nine  orders   of  angels,  that  God 
i  through  his  grace  and  of  his  mercy  may  elevate  them  soon  out  of 

I  pain  t^  their  IbUowship,  ye  do  still  better  ;  and  here  also  say  "  Dc  pro- 

Lndis-'  beibre  the  l^aternoster.  "  Lord  have  n>erc>;  upon  us,  Chnst 
have  n.ercy  upon  us,  Lord  have  n.ercy  upon  us.  I  rom  t  '^^^  es  of 
Hell,  C)  Lord,  deliver  their  souls."  Lot  us  pray:  '^  O  God  the 
Gre.^or  and  the  of  all  the  faithtbl  grant  to  the  so.ds 
i  of   thv  servants  r.n,i..ion  of   all   their  sins,    that  they  may  obtan. 

\  the  indnlgence    v  hieh    they   have   always  de.ired  by   their  devout 

I  j.rayers. 




i    ^ 

32  KEOiL.i:  i\(.i.r:~-Aiir.M. 

Bi  dele  suinine  tunc  oj'er  l.i  niht-^  j'^u-lie^  7  gedci'cb  in  owre 
heorte  alle  slke  <^  alle  sorie,  ])ct  v/o  j  \.mvvt•^  ]^.litb.,  ]h>  i-ine  JK-t 
pvisuns  ]jolie^  r'  ]jet  hcu  liggeb  luid  iivii  iieuie  ivootrred  •>  nomc- 
liche  of  So  Cristeiic  ]>et  beocS  ine  he])iiic3sc,  siunnio  ino  prisune, 
sunnncinc  also  inudielo  Scudome  also  oxe  is  o]?cr  assor'  liab1;e^ 
reou]^e  of  ]>eo  >et  bcoS  inc  stronge  teniptaciuns.*^  Alio  monnc  sores 
Fono7>>.  setlcS  in  ower  >uubte,  7  slkcS  to  vro  Louerd  ]>ct  ho  nimc  jcmo  7 
habbc  rcouj'o  of  b;un,  7  biholde  touward  liani  mid  tc  eie  of  Ins  ore . 
^Vif  56  habbeb  hwule,  sigge«  ]>eme  psabn,  "Levari  oculos  nieos.'"^ 
Paternoster.  "  Coivjertere,  Doniine,  tisqnequo  :'  ct  dcprecabilis  esto 
super  seruos  tuos/^  Pretende,  Domine,  fanuilis  et  famulabus  tuis 
dexteram  celestis  auxilii,  ut  te  toto  corde  perqulranf,  et  que  digne 
postulant  asscqunntur,  per  Christmn  Dominmn  nostrum." 

I  be  niesse  Invon  ]>c  prcost  liefS  up  Godcs  liconic,  siggob  ]>oo> 
uers  stondlnde,  "Kcee  salvs  mundi,  nerbum  Patris:'  hostiauera,  uiua 
caro,  deltas  Integra,  verus  lionior"  and  j^eonne  uallcb  adun  nud  ]'eos 
trretunoc.  «Aue  principlum  nostre  creationis  r  aue  preeiuni  nostre 
^edemptionls:^  auc  viaticum  nostre  peregriuationis  :^  tu  esto  nostrum 
caudium  qui  es  futurus  premium.  Sit  nostra  in  te  gloru.,  per 
cuneta  semper  secula.  ^lane  nobiscum,  Domine :'  noctem  obscuram 
remove:^  onuie  delictum  abluef  piam  medelam  tribuc.  Gloria  td.i. 
Domino  ^  sod  quis  est  locus  in  me  quo  veniat  in  me  Deus  mens,  qui 
fecitcelum7  terram:'  itane  Domine  Deus  mens?  est  quicqunm  m 
mc  quod  capiat  to?  quis  mibi  dabit  ut  venias  m  cor_meum,  .^t 
inobries  iUud.  7  vinum  bonum  uK^an.  amplector  te  ?  quis  milu  cs 
miserere  ut  loquar?  angu.ta  est  d.nms  animo  mce  quo  vnuas  ad 
ea.n-  dilatctur  abs  te:'  ruiuosa  est,  rcHce  earn  .^  lulK-t  que  oOendant 
oculos  tuos  f^iteor  et  scio :'  set  quis  mundabit  earn,  aut  cm  alter. 
„,,t,..  to  [clanKd.ol?  ab  occultis  m-ls  mnnda  nu,  Donuno,  et  ab 
;  ,.nv.  servo'tuo:''-  nds.rov.,  mlsorer.,  nu-.Tcre  n.cK  l)ou>, 
:ecauKiunMnagnam  nd^erlcordian.  tu:m.:"'-  and  so  al  )>eno  p.dn.  vt, 

:.(■.   \". 

Di:VO[  T  .-viKIyrj  ATIONS — PllAYEKS  .\T  :\!ASS.  33 

At  some  tiuio  in  tiie  day  or  the  niglit  tliinlc  i!iii/ii  ami  call  to  ii;ind 
all  who  arc  sick  aii'l  >(;rj'i)\vrul,  who  suIKt  atiiictii-.-ii  and  p')verty,  tlio 
r.aiii.  wliicli  prisoii.'j-s  cn'luro  wlio  lie  licivily  ['ftiCiX'd  witli  iron;  tliiiik 
C'^l^uelallv  (-t  the  C'hrlr.iia;)-.  who  are  aiiioiiij:-  the  heathen,  some  in 
jirisen,  home  in  as  i.>;reat  th.-akh^a  as  is  an  ux  or  an  ass;  conipa'^sidnatc 
tliose  wiK!  are  nnder  strong'  temptations:  th<.>nghf  of  all  iiK'n's 
sorrows,  aiid  sigh  to  onr  Lord  that  he  may  take  '-are  oP  them,  and 
have  eoinj):i<<i.)Vi,  and  lotdc  ni-on  them  with  a  gracious  e\-e :  and.  if 
you  have  leisure,  ]'cj)'.'at  this  Psalm,  ''  I  have  lit^ted  up  mine  eyes,"  <Scc, 
Pater  iioster.  "  lu'turn,  O  Lord,  how  long,  and  he  cntieatcd  in 
favuin-  of  thy  servants  :  "  Let  us  pray.  "  Stretch  forth,  O  Lord,  io 
thy  servants  and  to  thv  liandmaids  the  right  hand  of  thy  licavenly 
ai<i.  that  tliey  may  sev^k  tliee  with  all  their  lier.rt,  and  ul.tain  what 
they  wortiiily  ask  through  Jesus  Christ  our  Lord." 

In  the  mass,  when  the  priest elevaies  God's  hody,  say  these  verses, 
standing,  "  Peh.old  the  Saviour  of  the  w.)rld  :  the  word  of  the 
Father;  a  true  sacrifice  ;  livmg  flesh  ;  intire  Oudliead  ;  very  man;" 
and  then  fall  down  with  this  greeting,  "  ILiil :  cause  of  our  creation  ; 
Hail !  price  of  our  redemption ;  Hail !  (.ur  support  during  onv 
pil-rlmage.  Pe  thou  our  joy,  wdio  art  ahout  to  he  on.'-  reward. 
i\Iay  our  glory  he  in  thee,  for  ever  and  ev.r.  Ahide  witli  u^ 
I   I  O  Lord.       Pemove  our   darkness.       Wash    from   us  all  our  gnilr. 

1   I  Grant  a  holy  remedy.     Glory  he  to  thee,  O  L(.rd.     Put,  is  there  any 

j    I  place  in  me  into  which  my  God  may  come  who   made   heaven  and 

I   I  earth?     Is  it  so,  O  Lord  my  God?     Is  thert  in  me  any  thing  which 

I    I  may  contain   thee?       Wilt  thou   indeed   come    into   my   heart   ami 

i   t  iuehriateit?     And  do  I  emhrace   thee,  my  gofMl  win.e  ?     What  art 

[    f  thou  tu  me  ?      Pitv  me,  tliat  I  may  speak.      The  huuso  .,f  my  soul  is 

too  narrow  that  thou  shoiddst  come  into  it.  Let  if  he  enlarged  hy 
thee.  IL  i.  in  ruins,  repair  it.  1  confl-ss  and  knnw  that  it  confai.i, 
wh:,t  is  ohbnMve  to  thine  eyes.  lint  who  J.all  ejean.e  it,  or  to 
who!n  hut  thee  shall  1  <-r.v  ?  Cleanse  n.:-,  O  (-h1,  h'om  my 
[    f  su'ret    hiuhs;     and    IVom  '  the    sins    ol'     others    >pare    thy    servant. 

HaAe  mere^\,  have  mercy,  have  mercy  ujx.n  me,  O  Ciod,  according 

(   .\>ff).    SOC.  1 


luld  Gloria  Patri,  "  Christo  audi  iios,"  twie.  «  KiTiol.  Cliristd.  Kiri.-l. 
rater  nostur :'  Ci-e:lo.  Salmuufac  scruuni  tuiiin,  1  )eu.s  ine-ns,  speraiitrm 
in  tc.  Docc  liic  fucere  uoluntatom  txnnu,  «|uia  Dcus  mens  rs  tu. 
Doiuiue  exaudi  oracionein  meaMi.  Et  clamor  meus  ad  tc  veiiiat.' 
Oremus.  ''  Concede,  qucsumus,  omiiipotcns  Dcus,  ut  qiiciu  cnigniatlce 
et  sub  alieiia  specie  ccriiinius,  quo  sacrauientaliter  cibauuir  in  terns, 
facie  ad  facleiu  cum  videamus,  [eo]  sicuti  [est]  vcracitcr  ^  realitcr  frui 
raereamur  in  celis:   per  cu)idein.' 

Fvlio  8.  Efter  ].'e  messecos,  liwon  ])e  preost  sacred,  per  norjite^  al  J-ene 

world,  ^  ]^er  beo5  al  vt  of  bodi  :'  ]K-r  in  sperclinde  luue  bicluppeb  ourc 
Icofmon  ]7et  into  ower  brcoste  bur  is  ililit  of  lieouene,  "^  liolde^  Line 
ueste,  iiort  lie  babbe  igranted  on  '^  al  ])et  ;;c  cuer  wuUeti. 

Abutc  mid  dei  liwose  mei,  ^  liwosc  ne  mei  J'conne,  o  sunune  o^er 
time,  jjcnclie  o  Godes  rode  alse  muchele  ase  lieo  cuei-  con  oj-er 
niai,  %  of  bis  deorevrurSe  pinen  t'  <^  bcginne  )>er  eftcr  ]'e  iike  vif 
gretunges  5et  beoS  iwritten  );eruppe:'  <^  also  kneolinde  to  cu)-icbon, 
c-/  blesc^'S,  ase  bit  serS  >er,  "^  bcatcS  o^ver  brcoste,  ^  makie^i  a  s^vuc]l 
bone.  '' Adoramns  to  Cbristc  et  bcnedicinius  tibi,  qui  per  sanctani 
crucem  tuam  redemisti  mundum.  Tuam  cruccin  adorannis  Domiiic. 
Tuaui  gloriosam  recolinuis  passionem  :^  jniscrero  nostri  qui  passus  es 
pro  nobis.  Salue  crux  sancta,  arbor  digna,  que  sola  fuisti  digna 
portare  Kegem  ceb>i-nm  ^  Dominum.     Salue  crux  que  in  corpore." 

"  O  crux  olorio^a!  ocrux  adoranda!  o  ligiiura  in-cciosnm,  J  admirabile 
siinmm,  i^^^  quod  j,  dinbolus  est  victt.s,  7  numdus  C)u-Istl  sanguine 
rJdemptus  !  "  Arise^  j^eonne  7  biginneS  ju^sne  ant^fne.  ^  '•  Salue  nos, 
Cbristc:'"    and   siggeb   stondinde  ]K>snc  psabn,   ''lubilate,"   niit  te 

g  ADOUATIOX  OF  THE  C'ltOSS;,                                          35 

k  !■>  tlsy  _£:rcfit  nicnvy  :  "  .'li-l  ^..)  tlio  whole  l\<aliu  lo  tlic  cud,  wijli  (ilm-iu 

I;  P;itri:     "'•  O   C'liri-t  lica'-   u^"   twirc;   "Lord  liavc  mcrcv   upon   us. 

|;:  Chriftt  ];a\c'  iwcrcy  upr^n  u^.      Loi-,]  Imvc  iiieivv  Ti])on  us/'     '"Qui- 

U  Fnthur  ;    I  uolicvc."'    "  O  my  God,  hn,vo  thy  servant,  wlio  puttetli  his 

I)  trust  in   th(>e.     Teach  me   to  Jo   tliy  ■will,   f^ir  thou    art   luv   Goch 

f ;  Lori],   lie  ir  my  jjrayer,  aiul  let  my  cry  come  ujito  tln'o.'"     \a'[  iis 

[1  |)ray  :   '•  Ciraut,  wi'  l^'seech  thee,  A]miij;hty  Cod,  that  liim  ^vhom  we 

f,;  sec  darkly,  and   lmd^')•  a  ditlerent  form,   on  whom   we   feed   sncra- 

|i  jneiitally  on  eai-th,"  we  may  .see  face  to  face,  and  may  be  thoupdit 

0  worthy  to  enjoy  him  ti'uly  aivl  really,  as  lie  is,  in  hca\en,  through 

|f.^  the  same." 

L':  iiftcr  the  kiss  of  peace  in  the  mass,  when  the  priest  coiisccratcs, 

fe  foi'get  tliere  all  the  world,  an.!  there  Le  intiroly  out  of  the  body; 

|;:  there  in  glowing  love  embrace  your  beloved  [Saviour]  ^vho  is  come 

|4  do^^  ]i  from  hcavcii  into  your  breast's  bower,  and  hold  him  fast  imtil 

tj.  he  shall  have  granted  whatever  you  wisli  for. 

ki  About  mid  day  wdioso  may,  and  whoso  may  not  then  at  some 

f )  other  time,  should  think  upon  God's  rood  as  much  and  as  intently  as 

E'^  ever  she  can,  and  of  his  precious  sufferings ;  and  thereafter  begin 

f  ■  the   same  five  salutations  which  are  writteii  above;   and  also  bowing 

!  the  knee  at  every  one,   inake   the  cross  and  bless,  as  is  said  thcre^ 

l^  and  beat  your  breast,  and   say  this    kind  of  i)raycr,   "We  adore 

H  thee,   O    Christ,   and    we  bless   tlice,  wlio  by  thy  holy  cross  liast 

I  redeemed  the  w^orld ;  we  adore  thy  cross,   O  Lord ;    ^^■c  meditate 

i  u])on  thy  glorious  passion.     Have  mercy  upon  us,  O  thou  who  didst 

[  suih-r  for  us  I     Hail  !  O  holy  cross;  tree  of  w^orth  I  Who  alone  wcrt 

'  Worthy  to  bear  the  King  and  Lord  of  Heaven.     Hail,  O  O'oss,  which 

I  in  body,"  8:c. 

'  "  O  ahirious  cro-s  I  O  ci'oss  worihy  of  adoi'ation  !  O  jyrecious  wood 
and  atbuirable  sign,  by  v>hi<di  both  the  (h-vil  is  ovei-come,  and  iha 
woi'ld,   through  iho   blood  of  Christ,  is  j-edeemed  !  "     Then  ]-ise  Uj) 

■■■■  <,:u.    Is  this  anc-iri.t  pniv.-r  cnn-l-t-iit    with    th"    h.-!i.'f  of  tlic  real  hoJiK    j.ivsfiicc  of 
riin>t  ill  tht'  S^irnnuriita!  biva^l  and  wiiir  ? 


36  KLOULJ.  I.Ntl.LSAUr.AI. 

'•aloria;'  and  j'crcfter  ]'oiio  mitcfno:'  ^  sio-gciS  cucr  jros,  "  Salua  r.os 
Christe  Saluator,  \>cv  uirtutcm  -anctL-  cnici.s  (and  IjlcsceS  on  ")  qui 
saluastls  Petruin  in  mari,  rr.I.^cmv  n<.l)i?.,"  al!(n)i_■atL■^  on  o'.vor  Ln.ostc, 
c^]?eonne  valleb  a.lun,  ^^  sigov^,  "Cliristc  aiuli  iick/'  tAvi.'.  "  Kiri.l 
Cliristel.  Kiriel."     Vntcv  iioster,  V  "  Vyoivi-\^ ,r  Dusker  asi^ic-  Deius  7 
resplcc  in  faeiian  Chri>ti  tui/'     Oi-euuis.    "  Deus  qui  sanctani  crucein 
ascendisti,    ec    niundi   tcnebras   iHuniir:a5ti,   quesumus,   Dorniuc,   tu 
corda  j  corpora  nostra  illuiuinare  digriarc :'  per  Douiinuni.''    And  eft 
Liginne?^  ''■  Adoramus  te  Christe/'  also,  use  er,  alio  ^■ive.     pe  antefiic, 
"  Salue  nos  "  ase  or.     pc  psalm,  "  Ad  te  leuaui."     pene  antefnc  eftcr 
al  vt, '^  tcnne,  also  cr,  r.alleb   to    Ser  corSe.     "Cliriste  audi  iius/' 
twien.  Kiriel.  Clu-istel.  Ku-iol.  Pater  noster,V"- Protector iio^ter  aspire, 
Folio  SI.     Dcus.'"     Orenius.     "  Perpetua   110s   Doniinc  pace  custodi   quos  per 
lianuni  sant-te  crueis  rediniere  dignatus  es,  qui  uiuis  ^  regn;i;  cum  Deo 
Patro."     pe  j-ridde  time  rilit  also,  and  []>e]  feortlie  clierre,  -7  te  vifto 
clierre,  7  iiont  no  cliaungc  50^  Lute  ])e  psalmes  --^  te  vreisuns.     ])e 
vorine  psalm  is  "  luLilatc."     pe  o];er  is  "Ad  te  leuaui."    pe  ]n-iddc, 
"Qui  confidunt."     pe  veorde,   "Domlne  non  est  exaltatum."     pe 
vifte,  "Laudate  Dominum  in  Sanctis  ejus  :"'  and  in  eucriclion  Leo^ 
vif  ^ers,      pe  vreisuns  bcoS    J^eos.      "Deus  qui  sanctani  cruceni. 
Adcsto  nobis  Domine  Deus  noster,  ct  quos  sancte  crueis  letari  lacis 
lionorc,  ejus  quoquc  perpetno  defeude  subsidio." 

"  Deus  qui  pro  nobis  fillum  tuuni  crueis  patibulum  subiie  u.olui<u 
vA  iniiiiici  a  nobis  cxi)elleres  potc-4atem,  concede  nobis  fanudi^  lui-,  ut 
resnrrectioni^  gratiam  consefpiamur,  per  eundem.  Deus  cpii  uni- 
ejiiti,"  jnid  "  O  beala  et  intcmerata."     "Juste  judex,  Ocva  C'lu-iste/' 

:.  -,  l,l.:.,.;n  lur.  ).Mn,...   r.  ^ 


iwA  h<?o)V\  th'i:-  .'iritlicr.i,  '•'  S;ivc  us,  O  Christ;"  and  .standinir,  say  tliis 
r.^alm,  "Jtii.ilat*,',"  -Ailli  the  "  (lli)i-ia,"  and  at'ttT  tliat  the  ai'.thiMii ; 
and  sav  cvtT  thus,  "  .Sa\e  vis,  O  <^.'h)i:>t  onv  Saviour,  by  the  virtue 
of  thv  lioly  cross,"  jin.i  inidce  the  sign  of  the  cross,  "  Tliou  wliu  didst 
save  IVtcr  on  tlie  sea,  liave  mercy  upon  us:"  and  beat  on  your 
bivast,  and  tlien  Fall  down  and  say  twice,  "  O  Christ  hear  us.  Lord 
]iave  mercy  upon  us.  Christ  h:ive  mercy  -upon  us.  Lord  liave 
mercy  upon  \is."  Pater  n.ister,  A'eisicle,  "  Beliold,  O  God,  our  ]'ro- 
tector,  and  look  Uj)oii  the;  face  of  thy  Christ."  '•'■  Let  us  pray  :  "  O  God, 
who  didst  ascend  the  holy  cross,  and  hast  enlightened  the  darkness  of 
this  world,  ^ve  pray  thee,  O  Lord,  deign  to  enlighten  our  hearts  and 
bodies ;  tln-ough  the  Lord.'^  And  afterwards  beghi,  "  AYe  adore  thee, 
O  Christ,"  the  same  as  before,  all  the  five.  The  anthem,  '"'  Save  us," 
as  before  ;  the  Psalm,  "  Tu  thee  have  I  lifted  up ;  "  afterwards  the 
whole  ar.thein,  and  then,  as  before,  fall  to  the  earth;  "O  Christ 
heai-  u^/'  twice.  "  Lord  have  mercy  upon  us.  Clirist  have  mercy 
upon  us.  Lord  have  mercy  ujion  us:  "  Pater  noster;  the  versicle, 
"Behold,  C)  God,  our  shield."  Let  us  pray:  "  Kec[)  us,  O  Lord, 
in  peri)etaal  peace,  whom  by  the  wood  of  the  holy  ci'oss  thou  hast 
vouchsafed  to  redeem,  wdio  livest  and  reignest  with  God  the  Father." 
Do  exactly  the  same  the  third  time,  and  the  fovu'th  and  fifth  time, 
and  cliange  nothing  but  the  Psalms  and  the  prayers.  The  first  is, 
"  O  be  joyful ;  "  the  next,  "  Unto  thee  have  I  lifted  up  ;  "  the  third, 
*' They  that  trust ;  "  the  fourth,  "Lord,  my  heart  is  not  haughty. 
The  fifth,  "Praise  the  Lord  in  his  sanctuary;  "  and  in  each  there 
I  are  five  verses.     The  prayers  are  these:   "O  God,  who  didst  ascend 

the  hoi}'  cross;  "  "  P>e  present  with  us,  O  Lord  our  God,  and  those 
whom  thou  makest  to  rej(jice  in  the  lionour  of  that  holy  cross,  defend 
also  with  its  continual  helj)." 

"  O  G(.d,  who  didst  consent  that  thy  son  should  undergo  the  ]);ilnrul 

cro>s  for  us,  tliat  thou  miglitest  drive  away  from  u,s  the  powei-  of  lli(> 

enemy,  gr.iu!  to  m^  tli}  servants  thai  we  may  o1-lain  the  grace  of  ihc 

l]n-on<di  the  same  Lord."       '■' ( )  Cfod,  who  of  thy   ohIn- 


Foluj  0. 

38  llEGUr..!^  INCLLSAllUM. 

and  Invo  se  nc  con  nout  }?eos  fif  vj'cisims,  siggc  euer  ennc :'  ^  Invo  se 
J?unche'(S  to  longe  Icte  ]>e  psalmcs. 

"  Swete  IcfJi  seinte  IMario,  vor  ]>qo  like  uiuclieie  ljli.<>o  ]>ot  tiilicue- 
clcst^^  wI<ii!Tuo  ])Q  ]>co  ilkc  time  ])et  Jcsu  (!od,  Ciodcs  sune,  cf'tcr  the 
engles  gretungc  nuin  flcsclis  7.  Llod  in  ]'(_■  j  of  ])c,  vjidcvuong  mine 
gretunge  mid  tru  ilke  Aue,  7  make  me  tcHen  lute!  of  euerich  blis>o 
vtcwib,  H  froure  me  incwic^  7  enidc; ''  me  ]'e  Uisse  of  heouene :  7  ulse 
Avis  ase  iSeu  ilke  fleschc  ]'et  lie  nomof  jve  lu-s  neuer  sunne,  )ie  i  bine, 
alse  me  wened/  efter  J;e  ilkc  nimnnge,  liwat  se  Linore  were,  clensc 
mine  soule  of  flesliclic  snimen.  " Ane  ]Maria,"  uovt  "  Domiiuis  tecum." 
Magnificat, stondindc.  "Aue Maria," al vt vif siben, 7 eft jniri.  "Swete 
lefdi  seintc  Marie,  vor  ]>c  ilkc  mncliele  blisse  ))et  tu  liefdest  ]>ua  \n 
iscie  ]>et  ilke  Llissfulc  beam  iboren  of  bine  clone  bodic  to  moncunnc 
Iiele  wibuten  euerich  bruche,  mid  ihol  mcidenhod  7  nieidenes 
men^ke,  hel  me  ])et  am  Jnu'li  wil  tobroken,  ase  1  drcde,  liwat  se  beo  of 
dede,  ?  jif  me  ine  lieouene  iseon  ]n  blissfule  leor  7  biholden  huro  7 
hure  meidenes  menske,  jif  ich  nam  wurbe  fur  to  boon  iblesced  in 
hore  veokiuredden,  Aue  Maria  gratia  plena,  Doun'nus  tecum.  Ad 
Dominum  cum  tribularer,"  stondinde.    Aues  also  er  fif  siben. 

"  Swete  lefdi  seintc  INIarie,  vor  ]jc  ilkc  muchelc  blisse  J^ct  tu  hefdcst 
])0  ]m  iseie  ]nnc  dcorcwurbe  sunc  cfter  his  swetc  dcorwurbe  deab  ^ 
arisen  to  blissfule  line,  his  bodi  sroucuold  brihture  ]>ene  []'c]  sunne, 
jif  me  dcien  mid  him  7  arisen  in  him  :'  worldliche  deie;i  ?  gostliche 
lil)ben  :'  delen  in  his  pinen  veolaulickie  on  eorbe,  nor  te  beon  ine  blisse 
his  feolawe  inc  heoiiene,  nor  ])e  ill;(!  muchelc  blisse  ]'et  tu  lieucdest, 
lefdi,  of  his  blissfulo  arislc  elter  ]'ine  muchelc  seorcwe:'  cfter  mine 

IXVOLATiOX  Ol-    r][K  r.LF.SsED  V1U(;IX;    ITEi:  JOYS. 



Ijco-otlen  Si)ii."'    With, ''  O  hlcssed  and  pure,  O  ri-liteon.^  Ju.lge,  .Tcsu 
Chri>r."       Aiul  Vvliu-o   cannot   say    these    five  prayeis,  sliould  say 
alw;iNS  one;  and  ulio-.^  thinketh  tlieni  too  lung  may  omit  the  Psahiis. 
"  8v.(-et  lad\-,  Saint  ^!aiy,  for  that  sinne  great  ueligiu  wlficli  tliou 
hadst  within  tlicc,   at   the  very  tin.e  wlieu  Jesus  God,  the  Son  of 
God,  alKa-  tlie  salutation  of  tlio  angel,  took  flesh  and  hlood  in  theo 
and   of  thee,   recolvo  niy  salutation  with  the  same  '  Ave,'  and  make 
me  to  think  littk-  of  every  outward  delight,  and   comfort  me  within, 
and    hy  thy    merits  procure   for  me   the  joy  of  heaven;    and  as 
certainlv  as^n  the  same  flesh  that  lie  took  of  thee  there  was  never 
sin,   nor  in  thine,  as  I  believe,  after  the  same  conception,  whatever 
may   have  been  before,  cleanse  my  soul  from  fleshly  sins:     ]Iail, 
iNlarv,""  and  so   on   to   "  The  Lord  is  with  thee/"     The  IMagniticnt, 
standing.     '-'Hail,  ^^lary,"  to  the  end,  five  times,  and  then,  thus: 
"Sweet  Lady,  St.  ^NFai^,  for   the  same  great  joy  that  thou  hadst 
when  thou  sa^vest  that  blissful  child,  born  of  thy  pure  body  for  the 
salvation    of  mankind,    without    any    use    of    klnde,'''    with    whole 
vii-ginity  and  maiden's  honour,  heal  mc  who  through  will  am  broken, 
as  I  fear,  whatever  I  may  be   as  to   deed,  and  grant  that  I  may 
in  lieaven  behold  thy  joyful  countenance,  and  behold  her,  and   her 
maiden's  honour,  if  I  am  not  worthy  to  be  blessed  In  her  fellowship. 
Hail,  Alary  I  full  of  grace ;  the  Lord  is  with  thee.     To  the  Lord  I 
cried  when  I  was  in   trouble,"  standing.     Ave,  also,  as  before,  five 

"  Sweet  Lady,  Saint  INIary,  for  the  same  great  j.  .y  an  hich  thou  hadst 
wdien  thou  sawcst  thy  dear  Son,  after  his  sweet  precious  death,  arise 
to  joyful  life,  his  body  sevenfold  brighter  than  the  sun,  grant  me 
tint  I  may  die  with  him  and  rise  in  him;  die  to  the  world,  and  live 
•  ituallv;  share    in   his  as  his  fbllow.-r  on  earth,  that  I 


iiiV  be  his  compiinion  in  blessedness 
hKh  thnuhad.t,  ()  Lady,  ofhlsjoyfi 
jrrow  ;   a.fter  my  great  sorj'ow  i 


in  heaven  :  for  the  great  joy 
1  resuiTcction,  after  thy  great 
■h  1  e\er  am  heiv,  lead  me  to 





FoUo  9  /;. 

,„vK--..-em-u-,vo  l-et  k-1.  n,n  euer  inne  l.ovc:'  1«1  mc  to  ),;nc  I.lissc. 
A«o  M:;.i.  snitiu'-  nort  "Dou.uu,,,,,,.     Itetriln..  ..rvo  tuo,    .ue. 

"  Swote  lefdi  sehUe  Jinvb,  v.ov  Ve  mn.l.elc  Wisso  J.vt  tu  LcMct  ].o 
l,u;seie)  blissful  .unc  ),..  ,e  Gym  wena.,,  vo.-t,,  .).nH, .- 

"u  5 Bote  1   o  mlklelicLe,  a„  l.oU  In.rsdei,  s„e„  .,.  ks  bhssc  ,,.,,0   „. 
rilio  of  heoue.c='  #  ™o  serpen  nnd  l,i,n  .1  )«  «,.,«  ..ndev  y.t,  1 

licbe,  into  Se  blisso  of  l.eouene.    Auo  Man..     Tn  conucrtcndo,     A.u. 
IMavin,"  al  vt  fif  siScii. 

"  Swoto  lefdi,  seinto  Mario,  uor  ),o  ilU-  nmcl.ol.  Uis.o  j-ot  fuLk-  al 
,,e  eorSo  !«  W  ="eto  Uisfulo  su.c  „™loruo„g  So  ,»  l„s  vunnct.  l.l.sso 
r„  .s  bliifulo  or,„os  setto  >c  i„o  .rone  1  queno  on  Leaned 
>.r  1  tu.-cl."r,e  r>o]snm,e:  hoih  l,ooi,enlidie  c«o„e,  nnderuong  so  l-eo^ 
>.„ltu.c)...,e       J  j_  ^^^_^^^  Uisfulkdie  grete   ho  n,o 

gvotnnges  of  mo  «-  J  ,  A.ez  fif  si5o„,  and  poonno  ]>et 

t"r  '«  Sph-Itus  sanctu.  suporuemct.  ^  ulrtj^  A^t..nn  ob.uul^rabjt 

^Ina  ut  qui,  a..clo  nunciantc,  Chrlsti  ^lil  tnl  ineavnahoucn  cog- 
f^ -mu  per  p  sslc^^cm  ejus  ctcruceu.  ad  rc...nvct,..n.  e,u.  gloruna 
^I2L\^  eundem  Chvistun.  Don.inu.  nostnnn,  an.n. 
Aue  rcglnu  celorum  ;   Auc  Donnna  angelorunu 

Salue  radix  snncia  [porta,] 

Ex  qua  muiiao  lux  est  oria; 

Auc  vlrgo  g1ori(Ka; 

Super  ouuies  spc:cli>j;a; 

Valf,  O  valde  dt^cora, 

Kt  pro  fM.nquT  Cl.ri>luu-.  cxom." 

Vevset      "Egrc.aK.tuv    <!..    ra<llcc.    Jess,     .t     flus     de     va.lux 


{*  Tin:  .)()ys  or  tiik  1'.i,i:s,si:ij  vnioix.  41 


'  tliyjoy.      "Kail,  :\IarvI"  unto   "  Tlio  Loi'.l  is  whli  tlicc.''     '^  Deal 

bountifullv  v.'Itli  thy  servant.     Hail,  Mary  I  "  live  times. 

"Sweet  Lady,  wSaliit  I\rary,  for  tlie  great  jo}-   vliieli  thou  liadst 
\vlicn   tlioa  sawcst  tliy  l)rii;]it  lilissfiil  Son,  v/lioin  the  Jev>s  thought 
^^  to  imprison  in  the  stifling  t^nih,  liS  anrithcr  mortal  man,  without  hope 

*'  of  rising   again  ;   sawest   hini  so  gloriously  and  gracirmsly,  on  Holy 

Thursday,  aseend  up  to  his  joy  into  his  kingdom  of  heaven ;  grant 
r  to  me  that  I  may  Nvith  him  cast  all  the  world  under  my   feet,  and 

>  ascend   uj)  now   in   heart  and   mind:   and  when  I  die  [that  I  may 

ascend]   spiritually,  and  at   the  judgment  day  all  bodily,   into   tlio 
5  blessedness    of  hca\-en.       Hail,  ]\Iary !      AVlicn    the    Lord    turned 

i-  ao'ain  the  eaiitivitv  of  Sion.      Hail,  Marv,"  all  out,  five  times. 

I  "vSweet  Lady,  Saint  jMary,  for  the  same  great  joy  that  filled  all 

^  the  earth,  v/heu  thy  sweet  blissful  Son  received  thee  int(j  his  infiriitc 

'k  bliss,  and  with  liis  blissful  arms  placed  thee  on  the  throne,  and  a 

,lf  queenly  crown  on  thy  head  brighter  than  the  sun ;   O  high,  heavenly 

%  queen,  so  receive  these  salutations  from  me  on  earth,  that  I  may 

%  blissfully   salute  thee  in  heaven.     ILul,  j\[ary,  unto  thee  lift  I  up. 

f-  Hail!'' five  times,  and  then  this  versicle:   "The  Holy  Ghost  shall 

ff  come  upon  thee;   and  the  power   of  the  Highest  shall  overshadow 

I  thee."     Let  us  pray:     "^Vc  beseech  thee,  O  Lord,  pour  thy  grace 

I  into  our  hearts,  tliat  we,   who,   by  the  message  of  the  angel  have 

known  the  incarnation  of  Christ  th)-  Son,  may  be  brought  by  his 
cross  and  suffering  to  the  glor^'-of  his  resurrection,  througli  the  same 
Jesus  Christ  our  Lord.  Amen.  Hail,  Queen  of  Heaven  !  Hail 
Sovereign  of  angels!  Hail,  O  root  [of  Jesse],  gate  of  heaven! 
From  wdiich  light  has  risen  upon  the  Avorld.  Hail,  O  glorious 
virgin.  Leautifui  above  all.  Pr-'vail,  O  most  graceful!  And 
ever  entreat  Christ  in  uur  Ijeiinlf."  \\T>icle,  "A  rod  shal!  come 
fo)-ih  Irom  the  stem  of  Jesse,  and  a  Hower  sliali  grow  out  of  his 
Kjot."  Let  us  pray:  "  O  God,  who  didst  not  disdain  tlio  virgin's 
womi),    t^c.       Lc    ^hid.    O    )nc>ther   of  Ciod,    unspotted    ^■il•gin;     be 

FoUo  10. 

42  REGUL.i:  INCLU.-.VUU.M. 

Gaude    Dei   geiictrix,    uirno    iivr.naculata :'    gaudo    quod    gaudium 
ab    angelo    snsccpistl  :^    gaude    (iuod   gcnulsti    cterni   luiiiii)is  clari- 
tatcDi^    gaudo    :\rater,    gaude     <ancta    Doi    gcurfrix.       Uirgo    tu 
sola   j.Iater  innupta.       To    laudat    onuiis   filii   croataia   gouLtrlcoui 
lucis:'    sis  pro   nobis  yiia  intoruoiitvix."     V,  Ecce  uirgo  concipiet 
%   parlet    fllium.       Oreuuis.       Deas    (]ui    de  beatc    Marie    uifginis 
utero    verljum    tuum,    augelo    uuuciaute,    suscij)erc    vohii^ti,    c^-o. 
Gaude  uirgo,  gaudo  Dei  genetrix,  ct  gaude  gaudium  ?^laria:'  om- 
nium  fidoliurn  gaudeat  ecclesia   in   tuis   laudibus  :'  ct  jna 
domina  oandere  fac  nos  tecum  ante  Dominum.    V.   Ecce  uirgo  con- 
cipiet."     Orcmus.     "  Dens  qui  salutis  cterne,  &c.  Kedemp- 
toris  mater  que  pcruia  celi   porta   manes,  ct  stella  )naris :'  succuito 
cadenti,  surgorc    qui    curat  populo.     Tu   quoe   genuisti,  natur.i  nii- 
rante,  tuum   sanctum   Genitorem.     Virgo  prius  ac  posterius,  Chibri- 
clis  ab  ore  sumens  illud  Aue,  peccatorum  mi<crcrc."     I  lor   siggocS 
fifti  auez,  oj^er   an  liundred,  oSer  mo  ot5er  los,  eftor  }'ct  50  hablie^ 
hwule:'  alast  )?et  uerset,  "Ecce  ancilla  Domini,  fiat  mihi  secundum 
verbum  tuum."     Oremus.     "  O  sancta  uirgo  nirginum  qua-  genuisti 
filium  triumphatorem  Zabuli."     Ihvo  sc  wule  mci  a-stunton  ]K-rupp,e  •'' 
anon  rihtes  efter  ]'0   normc   uroisun.     "  Gratiam    tuam    quesumus 
Domine,"  and  siggen  )?enne  biro  tale  of  aucz  r'  efter  So  laste  psalmc, 
«  Ad  te  leuani,"^^  eucr  biuorc  ])e  psalmc  bigirmen  one  auc  ^  uort '' 
Dominus  tecum  r'  1!  sigge  stondinde  )>enc  psalm :'  ];cos  psalmes  beoS 
inumenc  efter  |)e  nif  lettres  of  vro  lefdi  nome :'  Invo  se  nimeS  jome 
of  ];isssc  worde  Maria,  be  moi  ivindon  })orinuo  ]'C  vorme  vlf  lottros 
of  "Seos  biuorc   seide  psalmes,  7  alle  ]k>os  vrcisuns  eoruo^S  bi   (Soos 
fine,  efter  liire  vine  bextc  blissen  tel  in  \q  antefuos^  7  tu  schal  i\in- 
dcn  in  bam  vif  grctungcs.     peo  ureisuns  ]?et  icb  nabbc  butc  imorked 
bco^  iwrltcn  oueral,  bute  one  )?o  laste.    LcteS ''  writen  on  one  scrowc 
Invat  se  jc  no  bunnctS  nont. 

■-   mil  stutton  )n-ujipc.   Kj. 

'   liw.ivf  i.iiiu;?;  r,,.n!C,  1  al   )'is  ilkc  vreisun,  (.I't-T  lilro  {\x  host->cii,  h\  t'lm  telu 
ill  ('C  :iiitrniimes.   ('. 

<:   1..  I  i.-'n  n.'il.l-'  iiu.'i^ra  '.'Utn  an  i)Poh'  iwrit^'ii  ■>u(r.>l  wiN.itrii  l-,-  I,^>;o.   C. 

woiisinr  (U'^  TiiK  i',LKssF,i>  viitf;iN'.  43 

olad  I'ocause  tliou  li;ist  coiicolvcd  joy  horn  tlie  /iigcl  ;  be  glad 
Lcansc  tliou  luist  brcuglit  iortli  the  Li-ightiiLSs  of  li^^lit  eternal:  be 
olad,  O  niotlier  ;  be  glad,  O  holy  mother  of  God.  Thou,  uloue,  O 
vlr-iii,  art  a  mot  nor  an  itiiout  a  mate.  Every  creature  praises  thee,  the 
m^'tlier  of  the  son  of  light.  I'e  a  graeioiis  mediator  in  our  bduilf." 
\'ers;ele,  "  lUb.old,  a  virgin  shall  conceive  and  shall  bring  forth  a  sun. 
15e  ola.l,  O  virgin;  be  glad,  O  mother  of  God,  and  be  exceeding 
iu\  ful,  (')  Mary.''  Let  tlie  congregation  of  aJl  the  faithful  rej>.iec  i.i 
'th"v  praises.  Constant  and  pious  lady,  make  us  to  be  glad  with  thee 
bc^bre  the  J>o]xl."  Verslcle,  "  J3cliold,  a  virgin  shall  conceive."  Let 
us  i>i-ay  :  "  O  God,  aaIio  for  our  eternal  salvation,  S-'C."  "  O  gracious 
mother  of  the  Eedecmcr,  who  reraainest  tlic  gate  through  Avhich 
heaven  is  entered,  a)i<l  the  star  of  the  sea;  succour  thy  falling,  people, 
Avho  wish  to  rise.  Thou  who,  whilst  nature  admired,  didst  bring 
forth  thy  holy  Father,  a  virgin  both  before  and  after,  receiving  that 
sahitation  from  the  lips  of  Gabriel,  pity  the  sinful."  Here  say, 
"  Hail,  Mar)- !  "  fifty  or  u  hundred  times,  more  or  less,  as  ye  have 
leisure.  Lastly,  this  versicle,  "Behold  the  Jiandmaid  of  the  Lord  ; 
be  it  unto  me  according  to  thy  word."  Let  us  pray:  "O  holy 
A^irgin  of  Virgins,  who  gave  birth  to  thy  son  the  vanquisher  of  Satan." 
Wlwso  will  niay  stand  up  innnediately  after  the  first  prayer.  "  ^V^e 
boeech  thee,  O  Lord,  grant  us  thy  grace,"  and  then  say  her 
nuudjer  of  "  Hail,  INIaries."  After  the  last  psalm,  «  Unto  thee  hft  I 
up,"  and  always  belbrc  the  psalm  begin  one  "Hail,  IMary,"  as  far 
as '"the  Lord' is  ^^ith  thee,"  and  say  the  psalm  standing.  These 
psalms  are  taken  aftor  the  five  letters  of  oui-  Lady's  name.  \\  hoso 
paA  s  attention  to  this  word  Maria  may  fi).d  in  it  the  first  letters  ot 
these  five  psahns  aforesaid,  and  all  those  prayers  run  accordmg  to 
these  five.  After  her  five  liighest  joys  r.onnt  in  the  anthems  and 
thou  shalt  find  in  them  five  salntaiions.  'Jdie  J.rayers  whirl.  1  have 
onU  indicated  are  written  iii  iVdl,  except  .,nly  the  Just.  Cause  to  be 
wriltL-n  on  a  scroll  what  ye  do  not  know  by  heai't. 

^  liEGLL.K  JNCLr.SAUl  .M. 


Al  ],ct  50  cuor  siggeS  of  sn-udi^  uSer  bone,  .so  of  l>a(er  i.ostrc 
I  oi  Auez,_on  owcr  owene  ^vi.e,  psabnas  7  vreisims:  al  idi  am  uol 
ipracu  cr.enclioii  sigge  ];et  Lire  best  bereS  on  heorte:'  ver.Iunoe  of 
hire  sautere:   redinge  of  Englichs,  o^er  of  Freincbs  -  hob  mJdlta- 
cnms.      Ol  owcr  kneolunge,  Lwon  so  50  euer  muwen  ihwulen,  biuore 
mete  oSer  efter,  euer  so  ^e  more  do5,  so  God  ou  echeS  furSre  bis 
deorewurSe  grace-  %  lokeS  also  icb  bid   ou  ];et  ;^e  ne  beon  neuor 
Kiel .  wurcheS,  oSer  rede^  ober  beob  i  beoden,  %  in  ureistn.s  •' 
?  so  COS  oner  sumb^-at  >et  god  muwe  l>erof  avvakenen :'  be  vres  of 
>e  nob  goste  jif  ^^^  ban.  wulIeS  siggen,  sigge«  euerlcbe  tide  of  ham 
biuoren  ure  lefdi  tiden.     Toward   te  preostes   tiden  berkneS  s^  wel 
p  imuven.     Aub  nnd  him  ne  scbule  je  nouSer  uerslen  ne  sh.ovn 
}>et  he  hit  nunve  iheren.     Ou  er  gi-aces,  stondinde,  biuore  mete  7  oLy 
alse  ha    h^h  nvnten   ou :'  7  mid   te  miserere,  goS   biuoren   uwez- 
weouede  7   endeS   «er  ],e  graces:  bitweone  mete,  hwo  se  drinken 
wule,  sigge   benedicito:   "potum  nostrum   filius  Dei  boiedicat      \n 
nonune  Patris  ?  FiJii  J  Spiritus  Saucti,  amen."     And  bleseeS  i'  ?  a 
last  siggeS  -  adjutonum  nostrum  in  nomine  Domini,  qui  fecit  celnm  ? 
terram.     Sit  nomen  Domini  benedictum  ex  nunc  et  in  sccula      I^ene 
dicamus  Domino.     Deo  gracias."     Hwon   se  ^e  go5  to  oure  bcdde 
me  ndit  o]>er  m  euen,  nalle^i  akneon   to  '^er  eorSe  ?  ];encbeS  Invit 
se  habbeS  1  ].ene  dai  iwr..5^.d  ui'e  louerd,  ^i  crieS  him  eorne  mere! 
1:  forguienesse.     Eif  ^e  babb.S  ei  god  idon,  ];onkei<  him  of  iiis  reou.. 
^viSuten  Invam  we  ne  nunvcn  ne  wel  don  ne  wel   benchen :'  7  si<roeS 
"miserere  mei  Deus.     Kiricl.   Christel.   Kiriel.  Pater  noster.   Saha. 
fac  ancillas  tuas  Deus  mens  sperantes  in  te,"     Orenuis.     -'  Deus  eui 
proi)rium."   And  sigge,  stondinde,  ]>esne  vreisun.     -  Ui.lta  ( 
Dumine,  liabitationem  istam  ?  omnes  insidias  ininn\'i  ab  ea  Ion  ox' re- 
pelle:^  angeli  tui  sancti  habitantes  in  ea.  nos  in  pace  cusfodiant,  ?1,ene- 
dictiu   tua  sit   sui)er  nos  semper,  per  Domimnu.     And  a  la<l 

■•  I'lilli,!,.   C.  b  ]-.^elitos.  C. 

pi;iv.vTv;  i)i;voTioxs.     gu.vcf.5.  ^^ 

Whatever  other  .k-,otions  yo.,   use  in  private,  as  Paternosters, 
■      Hail  Maries,  psaln.s,  and  i-rayors,  I  a,n  quite  sati-t^,ec   that  every 
one  should  say  that  -.vhich  her  heart  n,.st  inehne,  her  to,  a  verse  of 
Z  p,aUer,  reading  of  English  or  Frenel,    o  y  ^"''"f^^J^ 
vour  hnceling,  T^•l,enever  you  l.avo  tune,  hetore  or  alter  n,e,  t,  the 
j  n  ore  v«,  do  so,  the  n.oro  doth  God  add  and  u,erease  towards  yot. 

hi,  prJeious  grace ;  and  see  also,  I  pray  you,  that  you  bo  never  .die, 
'  hutVork,  or'  read,  or  he  at  heads,  and  in  prayer,  a.K  thus  be  always 

doino  something  fro„>  whieh  good  may  eome.     fhe  hours  of  t.i 
Hole  Ghost,  if  you  wish  to  say  then,,  say  every  tune  of  them  befo. 
our'l-ady's  tintes  ;  to  priest's  hours  listen  as  well  as  you  eau  but  you 
hould  ,'either  say  the  versieles  with  bint  nor  su,g  so  that  he  .nay 
hear  it.     Say  your  graees  before  and  after  meat,  as  they  are  w  r.tten 
;:    for  you     tanding  ;  and  with  the  Miserere  go  before  your  altar 

,d  finish  there  the  "graces.     Betweet,  meals,  when  any  one  w. 
to   drink    lot  her  say   benedieite,   "May   the   sou   of    God   bless 
„r  d  i    :/      the  ua,ue  of  the  Father,  and  of  the  Son,  and  o    the 
Holy  Gh  st,  An,en,"  and  n.ake  the  sign  o    the  cross;    and  atlas 
av  "  Our  help  is  in  the  name  of  the  Lord,  who  made  heaven  ano 
V  call,      The  „  n,e  of  the  Lord  be  blessed  from  th.s  tune  forth  and 

- 1  o       er      Let  us  bless  the  Lord.     Thanks  to  C  od "     Always  when 

■  ZuZio  your  bed  at  night  or  in  the  evening,  lad  on  your  knees  to 

r^^th  and  think  what  you  have  done  in  the  day  to     .s,  ease  om 
Lord,  and  cry   to  him  earnestly   l^r   ^>^^^-:;l^^^^:^,J, 

nr\      lordlnve  mercy.     Christ  have  mercy.     Lord  have 

::.;.        r  ue.     O  r  F:tber.    \ly  God,  save  thine  handnjaid.  wo 

^n   thee."     Let  us  pray  :   "  O  God,  whose  property  .s  ever   o 

1  ....  "      ,\„,1  .av,  staii.linu-,  tins  i-niyer,      A  i^it,  ^^^  U:>ecui 

;:::;:   tkth^dweliiW,  and  .hive  :ar,rom  it  all  the  wiles  ol, he 

;,         Ma  -  .by  bolv  angels  .Iwelling  in  i,   keep  ns  u,  peace   ,„,d 

::  ^i.  uiin^,e  u,.. --r-,t-;t,-:  ■;  ■.^:^ 



-ir>  r.EGUL.I-:  INCLU8A];U.M. 

"CJiristus  vlucit :'  (tji  Christus  regiiat :'  i^  Christus  impcrat  i'"  >I<  and 
inid  ]>reo  creolz,  mid  te  J'ume  up  buue  ]>g  iiorlicaiicd  r'  1  ]?connc,  "Eccu 
crucem  Doiiiljii :'  ^  fugite  partes  aduersc :'  vicit  leo  de  tribii  Jnda^ 
radix  Dauld.  Alleluia."  A  large  creoiz,  asc  ct  Deus  ir.  adiutoriunij 
mid  "Ecco  crucem  >^<  Domiui :'"  and  ]>eomie  vour  crcoice-;  a  uoui- 
haluc,  mid  teos  uour  cfter  clauses.  "Crux  ^  fugat  omue  iiialuiii. 
^  crux  est  rcparatio  rcrum.  Per  criicls  luijus  siguuui,  >^  fiigiat 
procul  omue  inalignuui :'  -7  ])er  idem  sigunm  ^i  saluetur  quodip.ic 
beniguiun."  A  last  ou  sulF7  u\\er  Led  boiSe.  '"In  nomiue  Pa.tris  ? 
Filii  et  Spiritus  Sauoti.  Amen."  Ine  bedde  uur]?  ase  je  uurAcU;, 
lie  do  je  no  ]nng  nc  j^enclieS :/  bute  slepeb. 

po  nc  con  ouer  ulitsong,  o|?er  ne  mei  liit  siggen,  uor  ubtsoug  sigge 
])ritti  Pater  nostres,  7  aue  ^Maria  cfter  euericli  Pater  noster :'  7 
Gloria  Patri  efter  euericli  auc  ]\Iaria.  A  last  sclial  siggen,  liwu  se 
con.  Orcmus.  "  Deus  cui  proprium  est  juisereri  semper.  Benedi- 
canuis  Dumino  r'  Deo  gratias :'  Fidelium  anime."  Yor  euesong 
twontl.  Uor  cuerich  oj^er  tide,  sigge  uiftene,  o  }>is  iike  Avise :'  aiili 
ct  ulitsougc  sclial  siggen  liwo  se  con  "  Domine  labia  mea.  Deus  in 
adiutorium."  And  at  al  ];e  oJ?re  tidcn:^  "  Deus  in  adiucoriiim:"  7 
I'oiio  11.  et  complie  "conuertc  nos  Deus:"  liwo  se  is  unlieite  uorkeorue  of  ulit 
songe,"  tenc:^  of  cuerich  o'lSer  tide  uiue,  <Se  lialue  dole  of  euericli  one, 
jif  heo  is  seccure;'^  Invo  se  is  ful  mescise,  of  alle  beo  lieo  cwite :'  7 
nime  hire  sicnesse  nout  one  ];olemodlichc,  audi  do  swuiS  gledliclie;' 
7  al  is  hire  J?et  holi  chirche  redeJS  o]>cr  singee);  ]>auh  je  owen 
];enclien  of  God  euericlie  time,  niest  Jniuh  in  ower  tiden,  ])et  ower 
];ouhtes  ne  been  ])eonne  uleotinder^  7  ^if  je  J?urh  ^eineleastcgluffeiS  '^ 
of  ^vordes,  otSer  misnimeb  iiers,  ninic^  ower  ucnie  dun  et  ter  cor iSe 
mid  te  lionden  one :'  oSer  uallceJ  adun  al  uor  mucliel  misnimunge;  7 
scheaweb  ofte  ine  scrlfle^  ower  ;^emeleastc  her  abuten. 

"  lr.v;i  ?c  is  unh..iLC  o\t  ^e^■,    f<alciu,'   of  rlits,,.!-.     :MS.  DiM.  C'..ttn>,.  Titus  I),  xnmi. 
unhctt.-.   C.  "   i.v.lvvc.   C. 

'■    .Worn  ■>>"  ouiv  s.TUcs-o  |.olc:ii<Mlli<-lio  ^  ,j;lr,lliL-l.o.    C.  "    fluoliudc.   C. 



I      I  l-niVAli:  l)!.\()Ti()X>.    IN   TIIK  KVKNIN';   AND  :\'L)i:MXO.  47 

rules  v^  "   and  v.Itl;    tlircc  crosses,  ^vith   tlic   thumb  up  above  the 
fbreh.ea"l;    uvA    ih.n.  behold  the  Lord's  cvus.   ^I^  Ik-gone,  yc  ad- 
versaries:  the  linn  of  the  tribe  of  Judah,  the  root  of  David  liath 
connuored.     llalkluia.     A  large  cross,  as  at  ''  }dake  haste,  O  God, 
to  help   me,"    Avith    "  r>ehold  the  Lord's  cross  i^I^  ;"  and  tlieu  four 
crosses,  on  four  sides,  Avith  these  foui-  after-clauses,  "The  cross  >li 
drives  away  cverv  evil.      ^I-<  The  cross  Is  the  restorer  of  the  ^vorld. 
By  th.^  sii^n  of  tld^  cross  t^i  let  every  thing  malignant  fly  away;   and 
by  the  same   sign   ^I^   let   every  thing  that  is  hind  and  good    bo 
preserved."     Thially  [bless]  yourself  and  also  your  bed,  «  In  the 
name  of  the  Father,"  and  of  the  Son,  and  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  Amen/' 
Li  bed,  as  far  as  you  can,  uclther  do  any  thing  nor  think,  but  sleep. 

They  who  either  caiuiot,  or  may  not,  say  the  early  Matins,  may 
say    instead,   thirtv  Pateriiosters,  and  "Hall,  I\raryl"  after  every 
Paternoster,  and    "Glory  be   to  the  Father/'  after  every    "Hall, 
f  -^l^^.y  I  "     Finally,  whoever  can  shall  saj' :   "  Let  us  pray  :   O  God, 

'  whose'property  is  always  to  have  mercy.     Let  us  bless  the  Lord. 

Thanhs  to  God.  The  souls  of  the  faithful."  For  even  song  say 
twenty  ;  for  every  other  time  fifteen,  in  this  manner :  but  at  early 
Matins  w  hoover  c'au,  shall  say,  "  O  Lord,  open  tliou  my  lips.  I\Lake 
haste,  O  (Tod,  to  help  me ; "  and  at  all  the  other  times,  « I\Lake 
haste'"  and  at  Compline,  "  Turn  us,  O  God."  Whoso  is  infirm 
may  cut  off  ten  at  early  IMatins ;  at  every  other  time,  five,  the  half 
*  of  each,  if  her  sickness  is  greater.     Whoso  is  very  ill,  let  her  be  free 

1     j  fi-om  the  wdiole  service,  and  take  her  sickness  not  oid}-  patle^itly,  but 

rioht  gladly,  and  all  is  hers  ^  that  holy  church  readeth  or  singeth; 
ye  ouMit,  however,  to  think  of  God  at  all  times,  yet  most  in  your 
appointed  times  of  devotion,  that  your  thoughts  may  not  then  be 
wandering;  aud  if,  through  heedlessness,  you  blunder  in  words,  or 
mistake  focr..e,  make  your  venia,  falling  down  to  the  earth  with  jour 
hands,  or  if  the  mistake  be  great,  lall  quite  down,  and  often 
avow,  in  confession,  your  carelessness  about  this. 

•^   f    p.   slif  sliall  sliriro  in  tl.o  honofit. 



pis  is  nu  -Se  uonne  dole,  j?et  icli  liahLo  ispelcon  lii.lerlo,  of  ower 
scruise.  Tlwut  so  oco  nu  Ser  of  }'eos  riwlcn  her  eth-i'.  Idi 
]^et  lieo  Avereii  of  alle,  also  lico  Lco^i  of  ou,  j'urli  Go>lcs  grace 

"Omni  ciistodia  serva  cor  tuiim,  quia  ex  ipso  vita  procedit."  ^Mid 
alle  cuniie  wardo,  doliter,  seiS  Salomon  ]>e  wise,  witc  wel  j^ine,  lieurle, 
nor  soulc  lif  is  In  hire ;  jif  lieo  is  wel  iwust^'  po  heorte  wardelns 
beoS'^  )>G  vif  wittes— siht^e  f  herunge,  spekunge^^  and  smcllunge,  7 
cuerlclies  limes  uelungc:'  7  wo  wuUc^  spoken  of  alle,  uor  liwo  sc  wit 
]>eos  wel,  he  det?  Salomones  heste.  lie  wit,  wel  his  heorte  7  his  soule 
heale.  pe  heorte  is  a  ful  wilde  best,  and  makeS  nionie  wildo  liipes,*^ 
as  Seint  Grcgorie  ^  sei^,  "nichil  corde  fugacius."  NoSing  ne  ne  ot- 
flih-S  nion  so  sone  so  his  owune  heorte.  David,  Godes  prophete, 
seide  e  et  sume  time  ^  heo  was  ctstert  him.  "  Cor  meuni  dereliquld 
me:'"  his  min  heorte  is  etflowcn^  me,  7  eft  he  blcscede  him  7  seide  f 
heo  was  ikumen  horn.  "Invenit  servus  tuus  cor  suum."  Loaerd,  he 
sci(S,  min  heorte  is  icmnen  ajein  eft :  ich  hire  habbe  ifundcn.  Ilwon 
so  holi  mon,  7  so  wis,  7  so  war  Ictte  hire  etsterten,  sore  mei  anoSer 
of  hire  fluht  carien:  7  hwar  etbrec  heo  ut  urom  Davit^  ]>e  holi  king, 
FolwUk  Godes  prophete?  Hwar?  God  hit  wot,  et  his  cie  ]>uv\,  ]mrh  a 
silr^Sc  f)  he  iseih ;  ]nu-h  a  biholdunge,  asc  30  sculJen^  herefter  ihcren. 

"  seruiso.     J-ls  rivxlc  licr  cftcr  niuel.o  node  is  ^^el   to   lokc  l>ct  GodJ  giuo  ou  grace;  far 
hit  spoke:;  of  }'e  fine  wardains  of  W  lioorto.  Tit. 
'•  iloked.  Tit.  '  '^'"-  '''■'• 

<!    ^ux-rrhhr-v     Tit  '"    I'l'^  '^'l'^'-    ^'-    '^'''-    ^-  '"'"^'"'f'  ^^'^''-    *^'- 

ratlu,pes.Tit.      ■  K  .neanede.  Tit. 

:.    edtlnde.   C.  '  -'-'-'•    ^'-   '^- 


Tjiis,  lion-,  wliirJi  I  liave  Jutlici  to  s])okcn,  cnnccn.ino-  yuav  religions 
scvvkc,  is  the  lirst  pixvi.  Wluitevcr  may  jet  remain  "to  be  suTd  of 
those  rnles,  I  ysould  that  they  ^v.-rc  as  ^ye]I  kept  hy  all,  as,  througli 
God's  graee,  tlie)-  are  kept  bv  you.  ;  ; 



1.  Of  Sight.  j 

f  ^mm  custodia  scrva  cor  tuuni,  quia  ex  ipso  vita   proccdit." 

j  ''  With  every  kind  of  watclifulness,  da.ughtcr,"  saitli  Solomon  the 

I  wise,  «  guard  well  thy  heart,  for  in  it  is  the  life  of  the  soul,  if  it  is 

I  well    governed."     I'he  wardens  of  the  heart  ai-e  the  five  senses  : 

j  sight,  hearing,  taste,''  smelling,  and  every  member's  feeling,^  and  wo 

I  shall    speak    of  them  all;    for,    whoever   guards    these ''well    doth 

I  Solomon's   command.     He  kcepcth  well  his  heart,  and  the  health  of 

f  his  soul.     The  heart  is  a  full  wild  animal,  and  makes  many  wild 

I  leaps,  as  St,   Gregory  saith,  '^  nihil  corde  fugacins,"  nothing  escapes 

i  from  a  man's  control  so  soon  as   his  heart ;  David,  God's°pr(>pliet, 

I  said  upon  a  certain  occasion,  that  it  had  deserted  him,  "  Cor  meum 

I  derelinquit  me,"  °  that  is,  "  My  heart  forsakes  me ;  "  and  afterwards 

j  lie    congratulated    himself;   and  said  it  was   come  home,    "Inveiiit                                      ' 

T  scr^-us  tuus  cor  suum.'^i     "Lord,"  saith  he,  "'my  heart   is  come 

I  back  again  :  I  have  found  it."     ^S'hen  a  man  so  holy,  so  wise,  and 

I  so  wary  suffered  his  [heart]  to  break  loose,  others  imiy  ^yc]\  be  sorely 

I  anxious  lest  it  should  take  flight.    And  ^vhere  did  it  break  away  from 

I  the   holy   king   David,    Go.fs  prophet?     ^Vherey     God  knows,  at 

j  the  windovr  of  his  eye  :  through  a  sight  lliat  he  saw:  through  a  be- 

1  liolding,  as  you  shall  hereafter  hear. 

I  "  S|,ck>ni-c,    i„    tl,o  origiiKil,  is    ,,rol,    an    eiroi- for  PmcknM-c.       Soe    (lie   variou. 

!  rt'adin--;. 

^  "'■''■   '"'"■''•  "  I'-'n.  xl.  12.  0  2  8anua.l,vii.  27. 

CAM  I).  SOC.  J] 


UorVui,   mine  Icoue  sustven,  ]>o  lestc  ].  z,o  euor  .nuwcn  hn.u-^ 
our  Varies,  d  boon  heolut]c,].c  parluris  lest  7  ..ercwesL^     ]v  c  ob 

Llclc-lbuten;  ^.  te  sube  sunne,  f   is   Jesu  Q-.t,  ^baue^  .  .M.t.n 
uorkulecl  ou;  "?  so  wISutcn  ase  5c  bcoS  unseaulK'bo  nnakcd  ou  j.url.. 
P-leames   of  Ins  grace,     pet  Invite  creoiz  limped  to  ou-  yu.v  ]-rco 
n.auere  creoices  beob^-reade,  ^  blake,  %  hw.t.     ^e  reade  bn.peb  to 
l>eo  f  beoS,   uor   Godes    luue,   mid    horc    blodsliedunn-c  irudded  J 
ireaded   ase  be  martirs  wercn.     pe  blake  creoiz  limped   to  }>eo_  1> 
makie'b'ibeworlde  liore  penitence  uor  lodliclie  suunen.     pc   nvite 
creoiz  limped  to^  Invit  vneidenbod,  "i  to  clenncsse,  f  is  mucliel  pnio 
^•el  uorto  holdoi.     Pine  is  oueral  ^  ].u-h  creoiz  idon  to  understondcn. 
Pus  bitockneS  hwit  croiz  >e  ^vard  of  luvit  cbastite,  f  3S  mucbel  pne 
L\  uor  to  ^vltene.    pe  blake  clo'S  also  tekeSeci  btocuunge,  deh  lesso 
eile  to  Ven  elen,  1  is  Jnccure  a^ein  J^c  ^^ind,  7  wu.^e  to Jnirbseon,  7 
halt  his  heou  betere  uor  ^viude  ^  for  oSer  hwat.     Lokeb  f>  te  pnr- 
lurs-^  beou  euer  ueste  on  eueriche  halue,  ^  eke  wel  i^tekene  7  Aviteb 
Ver  our  eieu/  leste  >e  heorte  etfleo  7  ^veude  ut,  ase  of  Damd,  /  cure 
soule  secli  so  sone  heo  Is  ute.     Ich  write  muchel  uor  o^re,  ■}  nobmg 
lie  etrine^^'  ou,  mine  Icoue  sustren;  vor  nabbe  50  nout  >enc  nome, 
ne  ne  sclnden  habben,  ]mvh  >e  grace  of  Gode  of  totmde  ancres,  ne 
of  tollinde  lokin.gos,  ne  lates,  f  sumnie,  oSer  hwules,  weilawe.  .  un- 
kundcliche  makie-b  ;  vov  a^ein  kundc  hit  is,  %  unmeS  swuc  '>  wmuler, 
^tc  deade  totic,^  7  mid  cwike  worldes  men  Avedc  wib  suunc. 

C.  T. 

,   ,„.,!,■,  n  lokrf  i-at  UiJ  l.-ou  lutle,  1  l-e  i-nrhnvs  l..>st,  - 
,,  ,„.„u  h.  IntU.      l,opavlurowinaoh,.l,rol,.a..t-3nnro...-.t. 

..   li,„,...^  arid 

.'   t,. -l.-n  1...   C.      tc1-.'N 

f    wcl  ilarlict,  1  j;vat('S 

1.  sdii.  T.   suiiicb.  (;. 

ilnvcT.   C.      i.'\\^^M■v.  T. 
T,..l:i.s-1.  t.'!..rlu.s.-]aN.   T, 
j.  r,:iut  lie  liuc^■.    C. 
adolic.   T. 

TlIK  I'ARi.OLU  WlXnoWS  TO  V.E  AVolDCl;.  u\ 

>?  licrcforc,    Hi}'    ;l«-';ir    bister.s,    love    your    windows   as   little   as 
^  ])ossible  ;   [aii'l  sec  tliat  tliey]'*  he  small, — the  parlour's  smallest  ami 

|-  narrowest.     Let  tlie  cloth   upon  them  he  twofold  ;   black  cloth  ;  the 

cross  white,  within  and  without.  Tho  Mack  cloth  siiiuifieth  ye 
are  black,  and  of  no  estimation  with  the  world  without :  because  the 
true  sun,  which  is  Jesus  Christ,  has  discoloured  you  outwardly, 
and  thus  e\tern;dly,  as  you  are  not  ftiir  to  look  on,  has  he  made  you 
through,  the  i  :iys  of  his  grace.''  The  white  cross  properly  belongs  to 
you  ;  for  there  are  three  kinds  of  crosses — red,  black,  and  w  lute.  The 
red  appertains  to  those  who  are,  for  the  love  of  God,  ensanguined  and 
reddened  by  the  shedding  of  their  blood,  as  the  Martyrs  were.  The 
black  cross  is  proper  to  those  who  are  doing  penance  in  tlio  world 
for  foul  sins.  The  white  cross  is  appropriate  to  white  and  unstained 
maiden  purity,  wdiich  re<|nires  much  pains  well  to  })reservo.  Pain 
is  always  to  be  imderstood  by  the  cross.  Thus  the  wliite  cross 
betokcneth  the  keeping  of  piu-e  chastity,  which  requires  much  pains 
to  guard  well.  The  black  cloth  also  teacheth  an  emblem,  doth  less 
harm  to  the  eyes,  is  thicker  against  the  wind,  more  difficult  to  see 
through,  and  keeps  its  colour  better  against  the  wind  and  other 
things.  See  that  your  })arhnir  windows  be  always  fast  on  every 
side^  and  likewise  well  shut ;  and  mind  your  eyes  there,  lest  your 
heart  escape  and  go  out  like  David's,  and  your  soul  fall  sick  as  soon 
as  it  is  out.  I  write  more  particularly  for  others,  for  nothing  [here 
said]  applies  to  you,  my  dear  sisters,  for  ye  have  not  the  name,  nay, 
nor  shrdl  ye  have,  through  the  grace  of  God,  of  staring  anchorites, 
nor  of  enticing  looks  and  manners,  wdiich  some,  at  times,  alas ! 
contrary  to  the  nature  of  their  profession,  practice ;  f(>r  against 
natm-e  it  is,  and  a  singularly  strange  l)2'odigy,  that  the  dead  should 
look  out,  and  among  living  men  of  the  wui-ld,  consort  with.  sin. 

■'  Hvc  V.  r.   C.  ^  Scf  faiitu-Ks,  i    G. 


Foh.,  Vi.  Me   leouc  sire,  sel^   sum   inouli   vea^e,  7  is  iiit  lui  so  oner  vlicI 

uor  ie  toteir'  utward  ?  ^e  hit,  leoue  sustcr,  vor  vueP  ]i  tcv  launcJ^  of 
liit,  is  vu;-l  oner  Miel  to  cuericli  luicrc,  1.  iionieliche  to  J?c  jungo:'  7  to 
ben  old  uor^ui  )'  lieo  to  ];e  juiigc  -^iiu-S  vucl  uorbisne,  1  scliekl  to 
^vericll  liaui  niide.  Vor,  jif  ei  ctwit'^  liani,  );eounc  siggcS  ^^  hco 
anonrilit:'  '••  ]\rcsire,  ]'eo  deS  also  J^eo  is«  Letero  ]'eii  ieli  am,  7  wot 
betere  ]?cn  icli  wot,  Invat  lieo  liauc?>  *"  to  donne."  O  leoue  juuge  -ui- 
cren,  oftc  a  ful  liawur  smi^i  smeo^ib^  a  ful  woe  knif,  "I  te  wise  ouh 
to  iiolewen  wisdom,  %  nout  folic,'*  1,  an  olde  aucre  mei  doii  wel  f  tu 
dest  yuele.  Auli  toten  vt  wiSuten  vuel  ne  mei  Jiou^er  of  ou,  7  iilm 
nu  ^eme  liwat  vuel  beo  icumen  of  totingo :'  ]iout  en  vucl  nc  two,  auh 
al  >e  vucl,  7  al  ])e  wo  f)  nu  is  7  ener  ^eto  was,  7  euer  sclial  iwurSen, 
al  com  of  a  silvSe.  pet  bit  beo  so«,  lo  her  ye  preone:  Lucifer  J^nvli 
bet  be  iseih  7  bibcold  o!i  liimsidf  his  owenc  ueirness  leop  into  prude, 
7  bicom  of  engel  aielieh  deouol ;  7  of  Eue  \re  aire  moder  is  iwrlten 
on  aire  crest  tn  hire  ncowe '  in^ong  of  hire  eie  silr^e,  "  vidit  igitr.r 
mulicr  quod  bonuni  essct  lignum  ad  vesccndum,  et  pulehruai  ocnlis, 
aspectutpic  delectabile,  ct  tulit  de  fructu  ejus  7  comcdii,  dcdltciue 
viro :"  f  Is,  Eue  biheold  o  ]?en  uorbodene  eppele,  7  iseih  bine  ueir,  7 
ucng  to  deliten'^  i  \e  biholdunge,  7  turndc'  hire  lust  \cv  toward,  7 
noni'7  et  ];erof,  7  jef  hire  louerd.  Lo  hu  holi  writ  spcke^,  7  hu 
in\vardliche  bit  tefleS  bu  sunegunge  bigon :  J^us  code  sibSe  biuoreu, 
7  makede  wei  to  vucl  lust:'  7  com  ]>c  deab  ];er  efter,  f  al  monkun 
iuele^."'  pes  eppel,  leoue  sustren,  bitocne^  alio  ]>e  }nng  f,  lust  falle^i 
to,  7  delit  of  sunr.e.  Ilwon  ];u  bilioldcst  te  mon  ];u  crt  in  Eue  poiiit : 
]n'i  lokcst  o  ]K'n  eppel.  llwoso  heuedc  iseld  to  Eue  ];eo"  beo  A\erp 
liire  eien  berone,  Al  wend  te  awei :!  \n\  worpest  cien  o  ]n  deaiS :'  bwai 


lokhi.  T. 
y;r:iliit,  I 


tivn    fill  vucl,  T  oiii.T  unci  lo  cuiKr  cuch  aukt'i-  is  te  vurl.   T. 

d    >„.i^,,,.    'I'.  <:     Y-   ill'll.    'J'. 

s  luiliersHirt"  suii^\^^.   T.     liascr.    C. 
,ll,c  i  xNi-clon,,  1  ..uwt  i  folio.   T.  '  i"  I'i''^^  -"""^■-   '^'-   <^- 

.U'lil.  n  hnv.   V. 



l,,,.,n  that  CO.  K„  in^snuicli  as  slie  sets  a  bail 

r;:^u:.%c  .ra,„  o^e  .,.0.  ^^:;^z^t^^ 

«  ^n-    clic  doc^  the  same  who  is  better  than  1  ai.i   .uiu 
vasdom  and  not  luin  ,  <u    ,  neither  of  vou  can  do. 

1  •  «  i    do  ft-uctu  ejus  ct  comocUt,  cleditqno  vu-o  :"  that  i», 

.„,.,...,.;.,„  w.«^^^  „„■„„,  „.  ;„ 

and  ddight  111   sin.     N\  "en  tiiou  .  ^  j_^ 

E,,-.ea.c;  ,ho«  lootet  .po"  tl-  «f  ;,/;;' ■^,  .::,' ,,ee  away  ; 
V:ve,  .vh-n  .h.  ca,t  > '^^^O-^P™  J,  f^^^^.^,  ,,e  havo  an- 
,h„u  cy«  "1"    tl-y   '<■■  „-,   ,  a„,t  „,„, 


54  llKGUL.l';  INCLUSAiaJM. 

heucde  lieo  i-onswerede  ?  Mc  Icoue  sire,  ]>u  luniest  wouli.  Hwaror 
kaleiiges  tu  me  ?  ]jc  eppel  f  icli  lokc  on  is  forbode  jnc  to  ctene,  7 
notit  fort.)  biholdeii.  pus  woldc  Eue  inoub  reabo'MitdjLen  i-on- 
swered.  O  niiuc  Icouc  snstreii,  liwat*'  Eue  liaue-5  monic  doulitreu 
])e  uoluweb  liore  luoder,  f  onswcricb  o  ]>i3se  wise.  "  ^le  wencs  tu," 
seib  snm,  "f  icli  cludlc  leapcn  on  hini,  jnudi  ich  loko  on  liiin?"  God 
hit  wot,  icoue  sustrei^.,  more  ay  under  ilomp.'"  Eue,  ]n  modcj-,  loop 
eftcr  hire  eien:'  urom  hire  eien  to  J^e  e])pel,  vroin  ])e  cppel  i  parais 
adun  to  ];e3  eor^e,  vrom  J^es  corSe  to  lielle,  j^er  heo  lei  ine  prisune 
uour  ))usend  jcr  7  moare,  lieo  J  hire  louerd  "^  bo^Se,  J.  tauhte  "^  al  hij-e 
ofsprung  to  leapcn  alle  efter  hire  to  dea^>:e  Avi^uten  cnde.  I'ngijnninge 
7  rote  of  j)is  ilke  rcou-(5e  Avas  a  hht^  sih^e.  pus,  ofte.  ase  mc  sei^5, 
of  Intel  AvacscS  muchel.  HabbeS  ];eonne  muchel  drede  eucrich  feble 
mon  7  wunnnon,  hAvon  lico  f)  Avas  rilit  ]?o  imakcd^  mid  Godes  honden, 
Avas  Jnirh  a  sihiSe  ])iswiken,  7  ibrouht  forS  into  broid'^  snnnc  |)et  al 
]>e  Avorld  onerspredde. 

"  iiloTcssa  est  Dina  filia  Jacob  ut  videret  mnlieres  aliegcnas  7c."  A 
meiden  also  bet  Avas,  Jacobes  doubter,  hit  telle'tS  ine  Genesi,  code  vt 
uor  to  biholden  uncuSe  Avunnncn :  lo  jet  ne  seiS  hit  nout  f  heo 
bilieold  AA-epmen  ;  auli  deS  Avummen.  And  liwat  com,  Avenest  tu,  of 
hot  ilke  biholduuge?  Heo  leas  hire  meidenhod,  7  AAas  imaked  bore, 
pcreftcr  of  ]?en  ilke  Averen  trouSen  tol:)rokcne  of  lieie  patriarkes,  7  a 
muchel  buruh  uorbernd,  7  ]^e  king  7  his  sune  7  te  burub  men 
isleiene,  7  to  Avummen  of  ];ere  buruh  i-led  forS,  hire  ueader  7  hire 
bre^ren,  se  noble  princes  also  heo  a\  eren,  vtlawes  imakedc;.  J^is 
FoUo  13.  code  A't  hire  sihi)e:  al  ]ms^  J;e  holi  Gost  lette  Avriten  one  boc  nor  to 
Avarnle  wunnnen  of  bore  fol  eien :  7  nim  J>er  of  jeme  ^  ]?is  vuel  f) 
com  of  Dina  no  com  nont  of  f)  };ct  heo  iscih  Sichcm  Emores  sune,  p 

»  inoli  ra^'c.  T.  ''  •'«•   '!'•   <^-  '  ilinu.os.  T. 

,1   ,,v,.i-,..  ']'.  C'.  '   tlcmilc.  'J".   C  '  luti'.   'I'. 

,   i„,,,i,t.   T.  ''   »"-Mle.  C.  '  swuclK-. 

r  - 

PiNAii's  iioxon;  Fuo?.r  iii:u  beixg  seen.  55 

to  eat,  a:id  not  to  look  at."     Tims  would  J:^vc,  quickly  enougli,  have 

[  nl;>^^•crctl.     O  my  dear  sisters,  truly  Eve  liatli  many  daughters  who 

I  imitate  tlieir  nicitlier:   v\];o  answer  in  this  manner.     But,  "  Tliinkest 

I  thou/'   saith    on^',    '•'  t\i3t  I  shall  leap  U])on  him,  though   I   look  at 

i:  him?"       God    knovrs,    dear    sisters,    that    a    greater   Avonder    has 

;    ■  happened.     Eve,  thy  raother,  leaped  after  her  eyes  to  the  apple; 

r   '  from  tlie  ajtple  in  Paradise  down  to  the  earth  ;  fi-om  the  earth  to  hell, 

E^-|  where  she  lay  in  prison  four  thousand  years  and  more,  she  and  her 

^  lord  hoth,  and  taught  all  her  offspring  to  leap  after  her  to  death 

>  ?  witliout   end.     The  hegimnng  and  the  root  of  this  Avoful  calamity 

■  '■  was  a  light  look.     Thus,  often,  as  is  said,  "  of  little  waxeth  mickle." 

Let,  therefore,  every  feeble  man  and  woman  have  luuch  dread,  v>-hen 

she  who  M-as  recently  created  by  the  hand  of  God,  was,  through  a 

-  look,  seduced  and  carried  onward  to  open  sin,  Avhich  overspread  the 

;  ti:  whole  world. 

'^.  "  Ko-rcssa  est  Dinali,  fdda   Jacob,  ut  videret  mulicres  aliegenas 

&c.     A  maiden  al'^o   there    was,    Jacob's    daughter,    it   is    told 
•I  Genesis,  Avho  went  out  to  see  tlie  strange  women.     Now,   observe, 

;;!  it  is  not  said  that  she  beheld  men,  but  it  says  women.     And  what, 

'^  thinkest  thou,  came  of  that  Ijeholding  ?     She  lost  her  maiden  honour, 

^J;  and  was  made  a  harlot.     Afterwards,  foi*  the  same  cause,  were  truces 

B  broken  by  high  patriarchs,  and  a  great  city  Inirned,  and  the  king 

S'  and  his  soil,  and  the  men  of  the  city  slaiii,  and  the  women  of  the  city 

.;^  led  away  ;  her   and  her  bi-clhren,  such  noble  ])rinces  as  they 

§  were,  made  outlaws.     To  this  length  went  her  sight:  and  the  Holy 

>  Spirit  has   caused  tlu'  whole  to  Ijc  written  In  a  book,  in  order  to 

§-  ,       wavji   wr»mi?n   coneerm'iig   tlieir  foolish  eyes.     A)id  take  notice  that 

1  tliis  evil    ^vhich    e;niic  of  Dinah,  came  nut  from  her  seeing  Sichem, 

I  the  son   of  llamor,  witli   wiiom   she   siimcd,  but  it  came  from  her 

letting  liim  set  his  eyes  upon  her;  for  lliat  also  ^\]m■]^  lie  did  to  lier 
\\;i.s  in  tlie  1)eginniiig  sorely  ag;ilnst  her  -Nvilh 




hco  suncgcdc  midc,  auli   dude  f  lico  Ictte  lihn  leggcn  elen  on  hire; 
vor  f  eci  lie  dude  hire  was  i^e  fruui^c*  sore  liire  iiu^cnckcs. 

Also  Bersaljcc  ]mrh  ];et   Iieo  unvvTcih  hire  ine  Dauies  sihcSe,  hco 
makcdo  him  sunegen  on  hire,  so  holl  king  asc  he  was,  7  Godes  pro- 
phetc:  Inn  cumeS  forS   a  feble  rnon,  "?  halt  him  ]^auh  heihliche,^ 
jif  he  hanoS  eirnc  ^vidne  ^   hod  ?  one  ilokeno  '^  cope,  7  wulc  i>eon 
junge  ancren,  J  loken  nede  <=  ase  ston  hu  hire  hwlte  <"  like  him,  f 
naneS  nout  hircleor  uorhernd   ice   sunne,  t  sei>)  ],  hco  mci  iseon 
baldeliche  holi  men ;  50  nomeliche  swuchc  ase   he  is,  uor  his  wide 
sleuen.s     Me  sur,  q*  dcrie,"  ne  iherest  tu*  f  Dauid,  Codes  owuue 
deorling,  hi  Invam   God  sulf  seiS,    "Inveni  virum  secundum  cor 
meum : "  f  is,  ich  habbo  ifunden,  cwe^  he,  enne  nion  cftei-  mine 
hcorte ;  ]>cs  f  God  sulf  seide,  bi  ]?eos  deorewurSe  sawe/^  king  7  pro- 
phete  ichoscn '  vt  of  alJe,  was  ]?U3  ];urh  on  eie  wurp  to  one  wummon 
ase  heo  weoschs'"  hire,  lette  vt  his  heorte  7  forget  him  sulucn,  so  ^ 
lie  dude  Jn-eo  vtnummen  heaiied  sunnen  7  deadliclie ;  one  Bcrsabec 
spus  bruche  ]7C  lefdi  f  he  lokcde  on ;  treisun  7  monslc^iht  on  his 
treowe  kniht  Yrie,  hire  louerd ;  7  ];u,  a  wreccho  sunful  mon,   ert 
so  swuSe  herdi  to  kesten  kang"  cien  upon  jungc  wummen.      Ee, 
mine  leoue°  sustren,  sif  eni  is  onwil?  uorte  iseon  ou,  ne  weue  50  ])er 
neuer  god,  auh  ileue^  him  J?e  lesse.     Nullich  ]■>  no  mon  iseo  ou  bute 
he  habbc  leane  speciale  of  owermeistre;  vor  alle  ];eo  ]>reo  sunnen 
^  ich  spec  of  last,  7  al  f  vuel  of  Dina  i'  ich  spec   of  cr,  ne  com  nout 
FoUo  Uh.  forSui  f  te  wummen  lokede  cangliche  o  wcopmcn,  auh  dnde  [nu-h  f 

a  forinc  Cher.  T,  "  arelicho.  C.  "=  Nvkl.  T. 

d  lokin.  T.     lohe.  C.  '  "code.  T.  '  uliito    T.  C. 

8  his  wide  ^  his  lokenc  sleue.  T. 

!>  Qu.  Mesur[t.  c.  Messer,  Monsieur]  quidorio?  CvAdo-u"^.  Old  Fr.  a^rt,  a 
solf-confident,  conceited  fellow.  "  O  prcsumptuoso  domino  !  "  MS.  Oxon.  ,S-  •■•^ e:<h->i, 
Pride,  presumption.     Bailey. 

•'    IMc  sur,  (I'de  sire  no  hcre.^  tu.  T.      :Me  sire,  ne  h.M^st  )u.   C. 

^  sahe.  T.     sage.  C. 

culed.  T.     icuivd.   C, 

-"  wesch.  T.  C.  "  »'"'••  'l^-     '■^'■»'''  ^•• 

o  }>is  t  is  nil  seid  linipes  to  winmu-n;  ah  ase  rauelie  iicud  itf  wepmnn  to  witc  wel 
siluNo  iVa  wimuieiios  siliNc.      Nu,  mi  I'.oiie.  T. 
r  swa  C.      nil  \villes  l*r,l.  T. 


,'S  SIN   (  AU^KI^  liY    l^^^  SEEING  BATITSHEHA. 

i.iu~i..  B,.i„i,*.,  !»■  .".M"-s  '■'■;'' '"  ,"""'^;ft; 


Bn.gnait^u.    'i-^^f^  ^oif  saltli    "  Inveni  vlrmn  secundum  cor 

--^":v"^,j:  'r-r .  r^i.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  i..  -a  .,..„  nft«. ... 

r"";  "  t  kn.  nd  pvopl,c,,ob,seB  out  of  .11  the  people  con- 
l.cart;      tu,  '^"'=  "  ,/    ,„,^^  J,,,,,  precious  words,  was  thus, 

cornu,g  whom  God  '"^  ™  ;P°^,^„^„„  J ,^,,  „-,,  batlnng,  led  in.o 
through  ca*ng  h>s  eye  „«  ;  -J™  ^^,f  ^^  ,^^.  ^,,„,  ,,„  eouuuittod 
su,,  lot  his  heart  7"''7  ""  .^'^l^^^i.e^.y  with  r.athsheha,  the  lady 

„,,e  If  »"V™^,^r  J  y  Kl  manslaughter  upon  his  faithful 
uponwhon,holookel        ac      y  _^,^^^^  ^.__|.^,,  ^,^^„^  „,.^  ^„ 

servant  Ur,ah,  her  1°     '  ^^    ^  '  „„  young  women.     Yon, 

'"■'■^■ri^rre:  if  y  :e  i"dei.ous\o  see  you,  never  thin, 
r       Tk  i'n    hn,  [rather]  believe  him  the  less.     I  would  no. 

favoru-ahlj  o,     »'       '  J"  J  ,^^^,^    ,^^;^^,       .„,3„o,,  r,o„^ 

thatanyn„anshund  e  ou  1^.^^  of  whieh  I  have  just  now 
,„„..  -l-;;™;|f;;;'    ,';,,,,   ...gard  to  nmah  of  which  I  spoI<c 


CAMl).  fiOC 



lioo  unwrion  liam   ine  monnc  eih  sibSc,  7  duden  Invp.r  ])uvli  lieo 
muhten  ualleii  into  sunnci). 

Uor])i  VN-ns  ihotcii  a  Godcs  half  i^en  olde  lawc  -f)  put  were  encr 
iwricn:''  '?  jif  eiii  umvrie  put  were,  7  best  feolle  ];cr  inne,  lie  liit 
schuldo  lieklen  f,  J^eue  put  unwrelli.^  pis  is  a  s\vu^o  drcdlicli  word 
to  wunnueii  f)  sclicaweS  liiic  to  vrcpmoues  cicu.''  lleo  is  bitocned  bi 
]>Q  f  umvrie^  )>cne  put.  pe  put  is  liiro  voire  uel),  1,  liire  Invite  sv.ire. 
7  hire  hht  eie,  J-  hire  houd  jif  heo  halt  for^  in  his  cihsililSc:'  ""/  ^et 
beoti  hire  word  put,  buten  heo  bco  j^e  bet  biset:'  7  al  ;^et  f  failec>  to 
liire,^  hwat  so  hit  euer  beo,  ]'urh  hwat  nndite  sonre  ful  luuc  of  ucpii- 
ken/  al  vre  Louej-d  cloopeS  put.  pes  put  he  hat  f  heo  beo  euer 
ilided  ?  iwrien,  leste  cni  best  ualle  ]>er  inr.e,  'i  druucnie  ine  smuie. 
Best  is  he  bestliche  juou  f)  no  ])euehi'5  nout  of  God :'  ue  ne  uote^ 
iiout  his  wit  ase  niou  oidi  to,  auh  secl\c^  uor  to  ualleu  i  ]'isse 
put  f  ich  speke  of,  ^if  he  hine  ivint  open.  Auh  ];c  dom  is  ful  strong 
upon  hnm  f  ludielieS  ]>cne  put  r'*'  vor  heo  schulen  golden  f  best  l--  is 
ber  inne  ivallen.  Heo  is  gulti"  of  he  bestcs  deaxSe  biuoren  vre 
Loucrd,  1  schal  uor  his  soule  onswericii  a  Doinesdei,  J  jeldeu  ))e 
bestes  lure,  liwon  heo  naueS  oSer  jcld  buten  hire  suluen.^'  Strong 
jcld  is  her  mid  alle  r'  7  Codes  dom  is,  1:  his  heste,  ■}  lieo  hit  ^cldc 
allegate,  vor  heo  unwreih"  )>ene  put  f  hit  adronc  inne.  pu  unhclost 
pesnc  put  ]>u  ]>  dest  eni  ])ing  hwarof  per  mon  is  fleschliche  ivonded  of 
|>e,  J^auh  ]m  hit  mite*^  nout.  Dred  )?esne  dom  swube:'  7  ^if  he  is 
FoUo  14.  ivonded  so  f  he  sunogie  deadlichc  ])urh  ];e  on  eni  wise,  ]>auh  hit  ne 
beo  nout  wis  }^e,  bute  mid  wiUc  touward  ]>e;  o5er  jif  he  sccheb  to 
fulen^  o  sum  oSer  ]'e  vondunge  of  j'o  }  ]n\r]\  ])ine  dede  is  awakeiied, 

iliulot.  T.     isvri^'Mi.  C. 

|,  {•<■  put  T  Least  M  hevin,  lie  Lit  .vhuKlo  jeUK 

to  \v  01,1.1011  T  to  xviinmcn  t  ?\vi5e  sonc  sclicaw(.Ti  hav.^  to 

'1    1,  f..:,l,.v 
f  fill  Kii" 

T.      I'ct  )'0  fca^cS  liir:'.    C. 
,1  -);  o  J'a   ]■  mili.Ui.  lia„i  )>e  put.   T. 

e  scliuldi.  '1'. 





For  tins  ro..on,  it  was  orJ.inod  by  God  in  the  old  law  tbat  a  pit 

'    ,  ,       1,         if  .1.0  <n*:h  it  fortli  ir,  lus  sight.     And,  moreover, 
r'"         in     ";i,,,e  .1,0  b.t,e.guavacd;a„d.Ut,,at  belongs 

";  ;  .    V     it  1.0  t!.ru....l.  .-hid.  sinful  love  .night  the  sooner 

,0  he.-,  ^^■hat,oe^  u  .    IK     ,  co„n>.ands  that  this  pit  be 

be  excited,  onr  Lo.-d  call  th  a  j.  t         ,  ,^^.^,^j  ,;,,n„to  it  and 

always  provided  ui.h  a  hd  and  co^         '^^  '  ;".  „^;„,,„,,,  „„t  ^f 

"""■"  "'  t-,    ■^'l'"''-'Tl';::';:  t^n      ght  to  :^o■,  but  seehetU 

God,  and  doth  not  "'«'"»  "-■-">  1'    !'  "f  ,,„   ^„,   jt  ope...      But  the 
,0  fall  this   l,.t  thatlsiK-al-  of    .t   '!"   '^"'        J,^^.^     f,,,  ,^ 
,,agu,eut  u,,o„  those  .ho  tucovea-      ;-;;;;>;-;,,,;„,,,  ;[ 

shall  ."*-■""  "J™,;^,^;;;  ,',;:„  „,,  Lord's  sight;  and  shall 
She  is  g.ulty  ol  the  '-;;'  ;V^''  ,^,j  ,„„,,,  ,1  the  loss  of  the 
answer  for  his  soul  on  l)ooin,.la  ,  and    na       ^  ^^^^^ 

beast  v,-he.>  she  hath  '»  ™=V;  ^  l™  ti,!i  bis  con.nand  is, 
Hard  payment  ,t  ,s  yuhal,  "■'■;"'?;  j,^^^„^„,,  ,,,„  uncovered 
,„atshe.nnst  by  f ';--;-;  ^^^'C:  ;,„,,  uncover  this  pit; 
T  '■^'"^';  mv^,    .  b        l.icl.  the  „«„  isear.,ally  te.npted  of 


':£;:;:;:;:::::n::;;i;:;r:- -.'-■'-»' - 


boo  111  siker  of  ])e  dome:  pu  schalt  jcldeii  $  best  vor  |)C  puttes  oi)cn- 
uugo,  ?  bate  pu  schriuc  ]^e  |;erof,  ase  moii  seiS  j;u  sclialt  acorieii  ]iq 
rode:'  -f  is  acoricn  his  siinne,  ITund  wide  in  blibeliclic  Invar  sc  lie 
ivint  hit  opeii.-^ 

"Inpudicus  ocidus  impudici  cordis  est  nuucius.'" — Auo-ustinu^. 
f  ]?e  niiiS  lie  mei  nor  scheome  J^e  liht  eie  spekeS  hit :'  1  is  ase  criiide- 
bere  ^  of  j^o  hhteheorte.  Auh  iiu  is  sum  wummoii  ^  -{i  iiokle  uor  none 
J^inge  wihien  fidSe  to  mon:''^  7  tauh  ne  roulite  heo  jieuer  ]>aiih  lie 
]70uhte  toward  liire,  J  were  of  hire  itempted.'^  Auli  seint  Austin  <h^ 
]>eos  two  bobe  in  one  weie/  wilncn,  1  habe  wille  uorte  been  i\vihied.e 
Non  sokim  appetere,  sed  appeti  velle  criminosuin  est.  Cuueiten '' 
mon,  oSer  haben  wille  uorte  beon  iwilnod  of  niou :"  bo  beo^  heaucd 
suniie.  Oculi  prima  tela  sunt  adulterii :  eieii  l)eo5  be  earewcn  7  te 
ereste  armcs  of  lecheries  pricches :'  J  also  ase  men  wcorrcb  inid  lu'co 
kunne  wcpnen,  raid  scheotunge,  mid  spores  ord, '?  mid  sv.-eordes  cot--o, 
al  riht  so^  mid  pen  ilko  wepncn,  f  is  mid  scute  of  eien  r'  mid  spore  of 
wundinde  word:^'  mid  sweordo  of  dcadliclie  hondlungo,  wcorrcJS 
lecherie,  ]?eo  stinkinde  liore,  wi5  po  lefdi  of  chastete,  f  is  Godes 
spuse.  Erest  heo  schcot  po  earewen  of  }?e  liht  eien,  f  fleoS  lichtlichc 
uor^,  ase  earewe''  f  is  iviSered,  7  stikeS  iSe  lieortc.  perefter  heo 
schekeS  hire  spere,  1  nehlecheb  •  up  on  hire,  *?  mid  schekinde  word 
jiueS  speres  wunden.  Swcordes  dunt  is  adunriht  f  is  pe  liondlun<'-e  :' 
vor  sweord  s)nit  of  ncih,'"  J;  ^it'^S  deabes  dunt  :f  7  tis  is  "  soS,  wci- 
lawei,  ful  ncih  idon  mid  ham  f  kume-5  so  neih  togedercs  •},  ou'^er 
oSer  hondlie,  oSer  ouhwar  ivele   otSer.     IIwo  se  is  wise  ?  iseli,  wiJS 

»  liund  wile  in  at  dpcn  dure,  |'cr  iium  him  nv  uenie.s.  'J'. 

'■  erende  beorcre.  C.  ■"  mon.  T. 

''  winnmiin.   1.  «  ilbnclot,   C. 

'  1  nil  .li;j;  [sL-ln]  Austin  l,a  K'os  in  alio  [rupli'].    C. 

>^  ipiincd.   0.      icnucitct.  T.  ''  j;iini.   C. 

'  v\iOi'.si)wo-winidindo  word.  C.  •<  llan.  T.      tia.i.  (.  . 

'  ncol.ich'^t.  C.      iiLlileaclie.  T.  ■"  sniitc.^  neli  !i..;ul.   'I. 

"  an.l  liit  is  so^V.■..   'J'. 

h  ■■;•; 



tiiat  is,  bear  tlie  burden  cf  ]ii.s  sin.     The  dog  cnte-rs  gLidly  where  h 
finds  an  open  door. 

ot.  Austin  saith,  "  An  innnodest  eye  is  t'le  nicsson'"''er  of  an  nn- 
e-liast^'  lieart.  The  light  I'je  spoahetli  that  wliich  the  month  inaj- 
not  for  '^lianie,  and  is  as  tlie  messenger  of  tlie  hght  heart."  And  here  is 
a  woman  that  would  not  for  any  tiling  desire  uncleanness  with  man ; 
and  yet  she  never  cared  tliongh  his  thoughts  in.clined  toward  her 
and  he  were  temj^ted  by  her.  Jjut  Saint  Austin  putteth  both  tliesc 
in  one  balance — to  desire  and  to  ^\ish  to  be  desired.  " Xon  solum 
ai)petere,  scd  appeti  velle  criniinosum  est."  To  desire  a  man,  or  to 
wish  to  bo  desired  of  man,  both  are  capital  sins.  "  Oculi  prima 
tela  sunt  adidtcrii,"  the  eyes  are  the  arrows  and  the  first  anns  of 
lechery's  stings  ;  and,  like  as  men  figlit  with  three  kinds  of  w-eapons, 
witli  sliooting,.  with  spear's  point,  and  with  sword's  edge,  just  so 
with  tlie  same  weapons,  tliat  is,  with  eye-^hot,  with  spear  of 
woup.ding  word,  with  sword  of  deadly  handling,  doth  lecherv,  tlio 
foul  harlot,  figlit  against  the  hidy.  Chastity,  who  is  God's  spouse. 
First,  she  shoots  tlie  arrows  of  the  light  eyes,  tliat  fly  lightly  forth 
like  a  feathered  arrow  and  stick  iji  the  heart;  tlien  she  sliaketh  lier 
spear,  and  cometli  nigh  to  he)-,  and  with  shaking  word  giveth  spear's 
wounds  ;  sword's  dint  is  downright,  tliat  is,  the  handling,  for  a  sword 
smites  in  close  fight  and  giveth  a  death's  stroke ;  and  this  truly  is 
done,  alas !  too  close,  with  them  who  come  so  nigli  together  that  the 
one  may  handle  or  any  where  feel  the  other.  Whoso  is  wise  and 
good  lot  h(u-  be  on  her  guard  against  the  shooting,  tliat  is,  [let  her 
guard]  well  hei-  eyes ;  for  all  the  evil  that  ever  is  comes  of  the  eve 
ari\.\\  s.  And  Is  not  she  too  forward  or  too  fool-hardy,  who  Jiolds 
her  luad  boldly  f(jr(h  In  the  open  battlements,  while  men  v.Ith  cross- 
bow-bolts without  assail  the  castle?  Surely  our  foe,  the  warrior  of 
liojl,  sliools,  as  1  ween,  more  bolts  at  one  anchoress  th;in  at  seventy-  iind 
soven  seculai-  la<lirs.      'I'ho  iKittlenicitls  (jf  tlie  •.-.i^tlc  afo  the  windows 

FuUo  15. 


]>c  scliute  witc  luie,  -f  is  wel  lilre  eicu  :'  vor  ul  ]'C  vuel  p  oucr  is 
cumec^  of  }'cn  eicn  arewcn.  And  nis  lico  to  uiuciic  ciuig,'*  oJjcr  to 
folherdi,  ■]'  luilt  hire  hcaued  Laldeliclie  iior^  vt  \]Km  open  kernel,  J?eo 
liwilef  me  mit  qnarrcaus  wibuten  asriileS  ]>eno  castel?  Sikerliche 
vre  vo,^  \q  weorrcur  of  lielle,  he  schcot,  asc  ich  wer.e,  mo  ewarreaus 
to  one  ancre  ]>ca  to  seoucne  ?  seoucnti  Icfdies-^  iiic  ^vorlde.  pe 
kerneaus  of  be  caste!  heo'S  hire  huses  jnirlcs.  Xe  aboutio  heo  n.out 
vt  et  ham,  leste  heo  \c6  dcotles  quarreaus  liabLe  amidden  ].'en  eien, 
er  heo  lest  wene;  vor  he  assailed  efie.  Iloldc  hire  eien  inne,  vor 
beo  heo  crest  ablend,  lico  is  eS  foUen.*^  Ablinde  ]'c  hcorte,  heo  is  eS 
ouercumen,  7  ibj'ouht  sone  nnd*'  sunne  to  grmide. 

Bcqrnardus.  "  Sicut  mors  per  peccatuni  in  orbein,  ita  per  has 
fenestras  intrat  in  mentcui."  Also  asc  dcaS  com,  scib  Bernard,  into 
]>e  worlde  ])urh  sunne :'  also  Jnudi  eie  Jnirlcs  deaS  liaue?^  liire  injong 
into  ]'e  soule.  Louerd  Crist,  ase  men  wolden  stekcn  vcste  euerich 
])ui-l  r'  nor  Invou?  f  heo  mnhten  bisteken  dea^  }'er  vte,  deaS  of 
fleschliche  line:'  and  an  ancre  nnle  Jiont  tunen  hire  ol diaries  a^ein^ 
dea^  of  helles  1  of  soule:'"  1  mid  gode  riht  mnwen  eiSurles  beun 
ihoten^  eil^urles,  vor  heo  liabbeS  idon  muchel  oil  to  moni  on  ancre. 

Al  IIoH  AVrit  is  ful  of  warningge  of  eie.  Dauid  seide,  "Averte 
oculos  meos  no  vidcant  nanitatem."  Louerd,  seii:)  Dauid,  wend  awei 
nunc  eien  vrom  ];e  worldes  dwcole,  7  hire  fantesme :  7  Job  seidc, 
"Pc].igi  fedus  cum  oculis  meis,  ut  ne  cogitarem  do  virgine."  Ich  habbe 
ivcstncd,  seiS  Job,  fjreward  mid  min  eien,  f>  ich  nc  mis^enche  v. 
deale.  llwat,''  seiS  he,  ];encheS  me  mid  eien?  God  hit  wot,  he  seio, 
ful  ^^•el,  ver  efter  ]'e   eie  cumcJS   ];e   ]M)uht,  7  ter  efter  ]'e  dede.     ]. 

,  t,,,.,„,,.  C.      e:ni-uu.   T.                       ''  la.   T.  C.                    ''  mkm.  T.      huicaie*.   C. 

■"   in\vii\  fur  l.oo  1h.  iMind,  bo  is  caN  falle.   T.  '  JHirli.   T. 

f  ..iUNin'lK.  S^iin.  T.  "  l'^'"'^^-  'I'- 

..  .p.i„l.,.,l-aool-s:u.k..   C.  '  i^q-l.  T.      il,a.,M,.   C. 

1-    In;  cl-al.'  Invat.   T.      In.  <!'■!".    f. 


■.ClUnrUi:  WAliMN.^*  llVOAKUINf;  THK  F.YF...  OS 

,.  ,  ■  1  „=  T  ..  lior  not  look  out  at  tlicin,  lest  she  have  tlm 
1  '::;;;:  Wo  ;:;'■-  bcfV^vo  si.  even  tl,n,Us  of  it;  for  ho 
tl;  ™    T..-t  l.e.  U.ep  in  he-  cvosfovif  she  ,.  once 

;:,i:!;:.a;  she  i^  oa.Uy  „v<..-co,ne.     r.lina  .he  heart,  she  ,s  e„n- 
n„er«l,  and  soon  h.-ought  to  the  hy  s,n. 

Bernara,    "  Sient   n.evs   l-er   r«calum   in   ovtan    ita   per  hns 

'         .  ,„„"      «  \s  death  came,"  saith    Bernard, 

fenestras  nitrat  n.  men  u.^.  -  ,viudows  death  hath 

'■  i-t"  "-  "•?*'  f  ""S  V"  I  :,Vc  2  '  ho^  n,e„  wotdd  shnt  fast 

his  entrance  n,to  "^^  ^^^^.^  ,'^ ^hat  t^ev  nnght  shut  ont  death- 

I  every  aperture,    ^'  "^^^^^  .„  „„.^  „„  ;„„,„„.;,,  „„p  up  her  eye 

;    r  death  ot  carnal  he      and  ^^  "  ^^.^j^         ^ 

^"T"""  "^'"■"'•fd.t  he  e^I  d    W    *:k.:vs,  for  they  have  done 
rifvlit  mav  eye  ^vm(lo^^s   uc  Ccuilli 

much  evil  to  many  an  aiicliorito. 


oeulos  n,eos  ne  ™';;;;™;;;™;nrsi,,nsa,;i  its  vain  sla.v-'  and 
rr  ™r.S;I      f-U.       1   ocnhs   n,eis   nt  ne   cositaren,   de 


ey ^s,  that  I  n.ay  not  think  ^'^V;^^^::     -:";■,,  „:\1';;;;,  .„  ; 
1,0,  "  do  n,en  thh.k  w,th  eyes?  &°^'     '"  ;  ,j^^^^, ..     .i,,,,,,,;,,, 

for  ,dter  .1,0  eye  eon.cs  the  ' '^f ^^       J,^  'j'o,  U,  .lepne- 

-^"  •--^-  ".""'  "■•■"  rrl       ^      ec  chasrohhedalln.ysotd. 
datus  est  annrann  n.ean-,.        ^  as  .  n  ^^^  _^^^^^^_^ 

When  (iod^  prophet  n,ade  such, ,,oa.,ot..^.,^^^ 

tliiiilvest  t,1 

^    conn;    I"    11U...J    ...-.,  ,  .     ,       ,  1,1 

;,,,?     Tlu-  wise  man  a>ks  m  1n^  book,   vIk^Hkm 


wuste  ^vel,  Jcrcrnie,  ■]',  inende'''  lilin  ]nis,  7  seide,  "oculus  iiieus  (.1c'j)re- 
datus  est  aiiimam  mcam."  "AYeilaweij  mm  eic  liauecS  iroLLed  al  iiumc; 
soule."  Hwon  Godcs  prophctc  makede  swuclie  mono  of  cicn,  liw  uc 
inonc  -wciicstu  is  to  rnoiil  moii,  ocScr  to  laoni  Avuiumon  ieumcii 
seoruwe^  of  liore  eieu?  pc  wise  inon  aslcetS  in  his  boc  hwctSer  ei 
)?ing  hermeS  more  v.ummon  };eiic  hire  eion  :'  " oculo  quid  iieqiiiiH, 
totam  fiicicin  lacrimare  facit,  ?c."  Al  ]?o  leor  *=  sclial  iilowen  o  tearcs, 
he  sei'Sj  vor  ]?e  eie  sihSc  oiio,  pis  is  im  inouli  of  j'isse  witte  isoid  ct 
tisse  chcrre,  to  warnie  ]?cose]ie:'  we  scliulcn  J^auli  sone  her  ei'tcr 
spckcii  herof  more. 

vSpclkuige  ?  smecchuiige  beo5  uic  nuibe  boJSe,  ase  siliJSe  is  i^ion 
cien:  aidi  Ave  schulen  leten  smecchimge  vort'  tet  wo  speken  of  ovrer 
mete,  7  spekeu  mi  of  spcllunge,  J  ter  eft(;r  of  horrungo:  of  bo  iuieiie, 
sume  clierre,  ase  go^S  togcdcres. 

On  aire  ercst  hwon  50  schidcn  to  owre  parhires  jnirlc  iAviteeJ  et 
owcr  meiden*^  hwo  hit  beo  f  is  icunien  r'  nor  swuch  hit  mci  beon  ]> 
re  schulen  asunien  *  on,  1  hwon  ^e  alles  nioten  iiorS,  creoisoJS  £id 
jeorne  our  inuS,  carcn,  "?  eien,  J  te  breoste  eke :'  J  goS  forS  mid 
Godes  dredc,  to  preoste.  On  crest,  sigge^  confitcor:'  ?  )>erefter 
benedicite,  f  lie  ouh  to  siggcn  :'  liercneS  his  wordes,  1:  sitteS  al  stillo, 
•f  hAvon  he  parted  urom  on,  ^  he  ne  cuune  ower  god,  ne  ower  vuel 
nou  iSer :'  ne  he  ne  cunne  ou  iiouSer  blamen  =  ne  preiseu.  Sum  is  so 
wel  ilered,  o'Ser  so  wis  iworded,  f»  heo  wolde  f  he  wuste  hit :'  ])e  sit 
FoL  15  b.  t  spekeS  touMard  hiin,  7  jelt  him  word  ajein  word,  7  bicuiuc^  '* 
meister,  ];e  schiddc  beon  ancre  ^  *?  learcb  him  f  is  icumen  to  leren 
hire  "^  wolde,  bi  hire  tale,  sone  beon  mit  te  wise  icud '  7  icnowen. 
Icnowcn  hoo  is  wel,  vor  JMirh  f'   ilko,  f   hco  weneS   to  beon  wis 

"   wiiiiiinou  T  s.uiif.    1  . 
"  til.  T. 
iwiteti  cd  on  Jor  niculcu.   C. 

£   l;.stiii.    C.      laste.   T. 

'  cu'^^>ct.   T.      ic-u^^'et.   C^ 

•"    ID.IlltO.     '1'. 

c  Al  J>o  neb.  T. 

'  wites  :it  onmo  s 

ci-uanz.   'i'. 

f  nsoincn.  T.     a 

onicii.   (!. 

1'  i•oi■u,u■^(■s,  T. 


i  \  CAUTIO:^   TO  BE  USED  IN  SPEAKING.                               (>-^ 

I  '  ji„v  tliiu"'  (lotli  laure  harm  to  a  woman  than  her  eyes?  "  Oculo  quid 

I  I  noimhisftotam  ihciem  hicrimarc  focit,"  &c.^     "Ml  the  face  shall 

I  j  Ho^v  wldi  b^ar./'  salt!)  he,  "  for  the  eye-sight  alone."     This  is  now 

I  enougli  sai.l  of  tliis   sense,   at   this   thne,  to^  warn  the  good.      ^^  o 

\'  \  shalChowever,  soon  hereafter  speak  of  It  again. 

2.  Of  Speech. 
Speaklno-  aiul  tasting  are  both  in  the  mouth,  as   sight  is  In  the 
eves  •   but  we  shall  let  toasting  alone  until  we  speak  of  your  food,  and 
r  Z^y  at   present,  of  speaking,  and  thereafter  of  hearing,  of  both  m 

com/non,  In  some  measure,  as  they  go  together. 

First  of  all,  when  you  have  to  go  to  your  parlour  window,  learn 
fxom  your  maid  who  It  Is  that  is  come;  for  it  may  be  some  one 
whl  you  ought  to  slum;  and,  when  you   needs   go  forth, 
.  ke  tl  e  slo-n  of  the  cross  carefully  on  your  mouth,  ears   and  eye, 
rn,- breast  also,  and  go  forth  in  the  fear  of  God  to  a  pnest. 
S:    ir^O^^^X-cl  S.en  "Benedlcite,"  which  he  or^ljt  to 
I  It  hear  his  words  and  sit  quite  still,  that,  when  he  parteth  fron. 

f  Z'  1  r  mav  not  know  either  good  or  evil  c^  you,  nor  know  any 

I  }ou,  lie  ma>  _  ^         ^^^^  ^^  ^^  learned 

CO  .t,    .ho  slK.uM  1...  u„  anchoress,  and  h,m  who  ,s 
I-  !?!„,■■  -„k1  vvouM,  hv  hor  GUI,  accouHt,  soon  be  celehmtea 

"       ,    ;.,K.e  .1...  she  thinketh  herself  to  he  .n,„,e.,  w,se,  1,0  u  u  e,  - 
I  ,  h'      she  is  a  fool ;  for  she  h.n.eth   ..U.-  and  ca.ehes 

CAMl).    SOC. 

Kcch"-^.  xxvi.  i: 

t        i 

I    i 

[\  66  hegui-t: 

S 1  iliolclen,  he  understont  f  lieo  is  sot.     Yor  lico  InmteS   cftcr  pi  is,  ^ 

\  J  keccheS  lastungG.     Vor  ctte  lasto,  ll^von  he   Is  awend  awci  r'"  )>cns 

|i  nncrc,  ho  wide  sigo-en,  is  of  muchek  spoche."     Faio  licold  ine  parais 

\\  longe'tale  luid  te  m-ddrc,  7   told  hive   al  f  Icscuu  f.  C4od  hire  he-fdc 

iJ  ilei?d,«  -^  Adain,  of  ]>en  cpplc :'  7  so  }c  ueond  ]airli  hire  word,  un- 

i;i    ;  derstoiid  anoJivlht  hire  wocncsse,  7   ivond   wei  tuuward  hire  of  hire 

uorlorenesse.  Yre  lefdi,  Seiiite  ^[arle,  dude  al  anober  wise:  iie  tulde 
heo  ]^en  engle  none  tale :'  avdi  askede  hiin  ]'ing  scheortliclie  -j.  heo  ne 
kiiSe.      i:e,°mlne  leoue  sustren,  iiolewcl)  ure  lefdl  7  iiovit  ]?e  kakele  '^ 
Eue.     Vor]n  ancro,  hwat  se  heo  heo,  alse  mucliel  ase  heo  euer  con  7 
mei,  holde  hire  stille:  iiabhe  heo  iiout  heiiiie  kunde.     pe  hen  Ir.voii 
heo  hauc^  ileid,  lie  con  butcn  kakeleii.     And  hwat  hijit  heo  J^crof  V 
Knnieb  j.e  coiie^  anonriht  7  rcucS  hire  hire  ciren,  7  fret  al  ^  of  hw;it 
heo  schulde''  uor^S  bringen  hire  cwike  briddes :  7  riht  also  ]>e  hibevcj 
couc  deonel  bcrlS  awei  uonn  ]?c  kakelinde  ancren,  7  uorswolmveb  " 
al  •]•.  god  f  heo  istreoned  habbe^,  ■]>  seluilden  ase  briddes   beren  ham 
up  toinvard  heouene,  jif  lut  iiere  icr.keled.      pe  wreche  p.otl.lave 
more  noise  he  niake«   to   jeicu   his  sope,  ]K-n  a  riche  mercer  al  Ids 
deorewurSe  ware.     To  sum  gostliche  monne  -f.  ^e  beoS  strusti  uppen,^ 
ase  50  mu^v•en  beon  of  hit,  god  is  f  je  asken  red,  7  saluc  f  *  he  techc 
FoUoW.     onto  ^eines  fondunges,  7   ine   schrifte  scheaweS  him   gif  he  wule 
iheren  oAver  greste,  7  oAvcr  lodlukestc  sumien :'  uor  ]n  f  him  arcowe 
our'  7]nir]i"pe   bireaunesse  crie  Crist   imvarlielic  merci  uor  ou,  7 
habbe  ou  iue  mundc,  7   in  his  boiien.     Scd  multi  veniunt  ad  uus  in 
uestlmentis  ouium  :'  intrinsccns  autem  sunt  lupi  rapaccs.    "  Auh  wito^S 
ou  7  beuo  ewarre,"  he  sci5,  ure  I.oucrd,  "  uor  monie  cumcS   to  ou 
ischrud  mid  lombcs  fleu^c,  7  beoS  wode  '^  wulues."     Worldliche  men 
ilcueS  lut :'  religuise  ^et  Icsse.     Ne  Avilnie  ^e  nout  to  nuichel  horc 

awci.cnt.  T.     ifaren-   C.  »  oflon^  talc.   C. 

cume.teSe.,c.T.  '  -,  fretes  of  J.  1,..  s..l,uKle. 

^  f  S'!  ^'-'1  trr.s!  <.n.   T. 
!>   inarlde.  C. 

T  forswc-ollics.    i  . 

i  jcil,T  bidtleu  l.iin   1-.   C. 

iiiE  C(:)^'l)CCT  OF  i:vi:,  and  of  tiik  liLKs.-Eu  viugix. 


rcnroacli.     Por,  at  last,  wlicn    lie   is  guno  invay  he  will  say,  "This 

anchoress  is  a  pvat  talker."     Eve,  in  Para.liso,  h<.l<l  a  lo'ig  con- 

veisation.  Avitli  the  sorpenl,  and  told  hiui  all  the  less-jii  that  Gud  had 

tanght   he;-  a.r.d  ^"vdani   concei'ning  the  apple;  and  tlius  the  fiend,  hy 

her  talk,  luiderstood,  at   once,  her  weakness,  and  fbund  ont  the  M'aj 

to  ruin  her.       Our   la.dy,    Saint   Mary,   acted   in  a   quite   diflerent 

nvumer.      She   tuld   the   angel  no  tale,   but  asked  liini  briefly  that 

which  she  vv-anted  to  kno\v,      De  you,  my  dear  sisters,  imitate  our 

lady,  and   not   the   cackling   Eve.       Wherefore,   let    an    anchoress, 

whatsoever  she  be,  keep  silence   as  umch  as  ever  she  can  and  may. 

Let  her  not  have  the  hen's  nature.     Vriicn  the  hen  has  laid,  she 

must  needs  cackle.      And   what  does  she  get  by  it?     Straightway 

comes  the  chough  and  robs  her  of  her  eggs  and  de\  ours  all  that  of 

which  she  shoidd  ha\e  brought  forth  her  live  birds.    And  just  so  the 

wicked  chough,  the  de^'il,  beareth  avs^ay  from  the  cackling  anchoresses, 

and  s\\alhnveth  up,  all  the  good  they  have  brongh.t  forth,  and  which 

ought,  as  birds,  to  bear  them  up  toward  heaven,  if  it  had  not  been 

cackled.     The  poor  pedlar  makes  more  noise  to  cry  his  soap  than  a 

rich  mercer  all  his  valuable  wares.     Of  a  sp)iritual  man   in  whom 

}'ou  place  confidence,  as  you  may  do,  it  is  good  that  you  ask  counsel, 

and  that  he  teach  you  a  safe  remedy  against  temptations  ;  and  in 

confessioji  shew  him,  if  he   will   hear  you,   your  greatest  and  vilest 

sins,  that  he  may  }iity  you,  and  out   of  compassion  cry  intenially  to 

Christ  to  have  mercy  upon  you,  and  have  you  often  in  his  mind  and 

in  his  j)rayers.      "  Sed  nudti   vcniunt  ad  vos  in   vestimentis   ovium, 

intrinsecus  autem  su7it  lupi  rapaccs."     "But  be  aware  and  on  A'our 

guard,"  saith  our  Lord,  "  for  many  come  to  you  clothed  in  lambs' 

fleece,  and  arc  raging  wolves."     I'elicvc  secular  men  little,  religious 

still   loss.     Desire  not  too   much   their  acquaintance.      Eve  s])oko 

M'ith  the  seri)cnt  without  fear.      Our  lady  was   a.fraid  of  speaking 

with  (Jaliriel. 


ku^lecliunge.'^     Eiic  wiSute   drede   spec   niit  tc  r.eddre.      Vrc  lefdi 
was  of  diedc  of  Gabricles  speclio, 

WiSute  wituesse  of  wcopmen  o>^ci-  of  summon  f  ou  inmve  ihcren 
ne  speke  50  mid  monnc  ofto  11c'  7  ];au]i  lut  bco  of 
sclirifte,  i^en  ilke  huso,  ober  ];cr  lie  muwe  iscon  touward  ou,  sittc  ].e 
bridde:'  Lute  jlf  l^e  ilke  jn-idde.  o-^cr  stu[n]de  tndde^  1ms  n.s  nout 
uor  ou,leouesustren,i3cidneuoro^erswuche^  bow t  for  jn  |.e  ireowc 
is  misleued/  ^  te  sakeiease  ofte  bilowcn,  uor  wone  of  witnessc.  i.le 
ileue^,  $  vuel  sone,  j  te  unwreste  bli^eliche  lieS  on  ];e  godc.  Sum 
uniseli  hwon  lieo  seide  -p  lieo  sclu-of  hire,  liauc>o  ischrmen  lure  al  to 
wundre:^  uor  ]>i  owen  >e  gode  euer  to  habben  witnesse  uor  two  an- 
cheisuns,^  nomeliche,  |.  on  is  f  te  ontfule,''  ne  muwen  ben  on  heom, 
so  -b  be  witnesse  ne  prcoue  bcom  nalse :  f  o'^er  is,  uorte  jmen  ]'c 
oSi-e  uorbisne,  7  binime^'  ].e  vuele  ancre  ]>  ilke  nnlseli  gde  ],et  icb  of 
seide.  • 

Ut  of  cbircbe  ]nxrle^  ne  bolde  3c  none  tale  mid  none  monne  r'  aub 

bereS  wnr^scbipe  )>erto,  nor  ]>o.  bob  saeramcnt  f,  50  iseo«  ]>er  ]Hirb/ 

cy  nime^  o«er  bwules  ower  wumm-n  to  ]>c  buses  ]>nrlc.     peo  o^re 

/v..  10/..   men  <?  wummen  to  ],o  parlurs  )>urle,  speken  uor  neodc:'  )ie  ouwe  50 

butcn  et  ])eos  two  ]nn-los. 

Silence  euere  et  te  mete:'  vor  jlf  oSre  rcligiuse  doS  bit,_ase  ^e 

-  wel  wuteS,  se  owen  binoren  alio:'  ^  p^  -i  baue^S   deorc  pst  '  do 

bire  melden  ase  in  bire  stude  te  gladien  ncrc,i  ^;  beo  scbal  bab- 

a  cu'S'b'iiigc.   T.   C.  V       ,, 

b  allegalo.  in  J-ilke  hus  b.o^  J-er  ,nc  ru.50  -o  to  o.v.   C      al  e,.te  :be  .IK.  In..,  o.u   ) 
T  'r  '  stuiule.   1 . 

hen,nhcseot..war.lou.    ..  .  anchoisuns  [Hngi.];  C. 

0  u>•,>tro^vc.t.    J.  grcHue.  T.     reauin.  C. 

f  oiulfule  [ciiuious].   O.  vv,      1      ,      r- 

:  B'lirir .'■;,..  -r.  ,„  ...h™  ..i.-.  ■. ..« i»'»i ' '  ■■•--  '>■ '■■  «'•'■''» 




M  itliout  a  \vitncss,  of  man  or  of  woman,  wlio  may  licar  you, 
speak  not  witli  any  man  often  or  long;  and  even  tliougli  it  Le  of 
confession,  in  tlie  same  liouso,  or  where  lie  may  look  at  you,  let 
tiiere  Lc  a  third  person  }<rcscnt ;  except  the  same  third  person  upon 
another  occasion  should  fliil  thee."-  This  is  not  said  in  respect  of 
you,  dear  sisters,  nor  of  any  such  [as  you ;] — no,  but  because  the 
truth  is  disbelieved,  and  the  innocent  often  belied,  for  want  of  a 
witness,  jNIcn  readily  belie>^e  tlie  evil,  and  the  wicked  gladly  utter 
falsehoods  against  the  good.  Some  unhappy  creature,  when  she 
said  that  she  was  at  confession,  has  confessed  herself  strangely : 
therefore  the  good  ought  always  to  have  a  witness,  for  two  reasons 
especially  :  th.e  one  is,  that  the  envious  may  not  calumniate  them,  so 
that  the  witness  may  not  be  able  to  prove  the  accusers  false ;  the 
other  is,  to  give  an  exam})le  to  others,  and  to  deprive  the  evil 
anchoress  of  that  unhappy  false  pretence  which  I  spoke  of.. 

Hold  no  conversation  with  any  man  out  of  a  church  window, 
bat  respect  it  for  the  sake  of  the  holy  sacranient  which  ye  sec 
therein,  and  sometimes  talce  your  woman  to  the  window  of  the 
house ;  tlic  other  men  and  women  to  the  Avindow  of  the  parlour,  to 
speak  when  necessary  :  nor  ought  ye  but  at  these  two  windows. 

Silence  always  at  meals  ;  for  if  other  religious  })ersons  do  so, 
as  you  well  know,  \e  ought  before  all ;  and  if  any  one  hath  a 
guest  whom  she  holds  dear,  slie  may  cause  her  maid,  as  in  her  stead, 
to  cntei-tain  her  fiiend  with  glad  cheer ;  and  she  shall  have  leave  to 
open  her  window  onco  or  twice,  and  make  signs  to  her   of  gladness 

[at  seeing  her], 
into  i'vil  to  her. 

'J'he  courtesy  of   some  is   nevortlieless  converted 
Tinder  th*'.  sembhnico  of  i^ood,  sin  is  often  hidden. 

rtius  liabcri  j)f'..;sit." 


I)cn  Icnuc  to  0])cncn  lure  ])url  encs  oScr  twles,  j  makiei-.  signes  tou- 
ward  hire  of  one  glccle  cliere.  Sumnies  kurteisie  is  noSek'as  iturncl 
hire  to  vnclc.  Vnder  semblaunt  of  god  is  ofte  ihelod  sunuc.  ^lucre 
'^  huses  k^fdi"' ouli  miichc  to  bcon  ])it\veoncn.  Euerich  uridcic  of 
'OG  yor  iiokleS  silence,  bate  jif  hit  beo  duble  feste;  j  teujine  holdc^ 
Iiit  sum  ober  dai  iSc  wikc.  Ihon  Aducnt, -^  iSe  Umbridawes,^  wod- 
nesdawes,  "^  fridawcs :'  iSe  leintoa  J^rco  dawes/"  "--ji  al  ]'0  swiciwike'' 
uort  noil  of  Ester  eucu.  To  o\\  r  meiden  je  iiiuweu  J^auli  siggeii 
mid  hit  wordes,  hwat  sc  [;<;o]  ^vulIeS :'  '^  jif  eiii  god  mon  is  fcorreno 
ikuinen,  hercneS  his  spcche,  and  onswcrieS  mid  kit  >vordcs  to  his 

3i  uche  fol  he  were  ];e  muhte,  to  his  oweiie  bihouc,  Inveber  sc  he 
wolde,  grinden  grcot  oSer  hwete,  jif  he  grundc  |>e  greot  °  <^  lefde  J;cno 
Invete.  "  Hwete  is  lioli  spcche,"  ase  Seint  Ansclme  sciS.  Heo  grint 
greot  }»e  cheofled.  pe  two  cheoken  beoS  J;e  two  griiistones.  pc 
tunge  is  J>e  clcppe.  I.okeS,  leoue  sustrcn,  f  ou\\er  clieokcii  ne 
grinden  neucr  bute  soule  node ;  ne  our  earcii  ne  hercnen  *"  neuer  bute 
soule  heale :  '^  nout  one  our  caren,  auh  owcr  eie  }?urles  tuneS  s  ajcin 
idel  spcche  r^  f  to  ou  ne  cumc  no  tale,  ne  tiSinge  of  }>g  workle. 

Ee  ne  schulen  iior  none  J?inge  ne  warien,  no  sv.erien,  bute  jif  ;^o 
siggen  witterliche,  ocier  sikcrliche,  oScr  o  summe  swuclie  wise,  ne  ne 
prcche  to  none  mon  :f  ne  no  mon  ne  aski  on  read,  ne  counsail  ^  ne  ne 
telle  ou.  lleadeS  wumnien  one.  Seinte  Powel  uorljcad  wunimen  to 
prechcn.  "jNIulieres  non  permitto  doccre."  Nenne  weopnien  ne  chasti 
^e:  ne  ne  etwitcS  him  of  his  unSeau:^  bute  jif  he  bco  ouer  kuJSre, 
holioldc  aiicrcn  muwcn  don  hit  suuimes  weis  :'  auli  hit  nis  nout  siker 
])ing,  ne  ne  linipeS    nout  to  |'e  ^unge.     Hit  is  liure  mcister,  -ji  bcoS 

T  Imselioinb'  o^^ct  liiiscwif.    T.  ''    vinbri  wilvs.   T. 

(i>Neuike].    C.  "   suilu'iul..  ^vik.■.   T.     .Nviv.ike.    C, 

(Iiiiikc.  '1'.   ('.  »■'  ^iicrrc's.   'J".     ^priroN.   V. 




sur.iECTS  OF  roxviLUrsATiox  ;  i'i;(~>rEu  Axi)  niruopEu.       71 

An  aiichoross  ou^Iit  to  Lo  very  diflej-ent  from  tlic  mistress  of  a 
family.  I'^very  Friday  of  the  year  keen  silence,  unless  It  be  a 
double  feast;  and  then  bee])  it  on  some  other  day  In  the  week.  In 
AdA'cnt  and  in  the  Ember  days,  "Wednesdays  and  Fridays  ;  in  Lent, 
three  days;  and  all  the  holy  week  until  noon  in  Easter  eve.  To 
your  maid,  ho\vever,  you  may  say,  in  fc\v  words,  what  you  ]))en:-;e, 
and  if  any  good  man  is  come  from  a  distance,  listen  to  his  speech, 
and  answer,  in  a  few  words,  what  he  asks. 

\  ery  foolish  were  he,  who,  when  lie  nn'ght  choose  for  liis  own 
behoof  whether  he  would  grind  grit"  or  wheat,  if  lie  ground  the  grit 
and  left  the  wheat.  "  Wheat  is  holy  conversation,"  as  St.  Anselm 
saith.  She  grinds  grit  who  prates  idly.  The  two  checks  are  the 
two  grindstones  ;  the  tongue  Is  the  clapper.  Look,  dear  sisters,  that 
your  cheeks  never  gririd  any  thing  hut  soul  food,  nor  yom*  ears  hear 
any  thing  but  soul  heal ;  and  shut  not  only  your  ears  but  your  eye 
windows  ax'ainst  idle  converfation  ;  that  neither  talk  nor  tidings  of 
this  world  may  come  to  }'ou. 

\  ou  must  not,  upon  any  account,  Imprecate  evil  upon  any  one  ; 
nor  take  an  oath,  except  ye  be  able  to  speak  from  clear  or  certain 
kno^^  ledge  of  the  fact,  or  In  some  such  way ;  nor  are  you  to  preach 
to  any  man ;  nor  must  any  man  ask  of  you,  or  give  you  advice  or 
counsel.  Consult  with  women  oidy.  St.  Paul  foibade  women  to 
preach,  "T-Iulieres  non  pei'niilto  docere."  Ixcbuke  no  man,  nor 
reprove  him  for  his  fault;  but,  if  he  be  very  forward,  holy  aged 
ancliorosscvs  may  do  it  in  some  luanner;  but  it  Is  not  a  safe  thing, 
and  iK'hjngeth  n()t  to  tl.'e  young,  li  is  their  business  who  are  sef  (jver 
tlie  rest  and  ha^e  to  t",hc  charge  of  them.  Aw  anchore^.s  hath  only 
to  take  heed  to  hcM'si'lf  and  her  maidens.  Let  o.vQry  one  attend  to 
his  ov,n  business  and  iK't  nirddle  \\It]i  that  Avliich  is  ariothei-'s. 
Many  a  man  thinketh  thai    he   duelh    that  well  which  lie  doeth  very 

»   or  i'h-.iV:?   i„</„J:;    MS.  Ovoii. 


„uero«rc  iset,,  habbeS  l.,m  t„  wite„e.     Ancyc  nauoi  .0.  n, 
bute„lu.e«  ,  hire  .neidenos.     Ho'.-lo  ouench  lus  «-""-;-• 

cvcartc-  uor,  asc  id,  or  scik-,  ,-,naor  .omblaunt  o.  gode  .s  o..c 

bi~  hire%'  hire  prcst,  oS.r  a  valsinde  h.ue,  oSer  a  much 

bitwconeu  hire 

Seneca  ,eide,  "Ad  sua>,nnm  [volo]  uos  esse  rar.loquos,  tuncij.e 
pafelquos:"  f  is  J,c  ende  of  ),e  tale,  seiS  Seneke  the  «>se      Ichull 
Heteken  seldc  ,  ),eo„ne  b„te„  h,tel.     Auh  men,  in.nt  ^  .or 
Lfte  Itcn  n»  v.;  Js  u,e  de.  water  ,  tor  .udae  a„se.  ,  so  du^^^^^^^ 

Jobcs  freond  f  wercn  ieun.e.i  to  uioiue.i  him.  s.t...  stule  al.. 
eotdl  A:.,,-eo[heo]M,ofdena.,esbi,unne^™„e^ 
KonekuSenheo  neuere  astunton  hore  eleppe '  Ce  a 
Se„eii  nutritm-a  est  verbi."  So  Idt  is  ine  mon.e,  ase  -"^  «  'S  e 
s  «r  Sile.>eo  is  ^vordes  fostrild,-"  "  Jage  cog,t  eole.aa  m.- 
d  .  r  ."  Long  silence  ,  .-el  iwust  nedeS  ),o  n^  touwavd  •« 
heou  ne^  als^  ase  5c  muwcn  iseou  y.  water  hwon  me  punt"  ;ut   1 

;:  '  ;lvard  heoucne,,  nout  ne  uallen  aduneward, -j  to  n    o.e 
xcond  to  world,--  ase  dciS  nu.ehel  cheafle.     Auh  hwon  50  nede  n,ot.  n 
?;:ken  a  lutewiht,  leseS  up  ower  n.nSes  flodjeten,  ase  n,e  deb  et  to, 
nuilne,  and  letcd  adun  sone. 

hire  seluen.  C 
wuiider.  C. 
la  lH.o.   V. 

^  hicianiaii,  A.S.  to  hiiulcr,  (llsqnict 
"  I'" 

f  ha  no  ciuNcii  h;i  iicauer 

>'  puindus.   T.      lauit.  C 

stutton  Itaiv  clq.poii.   C     stui.t.n.   T. 
ndus.   T.      lauit.  C 


.siLK.NCE  COMMENDKl).  73  | 

iil ;   fur,  as  I  sai^l  b^'foiv,  sin   is  oft  coucealcfl  iimlor  the  appearance  ' 

of  g,()o(\  ;  anJj  liy  means  of  siic-Ii  I'clmkcs,  an   ancliorlte  lias  raised  i 

between   licr  and  licr  priest,  either  a  treacherous  love  or  a  great 

Seneca  said,  "  Ad  siunmani  [voloj  vos  esse  rarlloqnos,  tuncTjUC 
pauciloquos :  "  '"'Tliat  is  tlic  end  of  the  discourse,''  saith  Seneca 
the  wise.  I  ^vil]  tliat  you  speak  seld<:»)n,  and  then  but  httle.  Ijut 
many  keep  In  tlieir  avoixIs  to  let  more  out,  as  men  do  wato-  at  the 
mill-dam  ;  and  so  did  Job's  frierids  that  "were  come  to  comfort  liim  ; 
they  sat  still  full  seven  nights  ;  but,  ^vhe)l  they  had  all  begun  to 
speak,  then,  they  never  kneu'  how  to  stop  their  importvmate  tongues. 
Gregory :  "  Censura  sllencii  nutritura  est  verbi."  Thus  it  is  in 
many,  as  Saint  Gregory  saith,  "Silence  is  the  foster-mother  of 
words,  and  bringeth  forth  talk."  On  the  other  hand,  as  he  saith, 
"  Juo-e  silentinm  coo-it  coclestia  medltari."  "  Lonff  silence  and  well  kent 
urgeth  the  thoughts  up  toward  heaven ;  "  just  as  3-ou  may  see  th.c 
water  when  men  dam  it  and  stop  it  before  a  sjiring,  so  that  it  cannot 
[flow]  downward,  then  is  it  forced  to  climl")  again  upward.  In  this 
manner  must  all  ye  check  your  woi'ds,  and  restrain  your  thoughts, 
as  you  would  wish  that  they  may  climb  and  mount  up  towai'd 
heaven,  and  not  fall  downward  and  flit  over  the  Avorld,  as  doth 
empty  talk.  But,  when  you  must  needs  sj)eak  a  little,  raise  the 
floodgates  of  your  mouth  as  men  do  at  the  mill,  and  let  them  down 

<JA.MJ>.    S(jC 


Ivlo  sk';ic5  word  ])one  sweoixl.  "  IMors  et  vita  in  rnanibus  linguo :  " 
"iif  ?dcnb,"  seiiS  Salomon,  "is  ine  tungc  liondcn."''  •'  IIwosc  witct^  \vv\ 
Lis  iuu(5  he  AviteS,"  lie  scib,  "Lis  soulc."  "  Sicut  ui-l.s  patens  7  ab^^ue 
iniirorum  ambitu  r^  sicut,  7c."  Greg,  "  Qui  miirum  silencii  iion  liabet, 
patct  inimici,  7c."^  "Hwose)ie  wi\:)1ialt  his  v.ordcs,  soi?)  Salomon 
]>c  wise,  he  is  ase  Luruh  wieiutcn  A\al,  ])cv  ase  ucrd  mei  in  oueral,"' 
pe  veond  of  helle  mid  his  ferd  went  jnirh  ]>o  tuiel  jj  is  eucr  open  ijito 
])Q  lieorte.  In  vitas  patrum  hit  tellcS  f  on  lioli  mon  seido  ]>eo  men 
proisedc  ane  [of  ]k']  breSrcn''  f  ho  hefde  ihcrd  f  wcrcu  of  niucho  spcche :' 
"JVmu  iititjuc  sunt,  sod  habitatio  corum  non  hal)ct  januam.  Qui- 
ciinque  vult  intrat,  7  asinum  soluit."  Gode,  cweS  lie,  bco  boo  :'  auh 
here  wunnungc  uaucS  no  jet.  Ilorc  muS  ma'tSelei)  euer:^  7  Invosc 
cuer  ^vulo  mei  gon  in  7  ledeu  uort!  lioi-c  assc :'  >f  is,  liore  unv^'isc 
soide.  Uorj'i,  sciS  sein  lame,  "  Si  cp.iis  putat  so  religiosiim  esse  non 
i-efrenans  linguam  suam,  scd  scduccns  cor  suum,  hujns  vana  e<t  re- 
ligio."  fis,  jifcni  wenob  f  he  beo  rcligius,  7  ne  bridleS  nf)ut  his 
tunge,  his  rcligiun  is  fals;  ho  gileS  his  heortc.  He  seiS  svraeJe  wcI, 
"no  brIdleS  nout  his  tungc,"  vor  bridel  nis  nout  one  ISc  horses 
mii^c;  auh  sit  sum  up  o  ])en  eien,  7  sum  oSen  earen.  Yor  alle  Invo 
miichc  need  •}>  lieo  boon  ibridlcd  ;  auh  ieie  muSc  sit  tet  ireri.  7  o^'c 
lihtc  tunge;  A'or  ];er  is  most  neod  hold  hwon  ];e  tunge  is  o  rune,  7 
/w/o]S.  ivollen  on  to  eoniei).  Yor  oftc  we  j^enchcS,  hwon  wo  uoS  on  to 
sijokene,  uortc  speken  Intel,  7  wel  isete  wordcs :'  auh  ]?e  t un^e  is 
sliddri,''  i\or  boo  wadecS  ine  weto,  7  slit"  lichtliche  uor^S  fi-om  hit 
word  into  monie:'  7  teomic,  ase  Salomon  sei(S.  "in  multiloijuio  non 
deest  peccatum."  Ne  mei  nout  miichcl  speche,  no  agimie  hit  neuer 
so  wel,  boon  wiouten  suime  :^  nor  urom  so't)  hit  slit  te  uals :'  \t  of 
god  into  vucl,  7  from  mosure  into  nnimcte:'  7  of  a  droj)e  \\a\e^  a. 
muc'ie  flod,  ji  adrenchcS  ];e  soide.     Yor  mid   te  lieotintle  v,ord,  to 

•'  (^lii  eu-tii'lit  0-1  siiuin,  custorlit  aniniam  snam.   V. 

^  [cilLt  iniir.ici  j.-Lculis  ciuita'i  mciitis.  'J'. 

'   l.n.Nr.'.   C.  ''  slibhri.  T.   C. 


AOAiNST  talkatim:\es.s.  75 

j\f ore  slayct)!  vc'rd   tlio.ii   sword.      "  ^.fors    et   >ita   In    nianibus 
liiioiuTj.  "'a    '■'  Lii'e   aii-1   dentil,"  saitli  Solomon,  '•'  are  in  the  power  of 
the  tongue.     Tie  wlio  keepeth  well  his  mouth,"  saith  he.  "  keepeth  his 
soul.""     "  Sicut  urLs  pateiis  et  ahsciue  imiroruni  aiiihitu,  ita  vir  rpii 
)ion  potest  in  hjquendo  cohihere  spirituiu  suuni.'''''     Greoory:  "Qui 
murum   silentii  non  habet,  patet  ininiici,"  &:c.      ''  lie  who  restrains 
not  his  -words,"  saith  Solomon  the  wise,    "  is   lil^e  a  city   Avithout 
walls,  into  whieh  an  army  may  enter  on  all  sides."'     The  fiend  of 
iiell  goes  in  Avith   his  army   through  the  portal,''  that  is  ever  open, 
into  the  heart.     In  the  Lives  of  the  Fath.ers.  we  are  told  that  a  holy 
man  said,  when  men  were  praising  one  of  the  brethren,  of  Avhom  he 
liad  heard  that  they  were  men  of  much   speech,  "  Boni  uti(pie  sun.t, 
scd  habitatio  eoruiu  uon  habet  januam  ;  cpiicuuquc  vult  intrat,  ct 
asiiuun  solvit."      "  Good,''   quoth    he,   "  they  both   are,  but    their 
dwelling  hath  no  gate  ;  their  mouth  is  always  prating  :  and  whoever 
will  may  go  in  and  lead  forth  their  ass;"  that  is,  tlieir  irnwisc  ?oul. 
"  Thorefoi'e,"'  saith  St.  James,  "si  quis  putat  se  religiosuiu  esse  non 
rcfrenans  linguam,  sed   seducens   cor  suum,  hnjus  vana  est  religio." 
That  is,  "  If  any  inan  thinketh  that  he  is  religious,  and  l)ridletli  n')t 
his  tongue,  his  religion  is  faLe  ;  he  dcceivetli  his  heart.."     He  saith 
right  well,  "  Lridleth  not  his  tongue;"  for  a  bridle  is  not  only   in 
the  mouth  of  the  horse,  hut  part  of  it  is  upon  his  eyes,  and  part  of  it 
on  In's   cars :   for  it  is  very  necessary  that  all  the  three  should  be 
bridled.     But  the  iron  is  put  in  the  mouth  and  on  the  light  ton.gue ; 
for  there   is   most  need  to  hold  when  the  tongue  is  in  talk,  and  has 
begun  to  run.     For  we  often   intend,  when   we  begin  to  speak,  to 
speak  little,  and  "well  placed  Avords  ;  hut   the  tongue  is  sli])pery,  l"or 
it  Avadcth    in  the  Avet,  and  slides  easily  on  from  few  to  many  an  ords  ; 
and  then,  as   Solomon  saith,  "  In  multiloquio  non.  deest  ]ieceatnm."° 
IMuch.  tall:ing,  begin  it  e\cr  so  Avell,  cannot  be  Avithout  sin;   for  from 
trntli    it    slides    into    fdsehood,    out   of  good    into    evil,    and    fi'oni 

I'lov.  Ksiii.  ■2^.  '■  n 



t  1 

fleot'j^^  ])e  lieorte:^  so  f  longe  ]?ci-  offer  no  mci  lico  Leon  arllit  ige- 
dered  to  godcres.  "Et  os  nostrum  tanto  longius  est  Deo,  qiianto 
muiido  proxinium :'  tanto  minus  cxauditur  in  prece  quanto  auiplius 
iuquinatur  in  locutionc."  ]?is  beoS  sein  Gregories  wordes,  in  liis  dia- 
loge.  i\se  ncih  asc  ure  mu^  is  to  worldliclic  spcclie,  ase  ricor  lie  is 
[urom]  God:'  hwon  wc  speke^)  touward  liim  ?  Lit  him  eni  bone. 
Yor]/i  is  }>et  wc  joiet)  upon  Lim  oftc,  7  he  furseS-''  liim  awei  urom- 
mard  ure  stcfne :'  ne  nule  lie  nout  ihercn  hire:'  vor  lieo  stinkeS  to 
him  al  ofpe  vvorldes  mab'ehuige,  7  of  hire  chefle.  Jiwose  wule  wil- 
nen  •f  Godcs  care  bco  ncili  hire  tunge,  fursie  hire  urom  ]?e  Avorldc, 
ellcs  lico  mei  longe  jeion  er  God  hire  ilicre  r'  auli  lie  seiS  ];urh  Isaie, 
"  Cum  Gxtenderitis  manus  uestras,  auertam  oculos  meos  a  nobis ;  7 
cum  multiplicaueritis  orationes,  non  cxaudiam  uos:"  f  is,  "]>au]i  ;^e 
niakien  moniuold  ouwer  bonen  touward  me,  jq  f  plcieS  mit''  to 
workle,  imhch  on  nout  ilieren :'  auli  Ic  chidle  turuen  mo  awei  hw  on 
je  habbeS  touward  nic  cicn  oiScr  hondcn." 

Ure  dcorewurtSc  lefdi,  seinte  Marie,  ];ct  ouli  to  alio  wummen 
boon  uorbisue,  was  of  so  hite  spechc  ])et  nouhware  ine  holi  write,  no 
ivinde  we  ■])  lieo  spec  butc  uor  siJ^en:''^  auh  for  ];c  scklspeche  liire 
wordes  wcren  heuie,  7  hefden  much  raihte."^  Hire  uorme  wordes  ■]') 
we  rcdeb  of  weren  ]?o  lieo  onswercde  j^en  cngle  Gabriel,  7  ];eo  wcren 
so  mihtic,  •}>  mid  tet  ji  heo  scide,  "Eccc  ancillam  Domini  r*  fiat  milii 
secundum  ucrbura  tuum."  Et  tisse  worde  Godes  sunc,  7  soS  God 
bicom  mon:^  7  ])Q  Louerd,  f  al  J^e  Avorld  no  muhte  nout  biuon, 
bitunde  liim  v.iJSinnen  ]'e  meidenes  -wombc  Marie.  Hire  oiSre 
wordes  weren  ];oa  hoo  com  7  grettc  ElizabeS  hire  niowc : '^  7  hwat 
milite  wenest  tu  was  icud  hie  j'cos  wordes?     Hwat?     pet  a  child 

•'  fiMie.s.  T.  '■  50  J-  motcti  wiS.  'i  .     j;c  )•  i^leid-h'  wiN.   C. 

<••  foursiiiei..  C. 

''  lieriiardiis  rul  iMarumi.     In  s(.nijiit(.;iio  Dei  vovIki  f.icti  s-uimis  oinnes,  -j  ecco  luoiinui 
ill  tu"  lii'ovi   rospoiiso  ri  fu  iciiili   stmiii-;,  lit  ;i(l   vilain   rovDceiuur.      lU'sii"utlo  veiimiii, 

i        t  THE  VIKGIN  ?.IAKY   AN  EXAMl'LK  Ol"  LITTLE  SPEECH.  ll 

i       I 

I      '  moderatlcn  hiio  oxcoss  ;  and  from  a  drop  waxctli  a  great  flood,  that 

I      f  droAvns  tliu  soul.     For  vatli  tlic  tlltting  word  the  heart  flits  away,  so 

5  that  long  time  thereafter  it  cannot  rightly  eoUect   itself  again,      '■  I'^t 

;      I  OS  nostrum,  tanto  longius   est  Deo,  quanto  mundo  proximum;  tanto 

I  minus  cxauditur  in  prece,  quunto  amplius  in(painatur  in  locutione." 

i  These  are  St.  Gregory's  words,  in  his  dialogue.     As  nigh  as  our 

i  mouth  is  to  worldly  speech,  so  far  is  it  [from]  God  when  we  address 

;       ;  him   and  intreat    any  f;ivour  of  hiiu.     For  this  reason  it  is  that  wc 

:       i  often  cry  to  him  and  he  withdraweth  himself  further  from  our  voice, 

■  I  and  will  not  listen  to  it,  fljr  it  savours  to  him  all  of  the  world's 
I  babbHug,  and  of  its  trifling  talk.  She  who  wishes  God's  ear  to  be 
!  nigh  her  tongue,  must  retire  from  the  world,  else  she  may  cry  lojig 
!  ere  God  hear  her.  And  he  saith  by  Isaiah,  "Cum  exteuderitis 
!  manus  vestras,  avertam  oculos  meos  a  vobis;  et  cum  multiplica- 

;       \  veritis  orationes,  non  exaudiam  vos."    That  is,.  "  Though  ye  multij)ly 

[       \  your  prayers  to  me,  ye  who  play  with  the  Avorld,  I  will  not  hear 

:       !  you,  but  I  will  turn  a^Yay  when  ye  stretch  out  to  me  eyes  or  hands." 

*  Our  dear  lady,  St.   IMary,  who  ought  to  be   an  oxainplc  to  all 

■  ,  women,  was  of  so  little  speech  that  we  do  not  find   any  where  in 

Holy  Writ  that  she  spake  more  than  f^jur  times.  But,  in  com- 
pensation for  her  seldom  speaking,  her  words  were  weighty,  and  liad 
much  force.    Her  first  words  that  we  read  of  were  when  she  answered 

,  the  angel  Gabriel,  and  they  were  so  powerful  that  as  soon  as  she 

I       I  said  "  Eccc  ancillam  Domijii ;  fiat  mihi  secundum  verbum  tuum  ;  "  ^ 

I      j  at  this  word,  tlic  Son  of  God,  and  very  God,  became  man;  and  the 

I       I  j^f,i.j^  ^vhom  the  whole  world  could  not  contain,   inclosed  hitnself 

!        I  within  the  womb  of  the  maiden  IMary.     Her  next  words  were  spoken 

[  when  she  came  and  sahitcd  Elizabeth,  her  kinswoman.     And  what 

t       \  power,   thinkest  thou,   was    manifested  in   those    words?      What? 
I        '  That  a  child,  which  was  St.   John,  began  to  play   in   his  mother's 

i  ,voud.  when  Ihey  were  spoken.''     The  third  time  that  she  spoke  was 

at  the  wcddino  ;"  and  there,  through  her  prayer,  was  water  changed 

St.  L' 


bigon  nor  to  plelcn  tojcicnes  liani  r'  ]^"  Avas  scin  Jolum,  in  hU  mAw 
Avomue.  pc  ]'ridc1e  time  -f  lico  spec,  ]»ct  Avas  et  te  noces;'  7  ]'cr, 
)>iirli  hire  bone/  was  water  iwcud  to  wine,  pc  ueorSc  time  was  ]>oa 
heo  hefcle  imist  hire  snne,  7  eft  hi.jc  iAon.l:  7  lui  nmchel  wnnJer 
voluwede  J?eos  wordes !  pet  God  ahnihti  beih  liini  to  one  monne,  to 
one  smrSe,  7  to  ane  winnmone,  7  foluwede  ham,  ase  bore,  bAsuder 
so  heo  encr  wolden.  Nime'^  nu  lier  jcme,  7  leorneJS  ;^oornc  berbl 
liu  seldcene  speclie  bane^  mnebe  strencc>e. 

"  Uir  bngosus  non  dirigetnr  in  terra."  "  Yeole  iwordede  mon  seib 
|?e  psabnwnrlite,'^  ne  scbal  ncuer  leden  ribt  lif  on  eorSc."^'  Uor]n  bo 
seiS  elles  liwar :  "  Dixi,  cnstodiam  uias  nioas,  ut  non  dcHnquam  in 
linoua  niea:'"  7  is  as  ]'anb  lie  scide,  Ic  cbuUe  witen  mine  weies  mid 
mine  tnnge  warde.^  AYite  icb  wel  mine  tunge,  icb  mei  wel  boklen 
bene  wei  toward  beonene :'  uor  ase  Isaie  sciS,  "  Cnltns  jnsticiio  silen- 
cinm : "  "]^e  tilSe  of  ribtwlsnessc,  f  is  silence."  Silence  tik-S  hire  :'  7 
heo  itik'd  bringeS  forS  sonic  ccbe  uode.  A^or  heo  is  nndca\Slicb,  ase 
Solomon  witneS  :'  "  Justiciu  immortabs  est."  Yordi  ueieb  Isaie  hope  7 
silence  bo?)e  togedercs:'  7  sei^  f  in  ham  scbal  stondcn  gostlicbe 
Folio  IP.  strcnctSe.  "  In  silencio  7  spe  erit  fortitndo  uestra :"  f  is,  "ine  silence  7 
inc  hope  scbal  beon  ower  strenc^e."  Nime^  jcme  hu  wel  he  seiS  :' 
nor  Invose  is  mncbe  stille,  7  halt  longe  silence,  heo  mei  bopien  siker- 
licbe  f  Invon  bco  spcke^  tonward  Gode,  f  he  hire  ^vule  iberen.  Ileo 
mei  ec  bopien  ^  heo  scbal  cc  singen  jnudi  hire  scileuce  sweteliclie  iiie 
heoncne.  pis  is  mi  }>e  roisun  of  ]'e  veinnge  r'  bwi  Isaie  ueiei!)  bojie 
7  silence,  7  knplel^  bo5e  togedercs.  Teke  ^  ^,  he  seiS,  i  )>en  ilke 
autorite,  f  ine  silence  7  ine  hope  scbal  beon  vre  strenc^e  ine  Godes 
seruise,  ajein  ]^es  deofles  turnes^  7  bis  fondunges.  A\di  lokeS  ].ur]i 
liAvat  reisnn.     Hope  is  a   swete  spice  wicSinne  ]'e  beorte,  ])et  spette^ 

"  !>  oJit-r.  c.  ''  "^'"^'■■'*  ['""'i''!^]-  ^^ 

■^  liisocue.  C  T.  ^"^  '"'''' 

^  psalm  cxl.n.  '  I's^.lHiNNsix.  1. 

■:   TcK.n.   T.      t<.  cKo.   C.  ''  <-'vflc>.   f. 


si'iitnuAL  riu'iTS  of  silence. 


iiih)  wiiic. ''  TIiL-  funrtli  time  \\-as  wIk'U  slio  Jmd  iiiisscil  her  son  and 
al'trrwai'ds  t'uiuid  liiin.''  And  liow  givat  a  miracle  followed  those 
words  !  Tiiat  God  ^Muiii^jity  Lowed  hiniself  to  a  man !  to  a 
carpenter,  and  to  a  woman,  and  followed  them,  as  subject  to  them, 
uhither  soe^•er  they  ^\  onld  I  Take  heed  noNV,  and  learn  diligently 
from  this,  ho^v  great  efficacy  there  is  in  speaking  seldom. 

"  \  ir  linguosus  non  dirigetur  in  terra." '^  "  A  man  of  many 
^\•ords,"  saitli  the  Psalmist,  '•  shall  never  lea.d  a  right  life  on  earth," 
Tliorefore,  he  saith  in  anotlicr  ])laco,  "  Dixi,  cnstodiam  vias  meas, 
ut  non  delinquam  in  lingna  mca," '^  which  is  as  if  he  said,  "  [  will 
keep  my  ways  l»y  keeping  my  tongue."  Keep  I  well  my  tongue,  I 
may  well  hold  on  in  the  way  to^ward  heaven.  For,  as  Isaiah  saitli, 
"  Cultus  justitiic  sllentium."  *"  The  tillage  of  righteousness  is  silence. 
Silence  tilletli  her,  and  she  being  tilled  bririgetli  forth  eternal  food 
for  the  soul.  For  she  is  immortal,  as  Solomon  teacheth,  "  Jnstitia 
innnortalis  est."''  Therefore  Isaiah  joins  together  hope  and  silence, 
and  saith  that  in  tliein  splrituad  strength  shall  consist.  "  In  silentio 
ct  spc  erlt  fortitude  vestra :  "  ^  that  is,  "  In  silence  and  in  hope  shall 
be  your  strength."  Observe  how  well  he  saith  it ;  for  whoso  is  very 
quiet  and  keeps  long  silence  may  liope,  with  confidence,  that  when 
she  si)Oaks  to  God  he  will  hear  her.  She  may  also  hope  that, 
through  her  silence,  she  shall  also  sing  sweetly  in  heaven.  This, 
nuw,  is  the  reason  of  the  joining:  why  Isaiah  joineth  hope  and 
silence,  and  couj/leth  both  together.  jMoreover,  he  saith,  in  the 
same  passage,  that  in  silence  and  in  hope  shall  be  our  stj-ength  in 
God's  service  against  the  wih-s  and  Lcmptafions  of  the  devil.  And 
b;']i(,ld  v^ith  what  reason.  Hope  is  a  svroet  sj)ice  Avithin  the  heart, 
v.liieli  si)I(-i  out  all  the  bitter  fliat  the  body  drinkcth.      And  whoever 

1.  H. 

S!.  Luke,  ii.  Jfi. 
JV:ilni  xxxix.  1. 

j  ! 

^.   l->. 




Folio  19  h. 

vt  al  }>e  bitter  f  tet  bocli  driiikeS."     Auh  hwoso  clieouA\-(yc)  ?])ifes, 
heo   schal  tnncn  hire  inuS  f)  te  s\\ote  LreS   '?  to  stroncuc  ]^erof 

astunte^  ^yiSiuncn:  auh  lico -fi  opcnc\S   hire  muS  mid  muchc  )uabe 

^p-  'I  brekeb   silence,  heo   spet  hope  al  vt,  7  te  sAvotnesso  |>erof, 
mid  worldhche  wordcs  r'  1   heo   leoseS    ageia    ]>q    ueond  gosthchc 
seruise,  % 
sweno-es  j 

Vov  hwat  xiiakcS  U3  strong  iiorte  drien  derf  ine  Godos 
ine  uondiinges  to  wrastlen  stalcwardliche  a;i;ein  ];es  dcoHes 
i  ?  riwat,  bute  liopc  of  hcih  niede  ?  Hope  iialt  pe  heorte 
i  hoV  liwat  se  |7et  vleschs  drie,  o^er  \oY\c :!  asc  me  soi^,  jif  liopc 
nere,  heorte  to  brcke.**  A  Jesu,  J^in  ore !  IIu  stout  ham  ji  beoS 
pere  ase  alle  wo  '%  vreane  is,  "svi^uten  hope  of  vtcunie,  7  heorte  ne 
mei  bersten?  Vor^i,  ase  je  wuIle'S  holden  wiMimen  ou  hope^  ?  te 
swote  breS  of  hire  )?et  giueS  \q  soule  mihte — mid  muJS  ituned, 
cheoweS  hire  wiSinnen  owver  heorte  :!  ne  blowe  je  liire  nout  ut  mid 
maxSehnde  mut^e,  ne  mid  jeoniinde  tuteles.  "  Non  habeatis  hnguam 
vel  aurcs  prurientes."  Lokeb,  seiS  sein  Jerome,  f  ^e  nabben  jicchiude 
noucSer  tunge  ne  earen  :^  f  is  to  siggen,  f)  ou  ne  histe  nouSer  spekeu 
no  ihcren  Avorklhche  speclie.  Hiderto  is  iseid  of  ouwcr  sik-nce,  1:  hit 
our  spechc  schal  beon  seldcene.  "Contrariorum  eadeni  est  disciplina : " 
of  silence  ^  of  spcche  nis  bute  a  lore  r'®  "%  forc)i,  ine  Avritunge,  heo 
corned  bo-^e  togedercs.  Nu  we  schullen  sundnvat  spcken  of  ouwer 
herrunge,  ajein  vuel  speche  ^  ^  y>  J^ertojcines  tunen  *"  owcr  earen,  % 
jif  hit  neod  is,  tunen  ^  ower  citburles. 

Urom  al  vuel  speche,  mine  Icoue  sustren,  stoppe<S  ower  enron,  7 
habbeS  wlatunge  of  ])e  mu^ie  ]?et  speoMeS  ut  alter.     \\\i\  speche  is 

»    t-  swetos  al  I'c  liittcT  \'  to  budi  driiil-L-.   T,     swetoS.   C. 

I,  i,,.„„,.   T.   C.  '   Hope  Indcs  luTtv  Iial.  T. 

"   luort.'  liroh.'  atx^n  [to  Innate].   C.  '^  an  Ian.  C. 

r.vii,  Mi:.u<iNG  NOT  TO  r.r.  i.iSTKXnB  TO.  »■  i 

cirwotl.  =picc.  .l.,.-.nia  sl.ut  l.e.-  n.ou.l.,  tl,o  sweet  bvoath  .nd  tho  i 

;    '  ■  f  „-»•  =fu-  witl.i,,.     l'.ut  sl.e  that  oi-enetl,  Lev  mouth 
,,,e„gth  tU  .       ,.,J  -  -  ^.,^,^^  ^,,^  ,„|,,  entirely,  and 

endure :  as       ,      d     ^«  .^  ^1  .^^^  ^^^^^^  ^^.,^^  ^,,^  ,,  ,,,„^ 



1        •<!         ,,f1,  ^Init  rlicw  her  wthm  voiir  heart.     151o^n  nei 
tlie  soul— ^vlt]l  mouth  shut  cucw  iiti  _  ^' Xon  haheati^ 

not  out  «it,,ha,d.h,g  mouth  nor  ,.*go,.^^^^ 
liugumn  vel  aures  rrunontes.  See        .  _^^.^^^^_ 

haveneither  itdung  tongue  nor  ea„      tl,.,t  ,     o  _    , 

We  shall  no^v  speak  -'--^^^^^  ^^  2\,  if  n^cd  he,  shut  your  1 

that  ye  may  shut  your  cars  agamst  it,  ana,  , 


3.  Of  ITkaimxc 

Against  all  evil  speech.  ,ny  dear  sisters,  stop  J.nv  --^  -        - 
a  loathing  of  the  -n--.  that  ™n.^^^^^^^^^^^^  J;;;;;^,,,  , 

^"^^^;  ''";r  ":::it         ;     -  I™1  -r  sud,  speech,-  s„i,h  our  Lord, 
::;:;      ;:  :"   :       t  r«-i;n«l  and  aec, tgive„,"..-hy.h,.one 

»    St.   M: 

CAMI).  fH)C. 

Folio  20. 


|,reouol.l :'  attrl,  M,  idol.  IJel  spccl.e  is  vuel :'  ful  speclie  is  wurso :' 
attri  specho  is  )>e  wurstc.  Iik-l  is  7  uiniet  al  ^  god  no  cumeS  of:'  7 
of  swuche'-^  spcclie,  sei^  urcLouei-a,  schal  cuericli  wordlxon  iri1:enc.l, 
?  ijiucn  reisim,  hwi  ]^e  on  hit  seide/?!  te  o^er  hit  licvcnede' :'"  7  tis  is 
]7auh  ]^e  leste  vuel  of  ])e  preo  vucles.  Ilwat!  hu  sdu.l  me  ]) 
jclden  reisun  of  ]je  ]>reo  vueles,  7  nomeliclic  of  j'c  v;ursto  ?  Ihvat  1 
hu  of  be  wurste,  f  is,  of  attri  7  of  ful  spcche:'  i-out  one  ])eo  f  hit 
speke-5,  auli  >co  f  hit  liercncS?  Ful  spechc  is  as  of  Iccherie,  7  of 
o'Src  fulbcn  ]i  unwcaschcnc  muScs  spekeS  o^er  Invule.^  po  f  swuch 
ful^e  speteb  ut^  in  cni  ancrc  care  me  schulde  dutten'=  his  rau^  nout 
mid  schearpe  Avordcs/  anh  mid  licrde  fu>te?.  Attri  spcche  is  eresie 
7  ]7^^•crt^uer  leasunge,  L:icLiUinge,  7  Hhchuige..^  peos  beo^i  ].e 
^vurstc.  Ercsic,  God  heo  i"6oncla-d,  no  rixk'^  nont  in  ]':nge]ond:' 
auli  Icasunge  is  so  vuel  ]>ing  'p  ^eint  Austin  seiS,  ]>ec  for  te  schildea 
J^ine  ucder  from  deaSc,  no  sclmldest  tu  nout  lien.  God  sulf  ser^  f, 
he  is  so5  :'  %  Invat  is  more  r.^ein  so^  )>en  is  leas  7  Icasnnge.  '•'  Dia- 
bolus  mendax  est,  et  pater  ejus."  pe  deouel,  hit  seib,  is  leas,  % 
leasmin-es  feder.  pc  ilkc  ]^eonne  -Ji  stureS  hire  tunge  me  leasunge, 
heo  makes  of  liire  tunge  cradeP'  to  j^es  deofles  beam,  7  rocked  hit 
Scorneliclie  ase  nurice.  Baebitungc  7  fikelunge,  7  eggungc  to  don 
cni  vuel,  lico  ne  bcoS  nout  momies  speche,  auh  beoS  ]>es  deofk-s  bles, 
7  his  owene  stefne.  Eif  heo  owcn  to  beon  ueor  urom  akie  worldhelio 
men— Invat?  hu  ancren  owcn  to  hatien  ham,  7  schmiien  p  heo  ham 
ne  ilieren.  Iheren,  ich  sigge:'  uor  hwosc  spckeS  niid  h:nn,  heo  is 
nowiht  ancre.  Salomon :  "Si  mordcat  serpens  in  silencio,  melul  mmus 
CO  habet  qui  detraliil  in  occidto."  pc  ncddre,  seiS  Salomon,  slmge^ 
al  stillieho:'  7  }>co  f  spckeS  bihinden  -J,  heo  nolde  biuoren,  heo^  ms 
nowiht  b-tere.  Ihcrest  tu  hu  Salomon  euene"6  bacbitare  to  stingmde 
neddre^     So  heo  is  sikcrliche/     ITeo  is  neddre  kundeW  7  ]>eo  ]>ct 

»  J-uUi  [builkj.  C. 

«  Kpoowe^"  oSor  Iiv.ili:- 

.  V. 

A  K'oso  bcoo  nil  isclir; 


«=  (litten.  T.   C;. 

E  pykehm^n. 

b  ilustncdc.  T.     lu'^U'dc.   C. 

in.nv  rill!.'  )'  s^^irh  fulNc  spit  ut.    C. 
f  snoatcs.   V.     f.iiuatr.-.s.   T. 
1,   j..,,i,.r.   (J.  '    wittiiliclir.  T.    0 



,„„,,c  i.  an,l  ilie  otl.c.  ^U.r:.•^  t„  it.     A,,,!  yet,  ,I,i^  i;  the  lcr,.t  of 
,1,,.,,.    .nil.        V\-|.i':    Hmv,   tlien,   sl.all   .'.^-•n  yne  account  of 

;:     ::c  Ka.,aU-."y.'f'>-™^   wh.t:iio.oft,,c 
, ,,  ,„,  i,,  „f  ,,„i.,o.,us  .,ui  01'  foul  .p«<i. i  "-  - y  i-y  -''<; 

"k'a  it,  l,-.,t  they  v.ho  li.ton  to  it.     Foul  s,.o«.h  -  of  lochery  ,,  ul 

°e..;i,  i.  l.ere<v,  and  ai,c.:t  fakJ.ood,  l)ackbltmy,  and  flai.o,  . 
^  ;:e  a;;  .,,o  .-o't-st,  Ile.,.e,v,  God  bo  thanUod  prevailo  .  not  ,n 
F„.da„d;  but  Ivin,  is  =0  ovil  a  that  >t.  Au,„u  sa  tl  Fha 
IZ  shotddost  n-ot  ioll  a  lio  to  shield  tin-  fathof  ffon,  <'-'  j '  /;- 
bi,„.olf  saith  that  ho  is  tvuth  ;  and  ,vl,at .,  more  t  uth  than  s 
Ivin,.  and  faUohoodV     "  Diaboit.smonda.  est,  e   pa.o,    ,u.  - 

devd,"  wo  arc  told,  "  is  a  liar,  and  tlie  fothor  ot  he..  b.,e,    be n 

:b„;,..„vo.b  hor  tongno  in  lying  ntaketh  of  hor  t""g- -™^^  ^ 
the  dovll-s  child,  and  rockcth  it  dihgently  as  nv.rse.  ..acU  .t,ng  ami 
tt  y,  and  instigating  to  do  any  ovil,  arc  not  fit  lor  n,an  to  speak ; 
but  tl  Jy  are  thcrdevil's  blast  and  his  own  voice  If  those  onght  o 
Tfe  front  all  sec.dar!  how  ongl.t  - Insos  o  hat 
and   shun  then,,  that  they   tnay  not  hoar    tl.etn .-     "-*'■-' 

f  .1,,.  ^v^l.-)  sneaketh  ^v  th  them  is  no  recluse  at  .ai. 
sin™:  %  :I:doa;  terpens  in  silentio,  nihil  n.inns  eo  habet  ,ni 
ftoiomou  «  The  serpent,"  saith   Solomon,    «  stmgetli 

'^••r  l":th""a  d  sho  ,vlK,  p  etl/behind  [attother]  what  she 
rlt  fo.:  '  not  a  whi,  letter."  Uoarest  thot,  how  Solon.on 
I™  cth  a  backbiter  to  a  stinging  serpent  V  Snch  she  ce.-ta.nly  ,s 
Sl'h  of  serpents-  kindred,  and  she  who  speaketh  evd  belnnd 

puts  a  ]>nc 

h]i-  ill  tlu'  ev 

,,  ov..  oHmn  ^^hom  lie  fl.ttercth.      The  Lackl, iter 

.1  •    I!  >  1,  on  V ri'lav    aiiJ  i/ ckrth  with  his  Uack  bill 

often  (•he^vc■th  m;ui ..  H-Ai  on  1  i  ...i},  a  k    i  ^ 

livln.^;   as  he  that  is  the  clevis  raven   <n    ndl ,   ^  ct.         l.c. 


St.  .1-1 


speke^  VLiel  bihinden  berS  atter  in  hire'''  tuiige.  pe  vikelcire  abltMit 
]7Gne  mon  '•f  put  liini  prcon  in  eien,  •f  he  mid  vikelcb.^  pc  bacbitare 
cheov.-e^  ofte  monnes  fleschs  iuc  ui-idawcs,  ^  bckc\S  mid  l\is  blake 
bile  o  CAvike  diaroincs  asc  ]>e  ]^ct  is  J^cs  deofles  corbiii  of  belk;.  Ect 
wolde  he  tctercii  ^  pik-kcn,^  iiiiJ  liis  bile,  rott-d^'  stinkiiide  ik\sbs,  as 
is  reafnes  kunde :'  J;et  is,  jif  he  uokle  sigfrcu  non  viiel  bi  non  o5lt 
biite  bi  ])Co  j'  rotiob  and  stinkctj  al  inc  fuIJSi,' of  lioro  siuuien,  liit  were 
jet  J^e  Icsse  sunne:'  aidi  llhted  upon  cwike  flesclis,  tctcreS  ^  toh'meS 
hit :'  ]7et  is,  he  iiiissei  S  bi  swuche  ];et  is  cwie  in  God.  He  is  to  jiuer 
reafen,^  j  to  bokl  mid  alle.  An  oSer  lialf,  nimeS  nu  jemc  of 
hwuche  t^^■o  mcsteres  J^eos  two  menestraus  serue^  horc  hiucrde,  ha 
deofle  of  lielle.  Ful  hit  is  to  siggen/  auh  fidre  hit  is  uorte  bewi  liit ; 
J  so  hit  is  allcgate.  Ileo  beoS  j^es  deofles  gongmcn/  <^  beoS 
Fo/io  20 1',  v.'iiiuton  ciide  in  liis  gong  huse.'^  pes  fikeku'cs  nicstcr  is  to  w]-Ien,  j 
te  lielien  ]?ct  gong  ]>url  :f  j-  tet  he  deS  as  ofte  ase  lie  mid  his  fd^e- 
hnigc,  -7  mid  Jiis  prclsinige  heleS  '7  wrih'(S  mon  Ins  sunne,  nor  no'SIng 
ne  stinkeb  fulre  ]wnne  sunne:'  j  lie  hele<S  hit  '^  AvrihJS'  so  ]>et  he  hit 
nout  ne  istinckeS.  pe  bacbitare  unhele^  ^  iniwrili(S  hit,  '•f  openeS 
so  ]?et  fulSe  jj  liit  stiidccS  Avidc.  pus  ha  beoS  bisie  i  bisse  fule 
mester,  <^  eiJier  nn'd  oSer  striueS  her  abiitcn.  Swuche*^  men  stinkeS 
of  hore  stink inde  mester,  ^^  bringeS  euerich  stude  o  stenh  ji  lico  to- 
eiune'^.  Ure  Louerd  ischilde  ou  f  te  breS  of  hore  stinkinde  ]>rote 
lie  neihi  ou  neucr.  OtSer  spcchc  soileS  "-^  fulei!^:'  ac  ]>eos  attruS  })e 
heorte  «^  te  earen  botSc.  pet  [^e  ]>e  bet  icnowcn  ham  [^if  eni  cumcS 
touward  ou.  to-hei-  hore  molden. 

"  i^■l•.  T. 

''  fiktlcs.  Gicg.  :  Adulator  ei  <iiia  quo  scinioiicm  conscrit,  quasi  clauuin  in  ot  iilo 
ligit.      Salomon  :   Noli  esse  in  conviuiis  cornni  qui  ofteniiit  canies  aJ  ucsccn(luiii,ic. 

■■  jiiliwin.   C.     ))ickun.   T.  <■  rotin.  T.     rotoii.   C^. 

<■  ]'0  reucn.   C.  '  niiiii>ncii,  T.  b  ganf.:oiiun.   'I'. 

h  No  videatur  licr  inoralit;-  minus  dwns.  J{eeolatnr  in  Ksdra  *  .|uod  :>r(lcliias  edifi- 
cauit  i>ortain  sten'oiis  "jc.   T.  '  lides.    T.   li;Sr^.    C. 

''  )'uir,.'!ir.   T.   C. 

*   NclK-niiali,  iii.  M. 



would  tear  in  pieces  and  pluck  ^vitll  his  bill  rotten  stinking  flesh,  as 
raven's  nature  is  ;  that  is,  if  lie  woidd  not  speak  evil  against  any  hut 
those  Avho  arc  corru[)t  and  stink  in  the  filth  of  their  sins,  it  -were 
yet  the  less  sin  :  but  he  lialitoth  upon  living  flesh ;  teareth  and 
disnieuihcjx'th  it ;  tliat  i>;  ho  slandercth  such  as  are  alive  in  God. 
He  is  too  gieedy  a  nnen,  and  too  hold  \vitlial.  On  the  other  hand, 
observe  now,  of  wliat  kind  are  the  tno  oflices  in  Avhicli  these  two 
jugglers  serve  their  loivl,  the  devil  of  hell.  It  is  a  foul  thing  to 
speak  of,  but  fouler  to  be  it,  and  it  is  always  so.  TJiey  are  the 
devil's  dirt-men,  and  wait  contiiuially  in  his  privy.  The  oflice  of 
the  flatterer  is  to  cover  and  U>  conceal  the  hole  of  the  privy ;  and 
this  lie  doth  as  oft  as  he  ^\ith  his  flattery  aiid  with  his  praise 
concealeth  and  covereth  from  man  his  sin  ;  for  nothing  stinketh 
fouler  than  sin,  and  he  concealeth  and  coveretli  it,  so  that  he 
doth  not  smell  it.  The  l)ackbiter  discloseth  and  uncovereth  it, 
and  so  openeth  that  filth  that  it  stinketh  widely.  Thus,  they  are 
busy  in  this  foul  employment,  and  strive  with  each  other  about  it. 
Such  men  stink  of  their  stinking  trade,  and  make  every  place  stink 
that  they  come  to.  May  oiir  Lord  shield  you,  that  the  breath  of 
their  stinking  throat  may  never  come  nigh  you.  Other  speech 
polluteth  and  defileth ;  but  this  poisoneth  the  heart  and  the  ears 
both.     That  you  may  know  them  the  better,  listen  to  their  marks.* 

86  rwEGUL.i;  i>-cllsarl-.m. 

C  ilcolarcs  bcotS  J>rco  kiiiines.  po  uonne  beotS  vuclc  iiiouiir'  he 
obrej'aub  bcoS  wurse  :f  ]>o  j^ridde  ^et  bcob  aire  wur.ste.''  pe  iiornie, 
jif  a  nion  is  god,  preisecS  bine  biuo]\Mi  liiinsulf,  7  makeu  liiiK',  inoub 
reSe,  jet  betere  ];en  bo  bco,  ?  ;^if  lie  s.i5  wel,  oSer  dcS  wel,  be  liit 
beueiS  to  bcie  up  mid  ouerpreisunge  ?  lierungc'^  pe  oSer  i.s  rli  a 
mon  is  vuel,  "?  sciS  'X  deb  so  niueb  mis''  f  bit  beo  so  o])cii  snime  n 
he  ]iit  ne  mei  iioneswcis  allebmge  wi'Ssiirgen :  be  J'aiili,  biuorcu  be 
monne  sulf  inake^  bis  vuel  k\sse.  '•'  Xis  hit  riout  nu,  be  seiS,  so 
vuel  ase  me  liit  make'S.  Nert  tu  noiit/  i  ])i.sse  J^iiigc,  ]7e  uonne,  nc 
)>e  laste.  pu  bauest  monie  ucren.  Let  iwur^e  gode  mon.  Ne 
gest^  tu  nout  ]>e  one.  Morae  deS  muclie  wurse."  pe  ]n-i(ble  cunicvS 
efter^  7  is  wurst  fikelarc,  ase  icb  er  scide:^  vor  he  preiseS  }»ene  vucle, 
7  his  vuele  deden,  ase  J^e  ])e  sciS  to  ]?e  knilite  ]>et  robbcS  liis  poure 
men,  "  A  sire  I  hwat  tu  dest  web*'  TJor  euere  me  scbal  ]>ene  clieorl 
Folio  21.  pilkcn  7  pcoHenr^s  uor  be  is  ase  }'e  AviSi  ]jet  sprutte^  ut  ]?e  beteic  •}; 
me  iiiue  ofte  croppcS."  pus  ]>e  ^  ualse  uikclare  ablendeb  J>eo  be 
liam  bereneS,  ase  icli  er  seidc,  7  wrieS  bore  fulSe  so  f  bco  bit  ne 
niuwen  stinken:  7  tct  is  mucbcl  unselliSe.  Vor  ;^if  boo  bitstunken, 
ham -wokle  wbitien  j^orajean:^'  7  so  eorncn  to  scbrif'te,  7  spoowcn 
hit  ut  ]?cr,  and  scbunien  bit  ]>or  cfter.'^ 

Jjacbltaics,  ]^e  bitoS  obre  men  bibindon,  bcoS  of  two  nianeres : 
aub  ]>o  bitere  boot)  wurse.  pe  uorme'  cumeb  al  opcnbcbo,  7  soiJS 
vuel  bi  ano'Ser,  7  speoweS  ut  bis  atter,  so   mucbel   so  liim  ouer  to 

»  Ve  illis  <iui  pommt,  -jc.  [Ezecli.  xiii.  IS.]  Ve  illis  qui  tliciiiit  bumnn  mu- 
luni,  ■]  malum  bonum,  iionentes  tfneljnis  luceni,  ft  hicciu  teiieluii*.  [Ij.i.iali,  v.  20.]  Hoc 
saltern  (letractoribus  couvcnit.  T. 

'•  wi5  oucr  umchc  hercword.  T.  <^  iiucl.  T. 

•^  art  tu  nawt.  T.     iiait  J>ii  naut.  C.  <"  gas.  T.     gost.   C, 

'  I.aiuUitui-  iieccatur  in  dosiJi'riis  aiiiin.f  siia>,  ct  iiiii;iiis  boiiedicitui-.   T.   St.  .\ii"iistii). 

"-'  jildkin  -\  iiilicii.   C. 

''  Ailiil:iiitiiuii  lir;giio  alligant  liominc-  in  i^occatis.     J'us  J'oo^o.   T.  i  Jjcr  \vi^'. 

•^  Clemen-,:  li'-niicirlanim  ihio  sunt  Lr*^!!' ra,  ilieit  IVtnis, -)  paroiii  jjenaiu  esse 
uuhiiiuis.      (^i;i  CMriJui'alitcr  ocriJit,  -)  (jui  iletraiiit  fi'atii,  "]  mii  iiiui.iet.   T. 

1    ano.    ('.   'I'. 

rLATTEin;i;s;  j'.ACKniTKns.  87 

llicrc  are   tlireo  kinds  of  flatteivr.s.     Tlic  first  are  l)ad  oiioiigh; 

vet  tlio  second  are  worse;  l)ut  tlie  third  are  worst  of  all.      The  first, 

;  if  a  man  is  good,  praiseth  hiui  in  his  ])rescncc,  and,  without  seriiple, 

!  makoth  hhn  still  better  than  he  is;  and,  if  ho   saith  or  doth  well,  he 

'  extolk'tli   it  too   higldy   wilh    excessive    praise   and    commendation, 

■  The  second,  if  a  man  is  dej)raved  and  sins  so  much  in  A\ord  and 
deed,  that  hi-,  sin  is  so  open  that  he  may  nowise  Avliolly  deny  it,  yet 

i  he  [the  fiatleivi-]  in   tlie   man's  own  presence  extenuates  his   <'ullt. 

i  "It   is   not,  ]iow,"  saith  he,   " so  exceeding  bad  as  it  is  represented. 

t  Them  art  not,  in   this  matter,  the  first,  nor  [wilt  thou  be]  »  tlie  last. 

I  Thou  hast  ma.ny  fellows.      Let  it  be,  my  good  man.     Thou  goost  not 

'  alone.     ]^.Ian\-  do  much   Averse."     The  third  fiatterer  cometh  aftei", 

I  a)id  is  the  wt^ric,  as  1  said  before,  for  he  jiraiseth  the  wicked  and  his 

I  evil   deeds;    as  he   who    said   to   the   knight   who  robbt:d  his  poor 

■  vassals, ''Ah,  sir !  truly  thou  doest  Vv'cll.  lor  men  ought  akvavs 
I  to  pluck  and  pillage  the  churl ;  for  he  is  like  the  willoA\-,  which 
[  sprouteth  out  the  bettei-  that   It   is  often  cropped."     Thus  doth  the 

false  fiatterer  blind   those   who   listen  to  him,  as  I  said   before,  and 
\  covereth  their   fdth   so   that  it   may  not  stink  :  and  that  is  a  oreat 

1  calamity.     For,  if  it  stunk,   he  would  be  disgusted  with  it,  and  so 

run  to  confession,  and  there  von.n't  it  out,  and  shun  it  thereafter. 
JSackbitcrs,  who  bite  other  men  behind,  are  of  two  sorts  :  but 

the  latter  sort  is  the  worse.     The  foj-jner  cometh  quite  openly,  a)id 

speaketh  evil  of  another,  and   speweth  out  his  venom,  as  nnich  as 



inuSo  cnmeS:'  ?  gulclieba  al  ut  somccP  );ct  ]7C  attri  lieorte  sont  np 

to  ]7e  tunge.     Ac  ];e  latere  ciimeb  forS  al  on  oSer  wise,  ?  is  wiirse 

ueoiKl  pen  ]je  oSer :'  auli  under  ureondes   liuckel,      ^'Veorpe^   adun 

}>et  heaacS,  ?  foS   on°  nor  te   siken  er  he  owilit  sigj^e :'  ?  make 5 

drupie  cliere  :'  bisanrnplex5  longe  abutcn  uor  te  l>eon  ]iq  bcitere  ilened. 

Auh  Invon  hit  alles  cumeiS  forS  )»eoinio  is  hit  jeoluh  atter.     "  W^ei- 

lawei,  ?  wolawo,"  lieo  seI5,  '•'  avo   is  nie  ];et  he,  ober  lieo,  habbe-5 

sv.'uch  word   ikeilit.'^     Inouh  icli  was  abutcn,  auh  nc  liclp  nic  ^  nout 

to  don  her  one  bote.     Eare  hit  is  }>et  ich  wnste  herof ;  auh  J^auh, 

]?urh  me  ne  schulde  hit  neucr  more   beon  iuppod ;  <"  auli  nu  hit  is 

J7urh  oSre  so  wide  ibrouht  forth,  icIi  hit  ne  niei   jiout  wi^saken, 

Vuel  me  seib  f  hit  is;  7  jet  hit  is  wurse.     Seoruliful  ich  am  ?  sori 

)?et  ich  hit  schal  siggen  :f  auh  forsobe  so  hit  is :'  7  tet  is  muche  scoruwe. 

CJor  ueole  "  oSer  J^ing  he,  o5er  heo,  is  swu JSc  to  liericn,  auh  nout  for 

j^isse  J^inge,  7  mo  is  me  ]?ereaore.     Xe  mei  ham  no  mon  werien." 

pis  booS  ])es  deofles  neddren  f  Salomon  spekeb  of.     Yre  Louerd, 

J>urh  his  grace,  holde  ou  our  ^  earen  nrom  hore  attrie  tungen,  ?  ne 

Folio  21/..    Icuc  ou  neucr  stinken  );enc  fule  put  f  heo  unwreoS,  ase  ]>o  uikelarcs, 

wreoS  7  helie t5,  ase  ich  or  seide ."  unwreon  hit  to  ham  sulucn,  beo  f 

hit  to  limpe^,^  7  helien  hit  oSre.      pet  is  a  muche  ];eau,  7  nout  to 

J^eo  f  hit  schulden   smellen,  7  hatien  J^et  fulSe.     Nu,  nnne  leoue 

sustrcn,  nrom  al  vuel   spcche,  ]i  is  j^us  Jn-eonold,  idel,  ful,  7   attri, 

holdeS  feor  our  earen.     ^Ic  seiS   upon  ancren,  ];ct  euerich  most  ^ 

haueb    on    olde  cwene'   to   ueden    hire    earen;    ano  ma^elikl'"  -^ 

niaSeleS  hire  all  )>e  talen  of  ]>e  londe  ;'"  ane  rikelot"  |>et  cakeleJ)  hire 

al  f  heo  isih'S,  o-?)er  ihereS.     So   ])ut   mc  seicS   ine  bisawe "Vrorn 

nmlno  7  fnmi  cheping,  from  smiSe,  7  I'rom  ancre  huso,  mo  tibinoc 

*  cuIc-IjCS.   C.     ouIcIks.  T.  b   [togidcro].  C. 

"=  f.,'S  on.   C.      bigiimes.  T.  -'  icuht.   T.   C. 

'  no  halp  Lit  mc  T.   C.  t  [sewidj.  C. 

K  1  nioiii.  T.  I'  haldo  ower.  C. 

'  [f^'llit].   (J.  k  uchan  [al]  nust.  C. 

1  au  aid  chrorl  oSor  o\\ fin..   'I'.  ",   „i;,'?!elero.    T. 

-  tn!..s  ]...  ,„<■  tilh-5  il.mdc.    C.  u   an  Icil.,.lot   r,,i„tj.    C. 

lili:  I'.ACKHITKi:.  ^9 

ever  comes  to  liis  moutli,  and  tlirowctli  out.  at  once,  all  tluit  the 
poisonous  heart  send-;  up  Uj  the  tongue.  lUit  tlie  hatter  proceedcth 
in  a  quite  diHt'erent  manner,  and  is  a  v.orse  enemy  than  the  other  ; 
\Qt,  under  the  clorJc  of  a  friend.  lie  casteth  down  his  head,  and 
hep^ins  to  siL;h  Lefun^  he  savs  an^thini;,  and  makes  sad  cheer,  and 
moralizes  lon^j;  witliout  comino'  to  tlie  point,  that  he  may  he  the 
better  believed.  13ut,  when  it  all  ccn.ies  forth,  then  is  it  yellow 
poison.  "  Ahis  and  alas  I  "  she  saith,  "  wo  is  me,  that  lie  or  she 
hath  got  such  a  reputation,  l-hioniih  did  I  try,  but  it  availed  me 
nothing,  to  effect  an  amendment  here.  It  is  long  since  I  knew  of  it, 
but  yet  it  should  never  luive  been  exposed  by  me  ;  but  now  it  is  so 
widely  published  by  others  that  I  cannot  gainsay  it.  Evil  they  call 
it,  and  yet  it  is  woi'se.  Grieved  and  sorry  I  am  tfuit  I  nuist  say  it; 
but  indeed  it  is  so;  and  that  is  much  sorrow.  For  many  other 
things,  he,  or  she,  is  truly  to  be  connnended,  but  not  for  this,  and 
grieved  I  am  for  it.  No  man  can  defend  them."'  These  are  the 
devil's  serpents  which  Solomon  speaketh  of.  'Slay  our  Lord,  by  his 
arace,  keep  awa^-  your  cars  from  their  venomous  tongues,  and  never 
permit  you  to  smell  that  fjul  ])it  which  they  uncover,  like  as  the 
flatterers  cover  and  hide  it,  as  I  said  before.  Let  those  v.hom  it 
behoveth  uncover  it  to  themselves  and  hide  it  from  others.  That  is 
an  essential  service,  and  not  to  those  [oidy]  who  would  hate  that 
filth  as  soon  as  they  should  smell  it.  Now,  my  dear  sisters,  keep 
your  cars  far  from  all  evil  speaking,  which  is  thus  threefold,  idle, 
foul,  and  venomous.  People  say  of  anchoresses  that  almost  every 
one  hath  an  old  woman  to  feed  her  ears;  a  prating  gossip  who  tells 
her  all  the  tak-s  of  the  land  ;  a  mag[)Ie  that  chatters  to  her  of  every 
■^  thing  that  she  sees  or  hears  ;   so  that  it  is  a  connnon  saying,  "From 

\  niiln   and  from  market,  from   smithy  and  from  mmiiery,  men  bring 

i  tidinn-s."     Christ  knows,   this   is  a  sad  tale;   that  a  nunneiT,   ^vhich 

ca:.!1).  soi;. 

90  iu:<;rj.x  inci.isauum. 

hn'ngc'S."  pet,  wot  Crist.  ]>ii;  is  a  sori  tale :!  ]>et  ancro  lius,  };et 
scliukle  beon  onlukcst  stude  of  alio,  sclial  beon  iuelcd'"'  to  ]k>o  ilke 
];reo  stiiden  ]?et  most  is  iiie  of  clicaflc.  Auh  ase  quite  asc  50  bcoS  of 
swucl'.,  looiie  snstren,  Avcreii  alio  ]je  o'Sro,  uro  liouerd  hit  vbo.'' 

Nn  icli  Imbbe  sunderlidie  •■  ispclccn  of  ];cos  ])rco  llinos — of  eien,  % 
of  imv^io,  "?  of  carcn.  Of  careii  is  iiu  al  ];et  lesto  to  aiicivn  bllioue. 
Vor  leofiich'^  ]ung  nis  Irit  nout  ]•>  aucre  bere  swuch  miv^,  aali  uuiclie 
me  mei  drcden  •f  lieo  beie  •=  hire  caren  suninic  chcrro  to  swuchc 
muScs.  Of  sih-Se,  7  of  speche,  "?  of  horrunge,  is  iseid  sunderliche, 
of  euerich  011  avewe.     Cunie  we  m\  eft  ajaii  ?  spoken  of  alio  inienc/ 

Df,  VirsU  KT  I.OQUKLA  l.T  AUDITU  IX  CO:\n[LiNI.- 

"  Zclatus  sum  Syou  zelo  magno."  "  Vnderstond,  aucre,"  lie  seiS, 
"  Invas  spuse  ]m  crt  r^  7  hu  he  is  gclus  of  alio  }'iiic  latcs.  "  Ego  sum 
Dens  zclotes ;"  in  Exodo.  "leli  am,"  bi  him  suluen,  "}>e  gcluse  God." 
"Zelatus  sum,"  ?c. :'  "Ich  am  gelus  of  }?e,  Syoii,  mi  leofmon,  mid  mucho 
welusie."  "  Auris  zeli  audit  omnia,"  sei^  Salomon  ]?e  wise.  "  Ybi 
Foho  22.  amor,  ibi  oculus  r'"  wite  \\x  fulewcl.  His  earen  bco'5  cuer  toward 
tc,  7  he  ihereS  and  isihS  al  ]?et  tu  dest.  His  eie  euer  bilialt  to  ;;if 
\u  makcst  ei  send)launt,  oSer  eni  luue  lates  tonward  un^eauwes. 
"  Zelatus  sum  Sion."  Sion,  ]'ct  is,  scheanware  :'  he  cleopeS  ]»e  his 
scheauware  r'  7  so  his  ]/-et  non  ocJres.  Yor]>ui  he  seiS  in  Canticis, 
«  Ostendc  mihi  facicm.*'  "  Sc-hcau  ])i  neb  to  me,'"'  lie  seilS :'  "  auh  to  no 
o'Ser.  Bihold  me,  ^if  ]hi  wult  habbe  brihte  sih iSe,  wie)  ]'iue  heorte  eien. 
Bihold  inward,  }'er  ich  am,  7  ne  scche  me  nout  wi^uten  ]>ino  heorte. 
Ich  am  woware  scheomeful.  Ich  nulle  nomvare  bicluppe  mine  leof- 
mon liitte  inc  stiulc  dernc."  O  swuclic  wise  ure  Loucrd  spekeS  to 
his   souse.      No   huiiche    hire    jii^oune    neuer   v/uuder    T;if    Iieo   nis 

ifci-it  Tcu' tii'l].   ('.  ''    ["i"'!'''-']-   C-  '  sundcrJc'pps.   C. 

rcnimlicIiiT.    C.  "  I'^i'k"-   ''"•  '    ("to^jiilprc].   C 

M.S.  Oxon. 



1  V  .,11    sliuuld  Ijc  cvenea  to  tliose 

should  be  the  ^no.t  s.lit.ry  p  ace  ot   ^  ,    W  ^^^^^_     ^,^^^ 

are  of  such  folly. 

I  K,ve  no.  spoke,  separat*  of  '>- ,;^-- U::'^- ^ 
of  n,o„.h,  and  of  cav.  Co„cor,„ng  ^  --^  ^'f,'^  ,  ■  ,„  ,,i„g  that 
k  for  the  U.!.oof  of  anchoresses  ;  ?»  »  ™'  ^  ^  ,,^„^.,,-„  b,  fc,,ed 
„„  anchoress  should  hoar  such  a  •"»>  f ' '  -^3,^,     We  have  now 

tb"t  she  lends  ''«--"-  --';';;    etrrhcarins,  of  each  in 
disconrscd  separately  of  sight,  o    sp  cc  ^^^^__^^^^__^ 

order.     Proceed  ve  now  to  speah  aga.n  ot  tl.un 

O.  stcarr,  srEEcn,  ako  u.Mt.NO.  i.  common. 

^  »  "     "  Understand,  recluse,"  he 
..Zelatns  scan  Slon  .elo  nragno.       J^        ^^'^  ,^^  ^„  ,,^^ 

saith,    "whose  sponse  thou  «"''«, 'if:  -^  jj^^j,,,     .J  „„;•  of 
hchavionr."     "Ego  su.n  Deus  .c^     ,      ^^^^     ,  ^^      ..  ,  ^^,,^  .^„,, 
himself    "the  jcalons  God.  ''"=  i^lonsv."      "  Auris  zeh 

of  thee,  O  Zion,  n,y  ^;'--^;-^'  ^  ^'^  "  ^^  L,.,  M  oculns  . " 
audit  o.nnia,-sa,th    he  w.s    Soknon  ^^  ^^_^^^  ^^^^^  ,^^ 

know  thou  right  well,  Ins  ears  "  °  ""      ;  ,,  ,,eholds  thee, 

,.earetl,  and  seeth  all  <'>^^';-  J^i;^-,:;  ,ool.  toward  .ices, 
if  0,ou  tnahest  any  shew  «  ^^  l^^  I  ,„,,=  ,.  He  callcth  thee 
"ZehitnssumSion.  ^'°"'       ,  ■      ,,,,   r,,^   ..rel    none   other's. 

'-  """■-■  ^  ""'-T  ^^"t:^;^.:  lc"Ostonl.nil«  facie..- 
Wherefore,  he  sattli  '"  ">\^V  hit  o  no  other.  Look  upon  rae, 
.Shewth,.f=^oton,e,    hesattl,       -    '.-  ,_^,^^.^^     ,„„, 

U-  thou  wilt  1-c  eh.     ^  ^^.^^^^^  ^,,y  ,„„,,     I    „  a 

within,  where  I  am,    nd    s,  U  ^^^_^^^  ^^^^^  ;„  , 

ha,hf«l  wooer.  I  wdl  "''  ^  '  >,^,  ,^,,  ,,  „,  ,,,ouse.  Let  her 
place."     In  such  wise  oui    LolU  -1 

•■'   Z;»e'h:iriali,  viii-  -•  ,,   ci,,,,,,  of  Soluiuoii,  ii.   li. 


niuchel  one,  ];aiili  he  liiresclumie:  ?  so  one  ])ct  lieu  pute  euericli 
workllicli  birig  *?  cuericli  worldlicli  murliSe  iit  of  liire  heorte  :*  vor 
lieo  is  Godcs  cluiumbre,  ]?ci-  noisC  no  cunieb^  ine  heorte,  bate  o( 
suininc  l>ingc  f  me  haueS  o^er  iseicn,  oSer  ilierd,  isuieilit,  ocJer 
smelled,  7  wibuten  iiieled  r'  ^2  Avutelb  to  so'Se  ]/et  cucr  so  ];e  wittes 
beo-S  more  ispreinde  ^  ntwavdos,  se  heo  lesse  wendet  iinvardes  r'  1 
euer  se  recluses  tote^i  more  uhvardes,  se  heo  habbeS  lesse  Imie'^  of 
vre  Loxierd  inwardes  r'  "1:  alriht  so^  or];e  oSre  wittcs.  ''•  Qui  extcrlorl 
oculo  negligenter  utitur,  justo  Dei  judicio  iuterlori  cecutuv."  J .o  li \v;i !. 
sein  Gregorie  seiS — "Hwo  se  jemeleasliche  witeX  hire  uttre  eien, 
]nirh  Godes  rihtwise  dome  heo  abliiideS  in  ]'e  iiu-e  eicu  :f  so  ]>vt  heo 
lie  mei  iscon  God  mid  gostliche  sihSe,  nc  ]»urli  swuclie  s^h^)e 
icnowen.  Yor  efter  ];et  me  icnoweS  his  mueliele  godnesse,  7  efter 
■bet  me  ivele^  his  swete  swotnesse, — efter  ]'et  me  luueS  hine  moi-e 
o'Ser  lesse."  VorSi,  mine  leoue  sustren,  beoS  wiSuten  bliude,  ase  was 
Fol!o'22h.  ];e  liolie  Isaac  ^  7  Tobie  }>e  gode:  7  God  wule,  ase  he  ^ef  ham, 
jiuen  ou  liht*'  wiSinnen,  him  uorto  isconne,  7  icnowen:^  7  Juu-uh  J^e 
cnouleclumge,  ouer  alle  ]>ing  him  luuienr't'  7  J'eonne  seliullen  je 
iseon  hu  al  ]>c  world  nis  nout,  7  lui  liire  uroure  is  Ms :'  7  ]hu1i  ]7cL 
sihSc  je  schulen  iscon  alle  ]?es  deofles  wieles  t  hu  he  bIwrencheS  7 
biclicrreS  wreches.'^ 

Ee  schulen  iseon  in  ou  sulf  hwat  bco  jete  to  beten  of  our  owene 
sunnen.  TjC  schulen  biholden  sumetime*  touward  tc  pine  of  helle, 
J?et  ou  agrupie  ajean  ham,''  7  flco  ]>e  swuSere  nronmiard  ham.  Le 
schulen  gostliche  iseon  J?e  blissoi  of  houene,  uor  to  ontenden  our 
heorte  to  hieri  touward  heom.'  Ee  schulen,  ase  ine  scheauwarc, 
iseon  ure  Lcfdi  mid  hire  meidenes,  7  al  ]>e  engk-ne  uerd,'»  7  al  ]>c  lieie 

«  nurS  no  hire  kinicN.  C,  '"  ibiciiidc.  C.  T. 

<:  Icoinc.  T.  C.  ''  1  alssva.  T. 

•^  Jacob.   C.      Ysaac.   T.  '  1  Go.l  W  ln\ilc  ■^cf  ham  -^i-ouvn  <,f  licl.t.   V. 

L'  of  alls-^  I'lii"- t'>  luuicn.   C.  ''    ^vl■.■lu•llos.    C. 

•  suuicliiTi-.   ('.  •*    h  oil  ;;ri.~L'  wiN  liam.   C.      )>  ow   iiy-i  w  iN  liani.   'J'. 

>  toliilKii  tiain  |.i.lri-wai-.t.   T,  "'   mto.    C. 


WOULDLY   SKill  IS  .\1)\  KliSE  TO  .SPI  RITUAL   M  I.DITATIONS.        93 

never  wonder,  tliiTei'.ire.  though  lie  shun  lier,  if  >]ie  is  not  much 
alono;  and  so  alone  t!:a(  slie  exclude  every  worldly  thinu',  and  every 
worldly  joy  fj-oiu  her  heart,  for  it  is  God's  chamber,  whert;  disquiet 
Cometh  not  into  the  he,t5-t,  except  of  that  hath  Ijeen  either 
seen  or  heard,  tasted  or  smelled,  and  felt  outwardly.  And  know 
thou  i'nv  a  truth,  that  always  the  more  the  sen-es  are  dispersed 
outward,  the  less  slie  turns  [her  tlioughts]  inward,  and  tlic  more 
recluses  look  outward,  they  have  less  love  of  oar  Lord  inwardly ; 
and  it  is  just  the  same  with  the  other  senses.  "  Qui  exteriorl  oculo 
nccrligcntcr  utitur,  justo  Dei  judicio  intcriori  cajcatur/'  Observe 
what  St.  Gregory  saith,  "  She  who  guardeth  carelessly  her  outward 
eyes,  by  God's  righteous  judgment  groweth  blind  in  the  inv.ard 
eyes  ;  so  that  she  camiot  see  God  with  spiritual  sight,  nor  by  such 
sight  know  hiu.i ;  for^  according  as  wc  know  his  great  goodness, 
and  feci  his  delicious  sweetness,  we  love  him  more  or  less." 
Wherefore,  my  dear  sisters,  be  outwardly  blind,  as  was  the  holy 
Isaac  and  the  good  Tobias;'  and  God  Avill  give  you,  as  he  gave 
them,  inward  light  to  sec  him  and  know  him ;  and,  through  this 
knowledge,  to  love  him  above  all  things ;  and  then  shall  you  see 
how  the  whole  world  is  nothing,  and  how  deceitful  is  its  comfort ; 
and,  through  that  sight,  ye  shall  see  all  the  wiles  of  tlie  devil ;  how 
he  cheateth  and  deceiveth  his  wretched  dupes. 

1  ou  should  look  into  yourself  and  see  what  sins  of  your  own  are 
yet  to  amend.  You  should  sometimes  consider  the  pain  of  hell,  that 
you  may  abhor  them,  and  flee  the  more  resolutely  from  them.  You 
should  look,  in  spirit,  to  the  blessedness  of  heaven,  in  order  to 
kindle  in  your  heart  the  desire  to  hasten  thither.  You  should 
behold,  as  in  a  mirror,  our  Lady  with  her  maidens,  and  all  the  ai-niy 
of  angels,  and  all  the  high  heavenly  host,  and  Iliin  above  tlicMU  all 
who  blesseth  them  all,  and  is  the  cruwn  of  tln-iu  all.  'J'his  sight, 
deal"  sisto's,  shall  be  of  more  comfort  to  you  than  any  worldly  sighl 
coidd  be.  Tloly  men  who  have  cx])erienced  it  know  \vv]l  that  eveiy 
worldly  deliglif  is  worthless  when  compared  with  It.  ["'-I'o  him  that 
ovorcometli  will  I  give  lo  eat  of  the]  hidden  manna."  &'c.  '-and  a  new 



hcoucnliclie  liird/  1  liiin  oner  ham  alio,  f  blcsceS  ham  alle,  1  is  horc 
aire  cruue/'  pcos  sihbJe,  leoue  sustreii,^  sclial  iiroureu  ou  more 
]K'iie  mulite  eni  Avorldlich  sih\Sc.  Iloli  men  wutob  wel  ]>Qt  haLbeJS 
liit  iuonded,  ]>et  eucricli  worldlich  glcdutige  is  uriwuro  her  ajeines. 
"Manna  absconditum, '?c.  nomen  nouurLi  quod  nemo  seil  nisi  qui 
accipit."  "Hit  is  a  derne  halewi/'  seiS  sein  Johan  ewangeliste''  in 
]>ii  Apocalipse, — "hit  is  a  dcrnc  hcalewi  ]'ct  no  mon  ne  ienowec^  y 
naueb  liit  ismccclied."  pis  smech,  7  tis  cnownngc,  kunieS  of  gost- 
liche  sihSe,  7  of  gostliche  herungc,  7  of  gostlichc  speche,  Jjct  heo 
schulcn  habben,  f  forgoS,  for  Godes  luue,  worldliche  herunge,  7 
eorSliche  ?pechen,  7  flechsliche  sih^en  t'  7  efter  ])Q  sihSc  ^  is  nu 
deosc  her,  jc  schulen  habben^  J'er  uppe,  ]'e  brihto  sihSe  of  Godes 
nebscheft  ^  ])et  alle  glednesse ""  is  of,  i^e  blissc  of  hcoucne,  mucliel 
biuoren  ohrcJ  Vor  ]>c  rihtwise  God  haucS  so  ideu^cd  ])ct  euerich- 
oncs  mcde  ])er  schal  onswcrien  ajein  ]^o  swine,  7  ai^eiu  ])0  anui  =  ]'et 
FoUo  23.  heo  her  uor  his  luuc  cdmodliche  ]?olie^  :''^  ant  for];ui  hit  is  riht  7 
somheh^f  ancrcn  ])eos  two  morhjiuen'' habben  biuoren  o5re,—}jet 
is  s%\-iftnes5e,  ant  leome  of  a  briht  silrSe :'  swiftnesse  ajeines  J^et  heo 
bco'cS  her  so  bipenned  t'  leome  of  a  briht  silrSe,  ajeines  ]>et  heo  her 
beostreS  nu  ham  suluen,  7  nuUeS  nouSer  iseon  mon,  ne  of  mon  beon 
iseien.  Alle  J^-eo  ine  heouene  schulen  beon  ase  swiftc  ase  is  nu 
monncs  )70uht,  7  ase  is  j?c  sunne  gleam,  J^et  smit  from  east  into  J^o 
west,  ant  ase  ])e  eie  opened  7  tuneiS  r'  auh  ancren  [}]  bitiuieS^  her, 
schulen  beon  []?er],  ^if  eni  mei,  liliture  beon"^  7  swifturer  7  ino  so 
wide  scheakelcs  pleicn  ine  heouene,  ase  me  seiS  ine  heouene  is  large 
leswc,  ]>Qt  tet  bodi  schal  beon  hwar  so  euer  ];e  gost  ^vule,  in  one 
hondhwule."      pis  is   nu   ])e  one   morhjiue  ]>Qt  ieli   seide  ]>et  ancren 


■Siues.  T. 

b  child 

halescnc  liink-. 
re.  C. 
C.  T. 


■Mq  hal 


,  liird.   T. 
c  godspelUMV 
^  gk.dschipe. 


f  Vide 
e  niim 

ims  nunc  qiia^il 
.  C.      cimui.  T 



I  in  ei 

igmatc.  T. 
h  holedo.  C. 

'  <Ai'inl 

fli.   C.   T. 

^  inarec-lij;euc'n. 


r^>,■^..   C. 
.    Quid  c^.t  Cllill 


(,d  m.vii 

nt,  ul 

""  l.n.   C. 

i  si-iijiitc'i)\  on 



,„,.vi.,ghe.lmtK.cdvctlut."«     "Iti^a 

„„„o  .Inch  m,  H,an  kn,...J     ,       „^  ,,^.„     ,Ust,  in  the  Ai»cal,n«e; 
.  it  i,  n  .oa-et  nK-dicine  wl„ch  no  i.«n  '-'  o;^-^'  ,  ^;,,,„    „„d  of 

.,,i,.i.«a  heaving,  and  of  si   spccc  .       ^^^.^,_,^, 

^Lse.  «-ho  fovcgo,  for  .U.  '-'C        ,t!'l'i,: ,    .w\  now  is?  .vhid.  is 

'r-t  '"'"'  "'■';"/tr'  *  -0  i  o*  tl,:  L.-igi.  sigi.  of  God. 
dim  l.ere,  vc  sludl  '"^'  ;'>"  „,^  Ucsscdncss  of  heaven,  much 
countenance,  of  widch  .s  nil  joy  "  ^  ^^^  ;,,  ,„  j„,,ged  that  the 
,„„.e  than  o.hc...  Tor  the  r.ghteo  God  h  t  J^^  =^^.^^^,^,^  ^,^^ 
,ueed  of  even-  one  shall  con-es  ond  t    the  o  ^^^^^^^^^^^  .^  .^ 

„e  patiently  endn.eth  1k«  f^^    '^  ^  /,  ,,,  .l^sc  t.o  special  gifts 
right  and  proper  that  anchore»es  si  ould  _^^^^     ^^    ^.^j^^. 

„r„ro    than    others,   namely,   -;^'- /^^  ^„„fi„„, ,  clearness  of 

swiftness,  in  requnal  "f  ''" J"'^.^     ;       ,,,r,elf  here,  and  heing 

sight,  in  compensat.on  for  '"^^   <1""^'"'  =    „,„.      All  who  are  in  i; 

unwilling  either  to  see  or  to  ho  .on         ».  ^^^^  ^^  ^,^^  ^„,^.  , 

Leaven  shall  be  as  sw>ft  as  -»'        ''^\^  j,„  eye  openeth  and  i 

beam  that  darts  frou,  east  to  "^^  '  •''™;^,,^„  [„„,,]  be,  if  any  1 

shutteth ;  but  an  anchoress  shut  "P     -^    '  ,,^,     ,i,  Uoaveu  in  I 

may,  both  more  light  and_  n,ore  ^  ^ ,,  amU  ^^^  1  ^^  ^^^^^^^^_ 

such  wide  confincs-as  it  is  saul  i-  .^^  ^^^  ;„3t„„t,  , 

,l,at  the  body  shall  be  .«  '«-'«™    '  \;],i  „,„t  ,„choresses  shall 

Kow  this  is  the  one  ^-ee-l  g.<>.      ;'  ;  .  ,  ^.,^  ;,  ^hat  of  sight.     All 

l„,vo  „,ore  than  others,     fhc  oh     n«  >;    »        ^^,,,,,,3,3,  fo,.  their 

blindfolding  here,  skdl     nue     ^         ^^^^  ^^_^___^^j^^  ^^.,_^^  ^^^.^  „„,  „„,,- 
l,i,,a,,„  ,nyster,es  of  Go     and  .  ^^^  ^^.^,^       ,^^ 

tu  know  about  things  without,  cltl.c,  vMt 

ii.  V 


TM-.GUL.E  iN(Lr>;.\urM. 

schuleii  Iiabben  biuoren  o5rc.  pe  oSer  moilijiue  is  of  siliSe.  All.; 
]>eo  iue  Iicouoie  iseoS  iiic  God  alio  |^ing  r'  auli  ancren  sclmlcn  brilit- 
luker,  uor  liore  blindfulhinoo  her,  iseon  ant  under.stoiulen  ]>er  Godes 
dernc  runes,  ?  bis  derne  domes,  ]'et  ne  kcpcS  nu  to  wuteu  of  j?inn-o.s 
wi Hilton,  lie  mid  earen  ne  mid  eicn, 

^  Vor^i,  nn"no  leone  sustro)!,  jif  cni  moii  bit  fort  iseon  on,  a>kc^  of 
him  hwat  god  ]>erof  mulitc  liliten  :'  ^  or  moni  viiel  icli  iseo  j^erinno,  7 
none  biheue:'-'  J  ^if  lie  is  jncMcas,  ileueS  liim  ])e  wnrse:'  ?  jif  cni 
wurSe^  so  wod,  ?  so  awed,  ji  he  Morpe  his   bond   forS  tonward  ]'g 
)7iirl  cloS,^  swiftlichc  anonriht,  schutre?)  al  )>et  J^url*^  to,  ?  letted  bine 
Folio  23^    i^^'"!'^^™,  ?  also  sone  asc  eni  mon  ualle'5  into  luSer  spcche,  )>et  fallc 
tonward  fule  Uuq,^  tnneS   ]?et  jnirl  anonriht :'  ?  ne  answerie  je  him 
nowiht,<^  auh  wcndeS  awei,  mit  tisse  uers,  J?ct  lie  hit  nunve  iheren/ 
"Xarraverunt  mihi  iniqni   fabnlaciones,  sed  non   nt  lex  tua :"'  ant 
goS  forb   biuoren   ower  weouede  -  mit  te  miserere.     Ne  chnstie  tc 
neuer  nennc  swuchne  mon  bute  o  ])i;,se  wiser'  vor,  mit  te  cliastie- 
ment,  he  nudite  onswerien  so,  ?  bluwen   so   liJSeliche  J;et  sum  sperke 
muhtc  acwikicn.     No  wouhleche  iiis  so  culiiert  ase  is  o  pleinto  wis:' 
ase  h^vo  se  ]nis  seide:   "Ich  nolde,  uor  te  Jwlien  deaSe,  ]>enche  fulcSe 
tonward  te  r'  auh  ich  heuede  isworen  hit,  luuien  ich  mot  te/'  ?  nu 
me  is  wo  f  tu  hit  wost.     Auh  forgif  hit  me  nu,  ])et  ich  hit  habbe 
itold  te,  "?  ]?auh  ich  schulde  iwurSe  wod,  ne  schalt  tu  neuer  more  eft 
witen  hu  me  stont."     Ant  lieo  bit  forjiucxS  him,  uor  he  spekeS  ])u.> 
feiro,  7   speke^   Jjconne   of  oSerMhat.      Auh  "euer  is  ]jc  eie  to  ]>e 
wude  leie,*  j^erinnc  is   ];et  ich   luuic/'     Euer  is  ])e  hvovio  in  ];ero 

»  bisetc.   C.  b  swa  wod  J.  lie  waqic  lioiid  }>,.  lnin:U  )'o  cl.iN.   C 

'^  windohe.  T.  ^  ImiP.  C.  T. 

'  ~l  nc  spcl<o  no  more  liiiii  to.   C 

'  liecliiiate  a  me  inalJKiii,  i  snutalior  iiiandata  I)i.i  nu  i.   T.  t;  .,^^t  r    'I' 

*■  hwa  is  \viir>o  k-]ie  he  }>  on  sloji  hit  liitiiiiio;')  me  :-  Xu  nic  is  v.a.  C.  Iiwa  is  wiirsi- 
hfii  1110?      Moni  'Icp  hit  roaiU'^  mo.      Xu.   T. 

'  wodclo^o;  T  1-0  li.dto  hiu'ko  oliml.ocS  l^onipiH-.  'Iwa  -)  |.iv<,,  Ini  f.  (do  1.  .o.N  joo  -  1--  i 
halporios  n,al.o,N  a  ],o„i.      Anion;   T  ouor  is.    C. 



imu  «lu,t  y.oa  HMgl.t  «,,m   ot    t.  .  ^  ,;;,„,,„  1,53  ■,  muliC 

good;  .n.l  if  '-;'-^''V:r"nli      -      nal..e  that  ho  puts  i.v.h 
any  one  ho<-o,neth  so  .kx    =.hI  ^o  t.  ^^.^^      ^„,^ 

Ws'h»„a  towaal  tho  .nuVw  ^'l"^';;' .^ 'l'  „,  „,,  ai'couvso  that 

leave  him;  and  as  »»!  ^  ,  ™-  ,  f j       „"  ai.-ectly  and  give  hh„ 
tends  towards  .mpuro  hfo,   clos.  the  _^^^^.  ,^^,^^.  j,^ 

no  answer  at  all,  hut  go  away  w,        '      - -'^^^  „^^„,,,-„„  ,„  ,,y 
..The  wiehed  have  told  >ne  f*''^''  *f  :  "^   ,,,^  ^Ii,,,,,e.     Do  «ot 
,,,,.,  and  go  forth  Vx.fore  .7- :;.;;*  ty  but  this,  for.  wi.h 
...oprove  any  n,an^  of  s„ch  -  ;  ^^^Vwav  and  Wow  so  gently  that 
the  reproof,  he  m.ght  ar.swe,  m  .^      ■  ^^^  ^^^,^^^^.^,,  i^  ^„ 
„  spark  .night  he  ^tujckened     >    »/'    '^^.J    „,  if  one  sooke  thus : 
perllious  as  that  wljieh  ,s  , n  a  P    -',  e  s  .  n  •  ^^^^^^^  „,,, 
.<  I  would  rather  sufter  'I  ""''  '^y^,^^,,,  „„t  l,dp  loving  you; 
regard  .0  you;  hut  had     -^^^^^  E,„  ,,,  forgive  me  that  I 
and  yet  I  ant  grieved  that  you  know  .t                      ^^_^^^  ^^^^^^  _^^^.^^, 
,,ave  told  you  of  it;  and,  though  J  si  ouhl           ^^^^^  ^  .^^^_  ,^^^.^^^^^ 
after  this  know  how  .t  .s  w,  h  me        A  c^              ,    ^^^^_^^_^       ^.^_^_ 
he  speaks  thus  fair,  and  th       i^^               ^^^^^  ,^  ,„„,  I 
..  the  eye  is  over  toward,  "-  ;' ^  ^  \=^^  ^,5,,  ,,,,■„,,,..    and  still, 
fi              l„ve."     The  heart  is  ever  »1'"'<      'f  ^^     ^^^,,,.,1^  .,  ,,,.  thoughts, 
r                  .„e,,  he  is  gone,  ^^^  "'^^^^  t    tnething  else.     He 
„,,,,  she  ought  to   attend   J  >  '^  "                          ,;,^  ,n,,  .wears  that 
wards  seeke.h  an  op,..,rtnn,ty  *"  '        '^         1       ,   .  „.^^  ,,„,  ,„„,       „„, 
;„  r,,v,.eshinilo.h'it;  and  ihn,  11"  '^n„ 




.    Or  i,n,.uvc  Iwvo.    C  T. 




uovuie  speclic:'  ?  jct  Invon  ]ic  is  foJ-^So,  lico  v/cnt-''  In  liirc  ]nilitc  o(^...' 
svvucho   woi-lIcs,   hwon   lico   scliuldo    oSorliwat   jeonicllclie  50111011. 
He  eft  seclicS   his   point  uorto  bicke  uorcward,  tint  swcrc'S  ]/ct  he 
inot  iii'do  :'^  ant  so  waxeS  }q  wo,  sc  lengrc  se  wurr;c  :' "  uor  110  frcoiul- 
schinc  ni?  so  vucl  asc  is   fair,   fVcoiidschlpe.       Uc/nd  ]>ct  Jninchco 
freoiid  is  swike  ouer  alio  swihe.     Uorj;i,  1111110  k'ouo  sustroii,  no  jiuc 
30  to  none  swuclic  monno  11011  injoiig  to  r^ivkciie.     Yor  asc  hoh  writ 
sciS,  "horo   spcclio  spret   as-o   caunoro,"      Auli   for   alio  onsworcs, 
weiidoS  oil   ant  weuohoo  '^  froinuiard  hini.     Al  ^o  as  ioh  or  soldo,  o 
none  v/ise  no  niiiwe  30  botoro  sauuoii  ou  sulucii,  ant  niatoii,  7  ouor- 
Folio  24.     cnmon  him  [betoro].     Lokc^S  nu,  hii  proia-elloho  j^o  lofdi  in  Cpntieisj 
Godos  dcorewnriSe   spiise,  lereS   on,  bi   hire   sawc,  liu  je  sohulen 
sirrgen,    "En   dilectus   mens    loquitur    niilii.   Surge,  propera  aniica 
iiiea,   7c."     Lo,   ho   solo,   "icli   ihero   nu   mi    lcofnio)i  spoken:'  ho 
clcopcSmo:'  ich  mot  gon:"  7  50  gon  anouviht  to   our  dorcwur^c 
spuso  7  loufmoii,  ant  mone^;  ou   to  his  oaron  ])ot  luuoHohc  clopo-iS  ou 
to  him  mit  teos  woixlos:   "Surge,  propera,  arnica  moa,  formosa  moa, 
columba  moa  :'  7  voiii,  ostondo  mllii  I'aciom  tuam.     Sonet  uox  tua  in 
auremoa:'"  ]K't  is,  "arisup;  hie  })o  hooneward ;  7  cum  to  mo,  mi 
leofmon,  mi  kulure,  mi   schene,   mi   voire   spuso."     "  Ostende  mihi 
fiiciom  tuam."    "  Schoaii  to  mo  J'l  leouo  neb  7  ti  lufuime  loor.   Went 
te  vrom  oSrc.     Sonet  uox   tua   in   auribus  meis.     Sole  hv.o  haue^) 
misdon  ]?e.     IIwo  haue\S  ihurt  to,  ml   doore.      Sing  inc  min  earen ; 
vor  )>ui  pot   tu  no  wilnest  buto  uor  to  isoon  mi  Invite.'^     No  spoke 
bute  to  mo.     pi  stefne  is   mo  swoto,  7   ti   hwite  schono.''      Vnde  7 
subditur,  "  vox  tua   dulcis,  7  facios   tua  decora."'     pis  beoS  nu  two 
hinges  ]Kt  boc.5  iluucd  swuSo:   swoto  spcclio,  7  schoiic  Invite :   hwo 
se  ham  haue\S  togoderes,  swucho  choose t)  Jesu  Crist  to  leofmon  7  to 
spuso.      Lif  ]Hi  wilt   bec.n   swuoh,  no   sclicau   ])u   none  monno  []>i] 

•■'  K-»"r)  v.i-niUii.   T.      ii:.  v.cnl.    C. 
'■  luutMcdc;  -,  ^Ait  icl.  l,al,bo  a  node  c.' 
lial.e  a  iifdo  <-vn'\v,  T  )•:  r  wi.^ccS  j-e  \v;i.   C. 
<=   lokc'lc  Min. I  h.MS  -)  uaacm..i!n.-s  cclr^^-  or. 
•1   ^^x'U^V■■^■^ 

u  :    b.rh  Lit  ivim> 
u  iVi-'"  iir;cliii>o.   C. 

•11,  icU 

iiiK  i.ovr. 

,r  ,„,.,,.T  .U.ONK,  TO  UK  m..u.E.x 


„v  dear  sistefi,  ?ivc  "»=■"<:""'        .^     ..Their  word   spreads  u. 

U  a  canker."  "     Af '"   f  ^°^  l,e,,  in  no  other  ..,•  may  you 
W,„,  and  go  away.     J-*    fje" '  „,,,  ....-^uer  l,i,,>.     Observe,  no« 
better  save  yo"-f'<:\"^Canteks,  God's  beloved  sfouso,  .each  tl 
how  rightly  the  lady  u,  the  Ca  t    1         ^_         ^^^^^^^^^  _^^^„^  ,        t„. 
vou  bj°her  words  how  you  ^lutU    aj    ^     __  ^^^^  ^^.^,_^  „  I  ho,n. 

^  -W     suree,  propera  mn.ea  moa,    K..  ^_^^^         y,_ 

mini ,  svu^-,  11        1   .  v,a   pnllctli  m'-  ^   ^  ^"        °  ^ 

now  my  beloved  speak     he  <^»  '<=  ,„„,,,  ,.ud  n.ako  you. 

■nmediately,  to  your  ^-'■;^i„tt:iy  calls  you  to  hinr  with  tte 
complaint  in  his  ears  -',;-f        "l^  A,;...,  hie  thee  hitherw:rrf 
.vords,  "  Surge,  propera     &.;•*'>  beauteous,  my  f.. 

,nd  come  to  me,  ™J'  ^f  ^."^^'  "4„  „  ..  Let  me  see  thy  dear  face, 
lusc."  "  O^to"^^  ■"*'  ''''''  Tt^'  away  frour  others.  I-et  thy 
Z  thy  lovely  «-*"»-,  Tr hath iftendedtheeMVhoa^. 
voice  sound  iu  my  cars,     bay,  w .  _  ^^^.^.^^^  ^„,^  to  see 

:;  thee  n,y  dear?     Sing  m  my^  -  '^    ^..^^  ,  ^^..^  to  ,ne  and 
„,,,  countenance,  speak  only  to  m  :,    ^^^^^^^^  ,,  ^^^^  &c 

y  cottntenance  is  comely.       W>   '-       ^^^,^^^  .  ^  ^,^.       ,o,ce^  an 
These  are  now  tsvo  thmgs  that  are  ^^  ^^^^^^  j^^„,  Chust 

tocom>t»ance:  whoso  ^ath  bort^thes     ^^^^^^  ^^,,,  ,„„„,,  ,et  no 


|f>''»  laxa'L.i:  inclusahi  ai. 

liwite:'  v.c  uv  K'te  IjlIJSclichc  iliereii  ]?inc  sj)cclie.  Auh  luii  I)<i>ic  l.t 
Crist:'  to  ]'i  Jccrew  urSe  spus  :^  asc  he  bit  j^crniipo :'  as;>  )mi  wilt  )'Lt 
ti  speclie  JHUiche  him  swete,  1  tl  hwitc  schenoj  7  liiiljlx'ii  liiui  to  loof- 
iiion  ])et  is  a  })u>ent  fold  schonre  j^cii  ]>e  suiiuc. 

IlcJX-iieb  iiu  jeoj-ne'.iehe,  mine  htouQ  siistreu,  al  an  obor  spt'che,  7 
frommard  tisse  vorjiie.  IlcrcneS  im  hu  Jesu  C'rist  sj)rkc^)  asc  o 
AvreSSe,  7  seib  ase  o  grim  hokcr,  7  a  scorn  to  ]k'o  ancro  J'ot  schulde 
Ijcon  his  leofmon,  7  secheS  ]>auh  utward  gelunge ''  7  froure,  mid  cio 
0(Scr  mid  tnr,ge.  In  Caiiticis :  "  Si  ignoras  te  o  piilcra  inter  mu- 
iicrc?,  egredere,  7  abi  [)ost  uestigia  grogmn  tuormn  :^  7  pascc  cdos 
tuos  juxta  taljcrnacula  pastorum,"  pis  bco^  ]?e  wordes :  "  EiF  ]ni 
ne  k-nowcst  j^e  sulf,  ])u  ueir  bimong  wmnmen,  wend  \\i,  7  go  eftcr 
gato  lici-dt-n  :'  7  loswe  ]>ino  ticchoncs  bi  heordmonno  hi.den,  of  ris  7 
of  Icaues."  j^is  is  a  cruel  word,  7  a  grim  v.ord  mid  alio,  ]>  vro 
Loucrd  seiu  ase  a  gi'ome  7  a  scorn  to  totinde,  7  to  hercwile,  7  to 
babclinde,  7  to  spekefule  ancreii.  Hit  is  bilepped  7  bihud :'  ac  icli 
jiit  wuUc  unuolden.  "  Nime-S  nu  gode  jemc,  jif  ]m  ne  cnowest  noiu 
)7C  sulf;'  he  sei^,  ure  Louerd.  pet  is,  "jif  ]ni  nost  nout  hwas  spuse 
]>n  ert ;'  cwene  of  Iieouene,  jif  ]ni  ej't  me  treowo  aso  spusc  ouh  to 
be()nn(>.  Eif  |ni  ]>is  luuiest  uor;^itcn,  7  tellcst  hcrto  Intel,  wend  nt, 
7  go,  he  seiu."-  Ihvuder?  "Vt  of  mine  heilischipc:  vt  of  mine 
invichele  nierJce,  7  foknve  licordcn  of  geat,"  lie  sciS.  IFwr.t  hcoh 
heorden  of  geat?  pet  beoL)  flcsclies  lustes,  ]>et  stinkcJS  ase  do^ 
geat,  biuoren  nrc  Louerd.  "  Eif  ]ni  hauest  noi'i^iten  nu  ])i  wur^fulo 
lefdischij)e,— go  7  folewe  ]'eos  geat :'"  f  is,  uoluwe  flesclics  lustes.  Nu 
kuuie^  ]»er  efter  ant  leswe  }>ine  ticchenes  :'  ])et  is,  ase  he  scide,  "  Ved 
I'liie  eien  mid  totunge,^  7  tine  tuuge  nn'd  chenelunge,  ]m\  caren  nuM 
heruugo,  ]'jne  noose  mid  smellunge,  ]'i  vlcschs  mid  softc  iielunge." 
peus  fir  \viites,  lie  cleope^  ticchenes :'  for,  also  as  of  a  ticchen,  ]?et 
iiauec>  swcte  vlesclis,  knmci)  a  stinkinde  got,  o^er  a  buckc :'"-'  alrilit 

K\A\ni.K  or  riiF.  luiiDi:  in  c  anti«:i.i>.  I'^l 

IS.Av,  lu'arkrii  utt.'utlv.'ly,  my  <lear  sisters,  to  a   .lultc  tlilll'ivut 
,|.veh    'aiul   c<.ntrai-v    to    the    lonuor.       Hearken    now    how  Jesus 
Christ'speaketh   as  in  wralh,  and  salth,  as  in  angry  derision  and  ni 
scum    to  the  anchoress  that  ought  to  he  his  hoh-ved,  and  yet  seeketh 
outward  delights  and  con.forts,  with  eye  or  with  tongue.      In  the 
Canticles,  "Si   ignoras   te,"  &c.      The   words  arc   these:   "If  thou 
knowcst  not  thyself,  tiioufalr  among  women,  go  out  and  go  atter  the 
lierds  of  goats,  ar.d  feed  tliy  kids  beside  tlie  herdsmen's  tents,  of  boughs 
and  lea\x's."      This   is  a  cruel  word,  and  an  angry   word^  withal, 
which  Cur  Lord  saith  in  displeasure  and  scorn  to  prying,  listening, 
..os.ippinu-    and  prating  anchoresses.      It  is  wrapped  up  and  con- 
cealed but  I  will  unfold  it.     "  Take  good  heed,  now,"  saith  our  Lord, 
^'if  thou  knowest  not  thyself;  that  is,  if  thuu  knuwest  not  whose 
spouse  thou  art,-.iueen  of  heaven,  if  thou  art  true  to  me  =^  a  spouse 
ouoht  to  be.      If  thou  hast  forgotten  this,  and  accountest  it  ot   little 
vafue-go  out,   and  depart,"  he  saith.      Whither?      "  Out  of  my 
hioh  place,  out  of  my  great  honour,  and  follow  the  herds  of  goat., 
vtith   he.      What  are  herds  of  goats?     They  are  the  lusts  of  the 
flesh,  which  stink  as  a  goat,  in  the  presence  of  our  Lord.     "It  tiiou 
hast  now  forgotten  thy  dignity  as  a  lady,-go  and  fbllow  those  ^a^s, 
that  is   fulh.;-  the  lusts  of  the  flesh.      Now,  then,  come  and  feed  thy 
kids-''  that  is  as   if  he  said,  "Feed  thine  eyes  with  looking  about, 
.nd  thy  tongue  with  prating,  thy  ears  with  lK.u-ing,  thy  nose  with 
sniellin..-,  th/ flesh  with  soft  feeling."     Tho.e  hve  senses  he  ca  leth 
U-ls-    f^;,i  n-oni   a  kid,   that    hath   sweet   fle^h,  cometh   a  st.nkn.g 
goat:  or  a  bud.  ;  ju.t  so,   tVon.  a  yom.g    s.eet   looking    ..r  a  s^^^^^ 
Lnh..,  or  a    soil   feehng,   waxeth   a    simkmg   h.t,   and  a   foul   Mn. 
,,a.    ;;nv    l-eerin,    anchore.s   ever    experie.u-.d    t    ,s,    whol.:dw:,^^ 

.ill  war' 



SO  of  a  jLiiig -'  swete  lokuiinv,  ooer  of  a  sweote  liorungc,  o'Ser  oi  a 
softe  uelunge  \yaxeb  a  stinkhxic  Iiisl,  and  a  ful  siimie.  IlweSe-r  cni 
totildf  ancrc  uondeJe  cuer  ]m,  ]K^t  Ix'keb   euer  vA\vin\\  a?;c  untowe 

/'V/K,  2o.  l)nd  iiie  cage?  Hwecier  j)C  cat  of  licllc  chuncde ''  eucr  toward  hire, 
7  cauhte/  mid  his  cleafrcs,  hire  lieorte  lieaued  ?  Le,  sotJci :'  ''i 
di-ouh  al  ut,  ]K>t  bodi  eftcr,  mid  clokes  of  crokede''  7  of  Iieiie  uon- 
dmiges:'  7  makede  hire  to  leoscii  boSe  God  7  mDii,  mid  brod  schoine 
7  sumic,''  Inouh  sori  lure :'  to  wroScrc  helc  bekede  cuer  ancrc  so  ut- 
" Egredere,"  he  seiS,  o  grome.  "Go  ut  use  dude  Dina,  Jacobcs 
doubter,  to  wrothcr  ^  hole :  "  ])et  is  to  siggen,  "bilef  me  7  mi  cumfort  ]> 
is  Avi^inne  he  breste,  7  go  sech  wiciutcii,  ]7e  worldes  urakele  urouren 
]7et  schulen  eudeii  ine  sor  7  iue  scoruwe.  Nim  ];erto,  7  Icf  mo  liw  on 
])e  so  is  leouere:  vor  ne  schal  tu  nonesweis  jjcos  two  ilkc  cumforz, 
miu  7  te  Avorklcs — ]?e  joic  of  tlie  lioli  gost  7  fleschcs  from  e  liabljcu 
togederes.  Cheos  im  ]m  on  of  ]>eos  two  :'  vov  ]^et  o'^er  ]?u  most  Icteu/' 
"b  pulcra  inter  nudieres  !  "  "  jif  ]>n  cnoA\cst  nout  ]'e  sulf,  })u  ueir 
bimong  wummen,"  sciS  ure  Louerd— ]ni  ueir  bimong  v.-ummen,  auli 
bimong  cngles  ])n  meiht  don  J>erto :"  J;u  sclialt  siker  elles  hwar  bcoii 
ueir  nout  one  among  wummen,  auh  among  cngles.  "  pu,  mi  deore- 
wurSe  spuse,"  sei^  ure  Louerd,  "schalt  tu  uoluwcn  geat  a  ueld,  ]'et 
beo-S  flesches  lustes  ?  "  Veld  is  Aviiles  breadc.  '•'  vSchalt  tu  o  ]nsse  wise 
uoluAVcn  geat  jeont  to  ucld?  pu  scholde^t,  i  );inc  lieorte  bur, 
biscchen  me  cosscs,  ase  mi  leofmon  ]>ct  seib  to  mc,  iSe  luuc  boc, 
"osculetur  me  oscido  oris  sui :»  ■]>  is  cus  mc,  mi  leofmon,  mid  cossc 
of  }>ine  mube,  mu^ene  swetcst."  ])es  cos,  Icoue  sustren,  is  a  swet- 
ncsse  7  a  delit  of  heorte,  so  uniuictc  swote  7  s\vetc>,  j'ot  eucrich 
worldes  sauvu-  is  bitter  ]>er  a;«;einesr'  auh  uvc  Louerd  mid  his  cossc 

Fol  25  /-.    no  cusseb  none  soulc  ])et  luue-b  ei  ]nng  Inite  him,  7  ]^eo  ilke  jdngvs, 
uor  him,  f  helped  to   habben  liim :'  7  tu  ]KHnvao,  Godcs  spusc,  )>ct 
iht  ihere)>,  her  biuorcn,  hu  sweteli<-h  ]m  spus  ^l)eke^.  7  cleoi)e^  ]>c 


^  clauhto.   C.      i-l.uAc.   J. 

1,.  I  b-ivnlM.-.   '!".]  l.iiv  :>t  :i  '■l:q>  I"'  '-■•^'■^''  "I  C'  )■<'   C. 
..    Sni...  ,.|  Snl,„ :    I.   I. 


TiiuSi-:  ,vi;i",  ^^■ll(»^ 



tlic  cat  of  liell  ever  cliUelicd  at  licr,  and  caii^lit  with  his  claws  her 
lienrt  head?  Yes,  truly  ;  ai'.d  drew  out  afterwards  her  whole  body, 
vritli  liooks  of  crooked  and  keen  teni|)tations  ;  and  made  her  to  lose 
botl)  God  and  man,  \\l{\\  ejicn  sliame  and  sin.  A  grievous  cnoui^h 
loss  !  Always  to  her  uttei-  ruin  lias  an  anchoress  thus  peered  out. 
" J-'gredere,"  salth  he,  in  anger.  "Go  out,  as  did  Dinali,  Jacob's 
daughter,  to  ntter  ruin;  "  tliat  is  to  sa}',  '''leave  nie  and  my  comfort 
which  is  within  tiie  l)reast,  and  go,  seek  without  the  world's  vile 
gi"atifications,  wliich  shall  end  in  pain  and  sorrow.  Take  to  it,  and 
]ea^■e  mc,  since  thou  preferrcst  it :  for  thou  shalt  not  by  any  means 
ha^•e  both  these  two  comforts,  mine  and  the  world's — the  joy  of  the 
Holy  Ghost,  and  tlie  grrdificatlon  of  the  flesh  together.  CIkjosc  now- 
one  of  these  two  ;  fer  thou  must  (juit  the  otlier."  ''  O  pulchra  inter 
midicresl"  "If  thou  knn\\-  not  thyself,  thou  fair  among  women," 
saith  our  T^ord,—  thou  fair  among  Avonien  ;  nay,  among  angels,  thou 
might  add  thereto;  thou  shalt  surely  be  hereafter  fiiir,  not  only 
among  women,  but  among  angels.  "  Thou,  my  dear  spouse,"  saith 
our  Lord,  "  shalt  thou  follow  goats  a-field,  wdiich  are  the  lusts  of  the 
flesh?"  Field  is  the  wide  range  of  the  will.  "Shalt  thou  in  this 
wise  follow  goats  over  the  field  ?  Thou  shoiddest,  in  thy  heart's 
bower,  entreat  me  for  kisses,  as  my  beloved  one,  that  saith  to  me,  in 
the  love  book,  '  Oscidetur  me  osculo  oris  sui,'  that  is,  kiss  me,  my 
beloved,  with  kiss  of  thy  mouth,  sweetest  of  mouths."  This  kiss, 
dear  sisters,  is  a  sweetness  and  a  delight  of  heart,  so  immeasurably 
delicious  and  sweet,  that  every  savour  in  the  world  is  bitter  when 
com[)ared  with  it:  but  our  Lord,  with  his  kiss,  kisseth  no  soul  that 
lovetli  anything  but  him,  and  those  things,  for  his  sake,  that  assist 
us  to  obtain  him  :  do  thon,  therefoix",  God's  spouse,  who  nn'ght  hear 
what  has  been  >:\h\  abwve,  liow  sweet!}'  tliy  spouse  s])eaket!i,  and 
c.dleth  tlieo  to  him  so  aileetlonately,  and  thereafter  how  lie  changes 
the  sti.iii!,''  and  si.eaketh  most  wrathfully,  if  thou  goest  out, — keep 
thee    in    tlr.    chiiinhei- :     feed    not    ihou    tliv  £i;o;itd<ids   \\ilhiiuf:     but 

l\,lh  20. 

,|,i  KEGLL.r.  IMl.l>Alil  M. 

lri,nliche,  jif  V»  «c.,Klo.t  v,,-HoU  tc  i  l,i.,o  ,>c  fed  tu 

Visoechs,-?  tino  sii.Se:   ant  tun  vest.  hor.  joan,  ,m,*    ?.,  .on, 

cam.:'  for  ""»t  ^o  l>eo«  Wlok'-'''^  ""^''K  l'^""'  ""■'  "■"'■  »"  '"": 
.etes  openeS"  buten  ajcin  Codes  .ondo,  7  liuc.S  ^  of  soul.,  "o„™ 
Lstodil  soma  co.  t.uun  :  "  "  ouor  alio  ),ing,  l>e„,,e,"  asc  S.lon,on 
leroS,  ■?  ich  seide  uoor  biuovor.  iKo  IVun.^c  of  ).,.  ta  c,  m,no  lorn,. 
,„st,o.,  '■  witoS  wcl  our  l.eortc."  pe  heorto  is  wol  llokcd 3d  n,u^  1 
oion  1  oarcn  wislicl.c  bco5  ilokeno:  vol-  hco,  aso  kd,  scde  or,  beo^ 
Vc  l.eortc  wovdclus:-  1  jif  I'O  «a.dci„s  ,vcndc5  .jt  ].c  b.5 
biwustvT.cle.'  !*  bcoS  ,.u  ].e  ),rco  wittcs  f  .ch  l.abbcn  .spo.™ 
„r  Spcko  ^vc  nu  schortlicbo  of  ).e  two  o5rc :  )>au  1,  ...s  ..out  spell- 
,„',2o  1,0  ...uSis  wit,  aso  s.ncccliu,.,20,  ),auli  bco..  LeoSe  ...c 

4.  Dk  Oi)OUii. 
Sincl  of  neose  is  >e  ucorSe  of  J-e  vif  wlttes.  Of  >isse  ^vittc  sei^ 
soint  Austin,  "  Do  odoribus  nimis  non  satago  :'  cum  as.^unt,  non 
vespuo;  cun.  absunt,  nou  reciuiro/'  Of  smcUcs,  1-  sei^  ne  uonJ 
ich'uout  muchelcs.  Eif  hco  beoS  noh  a  Gocks  balue  ^  %  ^.^  boo 
beo5  feor,  me  no  reccbcS.^  Vro  Louevd,  taub  ^uvub  Isa.e,  ],vca  eb 
ham  nud  belle  stuncb  ^  babbeb  debt  ber  n>e  ulesbcbe  smelles.  Lut 
pro  suaui  odore  fetor."  per  to  ^eines,  beo  scbulen  babben  bemien- 
licbe  smelles,  ]K>t  babbeb  ber  swot  of  ireu^  ober  of  boren,  ,e  i.eo 
bereS,^  oSer  of  swoti  batereu,  o^er  of  l>ieke  en-  j'  m  inre  buse  stuncli 
ober  Invule  and  strong  brcS  ine  neose.  Aucb  ]>cr  of  bcob  nyar, 
ndne  leoue   sustren,   ]>et    o^er    luvile   ]>e   ueond    makeb   sum  JMng 

,      V  ,.  ,,.,1   I,  W.  .>i.HO'^.  T.      ^v:lch  o^•cl•  w:.l,  openi  ?;.^  n:.ut  ower  j;rl,.n.  C. 

lif.   C. 

„t_.  fuilK-V  "  1'  !'■'"'  "'"■''''  T  ''■"         '      '"" 

natit  I  i.r  ixs-du-.  C. 

Mtro  o^.v  of  wilJc-;.  air.   'J' 

p.vs.  T.     liii>  I  "f  '■•"'■'''  !■■'"-'-  ^- 

-.:.■.  'I, 



1  ^1,    Mr,.!   thv   ■.■."lit   ^v■lt^.lu•,   nml  shut  i'lst 


I  i 

4.   Of   Smki.1- 

-Puo;  cu,n   aV,s.„.,  u.n  ";;'"';;  ,„^,,,;'''    \[,,,,°„.e     .x....nt,i,. 
G.,a-s  nanKs  [.hey  -e  -^-e^        ^^^^      ^^.^,^  ,,,^,  ^,^.,^^.,  „,  ,„„ 

"T^  r  :  :*::  On  t  o  :::..>..a,  .Uey  si.,,  sn,.,,  cCes,-.,,  o  ,.. 

«   ,1-   «-"'  "'■f'"'   ""■"-';,    it:   ana,  at' ..h.v  ti -S  tin- 

,,„,oiv,..-n,a,<eil,asw.,.-tsa,c.|l    t,.  en..  ,  . 


..,t<'S  n,l.) 



MS.  Ono.i. 


iJE'-ri..!:  ixci.rsAurM. 


eiiio,  fiiiil 

Ntiiikcii  ]>ct  ^c'ii  iiotien,  vur  j>i  ];ct  lie  wn] 
sclmldon  schunicn:  and  oSer  li^vulc  ];e  uielarc,  of  muii  d-nio  ]mvj: 
]}(^  jv  iiv;  imnvc  iiout  iscon,  ase  du^t  of  denio  scdcs,  mako^  a  swotc 
smel  eumcn,  nso  ]^au!i  hit  woro  of  lieouone :'  vor  i;e  sclnddcn  w 
]>ct  God/'  nor  ouwoi-  lioH  liue,  suiidc  o-i  lii.s  gi'aco  and  1 
letoii  \vel  of  oil  sidf,''  ^  leaiK.-n  into  pnidc.  SnK>!  ];et  ciuno^  o[ 
Godcs  half  iirourc'S  ];g  hcorto  luoru  ])cn  ];e  in;o>c.  ]?eos  ant  o^"ro 
trafles •=  ];et  ho  bitruflc^J  nionie  men  niidc,  schuL^n  beon  ihrwulit  to 
nonlit  mid  licale  v/atcr  ant  mid  ])e  lioli  rode  tockne.  TTwosf  ];,,nlite 
hu  God  sulf  was  1  bisse  witte  iderucd,  heo  wokle  j^ct  derf  Jnilddicke 
]>o]kn.  ]po  nunit  of  Calnarie,  ];er  nre  Lonerd  honoede,  was  ]}c 
cwahnsteou,  ]'cr  leicn  ofte  licumes  iroted  buuen  corSe  j  stunckon 
swnbe  stronge.  He,  ase  lie  honii-cde,  mnhte  liabben  here  l)v,.b,  mid 
alle  his  oSre  wo,  a.midden  his  ncose.  Also  he  was  idornen^  in  alle 
his  nhic  wiit^'s.  In  jiis  sihbe,  ]'eo  he  iseili  his  deorewur^e*"  moder 
tcares,  «.^  sein  Joliaunes  enangelistes,  ^  te  oSro  Maries:'  ^^  ]>o  lie 
bikoold  Iiu  his  deore  deciplcs  flucn  alle  vrom  him,  j  blleucdcn  him 
alle  one,  ase  ureomede,  he  weop  -  himsulf  }n-ies  mid  his  feire  eien. 
He  ]K)lede  al  ]nddeliche  J?et  me  hine  blir.dfellede,  hwon  iiis  eier. 
wcren  jms  ine  schondlac  iblinfelled,   vor   to   jiuon   ])e   ancre  brihte 

sill  be  of  heonene- 

his  h 

re,  nidli 
ant  on 

-j^ann  jni  \nn  v](jn  nor  ms  mue,  -^  me  nnn;t"o-u; 
herof,  blindfellie  on  eorbe,  norto  beren  him  neolanreddeii,''  nis  nout 
Fo/;o  20 A.  nmchel  wnnder.  Amid  |)e  mnbe  me  gurde'  him  same  cli 
rebe,  ase  mc  to  beot  his  cliLMkon,  j  sj)ette  him  a  schoi-n: 
ancre  is  for  o  word  nt  of  hire  witte  !  Hwon  he  J/olede  Jnddellche  }>et 
tc  GIws  dutten,  ase  heo  bntFeted.en  hini,  his  deorewurdc  mub  mid 
liore  dreori  fustes :'  ^  j^n,  nor  ]>e  luuc  of  him  7  for  ])in  owt-ne 
nnichele  bihene,  dutc  }?imie  tntdinde  mub  mit  ]>i):e  lippcn.  'IVke' 
]n>t  he  smeliite"' galle  on    his  tmige,  noi'to   leren   ancreii   ]>ot  heo  ne 

tn.y;\r>.  c. 

tM.Ic.N.  (;. 
n-in'U:  'J'. 



«,  Ai,\.\i;V    A    l'I.A(  i;   OK    lA'Ai  ilSOMl', 

Mi::  1,-. 



L)iiietliii:u-  c^'iiciak'il,  tluit  yc  cannot  sl--.  as  fVoui  the  dust  of 
sjocls  •;  in  oi-iler  tli;it  yo  may  tiiink  that  ( r-il,  on  account  of 
!''ly  life,  scnJs  y()U  liis  £;racc  and  lii-^  conii'rri,  and  so  tliink 
Moll  of  yoiu'sclvc?;,  and  l)(.'coinc  })rond  'llic  I'l-iuraaice  tliat  conietli 
fvum  God,  canfortetli  the  lienrt  father  than  the  no-tril-;.  These  and 
olhor  delusions,  Mith  uhieh  lie  Ijeiinileth  many  n.ien,  should  be 
rendered  iueftecthc  by  holy  watei-..  and  by  the  >!^n  of  the  holy 
rood.  Any  one  \vho  reilected  how  God  liinr^^clf  w;;^  aimoycd  in  this 
scn-c  would  patiently  bear  that  annoyance.  The  hill  of  Calvary, 
Avhere  our  liord  hanged,  was  the  place  of  execution,  where  bodies 
often  lay  rottinij;  on  the  nround  unburied.  a5id  loathsome  to  the 
smell.  He,  as  he  hani:ed,  miuht,  amidst  all  his  other  suirerinL:;s, 
ha\e  had  their  ])utrcscent  odour  in  his  nostri!-.  In  like  manner  he 
was  hurt  in  all  his  t)ther  senses.  In  his  sight,  when  he  saw  the 
tears  of  his  dear  ^Mother,  and  of  Saiiit  John  the  Evano-elisl,  and  of 
the  other  r^Iaries:  and  when  he  beheld  hov,-  all  his  dear  discijdes 
iled  from  him  aud  lei't  him  alone,  as  a  stranger,  he  himself  wept  three 
times  with  his  fair  eyes.  lie  quite  patiently  suffered  himself  to  be 
blindfolded,  that,  when  his  eyes  were  thus  in  derision  blindfolded, 
he  might  give  the  anchorite  a  clear  sigh.t  of  heaven.  Though  thou, 
for  his  love,  and  in  remembrance  of  this,  shut  thine  eyes  on  the 
tliinus  of  the  earth,  to  bear  him  company,  it  is  no  great  wondei-. 
Upon  one  occasion,  men  with  great  cruelty  hit  him  on  the  mouth, 
when  they  struck  his  cheeks  and  spit  u)ton  him  in  contempt ; — and 
an  a)ichorcss  is,  for  a  single  word,  out  of  her  wits  I  AVhen  he  bore 
patiently  that  the  Jews,  as  they  buffeted  him,  closed  up  his  dear 
mouth  with  their  accursed  fists, — surely  thou,  for  the  lo\  e  of  him, 
and  for  thhie  own  great  behoof,  might  close  up  thy  tattling  mouth 
with  thv  lips.  Add  to  this  that  he  tasted  gall  on  his  tongue,  to 
teach  :;nrhoiX'S>es  that  they  ou-ht  wvxvv  more  to  grumlde  on  account 
of  either  meat  or  driidv,  be  it  ever  so  stale:  if  it  may  be  eaten,  let 
hej-  eat.  an<l  devoutly  thaidc  Crod  fo)-  it;  and  if  it  may  )iot,  let  her 
-ricNc  tliat  she  must  ash  i'or  more  palatable  hied.  I*.ut  J'ather  tlian 
that    askine-   slionld    idxc    rise  to   a.nv    olleiiee    r-he  to  die,  as  i\ 

lOS  in:ouL.i:  inci.usaui.m. 

Uiiicliic  iK'UcniiLire  uor  none  iiietc,  ne  nor  none  di-unflie,  ne  beo  hit 
neuer  so  nnoriic:'  ;^Ii'  lico  lilt  niei  ctcn,  etc  uni  ]>o]ike  Cioil  T^cornc  r' 
ant  jif  hco  no  mci  nout,  boo  sori-'*  j)  lioo  mot  scchcn  cstfulre:'  auli  er 
]?en  I'ct  Liddunge  averc  cni  sclumndlc,  cr  Iieo  ouli  foi-  to  deicn  niartir 
in  liirc  nieseisc:^  noSeleas  deaS  me  mot  flcon  ase  mTO  a?e  me  mei, 
AvicSute  sunne.  Anli  mo  sdud  cr  deien  ]>ene  don  enl  suinie:'  and  nis 
]n't  miiclie  sunne  to  malue  j'ot  mc  sigge,  "E<tful  is  J'oos  tmcre,  ant 
mncliel  is  );et  lioo  bit?"'  7  jet  i:>  wnrso  ]>c.t  me  sigge  pet  lieo  is  a^ 
grucdiild,  7  ful  itowen,  dangerus,  j  erueb  ibr  te  paicn.''  \\'ere  lieo 
ann'ddo  ]>e  worlde,  heo  mosto  boon  same  cherre  mid  lesso  7  mid 
vvur^e  ipalcd.  IVFucbel  liofleas  is  ]>et  cumen.  "^  into  ani-re  Inise,  into 
(Jodes  prisune,  willes  j  woldes,  to  stude  of  moseisc,  vorte  sccben  ciso 
]?erinnc  j  me.sterie,  "^  more  lefdischipe  ]?en  heo  mulitc  liabben  ilienedj 
inouli  re^c  i^e  ^vorlde.  pone  nncre  j^one  liwat  tu  pouhtes  j  soubtes 
];o  ]ni  uorsokc  jK-nc  \vorld  i  j^ino  bicbisingc, — biwcpen  }?in  owcne  ^ 
o^re  monnes  snnnen,  7  ibrleosen  alio  ]>o  blissen  of  ]>issc  line  nortc 
bielnppen  Idisfulliclie  ]>inc  blisfule  leofmon  iSe  echo  Hue  of  lieouene. 
In  bis  earen  lie  liefde,  ]>o  beouenllebe  Lonerd,  al  J^^t  edwit,  j  al  ]>et 
ii])l)rnd,  7  al  ])e  scbom,  7  alio  ]>c  schoomen  j'et  earen  mulite  ilieren  ; 
ant  be  scic>  bi  bim  sulnen,  lis  for  to  Icren :  '•' Et  factus  sum  sicnt 
liomo  non  avidiens,  j  non  habens  in  ore  suo  rodargutioncs."  "  Icb 
bcold  mc  al  stillo,"  be  sci^,  "asc  dunibe  7  deaf  de^  ])ot  naucJS  non 
onswcre,  ]'aub  me  bim  misdo  ocScr  missigge."  pis  is  ]>ine  leofmones 
sawe,  7  tu  seli  ancre,  j'ct  crt  bis  seli  '^  spuse,'^  Icorne  bit  jeorne  of 
bin)  ]'et  tu  bit  kuimo,  ant  nuiwe  soSliebo  siggen. 

Nu  ieli  babbe  ispeken  of  owcr  four  wittes,  ant  of  Godes  froure  :' 
liu  be  I'urnb  hU  Avittes  vronre^'^  on,  as  ofte  ase  50  in  ouwer  Nvitfes 
iveleb  eni  vcane.'-'     Nu  hcrruvh  of  ]>v  vifte,  j-et  is  most  ne.ul  elne:'^ 

!h'.   C. 

,  -,   il;iii;^iTiis, 


„Im-|..  :    <\.n 

■-'""'•'■   '  '' 

r  lor  tn  yAiru 

i    l,..r,vN. 



C.      |.  l.u  i<  gnuclKiv,  •)  tul 

„,„1  aifficult  to  rl«'>^;  "  ;"  .  ,  i^,,^-„„a  ,vor»e.  It  1^  very 
,„„„*„«  bavo  ,.  ..e  -  -\;  :;.;„;  „„„,,,  i,„„  God's  pn.o,,. 
,,„,e,.„„U,.  .0  --;:;,  ;f>„e„„,fov.,  to  sooV  thcvci,,  ca.o 
uillingly  a.Kl  trocl},  to  a  ;l.>ce  have  Imd,  properly 

1  .»--■--  "-^  ":?"    S    t  ,       ot:c..oS.s.  of  .hat  tl,o«  didst 

cougli,  in  tl.e  world.        hmi.,  ^^  j,     ^„tj,„,eo 

i,„„;,  „„d  seek,  .vlK.„  ^'"if^^^^  ,„a  „,uer  ,ne,.'s  sins,  and 
i,„„  „e  cdoister-.o  .ecp  t..t  tl  nc  «         ^^^^^^^^  ^^  ^^_^^^,,^^^^  .  ^  ,,^^ 

,e«.«ncc  all  the  l'-^'"^  ^  .";„„„;„  tl,e  eternal  life  of  heaven, 
fulness  of  joy,  tl,y  blessed  I-'^  S  °''  ^  ^^^  _,,i  „„  taunts,  and  tl,e 
He,  tl.e  Leavenly  Lord,  l-«\  *  ^  t,,;  e„rs  might  hear;  and 
reproaeh,  and  the  seorn,  "'-'  ^  ^  J  ;,,  I,  Et  faetus  sun,  sieut  hon.o 
,,e  saith  of  h-nn-lt;  for  our  .-"-'»;  ,,aar.utiones."  -  "I  held 
.,„„  .udiens,  et  non  hahens  •;;  -  ^  °  ;,^  „„^  ,,„f  d„,,  „.,u  ha.h 
,uy.elf  qnite  stlU,"  he  s.a,  h  »  ;^',.^,^,^^.  ,.,,,•  This  is  thy 
„„  answer,  though  n,ene^  1    ntu.  U  „,„,,,oress,  who  art  Ins 


Lc  able  to  say  it  in  truth. 

I. "^-'--v::;ntfx.o::rhi:t:::;--- 

Nowatt '««■     ;';t;:\:::,.:,,^eohug;and,,,e 

cuuituvt:   {or   in  it  tin    i^  .-. 

pleasure  ul.o,  I!'  It  ^'>  1>^M'1-"- 



Yor  ]'e  })Iiio  is  niest  jjorinne:'  ]'L't  U,  iiie  vcliiiige,  7  tv  licim;i,o  also, 
;^it'  jiit  so  tui'iic'S. 

5.  De  Tactl. 

pe  viftc-  wit  is  iuc  veluiigc.  pis  ilkc-  o  wit  is  in  alL"  \>j  ubrc 
wittes,  aiit  T;eond '''  al  ]'C  licomc,  7  Ibr^ii  hit  is  iiood  forte  liabbon  J)o 
Lclcre  waiJo.  Vre  Louerd  waste  liit  ful  wel :'  j  for^ii  he  woldc 
mest  iiie  j'et  wit  ])olien  wo,  vortc  uroureii  us  i^if  \\e  jmlietS  wo 
]7erinne:^  7  forte  wendeu  us  urommard  ]^e  licunge  J>ct  fiesches  lustes 
askec) :'  ant  noiucliclie  ine  velungc,  more  ])en  in  oSre. 

Ure  Louerd  i  ]>isse  witte  nefde  uout  in  one  stude,  auli  hefde 
oueral  pine :'  nout  one  jeond  his  bodi,''  auh  hefde  jet  wi^innen  in 
his  seli  soule.  In  hire  he  hefde  ]'e  stidie<=  of  sori  j  scoruhful  pine:' 
-^  scoruhfuhiesse  made  him  siken  sore,  peus  stiche  was  ])reouold: 
]>et,  ase  |?reo  speres  smiten  him  to  )'er  heorte.  pet  on  was  his  mo- 
deres  wop/^  j  ]>c  o^Sres  Maries,  f  fleoweden  7  mclten  al  of  teares. 
pet  oSer  was  ]>et  his  owune  deore  deciples  ne  ilefden  him  nan  m'.-re, 
ne  ne  heolden  him  for  God:'  vorSi  j^-t  he  ne  hulp  him  sulucn  in  his 
muehele  pine,  7  fluen  alle  vrom  him  7  bilefden  him  ase  vreomede.^ 
pe  ]n'idde  stiche  was  ]>(it  muehele  sor,  7  J'et  of-];unc]umg  *"  )'et  lie 
hefde  wiSinnen  liim,  vor  hore  uorlorennesse  ])et  drowen  him  to 
deaSe:'  J'et  he  i.-eih,  ononte  bam,  al  his  swine  forlorcn  f  he  swonc 
on  eorSe.  peos  ilke  ]>reo  stichen  weren  i)i  his  soule.  In  his  licouie, 
euericli  lim,  ase  seint  Austin  seiS,  "he  j'olede  sundri  yhw,  7  deiji;ode 
:^t'0iid  alliisbodi,  ase  he  ear  7;cond ''  al  his  bo<li  (k■a^es  swut  swette :  "' 


uit  her  seio  seiu  ]'.eornard,  ]'ot  '•  he  weop  nout  one  mid  his  v'wn, 

h  mid  alle  his  limon."     "  Quasi,  inijuid,  mcuibris  onuiibus  jk'uisjc 

Xov  so  ful  of  anguisc  was  pet  ilke  ned '  swot  ]'et  com '^  of 



iwt  alK- 
•:.m.  ('. 

rrii;i>T  >;r!'Fr.!;!',i)  i.\  iiis  I'.onv  ani>  i\  irrs  soil. 


.).  Of  TcMX'ir  oit  Fj-elixc;. 

Tuv  fin 

soii-c  is  ill  [fcliiu^-.  'j'liis  Olio  sense-  is  in  all  the  other 
soii^es,  mid  thruii-huut  tli^'  uju,]..  ]_mdy.  and  therefore  needs  to  be 
the  Letter  guarded.  Our  J.ord  knew  it  well,  and  therefore  lio 
chose  to  endure  most  sulTering  in  that  sense,  to  comfort  us  if  wc 
sutler  pain  therein  ;  and  to  turn  us  away  from  the  pleasure  ^Yllicll 
(lie  lusts  of  the  flesh  demand  ;  and  especially  in  feeling,  more  than 
in  the  ot'iers. 

Our  Lord  in  tliis  sense  had  jiain,  not  in  one  place  onlv,  but  in 
all;  not  only  over  all  his  body,  but  Inwardly,  in  his  blessed  soul. 
Jn  this  he  had  tlu'  sting  of  sorrow  and  of  gi-ievous  pain;  and  grief 
made  him  sorely  to  sigl:.  This  sting  was  threefold  :  which,  as  it  wei'e 
throe  spears,  smote  him  to  the  heart.  One  was  the  weeping  of  liis 
mother  and  the  other  Marios,  who  flowed  and  molted  all  in  tears. 
Another  was  that  his  own  beloved  disciples  no  longer  believed  him, 
nor  lield  him  for  God,  because  he  did  not  help  himself  in  liis  orcat 
suffering,  and  they  all  fled  from  him  and  deserted  him  as  a  stranger. 
The  third  sting  was  the  great  sorrow  and  pity  that  lie  felt  for  the 
lost  condition  of  those  wlio  dragged  him  to  death  ;  in  that  he  saw,  in 
regard  to  them,  all  his  labour  lost  that  he  laboured  on  earth.  These 
three  stings  were  in  liis  soul.  "  In  his  body,  in  every  limb/'  as 
Saint  Austin  saitli,  "  He  suffered  sundry  pains,  and  died  throuuh  all 
his  body,  as  before  (j\er  all  his  Ijody  he  sweated  the  sweat  of 
death:"  "And  here,"  saitli  Saint  T5(')-nard,  '•'he  wept  not  with  his 
eyes    only,   but    with    all    his    limbs."       "  Quasi,    iinpiit,    meiiibris 

vidotui-."     Fur  so  fid 

friiiii  his  budy,  in  jiro^ 

suller,  th:>t  it   sooummI 
''■iitt;i>   saniiiiiiii^    dec 

omnibus  fle\is> 
sweat  that  cam 
il!;;t  he  was  U 
sudor  oiiis   ijii;. 

)f  anguish  was  that  forced'^ 
ct  (>f  IIk'  excruciating  death 
ihe  red  l)Iood  :  '•'  I'actu-^  est 
t'litis   in  terrain."  ''      More- 

112  v,VAiVL.i:  jxci.i  sAia M. 

lii.s  licomu  ajeiu  j'C  aiignisusc  deacii-  ■]>  he-  srluiMc  J'olicii  ]>et  hi' 
))ul!te  ^  vcmJ  blofl :  '-' rnctiis  e-^t  sudor  ejus  (juii.-i  ^iuttc  Miiiguinls 
dcciuTeiul^  ill  terrain."  An  oiSer  hi\\i',  so  largcliclie  ant  so  s\vu^<• 
vleau  ]?et  ilke  Llodi  swot  ul'  his  blisl'idc  )x)dio,  ])ct  te  stri'aiues  vriK'ii 
adun  to  I'er  eorSe :'  swuc  grurc  Ik-  liolllc  in  liis  nionliclie  vlt'schc 
ajem  j'C  stronge  dcore\YurSe''  j)incn  j'ct  lie'"  schiddc  drieu:  7  ]'et 
DCS  non  ^eorlicll  ^vunder:'  \ov  euer  so  |>et  flesch  is  cwickurc,  so  ]jc 
pine  pcruf  7  ]'ct  hurt  is  uiorc  7  sarre.  A  Intel  ihnrt  i  ]'en  cio 
derucc)  more  JK'ii  deb  a  mucliel  ibe  hele :'  vor  ]>et  iiesehs  i-^  deadure 
jjcre.  Audi  euericli  monnes  deselis  is  dead  fleselis  a^ein  ]>et  was 
Godcs  fleselis,  ase  ];e  ]'et  was  inuineu  of  ]>e  teudre  ineideiie :'  7  no 
biiif  neuer  lies  bcrinue  ]K't  liit  nudite  adeaden:'  aidi  eucr  uas  ihehie 
cwic  of  I'C  cwike  godliod  ]>et  wunede  J^crinne :  vorj^i,  in  his  ilrselie 
was  tlie  pine  more  j  sarre '^  J>en  euer  eni  mon  in  his  tlesclie  polede, 
|)et  hi->  fleschs  were  tendrust  7  cwiekest  of  a'de  vlesdies.  Lo*^' 
liwnrli  oil  a>aumple  eifer. 

Folio  2^.  A  mon  nor  vuel  J'ct  lie  haneo    he  ne  let  him  nout  blod  oSe  bike 

halue,  auli  deS  obe  hole  half,  norte  heleu  ]?c  sike  hahV  auli  in  al  ]>c 
worlde  ];et  was  obe  fefre,  7  obe  bcrcharde  lies'"  among  al  moncun 
oni  liole  dole  ifnndeii  ]'et  muhte  beon  iletcn  blod,  bute  Godes  bodi 
one,  ])et  lette  him  blod  obe  rt)der  ant  nout  o  ]»en  carim>  one,  anh 
dude  o  vif  halue,  uorte  helen  al  moneini  of  ])0  socucssc  J;et  te  vif 
Avittes  heideii  awakened.  Lo  ]'us  ]>e  hole  half  7  te  cwike  dole 
droweii  J'et  vuele  Idod  ut  i'rommard  ]^c  unhole,  7  helcde  so  ]je  sikc 
lialf.  puruh  blode  is  bitocned  suime  inc  holi  write.  JX;  reisuns 
liwui  beob  her  elter  snteliehc°  ischea^\■edc.  Aidi  ]>crof  nimeS  jcme, 
mine  Icoue  su^iivn,  ]'et  ower  deorewurbe  spus.  ])c  luucwurbe  Louenl 
"i  lielinde,  of  heoucne,  lesu,  (iodes  sane,  ]>e  weldiiide  of  the  Morlde, 
heo  he  wa-    ]'us   ik'ten   blod,  viHk-rslo-.ideb,  hwnc  was  his  dicte''  j'et 

T.    (KtIo  l.l.:>nl. 

',-.    c.  "   s;..-l.vjn-.    C. 

,.U<.   T 

0^ll'   I'.IUC,   nc   w 

iU,  .   C.  '■  "Ht.-.  c. 



1 1 :'. 

Ii     i 

over,  so  copiously  ami  so  rai)l(lly  flowcil  that  bloody  sweat  from  liis 
blessed  body  that  tiie  str-'anis  ran  down  to  the  ground.  Such 
horror  had  he  in  his  human  flesh,  in  contemplation  of  the  severe 
})recious  pains  v.diicli  lie  w  as  to  endure.  Nor  is  that  a  veiy  nreat 
wonder  ;  for  the  more  livi-ly  the  flesh  is,  the  jiain  and  hurt  of  it  is 
the  more  and  sorer.  A  little  hurt  in  the  eye  ii;iveth  more  i)aiu  than 
a  great  one  in  tlio  lieel,  for  the  flesh  is  less  quick  there.  And 
the  flesh  of  e\'ery  man  is  dead  flesh  compared  what  the  flesh 
of  God  was,  as  it  was  taken  of  the  tender  maiden  ;  and  nothing  was 
ever  therein  that  could  deaden  it ;  but  it  was  ever  equally  alive 
with  the  liA'ing  Godhead  that  dwelt  in  it.  Wherefore,  the  pain  in 
his  flesh  was  greater  ar.d  sorer  than  any  man  ever  suflered  in  his 
flesh ;  because  his  flesli  was  the  most  tejidcr  and  most  quick  of  all 
flesh,      Cojisider  th.e  e.\am})le  which  follows:  — 

A  man,  for  an  illness  that  lu.'  hath,  is  not  let  blood  in  the 
diseased  but  in  the  whole  side,  in  order  to  heal  the  diseased  side. 
lUit  in  the  wdiole  world,  which  was  in  a  fever  and  in  the  berebarde,' 
there  was  not  found  among  all  mankind  any  sound  part  that  might 
be  let  blood,  but  God's  body  only,  who  let  himself  blood  on  the 
cross  ;  and  not  in  the  arm  only,  but  in  five  places,  that  he  might  heal 
all  mankind  of  the  sickness  which  the  five  senses  had  avrakened. 
1^0  !  thus  the  sound  arid  the  quick  part  drew  the  evil  blood  out  from 
the  unsound,  and  so  healed  the  sick  part.  I\y  blood  is  meant  sin 
in  Holy  Scripture;  the  reasons  whereof  are  plainly  shewed  in  what 

»  Tlic  Ivlitor  ]■=;  uii:i 
the   Noto>  and  Qi 

to  give  a  satisfactory  interpretation   of  leri'hari.l 
.-,   [v.I.    ii.  201,]  suggests   its  derivation  from 

tills  1,. 
^\\\.h   i 

l.oll,  lul.o. 

eiy.    I,> 

Mr.  Singer, 
B:,!.;.  O.  F. 
r,  <'<«iiinionly  attentlaiit  upon  pestilential  fever."  If 
ion  which  ;ippears  likely,  we  may  conehide  that  it  means  soni(> 
ii.tinn.  "  An  efrlorc-eenco  like  the  measles  is  frequently  met 
■is;  and  sometimes  hlaek,  li%id,  dun,  or  greenish  spots  appear, 
a  hi'h  de[,'ret'  of  malignity." — Kdinb.  Practieo  of  I'hysie  and 
).  P    V21. 


114  rvFAill.-K  IXCLUSAIUM. 

(lei,  iSen.  ilkc  blodletmige !  So  Lahihful--^  ?  so  bitter!  ]K't  |<co  ilke 
JK't  liL'  lledde  uoro  ne  broiditcn  lieo  liim  to  prfscnl-  no  win,  no  ale, 
ne  ■\vatc-r:'  jet  ];o  lie  sekle  sicio,  ant  niende  lilni  ase  of  J',^  oJSe 
rode,  auh  duden  bitter  galle.  llwar  was  cucr  i;^iiKii  to  cni  blud- 
letunirc  so  poure  pitauuce?  Ant  tauU  ne  gruccliede  lie  nout  r'  auli 
miderueng^  hit  edmodliclie/-  vorte  lereii  liise:'  ant  jet  he  dude  more 
us  to  vorbisne — he  dude  his  deorewurSe  nuiti  )?erto,  7  siueihte'' 
ant  cunnede  ]>erof,  ]>au  he  hit  notleu  ne  nudite.  llwo  is,  ])eoniie, 
cfter  j'is,  7  ancro  hure  7  hure,  J^ct  gruccheS  jif  hco  naueS  nout  ober 
mete  oSer  driinch  efter  hu-e  eaise  ?  Ant  siker  bco  Invose  euer 
F.'iio  2S  h.  o-rucchecS,  heo  ofTreS  jet  vire  Louerd  }^eos  Inhere  pitaunce,  ase  duden 
bo  be  Gius  :^  7  is  Giwes  feix',  uorte  beoden  liiui,  in  his  })urste,  )>runc 
of  sur  galle.  His  ))urst  nis  nout  buteii  jirnunge  of  ure  soule  hclc  i 
ant  oTucchunge  of  bitter  7  of  sur  lieorte  is  him  surre  7  bitture  nu 
bene  was  ];eo  ];c  galle.  Ant  tu  his  deorewurSe  spuse*"  ne  bco  \\\ 
nout  Gius  fere  ne  Gius  make  uorte  birlen  him  so:'  auh  ber  him 
feolaureddeii,  7  drinc  mid  him  bliSeliehe  al  )^et  flesch  JjuncehccS  sur 
oiSer  bitter :'  pet  is,  pine  7  w^eane,  7  teone,  7  alle  mescise  r'  7  he  hit 
vvulo  jelden  \q,  ase  he  is^  treowe  felawe,  uiid  liealewi  of'  heouene. 

jlus  was  lesu  Crist,  )'e  Abiiihti  Gud,  in  alle  his  fif  witles  dLrflieh': 
ipined,  7  nomeliche  i  Jnsse  laste,  ]>ci  is,  ine  uelunge.  Vor  his  flesdis 
was  al  cwic  ase  is  )>e  tendre  elcn  :'  ant  je  witen  \h  w  it  |>et  is  flesches 
felunae'  ouer  alle  oSrc  wittes.  Godes  lionden  wcren  ineiled  oSe 
rode.      JXirh   ]>eo  ilke   neiles  ich   halse  ou  ancivn,  nout  on,  auh  d'» 

»  l/'ilcfiil    ('    T.  ''   I'H'inlc  use  lie  MccUlo  of  I>ni-^t.  T. 

^  ui..leit..c.   T.  •'   -'«il<U'li*-lH-. 

'  [loiulc.U].  C\  '  dcore  scriKUiuto.  'F. 

IT  :..  },;s.  C.  "  '"•  '^"• 

•  aii.l  5.'  ?;cat<-  [is  wit,  ]>  is  fclin-e. 

riiK  r.n Ti-.i:  'oinxK  (jivkn  io  .Ji:srs  ox  thi:  cko.^ 

1  1.5 

inlluwv.  }\\\t  t;iki'  iiMtiPi-  of  thi,-,  my  dear  sisters,  that  your  hcluved 
Ih-i'!o-roo:n,  wlio  i'^  so  wortliy  of  love,  the  Lord  ami  Saviour  of 
Heaven,  Jesus,  the  soil  o^  Ciod,  the  ruler  of  tlie  world,  when  he  was 
thus  let  hiood,  think  of  what  sort  was  his  diet  that  day  of  the  hlood- 
lettlup:  I  So  halelul,  and  so  bitter!  and  even  those  for  whom  he 
bled  bi'ouulit  him  no  wine,  nor  ale,  nor  water;  even  wdien  he  said 
Sifto,  and  eonii)lained  of  thirst  on  the  cross,  but  brought  him  bitter 
irall.  Where  \\  as  ever  so  poor  refreshment  given  to  any  one  when 
let  blood?  And  yet,  he  found  no  fault;  but  received  it  meekly,  to 
give  a  lesson  to  his  people, — and  he  did  yet  more  for  an  example  to 
us, — he  put  his  dear  mouth  to  it,  and  tasted,  and  took  knowledge  of 
it,  though  he  might  not  use  it.  Who  is  there,  then,  after  this,  and 
csjK'eially  what  anchoress  is  there,  who  murmurs  if  she  has  either 
meat  or  drink  not  to  her  taste  ?  And  be  assured  that  wdioever  she 
is  that  murmurs,  she  still  ofFereth  to  our  Lord  that  bitter  pittance, 
as  the  Jews  then  did,  and  is  the  Jews'  accomplice,  to  offer  him  iu 
his  thirst  a  drink  of  sour  gall.  His  thirst  is  nothing  but  yearning 
for  the  health  of  our  souls;  and  the  murmuring  of  a  bitter  and  sour 
heart  is  to  him  more  sour  and  bitter  now^  than  the  gall  was  then. 
And  thou,  his  beloved  bride,  be  not  the  Jews'  associate,  nor  the  Jews' 
])artner,  to  pour  out  to  him  such  drink,  but  bear  him  company,  and 
drink  with  him  cheerfully  all  that  seems  to  the  flesh  sour  or  bitter; 
that  is,  pain  and  hardship,  and  sorrow,  and  every  discomfurt,  and  he 
will  repay  it  to  thee,  as  he  is  a  faithful  companion,  with  the  health- 
cup  of  heaven. 

'J'hus  was  Jesus  Christ,  the  Almighty  God,  sorely  pained  in  all 
his  fi\e  senses,  and  particularly  in  the  last,  that  is,  in  feeling.  For 
Ills  flesh  was  all  as  quick  as  the  tender  eyes  ;  and  you  guard  this 
sense,  that  is,  bodily  feeling',  nioi-e  carefidly  than  all  the  other  senses. 
dud's  hands  wei-e  Jiailed  to  the  cross.  I>y  those  nails  1  entivat  you, 
anchoresses — not  you  but  others,  \\)V  tliere  is  no  need,  my  dear  sillers 
— keep   voiu-   hands   Avltliiu    Nour    windows.      ]'\->r  liandHu!^-   or  auv 

■p  y 

ig  between 

a  man 
a  deed- 

and  an 

-S<,   sha 

mchoress  is  a  thing  so  unnatural, 
leful,  and  such  a  nake(l  sin,  ;ind 


obre,  uor  lilt  iiis  no  ncod,  mine  Icoue  sustrcn,  licldciS  our  humh'n 
-sviSinnen  ouwer  )?urles.  Yor  liondlungc,  ot)cr  enl  velinige  bitAvoone 
inon  1  raicre  is  so  unkundelich  ]nncg,  1,  so  rcouSful  dode,  so  schcomc- 
]ic]i  7  so  naked  sunnc,  7  to  :il  ])e  workl  so  fitelich,-''  7  so  nuiclicl 
sckaundlc,  )>ct  nis  no  neod  to  spekon  ne  to  vriten  ]>Qr  to  ^ciucs :'  vor 
al,  wibuten  \Yntunge,  ]>o  fulSe  is  to  e-5cenc.^  God  liit  n\ ot  asc  me 
Folio  29.  were  niuchcle  dole  leonere  j^et  icli  isoie  ou  al!e  ])reo,  nn'ne  leoue  sus- 
tren,  wuninicn  me  leouest,  hongen  on  u  gibet  uorte  ^vi(Sl)U\ven  sunne,*= 
J?en  icli  isele  on  of  ovi  jiuen  enne  elpi'^  cos  to  eni  mon  on  eorSe,  so 
use  icli  nieiie.  Icli  am  stille  of  ]?e^  more,  nout  one  monglinde 
lionden,  auh  puten  honden  utward,  bute  hit  beo  uor  neodo.  pis  is 
wowunge  *"  efter  Godes  grome,  ?  tollunge  of  his  vuel^  Hire  sulf 
biholden  liire  owune  honden  hwite,'^  de^  herm  to  monl  ancrc  Jn-t 
haueS  ham  to  ueire,  ase  ])eo  ]>Qi  beoiS  fondled.  Heo  schuldou 
schreapien  enericlic  deic  ]^e  eort)e  up  of  horc  pntte  ]?er  heo  schuklen 
rotlon  ine.  God  hit  wot,  ]fe  put  de'5  muche  god  to  moni  ancre- 
Vor,  ase  Salomon  sei  (S,  "  IMeniorarc  novissima  tua,  7  in  cternum  non 
peccabis."  peo  ]^et  haue^  euer  hire  dea^  ase  biuoren  hire  eien,  ]rot 
)?e  i)ut  mmiegeS  hire,  jif  heo  ];enclieS  Avel,  o'Se  dom  of  Domcsdal, 
Jjer  ])e  engles  schulen  c^yakien,  7  of  ]>e  cche  ant  ];e  ateliche  pinen  of 
helle,  7  oueral  7  al,  o  Jesu  Cristes  passiun,  hu  he  was  ipined,  ase  is 
sumdel  iseid,  in  alio  his  fif  wittes,  lihtliche  nule  heo  nout  uoluwen 
flesches  likunge,  nc  efter  wittes  lustcs  di-awcn  in  toward  hire  none 
heaued  sunne,  mid  hire  vif  wittes.  pis  is  nu  inouh  iseid  of  ];e  vif 
wittes,  ]>et  beo5  ase  wardeins  wiSuten  of  J;c  heorte,  ]>et  soule  lif  is 
iniie,  as  we  seiden  ]'er  uppe  a  vorinest,^  ]?er  Salomon  seide,  '' Oium 
custodia  serva  cor  tuum,"  7c.  Nu  beoS,  Crist  haue  jwiic,  ].>e  two 
dolen  ouercinnen.      Go  we  nu,  mid  Godes  helpe,  u[>  o?>e  ]n-!clde. 

laMicho.    T. 

K  (.'.  T.  '  |lioi.ti!i-l.   C. 

invite  1h..m1-u    C.   'I  '  I'.u-ost.   ('. 



to  all  tlie  world  so  hriteful,  and  so  great  a  scandal,  that  there  is  no 
need  to  speak  or  to  write  against  it ;  for,  without  writing,  all  the 
iiidcccncy  is  too  appai-ont.  God  knows  that  I  would  a  great  deal 
rather  sec  you  all  three,  my  dear  sisters,  women  most  dear  to  me, 
hang  on  a  gibhet  to  avoid  sin,  than  see  one  of  you  give  a  single  kiss 
to  any  man  on  earth,  in  the  way  I  mean.  I  say  nothing  of  the 
greater  impropi'iety — not  only  mingling  hands,  hut  putting  hands 
outward,*  except  it  be  for  necessity.  Tins  is  courting  God's  anger, 
and  inviting  his  displeasure.  To  look  at  her  own  white  hands  doth 
harm  to  many  a  recluse  that  hath  them  too  fair, — as  those  who  are 
idle.  They  should  scrape  up  the  earth  every  day,  out  of  the  pit  in 
which  they  nnist  rot.  God  knows  the  pit  doth  much  good  to  many 
an  anchorite.  For,  as  Solomon  saith,  "  Memorare  novissima  tua,  et 
in  etermnn  non  peccabis,"*'  She  who  hath  her  deatli  always,  in  a 
manner,  before  her  eyes,  of  which  the  pit  reminds  her,  if  she  meditate 
well  on  the  doom  of  Doomsday,  when  the  angels  shall  tremble,  and 
of  the  eternal  and  dreadful  pains  of  hell,  and,  above  all,  on  the 
sufierings  of  Jesus  Christ,  how  he  was  pained,  as  has  been  said 
above,  in  all  his  five  senses,  she  will  not  lightly  follow  the  inclina- 
tions of  the  flesh,  nor,  after  the  desires  of  sense,  draw  upon  her  any 
capital  sin,  with  her  five  senses.  Enough  has  now  been  said  of  the 
five  senses,  which  are,  as  it  were,  wardens  outwardly  of  the  heart, 
in  which  is  the  life  of  the  soul,  as  wo  said  above  in  the  beginnhig, 
where  Solomon  said,  "  Keep  your  heart  with  all  diligence,"  &c. 
Now,  thanks  be  to  Christ,  are  the  two  ])arts  completed.  Let  us  now 
proceed,  with  Ciod's  hel[),  to  the  third. 

i.  e.  out  of  itarlour  window. 

"   Ecclu^-.  vii.  40. 



Mine  Icoue  sustrcn,  aUo  asc  5c  ^vc■l  «-,toS  our  svit:  ■.  wiNut,-,, 

'"■"'"■     eiS  on  ou  mis,  ant  were  ),ot  me  „us  de^  o«,  Icste  30  al  „.:.rloo,e„« 
AscinUmoancrcn  Paui.l  «t5  ,,is  uos,  "  Sun.hs  h,c  us  sum  poll - 
f',0  .olituainiV  7c.-     Kh  a,n  asc  pcllic.u,  l,e  se.b,  )■«  .un.ob  b 
him  one.   "  Proi«ietas  ,,elicani."  Pellicau  is  a  loane  fuwel.  so  v.camocl 
1  so  w.-e«ful  ),ot  l>it  sleaS  ofto  uor  grome  his  owune  hnddcs  hwon 
heo  too„e«  him,  ant  yconno  sono  for  cftev  h,t  l.cumc.^  s.ubo  so. 
'?m.,l<o«swu«emuchemono,7  smit  Inm  suluon  mv\  In.b.let  In 
1^    or  his  briddes  mido.  1  drauh«  vt  blod  of  h,s  broos.o,  1  u„t  tot 
Uodaowiko^ofthis  isloiono  briddos.     pis  polho^m  .s  ).e  worunod 
a uoro,     Iliro  briddos,  ).ot  booS  hire  godo  workos,  fot  hoo  sloab  ol 
Tdbilo  of  schoarpouroSSo:'  auh  l.von  hoo  so  hat^ft  .don,  do  aso 
Svepollioan:'  of  l.uncho  hit  swu«e  sone,  7  uud  luro  owuuo  b,lc 
«i!  .  ^  broosto^    ,ot  is,  „ud  sohrifto  of  hire  mubo  ).ot  hoo  suuc- 
'edlmido,  1  slonh  hire  gode  workos,  drawe=  fe  blod  ot  sunuo  u   of 
h   e  b"oos  0,  Vet  is.  of  1-e  hcorto,  J-ot  soulo  lif  ;s  nmo,  7  so  sohu  ou 
I  acwa     n  hire  isloicne   briddos,  ),ot  booB  In-  -orkos       Llod 
ett  acnuucn  i,l,.dlude  mon'  is  ^r  shch  7  atohch  uic 

Htocne.  ^ne :  vor^  ^  ^^^    ^.fwe  Godes  eien.     An  o.e. 

half,  no  mon  no  mci  juggcn 

half;  no  mon  no  ^^^^^^^  ^^^^  ,,i,innen   of  ure^Se,  nis     peo  hwulo   ).et   to   ^^^  ,  j^^^.^^^^      ^^  j^^,  j^ 


1  I'il  on  Let  Vet  bote  acolen  aso  de^  ]'e  ]>et  wulc  juggen^  Llod, 
;t  d2  d;^c,!  alHM  ]>e,  7  te  .nme  MHch  7  iVd  ,,ej  to 
Vuhteuoir:'  7  so  muchel  vuel  cunu-n   j-erof  ]>ct   3d   l>u    Int   lu-fde.t 

b  ,j;,i,.  of  word.   C.      .?;..•<:,« oh  of  uonl.  T. 
*   [i"'.-l^i>]-   ^-  ..    l>,:>lm  cii.  <■,. 

.•  lectc  SO  i^lc"-"  l""^'>'    •      •       .  ,  „„„  i,i,i„.   C.     .  .nu„  l,iUc-.l.  T. 



3j y  dear  sisters,  in  like  manner  as  you  guard  well  your  senses  ex- 
ternally, so  above  all  things  sec  that  yobe  gentle  within,  and  mild  and 
meek,  aftectionate  and  kind-hearted,  and  patient  of  any  word— if  any 
one  sjieaks  ill  of  you — and  of  any  deed,  if  any  one  harms  you — lest  you 
lose  all.  Against  testy  anchoresses^,  David  sayeth  this  verse,  "  Similis 
foctns  sum  pellicano  solitudinis,"  &c.'''  "I  am  like  a  pelican,"  he  saith, 
"  that  dwelleth  alone."  TJie  pelican  is  a  lean  bird,  so  peevish  and  so 
wrathful  that  often,  in  her  anger,  she  killeth  her  own  young  ones 
when  they  molest  her,  and  then,  soon  after  she  is  very  sorry,  and 
maketh  great  moan,  and  smiteth  herself  with  her  bill  wherewith  she 
slew  her  young,  and  draweth  blood  out  of  her  breast,  and  with  the 
blood  she  then  quickeneth  her  slain  birds.  This  pelican  is  the 
pecA-ish  recluse.  Her  birds  are  her  good  works,  which  she  often 
slayeth  with  the  bill  of  sharp  wrath ;  and  when  she  hath  so  done, 
she,  as  the  pelican  doth,  quickly  repents,  and  with  her  own  bill 
pecks  her  breast ;  that  is,  with  confession  of  her  mouth  wherewith 
she  sinned  and  slew  her  good  works,  draweth  the  blood  of  sin  out  of 
her  breast,  that  is,  of  the  heart  in  which  is  the  life  of  the  soul,  and 
thus  shall  then  quickcji  her  slain  birds,  which  are  her  works.  Blood 
betukeneth  sin,  for  as  a  bleeding  man  is  hideous  and  frightful  in  the 
sight  of  man,  so  is  the  sinful  before  the  eyes  of  God.  Again,  no 
man  can  judge  of  blood  correctly  until  it  be  cold:  it  is  the  same 
with  regard  to  sin.  While  the  heart  is  inwardly  boiling  with  wrath, 
there  is  no  just  decision,  nor  any  right  judgment;  or,  while  the 
desire  is  hot  toward  any  sin,  thou  art  not  able  to  judge  rightly  either 
of  its  nature  or  its  consequences;  but  let  the  desire  pass  over  and 
thou  wilt  rejoice.  Let  the  heart  cool,  and,  as  those  do  who  v.ill 
judge  of  blood,  thou  wilt  rightly  jndge  the  sinful,  and  the  sin  to  be 
loathsouie  and  fuu]  which  seemed  to  thee  fair;  and  that  so  nuich 
I'vil  comes  of  it,  that  if  thou  hadst  done  it  while  tlie  heat  lasted  thou 
wouldest  thiid;  thyself  mad  for  having  intended  it.  This  is  true  of 
every  sin. 



l^'o'io  30. 

idon  ].eo  hwule  ]>et  te  lietoMlcste,  ^-t  tu  schalt  d.-inen   ],i   si.h.on 
wod,  ];u  ]nx  ].or  tomvard  ];ou]itost.      pis  is  cf  eucrich  siumk-  soo. 


''  Impedit  ira  aniiniun  no  possit  cernore  ueru.n."     Wi-e55o  Jiit  sciS 
J7e  hwulet  l"t  iJest,  ablcndcb  so  ];e  hcorte  ],et  hco  m  mei  soi5  ikno^ven' 
"  x.iaga  quedani  est  traiisfoi-mans  naturain  luimanaru."     WrcJ^be  is  a 
uorscliuppild,  ase  mo  telleS  ino  spelles:   vor  heo  LircaneS  ?  biuimoi 
mon  Ins  rdite  wit,  7  cliaungeS  al  his  ci.ere,  7  Ibrscl.uppeS  I.i.n  urom 
mon  into  bestos  cunde.      Wiimnione  wro-b  is  wuluone  r'  7  ir,o,i  wrob; 
IS  wulf,  o-5cr  Icun,  oSer  unicoriie.     pe  Invulc-  ],et  euer  wre^-^e  is  ine 
wmnnione  licortc,  ]/anh  heo  uersalio/  ?  sinoe  hire  vros,  7  liire  Pater 
nosters,  7  hire  Anoz,  al   ne  doS  heo  bute  'jreotc^.-^^i  heo  r.auoj;  bute 
ase  ]>eo  f,  is  iweiid  te  wuluene,  i  Godes  eien :'  7  is  ase  wuhiene  stefne 
m  his  swete  earen.      "  Im  furor  brevis  est : "  ^vre^ be  is  a  wodscJiipe" 
AVroS  mon  is  I,e  wod  ?     II„  loke?)  J.e,  hu  spekeJ)  lie,  hu  vareS 
lieortewi^innenhim?     Ilwudic   beo^  wiSuten  rdle  his  lates^^     \U 
no  icnowe^  nenne  mon.     Hii  is  he  mon  >eonne  ?     «  Est  eniin  homo 
animal  mansuctum  natura."     Mon  is  kundoliehe  mildo .-  auh  ^-o  sonc 
so  he  his  mildheortnosso  vorleoseS,  he  uorleoseS   monncs   kunde    7 
wre^Se,  J;o  uorsclmppild,  iiorschuppcS  liim  into  bestes  kunde   ase 
icli  cr  seide.     Ant  In^at   ^if  eni  ancre,  Jesu  Cristes  spuse,  is  fbrs- 
cluipped   to   wulueiic— nis  ];et  mnche  sconuve?     Nis  ],cr,  ]> 
bute  vorworpeii'-sono  ])et  ruwe   vol  abute  ];e  hcorte,  7  mid  softc 
seihtnesse  makien   hh-e  smeSo  7  softo,  ase  is   eundeliche  .vummone 
hude.     Vor  mid  te  Avulueno  nolle,  no  ]>ino-   ],ot   hco  deJS   nis   Code 
Iic\YurMo  no  ioweme. 

Lo   her   aT;eiiie3   wre^ilSe    monio    kuniios  reiuodics,   7   rroureii   a 
7V/o30/>.    mucho  vioc,  7  mislicho  bf.ten.      hW  me  mis-soi^.   j.e,  j^enc  j,  Ui  ort 

'  s.:-.  T. 

"   lialo  lieoi 
•J  .l..trcS.    (■ 

[Jwi^l     hit    iMtOfll.'S.      'I. 

;.u:,r|„.  r.-l.'nui,,w,.i-|,    C. 


Why  r.LOO!)  niiroKKX-  s:n:   axd  r  \i:  ricri,  xi-M.-i'  oi-  antm;;;.  | 

"  iiiipL'dit  ir;i  jiiuumih,  iK'  possit  cci-iioro  voriiiii ;"  thar  is,  "nii^o;-,  1 1 

while  it  la.-t>  so  bliii'l'.-t;i    tlu'  luMi't   that,  it  cannot   knu^v   tin- trutli."  I'' 

'•  ^fa^a  (.jiuvilani  est,  transfornians  uaturani  humaiiani."     "  Aiii;\-r  is  j. 

a  Sorceress,"  as  is  said  in  stories;  Ibr  it  heivaveth  and  deprixetii  man 
(if  his  right  understanding,  and  cliangetli  his  wliole  countenance, 
and  transforms  him  from  ma.n  into  beast's  nature.  An  angry  woman 
is  a  she-wolf,  and  au  ungiy  man  is  a  ^\•olf,  or  a  Hon,  or  a  unicorn, 
As  long  :;s  anger  is  in  a  woman's  heart,  thougli  slio  sa}-  her  versicles, 
and  her  hours,  and  liei'  jjaternosters,  and  her  aves,  yet  slic  (loth 
nothing  luit  howl.  Jn  every  thing  she  is  only  as  one  that  is  changed 
into  a  she-wolf  in  tlie  sight  of  (iod  ;  and  it  is  all  as  the  voice  of  ii  j 

wolf  in  his  sweet  ears.      "Ira  furor  brevis  cst."=^     Anger  is  n  kind 

of  madness.      Is  not  an  angry  in:ui  mad?    How  doth  lie  look?    Iluw  j 

doth  he  speadc  ?  How  farcth  his  heart  Mithin  ?  Of  what  kind  is  all 
his  outward  demea.nour?  He  regardeth  no  nia'i.  How,  then,  is  he 
a  man?  "Est  eiiim  homo  aniinal  mansuetum  naturu."  INlan  is 
gentle  by  nature;  but  as  s.)ou  as  lui  loseth  his  gentleness  he  loseth 
jnan's  natuiv,  and  Anger,  the  sorceress,  transforiueth  him  into  the 

nature  of  a  beast,  as  I  said  before.     And  what  if  any  recluse,  Jesus  : 

Christ's  spouse,  is  ti'ansformed  into  a  she-wolf?      Is  it  not  a  great 

grief?     There  is,  then,  nothing  to  be  done  but  to  cast  away  quickly  I 

the  rough  slaii  that  is  about  the  Iieart,  and  with  mild  conciliation  i 

make  her  smooth  and  soft,  as  woman's  skin  is  naturally.     For,  with  j 

the  woh's  skin,  Jjothing  that  she  doth   is  acceptable  or  pleasing  to  i 

(rod.  j 

ISej-e,  now,  are  many    sorts  of  ivmedies  against  anger,  and  many 

omf'oits   and   discrs  help-       If  men   sj.ejtk   v\\\  o!'  flies — think  titat 

Ihoii    arl    (.irli;.      Dc;    not    me:i     tear    up  l!ie  earth?      !)>>  t]\v\    not 

trc^ad  upon  it  ?      J  )o  th-y  i.ot  uj.on  tiie  carlh  ?      if  ihey  did  so  lo 

••  I  lor.  I'i.i.t.  i.  2. 

122  REf:rL.y.  ixn-rsAia.^r 

l)i.^nrt  mc1)eooi^"o?     ]?auli   mc  duae   so   bi    |>e,  lu'j   divu'  ]>o  vovc 
riht.       r/if  ]ni   1)crkc3t   a^eln   ]'U   ert   liiuulcs   kuiinos  r'    :uit   jlf  ] 


stingiest  njean  mid  attri  \vordL'-,  ]>u  ert  iicddre  kiuid.  >/'  V 
Crislos  spiise.  pc;.',  div.le  lie  ^u?  -  C^^il  tai..iuahi  ovi-^  <luctus  est 
ad  occisloncui,  "i  noii  apc^ruit  ns  suum."  I^l'tcr  al!e  ];l' scliendadc 
pincn  ]^et  he  J'ulede  (wo  lunge  nrnn'it,''  me  led.l<>  lilni  auK.rwen  um'to 
lionr;en  o  waritrco  7  driuen  )>uruh  his  luur  limes  iren.c  ndles  r'  ant 
"non  more  j^en  a  seliep,"  ase  ])e  iioli  v.rit  sel^  "  ne  cwebMic  neucr 
a  word." 

pencil  jet  an  o^er  half:'  Invat  is  word  bute  v.ind?  To  woe  he 
is  istrenc'Scd  ]?et  a  windcs  puf  of  a  word  mci  anellen/^  ■?  aworpen 
intosunne:'  7  hwo  imle  ]Mnielien  ]>eonne  v.under  of  an  ancvc  ];et  a 
windespufof  a  word  anelle^?^  lA-t,  an  o^k-r  half,  ne  schcawe^> 
heo  f,  heo  is  du>t,  7  vi;^tab]e  jmic,  )'et  mid  a  Intel  wind  of  a  word  is 
anon  to  blowen,  7  to  boUen.  ]V-  ilke  puf  of  his  mu?i,  jif  ]'U  hit 
A^urpe  under  ]'iue  vet,  hit  schukle  beren  ])e  upward  toward  ]>c  blisse 
of  heoucne.  Auh  nu  is  muehe  wunder  of  urc  muehele  unmeb-- 
schipo/  UndcrstondeS  ]>is  word.s  Seint  Andreu  nuihte  i^olien 
]yvt  te  herdc  rode  hef  him  touward  heouene,  ant  luueliche  bielipte 
hire.  Seint  Lorens  also  iSolede  ]?ct  te  gredil  hef  lilm  iipwardes  mid 
bernindc  gleden.  Seint  Stefnc  ]^et  te  stones  ).et  mc  st-:ie.le  him 
mido,  7  vndcrneng  ham  nledllche"  mid  hommen^  inoMen,  ])et  is, 
cncolindc:'  7  we  ne  nuiwe  nont  ibolien  ])ct  tc  wind  of  a  wurd  here 
us  touward  heunene:'  auh  beoO  w<.de  ajeines  ham  ]>et  we  schnldcn 
)n,ncken,  ase  beo  ilke  J-et  serue^  us  of  muclie  seruise,  j-auh  hit  U-. 
hore  unSenkei.  "Impins  uinit  pio,  uelit  nJit  hnpius.-^  Al  j-el  j.e 
unwrcsto  7  te  vnele   ^e^  Ibr  vu.le,  al   i^   ]k-  -ode  to  gode,  7  a!  is  to 

1'   iVin:;cl,t.  C. 
"  af.lK^n.   C.  T. 

fun.l.l.   T.  C. 

■  luic  no  <iu.^^.    f.  T. 

„,,,„,..„..  UK,..-.., .-.UK. .NTS. 

jKi  -  -?  "  <^;r  *'n?:r^    t,o„.i„i«u.  ,.u,..  that  u.  c,>,i«v. 

,1,,-ouJ,  i,isio,„-ii„>i.--; 

1  K,,' uu'.r-'    To.-,  is  slie 

Thi-.A  yot  ninon:   ^.    la    >-  ^^,,t   down    al'.A 

,.,,,,„,l,er.ea  .1,"-  .  wukU  puft  o    a      o-  ^^_,^^      ,  „,.  „„ 

.    o.v  into  sin;  »n,l  ^vK  then    «on,     ,^    t_^  ^^^^^^_^,     ^,,,  „^^, 
,,„„l,ovoss  when,  .  -ndspnft  "   =';^-;^,,  ^,„^,,u,,  who,  -tU 

a  lU.le  »i«d  of  a  «ofd,  ■;  "  '  ";  ^^  ^;^t  it  „„dc.v  tl,y  foot,  ^vould 
The  s,n„o  puff-  of  Ins  "»"'■■,!,'='.  of  hcnen.  And  now  there 
,„_,3,.  thoc  upward  tounvd  -;  >'-  «  ;  -l,,^  „,,„  „,-  p„Uont  endm.nce. 
:,  veason  to  wonder  n.nch  ^^  ^  ^„„,i   ,„a„re  that   the 

r„au-stnnd  th,s  '^")'"S-  ^'  ,  ,„vcn;  and  lovingly  he  end,,  -ed 
,,aiornl  eross  lifted  hnnnp  tow   u^^^^^^  ,,^,       ..liron   lifted   h,„r 

,.      Saint    Lawrorrco   also   ™''"^^  g,    .„„,  endured  that  the 

,„,,,,  with  burning  b-nds.      S.u      ^J  ^^^^^^  ^_^  ^^^^^^^ 

,,„„,  wherewith  they  f"-'  "^^^^.^  ,„,,,,,.•,  and  we  cannot 
them  gladly,  «itl.  '--'If  k"':  -  ,  ,j"  ,.„.  „.  ^.ward  heaven,  bnt 
oudmi  that  .he  wind  ot  a  -"^  ^  ;  ;,  ,,,^,„,,,  „,  Joing  us 

„,e  nrad  against  then,  "■''-";, J  '•;,„.  .  ,,„,,-,„s  vivit  pio,  veht 
service,  thoneh  it  '-/■'"■  ad  wieked  doth  for  cvilis  good 

noiit   inn--"      '^",;':^    :;;:f        lhisadvaneen,e„t,owa,;ah,s 


■::-r;:;;et,:iir^::t:i'.na, w.dwhdehei..d 


KKGUL.y.  IXClJ'8AI!r.M 

1,    /   tcl 
11  uit;is 

li!^  Im!]'-!!.',  7  tiiiil.nm-v  lonward  liis  Wisse.  Let  liinc  nv 
^ilcillicli'j.  l.ivi(k'ii  ]>e  niiocnuic.  ]\mic  Im  \>c  >j:n(]v  iioli  n 
patnun,  custe  7  blescfdo  j^c  uinvjvstc  lioiul  f  IicMc  iliormcd  liim,  7 
siM.le  so  iinvardliclie  cussiiide  liirc  jeornc  r'  "  I  blcscc.l  beo  ciier  Jk'os 
liund,  v(.r  lico  liauecS  itiinbred  mo  ])e  blisceii  of  lieouor.c  r' "  7  tu  sliii;e 
also  bi  ]'e  bond  f)  niis-dcLS  ]>e,  7  bl  ])e  inn^  a]>o,  -p  out'""  i!ii.s-sri^  j.-c, 
"I  blc^ccd  bco  ])[  iiuio/'  ]m  seic,  "  vor  ])u  iiir>kost  mo  looinc  ]>eiMi'lo 
linibron,  7  to  ecli-jii  iiic  miiio  cruiic.  \v\-l  is  mc  nor  ii;inc  "^'ode,  7 
wo  is  mo  })auh  for  ]>iii  viiul :'  vor  j-a  dc-.t  me  ood,'' 7  licrmcst  ]n  sulf." 
Lif  ei  mon  ocier  ci  wuinmou  jiiis-seiS  ober  mis-deS  on,  mine  Icoue 
su^^tren,  so  ^c  scliulen  slooeii.  Auli  mi,  is  muclie  wimdcr,  jif  we 
wel  bilioldeb,  hu  Godes  Jialov.-cii  ]?olcdcii  wmidcii  in  Jioro  bodie,  7 
we  beoS  wodc  jif  a  wind  bloweci  a  Intel  touward  lis,  7  te  ilkc  wind 
no  MundeJS  nout  luito  ];o  care  oik'.  Vor  nou\5er  ne  mei  ])o  wind,  |)et 
is  )>et  \v(,rd,  ne  Avnnden  ])q  i  ]>ine  vlesclic,  no  fuleii  ]nne  soulc  J'anli 
lilt  pidle  on  ]>e,  buto  jif  ]n  sulf  liit  makle.  ]>ernardns:  "Qui.l 
irritaris?  qnid  inflammaris  ad  verbi  flatnm,  (jni  nee  carnem  vul- 
nerat,  noc  iiK^ninat  meiitem."  Wel  ]m  meilit  nnderst-mdun  '■  |>et  tor 
was  Intel  fur  of  clierite  ];et  leitc^  al  of  ure  Louerdes  Inuo.  Lutel 
fur  was  tcr  ]>er  of,  |)ct  a  acweinte.  Vor  ]'er  asc  nmcliel  fnr  is, 
kundeliclie  bit  waxet)  mid  windo. 

A  join  mis-sawc  obcr  misdede,  lo,  heranont,'^  romedic  7  salne. 
Alio  cnnneS  wel  jjoos  asauniplc.  A  nioii  ]>et  leic  ine  jaisnuo,  7 
onlitc  muclie  raunsun,  7  o  none  wise  ne  scliulde,  ne  no  mubte  u( 
Lute  jif  bit  ^^'el•e  vor  te  bongen,  cr  be  befde  al  bis  ransun  fulIicliL- 
ipaied, — nolde  be  eunnen  god  J;onc  ane  monne  ])et  wuriie  '^'  up  on 
bini  a  bigurded  fid  of  ])onewes  uorte  aewiteii  7  areiiuon  bim  midi' 
7  aleseii  bim  ut  of  pine,  j)aub  be  wuijie  bit  ful  bej'du  ■A-^^vh\  \\\< 
be.irt(,'?      Al    ]>c\    biii-f    7    al    ^vi    sore  weiv    n<))-i;iten  7 

i.^iuen  uur 

■iv  KON<;>  liOIlNF.  AViTII   IWiTFACE  nErO-\IE  liEXEFITS.  12.') 

i:  cariT'stly,  ;iii<I  I'p.m  liis  Jicart  :  "  ICvcr  Itlcsscil  l)o  his  luiud,  iWr  it 
hndi  ]'iv]';iiv;l  I'wr  uk'  tlic-  blessi'dness  of  heaven:"  and  sny  tliou  in 
like  lunniier  of"  tlie  liaiid  that  injures  thee,  and  the  nioutli  also  that 
-aycth  a)iy  evil  against  tln-e,  '-IJlcssed  be  tliy  niuutli,  fortliou  niakcst 
it  an  instnuncnt  for  me  v.lierewith  to  form  and  to  increase  my 
crown.  "W^ell  is  me  for  my  ^ood,  and  yet  woe  is  me  for  thine  evil ; 
iur  thon  doest  good  to  mo  and  liarm  to  thyself."  Thus  shall  yc  say, 
my  dear  sisters,  if  any  man  or  any  woman  wrong  you  by  word  or 
deed.  ]]ut  n(jw,  it  is  very  strange,  if  wc  consider  well,  how 
tlie  Saints  of  God  sulTered  wounds  in  their  bodies  ;  and  wo  are 
distracted  if  a  wind  blow  a  little  toward  us,  and  the  same  wind 
hurteth  nothiPig  but  tlie  ear  oidy.  l^or  the  wind,  that  is,  the  word, 
can  neither  wound  thee  in  thy  flesh,  nor  defile  thy  soul,  thougli  it 
may  puif  on  tliee,  excej-t  thou,  thyself,  cause  it.  Bernard:  "Quid 
irrltaris?  quid  inflannnaris  ad  verb!  flatum,  qui  nee  carnoni  vulnerat 
nee  inquinat  mentem."  Tiiou  mightest  well  understand  that  there 
was  little  <»f  tlie  fire  of  charity  which  is  kindled  by  the  love  of  our 
l.ord.  There  was  little  of  that  fii'e  which  a  puff  extinguished.  For 
where  there  is  much  fire  it  natural! v  increaseth  with  wind. 

Against  wrongful  word  or  deed,  lo,  here  is''  a  remedy  and  salve  for 
tiiem.  Let  cveiy  one  weigh  well  this  example.  A  man  who  lay  in 
j^risriu  and  owed  a  large  sum  for  liis  ransom,  and  in  no  wise  coidd  or 
un'ght  get  out,  exce])t  it  were  to  be  hanged,  until  he  had  fully  ]iaid 
his  ransom, — would  he  not  give  good  thaidvs  to  a  man  wdio  threw 
upon  him  a  purse  full  of  money  w  herewith  to  pay  his  debt,  and  set 
him  free  and  release  him  out  of  painful  durance,  though  ho  threw 
it  hard  against  his  heart  ?  All  the  hurt  and  the  sore  would  be  for- 
gotten and  forgiven  for  gladness.  Just  so  are  all  we  liere  in  jn-ison, 
and  uwr.  to  flud  gnat  delits  by  reason  of  oiu-  sins,  and  therefoi'e  we 
crs    to  him    in    the   l'atciiio-,tc)-,   '•  lOl   diniiftc  Jiobis,   debita   nostra." 

"126  IlKOUL-F.  INCLUS.Mimr. 

ixleJncsse.      Al  riht  o  ])issc  wise  vc  beoo  allc  ine  ^.i-i.^uiic  lior,  7  owcn 
Godgreatc  dettcs  of  sunncn:'  ?  tor  ]n  we  jeieS   to  liiiii   i^e  Pater- 
noster, "Et  dimitte  m^As  del.lta  nostra."     l.oiierd,  wc  siggx-S  Cor^^if 
lis  lire  dettes,  al  so  asc  we  iioi'^IueS   to   uro  deftiirs.      Wouli  |'et  uio 
mis-de-S  us,  o5cr  of  word  oSer  of  were— ]>et  is  mv  raun.uii  ]>et  ^^  e 
scliulen  arcimen  us  niide,  1  acwiteii  ure  dettes  touward  lire  Louerd, 
))et  beo^  ure  sminen  :f  vor  wiSute  cwitauiice,  up  of  his  prisuu  nis 
lion  innnien,  ])et  he  nc   biN  anhonged,  oSer  ine  puigatorie,  oSer  iSe 
pine  of  belle.     Ant   ure   Louerd   sulf  seiS,  "  Dimitte,  7  dimittetiir 
vobis :"  "  for3,if,  7  ichiillo  forjiue  ]^e  :'"  7  is  as  ]>auh  lie  seide,  "  ]m  crt 
Pndetted  touward  nic  swuoe  mid  sunnen :!  aub,  wultu  god  f  ^ix-ward, 
al  j)et  euer  eni  mon  niis-seiS  j^e,  oScr  mis-de«  |)e,  icbullo  nimeii  bit 
onward  he  dctte  }>et  tu  owest  me."'     Nu  l^eonne,  Iniuli  a  word  culle 
];e  ful  berdc  up  o  ]nne  heorte/-^  7  te  ];uncbeS   a  uormest  ]'et  bit 
liurteS  ]?ine   beorte,  ]?enc  asc  ]>c  persun  wolde  JK-t  were  ihnrt  sore 
init  te  bigurdle,  7  undernong  bit   gledlicbe  uorte  acwiten  ];e  mide.  7 
Foi;o  32.     j,onke  bim  ];et  bit  sonde  ];e,  ]>aub  God  nc  kunnc  bim  neiier  ]>onc  of 
his  sonde.     He  bermcS   liimsulf  7  iroemcS''  )>e,  pf  ]m  const  bit 
understonden.^     Vor  ase  Dauid  seib  swuiSe  wcl  mid  alio,  "  God  deS 
in  bis  tresor  ]>co  unwreste  7  te  vuele,  vorte   liurcn  mid  ham,  ase  me 
dc5   mid  garsume  ]>co  f  wel   vibteS,  ponens  in  tbcsauris  abissos." 
Glosa,  crudeles  quibus  domat  milites  sues.     YA't,  an  oSer  balue,  ]'c 
pellican  is  a   fuel  J^et  haue^   anoScr  cmidc :!  ])et  is,  ]>ct  bit  is  eiicr 
leane.     Vor  )n  asc  ich   cr  seide,  Dauid   efiiedc  bim   })crto  in  ancre 
pcrsone,  7  uie   ancre '^  stefnc.     "  Similis  factus  sum  pcllicano  soli- 
tudinis."    "  Ich  am  a  pellican  ilicbe  }>et  wuncS  bi  bim  one :"  7  ancre 
cub  ]7us  to  siggen,  7  bcon  ilicbe  ]>c  pellican  anont  ]>et  bit  is  leane. 
"  ludit  clausir  in  cubiculo  jejunabat  omnibus  diebus  vite  sue,"  7c. 
ludit  bitund  innc,  asc  bit  telleS   in   hire  boc,  ledde  swuJSe  herd  lit; 
veste,^'  7  weredL-  bearc.     ludit   bitund   inue  bitucnc^   ancre  bitund, 
]>L't  oubto  lodcii   lierd   lif,  ase  dude   jn'   Icfdi   ludit,  eftcr  biro  efne,  7 

■u.,iu.  C.  "  '■'•^'»- 

C.  T. 




Tin:  AvuKKi).  c;oi»s  ixstuimex  rs  or  i^isciim-ine. 


If   !U]V    WYOU 

is  (Italic  citlior  1)\'  ^V(n•d  or 

;  \vc  forgive  uur  debtors." 
leccl — that  is  our  ransom. 

wlievewith  we  slinii!-!  iVee  ourseh-cs  and  ]);.your  debts  to  our  Lord — 
-\vliicli  are  our  ^il:s  ;  for  \\itliout  payment,  out  of  liis  prison  is  iiouo 
taken,  but  to  be  punislied  cither  in  purgatory,  or  in  the  i)ahis  of  iiell. 
And  our  Lord  himself  says,  "  Dimitte,  et  dimittetur  vobis:"-'' 
"Forgive,  and  I  will  foi-givc  you  ;  "  as  if  lie  had  said,  "Thou  art 
dcc})ly  indebted  to  me  through  sins ;  but  if  thou  wilt  make  r.  faithful 
agreement,  I  will  account  whatever  any  man  saith  or  doth  wrong- 
fully against  you  as  part  of  payment  of  the  debt  thou  owcst  me." 
Now  then,  though  a  word  strike  you  full  hard  upon  the  heart,  and 
it  seems  to  you  at  first  that  it  hurteth  thine  heart,  reflect,  as  the 
ju-isoner  would  who  nn'glit  be  hurt  by  the  purse ;  and  receive  it 
gladly  to  pay  your  debt  with  it ;  and  thajik  liini  who  sent  it  to  thee, 
though  God  may  never  tliank  him  for  his  sending  it.  Lie  doth 
harni  to  himself,  and  good  to  thee,  if  thou  art  able  to  untlerstand  it. 
For  as  David  well  saith,  "  God  i)laccth  in  his  treasure-house  the 
base  and  the  wicked,  in  order  to  hire  with  them,  as  men  do  with 
money,  those  who  fight  well,  laying  up  the  depths  in  store 
houses ; "  ^  y'l/..  the  cruel,  by  whom  he  disciplines  Iiis  soldiers. 
Again,  the  pelican  is  a  bird  that  hath  another  nature ;  which  is, 
that  she  is  always  lean.  Wherefore,  as  I  said  before,  David  com- 
pared himself  to  her  in  the  character  and  in  the  voice  of  a  recluse : 
"  Simills  factus  sum  pelicano  solitudinis."  "I  am  like  a  j)clican 
that  dwelleth  alone  :  "  and  a  recluse  ought  thus  to  say,  and  to  be 
like  the  pelican  as  to  her  being  lean.  "  Judit  clausa  in  cubiculo 
jcjunabat  omnibus  diebus  vitaj  suio,'  ccc.^  "Judith,  shut  up,"  as 
we  are  told  in  I'.ei-  book,  "led  a  very  hanl  life,  fasted  and  wore 
hair-cloth."  Judith  sluit  up  hctv)keneth  an  anchoress  shut  up,  who 
ought  to  lead  a  hard  life,  as  did  tlie  lady  Judith,  as  far  as  slie 
is  able,  and  not  lil-:e  a  sv,ine  ]»ent  up  in  a  sty  to  intlen  and  to 
iiicr^'ase  in  size  for  the  stroke  of  the  a\e. 

12S  1!L-:gul.i:  ivt  lusahlm. 

nout  asc  swiii  ipuiid  inc  sti  iv.n-ic  uettLMi,  7  furtv  <^rcalfu  a^^eiii  \k'  eiil 
of  }'er  eax. 

INvo  cunno  ancron  beoS  ]'ft  mv  l.onenl  spcke-b  of,  7  sei^  in  ]>c 
gospelle:'  of  false,  1  of  treowc,  "  Vulut-s  foveas  liabeiit,  7  volueivs 
cell  liidos:"  ];ct  is,  "'voxes  lialilje^  lioiv  holes,  7  briddes  of  lieouene! 
bore  nestes."  pc  uoxes,  )>et  beob  ])c  valse  anereii,  ase  vox  is  best; 
falsest,  ]'Cos  babbeS,  be  sel^  ure  Louerd,  bore  boles  inward  ter 
eor^e,  mid  corSlicbe  unSeamves,  7  draweS  al  into  bore  boles,  ];ct 
beo  nmwcu  arcpcn  7  arechen.^  pus  beo«  ]>c  gederindc  ancrcu  ol' 
god,  iSe  gospellc  to  uoxes  iefned.^  pe  uox  is  ec  a  wrecebe  ureeb"^ 
best.  7  fret  swuSe  wel  mid  alle:'^^  7  tc  valse  ancre  dniuliLJ  into  bire 
bole  7  fret,  ase  ]jc  uox  deS,  boSe  ges  7  benben,  ant  babbe^S  efter  ]'e 
uoxe  a  simple  sendjlaunt  same  cbcrre,  7  beoo  jniuli  ful  of  gile,  7 
makieb  bam  o-Sre  ]>en  ba  beoS,  ase  uox  de^):''^  is  ipocrlte  7  ueiieo 
forte  gilen  God,  ase  beo  bidweolieJi  simple  men,  7  gilecS  me.-t  bam 
suluen.  EelstrcS,''  ase  ];e  uox  deJS,  7  ^elpeS  of  bore  god,  Invar  se 
beo  durren  7  muwen :"  7  cbefieS  of  idel,  7  so  swuJSo  worldlieb 
iwurbeS,  ]>et,  anont  bore  nome,  ba  stinkeS,  ase  ]>e  uox  de^i  ]'er  Ik- 
ge^  fore :'  vor  jif  beo  do^S  vuele  me  seiS  bi  bam  wurse. 

peos  eodcn  into  ancre  base  ase  dude  Saul  hitoboler'  nout  ase 
Dauid  ]'c  gocle.  BoSe  ]'auli  beo  ^venden  into  bole,  Saul  7  Dauid, 
ase  bit  tellcS  inc  Kegum.  Aub  Dauid  wende  [in  bim  for  to  elensen  :' 
acb  Saul  wende]^  ];idcr  in  vorte  don  liis  ful^e  ]>uriniie,  ase  deJS, 
among  moni  mon,  sum  uniseli  ancre,  went  into  bole  of  ancre  base 
vortelifulen  penc  stude,  7  don  derneluker  |)erimie  flesliclie  f^d^L•n, 
];en  beo  mubte  ^if  beo  \\ere  amidde  j^e  Avorlde.  Uor  bwo  baue^ 
more  oise  to  don  bire  cweadscliipes  ]>eu  baucb  ]h^  ualse  aiicre?     pus 

•r.     rr,i,h 

ii^.,l'  s  hiu,  .nuT  h  u  lie  is.  as  iux  (•  is.   T.  '  Gnlsfrcs.  T.      <r:.!i'-^.   O, 

1  IVo.'i.   C, 


l.\\T,=iE  AXCT 



'''•---- -'''^;;::'ri^r:::vr:r;^v:;;t 

„„a  ,«o„tions  m   tl,c  Go'P'l .    '™  '•  „  ;     .v„,«l,avotlieir 

foveas  l..U.nt,  e,  vuUktc.  c«l;        ^  ,    U-'.  "l'-''  --^^  "'^ 
holes,  nml  birds  of  ho.ven  t  ,eu- ne.t»  '     J;-,^^;^,^^.  Those," 

n,Ue  ™cl,o..esses,  as  .ho  fox  ,s J^ho  .os     ,.  >  he,  _  ^,  ^^^        ^._^^^^_ 

o„v  Lord  sakh,  "have  then   1  oles  m      e  ,  ^_^^^  ^^^^^  „ 

„,„1  a,.aw  every  thing  into  then- 1»1-   ">  ;,,^,  ^„,       ,„i ,,,  God 
■n.      the  ....r^ses.  .0  ^   ^f  I^Jj^tovisi.  ind  ra.aons 

::;:a::n::r  «^-- ttttif:^":":-^^^^^^ 

;„„  ,,er  hole  and  devours,  -f     ^f ^J,  »  „„,\  „„d  vet  is  full  of 
,,„,,,,  like  the  fox,  a  sonu.K^snpk^  ^^^^  .^_  ^^  ^,^^  f,,^ 

guile,  and   afteeteth   to  he  ^ff«™t  ^^^.^^   ^^^^^^  ^^  ^,,^, 

doth;    she  -  n  l.ypocv.,e,   and  t  nrUctl^^^^^^    ^^^^^^    ^_^^^^^^,       ^,^^, 

imposes   upon    snnple    men,    '  ,  ,        „<.,i,s  ,vheresoever  she 

yelpethasthefoxdo.h,andhoat>^^o    '-^  ^^^^_^_^^,^  ^,, 

^"-  °'V™-^-'  laiv  rr  o1,:  n:.'Cshe  stinUetl,,  .  the  fo. 
extremely  worldlj  ,  that,  as  ^^  _^^^,.^^  ,j  ,,,„,,,,,,. 

doth  wherever  he  goes,  for  ,f  she  doth  e.         1  ^^^_^^  .^^^^  ^^^^ 

Such  persons  go  into  a  re  .g.ous  hou  e  as^^^^  ^_^^^  ^^^_^  ^^^^^^^ 
eave;  .ot  as  the  p.ous  Davu  dul.^^  ,^  ^^^^  ^^^^^^  ^,.  j..^„^  ,,„, 
indeed,  into  the  cave,  as  we  .    ^      ■  j^^^^^^,  ,he ;  as 

I„vid  went  in  to  c'™"-  '■■*,;'  -luse,  who  goes  into  a 
doth,  -""g  '"r^;;;  '„::ph  .,  and  to  indulge  therein  in  carnal 
religious  house  to  ''f  ' '^^^  ,,J,ould  do  if  she  were  abroad  u, 
nucleanness  more  sec.  etlj  tha    s  ^^__^^_^.^  „.eked.,ess 

.he  wo.-ld.  For  who  -n  th  nor  ,  _^^,  ^^^^^  ^^^^^^,  ^^^  _,^,^,,^,  „,^, 
than  th.'  false  veelnse.'      Uu.s  we..t 

"'"  "'■''"'  ■"■  s 

t'AMlX   SOC. 

]:V\  i:T:';rL,y.  ixri.isAKi  Af, 

wcikIl'  Saul  into  liolo  uort  te  Lidon -'  puiie  stiider  auli  Daul.l  wciulc- 
])iJei-  in  one  uor  to  luuleii  him  un>ni  |»ct  him  liatede,  f  soiiht'.- 
iiorto  slcnnc:'  7  ^o  Jc5  ]'o  undo  aneiv.  Saul,  }?ct  is  j^e  ueond,  hatcS 
7  hui:te\5  oi'ter  hirc:^  7  heo  duS  hire  into  liiru  iiole,  uorte  huden  hire 
vroin  his  kcne  clol'.es.  Heo  hut  ^  hire  in  hire  hole,  Lo^tj  vi-om 
■vvorldlii'he  men  7  Morldliche  sniiiien  r'  7  i'ov'&l  heo  is.  gostliche  Dauid  :' 
bet  is,  strong  to  jcin  ]'0  ueond,  7  hire  lire  luf"->um  to  lu-e  L'iU'jrdrs 
eien.  Vor  al  so  nuichcl  seiS  ]>is  -word  Dauid,  on  Ehreuwisclii^ 
j-'oh'o  33.  leodene,  as  strong  tojein  ];e  ueond.  pe  ualse  ancre  is  Saul,  ef'ter 
bet  his  name  seiS  ^  Saul,  abutcns,  siue  ahusio.  Vor  Saul,  on 
Ebrcuwisch,  is  mis-notinge  an  Englisch  :'  ant  te  valse  ancre  nlis-l^ote^j 
ancre  nonie.  Vor  heo  witeS  unwurSliehe  ancre  nomo:^  7  al  ];et  heo 
euer  wurclicb.  Auh  j^e  gode  ancre  is  ludit,  as  we  er  seiden,  }>et  i^ 
bitund,  ase  heo  was :'  7  also  ase  heo  dude,  vesteS  7  wakicS,  swijihe^ 
7  wereJS  here.''  Ileo  is  of  }'C  briddes  |>et  ure  Louerd  spekeS  of, 
eftcr  |7e  uoxes  r'  ];e  mid  hore  lustes  ne  holiet)  nout  aduneward,  ase 
do'S  );e  uoxes,  ]?et  bcob  false  ancren  r  auh  habbeS  uj)  an  hrih,  ase 
briddes  of  heouene,  iset  bore  nest,  ]?ct  is  hore  reste.  Treowe  aneren 
beoS  briddes  bitocncd  r''^  vor  heo  leaueS  j^e  eorvSe,  J;et  is,  ]>e  luuc  of 
alle  eorbliche  ]>inges,  7  j'uruh  jirnunge  of  heorte  to  heouenliche 
binoes,  vleo'S  upward,  touward  heouene.  Ant  taidi  heo  vleon  heic, 
mid  hcih  lif  7  holi,  lico  holdeS  ]>auh  ]'et  heaued  lowe  ]>uruh  mihle 
edmodnesse,  ase  brid  vleoinde  buhS  |'et  heaued  lowc,  ant  lute^  al '' 
nouht  wurb  ]'et  heo  wel  du^,  7  wel  wurchecJ :'  7  siggelS  ase  uri.- 
Louerd  lerede  alle  his,  "Cum  omnia  bene  feeeritis,  diciti'  (juod  servi 
inutiles  estis:"  "  Ilwon  jt^habbub  al  wel  idon."  he  seiS,  ure  Louerd, 
"  siiigeci'f  je  beob  uniuite ''  ]n-elles."  LleoS  heic,  7  holdetS  ]'auh  ]H>t 
heaued  euer  lowe,  pe  hwingen  ]>et  bereiS  ham  u[)ward,  ]>et  beoIS 
oode  l>eauwes  ])et  heo  moten  sturien  int(j  gode  werkes,  ase  h\i\  hwon 
hit  wide  vleon  sture-S  his  hwingen.      Auh  pe  treowe  ancrcn  ]'et  wo 

T.  c. 
,  'I'. 

ri;i  K  A>;(  ii<)i;i:ssEs  comvaukd  to  jjiuds. 



i)iace;  hut  Ddvhl  \\,'ut  i.i  lliidicr  only  t.)  hide  liiiusclf  fVoiii  Saul, 
svlio  liatcd  ]-,iiri  and  siiiiL^it  to  slay  liiiu  ;  and  sd  dolh  tliG  ooo.l 
tnicliorcss.  Said,  that  is,  tlic  fiend,  liatclli  and  hnnleih  aftoi'  hvv; 
and  she  retires  into  lier  cave,  to  hide  herseU'  fro))!  his  keen  clutclies 
She  hides  herself  in  her  ca\-e,  both  from  worldly  men  and  worldly- 
sins;  and  therefore  she  is  spiritually  David  ;  iIkU  is,  ^Irojiu  against 
the  fiend,  and  lier  couiitenanee  lovely  in  the  pi-ht  of  our  Loi-.I. 
For  this  word,  David,  in  the  Hebrew  hingua'^e,  si^infies  as  much  as, 
strong  jigainst  the  fiend.  The  false  recluse  is  Siinl,  according  to  the 
meaning  of  his  name ;  Saul,  ahmimj,  or  abuse.  For  Saul,  in 
Hebrew,  is  abusing  in  English;  and  the  false  recluse  abuscth  the 
name  of  anchoress.  For  she  unwortliily  throweth  rcproaeli  u})uii 
the  name  of  anchoress,  and  upon  all  that  she  doth..  But  the  good 
anchoress  is  Judith,  as  we  said  before;  tltat  is,  shut  up  as  she  was; 
and  doth  just  as  she  did,  fasteth  and  wa.teheth,  laboureih  and 
weareth  hair-clotli.  She  is  of  the  nature  of  the  birds,  of  whicdi  our 
Lord  speaketh  after  the  foxes,  which  dig  not  dowiiward  v»ith  their 
lusts,  as  do  the  foxes,  wduch  arc  false  anchoresses,  but,  as  birds  of 
heaven  which  IrcUe  set  up  on  high  their  nest ;  that  i:-.,  their  rest. 
True  anchoresses  are  compared  to  birds;  for  they  leave  the  earth  ; 
that  is,  the  love  of  all  earthly  things;  and,  througli  yearniiig  of 
heart  after  lieavenly  things,  fly  upward  toward  heaven.  ^Vud, 
although  they  fly  high,  with  high  and  holy  life,  yet  thoy  hold  the 
head  low,  through  meek  humility,  as  a  bird  flying  boweth  dowii  its 
head,  and  acconnteth  all  her  good  deeds  and  good  works  nothing 
W(jrth,  and  s;uth,  as  our  L(M-d  taught  all  his  followers,  "Ciuu  omnia 
bene  feceritis,  dicite  quod  servi  inutiles  estis  ;  "  "  When  ye  have  done 
all  well,"  saith  our  ]>o!-d,  "  say  that  ye  are  unp-roiltable  servants." 
Fly  high,  and  vet  hold  the  head  always  low.  The  wings  that  bear 
them  are,  good  pi'IiK'iph'S,  which  tliey  nuist  move  uiito  good 
works,  :is  a  l)ird,  uhen  it  ^^  ould  fly,  mo\cth  its  v.ings.  Also,  the 
true  aiichoi'esses,  whom   we  compare  to  birds,  — yet  not  we,  but  (uxl 

spread  their  wings  antl  make  a  cr(,ss  of  themselves,  as  a  bird  doth 

when  it  flieth  ;   that  is,  in  the  thoughts  of  (he  heart,  and  the  mortili 

i;V2  iiEGUL.E  iNciA:sAi;u:\r. 

('^nc•^   to   brlddes.-'   iiout   we  |;auh :"   auli   doc)   God.      I  feu   sjirc-dcb 
lioie  Inviiv.veti,  ant  makieS  a  creoiz  of  ham  sulucn,  asc  brid  deb  Invoii 
liit  fldi^,  ]?ct  is,  ine  ]70ulite  of  lieorte,  1  iiie  bitterncsse  of  flesche, 
bereS  Gudes  rode,     peo  briddes  fleob  vvel  ]?ct  liabbeS   lutel  fleseli. 
Folio  y:i  b.  use    \q   pcllicaii    haueS,   7    monie    ucdcren.''      pe   steorc  ^  uor    Ids 
muchelc    flesclic    makeS    a    seiublaunt    uortc    vleon,    %   beateJS    |>c 
Invinocn  :'    auh  ]>et  fetto  drauhS   cucr  to  \cv  eorSe.     Al  rilit  so, 
fleschllch  aucre  }>et  luueS  *=  flesclies  lustes  7  foluwcS  liirc  else,  J;c 
lieuinessc  of  hire  flesche  1,  flesches  uiicSeawcs  binimeb  hire  hire  vlulit:^ 
'r  tauli  heo  makic  scmblaunt,  %  muchel  noise  mid  te  hwingen/'  ])et  is, 
k'tcn  of  ase  |)auh  heo  flmve  1  were  an   lioli   ancre.     IIwo  se  jeonio 
bihalt,  he  hudnveS  hire  to  bisemaret"  for  hire  nette  euer,  ase  deb  \i: 
strorkes/  )>et  beoS  hire  lustes,  draweS  hire  to  \qy  corbe.     pcus  nc 
beoS  nout  iliche  ]?e  pelhcan  \c  leane^  ]ie  ne  vleoS  nout  an  heih  ^  auh 
Ijeob  cor^  briddes,  ?  nesteb   o  ])er  eorSe.     Auh  God  ck'opeb   })c 
uode  ancreu  briddes   of  heouene,  ase  ich  er  seide:   "  Vulpes  foveas 
habeiit,  1  vokicres  ceh  nidos  "     Voxes  habbeb  liore  lioles,  "t  briddes 
of  heouene   hore    nestes.      Treowe  ancreu    beo5    arilit  brickies  of 
heouene  ];et  fleo^  an   heih,   ant   sitteS   siugindc  murie  Q-Se  grcne 
bowes  ^  ]?ct  is,  ];enche-5  uppand,^  of  |?e  blissc  of  heouene,  J'ct  ncuor 
nc  valewe^,  auh  is  euer  grene,  ^  sitteS  o  J^isse  grene,  singinde  swubc 
muric :'  ]?et  is,  rested  ham  inne  swuche  ];onhtc,  1  habbe-b  muruhtic 
of  heorte,  ase  ]>eo  ]jct  singcb.     Brid  }>auh,  ober  hwule,  vorte  sechen 
his  mete  uor  ]'e  vlesches  neode,  liliteb  adun  to  ];er  corbc:'  auh  )>co 
hwule  \ci  hit  sit  o  ];er  corbe,  nis  hit  ncuer  siker,  auh  blwent=  him 
ofte,  ?  bilokeb  him  euer  jeorneliche  al  abutcn.     Alriht  so,  ]ie  godc 
ancre,  ne  vleo  heo  neuer  so  heie,  heo  mot  lihten  obcr  hwules  aduu 
/••,./;->  r.J.     to  |;er  eorbe  of  hire  bodie,  eten,  drinkcn,  slejjen,  wuichen,  speken, 
iheren  of  J^et  ncodcb  to,  of  eorbliche  ])inges.     Auh  ];eonne,  as  ])c 
Iirid  deb,  heo  mot  wel  biseon  hire,  ?  biholden   hire   on  ilclierc  half,'' 

^'  f,.l.-fuNcron.   ('.  •■  strucion.  C.     ostrico.   T. 

t  |j„,,^_   ']'_  ''  imiclie  mil  N  \\i^'  wcni^eii.   ('.     iiniche 'h'.iu-.   T. 

•    siiuriniics.   C.      .Mstri<-i;s.  T.  '  i!|i\^"'l-   ■''• 



cation  of  the  flesli,  they  bear  the  Lord's  cross.     Those  birds  fly  well 

that  have   Httle  flesh,  as  the  peh'can  hath,  and  many  feathers.     The 

ostriclij'^  liavhio-  much   flesh,  inaketh  a  pretence  to  fly,  and  flaps  his 

wings,  but  Ills  feet  always  draw  to  the  earth.     In  hke  manner,  the 

carnal  anchoress,  who  lovetli  carnal  pleasures,  and  sccketh  her  case, 

tlic  heaviness  of  her  flesh  and  its  desires  depriveth  her  of  her  power 

of  flying;  and  though  she  make  a  pretence  and  nuich  noise  Avith  lier 

i  wings ;  that  is,   make  it  appear  as  if  she  flew,   and  were  a  holy 

I  anchoress,  whoever  looks  at  her  narro^vly,  laughs  her  to  scorn  ;  for 

I  her  feet,  as  doth  the  ostrich's,  which  are  her  lusts,  draw  her  to  the 

'  earth.     Such  are  not  like  the  meagre  pelican,  nor  do  they  fly  aloft, 

but  are  birds  of  the  earth,  and  make  their  nests  on  the  ground.     But 

God  calleth  the  good  anchoresses  birds   of  heaven,  as  I  said  before : 

"  Vulpes  foveas  habent  et  volucrcs  coeli  nidos."     "  Foxes  have  their 

holes,  and  birds  of  heaven    their   nests."      True  anchoresses    arc 

;  indeed  birds  of  heaven,  that  fly  aloft,  and  sit  on  the  green  boughs 

,  singing    merrily ;    that   is,    they    meditate    enraptured,    upon    the 

i  blessedness  of  heaven   that  never  fadeth,  but  is  ever  green  ;  and  sit 

I  on  this  irreen,  sinn-in"-  n'uht  mciTily  ;  that  is,  in  such  meditation  they 

rest  in  peace  and  have  gladness  of  heart,  as  those  who  sing.     A 

j  bird,  however,  some  times,  alighteth  down  on  the  earth,  to  seek 

'  his  food  for  the  need  of  the  flesh ;  but  while  he  sits  on  the  ground 

he  is  never  secure,  and  is  often  turning  himself,   and  always  looking 

cautiously  all  around.     Even  so,  the  pious  recluse,  though  she  fly 

\  ever  so  high,^  must  at  times  alight  down  to  the  earth  in  respect  of 

her  body — and  eat,  drink,  slecj),  work,  speak,  and  hear,  when  it  is 

necessary,   of  earthly  things.     But  then,  as  the  bird  doth,  she  must 

look  well  to  herself,  and   turn  her  eyes  on  every  side,  lest  she  be 

deceived,  and  be  caught  in  some  of  the  devil's  snares,  or  hurt  in  any 

Avay,  while   she  sits   so  low.     "  The  birds,"  saith  our  Lord,  "  have 

nests:"  "  volucres    cxrli    habent  nidos."       A   nest  is  hard  on   the 

■    III  the 

D-iKinal  it  i.-.  th.'  Nti.rl 

,  t..    wl 

ich    tin- 



1  .lor. 

not   iippl 

.       Ill  tlio  tw 

tiar  MSS. 
''    /.■  .    in 

devout  lurditiitiun. 


r  vf  ulii 

■li  is 



11  tiie  t(,\t. 

131  KEGULvE  INCI.rsAKU.M. 

]h'(-  lioo  iiouliwar  iic  misuiuic,  Icsto  licv>  bco  ikt'Ilit  ]niriili  siuiinic  of 
]>o  deofius  groiioii,  o^Ser  iliurt  suinmos  wcis,  ];c  Invule  ■])  lu-o  sit  sv) 
lowo.  peos  briddcs  liabbcS  nestes,  ho  sciS,  uro  Loucvil,  "  Volucius 
cell  ludjcnt  nidos."  Nest  is  licrd/i  of  prikinde  }>oniL'.s  \vi>>uti-ii,  7 
■wi^innen  iiesclie  ?  softc ;  ?  so  sclud  ancrc;  \vi^ul:cu  J'olIi'U  herd  in 
hire  vlesclie,  1  prikiiido  pinen.  So  ^vIslichc'^'  lico  sclial  J'uuh 
sweiiclicn  ]'ct  flesch,  pet  Leo  muwc  sigcn,  mid  to  iiiahiiwiirulitc, 
"  Fortitudiiicm  nieam  ad  tc  custodiain  ;'"  ];ct  is,  icbulle  witi-ii  niiiic 
strcnc'bc,  Loiicrd,  to  ]>ine  biliouer'  ■?  forcSi  beoJS  flosches  piiic-n  cTtcr 
euericli  ones  vino,  pet  nest  schal  beoii  lierd  AviiSuten  7  softe  wicJiii- 
iieii,  ?  te  heorte  swete.  peo  ]>ct  beotS  of  bittcrOj  oiSer  of  Jiordc 
lieorte,  7  neselic  to  liorc  vloscbe,  hco  niakietS  frurniiiard  liore  nest — 
softe  Avi^iuten,  7  J'orni  witjinnen.  pis  beo'S  ]?o  Aveaniode  7  tc  e:--tfulo 
aneren,  bittre  wiSinnen,  ase  ]:»ct  swete  schulde  beon,  7  estfulo 
wiSuten,  ase  J^et  horde  schulde  boon.  poos  inc  swucho  neste 
niuwen  habbon  herde"  restc  Invon  heo  ham  wel  biSencheiS.  Vor  to 
leato  heo  schulen  bringcn  vorc^  briddes  of  swuclie  nesto :'  bet  bco ci 
godc  wcrhcs,  vorte  vleon  tomvard  heoucnc.  lob  cleopeS  ber  aucre 
lius  nest :'  7  seiS  ase  ]?auli  he  were  ancre.  "  In  nidulu  moo  moriar  f 
J^et  is,  icludle  deien  inn'nc  neste,  7  boon  as  dead  ];ei-innc  r'  vor  ]K't  is 
ancre  rihte  :'  7  wunien  uort  heo  deio'^  j^erinnc,  ])Qt  is  ludlicli  neiior 
slaklen,  l^e  Invule  |jot  mi  soulc  is  imine  buhe,*'  to  drien  herd  wiJSuten, 
al  so  ase  nest  is,  7  softe  beon  wiiSinnen. 

J-'olw'dib.  Of  dumlje  bestes  7  of  dumbe  fueles  leorueb  wisdom  7  lure.  j?e 
cam  de"5  in  his  neste  eime  deorewurSe  ^iinston  ]H't  hotto  achate. 
Vor  non  attri  Jnnc  ne  mei  ])enc  ston  neiheii,  ne  ]>eo  Invule  pet  he  is 
in  his  neste  hermen  his  briddes.  pes  deurewuriSe  stoii,  ]»et  is  lesu 
Crist,  ase  ston  treowe  7  ful  of  alio  mihtcn,  oner  alio  ;^imstoncs.  lie 
is  ])e  achate  ]'et  atter  of  suiiiie  nc;  iieihede  iieuere.  Du  hliie  iiSiiie 
neste,   pel  i-;,   ieiine   heorte.      penc   ]iwii(-li    piucii   lie   polrdr  uii    liis 

lli.lK',   T.  '    uu.l.  T.  C. 

CM  :uVl  .Ica.l.    T.  ■    i.Vla.c.    T.  C 


iiOT'>r,  coArrAitKi)  lo  \  nn;i)'s  \f,:=;t. 


.iiitsiJo  ^virll  ])rIfkin;T  tlionis,  mid  is  delicate  and  soft  within:  even 
so  shall  a  recluse  eiuliu-e  hard  and  prickino'  pains  in  the  flesh; 
yet  so  prndentlv  shall  slie  subdue  the  flesh  by  labour,  that  she  may- 
say  with  the  l'>alinir.t:  "  Fortitudineni  meani  ad  te  cnstodiam  ;  " 
"  that  is,  I  will  kee])  my  strciinth,  ()  Lord,  to  thy  behoof;  "  and  there- 
fore tlie  pains  of  the  flesh  arc  proportioned  to  every  one's  case. 
The  nest  shall  be  hard  without  and  soft  within  ;  and  tlio  licart  sweet. 
'J'hey  who  are  of  a  bitter  or  liard  heart,  and  indulgent  towards  their 
fle.di,  make  their  nest,  on  tlic  contrary,  soft  without  and  thorny 
within.  These  are  tlic  discontented  and  fastidious  anchoresses; 
bitter  within,  wlien  they  ouolit  to  be  sweet;  and  delicate  without, 
when  they  onglit  to  be  hard.  These,  in  such  a  nest,  may  have  liard 
rest,  when  they  coi:sider  well.  For,  from  such  a  nest,  they  will 
too  late  l)ring  fortli  youiiii-  birds,  which  are  good  works,  that  thev 
may  fly  toward  heaven.  Job  calleth  a  religious  house  a  nest;  and 
saith,  as  if  he  were  a  recluse :  "  In  nidulo  nieo  moriar  ;  "  that  is, 
"  I  shall  die  in  my  nest,  and  be  as  dead  therein  ;  "  for  this  relates  to 
anchorites;  and,  to  dwell  therein  until  she  die;  that  is,  1  will  never 
cease,  while  my  soul  is  in  my  body,  to  endure  things  hard  outwardly, 
as  the  nest  is,  and  to  be  soft  within. 

r  rom  dumb  beasts  and  birds  learn  wisdom  and  knowled-'c.  The 
eagle  deposits  in  his  nest  a  precious  stone  which  is  called  agate. 
For  no  poisonous  thing  may  come  uigh  the  stone,  nor  harm  his  biids 
wliile  it  is  in  his  nest.  This  precious  stone  is  Jesus  Christ ;  a 
faithful  stone,  and  full  of  all  might,  above  all  precious  stones.  lie 
is  the  agate  \\hieh  the  poison  of  sin  uq\cv  ap]»roached.  I^lace  him 
in  thy  nest ;  that  is,  in  thine  heart.  Think  what  i)ains  he  sull'ei'ed 
in  his  liesh  without,  and  how  gentle  and  mild  he  -was  in  his  heart 
within:   and  thus  shalt  ihou  ilri\e  all   |)oisoii  out    of  thy  heai1,   and 

136  KEGUI./i:  INCLUSAliL.^f. 

flcsclie  vviSiiteii,  ?  liu  swctc  lie  was  llicortcd,  7  liu  sof'te  wli^inncn :' 
?  so  J?ii  sclialt  clriuc  iit  cucrich  attor  of  jniie  licorte,  1  Ijittcrncsse  of 
J^ine  bodie.  Vor  Jne  swucli  ]K)u]itc,  no  beo  hit  iicucr  so  Ijitter  piiio 
))et  ];u  j'olcst  nor  ])c  Imio  of  liim  ]>et  dreih  inoi'c  iK)r  ])e,  hit  s;chal 
Jnmclic  }?e  swcte.  pes  stun,  asc  ich  cr  scidc,  avlcict)  attri  ]7inges. 
Habbe  ];u  }>csne  ston  wi-(Sinc  pine  lieortc,  ]>et  is  Godes  nest/  ne  ]>er 
tu  ^  nout  drcden  ]>e  attrie  ncddre  of  lielle.  pine  briddes,  f  beoS 
J>ine  gode  werkcs,  bcob  al  sker  of  Iiis  attor. 

rlwo  se  lie  mei  habben  J^esne  ston,  ne  ne  lioldcn  o  none  nianere, 
ne  o  none  wise,  iSe  nest  of  hire  lieorte,  liure  7  hure  iSc  ncste  of  I'iiie 
ancro  liuse,  loke  J>et  tu  habbe  his  ihclie,*^  J^'t  is  j^ct  crucifix,  7  bllioM 
ofte  J>ei-on,  7  ens  ]'e  -wunde  studen,  ine  swete  nninegun^e  of  ]?e  soSi^ 
wundeii  I'ct  lie  o^e  s</iSe  rode  mildeliche'' jjoledo.  I^e,  nor  so  lieo 
mei  beon  ludit,  }'et  is,  Hbben  lierde,  ant  bcon  icnoweii  ofte  to  God 
of  his  muchele  godleic  touward  hire,  ant  hire  delautes  touward  liiui :' 
];et  heo  hit  jelt  him  vuelc,  7  crie  him  jeorne  Jjerof  merci  7  ore,^  7 
schriucn  liire  J^crof  ilomc.  peoune  is  heo  ludit,  ]'et  slonli  Olufenie, 
Vor  ludit,  on  Ebreu  is  schi'ift  an  Enghs/  VorM  seiS  cuerich 
ancre,  to  ciicriche  preoste,  confitcor,  on  al)-c  crest,  7  sclu-iuci^  liire  on 
FoUo  35.  ah-e  crest  7  ofte,  vorte  bcon  ludit  7  slean  Oloferne,  ];ct  is  ]>cs  deoflcs 
strenccic.  Yor  ase  muche  sei'S  ];is  word  Oloferne,  ase  stinkinde ^ 
inehclle.  Secundum  ncjininis  ethiniologiam,  Olofernis,  "  Olcns  in  in- 
ferno." Secundum  interpretationem,  "  infirmans  vitulum  saginatum." 
On  Ebreuwische  Icdcne,  Oloferne  is'J'C  ucond,  ]7ct  makcci  net  kclf  7 
to  wilde,  feble  7  unstrong.  Yet  keif  7  to  wilde  is  ])et  llesclis  ]'et 
awilige'S^  so  sonc  hit  cucr  uetteJ5  ]nu-uh  cstc  7  ])uruli  else.  "  In- 
crassatus  est  dilectus  nieus,  ct  recalcitravit."  Mi  Icof  is  ivetted,  he 
sei'?5,  lu'c  Louerd,  7  smit  me  mid  his  hole.     Yoi"   al   so   sone   so  hot 

"  Vex  Gndcs  no^^t  is.  T.  ^   "c  Jvrl'  la.  T.      i,c  l-arf  lu.   V. 

^  iiicnt-o.  T.  ''   l.ul.klichu.  T. 

e  ;.re.   T.  '  an  lOn-liscli,  I-  slcas  gas'lirlR-  ).,   ,!^.,,u<  1  nf  I.cIIl-.  T. 

*.'  stni?;irKlo.   C'.  ''  T. 



bittenies?;  out  of  tliy  body.  For  in  siicli  nicditatioiis,  liowover  Littor 
may  be  tlio  pain  tliou  sufFerest  for  tlic  love  of  liini  who  endured 
more  for  tliee,  it  sliall  seem  sweet  to  thee.  This  stone,  as  I  liavc 
ahvady  said,  ch-ivetli  awa}-  poisonous  tilings.  If  tliou  liave  this 
stone  witlu'n  tliine  lieart,  wliich  is  God's  nest,  tliou  necdest  not  fear  the 
voionious  serpent  of  helL  Thy  young  birds,  ^yhicll  are  thy  good 
deeds,  are  quite  secure  from  his  venom. 

»t  hosoevcr  cannot  have  this  stone,  nor  can  keep  it,  in  any 
manner  or  way,  iu  the  nest  of  her  heart,  must  sec  that  she  have,  at 
least,  its  likeness  ;  that  is,  the  crucifix,  in  the  nest  of  her  monastery, 
and  contemplate  it  often,  and  kiss  the  places  of  the  ■wounds,  in  sweet 
remembrance  of  the  real  wounds  which  he  meekly  suffered  on  the 
real  cross.  Yea,  for  thus  she  may  be  Judith ;  that  is,  lead  an 
austere  life,  and  often  make  acknowledgment  to  God  of  his  great 
goodness  toward  her,  and  her  deficiencies  toward  him,  in  that  she 
returned  him  evil ;  and  cry  earnestly  for  mercy  and  forgiveness 
thereof,  and  confess  frequently.  Then  is  she  Judith,  who  slew 
Holofernes.  For  Judith  in  Hebrew  is  confession  in  I^nglish. 
Wherefore,  every  anchoress  saith  to  eveiy  priest,  *'  Confiteor,"  first 
of  all,  and  confesseth  herself  first  of  all,  and  often,  that  she  maj'-  be 
Judith  and  slay  Holofernes  ;  that  is,  the  devil's  strength.  For  this 
word  Holofernes  signifieth  as  much  as  stinking  in  hell.  "  Secundum 
nominis  ctymologiam,  Oloferncs,  olcus  in  inferno.  Secundum  inter- 
pretationem,  infirmans  vitulum  saginatum."  In  the  Hebrew 
language,  Holofernes  is  the  fiend,  who  maketh  a  fat  and  frolicsome 
calf  feeble  and  weak.  A  fat  and  frolicsome  calf  is  tlie  flesh,  wliich 
groweth  wild  as  soon  as  it  becometh  fat  through  abundance  and  ease. 
"  Incrassatus  est  dilectus  mens,  et  recalcitravit.'^  '*  "  My  beloved  is 
grown  fat,"  saith  our  Lord,  "and  smote  me  Avitli  his  lieel."  For  as 
soon  as  the  flesh  hath  all  its  will,  it  immediately  kicketh,  like  a  fat 
"  Dciii.  xxxii.  ^^l. 

CAiMl).   SOC.  T 

^'^^  1JE0L-L.T:  lNCLL\SAIiL-.^I, 




flesli  JiaueS  al  l.i.s  M-il,  Lit  rv^lhhoh  anon,  asc  uct  keir=^  7  idol,  pis 
tette  keif  liaiie^  ];e  ueondes  strenciic  to  unstrencSen,  'Z  forte  niukien 
buwen^  touward  sunne:  vor  so  nincl.c  sciS  },es  nuuio  Olofcrnc. 
Auli  ancre  sclial  beou  ludit,  jnindi  lieid  Jif  ^  so'^)  sclirift,  7  sloan.  asc 
dude  Fndit,  ];e!ie  auoIc  Olufcnie,  7  temien  ful  muI  liinj  flesclis  so 
sone  lico  iueleb  ]>et  kit  a^vik>oe^;  to  swu^e,  mid  fcsten,  n,id  weccken, 
mid  hcivn,  mid  kcuie  swinkc,  mid  kerde  disciiJincs,  wisUckc  knnk  ? 
M-arkdio.  "Uaketev'  ir.juid,  "-  sal  in  nobis.  Item  in  omni  sacrificio 
.,  .  ^^"^^^^'^^'^  '"^''^  ^^^'-"     h'^  ''^>  i"  ^'ucricli  sacrifisc,  ko  sei'^,  nre  Lonerd, 

^  :  ^^^'^^^  ^"^  ^^'Ci-  ^^"'It.     Vcsten,  wecclien  ?  o^'re  swucke  asc  ick  nemde 

"n  beoS  mine  sacrefisos.  Salt  bitocne^  wisdom  ;'  vor  salt  i;iue5 
mete  wordnessc-^  J  wisdom  jifS  sauur.  Al  nrc  dedcn,  ?  al  ]m  ^ve 
wurckc-b  wibutcn  sale,  ];ct  is,  wisdom,  al  ];imckcS  God  smockk-as. 
An  o-5cr  kalf,  wi^uten  salt  ficsks  gcdercb  wm-mes,  ?  stlnkc«  swuSe 
fulc,  7  lorrotcS  sone.  Also  wiSucen  wisdom,  flesks,  ase  wnrm, 
uorurct'MiIrc,  ?AvastcS  kire  suluen,  ?  foruareb  <^  asc  Jnni;  ],et  for- 
rotcb,  ?  sleaS  kire  on  cnde.  Auk  swuck  sacrcfise  stinker  to  uro 
FoNo  35  ft.  Loucrd.  pauk  ],ct  ileshs  beo  urc  fo,  kit  is  us  ikoten  |,ct  we  kolden 
]nt  up.  ^Ve  moten  ];auli  don  kim  wo  ase  kit  is  oftc  wel  wurbe  r' 
auk  nout  fordon  mid  alle  r'  vor  ku  woe  so  Jiit  eucr  beo,  J^eonnc  is 
hit  so  ikupled,  7  so  ueste  iucied  to  ure  deorewurSc  goste,  Godes 
owunc  f'unjie,  |;et  we  mukten  sone  slean  f  on  nn't  tct  o^err^'?  ])is  is 
on  of  ]7c  mcste  wundres  on  eorSe,  ];ct  tet  lieixte  }.inc  under  God,  ]>-t 
is  moinies  soule,  ase  scint  Au>tin  witne^,  sclial  been  so  ueste  iu'cied 
to  l^e  flcsckc,  }>et  nis  bute  uen  7  fal  eorJSe,  ?  Jniruk  ];et  iike  limunoe 
lunien  kit  so  swuSe,  J;et  keo  uorte  cwemen  kit  in  kis  fulc  kunde,  oe^ 
ut  of  kire  keie  keouenlicke  cunde,  1  forte  paien  kire,  wre^iSct'k^re 
schuppare,  f  sckop  kire  efter  kim  sulf,  J;et  is  King  ?  Kaiser  of  keouene 

"  fat  marc.   T.      foifivto  mare.   C. 

"  )>is  fatto  calf  Iiaiics  te  fcdud  unstic-n-Net  }  l.uliet.   'J'. 
■■•  since},.  T.  "  forfretcs.   T.  c  fo,.f;.,.es.  'l'. 

Aiig^.   Natura  mentis  Ijiimane,  ((uc  a'l  jm;ij;ineiii  Dei    orcata   est    ct  siiu 
solus  Dcii.s  major  est.   T. 

Till-:  FLKSll  TO   !!!:  ^..OKTll'lED  UY  TOIL  AND  DISCM'LIM:.      l.'VJ 

isnd  idle  calf.  This  I'lit  calf  the  fiend  Imtli  to  deprive  of 
streiip,th,  and  to  incline  towanl  sin :  for  so  nuicli  saifh  this  name 
Holoferncs.  l>nt  tlie  anchoress  shall  be  Jndith  hy  an  austere  life 
and  true  confession,  an.d  shall  slay,  as  did  Judith,  the  wicked 
PTolofei'nes,  and  tame  riglit  well  lier  flesh,  as  soon  as  she  feeleth  that 
it  is  growing  too  wild,  with  fasting,  with  watching,  with  hair-cloth, 
with  hard  toil,  and  severe  discipline,  wisely,  ho^vever,  and  cautiously, 
"  Habete,  inipiit,  sal  in  vobis.  Item  in  onnii  sacrificio  ofleretis  mihi 
sal;""  that  is,  "In  every  sacrifice,"  saith  our  Lord,  "  thou  shalt 
offer  me  always  salt."  Fasting,  watching,  and  other  things  of  that 
kind,  such  as  I  have  just  named,  are  my  sacrifices.  Salt  lietokeneth 
wisdom  :  for  salt  giveth  meat  soundness,  and  wisdom  giveth  savour. 
All  our  works,  and  all  that  we  do  without  salt,  that  is,  wisdom, 
seemeth  to  God  tasteless.  On  the  other  hand,  without  salt  flesh 
gathercth  worms,  and  stinketh  foully,  and  soon  becomes  putrid. 
So,  without  wisdom,  the  flesh,  like  a  worm,  gnaws  and  destroys 
itself,  and  perisheth  as  a  thing  which  becometh  putrid,  and,  at  last, 
slayeth  hei-self.  I5ut  such  a  sacrifice  smclleth  oftensively  to  our 
Lord.  Though  the  flesh  be  our  foe,  we  arc  yet  commanded  to 
sustain  it.  We  must,  liowever,  afflict  it,  as  it  often  well  deserves ; 
but  not  withal  to  destroy  it ;  for,  how  weak  soever  it  be,  still  it  is 
so  coupled,  and  so  firmly  united,  to  our  precious  soul,  God's  own 
image,  that  we  might  soon  kill  the  one  with  the  other.  And  tliis  is 
one  of  the  greatest  wonders  on  earth,  that  the  highest  thing  under 
God,  which  is  the  soul  of  man,  as  St.  Austin  testificth,  shoidd  be  so 
firmly  joined  to  the  flesh,  which  is  only  mud  and  dirty  earth ;  and, 
through  that  joining,  love  it  so  dearly,  that,  to  gratify  it,  in  its  base 
nature,  the  soul  j-ecedes  from  its  sublime  and  heavenly  uatuix' ;  and, 
to  please  the  Al-sIi,  dis])leaseth  its  Creator,  who  made  it  after  In's 
own  likeness,  win.  Is  King  and  ltid(.'r  of  heaven  and  earth.  TJiis  is 
a  woniler  above  all  wunders,  and  a  wojxler  that  excites  contempt, — 
that  a  \]\]])'j:  so  utterly  mean,  /^/r  ;//////,  ahne.-t  iiotliing,  as  St.  Austin 
saitii,  should  sedue^'  iiit<.  sin  a  fllin^•  so  verv  iiul)le  as  the  soid  is  ;  which 


ItlXUrL/li  l\CLUSAI!l.M. 

■^of  eorSe, 

i;a:.,  36. 

1  ot  eorSe      f is  is  M-,„„le,.  „„„•  alle  wmidivs,  1  l„jk,rlicl,o  »m,„I,.,. 
H  so  un,,„eto  loul,  ,,i„e-fe.c   .,icl,il-„.el  ..oil,    ,  .        Jl         [ 
Aus„„  s«6    scl,nl  drawon  into  sunno  s„  uninK-,.  l,.il,  ,,■  ,\  J 
f  '""'"'  )"•'  ''"""  A»s"n  '=lt>oi*«  fore  suninum,   l.,t  i^  ,,-,  I       T  l    •  ! 

prudo  „e  ™  ..Inede  .,o«t  uorto  climbo,,  1  feolle  as.  dude  Lueifo 
-uor  1,0  ,vas  b.,0  cluu-go-?  toido  uor  ^,i  „„o  oi;,t  of  l.o     eo     „  ^i 
hn-e,  aso  n.e  de*  ano  cubbel  to  J,o  swine-  ,,ct  is  ,o  rocohi.Kr'Z    o 
nnsHKlo  nbute,,.^     A.,t  tot  is  ),et  Job  seide:  "Qui  foci         .'ul  " 
1   t^'T    '"'  "pondus.'.   "Loue«U,osoi«  Jol^J^ul:::!  t       W 

J'ctd,a«.bhn-eadu„ewn,d,a„l,  J,uruh  J,e  houisobi,,e -  of  hire  hi 
scl,al  nvurbon  ful  liht  i  jo,  lihturc  ^.„  J^.-hul  is.  ?  brihturo  ou  t 
s.nue.s  j,f  hit  foUnvoS  hi,.,  ho.,  7  „o  Vawe.  hi..  .,ou   t  | 

.to  l„.o  oue  huudo.     Leouo  sus„v.,,  uo.-  hi.  bu,e  ^t  boo  is  ihcho 

o,  bore*  l,..e  ...ouskor'  1  ,.e  Jeto  30  .,0,..  ,,et  lo,ve  flosehs  au-eis  x^ 
In-otoswuto:'  uor  boo  is  her  i,.  u.,e..«Se,  ,>t  i.,  oue  pvisu  .el 
b.tu„d  ase  u.  o,.o  cwabu  huse,  1  ..out  eSoo..o  of  hwuel  e  ..k 
1.00  .s,  ,.0  hu  he.h  is  biro  cunde,  .,e  l,wueh  boo  scl,al  i«u.&  ,  ,° 
o™.or.ohe  petflesbsisbor  ot  l.o,uo,  ase  eorSo,  ,,et  is  e  o.-i," 
ant  for  ^u.  lu.  .s  owoiuto  1  owiuo.,.  ase  .ue  seiS,  "J^Vcee  '  i  W  .l 
1..S  o,vu,.e  ,u,xe,.„o."  ],et  haueS  to  ,„uche  n.oi'trie,  ueilawei  •  0 
...cue:   auh  auco,  aso  ioh  habbo  iseid,  o.,h  to  boo,,  al  gostliei;  , 

eo  wtdo  ,vel  uleo.,,  aso  brid  ),ot  hauoS  ],„el  ulesel,"^  1  ..o.l 
uoiere...  Kout  o.,o  jet  tis.«  auh  ,eko'.  J,o(  heo  te.uo*  ,vel  h  o 
fu  .to.c.,0  fjosebs,  1  st..o...So.  ,  do.  .ueuio  hi,,  w,,,;',;"  Lt" 
fcke  J„s,  boo  .not  joto  Ju.rul,  J.i.o  .,o,bis„o.  7  Jn„„l,  hire  boli 
boo<le„,  j,u,...  o^re  s,ro.,Se,  1  uphoUlo..  l,a,„,  ,«,   hoi  „o  uull™  i& 

a.  .,K,n  .,0.  1,0  ..t,sU.i  to  the  ,<,,  o^er  ,„  ,.  L.a.t,  J.  is  to  .aiLi.uIc.   T. 
conito -J  roller.   T.      coiiito  "]  kom;.   C.  'curio.   (' 

X;iiit  ;uiu  Vft  is  ).is.    ( 
■"'flv.n.   T.      t„cko.   ( 

tckcii.   T 

Tin:  soLi>  iMrEDF.i)  j'.y  tiuo  uody.  141 

St.  Austin  calletli  fere  sinnmuh}  ;  tliat  is,  nearly  tlic  In'ghest  tiling, 
God  alone  excepted.  But  God  was  unwilling  that  it  should  leap  up 
into  pride,  or  should  desire  to  climb,  and  fall  as  did  Lucifer — for  he 
was  without  any  hiuden  '-^ — and  therefore  he  tied  a  clod  of  heavy 
earth  to  the  soul,  :is  men  tic  u  cuhbel  to  the  swine  that  is  too  much 
given  to  rake  and  range  aliout.  And  that  is  what  Job  said,  "  Qui 
fecisti  ventis/'  id  est,  spiritibus,  "  pondus."' ^'  "Lord,"  saith  Job, 
''  thou  hast  made  a  too  heavy  weight  to  give  wings  to  the  soul ;  " 
that  is,  the  heavy  flesh  which  drav.'eth  it  dov/nward;  but  through 
the  nobleness  of  the  soul  the  flesh  shall  become  full  light,  yea, 
lighter  than  the  wind,  and  brighter  than  the  sun,  if  it  follow  the 
soul  here,  and  draw  her  not  too  strongly  into  its  own  base  nature. 
Dear  sisters,  for  the  love  of  him  whom  the  soul  resembles,  honour 
her,  and  suffer  not  the  base  flesh  to  get  too  much  dominion  over 
her  ;  for  she  is  here  in  a  strange  land,  pent  in  a  prison  and  shut  up 
as  in  a  dungeon,  nor  is  it  easily  seen  of  what  dignity  she  is,  nor  how 
noble  is  her  nature,  nor  how  great  she  shall  be  in  her  own  kingdom. 
The  flesh  is  here  at  home,  as  earth,  upon  earth ;  and  therefore,  it  is 
brisk  and  bold,  as  it  is  said,  "  The  cock  is  brave  on  his  own  dung- 
hill." Alas !  it  hath  too  much  power  over  many.  l>ut  an  anchoress, 
as  I  have  said,  ought  to  bo  all  spiritual,  if  she  wishes  to  fly  well,  as  a 
bird  that  hath  little  flesh  and  many  feathers.  Not  only  this,  but  she 
also  tameth  well  her  undisciplined  flesh,  and  strcngthcneth  and  doth 
lionour  to  her  precious  soul.  Moreover,  she  must  also,  by  her 
example  and  her  devout  prayers,  give  strength  to  others,  and 
support  them,  that  they  fall  not  into  the  filth  of  sin.  And  therefore 
David,  immediately  after  he  had  compared  an  anchoress  to  the 
pelican,  compared  her  to  the  night  bird  that  is  under  the  eaves. 

JijL)  x.w  ui.  'li 



dunge'^of  sunnc.     Ant  for  ]n,   Dauld,  anon   efter  }>et  ho   licucde 
iefned  ancre  to  pellicanj  lie  cfnedc  liire  to  nilit  fuel,  J>ct  is  under 


"Slmills  factus  [siun]  pcdlicano  .solitiidinis :  factiis  sum  sicut 
nicticorax  in  doniicilio,"  pe  nilit  fuel  i\Scn  euesunge  bitocneb  re- 
cluses, ]}et  wunieS,  for  |>i,  under  cliircho  euesinige,  J^ct  heo  under- 
stonSen  J;et  heo  owun  to  beon  of  so  lioli  liue  }^et  al  lioli  cliii-clie,  ];et 
is  al  Cristene  uolc,  Iconic^  J  \vreobie°  upon  liani,  7  heo  liolden  liirc 
up  mid  horc  lif  liolinesse,  ant  mid  hore  eadie  boncn,  ?  for  ])i  is  ancre 
icieopcd  ancre,  7  under  cliirelie  iancred,  ase  ancro  under  scliipes 
borde,  uorte  holden  ];et  scliip,  ])et  u^en'^ne  stormes  hit  no  ouer- 
FoUo^iei.  worpen.  Al  so  al  holi  chirche,  ]?et  is  schip  icleoped,  sclinl  ancren 
oSer  ancre  J>et  hit  so  holdo,  ]>et  tes  deofles  pufies,  ];ct  beoS  tenipta- 
ciuns,  hit  ne  ouerworpe.  Eucricli^  haueS  J;i3  auoreward/  boSe 
]>in-ii\i  nome  of  ancre,  7  J^uruli  Jiet  heo  wuneS  under  ];e  cliirche,  ? 
uorte  understipreii  e  hire,  jif  heo  wolde  uallen.  Lif  jia  breke^i  fore 
ward,  loke  hwam  heo  li^e,'^  7  hu,  cuntinaelenicnt :'  uor  heo 
stude-S  ^  neuer  ancre  wunnnge:'  ?  hire  nome  j^ieS  euer  Jns  for 
ward,  jet  hwon  heo  slepeS. 

An  o-;Ser  half,  J;e  m'litfiiel  u]i^  bi  nilite,  7  bi^it  ine  J^eosternesso 
his  ^  fode :'  7  also  schal  ancre  fleun  mid  contemplaciun :'  ]>L-t  is,  mid 
heih'  7  nnd  huh  boneu  bi  nilite  touward  Iieoucne,  7  bijilen  bi  nilite 
hire  soule  node.  Bi  nilite  ouh  ancre  uorte  beon  wa.kcr  7  bi<i  abntL-n 
gostliche  bijetc  :'  vor  ]mi  cumeb  anon  ])er  efter,  '•'  Vigilaui  et  factus 
sum  sicut  passer  solitarius  in  trcto."  Vigilaui:  icliwas  waker :  sei5 
David,  in  ancre  persone,  7  iHche  sjiaivwe  uuder  ri)f  one.  A'inilani : 
ich  was  waker  :   vor  ],'et  is  ancre  rilite,  mucliel  iiur  to  vraki.jn.     Inc- 



ful,N...  T. 

^  I 



^  IrmI.Icm.  T 

ini,\>.   T. 

"^  J 

■auii  . 

uci-e.  C. 

'  un  t\„vu,-.rc 


1.  c. 

I'  1 



'  -^tiit.   C. 

lliiv.    ('. 

1  \ 

^i^  1,. 

<h   Jvclit.    ('. 


TIFF.  AXC]IOIU:ss  CO.MrAiiLD  TO  AX  AX(  IlOJt. 


"  Siiiiilis  fac'tus  sum  pelicano  solitudinis :  factus  sum  sicut 
nicticorax  in  domicilio."  ^  'J'hc  ni<j,lit  fowl  in  the  caves  betokenL'tli 
recluses  wlio  dwell  under  the  caves  of  the  cliurch,  that  they  niny 
understnnd  tliat  they  ounht  to  he  of  so  lioly  life  that  the  whole  holy 
church,  that  is,  all  Christian  people,  may  lean  and  be  suppoi'ted 
upon  theni,  and  that  they  may  hear  lier  up  ^vith  their  holiness  of 
life  and  their  pious  prayers.  And  an  anchoress  is  for  this  reason 
cahed  anchoress,  and  anchored  under  the  church  as  an  anchor  under 
a  shijt,  to  hold  the  ship  so  that  neither  waves  nor  storms  mav  over- 
v^helm  it.  In  like  manner  shall  anchoresses,  or  the  anchor,  hold  the 
Holy  Church  Universal,  which  is  called  a  ship,  so  finn,  that  the 
dcA-il's  storms,  -which  are  temptations,  may  not  overwhelm  it.  Every 
recluse  is  bound  to  this  by  covenant,  both  by  reason  of  hej'  name  of 
anchoress,  and  because  she  dwelleth  under  the  church,  as  if  to 
underprop  it,  lest  it  should  falL  If  she  breaketh  covenant,  let  her 
consider  to  whom  she  is  false,  and  how,  continually ;  for  she  giveth 
no  sui)port  to  the  anchoress's  abode;  and  her  name  continually 
])roclaims  this  covenant,  even  Avhcn  she  sleepeth. 

Again,  the  night  fowl  flieth  b}'  night,  and  seeks  his  food  in  the 
darkness  ;  and  thus  shall  the  recluse  fly  with  contemplation,  that  is, 
with  high  and  with  holj'  prayers,  by  night  toward  heaven,  and  seek 
during  the  night  nourishment  for  her  soul.  In  the  night,  the 
anchoress  ought  to  be  watchful  and  diligent  about  spiritual  attain- 
ments ;  wherefore,  there  coineth  innncdiately  after,  "  Vigilavi,  ct 
factus  svnu  sicut  passer  solitarlus  in  tecto."  ^  ^'igilavi :  1  was 
watchful,  saith  David,  in  the  character  of  an  anchorite,  and  like 
a  lonely  s])arrow  under  a  roof.  Vigihni  :  for  this  is  the  duty  of 
an  anchoress — to  Avatch  much.     P>clesias(icus  :   "  A'igilia  honestatis 


clesiastlcus :  "Vigilia  honcstiitis  tuLcfaelet  carncs."  NoMug  nc 
awclduS  Avildc  iilesclis,  nc  nc  make's  hit  tommure  ];en  doS  luuclie 
^Yecche  r'  vor  wccclie  is  inc  lioli  write  i  inoiiie  studeii  iprclsed.  "  Vi- 
gilate  7  orate  ne  intrctis  in  teinptacioneni."  Also  ase  5c  nulled  nout 
fallen  into  iiondungc,  he  seiS  ure  Loucrd,  waldeb  7  ibiddeJS  on,  1  tet 
schal  makicn  on  stonden.  Eft  he  sei?^,  "  r,eatus  qneni  inucner.t 
uigilantcni."  F.adi  is,  he  sci«,  ];c  ilke  ].et  nrc  Loncrd,  hvon  he 
cume-S  ivint  wakiinde.  Ant  he  himsulf  «  pernoctault  in  uratione  :' " 
Avakede  ine  heoden  al  nlht:'  7  so  he  teihtc  us  wccche  nout  one  nnd 
his  lore,  auli  dnde  mid  his  deden. 

FoNoyj.  Eihtc  ]/mges  nomeliche  mnnegeS  7  laSieS  u<  to  wakicn  i  snmc 

gode  7  beon  wurchinde->is  schortc  lif-JK-s  strongc  wei-vre  god 
Vet  is  >unne-vre  sunnen  ]>et  beo«  so  monie-deaS  )>et  >vc  beob 
«;iker  of  7  unsiker  hwonne— >e  sterke  dom  of  domcsdei— 7  so  neruh 
mid  alle.  Dominus  in  evangelio:  "De  onml  verbo  ocioso,  7c." 
Item  "Capillus  de  capite  uestro  non  peribit:^"  id  est,  cogitatio  non 
cuadet  impunita.  pis  beo5  Godes  wordes,  ]>et  enerlch  uW  word 
bi^  l>er  ibrouht  forS,  7  ideles  J>onhtes  >et  nercn  or  ibette.  Loke  nn 
hwat  beo  of  unwreste  willes  7  suiicfnl  werkes.  Eet  ];e  sexte  ]nnc 
mnneoeS  us  to  wakicn:'  ]>et  is  ]ye  seoruwe  of  hclle,  j-er  bdiold=^  ]n-eo 
uii^oJ-Ve  untaleliche  pinen  ))et  no  tungc  ne  mei  tellen— ]>e  cche- 
neslc  of  ouerichon,  ];et  lesteS  wi^ntcn  endc-].e  unimetc  bitterncsse 
of  cuerichon.  pe  cihtu^e  Jnnc  is  hu  muchel  is  ])e  mede  iSe  blisse  of 
lieouene,  world  a  butcn  cnde.^  Ilwose  wakeS  wel  her  mic  bond 
hwulc-liwose  haneS^^  ]>eos  eihtc  Jnnges  ofte  in  lure  heortc,  heo 
>vule  scheken  of  hire  slep  of  vuel  slouhSe,  iSc  stiUc  mht,  hwon  me 
,ie  IsihS  nowiht  ].et  lette  ]>e  bone,  pe  heortc  is  ofte  so  sclnr:'  nor 
]unc  nis  wltnesse  ];er   of  god  ^et  we  ]>eomie  deS  bnte  (^od  one,  i 



Il'uni!!'  to  l,,  W  n.ucl.olc  rcouncsse  of  )  e  lure  of  h  mu-hdo  l,li-.  of  l.oo- 


l.nt.M.  ouao.   C. 

ImuN  l,.r.   (■ 

joioiir  i.:f,asox^^  iok  ^v  \TriiKrT,\E 

\\i)  T>n,Tf;KN(i:.      145 

n'.ovo  tatr.o  tlmn  n.iiicl.  watcl.iiio-;  for  watcl. fulness  is  nnu-li  i.ruisrd 
in  many  places  of  Holy  Scripture.  "  Vio;Ilate  et  orate  nc  i.itrctis 
i„  tentationeni." ''  Therefore,  as  yc  would  not  full  nrto  tempta- 
tion, saitli  our  Lord,  watch  aud  pray,  and  that  shall  cnahle  you 
to  stand.  lie  saith  afterwards,  -  13e;itus  quern  invcucnt  vi-dau- 
tcm."  Blessed,  saith  he,  is  he  whom  our  Lord,  when  he 
Cometh,  findeth  watching.  And  he  himself  "  pcrnoctavit  m 
oratione,"  passed  the  wh(;Ie  night  in  prayer:  and  thus  he  taught 
us  watchfulness,  not  only  hy  his  doctrine  but  hy  his  actions. 

\  EigU  thhigs  especially  admonisli    and  invite  us   to  be  Nvatchfnl 

i  nnd    dilic.ent   in  some    -ood   work- the  shortness  of  this  life-tlic 

difficult/of  our  way— the  small  amount  of  our  merits— the  great 
number  of  our  sins-the  certainty  of  dcaH.,  and  the  uncertainty  ot 
the  tlme-the  severe  doom  of  the  day  of  judgment,  which  is  also  so 
strict      Our  Lord  saith  in  the  gospel :   "  Do  omni  verbo  ot.oso,    c^c. 
Item   "  Capillns  dc  capite  vestro  non  peribit ;  "  that  is,  no  thought 
.hall  be  unpunished.       These   are  God's    words:    that   every   idle 
word   shall  1)e  there  brought  forth,  and  idle  thoughts  that  were  no 
previously    amended.       C<,nsider   now    what    cometh    of   depraved 
IdVections  and  sinful  works.     Again,  the  seventh^"  thing  which  warns 
us  to  be  vigilant  is  the  pains  of  hell,  in  which  consider  tliree  things- 
the  innumerable  torments  which  no  tongue  may  tell-the  eternity  ot 
each,  which  lasteth   without   end- and  their  vast  bitterness.      1  ho 
eighth  thing  is  the  greatness  of  the  reward   in   the  blessedness  of 
h:;ven,    woHd   without  end.       Whoso  watcheth   well   here  a  h  tie 
^vhile- whoso  hath  these  eight  things  in  her  heart,  ^v.ll  shake  oil  hei 
slcei-  of  vicious  sloth  in  the  still  night,  when  nothing  is  to  be  seen  to 
J..  ,1,,      ,,,,     The  heart   is  oRen  at  such  a  season  so  sincere;      .r 
Ibere  is  tlK.,   no  witnc..  of  any   good  that   we  do  but  God  onlv.  and 


liis  engcl,  ])ct  is  iue  swuche   time   bisilicUo  aluitpn   to   cggeii  us  t-, 
oodc-.     Uor  ]}cv  nis  iiout  forlorcn,  a>e  is  bi  deic  ofte. 

IJprcneS  nu,  mine  Icouc  sustven,  l.u  hit  is"  to  upprn  7  rsclpen  d' 
cod  dedc,7  hu  god  ]nnc  hit  is  uorte  hudc.i^  go<l  deck,?  tk-on  hi 
iiihte,  asc  nihtfuel,  7  gederen  inc  ];eosternesse,  JK-t  is,  me  rriuite  t 
derneliche,  soule  uode. 

"  Oratio  Hester  pkicuit  regi  xVssuero:"  ^ct  is,  Ilcst.-res  hone  ].e 
cwcne  ^vus  ]>e  kings  Assuer  licwurbe  7  icweme.     Hester,  on  1- hivw- 
ish   ket  is  ihud,  an   EngUsk:'  7  is  to  undcrstonden  ];et  hone  7  o^el• 
7^.0  37..  god   dede   }et  is  idou  ine  kudles,  is  Assuer  icweme   l>et  is  kn.g  of 
heouenc:'  uor  Assuer  an  Ehremvish,  is  eadi  an  Engksh :  \ct  is  ure 
Louerd,   ]>et  is  eadi   ouer  alio.     Dauid    spekeS    to   ancre  J^et  ^yas 
iwuned   ine  liudk'S  ^vel   uortc  wureken,  7  seoS^en,   a  sunie  AVise, 
uppede  kit  7  sckeawede.^     "  Yt  quid  auertis  faciem^  tuam,  7  dex- 
train  tuam  de  medio  sinu  in  finem?"     pet  is,  Hwui  dra^vcst  tu  ut 
kine   rikte  kond«  of  midden  j^ine  boseme?    "in  finem,''   on  ende. 
lliht  kond  is  god  were:'  7  bosuin  is  priuite.-'  7  is  as  j^auk  ke  seide, 
pi  rikt  kond  )7et  tu  keokle,  ancre,  il^ine  boseme,  ]'et  is,  }>i  godc  were 
Lt   tu  kefdest   idon  priueement,  ase  ))iuc  is   dernc  i  bosenu-,  Invm 
drawest  tu  kit  ut?  "in  finem/'  an  endc:^  J»et  is,  ].et  ti  mede  end.e  su 
so„e'— pi   mede   ];et  Avere  cndeleas  jif  ])i  god   dede  were   ihok^n, 
kwui  openest  tu  kit,  7  nimest  so  sckeort  ,uede?-kure  )>et   is  agon 
in   one    kandhwule!      "Amen,   dico    nobis,  receperunt    mereedem 
su-nn  "     pu  hauest  iupped  ]>i  god,  lie  seiS,  ure  Eouerd  :'  sikerkcl.e^ 
Im  kanest  underuon  J^ine  mede.      Sehit  Gregorie  a^vundre^   hnn   7 
seiS  ket  men  beob  wodc  ]>et  treowe^  so  vuek-:^  "Magna  uerccundia 
est  grandia   agere   7  laudihus  inliiaie :    vnde   cekmi   meren  potuit, 

:'^'-^'-';,. ,.  Mdn...un,l.C.  '  T.C. 

VJ  ..rorhi.  ^i  ^ua  uuelr.    ('.       |.  nuu.;;.-..  sx.:,  u.u-lc.   T. 

,,,,„,  ,„:,,,T  ov  c.oo„  ,>..-  ..os>  .V  OSTKSX.V,-,0..       U7 

Ms  „„,  .1,0  is  bu.ilv  cnpl-yoa  in  inciting  u.  ..  good.     For  tl.en, 

■    1  „  "    that  is     "  Estlicr   the 

..  Oratio  Hester  plaeuit  reg.  ^"^         ^    ,.,„„  Ahasnerns."  , 

i,„„.  in  "eY-,;sl..    ■      ;f   \;„,„  ,;  ,,,,,,  ..pleasing  to 
tbatprayeraml  othe.  good.^      ^^         ^^^^^^^^^    ^^^,   ^^ 

Al.asuerus,   tliat  is,   to   tJ,<>  iv.  Lord,  who  is  Messed 

Hehrow.  is  Messed  .n  Knghsh  .  -   ,  ;;,,^^  ^^.^,  ,,„„  ,„  ,„    o„d 

over  all.     Davul  speak  th  to  an  a  ^^.^  ^j,  .^  ^^^^^  _^^_^^,^.  ^^ 

in  seeret,  and  afterwards    m   s  m  .                   ^^^^_^  ^^^^^^^  ^^  ^^^^^.^ 

known.  "Ut  a»Kl^«';'-  f\"  '  west  thou  thy  right  hand 
.inu  h>  finem?"-  That  .s,  ^^ '  ''-;  „  ,,,,,  ;,,  fi,„Uy.-.  The 
„„,.  of  the  midst  of  thyhoson^  fin^^^.^^  .^  ^^^^^^  „  ,  ;, 
right  hand  is  good  ^yo  hs  ,    and  „„d,oress,  held  m  thy 

J  if  he  said.  The  r,ght  hand  .  Wl   t  ^^^^^^         ^^^  ^^  , 

hosom,  that  is,  thy  good  uotkUa^tho  ^^^^^^   .^   ^^_^,    .. . , 

thhtg  is  seeret  in  f . '^"  "l^'J^,,,,,,.,  shonld  terndnate  so 
finem,"  finally,  ^f.^\2t  he' endless,  if  thy  good  deed  were 
soon.     The  reward  that  mig  u  ^cceptest  so   small  a 

::neealcd;.l.y<V^--;';:::iri;l.ant)'     "An,en,<l.o 

rexvavd?— a   rcwni<l   that         ^.  Tlum  lia<t  made  kncAvn  tliy 

::;r::r::;;^::™ir;t --— " '■ 

r.   />»o( 


vsM.u  ix.viv.  n- 

148  uEoui-.i:  iNCi,rs.\!;rM'. 

Jiihiiimun  ■''  tnnisitorJi  lUvoris  nuorit."  ^fu'jlicl  iiir  Iscliiiii-  hit  is.  lio 
sei'b,  dull  \VL'],  7  wiliicii  word  jn'roC:  doii  liwavc  JHinili  iiic  hub  };i-iic 
kincduui  of  heoiu'iK',  7  suUcN  hit,  fur  a  wliid.c.-i ''  put'  of  wordos'^  lioro- 
word  :'  of  inoniifs  liorluiigx.  Vor];i,  mine  leoue  sustrou,  l^oldc^ 
omver  rilit  hond  wibliiiien  ouwer  l)Oseiiic,  lestc;  };g  nicdc  endek-as 
niiue  scliort  cudc  Wo  i-edocS  inc  lioli  writu  ])^'t  Moi.s-ses  lioud, 
Godes  j)roi)hete,  so  soiie  lie  licidc  \vi\Sdrav.-en  hire  ut  of  his  bosemo, 
bisemedc  ohc  spitel-vuel,  7  ])idite  lei)rus:'  ]Hiridi  ]'et  i.s  bitocneS  |>cl 
s;od  dede  idruwen  uorJS  nia  iioiit  one  uorloix-n  Juiruli  ];et  iippiiige, 
auh  JnmcheS  jet  atelich*^  biuoren  Godes  cieii,  aso  spitcl-vucl  is 
Jitelich  biuoren  monnes  sih'So.  Lo,  a  iicorlich  °  god  ^vord  ]>et  to  lioli 
Job  seide:  "lieposita  est  hec  spcs  mea  in  sinu  mco :"  I  mine 
boseme,  he  seiS,  is  al  mi  hope  iholden.  Ase  ];aidi  he  seide,  llwal 
god  so  icli  do,  jit' it  were  ut  of  mine  bosome  iuj>ped  7  idraweu  uor^■, 
al  luiu  hope  were  etsh)pen  ;  auli  foi-  ]n  ]'et  ich  hit  hoold,  7  hialde  '  ase 
ine  Ijoseine,  ich  h(i[)ie  to  mede.  Vorj'i  jiF  eui  de^  eiil  gOvi,  lie 
drawe  heo  hit  noiit  utward,  iio  ue  jelpe  heo  iiowiht  j'erof:'  uor  mid 
a  hitel  puf,  mid  a  woi'des  wind,  hit  mei  lieou  al  t<:)  weaued. 

8jre  Louerd  i  Johel  meiiC(S  him  swuiSe  of  j;eo  |;et  lbrleose5  ^t 
aspille^i  al  hore  god  ['uruh  wilnuuge  of  hereword,  7  seiti  j>ecs 
wordes:  "  Decortieauit  lieum  meam  :^  midaiis,  spoliauit  earn  7  jiro- 
jecit:  albi  faeti  sunt  rami  ejus."  Alas!  seio  ure  l.ouerd,  ]>eos  JkI 
scheaweb  hire  god,  heo  haueK  bipiled  mine  liger — ireiid  of  al  ]>c 
rindc :'  despoiled^'  hire  sterc  naked,  7  iwor})en  awei,  7  te  grenc 
bowcs  beoS  al  uordruwede,  7  forwurben  to  druie  li^vite  roiides.  pis 
word  is  deosk  :^  auh  nimeei  gode  ;i,eme  hu   ich    hit  wiille  on  bi'iliteu. 

(ill.  r. 



,    ,.a  .'Uth  that  .vo  uv.A  -ho  jmlgc  so 
8.unt  Gregory  IS  am....  a.Kl^.utl  ^^^   ^^^^^.^^^^^   ^ 

,,,,ac  cr.Uuu  lucren   l-U.a     ^^^   |>        ^^^^^^^  ,^^,_^^^  ^^,   ^^^,  pnusc  on 
Tt  is  'n-eat  inadnc?s  ^''^'^^^  [''''  ,     Idn-dom  of  heaven, 

I.  ."count :  .0  a.  t'>^>;-  ^;;  J-;;:  .ite-I.,.  p..-.-  of  .no,,. 

,.os..>„,  lest  .1,0  o„a  0.S  '^-^'^^f^J^     ,    ,„t,  „.  soo„  as  l,o  ha< 
Sclptm-othattl.o  l,:u,a  ot  ^''   ;;  ;\  J  ,,„  hospital  makay,  a,,a 

a,-n->  it  out  of  Lis  '---;  -"  ll  :  a  ^ooa  action  d.-aggc 
appoaroa  lcp,-ous..'     1 1  «o  0       '»  ,,  j,,,^  ,„„;tj,  but  appeavo  1, 

bofove  tl,c  va„aa  is  „ot  o„  )  >f!^"^"^  ^,,^  ,         y  is  loatl,so,ne  ,„ 
evcnloatbso.uo  In  tl,e  M.^.t  o,   >-'  >  ;        ,,^,  ,  saying  whicl, 

the  sigl,t  of  „.en.      Lo.  th,    ,.«>.,     _  .  ^  ^.  _^^  _^^^„  „ .      j 

,1,0  boly  Job  saia    "  Ro,»s,  a  4  ^^^^^^  _^^^^^^       ^^         ,^^ 

n.y   '»--■    -'"■  '"-■';{,      ft  wioboastoa  of  ana  arawn  fovtl 
saia,   WLatsoevo,-  gooa     a.   t  >  j_,^^^^  ,,^^.  ,,,,  u,a„so  1 

out  of  n,y  boso,n,  ail  '"J  '  ; '«  " ?,    °^.  ^^so.n,  1  !,«[«  fov  ve-a.a. 
hoia  it  ana  bia  ,t,  as  ,t  «  ae  _^_^^  ^^^.^^^^,  .^  ^^^^^    .j^ 

Wl,c,cr„,e,  if  any  of  you  ao  any  gcoa  ^  ^.^^^^  ^^^^,,_^^.,j,  ,, 

or  let  bcr  make  any  Iwast  ot  it,  loi, 
bltful  «-ora,  it  ,nay"bc  all  waftca  a.ay.  ^^^^^^  ^^^^^^  ^^^^, 

On.  W,  in  .Tool,  -J  -:  ;SrSoa  .l,oy  l-e  done;  anel 
dest,roy,tb,-ongl,  aes,,.  of  ,  e  ,„,„;,„,„„..  nuaans  spol,av,t 
saith  tbese  ^vovds :  '»-■'="  "^^  ,,,„„;  eius.-  Alas!  sa,th  ou,- 
cam  ot  p,.*cit;     alb.  ft,  -     ^         ^^^  ^,^,^,,a  „,  fig  treo; 

Lonl,  tbey  who  f '^^  "^..i^  stavk  nakoa.  and  oast  it  av.ay  ;  a„a 
,e„toft-alltbobavk;  ^»  '!-  ^^  „„,  ,„,o,„o  dry  white  staves, 
.ho  g.-o™  honghs  are  II  ''^^^  ;_,^^,  ,,,,,,  t„  „bat  1  an,  go„,g  o 
'l-bis  passage  ,s  obsen.e.  '"'  ';  =  ;,  ^,  ,,;„a  „,■  t,-eo  that  heavetl, 
say  to  eleav  it  up  to  yon.  A  fi  '^"  ,^^^^^^^^  .^  ,,„  ,.^  ,,,,  peeled,  an.l 
sweet  IVuit,  which  a,-e  '-■"■'        =■ ' 

[■;nu.i,i„  IV. 





Figer  is  ones  kuiines  trcou  ];ct  bcreS  swcte  friit,  ])vt  me  clepcS  figcs. 
]?eonne  is  J'c  figer  blpilcd,  ?  tc  rinde  irciid  of,  Invonnc  god  dcde  is 
itippcd.  peoiine  is  j^et  lif  ute.  peonne  adeaded  ]>et  treou.  Hwonne 
]>Q  rinde  is  awcie,  lie  nouber  hit  ne  bcrcS  frut,  nc  liit  nc  grcncS 
perefter  inc  lufsumc  Icaiies,  auh  adruieb  J>c  bowes,  *?  iwurSet  Invite 
rondesj  to  none  jnngc  betcre  ])en  to  furcs  fode.  pc  bouli,  hwon  be 
adeade'(5j  lie  hwiteS  wi(Suten,  7  adruweS  AviSinncn,  7  \vori)oS  liis 
rinde.  Al  so  god  dedc  |'et  wulc  adetiden  forworpcb  biro  rinde,  J'et 
is,  unbclcS  hire :  ]'C  rinde,  ]>et  ^vrih  "^  hit,  ]>et  is  ]>q  treou\ve3  warde, 
Folio  SSb.  *?  wit  ^  hit  ine  strencSe  ?  ine  cwicnesse/  Al  so  ]>q  heliunge  is  l^e 
god  dedcs  lif,  1  hall  liit  ine  streneSe,  Auh  hwonne  pecs  rinde  is 
offe,  J^eonne,  ase  ]}Q  bouh  de^S,  hwiteS  hit  wiSuten  J;uruh  worldlich 
hereword,  1:  adruwe^  wiSinnen,  1  forleose^  J;e  swetnesse  of  Godcs 
grace  j^et  niakede  hit  grene  1  licwurSe,  god  for  to  biholden.  Fur 
gi'ene  ouer  alle  heowcs  froureS  mest  eien.  Plwon  bit  is  so  adruwcd, 
J>enne  nis  hit  to  nont  so  god  ase  to  J>e  fm-e  of  belle.  Yor  }>e  uor- 
niestc  bipiliunge,  hwarof  al  j^is  vuel  com,  nis  butcn  of  prude :  7  nis 
hit  muche  reouSe  ];et  te  figer  J)ct  sclmlde,  mid  hire  swete  frut,  ];ct 
is  hire  god  deden,  ueden  God  gostliche,  J^ene  Louerd  of  beoucne, 
schal  adruwien  rindeleas,  ]7uruh  ]>et  kit  is  unheled,  7  iwurS,  buten 
ende,  belle  fures  fode  ? — J  nis  beo  itniseli  ]?et  niit  te  wur^  of  beoucne 
bub  hire  belle?  Vre  Louerd  sulf  ibe  gospelle  efne^  beouenriche  to 
gol-hord  :f^  );et  hwo  se  hit  ivint,  ase  he  seib,  budeb  :'  "  Queni  qui 
inucnit  homo  abscondit."  Gol-hord  is  god  dcde,  })ct  is  to  beoucne 
iefned :  vor  me  hit  bub  ];er  mide :'  J  tis  gol-hord,  bute  jif  hit  be  ne 
betcre  ibud  7  ibolen,  hit  is  forloi'cii  sone.  A^or,  ase  scint  Grcgorle 
sei^,  "  Depredari  desiderat  qui  tcssaurum  publico  portat  in  uia :" 
pe  J>et  bercb  tresor  openlicbo  in  one  weic  ]>et  is  al  ful  of  J^coucs  1,  of 
robbares,  J  of  reauarcs,  him  lustc  Icosen  hit  7  been  irobbed.  pis 
Avorld  nis  buten  a  wci  to  beoucne,  ober  to  belle:'  7  is  al  biset  of  belle 
muchares,^  j'et  robbeb  al  pc  gold-hordes  ]>et  beo  munen  under3;iti.'n, 

■I   !,'ol.I-lio)(l.   C.  T.  "   hclkiic  iiukIkiv...  T.  C. 


I  tlic  bark  rent  off,    when  a  good  deed  is  boasted  o?.     Then  is  the  life 

I  gone  out.      Then    is  tlic  tree   dead.       "When   the  bark   is  gone,  it 

neitlier  bearotli  fruit,  nor  doth  it  again  put  forth  green  and  lovely 
leaves;  but  its  boughs  arc  dried,  and  become  white  staves ;  fit  for 
nothing  better  than  to  bo  used  as  fuel.  When  the  bough  is  dead,  it 
whitencth  externally,  and  drieth  within,  and  castcth  off  its  bark. 
Even  so  a  good  deed  that  is  about  to  perish  casteth  off  its  bark  ;  that 

is,  uncovereth  itself:     the    bark    which   conceals    it,   which  is    the  i 

defence  of  the  tree,  preserves  it  in  strength  and  vigour.     Just  so, 

the  concealing  it  is  tlie  life  of  the  good  deed,  and  keeps  it  in  strength.  i 

l>ut  when  this  bark  is  oft',   then,  as   the  bough   doth,  it  whitenetli 

i  w  ithout,  through   worldly  praise,  and  drieth  up  within,  and  loseth 

the  sweetness  of  God's  grace,  which  niaketh  it  green  and  lovely — 

j  l)lcasaut  to  behold.     For  green,  above  all  colours,  is  most  agreeable 

'  to  the  eyes.     "When  it  is  so  dried,  then  it  is  for  nothing  so  fit  as  for 

the  fire  of  hell.     For  the  first  peeling,  from  which  all  this  evil  came, 

is  from  nothing  but  pride.     And  is  it  not  a  great  pity  that  the  fig 

i  tree,  which,  with  its  sweet  fruit,  that  is,   its  good    deeds,   should 

I  spirituall}^  feed  God,  the  Lord  of  Heaven,  should   dry  up  without 

I  bark,  on   account  of  its  beinLi;  uncovered,  and  become  without  end 

I  food  for  hell  fire  !     And  is  not  she  unhappy  that  with  the  price  of  i 

1  heaven  buyeth  to  herself  hell  ?     Our  Lord  himself,   in   the  gospel,  j 

I  compareth  the  kingdom  of  heaven  to  a  treasure,  which,  whosoever  | 

I  hath   found,   as  he  saith,   hideth  ;    "  Quem    qui    invenit  homo  ab-  j 

^  scondit."  '^     Treasiu'e  is  a  good  deed,  which  is  compared  to  licaven,  j 

for  men  buy  it  therewith ;  and  this  treasure,  if  it  be  not  the  better  \ 

hid  and  concealed,  is  soon  lost.     For,  as  Saint  Gregory  saith,  "De-  ! 

prai'dari  desiderat  qui  thesaurum   publice   j)ortat   in  via."     lie  who 
carrieth  a  treasure  openly  in  a  way  that  is  all  full  of  thieves  and 
;  robbers  and  ])lunderers,  desireth  to  lose   it  and  to  be  robbed.      This 

I  Avorld    is   only   a   way   to  heaven,    or  to   hell  ;   and   is  all  beset   with 

skulking  thieves  of  hell,  who   rulj   all   iliL-  treasures  that   tluy  can 

152  l?EC.l-T..i:  INCLUSA UUM. 

]>ct  mm  o-rScT  wumnioii  i  }'is5o  wcie  opene-^.      Vor,  aso  inuclie  wui ■^ 
is  rise  I'auh  he  sclcle  7  jeicde   as   lie  code,  Icli  bore  .^old-liortl:   IHi 
I  Folio  00.     bcre  gold-hord.     Lour  liit  her :'  read  gold  ^  Invit  scoluer  inouli,  7 

I  dcrewur-Se  siinstoi-ics.''^     A  sopare,  ])et  ne  LcroS  butcn  sope  7  iielden, 

I  I'cnr?)  7  jeie^.  ludc  7  lieie  }^et  lie  bcrcS  r'  7  a  richc  mercer  goS  f'or^ 

al  stille.  VreinocS  Invat  ilidde  of  Ezecble,  ]?e  godo  king,  vor  ]>ui  ]'C 
he  scheawedc  J;e  celles  of  his  ai-oinaz,  ?  his  inuchclo  trcsor,  7  his 
deorewurSc  ];ingcs.  Hit  nis  iioiit  for  nout  iwrilen  i^e  holie  gospelle 
of  ]>o  |>reo  hinges  ]>et  comcu  iiort«3  offrcn  .Tesu  Crist  |'co  deore\vuroc 
];reo  lokes  :'^  "  procidentes  adorauerunt  euni,  7  apertis,"  7c.  pet  tet 
heo  wolden  ofPren  him,  hco  hit  hcolden  eucr  ihnd,  vort  tet  heo^ 
conicn  biuoren  him.  poa  uormest^  hco  vinwrien  }?ct  present  j^et  lico 
beren.  Vor  ]>m  mine  leoiie  sastrcn,  bi  nihte,  ase  ];e  niht  fuel  j^et 
ancre  is  to  iefned,  beoiS  jeorne  sturiinde.  Niht,  ich  cleopie  priuite/ 
peos  nilite  je  muwen  habben  cucricli  time  of  ]>(i  deie:'  j)ot  al  pel 
god  I'ct  i;e  euer  do5  boo  idon  ase  bi  nihte,  7  bi  ])costcrne.sse,  ut  nf 
monnes  eicn,  7  ut  of  monnes  earen.  pus,  bi  nihte  boo  ileoinde  a;.t 
sechiuLlc  ouwer  soule  heouenliche  node,  peonue  bco  50  nout  omv- 
pellicanus  solitudinis,  auh  beoS  cc  nicticorax  in  doniicilio. 

"  Uigilaui  et  factus  sum  sicut  passer  solitarius  in  tecto."  Ect,  is 
ancre  iefned  her  to  sparn\^■e  ]>et  is  one  under  roue,  as  ancrc.  Si>a- 
ruwe  is  a  cheaterinde  brid :'  cheatereS  cucr  ant  chirnicci.  And  fur 
bui  bet  muni  ancre  haueJS  ]'et  iike  unt^eau,  Dauid  ne  vi'nvh  liire  noiu 
to  sparuwe  }'et  haue^i  fere,  auh  de>)  to  sparuwe  one.  "  Sicut  ])a^Mr 
solitarius  in  trcto."  Ich  am,  hv  sei^,  bi  ancre,  ase  sp^Tuwe  j)et  i., 
/.'„//o  3r> /-.  one.  Vor  so  ouh  ancre,  hire  one  in  uidiche  stude,  ase  heo  is,  cliir- 
men  7  chcateren  cuer  hire  lionun.*'  And  unde^stonde^  Icofliclie, 
mine  leouc  sustren,-  ]>ct  i'-h  wi-itc  of  onliclio  hue,  vurte  vrouvni 
ancren.  7  on  oner  al  o^rc 

llon'.arst,    T.  -   .K:u..  >.l..i.c.    O.  '   Ik-.Ku.    C. 

.•hil.ln  .    'l. 


discover,  wliich  man  or  woman  open  in  tins  wny.  For  it  is  just  the 
same  as  if  lie  salJ  and  called  aloud  as  lie  went,  "I  am  carrying  a 
treasure,  I  am  carrying  a  treasure :  Look,  lici'e  it  is  ;  red  gold  and 
■\vliite  silver  enough,  and  i)recious  jewels."'  A  ])()or  pedlar,  ■who 
carrieth  nothing  but  soap  and  needles,  shoutctli  and  calleth  out  loud 
and  clamourously  what  he  iK'ai'etli  ;  and  a  rich  niei'cer  goeth  along 
qnite  silently.  Impure  what  ha})pencd  lo  the  good  King  Hezekiah, 
because  he  shewed  the  store-house  of  his  spices,  and  his  great 
treasure,  and  his  precious  things.-'^  It  is  not  without  design  written 
in  the  Holy  Gospel,  concerning  the  three  kings  who  cainc  to  ofter  to 
Je.>us  Christ  the  three  precious  gifts,  "procidentes  adoravcruut  cum, 
ct  apertis,"tiS:c.  That  which  they  wished  to  ofter  hini  they  kept  always 
concealed  until  they  came  into  his  ])resence.  Then  first,  they  un- 
covered the  present  which  they  bore.  Wherefore,  my  dear  sisters, 
in  the  night  time,  as  the  night  bird  is  compared  to  an  anchorite,  be 
diligently  stirring.  Night  1  call  privacy.  This  night  ye  may  have 
at  all  times  of  the  day  ;  so  that  all  the  good  that  you  do  bo  done  as 
it  were  by  )iight  and  in  darkness,  out  of  the  sight  and  hearing  of 
men.  Thus,  in  the  night,  be  on  the  wing,  and  seeking  heaveidy 
food  for  your  souls.  Then  you  will  be  not  only  the  pelican  in  the 
wilderness,  but  also  the  night  raven  under  tiie  eves. 

"  Yigilavi  et  factus  sum  sicut  passer  solitarius  in  tecto."*^  Again, 
the  anchoress  is  compared  here  to  a  sparrow,  that  is  alone,  under 
roof,  as  an  anchoress.  The  sparrow  is  a  chattering  bird;  it  is 
always  chattering  and  cliir[)ing.  And,  because  many  an  anchoress 
hath  the  same  fault,  David  comparcth  her  not  to  a  sparrow  that 
hath  a  )nate,  but  to  a  solitary  sparrow.  "  Sicnt  passer  solitarius  in 
tecto."  "  I  am,"  he  s]»eaks  as  an  anchoress,  "  like  a  spaii-ow  that  is 
all  alone."  Fcr  thus  ought  the  anchoress,  by  herself  alor.e  in  a  lonely 
place,  as  she  is,  to  Ix;  always  chirping  and  cliattering  her  ])rayers. 
And,  kindly  understand,  my  dear  sistei--,  tliat  I  write  of  solitary  life 
to  comfort  anchoresses,  and  yourselves  more  esj)ccially. 

"   l-'iu'ili,  xxxi.\.  2.  ''   M.iU.  ii.    11.  "^    I',,'lui  v'n.  7. 

CAMD.   FOC.  ^' 

154  kegul.t:  inclusatium. 

Hu  god  liit  is  forte  Loon  one  is  bo'Sc  i'Scn  oldc  Liwc,  1  cc  iSe 
neowe  isuteleS  'i  ischcawed.  Yor  i  boSe  mc  ivint  })ct  God  liis  dcrne 
runes,  7  las  heouenliclie  priuitcz  sclieawede  liis  leone  frcond,  *?  nout 
i  moiine  vice :'  auli  dnde  ]?cr  lico  weren  on.e  bi  luun  sulucn.  And 
lieo  liani  sulf  also,  ase  ofte  ase  lieo  Avoldcn  pencchcn  schivliclie  "^  of 
God,  ant  makien  clone  boneii,  ant  boon  inc  licort  gostllche  ilieiod 
touward  heouene :/  ant  me  ivint  pot  lioo  fluwcn  monne  sturbingo,  *? 
wcndon  bi  liam  one :'  7  let  God  visitodc  liam  1!  jef  ham  liorc  bonon. 
Vor  pui  ]»et  ich  seide  }>ct  me  ivint  j^is  botSe  ilSen  olde  lawe  J  cc  i(Sc 
neowe,  ich  chulle,  of  bo  two,  schcawen  uorbisne  "?  preonc. 

"  Kgressns  Isaac  in  agrmn  ad  mcditandum,"  quod  ei  fuissc  crc- 
ditur  consucLiidinarium.  Isaac  ];c  patriarke  uovto  };cnchcn  deoplicc 
soiihte  onlich  studc,  J  wcndc  bi  liini  one,  ase  Genesis  tclloJS :!  and  so 
he  imctte  ])e  eadie  liebocca,  ]?et  is  Godes  grace.  Rebecca  intcrprc- 
tatur,  "  miiltuni  dedit." 

Et  quicqiad  habct  meriti  prajventrix  gratia  donat. 
[Nil  Dcus  in  nobis  prjcter  sua  dona  coronat.]  ^. 

Also  J?o  eadie  lacob,  J'O  vre  Louerd  scheawedc  him  his  dcorcwnrc^e 
nebschaft,  1  ^ef  him  his  blessunge,  ^  tnrne  <=  his  nonie  betcre,  he  was 
iflowe  men,  7  was  him  sulf  one :!  neuer  ^et  i  momic  floe  no  kcihtc  lie 
swuche  bijetc.  Bi  Moiscn  1  bi  Ilclie,  Godes  deorowurtSe  vrcond  is 
sutel  7  eJScene  Invuc  baret  7  hu  dredful  lif  is  oner  among  Jn-ungc  r'  1, 
lui  God  his  priuitcz  schcawciS  to  ];eo  J^ct  bco'S  priuimcnt  ham  one. 
Folio  40.  Me  schal,  leoue  sustrcn,  tcllcn  ou  |;eos  storie,''  uor  hit  were  to  long- 
to  writen  ham  here:'  7  ];enne  schulc  jc  al  };is  brihtliche  undcr- 

(;.  "  S„|.i,li..l  1,. 

T.  •'   :;f.-.ri.'U.    ('. 


ABV^^-T.v^.^s  of  soutary  meditation,  isaac.  Jacob.     155 
h„  clo»r  "="''»'';''       \„,,  ti,       themselves  also,  as  olte.  as 


Jrr.X™.r     Isaac   .e.UTai..a^ 


From  heav.nly  grace  alone  man's  goodnes.s  flows; 
God  crowns  alone  the  merit  he  bestows. 

countenance  to  hnn,  ana  ^a  ,  .^^  ^.1^^  ^.^.o.^-d 

l,.tte,-  nan,e,  had  «ed  fn„„  '^^^^^^^  Elias,  God's  dear 
of  men  gat  he  such  gain      ^^"^^^  ^  t„„n„ll,    and   how 

friends,    it   ^<=1=-V -\"     f  l:;l;lLdtitnde-,  and  how  God 
dangerous  it  ,s  to  hve  "'^^     2°, ,=„„,„;„  privacy  and  solitude. 

reveals  his  ^»'='=\»""=  \^  *<" '' H,  be   told  you,  for  it  wotdd  be 
:^^°l';;:t2rC;^tryeslJl  understand  all  this 

tedious  to  write  thcui  her 


hegul.t:  I^'CLUSA hum. 

FoUo  iOb. 

'■  feet  1  Icreniias  solus  ^otk't.'"  Hit  soiS  ]>ct  te  eadie  Icivniio  sot 
one:  7  sei?5  ]7o  relsun  hwi:  '•Quid  comminatioiiL'  tua  replesti  me?" 
Yro  LouerJ  Lcf'do  ifuld  liliu  of  his  ]n-catuiigc.  Eodes  Jn-catunge  is 
wondre'Se  %  weane  inc  licoinc  7  iiie  soule,  world  a  biiteii  cndel  pe 
)?et  Avere*  of  J^isse  |>rcatuiioc,  a-o  lie  Avas,  wcl  ifnllcd,  nere  J)er  nou 
empti  stude  iSe  lieorto  to  uiideruoiigcii  flesliclie  leihtreii :'  'i  for  bui 
he  bed  welle  of  tearcs  to  his  cicii,  ]>ct  heo  no  adruw  edoii  nanniore 
)?en  Avelle.  "Quis  dabit  niihi  funteai  lacriiuariuu,  at  luij,eani  intor- 
fectos  populi  nioi?"  Yov  to  biwoopen  islcicn  uolc— })ot  is,  incst  a! 
J7e  world,  ])Qi  is  gostliche  isleien  mid  deadliche  sunnon :!  7  to  his  wop 
lokoJS  nu  hu  he  bit  onlich  stude,  ];e  holi  prophetc.  "  Quis  dabit 
mihi  diucrsorium  in  soh'tudine  ?'' — vorte  scheawen  witterlichc  pot 
hwo  se  wulc  bi\veoi)en  hire  owonc  7  o5re  monnos  sunncn,  aso  ancre 
ouh  forte  don— hwo  se  wule  ivindoi;  et  te  ncruwo  domesmou  morci 
7  ore — o  jnng  is  ]7ot  letteb  hire  most,  ]>et  is,  beo  wust ''  amoni;  men  :' 
7  Set  tot  swuSest  auaunceS  7  furSre'S  hit,  J^et  is  onlioh  stude;'  niuu 
o^'er  wnmnion  eiSer  boon  him  one.  Eot  spoked  lereniie  of  onliclie 
line  more.  "  Sodobit  solitarius  7  tacobit."  Me  schal  sitton  him  one, 
lie  seiS,  7  boon  stillo.  Of  jnsse  stilnessc  he  spoke S  J;or  biuoren 
Intel.  "  Bonum  est  ju'estolari  cum  silencio  salutaro  Dei."  God  hit 
is  ine  silence  ikopen  Godos  grace,  7  tot  me  bore  godos  joc,  anon  from 
\q  "  juweSe :'  7  ];eonne  cumoS  |>or  eftor,  "  Sodobit  solitarius  7  tacc- 
bit:  quia  leuabit  "^  se  supra  so.'""  Hwo  se  wule  wol  don,  hoo  schal 
sitton  one,  7  liolden  hire  stillo,  7  so  hobbon  hire  sulf  buuen  hire 
suluen  :f  ]>et  is,  mid  heie  hue,  hcie  touward  hoouene  oner  hire  cundc. 
Teke  J;is,  hwat  oSer  god  cumoS  of  J?isse  onliclie  sittungo,  ]»ft  loromie 
spekeS  of,  7  of  }>i.sse  soli  stilSe  kumeJS  anon  oftor :  "  Dabit  porcuoionti 
so  maxillain,  7  saturabitur  opprobriis."  I  loo  wulc,  he  seiiS,  hv  so  wulo 
a^cin  ])e  smitaro  boodon  uorJS  hire  clKH)kon,  7  boon  ]niruh  lullc-d  mid 

liis.  T. 

„,.,^„„„,.,.o.N^,>-ro,..soi,.Tur,K.  15' 

.         ,       ^,1,."     It  is  sa«l  tlmt  tlio  pious  Jorc- 

„,,,,,,,i„solUuae,.na  tl.  K.son     b.^-^^^^^^  ^^^^^^  ,.„  ,,„,  lu. 

minntiune  tu.  rople*  .ne  ?  _        ^^^^  .  ^  ,^,,^,    „„,  ;„  ,oul  ,vorkl 

tl.reats.     God's  threats  »vcm,^ol^  an  ^^^^^^  ^^,^^,,   „,„ 

t l..,t  end!      AVl.oso.vcr  were  .vJ       1     ,         ^^^^^^^^  .  ^  ^^,,.^,,  ,„ 

for  tl.e  slain  of  "'J /;='*'?.  ,    ,,  ,„i,u„allr   slain  wW>  mortal  sms. 
alutost  all  tl,o  -orld     -'"    "    ^^  1,,,    ...ys   for   a   sol.tavy 

And   oteervc   now    l.o;     *''"    '^?^  ,,,/„  the  wilderness  a  lodg..,- 
,,„eeto«eepin    /' ^^ '■»;!! /l^o '';,,„v    distinctly,    .hoso 
,,„,e    of     wayfavn,s    '"^",  „„,,    „erfs  sins,  as  an  anchoress  onght 
vonld  ^veepforLer  ownatK  oth«  _^^^^       ^^^^j  „^.,, 

.oa„-^vl.oso  .vot-ld  «-;  ,^  t-  nrost:.vlnclr  is,  living  and 
^,,,,e  is  one  ''""S  "'''*'  't^'t  «l,iek  most  greatly  forwards  and 
teing  noted  among  "-;  "  [^''  r  an  or  wonran  bo  alone.  JeremKd, 
assists  it,  is  ^o'""''^''"^'  ,  fc.  ..  Sedebit  solitavius  et  taceb.t: 
speaketh  yet  agatn  of  f'^^^^''''  j  ^^  ,i,„„t."  Of  this  sdcnce  be 
.'no  shall  sit  solitar-y,"  K^^  ^  ;,,,,.olari  cum  sileutio  salutare 
sncakoth  a  little  before  :     bo.u  nr  est  i  ^^^^^  ^,^^^  ^  ,^,„„ 

-^^ ,..  it  is  good  to  -^-;  *::  ,  „!:Uhe.tfollovve,h  :  "  Sedebit 
boar  God's  yoke  early  f™™'-    f  ^  ,e."     She  that  would  do 

solitariuscttaecbtt:  q"-  <=  ;^^  , ;^,  i.^c ;  that  is,  by  a  hfe  of 
,,,„  ...all  si.  sohtary,  and  hc^^l^  ,„„„  „u,ve  her  kind.  Wore- 
clcvated  piety,  exalt  herself  to.a.c  ^^.,,^^,,  j^ 

over,  the  other  good  -•.;"-";',[  ,„,,„,  innuediately  fo Uowe.h  : 
„,,,,  speaketh  of,  and  «  J=™'  ,,nn-,abitur  opprobrus." '  S  le, 
..Oabit  P««-''="",r,'"-^""  :  u  d,  will  oSer  her  cheeks  to  the 
-i."  "-  -'■»;™"  ,  kd  :•;,'  r^roachf...  words.  Here  are,  n, 
siuiter,  and    sh;iii  ^     ^ 

V.  IT. 

11, Id. 
ll,i.-l.  :iti- 


sclicndfule  wordes.  Her  beo5,  in  )>cos  wordcs,  two  cadic  wordcs- 
to  noten  swiSc  scorno,  ],ct  ariht  to  ancre-polemodnessc,  in 
J>erc  uormc  ludt;  ■?  in  ]7c  latere  edn.iodnesse,  of  mildc  1  of  mcoke 
heorte.  A'-or  ];o!cinod  is  ]7C  ];et  Jnildeliche  abere^  wouli  j;et  me  de« 
him  r'  J.  edmod  is  |7C  ];ct  J.olien  mei  )>et  me  him  missigge.  )?cos  bet 
ich  habbe  incmpned  lier  werea  of  ];eii  olde  lawe:  cumc  we  nu  to  J;e 
neowe.  "Inter  natos  mulicrmn  non  surrexit  major  Johanne 

Seint   Jolian    baptiste,   bi   hwam   urc   Louerd    seiS,  ];et   amono- 
wiiiene  sunes  ne  arcs  nc-uer  betcre  r^  lie  teilite   us   openliclie  bi  hi° 
owene  dcdcn,  ]>et  onlich  stude  is  bo5e  siker  J  bihcue.     A^or,  l^aiili 
J70  engel  Gabriel  liefde  his  bnrde  t-  ibocked,^  ?  al  ^vere  he  ifulk-d  of  j-c 
Holi  Gostc,  anon  wiSlnncn  hh  moder  wombe.*'  'i  al  were  he,  jniruh 
miracle,  of  barain  iboren:'  J  he  ine  his  iborenesse^  upspende^  his 
feder  tunge  into  propliecie  r^  vor  alio  Jnsse,  ^et  ne  durste  ho  wunien 
among  men:    so  dredful   lif  he   iseih   j^er  inner'  jniuh  hit  nere  of 
nowiht  elles  bute  of  speche  one :'  ?  forj^ui,  hwat  dude  he  ?     Eun-  of 
jeres  ase  he  was,  fleih  awei  into  ];er  wildernesse,  leste  he  mid  spc^he 
fulde  his  clene  lif.     Vor  so  hit  is  in   his  ymne.-^    "antra  deserti 
FoUo  41.     tcncris  sub  annis,  ?c.f"     He  hefde,  ase  hit  J;unche«,  ilierd  Isaie  bet 
mende  him  ?  seiSe,  "Ye  milii!  quia  homo  pollutis  labiis  ego  sum." 
Wummen  wo  is  me,  he  sei«,  J>e  holi  prophete,  vor  ieh  ain   a  man 
mid   suilede   lippen :'  J  seiS  j^e  ancheisun  liwi  r'e  "Quia  in  medio 
populi  polluta  labia  habentis  ego  habito."     Ant  tet  is  forj^i,  he  seiS, 
J;et  ich  wunie   among    men  ]>et   suiled    here   lippen   mid'mi^liche 
spcchen.     Lo  hu   Godes   propliete    seiS   J.ct  he  was  isuiled   |.uruh 

;  I----   ^-T.  b  ,,,5,.   T.  c  aelo.l.u.  A.S.   to  write  down,  foretell. 

Ills  bL.riie  time.   C.  =  unsiK-uncdc.   C.  T. 

'  "  Antra  deserti  teneris  siih  amiis 

Civiuin  tunuas  I'lijjieiis,  jielisti 
Ne  levi  .salteiii  nuiculare  vilaiii 

t-iiiiine  i..,«(s."  T. 

,o„.  x„B  B..rn.r  .o.out  .out...  >.  th.  w:l..,.-ess.    159 
,1,    l«-o  «<-o!lo„t  [moral  qualities]'  to  bo  cavefuUy  oV 


and  he  is  mock  .vl,o  can  l.oav  to  '«  ^^  ;H^'    ^^. .  ^„„,,  „,  „„,-  to 


,  ,      ,     ■.     ,;-t    „fw'-r.  our  Lord  saith,  that  among  tlio 
Saint  Join,  the  ->!*»*'  f';',",,^,.  ,,,,,,t  ,„  openly  hy  his 
sons  of  ^vomcn  there  n«e.  a.ose  a  l«tt 

own  aetions  f  .^f  *»^;^;;  ;,f  ,  ,t  L  al.hongh  he  was  filled 
the  angel  Gal,r,el  had  f"'^^"'''!  'l '' ,,  „,„„,<,,.3  ,vomb;  and  uas,  by 
,,;„,  the  Holy  Ghost  even  -^™  "  "^'.^  „„,„^,a  his  father's 
,™,.ele.  born  of  one  harre,.  n  t  ns ^b ^^^  ^^^  ^^^^^^^  ^_^^^^^^  _^^^_^ 
tongue  to  prophesy;  YC.,  io.        t     .  .j  -^  ^^.^^.^  ^,„ 

LifS  appeared  to  him  - /angero us    " K«g  the^  ^,^^^^  ^.^^  ,_^, 

.count  of  nothing  less  bu^  '^'^Z.^r....  lest  he  should 
Young  as  he  wa»,  he  tied  a^^aJ  ^^^^ .  „  ^^,,4^.^ 

defile  his  pur.  Hfo  wr^,  speech.  ^  ---„,_  „,  ^J  _,„.;„ 
dcserti  tenerus  sub  ™  '^;  «;<=•  ,  ;,  homo  poUutis  labn.  ego 
,vho  moaned,  and  sard,     V=»  «""  ^  ,  ,,et,  for  I  am  a 

sum."  '  Women,  .voe  ,s  me!  .  f" ^^;„\Xy  "  quia  in  n,edio 
„„„  of  unclean  lips;  <-"'"'? '^"•*  f' .''".„,;  t,„t  is,  saith  he, 

because  I  dwell  .nnnng  «^  ^^^,^^  ,,^  ,,,,  s„,l,ed  by 

erect  speeches.  Lo!  -  «f.  l^  j,  ,,„,.  ,,,,.„.  „„,d,  nor  silver, 
livinc^  among  men.       it  i^  ^^     _  _^^^,  ^.^^^^  ^^.^^^^  ^ 

nor  iron,  nor  ste.   is  ever  so    ^^'  ^n^-- ,_^^^  ,  Sai,,t 

joif  fl!:rf:ir;t;'s;li:?of  i^-i  -.  >-  -  ^^-'^  ^^  ^""■^'- 

O.  T. 

...  b    Malt.  s\.  11-'-  in  tlK'  or>};i"^^l.  ^   j,^">c  homimun.   MS.  Oxen. 



Leo  mtc  ^  among  moi.  So  lut  is  sikcrliclie.  A^or  ne  heo  nonor  so 
brilit  gold,  ne  seoluer,  ne  iron,  nc  stcl,  ])et  liit  ne  sclial  drawen  rust 
of  on"^]>et  is  iriistod,  ww  Invon  ]^et  lioo  louge  liggcn  togcdores. 
Vor]>ifloih  scin  Jolian  ],^e  feolauscliipo  of  fule  men,  Icste  lie  wore 
isuiled.  Ant  jet,  forte  sclioaAven  iis  ]>ct  me  nc  niei  ]'c  \uelc  fleon, 
Lute  nie  fleo  pe  gode,  he  fleih  liis  holi  kun  icoren  of  ure  Loucrde,  7 
wende  into  onliche  studc  iSe  wiklernesse.^  Ant  Invat  ])i;5et  lie  ]?er? 
He  Lijet  j^et  lie  was  Godes  Laptiste— ];c  niuckck!  hcihnesse  j-et  he 
heold,  inc  fuluhte  under  his  Louden,  ]?ene  Luuei'd  of  Leouenc,  ])et 
halt  up  al  ]'eue  world  mid  his  ones<=  milite:'  ]>er  ]^cr  ^e  holi  ]n-um- 
nesse  schcawude  hire  al  to  him  :"^  }o  veder  in  his  steueno:'  ];c  Holi 
Gost  ine  kulure  heouwe:'  J^e  Suue  ine  his  honden.  In  onliche 
stude'"  he  Lijct  ];eos  ]>veo  Lijcaten  ^— priuilege  of  prccLur,  merit  of 
martirdom,  7  meidcnes  mode,  peos  lu'co  maner  men  LaLLeS  ine 
Lcouene  mid  oucr  fulle  mede— crune  upe  crune:'  ant  to  eadic  Jolian 
in  onliclie  stude,  ])cr  ase  Lc  was,  ]?eos  J>rco  astazs  of-carnedo 
him  o]ie. 

Ure  leoue  lefdi,  ne  ledde  heo  onlich  lif?  Heo  nes  uohwav  ute:' 
Foh-o  41 1,  auh  was  l>ilokeu  ueste  :f  vor  so  we  iuiudeS.  ''  Ingrcssus  angelus  ad 
earn,  dixit,  Aue,  Maria,  graeia  plena,  Dominus  tecum."  pet  is,  ]>o 
cncrcl  wende  in  to  hire,— ]?eonno  heo  was  inne— in  onliche  stude,  al 
hire  one.  Engel  to  mon  ine  J>rungc  nc  scheawude  him  neuer  ol'te. 
An  oKcr  half:'  ]?uruh  ]>et  uouhware  ine  holi  write  nis  iwriten  of  hire 
specho.  Lute  uor"  siScn,  ase  is  iseid  ]>cruppe:'  sutel  preofu)ige  is  j^et 
heo  was  muchel  one,  ]'c  heold  so  silence.  Hwat  seche  wc  o5re  ? 
O  god  one  were  iuoidi  furLisne  to  alle.  He  wende  him  sulf  one  into 
onliche  stude,  7  festc  ]?er  as  he  was  one  i^e'  vorte 
scheawen  j^erLi  ])et  among  monnc  ]n'ung  ne   mei   non  nud^un  rihte 

ifuli.l  1-urli  l.owistc.   T. 
ill. re-.   T. 
lif.    ('. 
nUMlvn.    C. 

vvildcnu'.    ('. 
lUny.h  :il  to  liini.    C 
l.ivcmiiKn.-cs.    ( '.  '!'. 
foir.vir.    C. 

.,,..  ,ve  cannot  flee  fro.n  the  brul,  witl.out  floo- 

i...  f, the  gooJ    .e  fl-;      ;■■   ,     ^^^  ,;  ;„  ,1..  wUdevne...     A„d  wh.t 

,„awontmtoasohta,-yr...e.a.  I  God'.  l>apf.=>t,  the  lugl^ 

did  l>e  <;a>n  tl.ero?     He  ga.ned  t  .    1         ^  ,^^  ^^  j_j^^^,^„^ 

H„„„„t,u,tl,cWdi.h.vt->-         "^ 

.-1,0  npLolds  tl,e  -•-''•;  '^  the  Father  by  hi.  voiee,  the  Ho  y 
Tvini.y  « ..  fully  "'"^"'f :  ,  ve'  he  Son  in  his  hands.  lu  sohtttde 
Ghost  in  the  hkoness  of  a  *    '^.     '  ,^^         of  i.-eachet  the 

,,e  ae,,nited  these  *--J-;";^„,a  of' virginity.  These  tln-ee 
n-rit  of  n,artyrdom,  "^;  f  ^^  ,„ahnndant  reward,  crown  upon 
,-„„:U  of  ".on  have  .n  hea  ™  .^^^^1^  ^^^  ^_^^^^  .  ^  ^^^.^^^^^^^  ^„..„,a  fot 

crown;  and  tlie  l)lc=bLu  .J  )-i^_>_ 
tonsolf  alone  these  three  d>gn..t,es. 

Onr  dear  ,ady,  did  not  ...c^-^-'Tl^^^^^X;— 

.here  abroad,  '«'.;-  f;^!      a  ^itia  plena,  Don.inus  t«un, . 
„„„ch,s  ad  eaui  d,N.t,    Ave,  J  au  ^  ^^  ,^^  ^^^^^_^  ._^  ^„,,,   ,,,  „11 

th,a  is,  the  angel  went  nt  to  he>     si.  ^^_^_^  ._^  ^  ^^,^^^^,      On  the 

.lone.     An  angel  has  seldom  app«  e  .^^  ^^^j^,   ^  , 

tlr  hand,  sinee  it  is  .»t;;^;  "  /„  ..ear  proof  that  she,  who 
that  she  spohe,  exeept  &'■  ^^'™-^^^  ^yhat  more  do  we  require? 
thtts  kept  silenee,  was  ^--^'J^\^  ^o  went  himself  alone  n, to 
One  good  example  may  -f-°°\l  ^^.^^  „,„,„  i„  the  wilderness;  to 
.  solUaryplaee,  and  fasted  win  He  ^^,^_^  ^^^^^  ,„,ast    he 

shew  thereby  that  no  on     ""  ^^;',^;,,  „„t  he  hungred,  to  eomfor 
nnd.itade.     ■n--\'-°"  "''^:',   ,  ^  he  snOered  the  fiend  to  temp 
»■-■•'"*-"■'"  I'.'-:  ;;;;tov,r::«e  bin..      A^o  to  shew  that  . he 
liiin    many  ^n'^}-"'  - 

CA^lF).  SOC. 

102  regul.t:  ixclusarux. 

penitence.  per  in  onliehe  studc  liini  liungrede^  liit  suiiS.,  uorto 
iiroiiren  ancrc  J^ct  is  nieseisc''  per  lie  ]>oleJe  |'ct  to  iieond  uondede 
him  ueolc  Aveis :'  auli  lie  ouercom  liinc.  Also  iiortc  sclioawcn  ]?ct  te 
ueond  fondeS  ninchel  J^oo  ])et  ledeb  onlicli  lif,  vor  onde  ];et  he  haueS 
to  ham  :  auli  ho  is  j'cr  cuer  oucrcumcn.  Vor  iirc  Loiierd  iulf  stent 
J>er  bi  ]?e^  uihte,  <^  beldeS'^  ham  hu  heo  schulen  stondcn  strongliche 
ajein,  'f  jineS  ham  of  his  strenccic.  lie,  asc  holi  writ  seiS,  JK't  no 
niiirulrSe,  no  noise,  nc  ]n-nng  of  folc  ne  ninhte  lettcn  hiin  of  his 
bcoden/  ne  distnrben  him  of  his  god, —  he  j'unh,  no  ]^e  later,  Invon 
he  woldc  bcon  i  beoden,  lie  flcili  nuut  one  OtSer  men,  auh  dude  jet 
his  holi  deciples/  j  wende  one  uppon  Indies,  us  to  norbisne,  J>ct  we 
sclndlen  turnen  bl  us  sulf,  '^  climben  mid  him  on  hulles  r^  hot  is, 
Jjenchen  lieic,  f  leauen  lowe  under  us  alio  corSlichc  })onhtes,  ]?go 
liwule  ];et  we  beoS  ine  beoden.  Powcl  "^  Antonie,  Ililariun  j 
Bcnediht,  Sincletice  'j-  Sare,  ^  oSre  swuche,  monie  men  f  wummen 
roJ>oA-2.  boSe,  viondede  sikorlichj*'  <^  under^eten  soSliche  J>et  te  bij^etc  of 
onliehe  line  was  God  icweme,  as  ]jeo  J)et  duden  mid  God  al  ]>et  heo 
euer  wolden.  Seint  lei'onime  nu  leate  seib  bi  him  suluen,  "  Quo- 
ciens  inter  homines  fui,  minus  homo  recessi."  As  ofte  as  ich  cuer 
was,  he  seiS,  among  men,  ich  wende  from  ham  lesse  mon  J>en  ich 
cr  was.  Vor  ]n,  seiS  ]?e  Ecclesiasticus,  "Ne  oblecteris  in  turbis:' 
assidua  est  enim  commisslo  :"  J;et  is,  ne  J;uncho  \q^  neucr  god 
among  monne'^  floc:^  vor  ]>er  is  euer  sunne.  Ne  seide  ]'e  stefne  of 
heoueneto  Arscinie,  "Arseni,  fuge  homines  ^  saluaberis:"  Arseni,  flili 
men  <^  tu  schal  beon  iboruwen.  Ant  eft  him  com  <^  seide,  "Arseni, 
fuge,  tace,  quiescc:"  ]>et  is,  Arseni,  flih,  "^  beo  stille,  <^  wune  sfude- 
uestliche  i  sumo  stude,  ut  of  monne  sihbe. 

jN^u  50  habbeiS   iherd,  mine  leoue  sustren,  vorbisne   of  ]'en  olde 
lawe,  1  ec  of  ]>e  neowe:^  hwui  30  owen  onlich  lif  swuIS  to  luuion  :'  -^ 

»  ii>  incsci>c.  C.  T.  "  bi  liam  iSo.  C. 

'■  l.c;iM.-.N.   C.      hea.Us.  T.  ''  iK.ncn.  ('.     Umc<..   T. 

'•  liise  aiMx-stlrs.   C.  '  wittcrlicli.'.   V.  T. 

y.  iif  like.  C.  '■   inoinic.,.  'J',      muche.  C, 


fieiifl  tcinptetli  nuieli  those  ^vllO  lead  a  solitary  life,  for  ouyy  that  he  '} 

heareth  towiirJs  thor,! :   but  he  is  tliere  always  overcome.     For  our  jl 

Lord   himself  stamletli  hy  them  in  the  flidit,  ;iud  emholdeueth  them  jij 

to  resist  strongly,  and  givcth  them  of  his  strength.     The  Saviour  ii! 

himself;  as  Holy  Scripture  saith,  whom  no  mirth^  or  noise,  or  multi-  :i 

tude  of  people  might  hinder  him  from  his  prayers,  nor  disturb  him  in  i 

his  holy  meditations, — yet,  nevertheless,  when  he  wished  to  be  much  j 

in  prayer,  he  fled  not  only  men,  but  even  his  holy  disciples,  and  i 

M'cnt  up  into  liills  alone:    for  an   example  to  us,   that  wc  should  ',] 

retire  by  ourselves  and   mount  up  with  him  upon  hills;  that  is,  to  1 1 

meditate  on  heavenly  things,  and  leave  low  beneath  us  all  earthly  ;i 

thoughts,   while   we   are   engaged    in  })raycr.       Paul   and  Antony,  j: 

llilarion,  Benedict,    Syncletica,   Sara,  and  many   other   such    pious  'i; 

men  avid  women  both  truly  experienced  and  rightly  perceived  that  [ 

what  was  gained  by  a  solitary  life  was  pleasing  to  God  ;  as  persons  ! 

^v]^o  obtained   from   God   Mhatsocver  they  wished.     Saint  Jerome  j 

likewise  saith  of  himself,  "  Quotiens  inter  homines  fui,  minus  homo  ! 

recessi."     As  often  as  I  have  been  among  men,  saith  he,  I  came  | 

from  them  less  man  than  I  was  before.  Wherefoi-e  saith  Ecclesi-  |^ 
asticus,  "  Ne  oblecteris  in  turbis ;  assidua  est  enim  connnissio :  " 
that  is.  Never  take  })leasure  among  a  multitude  of  people :  for  sin  is 
ever  there.  Did  not  the  voice  from  heaven  say  to  Arscnius, 
"  Arseni,  fuge  homines  et  salvaberis:"  Arsenius,  flee  from  men, 
and  thou  shalt  be  saved.  And  again  he  came  to  him  and  said, 
"  Arseni,  fuge,  tace,  quiesce  :  "  that  is,  Arscnius,  flee  and  be  quiet, 
and  dwell  constantly  in  one  place  out  of  the  sight  of  men. 

IN  ow,  }c  have  heard,  my  dear  sistrrs,  an  example  out  of  the  Old 
Testament,  and  also  out  of  the  Xew,  shewing  why  ye  ought  to  love 
gi-eatly  a  solitary  life;     and   Jiow,   al"tcr   tlie>e   exanqiles,   hear  the 

■'   ATHMiu.    wxs   i.rcrcj.tor   U,   the    (UxcU    .■nipcror   Au-aJiu-,  A.D.  I'.SS.      i Ic  is  .-aid  to 
ti.ivf  l.oai-a  these  wonls  whrii  in  i-ravrr,  au.l  anximis  ahor.l  the  safety  of  his  sniil. 


efter  ]>e  uorbisncs,  ilieretS  nu  rcisuus  liwiii  me  ouh  for  U;  fleou  ]/enc 
Avorlil:'  cilitc  reisuns  et  te  leste.  Ich  Inuu  siggo  scli..rtliclic.  Nii.icS 
]?e  j'C  Letero  jeiue. 

I.  pe  uorine  is  sikeniesse.  Eif  a  wodc  liun  vrno  jeont  ]'e  stretc, 
iioklc  ]>e  \visc  Litunen  liiro  iimc  sonc?  Ant  Seint  Peter  sciS  ]'et  ]>q 
hcllc  liun  rengCiS  ^  rccclie^  •■•  oner  aLuten,  uort  te  seclieu  injong, 
soule  uortc  uor.swoluwen :'  ^-^  bit  us  te  Leon  wakere  <^  Li^ie  ine  lioli 
bcoclcn,  ]o.^te  lie  us  kecclie.^  "  Sobrii  estote  '^  uigilatc  in  oracionl- 
bus,  quia  aduersarius  ucstor,  diabolu^  tan.quani  Ico  rngieiis  circuit 
querens  queni  deuorel."  pis  is  Seinte  Peter's  Avord,'^  ]rct  icli  er 
seide.  Vor  ]A,  beo5  aucren  Avise,  )'et  liabbetS  wel  bituned  bam  ajeiu 
])Q  belle  leun,  uorte  boon  ]?e  sikerure. 

II.  pc  oSer  reisun  is  ]'et  Invo  ]>et  bere  a  deorewurJSe  licur,  uoer 
Folio  i2l.   a   deorewiu-5o  wete,   as   is   bame,  in  a  feblc   uetles— bealewi  in  one 

brucliele  glese,  nolde  hco  gon  ut  of  ju-unge,  butc  jif  beo  Avere  fol? 
pis  brucbele  uctles,  ]>et  is  wummonc  vlescbs.  Of  ];issc  brucbclc 
nctlcs  ])e  apostle  seixS,  "  Ilabemus  tbesauruni  in  istis  vasis  fictilibus." 

pe  bame J^et  liealewi— ];et  is,  nieidenbod  ])et  is  ]?erinnc  :'  o^er,  efter 

meidclure,  cbaste  clennesse.  pis  bruchelc  uetles*^  is  bruclielure 
hone  beo  cni  gles :!  uor  bco  bit  enes  to-broken^  ibet  ne  biS  bit  neuer, 
ne  ibol  asc  bit  er  was,  nanmorc  ]?ene  gles.  Aub  jot  bit  brekexS  mid 
lesse  ]>ene  brucbel  gles  do.  Yor  gles  no  to-brekeS  nout  bute  sum 
]>inc  bit  ariiie.^  Aub  bit,  anondc^  meidelure,^  mei  leosen  bis  boli- 
ncsse  )iiid  a  stinkinde  wll.  So  uor;5  bit  mei  gon,  f.  Icsten  so  longc :' 
aub  ]>is  manere  bruclie  mei  beon  ibet  eft,  allungc  asc  bit  was  cuer 
iliolest,^^  ]>uvub  medieine  of  scbrifte,  7  >urub  bireousnnge.  Nu  ]^e 
preouc  bcrof.  Sein  Joban  evangclisto  ncfde  be  brude  ibn-nbt  bom? 
Nefde  be  ]><)  ij'oubt  (;i;if  God  nefdc  ilet  liim),  meidenbod  uorte 


IcCTllC.      C.    'I'. 

fotlc.   'J-. 

.uit  hit  oiutVut.  T 

;,)  M.'  lial  V  iiit  lui 

iiEASONS  roii  KF/nrj::ME>T  niOM  the  world.  165 

reasons  why  owe  o'.i^lit  to  flee  the  world:   eight  reasons  at  the  least, 
I  mention  thein  urleiK':   take  tlie  more  h.eed. 

1.  Tlic  first  is  security.  If  a  raging  Hon  were  running  along  the 
street,  would  not  a  wise  person  soon  shut  herself  in?  And  Saint 
Peter  saith  that  the  lion  of  hell  rangeth  and  raketh  always  about, 
seeking  an  entrance  to  devour  the  soul ;  and  he  commands  us  to  be 
watchful  and  busied  in  holy  prayers,  lest  he  catch  us.  "  Sobrii 
estote  et  vigihite  in  orationibus,  quia  adversarius  vestcr,  diabolus, 
tanquam  Ico  rugiens  circuit  qurei-ens  quern  dovoret."*''  Tliis  is  St, 
Peter's  ad\ice,  as  I  said  before,  T]ieref<)re  be  ye  ^^■ise  anchoresses, 
who  have  shut  themselves  up  carefully,  against  the  lion  of  hell,  in 
order  to  be  the  more  secure, 

IT.  Tlie  second  reason  is  that  she  who  bears  a  precious  liquor  or  a 
pi'ecious  drink,  such  as  balsam,  in  a  frail  vessel — healcwi  ^  in  a  brittle 
glass,  would  not  she  go  out  of  the  way  of  a  crowd,  unless  she  were 
a  fool?  This  brittle  vessel  is  woman's  flesh.  Of  this  brittle  vessel 
the  Apostle  saith:  "AVe  Iiave  this  treasure  in  earthen  vessels.""^ 
The  balsam,  the  healewi,  is  virginity,  which  is  therein ;  or,  after  the  loss 
of  maiden  honour,  chaste  purity.  TJiis  brittle  vessel  is  more  brittle  than 
any  glass ;  for,  be  it  once  broken,  it  is  never  mended,  nor  whole  as  it  was 
before,  any  more  than  glass.  Moreover,  it  breaketh  more  easily  than 
brittle  glass  doth.  For  glass  brc^aketli  not  unless  something  strike 
against  it.  But  with  regard  to  the  loss  of  vii-ginity,  its  purity  may 
be  lost  bv  an  unchaste  wish.  So  far  may  it  go  and  last  so  long: 
but  this  kind  of  breacli  may  be  afterward  repaired,  and  made  quite 
as  whole  as  e\'er  it  A\as  by  the  remedy  of  confession  and  by  re- 
pentance. Now  foi-  th(,'  ju'oof  (jf  tliis  :  Had  not  St,  Jolm  the  Evange- 
list brought  home  a  bride?     Had  he  not  thought,  if  God  had  not 

i.ilii!  01-  lpal;;iiii  :    Init  it  (loos  m 
,.;unn-  is  '■  licnltl.-i-ui,/- 

■^  1  Pk 

'■    1  [.:;,!■. 

\y\    iii<['V 

trs    1,( 

,-0    to    1, 

0    idfnti>.-;il  \s 

cur  in  t 

1.-  saino 

rll  c. 

lU  ^tr 

ct  etymologic 

'     2  Vol 


iv.  7. 



osen?  SeoSeii  ]7auli,  ncs  he  nielclcii  iieuur  ])G  unholre:^  auh  was 
mcidcii  biteiht,  meiclcn  uorto  witene.  "  Virgineui  uirgini  coni- 
mciidabat."'''  Nu,  as  icl'.  sigge,  ]ns  deorcwiuSc  hcalc-wi  iJSisse 
bruchelc  uetles,  ]>et  is  mciMeiihoil  '^  clenncsse  in  oure  brucliclc 
flescho,  bruchelure  ])cn  eni  gles,  ]?et,  i^if  je  -weren  i'Se  worldes  l?i-unge, 
mid  a  lutcl  Imrlunge  ^  je  mulitcii  al  uor  leosen,  ase  J^eo  wrccclics  iSe 
"svorldej  'pet  liurlc-S  togcderes  ^  to-bivkee)  Iiorc  uetlos,  ^  schcdeti  hore 
cleiinesse.  Ant  for]n  iirc  Loucrd  cleopcS  ];us:  "  In  nunido  pros- 
snrani,  in  me  antem  paecni  liabebitis  :'"  bileaiieS  }'cne  world  ^-^  cunieS 
FoUo  43,  to  me :'  uor  ]?er  je  scliulen  beon  ine  Ju'unge :'  auh  rcste  and  pcis  is 
in  me. 

II J .  pe  ]n-idde  roisun  of  ]je  worldcs  flulite  is  ]>c  bijeate  of  lieouene, 
pe  Iicouene  is  swuSc  lieili :'  liwo  se  wulc  bljitcn*^  liire/  j  areaclicn 
}>er  to,  hire '^  is  kitel  inouh  uorte  worpen  a!  JK-ne  world  under  In're 
uoten.  Vor  ]n  alle  ]'e  Iialewen  makcden  of  al  J;e  worlde  asc  ane 
stol  "^  to  hore  net,  uorto  arechen  |'e  heouene.  pe  apostle  sci  b,  "  Vidi 
niuliereni  amictam  sole,  j  luna  sub  pedibus  ejus."  pet  is  Sein 
Johannes  word  euangeliste  iSen  xVpocalipse r*  icli  iseih,  he  seitS,  ane 
wummon  isclirud  mid  te  sunne,  <^  pane  mono  urider  hire  net.  pe 
mone  waxe'5  <^  wone^,  j  nis  neuer  studeuest :'  ^  bitocnoS  for  In 
worldhche  Jnnges  })et  beo'S,  ase  J^e  mone,  eucr  ine  chaun<To.  pesne 
mone  mot  te  wummon  holden  under  hire  uet :'  worldliche  I'inges  to 
treden  <^  forhowien,  J;e  wule  ]'e  heouene  arcehen,  j  beon  ber  ischrud 
mid  te  so^e  sunne. 

I\  .   pe  ueorbo  reisun  is  preouc  of  noblesce '^  of  largesse.     Noble 
men  j  gentile  ne  bere^S  nout  ]xickcs,  no  ne  ua^o^  nout  itrussed  mid 

'"  Virginoin  niati'.in  \i 
Imrtlingf.  T.  KiWui 
liit.  T. 

M.S.  Oxun. 
^-   MuiniK-n.    C. 

,,,,,.o.-s  ror.  nr,T,n«tr.KT  r.oM  T„r.  ^vo...n.  K," 

•  1     1       19     Tot   uftcinvards,  lie  was  ', 

„  .ur.klen  ..ut   the  lc>,  l.u. .  ,        _     ^^  yi,„i„em  ,„atrcui  vi.-gm'  com-  j 

iHonaavit;       Nu^v.  ="  1   ^■>'.'"    ;  ,„.;ttle  fl.-sli,  n.ovc  Imttle  than 
v.->  i=  vh-g-nn.y  and  l^-'V  ;;;°     „^^!  ^  ^wd  ye  nnsl'*.  f-" -; 

.,i.l,t  collision,  lo.o  c.nt«  '''^  '  '^     i'^iVv LsoU  end  shod  tl.cir 

,,.„4.     And,  tlKTcforo,  onr  '^  ■    !' ^  ,;!  „  . "  ,,„,  ,l,e  world  and 

M-c  witli  nic 

f     fl  ,..;■,..  from  the  world  is  the  ohtaining 
111.  The  third  reason  *"•  A-^S J^™  ^^,  ;,  ;,  Me  enongh  that 
of  heaven.     Heaven  --»^  =JJ;f  ,' ;  ,„„„,d  east  all  the  world 
.he  who  wishes  to  ganyt  ^^f'^lJ]  „,„a,  „H  t,,e  world,  as  >t 

nnderherleet.     ^^ '-■-:f"T' f    ''^^   ,e„eh  np  to  heaven.     The 
,vere,  a  footstool  to  then-  feet  >"»  ^^^  ;  ^  ,„„a  sub  podibns 

Apostle  saith,"Vidi  mnheren,  ™^^--  ^,^^.t,  h,  the 

cjns."«      This   is  «>--^-S.,„,t„d!:hed  with  the  snn,  and  the;  I  saw,  he,  a  ^"  '  ,  ^^.„„,ti    „„d  is  never 

ion  inder  her  feet.     The  -»"  ;-      ■  ,.,„,,  ^-hieh 

steadfast;  and  k. '''"-"f"' V,,,!  ,,7   This  moon  the  woman  mnst 
„,e.  like  the  moon,  ever  '^'^'  ,„,  despite  worldly 

„old  nnder  her  ^et ;  she   »     U^^  J^^  ^^  ^,„„„^  .,„,. 
things,  who  wislics  to  aiiiv^ 

tlic  true  sun. 

.    ,1,,.  it  isaproof  of  nobleness  and  liberality. 
IV.  Thefourtln-casonis  thati U  ai  ^^^^^^^  ^^.^^^^^^^^ 

Nilen.en   and  do  ^^^  ^  ^^^  \;  ,,_,,  to  beav  bag 
,vlth  bundles  nor  purse.     Tt  belo,  .. 


I.    Il.i.l.  xvi.  30. 




truss*.';ms/  ne  mid  purses.  Hit  is  bcggni'cs'^  rilitc  uurtc  hcvcn  bngi;o 
on  Lacr'  j  bnrgelscs  fur  to  bero]i  purses:'  ^^  iiouf  Cnnlei  spusc,  ];et  is 
Icfdi  ut'hcoueuo.  Trusscaus,  7  purses,  bnggcn,  7  packcs  i)cob  alio 
coj-ISIiclic  weoleUj  7  AvorlJIiclu'  rcnten. 

V  .  pe  vifte  roisuu  is,  noble  men  7  wuunnen  mnkie^i  largo  rclef. 
Auh  hwo  mei  makien  largere  relef  ]?ei]e  ]>o  o5or?  peo  JH't  sei^i  nii,| 
Seinte  Peter,  "Ecce  nos  reliquinuis  onuna  7  sccuti  sinuus  te."' 
Louerd,  for  te  voluwen  ]'e  we  ludjbeS  al  bllea.ued.  Xis  ]ms  laruv 
relef?  Nis  ]jis  mucliel  loaue?  Mine  leoue  sustrcn,  kinges  7  kai- 
FoUoizl.  seres  ]iabbe^>  lioi'c  bilcoue  of  oure  large  relef  ];ct  wc  Iiabbe^i  ikaued. 
Louerd,  forto  uolmven  J»e,  seiS  Seiute  Peter,  v.e  liabbe'S  al  bileaued:' 
ase  ]>auli  he  seide,  We  Avulle-S  folewen  ]jc  ib'c  mucliele  genterisc  of 
]?ine  largesse,  pii  leaucdest  to  o'Sre  men  alio  ricliesses,  7  makede.>t 
rclef  of  al,  7  loaue <=  so  large :"  we  wullc^  foluAven  jm:"  we  wulle5 
don  al  so— bilcauen  al  ase  ]m  dudost,  7  foknvcn  ]>e  cc  on  corxSe,  7 
ine  ]K'.t,  7  in  o-5erhwat,  uorte  noluwen  ]?g  ec  into  ])e  bli<sc  of  heo- 
uene,  7  ];er  ^et  oueral  uoluwen  ];e  Invuderu'ard  so  ]>u  cucr  nendcst, 
ase  none  no  nmwen  bute  one  nieidones.  "Hii  secuntur  a-'mmi 
qiiocunqne  ierit,  vtroquo  scilicet  pedc  r'  in  integritatc  cordis  et 

^  1 .   pe  sixte  reisun  Is,  liwui  i;c  habbcS  }>enc  world  ivlowcn fomi- 

liarilato:  pet  is,  norto  boon '^  priue  mid  nrc  Loucrde.  Vor  bus  he 
sei^»  bi  Osee,  ''Ducani  te  in  solitudlneni,  t  ibi  loquar  ad  cor  tuum.-" 
Ich  cludlc  leden  ]>e,  he  sei^i,  ure  Louerd,  to  his  Icofmon,  into  onlicho 
stude :'  1  ter  ich  chulle  luuclicho  speken  to  ];ijic  lieorte :'  nor  me  is 
lot>  presse.     "ICgu  Dominus:  et  ciuitatem  non  inorediar." 



^  u- 

^■gil.le.   C.  T. 






or    t..    1.,..     T 



h-:nii:   C.  T. 
iliaritans    cu, 




on  b;\ck,  nnd  to  Lurgcsscs  to  boar  purses,  and  not  to  God's  spouse, 
^^  ho  i:-i  the  ludv  of  hjaven.,  Pjuiidles,  purses,  bags,  and  packs  are  all 
cartlily  wealth  and  worldly  revenues. 

\  .  The  fifth  reason  is,  that  noble  men  and  women  give  large  alms. 
But  who  may  give  lai'ger  alms  than  others  ?  They  who  say  with 
St.  Peter,  "Kcce  nos  reliquinuis  omnia,  et  sccuti  sumus  te."'"'  Lord, 
to  follow  tlice,  we  have  left  all  things.  Is  not  this  large  alms  ?  Is 
not  this  leaving  much  ?  My  dear  sisters,  kings  and  emperors  have 
their  nourishment  ^  out  of  your  large  alms,  which  ye  have  left.  Lord, 
to  follow  thee,  saith  St.  Pet-er,  vro.  have  left  all :  as  if  he  had  said. 
We  will  follow  thee  in  the  great  nobleness  of  thy  liberality.  Thou 
didst  leave  to  other  men  all  riches,  and  gavest  rdms  of  all,  and  hast 
left  so  large  remains — wc  will  follow  thee  ;  we  will  do  the  same — 
leave  all  as  thou  didst,  and  follow  thee  also  on  earth,  both  in  this 
and  in  other  things,  that  we  may  follow  thee  likewise  intu  the 
blessedness  of  heaven,,  and  there  still  follow  tliee  every  ■\^•here 
whithersoever  tliou  goest,  as  none  may  but  the  pure  only.  "  Ilii 
sequuntar  agnum  quocunque  icrit," "  that  is,  with  both  feet — in 
purity  of  heart  and  of  body. 

^^I.  The  sixth  reason  why  ye  have  fled  from  the  world  is  fellow- 
ship ;  that  is,  to  be  in  fellowship  with  oin-  Lord.  For  thus  he  saith  by 
Hosea,  "  Ducam  to  in  solitudinem,  et  ibi  loquar  ad  cor  tuum."'^  I 
will  lead  thee,  saith  our  Lord  to  his  beloved,  into  a  solitary  place, 
and  there  I  will  speak  affectionately  to  thine  heai't ;  for  I  dislike  a 
crowd.      ''  I  am  the  Lord:   and  T  will  not  enter  into  the  citv."*" 

•  St.  .M.-.ti.  xix. 
"  Ho,(:,.  ii.  1  I. 
CAM  I).   >()C. 


170  regul.t:  ixclupari-.m. 

^11.  po  sccmcde  rcisnn  is,  uurtc  Looii  ]'u  Itriliturc,  7  tc  i>ri] it] ulcer 
iseon  ine  heoucne  Godcs  brihtc  iieb-chert.  For  ^c  beo^')  ivlowen  j'eiic 
woi'ld,  7  liudeS  ou  licr  nor  him.  Ect  tcr  token  ]'et  i;e  bcon  swifte 
ase  J?e  suinie  gleam  :^  nor  ;;;c  beo^S  mid  lesu  Cristc  bitund  tise  ine 
sepnlcre  7  bibarred,  ase  Ik,*  was  o^e  deore  rode,  ase  is  iseid  Jjer 

VIII .  Ye  cihtude  rcisun  is  noj-tc  habben  cwike  Ijonc  :'  7  lokec^  r.u 
jeorne  hwareuore.  pe  cdmode  cwene  Hester  J)e  bitocnC'S  aiicrer' 
nor  hire  nomc  sciS  ase  mncliel  ase  ihud  on  Englische  leodcne.  Ase 
me  ret  ^  in  liire  boc,  heo  was  the  kinge  Assuer  oner  alio  icw  erne :'  7 
Jjnrnh  hire  bone  he  ai'edde  of  deaSe  al  hire  nolo,  J^et  was  to  dea  ue 
idemed.  pes  nomc  Assuer  is  ispeled  eadi,  as  is  er  iseid,  7  bitocneS 
God:  eadi  oner  alle.  He  jetteJS  Hester  ];c  cwcne,  j^et  is,  ]ie  treowe 
.incrc,  ]>et  is  rilit  Hester,  ]je  is  rilit  ilnid — he  iliereS  hire,  7  jettccS 
liire  alle  liire  bonen:'  7  scheaweb  jnirnh  ham  j'ot  mnche  nolo,  7 
monie  sehnlden  boon  norloren,^  ]'ot  beoJS  ]>uruh  ]'er  ancre  boneii 
ibornwen,  ase  weren  Jnn-uli  Hesteres.  Uor  liwoii  ])et  hco  beo 
Hester,  7  holde  hire  ase  Hester  dude,  ^Nlardocheus  donhtor.  ]\[ar- 
dochens  speleS,  "amare  contcrens  impndentem  :'"  ]'ct  is,  bitterliche 
to-tredinde  iK'nc  schomelease.  Seliomclcas  is  ])e  nion  o^^er  ]h:o 
wnmmon  ])ot  deJS  eni  nntoweschipe,  o'(5er  sei'S,  biuoren  ancren.  Hit' 
cni  ]>auli  so  do,  7  lico  breke  bitterliche  his  untowc  word,  o'hrv  his  ful 
deden  r^  to-trcde  ham  isigge,  anonriht  mid  iniwurSe  tellungc 
peonne  is  heo  Hester,  INIardochees  doubter,  bitterliche  te-trodiude 
]?enc  schou!elea-e.  Bitterlukcr  ne  betere  ne  mei  heo  ham  neuer 
FoUoii.  IjJ'cken  ];eu  is  iteiht  ];eru]ipe,  mid,  "Xarraverunt  mihi :'"  o^er  mid 
tisse  ncrs :  "  Decliriate  a  me  maligni,  ct  serntabur  iiiaiidata  Dui 
mei:'"  ami  weude  inward  anon  t(.iuward  hire  Aveouede :'  7  lujkle  hire 
et  liume,  ase  dude  Hester  ])e  ihudde,  Semei,  as  hit  telk'b  ine 
rcgum,  licfdt'  dea^  ofeai'ncd:'^  aub  ho  ci'ied  merci,  7  Salomon   fui-jei' 

^  l-LTl.  C.     iv.l....  'I'. 

'•   -)  ^:v-wh  In.vli  ham  niu-lu-  fnlc.      ii.'.ni  .vl:uM..  luo  f-.rl.,iv!..   V.  T. 


V 1 1  l-he  =.v.n,U  ro.son  is,  tl,at  yc  may  bo  tUo  brighter,  ami  n.,y 
,  ,  1 1  ,un  e  el  .ulv  (;n.,rs  brk*t  in  heave, ;  because,  ye 
\       i      ;  ,     i    l,rl,l  ana  bide  yonr.elve,,  here  for  bis  sake     Yet 

'  ttr  -e  r,ll  be  swift  as  tl,e  snnbean, ;  beeanse  yo  are  shnt  np 
::;;;: Veil  Cl;!:;  as  in  a  se,nlebre,  and  i.nprlsened,  as  b.e  was,  on 
tlie  precions  cross,  as  was  sa..l  above. 

YUI  The  reason  is,  that  your  prayers  may  be  fervent. 

,„,ene,h  anchoress,  for    -  -;  ;;='^  I;;^.,  ^,^„  ,.„  all 

l,,glisb  speeeh-as  -      ™^ J,      J,, ,,  ,  j„,,,,,„e  freed  fro.n  death 

others  to  King  Ahasuei  a„  and  tluoi  ,{,,^,,„,,„s  i^  interpreted 


"  blessed,"  as  is  said  be  o.e,  an  „„choress,  the  riglit 

„e  granteth  to  E;^  -/  Xrhe  t^'l.  her  and  grantetb  all  her 
Esther,  .ho  .s.eM         d^  ^^_^^^,^  ^,^^,  ^„^„^.  j,„„j,,  ,™„,d 

petitions,  and  shewetli  ""^'^"J  ,     ,        ,    .„.,  of  anchoresses,  as 

Lve  been  lost  wd.o  are  saved        "  >S"  '^^   ,^^  j,^,,,,,  „„a  „,„d„,t 

'"^-^-  r'  '''"ttlt:  Ibe^'c^  :  Iter^  tlordeeai  did.  Mordecai 
tbemselves  as  L.sthei  ";^/"^;^  ^^,  „  ,hat  is,  bitterly  tran,phng 
signifieth  "an,a,.  -"'«-;  '"1,0  .^an  or  the  «oman  that  doth 
upon  the  sha>ncless.  &'»  »<-'^  .^  „„  „„choress.  If,  however,  any 
or  saith  any  thmg  nideeent  ^o «=  "  ^    ^^,     ^,.  j^;, 

one  do  so,  and  she  .nterrup    Mt    b  1^^  ^l      ^^.^,^  ^^,_^_ 

foolish  deeds,  ^^^^^^^^J^^.^^,  bhterly  tnnnpbng 
t,.,o,,t.     Ihen  ,s  she  l.sthe  ,  ^^^  ^^^^^^^^  ^^^^  ^.,^^__^^j  ^__,^.„.„j,j 

,.,,„„  the  sba,neless  *  "'  J^'*  ,.;,^  „  ,,,o  wicked  have  told  n>e 
than  i.  said  above,*  «■  '  ''^j;  .  pi,,,„.t  froo,  tne  ye  nrdignant, 
foolish  tales,"  &e.  or  w,lh  .la.  Nc.^  ,  1  ,  |^,^  ,_^,^.       ;„_ 

and  I  w.U  search  the  eonnn  u,d,oe  ,  s  ,  ,  ^^  ^^.  ^  ^.^^^^ 

«-ard  i.n,o..di:.ely  toward  her  al      ,  a  ^^  ^^^,  ^..         ^^^^^^  ^j^,^^^,^.^.^,, 

,1,, bidden.   Sheuu.i,asweareloMn,.h. 

172  EEGUL/E  I^""CLl  SARUM. 

liit  liim,  ])auli  Jniruli  swaclio  uorcwurde  ])et  lie  hcold  him  ot  lioin  inc 
Jerusalem,  ase  he  wmiedc,  7  hudJe"  him  in  his  husc:'  ?  ^if  he 
ouhwuder  wcndc  ut,  swuc  ^vas  ]?et  fureward,  ]>ct  lie  \vere  eft  al  f'ul  J 
to  deaSe  idcmed.  He,  ];auh,  brec  foreward  J^uruli  liis  imselulibe  r" 
*?  his  J?relle3  etfluwen  him  1!  ethreken  him  iit,  1  he  liam  1; 
Aveiide  lit  efter  ham,  Ilwat  sviltu  mure  ?  He  was  sone  iwreied ''  to 
Folio  44  b.  I'G  hinge  Salomon  ^  1;  for  j^ct  foreward  was  ibroken,  he  ^va3  idemcd 
to  dcaSe.  UnderstondeS  jLurne  ]n>,  mine  leoue  sustrcn  :  Semei 
bitocneS  J>c  utwarde  ancre — nout  Hester  j>e  ihudde.  Vor  Seinci 
seiS  audiens,'^  J^et  is,  iherinde,  on  ure  leodcne  r'  yd  is,  }>e  ancre  }>et 
hanc^  asse  earen,  longe,  iiorte  iheren  ucor  t'  ];et  is,  axinde  efter 
ti'Singes.d  Semei  was  in  Jerusalem  uorte  Imden  hire  ]jerinne,^  jif 
he  woldc  libben.  pis  Avord  Jerusalem,  speleiS  sihSe  of  pcis,^  ? 
bitocneS  ancre  lius :'  vor  JK'nnne  ne  ];erf  heo  iseon  bute  pcis  ^  one. 
Ne  beo  ncuer  Semei,  ]'et  is,  j-e  recluse,  so  swu'Sc  agult ''  touward  ]>e 
soSe  Salomon,  ].'et  is,  ure  Louerd.  Holde  hire  et  home,  ino  Jeru- 
salem, ];et  heo  nowiht  ne  wute'  of  the  worldcs  baret,  7  Salomon 
jetteS  hire  bliSeliche  his  ore.  Auh  ;^if  heo  entermetecJ  hire  of 
Jjinges  wibuten,  more  J^en  heo  ]?urue,''  7  hire  heorte  beo  wibuten, 
Jjauh,  ase  a  clot  of  eorSe,  ]?et  is,  )>auh  hire  liconie  beo  wiSinnen  l^e 
uour  woawes,  heo  is  iwend  mid  Semei  vt  of  Jerusalem,  al  so  ase  lie 
dude,  efter  his  |n-elles.  pcos  J?relles  beoS  hire  eJ^ele  vif  wittes,  ]»et 
schulden  beon  et  home, '?  seruen  here  lefdi.  peonne  heo  seruetS  wel 
];e  ancre  hore  lefdi  hwon  heo  iiutc\S  ham  alle  wel  in  hire  soule  neode: 
liwonne  ]>e  eien  is  oSe  boc,  o^er  o  sum  ociergod:'  ])e  earen  to  Godes 
wordes  :f  ]yo  niucS  to  holi  beodon.  Ant  jif  heo  wit  Jiam  vuele,  ?  lot 
ham  ])uruh  jemeleastc,  etflcon  hire  scruisc,  *?  foluwen  ham  utwardes 
mid   hire   heorte — a^e  hit  biunllciS  euere  most  ]'et  iso  K't  wit  ut  ]>e 

"    uuiuiio  ')  (Imle.   T.  •"   furvvrcii'il.   1'.      forwrcij.;!.    C. 

'    rmiiure.^  auclieii-^.   .MS.  Oxun.  ''    J-  Ik  rcniiS  eftur  ut  run.  s   C. 

•    S.iii.NS  st'i'le  v.a^  iti  Jenisalelii,   I-  lie  .--cliuMo  in  liuiacli  liiiu. 

'    btu.l,' ..f  pes.  ']■.     sirh.V  ofyri.X.  C. 

"   Ki-iN.   <-.'.  ''   I'.ryult.   V.  T. 

'   uo  xMtu.   'I.      i.m...   (.'.  »•   j.ur.V'.   C.      lin-t^.  T. 

,     .      ,  ,„ ,  ,„.v.v  an.l  Solon.on  forgave  him,  yet  npon 
,i,o  c.HlUi.n  t!..    l.^'  »-f",   '  ,'        .    „„,!  if  l.e  went  furt!.  ™y 

„l,itlicv,  such  «-as  the  '^"^  <■•-"  '^'"^^rtuaately,  however,  brake  the 
„,h\  coiulemned  to  ue^th.  e  ^^^^      ^  j,^.._^^  ,,„„^ 

covenant:  for  his  bon,l-servant»  ..«^  a^    )  ^^.,^^^  ^^,^„,j^^^ 

„„a  ,,e  pursued  them  and,  went       .      ^    ^^  g^,,„„,„„,  ,„d  beeuusc 

.,„..™ore:^     "^T;;::,^"        a:;trto     Understand 
the  covenant  was  biokcn    no  ,^  tl,„  ^.utward  anchoress ; 

,,U  well.  n>y  dear  sisters :  ^'^^^^.i^  "  audiens,"  that  is 
„„t  Esther  the  Indden.     Fo.  ?-»"-=      ,,^  ^,„rf,„,ess  who  hath 
hearing,  in  onr  langnage;    "-^  '     ""=[  "^^  ;     „3y„,  „fter  tidings, 
a^'scars.  long,  to  l.ear    ront     n  ,    that^.,^    ^^  ^.^^^ 
Shcn.el    was    m    .Ternsale.a.      i  ^^^^^^^^   Jerusalem   signifieth 

therein,  if  he  -'f '-\'»  X„<^t,,  ,  monastery;  because  nothing 
"sight  of  Face."  and  If '^'^"^^  ,  ^eYer  let  Shemci,  that  .s, 
„4t  to  be  seen  ''-^^^r  t  ™'soLon.  that  is.  our  Lord 
the  recluse,  so  greatly  °^-''^  ^,,,j  ,,,e  may  know  notlnng  of 

Let  her  stay  at  home    n  •'«"^=''™^  ^^-^^  „,,,„,.  gvant  her  Ins 

t,,o  turmoil  of  the  world;  »";i^^7   U,^,  thin.^s  more  than  she 

„,.aee.  B«.,  if  -^'^  'f "".  f" ,  "Luo  >  her  hodv,  like  a  clod  of 
uecd.  and  her  heart  be  -'"'™' ;,"=1„  f„rth  with  Shemei.  out 
earth,  be  withi,;  t  e  ...r  -'^f'^^^  ,,.,,,„„,.  Those  bond- 
of  Jerusalem,  just  a,  he  U  a  ^^  ,^^  ^^  !,„„,„  ,„,j 

servants  arc  her  Ave  .udural  sen,^ ,  w  hu     o        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^  ^^^^^^^ 

serve  their  lady.  ,1 ''"\,^''?  ,   " 't    he  profit  of  her  soul,  when 
,,,,on  she  useth  them  aU  -»'>  b'  '  ^,„,^,^.        ,  ,,„,,..  the 

,„  eyes  are  t.pon  .«  ^;;.  ",":,„,„  ;„  ,,;„.  prayers.     And 
ears  attentive  to  God.  ^  '  »'  ,      „„,,,  J.eedk.ssness,  run  a>vay 

if  ^''e  ^ "'  '.'-"  ''     ;:;;,:■,.*    ad  win.  >.«.  heart-as  it  n»>t 

;::;;^:^;b:;;::::i:;"f;hesensegoont.hei .goethouta,.r 

1  K.nt;^  •-•  ;^'--^' 


lieortc  o;e\S  ut  cftcr — lieo  brclccS   Salomon  uoreward,  mit  te  uiiseli 
Sernel,  and  is  to  deaeic  ide'incd. 

t^orl'ui,  mine  looue  sustren,  nc  Ijeo  50  nout  Seniei,,  auli  beocS 
Hester  beo  ihudde,  1.  je  scludcn  bcon  ihcied  i'Sc  blisse  of  heouene. 
Yoi-  l^c  nonie  of  Hester  lie  seiS  nout  one,  "  abscondita/'  ]>.et  is,  nout 
one  ihud,  auli  de-S  J^er  tekcn,  "eleuata  in  popub's,"  ];et  is,  ihcied  ine 
uolke  :^  ?  so  was  ]Iester,  asc  liirc  nonie  cwidde^i  ^ — ihcied  to  ewene, 
of  one  pourc  nieidene.  I].'issc  v/orde,  Hester,  beoS  hudunge  1 
heinesse  boiSe  iueied  togederes :'  ant  nout  one  heinesse,  auli  heincssc 
of  folke,  vorte  scheawcn  soSlicho  ]?et  heo^  ]?et  hudeS  ham  ariht  in 
liore  ancre  huse,  heo  schulcn  beon  ine  heouene,  oner  o^ier  kunues 
folke,  wur^liche  iheicd.  Bo'c5e  Hesteres  nonic  7  hire  heiunge 
preoueS  sob  J'et  ich  sigge.  An  ober  half,  understondeJS  ];et  je  beoJS 
in  Jerusalem  :'  1  tet  je  beo5  ivlowen  to  chirchc  griSe  :'  uor  nis  non 
of  ou  ]>et  ncs  sume  chere  Codes  ]>eof.  J\Ie  awaiteS  ou,  J>et  wi.ite  je 
ful  Tcorue,  wiSuten,  as  me  delS  J>eoues  ]>et  bcob  ibroken  to  chirchc. 
Auh  holdeS  ou  ueste  iimc:'  nout  tc  bodi  one,  uor  ];et  is  ]?et  unwurSesto, 
auh  ower  vif  wittes,  1  te  hcorte  oucr  alle  ]Mng,  1;  al  ]>er  ];e  soulc  lif 
is.''  Yur  beo  heo  bistepped^  ]>er  ute,  nis  ])er  ]>eonne  buten  ledeu 
liire  uorS  touward "  J'c  waritreo  of  helle.  Beo-(S  of  dreddc,  1  offeared 
of  eueriche  monne,  al  so  ase  ]yc  ]'eof  is,  Icste  he  drawe  ou  utward, 
pet  is,  biswike  ou  o  sume  wise,  'i  av/aitie  uorte  worpen  upon  ou  his 
crokes.''  BisecheS  jcorno  God,  ase  ])eof  ]^et  is  il)rokcn  to  chirche, 
bet  he  wite  7  wardie  ou  lu'om  ^  alle  ];eo  ])ct  ou  awaite^,  CheaierelS 
ouwer  beoden  euere,  asc  sparuwc  dec)  }>et  is  one.  Vor  ]'is  one  is 
iseid  of  onliche  line,  1  of  onlichc  stude,  ]>er  me  mei  beon  Hester  ]'e 
ihudde:'  ut  of  ])c  worlde  r^  "i  don  betere  )'e!ie  ine  j^ruiige  cuerich 
oostlich  l)i;5eate:'  1  ibr  )>i  efiiciS  Dauid  anere  to  j)clh'can,  ])ut  let 
oidicli  lif,  a  lit  to  s])aruwe,  ju-t  is  one. 

'■■   l.itiupiM.i.   T.      1, 


,_„e  U-eaKe.,.  Solomon's  even...  .U„  tl>o  unfcU^tc  Sl.n.. 

and  is  dooiac.l  to  (V.Mth. 

exaltcl  un>ong  tl.o  F"pl°!  .""^  1-'      '  ,,^  „  .,,  ,,„,a  Esther, 

laaing  and  In-hnc.  .uc  bom  ^^^  ^^.^^^  tliemselvcs 

,i,ln.c.s  people,  to  sh^  Uub  ^  a^  t  ^,^^^^^  ^^^  ^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^ 

,,,,,  in  thei.  ---^^^;^:f  ^^:i,  L  saltation  prove 
other  people.     ^"^^\^^f  ",;^.    ^^^^^j,^,,  that  ye   are  in  Jerusalan  ; 

T  say  to  be  true.     And  noAv,  f  "^^''''    ,  ^    /^^.,|, .  for  there  is  not 
"^  1         ^   1  +^ +lif";finctuary  ot  tne  cnnit-u,  iw 

„,„l  ,lK,t  ye  Imve  fled  to  '  '""'^^       ^  ,,^^„  ,  ,j,ief  against  God. 

„„e  of  you  .-.o  1ms  -*,  at  s    "  ;       „  assured,  .itl.out,  as 

Men  are  wai...,g  for  you    o    tb      I «  ^^^^^^^^^^^     j,^^^  ,^^.^^, 

tl.ey  do  for  tlnevos  «1k.  ''"^  ""'  '  ^^  ?  ,„,,t  ^vortKv,  b^t  your 
elose  -nb' yo»  J""  > '  {»'  '  ,  ';„,  „  ,,,,ieU  is  all  tl.o 
five  senses,  and  your  hear  »-  J;;„,,,„„,  ;,  Kas  then  only  to 
life  of  tl,e  soul.     1  or  .t  ,t  has     tqi  ^^^^  .^^  ^.^^^^  ^__^j  ^,^,^,^^, 

,e  led  forth  to.ard  the  g»  --'?/.  ,,3,  „„  araw  you  without, 
of  every  man,  ns  .unch  ^  ''^ '^ , /i,,  ,,,u  that  he  >nay  lav  Ins 
„,at  is,  deceive  you  •"=»"-  l^^'*;  \„  e,,,,,  |;Ue  a  thief  .vho  has 
,,ulches  upon  you      1  erve  tly     o     t  ,^^^     ^^^  ^^^^^_  ^^^  ^, 

fled  for  refuge  to  the  chore     to  h        ■    .  1.  ^  ^^^^^^^        „„ 

,vho  lie  in  va,t  for  yon.     ''^  ;       j>  .,  „,„,„,  ;,  said  of  soh.ary 

s,,arro«-  .loth  that  ,s  alone.     1 «  ""»  ^"     '    ,  ,  j.-.j,,,,  „„  bidden- 

hie,   -dof  o  ^"l';■•'>^Vlf"■':,;:'   ;        '  ,  J    in   the  crowd,  every 
out    of   the   -orld--d    -'''■'',;*';'„,,,,,,.,„  an  anchoress  to  the 

iielieun,  ^v]iK•ll   lead,  a  .  oma  . 

176  kegul/t:  inci.usakl'm. 

vSn;u'U'.VG  Imuc'S  jet  one  kuuJc  ];et  is  swuSc  bilie'uo  to  ancre,  ];auh 
nie  hit  Iiatie,  JK't  is  ]>et  fallinde  vucl.  Vor  muciie  ncod  is  J>et  ancre, 
of  liclic  line,  J.  of  licie,  liahbc  |)ot  vue].  ])et  vucl  m:  sio-o-e 
ich  Ruut  ]>et  me  so  cleopeS  :'  auh  fallinde  vuel  ieli  cleopio  liconies 
sicncsse,  o^cr  teniptaciun  of  liconies  fondunge,^  Invar  Inivuli  Lire 
J;u)iclie  Jjet  lieo  ualle  aduncward  of  liolie  lieihnesse.  Ileo  \voldG 
elles  a^Yilcgen,''  0(Scr  letcn  to  wel  of  hire  sulucn^  1  so  iwiuc^en  to 
nout.  pet  flcsehs  woldc  awiligen  J.  bicomen  to  fid  itowen  tou^vard 
hire  lefdi,  jif  hit  nere  ibcateii :  7  makien  sic  ]7G  soule,  jif  sicncsse  no 
temede  ];ct  bodi  mid  vuele,  ne  ])ene  gost  mid  sunnc.  tif  nouScr  of 
bore  nere  sec,  ase  hit  bituneS  '^  selde,  horhel  -woldc  awakien :'  j^et  is, 
yc  nieste  dredful  secnessc  of  alle  secncsses.  Eif  God  lbndci5  ancro 
mid  eni  vucl  ^viSnten  r'  o5cr,  ]'C  ueond  wi'Mnnen  mid  gostlichc 
unSeauwcs,  ase  prnde,  wreSJSe,  ondc,  oiScr  mid  flesches  liistes — lico 
hauciS  J>et  fallinde  vuel,  ]^et  me  seiS  ]>et  is  sparu\ve  vuel.  God  hit 
■\vule,  nor]Hii  J>et  heo  bco  cucr  edniod ;  J  mid  louli  holdunge  of  hire 
suliien,  vallc  to  |;er  corSe,  leste  hco  beo  prud. 

jNuwe  ImrteS/ leouc  sustren,  to  the  ueorSc  dole,  }'ct  ich  scid 
schiddc  bcon  of  feolc  uondunges.  Vor  ];er  bco'5  iittre  7  inre;  ? 
eiScr  Is  moniuold.  Salue  ich  bihet  to  teclien  ou  tojeines  ham,  *? 
bote ;  1  hwu  hwoso  haueS  ham  mei  gcdcrcn  of  jnsse  dole  frourc  7 
cumfort  ajeines  ham  alle.  pet  leh,  j'uruh  J^e  lore  of  ])e  HoH  Goste, 
mote  holden  ou  voreward,  ho  hit  ;^ettle  ^  me  J;uruh  o\\  er  bone. 

seonrss,.  T  ,nNrr  fL'sdH!s  iondungos.  C.  i'  auiluon.   C. 

tuh.-.N.   C.  "    liitle^  Ihuc'tl.    C.    liu.L.'ii.   'I'. 

?;rtii   l;;r,.untc|. 

.  .^.rr^^VVY  TO  HUMILITY.  1'' 


,T,;f.1i  i=;  very  oood  for  an 

,„vo  the  fi.Uin:-;   sK-li'..ew.     '  "         ,  „  foUhm  siclmess  is  !>n 

«.o„,-so!f  to  fall  down  f™-  '  l'^;;,  ,,„  „„oa  an  opinion 
.-oul,,o  ,r..w  l«-""l't"  -°V,,„  fl,,,>  ,vould  reU.1  and 
,,f  horself,  and  so  co-ne  to  -;^  "  f  ,.^,^.^^,^  ,f  ;t  ...vo  not  boaton, 
l,eco,no  too  i„.ubovdn,a.e  t..vatc    .t^.m  ^^  ^^,^  __^^^  ^^^,^^^_^  ^,,^       ,^^. 

„„d  ,vonid  n.aVo  tl,o  «'Vl ;".',,,•„,  If  of  tl.oso  ^^■erc 
uitl,  disease,  nor  tl.e  sv.uat  -  tl       ■■  ,,,,;,,, ;,  tl,e  most 

„.l,lcl.  is  seldoni  'Lo  c-a.e-p.Ko.u  ^^^  ^^^  ^^^^^^^^,^^^  ^^.^^,,  „„y 
a.n,ero„s  of  all  ^''f "«^^;  ';„.„,_  ,,-,1,  spiritnal  disorders,  as 
e.,«.„al  evil;  o.',  H-  "'.^  j^tt  of  the  flesh,  she  hath  the 
,.,.ide,  «rath,  envy,  or  ^    the    «»  i„fi,mity      God 

'falling  sickness,  -''f/ Ye    vw  Tc  always  hmnhlc ;  and,  low 

so  wills  it,  in  »*■■; ;Y'  t\rirt  ,  Icst'ho  beconie  proud  ^ 

estlnmtion  of  herself,  fallto*!^  J       ■  ,^_  ^^,,,;  ,    I  ,,„ 

Now,  dear  sisters,  we  lut  "P™  »  ^  1  ^^^t^rnal  and  nitcrna 

„o„,d  he  of  many  temp.a.tons.     To       -  ^^  ^^^^^^  f,,„„„.,, 

,,ia,s,  and  many  sorts  "f  -  "•,^/,  „„  „„,  „„e  who  hath  then,  n,a 
„™inst  them,  and  a  remedy  ,  a"  I  4„,„ti„„  against  then,  all, 

rather,  from  this  'li;-»"' «'    f  J,  Spirit,  n,ay  keep  my  engage- 

■')■'--  ^'  "y  "■"  '"?r.i    t  !  me  tln-ongh  yonr  prayer. 

juci.t  to  you,  may  lie  guuu 

2   A 


Fvi;„  40 

/'V/o  -IG  /,. 

^  e  "-cue  1,011  of  lido  li.,o  ,,„,  .  ,         ,       . 
J'o  gvxlo  J,ot  lx„^  ;,l,„„^e„  „„  ',,„,■;;  ""   '"'  "'■"■I"^-'-     M0.-0  booS 
pet  is  go,l  .-ill,     Vol-  0,10..  «'  1,  "'""'  ''"'  '^"^"  )■«  "-"fco-  ? 

■»0'-o  I-ero,,.     So  ),o  li„l  i.  ,„  J.;    ,  '., " 'l'^,.^  ';.«'->  »  J'o  u;,k!  is 

K'-on  7  iiioio.     m  e„i  „nore  i  fond""g«,  bc„5  sfix„.n,  ■„ 

^-.0  hi,,  iso.  poii., ,,,  CI  :^:,:;:  ,:«■»-  "-"""s-'  ■--« 

Vol-  so  Soint  Groooric  sc-iS-  •■.  r,  ,  '  ""  ™'"*  i™™'«!- 

""I'lipnnii  lion  sontis."     Sik  ,no„  I    ™  '"•'"^'""^  '■'>'l>'Vii.iris,  cu,„  t„ 
J-'  01,  is  Invoii  lie  1,0  ivo  e  ■     ^i  '    f'  '''"  -."f  ^  <'™>fi.'o  acsf.. 

!"vnt  ,s  foi„h„i„o.      To  1,00,  s„u'    N  ,  ^        1  ^  """■<=  ^'  ""'  "0i„ 
""■■--.1,0,1  dives  su,ii   ,  „;  t  :  ?:  "?  "^""-"1-.  ?seiS, 

'7':  >"  «■'  WiiKl  iliooital,  1 1  ;,i  '  ^,:  /"  ""  "°  "^'l  ".«li,.i,ie: 
of  Lolmesso,  %  gostlielie  Uc  lo  V  "^  1  '"  "  '"  T'  '™""  ^  "=''-'» 
-l<eliiu,eSis„l  i„.„,„i„„,,  ,,33;;  J";'  ,«^-  A-In.1  ncs„u  ,,et  ,e 
"Suise  K,  ,ie  no  n.ei  iSolien'  Jiot  ino  .  , ,  ,•"  ''"  "-^'"^  -  '""cliol 
'"^•■■l--  ^t  is  sinn  ancre  bet  ivc.leS  T  T  T'  '"  '"■'  ""=  '"'"e 
««™-oof-cli..,l„n,a„i  K-t  ,0.,       •  1  ;■"*"  l"'v  ..o,Kl„„,,es  1i, 

-'<-. "no .0 un,,e J,:,  '■;;': ;;;:;'f-'-- ■-•'.■•.■ogieSioi; l 

^etei-e  been  ii.on.vci,.  J.,,  ,  ;  ,,  !  '.'"-^  ^^'■"Ic  Jniml,  ,,„„  .,, 
i:ettelIoliG„stle,lJei„.e,,  „,  '  '"  .  f  S'-pWle  W  (iod  sulf 
■   «..■  .0  lieoii  i,ei.i„.e,l  of,.,  l^i:  •       :;,:  l^  "i'  --';  ';.'->-..  01,,,,, 




.       ,    .,     V.y-rm  I'virr  of  tl,o  xvork,  «l.iol.  k  con- 

,„,  ,„„,,„a.   The  gooa,  .1,0  1-- ;xtt  is  °.ooa  °o.»..  f-' '' = 

f„,  „,„  .,.c„K.v  .ml  l.,,l«;.-  "'  "'  ;^;'  ;^.  „„d  Wd.«-,  so  tl,o  fiend's 
As  tU.  lull  of  l."ly  -'1 .1™";  ';:,^  :  „3,  ave  stronger  .hereon  .nd 
,,„,Vs  ^vhk■h  .ve  the  unu!    o,   *"'    '  ,,^  f^,l,t,,  ,«  ten.pta- 

,-,o„.  let  her  dread  gre,  y  o  .«-  1  '^;.^,^  g^^  Gregory  :" Tune 
,„„ch  and  too  strongly  t'-H  -  ■     "  3^„,;,,>     A  s,ck  man 

,„axhne  im,,s,  cnn,  'l^'^  ',,,,„,,,«  doth  not  feel  his  own 
l,ath  two  alar«>ing  states.     Tl  e  ono^  .  _^^^,  _^^^j.^;,,,^^  „„,. 

,.hne.=s;  and  therefore  -*    '       ,  ^  jj,,,,^,  before   any  one  ex- 

rceteth   it.       Th,s   .s   t^   ""  ^^^,,„„,  ;„  »,„  Uevelat.on,  and 

tonn-tation  is.     To  such  the  ""S^^    =  ^,  ,„„,i3  .inod  tn.sev 

saith:  "Dicis  c.nod  '»--  snn,   et^nulhns^c„  ^^,^^^  ^^^^^^  ^,^^_^^  _^^^^,^,^, 

OS,  ct  nndus,  ct  pa^iper,  ^^  ™™,-,  .,„,,  „„d  "soest  not  that  thou  art 
„„  medicine;  hnt  thou  art  '^"^^^^.^^  ,,,,,ched.  The  other 
poor  and  naked  of  h«ln,ess    ad  spn  t       ,       ^^^^  ^^  ^,,,,. 

iianning  state  which  the  s-k  r  ™  ^^  »^^,,,,„,  ,,,,  ,,,  any  one 

It  is  when  he  feeleth  so  ™"  '    i;  !  ^^^^    ,„  ;,     Tl>is  is  an  anchoress 
shouhl  touch  his  sore,  or  avplj  '  ■\,,,,  ;^  ,„  ,o,e  afraid  of  them, 

who  fee'eth  her  tcnn-t^nons       f         b  ■  __^^,  ,,^^^,^  ,^,..  .„  ,,,,, 

that  no  spiritual,     <^  '_^  »  ,,  „,,,„,  „e  the  better  saved. 

sta,>d  that   she   may   and      "''  •  ^      ^,,„,  ,,i„„,p;  ,hat  the  ll-lv 

J.av.  is  it  not  re<.ord,.a  u,  the  ^J     1    '  ^^^,^,  ^„  ,,„,  ,  ,„n,ary  life,  that 
S..inMedonrt,or     ,,..;;-.•  l;^^„,^^,^  .„.  his  ten,pta.,on. 

^'■""     '"',  to  Mhehelli.hadver.ary? 

'-"""'"'"■"-■'"  „,„ilho,nsin. 

,vhonhghtnotsu,.wasalo.H  w.lh 



UndcrstonclcS  jwonne  au  aire  uonncst,  leoue  sustren,  ]'et  two 
mauere  teuiptaciuns — two  kunr.e  uoiidunges — Leo's  t'  vttro  ^?  iiire:^ 
^2  bo?^e  l)eoS  fcoleuold.  Yttre  iioiuhinge  is  hwaruf  cumeb  likuiige 
o'Sei'  mislikunge,  AviSutoii  oScr  \viLJiiiiicn.  ]\Iis]ikuiigc  Avi^iitcn — 
ase  sicnesso,  niescise,  sclieonie,  viilicp,  7  cuericli  lu-oinliclie  dorf  ]>Qt 
eile^  1'C  vk^sclu".  i»rislilaiiigc  v.ic^iinien — asc  Iteurtc  sor,  groine,  7 
wrelSJSe.  Ako  onoiit  j'ct  lieo  is''  likungc  Avieiuteii,  asc;  licoiacs  Iicale, 
inote.  druncli,  ?  cloth  inoub,  7  euerlclics  flesclies  else  aiioiit^  s^vuc]le 
"binoes.  Likunge  wiSiniieu — ase  sum  uals  gledsclii])e,  o'6qv  of  monne 
licreword,  o'Scr  jif  me  is  iliiued  more  ]>cii  anoScr,  7  more  iohdmed,*' 
more  idon  god,  oSer  mcnskc.  peos  dole  of  Jnsse  temptaciun  J;et  is 
uttre  icleoped,  is  swikckire  ]>Qn  ]>e  oSer  kalf.  IjoSe  beoS  ]>a\\\i  o 
temptaciun:^  7  eiSer  \vit)inneii  7  ^vicjute^,  bo5e  of  liire  two  dok^n. 
Auk  keo  is  uttre  ick^opod,  uor  keo  is  euer  oSer  of  jMng'Mviyuten 
o^er  of  ]Miig  wibinnen,  7  tc  uttre  ]>ing  is  ])c  iioudunge.  ]?eos 
fonduiiues  cumeci  oc)erludes  of  God,  7  ooerliulcs  uf  muu  :'  fondunge 
of  God — ase  of  frendes  dcaoe,  7  sicuessc  on  liam,  o5er  o  ]>i  sulf :' 
pouerte,  miskep,  7  ot^er  swucke:'  lieak-  also  and  eise.  Fondunge  of 
j^ion — ase  misHck  \vouk,*^  oSer  of  worde  o5er  of  -werke,  o  ^c,  oScr 
okiue:  akse  kereword,  oSer  goddede,  peos  ciinic^  also  of  God,  auli 
nout  ase  doS  ];e  oSre,  AviSiiten  euorick  middel :'  auk  mid  alle  kc 
uonde^  mon  liu  lie  kiin  drcde  7  luuie.  Inre  vondungcs  bcocS  nus- 
liclie:  luiSeamvcs,  oiSer  lust  touward  ham  r'  ober  swikele  ])ouhtes, 
])et  ]?uucheS  '"  ]»auh  gode.  peos  inre  vondungcs  kumcS  ol'  ]>e  uconde, 
oScr  of  ])c  Avorlde,  7  oe)erhwu1e  of  ure  vlcsckc.  'J'o  ])e  uttre  tom[)ta- 
ciun  is  Ticod  pacience,  ]'et  is  J^olemudncsse.  Tu  ])c  inre  is  }ieod 
■svisdom  7  gosiliek  strencJSe.  We  sclnd(.'n  mi  sj)ckeu  of  ])e  uttre 
vondunge,  7  techen  ]>e  ]'et  liakbcL)  hire,  hu  heo  muwcn,  mid  Godrs 
o-race,  ivinden  remcdie ;  ]'et  is  cine,  ajciiies  hire  to  vrourcn  Jiam 

ciKiit.  T.  ■•  niaic  iliiiot.  T. 

>  luMiuuii-.'  of  ).orIit.    ('.  '  scuK'H. 



1!'  1  ,    „.  si.1.1-   fii-t  c.f  all,  there  are  two  sorts  of 

„.,„,,,„.,.;..     '"  -  ,..,,„;„„  i,  „,a,  from  ^vl.icU  tlun^s 

'■'""'  =  "  bam.,  nmhap,  and  eve,-,v  bodily  lu.vt  ll.ut  ,s 

'^",  ;  :''■]-         'l.Di4l---^  -■'""'-"'  Sviof  of  heart,  a„ger, 
1"'T       ,  it   'i..,  in  vo.a..d  .0  ,vl,at   is  pleasing  ,vid,out--as 

i:  ,;  1,0  a.'aHnk,Tn,d  snmcient  dotbing.  and  eye,,-  tlnng 

,  kind  ilat  is  agreeaUo  to  the  flesl,.     rleasn^  ^v..hout-as 
of  tins  '^'"."  '"'^  =  ,,^        -^^  of  „,cn,  or  if  one  ,s  mo,-e 

rf  '"rn,o;l'eav!X.d      ",.e  benefited,  or  bononved   than  another. 

ten>i..a.ions  come  somettn,  ^  »"  f  ^'f^^ds,  a,,d  the  sickness  of 
Ten.ptation  f.onr  God-ns  the  death  "f  '^^^'^^^  ^,^„  1,,„H,, 

,„.„,„,.  of  thyself,  poverty,  "-'  l''""  ;"  , , ,  /;,.„„„,  either 
and  .-ealth.  Ten,ptat,on  tron,  -'^r^'lT^^'l^,,^  ,,\m  of 
by  word  or  deed  to  thee  '"^/""^f^^'°J[,  „,  „,bers  do, 

kindness.  These  -^  »';-;,  ■;,^  ^L,,,  ,e  trie.h  man, 
.About  any  tntermedtate  can        a,^.  ^^^  ^_,^  ^^ 

,0  f„„l  how  he  fears  ""^    o  n,  ^.^^  ^_^.  ^,_^^_^   ,,_,^,^^_,,,. 

various  •»"";;;',  .i,,,,,,  ;„,,,,  ten.pta- 
lont  designs  wlneh,  neve   hek,.„  sen  ^_^^^^  ^,_^^^^ 

;:,i-; J-of  n.,.eb  r..ntion      ■fo..^ 

;;:::;;;::;;:,::  rr;::t::tl ho  .n.  sm..  .o  it  ,„. 


-•  soil 




"  Ufiitus  ulr  qui  suflcrt  teniptationem  r'  (luoiiiani  euiu  jjrobatus 
fuerit,  acclpiet  coroiiam  vitib  quam  ro})roinisit  Deus  diligciitlbus  sc." 
Eacli  is  lie  o5er  lieo,  "i  iseii,  ];ot  iiaueJS  ]>oIoniofIiiesse  in  tciuptaciuii  :f 
vor  liwon  lioo  is  ipreoueJ,  hit  sei^,  lico  sclial  beoii  ikruiitd  mid  te 
cruno  of  line  }'et  God  hauetS  Lilioteii  liis  ieorcnc.  IIsvuii  lieo  is 
ipreoucd  hit  seiS:  a  vvel^is  hit  iscid :'  \^or  al  so  preoueb  God  liis 
icoreiie  asc  ]'e  goldsmiS  fondeiS  ]>et  gold  iSc  fare,  pet  fa.lso  gold 
vorwurScS  ];ennuc  :f  J  tet  gode  gold  kmneS  ut  brihtere.  Sicnessc  is 
a  brune,  vorte  j^olien  hot.'' 

feicnesse  J/et  God  send  :f  auh  iiout  ])ct  sum  kecche^  "^  ]mxv\h  hire 
owunc  dusischipe.  Yor  moni  make 5  hire  sec  puruh  hire  fol 
herdischipe  :f  auh  ];is  mIscwcmelS  God.  Auh  sicncsse  bet  God  sent 
deS  ])co.s  six  J;inges — v>asche5  |>co  sunnen  ];et  weren  or  iwrouhter' 
wardens ''  to  join  };co  ]:'et  iveren '^  touwardes  f  prcoueS  paeicnco  r' 
halt  ine  cdmodnesse;^  "?  mucheleb  ];e  mede  r'  1  efnc?)  |;ene  holeinodo 
to  martir.  pus  is  sicnesse  soule  leche/  *?  salue  of  hire  wundon,  1. 
sclield,  ];et  heo  ne  keccheS  mo,  ase  God  seiS  J?ct  heo  scholde,  -^if 
sicnesse"  hit  ne  lette.  Sicncsse  make^  mon  to  under'-tonden  Invat 
Fo!''o47i,.  he  \<,  ?  to  icnowen  him  suluen,  1:  asc  god  meister,  bet  mon  vorte 
k'ornon  wel  hu  mihti  is  god,  ?  hu  vrakel  is  ^>c  worldes  ulisse.  Sic- 
ncsse is  |7e  goldsmiS  ];et  iSe  blisse  of  heouene  ouorguldeS  |;inc  crunc. 
So  ])e  sicnesse  is  more,  so  J)e  goldsmith  is  bisegure :'  7  so  lenf-ro  heo 
ilest,  so  he  brihtob  hire  swutSure:'  vorte  bcon  martirs  cfnina".  kuruh 
a  -wihiintle''  wo.  Ilwat  is  more  grace  to  ]>co  ];ct  hefden  ofeanicd  be 
pinen  of  helle  world  a  buteu  endc?  Nolde  me  tellen  him  aire 
UKjnne,  ]'et  forsuke  cnne  butr'et,  nor  one  speres  "svunde auc 

l'"i-  w.-l.  '•  — liut;  ;icli  nan  fur  u,'  c•lcll,s.•^i  j-o  -oLl,  as  liit  ,loN  J  r  .<:uile.   C. 

hrla-S.  C.     ckts.  T.  'I   wconioo.   C". 

l.cui\    C.  '   .salllvliO  lir;,!u.    C. 

.       1 



,,U1.  Go-r.  "i-aee,  find  a  vooK.dy  ■.  >K,moly.  ..lf-co,nn«nd, 

fuoril,  acoi.iot  ooi...,.m.  .  t  .,  qu  ^^^^  .^^  t.nni.tat.on  ; 

Blessed  i,s  l>o,  or  sl.e,  an'l  ''^H'^^  ;    ^  ;,„  ;,„,,„„1  .-itl,  .1.0  c..v,-„ 
for  wl.en  sl,c  is  tried   >t  is  saul,  SI         .  _^  ^,^^  .^  ^^.^,^,_ 

of  Ufo,  which  God  '-";  l-n»-^   ;'J  ;';  ,^,^,,,  ,,„  ,,,,,  „,  ,ho 

'' !'  r"  "^,:l;l^^S;i>  .horei.,  h,.  t,.  ^od  .o,d 

gold  in  the  f,  o      i!«  ••'„^  =       \    ^  ,;,.,  ,,,,;ch  h  rnt.ontly  to  ho 


,  •  ,     r    '    .-nds  •    hut   not   that  which   some  catch 
Sichne.s   winch   Goo.   ^.nds^^^^     _^^^^^^  ,,e„,selves  sick  through 

tl,,o„^Mllol.}.     ro        J  Q^^^      r,„t  ,1,0  sickness 

„,rir  fool-hardiness  1  f''^,  *'»  '  "'J;.^;, .  ^  ,vas!icth  nway  the  sins 
,,,,,„  God  sends  'l°«;*2,;=;j;'."-g„„rfeth  against  those  that 
that  have  heen  f"''""-'>'  "I™"""  „,ience;  prcsorveth  hnmility ; 
„i.e  likely  to  he  coin.n  tted  i  >  -*  1  ^^  ;:,,1  ,„fi.,er  e„ual  to  a 
increaseth  the  reward;  ""'\;™'^,^ '.',,/„(.  „,e  sonl,  and  heals  its 

'-■'^^■'-     ■";-'  "/''f  ";;::„:;       in"    -;  -  God  salth  that  it 
wounds,  and  v^-otcHs  fiom  "^"'^    =  ,  „,,,,eth  man  to 

should,  i.^  sickness  did  -^'  r;':;^  !  ,   ;  J  tnd.  like  a  good  inastor, 
uiKlerstand  what  he  ,s  ai.  ^^  ,^  G„a  k,  attd  how  frail 

it  corrects  a  man,  ^'    ™*      ^  '""j^^^^  ;,  „,e  goldsmith  who,  n 
i.  the  haprntess  of    ''^  ;  "'^l,,^,,^   „  ,  erown.      The  greater  the 

''-  '''"'^'T  Uiser'       hf  dsmith;  and  the  longer  it  lasteth 

sickness  >s,  the  hus  er         1  ^  .  ^^^_^^_^  .^ ,  ^,^^^  ^,_^^^,  „„,  i,e  equal 

the  more  excecdn,.i.,ly  doth  He  ^_^^^^^^       ^^^^^  f^^,,.,^,,.  ^,,„ 

to  martyr,  through    te,„l.ora     ■  H        ,               ^^^,^^„  ^^.,„.,,,  ^,,„,„„i 

there  he  to  those  wl.,  had  d.-  u.      J                 ^^^^^^  j.^^^,.^,,_  ^^,,,, 

,vro*d  a  holVo't,  m-tead  ol  a  s,,i.n  s  x 

"  T.  O. 

.St,.I..:....,i.      1-^- 


nekle  jn-ikiinge,  nor  anc  biliefthmge — ane  beatungc,  iiortc  bcoii 
anliongod **  on  liclle  \yaritrco  world  a  buten  ende?  God  liit  vot, 
leoiie  su?trcn,  a!  }'ct  wo  of  )?issc  worlde  iefnod  to  hellc  aire  k-stc  pine, 
al  nis  bute  ase  bal  pleowc.^  Al  in"s  nout  so  muclic  a^e  alntcl  'Squw-qs 
drope  ajean  ])e  brode  see,  7  alle  ])e  worldos  watcres.  pc  ]?ct  nici 
]?eonnG  etsterten  ]>Qt  ilkc  grislich  wo,*?  )'eo  atelicli'"  pincn,  ]nn-idi 
sicnessc  j'ct  agi-o,  ]>ura]i  cni  vnt-l  ]'Ct  Iicr  is,  seliliclie  mel  hco  siggcn. 

An  o^cr  ludf,  IcorneS  her  nioniuoldc  luxmren  a:5an  ];o  iittre 
vondnn^e,  ]>ot  cnmcc?  of  monnes  vuel :  vor  ]k'OS  ])et  ich  hi\h\>e  iscid 
of,  is  of  Godes  sonde.  Hwose  cuer  niis-seiS  ])e,  ocier  mis-dci)  ]>o, 
nim  ^eme  7  nnderstond  )?ct  he  is  ])i  nile,''  ?  uilcc^  awci  al  ]n  I'ust,  7 
al  ]n  ruwe  of  ]nnQ  sninien  :'^  1  he  uret*  him  sulucn,  vrcilawei !  ase  ],^e 
nile  deJS :    auli  he  inakeS  ]'e  sniebe,  ant  brihteS  June  soldo. 

An  o5er  wise,  j^^nch  ^ct  ]>ct  hwose  euer  liernieS  ])o,  o5er  eni  wo 
deb  ])c,  scheome,  gronie,  o5cr  teonc — ]>cnch  ]>et  ho  is  Godes  ^erd,  ? 
F'>lh  4S.  tet  God  bet  ]>e  mid  him,  7  chastecS,  ase  neder  deb  his  leoue  child, 
mid  ter  jerde.  Uor  so  he  seib  }>et  he  deS,  jmruh  sein  Johannes 
mub,  iSe  Apocalipse:  "Ego  quos  amo  arguo  et  castigo."  Xc  bet 
ho  nenne  mon  bnte  hwamso  he  luueb,  7  halt  for  his  childc,  nanmorc 
];en  hu  Avoldest  beaten  a  ureomede  "  child  ]>aidi  hit  agnlte.  Auh,  ne 
letc  lie  nont  wel  of  j'ot  he  is  Godes  jerde.  Vor  ase  ]?e  iiedcj"  Invon 
he  haueb  inouh  ibcaten  his  child,  7  haueb  itiiht  hit  wel,  he  wurpeb 
be  Tcrd  into  ]'e  fure :'  nor  heo  is  nonht  nanmore  :'  al  so  ])e  nedcr  of 
heonene,  hwun  he  haneb  ibeaten  wel  mid  one  imwreste  monne  ober 
wnnunon  liis  Iconc  chikl  nor  lii-  gode,''  he  wurpeb  j;.j  jerd  into  ]>e 
fnre  of  helle  :"  ]>ct  is,  )'cn  nnwrf.-te  mon.  Vor  ]n  ha  ^c'lh  olles 
Invar:    'Olilii    vindictam,   et    ego   retribnnm :' "'    ]n't    is,    min   is  ]'e 

a  lute  b..atin-o  for  a  l:cngi^^r.   T.  ">   Lute  a  yh-^^.:   C. 

f.\li<-h^'.   C.     aUiilidic.   T.  ''   -lil'-,  I'  loiiiMcrs  1, 

oil'i  iuclit;r  ^uiiinii.    C.      ti  )  ulic  of  sunn.;.  'J'.  '   fntt.s.   'J\ 

fn.,n,1...    T.  "   -4""^^   'i'. 

:\i.vN  s  wiCKi:nxE>s  a  cjiastkxjno  Ron  in  god's  tiavd.     185 

a  bc'lieadlni;- — a  Lcatinu',  iii-t.Nid  of  hclng  liaiin-ed  on  llio  j^alloMS 
of  ]i(l!,  -worM  v.itlio'.if  fvA'f  Cu:n\  knows,  dear  .sistcir,  ;dl  tlic  woe 
of  tills  world  roni'tarod  to  tlio  vory  least  j)aiii  of  lioll  is  nothin:;-  hnt 
l)all-)>lay.  ]t  is  all  !)ol  so  mud)  as  a  small  drop  of  dcv.'  to  the  broad 
sea  and  all  tlic  Avaters  of  the  ^\•orld.  She,  tlicrefore,  who  may 
escape  tliat  fearful  state  of  sufl'erino',  ar.d  tliose  awful  pains,  through 
a  sickness  tliat  ])assetj!  awa}-,  through  any  evil  of  the  present  life, 
may  call  herself  happy. 

On  the  otlicr  liand,  learn  now  many  remedies  against  tlie  out- 
ward Icmpfation,  whicli  proceeds  from  the  wickedness  of  man.  For 
that  of  ^\•hi(•h  I  liaAC  already  spoken  is  of  God's  sending.  Whoso- 
ever harmcth  thee  by  woj-d  or  deed,  cojisider  and  understand  that  he 
is  thy  file,  and  fileth  away  all  thy  rust,  and  all  the  roughness  of  thy 
sins  ;  and  though  he  wears  himself  away,  unhappy  man !  as  the  file 
doth,  yet,  he  maketh  thee  smooth  and  brighteneth  thy  soul. 

Again,  reflect,  tliat  whosoever  harmeth  thee,  or  infiictetli  upon 
thee  any  Avrong,  shame,  anger,  or  suffering — reflect,  that  lie  is  God's 
rod;  :uid  that  God  beats  thee  with  him,  and  chastencth,  as  a  father 
doth  his  dear  child,  with  the  rod.  For  thus  he  saith  that  he  doth, 
by  the  mouth  of  St.  John,  in  the  1  Revelation,'''  "As  many  as  I  love, 
I  rebid\'e  and  chasten."  lie  bcateth  no  man  but  him  whom  lie 
loveth  and  accounteth  his  child,  any  more  than  thou  wouldst  beat  a 
strange  child,  though  it  were  naughty.  ]>ut,  let  him  not  think  \vell 
of  himself  because  he  is  God's  rod.  For,  as  tlie  father,  when  he 
hath  sufficiently  beaten  his  child,  and  hath  Avell  chastised  him, 
castetli  the  rod  into  the  fire,  because  he  is  naughty  no  longer;  so, 
the  Father  of  lleaycii,  when  he,  by  means  of  a  bad  man  oi-  woman, 
hath  beaten  his  dear  child  for  his  good,  castcth  the  rod,  thfit  is,  the 
bad  man,  into  tlie  fire  of  hell.  Whei'cfore,  ho  saith  in  another  place; 
"]\lihi  \indict;im,  et  ego  3-etii1iuam  ;  "  that  is,  IMine  is  vengence,  and 
1  will  iej)ay;  as  if  he  had  ^aId  :  Avenge  not  yourselves,  nor  bear  ill 
Mill,  nor  cui'so  v/lien   any   one  otlends  you,  but  immediately  reflect 

"  iii.  ii). 

<.AMV).   ROC.  2   ii 


^vrccllo,  7  icli  ,-huuh^  ^eUleii :'  ase  ])auli  he  scIJo,  Ne  vrekie  jt-  r.out 
on  suliu-)i,  Be  iio   -rucd.e  to   noiit,  mo  ne  wariou  Invon  lac  agulteb 
to  our  null  I'.'iicliL'^i  ar.rn  ))ct  he   is   owur  ucdercs  ^serJe,    t   ]'ct  he 
wuleTclden   him  scrJe  ^e^ui.e.      And   ).i.  ],et   chikl   fuhtowcn  ]n^t 
schrepo^^  jijean,  7  hit   upon  }>e  ;i;erae?     Auh  j>et  dehoMcre   child 
Invon  hit  is  ibeat(Mi,  5II'  ]^c   iie.ler  hut  hit,  cussed  ]>c  ;^erd.     And  50 
don  al  so,  nn:.c  leoue  sustrcn  r'  vcr  so  hat  owr  iiedcr  ou,  ]'ot  ^c 
cussen,  iioi.t  mid  nui^,  auh  mid  luue  of  heorte,  ];eo  ]^et  lie  oa  nude 
heated.      "Dihglte   ininiie(H   ^■u.:■    henehicite  hiis   qui^  odrrunt 
vos:'    ?   ovate   pro   pcrseqnentihus   f  calumniantihus   vos."      pis   is 
Codes  hestc,  ]>ct  him  is  nmchcde  lc(nierc  j-eii   ]»et  tii   eW.   -ruttene 
bread,  oSer  weric  iitu-de  here.     Lnule^   ouvrer  uoamen,^  h-  seiS,  7 
do^S  4d,  jif  50  nunven,  t(^  j'eo  ]>.-t  ou  weorreS  :'  and  jif  je   elle- 
ne  nunven,  biddeS  jeorne   uor  ].eu   ])et  ou  eni  vuel^  duS  o^er  nus- 
si<ro-e5.     Ant,  asc  ]?e  apostle  lereS,  ne  jeldc  neuer  vuol  uor  god,  auh 
euei-  god  for  vuel,  ase  dude   ure   Louerd   sulf;  7  al!e  his  huluwen.^ 
FoUoiil.   EifsedoSjHisGrodes  lieste,  ]>eonne  heo  5c  his  lieudi  ^  children  ];et 
cussed  Vc  serden  ^et  he  haue^i  ou  mid   i^rosschai.     Nu,  -eiS  sum, 
o^^erhwule,  his  soule  o^.er  hiiv  =  ieh  cliulle  wel  luuieu,  aidi  his  Looi 
o  none  ^visc :   auh  ]>et  nis  nout  t.)  .i-geii.      pe  soule  ant  te  hcome  nh 
bute  o  nion,  7  boSe  ham  itit  o''  doia.      Wult  tu   to-dcalcn  JK't  God 
haue«  isompned?     He  norbec.t  hit,  7  sei^i,  "Quod  Dens  cuujunxit 
homo  ne  separet."     Ne  ^vur^e   non  so  wod  ]k1  he  to-deale  ].et  ]nng 
]>et  God  haueS  isompned.' 

penehe-5  jet  JMsscs  Aveis :'  ]>et  a  chihl,  i;if  hit  spurned  o  sunmie 
l,ino-,  o^er  hurteS  him,  me  bet  ]'ct  ]nng  j^et  hit  hurteS  ou,  7  ]'et 
chifd  is  wcl  ipaied,  7  fori;ited  al  his  hurt,  7  stilleo  his  teares.  \vv]n, 
froureS  ou  sulf:    "Lctabitur  Justus   cum  viderit  viudiclam.-     God 

rum  IS  to  \\i 
fa  nion.    C 

K   hi,v=.    T.  "  ti.L.Na. 



that  he  is  your  fiulnji-'s  ivnl,  and  f]i;tt  he  vvill  |>;iv  him  what  is  due 
Ibr  liis  rod-ser\  ico.  And  is  not  tlmt  nn  ill-l)c]i:u-ed  ciiild  tliat 
scratclies  a^nin  ai.J  hik'S  tlio  rod?  ]>iit  tlie  i^ood  child,  when 
hoati-'ii,  li"  liis  fatliur  bid  him,  kissetli  the  rod.  And  ud  yc  tiio  same, 
my  dear  sisters^  for  so  your  Fatlier  commandeth  you,  tliat  yc  kiss, 
not  svit]i  month,  hut  with  heart-love,  those  v,-]:om  he  heatetii  you 
with.  ''Lo\"e  your  enemies,  do  good  to  them  th;it  hate  you :  and 
])ray  for  them  that  persecute  and  cahanniiate  yon."'''  Tliis  is  God's 
connnandment,  wliich  is  much  more  acceptable  to  him  tlian  that  thou 
cat  bread  n^ade  of  urit,  or  wear  ]iard  liair-cloth.  Love  your  foemcii, 
he  saitli,  and  do  good,  if  ye  liavo  power,  to  those  who  fight  agairist 
you  ;  and  if  you  cannot  do  any  thing  else,  pray  earjiestly  for  those 
wlio  do  or  say  any  evil  against  you.  And,  as  the  A'postlo  teaclieth, 
return  never  evil  for  good,  but  always  good  for  evil,  as  our  Lord 
himself  did,  and  all  his  saints.  If  ye  thus  do  God's  commandment, 
then  are  yc  his  dutiful  children,  who  kiss  the  rods,  wherewith  lie 
hath  thra.shen  you.  Now,  some  one  may  ])erhaps  say,  his  or  her 
soul  I  will  love  well,  but  by  no  means  his  body  ;  but  this  is  sa\  ing 
nothing  at  all.  The  soul  and  the  body  are  but  one  man,  and  one 
doom  betides  them  both.  Wilt  thou  separate  what  God  hath  joined 
together?  Let  no  man  be  so  mad  as  to  put  asunder  that  which  God 
hath  joined  together. 

Reflect  again,  thus;  that  if  a  child  stumble  against  any  thing,  or 
hurt  himself,  men  beat  the  thing  that  he  hurtc^th  himself  upon, 
and  the  child  is  well  pleased,  and  forgetteth  all  his  hurt,  and  stopi,eth 
his  tvai-s.  A\nicrefoi'e,  take  comfort  to  yourselves  ;  "The  righteous 
,liall  rejoice  when  he  seeth  the  vengea)ice."  ''  On  the  d;iy  of  Judg- 
ment, (ioil  \vill  do  as  if  he  ^aid,  "  Daughter,  did  this  ])erson  hiu't  thee? 
1  )id  Ik;  canu'  iIkh:  to  stu'.uble  in  wnith,  or  in  grief  o'' heart,  in  shmne. 

188  P.ECLh.lC  IXCLUSAltU^VI. 

sclial  cLju  a  doinesdci,  asc  J^auh  he  seide,  "  Doulitcr,-''  luirte  ]?cs  ]>e? 
Makede  lie  ]»e  spurnen  inc  wreSSe  oScr  ine  lieortc  sor,^  iiie  schconic, 
oSer  ine  teonc  ?  Lolcc,  douliter,  loke  liu  lie  hit  schal  abuggen,  ant 
j^er  je  schulen  iscou  bunsen "  ham  mit  tes  deofles  bottles,  J'et  wo 
schall  ham  been  aline.'^  And  jc  schulen  been  Avel  ipaied  ]>ci-uf',  vor 
oAver  wll  1  Godcs  wil  schal  been  so  iveied  ]>et  jc  schulen  and  wulle>> 
al  ]'et  he  euer  wide,  7  he  al  ]>jt  je  euer  wulleo. 

Oucr  alle  olSer  J^oidites,  in  alio  ower  passiuns,  l^encheS  euer 
inwardliche  up  o  Godcs  pinen, — ]jet  te  worldes  weldinde  wolde,  nor 
his  jn-elles,  ]>olicn  swuche  schendlakes  ?  hokcrcsr'  bufletes,  spot- 
lunge,  blindfellungc,  J;ornenc  crununge,  ])ot  set  him  iSet  heaued,  so  ],'et 
he  blodi  streames  urnen  adun  r^^  T:  bileaueden  his  swete  bodi  ibunden 
naked  to  ]?c  herdc  pilcre,  ant  ibeatcn  so  ]?ct  tet  deorcwurt^e  ^  blod 
I'oUu  iO.  orn  adun  on  euerich  halue :! — }>ct  attri  drunc  ])et  m.e  jef  liiin,  ])eo 
him  hurstc  o  rode,  t  hore  hcfden  sturiunge "  upon  him,  J'co  on 
hokerunge  jeieden''  so  lude.  Lo !  he  her  ];ct  healede  o<Sre,  lo!  hu 
he  hcalelS  nu  It  helped  him  sulucn.  TurneJS  }»eruppe  ];er  icli  spec 
hu  he  was  ipined  in  alle  his  fif  wittes  :^  1  efnv'6  al  ower  wo,  sicnesse, 
*?  o^erhwat,  1  wouh  of  \\orde  oScr  of  A\erke,  7  al  J^et  mon  mel 
■bolien,  hcrtec  al  he  ]?olede,  7  je  schulen  lihtlio  iseon  hu  Intel  hit 
rccchc'cS,'  nomeliche,  jif  je  j^enchetS  ]^ct  he  was  al  loc^leas :'  7  ]>et  he 
])olede  al  )ns  nout  for  him  suluen,  uor  he  ne  agulte  neuer.  Eif  je 
j^oliexS  wo  je  habbcS  wurse  of-earned  r^'^  7  al  ]^et  ^e  j^olieM,  al  is  for 
on  suluen. 

OocS  nu  ]>eonne  gledluker  bi  strongc  wei,  7  bisAA-incfule,  touward 
be  muchelc  feste  of  hcouenc,  ])er  asc  ower  glede  va-eond  ower  cume 

■"  biiiie.   T.  ^   Uudc  lie  )'C  spiinic  i\vl■a^^Vll  o^cv  in  licrto  .seir?  T. 

c  Iniiiein,  C.     bciicii.  '1'.  ''   i'  ^^^i  'j'""  I'w^  Hues.  T. 

f  stniu<li;ii  stn-i.'k'ii.   ('.      stniink.-.  strcain.k-ii.   'J'. 

f    ].  of  Wt  .Ic.if  v>ur.N.'  J^.'-  .   T.  K   s,-i,:.kin,-f.   T. 

1,  g,,.,Mc.i.  (;.  T.  '  micl.rN.   (.'. 

y-   ('.     do-ru.'l.   '1'. 

Avin:x  siFFKiiixf;,  THINK  OT  ctiiust's  sc itehi xos.        ISO 

or  ill  suffcniig?  Look,  danditcr,  look  lio-sv  lie  shall  pay  for  it;  and 
yc  shall  sec  them  Loiniced  with  the  devil's  iiinllcts,  so  that  they  shall 
be  weary  of  \U\:"  AvA  ye  shall  he  Avell  ple:i<ed  ^ith  this,  for  your 
will  and  (he  will  of  God  shall  ])e  in  sneli  unison  tliat  yc  shall  \\i.-ih 
whatsoever  He  wilis,  and  lie  whatsoever  vc  wish. 

A  hove  all  other  thoughts,  in  all  \onr  sufferings,  reflect  always 
deeply  npon  the  sufferings  of  Christ — that  the  Ruler  of  tlic  world 
was  content,  for  his  hond-servants,  to  endure  such  ignominy  and 
contemj)t — buffets,  mocking,  blindfolding,  crowning  with  thorns, 
Nvhich  pierced  his  head  so  that  streams  of  blood  ran  dowji ;  and  tlrat 
tluy  left  his  sweet  body  bound  naked  to  the  hard  pillar,  and  beaten 
so  that  the  precious  blood  ran  doAvn  on  every  side;  the  poisonous 
drink  that  they  gave  him  when  he  thirsted,  on  the  cross:  the 
shalang-  of  their  heads  at  him;  wlio  cried  out  in  derision  so  loud, 
"  Look  here  !  he  that  healed  others.  Behold  now  how  he  healeth 
and  helpeth  himself"  Turn  back  to  the  place  ^  where  1  spoke  of 
how  he  was  pained  in  all  his  five  senses;  and  compare  all  your 
sorrow,  sickness,  and  other  distresses,  and  Avrongs,  by  word  or  deed, 
arid  all  that  man  may  suffer,  with  all  that  lie  suffered,  and  you  will 
easily  see  how  little  it  amounteth  to,  especially,  if  you  reflect  that  lie 
was  quite  imiocent ;  and  that  He  endured  all  this  not  for  himself,  for 
He  did  no  sin.  If  ye  suffer  grief,  ye  have  deserved  worse,  and  all 
that  ye  sutler,  is  for  yoursehes. 

C:ho  yc  now,  then,  along  the  hard  and  toilsome  Avay  toward  the 
great  feast  of  heaven,  wliere  your  glad  friend  expecteth  yom-  comijig, 
more  joyfidlv  than  foolish  worldly  men  go  by  the  green  way  toward 
the  g.illows-ti'ee,  antl  to  the  death  of  hell.  It  is  better  to  go  toward 
hi'aven  sick,  than  in  liealth  towu)-d  hell,  and  to  mirtli  with  want, 
than   to    woe   ^\ith    abundance.      Xoi,    ho\ve\er,   but    that  wretched 


100  TvEgul.t:  ixclusaruji. 

ikepCiS^  |)eniie  dtisic  worldes  men  goS  bi  greiie  \\\.'ie,  touwarcl  te 
Avaritreo  ?  to  deacSe  of  liolle.  Betcro  is  forte  pon  sic  touward 
lieoiKiio  ];en  al  bol  tou^Yal•d  liclle:'  ?  to  mundr^e  luid  meseise,  ])en 
to  V.  o  mid  eise :  nout  foi'  ]nu  ^  wrecclic  wovldliclic  men  bngge'JS 
dcorre  liellc,  ]>cn  je  doS  lieuene.  Salomon  sciS,  "  Via  iini)inrum  com- 
plantata  est  lapidibus/'  id  est,  '•'  duris  afiiictionil)u?.'^  O  ])ing  wuta 
je  to  so-Se — j/Ct  a  mis- word  ]>ot  -^l-  ]K)lieS,  ocier  one  deics  longunge, 
o'^Ser  a  sicnesse  of  ane  stmide — ;;if  me  cheapeS  on  of  }>lo.s  et  on  a  domes- 
dei — ]>ot  is,  jif  mc  cJieape  et  ou  ]'e  mede  j^et  arise-^  ];erof,  je  nolden 
sullen  Iiire  uor  al  ]?e  worldes  guide.  Uor  |;et  sehal  beon  owur  song 
biiioren  urcLouerde:  "  Lrotiiti  snniiis  pro  diebus  quibns  lios  humi- 
liasti, — amiis  quibus  vidimus  mala:'"  het  is,  "V\'ol  is  us  nu,  Loucrd, 
uor  ]>e  dawes  ];et  tu  lowudcst  us  mide  o■^]re  momies  woulnves :'  and 
wel  is  us  nu,  Louerd,  for  )?e  ilke  jeres  |>et  we  wei-en  sike  inne,  ^ 
FohVjioh.  iseicn  sor  7  scoruwc."  Euericb  worlich  wo  is  Godes  Ponde.  Ileie 
monues  messager,  mc  schal  lieiliclie  underuongen,  1  makien  him 
glede  chere,  ?  so  mucliel  ];e  ra^er,  jif  lie  is  priue^  mid  te  kingc  of 
hcouene.  [Et  quis  erat  ita  seeretarius  regis  ctt'lestis]  =  j^eo  liwulc  j;et 
be  wunedo  lier  ]>en  was  ]jes  sondesmon.,  }'et  is,  Avorldes  pine,''  ]?et  ne 
com  neucr  urum  liim  uort  his  Hues  ende.  pes  messager  |>et  ich  telle 
ou  of,  hwat  telleS  he  ou?  He  vroureS  ou,  o  ]>isse  v.ise :'  God,  he 
sells,  as  he  laued  me,  he  sent  me  to  his  leoue  ureond.  i\Ii  cume  '^. 
mi  wuniunge,  ];auh  hit  Jumclic  attri,  liit  is  |;auh  hcaluwinde.  Ncre 
J'et  jjing  sulf  grislich  hwas  scheadewe  je  ne  muhte  nout  for  grislich  '^ 
biholden  ?  Eif  ];eo  ilke  scheadewe  were  jet  so  kcno,  oSer  so  liot, 
]>et  je  hit  ne  muhten  nout  wISuten  hemic  ivelen,  hwat  woldc  "s^o 
siggen  bi  ];et  ilke  eiffulc  Jjing  ])et  hit  of  come  ?  Wu<e  je  ];L't  to  sc/b'c 
]jet  al  j^e  wo  of  ]»isse  worlde,  al  iiis  bute  ase  a  scheadewe  n^ean  ]>o 
wo  of  belle.  Ich  am  ])e  scheadewe,  seitS  ])is  niessniiC)',  I'et  is, 
worldes  ju'ne:'  nedlungc  je  moten  underuongen  mc,  oNer  l-et  o-.-is- 
helu'  w.)  ]K't  ich  am   of  scheadewe.      Ilwose  undei-uonge^  *'  me  'd^d- 

■■   for  M  uitUiii.'h.-.   C.  'I'.  t-   wil.   T. 

^    MS.  Ox,.n.  •'    ^volu..    C.      >Sr.M...    T. 



woildlv  men  Lny  liell  clearer  tlian  ye  do  licaven.  Solomon  saitli, 
"The  Avav  of  sinners  is  riauL'd  over''  v.itli  stones:"  that  is,  with 
severe  aiHiLtions.  Of  one  thing  be  ye  uell  assured— that  a  liarsh 
Mord  that  ye  bear  -.vith  patience,  or  a  single  day's  weariness,  or  a 
sickiiess  of  ixn  \un\v — if  an\"  one  "were  to  olfer  to  l»ny  one  of  these 
from  v'ju  at  the  diiy  oi'  Judgment ;  that  is,  if  one  were  to  offer  to 
bu\-  from  you  the  rev.ard  that  ariscth  from  it,  yc  would  not  sell  it 
for  all  the  gold  in  the  world.  For  thir,  shall  be  your  song  before 
our  Lord:  "  La.'tati  sunius  pro  diebus  quibus  nos  huuiiliasti — annis 
qui!!U,:>  vidinuis  mala  :  " '"  that  is.  We  are  glad  now,  O  Lord,  for  the 
days  in  whieh.  thou  didst  humble  us  with  the  wrongs  we  suffered 
from  other  men  ;  and,  we  are  glad  now,  O  Lord,  for  the  years  in 
wliirh  we  were  sick  and  saw  pain  and  sorrow.  Every  worldly 
affliction  is  God's  andjassador.  i\!eu  will  receive  honourably  the 
messenger  of  a  man  of  rank,  and  make  him  gladly  welcome ;  and  so 
much  the  more  if  he  is  intimately  acquainted  with  the  King  of 
Heaven.  [And  who  was  more  intimate  with  the  heavenly  King*'] 
\vhile  he  dwelt  here,  than  was  this  ambassador  ? — that  is,  Avorldly 
suffering,  wliicli  never  left  him  until  his  life's  end.  This  messenger 
that  I  am  speaking  of  to  you — what  doth  he  say  to  you?  Lie 
confforteth  you  in  this  manner.  As  God  loved  me,  saith  he,  he  sent 
Uie  to  his  dear  friend.  My  coming,  and  my  abiding,  though  it  may 
seem  bitter,  is  yet  salutary.  iMust  not  that  thing  be  drearlful,  the 
shadow  of  which  you  could  not  look  u[)on  for  dread?  And  if  the 
very  shadow  were  so  sharp  and  so  hot,  that  ye  might  not  feel  it 
without  i)ain,  ^\hat  wouM  you  say  of  the  very  awful  thing  itself, 
from  which  it  comes  ?  Know  ye  this  for  certain,  that  all  the  misery 
of  this  world  is  only  as  a  sha.dow  in  conqtari^son  with  ihe  misery  of 
lu'U,  I  am  the  shadow,  saith  this  messenger,  that  is,  this  world's 
^uiiiriiiLr :  '-e  nnist  needs  receive  me,  or  that  dreadful  misery  of 
A\lurli  Tarn  the  shadow,      ^\'hoso  receiveth  me  gladly,  and  maketh. 

■•'  Koi-!.vi:is;ic-iis,  xxi.  V'K      The  ip.orc   coiiinion   midiiijr  is,  eui.iii!;ii:;it;i,  "  )iir..Io  i>Iaiti.- 
fir.  (,ifni\t(Tfi(i'i]. 

1 1)2  IIKGII-LJE  iNCLrsAnu:\r. 

liche,  J  jnnkc^  mc  iicire  chcrc,  mi  Louerd  sc'mt  lilrc  word  ]>ot  hco  is 
cwite  of  |?ct  j'ing  J^et  ich  am  of  schcadcwc.  Lo  I  ])us  spekeS  Godes 
mossagor,  7  i'ov  ]>i,  seii5  scin  Jiar.e,  "  Oinne  gaudium  existlinaty 
fraties  cina  in  teniptaciones  ^•iu■ias  iiicideiitis.''  UoidccS  liit  alio 
LlisbO  uoi'lo  iialk'ii  in  inisliclie  <jf  ]>eo.;  fondunges  ])ct  beotS  uttrc 
iliotcnr'  ant  scin  l*o\vcI  seiiS,  "Oiunis  diseiplina  in  pivocnti  vidctav 
esse  non  gaudii  scd  meroris :'  postmodnm  vcro  iVuctus/'' 7c.  Alie 
]?eo  ilke  uoiidungcs  ]?et  avc  licoiS  mi  i  beaten  midc:'  allc  licu  ])unclieci 
FoUo  50.  wouli/' 7  nout  Avimne :'  aid)  lico  wendeb  cfterward  to  wcole  and  to 
eclic  blisse. 

IjC,  mine  leone  sustren,  bcoS  ]?co  ancrcn  'pet  ich  ^kno^Ye,  Jjct 
liabije^  lest  ncodo  to  uroure  ajean  ])cos  tcmptaciuus :'  buto  one  of 
sicnessc.  Vor  mid  more  else,  ne  mid  mere  menlce,  not  icli  non 
ancro  ])ct  liabbe  al  j^et  hire  need  is  J'cne  -^q  ])reo  liabbecJ  :'  ure 
Ijouerd  bco  hit  i\Soiicked.  Uor  ^e  ne  J;enclie5  nowiht  of  mete,  ne  of 
clocSj  nc  to  on,  ne  to  oviwer  meidenes,  Euericli  of  on  hanecS  of  one 
urcond  al  )'et  hire  is  ncod  :  ne  ]'erf  J'ot  meiden  scchen  nouiSer  bread, 
ne  suuel,  fur  J'ene  ct  his  hal!e.  God  hit  wot,  moni  ocScr  wot  Intel  of 
Jjisse  eise,  auh  beoS  ful  ofte  idcrued  mid  wone,  7  mid  sclieome,  7 
mid  teonc.  In  hire  bond  jif  Jns  cume^  hit  mci  beon  ham  uroure. 
Ee  mu\ven  more  drcden  ])0  iiesche  dole  j^enc  po.  lierde  of  ]k;os 
fondimges  ]>et  is  iittre  ihoten.''  Vor  ucin  wolde  ])e  hoxtc  cwemen 
ou,  jif  he  muhte.  mid  oluhnunge,  makien  ou  fulitowen,  jif  heo  nero 
jjo  hendure.'-"  jMiiche  word  is  of  ou  Ini  gentile  Awnmuen  ^^e  bootS  :' 
vor  godleic  7  for  ureoleic  i;^erned  of  monie :'  7  sustren  of  one  ueder 
7  of  one  moder,  inc  blostme  of  ower  5uwe^"e,  uorlicten  alle  worldos 
blisscn,  7  bicomen  ancreii.'' 

»  uop.  C.  T. 

^  :Miue  kue  clniaic,  \>o  ncsclic  dalo  is  to  drede  swi^e,  as  is  tc  liurde.  of  )h-o-^  fou.lingcs 
t  an.  uttiv  ilKUcii ;  as  is  plriitc  of  mete-,  o^'cr  of  cla\N,  T  of  suiclio  l^in-rs.   T. 

■■  Ollitiii'i  T>  o^icr  litivword  inilitc  smic  inako  sum  of  ou  fiililohfii,  t;if  j;o  lu-j-fu  )'c   'J'. 

a    <;uni;.-of  j;.r.-.t;ol.l....  o^sl   In^novn  aii.-.v>  :    fors.Kcn  v,orl<lL>>.   T. 

^varc^.  and  St.  1  a"'  '\,.;.-   .  ,,„.taK.d».u  vevo,    cxc.       A" 

esse  nou  gaudn,  --'•"-';.,„,„,,  seem  sorrow  and  no.  jo,  , 

„„pta.-,o,.  -''-;::trt;  ;";».i.y  and  .«■.,»,  Ue.ed„.s. 

1     .n~^P^  tliat  T  know,  nre  those 

aLndance,  ov  more  !»""'■'    jj^i'  fo,  it.     Tor  j.  take  ,»  tl,o«sU 
EC     of  you  ),ath  fom  "«  f ^f  ^    f  t  ,;eh  is'eaten  .dtU  bread 

sl,a„,e  and  suffernvg.     K J^"  ^^^„,,  ,„  ^read  tire  soft  than  tie 

„„t,,or ;    l";™;S;.;;:,,j  „„a  „ceo,n.  anchoresses, 
pleasures  ot  tuc  . 

"  St.  .1;vmp>,  »•  -•       _^ 




KKGiiwi;  iN(  i.rsAKi'.^r. 

lil  |?!S  is  strong  teiii[)t;iciiiii,  ?  nuilite  soiif  biiiiineii  ou  niufliel  of 
o^'Acr  uii.'le.  ■'•' I\)i)iiIo  incus,  cjiii  tt-  Ijciitificiuit  illi  ie  dccijiiunt  •''  bis 
is  G''nlo>  ^vo^l  J'uruli  Isaic.  Ilwdic  scilS  biiiorfu  ou.  '' V\\'l  is  ],'o 
inodiT  ]>L't  ou  \\)Vi',  1,  to  o-odre^  la':i]c  were  3c  euor  iborcii :'"  lieo 
bi^^■^vike(S  ou,  ?  is  owor  trcitj'c.  peruppe  is  inonli  i^eid  of  ilurlunge 
— ]>is5C'S  worliK'S  figi-lr.ngv — jn-t  is  plcntc  oF  worldlicliu  j^inges. 
Ilwonne  ou  nc  vvonteiS  uo\»  Iht,  J'l'jujil'  ucino^S  lie  mid  ou  :'  ]>eonne 
bc'ot  he  ou  cos:^  auli  wo  wureie  bis  cos:*  vor  bit  is  Jud;ises  cos  ]?et 
he  ou  mide  cussoS.  7\;5e:ui  ]'eos  fonduuges  beoS  i\vanx',  Icoiie  sus- 
tren,  hwat  se  cuiue  wibuton  to  uonden  ou,  mid  hcunge  ocicr  mid 
mislicunge — lioldc^  eucr  ower  hcoi-te  in  on  v.itiinnen,  k'ste  }^e  uttre 
iiondunge  kuudh'e  ]>q  inro. 

pe  inre  lioiidungo  is  twouokl  :  ase  is  ];c  uttre:  uor  ])e  uttre 
uondunge  is  mislicunge  in  aduersite,  ?  ine  prosperite  ]jet  lini}jeJS  to 
sunne.  pis  ich  siggc  uorcSi  ]>et  sum  likunge  is  7  sum  mislikimo-e 
|?et  of-earneci  nuiclie  mede :'  use  likunge  ine  Godes  luue,  7  mislik- 
unge  uor  sunne."  Nu,  aso  ich  sigge,  ]?e  inre  uondunge  is  twouold — 
fleschlich  1  gostlich:^  flcsliche  ase  of  lecherie,  f  of  glutunie,  7  of 
sloidrSe.  Gostliche,  ase  of  prude,  7  of  onde,  7  of  wreSSe.  "N^'re'^-^e 
is  ]}o  iiu-e  uondunge,  auli  ]?ci  is  ])e  uttre  uondunge  'pet  kundle-cS 
wreb'Se  :f  al  so  as  of  jiscungc.  pus  beoS  ]?eo  inre  uondunges  be 
scouen  heaued  sunnen  7  bore  fule  bundles.  Vlesches  fonduive  liiei 
boon  iefned  to  uot  wunde,  7  gostlicb  fondunge,  ])ct  is  more  died  ot' 
mei  beon,  uor  ]'e  jicril,  icleoped  bri'oste  wundc.  Aub  us  juuicljcS 
grctture  flcshlicbo  temptuciuns  r'  uorbi  )>et  ]ieo  beo5  cJS  fele.  ]V 
o"Sre,  ]7auh  we  habbeu  ham  ofte,  ^\■c  nutec^  liam  nout,  7  beon  bauh 
grcate  7  grisliche  ine  Godes  brihte  eien  r'  7  beoS  muche  uor  Si,  to 
drcdcn  ])c  more,  Vor  ]>e  o'Sre,  Jjet  me  ivcleb  wel,  me  seclieS  lechc 
7  saluc.     pe  gostliche  hiu-tes   ne   jHuicheS    uout  sore,  nc  ue  sulueti 

•„.•)..    nit 

^  -Knne  tandioslioow;  K 
in   [n-05pf'rit</;  T    loose  ciiirl] 

'ICS  llo  ou    COS.    T. 



\ll  tins  is..tru...-  temptation,  and  inlglit  soon  acpnvc  you  m 
;  ^•  -^-.H       '•  O  .nv  poopl'S  thev  call  tlu'c  blessed, 

^?^'^-'' '' f"  :i: :^'Ml^^^lc^o.aorG,,dLyls.^^^   wik.o. 

the  >:ane  dece.^o  th..  ;     ^'"^  ,,,ther  that  l-are  you;   and  the 

wrath.      »>  I'l'"   ^"^  .  Ti.  •     +ii..  co.vio  w  th   ref^ard  to 

covetous.Kss      llns,  "^"^    '"  temptation  may  be  compnvcd 

,,„s  and  .,.„■  foul  l™f;.,^^  ';:,!,  .-hicl,  i  mo.-o  to  be 

dreaded,  ma^     Ixc  tea.ptations  arc  greater,  because 

''"■'  ■'  """■;;;;  T      „  l  \ve  d„  ,,0*  ,,..1...,„gl,  we  often 

!'"■■   T  ^*  ;:.?;■  a     1>  -a  and  odion.  in  .he  brigi.t  eyes  of  God; 

have  tnem,  v  et  tl..  j  ^>  areaded.     For  the  otlier, 

"'-''?r'?^''^':;':        ;::.■.',,..   do. l,eyl,eal  them.-;,,, 

spiritual    liui 

do   not   api 

.ri!,.;  v.,;-. 



haiimnd  sclirifte,  ne  mid  penitence:'  ^--^  draweb  to  eclic  de.u5  er  mo 
lest  wene. 

foUo  51. 

iloii  }iicn  ?  lioli  Avumnien  boo^;  of  alle  iioiiduugcs  swiib'est  oftc 
itempted  :!  7  luim  to  goddre  heale  :  vor  iSc  vihto  a^oincs  Iiam,  lieo 
bijiteS  ]>ii  blisfule  kempene  crime.  Lo,  ].>auli,  liwu  he  meneS  ham 
bi  Jeremie:  '•' Persccu tores  nostri  velociorcs  aquilis  celi :  super 
montcs  porsecuti  sunt  nos ;  in  deserto  iiisidiati  sunt  nobis."  pet  is, 
vre  wideru-ines  bcoS  swifture  }>en  ];e  earnes:  up  0(Se  hulles  heo 
clumben  cfter  us,  7  ]^er  fuliten  mid  us:  ?  jet  ilSe  wildernesse  Jieo 
aspiedun^  us  to  slean.  Vre  \viber\vincs  beo5  ju'eo :  J^e  iieond,  ]je 
world,  7  urc  owune  vleshs,  ase  ich  or  seide.  Lilitliclic  ne  mei  mc 
nout  o^:crll^vule  icno-Acn  liwuc  of  ];eos  }>reo  ^vcorrec)  him:  uor 
euerichon  hclj.cS  oJSer ;'  );au]i  ];e  ueond  kundehciie  eggoS  us  to 
atterjiesse,  as  to  prude,  to  ouerhowe,  to  onde,  7  to  wreSSc',  7  to  Iiore 
attri  kundles,  J^et  beoS  her  efter  inemmed.  pet  flesch  put<=  pro- 
premen  touwurd  swetne^se  7  touward  eise,  7  tonward  softuesse :'  ant 
te  world  bit  mon  jiscen  '^  worldcs  wcole,  7  wunne,  7  wurschipe,  7 
o-ber  swuche  giuegouen,  ];et  bidwcolieb  kang  e  men  to  luuien  one 
scheadewo.  peos  wiSerwines,  he  seiS,  uoUnveS  us  on  liulles,  7 
awaiteS  us  iSe  wildernesse,  hu  heo  us  muwen  hermen.  IIul,  |?et  is 
heih  lif  r'  },er  ];es  d.^ofles  assau^  beo^  oftc  strengost.  VTildernesse, 
}?et  is  onlich  lif,  of  a]icre  wunungc.  Vor  al  so  a>e  ine  wildernesse 
beo-S  alle  wilde  bestes,  7  mdleb  ncmt  iSolien  monncs  neihleclumge, 
auh  fIeo-5  Invon  heo  ham  ihereb  oberiscolS:  al  so  scliuleu  ancren, 
oner  alle  obre  wuimneii,  beon  wilde  o  J?issc  wise :"  7  )>eonuc  beob 
heo  oner  alle  ob'rc,  leoucst  to  ure  I.ouerde,  7  swetest  him  ]HmcIieb  ham. 
Uor  of  alle  flcsches,  }>oo)mc  is  wilde  deores  fleschs  leouest  7  swetest. 
.T]nssc  Avilderncsse  wende  ure  Louerdes  folc,  ase  J':xode  telleb,  tou- 
^\•ard  tet  eadie  lond  of  Jerusalem,  j^et  he  liam  hefde  bihoten :  7  ^e, 
unnc  leuue  su.tren,  wended  bl   j;eii  ilkc  weic   toward    te  heic   Jeru- 

ach.    C. 
nia  »;i-cuii'-lc 

in  W  wiMc 

■  wcit.Hlci,.   C. 
(ol.   T. 

sput.  C.     puttts.  T. 



-* ;-:,-rs;:l-' " 

Jeath  before  they  are  m  t'.a 

eaolos:  «l..m  ♦!"•  !>'"=  'f  ^    "'     ,        j    ,  ;„  .vait   to  slay  «5.     O.u 
us:  aiul  also  m  tuc  m  ^  ^^,j,  „,,,„  fl,a.,  a>  i 

foes  ar.  tl,voc :  tl,e  dovil,    Ik   ^m^U,  ^^_^^^^.  ^^.,^.^.,,  „j  t,,,, 

lf„,.o:  nor  is  it  easy  a.  t--^ '"  ^  .  ^,^,„  ,,„,,„,,  each  otl.c.-. 
tbrec  attackoti,  Imu:  f'"'  '^\"  ,  °""  ,„  ,„„li,,„ant  vices,  as  I-ndc. 
trti.e  devil  "-"f  :•,;;:-  .:.,  I'^n^cious  progeny  ^^ 
!,a„gl,.incss,  emy  and  -■^;;'  »';',,  „„,„,,„j.  i„di„es  us  to  laxu  y 
..-,11  be  horoafte.-  nan,ed.      1  ^e  He  ^_^^,_^  ^„        rt  the 

ease,  and  sclf-indnlsence.     And  <  e  ^^^^  ^^^^^  ^^,^.,, 

"     d's  .caltl.,  and  rrospenty,  -'"^^l    ,„,,  ,,UU  a  shadow. 
Z.,  and  deludeth  foohsh  -"   '  J^,,,  „„,  lie  in  wait  tor  „s  m 


UouM  anch„ves.cs,  ahove  '^J^^^^lJ,^  „  „,„■  Lord,  and  they 

„;„  „,,,,„.  ,o  Imn  mos   1»«    '        '         ,„  „,is  wilderness  jonrnoyed 
aeer  iV.he  .-hoi.cst  and  del  uo..  ^_^^^.^^,^^  ^,,,  Uessed 

laod.,r.1eros:deo..hK-l.   !;;.•■'      _;    ^^.        ,,,„.„,,    „,e  Jcrosale.n 
sisters,    are    >a„.ueyn,...        -      ^^^^^^^^^^^^,^ 


KEGUL.i:  IX(.'Ll'SAl;l'.^l. 

salcin,  to  ]>o  Idncdoin  ]jet  lie  ImueS  Lihuton  lils  Jcoi'ciie.  Go6,  ]);inli, 
ful  -warliclie:  vor  iSissc  wiklernesse  beo'S  monio  vaole  bcstes  :'='  liun 
of  Y)yvAl',  neJdre  of  attrl  onde,  vn iconic  of  \viv5Sc,  bcore  of  dead 
slouiioe,  vox  of  jiscimge,  suwo  of  jIncnK'ssc,  scorpinn  mid  tu  teilo 
of  t^tinkindc  kvlicric :'  ])ct  is,  gobiesso.  Her  beo^S  lui  aienwe  itold 
]}C  scouoii  beaiicd  suiuien. 

pc  Liuii  of  Prudo  baiievS   swuJSc  nioiiie   Invcoli^os :"  "f  ieli  ehullc 
iienimen  suine.      Vana  Gloria,  liettc  ]>e  vorme:   ];et  is,  li\v(,>,e  let  wv] 
of  ei  jnug  ])ct   hco  dc<S,  ?  wolde  liabbon  word  pcrof,  ?  is  \vel  i]):iied 
jif  heo  is  iprcised,  1  mis-i]iaicd  jif  boo  Jiis  itold  swucli  ase  lieo  v.olde. 
pe  o-b'er  hweolp  bettc  IndigiKitio  r'  ];Gt   is,   h^vose  ]>uiiclieS  hokcr- 
licb  of  out*'  ];ct  hco  isib-S   bi   oSre,  o^er  iJiered,  obcr  liorlioweS 
cbastiement,   oxScr  lowure''  lore.      pe  ]n-idde  hweolp  is  Ipocrisis :' 
|>et  is  ]?co  ]?et  make'^  hire  betere  ];eii  heo  beo.     pe  iieorbe   is  Pre- 
sumptio :'  ]>et  is  ])eo  ]?et  nimeo  more  an  bond  ])en   lieo  mci  oiior- 
cnmen:'  ob'er  entrcmete^  hire  of  Jdnoc   ];et    to  liire  no  uallcS.      pe 
vifte  hweolp  hetto  Liobedience :'  ]>et  is,   j^ct  child  j^et  iie  buhb  nout 
his  eldre:'  vnderling,  his  prelatr'  parosebian,  his  prcost:"  meiden, 
hire  dame :'  enerich  lowure  his  herre.     pe  sixte  hweolp  is  Loqua- 
citas.    peo  uedeS  |)csne  hweolp  ]?et  beo'S  of  muchel  speche  :'  ^elpe^i, 
7  dcmeJS  oSrer  lauhwe^*^  oSerhwules  :'  gabbeb,  upbreideS,  chidob, 
vikeleJS,   sturieS    leihtrcs.        pe    seoueSc     hweolp    is    Blasphemie. 
pisses  hweolpes  niirice  is  ]>c  j'Ct  swereS  greate  oSes,  oSer  bitterliche 
kurseb,  o-^er  mis-seicJ  bi  God,  o'Ser  bi  liis  haluwen,  uor  eni  Inng  he 
he  j'oleS,  isihS,   oSer  iheret5.      pe  eiliteoSe  hweulp  is   Imoaciencc. 
pesiie   hweolp  fet  hwose  nis   iiout  J^olemod  ajeun  alk'  wowes,  7  in 
alio    vaeles.     pc   nijebc   hweolp   is    Coiitiiniace :'   ?    ]>osiie  Inveulp 
fet,  hwosois  oiiwil  ine  ]'ing];et  hco  b.aueS  uhderiiiuneu  uorto  duiuie:' 
bco  liit  god,  Ijeo  hit  \'uel :'  so  ]'et  noii  \\  i^uiv  re;;d  no   mei  l)ri.i.>eii 
hive  Hi  ol"  In'i-e  riotc.^     iMonie  obre  ]>er  beo^S  ];et  cu)ne^  (^f  week'  ?  of 

T.     lis-N.   C. 





\  k 

above — to  tlic  kliiiiduiii  -wliicli  lie  luitli  proiniscl  his  elect.  Go, 
however,  very  c:u;tinusl\-:  for  in  tliis  wiidcrness  tlierc  are  maiiy 
evil  lieasts  — tlie  lio;!  of  [iride,  tlio  serpent  of  venomnns  envy,  the 
iiiiiconi  of  wrath,  the  iK'ar  of  dead  slotii,  tlie  lux  of  covetoiisncss, 
the  swine  of  greediness,  tlie  scorpion  witli  the  tail  uf  stinking  lechery, 
that  is,  lustfulness.  These,  now,  are  the  seven  chief  sins  det;iiled  in 

'^l^jie  i.ion  of  l^ride  hatli  a  gre;it  number  of  Asheliis;  and  I  will 
name  some  of  them.  The  first  is  called  ^^ain  Glory:  that  is,  any 
one  who  Ins  a  high  0})inion  of  any  thing  that  she  doth,  and  wishes 
to  \vAXQ  it  talked  of,  and  is  well  ]>leased  if  she  is  pnused,  and  dis- 
pleased if  she  is  not  conmicnded  as  much  as  she  wishes  to  be.  The 
next  wh.elji  is  called  Indignation;  that  is.  any  one  who  thinketh 
contemptuously  of  ought  that  she  sees  or  hears  of  another,  or  who 
despiseth  correction  or  instruction  from  an  inferior.*  The  tliird 
whelp  is  Hypocrisy:  that  is,  she  who  maketh  herself  seem  better 
than  she  is.  The  fourth  is  Presumption  ;  that  is,  one  wd:o  taketh  in 
hand  more  than  slie  is  able  to  perform  ;  or  nieddleth  with  any  thing 
which  doth  not  belong  to  her.  The  fifth  whelp  is  called  Dis- 
obedience ;  that  is,  the  child  that  obeys  not  his  parents ;  a  sub- 
ordinate minister,  his  bishop ;  a  pai'ishioner,  his  jiriest ;  a  maiden, 
her  mistress ;  every  inferior,  his  superior.  The  sixth  whelp  is 
Loquacity;  those  feed  this  whelp  who  are  great  talkers,  vvho  boast, 
judge  others,  lie  sometimes,  scoff,  upbraid,  scold,  flatter,  excite 
laughter.  The  seventh  whelp  is  Blasphemy ;  the  nurse  of  this 
whel])  is  he  that  sweareth  great  oaths,  or  cursetli  bitterly,  or  speaketh 
irreverently  of  God,  or  of  his  saints,  on  account  of  any  thing  that  he 
sufiereth,  seeth,  or  heareth.  The  eightli  whelp  is  Im})atience;  he 
ieedefh  this  v>he1p  who  is  not  patient  U)ider  all  wrongs  ajid  all  evils. 
The  ninfh  wliL'l})  is  Gontiunacy ;  and  this  v.hclp  is  fed  by  any  one 
Avho  is  self-willed  i)i  the  thing  tliat  she  hath  undertaken  to  do,  be  it 
good  or  b'.-'  ii  i:\il,  so  that  no  nisev  counsel  is  able  to  turn  lier  from 
her  janpose.''     There  are  many  othei-  that  are  derived  from  \\eaith 

■■■    "  lurcri.Mis  ilnr-ti-iu:.'.,.''-    MS.  ()>;<)ii.  "A   l-ioposit,..'".    -  I!,i,l. 


wunne,  of  hele  kiuiiie,  of  feire  cloSes,  of  wit^,  of  wlito,  of  stroiicSc  r' 
of  lieic  line  waxeS-"^  prude,  7  of  lioli  ])c;m\ves.  ]^.Ioiiie  ino  liweolpes 
ben  icli  liabbe  iiicnipued  limieiS  |'j  I.iuu  of  I'rudc  ilnveolpcd:  jiiili 
abuteii  ]'eos,  j^enche^  7  astudioS  wel  swucSe:'  uoi- ieli  go  lihlliche 
oner,  ne  do  biite  nempnie  liain.  Aidi  50  oncrihwar,  hwnrsc  idi  go 
swuScst  forS,  bileaue  je  ]>e  lengnre:'''  uorper  icli  fcSri  on,  ir.vurbeS 
tene  o^er  twcolue.  llwose  liaueS  cni  lurSeau  of  ];co  })ct  ich  er 
nemde,  ober  bam  iliche,  hco  haxieS  priidc  sikcrlicbe.  IIu  se  eiier 
hire  kiirtel  beo  iscbeaped  oSer  iscouwed/  lico  is  liunes  make  pet  ich 
habbe  ispeken  of,  7  fet  bis  wode  Inveolpes  ^vi^innen  lu're  breostc. 

pe  Neddre  of  attri  Onde  baue  seoue  kundk'S.  Iiigratihulo  r' 
J>esnc  kundel  bret,  liwoso  iiis  noiit  icnoweu  of  goddede,*^  auh  telleS 
bitcl  J'crof,  ober  uoi';^^iteJS  mid  allc.  Goddedc  icli  siggc,  noiit  one 
]?et  mon  deS  him,  auh  JK.'t  God  dcS  him,  ocier  haueS  idon  oiSer  him, 
o^er  liire,  more  ]>en  lieo  iinderstonde,  jif  heo  hire  '>vel  bi?5ou]ite.  Of 
Jjisse  un^eauwe  me  nimeS  to  kitel  jemc  x'  ant  is,  bauh,  of  alle, 
onlo^est  God,  7  mest  ajean  liis  grace.  J^e  ober  kundel  is  Iinncor 
FoUo  52  b.  sine  odium  :!  \^et  is,  hatunge  o'Ser  great  hcorte.  pe  j^et  bret  J^esno 
kundel,  in  hire  breoste  al  is  attri  to  Gode,  ]jet  heo  euer  wurcheS. 
pe  ]?ridde  kundel  is  Of-}>unchungc  of  obres  god.  pe  ueorSe  is  Gled- 
schipe  of  his  vncl:  lauhwen  o^er  gabben,  jif  him  mis-biueolle.'^  pe 
vifte  is  Wreiunge.  pe  sixte  Bacbitunge.  pe  seoueSe  Upbrud,  obcr 
Schornunge.  Ilwar  asc  eni  of  ]>eos  was,  o5er  is  r'  |)er  was,  oJSer  is 
J>e  kundel,  oeier  ]?e  olde  moder,  of  ]>e  attri  iieddre  of  belle,  onde.*" 

pe  Unicorne  of  "W^reSSe  ]>et  bercci  on  his  neosc  j'ene  horn  ];et  he 
asneseS  mide  alle  J^eo  }>et  ha  areacheJS,  haueS  six  hweolpes.  pe 
normcst  is  Chcaste,  oJSer  Strif :'  J7C  o-J^er  is  Wodschipe  :'  ])e  jn-iddc  is 
Schenful  "  Upbrud:'  \q  veorSe  is  Wariunge.''  ]>c  nifte  is  Dunt  :f  ]>q 

"   waxen.  T.  ''  leaues  tor  Iciigost. 

'  ihcowed.   C.      ilicouit.   T.  ^  Hs  cinulel  mile  iciiaucii  goildeJc.  T. 

'•  mis-time.-.   T.      nii^tinuHN.   C.  '  iicdclro  of  mule.  T.  C. 

r  schendful.  T.  C. 


,„K  .Kin-KNC  .>F   .^NVV. 

Tin:  IXKOliN  or  Wl'.VTH. 


"'"'   ,'.  ,         ,, S,,o  clofc,  wit  bc.a„.v.  .ti-eng*; 

Main-   nvvn;   wliclps   tuan  I     .nc  .^^^^^     ^^  ^^^_^  „,„^,^  f„,  [ 

.belpea;  V.nt  tlii,*  .vJ  ■"'-■'    ;*,;'-^  ,,,„,  .hcve.n.v.r  I  go  most 

;,,,,U, V  fonvai-a,  dwell  ye  "=-.:,,„„„,,  ,,,,,  »,,y  of  those 

ipen  one,  there  are  ten  o   ^  ^^-  j.,^^.  ^,,^,„_  ,,,,  ecrtamly 

-i;n,^t,r:s-:^--t..,.„ ,.„- 

benefit,  hut  depvenates      ;  -  ^^  =     ,„,  ..HcU  God  confers  or  1.U 
,„.-r,otor,\y  which  .  "•■>"      ",;"t;r  than  she  thhiks,  and  nnght 
eo'nferred  upon  h„n  or         ■=,„,,  ,„,,,f  weU.     Of  this  vice 
„„aor.tand  that  ,t  is  if    '^  '' J^,,';,  ■„,  of  aU  others,  one  n'.ost 
„en  take  too  little  heed,  althon  1  ,  ^.^^  ,<,,„„a-horn  « 

,,„efnl  to  God,  and  most  oppo.  1    »  1      .  ,,-,„„,,,     ^  she 

Itancc.r  or  odinm;    tha    is,  M  hce  o  ^^^^^^_  .^  ^^^^ 

L  th    who  cherishoth  tins  young  one  .  ^^  ^^,,^,„,„. 

G:;h     The  third  of  the,_;^^^     ^.^^^^^^^  ^^ 

The  fonrtl,  is  heing  Glad  of  ^^^  .      ,^„Us.     Tlie  sixth  is 

misfortune  hefall  him.     ^  "^^^^y;,!,   or-   contempt.      AM.-- 

''■■■"■'^''•■'■■"^-  „ftes:r  or' is  tiiere  was  or  is  the  off, g  or  the 

soever  any  of  these  1^^,,,  p._,„  ,-. 

„,,,  mother  of  the  venom  ns  s  ^.^  _^^^^^^  ^,_^  ,„„,„  ,„„, 

The  unicorn  of  Wrath,  ;'-'  '^^  _^,^.„^  ,,,„,  ,„  „,,elps.  The 
which  he  huth-.h  at  all  w  lom  ;  '  ^ _,^, '.^  p,,^,,.  The  tl  rd  is 
,i,,,  i,  (•„„t..nti"n  or  Strit         1  The  fifth    >* 

■T-'^^^-Tir^Xi-V;!:,:;--   yhappentoaman 

;:;:;!:;;^,r.i!.is  friend,  or  .o  his  pos..s.on.. 


KEG  UL^T:  1^■CL  L'HA  11 L'  M. 

sixto  i.-;  ^vll  ])ct  liim  vuolc  ilidclc,  ooor  oji  liiin   sulF,  ob'er   on   hh 
frcond,  ouei-  on  his;  cilitL'. 

pe  Bore  of  licui  Sloull^c  hmch  ]>qos  liwc-olpe^ :  'J'orpor  is  ]je 
uorino:'  ]'et  is  ^vlcch  licorte  :^  Vet  scluilde  leiteii  :il  o  leie  iiie  linic  of 
ure  Louevd.  pe  ober  is  rusillaniinihis :'  ]?et  i?,  to  iioure  iheorled, 
%  to  herde"  mid  allc,  enl  lieili  ]?iiig  to  undenuiuen,  ine  Lope  of  (lodes 
helpe,  1  ine  trust  of  his  f^race,  7  r.out  of  hire  streucc^c.  'po  J^riddc 
is,  Cordis  Lirauitas:  ]>esiie  Inveolp  haueJ)  hwo  se  >vureh.cS  god,  1; 
de^  hit,  tauh,  mid  one  deade  7  mid  one  hcuie  hcorte.  po  iieorJSe 
Inveolp  is  Idelnesse:^  ^ct  is,  liwo  se  stunt  mid  alio.  ]:'e  vifte  is 
Ileorte-gn.Kchunge.  pe  sixtc  is  a  dead  Seonuve  nor  lure  of  eic 
worldliehe  ]>inge,  oScr  of  freond,  otSer  nor  eni  undone,  hute  uor 
smmc  one.  pe  scouexSe  is  ljemele;isehipe,  ober  to  siggen,  ot>er  to 
don,  ooer  to  Ijiseon  hiuoren,  o^ier  to  j'encdien  efter,  o^er  miswiteu  ei 
7o//o53.  ping  ]'et  heo  haueb  to  witene.^  pe  eiliteotSe  is  Unhope.  pes  lasto 
•  bore  hwcolp  is  grimmest  of  alle  :'  uor  hit  to-cheoweJS  7  to-uret  Godcs 
mildc  r.nlee,  7  his  muehel  merei,  7  his  vnimete  grace. 

pc  Vox  of  3;iscungc  haueS  ]^eos  liweolpcs :  Trichcrle  '2  Glle, 
peofJ^e,  Ileflac,  AVite,  7  Ilerrnre  streiic'Se  :f  Uals  ^Yitnesse,  o'l^er  oJS :' 
Simonie:'  Ca.uelr'  Okcr:'  Uestschlpc  of  jeoue,  oSer  of  lone  :'  "Mon- 
sleiht,  oberhwnle.  pcos  mvJSeavves  beob  to  uoxe,  uor  monie  reisuns, 
iefnede.  Two  ieh  chulle  siggeri :  much  gile  is  i\Se  uoxe,  7  so  is  ine 
jiscunge  of  woi-ldliche  lM3;('ate:  and  on  ober  rei-un  is:'  ];e  uox 
aAVurieci  al  vnnc  ilvc,  ]>.\\\h  he  ne  nuiwe  l^ute  one  wrechliche  uor- 
swoluwen.  Al  so  jisceb  a  jissare  ]n't  moni  Jni-unt  miditen  bi- 
flntten:''^  anh  ]'auh  his  hcorte  berste,  he  ne  mei  brulcen  on  him  sulf 
bute  one  momies  dole.  Al  J'et  mon  o^t-r  Avuuimon  A\il!ic>i  niore  ]nn\ 
lieo  mei  i^iicdeliche  ledcn  hire  lif  bi— euerich  efter  ]'ut  lico  is — a!  is 

luoni  Inisi.'iid 


II 's  Did.  j:r;,h. 

,    Inisci.t   dJon    ).    tur  u 

II.   'J'.      s,fji:o:re.    Ai«.  0> 

r.  c. 

THE  r.i:AU  OF  SLOJ'ir.       THE  FOX  OF  f'OV£TOU^;NESS. 


i  he  ]'>e;u-  of  lioavy  Slotli  luit'i  tlicse  ^-liclps  :  'Joq.or  i.s  tlic  fi'rst ; 
tliat  is.  a  lukeu-nnn  lioarl-,  wliicli  on^-lit  to  lii^'lit  up  into  a  flame  in 
t;;e  love  of  our  Lor.l.  The  iiext  is  Pu.-^lllaniiiiih  ;  that  is,  too  faint-,  aii'l  too  ivhictaiit  ^^•j!lla!,  lo  lonlertike  any  tliin;^  anluor.s 
in  tlie  hope  of  help  from  CuA,  and  in  coniulence  of  His  gr;ice,  and 
not  of  her  own  stiviigth.  The  third  is,  Dulness  of  heart.  Vv'Jio- 
soever  d'leth  good,  and  yet  doeth  it  with  a  dead  and  sino-gish  heart, 
liath  this  wlielp,  'Jdie  fourth  v/hclp  is  Idleness  ;  that,  is,  any  one 
^\ho  stands  s*ill  doinu"  Jio  good  at  all.  'Idie  fiftli  is  a  Grudging, 
grundiling  heart.  Tlie  sixth  is  a  deadly  Sorrow  for  f lie  loss  of  any 
■World  1}'  possession,  or  of  a  triend,  or  for  any  displeasure,  cxcopr  for 
sin  only.  The  seventh  is  ]Segligenee,  cither  in  pacing,  or  doiii^',  or 
])rovidiiig,  or  veniendjering,  or  taking  care  of  any  tJung  that  she 
hath  to  keo]).  The  eighth  is  Despair.  This  last  bear's  whelp  is  the 
fiercest  of  all,  for  it  gnawoth  and  wasteth  the  Ijcnignunt  kindness, 
and  great  niei'cy,  and  nnliniitcd  grace  of  God. 

1  he  Fox  of  Covetousness  hath  these  wlielps :  Treachei'y  an.d  Guile, 
Theft,  Ivajiine,  k'xtortioii,  and  Compulsion,  False  testimony  or  perjurv. 
Simony,  Trilmte,  Usury,  Unwillingness  to  give  or  lend,  sometimes 
IMurder.  These  vi(.;es  are,  for  nianj'  reasons,  compared  to  the  fox. 
I  will  mention  two :  there  is  much  guile  in  the  fox,  and  so  is  there 
in  covetousness  of  worldly  jiossesslons  ;  another  reason  is,  the  fijx 
won-ieth  all  the  sheep  in  a  flock,  altliough  he  can  ravenou>lv  devour 
only  one.  lu  like  maimer  a  man  greedy  of  Avcalth,  coveteth  what 
might  sulheo  lor  many  th.'tu-^ands  ;  Lut,  thouidi  his  heart  should 
lircak,  he  cannot  spciul  upon  himself  moi-e  than  one  man's  porfi<:in. 
All  that  man  or  woman  do-;i\'th  moj'e  than  is  suflieient  for  leading 
life  comfortahly,  aceoi-diiig  to  thoii'  station,  is  covetousne-;^.  and  the 
roiit  of  mortal  sin.  'J"lii.>  !-■  trn;;  i-oligion  — that  aycry  one.  a-ccordin,;; 
to  ills  sfalion,  shonid  bori'ow  IVom  this  Iraii  Morld  ;is  Jiltle  as 
po:>:--,il)lc;  (jf  food,  chilln':-,  i^nods,  and   of  all    woi'ldly  tin'n::s.      Under- 


iiF,ouL-i:  ixcLrsAUL;:^!. 

jiscuni;:'.'  J  rote  of  dcadlicli  suniie.  pet  is  vilit  ivligiuii,  ]>ot  eueridi, 
efrer  his  stnt,  bonnve  et  tissc  lu-akelo  woi'ltlo  so  Intel  so  lieo  cuei- 
meij  of  incto,  of  cl(;^^e,  of  ciluv,  7  of  alio  Avorlilliclio  ]-inges.  Umlev- 
stoncleS  '^  ^vel  ]'is  word  ji  icli  ou  siggo — oucricli  cft-r  liis  stat — \:or 
hit  is  iueScirecl:'*'  ]^ct  is,  icliarged.  Ee  luotcn  inala'cn,  ]?vt  wute  je, 
ill  monic  wordes  muclie  strencISe,  peuchen  loiigo  ])er  iibuteii,  J  bi 
);et  ilko  o  word,  understouden  inonic  wordcs  )'ot  JiinpeS  ])crto :'  nor 
jif  ich  scholde  writoii  alK-,  liwonnc  conic  ich  to  cnde  ? 

pe  Suwc  of  jinornessc  r'  j'ct  is,  Glutnnie,  liauctS  piggcs^  ]>U3 
incnined.  To  Erhclie  hctte  ];et  on  :'  ]'ot  u5cr  to  Estlichf  :'  ]>et  jn'idde 
to  UrcchhcLc :'  ]>et  fcorSe  hette  to  ]\Iuchel  :f  ]>et  fifte  to  Ofte :'  ine 
drunchc,  more  ]>cn  inc  niete.  pus  bcoS  ]>eos  pigges  iueruwed.  Icli 
Foli'^  53  L.  speko  schcortlichc  of  ham  t  uor  ich  nam  nont  ofdrcd,  mine  k^ouc 
sustren,  ]'et  -^q  ham  ucden. 

pe  Scorptiun  of  Lcclierie  :'  ]>ct  is,  of  gohiesse,  huiieb  swnche  knndk'S 
J?et  in  oiio"^  wel  ito\vune  muSe  hore  sunnncs  nomc  ne  sit  uoiit  uorto 
nemncn :'  uor  ]?e  nomc  one  ninlite  hurten  alle  wel  itowune  earen,  1, 
fulen  alle  clene  heorten.  peo  me  mei  ncmneii  wel  hwas  iionien  me 
icnoweS  wel  r^  ?  hco  bcoS,  more  hcrni  is,  to  nionie  al  to  kuSe,  ase 
lloi-d(jni,  Eaubruche,^  Meidelure,  7  Incest :'  |)ct  is,  bicwhwe  sibbe, 
vlesliliche  ocier  gostliche  ^  J'Ct  is  i  inonic  idcled/  On  is  ful  wil 
uorte  don  j'ct  ful^e,  mid  skiUes  ^ettungc,  ]'et  is,  liwomio  ]>e  schil  7 
te  heortc  ne  wiSsiggeS  noiit :'  auh  likelS  wel,  7  jirnccS  al  pet  tet 
fleschs  to  prokeS,  7  Jielpen  o'^Scr  J)idoward,- — boon  waite^^  7  witncssc 
berof  r'  hunten  ]>er  efter,  mid  wouhinge,  mid  togginge,  oScr  mid  cni 
tolhinge:^  mid  giggc  leilitrc,  mid  hor  eien,  mid  eni  lilite  latcs,  mid 
Tcoue,    mid   tolHndt!  wordcs,   ocier   mid   luuc  spcche,   cos,  unliende 



N.Kito.N.  T. 

\.r  1-  r, 


is  tu  ll'^OlCI 



to.-   t 



■  Icul 

l.  I". 


ill  ti; 

.   T. 
:  T.  C 

if(•^\.■n■.l.  'J-. 

-•.  T. 

I-  f,K  c;i;r.KV)i :•.;■- 

Ti!K  s(  (•urio" 



-        ■    ,j,,,v    M-U  t,.  le  lot  fly;] 

h:-t:.i.r.-^'-^ it  -;\^'^'^;;;':\;::";;;;;;^,"^^^^      lu,-.  ..this 

t:>at  i.  .1'--^^>-^  i-'>:  ""r:r:;:.;u   st,v.;yth.     Tl,m:.   i.;n:. 

.-;■■ :„_:..,  .. ..  -  '      i'^^^^' 


,,-,1  luulorstanrl  in;iny  uovd:- 1na>  u..a.. 

that   )e   inav    ,.ak.   n.  .- 

aho.t  h,  uu.i  In-  ^^-;v''";".r;,:;;,r:vKi;shoukiivnak.ane.a? 

,„™cd:  'n,c  ft;..  -a!W   ^  ;;,;,,,„,„„,,,,, .  rf,o  fiffl.,  Too 
11-  tluvd.  Too  ^  ..«cK,>..v      W  ^        ;j,,^^_^  ^^^  ,l_^,^^,  j,i^^,  f  i^ 

'-''•-  ="  '"T'  'T -V'     i;   V".  not  afraid,  v,.y  do:,  sister,  that 

ve  Iced  tlic^m. 

.,,„„„,,  „„,t   it  doth    not  '*-"«.:';,;,,,,,,. ;,.■,.!  .11  u,od.rt 

U,„,U.n....r     u- -,;:,-:„;,,„,„,,,  l.e.«n,..d 

car.,  nnd  doill.   all    c-K-a.   U   .-•  ^^j,^,  „„.„,. ;,  „,,  ,,„.,„- 

.hose  nana.  avowail.K.,.,-.;-^_^^^,_^,,^,,.^.^3^„,,„,Vh,d,t, 
toov.-eUkrov.atomauv      ■^':  ,„,„„Uy  „v  .oiritualiy  ;   «„,* 

,„a  Incest:  that -.s,  be  -  n  l--  -  >  -^  ^,,^;„  ,„  ecnnnt  the 

•„  divuled  into  m::ny  lund  .     O  -  ^  ^^^^^^  ^,^^.  ,,,,,„,      ,„ 

,.,,,>o:«.,nes,  uUh   the  ,""»";„,"„,,,,,  „„  1  ,e:„-n  :d^e:-  all  tlud 

,1,0  l!..d:  iaedo.  to,  and    ■<'!'.;"  ,,,„,,,  „;,,,  ,:,,png,  e.  w,th 

„„,i„eit;n.:-":y-l^^^  •„,;„,,,,,  ,,„,  love  ::,««!,;  1<-; 
.estnves:  .ith^idt-  ^V  ! ..  di^dly  .In.:  lov.ny  tide,  oe  tune,  or 
improper  h-o'.'-ii-W' ' 

, ,.„„.:.o*Ke "■  ■■^"""':::::;;:;':v' '^' 


i;i:(;i'L.i:  I^'C'T,uSAl:I:3r. 


gropnnges,  ])et  beo'S  licaued  suimoii :'  luiiieii  tide,  dc^l-v  time,  oScr 
stucle,  iiorto  kumeii  inc  swuclie  kefV'  7  oocr  swiifhi;  uon-idelc;^,  }/ct 
nie  mot  forbmvcii  ^  Invo  sc  nule  i^Jt-  iiiuchelo  fuHSo  uoiliche  uiilloii :' 
asc  sciiit  Austin  sci^;,  "Ouiissis  occasioiwlnis  que  solciit  ailitvun 
ajK'i-Iro  pcccatis,  potest  coiisciciicia  esse  iiiculumi.s."  pet  Is,  ];m-osij 
■\vulo  liiro^'  inujt  wircji  clcnc'^  7  feir,  lieo  mot  fleoii  ])e  iion-jdclcs  j^et 
beo^  iwimcdc  ofte  to  ojioiieii  ]>ct  iii^^oiig  7  lotei!  in  siunjc.  IcJi  ]io 
dor  iieinc]!  j'co  uiikundv-liclio  kiuidlL'S  of  ])isse  dcoucl  scoj-piun,  attri 
iteik'd.  Aiili  soli  inci  iioo  heoii  ]>ot  mid  IItc,  oSer  Aviliutcii,  Iiaiio^ 
so  iitcd'-'  cni  kuDdel  of  golnessc,  J^ct  icli  na  mt'i  spcken  of  nor 
sclieome,  i;c  no.  dcr  nor  dredc,  lest  sum  Iconic  more  vucl  Ix^'n  ]ieo 
con,  %  ]>crof  beo  itempted.  Anli  ]>ei!CJio  cncrlcli  of  hire  owune 
a^^■ariede  cundlcs  ^  in  liirc  gobicsse.  Uor  bwnso  hit  oner  is  idon,s 
uiJlos  ?  \vakiindc  mid  fleselies  likuiigc.  bute  one  in.e  wedlake,  ]ut  is 
deadh'cli  smnie.  Ine  ;^u\veoe  mc  dcci  wundres  :'  gulehe  ]ut  nt  inc 
sclirifte,  ntterh"chc,  asc  hco  hit  dude,  ]'Co  ]>et  ivek'<S  liire  schnldi, 
ober  beo  is  idemcd,  jniruli  ]>c  fule  brune,^i  to  ]>q  eclie  fur  of  Jielk^. 
pc  scorpinnes  cundel  ]>et  lieo  bret  in  hire  boseme,  sclick  Iiit  at  mid 
sehriftc  r'  ?  slea  bit  mid  dedbote.  Inouli  is  ctScenc  bwu  icb  liabbe 
iefncd  prude  to  bun,  1  onde  to  ncckb-e,  ?  of  alio  |jc  olSre  ^viSuten  hh 
baste,  ]?et  is,  )nvu  gobiesse  beo  iefned  to  seorpiun.  Auh,  lo,  ber  ha 
skile  J>crof,  sutel  ant  eocene,  Salomon  scilS,  ''Qui  approbendit 
nndierem  quasi  qui  apprehendit  scorpionem."'  pe  scorj>iun  is  ones 
cuimes  wurm  ];etbauexS  neb,  asc  mc  seiS,  sumdel  ibcuo  asc  wummon, 
7  is  neddre  bihiiuk^n,  makeS  feir  semblaunt,  ?  fikec)  mid  fe  beaued 
?  stiiigec^  mid  tc  teilc.  pet  is  leclieric  :'  J>et  is  ]k's  deofles  best,  bet 
be  let  to  e]iej)ii!gc  7  to  cnericli  gederiiige,  7  elieapeb  hit  forto  sullen 
%  bis\vike^  monie  ]nu-ub  J^et  beo  no  biholdeS  nout  bute  bet  feire 
licaned.       pet    beaued    is    biginninge    of    golnesses   sunncii,    7    te 

!>  fu;-liul„.ii.   T. 
■t  o.Ni-r  wi.\  li,-;,ue.l  sua  11,'t.    (;. 

J',  v.. 

j'    blltL 

d.    T. 

"  lial.  T.  ('. 
NsuaiuHl.   T. 



pi:vuAvrrY  or  L,CENTIor^^cE... 


,-,«  fV.v  .cuh.,  into  s„ol,  '-■'';^^;;':;tc^,,;.  mi  u,to  ,n.t  un- 

c,,.„ncs.;  as  St  A"«"-;^^  ooS  >  n.ia  cs* ;  ■■  tU»t ,. 

„,V,.un.  npcvhv  If "-;' '"*  ,' J°,„  de»n  a.ul  foiv,  >m,st  flee  fun 
sue  wl.o  «ould  la.e,,  ber  '^ '"    «^^,,,,  ,,  „;,,„  tl.e  entranco  and  le 
„,e  c«*io„.  tlK.t  =«-';;',:,,  oftiving  of  fnk  cl,»l.ohe.l 
„  ,;,,     I  d,u-c  not  v,an,c     -e  n  n  ^^^^^^  _^^^^,  ^,^^  ,,^,  ^^.,,„_  ,,,,, 

.covpion  Nvi.l.  the  venumon,  •  ^  .  ^^_^^  ^j.  ^,,„  j,„,„e„j,  o> 
„,  .itbont  .  co„,,«"">".  ;•'";„  of  for  ;iKnne,nnd  dare  not  for 
,i„.„,,  Y"  ',"  o'  r.Hv.-o  evil  tban  si>e  knovetK  and 
,„,,a-lestson,oone  ^'-'■■-  :' ,  .„^.^.  „„,  ,eflect  «,»."  own 
X,,  tl,ovel,v  tenvoted.  ""  ,;;^:„;,„,,Uoenec.  For,  !,o».oever  .t 
„.cnrsed  devices  vvl.en  ""i't^d  l,v  e  -  ^^_^.^.^^,^.^,,  „.  t,„,  fc,-,,, 
i,  dune,   vvi\lin:il.v    and   ""f'^-,"'  ,    '•„,      ,„  vouth  extvaordn»ry 

:.i.  in  vvedioeu  »b-';--^t  i  :^. '-'f  £"•■"--  ^.='*;' ":' 

follies  are  counnnted:  It  l.a"  ^^.^^^^^^j  ;^  .^   „„„      so  sl>e    . 

out  in  confession,  iitterlv ,  ..s  sne  ^.-ei-lasting  firo  of  Ik^II. 

don.ned,  tln-ongl>  that  ^"^^'^X.^^,,.,,  U-ood  winch  she 
L,  her  shake  out,  -"Y"  ^  '  i'  -■■"'  -™'"""'-  ,  "  " 
nonrisl.eth  in  her  ''7-''  ™  ;'„  ,a-^  ,„/,de  to  a  liun,  and  envy 
snfficiently  evident  why  L  -  ;;  ,,,,^4  this  last,  that  .s,  why 
t„  a  serpent,  and  so  of  all  the  lest  ^^^^^^  .^  j,^^  ^.^,,„„  is  eonn^red  to  ^^^^^J^,,^  .,.a  hatl.  hold  of  a 
f  U  i,lun  and  numitest.     bolomou  ^      ^^  ,corp5ou  is  a  kind  ot 

ll^':  i.  as  thonghheheld  a  -T™- .^'h,.  tlU  of  a  vvo.nan 
,.orn,  that  hath  a  laee,  at  ^  „,„„,enanee.  an 

and  is  a  serpent  helnmltt^t;^,^^^,.^,,!,,,,,,,.     Sneh  ,, 
f     MS  noun  voxi  with  her  head,  um  ,naiket,  and 

:.:::£  ;;-r;;";:;tS:::-» ^. •«=-• 


l.'KOl.L.K  IX(:i.r.-Ai;L:f. 

licuno-c.  ])oo  liwnlc  ]>et  hit  i!e:st,  ]H'i  |niiiclie^  so  swuSo  swctc.  ])o 
tei!,  ]7ot  i>,  ]>e  ciifie  ]>cn.!;  ]>rt:  is  sor  ol-]>nnr]nni-  ]ujuA\  7  stino-oS 
]ior  mid  alt.'!-  of  bitter  Ijircouoiwoe  7  (.f  (k'tllM.lL-.  Ant  iseliliclie 
muwuu  heo  sluueii  ]'et  ]>ciie  tcil  swuch  iviihU'^  :'  u,,r  ]H't  after  age'S. 
Anil  jif  ]iit  no  suweS '^  lier,  ];e  teil  ?  j-e  attri  eiidc  is  ]:e  eclie  ])i;ic  of 
Fo/;o  r,i  h.  liellc.  \ni^  nis  he  fol  chcpiu.jn  ]n  ;,  hwuii  lie  wiile  huoovii  hors  oStr 
oxe,  jif  he  iiulc  hihoKleii  bute  \k\  heaiietl  one?  (Jorjji  Invoii  be 
deoiiel  beode\S  forS  liis  best,  7  beot  hit  to  sullen,  7  bit  Jniie  soule 
peruorc,  he  hut  cuer  ]'ene  teil,  7  schea-.veJS  forth  ])et  hcnned.  And 
tu,  fi;o  al  abuten,  7  scheau  uore)  ]>en  cnde  ]»er  nn'de,  7  liwu  J^e  teil 
stingetS  :'  and  swuSe  vlih  ]>er  uronunard,  er  ])u  boo  iattred. 

pus,  mine  leoue  sustren,  ibc  wilderncssc  asc  ^c  go-JS  innc,  iiiid 
Godes  folke,  toward  Icrusalenies  lond,  ];et  is,  ]>c  richc  of  heoucne, 
bcoci  swuclie  be>tcs,  7  swuche  wui-ines  :'  no  not  ich  none  sunne  bet 
no  inei  bei.m  iled  to  one  of  ham  seouene,''  olSer  to  hore  streones. 
Vnstac5eiuest  bileauc  a;5ean  holi  loi'e,  nis  hit  of  jjrude  ?  Tnobcdicnce 
licr  to  nailed.  Sigaldren/ 7  false  teolunges  :'  leuunge  on  ore  7  of 
swefnes  :'  7  alio  wichchecreftes  "!  niniingc  of  husel  ine  lieaued  sunne 
o'Ser  ei  oScr  sacrament,  nis  hit  ]>c  spcce  of  prude  ]'et  ich  cleopedo 
presumciun,  jif  me  wot  hwuch  sumie  hit  is  r'  7  jif  me  not  nout 
j^eonne  is  hit  ;^emeleste,  under  accidie,  ]jet  ich  clrojiede  slouhLier' 
pe  Jjet  ne  warne'e)  o'(5cr  of  his  vuel,  o'cSer  of  his  luiv,  nis  hit  slouh 
jemelcste,  o'^vx  attii  onde?  jMis-iteoI5eget,''  etholdcn  cwido,  o^:el• 
fnndleS;  o'cicr  lone,  nis  hit  j,Iscunge  o<Sei-  J'eofte?  J^tholden  otSres 
luu'c,  oner  his  rihtc  terme,  nis  hit  strong  redac  ?  pet  is  under 
jiscunge.  0^ier  ^if  me  i;emeiS  wurse  ei  ]>ing  ileaned  o^cr  biteih  to 
witcne,.  ].»en  ho  ^^•ene  jn-t  hit  ouh^  nis  hit  trichcrie,  otSer  -^emeleaste  of 
sloulrSe? — al  so  as  dasi  bihcste,''  oiSer  folliche  iphiht  trouJSe  "^  7  Ioni>o 
beon  un1)Ishoj)cd  :'  7  falsliche  igon  to  schrifte  :'  otier  to  lon^e  abideu 

Si-.ik!ric.   ('. 
liea.ste.  T.  C. 

i^^.   T.   too 

c■,!^'^;  Tl!  A' 



„     ,-  vow  su-oet.     Tbc,  tl,»t  U   tte 

,„;.„,  away.      A"'' »  '!  ;-"fj.'t '  A».l.   i^  »-'    '-   »   ''/f' t 

„„,   oflbretl.  t..  «.-H  ,t,  ana  -'-        -         ,  ,„  ,;,,„,     r.ut  do 
„,„,,,,  ,,i,V,U  tU.  .ail    a„.l  -^^^  ,^^^^.  ,,^.  ,,,  ,,„g.tU., 

;„„  ,vi,l.  Ooa's  people  .ov.a,-.l  ^-^^  ^„,,„„ ,  „„v  do  I  l-^o. 

<,ri,c.avon.  .bevo  arc  ^-f^^^^^^^  „f  .Uose  seven,  or  to  the.r 
,„v  sin  ^vl,ieh  n,ay  no,  U  ^  »      "^  ,^:„,„,3  „f  .di.ion-is  ,t  no.  o 

t,«l,o»dof  Aeeidia,  -l-'"  '  ^f  ™  ,„  „„,  g,..ii.y  of  si,,.V,ul 
lavn  anotl,ev  of  any  ov,  ™  los.,^^^_^^_^^^^  ^.^^  .^^^.^  ..UUhoU  n,,  a 
„..,j;..encc  or,gnm  t  --•>  ;  ;^  ■^  „,_,»  eovetonsness  or   laat 

,,„„;.-,  or  any  tl.inS  *-"'''      ,;te--is  it  no,  downright  rohl.ery  ? 
IV^ining  another's  .-a.e,,  .h,      d,     ^^^^^  ^^^^^  ^^^^  ,^^  ^,^^.  ^,,    „  ,,„ 
.l-,,i,  i,  n.aer  .-ovetonsne*.     0<-,         ^.^  _^  .^_^|^^  ^^^^^^  ,_,,  „„„,,,_,,  ,t 

„,.  coune.itle.l  lo  hi-  '■^"■'-'  '''"'.':"      ; ..      ,,,  like  manner  an  nnrea...n- 

,.reaehery,.n-sh,.h|,ane,i..;n.;,  ,^^,,,, ,,„^  ,,,,,,  .^^ 

,,a,,.„nnnan,he.rl-1.1yl  ■     ,,,,i;;,,e.rely.ocon,^...™"r 

,,,,•,v■,n,  .he  ri.o  ..!    -"";■-■;■.;,;,.,:,,!  „,.e  !...r.Vs  l>.-a>er  and  , he 

•''-r^;-:'"";.-."'-^''-^^^^ ia...  .o  .h...  ....h . 

{ 'n  rd — tnt'.-t ,  <«  ^^  J., 

1  AAiD.  '^'■y^- 


RT.oui. .!•:  1  xn.i's a i; i  \! . 

iiorto  toclieu  godcliiklc  pater  uosior  7  cjvdo?  pc-os,  7  iillc  s\>iic!u-, 
bco<S  iled  to  sloulvb'e  :'  ]>ct  is  ]'-c  iicoic^e  niodor  "'f  ]n>  sculumi  hciuu'ti 
suMiicn.  ]7eo  ]>ct  di-o!ic  ciii  dniacli,  o^er  ci  j'iiiii;  dude  liwufomuli 
110  ..■liilde  lie  schulde  Ijcoii  of  liire  is!rc(>ii<jd  :'  (>"6(,'i-  |'el  istrcDiied 
scluilde  uors'.iircieii,  uis  ]>is  stroiip;  inoit.deiht^  of  !j,(jliuvsse  awr.i'Cciied  ? 
AUe  simiien  siuiderliclie,  bi  hnrc  owuiie  iioiiicliclie  iioincii,  ne  luulite 
no  moil  rikeiion  :'  aidi  inc  j'Oos  ])et  ieh  liabbo  iseid,  alio  ]k'  ourc 
beo'^!  bilokeno  :'  7  iiis,  Icli  weiic,  no  moa  ]'ct  iie  inei  ur.di-rstondeii 
him  of  lii-^  siiimeu  nomclielic,  under  suimuo  of  j'en  ilke  imene,  ]iet 
beo(5  lier  iwritene.  Of  j/cos  scouo  bestes,  ?  of  hore  sti'eoiie.-i  ice 
Avildcnicsse,  7  of  onb'clie  liuCj  is  isekl  liiderto, — ]7ct  aUe  ])e  ^uu•^^a- 
rinde  iiondcS  to  uordoime.  y^o  Liun  of  Prude  sleat)  alk>  ]>e  pnak-. 
?  alk'  ]>eo  ]^et  ]jc(.b  keie,  7  oner  liele  iheorted.  po  attri  neddre  alle 
]?oo  cntl'ule,  7  alle  J'eo  ]u^ere  i^onckcd."  pe  vnicorne  alk-  ]'e'- 
■wreM'ide :'  7  al  so  of  J'C  o'orc  areawc.  Asc  to  Ciod  lieo  be''^ 
islciene  :'  aiili  lieo  lebbcc)  to  ]>c  iiooiide,  7  bcoJ^  aHe  inc  !iii  liirde,  7 
scrue^  him  ine  ki.s  kurtj  cnerichon,  of  ]'et  mester,  J^et  him  to  iialk^. 

pe  prude  bco\S  his  bemarcs,  draweb  wind  inward  of  woi-kllick 
licreword,  7  eft,  mid  idel  5el[>e,  puffer)  hit  utward,  ase  ])c  bK>ip<u'e 
deb,  uortc  makien  noise — kul  dream  to  scheauwen  here  horek  Auli 
jif  lico  wel  J>ouliteu  of  Godes  bemarcs,  7  of  ]'C  enolcne  bemcn  of 
licoui'iic,  ];ct  scliideii  an  our''  liakic  ];o -svorkle,  biuoreii  ]>e  gru refill 
dome  grislicke  lj]oa\ven,  Arise^,  (k'adc,  arise^!  cumeiS  t<j  Drihtenes 
dome,  uorto  beoii  iiknaed :'  ]'er  no  priide  Ijcmarc  lie  mel  licoii 
iboruucn.  l.if  lico  ]>ouliien  ]'is  wel,  ]ico  wolden  iiiuuh  rea^e'  i(Sc 
deofles  scrui^c  dinduker  l)em('n.  Ol  ]>eos  bemares  seit^  Jerenilc, 
"(Jnager  solitarius,  in  desldci'io  anime'  sue,  attraxit  ventum  amoris."" 
Of  I'd)  ]»et  draweu  wind  inward,  uor  hiue  oi"  licreword,  seio  .Icreinle, 
ase  ieh  cr  seirk:;. 

»'^nniiii;e   iuL'brrs    ]>'\)h    jn-t    ne   Ivunnen    seruen  of   non  o^<m' 
butcn  iiKikicn  elu're.s,  7  w  reneheii  mis  hore  iiuuS,  7  sehnlen  )n\< 

.^  T  1, 

Tirr.  1' 

K  1)  Ai;i-: 

i:  oy.vjLs  TniA[i'r/ri:i;s. 


tlie  n.iirtli   Ju^itlicT   of  tlie   srvcii  (lo.-dly   shi^.      Sin 

n;iy  jxil!.)!!,  oi'  doiio  any  tiling  \vlirrcl»_v  no  child  ^llll 

l.y  la']-,  or  tii;it  wht'ii  coucuivoJ  -'lon.M  jx-zisli — i,>  ii 

iii;!ii--laiio]ifcrj  canned  by  lust?     Xo  man  \»oiil(l  be  abK-  to  r(?ckoii 

111)   all   sins   sc])araleiy   by   tlu'ir  (iwii   ?ji''cial  nrnnc: 

Avlio  liatb  drunk 
dd  b;^  conceived 
)t  tliis  downriubt 

but   in   tliose 

vliicli  1  lia\o  nieiifiujied  all  llic  otlars  ai'c  included;  and  lliere  is 
iiiii^  I  tbink.  any  man  v>bo  may  nut  understand  liis  own  sins 
in  j-aiticular  under  souk-  of  tbe  same  general  beads  tbat  are  liore 
writtvn.  C)rtb()-e  seven  ijeasts,  and  of  tlu-ir  oilV.]>ring  in  tb'.-  wildei-- 
ness,  and  of  a  SMlitaiy  life,  wo  bave  s])oken  tluis  lar— vdiich  beasts 
arc  endcavourin^  to  dc.~hov  :dl  luorfal-^.  Tlio  Lion  of  Tridc 
slaycfb  all  tlie  proud,  and  all  tho-e  wlio  are  clat.d  and  lofty  in  beart. 
The  venomous  serpent  [slayetb]  all  tbe  emious  and  all  v>bo  bave 
base  malicious  tliouo-bts.''  The  Unicurn,  all  the  wrathful  :  and  so  of 
the  others  in  succession.  Inres])ect  to  God  they  are  slain  ;  but  they 
live  to  tlio  fiend,  aiid  are  all  in  bis  retinue,  and  serve  him  in  his 
coiu't,  every  cue  in  the  olfice  ap>pro})rI:ite'l  to  liim. 

'^riie  proud  are  his  tinunpcters  :  they  draw  in  the  wind  of  \^■orldly 
praise,  and  then,  v.itli  vain  bor.sting,  pulT  it  out  again,  as  the 
trumpeter  doth,  to  make  a  noise — a  loud  strain  of  nuisic  to  shew 
their  vain  gloi-y.  l>ut,  if  they  reflected  well  Tipon  God's  trumpeters, 
and  upon  the  trumj)ets  of  the  angels  of  heaven,  which  shall  blov/ 
teri'ibl}-  in  tlie  four  cjuarters  of  the  world,  before  the  awful  judg- 
ment, Arise,  ye  dead,  arise  !  come  to  the  Lord's  judgment,  to  ))0 
judged  :  wb^re  no  ju'oud  trumpeter  maybe  saved, — if  they  reflected 
justly  ujion  this,  they  would  soon  enough  sound  in  a  lower  strain  in 
the  devil's  service.  Of  those  trumpeters  .leremiah  saith,  "A  wild 
ass  accustomed  to  the  wilderness  in  the  desire  of  his  heart  snuU'eth 
up  the  ^\•ind  ol"  bis  lo\e.""''  Of  tbo.-c  who  dra\<  in  wind,  for  love  of 
])i':'ise,  J(,'remiah  saith  ibi-;,  as  ]  said  before. 

l^iere  are  some  J.\-ti-i-s  who  know  of  no  other  means  of  exciting 
mirtli    Ux\\    to   make  wr\-   ilice-^,  and   di.-tort  their  r.Kjuth,  ami  scowl 


i;Er;ii..i:  ixlli  sa[;la!. 

eler,.  Of  ]/is  iiiestere  seruet^  jtm  uiiisciic  oi 
to  1;>ringcn  o  leihtre  linre  ontfulc-  iuuerd.  Uoi- 
cIcl)  v/cl,  nonoswcis  nc  juinvcii   Iro   lokcii  I'iilcj-w; 

•il  iiiul  r: 
looiter'  :nili  ^vill(•l<e^)   ob.-iv   liali",  7  IjilioMelS  o  lul't  7 


fnl^'locilcfl-  kurt, 
c,ii'  ci  :--i^  wcl  oocr 
"it  c'ie  of 
7  jif  j^er  is  out  to  c;i>lv,  itcu,  o>cr  loiUicli,-'  I'ldcrward  hco  -:'liu!L'b 
mid  ei(5er  eieii  :*  7  hv.  on  lico  ilicr.'S  ]>el  uod,  lieu  sleatccS''  adun  boa 
two  hore  earcii  r'  a.uli  hot  lust  a.i;eaH  |>ct  vuel  is  cuer  vrid  opL-n. 
peoiDie  lieo  wrenclicl  Isoiv  uiub  mi;.,  hwon  lie:o  tui'MLci  i;od  to  vucl  :' 
7  jif  hit  is  suindfl  vuel,  ];iiridi  uiore  la>tuiigc  *-"  lico  \vrcuclieb  hit  to 
wursc.  peos  beoS  hore  owuno  proplK-tes  forc\viddares.  ]?eos 
bodice)  biuoren  liwu  ye  atellehe ''  deouel  schal  j^ct  aqesten"  ha-n  mid 
his  griniine  greuirange,  7  hu  lieo  schuleu  ham  sulf  grennen  7  iiiucieii, 
7  makion  siir  semblanut  iior  ]'e  n:mcliele  augoise,  i^e  pine  of  lielle. 
Auh  for  ]'ui  hco  IjcoS  ]>e  lesse  te  moien,  }>et  heo  biuorenhond 
leonle^  h'.re  meister  to  makieu  i:'ri;iime  cherc. 

pe  \vre(Sfule  biuoren  J'e  ue<  nde  skirme^  mid  kiiiues,  7  he  h  his 
knif-\vor[)are,  7  })leiee)  mid  sweurdes,  7  bei-eS  ham  bi  ]'c  scher[ie  orde 
ujjpeJi  his  tunge.  Sweord  7  knii'  eitior  beoei  schcrpe  7  keoruinde 
wordes  ])et  he  AvorjteS  fronnnard  him,  7  skirmeL)  touward  oiSre. 
Auh  heo  bodieS  hwu  ]>e  deofien  sehulcn  pleien  mid  ham,  inid  hore 
schcrpc  aulos,  7  skirmcn  mid  ham  abuten,  7  dvsten  ase  enne  pilche- 
clut,  cuchoii  toinvard  Oiier,  7  mid  helle  s^veordcs  alsnesien*"  ham 
p-aruhut,  J>et  be(»^)  kene  7  keoruiii'le,  7  atelichc  i>inen. 

pe  slowe  lio  7  slepeb  i^e  deotk-^  berme,  ase  ]iis  dcore  deoj'ling  :'  7 
te  deouel  leieJS  his  Intel  adun  to  his  eareii,  7  tutele^  him  al  ]'et  he 
cuer  wnle.  Uor,  so  hit  is  sikerliehe  to  Invamso  is  idel  of  ood  :'  be 
ueoiid  mauelcii  i;eorne,  7  te  idele  iuidcruoc>  luueliehe  his  k)re.  J^e 
]>vt  is  idrl  7  7;en!eleas,  he  Is  ])e'S  dei  f!es  bermes  -  slep :   auh  he  schal  a 

laMi.-l,...  T. 
[.■aMi.-v.  ■!■. 
;;lo,,,„.„.    'I'. 

^-lait.  ^.   T.      s.^latuS,   C. 
itt.;rlur!ic.   T. 


,,T„rri.  MAX.       TIIK  .LI-OOAT^O. 


„,;;.  .vi.l,  tl-  .lire..   Y^v,  "  ;i  ;,„,  .Ui,»ely  :  ."J  if  t''""^^  '^, 

„„v  tir."^  to  l..ln>r,e  ov  a,shl.,o  t  •  ^^^^^  ^^^^^,^  ,,,^^,„.  ^,,,, .  u-,t 

.kn  t!,ov  l.onv  of  ^">y  goo.l,  tho>  I  ^^^    ,   ^,.^,„^.^   „„,, 

.l.oU-  aosivo  of  ovil  i.   -■"■  ;;f;:^'.":„„,  »■  Ou..oissouK-.vtatof 
evil,  ,l.oy  ai  -tort  it,  and  n.  U-       "o  ,^,^^^^  ^^^^^^.  ,^^|.„,.^. 

k.,i;  o.;  i-'l''-'-';"f':":^,    r:,r^rror  into- them. it,,  lu. 
l.iaoous  -ana  !>;       tM  .  ^,^^     .^,„t  „„„,„,,,  ot  tl-e 

-^  ''I  ft  'r  C- ^'"'-  -  ^^  V'"'1'  '-'■'''''"  '"'' 
pains  of  Itoll.     l^nt  "'^J  ,      , ;        ,.;„  cliec-r. 

learned  beforehand  ^'f  ^   '"^ ^ ^^^^  ,,,,,>  knives,  and  he  i. 
The  .rathfnl  nran  fenceth  V-'"     '  -  j^  ,^^„,,„„,  „,„„  ^j,.,,, 

his  hnife-thn-cver,  .,nd  pbye  h  -^  '',^„.,^  ,,,„  „,„  ,..,,  and 

,,i.  tongne  hy  the  sharp  P""'-  f;  ;_  ,„,j  .herewith  attacks  others. 
,„ni„g  ^vords  «  1>^;--;^"1''"  I  ,  1  .„-;„,  thcnr,  «ith  then 
A„aiTforehodcs  how  the  de    U  j    U        )^    ^__^^  ^^^^  ^ 

sharp   a.ds,  and  ^i-';--  ::,„,,  ,,,.1  strike  then;  through 

;;::•;«:;:::;"■''"-;'- "^"-  i.-'-i->— -^'^-'^ 

fhil.lV  il^"" 




KKc;ui..i':  i\cu>AKrA[. 

doincj.dei  griniliclic  abreiJeu  mid  t>'.  drcill'ivl  dveanic  of  ])i3  ciiulcne 
bemen  :^  7  iuo  hclL-  wuiidrcJc  aU'liclic''  awidJcii.  •' Sui'o;ite,  nioilui 
qui  jacetis  in  scpnlcliris:  surgite,  ct  \eiiitG  al  jndiciiuu  Saliiatoris." 

pc  ;^Iscarc'  is  ]h'3  fcoiidcs  askebaMo,^'  7  li^  cuer  iui.'ii  askeu,  7  favoL> 

luclit'Io  7  iiioiiio 
It':'  i.;.dtav^'-  7 

abuteii  a:>l;L'ii  7  Lisiliclie  stuiv>)  him  uorte  jukcl 
rukeu  togedero,  7  blowcc^  j^ciinnt',  7  abk-iit  kin 
maket5  ];enm)o  fiuiiivs  ol 

)>eus  r 

keiiaics  d(,^i•l>liakbo?) 
irmclie]  uurto  viktuon.  ])is  is  al  ]»erf  oaiiues'^  bbssc,  7  to  ucoiid 
bilialt  al  \h  gomen,  7  kudiwoxS  ])ct  kc  to  bcrstcci.  \YiA  iiiKk-rstund 
oucrick  wis  moii  ]ns  :'  jx't  gold  7  scoluer  buL)C,  7  ciierick  eorolick 
eikte,  nis  butoii  corSe  7  askoii,  ]^et  ableiit  cuericlmo  mon  ]n>t  bloawub 
in  kam  :'  \^'\  is,  ]'ct  bolmveJS''  kim  ine  kam  :'  ])unik  kam  iiio  keortc 
prude:'  7  al  ]"jt  ko  rukeloci  7  gcdcreS  togedtae,  7  etlialt  of  eni 
Iniiiic  ]>et  nis  butf-n  askcn,  more  j'cii  lut  keo  ncod.  :il  scka.l  iuc  kolU; 
i^vur^)en  to  kim  tialdcn  7  neddren,  7  kuc^e,  aso  Isaic  sciu,  scinilen 
beon  of  murines  liis  kurtcl  *"  7  Iiis  kuuertur,  ]K>t  noldc  ker  ]»e  ncoil- 
fule  ucden  no  sckrudcn.  "  Subtcr  to  stcrnctur  tinea,  et  opcrimen.tuni 
tuum  vermis." 

pe  jiure  glutun  is  }k'S  feondes  manciple.  Uor  lie  stiko^  cticr  i^e 
celcrc,  o'Ser  iSe  kuckeno.  His  licorte  is  i^o  disckes  :'  kis  ]>oukt  is 
al  iSc  iie[)i>e  ^  kis  llf  iSe  tunnc  r'  his  soule  ieie  crocko,  KumocS  for5 
biuoren  kis  J.outM-dc  bisinittcd"  7  bisnieoiaiwed,''  a  discbs  ine  kis  one 
kond,  7  a  seoale'  iii  kis  o\Scr  :'  malSele^  mid  v,-ordes,  7  wlgele^  ase 
uoi-drnnken  mon  ])et  kaney  inumt  to  ualleii  :'  bilialt  kis  greate 
wumbe,  7  to  ueond  kiidi\ve\S  ])et  lie  to  beiste^i.  God  ]n-eatc\S  ].>e(js 
Imis  kuriik  Tsaie.  "  Servi  moi  coiiiedent,  et  vos  csurietis,"  7c. :'  "Mine 
men,"  lie  sei^,  "sekulen  eteii,  7  ou  sckal  euer  kungrcn  :'  7  i;e  sekn!.>n 

^el■.•.■^.    'I'. 

cqoN.   (;.      hulluv^.   'J'. 

J..  .    ('.      ;i>..i.  .    'I'. 

h«.:rl.   C.  T. 
I.i-Miiulut.    I'. 


THE  COVr/iOl  >-  M->- 



1        1    11    ,M  Doon^sdnv  be  fearfully 
,       1  ,ir.  L.,.om-sl.qH-   '^^^^  1-  r^'f  '"^   '       ,,,,,;,,s,  and  shall 

tl.„.o  accountants  do  ^^l'<^  ^'''\  _„    .  •    „,.^i,,e,  and  lauglieth 

,„,,,  ,o.a  ana  sUv«;,   ana  '■    /      '^    ,  ",  ,„„-,„.  ,pon  tncn  ;   .ha. 
„,„,   ,,,„..  -l'"-'' '■'■;;:';,  ;„.sv.-oua  inl.eav.  tln-ough  then,- 

,„V  .V»"^  "^"-^^  "'^™  "  "  ,       1    ■'  to  Imn  ;  and  Lis  luv.ol  and„,etoaasana  a  .k->    o  1^  ^^^^^      ^^,,^^^  ^^,^,,,,1  „„ 

;;:  envcnn,,  a.  Tsalal,  sa,.l,,  _^<J;;;^^^  .^  ^^^^,  „,,,,  ,.<,  ana 

a,,a  n,«-  clothe  .l.e  ..eedv 

tl,c  wov.n,  cover  tlK-e.    '  j,  ,^,  ,,„  „,„-„,,,  bannls 

Thegvccay.ln..™-"-^^^'  ^,:,  ,„    ,,,    aishe.;     all    p 
tl,e   cellar  or    .he  h..*-,  -         .^  ,„  ,,„  ,„„  l,i.  sou    n.  .he 

,„„     ,,  •„  of  the  tal  ee  .     ,  ^^.  ,,^  ^0.-1  be.nn.tea  . 

„itcher.     He  come.h  ni.o  the  1  .__  „,^  „tiK.r.     Uc 

tlhs  nn,cl,  h.cohe..n  y,  ;^^  -^=;;^^^  ,,,,,  „„,  ,„  aevil  la,,a.s„  ahon.  .o  f^'"'  '" f  ^^^  „„:,.„.ne.h  snch  person.,  hv  I^-  • 
„„,  ,,,  h".-.eth.  <■■'">  "'"  ,„.^,i,,>.  S:c.  : '-  "  My  servant,  sh  11 
!;S.rvin,eleen.eaen.,anavo.      ....      ^.         ^^^  „  ,_^  ,„„,  ,„,    ,,... 

;r:';\:t;::.i:.o e„,o,. .......w- ^■^^""■,,,  ,,,, 

Iv.    11. 

l.a,..l.,  1' 


i?t:gui,.7:  uscll'sai; 

boon  neundos  fode,  world  a  l.uleii  vuuc  \  "  "  Quuntmn  ulonricavit  so 
ct  in  dcliciis  fuit,  tantnni  dale  ei  luctimi  ct  toi-iiieiitiini."  In  AjHJt-a- 
lip-si :  '' Cuiitra  imnm  puculum  quud  iniseuit,  nuscoto  ci  daio/"  L\[' 
}o  gulcliccuppo --^  woallivide  Invs  to  diinfkrn,  7  -^nr.t  In  Ids  ]notv 
I'ct  he  aswelte  Avi^iniien.  Ajeaii  one,  jll'  hlin  two.  J.o!  swuch  is 
Godes  doni  ajcan  ];<;  jiure,  7  a3;can  ];e  dnnckaics ''  i^e  A|.ocalip.-;o. 

pe  lecliiirs  i^e  deuflcs  kui't  liabbe^)  ariht  liore  o^\■u^.c  nonie.  Vor 
iSeus  nuicliclf  kurz,  j-co  me  clcopc^  lecliurs  ]>ct  liabbu^  -j  uorlon^i, 
sclieonie  ]>ct  liani  iiis  iiowiht  of  scliconic,  auh  secdioS  Invu  heo 
minven  mest  uileinie  wurcdien.  pc  lecliiu-  i^e  dcofles  kurt  Lituleb 
InmsulffuIlicl-iC,  7  alJc  his  fcolawcs,  J  stinkeS  of  J;ct  ful?5e,  ?  paie^i 
71./;.  r.T.  wcl  Ids  Joaerd,  ndd  tct  ilkc  stinkinde  breS,  betere  j^cii  lu'  scdn'ddc 
mid  eni  swote  rodiles.  Ine  vitas  ratrum  liit  tolled  Invu  ho  stiidcc^ 
to  God.  po  cngel  l,it  sdieawcdo  so^iIIrhc  ?  opojiliclie,  ].et  he.dd  liis 
Jicosc,  ]>o  l^er  com  ]>e  ])rude  lecliur  ridindo,  7  iiont  for  jn-t  rotede  Jicli 
yet  lie  liel])  ]>c-  lioli  eremite  i.urto  ];ibuncii.  Of  alio  ].e  o^re  jn-omie, 
JinbbeS  ];eos  j>et  fiduste  inester  iJSe  ueondes  kurt  ]<et  so  bido>^  hain 
suhien  r'  7  l)e  sclial  bidon  liam  7  pijieu  ]iam  mid  eclie  stunclic  ii^e 
pine ''  of  belle. 

Nu  je  habbeS  ihord  one  dole,  mine  leoue  susti-en,  of  ],eo  ]»et  me 
cleope^  je  seoue  moder  sunnen,  7  of  hore  teames,  7  of  Invucdic  rnes- 
tere.s  ]>eo  ilke  men  serue^  i^e  deofles  curt,  ]>.t  habbe^i  iwiued  o  ])eos 
.seoucii  henoen,  7  Invui  heo  beo^  suu^e  uorto  hatien  ?  to  schunien. 
Le  bco^  ful  ueor  uroni  ham,  nre  Louenl  beo  i^oncked  :'  auli  be  fulo 
breS  of  pisse  laste  unoeawe-j>et  is,  of  lecherie— stinekeb'  so  suuk- 
fnle— nor  ]»o  ue.^id  hit  so^v^■^i  7  to  bloa^ve^'  oneral— ]).,t  ieh  am 
snmdel  of-drcd  leste  lilt  lca])e  et  snmechei-j-e  into  ownr  li-ur'te- 
neo>e.      U.-r  >!ench  stlh^ ''  uppard  ;'  7  je   beu^   lu'Ie   iclumbeii,   ),er 

t.  'J-.  V. 



IE  rOl   LXKSS  OF  I.KCIIKUV.  ^1' 

to  ''5   il'io."  '-      Oive  tlic^^  tosspot 

^luU.m,  .111.1  against  .Ir.mkai'.ls  m  the  Ai»«,l,|.  o. 

'Pi     1     I...,-,.,.,  liav.  ...vHierly  tlieil-  own  name  in  tlie  ilevil's  cimn. 
.  ^  '"  :   1      „  ii-t     tl,  .y  are  calle.l  leelic.  -.vlio  liave  .,o  lost 

V"''  '",     r^i  V    ^  >-d'.,r  .i..tlii.iS,U..  .eek  K.V  tliey  may 

shame  "  "  '  _,^^  ,„  „„  j.-viPs  conrt  the  k-ener  fuiill.^ 
uoi-k  "->"",""-'■,,;■  ,•,„„„.„  an,l  stiiiketh  uf  that  filth,  an:l 
.lefileth  l"'"-f.  ;'"■'.,"■  •'  l,,Uiikin..o,lo„l-,  nuieh  better  than 
,,K,„,,h  ),is  lenl  with   tk,t  .aine.t,  ^^_^^  ^,^^^^_^^,    .^ 

l,c.  sheiiia  v.itli  any  s.vee    nieen    ■.     '       •«=  '^         ,j.,,^,  „       ,  ,,,,„,„! 

„,■„  ,,,ay  and  -"'->'-\    '';;',' for  the  putiid  corpse  wliiel.  he 
1,^,  l.okl  his  nose,  and   did   not   ^»  '"    '       1        ,^^,^,^.,.„,.     (,„,  l„ve 

„i„.,ed  the  Holy  l--;;;;,  --j^;  „^,  ;',:";;,.,;  hetonl  themsehe-., 


'"  jrrrrr;  one  part,  n,y  dear  ...0..^^ 

„,„  .oven  capital  sins,  and  of  l^ieir  1™^;^ ^  .  '\  ^f  .,  „,,  ,,.,,■. 
t,,e  men  who  liave  married  ^  >-  -^  f  ^,,j  ^„.„„,a.  Yc  are 
court,  and  wliy  they  are  g''"  ' '  ;;^,7:'  ,,„,  fo,,  „„oll  of  this 
very  far  from  tlieni,  onr  Lord  U>  tl  a,  Ud  ,  yet  .  .  „,, 

."^^'-''- ^-f  ;:irT :: ;  vhir^hif  lain-soniewiiiit 

:-:  tl!:::  ■:::;.<: -Tf:;:::,.^aio,.  ^ 

,,,,  .vit  nn.l  stn-^th  w.U  t-i  willis.autl. 

(  AM1>.   >-^><' 

2    1' 


Ri:ouL.'K  iNcr.rsAraM. 

;ns.      Uvc  Lnucrd  jluc-  ou  wit 

|)e  wirul  is  inuclu>l   of  stroni^c   tent; 
7  stivnu?o  wel  to  wi^stondcn. 

Sum  anci-c  is  ]K-t  wcne^  ).et  h-o  scluile  boon  stron-lukcst  iuoiKlcd 
i'Se  tiornieste   twcolf  luou.S   ]>ct    iico  bigon   imciv  llf,  1  i^ien  otior 
tweolf  I'oi-efter  :'  7  bwon  Leo,  cfter  ueole  jer,  meleMia.u  so  strougc 
heo  awundre^  biro  s:vu^c,  7  is  of  dr.d  Icstc   God   bu-o   al 
uorTiten  7  f\)nvorpen.     Nail  nis  bit   nout  so.     I^e  u*^ine  j.rcs  in. 
bit  bute  })a]-i>leouwe  :'  aub  nimoS  nu  ^emc  hwu  bit  fareb,  l>i  uov.usnc 
Ihvonnc  a  mon  baue«  ncowelicbe  wif  ilcd  bom,  lie  mmeb  ^eine  al 
softelicbe  of  bire  maneres.     prmb   be   iseo  bi  bire  ei  ]nng  ]x-t  bim 
niispaie,  be  let  ]>e  ^et  iwurSon,  7  mabeS   bire  ueue  cberes,  7  is 
vmbe^  euericbes  weis  ];ct  beo  bim  luuie  inwarabcue  in  lure  beorte  . 
and  Invon  be  understond  wel  >et  te  luuc  is  treoubcbe  lucstned   tou- 
.vard  bim  r'  beonne  mei  bo,  sikerlicbe,  cbasten  bire  openbcbe  ot  lure 
unSeawes,  /et  be  er  norber  ase  be  bam   nout  nuste:  make,  luiu 
swuSe  Sterne,  7  went  to  ]>ene  grimn.e  to5  uorte  uondon  ^ote  pf  be 
mubte  bire  luue  touward  bim   unuestcn.     A  last,  bwoii  be  unaer- 
stont  bet  beo  is  al  wel  itubt,  for  none  ]>inge  }et  be  ck-b  lure, 
beo  ne  kuieS  bine  neuer  ]>e  lesse,  aub  more  7  more  pf  beo  me,, 
urom   deie  to  deie  :^  j^eonne  scbeaweS  be  bire  ]>ct  be  lure  luu.^ 
swetelicbe,  7  deb  al  )>et  beo  wule,  ase  ).eo  >et  be  luueb  7  iknoweb, 
-Veone  is  al  bet  wo  iwurben  to  wunne.     Eif  Jesu  Crist,  ower  spus, 
deb  al  so  bi  ou,  mine  leoue  sustren,  ne  jnmcbe  ou  no  wunder.     A  or 
i-be  urumbe,  ni-s  )>er  bute  olubnunge,  uorte  draweii  m  luue  :'  aub  al 
so  sone  ase  be  eucr  understont  j^et   be   beo  wel  akomt.d  mid  ou,  be 
wule  uorberen   ou  lesse   ber :'    aub   efter  |.e  spi-oue,  on  ende,---- 
heonne  is  ]>e  mucbele  joie.     M   ribt   o   ]ns  i  ke  wise,  ^o  be  wolde 
leden  bis  folc  ut  of  ]^eou  ]>eoudome,'^  vt   of  Pbaraoues  bond,  ut  ol 
Eoipte,be  dude  for  bam  al   V^t   keo  ouer  wolden,  nuraebs  k.-U- 7 

h-  y 

,it  of  K'(,!u.  c; 







,;,,,,  ,1,0,,,  .0  strong,  .1..  ■=  «'-■>-"-    ■         ^-      ,  -^ ;,  „ot  so. 
„„,-  l,„ve  quite  forgoucn   ,or,  nn.      ,         r  _^^^)  ^^^^^^^.^  ^^.^„_ 

,„  „„  f,,,,  ,.e„,.s  it  .  ^^1  '^"^,^;:    ,t;,.;..  l>a.l.  WgM 

l,y  a  conn>:u-iso]i,  huu  it  tcaictli.       ■  ^^^..^rves  her    inanncvs. 

,\.i,   ,,.„„e,   l,e,   .-itU   «-;,;;:tX\tn«t.prvove,yothe 
•n,„ugl.  1.0  sees  „.  iK-r  .n^    ''=    ';'.,,.,!  e„.a„ton;<uc=  towanl 

,,„,  and  carcfnlly  uses  -ejy  -  ^l^  ^,.^„  „,,,,,d  that  hcv  love 
affectionately  in  Wn-  l.eavt;  ^'"^ '^^^en  \^ith  safety,  openly  covrect 
i.  tvuly  fixed  upon  ^'""•.^'■%-'^lf2\Z  if  ,,e  knew  tl.en^  not: 
,,„,.  faults,  «lncl.  ho  P'- »f  ^' ^""=^;;"  vere  countenance,  in  ovdef 
he  beeon,etl,  rigl.t  stern,  and  "f^^;  ;;;.,,,,  „;,,  .-ay.  At  last 
..dl  to  try  whether  l.'^  love  tow  "^^^^^ 

„l,en  1.0  perceives  that  sl>e.s  conn     U  _^^^^.^  ^,^^,  „,„,.,^  ,t 

„,„,  |,e  dotl,  to  she    -'otl    lu       o^  ^^^^^  ,_^  ,„^.,„,  , 

possible,  IVu...  day  to  day,  tl.e,.  he  ^.ew  ot  ^^^^^^^^  ,_^  ,^^.^„^ 

iweetly,  and  doetl.  ">■--;;-'  joy.  If  Jesu  Christ. 
a„dknoweth-the„  .  »"*''"*  f"  ^^^,  ,;,ters,  let  it  not  seem 
your  Spouse,  '>""-V''".^';;X;i  Lit  is  otdy  courtship,  to  draw^ 
strange  to  you  For  n,  '  '  ;;'"  ^. -;„,  ,i,„t  ,,e  is  on  a  footing  of 
vou  into  love;  hut  as  soo..  as  Ik,  per  ^^_  j_^^^  forbearance 

itVeetionate  fanriliarity  w,,h  >•-;  ^^"..n  is  tUo  great  joy.    Just 

,vi,byou-,  '»■' ^'l'"- '•'''■  "'''T';Xndl.:s  people  out  of  bo.ulage 
i„  „,e  san.e  way,  whe.>  he  d  to  a  1  1  ^^1  ^_^^  ^^.  ^  ^^^^.  _,^^.^_^  ^^„ 
_oUl  of  the  power  of  T  haraol.^ou  t.  t  ^^^  .-.  1^^^^  ^^^,^^^  ^^^^  j.^^  ^^.^^  they  fci.vd-u.i.-aelesn.anya  -,^-'  -^^^^^  ,|,^,,,  ,,,,„  ,he,v  d.-y- 
a"''    '"^"''^    ""■"■'   '    'T    ",' ■  n  .'l, ei.n-oes  we,-e  d,-ow,,ea.      Moreover, 

]ii:(.rL.K  l\C'LLSAi:UM. 

fe'ire.  lie  adruwede  ])e  Jlcade  See,  7  luakcdi-  h-Mn  nivo  wci  JMu-uh 
iiire:'  ?  I'i'i-  hco  cikIlmi  dnil-uoted,  ]'er  adiX'intL-  IMiaran,  ?  liore  uoan 
alio.  rur>^ei-  i^e  desert,  po  he  liefde  iled  liatn  uenr  i  ^e  wildeniesse, 
he  letre  h.aui  J'uheii  v/u  inouh— hiiiiger  7  ]>ur<t,  7  luueliel  swine  7 
inucliele  weurren  7  luoiiie.  On  cude  he  jef  ham  ivste,  7  alle  wcole 
7  wuiuie:'  al  hure  wil  7  flt'-sches  eise  7  este.  j^iis  lire  l.ouerd 
spares  a  iioniiesi  ]'e  juiige  7  ]k!  feble,  7  draulrS  ]iaiu  ut  oi'  j'issc 
worlde  swetelii-ho  7  mid  liste.  Aidi  so  soiie  so  he  i-^ihS  ham 
hcardcn,  lie  let  arisen  7  iiwakeiiea  weorre,  7  teclieS  ham  iiihteii,  7 
weaiie  noite  |'t.lieu.  An  eiide,  eftcr  longc  swiiike,  he  jifS  ham 
swete  reste,  her,  I  sigge,  i]>isse  worlde,  ci'  lieo  kumeii  to  liLMjuene  :'  7 
JHincheb  J'eomic  ]>o  rcste  so  god  efter  ])e  swinke,  7  te  muclielo  cise 
ef'ter  j'o  ir.uelielc  mcoseise  Jninclicci  so  swirSe  swete. 

Nu  h'-oS  ibe  sauter,  under  ]'e  two  tentaciuns  ]'et  ieh  erest  seide, 
j>et  beijS  ]'e  uttiv  7  te  Inrc  uor.dunges,  ]K-t  teme^  alle  |'e  obrc,  uour 
doleii,  ]nis  to-deled,—  uondunge  hht  7  dcrnc— uondunge  lihfc  7  opeu- 
licliO"  uondunge  strongc  7  derne — -uondunge  stronge  7  openliche, 
ase  is  her  to  undcrstonden.  "Noii  timehit'^  a  tiniore  uoeturno,  &c." 
Of  foudunge  liht  7  dernc  seiS  Job  ];cos  wordes :  "Lapides  excava.nt 
aque,  et  alluviono  pauhUiui  terra  consnniitur."  Lutlo  drop-en 
l)urleS  "^  )'e]ie  ulint  ]n't  ofte  ualloS  ]'cron  :'  7  lihte  derne  uondungcs 
])et  me  nis  nout  iwar  of,  ualleS  oScrhwule  one  treowe  heorte.  Of  ]>c 
lihte  opeidiche  uondunges,  bi  Invani  he  seiS  al  so:'  "J.ueebit  post 
eum  semita,"  nis  nout  so  lanchel  dutc.  Of  stronge  tentaciun  ]>ct  is 
J>auli  derne,  Job  meno>i  liim  7  sei^  :'  "  Insidiati  sunt  milii  et  pre- 
valueruut,  et  non  erat  qui  I'erret  auxilium  :  "  j;et  is,  "  Aiine  uoan 
awaiteden  mo  mid  trieherie,  7  mid  treisune,  7  strenc Mcden  ni)pon 
me,  and  nes  hwoa  me  ludpe."  "A^cniet  malum  super  te,  ut  ULScies 
oj-tum  ojus;'  (  )l'  )'e  iieorSe  uondunge,  ]'ct  is  strong  7  openlich.e,  he 
urAvh  his  mon.'  of  his  loan  7  soilS,  "Quasi  rujito  muro,  et  apnla 
jamii'    irrnt-runt  siq-ei"   mo:'"   ];et   isjieo  v.-r.-lLU-  in  uppon  mo,  ase 

„,e.,.  .u,  of  .Ins  -,-ia  gently   n    l        U  ^       ^^^..^^^  ^^__^^  ,^^  ^„.    ,, 
,,es  tl,o„.  inuvoa  .0  '-■•■a.l.H-.  '        .  ^.  „,„„,     I„  .1,.  oud,  .1  . 

,,„|  ,„,a-l,c-tl,  tlK.m  t"  fiJ't,  .u.a  t..  .^^  „,„  „,„,1,1, 

;"■'         I    i,e,   tl.on>  sweet  re,  ,  1'"^'  \,,  ,„  .„od  .fter 

loll"'   tuu,    !i^   k'  1    +1ir.ii  the  rest  fe<-*-i''^'-'  »         , 

the  labour;   and  the   ^i^ni  i        . 
very  sweet. 

.      .       V.ater,   .-.ukv    tl,e    two  te„n^-tio„s 

Now,    .Kevc  avc    .u   "".  I  »■':',,,,  „„,„,„.d   and   tbo   >«-«! 

„,,,   I   spoUe    of    fiv.,   w;-     -     \,^^^  „,„,,   fo„,.  sorts      hu 

1    ttt  1.0  .fr»Hl  for  .1-  1="-;]^.  ;■'!    iUlesexcav.r,f,uirra,et 
t  et  temptation  ,Tol.  saith  those.-    ds .       1    1^^^  ^^         ^^.^^^,  ,„         ,, 
,   uvione  panlathn  terra  consn,m    -  ^^         ^^,^^,^,  ^,„,p,,,„„. 

;,  fl-,„t  nron  wK,=l.  they  oft«     .a^.^  ^.,,,,  ^  .ahWheart  to  en 
,vlneU  men  are  not  aware  of,  at  t  ^^^^  ^_^.^,^  ,j^,,^_     A  yv  tl. 

O    ,Uo  liMan,an-,festte>nytaUo  s  o    -      ^^_^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^  ^^^  ^^^^       O 
I  ,11  sldne  after  Lira.- tl'o  e  1=  »  ,„ahetl,  his  eonn.lan, 

;;Lt,enH,.ation.;vhich.yct.c      ,^^..^_ ■  -»"  -"'..t 

\,„,  „;„,.   ",  «""'^  ■'.",. '','„•„,  ,vait  for  n,e  with  treaehey 
'"nvtauxihu".;-"  tl-t  .S-^  ,,^,   ^„„,  „,,,,.  wa»  none  who 

a"'' .'--!r':v:^i^i::,r:!::ei;:-'- -"''•'-      " 

l^eli-.d  me.  ^'^^  "    '   " 

,1.1.,  Mv.  n'. 


Foli<j  'o\ 

1'22  KEOUL.i:  IXr  LL'SAUUM. 

paiil)  lie  wal  vcre  to-ljrukcn,  '^  te  ;;;t'tcii  opciie,  po  uoriuc,  7  tu 
J^ridJe  uonduiii^c  of  })e()S  fuui'e  beo^  almcst  imdcv  ]k'i-  iiiix'.  ]7e 
OiSer,  <2  te  ucor^o,  uallelS  under  j'e  uttre,  and  LeuiS  euer  fles- 
liclie,  ^-^  eiS  foriSi  to  ivelen.  pe  oSer  two  Ijcol)  gostliclie — of  gosL- 
^icho  unbcauwes — '-■jt  LeotS  iliud  ofte  j  derne  hwon  lieo  derueS  nicst, 
1  beoS  niuchel  iioij^ui  ]>c  more  to  dreden.  i\Ioni  j?et  nc  weucb  nout 
bredeS  in  Lire  breoste  sum  liunes  liwcolp,  oScr  sum  ncddre  kundel 
]7Ct  for-uret  J>c  soule.  Of  swiiche  Salomon "  seitS^  "  Alieni  coniederunt 
robur  ejus,  et  ipse  nescivitr'"  et  alibi,  "Traxcrunt  me  et  ego  non 
dolui  "^  vulneraverunt  me  et  ego  nesclvi :'"  ]>et  is,  vnbolde  uor-urcteu 
])C  stroncSe  of  his  soule,  ^  lie  hit  nout  imste,  Hot  is  most  dix'd  of 
invon  ]'e  swike  of  lielle  eggee)  to  one  j^nge  ]?et  })uncl!e\S  swu^o  g(xl 
mid  alio,  -j  is  jnauh  soule  bone,  --^  wei  to  deadlich  sunne.  So  he  deo 
al  se  ofte  ase  he  ne  niei  mid  openlich  vucl,  knScn  his  strene Je.  '•  Noa, 
he  seiSe,  ne  niei  nout  niakien  ]>e<is  to  sunegen  ])uruh  ^iuernesse,  ^ 
iehuUc  don  ase  J;ewrastlare  de^--ich  chulle  wrenchen  hire  j^ideward 
ase  heo  most  dredeS,  '^  worpen  hire  oSere  liaK^  <^  bredeu  ueriiehe'' 
adun  er  he  lest  wene  :'  "  and  eggctS  hire  tomvard  so  muchel  absti- 
nence, ]>et  he  is  J?c  unstrengre  ine  Godes  seruise,  <^  let  so  heard  lif, 
•^  pineS  so  hire  licome  |?et  te  soule  steorue^.  lie  bihalt  on  oiSre  j'et 
he  ne  rnei  nones  weis  makien  vuele'^  iSoncked,  so  lufful  ■■i  so 
reouSful  is  hire  hcorte.  "  Ich  chulle,"  he  j^enche-S,  "makien hire  to 
reouSful  mid  alle  i  ichulle  makien  so  muchel  j^ct  heo  schal  luuieJi 
eilite,  ^  J)enchen  ]>e  lesse  of  God,  7  leosen  hire  fame  :'  j  put  J)eonue 
a  s^\uc  ]7onc  in  hire  softe  heorte :  Seinte  Marie!  naueS  ];c  mon  o5er 
];eo  Avuuunon  meoseise  :^  j  no  mon  nule  don  no  good?  Me 
wolde  me  jif  ich  bede,  7  so  hel})Cii  ham  ^  don  ehnesse  r' "  j  bringeS 
hire  on  to  gederen  <^  jiuen  aire  erest  ];e  poure  :!  J^er  cfter  to  obre 
ureond  :'  a  last  makien  feste,  7  iwur^eci  al  worldlich  :'  uorschuppeJS 
of  ancrc  to  huscwif  of  hellc.  God  hit  wot  swuch<;  makecS  sum 
of  liore  :'  ]'<'t  weiiOL^  ]>et  heo  do  w.'l.  ase  dusie  men  7  adotede  doN 
jiire  to  ur.d'.'rstondeii,  J'ct  llakereL) ''  hire  of  Ireolac,  7  herieu  7  ^flpetS 

•'    tail  re  ^ 



cuArriNrss  of  tiif,  temp-j-kr. 


t'lR' risiiiii' tluToof."  •''  O;'  t]]o  iuiirtli  toui))t:itinii.  wlii'.-li  is  powerful 
ami  iiiaiiifc'st,  lie  in;!k 'tii  ]iis  coini'laiiit  and  snitli,  "  Quasi  rupto 
iiuiiY),  ot  apc'ifri  jam!:i.  in-ucn;iit  super  nto ;"  ^  That  is,  '•' tlicy 
ruslK\l  ill  upon  ]ik>,  as  \\]\rn  a  wall  i^  broken,  and  the  tiatcs  open." 
'J'lie  rir>t  and  the  third  of  tliesc  four  tenipratioiis  are,  for  tlic  most 
]»art,  under  tlu;  inward  cUiss.  The  second  and  tlie  fourth  fall  under 
tlie  outward,  and  are  almost  always  fleslily,  and,  therefore,  easily 
felt,  'idle  other  two  are  sjiiritual — concerning  spiritual  faults — and 
are  often  hidden  and  secret  when  tlioy  are  most  lun'tful,  and  are, 
thcn'fore,  much  more  to  he  feared.  Many  a  one  who  doth  not 
suspect  it,  noni-islifth  in  her  breast  some  lion's  whelp,  or  some 
viper's  brood,  that  gnaws  the  soul.  Of  such  SolomoJi  saith,  '•' Alien! 
coniederunt  robin-  ejus,  et  ipse  7iescivit ;  ""■  and  in  another  place, 
"  Traxcrunt  me,  et  ego  non  dolui ;  vulneraverunt  me,  et  ego 
nescivi ;  "  ''  that  is,  "  Enemies  have  devoured  the  strength  of  his  soul, 
and  he  knew  it  not."  Yet  there  is  most  reason  to  fear  when  the 
traitor  of  hell  inciteth  to  any  thing  that  appears  at  the  same  time  to 
be  very  good,  and  yet  is  the  bane  of  the  soul,  and  the  way  to  deadly 
sin.  lie  doth  thus  whenever  he  may  not  shew  his  power  by  open 
wickedness.  No,  saith  he,  "  I  cannot  make  this  one  to  sin  through 
gluttony,  but  I  will  do  as  the  wrestler  doth  ;  I  will  pull  her  forcibly 
aside  in  the  direction  she  most  drcadeth,  and  cast  her  on  the  other 
side,  and  throw  her  down  violently  before  she  is  at  all  aware; '' — and 
he  incites  licr  to  so  much  abstinence  that  she  is  rendered  the  less 
able  to  endure  fatigue  in  the  service  of  God,  and  leads  so  hard  a  life, 
and  so  torments  her  body,  that  her  soul  dieth.  He  sees  another 
whom  he  cannot  by  any  means  make  to  entertain  evil  thoughts,  so 
full  of  l<»ve  and  cojnpassion  is  her  heart.  "  I  will,"  he  thinketh,  "  make 
hei-  even  too  conijKissionato.  I  will  so  manage  that  she  shall  h^e 
woi-ldly  goods,  and  thiid<  less  upon  CJ(jd,    and    lose  her  re})utation; 

<=  Hnsea,  vii.  : 
111(1    I    knev.    it    nut. 


i;i:oi:LyT:  u^clv^mujm. 

of  ■  },o  c  .,c..c  ],et  l,oo  deS-Jnvu  ui.k-  I,...,  is  ik„.»vc.„,.,  I,™  I.t  w^l 
'-■;(,;?  I.a|.o     „„o  J„„vl...     Su,n   solS  i„„„l,  ,,.X,,.  ,,i e    -S 

m u.,.  J3 an,.l  deopoi  l„„e  "dcnioni,,,,,  .ncn.Ii.m,,,,,"  i,,,  ij  |,,.;|„ 
so  ,n„Klc.  cle„,,d  :-  „,.  Sci,Ue  P,„vel  c.oopo«  l,i„e  .'.,„  ,.,!„„  ,,;,,:"' 
l-et  ,s,  cngol  of  ],  ,t:  vor  su„d,  1,.  ,™U.S  1,1,,,  Uu;  -y  ;d„.,„v..^  ,„■„, 

s>vof,,o,,,e  toll.  50  bueo  ,l„-o„k:'  v.,,.  „is  ],i,  ,,„,,„  ,;;,,„,,, 
haueb  ,v,so  men  of  l.olio  Ih.o  ,  of  l.eic  ofte  «>  Ucl,e,-,1,  a.^],. 'iKt  i,' 
CO,.,  to  ,„  «„e  wil.k-n.osso  in  o„e  w„„„„„„o  I,V1,.,  .  s,.!,I,.  |v,  1,™ 
>vns  ,«o„  a    „.eolc._S,"  ,  weop  aso  J,!,,,  of.o,-  horba,-,!.-... :'  , 

.     t     ,,»v,ko„  l„,„  .so,-,l,cl,o  on  cKlo.     Also  of  ),e  l,„li  ,no„„o  l.ot  l,c 
."..l„,le  la„„e„  l,o„,   ,o  aealon   his  fodor  cl,otol",o  no.,.ir„Ic.>  to 
i.ou,.o  »o  lo„go  ,,ot  1,0  cU.aaiicl,o  s„no,.,„lo  o  ,v.„,„„„„o,  .  fc,      , 
into  unhopc,  ,  clo.cle  i„o  l,cauod  su„„e.     Of  ,„o„  hot  sod Ls  ,,  , 
OMMvuCo.  ,ak.„  il.c.,.05   1,„   50  solodc,  ,vito„   ou'  iS    ,      .1  , 
w,oIos,  ).ct  1,0  on  ,K.  l,i„,.e„cl,..      Sn„,„,o  of  on  ,,et  I  o  „,ako  o 
.sn„,mo  chorro  to  wenon  ),ot  l,it  wo,-o  uikolunoo  vif  l,oo  sool  c.  n,  1, • 
,5..  heo  cd„,o,llie„o  „,o„od  1,1,.  neodo.  ,  5i?  ,.*,  y.:^^:2::^ 
)n,,go,ldo,|e:   7  was  ,noi-o  onc-liowe  no,-l„  „oux.„chon  d,orite  Lon 
-Ho  don  nI,t«,s„csso.     Sn,„  l,o  is  „,,ntc„   to  n.akicn  so  .; 
ulo„n  ,„onuo  ,n.o„,,,,  J.ot  l,o„  nallo^  ;„e  doadlicl.  so,-  ,,ot  is  aooidio  ■■ 
oW.ntodoop  ,o„l,t,  ,„  ,,,t  ,„„  ,,„,.^.,     s,„,^  l,atoLsosn„K.    ;, 
i,oo  l„„,o«  onerl,owe  „l  o«,-o  ),ot  falloS,  J,ct  sclnddo  «-eo,,o„  no,-  1,  ■ 
?  sore  d,„  ol  al  s,v„cl,  anont  hire  s«l„c.„  ;■  ..,  ,;„„,,,„'  ,„,,  ,,    ,       ' 
l.ol,o  ,„„„  j,ot   set  .jweop,  soldo,  ],o  ,„e  toldo  hio"  poj  „„   of' lis 

■net;  up.    '/'.  ('. 

•  Uvfolc.   'I. 

wai-.l  ..N\   Inilli.iu..   T 

f.       led..    (J. 


WILLS  (,r 

mid  lie  {hov.  iiut<  ?.\\r] 
M:M-y  !  is  !i,,f  t!iis  v.< 
o!ii_'  win  do  theia  mi 
;iiid  tlais  T  iiii_L;-lit  lie!; 
to  cullrct.  ;iiid    t( 

iiii;  i)i:\'n,.     lkoiadary  ta],e> 


I'liMiit  :!>  iliis  int..  lier  kiiid  lieni-f:    '^  Holy 
im:'.!;.  or    fills    woiiian.  in   isvcM    jiov^rtv  ;   and  no 
Miiy    i;;o(id  ?      'J'hcy  \v(,uld.  if   I  were  to  a.>k  tliom, 
eh)   tluMii,  and  do  al:i;-^."      Thus  ik^  lends  lior  on 
ivt'  first  of  ;.ll   to   the  }ioo!-,  aiV'Twards   to  sonic 
friend,  and  at  l;i-t   to  make  a  feast ;   and  she   -ron  s  ijuite  worldlv, 
and  is  transformed  from  an  anchoress  into  a  housewirc  of  hell.     God 
knows  that  one  of  them  mid^cth  sncli  feasts  :   who  thinketli  that  she 
is  doini;-  good,  as  foolish  and  silly  })eople  liive  her  to  imderst-and, 
who  flatter  her  for  her  liherality,  and  })raisc  her.  and  hoast  of  the 
alms   that    she   doth:   how   widely   siie    i^   known:   and    she   is   well 
}-leascd   at  this,  and  leaj/etli  u[)  into  jnade.      Some  one  will  ho  readv 
onough  to  say  that  she  is  gathering  a  lioard  ;  so  that  her  house  mav 
be  broken  into,  and  slie  too,     Lo  I  thus  the  liellish  traitor  pretendeth 
to  bo  a  faithful  adviser.   Never  believe  him.    David  calleth  him,  "Do- 
moninm  meridianum,"  that  is,  "  bright  shining  devil;  "   and  St.  Paul, 
"  Angelum  lucis,"  that  is,  angel  of  hght :  for  such  ho  oft  pretendeth 
to  be,  and  secmeth   to  many.     Accoun.t  no  vi;io]i  that  yc  may  see, 
Avaking,  or   sleeping,  or  in  a  dream,  to  be  any  thing  but  an  illusion  ; 
for  it  is  only  one   of  his  stratagems.      He  liath  often  thus  decciveil 
wise  men  of  holy   and   pious  life  ;   as  him  whom  he  came  to  in  the 
wildei-ness  in  the  form  of  a  -woman,  and  said  that  slie  had  lost  her 
way,  and  wept,  as  in   misery,    for   a   hospitable  shelter :   and  again, 
of  the   other  holy   man  whom  he  made  to  believe  that  he  was  an 
angel,  and  of  his  own  father  that  he  was  the  de\-il,  and  made  him 
kill  his  fatlie.r.     Upon  veiy  many  former  occasions   he  had  always 
tukl  him  tlK>  truth,  that  he  might  deceive  him  grievously  in  the  end. 
Also,  of  the  holy   man  whom  he  caused  to  come  homo  to  (h'strihute 
his  father's  goods  to  the  ])0(ir   and  needy,   so   long  that  he  sinn.ctl 
mort;dly   with   a   woman,   and    fell   thus   into    de-jiaii-,    and    died    in 
deadly  sin.    Against  the  devilish  wiles  of  tlie  man  who  tellrth  you  siudi 
talcs,  heai"  how  ye  shoidd  guai'd  youi'selves.  thai  he  ma.y  n(;t  de*\i\-e 
you.      Sometimes  he  ha>  made  one  <:>f  you  think  thai    it    would    he 
flait(M'v    if  she   Mere   to  s]ieak    in    a   ccjurteous   maimer,   and    if   <he 
(AMI),  soc.  '^  <: 



broc^ivn  v^as  iuailen  into  heaued  sunne  :  "  Tile  hoilie,  eu-o  ci-;i-i : 
'MVeilawei !  strungliclic  was  lie  iteniti-d  cr  he  so  U'-olk-,— a-!"  li 
ueol  to  dci,  ul  so,"  que^^  lie,  •'' ich  mci  t"  morwcn." 


Nu,  mine  Icouc  sustrcn,  monie  tentaclims  ich  liahbc  iiicnnicd  cm, 
ider   ]'c  scouc  suniien  :    auli   nout   tanli  ]>c  jjusentfuld  ]>et  me   i? 

niide  iteinptrfl :   no 

iiuilite,  asc  ich  wene,  mido  none  mu5e  iioiuc- 
liclie  neinen  ham.  Auh  ine  J'co  ]?ct  Leot)  her  ctforen  iseid  alle  ]»eo  o\Siv 
beo^  bilokene.  Lut  beoS  i\Sissc  woilde,  o^er  none  mid  alle,  ]'et  ne 
beo^S,  mid  liore  sum,  oc)erlnvulc3  itempted.  lie  hauet)  so  monie 
bustes  *  ful  of  his  letuaries~}'e  luibere  leclic  of  hollo — |>e  ]'et  for- 
sake^ on.  he  boot  anober  uorc)  aiioiiriht,  J  ]'et  ]'rid  lo,  7  tet  I'eor^e  : 
7  so  euer  uorS  anonriht,  uort  he^'cumc  iippon  swuchc  j^et  mo  on 
endeundcruo:  7  he  ])eoiiiie  mid  tet,  birleS '' him  ilome.  penc  her 
of  ]?e  tale  of  his  ampuiles.  UiereS  iiu  Invu  ich  blliet,  ajean  alle 
iionduno-es,  monie  kunne  urouren,  7  mid  Godes  grace,  per  efter  ]>e 

Siker  beo  of  foiidungc,  ]Kt  Invoso'^  cuer  stont  ine  lieie  line,  pis  is 
])C  uorme.-te  urourc.  Vor,  euer  so  herrc  tur,  so  iiax-jeS  more  wind. 
Le  l)c o^S  tines  on  sidf,  mine  leoue  sustrcn  :  auh  ne  drede  ;^e  uout 
l;co  hwule  |>et  -^e  beo'5  so  trcouliche  7   so    iieste   ilimed  mid  lini  of 

hoi-trs.   T    c. 

i,i  1. 11.  ^i.  c. 

•>  .iiid  swa  <iii  r  ^oI^■  iiNot  lie.    1' 

•'  siUoi-  l>ri>  uf  foiuliii.:  •  T.   C. 




■    r        .,.  .vn,l  tli'inkccl  oiictbv  atjcnofit 
lu.mUy!:iin^^l  cf  her  ...Kl.i;om.  ,  ■  ^^    ^  ^^^  ^^  ^^^^^  ^^^ 

c.,„fen-ea:  nnJ  yet  th..  w»s  r»t  c    .,k  .    ^.  ^^     „,,  on.l.avours  to 

„„,e  .o.„e  one  »--'""%";"  ^l";,■;';,:,d,v '^vU  of  .loth;  ovhUo 
„f  „„„  „„„eahlo,  that  .ho  f^'l'»  '»\ ;  "  ";'  ,.,;,,•„,,      Son,e  one  ha. 

-'■''  ■■'■"'"■•■"''  "■:■"=:■  \  T\  %  'X-  1  contempt  u.on  otlun. 
such  a  hatred  cf  sur  "'•''^''f ""';';  f'/ „,,„,  „„d  fear  greatly  for 
,,Uo  fall,  "hen  she  ought    o  .eop  fot    «>un  ^^  ^^^^  ^^_^^_^ 

,,erself,le.t  she  fall  into  ^'^  f^^^^^Z  tJld  that  one  of  his 
ai,,,  „.,,o  sat  and  ..Tt,  and  sa,d,  "'«  y;;        .      ^,„„  „,,,«     "  Alas! 

,„aer  the  seven  sins ;  hnt  yet  not        'ao  us.a    ^^^  _^^^^,,,  ,^ 

,,,,;,,.  .0  arc  to»Pt«l  •  J    -^te ^^i^h  ,^^^.^^  ^^,.^„,^,  ,,,„  ,pol<=n 
l,art;enlarly  named.     Bnt  n    ".  '  f  ^^.      ,3„,„,  or  none,  n, 

If  all  the  others  are  .nehtd^  -  -  ^^.^,_  ^1^^,„  „f  ,„„,  The 
tl,is  world,  who  arc  not,  ot  t""^  '  te    P  .^  electuaries,  that 

..iehed  leceh  of  hell  hath  so  „«  ',;;,,.,.,„,,  „„a  „  third,  and 
to  hi,«  who  rejecteth  one  ''=  f  ™;'  ^.„„,  ,,  ,„,,>  a  one  as  he  ,n 
"  '■-•■""  -'^  -  °"  7t':r  l-ith  it  .re,nontly.  Thhd. 
th"  end  aeeepts  ""'^'V'  .^i.  Hear  now,  as  I  prondse, ,'  .nany 
„„w,ofthen,nnherof  lusl  uaL  ^^.^,_    ^^__^,,^   ^^^^^ 

l.,„,l,  of  comfort  agamst  all  tem,.tati... 
thereafter  the  remedies. 

being  tempted.       Uw^   i>  .       ,, 

„-;nd      Ye  Yourselves  ere  tow.a's, 
b.weris,  it  hath  always  the  n,o,c  « m  1        ^^     ^  ^^__^,   ^,,.^,,,^. 

aear    sister,,   hut   tear   not   wh.l,,  .  ^ ,^,,,,„,,  _, 

..,,,,u .■,.,-.  .."siM- r.i-""»""^--""-"-' 

-MS.  ')x(,n. 
1^    -;,.,.  .,.>^r  177. 



siiicrc''  ]iuic  eiiericlio)!  of  uii  tc 
JHiriie''  50  Jrcden,  buto  ;i;H"  ]K't  1 
j^e  lane  ))it\veoiien   mi  w  ui'si-j  ]>u 

KEGUL.7-:  IXCLUSAKi:.\f. 

Vor  nunc  (Icotlos  pullc  ii'j 
a1se  :''^  ]>ft  is  tn  siuLTCMi,  biito  -^^W 
I'c  iicoiiilc.  Al  so  soiic  so  ei 
unlimeJ5  liire,  liro  bi^  soiiu  k\\i[,t  fur^  :  bate  j^W  ]>c  o^lv  hoKlen 
hire,  heo  bib  ikcst  soiic  lulun,  asc  ])e  Icstc"^  stoii  is  from  ])e  tmvs 
coppe  adnii  into  ]^e  dcope  Jich  of  sum  suti  suiine. 

jNu  an  Ol^lt  ebie  ouh  inuchcl  uroureii  ou,  Invoii  ^c  beoJS  itciitcd. 
pQ  tur  iiis  iiout  asailed,  no  j?e  castel,  iie  ]k'  cite  liwon  hco  bcob 
/•..//- GO 6.  biwiiiineii :  al  so  |>c  liclle  weorriir  iic  asaile-S  nennc  mid  funduiige 
]'ct  lie  liaueb  in  his  liond  :f  auh  deS  heo  ])ct  he  naiie^i  nout.  A^orbi, 
leoue  sustivn,  Invosc  nis  nout  asailed,  heo  mci  sore  dreden  leste  lieo 
beo  biwunncn. 

pe  ]n-idde  kunibrt  is,  ]>et  m'e  Louerd  sulf,  ibe  Pater  noster,  teclieb 
lis  to  bidden,  "  Et  no  nos  indueas  in  tentationem  :  "  j^et  is,  "Louerd, 
Feder,  ne  sutfre  ]m  nout  |;et  lie  ueond  alhmge  lede  us  intcj  uondunoe." 
Lo  nimeb  nu  i^ode  jemc.  lie  nule  nout  ]>et  je  bidden  j^ct  je  ne 
beon  nout  ifonded,  vor  ]?ct  is  ure  purgatorie,  7  ure  elensing  fur,  auh 
]>et  we  ne  beon  nout  alhnigc  ibrouht  J>erin,  njid  kunscence  of  heorte 
?  mid  skik'S  -c;ettunge. 

pe  ueorbe  uroure  is,  sikernesse  of  Godes  lielpo  iSe  vihtunge  a^ein  : 
ase  Seinte  ^o^Yel  seiS '^ — "Fidelis  est  Dens  qui  non  sinet  Jios 
temptari  uhi'a  (luani  possumns."  God,  lie  seib,  is  treowe:  nul  he 
neuer  J^ohen  ]ict  te  deouel  tcmpti  us  oner  j^et  lie  islhb  wcl  j/et  we 
nunven  ibolien  :'  auli  ibe  teni])taciun  he  haueb  iset  to  j>e  ueonde  a 
nierke,  ase  jniuh  he  seide— tempte  liire  so  ueor,  auli  ne  schalt  tu  ^on 
)r  ]ie   ;<;iucb   us   strencbe   to  \vibst(Uhk'n,   7   te 

no  furber: 

}  so  ueor 

deouel  ne  nu 

i  nout  gon 

■    T. 

furber  a    prieke.'     (iregorius 





yo.  wl,en  yc  ru-e  tcpt-.  I       H-    ™';'  ^  _  .,,„  .,„„.,„  „,•  l-,.ll 

o»,tl.o,  nor  the  city,  atter  tbcy  "■-"■■■1-    •  T       ;„  ,,■„  ,„,„, ,  1,„,  h« 

.«.,.,...  to™.;-;;;";;--  -  ''^^ICX^  su,c., ... 


^n.  third  co,na,rt  is,  that  our  Lord  hinrscif;  in  tl,„  Pat^njo... 

V  ^^       .  to  r.rav    "  Et  VJ,  "»=  ""'-'^"^  '"  teHtat.onem  ;      .hat  .., 

-q^ordoav  rather   »t  (la     .  ^  ^^^^^^  __^^^  ^,_^,^    ^^^  j,^..,_^.  ,,,,,, 

'■'""•"     '"•  "":',  tr  fi       i    o      ,.ur..atory,  ar,d  our  purityiug  Pre 

heart  and  cousoit  of  the  i-nnd. 

The  forrrth  corr.fort  i.,  th=  assurance  of  Cod's  assistance  in  the 

,„„t,st.  as  St.  Paul  --*;:,}:r'^^;;tcsaitl.i's  faithful:  he  «iil 
t„„„„.riul,raci«a.r,l>ossun,u.  0^  ^^^_^^^  ,^^^  ^^.^^,_  ^^^.,,  ,,^,.^ 

„,„,  .„„,r  .l.t   tl«-         ;^^^-^,„„  ,,,  ,„„  ,,.,eed  a  .nark  to  th. 
,,e  ca...   hear;  hr   ,  "  ^  ^  ,,^.,.   ,,„„,.    ,,ut  thou   shah  ,. 


Xlu 'i'ilvs  .iisiro.' the  aidie,U,u  of  the  rijihtoous,  yet,  unless  he 



licet  nfriictionciii  justonim  scir.pcr  ap|)Ct;it,  t;i>ncn  si  a  Deo  potcsfateni 
noil  accipiat,  fonnidnri  igitur  non  debet,  (^uia  iiilii!  nisi  perjui-isus 
aii'ere  valet." 


And  tis  is  ];e  vift(i  iiroure,  ])et  ho  no  mei  no  ]n\vj,  don  us  bute  bi 
Godcs  leaue.  And  tet  was  wel  ischeauwed,  asc  ];e  Gospel  tellers, 
])eo  ]k'0  dcoflon  ]>et  nro  Lonevi  wei'p  nt  of  one  monno  bisouliten  7 
seiden  :  "  Si  ejicitis  nos  liir.c,  niitte  iio^  in  porcos  :"  jif  \>n  dniiest  us 
hconene,  do  us  iSeos  swin  licr  :'  7  lie  jettede  ham.  Lo  hu  heo  ne 
niuhten  nout  wiSuten  leaue  swenelieu  falc  s\\in.  And  te  swiii 
anonrilit  urnen  7  adreinten  ham  suliien  iSer  see.  Seinte  ?^Iarie '  so 
heo  stunken-''  to  ]>c  svvin,  ]'et  ham  v/as  leoure  uovte  adrer.chcn  haia 
sulf  J)cn  uorte  bcrcn  hnui :'  and  on  vniseli  Godes  ilicncsse  bereS  ham 
in  hire  bi'coste,  7  ne  nimeS  ncuer  jemc.  And  al  ])et  vuel  ]'et  lie 
cucr  dude  Job,  cuer  he  nom  leaue  ]jcrof  cc  et  ure  Loiierde.  LokeJS 
JK-t  je  kuimen  ]>e  talc  inc  dialoge  :'  hu  ]?e  holi  mou  was  iwuned  to 
siirneii  to  ]?es  deofles  ncddrc:  "Si  liceiitiam  acccpisti,  ego  non  pro- 
hibeo  :"  jif  ]?u  hauest  leaue,  cweb  he,  do  stink ^  si^V"  '^'^'^^^  *  '^  ^"- 
bead  forS  his  hond.°  Anh  heo  ncuede  ]>o  none  leaue,  butc  one"^  uort 
to  offeren''  him,  jif  bilcaue  him  trukede.  Auh  Invon  God  ^ifJS  him 
Icauc  on  his  leoue  children — hwui  is  hit,  bute  uor  hore  muchclc 
biheue,  ]nudi  hit  ham  greue  sore  ? 

pc  sixte  kunfort  is,  ]>et  ure  Louerd,  hwon  he  ioulcb  ]>et  we  beoiN 
itented,  he  plaieS  mid  us,  ase  ]>e  nioder  mid  hire  3nngc  deorlingc  :' 
vlihS  from  him  :'  7  hut  hire  :  7  let  hit  sittcn  one,  7  loken  jeornc 
ahuten,  7  cleopien,  Dame !  dame  !  7  wcopcn  one  hwulc  :'  and  ])connc 
mid  i^predde  ermes  leajieS  lauhwinde  uorS,  7  cluppe-JS  7  cusse\S,  7 
wipeS  his  eien.  IJiht  so,  ure  Louerd  let  us/jir'  iwur^L'U  oc>cr 
liwnles,  7  wicSdrawct:)  his  grace,  7  his  cumfort,  7  his  v\i\v,  ]'ct  we  ne 

I-.  c 



..„,  Goa  he  o.,ht  not  to  he  fbavcd,  because  ho  can 
receive  power  from  t^^.'A.  n.^    " 
do  nothiiig  unless  pcrnutted. 

l„„oo,  ---1"\;"'"  ':;,;;;:;   ,,ui:o«t  leavc,  afBict  tl,c  foul  swine. 
Obsovvo  l..»v  tl.ej  '"3""';  ,  d,,,v™d  themselves  .nrt.e  sea. 

A,vl  the  sv.-inc  n.uned.atel      ; '    »"  ^,,^j  ;t  „.,,  ^.tter  fo.  ti.en, 

ll„ly  Mavy!  they  so  f«"';''>,  ■;",;,„  ,  ,„a  an  unhappy  e-ature 
,..a«,wnthen,selyes  "'™;"  ''/'J  ,t,,  „,e.a  in  her  hreast,  and 
„„de  artev  the  .n.,c  »  ^^  ^  '  j  .„,  „.,,  ,„  did  to  Joh  l.o 
,l,i„heth  nothing  of  .t;  /^"  -'  ij  f,.<„„  „„  Lord.  See  that  ye 
„Uvays  <.htained  to  do  ^^  _^^^^^^  ^^^^^  ^^.^^^^^  ,„  ^^ 

U„„vthe  stovy  n,  t  -    >alo|u  ;  -  ^^^      .^.  ^_^,,  ^.^.„,,„      . 

to  the  devil's  serpent       S    ton  1    ^,_^^^_  ^^^     ^^^^ .  „  „„^^  ,,„ 

..  If  thou  hast  leave  "  '!-"    \,  j\,l  =;  p,,,„ission,  cxcepto.dy  to 
oft-ered  hin,  his  hand.     But  hlud^c  ^^^^^_^  ^^^  ^.^.^^,^  ,.,, 

::^::n:^'althou,h  it  ...y  ^levo  0«n  so.  .  ^^^^^^  ^^  ^^  ^^^ 

The  sixth  eomfort  is,  that  -^"J-;'^^,^  ,,^„  ,„g  darling: 
te„,pted,  playeth  -- ,-  *  ^.^^^^^  „„a  ,„„  hin,  sit  alone,  and 
she  flies  fron>  him,  and  ^fj^^^^,  j,,,,, :  ,„A  .eep  a  while, 
look  anxiously  around  -"  .    "  j  ,  „,,„.,  „nd  en.hraeeth 

and  then  leapeth  f"''"' ''"'.='""' ";';,;  'l„  like,  onr  Lord 
,,,d  kisseth  him,  "'"';"!"•'','  ,,,,,;„.th  !,Ilise„n,r.nt, 
sometimes leaveth  "' f'"'- ''"^''m<  u'  any  S^a  that  we  do, 
and  His  support,  .o  ^'''  '■''J,  ._„,,  ^,,;„  „,.,  very  tin.,  our  dear 
nor  a,,v    sati^faetioo   ..I   heait     .     >  ^,  ^   ^,^^,  ,„,  ,,„,,. 

,.,„,„,  ,„volh  us  ne..  .r  the  h-»,  1  "  J^"  ^^   ,,    ^^,,„.„  ,,,  „,,,,  •■  ,Nou 

l,a>,  i,,.!-*.      .\ndl)av.d    uode.sloo.i 

Full,,  r.-i. 

iuimleS  swetiiossc  in  none  )'iiii;c-  J'ot  wi-  utl  ilu\S,  nc  Miuuvor  lieortc  : 
?tau]i,  ib(>t  ilkcpoir.t,  no  Inue^  lie  us  iin-  Icoue  \w.W  ncucr  );e  Icsce, 
n\\n  lie  doi^  iiit  for  niuclic!  June  pet  lie  li;;iu-'.S  to  ns.  Anv  let  iniflci-- 
stou  wel  Dauidj  ];o  lie  seidc,  "Non  me  derc!in(|;;;is  iis(iiic(juaque  :'" 
allungc,  cwc'S  he  Louerd,  ue  Lilef  ];u  me  Moid.  Lo,  lie  wulde  uel 
);et  he  Lilefde  him,  auli  iKuit  idhinue,  A;.d  six  ajielieisujis  beelS ''^ 
hwi  God,  for  lire  .''od,  ^vi^draull^  him  oSerlnvides:  }»et  on  is,  jn  t 
wo  no  bicnmen  ])nide  :  ''  an  oe^rc,  ]ret  we  ikiiowen  ureowune  ftiblesce 
'?  lire  uwujie  muclieie  nnstrenceio,  7  are  owuiie  Mucnesse  :  7  tot  is  a 
swuSe  miichel  god  :^  asc  Seint  Grcgorie  sei^,  "Magna  est  [lerfectio 
sue  imperfectionis  cognitio:"  ];et  is,  muchcl  godrsesse  liit  is  uorto 
icnowen  v,el  his  owune  wrecchcdom,*^  "7  his  Avocncsso.  Eechis. 
" Intemptatus,  quaha  scit?"  Tlwat  wot,  he  seiS,  Salomon,  ];e  |)or  is 
luiuonded?  And  Scint  Austin  Lcre'S  Scint  Gregoi-ie  uitnesse.  jiild 
tcos  wordes,  "  Mclior  est  animus  eui  ])rOjiria  est  innj-mitas  no(,i 
quam  qui  scrutatur  celornm  vestigia  et  terrarum  fandamenia  :"  ]n\ 
is,  betoro  is  ]>e  ]?et  tvoddec5  wel  7  ofscche\S  ^el  ut  his  teble^ee 
)jen  he  };et  metee5  hu  lieih  is  ]>e  heoueno  7  hu  deope  is  ]/c  e(J!■^e. 
HAVon  two  bcrcxS  one  burJSenc  7  to  otSer  bileaucti  hit,  );eomie  mei  be 
J?et  holders  hit  up  iuelen  hu  hit  wcihc^.  Al  so,  Icoue  suster,  \>q  liwule 
J;et  God  bereS  mid  te  ]'i  tentaciini,  nostu  neucr  hu  hcui  hit  is  :'  ? 
for^i,  et  summc  chore,  he  let  ]?c  one,  ];et  tu  undorstondo  ]nn  owune 
feblescc,  7  cleo})ie  efter  his  liclpe,  7  jeie  lude  eftcr  him.  Eif  he  is 
to  longo,  hold  hit  wcl  up  J?eo  hwulo,  jniuh  hit  dorue  I'o  sore.  A"or 
hwoso  is  sikcr  of  sukurs  ]'0t  him  schal  sonc  kumei^,  7  3;elt  tauh  up 
his  kastel  to  his  wi^ierwines,  is  swuiSe  to  blamen.*'  peneheJS  her  of 
]>e  tale,  hu  ])e  lioli  moji  in  Jiis  fundnnge  iseili  biwe.-len  a-i;;m  him  so 
muchel  uerde  of  deoflen  ]>et  he  uorleas  uor  muchele  divde  In- 
strenc^e  of  Ins  biloauc  uort  tet  ]'e  o^er  holi  mun  seide  to  him, 
"  Bihold,"  cwoc^  [he]  bi  eslen  :   "jdures   nobiscum    .>unt   quam  enm 

rtii.  T. 

)>nM,.n.   T.  (• 



,V1IV  ...u  .UKFF.KS  i:S  TO  nr,   IKMl'l  i;i 


„ .  "  »  «  1  ..r.\  "  (luotli  Ik-,  "  il"  w.t  tlioii 

l.i.n,  in,,  no.  .t.oHy.     A-'l  •  "-   -■'■,;  ^;fr  .,  nu,y  n,,t 

.,-„„,!,    .o,ncti,„cs    -,vU!,a,-a>v.  1.  In.-clt .      no-   J  ^    ^^^ 

good,  ns  S»-  57f '^,;  "'  ,^  J-;;;,  ,,„  J  i„  a  „,»  .,  Uo.  woU  hi. 

?"       t     d'"      And  St.   Austin  eo„fu-,„eth  .1,0  tcstn».ny  of   S 
Gregory,  wtl,  tl,...  "  V  ir„t-,.ur  ca-loru.u  vcs.igi.,  ct  terrarum 
,Unda„,en,.;"  t!,.t  »,       -f     '      ^^  ^„^„,„,,t„  ,hc  height  oS  the 

„e„von  and  the  -r"-f.   ^  ;,,  ;   '^  ^,,  .„!t  ho.deth  it  „,  nt.y 

.hurden,  and  one  ol  '^'""1;;^^'  diar  sister,  while  God  beareth 
,,en  feci  ho.v  tt  v.e.ghc  h.  ^  «  ->  "  .  ^^^^^^  ,,„,.  ,,,„,y  i^  is, 
,l,y  temptation  along  NMth  thco,ti,o  „l„ne,  that  thon 

,i,  therefore,  upon  some  oeeas,o„l^>-  ^.^  ^^^^^ 

,„  ,  nderst.,d  J  ^  ^  ^t:  ^'id  it  .el.  up  in  the  mean 
cry  loud  for  hnn.     It  lie  u...^  1T„,.  he   that  is  certam  that 

Zo,  though  it  distress  thee  sot.     Jot      e  ^^^^^^^_  ^^^  ^  .^ 

,„eeour  shall  soottcot^o^^^^^^^^^^^ 

enemies,  IS  greatly  to  '-■""'=•,      ,,;„,  „„  the  west  sueli  a  large 

•"""  %'f  r  t'uh.-' « -'--''^'-^       -;' !" 

•irmv  of  devils,  that  tuiou^ii  t,  +,,  i,;,,,    ''Look,    uuotli  lie, 

"toward  the   east  xi  ,         ,     ,  ,,,.e   t,.  help  on   our  side. 

I!::5t;::;.:  :':i.ess    and    pre^nnp,,,.,  and    l.oth    .hese 

2  Kh.g-^ 

C  AM 


2  II 


I  234  7;k(!Ul,t:  inch  s\i!(  ^r. 

J  illis."      We   liabboli,  cwo^    lie,   mo   j^eii    liec    beoii,  f.,  liely 

'  linluc.    pe  |n-kl(le  aiicliesuu  is,-''  lie  sei^,  |>et  hi  iie  Leo  neue;-  al  sik 

vor  sikerncsse  streoncS  jeineloaste,*'  7  oiutIiowc  :'  ?  bo^e  ];e(js 
Ktrcoiie^  inol-edieiicc.  pe  xieoroe  a.iielicsun  is,  ln\i  ure  l.ouer.l  liui 
liim  r'  j^ct  tu  scclie  liim  jeonieluker,  J  eleoplo  7  ^vc:(.lv..  efter  liliii,  a'o 
de'(S  ]7et  Intel  babaii  "^  efter  Ills  iiuKlei-.  j)er  elter  is  ]'e  vil'fe 
ancbesun  :  ]'et  tu  liis  ;5eiiicui)ie  niidenu)  ]^e  o]e<!lukei-.  po  slxte 
ancbesun  is,  ]>et  tu  ]'ejeft.'r  j>^  v-isliiker  \\ite  bim,  bwuii  Jmi  liauest 
ikcibt  biui  :'  ?  te  uestluker  liolde  :'  ^siocremid  Ids  leofinoue,  "Temil 
euni  nee  diuiittaui."  ])eos  six  rcisuus  bco'S  under  ])e  sixte  uroureii 
]?ct  jc  iinnven  babbeii,  nniie  Icoue  susti-eu,  ai;eaii  noiiduupcs. 

pe  seouebe  kuufort  is,  ];ef,  alio  ]jq  haluweii  weivn  ^vorldliebe" 
iteiited.  Xiin  of  ])o  liexte  ah-e  uormcst.  Vre  Louerd  seide  to 
Sciutc  Peter,  " Ecce  Satan  cxpetiuit  uos  ut  cribraret  sicut  trili- 
cum,"  7e.  "  I.o,"  cwoS  ure  Louerd,  "  Satan  is  jeoiMie  abuten  uorto 
ridlen^  ]>e  ut  oi"  mine  corne!^  radi  icb  Jiabbe  bisoulit  for  ])e,  j;et  ti 
Lilcaue  no  trukies  allunoc."     Seinte  Powel  befdc,  asc  telle^i  lie  liim 

sulf,  flesdies  prikiungc— "Datus   est  nuhi  stinudus  carnis  me;o" 

and  bed  ure  Louerd  jeornc  ]?et  lie  dude  bit  from  lilni :'  and  be 
nolde,  auli  seide,  "  Sufficit  tibi  gratia  niea :  nam  uirtus  in  inflrmitate 
lierficltur  :'■■  ]'et  is,  "my  grace  sebal  witen  ])o  ]>et  tu  ne  beo  ouer- 
cunien  :f  boon  strong  in  unstrencbc."  pet  is  muclicl  mibte.  AUe  he 
OiSre  beob  icruned  J)uruli  fibt  of  fondunge.  Seinte  Sare,  nes  beo 
fulle  J^reattene  -^cr  itented  of  bire  vlesclie  ;'  auli  foriii  ])et  beo  wuste 
FviinZ-lO.  ^vel  ]K't  in  ])e  inucbele  anguise  aros  ]>e  niuebele  med(>,  nulde  lie-o 
neucr  enes  Ijiseclien  ure  Louerd  ])et  li(>  allunge  deliurede  bire  ]>erof: 
anb  ])is  was  euer  bire  bone— "  Doniine,  da  milii  virtutem  rosistendi:" 
'•  Louerd,"  c\vetS  beo,  "  jif  me  streiieb'e  U(>rto  wicSstonden."  Efter 
j'reottene  3;er  com  ])Q  akursede  gost  ]^et  berUe  bire  itented blac  as  a 

-  lM,i-).e).n.l.l'.Mn-is  I-.  T.  I'  ?;..„r1c.s.   T. 

'  liti'lKini.  T.  "    uodlirlic.   T.  C.      h,,d(,'M.   MS.  Oxun. 

*■  I'i'lli    'i'.  C.  *  Jfoioii.-.  T.     ((,'.  ,/,<c/x.    MS.  Oxiiii. 

;■•  tiiiKo.   'J-.  C. 

,     ,■  -n.e  f.rartli  ivas.m  Nvl.y  our  Lor,!  \»M'n  In.n- 

The  reason  ^^^-^th.  )  ^^^^^  ^.^^^^   ^^^^^^  ^^^  ,^   ,, 

rr     -I    ii  d  .   .     1  v.m  not  let  him  go."  ^     These  s.  ..son. 

.istcrs,  aguhist  temptations  or  tnals. 



f    ^  ;■     th-it  all  tlie  saints  Nvcrc  tempted  like 

'l'''':r'n"r:^    truest  of  an  firs..   o.,..,o,:a=aM 

others  n,  tins  woiM.        '     '  °  ^.„^  „j  ,,iu,;,,,t  sicut,  trmcua,, 

to  St.  T'eter,  •'  l.c-cc  S  t.,n  .xpcu      ^  ^^^_^^^      ^^^^._.^^^^  „^ 

.^,...     "Behold."  4U0,h   -'■    ;;';\^^^',,,„„gu  for  thco  that  thy 
sift  thcc  out  of  nunc  clcrt  .    ^  ^^^^  ^^.^^^^jf  ^^n^.^,,^  .,,i,,d„g 

foith  fall  not  utterly.       &t.  1;  "    '  ^  '  „  „f  „      «,,!, ;  "  «  and  ho 

of  the  flesh.  "  TUere  >vas  ",  \  „  ;,=,„„ve  it  frou,  hin, ;  a,,.! 
,,,„yecl  our  Lord  carneslytl  _^^^,^  .  __^_^^  ^,^,,„^  ,„ 

he«ould  not,  but  sau  ,  ^.f^''  „„=,,,„„  keep  thee,  that  thou 
iufirutitate  perfie,tur ;  t  -,  y  =^  ._^  ^^^^^^^^„  y,-^  ;,  ^ 
Shalt  not  he  overcotne:  L''"']  ^''^;  =  ,,„,,^  o„  recount  of  then- 
,_,.      M,   the   other^satn.   are   .0^  ^^__^^_^^^^  ^^^  ^         „^  , 

resisting  ten.ptat.ou.     "  a-  ^1,^,^   ,„   ,,,,,.   gre.t 

rt,ir.oen  years  V     but,  '*--;,"-„,  she  ,vouhl  never  heseeeh  our 

aistress   the  -^-^\  ;^^^f\X^,  ,  J,  fi ,  it.  but  this  .asahvays 

Lord  that  he  would  --'fy;':'^^  .esistendi."    "  Lord,"  -i.'o.h 

ber,,rayer,  "  1. -■;;>';'"' l"     After  thirteen  years  eau.e   .he 

,,„.,  "  j;ive  UK-  sirensll'  •"  '^  '^  ■  ,.,^.,^  ,„  ,,  „,,,,„_-.ud  began 

,.eeurs«l  spirit  uhe  had  ten.pled  la, -bU 

.    |,„l,«,x:.Ui.--n. 


REc u L,i:  I y CI. u s A15 ur^i . 

Llo.un.nv'  7  big.m  to  gred-ii,  Siire,  \>n  liaiu-t  ouorcurucn  mc :  %  li-jo 
liiin  onswcTO  f  scid.'  i]m  llcst,  cwc^  l.eo,  fuk;  Jmh-  r'  iiout  icli,  auh 
luiuoS  Josa  Crist  my  Louwxl.  Lo!  Invu  ]^e  ^xvikc"  wolde  niakicn 
hire,  a  Inst,  leapcu  into  i.-iii.Il>.  Auh  lioo  was  f'ul  wol  JK-ruf,  7 
tunio  al  ye  moUtvlc  to  Codes  sri-cuc^u.  Souilo  Iniv.'it,  7  Srinto 
Antonie,  and  to  o5re  val  T,e  wuto-i  hu  lieo  wc-i-cn  incited,  7  ]'unili  j-c 
teiitaciuns  iprcoued  to  trcowc  champ'iuns  :"  7  so  mid  lihto  ofsevuodoi 
kempene  crane.  Ant  tis  lier  efter  is  ]^e  eihtw.Se  kunfort  :''■  ]'et  al  so 
also  ]}c  goklsmi^S  clcnseS  ])ct  gokl  iSe  furc,  al  so  deb  (Jod  ]>e  ;^oulo 
i^e  i'ui-e  of  fondungc. 

pe  nie-Se  cuniwrt  is,  jif  pe  ucoikIo  mid  foiiduiige  greueb  ]^e  sore, 
]?u  greuo:4  him  Invou  ];u  ctstondest  a  j'uscud  sibc  more  7  sarro  :'  7 
tot  I'or  ]u-eo  relsuns,  nomellcho,  J'ot  on  is,  ]K"t  he  norleoscb,  asc 
Origencs  seib,  his  strencS  uorte  tenten  enermore  on  WQn  snuch 
inanere  sunne.  pet  ober  is,  ].et  he  fnr^erluker  eclie>^  his  Jniie.  jK-t 
bridde  is  |;et  ho  iior-uivt  his  owunc  ]>eoite  oi'  sore  grome  7  of 
tcone,  ];et  ho  lUvSonc  liis  [teb],^^  det5  )>e  ibet  tentaciun  ]>"t  tu  stonst 
ajean  :!  muchelcS  ]nnc  mode  :'  7  for  pine  }.et  he  wende  uorte  drav.eji 
he  touward,  he  Lreide^  |;e  crunc  of  blisse.  And  nout  one  ne  two, 
auh  asc  ueole  siSen  asc  ]>xx  ouerkumest  him,  asc  ueole  cruncn  r  J^et 
is  to  sigiicn,  aso  ueole  menken'^  of  misliehc  muruhbcn  lie  greibcb 
I.e.  Uor  so  seib  Seint  Beornard:  '•'  Quoclens  iiineis,  toclens  coron- 
aberis."  The  tale  ine  uitas  patrum  bereb  wiineese  ee  herof,  of  j'e 
deciplc  Let  set  biuoren  his  meister,  7  his  mei.tor  iweard  '  aslepe,  mit 
tct  >et  iie  lerede  him  7  slepte  uort  midniht:  7  ]h.  he  awakcde,  ertu, 
cweS  he,  -et  her?  Go  7  slop  swiSe.^'  pe  holl  mnn,  mei.>ter, 
iwcarS  eft  aslepe  sone,  asc  ])C  ]>ct  hefde  ibeon  ine 
mncliele  Avecche,  7  iseih  enne  swube  ueh'ne  stude,  7  iset  lo. •^  ane 
trone  :   7  ter  on  seoue  crimen  :   7  com  a  stefne  to  him  7  seide  :    j'cos 

.-IlK-.    T. 



,    .q...    t^.u  hu<t  comim-rcd  me."     Ana  she  a.s.cved 
,,,,vout,    ^^-;^;^,;'  ,   ^  ^^^,^^,  ^^,,^   .jv>ul  tlnn..;;  uot,  I,  but 

hhu  an<l   said,    -  ^-i^'-i         y       i  ,     i.^lioM !  U^w   tlie  (leceiver 

„,,U  „,vavo  01  .t,  ^"  \ ""''"7,,  ,^,,,i,,  St.  A,>tl,n■,v,,uultlK■otto• 
(iui  Yo  know  ^ell  Low  S  -  l.u  a,  --  ,^  .^^.^.j  („  fc^ 
-int.  .0.0  tcnptea,  ™^' ^^^t      tl"™;':  of '  ito.y.     A.ul 

-{"■  '"'^  *■;'■"  "'Trrirtltc  fiend  with  tenn.tatlon  grieve.,,  thee    ' 
The  nintli  comfort  is,  .f  tho  1  ^^  ^^^^^^  ^,^^^^ 

sore,  tho.  gvlevest  him  a  ^'""^^^^Z^,,  ;,  tlnU  he  ioseth, 
.esi^tosf,  and  that  for     -^^  ™;'  ™:tWrtor  to  snch  hind  of 

,■„,.     A"'f-"-'^'  ''f ''°.        Ivay  his  own  heart  with  anger  and 

::r  ^at''hr:r;  t„\is  int.ti.,  fj^^ 

„r  the  ,,nn.huK.nt  w  u  1.  ho  t  ^^  ^_^  ^^^^_  ,^^^^  ^^  „,^„^.  ,„„„ 

,l,ec  the  crown  of  joj.     Ant  .^  ^^_  l_^  .,,.^p,,^,„|, 

,„„  overconKst  hmr,  so  ma  y  o w-  ^^^^^^^^^^^  ^,^_.  ^^  ^^_.^,^  ^^ 
f^rtheoasnrany  var,onskmds  o  J  J  ^^^^..^  „  ^j,,,^  ^j„,.,  ;„  ,„e 
15ernar.l,  "  vtnm,  t° "^y"  ^^^^  ^f  j^is,  coneer.nn.  the 
Uvesof  the  fathers  »'-  »  flj^,  ,„,  „.ster  foil  asloep  whilst 
aiscii.le  who  sat  before  '-  "  "^  __  .,j,  .^1,^.  ,„i  .vhen  he  awoke, 
,,0  .vas  teaching  hun,  and  slept  un  •_,.^.^,^,,    „    ^,,0  holy  .nan 

,,„  said,  "Art  """"J-"^'"- \,  ,"  "  he  hid  heen  ,,revionsly  in  .nncl. 
,,k  n,aster,  soon  fell  as  eep  =>?;  '^  '  ,^,  ,„.,_  „  „,,„„e  set  forth,  and 
„,,,,;„,,  and  he  saw.  n,  a  ve.yUan.d^^l^    ^     ^._^^  ^__^^l  ^   .^,_  .„,.,„^ 

'■1-'  i'  «^"-"  """":,  "!!l:'ns  tl,v  di.ei,le  hath  this  nigln  earned.' 

d    tli>     li 

dV.rJ   f 

,.1    c'allf.l   liini    U<   h 


^FAiVL.r.  IXCr.USAlH'M. 

sogo'?,eo5soo,,nenl,.„,S  ),i  |,eo,s  ilko  „il„  <,f  crn..,! 

^fou  ],.  J,,o  Invule  J,e,  id,  ,1,,,,,,  7  ,u  s,.(,.  W,„„v„  „„.  v-  «  ,  |,     '  , 

cwc^  l,e,  of,e  ,,et  Icl.  wuU.  ,.,.v,.,ki,.„  ,.,  ,;■,„,  '";"•; 

swofe,«  ,ch  „e  „or  reouSo  :'  7  ..eon,,,  l,..,!,,    .,  ^^  ^■''"-"' 

me  luste  slep™  :  ?„oMebutc„  le.-.uo."  "II    ,„      '  :    '^  "":':''  "'"' 

w,  bsoKlo  l>c  uoomic,  and  oncTco.n  In'm  s„lu>.„.  "        '^ 

•        Al  i,u^  K„.  susfen,  i&.  wi„stln„go'  of  tontacinn.  nri.eS  >,« 
b.Soa  0.     .  ^„„o  c,.,-on„l,UHr  nisi  ,,ui  le«i,in,e  cor„a,i,  •"  „.  ,,| 
on  Won  K.n,ncd,  sciS  Scinto  Powel,  b.Uo  Invo  sc      n,„    i.-  e1 

nnwi.tof  i.dlo..     p,o  uilac^  feoulicho  tot  s  o    L  ,  '""  '" 

.*«..    ,«o.i>ve„„.edof,,eos,n.c„.,Wi„J'i  l:^^^^^^^ 

c.„  Cn.e.  fc„,a,vo.  nov  I.eo  do.  as  i.o'^clL",,    1     ,!'   '^.tilf 

Cum  gustasset  acctum  ]ioIiut  bibcrc  *'"  1,nt  ;.  ]  •, 

dnu.h  7  wi.d.ouh  him  anon,  ^^  Mo  ^i    ^^u^  TT  ^T  'fT 

of.u.M.e.o.  Heo is, ].t  so  do.,  n^  ^d^  lis ::;:;''  '^ 

Vndcstond  7  ,,enc  ,.aul,,  ,.,   tc  is  ,alle  nnd.- :      ;  ,        Y"' 

swetc  ane  Invulc^  bctere  is  uorto  l.olien  Jnnsf  ]„,,  n„.     ]  "? 

Let  lust  ou.^on  J  hit  ].  wnle  liken.       .  o  ^  '1  ?:''  ^^'^!;'^^'- 

lat].unche^  god   lor  to  gnidcn  :  .  au],  Li  J      f  v  "^^^/'^^^^ 

iiche  snu-orton.      AV^eik.^i  '   and  n.oni  I       '  \  ^  -^^^^Mnt  bmo. 

•!i<-lo   !,eto 

■  f.xs!.:.   T. 
Jiiiuillr  uf  l,.,ru 


in. I'll.  (_;. 

i-\    T.      u,i 
I  pin./.    T.    I,,- 

'■>;.  f. 

TiTF.  vinoinous  oyv.n  'ij:An-r.\T[o\  c;i;oav\t:d. 


'•TfU  iiu',"  (|iiot]i  lu',  '-iiow  was  it  with  ilioc-  wliilo  I  .sl<,']it,  and  llioii  sit  l>oforo  mo?"  '•  f  often  tlionglit,"  ([iiutli  ]io,  "that  I  would 
awaken  thee,  and  because  tliou  didst  .^l-ep  swe^'tly,  I  coidd  not  for 
pity;  and  tla-n  I  tliongiit  tliat  I  would  go  away,  for  I  liad  a  desire  to 
slccj),  and  would  not  without  leave."  "  ITow  oft,"  tjuotli  he,  '•'  did>l 
thou  o\ercuine  thy  thought  thus?"  "Seven  times,"  said  he.  Then 
undeistood  his  ma-ter  well  what  were  the  seven  crowns — that  they 
were  the  seven  hinds  of  juv  wliieli  his  disciple  liad  merited  each 
time  that  he  rejected  the  suggestions  of  the  ficnd,  and  dem'ed 

I^^vcn  so,  dear  sisters,  in  the  wrestling  with  temptation,  nriseth 
the  gain,  "  Nemo  coronahitur  nisi  qui  legitime  certavit."  "  No  one 
shall  be  crowned,  saith  St.  Paul,  cxccjit  ho  who  fights  vigorously 
and  faithfully  ngaiiist  the  world,  and  against  himself,  and  against  the 
wicked  one  of  hell.  She  fighteth  faithfully  wdio  standeth  firm,  how- 
soever she  is  attacked  by  these  three  adversaries,  and  especially  by 
the  flesh,  of  what  kind  soever  may  be  the  desire  ;  and  the  moiv 
violent  it  is,  fighteth  again-t  it  the  n:!ore  resolutely  ;  and  refuseth  to 
consent  to  it,  though  with  reluctant  heart,  however  strongly  it  may 
incite  her.''  She  who  doth  thus  is  a  follower  of  Jesus  Christ :  for 
she  doth  as  he  did,  when  he  hanged  on  the  cross.  "Cum  gustasset 
acetum  noluit  bibere  ;  " "  that  is,  he  tasted  the  bitter  drink,  and 
inuiiediately  withdrew  himself,  and  would  not  drink  it,  tho\igh  he 
wasthii'sty.  Slie  is  with  God  on  his  cross  ^Yho  doth  so,  although 
she  thiisteth  in  the  desire,  and  the  devil  offers  her  his  sweet  drink. 
Understand,  howeve]',  and  consider  that  there  is  gall  under  it;  and, 
th(nigh  it  be  sweet  ibr  a  while,  it  is  better  to  sniler  thirst  than  to  be 
l)oi.s(jned.  l^et  the  desire  pass  over,  and  you  will  be  glad,  ^\'il^le 
itch in;>- lasts,  it  seDus  an  agreeable  thing  to  ]-ub  ;  but  afterwai'ds  it 
is  j'ch  painfully  t<.  smart.      Alas  !   jnany  a  one,  on  account  of  great 

2  'V\ 
"  I'.t 


iiiiiiif"" — M' 

240  UKCCLK   !X(M  SAiIlM. 

swii-Sc  ofjHirst  r.iid  alio  j^et  tt-o  liwulo  pet  iico  (Irinko^  Jk.iio  druncli, 
lie  loo  liif  liCucT  so  l,iftfr,  iie  iade?5  lico  liit  ncuer  r  aiili  <.';ulclicIS  hi 
jiaorlivh.j/  7  no  iiimeS  ii'.r.or  j^K'nit'.  Aiul  Invon  hit  is  :tl  oucrc, 
jjcoiino  spot  hoc  ?  scliekc5  ]>et  lieaued,  ?  fu^  on  iinrto  iiiiielcsi,  7 
maiden  sure  7  grinnne  clieiv  :  auii  to  letc''  j'eonnc.  Xout  IbiM, 
eftcr  vuei,  god  is  penitence:  ])et  is  ]n"t  beste])ouinio  speowen  liit  iit 
anon  mid  scliriflo  to  ]'C  prcoste.  For  bilcai^c  liit  wixiiiiaen,  Iiit  wub' 
breden  deab.  Vor  |'i,  mine  Icoue  sustren,  beoo  biuoren  iwane  : 
and  cfter  ]yo  vn-onren  ]>ct  bcoJS  lier  iwriteiie,  ajcan  a!le  uondmiTc-j 
soclietS  }>.?os  saluen. 

Ajan  alio  tentaciuns,  and  nonieliclie  a-can  vloslielio,  saluou  boo^ 
7  boten  under  Godes  grace  :  holie  nieditaciuns — inwarde,  7  meiS- 
loaso,  7  anguisusc  I'uner. — 7  lierdi  itilcaue  r'  7  redungo  7  fc^.sten,  7 
■\vecclien  :'  7  licoialiclie  swinkes  :  7  froui-e''  iiorto  s[)cken  tousvard  tc 
i'ben  ilke  stundc  ]>et  te  stont ""  stronge  :  and  cdniodnessc,  7  ]'oleuicd- 
ncsse,  7  freolac  of  bcorte,  7  olle  godo  J^eawcs,  beo<S  annes  ijnsso 
vilitc  :'  7  onrednesse  of  luue  oucr  allc  J>e  oJjre.  pe  J;et  Iiis  wcpneu 
■\vorpe-S  awei,  him  lustc  boon  iwimded. 

Holie  meditaciuns  beo5  biclupped  in  one  iicrs  Wt  was  -^nr'- 
iteiht,*  mine  leoue  sustren : 

pet  is. 

"Mors  tun,  mors  Domini;  nota  ciilpe,  gnudia  coli, 
Judicii  terror,  figantur  mente  fideli."' 

pencil  fifte  mid  sor  of  lieorte  o  J'ino  siunii-ii. 
pencil  ec  of  hellu  ^\-^>  j  uf  lieoucriclio  wunnon. 
pouch  elc  of  I' in  o-\vunt!  (loa>5c  -j  of  Godes  rode. 
Nim  ofto  i¥inc  modc"  \>enc  grime  dom  of  domtsdoi. 
pencil  eke  hu  nals  is  ]>cs  -world,  -j  hwuch  beo\5  liis  modeii. 
pencil  ec  lnv;it  tu  owust  C'ud,  nor  Lis  '.md  di.'d>.'n. 

giiic-clios  in  J.; 
uiNrcs  frouiv'. 
ill  l.ror!.'.   C. 


•^^    ScllJWC!!.     ('. 

'  it;iclit  ..u.    C.    r, 


]\IEAXS  TO  r,i:  iM.i'  - ■   - 

-,..-.-- -^;;:\rtiiS"::;*-?r 

l„.aa,    ond    l..yi>'.«    t-   ,"",,„„.        Kolwithstandi..-,  ^ifti'i'    si", 

5onx,wn.! ;    but  it    !•<  tnoli    too     -  ...  .^   ^,^,j  ;,„_ 

,,.„,,  i,  good-.    tlK.   best   tlung,  '^    '   f  ,„„,,u,vhl, 

.,iU  eauso  deat!,.;,vo.  '".V     -■  '^  ,  bo.-o  ^vvittc.  sook 

toKl;anaacoofdi,,gtot!,ecomfo.t»   .Inc.. 

„,Jo  rcnodies. gainst  .11  to,n,.tat.on.. 

Against  all,  ana  >-''l"^"''"-^  ."r™,,,.,  „„eo,  l.oly  meditations, 
,„„Vc.inos  and  tvntodios  are,  "'  ^  ^,^^;"  ^fstro;,  faitl.,  and  read- 
i„,.,,,d,  incosstnt,  and  — -  f^;^  ,^.  ■,,,„„,,  „„d  cotnfoft  fron, 
i„g,  fasting,  and  -f  *'."&;■"  ,„7'„\  temptation,  and  Intm.Ut.v, 
„tl,e,-s,  spoken  to  *«'"';;/'-  „,wiJes,  ate  weapons  in  tins 
patience,  and  openness  n  at  .-  ^,^  ^^^,,^^,^.^,  „,  „,,,„  „„owetl. 
fight,  and  s,ngtoe»  of  b-^ 
away  Ins  weapons  de»iio»  to 

,       1    1    ;„   a  vcvsc  tliat  was  long 
Holy  meditations  arc  comprokonded  n. 
since  tangkt  you,  my  dear  sisters:- 



That  IS 

Think  oft,  .Uh  sorrow  uf  hca  ^  .,  ^^^^    .^^^  ^^^^^^^^^,^^^ 

Think  abo  of  the  l^'^-'^  ^'^ ^'^    '  ;     ,  „n!u."c>-o.s  ot  Cluisl. 
Thmk  also  uf  thine  o^vn  aealh    a  ^^^^^^^^^  ^^^_  ^^^^^  .^^^^^^^^^_^^  j_,^,,  oil  in  thy  ntind  tin.  lea  ^^^.^  .^^  ^.^,,,,,1, 

^,a  think  h.>.iahe  tins. .^^.^ 
Think  aho  Nvln.t  thou  ou...t  I. o 

2  1 

CA-M'.>-   ^<^^^'- 


KKGULyi:  INC  I  I  SAliL  .M. 

iMiericlion  of  |;co.s  \voi-ck'S  woldc  linbbeii  !on^;c  Invulo  lunie  lj».(.in  Mel 
iopened  :  auii  jif  icli  liic  swuSc  iiorbwiirdj  demcorc''  ^e  ]>c  k'ngre. 
O  word  ich  siL^ge  cfter  o\vo<'  suniuii:  ]'et  liwoiiiic  se  -^e  J^oiichuS  of 
lic'lle  v.'o  ?  ol'  lieuucriclic  wur.iic  :  vi!<lcrr,t(jude^i  };ct  Gud  woldc  a 
siunc  wise  sclieuwon  li.ini  to  Dicn  iM^se  worlde  bi  worldliclic  pincii  7 
Avorldliche  wnuiieii :  and  sclicawrde  liain  uny'S  :i-e  bauli  hit  woiv  a 
sclicadtwc — uor  iio  likuro''  iic  boob  lico.  Lc  beuej  oucr  ]mss(> 
worldca  SL'C,  iij)pcu  J;l'  ])ruo-;;e'^  of  licouciu'.  LokeS  Int  ^i  lU'  beoii 
/';^o  Cii.  nout  ilieliL"  ]>c  liurst;  };t't  is  scdu'oul!,  7  blciicheS^  uor  one  sclicridewe 
upo  ]k'  lieie  brugge,  J  falleb  adun  into  J'l-  wateiv  of  ])q  lieie  brugge.® 
To  scbeowe'"  lu-o  beo'5  mid  alle  ]>ct  i\co'6  uur  i\uv  peintiuv,  ]^et 
];uncJieS  bani "  grish'cli  7  grureful  iiorto  liijn^ldcii.  Wo  and  wunnc 
i]'issc  worlde  al  nis  buto  ase  a  scbeadewe — al  iiis  biite  a»e  a 

A  out  one  lioiie  iiieditacluns  ase  of  ure  Louerde,  7  of  alle  iiis 
werkep,  ?  of  alle  his  wordes ;  of  ]>e  deore  lefdi,  7  of  alle  his 
lialuwen  :'  auh  o5er  ]?ouhtes  suiume  cherre  ine  mecilease  uonduiiges 
liabbeS  iholpen — vour  kunne  uomeliche — to  vL'Schliehe  asailed  :' 
dredfule,  7  wunderfule,  7  gledfule,  7  seoruhfule,  willes  wi^uten 
neode  arearcd  in  ]k'  heorte  :'  ase  ]>enclicii  Invat  tu  ^voidest  don  jif 
];u  iscie  openliehe  biuoren  }'e  stonden,  7  jeonien  wide  uppon  ];e,  ])enc 
deonel  of  belle,  ase  he  deS  dernelielie  ine  uondunges:  otSerpfmc 
renule  lude  furl  fur!  ])vt  te  cliircbe  bernde !  o^er  jif  ]m  ihcrdest 
j^eoues  bn>ken  ];ine  woawes.  peos  7  o^er  s\\  uclie  dredfule  ])oun(es. 
Wunderfule  7  gledfule— ase  ;^if  ]'U  iseie  Jesu  Crist,  7  iherde^t  him 
asken  ]>e  Invat  te  were  leouest  efter  ]>i  sauuaciun,  7  ]>ine  leouest 
ureond,''  of  ]?inge  of  ]>isso  line,  7  bede  \>c  uorto  cheoseu,  wiN  ]>en  ]>et 
tu  wiSstodc:   otSer  jif  ]>u  iscie  soMiclie  al  pet  were  ine  heouene,  7  al 

■A\.U\r.    C. 

i.    sk.rif    liors    iliclu-    1>  schunt.  ^.   T.      l^^ 

<■  brinko.  T.  C. 
j'_  Q,  r  seines  t    Lain.  '1'. 

'  I.riul.c.  T. 


]t  woul;l  nvjiuiv  a  ]u};g-  wliilc  to  e.\j)laiii  fully  every  one  of  those 
wofJs.  Ikit,  if  I  lui-t-ii  ijuiv'kly  oiiward,  tarry  ye  tlio  lunger.  1 
say  or.e  v/c^rd  ii;  i-.'garil  to  }our  sins  :  that  \\licn  yo  tliink  of  tlie 
pains  of  licTl  au'l  the  joys  of  hcawn,  ye  musl  understaiul  that 
God  designed  to  exhibit  tlieni,  in  some  maimer,  to  men  in  this 
world,  by  worldly  pains  and  worldly  joys  ;  and  lie  shewed  them  as 
it  v/ere  a  shado^^' — for  tlie  likeness  to  them  is  no  greater.  Ye  are 
above  the  sea  uf  tliis  world,  upon  the  bridge  of  heaven.  See  tliat  ye  be 
not  like  the  horse  that  is  sliy,  and  blcnchetli  at  a  shadow  upon  tlic  liigli 
bridge,  and  fallelh  down  into  the  water  from  the  high  bridge.  They 
are,  indeed,  too  shy  w]:o  flee  throngh  fear  uf  a  picture  that  sxH-meth 
to  them  and  terrible  to  behold.  All  pain  and  pleasure  in 
this  world  is  only  like  a  shadow — it  is  all  only  ns  a  picture. 

Not  only  holy  meditations,  as  of  our  Lord,  and  all  his  v/orks, 
arid  his  words ;  of  the  dear  lady,  and  all  his  saints ;  but  other  re- 
flections also  liavc  sometimes  helped  in  innumorablG  temptations — in 
four  kinds  especially— when  assailed  with  carnal  temptations — fearful 
and  wonderful,  joyful  and  sorrowful  thoughts,  which  arise  spon- 
taneously in  the  heart ;  as,  to  think  what  thou  wouldest  do  if  thou 
sawest  the  devil  of  liell  stand  openly  before  thee  and  gape  widely 
upon  tliee,  as  lie  doth  secretly  in  temptations:  or  if  some  one  cried 
out  loudly,  fire  !  fire  !  the  church  is  in  flames  !  or  if  thou  heardcst 
thieves  break  tln'ough  thy  walls.  These,  and  other  like  fearful 
thoughts.  Wonderful  and  joyful — as  if  thou  sawest  Jesus  Clirist, 
aiid  heard  him  a.-k  thee  wliat  were  dearest  to  thee  after  thy  'salva- 
tion, and  that  of  thy  dearest  friends,  of  the  things  of  this  life,  ami 
bade  thee  choose,  upon  the  condition  of  thy  resisting  temptation;  oi", 
if  tliou  aetually  sawest,  when  under  temptation,  all  that  ar.-  in 
licaven,  and  all  that  arc  in  hell,  beholding  thee  alone;  (,r,  if  any 
one  cauic  and  told  tliee  that  a  man  vei-y  deai'  (<j  llu'e  were  eK'cted 

oi'  this 



IS   l>v  a  voice  from  ]iea\-en  ;   and  oth 

h-irnl  and 


If  lla.u   well    loM  th 

24  i 

llEG LL.K  lNCLl"SAliV3[. 

Fvlic  C'L 

l^e't  v.eiv  iuL'  liclle/"  in  ]'c  triitaoioii,  IjilioUeii  ]>i' oik- :  ober  pi'  iiU' 
come  7  toldc  ]>c  ]'ct  a  nioii  ]'ct  were  ]'o  looucst  wltc  icli.j.-cii  tu  pDj.^', 
]>\v:v^^  <ouiC  miracle,  ar,e  ]ninili  sum  stefnc  of  licoiu'iic  :'  iijkI  alle 
o'ore  sv.uciie.  AVuiKlorlvik-  7  sconilifuK — asi-  ^if  ]hi  ilicrtlost  siggcn 
I'l't  n  nvfi\  \n<  v^■er^.•  j'O  leoiiL'st  were  iierliclu'  aflroiiit,  oMcr  iinur- 
bred:''  ober  ]>et  tine  j;v::trcn  wen-n  in  hore  lius','  iiorLerne.'^  Swuclie 
])oulite3  oftc,  i  vlesliclie  souleii,  vivnelieS  v.t  vleslic'ie  teiita- 
ciuns  ]?eone  suimne  of  ]7e  iiorme. 

Inwiird,  ?  iiR-McasL'j  1  angrestulc  buiicn  biwjiincb  sunc  sucuj-s  7 
lielp  7  ure  Loiierd  ajcan  flesclics  fondunovs  :  7  nc  Leon  lieo  ik-uct 
so  anoTosfLdc,  iic  so  fulitowuae,  jk-  dcoucl  of  liellc  dutcS  liaiu 
swu^e  :  vor  tekeri  ]n't  iieo  draw.b  scik-  adun  sucurs  ajean  liim,  and 
Godes  liond  of  lieuuene,  do^  him  two  lienncs— bindeS  him,  7 
bcriieS.  Lol  lior  prooiic  of  bobc.  rupphus,^  on  lioH  muii  was  in 
liis  boncii,  7  com  ];c  iicond  biiucii  lum  vleiudc  bi  }'0  kifto  on  hihcie'-' 
toward  ]>e  west  cndc  of  ];c  worldc,  jnuuh  Juhanos  hcstc  ]>e  Ampcrnr, 
7  wearS  ibundcn  uileucste '"  mid  to  hohc  monncs  beodcn,  ]'ct  of-token- 
liim  asc  heo  ckambcn  upward  toiuvard  tc  heonene,  ];ct  he  nc  muhtc 
hider  nc  Juder,  ten  dawes  fuUc,  Nabbe  ;^e  ]>is  also  of  Ilufhn  ])e 
dcoucl,  Bcliales  brobor,  in  our  Englischo  boo  of  Seinte  IMargaretc? 
And  \g  oScr  deoiicl  ]>Qi  me  redeS  of  ]?et  he  greddc  ludc  to  Seinte 
Bartkolomeu,  ]>ct  mucliel  was  inc  beodcn,  7  seide,  "  Incendunt  me 
oraciones  tuo : "  Dartliolomeu,  wo  is  me  I  nor  J'ine  bonen  uoibcrneo 
me!  Hwo  so  mei,  ])uru!i  Godes  grace,  liabbeii  teares  inc  buncn, 
heo  mei  don  n\id  God  al  pet  heo  euer  wuk'.  Vor  so  wo  rede-5, 
"Oratio  lenit,  lacrima  cogifc:  hec  ungil,  ilia  pungit."  Eadic  boiien 
softc'S  7  paie'^  urc  Louerd  :'  aidi  tcares  do^  him  slrenebe.  Be  -den 
smurie^   him   mid  swete   oluhnnnge  :    null  tcares  pi-ikie^  iiim,  7  ne 

:.ic  hiis.  'J'. 
n  hiliNc.  I'. 
hclcuc.^U'.  C. 

iiimiiSioil.  asc  he  )•  wrat  \n>   C, 

I'iplill:,.    T. 

:u-.  C. 

UlKltl-k....    T. 


THE  r.rnCACV  ov  i'i;.ni'-i'. 

,,,  a„r  to  tlK..  "-ere  su.Mcly  .U-uwn-l  or  nuu-dorcl ; 

i;:::i:.s'i;  c:;:;"..--,  .■<^™ "-  -^^-  ---"  '^"""^" ^ 


;>   1   o,„l   fervent  lirnycrs  soon  oLtaiii  succour 

ami  l.elr  from  our  Lord  "-^•-"      <^";  .;/„,.  ,„„  ;,  „n,cl,  afraid 

ever  so  rudely  ferveut,  or  so  coar»e,     «  '«  ^^^.,^j„,„,,  „„1 

of  ,l,o,„.  For,  t!,at  '1-^  ^  ^J  >;'^,^',„  ,,;»  l,ar„,  of  tuo 
„„,„„,  of  Godfronrl.eave„aga.u      u„i,^l   y  .^  ^^ 

UhKh:  tbey  bind  and  they  '--»  ''  '•  J^ts  and  .be  fieud 
botb.  Pui-Plius,  -  1-b'  »»».;■  ;,>^,^^,.^  ,,„  ,-,,,,  end  of  .be 
fl,ing  bigb  above  ''""''^-fE"  "or  ulian,  and  was  bound  fa.t 
,vorld,  by  tbe  counnand  of     '    Enne>  ^^,  _^  ^^  _^^^^^^_^^^,  ,,^, 

by  tbe  boly  man's  V;ayo  „  ^^lncb  ovc  ^^^  _^^^^  ^^^.^,^^^.  ,.^^. 

toward  beaven,  so  tbat  be  could  not  pto  ee  ^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^ 

full  ten  days.  Have  ye  not  al»  tluj  'V^,,^,,,-  And  tbe  otbcr 
bro,b<.r,  in  our  Englisb  book  of  ^^J^^^^  g,.  B„,„,„,„„,ew, 
aevil  of  wbicb  we  --^  "-  j-^^  '  "  I  eendunt  n,e  oratioue.  tu.." 
.vbo  was  nu,eb  ">  r™^'"' "  "  ,  "'  ;_„  burn  ,ue !  Ho  wbo  can 
Woe  a,u  1,  I',artbo!onu.w    o.  t  0     ■»  „,,„,„  „,•  Oo.\ 

tbrongb  fiod's  grace,  sl,ed  t^-"» '" '^.^.J,    f.  o,„,i„  ,enit ; 
whatever  be  desires       for  «.  j    '.,,,,„,  ...rteu  and  an.ease 

cogit:  ba.c  nngi. ;   dla  ,an,y;-       ""  :  ,^„„;,„  ,,;„  „itb  sweet 

-"■'■"■•'1-'  •"""■^"•^  •"■'"*":/•    a„:.  never  give  bi,n  peace  nor 
blan.lisbment;  but  t.-ars  go.   I    ■>    ,  ^y,^^^,,  -^  ,,„pj,e„5  tl,at 

„.s.,  be  grant  .ben,  al   .bat    b      •'    •  ^^.^^.^^  .,„,  ,„,,„„,, 

,„wus  or  castles  are  stonned,  .bos,       

.,,,u.ia..>-^.n-,N^^"- '■'■'■-'■ 

246  KEGUL/T,  IXCLrSAia/Ar. 

Foi;o  G5/..  riuc^  iiim  Jiouer  pels  ne  rcste,  er  j^eii  lie  jottio  liajn  al  |;el  Iicoaske^. 
llwoi!  ]ut  so  biualleb  ]?L-t  ii-:c  a.saileS  buruliv.e.s  oJSer  castl.js,  ]^eo  h^-x 
bco^  viSiniK'H  lieldeO  scliakliiKle  water  ut,  7  v.erieS  so  }'e  Avalk's:  ? 
IV.  don  al  so.  Asc  oftc  aso  ]'o  iiuuiul  a.saileS  ouAor  castL'l,  7  tc  soule 
Lnrr.]i,  inid  inward  boncn,  wurpeS  ut  uppoii  him  sclialdiiide  tearc'S  :' 
J?et  Daui  siggc  bi  }>e,  "Contribulasti  ca])ita  draconum  in  atjuis."  pu 
hauest  forsclialdcd,  lie  sci^,  ];g  drake  lioaued  mid  ^^•:dl!nde  wafero, 
>ct  is,  mid  liotc  tearcs.  per  ase  ].is  water  is,  sikerlidie  ]k:  iieond 
flihS,  kisfo  boo  beo  uorsd;akkod.  Eft,  on  o5er  uorbisne:  kastcl  J;et 
haueS  deope  dicli  abuten,  7  water  beo  iSe  dick — ];c  kastcl  is  wel 
kareleas  a^ean  his  unwines.  Kastel:  j'et  is  euericlie  god  mon  •"*  j'ot 
te  ucond  ^yeorrcS.  Auk  liabbe  je  dope  dick  of  deope  cdmodiiesse  7 
wete  teares  Jvrto— jc  bco5  strong  kastel.  pe  weorreur  of  Iielle  mei 
longe  asailen  on,  7  forleosen  al  his  kwule.  Eft,  me  seiS,  7  so?)  hit 
is,  a  nuTchel  wind  ali5  mid  a  Intel  rein  :'  7  tc  sunne  ])cr  eftcr  schineS 
]'0  scliemnu'e.  Al  so  a  muchel  ter.taciun,  |?ct  is  ])cs  feondes  bles, 
auallcS  mid  a  softc  rein  of  a  kit  teares,  7  tc  soc)c  sunnc,  J^et  is  Jesu 
Crist,  schineS  J^erefter  sch</mmre  to  )7e  sonle.  pus  beot)  teares 
gode,  mid  inwardc  bonen.  And  jif  je  understondecS,  ick  habbe 
iseid  of  ham  ker  iiour  mucliel  etficaces,  uor  kwui  Iieo  beoJS  swuoe 
uorto  luuien.  In  alle  our  neoden,  sendeS  cwiclieke  aiion  I'eo:^ 
FuU'j(^G.  sondcn  touward  kcouene.  Vor,  ase  Salomon  seici,  "  Oratio  kuuiili- 
antls  [se]  penetrat  nuljcs,"  7c.  )?et  is,  ]»e  cdmodies  momics  bonen 
]nu-leb  ]>c  weok-ne.  And  ter  seiS  Seint  Austin,  "J.laoiia  est  uirtus 
pure  oracionis,  que  ad  Dominum  intrat,  et  mandata  peragit,  ubi  caro 
pervenirc  nequid."  O  muchel  is,  he  selS,  ]?c  milite  of  scliir  7  of 
clene  bo)ie  ]>et  flihc)  uj)  7  cunieb  in  biuoren  Ahnihti  God,  7  deJS  ];e 
erindc  so  wel,  ];et  God  hat  writen  o  lines  boc  al  ]>et  hco  seixS :'  7 
Seint  Beornard  bereS  witnesse,  7  seitS  ]>vi  ure  Louerd  etliak  hire 
mid  liim  sulf;  7  sent  adun  his  engel  norte  (km  al  ]>et  lieo  aske^. 
Mislich ''  [/.  nulHch]  of  bonen  siggi-n  her  nam  [/.  n;inj  more.'-' 

„.n,.xrr..vvr..s.vTrnK..r,.B.o™r.„x.  -.' 

,        ,  ,     ,  ,,, ,ih      Even  so  do  ye.     As  ofl.m  «s  tlie 


^::,  "con.iudasH ...... «n^-  ^^„,,^  „, 

.cald<.l,  s.i.-,  l.e,  ''I-!- ';;  ;    i;':,S,,  i,  tl.c  fieud  novo.  fad.  .o 

;,„  ,.„,,,  lest  l.e  .l,ould  be  se*d  A- '^^.^  ,^  ,^.„,„,  ;,>  U.c 
The  c..tle  tl,.t  iKUl,  a  deep  d  .      o  ca m  ^^^^^^^  ^  ^^_^^  _^^  ^^^    .^, 

ditel,,  tlK.  castle  is  seetu-e  »|--'  ^^^  ^^.^^,,  But  if  yc  1-ve  tl,e 
good  .™u  on  wl.on>  "'»  .f"'^  'X'^.^t,,  „f  tears  in  it,  y^ -■- " 
Lop  ditch  of  deep  Umtdtty,  »«^\-  ^'^^^j  ,„„  k„g,  and  lose 
„,„„„  castle.     Tl.e  .avnur  "f.  -"  '^^    ^^.J  ^    .e„t  wind  is  laid 

,vitl,  a  little  ram;  and  he  ^^"  ;"  ,,^  ,^<,„ii's  storm,  is  laid 
Even  so,  a  great  tomptat.on,  ...d  -^  .^  j„,,,  Clnist, 

.  soft  rain  of  a  few  '^-'^^'^^t^^'such  is  the  benefit  of  tears, 
shineth  thereafter  bnghte.  to  the  s»  „„aerstand  it.  I  have 

with  inward  prayers      And,  rt     o  _^^  ^^^.^^^  ^,_^^.  „^.,, 

,,ere  mentioned  four  -n'ort-t  ofte  t»  «  .^.^;  ^^_^^^  .uicldy  these 
greatly  to  he  loved.  u  «"  J""  '  „^  s„i„„,„,  ^aith,  "  Orat.o 
four  messengers  toward  heaven.     X     ,_  ^^^^  ,^_^^^y^  „„„s 

hnmihantis  se  r^^^'f  ""''"'  1  And.  '"  «'«  ^^"'^  '«'''  ^'• 
,,,,ers  pierce  ''"-"S^f  ^  .^f  t^j^orltionis,  qua.  ad  Dominmn 
Austin  saith.  "Magna  -  -  ^^^  ;^  .,,„i,.e  „cquit."  O  great 
inlrat,  et  raandata  peragd,  ub.  cai  j,.,^^,^  ,  ,  „„j 

:„Uh  he,  is  the  force  of  ^^^'^^^^^^''^ ^i  doth  .he  errand  so 
con,eth  into  the  presence  f  A^'™"  '  {, ,^  ,„;,,,  to  he  written  ut  the 
,vell,  that  God  commandeth  ^J^J^  ^^..,„„,,  „„a  „i,h  that  o.>r 
hook  of  life.  And  St.  I'"'  »y^^"  ;,,,  d„,v„  his  angel  to  do  all 
Lord  retains  her  '"".'-I '  ^ "  \.fi  ,,;„  ,„,,  ,„y  no  n.oro. 
,!,„,  she  asheth.     Conee™n,g  p.ayer»  1 

,-.  13. 



Ilcrdi  bilcaue  bringvS  ])ciie  clcoucl  a,  vlihtc  anon-rllitcs:  *?  tet 
Avitneb  Scint  lame  1;  seiJS,  "  Rc-istite  diabo^o  ct  i'ugict  a  nobis." 
Et^tuiidcS  one  ajean  J>e  ucoiidc,  f  lie  dcS  him  o  flulito.  Edstond: 
J^uruh  hwat  strencSe?  Seiuto  Pc'ter  teclieS:  "Cui  resislite,  fortes 
in  fide."  Stor.d  one  ajean  bim  mid  stronge  bileaue,  Bcub  bcrdi  of 
Godes  helpc  :^  ?  wuteS  iiu  lie  is  avoc  |;et  none  stivncuc  nauco  on  us, 
buten  jjuruli  us  suhien.  Ne  uiei  lie  buteu  se]lca^^  e  |;e  uorci  suiu- 
hwat  of  bis  a|)cwarc  :'  ?  olulnien,  o'6qv  })reaten  j)et  UxC  bugge  ]>erof :' 
and  bMOcier  so  be  decS,  -lokereS  7  scliorncS,  7  lauliweS  j^e  olde  ape 
ludc  to  bisniare  ];urub  treowe  bileaue  :'  *?  be  bait  bim  iscbend,  *? 
deS  bim  o  flubte  swueie.  "  Sanctl  per  fidem  uicerunt:"  ]><.t  is,  alio 
])c  bolie  baluwcn  oucrcumen  ]'urub  bileaue  ])es  dcofles  rixlungc,  ]>cL 
nis  bute  sunne.  Vor  nc  rixleb  be  ine  none  butc  J^uridi  sunne  one. 
NimecJ  nu  godo  jeme  bu  alio  ]>c  seouen  deac^liebe  sunnen  nmwcii 
boon  n-vleied  J;urub  treowe  bileaue.     On  crest  nu  of  Prude. 

Folio  GGb.  IIwo  is  jjet  bait  bim  nmcliel  7  prut  Invon  be  bih-.dt  bu  Intel  ]'e 
mucbele  Louerd  niabede  bim  wiSinnen  one  poure  nieidenes  wo))ibe? 
And  bwo  is  ontful  ]?et  bibalt  mid  oicji  of  bileaue  bu  Jesu  Crist,  nout 
for  bis  godc,  dude,  7  sclde,  ?  jiolede  al  J^et  be  polede  ?  pe  ontftde 
ne  kepten  nout  ])et  me  dealcdc  of  lioro  gode.  And  God  Almiliti  ;^c't, 
efter  al  ]?et  be  J^olcde,  alibte  adun  to  belle  uorto  scchcn  feolawcs,  If 
delen  mid  bam  ]>et  god  ]}et  be  befde.  Lo !  ini,  bu  uronunard  IjooS 
]>e  ontfule  to  ure  Louerd!  peo  ancre  )>et  weriidc  an  oSer  a  owacr 
uorto  lencn, — ful  ucor  lico  befde  beoneward  '  birc  eien  of  bibaue. 

heo  Jen  ward.  T. 

THE  ^o^vI:^:  of  rAnii. — or  kxvv. 


Steadfast  faitli  jailtctli  tlie  devil  to  fliglit  iininedi:it"ly  :  St.  Jaines 
confirmetl)  tlil-;,  and  saitli,  "  Kcsistite  diabolo  ct  fuuiet  a  vobis." ' 
Only  stand  fii'in  a^^ainst  the  fiend,  and  lie  betaketh  himself  to  fiiglit. 
Stand  firm:  thruugli  what  .-trenntli?  St.  ]\-ter  teacheth,  "  Cui 
resistite,  fortes  in  fide."^  Stand  only  again-t  him  v.ith  strong  faith. 
Be  confident  of  God's  assistance,  and  learn  to  know  how  weak  is  he 
that  hath  no  power  over  us  but  through  ourselves,  lie  can  only 
shew  tho(>  some  of  his  cc>unterfeit  wares,  and  wliocdlc  or  threaten  to 
induce  men  to  buy  ti:ejn  ;  and  \vhirhever  of  these  he  doth,  mock 
ye  and  despise  and  laugli  tlie  old  ape  to  utter  seorn,  through  true 
faith  ;  and  he  will  accv.unt  liimsclf  defeated,  and  betake  himself  to 
flight  quiekly.  "  Sancti  per  fidem  vicerunt;  " ''  that  is,  all  the  holy 
saints  by  faith  overcame  the  pov/er  of  the  devil,  which  is  merely  sin. 
For  he  hatli  power  iji  none  but  thi-ough  sin  only.  Now  take  good 
heed  how  all  the  seven  deadly  sins  may  be  driven  away  through 
steadfast  faith.     First,  now^,  of  Pride, 

Who  is  there  that  tliinks  himself  great,  and  is  proud,  when  he 
beholds  how  little  the  great  Lord  made  himself  within  the  A\omb 
of  a  poor  virgin?  And  who  is  envious  that  beliolds,  with  eyes  of 
faith,  how  Jesus  Christ,  not  for  liis  own  good,  acted,  and  s]>!>ke,  and 
suffered  all  that  he  suffered  ?  The  envious  do  liot  like  that  othei-s 
should  partake  of  their  good  things;  and  tlic  Almighty,  even  after 
all  that  he  suffered,  Avent  down  into  hell  to  seek  associates,  and  to 
divide  with  them  the  good  things  that  he  had  I  Sec,  now,  liow 
(llfterent  are  tlie  envious  from  our  Lr.rd !  The  anchoress  who 
refused  to  lend  a  book  to  another  had  turned  away  her  oyos  of  faith 
very  far  from  him  I 

■  St.  .lanios,  iv. 
CAMI>.   SOC. 

1  Pet.-r,  V. 
2  K 

iicb)f«>,  xi.  :?;^. 

REGri..T:  iNr].r^Ai;i-]\r. 

Hwo  is  ])ci  halt  wre-SSe  in  his  licortc,  )?ct  biliolt  ]'ct  fiod  lilitr  to 
c'orc>o  uorte  makien  Jn'eouold  seihte — bitweoiieii  iiiuii  'i  nion  :  Li- 
tweonen  Gocl  "?  inou :'  bitweoiien  iiion  ?  en^el?  Auli,  eftcT  liis 
ariste,  ]?o  he  com  *?  sdicawedc  h.iui,  ]ns  was  his  gi-etuii;j_c  tu  his  (hj^vo 
decipleSj  "Pax  nobis!"  Seih.tnesse  bco  bitu eoiien  ou.  Niinob  mi 
godejeme:  liwon  Icof  freond  \\eiit  from  ocScr,  ],>c  histc  uordes  b'-t 
he  seiS — ]peo  he  wulc  ]>et  bcon  best  iholdeii.  Xrc  Loucrdes  la:'te 
wordes,  J^oa  lie  stcih  up  to  ];e  heoueiie  ?  bileauodc  his  Icoue  freoiid 
ine  uuku^e  }'eode — j?eo  wereii  of  swete  luue,  t  of  seihtnesse,  'Tacejii 
relincjuo  nobis  :^  pacem  meam  do  nobis :"  |^et  is,  seihtnesse  ich  do 
among  ou,  ?  seihtnesse  ich  bileauc  mid  ou.  pis  was  his  dnwerie 
l^et  he  bilcanede  '?  jef  ham  ia  his  departungc:  "In  hoc  co'-noscetis 
quod  dibcipuli  mei  sitis,  si  dilexionem  ad  iiiuicem  habueritis."  Lokut^ 
nu  jeorne,  uor  his  dcoruwurSe  luue,  hwuch  one  meike  he  Icide 
tippen  his  icorenej  |?oa  he  steih  into  heouene.  "  In  hoc  cognoscctis :" 
Folio  67.  \j[  -pQi  je  schulen  iciiowcn,  cweS  he,  J;et  ^e  beo5  mine  deci])Ies,  :^if 
swete  luue  7  seihtnesse  is  euer  bitweonen  ou.  God  hit  M'ute — 7  ho 
hit  wot — me  wei'e  leouere  ]7et  je  weren  alle  0(5e  spitel  vuel  ];en  je 
weren  ontfule,  oSer  fol  J  ful  iheorted.^  Yor  Jesu  Crist  is  al  luue,  ? 
ine  luue  he  resteS  hiin,  7  liaueS  his  wuniunge.  "  In  j)ace  factus 
est  locus  ejus;  Ibi  confregit  potcntias— arcum,  schutum,  gladium,  ot 
bcllum:"  ]>et  is,  ine  seihtnesse  is  Godes  stude:  ?  hwar  so  scihtncss? 
is  f  luue,  ]7er  he  bringeS  to  nout  al  J^e  dcofles  strenctSe — }>cr  he  lo- 
brekeiS  his  bowe,  he  seiS :'  ];et  beoS  derne  uouduuges,  pet  he 
scheoteS  of  feor  :''  7  his  sweord  bcoLie  —  ]'et  beoo  teiitaciuns 
keoruinde  of  neih,  ?  keno.  ]S'imeM  mi  gude  ;i;eii!e,  l.i  monie 
uorbisnen,  hu  god  is  onrcdnesse  of  luue,  and  oimesse  ol'  lieorle. 
Vor  nis  ]?ing  under  suime  ]^et  mc  is  k'diiere,  ne  so  leoi',  ]>ct  j,c 
hablK'ii.  Nuto  3;e  wel  )'et  ter  men  uilite5  ine  ])<,'us  strunge  uerdes, 
];eo  ilkc  j'et   holdee)    liam   iiesfe  logedcres,  j^-o  ue  iiunvcii  beon  des- 


oi.  wi-.Ain.     OF  n-.A.  E  AM.  i.ovi-..  231 

o„a  ..n.  a..n,  .0  .,0  0....  ; ;;;;^,  J  -^it:-  ,„g,,,  Ana. 

„„a  „KU,,  l-otuoon  f.oa  -'■•''■•  (   ^,,^„.„i   |,i,,,sdf  to  his 

,fK.  his  ivwection,  »ho.    ho  '^"'™  ""  .  p.^^  ,.„i  ■„  . ..  Peace  be 
U.l.,voa  <li.oi,los,  this  .-ash.  snU,,..o  ,    ^^^^^^^.^^^ 
a,„o„.  you  !     T.ko  good  hood  no«  ;»  *    '  j"  ^'^^  ,,,         Us  to  ho 

"-7r  r^':v,;::^ri"^^:"vh:;he  .co  <«  ,> .« 

and  ,onco,  "  Paeon,  rohn^uo  ™b.s  J--^    .  ^^      .j,,,^  ,,,, 

,,  Peaoo  I  send  anjong  V^^^^^  '  ,„„  .,  „;Aopa.tuvo.  "  In 
histukon  of  lovo  that  te  «  "'  .°;j.„.,i  dilootionom  ad  invicom 
,„e  oognosootis  quod  ;l'^<:'r"''  ."^^,i  "j^j  „f  y,  p,ecious  love,  what 
,„,,eri,is.-  ^■"-f^^l^'^'^f  '"Xlhen'he  ascendod  int., 
ki„,l  of  n,a,k  ho  !-'-«>  T'\.'B,ths  ve  shall  know,"  <i«oth  ho, 
,,eavon,  "  In  hoc  cognoscef.  «  -  ^  ^  .^  ^^.^^  ^^^„,,„ 

"  that  yc  aio  n,y  diso-ple  ,  >f  ''■'[f    '  ;  __i  „„„ld  rather  that 

,„„."  -May  Go.lkn„w  'l-'-^-^"  nXJ,  or  ornol  and  spiteful, 
•e  were  all  loprons  than  that    .we  o  ^^^^^  ^^_^^^  ^  .^  j^^.^„_ 

For  Jesus  Christ  Is  all  lovo.  and  n,  b^  ^  '  <=  ^^  -^^ .  „,„,„, 

;,.„,  .In  pace  est  ^^'f^^-.X^^  is'  God's  plaee,  and 
scutum,  gladinn,  ot  belknn  ;       hat  .  ,         1^^  ^^^,^^^^^  ^^  _^,^^,„,,j  ^,„ 

„horovor  there  is  po.vjo  ^"'1  ^^  ^J  '  ,,  ,„  ,,,eakoth  his  bow ;  that 
t,,o  power  of  the  <le"'>  'l^^jl'V;,,  f,,n,  a  distance ;  and  his 
i,_  ],„,,  temptations,  -l"eh  '  /'« ^^^  .,„  ^,„,,  „,„,  Ueon.  Now 
sw-ord  als..,  wl,i,.h   .s   '""1";  "^;^,  't  nnJos,  how  good  a  ,hi»g  is 

ih':;:;:.---''"-"-'-" ""•■":" 

1.   c>tis.    V 


ki:oui-.t:  j xolusaru m . 

Folio  611. 

kuiiifit  lie  ouerkunicii,  o  none  wise.  Al  so  hit  Is  ino  gcv-tliclio  uilitc 
aT;e;'n  ]'u  cl-j(;{k\  Al  his  attcnte^  is  \iort(i  ninii'stnen''  hcoi-ton  7  loil 
to  LiniuK'Vi  luue,  ])ot  halt  nicii  t  :<ie(loi'c?.  \ vr  \\\\(<\\]i('  Ui'n;  ilIi^, 
j^L'onn-'  beob  hco  isundred  :'  and  tc  decjiud  d>.'e)  hiiri  Liitweunuii  ham 
anonrlht,  7  sleaci  on  cuericho  halue.  Dinuhc  lte.-,te.s  hahbeS  J'cos 
war^chij)C'j  I'et  Invon  heo  bcoIS  asailed  of  wuluo,  ociiT  of  linn,  hoo 
J^runge'S  alle  togcdercs,  al  J>c  vloc  ncste :'  7  nlaki."^  scln-ld  ol"  ham 
suluen  eucrichon  of  ham  to  otJre,  7  bcoc)  sikerc  ]>eo  hwulo  :'  7  3,if 
eni  unseli  \\ent  ut,  hit  biiS  sone  awnried.  pc  ];riddc  uorbisno  is,  ])L't 
tor  on  go5  ln"m  one  in  one  sliddi-le*-"  weio,  lie  slif^  7  falleb  sone  :  and 
ter  nioi^ic  goS  togederes  7  cuerichon  halt  oSres  hond,  ;i,if  eni  ui><S  on 
uorte  sliden,  J?e  oSer  breidco  hine  np  cr  ];cn  he  allunge  ^  iialle  :'  7  jif 
J;et  heo  AvergeS,  euerichon  wreoSeS  him  bi  ooer.*'  Vondungo  Is 
sliddrungc:  7  J'urnh  wergunge  beob  bitocnod  j-eo  nnoeanwes  nnder 
slouh(5e,  ]'et  beob  incnnied  ]>er  nppc,  pi.-,  is  ]>et  Seliit  Gregorie 
seixj,  "Cum  nos  nobis  per  oracionis  opem  conjunglmns,  per  lubricym 
incedentes  quasi  ad  imiicem  nianus  teneamus,  ut  tanto  (p.iisquis 
aniplius  roborotur,  (pianto  alteri  innititur."  Al  so  iiie  strange 
winde,  7  ine  swiftc  watercs,  pe  ];et  mot  oucr  Avaden  ouer^'  monie, 
euerichon  halt  oSrcs  hond,  7  ]>c  ])ct  is  isundred,  he  is  sone  iswipt 
forS,  7  forfarS  er  me  lest  wene.  To  wel  we  hit  wute^  hu  ]?e  Avei  of 
))isse  Avorlde  is  sliddri :'  7  hu  J;e  wind  7  te  streames  bco'S  stronge. 
JNIuchel  ncod  is  ]>et  euerichon  holdo  mid  o-^er,  mid  bisle  bonen  :'  and 
mid  luue  hold  o(Sres  Iionden.  Vor,  ase  Salomon  sei^,  "Ve  snh  ! 
quia  cum  ceciderit,  nou  liabct  subleuanttiu  :''  ]'ct  is,  wo  Is  him  ]'et  is 
euer  one,  uor  hwon  he  nailed  he  naue^  hwo  him  aieare.  Xoii  nis 
hmi  one  ]'ct  haueS  God  to  uere.  And  tet  is  euerlch  [on]  |>et  liauL-'^ 
so(5  lunc  in  his''  lieorte. 


pe  seone-be  uorblsno  is  ];is:  jif  ;^e  ril 
iscoS,  hwon  hit  is  isundred,  7  nov  no 

t  telle^.      Dust  7  greot,  ase 
halt   te  obre,  a  lutrl  wiiides 

"  eriteiit 
rt  r,lidc>. 

tvfr.iiicn.   V. 
fulc.  T. 

,im  to  f.?;<-r.  r, 

A^f.    T. 

li.  C.  T, 
Imiv.   T. 




overcome.  It  is  ju^t^s.  ■»  f?;i';;f  ;;;;,;=,,  .J,  ,,vay  love,  ^vU■,eh 
bis  cndcavoxir  is  to  (li-u]ut'>    ''-"''^    '         .,     .i.^.j  are  tliev  separated  ; 

Uecpotl,  ,nc.„  .o,etl,e...    F,,,.  "-';-;,„  „ ;  .,„d  sbvetU 

„,„,  „,,  aevil  i,n,nedK,to  y  1"  "*'  '™;'^^„,.  ,„,  „„„  .h.n  they  are 
„„  even-  side.  I)u.n.,  boas  =  -c  h^-  -  ^^^  ^^^^^^^  ^,^,^^,^.  ,,„,,, 
■attaekcd  l.y  a  wolf,  or  a  l-n.     «  «'  ^,,^j  „,,  ,,,„,,  the 

„,„,  ,„„ke  of  then,se  ves  n  -^"'^^^'^^l^  ^^^^  ,u\^e  ^ocW'i  is  quickly 
,,,,Ue ;  and  if  any  «n  ueky  "■  >'  "^  8°  "^^^  ^  „^„  t,,  alone  in  a 
.■orried.     The  third  exami-le  ^.  -        ^^.,^^_,  „,^„^,  „„  ,„g„„er 

sliv.nerv  l.»th,  ho  soon  ami  tails  .  ^j^^__^  ^^ 

a„!l'  ev-ery  one  has  hold  of  another  *  f    ,>„  ,,„  .,  „„,,  if  they 

.hde,  the  next  one  pulls  hnn  up  Ixfo^e    J  Temptation  is 

„,o.v  weary,  every  one  .s  suppo.    <1  by  a  ^^^  .^^^  ^^^  ^^^^^^ 

Sldins;    and  hy  -s  "-      "-^^^  ^,.,g„,,.  3,th,  "When 
mentioned  under  sloth.  )     1  l»s  .s  _^^^^^  ^^^^^^^.^^^  ^_^  ^^ 

we  unite  together  in  p.^yer,  ™e  are  ^^^^_^^^^j  ^__^^p^_.j  „     j,, 

ground,  who  hold  each  other  bj    1  c    -u  ^^^^^,^.^_  ^,_^^^.  ^.^^ 

like  manner,  in  the  strong  -'»  '  °;  J^  ^„^,,  „,„,.,  ,,a„d,  and  if  any 
,„ust  wade  over,  if  they  are  """  >'''^f  ,„a  perisheth  quickly. 
„„e  is  separated,  ho  -  -"'-7^',  ,3  ^^rld  is  slippery,  and  that 
We  know  too  well  that  the  waj   ot^  J-      ^^^^^^  ^^^^  .^  ^,,„.e  tha 

the  wind  and  the  =;';<^™\f ^^^ ^rs^with  assidnous  prayers;  and 
every  one  should  hold  by    he  others  ^^^^^^^^  ^^.^|__ .,  ^.^^.  ^j, 

.-ith  love  hold  each  othe,^'  hand,     lo  >  _^  .     ^^.^_^,  ,,^  ,,„^, 

,„ia  cum  ccciderit  "on^'%f^2  none  to  lift  Imu  n,..  "e 
;:::rr;r;:;ro;:attconn lo.  and.,,  is  cry  one 

,vl.o  hath  tvuc  love  in  lus  heart  ^^^^^^^^  ^  .^^^^_      ^^^^^^  ^^,,  ^,i, 

l^he  seventh   examph-  is  tU...       }  ^^^^^  ^^^1,,,,  to  (.no 


■another,  a  httlei.utVul    wind  n.a) 


»   Pagt 

i^o4  liKOui.^K  i.\ci>i:sAia  \i. 

puf  mei  al  to  cireuon  hit  to  noiit :'  ];er  hit  )i5  in  one  clotto  iieste  iliinccl 
togederos,  ];er  hit  Ho  al  stille.  An  honful  jcrdcn  bcocS  crue^ 
forte  ^- brekcii,  J'GO  Invulo  ]>et  lico  bcu  togcderes  r  uuli  eucrichon  to 
dealed^  from  oSer  lihtkdcer  to  bersteS.  A  trcou  ]>et  wulc  unllcn, 
me  underset  hit  mid  on  ocSor  treon,  7  hit  stent  ftste:  to  fk-aK-  ei^er 
Folio  63.  urom  o5cr,  ?  boxSc  ualleS. — Nu  je  haldteJS  niene.  \)y\>,  inc''  l'in;a-.s 
utewrS.  xsiineS  nu  uorbisne  hu  god  is  onncsse  of  lieortc,  7  sonn'..'d-' 
nessc  of  luuc  ]?et  halt  }>e  godc  somcd,  ]>et  non  nc  niei  uorw  ur c^on. 
And  ]7e  ket  wulc  iSisse  weie  habben  rlhte  bilcaue  lie  bihalt  jcornc, 
7  u]Klerstont  Jesu  Cristes  deorewur^e  v.'ords  7  werkos,  ])ct  wcrcn. 
alle  ine  luuc  7  ine  swetnesse.  Oucral  ich  woldo  )>ct  ancren  Icornedcn. 
■vvel  ]'is  lessunes  loare.  Vor  monie,  m.ore  herin  is,  beoS  Smisunics 
foxes,  ])et  hefden  \c,  ncbbes  eucrichon  iwend  fromniard  (jcier,  and 
weren  bi  ]?e  tciles  iteied  ueste,  asc  hit  tellccS  in  Judicum.  And  in 
euerich  ones  teile  a  blase  berninde.  Of  ];eos  fbxes  icli  s])cc  uoor 
]7ernppe,  auh  nout  o  Jnssc  wise.  Ninie'cS  godc  jenie  hwat  ];is  beo  to 
siggen.  Me  turneS  ])et  neb  blic5eliche  touward  te  )>inge  ]jet  jnc 
luueS,  7  frommard  te  }'inge  j^et  me  hatecS.  peo,  ];eonne,  habbeJi  be 
nebbes  wrongwende  eucrichon  fronnnard  o<5er,  hwon  nun  ne  luuei> 
oScr.  Auk  bi  })e  tciles  heo  bcocS  somed,  and  habbeJS  in  liam  ]>eo 
dcofles  blasen  :'  j^et  is,  |>e  brime  of  golnessc.  On  an  oSer  wise  teii 
bitocneS  cnde.  In  kore  endc,  keo  sckulen  been  ibunden  toc-edcres 
ase  weren  Saunsumes  foxes  bi  J>e  teiles,  7  iset  lihisen  I'orinne  :  J)et 
is,  fur  of  kelle. 

Al  so,  ase  |;is'^  is  iseid,  nn'ne  leoue  sustivn,  loketi  ]>et  o\vc:r  Icoue 
nebbes  beon  euer  iwend  somed,  mid  swete  luue,  neir  sembhunit,  7 
mid  swete  cherc— ])et  je  beon  cuer  mid  onnesse  of  one  heoite7of 
one  wille  ilimed  togederes,  ase  hit  is  iuritcn  bi  un-  Loucrck's  deore 
decipk's:  'Olultitudim's  credenclum  erat  cor  unuiu  7  aniuia  una."' 
Fviioijii  i.  j:)(.,,  ]|\vulo  ]"-'t  50  liabbeb  on   in   on,  oiiorcii  on  i:iui  \>^  lauiid,  ;i;il'  lie 

-  ;i;ii  tur  to,    T.  ''   ituins.-.l.    T.      tu  twiiiuM.    f. 

^  of.  V.  •'  A I  ;  is.  T.  C. 



,  .-V      VX  VXAMPLF,  OF  IM^CORP. 

Samson's  foxes  ^verc  by  then 

^^^^-^'''-  M    ,nv  aeai-lsters,  see  tlrat 


256  jii:(;i:L.ic  incjasauim. 

haueb  le;iuc  :'  ;iuli  licriucu  iiout  mid  allc  pv'  lie  wut  fiil  wol :  7 
foi'Yi.  ho  ii  uiiibc.  dcies  7  iiihtcs,  uorto  uiiliuK'H  ou  mid  Avreb^ic,  oScr 
mid  Inkier  oiide  :'  and  sent  mou  oSor  wunuuou  ]»■[  k'llc>J  to  ho,  ?  bi 
\>e,  o'Ser-"'  sum  suwindo  sawc,  ]K-t  to  sustcr  no  oiiiitc  noi.t  sluiiyii  ))! 
])0  suster.  Icli  forbeode  ou  ]'ct  non  ofou  no  ilvic,-  ])(.■.-,  dciflc-  sou'lu.-;- 
mon.  Aidi  lokcJS  J?ct  cuericli  [on]  ofou  icnowc  nvcI  hwon  lie  sjickcu  iSc 
vuelenionnes  tunge.  Eucneh[on]no'Si.-lcas\\ai'nieoS._-r,  J'uruht'ulsikei- 
soiidesmon,  sweteliche  7  luueliche,  ase  liirc  looue  sustcr/'  or'  };ini'o 
)?et  heo  misniuiciS,  jif  lieo  liit  ^\•ot  to  soSe,  7  makie  so  j>co  )>ct  berc'b 
)>et  Avord  i-ccordeu  liit  ofte  Ijiuoicu  liiiv,  er  lioo  go  ut,  h»vu  lico  wulo 
siggen,  j'ct  lieo  no  sigge  liit  o^ierweis,  nc  ne  clutie  nanmor'j  ];crto. 
Yor  a  lute  clut  mei  lodh'clien  swuSe  a  niucliel  ihol  pecbe.'^  IIwo  se 
luideruoiS  ];eos  ]uue-salue'^  et  hire  suster,  ]?onke  ]ure  jeoi-ne,  7  sigge 
mid  to  sahmvurhtc,  "  Corrlpiet  me  Justus  in  miscricordia  7  increnabit 
me:  oleum  autcm  peccatoris  uon  impinguet  ea])ut  meuin/'  And 
Jjerefter  mid  Salomon,  "  jMelioj-a  sunt  uulnera  corripicutis  quam 
oscula  blandientis."  Lit"  heo''  ne  kuicde  me  nolde  heo  nout  \varnen 
me  in  miscricorde/  l..eouerc  me  beob  hire  wundeii  K-n  uikiinde*-' 
cosscs,  pus  onswcrec)  eucre :  and  jif  liit  is  oberweis  ]>en  be  oSer 
understont,  send  hire  word  ajean  J»erof,  luucOiche  7  softeliche,  and 
teo  o^cr  ileue  hit  auonrlht.  Yor  J'Ct  icli  chulle  also,  yot  euei-ieli  of 
ou  ileue  oSer  ase  hire  suluen.  And  jif  ]?e  ueond  bloweS  bitweonen 
Folio  G'J.  ou  eni  wrebSe,  oSer  great  hcorte — ]:'et  Jesu  Crist  forbeode — er  Iieo 
beo  Avel  iset,  nouh  non  uorte  nimen'' Godes  7  h\s  blod  :'  ne 
wvu-^e  non  so  witleas,  ne  o  norie  weis  J;et  lu^o  elles'  biholde  ]»oron, 
ne  ne  loke  mid  wreSSe  touward  liim  pet  lihte  to  nion  on  eor^e  of 
hcouene,  uorte  makion  Jn-eouold  seihto,  ase  is  Jjeruppc  iseid.  Auli  send, 
beonne  ciSer  otSer  word  J?et  lieo  haueS  iniaked  hire,''  ase  ])auh  lieu 

«   ].  UlUs  'f  an  l.i  ]'  oSer.  'J',  to  tcllen  of  J'c  an  t..  )'o  oj^er.   C. 

•>  o^'cr  bio(Scr.  T.  "  foicr  inrmtcl.   C.     j)ilclic:' 

•^  \>in  waniingiJ.  C.  *■  I'f  t'*^'''  I'u.   'I'. 

'  in  Jiiine  giilte.   C.  «  Jikc-lindu.  T.      KiIIVtcs.   C. 

^  iiawt  ano  to  iiimon.  ')'.  C.  '  canes.  '].  C. 

^  hire  foigoouore.  T. 

LISTEN  y<-T  TO  TALF.-I'.EATIKIIS.       ADMONISH  KINDLY.        257 

liarin  you.  That  lio  knows  full  well,  and  therefore  he  is  husy,  days 
and  nights,  to  separate  you  with  anger  or  with  base  envy ;  and  he 
sends  a  man  or  woman  who  tells  to  thee,  and  of  thee,  some  whimpered 
rumour  which  a  sister  ought  not  to  report  of  a  sister.  I  forbid  that 
any  of  you  should  believe  this  devil's  messcnoer.  l>ut  see  that  every 
one  of  you  have  certain  knowledge  when  she  spcaketh  in  the  evil 
man's  tongue.  Nevertheless,  let  every  one  of  you,  by  a  trusty 
messenger,  warn  each  other  sweetly  and  aft'ectionately,  as  her  dear 
sister,  of  any  thing  that  she  doth  wrong,  if  she  know  it  with  certainty, 
and  cause  the  person  who  beareth  the  message  repeat  it  often  in  her 
presence  before  she  go  out,  in  the  manner  she  is  going  to  report  it, 
that  she  may  not  report  it  otherwise,  nor  patch  any  thing  more  upon  it: 
for  a  small  clout  may  greatly  disfigure  a  large  whole  garment.  Let 
her  \\ho  receiveth  this  kind  and  salutary  admonition  from  her  sister 
gratefully  thank  her,  and  say  with  the  Psalmist,  "  Let  the  righteous 
smite  me  in  mercy ;  and  let  him  reprove  me :  but  let  not  the  oil  of 
the  sinner  anoint  my  head."  »  And  again,  with  Solomon,  '•'  Better 
are  the  wounds  of  a  friend  than  the  deceitful  kisses  of  an  enemy."'' 
If  she  loved  me  not  she  would  not,  in  pity,  warn  me.  Dearer  to 
me  are  her  wounds  than  flattering  kisses.  Always  answer  thus :  and 
if  it  is  otherwise  than  the  other  believeth,  send  her  word  of  it  again 
kindly  and  courteously ;  and  let  the  other  readily  believe  it.  For 
this  I  desire  likewise,  that  each  of  you  believe  one  another  as  herself. 
And  if  the  fiend  blow  up  any  anger  or  resentment  between  you— 
which  may  Jesus  Christ  forbid— until  it  is  a}/peased,  none  ought  to 
receive  God's  flesh  and  his  blood  ;  let  no  one  be  so  insane,  nor  in  any 
way  even  to  behold  it,  nor  to  look  with  anger  toward  him  who  came 
down  from  heaven  to  man  on  earth  to  make  threefokl  jicace,  as 
aforesaid.  Ihit  let  each  of  them  send  w(jnl  to  the  other,  that  she 
hath  humbly  asked  hei-  forgiveness,  as  if  she  were  present.  And 
sho  who  thus  first  gains  the  love  of  the  other,  and  ])rocures  peace, 
and  takcth  the  blame  upon  herself,  although  tho  otl.c^r  may  be  more 

Ca.mi>.  soc 

k  L 


Folio  C9  I. 


^."1.  ,.00  „.e,.  uLit:'^:^^  T  ''•"?""  "'■''™  '"-'" 

trocvobilenucto  Godcs  ,n,l,lo  werko,  ^  „     „        '  "',         r  "'  ' 

I.oobeo6,leta,blodo„„„ecr,„cdcU-c.     Ami  1, 


niiint  of  Cal 

blcxldcn  on  l,i,  hofdo  under  tw,.M         '7"     "'''"^''">  J'"' 
a-,  .oond  !.  .n-s^el^e^fo  rA^:;;roTr  '"'  ^•'■™"^-- 

A  JO.™  jlssnnoo  is  I,is  nuu-liolo  ,,oncr(o  ),,t  xvoox  o„o,-  ,„         i  • 
."0-  and  n,ore.     Vor,  ,,0  l.o  ,v.»  .-boron,    rosi  Z  V'T'      " 
corSe,  1,0  no  „„nd  nont  „n  oorSo  «,  n,„cl„  ,,  ,      ^    "/    '"''"'^'  )"■' 
"nM.  boon  iloKl  on.     Yor  »„  Zl't  t^l  t     "'"  'rT 


-Ami  liwrScr  ,sc 



in  fault,  slic  shall  be  my  bel.)vcd  and  dear  sister.  For  she  is  ijidoed 
a  child  of  God.  ihj  liiin^elf  saitli,  "  r>k'ssed  arc  the  peacemakers; 
for  they  shall  he  called  the  children  of  God.'"'  Thus  j>ride,  and 
hatred,  and  anger  are  banished  from  every  place  Avhere  there  is 
sincere  love  and  true  faith  in  the  merci'/ul  works  and  gracious  words 
of  God.     Let  us  now  proceed  in  (^rder  to  the  otlier  vices. 

Of  Seotii. 
Who  can  be,  for  shame,  slothful,  and  sluggish,  and  slow,  that 
considers  how  active  and  diligent  our  I^ord  was  on  earth?  And 
after  all  his  other  labours,  how,  in  the  eventide  of  his  life,  he 
finished  his  painful  task  on  tlie  hard  cross  ?  Other  men  take  rest 
and  retire  into  their  chamber  from  the  liglit,  and  hide  themselves 
when  they  arc  let  blood  on  the  vein  of  an  arm.  But  He,  on  the 
hill  of  Calvarj-,  went  up  still  higher  upon  the  cross ;  and  no  man  ever 
underwent  such  great  and  severe  toil  as  he  did  that  day  when  he  bled, 
in  five  places,  streams  from  full  broad  and  deep  wounds,  besides 
the  great  veins  that  bled  in  his  head,  under  the  crown  of  thorns ; 
and  besides  the  woeful  gashes  of  the  dreadful  scourges,  not  only  on 
his  legs,  but  over  all  his  dear  body.  His  early  resurrection  from 
death  to  lite  is  very  evidently  against  tlie  indolent  and  the  sleepy. 

Of  Covetousness. 
Against  covetousiiess  is  his  great  poverty,  wdiich  increased  upon 
him  continually,  more  and  more.  For,  at  first,  when  he  was  boi-n, 
he  who  created  the  earth  foun.d  not  on  earth  so  nuich  space  as  his 
little  body  nu'ght  be  laid  ui)on.  For,  so  narro\\-  Mas  the  i>lacc  that 
his  mother  and  Joseph  sat  with  difficulty  thereon  ;  and  so  the}  laid 
Him  up  OJi  high  in  a  manger  wrapped  aboni,  with  clouts,  as  the 
gosj.el    saith,    "  wrapped   him  in   swaddling  clothes."      So   linely  was 



crocchc,  mid  clutes  biwruUed/'  ase  ]k;   <ros|)cl   scib,  ♦' rimnis  cum 
inuoluit."     pus  fcire  he  was  ischrud,  )>g  heoucnliciie  scliupi^ndo,  )-e 
bet  sclirudec>  ]'C  siimie.     Her  efter  pe  poure  lefdi  of  heoiieiie  uus- 
trodo  1  fedde  hine  mid  hire  lutle  milke  ase  meidcn  dcih  forte  liabbeii. 
pis  was  mucliel  pouerte:  auli  more  com  per  efter.     Uor  liure  7 
hure  jet  lie  licfde  uodc  ase  ueol  to  bim :'  aidi  inc  studc  of  in,  bis 
cradel  hcrbarucde  bim.*'     Seo^en,  ase  be  meiide  liim,  nefde  lie  b.var 
he  mubtc  resten  bis  bcaued :   "  FiUus  boniinis  non  babet  ubi  caput 
suuin   recbnet."     pus  poure  be  was  of  in.      Of  mete  he   was  so 
needful  );ct  ]>o  he  hefde  in  j/C  burub  of  lerusalem,  a  palm  simcdei, 
al  dei  iprecbcd,  1  hit  neiblecbcde  nibt,  lie  loiccde  ul  abuten  bim,  bit 
sei^  iSe  gospclle,  ^if  ei  wolde  cleopion  him  to  mete,  ober  to  herbo- 
ruwe,  1  nes  J^er  non.     And  so  he  iwende  ;it  of  )k;  nmchele  bunib 
into  Bctbanic,  to  :Marie  husc  7  Marthe.     And  |)er,  ase  be  code  bi  )>e 
weic  mid  his  dcciplcs,  sunnne  cherre  beo  breken  J»e  cares  bi  ]>e  wcie, 
1  rniidcn  be  cornes  ut  '^  bitweonen  bore  honden  7  cten  nor  hungre,  7 
weren  ^et  j^ercuore  swuSe  ikalenged.     Aub  aire  mest  pouerte  com 
Tct  bcrefter.     Vor  steorc  naked  he  was  despuilcd  o^e  rode,     po  he 
mende  him  of  ]mr&t,  water  no  muhte  he  habben.     Ect  |)et  mcst 
wunder  was,  of  al  ]>e  brode  eorSe  no  moste  be  habben  a  grot,  forte 
deicn  uppon.     pe  rode  hefde  enne  not  otier  Intel  more :'  7  tet  was 
eke  norto  ccben  his  pinen.      Ilwon  ]>g  worldcs  wcldlnde  wolde  beon 

hu3  poure,  mibileued  ho   is  })ct  luueS  to  mnchel  7 
weole  7  wunne. 

?tS  worldcs 

A  scan  glutunie  is  his  poure  pitauncc,  )'ct  he  hefde  o  rode.  'J\\o 
maner  men  habbe^  ncode  uorte  eten  wel,  7  forto  drinkcn  wcl— 
swinkinde  men,  7  blod-letene.     pe  ilke  dai  ]>et  he  was  bobe  ine  sore 

■1.1, ct.   T.      Kiwrahl. 
isstu-lcoftnulLl   J' 




' '  ,  ,,,.,.    |,e   tlKit   dutliod    the    sun. 

1U-.   t'K^   l-eavenly   Cj-ca.ov.    c  -        .  ^  K^^^^^  ^^^^^  ,„,„•„,,  with  Lev 
Mu-vwarAs,  tl.o  poor  laay  ■;'       ••  ^       rj.,^;^  ,^.,,5  great 

irio  ,,,«k,  such  as  a  "-'"^'       ,,  ,,,1  vet,  at  loast,  foocl, 
,,„,e,.ty-.  1.".  move  there  ftu-        -        ^.^  ^;,j,,  ,„,„,,,  ,,„,. 

Af,cr.aras,  as  he  hnnsell    -n        thct  uhi  caput  suu.u  rec  uu...' 
vest  his  head:  "l^'''"f  »       „"    j,,  ,,„„.d  to  .neat.ho  «as  u,  such 
'thus  was  he  poor,  as  to  lodg    g^      "    ^=  ^^  j„^,„,j„„  ,,  Vahu 

„,,„t  that  .heu  he  had  pre  ch^  ^^  ^^      J^       ,,„,,,  ,,  h,okcd  a  1 
Sunday  tlie  whole  day,  and  mgl.t  ^  ^^^,^^  ;„^..,j,  1,„„  t„ 

Lud  hin„  it  is  said  in '-/;;:  tnlincl  so  he  went  out  of  the 
foodortolodgiug,andtl>e.e  w        on  ^^^^^  ^^^^^.^^^^       ^,„j 

,reat  city  into  rKHhany,':'l-l~^^  „„■  ,,,y,  they  b«ke  oft 

inee,  as  he  uent  -th  l-"-l^,  ^,,,^,,,a  „„,  ,,,,e  corn  between 
the  cars  of  c-rn  by  ^  y^^^:^  „„a  .ere,  n.oreover. 
t,,,ir  hands  .and  ^^J^"^^  poverty  of  all  came  =^  - 
Warned  for   tlus.-^      but .« ^   =■  ^^^,y     ,on  the  cross.     ^\  hen 

«ards.     For  he  .as  ^^^^^^^  not  have  water.     But  the  mos 
1,0  complained  of  tlur  t,  he     -  »  ^^^^^^_^  ^_^  ^,,^^        ^  l„,„l 

.n,aziug  thing  was  that,  o    all  he  ^^^^  ^_^^  ^^^^  "'•  '"  V;'     Jf 

little  dust  on  winch  to  die.      )  '  ^y,,,,,  ,he  Itule.  of 

1   that  was  also  to  mcrease  lis  .ulte  „,l,clicver  who 



l,;r.l.  lie  had  on  tlio  cross. 
Against  gluttony  is  the  .->— ;tiiuh  well-meu  wda, 

,vo  sorts  <.r  men  luive  need  to  cat.  a^  ^   ^      ^^^^^^^  ^^^^^    ^^^^^^.  j,,^, 

\,„uv,  and  men  ^ 
„,ut  lie  botli  labo 
pittance  on   tlic  cv 

Mull'-  ^•^•'>-  ''^ 

Maih.  xii.  !■ 


swinke  ?  ec  ileten  blod,  asc  icli  er  scidc  :'  nes  Lis  pifa.n.ce  o  rode 
bLite  a  sponge  of  gallo.  Loke  n«  hwo  gruccl.c,  -,if  k'O  ];cnclicS  we! 
heron,  of  nnstruni,  o?>er  Icanc  mv\  '^  of  unsauure  n.eies.  of  poiuv 
pitnuncc?  '         '■ 

Ajcan  ledicrle  is  liis  iborcncssc  on  corSe  of  \>e  chjnu  nieldenc,  ? 
al  liis  dene  Hf  ],et  he  Jedde  on  eorSe,  7  allc  );ct  hine  uoluuudon. 
pus,  lo  ]>e  articles,  ]>et  heo«,   ase  >-a«li  mc  seide,  ]>o  li^es  of  ure 
bileaue  onont  Godes  monlioade.     God  wot  hwo   inwardlichc  bihalt 
]jani,  ?  uihteS  a^ean  ];e  ueonde  ]?ct  fondeS  us  nn'd  ];eos  seoue]i  dcarl- 
liche  sunncn.     Vor  );i,  seiS   Seiute   Peter,  "Christo  in  cnrne  passo, 
et  uos  eadem  cogitatione  annemini."    ArineS  ou,  he  seiS  Seinte  ]  Vtu-, 
mid  l^oulite  uppou  Jesu  Crist,  ];et  in  ure  viesche  ANas  ij,in.ed.     And 
Seinte  Powel  sei^S,  "Pvecogitate  qualeni  apud  seiuetipsun. 
contradiecioneni  ut  non  fatigemini."     pencheS,  J^cnclieS,  seiS  Seinte 
Powel,  hwon  50  weorre^  i'  in  j^e   uihte  a-^eines   ].c  deouel,  Invu  ure 
Loucrd  sulf  wiSseide  his  flesliclie  wil,  7  wiSsiggeS  oure.     "  Xonduni 
Folio  Id  b.  enini  usque  ad  sanguinem  restitisti:"'  jet  nabbe  je  nout  wi^stonden 
uorte  ]>ci  ]>Q  schedunge  of  ower  blode,  asc  he  dude  of  his  for  ou 
ajcines  him  suluen,  onont  pet  he  was  mon,  of  ure  kuiule.     And  -jiet. 
je   habbeS   J;et   ilkc    blod,  7  tet  ilkc  blisfule  bodi  |>et  eom  of  ]>l 
meidene,  %  deied(!  o^e  rode,  nilit  ?  dei  bi  ou.     i\is  ];cr  buten  a  \s:il 
bitw  eonen  .-^  ?  eueriche  deie  he  kumcS  forS  7  seheawe^i   Jiim  toon 
flesliche  %  llcandiche  iSc  messe,  biwricn'^  j^auli,  in  o^res  Jiki-— under 
breades  heouwe/'     Vor,  in   his   owujic  heuwe,  vre  eien  ne  nudifcn 
nout  ]>o  brihte  sih^o  icSolien.     And   so   lie  scheauweb   liim  uu.   a- 
];auli  he  seide.  Lour!  ich  her:  hwat  wulle  50?     Sia^e^J   me  hwat 
were  ou  leof— hwarof  habbe  neode.     ^feiieJi  to  me  o\ver  ncude  and 
jif  j;e  iieondes   ferde,  J?et  beoJi  his   tentaciuns,  asaileS  ou   s\vu^e 
onswcrie?)  him  1  sigge^S,  'SAIetati  .-uinns  eastra  juxta  laj.idem  adju- 

.1.   'I'.      <.liiii,tninK'  II, cl.   C.  !•   ^^^.,.-,.^. 

T.  I'. 

C.       «.,y.;n.    -I 

IIU'.     I', 


->■  »-  '^"'1'  ''IS    :2  :n„savo.y  food,  or  .vi,h  the  v^or 


into  tlie  world  of  tlio  pure  l.clu.r.v  U  Ws  l.on,s  oorn    ^^  ^^^^  ,,,„  follow-ed 

v|r!^>;  and  tl»  «l»le  of  W'  1™-  J  ^J^  f;,,,,  .„,o,  .o  to  sre.k, 
,;  led  o„  card,.  Tims  V1»U  -- ^  ■  _^__^^,^  ,^„^^^,,  „f  C  „st. 
t,,o  vorv  joints  of  our  bol.  t  "^-^^^  ",i,^„,,  „„a  fights  affa-nst  tl,e 
G,:,a  loicvs  hcv  .ho  '1«1\-  :  r  ;':  .Ladly  sms.  Wherefore, 
«,emv  .ho  tenn-t^  -  ";  i,  c"  n  passo,  et  vos  eaden.  cog>.a.>one 
,aith  Saint  rotor,  "Chvsto  "   ^%"'J  ^^^,,,  «,vith  tlnnhng 

;,  ..nennni."  "     "  Av"^  y""-    -■.„  ^^  flesh."     M.i  St.  Paul 
upon  Jesus  CluMst,  .ho  ™fij-f    "  ,„  ,„,,;„„it  contradiet.onem  « 
"  Reco-itate  qualcm  apud  =^".<='  1',^'    ., .    gt    Raul,  "  .V'u  ye  fight 
.riTgcnini."^    :™:t  iv  ::;  W  domed  h.  fleshy  .in. 
in  the  tattle    ho_^^-  >  ^_  .^^^  ^,^^^„^  „,,  -"S"'":'""  '•    the 
and  so  deny  yours.        ^ona  ^^         .  ,,,„„a ,    ^ ,, 

..  Ye  have  not  yet  »■-'=•"';?.    ",,f  i„„snmeh  as  ho  .as  man  >n  ou 
did  of  His  for  you,  aga"«t  h  "se't  '  ^^^^^  ^,^^  ^„      Uo  j 

„,,„,,e.  And  yet  3-  ''"^^  '  .t  'of  =  he  maiden  and  died  on  the 
„„d  the  same  hlessed  ^<^^^^„,  „„d  every  day  he  eon,eth 
.,.„«   there  is  only  =^  «»"  fl,3,lv  and  bodily  in  the  mass- 

S'and  she.eth  himsdf  ^  ^^^iX,  .he  form  of  hread. 

.,,rouded  indeed  in  --  ;    J.   '^  uUl  not  hoar  the  ^pf^^r^^ 
ror    in  his  own  form,  oai  ^yos  ^.^^  ,.^.,,,,,,1 .  lam 

lum    and    bU\,     >>  .,,  i,,  ,in>e^  of  s.-^intv.      .1^>'.', 

1   r.'lf-r 

„„  i,  ,ncaus  u  slu.rt  all. 

1,     "1)..   .Ml'" 
d    l(,.l.ipxvs. 

of   for.l. 

,;,„e#  of  st-airltv.      .U/. 
ant  .-.ili  l-H-'---    ^'^-  ^' 

•■  ii.ia.  V.  1. 


kegul.t:  ii\cr,rsAi:r.M. 

torii:  porro  Pliilistiim  ucnerunt  in  Afplicc."     [](•  Loiicixl,  no  wundei 
ru's  :'■■'   ^Yc  LeoS   iloMoed  licr  bi  ]>e,  ])ct  crt  stun  oi'  lielj>,  ?  tvr  of 
trcouv>e  sucurs,  ?  castcl  of  sti-cnc^^e,  1"  to  dooflcs  is  \v(k1(Iiv 
iij>]»on  lis,  ])cii  iij)pon  eni  oScr,     pis  icli  }iiiiK'  of  IJcguni.     Vor  ]yjr 
]iit  teller  al  })us,  ];et  Tsmcles  folc '"  com  ?  lno>^v;!u  liim  Li  ]>q  stone  of 
lielp;'  and  ]^c  riiilisteus  ^  conieii  into  Afcch.     Pliilistcus— ]»ot  boo^ 
umvilites.     Afocli — on  Fd.n-emvisch  spcle<S  "iieowe  wodscliipc."     So 
hit  is  sikerliclio.     Ilwon  nion  loggcS  liim  l>i  lire  Louerde,  ))coihic  on 
erest  LiginneS  J>e  deoflen  to  wcdcn :  and   her  liit  telloc)   )>ut  Israel 
wenden  sone  ]7enG  rug,  and  weren  uour  );usunt  iSo  niht'' sorilichc 
isleieno.     Ne  ^vende■<5  je  ncner  ];cnc  rug.  mine  Icoue  snstrcn,  auii 
FoUoli.     wi-^stonde^  ]?e  ucondes  ferd-G  aniidde  ]>e  uorlicfdc,  ase  is  iscid  ]>er- 
iippe,  mid  stronge  bilcaue  :'  t  mid   te  gode  losapliat,  sendotS  Ijoodvn 
nor  sondesmon  anon  efter  snkurs  to  ];e  Prince  of  lieouene.     In  Para- 
Upomenon.      "In  nobis  qnidem  non  est  tanta  fortitudo  ut  posslnuis 
liuic  multitudini  rcsisterc,  qno  irruit  super  nos :  sed  euni  ignorannis 
quid  agere  debeanius,  lioc  sohnn  liabemus   residuum*'  nt  oeulod  nos- 
tros  dirigamus  ad  te.     Sequitur,  ha.>c  dicit  Dominus,  Nolite  timere, 
et  ne  paueatis  banc  multitudinem :  non  est  enim  uestru  puaiia  set 
Dei.     Tantammodo  confidentcr  state,  et  videbitis  nnxilium  Domini 
super  nos.     Credite  in  Domino  Deo  uestro  et  securi  eritis,"     }^is  i> 
on  English:   In  us  nis  nout,  deorewurSe  Lonerd,  so  nuicliel  strene^e 
J;et  we  niuhten  wiSstonden  ];cs  deofles  ferdo,  ];et  is  so  stroPig  iq)po7i 
vs.     Auh,  Invon  we  beo?5  so  bistaiSed  7  so  stroiige  bistondcn  ]'et  v, e 
mid  alio  nenno  read  no  cunncn   bi  us  suluen:  pis  one  ^\•L•  nuiwe 
don — hebben  u])  eien  ?  liondcn  to  ]'e  milsfule  Louerd  :'  J'u  sciid<}  ns 
sucvirs:  ]ni  to  dref '  ure  fon :   vor  lo  J;c  we  lokeS  ]>us  mid  te  "(nle 
losfiphat.      Ilwon   God    kumoJS    biuorcn   on   and  freine<S    hwat  ;^e 
wnlK'^),  7   in   cucrichc  time  hwon   je  neodi'   habbeb,  scheawc^  so 
sweteliclie  to  bis  swcte  oareii.      And  7;if  be  sone  nv  iluTi'N  on,  Tcic^ 

t;,.  f,uu>|.l,  wuh.Irr  i,.   T.  ('.  '■    Isr:,.-I,  Cu.l,-;  C.l. 

!s,>.  ''  ti.ii.t.  T.  (;. 

,e<i.lui.  T.  '  <l'v->'H-.  T.      fMll.-, 

I'KAYF.n^i,  AS  jrEfSEXGEr;^;  TO  TiF.AVEx,  luiixo  DTvixK  jn:i.r.   2(;.') 

I'Jiilisfines  arc  come  to  Ap]icc."=*  Yci,  Lonl  I  it,  is  no  ^von<lcr.  Wc 
arc  encamped  here  I'oside  tliee,  \\lii)  art  the  stone  of  lielj),  and  tower 
of  true  safety,  and  cattle  of  stjvnu-th,  and  tlse  devil's  army  is  more 
enraged  against  us  tli;in  against  any  otlier.  Tiiis  I  take  from  tlie 
Cook  of  Kings.  For  tliere  we  are  told  lu.w  the  people  of  Israel  came 
and  encamped  l.)eside  the  stone  of  helj);  ami  tlie  Philistines  came 
into  Aphec.  Pliili-tinos,  tliat  is,  enemies.  Aphec — in  llchrew  it 
signiheth  "'now  madin's-^."'  It  is  truly  so.  Wlien  a  man  encamprfh 
beside  our  Lord,  then  first  the  devils  btgin  to  rage  :  and  here  we 
are  told  that  the  Israelites  soon  turned  their  backs,  and  four  thousand 
of  them  were  miserabl}'  slain  in  the  fight.  Never  turn  ye  your 
back,  my  dear  sisters,  but  withstajid  the  fiend's  army  among  the 
foremost,  as  lias  been  said  before,  with  strong  faith  ;  and  with  the 
good  Jehoshaphat,  send  prayers  quickly,  as  your  messenger,  to  the 
Prince  of  Heaven  for  succour :  The  Pook  of  Chronicles.  "  In 
nobis  quidem  non  est  fortitude  ut  possimus  huic  iuultitudini  resistere, 
quas  irruit  super  nos :  sed  quum  ignoramus  quid  agere  debeamus,  h.oc 
solum  habemus  residuum  ut  oculos  nostros  dirigamus  ad  te."  ^  It 
is  added,"'  "  Il^ec  dicit  Donn'nus  :  Nolite  timere,  et  ne  paveatis  banc 
multitudinem :  non  est  enim  vestra  pugna  sed  Dei.  Tantununodo 
confidenter  state,  et  videbitis  auxilium  Domini  super  vos.  Credite 
in  Domino  Deo  vestro,  et  securi  eritis."  This  is  in  English:  In  us 
there  is  not,  dear  Lord,  so  much  strength  that  we  could  withstand 
this  devil's  army  that  is  so  strong  against  us.  But,  wlien  we  are 
thus  circumstanced,  and  beset  with  such  a  force,  and  that  also  we 
know  not  of  ourselves  what  counsel  to  follow,  this  alone  remains  for 
us — to  lift  up  our  eves  and  our  hands  to  tlu'c,  O  merciful  Lord;  do 
thou  send  us  succour;  do  thou  put  our  foes  to  flight;  for  to  thee 
we  thus  look,  with  the  good  Jehoshaphat.  When  (iod  cometh 
before  you,  and  askcth  what  you  desire,  and  at  ovQvy  tii-u^  when  ye 
have  need,  declare  it  thu<  affectionately  to  his  gracious  eai's.  And, 
if  he  ilo  not  soon  hear  vou,  crv  louder  and  more  im]H)i-ti;natelv,  and 

'■    ]    S:.i,u„I,  iv.   1, 

(.AMI;.  >oc:. 

I'  2  {■ 
2  M 

'?.GC^  llEGrL.E  INCI.USAKU^r. 

luJc^ro  r.nd  viiniCcSliiker,"  and  ]>reate-5  ]>L't  ^e  wiilL-b  ;^oklon  u[i  |)eiic 
cartel  butc  jU"  lie  sonde  on  ]>o  sonrc  lielp  J  liie  ])•'  swul^eie.  Auh 
Avute  ^c  liwu  nie  Loncvd  onsweredc  .Tosapliat  ]?c  godc?  Lo  )nis  :'  o 
j^isse  v.i^c.  "NoH  tinicrc/'  7c.  ]his  lie  onswerelS  on,  liwon  3;c 
cleopieS  efter  lielpc.  "  Ne  beo  je  nout  offered,"  lie  scib,  '•'  no  dredc  3c 
ham  nowiht,  ]nudi  lico  been  strongc  7  nionie.  pe  nllit  is  rain  7  nout 
onre.  Sulcmcnt  ctstondoS  sikerlichc,  7  ^e  sclndon  habben''  ini 
suknrs.  Ilabbe^)  one  to  nic  tnistl  bileanc,  7  -^l'  bcoeJ  al  sikiTi'," 
Lokeb  m\  Invncli  ]icli»  is  strnsti  7  berdi  1.)ileaue.  Vor  al  ]'et  kelp 
J7et  God  bihat,  stren^e  uorto  stonden  ^vcl— al  is  in  hire  one.  lleidi 
Lilean.e  niake'5  ou  stonden  uprilit :'  and  te  dr-oCel  nis  nomine  lo-JSrc. 
Vor]>ni  ])!S  is  his  sawe  7  his  word  in  Isaisc,"  "Incuruarc  ut  trans- 
eanuis :"  huh  ]>e,  he  seiS,  aduncward,  ])Qt  icli  muwe  oner  ]^o.  poo 
buhS  hire  ]>Qt  to  his  fondunde  heieS  hire  heorte.  Vor  ])eo  Invnle 
bet  hco  stont  upriht  no  niei  he  nonScr  on  hire  ne  ruken,  no  rideii. 
I.o!  ]k-  treitrt',  liwn  he  sei?>,  "Incuruare  ut  transeamus:"  huh  })e,  ho 
seilS,  adun  i.nt  let  me  np.  Nnllich  nout  longc  rideu  :'  auh  ich  chnllo 
wenden  anun  oner  awei.  He  lihiS,  scIS  Sein  Beornard,  no  iief  ]m 
nout  ]fcn  treitre.  "Non  unit  transh-e,  scd  residere:"  nule  he  nout, 
he  seI5,  wenden  oner  :  auh  wnle  sittcn  ful  ucste.  NoScleas  sum 
was  J?et  ilefde  him,  7  Jjouhte  J'ot  he  scheolde  sone  adun  ase  he  bihat 
cuere.  Do,  he  sei^,  et  tisscn"^  one  cherrc,  7  schrif  ]?e  ]>erof  to  morwen. 
Bnh  adun  })ine  heorte  :!  let  me  up  7  schcnd*  me  mid  schrilte,  jif  ich 
alios  wolde  riden  to  longe.  Sum  was,  asc  ich  or  seide,  ]>et  ilencdo 
him,  7  Ictte  him  up,  7  he  rod  on  hire  Lobe  [del]  7  nilit,  fuUe  twniti 
-^er  7  jnore:  pet  Is,  boo  dude  one  swncho  sunno  ibet  ilke  niht,  ]>uruh 
lu's  prokinnge,  7  ];ouhte  ];et  hoo  wolde  amorwen  scliriuon  liin-  jx/rof: 
7  dude  hit  olt  7  eft,  7  Tool  so  nito  ful  wuno  ])vi  hco  lei  7  lotcde 
];erlnne  so  lunge  ase  ich  or  seide.  Ant,  [s'lf  -'i  miraclo  norc  ])oi  pufto 
adun  InMic  deouel   ]>vt  sot  on    hire  so  ucste,  boo  hofdo  iturpird  '  mid 

IsMio.     ('. 
M-lRt.    ■!  . 

con.  C     sci>.  '1'. 
I)(,,  ho  scis,  I'i.s.   T.  C. 
.,ri.l.t.  T. 

,„„,«.,■   and   ba.t-..,   "-■'":;,  v       1 '  tlm,  :  -  tl'-- ■"'■•'•^"' 

„„3„,,,ed  .Tel,oslK,i.tot  tb..  gu«l .'     1.  _     _  ^.^_„  ,;,,.  ,,,,,.     <.  i;„ 

•nnore,"  &.-     T!"^  '"=  """""f '  ^1      oil.  tl.ov  U-  »tr„n.::  .ud 

afraid,"  1.0  sai.1,,"  fe.-v  5^  '^^^^V  '  ;    "'  Only  s'tand  fivndy.  and 

,„„,,y.     Tbe  battle  .s  »         ^^^^^^^,.  ^^  j^,,,  .„  ,  ,  yo 

j-e  shall  Lave  my  --»"■■•     "'  .  ,,   ;„„vevM  help  i^  stead.ast  and 

ball  be  safV-."     Kow,  ob.^ve  .1  at  ^  .,  _,  .^^.^__^,,,  .t.-eng  b  to 

finn  faitb.      l'"^'  ^^'^  ^''}i!^'L  alone.     Finn  faith  njaketb  you 
stand  noldv-eonsists  entuely  n,  t  ns ^  ^j^_,  j^,^ .,^     .j ,,,,.,. 

stand  t-pvigbf.  -^"'™|':  :,  :inlsaiab.  "  .nenvva,-e  nt 
,„,.o  tbis  is  bk  sayn,g  and  n  cxp  _^  ^^  ^  _^^  .  ^,,,,  ,  ,l,ce 
t,.anseamus:"  "How  dov.n,  ^f ,;„.,,„  ,u  tenanting.  For,  wbne 
S,,eU.vetbbe,.e,f^vbou,c  nuUa  '-  ^^  ,^^^.  ,„,^,  ,,,„  ,„,.  Look  . 
sl,c  stands  uprigbt.b^  maj  "  .";  ,^.,,„,,„„„s :"  "  bow  tboe  do  ... 
,ow  tbe  tt-aitof  saitU,  "  Incur™  ^  ^  ^.^,^  ,„„„.  B„t  I  «■  go 
saitb  be,  "and  let  me  up.    11"-  ^^  p^.^.„,,a,  bebev^  t  In 

i„„„edlately  away  over.       «;  ^  ,,,  ,.sidere  :  "  be  wdl  .»  , 

not  tbe  traitor,     "^""t  Ml  fast      Nevertheless,  there  was  o. 
aith  be,  go  over,  but  -    -  jf  ;;',,„  „.„„kI  soon  dismount,  ^ 

.y.^^^'^'^^^^-^^f^J,  be,  "this  onee  -^  -f  .^  , 
always  prom.sed.        L)"  > '  ,„„.„  tl„ne  beait ,  W 

fcssion  of  it  on  the  morrow.  ^  ^o  v  ,,^,_^^,^^  ^„,,  ,„  „d. 

tdtbrow  me  off  with  confess.  ">'  \^^  J,^  ,^„,,„1 ,  ...  a..'! 
-  long."  ■^f;^:Z:i:lX  day  and  nigbt,  lull  twon  y  y  a. 
''T  T  :;.'        s .:  co,n,„Uted  o..e  1-'-'  J"',   ";,:,,,  „n  ,be 


m^rrc'-w,  n.abe  eonfess.on  .  ,,,^^,^^  ,,^,  „.,  ,„a  „..  e 

,,,ain,  a.,d  fell  ....«-•-;  ;m.  bad  ..o.   b.- --- 

so  long,  a.^  1  l^^-f"'-^-  .■':,,  ,,,  „„  lu-r  m.  fast,  she  bad   lo,p' 
,„Y,d  down  the  dev.l  .bat  s,d 

Ciiai'.  1' 



J.iiii.  bo>)('  lior.s  ?  lode,  aduii  into  lifllc  onui.U..      Vor]>ui,  Dilnc  Ieou«" 
^iishcii,  lioldc^  ou  cuer  efiio  upiilit  in-  trrowe  hilcauo.     Ilordcliclu- 
./.•„//,;  70,     ileiii'b  ]>L-f  nl  ];e  doofl(?s  stivncSe  indteS  }nu-uli  |>o  grace  of  ])o  lioli 
sacr;i!ne:it,  lioixt  oner  alio  oSrc,  >ot  50  iscoS   asc  oftc  ase  ]>o  pivost 
niesseb  "Z  sacreb  ]?ct  ineidenes  bearii;  Jcsu,  (iodi-s  suik',  ])ct  llcam- 
liclie  lihteS   ob'erhwules  to  owcr  in:'    ?   wiiSiinuMi   ou   odinodliclio 
nime-;S  In's  liorboniwe.     Dculesct,''  lico  bcoS  to  \\o]u^,  7  to 
iJieortcd  JK't,  wii5  swiidic  goste,  lierdoliclie  nc  iiilitr^.     Le  scliulru 
liabbcn  biK'ane'   JK-t  al   ]».'t    holi  clurdic  n-dcIS  ant  .slngo^,''  ant  allc 
liire  sacramenz  streiicJSetS  ou  gostlidio,  auh  noii  so  iiorJS  a^e  hk:   uor 
liit  bringce)  to  nout  alio  jjes  dcofI(>.s  wiclcs  :'  nont  one  his  stn-ncSo,  ? 
liis  stiongc'^  turnes,  auli  do?)  also  liIs  wilitful^  crokcs,  7  his  wivncli- 
fulc  Avicdiecreftes,  7  alio  his  jlssunges  r'''  ase  lease  swefiies,  ?  false 
schcauwinges/  ?  dredfule  oil'erunges,  It  fikele  ?  swlkelc  rcades,  ase 
JKudi  hit  were  a  Codes  halue,  "?  god  for  to  donne.     Vor  l^et  is  Iils 
unwrench,   ase    icli    or    seide   ];et   holi    men    most   drede^S,   ])et    he 
liaue5=  monle  holi  men  grimliche  bijuled.     llwon  he  ne  mei  nont 
brlngcn  ]>c  to  non  oi)en  vuel  he  egge<S  ]/e  to  a  j)Ing  ])et  ])nndiee) 
god.      pu  sdmldest,  he   seiiS,  beon  mlldre  7    leten   iwurJSen   l^ine 
gost.       pa    noulist    nont   stnrien    ne    trublen    j;Ine  heorte    ?    stien 
into  wre-ScSe.      pis  he  sei(S  for]nn  Jx't  tu  )ie  schnldest  nout  tuhten, 
ne  chasten  ]'i  meiden   nor  hire  gnlt:''  ant  bringi'b  pe  into  ^eme- 
leastcj  ine  stude  of     And  he  eft  seiS  riht  her  to-Tel/u'.s 
— ne  let  tn,  he  seiS,  ]nnc  meiden  no  gnlt  to  j-ines.      Lif  l>u  wult  ]>et 
heo  dredc  po,  hold  hire  neruwe.     Uihtwisnesse,  he  seiS,  mot  beon 
node  sturne  :'  arid  ]his  he  litec)  cruelte  mid  heowc  of  rihtwisnessc. 
i\fe'mel   beon  al  to  rihtwis.     Betere  is  liste'^  J'en  luSer  strencJSe. 
FUiol-ib.   llwon  ]hi  haucst  longe  iwakcd,  7  schnldest  gon  to  slepen,  Xu  hit  is 
vertu,  he  selt),  uor  to  wakien,  uor  hir  greueN  ])e.      ,Sek>  -^v^,  he  selS 

l)r\vl.'.„.i.   ■]•.      Cii-t  Int  \%;it.    r. 
^i>.-in-(.s.    'I'.      ;sulun-cs.    ('. 
.\.li  inc.    C. 

''  «ilt:ilr.   T.      \Ni.It'iilo.   (•. 

'  scliniiii)y(;.s.   T. 

'■  ^'iilti'S,  iiu  J>i';i\\f  J'iiH'  .strvaii/ 

••  %\is  lisle.   •)•.  C. 

AKTFCL  .SUGGKsnOXS  Ol'  TlfE  TK.M  1>  I  i:n.  2C)[) 

hill!,  liotli  horse  and  burden,  down  into  the  deptli  of  htdl.  >\'herL'- 
fore,  my  dear  sisters,  hold  yourselves  always  invarialily  uin-Iglit  in 
true  foith.  Believe  1  irmly  that  all  the  power  of  the  devil  melteth 
away  through  the  grace  of  the  holy  sacrament,  ^vhich  yc  sec 
elevated  above  all,  as  oft  as  the  priest  salth  mass,  and  consecrateth 
that  Virgin's  child,  Jesus,  the  Son  of  God,  who  sometimes  descendeth 
bodily  to  your  inn,  and  humbly  taketh  his  lodging  within  you. 
God  knowethj  she  is  too  weak,  and  too  evil  hearted,  who,  with  the 
aid  of  such  a  guest,  fightcth  not  bravely.  Ye  ought  to  believe  truly 
that  all  that  tlio  holy  church  rcadeth  and  singeth,  and  all  her 
sacraments,  give  you  sjnritual  strength,  Init  none  so  much  as  this;-'' 
for  it  bringeth  to  nought  all  the  wiles  of  the  devil;  not  only  liis 
forceful  and  violent  assaults,  but  his  powerful  stratagems,  Iiis 
cunning  sorceries,  and  all  his  deceits  ;  ^  as  illusory  dreams,  false 
appearances,  dreadful  alarms,  and  flattering  and  deceitful  counsels, 
I  as  if  the  thing  to  be  done  were  good  and  for  the  honour  of  God ;  for 

that  is  his  wicked  artifice,  which,  as  I  said  before,  holy  men  most 
dread,  and  with  which  he  hath  terribly  beguiled  many  holy  men. 
When  he  cannot  bring  thee  to  any  open  wickedness,  he  incites  thee 
to  something  which  appears  good.  He  salth,  "  Thou  shouldest  be 
more  indulgent,  and  let  thy  mind  be  quiet.  'J'hou  ouglitest  not  to 
disturb  nor  vex  thine  heart,  nor  rouse  it  to  anger."  He  saith  this, 
sionifying  that  thou  shouldest  not  correct  nor  chastise  thy  servant  *= 
for  her  fault ;  and  thus  he  leads  thee  hito  carelessness,  instead  of 
mildness.  And,  at  another  time,  directly  contrary  to  this  he  saith, 
"  Permit  not  thyself  to  forgive  thy  servant  any  fault ;  if  thou  ^^  ishest 
her  to  fear  thee,  keep  her  strictly.  Justice,"  salth  he,  "  must  be 
very  strict;  "  and  thus  he  coloureth  cruelty  with  the  hue  of  justice. 
One  may  be  too  severely  }u<t  Skilful  prudence  is  better  than  rude 
force.  \Vhcn  thou  Inist  watclicd  long,  and  shouldest  now  go  to 
-slcei.     he   saith,    "It    would    now  be  meritorious    to    watch,    since 




one  iioctunie      V      i 

—  So  ,,„„„  3„i,e  L   : ,. T  \1r" ■'"'  '"■"'■• ''  '-^■■■•'^  .: 

?to  yot  owor  bileau.  fa,,,,,  ,:,!''""•    /^"''  SiH.o  .nei  u,,,!...' 
»':«..gc  iled  ouer.  so  nc-.o„  Mvufe  ;    '     T'""'  ^'''  J«  -''I-  k-o,, 

-^o/*-'.  73. 


3  o,,dc„.    ]sbo.ot  o„  EbrcnvisJ,  i,  '^i,^^  ,     ";,"^''<;  ."^'od  lo  ,„uW- 
-.nos.  ,,c.,  is,  p,„-u.,  bi.,i  wa,....l„v',  .u.d.J,      „,  ';;.'   '""'V""  '' 


Tire  TCMl'TF.RPKlVtN   A^^•\^    '  _ 

„.atcl.ins  i.  V.^.-f'--',  }\  "■;:;;,,^,  t ,  ■„,;„  sLouklct  .loop  .ftovwara, 

„,,i,  i,  ,„;.,.  l,or.,..e  f;:'-^*  :\:  ;^,Ooto^v..d,,hob„nge* 
,i,e,V,ocontvn..-y:  n,.!  .1  '"";  "^  ,„^  ,„,,,  thoughts  as  these- 
],,,„,-,„e.,  .,«"  «'■-'  "5  "t tm  "O  to  sleep  nml  aviso  agam 
.W«lom  is  the  host  *'>':|;/,;  l^,,  .-hat  1  ought  m.v  to  do, 
,,,e.ently,audclo,„ore  <l">=^'  '  ^  „„^  „„,  dost  it  uot  n,  the 
„1  t  u,s  perhaps,  it  often  hai-p-is  ^^         temptations 

-ru'::r  U,  .v.  suhjeetl  ..he  ^^e^o.^^^^^^^^  ^^^,  , 

„1  this  hind  there  is  none  so  ^^.so  a.     „  ^^^^.^^^^  saeran,ont, 

l:,,hat  is  not  so.uetin,es  decene  ^    b^^^^^^^_^^_^^^^,^^,.^„^,,, 
„.ith  steadfast  faith,  tnore    la.  an  „^^^  ^.^^^^^^_  ^^,,^^_^ 

should  perceive  that  your  &'"    ''.'^ '^^.^^      ,t  that  hour,  strongly 
TmigH  be  ,uite  led  astray  ^  ^-       '^^^  ,,  p„,,„  i„ereasoth 
emptod,  then  is  your  ^'  »f  ^  ^^,  ^,,„^  I,,,.bosheth  lay  and  s  ep. 
We  read  in  the  Book  o    Kmgs     «  ^^^^^  „i„„„«ed  wd.ea. 

ll.dsota^voluantohekeeporoithog     ,  ^^^^^  f„„„a 

„pdhadscta^^  ,    ,    j-enunon  and  1'"""'"  '    ,,_  ,,,eop ;  and 

.         .    •..-    .,.,t   lurlltil'lUHl. 


)>ene  Inveate  into  ])C  geriRTc,  7  pTilVLii  evicr  awci  |>c.s  ll-ones  cliof  ]k'\ 

jiis  to  none  jniige  noulit  bate   to  licllc  snmr^iv.     Aiih  ]v  ]>;iii;i-edc! 

Isboset^  lo  !  Invu  he  dude  inuscliche.-'     lie  scttc  one  wuiniiioii  uovto 

boon  T^CLOwaid,  ]>c't  is,  fcblc  wiirdein.     Weilawei !  ase  nionio  do^J  so. 

Wumniou  is  ];e  reisun,  ];et  is,  v/ittes  skile  h\von  hit  unstivncJS'jJi,  ]>ct 

schulde  boon  nionlich  7  stalewarde''  ?  konc  inu  treowe  bilcauc.     pes 

jetcward  leiS  liini  to  slepcn  so  sonc  so  me  biginnoiJ  kunsenten  to 

sunne,  ?  let  ];ciie  hist  goii  inward  1  delit  M'axcn.     Ilwon  Jvi.'enbe-> 

sunen,  J'ct  beob  hello  bcavnes,  ivindeb  so  uawaker  ?  so  iieschc  p^ete- 

ward,  go^  in  7  slea^S  Isboset,  ]?et  is,  J^ene  biniased  gost  ]>ct  in  one 

slcpic  jemelcaste'^  iior^enieS  In'ni  suluen.   pet  nis  nout  to  iioi^iton  ]'ot, 

asG  holi  writ  telleS,  Iieo  Jmruli  stihten  Isboset  adun  into  [J'e]''  sclieie. 

Her  sei<5   Seint  Gregorie  :    "In  ingnincni   iej'ire   est   nitain   mentis 

carnis   dclcctationc  perforare."     pe   ueond   Jniruh  stihc)*^])et  scher 

hwon  delit  of  lecherie  J'urleb  ]^e  heorte:  1  ];is  nis  bnten  ine  s\q\)C  of 

jemeleaste  7  of  slouhSe,  asc  Seint  Gregorie  witneiS :'   "  Antlijnns 

hostis  niox  ut  mentom   oeiosam  invenerit,  ad  earn  snb  (juibusijain 

occasionibus  locuturiis  venit,*"  et  qua^dum  ci  dc  gestis  pra;teritis  ad 

Folio  7^  h.  menioriani  reducit,  audita  qnnjdam  verba  indecenter  resonat."     Et 

infra,  "Putruerunt  7  deterioratio  sunt  cicatrices  meai.    Cicatrix  ergo 

ad  putredincm  rcdit,  qumn  peccati  mdiuis,  quod  per  pocnitenciani  sana- 

tum  est,  in  delectationciu  sui  anlvnum  concutit."    pis  is  );et  Englisch  : 

liwon  |7e  olde  unwine  isihS  uro  skilc  slcpen,  he  drauh  him  in  ani>n 

;  intouwai-d  lilre,  ?  feollec)  mid  hire  o  slepe,*^  [1.  spcchc]    penchcst  ti-.,  liv 

i  sciS,  liwn  }>e,  oScr  j^eo,  spec  of  flesches  golnesse?     And  spekoIS  ju'.s, 

I  J?e  olde  swike,   touward  hire  heorte  worSes   [jet  hco  iherde  ^aro 

[  fulliche  iseide,  ober  sihSc  J;et  lico  iseih,  obcr  hire  owen  fulSen  ])v  t 

I  lico  sumchwiles  wrouhte.     Al   J;Is   he   put  furJS  biuoren  hire  heorte 

I  eien,  uottc  bifulen  hire  mid  j'ouhte  of  olde  sunnen,  hwon  he  nc  mei 

I  juid  neowe:'  7  so  he  bringelS  ofte  a^^can  into  }>e  adotede  sonic,  jun-nh 

^.  licunge,  hen  ilke  sunnen  j'ct  ])uriih   n'ouMulc  sore  wc-ren  -j;are  ibet: 

\  "   ,i,Msr,lli.-h.>.   T.  "  st:.lo\vMrNc.  T.     Ma\.|u„rN,..   C. 

I  .    S,.,,,!, ..   T.      ..ImohtIcs.   C.  ■'   i  I'.'.   T.  C. 

*  ^-  '|,u,lnM.n<h.s.  'I.   I'ur.h  stik.s.  C.  '  luhviut.    MS.  Oxon.  (•    i  si.ivl..^.   T.  C. 



in  the  of  liis  enemies,  lietli  dowii  tu  sleep  ?  The  gate-ward 
— that  is,  reason — \vhieh  ought  to  winnow  the  wlieat  and  separate 
tlie  refuse  and  tlie  chaiT  from  tlic  clean  grain,  that  is,  bv  diligent 
carefulness  to  separate  the  good  from  the  bad,  anfl  place  the  wheat 
in  tlie  granary,  and  blow  always  away  the  devil's  chaff,  which  is  fit 
for  nothing  but  to  smolder  in  hell.  But  the  stupid  Ish-boshcth, 
behold  how  foolishly  he  acted.  lie  appointed  a  woman  to  be  gate- 
ward,  that  is,  a  feeble  warden.  Alas !  how  many  do  the  like ! 
Woman  is  reason,  that  is,  the  understanding  when  it  grows  feeble, 
which  ought  to  be  mardy,  steady,  and  earnest  in  true  faith.  This 
gate-ward  layeth  herself  down  to  sleep,  as  soon  as  wc  begin  to 
consent  to  sin,  and  permit  the  desire  to  go  inward,  and  the  fondness 
to  increase.  When  the  sons  of  Rcchab,  which  are  the  children  of 
hell,  find  such  an  unwatchful  and  indolent  gate-ward,  they  go  in 
and  slay  Ish-boshetli,  that  is,  the  bewildered  spirit,  which  in  a 
sleepy  carelessness  neglecteth  himself.  It  is  not  to  be  forgotten  that, 
as  Holy  Scripture  informs  us,  they  stabbed  Ish-boshcth  through  the 
groin.  Upon  this  St.  Gregory  remarks,  "  In  inguinem  ferire  est 
vitam  mentis  carnis  delcctatione  perforarc."  The  fiend  stabs  through 
the  groin  when  the  fond  desire  of  lechery  perforates  the  heart:  and 
this  is  done  only  in  the  sleep  of  carelessness  and  sloth,  as  St.  Gregory 
sheweth,  "  Antiquus  liostis  mox  ut  mentem  otiosam  imenerit,  ad 
earn  sub  quibusdam  occasionibus  locuturus  vcnit,  et  quajdam  ci  do 
gestis  pra:teritis  ad  memoriam  reducit,  audita  qui\?dam  verba  inde- 
center  rcsonat."  And  further,  "  Putrucrunt  et  deteriorataj  sunt 
cicatrices  mea3.  Cicatrix  ergo  ad  putredinem  redit,  qumn  peccati 
vulnus  quod  per  pcenitentiam  sanatum  est,  in  delectationem  sui 
animum  concutit."  This  is  the  English:  When  the  old  enemy  secth 
that  our  reason  is  asleep,  he  inunediately  drawetli  nigh  to  her,  and 
fallefh  into  conversation  with  her;  "Dost  thou  rt>mendj(>r,"  saith  he, 
"  how  this  or  that  one  spoke  of  the  lust  of  the  flesh  ?  "  And  tims  th.' 
old  deceiver  speaks  to  lici-  heart  words  that  she  heard  long  ago  in- 
decently spoken;  or  of  some  sight  that  she  saw;  or  of  her  own 
nncleanness  which  slie  formerly  wronght.     All  ihis  he  j.laces  before 

CAArD.  SOC.  ^  N 

274  iJKfaL.i;  inciasai;im. 

so  ]?et  ])eo  mei  wcopoii  ?  humioii  a<e  sori  nion,  Ui'nlv  ]>,-  s;iliiiv,  urulik-: 
"Pun'uerunt/'  7c.  Wcilawei  i;iiiic  wuiidcii  ]n[  \\<-\\-i\  uciiv  \\\v\vd 
gedere^  j-.cowc  wrusnnv'' 7  foe)  on  eft  iinrto  rolieii.  llirk-.l  v  im.'.c 
J^eonne  biginc^  for  to  rotien  Invoiiuc  ]>c'()  suiincn  ]n:i  wovii  3;arc'  ibi-t 
kumeS  eft  mid  likiingo  to  niunenuiigc,  7  >ka^  ]n'n  unwarro  sonic. 
Grcgorins  :  "  Isbosct  inopinata  inoitc  ncinaqiiain  ^uccunilxux-t  nisi 
ad  ingressum  mentis  mulierem,  id  est,  mollcni  custodiam  dcputassct." 
Al  ]n6  imlimp  is  icumen  Jnirnli  ])e  ^etcwardcs  sk-pc.  ]?ct  nis  iKnit 
iwar  no  wakcr  no  nis  nout  moulicli,  anli  is  wuramonlicli,  cIS  to  oner- 
kestcn,  beo  In't  wummon  beo  bit  inon.  j">eonne  is  al  he  stivnciic 
efter  ]>c  bileaue,  7  eftcr  ]?et  nic  baucS  trustc  to  Godes  liclpc  ]>ct 
eucr  is  noib  buto  jif  bilcane  trukic,  ase  icb  lier  binoron  scide.  1Jl(^ 
FoNo  74.  unstrcnct^cS  ]?c  unwbit'^  7  deS  liini  snluen  o  ibibt(>  aiionribtc.  \uv 
]n  bcoc>  eucr  ajoan  liim  licrdi  aso  Icnn  ine  tivowc  biluaue  r'  and. 
nomelicbe  i'6c  uondnngc  ])et  Isboset  deide  u])pon,  ]>et  is  '^olnessc. 
Lo,  liwujemuwcn  icnuwen  |)et  lie  is  eruli*"  7  un\vre.;t,  Invoi!  be  smit 
J?ideward.  Nis  lie  erub '' cbaumpion  j'et  skii'jneei  tuuward  |>e  uet? 
J>et  secbeS  so  lowe  uortc  smiten  on  bis  kemp  ifeiv?  And  flescbes 
lust  is  fotes  wundc,  aso  was  fcor  iseid  ]>cruppe  :'  7  tis  is  pc  i-cison 
bwarcuorc :  al  so  ase  lire  vet  be]-e5  us,  al  so  ure  lustes  bereS  us  ofte 
to  J;inge  }?et  us  lust  efter.  Nu  }>conne,  ]»aub  J^i  foa  burtc  ]»c  oSc  vet, 
|?et  is  to  siggen,  fonde^  mid  flescbes  lustes,  uor  so  loub  wunde  no 
dred  tu  nout  to  sore,  Imte  jif  bit  to  s\vuI5  swclle,  |»urnb  sklles 
jettujigo,  mid  to  nuicbc  debt,  up  tonward  j'c  beortc  :'  aub  drinc 
]?eonne  alterl'.)cSe,'^  7  drif  ]>ene  swel*"  a;^ean\vard  uroiinnard  J^e  beorte  :' 
}?et  is  to  siggen,  ]>enc  oSe  attrie  pincii  J;et  God  sufl'rcde  oSc  rodo  7 
]7e  swell  selial  selten.  Prude,  7  ondc,  7  wrcdde,  bcortc-sor  uor 
worldlicbe  ]>Inge,  dcori  uorlonginge,  7  jiscunge  of  eibtc :  jjcos  beoS 
lieorte  wunden  :f  and  ];et  of  bam  vloweb  ^iuelS  deaJSes  dunt  anon, 
buten  jif  beo  boon  isalued.  Ilwon  ]^c  ueond  smit  Jndeward,  J;eoniic 
bit  is  iwis  forto  dredcii,  and  iiont  for  vot  wnnden. 

.Miisuiii.   C.  ''  iiinw.lit.   C. 

tttLTlahe  htiiru.    C.  '  s\\:ilin.   C. 

Tin:  in:.-\ii:;\Fi;T;ANCE  of  i>ast  sixs  tkmptkth  to  six,      275 

tlie  eyes  of  lier  licart,  that  lie  mny  corrupt  her  \vith  tlie  roineiuLrance 

of  old  sins,  when  he  cannol  \vitli  new.     And  tlius  lie  orten  bringeth 

airain    into    the    infatr.ated    soul,     througli     desire,    the    same    sins 

which  tln-ough   |>fniteiitial  contrition  were  long  sirxe  amended,  so 

that  she  may  weep  and  hnnent.  as  one  in  sorrow,  with  the  l^sahnist, 

"Putruerunt,"  c>ce.      Alas  !  niy  wor.nds  that  were  so  well  healed  are 

gathering  new  matter,  and  begin  again  to  fester.     A  healed  wound 

begins  to  fester  when  the  sins  that  were  formerly  amended  come 

again,  with  desire,  into  the  memory,   and   slay   the   imwary  soul. 

Gregorius  saith,    Ish-bosheth  would  not  have  fallen  by  a  s^^dden 

death  if  ho  had  not  ])laced  a  woman,  that  is,  a  timid  warder,  at  the 

door  of  his  mind.     All    this  mishap  came  through  the  gate-ward's 

sleep.      That  whicli   is  not  wary   and  watchful   is  not  manly  but 

womanly — easy   to  overcome,  whether  it  be  man  or  woman.     All  ii 

our  strengtli,  then,  is  according  to  our  faith,  and   according  to  our  jj 

confidence  in  God's  help,  which  is  ever  nigh,  except  our  faith  give  l 

way,   as  T  said  before.     Faith   weakeneth  the  enemy  and  putteth  I* 

him  to  flight  immediately.     Wherefore,  be  always  as  bold  as  a  lion  l' 

against  him,  with  true  faith;  and  especially  in  that  temptation  by 

which  Ish-bosheth  died,  namely,  the  lust  of  the  flesh.     liehold  how 

you  may  know  that  he  is  cowardly  and  weak,  when  he  smites  in  this  • 

direction.     Is  not  he  a  cowardly  champion  who  strikes  at  the  feet  ?  \ 

who  seeks  to  smite  his  ant^igonist  so  low  ?     Now  the  lust  of  the  flesh 

is  a  foot  wound,  as  was  said  long  before ;  and  this  is  the  reason  of 

it:  in  like  manner  as  our  feet  carry  us,   so  oiu'  lusts  often  carry  us 

to  the  object  of  our  desires.     Now  then,  although  the  enemy  wound 

thee  in  the  feet,  tliat  is  to  say,  tempt  thee  with  carnal  ])leasures,  be 

not  too   much  afraid  for  so   low  a   wound,   unless  it   should  swell 

greatlv,    throiigli   the  mind's  consent,   v.itli    too   much   delight,   uj) 

toward    the    heart;   and    then,    drink  the  anlidute,  "  and  drive  tlie 

swelling  away  from  the  heart:   that  is   to   say,   think  of  the  bitter 

pains  that  (lod   sudlred  on  the   cross,  and  the  swelling  will   al)ate. 

Pride,  ejiv}',  \M-ath,  anxiety   alx.ul   worldly  tilings,  listless  indolence, 

-  Tiu:  lull.  lKt._..,y,  or  i,(i.i.y-K>;.ss.      Jj.^'r,.,  ti.. 


KKGl']..!-.  I>'CLUSAnU.'\r. 

1  rudcs  saluo  is  cdiuodnos.^e :  ondcs  salue,  ieolaulicli..'  Iuik-  : 
wix-S^es  salue,  J'olcinodncsse:  accidies  saluc,  reduuge  ai.d  ml.-liclie 
Averkes,  and  gostlicli  ui'ouien:  jiscunges  salue,  ouerhowo  of  Qor>>- 
liclie  l^inges  :  vcstscliipes  saluo,  ureo  licorto.  Nu  of  |>c  uojiue.  On 
aire  crest,  jif  ]}u  wilt  Leon,  cdiiiod,  };enc.  euer  Invat  ])c  wonted  ol' 
hollncsse  ?  of  gostliclic  J^vawcs.  peuc  Invat  tu  haucst  of  yi  r^ulf.  pa 
ert  of  two  dolcii  t  of  licaiiie,  ?  of  soule,  7  in  ei JScr  bcoX  two  J'iuges 
]>et  muwen  sv,  ub'e  niucliel  uicoken  ]>q,  ;^if  bu  ham  wel  lilioldest. 
Fvlio  71  b.  I  |,ine  licame  is  fulSe  7  unstrcnc?ie.  Nu,  kumeS  of  })e  vetles  swuch 
ylng  ase  [is]  ];eri]i]ie.^  Of  ]jinc  fleschcs  vetles  Invat  cunic^  j'crof":' 
KunicS  |»erof  s:nel  of  aroniaz,  oKer  of  swote  healewi  ':f^  I)l  hIj.'^  Of 
te  druie  Hprlulles  bcreS  wiubcrieji?  And  breres  bcre^  rusen,  7 
bevieri,  7  blostnien?  IMon,  ])[  fle.>ch,  Invat  frut  bcreb  hit,  in  all  hi- 
openunges?  Andddcn  j^e  niestc  nienkes"^  of  }»inc  nebbe,  ]et  is,  |>et 
feirest  del  bit\veonen  sniecli  nuiScs  7  neoses  smcl,  ne  berrst  tu  two 
Jjurles,  ase  j>auh  hit  weren  two  ja-iuc  ];urles?  Ncrt  tu  icumeii  of 
ful  slim?  Ncrt  tu  mid  fulSe  a  ifulled?  Ne  schalt  tu  beon  wurme.s 
fode  ?  Nu  a  ideili  mei  eilcn  |?e,  7  makien  ]?e  to  blenchcu.  ]Ca^e 
ineiht  tu  beon  prut!  Philosophus:  "  Spcrma  es  fluidum :'  a  as 
stercorum  :f  esca  uermium."  Biliold,  holie  men  ]'et  wei-eii  sumo- 
Invules,  hwu  heo  ucstcn,  7  Invu  hco  wakeden  :'  ine  Invucho  pas.siun, 
7  ine  Invuche  swinkc  hco  weren  :'  and  so  ]>u  nieiht  icnowon  ]»ine 
owunc  woke  inistrenccSe.  Auh  wostu  hwat  awilogcci  niuiinos  frble 
eien  J^et  is  heie  iclundjcn?  prt  lie  blliult  aduueward.  Aug.  •'  Sieut 
incentiuni  est  elationis  respectus  infevioris,  sic  cautcla  ot  Iiiuniiilafis 
considcratio  supcrioris.""     Al  so  ase  Inva   bilialt   to  j't-o  ]>vt  l;o.)iS  of 

Mu.i.I,.'.    (;. 






tUen  is  l.e  truly  to  V  l.c,-',  .  ^_^  .^  ^^^  ^„„  ,„,,„. 

I.  Thefonu.ayofrfKl->™  "--,,, ^_  „„,  „ri,„„s  l^inds  o. 
of  «,-a.l,.  l.a.lence;  °f  '  *^."  ,',  ,„,„ry  of  covotou.ncss  .  con- 
,v„vk,  and  spintunl  "'"«>'';'"^  '/^  ,.,,„,,,ity.  Now>  concerm.g  tl.o 
tompt  "'•"■■"■'>•  """%  '  ,t;lle,  reflect  aUvays  on  your  ^ 
fi  ,t      Fir-st  of  all,  if  tlwu  wtU  be  '"""«=;    ^^^  „,i„t  thou  hast  of  thy- 

,,lf.     Tl,ou  art  of  two  \-^f'-f°'Tl  if  ,l,ou  rightly  npFehende.t 
;•„..  ,vhich  ,nay  greatly  1>""<^       "^^^'^^a  i„finnity.      Kow,  there 
,e„t      In  .l.y  l-«ly  -^  ";f  "as  it  contains.     What  eome.h 
Cometh  out  of  a  vessel  such  tlu^  s  ^^^^^^^  ^^^  ^^.^^^  ^^  „f  3 

°    of  the  vessel  of  thy  flesh  ?     Uotn  _^  j^^^^  „^,,^,„ , 

;L  Lco.nethcreof?GodUno«^;D/r^ 

And  do  briars  [i.  thorns]'  bea>  ros  s,^  ^^^_^,_^^y     _^,„„Ut   he 

V  at  fruit  doth  thy  flesh  hear  f;,|,J„H-est  part  between  l.e 
:  :tst  ornament  of  ";(  ^f^ '^.^ou  no.  two  holes,  as  ,f  tW 
;«tc  of  month  and  smell  of  no^e  ^^^^_^^^j  ^^  f^,„,  s Inne       A 

--  '™  V"':;  Ml  of  tclLness?     ^halt  thou  no      ejoocl^;^ 

■Phat  he  looks  *™;nwad      An                ^^^.  ^  ,..,er.a.  ..  ^^ --^^^ 
-'"•"■'''•>■•    .,;\i,Ie.f  to  be  of  hi.h  sta, ,-> 



lowc  line,  j'ot  makeS  him  J^uiiclicn  J,et  lie  is  of  lieie  line,  ;uil.  bil,o!.l 
envv  upwaid  tomvard  heouenllclie  men  |)et  clu.nbeii  s.;  h^v.  ?  loo.iiiu 
schalt  til  isoon  hu  lowe  ];u  Vcston  aiic  si-uncnilit  to  l.rcadu 
?  lo  \N atore  :'  oocr  j^reo  iiilit  togedcres  wakieii,— 1<a\ u  v.oldc  Idt  un- 
streiicSen  |.iiiG  flescliliclic  strciicbe !  pus  ]juos  tux.  ];iiigcs  bihold  i 
ymc  licame— falbc  J  unstrcucSc.  I  j,ine  soido,  oScr  two-sunr.e.  7 
ignorance  :'  ];et  is,  mnvisdom  ?  lunviti'iiessc.  Yw  <,itc  ]kv  W.  ueiiest 
]7ct  boo  god  is  vucl,  7  soulf  murbiv.  JHliuld  iiii.l  wet  eiL-n  ].Inc- 
schcomefulo  sunncn:  dml  ^^et  ]>hic  woke  kuude  ]^.f  is  c^  aworpcn  : 
and  seie  mid  to  holie  nionnc,  |)et  bigon  uortc  wcopcii  7  seide,  ].o  nic 
toldc  him  pet  on  [of]  liis  feivn  was  mid  one  wummoi.e  iuallcn  inc 
fleslicLcfuloe,  "Ille  liodio,  ego  eras:"  ];ctis,  "lie  to  dai,  ieli  to  mor- 
wen/'  Ase  ])auli  lie  seide:  Of  al  so  nnstronge  cundc  ieb  am  aso  he 
is,  7  al  swueh  me  mei  bitidcn,  bate  jif  God  mc  hokle.  pus,  lo,  be 
Iioli  mon  nefde,  of  ]>en  oSre  mone  ];et  was  iuallen  inc  simne,  non 
wunderhclie  ouerhowe,  aidi  biweoi)  liis  unliep,  7  dreddc  ))et  him  al 
swuch  muhte  bitiden.  O  ];isse  wise  makieS  edmod='  7  meoke^  our 
licorte.  Bernardus:  "Siipcrbia  est  appctitus  proprie  cxcellencie  :' 
humilitas  contemptus  ejusdcm."  Al  so  as  prude  is  wihuui'To  of  w  luM- 
schipe,  rilit  al  so,  ]>er  to  jeines,  edmodnesse  is  forkestin<''  of  wur^- 
schipe,  7  luue  of  lute  hereword  7  of  loulmcs>e.  pes  ]>eaii  is  aire 
]?eauwene  mudcr,  7  strconed  ham  allc.  pe  ];et  is  umbc,  AviJSouteii 
iiirc,  uorte  gederen  gode  ]>eauwcs,  lie  bereb  du^t  i^Se  winde,  ase 
Seint  Gregorie  witneS :  "Qui  sine  humilitate  uirtutes  eonureiMt 
quasi  qui  in  ucnto  pulucrcm  portat."  pes  one  bici  iboruwcu :  bes 
one  wi^buweb  ])vs  dcofles  gronen^  of  lielle,  ase  ure  Louerd  seide  to 
Seint  Antonie  }>et  iseih  al  ]>enc  world  ful  of  ];es  deofles  tildim-,'r/' 
"A,  Louerd!"  cweS  he,  "liwomei  wiI:i];eos  witcn  him  |»L't  he  nebeo 
mid  suniine  of  J^eos  ikcilit?"  "One  |)e  cdmode,"  c■wc•^  uiv  J.uuerd. 
So  Intel  yhv^  is  edmodnesse  7  so  sinel  pet  no  iriunc  lu-  mi-i  hire 
cthohk'.M.      Anil,  lo,  nnu'he  \\  under:   ])auh  heo  niakie  hiri-  so  lutd    7 

■•   f:i<lin(,-li.>.    T.  V 
•    tvl.l,  t„r„-;,:  Sc-i 

Si'olicc,  </(V/<.« 

,„,vc,wv.^^.,.^,xcv.ux^•cxovm■^m,n•v.  279 

,   ,     ,,  .„v..,lv  men,  ul>,.  l.avc  climLod  on  Wgl,    and 

always  >n™:"-'l  '"  "  ; -inn   f.mtet.     To  fast  a  week  on  broad 

,h,,,l,on»l,altseelK,w.„  .no-.,;  «^  ^^^^^j^^^,  ,^^^^^.  ,,.^„,i  jt  en- 
and  w-ator.  or  to  ^,  ^!nv.  .  ■,,  ^^.^^^^=^^  ^^_^^^^  ^^^,^  things  in  tl,y 
frebk- thy  bodily  strengt.,.   ,  "  ;  ^  ^^- j,  .  ^„„,^  o,],,,.  ,wo,  sin  and 

body.  "''•'■'•-'=>"'-'''^l"";',;"'';;:V".;„t  of  iudsmer.l;  for  often  that 
i,.„„,.„,ec;  that  ,s,  iol  y  ^"\'^'[^^  Ldsonl-nnn-dor.  Behold 
;i,icl-.  thou  thinkest  to  be  goo.      ■■  continually   thy  iveak 

with  wet  eyes  "'.v  ^1-™  :;^^  ;";„,°;  „,„,  ,,,0  holy -nan  ybo 
„a,„ve,  -.vhich  >s  -^f '■.:'"  Vlne'was  told  that  one  of  his  companions  to  .eep  and  sa,d.  -'.-  "^^^^^  ,„,,,,„„,ss,  "  Hie  hodie,  ego 
l-'l  '■"'■'-  -'^^r:":l        .,:rlv  :  -.  as  .f  ho  had  saia,  I  an, 

eras;  ^  that  is.  "He  .o    ay,    w-n,ono  ^^^  ^^^  ^^^^^  ^^^^^^  _^^^_^.         ,^„ 
of  the  same  n.fir.n  na.  ue  a      -  ^^^^  ,^^,^.  ,,,^„  ,  „,i 

„,  ,„e,  unless  God  --""";;,,„„„„  .h„t  was  fallen  sm  but 
overweening  eontempt  of  t he  o    c  ,,me  might  befal  h,m- 

.-ept  his  n-ishap,  and  drea  cd  ^.^  i^        -^^^^^^  ^,^,  „,^  S, 

self.  I"  *'"\;"='"':! IV  e  f  Ipetitus  propria^  excellen.ia;  •,  hunnh- 
liernardstys,  "  Supe,b>a  es^au  .J^^^^^,^  „.-  ,,„,,„p,  so,  on 
tas  eontanpfns  ejnsdenn^      As  1   ^  ^^_^^^,^^      ^_,^,  „,^ ,,      „f 

the  contrary,  hunnhty  .s  ''^^  ^  °^,  This  virtue  is  the  mother 
„„aerate  eommendaUon  »;\°  »;;;;;^  „,,  He  vho  tries,  without 
of  all  virtues,  and  f  f  ^  j  ^  ^  dust  in  the  wind,  as  S.. 
this,  to  acquire  exeellentvutnes^  ^_^^^^^^  congregat,  quas. 

Gregory  testifteth,  "  Q'-  -  .f-^t^' ,,,„e  alone  is  saved:  th. 
,,„i  in  vento  pulverem  po  ta t  ^^^^^^  ^^  ^^^,  ^o,,!   a.d  to  St. 

,lone  evadeth  the  snares  of  the  de  ^^^.j,^  j^.^,^,^,^  ,„j„. 

Antony,  .ho  saw  al  'f  ^^^^tuard  himself  against  these  so 
"Ah  Lord'."  quoth  he,  'Who  "'J  °       ,„    «  Only  the  humble, 
.hat  he  is  not  caught  w,,h  -^fj      ;,,„,,  a„d  so  small,  that  no 
,„„,!,  our  T-ord.    So  ht.le  a  t  u  ^^  ^^^^^^_^^,f^,l  ,,„„„,    „  , 

'nare  may  hold  i,      ,-      ^^^  '         ^„  ,„„,,^,  ,  .o  s.nall,  yet  -t  .s 

.hough  it  "-»'-•■'*';:;,■';.   ,uch  as  aH  spiritual  strength 


JilOGlL/T-,  JNOL 

Folio  7C. 

SO  moolc,  7  so  smel,  hco  is  ]>au]i  jmuoc  strcng'-.-t,  s.j  j-rt  t.l'  hive  i> 
cuericli  gostlicli  streiic?ie.  Sciiit  Casslodcn-e  hit  ^viflHJ^; :'  "Oiiuii< 
fortltudo  ex  liumilitiite:"  auh  Salomon  sciS  ]'c  reisuii  luviii :'  "  Vljj 
humilitas  ibi  sapioiicia :"  ])er  ast;  cdiiioclncssc  is,  ])ei-.  lie  seiJS,  is  .Tesu 
Crist,  J)ei  is,  his  Fcd(!i-  wisdom,  7  his  Foder  siixiict'ic.  Nu,  no 
wunder  ];eoiiiic,  ];aidi  strencbe  hco  J)er  aso  he  is,  puruli  grace  imie 
wuniinde.  j^nruh  pc  strcnciSe  of  cdmodnosso  he  uwerp  )»eiie  Avursc'' 
[/.  ];urse]  of  helle.  pe  -c^^'-'\\>^'  wrastlare  niineS  ^cme  hwat  tiivii  his  fore 
nc  ciiime  nout,  |;et  he  mid  Avrastleb  r'  vor,  mid  J^eii  ilke  turn  he  mci 
hine  unmunlunge  aworpeiij'  Al  so  dude  nre  F(jucrd.  lie  i>eih  hu 
iieole  ]?c  grimme  wrastlare  of  hclle  ureid  up  on  his  hupe,  7  \verj>, 
mid  \(i  haunche  turn,  into  golnesse,  ]?ct  rixleb  i  )»c  lenden.  lie  hof 
an  heili  monie,  7  iwcndc  abutori  mid  ham,  7  swcinde  ham  buruli 
prude  adun  into  helle  grunde,  O,  ]>ouhte  ure  Loucrd  |»et  al  I'is 
bihcold,  "  I  schal  don  ]>e  cime  turn  ]>et  tu  ne  cubest  neuei',  ne  ne 
meiht  ]ieuer  cunncn  ''— ]'cne  turn  of  edmodnesse,  |>ct  is,  ]>e  TialHndc 
turn.  And  fcol  urom  heoueno  to  j>er  corSe,  7  streihte  him  S'>  hi  ]>ei- 
corJSc,  jjot  te  feond  wcnde  J>et  he  were  al  coiiSiich  :'  7  was  bichcrd'' 
mid  tct  turn,  7  is  jete  eueriche  deie  of  cdmodc  men  7  wunnnen  pet 
hine  wel  cunnen.  On  o^er  half,  asc  Joli  seidc,  he  ne  niei,  uor 
prude,  jet  Lute  biholden  heic :  "  Omne  sublime  uidcnt  oculi  ejus." 
Holie  men  J^ct  holSct  ^  ham  lutte  7  of  lov.-e  line,  hco  bcoJS  ut  of  his 
sih'Se.  pe  wildc  bor  ne  mei  nout  buwen  him  uorte  smitcn  Invam  se 
iialleb  adun,  7  J?uruh  meoke  edmodncssc  streccheS  him  bi  pci-  eoriic. 
He  is  al  kareleas  of  his  tuxes.  ]7is  nis  nout  a;;ean  ])ct  ich  halibe 
iseid  or,  ]^et  me  schal  stonden  eucr  to-jeines  |?e  dcofuol :'  nor  j'et 
stonding  is  treowo  trust  of  hei'di  bileaue  up[)on  Godes  strenciSe  :  and 
his  fallinge  is  cdmod  cnowunge  of  j^in  owune  wocnesse  7  (jf  ]'iiie 
owunc  unstrcncbc.  Ne  non  ne  mei  stonden  so  bute  ^if  he  pus  falle  -i 
bet  is,  bute  ^if  he  lete  lute  tale  7  unwurb  of  him  suluen  :    biholdon 


Ii4)(llii)ges  casteii.  T. 

l.iluit.  T.     l.ilui.I.  C 

gi-as,  latio, 



."    •      '';t    Where    tlunv  .^  imi-.n.  ^>  l--., tier's   stivivitli. 

Vm    •  f.     tint    i^^,   ^»s   ln:'''i'>    ^^>-l^>''  ,t,vn  >-t1i   >vlK^re    V.c  i.^, 

„,„„gU  m-d«clllng  .-  •  ^^  ^^^....vres.lerc.refullyoW- 
„,,,„,.,agcmlu..«ate.Mth  IK..  ^^^^^^^j__,^^^..  ,.,„  e.. 
.i,l>  tbat  ,«vf,c«l.v   stva  a,  «             ^_^^^^^^      „^  „         „.es,  «•   o 

"augU  up  on  V.  hir   -.;— -  :    !;,voa  «.  .na,,-,  a,„l  Inn,.. 

,  ™\    vi'l.  tl.c.»,  "n<^  ^"""S  "',      ,  \  1  o  beheld  all  llm,      1 

..rctcl-etUlumsclf  on  the  .^^^  ^  ^^,j  ,,,.,,,  ^,^^^ 

^"      a   ,   .   think  hhns,.H   ..i    -'••"•,  ,,;,,„..,  l««>«-""'='"'""-^ 

.,eq.t   h<-   »"-;■  „„t„,l,i.  f 

„,„,,;,, a  hi.  hla,.b«--l 

CAMl).  ^'O^ 

282  iiEorL.r.  inch.  s.viUAr. 

cuer  his  blakc  ■?  nout  his  hwite,  viorSi  ]?et  hwit  awilcgob  ])o  oi'n. 
Edmod!lc^^sc  no  mci  iieucr  bcon  inouh  Ii)Voisc(I:  nor  ])ct  was  ]'ct 
lescun  ])Qt  nre  Louevd  iiiwardlukest  Icivde  alio  liis  icorcm',  hu?c  mid 
Averke  1  mid  worde :'  "r)i:icitc  a  me,  quia  niiti.s  ium  ^  liumilis 
cordc."  In  hire  lie  holdeb  nout  one  dropcmelc/'  auh  jootcS 
vlowinde  wellen  of  ]iis  grace,  ase  sci^  }>c  sahn-wurulite  :  "Qui 
emittis  fontes  in  coiiuullibus."  I  |?c  dealcs,  he  .sri\S,  ])u  niakcvt 
welJen  uorto  springen.  Auli  heortc  to-bollcn  7  to-swollen,  7  ihoueii 
on  heih  ase  liul — J^eo  hoc-rtc  ne  etlialt  none  wcte  of  Codes  oracc.  A 
bleddre  ibollen  ful  of  winde  ne  duueS  nout  into  ]?eos  deopc ^  watocs r' 
auh  a  nelde  ])rikiunge  worpeb  al  ut  p>enc  wind.  Al  so,  on  cSclich 
stichc,  otSer  on  eSelich  echo'-"  makeS  uorte  undcrstondcn  hwu  Intel 
wurS  is  prude,  and  Invu  egedc  ]»ing  is  horel.'^ 

Ondes  salue,  ich  seide,  j^et  was  feolaulieh  Inuc,  and  gud  vnnungo  :' 
t  god  wil,  ]'er  ase  mihte  of  dede  wonteiS.  So  nnichel  strencSe 
haue&  luue  7  god  wil  |?et  hit  makeS  oiSivs  gf)d  ure  god,  a^e  wol  ase 
his  ]>et  hit  wurchet).  Sulenicnt  luue  his  god:  beo  Mel  ipaied  •"  ? 
gled  J'crof,  7  so  ]>u  turncst  hit  to  ]>e,  7  makest  hit  ])in  owen.  Seiiit 
Gregorie  hit  witne^  r  "Aliena  bona  si  diligis  tna  facis,"'  l.if  ])u 
hauest  onde  of  oSres  god,  ])u  attrest  ]>e  mid  helewi,  7  wundest  j'e 
mid  salue.  pi  salue  hit  is,  jif  ]^u  hit  luuest,  a;^ean  soule  hurtcs  :' 
and  ]'i  strcncSe  ajean  ])e  ucond  is  al  J^et  god  }>et  oJSro  do^,  ;^if  ]n\ 
Fofio  7Gb.  hit  wel  unnest.  Sikerliche  ich  ileuc  pet  ne  schal  flesches  fondnnge, 
nan  moi-e  ]jen  gostlich,  anieistre  ]>c  neuer  i^if  ]hi  ert  .swete  iheorted,  7 
edmod  7  mildo,  and  luuest  so  inwardliche  alle  men  7  m  ummon,  7 
nomeliche  a))cren,  )7inc*'leoue  sustren,  |;et  tn  ei-t  sorl  of  Iiuje  \  uri,  7 
gled  of  horc  god  ase  of  |>in  owune  :'  vmien  |H't  alle  ]'et  luuir^  ]>»> 
luuoden  ham  ase  ])c,  7  dude  ham  uroure  ase  |'e.  l.if  ]h\  h;uu'St  km'f 
ocSer  cloS.  mefe  o^^cr  druiieh,  sevowe  oiSer  (piae)-.  holi  moiine  urour'.', 

nh.   T.  ''   '"lid.   T.      „u.1k'I.   v. 


iiO'A   i,N\  V  IS  lo  lit;  cii.'r.i). 


dazzles  the  eyes,  lluiriility  c;ui  never  be  sufficiently  commciuled, 
tor  it  was  the  le.ssoii  m  jiicli  uuv  Lord  most  earnestly  tauirlit  all  his 
elect,  li'itli  by  \\or.l  and  work,  "  Lea.rn  of  nie,  for  J  au)  nK-ek  and 
ktwly  in  heart."  •'  In  tin's  [virtue]  lie  poureth  not  nien.'ly  dr«»p  by 
drojj,  bnt  he  ])ourefh  in  a  Mow  inLi;  stream,  the  fountains  of  his  grace, 
as  the  Psalmist  saith,  "  Qui  emittis  fbntes  in  convalHbns.''  '•'  In  tiie 
dales,"  saith  lie,  "thou  makest  fountains  to  well  up."  lUit  a  heart 
inflated,  and  swollen,  and  lifted  U])  as  a  hill — such  a  heart  retains 
none  of  the  dew  of  God's  grace.  A  bladder  inflated  full  of  wind 
diveth  not  into  those  deep  waters ;  but  the  ])ricking  of  a  needle  lettcth 
out  all  the  wind.  In  like  manner  a  slight  stitch  or  a  slight  pain 
maketh  one  nndei'stand  how  worthless  is  jn-ide,  and  how  stupid^' 
a  thing  is  vanity. 

II.  The  reincjdy  for  envy,  I  said,  was  love  to  one  another,  and  doing 
them  good ;  and  good  will,  where  the  ability  to  do  is  wanting.  So 
great  cflicacy  hath  love  and  good  will,  that  it  maketh  the  good  which 
it  doth  to  another  our  own,  as  well  as  his.  Only  love  his  good ;  be 
well  pleased  and  glad  of  it,  and  thus  thou  turnest  it  to  thyself,  and 
makest  it  thine  own.  St.  Gregory  sheweth  this:  "If  thou  lovest 
the  good  of  another,  thou  makest  it  thine  own."  If  thou  hast  envy 
of  another's  good,  thou  poisonest  thyself  with  balsam  and  woundest 
thyself  with  salve.  Thy  salve  it  is— if  thou  lovest  it— against  the 
wounds  of  the  soul;  and  thy  strength  against  the  fiend  is  all  the 
good  that  another  doetli,  if  thou  art  well  pleased  with  it.  I  (irudy 
believe  that  neither  carnal  nor  s[)iritual  temptation  shall  ever  master 
thee  if  thou  art  kind-hearted,  and  humble,  and  meek,  and  lovest  so 
sincerely  all  men  and  womeii,  and  especially  anchoresses,  thy  dear 
sisters,  that  art  as  sorry  for  their  evil,  and  glad  of  their  gooil,  .%s 
of  thine  own:  d<-sire  tint  all  who  love  thee  love  them  as  well  as 
tiiee,  and  comfoit  ihem  :is  well  as  thee.  If  thou  ha-<(  a  knife  or  a 
garment,    food   or  di-inl<,  scroll    or  book,  the  iioly  man"-  cornf...  f.  or 

-•  '  i:i;(.rL.].  i\(  i.i  >Ai;tM. 

<)^ol•  eni  oSlt  ]>Ino-  ],et  liani  v.  uMc  uivoinieii,  vmiil'h  pet  tii  liciK-dcst 
wuntc  j'crof,  wi^  J;eii  ]K't  lieu  liir  luiieden.  And  ^ifoui  h  )>ot  iiaiioS 
nout  ye  hcorto  J;iis  afeited,  mid  scoiuldulo  sikcs,  boSe  hi  dcic  7  ec  bi 
nilite,  grede  on  ure  Louerd,  and   noucr  giio   ne  T^iue  liiin   ci-  \w, 

]n\vuh  his  graco,  liahhe  liire  sv,  ucii  aturncd  and  imakod. 

vSalue  of  wrcSoc,  icli  selde,  was  |>oleniodnes5C  :  ]>Qt  haneS  jnvu 
steiren— ]ieic,  J  herre,  7  ah-e  heixt,  7  noxst  ])C  heio  heoucne.  llcih 
is  ]>e  stcirc  jif  j'u  j'olest  fbr  }nne  gulte  :'  herre  ;tif  J>u  naucst  gult :' 
aire  hexst  jif  ]m  j^olest  uor  })inG  god  dode,  "'  Xai."  seiS  sum  aniased 
J'ing,  "jif  ichhcueuOgult];erot',  ich  noldc  neiier  meneii."  Krt  tii,  j'et 
so  scist,  ut  (.'f  }>ine  v.itte?  Is  |;e  leoiiere  uoitc  beon  Judases  fcolawe 
Jjcn  Jcsu  Cristes  fere?  Do^ic  hco  wei'cii  anhongcd  :'  auh  Judas  for 
his  gultc,  7  Tim,  witJuten  gulte,  uor  his  muchelc  godleich  was  an- 
honged  o  So  rode.  Ilwebcrcs  fere  wult  tu  beon?  Mid  hwe-Jier 
wult  tu  ]>()l!eii?  Of  ]>is  is  |'er!iiij)e  iwriteii  muchel :'  hu  he  is  ]>i 
uile-"'  ])et  missjiei  j'e  oc)er  mi-il<''6  }'- :  and  nis  ]>et  iren '^  aeursed  jjet 
iwLu-ueb  ]»e  swarture  7  ])c  ruliure  so  hit  is  ufture  7  iiim-e  iviled? 
Gold  and  seoluer  clenseS  ham  of  hure  drus  iiie  fure.  Eif  Jm 
gcdercst  dros  J>crmnc,  J;et  is  ajcan  kunde.  Argcntnm  jv}'ioI)atam 
vocate  eos.  pe  caliz  ],'ct  was  imelr  iSe  fure  7  stroncliche  iwelled,  and 
scoiSiSen,  ];uiuh  so  nionic  duntes  7  frutunges,  to  Gudes  nebbe  [biheue*-"] 
so  swu^e  ueire  afeited,  wok'e  he,  ;;;if  he  kirSc  spoken,  awarien  his 
cleiising  fuv  7  ills  wuruhfe  IiMiiden?  Al  ]>os  world  is  Goddcs 
sn)iSbo,  norte  smcoJiien  his  ieureiie.  Vrultn  ]>et  (iod  iiabbe  no  fur 
in  liis  siniSSc — ne  belies — ne  h.<]neres?  Fur:'  pet  is,  seh.iMimc  '"'' 
pine:  ].'e  b'-lies:  ]»et  be()>5  ]'eu  ];et  niissiggoIS  ])e :  );inc  homeres : 
|>et  hcvh  ])e()  J'eL  henue^  ]'e.  jX'i'.e  of  ]'is  as-aumple,  [Augustinus] 
'•  Ouid   ^]i)i'i;;tur   juij)ius   si   de   ij*so   flagelhr.ii   faeiat  I'ater    mens?" 

or.  T.  C.  [C,,!!.  ^.•:^.■^ 
iL.l,„„f,  or   u-J;   ^^'-'ti 

,.l.nn,.i    ,.f    ,M.,k^.^    .... 

,  ,„iv..u,it!r.l  i,'.   tl..    l.a. 

I  list  -}  let  i.iu-'Ot,  "J  iiiiski-ii  hit  li 
■  ii-l.  ill),  (•..i.jMr.  iiicstlii)';,  I  if:.; 

II  ill  tlif  iiKiP^'iii.  ill   I'alt-T  iiili 

lit  -J  >i...  ;v.|  C.    Note. 
:   al  is  irl.  ..jK-t  ..r.]  C.    N..U-. 
]>i'i>l>:ilily  li_v   siiiiii'  <>iii'   will! 


.  /,/•. 

lilif,    ill    fllr    tvM 

k(iuiH'l(.'.l,  :ii.<l 

now   WUATII   ISTOmOCUKKI).  ^^^^ 

w        „n  IxMH-fit  tlicm,  desire  that  thou  ha.lst  it  n<>t., 
•"■    ■    "Ulnill."  t;V        A,I1  if '.n>  one  hath  not  hoH,o.«.,.. 

J'; -i  '1  nevov  givo  .,i,n  peace  .n.U  he.  hy  his  graee,  have  so 

cllan^ed  and  tbrined  licr. 

1  n     The  ,-e,uedv  of  « n>th,  I  saUl  «as  patience,  vvhieh  hath  .hrcc 
IJl.    Uii.  lemeux  ,,-.i,„,,„f  Ml   and  nearest  the  liigh 

heaven.     '1  he  ileoiee  ..  h.fel         t  ^^„.^,,,^..j 

,„i,t.  higher  if  thou  art  ,.et  .-J'^y;  !'f  ^^  „,  ,,„,„„,,,  ,„„„ 
fo,.  ,hc  good  thou  has   d  ne.     J^^  ^^^,     ,^i„,„     ^vt  thou  ,ha. 

saycst  so  out  of  thy  «.t=.  j^^_^,_  ^^.^,^.^  ,,^,„„„,;    hot 

than  the  compan.on  of  .U»u.  Lt...>  ^1^^  ^^.^^^ 

«as  for  his  guiu,  --'^';;:  r:  ;:!\::;':„,d^^^^  t..™  i.  .he 

for  his  great  goodness.     Vi  ^^  men  ^^^^^^  ^^^^^,^ 

fellow  sufferer?  Upon  tins  -^'J^'  ';';;;;,.-  ,„,  u  uot  that 
as  how  ho  that  saith  or  doth  thee  .™ng       h    h  ^^^^  ^^^^__^  ^ 

i,.„uacenrsedthathec„n,etl>*eU  a  -l^^_^^  pnrihed  fron,  their 
■,ud  the  more  it  is  filed .'     bold  ^^^^^^..^      ,^ 

aross  in  the  fire.  If  thou  gatherest  d  ..  thu.^^  ,^_^^  ^^^^^.  ^  ^^^^^^^^ 
nature.  "  Uepr..hate  silver  adl  y;.  ";^„,„ae  to  hoil, 
„eaU,  which  was  r^^f^^^J^^'^^,,,,  ,uade  into  .o  very 
and  then,   with   much  heatn.g   aim  ^         _^,^^  „,^,     „.„•;, 

hoau,ifnlaformforthcscrv.ceofGed,x|ou  ^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^  .^  ^^^^^^.^ 

fire  and   the  of  its    a-fi«    •  ^^^^^^^  ^^_^^^  ^,,^,^  j.^,^,  ,„,, 

sHdthy,  in  he  f»>-^>-  '' ^;_  :;  „,„,  i,„„„,.,..?  Fire-that  ., 
„„fi,.o  iu  his  snn.hy,  «'••  '^'^  ''":•  "  „.,„,  ,,,,  evil  ..f  thee; 
.laune  and   pain;     '-  *!' ^    "     '  „  ,,,•„,,  „,■   .his 

,l,v   hannncr.---.hat  is,    tl"-"   «!'"   ' 

.a h..      ..,„s.ine.i.h,..W....„.h,hevichedn,an„oa,„d 

him  ;i   scoiu'i:*- 

tliiv   hanii 


.,f   iv.hv-s 

-  V 




JIwoii  ck'i  of  rihtc  is  i.set,  iic  deS  he  muclicl  sclicomc  )>o  deniarc  })ct. 
a  ]ns  Iialf  )'e  iset  deic,  brckcS  ]'e  triws,  ?  a^vrL■la■^  him  o[']>c,  oiir 
of  him  scohicn  ?  And  liwo  is  pet  not  wel  ]x't  domcsdei  is  d-.'i  iser 
iiorte  don  alio  men  rlht.  Hold  ]>e  tri\YS  J>eo  hwule.s.  Ilwat  wouh 
so  me  cuer  do'S  ]?e,  j^e  rihtwise  domare  ]iauc^  iset  enne  dci  norte 
loken--^  riht  bitweonen  ou.  Ne  do  ]ni  nout  him  sclieome,  so  ]k'i  tu 
uorliowie  wrcche  of  his  dome  7  iiime  to  yln  owunc  dome.  'J'wo 
]?inges  beoS  pet  God  hauc-S  cthoKlcn  to  him  sulf— ]>ei  bcoS,  wur^- 
scliipe  t  wreche,  ase  holi  writ  Mittie\S.  IIwu  so  cuei-  on  liim  siilf 
nirac'S  ouJSer  of  J^eos  two,  he  lobbct)  God  ?  reaueS.  "Gloriam 
meam  alteri  }ion  dabo."  Item:  '•' ^lihi  nindictam^'  et  c^o  jvtri- 
bnam."  Doale.  Ert  tn  so  wro5  wici  men  ooer  wi5  wuinmon  I'Ot 
Folio  11  b.  tn  wnit,  furtc  wrekcn  |'e,  reancn  God  iiis  strcncbe? 

Accidies  sahie  is  gostlicli  giedscliipe,  7  ii-oui*e  of  gledful  Ik-i.c, 
Jjurnh  redunge,  ?  Jnirnli  holi  |;on]ite,  0(Ser  of  monnes  jnuSe  iscid. 
Oftc,  Iconc  snstrcn,  jo  schulen  vren  lesse  uorte  rcden  more.  Jicdun-'V 
is  god  bon€\  Redunge  tec]ie(S  hu  ?  hwat  mc  schal  bidden  :  and  bcodcn 
bi^iteS  hit  efter.  Amidde  J;e  rednnge,  Invon  }>c  heorte  hkecJ  wcl, 
J^eomie  cumeo  up  a  deuociun,  7  tet  is  wur<S  '^  monic  bonen.  Vor  so 
sei(S  Scint  leromc  r'  "  Semper  in  manu  tua  sacra  sit  lectio :!  tenenti 
tibi  librnm  sompnns  subripiat  et  cadentcm  facicm  pagina  sancta  sui?ci- 
piat."  Iloli  rednnge  bco  oner  i  ]>inc  honden  :  slop  go  uppe  he  ase 
];n  lokcst  j'cron,  ?  ]'e  holie  ijagine  ikepe  \n  nallinde  nob  :  "  and  so  Ini 
schalt  redeii  ?  jeorneliche  ?  longe.  Enerieli  ])Ing  me  mei,  J'anh. 
Guerdon.     Best  is  ener  imete. 

Ich  wolde  ]>et   oiSre  Schmieden,  ase  tc  do^, 

Ajeines  jiscm 
gedcrunge.      To  nuteli  felreolac  kundleb  hire  ofte.      \'reo  iheorted 
je  schulen  Ix'o.     Anker,  of  oJSer  frcolac,  hane^  iheun  ()^(,•rhwule^  lo 



(olnesse  cnmelS    uf  ;^inenu'.sse   ?  of  llescli 



now  ixDor-F.Ncr.  is  to  p.k  cured,     covktousnkss.       2ft7 

is  fixed,  dotli  not  he  oruatly  aftroiit  tlic  jiulgo,  who,  before  the 
appointed  day,  broa];(.ili  the  truce  and  avenoeth  himself  on  thee 
or  on  himself?  Aiid  who  docs  not  know  well  that  Doomsday  is  a 
day  appointed  in  wliicli  to  do  justice  to  all  men?  ^leanwhile,  keej) 
the  truce,  ^^'hatovcr  wj'ong  men  do  thee,  the  riglitcous  Judge  hatli 
a})pointed  a  day  in  which  to  see  justice  done  between  you.  Do  not 
thou  affront  him  by  despising  the  vengeance  of  his  judgment,  and 
takino;  veno-cance  accordinj>-  to  thv  own  iud^ment.  Tiicre  are  two 
things  which  God  hath  reserved  to  himself — worship  and  vengeance, 
as  Holy  "Writ  sheweth.  Whosoever  taketh  to  himself  either  of  these 
two,  robbeth  God  and  reaveth  from.  him.  "  iNIy  glory  will  I  not 
give  to  another."  ^  Also,  "  Vengeance  is  mine,  and  I  will  repay."'' 
I  God  knoweth  !     Ai't  tliou  so  enraged  against  man  or  woman  that,  to 

I  avenge  thyself,  thou  wilt  rob  God  of  his  might? 

I  I\  .  The  reniedy  for  indolence  is  spiritual  joy,  and  the  consolation 

I  of  joyful  hope  from  reading  and  from  holy  meditation,  or  when  sjioken 

I  by   the  nioutli  of  man.     Often,  dear  sisters,  ye  ought  to  pray  less, 

♦  that   ye    may   read    more.       Reading   is   good   prayer.       Ivcading 

I  teacheth  how,  and  for  what,  we  ought  to  pray ;  and  prayer  after- 

[  Avards  obtaineth  it.     In  reading,  when   the  heart  feels  delight,  de- 

{  votion  ariseth,  and  that  is  worth  many  prayers.      St.  Jerome  saith, 

I  "  Semper  i)i   manu  tua  sacra  sit  lectio ;  tenenti  tibi  librum  somnus 

\  subripiat,  ct  cadeiitem  faciem  pagina  sancta  suscipiat.''     "  Let  holy 

I  reading  be   always  in  thy  hand.     Sleep  may  foil  uj)on  thee  as  thou 

j  lookest  thereon,  and  the  sacred  page  meet  thy  drooping  face  ;  *'  and 

'  thus  lon«'-  and  intently  nnist  thou  read.     Everv  thing,  howevei-,  may 

I  be  overdone.     INIoderation  is  always  best. 

i  V.   Ao-ainst  covetousncss.      I  could  wish  that  others  a\  oided,  n-  ye 

'  do.   gathering.       'i'oo    nnich    liberality    often    l)rordetli   it.        I"j-ee 

hearted  ye  ought  1<;  I'C.      lint   an   an<-horess,  from  other's  libei-ality, 

hath    sometimes    l)ecn    too    rrw    of    JierscH".       Lechery    cometh    of 

gluttony  and    of  cannl   ease;   for,  as  St.  (.-regory  saitli,  ".Meal  and 


eisc:'  vor  asc  Seint  Greooric  seic^,  "  IMetc  1  druiicli  oiic!"  vililo  teiiico 
]?reo  teamcs  :'  llhte  wordcs,  7  lilitc  werkes,  ?  lccln.rit's  lustc-."  Vj-i- 
Louerd  Leo  itSonckcd,  ])ct  liauc<S  ihclcd  on  of  ;5iuenio?sc,  mine  leoiR- 
sustrcii  :'  aiili  no  hl'S  Jicuer  allunge  clcjie  acwcint  of  flcsrlios 
fonduiige.  Auh  ]>ct  understondccS  wcl,  ];et  ]nvo  dcgroz  lioo^i  J'^t- 
inno,  as  Seint  Jjcornard  witiK'tS.  ]9c  uormc  is  cogitaciiin  r  ]>c  ober 
is  affectiuii :'  ]>o  ]n-idde  is  kiuiseiice.  Cogitaciiuis,  ])ct  bcob  flooiiuli^ 
J»oulitc3  ]'et  nc  lestco  noiit :'  7  ]?eos,  ase  Seint  Beoniard  sci^,  no 
hurteb  nout  Jjc  soule  :'  auli  ]mu1i  hco  bispcteS  liire  mid  liiiv  Llako 
spotle,^  so  J>et  hco  nis  nout  wurSc  ];ct  Jesu  Crist,  liiro  Icotnion,  ])et 
is  al  ueir,  nc  clupiie  hire  nc  cussc  er  lieo  beo  iwaschcn.  Swuch 
fnISc,  ase  liit  kumeS  hhtliclie,  ageS  awci  Hhthciic,  nn'd  ucnics,  mid 
confitcor,  7  mid  allc  god  deden.  Aflcctiun  is  Invon  ];e  j^ouht  geti 
inward,  7  j'c  dclit  kumcS  up,  1  |?c  hist  \vaxo?5.  peonno,  a'^e  was  ])o 
spotlc  er  upon  ]>(i  Invite  hude,  ]yor  waxeS  wundc;  7  dcopeb  into  ]>c 
soulc,  cfter  ]'et  ]'e  hist  ge^,  ?  te  dclit  ]K>rInne,  I'lu^Sre  7  fiu-^i\-. 
peonno  is  neod  forto  ^eien,  "  Sana,  Doinine,  animam  riieam  :  "' 
Louerd  hel  me,  uor  ich  am  iwunded.  "  lUiben,  primogcnitus  incus. 
Folio  78.  non  crcscas:"  lluben,  ]m  read  J?eof,  ]m  blodi  dcht,  ne  waxc  }>n 
neuer!  Kunsence,  ]^ct  is  skik^s  jettunge  hwon  ])e  debt  i5c  lu>tc  is 
igon  so  oueruor^  }>et  ter  nis  non  wl^siggingc,^  jif  ]'cr  were  cisc  uorto 
fulfullen  pe  dede.*^  pis  is  liwon  ]je  heorte  drav/cS  lust  into  biro,  a>c 
bing  ]>et  were  aniascd,  7  foS^on  asc  to  wiuken  7  forte  leten  j'cne 
ueond  iwur^en,  7  leiS  hire  sulf  aduneward,  7  buh\S  him  ase  he  bit,  7 
jeieJS  creaunt,  creaimt,  ase  swowinde.     peonne  he,  kenc  j^et  was  er 

eruh,*" ])eoimo  leaped  to  ];et  stod  er  ueorrento,  7  l)it  deaKes  bite  <■. 

Godes  deore  spuse.  I  wis  deatJes  bite,  vor  his  tcS  bcoJJ  attri<',  a>.- 
of  ane  wodc  do<Tge.  Dauid,  ibe  sauter,  clcopeiS  liinc  dogge.  "  1  ane 
a  frainea  Dcus  animam,"  7c. 

[t  is  ill  hire  aliiiu  l.odi,  large  tow;iit  Iwl.iir,  Jn.rl.  liiro  gcstni.i-cs.j    C.  Sv. 
speckes.  T.     sptchcs.  C.     '^IVod.nnt  maeulis."   MS.  Oxo.i. 
t   t.:ncr.„..i&al<e.   T.  Mo  }.•  «V,I.  .Icl.-.   T.      ,.,  full.-  )•, 

,.     ,         .,.  '  k.ino.   'J-.      riuara.   C. 

THE  1!i:mi;i)v  roii  covhtousxkss 


drink  more  than  enouiili  l>ringft]i  fortli  a  tln'<.'i,'r()l(l  ])rogony  ;  lio-hf, 
woriis,  liglit  (k'C\ls,  and  v/aiif^Mniess.  Our  l^ord  be  tlianked.  mIio 
hatli  cured  you  of  gluttony,  niy  dear  sisters  ;  but  carnal  desires  aiv 
never  completely  cxtinguislied  from  among  the  temptations  of  the 
flesh.  ])Ut  know  this,  that  there  arc  three  degrees  therein,  as  St, 
Bernard  tcstifieth.  The  first  is  cogitation;  the  second  is  aft'ection  ; 
the  third  is  consent.  Cogitations  ai'o  flying  thoughts  that  do  not 
last;  and  these,  according  to  St.  Bernard,  hurt  not  the  soul;  but 
yet,  they  spit  upon  her  witli  their  black  spittle,  so  that  she  is  not 
worthy  to  be  embraced  or  kissed  by  Jesus  Christ,  lier  beloved,  who 
is  altogether  fair,  before  slie  is  washen.  Such  impurity,  as  it  cometh 
lightly,  goeth  away  lightly  with  the  help  of  ])raycr,  confession,  and 
all  good  works.  Affection  is  when  the  thought  goeth  inward,  and 
fondness  is  excited,  and  the  desire  increaseth.  Then,  as  was  the 
little  spot  at  first  upon  the  white  hood,  there  groweth  a  wound,  and 
penetrateth  deeply  into  the  soul,  according  as  the  desire  and  the 
fondness  go  in  further  and  further.  Then  there  is  need  to  cry, 
"  Sana,  Dominc,  animani  meam  ;  ''  "  Lord,  heal  me,  for  I  am 
wounded. '^  "  lleuben  primogenitus  mens  non  crescas  !  '"^  "  lleubcn 
thou  red  thief;  thou  bloody  desire ;  mayest  thou  never  increase  ! " 
Consent,  that  is,  the  willingness  of  the  mind  when  the  fojidness  of 
the  desire  is  gone  so  much  too  fiir  that  there  is  no  refusing,  if  there 
were  a  convenient  opportunity  to  conunit  the  action.  This  is  when 
the  heart  draweth  desire  into  itself,  as  a  bewildered  thing,  and  begins, 
as  it  were,  to  wink^  and  to  permit  the  fiend  to  do  what  he  pleases, 
and  layeth  lierself  down  and  hiclineth  to  \\\m  as  he  bids,  and  cricth 
"  I  yield,  I  yield,"  as  if  about  to  faint.  Then  he  becometh  bold  who 
was  at  first  timid.  'J'hen  he  lea])eth  near,  who  was  at  first  at  a 
distance,  and  bites  the  bit(.-  of  death  on  God's  dear  spouse.  I  wis, 
the  Lite  of  deatli,  Un-  his  t-cth  are  venomous  as  the  teeth  of  a  mad 
dog.  David,  in  the  JAsalnn,  calleth  him  dog,  "  Deliver  my  soul  I'n.m 
the  sv/oi'd,  my  darling  IVoni  tlie  \)0\\qy  of  the  dog."'" 

'  Hi^nesii,  xlix.  ."i,  4. 
'    rsulin  xxii.  20. 

c A:\rix  sof;. 


ol  A.  R. 

2  ]• 

-^'*  H1.(;UL.T,  IXCLISAIMM. 

Lor]'i,  mi  Icouc  siistcr,  >o  sono  so  ];ii  euer  uiKlcr3;itcst  ];ut  tis 
doggo  of  Leile  kiiine?^  snakcrinde  mid  his  blodic  vlicii"  of  stiMkinde 
jjouhtes,  no  lie  J;u  nout  stille,  nc  lie  site  noubcr  uorte  lokcii  liuat  lie 
wule  don,  nc  liu  ucor  lie  wule  gon  :'  iie  ne  scie  J>u  nout  slepinde, 
*-Ame  dogge  go  herut :'  liwat  wultu  nu  hcriime?"'     pis  tolled  liiin 

/v,/,o  rs  h.  tuuward  \e.  Auh  iiim  anon  ])enc  rod  stef,  mid  nemmungo  i-5inc 
muSe,  %  mid  ])e  inerko  iJSine  bond,  mid  J^oulite  iSinc  heorte,  1  hot 
him  ut  hcttcrliche— ];c  fule  kur  dogge — 1,  liSere  to  him  luSerlichc 
mid  te  holie  rode  steue.  Eif  him  stroiige  bac  duntes  :'  J)ct  is  to 
siggen,  rung  up  "?  sture  ]>q  :'  hef  up  on  hcie  cicn  ?  hondon  touward 
hcoucne :  grcd  ^  efter  sukurs.  "  Deus  in  adjutorium :  Vcni  Creator : 
Exurgat  Deus,  in  nomine  tuo :  Domine,  quid  multlplicati  sunt :  Ad  te, 
Domini,  levavi:  Levari  oculos  meos."  Allc  j;e  balmes  oner.  And^if]>c 
ne  cume^  nout  sone  help,  gred  luddure  mid  hote  heurte.  "  Vsquequo, 
Domine,  obliuisceris  me,  in  fincm?"  And  so,  al  J^ene  salm  ouer. 
Pater  noster  ;'  Credo :'  Aue  ^Maria  :'  mid  liaKine  honen  o  ]>ine  owune 
ledcne  r'  1  smit  herdeliche  ••■  adun  ])ine  cueon  to  l>er  eor^ie  :  7  breid 
up  |?ene  rode  stef,  7  sweng''  him  ajean  a  uour  halue— ];ene  hclle 
dogge.  pet  nis  nout  elles  bute  blesce  J?e  al  abutcn  mid  to  eadie  rode 
tocne.  Spit  him  amidde  \q  bearde  to  hoker  7  to  schom,*  |)ct  flikercS 
so  mit  ]?e,  7  fike^  mid  dogge  uawcnunge,  Invon  he  uor  so  liht  wurS 
— for  J;e  licunge  of  o  lust  one  bond  hwule,  clieapeb  ]»iiic  soule,  Codes 
deore  spuse,*"  ];et  he  boidite  mid  his  blode,  1  mid  his  deorwurtSe 
deabe  o^e  deore  rode.  Euer  biliold  hire  wurS  ]>et  he  paide  uor 
hire  :!  7  dem  j^erefter  pris,  1  beo  on  hire  ]>e  dcurre  :'  ?  ne  sale  ]>u 
neuer  so  c'Seliche,  his  fo  ?  )>in  ciber,  his  deorewurSe  spuse,  \>Qi  cost- 
iiede  him  so  deore.  Vorte  makien  ]>e  deofles  bore  of  hire  is  reouiSe 
ouer  reouSe.     To  umvrcste,  mid  alle,  heo  is  ])et  nu-i,  uuilf  hebben 

Foi;,,  Tf'.  up  hire  ]>reo  ningi-es  ouei'cumen  hire  fn.  ?  ne  lu>t  ui>r  sK)u^e,  lief 
ii|»,  fotJSi,  mid  tivowe  bileaue  ?   mid  licrdlf,  uj*  ]'iiir  jm-co  iiiiigro,  ? 

(Irhf.s.    '1 

.       Il-S''" 

hv    T.  (• 



.    v.     m; 



,t;oio.  T. 

l'iijt;L;iii;;.    T.  ('.      inert 


.,KMVrA"ON    iU  

V       f  iK-n  comcth  si.eaia.m  ^^'t';  ^^,,,,,t  ,,o  nviU  a.  ,  .■■ 

"'■"  '^^°      >  .  ou  not  stiU,  nor  yet  ^X;  «'   ^        ,  ,„,„„cr, «  Fi.ona 

l.nn  toward  the.  ^^^^.^^  """'.       ,'   rt    cnnnand  luu. 

„g„  m  tl,>    ''     "_^„,„foMcur<log:  ^f^2\n-uU,,  tl,at  is  to  say, 
sternly  to  go  out    j  .^.^  ,  ■„  i,„vd  l-"^!^^^';' J  ,„„ds  toward 

staff  of  tltol.oly  '»P^\        „,..  lift  np  yo"  %'^\Z  deliver  me."* 

..„„se  np  --V'"    ce   r-H-'^  *^^'  °J't'me  OGod.for.l.y 
..,.1-  for  succoui,  .  ,,)\)     "Savenie,  ^  „j 

l.oavcn,  ciN   10         ,    .,jt  God  arise.  „„l  tliat  trouWe '"<:• 

.Co,neHolyGl>os.^       '      ^^  ^^.^  ^j,,y  "-''^f    .     ,„>ve  lifted  u,, 
name's  saU^"      '  ^^^^  ^  ,ift„l  „,  my  sov. .  '  ^„,„,  „ot  to 

"  T"  "'^^'  °  u  ,;,!  rsJms  tluot,gl..  ^-\f„7',,„„  wilt  tltoa 
•-y  «)-•"  '  ^Wef  vitU  fervent  l«art  '  ow  ^^^^  ^^_^  ^^,,„,, 
tl>ee  soon,  c;;y  '""^fo,  ever?-  A>-  ^.a^Jtion  of  tl>eVi'W" 
forget  n>e,  O  I^°%,°.„,  the  Belief,  the  Sal  ^  ^^^^^  ^„„^, 

Vsalin:  *»  l^™-'!^  ^  "'^  °  '  ,,,,ers  in  thy  °«" ''"  f'^tl  o 'ood  stati; 
M  ry,  ^vith  d^-F-*X  :\;,e  earth,  and  sna^h  H  t  -  ^,,_^,  ., 
your- knees  down -vn>t  ^^^^.^  ,,,e_the  1  -  ,,„„  „t  o,e 
and  swinge  Inm   agau  ^^^  ^^^.^„„a  .  ,1  ^^^^   ^^.,^^   ^,,„, 

„„tl,ing  else  titan  W^  ^,_,   ,,,,„,  '-T^  ^^^,,„  ^  a  dog. 

eross.      Spit,  m  ~"'^  y^.ttereth  thee  wttl.  t  ^  ■  ,„  „,  :. 

when,  lot-  so  '^""'     Jwtse  thy  ™»^-':'°    4,„th  ot.  the  dea>- e..-. 



1{1x;i:l.i:  ixclusaul ■:\i. 

Folio  7'J  b. 

mid  te  holie  rock'  steaue,  ]jet  him  is  lo«Se.;t  kn(ii:il,  Kml-  on  )>o  doom-l 
floage.  Kem  ofte  Jesu,  1:  clcojio  liis  passiun  to  lirlpc,  7  lialso  him  l/i 
his  piiK'ii,  7  bi  his  dcorewurSc  blode,  %  l)i  his  (U'aiSc  o  roih-,  \\\\\ 
into  his  wunden  f  crcop  in  ham  mid  j)ine  ]'nuh(e.  jX-t  hcu^  al 
opciie."  !Muchel  luucdc  lie  us  pet  Ictte  nud<ien  swuche  Jnirk-s  in 
him  iiortc  huden  ns  inue.  And  mid  his  dcorewurcio  hh^de  biblodogi- 
Jjine  hcortc.  "In  petram:  abscondore  fossa  luuno."  Go  into  |'c 
stone,  he  seiS,  J;e  prophete,  and  hud  ]>e  iSe  dohuMio  eorSe  :'  ]>et  is, 
iiSe  Avunden  of  ure  Lourdes  flesclic  ];et  was  asc  idokicn  niit  tc  duhe'' 
nelles,  ase  he  iSo  sauterc  hjngc  biuoren  scide,  "  Foilerunt  m;mus 
meas,  et  pedes  nicos  :^"  ]jet  is,  lioo  duluen  mine  v<_t  1  mine  honde-n. 
He  ne  seide  nout  };et  lieo  ]nn-leden  mine  vet  ?  mine  lionden,  anh 
diduen.  Yor  cfter  jnsse  k'ttiv,*^  ase  vrc  meistres  siggeiS,  ])C  neiks 
weren  so  duUe  ];et  heo  dukien  liis  flcsch,  7  to  breken  ]>o  bones,  more 
]7cn  ];urk'den,  uorte  pinen  liim  sarre.  He  himsulf  ck'opeS  ])e  ton- 
ward  peos  Avunden  :  "  Yeni  coluniba  in  foraniinilms  potras  in 
cauernas  macerle."  Mi  kidure,  lie  seiS,  \n'e  T^oucrd,  kuni  and  hud 
|)C  i^e  l^urks  of  mine  hnien,  and  icSe  hoks  of  niino  si(k'.  Mnehd 
luuede  he  ])C0  kuku-e,  ]?et  he  swuche  lioks"^  makede.  Lf)ke  mi  ]>ct 
tu  pet  he  cleope^  kuku-e,  habbe  kuku-e  kmidc,  ]>et  is  wiJSuten  galk', 
and  kum  to  him  bakk'hche,  and  make  pe  schokl  of  his  passinn,  ;uid 
seie,  mid  Jeremie :  "  Dabis  scutum  cordis,  kiborcm  tuum :"  pet  is, 
j)u  schak  ^iuen  me,  Louerd,  heorte-schekl  a^ean  pc  uconde  :'  ])et 
beoJS  pine  swincfuk  pinen.  pet  heo  swincfuk^  weren  he  seheanwede 
hit  soSHche'^  inouh  pe  he  swette  ase  blodes  swotes  dropen  pet  urnen 
adun  to  per  corSe.  ]\Ie  schal  liokk^i  sclield  inc  vihte,  up  a  bunen 
pe  heaued,  o5er  ajean  pe  brcoste,  and  nout  drawni  bit  brliindi-n  p^'. 
And  riht  al  so  jif  pu  wuU  pet  tc  ]ioHc  rode-.stel'  beo  pi  sckrld,  and 
tet  Codes  stronge  passiun  falsie  pes  deofks  Avepncn,  ne  (hauli  ].u  bit 
nout  efter  pe,  auh  hef  liit  on  heih  abuuen  JMii  hei.i-te  hrannl,  iMiic 

jreosle  eien 

]b;!d  hit,    uj. 

bit    h 



m;ikc  oflior  tlie  devil's  paramour,  is  sorrow  beyond  all  sorrow.  Too 
tlepravcd,  witlud,  is  she,  who  might,  by  holding  u\)  her  three  fingers, 
overcome  her  f.;o,  and  de>ires  it  not,  through  sloth.  Hold  u[»,  there- 
fore, with  true  and  firm  faith  tliy  three  fingers,  and  with  the  holy 
lood-staff,  whieh  is  the  cudgel  which  he  loathes  most,  lay  on  the 
devil-dog.  Name  Jesus  often,  and  invoke  the  aid  of  his  passion,  and 
implore  him  by  his  sufferings,  and  by  his  precious  blood,  and  by  his 
death  on  the  cross.  Fly  into  his  wounds;  creep  into  them  with  thy 
thought.  They  are  all  open.  He  loved  us  much  who  permitted 
such  cavities  to  be  made  in  him,  that  we  might  hide  ourselves  in 
them.  And,  with  his  precious  blood,  ensanguine  thine  heart,  "  In- 
gredere  in  petram,  ct  abscondere  in  fossa  humo  ;  "  "  Go  into  the 
rock,"  saith  the  prop'het,  "  and  hide  thee  in  the  })it  which  is  dug  in 
the  earth ;"  "  that  is,  in  the  wounds  of  our  Lord's  flesh,  which  was 
as  if  dug  into  with  tlic  blunt  nails,  as  he  said  long  before  in  the 
Psalter,  "  Fodcrunt  manus  meas  et  pedes  meos;  "^  that  is,  they  dug 
my  feet  and  my  hands.  He  did  not  say,  they  pierced  my  feet 
and  my  hands,  but  dug.  For,  according  to  this  Latin,  as  our 
teachers  say,  the  nails  were  so  blunt  that  they  digged  his  flesh,  and 
broke  the  bones  rather  than  pierced  them,  to  torment  him  the  surer. 
He  himself  calleth  thee  toward  those  wounds,  "  Vcni  cohnnba  in 

foraminibus  petras,  in  cavernas  maceria: 

:\Iy  do^ 


Lord,  "  come  and  hide  thyself  in  tlic  cavities  of  my  limbs,  and  in  the 
holes  of  my  side."  Great  was  his  affection  for  the  dove  for  which  he 
made  such  hiding  places.  See  now  that  thou,  whom  he  calleth 
dove,  have  the  nature  of  a  dove,  which  is  without  gall,  and  come  to 
him  boldly,  and  make  his  suflerings  thy  shield,  and  say  with 
Jcnniiali,  "  Dabis  scutum  cordis  laborcm  tuum  ;  " ''  that  is,  "Thou 
shalt  give  me,  O  Lord,  a  heart-shield  against  the  enemy;  whieh  is 
thy  I'ab.jri.jus  sufferings,"  TliM  they  were  laborious,  he  shewed 
jnanifestlv  enough,  when  he  swiMled,  as  it  were  drops,  the  sweat  of 


Ci.ntklo.,  11.  1 


^^^  KKGUL.K   l\CLr,SAi:U.M. 

Avitterliclie.     pe  sihSe  one  };erof  brinoeS  hi,,,  o  flulite  r'  vor  boSo 
liim  agriseS  |,er  ajean  ?  scheoineS  ut  of  liis  witte,  cfter  )>c  ilke  time 
\Qi  ure  Louercl  ]>er  mide  broulite  so   to  grunde  his  koliUe  kuhiL-rt- 
schlpe  %  his  prude  strencSe.     Eif  j^u,  pumli  ];ine  ^enicleastc,  woix-st 
te  erest  wocliche/  ^  siuest  ]7e  ueoiide  ijijong  to  uorS  iSo  uruinSc,  so 
]>Qt  tu  lie  mellit  recoilen  him  a^air.vard  uor  ];ine  muclielc  unstreiick', 
auh  ert  ibroiiht  so  uorS  ouer  j)ct  tu   ne  meiht  J;is  sclield  hokU-n  i 
]?inc  heorte,  ne  wrenchen  |?e  J^erunder  frommard  ]>e  dcofles  eareuen, 
nim  ]>e  uor^  alist  Seinte  Beneites  salue,  ];aiih  ne  ]>erf  hit  nout  bL.;n 
so  ouerstrong  ase  his  was  r^  ]?et  of  ]^e  walewing,  n.g  1,  side  7  wombe 
cm  al  o  grure  blode :    auh  hure  ?  hure''  jif  |;i  sulf,  hwoii  J;c  [I.  lie] 
strongest  stont,  one  smcrte  disce])h*ne,  ?  drauh,  use  he  dude,  )>et 
swete  h"kunge  into  smeortunge.      Ant  jif  }?u  ]7us  dest  nout,   auh 
slepinde  wcrest  ]>e,   he  wule  gon  to   uorS   upon  J>e  er  ]ni  lest  nxiie, 
ant  bringen  J?e  of  fule  ];ouhte  into  deHt  of  ful  .sunnc:*^  and  so  lie 
bringeS  ])e  al  ouer  into  skiles  ^cttunge,  )>et  is  deaSiiche  sunne,  wiS- 
uten  ]>Q  dede  r'  7  so  is  ek  ]>q  delit  of  ];e  stincginde  lu^.t  wi'suten 
graunt  of  |?e  werke,  so  long  hit  mei  ilestcn,  hwon  ]?e  skile  ne  uihteb 
no  lengi-e  );er  tojeines.     "Nunquani  enim  judicanda  est  delectntio 
esse  morosa  dum  ratio  reluctatur  1  negat  ascensum,"'^     Vor  l>i 
leoue  suster,  ase  ure  Louerd  IcreS  J^e,  to  tred  ]>o  ncddre  lieaucd,  ]>ot 
is,  j;e  bcglnnunge  of  his  fondunge:  "  Beatus  qui  tenebit  7  allidit 
parvulos  suos  ad   petram/'     Eadi   is  he,  seiS   Dauid,  )'et  AviMiait 
hire*'  on  erest,  and  to  brekeS  to  ])q  stone  \q  ereste  sturun<Tcs  huon 
}?et  fleschs  arise^  \co  hwule  j^et  heo   beoS  jungc.     Vre  Louerd  is 
icleoped   ston   uor  his      And   ek   in   Canticis:   "  Capitr 
nobis  uulpes  paruulas  qute  destruunt  vineas."    NimciS  ?  kL-cche^  us, 
leofmon,  anon  \)Q  5U"ge  uoxes,     pet   beoJJ   j'e  crest  i)nikuum's   I'ot 
sturiecS  *"  |)e  winjcardes,  he  seici,  uix-  Louurd,  ]>et  beoJS   uiv  sduIcu, 

nil  U  11 

.^tlieliu.   T. 



I',  c. 

al,  W 

lur^ero.   T 


lull  li 

110.    f. 

.S '//«/, 

i.  MS.  Oxoi, 

lu^t,   • 
linn.   ■ 

'.  c. 

''  •'"'"■• 

Tin:  cijoss  a  shiklt).     st.  iucxkdict's  itK:\n:i)Y. 


l)!oo(l,  that  ran  down  to  tin-  cartli.  A  sliield  should  be  held  up,  in 
battle,  ahove  the  head  or  against  the  breast,  and  not  dragged  behind 
tlice;  and,  in  like  manner,  if  thou  wish  that  the  holy  rood-staff 
should  be  thy  shield,  and  that  the  Lord's  painful  sufferings  should 
foil  the  devil's  weapo)is,  drag  it  not  after  thee,  but  lift  it  up  on  high 
above  the  head  of  tli}-  heart,  in  the  eyes  of  thy  breast.  Ilold  it  up 
against  the  enemy,  and  shew  it  him  distinctly.  The  mere  sight  of 
it  putteth  him  to  flight ;  for  it  both  torrifleth  him  arid  shametli  him 
to  distraction,  since  the  time  when  our  Lord  then'N.ith  bafHed  his 
crafty  wiles,  and  his  proud  strength.  If  thou,  thr  gh  thy  negli- 
gence, dcfendest  thyself  at  first  feebly,  andgivest  the  rr.emy  entrance 
too  far  in  the  begimnng,  so  that  thou  maycstnot  bo  able  to  drive  him 
back  ngain  because  of  thy  great  v/cakness,  but  art  so  far  overcome 
that  thou  canst  not  hold  this  shield  upon  thy  heart,  nor  shelter 
thyself  under  it  from  the  devil's  arrows,  take,  at  last,  St.  Benedict's 
remedy,  though  it  need  not  be  excessively  strong  as  his  was,  wlio, 
from  the  wallowing,  on  back,  and  side,  and  belly,  ran  all  over  with 
gory  blood :  "^  but,  at  least,  when  the  temptation  is  strongest,  give 
thyself  a  smart  flagellation,  and  draw,  as  he  did,  the  sweet  inclina- 
tion into  smarting.  If  thou  dost  not  so,  but  defendcst  thyself  in  a 
sleepy  manner,  ho  will  advance  upon  thee  too  far,  before  thou  art  in 
the  least  aware,  and  bring  thee  from  foul  thoughts  to  the  desire  of 
foul  sin  ;  and  so  he  brlngeth  thee  completely  to  give  thy  mind's 
consent,  Avhicli  is  mortal  sin,  without  the  deed;  and  so  is  likewise 
the  pleasure  of  the  stinging  desire,  without  consenting  to  its  effect, 
so  lono-  as  it  may  last,  when  the  reason  no  longer  contendeth  against 
it.  For  the  delight  in  it  nnist  never  be  judged  to  be  wilful  tlu)Ugh  it 
continue,  as  long  as  the  reason  strives  against  it,  and  refuses  its 
consent.  Wherefoi'e,  dear  sisters,  as  our  Lord  taught  thee,  trample 
upon  the  seri)ent's  head,  that  is,  the  beginning  of  his  temptation, 
"  lieatus  qui  tenebit  et  allldct  parvulos  suns  ad  i)eti-am."''  "  I'lessed 
is  slic,'"  saith    Ditvid,  "who  ivstr;iliictli   licrself  ;il  first,  and  brmkcih 


liEG  V  L,T:   I XC  I.  ISA  U  L  M. 

]>ot  iiiot  niuclic  tilunge  to  uorte  bcrcn  \\  iiulbciirn/'  )V  (U-cir-I  i., 
iK'orekuniK'S,  ixud  Iiauc^  assc  kundo:  vor  lie  is  IjiliinJou  stroii-,  :tnd 
tM)lt'  i^L-  lleaue^i,  );ct  is,  iKe  urumJJc,  and  so  is  bcorc  1  assc.  kc  -^H' 
him  iK'uer  inT;on;4' ;  auli  top  liim  o5e  scliullo,  uor  lio  is  criili  a^c 
bcorc  ];oron  :  and  liic  liiiii  so  ]>concward,  ?  asciir  him  so  schcomc- 
lichc,  so  sonc  so  ]m  undcrjitest  him,  J;et  ho  hold  him  i^chcnd,  and 
|>ct  him  agrise  \\i'6  ])c  stude  ]>Qt  tu  wuncst  innu  :  voi-  he  is  )»inne 
})rndest,  and  him  is  seheomc  loSest. 

Al  so,  Icoue  sustcr,  so  sone  so  ]ni  oner  ivelest  ])et  );in  hoci-te  mid 
huie  iialle  tonward  eni  nionne,''  oucrmcte,  anom'ihtes  beo  iwar  ul'  K- 
neddrc  atter,  and  to-trcd  his  hcaucd.  pe  cwcne  seide  i'ul  so^  J>et 
Fnh-o  9.01,.  mid  o)ie  strca  bronhtc  o  brnno  alio  hire  buses  r*^  ]>et  uuichcl  knmeJS 
of  Intel.  And  nim  nu  jeme  hu  hit  fareb.  pe  sparke  J^et  wint  up 
ne  bringeS  nout  anonriht  pet  bus  al  o  fure:'"*  auh  liS  ?  keccheb 
more  fur,  ?  fostreS  hit  forS,  *?  waxeS  from  Icsse  to  more  vorf^  al  J?et 
lius  blasic  uorS  cr  mc  lest  wene.  And  ]>e  deoucl  blowe^i  to  from 
J7et  hit  crest  kundleS  :^  and  mucheleS''  his  bcli  bles  ener  asc  hit 
waxeS.  Understond  }ns  bi  ]n  snlucii.  O  sihS  ])et  tu  isilist,  o^er 
on  elpi  word  ]>ct  tu  mis-iherest,  jil"  hit  out''  stm\^i  j'c,  cucikIi  hit 
mid  teares  of  waterc,  7  mid  lesu  Cristes  blode,  J)eo  hwule  J'ei  Iiii  nis 
buten  a  s[)erke,  er  J^en  hit  waxe  ?  tende  ]>e  so  ])et  tu  hit  ne  nmwe 
acwenchen.  Vor  so  hit  biualleS  ofte  :!  ?  liit  is  riht  Godes  dom,  j'et 
Invo  no  dei5  hwon  he  niei,  he  jic  schal  nout  hwon  he  wulde. 

win  l)eiitv-i.   'J'. 

wanc.-i.   T.      I'.-istri.'s.   (.'. 

.-iNut.  T.     ..S.-t.  C. 

..ut.    T.       rauvt.       C. 

■^  am  moil  a  w 
''  o  Icic.  T.  i 

'  nuiicli'.s.  T. 

T.     - 


SIN,  AT  FIKST  A  SPAIiK,   K  [XDl.l/l  ir  A  CUKAT   FIUK.  297 

against  the  stone  tlic  first  emotions  wlicii  tlie  fl(>sli  arisotli,  wliile  she 
is  young.  Our  Lord  is  called  a  stone  because  of  Iiis  faitlifulness.  And 
also  in  tlie  Canticles,  "Take  us  tlio  little  foxes  that  spoil  the  vines;"" 
these  are  the  first  enticements  which  arc  felt,  which  destroy  the 
vineyards,  saith  our  Lord,  which  are  our  souls,  that  need  much 
tilling  in  order  to  bear  grapes.  The  devil  is  of  the  nature  of  a  bear 
and  of  an  ass;  for  he  is  strong  behind  and  feeble  in  the  head,  tliat  is, 
in  the  beginning,  and  so  is  the  bear  and  the  ass.  Never  give  him 
entrance,  but  tap  him  on  the  scull,  for  he  is  weak  as  a  bear  in  that 
part;  and  thus  hasten  him  away  and  hurry  him  away  so  shamefully, 
as  soon  as  thou  perceivest  him,  that  he  may  hold  himself  as  disgraced, 
and  dread  the  place  wherein  thou  dwellest ;  for  he  is  the  proudest 
creature,  and  shame  is  most  disagreeable  to  him. 

1  hus,  dear  sister,  as  soon  as  ever  thou  feelest  thy  heart  incline 
with  too  much  love  toward  any  man,  beware  inmiediately  of  the 
venom  of  the  serpent,  and  trample  upon  his  head.  The  old  woman 
spoke  very  truly,  when  with  a  single  straw  all  her  houses  caught 
fire,  that  "  much  cometh  of  little."  And  now  observe  how  it 
happcneth :  the  spark  that  goeth  up,  doth  not  immediately  set  the 
house  all  on  fire,  but  lieth  and  catcheth  more  fire,  and  continueth 
feeding  it,  and  it  growcth  from  less  to  more  until  the  whole  house 
blaze  forth  before  we  are  in  the  least  a^vare.  And  the  devil  bloweth 
upon  it  from  the  time  that  it  first  kindleth,  and  always  bloweth  a 
greater  blast  with  his  bellows  as  it  increaseth.  Understand  this 
from  thyself.  If  any  sight  that  thou  seest,  or  a  single  word  that 
thou  hearcst  amiss,  at  all  move  thee,  quench  it  with  the  water  of 
tears,  and  with  Jesus  Christ's  blood,  while  it  is  only  a  spark,  befoi-e 
it  inci-i'asc  and  inflame  thee  so  that  thou  mayest  never  be  able  to 
quench  it ;  foi'  so  it  often  ha))pens,  and  it  is  the  just  decree  of  God, 
that  "  he  who  doth  not  when  he  mav,  shall  not  when  he  would." 





?Tlonie  kunnes  fondungc  beoS  iiic  j'Issc  uoniic "  doU",  ami  misliclie 
uroiu-en  *?  inoniuoldc  salucn.  Xve  Louerd  5I110  ou  grace  pet  lieo 
moten  ou  hclpcn.  Of  alle  j'ou  oSre  peonne,  of  sclirift  ]>e  bilieucst  of 
hire,  sclial  been  ]>o  vifte  dole,  ase  icli  bilict  pcruppe.  And  uime^> 
Tciiie  liu  euerlcli  dole  iialleb  into  o'Ser,  ase  ich  er  seide.  Her 
biginne^  ]>o  ulfte  dole. 

Of  Scihufte. 
Of  two  ])inges  nimc^  jenie,   of  sclirifto,  i«c  boginininge.     pot 
forme  j/ing,  of  bwuclie  niihte  hit  beo.     pet  oSer  ping,  Ir.vuch  hit 
schullc  beon.     pis  beo-5  nu  ase  two  limes  r'  and  ciSer  is  to-dculed  :' 
pe  uorme  o  six  stucchenes  :'  pc  ober  o  sixtcnc. 



Schrift  haueS  monic  mihtes.  Aidi  nuUich  of  alle  siggen,  bulen 
sixe:  preo  ajean  pe  deouel,  J  preo  onont  us  suluen.  Schrift  schont 
bene'  deouel  J  hackeS  of  his  heaued,  1  to-dreaue5  his  ferde.  Schrift 
wasche«  us  of  alle  ure  fulben,  J  jet^  us  alle  ure  luren,  1  m:d<eJS  us 
FoUo  SI  Godes  children.  And  ei«er  haueS  his  preo.  Preouc  we  nu  alle. 
pe  erest  preo  beo«  alle  ischeawed  ine  Judites  dcden.  Judit,  j.ct  is 
schrift,  ase  was  jeare  iscid,  slouh  Olofernc,  pet  is,  pc  ucond  of  helle. 
Turn  peruppe  ase  we  speken  of  fuwclenc  cunde,  pet  bcoS  iefned  to 
ancre  lie  hackede  of  his  heaued,  ?  sco« ben  com  and  scheawede 
hit  to'pe  buruh  preostes.  pconne  is  pe  ueond  ischend  hwonne  me 
scheaue^  ine  schrifte  alle  his  cweadschipes.     "Compuncte  cousci- 

entie:^  unde  in  cu 

biculo  ejus  abscidit  caput  ejus."  His  hcaue.l  is 
ihacked  of,  ^  he  is  isleien  obc  moime  so  sone  sc  he  euer  is  rilit  sori 
uor  his  sunnen,  1  haue«  schrift  on  hcorte.  Auh  he  is  nout  pe  jet 
ischend  he  hwulc  his  heaued  is  ihud,  ase  dude  on  crest,  er  hit 
beo  i  rh'-nved  r'  pot  is,  er  pen  pe  niu«  ine  schrifte  do  ut  pe  heaued 

Iri.r.NV.  T.  C. 



I  liere  are  many  kinds  of  temptation  in  this  fourth  jiart,  and 
various  comforts  and  manifold  remedies.  INfay  our  Lord  give  you 
grace  that  they  may  help  you  !  The  fiftli  part  then  shall  be  of 
confession,  the  most  necessary  of  them  all,  as  I  promised  above. 
And  observe  how  every  part  fallcth  into  another,  as  I  said  before. 
Here  beginneth  the  fifth  part. 

PART  v.— Of  Confession. 

Concerning  confession.  To  begin,  take  notice  of  two  things : 
first,  of  what  efficacy  it  is ;  secondly,  of  what  kind  it  should  be. 
These  arc  two  branches ;  and  each  of  them  is  divided :  the  former 
into  six  parts;  the  other  into  sixteen.  Now  this  is  concerning  the 

Confession  hath  many  powers.  I  will  not,  however,  speak  of 
them  all ;  but  only  of  six :  three  against  the  devil,  and  three  con- 
cerning ourselves.  Confession  confoundeth  the  devil,  and  hacketh 
off  his  head,  and  dispcrseth  his  forces.  Confession  washeth  us  from 
all  our  filthiness,  and  giveth  us  back  all  our  losses,  and  makcth  us 
children  of  God.  And  each  of  these  divisions  hath  its  own  three. 
Let  us  now  prove  all  these.  The  first  three  arc  all  exemplified  in 
the  history  of  Judith.  1.  Judith,  that  is,  confession,  as  was  said 
before,  slew  Iloloferncs,  that  is,  the  fiend  of  hell.  Turn  back  to  the 
place  where  we  spoke  of  the  nature  of  fowls,  which  are  compared  to 
anchoresses.*  She  hacked  off  his  head,  and  then  came  and  shewed 
it  to  the  priests  of  the  city.  Then  is  the  fiend  confounded  when  all 
his  iniquities  are  disclosed  in  confession,  "Compuncta;  conscientinR; 
unde  in  cubiculo  ejus  abscidit  caput  ejus."  His  head  is  cut  off,  and 
he  is  slain  in  the  man  as  soon  as  ever  he  is  truly  sorry  for  his  sins, 
and  hath  set  his  heart  on  confessing  them.  2.  But  he  is  not  yet 
confounded  while  his  head  is  concealed,  as  Judith  did  at  fir^f,  ii..r 
a  rag.l;]l. 



al  ]7c  uoi 

And  iiout  one  ]?c  sunnc, 

li  ;il  ])c  Itc'^iiiiiuiiLie  Jjorof,  and 
riJeles  ];et  broulitcn  in  ]'e  sunuc,  }'i.'t  is  jn-  tk-uflcs  lu-iuu-fl 
]>et  mo  sclml  to-drcden  anon,  ase  ich  cr  seidc.  "\'ii;i  niulicr  Eltiva 
fecit  coiifusionein  ill  doino  Regis  Niibugodonosnr :  "  )»eoiinc  villi  liis 
ferde  anon  aso  dnde  Judit  Olofcrncs.  And  liis  \vi;^elc>  7  liis 
^vrenclles  ])et  ho  ns  niide  asailed,  do  lunn  alio  o  vluhto :'  and  ]>o 
bnruli  is  ared  ];et  lioo  licneden  bisot  t  ]'et  is  to  siggen,  ]>c  siinfiilo  is 
dclinred.  ludas  Makabeus — hwo  stod  a;j;can  biiii  ?  Al  so  bit  tclloJS 
in  Judicuni  ]>ot  let  folc  ]>eo  liit  askcdo,  cftcr  Josuos  dcaS,  bwo 
scbulde  boon  Iiorc  due,  1  leaden  liam  in  J^erc  ucrdc?  Vrc  Loncrd 
onswercdo  7  seido,  ludas  scbal  gon  biuoron  on :  I  diuUe  ower  foes 
lond  biteclien  in  bis  liondon.  ]^oke(5  nu  ful  jcorno,  liwat  lis  bco  to 
siggon.  losuc  spelo^  hole,  7  ludas  speleS  scbrift,  aso  ludit. 
peonno  is  Josue  dead  hwon  soule  hole  is  forloren  vor'  cni  doadlicli 
sunne.  po  sunfnlc  is  ]?o  unwibtes  lond,  ])et  is  ure  doadlieli  fo,  and 
tis  lond  ure  Lonord  liat  ^  uorto  biteclien  in  Judases  liondon.  Uor 
hwon  ])et  bo  go  biuoron,  scbrift,  lo  nu,  is  gunfanoiu',  7  bcreJSlicr  ]»e 
banere  biuoron  alio  Godos  fordo,  ];et  bco5  gode  Jjoawcs.  Scbrift 
reaue^  }?o  ueondo  his  lond,  J^ot  is,  J>o  sunfnlo  moii,  and  al  to-die.iuoIS 
Canaan,  ])C  neondes  ferde  of  hollo.  ludas  bit  dude  licoinllcbc  :  and 
scbrift,  ]>et  ho  bitocnoS,  doS  ])ot  ilkc  gostlicbo.  pis  bcoJi  nu  ])roo 
YmgQS  J>ot  scbrift  doS  o  ]>c  doouel.  pe  o«or  ]nT0  ])ingos  pot  hit  do5 
on  ns  suluon  bcocJ  ]poos  her  cftor. 

Scbrift  wascho/(5  us  of  alio  ure  ful  ben:  uor  so  bit  is  iwriteii: 
"Omnia  confessiono  lavantur.'"  Glosa  suiht:  "  C'onfllebinmr  til.i 
Dens:'  confitebimur,"  7c.  And  tot  was  bitocno.l  j-ct  Iu<lit  wioscli 
hire,  7  dospoilodo  biro  of  hiio  wi<lowo  scbrudi-,  ]..t  was  moikc  of 
sooruwo  :'  and  seoi-uwo  nis  bate  of  sumio  one.     "  Laiiif  corpus  smuu, 



.  .  1  „  .  tint  is  until  the  mouth  hi  confcssl..u  put  forth  the 
"''  1  '■  Id  n;t  ^;iv  1  sin,  but  the  .hole  beginning  the..oi, 
capital  sui.     And  not  ouin  ^        v,.nnoht  in  the  s  n,  which  is 

'"?,''r?  0       Hob -V  Tvoman  hath  ..adc  confusion  .n.ho 

said  before.        Une   ri<-oi  ,r  .,,,„„  his  army  immediately  fl.cs, 

house  of  I-"S  >-':^"f '~Xrok;.os  t^l  h-.s\vnes  and  f.u.dulent 
as  Judith  n,ade    hat  o_^^  ^ofc    c  ,^  ^^^^^  ^^  ^.^,^^  ^  ^_^  ,,^ 

tricte,  ^^•hel■c^vlh  he  » J  ~     ,/       ^     t,,at  is  to  sar,  the  sinner  ,s 
which  they  had  bes.cged  is  d-^^  «^  ;  ,,;,„,      i„  Hke 

dehvcred.     Judas  Maccahet^-who   sto  d  ^^^^  ^^^^^  ^^ 

,„annor,  we  are  tohl  m  the  Book  f  J"^.  ;;;^_,^  ,;  „^,,. ,,,,,,,  „,„, 
Josliua,  xvhen  the  people  asked,  _^    v^^^   ^^^^   ^_^^^^^^^^  ^^_j  ^^^;,,_ 

go  before   them   m   '^\'-''"\-  .y^  ^i^,i„,.  the  land  of  your  cnenncs 
"Judah  shall  go  before  you.  i^"""  ,      ,^hat  this   meaneth. 

i„to  his   hands."     Co"S.der  nj   at^nu^^^,  ^^^^^  ^^  ^^^^^^.^,_ 

Joshua  meaneth  health  »f  f;^^'     "J^,  s;ul  is  lost  through  any 
Then  is  Joshua  dead  when  '  «  1"=»"^  ^  ^,,,,„  j^  „„,.  deadly  foe, 

deadly  sin.     The  ^'"«V  Tto  deliv  r  into  Judah's  hands.' 

and  L  laud   our  Lord  P—  '^^    ^  Lsion  is  the  standard 
For  when  ho  goeth  befo      heh    1  no  ^^^^^^  ^^^^^^  ^^,  .^,^  .^ 


good  mor.als.     3.  Y"""*      "  ,,,  defe-iteth  Canaan,  the  arn.y  of  the 
ie  sinful  man,  a.Kl  comn ktel     defe  te  ^^^^_^^^^  ^^^.^^^  ,_ , 

fiend  of  hell.      Judah   d.d   .t  bod  y       ^^^^   ^^^^_^^  ^^^  ^,^^  ^,^^.^^, 
betokeueth,doth    the   =>»  /P'"^"^  ^^he   devil.     The  other  three 
things  that   eon  ess,ou  ^;^,^^™,t  those  which  follow, 
things  which  .t  doth  to  ours el«  ^^^^^^^^^^^^     ^^_.  „,^_^  ,,  .^ 

1.  Confession  -"=''''"'/"  *^',°"' '"  ° . ,.  ,,„  comment  upon  .his: 
written,  "  Onuua  -"'-"f  '^^(f„7  J,  ,,;„  confess,"  S.c.  and  this 
.We  will   eonfess  to  thee,  0*f°'^;,„,hed  herself,  and  stripped  off 


the  garments  ot  nti 

h  Ju.lgo 



KEGUL^T:  I X C J. LS A II U 31 , 

i^'o/io  82. 

^  exult  se  uestimcntis  ulduitatis."  Sclirift  jolt  oft  al  j^ct  god  bet  we 
hefden  iiorloren  jniruli  hcaucd  sunne  :'  ^i  bringeS  al  aToan  l\^h  A 
toge.leres.  loci:  -licddain  uobis  ainios  quos  comodit  loeusta, 
brucus  rubigo  ct  crugo."  pis  was  bitoc.icd  Inirul,  |,et  ludit 
schrudde  lure  mid  ].elidawenc  weadcn  and  makedc  hire  uoIrMviS- 
uten,  asc  sclirift  de^  us  Avi^iunen,  mid  alio  |,c  ucirc  unienur.z  bet 
bitocne^  bhsse.  And  uro  Louerd  sei«,  ];umh  Zacliurio:  "  Erunt 
sicut  fucrunt  antcquam  proiceram  eos  :^"  |,et  is,  schrift  sclial  makion 
l?eue  mon  al  swucli  asc  he  was  biuoren  };ct  lie  suncgc  ."  asc  clcnc  7 
ase  ucir  t  asc  riclie  of  allc  god  ]7ct  limpcS  to  ]>c  soulc.  pot  |>riddo 
l?nig  pet  schrift  de«  to  us  sulucn  is  |;e  frut  of  );is  oSor  two,  ?  cndcS 
ham  bo'Sc— l^et  is,  makc-5  us  Godcs  children,  pis  is  bitocncd  )>.rbi 
J;et  Judas,  iue  Gencsi,  biwon  of  Jacob,  Benjamin.  Bcnjann-n  seiS 
ase  muche  asc  Sunc  of  riht  half.  Tudas,  is,  schrift  r'  al  so  asc 
ludit :'  for  boSe  heo  spclc«  on  an  Ebreischc  ledene.  pis  gostliche 
ludas  bi^et  of  lacob  his  fedcr,  ]>ct  is,  urc  Louerd,  to  bcon  his  rib.t 
hondes  sune,  7  bruken  buten  cnde  ];c  eritage  of  hcouenc.  Ku  wc 
habbeiS  iseid  of  hwuchc  mihtc  schrift  is,  7  hwuche  eflicaccs  hit 
haueti,  7  inenmed  sixc.  Lokc  we  nu  ^eornclichc  Jiwuch  schrift 
schule  been  ^et  beroS  swuch  strcncSe  r'  7  for  to  schca\vcn  hit  bet 
dele  we  nu  |?is  lim  o  sixtcne  stucchenes. 

Schrift  schal  bcon  wrciful,  bitter,  mid  scoruwc,  iljol,  naked,  olte 
imaked,  hiliful,  edmod,  schcomcful,  drcdful,  1  hopelid,  wis,  soJS  ? 
vvilles  :'  owune  7  studeuest  :f  biSouht  biuoren  longc.  Her  hwh  nu 
ase  ])auh  hit  were,  sixtene  stucchenes  ],>et  bcoJS  iueied  to  sdnifte :' 
and  we  schulen  siggcn  of  cuerichon  sum  word  sunderlichc  arcaw  e. 

iiiv.   T.      Iki.m.VMiI  I.ih 


there  is  no  sorrow  but  from  sin  only,  «  Lavit  cor[)US  suuin,  ct  exult 
se  vestiinentls  viduitatis."-'  2.  Confession  gives  lis  back  all  the  ^ood 
that  we  had  lost  tlirougli  mortal  sin :  It  bringeth  it  all  again,  and 
completely  restoretli  it.  Joel  saith,  '*  I  Avill  restore  to  you  the 
years  that  the  locust,  the  canker-worm,  and  the  mildew,  and  the 
palmer-worm  have  eaten."  ^  This  was  figuratively  shewn  in  that 
Judith  clothed  herself  with  holiday  garments,  and  made  herself 
fair  without,  as  confession  maketh  us  within,  with  all  the  goodly 
ornaments  which  are  tokens  of  joy.  And  our  Lord  saith  in  Zechariah, 
"  They  shall  be  as  they  were  before  I  had  cast  them  oft' ;  " '  that  is, 
confession  shall  make  the  man  such  as  he  was  before  he  sinned ;  as 
clean,  and  as  fair,  and  as  rich  in  all  the  good  that  appertaineth  to 
the  soul.  3.  The  third  thing  which  confession  doth  to  ourselves  is 
the  fruit  of  the  other  two,  and  which  completes  them  both,  that  is, 
maketh  us  children  of  God.  This  is  represented  in  the  Book  of 
Genesis,  when  Judah  obtained  the  consent  of  Jacob  to  carry 
Benjamin  with  him  into  Egypt. "^  Benjamin,  signifieth  Son  of  the 
rifdit  hand.  Judah,  that  is,  confession;  in  like  manner  as  Judith  ; 
for  both  have  the  same  meaning  in  the  Hebrew  tongue.  This 
spiritual  Judah  obtained  of  Jacob  his  father,  that  is,  our  Lord,  to  be 
the  son  of  his  right  hand,  and  to  enjoy,  without  end,  the  inheritance 
of  heaven.  We  have  now  said  how  great  is  the  power  of  confession, 
and  what  effects  it  hath,  and  we  have  mentioned  six.  Let  us  now 
consider  attentively  what  sort  of  confession  that  must  be  which  i)ro- 
duccth  such  good  effects  ;  and  to  shew  it  the  better,  divide  \\  e  now 
this  part  into  sixteen  particulars. 

Confession  shall  be  accusatory,  bitter  and  sorrowful,  full, 
candid,  freciuont,  speedy,  humble,  with  shame,  anxious,  hoj[)eful, 
prudent,  true,  voluntary,  spontaneous,  steadfast,  and  premeditated. 
Tiiese  now  are,  as  it  Averc,  sixteen  particulars,  which  belong  to  con- 
fession;  and  we  shall  sa\-  a  word  of  each  of  them  sei)arately  in  onler. 

ju.Jiiii,  X.  y. 

!•  Joel,  ii. 

Gtu'sis   xllii    I'j.  ''  '^^-■cl"ii'''^l'> 


IlEGUL.l-,  INCM  SAUr.M. 

Schrifi  sclial  beon  wrcif'ul.  jNIon  sclial  w  reicu  liim  siiliuii  iiu- 
schrjftc,  ?  noiit  wcrien '^  liiiu  lie  siggcn,  K-li  hit  duck'  puiuli  (-^iv  :' 
Icli  was  incd ^' J'crto  r'  })e  iicond  hit  iiiakcde  iiic  to  doii.  l''u>  I-m- 
and  Adam  weredeii  ham.  Adam  ])aruh  Eue  :  and  I^uc  jmruh  J'c 
neddre.  pe  ucond  nc  mei  ncden  nennc  inon  to  don  sunno,  j'aiili  lu' 
cggi  j^crto.  Auli  fill  wcl  he  is  ipaied^  hwon  cni  sei5  ]>et  lie  him 
makede  iiorto  sunegcn,  ase  ])auh  he  hcucde  strcncSc,  ]>ot  haiicIS 
none  mid  alle,  huten  jnirnh  us  suluen.  Auh  mc  oiih  i'orto  siggen  : 
Min  owune  unwrestschipc  hit  dude  :'  and  ^Yille5  7  woldcs  leli  bcili 
to  ]>c  dcofle.  Eif  }'u  v/itest  eni  J'iug  J;inc  sunne  Inite  ]n  suhun,  )>u 
nc  schriuest  ]'C  nout :'  and  jif"  ]>u  seist  ]>ct  J;in  unstiviiciSc  nc  muhtc 
nout  cllcs,  ])u  Nvrenchcst  J)inc  sunne  o  God,  ]>et  makede  Jjc  swuch 
J?et  tu,  Li  ]?ine  tale,  wiSstonden  ne  niuhtes.  \V'rcie  we  us  suluen  :' 
vor  lo !  hwat  seiS  Seinte  Powcl  ?  "  Si  nos  ipsos  dijudicaremus,  noii 
utlque  judlcaremur :'"  J;et  is,  jif  we  wreiS  wel  her,  7  dcme5  her  us 
suluen,  we  schulen  beon  cwite  of  wreiungc  ctte  muclielc  dome,  per 
ase  Seint  Aunselme  scixS  ];eos  ilke  dredfule  wordes,  "Ilinc  erunt 
accusnntia  peccata  t'  inde,  terrcns  juslicia  :'  subtus,  patens  honidum 
chaos  infeini :'  desuper,  iratus  Judex  :'  intus,  urens  conscieiitia : 
foris,  ardens  mundus.  Uix  Justus  saluabitur.  Peecator  sic  depre- 
hensus,  in  quain  partem  se  premet?"  7c.  O  ]>e  one  halue,  a  domes- 
dei  schulen  ure  swarte  sunnen  bicleopcn  us  stroneliche  of  uie  soule 
mui"Sre  r'  and  on  obcr  half  stont  rihtwisnesse,  );et  no  reoutSe  nis 
mide,  dredful  7  grureful  uorto  bilioldon.  Abnuen  us,  })e  eoi-re 
Demare:'  vor  ase  softc  as  he  is  her,  ase  herd  he  biS  J)er :  and  ase 
mild  ase  he  is  nu  her,  ase  sturne  he  bi^  j'cr — lomb  her  7  liiiii  ]<v\; 
ase  ]?c  propliete  witne^  :'  "Leo  rugiet :'  qui^  uon  fimcbit  ?"  pr  liun 
sclial  her  greden,  he  seiS,  hwo  is  ]>et  ne  schal  beon  ofeied  ?  Ik-r  we 
clco])icS  him  lomb  ase  oftc  ase  wc  singcJi,  "  Agnus  J)ei  (jui  tollis 
iieccata  mundi."  Nu,  ase  Ich  scide,  wc  schulen  iscoii  buueii  u>  ))en 
ilke  eorre  Demarc,  ]H't  is,  cc  witncsse,  7  wot  alle  ure  guhes. 
I'.iueo^eii  us,  i;coniinde  wide   ]>v  wide  prcotc  of  h 





si\  NOT  10  r.r.  rAi.LiATKi)  on  i:xcr>i:n.  30.5 

1.  C'oiifb.ssii)ii  >]vA\  bo  accusatory.  In  oonfr— iuii  a  man  ouuht  to 
accuso  himself,  and  nut  dcfeiul  liimself  and  say,  "  I  did  it  tlnouLdi 
the  fault  of  otliors  :  T  was  forced  to  do  it :  the  devil  ei.mpelled  me  to  do 
it."  Thus  dill  live  and  Adam  defend  themselves.  Adam  tiiron-Ji  Eve, 
and  lAe  tlnouuh  the  serpent.  'Jdie  d(!vil  cannot  comiiei  ;iny  man  to 
commit  sin,  although  he  instigates  him  thereto.  But  lie  is  very  well 
pleased  when  any  one  saith  that  he  made  him  to  >in,  as  thounh  he  had 
power,  \\]]o  really  hath  none,  except  throiioh  or.rselves.  lUit  wo 
ou^ht  to  say,  '•  My  own  wickedness  did  it ;  and  willin^dy  and  w  il- 
fully  I  yielded  to  the  devil."  If  thou  blamest  any  thin«j;  but  tliyself 
for  thy  sin,  thou  dost  not  confess  thyself;  and  if  thou  sayest  that 
tliy  weakness  was  nnabh'  to  do  otherwise,  thou  throwest  the  blame 
of  thy  sin  upon  God,  who  made  thee  such  that,  by  thine  own 
account,  thou  hadst  not  ])ower  to  resist.  Let  us  accuse  ourselves : 
for  lol  what  saith  St.  Paul?  "Si  nos  ipsos  dijudiearcnuis,  non 
utiijue  judicarenuu- ;  "  *  that  is,  "if  we  accuse  and  judge  ourselves 
well  here,  we  shall  be  freed  from  accusing  at  the  great  judgment." 
Concerning  this  St.  Anselm  saitJi  these  terrible  wonls,  "  On  this  siilo 
will  stand  accusing  sins;  on  the  other,  the  dreadful  judgment  seat; 
above,  the  angry  Judge  ;  beneath,  the  yawning  horrid  pit  of  hell ; 
within,  a  gnawing  conscience  ;  without,  a  burning  world.  Scarcely 
sliidl  the  righteous  be  saved.  AVhere  shall  the  siimer,  thus  detected, 
hide  himself?"'  On  Doomsday  our  black  sins  on  the  one  side 
shall  steridy  accuse  us  of  our  soul-murder ;  on  the  other  side  stands 
Justice,  with  whom  there  is  no  pity,  dreadful  and  terril»le  to  behold; 
above  us  the  angry  Judge,  for  as  soft  as  he  is  here  so  hard  he  is 
there;  and  as  mild  as  he  is  now  here  so  stern  he  is  there;  a  lamb 
here  and  a  lion  there,  as  the  Prophet  testifieth,  "  Leo  rugiet;  (juis 
non  timebit?'"'  "The  lion  shall  roar,"  saith  he,  "who  is  he  that 
shall  not  be  afraid.""  Here  we  call  him  Lamb  as  oft  as  we  sing, 
"  Land)  of  God,  who  takest  away  the  sins  of  the  world."  Now,  as 
I  said,  we  shall  see  above  us  the  same  angry  Judge,  who  is  :dso  tho 

•   1  Corinth,  xi.  .'!1.  •>  Ai.w.s  iii.  S.  '  M.  .I..l.u.  i.  '.•■'. 

CAMD.  SOC.  -    '' 


REOUL.T':  iN(;r.rsAi:r>r. 

suluen,  ure  owune  conscience,  );ct  is,  urc  imvit,  iiorkuliinrle"  hire 
Folio  Si.  suluen  mid  ]>c  fure  of  sunne  :'  wiSutcii  us,  al  jjoiie  ^vol•1<l  leiteiide  (4' 
swarte  leite  up  into  -weolcne.  pe  soric  sunfulo  ]'us  \>'\<-vA,  liwu  x.-Iial 
him  J'conne  stonden?  To  hwuche  of  J'eos  fuiire  nici  lie  him 
biwenden  ?  Nis  ];er  ];conne  bute  pet  horde  >vord,^  pet  gri5Hche  word 
J  grureful  oner  alio,  "  Ite  maledicti  in  ignom  eternum,"  ?c.  Go5 
je  awaviede  iit  of  mine  eihsihcie  into  J'C  echo  fure  pet  was  igrei'Scd 
to  pe  uconde  and  to  liis  cngles,  Le  uorbuwen'"  minne  dom  pet  ich 
demde  mon  to,  pet  was  iset  forto  libben  iiie  swincke  7  in  seoruwc  on 
eor^e  ^  and  je  schulen  nu,  uorcSi,  liablx-n  ]'es  deofles  dom,  7  berncn 
mid  him  i^c  eclic  fare  of  lielle,  ]\lid  tisse  schulen  pe  norlorem- 
worpen  a  swiich  jeor"^  pet  licouenc  7  eorSe  nunven  beoiic  grish'che 
agrisen.  Yor^i  Seint  Austin  IcreiS  *=  us  leofllche,  "  Ascendat  homo 
trilnuial  mentis  sue,  si  ilhxd  cogitat  quod  oportet  cum  cxibcrl  ante 
tribunal  Christi.  Adsit  accusatrix  cogitatio  :'  testis  conscientia  ^  car- 
nifex  timer :'"  pet  is,  penc,  mon,  of  domesdeie,  7  deme  lier  ]n"m 
suluen  pus,  o  pisso  wise:  let  skile  sitteu  asc  demare  upon  pc  dom 
stol :!  kume  per  efter  xior^  his  pouht :'  pouhtes  munegunge  wreie 
him,  7  bicleope  him  of  misliche  sunnen.  O,  belann',  pis  pu  dudest  per, 
7  pis  per,  7  tis  per,  7  o  pisse  wise.  His  inwit  beo  iknowen  perof,  7 
here  liim  witnesse  :'  "  Sob  hit  is,  so^  hit  is  :!  pis,  7  muchelc  more." 
Kume  uorS  per  efter  fcrlac,  puruh  pc  demarcs  hestc,  pet  liettcrlichc 
hat,  "]S'im  7  bind  him  hetcueste,  nor  lie  is  dealScs  wurSe:'  and  bind 
him  so  euericli  lim  pe  he  haue-S  mide  isuneged,  pet  he  ne  muwe  mid 
liam  suneoen  nan  more."  Fearlac  haue^  ibunden  liim  liwon  he  ne 
der,  uor  fearlac,  sturien  him  touward  sunne.  Eot  iiis  nnut  pe 
Folio  83  6.  demarc,  pet  is,  skil,  ipaied  pau  he  beo  ibunden  7  hulde  him  wiJSuten 
sunne,  bute  jif  he  abugge  pe  sunne  pet  he  wruuhtc  r'  and  elL'Oi)eS 
foriS  pine  7  seoruwe,  7  Iiat  pet  seoruwc  preusche  him  wibimic  pc 
heorte   mid  sore  bireousunge  :'  so  pet  liim  suwic  7  pini.-  ))et  fleseh 

forswiS.indo.   T.      for  cwctiin.l.'.   V,.  !- 
\:,-u'n  |.;Uhar-.lo  w<.r.l,   h  w;.uor<l.   T.  C. 

f..rl...l,..|.n.   T. 



-•■  """''■  T"  nl^« " bLk flame ur <o "- -f :;; ,  ;; 

untoppy  sinner  V,e,ns  *'.«=.  1-     .         ,  .^  ;^  „„t,,ing  but 

To  «Wel.  of  these  four  ""  '     "  ^^^  ^,,,„,,  „„  terrible  sentence 

„  the  everlasting  fire  ot  be.  J^ZrMW  sluulder.     Wherefore  M. 
tbat  both  heaven  and  -rth  ""J '-      ■  _^^^^^,  ,„,„„  t,,b«naYne,.t,s 

Anstin  affeetionately  t<:"'=l><=*;f'  ,  '  ,,,,iteri  ante  tribunal,. 

Adsitaeeusatr.^og>^t.  t^^  ,„a  Judge  himse,  ere,  tin, 
is.  Lot  man  tlnnK  oi  ^  ^     ,„dgment  seat,    le 

"•so:  let  reason  sit  as  3"^=  .^^^hts  I'ring  to  his  ren,en,brauee, 
;  ought  then  eome  &'■"';.  "\,;^^°,  ,i„s,  ■' O,  good  friend,  then 
a  eule  him.  and  eharge  h,m  ^v  h  ^  «>  ^^^^^  .^  ^^.^  , 

ddst  this,  and  this.  »f  ^^'      ;  i' Jar  him  witness;  "trne.t. 

i:ro::^Xeepsbim.ifivom....n^;->,^  „   , 

c,„n,na,.ds   sorrow  f,  sconi„ 


i„  ]  Ountt..  »i. 


i{i:c;i  Lyi;  ixci.i  sakl.m. 

Folio  84. 

wiSutcn  mid  festeii,  1,  mid  o-5er  flcscliliclic-  soivs.  Ihvo  sc  o  Jm-c 
Avise,  biuoren  ];e  niucliele  dome,  dt-mcS  her  liiiu  shIikii,  c:uli  is  If  7 
iseli.  Yor,  ase  ^-e  i>rop]icte  sciS,  "Noii  iiidic:.1)It  Doiis  Lis  in  id 
ipsum."  '•'  Nulc  nout  ure  Louerd,"  he  seiS,  );e  pj-ui)hetc,  '•  JK-t  o  m:in 
bco  uor  one  ];inge  twicn  idemed/'  Hit  iiis  nout  iiie  Godrs  kuit  a^e 
hit  is  iSe  schirc,  \ev  asc  \q  ];et  nickeS  wcl  mei  heoii  iburuwcn  :  and 
\(i  fule  ]7et  is  iciioweii  [is  idemcd  ?].•''  l^iuore  Gud  is  o^erwcis.  ''  SI 
tu  accusal,  Dcus  excusat:"  et  uice  iiersa."  Lif  ];u  wiviest  J>e  wcl 
her,  God  wide  iinwreien  ]>o  ];er,  and  skeren  mid  alle,  ct  tc  ncruwo 
dome  :'  uor  hwon  ]>ct  tu  demo  ])o,  asc  ich  iti-iht  habln-. 

vSchrift  schal  beuii  bitter,  a^cau  ];et  te  sumie  J>uhte  sume  dierc 
swete.  Judit  ])et  speleti  schrift,  ase  icli  ufte  liabbe  isoid,  was 
Merarilites  doulitcr:'  1  Judas,  ];et  is  ec  schrift,  wiiu'de  u  Thamar. 
INIerariht  ?  Thamar  boSc  heo  speUet)  bittcnicsse  o  Ebreu.  IsimeJS 
nu  jeoriie  jeme  of  J?e  bitocnuiige.  Ich  liit  siggc  sclicortliehe : 
bitter,  sor,  ?  schrift.  pet  on  mot  kumon  of  ]>et  oJScr,  ase  ludit  dude 
of  i\[crari]it,  and  boSe  lico  mott'u  beon  iueied  somcd,  asc  Judit  7 
Thamar  [weren]  :'  uor  nou'Ser  witiuten  oJSer  nis  nuut  w  urJ>,  oSci-  luttl. 
Fai'es  ?  Zaram  ue  temciS  heo  neuer.  Uour  J'inges,  -^xi  mo  [/.  mon] 
];enc]iciS  ]>et  heaued  sunne  dude  liim,  nuiweu  makien  him  to 
seoi-uw'on,  7  bittren  liis  heorte.  Lo !  |ns  is  ]>e  uonne.  Eif  a  mou 
heuede  uorloren,  in  one  time  of  J'C  deie,  liis  fader  and  his  modcr,  In'-; 
bre'Sren  and  liis  sustren,  and  al  his  kun  eke,  and  alle  his  frcund  ]'et 
he  euer  hcfde  weren  istoruen  uerliche  in  one  deie,  nuldo  he  oner  allc 
men  seoridiful  beon  1  sori,  alse  he  caSc  nudite?  God  hit  wot,  he 
mei  beon  vniliche^  seoruhfulure  J;ct  Ikur-^,  mid  dcadliche  sunne, 
gostlichc  isleien  God  wiSinnen  "^  liis  .soule.  \'or  he  naue^  nout  one 
uorloren  J^ene  swete  Ueder  of  heoiien  7  Seinte  Marie  his  nioder,  oSi-r 
holi  chirelic,  hwon  he  of  hire  naueJS  more''  m-  Icsci,  and  .-die  J'c 
enisles   of  hcoueiie,   and   alle   ]k'    hahiwiii  *"    ]n't    wcrcii   him    it   u<>i- 

i:.;i:  .t  .l.tmiinri  .iiii  Uu 

il.i  .,in 

:,'.it  pot< 
■;.f.  T. 
T.  C. 

iinxiA.  T.  C. 
llll'  iMli  . 

-  I.;.ICK...,.  C. 

(OMKSSIOX  :vH  -^1    liK   nilTKll  AND  S()U!:()\V  I  11.. 


]itMitam-e',  so  tli.'it  li(>  si^ii  and  imr.ivli  tlio  ficsli  outwardly  with  tiisting, 
mid  with  otlior  Inxh*!;/  }>;iiii-.  lie  who  thus  juda'etli  liiiusolf  liere, 
heforc  the  'j^rcnt  jnduiiniit,  is  hles'^ed  :nid  happy.  For,  as  the 
pi-iipliet  saith,  "  Nou  juiheaLit  Deus  bis  in  id  ipsuiu."  "Our  Lord," 
saitli  tlic  proplict,  "will  not  sufier  a  man  to  he  judLred  hn-  one  thing 
twice."'  It  is  not  in  Clod's  court  as  it  is  in  that  ot"  the  shire,  where 
they  wlio  (h]\y  well  may  he  acfjuitted  :  and  the  fool  Avho  is  detected* 
is  condemned.  I>efore  God  it  is  otherwise,  "  Si  tu  te  accusas,  Deus 
excusat;  et  \  ice  versa."  If  thou  accusest  thyself  well  here,  God 
will  excuse  thee  there,  and  clear  thee  also,  at  the  strict  judgment — 
because  thou  judgest  thyself,  as  I  have  taught  above. 

II.  Ct)nfession  shall  be  bitter,  inasnuich  as  the  sin,  at  one  time, 
\\as  thought  sweet.  Judith,  which  signifieth  confession,  as  1  have 
often  remarked,  was  the  daughter  of  IMerari ;  ^  and  Judah,  which  is 
also  confession,  wived  with  Tamar.'^  Merari  and  Tamar  both 
signify  bitterness  in  Hebrew.  Now,  pay  earnest  attention  to  the 
signification,  I  mention  it  briefly:  bitterness,  sorrow,  and  con- 
fession. The  one  may  come  from  the  other,  as  Judith  did  from 
Merari,  and  both  may  bo  joined  together,  as  were  Judith  and 
Tamar;  for  either  without  the  other  is  worth  little  or  nothing. 
Pharez  and  Zarah '' never  bring  forth  offspring.  There  are  four 
things  that  mortal  sin  has  done  to  him  which,  if  a  man  reflect,  may 
make  him  sorrowful,  and  embitter  his  heart.  Lo,  now,  this  is  the 
first:  If  a  man  had  lost,  in  a  single  hour  of  the  day,  his  father  and 
mother,  his  brothers  and  sisters,  and  also  all  his  kindred,  and  if  all 
his  friends  that  he  ever  had  had  died  suddenly  in  a  single  day, 
would  he  not  be  sorrowful  and  grieved  more  than  all  other  men,  ns 
he  well  might  ?  God  knoweth  he  maybe,  without  comj)arison,  more 
sorrowful  who,  by  mortal  sin,  has  slain  God  within  his  soul.  F..r 
he  hath  not  oidy  lost  the  sweet  Father  of  heaven,  and  Saint  Mary 
his  Mother,  or^  Holy  Church— since  he  hath  nothing  more  oi-  less 
from  her— and  all    the  angels  of  heaven,  an<l  all   th.-  saints,   m  liidi 





brc^rcn  1  for  sustren,  and  for  urcond.  Asc  to  liiin,  lieo  IjcoJS  dcadc. 
Ase  onont  liiin  is,  he  liaucS  isleioii  ham  alle,  and  liaucS  ])er  asc  lico 
lime^  eucr,  loSnesse  ^  of  ham  alle,  ase  Jeremic  witncS  :'  "Oinnes 
amici  ejus  spreverunt  cam  :'"  j;et  is,  alio  J;et  Juin  Imiedcn,  joiodcn 
spl  him  on,  and  haticS  him  alle.  Eet  more,  his  children  alle,  so 
sone  so  he  sunegede  dcadliclic,  deidcn  alle  clene  :  J^et  beoJS  his  god 
■sverkes,  J>ct  beo^  forloren  alio.  Ect,  uppcn  al  ))is  ilke,  he  is  him 
sulf  al  biwrixled,  "i  bicumen,  of  Godes  child,  )>es  dcofles  beam  of 
helle,  atelich  forto  iseon  r^  ase  God  snlf  seiS  iSc  gospel,  "Vos  ex 
patre  diabolo  estis."  penc  euorich  of  his  owunc  stat  |»et  he  is  o5er 
was,  inne,  and  he  mei  iseon  Invareuore  he  ouh  tc  siken  sore.  VorSi, 
seiiS  Jeremie,  "Luctnm  unigeniti  fac  tibi  i)Ianctum  amarum."  ]\Iakc 
bitter  mon  asc  wif  deS  uor  her  childe  })et  naucci  bnten  him  one,  and 
isih^  liit  biuoren  hire  uerliche  astoruen.  Nu  ]>c  o'Ser  ]>ct  ich  bihct :' 
Folio  84  h.  a  mon  ]?et  were  idemed  nor  a  lu^er  nuirSre  to  beon  forbernd  al 
cwic,  o^er  scheomeliche  anhongcd — hu  W(jldc  liis  hcorte  stondcn? 
Me,  [/.  Ne  ?]  |>u  uniselie  snnfnle!  J^o  ]>n,  ])uruh  deaSlichc  sunne, 
mur"Sredest  Godes  spuse,  |>et  is,  ]n  soule — J;o  ]ni  were  idemed  fur 
to  beon  anhonged  o  berninde  waritreo  iSc  cche  pine  of  helle — bo  Jni 
makedest  foreward  mid  J>c  dcoucl  of  J^i  dea^,  ?  seidest  in  Isaie,  mid 
]fe  uorlorene,  "Pepiginms  cmn  morte  fedns,  et  cnm  inferno  pactum 
iniuimus:"  ];et  is,  we  habbcc)  tronJSe  ipluht  deaSe,  7  foreward 
istefned  mid  helle  :'  vor  ]>h  is  ])es  feondes  chefiare :'  he  jiueS  j'o 
snnne,  and  tu  jiucst  him  Jnne  soule,  7  ti  bodi  ckc,  to  weane  ?  t«> 
wondrcde,  ^  world  a  buten  ende.  Nu  J»c  ]>ridde  scheortliche.  l^eiic 
hu  a  mon  bet  hefde  al  J;enc  world  awold,  7  hefde,  uov  his  cwi-ad- 
schipc,  uorloren  al  on  one  stunde,  huu  he  \\oIde  murneii  7  suri 
iwur^cn  I  pconnc  owustu  uorte  beon  an  hundred  siSe  soriurt.-,  )>ct, 
buruh  on  heaued  sunne,  uorlurc  J^c  riche  of  heouene,  and  forhuv  ure 
Louerd  ])et  is  an  hundred  silSe,  jo  a  jmsont  siJSe  brfcre  ]'en  is  al  j'o 
world — eorbe  boSe  7  heouene.  "Qm-  ciiim  (.(.nnrnii.i  Clnisti  ad 
Uelinl?"      Nil  ;^ct  )^e  ucorSe.      lAi'  ]>r   king   Ihiud.'  hit. -ilit  his  Iccii.- 



were  formerly  as  brethren,  and  siste]-s,  and  fi-iends  to  liini.  Thcv 
are  dead,  as  relates  to  him.  lie  hath  slain  them  all,  and  is  there, 
where  they  live  for  ever,  abhorred  of  them  all,  as  Jeremiah 
witnesNcth,  "  Oniues  amici  cjiis  sprevermit  earn;"-''  that  is,  all 
tlicy  who  loved  him  cried  spit  on  him,  and  they  all  hate  him. 
^loreover,  all  his  children,  as  soon  as  he  sinned  mortally,  died  every 
one;  -which  are  his  good  works,  which  are  all  lost.  And,  in  adtli- 
tion  to  all  this,  he  is  himself  completely  changed,  and  from  beinf  a 
child  of  God  is  become  a  child  of  the  devil  of  hell,  frightful  to  look 
upon;  as  God  himself  saitli  in  the  Gospel,  "Ye  are  of  your  father 
the  devil."  ^  Let  every  one  reflect  upon  his  own  state  in  which  he 
is,  or  was,  and  he  may  see  wherefore  he  ought  to  sigh  sore.  There- 
fore Jeremiah  saith,  "Luctum  unigcniti  fac  tibi  i)lanctum  amarum."'^ 
Make  bitter  moan  as  a  woman  doth  for  her  child,  that  hath  but  him 
alone,  and  seeth  him  befoi'e  her  suddenly  cut  off  by  death.  Kow 
the  second  example  which  I  promised  is  this :  If  a  man  were  con- 
demned for  a  horrid  murder  to  be  burned  alive,  or  disgracefully 
hanged,  what  would  be  the  state  of  his  heart  ?  Nay,  but,  thou 
unhappy  siimer !  when  thou  by  mortal  sin  didst  murder  God's 
spouse,  that  is,  thy  soul — when  thou  wert  condemnerl  to  be  hanged 
on  a  burning  gallows-tree  in  the  everlasting  torments  of  hell — when 
thou  madest  a  covenant  with  the  devil  concerning  thy  death,  ami 
saidest  with  the  lost  ones  in  Isaiah,  "  Pepigimus  cum  morte  fa^dus, 
et  cum  inferno  pactum  inivimus  ;  "  ^  that  is,  "  \Vc  have  plighted 
troth  with  death,  and  established  a  covenant  with  hell ;  "  for  this  is 
the  devil's  bargain;  he  giveth  thee  sin,  and  thou  givest  him  thy 
soul,  and  thy  body  too,  to  suffer  woe  and  misery  world  without  oiul. 
Now,  briefly,  the  third  example.  Think  how  a  man  who  had  the 
whole  world  under  his  dominion,  and  had,  by  his  wickedness,  lust  it 
all  in  one  hour,  would  mourn  and  be  grieved  ?  Then  oughtest  thou 
to  be  a  hundred  times  more  grieved,  who,  by  one  mortal  sin,  hast 
lost   the   kinrrdom  of  heaven,  and  hast  lost  our    Lord,   who   is  an 

"   St.  .lohr 
<>  Isiii.Tli,  ; 


i;i:Gui..r,  inclisak 

deore  sime  one  of  liis  knihtes  fort.-  witenc,  7  nn«c-o,le  l.-ddci,  i.u.JS 
]ns  cluld  in  li,s  warde,  so  ];ct  tct  cliikl  sulf  weonvdo  u,.i.un  his  frdcr 
mid  te  imSoode,  nokic  ])c  kniht  boon  sori  7  .sclR-..nun  f„l  suiv"'  \\\. 
Lco5  alio  Godcs  sunen  ],c  k'lwj^v^  of  lieouono,  )n-t  I^•m(•^,|  „rc 
euencliou  enne  cnocl  inc  warde.  Sori  is  Iw,  on  I,is  ^^  i.,-  hwnn 
Unicode  ledeb  us  forb,  7  Invon  we  uro  Gude  Ued-.r  ncorr's  mid 
sunno.  IJeowe  sorie  ]>ct  we  eucr  schuklen  wre^^ien  fedcr, 
7  sweameii"  swucluic  wank>i.,,  ],et  wit  7  were^i  us  oner  wi^;  hi 
unseiene*'  [unscinede]  gostcs  :  ^-  uor  eHes  vucle  us  stode.  AxAi  wc- 
schunclieS  "^  hine  ucor  awci  hwou  we  doS  dcadliclic  siuine  7  fulSe  : 
and  ]>e  deouel  loapeK  to  so  soiie  so  lie  us  furseS.  IIoLk-  we  Iii.n 
neih  us  inid  smelle  of  swete  werkes  :'  and  do  we  us  ine  his  warde. 
Wat  Crist  ure  euericlion  to  so  gentil  wardein  bcreb  to  hitel  n.enskc, 
7  kunncn  liim  to  lutel  ];onc  of  his  seriiisc.  ]7e(.s  7  moiiie  oSre 
reisuns  bcoS  ]iwui  mon  nici  beon  bittediche  sori  uor  ]ils  suniien,  7 
weopcn  ful  sore  :'  and  ^Yo[  is  him  ]>ct  so  mei :'  u..r  wop  is  sonic  hek>. 
Vre  Louerd  deS  touward  us  ase  me  deS  to  vuel  ck-ttur:  lie  uimc5 
lesse  ]»eii  we  owen  liim,  7  is  ]n\uh  wel  ij.aied.  ^Vc  owen  In'in  blod 
for  blodc;'  and  ure  blod  );auk  a^ean  his  bjode  he  shedde  fur  us 
were  ful  nnefne  cliaungc.  Auh  wostu  hwat  me  dcS  Tct?''  Me 
nime^  et  vuel  dettur  oten  uor  liweate  :'  and  ure  Louerd  ninieS  ct 
us  ure  teares  ajean  his  blode,  7  is  wel  ipaied.  lie  weoj*  o^e  rode,  7 
o  Lazre,  7  o  Jerusalem:^  uor  olSre  momie  snnm'ii.  I 'if  we  \\l•()))l•^ 
for  ure  owune  hit  is  nout  nuichel  wunder.  Weope  wc  ewl•^  W  huli 
mon  in  "  Uitas  Patruni,"  ]fO  me  hefde  longo  ijeied  on  him  efter 
sarmun.  "Lefe  we,"  cweS  he,  "teares,  leste  uro  owune  teares 
uorseo'Sen  us  inc  helktl" 

nil-.   T.    a. 
il.ns.    M.S.  Ox.,1.. 
l.s.   T.      so,Mr-,N.   C. 

iisrlwiH'.   T.      uti<>oiii<'i|i-.   (' 
rliullon.  T.     siliii.lif.  N.  (•. 

SIN  di;ivj:tii  a\\  \v  oi  u  c;rAin)iA\  axokf,, 


liundrcd  times— yea,  a  thousand  tinios,  better  than  all  this  world— 
both  earth  and  heavc]).  "For  what  concord  l)ath  Christ  with 
Beliid  ?  "  •'  Now  again,  tlio  fourth  example.  If  the  kin2-  had 
given  his  beloved  sun  in  ehai-gc  to  a  kniuht  to  guard,  and  enemies 
took  av>ay  this  child,  his  ward,  so  that  the  child  himself  made  war 
u])on  ln"s  father  along  with  the  enemies,  would  not  the  knight  be 
grieved  and  sorely  ashamed?  Wc  all  arc  the  sons  of  God,  the 
King  of  Heaven,  who  hath  given  each  of  us  in  charge  to  an  anircl  to 
guard.  Sorry  is  he,  as  angels  are  sorry,  when  enemies  lead  us 
aw  ay,  and  wlien  we  make  war  against  our  heavenly  Father,  by  sin. 
Let  us  be  sorry  that  we  ever  should  displease  such  a  Father,  and 
disgrace  sucli  a  guardian  who  constantly  watches  over  and  protects 
ns  from  invisible  [unblest]  spirits,  for  otherwise  wc  should  stand  in 
evil  plight.  But,  when  we  commit  deadly  and  foul  sin,  we  con- 
temptuonsly  drive  him  far  away,  and  the  devil  Icapeth  in  as  soon  as 
he  is  gone  from  ns.  Let  ns  hold  him  nigh  us  with  the  sweet  smell 
of  good  works,  and  let  us  put  ourselves  in  his  keeping.  Christ 
knoweth  that  every  one  of  us  pay  too  little  honour  to  so  kind  a 
guardian,  and  feel  too  little  gratitude  for  his  service.  For  these  and 
many  other  reasons,  a  man  may  bitterly  grieve  for  his  sins,  and 
wee})  full  sore ;  and  well  it  is  with  him  whoso  may,  for  \veeping  is 
health  to  the  souk  Our  Lord  doth  to  us  as  men  do  to  a  bad 
debtor ;  he  accepteth  less  than  we  owe  him,  and  yet  is  well  satisfied. 
Vic  owe  him  blood  for  blood  ;  and  moreover  our  blood  in  return  for 
his  blood  which  he  slied  for  ns,  Averc  a  very  unequal  exchange.  But 
knowest  thou  wdiat  men  often  do?  Wo  accept  from  a  bad  debtor 
oats  instead  of  wheat;  and  our  Lord  accepleth  from  n^  our  tears 
instead  of  his  blood,  and  is  well  satisfied.  He  wept  upon  the  cross, 
and  for  Lazarus,  and  for  Jerusalem— for  other  men's  sins.  If  we 
wee[j  for  our  own,  it  is  no  great  wonder.  "  Wei'|)  we,"  (pioth  the 
lioly  niaii,  in  the  Lives  of  the  Fathers,  when  he  had  been  long  tinu' 
nitivated  for  a  sermon,  "shed  we  tears,"  said  he,  "  le>t  our  tears 
seetlie  ns  in  liell." 

»  2  Corintli.  vi.  ]5. 

ca:.ij>.  .^oc.  2  s 


l.,V.   1N(  l.l  .V  VKIM. 

Folio  8:.  /', 

SclirlTt  sclinl  boon  iliol:    ]'tt  is,  i^-id  :il  !■.  oiu-  hk-iiii.',  ut  of  rliiM- 
liodc.       I'C    iHjiirc  widow i-    hwoii    Iico  wiilc  clcn<fii   liiro   hus,   lu-o 
o:edclv^  :d   jnt  uivslc''  on  one  lioapo  alivivst,''  7  s»-l;mK'^  )»i'ciinK'  Iiit 
ut:    j)or  lIu'i- lioo  kumciS  n^onn  cTt,  7  lR'ai)ob  eft   to^^'odiTos  al  )'fl 
was  w  l)ili'au(  (1,  ?  sclunio^  hit  ut  oftcr:'  )?crcrtcr  o  ]jo  snif!e  dusto  :' 
jif  hit  dn-te^   swnJSo,  1ic<!  vlasko-«S  water  J»eron,  7  swoiu-S  hit    ut 
awei  cf'ter  al  ]kA  o^ti-.     Al  so  schal  \q  ]>et  schriueS  him,  efler  )h- 
grcatc,  sdiuucn  ut  \>v\.  suiele  \'^  and  ^if  dust  of  lihte  j'ouhtcs  windeN 
up  to  swii^ie,  flaskio  teares  on  ham :'  7  nc  sidiulen  hoo  nout  ))eoiiui' 
ablendui  ]'o  hcoitc  cic-n.     Ilwose   hcK  ^5  out,'^  lie  nau(■^   i:-eid  nout. 
Uor  hwon'^  l.c  Leo  j^e  skerre,  auh  is  ilichc  ]n-n  ni-.nn.-  Jn-t  haiu-S  on 
him  ni()i;ir  wunden  deadlichc,  7  scheawc^  JK-,  lerlio  al!.-  hute  one,  7 
let  helcn  alle  hute  one,  ]>et  lie  deieS  iipon/     He  is  eke  iliehe  men  in 
one  scliii)0  ])et  hauo^  monie  Jnu-les,  ]»cr  ]>et  water  |>i\st  in,  7  lico 
dutten  alle  huteii  on,  Jnuadi   hwam  lieo  adrenchelS  alle  clene.     ^^e 
tellcS  of  ]'e  holle  iiK.nne  ])et  lei  on  his  dea«  vuele,  7  was  lo5  forte 
sigi^cn  01..'  sunnen  of  his  ehildliode,  and  his  ahho.I  bed  allegatc  Vet 
hndiolde  sigi^cn.     And  he  answcrede  7  seide  )>i't  hit  wes «  [/.  n.s] 
neod,  for^i  jST  he  was  Intel  child  J^eoa  he  hit  dn.le.     l'nnea>ie,  ].auli 
a  last,  }>urnh  pen  abbodcs  gropunge,"  he  hit  seide,  7  dei.le  suue  I'er- 
C'ftcr.     Efter  his  deaSe,  he  com  one  niht,  and  selaaw rd.-  him  to  hi. 
abbode,  ine  snou  hwitc  ck/bes,' asc  ]>c  l>et  was  ibnniwun:   7  sri.h- 
bet  sikerlichc  jif  he  nefdc  iseid  utteiliehe  ]>et  like  l»mg  l>et  he  dudr 
ine  childhode,'he  we]-e   idemed   among  V^'   u..ilu,ene.     Also  of  ..u 
o«cr  mon  ];et  was  wel  neih  idemed   for^ii   j'et  he  n^d.le  oia-  clu-rn- 
cnne  mon  uorte  drineken,  7  deide  unsehiiuen  J.erof     Also  of  one 
lefdi  uor^i  ^et  hco  hefde  ik-aiied  one  to  one  wake  <.n  ..f 

Folio  8G.      bore  w 

■.;,!, Ml.      Auh    hwoso    baur^   ;;.«<.nic   Isoidit    all-   )•.•  In 

>i.  1 . 
•(.  'J'. 
i.  -J'. 

ll.AI.M.    T. 

f..r  1, 

|.arl\,.v.   r 

alio  i-ar.>l.   f. 

Hwnsf  li'Wa-s  iiiii  I'iiii;.  T. 

—  uii'ii,  .'i!'  Ii'  hIiiiI<Ii'  on  nllf 

T.  (• 

I".       TCyWK,  |l.i«l'lMlgJ.    f. 

!    i 


III.  Confes-inn  slnil!  bf  complete,  tliat  is,  nil  said  to  one  man, 
from  cliildliood.  When  tiie  poor  widow  would  lior  house,  slio 
gatherrth  into  a  lieajs  fii  st  of  all,  all  the  lai'-est  swee[>imis,  and  tli-u 
shoveleth  it  out  ;  after  t'lis  she  comcth  nij,n!!i  and  heapcth  toifclho)- 
all  that  Mas  left  Lefn-e,  and  shoveletli  it  out  aUo  ;  airaiii,  upon  the 
small  dust,  if  it  is  vcrv  dusty,  she  spriiikleth  \\ater,  and  sweepeth  it 
quite  away  after  all  the  rest.  In  like  maimer  must  he  that  con- 
fesseth  himself,  after  the  great  sins,  shovel  out  the  small,  and  if  the 
dust  of  light  thoughts  fly  up  too  much,  sprinkle  tears  on  them, 
and  they  will  not,  then,  Ijlind  the  eyes  of  the  heart.  Whoso  hidcth 
ought  hatli  told  nought ;  for,  he  he  ever  so  faultless,  yet  he  is  like 
the  man  who  liath  ujion  him  many  deadly  wounds,  and  shcwotli 
them  all  but  one  to  the  physician,  and  lets  them  all  be  healed  but 
one,  of  Avhich  he  dies.  He  is  also  like  men  in  a  shi[)  that  hath 
many  leaks,  into  -which  the  water  makes  its  way  in,  and  they  stop 
them  all  but  one,  by  means  of  which  they  arc  every  one  of  them 
drowned.  We  are  told  of  a  holy  mail  wdio  lay  in  his  death-sickness, 
and  was  unwilling  to  confess  a  particular  sin  of  his  childhood,  and 
liis  abbot  urged  him  by  all  means  to  confess  it.  He  answered  and 
said  that  it  was  not  necessary,  because  he  was  a  little  child  when 
he  did  it.  lleluctantly,  however,  at  last,  through  the  searching 
exhortations  of  the  abbot,  he  told  it,  and  died  soon  thereafter.  After 
his  death,  he  came  one  night  and  a])peared  to  his  abbot  in  snow- 
white  garments,  as  one  who  was  saved;  and  said  that  if  he  had  not 
fully  confessed  that  particular  thing  which  he  did  in  childhood,  he 
should  certainly  have  been  condenmed  among  those  who  ai'c  lost, 
Wc  arc  told  also  of  another  man  who  was  well  nigh  condenmed 
])ecausc  he  once  compelknl  a  man  to  drink,  and  died  unshrivon  of  it. 
Likewise,  of  a  lady  because  she  had  lent  ouv  of  her  garments  to  a 
wonuin  to  go  to  a  wake.  I'ut  if  any  one  hath  searched  diligently  all 
the  recesses  of  his  heart,  and  can  dise(.\ei-  nnfliing  more,  if  there 
yrt  lurketh  any  thing  uuobsei'ved,  it  is,  I  hop.-,  thrust  out  with  the 
I'e.^t,    sine(>   ther>.-    was    no  negligence  about   it:   and    if  he   had    been 




S«no  oa,  o  abut™,  ,uk1  I,.  „-„l,)c  vein  jif  l,o  kuS,-  si...Jn  „„„o      Vi 
cc„*K.„t,a  cfcsit,  pea  satirf;,clt.     Austtl,u,».  =""'""'•     ■^' 

Scl.nft,  j„,  ,d„,  ,,„„,  „^,,^^„,^,  ^^,,  ,-,,  uakMlicI,.  i„,::l.,l,  a,„I 
..out  b,,,au„,r„l  fdrc,  nc  I,™cU.licl,c  is.uokcj :  >■  „„],  ,,,  ,,,,,,,,3 
schul™  boon  ,.d,«„vede  cftcr  ^o  .v.rk.,.     ,,,t  ,,  ,.,„e  j    ,,„.:;: 

}>..  I.,  e    fulbcn  ?     &,«  h,i-e  sclicoiiio  schcndfulicbo,  7  tuc  Imv  "  .,1  to 
wuuciro,  al  so  aso  ],u  wel  wult  sclicud™  J.eno  sd-aukc  «     Me  Sire 

bee,  fol  of  mo  sulueu  p,.  „is  nout  .,aked  sebrilr.  Ke  biebuo  ],u 
1,  t  no«-,  ,t  Uo  awe.  ),o  totages,  ),ot  beoS  ^  ci,-cu,„sla„nc is 
V..wn  ,  ,,0  7  see,  Si.-e,  Godes  ore  7  th.!  leh  a,,'  a  ful  stod  ,„cre-' 
a  st.„ekn,de  l.oro  Eif  ),i..o  uo  e„.,c  fuI„o'„o,„c,  aud  biclo„i..  1,^; 
smnjo  steornaked :'  ^ot  is,  „o  l,ele  >u  uowil.t »  of  al  J,ot  IK  J.e,-  abuto,,. 
J-aul,  ,0  fule  ne  n.e,  s.ggen.  Mo  .,0  ],erf  „o.,t  „e,u,„c„  J,c  fule  dede 
b,  h.s  owuuo  fule  „ou,e.  luouh  Lit  is  to  siggeu  so  ],et  l,o  scl.rift 
feder  wmer  ,cl,e  u.,de,-sto„de  Invat  tu  ,v„lle  n.cuen.  Abuter,  JZ 
.ggo«  s,x-],n,ges  ],ct  bit  belieS  :'  0  Latiu,  circumstauces  :<  „„  F„. 
isch,  b«,  „,u„c„  beou  il.oteu  totagges:  ,,orso„o,  stude,  tiu.e 
nianere,  tale,  cause. 

iVsone,  >e  ].et  dude  ];eo  sunue,  o^er  nud  Jnvaui  in.  dude  hlvr 

/'...SO..    Unwreon,   ?  sigge  .^  "SJre,  Id,  an.   a  wuuunou,  and   .el.uM.   .Jd' 

rilite  beon  more  sclieonieful  uortc  hablon  isjx'ken  a^e  icli  spc  •      N 

idon  ase  icli  dude  r^  and  forM  ml  suune  is  more  jvn  of  oue'wn.^ 

inoinie,uor   Lit    blconi  n,e  wuise.     Id.   an,   on   anciv    -i  uunue    -i 

'  Lis.  T.  (; 

'   fill.   T.  C 

leii.  )mi  Ji„^.   T. 

■K.d.   C. 
A.-S.  ,li 


coxrjvssiox  ^rusT  be  tlain  and  ixdisciiiskd. 


eunscior.s  of  more  guilt,  lie  would  willingly  Imve  coufesscd  it.     "Si 
c'uuscicntia  do^h,  pcona  >atisfacit."     Aupaistiuc. 

IV  .  Coufcssiou  nnist  also  be  candid,  that  is,  made  without  any 
coiiccahncnt,  and  not  palliated  by  comparisons,  nor  rrently  touched 
upon.  But  the  words  should  be  spoken  plainly  according  to  the  deeds. 
It  is  a  sign  of  liatred  when  men  reprehend  severely  a  thing  that  is 
greatly  liatod.  If  thou  hatest  thy  sin,  Avliy  dost  thou  speak  of  it  in 
gentle  terms?  Why  dost  thou  hide  its  foulness?  Speak  out  its 
shame  reproachfully,  and  I'cbuke  it  very  sharply,  if  thou  wouldst 
indeed  confound  the  devil.  "  Sir/^  saith  the  woman,  "  I  have  had  a 
lover;''  or,  "I  have  been  foolish  concerning  myself."'  This  is  not 
plain  confession.  Put  no  cloak  over  it.  Take  a\\ay  the  accessories, 
that  is,  the  circumstances.  Uncover  thyself  and  say,  "  Sir,  the 
mercy  of  God,  and  thine !  I  am  a  foul  stud  mare  :  a  stinking  whore." 
Give  thy  enemy  a  foul  name,  and  call  thy  sin  by  its  name  with- 
out disguise,  that  is,  conceal  thou  nothing  at  all  that  is  connccte<l 
with  it.  Yet  what  is  too  foul  may  not  be  spoken.  The  fjul  deed 
need  not  be  named  by  its  own  foul  name.  It  is  sutKcieiit  to  speak 
of  it  in  such  a  maimer  that  the  father  confessor  may  clearly  under- 
stand what  thou  wouldst  express.  There  lieth  about  sin  six  things 
which  conceal  it ;  in  Latin,  circumstances  ;  in  English,  they  may  be 
called  adjuncts :  ])crson,  place,  time,  manner,  number,  cause. 

Person — she  that  committed  the  sin,  or  with  whom  it  was  com- 
mitted. Lay  it  o})en,  and  say,  "  Sir,  I  am  a  woman,  and  ought 
rightly  to  have  been  more  modest  than  to  speak  as  I  have  spoken, 
or  to  do  as  I  have  done;  and  therefore  my  sin  is  greater  than  if  a 
man  had  done  it,  for  it  became  me  worse.  I  am  an  anchoress,  a 
mm,  a  wedded  wife,  a  in:iiden,  ;i  woman  in  whom  such  eoiifKLMice  i> 
])Ut,  and  one  lluit  ]ia<l  before  b<'en  hui-nt  with  llie  same  thing,  and 
ought  to  ha\e  h'.'-n  more  on  my  guard.  Sii",  it  was  with  sneh  a 
man;"'     and    then    mune  liini — "  a  monk,  ;i  jiric  .-,1,  ur  eleik,   ;nid    of 



l:  lOG  U  LA-:  1  SQL  LSAi;  L  :.M . 

b  on  ..a  ued.  buv,  h.t  was  swucbc  .nonne  :  "  ?  nc.nn.en 
P^  munucb,  rrcost,  oScr  clerk,  and  of  Jul  bud.-  ■-  iwedd.-l 
mon,  a  loMeas  >Ing,  a  wumnion  asc  Ich  anu"     j^Is  is  nu  of  p.r.ou.^ 

Also  of  ],c  stude:  "Sire,  J.,s  icd.  i,b.|.de,  o^■c.r  s,ec  ine 
clurcbe.  code  o^c  plcomve  ine  ebirclieie:"  bibcold  Idt  ?  o^e 
wrastbngee  ?  a^er  Ibl  gon.cne.s :'  obor  pleiede 'biuoren 
vorldbclie  n.en:  bu.oren  religiuse  :'  in  ancrc  bu.e,  7  et  o5cr  |n„-le 
^on  ,cb  scbulde  :'  7  neib  ]ioH  ],inge.  Jcb  custe  In^n.  |.er  :'  icb  bond- 
^:^'J^^l^]  me  swnebe  stude  :^  oSermi  sulf  ine  cbircbe  I  boidite  bus'' 
bdieoJd  bun  ette  weouede."'^  ^ 

Fvlw  S't 

Of  ].e  tunc  al  so:  "Sire,  Icb  was  of  swucbe  eide  ];et  icb  uubte 
M-cl  uorte  babben  iwust  nic  wisluker.  Sire,  Jeli  Jn't  dude  inne 
leuitcn,ineucstcndawes,  bobdawes.-^bu-oii  oSrc  weren  et  cbirebe 
r'\^fo7'  '"'''"  ouerkuincn  .-^  and  J^ereuore  ],e  sunne  is  more  ben 
5it  idi  IieMc  ibeon  akest  mid  strencSe,  7  mid  monie  swenges.  Sire 
Icb  was  ];c  beginnungc  liwi  swucli  >ing  hefde  iiorSjong  r'^'j^urub  bet 
I  com  ine  swucbo  stude,  ?  ine  swucbe  time.  Icb  biSouIite  mc  ful 
wel,  cr  ];en  icli  liit  euer  dude,  bu  vuci  liit  we're  uorto  don,  7  dude 
iiit  no  ]>Q  biter/' 

po  manerc  siggen  al  so  :'  ];et  is,  be  ucorSe  totan-oe.     «Siro  bo..- 

dude  ]vas,  J  o  ];isse  wise  :f  J;us  I  leornede  lu're  crest  :'  ?  ],ns 

I  com  crest  ]>erinne  :'  J  ]ms  I  dude  liit  for^ward  :'  ?  o  nu-nie 

wisen  :'  ])Tis  fullicbe  :'  ]nis  sclieomebcbe.      pus   J   s,.uiite  driit  :'  hTu 

I  )nest  mulite  ]xiien  mine  histes  brmie  :  "  7  seebi'u  al!e  j;o  wi.^J,, 

tliiij;,  0(Scr  nil'  ^clf  wrastk'iU 

C'  ill  ring  i  cliii-ho  j;--ai.!.    T. 
"voMc  as  Iiv  i.iiiv.l.     'I' 

MCO.Ari'I.K  K,  I'LACF.,  TI.ML,  AND  Af  WXEU  TO  P.E  rOXrE-.-KD.    319 

•ucli  an  (irdcr,  a  iiianiod  i!;:iii,  an  innocent  creature,  a  woman,  as  I 
un.*'     'J'lius  I'ar  as  to  the  p'.-rson. 

Also  concerninn-  the  ]»lace:  "  Sir,  I  played  or  spoke  thus  in  tlio 
cliuix-h;  went  to  the  play  In  the  cliureliyai'd  ;  looked  on  at  tlils, 
or  at  the  wrestlinu;,  and  other  foolish  sports  ;  spoke  thus,  or  played, 
in  the  presence  of"  secular  men,  or  of  religious  men,  in  a  house  of 
anchorites,  and  at  a  different  ^vind()w  than  I  ouglit ;  and  near  some- 
thing sacred  ;  I  kissed  him  there  :  I  touched  him  -with  my  hand  in 
such  a  place;  or  being  alone  in  the  church  I  thought  thus;  I  luuked 
upon  him  at  the  altar." 

In  like  manner  as  to  the  time :  "Sir,  I  was  of  such  an  age  that  I 
ought  indeed  to  have  kept  myself  more  wisely.  Sir,  I  did  it  in 
Lent,  during  the  fast  days,  the  holidays,  wdien  others  were  at 
church.  Sir,  I  was  soon  overcome,  and  therefore  the  sin  is  greater 
than  if  I  had  been  overcome  by  force,  and  by  much  vi(jlence.  Sii", 
it  was  my  fault,  at  first,  that  this  thing  went  forward,  through  my 
coming  into  such  a  place,  and  at  such  a  time.  Before  I  ever  did  it, 
I  reflected  well  how  evil  it  were  to  do  it,  and  did  it  nevei'theless." 

The  manner  likewise  must  be  told,  which  is  the  fourth  circiun- 
stance:  "Sir,  this  sin  I  did  tluis,  and  in  this  maimer:  thus  1  iij->t 
learned  it,  and  thus  I  came  first  into  it,  ar.d  thus  I  went  on  t<<  do  it; 
and  in  so  many  ways;  so  fully,  so  shamefully:  thus  1  sought 
l)leasurc;  how  J  nught  give  the  most  satisfaction  to  my  inflan:ed 
desires  ;  "   and  search  out  all  thf  ways. 



FoUo  87  I. 

Talc  is  ]>c  viftctotao-ge— tellcMi  al,  ]m  oftcliit  is  idoii.  "  Siiv,  Tcli 
luiLbe  jjis  ]nis  oftc  idon  :'  iM-uiicd  for  to  spoken  jnis,  ?  liorcnen 
swuclu-  s])ec]icn,  ?  j'cnclien  swuclic  ])oulitc.s  :'  vor^emed  ]nnges  ? 
foi-jiten  ;  lauliwen,  ctcn,  drinkcii,  lossc  o^er  more  \Qn  need  were." 
Ich  liabbe  ibcon  ]ms  ofte  wroSj  seoiS'Sen  icli  Avas  ischriuen  ncxst  r'*" 
?  for  swucbe  ]»ingc  :'  ?  ]'us  longe  liit  ilcste.  pus  ofte  I  seidc  leas  r' 
|jus  oftc  7  ]?i.s  ■?  tis.  leh  habbe  idon  ]'is  ]'us  feolc  siScii,  *?  o  ]nis  fcole 
■wiscRj  '?  to  jnis  fcolc."' 

Cause  is  ]>c  sixtc  totaggc.  Cause  is,  liwi  \n\  hit  dudcst,  olScr 
hulpc  ])erto,  ocSer  |/uruli  hwon  hit  bigou.  "  Sire,  Ich  hit  dude  uor 
delit :!  1  for  vuel  luue  :'  1  for  bijcate :'  vor  fearlac,  vor  flattcrunge. 
Sire,  Ich  hit  dude  uor  vuel,  pauli  j^er  ne  conic  non  vuel  of.  Sire, 
mi  liht  onswere,  oSer  mine  liht  lates,  tuldc  him  erest  upon  me.  Sire, 
of  ]nsse  Avord  com  oSer :'  of  ]nsse  dede,  wreSSe  7  vuele  wordcs. 
Sire,  J'C  anchcisun  is  j^is  Invi  ]>et  vuel  ilcstctS  ^et.  \)\.\s  woe  was 
min  hcorte."  Eucrich,  efter  pet  he  is,  siggc  |)e  totagges, — mon  ase 
limpe-S  to  him  :'  wummon  ];et  hire  rincS:  vor  her  nabbe  ich  iiune 
iscid,  bute  uorte  muncgen  mon  oScr  wunnnon  of  ];eo  ]'et  to  ham 
uallciS,  ])uruh  ]>eo  ]'ct  beoe)  her  to  dreuedlichc  iscide.  pus,  of  ]>eos 
six  wricles  despoile  ]nnc  suune.  INIake  hire  sterc  naked  i  ];ine 
schrifte,  ase  leremie  Icreb,  "EtFunde  sicut  aquam  cor  tuum." 
"  Schcd  ut,"  he  sciJS,  leremie,  "  ase  water  ]nne  hcorte."  Vor,  jif  eoli 
schet  ut  of  one  vetlcs,*^  jet  \qv  avuIc  bileaucn  inne  sumhwat  of  \q 
likur  :  and  jif  milk  scliet,  ]?et  hcou  wulc  bileauen  :'  and  jif  win 
schet,  I'c  smel  bileaueS  :'  auh  water  geS  altogedcrc  ut  somed.  Al 
so  schcd  ]nue  hcorte :!  \ct  is,  al  ]>ct  vuel  ];ct  is  i  |jinc  heorte.  And 
Tif  bu  ne  dest  nout,  lo!  hu  grurefulliche  God  snlf  jn-cateb  J>e  \\xn\\\ 
Naum  j'C  prophetc,  "  Ecce  ego  ad  te,  dicit  D.nniiuis,  osfcndam  in 
geiitlbus  uuditatem  tuani  et  regnis  ignomini;mi  tuani  :'  ef  pro!ic;:nu 
t\\\^vv  te  ablioiiiiiiatiniie'^  taas."      ]ni   noldest    n..ut   nnwiron   j-e  t-.  |-e 

•N.  C. 

ir()\\-  OFTKX,   AND  Mliy  SIX   HAS   KKKN  COMMITH.l) 


l>iiiiil)LT  is  the  m\]i— to  tell  tliu  whole,  li.;w  often  it 
has  been  Jciio:  '-'Sir,  I  have  done  this  so  often:  been  accustomed  to 
speak  thus,  and  to  Ii>teii  to  such  speeches,  ;uid  to  thijik  such 
thou-hts,  to  neglect  and  Inraet  things;  to  laugh,  eat,  drink,  less 
or  more  than  was  needful.  I  liaN  e  been  so  often  angry  since.  I  last 
confessed,  and  for  such  a  thing,  and  it  lasted  so  long.  I  have  so 
oiK'U  spoken  falsely,  so  often,  and  this,  and  this.  I  have  doiie  this 
so  many  times,  and  in  so  many  ways,  and  to  so  many  ))ersons." 

Cause  is  the  sixth  circumstance.  Cause  is,  why  thou  didst  it,  or 
licljied  to  do  it,  or  through  what  means  it  began  :  "  Sir,  I  did  it  for 
pleasure,  and  for  guilty  love,  and  for  gain,  through  fear,  tlu'ough 
flattery.  Sir,  I  did  it  for  evil,  tliough  no  evil  came  of  it.  Sir,  my 
light  answer,  or  my  light  behaviour  enticed  him  toward  me.  Sir, 
(jf  this  word  came  another;  of  this  action,  anger  and  evil  words. 
Sir,  the  reason  why  tlie  evil  still  continues  is  this:  my  heart  was  so 
weak,"  Let  every  one,  according  to  what  he  is,  tell  the  circum- 
stances— man,  as  relates  to  him  ;  woman,  as  it  concerns  her:  for  I 
have  not  said  any  thing  here,  but  to  remind  man  or  woman  of  that 
which  happencth  to  them,  by  what  is  here  said  in  a  desidtory 
manncr.  Thus  strip  thy  sin  of  these  six  coverings.  jNIake  it  stark 
naked  in  thy  confession,  as  Jeremiah  teacheth,  "  Kffunde  sicut 
aquam  cor  tuum."''  "Pour  ont,"  saith  Jeremiah,  "thy  heart  as 
water."  For,  if  oil  Ijc  })oured  out  of  a  vessel,  yet  there  -will  be  left 
in  it  somew  hat  of  the  liquor ;  and  if  milk  be  poured  out,  the  colour 
Avill  remain  ;  and  if  wine  be  poured,  the  smell  remaineth  ;  Ijut  water 
gocth  completely  out  at  once.  In  such  a  manner,  pour  out  thine 
lieart;  that  is,  all  the  evil  that  is  in  thine  heart.  And,  if  thou  dost 
not,  behold  liow  terribly  God  threateneth  thee  by  the  propliet 
Nahum,  "  r>eh()ld,  I  am  against  thee,"  sailh  the  Lord,  "and  J  will 
shew  the  nations  th\-  nakedness,  and  the  kingdoms  thy  shame. 
And  I  w'lU  c;:st   alioiiiina1io)is  upon  thee."''     Thou  Avouldest  not  u)i- 

•    J.:,hH:iit:itli.n.; 
CA.MO.   SOC. 

2  'I- 




prcoste,  ine  sclniftc  :'  7  Icli  cliull.'  sclioawcn  al  ii;ikedliclio  to  alio 
iiolcke  ])iiie  cwcadscliipes,  7  to  alio  kiiiedomcs  ]'iiie  sclioomcfnl 
sunneii — to  ];c  kincdomc  of  oul■^ie,  7  to  j'O  kiuodome  oflicoucno,  7  to 
]>e  kincdoinc  of  hello:'  7  trusseii  al  ]n  schondfuliiossc  o  ]nne  owune 
nccke,  ase  mc  do^  o  ])o  J^ooue  JK-t  me  lot  forte  donicii :'  7  so,  mid  al 
pot  schcndlac,  ]'u  sclialt  trusseii  7  al  torplcn  into  liello.  "  O  !  "  sei5 
Soint  13e<ii-]Kirdj  "quid  confusiouis,  quid  iii;nomiiiio  orit  qiiaiido 
disr^ipatis  foliis  7  dispersis,  iinivo)'sa  luidanitur  turpitudo,  sniiios 
appnrcLit."  "O  !"  lioseiS,  Soint  rjcoriiard,  •'^liwiudi  sclicudl-u- 71i\Mirli 
scoruwo  ]'cr  Liii  Invon  alio  ];o  loaues  scliulon  boon  to-war]ikd,  7  al 
];et  fulo  wrusiim  sohoawcS  liim,  7  wrlngcb  ut"  Linoren  nl  ke  wide 
worlde  " — eoriSe  ware  7  lieouonc  m  arc — nont  one  of  workos,  aiili  of 
idelnesses  of  \vordes  7  of  pouktes  ])ct  nc  bcoS  her  ibot,  ase  Scint 
Aunsearac  witneS,  "Omnc  tempns  inipensum  rcqnli-otvn-  a  nobis 
qualiter  sit  exponsum."  Faicrich  tide  7  cuorich  time  schal  boon  \qv 
irikoncd,  hwn  hit  v^as  her  isj)c'Mod.  "  Quaiido  dissipalis  fnlii^/"  7o. 
"  IIwou  alio  J^e  loaues,"  ho  soit),  Soint  Iveornard,  "schulon  boon  lo- 
warplod."  IJe  hefde  iseien,  aso  mc  ])unchc'S,  luvu  Adam  7  Euc,  ])oa 
heo  hefdon  itie  urumiSo  isimogod,  gcdcrcn  Icauos  7  makedon  wrlclos 
of  ham  to  hoi'o  schendfulc  limes  f"  and  ];ns  do^i  ;^ot  monie  oftcr  ham  : 
"Dcclhiantcs  cor  suum  in  uorba  malicic  ad  exeus:indas  excnsationes 
in  pcccatis." 

►Schrift  schal  boon  ofto  imaked.  A'orui  is  icio  sautore,  "C'onfitc- 
bimur  tibi  Deus."  And  uro  Louerd  sulf  seido  to  his  dociples, 
"Eamus  in  ludoam  itorum."  "Go  we  oft,"  cwoJS  ho,  "into  ludcc." 
Judec  speloS  schrift :'  7  so  "svo  ivuiide(S  ]>L't  ho  wonde  oltc  lit  of 
Galileo  into  ludoe.  Galileo  speloS  Inveol,  uorto  leron  ns  |>ot  wo  of 
}>o  worldes  torpolncsso,  7  of  suiine  hweol,  ofto  gon  (o  schrifto.  Vur 
]>et  is  ];et  sacrament  cfter  wcouedos  sacrament,  7  efti  r  saerainout  of 
fuluht,  jn't  ])0  dcoucl  is  lotiost  r"  ase  ho  ham  ^  to  lidlic  men  hinisuli', 
sore  his  uii^onkes  ibeon  hit,  iknowon.      V^uk^  a   wcol)  boon,  ot  one 

liiiii  1  ^vl•ing^^,  ut  t:it  ui 

MX  WILL    XT  LA.^T  I'.L  SiLV.^I  H'.H  LLV  LXl'i  ).>iKD. 


■!i.);!k   tlivs-lF  fo    fl:;'    mic^t   in   cc»;.fb, 

!i,  and  I  ^\•ill  show  fjuili! 
ii:ilv<',]ly  tliy  \',  Ickedncs-^  to  Ml  |)i'0])]e,  luxl  tliy  sluiuici'ul  t^ins  to  all 
kiPudoin- — to  tJio  l\iii;.-;i!oui  of  eartli,  oiid  to  {'so  kiiig-doii)  of  hcavcii, 
and.  So  tJL'  kliji'doiii  or'h<'ll  ;  and  T  A\ill  buid  up  all  tliy  vik'ne?s  upon 
tliiiv?  (j'.vji  I'f.'ck,  as  is  done  to  ;;,  thief  wlioii  he  is  l)rought  to  bo 
iud'^otl:  and  thus,  witli  adl  thiit  iirnonuiiv  jKicked  np.n  tlno,  thou 
^liali  ho  hui-h'd  headlong  into  Jiclk  "O!"  saitli  Sr.  l'>L'rnnj-(l, 
"quid  conrusionis,  (juld  i^fiioniiniaj  orit,  quando  dissijiatis  iolii-  et 
disjicrH's.  univorsa  niidabitur  turpitndf),  sanies  appaivhit."  "O!" 
saith  St.  IJernard,  "what  disgrace  and  what  soiTow  there  Aviil  be 
^vheu  r'll  the  lea^•e-  shall  he  shaken  on,  and  all  that  fnd  corruption 
is  exposed  and  wrung  oat  before  all  the  m\(\c  world."' — the  dwellers 
in  earth  and  dwellers  in  heaven — not  only  of  works,  but  of  idlo 
words  and  thoughts  that  are  not  amended  liere,  as  St.  Aiisehn 
witriesseth,  *•'  Onuie  tenipus  impensum  requiretur  a  nobis  qualiter  sit 
e\[)ejisuni."  "  Every  tide  and  every  time  shall  be  there  reckoned, 
in  what  manner  it  was  here  spent."  "  Quando  disslpatis  foliis,"  &:c. 
•' When  all  the  leaves,"  saith  St.  Bernard,  "  shall  be  shaken  off." 
lie  had  seen,  as  it  seems,  how  Adam  and  Eve,  when  they  had 
in  the  begiiming  sinned,  gathenxl  leaves  and  made  of  them  cover- 
ings to  their  unseemly  mond)ers;  and  thus  do  many  still,  after  them, 
"  turning  their  hearts  aside  to  words  of  craftiness,  to  ju-tify  them- 
selves in  their  sins." 

V.  Confession  ought  to  be  made  often.  AVherefore  we  find  in  the 
Psalter,  "  ATe  will  confess  to  thee,  O  God  ;  "■'  and  our  Lord  himself 
said  to  his  disr-ijiles,  '■' Eannisin  Juda-am  iteruni.'"'  '•  Go  we  again," 
said  he,  "into  Judea."  .Tudea  means  confessi.)ii :  and  so  we  find 
that  he  went  often  out  of  Galilee  into  Judea.  (hdiloe  signllii'th 
whei'l,  to  teach  us  that  we  sh(mld  often  retire  iVom  the  wln'rl  of 
world!  \  ihiiiLis,  aiiil  the  wheel  of  sin,  and  go  to  con!'e-sion.  Eoi-  tint 
is  till-  saci'ainent  which,,  noxt  after  the  sacrament  of  the  altar,  and 
tlmt   of   haj)tism.   is    most   hateful    to   the   devil:   as  lie  hath,    hims.lf 


iJKoir,./):  iX(.i.iSAi;iAi. 

clK-nv.  nii;!  (jiio  wateiv  wcl  iblcclicd  :  o^.u-nsol  eloN  liwit  i\va>elK'n? 
pu  ^v;isc•]lv.•^t  ]miio  lioiulon  in  one  clj)!  (leii' twics  o^el■  ))ric.- :  7  unit 
iioiil  j'iuc  .'■■)iilc>,  Jesii  Cnstc's  s])usc?  Vor  vxk'Vc  so  hco  is  liwittuiv, 
M»  ]'c  liil^e  is  sclienrc  1,  more  upon  liirc  biite  jlf  lien  l)eo  iwasclivii. 
In  lilt  tu  iiDul,  to  GoJes  cluppungc,  ofte  unibe  scoiioniht  uaselicii  Iiiiv 
cnos.  Confiteor,  7  lialiwatcr,  ?  beoden,  7  lioHc  ])oiilito-!,  blc-ssuno-os, 
kneoluiincs,  7  ciicricli  god  wo)-d,  7  cucrich  god  were  wasclicb  snicle 
sunnen  : ""  y^[  mo  no  )iici  alio  siggen  :'  anli  eiiere  is  schrift  ]>et 
lieaucd  of  alio. 

Folio  bib.  ^olirilt  sella!  boon  on  liihiio  imaked.  VAi'  sumic  bitliiie^  bi  iiilitu 
— anom-Ilit,  obcr  a  morwen  :'  and  -^W  lico  bitimct^  Iji  dfio — er  ]kv. 
mc  slcjio.  JIwo  is  ])ot  durste  slcpen  poo  Inviilc  |;ct  his  dcadlich  lo 
]iCf)ldo  on  itoAvoii  swcord  ouer  liis  lioaucd?  po  pot  iiappcS  iijion 
lielle  brordc,  lio  toJ•plo^  ofto  al  in  or  he  lost  wcne.  IIwoso  is 
iuallon  amiddoii  ])o  Ijoriu'nde  linv,  uis  ho  more  ]K'n  a-mod  ^iHio  li\S7 
Lic)ClK•ho^)  liim  Invonne  he  wulc  arisen?  A  Avummon  ])ot  hauoiS 
forloron  hire  uolde,  o^or  a  sutaj-c  his  el,  he  sc(;heti  hine  anonriht,  ? 
to-wont  euorich  stroa  iiort  he  boo  ifuridon :  and  God  Ibrloron  uur 
sunne  schal  liggen  unsouht  fulle  seone  da\\e3. 

'■  Circnmdodcrunt  mo  eancs  miilti."  "  Moiiie  Imndes,"  seilS  Dauid, 
"hal)bo^  bi-^ot  mo."  Jlwongredie  hnades  stondeJS  biuoren  ]»e  borde, 
riis  hit  jicod  jordo?  Ase  ofte  ase  eni  keccheS  touward  ])e  7  binimcci 
]>c  ]>iiK' moto,  miitu  ase  ofte  smiten  ?  Elles  heo  woldon  kocchen  of 
pe  al  ]>Qt  tu  hefdest.  And  ])U  do  al  so  j>eonne.  Kiui  ])e  ;5;erde  of 
]?inc  tunge,  7  ase  ofto  ase  J;e  liund  of  helle  keeehcS  ei  god  from  ]>o, 
smit  him  amuirilit  mid  to  jerde  of  tungo  sclirii'tc:  and  smit  liino  so 
InlSerliclie  ]'ot  him  In^ie  to  snecehon  oil  to  ]'o.  pe  duiir  of  alio 
duntos  is  lilm  duiito  luISrst.  ]'e  hmid  ]Ki  fivt  lo^or,  o^er  awni-ir^ 
eihro  mo  beMtciS  bin!  aiiunriht.  ]h'I  he  unik'rstundi'  noi-  liwo.oho  ]>in^o 

COXFKSSIOX    jn  V.V.   F!!  KQIT.XT,   AM)   WnnOlT   I>1:LAV 


aeknov.lodiicd  to  ]:oI\-  incn,  sorely  ;)i:;iinst  lii>  will  t!ioUL«-1i  it  lif. 
(.V.ii  a  wvh  be  weM  Moiirlird.  or  a  dirty  cloth  \va-licd  wliite,  at  one 
rur.i  v/itli  a  ^iii-lo  w  atcriii;;- ?  Tliou  waslie-t  thy  liaiids  two  or 
tiuvf  times  ill  a  siii-io  d,iy  :  and  wilt  thou  ]i<,t  \va-h  thy  .soul,  Jesus 
Chri-t's  >iionse?  For  tlu^  whilvT  it  i<,  the  iiiij»urity  upon  it  is 
;d^\•:^ys  the  nun'o  apparent  and  the  aToater.  if  it  is  not  Avaslicn. 
Often  thou  wilt  not  Avash  it,  for  the  cmhrace  of  Cn.d,  onec  a  v.'cek. 
Confession,  holy  water,  prayers,  and  holy  meditations,  benedietion^J 
kueclings,  and  every  oood  word  and  work  wash  small  sins,  tliongli 
we  may  not  say  all  sins,  l)ut  confession  is  always  the  head  of  all. 

\  1.  Confesssion  ought  t.)  be  made  speedily.  Tf  sin  occurs  by 
niaht,  innnediately,  or  in  the  morning  ;  and  if  it  occurs  by  day,  before 
we  >!eep.  A\'ho  would  dare  to  sleep  while  his  mortal  foe  holds  a  drawn 
sword  over  his  head?  lie  who  slumbereth  upon  the  brink  of  hell, 
often  rolleth  headlong  into  it,  before  he  is  at  all  aware.  When  any 
ifUe  has  fallen  amid  the  burning  fire,  is  he  not  more  than  mad,  if  he 
lieth  and  considereth  when  he  shall  arise?  A  woman  who  hath  lost 
her  needle,  or  a  shoemaker  his  awl,  sceketh  it  immediately,  and 
turns  over  every  straw  until  it  be  fottnd;  and  God,  when  lost  by 
sin,  sliall  lie  unsouuht  full  seven  days! 

"  Circumdederunt  me  canes  multi." '^  "Many  dogs,"  saitli 
David,  "  have  beset  me."  When  greedy  dogs  stand  before  the 
board,  is  there  not  need  of  a  rod?  As  oft  as  any  of  them  snatch 
toward  thee,  and  taketh  from  thee  thy  food,  wilt  thou  not  as  often 
>mite?  YA^e  it  would  snatch  from  thee  all  that  th..u  hadst.  ])o 
th(ju  so  then.  Take  the  rod  of  thy  tongue,  and  as  oil  as  the  dog  of 
hell  snatchetli  any  good  I'rom  thee,  smite  him  innnediately  with  the 
rod  of  tonguc-sln-iit,  and  smitv-  him  rso  rudely,  that  he  shall  be  loath 
allerwards  to  snatch  at  thee.  Of  all  striking  this  is  the  blow  whieli 
i-  iiio-t  hateful  to  him.  3deii  beat  immediately  the  dog  that  gnaweth 
leather,  i^H'   woi-jietli  sheej).  that   he  may  uncU'rstand   tor  what  he  is 

!   1 


i:K!;{L.T,  i.\C'..rsAi;i  M. 

lie  i-:  ih'.v'fo'i,  and  J^eoiiiic  nc  clcr  lie  iiouf  oCi  d'wi  j'^t  ilk'.\  A\  >■>, 
]>Qi\t  mill  j'iiR-  tuni;c  I;ic  sriii-if'te  j'jiio  ]iu!id  of  h-'lic  :inoiii'i!it  :  7  Ik" 
^vllk•  l;;()!i  alL'red  iioite  <;o;i  ]'e  cit  swuclic  piicke.  1 1  wo  is  j'v'l.  ]'L'l  is 
so  ]!'iu  :H>  \'<>]  ])q[  scic)  lii  ]}Q  liuiulc  ]r^i  frc'tk-<ScT,  "  Abid  lor  t;>-iiior\vcn  : 

Foha   Si)  A. 

il];i«,'>."  I>,'is  ]>iiig-  i  ])  Avorldu  j^ot  sincortc'S  liini  so  sore  tise  liiiu 
doe)  swiic]i  beatunue.  Xic  ]>inges  LcoS  ])et  oi.diteii  liieii  tomvai'd 
selirifU'.  pe  piiie,  ]>,-t  (Aeree)  eiiere :  vor  ^unne  is  })es  deoiles  Ceili 
])et  lie  ;^iuec>  to  gauel,  ?  tu  okore  of  ;)iiie:  7  euer  l-u  ]>c  moii  liiS 
leiuire  in  liis  suiuio  so  ]>e  oauel  waxe^  more  of  pine  ine  i)nr:;a- 
torie,  oi^er  lier,  ooer  ine  lielle.  "  V.x  ii-:.uris  et  ini(juita'e  redlinet 
animas  eoruin."  pet  ober  ]'iiig  is  ])e  nmehele  7  j^e  reouul'ide  Inre 
];et  he  uorleuseS  :'  j^'t  }]o  Jniiii;  j'et  he  eaer  de\S  iiis  Ciede  lie\vur^c 
ne  ieweme.  Jereniie.  "Alieni  coniedennil  robar  ejus."  pet 
)n-idde  ]nng  is  deacS, — ])ct  lie  not'' hwecSur  lie  sehulle  ]n't  ilko  daic 
iierliche  asteoruen.  Ecclus.  "  Filij  ne  tardes  conuerti  ad  Doniininn  t' 
nescis  enim/"' 7e.  pet  feorcJc  Jnng  is  sccnosse :  j'et  he  ne  niei  wel 
l»enelien  bate  cuer  on ''of  his  sccncssc,  ne  S])eken  ase  he  sehnlde, 
l)ute  gronen  uor  his  eehe, '^  and  grunten  nor  liis  stiehe  more  ]'en  nor 
liis  sunnen.  Ecclus.  '•'  Conliteberis  et  uiues."  pet  iif'te  jniig  is 
)nuclu  sclieome  j'et  hit  is,  efter  val,  to  liggen  so  loiigo — and  luu'e  7 
hurc,*^  under  ])e  sclmcke:  "  Surge  qui  dorniis,"  pet  sixtc  ]nng  is  ])0 
wunde  ])ct  euer  \vurseJS  an  bond,  7  strcngre  is  forte  helen.  'Triu- 
ci[)iis  ob.^ta,  .sero  mediciiia  paratur."  pet  seoueSc  ping  is  vuel 
wune  :'  ]'et  hitocnciS  hi  Lazre  ]jet  stone  so  long  he  hefde  ileien  i  ])er 
eor^e  :  on  liwani  ure  Louerd  weop,*'  ase  ]'e  Gospel  telle <S,  and  gris- 
batede,  and  melngde  his  l)lod,''  7  grcddc  «  lude  u[)on  him.  peos  four 
])in2es  he  dude  eai- he  bine  arerede,  uortc  .-cheawen  hu  strong  bit  i-  to 
arise)!  of  vuel  wune,  ]>e  ])ct  rote>>  in  his  suime.''     Sr'intc  IMarie  hk  rei  I 

u    ,„,  ,,,,(.  '•   UV.I-.    T.  <^    \\;u>l.f.    T. 

■I   to  lir  lui-v- T  linrc.  T.     to  liy-v  so  l-.n-c  -j  Inuv.   C. 

f    /.;.;  A/,;,/,  is  i.n.I.a'jls   iiurijM.l;'t.'.]. 
,•  hiiii  s..'luLii  ■)  j;',i'lc'.   '1'.  C. 
il   ^;il\a;ni,'    pi,iii;;(S:-i'   per  iliu-lli  rlu'  l.u/an.  sii;iiilif.n,i,  clu'  (  r.i  ii 

i^L..    T. 

IJKASOXS  I'O';   N'>|-  l>i,l,\VlNf;   fOXFKSSIOX. 


beat  t!i 
ana  1h>  ^v;Il    1 
is  so  ;^i-c:'t  a 

t(l-lU'))Tn\\-  : 

immediate 'ly.' 
smnrf  so  sore 

1    thru   ] 

lie  (1 

ro  iiof  ;i;:;)iii  do  tlie  s;nn'.;.  In  like  mniiuer 
of  liell  iiiniiedici'e,  ly,  Avitli  tliy  toiiuiie  i)i  (•oiiies^ioii, 
'  afraid  tr,  do  tlieo  ;":;;In  sii(di  a  sj)i(e!id  trick.  A\'lio 
>ol  as  to  ^;ay  oF  tlie  doo-  tliat  inriw.s  Icatlier,  '■'■  Slay  till 
eat  liini  not  yel."  lUit  a.t  oi;co,  "  lUat,  Ix-at,  ueaf, 
Tlieiv  is  iiotliiiiii'  in  tljis  world,  tliat  niakoth  him 
as  dotli  such  keatlii-j.  TlieiX'  are  liiiie  things  that 
!it  to  urge  us  to  coiiless  (jvdekly,  ^J'he  puiiishnient,  tint  U 
:il->v;!y-  increasing  with  usiu'v.  For  sin  is  the  devil's  money,  v,  h.icli 
l;c  •  iveth  njion  intere>t,  and  n}H)n  usury  oF  punishment,  nnd  the 
Ivnigei-  the  man  lieth  in  his  sin,,  tk.e  iiicreaso  of  punishment  in 
purgatory,  hei'e,  or  in  hell,  v.axeth  always  more.  "  He  siiall  redeem 
tlieir  souls  from  usuries  and,  ini()u.iry,"  ■'  The  second  thing  is  the  ureat 
and  hnnentable  loss  that  he  loseth,  that  nothing  ho  ever  doth  is 
■worthy  of  the  appi'obation  of  God,  nor  pleasing  to  him.  Jeremiah. 
"Strangers  have  devoured  his  strength."^  The  third  thing  is 
death — that  he  knowctli  not  whether  lie  shall  not  die  suddenly  that 
very  da  V.  locclus.  "Fili.  ne  tardes  converti  ad  Dcnnimnn  ;  nescis 
enim,'^  ike.''  "  Delay  not  to  be  converted  to  the  Lord,  and  defer  it 
not  from  day  to  day.  For  his  wrath  shall  come  on  a  sudden,  and  in 
the  time  of  vengeance  he  will  destroy  thee.''  The  fourth  thing  is 
sickness  :  he  that  is  si(d-c  camiot  easily  fix  his  tliouglits  on  anything 
but  his  sickness,  nor  speak  as  he  ought,  but  groan  and  cry  out  for 
his  pain  and  sivflfering  more  than  for  his  sins.  "  Thou  shalt  confess 
and  live." '^  The  fifth  thing  is,  the  great  shame  that  it  is,  after  a 
fall,  to  lie  so  hjiio-;  and  especially  under  the  devil.  "Arise  thou  that 
sleepest."  ''  The  sixth  thing  is,  that  the  wound  is  now  always  getting 
worse  through  delay,  ami  is  n)ore  diflicult  to  heal.  "  Jiesist  evil  in 
the   be^nnninis  lest  the   rcniedy   should   be  administered  Avhen  too 




MS,  who  had  lain  so  loi 


whicdi    is    betokened    ly 
lat  he  staid<  :  o\'er  \\  hom 

l->c!us.  V. 


i;i;(;[;i,.].;  IXLl.l  SAKIM, 

]'c  La^-c  stone  of  lour  dawc,  la.  .ti.elu-^  J-e  sunl\il.  |,.„nne  of  Knir 
pr,  ooer  of  fuK-  ?  "  Quain  aillicile  sui^it  quern  u;„l....  n.alc  consu.- 
tudnus  i-ronnt .-  -^  Q  Deus  !  -  scib  8eint  Austi,,  '^  l.u  cucllicl^o^  ],. 
anso^  ],..t  uuder  wuu.  of  sunne.  lumoS  ileicii  lon-e.-  J)et  cihteob.. 
I'lng  1.  ],c.t  S.Int  Grogorie  sei^,  "Pcccatuni  quod  per  pouitoi.tian. 
"on  d.luitur  u.ox  suo  pondere  ad  aliud  trahit:"  JK-t  is.  ],.•  .unnc-  l-.t 
ins  nout"  ibet  drawe^  anon  anoSer,  7  Vcrcftor  ]>e  In-iM.l.- •'  7  <o 
oucncl,  on  Icundle^S  n.ore  J  wurse  kundles  ),cn  ].e  sulu.  n.od.T  S„ 
UK'  dcopprc  wade?)  into  ]>c  ucondcs  loio  ucnno/'  so  n.o  launch  U.  v 
up._  penicbercisunis];is:  so  inc  oar  hl^innvh  lior  uorte  don  hi. 
penitence,  so  lie  liaueS  lesse  uorte  bcten  iSc  pine  of  pur'-atorie  VI 
beoS  nu  nicreisan3,  ?  nionic  n.oa  ].ei-  beo^,  hni  .sein-ilt  ouh  li-rr.. 
beon  nnaked  euer  on  In'Ji^e. 

Fo'lo  00 

lout  ase 

Schrift  schal  beon*^  edniod,  ase  was  ]?e  rn[.plicanes,  7  ] 
was  };e  Pliarisewus  ];et  tolde  liis  god  deden,  and  schean ude  uorS  l^t 
ihole,  ]>o  he  scliuldc  unwrien  his  wundeu  :'  and  forSi  Jie  iNvende  awei 
unhealed,  ase  ure  Loueid  sulf  tcllecS,  ut  of  ^e  temple,  luhnodiies^e 
isiliche  }.eos  kointe  harloz'"  ]>et  sclieawe^  foJ•^  Jiore  o-utefestro  ^  7 
hore  vlowinde  cweisen  ];et  heo  jmte^  euer  uoi  ^  :  and  jif  ],c  cwei^e 
is  atelicli  Mieo  scheaue5  In're  openluker  ine  riehe  nionne  eicn,  nor 
heo  scliulden  liabbeu  recuse  of  Jiani,  7  3;iueu  ham  god  ]»e  n^cr 
lleo  hudet  eke  hore  ihule  elopes,  7  do^  an  aire  vueineste  "  on  xlu' 
i-okes   al    to   torene.      AI   riht,  o  j-is.e    wi<e,    edinodnessc   eadiliehe 

:.rinlii-l,e.   'I'.  C. 
wades  i^...-  ilcM.url.j 
cwointr  h-rloz.  T, 
at.-Wlc),c.   T. 

"  iii.-,sune.   r.  C. 

-1-    t'. 



our  Lord  wept,  n^  v/o  arc  told  in  tlic  Gospel,  and  giiashed  his 
teeth,''  ;ii.d  inoancd,  and  cried  aloud  upon  hinu  These  four  things 
ho  (liil  licfore  lie  raised  him,  to  shew  huw  ditiieult  it  is  for  a  man  to 
ari^e  fj-oni  an  evil  liabit,  ^vho  lies  putritVinn-  in  jiis  sin.  Saint  ^Tary 
liavi'  niercn- !  When  Lazarus  stank  after  fom-  days,  ho\v,  then,  must 
the  sinful  stink,  after  four  or  five  years?  •'•  Quaui  difficile  sur^'-it 
queni  moles  mal;\)  consuetudinis  premit ! "  '•' O  GvkI  !  "  saitli  St. 
Austin,  "with  what  difficulty  doth  he  arise  who  hath  lain  long 
under  the  habit  of  sin."  The  eighth  thing  is  that  which  Saint 
Gregory  saith,  "  Peccatum  quod  per  penitentiani  non  diluitur  mox 
suo  por.derc  ad  aliud  trahit ;  "  that  is,  the  sin  that  is  not  amended 
by  penitence  soon  draws  on  another,  and  thereafter  a  third,  and  so 
on,  every  one  givcth  birth  to  another  and  a  worse  progeny  than  the 
mother  herself.  Thus  the  deeper  men  wade  ijito  the  devil's  muddy 
fen  they  arc  the  longer  in  getting  out  of  it.  The  ninth  reason  is 
this:  the  sooner  a  man  begins  here  to  do  his  jvjnance,  he  hath  the 
less  to  amend  in  the  pain  of  purgatory.  Now  these  arc  nine 
reasons,  and  there  are  many  more,  on  account  of  which  confession 
ought  to  be  made  quickly. 

\  1 1 .  Confession  ought  to  be  humble,  as  the  publican's  was,  and  not 
as  the  Pharisee's  who  recounted  his  good  deeds,  and  shewed  openly 
that  wdiich  was  whole,  when  he  ought  to  have  uncovered  his  wounds; 
and  therefore  he  departed  from  the  temple  unhealed,  as  our  Lord  him- 
self telleth.  Humility  may  be  compared  to  those  crafty  varlcts  who 
expose  their  dropping  ulcers  and  their  running  sores,  which  they  always 
put  forth;  and  if  the  sore  is  hideous  they  shew  it  the  mc^re  openly  in  the 
sight  of  the  rich,  that  they  may  pity  them,  and  give  them  alms  the 
more  readily.  They  likewise  conceal  their  whole  clothes,  and  put  on 
smock-frocks  over  them,  all  torn.  Just  in  this  manner,  Inunility  hapjiily 
and  humbly  Ijcguileth  our  Loixl,  and  obtaincth  good  things  from 
him;  bonging  Avith  pion^  knavery,''  she  always  conccaleth  liei" 
good   things  and   sheweth   hei-  ]»overly,  and  weejiing  and  groaning, 

•'  ({Hst-bitan.   A.-S.  (vii-ij.iiujnuTO,  Julni,  xi.  ?,?,,  vjf  .:„,;:■  <K  f-H  ,,U.i. 
''   'I'rutaimisatioiic.    MS.  Oxctn.      'J'.-iunnl^   Vv.   n  stin-'lv  t"-'..i;-. 

f:A:Mi).  snc.  -  i- 



LiuileS  are  Loucrd,  ?  cdm.HllJ.-lie,  7  bi^it  ..f  hU  -.nler'  niiJ  isrii 
truwaiidlse  lioo  hut  eucr  l.iiv  o<xl,  ?  sclieawc^  f;>r>riiirr  poucrtc,  7 
]mt  f.n-^  lili-c  cancrc,  weopinde  7  groninJe,  l.iuu,-,.,)  flo.lrs  c-Icn  :'  7 
lialsc^^  nii'Measlichc  bi  liis  (loore^vlu•^io  "  i.assiiui,  7  li  lii.  iU"on-\\  ul•^e 
block-:'  bi  liis  fif  wiuKlcn:^  bi  liis  mocler  teaivs :  bi  ]h-o  titk-s*"  };et 
he  8GC  ].^e  inllc  jn-t  hino  ucJrlo  :'  uor  alio  his  lialuwcnc  luuc  :'  uor  ]>c 
dooro  driwerie  |;ot  lie  Iiauex5  t..  Iii.s  <looj-e  spusc,  ]>ct.  is,  to  ]»e 
soldo,  uor  Ills  deaJS  o  nxh  uor  liiro  to  l);5itciio.  Mid  )>us  omvillo 
lialsuugo,  woopeS  7  grot  <=  efter  suiiic  liolpe  to  ]>e  wrccche  incosoiso, 
iiorte  Icciien  luid  ]>o  soke,  7  forto  hoalon  luido  liirc  cancrc  :'  7  lialseS 
ure  L(nierd  so  :*  7  ho  ne  mei  uor  rcou?5e  woijkm  hire,  no  swcaiucii 
hire  heorte  mid  Avcrnungo,  nonicliclio  sf)  ase  lie  is  so  uiiiincto  hu'-c 
)?et  him  uis  no  JMug  Icoucro  ]>on  ]>ot  lie  nunve  ivinden  anchoismi 
uorto  jiuono.  Auli  Ijwoso  jclpo^S  of  In's  gudo,  a-o  doS  ino  schi-ifte 
)^cos  ja-udo,  hwat  neod  is  ham  to  jclpcn  ?  Moiii  ]lauc•^i  anc  swuche 
maiicro  to  siggen  hire  sunncn,  ];ct  liit  is  wurS  a  donie  5olpungo  7 
huntungc  efter  hcreword  of  more  hoh'nesso. 

Schrift  auh  forto  bcon  schcomcfid.  13i  ]>on  |'et  tct  fulc  of  Israel 
wende  ]nu-uhut  })c  rcade  see  r^  ];ct  was  read  7  bitter,  is  bitocucd  ]>ct 
Ave  motcn  ]>uruh  rudi  sclieome  passcn  to  ]?e  hcoucno,  7  puiadi  bitter 
/■'oUo  W/,.  penitence  r'  ]>et  is,  ine  so5  sclu-ifte.  Wat  Crist  hit  is  god  riht  ]>et  us 
scheome  biuoren  monne,  }>et  forjeten  sclieome  ])o  wc  diiden  he  dede 
7  to  sunne  biuoren  Godes  sihSc.  "Nam  omnia  mida  sunt  i-t  aperta 
oculis  ejus  ad  quem  nobis  sermo:"  "Yor  a!  ]n-t  vuqv  is.  al  is  naked," 
seiS  Seinte  Powel,  "7oj)en  to  liiseieii  wiii  Invam  we  sehulen  rikenen 
alle  ure  dedeu."  Scheome  is  ]>c  mcste  del,  ase  Seint  Austin  sciJS,  of 
uro  penitence:'  "Verecundia  pars  est  jnagna  pciiitencie."  And 
Seint  T]ernnrd  seiS  ]>et  no  deoruwurSc  jimstou  no  (h-litoN  mon  so 
niiieliil  uorto  biltolden  ase  delS  godes  eie  Jk-  rude  of  monnes  nebbe 
|K't  sei^)  ariliL  his  sunnen,  Vnder>tand  wel  ]>i<  word.  Schrift,  is  a 
sacninient   ]n-i   liaueiS   one  ilicnesse  wi^intc-n   of  |;en   )'Inge  ]}ct   hit 

pappes.  ']'. 

ropcii.  '1',     lojicN.  C. 


SHAMi:  .Mi-.--r  iw:  felt  ix  coxfkssin<.. 


t.x|n).>ct]i  li;T  rankling-  soiv  in  t]]v  sinlit  of  (!o(l :  ainl,  \\  ithuut  ceasing, 
ljc.>LecIietli  liim  \>y  his  nr^cioiis  suHcriiigs,  and  l)y  liis  precious 
])lcu)!l,  liy  his  l\\v  \',ounls.  hy  Iiis  mother's  tears,  by  the  jiajis  from 
Avhieh  ho  sucked  tlie  milk  tliat  led  him,  foi-  tlie  luve  of  all  his  saints, 
for  the  kind  atfectlun   ^\hich   lie   hath   to  his  dear  si^oiise,  that  is,  to 

ml,  and   bv    his   deatli 

tlie  cross   tur   Ji 


'liiiis  doth  she,  with  earnest  adjurati(jn,  \\"ee|)  and  cry  fur  heli)  to  the 
^\re(chcd  suflerer,  wherewith  to  administer  medicine  to  tlie  sick, 
and  to  heal  her  festering  sore  ;  and  thus  she  aeljureth  our  Lord  ; 
and  he  cannot,  for  pity,  refuse  her,  nor  grie\-e  her  heart  with 
a  refusal,  since  he  is  so  exceedingly  bountiful  that  there  is  nothing 
more  agreeable  to  him  than  to  find  an  occasion  to  give.  But,  when 
any  one  boastetli  of  his  goodness,  as  the  proud  do  in  confession,  what 
need  is  there  to  help  "^  them  ?  Many  have  such  a  way  of  speaking 
of  their  sins,  that  it  is  equivalent  to  a  covert  boasting  and  hunting 
after  the  praise  of  greater  sanctity. 

\^III.  Coidession  must  be  made  with  shame.  By  the  passing  of 
the  people  of  Israel  through  the  Red  Sea,  which  was  red  and  bitter,  it 
is  signified  that  we  must  go  to  heaven  through  red  shame  and  bitter 
penitence,  that  is,  in  true  confession.  Christ  knoweth  that  it  is 
very  just  that  we  should  be  ashamed  before  man,  who  forgot  shame 
when  we  did  the  deed  and  the  sin  in  the  sight  of  God,  "Nam  onniia 
nuda  sunt  et  aperta  oculis  ejus  ad  quem  nobis  sermo."  ''For  all 
that  o\Qr  exists,  is  naked,"  saith  St.  Paul,  "and  open  to  His  eyes  to 
Avhom  we  must  give  an  account  of  all  our  doings."  Shame  is  the 
greatest  part  of  our  jjcnance,  as  St.  Austin  saith,  "  \'erecundia 
pars  est  magna  penitential"  Atul  St.  Bei-nard  saitli  that  the  sight 
of  no  precious  jewel  givetli  so  mucli  deliglit  to  man,  as  the  bhishing 
of  a  man's  face  who  truly  coiife^-eth  his  sins  delighteth  th  •  ey.-  of 
(lod.      1 'ndej-staiid   i-I^lith-   tliis  matter.      Confession  is  a  sacrament, 



wuiclio?)  wiSiiinun:'  ase  hit  is  inc  l'ululit<\  ]\- wassmike  iiie  ruliilit(3 
wib'iiten  bitociK'^  ]>c  wasscluiiige  of  ]>c  sonic  wiciimioii.  Al  so  is  of 
sclintic.  pL'  cwikc'  lude  of  J>c  ncbbo  makotS  to  uiulerstoiKlcn  ]>ct  tu 
sonic  ])ct  was  bloc,  ?  iiefdc  biito  dead  hcou,  liaue^  ikcilit  cwic  licou, 
*?  is  iruded  feirc. 

Schrlft  schal  l)Con  dredful  r"  j'ct  Ui  sioi;c,  mid  Jcreniio,-' "Qiio- 
tiens  conr^ssus  fui,  uidi^or  niilii  non  esse  confess  us:"  "Asooftcase 
icli  am  iscluiuen  cucr  mc  ]>uucliei5  mc  unsclinuoii."  Vor  eucr  is 
sum  of  |k' circumstances^'  ibrjitcn,  VorSi,  seiS  Scin  Austin,  "  ^''e 
laudabili  liuminuui  lutij,  si  ivmota  nu'scricordia  discutias  cam :"  J'ot 
is,  "  pe  bcstc  mon  of  al  jmssc  worldc  jif  uie  Loucrd  Jcmdo  him  al 
eftcr  rihtwisncsse  "?  nout  cfter  mcrci,  avo  scholdc  him  iwur^cii :  "  Scd 
misericovdia  snpcrcxaltat  judicium :"  "xVuh  his  mcrci  tounurd  us 
weictS  euer  more  ]>cn  })et  rihte  nearmvc.'' 

Schrift  schal  bcon  hopeful.  IIwoso  sciS  al  J^et  he  con,  ?  deS  al 
|>et  he  mei,  God  no  bit  nan  more.  Auh  liopc  7  dred  schulcn  cucr 
beonimeind'^  togedei-es.  pis  forte  bitocncn  was  ihoten  i  J;en  olde 
lawc  }>ct  no  mon  ne  scholdc  twinnen  ]^e  two  grindstones:'*  |;c 
nco^cre  ];et  liS  stille,  7  bereS  heui  charge  bitocneb  fcrlac,  ]'et  teieb 
mon  from  sunne,  1  is  iheuegeg  '^  her  mid  licrdc  uorte  bcon  cwite  of 
lierdrc.  pe  vuere  ston  bitocne^  hope  }?ct  corneS''  7  stureS  hire 
euer  inc  gode  werkes,  mid  trust  of  muclieic  mede.  peos  two  no  mon 
ne  to-deic  uroni  o'c)er.  Vor,  asc  Seint  Gregorle  seiS:  "  Spes  sine 
timore  luxuriat  in  presumtionem :'  timor  sine  spe  dcgcncrat  in  de- 
speratloncm  :"  "  Drcd  wiSuten  hope  makcc)  mon  untrusten  ;'  and  hope 
wiiSute  dved  make?)  ouertrnsten."  pcos  two  un^Seawes,  untrust  and 
oucitrust,  beotS  j^cs  dcoflcs  tristren,  jjcr  ]K't  'wrecche  bes:  selden 
ctsterte?).     Tristrc  is  ])er  me  sit^'  mid  ];e  greahuiidis  f;.iit>  kupen  ]'e 

10.  •!■.  (■ 

■c:t.    T. 
Mir.      T 

lotagg...s.  '1-.  C. 
griiiiK'lst;iiic>.  T.  C. 
T  turn.:..  T. 

(.oxricssiON  MUST  m:  wiiii  fkau  and  with  iioit,. 


Avliicli  liatli  an  outwr.rd  rtscniLlance  of  the  effect  which  it  worketli 
witliin,  as  it  is  iii  lj:iitir!ii.  The  outward  ^v;l^hi^_^•  in  ljaj)tisiu 
hetolcenetli  tlio  wasliiiiii'  of  the  soul  witlilii.  It  is  tlie  same  witli 
regard  to  confession.  'Jdic  lively  red  of  llie  countenance  tells  that 
the  soul,  which  was  li\id,  and  had  nothing  Init  the  hue  of  death, 
hath  g(,it  the  hue  of  life,  and  is  beautifully  nddened. 

J  A .  Confession  ought  to  be  made  with  such  anxious  fear  that  thou 
inayest  say  with  Jeremiah  [St.  Jerome].  "  Quoties  confessus  fui, 
videor  niilii  non  esse  confessus :"  "  Whenever  I  have  confessed,  it 
always  seems  to  mc  as  if  I  had  not  cojifessed."  For  some  of  tlie 
circumstances  arc  always  forgotten.  Wherefore,  said  St.  Austin, 
''Xm  laudabili  honn'iuuu  vit;e,  si  rcmota  misericordid  discutias 
eaiJi;"  that  is,  "The  Ijest  man  of  all  this  world,  if  our  I.ord  judged 
him  according  to  strict  justice,  and  not  according  to  mercy,  shoidd 
be  ill  a  woful  condition."  "Sed  mlsericordia  suporcxaltat  judicium."'^ 
"  Inii  his  mercy  toward  us  always  outweigheth  his  strict  judgment." 

X.  Confession  nnist  be  hopeful.  When  a  man  saith  all  that  he 
knoweth,  and  doth  all  that  he  can,  God  requires  no  more  of  liiin, 
r>ut  hope  and  fear  should  always  be  nn'ngled  together.  To  intimate 
this,  it  was  commanded  in  the  old  law  that  no  man  should  Nejiarate 
the  two  grindstones  : '^  The  nether,  that  lictli  still,  and  beareth  a  lieaAy 
load,  betokcneth  fear,  which  drawcth  man  from  sin,  and  is  loaded 
lie)-i'  with  hard  things,  that  it  may  be  free  from  harder.  The  u]iper 
stone  betokeneth  hope,  which  runneth,  and  is  always  actively 
ompluyed  in  good  works,  trusting  to  receive  a  great  reward.  Let 
no  man  separate  these  two  from  each  other.  For,  as  St.  Gregory 
saith,  "  S})es  sine  timorc  luxuriat  in  ])raiSumptionem  ;  timor  sine 
s])e  dcgenerat  in  despei'atlonem  :"  "Fear  without  hope  maketh  a 
ni;'u  to  des])air;  and  hoi)e  without  fear  mak.-th  him  pj-esumptuous.'' 
Thcso  tN\i.  sins,  despair  and  presum])ti(in,  are  tin,'  de\il's  tri-^Ire-;, '" 
where    tln^    uidiai)py   beast    seldom    esca]>eth.        A    tristre   is    wlure 

St.  .la I 

'^'-^^  iii:fii;L/T:  fxclusai;lm. 

heanlc,  o'^er  tlllrir'^  ])e  iietks  ai;oan  liain.  Tumvard  on  of  ].l'0--  two 
is  al  |)ct  lio  sl<■ate^  :  w.r  ]>oi-  brt.^  liis  iietfcs,  7  ])or  bt-oS  his  grca- 
liuii(lc>,  uiitnist  ?  oucl•l^•u^t,  i-CLk>ro(l  toLicacrfs :  aiul  bcoS  of  alio 
sm)'.h-n  ]ii-xt  ])e  ^oto  of  li(>lk'.  Mid  dred  wi^Suto  liope-,  ]'et.  is  mid 
untrust,  was  Keimcs *>  sdirifr,  7  Jiulascs  :  and  foii^i  lico  uoi-uei-d(>n 
wi5[uten]  hope,  ]?et  is  [mid  viitrust].  Wibiito  dred,  mid  oucrtrusr, 
is  ]>cs  vniselies  sawc''  ])et  Dauld  sciS,  i  ]>e  sauter,  "Seciinduni  nud- 
titudiiiem  ire  sue  iion  renuiret"'^  Nis  nout,  cwu^  lie,  God  so  iiTim 
use  ;5e  hiia  uore  makle^.  «'Xo!"  lie  seib,  Dauitl,  i^nihe,*=  and  sei^ 
]>enne  ]i\vareiu)re :  "Proptei-  quid  irrltaiut  impins  Doum?  Dixit 
cnini  in  cordo  sun,  Non  requiret."  Ah\'  uorniost  he  cleopeJ?  ]>c 
onert!;i<ti,  uid.ilcued.  pc-  uidjileuedc— mid  hwon  gremcS  lie  God 
Foi;o  <Jl  h.  Ahrdhti?  "Mid  hwon?"  he  sci^,  '-'mid  tet  J'et  he  sei^,'"  J)et  lie  mile 
iinut  so  iionddichc  dcmen  ase  50  siggeJS/'s  "  Lui  sikerliche,  auli  he 
wide."  pus  ]jeos  two  ujiSeawes  beoJS  two  ^riimne  robbares  :'  vor  ]>e 
on,  ]>ct  is  oiiertrust,  bInimeS ''  God  his  rihte  dom  7  his  rilitwisnesse :' 
];c  o-Ser,  JK't  is  untiust,  binimo^  liini  jiis  milce.  And  so  heo  bcoS 
umbo  uorte  uordon  God  sidf :'  vor  God  ne  muhte  nout  beoii  wiJSuten 
rihtwisnesse  ne  wiSuten  milce.  Nu,  );conne,  hwuche  uiiiieauwes 
beo^  efnunge  to  j^eos  J;et  ■svullet)  acwellen  God,  on  hore  fule  wise  I 
Lif  ]ni  ert  to  trusti,  7  boldest  God  to  nesche  uorto  awreken  sunne  r' 
sunne  like^  him,  bi  J;inc  tale.  Auh  biliold  lui  he  awrec  him  of  his 
licili  engel  ]jct  ]?ouhte  of  one  prude:'  7  hu  he  awrec  hiin  of  Adam 
nor  ];c  bite  of  one  epple  r'  and  hu  [he]  biseintc'  Sodome  7  Gomorrc, 
men  7  wummen  7  children,''  7  alio  \>q  nomecul^e  buruhwes,  al  ane 
muchcle  schirc,  adun  into  hello  grundc,  }?er  ase  is  nu  J'c  reade'  see, 
|>et  nowiht  cwikes  [nis] '"  imie  :'  7  hu  he  ine  Noes  flode  adreiiite  al 
]>ene   world,    bute   eihte  i   ]'en  arehe :    hu   he  ine   his  owune   uoK; 

^  tii.if's.  T.    til(U■■^;.  c. 

•^  \vi6'  hope  wiSutcii  droil;   J'  is,  wiS  o;ioi 

•*   quiorot.    Vulgatu. 

f   NviiS  J.  lie  seis,  as  \w  seis,  Nwle  lie.    T. 

''   r.MiKs.   'I'.   rcaucN.    C. 

'>    «oiv,  T  uif,   )  WHK-lld.    ■]'.  C. 

"  C'avnus.   T.  C. 
1st  is  tis  uiisolies  ^al>l•.  'i'. 

'  gcoi  lie.   'I',     j;^  11,0.   C 
*■■   fnrtoilc^i.   T. 
•   l.i-<-i„t,..  T.  f. 
'   dcdc.   C. 


I'ln-.vrMrnox  ax!)  dksi'aii;  dkat>t.y  six: 


iiu'H  wait  w  itli  tlu-  gjvyliounds  to  intercept  tlio  game,  or  to  prepare 
tlu'  not-;  t')r  tlu-ni,"-'     Al!  tiiat  lie  drivctli  is  to\vard  one  of  tliose 
two   [puinl-^]  ;  ^    fur  tlicre   ;uv  ]iis  nets,  and  tliorc  liis  greyliounds, 
L)e^]>air   and  J're.snniptioii,    ar;    met  together,  and  of  all   sins  tlio}' 
are  Jiearest    tlie  gate  of  hell.      With   fear,   and    uithout  hope,   that 
i<,  V  ith  de^paii-,   was    the   confession  of  Cain  and   of  Tndas  :    and 
therefore,  they  died  Avithout  hope,  that  is,  in  despair.      Without  i'ear, 
with    ])rcsnni]ition,    is    that    unhappy    person's    saving,    of    •vvliom 
Da^  id  .-aith   in  the  Psalter,  "  Secundum  multitudinem  ira^  sua;  noii 
roqiiiret."     '•'  According  to  the  multitude  of  his  v.rath  he  ^vill  not 
seek  him. "'^     God  is  not   so   angry,  saith  he,  as  ye  pretend  that 
he  is.      "  Xo  I  "  saith  David,  "  Yea  I  "   and   then    saith  wherefore. 
'•  \Vherefore  hath  the  Avicked  provoked  God?  for  he  liath  said  hi 
his  heart,  lie  will  not  require  it."*^     First  of  all  he  calleth  the  pre- 
sumptuous   wicked.       The   wicked,  wherewith  provoketh   he    God 
Almighty?     "  Wherewith?  "  saith  he,  "with  this,  that  he  saith,  He 
will  not  judge   so  strictly,  as  ye  say."     "  Yea,  surely,  but  he  wilL" 
Thus,  these  two  sins  arc  two  fierce  robbers  ;  for  the  one,  that  is, 
presumption,  takcth  away  from  God  his  righteous  judgment  and  his 
justice ;  the  other,  that  is,  despair,  taketh  away  from  him  his  mercy. 
And  thus  they  both  are  endeavouring  to  destroy  God  himself;  for 
God  could   not  exist  without  justice,  nor  without  mercy.      Now 
theti,    what    sins  are  worthy  of  being    compared   to    these   wdiich 
wou.ld,  in  their  corrupt  manner,  kill  God  ?     If  thou  art  too  con- 
fident, and  accountest  God  too  mild  to  inflict  vengeance  upon  sin, 
ace<.rding  to  thy  account  he  is  pleased  with  sin.     But  consider  how 
he  avenged  upon  his  arcdiangel  that  thought  of  pride  alone,  and  how 
he  avenged  himself  upon  Adam  for  the  bite  of  an  apple,  and  how  lie 
suvik  Sodom    and  Gomoii-ah,  men,  women,  and  children,  and  all  the 
ianious  cities,  an  entire  i-eglon  of  great  extent,  down  to  the  abyss  of 
hill,  where  the  Dead   Sea   now    is,  in  which  there  is  nothing  that 

Via.-  Da  (;:ni- 

.s,M.  c.,i..s'.-  ]■:.! 

I's.ilin  X.  4.    K 

yr.c.  r,-;.<o> 

in  lJ:i 


,f  t!ie  Vuk 

•^    l\.id.    VLTSC   l:j. 



Jsrac],  his  dcorlliiff,  Im  grlninioliclio  he  awrec  Jiim,  aso  oftc  ase  lico 
agultoi.  Dathan  and  Ab iron,  Chore  and  his  Icroii :'  ])o  o«rc  al>r. 
]K't  he  slouh  iii  nioiiiu"  J>usondes  ofto,  nor  Jiorc  iirucclnnif^rf.  An 
o\Sc-r  ludf,  loke,  jif  ]>u  hauest  untrust  of  his  vniiiicte  niilce,  hii  lllit- 
liclic  and  hu  sonc  Scintc  Peter  }»cl.''  hefdo  iior.saken  liini,  and  tot  Tor 
anc  cwenc  wordo,  was  inid  liiin  isellitned  r'  and  liwu  jn;  jn-of  o  |)e 
rode,  ])et  •  liefde  eucr  ihned  vaele,  in  one  sterthwule  liefde  of  liiin 
mllce,^  mid  one  noire  speehc.  A'or  ]d,  bitwconen  ];eos  two,  untrust 
J  ouertrust,  hope  1;  dred  boon''  euer  iveied  togcderes. 

Fofw  92. 

Scln-ift  jet  schal  beon  wis,  "i  to  wise  monne  imnkod,  of  niiUucic 
sunnen  :'  and  iiout  to  juuge  prcostcs — ;s"nge  i  siggc  of  witto — no 
to  sot  olde.  Bigin  uorinest  et  ])i-nde,  ?  sech  alle  ]-(;  bowcs  ]>erof,  ase 
hco  bcoS  ]'er  iijipe  iwritene,  hNvue  falle  to  ]'C.  j^ereftei-  al  so  of 
ondo  :'  7  go  so  acUuicwardcs  hi  reawe  ?  hi  reawc,  nor  tu  kunie  to  ]»c 
histe,  7  drauh  togcdere  al  |)cnc  team  inider  ]>e  luoder. 

Schrift  oidi  forte  beou  soiS.  Ne  hh  ]mi  nout  o  ])i  sulf  r'  vor,  ase 
Scint  Austin  sciS,  "  Qui  causa  Innnihtatis  mentitur  fit  quod  prius 
ipse  non  fuit,  id  est,  pcccator."  pe  J)et  lihS  on  him  sulf  jnu-uli  to 
nnichel  cdniodncsso,  he  is  imakcd  sunful,  ]'auh  he  er  nere.  Scint 
Gregorie  seici  ]?auh,  "  I>onaruni  mentiuni  est  culpani  agno.scerc,  ubi 
culj)a  non  est."  Knndc  of  godo  hcorte  is  to  beon  ofleared  of  sunne, 
];cr  ase  non  nis  ofte  :'  o?>er  weien  sw  u^er  his  sunne  suiniuechere  hen 
he  Jnirfte,  Weicn  liit  to  Intel  is  ase  vuel,  otSer  wurse.  ]?e  inidilel 
weie  of  inesiu'o  is  euer  guldene.  Dred e  Ave  us  euer:  vorol'tewe 
wene'b  tu  don  a  lute)  vuel,  ?  doiS  one  grcatc  sunne  :'  7  olti"  we  weneN 
wel  to  dnnne  7  do^  al  to  eweade.      Siggo  we  euer  ]>e()niic  mid   Seint 

nil,-,'.    'J'.      ol'.O'tr 

U-r.     C. 

COMT.S^IOX   M!   vT  i;i:   I'KIDKXT  AND  TltlTllFrL, 



kc  maiiniT,  la;  slew,  of'ti- 
Oii    the    uihvv   li;iii.l, 
morcy,  consIJor   liow  c'a>il\ 
f()rs;i];cii  liiiii,  aii.l   tliat  lur 

litV;  and  liov.-,  in  Xoali'^  1L;,):1,  lie  dn.wiird  all  tin-  world  but 
rursoiis  w]-.')  wiiv  in  the-  ark:  how  scverrly  lie avcni^-cd  liiinself 
liis  ov.n  liel(>\ed  j)0(i]il(."  IsraJ,  as  often  as  they  were  guilty. 
an  and  Abn-ani,.  jCcirali  and  liis  coniitanion^,  and  otlioj-s  wlir)ni, 
in  many  tliousands,  i'ur  llieir  nuinunr- 
tliou  lia.-^t  despair  ol"  liis  iniljonndril 
nid  how  soon  Saint  IV-ter,  who  Iia<l 
Nvord  s])okoii  by  a  luaid-servaut,  was 
reconciled  to  hiin  ;  and  how  the  thief  on  the  cross,  who  had  alwavs 
lived  in  sin,  obtained  mercy  (»f  him  in  an  instant,  by  one  candi;! 
speeeli.  Wherefore,  between  these  two,  despair  and  presuni})tioii, 
let  li<.])e  and  fear  be  always  joined  together. 

A  I .  Confession  of  secret  sins  ought  also  to  be  always  j)rndent,  and 
made  to  a  prudent  man,  and  not  to  young  priests,  I  mean  young  of 
wit,  nor  yet  to  foolish  old  men.  r>egin  with  pride,  and  examine  all 
the  branches  thereof,  as  they  are  wi-itten  above,  Avhich  ap[)ly  to  thee. 
Thereafter,  of  cn^-y,  in  like  manner;  and  thus  proceed  downward, 
from  one  to  another,  luitll  thou  comest  to  the  last,  and  draw 
together  the  whole  progeny  under  the  mother. 

XII.  Confession  ought  to  be  f  i-uthful.  J^o  not  lie  concerning  thy- 
self, for,  as  St.  Austin  saith,  "  Qui  causa  humilitatis  mentitur  fit  quod 
prius  ipse  non  fuit,  id  est  peccator."  "lie  who  lieth  concerning 
himself,  through  too  nmch  humility,  becomes  sinful  though  he  wen- 
not  so  before."  St.  Gregory  saith,  liowever,  "I'onarum  nientium 
est  culpani  agnoscei-e,  ubi  culpa  non  est."  It  is  the  nature  of  a  good 
heart  to  be  afraid  of  sin,  often  where  there  is  none,  or  to  pi»nder  his 
sin  somewhat  more  than  he  need.  'Jo  ]>onder  it  tou  little  is  as  bad, 
or  worse.  ""J'he  middle  way  is  always  the;  golden  mean.  Let  us 
alwavs  fear  ;  I'nv,  often  we  think  to  do  a  little  hai'in,  and  we  commit  a 
great  sin;  ami  often  we  think  to  do  good,  and  wc  do  much  <\\\. 
Say  we  al\,avs,  then,  witli  St.  Ansehn,  "Even  our  good  is  in  a 
inaimej',  so  tainted  v,itli  e\il  that  it  cannot  j)lease  (Jod,  or  I'aliier 
must  disj)lcase  him. ■■  Si.  Paul  sailh,  '•' J  know  that  in  nie,  that  is, 
fAMl).  soc.  ^  '^ 

IIKCCI,!.;   I\(|,(  sAIMVM. 



,  ^'I 





y\  noil 



<'!'  us: 





Ills  :' 


No  0,0(1  ill  us 


Krhm  I)(;num  iiostnun  it:i  ot  jilLjUu  mod 
iJ'la.jL'iv  iVo,  :mt  certo  disphVcrr.-  Pm 
111  iiu>,  lioc  est;  In  came  men,  boniim 
'  ,uud  IS  Godcs  :  auli  urc  sunnc  is  of  us,  ?  m" 
i<Hl  Invoii  icl,  hit  do,"cu-o-S  ho,  S^int.\unse■hn.^  "...  „  wiso,  u.In  vuol  liit  furonnwcS  :'>  ober  icl.  hit  do  un-d-dnrho  :' 
oVt  to  err'  ob.r  to  Icatc :'  oSor  wel  ]nT..r.  Jr.uh  :l  mui,  hit 
nute:  o^er  wojdo  j.cfc  el  hit  wiisfo:'  o^cr  v'-^'lvadiche  do  hit  • 
obor  to  u.nvlshche,  to,  o^.r  to  Into],  jnis  oner  sum  mk-1 
mo,i.,.b  hiin  mit  ndn.  ^n,}.,  },,t  0<„les  .hk-c  isin.b  mo,  Jn-t  hit  mei 
Intel  hken  (u.d,  and"  mis]ik..n  ofte."  Seinte  Marie!  Invou  ].e  holi 
men  seide  ]nis  bi  lihn  suhien,  hwii  nunve  we  liit  soMiclu.  si-oen  hi 
us  wrecciie-, !  ^" 

Sclirift  uuli  to  iKnn  willes;'  ]>et  is,  willeliche,  iuivined,^!  and  n.-iit 
idrawen  of  |>e,  ase  Jniuli  hit  were  ]>in  unS.,nches.  pc  liwuK.  ],,.r  tn 
const  siggen  out,^  seie  al  unasked.  Me  ne  schal  ashen  none  bufe 
nor  neodo  one:'  vor  of  J.e  axunge  mei  nalleii  aikI  :  hute  -i;If  ],o 
axnnge  Leo  ])e  wisre.  On  oScr  half,  moni  m,.n  abit '■  to  schriuen 
him  noi-t  ];e  nedc  tippe.  Anh  ofto  liim  lieJ)  ];e  wrencli,^  "pet  lie  ne 
mei  liwon  lie  wule,  ];e  nolde  Invnle  ]>etliemnlite."  Nan  more  kan-r- 
schipe'^  nis  ]>en  setten  God  lermc  :^  ase  ).auh  grace  were  his,  to 
nimcn  up  o  grace  ])cTliine  iSe  terme  asc  he  him  siilf  sctie.  Nai, 
behnni,  nai !  pe  terme  is  inc  Godes  honden :'  and  nout  i  Jm-'iic 
baundune.'  Ilwon  (^od  beot  '^  ])e,  reclie?5  forb  mid  l)o^;e  lionden  ;'  vor 
wibdrawe  ho  liis  bond,  ]m  mei  loken  efter,  jif  vuel  ober  oJier  ]>iiio- 
net '  ]h'  to  schrifte.  Lo  I  hwat  seitS  Seint  Austin?  "'Co:icta  si'i-vitla 
Deo  noil  placent:  "  "  Semises  inedde  ne  cwcmeb  nout  ure  Luiierde." 

"   ';o,ks.  'I'.  C.  '■  lor-Mcics.   T.      lui-iui...!.   c. 

•'   f;vin.t.   T.      viifiviiHHl.   C.      'Iho    l:at.T   is    <I.,uLll.-s  tl..-   l'.-.h 
ni!.,i,ii-.l  ill  tli.j  <■  olif.   T.      .-iit.    V. 

'■    lil,.M,  l,i...-  wivn.-!,.-.   T.      ),vN|t  wivnd..   C. 
'■    li,n-lMl,ip..    'J'.      K:,„l,.,-ln|...   V.  '   ]....mI„„.    C. 

'•  o.Vr.  T. 

i""'.-.  aii.l   it 

'  al.i  I. ..  T. 



T  v>r.  vnv.v,  and  volixtaky 


in  Div  firsli,  (IwcIKfli  no  i;-.)(),|  tliiiiij;.""  Xu  isnod  tli.-it  i-^  in  iib  is  of 
nur--L'!\c>  :  (lur  ii()(,(l  i<  (; lid's ;  Imt  our  sin  is  of  uurs^'h  cs,  ninl  is 
uur.AMi.  '•' \\'1k'1i  I  do  CJuJ's  -ood,"  saitli  St.  Ansdiii/' my  own 
evil,  si.nmli'jw.  so  (.•orriido.>  if  t]i:ir  I  tlo  it  citluT  v/Itliouf  pleasure^  or 
too  suoii,  or  loo  l;itc,  dv  J  tliiiik  liidil}'  ol'  it.  li"  no  man  slioukl 
know-  it,  I  eitlu'r  wish  tiiat  sonic  (^nc  mli^lit  know  it,  oi-  T  do  it 
iieplirrcntly,  or  too  iiiconsid.ui-iitfly,  too  aljimtkniflj,  or  too  sparingly. 
Thu>  is  some  cwil  always  mingled  with  my  good,  which  iho  grace  of 
God  givcth  mo,  so  that  it  can  please  God  little,  and  may  often 
displease  him."  St.  IMary  !  when  the  holy  man  s])oke  thus  of  him- 
self^ how  truly  may  we  nidia[)])y  sinners  say  the  same  of  oin'sclves  ! 

XIII,  Confession  ought  to  1)0  volnntary,  that  is,  willingly,  un- 
asked, and  not  draw^i  out  of  thee,  as  if  it  were  against  thy  will.  AVhcn 
thou  hast  any  thing  to  confess,  say  all,  unasked.  ^Ye  arc  riot  to 
put  any  questions,  unless  it  be  quite  necessary ;  for  evil  may  come 
of  questioning,  unless  it  he  done  the  more  wisely.  On  the  other 
hand,  many  a  one  })nts  otf  confession  until  lu;  is  in  the  last  extremity. 
lUit  the  proverb,  "He  may  not  wdien  he  would,  who  would  not 
when  he  nn'ght,"  often  applieth  to  him.  Thei'c  is  no  greater 
absurdity  than  to  set  a  time  to  God,  as  if  grace  were  one's  own,  and  a 
man  could  take  grace  to  himself  at  whatever  time  he  set.  Nay,  my 
friend,  nay !  The  time  is  in  God's  hand,  and  not  at  thy  discretion. 
When  God  offers,  reach  forth  with  both  hands ;  for,  if  lie  withdraw 
his  hand,  thou  mayest  afterwards  wait  long.  Should  sickness,  or  any 
other  causes  drive  thee  h)  confessicjn,  behold!  what  saitli  St. 
Austin?  "Goacta  servitia  Deo  non  ].larent:"  "Forced  services  please 

A.  our  Lord.' 

■■'    liom.   vii.  ]S. 

lint  yet,  "  Better  is  chiy  than  n.i\-, 

Im      flH' 

:>     or    r/a 
one  tliuM 

suiv  lliat  !,.•  Ik'.s 
MS.  Dx.iii.  it  is  ' 
.  W  tlie  iv:..1;m- 
no,,..,"  or,  ],er!,,.i..s 

ri;;-!a!y  tninsl: 
Melius  est  t, 
,.,!•  t!,o   -MS.  '1' 

ltd    til 
1,10  <ii>;i 


s,-.-.      It  i 

llliiual,),"'    I'. 


t;egi:l.t:  ixc  lusahl'.ai. 

]^:aili,  ijo  ]'C  later,  "  IV'tcre  is  ]>o''  j'onc  no."  In'torc  is  or  ]»C'n  U) 
It'tc.  "  Ni\iK[u:;;n  sera  est  penifencia,  si  tanicii  ikt;i."  Nis  iieiiere 
to  leto  peiiitonee,  j'ot  is  so(^liclie  iinaked,  lie  sei^  l.i;ii  suluoii.  Auh 
beterc  is,  asc  Daiiid  seiti,  "Refloruit  caro  mea  et  <'\  iiolunlalc  \n<-.i 
coufitebor  ci  :'"  ]>et  h,  "Mi  vlescli  is  illureil'?  liicuinon  a1  ^ll■o^\e,  iv>v 
ich  cluillc  scliriuen  luc,  7  hvi-kn  God  lilies."  \\'el  sciJS  ho,  '-is 
iflured  :  "  vorte  bitoclieii  ^vil?ellril■t  :^  vor  J»c  eor^^c  al  iiniiet,  7  ]>e 
trcou  also,  opcneS  ham  7  bringtu  toriS  misliche  ilures.  Kdmodiic-so, 
7  abstinence,  kulurc  unloSnesso,  7  oiier  swiich  iievtuz  beo5  feire  ine 
Fuh\>[>Z.  Godes  eien,  7  swote  smellinde  flnres  ine  Godes  neose.  In  Cantieis, 
" Florcs  apparuerunt  in  terra  n.'-tra."  Of  liani,  ])et  is,  of  swuclie 
flures  make  ]m  Lis  lierbormve  ^vi^innen  ]>e  suluen  :'  vor  his  delice^ 
he  sei\^,  licoS  forto  wmilen  ]>er.  "  Et  delicic  mce  cum  filiis  homi- 
num."     In  libro  saijiencie. 

Schrift  ouh  forte  ])von  owune.  No  mon  ne  schal  ine  schrifte 
wreieii  l)uten  liini  suluen,  aso  norS  asc  he  niei.  pis  ich  siggc  iiorJSi 
bet  swueh  cas,  and  swuch  auenture  bi^iln(;^  to  suunne  monne  ]'et 
he  ne  mai  nout  fulliche  ne  allunge  Avreien  him  suluen  bute  jif  he 
Nvreic  o^re.  Auh,  bi  nome,  no  ]>e  later,  ne  nemnc  he  Jiout  )>cu  ilke, 
|>auh  ]>e  schrif't-feder  wute  to  soSe  tomvard  hwam  hit  turne.  Auh, 
Inis  hu  meiht  siggen — a  munuch,  oJSer  a  preost  :  and  nout  Willnni 
ne  Water,  J'aidi  ]?er  ne  Ix-on  non  oSer. 

Schrift  schal  beon  studeucst  forte  holden  ]^c  penitence,  7  bileauen 
be  smme.  pet  tu  sigge  to  ]>e  pveo>te,  "  Ich  habbe  stndeue-^tliche  ine 
bonke,  7  ine  heortc  iiorte  bilenuen  j-eos  sunne  7  d..n  j-e  j.cnitcni'c/' 
pc  preost  ne  >chal  nout  asken  ]'c  ^if  ]ni  wult  j-comic  uo^^more,  uoi-- 
hoten  I'inc  snime.  Inonh  hit  is  ]>et  tu  hit  1k,iu>I  on  luuiK-  treouhch 
to  doiinc,  ]mLuh  Godes  grace:  7  ^if  ]m  n:dK>l  t!t  l>erinne,  ]>et  tu 
wult  auoiuilit  arisen  j'uruh  Ciodes  hel].e,  7  kumcu  a;^ean  to  schrilre. 

1-.  T. 



*        is  to  dwell  there:   "  Et  dcIic!cX3   nica;  cum  filijs  ] 

better  lli:in  too  \aU\  "  Niuvjuam  sera  est  pauitcntia,  si  taineu 
vera,"  "  'J'riic  re|ieiit:UK\/'  saith  lie,  "  is  never  too  late."  Ikit  it  is 
better,  a-;  ])a\i(l  saith,  "  Ivciiunu!  can.  luca,  et  ex  volimtatc  iiiea 
coiifileL'"]'  ei,"  tliat  is,  '-^ly  (IlsIi  liutli  flourislied  an;aiii,  ami  is 
altoi^ither  renewei]  :  for  I  v.ill  make  my  conl'ession,  and  praise  GocI 
witli  my  heart."  He  saith  well,  "  has  floui'ished,"  to  signify 
vohmtary  confession;  for  the  earlli  quite  unconstrained,  and  the 
trees  likewise,  open  thcanselves  and  bring  forth  various  flowers. 
Jlumility,  ahstinence,  dove-like  meekness,  and  otlier  such  virtues 
are  fair  flowers  in  the  eyes  of  God,  and  sweet  smelling  in  liis  nostrils. 
Thus,  in  Canticles,  "  Flores  apparuerunt  in  terra  nost)-a  :  "  '^  "  The 
tluwers  have  apprai-ed  in  our  land."  Of  these,  that  is,  of  sucli 
flu\M_']'s,  make  thou  his  bower  in  thy  heart  :  for  he  sailh   his  deliiiht 



delight  is  with  the  sons  of  men." 

X I  \'^.  Confession  ought  to  be  our  own.  In  confession,  no  man  jnust 
ex[iosc  any  oiie  Lut  himself,  as  flir  as  possible.  T  say  this  Lecausc 
such  a  case  and  sucli  an  accurrence  may  happen  to  a  man  tiiat  he 
may  not  be  able  fully  and  eritirely  to  confess  himself  without  ex- 
I'osing  another.  Bui,  yet,  let  him  not  mention  the  name  of  such  a 
one,  even  though  the  father  confessor  should  well  know  to  whom  it 
refers.  But  thou  mightest  say  thus:  a  monk,  or  a  priest,  and  not 
\\'illiam  nor  Walter,  althouoh  there  be  no  other. 

XV.  Confes^itm  nuist  be  made  with  a  firm  purj)0sc  to  do  the 
penance,  ar.d  to  leave  off  the  sin.  Thou  must  say  to  the  }»riest,  "  I  am 
flrndy  resolved,  in  my  mind  and  heart,  to  leave  off  this  sin,  and  to  do 
the  i)enance."  The  piiest  o!ight  not  to  ask  thee  if  thou  wilt  then  further- 
iiioiv  vow  to  leave  off  thy  sin.  It  is  enough  that  ihou  ha>l  it  in  ihy 
heait  faitld'ully  to  do  it,  tln-oiigh  God^s  gi-acc-,  and  \f  thou  falh-st 
afterwards  into   it,  that  tliou   ui!t  iunuediately  arise,  through  (iod's 

lb.;.  xiii.:;i. 


Ki:f;ri.,r,  ixc j.rsAinM. 


c't  ainpllu,  noli  pccvniv.'"     -Ci..,'-  c^v,.^  n,v,  -?  l.aiu 

i'"''\'i'!('j\'tta  milt  n; 

oe>cr  sikcDK'sse, 

an  lauiv  sune-cM."     Lo  !  ]nis  nr^  iiskeilc  Ik-  jkmi 

/•%/;->  03  b. 

Sdn-lit  ouli  forto  Icon  bi^uulit  hlwAvn  1oii-l'.  Of  fif  jmm„,.,s,  ,ui,l 
l^inc  ]>uu]itc,  ovJore  ]>Iuo  Of  al  Jn.rddc,  of  cl.iMi.o.le  of 
^uwebcliode  ;  gedcro  al  ]Vr  eftor  oedoiv  ],o  studni  l-t 
tu  wunc-dest  inner'  ?  j^ench  jeorno  l.uat  Ju,  dud,  .t  in  cu.ncli  stud,- 
snndei-l.clie,  ?  in  cuei-iclio  eldc.  ]\t  efU.T  sccl.  al  nt  7  to-tn.ddc 
l^ine  sunnen,  bi  ]nne  vif  wittcs  :  J,cr  efter  bi  alle  ]k'  Lv<  l^etMi. 
haucst  nnde  isuncged  :'  ?  ino  invuelie  ]m  I.auest  n,r.>t  i.n,K-ovd,  o^cr 
oftcst:   a  last  s^underlicl.o,  bi  daucs  and  bi  tldcn. 

PSu  -^e  babbc^  allc  ihcnod,  ase  ich  underslondie,  |>c  sixtenc  stiv- 
cl.encs  ]>et  ich  bibet  to  dealcn  :'  ?  allc  icb  l.abbe  tu-broken  ha.u  on 
mine  Icone  sustrcn,  ase  mc  de?>  to  children,  K't  nmhto  ^vi^ntc■n 
brokene  breade  deieii  of  hni.gre.  Anh  nic  is,  ],.t  wnte  to,  moni 
crmne  etfallen.  SecheS  ^t  gedeivS  ham  t  uor  heo  beoS  sonle  uode. 
bwucli  schnft,  l^ct  haney  ]ms  l>eos  sixtcne  stucchencs,  hanej)  ],oo  iike 
nmchelo  mihten  ],et  ieh  crest  spec  of:'  ]n-eo  n^ean  J;c  dco/le,  ?  brco 
a^eaii  us  suluen,  dcorewurSc  oner  alle  gold  hordes,  ?  ouer  alle 
jimstones*'  of  ynde. 

Mine  leonc  sustrcn,  ];cos  fifte  dole,  J;ct  is  of  schrlfte,  linipe^i  to 
alio  men  iliche.  VorSi  no  awundri  3c  nout  J>ct  ieh  touward  on 
iiomehche  nabbc  nout  ispekcn  i  jnsse  dole.  ]Jabbe6,  JMuh,  1.,  ower 
bihouc,  J.csiie  lutle  laste  cnde,  of  alle  kudde  ?  ka^c'-  snnneii:  ase  „1' 
prude:'  of  great  heorte  :  oSer  of  hcih  heorte:'  ofondc:  of  wre^X- 
ofslouhSe:  of  ^emeleaste  r'  of  idelc  Avordes  :  of  vntuu mie  ].uMl,ie.; :' 
of  snni  idel  hernngc  :'  of  sum  uals  gledmigc  :  o.Ncr  ul'  heni  naM-'i'- 
unge:'    of  i|)oci-Isie :'    of  mete,    ?   of   dnineiic-,   f,,  miulicj    ohw   tu 


C()\F]'..<si!)\  .Mi>'r  iw;  i'i:K\[i;i)iT.\.Tr.n 

?,A  3 

help,  nii'l  fomc  aiiaiu  t-^  CDiiie-^sioii.  "  Xiuh-  vt  :un])liu-  noli 
}K'CL-nro."  "  "Go,"  sairli  our  Lni-.l,  '-and  resolve  that  thou  ^vilt  no 
more  sin."     Ln  !   thus  he  a.-kr-.l  no  otlicr  socurity. 

A  \  i  .  Confession  ou^lit  to  lie  loni<;  prenic'flitatO(l.  liv  rvTlectino- 
upon  five  things,  nrollc<-t  thy  sins.  Of  everj-  age  of  thy  life,  of  cliild- 
Iiooil,  of  yonfli  :  Lring  them  all  into  rcniembrance.  I'liereafter 
roeolleet  tlie  places  in  uhicli  thou  ch\elleclst,  and  think  earnestly  what 
thou  didst  in  each  place  separately,  and  at  every  age.  Thereafter, 
seek  and  trace  out  all  thy  sins  in  thy  five  senses,  then  in  all  the 
mcnihers  wherewith  thou  hast  sinned^  and  in  which  thou  liast 
sinneil  most  or  oftenest :    lastly,  on  particular  days  and  times. 

^  on  lia\e  now  had,  as  I  think,  all  the  sixteen  parts,  into  which  I 
liromised  to  divide  the  subject,  and  I  have  hroken  them  all  to  you, 
my  dear  sisters,  as  is  done  to  children,  who  might  die  of  hunger  if 
tluy-  had  not  their  bread  broken;  and,  as  ye  know,  many  a  crumb 
hath  fallen  from  me.  Seek  and  gather  them  up,  for  they  are  food 
for  the  soul.  Such  confession,  that  hath  these  sixteen  parts,  hath 
those  same  great  powers  of  which  I  spoke  first ;  three  against  the 
devil,  and  three  against  ourselves,  more  precious  than  all  treasures 
of  gold,  a)id  than  all  jewels  of  India. 

My  dear  sisters,  this  fifth  part,  which  is  of  confession,  belongeth 
to  all  men  alike.  Wherefore  do  not  wonder  that  I  have  not  spf)ken 
to  you  in  a  particular  manner  in  this  part.  Take,  howevei',  to  your 
behoof  this  short  and  concluding  sunnnary  of  all  mentioned  ami 
known  sins,  as  of  pride,  of  ambition,  or  of  presumption,  of  cn\y,  of 
wrath,  of  sloth,  of  carelessness,  of  idle  words,  of  immoral  thoughts, 
of  any  idle  hearing,  of  any  false  joy,  or  of  lu^ivy  mourning,  of 
iivpocrisy,  of  meat  and  of  drink,  too  much  or  too  litth',  of  grumbling, 

St.  .loin., 


i;r.(;uL,i:  ixri,us.M;T;:\[. 

Folio  1>1  b. 

Into!  :'  of  gruccliuiip^o  :'  of  grlinc  clicro  :'  of  .-Ilrncc  ilnukc-n:  of 
sittoii  to  ]r,ng(>  ct  ]nir]o  :'  of  vres  inlsscide:'  ■wi^uirn  ;i;(.'iiie  f^flieort*' : 
o>k'r  in  uiiiiiiio  :'  of  sum  uals  Avonl  r'  ofswpro:'  of  i)l('ic  :'  of  scliorir'' 
leihtre  :  of  shcdcn  crunuMi,  otiev  ale;  o?)or  Icteu  )^Ingi'S  imnvlen 
o'Scr  rustc!!,  0(5ci-  uorrotien  :''  clobcs  imscomvcd :'  bircineil''  obor 
umvfiscliei) ;'  ibrokeu  nop"^  o-Scr  discli  r'  o^cr  Ijiscon  jcniclcnsliclic 
eni  ]»iiig  ])ct  mo  inidc  luircS,  o'Scr  oiihto  to  jeincii :'  otScr  of  Jccorf- 
uiigc,  oSer  of  liurtuiige,  ]n\vn\\  unbisoiiicsse.'^  Of  idle  J>e  J'ingc's  in 
Jnsso  riwie  ]>ct  beoS  inis;5omed  "^ — of  alio  swuclio  |»iiiges  scliriue  liiiv 
enes  a  wiko  ette  Icsto  :'  vor  nis  noii  so  lulel  ]>iiig  of  ]>co3  ]>ct  ]»o 
dcouel  nauob  ciil)reiicd '' on  Ills  r()ll(>,  Auh  sclirift  screaj"jb  hit  of, 
and  malvL'ei  liim  norto  leoscn  mnchcl  of  liis  liwulc.  Auh  al  bet 
schrift  no  schrcapctS  nout  of — al  he  wnlo  a  domodei  reden  ful  reade- 
liclic^  uorto  biclo(»picn  ]'c  midc.  O  word  nc  schal  ];er  wont^'U.  Xu 
]>eonnc  icli  I'cadc  uorto  ;^Iucn  him  ])et  Icstc  ])et  we  cuor  niuwen  t<» 
writcii  ^  vor  no  nicster  nis  liini  leouore.  And  hwat  se  writ  Ia'o^ 
uudjc  norte  schreapien  hit  of  clcnliche.  Mid  none  ]nnge  nc  niuwi' 
je  oucrkunicn  ne  niatea  him  betcre.  To  cucriclic  prcoste  nici  ancro 
schriucn  hire  of  swuchc  opcidichc^  sunncn  j^et  to  alle  men  biualleS:^ 
auh  ful  trusti  *?  ful  sikcr  lico  schal  boon  of  J^e  preostcs  godnesso' 
];ct  lico  allungc  schca\ve"S  to  liu  liire  stont  abutcn  vleschliche  teuta- 
ciuns,  jif  hco  ham  hauctS  i  0t5er  jif  h.eo  is  mid  h;un  ^  ivouded  :'  bute 
jif  hit  bco  inc  deac)es  dute.  pus  ]jauh  nie  junichelS  ]>ct  hco  mei 
siggen:  "Sire,  vlesclics  ftvndungc  j^-t  icli  habbe,  olSi'r  habbe  ilicued, 
goS  to  iiorS  iipc  me,  ];uruh  mine  feblesce.'  Ich  am  uf  drod  le.4e  I 
o-o  driuindc  ocJerliwules  to  swu^c  viorSward  up''  fole  J'ouhtcs,  and 
fulc  iirnbestunde  r'  ase  ]>auh  ich  hunfedc  efler  likuiig.-.      Icli  mulitr, 

]>uruli  Godcs  strcncbe,  seheken  h 

ftc    of 

Xif  icl 

icli  Wire  e\\ 

ins.-li;ikf.   'J".      isc-li:il:e.  C. 

scalr.  T. 

;a;-,nuincnO.    T.  C. 

rckenr  i  ivdu  !iil  \.it!-rli<-Iio.   T. 

i;u.llci.'.    T.   ('. 

|.iu.-;i  iMin  laf>;;,;;r.   C 

*■  l.ii-.-.iiMt.   T. 

■'  uiil)i.scho!ic.-iso.  T. 

'  hrcvcs.  T.     aihl.ivuf.l.   C 

''  ultcilklir.  T.  C. 

CM    ri(-)N>  ^ViTll    KKOAT^t    lO  COXFKS^K  )V. 


it  morose  connti'ii.'ip.ce.  oi 
lai'lniir  u  i;i(l')\v,  of  lioui's  ill 
tvi-'-'nii.'  tiiiio;  ot'aiiv  false  '.v 
.>t\li'oj)]iii)L!,-  crutiilis,  (ir  ^pil 

s;iciK'c  ]ir(.l<cu,  of  sittliiu-  to.)  loiin-  i,t  tin' 
s;!!(l,  of  without  attention  of  licart,  or  at  u 
»r(L  or  oatli ;  of  [>la^^  of  .-coruriil  lau^htiT, 
inn-  ;ilo,  or  lottini;'  tliinL;-  orow  niouldy.  or 
rustv,  or  I'otti'ii  ;  clutlios  iivit  m'\wi1,  wet  witli  I'ain,  <ir  nnwaslien  ;  a  cup 
or  a  dish  hrokoi,  or  any  thing  carolcssly  loohcnl  ai'tor  which  wo  aro 
using,-'  oi-  ^\hirh  wo  ouglit  to  ta];o  care  of;  or  (if  *-utring.  or  of  (hi- 
maging,  ihrougli  licC(Iless)iL'SS.  Of  all  the  tilings  In  i-ule  which 
are  neglected,  let  her  confess  once  a  Avoek  at  least,  for  thei-e  is  iioni; 
of  these  things  so  small   that  the  devil  hath  not  written  in  his  roll. 

I'ut   confession    eraseth   it. 

(1    niaketh    him    to  L 

nuieh    of  his 

laliou]-.  And  all  that  coiitl'^sion  dotli  riot  era^e  he  will  read  full 
readi'iN'  on  the  da}'  (jf  judgment,  in  order  to  accu-o  thee  with  it;  a 
single  wcncl  shall  not  he  wanting.  Now,  therefore.  1  advice  that  w c 
gl\e  him  the  least  to  write  we  ever  can;  for  no  emiihn-ment  is  moi-e 
gratifying  to  him.  And  whatever  is  written  be  careful  to  erase  it 
cleanly.  With  ni^thing  may  ye  overcome  nor  defeat  him  bettor. 
An  anchoress  may  confess  to  any  priest  such  open  sins  as  all  ukmi 
are  liable  to  fall  into  ;  but  she  mu-t  be  well  assureil  and  CiHilident  of 
the  integrity  of  the  priest  to  whom  she  sheweth  umvservedly  how  it 
stands  with  her  in  regard  to  carnal  temptations,  if  she  hath  them,  or 
if  she  is  tenn.ted  with  them,  except  it  be  under  the  fear  of  death.  I 
am  of  opinion,  however,  that  she  may  say  in  this  maimer,  "  Sir, 
carnal  temptations  which  I  have,  or  have  had,  prevail  over  me  loo 
nmch,  on  account  of  my  weakness.  I  am  afraid  lest  1  shudtl 
go  driving  on  sometimes  much  too  far  upon  foolish,  and,  at  times, 
foul  thoughts,  as  if  I  were  hunting  after  pleasure.  T  might,  through 
God's  powerful  help,  often  shake  tlicm  off  me,  if  I  were  promj-tly 
and  stoutly  to  exert  myself.  T  am  sorely  afraid  lest  tlie  pleasure  in 
the  thought  sliould  often  contimie  too  long,  so  that  it  might  well  nigh 
attain  tl7c  consent  of  the  mind."  T  daiv  not  [receimiiend]  that  she 
shon Id  confess  more  fully  concerning  this  to  young  prK-ts,  but    to 

■■'  i;i,rolhi 
(AMI).   SOC. 

-„  uitli 

34  G 

i;r.{;ri..T-:\!;i  m. 


lielu'  ?  .-taL.'wavilHclio  uiiiljc.  Icli  am  (itliTcd  sore  losti;  \>v  drlit  in 
]?(!  I'ouhiO  k'ste  to  longe  uf'to,  so  ]'ct  hit  kiime  iieili  skilos  jetlungo." 
Ich  lie  (Ivr  nout  ]>ct  lico  clcoi)lukor''' scliriuc  liii'c  to  j-uniro  piVDStcs 
licr  aluitLiK  Xnh  to  liiiv  owuiic  sclirlft  fcdcr,  o^o^  lo  suinnic  oiSre 
lif-iiolic  niijiine :  T,if  lico  mci  hiue  liabbcn,  kulk-  a!  ut  ]'et  Is  i^c 
krocke  : '"  ]'er  lico  sclial  sj)eoweii  al  ut  j'ct  v  i'ikUt  :'  ]'lt,  laid  I'ulc 
-Nvordcsj  }'et  ful\5c,  cftor  ]'et  hit  is,  tukio  aUo  a\  uiidri.'  :'  so  ]n-t  lie*, 
divde  ]"jt  lieo  hurtc  liis  eaivii  ]>vi  lu'iviiciS  hire  suiiiicii.  .Vnd  j^if 
eiil  aiicre  is  ]^et  not  nout  of  swueh  jniigcs,  ]>onke  ^oonic  Jcsu  Crist, 
■?  liolde  hire  ine  drede.  pe  dcouel  nis  nout  dead  jct :'  J>ct  \vute  lieo, 
Jjauli  lie  slepe. 

tiihto  gultes  LetecS  Inis  anonriht/  Li  on  suluen :'  and  ]>auh  siggvb 
ham  ine  schriftc  hwon  je  ]>eneheiS  of  liani  asc  je  sjickc^S  mid  j»reoste. 
Vor  ]'C  leste  of  alk'j  so  sone  -^q  nnderjite^  hit,  ualK'iS  hiiioreii  owcr 
weoucd  a  cjeoix  to]>er'^  corcie,  7  siggetJ,  "  ^loa  tidj)a:""  leii  agiilte  : 
Louerd,  merci  I  po  preost  ne  ]>erf  nor  none  gulte,  ])utc  jif  hit  beo 
J?e  grettre,  leggen  ober  schrift  on  on  );en  ])et  lif  j>et  3c  IcdeS  cfter 
]7isse  riwle.  Auh,  eftcr  )>c  absoluciun  he  schal  siggen,  "  Al  ]jet  god 
bet  tu  euer  dest,  '%  al  pet  vuel  ]>et  tu  euer  |>olest  uoi-  ]>e  lime  of  Jesu 
Crist,  AviSinnen  ];Ine  ancre  wowcs, — al  ieh  on  iunne  ])e/  ?  al  ieh 
len-rre  uppG  hc  ino  remission  of  ]kh)s,  7  in  remission,  1  in  iiorjluonesse 
of  alle  I'iiie  sunnen."  And  ];eonne  smii  Intel  hwat  he  mel  leggen  on 
be,  o"Ser  on  ou,  ase  enne  salm,  oiScn-  two  Pater  nostres,  ten  Ave 
Marias,  ocier  tweolue.  Disciplines  cchen  to,  ji;if  him  so  bi^um•hccj.'' 
Efter  }>e  circumstanees"  Jn't  beo^i  iwriten  J;er  U]>i)e,  he  sehal  ]>e 
sunne  domen  more  oiSer  lesse.  O  suiine  uor^Iueheh  mei  beun  ful 
dcadlich,  j'liruh  sum  vuel  circumstauiiees-  J>ct  li^  ]>er  abuten. 

niin,j;o  I-.-.    T. 

\n:    V 

riillo  al  )ic  ]H  t  u(.  T.  (', 
o  cros  (Inn  t^  \w.    J  . 

coIk  I..  7,;ri,iiu  \\i>-.  v. 

TIMVIAL  faults;    IT.XANX  K 



liiT  own  fatlier  confessni-.  or  to  sonic  otlier  man  of  holy  life.  If  she 
may  ji;i\<'  liiin,  h-t  Ikt  unuv  all  out  that  Is  in  the  crock  :  there,  let  her 
vomit  niif  ;i!l  tliaf  lerlliiii-  stuR':  tliere,  v/itli  words  foul  as  i{^  own 
tilth,,  k't  her  censurr  it,  -o  velienicntly,  that  sli.>  may  he  afraid  lost 
slie  olllinl  tlie  ears  of  liim  ^\  ho  hearetli  hei-  siim.  And,  if  there  i.-. 
any  aiu'lioross  who  is  iguurant  of  such  things,  let  her  hcartilj-  thank 
,Je'<u<  Christ,  and  let  her  continue  in  fear.  'J'he  devil  is  not  yet 
dead;   let  liei-  know  that,  though  he  may  be  asleep. 

1  rivial  faults  correct  thus,  immediately,  yourselves ;  and  yet, 
mention  tliem  to  the  priest,  when  ye  thiid<  of  them  in  confession. 
For  the  ver\  least  of  them,  as  soon  as  ye  are  conscious  of  it,  fall 
down  in  the  foiun  of  a  cross  to  the  earth  before  your  altar,  and  say, 
"  Mea  culpa:"  I  am  guilty;  Lord,  have  mercy.  The  priest  need 
not  for  any  fault,  unless  it  be  the  greater,  impose  any  other  penance 
U})ou  you  than  the  life  Avhicli  yc  lead  according  to  this  rule.  But 
after  the  absolution,  he  shall  say,  "  The  merit  of  all  the  good  thou 
mayest  have  done,  and  all  the  evil  thou  maycst  have  suffered  for  the 
love  of  Jesus  Christ,  witliin  thy  monastic  walls,  I  grant  thee,  and  I 
apply  it  all  to  thee,  towards  the  remission  of  these,  and  towards  the 
remission  and  forgiveness  of  all  thy  sins."  And  then  he  may 
impose  some  small  thing  upon  thee,  or  upon  you,  as  a  Psalm,  or  two 
Paternosters,  ten  or  twelve  Ave  Marys.  He  may  add  flagellations 
too,  if  he  think  fit.  According  to  the  circumstances,  wdiich  are 
written  above,  he  shall  iudire  tlie  sin  to  be  greater  or  less.  One 
venial  sin  nuiy  be  very  deadly,  throngh  some  e\il  circumstance  tliat 
is  joined  with  it. 


I'>!n-!- -.clii-irt,',  hit  fall.^   t,,  >iK-k-ii  d"   IViiiti-iire,  |'L-t  is  .lodljufe  :' 
7  ^o  we  ]l;l1)!Je^  iiii;((ng.  ut  of  \h><l'  vilk-  dole,  iiif'.  )'0  sixt.-  dole. 

Al  is  penitence,  7  tet  strong  penitence,  ]»et  ^e  eucr  dl•ie^,  niiur 
leoue  sustn^n,  and  [al]  J'ct  je  eiicr  do\S  of  god,  f  al  pet  je  jwliefi. 
Alison  nor  niartirdoni  ino  so  dcrful  •'' ordre  r'  vor  ^e  beo5  nilit  ? 
dci  upe  Godes  rode.  IMiSe  niinvc  [30]  euer  beon  |>crof.  Vor  asc 
Seinte  Towel  sclb:  "Si  conipatiniur,  et  conregnabinuis."  Asc  50 
schotteS  mid  bim  of  his  pine  on  corlSe,  also  5c  scbulen  scotten  i\\'u\ 
him  of  liis  blisse  ine  heouene.  YorcJi  seiS  Seinte  I'owi'l,  '-Alilii 
absit  gloriari  nisi  in  crnco  domini  nostri  Jesu  Cristi."  Al  me  lilis.-e 
mot  been  in  Jesu  Cristes  rode.  pis  word  nonieliclie  limpeJS  to 
anci'en,  liwas  Idlsse  aub  forto  bef)n  allungo  ine  Godes  rode.  Icli 
cliulle  biginnen  of  berre,  7  libten  so  J'erto.  Ninicci  mi  god  j^onie, 
vor  bit  is  abnest  Seint  IJeornardes  Sentence. 

preo  manere  of  Godes  icorcnc  bco5  on  coriSc.  pe  one  muwe 
beon  iefned  to  gode  pilegrimcs  :'  ]>c  o'Ser  to  doade :'  ]'c  ]>ridde  to 
ibongede,  mid  boi'c  godc  willo,  o  Jesu  Cristes  rode.  ]')c  unnne  beuN 
gode  :^  ]>e  oSre  betcrc  :'  ]'C  ]>riddo  beoiS  best  of  alle. 

To  I'e  uoruie  gi'odoi)  Seinte  IVter  iuw  ardliebc,  ami  sei^,  "  Obsecro 
uos  tainquc  aducnas  7  peregrinos  ut  ab^tincatis  uos  a  earnalibus 
desideriis,  rpie  militant  aduersus  aniniain."  ''  Icb  lialsie  on,'' be  sei^, 
Seinte  Peter,  "  alse  uiikuSc''7])ilegrinies,  j-el  i;e  wiMioldi'U  on  Iroui " 
vlesllelu^  lii,>tes,  ]>et  weorreS  aj^ean  ]>e  sonle."  J7e  gotle  pilogrini  iialt 
euer  bis  rihte  wei  uortS^vard:'  ]'aub  lie  iseo  o^e^l■  iliere  iileic 
oomeiK'S  7  Avuiidres  bi   jn.-  weie,   be   ne  etMonf'  nmit   ase  I'oles  do\ 

^  cKV'.Mli.  T.      )..■,.,;.  lontK.i 
'•    \vi.\s(oiul.>.    1. 

-1.  (• 

TJIi:  ELECT  OX  EAliTir  AIM:  Ol'  TmiKi:  KIXDS. 


.Aiier  confusslon,  it  is  [>rupcr  to  sj.eak  of  |n"n:uux-,  that  is,  ainends- 
(kv.l,  and  thus  wo  have  ;;  way  out  of  tliis  fiftli  {.art  into  the  sixth 

PAirr  VJ.— Of  1>kxaxce. 

All  tluit  ye  endure,  my  dear  sisters,  and  all  the  good  you  ever 
do,  and  all  that  you  suffer  is  penance,  and  that,  strong  penancf.  It 
is  all  like  martyrdom  to  you  in  so  strict  an  order,  for  ye  are  night 
and  day  iipon  our  Lord's  cross.  Glad  may  ye  ever  he  thereof. 
For,  as  St.  Paul  saith,  "  Si  compatirnur,  et  conregnabiinus."  *  As 
ye  share  with  him  in  his  suffering  on  earth,  ye  shall  also  share  with 
him  in  his  blessedness  in  heaven.  "  Wherefore,"  St.  Paul  saith, 
"  God  f(jrbid  that  I  should  glory,  save  in  the  ci-oss  of  our  Lord 
Jesus  Christ."  ^  All  our  joy  must  be  in  the  cross  of  Jesus  Christ. 
This  saying  belongs  especially  to  anchoresses,  whose  joy  ought  to  be 
wholly  in  our  Lord's  cross.  1  will  begin  from  a  higher  point,  and 
so  come  down  to  this  part  of  the  subject.  Now  pay  good  attention, 
for  it  is  nearly  all  from  the  Sentences'^  of  St.  Bernard. 

The  elect  of  God  on  earth  are  of  three  kinds:  one  kind  may  be 
compared  to  good  pilgrims,  another  to  the  dead,  the  third  to  men 
suspended  vohmtarily  upon  the  cross  of  Jesus  Christ.  The  first  arc 
good,  the  second  are  better,  the  third  are  best  of  all. 

^Vo  the  first  St.  Peter  crieth  earnestly  and  saith,  "  Obsecro  vos 
tanquam  advenas  et  peregrinos  ut  abstineatis  a  carnalibus  desideriis, 
(juai  militant  adversus  animam."  "^  "I  beseech  you,"  saith  St. 
Peter,  "as  strangers  and  pilgi-iins,  that  ye  abstain  from  fleshly  lusts, 
which  war  against  the  soul."'  'J'he  good  pilgrim  holds  always  on  his 
way  straight  forward;  although  he  see  or  hear  idle  sports  and 
wonders   by    the  way,  he  doth  not  slop  as  fools  do,  but  holds  on  his 

•'   'J  'riinilliv,  ii.  T-.  ''   Cialiitiaiis,  vi.  II. 

'•,,  I-  S.n.riifianiin.  "    ]    IV'ter,  ii.   11. 


UKcri.  K  i.NCiA  sAi;r>r. 

Folio  96. 

auh  liult  W^v^  Ills  nitc  ?  liieJS  toward  his  gist.-  :'  ne  ho  iic  ljoi\;N  no 
garsuni  Late  gucdclichf  Ills  speuse,  nc  ckiScs  JiouSer,  butu  one  l>oo 
])et  \vc  liaueS  ik'oJ  to. "     pis  l)Co5  holie  men,  ]K-t  ]jiuih  heo  h 


Avoildo  hoo  beoS  ]>erlunc  asc  pilcgrimcs,  "5!  gui)  mid  gode  liHode  tou- 
-vvard  ]>e  richc  of  heoucne,  %  siggeS  mid  \o  apostle,  "Kon  hidn-mus 
hie  maiieiitoiu  ciuitatem,  scd  fiitm-am  inquirimus : "  J>et  is,  "  Nabhe  wir 
none  wununge  lier,  auh  we  scchetS  o^er  wuuunge,"  and  hco^  bi  ]>c 
lestc  }>et  hoc  cncr  nmwen  :'  nc  lieo  nabbetS,  no  ne  holdeS  none  tali- 
of  none  worldliclie  iirourc,  ])aiili  hco  beon  ine  worldlichc  weic,  a-^o 
ich  seide  cr,  of  pilegrimcs,  auh  habbeS  liore  heorte  encr  touward 
licouene.  And  owen  wel  uorte  babben  :'  vor  obre  pilegrimcs  gu5 
mid  swhiko  uoitc  seclien  one  holie  monnes  bones,  asc  Sein  James 
oSer  Sein  Giles:'  auh  ]>eo  pilegrimcs  ]>et  go5  touward  hcouene, 
heo  goS  forte  beon  isontcd,  7  forte  iuindon  God  sulf  ?  alle  his  holie 
halcwen  libbinde  ine  blissc,  7  scbulen  libbeii  mid  ham  ine  wmm.- 
cuer  wibuten  ende.  Ileo  iuindeb,  iwi.s,  Sein  Julianes  in,  l>ct  weiuer- 
inde  men  jeorne  seehci^. 

Nubeo5]>eos  gode  r  auh  ^ct  beo5  \g  o«re  betere.  Vor  al le- 
gate, ase  ich  er  seide,  pilegrimcs  al  gon  heo  cuer  forSward,  ne  ne 
bikumen  nout  buruhmen  iSe  worldes  buruh  r'  ham  ]Muichc5  J.avdi 
sumu>ccherc  god  of  l^et  heo  iscoiS  bi  \o  wVie,  ?  etstondeJ;»>  sum  del 
bauh  heo  nc  don  mid  allc  :'  %  moni  >ing  ham  ualle^i  to  hwar  Vuruh 
lieo  beoS  ilette,  so  J^et,  more  herm  is,  sum  kumeJS  lete  hom  ?  sum 
neucrmore.  Whoa  is  j.eonne  skerre,  7  more  lit  of  )>c  worlde  j^en 
beoS  pilegrimcs  ?-];et  is  to  siggen,  ])cn  ])eo  men  ]>ct  habbe^  world- 
lieh  hino-  %  ue  luic-S  hit  mmt,  auh  :;ine>i  hit  ase  lut  kumeS  ham,  ? 
go^  untnissed  lihtc  asc  pilegrimcs  touuard  heouuie.  Wlioa  beoM 
betere  >en  ].eos?  God  hit  wot,  jn-o  beo^  Wwu-  \A  \.  apostle 
spekeS  to,  1  sei^  iu  Ins  pistle,  "  Mortu.  .sti^, 
abse<...dita  est:  eum  Christo  in  Deo  ,  eun.  aut.ui 
uestra,  tunc  et  nos  apparebitis  eun,  eo  in  giuria."      Le  beo^  deade,  1 

•t    uita    uestru 
ppa merit   uita 

liim  til  lie 

I. -^   T. 

Millt.^.    C. 

I.  (.ooi)  rii-cKni^ 

II.    DKAT)  WITH  C1IU1:-T. 


route,  aiK.l  ]i;i-toiK'tli  lowavJ  lii^  inn  wlicro  lie  is  to  IhIm-o;  neither 
dorh  lie  rari-v  any  treaMirc  witli  liiiii  but  barely  for  his  expenses, 
nor  -irincMts  cither,  except  one  which  he  needcth.  These  arc  holy 
niCJi  vjiu,  lliough  thoy  are  ii;  the  woi'hl,  are  not  in  it  as  pilo-nms, 
mid  l.y  leading  a  go<xl  life  go  toward  the  kingdom  of  heaven,  and 
<ay,  with  the  Apo>tlo,  "  Non  habennis  hie  nuincnteni  civitatoni,  sod 
tuturaiii  inijuirimus :  "  '"  that  Is,  "  ^^'e  have  no  dwelling-place  here, 
but  we  seek  an.ither  dwelling-place;"  and  they  arc  satisfied  with  the 
smallest  accommodation  possible,  and  neither  have,  nor  make  aiu^ 
aoconnt  of  any  worldly  pleasnre,  though  they  are  in  their  iourney 
through  the  woidd,  as  I  said  above  of  pilgrims,  but  they  have  their 
heart  ;d\vays  heaven-ward.  And  they  ought  Avell  to  have  it.  for 
otiier  jjilgrims  go  Mith  toil  to  seek  a  holy  man's  bones,  as  of  St. 
James,  or  St.  Giles,  but  these  pilgrims  wlio  go  toward  heaven  iro  to 
be  sainted,  and  to  find  God  himself,  and  all  his  holy  saints  livinn-  in 
blrssedness^  and  to  live  with  them  for  ever  in  endless  joy.  Siu'el}' 
they  find  St.  Julian's  inn,  which  wayfaring  men  diligently  seek. 

Now  these  are  good,  but  the  next  are  still  better.  For,  although, 
a>  I  said  before,  all  pilgrims  go  ever  forward,  and  do  not  become 
citi/ens  in  the  world's  city,  yet  they  are  sometimes  deliglited  with  the 
tilings  they  see  by  the  way,  and  stand  still  a  while,  though  not 
altogether,  and  many  things  happen  to  them  whereby  they  arc 
liindered,  so  that — the  more  is  the  harm — some  come  home  late, 
some  never.  Who  then  are  safer  and  more  out  of  the  world  than 
pilgrims  are?  that  is  to  say,  than  those  men  who  have  worldly  things 
and  love  them  not,  but  give  them  away  as  they  come  to  them,  and 
go  unburdened  and  light,  as  pilgrims,  toward  heaven.  AMio  are 
better  than  they?  God  knoweth  !  they  are  better  to  whom  the 
Ajtostle  saith  in  his  epistle,  "  IMortui  estis,  ct  vestra  vita  abscondita 
cum  C]n-i>t()  iu  Deo ;  cum  uutem  apparuerit  vita  vestra,  tunc  et  vos 
aMKirebitis  cum   co  in  olona  :"  •'  "  Ye  are  dead,  and  your  life  is  hid 

"   Col. 


KKCl  l./i;  IXCLl.SAUr.M. 

ower  !if  i-  iluid  im\l  Cristo.  Ik-  ]>ct  i^  owcr  lil  «.l:nvoh  1 
sprlngfS  ])e  dawuiin.-  cffoi-  nihlcs  ]>oo.sUTnesse,  1  jc  scliulc-ii 
springvu  mid  liiui,  sclicm-e  ]>cn  ]>,■  sumio  into  cclie  1;lis,;e!  ]k,I  mi  l)c>(>^ 
JHis  dcade.  JJoic  lidodc  is  lionv :  nor  i»i]cgr!!r,  (,•il.■^  liioniliwat, 
pc  dead"  noul  of,  ]):iu]i  hv  liggc  uiil.unod  7  r.^ric  l.uu.-i  c-.r'o.\ 
Preise  liim,  lasto  liiin,  do  liim  sdicume,  soio  liii:!  sclicoim- :  ;d  liim 
is  iliclie  L.of.  pis  is  a  soli  d.-a^  ])ct  iisake?;  j-n  ,  i-'.vic  mon  o>>ei- 
WLimiJiMii  lit  of  ]k'  w(.r1do.  Aid)  sikirliclio,  liwosv  is  J>ns  dead  in 
hire  suluo!!,  God  liueN  in  liire  lieortc  :  vor  ])is  is  ]>et  Jk-  a[»ostl(r  s(;i^, 
"Vino  ego,  iani  mm  ego,  niuit  auteni  in  me  Cliristus."  "  Idi  liUxv' 
seib  ]>e  ai>ostle  :'  "nout  icli,  auli  Crist  ]iue^i  in  me:"  and  is  asc  ]'auli 
lie  seide,  '•' Worldlielic  speclie,  \\oi-ldliclie  sihSe,  ?  cuericli  \\-u)-ldIicli 
Folio  on  i.  ];ing  iuindeS  mc  dead  :'  auli  ];et  ]>et  JimpeJ^  to  Crist  J»et  icli  isco,  ? 
iliere,  and  wurche  ine  CAviciiesse.  pus  is  cuericli  religius  mon  ? 
wmnmon  dead  to  ]>c  worlil,  T,  cwic  ine  Criste.  pis  is  on  lieih  steire : 
aiili  jet  is  on  herre  :'  and  Invo  stod  cuer  J>crinne  ?  God  liil  wot,  l.e 
J?et  seide,  '-'Mibi  autcm  aLsit  gloriari  nisi  in  crucc  Donu'ni  noslri 
Jesu  Christi,  per  quern  mihi  mundus  crucifixus  est  ct  ego  uiuikIo." 
pis  is  J;et  ich  seide  jKTiippc  :'  "  Crist  me  ischilde  uoj'tu  liablien  eiii 
blisse  i  Jn^se  worlde,  but  ine  Jesu  Cristas  rode,  my  Loucrd,  ])uruli 
Invam  ]'e  world  is  me  umvurS,  *?  icli  am  unwur^  to  liim,  as  wcri '' 
])v.t  is  anliunged."  A  Loucrd,  lieie  stod  he  ]^et  spec  o  ]>isse  Avisc  I 
And  |)is  is  ancre  steire,  ]>et  lieo  ]nis  sigge,  "Mihi  absit  gloriari,"  ?c. 
I  none  ]>inge  ne  blisse  ich  me  butc  ine  Codes  roile, — bet  ich  j^olic  wo,  ? 
am  itold  unwurcS,  ase  God  was  o  rode,  LokeS,  leoucsustren,  hu  ])e..s 
steire  is  herre  ])en  eiil  beo  of  ])c  o^'re.  pe  jiilegrini  icic  world-'S 
weie,  J'auli  he  go  uorc)ward  touward  j'c  horn  of  heouene,  he  isih^  ? 
ihereiS  o-Serliwulc  unmit,  *?  spekeb  umbe  Invidc  :'  ^\^v^^(.•(  him  nor 
Avowes  :'  *?  inonie  ];iiiges  muwen  letten  liim  of  hi-;  jnnieie.  po  deade 
nis'"*  nan  more  t)f  scheome  Jjcn  of  meiike  : '^  of  In  rd  ]\n  of  iicscIk- : 
vor  he  nc  iuelee)  nouiSer  :'  and  for^ii  he  ne  ofei'nciS  nou^er  wo  ne 
Avunne.     Auh  |;e  ]K't  is  o   rode  7  liaueS   blisse  jn-rof,  he  ^\eMdt•^) 

lililiskr.    T. 

rii'.i*  wnir  f'iii:isT. 


til  (  hrist.      W'lhii  lie  tlitit   i.  life  appraretli  :v.v\ 

u'ht.  yc  also  shall  sjii-iiii;-  with 
nal  lilcsscdness.  \\]\ci  ijow  arc 
I'?]-,  Imi-  a  pll':i-i;n  is  sulijoct,  to 
unl)ni-ir<l.  and   r^t   iinou    tlu- 

ilio  cu!'.-.ii   a!tL"-  til.'   (iarkiKxs  v\   rhf   n 

i:iiu.    lu-i-litei-    than    tlie    sun.    iiitfi  etfi 

thus  dead."      Tlieir  coiii'.se  oi'  li^'o  is  iiol 

maiiii'nld  e\il^.      Tlioiiu'li   the   dead    lie 

-round,  lie  is  uiieons'-ious  of  it.     1^-ai-e  liiui.  Iilauie  liim.  |iut  liini  to 

diaiuo  liv  ik\\\  or  M-ord,  all  is  ei|ual!_v  aiji-eeahlc  to   liim.      It  is  u 

iiai'liy  dearii    wlileli  thus  renioveth  a  man  or  a  woman  out  of  tho 

world,  Avhile  they  arc  alive;.      And   suirelv,  slie  who  is  thus  dead  in 

liersclt',   (lod  liveth  in  her  lieart,  for  this  is  that  wliich  the  Apostle 


h,  '•  Vi\'o  c^o,  j;\ui   non   020,   vivit  auteui  in  mo  Cliristus. 


li\e,"'  saitli  the  A}>ostle,  "  iKjt  I,  but  C']iri>t  liveth  in  mc  ;  "  which  is 
as  if  he  said.  \VorldIy  speech,  worldly  siuht,  and  every  worldly 
tlunii'  findeth  me  dead  ;  hut  whatsoever  relates  to  Christ,  that  I  see, 
and  hear,  and  do  as  cue  who  lives.  Thus  is  every  religious  man 
and  woman  dea<l  to  the  world,  and  alive  in  Christ.  This  is  a  high 
dcgi-ee  :  hut  thei'c  is  one  still  higher;  and  who  stood  ever  in  that? 
God  knows  he  who  '^aid,  "But  God  foi'hid  that  I  should  glory,  save 
in  the  cross  of  our  Lord  Jesus  C'hrist:  In"  whom  the  world  is 
crucified  unto  nie,  and  1  unto  the  world."  ^  This  is  what  I  said 
aljove,  Christ  shield  me  from  having  any  delight  in  this  W(n-ld,  hut 
in  Jesus  Christ's  cr(;ss,  my  Loi'd,  through  whom  the  world  is 
^\•0]■thle3s  to  me,  and  I  am  worthless  to  it,  as  a  man  that  is  crucified. 
Ah,  Lord!  how  high  did  he  stand  who  spoke  in  this  wise?  And 
tliis  is  the  anchoress's  degree,  who  should  say  thus,  God  forhid  that 
1  slujuld  glory,  &c.  In  nothing  let  nio  delight  hut  in  God's  cross, 
that  I  sufl'er  wrong  and  am  acconntod  worthless,  as  God  was  on  the 
cross.  Ol-,c-rve,  dear  sisters,  how  this  degree  is  higher  than  any  of 
the  oth.n-s  aie.  The  j-ilgi-im  in  the  worM's  ^^■Ay,  though  he  is  going 
foi'ward  toward  the  home  of  hcaveii,  seeth  and  hearelh  sometimes 
Vain  things,  and  sometimes  speak(;th  them.  lie  is  jirovoked  to 
Juiuta- hv  Mrono-.s,  and  nianv  things   mav  hinder  him   from  pursumg 

^  G.ilatianr. 
CAMf).   SOC. 

2   7. 



nr.orL.'T;  ixcllsauim. 

scliounio  to  iiioiiko,''  ?  wo  info  wiiiiuo,  7  o^cnnK■^''  fi.vISi  liuiv  ou.  r 
hnrc.  j^I-  IdMi  ]ieo  ])rt  iicucr  no  Ix-oIS  glctlc  iheoHcrl  l.nt.'  Iiw.m 
hco  ]>,ii;,^i  sum  \vo,  (j^cr  sum  scliconio  luiJ  Jesu  on  hi-;  ivule  :  vor 
J.'is  is  ]'e  niesto  .scluli^c  on  ool•^;r  liwoso  uici,  uor  (uAv>  luue,  IiuMx'M 
selicouio  7  toone.  ]lus  loke,  rilit  ancron  ne  bcoS  nout  one  pil-.- 
griuies,  no  jct  iioul,  ono  deaJe,  uuli  booS  (.f  |>eos  ])ridilo.  Vor  al 
hero  lj]i>~o  is  nortc  Leon,  unlionged  sorlliclic  7  sclieoniclielio  nilJ  lesu 
on  lu's  rode.  pens  muwc  L]i^)c  singen  mid  lioli  chirclic,  "  Xos 
oportct  gloriari  in  cruce  Doniini  nostri  Jcsu  Cln-jsti,"  J;ct  is,  asc  icli 
er  .scidc,  liwat  se  hco  of  oSrc :  hco  liabheJS  here  hllssc  sum  inc 
vlcsclics  lilvungc,  sum  iiSc  worldcs  dwcolcj  stun  in  o^l•os  vucl  :'  auh 
Avc  mote  ncdo  hlcscicn  us  inc  Jesu  Cristcs  jodt — j^-t  is,  inc  sclicome 
7  inc  Avo  ]'ct  lie  drcih  on  rode.  ?»Ioni  woldc  sumes  wuis  pohcn 
vlcschcs  lici'dscliipcs,  7  heon  itold  unwurS,  auli  none  sclieomc  ne 
mlhte  lie  ]ndi<Mi.  lie  nis  hute  halflungc  upo  Godes  rode,  "ijif  he  nis 
igrciiSed  uorte  ]>olicn  ham  hoSe. 

"  Uilitas  ct  asperitas."  Vilte  and  asprcte,  ]?cos  two  [);iiirres] 
schcome  and  ])iiio,  asc  Scint  ]>crnai-d  seiS,  bcoS  ]>o  two  Icddro  stalcii 
Vet  bco<S  uprilil,  to  ])c  hcoueno,  and  l)it\veoncn  ]>eos  stalen  boo'iS  he 
tindcs  ivestned  of  alle  gode  j'cawes,  hi  Invuche ''  me  climbeS  to  he  of  lieoiiene.  And  fortii  j'ct  Dauid  hcfde  ];cos  two  stalen  of 
J?isse  leddre,  pauh  he  king  avci-c,  lie  clomb  upward  7  scidc  baldeliche 
to  urc  Loucrd,  "Yidc  humllitateni  mcain  ct  laborcni  mcuni,  vt 
dimitte  vniucrsa  dclicta  mea."  "  liiliold,"  cwcS  he,  "and  isih  mine 
edmodnessc  7  mi  swine,  7  forgif  me  mine  sumien  alle  togederes." 
Note'5  wel  Jn'os  two  woi'd-^s  ])et  Dauid  ncie\S  somed — swiiu;  and 
cdniodnesse  :    swiue    iiie    |)in('    7    ine    wo,     inc    sor   7  inc   seonnv ; 


VMS    \M)  SIIAMF,   A  I.ADDHII  KT'.ACll  INfi  'lO  III.AVKN. 


Ins  jcainio; 
llir.lMur,  of 
carii>  n"itli 
drlLhr  in 

'I  ho  (lend  arc  no  inorc  conscious  of  reproach  thnn  of 
■J  llia'.i  of  soft;  i\:v  ho  feelctli  iieitlicr,  and  tlioroforo  he 
-oiTuw  nor  ii.y,  r.ut  he  that  is  on  tlie  cro.v^.  'ind  hath 
tuniclli  rcpriiarli  to  lionou)-,  and  surrow  into  Jo}-,  and 
tlici\(<)!\',  a  (U)u1)!l-  reward  Siudi  are  they  who  are  never 
giai-I-h(.':ii'U'd  (wrrpt  when  tliey  are  snfVering  some  lii-ief  or  some 
reproach  -with  Jesus  on  liis  cross;  for  tliis  is  the  greate>t  happine,--. 
ell  earth  wlien  any  one  can,  t"or  tlie  love  of  God,  bear  rei)roach  and 
pain.  Tluis  observe,  tliat  true  ancliorcsscs  arc  not  merely  pilurims, 
nor  yet  merely  dead,  but  they  arc  of  the  tliird  class.  For  all  their 
delight  is  to  be  suspended  paiiifully  and  ignonn'niously  with  Jesus  on 
his  cross.  They  may  sing  gladly  with  the  holy  Church,^  "  It  be- 
JioAcs  us  to  glory  in  the  cross  of  our  Lord  Jesns  Christ ;  "  that  is,  as  I 
said  before,  whatever  may  be  the  case  with  others:  they  place  their 
ha}i[)ines5,  some  in  carnal  pleasures,  some  in  the  deceitful  vanities  of 
the  \\orld,  some  in  the  evil  that  befalls  others  ;  but  we  mu-t  glory  in 
the  cross  of  Jesus  Christ,  that  is,  in  the  ignominy  and  pain  that  he 
endured  on  the  cross.  INFany  might  be  willing  to  .sutUu-  in  some 
measure  bodily  hardships,  and  to  be  meanly  accoimted  of,  but  not 
to  endure  ignominy.  He  is  only  in  part  u[)on  God's  cnjss  who  is 
not  ready  to  endure  them  both. 

"  Vilitns  ct  asperitas,"  comtempt  and  ill  usage ;  these  two  things, 
ignominy  and  i)aiii,  as  St.  Bernard  saith,  are  the  two  arms  of  the 
ladder  which  reach  up  to  heaven,  and  between  those  arms  are  fixed 
the  staves  [or  steps]  of  all  the  virtues  by  which  men  climb  up  to 
tlie  blessedness  of  heaven.  And  because  David  had  the  two  arms  of 
this  ladder,  though  he  was  king,  he  cHmbed  upward,  and  said  boldly 
to  our  Lord,  "  Vide  humilitatcm  mcam  et  laborem  meum,  et  dimitte 
uiiiversa  delicta  mea."  ^  "Behold,"  said  he,  "and  s.-e  my  humility 
and  my  labour,  and  forgive  me  all  my  sins."  Mark  well  these  two 
words  which  David  Joineth  together— labour  and  liumiiily:  labour, 
in    i,;iin   and    orief,    in    anxiel)'  and   sorrow;    hinnilily,    aganr-t    the 

llic  i'ea,t  ofllK'  Ii 

:.  \: 


kkgul.t:  ixcm>;ai; 

CMliuoanc.-.>e  a;^e;ui  \v(iiih  of  sclicoiiu"  |)i-t  )»i'»ii  drili^  j/ct  is  t'>!d 
mp.viu?.  '-'Ijube  j'uos  biliuld  in  iiio,"  cwc^  Dauiil,  (iixlci  ilcorling, 
'•  Icli  ]i;il>lie  ]>ciis  tw  u  k-ddrc  st:dc)i."*  "  Diniittc  Miiu'Tsa  dclicta  mca." 
lli'jf,  cvL^  lie,  l)i!iiiuU"  inc,  7  Morp  awoi  urom  me  :dK'  iniiK-  gnlfcs, 
/'ly^y  07  6.  |;ct  ieli  bvM,  ilihtcd  of  liorc  lituiiiicssc',  lihtliclie  muwc  sticii  up  to  ]>er 
licouciie  bi  JMSse  Icddj-c  stulen. 

/■.,//o  liS. 

pcos'''  two  }>Iuges,  wo  and  sclicomc  uioiod  togcdcros,  buoS  Klies 
Inveoles  ]':t  wcrcn  fui'cnc,  use  liif  telk^^,  and  boi-en  him  u])  to  Parai?, 
]>cr  lie  liiiLLi  jut.  Fur  is  hot  7  read  Bi  ]'c  hctc  is  undcrstondon 
eucrlcli  ^\■u  ]ict  eileiS  tlcsclio.  Schcoine  is  uiidfr>tond('n  hi  Jjc  reader' 
auh  Avci  niei  do;i.  Ileo  LeoiS  lier  hweolindc  ase  Invcolcs  ]'et  ouer- 
turne^  sonc,  and  no  lesteiJ  none  liw  rJe.  pis  ilkc  is  eke  hitocned  bi 
cherubiues  sweordo  biaoren  ])o  jelen  of  Parais,  ];ct  \\n^,  of  hii^7 
hweohnde  7  turninde  abuten.  Xe  kunietS  noii  into  Parais  bute 
]?uruli  j'issc  kitlnde  sweordc,  Jjct  was  hot  7  read:  and  in  lilies 
furene  li\ve<.)les  :'  J'ct  is,  ]niruh  sor  7  schcouic,  ]'et  oucrturncJS  hlit- 
hche  7  agev5  sone.  And  ncs  Godes  rode  ]>uruh  liis  doorcwurlSe 
blodc  iruded  7  ireaded,  vortc  sclicawen  on  him  sulf  ]K-t  pine  7 
seoruwe  7  sor  schulen  mid  scheomc  bcon  iheouwed?  Nis  hit  iwi-iten 
bi  him  sulf;  '•  Factus  est  obediens  Patri  usque  nd  uiortei.i,  niorteni 
autcni  cruois  :"  ]^et  is,  he  was  bvdisnm  to  his  Feder,  iiout  one  to 
dcaSe,  auh  to  deaSe  of  rode.  Jluruh  ]?et  ]'et  he  sciS  crest,  "  to 
dea?)e,"  is  pine  to  understondeu  :'  and  ]>uruli  ]»ct  ])et  ho  ]>cr  eftcr 
sciiS,  '-to  dea^^e  o  rode,"  is  schcndhic  bitoeiied  :'  vor  bwueli  was 
Godcs  dcaS  o  rode— piuful  7  schendful  oner  alle  o^re.  Ihvose  cuor 
deieb  ine  God,  7  o  Godes  rode,  ]>eos  two  he  mot  ]>ohen — sclioomo 
nor  ]iim,  7  pine.  Sciieome  ich  telle  uorte  beon  cuer  licr  itold 
unv.urc),  and  beggcn  ase  on  harlot,  jif  hit  need  is,  his  liuene^,  ami  beon 
oJ^res  bcodeuiun,  ase  je  beo'S,  leoue  sustren,  7  ]»olie^  ofte  daunger  of 
swuclie  ooLihwule  ]>vt  nuditc  beon  ower  ]>rel.  ]Vt  is  eadie  seheome 
het  ich  oi' till ir-.^-     I'ine  ne  trukc^  on   nout    in"  ]m.s  iike  tw.  ]>inge5 

"  h- 

•    si-tki.-.    l-. 


ELI.)  Ml  .•^  CHAHIOT  OT   FIUI 

Till",  FLAM  INC   S\\ui:l) 


urijust  i-'iniiiinv  wliieh  a  uv.m  oiiduivs  wliu  is  (k\>pi<i'(l.  "  lidioM 
ill  iiic  IjoMi  of  tlir-^o,"  s;iitli  Duvid  tlie  beloved  of  God,  ''  I  have  thcsi' 
two  aims  of  tlie  ladder.''  ''Diniitte  iiiiivoi-sa  dolicta  inoa:"  Leave 
behind  me,  salth  he,  ;uid  east  away  i'roni  me  all  my  otfenccs,  that 
I  may  be  lightened  of  their  weight,  and  may  mount  up  lightly  to 
heaven  bv  the  arms  of  this  ladder. 

J  hose  two  things,  grief  and  ignominy,  joined  together,  are 
Elijah's  wheels  that  weiv  of  fire,  as  we  arc  t(dd,^  and  bore  him  up 
to  Paradise,  whei-e  he  still  liveth.  Fire  is  hot  and  rod.  V>y  the  heat 
is  meant  every  pain  that  hurts  the  flesh.  Ignominy  is  meant  by  the 
redness ;  and  it  well  may  bo  so.  They  are  here  rolling  like 
wheels  that  revolve  quickly,  and  soon  pass  away.  The  same  is  also 
signified  by  the  sword  of  the  cherubim  before  the  gates  of  Paradise, 
which  was  of  flame  and  revolving  and  turning  about.  None  come 
into  Paradise  but  through  this  flaming  sword,  Avhich  was  hot  and 
red;  and  in  Elijah's  chariot  of  fire,  that  is,  through  i)ain  and 
ignominy,  which  turn  round  lightly  and  quickly  pass  away.  And 
was  not  God's  cross  coloured  and  reddened  by  his  [trecious  blood,  to 
shew  in  himself  that  pain  and  sorrow^  and  anguish  should  be  stained 
with  ignominy  ?  Is  it  not  written  of  himself,  "  Factus  est  obediens 
Patri  usque  ad  mortem,  mortem  autem  crucis?"^  that  is,  "He  was 
obedient  to  his  Father,  not  only  to  death,  but  to  death  on  the  cross." 
In  that  he  saith  first  "  to  death,"  pain  is  to  be  understood  ;  and  in  that 
he  subjoins,  "  to  death  on  the  cross,"  ignominy  is  meant ;  for  such  was 
God's  death  on  the  cross— )>ainful  and  ignominious  above  all  others. 
Whosoever  dieth  in  God  and  on  God's  cross  nmst  sufler  these  two 
things  for  him— igiK.miny  and  j-ain.  T  account  it  ignominy  to  be 
always  reckoned  contemj.tible,  and  to  beg  one's  food,  if  need  be,  like 
a  vagabond,  and  to  be  another's  bedesman,  as  ye  are,  dear  sislors, 
and  "often  bear  the  arroganee  of  such  as  might  be  ^<.ur  bond -servant^. 


di  I 

kin-'-    is   blessed   ionoininv.       Pain   i>    n 



358  itr.orL.i-:  incm  .><aui  m. 

])et  al  is  inc.     r.lescio\S  on  7  glcdlo^,  nor  :i^c:m  j^eos  two, 
oil  LooS  twuuold  blisccn  ii^crla-d— ajcau  scheomc,  iiiciislci" :'  7  n^vnn 
pine,  dclit  7  ivste  wiSuten    cndc.     Isaic,    "In   tt-rra   siui,"   inquid, 
«'duplici:ipo^sidcUmt."  "llesclmlcn,"  sei"^ Isaic,  "in  hore  owunc-londo 
welden  twouold  blissc  ajeau  twouold  wo  ]>ct  lico  Iter  dnciS."     Supoi- 
epistulani  lac.   "Mali  nichilhaLent  in  celo:  boni  nicliil  in  terra,"  vin 
also  asc  ]'c  vvielc  nabbed  no  lot  inc  lieouenc,  nc  ]»c  godc  nabl)C(S  no 
lot   in   corbc,    in    liore    owunc    londe   lieo    scbulcn   ucldcn  blisse :' 
twouold  cunnc  uiodo  ajcan  twouold  scoruwe.     Asc  ^auli  he  scidc  :' 
"Ncjnmcbebam  no  ucorlicli  ]'auli  lieo  her  J'olien  asc  in  unkuSc 
londe,    ■?    in    unkuSe    eardc,    bitwhen   unScode,    schconic    bu5e   '7 
seormve  ;     nor    so  deS  nioni  gentil  nion  ])et  is  unku^   in   unkuSe 
londe."     jNle  sclial  ute  swinken,  and  et  honi  nic  schal  rcsten.     And 
nishe  a  kang-'^  knit  ]^et  secheS  rcste  iSe  uihte,  %  cisc  iSc  place? 
"Militia  est  nita  honiinis  super  terrani  :  "    al  ]>is  lif  her  is  ase  uiht, 
ase  Job  witneS  :'  auh  efter  ^issc  nlhte  her,  -^\i'  we  wel  uihte«,  nienke 
7  reste   abit^'  us  et    lioni,  in  ure  owune  lend.',  ]'et  is  heoueriche. 
LokcS  nu  hu  witterliche  ure  Louerd  sulf  hit  Avitn."^,  "Cum  scderit 
Filius  honiinis  in  sede  niajcstatis,  sedcbitis  et  iios  judieantes."     D. 
«In  sedibus  quies  inipcrturbata  r'  in  juditio  honoris  enunentia  coni- 
niondatur:  "    "  Hwon  ich  sittc  uorto  deinen,"  sciS   ure  Louerd,  "^e 
schulen  sitten  mid  me,  and  demen  mid  me  al  V^nc  world  ])ct  schal 
beon  idemed,  kinges  and  kaisers,  knihtes  and  clerkes."     I  ^e  sette,  is 
rcste  *?  eise  bitocned,  a^^ean  ]>c  swinkc  ].et  is  her:   and  i«e  menske  o 
he  dome  l^et  heo  schulen   demen  is  heihsehipe  menskeful   oner  al 
miderstonden,  ajean  scheome  7   luuhsehipe   ].et  heo  h.r  u-.r  Godes 
luue  mildeliche  p-olieb.'' 

/y;.tiS^.        Nis  ].er  nu   )>eonue  baton   j.-hen  gledheh-: 

iwriteii,   -.luod  per  penam  igaon.iniose   pas.iuin-;   pcTuenit    ad   glo- 
i-iaui  nsunvetionis,"  ^et  is  "  |>uruh  sehendlu!..  pme  he 

T.     L-li 

hi  (;...i  SI 

.:():ii  to  glorit 

|.,.l,-,u„.  T.  f. 


wanting  in  tliosc  two  tilings,  in  wliidi  all  pLMiitence  consist,?,  lie 
luq-py  glad,  for  in  requital  of  these  two,  twofold  joys  are 
j'ropnrrd  for  you — in  requital  of  ignominy,  honour:  and  in  requital 
of  [lain,  happiness  and  rest  without  eml.  Isaiah  saith,  "  In  terra 
sua  duplicia  jtossidebunt."-''  "  They  shall  in  their  own  land  possess 
double  j(iy  for  the  double  sorrow  tliat  they  endure  lu're."  Upon  the 
Kpistle  ol'  St.  James,  "  ^Mali  nihil  liabent  in  ca?:lo  :  boni  nihil  habent 
in  terra."  For,  as  the  bad  have  no  lot  in  heaven,  nor  have  the 
good  any  lot  on  earth,  in  their  OAvn  land  they  shall  enjoy  ha]>[)ine5=: 
— two  kinds  of  reward  for  twofold  sorrow.  x\s  if  he  had  said, 
"  Think  it  no  marvel  though  they  suffer  here  as  in  a  strange  land,  and 
in  a  strange  soil,  among  foreigners,  both  shame  and  sorrow ;  for  so 
doth  many  a  nobleman  who  is  a  stranger  in  a  foreign  land."  ]Men 
nnist  endure  toil  abroad,  and  enjoy  rest  at  home.  And  is  not  he  a 
foolish  knight  who  seeketh  rest  in  the  combat,  and  repose  hi  the 
lists?  "  Militia  est  vita  hominis  super  tcrram  :  "^  all  this  life  here 
on  earth  is  as  a  fight,  as  Job  witncsseth  ;  but  after  this  fight  here,  if 
we  fight  well,  honour  and  repose  await  us  at  home,  in  our  own  land, 
which  is  the  kingdom  of  heaven.  Observe,  now,  with  what  certainty 
our  Lord  himself  saith,  "  Cum  sederit  Filius  hominis  in  sede 
majestatis,  scdebitis  et  vos  judicantes."''  St.  Bernard,  "In  sedibus 
quies  imperturbata ;  in  judicio  honoris  enn'nentia  commcndatur :  " 
"  When  I  sit  to  judge,"  saith  our  Lord,  "  ye  shall  sit  with  me,  and 
judge  with  me  all  the  world,  which  shall  be  judged,  kings  and 
em[)erors,  knights  and  clerks."  By  the  sitting,  rest  and  case  is 
signified,  in  opposition  to  the  toil  that  is  in  this  world,  and  by  the 
honour  of  the  judgment  Avhich  they  shall  judge  is  to  be  understood 
the  most  honourable  dignity,  in  opposition  to  the  shame  and  luunilia- 
tion  which  they  patiently  endure  here  for  the  love  of  God. 

Now,  then,  there  is  nothing  for  us  but  to  suffer  gladly  :  f<jr  it  is 
written  of  God  himself,  "  quod  per  poenam  ignionu"niosa>  passionis 
).ervenil  ad  glorlam  resunvctionis  ;  "  that  is,  «  through  ignominious 

Isuiali,  b 

St.  ;M:ilt.  xi';.  23. 


i;K(;rj>.i:  ixn.r 

Folw  90. 

oF  Wis^fnlr  ni-isto."     >;is  no  sclku^,  ]»-()1iik',  ;^1C  avc  wrecilio  suiifiilr 
|K)lien  lici-  y'.w.'u,  ^\l'  wt'  wullc^i  a  donicsdci  blissfuliclie  arisen:'  and 
JK-t  \yv  muweii   Jninili   liis  grace  jlf  we  wcl  ^Y^dlf•^).      "  (}i\(.i:iani  si 
co:n|']antati   I'ueriiinis  ^iinilitudini   mortis  ejus,  similiter  el   re.-,arrec- 
tionis  erinuis."     pis  is    Scinto  Ponies  sawe  ))et   si-i^i  ener  so  wel. 
Eif  we  LvuIS  i-iniped   to   ]>q   ililaiessc   of  Codes  deaJii^  we  seliulen 
been  i-imped  to  j^e  iliknesse  of  his  arlste.     pet  is  to  siggen,  ^if  we 
libbecS  inc  sclieouie'?  ine  pine  uor  liis  bnie,  ine  liwuche  two  lie  deide, 
-vvc  scliuleii  beon  iliclic  liini  in  bis  blissful  ariste— urc  bodi  brilit  ase 
bis  is,  world  wiSutcn  cnde,  asc   Seinte  Powel  ^vitneS,  "  Salnatorcni 
cxpectauuis  qui  reforniabit   corpus   Inunilitatis   ))o^frc  configuratuni 
corpori    claritatis  sue."     Let    o^re    alilleii"   bore   Ludi  ]>et  oriicJ) 
biuoren  bond  :'  and  abide  we  lu-e  helind  ])ct  scbal  atilVen  urc*"  efter 
bis  owune.      "  Si  compatiniur,  conregnalnnuis."     Eif  we  ];olieJS  mid 
bim,  we  sebulen  bllseen  mid  bin..      Kis  ])i^  god   tbrcward?     Wat 
Crist,  nis  bo  ncuer  god  fcolawe,  ne  treowo,  ]>et  nule  scotten  i^e  lure 
ase  eft  iSe  bi^eate.     Glosa  :    "  IHis  solis  prodcst  sanguis  Clnisli  cp.i 
voluptates  deserunt  ct  corpus  afHignnt."     God  scbcdde  bis  blud  f.^r 
alio  men,  aub  bam  one  bit  is  wurS  j'ct  flcoS  flescbes  liknnke  ?  pincJ) 
bam  suluen.     And  is  ^et  eni  wuuder?     Nis  God  urc  bcaucd,  and 
we  alio  bis  limes?     And  nis   cuericb   lim  sor  mid  scoruwe  of  ]>c 
beaued?     His  lim,  j^eonne,  nis  be  nout  ];ct  uaucS  cclic  under  so 
sor  ekindc  bcaucd.<^     Ilwon  j^et  beaued  swot  wcl,  ]K«t  lim  pet  ne 
swet  nout,  nis  bit  vuel  toknc?     He  |>ct  [is]  ure  beaued  swettc  blodes 
swot  uor  urc  secncsse,  1  for  to  turncn  us  of  ]>ct  lond  vnel  j-et  alio 
londes  lelen  on,  1!  ligge^  jet  monie.     pet  lim,  )H-,.nne,  ]>pt   ne  sua 
nout  ine  swmcfule  pine  uor  bis  luue,  God  lot  wut."  lut  l.deane^  m 
bis  sccuesse  :'  and  nis  ];cv  buten  uorkeoruen  Int.  ].auli  hit  >..r  I'lmche 
God  :'  uor  bctere  is  finker  offe  ].en  he  eke  cue,-.''     C^ve„u•^  he  mi 
wel  God  ];et  l>us  bihme«  him  of  him   sulf,  ]'uruh    ].et    j-et   he  nule 

afoiuiii.  'J'.  (■• 
1.  n,u,s  N'...i-.lic  vii'l' 

b    acCIIK'Il   lllfS.    T. 

a  s.Tc  ^v.^r(■l\clulc  hcnucil.  T. 

»  I>cn  hit  caiicr  waroho.  T, 

sri' in:i;iN(;   rm;  way  to  ci.oity. 


paiii  lit'  ciiiic  to  tlio  d<.i-v  i,{'  a  blL'Ssed  resurrcctidii/"  It  is  no 
niarvtl.  tlioix'foro,  if  we  wrotoliod  sinners  suftcr  ])ains  lirrc,  if  we 
wonlil  arise  iovfullv  at  the  day  of  jiulnmcnt ;  nnd  tlils  we  ninv  do, 
liiiviui:li  lIiN  o race,  if  we  earnestly  desiiv  it,  "  (^unniani  ^i  cdin- 
j)!antati  fiierimus  siniilifudini  mortis  ejus,  siniiiitei-  et  resurr^ctionis 
eriinus."='  'J'liis  is  St.  Paul's  snyiiii;',  who  speaketh  always  so  well. 
'•'If  we  be  jilanfi-d  to  the  likeness  of  Ciod's  death,  we  >hall  be  planted 
to  the  likeness  of  his  resurrection;"  that  is  to  sny,  if  we  live  in 
ignoniiny  and  })ain  through  love  of  liim,  in  which  two  he  died,  we 
shall  be  like  him  in  his  joyful  resurrection — our  body  bright  as  his 
is,  world  without  end,  as  St.  Paul  testificth,  "We  look  for  the 
Savifjui-,  who  shall  chi\i;ge  ouv  vile  body  that  it  may  be  fashioned 
like  unto  his  glorious  boily."  ^  Let  others  adorn  their  body  who 
run  on  beforeha.nd;  and  let  us  wait  tor  our  Saviour,  who  shall 
adorn  o\us  after  the  fashiori  of  his  own.  "  Si  compatinnu",  coju'eg- 
iiabimus."  '■  If  we  suiT'er  with  him,  we  shall  be  in  bliss  with  him. 
Is  not  this  a  good  covenant?  Christ  knows  he  is  not  a  good  nor  a 
trusty  partner  who  will  not  take  part  in  the  loss,  as  well  as  aftei- 
wards  in  the  i)i-orit.  Gloss:  "  Illis  solis  prodest  sanguis  Cliristi  qui 
voluptates  descrunt  et  corpus  atHigimt."  God  shed  his  blood  for  all 
men,  but  it  is  efficaci(jus  to  them  only  who  abstain  from  carnal 
pleasure,  and  mortify  themselves.  And  is  that  any  wonder  ?  Is 
not  God  our  head,  and  all  we  his  members,  and  is  not  every  member 
pained  w  hen  the  head  is  in  pain  ?  His  member,  then,  he  is  not  w  ho 
liath  no  ache  undei-  such  a  painfully  aching  hea(k  When  the  head 
sweats  well,  is  it  not  an  evil  sign  of  the  member  that  doth  nut  sweat? 
lie  who  is  our  head  did  sweat  the  sweat  of  blooil  foi' our  sickness,  and 
to  heal  us  of  that  epidenu'c  disease  in  which  all  land-  lay,  and  in  which 
u-e   still    Iviug.      That    nuMuber,    tlieivl 


eat  in  labori 

its  sitdxuess 


IS  suffering  for  Ionc  of 
iiid  lhr)v  is  la.thiiig  1( 
Dain.fn!  to   God;   foi"  a 

which  dotl 
i)n,  (iod  knows,  rcinwiin'tl 
he  done  l)Ut  to  cut  it  oti 
O'er  otr  is  betlL'i"  than  on^ 

(JAM  I 


2  Tiw...: 


Iti:(UI,.K   IN(  Ll 

swctni  Z 

Folw  0['  //. 

"  ()lK)rti'l);it  Clii'ishuii  jmtl  7  sic  intrarc  in  I'lMi-iaiu  -^iiar.i." 
i'i'>  iiierci !  !iit  so  licoii,  liit  se'iiS,  C'ri>t  j-olii-ii  y'ww  7 
iKissinii,  ?  so  lialjbcn  inT;oiin- into  Ills  riclio.  Lo,  dcnlc  liwat  lie  sui^, — 
"so  !iabl)cn  in^oii^-  into  his  riclic."  So,  and  iion  olScrwcis!  And 
ue,  \\ix'rcln.'  sinifule,  v,  nlleJS  niiJ  else  sticii  to  licuuciio  |>ct  is  so  licili 
buiion  U5,  f  so  sv.utSf  muclic  wiu'S !  And  mc  iic  niei  iiout,  ^viSnt^.•Il 
swinlc  a  Intel  kot  nreren,  nc  noiit  two  ]>ongC'dc"  sclu-on  liablieii, 
^^ie)utel\  Iniogunge.''  OlSer  -we  bcoS  kaiiges,*^  ]>ct  wciieiS  mid  lilit- 
lea[)es^*  biiggen  eclie  blisse,  ociei"  ];e  holi  lialewcn  Jn-t  boiditen  lilt  so 
deoiv,  Ncs  Sciute  Peter  7  Seinto  Aiulreii,  ]>evcuoiv,  istreiht  o  rode, 
and  Seint  liorenz  oiSc  grcdil :'  and  loSlcasc'^  nieidenes  ]fO  titles 
ikoraeii  of,  and  to-h\vi^credoll^vcoles,  7  hefdes  bikonien  ?  Auli  ure 
sotschipe  is  sutel  :'  aiul  lico  weren  iliclie  ]>e(>s  l^r-Ai^'  c-liildren  ]'ef 
liabbcL)  riclie  ucderes,  ]'ct,  \\ilks  7  woldes,  teterec)  liore  cloJies  for'.o 
liabben  neov.e.  Yre  oldo  kiirtel  is  ]>ct  flesclis  ])et  we  of  Adam  lu-e 
oldo  iicdcr  liabbeS.  penc  neowe  we  selnden  underuongen  of  God, 
ure  riclie  iicdcr,  in  ]>(:  ariste  of  donicsdeie,  Invon  vnv  vle.sclics  sclial 
blikicn  schenre  ]'en  ])e  sunne,  uor"5I  hot  liit  is  nn  totoren  lier  mid 
wondrede  7  mid  wcane.  Of  J^eo  ]'et  tetereS  lioro  kurtel  o  ]»isse  wise, 
sei"S  Isaie,  "Deferetur  niuinis  Donn'no  exercituum  a  popnlo  diniisso*" 
et  dilacerato,  a  popnlo  terribili."  "A  uolk  to  limed  :\nd  to  toren,  a 
nolk  ferlicli,"  be  sciS,  Isaie,  "  schal  makien  of  binisnlf  to  nre  l.ouerd 
i)rese]it.''  Uolk  to-limed  "  7  to-toren  mid  stronge  lillode  7  mid  lierdc 
lie  cleo'.eb  folc.  ferlicli.  Uor  ]'e  iieoud  is  atrnrnlit  and  olVered  of 
swuclie  :'  and  IbrSi  I'ct  Jol)  was  swucli  be  mende  of  liiiu,  7  seide, 
"IVlleni  pro  pello  et  nninc-rsa,"  7c. :  ])et  is,  "  He  wnle  T;inen  iiel  nor 
uclle,  J^ct  oldc  uor  j?e  neowe."  And  is  ase  |'auli  lie  siide,  "  Xe  geiin  b 
mo  nont  to  assailen  liiin,  uor  be  is  of  J^e  te-tore''  \\v\kv.  l»et  to-ti-reM 
bis  olde  kni'tcl,  7  to-reiideb  ];e  oUle  jiilclu'  of  bis  deadlicbe  ui-lk.*' ' 

l,vs-„r,:.  .1...  T.^^ 

1.U1.C.  T.  C. 
lihtf  vluaiKs.   T, 
.iinuls.,.  T.  ('. 
loni.'.  T.      I.    I.. I 

ST.   I'KIF.U,  ST.   A-XDUKW,  S  r.   1..V\VK1;N(  K,  --r.  KATHF.UINi:.     ;5li:i 

;il\\;i}s   acliii!--.      ^'"^v,   (iotli   lie  |.l>":i<c  Ciod    who    tlius    aiMiU'iiibeir. 
Iniu    of   hiin^fir,    Lccaiivj   lie   is   unwilliiiii;   t-)  sweatV       "  0[K)rtub:it 
Chii^HUi   jiatl,   I't   sic  iulrare  in  gloriaui  siiaiii."  •''      St.   Mary  liave 
nierc\-!     Tt  was>saiy,  wc   are  ti.M,  that  Christ  shoulil  iMi<hiiv 
pa!,,  "auil   sufTcriii-,  and  thus  liavc  laitraiico  into  his  klni^dom.      Ob- 
serve  well''  wha.t  he  salth,  "  thus   have  entrance  into  his  kinii,doni."' 
Tlius,   and   no  otherwise  !     And  we  wret^died  sinners,,  would  mount 
up  with  case  to  heaven,  which  is  so  higli   above  us,  and   of  such 
excellent  worth!     And  yet  we  cannot,  without  labour,  erect  u  little 
cottaoe  :    nor  obtain  a  pair  of  shoes  with  thongs  without  baying 
thein'      Either  we,  who  think  that  we  may  buy  everlasting  joy  for  a 
uiei-e  trifle,  are  fools,  or  the  blessed  saints  are,  who  bought  it  so  dear. 
V\'erc!  not  St.  Peter  and   St.   Andrew,  for  that  cause,  extended  <;n 
tlie  cross,  and  St.   Lawrence  on  the  gridiron;  and  had  not  innocent 
maidens  their  paps  cut  off,  and  were  whirled  on  wheels,  and  beheaded? 
But  our  folly  is  evident;  and  they  were  like  those  artful  children  ot 
rich  parents  who  purposely  tear  their  cl.^thes  that   they  may  have 
new  ones.     Our  old  kirtle  is  the  llesh,  which  we  have  irom  Adam 
our  old  father  ;     we   sliall   receive  the   new   from    God,    our    rich 
Father,  in  the  resurrection  on  the  day  of  judgment,  when  our  ile.h 
=l„i11  chJ'^e  hrluhter  than  the  sun,  because  it  is  now  torn  here  with 
tribulation   and   distress.       Of  them  who   tear   their  kirtle  In   this 
manner,  Isaiah    .aith,    "  Deferetur    munus    Dommo    exercituum    a 
Populo  dimlsso   ct   dllacerato,  a  populo  tcrril)Ili."  ^'     "  A  people  d.s- 
Inen^bered  and  torn,  a  terrible  people,"  saith  Isaiah,  "  shall  n>alu-  of 
themselves  a   gift   to   our  Lord."     A  people  disnu.nbered  and   torn 
with  a  hard  and  austere  lifl>  he  calleth  a  terrible  iK.^.le.      kor  the 
fH.ndIs  afraid  and   terrified   of  such;    and  because  J.  >  wassucl>he 
compkdued  of  hhn  and  said,  "  IMKn.  pro  pehe,     ^c  ''   that  .,  -'      e 
will  olve  skin  for  .kin,  the  old  for  tl...  new."      As  .1  he  had  said,      I 
shall^aln  nothing  by  attacking  hnn,  for  he  is  one  ol'  the  ton.  pe.-ple, 

I   f  1^17  if  ^n'^'  l.c-.uli.  ,..    ;-/.  .Uc.u,v   ■..    ....u-s  in  ,,-•  ^TO.  ^SC,  .,....v 

'''"'"•    '      '     ;  n  oi'   IVu  Ic  set,  /;/■  "  A  .w,7.      l).uk..l  -. v.n-s 

„.t,vn.h„...l.s,ln...r....abl,       •  .^^^^     ^^ ..._  ._  .-   J..!,ii.J. 

'^^'"^  iJi:(;ii,vi;  (xti.L^Aia.M. 

\'»r  l^T  R'l  is  uii(le;iMi(-]i  ]>ut  ibc  neowe  arlsf.'  >  .srliinn,  .eoue- 
U..M  brihtiv  ]>..,:  JH-sinu....  Ki,sc  7  flc-ch(>s  estr  k'uS  ]>05  fwrnJes 
iiK-'i-ki-ii.  ]]\voii  lie  isili^  JH'cs  iiK-i-kc'ii  iiiomic,  uJic-r  iin-  ^\IllIml..n, 
lie  Av,..t  j.ft  K-  kash'l  is  liis,  and  goS  bal.lcliclio  in  ]>vv  iu-  i^IuS  irilil 
up  sw-uche  Iniuorc-s  ase  me  dcX  I,ic  ea>tK-.  Auh,  i^cn  Ituiviie  iiulkf 
he  misse-5  his  laerkeii,  and  isih^  m  ham  irilit,  up  (ludi-s  bainTc  r'  ]'ct 
is,  herdsdiipe  of  line  :'  and  j-c  ueond  haiie^  nuu  he  dredc  j-.i-./  ase 
Isaie  Avitiie^. 

"  Me  leoue  Sire,"  s(-M^  snm,  "  and  is  hit  nu  wisdom  in(>:i  (udon  so 
y\o  liini  suluen  ?  "  And  tu  jehl  nic  onswaiT  :  Of  two  men,  liwe^er  is 
^visure?  Tleo  beocS  bob'c  seke  :'  j;e  on  uoi-geS  al  ]'et  lie  Inued  (..f 
Folio  100.  metes  7  of  druncdies,  7  drinke^  bitter  sabi-az  nortu  akoueren  his 
heale:  ])e  o^er  uohiwcS  al  his  wil,  7  fede^  '  his  lustes  a^^ean  lii> 
secncss,  7  forleose^  ])et  lif  sone.  Ilwel^er  is  wis.-,ure  of  J-ens  tw(.;-' 
Hwe^el■  is  betere  ins  owune  ureond  ?  Ihveder  InneJS  him  sulf 
more?  And  Invo  is  ])et  nis  sec  of  sumie?  God,  for  ure  secnosse, 
drone  attri  druncli  o  rode  :'  and  we  nuIIelS  nout  bittros  biten  buten'' 
for  us  suluen?  Ne  mei  hit  nout  so  beoii.  Nis  ]k-v  nowijit  horof. 
Sikerliche  ]iis  fcolcware  mot  mid  pine  of  his  flesche  uohiwen  his 
pinen.     Ne  wene  non  mid  este  stien  to  ])e  steoren. 

"  Nu,  wSire,"  seie)  sum  eft,  "  and  wide  God  so  w  rakt'.'uliclie  awreken 
}iim  ui)on  sumie?  "  Lc,  mon,  o^ej- wuinmoii.  Uor  luke  nu  ]iu  lie 
hit  liateti  swuSc.  IIwu  wolde  nu  a  iudu  beaten  J^et  ]nng  sulf  Invar 
se  he  ifunde  hit  ]>(.'t  for  ])e  nuuheli"  hatunge  ]>erof  beole  ]>o  sehea- 
dewe,  7  al  ]>et  heuede  ]?crto  eni  ilicncsse?  God,  Feder  Ahnihti, 
h^u  beet  he  bitterlicho  his  deorewur^e  sune,  Jesu  Cj-ist  ure  Louerd, 
];et  neuer  nedo'-'  sune,  bute  one  J>et  he  ber  vleschs  iliche  uiv  vlesclie, 
]>et  is  fid  ol'  sumie.      And  we  scluilen   bcon   ispaiednl''  jn-t  bere^  vu 

T.     fonlfS.  C. 
l!i;  iiaiicde  ? 

.l.aml.   (; 

TliK   KOOI.ISll   Sl(  K  KKFlSi:  lilTTKIl  M  KDICFNi;. 


who  tears   his  old 


■1  ivixlcth  th.i-  (>l,l  duak   ..f  his    mortal 

>kin."  For  tliat  skin  is  iiuiiiortal  whirh  in  tlio  new  resunvction  shall 
shiiic  seven  times  Lriiihtvr  tlian  the  sun.  Ease  and  carnal  cnjov- 
iiKiit  are  tlie  deviTs  marks.  When  ho  sees  these  marks  in  man  or 
woUKiii  1h'  knows  tluit  tlie  castle  is  his,  and  gocth  boldly  in  where  lie 
sees  ^ueh  hamiers  erected  as  are  usual  in  a  castle.  lUit,  in  the  torn 
people,  lie  missetli  his  marks,  and  amonir  them  lie  soeth  God's 
banner  erected,  which  is  a  hard  lite,  which  the-  de\il  is  nnich  afraid 
of,  as  Lsaiali  tcstipK-th. 

->iy  dear  sir,"  some  one  niay  say,  "is  it  wisdom  now  for  man 
or  woman  thus  to  afiiict  themselves?^'  Do  thou  also  answer  me 
this:  Of  two  men,  both  of  -whom  are  sick,  which  is  the  wiser?  The 
one  abstaiiis  from  all  the  things  that  ho  desires,  both  meat  and  drink, 
and  drinketh  bitter  sabraz,^  in  order  to  recover  his  health  ;  the 
other  folk)weth  all  his  inchnations,  and  feedeth  his  lusts,  contraiy  to 
his  sickness,  and  soon  loseth  his  life.  Wliethcr  of  these  two  is 
wiser?  Which  is  the  better  friend  to  himself?  Which  of  theni 
loveth  himself  more?  And  who  is  there  that  is  not  sick  of  sin? 
For  our  sickness,  God  drank  a  ])oisonous  drink  upon  the  cross. 
x\nd  will  not  we  taste  any  bitter  remedy  for  ourselves  ?  ^  It  must 
not  be  so.  It  is  not  so.  Ilis  follower  nmst  surely  follo^\■  him  in  his 
sufferings,  with  bodily  pain.  Let  no  one  think  that  he  can  ascend 
to  the  stars  with  luxurious  ease. 

"  Now,  sir,"  some  one  saith  again,  "  and  will  God  avenge  himself 
so  severely  upon  sin  ?  "  Yes,  O  m;ui,  or  woman,  for  consider  now 
how  greatly  he  hateth  it.  How  would  a  man  beat  the  thing  itself 
if  he  found  it,  who  for  his  great  hati-ed  of  it  beat  the  shadow,  ami 
every  thing  that  had  any  resemblance  to  it  ?  How  bitterly  did  Ciiul 
the  Father  Ahnighty  beat  his  dear  Son  Jesus  Christ  oiu-  Lord,  who 
iie\-er  did  any  sin,  but  merely  because  he  bore  flesh  like  our  fli'sh, 
that  is  full  of  sin?  And  shall  we  be  sparetl  who  bear  upon  us  his 
Soji's   death — the    weajioiis   that   slew    hiui,   which    were  our  sins - 

■*  Sco  itMi:ulcs  oil  this  uor.l  l.v  .Ml.t.t   W:.v,  Ks,i.  ii.  Xolvs  an.l  <JinTus,  v..l.  ii.  j,.  ITo, 
.M.ll.y.S.  V\-.  Sing.r,  K-i.  j..  "Jm  . 


lii:(.LL.i:  lACI.lS.MMM 

IC  SUIllh'li  / 

us  lii.s  sunc  (lea^— ].e  wq.iifi.  ],vt  sl.,\\cn  liiui,  |.cl  wcmi  im 
And  lie  ]K-t  iieiKHle  iiout  of  smim-,  buto  scliea.lL-wo  (.ir.-,  lie  was  i^c 
ilkc  scIiL'adewe  so  sclieomcliclic  itiikcd,  and  so  si-onilindirdi.-  \i>m'M, 
]>ct  (1-  j.eii  Idt  com  ])erto,  nor  J)c  ]n-catungc  oiu'  J-ltoF,  lie-  l.c-d  Iiis 
Fedei-  QIC.  " Tristis  est  aiiiii-.a  nica  usque  ad  mortem.  Pati-r,  si 
possibile  est,  transeat  a  me  calix  iste."  "  Sore," cue ;S  lie,  ure  I.oiienl, 
"megridleS^'  ajean  mine  pine.  Mi  Ueder,  jif  hit  in^i  im  beo!i,  spare 
i'V.oloo;,.  „^e  ct  tisse  time:'  |;i  wille,  ];auli,  7  n.uit  min,  cii.r  beon  ifulle  l/' " 
His  deorewur^e  Ueder  uor^ii  iie  uorbcr  liiin  iiuul,  aidi  leide  oil  him 
so  bitterliclie  ])et  he  bigou  to  gredcn,  mid  reoiiM'ule  .stcfuc,  "  Kloy, 
Eluy,  huDa  zalnitaiii,"  INIi  (U>d,  mi  G.xl,  mi  de(;re\vurJSe  Ueder, 
haucst  tn  al  uurworjHjii  me,  ]'iii  onlepi  -luie,  ]>et  Ijeatest  mo  )>4is 
herde?  Uor  al  ];is  ue  lette  he  nout  :  auh  beot  him  so  li^n-^' 7  so 
swuJSe  grimliclio  |;et  lie  sterf  o  rode.  "  Uisciplina  pacis  uo^tre 
eum,"  seieJ  Isaye  :  ]ms  nre  beatungc  ueol  upon  him  :'  uor  he  dude 
him  suit"  bitwi'oncn  us  7  his  Feder,  ))et  ]n-etle  us  forto  smiteu  :'  asc 
]je  moder  ];'et  is  reouSful  deS  liiro  bitweoueu  hire  cliilde  7  j»e  wrojie 
sturne  ueder,  hwon  he  Mule  beaten,  pus  dude  luv  Louerd  Jesu 
Crist.  Ikept  on  him  dcaScs  dunt,  uortc  schildcii  u^  ]).t  mide  :' 
igraccd  beo  liis  milce !  Ilwar  se  mucliel  dujit  is,  Iiit  ludti^  up'" 
a^^ean  o  |>eo  |>et  ];>er  neih  stondetS.  Sikerliche,  iiwose  is  ueih  him  I'ct 
ikepte  J'e  henie  duntes,  hit  wule  })ulten''  on  him,  ?  nnle  lie  him  neui-r 
meneii :'  uor  ]'et  is  |;e  prcoue  pet  he  stout  neih  him  :'  and  he  iuiltun"c 
is  fill  liht  to  ]>olicn  uor  his  huie  ]'et  underueng  so  heuie  dui;fes  us 
fbrto  biuuwen  from  |)es  deofles  botte  iSe  ]tine  ot"  helle. 

Eet,  seiS  ^  moni  mon,  *' Ilwat  is  (umI  j>e  bet-'iv  J'auli  ieh  piuiemeuor 
liislnue?"  Leouc  mon,  oSer  wummuu,  (!od  )>mieheci  goil  of  uw 
god.  Vrc  god  is  jif  wc  doN  Jut  we  oweii.  Nim  3;fme  of  )»is 
asaimijile.  A  mon  ])ct  were  ueor  iuaren,  7  me  come  7  lolde  him  |»ii 
Jiis  deore  spuse  murnedc  so  swuKe  vi'icv  him   )«(•(   Inn  \\i^lll^.l|  liim 

itur.^ut.   T.  C. 

liit  I'lil 
Jilt  .-.!• 

ClIKIsr   STf)()I)    I'.KTWr.KX   IS  AM)  ITX  ISI I  \|  l-NT. 


And  ho  wlio  liad  no  sin,  but  only  tlio  sliadow  of  it,  was  in  that 
sliadow  so  I^noniiiiiously  ininislied,  and  so  wofully  tormented,  tliat, 
before  it  came  to  tliis,  wlicn  it  M'as  only  threatening-  him,  he  prayed 
for  rncrey  from  his  Father.  "Tristis  est  aninia  niea  iisr|ue  ad 
mortem.  Pater,  si  possibile  est,  transeat  a  me  ealix  iste."  ■''  "  I  f'rri 
ureat  horror,"  saith  our  T.ord,  "  at  the  i)ros])eet  of  my  suHerin-s. 
My  Father,  if  now  it  bo  possible,  spare  me  at  this  time  ;  nevertheless 
'J"hy  will  and  not  mine  be  ever  fulfdled."  JJis  dear  Father  did  not 
on  that  account  forbear,  but  laid  on  him  so  bittei'ly  that  ho  began  to 
cry  with  a  sorrowful  voice,  "  Eloi,  Eloi,  lama  Sabachthani,"  ^  INIv 
God,  my  God,  my  dear  Father!  hast  thou  altogether  cast  mc  oil'? 
me  thine  only  Son,  that  thou  beatest  me  thus  severely?  Yet,  for 
all  this,  he  left  not  off,  but  beat  him  so  long  and  so  very  fiercely  that 
he  died  on  the  cross.  "  Disciplina  pacis  nostras  super  eum,"  saith 
Isaiah  :  ""  thus  our  beating  fell  upon  him,  for  he  placed  himself 
between  us  and  his  Father,  who  was  threatening  to  smite  us,  as  the 
mother  who  is  full  of  ]>ity  jilaceth  herself  between  her  child  and 
the  angry  stern  father  when  he  is  about  to  beat  him.  Thus  did  oui- 
Lord  Jesus  Christ.  lie  met  the  death-blow  himself,  to  shield  us 
thereby,  thanked  be  his  mercy  !  Where  a  great  blow  is  given,  it 
reboundeth  again,  upon  those  who  stand  nigh.  Truly,  whosoever 
is  nigh  him  who  met  the  heavy  blows,  they  will  rebound  upon  him, 
and  he  will  riever  complain  ;  because  this  is  the  proof  that  he  stands 
m'gh  him  ;  and  the  rebounding  stroke  is  \evy  easy  to  boar  out  of  love 
to  him  who  received  such  heavy  blows  to  protect  us  fi'om  the  devil's 
staff  in  the  ])ains  of  hell. 

Still,  saith  n:any  a  one,  "What  is  God  in-oHted  though  I  atlhct 
myself  for  his  love?''  Deai-  man,  or  woman,  God  is  pleased  witli 
our  good.  Our  goorl  is  t]).it  we  d(.  what  we  ought,  J'ay  attention 
to  this  example.  M'  a  man  liad  travelled  a  long  way,  and  some  one 
came  and  told  him  that  hi^  d-ai'  wile  was  grieving  so  nmeh  for  him 
that  she  had   no  i.lea^ui'e  in  anv  tliinu  without  liim,  but  for  thinking 

I'   ll.i.l.  .^^ 

Fs..i-.!.,  lii 


ia:r;i  L.F.  ixci.i  >ai;i  .\r. 

were,  fur  l>uiilifc  »{'  liis  Inm.,  Jenc  ? 

l'n/,\,  iiii.    iiefjr  lu)  dclit  i  none  j^ingc,  an] 

vuek-  iheo^ved:'^'  nolclo  hi.u  liken  betcre  y^n  J-aul.  n,e  s.i.lo  I'.i.u  K-t 
beo  gleowede  ?  gomedc,  7  wcdde  mid  o5er  men,  7  lincde  In  delirvs? 
Also,  ure  Louerd,  j^et  is  ];o  soule  spus,  ];er  IslUh  al  ]^t  he,,  dcN 
>auli  he  heie  sitte,  he  is  ful  wel  ipaied  ]>et  h.-o  niunieS  efter  Im,,  :'  7 
he  wule  hien  toward  hire  mucheles  ]?e  swuSerc  mid  jeoiie  of  his 
grace  :f  o^er  ucclichcn  hire  allimgc  to  In'm  to  glorie  l.uten  endo. 

Ne  grople  hire  non  to  softollche,  hire  suluen  to  bichcrren.  Nc 
sclial  hco,  nor  hire  line,  witcn  hire  clene,  ne  holdcn  in're  ariht  ine 
chastctewiSutcn  two  ];inges,  ase  Seint  Aldret'' urot  to  his  sustcr 
pet  on  is  pinunge<=  ine  vlcssche,  mid  festcn,  n)id  wechehcn,  mid 
disciplnies,  mid  lierd  weriunge,  herd  leouwe/  mid  \  uc^l,  mi.l  muchele 
swinkes.  pQt  oSer  ping  is  hcorte  ]>eauwes,  dcnoeiun,  reoufulnc.ssc, 
mcrci,  pite  of  hcorte,  luue,  edmodncssc,  7  o^irc  swnche  ueituz! 
"Me  Sire,"  l^u  onswerest  me,  "sulleS  God  his  grace?  i\ is  grace 
wil-5eoue  ?•'  jNIine  leouc  snstren,  ]>auh  clenncssc  ne  beo  nont  buine  ed  « 
God,  aub  beoS  jeoucn  of  grace,  vngraciuse  stondeS  ]>er  to-^eines, 
and  makie^  ham  unwur^e  to  holden  so  heili  ];ing  ]>et  nuIleS  swink  •■ 
];ereuore  bliSeliche  polien.  Bitweonen  deliecs,"?  else,  7  flessdies 
este,  hwo  was  euer  cliasto  ?  IIwo  bcr^  eucr  fur  wiJJinncn  hire  ]>et 
lieo  nc  bernde?  Pot  );ct  walleS  swuSe,  nule  he  bcon  ouerladen, 
ober  kold  water  iworpen  J)erinne  and  brondes  v/iSdrawene  ?  pc 
wombe  y)ot  ]>et  walleS  euer  of  metes,  and  more  of  drunchos,  lic>  is  so 
neih  neilicbur  to  JK-t  fulitowene  lim  J^et  heo  dcleJS  mid  ]n"m  ]>e  bruno 
Folio  lOU.  of  hire  bete.  Aub,  monie  ancreii,  more  heiiii  is,  bcoS  so  vlcsslnvjsc 
7  so  ouerswuSe  of-dred  Icste  hoie  heaued  aeke,''  7  leste  bore  licome 
feblic  to  swu^e,  and  witeb  so  bore  lieale  }>ct  )>e  gost  unstrcncJSe^  7 
sccnc^  ine  sunnc :'  and  ]'C(,  ])et  sclnddon  oiie  lecncn  bore  soule  mid 

1m  ll„.wct.   T.      cl  ilic.v 
l.insu.i-.-.   (.'. 
bii.i.Mie.l.   'I'.      Iniiic.    V 
l.n.lilr.   'I-.  C. 

'■  Ail!v;..Io.  'I'.      Ailivi 

'  s«;i.  T. 
"   Wiii.-lu-.  •]•. 



of  his  love  was  bccoiiio  Icau  aiul  jjalliJ;  would  it  not  pleaso  liiiu 
better  tlian  if  it  were  tuIJ  liiiu  tliat  slic  was  incrrv  and  sportive,  aivl 
had  wedded  anotlier  man,  and  was  liviiiir  in  pleasure?  Even  so 
our  J>ord,  wlio  is  tlie  soul's  husband,  and  sectli  all  that  she  doth, 
tluiuuli  he  sits  on  hiuli,  is  full  well  pleased  that  she  longeth  for  Iiiui, 
and  will  ha-ten  to  her  so  nuieli  the  soom-r,  with  the  gift  of  his  arace, 
or  he  will  go  and  hring  her  to  hini  once  for  all,  to  <.i;lory  without  end. 

Let  not  any  one  handle  herself  too  gently,  lest  she  deceive  her- 
self'     She  ^\  ill  not  he  able,  for  her  life,  to  keep  herself  pure,  nor  to 
maintain    herself  arinht   in   chastity    without   two  things,  as  Saint 
Ailred  wrote  to  his  sister.     The  one  is,  giving  pain  to  the  flesh  by 
fasting,   by  watcdiing,  by  flagellations,  by  wearing  coarse  garments, 
bv  a  hai-d   l)ed,  with  sickness,  with  much  labour.     The  other  thiufr 
is  the  moral  qualities  of  the  heart,   as  devotion,  c()nipa--sion,  mercy, 
pity,  chai-ity,  humility,  and  other  virtues  of  this  kind.      "  Sir,"  thou 
aiiswerest  me,  "  doth  God  sell  his  grace?     Is  not  grace  a  free  gift  ?  " 
My  dear  sisters,  although  purity  is  not  bought  of  God,  but  is  given 
freely,    ingratitute    resisteth    it,    and    renders    those    unworthy    to 
possess    so    excellent  a  thing   wdio    will    not  cheerfully    submit  to 
labour  for  it.     Amidst  pleasures  and  ease,  and  carnal  abundance, 
who  was  ever  chaste  ?     Who  ever  carried  fire  within  her  that  did 
not  burn?     Shall  not  a  pot  that  boileth  rapidly  be  emptied  of  some 
of  the  water,  or  have  cold  water  cast  into  it,  and  the  burm'ng  fuel 
withdrawn  ?     The  pot  of  the  belly  that  is  always  boiling  \vith  foo'l, 
and  especially  with  drink,   is  so  nigh  a  neighbour   to   that  ill-dis- 
ciplined UKMnber  that  it  Imparts  to  it  the  fire  of  its  heat.      Yet  many 
anchoresses,  more  is  the  harm,  are  of  such  fleshly  wisdom,  and  so 
exceedingly  afraid  lest  their  head  ache,  and  lest  their  body  should 
b'  too  much  enfeebled,  and  are  so  eai-eful   of  their  health,  that  the 
spij-it  is  weakened  and  sickenetli  in  sin,  and  they  wIk)  ought  alone  to 
heal  their  soul,  with  contrition  (jf  heart  and  moitilieation  of  the  lle^h, 
h'Tome  i)liysicians  and  li(>alei-s  of  the.  body.      Did  Saint  Agatha  so? 




liEiiVl.A-:   INCM  SAIMM. 

licorto  hircdusmto-e  1  flesslics  pinunge,  uul•^vul■^t■l^  fisicions  °?  liconi'^s 
Icclie,^  Diido  Sclnt  Aa'ace  so?  ]»ct  unswrrcde  ?  scidc  to  ure 
Louordos  sonde  j^ot  Iroiililc  Iiire  s:duc  uoito  lidcii  ]iiiH-  tlttos,''  "  Mi'- 
clicinani  canialcm  corporl  miiu[uaiii  i>xliilaii :""''  ]'i't  i-,  "  Flos^liclie 
medlciiio  no  diidf  id)  uie  iicuere."  And  iial)l)e  t,<-'  ilu'rd  tellrii  ol"  |>l' 
l^reo  lioli  luer.,  Lute  ]>e  on  was  iwuned,  nor  liis  kolde  niawe  uorto 
nuttcn  liote  spices,  ?  was  ornure  t>f  mete  7  of  drnnclie  JH'n  ])e  twei 
CcSre,  ]>eo,  ]>anli  lieo  Avercn  scke,  ne  nonien  lieo  ncnier  ^enie  Invat  was 
liol,  liwat  was  unliol  tc  ctcn  ne  to  drincken,  auli  nomcn  euer  uoi-iS- 
riht  hwatse  God  ham  sonde,  iic  niakedeii  lioo  neuer  streiicSe  of 
gingiucre  ne  of  gedcwal,''  nc  of  clou  de  gilofre.  A  dei  asc  heo  ]nvo 
wcren  iuollen  o  slope,  ^  lei  bitwconen  ]^oos  two,  ]jo  ]n-iddc  ]'ot  icli 
spec  of  ei-,  so  com  };o  Cwene  of  Ileonene  "i  two  mcidonos  mid  hire, 
pe  on  her  use  J^udi  liit  were  a  Ictnarie  r'  ])e  o5or  ber  ennc  sticko  oi' 
gode  gold.  Yre  Lofdi  nome  mid  tc  stickc  7  dude  ii^e  ones  muJie 
porof,  and  l^e  meideiies  eoden  furore  to  ])o  midleste.  "Nai,"cweS 
ure  Lofdi,  "he  is  his  owune  leche  :'  go5  oner  to  ]>c  ])ridde."  Stod 
on  holl  mon  neorrento/  1  biheold  al  j^is  ilke.  Ilwon  sec  mon  haueS 
ct  bond  ]>ing  ]>Qt  him  wule  don  god,  he  mei  hit  wel  notion  :  auli 
■ofh  102.  foi-to  boon  so  angrosful  ]>erofter  nis  nout  God  icweme  r'  and  ancreful 
nomliche  uor  swuch  religiun  nis  nout  God  icweme.  God  7  liis 
deciples  spoken  of  sonic  lecliokrcft :""  7  Ypocras  7  Galien  of  lieomos 
liele.  pe  one  ]>et  was  best  ilerod  of  Jesu  Cristes  decii)los  seiJ)  ))ct 
flesshos  wisdom  is  dea«  of  ]>e  soule :  "rrudontia  carnis  mori." 
"Procid  odoranms  boHum,"  ase  Job  sei^.  So  we  drede^  flenches 
vuol  ofte  or  J^cii  hit  kmuo.  pet  soule  vuel  kulne^  ui>,  7  we  ]nMcn 
)7c  soule  vuel,  uorte  otsterlen  vleschos  yno\,  ase  ]>auli  liit  were  betere 
to  ]wlie]i  golncsse  briuie  ]>qu  heauod  echo,  o^Ser  gruccliunge  of  one 
mis-itowene  wombe.  And  hweSer  is  bolero,  iiio  secnosse  uorto  boon 
Godes  freo  child,  )>en    i   flesehos  heale   uorte  been  juvl  under  >u,ine:'' 

l.-ches.  T. 
y;(':!»'\va!.  T    C. 
orf.-.r.   '1.  (■ 

ST.   AG.VTJIA.       A   l.KfiKNDAIJY  MIUAC1,F.. 


n)  aiis\\C'nHl  ;iii;!  said  iv  ouv  J.di-d's  iiicsseugxM-  \\]\o  brought  her 
.-alvc  to  hral  luT  broasts,  '"'  Medic-iiiaiu  carnaleru  corpori  iiuiHjiiam 
i.'xli!'Mii?"  That  I>,  '■I'dc-shlynu'iiiciiie  I  never  npplieil  to  myself/'  And 
h.wc  ye  ne\or  licard  the  story  of  the  three  holy  men,  of  whom  one  wont,  fur  liis  cold  stomac-h,  to  n>e  Iiot  sjiiees,  and  was  more 
intv'iTsted  aliout  meat  and  driidv  than  the  othei*  two,  who,  even  if 
[hw  were  siek,  took  no  lieed  of  what  was  wholesome  and  what  was 
unwholesome  to  eat  oi'  to  drink,  but  always  took  direetly  whatever 
God  sent  them,  nor  ever  made  nnich  ado  about  ginger,  or  valerian, 
er  cloves?  One  day,  when  the  three  were  fallen  asleep,  and  the 
third,  of  whom  I  spoke  above,  lay  between  these  two,  the  Queen  of 
Ilca\en  came,  and  two  maidens  with  her,  one  of  whom  bare  what 
sjomei]  an  eli>ctuary,  the  other  bare  a  spoon  of  good  gold.  Our  Lady 
took  some  of  it  with  the  spoon,  and  put  it  into  the  mouth  of  one,  and 
the  maidens  ])assed  on  to  the  middlemost.  "Xay,"  said  ourLady,  "he  is 
liis  own  physician,  go  over  to  the  third."  A  holy  man  stood  not  for 
otl'  and  beheld  all  this.'*  When  a  sick  man  hath  at  hand  any  thing 
that  will  do  him  good,  he  may  piously  use  it;  but  to  be  so  anxious 
ab'jut  it  is  not  pleasing  to  God,  and  especially  for  one  of  such  a 
religious  profession  to  Ite  anxious  is  not  })leasing  to  Ciod.  God  and 
his  disciples  speak  of  the  art  of  healing  the  soul ;  Hippocrates  and 
Galen  of  the  health  of  the  body.  He  who  was  the  most  learned  of 
the  disciples  of  Jesus  Christ,  saith  that  the  wisdom  of  the  flesh  is  the 
death  of  the  soul,  "  Prudentia  carnis  mors.'"'  "We  smell  the  battle 
afar  off,"  as  Job  saith.*"  Thus  we  often  dread  a  bodily  disease 
before  it  come.  The  soul  disease  attacks  us  and  we  bear  it,  to  escape 
iVnm  the  bodilv  disea-e,  as  if  it  were  better  to  endure  the  lire  of  lu^t 
than  headache,  or  the  grumbling  of  a  disordered  stomach.  And 
which  of  these  two  is  better,  in  sickness  to  be  a  iree  child  of  (iod, 
than  in  bodily   heahh   to  be  a  bond-servant   under  sin?      And  I  do 

s,  of  liiaiit 

IV  t)(liev(:  thi'^  St- 

il.of  liatli  ;i! 

it.    St.  Ik-oinnl 

li'-^fiL'I./i;   IN(  LLSAUl'.M. 

AikI  ]>;.s  ul.  sigge  Ich  nout  so  ]>^t  Nvlsdom  t  n.e=ai-o  iic  hvnn  oucv  al 

■  lok.u,  ]'e  n.odcT  IS   a[ncl]  nurrice  of  alio  gocK-  j^eauwos.      Auh  uo 

clt^r-.i  '  ofte  wisdom   M  nis  non.     Uor  «o^  wisdom  is  don  eiure 

souk-  Ik.Ic   buioiv,   fl^sches  l.ele  :^  and  Invon  n.e  nc  nun  nont  boSo 

holdcn  sonicd,  chens.n  er   lionncs    ]n.rt   j>cn,  ]>,u-uh   to  .fronge  uon- 

duiig.s   suule  ]>rouunge.      Nlcoduuus  brouhte  uortc  snn.ricn  nu'd 

lire  Lou.rd  an  lunulred  weicn  orndrro  7  of  aloes,  bit  soib,  )>ct  b.oS 

bitt.v  spicc's  and  bitocncS  bittro  swinke^  ?  flcsclics  pinungo."     Ihm- 

dred  js  ful  t,d,  ?  uotv^  perfoctiun,  ],ct  is,  ful  dedo  r'  1101-^0  scli<'awc.i 

]>ct  jnc  scbal   fuldon  flescbes  pine  asc  uoiS  ase  oiicrc  efnc  nici  ],olifn. 

Bi  ]K'  wee  IS   bitocned  mosurc  7  wisdom -];et   euo.icd,   iuon  wrio 

bwat  be  mtiwe  don  :    and  no  beo  mmt  so  ouer  swu^l-  a.vsf^  bet  tq 

r^Jio  102 Luor^un^n  j^'t  bodi :'  no  eft,  so  tendrc  of  ]»c  b,.di.^  j;et^bit  iwurSo 

mitowen,   ?  makio   ]?ene  gost  ]>oowe.      Xu    is   al   ])is  niest   isud   of 

bitternessc   AviSutcn.       Sigge  we   nu   sundiwat   of  bittenicsse  wicN- 

Mjncn  ;'  vor,  of  j^eos  two  bitternesses  awakencS  swctnessc,  her  jet  i 

l^isse  world,  and  nout  one  ine  lieouene. 

Ase  icli  seide  ribt  nu  ]>et  Nicodennis  broubtc  smuriles  uorte 
smurien  midc  ure  Louerd,  al  ribt  so  ]>e  ])reo  Maries  broubten  dcore- 
wurSe  aromaz  uortc  smurien  midc  bis  bodi.  :\in)eS  nu  godo  Tcme, 
mine  leoue  sustrcn.  j7eos  ]>reo  IMaries  bitocned  }uvo  bitternesses  .^ 
vor];esnome  ]\Iario  speleS  bitternessc,  asc  doS  IMararabt  ?  iMerarilit, 
J?et  icb  er  of  ]»erui)p(;.  ]?e  uormeste  bitternessc  is  bireousungc 
?  dedbote  uor  sunne,  bwon  ]>e  sunfule  is  iturnd  erest  to  ure  Loueitl. 
pet  is  to  uiKlei-stonden  bi  J^e  ereste  Marie,  Marie  I\ragdalene :'  and 
bi  gode  riliti',  uor  beo,  inc  inucbelo  bireousungc?  ine  muelu-le  bittcr- 
nesse  of  beoj-te,  bilefde  bii-e  sumien  ?  tunide  to  ure  J><>niid.  Anii 
for^i  ]>L't  sum  mulile  ]nu-uli  (o  muebel  bitfernesse  uallm  int.i  nnli-.i.;' 
Magdidrne,  ]K>t  spclr^    tures   licines.-e,  i.>   to    Marie   idiu'd  : '■   lunnb 

'•    I'llisiilXf^.    'I'.       |,ia.-i 
■'   ifciot.  T.      ivriot.   (.' 

I  [!i;  riii:i;i:  makys  Tiii;i:r.  kix])>^  of  i;irji:iixi:ss. 


not  ?uv  tlii>  a^  it'  ui^iloiii  -Aud  discretion  were  not  always  joined. 
Wi-doni  is  t!i«'  motlier  and  the  nnrse  of  all  virtnes  :  but  we  often 
call  that  wlsdniu  ^\]li^•ll  is  not  wisdom.  F«a-  it  is  true  wisdom  tu 
inxl'cv  the  }i,;dth  nf  the  sord  to  that  of  thel.ody;  and  when  we 
cannot  have  tlieni  both  together,  to  elmose  bodily  hnrt  ratlier  than, 
bv  too  ]lo^\el•^nI  teniptations,  the  destrnction  of  the  sunl.  We  are 
tuld  that  Xicodennis  brouuht  for  the  anointing  of  our  Lord  an 
liuiidred  pounds  of  in^rrli  and  of  aloes/  wdiich  are  bitter  s))ices,  and 
betoken  toilsome  labour,  and  mortification  of  the  flesh.  A  hundred 
is  a  complete  number  and  denotes  perfection,  that  is,  a  complete 
work,  to  signify  that  we  ought  to  perfect  the  mortification  of  the 
flesh  as  far  as  may  reasonably  be  endured.  I5y  the  weight  is 
signified  discretion  and  wisdon^i — that  every  man  should  weigh  with 
\\isdom  wduit  he  is  able  to  do,  and  not  bo  so  exceedingly  spiritual  as 
to  neglect  the  body,  mn-,  on  the  other  hand,  so  indulgent  to  the  body 
that  it  nn'giit  become  disorderly,  and  make  the  spirit  its  servant. 
Xo^v  most  of  what  has  just  been  said  is  concerning  external  bitter- 
ness. Let  lis  now  say  something  of  bitterness  internal ;  for,  of  these 
two  bitternesses  ariseth  sweetness,  even  in  this  world,  and  not  in 
heaven  onh". 

As  I  said  just  now  that  Nicodemus  brought  ointments  wherewith 
to  anoint  our  Lord,  even  so,  the  three  JNLarys  brought  precious 
s])ices  wherewith  to  anoint  his  body.  Take  good  heed  now,  my 
dear  sisters  :  these  three  Marys  denote  three  bitternesses  ;  for  this 
name,  INfary,  meaneth  bitterness,  as  do  Mararaht  and  Merariht,  of 
Mhieh  I  have  already  spoken.^  The  first  bitterness  is  remorse  and 
making  amends  for  sin,  when  the  sinner  is  first  converted  to  our  Loid. 
Tliis  is  to  be  understood  by  the  first  Mary,  INIary  :\Lagdalene;  and 
w  ilh  good  reason,  for  she,  in  great  remorse  and  in  great  bitterness  of 
heart,  left  ..if  lier  sins  and  turned  to  otu-  Lord.  lint  because  some 
tlirougb  t.M.  much  bitterness  nnght  fall  into  despair,  :\Iagdalene,  which 
sigiiifh'th  tlu'  h.'iglit  of  a  tower,  is  likened  [/.joined]  to  ?dary,  by  which 



Folio  1'j3 

InvaL  IS  bitocncd  liopc  of  lieili  lucrci  7  of  liciu  ne   Missc-.     j^e  obei- 
bittcrnosse   is    bitternosse    in  %vrastlun-e,   7    in   \s ranvlunoe  :,-,P;,n 
uoiKlunges :'    and   ],eos   bitterncssc  is  bitociH".]    l,i    ]Z  o^vv    Marl.- 
^lanc  Jacobi :'  uor  Jacob  speleS  wrasfhuv.     peos  urasthnvc  i.  iu! 
bitter  to  nion.e  >et  beoS  ful  uorlS  i^ie  weie  touward  hcouene  :'  for  br> 
set  fonduugos,  y,i  beo?>  ].c  deofles  swcngcs,  wagget)  ot)er  huules,  7 
motcn   wrcsten   ajean  nil<l   stronge      Vor,   asc   Scint 
,    Austin  seiS,  "I^l.arao  contcmptus  sui-git  in  scandahnn."     ]\.(,  Invule 
}^ei  euer  Israck's  folc  was  in  Egiptc  under  Pharaones  bund,  no  ledde 
he  neuer  uerdc  ],eron.     Anb  ],o   bit  fleib  uroni  liini,  ].o,  nn'd  al  liis 
strencSe  wende  lie  |>erefter.     Uorbi  is  cuer  bitter  uibt  ncod  a^ean 
Pbaraon,};et  is,  ajean  ];c  deouel.     Vor,  ase  s.i^i   Kz.rl.iel,  -  San- 
guuiem  fugles,  et  sanguis  perscriuitur  te."  ^    Vlih  ..unne  7  su.uiv  wide 
euer  uoluwen  cfter  |;e.     Inouli  is  iseid  ),erupe  Ini  j>e  gode  nis  neu.r 
sdver  of  alle  uondunges.     So  sone  so  bo  baue^  ouerkmneii  bet  on 
ikepe  aiionribt  an  o^Ser.     J^c  Jmdde  bitternesse  is  inc  longu.K-e  ton- 
ward  beouene,  ?  in  }>c  anui^  of  };issc  worldc,  Invon  oni  is  so  iIImc  ]>.:i 
he  liaueS  hcorte  reste  onont  uirbeawes  weorre,  ?  is  ase  ine  beouene 
jetes,  7  ];unclieJS  bitter  alio  woildbclie  I>inges.     And  ]>qos  bitternesso 
is  undcrstonden  bi  lAIarie  Salome,  J^e  ]n-idde  .Marie.   \^or  Salome  spells 
peis;'    and  >co  jet  ];et   babbeS  pels  7  reste  of  cleane   iiuNit,   lieu 
habbeti  in  bore  lieortc  bitteniesse  of  ];isso  line,  ])et  ctball  baui  m\nn 
blissejK't  bam  longeS  to  uroin   God  ]>et   beu   luuit^i.     J?us,  lu!  in 
euericbo   stat   rixleS   bitternesse:    crest,  iJJe   biginnungo,  Invon   mo 
selbtneS  mid  (b.d:    I  uorSjong  of  gode  Hue:'  and  i^c  last  cndc 
Hwo    is,   j.eonne,   o    Codes    lialf,   ],et    wilneb'    i    jn'sse    worldo    eiso 
o'ber  este  ? 

Aub  iiimeS  nu  her  jeme,  mine  Icouc  sustren,  Invu,  efter  bitfc'r- 
ness  kume^  swutnesso.     Jiitterness  bnS  ''  bit :'  uor,  ase  ];e  gospol  seiS, 

-   wi'^lin-c.   T.      \vra-i;iingc.   C. 

'•   emu  sniKiiincm  oiloris,  saiijjuis  ]pfi-rtju<.'ti!i-  te.      Anl^'. 

'     I-,      ani.u.    (,'.  •!    l,ij;..i,..    T. 

Al!  i:il  15ITTi:RXi:i<>  CO^IETII  SWEIITXESi^. 


is  signified  lio[)C  of  urrat  mercy,  and  of  the  joy  of  licavon.  The 
second  bitterness  is  in  wrestling  and  strugghng  against  tenij)tations, 
and  tliis  Littcnu-ss  is  denoted  b\-  tin;  other  JNIary,  INlary  the  mother 
of  Jacob  ;  =*  for  Jacob  mennutli  wrestler.  Tliis  wrestling  is  very 
biltcr  to  many  who  asv  well  advanced  in  the  way  to  heaven,  because 
the}'  still  sometimes  waver  in  tcmiitations,  which  are  the  devil's 
casts,  against  which  they  imist  wrestle  '\^■ith  vigorons  etlbrts.  For, 
as  St.  Austiii  saith,  Pliaraijli  when  despised  was  ronscd  to  punish 
the  affront.  As  h)ng  as  the  people  of  Israel  were  in  Kgyp't  in 
subjection  to  Pharaoh,  lie  never  led  an  army  against  them.  But 
mIicu  they  fled  from  him,  then  he  pursued  tliem  with  all  his  foi'ces. 
AMierefore  it  is  necessary  always  to  fight  bitterly  against  Pharaoh, 
that  is,  against  the  devil.  For,  as  Ezekiel  saith,^  "  Thou  shalt  flee 
from  blood,  and  blood  shall  pursue  thee.^'  Flee  from  sin,  and  sin 
will  always  follow  after  thee.  It  has  been  sufficiently  shewn  above 
how  the  good  man  is  never  safe  from  all  temptations.  As  soon  as 
he  hath  overcome  one,  he  immediately  meets  with  another.  TJic 
third  bitterness  consists  in  longing  for  heaven,  and  weariness  of  this 
world,  when  one  is  of  such  exalted  piety  that  his  heart  is  at  rest 
with  regard  to  the  war  against  vice,  and  he  is,  as  it  were,  in  the 
gates  of  heaven,  and  all  worldly  things  seem  bitter  to  him.  xVnd 
this  bitterness  is  to  be  understood  ])y  JSIary  Salome,  the  third  Mary. 
For  Salome  signifieth  peace,  and  they  who  have  peace  and  the 
repose  of  a  pure  conscience,  have  in  their  heart  bitterness  of  this 
life,  which  detains  them  from  blessedness  which  they  long  for,  and 
from  God  ^vhom  tliey  love.  Thus  we  see  that  in  every  state 
bitterness  prevails :  first,  in  the  beginning,  when  we  are  reconciled 
to  0(xl — in  the  progress  of  a  good  life— and  in  the  last  end.  Who, 
then,  is  on  (lod's  side  who  deslreth  in  this  world  I'ase  or  abundance? 
Kut  now,  obsei-ve  here,  my  dear  sisters,  how  after  bitterness 
conicth  sweetness.  Bitterness  buyeth  it,  for,  as  the  Gospel  saith, 
those  three  JMai-ys   bought  sweet-smelling  spices,  to  anoint  our  Loi^l 






rf:oul>:  ixcusAitU-M. 




])C05  ]  roo  Maries  bouhtcn  swote  sinclliixle  aroinaz  uorto  sinuricii 
/''o;<r>  103/..  mlile  me  T.oiierd  J)in-ii]i  aroniaz,  J;et  IkoS  sw<;to,  is  imdcrstun.leii 
swotnesse  of  deuot  lieoite.  peos  ]m-co  Maries  buun-eJS  hit,  Ju-t  U, 
))uruh  bitternessc  mo  kumet^  to  swotnesse.  Di  j'issc  iioiue,  M;irie, 
iiimeS  euor  bitternessc.  puriih  Marie  bone  ?  bisocne  was  watei', 
ette  noces,  iwcnt  to  wine  :  ]>et  is  to  understondcn,  j'uridi  bone  ol" 
bitternessc  ]'et  me  her  drieb  for  C!od,  ]>e  beorte,  ])et  was  walei-i, 
smcccLles/'  and  ne  nelede  no  sauur  of  God,  naninorc  ];en  of  water, 
J'eo  scbal  boon  Iwend  to  wine  :'  }>et  is,  ]>eo  hcorte  selial  iuindeji 
sniccli  ine  him  swete  ouer  alle  wines.  UorSni  sei'S  J;c  wise,  "Usque 
in  tempus  sustinebit  paeiens,  et  })ostea  redltio  jocmiditatis  :'"  ];et  is, 
J'e  ])olemodc  ])olie  bitter  one  liwule :'  nor  lie  schal  sone  ];ercfter 
liabben  jeld  of  blisse.  And  Aime  in  Tobio  seiJS  bi  ure  Louerd, 
"  Quia  post  tempestatem  tranquilhim  facit,  ct  post  lacrimacionem  et 
fletnm,  exultacionem  infundit:"  ]>et  is,  iblesced  boo  ]ni,  Louerd,  bet 
makest  stille  cfter  storme :'  7  cfter  wopie  watcres  ^eldest  bJiS 
murul^^es.  Salomon:  "Esuriens  etiam  amarum  pro  dulci  sunict:" 
jif  ]>u  ert  of  liungred  efter  ];e  swete,  ]m  most  erest  sikerliche  biten 
o^e  bittre.  In  Canticis :  "  Ibo  milii  ad  montem  niirrc  et  ad  colics," 
?c.  Ich  cliullc  gon,  lieo  sciS..  Godcs  deore  spusc,  to  rcchelcs  huUe, 
bi  ]?e  dune  of  mirre.  Lo!  liwuch  is  ]>c  wei  to  rechelcs  swotnesse? 
By  mirre  of  bitternessc.  And  eft,  itSet  ilke  luuc  boc:  "  Que  est  ista 
que  ascendit  per  descrtum  sicut  uirgula  fumi  ex  aromatibus,  mirre  et 
thurls?"  Ai'omaz  is  imaked  of  mirre,  ?of  reches  [/.  rechles].  And 
mine  he  set  biuoren,  7  rechelcs  kumeS  cfter:  "  11\  aromatibus,  mirre 
ct  thuris."'  Nu,  meneS  hire  sum,  1  seiS  ])et  heo  ne  mei  habben  swot- 
nesse :'  ne  ne  of  God,  ne  swotnesse  wiSinncn.  i\"e  w  nndrie  heo  hire 
nowiht,  jif  heo  nis  nout  Marie:'  vor  heo  hit  mot  buggcn  mid  bittei- 
nesse  witiuten  :'  auh  nout  mid  euerielie  bitteniesse  :  nor  sum  g..^ 
fronnnard  God,  ase  euerich  worldlich  sor  )'et  m's  lor  ]>v  sduK;  lieale. 
VorM,  i^e  gospelle,  of  J>e  ]>i\-n  Maries  is  iwrifm  ]>i^>rs  wcis  :'  "  \'t 
uenientes  ungerent  .le>uni — non  autciii  reerdeiitrs."  ji.-.js  preo 
Claries,  hit  seiJS,  ]>et  is,  )>c<)S  bitteriK-sscs  weren  kuininde  norti 
»  smflle>.   'J . 

Folio  104. 



witli.  P>\'  spices,  whkh  are  sweet,  is  to  be  ixnclcrstooil  the  sweet- 
11955  of  a' devout  licart.  Tliose  three  Marys  buy  it,  that  is,  through 
bittcnioss  we  arrive  at  sweetness.  l>y  this  name,  ^Nlary,  always  under- 
stand bitterness.  Throngli  ^Nfary's  request  an.d  entreaty  at  the 
ninrriaue,  water  was  changed  to  wine,  which  is  tlins  to  be  under- 
stood, that,  through  the  prayer  of  bitterness  that  we  suffer  here  for 
God,  tlie  heart,  which  was  watery,  tasteless,  and  felt  no  savour  of 
God,  no  more  than  of  water,  shall  then  be  changed  to  wine,  that  is, 
that  heart  sliall  find  a  taste  in  him  sweet  above  all  wines.  Wherefore, 
saith  the  wise  man,  "  Usque  in  tempus  sustinebit  patiens,  et  postea 
redltiojucunditatis;  "•■'  that  is,  "The  patient  man  bears  that  which 
is  bitter  for  a  while,  because  he  shall  soon  afterwards  have  a  return 
of  joy."  And  Anna,  in  Tobias,  saith  of  our  Lord,  "Quia  post 
tempestatem  tranquillum  facit,  et  post  lacrymationem  et  fletum 
exultationem  infundit;  '^^  that  is,  "Blessed  be  thou,  O  Lord,  who 
makest  a  calm  after  a  storm,  and  after  weeping  and  tears  bestowest'' 
mirth  and  joy."  Solomon  saith,  "  Esuriens  etiam  amarum  pro 
dulci  sumet."  ^'^  "  If  thou  hungerest  after  the  sweet,  thou  must  first, 
surely,  eat  of  the  bitter."     Li  the  Canticles,   "  Ibo  mihi  ad  montem 

will  n-o,   sai 

th  God's  dear  spouse, 

myrrhaj  et  ad  collem  thui-is."^ 
"  to  the  hill  of  frankincense  by  the  mountain  of  myrrh."  Observe  : 
Which  is  the  way  to  the  sweetness  of  frankincense?  By  the  myrrh 
of  bitterness.  And  again  in  the  same  love-book  :  «  Who  is  she  that 
goeth  up  bv  the  desert,  as  a  pillar  of  smoke  of  aromatical  spices,  of 
myrrh  andVrankincense  ?  "  '  Aromatic  spices  are  composed  of  myndi, 
and  of  frankincense.  And  myrrh  he  placeth  before,  and  frank- 
incense conicth  after:  "Of  aromatical  spices,  myrrh  and  frank- 
incense." Now,  some  one  complaineth  that  she  cannot  have  swcet- 
ness-iieither  of  God  nor  sweetness  within.  Let  her  not  wonder,  if 
she  is  not  ^lary  ;  for  she  must  buy  it  with  bitterness  without;  but 
not  with  every  bitterness,  for  some  causeth  to  go  a^vay  from  God, 

'  r>clus.  i.  23. 
■  hclrJcbt  ?  poure=it  in. 
"  Song  of  Solomon,  iv 
CAMD.  i^OC. 

•>  Tobit. 

"  I'rov.  .xxvii. 

'  Song  of  Solo 

3  c 

22.   Vulgato. 


n.ovi-.K  iNCLLSAiaxr. 

s.nunen  m-e  LoucrJ.  jx..  l.eo«  kumiude  uurtc-  s.nnn.n  urc-  Lou..,-.! 
>et  mo  ].,le5  for  luue.  Tic  streccheS  Imn  touw.-H-d  us  ase  bin.- 
]>et  ij  i.inurcd.  and  niak,.^  hUn  nosshe  "?  softo  uorto  l.ondlcn.  And 
r.cs  he  hnu  sulf  rccln.  [he  n.eidenes  Avond.o?  pcM..  two  l>in-.>s 
lunpeS  to  ancre:'  nerul.^:-  ?  bitternessc.  A^.r  wond.c  is  n.adi 
wununge  ];er  urc  Loucrd  was  rccdus.  And  tis  word,  Marie  a<o  is 
ofte  iseid,  speloS  bittcrnesse.  Eif  5c,  ],conne,  ine  nerc^vc  stude 
Hiet,  ])itterncsse,  3c  beoS  his  feolawcs-rcclus,  aso  he  was  ine 
Mane  wouibe.  peonne,  30,  ine  ncrcwc  stude,  ]>(,licb  bitteruossc  ase 
ho  dude  HI  Marie  wombe,  Invon  50  ],eoS  ibunder.  wibinnen  uour 
large  wowes,  and  he  in  a  neruh  kader^-ineiled  o  rode-and  ine 
stonene  \n-n\i  bidnsed  heteucste.  INfai-ie  wonie  ?  ]m.os  ]>ruli  v, xrou 
his  anc-rcs  buses  :'  aiid  in  uou^er  ncs  ],e  worldlidi  nion  :  auli  was 
ase  ut  of  |;e  worlde,  uorte  scheaweu  ancren  }>ct  heo  ue  scliulen  mid 
]>e  worlde  no  ping  habben  imene.  "  Le,"  ^n  onswcrest  ine  7  '^eist 
"auli  ure  Louerd  wende  ut  of  boSc."  Lc  wend  tu  also  ut  of  bo 
l^ine  ancre  luiscs,  ase  lie  dude,  wiSute  bruchc,  1  bilef  ham  boSe 
ihole.  pet  schal  beon  luvon  ]>e  gost  iwent  ut  on  ende,  wiSute  brudie 
Folio  104  J.  'i  wiSute  wem,  of  his  two  buses,  pet  on  is  J^e  licanie  ;'  j^ct  o\Scr  is 
)?et  uttre  hus,  Jjet  is  ase  ])e  uttre  wal  abute  ]>c  kastle. 

A\  J;et  ich  habbe  iscid  of  flcsshes  pinungc  nis  nout  uor  ou,  mine 
Icoue  susti-cu,  ])ct  oSerhwules  ]7olieS  more  j^eu  ieh  wolde  r'  auli  is 
forsum>et  sdiul  reden  J>is  inouh  i-ea'^e,  ];et  gropitS  hire  to  soft e 
noSdcas.  T.unge  impen  me  bigiirt  mid  ];ornes,  leste  lyc.tcs  urcten 
ham  ]'eo  hwule  ];et  lieo  l)eo^j  meruwc.  Tc  lieoji  ;^nnne  iinjx-n  i^rt 
in  Cod.-s  orchnrde.  ]i(>rncs  b(>(.^  |h>  ]K■;n•(1>t•llijH^^  ju'-t  irh  hiiLbc 
ispekcn  ..f:'  and  ou  is  neo.l  )H-t  i;e  bf,.,,  bisri  mid  h-.un  aluitcii.  jv-t 
"  <-ia.l,l.   T. 

Ki:(  l.l  SE,^   MIE  LIKi:   vol :X(i   TKKKS  FKNCKD  -WiTII  TIIOIINS.    .".79 

as  every  \vorldly  pain  which  is  nut  for  tlie  licakh  of  tiic  soul 
^Vhc'lV^olv,  in  the  Gospel  it  is  written  of  t!ie  three  Marys  in  this 
iiiaiinor,  " 'J'liat  coming,  thvy  might  anoint  Jesus,  but  not  going.'' 
These  three  INfarys,  it  Is  saiil,  tliat  is,  tlie.-^e  bitternesses,  were  coming 
to  anoint  our  Lord.  Those  suflei-ings  are  coming  to  anoint  our  Lord 
wliich  we  endure  Ibr  Jiis  sake.  He  stretcheth  liimself  toward  us  as  a 
thing  that  is  anointed,  and  maketh  iiimseli  tender  and  soft  to  liandle. 
Arid  was  he  not  himself  shut  up  in  the  maiden's  wondj  ?  These  two 
things  belong  to  an  anchoress,  narrowness  and  bitterness.  For  a 
woud)  is  a  narrow  dwelling,  where  our  Lord  was  shut  up.  And 
this  word  ^fary,  as  has  often  been  said,  signifietli  bitterness.  If  ye, 
then,  in  a  narrow  place  endure  bitterness,  ye  are  like  him — shut  up, 
as  he  was  in  Mary's  womb.  Then,  do  ye,  in  a  narrow  })lace,  endure 
bitterness,  as  he  did  in  Mary's  womb,  wdien  ye  are  contincd  within 
funr  large  walls^  and  he  in  a  narrow  cradle — nailed  to  the  cross — 
and  in  a  tomb  of  stone  closely  cijiifined.  Mary's  womb  and  tin's 
tomb  were  his  anchorite  houses,  and  in  neither  was  he  a  man  of  tliis 
world,  but,  as  it  were,  out  of  the  world,  to  shew  anchoresses  that 
they  ought  to  have  nothing  in  common  with  the  world.  "Nay," 
thou  answerest  me  and  sayest,  "  but  our  Lord  went  out  of  both." 
Nay,  go  thou  also  out  of  both  thine  anchoress  houses,  as  he  did, 
without  breaking  out,  and  leave  them  both  whole.  That  shall  be 
when  the  spirit  goeth  out  at  last,  without  breach  and  without 
blemish,  from  his  two  houses.  The  one  is  the  body,  the  other  is  the 
external  house,  which  is  as  the  outward  wall  about  the  castle. 

All  that  I  have  said  concerning  the  mortification  of  the  flesh  Is  n-.t 
for  you,  my  dear  sisters,  who,  upon  some  occasions,  sufiler  more  than 
I  could  wish,  but  it  is  for  some  one  wdio  will  give  this  advice  readily 
enough,  who  nevertheless  handleth  herself  too  softly.  ^Men  fence 
round  with  thorns  young  trees,  lest  beasts  should  gnaw  tliem  wliih^ 
thev  are  tender.  Ye  are  young  trees  planted  in  fJod's  orclmrd. 
Thorns  are  the  haidships  which  I  have  spoken  of,  and  it  is  necessary 



to  best  oF  belle,  h\Yon  he  snakereS  touard  ou  uorto  bitcii  on  on, 
hurte  liim  oSc  lierclscliipe/  1  sclmnclie  ajelnwardos.  Mid  al  );is 
herdscliipc,  beo^  gledc  jlf  lute  word  is  of  on,  ?  -^iC  -^q  beoS 
unwurSe:'  nor  Jjorn  is  schcrp  7  uinvurti.  Mid  ]'e,,s  two  beuS 
igurdc.  le  iiowen  iiout  uiincn  J>ct  cni  vucl  word  komc  of  ou  :'  nor 
schandle  is  heaued  sunne ;'  auli  ^e  owcn  uortc  uinien  ]>et  no  word 
ne  kome  of  ou,  nanmore  J^en  of  dcade.  And  beo?>  ])j|^e  on  licorte 
jif  je  ]7olie5  daungcr  of  Sluri,  ];c  kokes  knaue,  );et  wasshe^  |;e 
disshcs  iSe  kuclioiie.  peonnc  boo  5c  dunes  iheied  up  to  }>e  licouene :' 
vorlo!  liwu  spekeS  ))e  lefdi  iSet  swetc  luuc  boc :  "Yenit  dilcctus 
mcus  saliciis  in  niontibus,  transiliens  colics."  "Mi  leof  kunieS,"  he 
sei^,  "leapinde  oSe  dunes  ouerleapinde  hulies."  Dunes  bltocneS  )>co 
]?et  ledeS  licxst  lif :'  hulles  beoS  ];e  lowure.  Nu,  seilS  heo  pet  hire 
leof  leapeS  oiSe  hulles  :'^  ]?et  is,  to-tret  liam,  "^  to-fuleS  haui,  7  ];ole«S 
Jjet  me  to-tret  ham,  7  tukeS  ham  alto  wundre :'  scheaweS  in  ham 
Folio  105.  liis  ownne  treden  J^et  me  trodde  lu"m  in  liani,  7  iuinde  Invu  he  was 
to-treden,  ase  his  treoden  scheaweS.  ))Is  beo«S  ]'e  heie  dunes,  asc  ]>o 
mmit  of  ]\Iunoiue,  7  Jjc  dunes  of  Arnienie.  pco  hulles  ]>et  beo5 
lowure,  ]}eo,  asc]7e  lefdi  seiS,  hire  sulf'"  ouerlcapeS,  ne  strusteS''  heo 
so  wel  on  ham,  nor  hore  feblcsce  ^  uor  ne  muhtc  heo  nout  iJSolien 
swuche  to-tredunge,  and  ]7ereuorc  heo  ouerleapeS  Jiam,  7  forbcreS 
ham,  7  forbuwc'S  °  ham  uort  ]>et  heo  beon  iwaxen  lierre,  urom  hulles 
to  dunes.  His  schedewe  hure  7  hure*"  ouergeS  and  wri<S  ham  J;e 
hwule  ])Qi  he  leaped  ouer  ham  :f  )7et  is,  sum  ilicnesse  he  leiS  on  ham 
of  his  line  on  eorbe,  ase  ]>auh  hit  were  his  schedewe.  Auh  |?e 
dunes  underuo^  pe  treden  =  of  him  suluen,  and  scheaweS  in  hore 
line  hwneh  his  liflode  was — hwu  7  hwar  he  code — i  hwuchc  uilte — 
i  hwuche  wo  he  ledde  his  lif  on  eortJc.  Swuch  dune  was  ))e  gode 
Powel,  ]?ct  scide  r'  "Dejicinnir,  sed  non  pcrlnuis,  mortifieatlonem 
Jesu  in  corpore  nostro  circmnferentcs,  nt  et  uita  Jesu  in  corporlbus 

tnistt-.  T.      tni-.t.   c; 
trorl..,.   T. 

••  flunes.  T.  C. 
'    f.-rlnihos.   T. 

Qu.   Iiiiii-Mlf: 
lii.ihuro.   C. 




for  you  that  ye  Le  fenced  euohikI  with  them,  that  the  beast  of  hell, 
\vlien  he  comes  sneaking  t()\\ai-d5  you  to  bite  you,  may  hurt  himself 
vtpcu  tlie  liardiiess,  and  slink  away  from  you.  With  all  tins  hard- 
ness, be  glad  if  yc  are  little  spoken  of,  and  if  ye  are  disestcemcd,  for 
a  thorn  is  sharp  and  disesteemed.  With  these  two  things  be  ye 
encompassed.  Ye  ought  not  to  let  any  evil  word  proceed  from  you, 
for  scandal  is  a  mortal  sin ;  and  ye  ought  to  let  no  evil  word  jn'ocecd 
from  you  any  more  than  from  the  dead.  And  bo  glad  in  your 
heart  if  yc  suffer  insolence  from  Slurry,  the  cook's  boy,  who 
washeth  dishes  in  the  kitchen.  Then  are  ye  mountains  exalted  to 
heaven ;  for  consider  how  the  lady  speaketh  in  that  sweet  love-book, 
"  Venit  dilectus  nieus  sallens  in  montibus,  transiliens  colics." ' 
"  My  love  Cometh,"  she  saith,  "leaping  on  the  mountains,  leaping 
over  the  hills."  iNIountains  betoken  those  that  lead  the  highest  life, 
hills  are  the  lower.  Now,  she  saith  that  her  love  leapeth  on  the 
hills  [mountains],  that  is,  treadeth  upon  them,  and  defilcth  them, 
and  suftereth  them  to  be  trodden  upon,  and  chastises  them  sharply : 
sheweth  in  them  the  footmarks  ujwn  his  own  person,  in  wlii(di  men 
trode  upon  him,  and  they  find  how  he  was  trodden  upon,  as  the 
footmarks  upon  him  shew\  These  are  the  high  mountains,  like  the 
mountain  of  Montjoye  and  the  mountains  of  Armenia.  The  hills, 
which  are  lower,  which  as  the  lady  saith  herself  [himself]  ovcr- 
leapeth,  and  doth  not  trust  in  them  so  much,  on  account  of  their 
weakness ;  because  they  could  not  bear  to  be  so  trodden  upon,  and 
therefore  she  [he]  overleapcth  them,  and  hath  patience  Avith  them, 
and  avuideth  them  until  they  be  waxen  higher,  from  hills  to 
mountains.  Ills  shadow,  however,  passeth  over  and  covereth  them 
while  he  leapeth  over  them,  that  is,  he  layeth  ujjon  them  some 
resemblance  of  his  life  on  earth,  as  if  it  were  his  shadow.  JUit  the 
mountains  receive  the  footmarks  of  himself,  and  exhibit  in  their  life 
what  innnner  of  life  he  led— how  and  whore  he  went— in  how  abject 

,i„S  skipping;  .nr. 

of  niv  liolnvrd  : 
l(.  C. 



i;i:oii..i:  inclusai;i;.m. 

nostns  manifestc-tur."     Alle  wo,  cweS   Seinte  I>owol,  ?  nllc  .cl.comc 
vv-e  ];<,IieS.     Auh  );ot   is  urc   isduliJ)c  ];ct  nvo  beorcn  in  urc  Iodic 
Jesu  Cristes  deadlicnesse,  )7et  hit  sutcllc  in  us  liwuch  was  Lis  lil.m 
eorSe.      Got  hit  wot!  J>eo  |,et  ]nis  do5  hco  preouejj  h..rc  huK'  t-ni- 
warj  lire  Louerde.       "  Liuu'..t   tu    me?    Cu<S   hit,  nor   luue    wule 
sdieawen  hive  mid   uttre  v.c-rk.s."      Cn-c^orius  :    '-iVobatio  dil.c- 
tionis  exhibitio  est  operis."     Xe  boo  neucr  ],ing  so  lici-d  })et  hu.e  ne 
make^   nesshe,   ?  softe,    ?  swete.      "Amor  omnia  reddit   faciha." 
H^yat  ]?olieb   men  ?   wumu.en   uoi-  uals  luuc !    and  more   Molden 
Hien  !     And  Invat  is  more  wunder  >et  siker  luuc,  1  trewc  ?  suete 
Folio  105 b.  oucr  alle  oSre  luuen,  ne  Uiei  amelstrcn  us  so  uorS  ase  deb  }>e  luue 
sunne!     Nout  forSi,  ieh  v.ot  swulne  J;et  bere«  bob'e  to<-cdcre  hcui 
brmue  and  here,  ibunden  mid  iren  ];e  nuMdel  pauh,  and  ermcs  mid 
brode  picke  bendes,  so  J>et  tet  swote  },erof  is  strong  passiun,  uorto 
]7ohcn  :  -  uesteS,  wakcS,  swinkeS  ^'  and,  Crist   hit  wot,   lie  meneS 
hmi,  ?  seiS  yd  hit   ne  greueS  him  nout  r  and  bid  mo  ofte  tcchcn 
hnn  sum  J;ing  mid  Invat  he  muhte  his  Ilcome  deruen.     Don  le  set  r' 
set  he  wcopS   on   me,   monne*'   sorest,  J  seiS   ]>et  God  haue-g   al 
uoi-^iten  him,  uorSi  )7et  he  ne  sent  him  none  muchele  sconesse.     Al 
)?eteuer  is  bitter,  uor  ure  Louerdes   luue,  al  him  ];unche5  swete 
God  hit  wot,  ]7et  makes  luue :/  uor,  ase  he  scib  me  ofte,  uor  none 
>ing  )7et  God  muhte  don  vuele  bi  him,  J;auli  he  mid  >e  forlorene 
wurpe  him  helle,  ne  nmlito  he,  him  ]nnicheb,  luuien  him  ],c 
lesse.     And  ^if  cni  mon  ei '  swueh  );ing  ortroweb  bi  him,  he  is  more 
mat  ^  |>en  ]?c]>c  of  inumen  mid  J^eofSe.     Ieh  wot  ec  swucho  wummon 
))et  };ole5  lute  lesse.     Auh,  nis  |?er  bute  ])onken  God  of  his  strcneSe 
]?et  he  jIueS  ham.     And  iknowe  we  urc  o\\  une  Avocncsse  edmodliche  :f 
and  luuie  we  here  god,  7  so   hit  is   ure.     Vov,  ase  Seint  Grcgoric 
seiS,  "Luue  is  of  so  nnichele  strencSc  J^et  heo  niakeS  o^res  god, 
wiSuten  swinke  ure  owune  god."     Nu,  me  ])uuelie5   ].rt   we  iTcob 
ikumeii   info  ]>c   scoue^ic  dole,   ]>et    is    al   of  liiu..   |,ol    uKikvh   schir 

est    Sl„l. 

.lit.  T.     cut.  (• 

"    .m;..1.    C. 

Lovr.  :\rAKr.TH  Ar.i,  thixgs  easy,     kxampm: 


a  con.lition — and  in  what  pain  lie  led  his  life  on  earth.  Snch  a 
mountain  was  tlic  <sr,cA  Paul,  who  said,  "  We  are  cast  down,  hut  we 
jiorisli  not ;  always  hearing  ahout  in  our  hody  the  mortification  of 
Jesus,  tliat  the  life  also  of  Jesus  may  he  made  manifest  in  our 
hodies."^  "We  sulTer,"'  saitli  St.  Paul,  "all  ])ain  and  all  shame." 
But  it  is  our  happiness  that  Me  hear  in  our  hody  the  likeness  of 
Jesus  Christ's  death,  that  it  may  he  shewn  in  us  of  what  nature  was 
his  life  on  earth.  God  knoweth  I  they  that  act  thus  prove  their  love 
towards  our  Lord.  "  Lo^'est  thou  me  ?  Shew  it ;  for  love  will  shew 
itself  hy  outward  acts."  St.  Gregory  saith,  "  The  proof  of  love  is  the 
manifestation  of  its  effect."  Nothing  is  ever  so  hard  that  love  doth 
not  make  tender,  and  soft,  and  sweet.  "  Love  maketh  all  thinors 
easy."  What  do  men  and  women  endure  for  folse  love  !  and  would 
endure  more  !  And  what  is  more  to  he  wondered  at  is,  that  the 
love  which  is  faitliful  and  true,  and  sweeter  than  any  other  love  ma}' 
not  overmastei"  us  so  much  as  doth  sinful  love !  Yet,  I  know  a  man 
who  weareth  at  the  same  time  both  a  heavy  cuirass  and  haircloth, 
bound  with  iron  ahout  the  middle  too,  and  his  arms  with  broad  and 
thick  hands,  so  that  to  bear  the  sweat  of  it  is  severe  suffering ;  he 
fastetli,  he  watcheth,  he  laboureth,  and,  Christ  knoweth,  he  com- 
plaineth  and  saith  that  it  doth  not  oppress  him,  and  often  asks  n-:e 
to  teach  him  something  wlierewith  he  might  give  his  hody  pain. 
God  knoweth,  yet  he,  the  most  sorrowful  of  men,  weepeth  to  me  and 
saith  that  God  hath  quite  forgotten  him,  because  he  sendeth  him  no 
o-reat  sickness.  Whatever  is  bitter  seems  sweet  to  him  for  our 
Lord's  sake.  God  knoweth,  love  doth  this,  because,  as  he  ofren 
saith  to  me,  he  could  never  love  God  the  less  for  any  evil  thing  that 
Tie  might  do  to  him,  even  were  he  to  cast  him  into  hell  with  those 
who  polish.  And  if  any  man  confidently  believe  any  such  thing  of 
him,  he  is  more  confounded  than  a  thief  taken  with  his  theft.  I 
know  also  a  woman  of  like  mind  who  suffercth  little  less.  And  what 
remains  but    to   thank    God    f'ov  the  strength    tl;nt  lie  givrlh   tlicm  ? 

.f  \  ul^'a 



Her  beginner  ]ie  seoue^e  dole. 

Of  Luue. 

Seint  Powel 


.'itneS  );et  allc  uttre  herdscliipcs,  7  allc  vlcsilics 
Folio  106.  pinunge,  ?  alle  licomes  swinkes,  al  is  ase  nout  a^ean  luuc,  bet 
schire^  7  brihteS  ],e  heorte.  "Exercitatio  corporis  aJ  modicum 
ualet :'  pictas  autem  ualet  ad  omnia:"  ];et  is,  "Licomlicbc  bisiscl 
is  to  Intel  wurS  r'  auli  swotc  ?  schir  heorte  is  god  to  alle  h 
"Si  tradidero  corpus  meum  ita  ut  ardcam :  si  lingwis  homiuum 
loquar  et  angelorum  :'  et  si  distribuero  omnes  facultates  meas  in 
cibos  pauperum,  caritatem  autem  non  lia1)eam,  iiichil  mild  prodcst." 
"  pauh  icli  ku^e,"  he  seiS,  "alle  monne  ledcne  7  cnglene:'  and  };auh  ich 
dude  o  mine  bodie  allc  ]>e  pinen,  7  alle  ]>q  passiuns  |;et  bodi  muhte 
polien  r'  and  J;auh  ich  jefde  poure  men  al  pet  ich  hefde  :'  but  jif 
ich  hefde  luue  );er  mide  to  God  ?  to  alle  men,  in  him  1  for  him,  al 
were  aspilled  f  vor,  ase  }>e  holi  abbod  Moiscs  scide,  "  Al  pet  wo  7  al 
)>et  herschipe  J>et  we  )?olIe^  of  flcsche,  7  al  )?e  god  J;ct  we  eucr  doS, 
alle  swuche  |;inges  ne  beo^  butcn  ase  lomen  uorte  tilicn  mide  ]>q 
heorte.  Eif  eax  ne  kurue,  no  ];e  spade"  nc  dulue,  ne  ];e  sulidi»'  ne 
erede,  hwo  kepte  ham  uorte  holdcn?"'  Al  so  ase  no  mon  ne  luue  J) 
lomen  uor  ham  sulucn,  auh  deS  for  pc  J;ingcs  ]>et  me  wurchoJi  mid 
ham,  riht  al  so,  no  vlesshes  derf  nis  forte  luuicn  butc  uorbi  bet  God 
]>o  ra^er  lokc  }ndeward  mid  his  grace,  and  makie  ];e  heorte  schir  7 
of  brihte  sihSe  r'  ]>et  non  ne  meihabbc]i  mid  inonglun'-e  of  nn- 
'Soauwes,  ne  mid  eorSlich   luuc  of  worldliche  |>inges  :'  uor  bis  mouf 

»  siiitcl  staf.  T.     spiitcl  stof.  C. 



And  let  us  huiiiLly  ncknowlctlge  our  own  weakness,  and  love  their 
merit,  and  tJuis  it  becomes  our  own.  "For,"  as  St.  Gregory  saitli, 
••I(.ve  is  of  so  great  power  that  it  niaketh  the  merit  of  otliers  our 
o\Mi  without  labour."  I  think  we  are  now  come  to  the  seventh  part, 
whicli  is  all  of  love,  which  makcth  a  ]mYo  heart.     Here  beoinneth 

TAUT  VII.— Or  LovK. 

St.  Paul  witucsseth  that  all  outward  hardships,  and  all  pains  of 
tlie  flesh,  and  all  bodily  labours,  are  as  nothing  when  compared  with 
love,  which  pui-ifioth  and  brightcneth  the  heart,  "Exercitatio 
corporis  ad  modicum  valet;  pietas  autem  valet  ad  omnia  ;  "  "  that  is, 
"  Uodily  diligence  is  of  little  profit;  but  a  sweet  and  clean  lieart  is 
profitable  to  all  things."  "  Si  tradidero  corpus  meum  ita  ut  ardeam ; 
si  Unguis  hominnm  loquar  et  angelorum  ;  et  si  distribuoro  omncs 
facultates  rncas  in  cibos  pauperum,  caritatem  autem  non  habeam, 
niliil  mihi  prodest."  **  "  Tliough  I  know,^'  saith  he,  "  all  the  tongues  of 
men  and  angels;  ami  though  I  inflicted  upon  my  body  all  the  pains, 
and  all  the  sufferings  that  a  body  could  endure;  and  though  I  gave 
poor  men  all  that  I  had;  unless  I  had  therewith  love  to  God  and  to 
all  men,  in  him  and  for  him,  it  were  all  lost."  For,  as  the  holy  abbot 
jMoyses  saith,  "  All  the  pain  and  all  the  hardships  that  we  sufler  in 
the  flesh,  and  all  the  good  we  do — all  such  things  are  but  as  tools 
with  which  to  cultivate  the  heart.  If  the  axe  did  not  cut,  nor  the 
spade  delve,  nor  the  ploughshare  plough,  who  would  care  to  have 
them  ?  "  In  like  manner,  as  no  man  lovetli  tools  for  themselves,  but 
for  the  things  which  arc  done  with  them,  so,  no  pain  of  the  flesh  Is 
to  be  loved,  unless  on  this  account,  that  (Jod  may  the  sooner 
ixgard  this  with  his  grace,  and  make  the  heart  pure  and  of  clear 
siglit;  which  none  can  have  with  an  intermixture  of  vices,  nor  with 
carlhly  affection  towards  the-  things  of  the  world;   for  this  mixing  so 

Cyv.MD.  soc 

:i  I) 




^volv^;-so|)c  oion   of  |;c  Iieorto   }hL   lico   nc   luu  iknov.cii  Cu.l,  lu- 

y^h'Mvn   of   his   siliSc.      "  Sclnr   lit-ortc,"  ns.;   Sci.Mt    lI.Tiianl    sei^, 

"iunke-5  two  |;iiiges  :'  j^ct  tn,  al  |)et  ]>u  dcst,  do  liit  (,^oi-  unv  Inuc 

/.'.,/..  100^.  ouv  ..f  God,  o^or  nor  o^ros  -od,  7  for  liis  biheuc."     Ilaiu',  in  al  ^et 

tu  dest,  on  of  ]>eus  two  eiitentr.,  oSer  bo  togcderes  :'  uor  ])o  latere 

ua!le-5  into  ]>e  uonne.     Ilauc  cucr  schir  heorte  ])U3,  1  do  nl  Ja't  tn 

Avilt.     Ilaue  wori  ^  heorte  7  al  j>e  sit  vuelc.     "  Omnia  numda  niun- 

dis,  coinquinatis  uero  nichil  est  niundnni."     Apostolus.     St  Aiigus- 

tliius  .-^  « Ilabc  caritatem  et  fac   quicquid  uis  :'  nolnntate,  uidclTcet, 

rationis."    VorSi,  mine  leoue  snstren,  oner  alle  ]>ing  bco«  bisie  uortc 

habben  schir  heorte.     Ilwat  is   schir  heorte?     Jch  hit  habbc  iseid 

er:  J;et  k,  ]>et  je  no  ]>ing  ne  wiJnen,  ne  ne  Inuien  bate  God  one,  and 

]7eo  iike  j'inges,  uor  God,  |?et  hcl])e5   ou  touward   him.     Uor  God, 

ich  singe,  luiiicn  ham,  7  nout  for  ham  suluen— ase  mete,  ?  cIoS,  and 

mon  o^er  wnmmon  ];ct  je  beo-5  of  igodcd.     Uor,  ase  Seint  Austin 

seiS,  7  spekeS  ];us   to  ure  Loncrd,  "Minus  te  aniat  qui  ])reter  tc 

aliquid  aniat  quud  non  propter  te  amat :"  };et  is,  '=  Loucrd,  lesse  heo 

luuieS  ye  |>ct  luuicS  out  bute  |;c,  bute  jif  heo  luuien  hit  for  J/e." 

Schirnc'sse  of  heorte  is  Godcs  luue  one.     1  J;issen  is  al  be  streneSo 

of  alle  religiuns,  and  J;e  ende  of  alle  ordrcs.     *'  Plcnitudo  lenis  est 

dilectio."  "Luue  fulleS  ]?e  lawe,"  he  sciS,  Selnte  I'uwel.   "Quk-quid 

precipitur  in   sola  caritate   solidatur."      "Alle   Godes  he.-,ten,"  ase 

Seint  Gregorie  scib,  "bco5  ine  luue  iroted."     Luue  one  schal  beon 

ileid  ine  Seinte  IMiheles  weie.     peo  ]>et  nicst  luuieS,  J»eo  schullen 

beon  most  ibiisced  :'  nout  J)eo  J^ct  lcde'5  herdest  lif :'  uor  hme  uucr- 

■weiS  hit.     Luue  is  hcouene  stiward,  uor  In'iv  nuichcle  ureoschipe,'" 

uor  heo  ne  ethalt  no  J^ing,  auh  heo  jiueS  al  )>et  heo  haueS,  1  ec  hire 

suluen  :'  elles  GO'S  ne  kcpto  nout  of  al  ]>et  hire  were. 

/''//io  1 07.         Cjiud   liaueh   of-gon   ure    huu,-   on    alle   kunnc'  \'.  iscn.      Tic   liaueN 

niucliel  iduii  us,  '}   more   I)ili(itc)i,      Muclid   -^ruui- 

^   Imu 

Ms  hu 

fu-olaie.   T.      iVcol, 



tli.torts  the  eyes  of  the  lieart  tliat  it  cannot,  know  God,  nor  bo  gla<l 
at  liis  siglit.  "A  pnre  heart,"  as  St.  Bernard  saith,  "doth  two 
thin-s,  it  makfth  thee  to  do  wlmtevcr  thou  docst,  either  for  tlic  lovo 
of  God  only,  cir  for  the  <;or.d  or  benefit  of  another."  In  all  tliat  thou 
tlocst,  have  one  of  tliese  two  intents,  or  both  toocthcr,  for  the  latter 
coineides  \vith  the  former.  Keep  thy  heart  always  thus  i)urc,  and 
do  all  that  thou  wilt.  Have  a  perverse  heart,  antl  every  thing  is 
evil  with  thee.  The  apostle  saith,  "  Unto  the  jmre  all  things  arc 
l)ure,  but  unto  them  that  arc  defiled  is  nothing  jmre."  *  And  St. 
Austin,  "  Have  charity  and  do  whatsoever  thou  wilt,  that  is,  by  the 
w  ill  of  reason."  Wherefore,  my  dear  sisters,  endeavour,  above  all 
things,  to  have  a  pure  heart.  AVhat  is  a  pure  heart  ?  1  have  told 
you  before :  it  is  that  yc  neither  desire  nor  love  any  thing  but  God 
only,  and  those  things,  for  God,  that  assist  you  to  come  to  him.  I 
say  ye  arc  to  love  them  for  God,  and  not  for  themselves — as  food 
and  clothing,  and  man  or  woman  from  whom  ye  receive  benefits ; 
fur,  as  St.  Austin  saith,  and  speakcth  thus  to  our  Lord,  "  Minus  te 
amat  qui  praiter  te  aliquid  amat  quofl  non  propter  te  amat :  "  that  is, 
"  Lord,  she  loveth  thee  less  who  lovetli  any  thing  but  thee,  unless  she 
love  it  for  thee."  Pureness  of  heart  is  the  love  of  God  only.  In 
this  is  the  whole  strength  of  all  religious  j)rofessioriS,  and  the  end  oi' 
all  religious  orders.  "  Plenitudo  legis  est  dilectio."  ^  "  Love  ful- 
filleth  the  law,"  saith  St.  Paul.  "  Quicquid  pni^cipitur  in  sola 
caritate  solidatur."  "  All  God's  commands,"  as  St.  Gregory  s:iith, 
"are  rooted  in  love."  Love  alone  shall  be  laid  in  St.  Michaers 
balance.  They  who  love  most  shall  be  most  blessed,  not  they  who 
lead  the  most  austere  life,  for  love  outweigheth  tlii.^,.  Love  is 
heaven's  steward,  on  account  of  her  great  liberality,  for  she  retains 
nothing  for  herself;  but  giveth  all  that  she  hath,  and  even  herself, 
otherwise  God  would  not  esteem  any  of  the  things  that  were  hers. 

God  hath  deserved  our  love  in  every  way.      Jle  hath  done  much 
lor  us,   and  hath    i-romised  nioiv.      A  great  gift  attacts  lovo,  and  ho 

Titus,  i.  l.'i. 


liKCJUL.K  IN(•^usAItu^r. 

I  $ 

nie  muclic'I  jef  he  us.  Al  J^enc  world  he  jef  us  in  Adam  urc 
Ueder :'  and  al  j-'ct  is  i^Se  worlde  he  -wcrp  under  ure  net —  bcstes  J 
fueles,  ear  we  ^veren  uorgulte.  "Omnia  suLjocisti  sub  }>cdibus  ejus, 
oues  et  bones  uniuersas,  insu^-er  et  pecora  campi,  volucrcs  celi  ct 
pisces  maris,"  ?c.  And  jet  al  J^ct  is,  ase  is  jjeruppc  iseid,  serue«S  pe 
godo,  to  ])e  soule  biheue :'  jete  J^e  vuele  scrueS  eorJS,  seea,  ?  sunne 
[viz.  sol].  Let  he  dude  more:  lie  jef  us  nout  one  of  his,  aiih  dude 
al  him  sulucn.  So  heih  jeoue  nes  neuer  ijiuen  to  so  louwe 
Avrccches.  A})Ostolus:  "Christus  dilexit  ecclesiani  et  dedit  scmet- 
ipsum  pro  ca."  Seintc  Powel  seiS,  "  Crist  luucdc  so  his  leofmon  ]>et 
he  jef  for  hire  ]?e  pi'is  of  him  suluen."  Nimcc)  <^o([  jcme,  mine  leoue 
sustren,  uor  hwi  we  ouh  him  to  lunlon.  Erest,  ase  a  mon  ]?et 
■vvowe'S^ — ase  a  king  J^et  luucde  one  kfdi  of  feorrenc  londc,  and 
sende  hire  his  sondesmen  biforen,  })et  wcren  j^o  patriarkes  7  ]>e  pro- 
phetes  of  ]>q  Oldc  Testament,  mid  lettres  isealed.  A  last  he  com 
liini  suluen,  and  brouhte  JK-t  gospel  ase  lettres  iopcned,  and  wrot  mid 
his  owune  blode  saluz  to  his  leofmon,  of  luuc  gritungo  uortc  wowon 
hire  mide,  ?  forte  -vvclden  hire  luue.  Ilcrto  naileiS  a  tale,  and  on 
iwrien  ^  uorbisne. 

A  lefdi  was  ]jct  was  mid  hire  uoan'^  biset  al  abuten,  ami  hire  luiid 
al  destrued,  If  heo  al  pourc,  wiJSinnen  one  corSene  castle.  On  mihti 
kinges  luue  was  pauli  biturnd  upon  hire,  so  vnimete  swuiSe  }»et  he 
uor  wouhlecchunge  **  sende  hire  his  sonden,  on  efter  oJScr,  and  ofte 
somed  monie :'  7  sei\de  hire  beaubelet*^  bo5e  ueole  ?  felrc,  and 
Fofio  107  i.  sukurs  of  liueneS,  7  lielj>  of  his  lieie  bird  to  holdcn  hire  castel.  Heo 
underncn"-  al  ase  on  unrceheleas  ]>ing  ]jet  Avas  so  herd  iheorted  ]'et 
hire  luiu'  no  milite  he  neuer  beon  ]>o  neorre.  Hwat  wiilt  tu  lumv? 
He  com  himsulf  a  last,  and  scheawede  hire  his  feire  neb,  ase  ]k-  ]'o( 
was  of  alio  men  ueirest  to  biholden,  and  sj»ee  s\\u\'  swi-k-liche  7  .-o 

I.  T.  c. 

■.x\l.rl./.    T.      I.r 

••  iiiikt.  r. 

''    %vohl;u-.   T. 

^V1IAT  noD  HAS  dom:  to  gain  olu  i,ovk. 


ivc  lis  nuieli.      He  gave  us  tlie  wliole  world  in  our  father  Adam. 

Viid  nil  tlint   is   in  tlie  world  he   cast  under  our  lect— beasts  and 

(owls,  hcFore  we   had  sinned.     •'•'  Thou  hast  put  all  things  under  his 

feet:     all    shee[)  and  oxen,  moreover  the  heasts   also   of  the   field, 

^lie  birds  of  tlie  air,  and  the  fishes  of  the   sea,"  &c.''     And  besides, 

as  has  been  already  said,  all  that  is  serveth  the  good,  to  the  profit  of 

the  soul :   moreover,  the  earth,  the  sea,  and  the  sun  serve  the  e\  il. 

Pie  did  yet  more :   he  gave  us  not  oidy  of  his  own   things,  but  he 

igave  us  himself.      So  noble  a  gift  was  never  given  to  such  abject 

Uvretehes.     The  apostle  St.  Paul  saith,   "  Christus  dilexit  ccclesiam 

jet  dedit  semetipsum  pro  ea."  ^     "Christ  so  loved  his  spouse  that  he 

{gave  for  her  the  price  of  himself"      Observe  carefully,   my  dear 

f  sisters,  why  we  ought  to  love  him.     First,  as  a  man  that  wooeth — 

.  as  a  king  thut  loved  a  lady  of  a  distant  land,  and  sent  before  him  his 

I  ambassadors  to  her,  which  were  the  patriarchs  and  the  })rophets  of 

the  Old  Testament,  with  scaled  letters.     At  last  he  came  himself, 

and  brought   the  Gospel,  as  letters  o[)ened,  and  wrote  with  his  own 

blood  salvation   to  his  beloved  as  a  love  greeting,  to  woo  her  with, 

and  to  obtain  her  love.     To   this  belongs  a  tale,  and  a  lesson  under 

the  cover  of  a  similitude. 

There  was  a  lady  who  was  besieged  by  her  foes  within  an  earthen 
castle,  and  her  land  all  destroyed,  and  herself  cpiite  poor.  The  love 
of  a  powerful  ki}ig  was,  however,  fixed  upon  her  with  such  bound- 
less affection,  that  to  solicit  her  love  he  sent  his  ambassadors,  one 
after  another,  aiid  often  many  together,  and  sent  her  jewels  both 
many  and  fur,  and  supplies  of  victuals,  and  the  aid  of  his  noble 
army  to  keep  her  castle.  She  received  them  all  as  a  careless 
creature,  that  was  so  hartl-hearted  that  he  could  never  get  any 
nearer  to  her  love.  A\'hat  wonldest  thou  more?  lie  came  himself 
lit  last  and  sliewed  her  his  fair  face,  as  one  who  was  o\'  all  men  tlir 
nio.-t  beautii'nl  to  bch(jld  ;    and  spoke  most  sweetly,  and  such  ple;isant 



KKGUL.E  inclt;sai:im. 

inune  wonles  |>ot  heo  niul.tcn  J>c  dcnde  nrearcn  umni  deaSc  to  li„o 
A.Kj  w,ouhtc  m..,lc  wundrcs,  and  dude  ueol.  nK-istrles  biuoren  Ime 
ei.i.M5c. :   ?  schcawedc  hire  mihten  ^  toldc  Imc  of  his  kinedonu-  r 
Olid  bead  for  to  Tnakien  liire  cwene  of  al   l>ct  ho  ouhtc.     AI  bis  no 
iK'Ip  nout.     Nes  pis  wundcrlich  hokcr?     Vor  heo  ncs  ncucr  wurSo 
uortc  been  Ins  schelchinc.a     Auh  so,  l^uruh  his  debouerte,  It.ue  hc-fdo 
ouerkumen  lane  },ct  he  seide  on  ende,  «  Dame,  j^u  crt  iwcorre.l,  1  bine 
uon  beoS  so  strongc  ],et  tu  ne  moilit  noncsweis,  ^vi5utcn  sukuns  of 
me,  etfleon  bore  Iiondcn,  ]>et  lu-o   ne   don   ].e   to  schoonK.ftde  deaS. 
loll  chulle  uor  };e  ]uue  of  ]>o  ninicn  }>is  upon  nie,  and  arcdden  be  of 
hmn  ]>ot  sehecheS  ]nne  dea^.       Ich  wot  ^auli  fur  soSe  bet  ieli   sc-hal 
b.tweonen  ham  underuongen^  deaSes  wunde  :'    and  ieli  hit  wulle 
heortehche  uorto  of-gon  <=  ];ine  heorte.       Nu,  ];eonne,  biieehe  iel,  be 
uor  ].e  luuo  ]7et  ich  kuSe  ];e,  >et  tu  luuie  n.e,  hure  1  hure,J  efter  L'l 
like  dead  deaSe,  hwo.i  ],u  noldes  hues."      pes  king  dude  al   bus: 
aredde  In'rc  of  alio  hire  uon,  and  was  hinisulf  to  wundre  ituked,  and 
isleicn  on  ende.     J7uruh  miracle,  Vauh,  he  aros  from  deaSe  to'liue 
Ncre  |;eos  ilke  lefdi  of  vuele  kunnes  knnde,  jif  heo  ouer  alio  bin-  ne 
luue  him  her  efter  ? 

Fullo  108. 

pes  king  is  lesu  Crist,  Godcs  sune,  ];et  al  o  )>isse  wise  wowude 
ure  soule,  J>et  J^e  deoflen  heueden  bisct.  And  h.e,  ase  noble  woware 
efter  monie  messagers,  1!  feole  god  deden,  com  uorto  preouen  his 
luue,  and  scheawede  |;uruh  kniht:,chipe  J;et  he  was  luue-wurde  :'  ase 
weren  sumewlmle  knilites  iwuned  for  to  donne.  He  dude  Jn'm  ine 
turiiement,  ?  hefde  uor  his  leofmonnes  luue,  his  schelde  ine  uihte, 
ase  kene  kniht,  on  eueriche  lialf  i-]nu-led.  pis  schcid  j>ct  wreih  his 
Godhed  was  his  leoue  licomc  yet  was  ispred  o  rode,  brod  asi-  scheld 
buuen  in  his  i-streiht  earmcs,  and  rieruli  IjineoSeii,  ase  ))e  un  uut, 
efter  pet  me  weneS,  sete  upon  pe  ovSer  note.     j\'t  ])is  sclidd  naue^' 

I'.iftin.    T.  C. 

ou<r-,i.  T.      fil;;aii.    C. 

(ft. I-  nil. i, IRS  wciic.   T. 

iiiiiio.   'r.      iii'uiiie.   C. 
"  T.      I;.,.l.urc.  C. 


onls,  tliat  tliey  miglit  have  raised  the  dead  from  death  to  life. 
Villi  lie  wrougiit  many  miracles,  and  did  many  wondrous  works 

L'fore  her  eyes,  and  shewed  her  his  jiower,  told  lier  of  In's  kingdom, 
ind  offered  to  make  her  queen  of  all  that  belonged  to  him.  All 
this  availed  nothing.  Was  not  this  disdain  a  marvellous  thing? 
For  she  was  never  worthy  to  be  his  scullion.  But,  through  his 
goodness  and  gentleness,  love  so  overmastered  him  that  he  at  last 
|snid,  "Lady,  thou  art  attacked,  and  thy  enemies  are  so  strong  that, 
without  help  of  me,  thou  canst  not  by  any  means  escape  their  hands, 
so  that  they  may  not  put  thee  to  a  shameful  death.  I  will,  for  the 
love*  of  thee,  take  uj)on  me  this  fight,  and  delivei-  thee  from  those 
who  seek  thy  death,  yet  I  know  assuredly  that  among  them  I  shall 
receive  a  mortal  wound,  and  I  Avill  gladly  receive  it  to  win  thy 
heart.  Now  then,  I  beseech  thee, -for  the  love  that  I  shew  thee,  that 
thou  love  me,  at  least  after  being  thus  done  to  death,  since  thou 
wouldst  not  in  my  life- time."  This  king  did  so  in  every  point. 
He  deli\ered  her  from  all  her  enemies,  and  was  himself  grievously 
maltreated,  and  at  last  slain.  But,  by  a  miracle,  he  arose  from 
death  to  life.  Would  not  this  lady  be  of  a  most  perverse  nature,  if 
she  did  not  love  him,  after  this,  above  all  thinos? 

This  king  is  Jesus  Christ,  the  Son  of  God,  who  in  this  manner 
wooed  our  soul,  which  the  devils  had  besieged.  And  he,  as  a  noble 
wooei*,  after  many  messengers,  and  many  good  deeds,  came  to  prove 
his  love,  and  shewed  by  his  knightly  prowess  that  he  was  worthy  of 
lo\'e,  as  knights  were  sometimes  wont  to  do.  He  engaged  in  a 
tournament,  and  had,  for  his  lady's  love,  his  shield  every  where 
])ierced  in  battle,  like  a  valorous  knight.  This  shield  which  covered 
his  godhead  was  his  dear  body,  that  was  extended  on  the  cross, 
broad  as  a  shield  above,  in  his  outstretched  arms,  and  narrow  be- 
neath, because,  as  men  suppose,  the  one  foot  was  placed  upon  the 
otIuT  foot.  That  tliis  shield  had  jio  sides  is  to  signify  that  his 
<li.scij)les,  who  ought  to  have;  stood  \>\   liim  and  be  his  sides,  all  fled 




Fvlio  1  OS  /. 

none  siden  is  forto  bitocnen  }»et  liis  clcciples,  );et  m:1iuUU'!i  stun.Un  l.i 
him,  and  i-boon  liis  siden,  vluwen  allc  uroiu  him  ?  bilc-f'dfii  liim  n-^r 
ureoraedc  :'  ase  ])e  gospel  sciS,  "  Rclicto  co,  onmes  fugerimt."  ]7is 
scheld  is  i-^iuen  iis  ajean  alle  tcniptaciuns,  asc  Jeivniic  wltneS  :' 
"  Dabis  scutum  cordis,  laborem  tuum,"  7  Psalinista,  "  Scuto  bone 
uoluntatis  tue  coronasti  nos."  pis  scheld  ne  schilt  us  nout  one  urom 
alle  vueles  t  aiili  de^  ^et  more  :'  hit  kruneiS  us  in  lieouene.  "  Scutu 
bone  uoluntatis  tue,"  Louerd,  he  seiS,  Dauid,  mid  ]>e  scheld  of  I'ine 
gode  %ville.  Vor,  willes  he  J?olede  al  ]>et  he  |)()lede.  Ysaias. 
"Oblatus  est  quia  uoluit."  ISIe,  Louerd,  ]m  seist,  hwartu?  Xe 
niuhte  he  mid  lesse  grcf  habben  ared  us?"  Te  ^iker,^  ful  lihfli^he  :' 
auh  he  nolde.  Ilwareuore?  Yorte  binimen  us  euerich  bitellun^e 
ajean  him  of  ure  luue,  J?et  he  so  dcore  bouhte.  Me  buJS  lihtlichc  a 
l^ing  ]?et  me  luueS  Intel.  lie  bouhte  us  mid  his  heorte  blodo  :' 
deorre  pris  nes  nouer,  uorte  of-drawen  of  us  ure  luue  touward  him 
|7et  kostnede  him  so  deorre.  Ine  schelde  beo5  ]>reo  j^Inges,  ]>ot  treo, 
and  ]?et  leSer,  7  \e  peintunge.'^  Al  so  was  iSisse  schelde — ]>et  treo 
of  ]?e  rode,  1  ]>et  leSer  of  Godes  licome,  and  ]>e  peintunge  of  ])e 
reade  blode  ]?et  heowede  hire  so  ueire.  Kft,  )'e  Jn-idde  reisun. 
Efter  kene  knihtes  deaSe  me  honge^  heie  ine  chirche  his  scheld  on 
his  munegunge.  Al  so  is  ]>is  scheld,  ])et  is,  ]>et  crucifix  iset  ine 
chirche,  ine  swuche  stude  ]?et  me  hit  soiicst  isco,  vorto  j>enchen  ]>e)'bi 
o  Jesu  Cristes  knihtschipc  J^et  he  dude  o  rode.  His  leofmon  biholde 
beron  hu  lie  bouhte  hire  luue  and  lette  JMirlen  his  scheld  :'  ]>et  is, 
lette  openen  his  side  uorte  scheawen  hire  liis  liecifp,  and  fi)rt(» 
scheawen  hire  openliche  hwu  inwardlielie  lie  hiuede  liire,  and  forlo 
of-drawcn  hire  heorte. 

Uour  heaued  luuen  me  iuinl  iJSissc  Avorldc — bitweoucn  gode 
incren  ]'e  uormeste  is:'  bitweonen  mon  ?  wuniiMun  j-c  o^er  is:' 
l.itweoneii  wif  7  hii'c  child  ]>e  ];ridde  is  :    l)ilur(n!<'ii  licome  ?  suule. 



from  liim  and  forsook  liim  os  an  alien,  as  the  Gosik'1  saitli,  "  Tliey 
all  forsook  liini  and  fled."'=^  Tliis  shield  is  given  us  against  all 
temptations,  as  Jeremiah  testlfietli,  "  Tliou  shall  give  them  a  buckler 
of  lienrt,  thy  lahour."''  And  the  Psahnist,  "Thou  hast  crowned  us 
as  with  a  shield  of  thy  good  will,''*"  Tiiis  shield  defends  \is  not 
only  from  all  evils,  but  doth  yet  more,  it  crownetli  us  in  heaven, 
'•  Scuto  bona?  voluntatis  tua?."  "  O  Lord,"  saith  David,  "  with  the 
shield  of  thy  good  will."  For,  willingly  did  he  suffer  all  that  he 
suftercd.  Isaiah  saith,  "  He  was  oft'ered  because  it  was  his  own 
will."  ^  I5ut,  "  O  Lord,"  thou  sayest,  "  why  ?  "  Could  he  not  have 
delivered  us  with  less  trouble?  Yes,  indeed,  full  easily,  but  he 
would  not.  Wherefore  ?  To  take  away  from  us  every  excuse  for 
Jiot  loving  him  who  redeemed  us  at  so  dear  a  price.  Men  buy  for 
an  easy  price  a  thing  for  which  they  care  little.  He  bought  us  with 
liis  heart's  blood,  a  dearer  price  there  never  was,  that  he  might  draw 
out  of  us  our  love  toward  him  which  cost  him  so  dear.  There  are 
three  things  in  a  shield,  the  wood,  the  leather,  and  the  painting. 
So  was  there  in  this  shield  ;  the  wood  of  the  cross,  the  leather  of 
God's  body,  and  the  painting  of  the  red  blood  which  stained  it  so 
fully.  Again,  the  third  reason.  After  the  death  of  a  valiant  knight, 
men  hang  up  his  shield  high  in  the  church,  to  his  memory.  So  is 
this  shield,  that  is  the  crucifix,  set  up  in  the  church,  in  such  a  place 
in  which  it  may  be  soonest  seen,  thereby  to  remind  us  of  Jesus 
Christ's  knighthood,  which  he  practised  on  the  cross.  His  spouse 
beholdeth  thereon  how  he  bought  her  love,  and  let  his  shield  be 
l)ierced,  that  is,  let  his  side  be  opened  to  shew  her  his  heart,  and  to 
shew  her  openly  how  deei)ly  he  loved  her,  atid  to  dniw  her  heart  to 

Four  princii)al  kinds  of  love  are  found  in  this  world.  'JMie  first 
is  betwecii  virtuous  friends ;  th<'  secoiid  is  between  man  and  woman ; 
the  third,  between  a  woman  and  her  child  ;   [the  fourth,]  between 

"   lM;itt.  x.vvi.  5t;. 
■•   Psalm  V.  ]n.   Tr    of  ^■ul^atp. 
(AMD.  SOC. 

Cr,.  Trans,  of  Vulg., 
7.    Vul^-ate. 

3  ]•: 



llEr;ii,.i;  IN( Ai;i  \i. 

peo  luuc  ]H't  Jesu  Crist  ll;^^K■^  tu  his  deure  Icofmoii  oufr-i,i.!L)  ham 
alio  uouiCj  7  passL^i  iiam  nil''.  Nc  tdtcb  mc  liiin  god  fecjluwo  J)t't 
IciS  liis  wed  itie  Giwcrie  uorto  acwitcii  ut  liis  fere?  God  Almihti 
lelJe  liiinsulF  uur  us  ine  Giweric,  and  dudu  his  dcoivwur^c  bodi 
uorto  acwltt'ii  ut  his  leofiuuii  of  Giwene  hoiidon.  Neuor  ucre  swiich 
Folio  lOd.  fordedc"''  uc  dude  uor  liis  owuue  ucre.  Muelicl  luue  is  of'tc 
bitweonen  inou  7  wuiunion.  Aidi  j^aidi  lieo  wore  iwedded  him  lioo 
mulito  i-wur(5en  so  umvrcst,  ?  so  loiino  heo  muhtc  uorlioren  liiri- 
mid  o^cr  men^  ]>ot,  tauh  lieo  wolde  kumen  ajcau,  he  ne  keptc  hire 
nout.  And  forSi  Crist  luueS  more :'  uor  ];auh  ]}c  soule  his  spusc 
uorhorie  hire  mid  ]>e  ueond  of  hello,  under  heaucd  sumio  ueolo  jores 
7  dawes,  liis  merci  is  lilrc  ouer  ^eruh  hwonse  hco  \\u\q  kumcu  to  him 
^bileauen^  J?enc  deouel.  Al  ]7is  he  seiS  himsulf  jniruh  Jcrcmie, 
"  Si  dimiserit  uir  uxoreni  suam,"  7c.  "  Tu  autem  furnicata  es  cum 
multis  amatoribus,  tamen  rouertere  ad  me  dicit  Dominus."  Ik't  h>' 
sol's,  al  dei,  "  pu  Jjot  liauest  so  unwrestelichc  idon,  bituni  ]>c  and  cum 
a^can  :'  wilkume  sclialtu  boon  mo."  "  Immo,  et  occurrit  prodigo 
uenienti."  Let  he  eorneS,  liit  seiS,  a^ean  liire  jan-kume,  and 
worpeiS  earmes  anon  abuten  hire  sweore.  Ilwat  is  more  milco? 
Eet  her  is  glcdfuluro  wunder:  Ne  beo  ncuer  his  leofmon  uorhorod 
mid  so  monio  deSliche  sunncn,  so  sone  so  hco  kumcS  ajean  to  him, 
he  makctS  hire  neouwe  meiden.  Yor,  ase  Seint  Austin  soiS,  "So 
muchcl  is  bitweonen  Godes  neihlocluuigc  7  monncs  to  wununon  |>et 
monnes  neihlechunge  makeS  of  meiden  wif,  and  God  makelS  of  wif 
mci^en."  "  Restituit,"  inquid  Job,  "in  integrum."  Gode  workcs  7 
trcowe  bileaue,  l>eos  two  pinges  bcoS  mcidehod  inc  soule.  Nu  of  j'o 
bridde  kme:  Child  j^et  hcued  swuchc  vucl  |>ct  him  bilunuHle  bciS  o*' 
blode  or  hit  were  ihcled,  mucliel  luuede  ]>c  moSer  hit  JK-t  wolde  liim 
bis  beS  mnkien.      pis  dude   urc  T^ouord   us   ])et  weren   so  siko  of 


Tin;  KOA^K  OF  ciirasT  to  his  si';,  tiik  soul. 

39.)  iin<l  soul.      The   love    wliich  Jesus  Christ  luith   to   Iiis   deiu- 
^iM>use  suipa^scth   tliem  all   four,  and  excollcth  them  all.     Do  net 
iiK-n  account  him  a  good  friend  -who  laycth   his  i)ledoe  in  Jewry  to 
release  his  companion?     God  Almighty  laid   himself  in  Jewry  for 
us,  and  ga\e  up  his  precious  body  to  release  his  spouse  out   of  the 
hands  of  the  Jews.     Never  did  friend  give  such  a  surety  for  his  own 
friend.      There  is  much  love  often  between  man  and  woman.      But, 
although  she  were  married  to  him,  she  might  become  so  depraved, 
and  might  so  long  be  unftiithful  to  him  with  other  men,  that  though 
she  were  willing  to  return  to  him,  he  would  not  receive  her.     And 
therefore  CIn-ist  loveth  more  ;  for  though  the  soul,  his  spouse,  should 
be  unfaithful  to  him  with  the  fiend  of  hell,  in  mortal  sin  many  years 
and  days,  his  mercy  is  ever  ready  for  her,  whensoever  she  will  come 
to   him,  and   renounce    the    devil.       All    this  he  saith  himself  by 
Jeremiah,  "  If  a  man  put  away  his  wife  and  she  go  from  him,  an<l 
become  another  man's,  shall  he  return   unto  her  again  ?     But  thou 
hast  played  the  harlot  with  many  lovers,  yet  return  again  to  me 
saith  the  Lord.'^ ""     He  still  saith  all  the  day,  "  Thou  who  hast  done 
so  wickedly,  turn  thee  and  come  again,  welcome  shalt  thou  be  to 
me."     "  Immo,  et  occurrit  prodigo  venienti."     He  even  runneth  to 
meet  her  returning,  and  immediately  throweth   his  arms   about  her 
neck.     What  greater  mercy  can  there  be?     Yet  here  is  a  m<jre 
joyful  wonder.     Though   his  spouse  were  polluted   with  so  many 
deadly  sins,  as  soon  as  she  cometh  to  him   again,  he  maketh  her 
again  a  virgin.     "  For,"  as  St.    Austin  saith,  "  so  great  a  difference 
is  there  between  God's  communion  with  the  soul,  and  man's  with 
woman,  that  man's  connnum'on  maketh  of  a  maiden  a  wife,  and  Ciod 
maketh    of  a  wife  a  maiden."     "lie  hath  given  me  again,"  saith 
Job,  "all  that  I  had  before."     These  two  things,  good  works  and 
true  faith,  are  maidenhood  in  tlie  soul.     Now,  concerning  the  third 
kind  of  love:   If  a  child  had  a  disease  of  such  a  nature,  that  a  bath 
of   blood   were   rcfpiired    for   him   before   he  could   be   healetl,   tliat 



FoU.,  ?  so  isulcd  ]>ov  mide  ]>et  no   }>ing  nc  inuhtcn  liclcn   us  uc 
K'9''-  clenseu  us  bate  his  blod  one  r^  uor  so  lie  hit  wokle :'  ],is  hiue  makcdc 
us  beS  };erof:'  ibiesccd  bco  he  eucre!     preo  be«cs  lie  greiSedc  to 
liis  duore  leofhion  uorto  wasshen  hire  in   ham  so  Invit  ?  so  ueir  ];ct 
lico  were  ^\  ur^Se  his  clene  cluppunges.     pet  ercst  beJ5  is  fiduht.     put 
oSer  beob  teares,  inre  o^er  uttre,  cfter  ]>e  uornio  be^,  jif  lieo  Jiirc 
fuleS.     pet  };ridde  beS  is  Jesu  Cristes  blod  j'et  lialeweS"  boS  );eos 
obrc,  ase  Scint  Johan  seiS  iSe  Apocalipse,  -  Qui  dilexit  iios  et  lauit 
nos  in  sanguine  suo:'"  );et  is,  he  luue-b  us  more  \cn  eni  moder  deS 
hire  child.      He  hit  sei«  hhnsulf  ];uruh  Isaic:    "Nunquid  potest 
mater  obliuisci  filii  uteri  sui  ?  "  ?c.   "  Mci  moder  uor^iten  hire  child  ?  » 
he  seiS,  «  and  tauh  heo  do,  ich  ne  mei  );e  uorjiten  neuer :  "  and  sciS  ];e 
reisun   efter,   hwareuore,  "In    manibus   meis  dcscripsi  te."     "Ich 
habbe/'  he  seiS,  «  dcpeint  |>e  i^-  minehondcn."  So  he  dude  mid  rcade 
blode  up  o^e  rode.     Mon  knut  his   kurtel  '^  uorte  habben  jx.ulit  of 
one  pinge :!  auh  ure  Louerd,  uor  he   nolde  neuer  uor^iten  us,  he 
dude  nierke  of  purlunge  ine  bo  two  his  honden.     Nu  of  pe  ueorSe 
luue.     pe  soule  luue-S  j^et  bodi  swuSe  mid  alle  :'  1,  ];et  is  eScenc  ilie 
twinnunge  ^  vor,  leoue  ureond  beoS  sorie  hwon  lieo  schulen  twinnen. 
Auh  ure  Louerd  wilieliche  to-tweamede  "^  his  soule  urom  his  bodie 
vorto  ueien  ure   bo'Se  togederes,  world  a  buten  ende,  iSe  blisse  ol" 
heouene.     pus,  lo !  Jesu  Cristes  luue  touward   his  deore  spusc,  |;et 
is,  lioli  chirche,  oScr  j)e  cleane  soule,  passe^S  alle,  1  ouerkumet)  ^c 
uour  mcste  luuen  }>et  me  ivint  on  eor^e!     Mid  al  pisse  luue  jet  he 
woweiS  hire  o  pisse  wise. 

im.        pi  luue,  lie  sei-^,  urre  Louerd,  oiSer  heo   is   forto  jiuen  alliui'-e, 
otStT  lieu  is  turto   sullen,  oSer  heo  is  forto  reaucii  ?  to  niinen  mid 


inotlier  must  love  hitu  greatly  who  would  make  tills  batli  foi*  him 
[with  her  own  blood].  Our  Lord  did  this  for  us  who  were  so  sick 
w  ith  sin,  and  so  defiled  with  It,  that  nothing  could  heal  us  or  cleanse 
us  hut  his  blood  only ;  for  so  he  would  have  it ;  his  love  made  us  a 
bath  thereof;  blessed  may  he  be  for  ever!  He  prepared  three  baths 
tor  his  dear  spouse,  in  which  to  wash  herself  so  white  and  so  fair  that 
she  might  be  worthy  of  his  pure  embraces.  The  first  bath  is  baptism  ; 
the  second  is  teai's,  inward  and  outward,  after  the  nature  of  the  first 
bath,  if  she  defile  herself  [with  sin]  ;  the  third  bath  is  the  blood  of 
Jesus  Christ,  that  sanctifieth  both  the  other  two,  as  St.  John  saith 
in  the  Apooalj-pso,  "  Who  loved  us  and  washed  us  in  his  own 
blood ;  "  '"'  that  is,  he  loved  us  more  than  any  mother  doth  her  child. 
He  saith  this  himself  by  Isaiah,  "  iS'^umpxid  potest  mater  oblivisci 
tilii  uteri  sui  ?  "  &C,''  "  Can  a  mother  forget  her  child  ?"  he  saith, 
''  and  though  she  do,  I  can  never  forget  thee  :  "  and  he  then  telleth 
the  reason  why,  "  In  manibus  meis  descripsi  te."  °  "I  have  painted 
thee,"  saith  he,  "  in  my  hands."  He  did  so  with  red  blood  upon  the 
cross.  A  man  ties  a  knot  upon  his  belt,  that  he  may  be  reminded 
of  any  thing ;  but  our  Lord,  that  he  might  never  forget  us,  made  a 
mark  of  piercing  in  both  his  hands.  Now  concerning  the  fourth 
love.  The  soul  loveth  the  body  very  greatly,  and  that  is  easily 
seen  in  their  separation  ;  for  dear  friends  are  sorry  when  they  nnist 
separate.  But  our  Lord,  of  his  own  accord,  separated  his  soul  from 
his  body,  that  he  might  join  our  body  and  soul  together,  world 
without  end,  in  the  blessedness  of  heaven.  Thus,  behold  how  the 
love  of  Jesus  Christ  toward  his  dear  spouse,  that  is,  holy  church,  or 
the  pure  soul,  surpasseth  and  excelleth  the  four  greatest  loves  that 
are  found  on  earth  !  With  all  this  love  he  still  wooeth  her  in  this 

Thy  love,  saith  our  Lord,  is  either  to  be  altogether  freely 
liiven,  or  it  is  to  be  sold,  or  it  is  to  be  stolcji  and  taken  by  force.  If 
Tt  is  to  be  oiven,  where  couldst  thou  bestow  it  brtler  than  uix^n  me  ? 

Isaiah,  xhs. 


REOUL,,.:  iNcr.usAuu 

-onne  ho.ulest?     N„„>  ieh  ™:  „' t Zf^  ,"7' '    '^'"".'  ''" 
'-■go  .nonne  1,.,  ho  „o  con  nout  etl.okle        fc,  1  "v'^' ,""'  '^' 

J'u3,aIleKMeis„nslnv„;„,oo  hforto'-   ""'f  ""■°''-''  '  '"-^'^'^'^ 

■"  -  ••'  ..o.nciic,,o.  3if  ^„  ,::*  :;t' :;,  r:':";'^"'"  '->■■•"'•- 

Itmon  ,ne  b„to  l.olJc,  l,;,-o      Eif  W  b  '       '  "°"  ™  '"" 

and  so  me   ouh   forto   sullon   l„„e    ^  fj,'^  ""'""'"'»■ '""o- 
1""    Iu„e   is   so   to   sullon    id,       I'l      .  ',"  )""«"  '■"«•      Cif 

ai.e  o..e.  Vo,  of  yJZfL^'L:^^  tb""-,'  'l'"^  ""- 
pe  J-e  ineslo  of  bam  alio      A,,,!  -;f  ,  '^^  ''''"'  '""■■"•J 

boon.  So.e  feor  o'  «„e  I  a"'";,^  1  X:,."  ;™'  ''-'  '"''  -l.ulo 
ich  .mile  ,i„e„  Je,  „„,.  ,,ine  lu!!: ::  '  S^'  ll^";^'  >^' 
and  kinedomes?    Wultu  w^lrlm.   oi  a,  .?  ^^  "'t»  I-'abtlcs 

.e  bote.,  ieb  c..u,,etie;:'ir;;^;^'.r  of,''"^' "™ 

pu  scbalt  boon  seoueuokl  b.ibh-c  ben  be  s,„  „e  -  I  °\'""""^"-- 
.W»..,..hern,ie„,,e:'  no  ),i„g  no  scbal  s/eame,  ^  "o  ™'' "^  ^'■■''■•>' 
"onten  ^e  :'  al  ,,i  ,vi„e  schal  boo  I  Vul,  in  l"""  "  ?'"' 
eorSe:- 50,  ami  vet  inc  belle  N„  , , .  "" '"  '"  ''O"""'^'  ?  In 
soluble,  ,.et  icbi,lle  ji    n"  „,„,Vu  iri'     '""'''  ^™''^■"  »"•-'' 

vnendlicbenK,..e_aI  Xresnie  ,e  "\     '^1:"  l'  """'r'"'"^  ""' 

Haseofteasemeoueseclebin,  me "ollbi   e  """  "■'"^' 

.nokerfof_„o..t.obn„d..d  siclelV;     Jr;;X:^^^^^^^^ 
pet  strof  wis  beortes  oncrvrn :"  San,sone,  J,       v  ''^''''''l'^'' 

l-usend  of  bis  fon  a,  et  one  tin.e,  w'b  ,       ^t^c  '^'  ^'«"'  ^' 
seb,,,e  :'  be.-ewo.d  :'  beale      n;|.1?  '"''-""" 


of  j^L-os,  jiuoyil   );ct  lie  oulife?     Aii.l  ;,II,. '}>,,, 

[sctli.i.l    C. 
■vliillin-,..s.   C. 

'I  moil,  iiur 
h'"i;e.s   S(.i„c,I, 

'    I'M.    c. 


Am  not  1  the  fairest  thing?     Am  not  I  the  ricliest  kino?     Am  iiut 

Am  not  I  the  wisest  of  the  wealthy  ?  "  Am  not 


I  of  the  noblest  birth? 

I  the  most  courteous  of  men  ?  Am  not  I  the  most  liberal  of  men  . 
For  it  is  commonly  said  of  a  liberal  man  that  he  cannot  withhoKI 
any  thing — that  he  hath  bis  hands,  as  mine  arc,  perforated.  Am 
not  T  of  all  things  the  sweetest  and  most  gentle?  Thus,  thou 
mayest  find  in  me  all  the  reasons  for  which  love  ought  to  be  niven, 
es])ccially  if  thou  lovest  chaste  purity;  for  no  one  can  love  me  except 
slie  retain  that.  If  thy  love  is  not  to  be  given,  but  thou  wilt  by  all 
means  that  it  bo  bought,  do  say  how.  Either  with  other  love,  or 
with  somewhat  else?  Love  is  rightly  sold  for  love;  and  so  love 
ought  to  be  sold,  and  for  nothing  else.  If  thy  love  is  thus  to  bo 
sold,  I  have  bought  it  with  love  that  surpasseth  all  other  love.  For, 
of  the  four  principal  kinds  of  love  I  have  manifested  toward  thee  the 
chiefest  of  them  all.  And  if  thou  sayest  that  thou  wilt  not  set  so 
light  a  value  u2)on  it,  but  thou  wilt  have  yet  more,  name  what  it 
shall  be.  Set  a  price  upon  thy  love.  Thou  shalt  not  say  so  much 
that  I  will  not  give  thee  for  thy  love  much  more.  Wouldest  thou 
liave  castles  and  kingdoms  ?  Wouldest  thou  govern  the  whole 
world?  I  will  do  better  for  thee.  In  addition  to  all  this,  I  will 
make  thee  queen  of  heaven.  Thou  shalt  be  sevenfold  brighter  than 
the  sun ;  no  disease  shall  harm  thee  ;  nothing  shall  vex  thee  ;  no  joy 
shall  be  wanting  to  thee ;  all  thy  will  shall  be  done  in  heaven  and  in 
earth  ;  yea,  and  even  in  hell.  Heart  shall  never  think  of  such  great 
felicity,  that  I  will  not  give  more  for  thy  love,  immcasural^ly  and 
infinitely  more — all  the  wealth  of  Croesus;  and  the  fair  beauty 
of  Absalom,  who,  as  often  as  his  hair  was  polled  the  cHpi)ings  wore 
sold — the  hair  that  was  cut  off — for  two  hundred  shekels  of  silver  ; 
the  swiftness  of  Asaliel,  who  strove  in  speed  with  a  hart;  the 
strength  of  Samson,  who  slew  a  thousand  of  his  cnenn'es  at  one  time, 
and  alone,  without  a  companion;  Ca'sar's  liberality;  Alexander's 
renown;   the  dignity '^  of  Moses.       Would   )iot  a  man,   for  one   ol' 


•'"  MS.  ()> 



Ji^eaii  mine  bode,  ne  LeoS  nout  wurS  u  noMe.  And,  -^\C  ]m  ert  so 
swu-So  onwil,''  ?  so  ut  of  ]>ine  \vitte  J>ct  tu,  ]>undi  nout'  to  iK.rlcosen, 
uorsakest  swucli  bijeate  mid  allc  kunnes  seluli^e,  lo !  idi  lioldc  lior 
hotel  sweord  ouer  ]nn  lieaiicd,  uor  to  dcalen  I  if  7  sonic,  and  to 
bisenclien  bo  two  into  ])c  fur  of  liclle,  uorto  boon  J^ei-  deoflcs  lioiv, 
schcndfulliche  ?  seorulifulliclic  world  MiiSutcn  cndo.  Onswci-c  nu  : 
1  were  }>c,  jif  ]?u  koiist,  ajcan  mc  :'  o-Ser  jottc  mc  jnne  luue  ])et  icb 
jirnc  so  swu'Se  t  nout  for  mine,  auli  for  ])in  owune  inuclu'lc  bilieue. 

Lo!  ]>us  urc  Loucrd  wowcS:  nis  heo  to  herd  i-liooilod  j^et  ;i 
swucli  woware  ne  mel  turnen  hire  luue  to  liiin  :'  and  nomcliehe  Tif 
heo  j;enclic^  J^eos  |>reo  ];inges— hwat  he  is  :"  and  hwat  heo  is :'  7 
Fofio  111.  hwu  muchcl  is  J;e  luue  of  so  heih  ase  he  is  touward  so  louh  ase  lie*. 
is.  VoriSi,  seiiS  J>c  psalm-wuruhte,  "Non  est  qui  so  abschondat  a 
calore  ejus:"  nis  non  ])et  muwe  ctlutlen  ''  ])ot  heo  ne  mot  In'm  luuien. 
pe  soSe  sunnc  iSe  undertid  was  forSi  istien  on  heiJi  o5e  heic  rode 
uorto  spreden  ouei-  al  bote  luue  gleames  :'  J^us  needful  he  was,  7  is 
uort"=  tissc  deie,  to  ontendcn  his  luue  in  his  leoucs  heorte,  and  sei5 
i'Se  gospclle,  "Igncm  ueni  mittere  in  terrani,  et  quid  volo  nisi  ut 
ardeat?"  Ich  com,  he  seib,  uorto  bringen  lur  into  eorSe,  ])ct  is, 
bcrninde  luue  into  eorSlichc  heorten,  7  hwat  jirnc  icb  clles  but  bet 
hit  blasie?  Wlech  luue'^  is  him  loS,  ase  he  seiS  Jnn-uh  Scin  Johan 
iiSe  Apocalipsc,  "Vtlnam  frigidus  esses  aut  calidus :'  scd  quia 
tepldus  cSj  incipiam  to  euomcrc  dc  ore  meo."  Ich  woldc,  he  seiN  to 
his  leofmon,  |>et  tu  were,  i  mine  luue,  o5er  aliunge  cold,  oSer  hot 
midalle:'  auh  for^i  J^'t  tu  ert  ase  wlech''  bitweonen  two,  nouSer 
cold  ne  hot,  J>u  makest  me  uorto  wlatien  :'  and  icb  cbulle  spcouwen 
]7C  ut,  bute  ^if  ]ni  i-wur^e  hattro. 

,v..rl.    '1'. 
i-^ct.   T. 

fauu.  y  s,;.IK 

I  c. 



those,  give  all  tliat  ho  posscs3c<l  ?  And  all  those  thnigs  togotliei-, 
comparod  with  my  offer,  arc  not  wortli  a  needle.  And,  if  thou  art 
so  obstinately  self-willed  and  void  of  luiderstanding,  tliat  tlii.u, 
without  losing  any  thing,  refusest  such  gain,  with  every  kind  ol' 
felicity,  Lo  I  I  hold  here  a  shai'jj  sword  over  thy  head,  to  divide 
life  and  soul,  and  to  plunge  both  into  the  fire  of  hell,  to  be  there  the 
devil's  paramour,  disgracefully  and  sorrowfully,  world  without  end. 
Now  answer  me,  and  defend  thyself  against  me  if  thou  cr.nst,  w 
grant  me  thy  love,  which  I  so  earnestly  desire,  not  for  my  own,  bui 
for  thy  own  great  behoof. 

Lo  !  thus  doth  our  Lord  woo :  and  is  not  she  too  hard-hearted 
that  such  a  wooer  cannot  turn  her  love  to  him,  and  especially  if  she 
reflect  upon  these  three  things :  what  he  is,  and  what  she  is,  and 
how  great  is  the  love  of  one  so  exalted  as  lie  is  toward  one  so  low 
as  she  is.  Wherefore,  the  Psalmist  saith,  "  Non  est  qui  se  abscondat 
a  calore  ejus."  ^  "  There  is  no  one  who  may  withdraw  herself  so 
that  she  may  not  love  him."  The  true  sun  in  the  morning  tide 
ascended  up  on  the  high  cross  for  the  pnrpose  of  diffusing  the  warm 
rays  of  his  love  over  all ;  so  earnestly  solicitous  was  he,  and  is  to 
this  day,  to  kindle  his  love  in  the  heart  of  his  beloved ;  and  he  saith 
in  the  Gospel,  "  Ignem  veni  mittere  in  terram,  et  quid  volo  nisi  ut 
ardeat?"^  I  came,  saith  he,  to  bring  fire  into  the  earth,  that 
is,  burning  love  into  earthly  hearts,  and  wdiat  else  do  I  desire  but 
that  it  blaze  ?  Lukewarm  love  is  loathsome  to  him,  as  he  saith  by 
St.  John  in  the  Apocalypse,  "  Utinam  frigidus  esses  aut  calidus ;  sed 
quia  tepidus  es,  incipiam  te  evomere  do  ore  mco." "  I  would, 
saith  he  to  his  beloved,  that  thou  wert,  in  my  love,  citlier 
altogether  cold,  or  hot  Avithal ;  but  because  thou  art  as  if  lukewarm, 
between  the  two,  neither,  cold  nor  hot,  thou  makest  me  to  loathe, 
and  I  will  vomit  thee  out,  except  thou  become  hotter. 

"   Pbalin  xix.  G. 

St.  Luke,  xii.  ■!!). 

3  I- 




Nu  ^e  liaLbcS  i-lierd,  mine  Icouc  sustrcii,  Im,  7  for  Invi,  God  is 
swirSe  to  lunicn.  And,  forto  ontoiidcii  on  wel,  f^t'dorcJS  wudc  ]>erto, 
mid  ]}Q  pouro  wuininon  of  Sareptc,  ]>c  bunih,  j^L-t  spclcS  ontcndun^e: 
"  En,  inquid,  colligo  duo  ligna."  "  Loucrd,"  cweS  Iico  to  Elie,  ]>c  liolie 
propliete,  "  lo!  icli  geder  twotreon."  peos  two  treon  l)itocnccJ  ])ct  f» 
treou  ])et  stod  upriht,  and  tet  cScr  ek  ]?ct  code  ])\vartouci*,  r.f  ]>p 
deorc  rode.  Of  ]>eos  two  treon  je  scliulcn  ontcndcn  fur  of  luuc 
Fofio  Uih.  wiblnnen  ower  licorte.  BiscoS  oftc  touward  liain.  Jlenclu'^  3;if  i;e 
ne  oweu  ea^e  to  luuien  ]>cnc  king  of  bllssc  ]K't  to-sprct  so  touward 
ou  liis  ermcs,  and  buliiS  ase  uorto  bcoden  cos  aduneward  liis  hcaucd. 
Sikcrliclie  icli  siggc  hit,  ];»et  jif  ]>e  soSc  I'^lie,  ]'ct  is,  God  Alniiliti, 
i-uint  ou  }?eos  two  treon  bisiliclic  gedcrlnde,  he  wule  gistnen  mid  on, 
and  moniuolden  in  ou  liis  deorewurSe  grace  :'  ase  Khe  dude  ]>e 
poure  wummone,  liucncS  and  gistnede  mid  hire  ]'ct  he  iuoiul  J'c  two 
treon  gederindc  i  Sareptc. 

Grickischs  fur  *  is  imaked  of  rcadcs  moimcs  blodc  r'  and  tct  ne  mci 
ncSino-  bute  miggc,  and  sond,  and  eisil,  ase  me  sciS,  acwenchen. 
pis  Grickische  fur  is  ]>e  luue  of  urc  Lourde :!  and  50  hit  schuleu 
makieu  of  readcs  monnes  blode,  ]>et  is,  Jesu  Crist  i-readcd  mid  his 
owune  blode  o^c  rode.  And  was  in-read^  kundehchc  also,  ase  me 
weneS.  pis  blod,  for  ou  i-sched  upo  ]>e  herde  two  treon,  schal 
makieu  ou  Sarepciens :!  pet  is,  ontcndcn  ou  mid  tis  Grickische  furo, 
|>et,  ase  Salcmon  selS,  none  watcres,  pet  beoS  worldlichc  tcnipta- 
ciuns  ne  tribulaciuns,  nou'Ser  im-e  ne  uttre,  ne  muwcn  ])eos  luuc 
acwenchen.     Nu,  nis  ]^cr,  J^eoniic,  on  cndc,  ])ut^'ii  witen  ou  warlicht 

■  Greek  fire  "seems  to  be  a  conipositioii  belonging,'  to  tlic  Aral.i;iii  (■;  mid  wxs 
very  much  used  in  the  wars  of  tlie  middle  ages,  both  ly  sc.i  and  land.  It  wan  a  s,.rt  of 
wikl-fire,  said  to  bo  ir.cxtinguishabk-  by  water,  and  chiefly  f..r  burning  ships,  agriinsi 
which  it'was  thrown  in  pots  or  phials  by  the  hand.  Anna  Conuieiia  has  Kivon  nn  acconnt 
of  its  ingredients,  which  were  bitumen,  sulplmr,  and  naphtha.  It  in  calUd  /,»  r,,;.,,,!,  in 
the  French  chronicles  and  rouianecs."— W  arton's  Hist,  of  Kt.^li>li  IVtry.  n..1.  i.  p.  KI-i. 
Kd.  ]8-2}. 

'^   rubeus.     MS.  Oxon. 

THE  WIDOW  or  saeepta's  two  sticks,     greek  pike.     4()3 

My  dear  sisters,  yo  have  i.ow  heard  how,  and  for  what  reason, 
God  is  greatly  to  be  loved.     To  kindle  this  love  in  you  nghtly 
.  tl>er  wood  for  that  purpose,  with  the  poor  woman  of  Sarepta,   he 
i„«.n  the  name-whereof  signifieth  kindling,  "En,  "n-'.  -Ih?.  cUio 
L,„  "  "     "  Lord,"  saith  she  to  Elijah  the  holy  prophet,     behold  I 
m  '.fathering  two  sticks."     These  two  sticks  betoken  that  one  stick 
ich  stood  upright,  and  that  other  also  of  the  precious  cross  winch 
t  a  iwart'it."  With  these  two  sticks  ye  ought  to  kind  e  the    re 
■Hove  within  your  hearts.     Look  often  upon  them      1  hiiik  wliethe 
e  ou'h   not  joyfully  to  love  the  King  of  Glory,  who  so  stretches  out 
hs  a™is  towii  you,  and  bows  down  his  head  as  li  to  offer  you  a 
Us      Of  a  truth  1  say  unto  you  that  if  the  trae  E  ijah,  wlueh 
God  Alnn..hty,  find  you   dihgently  gathering  those  two  sticks,  he 
wilinL^hi's  abode' with  you,  and  multii^y  m  you  his  pi.       . 
.•  ns  Eliiih  did  to  the  poor  woman  whom  ho  found  gatheiiig 
t:%L^'tX^,  v.dio  'supplied  her  with  food,  and  became  her 

'"Greek  fire  is  made  of  the  blood  of  a  red  man,  and  it  is  said  tliat 
of  a  red  man,  J^^^"^  ,,,„  „,u,rally,  as  it  is  believed. 

tribulations,  neither  '"'";™'   ""' ;^';;;;,',d Js  cautiously  from 
Now,  then,  nothing  remains  but  to  ^^P .  °;": *  .^„,,  ,„j  ,  „      ,. 

every  thing  that  ^"™^''-^:;  ^ "U      g  "i:  iweth,  and  it 
Urine  is  stench  of  sin.      O"    '■^'i'^^      "^J      ,,^,|,eth  this  lire. 


^tl.    12. 

t'   Cailtidi 



urom  alle  peo  ];ing  );et  hit  acweiiclicS,  ])ct,  bcoS  iniprgc,  1  son<l,  7 
eisil.  IMiggc  is  stcncli  of  simnc.  O  sond  nc  growe^  no  god,  and 
bitocnoS  idcl :'  and  idcl  acoaldc^  1  acwcnclio-^  ]>is  fur.  Sturit-IS  ou 
eiicr  cwicliclic  inc  Godo  wcrkes,  7  ]'et  schal  licatcn  ou  7  ontondeu 

iWioii2.  j'is  fur  ai^cau  ]je  brunc  of  sunne.  Vor,  al  so  as  on  noil  driucS  ut 
]>cn  obcrne,  al  so  ]>c  bruno  of  Godcs  lu.ue  driucS  brunc  of  ful  luuo 
ut  of  J?G  liGortc.  ]7et  ))rlddc  }>ing  is  eisil  r'  ])et  is  sur  licortc,  of  niS  7 
of  ondc.  Vndcrstondcei  ]>is  word,  po  pco  nilSfnle  Giws  oflVedcn 
ui-e  Louerde  }»is  sure  present  o  rode,  ]>o  scide  be  |;et  reouSfule  word, 
"  Consunimatuni  est ! "  CweS  lie,  "  Neuer  er  nu  ncs  icb  ful  pined  r' " 
nout  puruh  }>ct  eisil,  auli  ]?uruli  bore  ontfule  niiS,  ];ct  tet  eisil  bitoc- 
nede,  ]?et  beo  bim  makeden  "■  drinckcn.  And  is  ilicbe  ase  ];aub  a  mon 
]?et  beuede  loiige  i-swunken  and  failede  efter  bis  sore  swinke,  a  last, 
of  bis  bure.  Al  so,  ure  liouerd,  more  pen  two  and  ];ritti  jer,  tiled 
ofter  bore  luue,  and,  for  all  bis  sore  swinke,  ne  wilnedc  be  no  ]>ing 
bute  luue  to  bure :/  aub  be  icien  ende  of  al  bis  line,  ]>ct  was  ase  iiSen 
euentid,  bwon  me  jelt  wcrc-men  bore  deies  bure,  lokc  bwu  beo 
juldcii  liim  !  uor  piuicntof  swete  buni  luue,  eisil  of  sur  niS,  and  galle 
of  bitter  onde.  O!  cweS  ure  Louerd  po,  "Consummatum  est  I" 
Al  mi  swine  on  eor'Se,  7  al  mi  pine  o  rode  nc  sweameS,  nc  ne 
dcrue^  me  nowibt  ajean  pis — pet  icb  pus  biteo  ^  al  pet  icb  idon  babbe. 
pis  eisil  pet  je  bcodeS  me — pis  sure  bure,  purub  fullelS  mine  pine. 
pis  eisil  of  sur  beorte,  and  of  bitter  p(jnc  *=  ouer  allc  o^er  pinges 
acwencbeiS  Grickiscbs  fur :'  pet  is,  pe  luue  of  lu'c  Louerd  r!  and 
hwose  bit  bcrc^  ine  breoste  touward  mon,  o-<5er  touward  wununon, 

Fv/io  U2b.  hco  is  Giwcs  make.  Ileo  offrc'S  jet  God  pis  eisil,  and  purub  fuUeS, 
onont  bire,  Godes  pine  o  rode.  INlon  worpL-JS  Grickiscbs  fur  upon 
liis  fomcn,  7  so  mo  ouerkuuicJS  bam  :'  and  30  scbulen  don  al  so, 
bwon  God  arcarefi  ou  of  cni  uo  cni  weorre.  Salomon  tecbcS  ou 
bwu  30  bit  scbulen  weuipeii.  "  Si  esurierit  ininu'cus,  ciba  illuui  :'  si 
sitlerit,  jtotum  da  :    sic  eniia  carbones  ardenles  congeres  super  ca]nit 

ejus."     pot  is,  7;if  pi  uo  is 


d,  -jrii 

d   .sif  la-  is  of 

|    C. 

cinnsT's  TOIL  fop.  our  love  :  now  requited. 


iuul  kindle  this  fire  in  opposition  to  the  flame  of  sin.  P'or,  as  one 
iinil  drivetli  out  anotlier,  so  doth  the  flame  of  the  love  of  God  drive 
the  fire  of  foul  desire  out  of  the  heart.  The  third  tliin:,^  is  vinegar, 
that  is,  a  heart  sour  witli  malice  and  hatred.  Understand  this 
saying :  -when  the  malicious  Jews  offered  cm'  Lord  this  sour  present 
on  tlie  cross,  then  said  lie  that  sorrowful  word,  "  It  is  finished !  " 
"  Never  till  now,"  said  he,  "  were  my  sufferings  complete ; "  not 
through  the  vinegar,  but  through  their  hateful  malice,  which  that 
vinegar  betokened,  which  they  made  him  drink.  And  this  is  as  if  a 
man  who  had  laboured  long,  and,  after  his  painful  toil,  had  been  at 
last  disappointed  of  his  hire.  Thus,  our  Lord,  more  than  two-and- 
thirty  years,  toiled  for  their  love,  and  for  all  his  painful  labour 
desired  nothing  but  love  as  hii'e ;  yet,  at  the  end  of  his  life,  whicli 
was,  as  it  were,  in  the  evening,  when  men  pay  workmen  their 
day's  hire,  behold  how  they  paid  him  !  instead  of  balm  of  sweet 
honey-love,  vinegar  of  sour  malice,  and  gall  of  bitter  hatred.  Oh, 
said  our  Lord  then,  "  It  is  finished ! "  All  my  toil  on  earth,  and  all 
my  pain  on  the  cross,  does  not  at  all  grieve  nor  distress  me  in  com- 
parison of  this — that  for  this  I  have  done  all  that  I  have  done. 
This  vinegar  that  ye  offer  me,  this  sour  requital,  completcth 
my  sufferings.  This  vinegar  of  a  sour  heart  and  of  bitter  thanks, 
more  than  all  other  things,  quencheth  Greek  fire,  that  is,  the 
love  of  our  Lord  ;  and  she  who  beareth  it  in  her  breast  toward  man 
or  toward  woman  is  the  Jew's  mate.  She  is  still  otiering  to  God 
this  vmegar,  and  completing,  for  her  part,  his  sufferings  on  the  cross. 
Men  cast  Greek  fire  upon  their  foemen,  and  thus  conquer  them ; 
and  ye  should  do  the  same  when  God  raiseth  up  any  war  against 
you  from  any  enemy.  Solomon  teiicheth  you  how  ye  ought  to 
throw  it,  "  Si  esurierit  inimicus  tuus,  ciba  ilium ;  si  siticrit,  potum 
da  :  sic  cnim  carboncs  ardentcs  congeres  super  caput  ejus."  "  Tiiat 
is,  "  If  thy  foe  is  hungry,  give  hhn  food  ;  and  if  he  is  athirst,  give 
him  to  drink ;  "  which  nieancth  that  if,  after  having  done  llu'e  harm, 



t'Uio  113. 

purst,  jif  ]iim  dniicken :  J;et  is  to  imdcrstoiKlcii,  jif  he  cfter  jnno 
henne  liaue«  hunger  oSer  J.urst,  ^if  him  uode  of  ]»ine  hcoclen  |.et 
God  do  liim  ore :!  and  ^if  him  drunch  of  toares.  Weop  for  his 
suniien.  pus  ]?u  schalt,  seiS  Salomon,  ndvclen  on  his  hcaued  boani- 
inde  glcdcii.  pet  is  to  siggcn,  ]ms  J;u  schalt  ontenden  his  hcorte 
uorto  luulcn  \q  :'  vor  heorte  is,  ine  holic  write,  bi  heaued  under- 
stondcn.  O  swuchc  wise  wulc  God  siggen  a  domesdei ;'  "Hwi 
luuedest  };ene  mon  o^Ser  ]?co  wummon  ?  "  "  Sire,  uor  hco  luuedeii 
me."  "Ee,"  he  wule  siggen,  «);u  julde  |)Lt  tu  ouhtvst :  her 
nabbe  ich  *  nout  mucheles  to  jelden  ]>e."  Auh,  jif  ]>u  nieih  ^  on- 
swericn  7  siggen  :f  "Sire,  ich  luucde  ham  for  };inc  luue"— )>eo  luue 
he  ouh  }?e  :f  uor  heo<=  was  i-jluen  him,  7  lie  hirc^  wulc  ,-^eldcn  ]>c. 

Migge,  ase  ich  er  seide,  j^ct  acwenche^  Grickishe  fur,  is  stinck- 
inde  ulesslics  luue,  ];ct  acwenche^  gostlich  luue  |)ct  Grickishe  fur 
bitocncS.  Ilwat  fleschs  was  on  eorSc  so  swcte  1  so  holic 
ase  Jesu  Cristes  fleschs.  And,  )>auli  he  seide,  himsulf,  to  his 
deorewurSc  deciples,  "Nisi  ego  abiero  Paracletus  non  ucniet  ad 
uos  : "  pet  is,  bute  jif  ich  parti  urom  ou,  ]>c  Holi  Gost,  ];et  is, 
min  and  mines  Federes  luue,  ne  mei  nout  kumen  to  ou  r'  auh 
hwon  icli  beo  urora  ou,  ich  chulle  senden  hine  ou.  Ilwon  Jesu 
Cristes  owune  deciples,  J^eo  hwile  ]?et  lieo  lUcschsliche  luuedc 
hine,  neih  ham,  uor-coden  |>e  swetnesse  of  ])e  Iloli  Goste,  *?  ne 
muhten  nout  habben  bocie  togederes — DemctJ  ou  suluen,  nis  he  wod, 
oSer  heo,  pet  luueb  to  swube  hire  owene  ulesshs,  o5er  eni  mon 
ulesshliche,  so  pet  heo  jirne  to  swuJSe  his  sihSe  oSer  his  s])eche? 
Ne  jniiichc  hire  ncuer  wunder  pauh  hire  wuntie  ]>e  Holi  Gostcs 
froure.  Cheose,  nu,  euerichon  of  eorSliciie  elne  7  of  hoouonlich,  to 
hweSer  heo  wulc  holdcu :'  uor  pet  o"Scr  heo  mot  forleten  r'  vor, 
i  pisse  tweiro  monglunge,  ne  mei  hco  ncucrmore  liabbon  schirnesse 
of  hcorte  :^  ]>et  is,  ase  we  seiden  cr,  pet  god  and  )>e  strencJie  of  alio 
religiuns,  7  in  cuerich  ordrc.  Luue  makc'S  hire  schir  ami  griiiful 
and  cicanc.     Luue   haueS    one  meistrie   biuoivn  alle  oiSre  pinges : 

u  1. 
'1.  c 



he  is  liungiy  or  thirsty,  give  him  the  food  of  thy  prayers  that  God 
may  liavc  mercy  upon  him;  and  give  him  tlic  drink  of  tears. 
Weep  for  liis  sins,  Tlius  tliou  shalt,  saitli  Solomon,  heap  on 
liis  head  burning  coals :  that  is  to  say,  thus  thou  shalt  enkindle 
his  heart  that  he  shall  love  thee ;  for,  in  Holy  Scripture,  by  head 
we  are  to  understand  heart.  In  this  manner  will  God  say,  in  the 
day  of  judgment,  "  Why  lovedst  thou  that  man  or  that  woman?" 
"  Lord,  because  they  loved  me."  "  Yea,"  he  will  say,  "  thou  didst 
pay  what  thou  owedst :  in  this  case  I  have  not  much  to  repay  thee." 
But,  if  thou  canst  answer  and  say,  "  Lord,  I  loved  them  for  thy 
sake ;  "  he  owes  thee  that  love,  because  it  was  given  to  him,  and  he 
will  repay  it  tlice. 

Urine,  which,  as  I  said  before,  quencheth  Greek  fire,  is  stinking 
carnal  love  that  quencheth  spiritual  love,  which  Greek  fire  be- 
tokeneth.  What  flesh  on  earth  was  so  sweet  and  so  holy  as  that  of 
Jesus  Christ?  And  yet,  he  said  himself  to  his  dear  disciples,  "  Nisi 
ego  abiero  Paracletus  non  veniet  ad  vos :  "  that  is,  "  Unless  I 
depart  from  you,  the  Holy  Ghost,  which  is  mine  and  my  Father's 
love,  cannot  come  to  you ;  but,  when  I  am  gone  fi-om  you,  I  will 
send  him  unto  you."  Since  Jesus  Christ's  own  disciples,  while  they 
loved  him  in  the  flesh,  being  nigh  him,  did  not  possess  the  sweet- 
ness of  the  Holy  Ghost,  and  could  not  have  botli  together— judge 
yourselves,  is  not  he  or  she  mad  who  loveth  too  much  her  own  flesh, 
or  any  man  cai-nally,  so  that  she  desire  too  fondly  to  see  him,  or  to 
speak  with  him  ?  Let  her  never  wonder  though  she  have  not  the 
consolation  of  the  Holy  Spirit.  Let  every  one  choose  now  between 
earthly  and  heavenly  comfort,  to  which  of  the  two  she  will  keep ; 
for  she  must  relinquish  one  of  them,  because  in  the  mingling  of 
these  two  she  can  never  have  pureness  of  heart;  which  is,  as  we  said 
before,  the  goodness  and  the  strength  of  all  professions,  and  of  every 
religious  order.  Love  maketh  her  sincci-e,  and  peaceful,  and  pui-c. 
Love  hntli  the  superiority  over  all  other  tilings,  for  all  the  things 
that  she  toucheth  she  tunis  to  her,  and  maketh  tlicni  all  licr  own. 
"Whatsoever  I'lace  your  foot  shall  tread  u])on,'-  thut  is  to  say,  the 




buggen  a 

And,  no  soidc  icl.  J  t         ''""'"""  J'""-'"''^'  "^  ""o  l.i, 
god  ^t  is  in'  on  2:  1„    i:;  JS  ""  •'"'"''i'^'  '"  '■"'^^'  )'^' 

Grogoriewit„c«?     Loko  n.H  vl,  „    T     '","  ""'"'^  £«'•  ••"ae  Seint 
a.Kl  he  is  ,>in,  nor.o  don  "  I  t,  ^U     7     '"T  """  ^""'^-  ''-'■-'' 

•one.  a  ,,f  uo.  ,0.0 ::  ;'/r  ,^  ;;'"t-s  ot ;' r  '"-^■^  ^'-^ ' 

[vnilicLo]  J,o„  al  ^.t  is  i«e  ,vorldo '  Chori  o  ,  T  """""'"^''e 
Ungo  1  of  dooro.  Vndcoro  ho  .nVko*  G  7  l  "  ".  "'.'"""^ 
J-otforoni  worldlioho  luuo  his  h.uf  .™kt  •  ™  "",  "'""''"'■• 
luuien  ariht  Luto  ho  ono  So  onol  V  ,  ,  "°  '""«  "'  ™" 
makes  Wrohisofning/:„d  t°d  rf .'"  '""^'  '"'"=  H  '- 
hire  his  meistor  ^  doS  nl  w  1       1  ""S«>  -"o'e-ho  makeS 

ich  proouen  ou  ^i  f  Eo'^lorr;:  /"''»;:",  ""  '"-'=  -"-     J^ei 
wordos.      Vor  |,„s  ho  snol  oS    to    I  ""''  ''"''"''  ■"■'  o""^'- 

luuodo,  in   Kunieri-     "Dinf-    .'°    ^'^^^^^  ^'  «><"">e  most  hin, 

"P.--."  "^chWdoi,r?Sheixr'":;o/r  r 

nnno  wroiiSo  o  J^isse  uolko,  auh  hu  seist  l,of  ,V  7 '"  ■''"■'•<^''<e" 

word  loo  inorSe!l...  Me  so'iS],o.?:,  dS  S  k!;"  r"";.'"' 
so  uro  Louerd  ^  he  no  n,oi  don  no  J,i„g  h  0  tar  IH  M  '""^  '"" 
preouol,erof:'uorJn-tJ,unohoSw„ndor      "  Do,^  n  '-•  ^" 

VVolawoi !  J,u  medit  wol :-  uor  m's  non  l.ot  to  holdo  "     IZ, 
soKlo,  jif  o„i  luuodo  J,o  ariht,  ho  „„d,to  holdon    0   1  „''"',  i„Gonosi,ad Loth:  "Fostina." 7o'" I:, ^r;;::;!::: 

strccli.  T.     Btreclio.   C. 
sum  inon  oSor  wutiimon  mu 
mangos.  T.    'I'. 

••  Klin.  T. 

■'   Italics.    T.      I, 

'  luu.s.   T.  C. 

•^•.  C, 


LOVE  lilNnEllI  OUU  I.OUD. 


foot  of  love,  "shall  bo  yuurs.""  Many  a  man  would  buy  at  a  g  ca 
price  a  tbing  of  sucb  a  nafave  tbat  wbatover  be  toucbcd  w,tl,  >t 
beea,ne  bis  own.  And,  said  I  not  before,  tbat  m«-ely  by  lovng  the 
godtbat  is  in  anotborn,an-wi,htI,etoucbingof  tby  love-  bo„ 
fnakest,  xvitbout  otbe.  labour,  his  good  thy  own  good,  as  St.  Gregory 
shewetb  ?     Consider  now,  how  mueb  good  the  envrous  losc^    Extend 

love  to  Jesus  Christ,  and  thou  bast  gained  b,nr.     Toneb  bn 
"ith    s  m>,ch  lovo  as  thou,  sometimes,  bast  for  some  man,  and  be 
toe  to  do  all  that  tbon  desirest.     Brrt  who  lovetb  a  thn,g,  and    et 
l^e  1  with  it  for  less  than  it  is  worth?    'Is  not  God  mcomparably 
b    te    tl  a n  all  tbat  is  in  the  world?     Cbarity-tbat  rs  the  love  of  a 
SCHcbisdearandpre.ous.    H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 

rLnds.  as  if  be  must  needs  ^o  i*^  ^an      p^^  *.s?  J^es, 
indeed  I  can,  from  h.s  own  words.     For  ttas  bo  sp  ^ 

,,0  man  who  loved  bim  most,  m  the  Boo^^^o^^^^^^^^^^ 

'-'-i  "<a  1  ndllKi^^'he  to  mIs,  "  to  wreab  my  anger 

thy  -word.       it  is  baiu  norm  ssion  of  love, 

our  Lord  that  be  can  do  -*mg  b«    by  *e  Pe™^ 

Now,  [I]  P'--t,forit----r^;f'j,^,^^°r\!l,,,,,  .,lt  thou 
riseth  up  and  takctb  hold  of  thee       bmal .  ^^^^^ 

snrite?"  saitb  Isaiah,  "ah!  ''-.Vf'"'^'!,'    To        thee  truly,  be 

'  l)eut,(Tonomy,  xi.  24. 
=   Isaiah,  Ixiv.  7. 

"     XIV.    .i". 

<i  Gt-ne.^is  xi.s.  Si 

3  G 



qulcquam  donee  egrcssus  fucrls  iUinc:"  )>et  is,  ]>o  urc  Loucr.l  woM.- 
Folio  Ui.  Lisunchcn  Sodome  J^cr  Loth  his  freoiid  wunode  iiinu,  "IIio»  ]>c," 
cwe^  ure  Louerd,  "utward  r'  uor  ]>c  liwulc  ]>ct  tu  ert  iimong  ham,  iic 
mci  ich  nowiht  don  ham."  Nes  pes  mid  Kme  i-bunden°?  Ilwat 
wultu  more?  Luue  is  his  cliaumberling,  7  his  kunsilcr,  1  his  spiise 
J>et  he  ne  mei  nout  heUen  wi5,  and  tclicS  hire  al  J>et  lie  j>enelieS. 
In  Genesi:  "Num  cehnre  potcro  Abraliam  quas  gesturus  sum?" 
"Mei  ich,"  cwe-S  ure  Louerd,  "lichen  Abralmm  )>lng  pet  icli  poncho 
uortodonne?"  Nei,  cweS  lie,  o  none  wise.  Nc  con  pes  luuicn 
ariht,''  pet  pus  spekeS,  and  pus  de^  to  alio  men  pet  him  inwardlichc 
i-leueS  1  luuicS  ?  pco  blisse  pet  he  jerke?)  <=  ham,  al  so  ase  heo  is 
unefenlich  to  alle  ^vorldes  blissen,  al  so  heo  is  mitalelich  to  alle 
worldliche  tungcn.  Ysaias :  "  Oculus  non  vidit,  Deus,  absque  te," 
[?c,]  Ee  habbe^  of  peos  blissen  i-writen  on  o'Ser  studc,''  nu"ne  Icoue 
sustren.  peos  luue  is  pe  riwlc  pet  rihte^  pe  heorte.  "  Confitcbor 
tibi  in  directione,"  id  est  in  regulatione,  "cordis."  Exprobatio 
malorum :  "generatio  quie  non  dircxit  cor  suum  r'  ct  non  est  cre- 
ditus."  pis  is  pe  lefdi  riwle.  Alle  pe  o5re  scrueS  hire  :'  and  one 
uor  hu-e  sake  me  ham  ouh  forto  luuicn.  Lutel  stroncSo  ich  makie 
of  ham,  vor  Invon  pet  peos  boon  deoruwurSliche  i-wusL*  HabbcS 
ham,  pauh,  scheortliclie,  iSe  cihteoSe  dole.*" 

Biuoren,  on  erest,  ich  seide  pet  je  ne  schulen  imuf,  ase  unw  i^e, 

bihoten  uorto  holden  none  of  pco  uttre  riwlen.     pot  ilko  ich  siggc 

jete  :/  ne  non  nc  write  ich  ham,  butcn  ou  one.     Ich  siggc  pis  frn^i 

Folio  llih.  pet  oJSre  uncrcn  nc  siggc  nout  pet  ich,  puruh  mine  melstric,  makie 

"  wenJ.  T.     Hich.  G. 
'  grei"Sed.  C. 

'  Ilabeatis   taiiieii   illas   in  ootav 
Octavus  oinniiio  tafcattir.      IMS.  0> 


•>  truowclidic.  T. 
"  ellcshwcr,  T. 
—Explicit   lAhiT 

•  i  lok.l.  T. 
lit-    \il.i  .^Julit.iria. 



Sodom,  ^yllerein  Lot  his  friend  dwelt,  our  Lord  said,  "  Hasten  thee 
away  out,  for  while  thou  art  among  them,  nothmg  can  be  done  to 
them."  Was  not  this  being  bound  with  love?  What  wouldest 
thou  more  ?  Love  is  his  chamberlain,  his  counsellor,  and  his  bride, 
from  A\hom  he  can  conceal  nothing,  but  telleth  her  all  his  thonr^hts. 
In  Genesis,  "  Num  cclare  potero  Abraham  qurc  gesturus  sum?"" 
"Can  I,"  said  our  Lord,  "hide  from  Abraham  the  thing  that  I 
purpose  to  do  ?  "  No,  said  he,  in  no  wise.  Doth  not  he  know  how 
to  love  rightly  who  thus  speaketh,  and  thus  doth  to  all  men  who  in 
their  hearts  believe  and  love  him  ?  As  the  joy  which  ho  is  pre- 
paruig  for  them  is  not  to  be  compared  to  all  worldly  joys,  so  is  it 
not  to  be  described  by  all  worldly  tongues.  Isaiah,  "  Neither  hath 
the  eye  seen,  O  God,  beside  thee,  what  he  hath  prepared  for  him 
that  waiteth  for  him."  ^  Concerning  those  joys  ye  have  something 
written  in  another  place,  my  dear  sisters.  This  love  is  the  rule 
which  regulates  the  heart.  "  I  will  praise  thee  with  uprightness  of 
heart :  "  *=  that  is,  in  the  regulation  of  my  heart.  The  reproach  of 
the  wicked  is,  that  they  are  "  a  generation  that  set  not  their  heart 
aright,  and  whose  spirit  was  not  faithful  to  God."  ^  This  rule  is 
the  lady  or  mistress.  All  the  others  serve  her,  and  for  her  sake 
alone  they  ought  to  be  loved.  I  make  little  account  of  them  pro- 
vided this  be  worthily  kept.  Ye  have  them  briefly,  however,  in  the 
eighth  part. 

PART  VIIL— Of  Domestic  Matters. 

I  said  before,  at  the  commencement,  that  ye  ought  not,  like  un- 
wise people,  to  promise  to  keep  any  of  the  external  rules.  I  say  tiic 
same  still;  nor  do  I  write  them  for  any  but  you  alone.  I  say 
this  in  order  that  other  anchoresses  may  not  say  that  T,  by  my  own 

Genesis,  xvi 
r^^aliu  cxix. 

b  Ixiv.  J. 
"   Psalm  1> 


liam  neowe  rnvlen.  Ne  biclde  icli  nout  ];ct  hco  liolclcn  liam  r'  an.l 
Ze  ^et  nioten  chaiingoii  liain,  luvoiise  ^e  eucr  AvilleS,  ];eos  fov  betcre. 
A^can  ]>lnges  Jjct  beo5  biuorcii,  of  ham  is  lutul  strciicSi-. 

Of  sihbe  and  of  spcche,  and  of  J?e  oSre  wittes  is  inouli  i-seid.  Xu 
is  )?eos  lastc  dole,  ase  ich  bihct  ou  on  crest,  to-dc-lcd  and  i-sundrcd  o 
lutle  seoue  stucclienes. 

Me  let  Icsse  dcinte  to  |>ingc  ]>ot  me  huueS  ofte  :'  and  forfii  ne 
schule  je  beon,  bute  ase  ure  leawude  breSrcn  bco5,  i-liuseled  wiS- 
innen  tweolf  moneS,  bute  viftcnc  si^en— a  mide-As  intcres  dei  r' 
condelmesse  del :'  tweolfte  dei :'  a  suncdei  midwci  bitweonen  yd  and 
ester,  oSer  ure  lefdi  dei,  jif  lie  is  neih  J>ene  sunendei,  nor  ];c  hcih- 
nesse :'  ester  dei :'  ]7ene  ]>ndde  sunendei  percfter  :^  iioli  pursdei :' 
hvvitesunedei  :f  and  sumersdei :'  seinte  Marie  dei  IMagdaleine :'  be 
assumclun  :f  ]>e  natiultd  .•'  seinte  Mihaeles  dei  r'  aire  lialewune  dei :' 
seinte  Andrewes  del.  And  ajean  alio  peos  dawes,  lokcS  ];ct  je 
beon  clenliche  i-schriuen  and  nimeS  disceplines  r'  ncuer  J>auh  of  none 
monne,  buten  of  ou  suluen.  And  forgoS  enne  dei  our  pitaunce. 
And  jif  out  limpe-S  mlsliclie  ]?et  je  beon  nout  i-luiseled  i  ]>eos  i-settc 
ternies,  je  niuwen  akoucren  hit  })ene  ncxte  sunuiidei  )>ereftor  :'  oticr 
jif  ]fe  o'Scr  terme  is  neih,  abidcn  uort  ]>conne. 

Ee  schulen  etcn  urom  ester  uort  ]>et  ]'c  lioli  rode  dei,  jn-  latere, 

Fofio  115.    ]?ct  is  hie  heruest,  eueriche  deie  twie,  bute  uridaw  es  and  umbridawes 

and  joing  dawes,  and  uigiles.     I   j^eos  dawes,  ne   in  ]»e  aducnt  ne 

schulen  5e[etcn]   nout  liwit,  bute  jif  neode  hit  niakie.     ]?ct  oJSer 

halue  jer  je  schulen  iiesten,  al  bute  sunendawes  one. 

Ee  ne  schulen  cten  vleschs  ne  seim  buten  inc  nuKhelo  secncssc  r' 
o^er  hwoso  is  euer  feble  ete^  potage  bliSeliche  :'  and  wuiu'eS  ou  to 
Intel  drunch.  NoSeleas,  leoue  sustren,  ower  nii'te  and  ower  dnmrh 
haueiS  ij'uht  me  lessc  ]yon  ich  woldr.  Ne  ut  .--fi,'  t;*-  nciiin'  del  f<» 
bread  7  to  watere,  bute  ;i;e   habbL-n   Iraiic      Sum   aiicre  maki.N  hire 



1         ^„r  vnlpc;  for  tlicm      Nor  do  I  command  that  they 

t;:::  o,t      In  rega«l  of  this  kind  have  boon  ,n  use 
before,  it  matters  little. 

Of,  and  of  speed,,  and  of  the  other  senses  enough  was  sa,d 
Kow  tl^  last  part,  as  I  pron^ised  you  at  the  co.nmcneon.ent,  .s 
divided  and  separated  into  seven  small  seet.ons. 

Men  esteem  a  thing  as  less  dainty  when  "^.v  have  it  oft.,  and 
/   r  o  .hn^M  be  as  lay  -brethren  are,  partakers  of  the  holy 

therefore  ye  '^;''']^^^^^  ,t  Mid-wmter ;  Candlemas; 

communion  only  fifteen  '''^]' ^\  ,^^.^,,  ,,,d  Easter,  or  our 

-l?';:'^:'™" ';;;,'  rsbr,AirSaints'  day;  St.  Andrew's  day,'  St.  IMiol  ael     aaj  ,  confession  and 

And  before  all  these  days,  =^V\,v  man  only  from  yourselves. 
u„dergo  discipline;  but  never  from  any  m     ,  only     J 


rier."  "sS  fast  always,  e..cept  only  on  Sundays. 

Ye  shall  eat  no  flesh  nor  lard  except  in  great  siekness  ;  or  whoso- 
...Ilsinfirn,  may  eat  pot„ge  without  scrnple;  and  aceusto,,,  ,v.o,- 

(listinKni^l.   it  H""'  H" 


The  Nativity  of  the  Vi.-gin  Marj.  Y'''  „^,   ,,„. 

The  EN:iltctiun    of  the   Cross,   Sept.  14,  callul 
oftheCiohs,  I\I:iy3. 




bord  mid  hire  gistcs  AviSuten.  pet  is  to  nuiclic  urcondschlpo,  uor,  of 
alle  ordres  |;eonnc  is  hit  unkulndchikosf  1  mcit  ajcaii  aiu-re  oidre, 
\>et  is  nl  dead  to  |jc  worlde.  Me  haucS  i-hcrd  ofto  sig^c-ii  l»ct  dea.le 
men  speken  mid  cwike  men  :!  auli  ]>ct  lieo  ctcn  mid  cwlkc  men  ne 
uond  ich  neuer  jete.  Ne  makie  je  none  gistningcs  :'  ne  no  tulle  ^o 
to  ];e  jete  none  unkuSe  harloz  :f  ]>auh  ]^er  neie  non  o5er  vut-l  of 
bute  hore  me'Slcasc  muc?,  hit  wolde  oSer  hwule  letten  heoucnliclie 

Hit  ne  linipcS  nout  to  ancre  of  oSer  monnc  ehncsse  uorto  makien 
hire  large.  Nolde  me  lauhwen  ane  beggare  hide  to  bisemare  j^ct 
bedesmen  to  feste?  Marie  1  INIarthe,  bo5e  heo  weren  sustrcn  r' 
auh  hore  lif  sundrede.  Ee  ancren  habbeS  i-numen  ou  to  Marie 
Folio  115  ft.  dole,  );et  ure  Louerd  sulf  herede.  "  Maria  optimam  partem  ele'rit." 
"Marthe,  IMarthe,"  cweS  he,  "]m  crt  ine  mnchele  baret.  Marie 
hane^  i-chosen'=  betere,  and  ne  schal  hire  noiSing  binimcn  hire  dole." 
Husewifscliipe  is  Marthe  dole  t'  and  INIarie  dole  is  stilncsse  and  reste 
of  alle  worldes  noise  :f  ]>et  noSing  ne  Ictte  hire  uorto  i-heren  Godes 
stefne.  And  lokc^  hwat  God  seiiS — |;ct  noJSing  ne  schal  binimcn  ou 
])eos  dole.  Marthe  haueS  hire  mester :'  leteS  hire  i-wurben,  and 
sitte  je  mid  Marie  ston-stille  cd  Godes  fet,  and  hcrcneJS  him  one. 
I\[arthe  mester  is  uorto  ueden  7  schruden  poure  men,  ase  husclcfdi. 
IVIarie  ne  ouh  nout  uorto  entremeten  hire  J;erof ;'  and  ^if  ei  blameJi 
hire,  God  sulf  oucral  wereS  hire  J;erof,  ase  holi  writ  witneJS.  An 
oSer  half,  non  ancre  ne  ouh  forto  nimen  bute  gnedelichc*' |;et  hire 
to  neodeS.  Ilwarof  ];eonnc  mci  heo  makien  hire  large?  lleo 
schal  libben  bi  ehncsse  ase  ncruhliche'^  ase  heo  cuer  mci :'  and  lu.ut 

St.  T.  c. 

"  l.i.V.I...  T.  c. 


,dvcs  to  little  drink.     Nevertheless,  dear  siste,^    your  meat  and 

or  drink  have  seemed  to  ,ne  less  than  I  would  have  .t.     Fast  ™ 

i        pou   hread   and   w^  ^TJltl  ""1  I!*  Z 

tuo     un-enial,  and  most  contrary  to  the  order  of  an  anehoress 
It  most  un  en.a  ,  j^^^^.j  ^^  ^^.^^j  ,,,^,t 

i::/:!':;^  -i     Uirm::;-,  L  ..t  ..ey  eat  with  livin^men 
I  hi-       ever  yet  fomKl.     Make  ye  no  banquetings,  nor  eneomage 
„t   strand   vagabond  fellows  to  come  to  the   gate;    though  no 
olr  e2eon,e°of  it  h„t  their  immoderate  talking,  .t  m.ght  some- 
times  iircvent  heavenly  thouglils. 

It  is  not  fit  that  an  anchoress  should  he  liberal  of  other  men's 
,  !  Would  we  not  laugh  loud  to  scorn  a  beggar  who  should 
,;  nlut  a  ?eas  ?  Mary  and  Martha  were  two  s.sters,  but 
Ih  ;  live  wl  <im-crent.  Ye' anchorites  have  taken  to  ywse  ves 
tLfs  part,  whom  our  Lord  ^^^^^^t'^^^ 
^'T-et  'llrLh'lt  :^  b^t  'anTnothi'ng  shall  take  her 
:r:'rn  her.""yousewif.^  is  Martha.  par.,_^Marys  part  .s 
Vietness  and  rest  from  al  t„e  -]- -- '-^";  „,=  t  Goa  saith, 
her  from  hearing  the  vo.ce  of  fcod      And  l^^^,^ 

« that  nothing  shall  take  -J  .f  ^  ^^  X^;„„e.stiU  at  God's 
her  office;  let  her  alone,  and  ^'J  >«;;";;  ^^  ^  fo,,  „„,,  elo.he 
feet,  and  listen  to  hmr  alone      M    rt a  s  oftc  ^^^  ^^  ._^^^_ 

poor  men,  as  the  unstress  of  a  house      W.  y      .  ^ 

meddle  in  it,  and  if  any  one  "--'^  witness.  On  the  other 
defeudeth  her  for  it,  as  holy  ^'l^^V^^  that  which  is 
hand,  an  .anchoress  ""S'''  °''^'^°  'I'^'l^ako  herself  lil-eralV 
„ccessary  for  her.  Whereo  ,  the,.  ^^^^  „„,,  ,„,  gather 
She  live  upon  alms,  as  frugally  .is 

.  l,„l<e,  s.  42. 


ItEGULit:  INCLi:SAKi:.M. 

FoUo  116. 

gederen  uorto  jiuen  lilt  eft.  Hco  nis  nout  huscwifV  auii  is  a 
chirche  ancre.  Eif  hco  mei  sparicii  eni  poure  sclireadL-n,"  sL-iide  ham 
al  derneliche  ut  of  hh-e  woanes.*'  Vndcr  seinblaunt  of  godo  is  oftc 
i-heled  sunne.  And  hwu  schulcn'^  Jjcos  richc  ancrcn  ja-t  bcoS  corSe 
tUien,  o-Sor  habbcS  rentes  i-sette,  don  to  poure  nciheboiuvs  derne- 
liche hore  elinesse?  Ne  wilnen^  nout  forto  habben  word  of  one 
large  ancre :'  ne  uorto  jiuen  muchel  ne  beo  non  )>e  grediure  uorto 
habben  more,  peo  ®  gredinesse  rote  of  hire  bitternesse  :'  allc  bco<S 
})e  bowes  bittre  pet  of  hire  springe vS.  Bidden  hit,  uorto  jiuen  hit 
nis  nout  ancre  rihte.  Of  ancre  kurtesie,  and  of  ancre  largesse,  is 
i-kumen  ofte  sunne  %  selieome  on  ende. 


children  |?et  habbeS  i-swunken  uor  ou,  h\vat>e  ^c 

sparie^  on  ou  makie^  ham  to  etene, — nenne  mon  biuorcn  on,  bute 
jif  he  habbe  neode  •!  ne  la^e  je  to  drinken  ^  nout,  Ne  jirne  ich  J?L-t 
me  telle  ou  hcndi  ancren.  Et  gode  ureond  nimeS  al  pet  30  habbeS 
neode  hwon  heo  beodeS  hit  ou  r'  auh,  for  none  bode,  ne  ninie  je 
nout  wi^uten  neode,  leste  je  kecchen  pene  noma  of  gedcrinde 
ancren.^  Of  mon  pet  je  misleueS '  ne  nime  je  nouSer  lesse  ne  more — 
nout  so  much  pet  beo  a  rote  gingiure.  Muchel  iieode  schal  driuen 
ou  uorte  bidden  out  r'  pauh,  edmodliche  scheaweS  to  ower  leoueste 
ureond  ower  meseise. 

Ee,  mine  leoue  sustren,  ne  schulen  habben  no  bc.-.t,  bute  kat  one. 
Ancre  pet  haue^  eihtc  puncheS  bet  husewif,  ase  :\rartlie  was  p^'" 
ancre:'  ne  none  wise  ne  mei  heo  beon  Marie,  mid  gri5fuln(.-;se  of 
heorte.     Vor  peonne  mot  heo  penchen  of  pe  kues  foddrc,  ami  of 

«  schiue.  T.     sclini.loii.  C.  ''  ^^■•""■'-  '''•  ^'• 

c  And  s^va  sdiuden.  T.     hu  scliule.  C.  "  wilnc.  T.      uih.i.  C. 

'   Beo.    r.  0.  ' 

B  [Ne  nanc  ne  cotcn  biuorcn  ow  l.utc  l.i  owo.>  r.-.-i,l  i  l.>  !>.-.  le.iuc]  C. 
h   [I  hwer  hal,  T  cucr  gcmiS  ow  i.  nan   f.on.  ow  nc  pnrli  xviN  s.-an.lK-:   no  v.r.h, 
irnspaiet,  «sc  forS  as  gc  inalien  >viS  ril.t,  wiXulo  sunn.-.]   C. 
I  [>urh  his  fol  semblaunt,  oXcr  l.i  his  wak»  wor.lcs.J   C. 


tlmt  she  may  give  it  away  afterwards.     Slie  is  not  a  l.ousewife,  but 
,  cliurel,  anehoress.     If  she  can  spare  any  fragments  for  t!,e  poor 
iet  l,er  send  tl.em  quite  privately  out  of  dwe  Img.     Sm  ,.  of 
concealed  under  the  semblance  of  goodness.     And  how  shall  those 
rich  .anchoresses  that  are  tillers  of  the  ground,  or  have  fixed  rente, 
do  their  ahns  privately  to  poor  neighbours?     Desn-e  not  to  have  the 
Intation  of  bountiful  anchoresses,  nor,  in  order  to  gtve  mt>ch,  1  e 
00  to  possess  more.     Greediness  is  the  root  of  b.tterness  :  all 
he  bo°„.hs  that  spring  from  it  are  bitter.     To  beg  m  order  to  g,ve 
vay  i.°not  the  ^art  of  an  anchoress.     From  the  courtesy  of  an 
anlress,  and  froln  her  liberality,  sin  and  shame  have  often  con,e  n> 

*  Make  women  and  children  wdro  have  laboured  for  you  to  eat 
.,,cver  food  ."^^  ^  spare  from  your  .vnm^^^ 

eat  in  J-"' F-™-' -»/    d.t    ha'   ^      hould  be  told  that  ye 
drink  any  """g-     f      '     '  '^^^     good  friend  take  whatever  ye 

Of  a  man  when,  ye  distrust,    ece,      J  ^^^^^^  ^,^,^„  ^,^.^,^ 

'TsSl  possess  any  beast,  my  dear  sisters,  except  only  a  cat 
A^ltross  L  hath  cattle  ^PI^^^^.^^:  rMa^  th; 
housewife  than  anchoress;  "»»=;"  ^''\"i[.  "ftl.o  cow's  fodder, 
peaeeftdness  of  heart.     For  then  sen  .t  ^^^^^^^^^  „,,.,,,, 

.„,   of   the  l--l-'7Vuri,ft  l.i    oW,  and  moreover  pay  the 

:;::g:::'sStk,»::i:v-tidious  thing  when  peopu.  in  the 

,  f  enttlc  in  a  con.mott  ficl.l,  nv1,o  prcvctc.l  trespass  on 
.  "  The  hoywavd  was  the  Ucoper  of  cntt  c  .  ,      ^„,^„.,  ^y,,,  ,.>,. 

1  •'     Note   in  Proiuptorniiii  lanuioii"    ,     j 
the  cuUivatca  groi.n.l.        ^ote,  m  ^   ^^ 





heorcle-monnc  liniro,  olulnieu  Jjonc  lioiward,  waricM  liwou  mc  punt" 
hire,  t  ^eldcn,  |>auli,  ];c  licrnics.  Wat  Crist,  j'is  is  lodlich  ]>iii<i; 
/v-z/o  nr./,.  jj^vQji  ,^^c  nialvcS  nione  in  tunc  of  ancre  cihte.  pauli,  jif  ciil  mot 
iiede  liaLben  k\\,  loke  jjct  lico  iiono  inoiuic  nc  eilic,  no  nc  lierniic  r'  no 
]?et  hire  ];ouht  no  Leo  nout  ]>eron  i-uestncd.  Ancre  nc  onli  nout  to 
habben  no  ]nng  ])ct  drawe  iitward  liire  hcortc.  None  clicnarc  nc 
driue  jc.  Ancre  ];ct  is  cheapild,  heo  clicapcS  liire  soule  ])0  clicpnion  of 
hello.''  Ne  wite  jc  nout  in  ourc  husc  of  o^or  nionncs  JMngcs,  no 
eihte,  ne  cloSes  r*  ne  noutne  underuo  je  J?e  chirchc  uestiincnz,  ne  }>ene 
caliz,  biite  ^if  strcnc'Se  hit  makie,  oSer  nniclicl  eio  :'  A'or  of  swuche 
witunge  is  i-kumcn  muchel  vuel  oftcsiSen.  Wi JSiinitn  o\ver  woancs " 
ne  lete  je  nenne  mon  slcpcn.  Eif  nnichel  neodc  mid  alio  makeS 
broken  ower  hus,  \>c  hwiile  J>et  hit  cuer  is  i-brokcn,  loke  j'ct  jc 
habben  perinne  mid  ou  one  wummon  of  clone  liuc  deies  1  nihtcs. 

Uor-Si  ]?et  no  mon  ne  i-sihS  ou,  nc  je  i-seo5  ncnno  mon,  wcl  mc-i 
don"^  of  owcr  clo'Ses,  boon  heo  hwitc,  boon  heo  blake :'  butc  ]'ot  hco 
beon  unorne  1!  warme,  1  wel  i-wrouhtc — ucllcs  wcl  i-tauwed  :'  "i! 
habbe^  asc  monie  ase  ou  to-neodeS,  to  bcdde  and  eke  to  ruggc. 

Nexst  fleshe  ne  schal  mon  wcrien  no  linene  cloIS,  bate  ;^lf  hit  beo 
of  herde  and  of  grcate  heordcn.  Stamiii  habbe  hwuse  wule  :'  and 
hwose  wule  mei  beon  buten.*  Ee  sthulon  liggen  in  on  heater,  and 
Folio  U7.  i-gurd/  Ne  here  je  non  iron/  ne  hero,  ne  irspilcs '^  felles  :"  none 
beate  ou'  ])er  mide,  ne  mid  schurge  i-le5ered  nc  i-leadod  :'•*  ne  mid 
holie,'  nc  mid  brercs   nc  ne  l/iblodgc"'   liin-  sulf  ^vi^^lton  scln-ittes" 

"  puiiiilos.  T. 

>•   [J>ing,  J'aiili,  t  I'-'i  \\iticl>';>^  l'«  "'<^''  ^^<-''  *'"'•'  '''''"^'  iiioi^tiv.t  ica.l,  for  hire  ncoiK-  miII-'ii, 
j.;ili  sua  derneliclic  as  lia  mei,  for  nu^!i'•lle  inomio  wi-rd.-^.]   f. 

•■  wahcs.  T.     wanes.  C. 

'  wiSuten.  T. 

B  Nc  were  nan  ini.   T.     Ne  liooro  n;i 

h  yleslijies.  T.     ylesj.ilKs.  C. 

■)  1,'iinl.  'I',     li.tlcr  •)  i-pml.   C 

•■   no  wi.N  Hiliurgo  il.ii'lel.  '1'. 
•I.irelip,.  T. 


town  complain  of  anchoresses'  cattle.  If,  however,  any  one  must 
needs  have  a  cow,  let  her  take  care  that  slie  neither  annoy  nor  harm 
any  one,  and  that  her  own  tlioughts  be  not  fixed  thereon.  An 
anchoress  ought  not  to  have  any  thing  that  draweth  her  heart  out- 
ward. Carry  yc  on  no  traffic.  An  anchoress  that  is  a  buyer  ami 
seller  selleth  her  soul  to  the  chapman  of  hell.  Do  not  take  charge 
of  other  men's  property  in  your  house,  nor  of  their  cattle,  nor  their 
clothes,  neither  receive  under  your  care  the  church  vestments,  nor 
the  chalice,  unless  force  compel  you,  or  great  fear,  for  oftentimes 
much  harm  has  come  from  such  care-taking.  Let  no  man  sleep 
within  your  walls.  If,  however,  great  necessity  should  cause  your 
house  to  be  used,  see  that,  as  long  as  it  is  used,  ye  have  therein  with 
you  a  woman  of  unspotted  life  day  and  night. 

Recausc  no  man  sccth  you,  nor  do  ye  see  any  man,  ye  may  be 
well  content  with  your  clothes,  be  they  white,  be  they  black ;  only 
see  that  they  be  plain,  and  warm,  and  well  made — skins  well  tawed  ; 
and  have  as  many  as  you  need,  for  bed  and  also  for  back. 

Next  your  flesh  yc  shall  wear  no  flaxen  cloth,  except  it  be  of  hards 
and  of  coarse  canvass.  Whoso  will  may  have  a  stamin,*  and  whoso 
will  may  be  without  it.  Ye  shall  sleep  in  a  garment  and  girt. 
Wear  no  iron,  nor  haircloth,  nor  hedgehog-skins;*'  and  do  jiot  beat 
yourselves  therewith,  nor  with  a  scoiu-ge  of  leather  tlu^ngs,  nor 
leaded;  and  do  not  with  holly  nor  with  briars  cause  yourselves  to 

irt  made  of  woollen  and  linen,  used  instead  of  a  penitciitiar)-  liairsliirt. 


■  Staniin, 

''  ylospiiloa,  as  it  is  in  C,  is  prohalily  tlio  true  roadiiifj,  from  igil,  A.-S.  a  lll•d^'c-ll(>{,^ 
and  pilo,  -poll,  Fr.  hair,  fur.  W'e  learn  from  tiie  following;  i.assnp;o  that  the  sicin  of 
the  hedgehog  was  used  as  an  instrument  of  discipline: — 

Hkiucius,  llF.uiNACEfS,  ^iall.  Ilmsson.  Ilistor.  Monast.  Villaricnsis,  lib.  ill,  aj-nd 
jMarten.  toni.  iii.  anoedot.  eul.  ]:'.G1.  '  Pelles  videlicet  licrieii,  quihus  usque  .id  largaiii 
enuMoneni  sanguinis  seii-suni  e.edcbat,  et  urticarum  aeulcos  tpiibus  scsc  involvebat."— 
Du  Caiigc. 



leaue  :'  ne  nc  iiiine,  ct  eucs,  to  ucolc  disccpliiies.  Ower  sclionc  Leon 
gi-eate  and  warine.  Inc  sumer  5c  liabbeS  leauc  uorto  gon  and  sitten 
baruot  r'  and  hoscn  wrSutcu  iiauuipcz :'  and  llggo  inc  ham  liwoso 
likc^.  Sum  wummon  inouhivaSc  wcrcS  ]>c  brccli  of  licaro  ful  wel 
i-ls-notted,  and  J;c  strapeles  adun  to  liii-c  ut-t,  i-laced  ful  ucste.  Eif 
je  muwen  beon  whnpel-leas,  bcoS  bi  waruie  keppen "  ami  j^cruppon 
blakc '^  ueiles.  Hwose  wulc  boon  i-seicn,  J?auli  hco  atliro'=  hire  nis 
nout  muclicl  wunder :'  auh  to  Godcs  cicn  hco  is  lufsumcro,  J;ot  is, 
uor  ))c  luue  of  him,  untifted  wiSuten.  Ivin^,  nc  broche  nabbe  je  r' 
ne  gurdcl  i-menbred/  ne  glouen,  ne  no  ssvuch  })ing  pet  ou  ne  deih* 
forto  habbcn/ 

l^uer  me  is  leoucre  so  ^c  don  grctture  Avcrkos.  Nc  makie  none 
purses,  uortc  urconden  ou  niide  ^^  ne  blodbendcs  of  scolke  r'*'  auh 
schepieS,  and  seouwe^,  and  amendeiS  chirche  cloSes,  and  poure 
nionne  cloSes.'  No  ]?ing''  ne  scliule  j^o  jiuen  wiSutcn  schriftes 
leaue.     Helped  mid  ower  owunc  s\vinkc_,  so  uorS  so  jc  nuiwen,  to 


*  [Ancren,  sume  sungi'S  in  liare  wimlunge  na  lesse  }>eiie  lefJi.  Sum  sciS  )>  liit  Iiu)iie5 
to  ene  wummon  cundeliehe  forte  were  wimpel.  Nai :  winipel  ne  hefdc,  nouSt-r  nc 
nemned  hali  write;  ah  wrihelcs  of  heuet :  Ad.  Corinth.  "  Mulier  uclet  caput  suum." 
Wummon,  seiS  Jje  Apost el,  schal  wrihcn  hire  heauct.  Wrihen,  he  suiS,  naut  wimpliu. 
Wrihen  ha  schal  hire  schcome,  as  sunfule  Eiic  dohtcr;  i  muiieyunge  of  ht-  sune  J-shode  us 
erst  alio,  -J  naut  drah  i>  wrihcles  to  tiffung  -}  te  prude.  Eft  wule  Scint  Taiiel  p  w  union  wrco 
i  chirche  hire  neb  gette,  kste  vuel  holit  arise  J'urh  hire  on  silijie,  -J  Iioc  est  propter  angilos. 
liwi,  J>enne,  J/u  chirche  ancre,  al  beo  W  i-wimpkt,  opcncst  M"  ^i  neb  to  wcopmone* 
ehe  ?  Te  gemes  J^e.  i>e  men,  spekcS  Seintc  Tauel.  Ah,  jef  ci  )'ing  wrihcS  J-i  neb 
from  moniies  ehe — beo  hit  wall,  beo  hit  claS  iSi  parlures  I'url,  wcl  mci  duhcn  ancro  of 
o«er  wiralumpe.]  C.  ''  [o5cr  liwit..-  o5cr]  blakc.  C. 

c  atiflen.  T.     atifi.  C.  ''  i-mcmbrct.  T.  C, 

«  deah.  T.     i-bur5.  C. 

'  [UndcrstondfS  p  of  alle  hcose  binges  nis  nan  licst  nc  forbot;  for  allc  lia  bcoJJ  of  J-o 
utterc  rivvle,  t  is  lute  strencSc  of.  For  hwon  t  te  inrc  bco  wcl  i-witf,  as  \v  M-i.h-  iSe 
frumSc,  T  mci  been  i-changet  hweise  cucr  ci  ncod  oSer  cni  sl.ilc  hit  a^k.■^•, tfur  J-ba  mci, 
use  huften,  best  seruin  \>o  Icafdi  riwlc]   C. 

t?   [l)iito  to  I'co  ]■  owfr  nicistre  j;cued  ow  his  leaue. ]   C. 

1'    [no  la/,  biitc  Icauo.J   ('. 

>•   nan  swiit  I'iiii;.   C. 

hcUren.   C", 



bleed  without  leave  of  your  confessor ;  and  do  not,  at  one  time,  use 
too  many  flagellations.  Let  your  shoes  be  thick  and  warm.  In 
sunnncr  ye  are  at  liberty  to  go  and  to  sit  barefoot,  and  to  wear  liose 
without  vamps,  and  whoso  liketh  may  lie  in  them.  A  woman  may 
well  enough  wear  drawers  of  haircloth  very  w^ell  tied,  with  the 
strapples  "  reaching  down  to  her  feet,  laced  tightly.  If  yc  would 
dispense  with  wimples,  have  warm  capes,^  and  over  them  black  veils. 
She  who  wishes  to  be  seen,  it  is  no  great  wonder  though  she  adorn 
herself;  but,  in  tlie  eyes  of  God,  she  is  more  lovely  who  is  unadoi-ncd 
outwardly  for  liis  sake.  Have  neither  ring,  nor  broach,  nor  orna- 
mented girdle,  nor  gloves,  nor  any  such  thing  that  is  not  proper  for 
you  to  have.*' 

1  am  always  the  more  gratified,  the  coarser  the  works  are  that  ye 
do.  ]\Iake  no  purses,  to  gain  friends  therewith,  nor  blodbendcs  of 
silk ;  but  shape,  and  sew,  and  mend  church  vestments,  and  poor 
people's  clothes.  Ye  shall  give  nothing  away  without  leave  from 
your  father  confessor.  Assist  with  your  own  labour,  as  far  as  yc 
arc  able,  to  clothe  yourselves  and  your  domestics,  as  St.  Jerome 
teachcth.  Be  never  idle ;  for  the  fiend  inuncdiately  offers  his  work 
to  her  who  is  not  diligent  in  God's  work ;  and  he  beginneth  directly 


»  Strapples,  the  legs  of  the  drawers  ? 

'»  Anchoresses  err  in  their  head-dress  no  less  than  ladies.  They  say  that  it  belongs 
naturally  to  a  woman  to  wear  a  wimple.  Nay :  the  Holy  Scriptures  neither  had,  nor  do 
tlicy  spealc  of  wimple;  but  of  coverings  for  the  head.  The  apostle  saith  to  the  Corinthians, 
"A  woman  shall  cover  her  head."  Cover,  he  saith,  not  wimple.  She  shall  cover  her 
shame  as  a  sinful  daughter  of  Eve,  in  memory  of  the  sin  that  first  hurt  us  all;  and  not 
convert  the  covering  into  finery  and  pride.  Again  St.  Paul  desires  further  that  a  woman 
cover  her  face  in  church,  lest  evil  thoughts  should  arise  merely  from  seeing  her,  and  this 
is,  "  because  of  the  angels."  'Why,  then,  dost  thou,  an  anchoress,  although  thou  art 
wimpled,  shew  thy  face  in  sight  of  men  ?  Take  heed.  Thou  secst  men,  St.  Paul  saith. 
But  if  any  thing  conceal  thy  face  fn.m  men's  sight— be  it  a  wall,  he  it  the  parlour  window- 
cloth, — a  recluse  may  well  dispense  with  other  wimpling. 

<•  Observe  that  none  of  all  these  things  is  commanded  or  forbidden;  for  they  are  all  of 
the  external  rule,  which  is  of  little  consequence.  For  when  the  inward  is  well  Kej.t.  as 
1  said  at  first,  and  that  may  be  altered  wherever  need  or  any  reason  re.piire  it,  so  as  lli:i( 
it  may,  as  a  domestic,  best  serve  llic  lady  rule. 



schi-uden  ou  sulucii »  and  |;eo  jjct  ou  serueS,  .nsc  Scint  Jeruine  IcivS. 
Ne  beo  je  neucr ''  idcl :'  uor  anonrllites  ]»c  ueond  l.cof^  hire  liis 
were  pet  ine  Godes  werke  ne  wurclieS  r^"^  and  lie  tuteleJS  anonrilites 
Folio  117  6.  touward  hire.  Uor,  Jjeo  hwule  ]>et.  he  isihS  hire  bisi,  ])cnehc5  |>iis:"^ 
vor  nout  ich  schulde  nu  kunien  neili  hire  :!  ne  nici  heo  nout  i-hwulen 
uorto  hercnen  mine  lore.f  Of  idelnesse  awakeneJJ  nuu-hel  Hesslies 
fondunge.  "  Iniqultas  Sodonie  saturitas  panis  et  ociuui :"  pet  is,  al 
Sodomes  cweadschipe  com  of  idchiessc  %  of  ful  wcmdic.  Iren  J;ct  HIS 
stille  gedcrcS  sone  rust :'  and  water  ]?et  no  stureS  nout  readh'chc  e 
stinke'5.  Ancre  ne  sclial  nout  forwurSen  scohneistre,  ne  tui-nen 
hire  ancre  lius  to  childrene  scole.  Hire  niciden  mci,  ]»auli,  tcchen '' 
sum  Intel  mciden,  ]?ct  were  dutc  of  forto  leorncn  among  gronics  :' 
auh  ancre  ne  ouh  forto  ;^emen  bute  God  one.' 

Ee  ne  schulen  senden  lettres,  ne  underuon  lettres,  ne  writcn  buton 
leaue.  Ee  schulen  boon  i-dodded  four"*  siSen  iSc  jerc,  uorto  hhton 
ower  heaucd :"  and  ase  oftc  i-leten  blud :'  and  oftere  jif  neod  is :'  and 
hwoso  mei  beon  |;er  AviSuten,  ich  hit  niel  wel  i-Solien.  Hwon  jc 
beo^  i-leten  blod,  je  ne  schulen  don  no  ]'ing,  ]?eo  }>roo  dawcs,  j'et 
ou  greue :!  auh  talkc-S  mid  ouer  meidenes  and  mid  J^eaufule  talon 
schurte'5  ou  to-gedercs.  Ee  muwen  don  so  ofte  hwon  ou  JjuncheJS 
heuie,  o^er  bcoS  nor  sumc  worldliche  }>inge  sorie  oSer  sekc.  So 
wislichc  wite^  ou  in  our  blod-letungc  r'  and  holdoS  ou  ine  swuche 
reste  ]jet  je  longc  J^ercfter  muwen  ine  Godes  scruise  |)e  monluker 
swinken  r^  and  also  hwon  ^e  i-ueleS  cni  secnessc  r'  vor  nuichcl  sot- 

»  [•]  fcdcn  5cf  ncod  is.]  C.  "   [allungc.J   C. 

'  bedcs.  T.  ''  swiiikcs.  T.  C. 

'  he,  \>(i  swikf,  hLiidics  tiis.  T.     lie  j-ctichc^'  J'us.  C. 
f  ne  w.\\  ho  iiawt  genu'  to  lustncii  mi  lai>-.   'J'. 
B  ^u^ilicho.  T.  "  "Hi  l^':"^!.  C. 

1   [}>ali,  l)i  liiic  nicistrcs  road,  ii.i  nu-i  siiiii  rilikii  T  1m  Ii^c  t.>  l>  nii.]    (". 
^  lit'teiie.  '1'. 

'    [o^'cr  S"^^!'  .V-   wiilluiN   i-.'.cliaiK  II,  li>.\.io    wiilf    i.M   .1.      .\li   1...  unit  ortLiv  wi-m-Iuii  j 
lau.l.ii!  liiro  lioliKt.j    C. 



to  talk  to  licr.  For,  while  lie  seeth  her  busy,  he  thinkcth  thus :  It 
would  avail  nothing  if  I  ^^  ere  now  to  accost  her,  nor  would  she  take 
time  to  listen  to  my  tcacliing.  From  idleness  ariseth  much  tempta- 
tion of  the  flesh,  "  Iniquitas  Sodomns  saturitas  panis  et  otium :  " 
that  is,  "  All  the  wickedness  of  Sodom  came  of  idleness,  and  of  a 
full  belly."  Iron  that  lieth  still  soon  gathereth  rust ;  and  water  that 
is  not  stirred  soon  stinketh.  An  anchoress  must  not  become  a 
schoolmistress,  nor  turn  her  anchoress-house  into  a  school  for 
children.  Her  maiden  may,  however,  teach  any  little  girl  con- 
cerning whom  it  might  be  doubtful  whether  she  should  learn  among 
boys,  but  an  anchoress  ought  to  give  her  thoughts  to  God  only. 

'  Ye  shall  not  send,  nor  receive,  nor  write  letters  without  leave. 
Ye  shall  have  your  hair  cut  four  times  a-year  to  disburden  your 
head ;  and  be  let  blood  as  oft,  and  offener  if  it  is  necessary ;  but  if  any 
one  can  dispense  with  this,  I  may  well  suffer  it.  When  ye  are  let 
blood,  ye  ought  to  do  nothing  that  may  be  irksome  to  you  for  three 
days ;  but  talk  with  your  maidens,  and  divert  yourselves  together  with 
instructive  tales.  Ye  may  often  do  so  when  ye  feel  dispirited,  or  are 
grieved  about  some  worldly  matter,  or  sick.  Thus  wisely  take  care 
of  yourselves  when  you  are  let  blood,  and  keep  yourselves  in  such 
rest  that  long  thereafter  ye  may  labour  the  more  vigorously  in  God's 
service,  and  also  when  ye  feel  any  sickness,  for  it  is  great  folly,  for 
the  sake  of  one  day,  to  lose  ten  or  twelve.  Wash  yourselves  where- 
soever it  is  necessary,  as  often  as  ye  please. 



■  olwUS    schipe   hit    is  iiorto  uorlcoscn,  uor  one  deic,   tone   o>icn-   t\w<)lu.-. 
WasclieS  ou  Invarsc  je  hal3l)cy  ncodc,  asc  oftc  ac;c  jc  wulk-b. 

Ancre  l^ct  iiaue^  nout  neili  hond  hire  node,  beoS  Lisio  two  \\nu\- 

nien  :'  one  ]>et  Lileaiic  cucr  ct  horn,  on  oScr  J^et  wonde  ut  hwon  hit 

is  ncod  :!  and  >oo  bco  ful  nnorne,  oScr  of  foir  cldc  r'  and  hi  J.o  w.-i- 

asc  hco  ge^  go  singinde  hire  heoden  :!  no  ne  holde  hco  nout  nun  t.iK- 

mid  rnon  nc  mid  wnmmon  r'  ne  ne  sitte  ne  no  stonde,  hute  j-ot  l-f 

Vet  hco  mci,  cr  ];cn  hco  kumc  horn.     Nouhwudcr  dies  ne  go  he  huto 

Lcr  asc  me  sent  liire.     WiSute  leaue  ne  etc  heo  nc  ne  drinkc  nl.. 

t)e  oScr  hco  cucr  innc,  ne  Avi^utc  ]>e  ^eate  nc  go  heo  ^vl^ute  kau,.. 

Bo^e  heon  obedient  to  hore  dame  in  alle  ]>inges,  butc  me  sunne  ou.. 

No  hincv  nabben  heo  ],et  hore  dame  liit  nnte  :'  ne  ne  midcruon  no  ]nu~,. 

nc  nc  -iTucn  wiSuten  hire  leaue.     Nenne  mon  ne  leten  heo  m  :  no  )o 

xunorcnc  sneke  mid  none  monne  butc  leaue  :'  ne  ne  go  nout  ut  M 

^unc^viduten  siker  uere  r'  ne  ne  ligge  ute.     Eif  heo  nc  con  o  hok. 

sic..e  hi  Paternostrcs  and  bi  auez  hire  vres  :'  and  wurche  l>e   me  lu 

hl^-:  wi^utengrucchunge.     Habbe  cucr  hire  caren  o.ene    ouwan 

hire  dame.     NouiSer  of  ]>e  wmnmen  ne  bcren  m-om  hore  da.ue,  n. 

nc  bringed  to  hire  none  idcle  talen,  ne  ncowe  tiSn.ges  ^  ne  Uy^ 

hamsulf  nc  singen  :^    ne  ne  speken  none  .vorldhchc  spech.en .    n 

...ns.A:Z.n,  nc  n^plcien  so  >et  ei  mon  ],ethit  iscie  mu  ^o    .  to  vu. 

,.      Onpnlle  Vinf^  leasungc  and  lubere  ^vorde^  hatitn.     nou 

r'to  Sr:".  ho.;  houe<l°c.oS  siuc  10.-0.     Ei«e.-  >igge  one 

ham  .imvcawed,-  no  open  l,cau«l.«     Louh  lokungo  Imibon.     Hco  n 
s2ir::;.en  'nenne  Ln,  ne  nor  luno  cU„.pen  „e  k„^  ,K.,n     ^  . 
nc  wassl.en  hore  hoaued  i  ne  lokeu  neste  o  none  monne  .  ne  to 
mWhim  nepleicn.     Hore  weadon  boon  of  swnche  seheapc.  7  .dl, 

»  Hare  cop  bco  hccsc  i-sticcliod.  ' 
c   [Inwid  J^c  %va.ici  ha  mubc  wc.ic  sea, 
-mantlet;  he  hcaucJi-Luaek^t.]   C 
d  toggle.  T.     to-Ki.  C. 

«>>i'i'l.  C. 
,,,„,;.    hwcn    .na..l.l   ban,  I-cuejCoS;  vlo.  K"' 



When  an  anchoress  hath  n<.t  her  food  at  hand,  let  two  women  he 
^     .A    nno  ^vho  stays  always  at  home,  another  who  goes  out 

totliepuccwiiu  vv  thin,  and  never  go 

no,  dnnk  abroad.     L^" ^f  "j  J^\„;,  b^  obedient  to  their  dan,e 
out  of  the  gate  «.*o«'  -^     ^     ;,^„,  „„,„„„  „„Unown 

in  all  things,  s«,  only  excepted      ha  the,    i  =    ^_^^  ^_^^ 

to   their   n,istress,   ■»'   -J^     ^  iri„7Lr  must  the  younger 
permission.     They  must  not  let  any  m  ,  ^^  ^^  ^^^^^^  ^^.^^^^^^  ^ 

speak  with  any  man  -f^^^^^'l.^^  t„„„t  ,ead  her  hours  in  a 
trusty  companion,  nor  sleep  out.  s  ^^ 

book    let  her  -^  *- -''\^fr°f  wilut  .n,lin..     Let  her 
.he  .-ork  that  she  is  commanded  to  do  w  1-'  ^^^^^^  ^^  ^,,^ 

have  her  ears  always  open  to  her  "',,,,,      idle  tales, 
women  either  carry  to  her  m.stress  or  bung  ta  her      ) 

or  new  tidings,  nor  sing  to  one  an  ther    nor^sp^^^  J  .^  __.^^_^ 
speeches,  nor  laugh,  nor  i^aj.o^at^y^^        ^^  ^^^^  ,^.^^  ^,^j 

turn  it  to  evil.     Above  all  th  ng  ^   J_^,„,^,„rt,  ,it  ,ow.     Let 

ribaldry.     Let  the,r  ha,r  be  cut  hort,  the  ^^^  ^^^^_^,  ^^ 

..h  lie  alone,     ^et  the.  hesmer^e^^l  J^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^ 

broach.     Let  no  man  see  them   m  ,  ^^_^l^_.^^_,^  ^,,^. 

them  look  low.  They  ought  ™'  '"J^^'^^' ™„„„,  „=„;.  to  wash  their 
,„„„,  neither  of  their  -1-"'---^  '^'o^^.,  nor  frolic  with 
head,  nor  to  look  fixedly  on  any  man   n  J^^^  ^^^^  ^^^^.    ^^^.  ^ 

him.     Their  garments  should  be  of  sue.  ^^^^  ^l^_,._,^^,^,,, 

such  that  it  may  be  easdy  --  '^^  ^,  ,„  i,  i^My  n,ay  Hud 
Let  then>  observe  -"""-'^  f  ;^"  „„  ,„,  „f  the  house.  Le, 
fault  with  them,  neither  m  tlic   house  ,      ,         , 

.  U.M.,8-.s..itW»  ml  only  "■«"•'""■  ' 

CAMll.  SOC. 



hore  aturn  swucli  ];et  hit  l)CO  cScciic  liwaito  ht-o  hvah  i-tuni(K'. 
Ilore  lates  loken  warliclic,  ])ct  non  nc  ctlwite  li;uu  nc  inc  liuso,  iic  ut 
ofhuse.  On  alio  wise  uorbcrcn  to  wrcSScn  liorc  (Ininc  r  and  asc 
ofte  ase  hco  liit  cloiS,  cr  lico  clrinkcn  olScr  ctcii,  inukicii  liore  uenic 
akiieon  udun  to  |>er  cor^e  biuoron  hire,  7  sig^c  '•  Mca  c-rilpa  :"  and 
underuon  ]>e  penitence  |>ct  heo  leiS  upon  hire,  hitende  hire  h)vnve. 
pe  ancre  iieiier  more  ];or  efter  J>ene  ilke  gult  nc  uphreide  hire,  unr 
none  A\Te^5e,  Lute  jif  lieo  eft  sonc  ualle  i^et  ilke  t  auh  do  hit 
allunge  ut  of  hire  lieorte.  And  ^if  oni  strif  arise^  bitwconcn  ]»c 
wummen,  pe  ancre  makic  ei&r  of  luun  to  niakicn  oiier  venie  akncon 
to  per  eorSe,  and  eiiSer  rihte  up  o^cr,  1  kussen  li.iin  on  emU' :'  and 
be  ancre  logge  on  ci'Ser  sum  penitence :'  mure  ujton  j'c  ilke  pet 
Folio  110.  gretluker  haue"S  agult.  pis  is  o  ping,  wute  jc  wel  to  soS,  pet  is 
God  leouest — seilniesse  1  some " — 7  pe  ueonde  lowest :'  and  forSi  ho 
is  euer  umhe  to  arcai-en  sunie  wi-eSSc.^  Nu  isihS  J>e  deouel  wcl  )>et 
hwon  ]?ct  fur  is  wel  o  hrunc,  1  me  wulc  pet  hit  go  ut,  me  sun(hvIS 
be  brondes  :'  and  he  de^  al  so  onond  '^  pet  ilke.  Luue  is  Jcsu  Cristt-s 
fur  pet  he  wule  pet  hlasie  in  vrc  heorte  r*  and  pe  deoucH  hloweS 
forto  puffen  hit  ut :!  and  hwon  his  hlowinge  nc  geine^  nout,  ]»conne 
brinoe^  he  up  sum  lu^er  word,  o'Ser  sum  noulitunge  hwar  puruh 
heo  to-hurte5  ®  eiSer  urommard  o'Ser :'  and  po  Iloli  Gostcs  fur 
acwenche^,  hwon  pe  brondes,  puruh  wre-SSe,  beoS  i-sundred.  And 
forSI,  holden  ham  ine  luuo  uestc  to-gcdcres,  and  nc  hco  ham  nout 
of  hwon  pe  ueond  blowc  :f  and  nomelichc,  ^if  monic  beo5  i-uelcd 
somcd,f  and  wel  mid  luue  ontende. 

pauli  pe  ancre  on  hire  meidcnes  uur  openlichc  gnltrs  h'gge  peni- 
tence neuer  pe  later  to  pe  preoste  schriuen  ham  ofte  :'  auh  cuer 
pauh  mid  leauc.  And  ^if  heo  ne  kunnen  nout  ]'e  mete  graces,  siggen 
in  horc  stude  Pater  nostcr  1  Aue  Maria  biuoren  mete,  and  efter 
mete  also,  7  Credo  moare  :'  and  siggen  pus  on  cnde,  "  Vedor7Sune7 


T.  C. 

T.     swookt 

»  saclitnc-iso  1  somentalc.  T. 
I-  lie  dos  hond  to  I'Ct  ilke.  T. 
•  he  briiigcs  up  sum  wor^l,  ober  sum  o«ur  l.wat,  hivcr  l-url.  Iio  to  l.urrtn. 

'  i-fcst  to-gedcro.  T. 


,         V,v-ill  mom  forbear  to  vex  their  mistress;  aiul,  wl.encver 

"""'  ^,f  1      tCm  U-fore  thev  either  eat  or  drink  u,ake  oV-sanco 
,l,c.y  do  so,  let  then     c  j_^_^  ^__,  ^^^^^  „  M,^ 

s.nfe  ariseth  between  the  -men    l^the  aneta  ^^^^  ^__^  ^^ 

„,akeob=isancetoeaehotherkneeln,g       the    a  ^^^^^  ^_^^  ^^^^ 

raise  up  the  other,  and  finally  to  k^s  ^^  „„  ,„,  „h„  k 

anehovess  impose  some  penance  on  bo  h  but  mo       P  ^^ 

most  in  foult.     Bo  ye  well  assnred    th         ^  '    '  "  '     ,  „,„,,. 

God-peace  and  eoneord-and  n,os^,  ^^'^..^  Now  the 
fore,  he  is  always  endeavotvrmg  '»._"  ^^,„  „„a  „„,,  wish  it 
devil  sceth  well  that  when  the  fire  »  f^^^^  "-,-;„  ,i  „, 

,„  go  out,  they  separate  the  brand,     an  U,e  d  ^^^  ^^  ^^^^  ^ 

j„.,  ,ho  same  thing.  Love  -f^^.^^'tL'that  he  may  pull- 
Lave  to  burn  in  -'.''^^f^'.^f  .„/„",, ail,  he  then  bringeth  up 
it  out;  and  when  h.s  ^o-mS  'S  °f  "°  ^eo  Ueun.t,  wboveby  thoy 
some  insulting  word,  or  some  ^^^^^^^^^^^^'^  „',;  !,„,,  Spirit  is 
ave  repelled  from  eaeh  other,  .ud  rtu=  i  a,  ^^^^^^^^      ^^,^^, 

Cuenehed,  when  the  brands,  ^^^^^  bo  not  away  fiou, 
therefore,  keep  them  firmly  umtcd  '-^Zllny,  if  there  be  many 
them  when  the  fiend  may  blow ;  »  ''  ^  1'^"='"  ^' 
joined  together,  and  well  kindled  love.  __ 

Though  the  anehoress  impose  penanee  on     «  n.  '  ^_^^; 

faults,  let  them  ^'^^^^'^^  ^^^  t^  ^.^^.y  the  graces  at 
however,  with  pernnss.on      And  .    t    ^  ^^,  „,„,  Ave  Mar.a, 

„,eals.  let  thena  say,  mstead  °f  ' '7'  ^  j  „,er  and  above ;  and  in 
belbro  and  also  after  "-"'-'"'^J'^"  ^.'^g  „"  a„d  Holy  Ghost,  one 
conclusion  say  thus,  "  May  the  ^^'^^''^  J,  and  u.ore, 
God  Ahnighty,  give  ---'-  ,    '   f  :„,  ,„ah,g,  and  rew.,,.  .11 



Holi  Gost  ?,  on  Almihtl  God,  he  ^iue  ure  claim-  \\U  ^',  m.  I,  hjtv 
so  more  :f  1  leue  hire  7  us  bobe  nlinen  god  endiiigc:'  7  t;.r;.ld,'  .\lli« 
l^et  us  god  doS,  1  milce  bore  soulen  |?et  us  god  i-doii  li:dj!.«.-N— h.irxs 
soulen  J  idle  cristene  soulen.  Amen."  Bitweom-n  ukIo  no  <'rn>.-i:.- » 
/'i^/io  119i,  je  nout  nouSer  frut,  ne  oSerhwat :'  none  drinkon  wlSut.-n  K:;ai« : 
auh  J)e  leaue  beo  liht  in  alle  |;eo  J>inges  j;er  nis  suimo.  Ktto  lu.  to 
no  word,  o'Ser  lut,  1  J?eo  boon  stille.''  Al  so  efter  }'o  aiu-iv  cuiniJi** 
uort  mid-morwen  •=  ne  dou  no  ]^ing,  nc  ne  siggcn,  bwaiv  Jiindi  bin* 
silence  muwe  been  i-sturbcd.  Non  ancre  seruaiit  Jio  (ndito,  mid 
ribte,  uorto  asken  i-sette  huire,  bute  mete?clo5  ]>vt  luo  uu-i  vb:::. n^ 
bij  ^  Godes  milce.  Ne  misleue  non  god,  liwat  so  bitido,  ot"  )>i'  .mrp-, 
)7et  he  hire  trukie.^  pe  meidenes  wibutcn,  jif  beo  si-nic^  j-o  anon* 
al  so  ase  heo  owen,  bore  bure  scbal  beon  ]>e  ccbe  bli:,-.L'  of  Ikhi. n.-. 
Hwoso  haue^  eie  hope  touward  so  beie  luuv,  glodlicb.'  wu!-  li-i 
seruen,  1!  lihtliche  alle  wo  and  alle  tcone  JxjHlmi.  Mid  li-L-  ii.-  mid 
este  ne  kumeS  me  nout  to  |>cr  beouene.*" 

Ee  ancren  owen  ]?is  lutlc  laste  stuccbon  rcdi-ii  to  ..ur  wikp.mi.  n 
eueriche  wike  enes,  uort  J^et  heo  hit  kunncn.  And  laticb.-  n--!  i> 
ou  beo^e  ]>et  je  nimen  to  ham  gode  jcnie  :'  vor  7;o  imr.v,:i  iinu!!.l 
)?urub  bam  beon  i-goded,  and  i-wursedR  on  ..^c•r  bahi.-.  I..i  1  ■'-•^ 
sunege^  ))urub  ower  jemeleastc,  5c  scludcn  b.-n  M.K-,.|..l  j  ■  r..i 
biuoi°en  ]>e  beie  demare  t^"^  and  forSi,  ase  ou  is  nuicbc  n-.-l.  ?  l.ii-i 
is^ete  more,  seornelicbe  tccheS  ham  to  holdcn  Imre  nul.-.u  l-.>y 
uorou  7  for  bam  suluen  :^  li«eliche  ].aub,  7  Iiuk-IkIk- :  imr - 
cub  wummone  lore  to  bcon-Inuelicb  7  liSe,  and„n.-  ^: 
Bo-Se  bit  is  riht  ];et  heo  ou  drcdon  7  bmion  :  aub  l-r  b  -.  m-r.- 
of  luue  ]7en  of  drcde.  peonne  scbal  hit  wil  ua.-.-n. 
eoli  and  win  beo^e  ine  wundcn,  cftore  gcHUro '  loio  : 
softe  colie  J^en  of  j^e  bitinde  wine  :'  )'ct  ^I 
of  suwindc  ^^  vor  J^erof  kunicS  ]>inge  ' 
si.  C. 



»  grusn.  T.     gruucsi. 
"^  a<5et  prime.  T.  C. 
e  [fcalf.]   C. 
e  wiirsnct.  T. 
i  Godos.  T.  C. 

aub  111-  IV- 
more  cf  li^o  \\»i-l 
best— I'll  is  biii.'-ri.-. 

»  -,  tastillf.  T.     T  I-.. .::.:•.  ••- 

"  ttiino.  T.  C. 

'  IK-  laioS  inon  m«t  Mi—.  T.  '". 

b  (K-iiio    T.     <l'Jii>.  <-'• 

••  T.     >:ur.i.-.  I". 



done  US  good —to  the  souls  of  them  and  of  all  Christians.  Amen." 
Between  meals,  do  not  muncli  either  fruit  or  any  thin^  else ;  and 
drink  not  Avitliout  leave ;  but  let  the  leave  be  easily  granted  in  all 
those  matters  where  there  is  no  sin.  At  meat  lot  tliere  be  no 
talking,  or  little,  and  then  be  still.  Also,  neither  do  nor  say  any 
thing  after  the  anchoress  compline,  until  prime  next  morning, 
whereby  her  silence  might  be  disturbed.  No  servant  of  an 
anchoress  ought,  properly,  to  ask  stated  wages,  except  food  and 
clothing,  with  which,  and  with  God's  mercy,  she  may  do  well 
enou<>-h.  Let  her  not  disbelieve  any  good  of  the  anchoress,  whatever 
betide,  as  that  she  may  deceive  her.  The  maidens  out  of  doors, 
if  they  serve  the  anchoress  in  such  a  manner  as  they  ought,  shall 
have  their  reward  in  the  eternal  blessedness  of  heaven.  Whoso  hath 
any  hope  of  so  high  a  reward  will  gladly  serve,  and  easily  endure  all 
grief  and  all  pain.  With  ease  and  abundance  men  do  not  arrive  at 

Ye  anchoresses  ought  to  read  these  little  concluding  parts  to  your 
women  once  every  week  until  they  know  it  well.  And  it  is  very 
necessary  for  you  both  that  ye  take  much  care  of  them,  for  ye  may 
be  much  benefited  by  them ;  and,  on  the  other  hand,  made  worse. 
If  they  sin  through  your  negligence,  ye  shall  be  called  to  give  account 
of  it  before  the  Supreme  Judge ;  and  therefore,  it  is  very  necessary  for 
you,  and  still  more  for  them,  that  ye  diligently  teach  them  to  keep  their 
rule,  both  for  your  sake  and  for  themselves ;  in  a  gentle  manner,  how- 
ever, and  affectionately;  for  such  ought  the  instructing  of  women  to 
be— affectionate  and  gentle,  and  seldom  stern.  It  is  right  that  they 
should  both  fear  and  love  you ;  but  that  there  should  be  always  more 
of  love  than  of  fear.  Then  it  shall  go  well.  Both  wine  and  od 
should  be  poured  hito  the  wounds,  according  to  divine  mstruction ; 
but  more  of  the  soft  oil  than  of  the  biting  wine  ;  that  is,  more  of 
gentle  than  of  vehement  words  ;  for  thereof  comcth  that  which  is  best 
-love-fear.  IMildly  and  kindly  forgive  them  their  faults  when  ihvy 
acknowledge  them  and  promise  amendment. 



Iichc7  swcteliclic  uoi*3iucb  ham  horc  gultcs  liwon  lico  ham  i  knuwe^ 
and  bihoteS  bote. 

Sc  uorS  fisc  Tc  muwcn  of  drunch  and  of  mete  and  of  clo5,  imd  >  f 
o^er  Jnnges  ])ct  neode  of  flesche  askc^,  bco'S  large  touward  ham, 
bauli  ^e  he  neruwnrc  beon  and  to  herdure  to  ou  suhien  :!  vur  su  (h■^ 
he  |>e  wel  bloweS — went  ]?e  neruwe  cnde  of  ]>c  home  to  his  owimo 
muSe,  J  utward  ]?cne  wide.  And  je  don  al  so,  ase  jc  wulloN  ]-rt 
ower  bcoden  bemen  J  dreamen  wel  ine  Drihtcnes"  earen  r'  and  r.'Uit 
one  to  ower  ones,**  anh  to  alle  uolkcs  hcidc :'  ase  ure  Louerd  Icuc, 
huruh  J'C  grace  of  hhnsnlf,  ])et  hit  so  mote  boon.     Amen! 

O  bisse  boc  rcde-5  cueriche  deie  hwon  jc  bcoIS  eise—' 
deie  Icsse  o^er  more.  Uor  ich  hopie  j^ct  liit  schal  boon  ou,  ;^if  so  ;;^r 
redeS  ofte,  swube  bihcue  |?uruh  Godcs  grace  r'  and  elles  icli  hcuc!.- 
vucle  bitowen  muchel  of  mine  liwule.  God  liit  wot,<=  nie  wero 
leouere  uorto  don  me  touward  Rome  J^cn  uorto  biginncn  hit  eft  forto 
donne.  And  ^if  30  iuindeS  ]^et  ^e  do-5  al  so  ase  5c  rcdcS,  )>oiiktJi 
Folio  120.  God  jcorne  :'  and  ^if  je  ne  doS  nout,  biddeS  Godcs  on.' 
umbe  yer  abuten  J?et  ^e  hit  bet  hoi  liuldcn,'^  eftc-r 
Veder  and  Sune  and  Holi  Gost,  and  on  Ahnihti  God,  he  wite 
in  his  warde !  He  gledie  ou,  and  froure  ou, 
and,  for  al  }jet  je  uor  him  drieS  and  suffrco. 
lesse  huire  l^en  al-togedere  him  suluen !  He  beo 
worldc  to  worlde,  euer  on  ecchcncssel     Amen. 


and  bfuJi 
owcr  tniliti.-. 

mine  leoue  sustrcii ! 
he  nc  ;^iiie  ou  iieui-r 
euor  i-hoied  fn-iii 

Ase  ofte  ase  50  readeS  out^  o  l^issc  boc,  greteS  ]»e  Icfdi  mid  one 
Ane  ]\rario,  uor  him  J^et  maked  ]^eos  riwle,  and  for  liim  ).ft  hue 
wrot  and  swonc^  her  abuten.  Inouh  mcMul  irii  am,  J-ct  buKle  .0 

a  [Godcs.]   C. 

<:  Deu  Ic  set,  T.  C. 

«  GodJ  wite.  T.  C 

K  swanc.  T.     swoiig.   C. 

•>  aiiros.  T. 

d  latere  IkiMcii.  T.     h.-ilden.  C. 

'  olit.  T.     cawet.  C. 

THE  author's  concluding  BENEDICTION  AND  PliAYER.    431 

As  far  as  ye  can,  in  regard  to  drink,  and  food,  and  clothing,  and 
other  things  whicli  the  wants  of  the  flesh  require,  be  hberal  to  them, 
thongli  yc  bo  the  more  strict  and  severe  to  yourseh-es ;  for  so  doth 
he  that  blowetli  well :  lie  turneth  the  narrow  end  of  the  honi  to  his 
own  mouth,  and  the  wide  end  outward.  And  do  ye  the  like,  as  ye 
would  that  your  prayers  may  resound  like  a  trumpet,  and  make  a 
sweet  noise  in  the  ears  of  the  Lord  ;  and  not  to  your  own  salvation 
only,  but  to  that  of  all  people;  which  may  our  Lord  grant  through 
the  grace  of  himself,  that  so  it  may  be.  Amen. 

In  this  book  read  every  day,  when  ye  are  at  leisure — every  day, 
less  or  more ;  for  I  hope  that,  if  ye  read  it  often,  it  will  be  very 
beneficial  to  you,  through  the  grace  of  God,  or  else  I  shall  have  ill 
employed  much  of  my  time.  God  knows,  it  would  be  more  agree- 
able to  mo  to  set  out  on  a  journey  to  Rome,  than  to  begin  to  do  it 
again.  And,  if  ye  find  that  ye  do  according  to  what  ye  read,  thank 
God  earnestly ;  and  if  ye  do  not,  pray  for  the  grace  of  God,  and 
diligently  endeavour  that  ye  may  keep  it  better,  in  every  point, 
according  to  your  ability.  May  the  Father,  and  the  Son,  and  the 
Holy  Ghost,  the  one  Almighty  God,  keep  you  under  his  protection ! 
May  he  give  you  joy  and  comfort,  my  dear  sisters,  and  for  all  that 
ye  endure  and  suffer  for  him  may  he  never  give  you  a  less  reward 
than  his  entire  self.  May  he  be  ever  exalted  fi'om  world  to  world, 
for  ever  and  ever.  Amen. 

As  often  as  ye  read  any  thing  in  this  book,  greet  the  Lady  with  an 
Ave  ISIary  for  him  who  made  this  rule,  and  for  him  who  wrote  it, 
and  took  pains  about  it.     IModerate  enough  I  am,  who  ask  so  little. 



A.S.  Anglo-Saxon.  —  Teut.  Teutonic— Isl.  Islandic— G.  German.— O.G.  Old  German.— Fr, 
French,  — O.Fr.  0!J  Fretich.  — D.  Dutch.- Sw.  Swedish.  —  Sc.  Scotish.—  Latin.— 
Ital.  Italian — P.E.  Provincial  English.— O.K.  Old  Enylish.— Ch.  Chaucer.— Lag.  The  rIos. 
sary  to  Lajamon's  Bult,  by  Sir  F.  Madden.— id.  the  same.— q. v.  quod  vide.— v.  vide.— 
g.  genitive  case. — sub.  subjunctive  mood. — imp.  imperative  mood, — pr.  present  tense.— im. 
imperfect  tense.^p.  ])crfect  tense.— pr.p.  present  participle.- p.p.  perfect  participle. — pi. 
plural. — s.  singular. — adj.  adjective.— adv.  adverb. — sup.  superlative  degree. — com.  comparati\e 
degree. — 1.  lege.^ — i.e.  id  est. — n.  noun. — v.  r.  various  reading. — AiA'ords  beginning  uith  the 
participial  prefi.x  i  will  generally  be  found  under  the  letter  next  following.  The  numbers  rcf-r 
to  the  pages  where  the  words  occur,  A  point  of  interrogation  (?)  marks  any  doubtful  meaning 
or  derivation. 

I  ! 

a,  396, /or  ever,  aije;  A.S.  a,  aa. 

aberet),  158,  htardh;  A.S.  aberan. 

abit,  3:33,  3.58,  ahidcs.  avaits. 

ablendeS,  SC,  pr.    hiiudtth ;    imp.   ablinde,  pp. 

ablend,  62  ;  A.S.  blindan, 
aljoutie,  02,  loolc  ovt. 
abbod,  314,  oUof. 
abreiden,  214,   abreid,  238;   A.S.    abregdan,  to 

uvnhe,  siaiflc. 
abuggon,  ISS,  pr.  sub.  abugge,  300;  A.S. abyc- 

gan,  to  p"!jfor. 
abuten,  234,  314,  .-Lout. 
accidie,  208,  imlohnoi. 
acenien,  3C0  a.  A,S.  cwonian  ?  to  pha.o:. 
ui-hate,  134,  iKjatc. 
acoien,  118,  pr.  acoalde^',  401;  A.S.  acoliaii,   to 

iieoricn,  60,  to  ficn.r,  pro   alterius  crimine  puniri; 

-M.S.   Oxon.  "  acorodc,  sorruirei/,  acorye,  coi- 

rcctii/..'"       Ilcarne's     Glossary    to    Uobert    of 

a-'iieon,  oknon,  16,  aUncon,  44,  on  Im-es,  Inccl- 

>ng;  A.S.  ciieow,  l.-me. 

acwellen,  334,  kilt;  A.S.  acwellan. 
acwenchen,  to  mx.nrh,  224,  206,  pr.  acwcnrheN, 

426;  p.  acweinte,    124,  268,  qaen.-hrd;   .A.S. 

acwenean,  id. 
aewikien,  pr.  acwikeu,   118,  96;  A.S.  aewician 

to  quicken. 
acwiten  124,  304,  tojWe,  releo'-c;  Fr.  acquittor. 
acscS,  8,  usUth;  A.S.  acsian. 
adeaden   112,  1,'0,  ^.  </t"(/i,<,  pr.  a«leade5,  15"; 

A.S.  adeada.i. 
adotede,    222,    272,    S'll;i,    dntiny,    ini'iitiinUd, 

adotie,  .00,  i.  D.  dotcn,  I'r.  radoter, 
adrenchen,    230,    to    droiru,    l-e    d.oiriifd;    pr. 

adrenche^^   74,  314;   p.   adreinte,   220,   331, 

pp.  244;  A.S.  adrencan,  to  diuini. 
adruwien,    1:10    to  d,j,  dr;i  h/i;    pr.   ndriiweS, 

adruwiciS;  p.adruwede,  220;  .idruwodeii,  1  ,'irt, 

p.p.   adruwcd,   l.')0  ;    A.S.   adruwiau,  to  drj 


adunriht  60,  ,/-■„,  ,y/./;   -A.S.  a-ltiM.  ./..„»,  ribt, 

scstat,  Kstaz,  li 
.afallen,  122,  d. 




3  K 



afdted.    284,   ofcrkd,  iorUncd,  formed;  O.Vv. 

affruht,  ^6-2,  fnr/I,i,,ud;  A.S.  frilit;in. 
ageliche,  5G,  b.  aufnHj ;  A.S.  ego,  «ve. 
agest,  372,  spiritual;  A.S.  gast,  spirit. 
agesten,  212,  tf>  fri^/Zit-n;  A.S.  cgesian,  id. 
age'S,   184,  2uS,  2^8,  356,  ^w.vt/A  rt^rnj/;  A.S. 

agiime,  pr.  sul).  74,  higin;  A.S.  aginiiau. 
agriscn,  30G,  ^o  dread  <jrentl>/,  pr.  agriseS,  2!i4, 

i<  terrijieth,  pr.  sub.  agrisc,  29(i  ;  A.S.  agrisaii, 

agrupie,  92,  pr.  sub.  he  filled  Kith  honor;  A.S. 

oga;  MS.  Oxon,  t^rrtutes;  Sc.  groo,  to  shmhl  r. 
agultetJ,  186,  pr.  oif'mdeih;  pr.  sub.  .^gultc,  184, 

188,  346,  420,  V'--"'f'"  P-  agulten,  336,  mrc 

guilty,  offended;  A.S.  agyltaii,  gylt. 
akest,  318,  orerrome. 
akointed,  218,  acquainted. 

akoueren,  364,  412,  to  recover;  A.S.  afofran,  id. 
akursede,  234,  accursed;  A.S.  cursian,  to  cursr. 
aleosen,  113,  a.  to  lose;  A.S.  leosan,  id. 
alleg.ate,  58,  314,  308,  Ij  all  means,  84,  obrajs, 

C8b,  at  all  events,  o')<},  ulthvajh;  MS.   Oxon. 

alesen,  124,  to  rdros^;  A.S.  alysan.  id. 
alihte,  24S,  alitjldal,  elescended;  A.S.  alihtau,  to 

come  down. 
ali«,  246,  252,  allay-th;  A.S.  alecgan,  to  lay. 
allfs,  64,  at  all  events.      , 
allelunge,  86,  allunge,  164,  228,  232,  234,  270, 

3^0,  344,  348,  W*'),  altoyelher,n-holl>/,  entirely; 

A.S.  allunga. 
aire,  94,  136,  234,  314,  o/all;  A.S.  al.  gen.  pi. 

alrerest,  314,^,-.'^  o/all. 
ahiht,  A.S.  92,  10[),  Just,  qmie  so. 
alsiie.sieii,  212,  to  ju\ro\,sfri/.-e;  A.S.  asiixsan,id. 
alto  wundre,  38(i,  s'rai.q.lj,  sharply. 
amused,  270,  284,  2Ss,  hewildend,  infotnatnl. 
ameistren,    140,    2S2,    38'2,    to   mashr,    ,j,n;rn, 

sahdue;  O.Fr.  maistrer. 
ameil,  324,  mad;  A.S.  gcmtcd,  id. 
amendeS,  420,  mend..-  Vr.  amender,  to  mond. 
amidden,  106,  270,  amid;  A.S.  midlpst,  id. 
amorwen,  122,  o«  the  morrow;  A.S.  on  iiiorgcn, 


ampuiles,  226 


:  O.Kr 

anan,  346,  c.  tm„iid' 

ancheisnn,   a.u-lK.sun,   6.>5,   158,  232,   2-3},  320, 

'6'',<),  reason, can't,:,  Ida  me;  O.Vr.  eiiuliaisoii. 
i-an(-rcd,  142,  anchored;   l'"r.  ancior. 
ancrc-buso,  88,  uui.nrry ;  A.S.  aiieer-huK. 
aiidettcd,  126,  indeUvl;  Vr.  eixlcttc. 
angeonni,  346,  e.  j.r.  A.S.  iinn.iii,  to  yrnnt. 

angrcsfid,  niicreful,  370,  214,  <iBr,-„„j,,  ftrrtnl, 

eornist;  A.S.  niigf,  <,om'//<;   (}.  iingilig. 
aiiguisuse,    112,    240,   ai,ji,.i't,   j^uhJuI;  O.Fr. 

anlioiigod,   126,  284,   310,    552,  35 J.   kauy^d, 

crncijiid,]>niiish'd;   .\  S.  aidioii,  !•>  h<iH<j. 
anonde,  161,  in  rtyard  t„;  Sc.  nni-iit. 
aiionnlil,  flIlon^illte^^,   IS,  226,  218,  252,  82fl, 

anui,  O.Fr.  D4,  374,  annu,  91,g.  37J,b.  troMe, 

vexation,  ir,,,ri „,<.!, 
anrad,  22S,  a.  A.S.  anrwd,  onc-mii-dtd. 
aiiros,  g.  160,  c.  «/"•'«. 
anwille,  238,  c.  stuld.inn;  A.S.  auwil,  id. 
ai.eware,  248,  count,  rjrit  trorr;  A.S.  apa,  an  «tpf. 
■.m\u)i(:n,5S,toquicltn,roiiii(,fjritf;  .\.S..'»cwician. 
anil,  202,  a.  vn,rilli,.y;  A.S.  e;irg,  idl, ,  ititrt,  O. 

arg,  .Sc.  ergh,  id. 
arclic,  334,  an  arL;  A.S.  arc.  id. 
arcchcii,   128,   166,  t-  rmch,  alloin,  ym$i>,  pr. 

arcacheS,  200,  .\.S.  arxcan,  id. 
arearcii,   398,    426,  t;  rui*<,  ilir  »p,  enel,  pr. 

areareS,  104  ;  p.  arerede,  326  ;  pr.  5ub.  arcrc, 

108  ;  nroarc,  252  ;  p.p.  nrL'rcd,  72  ;  arean-d, 

242  ;  A.S.  arteran. 
area  we,  19S,  258,  3o2;   art-wc,  00,  in   n    rotr, 

in  ordtr,  in  sncces'ion  ;  A.S.  liryg, '.vrX,  n'l/-/.^. 
areddeii,  Z^Q,to^dtUxr;  p.  nnddc,    170; 

p.p.  ared,  392.  3u0,  deti,a;d;  A.S.  on-ddan. 
arcinun,     124,    to    ti.lnye;    A.S.     rjniaii;    O. 

areowe,  66,  pr.  sub.  hare  pity;  .\.S.  hreowan,  to 

arepen,    128,    to   >nat-h;    A.S.    gorcafnn;    Lai. 

arewen,  A.S.  98.  b.  arrorrs. 
aribt,  132,  410,  trnl.,,  i,„l,,d. 
ariiieS,  405,  pr.   tomh^lh;  p.  nriiii<K>,   40S,    pr. 

sub.  arine,  161;  A.S.  ahrynan,  fo  tonch,  lit, 

strike  ayuinst. 
ari>to,  38,  250,  360,  r-.inrrrtion;  A.S.  arise. 
aros,  p.  234,  arose;  .\.S.  nri.->an. 
arinliclie,  328,  a;  .A.S.  carinlic,  trrtlchtd,  jtoor. 
aroiiia/,  152,  276,  372,  376,  f{>icef;  Kr.  an»imfi'*. 
arre,  10,  a.  86, 1. /.,>•„.,;•. 
anaS,  108,  b.  dijh'-nl';  .\.S.  carfc.N. 
a9auiM[ilc,  112,  284,  tioin/iU;  Vr.  i-xoiiiplo. 
asciir,  296,  imp.  dric    airuy;   M.S.   O.voii,  uLiy; 

Sc  scour,  share;  .A.-S.  av.vrian,  tn  dicide. 
aseincn,  asonicn,  G4,f.  v.  nAtiiiifii. 
askcbaSic,  211,  asUcb.nNis.  •l\\,i\.  oth  ytithtrtrs 

cujus    ulliciiiiii    est    cimrn     conyrtyiirr;     A.S. 

a-sca,  asce,  dii.<t,  «.•/.•«. 
askcii,  214,  uihes. 
a-sncseS,  200,  t„>ll,th;  A.S.  bmi.tmii. 



'  aspie'lon,  196,  bi^i  in  v:ait;  O.Fr.  espior. 

I  aspilleS,  118,  pr.  pi.  (hstro)j,  pp,  aspilled,   3S4; 

A.S.  .spillan,  to  sjxnl,  lose. 
;  asiiuiiit,  212,  itfhinre. 
a-ssuilen,  3(j2,  to  assail,  attarl;  pr.  assailed,  24G; 

pp.  asaile.l,  212;  O.Fr.  a^sailler. 
asiuuz,  196,  ussaultx. 

astaz,  160,  shrt,:s,  di>jnilics.     O.Fr.  cstat. 
astenrucii,  326,  to  die;   pr.  astoruuS,   17S;  pp. 

astoruen,  310;  A.S.  stfoifan,  tu  die. 
astudie'5,  200,  imp.;  A.S.  a.studian,  to  iiudHute. 
a-stuiiten,  42,  to  stand;  A.S.  astaiidau. 
astiinten,  72,  to  stoj),  stint,  xta^i;  pr.  sub.  astunte, 

80;  pp.  astunt,  270;  A.S.   astintan,  to  stop. 
asunien,  64,  to  sltnn;  A.S.  ascunian. 
a-swelte,  pr.  sub.  216,  die;   A.S.  asweltau,  to  die. 
atcliuh,  6,  52,  116,  118,  148,  184,  310,  ateliche, 
212,  •■i2S,/<ul(fut,/ui(l,loat/csoMe,  ugly, corrupt; 
A  S.  atelic. 
atteiite,  252,  tndiarour,  n. 
atter,  80;   A.S.  attor,  poison. 
atterlocJe,  274,  ai'iidnte. 
atterluclie,  212,  d,  malignant. 
atternesse,  196,  riialigiiittj. 
atifffii,  360,  420,   c,  to  adorn;  pr.   sub.    atiffe, 

420,  atifi,  ]  20,  c  ;   A.S.  atifran,  to  paint  ? 
i-attred,  208,  238,  tnvenomed,  poisoned. 
attrest,  2S2,  2>oisonest,  attreS,  84,  poisone'h. 
attri.  82,  134,  188,  190,  364,  attrie,  274,  2SS, 

poisonous,  vmomous,  hitter. 
atlupes,  48,  f.  leaps  awaij;  A.S.  hleapan,  to  leap. 
aturn,  426,  attire;   Fr.  atounier. 
aturned,  284,  chunijed,  converted. 
aualletL,  246,  is  laid,  assuaged,;  A.S.  afeallan,  to 

aucllen,  122,  to  cause  to  fall;  A.S.  &i\E\a.n,tofell. 
auenture,  340,  orro/rrenre. 
aiigrim,  214,  aritlanetic. 
aules,  212,  av:ls;  AS.  acl,  un,  aul. 
auoreward,  142,  covenant;  A.S.  foreward. 
autoiioinatice,  1,  properlg  or  rightly  named. 
a-vleied,  248,  258,  driven  auai/,  baidsl'ed,  av- 

luieS,  136,  dricetk  avag;  A.S.  afligan. 
awaitie,  pr.  sub.  174,  lie  in  uait;  O.Fr.  aguetter; 

Ital.  aguatare. 
awakicn,  238,   to  airahn;  A.S.  awacian. 
awarien,  284,  to  curse,  pp.  awariede,  206,  306, 

oirursed;  A.S.  awyrian. 
awed,  A.S.  96,  unreason  able,  mad. 
awuldeS,    144,  subduct/,,  awold,  sxd>jert,d;  A.S. 

wealdan,  to  rule,  govern. 
awilcgoK,    276,    282,   dislortdh,   duzzhth;    JIS. 

O.voii.  disgregat;  A.S.  awyb'au  ?  to  roll.^ 
:i\viligoii,  17(5,  to  grow  wild,  rebel;  awiligct;,  136, 
138,  'iroircll'  "Jd,  frolicsome;   A.S.  awildaii. 

aworpen,  122,  278,  to  cast,  t/.roir,  oincomf;    p. 

awerp,  overt/ne<r ;  A.S.  a-.vorpnn. 
awrukcu,  334,  408,  to  indirl  ve„rjtaiice;  awrckcS, 

256,  uvengith;   p.  awrrc,  334,  avugvd. 
awundrtS,  i)r.  146,  218,  imp.  awundri,  342;  A.S. 

wuiidrian,  t'l  nonder,  to  l„>  uma-rd. 
awuiicd,  252,  trornnl;  awurieS,   2U'2,  324,  iror- 

rittli;  G.  wurgcn. 
a\vur^■e5,  200,  pr.  t/<tre   arc;  A.S.  awcorSan,  to 

be,  become. 
ajeanward,  274,  aicngfrom. 
ageines,  12, goods, jiropi tig;  A.S.  agan.^o  possets, 

asoines,  14,  against;  A.S.  ongoan,  id. 
axindc,  pr.  p.  172,a.\uuge,  n.  338,  usling:  A.S. 

acsian,  to  asi:,  152,  c.  a«et,  134,  d,  vntil. 
a"(5rusemeii,  40,  to  imprison;  A.S.  aSrvsoniian,  id. 

babau,  234,  babg. 

babelinde,  100,  gossipping;   F'r.  babillur. 
bac,  AS.  290,  bud: 
bacbitare,  84,  backbiter. 

baldeliche,62,292,354,364,W('/y;  A.S.baldlice. 
bal-pleowe,  218,  ball-plag;  A.S.  plega,  ^;/t(y, 
baluliful,  114,  bahful;  A.S.  bcalu,  t<-7.' 
bame,   164,   basiue,  276,  b.   balm,  balsam;    Fr. 

banere,  300,  banner. 
baret,    172,    154,  414,    tar  mod,   cinder,   buitle; 

O.Fr.  barat. 
baruot,  420,  barefoot. 

baundune,  338,  discrttion;  O.Fr.   baiidoii. 
bac^e,  in.  g.  both. 
bead,  v.  beoden. 
bealdcS.  162,  c.  beldeJS,  162,  emboldemlh;  A.S. 

bcald,  bold. 
beam,  A.S.  82,  a  child;  pi.  bcarnes,  272. 
beaten,  364,  lo  beat;  p.  beot,  366;  im.  sub.  beote, 

364;    imp.   beate,   418;    pp.    i-beatcn;    A.S. 

beatan,  id. 
bcatuiige,  366,  a  beating. 

beaubelet,  388,  beaubelez,yt <'•  J.s  Irinhils,  baidl-s. 
bed,  bede,  v.  bidden, 
beggcn,  356,  to  beg. 
beggilde,  168,  \;of<'  biggar. 
beieS,  beih,  v.  buwen. 
bekeS,  81,   102,    pecked,   i-r.  sub.    bekic;    Fr. 

bcquetor,  /"  pt'l'. 
belami,  O.Fr.  306,  338,// /(At/, 
beli,  296,  bolie-s  284,  bellows;  A.S.  biclix;. 
bciiiurc,  210,  a  trnrnpeltr. 
bemcii,211,  i-iO,  to  sound  atn-mp,',  .• '    ■■, 

rcsoi'nding;   A.S.   byni:iu. 




bendes,  382,  huah. 

Benedilit,  1C2,  BoieiJlct. 

beoJemon,  356,  o  lethsmmt,  one  who  begs  or 

prays  for  the  benefit  of  others, 
beoden,  114, 156, 402,  to  uJ,:r,pnHat;  pr.beodeS, 
208;  boot,  194,  208,  238,  422;  p.  bead,  230, 
390;  A.S.  beodan,  v.  bidden, 
beoden,  8,  140,  162,  264,  40C,  424,  pya>/fr.t. 
beon,  AS,  416,   to  he;  pr.  beo5,  biS,  252;  pp. 

beore,  198,  u  li"r. 
beore-kunnes,  296,  oflcar's  l-lml. 
beouste,  162,  coj,sorl>\'[/  v:M:  IMS.  O.-von.  eoha- 
bitatio  ;  beo  wust  ?  Sc.  "  he  is  in  a  good  hvut,"" 
he  is  ill  a  good  siUudion,  where  he  lues  in  eose 
and  oho ndo ace:  A.S.  bewitan. 
bercbarde,  112,  a  disease  ? 

beren,  2:^0,  256,  to  hear,  carri/,  smcr;  pr.  bere'S, 
332;  berc),S4;p.ber,368,a(/T/(;<?;  bereS,  382, 
"^      vea'rdh  [as  in  Fr.  pt/We)']  ;  A.S.  beran. 
berien,  274,  d.  hemes. 
berkest,  122,  A.S.  beorcan,  to  larh. 
bernie,  212,  h'j>,hosuM. 

bernen,    306,   to   hfm;    im.   sub.   bernde,   242, 
368;  pr.  p.  berninde,  122,  310;  A.S.  byrnan. 
best,  A.S.  41G,  heast. 
bestlicl'ie,  58,  VLe  a  htust. 
bet,  416,  430,  Ulfei: 

beten,   92,  to  a.aend,  correct,  grov^  letter;  imp. 
bete-S,  pp.  ibet.  322,  ibette,  144;  A.S.  betan. 
be6,  394,  396,  «i«M. 
bettles,188,  ^.lalkls ;  A.S.  bytl;  S.C.  bittul,  a 

bewiste,  160.  a,  v.  beouste. 
bi-barred,  170,  imjmsoP'd;  Fr.  bane. 

bi-bled,  lis,  c.  t^-r'/<V^, 

biburien,  216,  to  hurj;  A.S.  bebyrgean. 
bicherren.  368,  to  ./.ce/,-.,  o«6n7;  pr.  b.cherre\ 

deceiceth,  92  ;  pp.  bickerd,  224,   2b0  ;    A.o. 

becyrran,  id.  ^ 

bicleopien,   214,  to,  to   coll   to   orro^r,^ 

pr.  sub.   biclcopc,  306;   pp.    biclcoped,    4.8; 

A.S.  clypian,  to  call.  v  oi    „ 

bieluppo,  90,  foemhrace;  imp   bicluppeb,  34,  p. 

bS'pte,    122;    pp.   hiclupped,   240,   co> 

landed;  A.S.  bc'lyi-iKUi. 
bicluscd,    378,   co.;..l;,   lOS,   dnt- 

tinq  l.i:   A.S.  beclysan. 
biclute,  316,  clout,  2'" tc/';  A.S.  olut. 
biconi,  316,  Aefme.  , 

bidden,  228, 286, 416,  ^.  «^/y;/^'^:';^ ;;';;; '''V'' 

430-  in.,  sub.  bede,  222,  212,  4M;  lode,  p. 

bed,   156,   2.;  I,   :»>,  j.r.xi'd,     A.S     I., 
biddan,  i;i'-bidd;m,  id. 
Md.lun-i-,  los.  .,./,•„,,. 
billon,  i:".<t,  -Jlti,  to  '  t'-.d. 
bid^vcolil^■,  12:i,  I'jJ,  ,/.<•. iV, M  ;    A.<.    : - 

?-)  ./,a/.v,  ,,T. 
billutten,  102,  ll'2,  a.  lo  f'Jir,  ;    .M.S.  »H  .n. 

cere;  A.S.  fullm  .'  bcfyiluii '.'  t-jii!. 
biforS,  2t».  c.  h'ho-c  ll...  ' 
bifuk'n,  128,  l:;ii,  a.  272,  21 -•..?■.  ■/ 

corrupt;  A.S.  l.claiaii. 
bigilo\N,pr.  330,  pp.  bigi'.ed,  27'>:  A.>.  •  • . 

to  I, 'I a  tie. 
bigurdcl,  124,  />«r.>y,  W'\  A.S.  l.u>rl»i. 
bigurt,  378,  pr.  h-iiad,  Ji.nt  r.--,!.-   A. 

gvrdan,  id. 

bijJate,   lliO,  174,    202,   238.   3J'>.   :•.'••«. 

bij;ete,  96,  a,  154,. •/■!-«,  /■•■•nl,,ul.-a-t-! 

bigcatin,  160. 

bisitcn,  142,  lilO,  ;".o".t,  (•.  •jl,  ./..i"-.,  ./'■<.« 

bij;it,  66,  142  ;  bi^ill■^,  \'."''.  •--".:  p. 

100,  302  ;  A.S.  b.-,'itaii.  /•>  ->(,  *,</•«. 

bisuled,  26S,  l.e;:uikd;  A.S.  bi-'alLin, /••'»«^< 

bihalt,214,  222,  21S,256,M..h'7-i;  A.S.I. 

biliaten,  6,  f.  bihuton,  G.  41>i,  »•>   .■•-•.  z^' 
coi.,),nu,d,catl:  pr.  biliai.  6;  bil.ui.-.N.  1  .■ 
bih.'t,  176,  22'!,  21t.S.   olo.   :-.i2.  iv:-. 
bihoten,  1^2,  ll".!,   1'.'"^;  A.S.  I  .liaUi..  1 
tian,  id. 
biheldunge,  IS  J.  /-.'...•'/■  •'/;   A.S.  I..  l.-.-Ju, 
bihestf,-J"S,  ."•.,,,.„<.•.../. 
biUeue,  lOu,  121.  l.iS,  K-'.,  2.",  •.^••.  «•   '. 
i.AW.    /"'•"■'.  .'•/.'."<■•."•••"••    »-du..v,i. 
„„„7'^.,T;o.iWr;   A.S.  id. 
bihoue,  70,  90,  131,  342,  v.  bil.fue. 
bilunude,  391,  Ul<ho..d,,Ci,.'  ,...„,..r./;  A.. 

hofan.  .    ,     ,    ,     , 

bihud,  100,, ■..„.,./..';  A.S.b.l.vd   lod.... 

bikunien,  350,  pr.  pl.'-.o ;  p.p.  !■!.  ........i. 

bile,  AS.  84,  118, '-..,/•,  A.//. 

bileaue,/<t.V/.,  i,//./;  A.S.  kaf..n.  (■■  '•'•;■'_ 

bileaue,  424,  ni,'>i  )•."'«.-.,  l.ik;»Uf.\  o. 
,»a;-K//.  ;  A.S.  belifiu.,  f"', '»».  .        . 

bileauen,  310,  to  /-"A  '"'■■'•;•'''•'•''".;'' 
bil.auc«,  232;  sub.  pr.  »•'';•'"';•,-' 
l,ileaiu>d,  250 ;  bilefde,  3 .2  2:.2 ;  b.k-  •  ••  n 
bileued...,  106;  pp.  l-l^-'- ;  \;; 
i-Ieauod,  108;  nnp- l'<^-""^.  '""•  »"'• ' 
232,3.>6;  A.S.  lafan,f../.">. 

bilioue,  16S,/....</;  A.S.  bigleofa,  nl. 

bikpiK-d,  100,  fofjHd,  •"•;//'••':''••,,  „  ,. 

bik.!;c.\  l:'.2,  /'^"/''Z'.  I"l'">"'. ''-  "• 
A.S.  lucian,  i<l. 









bint,  < 





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bilokon,  160,  hilokeno,  104,  2\0,  226,  .^hot  iij>, 

iudi'dc'l;  A.S.  licluco.ii,  ill.    . 
bilo%veu,  CS,y«/«  l:io,rru:<ed:  A.S.  belosen,  Itlkd. 
bimased,  270,  Uir;idcnd. 

bilurd,  bilurt,  2^0,  c,  (A.-e/re./;  A.S.  bcl.vrted,Kl. 
bineo■^■e^,  304,  300,  hoicoih ;  A.S.bcnooban,  id. 
binimen,    11>4,  414,  ^.  <Aj>*/'V,  <a;C«  c-w-c/-/    pr. 

binimfi-?;,  120,  13:1,  324;  A.S.,  id. 
bint,  «,  408,  ?,/..r/,  M  ;  A.S.  bindan,  U>  Had. 
bippimed,  94,  connufd;  A.S.  pyndan,  to  shut  >;>. 
bipiled,  148,  )>e''lc'h  Fr-  P'-'lc'-,  bipiliiuige,  l.'iO, 

biSdeTl02,  e.   leramd;    pr.  bireaueS,  120 ; 

A.S.  bcreafian. 
bireined,  344,  ictt  intln-ahi;  A.S.renian, /o  mu*. 
bireaunesse,  60,  coi.jnud'm  ;  A.S.  berj  wan,  to  he 

bireousun-e,  164,  20^,  306,368,  372, /-eji^^ta^'r, 

compvn.t;o,.,  r„„f,it;on.;   A.S.  bereowsung. 
birlen,   114,   to  j^n-r  out,  pbj   vrith   drmk;    pr. 

birle«,  226  ;  A.S.  birliaii,  id.;  Sc.  to  birl,  id. 
bisauiiiple-5,   88,  p.p.  bisaumpled,  316,  luondizc, 

bisawe,  88, common  saying,  xrroverh;  A.b.  sicgan, 

biscchen,  234,  to  hesMcl;  bisoubt,  234  ;  bisouh- 

ten,  230  ;  A.S.  ge.secan. 
bisemare,   132,  248,  270,  414,  scorn,  dc^oracc, 

conteiiq^t;  A.S.  bismer. 
bisemede,  148,  .«6eniefZ;  Fr.  sembler. 
bisenchen,400,tosi)ii-,  pp  bisencte,»<!«i;  A.b. 

biseon,  A.S.  132,  202,  344,  to  look  to,loo/:  ajt.r  ; 

pr.  biseo'5.  ,     .       , 

biset,  53,  300,    306,    378,    31'0,   beset,  hemfjcd, 

.nun-dfd,  nnrul:   A.S.  besettan. 
bisie,  84,  2.r2,   386,  bisi,  142,  258,  assiduous, 

bv.s.f:  A.S.  bisig.  . 

bisegJre,  182,  busier ;  bisischipe,    384,  flrt^^v///, 

bisiliebe,  146,  h'slfy. 

I.-  1     oi  1     i,„^mi-,i)-til  •     A.S.    smeoni, 

bisnieoriiwed,    Aii,    oi^wc'Dt". .      ^■•~'-  ' 

bismitted,  214,  bismuddet,  bismu^clcd,  l\i,  b- 

htsvmited;  A.S.  besmitan,  to  sod. 
bLsniurU't,  214,  h.  v.  bi.smeonuved. 
bisoene,  78,  c.  376,  rc/cest,  iut,-eat;!,i' 


,!:  So.  liestfd. 

gesecan . 
bisparrc^,  94,  1.  v.  spcneii. 
bista'Xod,  264,  circvwsta wxd, 

bistekcn,  62,  v.  stckcn. 
blstcpped,  174,  stepped;   A.S.  besta'pan,  (o  step. 
I'istonden,  261, '''-'^'.  . 

bi.spete-S,  2H8,pr.  U.tundh;  bi.).ct,  122,.v/-</  "/«'" 

A.S.  snx-tan,  t<>  >■/■'. 

biswikcn,  224,   to    deie!>-e.    beirai/,  f>.l,ir<;     pr. 

biswikoS,   194,  20 S  ;  sub.   pr.   biswike,   174; 

pp.  biswiken;  A.S.  be.<<\vic:ui,  id. 
biswincfule,  188,  IuUsomc. 
bit,  V.  bidden, 
biteelicn,  300,  to  ddufy  vp,  i/ice  in  chnnj) ,  in. 

trust;  pp.  biteibt,  166,  310,  bitcih,  20b;  A.S. 

bitcllungc,  392,  cn-JW;  A.S.  teallan. 
biten,  361,  376,  380,  to  bite,  tiistt :  pr.  bit,  1G6  ; 

A  S.  bitan. 
biteon,  398,  to  coiunrif.  /...-to"-,  emplo^i,  pr.  Mil.. 

biteo,  404,  Laj;.;  A.S.  betxcan. 
bitiden,  278,  htUI.e,  befall,  .MS.  Oxon.  olhr,i,r. 
bitimeS,  324,  310,  happouth  ;  A.S.  gctimian. 
bitochen,   340,  to  shj i, if y,  denote  ;  pr.  bitociieS, 

170.  300,  326;  p.p.  bitocued,  300,  374 ;  sub.  pr. 

bitocnie;  A.S.  getacnian. 
bitocnungc,  303,  si;)<i  if  cation. 
bitowen,  430,  emplo;i<d.     v.  biteon. 
bitrappet,  bitreppet,  174,  d,  stepped  ;  G.trcppe? 

a  stalv,  ste^'S. 
bitruHeS,    100,  legxiltth;  O.Fr.  trr_:ier,  m,d,n; 

bituneS,  176,  appears  to  be  an  error  in  tbe  MS. 

for  bitimcS,  in  MS.  0.\on.  arcidil,  bttid^th. 
bitterlicbe,  361,  t/''«'///;  A.S.  bitcrlice. 
bituned,  164,  bitund,  76, 126, 140, 170,  bitun.-5, 

y4,  an  error  for  bituned,. >.7.h<  ttp,shi'.t  in  ;   A.S. 

betynan.  ,    ,   o  / 

biturn,394,  imp.  tun.;  p.p.  bum  i>d,  .Js8,  tu.uai; 

A.S.  betyrnan.  .     ,.     ,  o-q 

betweonen,  306,  bitwhwc,  204,  bitwben,   3o8, 

bctireea,  among;  A.S.  butwynan. 
bi«,  2.^.2,  i.<.  ,    V     ,. 

biSenobcS,  324.  thi.tks,  meditates;   pp.  bcioubt, 

342,  sub.  p.  biSo'ibte,  A.S.  bcSeni-an. 
biSundu'N,  346,  Sieniell,  good. 
biualloS,  296,344;,  to  h'jal,ln'ppf>,. 
biuoii,  76,  to  an.toi.i ;  A.S.  bcfon,  id. 
biuoron,  190,  210, /»/<.<•€.  .■,.,,.  v 

biwcudcn,  306,  to  lin;> :  pr.  buvont,  J..-;  A  >. 

bewendan,  id. 

biwepcn,   108,    156,  to    in. p,  lni,u.,l ;  p.    ^.^^n.p 

278  ;  A.S.  bcwei.aii,  id. 
lilwrS^tf^O;'  !^' (d^^Tablcd,   200,    ..atl.d 

MS.  0.\.>n.  i.'.-oluliis. 
biwreni-be-S,  92,  sub.  pr.  busr.n 

bcwrcucan,  to  cheat. 
hWnr»,'m,,d,l.ldd.  „;  A  lor...... 

bixvrixled,  310;  biwrixlot,  262,  c,  ^w/.V"'•"««' 

A.S.  wiixlian,  to  cl.a.ig. ,tra.,sjo,>.i. 
biuunnon,22S,  *r«„,to/-.-'. 
!    bisvust,  ]OJ,^.mr</-./;   A.S.  Inxvaan. 

!l  ;    A.S. 




blac,  A.S.  234,  bhke,  2S2,  Hack. 

blase,  254,  brand. 

blasie,  29(5,  400,  428,  Uaic;  A.S. 

iblcched,  324,  hlruchcf ;   A.S.  bkucan. 

blecMe,  258,  Ihd .-  A.S.  bledai>, 

blcJ.lre,  282,  hladdtr :   A.S.  bhedr. 

bleiichen,  276,  to  shrink,  dart  anide;  pr.  blonche'S, 

bles,  82,  242,  296,  a  hla^t,  storm  ;  A.S.  bl«st. 
bliscen,  360,  blescien,  354,   to  njoin,  glorii,   he 

hapj^i/!  imp.  blesce,  290,  blescie^,  35S;  A.S. 

blikieu,  302,  */«<«(=;  A.S.  blikan. 
blisse,  192, >y;  A.S.  Wis. 
bliiulfelleJc,  106,  blindfolded. ■  AS.  bliud-feal- 

blindfelhinge,  188,  Ulndjolding. 
bliSe,  348,  blithe,  rjhul. 
bliScliehe,  68,  100,   412,  hlithehj,  gladlj 

bloamon,  23G,  negro. 
bloawen,    210,  to  bloiC ;    bloweS,   256,  blotnth 

v,})  ;  A.S.  blawan,  id. 
bloc,  332,  livid,  pule  ;  A.S.  blajce. 
blodbendes,  420  ? 
blodelu",  418,  m,  draw   blood;  A.S.  blodgeotan, 

to  shed  blood. 
blod-letone,    260,    Heeded :    blodletunge,    114, 

blood-letting  ,   ,,     .  .i~^ 

blostine,  192,  bloom,  blossom  ;  pi.  blostmen,  2<b  ; 

AS.  blostnia. 
i-bocked,  recorded,  foretold;  A.S.  gebocod,  id.  ; 

gebocian,^o  record,. 
bo,  396,  boa,  212,  both. 
boc,  A.S.  172,  376,  a  borjk. 
bode,  400,  an  offer.  ,  <>   v.  a-    . 

bodies,  212,  to  declare,  foretell ;  A.S.  bodian. 
boistes,  O.Fr.  226,  a.  j-oxwv 
boluweS,  214,  boleseS,  ho\\iCS,2U,e.dts,j,ueteth, 

vexeth;  A.S.  bolgan,  belgan,  uolignuri. 
bone,  222,  bane,  rain;   A.S.  bana. 
bone,  1,  170,  376,   a  irra.ier,  reqnest,  loon;  pi. 

Jo^./^  142,  152,  170  ;A.S.beu,  bene,  «r-7'- 

i-boren,  158,  6on. ;  A.S.    to  bu, . 
i-borencsse,  158,  time  of  buth,  being  born. 
i-boruwcn,   8,  102,  i-boruNvun,   314,  saved,  /.- 

bo;e:'8S?4ti^■'^!■X;^re..^,;pl.   botcn, 

12(t,  3';4,  1^.   A.S.  l-.'.t. 
botte,  300,  a  staff;   A.S.  b;.tt. 
bold.;  l.»we,  150,  bongh,  branch,  pi.  boNsc,  330, 

410;  A.S.  boga,  boh. 
breade,102,/^A,c.W,"';  A.S 
bred.,  420, '^.n-u-.v  A.S.  bn,c,  pi.  bK.c. 

.M.S.  (I 

-'r.  '■ 

breden,  222,  tu  thr<:^t  fo 

bref,  122,  g.  o,.;. 
breil  up,  2>0,  r„r./.   /,.,/,/  ,.^  f/.,-, 

up,  252;   Sf.  to   braid   \\\k  '•<    .'■.'.«.   .,r  ,'.:.-'.     ■« 

/..<!./    /</.//,,    as   a    hlgh-,.,.nl.d   /...-..    .'-,._ 

breidcn,  fy   braid,  jdait,    12!,  27'',  ['T.  t'r>-..i- '  , 

236  :   A.S.  bredan. 
i-brcinde,    92,    b,   sj.rtad  out,   dl^j- r-d  .■   \   v 

gfb  redan, 
breken,  418,  to   iwi,  be  vs.d;  pp.  i-!.r.>k.ii;  .V.-'. 

brucan,  id. 
breoste,  230,  the  brta.-t. 
breics,  276,  bieares,  418,  brl"r.<. 
brorde,  324,  brinU-;  A.S.  bn-r.l. 
bret,  200,  breeds;  A.S.  bredan,  ^.  >r"d. 

brihteS,  ZSi,  bri'/ht,;  A.S.  I riilMii. 

brihtlicbe,  154,  chart.i;  A.S.  l.rlbtli.f. 

briddes,  06,  birds;  A.S.  bini,  bri  I. 

brocbe,  420,  a  broach. 

brod,  102,  open;  A.S.  brad. 

brokes,  258,  streams;  A.S.  broca,  >/.  .</.<.«. 

brondes,  368,  426,  brands,  fn.  I. ■  A.S.  Ir.n.l. 

ibroubt,   14 1,  brongh.i;  p.    broulit.-ii.    111;  .\.s. 

briiigan,  to  bring. 
bnich,    164,  bruciie,   6,    378,  bratrh,  ir-u>->:; 

A.S.  bryce. 
brucbele,   com.    brucliehiro,    101,    >■■■>'(!■;  A.S. 

brecaii.  tn  ir^'tt. 
bru.-e,  212,  ,t  /,./'/.'/'■. 

brukin,  202,  3i'2,  to  u.<e,  */.>.-/ ;   A.S.  1 
brucb.  38.  n.<e,frnl'.<,  pi.  brui-lien,2>;  A.S.  Ir^-v. 
brude,  104,  <(  bride;  A.S.  brj-d. 
bmiu',   104,   182,   20.;,    251,   208,  .;•->,   rfLM' ; 

o  brune,  296,  420,  o/'.pfv. 
brunie,  382,  a  cuirass;  A.S.  byriia;'rcut.  l.ruii..v 
bue,  134,  e.  bod<i.  v.  buke. 

buffetcdeii,  I0t},'gace  blocs;  O.I-r.  luMV.  ..  '/■  ■-. 
bu.--cn,   208,   302,   370,   to  bn-i;  pr.   \<n^,  11-. 

150,    374,   buggeS,    I'.MI;    p.    lu-iditn..   .J  I  : 

pr.  sub.  bugge,  248,  395;  pp.  i-b-ul.t,  :'.'->  ; 

A.S.  bvc-a>>. 
bugguiig,  302,  bum-,  3'".2,  b.  /•'•/■.I;'. 
bi'.iiMim",  350,  .,h-dl:..t;  A.S.;(; 

sam,  bi'.cnni. 
buine,    308,  bought;    MS.  Cx-n.  mmid 

buke,  132,  134, /-/y;  Sc.  ;  A..S.  1 

Ml;,;    pi.   bukoii.  Las.  ;    <-. 

biikr  ;  Sw.  buk. 
bulen,  bulton,  :'.ii6,  d.  bultcs,  C 
i-bund.n,  254,  310,  bonnd. 
blUHrn,  ISS,,  188,.-,   ^'  '■■"',  / 



l..ii;.:.;    M. 



uwcn,  /')  hoin,  inrUiic,  lend,  yield;  pr.  buliS, 
i:j(),'li»8,  288,  40-2,  beiet!,  2i)<5,  p,  beih,  TS, 
Sd-l';  imp.  buh  ;  pr.  p.  buindc;  A.S.  bu- 
gan,  id. 

sur,  A.S.  34,102,?-o.vr. 

'urde.  158,  bur^^o,  ir.8,  b,  Vuth;  A.S.  geT.yrd. 

i.uruh,  54,  21(5,  300,  tt  cltj,  tova;  pi.  buruhwes, 
■24'J;  A.S.  burh. 

;,uruhmcn,  350,  cifi:cti.i. 

L.uruwen,  336,  inotect,  rjivi--  sccuriti/  or  bail;  A.S. 
borgian.  I 

Su«»e>   225,  io.vv.v  A.S.  bu.^a  pi.;  O.Fr.  boi^tes.    | 

bute,l40,  230,  398,  412;  buten,  238,418,  vifh-    i 
'if,  (jxcpt,  onh/. 
en,  15G,  244,  304,  3G2,  390,  alove.  \ 

oaft,  V.  keft. 

cador,  82,  h,  a  cradle. 

cakele-6',  S8.  v.  kukoleii. 

oaliz,2S4,  418,  chulice;  Lat.  cali.K. 

oang,  62,  270;  kang,  56,  196,  .358;  canh,  56,  n; 

cangun,  cbaiig,  62,  a;  chanh,  358,   a,  foohdi 

fortrard,ra.-<li, inconsiderate;  pi.  cangcs,  I'Jb,  d. 
'214;  kanges,  362. 
cangede, /oo//sA  ;   changes,  362,  c./oo^-.       ^ 
cangliche,    56.      froimrdh/;    kaiigsclnpe,     o-5.^, 

kanl.schipe,  338,  h./o%,  alsvrdity;  G-  kuhn, 

fjold;  O.Ct.  kuin,  uanton. 
cancre,  330,  cauncre,   98,  a  r<ndlin<j  sore;  Lat. 

QMcii,152,  cellars,  storehouses;  A.S.cellas;  0.1' r. 

charoines,  84,/«/t,  carrioyi;  O.Fr.  caroigne. 
clnstcn    218,  268,  to  chastise,  correct,  relvk-e;  pr. 

chast'fS,  184;  imp.chasti,  70;  O.Fr.  chastier. 
eliaumberling,  410,  c/<«i«?.«-/«!'H. 
chfaHe,  72,  90,  chefle,  76,  cheuelungc,  100,  x<lle 

OT  tiiflihfj  tiilJ:. 
clirrteN"  128,  cbeoflc'S,   chatbreth,    talhth    vll;i; 

A.S.'ccaf,   chaff;  eoafl,  tl,.'  Ja>r  or  ehn-/.:      To 

rhiiff,  is  still  used  in  Liiicolnsliire  in  the  same 

rlH;:,j.eS,  pr.   190,   290,  418;  pr.   sub.  chcape  ; 

A..S.  ceapian,  to  Inuj  or  sell,  to  chraji'n. 
•  heapild,  418,  «  traffirhr. 

■■iieastc,  200,  strife,  covtuitl<n,;  A.S.  coast,  id.^,   152,   to   cl.alirr;  pr.   cbeat.-reS,  Ic"-, 

pr.  p.  tli.'aferinde,  152. 
Ch..f,  2711,  27-2,  r/.r,/;    A.S.  oeaf.  Id. 
clir.lVare,  310,  41.\  /..,v;"/"  ■".'/,  ''•".//''••    -^•^-  ^«'P 
diookon,  70,  106,  156,, Am /'■-■,.■  A.S.  coor-a. 
oh,.„rl,  86,  a  churl;  A.S.ecorl  ;  S<-.  carle 
clic,);wn,   370,   to  choose;   imp.    clu:<.se,    100;  pp 

i-chosen;  A.S.  ccnsan. 

cheonwe'S,  80,  84,  chci'-cth;  A.S.  ceowan. 

cheping,  88,  206,  a  hiarLd ;  A.S.  ceapiing. 

chepmon,  418,  chapman. 

chetel,  224,  chattels,  fjoods. 

clicre,  344,  a  face,   countenance,  vnj  Joy-e;  pi. 

cheres,  210. 
cherite,  chcrtc,  408,  Fr.  cliaritc,  lore,  chority. 
cherre,   36,  84,   324.  a  time,  a  turn;    sunime- 
clierre,  somditms  ;  one  clicri'O,  314,  once  ;  A.S. 
cyrre,  ccrre. 
childene,  212,  f.  childish,  like  clildrcn. 
cliirohe,  418,  420,  rhvrrh  ;  cliirohoio,  3 1  8,  rhvrch- 
yard;  JIS.  0.\on.  cimeterium;  A.S.  cyricca. 
j    chirmen,  150,  to  chirp;  pr.  cbirmc'S,  150;  A.S. 

cyrnian;  Sc.  to  chirm. 
I    chulde,  186,  i.  e.  ich  schuldo,  I  should. 
chuUe,  1,  12,  256,  ich  wule. 
claurede,    102,   clachte,   clahtc,  102,   b.   seized, 
I        clvtched.  V.  clcafres. 
i    cleafres,  102,  clai's,  cliuers,  v,  r.  ckuros; 
I        Ich  habbe  bile  stef  an  stronge, 
I        An  gode  cliuei-s,  schai-pe  an  longe. 

OhI  and  iViyhllnyale,  270. 
I    cleches,  176,  d.  v.  clokes. 
!    clene,  154,  clean, pure;  A.S.  clanie. 
i    clengi,  120,  d;   A.S.  cUcnsian,  ^o  cZt((/i«. 
'    clennesse,  164,^)('ryV'/;  A.S.  clamncs. 

clenseS,  236,  pin-ijirlh;  clensiiig,  228,  f-xrayiny. 

cleopien,  im,  to  call,  invite;  pr.  cleopeS,  5^,  102, 

132,306,    clopeS,   98;  pi.   cleopieJN.  372;   p. 

cleopede,  208;  p.  sub.  cleopie;  A.S.  oleopan. 

cleppc,  70,  clapper;  A.S.  clappan,  to  clap. 

\    cleppe,  72,  noisy  and  unnasonalh  talhny;  A.S. 

'        oleopan. 

;  clokes,  102, 130, 176,  d.  hools,e!i'lehes;  Sc.  cloiks. 
'  climbcn,  140,  162,  to  clindj,  monnt  vp  ;  pr. 
clind)eS,  354;  hn.  pi.  clundicn,  214;  p.  clomb, 
'  354;  p.p.  iclumben,  216,  276;  A.S.  climban. 
j  clou  de  gilofre,  370,  cloves. 
\    clotte,  251,  ((  clod. 

clo^indo,  16,  pr.  p.  clolhiny;  A.S.  claN,  cloth. 
cluppon,  i2i,  to  embrace;  pr.  cluppeS,  230;  pr. 
I        sub.  cluppo,  288  ;  A.S.  dyppan. 

cluppunge,   324,    an.   evd,rar,  ;    pi.   duppungcs, 
396.  ,    ,     , 

I    chit,  256,  a  clorl,  a  p"tch;  pi.  olutes,  200,  cloitt^; 
\        A.S.  chit. 

■    clulif!,  256,  pr.  sub.  w^v' ;'"'''''•       ,^^    ,       ,. 
I    cnoolo?>,lS,imp./>"/;  cneolinde,  122,  i-nalu'./. 

cnouleeiiunge,  92,  /.■non-lid'/e. 
I    i-cnowen,  232,  250,  276,  to/.„oi'-  ;  pr.  i-<nn\ve.\ 
20f,//"'('.(7/';  pp.  i-cnowen,  64, /;<(.-'«;  A.S. 
cnawan,  to  kmnr. 
cnowunge,  280,  h„o.iii,'j,  consciousness. 
con    18   24,  206, /■»^.(/-.s  '■■>•  <''•/''/  A.S.  cunnan. 



1      '  ' 



cop,  421,  a,  eopc,  06,  ,.  o,p,  ,,  o.p,;  A.S.  cop, 

co].po,  2-lS,copin'j;  A.S.  cop,  tnp. 
coH.iii,  81,  u  nu\,  ;   Vi\  corl-cau  ;  So.  corhy. 
i-coreii,  160,  i-eorenf,  2S,  l.JO,  182,  198,231 

282,    348,   du:l,   r/,nse,>;  i-cure<I,   50,  b.  ;    p. 

cure  ;  p.p.  gecoren  ;  A.S.  ocosan,  to  choose. 

cos  V.  CII.S. 

cos,  cdsse,  102,  VM,akh.';  pi.  cosses,  102,  25f;, 
V.  kussen. 

costneJe,  290,  cost;  G.  kosten,  to  cost. 

cone,  GQ,  cl,ov(jh;  A.S.  ceo;  Isl.  kofa. 

coufir,  140,  e.  vaUant,  v.  cwiuer. 

cradel,  82,  260,  a  cnulh;  A.S.  cradel. 

i-crauod,  2,  a,  ad;,J,  <mvtd;  A.S.  crafian,  to crcire. 

creaunt,    288,   cravent,    an    aclnop-ledijiiierit   of 

crecclie,  260,  m>n,ffrr;  Fr.  cieelie. 

creoiz,  IS,  creoix,  316,  f  cms;  a  crcoix,  in  form 
of  a 

i-creoiced,  18,  hur;,,;^  mode  the  s!fj)i  of  the  cross. 

creop,  292,  imp.  cri-j>;  AS.  creopan, 

crie,  136,  imp.  c/v;   Fr.  crier. 

crochie'S,  146,  g.  y 

crocke,  214,  a  yitch'r,  a  pot;  A.S.  crocca. 

croke-,  102,  d.  \~\,1^ji,ho',U,  clutches,  stralo- 

yems;  Fr.  croc,  o  hook. 
croppe'S,86,  Y>;'iie,rrup;  D.  krappeii,  to  cut  off. 
i-crucket,  18,  d.  crossed. 
crume,  342,  crumb 

crune,  190,  a  cronrii;  i-cruned,  234,  rroi'-ucd. 
eubbel,  140,  a  cobble  ? 
cueard,  288,  f.  a  coimrd;  Fr.  couard. 
cul,  128,  (I,  stroke. 
culle,  126,  pr.  sub.  slril:^.. 
culcheiS,  culchcs,  SS,  a.  v.  gulchcS, 
culed,  i,r,,  1.  rolttd,  ,:hos,,i. 
culuert,  O.Fr.  />erf'di„,>s. 
cumpelie,  22,  24,  428,  r<jMp//'ne. 
curide.    120,  126,    140,  \:,'o,  kind,  sort,  vaturc; 

A.S.  cynd,  cuiid. 
cunue,  3.58,  kind,  sort,  /.i/^ih-id;   A  S.  cyniie. 
cutmcn,  280,  to  Lhou-;  p.  cuniiede,  114  ;  cutest, 
28U  ;  kuSen,  72  ;  pr.  sub.  cuiiiie,2S0  ;  kuiiiie, 
108  ;  pp.  icud,  64  ;  cuJii'et.  i-cu-fi5ct,  01,  i.  ; 
A.S.  cunnan,  to  kintu-. 
curnles,  tiiiit,  ijrc ins  if  rum. 
eus  V.  kus'^cn. 
custol,  140,  h.acloj? 

cu^5  V.  ku^^ 

c-uSredn.;,  170,  a.  i„li..u.rj. 

cuXiSinge,  OS,  a.  (i.cju-'i.'tonrf:^  i„ti„niri/. 

cuuoitiMi,  60,  to  di-sire,  corit;  j>p.  i-cuneilud,  6'\ 

g  ;   l'"r.  couvoittr. 
ewa<i',  '2i>i,  n  hook. 


cwakion,  116,  tn  .p..d,;  AS.  ewacia... 
cwalm  huse.  Hi),  prison;  A.S.  cw^.,|,„   .I..,,;, 
cwalmsteou,  IdG, pUice.  if  ix,  cut!,,,, ;  A  s'c «.•,/., 

cweade,    72,336,    eril,  fUh,  vich.l,,.,..;     V  .s 

cwcadschipc,  310,  422,   wicleduct,  i^i./.o;.,-   ,,\ 

cweailscliipes,  128,  322,  298.  ' 

cweise,  328,  u  sore,  i'ou„d;  A.S.  cwvsan,  f 

hrvise;  Swed.  qvasa,  to  Konnd. 
cwemcn,     138,     192,    to    phase,    .,rot:t ,     ,,r 

cwemeS,  338,  360;  A.S.  cweniaii'.      '  ' 
icweme,  120,  146,  370,^>/<,(,/,„,;  A.S.  c.hwh,,,.. 
cwerie,  A.S.  88, 170,  296,  336,'  o.  >'■,.,„„„   o,k  ,.: , 

voniOH,  a  'piteii: 
cwe-5,  122,  234,  333,  .^pcke,  said:  A.S.  .w,,^.,, 

to  sj>eak,  sa>/. 
cwic,  AS.  112,  310;  cwike,  170,  332,  n.  ,-u,l..,, 
olirc,   Uriiifj,  lrcd<i,  fereet.t;  com.'  cui.ktmv 
112,  7iiorc  sensifii-e. 
cwicliche,24(>,  rjuick/;/,  urtirthr,  com.  cwidii;.  r, 
cwide,  A.S.  2US,  a  lei/tu-i/. 
cwiddeb",  147,  saith;  A.S.  cwiddigan,  to  sj...,i: 
cwiiit,  cwoint,  V.  kointe. 
cwltaunce,  126,  -pu'/ meat ;  Fr.  quittance, 
cwito,  6,40,  19-^,  freed,  excused,  wpiill.d;  Fr. 

cwiuer,  140,  hold,  valiaut;  O.Fr.  cuivert,  ir.x/. 

daclige.  dasche,  118,  b.  dash,  strike  1 
dangei-us,  108,  domineerinff ;    O.Fr.  dang,  nn 

daunger,  3.'')6,  380,  orroyrinci',  in.-nl<  n-e,  d-in^ 

rium,  id.  Du  Cange. 
dawcs,  190,  312,394,(/<'y.s-  A.S.  dab,  dag,  -i  ■!.■ 
daweiS,  352,  daicaelh. 
dawunge,  20,  dai>»;  A.S.  dagiing. 
deale,  276,  286,  362,  dele,  276,  c.  ? 
dealcn,  V.  deloii. 
deales,  282,  daUs. 
dcarnosebipc,  l.^)2,  c.  priinn/, 
dea.lli(iie.s.s,  3b2,  lihinss  of'dcnth. 
dcboiicre,  O.Fr.  180,  kind, //ood,ar,ii„/,/r. 
dcboiicrtc,  390,  i'iii<lius.i,  c/eer/'iituiss. 
dedbote;  206,   318,   372,  )H.,',i,.ce,  a,...,.d ; 

AS.  d:ed,  d,ed,  bote,  bttan,  /.)  i-iit^..''. 
deiNlicbo,  394,  </,«.//,/. 
dei'.'ii,  38,  312,  to  die;  j).  doijcde,  11"\  di-i'd.! 

deih,  260,  420,  oii;iht,mvst;  A.S.  digian,  .hig.ii. 
deiiiti',  412, '/.«/■;«/-/,•  O.Fr.  daiii. 
('.el,  2V6,  (I  jiart,  share. 
deloM,  28,  38,  248,  dralcn,  224,   400,  to  '/■.'■'• 

share,   iui-part  ;    pr.  dcle.N,  368  ;  \>.   deal,  .l- 



248;  imp.  aele,  302;  pp.  i-deled,  '204;  A.S.    | 
(lu-'laii,  id. 
delices,  Fr.  "GS,  ^^li'dmires. 
dolit,    102,   272,    -ISS,  d,li'f/Jd,  funibitoS,d(sin>; 

O.Fr.  dcWt,  Jo;,;  plahir. 
dcmaro,  280,  428,  :30(J,  ajudqe. 
demeii,  118,  120,  34G,  tojad;;,:;  pr.  demc-5,  .304; 
p.  demdo,  306,  ?.32;  pr.  suh,  dcme,  306;  imp. 
dcm,  2'.I0;  pp.  i-demed,  170,  314,  cojidinuud; 
A.S.  dcinan. 
demeorc,  212,  imp.  tai-r>/;  Fr.  d?meurcr. 
deofle,  84,  dtiH;   pi.  dcoflen,  232;  A.S.  dcofl. 
dcopoS,  2SS,  {H),etrtil'tl<. 
dcopliche,  154,  deeply;  A.S.  dooplice. 
deorcs,  196,  deer's. 
deore,  3!>2,  403;  deorro,392,  dear;  com.  deorre, 

190,  392,  dearer. 
deorlin-,  A.S.  56,  336,  deorlinge,  230,  darllnj; 

dcoruwurSe,  38,  112,  250,  jn-edous. 
deoruwurlSliclie,  410,  vsorthihi. 
deosc,  24,  dcosk,  148,  dim,  obscure;  A.S.  )?eostre, 

depeint,  306,  ^w luted. 
dcr,  306,  346,  dare. 
derf,  80,  106,  180,  ZU,  i^aUJio.rdsldp;  A.S. 

daru,  hurt. 
derfo,  33,  d.  112,  e.  painful. 
dertliche,  ;i.a'ft/it//y,  sorefj/. 
derful,  313,  strict,  hard;  A.S.  deorfan. 
denie,  90,   94,  96,  151,  220,  250,  330,  secret, 
hidden,    unseen,    rdired;    A.S.     dearnuu-a, 
dernelichc,    146,   282,   416,  prieotel^,   secrethi, 

dcrnelukeV,  128,  wore  secreth/. 
deruen,  382,  tu  inflict  pain,  distress;  pr.  dorue6, 
112,    223,    404;    pr.    sub.    derue,    232;    pp. 
i-dorucn,  106,  i-derued,  106,  192,  hurt;  A.S. 
dospuiled.  260,  spoiled,  stripped. 
dettu3,  126.  d,ht.s;  duttur,  312,  a  dchtor. 
deu  le  set,  268,  382;  dewleset,  258,  a. 
dich,  246,  ditch;  A.S.  die. 
dieto,  112,  did. 

dimlukcr,  210,  ^rs.?  distinctl;/,  less  lotu'l'). 
disceplinc,  2^\,,lla'jdlation. 
disrhes,  214,rf/N/'^<. 
dittcn,  82,  e.  stop  v.p;  A.S.  dyttan;  Sc.  to 


doddunge,  14,  14,  c.  ^o/(.s('/-«, 

i-doiiai!<l,i22,  cropped,  shorn,  drpp^d. 

dole,  10,   112,   116,    342.   414,  part    d^,u<on 

deal;  pi.  dolen,  10,  276;  A.S.  d;cl. 
dolk,  1,  a  scar,  tcound-Mur/:;  A.S.  dolg. 


dolucne,  i-do!uene,  292,  delved,  dvg  into;  A.S. 

delfaii,  to  dig. 
dom,  A.S.  US,  ti06,  doom,  jv.df/ment;  pi.  domes, 

decrees,  counsels. 
domesdei,  188,  doomsday/,  da>j  of  judgment, 
domesmon,  '\..>Q,  judge. 
doin-htol,  306,  seal  ofjvibpnent. 
don,   A.S.    16,   128,  148,  to  do;  pr.  do,  200, 
do5,  426,  dcst,  121,  doS,  174, 184,  236,  24*; 
p.    dude,    102,    110,  314,  370,  dudest,  3U6, 
duden,  330;  p  p.  i-don,  316.  320. 
idoruen,  10G,^)(/ //'("?;  A.S.  gcdjrfod,  deorfan. 
dotciS,  120,  c.  I)ut.  doton,  to  dote. 
dotie,  22i, dotes, becomes  foolish,     v.  adotedc. 
douhter,  258,  daughter;  A.S.  dohter, 
drake,  246,  a  dragon. 
drauh'S,  118,  122,  dniKclh,  teareth,  i.  e.  with  the 

plough;  A.S.  dra!g-S,  dnagan,  id. 
drawen,  160,  to  draic ;  p.  drouh,  102,  drowL-n, 

110,  112,  dreir,  dragged;  A.S.  drog,  drogon. 
drcame,  210,  214,  sound;  A.S.  dream,  welodj. 
dreamen,  430,  to  vtter  sveet  sounds. 
dreaue,  264,  f.  driee,  rout,  imp. 
drede,  428,  dread;  A.S.  drad. 
dreden,  to   dread;    pr.    dredeS,  222  ;    pr.    sub. 

dreden,  423. 
dredful,  302,  n-ithfear;  dredlicho,  58,  terrible. 
dreori,    lOG,    274,   dull,    listless,   drcarg;    A.S. 

drcorig  ;  MS.  0.von.  funestus. 
drien,  80,  112,  134,  to  endure,  suff^-;  pr.  drieS, 
348,  358,  376,430;  drilvS,  356;  p.  dreih,  136. 
354;  pr.   sub.   dric,   SO;   A.S.   dreogan;    Sc, 
dree,  id. 
drif,  274,  imp,  drive;  pr.,  230;  pr.  p. 

driueiidc,  244,  driving. 
drihtenes,  430,  the  Lord's. 
drinken,  238,   to  drinh;  pr.  drinke'5;  p.  drone, 

3G4;  drinkares,  216,  drunkards. 
driworic,  250,  330,  a  love-token,  affection,  gal- 

dropmcle,  282;  A.S.  drop-mxlum,  bg  drops. 
druie,  27G,  drg. 
drunchc,  342,  drixl:;  pi.  drunohes,  3G4  ;  druiK-h. 

114,  238,  a  drink. 
druncnie,   pr.    sub.   should   droxu;     p.    adrone, 

dro>r,.,d;  A.S.  adrencan.  ^ 
druncwilo,  drunl;cn.>ome,  216,  d,  a  drnidard. 
drupio,  88,  sad,  melancholg;  Dut.  droevig. 
due,  300,  leader. 
duttc,  292,  dullc,  292,  c  blunt. 
dulue,  384,  im.  sub.  did  delve;  p.  duhan,  2ir2, 

dune,  376,  mountain,  pi.  dunes,  380;  A.h.  .bui. 
dui.t,   60,  200,   274,   284,   3GG,  o  bio.,  ,/;„,., 
stroke;  pi.  duntes,  284;  A.S.  dvnt,  i.l. 


il'i!!  ' 


3  1. 





durren,  12S,  pr.  sub.  dim-. 

dusi,  208,  dubie,  I'JO,  222, /oo/(V<;  A.S.  djsig, 

dusig,  id. 
dusigest,  182,  moslfonlUh;  diisiscliipc,  lS2,/<i/h). 
dvsten,  212,  to  toss. 
diiste'5,  311,  w  dit,if,/. 
dute,    220,     314.    'douht,    fuir;    dute'S.    241, 

dutten,  82,  to  stnj)  vj^;  p.  pi.  dutten,  lOG,  314; 

imp.  dute,  IOC;  A.S.  dytuu;  Sc.  ditt,  id. 
duue«,  282,  diatf,;  A.S.  dippan,  id. 
dweole,    62,    204,    354,  aror,    dclv.^ion;    A.S. 

dwola,  id. 
a-dvveole'5,  224,  o-dweolo,  224,  c.  ImviiKj   lost 

one^s  uu)/;  A.S.  dwolian,  to  trr. 

eadl,  28,  146,  308,  eadie,  142,  151, 156,  244, 
356,  blessed, pious,  i/ood,  happi/,   A.S.  eadig. 

eadiliche,  323,  hoiq)Uj;  A.S.  eadiglic. 

eadinesse,  28,  blessedness, 

eaduiodioiS,  278,  a,  imp.  vial-e  humble. 

eadwiten,  212,  to  blame,  find  fault,  ttrit. 

eaise,  114,  sutis/action,  taste;   O.Fr.  aaisc. 

eanes,  256.  i,  once. 

ear,  2C8,  388,  before;  arre,  14,  a.  forhur; 
eareste,  48,  h.  erest,  380,  ZSS, first. 

earde,  358,  earth,  soil,  land, 

earen,  90,  ears. 

earewen,  60,  294,  arrows;  A.S.  arcwe. 

earin,  112,  arm;   pi.  earmes,  394;  A.S.  earm. 

earncs,  A.S.  196,  eagles. 

eart,  134,  a.  hard. 

eastres,  296,  c. 

eaubruehe,  20i,  adulter >/;  A.S.  sewbrece. 

ea'5,  62,  d.  ea^e,  276,  402,  eeis^,  easili/. 

eax,  A.S.  128,  384,  aze. 

ec,  230,  ever,  ub'ajs;  A.S.  eca. 

ec,  168,  236,  240,  also;  A.S.  eac. 

eche,  282,  326,  360,  370,  aoke,  348,  uchcpoin; 

A.S.  ece,  ace. 
eche,  108,116,  196,  208,  216,  362,428,  tbraal; 

A.S.  eco,  eca,  id. 
echeii,   124,  260,  270,  Zi^,  to  increase,  add  to; 

pr.  eehe'5,  44,  236;  pr.  sub.  eclii;  A.S.  ecan, 

ccbencssc,  144,  430,  etemitii;  A.S.  eccnys,  id. 
echse,  98,  c.  vxe  1 

ed,  368,  «/,/;•(-)/(. 
cddre,  258,  o.  ciin. 

ed)nodc,   118,  158,   302,  mul-,   l.oudd,,  ge„tl. ; 

A.S.  eadniod. 
edmodic,  hv.mlde,  "  pe  edinodics  iiiouia-s  Ixnioii 

J^urlcS  j>e  wcolciin,"  246. 

edmodlichc,  94,  \\^,mullj,hvitilhj,  jMiienth/; 

A.S.  cailraodlifo. 
edmo.lncs.e,  8, 158,246,268,  m.tckness,hiunail:); 

A.S.  fadinodnos. 
cdwit,  A.S.  108,  reproach,  hbnae,  tav.nls. 
edwite,    pr.    sub.    ilG,  find    fault   vith;     A.S. 

edgan,  390,  c.  to  fin  ? 
efne,  1,  372,  eee/i,  level,  equal,  reasonable;  A.S. 

efne,  12'^,  po>'-er,abtlit</. 
efueS,  pr.  132,  182,  compareth;  p.   cfnedc,  126, 

142;  pp.  i-efued,  142,  150,298,  348,372;  A.S. 

a-feri,  I'/ual. 
efning,  408,  cfnuiige,  334,  an  equal,  equ/d. 
eftcr,  126,  after,  uccordinj  to. 
egede,  2i2,  stupid;  MS.  Oxon.  stoUda. 
eggen,  146,  to  incite,  instijale;  pr.  cggcS,  168, 

196,  222;  pr.  sub.  eggi;  A.S.  eggiaii,  id. 
eggunge,  82,  insliij'Ulntj,  e'l'jing. 
ei,  64,  202,  382,  eie,  202,  428,  cni,  202,  382, 

««//;  A.S.  eni. 
eie,  62,  th-.  tje;  pi.  eien,  61;  A.S.  eag. 
e'lc,  fear,  terror;   A.S.  ege. 
eiffule,  190,  airfal;  A.S.  ege-ful. 
eihte,  202,  204,  214,  222,  274,  324,  416,  pro- 

pertj/,  jjossessions,  (joods,  Kealth,  shc-p,  cattle; 

A.S.  a.Lt. 
eihteoSe,  236,  eighth. 
eil,   62,   eile,    50,  evil,    harm;   pi.   eikii,    270, 

worthless  refuse;  A.S.  ej,le,  jfel. 
eilen,  276,  to  hurt,  cause  pain,  svfer;  pr.  cile^", 

180,  352,  356;  pr.  sub.  eilie;  A.S.  adliaii,  to 

ciU'Surles,  62,  eril-u-indoi's. 
eircn,   66,  eggs;  A.S.  a-g,   an,   egg;    pi.    a-goru; 

Germ,  tv;  pi.  over, 
eise,   20,  lo8,   12a,  180,    192,  2SR,  430,  cose, 

abundance,  Icisvre,  easg,  at  leisure;  Kr.  also, 

eisihSe,  118,  306,  eje-sight. 
eisil,  402,  vinegar. 

eib'urlcs,  62,  80,  eges;  A.S.  cag-vS.vrl,  eg.:-''indoi':. 
ek,  eke,  240,  also,  v.  ec. 
eke,  360,  pr.  sub.  ache;  ekinde,  360,  a>hing. 
el,  324,  «,<  a.rl;  A.S.  adc. 
elde.  312,  318,  old  >'ge,  age. 
dies,  A.S.  256,  otUinrigc,  ued  as  it  shoulil  b> ,  im- 

cli:i'e.X','222,  224.  ill, alms;  A.S.  wlmcxe. 
cino,  106,  108,  180,  228,  230,  406,  comf.rt,  tn- 

couragtinti't,  svpjiort;  A.S.  cllcii. 
eliien,  10,  t;  comfort;  A.S.  clniaii. 
clpi,  116,  296,  324,  single;   A.S.  :ulpig. 
el.Nuodi,  )Toli,  348,  h.fonignns;  A.S.  clKVodig. 





enibroucd,  3i4,  recorded. 

einpti,  156,  empfi/,  racant;  A.S.  a-intis. 

emioleas,  A.S.  140,  ciidlist. 

eiulen,  102,  to  end;  pr.  suh.  eiiaio,  11'5,  s^lovhl 

terminal^:   A.S.  endian. 
enes,  T'l,  23'l,  3M,  428,  o»r^-  A.S.  a^ie,  i.l. 
eiiglcs,  102,  ar.ijf.h;  g.  pi.  eiiglcne,  ;>0,  92,  3>1; 

A.S,  engel. 
enigtnatiec,  34,  mnatenorinhi. 
eniunje,  346,  c.  v.  anguonni. 
eniie,  23G,  a,  one. 

ennui,  94,  g.  ounoijancc,  troulle;  O.Fr.  anoi,  id. 
entrcnieten,  414,  to  intermeddle;  pr.  cnttrmeteS, 

172,    174,    entremete'5,    198;    O.Fr.    eiitre- 

mctre,  id. 
code,  52,  152,200,  318;  pi.   eoden,   12S,   220, 

370,   7rent;    p.  of  gon,   to   go;   A.S.   gan;    p. 

eode,  id. 
eoli,  320,  428,  o!l;  A.S.  tcl. 
eorne,  44,  earnest/'/;  A.S.  goorne. 
eorncn,  74,  86,  to'rt'.n;  pr.  eorne«,  42,  80,  332, 

360;  p.  urnen,  112,   188,  ran;  A.S.   yrnan, 

efirre,  A.S.  116,  f.  304,  auf/r^/;  A.S.  yrre,  id. 
eor'Senc,  388,  enrtlien. 
L'or'Se-tilien,  414,  tillers  of  the  groitnd. 
eppele,  52,  apj>le;  A.S.  tcppel. 
er,  370,  he/ore,  rather. 
erede,  Zi\,  2doired. 
frendc,   38,  b.   ernde,  38;  imp.  eerrn,  'procure; 

A.S.  wrnian. 
eresie,  82,  heresy. 
ercstc,  8,  erest,  220,   258,  294,  first;  A.S.  are, 

a;  rest. 
erinde,  246,  errand,  viemtge. 
crindc-bcre,  60,  vie-^senr/cr;  AS.  arcnd,  bcran. 
erlicbe,  20,  204,  early  ;  A.S.  x-rlice. 
emi,  258,  an  arm;  pi.  ernies,  402  ;  A.S.  tann. 
eruedliche,  328,  ^i■ith  difficulty;  A.S.  erfeS. 
erueS,  108,  254,  difficvlt;  A.S.  erfot),  i.l. 
eruh,  274,  288,  290,  veal;  timid;  A.S.  earli. 
frtu,  230,  art  thou. 
esfusen,  304,  a.  to  excuse. 
uskebaob,  214,  b.;  v.  askeba'Sie 
fste,  220,  364,  368,  vhundance,  selj'-l.nlid.j :„<■(, 

Ivrvry;  A.S.  cat,  id. 
f.sten,  2.'J2,  the  east. 
C'.-,tful,  A.S.    108,  134,   doi„ly,  fiislldinis;  com. 

cstfulr.^  103. 
estlir'lie,  204,  daintily,.faslnliov.sly. 
f't,  416,  at.  from;  cttc,  304,  376,  at  the. 
i-tbrckon,  172,  to  Irreak  loose;  p.  etbroc,  48;  A.S. 

brccan,  to  hrial. 
ctene,  41(;,  to  cot;   A.S,  etun,  id. 
(.tlleon,   390,  to   escape,  jlce   amy;     pr.    tt.'lih^; 

pr.  sub.  etfleo,  50;  p.p.  ctdowcn,  48;  rtfluwon, 

172;  A.S.  .x'trieon,  id. 
etfori-n,  226,  hfore. 
ctliold.'n,  208,  27S,  308,  to  retain,  vithhohl;    pr. 

otli.dt,  240,282,374,386;  p.p.  etboldcn;  A.S. 

bealdan,  to  hold. 
ct'.utic'ii,  400,  <«  vithdra>r,li>r(;h>dc;  pr.  etluteS, 

316;  A.S. 
etrine'S,  50,  touchelh.,  ojipli'.lh  to;  A.S.  a'tlirinan. 
cLslopcn,    p.p.    148,    f/<oie,   glohd    a. ray;    A.S. 

slipan,  nslupaii. 
etstcrU'ii,  184,  370,  to  escape;  pr.  etstcrtcd,  332; 

p.p.  etstert,  48;  A.S.  sUurt,  stert,  steoit,  the 

ri'Mj),  tail;  O.G.  stcrzen;    D.  steerten,  to  run 

etstoiidcst,  236;  etstondeS,  350;  etstont,  318;  pr. 

etstonde'S,  248,  206;  imp.  A.S.  .-ctstandan,  to 

stand  still,  stop,  resist. 
euclion,  212,  each. 
eueucS,  82,  corivpareth. 
euentid,  404,  eventide. 
euere,  cauer,  ever;  eucrich,  efricli,  euericbue,  4, 

214,  every. 
ouericlion,  252,  each  one. 
euesede,  398;  p.  clipped,  crapped;  p.p.  i-cvoset, 

422,  1.;  A.S.,  to  shave,  to  ad  off  hair. 
euesunge,  398,  clippings,  142,  eaves.    [Tliatelied 

roofs  are  clipped,  or  shorn  at  the  eaves.] 
CS,  A.S.  62,  194,  274,  easy,  easily. 
e'Sceiie,  116,  140, 154,  206,  396.  apparent,  mani- 
fest, easily  known,  or  seen;  e'Ssene,  116,   a.; 

A.S.  ca'S,  eiisy;  cennan,  to  know;  gc-seoii,  to 

e'Scle,  172,  native;  A.S.  aj'Scl,  covntr>i. 
c-Selicb,  282,  slight;  e-Seliehe,  148,  d."290,  tuslly, 

ctwitod,    70,  imp.  reprove;    pr.  ssub.   etwit,  52; 

A.S.  aHwitan,  to  reprove,  chide. 
cwarre,  Q(i,  ap-are. 
cwt,  cawiclit,  124,  a.  any. 

faille,  pr.  .sub.  228,;  p.,  v„s  dis 

appoint,  d. 
fairliiilc,  3o2,  a.  adorned,  beaitt'fied. 
f,,  270, /«/7,-  292.  cause  to  fail. 
faltrcX,  222,  p.Jlaitvrtth, 

fanehos,  194,  h.  fawns;  A.S,  ficgnian,  tojloder. 
faiitcsmo,  62,  vain  .xheir;  O.Fr.  fantosmo. 
faro'S,  21i,  2\S,  go(tk,far,th;  A.S.  faran. 
fcalft,  428,  c.  fail. 

f.  arlac,  320,  Vcrlac,  306,  322, /<</*•;   A.S.  f.-r,  i.l 
loabes,  fcaSeS,  58,  d.  In  longs;  p.p.  i-I.Mtirt.  90,  :. 

128,  h.  Joined;   A.S.  fogaii,  tfj-in. 
feblescc,  232,  380,/ct'Wr;yaw. 





fefre,  llS./cier;  A.S.  fefor. 

fell,  feeh,  224,  d.  feih,  o26,  mtlh,  <jooih,  monetj; 

A.S.  feoh,  id. 
feir,  206,  /« Ir,  jmre. 
fel,  250,  n.  i-ruel. 
felde,  31S,  a./e?«. 
fele,  132,  a.  feolc,  320,  man>/. 
feolauliche,  276,  veolaiiliche,  38,  social. 
feolaureddtn,  114,  veolauredden,  38,  comjxuuj; 

A.S.  folgian,  tofoUov. 
feolawe,  2S4,  a  co)(i^;rt/a'o/i,  follower;  pi.  fcolawes, 

fooles,  288,  e.  fcolleS,  272,  i>r.  falldh;  p.  feolle, 

UO,/ell;  A.S.  fcallan,  to  fall. 
feoleuold,  180,  mainjukl. 
feoleware,  364,  a  follower;  A.S.  folgcre. 
feones,  272,Ji':inh. 
fcor,  104,  'irA),far;  fcor,  398,  a/xcdjjnce;  O.Fr. 

feur;  Sc.  fiar,  id. 
feorreden,  108,  h.  «  compamj. 
feorredne,  30,  f.  fdlown/iqj;   A.S.  fera,  «   com- 

feorrene,  70,  388,  distant,  from  a  distance;  A.S. 

ferde,  264,296,  av  ann>j. 
fere,  114,  152,  206,  2S4,  362,  ^^i,acf>m2mnion, 

frieiid,   comrade;    pi.   feren,  278,    336;    A.S. 

ferlich,  362,  terrible. 

feste,  222,  a  feast;  O.Fr.  fcste;  Lat.  festum. 
festcn,  6,  240,  308,  tofastjasiinn;  p.  feste,  160, 

veste,  126,  festede,  126,  e. ;  A.S.  fa>stan,  to  fust. 
fet,   19S,  200,  pr.  feidtth;  p.  fedde,  260  ;  imp. 

fed,  104;  A.S.  fedan,  tofeal. 
m,  V.  fo5. 
fo'Seren,  to  feather  {as  an  aJTOtc];  p.p.  ifcSered, 

204,  b.,  i-ue5Sered,  204;   A.S.  fy«er,  fai'Ser, 

a  feather,  fySered. 
fc6'ri  on,  200,  to  go  on  lighllj,  to  rjlide  along. 
figelunge,  \'i\,  flattering. 
figer,  148,  a  Ug  tree;  figes,  SbO,fgs. 
fike\o,2QS, furning,flallering,craftg;  A.S.  ficol. 
fikelarc,   86,   vikelare,    84,    86,   a  flalltrer;   pi, 

fikelarcs,  84,  uikelares,  86. 
fikelu.ige,  82,  ^\,fl'ilt>:ring. 
fikeles,  84,b.  vikeicS,  84,  Vj9,,  flatter cth;  pr.p. 

fikelindc,  flattering. 
fike'5, 206,  2'dQ,fa<aath,carrssfth;  pr.p.  uikiiiido, 

finkcr,  360,  a  finger;  A.S.  flncer. 
firiics,  76,  a.  uilhdravs;  A.S.  t\rrd,farthcr? 
fVSeroii,  132,  a.  ueSeron,  I .^2,  feathers. 
fleelies,   0,  llcsch,  196,  flfscl.cs,  g.  180,  flcsdis, 

112,  flesh;  A.S.  flcsc.  id. 
fleon,  146,  Hcogan,  A.S.  to  fl-f,  fl'.e;  vieori,  130, 

1.32, 134;  pr.  fleot?,  132,  360,  flib^.  132.  230. 
vleo-5,  130,  vUbiS,  230;  p.  Hcih,  ;;74,  fluw-n, 
154,fluen,  106,  vlu\vcn,392;  pr.  sub.  vleo,  l;;j; 
ini.sub.  fluwc,132;  imp.  fleo'S,  130,  vlib,  'Jn-i 
292,  374;  pr.p.  fleoinde,152,2S8,vleiiule,  214, 
vleoinde,  130;  p.p.  iflo'.ve,  154,  ivlovven,  lOS. 

fleoso,  66,  aflure. 

fleotiiide,  74,  Hi,  floating,  flitting;  A.S. 

fleowedcn,  110,/oi'-€(^;  A.S.  fleowan,  to  iluw. 

flikere'5,  200,  flic/:ereth,flutfireUi,  dvnghih;  A.S. 

floe,  A.S.  154,  162,  vloc,  154,  a  flock,  compa,,.j. 

flod-Seteii,  72,  flond-qates. 

flubtc,  248,  2in,  flight. 

irtured.  ZiO,  flourished. 

fluttc,  428,  d.;  A.S.  fleotan,  to  fl.oat,  keep  alo.t 

foan,  220,  fon,  2Q,i,foes. 

foddre,  i\<j,  fodder. 

fode,  150,  216, /bo(7. 

fol,  164,  316,  fole,  Zi\,fooUsh;  fol,  250  [appa- 
rently an  error  for  fel,  cruel. 

fo-men,  \0i,  foe-men. 

fondeS,  162,  1S2,  templeth,  tneth;  p.p.  i-fond..l, 
228,  tempted;  fondunde,  266  [probably  an 
error  for  fondunge],/e/ll^)^■/iy,^w_/>^l'^/i,•  A.S. 
fandian,  to  tempt,  tri/. 

fondunge,  232,  234,  temptation;  pi.  fondung.-s 

forbeode,  8,  256,  pr.  sub.;  A.S.,  (•> 

forbernd,  310,  p  p.;  A.S.  forba?rnan,  to  bHr>i. 

forbuwcn,  200,  to  avoid;  pr.  forbuweS,  MO; 
A.S.  forbugan. 

forcwiddares,  2\2,  forctclLrs. 

forcwiSinde,  306,  a.  reproving;  A.S.  forcwcSan, 
to  rebvle. 

forded,  forScs,  361,  a.  A.S.  fyi'Srian,  to  f-ih-^, 

fordc.le,  394,  forSdcdo,  391,  a.  c,  suretr,  A.S. 
forSdon,  to  put  forth. 

forcward,  A.S.  126,  310,  360,  an  agreement,  co- 
re nan  I. 

forfarcs,  138,  c.  foruareS,  138,  forfarS,  -<-. 
dicth,pcnsheth;  p.p.  forJifarcn;  A.S.  forSlUnm, 
to  die,  depart.  ^  ^ 

forfrete,  forfrctcs,  138,  a.  138,  d.  foniiot,  ---; 
A.S.  frefan,  to  fr,  t,  gnau: 

forsddo,  428,  pr.  sub.  /■,  .^ard. 

forj,eoiiore,  256,  k.  one  u:h»  fi,rgi.-'f.    _ 

foi-i;ifon,  320,  to  forget;    pr.   fol■J;ito•^. 
foi-ji;eten,  330;  p.p.  noi-sitcn,   124; 
gitan.  , 

forSiueS,  96,  ./b,y;»7.M;  imp.  fui^i'"-  ^'^I  M'"  ^"'^ 
jiurn,  124,/o(-7/(e«. 

IS.:;   p, 
A.S.   |-..r. 




forgnn,  8,  (o  forego,  qvit,  alstc'ii  from;  pr.  for- 

goS,  94,  112;  A.S.  forgan. 
for^nawe'S,  338,  rorro'fts;  A.S-  gnagan,  to  gnaw. 
forgult,  174,  b.  g^iUti);  AS.  fdrgyltan,  to  become 

forliowien,  1C3,  to  de.'^^n-^c;  pr.  sul>.  forhoxjc;  A.S. 

fuiliogian,  id.  ' 

forhuhes,  380,  e.    [appears  to  be  an   error  for   i 

forbiihcs,  y)<(.9.'.'w  hi/.l 
foriiUc.l,  U(J,o/vn:>/,alit;  A.S.  idcl. 
forkesfmg,  278,  rejecting. 
forleosen,  103,   24G,  to  Iosp,  renounce;  pr.  for- 

leose'5,   148,   364;    p.    forlurc,    uorluro,   310; 

p.p.  forloren,   146,   300,   forlorene,  SS2,  lo.^t 

soids;  A.S.  forleosan,  id. 
forletan,  406,  to  rdv.i'fiish;  A.S.  forla.',  id. 
forrote'5,  133,  lerometh  jnitrid;  A.S.  forrotian,  to 

forsakes,   22G,  rcjcddh;    A.S.   forsacan,   to  for- 

forschalded,  246,  sraMed. 

fnrschuppeS,120,  trannformeth;  A.S.  foi-sceoppan. 
forstoppeS,  72,  imp.  restrain,  deck. 
forswi&nde,  306,  a;  A.S.  foi-swiSe,  veheMcitlg. 
forStr,  204,  h.  further  i 
for'Sinchinge,  110,  f.  jn'ry,  regret. 
foi'Si,  for-Siii,  56,  234,  because,  v:lerefore;  A.S. 

for  \>y. 
forworpeS,  150,  casteth  off. 
forwreieil,  172,  d.  discovered,  betrayed. 
forwurSen,  422,  to  become,  degenerate  into,  pr. 

forwur'5e«,   64,  h.  p.p.  forwurtSen;  A.S.  for- 

wurSan,  to  hccowe  nothing,  to  perish. 
fostrc?;,  2'.J6,  vourishtlh;  A.S.  fostrian,  to  nourish. 
fo?trild,  72,  fostir-moder,  72,  g.  a  nurse. 
fo-5  on,  88,  240,  feS  on,  begins;  A.S.  anfon,  to 

foure,  112,  g.  aftrer. 
fr.amp.s  126,  b.  dcth  good  to. 
frechliche,  222,  a  ;  A.S.  freclice,  dangerously. 
freine«,  264,  asJcdh,  p.p.  frcinet,  338,  d.  ashed; 

A.S.  fregnan,  to  inquire. 
frenide,  110,  e.  a  stranger;  Sc.  freind,  strange, 

freo,  Z'O,  free,  voile.  '    v   -.  q/> 

freonie,  124,  b.  froomeS,  126,  b.  frnfmeS,  186, 

doth  good;  A.S.  freinman,  to  btnejlt. 
freolac,  222,  240,  286,  caad-ur,  UhercdUy. 
fretewi'l,  128,  d.  rarenous;   A.S.  fretal. 
frot,  128,  324,  2,2Ci,  gnaw,,  thmvrs;  A.S.  frotan. 
frin'aclit,  122,  b.  v.  iiriuilit. 
frofroS,    108,    f.    comforldh;     A.S.     trofnan,    to 

comfort.  .,  112,  294,  376,  426,  amiyfrmn. 
frotuiigcs,  284,  rubbing,  i,olisldr,g;  I<r.  frottcr. 

froure,  33, 100,  286,  406,  430,  pi.  frourcn,  120, 

consolation,  comfort;  A.S.  frofor. 
frouren,   to    comfort;    pr.    frourtS,    150;    imp. 

froure-5,  186;  A.S.  frofrian,  id. 
frum'Se,  8,  56,  104,  beginning;  A.S.  frym'S. 
fuel,  126,  afoH,  pi.  fuclcs,  388  ;  A.S.  fugol. 
fulitcn,  196,  foufhl. 
fill,  314,  572,  fuM,  complete. 
ful,  A.S.  118,   276,  fule,  216,  236,  331,  344, 

foul,  corrupt;  fnlrc,  84,  foider. 
fulcn,  124,  to  defdc;  pr.  fuleS,  306  ;  p.  fulde, 

158  ;  A.S.  fullan.  id. 
fullifbe,  124,  216,  272,  ZIS,  foully,  indecently. 
fullichc,  124,  ZiO, fully. 
fulne,  316,/oi//;  fuluste,  2\(i,  foulest. 
i    ifuld,156,  ifullcd,  27G, filed;  A.S.  fyllan,  tofll. 
fuldon,  372,  to  complete,  perfect. 
fulitowen,  103,  140,   176,  186,  244,  368,  ful- 

itogen,   108,  b.  nndis':iplined,  v.nrvly,  rude, 

ill-instructed;  A.S.  ful,  getogen,  toon,  tod  rate 

out,  form,  instruct. 
fulSe,  82,  128,  142,  a.  272,  276,  fuISen,  310, 

flUk,  uncleanliness. 
fululit,  A.S.  baptisyi,  160,  322,  330,  3:'6. 
fundlcs,  findles,  fundleas,  6,  8.  206,  f.  208,  any- 
thing foiind,  invention;  A.S.,  tofnd. 
fur.  124,  150,  206,  228,  356,  368.  fure,  236, 

fire;  g.  fures,  furone,  Z56,f  re,  firry;  A.S.  fyr. 
fur,  192,  furScr,  22S,  further;  A.S.  feor, far. 
furmo,  138, /o>-H),  image. 
fursetS,    76,   312,    remoreth,   vithdroud/i ;    A.S. 

furiNerluker,  236,  still  further. 
fur'SreS,  156,  assists,  furthns;  A.S.  fyrdrian. 
fustes,  82,  106,/n/*-;  A.S.  fyst. 
I    fuwelenc,  g.  pi.  293,  of  fowls. 

g.ibben,  200,  to  scoff;  pr.  gabbeS,  193  ;  A.S. 

gabban,  id. 
galietS,  128,  f.  yells,  yelps;  A.S.giellan,  to  ydl, 

shriek,  "give  tongue,"  Laj;. 
galcforkc,   galheforkc,    174,  o.  :    A.S.  galga,  a 

gallous,  gibbet. 
gallo,  106,  2ZS,  gall;  A.S.  gealla,  id. 
gai.^tros,  128,  f.  v.  Ji^^hUi-^. 
ganb,  270,  c.  a  fool,  v.  tang, 
ran-knnie,  394,  rdurn. 
gant.-n,    25S,    gai-scs,    258,    d.    gashes;    O.Fr. 

garscr,  to  cut,  scarify;  gaarcc,  scarifuatiun  ; 

V.  Parv. 
Sare,  88,  240,  272,  scare,  298,  formerly,  lung 

ago,  before,  of  yore;  A.S.  geara. 
garsume,'  126,  350,  riches,  treasun;  A.S.  ga-r- 

suina,  id. 




gatc-herdcn,  100,  herds  of  goats;  A.S   tra^t   c'-it 
a  f/ooX,  '  6-   • 

gauel,  202,  320,  trilide,  nvt,  iucrcas,  tov  A  S 
gafol,  kl.  '     ■  '      ■    ■ 

Se,  13C,  yea. 
Seape,   GO,   e,  i7''««?y,   Iiungnj;    Isl.  gvpa  ;    Sc. 

yap,  id. 
seape,  280,  362,  wary,  crafty;  A.S.  geon  i.l 
geat,  100,  \()2,(joats;  A.S.  ga-t,  geat,  «  w,<?. 
Seate,  42i,  ^«/(.;  A.S.  geat,  id. 
gcate'S,    50,   f.   imp.   vatch,   hip    votch;    O.Fr. 

gueter,  id. 
Seddcs,  seddc'S,  312,  e.  ti^t  doth. 
gederen,  14G,  222,  tof/atLa;  collect;  pr.  gedere'5. 
138;    imp.  gedere,  342;    p.p.    i-gedered,   76; 
pr.p.  gederinde,  128;  A.S.  gaderiun,  id. 
gedcrunge,  370,  (ja'.herinff. 
gedewal,  370,  valerian,  Xardi's  Cdtlra. 
gelus,   jealous;    gelusie,     90,   jealovsy ;    O.Fr. 

gelosie,  id. 
Sei,  giir,  306,  vailing. 

Scien,  ^lo,  2SS,  to  cry,  call,  proclaim;  pr.  geio'S, 

12,   b.    126,   142;    p.    seiede,    152,    ?;eieden, 

188,  310;   imp.  seie,  232;   geieS,  264;   p.p. 


geincume,  234,  return, 

geine-S,    362,    426,    avaUeth,    'x>rof!.telh ;    O.Fr. 

geld,  58,  376,  return,  repayment. 
gelden,  58,  58,  b.  186,  266,  406,  418,  to  repay, 
Male  good,  yield  ?«/>,  restore ;    pr.  gelt,  232, 
302  ,  imp.  geld,  364  ;  p.  guide,  406  ;  gulden, 
404  ;  A.S.  gyldan,  id. 
gelpe,  210,  boasting. 

gelpeii,  146,  330, '^o   lejost;  pr.  gelpes,  148,  c; 
gelpe-S,   222,  330;  pr.  sub.  geli.e,  148;  A.S. 
gill)an,  id. 
golpunge,  330,  loast. 
gelstre'5,  128.  yelpcth,  v.  galioS. 
gelsunge,  100,  a.  luxury;  A.S.  gelsa. 
gcluiige,  100,  delight;  O.Germ.  geling. 
geme,  32,  78,  344,  care.  In d,  attention,  devotion 
gumolea.scbipe,  202,  vgligencc. 
gemeleasliclic,  92,  iiegh'f/nillii. 
gomeleasto,  46,   172,  20S,  234,  26S,  428,  neg 

ligcHcc,  carelessness;  A.S.  genieloaslice. 
gomeu,  98,  344,  to  wind,  attend  to;  pp.  i-genien 

44,  c. ;  A.S.  goman,  icl.;  Sc.  to  gome, 
gcntiiisp,  ISS,  nobleness;  O.Fr.  geiiticu. 
goohih,  88,  yr/loir;   A.S.  gcolu. 
geon.l,  72,  102,  110,  2.'^S,  orcr. 
geoiiicii,   212,  to  ynicii,  fjope;   pr.  j).  gcoiiiiiide, 

80.  301  ;  A.S.  geoiiiaii,  id. 
geoi  lie,  Iscilie,  331,  c.  yn,;   A.S.  gca,  id. 
geor,  306,  vail  ivy,  s/,ri,  i.i„g. 

g.nrnc,  1(18,   124,  i:,S,  231,3  J-^    -CM    ,. 

afu-'io.atjy;   A.S.  <^,.,nu:       ' 
georiH-!uk>'r,  'S',1.  ,.,„ri,. 
goornili.'lio,  ;i^,  ju,.),   i3-_>,  •jj.-.j    ,„^    ^^  , 

int., .11,. 

|■te^,  2'>2, 

i»>p.  g..t,  210. 

j    gcouL-,  2t>2,  3(;j,  y/,!-,-  A.S.  L;if..,i,  I,  .,;... 
g.r,21S,.ll-.„,   .,...   ,.I.^..r.s.  l...u:-'l<. 

i^^:^:s!^;;d!^:r^"-"'"^^  ••'•-'-•- 

gcrkt;^,  410,;,.,^,^,,,/.;   i-.T;  rk..,|..">.  .  ,    .„,,.,, 

A.5>.  gearoian,  (.,  j.,-j  ■•,■■. 
g.'rnere,  272,  a  gan.-r. 
geruh,  394,  rad./;  .\.S.   -.■.iniw 
gcs,  1 28,  geese. 
gestc,  68,  k,  guf.<f. 

get,  74,  gete,   334,  g.,t. ;    pi.    x;,  t.  n,    l-.j,   

getes,  101. 
geteward,  270,  gate-keeper. 

get,  298,  gette;\  \10,  graut-lh;    pr.  >ul..  x-:u.. 
176.  21.;;  p.   gottedc,   23U;  imp.  x,vxw,    i.  ..; 
A.S.  gcataii.  to  grant,  i>.n,iit. 
gettunge,  204,  228,  288,  291,  3!6,  r<,.., ..  .-.f,  y  .  r- 

gibet,  Fr.  116,  a  gilh,t. 
gichingc,  238.  an   itching;  glcdiindo,  tn,   ,  r.  ,,. 

itching;  A.S.  gicenes,  id. 
gif,  294,  if. 

gigge,  20i,  giggling;  A.S.  g,i-l.  id. 
gile,  128.  202.  gnile,d.r.  it;  ;;il.-.  ...-il-r. 
gilcn,  128,  to  decace;  j.r.  giloN,  74,  !->. 
gimston,    134,   330,  «   j>recion.i   .n/,.,.,,  „    ;.-./; 

pi.  gimstone-s,  152,  331',  342. 
gingiure.  370,  416,  ginger. 

giine,  400,  416,  girne.N,  pr.   201,x;irn.-.  pr.  Mil.. 
4tl6,  p.p.   igirned,  6<l,  g.   r.i2  ;  .\.S.  ^^m.m, 
to  yearn,  desire. 
giniunge,  114,  139,  «  yearning,  dtsiring;  .A.S. 

giscare,  214,  gi<saro,  202,  a  co'-etovs,.. 
giseen,  196,  to  covet;  pr.  gisce5',  2o2,  26'.';  .A.-S. 

gytsian,  id. 
giseungf,  194,  204,  208, 274,  286,  gi.-Min-.-.  •-'.•  ■:. 
covetousness;  pi.  gi.>isunge».  26^;  A.S.  ;:\t«iiii;;. 
gist,  A.S.  68,  a  guest,  friend,  a  gicr  »r  r..-i.r 

cfhosjiitalit'/;  ]>I.  gistcs,  414. 
giste,  -350,  a  lodging;   ^)  Vr.  '^UU: 
gistnen,   402,    to  l"dg.  ;  [>.  gi>tiii.!e,    102  ;   A.S. 

gi.^tiiiiigcs,  288,  a.  414,  In'nfjueling^,  /iO.-j-''^'lil.'.<. 
giuen,  08,  '39i<,  416,  giueiic,  3.30,  I"  gic  :  pr. 
giue'S,  80;  giucst,  294;  p.  g.  f,  92,"  !'2.  f.; 
p.  sub.  gcfde,  384;  imp.  gif,  294,  lUl;  [..p. 
i-giuen,  82;  A.S.  gif.m,  id. 




Siucr,  SI,  giurc,  214,^,-m^j/;  A.S.  gifr. 

jiuerlic-hc,  2iu,  tjreedili/. 

5iuernesso,    IDS,    204,    2S6,    f/retdnicx^ ;    A.S. 

ginegouoii,  ]!iG,yf/'-ya /'•.?;   A.S.  gcgaf,  (njlen. 
Giw,-,,  IOC, 
gla.licn,  6S,g!c(lien,  ITS,  3SC,  lo  cheer,  rjladthn; 

imp.   glc.lie-S,    3^8  ;    pr.    sub.    glcJie,    430  ; 

A.S,  gladiun. 
gleam,  170,  a  Icam,  raij  of  Ihjht. 
gle.l,  2S2,  glolc.  1S>;,  3S0,  «/«,;. 
gle.lful.  242,  286,  >-//<'/. 
gletlfuhirc,  3y4,  yaunjo-iful. 
gledlichc,  124,  I2<i,  <jla<)h/. 
glerlluker,  18S,  more  Jod/uII^. 
gleilnesse,  im,  (jfadutsn. 
gledschipe,  180,  2SG,Jo>//idness. 
gledungc,  94,  342,. /o,/;  A.S.  gl.-cd. 
gleden,    122,   40G.   Okcids,   hurninj-coah;   A.S. 

gled  ;  Sc.  glede. 
£        glco,  210,  mirth;  gleowede,  vas  murri/,  sui>j!ng; 

St)  ■,  go«,  10,  350  ;  ge-5,  37C 
A.S.  gan. 

imp.  got5,  188; 


A.S.  gloowian,  to  he  mrrry,  to  sing. 
gleso,  glcs  \^ii,  gloss;  A.S.  glic3. 
gliffen.  46,   e.  to  hesitate,  he  afraid;    Sc.  gliff, 

glokering,  100,  a.  mirthful  A.S.  gleo, 

»«  irth , 
glupnen,   212,   e.   to  affright;  Sc.   to  gliff;   Isl. 

glupiia,  tristan,  aninium  demiitcre. 
gloueii,  420,  gloves;   Isl.  glofi,  n  glove. 
glueches,  240,  a.  gulps;   Sc.  glnek,  i.l. 
gluffe^,    46,    hlunderi    O.   Germ,    glypfen,    ces- 

jiitare;   Isl.  glop,  incur ia. 
glutun,  214,  glutton;  Fr.  glouton. 
giiedeliche,  202,  350,  414,  harelg;  A.S.  gnedelice, 

gniden,  23S,  gnuddon,  238,  g.  to  rub;  p.  gniden, 

260  ;  giiudeden,  260,  c  ;  A.S.  gnidan,  id. 
Joe,  15G,  gol-e;  A.S.  geoc. 
i-goded,  3SG,  428,  benefited;  A.S.  godian,  to  do 

godera  lore,  42S,  divine  instrwtion;  godre,  194, 

better;  comp.  of  god,  gooil;  A.S.  godera. 
godleic,  136,  192,  2iii, goodness;  A.S.  godlcc. 
godspellere,  94,  c.  evangelist. 
golnesse,  198,  204,  206,   254,  274,   370,  lust, 

lasciviousiiess;  A.S.  galnes,  id. 
J^oing-dawes,  412,  procession  dags. 
golhord,     150,    152,   a.     treasure;     A.S.    gold- 

goinede,  36S,  jested,  Sjtorlcd;  A.S.  gamcni:'.ii,  to 

jolt,  he  merr.j. 
goincn,  214,  game,  sport;  pi.  gornciies,  318,  348  ; 

A.S.  gatiK'n. 
gon,  10,  290,  lo  go;  pr.  g:is,  gost,  86,  c.  ;  gost, 

gong-liuse,  84,  a  pri.-g;  A.S.  geng,  gong-men, 
I        dirt-mcn;  Sc.  geng,  ordure. 
I   gost,  368,  gostc,  13S,  sovJ,  spirit. 
;    gostlich,  194,  spiritual. 
I    i-graccd,  366,  thanh.J. 
greate,  10, 194,  nS,,gr..>t.  thicI:,coarse;  gretturo 

m,  greater;  A.S.  great. 
,    groatcn,  128,  to  groir  larg-:. 
!    greatluker,  426,  more  greatly. 
1    greden, 236,  304,  366,  to  cr.f,  roar;  pr.  gret,  330; 

p   grcdde,  244,  326;  imp.  gred,  2'JO,  grede,' 

284;   A.S.  grxdsin,  to  erg,  conqilti in,  call  upon. 
grediure,  ilG,  greedier;  gredinesse,  wreccZt/KW. 
gredil,  122,  362,  a  gridiron. 
grcge,  12,  grag. 

grei'Se,  16,  16,  d.  readg,  dressed;  A.S.  gera;d. 
grorSefi,  256,    pr.  preporeth;    p.  groiSode,  306; 

graiSede,    ?02,   a.;    greiSed,    410,   c;    p.p. 

i-groiSed,  354,  306  ;  A.S.  gerxdian. 
greme*",  334,  provoteth. 
grene'S,  150,  put ttth  forth  leaves. 
grenncn,  212,  to  grin;    A.S.  grennian. 
grennunge,  A.S.  2\2,  grinning. 
greot,  A.S.  70,  252,  grit,  sand. 
grcste,  A.S.  66,  314,  greatest. 
gretcS,   430,  imp.  greet  ;   A.S.  gretan,  to  greet, 

salute;  gretuiige,  A.S.  250,  gretting. 
gruue,  422,  pr.  sub.  mag  trouble,  annog. 
gripes,  204,  c.  2'i'J^- 
Grikisclis,  402,  Gretl;  Grecian. 
grim,  A.S.  100,  234,  grimme,  212,  240,334,344, 

f^WV^  ^fcTCd,  cruel,   morose,   sad ;    grimmest, 

202, fiercest. 
grimme  to5,  218,  a  severe  countenance. 
grimliche,  101,  268,  336,  366,  .rrathfullj/,  ter- 

riblg;  A.S.  grimlic,  crudlg. 
grises,  366,  a.  dreads,  feels  horror. 
grisliche,  118,  184,  190,  194,  210,  242,  grisl,/, 

ghastlg,fearfullg;  A.S.  grislic. 
grisbatedc,  326,  guashul   his   teeth  ;    A..S.   grist 

bitan,  id. 
grisung,  190,  e.  far,  draid. 
griS,  A.S.  172,  li.  174,  261, peace;  chirche-griSe, 

an  asglnni,  sanct"uri/. 
grifffiil,  4 06, ^)f (((•«/"/.' 
I   gri5fiiliiessc,^)'.((C( /■«//(<?.<,<,  IrunfjuiUitii. 
I   grume,   100,   102,"  116,   118.   ISO,  236,    ■n-utti, 

displeasure;  A.S.  grama,  id. 
gromes,  422.  bogs,  „ien. 
grj^nn,  278,  a  snare;  pi.  gronen,  134,  270  ;  A.S. 

grin,  girn;  Sc.  girn,  i.l. 
gronon,   336,    to  groan;   pr.   p.  groniinle,  .130  ■ 

A.S.  granian  ;  So.  to  granc,  il. 






\  : 


gropie-S,  378,  pr.  hcuidleth;  pr,  sub.  gropie,  3GS, 

han'Ue;  A.S.  grapian,  i^o  handl-'. 
gropuir^f,    314,    haiidliny,  searching;    pi.   gro- 

pun-e.-i,  206. 
grot,  2>\(),^nt,  earth,  dust. 
grucclu-S,    114,   grv.mldelh;    pr.   sub.    grucclie, 

202,   grucchie,    108,  yrud^je,  grumlle.    bear 

reseiitriieiit;  p.  gruccboilo,  114;  pr.  p.  grucinde, 

108,  a.;  imp.  grupfhe,  18(3;  O.Fr.  grocer,  id. 
gruccbibl,  108,  grucclicre,  108,  b.  a  grvmUir. 
grucchunge,  202,  336,  370,  344,  424,  imu-nnir- 

ing,  grv.mhling. 
grulle«,  306,  hornrhth;  A.S.  grillan. 
grunde,  208,  280,  334,  oiyM,,  lollom. 
grunen,  278,  b.  snares. 

grunten,  336,  to  grxint  like  a  hog;  G.  gruntzen. 
grure,  112,  dread,  horror;  A.S.  gryre. 
grure,  294,  r/oc^. 

grureful,  210,  242,  304,  terrible,  ax-ful. 
grurefullicliu,  320,  <t;n/./^,  «/,/«//;/;  A.S.  gnrelic. 
gruselie,  428,  gruse,  gruuesi,  428,  a.  viiiiichl 
gruttene,  180,  of  gruat;  A.S.  ^vui,  grout. 
gugement,  l\i,  stntem-e;  O.  Fr.  jucument. 
Suihe,  334,  yea;  A.S.  gea,  id. 
guIchecJ,  88,  pr.  voinitetfi;  imp.  gulche,  206 

page  240  gulclie'5  means  swallumtL] 
gulchecuppc,  216,  a  drunLard,  toss-jiot. 
guldene,  336,  golden. 
gult,  284,  420,  gulte,  184,  h.  Zi6,  guilt,  a  fault; 

pi.  gultes,  346,  426, 
julunges,  268,  e.  trihs,  deceits,  guile, 
gunhncnr,  dOO,  standard-bearer;  O.Fr.  gonfanier. 
gunge,  70, young. 
Jungre,  424,  younger, 
i-gurd,  380,  i\?,,girt. 
gurde,  106,  struck;  A.S.  gyrd,  a  rod, 
gurdel,  420,  girdle;  A.S.  gyrdcl. 
gus,  ges,  392,  b.  yes. 
gut,  356,  yet;  A.S.  get. 

gute-feastro,   328,   f.  ;    A.S.    gyte,   a   drop^.iug; 
Eng.    to    fester;   A.S.   geotan,  to    shed,  yOi'r 
out;    O.Fr.    goutent,    dro^   by   drop,    flostrc, 
guwe^c,  156, 192,  206,  youth;  A.S.  geogu^■. 
Su\vet5chode,  342,  youth. 

habben,  10,  to  h<',v.:;  pr.  b^ibboiS,  2,  101,  1>;8, 
210,  hal)be,  22i»,  o2i),  hauest,  2:;0,  hauciJ,  1  SO; 
p.  hefde.  124. 190,  224,231,  heJdest,  lieuL-.le>t, 
38,  hefdon,  112;  pr.  sub.  liabbe,  192;  p.  sub. 
hefde,  384;  p.p.  i-licued,  106;  A.S.^id. 

hacked,  298,  hoxkcth;  A.S.  bacean,  to  I;-:'.-. 

)iad.,s,  80,  c.  holds. 

halier.luise)-,  52,  g.  d^ur;  ba-r.  bl.  v.  buwur. 

haloweu,  12],  106,  362,  .<(-(■»/*. 

baluwene,  330,  gen.  pi.  if  Mtinls. 

halcweS,  390,  p.  soncli.u// ;  p.p.  i-halcwed,  IS  ; 

i-haleged,  18,  f.  ;  A.'S.  iialgian;  to  hal'.^.c. 
half,  A.S.  106,  opart,  si'l.-. 
halflunge,  354,  //-  part. 
halhcs,  180,  e.  saints. 
halp,  88,  e.  helped;  A.S.  helpan,  to  help. 
halt,  348,  holdi. 

halue,  252,  412,  half,  side,  part. 
halse,  114,  halsie,  348,  huLseS,  330,  pr.  <«f,w/..-. 

beseeches;    imp.  halse,   292;    A.S.  haUian,  to 



halsunge,  330,  i„i,\aty, 

ham,  194,  thua. 

hanimes,  122,  1.  Inees. 

hamsuluen,  88,  lliemsehes. 

handwhule,  146,  a  Moment,  an  instant. 

harlot,  350,  a  rogue,  varUt,  vagabond;  i.l.  bajlo?, 

328,  414;  horloj,  328,  e. 
hat,  pr.  6,  180,  246,  300,  403,  424,  M/.*w««rf..-, 

orders;  imp.  hot,  290;  pp.  ilioten,  ICS,  332, 

conunandtd;  02,  192,  310,  ca/^.W;  A  S.  hatin, 

io  call,  to  continand. 
hatien,  32,  88,  210,  to  hate;  pr.  h.-ite-5,224.  316, 

hatest,  316,  hatieS,  310;  pr.   sub.   hatie,  170; 

A.S.  hatian,  to  hale,  to  become  hot. 
hate,  118,  e.  bote,  240.  /.el;  hatru,  400,  /,otl.r. 
hatunge,  200,  310,  364,  luting,  hatred. 
haunche,  280,  haunch. 
hawur,  52,  cleetr;  Isl.  hagr,  id. 
bealden,  142,  c.  bolden,  170,  to  hold;  pr  holde.N, 

130;  p.  heoid,  108,   14^,  172,  heolden,  152; 

pr.  sub.  holde,   88,    152,    172;   imp.  hold.  \ 

148,    192;    p.p.    i-li..blen,    143,    2.-.U ;    A..^. 

hcale.  70,  180,  191,  330,  304,  370,  43a,  /,ealt/ , 

blessing,  salvation;  A.S.  lurl,  health. 
healc,  398,  dignity;  A.S.  hcali,  high,  noble,  or 

holiness;  A.S.  lia-Iig,  I'-'y. 
hoalc-water,  100,  holi/-'nUr. 
healewi,  94,   114,    101,  238,  270,  2j-2,  /,eallh- 

cvp,  medicine,  balsam,  sweet-deinf:;  .\.S.  li;il, 

health,  wcgi,  a  cup. 
heahnvindc,  190,  healing;  A.S.  ha-lindo. 
hcardeii,  220,  to  harden,  ''ecome  strong,  ii'jned  to 

hardships;  A.S.  lieardian,  id. 
heare,  120.  here,  \:iO,  haircloth ;  pi.  h.  aron,  10  f. 

boren,  10;  A..S.  h:vren,  id.,  ha-r, /..'V. 
beaten,  401,  to  iriiym. 
heater,   418,    hotter,  hatter,  41S,   f.  a  garmci  i, 

el-Mivg;    y\.    hatereii,    104,    hattro,  "li)4,    g. 

hcttrcn,  420,  i.  ;  A.S.  b.etero,  bafr..:i.  id. 
htaued,    10,   130.  the  h..'d,  chi.f;  hefd-u,  lc8, 

lands;   A.S.  lH-..b.d. 



hel.ben,  15f),  L'6t,  290,  to  lift,  heave,  nthi  vp; 

imp.  hef.  290;  p.p.  i-houcn,2S-2;  A.S.  hcbban. 
hecheu,  lichen,  72, 1.  to  nwunt  vp,  rise;  ha'liucn, 

lui'liScn,  Lag.;  A.S.  heaii,  to  rai:;c,  exalt. 
heso,  10,  1),  hect;e,  424,  a,  f<if/k. 
lici,".,'en,  21C,  fia</.i;  A.S.  liKges,  a  hag,  vitrh. 
hehscliiitc,  140,  d.  beischipc,  100,  358,  A(V//,  state, 

dignitj;  A.S.  licali,  hiijk,  nolle. 
helc.  Sfi,  hclh,  400,  /-/-/A,  exalted;  A.S.  hcali. 
i-heie.l,  154,  174,  3S6,  430,  ekcated,  r.-alttd. 
heililiche,  50,  hciliclie,  VJO,honourallj,hi^hli; ; 

A.S.  hcalic. 
heihnesse.  412,  hiqhness. 
hei.xte,  13S,  \\0,'h;^h.cst. 
heihte,  24.  eight;  A.S.  eahta. 
heiwanl,  41 S,  hcijo-ard,  tovni's  herdsman. 
heKlen,  42S,  to  pour;  pr.  lieKlcS,  246,  2S2. 
liele,  112.  thehed;  A.S.  Iiel. 
hele,  COO,  312,  halth,  medirine. 
helon,   112,  320,  3CS,  houlen,  330,  to  heal;  p. 

helcde,  112;  pr.  sub.hcale,  17S;  imp.  liel,  28^; 

pp.  iheled,  2SS,  392,  394;  A.S.  luclau,  to  had. 
helcueste,  244,  f.  apparently  an   error,  v.  liete- 

helliewet,  el  i-hewcd,  3GS,  a.  of  a  pale,  or  snllow 

comjilexion;  A.S.  yfel,  hcowed. 
holidawcne,  302,  gen.  pi.  of  holidays. 
helieii,  S4,  410,  to  hide,  conceal;  pr.  heleS,  314  ; 

helieS,  31 G  ;  hules,  150,  a.  ;  imp.  hele,  310  ; 

p.p.  i-holcu,  146.  i-heled,  70,  72;  hulet,  3SS, 

I).  ;  A.S.  helian,  helaii,  id. 
hcliiide,  112,  360,  the  Saviour,  the  healer;  A.S. 

heliunge,  150,  a  concealing. 
hclpen,  204,  222,  to  kelp;  pr.  hclpelS,  190;  p. 

help,   8S,  halp,  88,  c.   hulpe,  220,  320;  pp. 

iholpen,  242;  A.S.  helpan,  id. 
lifudeliche,  316,  gcntlt/,  ddicateli/. 
hendi,  186,  416,  courteovs,  datifid,  gerdle  ;  comp. 

hendure,  192;   sup.  hendest,  398;  hende,  Ch, 

hcnhen,  128,  hens. 
heolen,  146,  b.  to  conceal. 
iicoucne,  230,  hence. 
iicoiieward,  248,  turned  aivaij,  averse. 
liuurde-monne,  100,  418,  herdsincn''s;  A.S.  heonl, 

«  herd. 
lici.rdcn,  418,  canvas;  So.  harden. 
Iiforte-pcauwes,  308,  moral  virtues. 
l.r.,,rte.s  398,  harts. 
i,..,rl.,.,  418,  the  heart. 
lM-.,o..|uvar<!,  248,  a.  a^ratjfrom. 
lir,,u(iif,  91,  142,  242,  hta.rcn. 
luuxii'uruAu-,    150,  hcouericlic,  212,  358,  ling- 


(•.\:\n).  soc. 

hcou,  320,  332,  heoiuve,  IGO,  2G2,  colour,  form; 

pi.  lieowes,  150  ;  A.S.  Iiiwe. 
lieowcdo,  392,  iheonwed,  35G,  stained,  coloiirid; 

A.S.  gehiwod,  id. 
her,  23G,  /,..«. 

her,  398,  424,  hair;  A.S.,  her. 
here,   130,  382,   418,  haircloth;  pi.   licren,  10, 

138;  A.S.  hcra. 
i-hercn,  78,  to  hear;  pr.  i-licreS,  00,  170,  198, 

226,  204;  pr.  sub.  iherc,  318;  pr.p.  i-heriiide, 

172;  p.p.  iherd,  92;  A.S.  geheran,  to  hear. 
heranont,  124,  heranonden,  124,  d.  iti  respect  of 

hcrbaruede,  260,  horba^ede,  260,  b.  lodged. 
herbaruwe,  224,340,  lodging;  O.Fr.  herbergeric. 
herenen,  320,  422,  to  hearken;  pr.  hcrcneS,  82, 

86;  p,  hercneJe;  A.S.  heorcnian. 
hercwile,  100,  a  listener. 
herd.    368,  418.    hard,   lards;    A.S.    heordan, 

heordas,  cloth  made  oftou-;  Sc.  liardan,  id. 
herde,  332,  352,  hard;  hcrdure,  430,  hardtr. 
herdeliche,  290,  smartlg. 
herdi,  240,  248, /rw,  steadfast. 
herdschipe,  380,  herschipe,  384,  hardness,  hard- 
ship; Sc.  her.>hip,  id. 
hericn,  88,  340,   to  praise;    pr.   herie^^    222; 

p.  heredo,  414;  A.S.  herian,  id. 
hcrinne,  288, /(«/•</«. 
herre,  6,  178,  198,  253,318,  380,  lord.supoior, 

higher;  A.S.  hyrra. 
herrure,  202,  masterful. 
herut,  290,  hereout. 
hcrcword,  86,  b.  148,  ISO,  278,330,  398, ^JcafVe, 

applause,  renown. 
heriunge,'  148,  praise. 
herruiige,  G4,  SO.  hearing. 
hermen,  196,  256,  hermien,   308,  to  harm;  pr. 

hcrmest,  124,  hcinieS,  184,  2S4,   i-henned, 

124;  A.S.  hearinian. 
herme,  190,  harm,  damage,  pi.  hcrmes,  418. 
hesmel,  424,  a  collar,  or  openin;;  for  the  head  to 

pass  through,  at  the  top  of  ji  ganncut  made  in 

the  form  of  a  shirt  or  blouse;    Isl.  lu'ilsmal. 

"  foramtn  snpernc  vistis  pro  ccserendo  capite.''^ 

—  Ilaldorscn. 
hestc,  8,  58,  186,  306,  a  command;  pi.  hcsto.s  G, 

hestcn,  8,  3SG;  A.S.  htes,  hxsc,  a  command. 
Hester,  170,  Esther. 
heto,  238,  3GS,  heat;  A.S.  hx-t.-,  id. 
hetcf;iste,  214,  f.  hetcfcstc,  31,  a.  hetcuo-^tc,  306, 

378,  firm  and  fast,  frmlg. 
betel,  400,  sharp;  A.S.  hetelo. 
hette,  134, 198.  204,V,.  ,<roi,M/. 
betterliehe,  288,   290,  GoG,  :!08,  skr.<l,j,  impe- 




iheuegeg,  i.e.  ihcuogc<l,  loaded;  A.S.  liefigan,  (o 

■make  hcacj. 
hcucgc'5,  42i,  c.  U  lunlcnsome;  p.p.  i-heuegcd, 

i-hcucgot,  332,  e. 
heui,  342,  hcai->j. 

heuLscliipc,  140  [1.  ht>lisclii|ic]  ((.v, 
hcue-5,  80,  exiolhth;  A.S.  hfafiaii. 
hexte,  42,  380,  hi'jhfst;  A.S.  heah,  herrc,  hc.\t. 
he.Kte,  102,  sorcerer;  Germ,  hexe;  A.S.  litegos. 
hien,  72,  mount  vp;  imp.  hije,  30;  A.S.  heah, 

hih,  high. 
hien,  92,  320,  3GS,  hihen.  1>2,  1.  to  hasten,  male 

haste,  urr/e;  pr.  hieS,  350;  pr.  sub.  hie,  2G6; 

imp.  hie,  98,  296;  A.S.  higan,  id. 
hiliful,  302,  speedy/,  quick;  A.S.  higan,  to  hasten. 
hih'Se,   20,  324,  haste,  speed,  emerf/encj/ ;    A.S. 

himmcrc,  102,  f .  ?  [1.  giimmere?] 
hine,  86,  him;  hire,  her;  hise,  114,  his. 
hird,    94,   210,    388,  famil'i,   conpiavij,   orimi; 

A.S.  hired. 
liittcS,  176,  d.  hit  upon,  come  to. 
hod,  56,  hode,  318,  Aoorf,  order;  pi.  hodcs,  8,  26, 

persons,  conditions;  A  S.  hod,  had,  liood,  state, 

dcyree,  digniti/. 
hodlings,  280,  b.  unolservcd;  Sc.  hidliiigs. 
hofleas,  108,  inconsiderate,  abst'rd;   MS.  Oxon. 

ridiculum;    Isl.    hof,    modus,    tuediuui;    A.S. 

leas,  less. 
hoker,   100,  290,  390,  derision,  contempt,  dis- 
dain; pi.  hokeres,  188;  A.S.  hocer,  id. 
liokcrc^,  248,  imp.  mocJc. 
hokerlich,  198,  con  tempt uoaslij. 
hokerliche,  140,  ridiculous. 
hokcrungo,  188,  derision. 
hoi,  430,   hole,   112,   all,  whole,  uhollj ;    A.S. 

hal,  id. 
hoi,  190,370,  in  health,  vholesome;  A.S.  heel,  id. 
iholdcn,  250,  kej^t,  olservtd. 
holi,  48,  160,  holie,  350,  holi/. 
holie,  418,  holl>/. 

holie'5,  130,  digr/cfh;  A.S.  holian,  to  dig  through. 
holiniht,  22,  the  ere  of  a  festival 
i-holpen,  242,  helped. 
hommen,  122,  hams;  A.S.  ham,  the  hack  part  of 

the  knee. 
homeres,  284,  hammers;  A.S.  hamcr. 
hoiidlen,   378,   to   hnnde;  p.  homllcdc,  318;  pr. 

sub.  hondle,  178;  A.S.  handlian. 
hoi.ful,  254,  handh'l. 
hondhwule,   <»},   144,   290,    an    Instant,  a    verg 

little  while. 
hongfde,  106,  p.  hang^d;   p.j..  ihungcde,  34S. 
hopi(Mi,  7S,  to  hope;  pr.  hopif,    MS,  ^'-W;  A.S. 


herd,  A.S.  224,  a  hourd,  treasure;  pi.  hurl.-i 

hore,  290,  400,  a  uhore;  A.S.  hure. 
hordom,  204,  trhortdom;  A.S.  hurodoni. 
horcl,  176,  210,  224,  2S2,7,n,/t,-  Fr.  orguiii. 
hors,  208,  horses,  g.  74. 
hoscn,  420,  stockings;  A.S.  hosa. 
hot,  190,  hut. 
hu,  402,  hou: 

huckel,  88,  «  cloak;  A.S.  hacela. 
hude,  120,. ■.•/(•/(;  A.S.  hydc;  'MS.  0\on.  pclli.,. 
hude,  288,  a  hood. 
i-hudckct,  424,  c.  hooded. 
huden,  130,  146,  292,  to  hid,;  pr.  hudeS,  2.';S; 

hut,  130,  208,  230;    huides,  130,  b.  hudot, 

328;   p.  hudde,   148;   imp.    hud,   292;  ].[.. 

ihud,146, 174,  i-hudde,  172;  A.S.  hvda.i,  i.l. 
hudlcs,  146,   2ii2,d.  hiding  p'acvs;  ine  l.udU-s. 

hudungc,  174,  concealment. 
huire,  418,  428,  430,  huro,  208,  354,  401,  12S. 

hire,  trages,  recompense;  A.S.  hyre. 
hul,  A.S.  178,  2S2,  a  hill;  pi.  hulK  19G. 
hulen,  100,  huts,  teats;  A.S.  hulc,  o  den,  cai:,-. 
hulpe,  320,  heli}ed. 

liund,  A.S.  324,  a  dog;  pi.  hundes,  122,  321. 
hungre,  260,  hunger. 
luuigren,    214,    to    hunger;    p.    hungrede,    10".', 

hungered.;  A.S.  hungriun. 
hunten,  204,  to  hunt;  p.  huntede,  314,  hunted; 

A.S.  huntian. 
liupe,  280,  hip;  A.S.  hup,  liipe. 
hure,  T  hure,  114,  136,  260,  294,  326,  3S0,  390, 

at  least,  hou-erer,  esptciallg. 
hure,  38,  far;  A.S.  hire, 
huren,  126,  to  hire. 
hurle'X,  166,  ^v.  jostle;  hurluiige,  160,  huitlingi', 

\m,c.  jostling. 
hurtle^',  220,  a.  hurten,  Lag.  hurtelen,  Cliaue. 

to  dash  against. 
hurncii,  314,  corners,  nooks,  recesses;  A.S.  hyriio. 
hurren,  426,  e.  to  repel,  alimate;  A.S.  liwvrt-m.^ 
hurtcii,  8,  to  hurt,  griere,  dask  against,  hit  ('/"•"; 

pr.  huvte'6",  176,   ISO;    pr.  sub.    hurte,   3-16; 

p.p.  i-hurt,  98,  126;  O.IV.  hurtor. 
liurtcs,  282,  grounds;  A.S.  hyrt,  jroundrd. 
hurtunge,  344,  damaging;  A.S.  liyrt,  hurt. 
husel,  A.S.  208,  the  host,  consecrated  hnad. 
i-huselcd,  16,  412,  having  partaken,  of  the  holj 

sacrament  of  the  Eucharist. 
luLselefdi,  414,   huscwif,  416,  the  mistress  ef  u- 

house, u- If c. 
liwamsn,  181,  uhomsoerer. 
hwarSnrh,  210,  wk.rj.g.  ' 
hwarto,  392,. /c))-  vhat  end. 



hwatsc,  370,  410, 

hweate,    270,    312,    liweto,    70,    ichtat ;    A.S. 

hweileres,  2S1,  of  irhlch,  gen. 
hwcol,  322,  a  \r/,ed;    pi.    liwooles,   3."^;   A.S. 

hweol,  hwcojjul. 
hweolinile,  35G,  roUiug. 
I    hwcolp,  198,  a  v:help;  pi.  hwcolpcs,  19S,  vluJp.<. 
j     hwilindc,  182,  h.  timjiorarii. 
j     hwingen,  130,  132,  u-hnjs;  A.S.  gehwing. 

Invite,    98,   100,    irhite,   conntenancc ;    liwitturo, 

whiter,  fairer;  A.S.  hwit. 
hwitcS,  150,  xi-hiteHith. 
hwoa,  220,  fho. 
hwonne,  114,  irhen. 
Lwousc,  412,  v'henfrfr. 
Invu,  25G,  how. 

hwuc,  112,  U)G,  ofichat.  soi-t,7chi,:h;   A.S.  hwvlc. 
hwui,  148,  398,  vhi/. 
hwuJerwai'd,  IGS,  to  what  place  soeccr. 
Invulo,    246,   35G,   430,  time;    pi.    Invulcs,   132; 

A.S.  hwile. 
i-li\viilfn,  44,  422,  to  hare  time,  to  take  time. 

ibet,  272,  amewhd. 

ihorcnesse,  2G2,  birth. 

i-cud,  V.  cuiinen. 

icweme,  102,  ^26,  pleasing. 

idel,  404,  idleness;  pi.  idchiesscs,  322. 

i-for'Set,  3G6,  b.  advanced,  fulflU'l;  A.S.  gcfor- 

■Sian,  V   forde'S. 
i-funden,  48,  p.p.  found. 
igast,  372,  c.  in  the  spirit. 
ihol,  25G,  328,  nhofe;  A.S.  hal. 
ilcherc,  132,  eceri/;  A.S.  ailcera. 
ileueS,    60,  imp.    heliere;    pr.    sub.   ilcuc,    2.")G; 

p.  ilefden,  110  ;  A.S   geluafan,  to  heliece. 
iliclio,  112,  C42.  (fp'oll^,. 
ilicbc,  12G,  130,  140,  'like,  li/:ene.^s;  A.S.  gdic, 

ilicnesso,  13G,  c.  230,  330,  3G0,  an   image,  Vke- 

nefs;  A.S.  gclicnc.-i. 
illce,  68,  same. 
i-logged,  204,  lodged. 
i-loked,  372, >;»("/. 

i-lokone,  50, './o^r,  adj. ;  A.S.  locpii,  on  inclosure. 
ilome,  13G,  22(}.freq.'enflg;  A.S.  gelouM,  id. 
ilond,  in  the  land. 

i-i!i(;ind,  332,  vtingled;   A.S.  nicMgan,  to  i.,iuglc. 
nii-iic,    12,   04,   90,   378,  in   common,   tg-H'r; 

A.S.  gcnio-iie. 
iiiieti,  2.:G,  hioderule;  A.S   gemrt. 
i-)ii(.ttc,  ir.!,  c.  7ael;  A.S.  iiietaii,  to  w,,i. 
i-niist.  78,  -„;/cv,v/. 

I   impcn,    378,    plants;    i-impcd,    360,   gralTcd, 

planted;  A.S.  iinpaii. 
i-niuut,  214,  308,  intended,  proposed,  aimfd  iii, 

sicined;  A.S.  niyntan,  (o  propose,  shev-;  Sc.  to 

mint,  a  word  still  in   coininon  use  in  tbo  south 

of  .Scotland.     Sec  Janiicsnii. 
i-nuirSi-ed,  244,  wnrdercd. 
in,  260,  an  inn. 
ine,  230,  in  the. 
i-neilcd,    114,    373,    nailed ;    A.S.   nx'glian,   (•• 

no  il. 
inne-wuniiude,  2S0,  in-direlling. 
ingong,  52,  98,  164,  206,  862,  entrance;  A.S. 

inouh,   160,  220,  340,  enough,  sufficient;  A.S. 

iijouhrcSe,  106,  108,  270,  420,  readily  enough, 

v:ell   enough,  perhaps;    A.S.   genog,    cnnvgh, 

TEc'Se,  readily. 
inre.  92,  390,  'inv.-ard. 

inschake,  ischakc,  344,  a.  A.S.  sceaccan,/o  shake. 
intouward,  272,  tou-ard. 
inwardliche,  282,  sincerely. 
inwardlukcst,  282,  most  earnestly. 
in-read,  402,  ruddy;  A.S.  ncd,  red. 
inwit,  A.S.  1,  206,  306,  374,  conscienrp. 
joie,  218,  /oy. 
ipocritc,  128,  n  hypocrite. 
i-put,  WO, 2n'.nt,  confined,  [1.  ipiuit?]. 
i-rcmd,  1,  ashed  frequently;  A.S.  luvmaii,  la  eg 

out;  Sc.  rynie,  to  repeat  often  the  same  inm/s. 
ii'spilcs,  418?  V.  ylespiles, 
iseli,  308,  330,  hap2>y,  blessed;  A  S.  gcjx-lig. 
i-tachet,  60,  f.  fastened;  Vr.  attache, 
i-teiled,  206,  havivg  a  tail. 
i^"cos,  in  these;  iJSor,  in  the,  fern, 
juggen,  118,  jugi,  118,  d.  to  judge. 
jug!ur3,  210,  jesters. 
Isboset,  Ishboshcth,  270. 
iwar,  104,  271,   296,  iwarrc,  194,   240,  a,r.i,<\ 

tvary,  cautions,  mimed;  A.S.  wariaii. 
iwis,  270,  274,  truly. 

kader,  378,  a  cradle. 

kaiser,  138,  an  e»i}}eror,  Cesar;  pi.  kr.isLT.<,  35S, 
ikalcuged,  200,  blamed;   Fr.  chalaiigcr. 
kakelo,  GO,  c-liakclo,  6C>,  d.  a  cacl.1,  r,chati.  ,\v. 
kaki'lcn,   60,  to  cackle;    pr.  cakclc^,  88;    j.r.p, 

kakclindo,  GO  ;  j.p.  i  c-akilcd,  GG  ;  Diit.kako 

Ion,  id. 
kai-olcas,  240,  sr.-ure,  uf.. 
kat,  410,  a  ml. 
keaeho-cuppc,   216,  a.  a  dru..h,.d;  A.S.  <ra.- 

a  pilchir,  ru\>]"-,  a  ruy,  v.  glilcb.'-cMj.|..'. 


1:'    l'    '■ 




keccheS,   66,  1S2,  324,  pr.  snatcheth,  catcheth  ; 

pr.  sub.  kecclie,  164;  imp.  IceccheS,  204;  Dut. 

ketsen,  to  snafrh. 
keft,  206,  caft,  20G,  a.  harlotrij;  A.S.  ceafes,  a 

ho  dot. 
keihte,  154,  p.  mufjld;  p.p.  ikeiht,  83,  134,  234, 

278,  332  ;  V.  kecche^'. 
kelche-cuppe,  216,  a.  a  d-runJcard;  A.S.  ca;lic, 

a  gol'lct;  v.  keache-cuppe. 
kemben,  422,  1.  to  comb;  A.S.  ccemban. 
Keimes,  334,  Cain's. 
kempene-crune,  196,  236,  croirn  of  victory;  A.S. 

kempena,  gen.  pi.  of  cempa,  a  soldier,  warrior. 
kenip-lfere,  an  antagonist  iufyht. 
kene,  130,  140,  190,272,  390.  l-een,  hrave,  sharp, 

eager,  earnest;  A.S.  cen. 
keorfunge,  344,  culling;  A.S.  ceorfan,  id. 
kerf,  39S,   p.   cut;    pr,   sub.    kurue,    384;    p.p. 

i-koruen,    362,    424  ;    bikoruen,   62  ;    pr.p. 

keoruinJe,  250,  cullitig,  caning. 
kepen,  332,  i-kepen,  156,  to  miit  for,  intercut, 

meet,  care  for;  pr.  ikepeiS,  190;  p.  ikept,  366; 

kepten,   348;  pr.  sub.   ikepe,   374,   286;  im. 

sub.  kepte,  3S4,  394;  A.S.  cepan;  Sc.  kepp, 

to  meet,  to  catch  anglhing  that  is  thrown. 
keppen,  420,  ca2'es,  hoods;  A.S.  c;uppe. 
kernel,  kerneans,  62,  battlements;  O.Fr.  crenelx, 

kepten,  56,  to  cast;  p.p.  ikest,  228;  Isl.  at  kasta, 

to  cast. 
kikelot  [piot],  88,  o.  a  magpie,  v.  rikelot. 
kimetS,  92,  a.  cometh. 
kinedonie,  322,  lingdom. 
knaue,  380,  a  bog;  A.S,  cnafa. 
knif,  284,  a  knife;  pi.  kniues,  212  ;  A.S.  cnif. 
knihte,  86,  knit,  358,  a  knight;  A.S.  cniht. 
kuotte,  1,  «  knot;  A.S.  cnotta. 
i-knotteJ,  V.  knut. 

iknowen,  knovn,  306,  conscious,  232,  mag  know. 
knut,  396,  pr.  ties  a  knot;  p.p.  i-knottcd,  tied, 

knitted;  A.S.  cnjttan. 
kointo,  294,  328,  cwointe,  140,  328,  e.  cwint, 

180,  d.   craflg,  brisk,  engaging;  O.Fr.  coint, 

gracievx,  afiable,  rtise. 
kostnede,  392,  cost;  O.Fr,  coster, 
kot,  362,  a  cottage. 
krocke.  346,  v.  crocke. 
kruneS,  392,  pr.  crouneth. 
ku,  418,  a  cow;  g.  kuos,  416;  A.S.  cu. 
kucheiie.  214,  3S0,  a  kitchen. 
kuggel,  292,  a  cudgel. 
kuluertschii.c,   284,    .'iliness,   hgpocrisg; 

culvert,  -perfidi 


kuUe,  846,  ^-c 

A.S.  cyll,  bolth-,  flagon.     Tliis 

I  ajipears  to  be  aiiotlier  form  oi  keel,  in 

song  at  the   end  of  the   fifth   net   of   l.i.\i-% 

Labour's  Lost, 
kulure,  98,  160,  292.  340,r  (fo.v;  A.S.  ruli.rr,-. 

kum,  coMi. 
kunien,  394,  to  cou.e  ;  pr.  kunicS,  ?.';0;  pr.  sub, 

kumc,  124,  konie,  8>0;  imp.  l.uin,  "J'.'J;  p.p. 

i-knmen,  411^  ;  A.S.,  id. 
kunde,  66,  81.    120,140,262,  H.'tay.-;  kun.l.o. 

122,  V.  cund, 
kundel,  82, 122,  a,  200,  206,  pi.  kundl.-.  l'». 

196,  200,   206,   32S,  cundk-s,  2o0,  klndrfl, 

linearis,  pioi/'ug;  pi.  cundlen,  191,  c. 
kundeliche,  120,  124,  ]P6,  ivt.'ratl.,. 
kundleo,  pr.  194,  2S6,  32S.  leg. tut!,,  kl.d/.t.'., 

breedefh;  pr.  sub.  kundlie,  194, 
kunne.  200,  kun,  308.  kindr-.d,  lin.-g.;  l!.,.l: 

pi,  kunnes,  120,  cunncs,  86,  122;  A.."^.  ivii. 
i-kunned,  398,  born,  decctnded;  .\,S.  cvnnan. 
kunscence,    228,   kunsence,   288,  confciu-siirs.; 

kunsenten,  272,  to  consent. 
kunsiler,  410,  a  counstllor, 
kupleS,   78,  pr.    couphlh ;    p.p.    i-kupled  ;  I"r. 

kur,  290,  a  ci'.r,  dog. 
kurre,2SS,  f.  a  coward;  O.Fr.  cncard,  a  cn,n,r-': 

Eng.  to  cower  ? 
kurseS,  198,  pr,;  A.S.  cui>i:vn. 
kurt,  210,216,  a  court:  pi.  kurz,  216;  Ital.  cr;.'. 
kurtel,  10,  200,  362,  396,  a  kir'U;   A.S.  ryrt-l. 
kussen,   426,  to  kiss;  pr.  cu.v-e»^,   lu2,  2  Jn;  \\. 

186;  pr,  sub,  cus.<e,  288;  p,  ciislo,  124;  imp, 

cus,  102,  136;  pr.p.  cussimlo,  124. 
ku^cn,  222,  to  make  known,  shtir,  maniffl;  pr. 

kuJSe,  390;  p.  kutSe,  (■>^i;  im.  sub.  ku>V,  J^l; 

imp.  cu-S,  382;  p.p.  i-kud,  3;'c<,  kudd.-.  :;i2: 

A.S.  QX^3Ln,to  make  known,  she w;  St-,  to  kytli-. 

ku-6'e,   204,  342,   adj.  known-  com.   Ku^iv,  ~^\ 

more  familiar ,  forward . 
ku^lecliunge,  68,  acquaintance. 
kuucle,  10,  12,  a  cowl;  A.S.  cuHo;  Lat.  cnciill.i. 
kuuent,  12,  a  convent. 
kuuertur,  214,  a  covering. 

i-Iacod,  420,  laced;  Ft.  lacor, 

lachto,  lalite,    102,  c.  cangkl,  took;  A.S.  I:i!i!.-. 

hvi-can,  to  s(i:c,  take;  Lat;.  hoc,  fo.J-. 
laheres,  19S,  c,  lowtrs,  brings  down. 
Lakes,  152,  b,  gifts;  A.S,  lac.  Ixc,  «  gift,  .;/?■'>•'■". 
lai,  356,  itante;  A.S,  leg;  Sc.  iowo, 
lanliure,'294,  b,  390.  d.  at  least;  A.S.  1...  b.h../.f. 

an,  "/!«,  liuru,  at  least. 




large,  Fr.  ZOS,  m,  llhrral. 

hrgcsso,  Fr.  ICO,  416,  UlcroUtj. 

lastiii,  (>1,  g.  to  blame,  slander;  imp.  laste,  S.r2, 

C4,  g. ;  Isl.  last,  ralnmHi/,  dcfmrtion.. 
lustuiigc,  ()<),  212,  reproach,  blame;   G.  lUster- 

ungo,  shiiider. 
lates,  50,  90,  120,  204,  320,  42G,  maiiuers,  tools, 

(jtstares, demeanor;  Isl.  \\vi\,r)eHus;  Sc.laits,  id. 
laSe,  41t>,  laSie'S,  144,  imp.  invite;  im.   .siil).  la- 

•Seile,  414,  b.;  A.S.  hr^ian,  in  invite. 
laSiiclic,  114,  k.  14S,  d.   212,   a.   odimu,   loath- 
some;  A.S.  laSlic. 
laSSe,  310,  a.  42f>,  b.  abhorrence,  dislike,  ecil ; 

A.S.  laS. 
huh  wen,    270,    320,   414,   424,   to  hmnh ;    pr. 

laiihwo'j;,   132,    198,    pr.p.    lauhwiiuie,    2.j0; 

A.S.  l.lihan,  id. 
laz,  420,  b.  lacci 

1-leaded,  418,  haded;  A.S.  la;d,  hc.d. 
katVli,  4,  a  huhi;  A.S.  lilrefdig,  id. 
le.'u.e,  262,  kaa;  A.S.  bUene,  id. 
i-leaned,  208,  314,  lent;  A.S.  la;nan,  to  lend. 
leapen,  23(5,  to  leap,  Sj'rini/  iip;  pr.  leape'S,  224; 

p.  loop,   52;    ini.  sub.   leope,    140;    pr.   sub. 

leapc,  210;  A.S.  hleapan,  to  leap>. 
leareS,  v.  lercn. 
leas,  54,  lost;  v.  leosen. 
k-as,  82,  320,  a  lie. 

lease,  2(JS,/'!?se,  illusori/;  A.S.  leas,  id. 
leasunge,  82,  424, 1 i/in;/,  falsehood;  A.S.  leasung. 
leatc,  1G4,  338,  late,  lastl,/;  A.S.  bete, 
k'ateii,  394,  b.  to  leare,  let  yo;  A.S.  lietan,  id. 
kaucs.  leaue"5,  pr.  leaveth;  A.S.  Iwfaii,  to  leave. 
Icawede,  24,  leawudo,  412,  secular,  laj,  laical; 

A.S.  leawcd. 
lehbeS,  2i0,  live. 

leecbe,  104,  b.  ca.trhOh  ?  v.  lacbte. 
Iccho,  178,  182,  314,  «  i->h>is!rian;  A.S.  Ircce. 
Icehccraft,   178,  370,  the  art  of  hcaliuij;    A.S. 

locncn,  330,  3GS,  to  heal,  cure;  A.S.  Ix'cnian. 
ledJrc,  13C,  a  ladder;  A.S.  hla-dre. 
i-Ied,  210,  related  to;  A.S.  gcbleoS,  in  ho.rrnon.i 

irith  ? 

lf-(kii,  130,  302,  3S4,  k'odeno,  130,   170,  SjJdr/,, 

la„<jii(ir/c;   A  S.  hvdcii. 
I.mIoN,  Kil',  :'.10,  Iradeih;  A.S.  Iwdan,  to  hod. 
I.  f,  1ir2,  imp.  le<i.x;  A.S.  hnfan,  to  haee. 
I,  f,!i,  170,  ii'tij;   pl-  lefdios,  02,  lefdisc-hi[>e,  108. 
kgg.Mi,  310,  to  lay;   pr.   Icggo,  340,   IciN,   27(i, 

288;  p.  Icide,  300;  imp.  lein,  292;  p.p.  iM  I, 

GO,  258,  380;  A.S.  locgan,  id. 
l-ii-ii,  lOG,  Icic,  121,  p.  /('//;   licgan,  to  hi.,  90,   ".28,  shiltmd,  lov,   Marsh:/;   --\-''-   '^'S 

lull;  So.  lee,  lew,  lowii. 

Icie,  202,  296,   d.    k-ite,   306,  tl"-nie;  A.S.  log; 

Sc.  lowe, 
leihtro,  212,  344,  leihtren,  15G,   leihtros,   198, 

latKjhter;  A.S.  hlcabtor. 
leinten,  70,  318.  lent;  A.S.  lenctcn. 
leiten,  202,  t„  lajht  vp;  loitciide,  306,  350,  blaz- 

in'j,  flam!  1,11 ;  A.S.  loobtau,  to  liijhten. 
leiulcu,  2sri, /oi«.9;  Isl.  lend;  G.  Icndo;  Sc.  lends, 
lene,  :iOS,  I, an;  A.S.  bla^io. 
leuen,  248,  to  Imd;  A.S.  honim. 
leodfuc,  V.  Icden. 
k'of,  250,  352.  dear,  agreeable. 
Icoilich,  90,  152,  258,  lovely,  dear,  hindbj;  A.S. 

leofmon,90,  108,  lofmon,  2SS,  leof,  380,  a  lover, 

beloved;  A.S.  leof. 
leome,  94,  92,  c.  lir/ht;  A.S.  leoma. 
leome,  124,  v.  lome. 
leones,  252,  f.  leans;  pr.  sub.  leonie,  142;   A.S. 

hlynian,  to  lean. 
leor,  64,  98, /ace,  coinilenancc,  comphyion;  A.S. 

hieoi-,  id. 
leorncden,   254,  p.   learned;  imp.  leoriie,   108; 

A.S.  leornian,  to  learn. 
leosen,  102,  to  lose;  p.  leas;  A.S.  leosan,  id. 
leoue,  dear;  leouere,  230,  430,  dearer,  more  ele- 

sirable;  leouest,  242,  416,  dearest. 
Icouwe,  308,  a  couch,  bed ;  A.S,  leag. 
lepras,  148,  leprous. 
leren,  64,  108,  114,  to  learn,  teach;  pr.   leareS, 

64;    im.   leredo,    236;    p.    lerede,    130;   p.p. 

i-lered,  04,  QQ;  A.S.  la;ran,  id, 
lesco,  232,  308,  less;  A.S. 
lescuns,  22,  lessons. 
loste,  lest. 
leste,  90,  serves,  is  serviceable;  AS.  la:stan;  G. 

i-lest,   120,  i-lc.ste'5,  320,   pr.  lastith;  p.   i-lcstc, 

320;  A.S.  hestaii,  to  last,  perform. 
leswe,  A.S.  94,  meadow,  jntsti're. 
leswe,  100,  inip.yccrf;  A.S.  heswian,  id. 
let,  174,  Icadclh. 
k-ten,  6,  8,  12, 102,268,  424,  to  let,  permit,  leave 

olf,om;t,eavse;  pr.  let,  112;  p.  lette,  112,  366; 

in.p.  k>te«,42;  p.p.  112,258,422;  A.S.  hotan. 
letcn,  KtO,  170,  398,  to  esteem,  value,  jmUje;  pr. 

IcteS,  130,  lot,  198,224,  412;  pr.   sul>.   kto, 

338;  A.S.  hotan. 
lc^'cr,    A.S.    324,   392,  leather;   i-Io^'orod,  418, 

proflded  v-ith  Lather. 
letten,  104,  352,  414,,  hinder;  yv.  lot, 

14,  lotted  150;  pr.  sub.  letto,  ]>2;  p.p.  i-ktto, 

A.S.  lottan,  id. 
btiiario,  370,  an  ehrlr.ary;  pl.  Ktuarics,  220. 
Icuc,  430,  pr.  iM\h,  </riii'l,  ]hrm't. 




1-leuen,  221,  to  heUeve  ;  pr.  i-lcuelS,  60,  318;  im]). 

i-lef,   26G,  i-leueS,  56,  2G8  ;  pr.  sub.  i-k-uc, 

224,    256;    p.   i-IefJe,   i-leuede,   260;    A.S. 

gelyfan,  id. 
leun,  120,  IGl,  Hun,  164,  a  lion. 
leuunge,  208,  hdkring. 
libl.en,  38.  136,  350,  414,  to  live;  pr.  lil.bcS,  360; 

pr.p.  libl.inde,  350;  A.S.  libban,  id. 
lich,  216,  a  daul  lady,  corpse;  A.S.  lie. 
liconie,  4,  156,  258,  licaine,  378,  the  hodij;  pi. 

lieomes,  106;  A.S.  licliama. 
liforiiliche,    210,    300,   licamliche,   2G2,  hodilii; 

A.S.  liuhanilic. 
licunge,  A.S.  110,  111,pUasxire,  desire. 
lieur,  166,  liquor. 
licwurSc,  120,  146,  150,  Z26,  acceptable,  meril- 

ing  love,  or  o.pprohation;  A.S.  liewyriS. 
lides,  lideS,  84,  {.covers  ivith  a  lid;  p.p.  i-lidcd,  58. 
lif-holie,  UQ,ofhohilife. 
lirtode,  350,  352,  362,  380,  co^irse  of  life. 
liggen,  4,  160,  418,  to  lie  down,  to  recline;  pr. 

liggeS,   316,   360;  pr.   sub.   ligge,  424;  imp. 

lie,  290;  A.S.  licgan,  id. 
lijen,  12,  lien,  68,  82,  to  lie,  sjieak  falsely;  pr. 

liest,  236,  lieS,  68;  pr.  sub.  lige,  142;  A.S. 

ligan,  leogan. 
liht,  A.S.  220,  350,  42S,  light,  not  heari/,  eas>/  ; 

com.  lihture,  94. 
lihten,  96,  132,  422,  to  alight,  arrive,  disburden; 

pr.  lihtet),  263;  p.  lihte,  112,  a.;  p.p.  i-lihted, 

356:  A.S.  lihtan,  alihtan. 
lihtliche,  392.  428,    430,   lihtlie,  _188,   lightl>/, 

easily,  mildly;  com.  lihtluker,  254. 
lihtleapes,  362,' «r{/Z«s;  MS.  O.xon.  'cili  pretio. 
like,  262,  body,  sahstoMce,  semblance;  com.  likure, 

more  like. 
liken,  to  be  glad;  pr.  like'S,  246,  is  ddiglded; 

A.S.  lieian. 
likunge,  344,  likunke,  360,  i>?e««"/-e,  desire. 
lim,  A.S.  360,  a  linib,  member,  branch  ;  pi.  limon, 

110,  292,  limes.  90,  122.  298,  342. 
lim,  A  %.  1-20,,  lime,  mortar. 
i-limcd,  226,  254,  cemented;  limungc,  138, ,/'»/;?- 

ing,  nninn. 
limpcS,  10,  50,  70. 158, 194,  302,  320,  342,  348, 

352,  378.  412,  414,  belongcth,  applinh,  con- 

ceradh,  rdatdh,  hoppeneth;  A.S.  linipian,  id. 
1-lonip,   54,   has    happened;    A.S.    geliiupan,    to 

lippeii,  A.S.  1015,  158,  li,>s. 
lire,   130,   coiitjdr.rinn,  covntendflCi:;   A.S.   lileor; 

Sc.  lire,  id. 
listc,  220,  268,  art,  slill,  sultld./. 
JiteS,  26S,  AVo«r-7A,-   Isl.  lita,  ^.  fo/..«r  ;  Sc.  lit, 

f'vc,  litstor,  a  d iier. 

I    li-5,  2.^.1,  lioh. 
UN,  lifS.  270,  Uoidh,  C0><,  npi.l,.  f'.. 
HNo.  428, -/./.(/.',■;„//./,•  A.S.  Ii\  id. 
Ii^■e3,  262,>,//!^,  llmb.<,  artirl.i;  A.S.  li.N.  !,,,.• 
j    litinge,  392,  c.    colonrinn,  p'lihfhig. 
1    liieliche,  96,  i2:<,  otnlty,  f-jtly;   .\.S.  li.SIi. 
;    lii'erc.  290,  imp.  boil;  A.S.  li.N.Ti,  n  .<l,.,.i  •■ 
I         of  Ixithtr;  V.V..  to  loatlior;  .s.-.  id.  t,j  l'.,it. 
\    Hue,  152.  S'.'O,  /,/,,•  A.S.  lif. 
1    Hues,  390,  If,  .(a,,.:. 
\    Hues,  132,  c.  [1.  luufs.  ln.,ih.] 
liucne'S,  lo4.  356.  3?8,  /'wid,  i.uari.'' m- ,.i , 

lifene,  lint.'k  ,nd. 
liuenei',  402  [I.  liueiied],  ;-)■..<  i-/-./ /....,/. 
loaue,  168,  vhnt  is  l>f'. 
I    lode,  268,  a  load,  burdtu;   A.S.  Idad.  id. 
i    lodliche,   50,    118,    418,  fuid,  ot/ /■.../..■,   hit. 

A.S.  ladlic,  id. 
lodlichen,  256,  to 
lodlukeste,  ^^i,  most  rile,  hiiitiiiw. 
lof.  A.S.  IQi,  })rai.<e. 
lohe,  356.  b.  flame. 
loken,  286,  338.  424,  to  lool;   >r,tit  f.r,./.. 

S(e  to;  p.  lokode,  98,  c.;  iiui..  l..k.'. :;.'-!  ; 

i-lokene,  104;  A.S.  locian,  ^,  Iv-.i. 
lokes,  152,  gifts;  A.S.  lac,  a  gift. 
lokunge,    102,    124,   looking,  ohmir.g;  [l. 

inges,  6,  50,  observaiicts. 
lomb,   304,   a  lamb;    lombe-S  66,   /.n,;//..-.- 

lamb,  id. 
lome,  12,  g.  an  instrumeiit,  tnol,l''iii:  p!.  I"' 

3S4;   A.S.  loma. 
lond-vuel,  360,  epidemic  dista-'^e. 
lone,  202,  208,  a  loan;  A  S.  hene. 
longunge,  A.S.  190,  ireariiiess. 
lore,  A.S.   SO,   198.   428,  loare,  251,  U-ir> 

instruction,  doctrine. 
lorimers,  184,  d.  armoHrtr.^. 
lo-5,    16S,  314,  di.<agnud.le,  hatf^d,  umril. 

loJi'cst,  324,  most  katefid;  A.S.  l:i>N. 
lo"b"ic,  324,  p.  sub.  may  loa'hi;  A.S.  la ^ Nan 
lo^'re,  266,  more  hateful. 
lo^'e^t,  296,  322,  324,  426,  most  h<itf<d. 
lobloas,  183,  318,  362.  i>n,oCei,t;   A.S.  W'^U: 
KkNucssc.  310,  loulhiug;  A.S.  laSian. 
louli,  400,  lov;  louliiicsse,  278,  »>iil.e-s.<,h ■.,... 
louhschipe,  350,  humiliation. 
luur.  152,  262,  lo !  bJiohl,do  only  l.-l-;  A.: 

behold,  hum,  only. 
lousso,  Iow.-;c,  228,  d.  loose;  Sc.  lous:«,  id. 
lowudtst,    190,    did.-<t    ho.M.-;     D.    k■.•.^ilL■l 

lowure.  198.  380,  i.f.rl.r. 
lud,  210,  lude,  152,  IM,  lo-d;  A..S.   hind, 

li'iddtuo,  2:11),  Hid ^".v,/o."/.-•. 




lufftTcs,  2r)(j,  g.  lovers. 
lutful,  I'll,  full  of  lore:  A.S.  hife,  Ivce. 
lufsum,  9S,  130,  '25S,  lochi,  l-hul,  ci.,harl,"j. 
lufte,  212,  244,  tht   sh.i,  air;  A.S.  lyft;  Sc.  lift, 

lupes,  4S,  /f'7;).s  n.;  A.S.  hlvp,  hleap. 
lure,   5S,  102,   202,   20S,  luss;  j.l.  luren,   29S; 

A.S.  lore,  lyre. 
lustf,  23S,  it  pfeiiscd;  mc  luste,  /  d.sircJ;  A.S. 

liistiin,  ^t)  ?rM/. ,  desire. 
lustiioii,  422,  f.  to  listen;  p.  lustedo,  i-lustnotle, 

82,  1).;  A.S.  hlystan,  p;clilystan. 
lut,  C(i,  70,  24(3,  42S,  lute,  102,  a.  280,  380. 

lutle,  312,  42?,  luttl,  74,    156,    luttlc,   25?^ 

littlt,ffiv;  A.S.  lyt,  lytcl. 
lutes,    332,    g.    sforqis;    lute'5,   imp.    loic    dova; 

lutcnde,  426,  loirinj;  A.S.  lutaii;  Sc.  to  loot, 

lutewilit,  72,  little;  A.S.  Ivt,  wiht,  c  thivq. 
luSer,  236,  lu^'ere,  C6,  IH,  226,  258,  424,  ecil, 

had,  ,rirl-ed,  base;  A.S.  lySre,  id. 
luaVrliclie,_  21t0,   324,  ladli/,  v;iclcedl>/,  scverehi; 

A.S.  luSerlice,  id. 
liiue,  loce;  A.S.  lufe. 
hiue-eie,    42S,   reverence,    love-feor;     A.S.    ego, 

hiuien,  206,  to  love;  pr.  luuest,  282,  luuieS,  350, 

370;    p.   luuede,    292;    pr.   sub.   luuie;    p.p. 

i-luued;  A.S.  lufian,  id. 
luuelielie,  i2S, oiJ'tctionate,  aviiulie. 
luuewurSc,  vortlnj  of  lore. 

niadschipe,  122,  f.  madness. 

make,    104,    114,    200,   mate,    ■match,   comrade, 

eejwd;   A.S.  maea;  Se.  maik. 
makien,  6,  192,  to  make;  pr.   niakoS,   224;  p. 

niakede,    224 ;    pr.    sub.    makie,    224  ;    p.p. 

i-in.aked.  328,  340. 
nianeii)lc,  214,  <t  2'>uTreijor. 
mangen,  146,g.  manges,  408,  c.;  A.S.mangian  ? 

to  trade,  traffic,  thai. 
marcgeuen,  30,  d.  morninf/  yifts,  marrioije  por- 
mascliche,  272,  stupidit/. 
mateii,   98,   344,   to  concjucr,  chLck-rndte,  difcat; 

O.Fr.  matfcr,  matir. 
mat,  382,  coitfounded;  O.Fr.  mat,  ahatta. 
inaten,  \^),  wattresscs;  A.S.  iiicatta. 
ma;S.-le<\    74,   88,   212,   214,    pr.    talkdh;    A.S. 

iiiac)i;lian,  to  sjniil,  haran^ur. 
iiiaoV-iiiide,  86,  pr.  p.  fratin;;,  lat.hliiuj. 
iiia.NeliT.',     8S,    m.     ma'Seliid,     .SS,    a    proiimj, 

Udkatii,.  iM-sou. 

maSeluiige,  76,  80,  talk^  idle  talkina. 
mawc,  370,  stomach;  A.S.  niaga. 
me,  222,  254,  we,  one,  men  [used  with  an  imper- 
sonal verb], 
meadlukcr,   mcal^'luker,  238,  c.   meab'leasluker, 

266,  a.  more  im^iorliivalehj. 
meal,  262,  A.S.  m:vl,  a  meal. 
meancd,  48,  g.  v.  mcnen. 
melie,  nie^jje,  76,  e.  a  kinsicovian,  v.  mowe. 
medc,   80,   146,  a  reward;  pi.  mt-dcn,  160,  g.; 

A.S.  mod. 
medschipc,  148,  madness. 
mcidehod,  392,  lueidcnbod,  164,  riri/initi/;  A.S. 

meidc!urc,164,   204,    loss   of  maiden    honour; 

A.S.  madden,  lore, 
mei,  74,  88,  meih,  230,  viuy;  mcihtc,  2^i,  might. 
nicister,  236,  a  master;  O.Fr.  maistre,  id. 
meistrie,  140,  236,  406,  mesterie,  108,  mastec/; 

victorii;  pi.   meistres,  390,  hrave  deeds;  O.Fr. 

mai.stric.     See  also  niestor. 
mclten,     110     [1.    ineltcden],    p.     melted;     pr. 

melted,  268;  p.p.  i-melt,  284;  A.S.  meltan. 
i-membred,  420,  ornamented  1  chcfferLdA 
menen,   274,   284,   to  moan,  lament,  complain; 

pr.  mene'S,98,  148,  196,  220,  376;  p.  mcned, 

224;  mendo,  64,114,158,260,362;  meanede, 

48,  g.;  mante,  64,  a.;  meingde,  326;  inengde, 

326,  f. ;  A.S.  mtciian,  to  moan,  htmoan. 
menen,    316,    to    mean;    pr.    mene,    116;    A.S. 

meiian,  nuunan. 
nienestraus,    84,    jvr/r/lers  ;     O.Fr.     menestreel, 

viin  strel,  juc/e/ler, 
nienke,  100,  140,180,192,  276,352,  menske, 

38,    312,    358,   honour,  grace,    di//nit>/;    pi. 

nienkeii,  236;  A.S.  niennese. 
mcnskeful,  358,  honourable. 
nienskeliche,  SIG,  ffentl^,  httmancli/;  A.S.  men- 

meoke,  158,  meek,  humble. 
meokcn,  276,    to    -make  metk,  or  humlle;   imp. 

meokeS,  278. 
meoseise,  v.  nieseise. 
mcicer,  Fr.  152,  a  inerchant,  mercer. 
merke,  228,   «   mark;    pi.   merken,   364;  A.S. 

mearc,  id. 
meruwo,  378,  tender;  A.S.  mearu,  id. 
nie.seise,  46,  108,  114,162,   190,416,  meoseise, 

220,   330,  distress,   trouble,  discomfort,  nant, 

'jKiTtrtii;  O.Fr.  nicsaise,  id. 
mcssceos,  34,  kiss  of  pence  at  the  mass. 
nicsseS,  268,  suith  mass;  A.S.  mo'i-.sian. 
mcst,  318,  396,  inestc,  330,  'most,  greatest. 
nie.^tcr,  72,   210,   344,  414,   meister,    70,  212, 

nie.-^tcro,  212,  pi.  ino;itcres,  84,  216,  office,  (W- 





ploi/ment,  Iciiness,  art,  trade;    O.Fr.  mester, 

niestling,  2S4,  b.  rnip:ed  victal  ? 
mctei,  10,  f.  hiatfresses. 
mete'5,  232,  w.easureth;  A.S.  nietan. 

me'Sful,  4C0,  moderate.  j 

n»e-5fulliche,  414,  d.  modero.leJy.  } 

meb'lease,   96,  242,  244,  414,   immoderate,  im-  | 

jujytvhafe,    urdhtermitted,    tcitkout    measure;  ' 

A.S.  ma;5,  measure,  Ixs,  less.  , 

me'^ieasliche,  illimitalli/,  unweariedlj.  ; 

mid,  with.  \ 

.mifllcste,  370,  in  the  midst.  1 

niid-niaregcn,  24,  a.  nnd-morwen,  42S,  the  hi^ur  \ 

ofirrirae,  or  six  o'chcl:  i)o  the  morniiuj.  \ 

mi^'go,  402,  406,  urine.  \ 

mihte,  234,  iwa-;  pi-  niilites,  293.  j 

niilce.  30,  2i'2,  334,  336,  42S,  meroj,  kindness;  | 

A.S.  mildse,  miltse.  i 

?ti.-7.j.   A.S. 

niilccfule,  30,  milsfulc,  264,  merciful. 

niildeliche,  114,  d.  136,  Zo%,meeklii,  patieathi. 

mill,  2tJG,  mine. 

mirS,  132,  d. 

mirre,  372,  rrojrrh. 

miscwemc-S,  1S2,  di-'pleasetk. 

misdc-5,  2S4,  pr.   wrongeth,   offendeth;   pr.  sub. 

misdo,  108;  p.p.  niisdon,  98. 
misscnied,  344,  neglected. 
mis-iherest,  296,  hearest  amiss. 
mis-iteotSeget,  208,  having  been  dishonest  in  tith- 
mis-itowcne,  370,  disordered,  ^inruh/. 
riiisleueS,  416.  pr.  pi.   disbeliece;  imp.  misleue, 

428;  p.p.  niisleued,  416. 
misliche,4,  153,  ISO,  236,  306,  340,  412   t'a- 

riov.s,  diverse,  indiscreet;  A.S.   mislic,  unlike, 

nii-'likcn,  338,  to  disjdeuse. 
mislilainge,  ISO,  disjdeo.sing. 
misniiue-5,  46,  pr.  pi.  mistake:  s.  2o6;  pr.  sub. 

misuime,134;  p.p.  misnumene  ;  A.S.  niman, 

to  take.  ,      . 

mis-note-S,   130,   ahuseth;  mis-notingc,  abusing; 

A.S.  notian,  to  ?W(7.  _    _      .    ,  -inc 

mis-paie,  pr.  sub.  displease;  p.p.  rais-i-paied,  IJb. 
nw-s^:v\yc,l-2i,  an  injurious  irord. 
mis-sei«,34,  284,  mis-siggc«.  284,  pr   .^ea/;^'/' 

evil,  slandcreth;  pr.  sub.  niis-siggc,  10b,  lt>b; 

]).p.  niis-soid,  344, 
ini>soS,  364,  misseth;  A.S.  inissian. 
inistrowct,  63,  d.  »/NVi-(?.s<t-cZ. 
iiiistrum-mol,  202,  niistunc  meal,  262,  a.  gruct. 
ni.s-witen,  2li2,  to  nujlcct  a  trust  or  charge.,  140,  dj'nghitl;  A.S.  mixcii. 
juo,  234,  y,»,r,. 


.\  S. 



in.mluUvr,  I. 


moare,  51,  426,   more,  mortu 

molden,  84,  marks,  descriptiioi;  .\.S. 
mono,  64,  418,  moaning,  comi'iu.d. 
moiieS,  218,  month. 
niong,  384,  moiiglunge,  6,  381,  mi'  -j 

gemengan,  to  minnto. 
mongle'5,  338,  minjlah. 
moiiie,  200,  many. 
monglinde,  116,  mingling. 
moniuold,  176,  moniuoKle,  2.i^,  hlni 
moniuolden,    402,    to    multi 

nionlich,  272,  manlj,  figorou.- 

more  'dgorouslg. 
monihwat,  352,  mang  wags. 
monne,  384,  of  mtii,  g.  pi. 
monsleibt,  46,  210,   manslav.ght.r;  A. 

to  slay. 
morjiuen,  morhjiuen,  94,  morlisine,  '.'i>,  :.■'■" 

ing-gifts,    special   gifts,   a    marridge-j.-rfu.n . 

AS.  morgau-gifu. 
mot,    A.S.    98,   348,    mitten,    20S,   3:;.),   .•.u,y. 

mowe,  76,  kinsiroman;  A.S.  rneo. 
mucbele,  adj.  38,  iO,gnat;  muclul.n.,  ;;..-, 

much;   A.S.  my  eel. 
mucheleS,  182,  236,  296,  muccK-s,  •_'.",,  f.  <..- 

largeth,  increasM;  A.S.  mycliaii,  i-l. 
mucharcs,  150,muclieres,  150,  e.skuUing  (/,..■". 

miche,  to  hide  one's  self  out  oftl<:  i'-ag.     *->'l'-. 

Diet.  ,  ,    ,  ^ 

mudleS,  296,  f.  apparently  an  error,  for  nuKlK-ioo. 

muhte!  354,  394,  muhten,  262,  might. 
munde,  66,  mind;  A.S.  mynd.  ^ 

munedawes,    22,    commemoration    da:ii!     A... 

munan,  to  rememher. 
munegen,320,  to  remind,admonish:  pr.  inu...-^c.  . 

144,  116;  A.S.  myngian. 
munegunge,  16,  h.  26,  106.  136,^  ^     ^  ^^ 

commtmoration,remtmbrance,ai^miji<:  f't 

mun'ucb,  318,  340,  a  monk. 
mmo,32S,c.  mere,  a  fen. 

murie,  132,  390,  mfrry,  merrifg;  A.b.  in>ru.  ^ 
n,urneu,ZlO,  to  mourn;  im.  munica.-,..ou;  a..  . 

nuirnan,  id. 
murub^•c,  132,  190,  mirth,  gladn.^s;  I'l-  '>""^>-"- 

vSen,  236,  murubSos,  ?,HJ,jogs;  A.^.  i-.^-  • 



niurSre,  278,  murder. 
uu.rSredcst,  310,  didst  mnrdcr 
iiiuS,  64,  mouth;  nu-.Meiic,  10'. 

jiiu'tS,  mouth.  ,   I    ,11, 

,„uwe.348,nunveu,  4,  mag;  A.S..naga..,^./-.<'■/' 

A.S.  myi 

(f  m:>u'h 



nuiwlon,   S!4,    to    r/rnw    monhhi;    p.p.    nuile.le, 
104,  li.;  Sc.  moulo,  Ch.  In  rjrow  nKU'ldy. 

„abhe'5,  Sf.S,  no  IkiI.Ik^!,  \>r.  hare  nut;  pr.  sub. 

nabbe, -JSi,  :5!2.  ne  hal.bc. 
naTimorc,  150,  :5S0,  no  i.iorc. 

.lappeS,  324,  sh^pM  ,-  AS.  linappian,  to  shun'.;: 
nauc-5,    222,    22S,    308,    no    haucS,    /c^/'    not; 

iiaucst,  22-t,  ne  liauest. 
nob,  A.S.  :>S,  90,98,  20G,  286,  358,  nebbe,  2,0, 

3:50,  f<ir^;   pi.  nobbcs  254. 
rub^cbaft,  154,  nobsdieft,  94,  170,  coui^tenovce; 

A.S.  nch, focf. 
nefhleche'S,    CO,    neclileache,    neolachet,    60,    1.    j 
comM  vcnr;  p.  necbleohede,  2G0,  chew  7>lgh; 
A  S.  nca-heccan.  ! 

ucd,  no,  ad],  forced. 
neddre,  G6,   82,   a  serpent;    j.I.    neddren,   214, 

A.S.  nedre,  na;ddre 
node,    ne   heuede,    364,   had  not;    ncfde,    ol4, 

ne  hcfde,  id.  . 

nede-tippe,  338,  need;  D.  tip,  end,  point. 
neden,  304,  to  cowpxl,  force ;  pr.  nedeft,  /2;^p. 
neddc,  314;  pr.  sub.   net,  338;  p.p.  ined,  <2, 
304;  i-nedde,  338;  A.S.  nedan,  id. 
ncdlunse,  190,  neccfsaribj;   A.S.  ncdlunga. 
ncih,  60,  312,  adj.  near;  A.S.  neah. 
neihen,  134,  to  come  rngh,  approach;  p.  neihede, 

134;  pr.  sub.  neihi,  84;  A.S.  ncab,  near. 
iieiblochunge,  196,  394,  approach,  nearness. 
ncik-s,  114,  7um75;  A.S    lix-gel. 
neldc,  184,  282,  324,  400,  a  needle;  pi.  nelden, 

nempnen,    84,    f.   nemmen,    318,    '^   ««'««'•    T- 
nemde    200;  pr.  sub.  nempnie,  200;  nenine, 
340;  p.p.  i-nempne'd,158,200;  A.S.  nemnan, 
to  name. 
nenununge,  290,  naming. 
nenne,  96,  none. 

neode,  68,  108,  110,  314,  need;  pi.  neoden,  24b. 
ncorre,  388,  nearer. 
ueorrento,  370,  near  to. 
neo'Sero.  232,  nefher. 
neoso,  104,  200,  276,  a  nose:   A.S.  ne-^o. 
nep,  344,  iieppe,  214,  a  O'p;   A.S.  ntq.po. 
nere,  336,  390,  r.e  were,  ncreu,  10,  ne  \\f"ren, 

vjere  not. 
nert,  86,  276,  ne  ert,  art  not;  ncucde,  2..0,   ne 
heucde.  „„„ 

iierub,  144,  258,  .378,  neruNve,  I06,  268,  o7b, 
430,  ncaruwo,  352,  narrow,  strUl;   nennvmv. 
4?jO,  na.rroirer:  nere\veBt,  .'lO,  narro,r<'.^t ;   A.^. 
neruli'ue,  378,  narroirDefx. 



nerulilico,  334,  nAJrugalbi,  stricthj. 
nes,  112,  220,  356,  ne  wcs,  was  not 
nescbo,  134,  192,  272,  334,  353,  nesshe 
soft,  mild,  tender,  indolent;  A.S.  ncsc. 
ncstfS,  132,  mal-e  ncfts;  A.S.  nistian,  id. 
nickt'N,  308,  din;/;  Lat.  negare?  ncgat,  MS.  Oxon. 
nie,  326,  nigo,  20,  b.  nine. 
nieSc,  236,  nige'b'c,  198,  Plinth. 

iiimunge,  38.  208,  conapHon,  taking,  receiving. 
nimeu,  to  take;  pr.  ninicN,  6,  230;  pr.  sub.jiime, 
148;  imp.  nim,  324,  niniccJ,  78,  164,  3,  tn  p- 
nam,  nom,  230;  p.p.  i-numen,  42,  112,  332, 
414;  A.S.  nimaii. 
nis,  352,  ne  wis,  knoirs  not. 
nts,  4,  376,  ne  is,  is  not. 
ni«,  404,  malice. 
ni^'fule,  404,  malicious. 

niuelen,  212,  240,  to  look  A.S.  niowu  , 
depressed,  or,  to  heat  vith  thefstl  Sc.  to  ncvrl, 
stril-e  n-ith  the  fist. 
noblesce,  O.Fr.  166,  noUeness. 
noces,  Fr.  78,  nuptials.  ^ 

nocturne,  270,  the  early  morning  inayers  at  o 

o'clock,  called  in  A.S.  uhtsang. 
nohv.-ar,  134,  nouwhare,  160,  noirhere. 
nolde,  96,  ne  woldc. 
noldcs,  390.  ne  woldcs. 
nomecu^e,  'doi,famoi'S,  reaovned. 
iionieliche,  282,  especially,  namely. 
noncsweis,  86,  102,  212,  nonise,  hy  no  means. 
nost,  100,  ne  wost,  nostu,  232,  ne  wost  tu,/-('Ow- 

est  thou  not? 
not,  326,  346,  ne  wot,  knovdh  not. 
noten,    158,  to  note,  ohserve  irell;  imp.  nontro, 

notie;;S,  232,  a.;  Fr.  noter. 
notion,    100,  114,  370,   to  nse;  pr.  note'i,  1.2; 

A.S.  notian,  id. 
nouh,  250,  ne  ouh,  ovght  not;  pi 

ne  owen,  ought  not. 
noulituiigo.  426,  disparagnnrnt, 

nou'Ser,  350,  nedhcr. 
no-Seleas,  266,  378,  nevertheless. 
noSinc,  266,  nothing. 
nowibt,  144,216,  316,  «of/»w.O'. 
nu,  A.S.  114,  710"-. 
mile,  308,  ne  wule,  nullcJS,  36  4,  no  w.i 

nuHic'li,  8,  56,  134,  no  wulo  I<-b,  /  ,nll 
nunon,  270,  j)r€se«^/.'/. 
nurico,  198,  a  nurse. 
nur^,  92,  a.  no  yr•^';  A.S.  ^-rh^Jatr; 
biro  kiiacS,"./i:'<u-  conidh  not  to  h,r.,  218.  222',  no  w.isto,  /.-nex-  not.- 

3     N 

nowen,  380, 
ntrwpt:   A  S. 

■  niiriS 



nute,  330,  424,  ne  wuto.  niiteS,  194,  no  wutoS, 

do  not  notice. 
nutten,  370,  to  use;  A.S.  neotan,  to  enjo'i,  vse. 

O,  1S(J,  one. 

o,  on,  o  liift,  212,  on  (he  left,  a  sinistiis,  MS. 

Oxoii.  o'b'c,  o'Ser,  o'Sen,  oft  //'C. 
of-(lra\ven,  392,  to  cfnur  from;   pr.   of-.lraweiS, 

386,  of-drahes,  25S,  a.  of-drauhS,  25S. 
of-dred,  218,  afraid. 

of-earnen,   to  merit,  earn;    pr.   of-earne'5,   194, 
354;  p.  of-earnede,  160  ,  p.p.  of-earned,  170, 
182,  238;  A.S.  eaniian. 
offeren,  230,   254,  to  frighten;  offered,   8,  2CG, 

304,  336,  o/V««rf. 
ofFcrungcs,  268,  alarms;  A.S.  aferan,  to  tcrnff. 
offingred,  404,  Itungrij;  A.S.  of-hingrian,  to  hun- 
ger. ^ 
of-gon,  390,  to  deserve,  seel,  win;    pr.   of-gei), 
258  ;  p.p.  of-gon,  386;  A.S.  of-gan,  logo  of, 
of-sechet5,  232,  seeleth  out,  searcheth. 
of-serued,  172,  b.  238,  of-serueden,  236,  deserved. 
oile-&i'Son,ilS,  oftentimes;  A.S.  oft-siS. 
of->unclien,  to  repent;  pr.  sub.  of-Wnche,  118; 

A.S.  of-J'incan. 
of->unchung,  110,  200,  206,  grieving,  repenting. 
of-}'urst,  238,  240,  thirsln;  A.S.  of-Kvrst. 
of-token,  244,  overtook. 
ofture,  284.  oftener. 

of-urn,  398,  e.  speed;  A.S.  of-urnan,  to  runoff. 
oker  202,  okere,  326,  usur^;  A.S.  wocer,  id. 
okereS   ^2r,,  inereaseth;  A.S.,  wocer,  usur>/. 
oluhnen,    284,    416,  to  flatter,    wheedle,  caress; 

p.p.  i-oluhncd,  180;  A.S.  oleecan,  >d. 
olul.nunge,   192,   218,   244,   olhtninge,    192,   c. 
flattoy,  blandishment,  coaxing;  A.S.  otecung, 

on!l?OS,  356,  an,  one;  one,  152,  232,  278,  366, 

408,  alone,  only. 
on    'i.Q  grace,  favour;  A.S.  unne,  favou.r,2^ernns- 

sion,  unnan,  togrant,  hesto;r;  Isl.  MUT^n  favour. 
onde,  104,  194,  196,  256,  274,  g.  ondes,  2,6, 

2fi-2,enr>/,  hatred. 
oncftnt,  164;  f.  the  same  as  ononde;  &c.  anont, 

sometimes  written  on-event. 
oiii,  112,  onij.  .       •  , 

„n-iunnc,  346,  /  gra.vt;   A.S.  gc  unnan,  to  gu-e 

,j,avt,  an-gc-unnan  ?  wlience   also  an-gconni 

346,  e. 
onlcpi,  3(^6,  V.  anlcpi. 
o.dicnosso,  18,  on  im<ge;   A.S.  anluncs.  1;'.2,,  196,  /'./"///;  A.S.  a^nlic. 
onUKNc'st,  2(Hl,  mur.t  haUful. 

onlukcst.  9r),ov./-V"rv,-   A.S.  aiil:..:;>.  .r'.,.i^  n  iilic; 

MS.  Oxon.  soiitiiriiis. 
ononde,  <>,  426,  onniit,  2'.'-^,  ".7t,  ('<•  '••.  f->>.-'rn. 

ing;  So.  anent. 
otinc~sc,  12,  .'■'(•.•I'. "• -■>■;   A.S.  ann%'. 
onswerien,  94,  9'",  '"  n /■•<■'■•'•,■   pr.  hmsui  rit-^,  ..1; 
imp.  onswaro.  liiO,  aii-^worii-,  .i'',  "  •"  •■■r:  )•  ;>. 
i-oii.<w  rcdf,  .")  I. 

onrcdnos>c,  12,  210,  2j".   x..:,.,:!,,  ..:..;/...... 

ontVnden,  '.'2,  4"0,  4"2.  \'"^,  to  ;.•..//,.  .-,7..,-,. 

p.p.  ontondo,  42';;  .\.S.  .,n;.n.!.iii.  il. 
onteiidun^i?,  402,  /.-uidling. 
ontfule,  212.  24S,  lu^,  in.;.„,j. 
onwii,  onwille,  56, 19S.  33i,  4"i.,  ,1.,;,^.mj,  -  .m- 

est,  irilfiil,.ielf-irilti((;  A.S.  .in\*ii.  r^'^r.   .i.v. 
openluker,  S,  more  plainl-i;    .\.S.   ..pvii,  /  .'i.h. 

openen,   206,   to  ope,.;    pr.    oi^cn.-^N.    :^.l";    !■  p. 
i-openeJ,  242,  3SS,  ..ry'nu..d.  nj,.,..d:    A..S. 
openian,  id. 
ore,  26,  32,  bO,  136,  316,  Iih;,  4;>i,  ./,■...■.■,  ,.,.rr,, 
pardon,  favour;   A.S.  ir,  aar. /(,..,.,-.  /-...-t.      Welter,    Met.    Komanci-.-*,    d.rn-«    it 
from  Fr.   heur,  in  the  sinso  of  honh-ur.     It 
I        appears  to  he  used  in  this  sense,  p.  2'iS. 

ord,  A.S.  60,  onle.  21-J,  the  «/;/'.  or  y.<-.f  ..f  a 

weapon,  <t  conxr. 
orn,  9b,  c.  run,  291;   A.S.  ynian,  ('.  r<u.. 
orne,  lOS,  g. ;  in  the  text  remUT.'.l  «.'.nii.'.  y-i./s 

oniure.'370.  viore  car.f"';  A.S.  -.^-.rn,  id. 
ortroweS,    3b2,    couf.Untl.f   l.hv:^;    \>.    "<-r. 

ostrice,  132,  b.  on  ostrich. 
oten,  312,  oats;  A.S.  ateiu 
oSes,  198,  oaths.  .    -       v 

o-Serhwat,  96,   168,  something  eU,;    A.S.   o.^.■r. 
other.  .,.., 

o'Serhale,    o'Serhwule,    oSerliwules,     i      .    -■•-. 
268,  356,   378,   at  times,  at  a..,  tnu^,  ...^^ 
o-Serne,  404,  other. 
ou,  174,  you. 

oueral,  16S,  372,  414,  supreme,  errr.,,rl..:r^. 
ouereumen,    19S,  to  p.rjorm,  accuiujAuu.    ii  • 

p.p.  performed. 
Guerdon,  2S6.  to  overdo. 

ouergon,    238,   to  p''ss  au-au,  oeer,  f^'  ^^^^"^ 
•:ain;  pr.  onergeii,  380,  394,   ou>Tt:a.-,  _.>■  ,  • 
ouer"a,  390,  e.  for  of-gon  in  the  text. 
ouerguldeS,  \%-l,g;hhth;   AS.  oferg.hlan. 
ouerhowe,  196,  224,  234,  27o.  ha.ujl.n.i...'.  d,. 
!         dain,  irresumption. 
I    ouerkcsten,  274,  to  onrthrou-. 




ouerladen,    3G3,    jjuvtli/     oni'tied ;     A.S.    ofer, 

hlaJau,  to  druiv  out  tratcr,  to  emptij. 
ouennetc,  206,  iiaiiiodtiut-Jj. 
oiierspreiMe,  51,  ofersj/rticL 
oiiei-swuSe,  3CS,  408,  ej:ae<Un<jIij. 
ouertrust,  2"'(^tunj)(ioit . 
ouertrusti,  334,  j'^'e^umptt'ovs. 
ouertrusteii.  332,  to  In  too  confident. 
oucruorS,  2SS,  (june  too  far. 
ouerurii,  3',.)S,  S2'^(d;  A.S.  oferyrnan,  to  run  over, 

out'rturiie'5,  35(5,  recid ce. 

ouerworpon,  142,  overwhelm;  A.S.  oferweorpaii. 
ouerweiS,  'dS6,oi'.tivef^/<s;  A.S.  ofcr,  otxr,  wcgan, 

to  weir/h, 
ouh,  152,  150,  3!)S,    oulite,    2.:,<i,   ouhtest,  400, 

ought;  pi.  owen,  (j?>,  ouliten,  32G;  A.S.  agaii, 

to  oire. 
ouhwar,  GO,  ant/irhen';  A.S.  ow-h\va>r. 
ouhwider,  172,  anj  whither. 
ouhte,    1,   300,    oui/ht,   oiriied,  ^^ossLMtf?;    A.S. 

agan,  to  oire,  ^'os.^ess. 
our,  104,  ouwer,  lOG,  ower,  64,  owur,  190,  >juur. 
out,  19S,  212.  206,  33S,  416,  anijlhing. 
owutie,  302,  340,  one's  oicn. 

packes,  \(jCi,  p'l-cks;  D.  pak,  a  pack. 

paien,  108,  318,  paigen,  to  idease,  satisfy,  paii; 
pr.  paie^,  216;  p.  paidc,  200;  pr.  sub.  paie, 
6;  p.p.  i-paied,  44,  124,  186,  198,  282,  290; 
O.Fr.  paer. 

Parais,  (i^i,  356,  paradise. 

parluni,  68,  parloitr's. 

parti,  406,  pr.  sub.  depart;  Fr.  parte,  id. 

pa'ScreS,  2\i,  2)olcth;  probably  of  the  same  origin 
as  D.  poteren,  to  jjol:e,  search.  Perhaps  it  is 
from  AS.  pe^JSian,  to  treo.d,  wale  a  path. 
This,  in  some  measure,  corresponds  with  the 
MS.  Oxon.  where  it  is,  "  se  in  eis  bilneat,  eos 
palpat,  et  planat." 

peche,  256  [piluhe?],  a  garment. 

peintnnge,  302,  paiating. 

peinturo,  242,  a  j'idtire. 

pels,  O.Fr,  166,  172,  jieace. 

pellican,  118,  a  jwlican. 

peoddare,  66,  a  fedlar;  Sc.  peildcr,  pother,  tra- 
velling merchant.  Jamicson  derives  it  Iroai 
pcdarius;  in  Du  Cange,  "  nudis  ambulans 
pedibus;"  but  this  is  rather  the  description  of 
a  Romish  pilgrim.  Forby,  with  greater  pro- 
bal)ility,  derives  it  from  ped,  in  tiie  Norfolk 
dialect,  a  eovcred  pannier,  used  for  carrying 
wares  to  niarl;et. 

peolien,  86,  to  jullngr,  pul ;  A.S.  pul 

pigses,  2i)\,  pig.^. 
.   piclcen,  84,  c.  to  pic/;. 
I    pilche-clout,  212,  v.  note  a  in  p.  212. 
!   pilclie,  362,  a  cloak,  or  mantle  of  far;  A.S.  pylca. 
!    pileken,  84,  pilken,  86,  to  pluck  t  .-X.S.  pluecian, 
pilien,  86,  g.  V.  peolien. 
;    pilewin,  84,  c.  v.  j)eolien. 
j    piment,  404,  halsani. 

'    pine,  A.S.  114,  306,  35S,^;((('//;  pi,  piiien,  36i>. 
pinful,  356,^)«iV"'- 

pinen,  216,  to  punish;  pr.  pineS,  36(1,  [ir.  s\ib. 
'         pinic,  30C,  torment,  injlict  pain;  p.p.  i-pincd, 
i        114,  262,  366;  A.S.  pinan,  gepined. 
I    pinunge,  A.S.   368,  372,  pain,  pining,  giving 

j    pinsunge,  368,  c.  pinsiTigcs,  pinsungcs,  872,  b. 
pain,  pains. 
piot,  88,  o.  rnnr)p!e;  Sc.  pyot. 
pistle,  350,  episth. 
'    pitaunce,   114,   260,   412,   a  pittance,    food  of  a 
choicer  kind,  used  in  religious  houses  as  an 
indulgence,  on  holidays  and  special  occasions; 
Lat.  pietaneia.^. 
place,  358,  lists,  inclosed  place  uhere  tournaments 

are  held. 
pleieri,   94,  212,424,  to 'play;  pr.  pleie'S,  212, 
plaieS,  230;  p.  pleiede,  318;  A.S.  plegian,  id. 
pleie,   344,   pleowe,    184,  pleouwe,  318,   ploge, 
184,  h.plag;  A.S.  plcga,  id. 
j    ploh,  384,  b.  a  plough. 
I    plokin,  pilien,  86,  g.  pluck, 2nllage. 
i-pluht,  208,  310,  plighted;  A.S.  plihtan. 
ponewes,  124,^)(;m(.y. 
1    Powel,  162,  P«;'/. 

j    prechur,  160,  c  7))-t«c7(e.'-;  Fr.  precheur. 
i-preised,    141,  praised;    Isl.    pris,  praise;    G. 

preisen,  to  praise. 
prcon,  84,  a  j^rickle,  a  pin;  Isl.  prion,  id. 
prelaz,  10,  2»'elatcs. 

prcost,  318,  340,  pi-iesl;  pi.  preostes,  346. 
preouen,  390,  408,  to  prove;  p.p.  i-preoued,  236; 
I         O.Fr.  prover,  id.;  A.S.  protian,  id. 
preofunge,  160,  proof. 
pricchcs,  60,  stings. 
I    pricke,  228,  a  2>oint,jot;  A.S.  pricca,  id. 
j    prikie'5, 244,  pr.  jirichth ,  goadcth;  pr.[).  prikiiide, 
j         \2>\,  pricking,  inciting;   A.S.  priccian,  id. 
'    prickiunge,  234,  282,  7)riH<'«^,  stinging,  stimu- 
:        lating. 
I    pris,  302,^/»-/(y. 

'    to-proke'5,  201,  pr.  inciteth  to;  \n-.  sub.   pri>kic, 
incite;   A.S,  priccian;  Sc.  to  jnug.  t"  ii'ci/i. 
pndduiigc,  266,  incitement,  i,u-tigotin,- ;  |.l.  pro 
top.,//.  kuMges,  204. 



I-niJe,  140,  VM,2^v,j,r;de. 

jirudon,  2o'2,  h.  to  Irroiw.  ^iroud. 

prut,  248,  2H],2>ro;ul. 

pruiU'.st,  2'J(;,  /iro'iu'ist. 

p>alni-wuru!itc,  78,  134,  iOO,  psulmist. 

puf,  254,  ajnqf';  pi.  piiffes,  178. 

putten,  27-2,  420,  to  jjof,  hlo,r;  pr.  puffe'S,  210; 

p.  pufte,  2G();  pr.  sub.  puft'e,  124. 
pultcn.  36G,  to  rJxju-d,  piilteS,  306. 
pultim^^e,  o6(],  a  rJjuii itdi iig. 
punde'5,  72,  punt,  72,  418,  puindo,  72,  d.  41S,  a. 

pr.  shvttet/t  vjt,  ■imjjoiiiuht/i;  p.p.  i-puiid,  128, 

pent  u/>;  A.S.  pyndan. 
purgatorie,  120,  228. 
purses,  108,  420,  Fr.  bourse,  «  j>i>.rse. 
put,  58,  110,  lyO,  putte.  110,  (I  well,  jjit;  A.S. 

pytt,  i<l. 
puton,  110,  to  j/Jit;   pr.  sub.  pute,  92. 
puScres,  214,  c.  D.  potereii,  to  stir  vp. 

quaer,  282,  a  hoolc. 

quarreaus,  02,  holts  l<jiiar/\l.s]  shot  froM  a  cross- 

loin;   Fr.  carreau,\. 
queuie,  26,  please;  A.S.  cweniau,  to  please. 
quic,  ne  queS,  122,  c.  moced  not,  nor  spoke. 
quicshipe,  150,  qviehiiess. 
quideiie,    50,    2>riSuriiption,    sjf -conceit;     O.Fr. 

ragget,    284,    a.    ra(j(jed,    rough,  jagged;    A.S. 

raikinde,  140,  b.  rnLing,strajiiig;  A.S.necende:' 
ratier,  100,  rutla: 

raiSlicho,  422,  g.  quiclbj;  A.S.  hraSe,  id. 
read,   0,   198,   adcice,  counsel;    pi.  readc,  208, 

counsels;  A.S.  ru;d. 
reade,  24,  pr.  adcise;   A.S.  ra'dan. 
readesmoit,  224,  on  adviser. 
read,  112,  152,  288,  jW. 
i-rcaded,  356,  402,  reddened. 
rea-5e,  224,  readilg;  A.S.  hraj«e,  id. 
readiliclie,  344,  readlicbe,  422,  readibj,  quickhj; 

A.S.  readlifc. 
reafcn,  «  »•«!■«(;  gcii.  rcafnes,  84;  A.S.  rBefen,  id. 
ream,  110,  d.  A.S.  i,iv;.in,  vailing. 
reanie,  72,   imp.  liind,,-,  iid'Ciupt;  A.S.  liioiu- 

inan,  id. 
reauares,  150, -;V//c«;   A.S.  reafre,  id. 
rcauen,  390,  rcauo,  roauiii,  OS,  g.  to  roh,  steol; 

pr.   rcauCS,   280,   300,    reaues,   90,   b.;  A.S. 

rcafiun,  id. 
reawe,  336,  ron-. 
receheS,  188,  rcacbuiS,  18S,  i.  j-r.  reacheth;   imp. 

itcliftS,  338;   A.S.  ru'ccean. 

reccheiS,  104,  p.  roulite,  60,  mL-.^d,  carol   tor; 

reeche,  104,  d.  reck,  care  for;  A..S.  rocvau,  LI. 

reccheS,  164,  raketh,  ravgeth  ahout;  pr.  p.   nn-- 

chindc,  140;  Isl.  reika,  vagari. 
rechles,  210,o7o,  reches,376,//((/'/!',ia;<^c,-  A.S. 

recels,  id, 
reelus,  378,  sfiitt  up;  Fr.  reclus. 
recoik'ii,  294,  to  drive  bad;  Fr.  reculer,  id. 
recorden,  256,  to  repeat,  recite;  Ft.  recorder, 
red,  A.S.  65,  178,  advice,  counsel. 
reden,  244,  280,  344,  428,  to  read;  pr.  red.->N, 

244,  268,  reade-5,  430,  ret,  170;  imp.  redi  N, 

430;  p.p.  i-red,  66,  c.;  A.S.  redan,  id. 
rcduiige,  240,  286,  reading. 
reHac,  202,  208,  rapine,  rohherg. 
regibbeth,  138,  kicketh;  O.Fr.  regibeir,  tokuk. 
rein,  246,  rain. 

reine,  98,  b.  pr.  sub.  rain;  A.S.  reniaii,  to  rain. 
relcf,  168,  alms,  relief;  O.Fr.  relief,  id. 
remS,    152,    calleth,   critth;    p.   remde,  lOiJ,  j;. 

242,  326,  d.  cried  out,  lamented;  p.p.  i-romd. 

1,  importuned;  A.S.  hreman,  to  erg,  weep. 
rengeS,  164,  goeth  ahout,  rang>tk  ? 
i-rend,   148,   150,   rent,   torn;    A.S.   rondan,  to 

Ttntfi\\,\Q%,rents,revenues;  A.S.  rent;  Fr.  rente, 

reoufulnesse,  308,  compassion. 
reoune.v^e,    144,  b.    regret,  grif,  sorroir;    A.S. 

reoSer,  140,  a.  an  ox;  A.S.  hreoSor. 
reouSe,   54,    150,    238,    290,   304,    pit;/,  grief, 

cahnuitg;  A.S.  hreowan,  to  repent,  grieve. 
reou(!)fuIe,  116,  222,  326,  comjxrssionate,'t- 

repen,  ropin,  128,  a.  to  catch  hold  (f,  stud;  A.S. 

rypan,  to  pluck,  pick,  pnU. 
replug,  roping,  314,  h.  searching,  extorting,  <lnnr- 

ing  out. 
resede,  320,  g.  was  in  a  passion,  violent;  A.S.,  violence. 
reucn,  81,  e.  a  raven. 

riche,  40,  20S,  362,  a  kingdom;   A.S.  rice. 
riden,  216,  to  ride;  pr.  p.  ridiude,  210,  riding. 
ridlen,  231,  ridii,  234,  e.  to  riddle,  sift. 
rihte,   2S6,  332,  judgment,  348,  right,  .v?m/./.'.f. 

ribtevS,  1,  410,  directtth;  p.p.  i-iilit,  301,  set  >'p: 

>ke  stv 

A.S.  ribtan,  to  direct, 
ribtwise,  286,  righteous. 
rilitwisncsse,  Z()i,  justice;  A.S.  ribi\vibiio.<. 
rikelot,  88,  a  hiagpie. 
rikenares,  214,  nccoantants. 
rikeiien.   210,   330,    to  give   "xeouhl,   to   rul-' 

A.S.  roectaii. 



rimeti,  12S,  c. 

rinde,  118,  150,  the  rind,  hark;  A.S.  rinJ,  id. 

rindlcas,  150,  without  lark. 

riiicn,  128.  c.  to   tonch,  la;/  hold  of;  pr.   rineS, 

320;  imp.  rin,  408;  A.S.  hriiuui,  id. 
rinunj^,  40S,  toi'chin'/;  A.S.  lirimuig. 
ring,  A.S.  420,  a  ri»;/. 
ringiiule,   140,   ranainrj,   rovivf,;    A.S.    ring,   « 

circle  ? 
riote,  IDS,  roi'te,  va>/.  jmrposc  ?  Fr.  route  ? 
ris,  100,  t>'-iifs,  lovjlis;  A.S.  hris. 
rivvle,  1,  410,  pi.  riwlen,  410,  a  rule. 
riwleS,  l,r«/f?/'. 
rixleS,  80,  164,  a.  248,  374,  rukth,  yocern^.th; 

A.S.  rixian. 
rixluiige,  248,  rule,  doncinion. 
robbarcs,  334,  »oW.f«. 

robbc'S,  286,  roJitM;  p.p.  i-robbed,  150,  rohled. 
rode,  26,  ^/.e  rro/s.  ^ 

roden-takne,  20,  the  sirja  of  the  cross;  A.S.  rod- 

rode-.stef,  the  holjrood,  cross 

roiules,  148,  150,  stac-es;  Sc.  runf/s;   P.E.  rvxgs, 
the  round  steps  of  a  ladder.   Ilolloway's  Diet, 
ronke,  2GS,  e.  rank,  slroay,  proud;  A.S.  ranc 
ropes, ropeS,  330,  c.  crielh;  D.  roepen,  to  cr>/,  call. 
rote,  204,  416,  a  root. 
i-roted,  386,  rooted. 

rotien,  116,  274,  to  rot,  fester;  p.  rotede.  2jb: 
pr.  sub.  rotie,  3.v2;  p.p.  i-roted,  106,  roted,  84, 
rotede,  216,  rotin,  roteS,  84,  d. ;  A.S.  rotian,  id 
roue,  152,  a.  roof;  A.S.  rof,  id. 
rouble,  60,  v.  reccbe'S. 

i-rud,  392,  a.,  freed;  A.S.  hreddan,  tojree,  rid. 
rude.'rudi,  330,  rudd^j,  llmhiiKj. 
i-rudcd,  50,  332,  356,  reddened;  A.S.  rcadian 

to  redden.  „„ , 

ruchse,  rube,  182,  e.  rourjc;  ruhure,  284,  rougher. 
ru-,  264,  294,  rugcc,  418,  the  hack;  A.S.  liryg. 
ruTnc,  178,  b.  synonymous  with  rineii,  q.  v. 
rukcn,  266,  to  (jet  on  the  hack,  to  mount. 
ruken,  214,  to  rake  together. 
rukelon,  214,   406,  to  heap  vp;    pr.   ruckeleJi, 

'>14-  A.S.  breac,  a  rick,  heap;  Sc.  to  neklc. 
rune,  74,  talk,  vujster;/,  couvcil;  pi.  rune.^  96, 

154;  A.S.  run, id. 

rungcn,  runggo,  316,  a.  to  v:ring;   A.S.  ^vi■^lgan. 

runge.i   up,  22,  a.   to   stand  vp;  rung   ui*,  ^JU, 

rouse  thjself.  ,    ;      a  v: 

rustcn,  344,  ?..  r,'sf;  irustcd,  IbO,  rusted;   A.f>. 

rustlan,  id. 
rute,  350,  road,  n'a>/,  rout,;   Fr.  route 
rutol  99,  m.,,  hn,l,  arm;,,  rout.     M.lton, 

Conuis,  542. 
,n^^,mK^^^, rough,  roughv,s,;   A.S.  bruh,  .1. 

I    sacretS,  268,  consecrateth;   Fr.  sacrer. 
I    sabraz,  364,  n  medicinal  drink. 
sabe,  sage,  56,  k.  164,  c    a  sajing,  word;  A.S. 

sagu,  id. 
sale,  V.  siggen. 

sakelease,  68,  sakles,  116,  b.  362,  e.  innocent, 
A.S.   .sacleas,    quiet,    peaceahle;    Sc.    sacless, 
saikless,  id. 
saluz,  3SS,  satmtion;   Fr.  salut,  i<l. 
salm,  290,  a  psalm. 
Salunvurbtc,  2.'')6,  Psalmist. 
sarre,  112,  236,  292,  sorer;  A.S.  sikr,  sore. 
salue,  232,  a  remedg;  pi.  saluen,  226,  240. 
saiue,  370,  ointment. 
i-salued,  274,  remedied. 
saulene,  182,  f.  of  souls. 
sauuaciun,  242,  salvation. 
sauuen,  98,  to  save. 
sauur,  102, 138,  232,  576,.iafour,  ddight;  O.Fr. 

sauter,  220,  292,  334,  the  psalter. 
sawe,  98, 108,  256,  360,  a  saying,  speech,  rumour; 

A.S.  sagu,  id. 
scale.  334,  c.  v.  scoale. 
scapeloris,  424,  c.  scapularies. 
scbaldinde,  246,  scalding. 
scbale,  skale,  214,  i.  a  Imcl. 
schamel,   166,  f.  a  stool,  footstool,  bench;   A.S. 

scamul,  id. 
schandlc,  380,  schaundie,  108,  evil  speaking. 
subarne,  106,  k.  scorn. 

scbarpscbipe, 380, a. sharpness;  A.S. scearf,.vA((/7>. 
scbeaden,  270.  to  separate;  A.S.  sceadan,  id. 
scbeadewe,    242,    364,    366,   a    shadow;    A.S. 

sceaduw,  id. 
scbeakeles,  94,  shackles,  liraits;  A.S.  sccacul,  ct 

scbeape,  424,  shape,  n. 
scbeapes,  362,  d.  skips. 

scbeapieu,   to   shape;    imp.  schepie«,  420;   p.p. 
i-scheaped,  200;  A.S.  sccapan,  geseeapan,  ^o 

sebcawen,  154,  to  shev;  pr.  sebeavve-S,  1_54,  344, 
shueth,   revealeth;    p.    scbcawcdc,    154,    2o0; 

imp.  s<-beau,   90,    98,   292;    p.p.    i-sebeawed, 

112  154,  230;  A.S.  sceawian,  to  she".: 
scboau'ware]  90,  a  mirror;  A.S.  sceawcre. 
Kcbeauwinges,  268,  appearances;  A.S.  sceawung, 

a  sight. 
.sebeebcN,  390,  sccketh;  A.S.  ge.scean. 
scbcdcn,   344,    to    drop,   spill,   shed,  pour;    pr. 

sebede'5,    166;    p.    sbedc,  420.    a.;    pr.    sub. 

sebet,  320,  he  poured  out;  imp.  sebed,   320, 

<;ehet,  266,   d.   420;    p.p.    i-scbed,  402;  A.S. 

M-f.bin.  to  shed. 



sciieilniigo,  2C2,  siMlduuj,  n. 

Sflioken,   344,  to  shake;  Y'^.  schekeS,   60,   210; 

pr.  p.  schekinde,  60;  A.S.  sceacan,  id. 
schelfliinc,  12,   3i)0,  a  dare,  drmhje,  scullion; 

A.S.  sceale,  a  servanf, 
schelde,  2.')2,  392,  a  shit-hl. 
sclienden.  816,  ^)  shame,  confound,  defeat,  destrot/, 

pr.    schent,    29S  ;    imp.    schend,    266  ;    p.p. 

i-schend,  248,  296,  29S;  A.S.  scendaii,  id. 
schendful,  112,  158,  200,  g.  322,  356,  shameful, 

i(/nont in ious,  rej)roachfu I. 
schendfuliche,  316,  400,  reproarhfully,  disgrace- 

schendfulnesse,  322,  vileness. 
schendhac,    106,    322,    356,    scliendlakes,    188,,  infami/,  ignoitiini/,  derision. 
schene,  98,   398,  fcAr,  leant  fid,  bright;  corap. 

schcnnure,  246,  schenre,  lOO,  324,  352,  362; 

A.S.  scinan,  to  shine,  scean,  shone;  Ct.  schon. 
scheoniel,  166,  f.  a  stool,  footstool;  A.S.  scamel. 
scliconie,  60,  sclieonien,  108,  shame. 
scheonien,  312,  to  he  ashamed;  A.S.  sceoniian,  id. 
scheouieful,  302,  bashful,  ashamed. 
scheoiiieleas,  170,  shami^liss;  A.S.  sceamleas,  id. 
scheonieliche,  366,  ignominiousli/. 
scheon,  362,  shoes;  A.S.  sceon;  Sc.  shoon. 
scheoinde,  16,  shoeing,  putting  on  shoes;    A.S. 

sceoian,  to  shoe. 
scheortliche,  308,  410,  briefly;  sceortlic,  id. 
scheote"5,  150,  scheot,  60,  pr.  shoots;  sclieotunge, 

60,  shooting,  n.;  scute,  60,  achute,  62,  shot,  n.; 

A.S.  sceotan,  to  shoot. 
scheouh.  242,  shi/;  G.  scheu,  id. 
scher,  272,  the  groin,  secret  parts;  A.S.  scaru, 

scheuiichei5,   schunte.s,    242,    d.    shies,   shrinks; 

Bcheuncliinde,  2\2,  A.  shjing,  shrinking;  A.S. 

scunian,  to  shun. 
schil,  204,  the  viind,  v.  skile. 
schilden,  82,  366,  to  shield,   defend;  pr.  sehilt, 

392:  pr.  sub.  i-scliilde,  84 ;  A.S.  scyldan,  id. 
schillings,  398,  d.  shillings. 
schindle^,  186,  b.   spurneth;  A.S.  scendan  ?  to 

8chiiioi5,  246,  pr.  shineth;  pr.p.  schininde,  224; 

A.S.  scinan. 
schir,  1,  144,246,382,  clear, pure,  sheer,  sincere; 

A.S.  scir,  id. 
schire,  308,  «  shire,  count j,  region;  A.S.  scire,  id. 
scbirc«,  •,iSi,2>urifleth. 


elg,  1 54,  solelg. 

schirnesse,  386,  i06,  pureness. 
schirclics,  418,  n.  of  the  church,  v.  cb 
schiuo,   416,   a.   «   slice,  ;)i'cfe;    Isl. 
fibivc,  id. 

i   scholde,  332,  shoidd. 
I    schone,  420,  shoes. 

}   sehonken,  258,  legs;   A.S.  scanea,  the  shanl. 
.''cbop,  138,  mad'',  created;  A.S.  sccapan,  !■•  I'.-i'-. 
scborn,    106,    108,     344,    scorn,    >ror>f'd ;     D. 

scheme,  id. 
schorneS,  248,  sr'orncth. 
scbornuns'c,  200,  sconnng. 
schrapien,  116,  344,  to  .scrape,  erase,  si-ratt!.;  p."-. 

schrepe'5,    1S6,  344;  p.p.  i-scbrapode,  .^2,  «1.; 

screopan,  id. 
schreaden,   416,  schraden,  416,  a.   shreth,   n, la- 
ments; A.S.  screade,  ic  .<hrid. 
schrift,  A.S.  4, 293, 300,  302,:5(>:!,  :;o4.  :Ui^\  :;i  I, 

confession,  a  confessor;  p.  scbiiftes,  tj,  IK-<. 
schrift-feder,  316,  340,  a  fathtr  conf,ss;r. 
schriuen,  340,  344,  426,  to   confss,  ndcr'  -■.„.. 
fession;    pr.    scbriueS,    314;    p.    scbrof,    tj>; 

pr.  sub.  schriue,  344;  imp.  sclirif,  266;  p.p. 

i-schriuen,  ?.32,  412;  A.S.  scrifan,  id. 
schriuinges,  268,  f.  acts  of  co> fession. 
schrude,  3U0,  a  garment;  A.S.  scrud. 
schruden.  214,  412,  414,  to  clothe;  pr.  sclinid.N, 

260;   p.   schrudde,    302;    p.p.    i-scbnid,   <;<;, 

166,  260;  A.S.  scrvdan,  id. 
schuchteth,   schutten,   312,  d.  git  rid,  uf; 

A.S.  seeadan  ?  v.  schuncbe^". 
schucke,  316,  326,  the  devil;  A.S.  scucca,  id. 
schuldi,  206,gailt</. 
schule^,  212,  scoa-leth. 
schulle,  296,  skull. 
schunclieiS.    312,   pr.   pi.    drive   aira;/;  pr.  s\ib. 

schunche,  380,  slink  aicaij;  Sc.  to  shank  away, 

to  Sand  atro  ii  peremptorilii  an>i  one  irhom  ii  is 

desirous  to  get  rid  of;  A.S.  seeanc.a,  the  sha/d, 

schuntes,  d.  v.  242,  scheuncheS. 
schunien,  82,  86,' ^o  shun,  avoid;  p.  schuniMb'n, 

286;  pr.  sub.  scbunie,  92;  A.S.  scuni.m,  i.l. 
sehuppare,    138,  schuppinde,  260,  the'.r; 

A.S.  sceapan,  to  create. 
schurge,  418,  a  scovrge;  Fr.  escourgee,  id. 
I    schurteK,    422,   imp.    divert;    Sc.   to   siiuit;   d". 

scherzen,  id. 
schutteS,  96,  imp.  shut;  A.S.  .^cyttan. 
schuuet;,    314,    pr.    shove th,    shovehth;    i).p.    i- 

schuuen,  316;  A.S.  sceotan,  to  shove,  Ihr.nt. 
sckucke  [1.  scliucke],  the  devil;  A.S.  scucia. 
sclattes,  sIcttcS,  212,  b.  ha^g  unn,,,  as  a  dog  \<> 

scoale,  214,  scliali-,  skalc,  214,  i.  a  bn.rl. 
scottcn,  313,  360,  to  shay:;  pr.  sclioftoiN,   3 IS; 

A.S.  sceotan,  to  expend  moneg  in  connno,:. 
scragon,    4,    d.    scragg;/,    lean,   skin    and   Ioh-\ 




scratte'S,    186,  b.    srratrlnth;    P.F..   to   sorat,    to 

srnqte  toijfthvr. 
scrowc,  42,  tiSl,  u  scroll,  hook. 
i-seale.l,  aSS,  s'^dcd. 
sec,  f'.:JO,  si'ritd. 
see,  ITU,  370,  seke,  370,  nick;  com.  seccure,  40, 

7nore  sick;  A.S.  seoc,  id. 
sechen,  164,  318,  350,  to  s/'ck;  pr.  seclieS,  274, 
824.  3.5S;  p.  souhte,  130,  318;  pr.  sub.  sccho, 
234;  imp.  s.  sech,  102;  pi.  scclleS,  342;  pr.  p. 
sechinde,  1.52;  p.p.  i-soubt,  314;  A.S.  secan, 
to  seek. 
secli,  50,   pr.  sub.  fall   sick;    A.S.    saicliaii,   to 

seciiesse,  112,  360,  sicknese;  A.S.  seocnes,  id. 
sccne^,  368,  .«id-e«e^/;. 
scdole?   12. 

see,  230,  a  lake,  sea;  G.  see,  a  lake. 
sege,  238,  a  t/n-one. 
seihte,   250,   256,  seihtness,   25,   120,  seibness, 

426,  peace. 
Hcibtni,  28  [1.  seibtnien],  to  be  reconciled,  at  peace; 
pr.  seibtneS,  374;  p.p.  i-seibtned,  336;  A.S. 
sehtian,  to  reco7icile. 
aeim,  412,  lard. 
seke,  330,  36 1,  *(V^-. 
selcu'Se,  8,  360,  stranrje,  uncommon;  A.S,  seld- 

cuiS",  seldom  knovn. 
soblceiie,  78,  80,  seldom,  rarely  Iiaj'peninj;  A.S. 

sebl,  seldom,  ceniian,  to  hring  forth. 
scldc,  72,  seldom. 
sfldbwonne,  428,  seldom. 
seMspeclie,  76,  toxitiirnity. 
sell,  64,  108,  352,  i-seli,  50,  182,  llessed,  good, 

hup-[»j;  A.S.  selig,  id. 
sclilicbe,  184,  happij. 
selulrb'e,   354,    398,    i-selub'Se,    282,   happinesr.; 

A.S.  gestelSe,  id. 
sem])lauiit,  90,  128,  416,  a2)pearance,  she.r;  Fr. 

semen,  180,  f.  seem;  semde,  112,  b.  seemed. 
sendeii,  422,  to  send;  pr.  sent,  246,  256,   seint, 
192;    pr.     sub.    sende,     416;    imp.     sendee?, 
seolk,  A20,silk;  A.S.  seolc. 
peoluer,  152,  seolure,  39S,  silver. 
i-scon,  92,  188,   i-seonnc,  92,  to  see;  pr.  i-seo'S, 
196,  isib'5,  6,  422,  isibst,  178;  p.  i-seib,  166, 
272,   i-seien,   190;  pr.   sub.   i-seo,   348,   352; 
p.  sub.  i-seie,   242;  p.p.  i-seien,  92;  A.S.  ge- 
scon,  id. 
seoruwe,  190,  354,  sorroir;  A.S,  sorg,  sorb,  id. 
seoruwen,  308,  to  he  sorry. 

.seonibful,    110,    sorroir/ul,   conip.   seoruiiluhire 
308:  A.S.  sorblul. 

seoruhfullicbe,  400,  sorrovfidly ;  A.S.  sorblice. 
seoSSen,    146,    284,    since,    afterivards ;    A.S. 

seouc,  236,  324,  seven;  seoue^o,  382,  seventh. 
seouwen,    to    sew;    imp.    seouwe'S,     420  ;    p.p. 

i  seouwed,  200;  A.S.  siowian,  id. 
seruie,  6  [1.  seruien],  to  serve;  pr.  scrueS,  422. 
settc,  358,  a  sitlinr/,  seat. 

setten,    274,    to   set,  plant,   settle,    suhside;    pr. 
settcS,  32;  p.  sette,  270;  p.p.  i-set,  254,  378; 
i-sette,  412,  416,  428;  A.S.  settan,  id. 
sewid,  88,  f.  shewed;  A.S.  sceawian,  to  shew. 
sbcde,  420,  a.  lost,   injured;  Sc.   skaitbed;  A.S. 

seea'San,  to  hurt. 
sbene,  10,  Irit/ht;  A.S.  scinan,  to  shine. 
sbwuebe,  318,  sitch. 
sibbe,  204,   kindred,   related  ly  Mood;  Sc.  sib; 

A.S.  sib,  id. 
sic,  176,  sik,  178,  sick. 
sides,  398,  shekels. 
siden,  A.S.  392,  sides. 

sigaldren,  208,  sigaldrie,  208,  c.  sorcery,  divina- 
tion;  MS.  0-xon.  sortilegia. 
i-sigge,  172,  icb  sigge,  I  say. 
siggen,  24,  346,  426,  to  .sny,  recite;  pr.  sigge'5, 
22,   24,  sei«,  182,  358,  376,  382,   408,  seist, 
408;  p.   seide,  72,  224,  352;  pr.  sub.  sigge, 
8,   20,  120,  saie,   120,  b.;    imp.  siggeS,   18, 
262,  340,  seie,  238,   352;    pp.   i-seid,  182, 
274,  374;  A.S.  seggan,  id. 
sih'Se,  52,  90,  94,   pi.  sib  Sen,  94,  sight;   A.S. 

gesibt,  id. 
i-sibfi,  8,  siffhs,  strains;  A.S.  sican,  to  sol,  sigh. 
sike'5,  32,  sikes,  284,  pi.  n.  sighs;  A.S.  siceet,  a 

sike,  32,  112,  394,  sick;  A.S.  seoc. 
siker,  60,  102,   158,  250,  266,  424,  safe,  sure, 

trusty,  surely;  Sc.  sicker;  G.  sicher. 
sikerlicbe,  352,  364,  siuely,  securely. 
sikernesse,  342,  security. 
sikerure,  161,  vtore  secure. 
singcn,    44,   424,    to   sing;    pr.    siiigcii;   pr.    p. 

singinde,  424. 
sitten,  22,  206,  358,  to  sit;  pr,  sit,  332;  p,  sete, 
238;  pi.  setcn,  258;  pr.  sub.  site,  290,  sitte, 
358;  A.S.  sitf.m,  id. 
si-Sen,  A.S.  18,76,  160,  236,  times. 
sker,  136,  clear,  free,  secure;  com,  skcrre,  314, 

350;  sc'iT,  jmre. 
skeren,  308,  to  acfjuit,  free,  clear. 
skerrc,    242,    d.   shy,   startled,  frighten. d;    Sc, 
skairy,  a  skairy  horse,  one   tbat   easily  takes 
frigbt;  F'.  to  scare, 
skii,  300,  skile,  206,  228,  270,  272,  SimI,  scbil, 
204,   reason,   the   mind;    g.  skiles,    2iil,   288, 



294,  346,  skiles  jettunge,  the  mincVs  consent; 

Sw.  skill,  vkusOii,  a)yuwe->>. 
skirmen,  212,  to  sHrmish,  fence,  sfr/l-e;  pr.  skir- 

meS,  212;  MS.  Oxon.  inipungit;  Fr.  escrinier, 

to  fence,  till. 
skulkin,  400,  b    to  slua-,  s!-nk  awaij. 
skurgen,  258,  scourges. 
sUikien,  \Z\,  to  slacken,  cease,  become  remiss;  A.S. 

slacian,  id. 
sleateS,  212.  334,  sleeteth,  aims  at,  hnngs  don-n 

his  ears,  like  a  dog  in  pursuit  of  game, 
slean,  138,  slenne,   130,  to  shvj;  pr.  sleaiS,  118, 

210,   2f>2,  sla^dh;  p.  slouh,   118,    136,   298, 

336;  pi.   slowen,  270,   366,  sh>r;    imp.   slea, 

206,  sle'5,   266,8.;   p.p.    islciene,   118,   156; 

A.S.  slean,  slagan,  to  slo.jj. 
slepen,  238,  270,  272,  to  shep;  pr.  slepe'S,  212; 

p.  sleptc,  270,  slcptest,  238;  pr.  p.  slepinde, 

slep,  212,  a  sleejier. 
slepie,  272,  s/cij></. 
sleuen,  56,  s/crres;  A.S.  slief,  sleeoe. 
slibbri,  74,  e.  sUpperi/;    A.S.  slipnr,  id. 
sliddri,  74,  2.^2,  slippery;   A.S.  slidan,  to  slide. 
sliddrunge,  252,  sliding,  slipjiert/. 
BVulen,  2i)2,  to  slide ;  j^r.i,\it,  slides;  A.S.  slidan,  id. 
slim,  276,  slime. 

slouh«e.  144,  194,  252,  slot!>;  A.S.  -slaw,  slow. 
slowe,   212,  a.   sluggard.-  slouh,   258,  slow,  in- 
sluggi,  258,  sluggish. 

slummi,  258,  slot/if ul,  la.:>j ;   A.S.  slimig,  muddg. 
smech,  94,  276,  376,  taste;  A.S.  smaec,  id. 
smecclien,  324,  to  taste;  p.  smeihte,   106,  114, 

238,  smachte,   114,   e.;  p.p.   i-smecehed,  92, 

94  ;  A.S.  sma}ccan,  to  taste. 
smccchunge,  64,  104,  tostivg.,  138,  376,  tasteless. 
smel,  smele,  314,  324,  small;  A.S.  sm;cl,  id. 
smel,  104,  lOG,  smell;  pi.  smellca,  104. 
smellen,  to  smell;  pr.  p.  smellinde,  340. 
smeorten,  238,  ^(?.sw«r<;  pr.  smoorte'5,  326;  A.S. 

smeortunge,  294,  smarting. 
smecSien,  284,  to  uorl  as  a  smith,-  pr.  smeoSei?, 

52,  smiSes,  52,  g. ;  A.S.  smi^ian,  id. 
smcSe,  1,  smooth. 
sme'Scn,   4,   to    wake  smooth;    smeSe'S,  4,   184, 

mahfth  smooth;  A.S.  sme'Sian. 
smitaro,  156,  sinitcr;  A.S.  smitan,  to  strike. 
smifcn,  366,  408,  to  smift,  strike,  dart;  pr.  sinit, 

94;  A.S.  smitan. 
suiiiS,  78,  «  carpenter,  smith;  A.S.  smitan. 
smiS^e,  284,  srnithg. 
i-smoked,  316,  tasted,  touched  ;   .\.S. 

smuricM,  372,  373,  to  anoi)it;  pr.  snuirioS,  214; 

A.S.  smyrian,  id. 
smurilcs,  372,  ointments;  A.S.  srayrels,  id. 
smurSrc,  27'2,  smoulder,  smoke  ;  A..S.  snioran. 
snakore'5,   380,  pr.  comcth   in   a  sneaking   utd 

hifpocniical  manner;  pr.  p.  snakerinde,  2'.ii); 

A.S.  snican,  to  soeak,  creep;  snaca,  a  snuk-. 
sneasin,  snesen,  212,  f.  to  strike  through,  jii-^rc^'; 

A.S.  snas,  a  spit. 
sneates,  sneatres,  82,  f.  good  adin-e;  A.S.  siiotcr, 

Kise,  2^>-iide>it. 
snecelien,  324,  to  snatch. 
sol,  324,/o!';,  dirtg;  A.S.  ro\,  soil,  fit!,. 
some,  426,  concord;  A.S.  son\,  id. 
soajed,  88,  254,  308,  372,  3SS,  together,  «t  tl^ 

same  time,  iinited. 
somentale,  426,  a.  concord;   A.S.  somen,  sonifd. 

together,  tale,  speech. 
somlich,  94,  semlich,  94,   i.  seemly,  -proper;  (r. 

ziemlich,  id. 
isompned,  \i&,  joined;  A.S.  son:nian,  to  assend.l-: 
somrednesse,    254,    concord,    unanimity ;    A..S. 

samrade,  id. 
sond,  402,  sand;  A.S.  sand,  id. 
sonde,    104,    126,  184,    190,   272.   368,  a    mes- 
senger, anyll'ing  sent,  a  sending;    pi.  soiiilen, 

246,  388.  ' 
sondesmon,  190,  256,  «   messenger,  amhasswlnr; 

pi.  sondesmen,  388. 
sone,  422,  soon;  A.S.  sona,  id.  com.  sonre,  5S, 

206,  sooner. 
i-sonted,  350,  sainted,  made  saints;  O.Fr.  saiutir, 

sopare,  152,  «  seiltr  of  soap,  a  judlar. 
sope,  soap;   A.S.  sape;  So.  sape,  saij). 
sor,  354,  376,  jmin,  anxiety;  A.S.  .~org. 
sore,  272,  sorrow,  contrition. 
sori,    282,    sorie,    384,    sorry,    vnhappy ;    com. 

soriure,  310,  sup.  sorest,  382,  most  sorro^rf,,!. 
soriliche,    224,    354,    painfully;    A.S.    sarlic-i>. 

sot,  336,/oo/(V(. 

so-5,  A.S.  138,  302,  true;  so'Ses,  102,  adv.  trdy. 
softest,  A.S.  26,  ever  true. 
So-Sliche,  12,  240,  242,   trvly,   nally,  cirlaiidy: 

A.'--.  so'iSIice,  id. 
sotscliipe,  362,  i2i,folly;  A.S.  sotsoipe. 
sparien,  416,   to   spare;    j).p.   i-spared,   i-spi 

364,   d.   i-.-iparcded    [1.   i-sp:ired],  3o4; 
I        .iparian,  id. 
j    spat,  104,  o.  a  spot,  slain. 
[    spatic,  10i,g.  stained,  spotted;  A.S.  spa'taii, 
t         spit. 

I    spoehcs,  spccke.s,  288,  b.  specks;   A.S.  spcrca, 
!        speck. 





speche.  S2,  98,  100,  sj^ceck,  speokiaq.  \ 

speken,  72,  74,  98,  ^/  .'ipeuk;  pr.  spekeS,  S2,  88, 
100;  p.  spec,  78.  272;  p.p.  i-spokcn;  pr.  sub. 
speke,  101;  A.S.  speean,  id.     . 
spekefiil,  \m,]>rntinfj;  A.S.  sp^ecan,  t<j  speoi: 
spolcS,  170,  300,  281,  372,  s^vKtbih,  vnandh; 

A.S.  spcllian,  to  spcnl-,  tell,  rdate. 
spellcs,  120,  stones;  A.S.  spell,  a  stori/,  tale. 
.spclluiige,  A.S.  Gi,  104,  discunrse,  spe.'jkiiKj. 
spen^e,  350,  exjicnse. 
speowen,  240,  346,  to  vomit,  pr.  speowc^';  A.S. 

spcowian,  iJ. 
spercliiwle,  ^l,  (/l<»'.u>^;  A.S.  sprerc,  a  sparL 
speren,  80,  g.  to  Sjwr;  pr.  spareS,  spcrres,  70,  g. 

shv'tM,  sjiurrtth;  A.S.  sparran,  to  shut. 
spot,   240,  spette'S,   78,  spUteth;  p.  spette,  lOG; 
imp.  spi,  310,  spU;  A.S.  spittan,  to  s/nt. 
I  spitel  staf,  sputol  stef,  384,  a.  sp>ade  1 

I  spitel  vucl,  148,  liirrosij.  _  .     ,      „., 

I  sprengcS,  10,  imp.  sprinlle;  p.p.  i-spreindc,  92, 

I  i-sprengde,    92,    b.   spvcad,    ditpvrs^d;    A.S. 

I  sprengan,  to  spri)ikle,  disperse. 

I  spreoue,  248,  </-i«^  j)}-0')/. 

I  spret,  98,  spreods;  p.p.  i-sprcdde,  230,  i-spred, 

I  390,  extended, spread;  A.S.  spriedan,  to  spread. 

I  sprintlcs,  276,  tu-i'r/s;  M.S.  0-Kon.  ranmsculi. 

I  sprutteS,  86,  sproufeth;  A.S.  sprytan. 

I  spotle,  288,  spittle. 

*  spotlunge,  188,  spitting;  A.S.  spatluiig,  ">• 

I  spurneii,  188,^0  stumble;  pr.  spurneS,  186;  A.S. 

ft  spurnan,  id. 

if  spuse,  98,  a  spouse,  Inde;  Fr.  epouse. 

I  spuse-bruche,  56,  adult-'ry. 

sput,   196,  b.    Si^eds,  uri/es?    A.S.   spedan;    G. 

spuden,  sputen,  to  speed. 
i-stald,  6,  institiUed,  established;  A.S,  sta'Sehaii, 

to  establish. 
stalen,   354,  arms,  or  sides  of  a  ladder;   A.h. 
^  stall  "•. 

stalewarde,  272,  siord,  firm,  steady;  A.S.  stal- 

ferhSe,  id. 
stalewardliche,    80,    344,    stoutl>/,   finnln,    reso- 
.stamin,  418,  a  kind  of  shirt. 
Stat,  204,  stale,  condition. 
sta'SelwurSe,  272,  b.  steady. 
stcauf,  292,  a  staff;  A.S.  stx-f. 
ftefne,  70.   82,  120,  126,  1G2,  236,  366,  414,  « 

voire;   A.S.  stefn,  id. 
istefned    310,  established;   A.S.  stcfiiiaii. 
steire,  284,  352,  step,  degree;  A.S.  sta'gcr. 
steken,  bisteken,  62,  to  sh"(;  p.p.  i-stckenc,  ..d; 

Sc.  to  steek,  id. 
stel,  160,  steel;  A.S.  style, 
stenede,  122,  stoned. 


stenh.    84,    stuncli,    104,  216,    a    stench;    A.S. 

.stcorc.  132,  (/.  stork  [1.  struccioti,  ostrice.  1 32,  b.]  ; 

A.S.  store,  a  stork,  struta,  an  ostrich. 
stcorc-naked,  260,  stark  7whtd;  A.S.  sterc,  stcarc, 

steorueS,  222,  pr.  dieih;  p.  stcrf,  360,  366;  p.p. 
i-storuen,  3lt8,'ii,  310;  A.S.  steurfan, 
to  die. 
Sterne,  218,  sturne,  306,  stent;   A.S.  stearn. 
stert-hwule,    336,    an   instant,   the    last  ficeting 
moments;    A.S.  steort,   stert,  the   tail,  extreme 
point,  hwile,  time,  horula. 
steuene,  160,  a  voice;  AS.  stefn. 
stiche,  110,  282,  326,  370,  a  stitch,  sharp  pain; 

A.S.  slice.  . 

i-sticcbed,  424,  a.  A.S.  gesticced,  stuck,  pierced. 
sticke,  370,  spoon;   A.S.  sticca. 
stien,  40,  356,  362,  364.  to  ascend;  pr.  stihtS, 
p.   steilp,  250;  p.p.  i-stien,  400;  A.S.  stigun, 
to  ascend.  .  . 

istilul,i2i,  raised  [pierced?  A.S.  sticuui];  A.S. 

stigan,  to  ascend. 
stih'S;    272,  stabs;    stihten,  272,   stabbed;    A.S. 

stician,  to  stab,  stick. 
stikeS,  2U,haunteth. 
stille,  A.S.  UG,  silent. 
stilleS,  186,  A.S.  stillan,  to  sUll. 
stilliehe,  82,  sileyitly;  A  S.  stiUice. 
stilSe,  156,  silence;  A.S.  stillan, /o  stdl. 
stingcS,  82,  208,  pr.  stingclh;  imp.  stmk,  230. 
sting,   230,   b.;   pr.  p.    stinginde,    82,   stinc- 
cinde,  294;  A.S.  stingan,  to  sting. 
stinken,  80,  to  stink,  gire  forth  or  smell  an  odour 
of  an.,  kind;  pr.  stinkeS,  84;  p.  stone,  .526, 
.stong,  sta.ik,  230;  pi.  stunkcn,  230;  pr.  sub. 
i-stinckeS  ;    im.    sub.    stunkcn,    86 ;    pr.     p. 
stinkinde,  84, 164,216;  A.S.  stencan.  to  sme'l. 
stiward,  ZSG,  a  stcuwd. 
stod-mere,  316,  stud-mare,  brood-mare.  , 
stol,  166,  stool;  A.S.  stol. 
stoldc,  8,  established;  A.S.  staSelian,  to  settle. 
stonden,  266,  to  stand;    pr.  stonst    236    stont. 
266,  stonde«,  366;  p.  stod,   3;.2,   370;   A.S. 
standan,  id. 
stonune,  ^7S,  of  stone. 
storicn,  154,  d.  histories. 
strapcles,  420,  drauers? 
stroa,  295,  324,  straw;  A.S.  strcaw. 
strcamden,     1S8,     e.     streamed,    fioued  ;     A.S. 

stream!  an. 
strecclic'S,     378,    pr.    stretcheth,    cytenddh;     p. 
streihtc,   280;  imp.   strik,  408;  p.p.  i-streilit, 
362,  390;  A.S.,  to  stretch. 
strei.d'f-n  [1.' stromden"),  188,  c.  strcc<,n(d,jlo,'-(d. 

3  o 



StrCHC'Sts,  270,  atroiKjlioldx. 

strengest,  280,  sti-o„atxt. 

streiigre,  32(!,  mon  iVtri'-uU. 

strcn'b'eS,  HO,  strengtheudh. 

strciiSc,  I-IO,  streiie'&'e,  280,  strength. 

strpones,  20S,  210,  '2-M,  2)roffen>/;    A.S.  strynaii, 

to  hefj(t,2»-ocrtaU. 
streoneS,  2o4,  278,  heyetieth,   conceiveth,    (jiath 

livth;  p.p.  i-streoned,  66,  210;  A.S.  strconan, 

stiynun,  to  hegd. 
stretc,  104,  stred,  rood;  A.S.  strwt. 
strik,  408,  atiCtdt,  extend,  v.  streccheS. 
strof,  .398,  sirore. 
stroiige,   112,   362,   strid,  severe,  avdere;    A.S. 

strong,  streng. 
strongUikcst,  218,  raost  slronr/hj. 
struccion,  132,  b.  on  ostrich. 
strue'5,    2!)4,   f.    dtstroj/efh;    pi.    struien;    A.S. 

strudan,  to  ravage, 
striisinde,  136,  g.  being  racl-ed,tormentfd  ?  A.S. 

streccan,  to  stretch . 
strunden,  stnmdcs,  188,  e.  streams;  A.S.  strand  ? 
i-struped,  148,  g.  slrij)pcd,  peeled;  D.  stroopen, 

to  peel. 
Strusto-S  [1.  trustcSj,  380,  trastdh;   A.S.  trywian, 

to  trust. 
strusti  [1.  trusti],  66,266,  confding. 
sturie'5  [1.  struieS],  294,  destroi/. 
stucchenes,   14,  2liS,   342,   412,  sections,  parts; 

A.S.  stye,  a  jriece. 
studefest,   302,  studeuest,  340,  steadfast;    A.S. 

stude,  4,  68,  250,  316,  410,  a  p>lace;  pi.  studen, 

136, 144,  342,ji/aft5;  ine  stude,  V?«<earf;  A.S. 

stydc,  «  place. 
studeucstliohe,  162,  consianthj. 
studesta-Selfcstnesse,  6,  steadfast  continuance  in  a 

studei5,  142,  stut,  142,  i.  steadidh,  gireth  sup- 
port to. 
stunche,  216,  v.  steiih. 
stunde,  68,  lUO,  240,  310,   an  hour,  lime;  A.S. 

stuiid,  id. 
stunt,  202,  stands  still;  A.S.  stynt,  standelh. 
stuntcn,  stutten,  72,   f.  to  stop,  stint,  restrain; 

A.S.  stintau,  id. 
sturbinge,  154,  tumult,  disturhance ;  A.S,  styrian. 
i-sturbed,  42S,  didnrbed. 
sturic-ii,  130,  268,  306,  422,  to  more,  be  moved, 

bestir,  disturb;   pr.   stureS,   82,  296,  sturieS, 

198,  332,404;  imp.  sture,   290;  pr.p.  .stiiri- 

iiidc,  152;  A.S.  styran,  styrian,  id. 
sturituige,  188,  a  shaLivg,  inuring;  pi.  stiiriungcs, 

294,  emotions. 
sturne,  268,  304,  366,  428,  siern;  A.S.  stcarnc. 

stutten,  42,  a,   72,  f.   to  slop,  duel;  stand;  pr. 

stutteS,  350,  b. 
succurs,  244,  sukurs,  386,  <(i"./,  help. 
siifiiv,  328,  imp.  siijhr. 
siihf^",  subuNe,  208,  a.  ensvdh. 
suhiende,   42S,  k,  sounding,  lo"d;  Sc.  sou,t;li,  a 

S(r,!nd,  as  tliat  made  by  the  wind,  a  rumo'ir. 
sui'ad'j,   158,  i-suiled,  foO,   i-sulod,  G'.Hi,  .'../'\7, 

i.o'U'trd:  A.S.  sylian,  to  soil,  d>fU. 
suk-racnt,  Fr.  2G6,'o'./v. 
sullen,   148,  190,  396",  398,  to  sd/;   pr.  .sulKN, 

398;    p.    soldo,    398;    imp.    sule,    29(.';    AS. 

syllan,  to  sell. 
siiliie,  328.  s,1t';  A.S.  svlf,  sooif. 
suluh,  384,  a  plough;  A.S.  stdh,  id. 
sumdel,  18,  116,  212,  216,  sonua-hot,  s..,u,,r!,.re; 

A.S.  sum,  dail. 
sumebw-ule,  390,  somelimes. 
sunimechere,    216,    336,   408,   somci'-hat,  soiDe- 

sunderlepes,  90,  c.   sejiaratili/;   A.S.  svndi'rlvp, 

sunderliche,   90,   302,  separatflg;  A.S.  siindiT, 

sundren,   270,  to  separate,  differ;   pr.  sumlnX, 

426;  p.  sundrede,  414;  p.p.  i  sundnd,  252. 

412;  A.S.  syndrian,  id. ;  So.  to  .-^ynder. 
sune,  426,  son. 
sunegen,   304,  306,  (o  commit  sin;  pr.  siiiui^'cst. 

1,  sunege'S,  428;  p.  sunegede,  118,  .snn.giido, 

224;  pr.  sub.  sunegie,  58,  suncge,  o02;  p.p. 

i-suneged,  306;  A.S.  syngian,  id. 
suneguiige,  52,  sinning. 
sunendei,  412,  Sundng. 
sunne,   118,  302,  312,  sin;    pi.   .-;unnen,   301; 

A.S.  synne. 
surre,  sourer;  A.S.  sur,  sour. 
sutare,  Z2i,  shoemaler;  A.S.  sutere;  Sc.  sut;u-. 
siitel,  154,  208,  362,  vtanif'est;  A.S.  sutol. 
sutplicho,  112,  2daiid'/;  A.S.  swutclice. 
sutelie,  154,  382,  pr. 'sub.  wag  be  muinhd:  p.p. 

i-sutelcd,  8,  154;  A.S.  sutelian,  to  nod,, 

suti,   228,  base,  foul;    MS.   Oxon.   turpis;  A.S. 

soot,  .toot. 
suuel,  192;  A.S.  sufel,  opsonium. 
suwe,  204,  a  su-ine;  A.S.  sugu. 
suwet5,  208,  ensueth;  MS.  Oxon.  scquatur. 
suwie,  306,  sigh;  A.S.  seotian,  to  sigh. 
suwinde,  2iJ<o\  secrellg  uhispered;  A.S.  suugian. 

to  be  silent;  Sc.  sough,  a  ^i-hisper,  nnnour. 
suwindc,  428,  vehement;  A.S,  swogende,  sound- 
ing, roi/ing. 
swalm,  274,  e.    imlammativn;    A.S.    swa'lau,  to 




swar,   swarc,    344,   sfeor'nig;  A.S.   sweriau,    to 

swarte,  304,  306,  hlocJc;  swaiture,  2S4,  h'.'.chr; 

A.S.  sweart,  id, 
swat,  104,  e.  sveat;  svvuti,   104,  g.  S"::atj;   A.S. 

swatig,  id. 
sweanien,  312,  330,  308,  to  fjrUn,  <•«;,  di.^i.hase; 

pr.  ssveame'S,  404,  swcaine,  swenie,  312,  le. 
swefne,    224,    a  dream;   swefiies,    268,  Jreams; 

A.S.  swefn,  a  dreaw.. 
sweinJe,  2S0,  mnnKj;  A.S,  swengan,  to  String. 
swcl,  274,  injlaiMiiiilion,  v.  swa'.ui. 
swenchen,  134,  230,  to  snuir/ejlcuf,  f^jrficf;  imp. 

swfiig,  290,  swench,  21)0,  d,;  A.S".  swencan, 

swingan,  id. 
swenges,  SO,  318,  Z7i,  casts,  violent  ej'jrts,  temp- 
tations; A.S.  swing,  a  scoiirffe,  t'-hij). 
sweore,  392,  t//e  nek;  A.S.  .sweora,  id. 
swerien,  70,  to  suear;  pr.  swereS,  98,  198;  p.p. 

i-sworen,  96;  A.S.  swerian,  id 
swet,   pr.  sweattth,   p.  swette,    110,   360;    A.S. 

swa-tan,  to  sii-eat. 
swcte,  312,  sweet,  v.  swote. 
sweteliche,  264,  430,  lindly,  fjeathi. 
swiftschipe,  398,  sirij'tness. 
swihende,  70,  d.  v.  swiSwike. 
swike,    98,  222,  236,  272,  a   traitor,  deceiver, 

cheat;  A.S.  swica,  id. 
swikele,   180,   268,  fraudulent,  deceitj\il;    com. 

swikcliire,  180,  mure  deceitful. 
swine,  A.S.  94,  110,  220,  swincke,  306,  swinke, 

220,  382,  pi.  swinkes,  240;  /«//0"r,  toil. 
Bwinkcn,    to    labour;    pr.    swinkti?),    130,    382; 

p.  swonc,  110,  2:38,  430,  swanc,  swoiig,  230  g.; 

pr.  p.  swinkinde,  260;  p.p.   i-swunken,  4U4, 

416;  A.S.  swincan,  id. 
swincfulc,  292,  360,  toilsome. 
i-swipt.  228,  252,  svept;  A.S.  swapan,  to  svxcp. 
swiro,  58,  the  neck;  A.S  swira. 
switJe,  A.S.  236,  quiddy,  vcrij,  fjreathi. 
swiiSwike,  70,  swilieridc   wikc,  swiwike,  70,  d. 

the  holy  v-eeh,  the  fjreat  v:eek;  A.S.  swi^S,  cjreat, 

■weoc,  v:eelc. 
Bwoke,  236,  b.  a  traitor,  deceiver,  v.  swike. 
swopcS,  314,  su-eepeth. 
i-sworen,  96,  svorn;  A.S.  go.-iworLn,  id. 
swot,  110,  360,  s^'W^•  swoti,   104,  .«"t"'y;  A.S. 

swat,  sweat. 
swote.  80,  116,  swete,  116,  238,  svx.l;   swote, 

23S,  sii-eetli);  A.S.  swot,  swct,  id, 
swotuesse,  80,  92,  sv:eetncss;  AS.  swetnes. 
swowinde,  2>i^,sn-00Hmu,foi„ti„-j;  A.S.  ;.swu- 

nan,  to  swoon . 
swuc,  112,  swiicli,  3]  2,  .swuclio,  81,  1^^,  20S, 

smh;  A.S.  swuir,  id. 

swuehno,  96,  312,  such,  of  such  kind,  qu.?  swiicli 

swuhie,  382,  such,  such  a  one. 
swu■^"e,  420,veri/,(jreoth/,  stronr/h/,  quickly;  com. 

swirScre,  92,  266,  336,  swuJSurc,  182. 
sykehinge,  82,  g.   nianifc.-itly  an   error  for  tike- 

lungc,  fj.v. 

tadden,  214,  toads;  A.S.  tadon,  id. 

tale,  A.S.  64,  66,  68,  104,  280,  316,  421,  talk, 

conversation,   account,   estimation,  a    fa/i;   pi. 

224,  tales, 
tale,  316,  9us/«?-fr,  V.  tcl 

talio,  356,  pr.  speak;  A.S.  talian,  to  speak,  com- 
tauh,  394,  thou^jh. 
i-tawed,   418,  taired;  A.S,  tawian,  to  lav;  prc- 

2Htre,  or  dress  leather. 
team,  A.S.  336,  oj'spriiir/,  ^^yoaeay;  pi.  teanies, 

216,  288. 
techen,  210,  422,  to  teach;  pr.  teche'S,  220,  428, 

tekeSe,  50;  p.  tauhte,  54,  teihte,  158;    p.p. 

i-teiht,  170,  308;  A.S.  tKcan,  to  teach. 
i-teied,    14,  254,  tied,   connected;  A.S.  tinn,  to 

teieS,  332,  draweth;  A.S.  teon,  to  pull,  draw. 
telle,  198,  254,  a  tail;   i-tciled,  206,  havinj  a 

tail;  A.S.  t:egel,  a  tail. 
teken,  78,  g.  170,  174,  to  add;  imp.  teke,  78, 

106,  140,  156,  add,  her  teken,  moreover;  AS. 

to-eacan,  to  join,  add  to. 
tcl,  372,  ninnher,  n. 
tellen,  154,  to  tell,  numler,  account,  edinude;  pr. 

telle,  356,  tellest,  100,  tollcS,  154,  170,  200, 

234,  252,254,  256,  356;  imp.  tcl,  42,  tele, 

42,  c;   p.p.  told,  356,  i-told,   198,  352,  354; 

A.S.  tellan,  id. 
tcllunge,    170,    account,    estimation,    re'-koaimj; 

pi.  teolunges,  208. 
temien,  138,   to  tame,  siddue;    p.   .^ub.   temcde, 

176;  A.S.  tcmian,  id. 
tcmen,  to   fjenerate.  (jive   lirth   to,   Irimj  forth; 

pr.  temcS,  220,  288,  303;  A.S.  tcman,  id. 
tcmpti,  228,  pr.  sub.  tempt;  imp.  temito,  228; 

p.p.    i-tented,  228,   230,   234;   I'r.   tenter,  to 

tempt,  tr;i. 
tendc,   296,   pr.    .sub.    kindle;    A.S.    teiuian,    ^^ 

teiulro,  Vi:  112,  tu,der;  sup.  tendrust,  112. 
too,  256,  the. 
tcone,    114,    184,    188,    192,    236,    42S,    /,»/,', 

■vexatiun,    su^lrimj,    uromj,    riproac/-  ;     A.S. 

tcoiia,  id. 



teonet5,  118,  pr.  pi.  moUsf,  an</cr;  A.S.  teonan, 

to  molest,  anger. 
teonne,  278,  then. 
i-l(^^ci;0i\,2S,  tithed,  jMi id  tithes;  A.S.  teoSian, 

to  tithe. 
tep,  296,  imp,  tap,  hit,  paty  Fr.  taper,  to  tap. 
tet,  8S,  230,  that. 
te-teren,  84,  to  tear  in  pieces;  pr.  tetere'S,  362; 

A.S.  to-teran,  id. 
teS,  23(J.  288,  teeth,  v.  toS. 

|>afunrje,  334,  1.  consent;  A.S.  >afiaii,  to  consent. 
^ase,  16,  h.  these. 
i>auh,   6,   418,   though,  although,  however;  A.S. 

bell,  |?eali,  iil. 
|>e,  pron.  thee. 
^e,  I'en.  J'ene,  the. 
i>eau,  88,  278,  virtue,  lenefit;  pi.  ^ea\v•es,  158,  a. 

200,    240,    276,    300,    virtues,    morals,  good 

deeds;  g.  pi.  t>ea\vene,  278;  A.S.  J>eaw,  id. 
heaufuie,  422,  moral,  edlfijihg. 
peawe,  184,  deto;  A.S   deaw,  id. 
|>encl)cn,  204,  to   think-;    pr.   t)cnche"S,  192;    p. 

jjoulite,  266;  imp.  \>tinc,  184,  J>enclie"5,  186, 

200;  p.p.  i-})ouht,  164,  thought;  A.S.  >encan, 

>eo,  114,  230,  I'eoa,  314,  then,  vhen,  the,  that, 

theij;  A.S.  Vx,  then,  until,  irhen,  as. 
t'eodo,  2i)0,  a  people,  couutrg;  A.S.  J>cod. 
}>eof,  AS,  174,  a  thief;  pi,  J^eouos.  174,  292. 
I^eofte,    208,    ^eofSe,    202,    382,    theft;     A.S. 

heoiine,  240,  then. 
J>eoiie\vard,  294,  thence  aiva>/. 
\>eoA,  these. 
>eosternes3e,    142,    146,    352,   darhms;    A.S. 

■  )>eosterny3,  id. 
J>eo.stieS,  ^i,darh:neth;  K.?>.^(to?,ii\&n,  to  darken. 
t>eote'5,   120,   h'oHtth;  A.S.  Kotan,   to  houl,  to 

blow  a  horn;  Sc.  to  toot. 
).eoudome,    32,    218,   bondage,   threddom;    A.S. 

l>tHidom,  id. 
)>eo\ve,  A  S.  372,  a  servant,  lond-servant. 
Jjcr,  160,  there,  where,  when,  the,  to  the,  that,  to 

that;  A.S.  Yxv,  id. 
berhi,  302,  thtrehii. 
J»crf,  192,  294,  316,346,  neceldh;  A.S,  K-arfian, 

to  need. 
)»ereuorc,  362,  therfe/re,  for  that  ceiuse. 
K'riiine,  352,  therein,  hi  that. 
hL-itc-f,  1  88,  add  thereto;  A.S.  hcrto  cce. 
hTiippr.,  100,  160,  270,352,372,  above,  before, 

i>e.s,  this,  of  the,  of  this. 
K'^iie,  13fi,  342,  this  o„e,  this  pecllar. 
J-et,  274,  that,  which,  the,  thai  vhlrh. 

Hcke,  3S2,  thkk,  104,  104.  g.foid,  close,  anhss; 

A,S.  t-ie. 
Hdeward,  222,  384,  thithenrard. 
Hike,  68,  b.  the  same;  A.S.  ^ic.  \>xt  vk-.i,  id. 
j>ine,  thine. 
K  114,  218,  236,  260,  323,  374,  Ki,  78,  322, 

thiu,  .rhe,,;  A.S.  ha,  id. 
K  A.S.  340,  f/ay,  earth;  G.  tlu.n,  id. 
i-^ohtot,  21  ti,  a.  disjmsed  i„  mind. 
>olien,   6,   126.   c.    134,    158,    220,    23-;,    2^1 

i-holien,  122,  228,  to  endnre,  sinhr.  b.„r:  pr! 

MieS,  ISS,  190,  384,  Mest,  2M ;  p.  )...|.-,1<. 

122,   188,  248;  pr.  sub.  Hie,   352,   i-J-o!,.!.., 

122;  A.S.  J^olian,  geXoli.ui,  id. 
Memode,  118,  158,  ^x<7/r/,<;  A.S.  l>ulcmod. 
Jjolcniodnesse,  8,  158,  284,  pafl.nce;  A.S.  |.,,Io- 

hone,  A.S.  404,  thn„l-s. 
hone,  A.S.  222,  a  thought,  yrlg],^  mind. 
i-}>onckod,  222,  disposal  In  mind. 
l>oncken,  122,  to   than/:;    pr.   sub.  j'onke,  256; 

imp.  }>onkt^5,  430;   A.S,  J>aiiciau,  to  thank. 
Jjoiigede,   362,   halving    thongs;    A.S.    ^woiig,    a 

))ornes,  134,  thorns;   g.   pi.   t>omene,  of  thorns; 

)>orni,  thorug;  A.S.  I^orn. 
Creates,   320,  pr.   ihreateneth ;     p.  J>rett<',  3i',6; 

imp.  JreateS,  266,  threaten;  p.p.  i-Jjrat,  com- 

pelted,  bg  threats;    A  S.  }?reatian,  to  thr.atm, 

J»reattene,|>reottene,234,</u'//t'e«;  A.S.  ^rcottvne, 

J'reatunge,  A.S.  156,  366,  threettening. 
>rel,  356, 370, a  thrall,  bond-servant;  pi.  j-ri-llis, 

130,  172;  A.S.  krel,id. 
{jreosclie,  3U6,  pr.  sub.  beat,  si-onrge:  p.p.  i-l'rus- 

chen.  186;  A.S.  Jrcscian,  to  thrash. 
Creole,  304,  throett;  A.S.  J'rote,  id. 
hreouold,  250,  threefold;  A.S.  ]>reofeald,  id. 
H-est,  314,  pr.  rusheth,forreth  away;  pi.  kosteii, 

220,  b.;  A.S.  J>ristiaii,  to  act  boldlg. 
H^lde,  116,  ^/,m?. 
tries,  324,  thrice. 
J>rile,  26,  v.  I'urlen. 

j>ro\vunj;e,  A.S.  372,  agong,  death-strvggle. 
j>ruli,    A.S.    378,    a    trouegh,   stone    cojhi,;    Sc. 

l>rune,  114  [1.  druiic],  a  drink;  A.S.  drinc. 
J.rumnc.^sc,  8,  160,  th,  hejlg  Trlnllg;  A.S.  JTVlies. 
pruuge,  154,  160,  a  throng;  A.S.  )'raiig. 
i'ruiigeS,  252,  pr.  pi.  throng, croxed;  A.S.  J'iiiig:in, 

to pre<s,  croii d. 
J'ueke,  326,  a  malicions  trie/:;   (i.  tucke,  id. 
huften,  4,  6,  12,  h.  420,  f.  Imfiin,  390,  a.  a  l.'u.d- 

ntald,S'rvani;  A.S.  hywen,  id. 



J>uhte,  seemed,  v.  t>unclicii. 

J^uhte,  n.  98,  thotnjht,  mind;  A.S.  Kn-i'an,  to  (hud: 

huiaoliche,   106,  155,  ixUknthj;  A.S.    hylJelie, 

J>ullich,  8,  b.  the  like;  A.S.  hjlllc,  id. 
hume,  IS,  ?/(«  </(!(«,/;;  A.S.  Kma,  il. 
hunchen,    122,  27S,  J'unclie,   13(J,  /o   «('«//(;   pr. 

WnclieS,   38,   98.   100,    114,  122.   12G,  138, 

148,  158,  192,  222,  238,  242,  2G8,  374,  41C; 

p.  hihte,  112.  lis,  148;  pr.  sub.  hmclie,  98, 

100,170;  imp.  ^miche,  1G2,  3.58;  A.S.I>incan, 

}>viican,  to  (i/qiear,  scon. 
J>uiu!e,  144,  (hiu,  swall;  A.S.  l-yn. 
}>urrte,  330,  v.  )>iiruen. 
J'urhscon,  50,  to  see  through. 
hurl,  Jnirle,  48,   344,  a  window;  pi.  hurles,  50, 

110,  292,  uhidoirs,  cariiies;  A.S.  hyr'.  id. 
hiirlen,  392,  to  pw'ce,  per/ornte,  thirl;  pr.  purle'S, 

220,   240,  272;   p.   pi.  harknlen,    292;   imp. 

hrilc,  26;  p.p.  i-l.urled,390,  398;  A.S. hyrlian, 

to  lore,  pierce,  perforate. 
hurlunge,  166.  c.  390,  a  piercinj,  penetratinij; 

A.S.  hYrclungo,  id. 
hurse.  280,  a  giant,  the  decil;   A.S.  b'rs,  a  giant, 

hurst,  114,  thirst. 

hurste,  188,  thirsted;  A.S.  hyrstan,  to  thirst. 
hurSe,  hurte,  172,  k.  various  readings  of  hurve, 

V.  Jmrueii. 
huruen,  6,  to  need,  icant;  p.  hurfte,  336;  pr.  sub. 

hiirue,  172,  22S;  A.S.  hearfan,  id. 
huruli,   302,   4flU,    h>i,   through;  A.S.  I'urli,  id.; 

Lincolnsliire  dialect,  thurf. 
hur\ihut,  330,  throngh,  qvite  thronghi,. 
husendes,  336,  (honsands. 
hsvartouer,   402,   hwertouer,  82,  across,  direct Ig 

contrarg,  coaUnnacious;  A.S.  h^eor,  contrary, 

J>yi-s,  A.S.  230,  a.  a  giant,  spectre. 
ticchencs,  100,  f^ids;   A.S.  ticcenes,  id. 
i-tidde,  152,  happened,  202,  mag  hapipcn ;  A.S. 

gctidan,  to  hup2>e)i. 
tide,   20,   22,  tivie,  season,  of  prager;  pi.  tiden, 

312;  A.S.  tid,  time;  Or.  ?;eit,  id. 
tifTuiig,  420,  a./vitr^  m  (Z;-«ts. 
tiheSe  mis,  tcoii'Sen  mis,  208,  d.  pay  tit/us  im- 

tildes,  tildVS,  334,  a.  prepare,  v.  tilleu. 
tillen,  334,  tilien,  384,  to  till,  prepare,  cnltiratc, 

toil;  pr.  tileS,  78;  p.   til.d,  404;  p.p.  i-filwl, 

7S;  A.S.  tiiian,  id. 
til'Se,  78,  tillage,  cuUiration. 
tilimge,  290,  tilling,  ctdtnre. 
til.lungc,  278,  rt  pitfall,  hidden  trap;  A.S.  tyld- 

.'^ylc',  ('  booth,  tent;  Sc.  to  tvM,  to  ronr. 

tinibrin,  12,  ^0  build  up,  prcjiare,  2>romotc;  p.p. 

i-timbred;  A.S.  timbrian,  (o  build. 
timbrunge,  A.S.  124,  building  ^'p,  advancement. 
tindos,  354,  staves;  A.S.  tindas,  tines. 
tine,  104,  Hue,  thine.,  20,  this;   A.S.  his. 
i-tit,  ISii,  h(ij)/>uis,  hctides,  v.  i-tidde. 
ti-Singe,   S8,   tiSingcs,   172,    424,   tidings;    A.S. 

tidan,  to  happen. 
titles,  330,  362,  308,  ^)rt/w;  A.S.  tit,  titt,  id. 
to,  120,  too. 
to -boot,  106,  slrucl:     . 
to-berste'5,    254,    breaJceth;     A.S.    to-bcrstan,    to 

break,  burst. 
to-blowen,    122,   blou-n    up;    A.S.    blawan,    to 

to-bollen,  122,  282,  i-bollen,  V22,ihfhited,  excited, 

ilispltased;   A.S.  bolgen;  p.p.  of  belguii,  to  be 

anqni,  disjyleased;  bolne,  to  sireU.  Ch. 
to-breakeJi,  164,  breakcth;  to-broken,  104,342, 

broken;  A.S.  to-brecan,  to  break. 
toe,  52,  1.  dreic;  A.S.  teon,  to  pull,  drau:. 
to-cbeoweS,  202,  cheiceth;    A.S.   to-ceo\vaii,    to 

tome,  106,  316,  a  sign,  token;  A.S.  tacen,  id. 
to-dealen,    180,    to    divide,    separate;    pr.    sub. 

to-dealc,186;  imp.  to-deale.  254,to-dele,  332; 

p.p.  to-dealed,  254,  298,  to-deled,  220,  412; 

A.S.  to-d;elan,  id. 
to-dreuen,    254,    to   drive   away,  disiKrse;    pr. 

to-dreaucS,  298;  imp.  to-dref,  264;  A.S.  to- 

dnufan,  to  disperse. 
to-dreuedliebe,  320,  desultorily. 
to-fule-S,  380,  deflcth;  A.S.  ful,/o('i. 
togederes,  354,  together;  A.S.  togoidere,  id. 
to-seines,  208,  368,  against. 
toggen,  424,  to  tug,  romp,  toy;  A.S.  teogan,  teoii. 
togging,  204,  tugging;  A.S.  togung,  id. 
toggle,  toggi,  424,  d.  tug,  v.  toggen. 
to-j;iues,  'IGS,  forgive;  A.S.  to-gifan,  to  give  to. 
to-tagge,   318,   320,  circumstance;  pi.  to-tagges, 

316,  320,  332,  b. 
to-hurte5,  420,s^-(7c'  against,  are  repelled;  O.Fr. 

to-hwi'Sercd,  362,  7i-hirled  about,  racked,  broken. 
tol,  A.S.  12.  g.  a  tool,  htstrumenl. 
told,  i-told,  V.  tellcn. 
to-limeS,  84,  dismembcrclh;  p.p.  to-li.ncd,  362; 

A.S.  lim,  a  liutb. 
tolled',  290,  enticcth;  p.  tulde,  320;  imp.  tnllc, 

414;  pr.  p.tollindc,  50;  C\\.  iu\\,allar, ;  I'.K. 

tole;  Isl.  tulka.  id. 
tollungo,  no,  204 ,  an  enticing,  inviting,  courting. 
tonimnro,  144,  more  tame. 
to-noudelS,  418,  is  needed. 



tor,  254,  a.  com.  verj  tovgh;  A.S.  toh,  toaijh. 
i-torene,  364,  torn. 

to-ren<le'S,  362,  rendelh;  A.S.  rendan,  to  rend. 
torpehiesse,  322,  wlrirl,  instaliUtj. 
lorplen,  322,  to  fall  doicn  heudloiij,  to]^}^^'';  pr. 
torpleS,   324;  p.p.  torplet,  266,  e.,  i-turple.l, 
to-spret,  402,  spread  out;  A.S.  to-spraedde. 
to-swollen,  282,  siro??e7ty  A.S.  to-swellan,  to  swell 

to-tere'5,  tetere'5,  pr.  ieareth;  p.p.  to-torene,  32S, 
362,  tetore,  362,  torn;  A.S.  to-tcran,  to  tear 
ill  pieces, 
toten,   52,   to  tool-  out,  to  peer;    pr.   toteS,   92; 

pr.  sub.  totie;  pr.  p.  totinde,  50,  100. 
to-S,  218,  a  tooth. 
totilde,  l(i2,iv:crinrj,prii'in(j. 
totinge,  52,  totuiige,  100,  lookinrj  ahout,  pri/oii/. 
to-treden,   166,   to    trarnpile    ttpon,   trend    vpon; 
pr.  to-tret,  122,  3S0;  imp.  to-trcd,  294;  p.p. 
to-treden,  3S0;  pr.  p.  to-tredinde,   170;  A.S. 
tredan,  to  troul. 
to-tredunge,  3S0,  a  t,-ami)Un(j  upon. 
to-trodde,  342,  imp.  trace  out. 
to-tweamde,    396,   p.    divided,  separated;    A.S. 

to-t\vteman,  (o  separate. 
to-twuned,  254,  b.  p.p.  dieided. 
to-uleoten,    72,    pr.   sub.    pi.  flit,  float;    pr.   p. 

uleotinde,  46;  A.S.  fleotan,  to  flout. 
i-towen,    324,    drawn;    i-towune,   204,  formed, 
disciplined,  taught,  modest;  A.S.teon,  to  draw, 
draw  out,  form,  teach,  discipline. 
to-uor^,  294,  too  far. 
touret,  202,  gnaweth,  corrodeth. 
to-warpled,  322,  cast  down,  shaken  off;  A.S.  to- 

wcrpan,  to  cast  down. 
to-weaued,  148,  waftal  awaj:   A.S.  vvafian  ?  to 

to-weiit,  324,  tarneth  ocer;  A.S.  to-wendan,  to 

turn  over. 
to-wundre,  390,  grievouslg. 
treden,  treodcn,  'di^Qjfoot-pirints. 
treitre,  194,  a  betrayer;   Fr.  traitre. 
trco,   392,    treou,  2"54,  402,  a  tree,  sticl;  vovd; 

pi.  treou;  A.S.  treow,  id. 
treowc,  128,  <-■;'«. 
treouliche,  Irulg,  faxthfulb). 
trcounosse,  294,  truth,  faithfulness. 
troowcscliipc,  8,  truthfulness. 
tristrc,  332,   tristren,   332,  stations,   where   wen 

icutch  to  intercept  game  in  hunting. 
triws,  286,  u  truce;  pi.  trouSou,  54. 
troddet),  232,  tracth;  A.S.  trod,  a  track. 
■  troddc,  380,  trod. 
trodcs,  380,  \^,fjot-marl-s. 

trou'Se,  310,  troth. 

trublen,  268,  to  disturb;  G.  triibon,  to  troulb. 

trufles,   106,  dtlusions;  O.Fr.  truHo,   , ■»>..■,  Iroiu- 

truglcs,   106,   c.   d>J,'sionsi  probably    from    A.S. 

truciaii,  to  deceive. 
tnikeS,  356,  pr.  faihth,  dtceivcth;  p.   tnikcd.', 
230;  pr.  sub.  trukie,  68,  2;i4,  274,  428;  A.S. 
trucian,  to  fail,  dectire,  trrrh. 
tru'eiS,  106,  d    bcgnihth. 
trusseaus,  166,  bundles:  Fr.  trousseaux,  id. 
tru'sen,  322,   to   bind    in    hnudUs,  to   pack-;   p.p. 

i -trussed,  166,  trussed;  Fr.  trousser,  id. 
tmkie,  408,  pr.  sub.,  barter;  A.S.  true!  ui; 

Fr.  troquer,  id. 
trusti,  334,  confident. 
truwandise,  330,  Murdi/  or  frandidnit  lifiging; 

O.Fr.  truandie,  imj>o.<tnre,fr<i'id. 
tubtcu,   268,  to  chuMise,  correct,  discipi: „.';  pr. 
tuketS,  316,   380;   pr.  s'.ib.  tukie,   316;    iinp. 
tuc,  316;  p.p.  i-tubt,  184,  21S,  i-tukid,  36'!, 
390;  A.S.  tucian,  to  punish,  chastise. 
tulle,  tulde,  V,  tolled. 

tunen,    62,   80,  to  shd,  stop   up,  fnce   round; 
pr.  tune's,  94,  96,  bituneJi,  94 ;  imp.  tun,  lit  1 ; 
A.S.  tynan,  id.;  P.E.  toon,  to  slop  up. 
tune,  418,  a  town;  A.S.  tun,  id. 
tunge,    78,    the    tongue;    tungen,    410,    tomju's; 

A.S.  tunga,  the  tongue. 
tunne,  A.S.  214,  a  tun. 
tur,  A.S.  226,   228,  a  tourer;  gen,  t-ins,  372; 

pi.  tures,  228. 
turn,   280,  a   stratagem,   triel;    pi.   turnes,    78, 

wiles;  Fr.  tour,  a.  triclc. 
turnement,  390.  ^ 

turnes,   132,  g.    tnmeth;    pr.  sub.    turue,   ..40; 
p.p.  i-turnd,  8,  26,  372,426,  i-turnt,  26,  a.; 
pr.   p.  turninde,  356;    A.S.   tyrnan,  to   tarn, 
i-turpled,  266,  v.  torplen. 
tus,  238,  </'«s. 

tutel,  212,  the  mouth,  lips;  pi.  tutele^  80. 
tutele"S,  212,  422,  talketh,  tatthth,  blUh;  pr.  p. 

tutclinde,  106.  tattling,  twattling. 
UiKCA,  280,  tush;  A.S.  tux,  tusc,  <(  tusk. 
tweamen,    252,    b.    to    divide,   sejurrate;     \.S. 

twajman,  id.  ^      ^ 

tvsie,  36,412,  tweicn,  20,  303,  twio.s,  .0,  o'-K 

twice:  A.S.  tuwa,  id. 
tweire,  406,  gen.  of  t,ro;  A.S.  twegra,  id. 
twinneu,  252,  b.  332,  396,  to  divide,  s,pavnl,: 

p.p.  i-twinned,  25  4,  b.;  A.S.  twa,  two. 
t\v\unnniie,2dG,  separation. 
tyld,  278,  c,  rt  hidden  snan;   Sc.   to  tyld,  (■■ 



val,  320,  « /a//. 

valewe-5,  132,  faddh;  A.S.  fcalwian,  fo  qrov: 

uallcn,  372,  to  fall,  to  O'vse  to  faU;  pr.  uallost, 
340,  ualle'S,  90,  I'JS,  220,  295,  320,  350, 
falleS,  348;  p.  ueol,  220,  200,  300,  feol,  280; 
pr.  sub.  ueolle,  220,  falle,  2S0,  330,  ualle, 
252;  p.p.  i-ueollen,  270,  i-uallen,  58,  220, 
i-uollen,  370;  pr,  p.  uallinde,  280,  280;  A.S. 
feallan,  id. 

uallcst.  340,  fo.fle.-:t:  p.  ueol,  ZG6,fen. 

vals,  344,  vaise,,  130,/('/.s^. 

ualse,    228,    pr.    sub.  fail,  prove    trench o-qks  ; 

pr.  p. 


varetS,  120,  uareS,  106,  344,  fareth,  rjoeth;  p.p. 

i-uareii,  360;  A.S.  faran,  to  yo. 
uaunipez,  42U,  vanqis. 
uuwenunge,  290,  fawning. 
ucli,  14,  a.  uh,  4,  b.  8,  c.  each, 
ue,  270,  d.  we. 

ueehchen,  308,  to  ftbh,  hring;  A.S.  feccan,  id. 
ueden,  414,  to  fetd;  pr.   uedelS,  198;   pr.  sub. 
uedcn,  150;  imp.  ved,  100;  p.p.  i-ued,  200; 
A.S.  fcdan,  id. 
uederen,  Vii^feotherx;  A.S.  faj'Sor,  a  feather. 
ueien,  390,  to  join;  pr.  ueie'5,  78;  p.p.  i-ueied, 
26,  90,   138,   302,    308,   330,  joined;    A.S. 
fegan,  id. 
ueilcs,  420,  veils. 
ueiii,  192, /(tih;  f;egen,  id. 
ueirne,  236, /aiV,  Uuntlful;  A.S.  firger,  id. 
veiunge,  78,  joining. 
uel,   102,   uelle,   120,  a  skin;  pi.  uclles,  felles, 

41S;  A.S.  fel,  rt  s/m. 
ueld,    102,  a  field,  an   oiuii   country/,  poHure; 

A.S.  feid,  id. 
i-uclen,   232,    to  feel;    pr.   vcleS,   i-velet!,   178, 
feeleth;    pr.   sub.  i-vele,  60;    p.p.  i-veled,  92, 
ftlt;  A.S.  felan,  to  fed. 
veUingo,  110,  114,  lltj,  fee'ing. 
ueng,  52,  hcgan,  tool. 

uenie,  venie,  46,  2.".8,  420,  hv7,dde  s"j>pl>'ratio», 
obeisance, 'purdon;  pi.  uenics,  420;  Lat.veni.a, 
uenne,  328, /«,  mud. 

ucnlicbe,   206,  fcn-lihe,  as  in    vivd.     It  is  very 
prnb.abU;  that  the  word  ought   to  be  written 
uerliclu-,  rjuiril,/.  speedily:   A.S.  fcrlice,  id. 
ueole,  102,  388,  many;  A.S.  feola,  id. 
veolaulichc,    38,    us   a  follower,   socialhi;    A.S. 

folgian,  tofolliiv:. 
veolauru<lden,  38,   106,  fclloivship,  societ>j,  corn- 
fan  y. 
ucond,  60,  130,  102,  214,  g.  feondrs,  211,  «h 
enem'/,the  en'>n;/,f''»d;  A.S.  fooiid,  id. 

ucor,  2H;,  220,  r'cr. 

veorlieh.  ucrlich,  112,  148,  178,  222,  310,  320, 
358,   strange,   marcellous,   svddtnbj,   marcel- 
lovshj;  A.S.  fearlic,  sudde7>. 
ueorrento,  228, /«r  atcai/,  distant. 
i-veotered,  ^2,  fettered:  A.S.  gefeterian,  to  fetter. 
uerd,  74,  92,  232,  374,  fcrd,  74,  an  arm;/;  pi. 

uerdes,  250;  A.S.  feord,  fyrd,  «/'  orni>/. 
ucre,  252,  n  companion,  associate;  pi.  nercn,  80, 

i-ucren,  392;  A.S.  fera,  id. 
i-ueruwed,  204,  farroved;   A.S.   fearh,  a  little 

jyig,  a  litter. 
uerslen,  44,  to  say  versicles,  to  join  in  prayer; 

pr.  sub.  uersalie,  120;  O.Fr.  verseiller,  id. 
uesten,   412,   to  fast;    pr.   veste'S,   20,    130;    pi. 
uesten,  270;  p.  veste,  120,  130;  A.S.  fajstan, 
uesten-dawes,  Z\^,  fast-days. 
uestimenz,  418,  vestments. 
uestluker,  234,  238,  com.  viore firmly. 
i-uestned,   218,   ^Zi,  iU,  fixed,  fastened;  A.^. 

gefxstnian,  to  fasten. 
ucstschipe,  202,  276,  holding  fast ,  parsimony. 
uet,  130, /«f;   A.S.  fcnt. 
vet,  106,  274,  uoten,  160,/f«;<,  v.  uot. 
ue'Sren,  140,  to  give  vings  to. 
i-uetNSered,  204,  i-vi«ered,  60,  feothered ;  A.S. 

gefySered,  id. 
ue'b'ereii,  WO,  feathers;  A.S.tetier,  a  feather. 
uette'S,   130,  fatteneth;  p.p.  i-vetted,  grvirn  fat; 

A.S.  flcttian,  to  fatten. 
uettle.s,   104,  276,   vetles,  320,  a   vessel;   A.S. 

fiutels,  id. 
uggi,  92,  k.  pr.  sub.  dread  greatly;  A.S.  oga, 

dread,  great  fear. 
vhtsong,  18,  20,  the  nocturnal  prayers. 
vif,  uif,  112,  25S,fLve. 
uigiles,  412,  eveiiing  2>rayers,  vigils. 
uihte,  102,  190,  358,  a  fight;  A.S.  fyht,  id. 
uihte'S,  358,  yr.fightcth. 
vikelare,  84,  86,  a  flatterer. 
vikoleti,   198,    pr.   pi.  fatter;    pr.   p.    ulkiiiide, 

uikeluugc!,  22i,  fiallery. 
uile,  184,  284,  a  file;  A.S.  feol,  id. 
uileS,  184,  jtr.fihth;  p.p.  i-viled,  2Sl, filed. 
uileuest.  244,/rt.s7. 
uilte,  380,  nieanness;  Ft.  vilett',  id. 
uiiigrcs,  290,  fivgers. 

i-uinden,  150,  350,  398,   to  find;  pr.  i.ui^dc^■, 
232;  p.   i-vond,  00,    78,  uond,  258;  p.  suh. 
i-viiit,  150;  A.S.  gefindan,  tofin^K 
vitcrokes,  328,  smorl-f rocks;    A.S.  hwit,  vhitc, 

roc,  an.  onti.r  {ptrmcnt. 
vlad<c^\  9A\,fiash,lh,ponreth:  imp.  llaskie,  314. 



vleau,  112,  flowed. 

uleih,  270,  «/,'/;  A.S.  flig,  id. 

vlcon,  ulcon,  vlihS,  v.  fleon. 

ulcotcn,  72,  to  rfi(,f'>,!_f,  v.  to-uleoten. 

vlesohc,  ISO,  2U,  ,'/•>•/'. 

ulesliche,  104,  240,  244,  camal,  fleshly;  A.S. 
flKslic,  id. 

vlessh  wise ,  fle^li  ly-ircsc. 

ulessis,  \A(),fle.ih. 

vlien,  290,/t:o5. 

vlige,  8,  10,  o  iy:  A.S.  flig,  id. 

vlihte,  2-iS, flight. 

ulih^,  142,  V.  fleon. 

ulint,  220, flint. 

vloc,  120,  a  flock;  A.S.  flocc. 

vlowinde,  282,  828,  trowing,  running. 

vluht,  \Z2,fli'jJit. 

vlutten  l)i,  428,  vherewith  to  Ireii  above  u-ater,  to 
suffice,  male  comfortahle,  v.  biflutteu. 

vmbe,  218,  umbe,  2.56,  324,  334,  344,  busy, 
intfnt,  endeavouring,  concerned. 

umbestunde,  344,  al  times,  noip  and  then. 

umbridawes,  412,  umher-dayi. 

unbileaue,'f;  A.S.  ungeleafa. 

unbileue.l,  234,  2tj0,  VMbeliecing. 

unbishoped,  208,  not  having  received  the  rite  of 

unbiseiiiess,  344,  heedlessness. 

uncumelukest,  414,  a.  most  unbecoming. 

uncu'Se,  54,  140,  strange,  unknown,  uncouth; 
A.S.  uncuS,  id. 

undeere,  408,  dixest^-AMed;  A.S.  undeor,  id. 

iinderueng,  v.  undeniongen. 

luiidei-sitcn,  150,  270,  to  perceive,  understand, 
find;  pr.  underj;itest,  290,  296,  undersiteS, 
346;  p.  underseton;  A.S.  undergitan,  id. 

vndcrling,  198,  subordinate. 

undern,  24,  morning  service,  at  nine  o''clocl\ 

undernimen,  262,  to  undertake;  p.p.  under- 
nunien,  198,  undertaken. 

underset,  254,  pr.  underprop. 

understiprcn,  142,  understipen,  142,  g.  to  under- 
prop; A.S.  stipere,  a  pillar,  prop. 

undertid,  400,  the  time  of  the  undern,  or  morning 
sen- ice. 

undertoc,  114,  p.  undcrtooh. 

undeniongen,  190,  362,  underuon,  14,  422,  to 
accept,  receive;  pr.  undcruongciS,  190,  un- 
dcrnoh,  212,  256,  280;  p.  undorueng,  114, 
122,  388;  pr.  sub.  undcriio,  226;  imp.  iin- 
dcn'iong,  38;  undcruo,  418;  p.p.  iindcruon, 
146;  A.S.  underfangen,  underfon,  id. 

unefenlich,  410,  uncuonliche,  408,  not  to  be  com- 
pared, inromparcJily. 

unofno,  312,  vnenn,  vnr<pial. 

vnondliche,  393,  in  fir  itch/. 

unf.-ale,    198,    a.    'rode,' sar-igr;     A.S.    unf.Tlo. 
treacherous,  wicked;  Sc.  untVel,  ro"yA,  u/'n'.-,/. 
unuonded,  232,  untried. 
ungledliobe,  33S,  Joylessly. 
vngraeiuse,  368,  ingratitudf, 
unhealed,  328,  id. 

unheleJv,   150,    unhelie^^,   58,    unhule.*,  270,  a. 
pr.  itncovcrtth;  p.  unlnilede,  58,  b.;  j>.p.  un- 
heled,  150;  A.S.  unhtlan,  to  uncortr. 
unlieite,  46,  46,  a.  UKirell,  infirm  [I.  uiih>'ile  ?] 
unhcnde,  20 i,  improper,  Hi'lir.roming. 
vnhep,  ISO,  278,  mishap;   I.<1.  van,"  ,'-.^.^  li.ipp, 

good  fort  line;  So.  wanliap,  id. 
vnholde,  222,  enemies. 
unhole,  112,  370,  unsound,  nn'rhobfome ;   .\.S. 

unhal,  sick. 
unholre,  166,  less  sound,  less  pure. 
unhope,  8,  202,  224,  372,  despair;  A.S.  wan.i, 

uant,  ho'pa,  hope;  Sc.  wanhope,  id. 
unicorne,  120. 
uniliclie,  uniquely,  soleli/. 

unimete,  40,  102,  140,  144,  202.  330.  336,  388. 
immeasurably,  unbounded,  inculci'lable;   A.S. 
ungeniset,  immense,  immeasurable. 
uninieteliche,  398,  immi-n.-'ely. 
uniseli,  68, 128, 150,  2.")0,  270,  310,  g.  nni.^elio-.. 

334,  unhappy;  A.S.  unsadig,  id. 
unkuft'e,  250,  336,  348,  35S,  414,  strange,  »«- 

known.,  uncommon: 
unkundeliche,  50,   116,  unnoturul,  iKOu.slstn.t, 

unbecoming;  A.S.  ungecyndelic,  id. 
unkuindlukest,.414,    most    unbecoming,    uncoii- 

unlepped,  424,  b.  unwrapped,  uncovered,  op^n. 
unliden.  58,  f.  pr.  pi.  to  uncover,  nnlid;  p.  pi. 

unladed,  58,  i. 
unlimen,256,  <o  taifasten, disunite;  pr.  unlimeS, 

228;  A.S.  lime,  cement,  ntortar,  lime. 
nnVimp,  274,  evil,  misfortune.    ■ 
unlo^"nesse,  340,  innocence,  meekness;  A.S.  I.u>, 

harm,  evil. 
unluded,  v.  unliden. 

unniPiS,   50,   immense;    com.  unmeSlukor,  23>. 
266,   immoderately,  importunately;  A.S.  un- 
m.tito,  immoderate. 
unnif^Nschipe,    122,    weakness,   rrant    of   S'lf-v- 

unniiinhingc,  280,  unauares,  uncrpect  dly;  A.S. 

unmvndlinga,  id. 
unneaSe,   258.   314,  uHh  difficulty,  nluclanlly; 

A.S.  unoa'Sc,  id.  f,  . 

unneito,  130,  f.  usrless,unprofita'dc;  A.S.  i.nii.-t. 

vnncn,   284,   380,  to  grant,  fermit.  desir,:    p''- 




mnest,   2S2,   unncS, 

:z;   pr. 

.1..    vSe,    ".'0; 

p.p.  i-unned;  A.S.  unnan,  id 
unnunge,  282,  a  'jivukj,  l/estoc-iny,  ch-Hshinri. 
unnet,  A.S.  S2,  uniiute,  130,  352,  vain,  u.-id-:<s, 

iinprofitaUc,   A.S.  nyt,  ttseful. 
utiuL't,  3-tO,  VHonstrahied,  spon.taiteondir,   A.S.,  to  cniupul. 
unonic,  A.S.  108,  418,  424,  pUun,  coarse. 
unrec-hleas,  3SS,  {luUffereni,  heedless;   A.S.  rece, 

reck,  care. 
unsauure,  2f>2,  unsarour;/. 
unschriuen,  314,  332,  miroiifefsed,  rrltlovt  hnrmfj 

unseaulich,  10,  ol'scnre,  U7is-'eni[>/. 
unsciene,  312,  unsehene,  312,  b.  im-isiHe;  A.S.    I 

seon,  to  see. 
unscincde,   312,   312,  b.  unhlest;  A.S.  sognian, 

to  bless. 
unseli,  174,  262,  lueldess,  unhappy,  v.  uniseli. 
*  uiiseluh-Se,  SO,  172,  vilsfortime;  A.S.  un.s.i;lhSe, 
unseouwed,  344,  unseired;  A.S.  siwian,  to  .«■;■'•. 
uiisikor,  144,  vncertain. 
uosouht,  324,  viisoii'jiif. 
vnstaSeluest,  208,  uiis^lt'td,  nnsfable;   A.S.  un- 

staiSolfiost,  id. 
unspennede,  1.58,  d.    unuoVed,    vnhound;    A.S. 

spannan,  to  join,  to  yoke. 
unstrencSe,  232,  weakness,  innrmity. 
uustrenc^"en,  138,  to   weaken.,   (jrotn    weak;    pr. 

unstrenc^eS,  270,  3G8;  A.S.  unstreng,  ireak. 
unstruiige,  278,  infirm,  weak;  com.  uiistrengre, 


untalcliche,  144, 410,  indescrihaUe,  innv.rneraMe ; 

A.S.  tellan,  to  tell,  to  numUr;  P.E.  uiitellable. 

un'Kcs,  142,  d.  waves;  A.S.  y5,  a  wave;  v.  iib'en. 

unSeau,   70,    152,  200,  unSeawe,  200,_374,_  « 

fo.v.h,  sin,  vice;  pi.  uirSeawes,  132,  176,  252, 

332;  A.S.  un^eau,  id. 

un'Seode,  312,  358,  aliens,  forei;/»ers,  enemies; 

A.S.  heod,  a  people,  covntry. 
uiitiffed,  420,  unadorned,  v  atiffen. 
unSonc,  202,  vnjifeasantness;  A.  unSanc,  id. 
unSonc,  236,  unSoncke.s,  338,  uniSeid<t-.*,   122, 
undesignedly,    unirillinyhj;    A.S.    hoiuun.    /<> 
untimc,    344,    unseasonaUeness ;    A.S.    uutima, 

untowc,   102,   170,    untowcn,    372,    uiitowuue, 
'd\-2.,' improper,  indeccnf,iri<mf,ral ;   A..S.  uiige- 
togon,  rude. 

iiiitowcscbipe,  170,  imiirojiri 
untrust,  332,  despair. 
untru.^tcn,  332,  to  despair. 
iii>tnis.scd,  350,  vnhordrned. 

c.A>rn.  soc. 


unucsten,  218,  uiiuestnen,  2.52,  to  unfasten,  dis- 

unuonded,  232,  untried   untempted. 
unwaker,  272,  nnv;atchfv.l. 
unwarro,  274,  unwary. 
uuwedwed,  424,  unceiled;   A.S.  wkioIh,  a  veil, 

coeeriny,  wafan,  to  cover. 
unwemmed,  A.S.  10,  unstained. 
uiiweote,  8,  ignorant,  unnise;  A.S.  unuit.i,  id. 
unwiht,  23S,unwliit  [I.  unwiht],  274,  «»  enemy, 
the  fiend;  pi.  uinvihtcs,  264,  300. 
';    unwille,  23S,  reluctant;  A.S.  unwillan,  id.;  Sc. 
!        unwilly.  ' 

\    uiiwine,  A.S.   178,   272,  an  enemy,  adversary; 
;        pi.  uuwines,  246,  270. 
unwisdom,  21S,  folly. 
unwiteiiesse,  278,  imprudence. 
unwreieu,   308,  UTiwricn,   328,   to   v.ncorer,  un- 
mask;   pr.   iinwricS,   58,  unwTihb",   84,   270, 
unwreoS,  88;  pi.  uiiwiien,  152,  unwreon,  38; 
p.  unwi-eih,  56,  58,  imwrien,  58;  imp.  unwTih, 
uuwreon,  310;  A.S.  unwreon,  uuwrigan,  id. 
unwrie,  58,  adj.  open,  unrorered. 
unwreneh,  268,  wicked  artifice;  A.S.  unwrcenc, 

unwreste,  68,  122,  124, 120, 144, 184,  268,  274, 
290,  3i)4,  base,  tricked,  depraved,  weak;  A.S. 
unwrsDst,  id. 
uuwisliclie,  338,  unwisely. 
unwreastliche,  294,  a.  unwrestliche,  394,  wick- 

unwrestschipe,  304,  weakness,  wickedness. 
unwur-5,   A.S.    94.   280,   352,    368,   380,   408, 

worthless,  valueless,  disesleemed. 
vo,  62,  uo,  404,  a  foe;  pi.  uoan,  220,  338. 
uoamcn,  186,  21^,foemen. 
uode,  142,  260,  342,  406,  fode,  Wl,food;  A.S. 

foda,  id. 
uolke,  308,  uolcke,  322,  uolc,  VoG,  folk,  pcoph; 

A.S.  folc. 
uoluwen,  52,  102,  to  folio v;  pr.  lu.luwo^,  301; 

p.  vohuvede,   foluwcdc,  7S,  uoUiwedon,  1262; 

imp.  folcwe,  100;  A.S.  folgiaii,  lofotlo>". 
uoii.lon.    194,   to  tempt,  try;    p.  uondude,   102, 

162,  experienced,  tempted,  trifd;  p.p.  i-vonded, 

58,   94,   178;    A.S.    fundian,   to   try,   search, 

uondunge,    252,    temptation;    uondungcs,    372, 

uorheot,  1S6,  forbids. 
uoiborou,  218,   to    have  patience,  forhmr,  bear 

,rilh;  p.  uorber,  218,  366. 
uorbcjne^',    244,    i)r.    bnmcth,    consinuilli;    p.p 

uorbcrnd,   54,    56,  uoi-I>cri.c,  244;   A.S.    toy 

beariian,  to  l>vrn  n/>. 

3   1' 



uorbisne,  52,  63,  76,  140,  154,  an  example;  pi. 

uorbisnes,  164;  A.S.  bisn.  id. 
uorbuvveii,  306,  p.  pi.  disobeyed,  declined;  A.S. 

forbugan,  to  decline. 
uorilon,  210,  334,  (o  destroy;  A.S.  fonlon,  id. 
uorJrunken,  214,  druhken;  A.S.  fordrencan,  to 

mole  dnink. 
uordruwede,  148,  tcithered;  A.S.  fordruwian,  to 

dry  vp. 
novo,  for. 
uorge'S,  364,  pr.  forffoes,  gives  vp;  p.  uor-eoden, 

406,  gave   7tp,   did  not  jwssess;  imp.  forge's, 

412;  A.S.  forgaii,  to  forego. 
uoreward,   98,  172,   foreward,   172,  a  promise, 

uorsemen,         ,  to  neglect;  pr.  uorgeme'S,  272; 

pi.  uorgeinen;  p.p.  uorgemed;  A.S.  forgyman, 

uorjiten,  272,  to  forget;  pr.  uorjite'S,  200;  imp. 

uorsite'S.   34;   pp.  uorjiten,   100,   124,  3-2(), 

382;  A.S.  forgitan,  to  forget. 
uorjiuelicli,  oiQ,  pardonable,  ve»ial. 
uorgulte,  2SS,  guilty. 
uorhoten,  340,  to  renounce,  leave  off;  p.p.  uorhe- 

ten,  192,  forsaken  [derived  from  A.S.  for,  a 

negative,  like  ver  in  German,  and  A  S.  hatan, 

to  commandl. 
uorhoren,  394,  to   commit   whoredom;    pr.   sub. 

uorhorie,  394;  p.p.  uorhored,  394. 
uorhowien,         ,  to  despise;  pr.  uorhoweS,  198. 
uorliwou,  62,  v-herefore,  vhy. 
uorkeoruen,  360,  to  cut  off;  pr.  sub.  uorkeorue, 

46;  A.S.  for-ceorfan,  id. 
uorkuled,  50,   discoloured;    MS.   Oxon.  decolo- 

uorkuliinde,  306,  tormenting'}  A.S.  aewellan,  <o 

uorleosen,  166,  424,  to  lose;  pr.  uorleoso^,  120, 

236,  326,  408;  pi.  ur)rleo»eii,  118;  p.  uorle-us, 

232;  p.p.  vorloren,  10,  310;  A.S.  forleosan,  id.,  66,  110,  ruin,  lost  state;  A.S.  for- 

lorenes,  id. 
uorlonginge,  274,  languor,  listlessness. 
vorme,  10,  former. 

uorrideles,  206,  300,  2>recursors,  fore-riders. 
uorrotien,  344,  to  rot. 
uorseoSen,  312,  pr.  pi.  seethe, 
uorsohalded,  246,  scaldtd. 

uorschuppild,  120,  one  who  transforms,  a  sorceress. 
uorschuppeS,  222,  is   transformed,    120,   triins- 

uorswoluwen,   164,  to  smtllow  up,  devour;  pr. 

uorssvoIuwe'S;  A.S.,  id. 
vort,  22,  24,  236,  296,  300,  400,  until,  u».to. 
vortc,  vorto,  to,  in  order  to. 

uofS,  344,/flr,./o/-^/t. 

norSfarinde,  210,  mortal,  perishing. 

uarSmore,  "MO ,  furthermore. 

i-uorXed,  403,  done. 

uorSgdng,  318,  procedure. 

vorSui,  90,  wherefore. 

uorSriht,  370,  forthwith,  directly. 

uo reward,  242,  onward. 

uoruerJen,  334,  died;  A.S.  forfaran,  to  go  autti/, 

to  die. 
uoruret,  ISS,  236,  gnaws,  corrodes;  A.S.   fretan, 

to  gHOic. 
uorworpen,   120,  to  throw  off,  cost  (r,r,ry,-    p.p. 

uorworpen,  366;  A.S.  for\veorp:iii,  id. 
uorw-urSen,  210,  254,  to  perish;  pr.  uorwurSoN, 

1S2.  370. 
uostrede,  260,  nourished. 
uot,  194,  390,  the  foot;  pi.  net,  122,  106,  3S3, 

uoten,  166;  A.S".  tot,  id. 
uoSon,  74,  pr.  pi.  begin. 
uo'Ser,  140,  a  weight;  A.S.  fo'Ser,  id. 
voxes,  128,  uoxes,  20i,  fores. 
upbrud.   103,   200,  upbraiding;  A.S.   up-gebre- 

dan,  to  upbraid. 
uppard,  216,  upwards. 
uppen,  146,  to  be  vain,  puffed  up,  to  7-aise  up, 

bring  into  notice;  p.  uppede,  146;  p.p.  i-uj>ppil, 

8S,  146,  148,  150;  A.S.  uppian,  to  rise  up,  to 

be  rai.-^ed  up. 
uppinge,  148,pn«Z«,  vanity. 
upspende,  1 58,  unyoked,  loosened,  v.  unspennede. 
vrakel,  IS2, frail)  Fr.  fragile,  v.  wrakele. 
vre,  52,  our. 

urech,  128,  ravenous;  A.S.  free,  id. 
urechliehe,  204,  voraciously. 
vreineS,  152,  imp.  ask,  inquire;  p.p.  i-ureiiied, 

33S,  asked;  A.S.  fregnan,  to  ask. 
vreisons,  36,  prayers. 
ureo.  220,  276,  t'rte,  generous;  sup.  ureoest,  39S, 

ureoleie,  192,  nobleness;  A.S.  freolic,  id. 
ureomede,  106,  184,  392,  a  stranger,  an  alien; 

AS.  fremed;  .Sc.  frenid. 
ureomien,  234,  to  benefit,  be  of  use;  A.S.  fremi:iii, 

ureo:^cliipe,  386,  398,  liberality. 
uret,    18i,   pr.    gnaws,   wears  atray,  va-es;    pi. 

ureten,  378;  A.S.  fretan,  id. 
vres,    6,  344,  hours,  set  liines  of  prayer;  vreii, 

2"'6,  to  prat/. 
nrtSSe,  118.  wrath. 
Hri<lawes,  412,  Fridays. 
urinilit,  122,  the  nigh)  before  Good  Friday. 
vrncii,  112,  ISS,  230,  292,  p.  pi.  orn,  294,  p.  9. 

rart;   vrne,  164,  im.  sub;  A.S.  yrrian,  to  run. 




urommard,  P'2,  24S,  mray  from,  different  from; 

A.S.  fra.n\,f7-om. 
uronre,  92,  224,  350,  comfort,  conve,ncnce;  A.S. 

fro  for,  id. 
urourcn,  72,  94,  io  comfort;  pr.  vrourelS,  108; 

A.S.  frofrian,  id. 
uruniSe,  21S,  224,  294,  206,  322,  a  leainninn; 

A.S.  frym«,  id. 
urre  [1.  lire],  396,  our. 
ut,  112,  ute,  150,  out. 
utewiiS,  254,  outmrd. 
ut-nummen,  sjHcial,  exceeding;  A.S.  ut-niinan, 

to  lale  out,  exctpt. 
vb'e,  90,  V.  unneii. 

u'Sen,  142,  mn-eii;  A.S.  j"5,  a  wave,  flood. 
utrunps,  172,  d.  tidinrjs,  neics;  A.S.  run,  a  con- 
versation, a  council,  mi/stenj. 
ut-totuiige,  100,  b.  looking  oxit. 
uttre,  4,  396,  utture,  6,  outer,  outward. 
utterliche,  206,  314,  v.ttfrli/,fulli/,  outicardl</. 
ut  wardes,172,  outwurds  [ut,oif<,  ward,  theyuard, 

or  barrier?] 
vuel,  52,  112,  354,  368,  370,  394,  evil,  siclne^^s, 

mifortvnc;  A.S.  yfel,  id. 
vuemest,  328,  uuinuste,  328,  h.  vjtjiermost;  A.S. 

ufeinost,  id. 
uueward,  328,  h.  iipjier, 
uuolde,  90,  b.  Kould, 

waclichliche,   294,  a.  weakly,  feehbj;  A.S.  wac- 

lice,  ■weuhl>j,fooiis}di/. 
wacse'5,   54,  waxeS,  98,  288,  waxeth;  p.  weox, 

258;    imp.    waxe,    288;    p.p.    i- waxen,    380; 

A.S.  weaxan,  to  icax,  r/rotv, 
■waden,  252,  to  vade. 
waggeS,  374,  pr.  pi.  leaver,  cause  to  varer;  A.S. 

wagian,  to  v:<'g. 
waite,  204,  conscious;  A.S.  witan,  to  knon: 
waker,  142,  104,  watrhfal;  A.S.  wacor,  id. 
wakien,  4,  144,   278,  to  wake,  he  vigilant;  pr. 

wakelS,  ;  p.   wakedcii,  276;  imp.  wakiui", 

144;  pr.  p.  wakiiiid,  144,  244. 
walewing,  294,  indloving,  rolling  oneself;  A.S. 

walwian,  to  vallou: 
wal,  202,  f  vail. 
wallcS,  118,  368,  loilcfh;    pr.p.  wallinde,  246, 

boiling;  A.S.  wcalhm,  to  boil. 
wanes,  296,  c.  v:olls;  G.  wand,  a  vull. 
war.  270.  uarg,  yuardtd. 

i-war,  104,  aware,  warned;  i-warre,  240,  caidious. 
i-\vail)l.ft,  260,  a.  vrapjted  abovt,  SKathed;  A.S. 

h\vcarfi;in  ?  to  vind  rovnd. 

vaiclK.,  326, )) 


c/,e;  A.S. 


warde,    312,    430,    keejnng,    protection;    A.S. 

weard,  id. 
wardein,  312,  a  guardian. 
wardeS,  182,  pr.  guardeth;  pr.  sub.  wardie,  174, 

guard;  A.S,  weardian,  ^o  ^««/-<^. 
ware,    244,    a.    322,   inhubitanU,  people;    AS. 

waru,  id. 
waiien.  70,  to  curse;  imp.  pi.  warier/,  186;  A.S. 

wcrian,  id;  Sc.  warrie. 
warion,  418,  to  defend;  A.S.  warian,  to  Icicure, 

ward  off'. 
waritreo,  122, 174, 190,  310,  t/te  accursed  tree.  Vie 

galloirs-trce;  A.S.  werig,  accio-jfrf,  treowe,  <rfe. 
wariunge,  200,  a  cursing. 
warliche,  138,  198,  402,  426,  cautiously;  A.S, 

ware,  caution. 
warsphipe,  252,  270,  wariness,  carefulness. 
wasche'S,  324,  pr.   washeth;    waschest,  324;    p. 

wcoscli,    300  ;     imp.    wasclieti,    424  ;     p.p. 

i-waschen,  288,  324;  A.S.  wa?scan,  to  irash. 
wase,  26,  d.  whoso. 
wasschunge,   wassunke,   332,  a  washing;    A.S. 

wffiseing,  id. 
wastes,  1 38,  ivastetk,  destroyeth;  O.Fr,  guasteir, 

to  waste. 
wat,  312,  330,  knoweth,  wot. 
wa-word,  306,  b.  word  of  woe,  woful  word, 
weaden,  302,  314,  424,  garments,  weeds,  clothes; 

A.S.  vfved,  a  garment. 
weallinde,  210,  wallinde,  246,  molten,  hoUing; 

p.p.  i-vie\\e.A,vuide  tohoil;  A.S.  weaIlan,<o6oi7, 
wt-amode,  A.S.  118,  134,  2>eevish,  sullen,  discon- 
wean,  80,  108,  114,  156,  310,  320,  362,  want, 

distress,  2)oin;  A.S.  wana,  i(«;<<, 
i-weard,  i-wearS,  236,  v.  i-wurSen, 
wearnen,    408,   warnie,    54,    64,    to   warn;    pr. 

warne-8,  208;  p.  warnede,  104,  i. ;  imp.  warnie, 

256;  p.p.  i-w.iriied,  318;  A.S.  warniaii,  id. 
wecchc,  144,  236,  watching,  watrhfulmss. 
wecchen,    138,   368,    to   watch,   watching;    A.S. 

wecccan,  to  watch. 
wed,  3i>4,  a  j)lcdge, pa>ni. 
wedc,  50,  pr.  sub.  7'-ed,  consort;  im.  wcdde,  368; 

p.p.  i-wedded,  394;  A.S.  wed<lian,  to  make  a 

contract,  to  wed. 
wcdcn,  264,  to  grotr  mad,  to  ragi ;  A.S.  wpdan,  id. 
wedlake,  206,  wedlock. 
weic,   350,   a  wag;    pi.   wei.^,  4,  ways,   incnns; 

A.S.  wcg,  o.  way. 
wcie,   60,  380,  balance,  weight;    A.S.   wa'gc,  a 
i        balance. 

wcion,  372,  wn'ght;   A.S.  w;cg,  id. 
I    weioii,    336,   to   v;igh,  fond^'r;    pr.  wcitN,    7S, 

332,  wpiir^,  232;  A.S.  wpgan,  to  carni,  v,  i./h. 



weilawui,  50,  60,  274,  welawei,  408,  ulan  I  tcetl 

avtii/  ! 
weitedoii,  196,  a.  7i:ailed,  lay  in  u-ait. 
wei-ueriii  Je,  350,  travdliiirj,  wayfaring. 
welilcn,  358,  38S,  :'!)S,  to  conquer,  possess 

jldcn,  3;jb,  :!8>?,  -li'^,  to  vohquer,  possess, gocern ; 
pr.  p.  wcldiiuk',  112,  188,  200,  vinnlng,  pos- 

0,0,.-,*,.,*        ^., ..,.,.     ,.'i.-..  A      G         ■         /.-.     .n,r.  ..,.1.1. 

150,  a 

•  ij;  A.S.  weaklan,  lo  go 
welle,  150,  a  vAl,  fountain,  s^tring;  pi.  wellen, 

282;  A.S.  well,  id. 
weni,  A.S.  10,  378,  a  stain,  blemish. 
weiiehel,  334,  k.  o  r.iaid,  goung  woman;  A.S. 

wencle,  id. 
■wenclieS  [I.  wendo'S,  imp.  yo],  9S,  v.  wendeii. 
wenden,  110,  to   turn,  change,  go;  pr.   wendet, 

92,  went,  98,  104,  218,  250,  430;  p.  wende, 

160,  wint,  29f;,  i-wende,   260,  280;  pr.  sub. 

wende,   50,  424;  imp.   wendeS,  18,  96;  p.p. 

i-weiul,  78,  12U,  254,  376,  i-went,  376;  A.S. 

wciulan,  to  go,  turn,  he  turned. 
wenen,  106,  to  thinl;  vren;  pr.  wene,  02,210, 

wcneS,  10,  64,  128,  218,  222,  Nvenes,  54;  p. 

wende,  236,  280;   pi.   wonden,  40;   pr.  sub. 

wene,  222;  imp.  wene,  178;  A.S.  wenan,  id, 
wengen,  132,  d.  vings. 
weob.  322,  a  v:J>. 
weofde,  316,  e.  an  altar. 

wetdene,  246,  ".00,  the  shg,  "<  llin ;  A.S.  wolcen,  id. 
weole,    192,    190,  198,  398,  iKalth,  inosinritg;    j 

A.S.  wela,  id. 
■weolie,  398,  nealthg;  A.S.  weolig,  id. 
weopen,  274,   312',  to   uxep;    pr.   weopeS,  330,   | 

weop-5,    382;    p.    weop,    100,    312;    pr.    sub.    | 

weope,  234;  imp.  weop,  406;  pr.  p.  weopinde, 

330;  A.S.  wepan,  id.  | 

weopmon,  316,  a  man;  pi.  weopnien,  10,  54,  63,    | 

A.S.  wffipman,  id.,  wifman,  a  ivoman.  i 

wcore,  398,  b.  a  wan;  A.S.  wer,  weor,  id. 
weoredcs,  30,  e.  o  host,  a  cvMiiong;  A.S.  weorod,    , 

a  tnii/lifude,  a  host.  \ 

weorpeii,  404,  weorpuS,  8S,  v.  worpen. 
weorre,  72,  404,  uur,  strife;  A.S.  wxt,  id.;  Se. 

weorren,  ,    to   male    var,   attach,  fgl't;  pr. 

weorreS,   60,  186,  196,  246,  262,  348;  p.p. 

i-weorred,  Z'jQ,  engaged  in  war;  A.S.  war,  war. 
wcorreur,  246,  a  xcarrior. 
weoscli,  300,  p.   vashtd;  weosclis,  66;  im.  was 

trashing;  A.S.  weocs,  ?(((.s7<<(/,  wa,'scaii,r</  xcash. 
weote,  294,  g.  consrium:;    A.S.  witati,  to  knoii: 
weoucde.  16,  90,  170,  172,  31 S,  340,  an  altar; 

A.S.  weobcd,  id. 
wfcox,  258,  V.^^  I 

weiiiien,  60,  240,  300,  >(t(V"^''S'  A.S.  wa^pen,  «    j 

iceapon . 
were,  A.S.  324,  "vrh;   worc-mon,  404,  iruil-nKk. 

werge'5,  252,  202,  b.  uearieth;  pi.  wergen,  202,  h. 

ireurg;  A.S.  werian,  lo  grow  irearg. 
wergunge,  252,  irearging. 
weri,  352,  a  man;  A.S.  wer,  id. 
weiien,   52,   18,  304,  to  defend,  excuse,  gncnl, 

stop;  pr.  werie5,246,  werest,  294,  wereS",  312, 

414;  p.  wereden,  30 1;  pr.  sub.  veren,  SO,  g. ; 

imp.  were,  400;  A.S.  wcriun,  id. 
werien,  4,  6,  418,  to  vear,  j/ut  on;   A.S.  wei"an, 

werian,  werigean,  id. 
weriunge,  8,  308,  werunge,  8,  a.  irearing. 
wernen,  330,  to  forbid,,  2'revent,  varn; 

pr.  weornc'5,  182,  d  ,  weriies,  60,  a;  p.  wcindt-, 

248;  pr.  sub.  warnie,  270;  A.S.  wyrnaii,  id. 
wernunge,  330,  a  refusal. 
werrest,  328,  h.  worst;  A.S.  wyrrest,  id. 
wote,  164,  a  drink,  liquor,  v'atcr;  A.S.  wa'ta,  id. 
wiccheereftes,  208,  268,  wilckcrafts;  A.S.  wicce- 

craft,  .'itchcraft. 
wicke,  358,  a.  veaLl  viclrd?  A.S.  wac,  i««|-; 

wick,  nil,  bad,  v.  Sir  F.  Madden's   Glossary 

to  William  and  the  Werewolf.   MVc;  G.  weich, 

soft,  weak. 
widiul,  wilfule,  168,  d.,  V.  r.  wibtful,  q.  v. 
widne,  56.  w'ide;  A.S.  wide,  id. 
wielare,  106,  a  deceiver,  conjurer;  A.S.  wigelere, 

a  conjuror. 
wieles,  92,  224,  2()%,vnles,  delusions;  A.S.  wige- 

lung,  incantation. 
wif,  392,  a  vonian. 
wigeles,  300,  wiles, 

wigeletS,  21  i,stuggereth;  A.S,  wicelian,  to  stagger. 
wiglinge,  374,  a.,  fghting,  strvggling;  A.S.  wig, 

waif  a  re. 
wibtful,   268,  powrfid;    A.S.   wibtfuU,    huivg; 

Sc.  wicht,  valiant. 
wike,  344,  428,  a  week;  A.S.  wic,  id. 
wikkf>,  104,  Q.foul,  had,  v.  wieke. 
wildciie,  190,  a.  wilderne,  160,  b.  a  wilder  nest; 

A.S.  wild,  wild. 
wildes,  136,  h.gron-eth  wild,  wanton. 
wil-geone,  368,  a  free  gift. 
wilkume,  394,  welcome. 
willeliclu',  328,  396,  voh.ntanlg. 
wilk'.s  206,  302,  340,  392,  wiUinghj,  cheerfuHg, 

gladlg;     willcs    and     woldos,    pnriiosel'i,    de- 

willcsful,  56,  p.  disiroi's. 
williclio,  131,  1).  voli'.ntarilg,  if  it  is  not  an  error 

for  wisliclie,  q.  v. 
wiliieii,  00,  148,  380,  to  d.sirc;  pr.  wilno'S,  202, 

374;  p.  wilnede,  140,  401;  imp.  wilnie,   CO; 

p  p.  i-wilned,  00;  A.S.  wiliiian,  id. 
wiininde    [1.    hwilindc,    v.    r.],    182,    Lmpf^ra'; 

A.S,  bwil,  a  while,  timv. 



wilnunge,  143,  278,  dealre. 
wilschrift,  340,  voluntary  confession. 
wiltu,  VJG,  398,  uUl  thou. 
wimlunge,  420,  a.  a  sort  of  head-dress. 
viiniit'l,  420,  a  irimple,  a  mvffla: 
winipol-leas,  420,  vlthoat  icliapl'\ 
win,  428,  *'t^p. 

win-bork'S,  29G,  a.  wind-borien,  290,  f/rapes. 
wimlen,   270,  winilwe}  270,  e.  to   vinhotr;   pr. 
wint,  290,  windeS,  m,  Jlleth  vp  like  chcjf; 
ini.    windwcde,  270,    tclnnoved;    A.S.   wind- 
wian,  id. 
windwunge,  270,  vnnnovinrj,  n. 
•winSoaides,  294,  vine>ji'.rds;    A.S.  win-card,   a 

winken,    288,  to  kuiJc;  AS.  wincian,  id.     But 
in  this  place  its  meaning  perhaps  is,  to  Ko.ver, 
to  he  irresolute;  A.S.  waned.  vnstoMe,  waver- 
ing;   Sc.    wankill,    id.;    P.E.    wankly,, 
winstlunge,  238,  wrestUnr/;  A.S.  winnan,  to  con- 
tend, strive. 
wipeS,  230,  wipeth. 
wirsum,  322,  a.  v.  wnrsum. 
wis,  A.S.  64,  214,  nine,  prudent;  comp.  wi^ure, 

wise,    312,  318,  wis,  96,   ajwa^/,  iHanner;   pi. 

wisen,  318;  A.S.  wise,  id. 
wisliche,  104,  134,  138,  422,  %cisehj,  •prudently; 

A.S.  wislit-e,  id. 
wislukcr,  234.  318,  more  visdj. 
wisure,  198,  338,  wiser. 

wite  A.S.  4, 202,  Uame,reproach,afine,ei:tortwn. 

witen,  4,  10,   14,  72,  202,  206,  208,  234,  312, 

3GS,  to  guard,  keep,  take  chorge  oj;  pr.  wUe'6, 

10,  14;  p.  wuste,  270;  pr.  sub.  wite,  28,  1<4, 

430;  imp.  wite,  418,  wite«,  422;  p.p.  i-^^-^^st, 


witen,  to  hiow:  pr.  wot,  54,  wat,  330,  west,  96, 

wutcS,  236;  p.  wuste,  110,  234;  pr.  sub.  w^u_te, 

250;  imp.  wite,  90,  i-witeS,  64,   wute,   ]i4, 

190   204    340,  340,  426,  wute■^,  92,  24b;  p.p. 

wus't,   156,   i-wust,   1.'56,    b.;    A.S.    wissian, 

witan,  to  knovi. 

witest,  304,  llmnesi;  A.S.   witan,  to  blame,  re- 

wi-X,  A.S.224,278,«y«i)»s<. 
witibuwon,  116,  to  avoid;  pr.   wlt^buwe5,  2<b 
evaddh.  .      ,      .  e 

wi-5ere-S,  238,  Ci.  fgltclk  against,  resi^tdh ,   A.^ 

witierian,  id.  „        , 

wiScrwines,  196,  232,  238,  adv^rsancs,  tn-.nae., 

A.S.  witJerwine,  an  adoersar;/. 
wiiSholden,  348,  pr.  pi.  n-itM'old. 
wiSi,  SO,  a  willow;   A.S.  wiSig,  id. 

wi"5  l^en,  284,  vpon  condition. 
wiSsahe,  288,  c.  refv?<d. 

wi^saken,  88,  togainniy;  A.S.  wiiSsacan,  id. 
wi^jt'ide,  238,  v.  wiSsiggen. 
wiiNii'-gen,  86,  to  gai^sag,  deny;  pr.  wi^siggefl, 
204,^238;  imp.   wi6siggeS,  262;  p.  wi5seide, 
238,  262;  A.S.  wi^sieggan,  id. 
wiSsigginge,  288,  ref,'si.ig,  dtni/ing. 
witneS,  218,  276,  2b2,  384,  teslijieth,  saith. 
wittc,  sense,  wit,  mind,  64,106;  pi.  wittes,  14, 

174;  A.S.  Witt,  id. 
wittcrliche,  70,  loO,  102,  f.  294,316,358,  venlg, 
Willi  certaintg,surel;i,distiiicllj;  A.S.  witodiice, 
trulg,  vtrilg,  evidtntlg. 
witleas,  256,  witless,  insane. 
witunge,  418,  keeping,  n. 
Aviuede,    308,   took   to   wife,   iwiued,    216,  p.p. 

wiucne,  158,  382,  a.,  g.  pi.  of  women;  A.S.  wif, 

a  woman. 
wlatien,  86, 400,  to  loathe,  navMate;  A.S.  wlxtiau, 

wlatunge,  80,  loathing;  A.S.  wlajtung,  id. 
wlcch,  202,  400,  wleach,  400,  e.  lukewarm;  A.S. 

wlocc,  id. 
wlite,  98,  e.  200,  39S,  heautg;  A.S.  wlite,  id. 
wo,  190,  220,  364,  dMress,  liarm,  j^ain. 
woanes,  410,  418,  a  dwelling,  abode;  A.S.  wu- 

nian,  to  dwell. 
woawes,  172,  242,  iralls. 

woe,  4,  woke,  178,  weak,  infirm;  A.S.  wac,  weak. 
wocliche,  294,/i?e6/y. 
woenesse,  66,  232,  230,  weakness;  A.S.  wacnys, 

wod,  96,  120,  406,  wode,  66,  164,  viad,  raging; 

A.S.  wod,  id. 
wod-k'Sc,  96,   i,   sheltering  wood;  A.S.  wod,  a 

wood,  lileo,  shade,  shelter. 
wodliche,  234,  d.  madlg,  slronglg. 
woddre,  264,  more  e,iraged.  _  ■ 

wodschipe,  120,  200,  madness. 
wohes,  388,  a.  wood.h. 
wohlac,  388,  d.  wooing. 
wolawo,  88,  alas  !  well  away! 
woldon,  62,  wolde,  64,  would. 
%',iMc^,ZOi,  wilfullg.  ,.^oiA, 

wondrede,214,  3ln,  362,  wondreSe,  lo6,310,b. 
wontrede,  310,  b.  tribulation,  miser;/,  amaze- 
ment, fear  of  evil;  A.S.  wan,  dread,  waudi:in, 
be  afraid. 
wone,  8,  26,  C3,  want,  wavlnig;    A.S.   wana, 

wonS.'lOO,  wnnc'h;  A.S.  wanian,  to  wane,  de- 
wontcn,  344,  39S,  to  want,  to  be  wanting;  pr. 



wonte-iS,  194,  282;  pr,  sub.  wontie,  40G;  A.S. 
wona,  irandiig,  dencient. 
wop,  A.S.   llu,   lotf,  312,  weeping,   n.   wopie, 

376,  treep'mg,  adj. 
word,  A.S.  SS,  198,  reputation,  word,  saying, 

i-wordede,  78,  tmrded,  talkative. 
■wordnesse,  124,  soundness;  A.S.  weorS,  worth, 

Tvori,  Z?>Q, perverse. 
worefi,  386,  distorteth;  A.S.  worian,  to  emlroil, 

worldliche,  234,  in  a  icorldhj  manner. 
•worpare,  212,  one  who  throTs,  or  darts. 
worpen,   40,   166,   306,  wcorpen,  404,   to  cast, 
throic;    pr.   worpest,   52,    worpe-S    240     246 
282,    392,  404,    weorpe«,  88;    p.   werp,    52,' 
230,  280;  pr.  sub.  worpe,  96;  p'  sub.  wurpe, 
122,   382 ;    imp.   worp.   3o6 ;    p.p.   i-worpen, 
368,  wurp,  56;  A.S.  weorpan,  to  throir,  cast. 
wostu,  i.  e.  wotest  tu,  276,  312,  thou  l 
wouh,  126,  158,  ISO,  188, 192,286,  356,  lorong, 
wickedness,  grief;  pi.    -vvouhwes,  190,  wowes, 
198,    352,    icrongs;    A.S.    woh,   wog,    wrong, 
error,  deprovitg. 
wouliinge,  204,  wooing. 
wouhleche,  96,  seduction. 
wouhlecchunge,  388,  wooing,  coitrtship. 
wowes,  346,  378,  oralis;  A.S.  wall,  wcall,  a  wall. 
woware,  90,  390,  400,  a  icooer;  A.S.  wogere,  id. 
wowe'S,  388,  396,  pr.  wooeih;  p.  wowude,  390, 

wooed;  A.S.  wogau,  to  woo,  morrg. 
wowunge,  116,  wooing,  coui-ting,  n. 
wragelunge,  374,  wraggunge,  374,  a.  struggling, 

resisting;  A.S.  wra.xlung,  wrestling. 
wrakele,    102,    204,   wretched,   miserable;    A.S. 

wnec,  id. 
wrakefulliche,  364,  vengefullg;  A.S.  wracu,  re- 
wrastlare,  222,  280,  374,  a  wrestler;  A.S.  wrax- 

lere,  id. 
wrastle'5,280,  wj-fcs^^e^/t;  A.S.  v/ra.xUa.n,to  7i!restle. 
wrastin,  220,  b.  to  rush,  v.  wresten  in. 
wrastlunge,  374,  wrestlunge,  238,  b.  wrestling, 

wrecche,  56,  178,  330,  wretched,  misercille;  A.S. 

wrecce,  id. 
wrccchedom,  232,  u-retchedness. 
wrcehe,  186,   286,  revenge;  A.S.  wracu,  wra^c, 

wrai'fu,  id. 
wn-colics,  92,  388,  wrddas. 
wrco^i.-N,  252,  pr.  supporttth;  pr.  sub.  wrco'Sie, 

142;  A.S.  wreoSiaii,  to  si'pport. 
wreici),  304,   340,  to  accuse,  expose,  belra>/;  p.   j 
wreih,   390;   pr.  sub.   wreie,  306,  340  ;"  p.p.    ! 

i-wreied,  172;  pr.p.  wrejinde,  2,  b.,  wrcinde, 

2;  A.S.  wregan,  to  accuse. 
wreifule,  302,  304,  accusaton/. 
wrciunge,  200,  304,  ex^iosing. 
wreken,  286,  to  avenge;  imp.  wrekie,  186;  A.S. 

wnccan,  id. 
wrench,   338,  a  turn,  trick,  artifice,  stratagem; 

pi.  wrenches,  270,   300   [wrenches,  92,  h.  1 

wrecches];  A.S.  wrenc,  a  trick,  fraud. 
wrenchen,    222,    294,    to    wrench,    ttrist,    Vn-ow, 

shrink;  pr.   wrrnchest,   304,   wrenche'5    212 

244,  wrenchen  mis,  to  distort.  '         ' 

wrenchfule,  268,  artful. 
wresten,  374,  to  wrestle;  A.S.  wrwstan,  to  writhe 

tiClSt.  ' 

WTesten  in,  220,  to  rush  in,  force  a  wag;  A.S. 

inra?san,  to  rmh  on,  hraea,  a  gushing 
^vTe««en,  312,  426,  to  vex,  displease,  offend-  pr 

wreSSet,  138,  352;  p.p.  i-wreb'Sed"  44;  A.s! 

MTa;'S,  wrath,  anger. 
wre&'Se,  118,  426,  icrath,  anger,  displeasure. 
wrieles,  320,  322,  wriheles,   420,  a.  coverings; 

A.S.  wrigyls,  a  garment. 
wrien,  84,  to  cover,  hide,  conceal;  pr.  wrih'5,  84 

wrie«,  86,  wreoS,  88,  wri«,  380,  wrih,  150; 

p.   wreih,   390;   p.p.  i- wrien,  58,  388;   A.s! 

wrigan,  wreon,  id. 
wringe-5,  322,  is  wrung;  A.S.  wringan,  to  wring. 
wrinneS,  238,  d.  striveth,fghteth. 
write,  pr,  410,  p.  wrot,  388,  p.p.  i-writteu,  210, 

A\{), written.  ' 

wrongwende,  254,  turned  \crong,  averse. 
wroS,  286,  320,  <(/,y,-y. 
wro3fre-heIe,  100,  102,  wro«er-hele,  102,  ndn, 

wrusum,    322,    wursum,    274,  pzirnlent    mutter 

from  a  sore. 
wude,  96,  402,  a  wood,  wood,  fuel;  A.S.  wudu. 
wuic,  148,  b.  weak;  A.S.  wac,  id. 
wule,  156,  wulleS,  168,  pr.  7cill. 
wulf,  120,  wulue,  252,  a  icolf;   wuluene,  120,  a 

she  wolf,  wolfsh;  A.S.  wulf,  id. 
wuniinonlich,  274,  womanly. 
wunden,  60,  124,  292,  imunds. 
wunden,  124,  to  wound;  pr.  wundeS,  124;  p. 

wundcde;p.p.  i-wunded,  240,  M-o«/i«/«/;  pr.p. 

wundiiide,  60,  wounding. 
wun.Icr,  72,  c.  346,  evil. 
wuiidric,  376,  imj).  wonder. 
wune,  266,  326,  custom,  wont. 
wunien,  134,  134,  d.  158,340,  to  dwell,  inhnlil; 
pr.  wunie,  158,  wuncvN,  126,  wunie6',  142;  p. 

\\unodc,  112,  172,  190,  410,  wuncdest,  342; 
imj).  wune,  162;  p.p.  i-wuned;  A.S,  wunian, 
to  du-vll;  Sc.  to  wuu,  id. 



i-w-uned,  146,  206,  230,  320,  370,  390,  accus- 

iomed,  wont;  imp.  wunieS,  4]  2. 
wuniunge,  190,  250,  wunnunge,  142,  a  direllinj, 

vunne,  192,  196,  200,  354,  398, >y,  2}ro.'t2ien't>/; 

pi.  wunnen,  240. 
wunnen.    23S,    pr.    pi.  j7f//ct  ;    p.p.    i-wunnen, 

gained,  iron;  A.S.  wiiinaii,  to   win,  oltcin   bi/ 

luhouf,  fujhl. 
wunnunge,    74,    142,    19G,    350,   a   hahitation; 

A.S.  wunnung;  Sc.  a  winning,  id. 
wurclien,    6,   to   v:orl-,   to   do;  pr.   wurclie^,  44, 

130,  13S;  p.  wroulite,  25S,  272,390;  pr.  sub. 

wurche,  352,  424;  p.p.  i-\vrou!ite,  418;  pr.p. 

wurchinde,  144;  A.S.  wyrcan,  id. 
wurnies,    13S,    208,    ivorms,    mafftjots,   serpents; 

A.S.  wynn,  a  worm,  a  serpent. 
wurscS,  326,  iir.  (/roiveth  worse;  pr.  sub.  wursie, 

22S;    p.p.   i-wursed,  423,  wursnet,   428,  g.; 

A.S.  wyrsian,  to  grov)  worse. 

wursum,  274,  a.  v.  wTusum. 

wurtJ,  150,  wur'Se,  138,  value, price,  worth;  A.S. 

wyrth,  id. 
i-wurfien,    52,   96,    128,   140,  214,  218,  414, 

i-wur-S,  150,  i-wurSe,  86,  96,  to  he,  to  become, 

he   made;    pr.    i-wur"5ei!,    128,   i-wurSut;    p. 

i-weard,  236,  warS,  236,  f.  wearS,  244;  pr. 

sub.  i-wuiSc,  372;  A.S.  geweor6'an,  id. 
■wurSfulc,  140,  2>rmows;  A.S.  wurtjfull,  worthy, 

wurSliche,  174,  ivorthili/;  A.S.  wurSlice,  id. 
wur'Ssehipe,  278,  worship,  honour;  A.S.  wurS- 

seipc,  id. 
wuruhte,  284,  a  rnaher,  an  artijicer. 

yleslipes,  ylespilles,  418,  h.  hedgehog's  sl-ins; 
A.S.  igil,  eil,  yl.  a  hedgehog;  Sc.  lap,  a  cover- 
ing; Fr.  poil,/e»-,  skin. 





note  b. 














note  b. 

















.  4 










note  c. 

























note  c. 


except,  &c. 
beat,  &c. 

in  an  instant 
A  S.  hcaldcn 




iwarie:  also  in  Gloss.  Index. 

but  ve  may  say,  Assuredly,  certainly 





He  forbids  it,  and  saitli,  Let,  &:c. 







frown,  look  displeaso.l  and  an-Try. 

in  lia-ste. 











at  the  last  moment. 







A.S.  hcaldan. 





CAMDEN       yky  ^f  ;-!v)«      SOCIETY 



At  a  General  Meeting  of  the  Camden  Society  held  at  tlie  Freemasons' 
Tavern,  Great  Queen  Street,  Lincohi's  Inn  Fields,  on  Monday,  the 
"     2nd  of  May,  1853, 

The  Lord  BRAYBROOKE,  the  President,  ix  the  chair, 
The  President  having  opened  the  business  of  the  Meeting, 
The  Secretary  read  the  Report  of  the  Council  agreed  upon  at  their 
meeting  of  the  20th  of  April,  whereupon  it  was 

Resolved,  That  the  Report  of  the  Council  he  received  and  adopted, 
and  that  the  Thanks  of  the  Society  be  given  to  the  Director  and  Council 
for  their  services,  to  the  Local  Secretaries,  to  the  Editors  of  tlic  Publica- 
tions of  the  past  year,  and  to  Sir  Harry  Verney  for  the  liberality  with 
which  he  has  placed  his  Papers  at  the  service  of  the  Society. 

The  Secretary  then  read  the  Report  of  the  Auditors,  agreed  upon  at 
their  Meeting  of  the  20th  of  April,  whereupon  it  was 

Resolved;  'I'hat  the  said  Rcjjort  be  received  and  adopted,  and  that  the 
Thanks  of  the  Society  be  given  to  the  Auditors  for  their  services. 

Thanks  havin<^  been  voted  to  the  Treasurer  and  to  the  Secretary,  llie 


Meeting  proceeded  to  the  election  of  a  President  and  Council  for  the  year 
next  ensuing;  when, 

The  Right  Hon.  Lord  Braybrookf>,  F.S.A. 
was  elected  President;  and 

William  Henry  Blaauw,  Esq.  M.A.  F.S.A. 

John  Bruce,  Esq.  Treas.  S.A. 

John  Payne  Collier,  Esq.  V.P.S.A. 

William  Durrant  Cooper,  Esq.  F.S.A. 

Bolton  Corney,  Esq.  M.R.S.L. 

Peter  Cunningham,  Esq.  F.S.A. 

Sir  Henry  Ellis,  K.H,  F.R.S.  Sec.  S.A. 

Edward  Foss,  Esq.  F.S.A. 

The  Rev.  Joseph  Hunter,  F.S.A. 

The  Rev.  Lambert  B.  Larking,  M.A. 

Sir  Frederick  Madden,  K.H.  F.R.S. 

Frederick  Ouvry,  Esq.  F.S.A. 

The  Lord  Viscount  Strangford,  G.C.B.  F.R.S.  Director  S.A. 

William  John  Thoms,  Esq.  F.S.A.  and 

Sir  Charles  G.  YouxNG,  F.S.A.  Garter. 

were  elected  as  the  Council;  and 

Robert  W.  Blencowe,  Esq.  M.A.  F.S.A. 
James  Crosby,  Esq.  F.S.A.  and 
William  Salt,  Esq.  F.S  A. 

were  elected  Auditors  of  the  Society  for  the  ensuing  year. 

Thanks  were  then  voted  to  the  President  for  the  warm  interest 
always  taken  by  him  in  the  proceedings  of  the  Society,  and  for  his  kind 
and  able  conduct  in  the  Chair. 


At  a  Meeting  of  the  Council  of  tlic  Camden  Society  held  at  No.  2"), 
Parliament  Street,  Westminster,  on  Wednesday  the  i;Uli  May,  ISfi.'i,  the 
Council  having  proceeded  to  the  lOleclion  of  Oflicers, — 

John  Bruce,  Esq.  was  elected  Director ;  John  Payne  Collier, 
Esq.  Treasurer  ;  and  William  J.  Thoms,  Esq.  Secretary,  for  tlic  Year 
next  ensuing. 





ELECTED  3rd  MAY,  1SJ2. 

The  Council  of  the  Camden  Society,  elected  on  the  3rd  of  May, 
1852,  have  pleasure  in  referring  to  the  Report  of  the  Auditors  as  a  proof 
that  the  condition  of  the  Society  has  not  deteriorated  during  their  year 

of  office.  , 

The  Council  have  to  regret  the  deaths  during  the  past  year  of  the 

following  Members : — 

John  Barnard,  Esq.  Thomas  Ponton,  Esq. 

Rev.  Thomas  Dyer,  M.A.  James  Yeeles  Row,  Esq. 

William  Empson,  Esq.  Mrs.  Saunders. 

John  Forster,  Esq.  The  Earl  of  Shre%vshurv. 

John  Palmer,  Esq. 
The  pubhcations  of  the  past  year  have  been— 
I     The  Camden  Miscellany,  Volume  the  Secon-o,  containing-!.  Account 
of  iio  Expenses  of  J  oh  a  of  B.abant  and  llonry  and  of  Lancaster      29J-3 . 
J;    rl  }.v    Tosi-pu  BuaTT,  Esq.      2.    Household  Account  ot   tlie  Pnncess  Elizabe  h, 
I5    1  .-  ed  ted     y    he  Eo.u/ViscouxT  Stuasoeo.u>.     a.  The  Request  and  Suite 
of  a   IVuel    a  tod   written   by    WUliam   Choln.e ley,   loo;  :    edited  by 
\Vm  ,  .    M  f  Thcms    Esq.     4.  Discovery  of  the  Je.u.ts'  College  at  Cleikenwell  m 
M  "h    loi^ir^U^d   (Jy  JoHX   GovL   Nichols,  Esq.     5.  Treawnv    >ers: 
edited  bv  William  Dukkanx  Coopeu,  Esq  ;-and  (>.  Autobiography  of  Wilhani 
TasNveli;  D.l). :  edited  by  George  Percy  Elliott,  Esq. 

The  satisfaction  Nvhich  this  volume  has  given  to  the  Members  gene- 
rally  from  its  varied  character  and  the  useful  illustration  afforded  by  the 
several  documents  contained  in  it  to  the  history  of  the  different  periods 
I  to  which  they  respectively  rchitc,  has  determined  the  Council  to  endeavour 

to  produce  another  volume  of  similar  chaructor  at  no  very  distant  pcrmd. 



II.  Letters  and  Papers  of  the  Vernoy  Family  down  to  the  end  of  the  year  16-39. 
Printed  from  the  original  IMSS.  in  the  possession  of  Sir  Harry  Veroey,  Bart.  Edited 
by  John  Bhlce,  Esq. 

Tliis  volume  has  been  so  recently  completed  that  it  is  j)robaljly  not 
yet  in  the  hands  of  all  the  Members,  It  v/ill,  it  is  confidently  hoped,  be 
found  a  valuable  addition  to  our  materials  for  the  history  of  the  important 
times  to  which  it  is  brought  do\vn.  The  Society  will  doubtless  remember 
that  this  is  not  the  first  volume  which  the  Camden  Society  to  the 
liberal  manner  in  which  Sir  Harry  Yerney  has  placed  his  collections  at 
their  service ;  and  will  probably  think  it  right  to  mark,  by  a  special  vote, 
their  recognition  of  his  liberality,  and  their  hope  of  a  further  contribution 
from  his  collections. 

The  third  pul)lication  for  the  past  year  will  be — 

III.  Regalffi  Inclusarum  :  The  Ancrcn  llewlo  :  A  Treatise  on  the  Rules  and  Duties 
of  Monastic  Life,  in  the  Anglo-Saxon  Dialect  of  the  13th  Century.  Edited  by  the 
Rev.  James  Morton,  B.D.,  Prebendary  of  Lincoln.      ( Nearlij  readij.) 

The  Council  have  also  to  announce  that  the  Editor  of  the  Letters  of 
Lady  Brilliana  Harley  authorises  them  to  say  that  the  first  volume  for  tlie 
year  now  commencing  is  so  far  advanced  at  press  that  its  publication  may 
be  looked  for  in  the  course  of  a  few  weeks. 

The  following  works  have  been  added  to  the  List  of  Suggested  Publica- 
tions during  the  past  year: — 

I.  The  Poor  Man's  Mirror,  A  Wickliffitc  Tract  written  by  Bishop  Pecock.  To  be 
edited  from  a  MS.  in  Archbishop  Tenison's  Library  by  the  Ri:v.  Pnii.ii>  Hale 
Hale,  B.A. 

II.  Privy  Purse  Expenses  of  King  William  the  Third.  To  be  edited  by  J.  Y- 
Akerman,  Esq.,  Sec.  S.  A. 

III.  An  historical  Narrative  of  the  two  I  louses*  of  Parliament,  and  either  of  them, 
their  Committees  and  Agents',  violent  Proceedings  against  Sir  Koger  Twysden  :  their 
imprisoning  his  person,  sequestering  his  estate,  cutting  down  his  Woods  or  Tymber. 
to  his  almost  undoing  and  forcing  him  in  the  end  to  a  com))o3ition  for  his  own.  I'rom 
the  original  in  the  possession  of  the  Rkv.  Lambeut  B.  Laukixg,  M.A. 

IV.  The  Aricient  Divisions,  Measurements,  Customs,  &c.  of  Wales.  \\'ritti'n  in 
1(3:37  by  Pioliert  Lloyd  of  the  J'ixe  Office,  at  the  request  of  Owen  \\'ynne.  'J\>  be 
edited  by  Geokge  IIili.ier,  Esq. 

V.  Extent  of  the  Instates  of  the  Hospitalers  in  England.  Taken  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Prior  Philip  de  'I'hanie,  A.u.  1338;  from  the  original  in  the  Public  I>ibrary 
at  Malta.     To  be  edited  by  the  lh;v.  Lamueut  B.  Larking;,  M.A. 

VI.  Narrative  of  the  Seiviees  of  i\L  Dnniont  Bostacjuet  in  Ireland.  To  be  edited 
bv  'I'lie  Jiev.  Ja.mms  IIentuokn  Todjj,  D.D. 

REPORT  OF  THE  COUNCIL,   1853.  3 

It  will  be  in  the  recollection  of  the  Society  that  a  Memorial  was 
presented  to  His  Grace  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  in  April,  18  IS, 
praying  that  steps  might  be  adopted  to  give  facilities  to  literary  men  to 
make  researches  among  the  registered  Wills  in  the  Prerogative  Office, 
Doctors'  Commons,  and  that  His  Grace  informed  the  President  and 
Council  in  reply,  that  he  had  no  control  whatever  over  the  fees  taken  in 
that  department.  The  recent  appointment  of  a  Commission  to  inquire 
into  the  Law  and  Jurisdiction  of  the  Ecclesiastical  and  other  Courts  in 
relation  to  Matters  Testamentary,  seemed  to  the  Council  to  afford  an 
opportunity  of  bringing  the  subject  again  under  the  notice  of  those  who 
might  be  able  to  suggest  a  remedy  for  the  inconvenience  complained  of. 
Accordingly,  on  the  28th  of  January  last,  the  President  and  Council  ad- 
dressed to  those  Commissioners  a  Memorial,  of  which  the  following  is  a 
copy  :— 

To  the  Right  Honourable  and  Honourable  the  Commissioners  appointed  by 
Her  iNIajesty  to  inquire  into  the  Law  and  Jurisdiction  of  the  Ecclesiastical 
and  other  Courts  in  relation  to  Matters  Testamentary. 
IVIy  Lords  and  Gentlemen, 
We,  the  undersigned,  being  the  President  and  Council  of  the  Camden  Society,  for 
the  Publication  of  Early  Historical  and  Literary  Remains,  beg  to  submit  to  your  con- 
sideration a  copy  of  a  Memorial  presented  on  the  13th  April,  1848,  by  the  Prcjident 
fand  then  Council  of  this  Society,  to  his  Grace  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  pray- 
ing that  such  changes  might  be  made  in  the  regulations  of  the  Prerogative  Otfice  as 
might  assimilate  its   practice  to  that  of  the  Public  Record  OfKce,  so  far  as  regards 
the  inspection  of  the  books  of  entry  of  ancient  Wills,  or  that  such  other  remedy  might 
tbe  applied  to  the  inconveniences  stated  in  that  Memorial  as  to  his  Grace  might  seem  tit. 
In  reply  to  that  Memorial  his  Grace  was  pleased  to  inform  the  Memorialists  that 
K  he  had  no  control  whatever  over  the  fees  taken  in  the  Prerogative  Office. 

h  The  Memorialists  had  not  adopted  the  course  of  applying  to  his  (Jrace  the  Arch- 

t  bishop  until  they  had  in  vain  endeavoured  to  obtain  from  the  authorities  of  the  Pre- 

I  rogativc  Office,  Messrs.  Dyneley,  Iggulden,  and  Gostling,  some  modification  of  tlieir 

1  rules  in  favour  of  literary  inquirers.     The  answer  of  his  Grace  the  Archbishup  left 

i  them,  therefore,  without  present  remedy. 

i  The  grievance  compl.-iincd  of  continues  entirely  unaltered  up  to  the  present  time. 

In  all  c)ther  ])ul)lic  repositories  to  which  in  the  course  of  our  inquiries  we  have  had 
occasion  to  apply,  we  have  found  a  general  and  predominant  feeling  of  the  national 
importance  of  the  cultivation  of  literature,  and  especially  of  that  branch  of  it  which 
relates  to  the  past  history  of  our  own  country.  Every  one  seems  heartily  willing  to 
promote  historical  inquiries.  The  Public  Record  Offices  arc  now  opened  to  persons 
engaged  in  literary  pursuits  by  arrangements  of  the  most  satisfactory  and  liberal 
character.  His  drace  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  gives  permission  to  literary 
men  to  search  such  of  the  early  registers  of  his  see  as  are  in  his  own  po>.--eisioii  at 
l.anibeth.  Access  i:i  given  to  the  registers  of  the  Uislmp  of  London  ;  and  throughout 
the  kingdom   jirivate    persons    huxing   in    their    possession    historical   docinnciUs   arc 

6  REPORT  OF  THE  COUNCIL,  1853. 

almost  without  exception  not  only  willing  but  anxious  to  assist  our  inquiries.  The 
authorities  of  the  Prerogative  Office  in  Doctors'  Connnons,  perhaps,  stand  alone  in 
their  total  want  of  sympathy  with  literature,  and  in  their  exclusion  of  literary 
inquirers  by  stringent  rules,  harshly,  and  in  some  instances  even  offensively,  enforced. 
We  have  the  honour  to  be, 

My  Lords  and  Gentlemen, 

Your  most  obedient  and  very  humble  servants. 

(Signed)  Braybrooke,  President. 

John  Bruce,  Director.  W.  H.  Blaauw. 

C.  PunroN  Cooper. 

J.  Payne  Collier,  Treas. 

W.  R.  Drake. 

Edwd.  Foss. 

Peter  Levesque. 


W.  Durrant  Cooper. 
Bolton  Corney. 
Henry  Ellis. 
Lambert  B.  Larking. 
Fredk.  Ouvry. 
William  J.  Thoms,  Secij. 

25,  Parliament  Street,  Westminster, 
January,  1853. 

The  Commissioners  have  ackno^vleclged  the  receipt  of  this  Memorial, 
and  the  Council  hope  that  the  step  they  have  taken  will  meet  with  the 
approval  of  this  Meeting,  as  an  evidence  of  their  anxiety  to  use  the  influ- 
ence of  the  Camden  Society  for  the  promotion  of  historical  investigation, 
and  will  also  lead  to  some  remedy  for  the  great  grievances  to  which  literary 
men  are  at  present  subjected  in  the  office  of  the  Prerogative  Court  of 

(Signed)  John  Bruce,  Director. 

William  J.  Thoms,  Secretary. 


Dated  April  20,  1853, 

We,  the  Aviditors  cappointed  to  audit  the  Accounts  of  the  Camden  Society,  report 

0  the  Society,  that  the  Treasurer  has  exhibited  to  us  an  account  of  the  Receipts  and 

I  Sxpenditure  of  the  Society,  from  the  1st  of  April,  1852,  to  the  31st  of  March,  1853, 

I  iP.d  that  Ave  have  examined  the  said  accounts,  with  the   vouchers  relating  thereto,  and 

ind  the  same  to  be  correct  and  satisfactory. 

And   we  further  report,  that  the  following  is  an   Abstract  of  the  Receipts  and 
Expenditure  during  the  period  we  have  mentioned. 

s.  d. 

Receipts.  £. 

ilance  of  last  year's  account 250 

leceived  on  account  of  Members 
whose  Subscriptions  were  in  ar- 
rear  at  the  last  Audit    98 

Tie  like  on  account  of  Subscrip- 
tions due  1st  May,  1?52   414 

Tie  like  on  account  of  Subscriptions 
due  1st  May  next 

hieyear'sdividendoni,T)42  1U.0rZ. 
3  per  Cent.  Consols,  standing  in 
the  names  of  the  Trustees  of  the 
Society,  deducting  property-tax 

0     0 

20     0     0 

£809  16  11 

ExPENniTURE.  £. 

Paid  for  printing  and  paper  of  750  copies  of  "  Chronicle 

of  Grey  Friars  " 70  13 

Thelike  for  750  copies  of  "Camden  Miscellany,  Vol.  II."  122  14 

The  like  for  750  copies  of  the  "  Verney  Papers  "     ....  \hG  3 

Paid  for  binding  700  copies  •'  Grey  Friars  Chronicle  ". .  27  3 

The  like  for  700  copies  of  "  Miscellany,  Vol.  II." 28  0 

Paid  for  binding  Volumes  of  former  years 2  2 

Paid  for  Transcripts 14  16 

Paid  for  delivery  and  transmission  of  700  cojiies  of 
•'  Chronicle  of  Grey  Friars"  and  "  Camden  Miscel- 
lany, Vol,  II."  with  paper  for  wrapper,  &c 15  13 

Paid  for  Wood  Engraving 8  1 

Paid  for  Advertisements 2  5 

Paid  for  Miscellaneous  Printing,  Reports,  Circulars,  &c.  6  10 
One  year's  payment  for  keeping  Accounts  and  General 

Correspondence  of  the  Society   52  10 

Paid  for  the  expenses  of  last  General  Meeting 2  7 

Paid  for  postage,  carriage  of  parcels,  stationery,  and 

other  petty  cash  expenses    10  18 

By  repayment  of  one  year's  Subscription  paid  in  error  1  0 

Balance 288  8 

£'809  IC  11 

And  we,  the  Auditors,  further  state,  that  the  Treasurer  has  reported  to  us,  tliat 
I  over  and  above  the  present  balance  of  £288  85.  4d.  there  are  outstanding  various  sub- 
\  icriptions  of  Foreign  Members,  of  Members  resident  at  a  distance  from  London,  tS^c. 
I  n'hich  the  Treasurer  sees  no  reason  to  doubt  Mill  shortly  be  received. 


Edw"  IIail5.tonk, 

2Wi  April,  1 8.-53. 

■  Auditor; 


For  the  Subscriptioyi  0/1838-9. 

1.  Restoration  of  King  Edward  IV. 

2.  Kyjig  Johin,  by  Bishop  Bale. 

3.  Deposition  of  Richard  II. 

4.  Plunipton  Correspondence. 

5.  Anecdotes  and  Traditions. 

For  1839. 
Political  Songs. 
Hayward's  Annals  of  Ehzabetli. 




Ecclesiastical  Documents. 
Norden's  Description  of  Essex. 
Wark worth's  Chronicle. 
Kemp's  Nine  Dales  \\''ondor. 

For  1840. 
The  Egerton  Papers. 
Chronica  Jocelini  de  Brakelonda. 
Irish  Narratives,  1641  and  1090. 
Rishanger's  Chronicle. 

For  1841. 
Poems  of  Walter  Mapes. 
Travels  of  Nicander  Nucius. 
Three  Metrical  Romances. 
Diary  of  Dr.  John  Dee. 

For  1842. 

Apology  for  the  Lollards. 
Rutland  Papers. 
Diary  of  Bishop  Cartwright. 
I^etters  of  Eminent  I^iterary  Men. 
Proceedings    against     Dame     Alice 

For  1843. 

Promptorium  Parvulorum  :  Tom.  I.    | 
Suppression  of  the  Monasteries. 
Leycester  Correspondence.  I 

For  1844.  I 

French  Chronicle  of  I^ondon. 
Polydorc  Vergi'. 

The  Thornton  Koinances.  ■ 

Verney's  Notes  of  Long  Parliament.    ; 

For  1845. 

32.  Autobiography  of  Sir  J.  Bramstoii. 

33.  Correspondence  of  Duke  of  Perth. 

34.  Liber  dc  Antiquis  Legibus. 

35.  The  Chronicle  of  Calais. 

For  1846. 

36.  Polydore  Vergil's  History,  Vol.  I. 

87.  Italian  Relation  of  England. 

88.  Church  of  Middleham. 

89.  The  Camden  Miscellany,  Vol.  I. 

For  1847. 

40.  Life  of  Lord  Grey  of  Wilton. 

41.  Diary  of  Walter  Yonge,  Esq. 

42.  Diary  of  Henry  Machyn. 

For  1848. 

43.  Visitation  of  Huntingdonshire. 

44.  Obituary  of  Richard  Smyth. 

45.  Twysden  on  Government  of  England. 

For  1849. 

46.  Letters  of  Elizabeth  and  James  VI. 

47.  Chronicon  Petroburgense. 

48.  Queen  Jane  and  Queen  Mary. 

For  1850. 

49.  Bury  Wills  and  Inventories. 

50.  Mapes  de  Nugis  Curialiimi. 

51.  Pilgrimage  of  Sir  R.  Guylford. 

For  1851. 

52.  Secret  Services  of  Charles  II.  and 

James  II. 

53.  Chronicle  of  the  Grey  Friars. 

54.  Promptorium  Parvulorum,  Tom.  II. 

For  1852. 

55.  The  C:nndcn  Miscellany,  Vol.  11. 

56.  Verney  Pnp'frs  to  Ki^f. 

57.  Rcguhe   Inclusarnm  :    The    Ancrcn 






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