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A Marine BriocoENos!Is 
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Professor of Protozoology in Yale University 





Printed in the United States of America 
Set up and electrotyped. Published April, 1938 

First edition copyrighted and published, 1932, 

By The Macmillan Company 


This revised edition of the Animal Biology incorporates numer- 
ous changes suggested by experience and the development of the 
science, especially in the field of genetics. Growing interest in 
man’s past has led to the introduction of a chapter on the human 

Withal, the page and figure numbers remain unaltered in the 
sections referred to in Professor Baitsell’s Manual of Animal 
Biology, so that book is still available for the details of the morphol- 
ogy and physiology of selected types, as well as for laboratory 
directions, which obviously would be out of place in the present 

For suggestions in regard to the new chapter I am indebted to 
my colleagues, Professor R. S. Lull and Doctor G. E. Lewis; 
and my thanks are due Professor J. H. McGregor of Columbia 
University, the University of Chicago Press, William Wood and 
Co., and the Yale University Press for permission to reproduce 
figures from their publications. Miss E. L. Gelback has assumed 
efficiently much of the editorial work involved in seeing the book 
through the press. And, finally, I wish to express my appreciation 
of the continued hearty codperation afforded by The Macmillan 

L. L. WoopRUFF 

March, 1938. 


The present volume is published in response to a demand for a 
special adaptation of the author’s Foundations of Biology, Fourth 
Edition, designed especially for use in courses in animal biology 
and general zoology in which plants are considered only inci- 
dentally in their relations with animals. The essential plan as 
well as much of the material is, with purpose, the same in both 
books since the author is apparently far from alone in the convic- 
tion that the general biological viewpoint affords the natural ap- 
proach to an introductory survey of either animal or plant science. 

The author continues to be indebted to his colleagues in the 
Osborn Zoological Laboratory at Yale University and to many 
others, including his wife, who by suggestions and constructive 
criticism aided in the development of the book. Special mention 
is gladly made of the interest expressed by Professor J. W. Bu- 
chanan of Northwestern University, Professor D. B. Casteel of 
the University of Texas, Professor W. B. Unger of Dartmouth 
College, and by Professors W. R. Coe, G. A. Baitsell, J. S. Nicholas, 
and D. A. Kreider of Yale. 

The author has had again at his disposal the interest and skill 
of Mr. R. E. Harrison who has drawn a large number of new 
figures and revised old ones especially for this book. Acknowledg- 
ments are also due to the authors and publishers of the following 
works, who have supplied additional illustrations: Chapman’s 
Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America (D. Appleton & 
Co.); Folsom’s Entomology (P. Blakiston’s Sons & Co.); Hough 
and Sedgwick’s The Human Mechanism, Linville and Kelly’s 
General Zodlogy (Ginn & Co.); Martin’s Human Body, Sedgwick 
and Wilson’s General Biology (Henry Holt & Co.); Metcalf and 
Flint’s Destructive and Useful Insects, Noble’s Biology of the 
Amphibia (McGraw-Hill Book Co.); Romanes’ Darwin and After 
Darwin (Open Court Publishing Co.); Conklin’s Heredity and 
Environment in the Development of Men (Princeton University 
Press); Conn and Budington’s Advanced Physiology and Hygiene 
(Silver, Burdett & Co.); Kudo’s Protozodlogy (C. C. Thomas); 
Chandler’s Animal Parasites and Human Disease, Curtis and 



Guthrie’s General Zodlogy (John Wiley & Sons); Wilson’s Physical 
Basis of Life (Yale University Press); and Hegner’s College Zo- 
ology, Lindsey’s Evolution and Genetics, Lull’s Organic Evolu- 
tion, Metcalf’s Organic Evolution, Newman’s Vertebrate Zoology, 
Parker and Haswell’s Textbook of Zodlogy, Peabody and Hunt’s 
Biology and Human Welfare, Scott’s The Theory of Evolution, 
Shipley and McBride’s Zodlogy, Walter’s Genetics (The Macmillan 

Furthermore, the author is indebted, of course, to innumerable 
sources for the facts and principles outlined and for suggestions 
for figures adaptable to present needs. Many of these references 
are specifically mentioned in the preface to the Foundations of 
Biology and are listed in the bibliography of the present volume. 
Finally, to The Macmillan Company the author is grateful for its 
hearty and generous cooperation in all the arrangements incident 
to publication. 

L. L. WoopruFF 
February, 1932. 



A. Origin of Life Lore 
B. Biological Sciences ; 
C. Biology and Human Progress 

. The Cell 
B. Cell Division . 2 
A. The Protoplasm Concept 

B. Unique Characteristics of Living M Matter . 

. Organization 

. Chemical Composition . 

. Metabolism... 

- Maintenance and Growth . 

. Reproduction. 

. Irritability and Adaptation 


A. Green Plants . 
1. Protococcus . 
2. Food Making 
3. Respiration . 
B. Animals , 
1. Amoeba... 
2. Food Taking 
3. Respiration and Excretion | 
C. Colorless Plants 
1. Bacteria . 
2. Cycle of the Elements in Nature . 
3. The Hay Infusion Microcosm 

Nn ke whe 


AS Sarcodina . . 
B. Mastigophora . 
C. Sporozoa 
D. Infusoria 


A. Development . 
B. Tissues . 
C. Organs and Organ Systems 

A. Sponges 
B. Coelenterates . 

AGS © 


CG Flat Worms . ...  .) © 3 9° oes 

Dy. Round: Worms: . . . .)\.0., 2. 3° aoe 

E. Segmented Worms. La) a) en 

F. Rotifers, Bryozoans, and Brachiopods oo ee emer 

G: Echinoderms «°° ./2)° 4-*2.)°".. 4% .<! ee 

T. Molluses’ < . .&)' 208" @. 7. 9s 4) 2 See 86 

[.. Arthropods...) -.As-ai ler Mi TN ee 
Ae Hydra 3 Ss" Sas ae nbs of 

B. Earthworm —. "2 2... <0... oo. ae 

1 Body Plan =. a a EI eS eee 

2. Tissues and Organs og J eh Vee ee ee 

C, 'Cravyiishivn Pe 6) eh 1 

[X. SURVEY OF VERTEBRATES |. ~°2 <> 2 20 aeeenen 
A. Fishes . . ob eB SS Se 

1. Sharks and Rays . a ae 2 a Se ee 

2. Bony Pishes. 2 2°.) “9.6! ee 

3. Lume Fishes... .  .. . « -. ==") 2) eee 

B. Amphibians... atk vt pe 

1. Salamanders and Newis . . . . . 2) een 

2. Voads ‘and Frogs". = =. .. “.° .>)). eee 

C. Reptiles .. . «oe ae ee 

1. Turtles and Portoises: .. . 2 | aes neues 

2. Crocodiles and Alligators . . ... : 7 3) 

3. Lizards and Snakes . 2 2a gn 1; 

Ds Birds a. oe og 2 § 5 See 

E. Mammals .. fu tho eu ie os nS 7) ae 

i Monotremes . ok oe? og OC 4 eae Te een 

2; Marsupials’ «9.0. 0a ee eo eee 

3: Placéntals 2 ..° = 2%: 2:4 4 2 eee 

A. Body Plan. ©. 2° «+ 4°"... 4,237 ee 

B. Skin 2 a ee 

Go Muscles (2 0h 2 oe 

D. Skeleton... So fp ce ca a SE See 

E. The Human Body LO SS a eee 

F. Distinctive vibe Characters. . . . . . 146 

Me NUTRILIONS = ~ o » oa 
A. Buccal Cavity, Pharynx, and | Bsophagus ee 

B. Stomach . . . 7 aes 

C. Small Intestine .. «. \E tines Jo Se, 

1. Liver and Pancreas Dg oe ee 

2.. Absorption. (5 4% 5 ph) 2s 18 

3: Distribution: °°. -. ©] > .c0 20 eee 

D. Large Intestme,  . 2°) 2 2D eee 

E. Food Use Oe SS hoe ee 

Fe Dachleetec a oo UP ieseee Th lise epee So as err er 


A... Longs 
B: Rees Mechanism . 
C. Respiratory Interchange . 

A. Circulation in the Lower Ventcheates 
B. Circulation in the Higher Vertebrates 

A. Gills and Pane: 
Bokm:. 5.72% 
C. Liver 
D. Kidneys 
1. Urme yee 
2. Evolution of Kidneys ; 

A. Invertebrates . 
B. Vertebrates : 
1. Uterine Dev elopment 
2. Hormones : 
3. Urogenital System 


A. Chemical Coardinaton : 
B. Codrdination by the Nervous Sy stem 
1. Brain and Spinal Cord . ; 
2. Cranial and Spinal Nerves 
3. Autonomic System . 
C. Sense Organs .. 
i, Cutaneous Senses 
2. Sense of Taste 
3. Sense of Smell 
A Ears a 
9. Eye 

A. Biogenesis and Abiogenesis . 
B. Origin of Life on the Earth . 

1. Cosmozoa Theory 

. Pfliiger’s Theory 

. Moore’s Theory . 

. Allen’s Theory . 

. Troland’s Theory 

. Osborn’s Theory 

. Huxley’s Statement . 

A. Reproduction .. 
B. Origin of the Germ Cells 
L. Mitosis 
2. Chromosomes of the Germ Geils. 


ID) U1 ee Co DO 


3. Spermatogenesis. 

4, Odgenesis 
5. Chromosome Cycle . 

A. Gametes : 
B. Union of Gametes. 
1. Synkaryon . 
2. Significance of Fertilization 
Protozoa a ee 

A. Embryology of the Eenthwonn: 

B. Embryology and Metamorphosis of the Fr. Toe. es 
C. Embryonic Membranes of the ale Vertetnieds 

D. Problems of Development 


A. Heritability of Neniacione 
1. Modifications 
2. Recombinations . 
3. Mutations 
B. Mendelian Principles . 
1. Monohybrids 
2. Dihybrids 
3. Trihybrids 
4. Summary. 
C. Alterations of Mendelian Ratios 
D. Mechanism of Inheritance 
1. Sex Determination . 
2. Linkage . 
3. Crossing-over 
4. Mutations 
E. Nature and Nurture . 


A. Adaptations to the Physical Bnviroumeun 
1. Adaptations a Sok Functional . 

Temperature . 
2. Adaptations Essentially Structural 

Adaptive Radiation of Mammals . 

Animal Coloration 
Legs of the Honey Bee . 
B. Adaptations to the Living Environment 
1. Communal Associations 
2. Symbiosis 
3. Parasitism 
4. Immunity. 
C. Individual Adaptability 



A. Evidences of Organic Evolution. 
: Classification 
. Comparative Anatomy 
. Paleontology 
: Embryology 
. Physiology 
. Distribution . 
B. Factors of Organic Ev olution 
iz Lamarckism . . 
2. Darwinism . 
3. Genetics and Ey olution 
Method of Evolution 

DN Ot Con 


A. Medicine 

ik Microdrganisms and Disease 

Yellow Fever . 

2. Parasitic Worms 

3. Health and Wealth . 

B. Biology and Agriculture. . 
1. Plant and Animal Food 

2. Insects Injurious to Animals . 

3. Insects Injurious to Plants 
4. Beneficial Insects 

C. Conservation of Natural Resources 

D. Constructive Biology . 


A. The Prehuman Lineage . 
B. Fossil Man... . 
. Java Man .. 
. Peking Man . 
. Piltdown Man . 
. Heidelberg Man 
. Neanderthal Man . 
Cré-Magnon Man . 
C. Cultural Development 
1. Paleolithic Culture . 
2. Mesolithic Culture . 
3. Neolithic Culture 
4. Age of Metals 

A. Greek and Roman Science 


B. Medieval and Renaissance Science 



C. The Microscopists 

D. Development of the Subdivisions of Biology : 

. Classification 

. Comparative Anatomy . 
. Physiology 

. Histology 

. Embryology . 

. Genetics . , 

. Organic Evolution . 














Science is, in its source, eternal; in its scope, unmeasurable; in its 
problem, endless; in its goal, unattainable. — von Baer. 

THE oldest as well as the most obvious classification of the ob- 
jects composing the world about us is into non-living and living; 
and the knowledge accumulated during many centuries in regard 
to the former is to-day represented in the physical sciences, while 
that of the latter comprises the content of BroLoGy, the science 
of matter in the living state. Biology, like all science, has as its 
ultimate object the description of its phenomena in terms of what 
may be regarded as basic concepts — matter and energy acting 
in space and time; but it is needless to say that the attainment of 
this object is not imminent in any department of knowledge, and 
least so in the science of living things. These exhibit a state of 
matter and energy which altogether transcends the classifications 
of physicist and chemist to-day —a condition which expresses 
in its highest manifestations what we call our ‘life.’ 

Whether the ‘riddle of life’ will ultimately be solved is a question 
which everyone would like to answer but only the rash would at- 
tempt to predict. Suffice it to say that biologists who are on the 
firing line of progress to-day are directing their attention solely 
to the description and measurement of the phenomena exhibited 
by living things — those phenomena which distinguish life from 
lifeless — in an attempt to relate them to the familiar and more 
readily accessible phenomena of which we have some exact know]- 
edge in the realm of the non-living. But this should by no means 
be taken to indicate that biologists do not recognize the stupen- 
dous problems they face, or do not appreciate to the full — indeed 
more fully than others — the enormous gap that separates even 
the simplest forms of life from the inorganic world. 



Our present interest, however, is not in discussing the theoretical 
goal of biology, but in drawing in bold strokes an outline picture 
of the present-day knowledge of the subject which represents the 
cumulative results of the application of the scientific method 
to problems of life. This method is not peculiar to science, but is 
merely a perfected concentration of our human resources of obser- 
vation, experimentation, and reflection. ‘Thus far this has been 
a most productive method and certainly has given no evidence 
that its usefulness is being exhausted. But, of course, “in ultimate 
analysis everything is incomprehensible, and the whole object of 
science is simply to reduce the fundamental incomprehensibilities 
to the smallest possible number.” 

A. OricGiIN oF LirE LoRE 

The foundations of the scientific study of living nature were 
laid by Aristotle and Theophrastus over 2000 years ago. On the 
basis of collecting, dissecting, classifying, and pondering they 
reached generalizations, many of which have but recently been 
put on a firm hasis of fact. Indeed, they seem to have raised 
nearly all the broad questions which are fundamental to-day; 
but from the Greeks until about the fifteenth century there is 
little to record. There were many additions to the body of 
knowledge during this long slumber period, but fact and fancy 
were so intermingled that the truth was largely obscured. 
(Figs. 288, 289.) 

The feeling that, though Man is of nature, he is still apart, was 
expressed at the revival of learning, during the sixteenth century 
and later, in the broad classification of all knowledge as history 
of nature and history of Man; the former recording the “history 
of such facts or effects of nature as have no dependence on Man’s 
will, such as the histories of metals, plants, animals, regions, and the 
like’; the latter treating of the voluntary actions of men in 
communities. Thus all record of facts was either NATURAL HISTORY 
or civil history. From this general field of natural history the 
present-day sciences of astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, 
and biology became separated as relatively independent bodies of 
facts as each gained content, clearness, and individuality. Astron- 
omy, physics or natural philosophy, and chemistry were set apart 
first owing to the fact that their material was more readily suscep- 
tible to mathematical and experimental treatment, thus leaving 


the histories of the Earth, animals, and plants, or so-called obser- 
vational sciences, as the residue for natural history. 

It remained, however, for Lamarck in particular, during the 
opening years of the nineteenth century, to attain a vision of the 
unity of animal and plant life and to express it in the term BIOLOGY. 
But biology is something more than a union of plant science — 
BOTANY — and animal science — zoOLOGY — under one name; for 
it endeavors, in addition to describing the characteristics of plants 
and animals, to unfold the general principles underlying both. 
Accordingly ANIMAL BIOLOGY, the subject of the present volume, 
is the study of the basic principles of life with especial reference 
to animals, including Man. 


Thus the biologist has as his field the study of living things — 
what they are, what they do, and how they do it. He asks, how 
this animal or that plant is constructed and how it works — and 
this he attempts to answer. He would like to ask, and often does 
ask, why it is so constructed and why it works the way it does, 
but then he passes beyond the scope of science into the realm of 

These queries of the biologist reflect the two primary viewpoints 
from which biological phenomena may be approached: the mor- 
phological in which interest centers upon the form and structure of 
living things; and the physiological in which attention is concen- 
trated upon the functions performed — the mechanical and chem- 
ical engineering of living machines. Clearly, however, it is im- 
possible to draw a hard and fast distinction between morphology 
and physiology because in the final analysis structure must be 
interpreted in terms of function, and vice versa. But again, the 
fields of morphology and physiology naturally resolve themselves 
into special departments of study, depending on the level of analy- 
sis of structure or of function which is emphasized. Thus mor- 
PHOLOGY stresses the general form of the animal or plant; ANATOMY, 
the gross structure of individual parts, or organs; HISTOLOGY, the 
microscopic structure of organs, or tissues; CYTOLOGY, the com- 
ponent elements of tissues, or cells, and the physical basis of life, 
or protoplasm. Similarly, PHysIoLoGy investigates the activities 
of animals and plants, the functions of organs, the properties of 
tissues, the phases of cell life, and finally the physico-chemical 


characteristics of protoplasm. So much for the study of the adult 
individual animal or plant — but this is not all. The origin and 
development of the individual, GENETICS and EMBRYOLOGY; and 
the origin and development of species, ORGANIC EVOLUTION, are 
other wide fields which must be approached from both the struc- 


Animal Gross 

PSYCHOLOGY \ Societies Structure 
Phenomena of 







Origin of 




Fic. 1. — The chief divisions of Biology. 

tural and functional aspect if any real advance is to be made to- 
ward a comprehensive appreciation of life. (Fig. 1.) ! 

Thus, just as the various physical sciences have expanded and 
become specialized until they are beyond the grasp of a single man, 
so biology and its subdivisions, or the BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, are 
now distributed among many specialists. Although specializa- 
tion results in a narrowing and isolating of the fields of study, as 
deeper levels of investigation have been reached in all the sciences 
there has been a tendency for the basic phenomena to meet on the 
common ground of the fundamental sciences, physics and chem- 
istry — for in the last analysis the biologist must assume, as a 
working hypothesis, that the properties of protoplasm are the re- 

‘In order not to interrupt the continuity of the narrative, formal definitions of 
technical terms are usually omitted from the text. See the GLossary, Appendix III. 


sultant of the properties and interrelationships of the chemical 
elements which compose it. But he must not suppose that physics 
and chemistry when added up fulfil the rdle of biology. Rather 
he must grip the cardinal fact that with new relations the proper- 
ties of things change — the properties of protoplasm depend on and 
emerge from those of its chemical constituents only when the 
latter are actually in protoplasm. 

Thus “in one direction, supported by chemistry and physics, 
biology becomes biochemistry and biophysics. In another direc- 
tion it becomes the basis of the psychical sciences which relate 
to human nature, of psychology and sociology,” etc. Indeed, 
it is not an exaggeration to regard all knowledge as really bio- 
logical, since the process of knowing is a life process which is basal 
to every art and its practice, to every science and its application, 
and to every philosophy and its exposition. 


Probably the value of a knowledge of biological principles, and 
of the order of nature in general, cannot be better emphasized 
than in the words of the founder of modern methods of biological 
teaching. Huxley wrote: “Suppose it were perfectly certain that 
the life and fortune of every one of us would, one day or other, 
depend upon his winning or losing a game of chess. Don’t you 
think that we should all consider it to be a primary duty to learn 
at least the names and the moves of the pieces? . . . Do you not 
think we should look with disapprobation upon the parent who 
allowed his child, or the state that allowed its members, to grow 
up without knowing a pawn from a knight? Yet it is a very plain 
and elementary truth that the life, the fortune, and the happiness 
of every one of us, and, more or less, of all who are connected with 
us, do depend upon our knowing something of the rules of a 
game infinitely more difficult and complicated than chess. It 
is a game which has been played for untold ages, every man and 
woman of us being one of the two players in a game of his or her 
own. The chessboard is the world, the pieces are the phenomena 
of the universe, the rules of the game are what we call the laws 
of Nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us... . 
To the man who plays well, the highest stakes are paid with an 
overflowing generosity. And one who plays ill is checkmated.”’ 
(Fig. 298.) 


The contributions of the biological sciences to human welfare — 
the rules of the game of life — we shall consider later more fully. 
At this point it is merely necessary to emphasize that biology 
affords certain fundamental principles which are of universal 
application — principles of so great importance that they have 
revolutionized modern thought and action in nearly every field of 
human endeavor, and color civilized Man’s entire mental outlook 
on the world about him. Biology is the supreme agent of adjust- 
ment of human life to human life-conditions, and life goes on 
solely by reason of the adequacy of such adaptations. Specifically, 
of course, biology forms the indispensable foundations of med- 
icine — health, and of agriculture — food and raiment. Together 
these spell wealth: without them we would be poor indeed. 

Thus biology meets many of the physical needs of mankind and 
so adds enormously to the basis of human welfare, but it also has 
another equally important aspect. The appeal of biology for its 
high place as a contributor to the progress of humanity combines 
its practical gifts with the more subtle development of aesthetic 
values which naturally flow from the pregnant thought of the unity 
of nature — the oneness of life — based on the firm and ever- 
increasing sense of control as knowledge grows, which ‘‘robs life 
of none of its mystery but rather serves to link it securely with the 
larger mystery of the universe and the Infinite back of it all.” 
Man, though one with all living beings, has the unique and all- 
important power consciously to study the ways, to direct the 
forces of nature, and to adapt himself to them. 


Science never destroys wonder, but only shifts it, higher and 
deeper. — Thomson. 

WITH a synoptic view of the scope and importance of biology 
before us, we now turn directly to the study of life itself in the 
only form it is known — the bodies of plants and animals. 

A thin slice of material from the surface of the skin of a Frog 
or the leaf of a Buttercup when examined under the microscope 
shows the same general structure. Each appears to be composed 
of innumerable small bodies, no two of which are exactly alike 
even in the same piece, though all are similar enough to be one and 

Fic. 2. — Cells, highly magnified, from the surface of a Frog’s skin (A), 
and a plant leaf (B). 

the same type of unit. And if we extend our study to other parts 
of the Buttercup or the Frog or, indeed, to any part of any familiar 
plant or animal — or to the human body — we find essentially 
similar units of structure in every case. In fact, the bodies of all 
living things either consist of a single organic unit or of millions 
of essentially similar units called cELLs. (Figs. 2, 3, 4.) 

Each cell is itself the theater of all the fundamental vital proc- 
esses — each is alive. This, of course, is obvious when a cell forms 
the whole body of a UNICELLULAR plant or animal, but not so 
apparent when it is only one of myriads forming a MULTICELLULAR 
organism. But actually the life of the organism as a whole is, in 



final analysis, the product of the life of the component cells: the 
expression of their harmonious cooperation. Accordingly the cells 
are the basic units of the actual living matter, termed PROTOPLASM. 

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Fic. 3. — Vertical section (highly magnified) of a leaf to show its cellular 
structure. a, guard cells, at opening (stoma) through epidermis; 6, cells con- 
taining chlorophyll; c, upper and lower epidermal cells. (From Bailey.) 

Such being the case, we reach the first great biological general- 
ization: all animals and plants have the same elementary cellular 
structure. Indeed, the specific local differentiations in the living 

Fic. 4. — Transverse section (highly magnified) of a simple animal (Hydra) 
to show the cellular structure. Outer layer, ectoderm; inner layer, endoderm; 
central cavity, enteric cavity. 

materials of the various parts of animals and plants are made 

possible largely because the protoplasm is disposed in microscopic 
unit masses, or cells. 


A. Toe CELL 

With the diversity of gross structure of animals and plants in 
mind, one is not surprised that there are considerable, even great, 
variations in their component cells. In fact, the characteristics of 
an organism or part of an organism are determined by those of 
the cells. But there are certain fundamental cell characters which 
are common to all cells — by virtue of which they are cells — and 
it is important to emphasize these. (Fig. 5.) 

In its simplest form a cell is a small, more or less spherical mass 
of protoplasm. Such are the eggs of various animals and the com- 

Fic. 5. — Diagram of a cell shown (A) as a solid body, and (B) in optical 
section, through plane x~y, as it appears under the microscope. 

plete body of some of the lowest plants and animals. Cells forming 
the units of multicellular organisms, however, frequently exhibit 
more or less hexagonal surfaces on account of stresses and strains 
incident to their position among other cells; while specializations 
and differentiations, for one purpose or another, produce forms 
which are characteristic of different parts of the organism, as, for 
example, the long spindle-shaped cells of certain muscles, and the 
widely branching cells of parts of the brains of animals. Broadly 
speaking, the greater diversity of cell form is found in animals, 
while in plants, owing to the more general presence of rigid CELL 
WALLS about the protoplasm, the cells more frequently present 
symmetrical, angular outlines. (Figs. 6, 7.) 

The term cell is a relic of the time when the cell wall was re- 
garded as the most important part, and its protoplasmic contents, 
if observed at all, were considered as only of secondary importance, 
if not waste material. Now we recognize many cells which are 


essentially naked masses of protoplasm, such as Amoeba and white 
blood cells. In other words, the protoplasm is the actual living 
part — the cell wall typically being a non-living accessory which 
more or less sharply separates one unit mass of protoplasm from 
another and lends rigidity and form to the group of cells as a whole. 

The living material of cells is highly organized into various 
complex structures, some of which are present in all cells and 
others only in cells adapted for special functions. For the present, 

Gastric vacuole 

PSs os 

oameece® Cee 


= sets ndoplasm 
Contractile vacuole Ectoplasm 
Fic. 6. — A simple animal (Amoeba proteus) which consists of a single cell 

(highly magnified). Locomotion is by streaming of the protoplasm forming 
temporary protrusions, or pseudopodia. 

however, it is only necessary to emphasize that the protoplasm of 
all typical cells is differentiated into two chief parts: the cyTo- 
PLASM, or general groundwork which makes up the bulk of the cell; 
and the NUCLEUS, a more or less clearly defined spherical body, 
situated near the center of the cytoplasmic mass. 

Cytoplasm and nucleus, looked at from the functional view- 
point, represent a physiological division of labor within the con- 
fines of the cell. Experiments have shown that they are mutually 
necessary for cell life; the removal of the nucleus putting an end to 
constructive processes — assimilation, repair, and growth — and 
thus leading rapidly to death. Accordingly the nucleus may be 
considered as the center of the synthetic activities of the cell, and 
the cytoplasm, if not as the area in which destructive processes 
are chiefly involved, at least as the region in which the results of 
the nuclear activity become realized. It seems clear that the 
nucleus is the controlling agent in cell activity, and hence a 


B Muscle 

BY) BL ess 
see, More 


C Blood 

- 5 Si 

(Ff F Nerve 


Fic 7. — Various types of cells, highly magnified. A, egg and sperm of 
Segmented Worm; B, muscle cells (unstriated) from bladder of Frog; C, one 
white and three red blood cells of Frog; D, pigment cell from skin of Fish; 
E, epithelial cells (ciliated), including a gland cell, from intestine of Dog; F, 
nerve cell (neuron) from brain of Mouse. 


primary factor in growth, development, and transmission of specific 
qualities from cell to cell, and so from one generation to the next. 

B. CELL DIvIsion 

All the evidence indicates that, at the present time at least, 
living matter never arises except under the influence of preéxist- 
ing living matter. That is, protoplasm grows — cells grow and, 
having attained a certain size, reproduce by dividing into two es- 
sentially equal parts. Then there are two cells — the parent cell 

Fic. 8. — An Amoeba in six successive stages of division. The dark body 
surrounded by a clear area is the nucleus. (Modified, after Schultze.) 

has lost its identity in its offspring. Cell division is reproduction. 
Indeed, in final analysis reproduction is always cell division, 
through this primary fact is largely obscured by accompanying 
phenomena in higher animals and plants. (Fig. 8.) 

The process of cell division involves the division of both cyto- 
plasm and nucleus, and therefore we must enlarge our concep- 
tion of a cell as a small mass of protoplasm differentiated into 
cytoplasm and nucleus, by adding that both cytoplasm and 
nucleus arise through the division of the corresponding elements 
of a preéxisting cell. 


We shall later have occasion to make a study of the details of 
cell division, known as mitosis, but from what has been said it 
must occur to the reader that, since cells arise only by division, 
those of the present day, whether complete free-living organisms 
or units composing the bodies of higher plants and animals, in- 
cluding Man, are actually lineal descendants in unbroken series 
from the beginning of cellular life on the Earth. (Fig. 164.) 


Over the structure of the chemical molecule rises the structure of 
the living substance as a broader and higher kind of organization. 
— Hertwig. 

THE realization that all animals and plants possess a funda- 
mentally similar organization — the structural and physiological 
units, or cells — leads quite naturally to an intensive study of the 
material of which the cells are composed — the physical basis of 
life itself. Accordingly we must now consider more specifically 
the characteristics of this actual life-stuff — protoplasm. 

The old saying that the materials forming the human body 
change completely every seven years is a tacit recognition that 
lifeless material, in the form of food, is gradually transformed into 
living matter under the active influence of the body. Indeed, just 
as a geyser retains its individuality from moment to moment 
though it is at no two instants composed of the same molecules of 
water identically placed, so the living individual is a focus into 
which materials enter, play a part for a time, and then emerge to 
become dissipated in the environment. But here the analogy stops. 
For in the living organism the materials which enter as food, en- 
dowed with POTENTIAL ENERGY, are arranged and rearranged until 
specific molecular combinations result, which in turn are trans- 
formed into integral parts of the organization of life itself. How- 
ever, to live is to work, and to work means expenditure — the 
transformation of the potential into KINETIC energy — with the 
result that materials in relatively simple form and largely or en- 
tirely devoid of energy are returned to the realm of the non-living. 
And note, the living organism must continuously utilize energy 
in order merely to maintain itself. Cessation is death. 

Thus we reach a fact of prime importance: so far as we know, 
living matter — protoplasm — is merely ordinary matter that has 
assumed, for the time being, unique physico-chemical relationships 
that display the remarkable series of phenomena which we recog- 
nize as LIFE. 



But non-living matter is always closely associated with living 
matter in the bodies of animals and plants. Indeed, the two are 
so intimately related that it is frequently difficult to distinguish 
sharply between them. Obviously, in the human body, for in- 
stance, the visible parts of hair and nails, a large part of bone, and 
the liquid part of blood are non-living material. But the non-living 
is not confined to gross structures, for the dead among the living 
is still revealed until the penetrating power of the microscope 
fails us. 


Although there is a continuous stream of matter and energy 
flowing through the living individual, nevertheless the physical 
and chemical study of living matter from whatever source we take 
it — Mold or Elm, Amoeba or Man — reveals a striking similarity 
in its fundamental factors, and this is the basis of the protoplasm 
concept held by modern biologists. 

As the finer structure of animals and plants came within the 
range of vision through improvements in microscope lenses, it was 
gradually recognized that the ultimate living part appeared to be 
a granular, viscid fluid. This started a long series of studies on the 
materials of the bodies of unicellular organisms similar to Amoeba 
and of the cellular elements of higher animals and plants, which 
finally led, about the middle of the last century, to the complete 
demonstration of the full morphological and physiological signifi- 
cance of protoplasm. There is, in truth, an essentially similar, 
fundamental, living material of both animals and plants — a com- 
mon physical basis of life. This reduction of all life phenomena to 
a common denominator laid the foundations for — indeed, actu- 
ally established — the life-science, biology. (Figs. 6, 9.) 

Although we speak of a common ‘physical basis of life,’ it is of 
paramount importance to bear in mind that the protoplasm of no 
two animals or plants or, indeed, of different parts of the same 
animal or plant is exactly the same. Identity of protoplasm would 
mean identity of structure and function — identity of life itself. 
The concept protoplasm merely emphasizes that, after allowances 
are made for all the variations, we still have the similarities far 
outnumbering the dissimilarities in the ‘agent of vital manifesta- 

The physical chemists tell us that protoplasm consists of matter 


in the colloidal state — a condition of matter that chemists have 
long been familiar with in the inorganic world. A coLLorp has 
been described as matter divided into particles larger than one 
molecule and suspended in a medium of different matter. There- 
fore butter and cream are each colloids: the former consisting of 
water finely divided and suspended in oil, and the latter essentially 
of finely divided oil in water. But protoplasm is a stupendously 
more complex colloidal system. It comprises not two, but very 
many substances, some in simple and others in highly complex 
molecular form, so finely divided that they are invisible with the 
ordinary microscope. 

Now colloidal systems in general are characterized by tremen- 
dous surface activity — the result of energy relations between the 
contact surfaces of the particles of the different component sub- 
stances. This being so, and protoplasm being a colloid composed 
of very many different kinds of materials, the total surface area 
between suspended substances and suspending media is very great, 
and thus affords the requisite conditions for an exceedingly in- 
tricate system of energy relations. And when we add to this the 
fact that at such surfaces chemical changes, some involving 
changes in electrical potential, occur; and also that mechanical 
changes are induced by precipitation, coagulation, and constant 
redistribution between the suspending media and the substances 
in suspension, we begin to get at least a glimpse of the exceedingly 
intricate and delicate energy-ltransforming system that protoplasm 
really is. To work out these intricacies is one of the imposing tasks 
still before the biologist, chemist, and physicist. 

But the statement that protoplasm is a colloidal system — 
roughly speaking, a rather fluid sort of jelly — leaves the reader 
without any clear conception of the appearance of protoplasm. 
As a matter of fact it is as difficult to describe the appearance of 
protoplasm as it is to define it. Protoplasm must be seen under 
the microscope to be appreciated. With a moderate magnification, 
it presents a fairly characteristic picture, appearing like a trans- 
lucent, colorless, viscid fluid containing many minute granules as 
well as clear spaces or vacuoles. If it is examined in water it ex- 
hibits no tendency to mix with the surrounding medium, though 
investigations show that osmoric interchanges are constantly 
going on. For this reason it is impossible to consider proto- 
plasm except in connection with its surroundings, whatever 


they may be — variations in its environment and variations in 
its activities being reflected directly or indirectly in its ap- 
pearance. (Fig. 6.) 

Under the highest magnifications, not only does the finer struc- 
ture of protoplasm differ in various specimens, but also in the same 
cell under slightly different physiological conditions. At one time 
it presents the appearance of a fairly definite net-like structure, or 

Ay, yy 
yw 4 
yng Oey ii 



ly magnified), exhibit- 
ing alveolar, or foam-like, structure. This arises by the appearance, growth, 
and crowding together of minute bodies in a homogeneous ground substance. 
(From Wilson.) 

reticulum, the meshes of which enclose a more fluid substance; at 
another, a frothy, or alveolar, appearance due to a more liquid 
substance scattered or emulsified as spherical bodies in a less 
liquid medium. Again, at other times, the denser portion seems 
to take the form of minute threads, or fibers, or of tiny granules 
distributed in a somewhat fluid matrix. (Fig. 9.) 

These appearances have given rise to various theories which 
emphasize one or another as the universal formula for the physical 
structure of protoplasm, from which the other appearances are 
merely secondarily derived. But the trend of recent work has 
been to indicate that although the general similarity of proto- 
plasmic activity, wherever we find it, might lead us to expect to 
find also a visible fundamental structural basis, such does not exist 
within the range of magnifications at our command. Reticular, 
alveolar, and other structures which our microscopes reveal are, 
as it were, merely surface ripples from underlying physico-chemical 
changes in the colloidal system which, thus far, are unfathomable. 



Since the phenomena of life are without exception the results of 
protoplasmic activity, it is obvious that we must look to proto- 
plasm for the primary attributes of living matter. The properties 
which are absolutely characteristic of living matter are its spe- 
cific organization, chemical composition, metabolism involving the 
power of maintenance, growth, and reproduction, and irritability 
resulting in the power of adaptation. 

1. Organization 

It must be emphasized that living things are not homogeneous, 
but possess structural and physiological ORGANIZATION. Animals 
and plants are made up of various parts adapted for certain pur- 
poses. They exhibit ‘a viable unity’ and so stand in sharp con- 
trast with objects comprising the inorganic world as, for instance, 
rocks and rivers. Accordingly animals and plants are referred to 
as ORGANISMS. Moreover, as we have seen, the organizational 
units of all living things are cells, and so it follows that cell struc- 
ture is a direct or indirect expression of all the unique life char- 
acteristics that we are about to survey. A few of the details of 
cell structure are necessary for an appreciation of the organization 
of organisms. 

It will be recalled that the protoplasm of all typical cells is dif- 
ferentiated into two chief parts: the cyfoplasm, or general ground- 
work which makes up the bulk of the cell; and the nucleus, a more 
or less clearly defined spherical body, situated near the center of 
the cytoplasmic mass. 

CyTopLasm. The cytoplasm may be considered the less special- 
ized protoplasm of the cell, and its appearance and other charac- 
teristics are those which have been outlined in our discussion of 
protoplasm. With that in mind, for the sake of definiteness, we 
may consider its basis as consisting of a meshwork, composed of 
innumerable, minute granules which permeate an apparently homo- 
geneous ground-substance, or HYALOPLASM. Distributed through- 
out the cytoplasm are usually various lifeless inclusions such as 
granules of food, droplets of water or oil, vacuoles of cell sap, 
crystals, etc., representing materials which are to be, or have been, 
a part of the living complex, or are by-products of the vital proc- 
esses. This passive material is frequently referred to as META- 


PLASM, but it is quite evident that such a term stands for no essen- 
tial morphological part of the cell, and we have no absolute criterion 
to distinguish between some granules which are regarded as meta- 
plasmic in nature and others which are ordinarily considered active 
elements of the cytoplasm. But there are various undoubtedly 
active bodies besides the nucleus in the cytoplasm. Chief among 
these are the CENTROSOME which plays an essential part in ceil 
reproduction, and the PLASTIDS, MITOCHONDRIA, and GOLGI BODIES 
which apparently are the seat of various special physiological 
activities. (Fig. 10.) 

The cytoplasm, since it forms the general groundwork, is that 
part of the cell which comes most closely into relations with the 
environment, and accordingly near the surface it is frequently 

Cell wall 

Golgi bodies 

Plastid Mitochondria 

Vaenole Metaplasm 

Fic. 10. — Diagram of a cell. 

modified somewhat in texture and consistency so that a definite 
outer region, Or ECTOPLASM, may be distinguished from an inner, 
or ENDOPLASM. The ectoplasm is limited externally by a PLAsMaA- 
MEMBRANE Just beneath the cell wall. The plasma-membrane is 
certainly a part of the living cytoplasm, while the cell wall must 
be regarded as non-living, though in many cases it is a direct 
transformation of the living material which grows and plays, 
in connection with the plasma-membrane, an important part in 
controlling the flow of matter and energy to and from the cell and 
its surroundings. 


Nucieus. As already mentioned, within the cytoplasmic mass 
there is an area of clearly differentiated material which typically 
has a rounded form, bounded by a membrane, so that it appears 
as a definite body of protoplasm called the nucleus. The struc- 
tural basis of the nucleus consists of a homogeneous ground-sub- 
stance, or KARYOLYMPH, which is permeated by a meshwork that 
usually appears to consist of two substances, LININ and CHROMATIN, 
which are probably chemically closely related. Chromatin is the 
highly characteristic nuclear material which takes various forms 
during different phases of cell activity but generally gives the ap- 
pearance of a network of tiny granules with one or more dense 
‘knots’ of chromatin. Frequently there are one or more conspicu- 
ous, round bodies within the nucleus known as NUCLEOLI. Later it 
will be necessary to describe some of the important changes in 
chromatin arrangement that occur during various phases of cell 
activity, especially during cell division, but it is sufficient at this 
moment to emphasize that the nucleus is a differentiated area 
of the cell protoplasm which is the arena of the chromatin. 
Indeed, the nucleus probably represents the highest type of or- 
ganization in the organism. (Fig. 164.) 

2. Chemical Composition 

It is impossible to make an analysis of living matter because the 
disturbance of its molecular organization by chemical reagents 
kills it. Therefore our knowledge of its chemical composition has 
of necessity been derived from a study of dead protoplasm. How- 
ever, since in the transformation from the living to the non- 
living state there is clearly no loss of weight, it follows that the 
complete material basis of life is still present for examination. 
In other words, the death of protoplasm is a result of disor- 

Chemical analysis of protoplasm shows that it invariably com- 
prises the elements OXYGEN, CARBON, HYDROGEN, NITROGEN, 
TRON, and CHLORINE. Probably other elements are always present; 
certainly some others are found normally in the protoplasm of 
certain parts of various species of animals and plants. Thus in 
addition to the elements just mentioned which form by far the 
larger part of the human body, there are also present traces of sev- 
eral other elements, such as iodine, copper, manganese, and fluorine. 


The average composition of the human body, including cellular 
and intercellular material, is about as follows: 

CUBS be eC eas oer De ToT ca fs 65.00% 
ESOP es, Sole os) Pee Cole eae ee 18.00 
EAC cs na Re ee 10.00 
IER EMIS cao a oS Fae ey eee 3.00 
See Re See) soars spay vceciadn. a Read eed ede Ae OD 
IESEIPSHOMUIS yee 52 cs So oi ey, as ae Se ae 1.00 
AGUAS STII, 809k ba a ed eee 0.35 
‘SUELO 2p a rr en REP Se 0.25 
Bonner eos es oe onde Se eee 0.15 
WiNrinet ie wae feud foils aialhba. ae eee 0.15 
MUGISTTEST Ln (A a re rere Bee) 0.05 
MER IP os sk oie 3:5 & dex, 23s FS 0.004 

At first glance there is nothing very striking about this list of 
elements. They are all common ones with which the chemist is 
familiar in the non-living world. The materials of Man’s body are 
worth less than one dollar! Furthermore, quantitatively the most 
important compound is nothing more complex than WATER 
(H,O). It composes more than two-thirds of the human body. 
But there are combinations of the elements which are highly 
significant and characteristic, and result from the capacity of 
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, or carbon and hydrogen together, 
to form the numerous complex compounds which in turn supply 
the basis for intimate associations with other elements. As a matter 
of fact, the bulk of protoplasm is composed of carbon, oxygen, 
hydrogen, and nitrogen associated with each other in an apparently 
infinite series of relationships, in which the carbon seems to play 
the leading role — the indispensable bond that links all other ele- 
ments in organic unity. Some of these compounds are relatively 
simple, but the majority consist of elaborate atomic arrangements 
and not a few represent molecular complexes of hundreds and even 
thousands of atoms. 

The COMPOUNDS OF CARBON which are characteristic of proto- 
plasm fall into three chief groups: proteins, carbohydrates, and 

PROTEINS invariably consist of the elements carbon, oxygen, 
hydrogen, nitrogen, and usually sulfur, and frequently phosphorus, 
iron, etc. Examples are ALBUMIN of the white of egg, CASEIN of 
milk, GLIADIN of wheat, and MyosIn of lean meat. The nitrogen par- 
ticularly distinguishes proteins from the other compounds of the 


living complex and, as we shall see later when considering the 
chemical processes in animals and plants, is largely responsible 
for their commanding position as ““the chemical nucleus or pivot 
around which revolve a multitude of reactions characteristic of 
biological phenomena.’ Study of the relationship of nitrogen to 
the other chemical elements of proteins has revealed that the 
protein molecule is a huge complex of linked AMINO acips — an 
amino acid being an organic acid in which one hydrogen atom is 
replaced by the amino group, NH». The amino acids are the nitrog- 
enous units with which organisms deal physiologically, rather than 
the proteins themselves. An animal, for example, with various 
proteins available in its food, chemically disrupts them into their 
amino acid constituents, and then takes an amino acid here and 
another there and synthesizes the specific proteins it demands. 
And further, if individual amino acids are supplied, the animal 
employs them. 

Although there are less than two dozen amino acids, the num- 
ber of proteins is legion. Furthermore, besides the so-called 
simple proteins composed sclely of amino acids, there are many 
which comprise in addition other radicals, such as the hemo- 
globins which contain hematin and the nucleoproteins with nucleic 
acid. It appears that the specific structure of an organism depends 
upon the chemical specificity of its proteins, but for our purposes 
it is sufficient to recognize that the presence of proteins and the 
power of forming them is a prime chemical characteristic of living 
matter. Apparently these huge, complex molecules with their 
high lability and, therefore, tendency to chemical change are 
fundamentally associated with the plasticity and responsiveness 
of protoplasm. 

CARBOHYDRATES consist of various combinations of carbon, 
hydrogen, and oxygen, the latter elements typically being present 
in the proportion found in water (H.O). Though more simple in 
chemical structure than proteins, they range in complexity from the 
simple sugars, or monosaccharides such as GLUCOSE and FRUCTOSE, 
to polysaccharides such as STARCH, GLYCOGEN, and CELLULOSE. 

Fats are composed of the same elements as the carbohydrates, . 
but in quite different arrangements. The proportion of oxygen is 
always less, and therefore they are more oxidizable and richer in 
potential energy. Fats represent the union of an acid (fatty acid) and 
glycerol. Examples are butter and oils of plant or animal origin. 


Thus proteins, carbohydrates, and fats represent large classes 
of substances which are distinctly characteristic of living matter, 
not being found in nature except as the result of protoplasmic ac- 
tivity; although biochemists now can artificially construct certain 
fats and carbohydrates as well as the amino acid constituents of 
some proteins. Proteins undoubtedly play the most important 
part in the organization of protoplasm, while the carbohydrates 
and fats contribute largely to the supply of available energy. 
However, it is impossible to draw a hard and fast distinction in 
regard to their respective contributions because, for example, as 
we shall see later, carbohydrates form the foundation upon which 
proteins are built by green plants. 

Proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are frequently referred to as 
the foodstuffs, but it will be recognized that while, in a way, they 
constitute the chief groups, all the constituents of protoplasm must 
be available. Accordingly, inorganic salts, water, and free oxygen 
are really foodstuffs. Furthermore, recent investigation has dis- 
closed another class of organic substances which are absolutely 
necessary and are known as VITAMINS. These accessory food sub- 
stances are referred to as vitamin A, B, C, etc., though now the 
chemical constitution of some of them is known. Scurvy, for in- 
stance, is a disease induced by the lack of vitamin C which has 
proved to be a hexuronic acid. Finally must be mentioned a great 
group of organic catalyzers, called ENzyMEs. These are not food 
substances but. special proteins formed in organisms where they 
play a major part in chemical processes. However, when all is said, 
our knowledge of the chemical complexities of protoplasm affords 
no adequate conception of how they are related to life. 

3. Metabolism 

We have emphasized that living matter is continually changing, 
and this fundamental fact is reflected in nearly all attempts to 
define life. Aristotle described life as “the assemblage of opera- 
tions of nutrition, growth, and destruction’’; deBlainville, as a 
“twofold internal movement of composition and decomposition ”’; 
and Spencer, as “the continuous adjustment of internal relations 
to external relations.”’ 

This interaction consists of chemical and physical processes in 
which combustion, or oxidation, plays the chief role. Over a century 
ago it was shown that animal heat results from a slow burning of 


the materials of the body, involving the consumption of oxygen 
and the liberation of carbon dioxide; and further, that for a given 
consumption of oxygen and liberation of carbon dioxide, about 
the same amount of heat is produced by an animal as by a 
burning candle. In other words, the oxidation of the complex 
compounds which enter the body as food is definitely proportional 
to the amount of energy which the body gives out, just in the 
same way as the amount of work performed by a steam engine 
and the amount of heat it liberates bear a strict proportion to its 
consumption of fuel. 

This is an important discovery, because it goes far toward 
establishing the fact that at least certain characteristic vital 
phenomena are in accord with the laws which hold in the non-living 
world. But the processes of METABOLISM are not so simple as per- 
haps might be imagined from the results just mentioned. Heat 
represents but one of the many energy transformations within the 
organism, and biologists are at work trying to interpret one after 
another in terms that are equally applicable in the realms of the 
living and the lifeless. “* The symbol of the organism is the burning 
bush of old.”’ 

One naturally asks whether living matter possesses some special 
form of energy — ‘vital force’ — which is quite different from 
chemical and physical energy. This is the philosophically impor- 
tant question of viraLisM. From the standpoint of biology we 
may say that no instrument ever devised has detected such en- 
ergy, and until some unique vital energy can be made evident to 
one of the human senses, it does not fall within the scope of science 
— science can neither deny nor affirm its existence. Perhaps for 
the present it is sufficient to realize that unique phenomena may 
emerge from new relationships — relationships change the prop- 
erties of things. The properties of molecules are those which the 
atoms have when they are in the molecule, and the phenomena 
of life depend on — emerge from — the physico-chemical con- 
stituents of protoplasm when, and only when, they are in proto- 
plasm. A living cell exhibits ““many unpredictable properties be- 
yond those of the mere sum of its individual constituent molecules 
and compounds, or the additive resultants to be derived from any 
arrangement of them.” 

However, it is important to note that many of the grosser phe- 
nomena of life are being gradually restated in terms of the physical 


sciences. So it appears clear that the organism is a system for 
transforming energy into work performed — transforming the po- 
tential energy stored in chemical complexes of its own substance 
into the various vital processes of life. And it is in this transfer of 
energy from one kind to another that we find exhibited the activi- 
ties which are most distinctive of living things. In these processes 
of metabolism many complex substances rich in potential energy, 
which have entered as food and have been, in whole or part, added 
to the protoplasmic system, are reduced to simpler and simpler 
conditions and finally, with their energy content nearly or entirely 
exhausted, are eliminated as EXCRETIONS. Obviously, if life is to 
persist, this continual waste must be counterbalanced by a propor- 
tionate intake of food in order to renew the supply of energy and 
to provide the materials which, after preliminary changes, are made 
into an integral part of the living organism. 

4. Maintenance and Growth 

Thus in living the animal or plant is partially consuming and 
rebuilding itself continually — metabolism is a dual process. 
When constructive metabolism, ANABOLISM, keeps pace with de- 
structive metabolism, KATABOLISM, the individual remains essen- 
tially unchanged — it balances its account physiologically — and 
this MAINTENANCE is the normal condition of adult life. But one of 
the most obvious results of metabolism is growth, or permanent 
increase in the size of the individual. As a rule growth is most 
rapid during the early part of the individual’s existence, or youth. 
Indeed, at birth a child is about a billion times larger than the egg 
cell from which it has developed. Later in life, when a certain phys- 
iological balance, or maturity, is attained, growth chiefly occurs in 
making good, in so far as may be, the wear and tear incidental to 
living, and in providing for reproduction. 

Growth, as well as maintenance, means that the organism takes 
the materials which it receives in the form of food, transforms 
them and fits them into the protoplasmic organization here and 
there throughout as needed. This INTERSTITIAL GROWTH by chem- 
ical synthesis is in striking contrast to the growth, for example, of 
crystals that increase in size merely by the addition to the surface 
of new material of the same kind from the saturated solution, the 
mother liquid, in which they are suspended. Crystal growth is 
passive; organic growth is active. Protoplasm, with materials 


and energy taken from its environment, constructs more proto- 
plasm — endows the non-living with its own unique organization. 
It makes more life-stuff. And, if the available materials are ade- 
quate, the living substance tends to increase indefinitely, or until 
the specific limits of the cell or organism are attained. 

5. Reproduction 

So far as is known, living matter arises only by the activities 
of preéxisting living matter. We have seen that this transforma- 
tion is continually going on in anabolic processes in the animal 
or plant, and brings about repair and growth of the individual; 
but it is in reproduction that what may be termed the overgrowth 
of the individual results in the production of a new one. 

Thus reproduction and growth are phenomena which are in- 
trinsically the same — both are the result of a proponderance of 
the constructive phase of metabolism. The single cell, whether a 
whole organism or a single unit of a complex body, increases in 
volume up to a certain limit and then divides. In the former case 
two new individuals replace the parent cell; in the latter, the com- 
plex body has been increased to the extent of one cell. In both 
cases cell division has resulted in cell reproduction. Thus cell 
division is always reproduction, though it is customary and con- 
venient to restrict the term reproduction to cell divisions which 
result in the formation of new individuals — single cells or groups 
of cells which sooner or later separate from the parent organism. 
They are the new generation. This is a unique characteristic of 
living things which provides for the continuation of the race. 
(Figs. 8, 164.) 

6. Irritability and Adaptation 

The discussion of metabolism has emphasized the close interre- 
lationship between the living organism and its surroundings, and 
the dependence of life upon the interplay and interchange between 
protoplasm and its environment. As a matter of fact the plant or 
animal retains its individuality — lives — solely by its powers of 
developing and maintaining exquisite adjustments to its surround- 
ings. This results from the raRITABILITY of living substance: its 
inherent capacity of reacting to environmental changes by changes 
in the equilibrium of its matter and energy. The inciting changes, 
known as STIMULI, may be chemical, electrical, thermal, photic, 


or mechanical, but the nature of the response is determined rather 
by the fundamental character of protoplasm itself than by the 
nature of the stimulus. Thus muscle cells respond by contracting, 
regardless of the nature of the stimulus. 

The reactions of organisms usually result in MOVEMENT, one of 
the most obvious manifestations of life. Movement depends in 
every instance upon tumultuous ultramicroscopic physico-chemical 
changes of protoplasm itself. Thus it is to these changes that, in 
the last analysis, we must turn for the energy which brings about 
the visible movements in animals and plants. 


Fic. 11. — Amoeboid movement. Successive changes in form assumed by 
an Amoeba. The clear ectoplasm flows forward, followed by the granular 
endoplasm with the nucleus (darker) and contractile vacuole (lighter). See 
Fig. 6. (Modified, after Verworn.) 

The obvious movement of the higher animals is, of course, the 
result of the contraction (shortening and broadening) of the indi- 
vidual muscle cells forming the muscular system, but movements 
of other cells of the body occur as, for example, the flowing move- 
ment of the white blood cells which is similar to that of certain 
unicellular animals, the Amoebae, and so is known as AMOEBOID 
movement. The protoplasm of an active Amoeba is one of the 
most striking and beautiful sights under the microscope; the cell 
ceaselessly changing its form as one outflowing, or PSEUDOPODIUM, 
follows another and the whole cell advances in the direction of the 
main stream. When particles of food are met, the pseudopodia 


flow around them, and when they have been digested within the 
cell, the protoplasm moves onward leaving the waste material 
behind. In many other unicellular animals, such as Paramecium, 
an active, internal circulation, or cycLosis, of the protoplasm is 
visible, and the cells of certain multicellular plants, such as Nitella 
and Tradescantia, afford remarkable exhibitions of rotation and 
circulation of protoplasm. 

Moreover, locomotion in Paramecium and related Infusoria is 
effected by myriads of short, vibratile, thread-like prolongations 
of the cytoplasm, termed crL1A; while other unicellular forms, such 
as Euglena, move by long whip-like processes, or FLAGELLA. Fi- 
nally, ciliated cells form membranes, or CILIATED EPITHELIA, that 
serve various purposes in the bodies of higher animals. Thus the 
food and respiratory currents of Molluscs, such as the Clam, are 
induced by ciliary action, and certain internal passages of the 
human body are provided with cilia for the transport of materials. 
(Figs. 6,7, 11 22; 27) 

These and all other reactions of living matter are results of its 
irritability and involve not only response to a stimulus but also 
conduction so that the cell, or group of cells, as a whole is directly 
or indirectly influenced — a condition which attains its fullest ex- 
pression in the higher animals with a nervous system. Every 
organism responds as a coordinated unit — an individual. It adapts 
itself structurally and functionally to the necessities of its existence. 
This power of ADAPTATION, as exhibited in active adjustment be- 
tween internal and external relations, overshadows every mani- 
festation of life and contributes, more than any other factor, to 
the enormous gap that separates even the lowest forms of life from 
the inorganic world. 

The characteristics which we have described — specific organiza- 
tion, chemical composition, metabolism involving the power of 
maintenance, growth, and reproduction, and irritability resulting 
in the power of adaptation — individually and collectively are 
characteristic of living matter. Any formal objections that may 
be raised to the diagnostic character of one or another only serve 
to emphasize the unique conditions which obtain in life. 

In our discussion thus far, we have endeavored to describe the 
characteristics of life in terms of its organizational units — cells, 
and of its physical basis — protoplasm. But we have not attempted 


formally to define ‘life’ or ‘protoplasm’ because, since they are 
unique, it is impossible to resort to the trick of comparing them 
with something else; and because the expressions ‘protoplasm’ and 
‘life’ are generalizations. The former indicates that all animals 
and plants have an essentially similar foundation, and the latter 
that they exhibit certain characteristic actions and reactions. The 
living organism exhibits a permanence and continuity of individ- 
uality correlated with specific behavior, and this it transmits to 
other matter which it makes a part of itself, and to its offspring at 
reproduction. The organism regarded as a whole is, indeed, a 
unique phenomenon: one whose fundamental nature is as essential 
as any of the concepts of physics. 


Nature, which governs the whole, will soon change all things which 
thou seest, and out of their substance will make other things ana 
again other things from the substance of them, in order that the world 
may be ever new. — Marcus Aurelius. 

Lire is only known to us in the form of individual organisms, 
so we turn now to concrete examples of unicellular plants and 
animals which present, in relatively simple form within the con- 
fines of a cell, the essentials of all the fundamental life processes, 
many of which we shall later have occasion to study in their com- 
plex expressions in the higher animals. Our present interest in 
these simple forms is chiefly to illustrate the complex nutritional 
interdependence of three great groups of organisms — green plants, 
animals, and colorless plants. Animals cannot exist without plants. 


Unicellular green plants are distributed all over the world and 
adapted to a great variety of conditions. We find them, for ex- 
ample, forming green coatings on the bark of trees, scums on 
puddles and ponds, or being blown about in dust by wind. Of the 
many hundreds of species we select Protococcus vulgaris because 
of the simplicity of its structure and life history, and because it is 
readily obtained for study. 

1. Protococcus 

A single Protococcus is invisible to the naked eye, but like many 
another microscopic form, it makes up in numbers for the small 
size of the individual, and frequently gives a greenish color to moist 
surfaces of rocks, tree trunks, fence posts, and flower pots. 

Examined under the microscope, the organism is seen to consist 
of a spherical mass of protoplasm with a nucleus centrally located. 
Most of the cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus is specialized to 
form a PLASTID which contains a green pigment. The whole organ- 
ism is enclosed within a distinct, rigid cell wall which has been 



secreted by the protoplasm and is composed of CELLULOSE: a 
carbohydrate especially characteristic of plants. It is evident that 
the organism is a single cell. (Fig. 12.) 

Since Protococcus is a single cell, we find reproduction pre- 
sented in its simplest terms: under favorable conditions the cell 
divides and the two resultant cells sooner or later separate. Some- 
times, however, several divisions occur before the cells are sep- 
arated and thus there is formed, as it were, a temporary multi- 

Fic. 12. — Protococcus vulgaris, a unicellular green plant. Separate indi- 
vidual and temporary cell groups formed by cell division. 

cellular body, but one without any physiological division of labor 
between the cells because all are independent in their vital ac- 
tivities. Moreover, this tendency to form temporary cell groups 
suggests the type of step that was taken when the multicellular 
body was established during plant evolution. 

We may now turn our attention to the point Protococcus was 
chosen especially to illustrate — the characteristic life processes 
of green plants. At first glance it may appear that a multicellular 
plant, such as a tree or shrub, would afford a more suitable ex- 
ample, but since the fundamental distinction between plants and 
animals is chiefly a question of metabolism, there are advantages 
in studying it in a single cell, where one’s attention is not dis- 
tracted by root, stem, and leaf. 

2. Food Making 

Since Protococcus lives, grows, and multiplies in moisture ex- 
posed to sunlight, it is to this environment that we must look for 
the materials with which it constructs protoplasm, and the energy 
which it employs in the process. And, furthermore, since the organ- 
ism is enclosed within a cell wall, its income and outgo must be ma- 
terials in solution in order to pass through to the living protoplasm. 

In short, Protococcus takes materials from its surroundings in 
the form of simple compounds, as carbon dioxide, water, and 
mineral salts, which are relatively stable and therefore practically 


devoid of energy, and, through the radiant energy of sunlight, 
shifts and recombines their elements in such a way that products 
rich in potential energy result. Protococcus thus exhibits the 
prime distinguishing characteristic of green plants — the power 
to construct its own foodstuffs. 

The key to this power of chemical synthesis by light — pHoto- 
SYNTHESIS — resides in a complex chemical substance called 
CHLOROPHYLL which consists of two very similar but distinct pig- 
ments. Chlorophyll is segregated in special cytoplasmic bodies, 
the plastids, and gives to Protococcus during its active phases 
and to the foliage of plants in general their characteristic green 
color. Plastids bearing chlorophyll are known as CHLOROPLASTS. 
The chlorophyll arrests and transforms a small part of the energy 
of the sunlight which reaches it, in such a way that the protoplasm 
can employ this energy for food synthesis. 

The first great step in the constructive process is a combination 
of carbon with hydrogen and oxygen to form a carbohydrate. 
Protococcus gets these elements from carbon dioxide and water 
by a process of molecular disruption. We know that when char- 

coal, for instance, is burned, carbon and oxygen unite to form | 

carbon dioxide, and energy in the form of light and heat is liber- 
ated. Obviously Protococcus must employ an equal amount of 
energy in separating the carbon and oxygen of carbon dioxide; 
that is, in overcoming their chemical affinity. And this kinetic 
energy which the plant employs is then represented in the chemical 
potential which exists between the oxidizable carbon and free 
oxygen — it has become potential energy. Thus the plant in sun- 
light is continually separating the carbon from the oxygen of carbon 
dioxide. The oxygen is liberated as free oxygen, while the carbon 
which has been separated from the oxygen is combined with mole- 
cules of water to form a carbohydrate — grape sugar (glucose). — 
The conventional equation for this reaction is: 

6 CO, a 6 H.O = C.Hi20¢ — 6 Oo 

(carbon dioxide) (water) (glucose) (free oxygen) 

However, the processes involved are by no means so simple as is 
implied above. It is probable that a relatively simple compound, 
such as formaldehyde (CH,O), is first produced from carbon 
dioxide and water, and that molecules of this substance are then 
united to form glucose. Although there is little conclusive data in 



regard to the details of the intermediate stages, the equation stated 
affords a satisfactory expression of the end result of photosynthesis 
that is adequate for the present discussion. 

The first great step in food synthesis, the formation of a sugar, 
having been accomplished, the green plant usually transforms the 
sugar and stores it as starch for future use as fuel or as the basis of 
further synthesis. Starch is the first visible product of photo- 

We have seen that the chief characteristic of proteins as com- 
pared with carbohydrates (sugars, starches) is the presence of 
nitrogen, and this element must be added to the CHO basis already 
constructed as the next step toward protein synthesis. The green 
plant not only can, but must employ nitrogen in simple combina- 
tions, chiefly nitrates, and this is a fact of prime importance, for 
typically, as will appear later, animals and most colorless plants 
require nitrogen in more complex combinations. Thus by the 
addition of nitrogen to the carbohydrate basis relatively simple 
nitrogenous compounds, amino acids, are built, which in turn form 
the foundation for the synthesis of the immense variety of proteins. 
Little is known of the complex chemical processes involved in 
protein construction, and nothing about the actual incorporation 
of the proteins as an intrinsic part of the architecture of the living 
matter itself. But it is evident that synthesizing enzymes play a 
crucial rdle. These are special proteins which are known only as 
products of living protoplasm and are the activating agents 
(catalytic agents) for chemical transformations in which, however, 
they themselves take no integral part. 

Protococcus thus takes the raw elements, so to speak, of living 
matter and by the radiant energy of sunlight, which its chlorophyll 
traps, constructs carbohydrate, protein, protoplasm. In other 
words, the green plant is a synthesizing agent, building up highly 
complex and unstable molecular aggregates brimming over with 
the energy received from the Sun. So the green plant, whether 
Protococcus or Elm, by this AuroTropHIc method manufactures 
its own food for itself — and incidentally, as it were, for the living 
world in general, including Man. 

3. Respiration 

As we have already stated, protoplasm is always at work — to 
live is to work — and this means expenditure of energy: the same 


energy that chlorophyll has secured for the plant and stored away 
in its food. Therefore the food must be oxidized — burned — in 
order to release the energy, and for this the plant must have 
available a supply of free oxygen. Protococcus obtains this 
oxygen dissolved in water and also, in sunlight, from that liberated 
through photosynthesis. The process involved, for the sake of 
simplicity, may be represented by the equation: 

CeH120¢ + 6 O- = 6 CO. 4 6 H.O 

which, it will be noted, is the reverse of the equation for photo- 
synthesis. This intake of free oxygen by the cell and outgo of 
carbon dioxide and water, the chief products of combustion, is 
known aS RESPIRATION. It is essentially the securing of energy from 
food, involving the exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen by 
protoplasm. And this interchange of gases between the living 
matter and its surroundings is not only characteristic of Proto- 
coccus and all green plants, but of all living things. Plants respire _ 
just as truly as animals, though the more active life and complex 
bodies of most of the latter require an elaborate respiratory 
apparatus in order that an adequate gaseous interchange may be 
effected with the necessary rapidity. 

Thus the green plant may be regarded as a chemical machine 
for the transformation of energy — the radiant energy from the 
Sun — into lifework; the matter and energy which enters, forms, 
and leaves the organism obeying, to the best of our knowledge, the 
fundamental laws of matter and energy of the non-living world. 

We have now obtained some idea of one living organism, Proto- 
coccus vulgaris, a green plant reduced to the simplest terms — a 
single cell provided with chlorophyll. And we have seen that this 
chlorophyll is the key to the photosynthetic activity of the green 
plant. In other words, the expression ‘green plant’ does not refer 
specifically to the color of a plant (in some cases it may appear 
red or brown), but to the fact that there is present a complex pig- 
ment functionally similar to chlorophyll by virtue of which the 
plant is a constructive agent in nature. It has the power to manu- 
facture its own foodstuffs from relatively simple compounds largely 
devoid of energy and, in particular, is able to utilize nitrogen in the 
form of nitrates. 

We pass now from the essential constructive agents in nature 


to the destructive agents; from the collectors of energy to the 
energy dissipators; from the green plants to animals and then to 
‘colorless’ plants. 


There is probably no better introduction to the study of the 
biology of an animal than that afforded by an Amoeba such as 
Amoeba proteus, a common organism of ponds, ditches, and de- 
caying vegetable infusions. Amoebae, frequently referred to as 
the simplest animals, are representatives of the great group of 
single-celled animals, or Protozoa. Members of this group are 
found in almost every niche in nature and, like the Protophyta, 
as the unicellular plants are sometimes called, are important be- 
cause, although small in size, the number of individuals is incon- 
ceivably large. Collectively they produce profound changes in 
their environment. 

1. Amoeba 

In order to study Amoeba it is necessary to magnify it several 
hundred times. This done, it appears as a more or less irregular 
mass of granular jelly-like ma- 
terial, rather slowly changing its 
shape and thereby moving along. 
As a matter of fact it is essen- 
tially a naked bit of protoplasm, 
without obviously specialized Gastric vacuole 
parts. However, careful study 
reveals that the organism really 
consists of a single protoplasmic mm ES 
unit differentiated into cyto- &)\ C8 
plasm and nucleus —it is a i ; 
cell: an animal. (Fig. 11.) S 

But there are no specialized Contractile 
locomotor organs—merely now V@c¥le 
and again the clear outer layer of 
protoplasm, or ECTOPLASM, flows 
out, followed by the internal granular ENDOPLASM, so that a pro- 
jection, or PSEUDOPODIUM, is formed. ‘There is no permanent 
mouth, food being engulfed by the protoplasm flowing about it 
as opportunity offers. There is no permanent digestive or excre- 
tory apparatus. (Figs. 6, 13.) 

Pseudopodium —_____ 
Ectoplasm ( 



Fic. 13. — Amoeba proteus. 


Amoeba, under favorable conditions, grows rapidly and, when 
it has attained the size limit characteristic of the species, cell 
division, termed BINARY FISSION, takes place, with the result that 
from the single large cell there are formed two smaller individuals 
which soon become complete in all respects. These, in turn, grow 
and repeat the process so that, as in the case of Protococcus, 
within a few days the original Amoeba has divided its individual- 
ity, so to speak, among a multitude of descendants. (Fig. 8.) 

Clearly Amoeba performs all the essential vital functions that 
become an animal. Such being so, it is important to compare the 
metabolism of Amoeba, the animal, with that of Protococcus, 
the green plant. 

2. Food Taking 

The food of Amoeba is chiefly other microscopic animals and 
plants that it meets in its environment of pond water or vegetable 
infusion. Coming in contact with its prey, pseudopodia are extended 
about it and soon the prospective food material is enclosed with 
the endoplasm of its captor. Here the food is surrounded by a 
droplet of fluid, a GASTRIC VACUOLE, into which the endoplasm se- 
cretes chemical substances (enzymes, etc.) which gradually simplify 
— digest — the complex proteins, carbohydrates, etc., of the food. 
Finally, this material, which shortly before was the protoplasm of 
another organism, is incorporated into Amoeba protoplasm — 
matter and energy is supplied and the animal lives and grows. 

This is, in most respects, a strikingly different condition from 
that which we have seen in Protococcus. In Amoeba solid par- 
ticles of food — tiny animals and plants — are taken into the 
cell, and since the chief organic constituents of protoplasm are 
proteins, associated with carbohydrates and fats, it is clear that 
the income of the animal organism is, unlike that of the green 
plant, chiefly ready-made complex foodstuffs. In other words, 
Amoeba, like all animals, requires relatively complex chemical 
compounds rich in potential energy: proteins, carbohydrates, and 
fats. Of these, proteins or their constituent amino acids are ab- 
solutely indispensable because it is only from this source that 
nitrogen is available for the animal. But the green plant, through 
its chlorophyll apparatus, is able to take materials largely devoid 
of energy and to rearrange them and endow them with potential 
energy which it has received in the kinetic form from sunlight. 


3. Respiration and Excretion 

Of course, during life the Amoeba, like Pleurococcus, is con- 
tinually breaking down its food and its own protoplasm by a proc- 
ess of combustion which involves an intake of free oxygen and 
the liberation of carbon dioxide and water. Nitrogenous wastes, 
chiefly URIC ACID or UREA, as well as inorganic salts are also ex- 
creted. This interchange takes place over the entire surface of 
the animal, aided by a CONTRACTILE VACUOLE that expels fluid 
from the cell. So the animal, like the plant, returns to its environ- 
ment the elements in simple combinations which are devoid or 
nearly devoid of energy. We have stated that green plants are 
essentially constructive and animals destructive agents in nature. 
It is apparent, of course, that green plants are both constructive 
and destructive, but the constructive processes of green plants are 
necessary and sufficient not only for themselves but for all living 

A little consideration of the income and outgo of green plants 
and animals will show that, although the animals are dependent 
on the plants for their complex foodstuffs, they do not return, for 
example, the nitrogen to the outer world in a form simple enough 
to be available for green plants. For example urea, (NH2)2CO, 
which still has a little energy left that the animal is unable to 
extract, must be transformed into nitrates. 

Furthermore, since plants die, which are not consumed by ani- 
mals, and animals die, which are not devoured by other animals, 
large stores of matter and energy are locked up in the complex 
compounds of their dead tissues. Clearly, there must be some 
way of completing the cycle of the elements, for if there were not, 
life, as we know it, could not have continued long on the Earth. 
This gap is filled by the so-called coLORLESS PLANTS; that is, plants 
which, because chlorophyll is not present, lack the power of photo- 
synthesis and so in most cases are dependent for food on more 
complex substances than green plants demand, though not so 
complex as animals require. 


As representative of the diverse types of colorless plants which, 
lacking chlorophyll or a functionally similar pigment, are without 
the power of photosynthesis, we select the vast group known as 


the Bacteria. For reasons that will appear later, it is not practical 
to focus attention on one particular species of Bacteria, as we have 
just done in considering green plants and animals. Instead we 
shall discuss in very general terms the group as a whole, referring 
now and then to special kinds of Bacteria to illustrate particular 

1. The Bacteria 

The wide distribution of the Protozoa is exceeded by the Bac- 
teria. Representatives are literally found everywhere: floating 
with dust particles in the air, in salt and fresh water, in the water 
of hot springs, frozen in ice, in the upper layers of the soil, and in 
the bodies of plants and animals. Bacteria have received a con- 
siderable notoriety under the names of ‘microbes’ and ‘germs,’ 
owing to the fact that certain types subsist within the human 
body as parasites and bring about disturbances, chiefly chemical, 
which we interpret as disease. But aside from these forms which, 
though all too many, are relatively few in number, human life 
and life in general on the Earth could not long continue without 
their services. Indeed, the Bacteria have practically ruled the 
world since they first secured a foothold when the Earth was young. 
It is this aspect of the Bacteria which concerns us at present. 

Among the Bacteria are the smallest organisms known. Some 
species are less than one fifty-thousandth of an inch in length and 
much less in breadth. None of the typical forms comes within 
the range of unaided vision, while some are not revealed by the 
highest powers of the microscope — indeed there is room and to 
spare for thousands of millions of Bacteria to live in a thimblefull 
of sour milk. The small size and similarity of structure of many 
of the Bacteria render their study particularly difficult, and accord- 
ingly they are grouped and classified largely on the basis of chem- 
ical changes which they produce in their surroundings, rather 
than on structural characteristics. However, there are three chief 
morphological types: the rod-like forms or BACILLI: the spherical 
forms or coccr; and the spiral forms or sprrmLuaA. Either bacilli 
or cocci may be associated in linear, branching, or plate-like series, 
or grouped together in colonies. (Fig. 14.) 

The individual bacterium is regarded as a single cell, though in 
most species there is no definite nuclear body; the chromatin 
material being distributed in the form of granules throughout the 


cytoplasm. A cell wall chemically similar to protein is usually 
present. Some forms show active movements by means of thread- 
like prolongations of the cytoplasm, or FLAGELLA, as in the case 
of the common Spirillum of decaying vegetable infusions. 
Reproduction is by a process of cell division which, under very 
favorable conditions, may occur as often as every fifteen minutes. 

Fic. 14. — Chief types of Bacteria. A, cocci; B, bacilli: C, spirilla. 

The vast multitude of cells thus produced before long exhaust the 
food supply and contaminate with excretion products the medium 
in which they are living, so that further growth is inhibited. In 
many species, under these circumstances the protoplasm within 
the cell wall assumes a spherical form and secretes a protecting 
coat about itself, and thus enters upon a resting state. In this 
SPORE form the Bacteria can withstand drying, variations in tem- 
perature, and other conditions —in certain cases even strong 
carbolic acid — to which in the active state they would readily 
succumb, and thereby the organisms tide over periods of unfavor- 
able conditions and are ready to start active life again when the 
opportunity occurs. It is certainly fortunate for Man that the 
great majority of disease-producing Bacteria are unable to form 
spores. (Fig. 200.) 

2. Cycle of the Elements in Nature 

We have seen that carbon dioxide is the source from which 
green plants derive the carbon which they synthesize into carbo- 
hydrates, fats, and proteins. Animals directly or indirectly feed on 
plants, so that the ultimate source of the carbon of animals is 
likewise the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere. Although both 
plants and animals by their respiratory process are continually 


returning to the outer world some of this carbon as carbon dioxide, 
it is evident that relatively enormous amounts of carbon are ney- 
ertheless being taken out of circulation and locked up in the bodies 
of the plants and animals. For example, it has been estimated 
that about one-half the weight of a dried tree trunk is contributed 
by carbon. 

The same general segregation is going on in regard to nitrogen. 
The green plants take it in the form of nitrates, for instance, and 
store it away in the proteins; and again animals get their nitrogen 
from plant proteins, so that the ultimate source of the animal 
nitrogen is the same. In a somewhat similar manner we might 
trace the fate of the other chemical elements necessary for proto- 
plasm, but that of carbon and nitrogen is particularly striking and 

ivi Bacterial 
Animals Decay 
ee Sa Fermentation 
in Green Plants sad pm aan 
Fermentation Atmosphere Products 
and Plant 
Living Bare 
es eS 

Fic. 15. — The Carbon Cycle. A schematic representation of the circulation 
of carbon in nature. 

instructive, and is sufficient to illustrate the fact that although 
both green plants and animals are continually taking elements 
from and returning them to their environment, nevertheless more 
is taken away than is returned. (Figs. 15, 16.) 

The agents which restore to the inorganic world the elements 
removed by green plants and animals are the colorless plants, such 
as the Bacteria, Molds, Yeasts, etc. As we know, when an animal 
or plant dies, DECAY sets in almost immediately; that is, the com- 
plex chemical compounds are slowly but surely reduced to simpler 


and simpler forms until ‘dust’ remains. Although undoubtedly 
many of these compounds would automatically, so to speak, tend 
to simplify, nevertheless this is not only hastened, but chiefly 
carried out by organisms of decay such as the Bacteria. Through 

of Green Plants 
Nitrates Nitrate Nitrite Ammonia 

N-Fixing Atmosphere Denitrifying 
Bacteria Y Bacteria 


Fic. 16.— The Nitrogen Cycle. A schematic representation of the circulation 
of nitrogen in nature. 

enzymes, or ferments, which they form, FERMENTATION occurs. 
The carbohydrates and fats are resolved into carbon dioxide and 
water, and the proteins are reduced to carbon dioxide, water, and 
ammonia (NH;) or free nitrogen, while the nitrogenous waste 
(urea, etc.) of animals is similarly broken down. (Fig. 17.) 

Cc D 

Fic. 17. — Yeast, a unicellular colorless plant, very highly magnified. A, cell 
showing granular cytoplasm and a large vacuole; B, showing nucleus; C, cell 
budding; D, mother cell and bud after division is completed. 

Practically all of these long series of chemical reactions are 
carried on by different kinds of Bacteria. Most green plants, how- 
ever, take their nitrogen chiefly in the form of nitrates, and ac- 
cordingly we find that another type of Bacteria (Nirrire Bac- 


TERIA) acts upon the ammonia and transforms it into nitrous acid 
(HNO,). After certain chemical reactions in the soil, forming, e.g., 
potassium nitrite or ammonium nitrite, still another type (NITRATE 
BacrerRIA) oxidizes the nitrites into nitrates (e.g., KNO3 or 
NH,NOQs), so that again this nitrogen is in a form which is avail- 
able for green plants. 

But, still confining our attention to the nitrogen, it is obvious 
that there is a leak from this cycle, since some of the nitrogen in 
the form of ammonia or free nitrogen escapes to the atmosphere. 
The greatest loss, however, is brought about by a group of DENT- 
TRIFYING BACTERIA whose activities are largely spent in changing 
nitrates into gaseous nitrogen which escapes into the air, and so 
is placed beyond the reach of green plants and animals. But 
fortunately there are many kinds of NrirROGEN-FIXING BACTERIA 
which rescue the nitrogen from the atmosphere and return it to 
the cycle of elements in living nature. These organisms are widely 
distributed, some living freely in the soil and others in tiny nodules 
which they produce on the rootlets of higher plants, such as Beans, 
Clover, and Alfalfa; and this accounts for the fact, long known 
but not understood, that these plants when plowed under are 
particularly efficient in enriching the soil. 

In brief, there is a cycle of the elements in nature through green 
plants and animals and back again to the inorganic world through 
the Bacteria and other colorless plants. Such is the reciprocal 
nature of the nutritive processes of living organisms. 

It is hardly necessary to state that the chemical changes pro- 
duced by the Bacteria are either the direct results of, or are in- 
cidental to the process of nutrition in these organisms. Therefore 
the material taken as food by certain groups is relatively complex: 
for example, by those which bring about the early putrefactive 
changes in proteins; while that employed by others is very simple 
since they find adequate chemical combinations less complex than 
those needed by green plants. Indeed, certain Bacteria are able to 
utilize carbon dioxide and water just as do green plants, but instead 
of obtaining energy for the synthesis from sunlight, these auTo- 
TROPHIC forms derive it from chemical energy liberated by the 
oxidation of inorganic substances in their environment. Such a 
process possibly represents the most primitive method of nutri- 
tion from which all the others have been derived in the evolution 
of life. | 


3. The Hay Infusion Microcosm 

The importance of the complex nutritional interdependence of 
organisms in general as well as the cosmical function of green 
plants — the link they supply in the circulation of the elements 
in nature — may be emphasized and summarized by a brief de- 
scription of a ‘hay infusion.’ 

Probably nowhere is the ‘web of life’ more conveniently or 
convincingly exhibited than in the kaleidoscopic sequence of events 
— physical, chemical, and biological — which are initiated when 
a few wisps of hay are added to a beaker of water. Apparently 
the chief components of a hay infusion are hay and water, but 
these merely supply the matter and energy for the interplay of 
various forms of life. Most of these are beyond the scope of un- 
aided vision though chiefly responsible for the obvious changes 
which occur from day to day in their environment. 

Ordinary tapwater, for instance, contains free oxygen and vari- 
ous inorganic salts in solution, and not infrequently different 
species of Bacteria, unicellular green plants, and Protozoa. The 
hay soaking in the water contributes soluble salts, carbohydrates, 
proteins, etc. It also supplies many microscopic animals and plants 
which have adhered to it in dormant form and are only awaiting 
suitable surroundings to assume active life again. (Fig. 18.) 

A microscopical examination of an infusion when it is first made 
shows very few active organisms, but within a day or so, depend- 
ing largely on the temperature, it reveals countless numbers of 
Bacteria which have arisen by division from the relatively small 
number of dormant and active specimens originally present. At 
first the Bacteria are fairly evenly distributed in the infusion, but 
as conditions change, largely through the chemical and physical 
transformations which they themselves bring about, those species 
which can employ oxygen in combined form (that is, in chemical 
compounds) find existence possible and competition less keen at 
the bottom of the beaker, while those types of Bacteria which 
are dependent upon free oxygen gather nearer the surface 
where the supply is being replenished constantly from the 

Up to this point the life of our microcosm is largely bacterial — 
unicellular sAPpROPHYTIC plants which employ as food the complex 
decomposition products of the proteins, etc., of the hay. The proc- 


ess is essentially destructive and the simplified products are rep- 
resented in the relatively simple excretions of thé Bacteria. 

But during bacterial ascendancy another factor has been grad- 
ually intruding itself almost imperceptibly into the drama. This 
is the microscopic animal life which has been multiplying with 
increasing rapidity as conditions became more favorable, and 
forthwith assumes the dominant life phase in the infusion. Among 
the animal forms, the first to appear are exceedingly minute 
flagellated Protozoa, known as Monads, many species of which 
absorb products of organic disintegration brought about by the 
Bacteria, while others exhibit HoLozorIc nutrition, ingest solid 

Myoneme fibres 
Myoneme of stalk 

Fic. 18. — Some types of Protozoa found in infusions. A, two species of 
flagellated Monads (Mastigophora); B, Colpoda, a small Ciliate (Infusoria) ; 
C, Vorticella, one of the most complex Ciliates. 

food — the Bacteria themselves. Then tiny ciliated Protozoa, 
probably Colpidium and Colpoda, appear in untold numbers 
and feed upon the Bacteria. The dominance of these smaller 
Ciliates is brought to an end after a few days by the ascendency 
of larger Ciliates which, though feeding to a certain extent upon 
the already greatly depleted bacterial population, obtain most 
of their food by eating the smaller Ciliates. And so the cycle of 
life continues — saprophytic forms gradually being replaced in 
dominance by herbivorous and these in turn by carnivorous or- 
ganisms. In truth, nothing lives or dies to itself. (Figs. 18, 
23, 26.) 


But obviously this chain of events must sooner or later come to 
an end through the dissipation of energy brought about by the 
metabolic processes of the colorless plants and animals. Sooner or 
later the supply of potential energy stored up in the chemical 
compounds of the hay will have become nearly or completely ex- 
hausted — transformed into the kinetic form and expressed in 
the life activities of the plant and animal population. 

Thus, after a few weeks, the hay infusion world has reached a 
standstill — extermination faces the population and inevitably 
occurs unless microscopic green plants, close relatives of Proto- 
coccus, find opportunity to develop in the energy-exhausted en- 
vironment and proceed to entrap the kinetic energy of sunlight, 
store it up in carbohydrates and proteins, and thus restore energy 
in the potential form to the hay infusion. 

If such occurs, the hay infusion werld is a microcosm indeed 
— green plants, colorless plants, and animals gradually become 
reciprocally adjusted so that a self-perpetuating condition of 
practically stable equilibrium is established; in other words, what 
is termed a ‘balanced aquarium.’ The rise and fall of teeming 
populations, made possible by the rapidly changing environmental 
conditions which the bringing together of hay and water initiated, 
is replaced by an apparently harmonious interdependence of or- 
ganisms demanding different food conditions, such as we are 
familiar with in the world at large. 


The most important discoveries of the laws, methods, and progress 
of Nature have nearly always sprung from the examination of the 
smallest objects which she contains, and from apparently the most 
insignificant enquiries. — Lamarck. 

THE invention of aids to the human senses, in particular the 
microscope, has made us aware of a “world of the infinitely little,” 
whose representatives — Protococcus, Bacteria, and Amoeba — 
have been used in our study of the nutritional interdependence of 
organisms: animals cannot live without plants. We turn now to 
a brief survey of the close allies of Amoeba in the great group of 
unicellular animals, the Protozoa. 

The Protozoa are the simplest forms of animal life, each in- 
dividual comprising typically but a single unit of living matter, 
a cell. But it does not follow that they are devoid of complex 
organization. Indeed some Protozoa exhibit a complexity of struc- 
ture within the confines of a single cell that is not exceeded, per- 
haps not equalled, in the cells of higher animals. The Protozoa 
are the simplest, but by no means simple animals. 

Because these microscopic forms afford the nearest available 
approach to primitive animal life, innumerable studies on their 
physiology have been made in the hope that they would more 
readily supply the key to life processes — e.g., nutrition, growth, 
reproduction, sex — that find such complex and bewildering ex- 
pression in higher animals. Furthermore, not a few of the Protozoa 
live as parasites in Man and beast and cause some of the most 
serious diseases and greatest economic loss. So on both the theo- 
retical and practical side, PROTOZOOLOGY claims attention. 

In any survey of animals or plants, first of all it is necessary to 
arrange the various kinds, or SPECIES, in some order — to classify 
them. To place nearer together those that appear related in struc- 
ture and function and separate farther those that seem to be less 
related. And if relationship is the basis of classification, we should 



know what the biologist means by relationship. The answer is: 
‘blood relationship,’ descent with change from a common an- 
cestor — organic evolution. But this large subject must be left 
until much later in our study; merely stating now that although 
the object of a natural classification is to express the pedigrees of 
the organisms, most classifications are, at best, still very far from 
realizing this ideal. With probably a million known species of 
animals on the Earth to-day, classification is a stupendous problem; 
it is not a small problem even with the fifteen thousand known 
species of Protozoa. For our purpose, however, classification can 
be reduced to a minimum — to a mere skeleton outline, — to facili- 
tate a synoptic view of the diversities of animals. (See page 352 
and Fig. 313.) 

The first great subdivision, or PHYLUM, of the Animal Kingdom 
is the Protozoa. All of the Protozoa, since they are single cells, 
demand for active life a more or less fluid medium, and are typi- 
cally aquatic animals. However, different species exhibit all 
gradations of adaptation to variations in moisture from those that 
thrive in oceans and lakes, or pools and puddles, to those which 
find sufficient the dew on soil or grass blade, or the fluids within 
the tissues and cells of higher animals and plants. 

The phylum Protozoa is divided, largely on the basis of the 
locomotor organs, into four chief groups, or CLASSES: the Sar- 
codina, Mastigophora, Sporozoa, and Infusoria. In general, we 
may regard the Sarcopina as forms, like Amoeba, that move 
about by means of pseudopodia; the MasticopHora as cells with 
flagella as locomotive organs, such as Euglena; and the [NrusoRIA 
as organisms, like Paramecium, that swim by cilia. The Sporozoa, 
all of which are parasitic, such as the organisms causing malaria, 
possess no characteristic type of organ for locomotion though 
many are motile. (Figs. 13, 22, 27, 223.) 


Amoeba, which we have already studied, may be visualized as 
the type of the Sarcodina since all members of this class are, 
broadly speaking, ‘amoebae,’ but there are numerous species of 
the Genus Amoeba itself. The common, relatively large fresh- 
water species, usually called Amoeba proteus, has as associates 
many other fresh-water and some salt-water species. Again, numer- 


ous species of Amoeba, such as those comprising the genus End- 
amoeba, live within the bodies of Man and other animals. Fur- 


Fic. 19. — A, Arcella showing the protopiasm through the transparent shell 
and also protruding as pseudopodia; B, Difflugia showing the same. 

thermore, there are many com- 
mon fresh-water genera, such as 
Arcella and Difflugia, that have 
resistant protective coverings, 
or shells. The shells have an 
opening through which the 
pseudopodia are protruded so 
that locomotion, securing of 
food, etc., can be performed. 
But all of these animals, whether 
free-living or parasitic, naked 
or provided with a shell, are 
creeping cells with more or less 
broad or blunt finger-form pseu- 
dopodia and comprise the first 
ORDER of the Sarcodina known 
as the AMOEBAEA. (Figs. 6, 11, 
19, 245.) 

An immense group of chiefly 
marine Protozoa, the Foramt- 
NIFERA, constitutes the second 
order of the Sarcodina. Most 
species have quite complex 
shells of calcium carbonate, with 
one or many openings through 
which delicate pseudopodia 
emerge, branch, and flow to- 

Fic. 20.— Allogromia, one of the 
few fresh-water Foraminifera. Note 
the pseudopodial mass emerging from, 
and surrounding the shell. (Modified, 
after Cambridge Natural History.) 


gether so that the shell becomes essentially an internal struc- 
ture. The almost incalculable number of Foraminifera constitutes 
an important source of marine food for small animals which, 
in turn, are the food of economically important fishes. The more 
resistant Foraminifera shells sinking to the sea-bottom cover vast 
areas with the so-called Globigerina ooze, accumulation of which 
in the geologic past is evidenced to-day by the chalk cliffs of Eng- 
land. The Pyramids and the Sphinx are built of Foraminiferous 
rock. (Figs. 20, 244.) 

The final two orders of the Sarcodina, known as the Hetiozoa 
and RapioLariA, are characterized by unbranched, radiating 
pseudopodia, each supported by a core of more dense protoplasm. 
Most species are floating, spherical forms and the pseudopodia, 

Fic. 21. — A, Heliozoon, Actinophrys sol; B, Radiolarian, Thalassicolla 
nucleata. (From Kudo.) 

protruding from the entire surface of the cell, give the appearance 
of the conventional figure of the Sun. Accordingly the fresh-water 
forms are commonly called Sun Animalcules, or Heliozoa. The 
Radiolaria are all marine and are more complex than the Heliozoa, 
the protoplasm being differentiated into several layers, enclosing 
a dense, perforated CENTRAL CAPSULE, and usually supported by 
an elaborate skeleton of silica. The Radiolaria vie in numbers and 
importance with the Foraminifera in the economy of the sea; the 
deposits of their skeletons forming the Radiolarian ooze. Cer- 
tain rock strata hundreds of feet thick are contributions to the 
Karth’s surface made by the Radiolaria during bygone ages. 
(Fig. 21.) 



The popular phrase “‘from Amoeba to Man” would lead one to 
believe that Amoeba and its allies clearly represent the lowest 





Fic. 22. — Euglena viridis. A, free-swimming individual showing details of 
structure (from Doflein); B, reproduction by longitudinal binary fission; 
C, two stages of fission within a cyst. 

sroup of Protozoa. However, biologists are not sure that such is 
the case because the great group of flagellated Protozoa, the class 
Mastigophora, includes many forms that are not only exceedingly 
simple in structure but also are plant-like in that they possess 
chlorophyll and so are able to perform photosynthesis. For in- 


stance, Euglena is an organism that is claimed by both zodlogists 
and botanists: by the former because it can employ complex food 
materials, and by the latter because in the presence of sunlight it 
can manufacture its own food. Such forms attest the fact that it 
is impossible to distinguish sharply the so-called animal and plant 
kingdoms — one merges into the other when the primitive forms 
of life are approached. Our classifications fail at the lowest level 

H BCS . ‘ : 
Trachelomonas Phacus Monosiga Trichomonas Cercomonas 

Fic. 23. — Common flagellated Protozoa (Mastigophora). 

of life: all living nature is one. Moreover it is not possible to draw 
a hard and fast line between the Mastigophora and the Sarcodina 
because certain organisms possess both flagella and pseudopodia 
during various phases of their life. (Figs. 18, 22, 23.) 

The Mastigophora are very widely distributed in sea, pond, and 
infusions of organic matter. An immense order, the DINOFLAGEL- 
LIDA, constitutes not a small part of the 
microscopic life of the sea, competing 
with the Sarcodina and microscopic 
plants in variety of species and number 
of individuals — numbers so immense 
that wide areas of the sea may become 
discolored or appear phosphorescent. 
Others, such as the TRYPANOSOMEs, have 
invaded the field of parasitism, living in 
the digestive tract and blood stream of 
higher animals. (Figs. 24, 224.) 

The versatility of the Mastigophora in 
mode of life and nutrition apparently im- 
plies a high potential of adaptation and evolution. Indeed, it is 
among them that certain interesting associations, or COLONIES, of 

Fic. 24. — A Dinoflagellate, 


individuals occur that suggest a possible method of origin of the 
multicellular body of higher animals. (Figs. 29, 30.) 

Although parasitic species are found in all four classes of Pro- 
tozoa, the Sporozoa have the distinction of living solely at the 

Fic. 25. — Life cycle of a Sporozoon, Monocystis. A, spore consisting of a 
spore case enclosing eight sporozoites; B, transverse section of same; C and D, 
liberated sporozoites; E, sporozoite after entering “sperm-sphere’ of Earth- 
worm; F and G, growth until fully developed trophozoite is formed surrounded 
by the degenerate remains of sperm-sphere with flagella of sperm; H, two 
trophozoites that have become free from degenerate sperm-sphere and united 
as gametocytes; I, encystment of gametocytes; J, division of nuclei and cyto- 
plasm to form gametes; K, union of the gametes to form zygotes, residual 
cytoplasm of gametocytes in center of cyst; L, cyst containing many sporo- 
zoites formed by secretion of a spindle-shaped spore case around each zygote 
which then divides to form eight sporozoites. These become arranged as in A® 
and are ready to be transferred to another host. (From Curtis and Guthrie.) 

expense of other organisms, their HosTs, in which they create dis- 
turbances of more or less severity which frequently result in dis- 
ease. The successful attempt to get a living with little expenditure 


of energy has in the Sporozoa, as elsewhere in the Animal Kingdom, 
resulted in a degeneration of structures necessary for a free life, 
and an elaboration of the reproductive processes to ensure that 
the parasite secures access to the proper host. For, in general, 
each Sporozodn is adapted to live in one (or two) particular 
species of animal—indeed probably every species of higher 
animal has at least one Sporozoon specially fitted to live at its 

Monocystis is a common Sporozoén that spends its entire life 
in the body of an Earthworm. The ‘adult’ Monocystis is an 
elongated cell living in a part of the reproductive system (seminal 
vesicles) and securing its nourishment from the developing germ 
cells of the worm. Here food is plentiful, and accordingly much is 
stored for use during the complex reproductive changes which 
terminate in the production of resistant spores. These eventually 
are discharged from the body of the worm, and trust to chance 
that entrance may be gained to the body of another worm in order 
that the life cycle may be repeated. (Fig. 25.) 

Malarial fevers would seem to be of more importance than dis- 
eases of the Earthworm, though our knowledge of the Sporozoa 
that are responsible for these human maladies has been made 
possible by basic studies on the Protozoa as a whole. Malaria is 
transmitted to Man solely by diseased female Mosquitoes that 
inoculate into the blood stream a Sporozodn of the genus Plas- 
modium. Once in the human blood, the parasite enters a red blood 
cell and begins its complicated life history. Multiplication of the 
parasite until thousands are present results in the periodic libera- 
tion of poisonous material in the blood which produces the alter- 
nate chills and fever. In order to complete its life history the 
parasite must again be taken into the body of a Mosquito by the 
latter biting an infected person. (Figs. 223, 246, 247.) 


The ciliated Protozoa, constituting the class Infusoria, probably 
represent the most complex development of the unicellular plan 
of animal structure. Infusoria have afforded ready material for 
the study of various physiological problems, not only because some 
of the species are relatively large, but also because, in general, 
they lend themselves most readily to experiment. Most of the 
Infusoria are free-living in fresh and salt water, though not a few 


are parasitic: there is a highly complex fauna in the digestive 
tract of horses and cattle, and Man is not immune. (Figs. 18, 26.) 

The organization of the group may be illustrated by Paramecium 
which is a giant among the Protozoa, being just visible to the naked 
eye as a whitish speck if the water in which it is swimming is 


Euplotes Stylonichia 



Fic. 26. — Common ciliated Protozoa (Infusoria) from fresh water. (From 
Curtis and Guthrie.) 

properly illuminated. When magnified several hundred times it 
appears as a more or less slipper-shaped organism which one would 
not consider, at first glance, a single cell because it shows highly 
specialized parts. However, careful study shows that it really 
consists of a single protoplasmic unit differentiated into cytoplasm 
and nucleus. (Fig. 27.) 

The nuclear material in Paramecium, instead of forming a 
single body as it does in most cells, is distributed in two parts: a 
larger body, or MACRONUCLEUS, and a smaller body, or MICcRONU- 
CLEUS.! Strictly speaking, the macronucleus and micronucleus 

1 The several species of Paramecium differ in regard to micronuclear number; 
e.g., P. caudatum has one micronucleus, P. aurelia and P. calkinsi have two, and 
P. polycaryum and P. woodruffi have several micronuclei. 


together constitute the nucleus of the cell, and represent a sort of 
physiological division of labor of the chromatin complex. 

But it is in the cytoplasm that specialization is most conspicuous. 
Not only are there general differentiations into ectoplasm and 
endoplasm, but these regions also have local specializations such 
as thousands of hair-like, 
vibratile cra for loco- 
motion and securing 
food, TRICHOCYSTS fOr Contractile vacuole 
defense, PERISTOME, with canals 
MOUTH, and GULLET for 
the intake of solid food, 
digestion, and CONTRAC- 
cretion. And withal, re- 
cent investigations indi- Gastric 
cate that various parts “#4 
of the cell may be coor- 



dinated by a NEUROMO- vacuole 
TOR apparatus. (Figs. 27, | 
} , Trichocyst. 
£355, Zo, 226.) Cilia Pi . ricnhocysts 

Paramecium, under 
favorable conditions, 
grows rapidly and, when it has attained the size limit character- 
istic of the species, cell division takes place. This process of 
multiplying by dividing can go on indefinitely under favorable 
environmental conditions. But periodically Paramecium under- 
goes an internal nuclear reorganization process (ENDOMIXIS). Also 
now and then individuals temporarily fuse in pairs and inter- 
change nuclear material (CONJUGATION) — an expression of funda- 
mental sex phenomena, involving FERTILIZATION, which we shall 
have occasion to consider later. (Figs. 28, 170, 171.) 

Indeed the Infusoria seem, so to speak, to have made the most 
of their unicellular plan of structure, for Paramecium is fairly 
representative: it is not the most simple nor yet the most complex. 
Specialization of one part and another of the cell has produced in 
the Infusoria a group of animals that, judged by distribution and 
numbers, is highly successful in the microscopic world of life. 

Fic. 27. — Paramecium aurelia. 


In this necessarily cursory survey of the Protozoa, at least one 
major point must be forced upon our attention — the versatility 
of form and function exhibited by these unicellular animals — 
their ADAPTATION to many and varied modes of life in the most 
diverse environmental conditions. But their unicellular plan of 
structure, permitting only cytological differentiation, has obvious 




=~ Contractile 







Fic. 28. — Paramecium aurelia dividing by binary fission. (From Lang.) 

inherent limitations which adaptation cannot surmount, while 
the multicellular type of organization characteristic of all other 
animals affords, as we shall presently see, opportunities which 
almost transcend imagination. It makes possible both cytological 
and histological — tissue — differentiation. However, the potential 
of evolution of the protozoan type was expressed, it is believed, 
when it gave rise in the geological past to the stock from which 
the higher animals have developed. This allowed the powers of 
adaptation pent up, so to say, in the single cell to find expression 
in specialization and cooperation in the individual of another and 
higher order, which multicellular animals represent. 


Over the structure of the cell rises the structure of plants and ani- 
mals, which exhibit the yet more complicated, elaborate combinations 
of millions and billions of cells coordinated and differentiated in the 
most extremely different ways. — Hertwig. 

Ir has been pointed out that all organisms consist either of one 
free-living cell or of many cells, and some idea has been gained of 
unicellular animals from our survey of the Protozoa, so we are now 
in a position to consider the origin and organization of the individual 
in the Merazoa, as the multicellular animals are sometimes called. 

Every Metazoan individual, with exceptions to be noted later, 
begins its existence as a single cell which has been set free as such 
from the parent, or which has been formed by the fusion of two 
cells, or GAMETES, each typically derived from a separate parent 
individual: one MALE, the other FEMALE. The former method is 
known as UNIPARENTAL, Or ASEXUAL, reproduction and the latter 
aS BIPARENTAL, Or SEXUAL, reproduction. The union of male and 
female gametes (SPERM and EGG) in sexual reproduction to form 
the zYGOTE is termed FERTILIZATION. Both asexual and sexual 
methods are common in many of the lower animals, but in higher 
forms, including Man, only sexual reproduction prevails, so em- 
phasis at present will be placed on the latter. (Fig. 133.) 

The most remarkable fact about the zygote (fertilized egg) is its 
power to develop into an organism similar to the parents from 
which its components, the gametes, have separated. The zygote is 
set, one may say, to go through a series of changes which trans- 
form an apparently simple cell into an obviously complex multi- 
cellular animal with all the characteristics of the species. It is 
important, at this point, to review the typical method by which 
the development of the adult is accomplished. 


Briefly, the general method of animal development is cell divi- 
sion accompanied by growth and differentiation. The zygote 



by a succession of cell divisions, termed CLEAVAGE, passes from 
the single-cell stage to a two-cell stage and then, with more or 
less regularity, to four-cell, eight-cell, sixteen-cell stages, etc. If 
these cells separated after each division, the same general condi- 
tion would occur here which has been seen in the Protozoa, where 
each organism is a complete free-living cell. Or again, if cleavage 
merely resulted in a group of so many exactly similar cells, there 
would arise a COLONY of unicellular individuals rather than a 
multicellular organism. 

Such colonial forms are, in fact, numerous among the lower 
plants and animals, and show nearly all grades of complexity from 
simple associations of a few identical cells, 
as for example in Spondylomorum, to groups 
of many thousands of cells in which some of 
the individuals are specialized for certain func- 
tions. Volvox affords an instructive example 
of the latter condition. The majority of the 
cells, ten thousand or more, that form the 
relatively large spherical colony are flagel- 
lated, Euglena-like individuals, each of which 

Fic. 29. — A simple lives a practically independent existence in 
edo ace ae organic union with its fellows. The chief con- 
se Sean ca tribution of each of these cells to the economy 
each of which carries of the whole results from the lashing of its 
on all the functions of flagella, which helps to propel the colony 
eee “Pro” through the water. But, under certain condi- 

tions, some of the cells become specialized 
for reproduction, both asexual and sexual, and form new colonies 
which sooner or later are set free. Thus we have a differentiation 
of reproductive (GERM) cells from body (SOMATIC) cells, and a fore- 
shadowing of that further specialization and physiological division 
of labor between cells which is the most characteristic feature of the 
higher organisms. (Figs. 29, 30, 154.) 

Indeed, the complex bodies of multicellular organisms are made 
possible by cell differentiation and cell cooperation. All protoplasm 
possesses, for instance, the primary attribute of contractility, but 
in the muscle cells of animals we find the capacity for contraction 
very greatly developed, and to a certain extent at the expense of - 
other powers. But this differentiation would be ineffective were 
not innumerable similarly specialized cells grouped together — 


marshalled to perform a certain function. The power of a muscle 
results from the combined action of its component muscle cells. 
Differentiation without codperation between cells we have seen 
in unicellular organisms. Paramecium has highly specialized 
parts; other Protozoa have still more — perhaps the limit of possi- 

Fic. 30. — Volvor globator, a large colony of flagellated unicellular organ- 
isms in which the various cells have become organically connected, and certain 
cells specialized for reproduction. (Highly magnified.) A, mature colony 
(highly magnified) showing sperm, <, and eggs, 2, in various stages of de- 
velopment; B, four cells (more highly magnified) showing the connections 
between three ‘somatic’ cells, and the early differentiation of a reproductive 
cell, rp. cv, contractile vacuole; sf, ‘eyespot’ or stigma. (From Kolliker.) 

bilities of the single cell. But the multicellular body solves the 
difficulty by removing the limit — by assigning special functions 
to groups of cells rather than to parts of one cell. 

Thus cell division (cleavage) involving growth, differentiation, 
and its attendant physiological division of labor is the keynote 
of development in the higher animals and plants. Among animals, 
the cells which arise from the cleaving egg (zygote) usually become 


arranged so that they form the surface of a hollow sphere of cells 
known as a BLASTULA. All the cells at first appear essentially 
similar, but soon those at one side of the blastula become in- 


<i a 

Fic. 31.— Early stages in the development of the egg of an animal. 
A-F, cleavage and formation of the blastula; G, section of blastula showing the 
beginning of gastrulation; H-I, early and later gastrula stages. a, ectoderm; 
b, endoderm; c, blastocoel; d, blastopore, leading into the enteric cavity; 
e, cells, arising from the endoderm, destined to form the mesoderm. 

vaginated until the central cavity, termed the BLASTOCOEL, is 
largely obliterated. Accordingly there results the GASTRULA stage, 
which may be roughly compared to a sac, composed of two layers 
of cells with an opening to the exterior termed the BLASTOPORE. 
The outer layer is known as the ECTODERM, and the inner, which 


lines the gastrula cavity (ENTERIC CAVITY), as the ENDODERM. 
The ectoderm comprises cells which are already somewhat differen- 
tiated among themselves for special purposes, but which, as a 
whole, form a primary tissue with general functions of its own, 
chiefly sensory and locomotor. Similarly the endoderm consists 
of cells which, as a group, form the nutritive cells of the embryonic 
animal. (Fig. 31.) 

In the gastrula stage of most animals, a third layer of cells arises 
from the endoderm and becomes disposed between the ectoderm 
and endoderm. This new middle layer is the MESODERM. In this 
way the so-called three PRIMARY GERM LAYERS are established 
which are characteristic of the developing animal, and from these 
are derived the specialized tissues which compose the various 
organs of the adult. For example, the ectoderm by cell division 
and differentiation gives rise to the outer skin and central nervous 
system; the mesoderm to muscular and supporting tissues and 
the blood vascular system; while the endoderm forms the layer 
of cells which lines the alimentary canal of the adult organism. 

B. TIssukEs 

This grouping of more or less similar cells into functional sys- 
tems, or TISSUES, is at the basis of the architecture of multicellular 
organisms, and thus we have now reached another level in the 
analysis of their structure. Although the unit of organization is 
the cell, these are associated in groups, or tissues, which represent 
a morphological unit of a higher order — a division of labor among 
the cells that makes possible the multicellular body with its attend- 
ant complexity. A tissue may be defined as a group of essentially 
similar cells specialized to perform a certain function. It is con- 
venient to distinguish six main groups of animal tissues: epithelial, 
supporting, muscular, nervous, circulating, and germinal. (Figs. 4, 
32, 34.) 

The importance of EPITHELIAL TISSUES is evident from the fact 
that the body is covered and lined with these cellular membranes 
so they form the point of contact between the organism and its 
environment. For example, food before it is really inside the body 
must pass through an epithelium lining the digestive tract, and 
before it can do that it must be digested by enzymes secreted by 
epithelial cells. Furthermore, the waste products of metabolism 
must be excreted and pass from the body through epithelial mem- 



. . VD 
B_ Connective tissue ss 

A Nia ftir : 
Bs F 


C Cartilage 

Q Core > Ss 
Re Sel Cece. willie 

ee : 

\ > 

nh 3 NN) 
eee UU LLIN Vere cssnan 
i wun vit fc Mee 

1 al 1 
taut) HME IN iii! | 
‘ Be : Pin ) “a Hb iW 
{5% NEY Sani 
‘ HH] 

" Param t 

| ARUN | Figg. 8, MUAH HOM UY 
ium ' ; funn ) 

dl imCieiituty 
Fe iui , 

K iu (ist AA, 
ATT Aes OPAL A eg 
UE Ap PA ~\ AN 
i i] 

vit wes LORI NE Ue M/A ug Hann ni 
Pf fil Mh sui 

tll (Sin > iit 


a | Nica P| \ yiiitibillt 
anu YY tae Jandy | wl 
Quin (sid youu AA iii x 
NERC Peer LULL ea 

, mL ; Yi ill fn ‘ 
finn Litt? Atay 


F Nervous tissue 

Fic. 32. — Various Vertebrate tissues. A, Epithelium (simple ciliated) 
from human intestine; a, surface view; 6, longitudinal section; B, Connective 
tissue (subcutaneous) from Rabbit, showing cells and fibers (elastic and 
fibrillated); C, Cartilage, showing cells in spaces in hyaline matrix; D, Bone: 
section of human humerus showing many spaces in matrix in which the bone 
cells lie; E, Muscle (striated) from Man; a, longitudinal section; 6b, cross 
section; F, Nervous tissue: bipolar nerve cells from ganglion of auditory nerve 
of Cat. 


branes. Specialization for secretion and excretion leads to GLAND 
formation. Glands may be unicellular and scattered here and there 
in the surface of the cellular membrane, or they may be grouped 
at certain points of vantage. Just as often, however, many cells 
combine to form multicellular glands, which sink, as it were, below 
the surface as simple or complex tubes or sacs of secreting cells, and 
thus amplify many-fold the effective surface within a given space. 
And finally, specialized epithelial cells form important elements of 
sense organs — the outposts of the nervous system. (Fig. 33.) 
Obviously the larger and more complex the organism, the greater 
is the necessity for sustaining and binding material; and therefore 
as we ascend the animal scale we find, in general, an increase in 
SUPPORTING TISSUE. Whereas in epithelia the cells themselves 
form the major part of the tissue, in supporting tissues it is direct 
or indirect products of the cells, known as intercellular material, 



Fic. 33. — Diagram of glands. 

or matrix, that gives character to the tissue. Thus the function 
of connective tissue is performed chiefly by intercellular bundles of 
fibers, and the same principle is true for the cartilage and bone form- 
ing the internal skeletons of higher animals. 

MuScuLAR TISSUE is responsible for the power of motion and 
locomotion so characteristic of most animals, and also for the 
necessary movements performed by the internal organs in carry- 
ing on the various life processes. Muscle cells have in a highly 
developed and specialized form a fundamental property of all 
protoplasm, contractility, which they exhibit by shortening and 
broadening when stimulated by impulses coming chiefly through 
the nervous system. A muscle is a cooperating group of muscle 
cells, usually bound together by connective tissue and richly sup- 
plied with blood vessels and nerves. (Figs. 7, 32, 98, 99.) 


All protoplasm is irritable — it responds to stimuli — but ob- 
viously the larger and more complex the body becomes, the more 
necessary it is that the actions and reactions of its component cells 
be instantly codrdinated so that the parts act as a whole — an 
organism. This function is performed by NERVOUS TISSUE com- 
posed of nerve cells, or NEURONS, whose long fibers are bound to- 
gether by connective tissue into cables, or NERVES. (Fig. 138.) 

Longitudinal muscle--2!s"yR = 
Peritoneal membran€ Qo 2 yey 
< ~ 

Blood vessel- 

Fic. 34. — Portion of a transverse section of the small intestine of the Frog, 
highly magnified, to show cellular differentiation, and tissues combined to 
form an organ. 

One seldom thinks of BLoop, LympH, and other fluids that trans- 
port materials in the body, as tissues, but in truth they must be 
regarded as CIRCULATING TISSUE in which the living cells, or 
CORPUSCLES, are suspended in a fluid matrix, the PLASMA. Cir- 
culating tissues minister to, and are in intimate contact with, 
every tissue and cell of the organism. 


And finally, within the body — though perhaps not of the body 
—is the GERMINAL TISSUE destined to contribute not to the in- 
dividual but to the propagation of the race during reproduction. 

So the multicellular animal — the organism as a whole — is a 
multitude of codperating protoplasmic units: upward of one hun- 
dred thousand billions in Man. However, we must not overlook 
the whole which is greater than its parts. The cells merge their 
individuality in that of the entire organism, and as long as its cells 
remain associated they are to be regarded, not as individuals, but 
as specialized centers of action and reaction of the living body 
itself, by means of which physiological division of labor is made 


Since the similar cell components of multicellular organisms 
are grouped to form tissues, it follows that the major working 
units, or ORGANS, of the animal body as a whole are formed of 
tissues. In other words, an organ is a complex of tissues which 
has assumed a definite form for the performance of a certain func- 
tion — a major division of the body which allows the tissues and, 
therefore, the cells devoted to a special function to play their 
part under the most suitable relations to internal or external con- 
ditions: for example, the human hand composed of bone, muscle, 
nerve, etc. (Figs. 34, 125.) 

As one would naturally expect, among the lowest Metazoa there 
are forms in which the body is relatively simple, without highly 
specialized tissues and organs, but in most animals specialization 
is carried still another step forward by the grouping of organs de- 
voted to the performance of some one general function into an 

The organ systems may be classified as the INTEGUMENTARY 
and SUPPORTING SYSTEMS which constitute the covering and the 
framework of the individual; the ALIMENTARY, RESPIRATORY, CIB- 
CULATORY, and EXCRETORY SYSTEMS which directly or indirectly 
are concerned with nutrition; the NERVOUS SYSTEM which, in 
cooperation with the system of SENSE ORGANS, the MUSCULAR SYS- 
TEM, etc., not only codrdinates the various parts of the individual, 
but also orients the whole with respect to its environment; and, 
finally, the REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM which makes possible the con- 
tinuation of the race. The fundamental life processes for which 


these systems provide must be carried on by all animals, and the 
chief differences in the structure of animals, from the lowest to 
the highest, are the result of the means adopted to serve these 
essential functions under different conditions imposed by the 
environment and mode of life. It is on the basis of these funda- 
mental structural characteristics that the Metazoa are classified. 

The Metazoa may be divided into two large groups known as 
INVERTEBRATES and VERTEBRATES. The former group, frequently 
referred to as the lower animals, comprises nearly a million known 
species and exhibits an enormous variety of form and complexity 
of structure ranging from the lowly Sponges to the highly suc- 
cessful Insects. On the other hand, the Vertebrates, or higher ani- 
mals, form a relatively homogeneous group of about fifty thou- 
sand species, including the Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, 
and Mammals. It is to a survey of the Metazoa that we now turn. 
(Fig. 297.) 


It seems as if Nature had essayed one after the other every possi- 
ble manner of living and moving, as if she had taken advantage of 
every permission granted by matter and its laws. — Gide. 

THE stupendous group of multicellular animals constituting 
the Invertebrates presents a bewildering array of forms adapted 
to nearly every conceivable environment. Some are smaller than 
many of the Protozoa and others much larger than certain Ver- 
tebrates. Some are aquatic, others are terrestrial, and still others 
spend most of their life in the air. Most possess the power of 
locomotion, but many are fixed, or sessile. And not a few — per- 
haps the majority — live as parasites in or on the bodies of other 
animals. (See Appendix I.) 

The fact that there are nearly a million known species, and 
probably twice as many yet to be discovered, at once suggests that 
our survey must be confined to a relatively few representatives 
from each of the major Invertebrate phyla; enough to place the 
three forms we have selected for special study later — Hydra, 
Earthworm, and Crayfish — in proper perspective. 


Cne is not surprised that the Sponges which constitute the 
PoriFERA, the lowest phylum of multicellular animals, show certain 
relationships with the Protozoa. Specialization of cells and physio- 
logical division of labor, though carried far beyond the most com- 
plex colonial forms, such as Volvox, nevertheless have not sup- 
pressed the individualities of the cooperating cells to the extent that 
occurs in most higher forms. Witness the fact that when certain 
Sponges are gently squeezed through the meshes of fine silk cloth, 
so that the tissues are resolved into separate cells, these cells will 
gather together in small groups and each group will grow into a 
Sponge. In brief, the Sponge is an individual animal, but its 
organization is loose and the dependence of one part upon another 



is relatively slight. However, the Sponge dominates its tissues. 
Just so long as the component cells of the Sponge remain associated, 
they are not to be regarded as individuals, but as specialized 
centers of action and reaction of the Sponge’s body, by means of 
which physiological division of labor is made possible. 

At first glance, indeed, one would not recognize a Sponge as 
an animal at all. Thus the common Leucosolenia of the New 
England coast appears to be a group of tiny tubes, or sacs, per- 

vy, Osculum 
Buds ae S 



Collar ———— 

Fic. 35. — A, small colony of Leucosolenia; B, a collar cell; C, Grantia. 

manently attached at the base to a rock just below low-tide 
mark. It is without the power of locomotion and does not visibly 
respond in any way when touched. However, if it is examined 
under a lens, it will be found that the whole surface of each sac-like 
body is dotted with innumerable pores, or osT1A, through which 
water is being drawn into the GASTRAL CAVITY and passed on out 
through a sieve-like membrane at the top, or oscuLum. The name 
of the phylum, Porifera, refers to the pores. (Fig. 35.) 

A section of the body wall of Leucosolenia shows that it is 
supported by a skeleton, composed of a network of three-pronged 


SPICULES of calcium carbonate, embedded in the tissue. The latter 
consists of two chief layers of cells: an outer, or DERMAL EPITHE- 
LIUM, and an inner, or GASTRAL EPITHELIUM, separated by a jelly- 
like material containing many amoeboid wandering cells. 

The gastral epithelium is of particular interest because it con- 
sists chiefly of a layer of COLLAR CELLS, each provided with a flagel- 
lum, and resembling certain flagellated Protozoa from which, 
indeed, it is probable that the Sponges have descended. It is the 
constant lashing of the flagella that creates the current of water, 
laden with food and oxygen, through the pores into the gastral 
cavity, and on out through the osculum, bearing excretions. It is 
also the collar cells that capture, engulf, and digest particles of food 
in typical unicellular fashion (intracellular digestion) and pass the 
products on to the other cells. Similarly, respiration and excretion 
are carried on by the individual cells. 

Such is the essential plan of structure of a simple Sponge, but 
there are more complex forms which, in general, can be derived 
from this so-called AScon type by a thickening of the body wall, 
and then either the restriction of the collar cells to canals em- 
bedded in it in close proximity to the gastral cavity (SYCON type), 
or their segregation in tiny cavities more remotely situated in the 
tissues but still in communication with the gastral cavity by long 
canals (RHAGON type). The sycon type is represented by Grantia, 
and the rhagon type by the common Fresh-water Sponge, Spon- 
gilla, and the Bath Sponge, Euspongia. (Fig. 36.) 

But one must not gain the idea that all Sponges are quite 
similar in outward appearance. As a matter of fact some are no 
larger than a pin head, others are six feet or more tall. Some are 
branched, fan-shaped, or cup-shaped. Most are white or gray 
though many contribute brilliant colors to the picture presented 
by the sea floor. 

Among all this variety of Sponges, however, certain species, 
chiefly of the genus Euspongia, stand out as of high economic 
importance because their flexible, fibrous skeleton of SPONGIN, 
when cleaned and dried, is the familiar bath sponge of commerce. 
These Sponges, long gathered by diving and dredging, are now 
also farmed. Live Sponges are cut into very small pieces, wired to 
cement plates and then sunk to favorable places for sponge growth. 
After several years the pieces have become Sponges of sufficient 
size for the crop to be marketable. 

Sponges reproduce both asexually and sexually: asexually by 
Bubs and by the liberation of groups of cells called GEMMULES 
possessing the power to form new individuals; and sexually by 
eggs and sperm. The zygote develops into a tiny ciliated embryo 
which after a short free-swimming existence settles down, becomes 
permanently attached, and soon attains the adult structure. 

Osculum : 
& + aa 
ay \ A | ow? 
fy 3 My Be 
= 3 - < a 2) Gastral S 
if a ProsopyleZ ' 5 cavity SS 
ie e) ~sS a8 bea tots 
i * Pent: 
it Ns 3 p= elect Incurrent 
tg . Gastral * g:~ S eo oe 
Hs cavity 3 OB SEE ered ; 
‘A bs a 
bach DRS Flagellated 
s gee chamber 

Openings of excurrent canals 
Dermal pores 

| Mit &, Subdermal 

Di. ‘gy l Daa 

Flagellated uw 

canals Se — 

(i Ce ro] Bee = 
cc nna en Minick 

tneceerent canals 
Fic. 36. — Types of canal systems of Sponges. A, ascon type (Leucosolenia) 
B, sycon type (Grantia); C, rhagon type (Spongilla, Euspongia). The arrows 
indicate the direction of the current of water. The thick black line in A and B 
represents the gastral layer; the dotted portion, the dermal layer. (From 

Minchin, and Parker and Haswell.) 

The relationship of the Porifera to the series of Invertebrates 
raises an interesting problem. The tissues of Sponges are, as we 
have seen, not only too complex to be considered colonies of Pro- 
tozoa, but they also are much less complex than those of the higher 
multicellular animals. And they are organized in a radically differ- 
ent way as well, including an apparent reversal of the two primary 


cell layers which are not homologous with the ectoderm and 
endoderm of higher animals. All considered, Sponges probably 
represent a side branch of the Animal Kingdom that went up, so 
to say, an evolutionary blind alley, and remained only Sponges! 
(Fig. 313.) 


With the large group of aquatic animals comprising the CoELEN- 
TERATA — the Polyps, Jellyfish, Sea-anemones, and Corals — we 
reach the basic phylum of the Invertebrates because, with a mouth 
opening into a digestive cavity and with specialized body parts 
coordinated by a simple nervous system, they institute the plan of 
structure that proves to be the fruitful one for the derivation of 
certain features exhibited in all higher animals. Our review of the 
phylum will merely serve to indicate some of the chief forms as- 
sumed by the potyp type of individual in the highly diversified 
classes known as Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, and Anthozoa. 

Hyprozoa. One of the few Coelenterates inhabiting fresh water 
is the common polyp, Hydra. Like all polyps its body is essentially 
a sac composed of two cell layers — ectoderm and endoderm — 
separated by a jelly-like non-cellular layer known as the MEso- 
GLOEA. The opening of the sac is the mouth which leads into the 
digestive cavity, or ENTERIC CAVITY. The mouth is surrounded by 
a circle of TENTACLES well supplied with nettle cells, or NEMATO- 
cysts. Obviously the polyp exhibits RADIAL symmetry — right and 
left sides do not exist. It has no internal organs and so, of course, 
no organ systems. The adult Hydra now and again produces on its 
body-surface male and female sexual organs that liberate sperm 
and eggs and, after fertilization, the zygote develops ints another 
Hydra. Furthermore, Hydra reproduces asexually by BupDs: small 
outpocketings from the body wall grow into small Hydras and 
then separate as independent polyps. (Figs. 57, 135-137, 155.) 

However, the life history of Hydra is not representative of the 
many kinds of marine Hydrozoa that commonly grow on sub- 
merged objects, such as the piles of piers, because most of them 
consist of large colonies of Hydra-iike individuals organically 
connected; somewhat as though a Hydra formed many buds that 
remained attached. Moreover, the colony is only one phase of 
the life history of a Hydroid, for it develops special buds, known 
aS MEDUSAE, which become separated from the colony as inde- 


pendent free-swimming individuals. At first glance a medusa bears 
little resemblance to a polyp, though it is essentially a sexual polyp 
that has been produced on the colony by budding and then liber- 
ated. Accordingly the complete life history of a typical Hydrozoon 
involves an ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS consisting of the asexual 

Gi Ne _.. Statocyst 

IZZ- _- Radial canals 

<= .. Reproductive organs 
a. = “rentacles 

‘s =~ 

S++ + Mouth B 



meme ee 

ye H | ..Gonotheca 
petodern: tray if 
Entoderm / 
Enteron ime 

Ly. - Medusa-bud 

UWA) | 
\ f | 


Fic. 37. — Life history of a Hydroid, Obelia. A, portion of the asexual 
colony showing three hydranths and a gonangium; B, free-swimming sexual 
medusa, oral view; C, medusa, side view; D, ciliated larva. (C and D of closely 
related species.) (From Hegner, after Allman, and Hargitt.) 

colony and the sexual medusae that swim away and disseminate 
the species. Hydra is apparently a specialized form in which the 
medusa generation is suppressed. (Figs. 37, 38.) 

The Hydroid colonies exhibit some interesting examples of 
physiological division of labor between the component individuals. 
Thus in Bougainvillea there are two kinds of polyps: the typical 


feeding polyps, or HYDRANTHS, and the MEDUSOID polyps which 
later, with some structural changes, are set free. Again in Obelia, 
another common Hydroid, there are also highly modified individ- 
uals, or GONANGIA, that produce by budding the medusa generation. 
In still other Hydrozoa this POLYMORPHISM is carried even further. 
Thus Physalia, the Portuguese Man-of-War, is a floating Hydroid 
colony consisting of an air-filled bag, or float, with a sail-like crest, 
from which are suspended a large number of polyps. These indi- 
viduals are very diverse: some are nutritive, others are tactile, 
and still others bear batteries of nematocysts. Furthermore, there 
are male reproductive polyps and others that give rise to egg- 




Radial canal 

)\ Circular 

Tentacle —#% canal 

Nerve Velum 


A B 

Fic. 38. — Diagram showing the fundamentally similar structure of Hydra 
or a hydranth of Obelia (A) and of a medusa (B). (From Parker.) 

Tentacle |'@ 

producing medusae. Obviously an animal such as Physalia sug- 
gests that in many of the lower forms the INDIVIDUAL is not so 
sharply defined, and is more difficult to define, than in the more 
familiar animals. Indeed, individuality in the Animal Kingdom 
is a problem in itself; one the reader might well keep in mind as 
we ascend the scale of animal life. 

ScypHozoa. The second great class of the Coelenterates com- 
prises chiefly large medusae, such as the common saucer-shaped 
Aurelia of the Atlantic coastal waters or its giant relative, Cyanea, 
which may attain a diameter of eight feet; each and all well- 
named Jellyfish since their soft tissues are more than 99 per cent 

The structure of Aurelia is basically the same as that of the 
medusa generation of the Hydroids; the most obvious difference 
being an excessive development of the mesogloea between ecto- 


derm and endoderm so that the body wall is relatively thick. The 
mouth is in the center of the under (oral) surface, opening into 
a large enteric cavity which branches into RADIAL CANALS that run 
to the circumference, or ‘rim,’ where they merge into a CIRCULAR 
CANAL. Thus digested food is carried directly to all parts of the 
animal without the necessity of a special circulatory system. Sur- 
rounding the mouth are four ribbon-like ORAL ARMs which, to- 

Gonad cavity 





ante -# 


ti } 
efeeda gy! 

p> : a 4 
An eB: 

S24 ie 


<( Oral arm 

Fic. 39. — Aurelia, lateral view; one quadrant shown in section. (From 
Parker and Haswell.) 

gether with the fringe of tentacles about the rim of the animal and 
certain filaments in the radial canals, are well supplied with nema- 
tocysts for stinging the prey. (Fig. 39.) 

Among the tentacles on the rim are small rounded SENSE ORGANS 
which control, through the underlying nerve cells and muscle 
bands, the movements of the animal. Contraction of the rim of 
the bell, slowly and rhythmically, presses the water within the 
bell against that without and so forces the animal along. But 
Aurelia is largely at the mercy of wind and wave — few being 
destined to reproduce before dissolution, and all being destroyed 
by winter. 

The reproductive organs of Aurelia consist of four large U- 
shaped GONADS which shed their products, either eggs or sperm, 
into the radial canals and so to the outer world through the mouth. 
Fertilization takes place in the open water to form a zygote that 
develops into a free-swimming larva. This soon settles to the 
bottom, becomes attached, and assumes a polyp-like form which 
is comparable to the hydroid generation of the Hydrozoa. After 


wintering in this form, however, the fixed individual proceeds, as 
it were, to slice itself up in orderly fashion into a series of saucer- 
like embryo medusae which, one by one, separate, swim away, 
and eventually attain the adult, sexual Aurelia form. (Fig. 40.) 

a Vey 

ee = F 
3 J ne D E =~ 

Gastra] filament Stomach 
Gonad pi tat ee 

. RX) “0 x. 



Fic. 40. — Aurelia, life-history. A, B, C, longitudinal sections through 
gastrula stages; D, scyphistoma; E, F, strobila; G, H, ephyra, I, vertical 
section through adult. A, B, and C are more highly magnified than the other 
figures. (From Hegner, after Kerr.) 

ANTHOZOA. So far our survey of the Coelenterata has shown that 
all are polyp-like animals, and the final class to be considered, the 
Anthozoa, is no exception, comprising, as it does, the Sea Anemones 
and the Corals. 

Metridium, the well known Sea-anemone of the North Atlantic 
coast, is common in tide pools or attached to piers of wharves; 
its slight powers of creeping being seldom exerted. It is apparently 
a ruggedly built polyp, nearly cylindrical in form, with the upper 
end disclosing the mouth in the midst of a crown of numerous 
tentacles. (Fig. 41.) 

The mouth opens into a large gullet which leads down into 
the enteron. The latter is quite complex because its walls give 
rise to several series of vertical, radially arranged partitions, or 
MESENTERIES, thereby increasing the functional digestive and 
respiratory surface. Within the enteric cavity are peculiar, long, 


coiled, nematocyst-bearing threads that can be protruded in pro- 
fusion through both the mouth and numerous pores in the body 
wall, and so are efficient offensive and defensive weapons. Further- 
more, the tentacles of Metridium are not only well supplied with 
nematocysts, but also with a coat of cilia that plays a crucial part 
in the ingestion of food. Once the prey has been paralyzed by the 

Gullet _ 
leading into enteron 

\ Lip about mouth 


\ : 
Nt | p \ - End of a 
1 i (1, - \ \Cmesenterial 

KO i Gn filament 

\ Lx 
oe Primary mesentery 

Reproductive organ 

A Edge of mesentery 

Fic. 41. — Sea Anemone, Metridium marginatum. A, View of polyp with 
one quadrant removed; B, Diagram of transverse section showing mesenteries. 

discharge of the nematocysts, the tentacles bend inward and over 
so that ciliary action sweeps the food slowly but surely toward the 
mouth. Here other cilia, aided by muscular contractions, carry it 
on down into the enteron. 

Metridium typically reproduces sexually, though asexual repro- 
duction by budding may also occur. The reproductive organs are 
within the enteric cavity where, in the case of females, the eggs 
are fertilized, and the embryo develops into a ciliated larva before 
making its exit to settle down and assume the adult characters. 

Metridium, then, may serve to illustrate the general type of 


polyp structure exhibited by the Anthozoa, and it is only necessary 
to relate this to the Corals which are essentially Metridium-like 
polyps that secrete, under and about themselves, more or less 
complex skeletons, chiefly of carbonate of lime. As the polyp 
continues to secrete the coral, it actually pushes itself farther and 
farther away from the surface to which it became attached. This 
growth process, together with multiplication by budding, grad- 
ually builds up considerable masses of coral about larger and larger 
colonies of polyps — the arrangement of the polyps and the dis- 

: Endoderm uf 
‘ Ea Mesentery rw 
Theca — Wary Hin |S/ 
Basal plate Et J NS _) a: 
Columella 75 no 

Fic. 42.— Coral. A, Skeleton of a young colony of Organ-pipe Coral, 
Tubipora musica; B, small branch of Red Coral, Corallium rubrum, showing 
living polyps; C, Sea Pen, Pennatula phosphorea; D, diagrammatic section of 
a single coral polyp. 

position of the coral being characteristically different in the 
numerous species of Coral animals. Certain kinds of Corals, acting 
through long periods of time, are responsible for building not only 
atolls and islands but also fringing reefs and barrier reefs; the 
Great Barrier Reef of Australia is over a thousand miles long and 
fifty broad. (Fig. 42.) 

From the Hydroid polyps to polyps building coral islands, from 
the tiny medusae of Obelia to the giant Cyanea, we gain at least a 


glimpse of the basic group of Coelenterates and what it has accom- 
plished with the simple radially symmetrical body plan, with two 
primary tissue layers, and an enteric cavity. The polyp type is 
successful in its way, but its chief contribution was apparently in 
affording the stem from which higher forms started along their 
main path of ascent. (Fig. 297.) 


Passing over a smail phylum of marine Coelenterate-like ani- 
mals, the CTENOPHORA, popularly called Sea-walnuts and Comb- 
jellies, that have made a somewhat abortive attempt to establish 
a body on the three primary layer plan, we come directly to the 
first great group of TRIPLOBLASTIC animals, the Flatworms, con- 
stituting the phylum PLATYHELMINTHES. (Fig. 43.) 

On the lower surface of submerged stones near the edges of ponds 
are usually many tiny black, gray, or white Flatworms, creeping 
by cilia, known as Planaria. They are obviously radically different 
in structure from a polyp since they exhibit BILATERAL instead of 
radial symmetry: they have a broad anterior end with simple 
eyes and brain, and a narrower posterior end, and so have right 
and left sides. Strange to say, however, the mouth is situated not 
in the ‘head,’ but behind the middle of the ventral surface of the 
body, and functions both for the intake of food and the exit of 
waste. The mouth, instead of opening into a sac-like enteron, 
leads into a long, protrusible pharynx and this, in turn, into an 
extremely branched intestine which extends throughout the body. 
Somewhat similarly extend the excretory system, the male and 
female reproductive systems, as well as the web-like nervous sys- 
tem; each and all embedded in a continuous spongy mass of tissue 
which is derived from a third primary germ layer, the mesoderm. 
Thus the organ systems do not actually lie in a definite body 
cavity. Since nearly every organ system extends throughout the 
body, no circulatory system is required, and apparently oxygen 
sufficient for the animal’s need can diffuse through the tissues. 
(Figs. 156, 161.) 

The genus Planaria is a member of the first class of the phylum, 
known as the TURBELLARIA, the other classes being the TRE- 
MATODA, or Flukes, and the Crestopa, or Tapeworms. Both of 
the latter have departed superficially somewhat widely in struc- 
ture from the free-living Planarians and also have developed ex- 


traordinarily complex life histories, involving alternation of gen- 
erations, in becoming adapted to various parasitic modes of life. 
The study of Flukes and Tapeworms constitutes a major part of 
the science of PARASITOLOGY because they inhabit Man and beast 

_ “Eye iGenital pore 


8 Proboscis 
Side of head 
Intestine} 3 F Yolk glands 

Lat oe cee 

ia Seve 



Intestine—-s SE Se 
= at: my, a ~~ = 
Testis aN S EE . 
OS p> BLED | Intestine 

\ SCF ys ao PS 
Ee zy isa 


Genital poré 

Fic. 43. — A, Planaria polychora, a fresh-water Flatworm; B, diagram of 
internal organs of a Flatworm. (From Hegner, after Shipley and MacBride, 
and von Graff.) 

and produce various important diseases. Accordingly we can more 
advantageously consider their life histories later when discussing 
the relations of biology to human welfare. (Figs. 251-253.) 


If either number of species or number of individuals were the 
sole criterion of a phylum’s importance, unquestionably the lowly 
NEMATHELMINTHES, or Roundworms, would rank high in the 


Animal Kingdom. They live literally everywhere from hot springs 
to Arctic ice, from desert sand to bottom mud of lakes and seas, 
from the roots of plants to the blood of Man. A thimbleful of soil 
may contain hundreds, even thousands, of Roundworms. Esti- 
mates indicate that there are upward of twenty thousand species 
parasitic on Vertebrates alone, and twice as many more if all the 
other parasitic and free-living species were catalogued. 

The Roundworms are slender, cylindrical worms as is indicated 
by other common names, such as Threadworms and Hairworms. 
Their body plan shows, in general, considerable advance over 
that of the Flatworms, because the simple intestine has two open- 
ings to the exterior, mouth and anus; the nervous system consists 
of a nerve ring about the pharynx from which arise large nerves, 
extending the length of the body; the excretory system is well 



Excretory pore 
Anus Intestine Genital pore Mouth 

Fic. 44. — Roundworm, Ascaris lumbricoides: diagram of dissection from 
right side. 

developed: and the male and female reproductive systems are 
usually in separate individuals. Furthermore the various organs 
lie in a spacious body cavity. However, there are no special cir- 
culatory or respiratory systems. (Fig. 44.) 

Naturally the Roundworms that have been most studied are 
parasites of Man and domestic animals. The Guinea worm is some- 
times several feet long, and spends its adult life just under the 
human skin and its youth in a Water-flea. The various species of 
Ascaris are relatively large intestinal worms, the females attaining 
a length of more than a foot and producing some fifteen thousand 
eggs a day. But two of the most dreaded parasites are the tiny 
Trichinella, the cause of the often fatal TRICHINOSIS contracted 
by eating infected pork, and Necator, notorious as the Hookworm. 
All considered, the Roundworms are hardly second to the Flat- 
worms from the standpoint of medical zodlogy and, like them, 
tax the ingenuity of biologists in ferreting out their complex re- 
productive processes and life histories that have been evolved 


to insure entrance to the proper host. Before a parasite can enjoy 
Utopia, it must get there. (Figs. 44, 254, 255.) 


The Segmented Worms form a relatively straightforward phy- 
lum, the ANNELIDA, that carries us on apace in the development 
of the more complex animal body: conspicuously by definitely 
introducing the principle of SEGMENTATION. Well-known repre- 
sentatives of the chief groups are the marine Sandworms and 
Tubeworms, or Potycuaeta; the Earthworms, or OLIGOCHAETA, 
of soils the world over; and the Leeches, or HrruDINEA, such as 
the Medicinal Leech, so popular when blood-letting was in vogue. 
(Figs. 45, 60.) 

The body of the Sandworm, Nereis, consists of a linear series 
of some fifty units, or SEGMENTS. Several of the anterior ones 
form the HEAD, with sense organs, notably rather complex EYEs, 
mouth, and chitinous jaws; while most of the rest are provided 
with paddle-like, bristled PARAPopIA that act both as respiratory 
and swimming organs. The anus opens on the terminal segment. 

The Earthworms show a simplification of the external structures 
present in Sandworms, because the head is far smaller and simpler 
and lacks specialized sense organs. Moreover the bristles (SETAE) 
are all that remain of the conspicuous locomotor organs of the 
Sandworm. The largely sedentary and nocturnal life of Earth- 
worms renders highly specialized locomotor, respiratory, and 
sense organs unnecessary. But the internal organs of both follow 
the same general plan, and since we shall have occasion later 
to study those of the Earthworm somewhat in detail, it will 
suffice now merely to emphasize the essential progressive features. 
(Fig. 45.) 

The principle of segmentation, as already mentioned, is probably 
the most significant advance made by the phylum. At all events, 
it is the plan of organization exemplified by the most successful of 
the higher groups — the Arthropods and Vertebrates. Apparently 
the segment is an adaptable unit of organization that makes possible 
local specialization in higher forms, and so contributes in an im- 
portant way to their response to various environmental changes. 
Furthermore, in Segmented Worms the coelom first attains high 
structural significance and affords ample space for the disposal of 
more elaborate organ systems. Thus we find a complete circula- 


tory system of blood vessels that propels and distributes blood to 
all parts of the body: an efficient transport system for carrying ab- 
sorbed food to every organ, waste products to the excretory organs, 
and carbon dioxide to, and oxygen from the respiratory surface. 
And when we add the advances in digestive, nervous, and excretory 
systems, the Segmented Worms approach more nearly the popular 

Prostomium bearing 

Tentacles S ; four eyes 


Fic. 45. — A, Sandworm, Nereis virens; B, Medicinal Leech, Hirudo medicinalis. 

concept of an animal than the Invertebrates we have heretofore 

And withal, in variety and numbers the phylum is second to 
few. Some idea of the importance of Earthworms may be gathered 
by Darwin’s estimate that in many soils they annually bring to 
the surface some eighteen tons of earth per acre. Not unimpor- 
tant transformations of the surface soil is thus effected: indeed 
Earthworms, unseen and unheard, perform a vitally important 
part in loosening and aérating — in plowing — the soil. 

F. Rotirers, Bryozoans, AND BRACHIOPODS 

At this point in our survey of the Invertebrates it is opportune 
to take merely a passing glance at several aberrant groups whose 
position in the series is decidedly uncertain, and which contribute 
little of theoretical or practical importance. 


The Rotirera, or Wheel-animalcules (TROCHELMINTHES), con- 
stitute an immense group of tiny animals commonly found in 
fresh and salt water, in association with the Protozoa. Micro- 
scopic though they are, they possess a highly complex series of 
internal organs, in spite of which they can withstand slow drying 
in mud. In this condition Rotifers may be blown about unti! they 
happen again upon moisture, whereupon they gradually ‘swell 
up’ and assume active life and reproduction. 

The Bryozoa are frequently referred to as Moss-animals be- 
cause most of them are mat-like fixed colonies growing on sub- 
merged objects in sea or pond. A superficial examination of the 
common fresh-water Plumatella, for example, might suggest that 
it is a Hydroid, but closer scrutiny reveals a very different struc- 
tural plan, including complex internal organs. In addition to 
reproducing sexually and by typical budding, Plumatella develops 
peculiar internal buds, or STATOBLASTS, enclosed within a chitinous 
shell. In the event that the pond dries up or the colony is frozen, 
the resistant statoblasts survive to start a new colony upon the 
return of favorable conditions. 

The Bracuiopopa, or Lamp-shells, at first glance look like 
Clams, and so bear no obvious resemblance to the colonial Bryozoa. 
However, Brachiopods are actually related to the Bryozoa, as is 
evidenced by their internal structure which approaches rather 
closely to that of Plumatella. Brachiopods constitute one of the 
older marine groups, their shells constituting conspicuous and 
characteristic fossils in the more ancient rock strata. Those living 
to-day are merely little-changed survivors of a successful group 
of yesterday — perhaps nearly a billion years ago in the early 
Paleozoic seas. Indeed, the genus Lingula has persisted without 
change, to be well dubbed the “senior genus of the world of 
animal life.” (See: Appendix I.) 


Everyone who has spent a summer at the seashore is certainly 
familiar with the Starfish and Sea Urchin, common examples of 
the marine phylum of spiny-skinned animals, the ECHINODERMATA. 
All members of the group have radially symmetrical bodies — a 
condition we have not seen since we left the Coelenterata. How- 
ever, the symmetry indicates no direct relationship with the 
Coelenterates, because during early embryonic life an Echinoderm 


is actually bilaterally symmetrical and the radial form is only 
secondarily assumed — it masks the basic structure. Indeed 
‘‘Nature’s pentagonal experiment’”’ has produced a series of bizarre 
forms that have been successful from early geologic time to the 
present, though they bear little resemblance to other animals. 
Witness the structure of a common Starfish. (Fig. 46.) 

The body of the Starfish consists of a CENTRAL DISK from which 
radiate five Arms. It is protected by calcareous plates embedded 
in the tissue, and by short, blunt spines. About the latter are tiny 
pincers, or PEDICELLARIAE, that keep the surface free from debris 


= ALES: oe Teen, 

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Fic. 46. — Starfish, Asterias. A, oral view; B, devouring a Clam. 
(From Cambridge Natural History.) 

and protect the delicate, protruding DERMAL BRANCHIAE. ‘The 
mouth is situated in the disk on the surface that is ventral as the 
animal crawls along, and the anus on the opposite surface. Near 
the anus is a small, porous plate, the MADREPORITE, that admits 
water to a system of tubes, or WATER-VASCULAR SYSTEM, that ter- 
minates along the AMBULACRAL GROOVE on the ventral surface in 
myriads of TUBE FEET: the unique hydraulic locomotor and food 
capturing organs. 

The mouth opens into a large stomach that leads into the Py- 
LORIC SAC from which large, glandular PyLORIC CAECA extend into 
each arm. Above the stomach is a small rectum that passes to the 
aboral surface, but waste materials are ejected through the mouth. 


The nervous system is essentially a nerve ring encircling the mouth, 
with a branch extending into each arm, but there is no central, 
dominating nerve mass that is comparable to a brain, and only 

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Fic. 47. — A, Sea Urchin, Asthenosoma, oral view; B, Sea Cucumber, Cucu- 
maria; C, Sea Lily, Metacrinus. (From Thomson, Ludvig, and Carpenter.) 

the simplest sense organs, the tube feet acting largely in the latter 
capacity. The functions of a circulatory and respiratory system 
are carried on by the coelomic fluid — mostly sea-water in which 
amoeboid cells float — that fills the large body cavity, or coelom, 

circulates through the dermal branchiae, and bathes all the organs, 
including the male or female reproductive organs. 


The Starfish is a member of the first class, the ASTEROIDEA, of 
the phylum, and serves to give some idea of the fundamental 
anatomical plan of the several other classes. True, members of 
most of the other classes bear little obvious resemblance to the 
Starfish. Most similar are the Brittle Stars (class OPHTUROIDEA) 
with flattened central disk and long, slender, and sometimes 
branched arms that are fragile and readily discarded when injured. 
But the Sea Urchins and Sand Dollars (class EcHINOImDEA) are 
without arms; the more or less spherical body being enclosed within 
a hard shell composed of a multitude of closely fitting plates and 
covered with a forest of spines. Then the Sea Cucumbers (class 
HoLoTHuUROIDEA) are essentially elongated, flexible, muscular sacs 
with contractile tentacles, representing modified tube feet, about 
the mouth. They seem to be little inconvenienced if they eject 
most of their internal organs, because a period of rest suffices for 
their regeneration. And finally, the Sea Lilies (class CRINomEA), 
apparently the antithesis of the Sea Cucumbers, are temporarily 
or permanently attached, usually by a joimted stalk from which 
extend their much-branched arms in plume-like fashion, and so 
some are called Feather Stars. (Fig. 47.) 

Still, with all this diversified array of Echinoderms, it is, we 
repeat, true that all are basically similar in structure and develop- 
ment — they have almost surely been derived in a round-about 
way from a primitive worm-like ancestor. 

H. Mo.uuscs 

The great phylum Motuusca, which includes not only such well- 
known edible ‘ shell-fish’ as the Clams, Oysters, Scallops, and Snails, 
but also the Cuttle-fish, Devil-fish, Nautili, etc., presents a consid- 
erable departure in bodily plan from that exhibited by the Seg- 
mented Worms, and constitutes another large and remarkable 
branch of the Invertebrate ‘tree.’ However, from certain structural 
features exhibited by the lowest class, the AMPHINEURA represented 
by Chiton, and particularly the developmental stages of various 
Molluscs, it appears clear that, like the Echinoderms, they have 
arisen from a worm-like ancestral type which, instead of adopting 
segmentation, became otherwise specialized to form a unique and 
highly successful group. (Fig. 48.) 

The most characteristic structures of Molluscs are the external 
skeleton, or SHELL; a fleshy muscular organ, the Foot, typically 


for locomotion; and a MANTLE CAVITY between the main body and 
an enclosing envelope, the MANTLE. Among the five classes of 
Molluscs only three are of sufficient general interest to command 
our attention here: the Gastropoda, Pelecypoda, and Cephalopoda. 

GASTROPODA. One usually thinks of Molluscs as sea-dwelling 
animals but among the some sixteen thousand species of Snails, 
Slugs, and other similar Gastropods, more than one-third are 
terrestrial. Everyone is familiar with the spirally-coiled Snail’s 
shell into which the animal can completely retire when disturbed, 
but many close relatives, such as the Limpets, have shells that are 
merely simple flattened cones, while most of the Slugs have no 
shell at all. The shell when present is secreted chiefly by the in- 

| // Head 

Respiratory aperture B 

Fic. 48. — A, Chiton, ventral view; B, Snail, diagrammatic side view. 

conspicuous mantle. The common Snails and Slugs glide along on a 
path of slime by muscular contractions of the foot which forms the 
entire ventral part of the body, but some of the marine species ac- 
tively swim by means of delicate, undulating expansions of the foot. 

The Snails and their allies have a well-developed head with 
tentacles and eyes, and a mouth, supplied with a unique rasping 
tongue-like organ, the RADULA, that leads into a complicated di- 
gestive tract. Add to the digestive organs the complex blood vascu- 
lar system, excretory system, nervous system, and reproductive 
system, and it becomes evident that even the lowly Garden Slug 
belies its soft slimy body. (Fig. 48.) 

Petecypopa. However, the Mollusca is a phylum of surprises, 
for the Pelecypoda is a class of headless animals that for the most 
part have taken to a sedentary life within a shell composed of two 
VALVES hinged together: they are Bivalves. The adult Oysters 
are permanently attached and therefore footless; the Clams are 


sluggish, sand-burrowing creatures; the Shipworms riddle wharves 
with their tunnels, while the Scallops swim about by rapidly open- 
ing and clapping together the valves of the shell. (Fig. 49.) 

The most distinctive feature of the Bivalves, aside from the 
shell, is their peculiar method of securing food from a current of 
water that is kept in motion by the activity of cilia on the GILLs, 
mantle surface, and about the mouth. In brief, water laden with 
oxygen and microscopic animals and plants is drawn through an 
opening, the INHALENT SIPHON, into the mantle cavity where the 

Pericardial sac Ventricle 
Bulbus arteriosus 
= Bae, adductor 
Umb of foot 
mbo fp 
Upper branchial 

TGA, chamber 

Anterior adductor Gill 
muscles of foot 
Labial palp Posterior 
Mouth adductor 

Foot Lower branchial 
Mantle Gonad chamber 

Liver Intestine 

Fic. 49. — Hard-shell Clam, or Quahaug, Venus mercenaria. Dissection 
showing structures visible when left valve, mantle, and gills are removed. 

sieve-like gills are suspended. Passing through the gills the food is 
picked out and carried by ciliary action to the mouth, while at the 
same time the blood in the gills is aérated. From here the water 
current passes on out by the EXHALENT SIPHON, carrying with it 
various waste products. 

The reproductive process varies considerably in different Bi- 
valves. Oysters spawn in the spring, liberating the sperm and 
eggs, and the zygotes develop into microscopic free-swimming 
larvae. Within a week these sink to the bottom and become at- 


tached to whatever object they happen to touch and, if fortunate, 
gradually develop into adult Oysters. Fortunate, because it is esti- 
mated that a larva has less than one chance in a million of surviv- 
ing to attain maturity and the qualities that appeal to the human 
palate. But one female may contain nearly half a billion eggs. 
The eggs of the Fresh-water Clams, or Mussels, are fertilized 
by sperm entering the mantle cavity with the food current, and 
the larvae develop in the gills which act as temporary brood- 



Edge of mantle 

~ Edge of mantle. 

ail gf i 

tig? =F €. vt ; 


with suckers 

Fic. 50. — A, B, Octopus, at rest and in motion. f, siphon. C, Squid, side 
view. (From Hegner, after Merculiano and Williams.) 

pouches. Eventually as tiny clams, known as GLocuip14, they 
escape, settle on the bottom of the pond or river, and die unless 
a Fish rubs against them. In this event each glochidium becomes 
attached to the fish and as a parasite obtains free food and trans- 
portation for several weeks until it has developed sufficiently to 
shift for itself. 

The economic importance of the Bivalves hardly need be men- 
tioned. Oyster-farms in America alone produce an annual crop 
valued at many millions of dollars. Fresh-water Mussels are the 
basis of the pearl button industry of the Mississippi Valley. And, 


finally, pearls produced by the irritated mantle tissue of several 
species of Bivalves are perhaps the most highly prized and priced 

CEPHALOPODA. The Squids, Cuttle-fish, Devil-fish, and their 
close allies present in many ways a marked contrast with the rest 
of the Molluscs, being relatively active, aggressive animals that 
have in most cases practically discarded the shell and developed 
a highly specialized ‘head’ apparently by combining head and 
foot — hence the class name Cephalopoda. (Fig. 50.) 

The head, surrounded by arms, or tentacles, is provided not 
only with parrot-like beak and rasping tongue, but also with a 
rather large brain, and efficient eyes that superficially are very 
like those of Fishes. As a matter of fact some of the Cephalopods | 
are in many respects more capable than some of the lower Verte- 
brates. They apparently exhaust the possibilities of the Molluscan 
body plan both in complexity and in size. Indeed, the Giant Squid 
is the largest Invertebrate, for when measured to the tip of the ex- 
tended arms it exceeds in length any living Vertebrate except the 
largest Whales. 


From our detour through the unsegmented Molluscan phylum, 
we now turn to the more orthodox — because dominant — phylum of 
segmented Invertebrates with jointed appendages, the ARTHROP- 
opA. The most important classes of the Arthropoda are the Crusta- 
cea, Myriapoda, Insecta, and Arachnoidea: the first chiefly aquatic 
and breathing by means of GILLs, and the rest typically terrestrial 
with TRACHEAE or equivalent air-breathing organs. (Fig. 116.) 

CrusTAcEA. A varied multitude of marine and a relatively 
small number of fresh-water animals constitute the class Crustacea. 
Among its approximately twenty thousand species, probably the 
best known, because they are among the largest and some are 
edible, are the Lobsters, Crayfishes, and Crabs. The latter appear 
unique because the posterior part of the body (ABDOMEN) is 
permanently bent forward under the CEPHALOTHORAX. Then 
at the other extreme, as it were, are the little-known Wood-lice, 
or Pill-bugs, that live in damp places, even in our gardens. All of 
these and their many close relatives form one of the two Crustacean 
subclasses, the MaAnLacostraca. The other great subclass, the 
ENTOMOSTRACA, includes even greater diversity of structure. 


There are the Cirripedes, or Barnacles, that early in their youth 
settle down permanently to a sedentary existence, and thereby 
foul the hulls of ships and encrust driftwood and stones on the 
seashore. Then unrecognized by other than specialists are the 
many kinds of microscopic Crustaceans, such as Daphnia, Cyclops, 
and their allies. These so-called Water-fleas vie in numbers with 
the Protozoa and microscopic plants in the vastness of open 
seas as well as in many lakes. Thus they form a crucial part of 
the food of larger animals, including Fishes, and so indirectly of 
Man. (Figs. 51, 62-64.) 

Fic. 51. — Crustaceans. A, Edible Blue Crab, Callinectes; B, Fiddler 
Crab, Gelasimus; C, Caprella; D, Daphnia, a Water-flea. (From Paulmier 
and Claus.) 

Myrrapopa. Passing to the Myriapoda we reach the terrestrial 
Arthropods with long serpentine bodies, such as the more or less 
flattened Centipedes and the rounded Millipedes, the latter with 
the body segments united in pairs, so that there seem to be four 
legs on each segment. But, as their names indicate, legs are plenti- 
ful, in some Millipedes reaching well on toward two hundred. 
Centipedes are carnivorous forms with poisonous jaws but Milli- 
pedes are destructive vegetarians. (Fig. 52.) 

Insecta. Everyone knows various members of the Insecta, 
familiarly represented by that most domestic of animals, the House 
Fly, but probably few realize that the species of Insects outnumber 
all the other species of the Animal Kingdom. (Figs. 53, 258.) 

Fic. 52. — Myriapods. A, Centipede, Lithobius forficatus; B, Millipede 
Julus. (Modified, after Koch.) 


Leann oud 

. MY 
‘! ' L 
. Ls + 
é } 
“Lf: Me 
( 4 
2 Un 
i é € : } 
aif > 

Fic. 53. — Primitive Insects. A, Silver-fish, Lepisma; B, Springtail, Podura. 
(From Parker and Haswell.) 



A typical Insect is characterized by a body divided into three 
major parts: head, thorax, and abdomen. The head bears a pair 
of compound eyes, usually one to three simple eyes (OCELLI), a 
pair of ‘feelers’ (ANTENNAE), and the mouth parts: the LABRUM, 
MANDIBLES, MAXILLAE, and LABIUM. (Figs. 54, 116, 215.) 

The thorax is composed of three segments, each of which typi- 
cally bears a pair of legs. The legs of Insects in most cases per- 
form many functions in addition to locomotion: they are really 
a set of tools. Witness the legs of the Honey Bee. Usually two 
of the three thoracic segments each bear a pair of wings, but the 
House Fly, of course, has but one pair and the Flea none at all, 
though the Fly’s ‘balancers’ are remnants of its missing pair. The 
wings of Insects are entirely dissimilar in origin and structure 
from the legs and therefore bear no relation to the paired append- 

Head Thorax Abdomen 

| : | 
Antouiae | Auditory organ 

ee fies eye | 
XQ aN Zs 

Ni Femur ‘ Spiracles 

Fig. 54A. — Grasshopper, or Locust, Melanoplus differentialis. 

ages of other Arthropods. They are new structures that confer upon 
them the honor of being the only Invertebrates to conquer the 
air. Indeed, their adaptive radiation to all sorts of habitats and 
modes of life exhibits a versatility that somewhat parallels that 
of the highest Vertebrates, the Mammals. (Figs. 53, 208, 257, 
258, 261.) 

And moreover, certain Insects excel all the rest of the whole 
living world, except Man, in the remarkable development of com- 
munal organization. This involves specialization of individuals 
for definite contributions to the economy of the social unit, such 
as the Ant nest or the Bee hive. (Figs. 214-219, 222.) 



\ LB 





Fic. 54B. — General relationships of the chief orders of the class INSEcTA. 
I, Silver-fish; II, Springtail; III, Praying mantis; IV, Earwig; V, Termite; VI, 
Stonefly; VII, Mayfly; VIII, Dragonfly; IX, Lacewing fly; X, Scorpion fly; 
XI, Caddice-fly; XII, Stable fly; XIII, Flea; XIV, Butterfly; XV, Bird louse; 
XVI, Cootie; X VII, Book louse; X VIII, Thrips; XIX, Cicada; XX, Triatoma 
kissing bug; X XI, Potato beetle: XXII, Bumble bee. In general, the classi- 
fication is based on the presence or absence of wings, the structure of the mouth 
parts, and the character of the life history. See page 478. (From Hegner.) 


ARACHNOIDEA. We conclude the Arthropod phylum with the 
class Arachnoidea: the Spiders, Ticks, Mites, Scorpions, and their 
close relatives. These are frequently confused with Insects, but the 
more common forms, such as the Spiders and Ticks, are readily 
distinguished by the possession of eight legs. (Fig. 55.) 

Spiders are carnivorous animals that capture their prey by 
elaborately constructed webs, or by stalking and pouncing upon 

/ : it. Some Spiders are poisonous and their repu- 
| | tation has served to malign many harmless 
relatives. But the Scorpions are in general 


ee en 
Chelicera \\_,Pedipalp 
Lateral eyes 

“Median eyes 


Fic. 55. — A, Spider, Epeira verrucosa (from Emerton); B, Scorpion, Buthus 
occitanus (from Krapelin); C, King-crab, Limulus polyphemus. 

poisonous, and the Mites and Ticks are injurious to Man in many 
ways. Some bite and others burrow into our bodies and those of 
our domestic animals; the common Rabbit frequently harbors 
several thousand Ticks. Even our garden crops and forests suffer. 
Unfortunately certain species infect their hosts with various Bac- 
teria and Protozoa and so produces serious diseases. But there 
are many harmless forms, represented by the well-known red 
Harvest Mites. 

And then appended to the Arachnoidea is the peculiar marine 
King-crab, or Limulus, that is of considerable theoretical interest 
to students of evolution. (Fig. 55, C.) 


This welter of Arthropod forms, as already suggested, is built 
on the plan of a chain of segments; two or more of the anterior 
segments constituting the head, with the mouth, and the posterior 
one containing the anus. In the simplest Arthropods there is 
relatively little differentiation between either the segments or 
the characteristic pair of jointed appendages that each bears; but 
proceeding to more complex forms, one finds a progressive union 
and specialization of segments in certain regions of the body and 
a shifting and transformation of their appendages and internal 
organs for one function or another. Indeed it would seem that 
all the possible changes are rung on the pervading segmental 
chain: a fact to be illustrated later when we study the Crayfish. 
(Figs. 62, 63.) 

Another conspicuous feature of the phylum is the presence of 
a hard, unyielding external armor, or EXOSKELETON, with flexible 
joints moved by attached muscles. This skeleton hampers the 
increase in size of the inhabitant, so periodically it is shed — the 
animal MOULTS. Seizing the opportunity, so to speak, the animal 
rapidly increases in size at the expense of material stored for this 
purpose, and also secretes a new skeleton. Of course, a ‘soft-shelled’ 
Crab is one which has recently mculted and has been taken at a 
disadvantage before the newly secreted skeleton has had time to 

The life history of many of the Arthropods is so surprisingly 
complex, involving such radical form changes, that it is termed a 
METAMORPHOSIS. Thus the embryo of certain Crustacea may be 
hatched as an unsegmented larva, then after moulting assume a 
segmented larval form, and so on until the adult state is attained. 
In other Crustacea one or more of these stages may be briefly 
summarized, as it were, in the egg before hatching. Finally, 
animals like the Crayfish hatch with essentially the adult form. 
And this series of metamorphic stages in the development of the 
higher Crustacea is of considerable theoretical interest, because 
they are very similar to the larval or adult forms of certain other 
Crustacea that are regarded as more primitive in organization. 
Thus it would seem that individual development in the higher 
Crustacea briefly and very broadly and incompletely summarizes 
— RECAPITULATES — the ancestral, or evolutionary, history of the 

However, metamorphosis is called to our attention more promi- 


nently in the Insects. It is common knowledge that caterpillars are 
the larval, worm-like feeding forms of Butterflies and Moths. The 
winged adult condition is attained by a final moult that takes place 
while the larva is in a ‘resting’ condition, the PUPA, made necessary 
by the radical structural changes which are involved. Perhaps it 
is not such common knowledge that even Locusts, or Grasshoppers, 
undergo metamorphosis, because no one moult results in such 
marked changes. The young Locust is similar in form to the adult, 
but after each moult it is larger than before, and finally is a fully 
winged adult. Such a transformation not involving a pupal 
stage is frequently referred to as incomplete metamorphosis. 
(Figs. 257-260.) 

So we conclude for the present our necessarily limited view of 
the Arthropods, but as we proceed with our study we shall fre- 
quently have occasion to discuss special representatives. Judged 
by the stupendous number of species and individuals, or by variety 

Fic. 56. — Peripatus, Peripatus capensis. An interesting Arthropod that seems 
to link the Arthropods with the Segmented Worms. (From Sedgwick.) 

of form, or by sheer success in competition with both lower and 
higher animals in air, water, and on the ground, they are “ Nature’s 
most successful Invertebrate experiment.” The segmental plan 
begun in a small way in some of the lower worms, is definitely 
established in the Segmented Worms, and is made the most of 
in the Arthropods. (Fig. 56.) 

However, Arthropods are hampered by inherent structural limi- 
tations. The hard, dead, external skeleton imparts certain me- 
chanical restrictions on size and freedom of action that are re- 
moved in Vertebrates by an internal living skeleton. And small 
size precludes a constant body temperature greater than the sur- 
roundings, so they cannot achieve the constancy of living possible 
to the warm-blooded Birds and Mammals. Nevertheless it has 
been suggested as not beyond the range of possibility that Insects 
may yet dominate the Earth! 


Nature is so varied in her manifestations that many must unite 
their knowledge and efforts in order to comprehend her. — Laplace. 

From our survey of the Invertebrates it is obvious that the 
highly complicated and varied organization of animals renders 
it impossible to present a concise and adequate plan of a typical 
animal body. It is therefore necessary in the present work to 
select one group of animals as the basis of study and then to com- 
pare with this, in so far as comparisons are possible without con- 
fusion, a few of the most significant morphological and physio- 
logical variations presented by other groups. We naturally select 
the group of Vertebrates for chief consideration not only because 
its relative homogeneity renders it the most available, but because 
it includes Man. However, even before we focus attention on the 
Vertebrates, it is necessary to bring into clear relief certain struc- 
tural principles that we have seen exhibited among the Inverte- 
brates — selecting as types the Hydra, Earthworm, and Cray- 
fish — in order to afford a background for the consideration of 
Vertebrate structure and function. 

A. Hypra 

In discussing the development of animals, it was pointed out 
that the dividing egg typically forms first a blastula which, in 
turn, becomes transformed into the gastrula stage. The gastrula 
is essentially a sac composed of two layers of cells: an outer, or 
ectoderm, and an inner, or endoderm, layer. Although no adult 
animals retain this simple gastrula form, those composing the 
group known as the Coelenterates are to all intents and purposes 
permanent gastrulae since their bodies are built on the plan of a 
two-layered sac. This is well exhibited in Hydra, the almost micro- 
scopic, fresh-water polyp which is commonly found attached to 
submerged vegetation or stones in brooks and ponds. (Fig. 31.) 

The body of Hydra somewhat resembles a long narrow sac, the 
base constituting the foot, and the opening at the opposite end 



forming the mouth. Surrounding the mouth is a circle of outpocket- 
ings of the body wall, termed tentacles. The main axis of the body 
extends from foot to mouth, and every plane passing through this 
axis divides the body into symmetrical halves. In other words, the 
parts of the body are symmetrically disposed about, or radiate 
from the main axis, and so Hydra affords an example of RADIAL 
SYMMETRY. (Figs. 38, 57, 155.) 

The body wall of Hydra is composed of two distinct cell layers, 
ectoderm and endoderm, separated by a thin non-cellular support- 



ei Enteric cavity 


Older bud -Se ck 


Py shNaD 

wien lela ores Ovary 


ie cs 
‘Wy; f a 
Fic. 57. — Hydra. A, two specimens with buds, one contracted; B, dia- 
grammatic longitudinal section. (From Newman, after Pfurtscheller, and 


ing layer of jelly-like material (WESOGLOEA) secreted by the cells 
of both ectoderm and endoderm. Hydra thus illustrates a simple 
type of Metazoan structure in which but two primary tissues 
exist; such specializations as are necessary for the performance of 
the essential life functions being confined to the various cells that 
compose these layers. The majority of the cells of the endoderm 
which line the ENTERON, enclosing the ENTERIC CAVITY, are con- 
cerned with the digestion of solid food taken in through the mouth, 


while those of the ectoderm are variously modified for protection, 
and the other relations of the individual to its surroundings, as 
well as for reproduction. 

In short, in the organization of Hydra the primary tissues (ecto- 
derm and endoderm) have not become differentiated into secondary 

v Ectoderm 


Enteric cavity 



Las bs 
& : 

} a4 
\ oX(\ 
Ss rite bs, 

es A j . eo: , 0) 
i} A i> 

Fic. 58. — Hydra. Transverse section highly magnified. 

“i { 

g s 



specialized tissues (muscular tissue, nerve tissue, etc.) for one 
function or another — the simple life processes of the animal are 
adequately provided for by the specialization of isolated cells or 
small cell groups within ectoderm and endoderm. (Fig. 58.) 


The bodies of all animals above the Coelenterates are built of 
three primary layers, which, as development of the individual 
proceeds, give rise to the secondary tissues and thereby form a 
relatively complex body. This third primary layer (tissue), the 
MESODERM, typically is developed, as we have described earlier, 
from the endoderm and comes to occupy the position held by the 
mesogloea of Hydra; that is, between the ectoderm and the endo- 

The development of the mesoderm is the key to the advance in 
body organization of higher animals, because it makes possible 
a radical change in plan that involves the establishment of a body 


cavity, or COELOM, in which are disposed many of the chief organs. 
Accordingly the Coelenterates, with an enteron but no coelom, 
are referred to as ACOELOMATES, and the animals above the Coelen- 
terates, since they possess the coelom, are known as the CoELo- 
MATES. The difference in structure can best be made clear by 
comparing the body plan of a higher Invertebrate, such as the 
common Earthworm, with that of Hydra. (Fig. 313.) 

1. Body Plan 

Whereas the Hydra body is essentially a sac composed of two 
layers of cells surrounding the enteric cavity, the body of the 
Earthworm is built on the plan of a tube within a tube — the 


Dorsal blood vessel 

Mouth Ventral Ovary | Sub-intestinal 
ganglia  Qviduet blood vessel Nephridia 

Fic. 59. — Diagrams of the body plan of the Earthworm. A and C, Jongitu- 
dinal sections; B, transverse section. (From Sedgwick and Wilson.) 

outer tube forming the body wall, and the inner, the wall of the 
digestive tract, or alimentary canal. The walls of these tubes 
merge into each other at both ends, and thus together they enclose 
a space, the coelom. Or, to state it another way: the outer tube, 
or body wall, surrounds a space, the coelom, in which is suspended 
a second tube, the alimentary canal, which opens to the exterior 
at either end forming the mouth and anus. (Figs. 59, 60.) 

The coelom of the Earthworm is divided by a large number of 
transverse partitions, called septa, which extend from the inner 
surface of the body wall to the outer surface of the alimentary 
canal. The result is that the worm’s body cavity is not a continuous 


Cerebral ganglion: brain Cavity of pharynx 

Subesophageal ganglion 
Wall of pharynx 

Body wall of fifth segment Retractor muscle of pharynx 

Beginning of esophagus 
Ventral blood vessel tree 

——Seventh segment 
Subneural blood vessel 

Internal opening 
of a nephridium 

End of nephridium 

opening to exterior 

First aortic loop 


Lateral blood vessel 
Seminal receptacles 

Basal part of Ss 
seminal vesicles —— 

Calciferous gland 

207 (/ 

Fifth aortic loop 
Parietal blood vessel 

Ovary Dorsal blood vessel 

Oviduct Posterior seminal vesicle 

- Posterior end of esophagus 

Ventral] nerve cord 


Beginning of intestine 

Fic. 60.— Earthworm. Diagram of a dissection, lateral view. (Modified, 
after Linville and Kelly.) 


space running from one end of the animal to the other, but con- 
sists of a linear series of chambers through the center of which 
runs the alimentary canal. The limits of these chambers are in- 
dicated on the outside of the worm by a series of grooves which 
encircle the body wall. In short, the body is made up of a series 
of essentially similar units known as SEGMENTs, and thus affords 
a simple example of SEGMENTATION, which is a characteristic ex- 
pressed in varying degrees in nearly all the higher animals. 

Many of the chief organs of the Earthworm are developed as 
outgrowths from the walls enclosing the coelom, so that it is in 

Dorsal blood vessel Longitudinal muscle 

Circular muscle 

Typhlosole PSS 


Chloragogen cells Ce ety 






a) \; 

Coelom = i = aN 14 Menhendi 
Ventral vessel , OIG a WV ARE bis ain 

YA \ fr THU MAUUNY NON WiiviinninssSesE ETE > ' 
ee ute i neraran Nephrostome 

Setae aa 

Nerve cord Subneural vessel 

Fic. 61. — Transverse section through the middle region of the body of 
an Earthworm. 

this cavity that we find, for example, the main organs devoted to 
circulation, excretion, codrdination, and reproduction. Moreover, 
the organs are symmetrically arranged with respect to the long 
axis of the body which passes from mouth to anus. For instance, 
the chief blood vessels and the nerve cord lie in the long axis 
and extend from end to end, while the excretory and reproductive 
organs are disposed in pairs on either side of this axis. Thus 
there may be passed through the main axis a single plane which 
divides the body into symmetrical halves, each of which is a * mirror 
image’ of the other. The main axis, therefore, extends from the 
mouth (anterior end) to the anus (posterior end), and the plane 


which divides the body into right and left sides passes through the 
upper (dorsal) and lower (ventral) side: the body exhibits BILAT- 
ERAL SYMMETRY which is characteristic of higher animals. (Fig. 61.) 

2. Tissues and Organs 

Bilateral symmetry practically implies the existence of definitive 
parts of the body, or organs and organ systems, and these we find 
highly developed in the Earthworm. Again, the presence of organs 
demands a much greater differentiation of tissues than occurs in 
Hydra where local modifications of ectoderm and endoderm serve 
the purposes of its relatively simple organization. Accordingly in 
the Earthworm and in all higher forms the mesoderm is added to 
the two primary cell layers, and from these three there is developed 
a great variety of special tissues: epithelial, supporting, muscular, 
circulating, nervous, and germinal. Finally, the codperation of 
tissues to form organs demands the further codperation of organs 
to form organ systems, each of which plays its part in the economy 
of the whole organism. (Figs. 32, 34.) 

Thus it is clear that the body plan of the Earthworm and all 
higher forms is radically different from that of Hydra, exhibiting 
as it does such essential new features as mesoderm, coelom, bilateral 
symmetry, segmentation, specialized tissues, definitive organs, and 
complex organ systems. The persistence and development of this 
basic plan from Earthworm to Man is interpreted by biologists as 
evidence of evolution. 


Bearing in mind the general plan of the body of the Earthworm, 
we must next consider briefly the main principle underlying the 

Intestine Dorsal blood 

live Cerebral ganglion vessel _~Chitinous exoskeleton 
Antenna 7 eet eer = 
appendages : | _ — = 
Subesophageal Ventral nerve Jointed 
ganglion cord ganglion appendages 

Fic. 62. — Diagrammatic representation of the structure of an ideal primi- 
tive Arthropod in which very little specialization of the segments has occurred. 
(From Schmeil.) 
changes in this plan which give rise to many of the diverse forms 
among the higher animals. 






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Fic. 63. — Crayfish, Cambarus affinis. Dissection, lateral view- 



2 3 Protopodite 



ee Endopodite 
Mx, 1 a 

Mp. 1 

Epipodite ~ 


Protopodite,.. a ° 


Epipodite » 


The body of a primitive Ar- 
thropod differs from that of the 
Earthworm chiefly in the reduc- 
tion of the number of segments 
and the development of paired 
jointed appendages as outgrowths 
from the body in each segment. 
From such a primitive type all 
the multitude of diverse forms of 
Arthropod bodies can be derived. 
For instance, in the Crayfish, 
which is essentially a fresh-water 
Lobster, the body consists of 
twenty-one segments, of which 
segments 1 to 6 together form 
the HEAD; segments 7 to 14, the 
THORAX; and segments 15 to 21, 
the ABDOMEN. In other words, 
by the union or complete fusion 
of certain segments, the body has 
become divided into more or less 
distinct regions. (Figs. 62, 63.) 

Furthermore, the primitive lo- 
comotor appendages of the re- 
spective segments have become 
modified into organs for widely 
different functions: those of the 
head, as sensory organs, jaws, 
etc.; those of the thorax, as organs 
for grasping, offense and defense, 
and walking; and those of the 
abdomen for swimming, etc. Thus 
change in structure has gone on 

Fic. 64. — Typical appendages of a 
Crayfish. All have been derived from a 
simple biramous appendage. Protopo- 
dite, endopodite, and exopodite are ho- 
mologous throughout the series. A. 1, 

antennule; A2, antenna; L. 4, fourth walking leg; M., mandible; Mp. 1, first 
maxilliped; Mp. 2, second maxilliped; Mp. 3, third mazxilliped: Mx. 1, first 

maxilla; Mx. 2, second maxilla. 

(From Hegner, after Kerr.) 


hand in hand with change in function, so that although there is no 
obvious resemblance between the jaws of the Crayfish and the legs 
employed for swimming, nevertheless a study of their develop- 
ment shows beyond doubt that they owe their origin to modifica- 
tions of one primary type. Accordingly the various appendages 
are said to be HOMOLOGOUS, signifying a fundamental similarity 
of structure based on descent from a common antecedent form. 
(Figs. 64, 65.) 

On the other hand, organs of fundamentally dissimilar structure, 
which nevertheless perform the same function, are called ANALO- 

Dorsal abdominal artery Abdominal muscles 


Tergum Ventral 
a4 nerve cord 
Muscles of 
Pleura appendage 
Endopodite WF 
Exopodite i\ WASH Ventral abdominal artery 

Fic. 65. — Crayfish. Transverse section of fifth abdominal segment. 

cous. In Insects the series of head appendages and the legs are 
homologous with those of the primitive Arthropod type, while the 
wings are new, unrelated structures and not modifications of the 
primitive serial appendages of the ancestral form. However, as 
we shall see later, the wing of a Bird and the arm of Man are 
homologous, while the wing of an Insect and the wing of a Bird 
are analogous structures. One of the chief tasks of the branch of 
biology known as COMPARATIVE ANATOMY is to determine the 
various parts of animals which are homologous, and to study the 
adaptive changes which are associated with change of function. 
(Fig. 227.) 


We have considered the principle of specialization and fusion of 
the segments of the higher Arthropods in so far as it affects external 
structures, but profound modifications of the internal organs also 
occur. In the first place, the partitions between the various seg- 
ments which are present in the Earthworm have disappeared in the 
Crayfish. Again, the alimentary canal of the Earthworm is a 
nearly straight tube extending through the body, with relatively 
slight modifications in certain segments for the elaboration of the 
food material as it passes along from 
mouth to anus; while in the Crayfish 
we see the accentuation of such modi- 
fied regions, and the development of 
large outpocketings, or glands, which 
are specialized for the formation of 
chemical substances to DIGEST the food 
material. That is, to change the food 
into a soluble form so that it can pass 
through the cellular membrane which 
lines the digestive tract and thus ac- 
tually pass to the circulatory system 
for distribution to the tissues of the 

As a final illustration we may take 
the nervous system. In the Earthworm 

Fic. 66. — Diagram of the 
anterior portion of the central 

nervous system of an Earth- 
worm (A) and a Crayfish (B). 
a, brain (cerebral, or supra- 
esophageal, ganglion); b, nerve 
commissures, encircling the 
pharynx (shown in section); 
c, subesophageal ganglion; d, 
ganglia of the ventral nerve 
cord, with nerves emerging. 

this consists of a NERVE CORD which 
runs along the body in the mid-ven- 
tral line below the digestive tract. At 
the anterior end, it divides into two 
branches which encircle the digestive 
tract and unite above in a relatively 
large body of nervous tissue which 

constitutes the cerebral ganglion, or BRAIN. In each segment 
the nerve cord also is somewhat enlarged to form masses of 
nerve tissue (GANGLIA) from which NERVES pass to the organs 
in the vicinity. The nervous system of the Crayfish exhibits the 
same general plan as that of the Earthworm, but certain modifica- 
tions have been brought about by the uniting of segments in the 
region of the head and thorax. This process has resulted in the 
fusion of the segmental ganglia in this region into larger ganglionic 
masses. The brain of the Crayfish, for example, comprises the 


primitive ganglia of the segments which have united to form the 
head. (Fig. 66.) 

We have now reviewed and emphasized the body plan of Hydra, 
Earthworm, and Crayfish as representative Invertebrate types 
that illustrate several of the fundamental structural principles 
which are to be found in the Vertebrate body. But it will be re- 
called that certain other Invertebrates exhibit body plans that 
superficially at least depart very widely from the types described, 
although it is believed that these forms do not break the general 
evolutionary continuity of the Animal Kingdom. 

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The wise man wonders at the usual. — Emerson. 

Now that we have viewed the important phyla of the lower 
animals, it remains to survey the highest and concluding phylum 
of the Animal World, technically known as the CHorpbaATa, which 
for all practical purposes is synonymous with the VERTEBRATA. 
The only Chordates that are not Vertebrates, or BACKBONED 
animals, are a few lowly creatures apparently having Invertebrate 
and certainly Vertebrate affinities; the latter chiefly evidenced by 
the presence of a NOTOCHORD which is the forerunner of the back- 
bone, a dorsal NERVE TUBE, and GILL SLITs for respiration. Among 
these primitive Chordates the most interesting is Amphioxus be- 
cause it is most closely related to the Vertebrates. (Fig. 67.) 

It will suffice for us, then, to proceed directly to the true Ver- 
tebrates, and since emphasis is later to be placed on the anatomy 
and physiology of the Vertebrate body because Man is a Verte- 
brate, our immediate attention can be largely confined to their 

The Vertebrates include all the larger and more familiar animals 
— Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals — so that 
in the popular mind the words animal and Vertebrate are essen- 
tially synonymous. A Fish, as everyone knows, is an aquatic back- 
boned animal which breathes by means of gills and moves by fins. 
An Amphibian, such as a Frog, may, in a general way, be thought 
of as a Fish which early in life — at the end of the tadpole stage — 
discards its gills, develops lungs, substitutes five-toed limbs for 
fins, and takes up a terrestrial existence. Similarly, a Reptile, say 
a Lizard, may be pictured as an Amphibian which has relegated, 
as it were, the tadpole stage to the egg, and therefore emerges 
with limbs and lungs. Birds and Mammals may be regarded as 
separate derivatives of the reptilian stock which have transformed 
the scales of the Reptile into feathers and hair respectively, and 
have developed a special care for their young: the Birds by incu- 
bation of the eggs and the Mammals by retention of the young 



essentially as parasites within the body of the female until birth 
occurs. (See: Appendix I.) 

It will be appreciated, of course, that other important charac- 
teristics — many of which will be apparent as we proceed — 
delineate these chief Vertebrate groups; but, in fact, the Verte- 
brates as a whole are remarkably homogeneous both structurally 
and functionally, the most obvious external differences to the 
contrary. Some of the outstanding characters typical of Vertebrates, 
in addition to the unique notochord, living endoskeleton, dorsal 
nerve tube (spinal cord), and gill slits, are bilateral symmetry, 
traces of segmentation, coelom, red blood corpuscles, brain encased 
in a skull, paired appendages (fins or limbs), and a tail. (Fig. 94.) 

Vertebrates are fhe modern animals: the “athletes of the Animal 
Kingdom.” ‘They have parcelled out, as it were, the available 
environment amongst themselves. The Fishes dominate the waters, 
the Birds, the air, and the Mammals, the land. To be sure, the 
Amphibians waver between water and land, and the Reptiles are 
chiefly terrestrial; but both are minor groups to-day: the suprem- 
acy of the Reptiles passed to the Mammals in the geological yes- 
terday. Man is a Mammal. 


Living as they do in an aquatic environment, Fishes find at 
least two problems of large-bodied, active, terrestrial animals con- 
siderably simplified. In the first place, the density of water makes 
less necessary either supports to raise the body or sturdy muscles 
to move them. Thus the paired appendages, FrNns, and the tail of 
Fishes are adapted solely for propulsion and steering. In the 
second place, although an efficient respiratory apparatus is re- 
quired, no special provision is needed to maintain the respiratory 
membranes moist. The water merely passes into the mouth, over 
the gills, and then cut through the gill slits. (Fig. 117.) 

Fishes are cold-blooded since they possess no mechanism to 
maintain a constant body temperature — a character they share 
with the Amphibians and Reptiles. Most species are ovIPAROUS — 
the eggs are shed; but some, such as the well-known Guppy, are 
VIVIPAROUS — the eggs develop within the mother’s body and the 
young are born. 

If we neglect the primitive fish-like creatures devoid of true jaws 
and paired fins, known as CycxLosromes, and the peculiar 


LuNG-FISHES to be mentioned later, the Fishes fall into two main 
groups: the Sharks and Rays with an internal skeleton of gristle, 

after Dean.) 

skeleton is largely replaced by one of BonE. The latter group com- 
prises the dominant Fish population of the Earth to-day, repre- 
sented, for example, by the Mackerel and Perch, Goldfish and 
Guppy, and a Goby less than one-third of an inch long — the 
smallest known Vertebrate. (Figs. 68, 75.) 

1. Sharks and Rays 

The most primitive of the true Fishes are the Sharks and Rays, 
or ELASMOBRANCHS: a small remnant of a once dominant group 

Fic. 69. —Sharks. A, Frilled Shark, Chlameidoselachus anguineus; B, Thresher 
Shark, Alopecias vulpes; C, Angel Shark, Rhina squatina. (From Newman.) 

of Vertebrates. They differ from higher Fishes chiefly by a car- 
tilaginous skeleton, by gills communicating directly with the 


body surface by several gill slits, and by a skin roughened by 
small tooth-like projections. 

Sharks are confined to marine waters and are most abundant 
in the tropics. The most common species off our coasts are the 

(uy Waa 

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“nd Me 
Ly \S\wr 
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Fic. 70. — A, Sting Ray, Stoasodon narinari; B, Eagle Ray, Myliobatis 
aquila. (From Newman, after Jordan and Evermann, and Bridges.) 

small Dogfish Sharks, notorious pests to fishermen but favorites 

for dissection in zo6logical laboratories. (Figs. 69, 120.) 
Whereas the Sharks have the typical stream-line body of swift 

swimmers, the Rays, or Skates, are bottom-dwellers, and have a 


Fic. 71. — Mackerel, Scomber scombrus. 

greatly flattened body with eyes on the dorsal, and mouth and 
gill slits on the ventral surface. The most famous of the Rays are 
the Torpedoes, so-called because they are able to give a severe 
electric shock. (Fig. 70.) 


2. Bony Fishes 

All of the fresh-water Fishes, as well as the great majority of 
those dwelling in the sea — indeed, what we usually think of as 
Fishes — typically have a skeleton of 
bone, and a body-covering of scales. 
They are Bony Fishes, or TELEosTs. 
True, the more primitive forms have 
partially cartilaginous skeletons, and , 
bony plates instead of scales, as rep- 
resented by the Garpikes and Stur- 
geons, but they are exceptions form- 
ing less than five per cent of the 
group. All Teleosts have the external 
openings of the gill slits covered by a 
protecting flap, or OPERCULUM, so that 
water bathing the gills leaves the body 
by a single opening at the posterior 
edge of the operculum on either side of 
the head. (Figs. 71, 100, 106.) 

Modifications of the typical fish-like 
form of swift-swimming Fishes that Mie (2. ee nO ete 

pocampus antiquorum. Male 
have been assumed by various species showing brood pouch formed 
in adaptation to different habitats and ftom combined pelvic fins. 
: : : (From Doflein.) 

modes of life are legion. One imme- 
diately thinks of the snake-like body of the Eels, the grotesque 
form of the Sea-horses, and the compressed body of the Flat- 
fishes, such as the Flounders and Halibuts. But Flat-fishes are 
ee hatched with typical fish 
K GG AN form; and it is only as 
Ses ° the animals settle down 
on one side that the ‘un- 
der’ eye moves up and 
Ns oS over so both are on top. 
4) YT Even the bizarre form ex- 
Bid. ea latch. hibited by the Filying- 
fishes that jump and sail 
above the water is exceeded by the denizens of the ocean’s deepest 
reaches, where sunlight never penetrates, no plant life grows, 
the pressure is tremendous, and the temperature is only slightly 


above the freezing point. In such surroundings some possess 
luminous organs, some have immense eyes to make the most 
of little light, some are blind and so depend upon tactile organs, 
some have an immense mouth and an enormous stomach capa- 

Fic. 74. — A, a Flying-fish; B, a deep-sea Fish. (From Gunther and Lull.) 

ble of digesting a fish nearly their own size, and so on and on — 
adaptations seemingly endless — a Fish for every condition of life 
in water. (Figs. 72-74.) 

3. Lung-fishes 

Finally, mention must be made of a group that flourished in 
the geological past but is represented to-day by only five fresh- 
water species. They are known as Lung-fishes, or DIPNOANS, 

a one ee as Wemricc: - 
\ er 

ee ae ha 


Fic. 75. — African Lung-fish, Profopterus annectens. (From Dean.) 

because an AIR SAC, which in most other Fishes acts as a hydrostatic 
organ, here opens into the pharynx and functions as a LUNG when 
sufficient water is lacking during a drought. Lung-fishes have been 
regarded as intermediate between Fishes and Amphibians, but 
they have many structures that are similar to those of the lower 
Fishes. They are an interesting and puzzling remnant. (Fig. 75.) 


So much for the Fishes — a group that is of such great economic 
importance that the governments of progressive countries spend 
vast sums for their study, protection, and propagation. The im- 
portant food and game Fishes are almost without exception repre- 
sentatives of the higher Bony Fishes — relatively modern forms 
that did not exist during the Age of Fishes, when Fishes were the 
only Vertebrates, but appeared later during the Age of Reptiles. 
(Fig. 232.) 


The members of the class AMpPHIBIA, commonly represented 
by the Frogs and Salamanders, made a great forward step in Verte- 
brate evolution by adopting —if somewhat falteringly — the 
land-habit. This opened up to them a vast environment closed to 
Fishes and demanded lungs and supporting limbs. The limbs 
apparently were derived from the paired fins of Fishes and 
built on the plan that persists in all the higher Vertebrates. 
(Figs. 102, 103.) 

True, most Amphibians are cold-blooded, slimy-skinned animals 
that spend the early part of their life with fins, tail, and gills and 
only substitute, or add, limbs and lungs when finally they emerge 
on dry land. But they do make the change, and during this meta- 
morphosis from the larval to the adult form they apparently re- 
capitulate broadly their evolutionary history. 

Nearly all Amphibians return to water to breed, and many 
spend the cold months in a dormant condition buried in mud at 
the bottom of ponds and streams. During this HIBERNATION period 
the metabolic processes are greatly reduced, and the temperature 
is little above the surroundings. However, Frogs cannot survive 
being actually frozen although they may remain alive when em- 
bedded in a solid block of ice. 

Those Amphibians that retain the tail throughout adult life 
constitute the order CaupaTa, and those deprived of this struc- 
ture during metamorphosis, the order SALIENTIA. 

1. Salamanders and Newts 

The tailed Amphibians, or Caudata, such as the Salamanders 
and Newts, though hatched as aquatic larvae, known as TADPOLES, 
undergo a relatively inconspicuous metamorphosis that varies 
considerably in different species. Thus some retain their gills 


throughout life, though functional lungs are developed; others 
resorb the gills but retain the gill slits; and still others lose all 
traces of both gills and gill slits. In fact, some even go to the ex- 
treme and lose their lungs, thus depending solely upon the moist 
skin to act as a respir- 
atory membrane. Obvi- 
ously the lung-breathing 
method is not consistently 

Common tailed Am- 
phibians are Necturus (the 
‘Mud-puppies’), Cry p- 
tobranchus (the ‘Hell- 

? benders’), Amblystoma 

Fic. 76. — A, Amblystoma, Amblystoma (the Blunt-nosed and 
tigrinum; B, Necturus, Necturus maculosus. ~.. 

(From Noble.) Tiger Salamanders), and 

Triturus (the Newts). 
Several species of Amblystoma have recently proved a boon to 
biologists interested in fundamental problems of growth, vieing in 
this field with the lowly Flatworms, such as Planaria. From 
tadpole to adult they possess remarkable powers of REGENERATION: 
they repair minor and major 
mutilations, restoring excised 
eyes and amputated limbs 
and cven appropriating the 
limbs of other species that 
are grafted. Ingenious experi- 
ments have given an entirely 
new conception of the marvel- 

lous plasticity possessed by at ta 
Fic. 77.—A Newt, Triturus cristata. 

least some of the Oe Verte- A, female; B, male during the breeding 
brates. (Figs. 76, 77.) season. (From Gadow.) 

2. Toads and Frogs 

The majority of Amphibians, some nine hundred species of the 
order Salientia, are Toads and Frogs with a relatively clear-cut 
metamorphosis from tadpole to limbed, lung-breathing, tailless 
adult. The common Toads, such as Bufo americanus, hop about 
chiefly after dusk devouring Worms, Snails, and Insects and so 
render a considerable service. In fact, someone has estimated that 

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the gardener owes a Toad on his premises nearly twenty dollars 
at the end of the season. Moreover, the Toad is much maligned 
by having attributed to it the power to produce warts on the 
human skin. 

Tree Frogs and Tree Toads are tiny arboreal forms with soft, 
adhesive pads on the toe tips. Many of them, such as the common 

Fic. 78.— A, Toad, Bufo americanus, stalking prey; B, Leopard Frog, 
Rana pipiens; C, Javan Flying Frog, Rhacophorus pardalis; D, Tree Frog, 
Hyla versicolor. (From Newman, after Dickerson and Lydekker.) 

Tree Frog, Hyla versicolor, are able to change their color through 
various shades of gray, brown, and green, and so are rendered 
inconspicuous in their natural surroundings. (Fig. 78.) 

The true Frogs are represented by several well-known species 
in the United States: among them the Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens), 
the Bull Frog (Rana catesbeiana), and the Green Frog (Rana clami- 
tans). More need not be said about Frogs at this point because 
they will be referred to again. As a matter of fact they are in 
many ways ideal subjects for anatomical and physiological in- 
vestigations and therefore have contributed considerably to the 
advancement of biological science. (Figs. 107, 175.) 



Apparently descended from primitive Amphibians, the Reptiles 
met new and more favorable land conditions with progressive 
structural and physiological features: for example, they skipped 
metamorphosis and so started out from the egg with functional 
lungs and on four feet. So the Reptiles very soon, geologically 
speaking, became the dominant Vertebrates on the Earth, flourish- 
ing both in number of individuals and variety of species adapted 

Fic. 79. — Reptiles of the past. A, a Dinosaur, Branchiosaurus (length 
about 80 feet); B, a Pterodactyl, Rhamphorhynchus. (From Lull.) 

to all sorts of land and swamp conditions, and even, secondarily, 
to aquatic and aérial life. Probably the best known representa- 
tives of the extinct population of the Age of Reptiles are some of 
the giant Dinosaurs. (Figs. 79, 232.) 

Although the supremacy of the Reptiles eventually passed to 
the Mammals, there are still some five thousand species living 
to-day. These are arranged in three chief orders: the TESTUDINATA, 
CROCODILIA, and SQUAMATA, represented by the Turtles and 
Tortoises, the Crocodiles and Alligators, and the Lizards and 
Snakes, respectively. 

1. Turtles and Tortoises 

Typically encased in a shell composed of bony plates firmly 
fixed to the backbone and to the ribs, the Turtles and Tortoises 


— some land-dwellers, others aquatic — depend upon this rather 
than speed for protection. In fact a few, like the Box Tortoise, 
can completely seal themselves up, as it were, between the dorsal 
CARAPACE and the ventral pLAsTRON. The tortoise-shell of com- 
merce is the horny outer layer of the carapace of the Hawk’s 

Fic. 80. — Turtles. A, Box Tortoise enclosed within carapace and plastron; 
B, Tortoise-shell Tortoise, Eretmochelys imbricata; C, Snapping Turtle, 
Chelydra serpentina; D, Mud Turtle, Cinosternum pennsylvanicum. (A from 
Bamford; B, C, D from Newman, after Lydekker.) 

bili, or Tortoise-shell, Turtle. Probably the protective shell also, 
in part, accounts for the fact that the jaws of Turtles and Tor- 
toises are toothless. Neverthless, many can inflict severe wounds 
— witness the beaked jaws of the Snapping Turtle. (Fig. 80.) 

2. Crocodiles and Alligators 

Predatory inhabitants of tropical rivers, Crocodiles and Alli- 
gators are lizard-like in form with long, gaping jaws well armed 
with teeth, and with a thick, leathery skin covered with horny 
scales. Alligator skin has long been popular for the manufacture 
of leather goods. 

3. Lizards and Snakes 

The Lizards form a highly diversified group, typically with 
scaly skin and well-developed limbs and long tail. Representative 
Lizards are the common Iguana, the Gila-monster, and the Horned- 



Fic. 81. — Chameleon, Chamaeleon vulgaris. (From Gadow.) 

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Fic. 82. — Lizards. A, Horned-toad, Phrynosoma cornutum; B, European 
Lizard, Lacerta viridis; C, Flying Dragon, Draco volans; D, Iguana, Iguana 
tuberculata. (From Newman, after Gadow and Lydekker.) 


‘toad.’ Closely related to the true Lizards are the Chameleons, 
famous for their ability to change color rapidly in response to 
their surroundings. (Figs. 81, 82.) 

Snakes are essentially limbless Lizards in which even the in- 
ternal supporting structures of the fore limbs have disappeared. 
Most species of Snakes, in common with the great majority of 
Vertebrates except the Mammals, are oviparous (egg-laying), 
but a few are viviPAROUS (bring forth ‘living’ young). And it is 
hardly necessary to say that a few have poison glands associated 
with special teeth, or fangs. The Rattlesnakes, Copperheads, 

(From Newman, after Lydekker.) 

Water-moccasins, and Cobras are among the most notorious 
in this respect. However, many species crush their prey as do 
the Boa-constrictors, Pythons, and Kingsnakes. (Figs. 83, 230, 

D. Brirps 

The Birds, constituting the class AvEs, are the warm-blooded 
(HOMOTHERMAL) animals that have made the air their own by the 
development of fore limbs into wings, scales into an insulating 
blanket of feathers, and other bodily adaptations. And not the 
least of their progress is probably due to instinctive care of their 
eges and young. That Birds are an offshoot from the Reptilian 
stock, probably the Dinosaurs, is attested by the fossil remains 
of a Bird, known as Archaeopteryx, with characteristic feathers 
but lizard-like tail and teeth. (Figs. 232, 233.) 

The Birds to-day form a remarkably homogeneous group, prob- 
ably due to restrictions imposed by the mechanical problems in- 


volved in flight. Sustained exercise in the air necessitates an 
exceptionally efficient heart to rush supplies to the various parts 
of the body, and codperating lungs that communicate with a 
system of air spaces among the viscera and in the hollow bones. 
Withal, the plumage not only provides an efficient heat-retaining 
coat but the feathers of wings and tail also are well adapted for 
propulsion and steering. Minimum weight with maximum strength 
characterizes these living heavier- 
than-air flying machines. 

Birds usually are arranged in 
two very unequal divisions, the 
includes a few species without a 
keel-like breast-bone to support 
strong wing muscles, as_ illus- 
trated by the flightless Apteryx 
and Ostriches; and the second divi- 

\ Wi 

Fic. 84. — A, Kiwi, Apteryr australis; B, Ostrich, Struthio camelus. 
(From Newman, after Evans.) 

sion comprises those with the ‘keel’ which is all the rest of the 
bird population — about twenty thousand species. These are dif- 
ferentiated by relatively minor anatomical variations, particularly 
in regard to wings, feet, and horny beaks ensheathing tooth- 
less jaws, in adaptation to various habitats and ways of life. 
(Figs. 84-86.) 

A consideration of the classification of the Carinatae would 
carry us too far into details, but oRNrTHOLOGY is of very high 
interest and greatest economic value. Birds contribute in large 
measure, both directly and indirectly, to the human food 
supply: directly as domestic and game birds, and indirectly be- 
cause they make successful agriculture possible by eating almost 


Fic. 85. — Representative adaptations of the beaks and feet of Birds. 
a, Flamingo; b, Spoonbill; c, Bunting; d, Thrush; e, Falcon; f, Duck; g, Pelican; 
h, Ostrich (running); j, Duck (swimming); k, Avocet (wading); /, Grebe 
(diving); m, Coot (wading); n, Tropic Bird (swimming); 0, Stork (wading); 
p, Kingfisher (grasping). (From Hegner, after several authors.) 


inconceivable numbers of destructive Insects and weed seeds. 
(Figs. 236, 239, 266.) 

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Fic. 86.— Carinate Birds. A, Penguin, Eudyptes chrysocoma; B, Stork, 
Ciconia alba; C, Hummingbird, Eulampis jugularis; D, Woodcock, Scolopar 
rusticula; E, Parrot, Psittacus erithacus. (From Newman, after Lydekker 
and Evans.) 


With the class MAMMALIA we reach the highest forms of life 
on the Earth, culminating in Man, so here naturally our interest 
is chiefly focussed. But since considerable attention is to be given 
a little later to their anatomy and physiology with special reference 
to the human body, only the essential Mammalian characters and 
classification are now in point. 

In brief, Mammals are warm-blooded, lung-breathing, hairy 
Vertebrates. The young of all but the very lowest Mammals 
develop before birth at the expense of food derived from the 
mother’s blood. All immediately after birth receive milk from 
special MAMMARY GLANDS. Mammals are classified under three 
main subdivisions: Monotremes, Marsupials, and Placentals. 


1. Monotremes 

The primitive egg-laying Mammals living to-day, known as 
MoNOTREMES, quite evidently point to a Reptilian ancestry for 
the class. Although they are oviparous, the young when hatched 

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Fic. 87. — Monotremes. A, Duckbill, Ornithorhynchus anatinus; B, Echidna, 
Echidna aculeata. (From Newman.) 

are nourished by milk. There are only three species, each about 
the size of a Rabbit: the Duckbill (Ornithorhynchus) and the 
Spiny Anteaters (Praechidna and Echidna) found in Australia, 
Tasmania, and New Guinea. (Fig. 87.) 

2. Marsupials 

The pouched Mammals, or MArsuPIA.s, occur chiefly in Aus- 
tralia and neighboring islands where they are the characteristic 

; Y 
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laby, Petrogale ranthopus; C, Koala, Phascolarctos cinereus. B and C carrying 
young. (From Newman, after Vogt and Specht, and Brehm.) 

Mammalian fauna: a primitive one that has flourished there 
isolated from keen competition, but is now rapidly dying out since 
Man has imported the higher Mammals. The Kangaroos and 


Wallabies are the best known examples of the Australian Mar- 
supials, and the Virginia Opossum is one of the few scattered 
survivors in America of a group once widely distributed over the 
Earth. (Fig. 88.) 

The method of reproduction of the Marsupials is unique. The 
eggs hatch, as it were, within the mother’s body where development 
proceeds for a short time, nourishment being provided through 
an atypical or very simple placenta. Then the young are born in an 
exceedingly immature condition and make their way to a pouch on 
the abdomen of the mother. Here they attach themselves to the 
teats of the mammary glands and are nourished by milk. Even 
after the young are well-developed the pouch serves as a refuge. 

3. Placentals 

The PLACENTALIA, or Eutheria, comprises all the rest of the 
Mammals from the lowly Insectivora, such as Gymnura and 
Hedgehog, to the Primates, including Man. All nourish their 
young before birth by means of a highly complex PLACENTA that 
makes possible the protracted development of the embryo under 


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Fic. 89. — An Edentate. Texas Nine-banded Armadillo, Dasypus novem- 
cinctus teranus. (From Newman.) 

ideal conditions for nutrition and prctection within the mother’s 
body: conditions necessary for the establishment of niceties of 
structure and function as exemplified, for instance, by a larger and 
better brain. Thus it is fair to say that the placenta and associated 
embryonic membranes are in no small degree responsible for the 
commanding position of the group in competition with other forms 
of life. (Fig. 134.) 

The adaptive radiation of Placentals to nearly all types of 
environments and modes of life — from Whales to Bats, and Moles 


to Men — is an expression of their success which elsewhere in the 
animal world is not reached even by the Insects. But it makes 
their classification a difficult problem. However, for our purpose 
the Placental Mammals may conveniently be grouped in four 
great LEGIONS, chiefly on the basis of the structure and function 
of their limbs and teeth. 

The first is the immense assemblage of clawed mammals, or 
UneuicunaTes. This is represented by the INSEcTIVoRA, or 

Fic. 90. — Sulfur-bottom Whale, Sibbaldus sulfurous, and African Elephant, 
Lozodonta africana, drawn to scale. (Modified, after Lull.) 

insect-eating mammals — such as Gymnura, the Hedgehogs, and 
Moles (Figs. 201, 205); the EDENTATEs, or toothless mammals — 
Sloths, Anteaters, and Armadillos (Figs. 89, 204); the CxHrrop- 
TERA, or flying mammals — the Bats (Figs. 207, 227); the Ro- 
DENTIA, or gnawing mammals — Squirrels, Rabbits, Guinea-pigs, 

Fic. 91. — Florida Manatee, Manatus americanus. 

Rats, Mice, Porcupines, and Beavers (Figs. 108, 187); and finally 
the Carnivora, or beasts of prey — Cats, Dogs, Bears, Seals, 
etc. (Fig. 104.) 

Another legion includes the completely aquatic CETACEANS — 
Whales, Porpoises, and Dolphins. (Figs. 90, 206, 227.) 

The hoofed mammals, or UNGuLATES, form a great legion of 
herbivorous animals: important subdivisions being the ARrTIo- 


DACTYLS, or even-toed Pigs, Hippopotami, Camels, Tapirs, Sheep, 
Deer, Giraffes, etc.; the PeErIssoDACTYLS, or odd-toed Horses, 
Tapirs, and Rhinoceroses; and the ProposciprAns, or Elephants. 
Closely related are the aquatic SIRENIANS, or Manatees. (Figs. 91, 
92, 227, 238.) i 

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Fic. 92. — Ungulates. A, Giraffe, Giraffa camelopardalis; B, American 
Tapir, Tapirus terrestris; C, African Rhinoceros, Rhinoceros bicornis. (From 
Newman, after Beddard and Lydekker.) 

The Primates form the concluding legion and include Lemurs, 
Monkeys and Apes, and Man. They are predominant chiefly by 
virtue of their mobile, grasping hands, and their intelligence. 
Quite appropriately Primates have been called “the inquisitive 
Mammals.” (Figs. 93, 228, 272-274.) 

So is completed our glance at the chief types — phyla — in the 
varied panorama of animal life from Protozodn to Mammal. 
Necessarily brief, it is adequate for our purpose if we are impressed 
with certain outstanding facts, not the least significant being the 
versatility and prodigality of life. Nature has tried, as it were, one 
experiment after another: some phyla have prospered and then 
waned; some have gone up blind alleys and stayed there; some 
have met the conditions of life to the full and have flourished: two 
in outstanding fashion — Arthropods and Vertebrates. Only some, 
then, and not all, have made a real contribution, but this has been 


tenaciously conserved and appears again and again in ‘higher’ 
phyla. So there is a trace of structural and physiological continuity 
woven in the picture of animal life that is interpreted as evidence 






a of. 

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Fic. 93. — Primates. A, Dwarf Lemur, Microcebus smithii; B, Spider 
Monkey, Afeles ater; C, Baboon, Papio leucophoeus; D, Gibbon, Hylobates 
lar. (From Newman, after Beddard and Lydekker.) 

of descent with change, or evolution. The appreciation of this unity 
in diversity will contribute toward the proper perspective for a 
more detailed consideration of the Vertebrate body and a pres- 
entation of certain general biological principles. 


If we contemplate the method of Nature, we see that everywhere 
vast results are brought about by accumulating minute actions. 
— Spencer. 

As we know from our survey of the Animal Kingdom, the 
Vertebrates form one of the most clearly defined divisions and in- 
clude all the larger and more familiar forms — Fishes, Amphib- 
ians, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals. There is, in fact, less 
diversity in structure among the Vertebrates as a whole than is 
present, for example, in the one subdivision of the Arthropods, 
the Crustacea, of which the Crayfish is a member. Accordingly 
we shall confine our attention largely to a description of the 
structure and physiology of an ‘ideal’ Vertebrate, and mention 
incidentally some of the chief modifications of general signifi- 
cance which appear in the different groups, and specifically in 

A. Bopy PLAN 

The ideal Vertebrate body is more or less cylindrical in form, 
and is bilaterally symmetrical with respect to a plane passed ver- 
tically through the main axis which extends from the anterior to 
the posterior end. Three regions of the body may be distinguished, 
HEAD, TRUNK, and TAIL. Frequently there is a narrow NECK be- 
tween the head and trunk. (Figs. 67, 94, 95.) 

The head forms the anterior end and contains the brain, eyes, 
ears, and nostrils, or ANTERIOR NARES, as well as the mouth and 
throat, or PHARYNX. On either side of the head, behind the mouth, 
is a series of openings, or GILL SLITS, leading into the pharynx 
which, however, in air-breathing Vertebrates disappear before the 
adult condition is attained. 

The trunk forms the body proper and contains the coelom, and 
the major part of the alimentary canal leading posteriorly to the 
exterior by the anus, as well as the chief circulatory, excretory, and 
reproductive organs. 



In most aquatic Vertebrates the trunk very gradually merges 
into a large muscular TAIL: the region posterior to the coelom and 
anus. Thus the Vertebrate tail is a unique structure — the tail 

Lung Spinal cord Mesonephros 


Oral cavity 


Internal gill slits 7 Urinary duct 
Genital duct 

Liver Bile duct ‘Spleen Urinary bladder 

Heart Stomach 

Fic. 94. — Body plan of an ideal Vertebrate. Longitudinal section of female. 

of Invertebrates terminating with a segment bearing the anus. In 
many terrestrial Vertebrates the tail has become practically an 
inconsequential unpaired appendage. 

The Vertebrate coelom comprises two chief parts — a large AB- 
DOMINAL chamber and a small anterior chamber. The latter con- 

Dorsal fin 
Neural arch Fin ray 

Spinal cord ah Dorsal muscles 
Centrum of wa) ee x Dorsal aorta 

Transverse process 
Cardinal vein 

Intermuscular rib 
Subperitoneal rib | Mesonephros 

Ventral muscles Mesonephric duct 

Gonad Pronephric duct . 
——— _——J; 
Mesentery 3 = —— / ~~ Lateral vein 
Intestine a Coelom 
Peritoneum-visceral layer Peritoneum- parietal layer 

Fic. 95. — Body plan of an ideal Vertebrate. Transverse section. 

stitutes the PERICARDIAL chamber in Fishes but in higher forms 
it is divided into two parts, one (pericardial) investing the heart 
and the other (pleural) investing the lungs. The lining membrane 


of the coelom, known as the PERITONEUM, forms the innermost 
layer of the body wall, covers the organs, and in certain regions 
forms broad folds, or MESENTERIES, In which they are suspended. 
In the Mammals the organs of the chest, or THORAX, are separated 
from those of the abdomen by a muscular partition, or DIAPHRAGM. 
(Figs. 106-109.) 

In aquatic forms thin extensions from the trunk and tail form 
median FINS. Paired fins, developed from the trunk, comprise the 
PECTORAL fins, situated near the junction of head and trunk, and 
the PELVIC fins, just lateral to the anus. The pectoral and pelvic 
fins, or the FORE LIMBS and HIND LIMBS which replace them in all 
forms above the Fishes, are the only lateral appendages typically 
found in Vertebrates. 


The surface of the body which comes in direct contact with the 
environment is covered by an integument, or SKIN, which, though 

Hair ve Opening of sweat gland 
Bpidermis { S — Horny layer 
jist ips ——— Epithelium’ 
Deri ‘ > Nerve ending 
Blood vessel 
pepacos = 
“ Muscle 
to hair 
Subcutaneous Fat 
Sweat gland 

Hair follicle 

D f x) is 
- * yt, 1% 5 
SFiS “Jat Cee / < 
, re MeL he EF: RA 
“ R43 SOON 
5 5 RENT 7h 
zs iS ar Rarrisen 


Fic. 96. — Diagram of section through the human skin, highly magnified. 

primarily protective and sensory in function, takes part to a greater 
or less degree in respiration, excretion, and secretion. Scales, 
feathers, claws, horns, hoofs, nails, teeth, etc., are derivatives of 
the skin. The skin, unlike that of the Invertebrates, is formed of 


two chief layers: an outer epithelial tissue, the EPIDERMIS, derived 
from the ectoderm, and an inner DERMIS from the mesoderm of the 

The epidermis itself always consists of several layers of cells: the 
lower comprising actively dividing cells whose products gradually 
are moved up to form the superficial layers of flattened, horny cells. 

<A, Enamel 
ce aes 


Crown IG if | 

» i a 






Yy, Dentine 







Root canal 

Fic. 97. — Human tooth, longitudinal section. 

Thus this layer is not directly converted into the cuticle, as is the 
case, for example, in the Arthropods. The dermis is a connective 
tissue layer, with glands, blood vessels, etc., between the epidermis 
and the muscular layer of the body wall. (Figs. 96, 97.) 

C.. MuscLes 

The body wall proper is chiefly composed of muscular tissue, 
commonly spoken of as flesh, which varies in thickness in dif- 
ferent parts of the body. In the mid-dorsal region it surrounds the 
brain and spinal cord (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM) and the axial 
supporting structure (NoTOCHORD), while ventrally it forms the 
wall of the coelom. In the lower Vertebrates and the embryonic 




Deltoid Posterior cornu of hyoid 



Pectoralis Z| 

Rectus abdominis 

“}> Obliquus internus 
Obliquus externus 

Linea alba 

Inscriptio tendinea 
Adductor longus 

Adductor brevis 

; Vastus internus 
Vastus internus~ 


: 34 Adductor | 

. be \ \dductor longus 



Rectus internus 

Rectus internus 


Extensor eruris’ 
Tibiofibula ' 




Tibialis anticus, 

s y Tibiofibula 

Extensor tarsi 

Fic. 98.— Muscles of the Frog, ventral view. (From Hegner, after Parker 
and Haswell.) 


stages of higher forms the muscular layer is composed of segments 
known as MYOTOMES. But in the adult stage of the latter this 
evidence of Vertebrate segmentation largely disappears, since the 
muscular tissue for the most part assumes the form of highly 

= $ E \ 
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Fic. 99. — Muscles of Man. (Courtesy William Wood and Co.) 

complex longitudinal bands, extensions from which pass into the 
paired appendages. (Figs. 94, 95.) 

Muscles, such as those attached to the bones, in which contrac- 
tion can be brought about at will, are termed VOLUNTARY muscles, 
while those which cause most of the movements of the viscera are 


known as INVOLUNTARY muscles. From the standpoint of their 
microscopic structure, muscle cells are of three kinds. Voluntary 
muscles consist of STRIATED muscle cells, and involuntary muscles, 
except those of the heart, are composed of UNSTRIATED muscle 
cells. The cells of the heart approach somewhat in structure those 
of voluntary muscles and are known as CARDIAC muscle cells. 
(Figs. 7, 32, 98, 99.) 

The form of the Vertebrate body is maintained by a system of 
supporting and protecting structures, termed the SKELETON. 
Although various outgrowths of the skin, such as scales, feathers, 

Notochord lt re mAs as fa 


i \ | 

Notochordal sheath ea ae ie | 

Blood vessel 

in connective tissue qi wD E 

Fg 4 = ‘. 
Growing cartilage fo ees 
Bone developing to VsGn ms - 

form vertebra 



Petree Air 
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Muscle tissue 4, SE 

Fic. 100. — Diagram of a longitudinal section through a developing verte- 
bral column to show the invasion of the notochordal sheath by cartilage to 
form the centra of the vertebrae. 

and hair, form a part of the skeletal system known as the Exo- 
SKELETON which is comparable to the protective coverings of the 
Invertebrates, it is a bony ENDOSKELETON which is characteristic 
of the higher animals. This internal skeleton, which is largely mes- 
odermal in origin, exhibits such great diversity and complexity 


that its study, known as osTEOLOGY, forms an important sub- 
division of comparative anatomy. 

In the lower Fishes the endoskeleton is composed of a firm elastic 
tissue, CARTILAGE, or gristle, but from the higher Fishes to Man 
most of the cartilage becomes oOssIFIED: that is, impregnated 
with lime salts and transformed into BONE. The human skeleton 
is formed of about 200 separate bones, but the number varies at 
different periods of life, because some bones which at first are 
distinct later become fused. (Figs. 103-105.) 

While it is true that the bones constitute the main supporting 
framework of the body, they are entirely inadequate to knit to- 
gether the organism into a working unit. We find therefore various 
kinds of connective tissue interwoven between the integral parts 
of the body. These tissues form sheaths about most of the organs 
and also supply the connecting links between muscle and muscle, 
muscle and bone — TENDONS; and bone and bone — LIGAMENTS. 
Supporting tissues, of which bone, cartilage, and connective tissue 
form the chief groups, are characterized by the development of 
large amounts of resistant non-living material in or between the 

Neural spine 

Transverse Vertebral 


em * 



Fic. 101. — A typical human vertebra (tenth thoracic). 

component cells themselves; the character of the tissue being de- 
termined chiefly by the nature of this matrix. (Fig. 32.) 

The primitive axis of the skeleton consists of a cylindrical cord 
or rod of cells (NorocHorD), which lies in the mid-dorsal line of 
the body wall just below the brain and spinal cord and above 
the coelom. In most Vertebrates, however, the notochord in its 


original form is only a temporary structure, being partially or 
completely replaced during later development by a linear series of 
cartilaginous or bony elements, known as VERTEBRAE, which form 
the VERTEBRAL COLUMN, or backbone. This is one of the most 
characteristic structures of Vertebrates as compared with Inverte- 
brates, or backboneless animals. (Figs. 94, 95, 100.) 

A typical vertebra of the higher animals consists of a basal 
portion, known as the CENTRUM, and a NEURAL ARCH which it 
supports. These form a protecting ring of bone about the spinal 

Scapula | } 

} — Glenoid cavity Acetabulum 
Clavicle J £7] Humerus 
# Femur 
f) Pubis 

Procoracoid . Ischium 
Radius Ulna 
Tibia Fibula 
ees Ae toe ts I di 
ae centralia “OC CO— Ulnare ee eee) a 
ive dista ibulare 
lia ~O§ Five aistalia—_-2 Oo, 
Five ef 
Five metatarsals 
A IIl 

Fig. 102. — Diagram of the plan of the Vertebrate Hieabs. A, fore limb and 
pectoral girdle; B, hind limb and pelvic girdle. (From Hegner, after Parker 
and Haswell.) 

cord. From various parts of the vertebra as a whole arise PROC- 
ESSES for movable articulation with its neighbors, the attachment 
of muscles, etc. Between the vertebrae of the Mammals are 
cushions of cartilage which absorb shock. (Fig. 101.) 

In some forms, RIBS are attached to the transverse processes of 
certain vertebrae. ‘These extend outward and downward within 
the body wall, and usually are attached in the ventral line to the 
breast bone (STERNUM). Thus, in the adult of the higher Verte- 
brates, the series of centra of the vertebrae come to occupy the 
position formerly held by the notochord; while above, the neural! 


arches form the VERTEBRAL CANAL containing the spinal cord; 
and below, the transverse processes, ribs, and sternum surround 
the anterior portion of the coelom. (Figs. 95, 101, 105.) 

Olfactory capsule ys Wake 

Sphenethmoid mies ee 

Fontanelles_ . oy 

Antertor y YS A Frontal partetals Iv 
y ; : \ 

«YF f Quadrato 
re MAT \| CAN) oY \ 
y; -_ at a Posterior cornu 
of hyoid I 
Exoccipital XQ 

Supra-scapula, ay 


ay le a) 
Transverse fo 

- 2 
Humerus Radio-uina, 

girdle and the left fore and hind limbs are removed, as also are the membrane 
bones on the left side of the skull. Permanently cartilaginous parts dotted. 
(After Howes, slightly altered.) 

The Vertebrate head, containing the anterior end of the ali- 
mentary canal and respiratory passages, and also the brain and 
chief sense organs, is protected in the lower Fishes by a case of 
cartilage. In higher forms the cartilage is replaced by a bony SKULL 
which articulates with the first vertebra of the backbone. JAws, or 
supporting structures of the mouth, are attached to the skull. 


"yery Jo uozopOYS — “POL YA 
was Sasuveyd [esiej}eyaN 
aA | / REX 
q “f By ” ~ INS FAB = 
room DEM Sse —= f s[esue]. \ 
Ss \ ~ 

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ae a cae 

snipey- 3 

smiawny ! 

Youle d1yVw0sAz, 

aTeuee | slopny — eindeog 

1199} IPO! 


Yja0} Iwjowlasg 
y}00} eulued BK) a 
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# MSS auids [einen » “A 
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BAQO}IAA TeqUI (sayy ees Aq pomor[oy 
VAQIWOA SEY — 0 winsjua9 “Jo sasseooid ‘[elovs volY], 

Teqvond jesowenbs 

[ejaeg eyidiosovadng 



The skull and vertebral column form the main SKELETAL AXIS 
from which is suspended the APPENDICULAR skeleton, or bony 
framework of the paired appendages (FINS or LIMBS) and their 
supporting structures (GIRDLES). This is relatively simple in the 
anterior (pectoral) and posterior (pelvic) paired fins of Fishes, 
which merely act as paddles; but when these are modified into 
paired limbs for progression on land, the mechanical problems 
involve the development of complex limb skeletons to support the 
body, and to act as levers for the limb muscles to move in locomo- 
tion. In response to this need an elaborate series of bones is de- 
veloped which, in all cases, however, may be referred to a common 
plan, known as the PENTADACTYL LIMB in allusion to the five digits 
(FINGERS and TOES) in which it usually terminates. The limbs are 
attached directly or indirectly to the vertebral column by groups 
of bones which form respectively the PECTORAL and PELVIC GIR- 
DLEs. (Figs. 102-104, 227, 228.) 

E. THE Human Bopy 

Considering specifically the human body, we find that its out- 
standing characters are largely the result of Man’s erect posture. 
True it is that the body is not perfectly adapted to its upright 
position, but this is more than compensated for by the complete 
division of labor between the upper and lower limbs that liberated 
the former from contributing to locomotion and gave the oppor- 
tunity for the pentadactyl plan to attain its highest development 
in the human HAND. With its completely opposable thumb, the 
hand is directly or indirectly responsible for more of Man’s unique 
characters than one usually realizes. It is an efficient grasping 
organ — a battery of tools that makes possible the use of artificial 
tools which, in a way, may be regarded as accessory organs, de- 
vised by the brain and appropriated or discarded at will. 

But the hand is also a delicate ‘sense organ’ since touch is “the 
great confirmatory sense” underlying many of our sensory ex- 
periences with the world about us. ‘Tactile fingers are continually 
learning.” Indeed, it is largely upon a basis of conscious and sub- 
conscious tactile sensations that much of the superstructure of 
the higher mental processes is reared. It seems clear that the erect 
posture and the facile hand have contributed in no small way to 
the supremacy of the brain and so to Man’s outstanding position 
above the beasts. (Figs. 105, 125.) 



Superior maxillary bone . . Gk ‘we Malar (cheek) bone 
Inferior maxillary bone 

Clavicle (collar bone) vertebrae 
Pelvic opening Femur 




Richard E 

Fic. 105. — Skeleton of Man. 



As a summary of this general outline of the structure of the 
Vertebrate body, we may emphasize three characters which are 
of prime diagnostic importance. 

In the first place, whereas the skeletal structures of Inverte- 
brates typically consist, as in the Crayfish, of an exoskeleton of 
hard non-living materials deposited on the surface of the body, 
the chief function of which is protection, the Vertebrate skeleton 
is primarily a living endoskeleton. It is an organic part of the 
organism which, although it affords protection for delicate parts, 
provides adequately for support and supplies muscle levers, and 
thus makes practicable the relatively large bodies of the higher 
animals. The notochord is at once the foundation and axis of the 
Vertebrate internal skeleton and either persists throughout life 
as such, or simply long enough to function as a scaffolding about 
which the vertebral column is built. In recognition of the prime 
importance of the notochord, the Vertebrates and their nearest 
allies (e.g., the Tunicates and Amphioxus) are technically known 
as CHorRDATES. (Fig. 67; Appendix I.) 

In the second place, it will be recalled that the central nervous 
system of the Earthworm and Crayfish consists of a ventral nerve 
cord running along in the coelom below the digestive tract, except 
at the anterior end where it encircles the pharynx to form a 
dorsal brain. The position of the Vertebrate brain is similar, though 
the spinal cord is not a ‘cord’ but a nerve tube which lies in the 
vertebral canal embedded in the muscles of the body wall above the 
digestive tract and, of course, outside of the coelom. Thus the 
spinal cord itself and its location are highly characteristic. 

The third fundamental characteristic is a series of perforations or 
slits through the throat and body wall. In the lower forms the 
gill slits provide an exit for the current of water entering by the 
mouth and, being richly supplied with blood, afford the chief 
means of respiratory interchange between the animal and the 
surrounding medium. In the higher Vertebrates the gill slits are 
present merely during a transient phase in the development of 
the individual, since the function of aérating the blood is taken 
over by the lungs. (Figs. 94, 117, 235.) 

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Internal nares <2? 

Nostrils & 

= \ : / j : 
Mouth Ey 
Pharynx: Wy p | 


Abdominal cavity + 
Liver 7 
Stomach 4 


soos FP SQ 

Large intestine a 
Kidney 4 
Small intestine! 

Ureter 122 

Urinary bladder 

Urethra ANUS 

Fic. 109. — Diagrammatic median section of the human body. 



It is a great satisfaction for me to know when regaling on my humble 
fare that I am putting in motion the most beautiful machinery with 
which we have any acquaintance. — Dickens. 

Amone the single-celled animals, such as Amoeba and Para- 
mecium, nutrition is reduced to its simplest terms. The food ma- 
terial enters the cell and is acted upon by substances formed by 
the protoplasm in its vicinity: the food is chemically changed, 
or digested, so that it becomes available for the use of the cell. 
In Hydra a special layer of cells, the endoderm, is largely devoted 
to digestion. Although some of the endoderm cells actually en- 
gulf small particles of food and digest them within the cell (INTRA- 
CELLULAR DIGESTION), the major part of digestion is brought 
about within the enteric cavity by secretions from the endoderm 
cells. Digestion of the latter type (INTERCELLULAR) is characteris- 
tic of the Earthworm and all higher animals. 

We have considered the form and supporting structures of the 
body wall of a typical Vertebrate — the outer tube which sur- 
rounds and contains the viscera — and therefore we recall that 
through this outer tube, just as in the case of the Earthworm and 
Crayfish, there runs from mouth to anus a second or inner tube, 
the digestive tract, or ALIMENTARY CANAL. 

The alimentary canal is essentially a tubular chemical labora- 
tory which passes the food on by its own muscular activity from 
one part to another. Each of these regions, in turn, supplies the 
chemical reagents which it uses both for changing the food into 
a soluble form so that it can pass through the walls and be dis- 
tributed to the cells of the organism as a whole, and also for mak- 
ing it suitable for use by these cells. Indeed, the complex food 
materials which enter the human mouth run the gauntlet of a 
whole series of digestive fluids. 

Although the various kinds of food eaten by animals differ 
widely in their chemical composition, nevertheless the process 



of digestion is basically similar in every case: it is a process of 
HYDROLYSIS. This is a chemical reaction in which a molecule of 
the substance to be digested combines with a molecule of water to 
form a new compound. Then this splits into two or more simpler 
molecules and, by repeated hydrolyses, exceedingly complex food 
substances become relatively simple ones. Hydrolyses are brought 
about through the activities of special catalytic agents, the fer- 
ments, or ENZYMES — a special enzyme for each kind of chemical 
reaction being supplied by the alimentary canal. Moreover, the 
diverse enzymes, carrying out chemical simplification of various 
foodstuffs, produce just a few relatively simple substances: AMINO 
ACIDS from proteins, FATTY ACIDS and GLYCEROL from fats, and 
SIMPLE SUGARS from carbohydrates. (Fig. 113.) 

The wall of the alimentary canal consists of three chief cellular 
layers: a lining epithelium, a connective tissue layer, and a muscu- 
lar layer. The epithelium which lines the alimentary canal and 
its derivatives is the digestive tract proper in the sense that it is 
of basic functional importance in secreting the digestive fluids 
and in absorbing the products of digestion. The other layers per- 
form accessory functions such as support, conduction of blood 
vessels, and movements of the canal. (Fig. 34.) 


The entrance to the alimentary canal is the mouth, a transverse 
aperture in the head, which leads into the mouth-chamber, or 
BUCCAL CAVITY, supported by the jaws. The buccal cavity gradu- 
ally merges into the throat, or PHARYNX, which in the Vertebrates 
acts as a passage both for the food and the respiratory gases. The 
respiratory current of water in aquatic forms soon passes to the 
exterior by a series of perforations, the GILL sits, through the 
pharynx and body wall; while the respiratory current of air in 
higher forms enters the LuNGs. On the other hand, in all Verte- 
brates the preparation of the food for its passage through the 
alimentary canal starts in the buccal cavity. (Figs. 110, 117.) 

The human buccal cavity is lined with a membrane, continu- 
ous at the Lips with the outer skin, which is provided with uni- 
cellular glands that secrete mucus. This and sativa, secreted 
by three pairs of large SALIVARY GLANDS, lubricate the food so 
that it may be more readily moved about by the TONGUE for 
mastication by the teeth and passed on toward the ESOPHAGUS. 


Furthermore, saliva contributes to the digestion of starches by 
an enzyme termed PTYALIN, which in the alkaline medium con- 
verts starch into a sugar, MALTOSE. But only a small proportion 
of the starch is digested by ptyalin during the rapid passage of 

: = Mouth 
Salivary glands SF 32, 
Pharynx i 
fA Ay 
: YE Al y 
Thyroid gland MEH 

i Trachea 


Thymus gland - 

Lungs Esophagus 
Diaphragm—© ~ 
eee — Stomach 
Gall bladder \ ——Pancreas 

Small intestine 
Large intestine — 

Vermiform appendix 
\ Rectum 
Fic. 110. — Diagram of the human alimentary canal and its derivatives. 
The pharynx shows the embryonic position of five pairs of gill pouches, the 

second pair probably giving rise to the tonsils, and the third and fourth to 
the thymus glands. 

food through the mouth region, and the activity of the enzyme 
ceases soon after it reaches the stomach where the alkaline reac- 
tion of the mouth gives place to an acid reaction. 

So the mouthful of food, masticated, moistened, and with some 
of its starch digested, is rolled by the tongue and passed along the 
pharynx into the EsopHAGUS. Henceforth it is beyond voluntary 
recovery, because it is pushed along by involuntary rhythmical 


contractions, PERISTALSIS, of the digestive tract wall. The esoph- 
agus is a muscular tube which passes posteriorly through the 
thorax, and rapidly delivers the food without further digestion 
to the STOMACH. 


The stomach, really the first stopping place of food that has 
been swallowed, is a thick-walled sac situated just below the dia- 
phragm in Mammals. In common with most of the viscera, the 
stomach is suspended in the abdominal cavity by broad loops of a 
membrane, the MESENTERY, which is continuous with the perito- 
neal membrane lining the cavity. Within the mesentery, blood 
vessels, nerves, etc., pass to the stomach. (Figs. 106-110.) 

Here the work of the digestive tract actively progresses by the 
action of specific chemical substances present in the GASTRIC JUICE 
which is secreted by innumerable GASTRIC GLANDS. The latter 
are tiny pits in the stomach wall lined with special glandular cells. 
Human gastric juice is a complex fluid comprising water — over 
99 per cent; a protein-splitting enzyme, PEPSIN; a milk-curdling 
enzyme, RENNIN; common salt, NaCl; and a free acid, HCl. This 
array of components of gastric juice softens the food mass, gives 
it an acid reaction, curdles the milk, and simplifies the proteins — 
transforms, with the assistance of slow churning movements of 
the stomach wall, the average meal in the course of an hour or 
so into CHYME which gradually passes through the PYLORIC VALVE 
into the INTESTINE. 


The human intestine is a much coiled tube, nearly twenty-five 
feet in length, that extends from the stomach to the anus, and it is 
in the upper part, known as the SMALL INTESTINE, that not only the 
most radical changes in the food take place — digestion is essen- 
tially completed; but also most of the products of digestion pass 
through its walls into the body proper — absorption occurs. Thus 
we find various glands to elaborate and secrete the digestive fluids 
— cells that take from the circulatory system not only the materials 
necessary for their own life but also other substances which they 
transform chemically for the use of the organism as a whole. Some 
are unicellular or simple multicellular tubular glands embedded in 
the intestinal wall; others are highly complex and far removed 


from the intestine into which they pour their products through 
long ducts. But, as we know, even in the latter case the glands 
are really derivatives of the intestine — cellular areas sunk, as it 
were, below the membrane to which they really belong — because 

fo ng 
aoa \. Duct 

ober rer 

Fic. 111. — Diagram of a gland, in section, together with the surrounding 
tissues. Highly magnified. See Fig. 33. (From Hough and Sedgwick.) 

they arise during development as outpocketings of its wall: the 
ducts being the sole remaining connection with the point of 
origin. (Figs. 111, 112.) 

1. Liver and Pancreas 

The largest gland in the body, the LivEr, and an equally im- 
portant one, the PANCREAS, pour their secretions into ducts which 
unite to form a single duct. This carries the secretions to the upper 
part of the small intestine. The secretion of the liver, termed 
BILE, which is constantly formed but may be stored until needed 
in the GALL BLADDER, is a highly complex mixture of substances. 
Some of them are waste products on their way out of the body 
through the intestine, while others contribute to digestion by 
cooperating with an enzyme from the pancreas. Thus bile salts 
aid in the emulsification of fats and the absorption of fatty acids. 
However, the liver is still more versatile, as will appear beyond. 


The pancreas, or sweetbread, may be regarded as the chief 
digestive gland in the Vertebrate body though it also performs 
additional functions. The gland lies just below the stomach in 
Man, and each day secretes into the small intestine nearly two pints 

Common bile duct 

cy SS _ Hepatic ee 
Liver Q\ duct / \ 
NV \ \\ x | Aa ( tf iver 
it = SS 
Vs SZ 
\ ) yy a KS LO =F 
IX \ is: NS SS 

Cystic ducts 

De — <= i Cs it SF 

Gall bladder Si 

i) a 
VY i ; fi 






x A Pancreatic 
F duct 
Liver = 
— ¥. 4 
Pancreas = Z 
S. ZF Stomach 
e ~ — 
Bile duc -= 

Small intestine y . 
my S Pylorus 

Fie. 112. — Liver and pancreas of the Frog, showing their ducts. Lobes of 
liver turned forward. The cystic ducts unite with hepatic ducts and finally 
lead into the common bile duct. The latter passes through the pancreas, 
receives further hepatic ducts and the pancreatic duct and leaves the pan- 
creas, opening into the upper part of small intestine. 

of strongly alkaline PANCREATIC JUICE containing three enzymes — 
TRYPSIN acting on proteins, AMYLASE on starches, and LIPASE on 
fats. (Fig. 113.) 

Thus food that has run the gauntlet of the enzymes of the upper 
digestive tract is now attacked by the pancreatic juice. But this 
is not all: the process of progressive simplification of the food is 
carried on by the secretions of innumerable minute glands embedded 
in the intestinal wall. This mvrestrnaL JUICE supplies several 
enzymes — the EREPSIN group to change the protein products into 
amino acids, and the others to convert complex sugars into simple 


sugars. And, as in the stomach, digestion is facilitated by muscular 
contractions of the intestinal wall. There are slow swayings of 
entire loops of the intestine; there are local ‘segmentation’ con- 
tractions; and finally there are peristaltic waves that pass the ma- 
terial along for absorption or elimination. 

One naturally wonders how it is that the living tissues of the 
digestive tract, and especially of the glands themselves, withstand 

INTER- PRopuctTs 
Propucts | ABSORPTION 
Mouth Saliva Ptyalin Starch Maltose 
Stomach | Gastric Pepsin Protein Proteoses 
juice Rennin Protein of Peptones 
milk Casein 
Small Pancreatic | Amylase Starch Maltose 
intestine juice ——— —- a 
Lipase Fats Fatty acids 
Trypsin Proteins Amino 
Intestinal | Erepsin Proteoses | Amino 
juice group Peptones | acids 
Maltase Maltose 
Sucrase Cane sugar } | Simple 
Lactase Milk sugar | sugars 

Fic. 113. — Chief chemical activities of the human digestive tract. 

the digestive activities of their own enzymes, although the stomach 
or intestine of an animal killed during active digestion will begin 
self-digestion. A partial explanation of immunity during life 
appears to be that the enzymes are not in an active form while 
they are within the glands, but are later activated by certain 
conditions that they meet in the digestive tract when food is 
actually present. 


2. Absorption 

The purpose of digestion is, first, to make the food soluble so 
that it may enter the body proper: pass through the epithelium 
lining the digestive tract wall; and, second, to put it into a chemical 

form that can be used by the cells. The passage into the body, or 
ABSORPTION, occurs chiefly in the 

small intestine, the walls of which wy, 
are lined with millions of minute is) e pee, 
projections, or vii, that bring = { we 
. . ° . = 2 Z, \2 = 
tiny vessels into intimate contact SAN Ole 
with the absorptive membrane Vein as \ EF 
while greatly increasing the effec- 2B My | =8 
‘ ‘ Cee if les Artery 
tive absorptive surface. Appar- =) i st 
. . Ss ane = ae 
ently absorption is not merely the ; any — 2 
. : Z 7) i — a o. 3 = 
result of simple physical processes “7° ay \ a 
. . . %| W2F. lo _& 2 
such as diffusion and osmosis, but : AAs. fe 
is largely the function of the Le Wee 
actual living cells forming the Jag \e = 
. . . . . 2 = AG Sac a a 
epithelium of the villi. (Figs. 114, = a\ Vis ee 
144.) Se) NX | 
é i we = 
3. Distribution VWwi= 


The transportation system of 
vessels in the villi consists of BLOOD 

oe “Artery 
vessels which take up the absorbed 

Fic. 114. — Diagram of a sec- 
products of protein and carbohy- ton through a villus. (From Pea- 

drate digestion, and tympu vessels, body and Hunt.) 


$ ASN 
2 e 

here called LAcTEALS, which receive the derivatives of the fats. 
Both also take absorbed water and salts. 
Accordingly the path through which the proteins and carbohy- 
drates are transported differs from that of the fats. The blood 
vessels returning blood from the digestive organs finally merge 
to form a large vessel, the PORTAL VEIN, which proceeds to the 
liver to allow that organ to regulate certain of the blood constitu- 
ents — in particular to store up sugar, in the form of GLYCOGEN, 
after a meal and later dole it out to the blood as conditions de- 
mand. On the other hand, the lacteals merge into larger and larger 
lymph vessels and finally into the THorRAcIC DUCT which empties 
into the blood vascular system — the fats being switched, as it 


were, around the liver so that they do not directly enter the blood 
supply to that organ. (Fig. 115.) 

Left jugular vein 

Left subclavian vein 

Superior vena cava 

Lb iy, 


Dy > 
7 %, % 


Thoracic duct 



ein i. . 
Portal vein: Pe from Stomach 

from Spleen —~ ’ ) iy 

we Lacteals or 
Le sess lymph vessels 

in lumbar regions 

\ Intestine 

Fic. 115. — A, diagram of paths of absorbed food from the human digestive 
tract. Proteins and carbohydrates by veins; fats by lymphatics. B, plan of 
distribution of the chief lymphatic vessels in the human body. 


During the passage of food through the small intestine, digestion 
is practically completed and absorption has progressed far. The 
remaining material is carried through a constriction into the 
LARGE INTESTINE, or COLON, where the activities of Bacteria bring 
about various chemical changes apparently incidental to the slow 
passage of the residue. Furthermore, water is gradually absorbed 
— water that up to this point has been necessary to keep the ma- 
terials fluid to facilitate digestion. Then the useless undigested 


materials, or FECES, are carried to the exterior either through a 
terminal cavity, the CLOACA, into which also open the urogenital 
ducts, or directly out through the anus as in most Mammals. 

E. Foop UssE 

Digestion, absorption, and distribution completed, the actual 
food supplying matter and energy is at the disposal of the various 
cells for carrying on the essential metabolic processes. Since the 
daily energy output of the average man not carrying on heavy 
physical labor is about 3000 calories, and the energy yield per gram 
for proteins and carbohydrates is about 4.1 calories, and for fats 
about 9.3 calories, it is not difficult to determine from these fuel 
values how much of each foodstuff, or mixture of them, is re- 
quired to supply the necessary energy. But, of course, provision 
must also be made for tissue maintenance and this draws upon the 
proteins with their nitrogen constituent. In general it may be 
said that, since carbohydrates and fats adequately supply the 
energy demands, protein consumption need not greatly exceed the 
nitrogen required for tissue maintenance. 

Moreover the body also requires small amounts of certain so- 
called accessory food substances, or VITAMINS, which are usually 
present in sufficient quantity in a normal mixed diet. Vitamins 
are organic substances, not related chemically to one another, that 
do not supply energy or structural material, but are necessary for 
cell metabolism. The exact chemical constitution of most vitamins 
is unknown. 

ViTAMIN A has an effect on many of the membranes of the body, 
a deficiency resulting in glandular disturbances and in lowered 
resistance to infection. Rich sources are cod liver oil, carrots, and 
butter. Viramrn B, prevents an inflammation of the peripheral 
nerves and paralysis known as beri-beri, as well as disturbances of 
the functions of the intestine and kidneys. Excellent sources are 
whole grain cereals, milk, and liver. VITAMIN Bz is usually asso- 
ciated with B;. Inadequate amounts give rise to the disease called 
pellagra, of which brown pigmentation of the skin, general weak- 
ness, digestive disturbances, and paralysis are symptoms. It is 
readily available in egg-white, milk, lean meat, and green vege- 
tables. Viramin C prevents scurvy, a disease marked by loosening 
of the teeth and hemorrhages in the joints. It has proved to be a 
hexuronic acid that is present in most citrus fruits and green 


vegetables. Vitamin D in inadequate amounts results in rickets, a 
disease characterized by various skeletal deformities. Oil from the 
liver of the cod and halibut are rich sources, and the action of ultra- 
violet rays on certain sterols produces the vitamin, so the exposure 
of the human body to sunlight, within reasonable limits, is beneficial. 


Finally, we must not overlook certain accessories of the ali- 
mentary canal which lose all direct connection with it as develop- 
ment proceeds — really glands that have carried, as it were, the 
process of outpocketing from the digestive tract to the breaking 
point and become DUCTLESS GLANDS. Such, for instance, are the 
THYROID and THYMUS glands near the anterior end of the esoph- 
agus. The thymus in Man regresses during early childhood, 
while the thyroid delivers its secretion, a HORMONE, directly into 
the blood stream as an INTERNAL, OF ENDOCRINE SECRETION. 
We shall have occasion later to discuss the important coordinating 
functions carried out by hormones secreted by ductless glands 
and other endocrine organs. At the moment we may merely 
remark that the pancreas is stimulated to secrete its digestive 
enzymes by a hormone, known as SECRETIN, brought to it by the 
blood. Secretin is liberated into the blood by special gland cells 
in the wall of the small intestine when food enters. (Fig. 110.) 

Certainly, at first glance, the complicated digestive system of the 
Vertebrate may seem to have little in common with that of the 
Earthworm, but as a matter of fact the fundamental plan is the 
same. The differences which are present are chiefly the result of an 
increase of the area of the alimentary canal, not only to afford 
greater seeretive and absorptive surface and a larger variety 
and amount of digestive substances, but also to prolong the length 
of time the food is subjected to treatment. This increase in area 
has been effected by folds and elevations of the inner surface of 
the tract; by outpushings of limited areas of the tube to form large 
glands which in most cases contribute their products to their point 
of origin through ducts; and by increasing the length of the mner 
tube as compared with the outer tube, or body wall, which results 
in throwing the intestine into various convolutions within the body 
cavity. Thus is met the increasingly complex nutritional demands 
of more highly organized animals. 


The living body is the theatre of many chemical and physical cper- 
ations in line with those of the inorganic domain. — Thomson. 

As we have seen, the essential factor of respiration is an inter- 
change of gases between protoplasm and the environment: an 
intake of free oxygen for combustion, and an outgo of the waste 
products, chiefly carbon dioxide and water. In the unicellular or- 
ganisms, such as Protococcus and Amoeba, and in simple multi- 
cellular animals like Hydra, this appears to be a relatively simple 
process since an elaborate mechanism is not necessary to facilitate 
the interchange. But with the establishment of a highly differen- 
tiated multicellular body, fewer and fewer cells are in direct con- 
tact with the aérating medium and so various provisions are 
necessary to transfer the gases to and from the outer world and 
the individual cells themselves. 

In all forms the skin functions to some extent; in the Earth- 
worm, in fact, it acts as the chief respiratory membrane since a 
profuse supply of blood vessels to the moist surface of the body 
effects a sufficiently rapid gaseous interchange for the relatively 
inactive life of the organism. The Crayfish meets the problem of 
respiration by finger-form outpocketings of the body wall, the 
GILLS: a method of bathing a large area of the respiratory mem- 
brane in the respiratory medium, the surrounding water. Insects, 
however, instead of bringing the blood to the surface, develop a 
network of tubes, or TRACHEAE, which ramify throughout the body 
tissues and conduct air directly to the cells. (Fig. 116.) 

Among the lower Vertebrates, as has been indicated, the an- 
terior end of the digestive tract functions as a common food and 
respiratory passage. In Fishes, the respiratory water current which 
enters the mouth makes its exit by way of the gill pouches and gill 
slits; the lining of the pouches — outpocketings of the lining of 
the alimentary canal — functioning as the respiratory membrane. 
(Fig. 117.) 

Among the air-breathing Vertebrates there are the added 



problems of protecting and keeping moist. the greatly increased 
respiratory surface which their more active metabolism — pro- 
portionally greater energy requirements— demands. Accordingly 
the gill slits persist merely as transient embryonic reminders of 
evolutionary history; the function of the gill pouches being taken 
over by a huge outpocketing of the ventral wall of the pharynx 
into the anterior portion of the body cavity, which constitutes the 

Fic. 117. — Diagram of a 
vertical section through the 
head region of Fish (above) 

Fic. 116. — Diagram of the and Reptile or Bird (below) 
respiratory (tracheal) system to show the paths of the re- 
of an Insect. The other in- spiratory currents (a) and 
ternal organs are omitted. food (b). See Fig. 109. 

LUNGS. Thus, even in Man, the respiratory membrane which lines 
the lungs is, from the standpoint of development, a specialized 
part of the epithelium of the alimentary canal. Furthermore, the 
establishment of lungs entails, in turn, a complex respiratory 
mechanism so that the air within them may be changed at frequent 
intervals. (Fig. 235.) 

A. Lunes 

In the human respiratory process, air after entering the nostrils, 
ANTERIOR NARES, passes along the nasal passages and out the 
POSTERIOR NARES into the lower part of the pharynx. Air may 
also enter through the mouth. From the pharynx it passes over 
the EPIGLOTTIS, and through the slit-like GLoTTIs into the LARYNX, 
or so-called Adam’s apple, and then down the windpipe, or 
TRACHEA. Within the larynx are the vocAL corps which vibrate in 
response to air currents; the amplitude of the vibrations and the 
tension of the cords being responsible for the vorce. (Fig. 109.) 


As the lower end of the trachea enters the chest, or THORAX, it 
divides into right and left branches, the BRONCHIAL TUBES, which 
thereupon directly enter the lungs, each of which is a bag of elastic, 
spongy tissue. Within the lungs, the bronchial tubes divide into 
smaller and again smaller branches, until finally they form micro- 
scopic twigs, each ending in one or more tiny air sacs, or ALVEOLI. 
Thus there are many thousands of alveoli in the human lungs, 


Right bronchial tube 
Connective tissue 



Body wall 



Pleura 2 SOL BES 
covering of s 
lung y \/ 
] : : ‘ 
Py Space occupied Diaphragm 
by heart, ete. 
Right lung cut open Left lung intact 

Fic. 118. — Diagram of a vertical section through the human thorax, 
showing lungs and associated structures. 

everyone in direct communication with the outer air. Further- 
more, each alveolus is profusely supplied with tiny thin-walled 
blood vessels, or CAPILLARIES, through which flows blood sent 
by the heart and soon to return to the heart so that it may be 
distributed to every part of the body. It is while the blood is in 
the capillaries of the alveoli that it gives up to the air in the alveoli 
carbon dioxide, water, and heat taken from the tissues, and at the 
same time receives oxygen. This is effected through the delicate 
walls of the capillaries and alveoli. So the alveoli are really the 
effective surface of the lungs. (Fig. 118.) 



In order for the lungs to play their part in respiration, it is 
evident that the air within them must be periodically renewed, 
and this rhythmical process of INHALATION and EXHALATION 1s 
what one usually refers to as breathing. The complex mechanism 
involved and its method of operation may be briefly outlined. 

The lungs are elastic sacs suspended in an air-tight cavity, the 
thorax, which can be enlarged by raising the rrps and lowering 
the DIAPHRAGM, a muscular partition between the thoracic and 

Fic. 119A. — Diagram to illustrate the mechanism of diaphragm breathing. 
The lungs of a Mammal are enclosed in a bell-jar. As the rubber membrane 
below (representing the diaphragm) is pulled down enlarging the cavity, air 
enters through the tube (trachea) and expands the lungs. (From Conn and 
Budington, after Tigerstedt.) 

abdominal cavities. The sole entrance to the lungs is through the 
trachea, and accordingly an atmospheric pressure of approximately 
fifteen pounds to the square inch is exerted down through the 
trachea on the inner walls of the lungs and keeps them constantly 
in close contact with the walls of the thoracic cavity — otherwise 
there would be a vacuum between the lungs and the thoracic wall. 
Therefore when the thoracic cavity is enlarged by contraction of 
the muscles of the ribs and diaphragm, the elastic lungs expand in 
maintaining contact with its walls — inspiration takes place; and 
when the thoracic cavity is decreased, by relaxation of the same 
muscles, expiration occurs. The lungs play an entirely passive 


part in the process. Of course, if through injury the thorax is 
punctured, then there is equal atmospheric pressure on both sides 
of the walls of the lungs, and they collapse. (Fig. 119A.) 

Since the rhythmical respiratory movements are due to the 
contractions of muscles, it follows that stimuli reach the muscles 
from the nervous system; because muscles, excepting those of the 
heart and alimentary canal, do not contract automatically. Now 
we know that nerve impulses arise in the so-called RESPIRATORY 
CENTER in the lower part (MEDULLA) of the brain, just before it 
merges into the spinal cord, and pass by nerves to the muscles 
involved. Usually it is the oxygen-carbon dioxide content of the 
blood reaching the respiratory center which determines the rate 
of the respiratory movements that it induces; though there are 
nerves that carry nerve impulses from the lungs which contribute 
to the rhythm of breathing by holding in check the activities of 
the center itself. Indeed, the center can be influenced by stimuli 

Fic. 119B. — Diagram to illustrate the respiratory movements of the Frog. 
At left, the external nares are open and air enters the buccal cavity. At right, 
the external nares are closed and the floor of the buccal cavity raised, forcing 
air into the lungs. Note that absence of diaphragm and air-tight thoracic 
cavity necessitates an entirely different mechanism from that in Mammals. 
(From Hegner.) 

from nearly any part of the body: witness the effect of a cold 
plunge on breathing. The action of the center is, of course, chiefly 
involuntary since we breathe when we are asleep; but obviously it 
can be controlled to a considerable extent by the will because we 
can ‘hold the breath’ for some time by sending impulses to the 
respiratory center which inhibit its discharge. If this center is 
destroyed or the nerves are severed, respiratory movements imme- 
diately and permanently cease. 



The respiratory mechanism has attained its objective when air 
and blood are brought into such close relationship in the lungs 
that gaseous interchange can occur, and heat be transferred. 
Inhaled air varies very widely in temperature but in our homes is 
perhaps most frequently about 20° C. (70° F.). Exhaled air is 
about 36° C., or very nearly the same as that of the human body. 
Thus under usual circumstances the exhaled air is warmer than 
when it entered the lungs — the blood has lost heat. Again, the 
amount of water in the inhaled air is variable, being low on a dry 
day and high on a wet day; but the exhaled air is practically 
saturated with water vapor — the blood has lost water. Further- 
more, the inhaled air contains merely a trace of carbon dioxide, 
while when it leaves the lungs it bears about 4 per cent — the 
blood has given up carbon dioxide. And finally, air entering the 
lungs comprises approximately 20 per cent oxygen, while when 
exhaled there is only about 16 per cent — the blood has received 
oxygen. In short, the blood by its traffic with the air in the lungs 
gives up heat, moisture, and carbon dioxide, and takes up oxygen. 

One naturally is interested to know how the blood while passing 
through the lungs acquires the oxygen, since this is the element 
demanded by every cell in its life processes. At least two phe. 
nomena are involved. In the first place, the air contains a con- 
siderable amount of oxygen under relatively high pressure and 
therefore some oxygen passes into the liquid plasma of the blood 
where the oxygen conditions are just the opposite. But the amount 
of oxygen gained in this way by the blood is by no means equal to 
the demands of the tissues, and so the emergency is met by special 
blood cells, known as RED BLOOD CORPUSCLES, of which there are 
many trillions in the human body. These carry a complex chemical 
substance, HEMOGLOBIN, which has a high chemical affinity for 
free oxygen: it is oxidized to form an unstable chemical compound, 
OXYHEMOGLOBIN. Accordingly the millions of red blood corpuscles 
leave the lungs with the oxygen affinity of the hemoglobin satisfied 
and return to the heart to be distributed throughout the body. 

The oxygen is actually delivered to the tissue cells through the 
capillaries in the tissues where the oxygen content is low — just 
the opposite of the condition in the lungs — because the various 
cells use the oxygen nearly as rapidly as it is received. So the 


corpuscles give up their oxygen — oxyhemoglobin is reduced to 
hemoglobin — and the blood receives in exchange, as it were, 
carbon dioxide, and also water and heat resulting from oxidative 
processes — combustion — in the tissue cells. The carbon dioxide 
is carried by the red blood corpuscles, and also by the blood plasma 
in combination with sodium as sodium bicarbonate. (Fig. 126.) 

And now the blood, after its passage — lasting about two sec- 
onds — through the capillaries, proceeds on its way back to the 
heart which sends it to the lungs so that it can transfer to the air 
in the alveoli water, heat, and carbon dioxide. The latter passes 
to the air because it is under higher tension in the blood than in 
the air. The respiratory cycle is complete. 

Such, in brief, is the elaborate apparatus present in the higher 
animals, and Man, to provide for the new conditions arising be- 
cause of the removal of many of their component cells further and 
further from the source of oxygen, and the demand for more and 
more facilities for securing it as their life processes increased in 
activity. We shall have occasion later to consider the attendant 
changes in the blood vessels; but now it is only necessary to be 
sure that the mechanism does not obscure its object — to reiterate 
that, although one ordinarily thinks of the movements involved 
in the renewal of the air in lungs as respiration, it is neither in- 
halation and exhalation, nor the interchange of gases between 
blood and air or between blood and tissue cells. The essential 
feature of respiration is the same here as it is in unicellular plants 
and animals: the protoplasm of each and every cell of the body 
securing energy from food by combustion, involving the appro- 
priation of oxygen and the liberation of carbon dioxide. All else 
is accessory — though necessary. 


I finally saw that the blood, forced by the action of the left ventricle 
into the arteries, was distributed to the body at large, and its several 
parts, in the same manner as it is sent through the lungs, impelled by 
the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery, and that it then passed 
through the veins and along the vena cava, and so round to the 
left ventricle . . . which motion we may be allowed to call circular. 

— Harvey, 1628. 

In the Protozoa and many of the lowest Metazoa, the transport 
of materials to and from the various parts of the organism is ob- 
viously a simple problem compared to that presented by animals 
with deeply-hidden tissues, each and every cell of which must be 
served. Indeed a complex body is impossible without a complex 
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM, and we now proceed to a summary of how 
the problem is met, particularly in the Vertebrates. 

The crucial points of contact between the higher animal and its 
environment, in so far as the intake of matter and energy is con- 
cerned, are the membranes which line the digestive tract and a 
large diverticulum from it, the lungs. Through the former must 
pass all the materials which are to be assembled as integral parts of 
the organism and the fuel which is to supply the energy for the vital 
processes, while through the latter must pass the oxygen which is 
to release this energy. Only when these membranes have been 
passed are the materials really within the body and at its disposal 
for distribution by the circulatory system to the individual cells 
of the various organs which are to use them. 

In addition to carrying the fuel and the oxygen, the circulatory 
system must remove the wasie products of metabolism from the 
cells and deliver them to the proper excretory organs, such as 
the lungs or kidneys, to be passed to the outside world. The cir- 
culatory system is therefore the essential connecting link between 
the points of intake, utilization, and outgo of materials. 

And incidentally, as it were, the circulatory system is also a 
coordinating agent of crucial importance, because it distributes 



complex chemical substances, known as HORMONES, from their 
specific points of origin in the various endocrine glands to the 
particular tissue or organ where their regulatory influence is to be 
effected. So the circulatory system is a distributing system which 
not only maintains a suitable environment for the myriads of 
cells of the body, but also, in codperation with the nervous system, 
unifies the organs into an organism. (Fig. 126.) 

Various stages in the development of a circulatory system can 
be traced in the Invertebrates. In some it consists merely of a 
single cavity or several connected cavities filled with a fluid con- 
taining various types of cells, while in others more and more 
of the spaces are replaced by definite tubes, or VESSELS, for the con- 
duction of the fluid. With the establishment of closed vessels, the 
contractions of various organs and the movements of the body asa 
whole can no longer be entirely depended on for the movement of 
the fluid, and accordingly, in certain regions, a muscular layer is 
developed in the walls of the vessels, which by rhythmic pulsation 
forces the fluid along. Thus, for example, in the Earthworm there 
is a fluid (CORLOMIC FLUID) within the body cavity, which is forced 
about by the movements of the worm and bathes most of the 
internal organs; and also a system of vessels (VASCULAR SYSTEM), 
a part of which contracts rhythmically and distributes the BLoop 
to the individual cells. (Figs. 59, 60.) 

In the Vertebrates circulation is effected by two systems, the 
BLOOD VASCULAR and the LYMPHATIC systems. The blood vascular 
system consists of vessels which distribute the blood composed of 
a liquid plasma, in which float various formed elements, chiefly 
RED and WHITE Cells. The lymphatic system comprises spaces, 
channels, and vessels in the lower Vertebrates, but in the Mam- 
mals, including Man, it is essentially a network of vessels so that 
in higher animals the so-called closed circulatory system gradually 
takes the ascendency over the predominately open circulatory sys- 
tem of lower forms. The lymphatics carry LympH which consists 
of a liquid plasma with white cells. Both systems are closely asso- 
ciated, but the lymphatic plays a relatively passive role, so it is the 
blood vascular system that one ordinarily has in mind when speak- 
ing of ‘the circulatory system.’ (Figs. 7, 114, 115, 120, 125, 126.) 

The essential elements of the blood vascular system are, first, a 
muscular organ for propulsion of the blood, the HEART, which lies 
near the mid-ventral line in the anterior part of the coelom; and, 

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second, tubes which convey the blood to the heart, the vErNs, and 
away from the heart, the ARTERIES. The arteries divide and sub- 
divide to form smaller and smaller arteries which finally merge 
into exceedingly delicate tubes (CAPILLARIES) that permeate the 
tissues of the body. The capillaries, in turn, deliver the blood to 
tiny veins which pass it on through larger and larger veins to the 
heart. Consequently the blood flows in a circle from heart to 
heart again, through a closed system of vessels. Indeed, in the 
meshes of a network of blood-streams all the life of our bodies 
goes on. About one-twentieth of the weight of the normal human 
body is blood. (Figs. 120, 124.) 


The heart represents that part of the vascular system in which 
the power of rhythmic contraction is concentrated, and it can be 
regarded as a blood vessel whose walls have become highly modified 
by an excessive development of muscular tissue. In the lowest 
Vertebrates and in embryonic stages of higher forms the heart 
consists typically of two chief chambers, an AURICLE and a VEN- 
TRICLE, fitted with muscular flaps, or VALVES, which allow the 
blood to flow in one direction only; that is, from auricle to ventricle. 
An enlargement, the SINUS VENOSUS, connects the veins (VENOUS 
SYSTEM) with the auricle, and there is frequently another, called 
the CONUS ARTERIOSUS, in a similar position at the arterial end. 
The heart is thus essentially a linear series of chambers. The 
sinus venosus and auricle function mainly as reservoirs to fill 
rapidly the especially muscular ventricle. The latter, acting both 
as a suction and force pump, passes the blood on to the conus 
arteriosus and from there to the ARTERIAL SYSTEM as a whole. 
For our purposes, however, we may consider the heart in the lowest 
Vertebrates (Fishes) as composed of the two chambers, auricle 
and ventricle. (Fig. 121.) 

The arterial system is the distributing system of vessels which 
carries the blood to all regions of the body. Soon after its origin 
at the heart, the circuit in the aquatic forms is temporarily inter- 
rupted to allow the blood to pass through the Grits and exchange 
carbon dioxide for a supply of oxygen. To facilitate this gaseous 
interchange, the arteries (AFFERENT BRANCHIAL) as they enter 
the gill membrane break up into smaller and smaller vessels which 
finally are of microscopic caliber and consist of but a single layer 

gPljyUOA JYsI ‘gq pue VY Ul ofolyUOA ‘z fgprme yoy ‘A {9 pue g Ul aplune YS “y Ur oprline ‘f {snsoudA snuIs ‘x SUOlsel peey 
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of cells. These capillaries, in turn, merge into larger vessels (EF- 
FERENT BRANCHIAL ARTERIES) which finally lead into the chief 
artery of the body, the porsAL AorTA. This extends along the 
median dorsal line of the body, just below the vertebral column, 
and sends branches to the various organs. 

The branches of the dorsal aorta, on reaching the location which 
they supply with arterial blood, break up into capillaries similar 
to those in the gills, so the blood can deliver food, oxygen, etc., to 
the tissues. The blood receives in return various waste products 
of metabolism, including carbon dioxide and, in certain cases, 
absorbed food materials from the intestine, and special secretions 
chiefly from endocrine glands. The fine capillaries lead into vein- 
lets and these into veins of constantly increasing caliber which 
sooner or later complete the circuit by returning the blood to the 

The return current, however, is not quite so simple as would 
appear from the above statement because, just as all the outgoing 
stream is interrupted for the respiratory interchange in the gills, 
so a part of the return current is temporarily side-tracked through 
the liver. The veins returning blood from the digestive organs 
merge to form the PORTAL VEIN which proceeds to the liver, where 
it resolves into capillaries to allow that organ to regulate certain 
of the blood constituents. From the capillaries the blood then 
passes into the HEPATIC VEIN which conveys it toward the heart. 
Thus the liver receives blood from two sources: an artery providing 
blood primarily for the use of the organ itself, and a vein (portal 
vein) delivering blood, containing a large amount of food material, 
solely to receive special treatment before being sent back to the 
heart and then all over the body. This special arrangement for a 
venous blood supply to the liver is known as the HEPATIC PORTAL 

Moreover, in Vertebrates lower than the Birds, the venous blood 
from the posterior part of the body makes a detour through the 
capillaries in the kidneys on its way back to the heart. This con- 
stitutes what is termed the RENAL PORTAL SYSTEM. ‘Therefore 
in these forms the kidneys as well as the liver receive blood from 
two sources, an artery and a vein. It will be noted that both the 
hepatic portal vein and the renal portal vein arise in capillaries 
and terminate in capillaries. (Figs. 115, 120, 121.) 

Such is the general plan of the blood vascular system of the 


lower Vertebrates. The modifications of this which occur in higher 
forms are related chiefly to changes in the respiratory mechanism 
necessitated by abandoning an aquatic for a terrestrial mode of 
life, with consequent dependence on the free oxygen of the atmos- 
phere instead of that dissolved in the water. 


We may now note some of the far-reaching changes that the 
blood vascular system undergoes as a result of the substitution of 
lungs for gills. In the first place the series of paired branchial 
arteries, which formerly supplied the gills, no longer break up into 
capillaries, but instead lead directly into the dorsal aorta, and 
accordingly are termed AORTIC ARCHES. ‘Thus Fishes bequeath, 
as it were, to higher forms a series of pairs of aortic arches which, 
though they are no longer of use in their former capacity, appear 
in the developmental stages. Some disappear at that time and 
others are modified and diverted to various uses in the adult. 
(Fig. 122.) 

For our purpose it is sufficient to emphasize that in Man’s 
body one aortic arch continues to carry blood directly from the 
heart to the dorsal aorta, while parts of another deliver blood 
from the heart to the lungs and back again to the heart. Thus 
there is established a second current of blood through the heart, 
which necessitates a median partition in both the auricle and ven- 
tricle in order to keep the two currents separate. 

In this way a four-chambered heart arises which consists of right 
and left auricles and ventricles. The RIGHT AURICLE receives blood 
from the venous system of the body and passes it through the 
TRICUSPID VALVE into the RIGHT VENTRICLE to be pumped through 
the PULMONARY ARTERY to the lungs. After traversing the capil- 
laries of the lungs, the blood is returned by the PULMONARY VEIN 
to the LEFT AURICLE, thence through the MITRAL VALVE into the . 
LEFT VENTRICLE, which forces it into the AORTA and so on its way 
about the body as a whole. To all intents and purposes, the higher 
Vertebrates have two hearts which act in unison — a right, or 
pulmonary, heart receiving non-aérated blood from the entire 
body and pumping it to the lungs, and a left, or systemic, heart 
receiving aerated blood from the lungs and delivering it to the 
body as a whole. Thus the blood vessels of the primitive aquatic 
respiratory apparatus are transformed by graduai additions and 


subtractions into the PULMONARY SYSTEM of the higher Verte- 
brates, including Man. (Figs. 121, C; 123.) 

The vascular system is, in truth, a highly efficient apparatus. 
Day in and day out throughout life the human heart, beating 



Fic. 122. — Diagram to show the transformation of the six pairs of primitive 
gill arteries (aortic arches) in the ascending series of Vertebrates. a, dorsal 
aorta; b, ventral artery from heart; c, internal carotids; d, external carotids; 
e, e’, right and left aortic arches; f, pulmonary arteries; g, g’, subclavian arteries 
to fore limbs. 

rhythmically at an average rate of 70 times per minute, does about 
300,000 foot-pounds of work. This power is expended in moving 
the weight of the blood, in imparting to it the velocity of its mo- 
tion, and in maintaining pressure in the aorta and pulmonary 
artery. In its circulation through the body of a man, the blood 


passes through a series of vessels that, if they could be arranged 
continuously, would, it has been estimated, encircle the Earth! 
The RATE of flow is greatest when the blood leaves the heart and 
gradually diminishes until, in the capillaries of both the pulmonary 
and systemic systems, it is 
reduced to a minimum. On 
the return trip from the cap- 
illaries through the veins the 

Superior : 

verse ae rate of flow gradually in- 
Yi UW: . ee 

ele = | creases, though it reénters 

the heart at a slower rate 
than it departed. Thus of 
the 23 seconds which it takes 
a unit of blood to make the 


- ees 
SSS els: Oe WD 
=A aM, Sy ‘ 
wy mY WAZ 

Inferior Wa complete circuit in Man, 
vena cava A 
A Left about two seconds are spent 

Right ventricle ventricle 


in the capillaries — a _ rela- 
tively long time when it is 
Fic. 123. — Diagram of human heart realized that the average 
and associated blood vessels. The direc- length of the capillary path 
tion of blood flow is indicated by arrows. . E 
(From Peabody and Hunt.) is about one-fiftieth of an 
inch. The chief factor un- 
derlying the change in rate is simple. The blood, driven through- 
out its course by the same force — the heart beat — varies in rate 
with the width of the bed 
through which it is flowing. 
Although the area afforded 
individually by the arteries 
and veins is greater than 
that by any single capillary, 
nevertheless the total area 
afforded by the capillary sys- 

Lymph tubes” 
: Fic. 124.— Diagram of the intimate 
tem is enormously greater relations between capillaries, lymphatics, 
than that by either the arte- and tissue cells. (From Peabody and 

rial or venous system. The Hunt.) 
total surface of the capillaries of a man has been stated to be 
about equal to the area of a city block. 

Moreover, since a liquid in a closed system of tubes must flow 
from a region of high to one of low pressure, the blood PRESSURE 
continuously diminishes from heart back to heart again. But it 


should be noted that although the pressure in the capillaries of 
any region as a whole is greater than in the veins which they sup- 
ply, nevertheless the pressure in a single capillary is very low, as 
is demanded by its delicate wall. 

Thus in the capillaries the blood moves very slowly under low pres- 
sure and here the blood does its work — contributes to the TISSUE 
FLUID and interchanges materials with it. All the rest of the vascu- 
lar system — heart, arteries, and 
veins —is arranged to give the 
blood just this opportunity in the 

The tissue fluid is essentially 
some of the blood plasma, with 
white cells, that has passed 
through the walls of the capil- 
laries, carrying along food mate- 
rials, oxygen, etc., to be exchanged 
for the various waste products of 
metabolism of the cells which it 
bathes. Thus there is a continuous 
drainage of fluid from the capil- 
laries into intercellular spaces. 
Some of this tissue fluid, with 
waste products, etc., passes imme- 
diately into the capillaries again, 
but the excess passes into small p,, 95 The supertalk and 
LYMPH VESSELS. Thus lymph is _ some of the deeper lymphatics of the 
essentially excess tissue fluid with human hand. (From Hough and 
white cells augmented from lymph EEUU) 
glands, etc., which passes through larger and larger lymphatic 
vessels until it is finally delivered to veins in the region of the 
neck, and the materials are restored to the blood. (Figs. 115, 

With such a marvellously complex transportation system, clearly 
some provision must exist for regulating the blood flow in order to 
meet the varying local demands of the organs of the body under 
different physiological conditions. This is attended to chiefly by 
nerve impulses which are conducted by a system of VASOMOTOR 
nerves and bring about the dilation or contraction of the smaller 
arteries leading to an organ, and also by chemical substances in the 



Mi Ae NSSYj 
a ) Whew 
A \ Vic) 
W > 


blood inducing similar changes in the capillaries that penetrate the 
tissues. Since the total volume of blood in the body is practically 
constant, an extra supply to one part necessitates a slightly reduced 
supply to another. So it happens, for instance, that after a hearty 
meal more blood is sent to points where digestion is going on, 
leaving less for other organs — the reduced supply to the brain 
probably resulting in the proverbial drowsiness at such times. 
Moreover, of course, the blood itself undergoes various changes 
during its course through the body as it receives or delivers food 
substances, secretions, and excretions. And furthermore, for in- 

Body Cells 

Hormones Food Oxygen 

Waste Products 

R 1 Station 
jor oxyeen [9] ol el[elololelolo 

(Lungs) Exchange Station 
(Blood and Tissue Fluid) 

Removal Station 

Carbon Dioxide Pump to Keep 

Blood in Motion 
Renewal Station (Heart) 
(Endocrine Glands) 

Renewal Station Removal Station Removal Station 
Waste Products Excess Heat 

(Digestive Tract) (Kidneys) (Skin) 
Fic. 126. — Diagram illustrating how a suitable environment is maintained 
by the flow of biood. (From Martin.) 

stance, its supply of red blood cells is replenished from the bone 
marrow and stabilized, in part, by a vascular organ, the SPLEEN, 
which is situated in the abdomen behind the stomach. (Figs. 106— 
108, 114.) 

The elaborate mechanism in HOMOTHERMAL animals (Birds and 
Mammals) that maintains a practically constant body tempera- 
ture is largely dependent upon heat distribution, heat loss, and 
heat conservation by the blood vascular system. At rest, a gentle 


stream of blood flows through the capillaries of a man’s muscles; 
in violent exercise, a great torrent, impelled by increased heart 
action, brings food and oxygen and carries away waste products 
and heat. This superfluous heat is carried by the blood to the 
lungs and skin for elimination. The skin becomes flushed by the 
distension of its blood vessels and heat is radiated, usually aided 
by perspiration. Thus the body is losing heat, but we ‘feel warm’ 
because the sense organs that make us aware of temperature are 
situated in the skin. We ‘feel cold’ when blood is withdrawn 
from the skin to the internal organs and heat is being conserved. 
This makes clear the apparent paradox — one is apt to ‘feel warm 
when catching cold.’ 

So much for the paths and duties of the blood and lymph that 
circulate through the body — just enough, perhaps, to emphasize 
that with increase in size and complexity of the animal body there 
goes hand in hand an elaboration of the transportation system. 
It is gradually transformed to meet the new demands made upon 
it, and so leaves in higher animals evidence of their origin. 


The mathematically accurate end-reaction of a chain of known and 
unknown causes and effects. — Noyes. 

Provistons for eliminating from the organism the waste products 
of metabolism are not less important than those for supplying the 
matter and energy by which the vital processes are carried on. 
In many of the unicellular forms the whole surface of the organism 
functions as an excretory organ, but it will be recalled that even 
in some of these, such as Amoeba and Paramecium, contractile 
vacuoles facilitate the removal of useless metabolic products. In- 
deed, in all but a few of the lowest Metazoa there are highly spe- 
cialized organs for excretion. In the Vertebrates we find the 
KIDNEYS and the GILLs or the LUNGs devoted largely to excretion, 
and the SKIN and LIVER acting in subsidiary capacities. Each 
receives a profuse blood-supply from which it takes the waste 
products that are to leave the body as an excretion. Usually 
the effective surface of an excretory organ consists of gland cells. 
(Migs, 6.27, 1915) 

There is therefore an essential distinction between an excre- 
tion, which represents chemical waste from the vital processes, 
and the major part of the material which is ejected from the di- 
gestive tract as feces. The latter is almost entirely indigestible 
material taken in with the food which has not directly contrib- 
uted to the metabolic processes of the organism, though some of it 
may have acted temporarily in an accessory capacity. Accord- 
ingly the digestive tract is not included in the list of excretory 
organs, though it will be recalled that certain waste products 
excreted by the liver reach the outside world with the feces. 

The nature and amount of the material eliminated by the excre- 
tory organs is, of course, determined by what is brought to them 
by the blood, and this, in final analysis, is dependent upon the 
food — the fuel that has been burned — and the disintegration 
of protoplasm from the wear and tear of life. Carbohydrates and 
fats yield carbon dioxide and water, while proteins give in addi- 



tion UREA, URIC ACID, CREATININE, AMMONIA, etc., the products of 
nitrogenous metabolism. 

A. GiIL~s AND Lunes 

We have already emphasized the elimination of carbon dioxide 
by the gills or the lungs. Here the cells of the respiratory mem- 
branes play essentially a passive réle in excretion, since the carbon 
dioxide, which is under higher tension in the blood than in the 
water or air, follows the physical laws of diffusion of gases and 
passes from the blood. In addition to carbon dioxide, the blood 
of homothermal animals loses a large amount of water and heat; 
the amount depending on the moisture and temperature of the 
air which enters the lungs. When the air is exhaled, its tempera- 
ture is very nearly that of the body and it is saturated with water 
vapor. In Man about one-third of the 
water eliminated is excreted by the lungs. 
(Fig. 118.) 

B. Skin 

The skin of some of the lower Vertebrates, 
for instance the Frog, is an exceedingly im- 
portant excretory organ, because more car- 
bon dioxide is eliminated through it than 
through the lungs; but in most of the higher 
forms, including Man, excretion by the skin 
is confined to the SWEAT GLANDS. There are 
nearly three millions of them, with a total 
length of several miles, opening on the 
surface of the human body. They take from 
the blcod, in addition to large quantities of 
water, traces of nitrogenous waste or urea, 
fatty acids, and salts, which form a residue 
on the surface of the skin when the PER- Capillaries 
SPIRATION evaporates. However, most of Fic. 127. — Diagram 
the water may be regarded as a secretion ofe surest eee 
rather than an excretion because it is of use to the body, being 
employed in regulating the body temperature. Everyone knows 
that evaporation of perspiration accelerates the loss of heat by 
the skin. In addition to sweat glands, the skin is provided with 
SEBACEOUS GLANDS which open, as a rule, at the base of hairs 

BP ss 


and deliver a true secretion — a lubricant for hair and skin, and a 
conserver of body heat. (Figs. 96, 127.) 


The liver, in addition to its various other functions, aids in no 
small way in excretion. On the one hand, the liver removes delete- 
rious compounds of ammonia from the blood and converts them 
into urea. Then it secretes the urea into the blood from which it 
is later removed by the kidneys. On the other hand, the liver col- 
lects other waste products, etc., from the blood, which form the 
bile. This passes to the GALL BLADDER for temporary storage, or 
directly to the intestine. (Fig. 112.) 

D. KiIpNEys 

The kidneys, in codperation with the liver, are the chief excre- 
tory organs, and any serious interference with their activity leads 
to a poisoning of the body with waste products. However, excretion 
is but one function of the kidneys — they act as a blood-regulator 
to maintain a proper balance of the chemical constituents of the 
blood plasma. A large amount of water and various salts, urea, etc., 
pass from the blood through the GLOMERULI into the TUBULEs. 
Here such materials as are of value in the economy of the organism 
are absorbed by the tubules and returned to the blood, while the 
rest passes to the pelvis of the kidney and eventually out of the 
body. In Man about 90 per cent of the nitrogenous waste is elim- 
inated as urea. (Figs. 130-132.) 

1. Urine 

The total excretion of the kidneys, known as URINE, passes from 
the kidneys through the URETERS to the URINARY BLADDER where 
it is stored temporarily until passed to the exterior through the 
URETHRA. Since urine is the medium for the elimination not only 
of nearly all the normal products of katabolism, but also of the 
majority of abnormal substances that may enter or be formed by 
the organism, there is no better indication of the general metabolic 
condition of the human body than that afforded by a chemical 
and microscopical analysis of the urine. Thus in Bright’s disease 
protein appears; in diabetes, glucose (grape sugar) and other ab- 
normal substances; while in gout, uric acid is present in abnormal 
quantity in the urine. 


However, the interpretation of the analysis is of first importance 
in every case because the urine rapidly reflects normal changes in 
the physiological condition as well as those that are abnormal: 
even the nervous tension of an examination may well be evidenced 
by the appearance of grape sugar. Again, the amount of urine 
excreted depends upon many factors. Under normal conditions 
with a given intake of water, the volume of urine varies chiefly 
with the temperature and moisture of the atmosphere. For in- 
stance, when the atmosphere is hot and dry, a relatively large 
amount of water is eliminated as perspiration. Accordingly the 
intake of water should be greater in order to carry off readily the 
waste products of metabolism through the kidneys. One is apt to 
think of the kidneys as essentially passive organs that merely 
drain materials from the blood. But, as a matter of fact, a 
grain of kidney tissue consumes, on the average, more oxygen 
per unit of time than the same weight of the beating heart. The 
kidneys work. 

2. Evolution of Kidneys 

Aside from their functional importance, the kidneys are of 
considerable interest to the comparative anatomist because of 
their complicated evolutionary his- 
tory throughout the Vertebrate se- 
ries. Indeed the basic elements of the 
vertebrate kidney may be most 
readily interpreted with the excre- 
tory system of the Earthworm in 
mind. (Figs. 59-61, 128.) 

The chief excretory organs of the 
Earthworm consist of pairs of coiled 
tubes, or NEPHRIDIA, segmentally A 
arranged in the coelom on either Fy. 128. — Diagram to show 
side of the alimentary canal. Each the general structural plan of a 
nephridium begins as an open fun- wage es ARE 
nel in the coelom of one segment, ternal opening of nephridium; }, 
passes through the partition to the external opening; c, capillary net- 
next posterior segment and there, WoTK about the coiled, glandular 

a portion in the coelom. 
after coiling, passes to the ventral 
surface and opens to the exterior by a pore. Thus, reduced to its 
simplest terms, a nephridium is a tube communicating between 

‘601-901 ‘S8tq 99g “snsoyn ‘f SyonprAo 47 Syonp o1sydoueRyour ‘y :sorydouRyour ‘6 S[eIsI{s0A “yonp ormqdouosout ‘¢/’ 
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the coelom and the outer world, and affording a path of egress for 
the waste matter in the coelomic fluid. But in addition, the blood 
vascular system carries nitrogenous waste, inorganic salts in solu- 
tion, etc., to the coiled part of the nephridial tube where special 
cells take them from the blood and deliver them to the interior 
of the tube to be passed out of the body. Thus the nephridia 
of the Earthworm remove waste material from both the coelomic 
fluid and the blood. Artery Vein 

Although the primitive 
segmentation of the coe- 
lom has disappeared in 
the Vertebrates, neverthe- 
less there are good grounds 
for believing that the 
ancient, segmentally ar- 
ranged nephridia are the 
basis of the essential excre- 
tory elements of the kid- 
neys. Thus in the lowest 
Vertebrates the primitive 
type of kidney, or PRO- Ureter Ureter 
NEPHROS as it Is called, con- 
sists of a series of segmen- 
tally arranged nephridia in 
the dorsal part of the ante- 
rior end of the coelom. 
These, however, instead of 
opening independently to 
the exterior, discharge their 
products into a common 
which passes them to the Fic. 130. — Diagram of the human urinary 
outside. In higher forms system, posterior view. See Fig. 134B. 
the pronephros disappears, and its function is taken over by an- 
other series of nephridia which appears in the coelom posterior 
to the pronephros. This series constitutes the MESONEPHROS, and 
opens into the pronephric duct which accordingly now is called 
the MESONEPHRIC DUCT. Finally, in still higher Vertebrates this 
second urinary organ is replaced by a third, the kidney proper 
(METANEPHROS) and its special duct, the ureter. (Fig. 129.) 

Kidney Kidney 


Thus as we ascend the Vertebrate series three distinct kidney 
systems appear, in each case by the development and grouping of 
nephridium-like elements into a definitive organ. In this process 
the primitive communication of the individual nephridia with the 
body cavity is lost and the functions of the tubular portion in- 
creased, until, in the higher forms, all the waste products are taken 
solely and directly from the blood. It is therefore apparent that 
each of the relatively large, compact kidneys of the higher Verte- 
brates consists essentially of an enormous number of nephridium- 

Tunic apices 
7 From renal 
Cortex — y 
7 Renal artery ae 
To renal vein 
Medullary Collecting 
repion tubules 
Tip of pyramid 
Pyramid of medullary 
- B 

Fic. 131. — Human kidney. A, longitudinal section; B, diagram of the 
course of the tubules in the kidney. The cortex is the region in which the 
tubules come into functional association with the capillaries. Tubules extend 
through the medullary region to open on the summits of the pyramids. 

like elements, the tubules, bound together by connective tissue and 
covered with a protective coat. The tubules within the kidney de- 
liver the materials taken from the blood, the urine, to the pelvis of 
the kidney, from which it passes down the ureter, into the urinary 
bladder, and finally to the exterior. (Figs. 130, 131.) 

Such, in broad outline, is the historical viewpoint from which 
the kidneys of Man must be interpreted. As a matter of fact, 
however, the evolutionary transformation is still further compli- 
cated by anatomical, though not physiological, relations with the 


reproductive system. As will be pointed out later, this neighbor- 
ing system now and again foists, as it were, some of its accessory 
responsibilities upon parts of the excretory (urinary) system, and 
even takes over portions and makes them integral parts of its own 
when they have been permanently abandoned by the urinary 
system in its development. 


Let us first understand the facts, and then we may seek the cause. 
— Aristotle. 

REPRODUCTION, as we know, is in the final analysis cell division, 
whether it is binary fission in unicellular forms such as Amoeba 
and Paramecium, or the setting free by the multicellular organism 
of cells with the power of going through a complex series of changes 
by which they rapidly become transformed into the complex in- 
dividual, similar to the parent. In most animals this process is 
complicated at the start by sexual phenomena: the fusion of 
two germ cells, the male and female GAMETES, to form the ferti- 
lized egg, or zyGoTE. Indeed, sex is fundamentally a physiological 
difference between gametes, which, however, so profoundly in- 
fluences the body that we recognize it as male or female. (Figs. 8, 
31, 168.) | 

Disregarding for the time being the actual origin of the germ 
cells in the body, we find in the Metazoa special organs in which 
the germ cells reside and undergo changes preparatory to their 
liberation. Such reproductive organs, or GONADS, ordinarily con- 
tain germ cells of one kind, and accordingly are either OVARIES 
(egg-producing organs) or TESTES (sperm-producing organs). 


In many of the simpler animals, the gonads are merely tempo- 
rary structures which appear during certain seasons of the year 
when conditions favor sexual reproduction. In some species the 
same individual produces both eggs and sperm, in which case the 
sexuality of the germ cells is not reflected back, so to speak, to 
the organism as a whole, which accordingly is known as an HER- 
MAPHRODITE. Such frequently is the condition in Hydra where 
the testes appear as small swellings in the ectoderm a little below 
the circle of tentacles, and the ovary, which is usually single, is a 
somewhat larger projection near the opposite end of the animal. 
Both the testis and the ovary at first appear to be a group of 



ectoderm cells, which in one case gives rise to many sperm and in 
the other to a single egg. The mature sperm are set free from the 
testis and swim about in the water, but sooner or later one enters 
the now ruptured covering of the ovary and fuses with the egg. 
With the conclusion of fertilization the zygote begins to divide 
and forms an embryo which at an early stage becomes de- 
tached from the parent. Thus in Hydra there is no complicated 
apparatus for sexual reproduction; merely now and again the 
temporary development of the primary sex organs, ovaries and 
testes. (Fig. 57.) 

The complex bodies of most animals, however, demand more or 
less permanent gonads, as well as means for transferring the gam- 
etes directly or indirectly to the exterior. This is brought about 
by the fact that in coelomate animals the gonads come to lie, not 
on the outside of the body, but within the coelom. In the Earth- 
worm, which also is hermaphroditic, the testes and ovaries are 
permanent organs attached to the partitions between certain seg- 
ments. The sexual products are set free in the coelom where they 
are taken up by SPERM DUCTS and ovipucTs and carried to the 
outside. Although each Earthworm possesses both male and fe- 
male reproductive organs, two worms pair and exchange the sperm 
which are stored in the respective sperm receptacles. Later, when 
the eggs pass to the exterior, the ‘foreign’ sperm are shed on them. 
Thus cross-fertilization is insured in this hermaphroditic form. In 
the Crayfish the sexes are represented by separate individuals, 
males and females, and the appendages of the first and second 
abdominal segments of the male are modified into copulatory 
organs for the transfer of the sperm to the body of the female, 
where they are retained until egg-laying. (Figs. 60, 63.) 


Throughout all the chief Vertebrate groups the sexes are dis- 
tinct, although in rare instances abnormal hermaphroditic in- 
dividuals occur. The definitive primordial germ cells first appear 
as localized areas of the epithelium lining the coelom, on either 
side of the vertebral column. As the germ cells develop they be- 
come associated with connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves 
and form the paired gonads. In the most primitive Vertebrates a 
condition more simple than in the Earthworm is found, for both 
male and female gametes merely break out of the gonads and 


find their way to the exterior by a pair of minute ABDOMINAL 
poRES. In higher forms, however, special sperm ducts and ovi- 
ducts are developed in close relationship with the urinary system. 
(Fig. 132.) 

In some aquatic, and most terrestrial Vertebrates, fertilization 
occurs while the eggs are still within the oviducts; the copulatory 
organ transferring the sperm directly to the terminal portion of 

Opening of oviduct into coelom 

Dorsal aorta 

Posterior vena cava 


Adrenal bodies 


Mesonephric ducts 
or ureters 

Uterine dilation of oviduct 

Vestigial oviduct in male Opening of 
oviduct into 
Openings of ureters © cloaca 

Fic. 132. — Urogenital organs of the Frog. 

the ducts through which they make their way up to meet the de- 
scending eggs. After fertilization the zygote may soon pass to the 
exterior; usually, as in the case of the familiar hen’s egg, after 
being wrapped up in nutritive and protective coats secreted about 
it during its passage down the oviduct. Or, as is the case rarely 
among lower forms and the rule among all Mammals except the 
Monotremes, the zygote on reaching the lower part of the oviduct 
becomes attached to the wall of an enlargement of the oviduct, 
or of a chamber formed by the union of the two oviducts, called 


the uTERus. Here the embryo proceeds far along in development 
before birth occurs. (Figs. 133, 134, 169.) 

1. Uterine Development 

In the human body, the attachment of the fertilized egg in the 
uterus is followed by the very rapid development of what may 
be regarded as a new uterine lining, profusely supplied with blood 

Fic. 133. — Human egg and sperm. A, four sperm (left); and egg (right) 
just removed from the ovary, surrounded by follicle cells of the ovary and a 
clear membrane. The central part of the egg contains metaplasmic bodies and 
the large nucleus. Superficially there is a clear ectoplasmic region. (Magnified 
about 400 times.) B, two views of the human sperm, c, centrosome; h, head 
consisting of the nucleus surrounded by a cytoplasmic envelope; m, ne, middle 
piece; ¢, tail or flagellum. (Magnified about 2000 times.) 

vessels. This soon surrounds the embryo and, as pregnancy pro- 
ceeds, the embryo protected by EMBRYONIC MEMBRANES projects 
into, and finally completely fills the gradually increasing uterine 
cavity. As the uterus enlarges, it exerts increasing pressure on the 
adjacent organs, and later shifts higher up in the abdominal cavity 
where the flexible body wall more readily accommodates it. 
Throughout the entire period of pregnancy the embryo leads 
essentially a parasitic existence at the expense of the mother’s 


body which supplies it with food and oxygen, and removes carbon 
dioxide, urea, and other metabolic wastes. This, of course, imposes 
a considerable amount of extra work on the various maternal 
organs, especially the lungs, kidneys, and digestive system, and 
therefore special provisions must be made for this intimate inter- 
change of materials between the blood vascular systems of mother 
and offspring. (Fig. 134A.) 

The embryo at first is nourished by materials absorbed from 
the rich blood supply of the uterine wall, but soon this proves in- 
adequate for the rapidly increasing demands of the growing em- 
bryo, and a new structure, the PLACENTA, is formed jointly by the 
tissues of the uterus and embryo to meet the need. The connection 
of the embryonic body with the placenta is by the UMBILICAL CORD. 
The blood of the embryo passes by its arteries through the umbil- 
ical cord to capillaries in the placenta, and after interchanging 
wastes for food and oxygen by diffusion with the maternal blood, 
returns by veins to the embryo. Accordingly there is no direct 
intermixture of maternal and embryonic blood: the embryo from 
the beginning is a separate organism whose blood supply inter- 
changes materials with that of the mother through the placenta. 
This temporary dependence is terminated when the child is ex- 
pelled from the uterus, or born. 

2. Hormones 

Thus, except in the simplest animals, there is a special repro- 
ductive system: a series of organs connected with the reproductive 
function. But it must be emphasized that the essential organs are 
the gonads themselves and all the rest are accessory. Furthermore, 
in relation to the sexual differentiation of male and female in- 
dividuals, many so-called sECONDARY SEXUAL CHARACTERS arise 
which are not directly connected with the reproductive organs, 
but nevertheless depend very largely for their development upon 
HORMONES liberated by the gonads. For example, early castration 
of the Stag inhibits the growth of a distinctive male secondary 
sexual character, the antlers; while if performed later when the 
antlers are full grown, they are shed and abnormal ones take their 

Indeed, the sexual life of the Vertebrates, including Man, is 
largely controlled by hormones. Thus after the release of the egg 
from the human ovary, its former location is filled by the corpus 


LUTEUM which secretes several hormones that prepare the uterus, 
both structurally and physiologically, for the reception of the egg 
and the attachment of the embryo. Moreover, certain hormones 
secreted by the ovary during pregnancy directly influence the 
PITUITARY GLAND which in turn induces the development and func- 

( A\\ 

a\\\\\ \\\) \ 

Fic. 134A. — Diagrammatic section of the human uterus with developing 
embryo. The embryo (h) is suspended in a fluid-filled cavity (c) surrounded 
by embryonic membranes (e) and by tissue (f) from the uterus itself. The sole 
path of communication between embryo and mother is by blood in vessels 
passing up through the umbilical cord (i), spreading out into capillaries in the 
placenta (6) and there coming into close relations with the maternal blood 
supply. The openings of the oviducts (d) into the uterus become closed during 
the development of the embryo. a, dorsal wall of uterus; b, placenta; c, fluid- 
filled cavity of amnion; d, openings of oviducts (Fallopian tubes); e, embryonic 
membranes; f, uterine tissue; g, uterine cavity; h, embryo; t, umbilical cord. 

tioning of the MAMMARY GLANDS. At least two hormones are in- 
volved; one directly stimulates the development of the mammary 
glands, while another prevents their functioning until it is inacti- 

vated at the birth of the offspring. 
3. The Urogenital System 

We must now outline the structural interrelations of the urinary 
and reproductive organs forming the UROGENITAL SYSTEM. It has 


been pointed out that the nephridia, which combine to form the 
kidneys in some of the lower Vertebrates, retain their funnel-like 
openings into the coelom and therefore afford a direct exit for 
waste material in the coelomic fluid. It is some of these nephridia 
which are employed in the lower Fishes for the transfer of the 
germ cells to the outside. The testes of the male, which lie close to 
the kidneys, become connected with the nephridia (mesonephros) 
by a series of short delicate tubes. Through these tubes the spER- 
MATIC FLUID, containing the sperm from the testes, is transferred 
to the nephridia and by them to the kidney (mesonephric) ducts 
and so to the exterior with the urinary waste. In this way, during 
Urinary bladder “Ureter ride bladder 

Vas deterens 4’ Oviduct << T 

‘lll \\e 


2 Ampulla 
J of/vas 

BaN\)) i 

A : PN) — Seminal 

Testis Nt Wz vesicle 
x a Kee a P *) / / 

yr Prostate gland 
3--- Cowper’s gland 

\ ACS 

4--- Urethra 
Seminiferous 1 _ A 2 B 
tubule Epididymis 

Fic. 134B.— Diagrams of the human urogenital organs. Posterior view. 
A, male; B, female. (From Hegner.) 

the period of sexual activity of the male, the kidney tubules satis- 
factorily perform two functions, and the mesonephric ducts be- 
come UROGENITAL CANALS. (Fig. 129, C.) 

Turning to the female, we find that the ovaries, which are sit- 
uated in about the same position with relation to the kidneys 
as the testes in the male, do not enter into communication with a 
set of nephridia of the kidneys (mesonephros); probably because 
the eggs are too large to pass through the tubules. Instead, what 
appears to be the coelomic opening of a single nephridium-like 
structure on either side (which fails, so to speak, to enter the 
kidney complex) enlarges and becomes the funnel which connects 


up with a new duct opening into the cloaca. Thus there arises from 
the female urinary system a pair of entirely distinct oviducts. An 
egg, liberated from the ovary into the coelom, finds its way into 
one of the oviducts and descends directly to the outside, or into an 
enlargement (uterus) of the terminal portion of the duct where 
development proceeds until birth occurs. (Figs. 129, D; 132.) 

The female reproductive system, though derived from the 
mesonephric system, has become entirely independent of it. Ac- 
cordingly the disappearance of the mesonephros and duct in higher 
Vertebrates, when it is replaced by the metanephros and the ureter 
as the functional urinary system, has little effect on the female 
reproductive system. As a matter of fact, the abandoned meso- 
nephros and duct degenerate and disappear in the female, while 
in the male the mesonephric duct remains and becomes completely 
appropriated by the reproductive system. ‘The sperm now pass 
directly into the former mesonephric duct, which thereby becomes 
solely a sperm duct. (Fig. 129, E, F.) 

Such is the historical origin of the foundations of the reproduc- 
tive system as it occurs in the Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals. 
Each of these groups, building on this foundation, has developed 
modifications and additions demanded by its special lines of evolu- 
tion. It appears again that, whenever possible, structures at hand 
are employed to construct what is to be, and thus is woven in the 
woof and warp of higher forms a partial record of their ancestry. 
(Fig. 134B.) 


It seems that Nature, after elaborating mechanisms to meet partic- 
ular vicissitudes, has lumped all other vicissitudes into one and made 
a means of meeting them all. — Mathews. 

SINCE a primary attribute of protoplasm is irritability — the 
power of responding to environmental changes by variations in the 
equilibrium of its own matter and energy — it is not strange that 
the cells of an organism mutually influence each other’s activities 
and reciprocal interrelationships have been established during their 
long evolutionary history. The various cells, tissues, organs, and 
organ systems are unified into an organism by what may be called 
the chemical interplay between its various parts, which is made 
possible by the facilities for distribution afforded by the circulatory 
system; and also by the directing influence of the nervous system 
which supplies a central station with lines for instantaneous inter- 
communication with every part of the body. 


It is only with the recent increase in knowledge of the general 
problem of metabolism that the far-reaching importance of the 
chemical control of bodily processes has gradually been brought to 
the fore. Although we may properly think of the various chemical 
regulators, or HORMONES, as forming a codrdinating system in so 
far as their collective action has such a result, in the present stage 
of our knowledge it is possible to do little more than cite the 
specific action of individual hormones as examples of the general 
method of chemical regulation which their study, ENDOCRINOLOGY, 
is revealing. (Pp. 159, 169, 192.) 

Certain hormones are elaborated by special cells embedded in 
organs, such as the pancreas, intestine, and reproductive organs, 
largely devoted to other functions. Other hormones are secreted 
by organs whose sole function is their production, such as the 
various ductless, or endocrine, glands. 

As an example of a hormone secreted by specialized cells within 
the tissue of an organ devoted primarily to other functions, we may 



select INSULIN which reaches the blood directly from the pancreas, 
and is not delivered with the other secretions of this organ to the 
intestine through the pancreatic duct. 

D1aBETEs has long been known to be the result of a deficiency 
of a pancreatic function leading to a lack of codrdination of the 
chemical processes by which the body uses carbohydrates to sup- 
ply energy. The storage of sugar by the liver is unregulated. Evi- 
dences of this disease are chiefly an increase in the sugar content 
of the blood and the presence of sugar in the urine. Now we know 
that a close approach to the normal metabolic condition can be 
attained by administering to diabetics the hormone insulin ex- 
tracted from the pancreas of sheep or other animals. Insulin thus 
takes the place of the secretion which the pancreas fails to afford, 
and so removes the pall of hopelessness from many of the most 
acute and desperate cases of diabetes. 

Turning now to a gland devoted solely to the secretion of a 
hormone, we may select the thyroid which, as has been seen, arises 
as an outpocketing of the digestive tract in the neck region and 
finally loses all connection with its point of origin and becomes 
a ductless gland. (Fig. 110.) 

The general effect of the thyroid hormone, THYROXINE, on 
metabolism is a regulation of the rate of oxidation in the body to 
meet changing physiological demands. An excess of thyroxine 
induces such vigorous fuel consumption that no surplus remains 
in the body to be stored as fat; while a deficiency in the glandu- 
lar secretion results in a tendency toward fat formation. The ad- 
ministration of thyroid extract or thyroxine is often an efficient, 
though dangerous, means of reducing fat by increasing the oxida- 
tive processes of the body. A deficiency of the hormone during 
adult life frequently results in a pathological condition called myx- 
EDEMA. Children in whom the development of the thyroid is sup- 
pressed become dwarfish idiots known as CRETINS, while over- 
development of the gland induces increased nervous activity and 
mental disorders. Feeding with thyroid material prevents or re- 
tards the development of cretinism and cures myxedema, while 
a surgical removal of part of the gland may cure the nervous in- 
stability and other symptoms due to an excessive amount of the 
hormone. GorrTeEr is a pathological enlargement of the thyroid due 
to a deficiency in iodine needed to manufacture its iodine-contain- 
ing thyroxine. 


The almost uncanny potency of hormones in general wil! be 
evident from the fact that about 1/1,000th of a gram of thyroxine 
is sufficient to induce a 2 per cent increase of the total oxidation 
of the resting adult human body. The amount of thyroxine re- 
quired by the body during a whole year is probably about 23 grams, 
while the amount in use at any one time is approximately 2/10th 
of a gram. “But this pinch of material spells all the difference be- 

tween complete imbecility and normal health’? —a fact that 
should give pause not only to the biologist but also to the sociolo- 

Moreover, as a further indication of the nicety of the reciprocal 
adjustments within the organism, it may be mentioned that the 
thyroid gland itself is affected by regulating stimuli reaching it 
through the nervous system, and also by a hormone derived from 
the PITUITARY GLAND which is another endocrine organ situated in 
conjunction with the lower surface of the brain. 

Finally, the ADRENAL GLANDS, one situated in close proximity to 
each of the kidneys, are endocrine organs of high significance that 
secrete at least two hormones. One, known as ADRENALINE, iS 
poured into the blood when the glands are stimulated by the ner- 
vous system. Adrenaline has its most marked effect when muscu- 
lar exertion is at a premium. It accelerates heart action, increases 
blood pressure, reduces muscular fatigue, stimulates the liver to 
give up its stored glycogen, retards the activities of the alimentary 
canal, dilates the eyes, etc. It is essentially a chemical whip which 
makes various organs play their part in the general mobilization. 
Glimpses of such interrelationships are being gradually afforded as 
one hormone after another is discovered and studied — chemical 
coordination is indeed a fact. (Figs. 107, 108, 132.) 


Although hormones are indispensable as a means of regulating 
many of the processes of the organism, they are entirely inadequate 
for the instantaneous correlation of diverse parts of an animal and 
also for the adjustment of the whole animal to its surroundings. 
This need is supplied in the Metazoa by the NERVOUS SYSTEM: a 
complicated arrangement of cellular elements in which irritability 
and conduction are highly developed. The study of the nervous 
system constitutes the science of NEUROLOGY. 


Even in some unicellular organisms certain portions of the proto- 
plasm are especially differentiated for receiving and conducting 
stimuli, and others for making effective such stimuli by contrac- 
tions of the whole or parts of the cell. Indeed, Paramecium and 
other Infusoria possess a NEUROMOTOR system which apparently 
consists of a codrdinating center, or MoToRIUM, from which con- 
ductile paths extend through the cell to the cilia, ete. But 
it is in the lower Metazoa, such as Hydra 
and its allies, that we find the establishment 
of definite NERVE CELLS, some of which are 
specialized for re- 

fee eB kha ae 


ZT ie __ Fic. 137. — Diagram of 
Fic. 136. — Diagram 

a more complex type of 


Fic. 135.— Nerve 
cells in the ectoderm of 
Hydra. The parallel 
lines represent muscle 
fibers. (After Schnei- 

of a simple type of recep- 
tor-effector system found 
in some Hydra-like ani- 
mals. It comprises recep- 
tors (b), or sense cells, 
reaching to the body sur- 
face (a), with basal nerve 
net (c) connecting with 
muscle cells (d). (Slightly 
modified, after Parker.) 

receptor-effector system, 
found in some Hydra-like 
animals. It comprises, in 
addition to the receptor 
(b) with nerve net (c) and 
the muscle cells (e), an- 
other nerve (ganglion) cell 
(d) interpolated in the 
nerve net. a, body surface. 
(From Parker.) 

ceiving stimuli and others for conducting the excitation to cells 
specialized for contracting (muscle cells), etc. Thus a simple 
RECEPTOR-EFFECTOR system arises which may be regarded as the 
basis for the development of the elaborate NEUROMUSCULAR 
MECHANISM of higher forms, with RECEPTORS, or sense organs, 
CONDUCTORS, or nerves, and EFFECTORS, or muscles and glands. 
Although from the functional point of view it is difficult to differ- 
entiate the receptors, conductors, and effectors in the economy 
of the organism, from the standpoint of anatomy the conductors 
constitute a definite entity, the nervous system proper. (Figs. 135- 
137, 144, 145.) 

The structural elements of the nervous system of all animals 
consist of cells known as nerve cells, or NEURONS. In the lower 


forms these cells are apparently united so that they form NERVE 
NETS which surround and permeate the tissues which they stimu- 
late to action. In more highly developed animals the net arrange- 
ment is relegated to the control of relatively minor functions, 
while the main nervous system consists of numerous neurons ar- 
ranged in groups, or GANGLIA, and prolongations of the neurons, or 
nerve FIBERS, bound together into cables, or NERVES. The neurons, 
which are embedded in protective sheaths of connective tissue in 

of axon 

D branches 

Fic. 138. — Neurons. Stages in the differentiation of nerve cells. A, prim- 
itive neuron from the nerve net of Hydra-like animals; B, motor neuron of the 
Earthworm; C, D, primary motor neurons of a Vertebrate. 

the ganglia, are in physiological continuity one with another by 
‘transmitting contacts, or SYNAPSES; but each neuron, it is be- 
lieved, remains structurally distinct. (Figs. 138, 139, 143.) 

1. Brain and Spinal Cord 

It will be recalled that the first great differentiation during the 
development of a multicellular animal establishes an outer ecto- 
derm and inner endoderm, and thus separates the functions of 
protection and general reactions to the environment from that of 
nutrition. It is natural therefore that the ectoderm should be- 


come the seat of those specializations which have evolved into 
the nervous system and sense organs. Such is the case in all forms 
from the lowest to the highest, and thus the development and 
comparative anatomy of the nervous system of Vertebrates, in 
particular, affords strong evidence of the genetic continuity of 
the whole series. 

In the development of a Vertebrate, the first indication of the 
nervous system is a longitudinal groove in the ectoderm along the 
dorsal surface, which soon becomes converted into a tube by the 

Ventral nerve cord 

at ganglion Motor neuron cell body 

Motor fiber ending in 

longitudinal muscle Sensory fibers 

—§—= Body cavity 

Fic. 139. — Diagram of primary sensory and motor neurons of the ventral 
nerve cord of an Earthworm, showing their connections with the skin and the 
muscles to form a simple reflex arc. See Fig. 61. 

apposition and, finally, the fusion of its edges. This NEURAL TUBE 
then becomes separated from, and sinks below the surface ecto- 
derm, and in time forms the CENTRAL nervous system consisting 
of the BRAIN and SPINAL CoRD. As development proceeds, out- 
growths from the central nervous system establish the PERIPHERAL 
and the AUTONOMIC nervous systems, so that structurally as well 
as physiologically the whole nervous system represents a unit; 
a single organ, as it were, which secondarily becomes closely iden- 
tified here and there with sense organ, muscle, or gland, as the 
case may be. (Figs. 142, 174.) 

The first marked structural modifications in the developing 
central nervous system of Vertebrates are two constrictions of 
the enlarged anterior end of the neural tube, which establish the 
three primary brain vesicles: FORE-BRAIN, MID-BRAIN, and HIND- 
BRAIN. Thus very early in embryonic development, one end of the 
neural tube is molded into the brain, leaving the rest to become 
the spinal cord. (Fig. 140.) 


Fore-brain Mid-brain Hind-brain 

Telencephalon Mid-brain Cerebellum 
i ae 
B trereys weet Ly? pil 
Cerebral hemisphere Pineal body 
| Cerebellum 
Cc A Medulla 
Meleneeonalone ~ ae = 
Diencephalon Infundibulum 
Cerebral hemispheres 

lobes Mid-brain (oa 


Fic. 140. — Diagrams to illustrate the general method of transformation of 
the anterior end of the neural tube into the brain. A, B, C, median vertical 

sections; D, dorsal view of C. 


The three-vesicle brain now becomes transformed into one of 
five vesicles by a hollow outpocketing from the anterior end of the 
fore-brain and a dorsal outpocketing from the hind-brain. In the 
lowest forms the brain throughout life consists essentially of these 
CEREBELLUM, and MEDULLA OBLONGATA; the latter merging into 
the spinal cord. Usually, however, the telencephalon gives rise to 
a pair of CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES which are destined gradually to 
overshadow in size and significance all the other parts of the brain. 
Then the development from the telencephalon or its derivatives, 
the cerebral hemispheres, of a pair of OLFACTORY LOBES completes 
the establishment of the chief brain chambers. 

The further changes which transform the more or less linear 
series of vesicles into the increasingly complex and compact brain 
of higher forms are due to bendings, or FLEXURES, and to unequal 
thickenings and outgrowths of the chamber walls. For instance, 
the upper and lower surfaces of the diencephalon give rise to the 
PINEAL BODY and the INFUNDIBULUM respectively, while from 
similar regions of the mid-brain are developed the opTIcC LOBES 
and CRURA CEREBRI. Hand in hand with these changes the pri- 
mary cavities of the chambers undergo a gradual restriction, but 
throughout all there persists at least a remnant of the original 
tubular cavity which is continuous with that of the spinal cord. 
(Figs. 109, 141.) 

The CEREBRUM, or cerebral hemispheres, is considerably the 
largest and most important part of the human brain since it is 
the center of perceiving, thinking, voluntary motion, and even 
consciousness — the seat of the higher mental life in general. These 
primary activities are performed by neurons, the cell bodies being 
located in the corTEx, the outer layer of GRAY MATTER, while the 
nerve fibers from the neurons extend deeper to form the inner 
WHITE MATTER. These fibers transmit nerve impulses to and from 
the cell bodies in the cortex. 

Next in importance is the cerebellum which, of course, also con- 
sists of neurons. Their functions are subsidiary to those of the 
cerebrum since initiative resides in the cerebrum, but messages 
from this director are codrdinated by the cerebellum on their way 
to various parts of the body. Thus, one may consciously extend 
an arm, but the various compensating movements of other parts 
of the body that are necessary to maintain equilibrium are at- 

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tended to by the cerebellum. It is discriminating but not con- 


Finally, in the medulla, nerve fibers are in the ascendancy since 
all nerve impulses to and from the cerebrum and cerebellum 

and the spinal cord are trans- 
mitted through the medulla. The 
crura cerebri are large bundles of 
fibers extending from the medulla 
to the cerebrum. However, nerve 
cells are also prominent in the 
medulla: some of them give rise 
to CRANIAL NERVES, and some 
form functional groups, or centers 
of actions for regulating the 
respiratory and circulatory or- 
gans, known as the RESPIRATORY 

2. Cranial and Spinal Nerves 

The brain and spinal cord are, 
as we know, protected and iso- 
lated by a cartilaginous or bony 
tube, formed by the skull and 
neural arches of the vertebrae, 
which is embedded in the muscles 
forming the dorsal part of the 
body wall. The sole paths of 
nervous communication between 
the central system and the rest of 
the organism and its surroundings 
are a series of pairs of CRANIAL 
and SPINAL NERVES. ‘These arise 
at fairly regular intervals from 
one end of the brain and cord to 
the other, and pass out through 
openings in the skull and between 
or through the vertebrae to con- 
stitute the peripheral nervous 
system. (Figs. 109, 142.) 


Fic. 142.— Ventral view of the 
nervous system of the Frog. Br, sec- 
ond and third spinal nerves (brachial 
plexus); Js, sciatic nerve leading from 
the sciatic plexus; O, eye; Ol, olfac- 
tory nerve; Op, optic nerve; Sg 1-10, 
ten ganglia of autonomic system; 
Spn 1, first spinal nerve; Sp 4, fourth 
spinal nerve; Vg, trigeminal ganglion; 
Xg, ganglion of 10th cranial nerve, 
or vagus. (From Ecker.) 


It is usually considered that the primitive segmental condition 
of the Vertebrate body is well exhibited in the arrangement of the 
cranial and spinal nerves, and that the origin of the cranial nerves 
from the brain affords a partial index to the primary series of seg- 
ments which apparently have been merged to form the Vertebrate 
head. Conditions as they exist at the present time can perhaps be 
most readily understood by imagining a simple, ancestral, seg- 
mented worm-like form in which the dorsal neural tube gives off 
a pair of nerves to each segment of the body. As the result of a 
gradual shifting forward, union, and finally complete fusion of 
certain segments near the anterior end, there is formed a head 
region with its brain, battery of sense organs, and skull, more or 
less distinct from a trunk region with its spinal cord, vertebral 
column, paired limbs, etc. This CEPHALIZATION naturally involves a 
shifting and modification of the primitive condition of the paired 
nerves; especially since the innervation of a group of cells in nor- 
mal development is apparently rarely changed — a nerve following 
the part which it originally supplied through many of the trans- 
formations and even migrations of the latter. 

If this point of view is accepted, the cranial and spinal nerves 
are, historically considered, similar structures. But the former, 
synchronously with the changes in the head region, have departed 
somewhat widely from their ancestral condition and have even been 
augmented by nerves of diverse origin. The spinal nerves, on the 
other hand, continue to issue from the cord at about equal intervals 
and in segmental arrangement as indicated by muscle segments 
and skeletal structures, although those of certain regions unite in 
the body cavity to form groups, or PLEXUSES, to afford an adequate 
nerve supply to the appendages. (Fig. 142.) 

From the standpoint of function the nerves are of three classes: 
SENSORY, MOTOR, and MIXED. Sensory nerves are the paths over 
which excitations (NERVE IMPULSES) due to stimuli are conducted 
to the cord and brain, while motor nerves are the paths for dis- 
tributing impulses from the brain and cord to muscle cells, gland 
cells, etc., and thus induce the response of the organism. But the 
great majority are mixed nerves which afford paths for sensory as 
well as for motor impulses and so perform both functions. 

It is important to note that a nerve is actually a bundle of nerve 
fibers; the fibers themselves in turn being prolongations of nerve 
cells, the cell bodies of which are usually in groups, or ganglia. 


Moreover, nerve impulses are not transmitted by a nerve as a 
whole, but by one component cell process, a nerve fiber; that is, by 
way of a definite cell path through the nerve. The same is equally 
true of the cord and the brain, which differ from nerves largely in 


Motor fiber 
Sensory fiber 

Sensory fiber 

Ganglion cell 

Sensory nerve 
/iiber ending in 
<=> sense cell 


Ventral root “Motor nerve 
fiber ending 

in muscle 

Motor fiber 



SOUR A yond) 
rp ye 



AW iba 


Fic. 143. — Diagram of the paths of sensory and motor nerve fibers. A 
reflex arc from sense cell via spinal cord to muscle cell is shown at lower right. 

that they comprise more cell processes and also the cell bodies 
themselves. In other words, the brain and cord comprise the ele- 
ments of both ganglia and nerves. 

A mixed nerve conducts impulses both to and from the central 
organ because it contains both sensory and motor cell paths, or 
fibers. All peripheral nerves are primarily mixed nerves, because 
typically they arise by two roots from the central organ; the DORSAL 
ROOT containing only sensory (afferent) fibers and the VENTRAL 



ROOT only motor (efferent) fibers. This condition is preserved by 
the spinal nerves of higher forms since each arises by two roots. 
But some of the cranial nerves, in response to the profound modi- 

Fic. 144. — Diagram of a 
section (highly magnified) of 
the wall of the intestine of a 
Vertebrate to show its intrin- 
sie nervous organization 
which brings about the move- 

ments of the tube. The two 
plexuses consist essentially of 
simple neurons arranged as 
nerve nets. a, food absorbing 
surface of the intestine; }, 
mucous layer; c, plexus of 
neurons (submucous); d, cir- 
cular muscle; e, plexus of 
neurons (myenteric); f, lon- 
gitudinal muscle; g, serous 
layer. (From Parker, after 

fications that have been wrought in the 
head region, have only one root, and so 
are either solely sensory, as those to the 
sense organs, or only motor, as those 
innervating the muscles which move 
the eye. (Fig. 143.) 

Many nerve impulses set up by sen- 
sory stimuli are, in part, shunted di- 
rectly from sensory to motor nerve 
paths in the spinal cord itself. One 
removes his finger from the pin-point 
before he is conscious of the prick. 
Thus so-called REFLEX ARCS. bring 
about the multitude of REFLEXES 
which relieve the brain of much unnec- 
essary labor, and are the basis of the 
behavior of animals. Many reflexes 
apparently are inherited, but others, 
established as the result of experience. 
(Figs. 139, 143.) 

3. Autonomic System 

So far we have considered the central 
system — the brain and spinal cord; 
and its lines of communication with 
the body as a whole, the peripheral 
system — the cranial and spinal nerves. 
In point of fact, however, the periph- 
eral system gives rise to an auxiliary 
series of ganglia and nerves which are 
charged with the regulation of prac- 
tically all of the functions of the body 

that are not under voluntary control, such as the circulatory 

system and alimentary canal. 


higher Vertebrates consists essentially of a double nerve chain, 
situated chiefly in the body cavity just ventral to the verte- 


bral column, from which branches proceed to innervate the nearby 
organs. It communicates with the central system by way of the 
sensory roots of the spinal and some of the cranial nerves. 
(Figs. 142, 144.) 

Such, in essence, is the distribution throughout the body of the 
nervous system which, although it arises as an infolding of the 
ectoderm and therefore is primarily external, comes to be internal 
and so chiefly dependent upon more or less isolated groups of 
SENSORY Cells for the reception of stimuli. Some of these, termed 
EXTERNAL RECEPTORS, remain at the surface to receive stimuli 
from the outer world, while others, known as INTERNAL RECEPTORS, 
are situated within the body for the reception of stimuli arising 
there. The external receptors are what one ordinarily thinks of 
as sense organs. 


Although among some of the Protozoa certain regions of the 
cell are specialized so that they are more sensitive to one or another 
kind of stimulation, the great majority show no trace of sense or- 
gans. Nevertheless all forms, in common with all protoplasm, 
possess the power of receiving and responding to environmental 
changes. Thus Paramecium reacts to mechanical, thermal, chem- 
ical, and electrical stimulation: the entire surface of the cell is 
sensitive to stimuli, and the excitations are conducted from one 
part to another essentially by the protoplasm as a whole, aided 
apparently by the neuromotor apparatus. In some Invertebrates, 
such as Hydra and the Earthworm, the entire surface of the body 
is still depended upon as a receiving organ for all kinds of stimuli, 
and only simple sense cells are developed. In the majority of ani- 
mals, however, although all the cells, of course, retain to some ex- 
tent their power of irritability, environmental changes exert their 
influence chiefly upon complex receptors which are specialized to 
respond most readily to particular forms of energy. The energy, 
for example of heat or light, is transformed by appropriate 
mechanisms into the energy of a nerve impulse, and accord- 
ingly the sense organs constitute the outposts of the nervous 
system. (Figs. 22, 135-137, 139, 225.) 

Since we necessarily gain our knowledge of the outside world 
solely through the data afforded by our sense organs, it follows 


that we judge the capacity of the sense organs of other animals 
merely by comparing them with our own. This is a safe procedure 
only in the case of sense organs that more or less correspond 
in structure to those which we possess. 
In the Crayfish, for example, we find com- 
plex sense organs which, without doubt, 
are eyes, and others which are ears, or 
at least perform one of the functions of 
our ears, equilibration; while some of the 
head appendages are particularly adapted 
to receive sensations of touch. The senses 
of smell and taste are also probably pres- 
ent, but here we are on less sure ground. 
It is, indeed, almost certain that environ- 
mental changes which are without effect 
on the sense organs of the human body, 
and so play no recognizable part in the 
‘world’ of Man, may stimulate receptors 

Pee rer in lower organisms. But Man’s ingenuity 
stages in the differentiation as in certain cases devised apparatus to 
of sense cells. A, primitive minimize his limitations: witness the radio 

sensory neuron of Hydra- receiver. (Figs. 54, 63.) 
like animals; B, sensory ; { : 
neuron of a Mollusc; C, Lhe simplest form of sense organ in 
primary sensory neuron of Vertebrates is a single epithelial cell for 
7 . . . . 

a Vertebrate. In each case the reception of stimuli, connected with a 
the sensory surface is rep- : 
resented below, and there: Merve fiber for the conduction orgie 
fore the nerve impulse nerve impulse to a _ sensory center. 
ae ) pward. (From {jsyally, however, many associated cells are 

; arranged to respond and are aided by ac- 
cessory structures for intensifying the stimulus, protection, etc., so 

that the whole forms a highly complex sense organ. (Figs. 145, 150.) 

A B 

1. Cutaneous Senses 

Confining our attention to the Vertebrates, we find that prac- 
tically the entire surface of the body constitutes a sense organ, be- 
cause the skin is permeated with a network of sensory nerves. 
Certain regions are supplied with special PRESSURE RECEPTORS, 
which may take the form of a regular system of sense organs, such 
as the LATERAL LINE ORGANS Of Fishes and Amphibians, or of 
groups of TACTILE CORPUSCLES as in Man. In addition to pressure 


receptors, most of the surface of the human body is provided with 

2. Sense of Taste 

In the higher Vertebrates the sense of taste is restricted to the 
cavity of the mouth, particularly to the tongue, where special 
receptors known as TASTE BUDS are in communication with the 

zat B\ | RAL ROO 
ES We Pe 


tli ff 
cells My Y, 
Sense Y 
cells & Word 





Fic. 146. — A, Cells of olfactory epithelium from human nose. B, Cells of 
a taste bud in epithelium of tongue. The sensory cells terminate externally in 
hair-like processes which are activated by the chemical stimuli that produce 
odor or taste. 

brain by two of the cranial nerves; but in some Fishes similar 

organs are scattered quite generally over the surface of the body. 
(Fig. 146.) 

3. Sense of Smell 

The special sense organs of smell, or OLFACTORY CELLS, reside in 
the membrane which lines a pair of invaginations of the anterior 
end of the head, termed oLFACTORY POUCHES. The cells are in 
communication with the brain by the olfactory, or first pair of 
cranial nerves. The pouches constitute relatively simple sacs 
in the lower Vertebrates, but in the air-breathing forms, and 
especially in the Mammals, the walls of the pouches are thrown 
into folds, ridges, and secondary pouches. This is necessitated 
by the concentration of the olfactory surface to the air passages 
of the NosE which lead to the lungs. However, the human ol- 
factory apparatus has fallen somewhat from the complexity which 
it attains in the lower Mammals, as is attested not only by its 


structure in the adult but also by transient remnants in the 
human embryo. (Fig. 146.) 

4. The Ear 

The EARS, or organs of hearing and equilibration, arise as paired 
depressions of the ectoderm of the head, which, in all Vertebrates 
above the lower Fishes, lose their connection with the exterior and 
form the so-called INNER EAR, Or LABYRINTH. This becomes divided 
into two chief parts, the saccuLus and the UTRICULUS, from which 

are developed three SEMI- 


ee each plane of space. The 
sacculus is largely devoted 

to the reception of vibra- 
tions of the surrounding 
medium, that is to hearing 
in the usual sense of the 
word. Accordingly the sac- 
Ampulla culus becomes progressively 
differentiated as we ascend 
the Vertebrate scale—a 

Fic. 147. — Diagram of the left mem- complex derivative in the 

branous labyrinth of a lower Vertebrate, M li foe th 
showing the sacculus, utriculus, and the ammanan car Nem. € 

three semicircular canals. The lagena isa COCHLEA. (Fig. 147.) 
derivative of the sacculus which becomes On the other hand, the 
the cochlea in higher Vertebrates. 




Sacculus —— = Lagena 

utriculus and the semicircu- 
lar canals provide for sensations of loss of equilibrium, or orientation 
of the body in space, and show far less change. It is probable that 
equilibration is the chief function of the entire labyrinth in Fishes, 
as it is of the so-called auditory organs of many Invertebrates, such 
as the Crayfish. With the progressive specialization of the laby- 
rinth, the essential sensory cells, which are in communication with 
the brain by the eighth, or AUDITORY NERVE, become limited to a 
few definite areas. These sensory cells are provided with auditory 
hairs which project into the cavity of the labyrinth and so are 
stimulated by movements of the fluid which fills it. 

The ears of Fishes lie immediately below the skull roof where 
they are readily accessible to vibrations transmitted by the water. 
But with the substitution of air for water as the surrounding 
medium, there arises the necessity of a more delicate method for 


conducting and also for collecting and augmenting the sound waves. 
The result is that, in ascending the Vertebrate series, we find the 
ear proper receding farther and farther below the surface. 

Soon, between the labyrinth, or inner ear, and the surface of the 
head, a simple resonating chamber is added which is provided with 
a vibrating TYMPANIC membrane, or EAR DRUM, situated just under 
the skin. Then this is improved by the development of a bony 
transmitting mechanism between the tympanic membrane and the 
inner ear. This consists of a single bone until we reach the Mam- 
mals, when two more bones are added by being diverted from their 



— Auditory nerve 


Tympanic chamber 
: or middle ear 
Auditory passage Stapeg 

or outer ear Tympanum 
Fic. 148. — Front view of a vertical section of the human ear, right side. 
Note the transmitting mechanism of three bones: malleus, incus, and stapes. 


earlier function of articulating the jaws with the skull. Finally, 
the resonating (tympanic) chamber recedes farther below the sur- 
face and becomes the MIDDLE EAR to which sound waves are con- 
ducted through a tubular passage, the oUTER EAR. In some forms 
the latter is provided with an external funnel-like expansion, the 
PINNA. Apparently much is accomplished by accumulating minute 
changes during the ages. (Fig. 148.) 

5. The Eye 

The organs of sight are the most complex sense organs of ani- 
mals and reach a very high degree of specialization even in some 
of the Invertebrate forms. Among the latter the essential sensory 
element (RETINA) of the eye usually arises by the invagination of 


Fic. 149. — Diagrams illustrating the method of formation of the eye of an 
Invertebrate (A) and a Vertebrate (B, C, D, E, — successive stages). Note that 
the opposite surface of the retinal cells is exposed to the light rays in the Verte- 
brates as compared with the Invertebrate eye. a, ectoderm; b, retinal area; c, 
future position of optic nerve; d, cavity of the diencephalon; e, optic vesicle; 
jf, stalk of optic vesicle, later replaced by the optic nerve; g, vitreous chamber 
within optic cup; h, developing lens. 


a limited area of ectoderm, the cells of which become differentiated 
for receiving the photic stimuli that produce nerve impulses to 
be transmitted to the central nervous system. Among Vertebrates 
the sensory cells are also of ectodermic origin, but only secondarily 
so, since the OPTIC VESICLES arise as outpocketings directly from 
the sides of the diencephalon. (Fig. 149.) 

A retina alone, such as exists in some of the lower Invertebrates, 
can afford no visual sensations other than light and darkness, and 
perhaps in some cases the ability to distinguish light of one color 

Muscle to 
upper lid 

Posterior chamber. 
Anterior chamber 

(both filled with 
aqueous humor) 

Eyelid Fy 
Byelah 97 / 

Conj unctiva———}|_ 

Cornea *» 

4 Optic 

Lens muscles 

__ Suspensory 
ligament of lens 

Choroid coat 
Sclerotic coat 

Muscle to eyeball 

Fic. 150. — The Vertebrate eye (human). Vertical section of the eye and 
associated structures. 

from that of another. In order that not merely degrees of the 
intensity of light may be perceived, but that objects may be seen, 
many of the higher Invertebrates have developed various kinds 
of complicated apparatus for bringing the rays from a given point 
to a focus at one point on the retina. These culminate, on the one 
hand, in the compound eye of the Arthropods; and on the other, 
in the ‘camera’ eye of certain Molluscs such as the Squid. In the 
latter case the mechanism is very much like that found in the 
Vertebrates, but since it occurs in Molluscs which cannot be con- 
sidered in the direct evolutionary line of the Vertebrates, it 


affords an example of similar responses of different organisms to 
similar needs giving rise to analogous structures. (Figs. 50, 150.) 
The wall of the Vertebrate eye, or EYEBALL, forms a more or less 
hollow sphere which can be rotated by several relatively large 
muscles. The anterior exposed part of the eyeball consists of two 
transparent layers: the delicate CONJUNCTIVA, continuous with the 
inner lining of the eyelid, and the rigid CORNEA beneath. The sides 

Pigmented ~"|~>.} * A ee Ge ae 
epithelium [2022S eGuhset Lae 


Fibers to 
optic nerve 

Fic. 151. — Diagram of a vertical section of the Vertebrate retina (human). 
The pigmented epithelium is the retinal layer farthest from the vitreous 
chamber, and in contact with the choroid coat. 

and posterior part are also composed of two layers, the outer 
SCLEROTIC coat and the inner CHOROID coat. Suspended within 
the eyeball is the LENS which divides the cavity into two chief 
parts; the one posterior to the lens, known as the vITREOUS 
CHAMBER, being lined by the retina whose nerve cells supply the 
nerve fibers forming the opTic, or second cranial nerve. 

The Vertebrate eye is an optical apparatus that may be com- 
pared roughly with a camera, but this conspicuous difference 


must be noted. A camera is focussed by altering the distance 
between the lens and the film, whereas the eye is focussed by 
changing the curvature of the lens. Thus light waves passing 
through the conjunctiva, cornea, and an opening (PUPIL) in a 
regulating diaphragm (irIs) reach the lens and are focussed on 
the retina. The sensory stimulation of the Rops and cones of the 
retina thus brought about is transmitted by the optic nerve to 
the brain. The brain itself interprets the nerve impulses and com- 
poses — sees — the picture. How this is done, nobody knows. 
(Fig. 151.) 

A broad survey of the sense organs of Vertebrates from the low- 
est to the highest impresses one with the fact that, taken by and 
large, the improvements, though considerable, are not so marked 
as one might expect when the great development of the nervous 
system, particularly the brain, is considered. The brain increases 
enormously in volume and complexity from Fish to Man. In many 
Fishes it seems to be little more than a slight modification of the 
anterior end of the spinal cord, while in the Frog the brain and 
cord weigh about the same. But the human brain weighs about 
three pounds, nearly fifty times as much as the cord, and com- 
prises many billions of nerve cells. So it would seem that we must 
look to the general influence of the sensory stimuli themselves for 
the underlying factors in the development of the brain during its 
long evolutionary history — the brain, in turn, being enabled to 
make more out of the same stimuli and create in Man the higher 
mental life with all that it implies. It is, indeed, an appalling 
thought that all human mental states are represented by a few 
thimblefuls of cells constituting the cerebral cortex. 


The mystery of life will always remain. Science is not the death, 
but the birth of mystery, awe, and reverence. — Donnan. 

A GENERAL background of biological facts and principles has 
now been established, and we are therefore in a position to take up 
from an advantageous viewpoint some of the broad questions 
raised by the science. For its antiquity as well as its universal 
interest, the problem of the origin of life takes precedence. 


It must seem strange to the reader, with some of the complexities 
of organisms before him, that the best minds up to the seventeenth 
century saw nothing more remarkable in the spontaneous origin 
of plants and animals of all kinds from mud and decaying 
matter, than does the boy of to-day who believes that horse 
hairs soaked in water are transformed into worms. As a mat- 
ter of fact, we find that even Aristotle, who laid such broad 
foundations for the science and philosophy of the organism, 
believed that certain of the Vertebrates, such as eels, arose 

Similar ideas are voiced repeatedly through more than twenty 
centuries by scientists and philosophers, poets and theologians. 
Van Helmont, one of the founders of chemical physiology during 
the seventeenth century, gives particularly specific directions for 
the experimental production of scorpions and mice; while Kircher 
actually figures animals that he states arose under his own eyes 
through the influence of water on the stems of plants. The follow- 
ing ironical reflections, aroused by Sir Thomas Browne’s doubts 
in regard to mice arising by putrefaction, are quite typical of opin- 
ion of the time: ““So we may doubt whether, in cheese and tim- 
ber, worms are generated or if beetles and wasps in cow dung, 
or if butterflies, shellfish, eels, and such life be procreated of pu- 
trefied matter. To question this is to question reason, sense, and 
experience. If he doubts this, let him go to Egypt, and there he 



will find the fields swarming with mice begot of the mud of the 
Nile, to the great calamity of the inhabitants.” 

Naturally, with the gradual increase in knowledge of the com- 
plexity of organisms, the idea of ABIOGENESIS, Or SPONTANEOUS 
GENERATION, was restricted more and more to the lower forms. It 
remained, however, for Francisco Redi during the latter part of the 
seventeenth century to question seriously the general proposition, 
and to substitute direct experimentation for discussion and hear- 
say. By the simple expedient — it seems simple to-day — of pro- 
tecting decaying meat from contamination by flies, he demon- 
strated that these insects are not developed from the flesh and 
that the apparent transformation of meat into maggots is due 
solely to the development of the eggs deposited thereon by flies. 

One may imagine that the practical man of affairs scoffed at 
Redi toiling under the Italian sun with meat and maggots to satisfy 
a scientific curiosity, and little dreamed that the practical results 
which germinated from this ‘folly’ would be among the most 
important factors in twentieth-century civilization. Indeed, it is 
difficult to overestimate the importance of Redi’s conclusion from 
either the theoretical or practical viewpoint, for with it was def- 
initely formulated the theory that matter does not assume the 
living state, at the present time at least, except from preéxisting 
living matter. 

The influence of this work gradually became evident in schol- 
arly literature. One author during the next century states that 
“spontaneous generation is a doctrine so generally exploded that 
I shall not undertake to explode it. It is so evident that all animals, 
yea and vegetables, too, owe their production to parent animals and 
vegetables, that I have often admired the sloth and prejudices of 
ancient philosophers in taking it upon trust.’’ Another writes 
that he “would as soon say that rocks and woods engender stags 
and elephants as affirm that a piece of cheese generates mites.” 

But it is not to be supposed that the time-honored doctrine of 
spontaneous generation actually had been so easily relegated to 
the myths of the past, Redi’s work and these eighteenth-century 
opinions to the contrary. Indeed, the history of the establishment 
of BIOGENESIS — all life from life — extends down almost to the 
present time, for no sooner had experiment apparently disposed of 
spontaneous generation than it arose again with fresh vigor in a 
slightly different form demanding further investigation. 


The difficulties came from two chief sources. In the first place, 
Redi himself had been baffled by the presence of parasites within 
certain internal organs of higher animals, such as the brains of 
sheep. How did they get there if not by spontaneous generation? 
The answer to this had to await the working out of the marvel- 
lously complex life histories of the parasitic worms and allied 
forms which showed that they all arise from parents like them- 
selves. In the second place, improvements in microscope lenses 
contributed to the discovery of smaller and smaller living creatures. 
Countless numbers and myriads of kinds of “animalcules” ap- 
pearing almost overnight in decaying organic infusions aroused 
widespread interest and amazement, and proved to be the chief 
riddle. The plausible explanation seemed to be spontaneous gen- 
eration. (Figs. 14, 18, 26, 251, 252.) 

Among others, Needham studied the problem and believed that 
he had demonstrated the spontaneous origin of minute organisms 
in infusions that he had boiled and sealed in flasks. His results 
attracted considerable attention because the famous French nat- 
uralist, Buffon, found in them support for his theory that the bodies 
of all organisms are composed of indestructible living units, which 
upon the death of the individual are scattered in nature and later 
brought together again to form the units of new generations. 

Needham’s and similar results, however, were shown by Spal- 
lanzani and others to be inconclusive because they were obtained 
by insufficient sterilization and sealing of the flasks containing the 
infusions. But at this point objections came from another source: 
the chemists who had recently discovered the important part 
played by free oxygen for life processes and for the putrefaction 
and fermentation of organic substances. They argued that the 
treatment to which Spallanzani and other experimenters subjected 
the infusions might well have changed the organic matter, ex- 
cluded oxygen, etc., so that it was impossible for life to be produced. 

This objection was met by a long series of experiments by various 
investigators during the first half of the last century, which showed 
conclusively that thoroughly sterilized infusions never developed 
living organisms even when air was admitted, provided the latter 
had been rendered sterile by heat or by having all suspended 
‘dust’ particles removed. Thus the chemists were answered — 
the infusions possessed all the conditions necessary to support life 
— but life did not arise. The biologist who contributed most to 


the establishment of this conclusion was Pasteur. His masterly 
and comprehensive work was not only convincing and final, but 
it also demonstrated the source of the life that so rapidly appeared 
in infusions that are exposed to the air. It is the air. A consider- 
able part of so-called dust is made up of 
microorganisms in a dormant state ready 
to resume active life when moisture and 
other suitable conditions are encountered. 
Furthermore, these organisms are not the 
result, but the cause of 
decay — their own ac- 
tivities bring about 
chemical changes: putre- 
fac tEO D, fermentation, Fic. 152. — Flask used by Pasteur in his ex- 
and, in the bodies of periments on spontaneous generation. After 
higher organisms, dis- the contents were poured in, the top of the 
a Aaadithas 4s anol flask was sealed. The opening at the end was 
oe: Ie te Stay. sealed against the entrance of germs, but not 
attested by the methods oxygen, etc., by the water of condensation 

now universally used in that accumulated at the bend. Life did not 
develop in the flask. 

food preservation and 
aseptic surgery—to mention but two instances. (Figs. 152, 

But, though highly improbable, of course it is not impossible 
that simple life is even at the present time arising spontaneously 
under special environmental conditions, perhaps in the ocean 
depths, though unable to come to fruition in competition with 
existing highly specialized protoplasm of ancient pedigree. In- 
deed, if such living matter is arising, it must be very simple com- 
pared with protoplasm as we know it to-day; so simple, in fact, 
that we would not recognize it as such, because the protoplasm 
of even the simplest organisms has had a long evolutionary history. 

So we may consider it firmly established that, so far as human 
observation and experiment go, no form of life arises to-day ex- 
cept from preéxisting life by reproduction. The evidence from in- 
numerable sources converges overwhelmingly to the support of 
biogenesis. There is no evidence in support of abiogenesis. 


If we accept the testimony of astronomer and geologist, the 
Earth was at one time in a condition in which life could not exist, 


and so we are face to face with the problem of how it came to be 
established on the Earth in the past — the remote past, since the 
geological record affords convincing proof that life has existed 
continuously on the Earth for some hundreds of millions of years. 

Accordingly, unless one is willing to ascribe life’s origin to 
SPECIAL CREATION — which at once removes it from the sphere of 



Fic. 153. — Apparatus used by Tyndall in his experiments on spontaneous 
generation. The front and side windows (w, w) of the cabinet are made of 
glass. Air can enter through the two tubes (a, b). The optical test for the purity 
of the atmosphere within the cabinet was made by passing a powerful beam 
of light from the lamp (/) through the side windows. When the atmosphere 
contained no suspended ‘dust’ particles, the tubes (c) within were filled, 
through the pipet (p) with sterile culture medium suitable for the growth of 
germs, but none developed. (After Tyndall.) 

science and so beyond the present discussion — we have the fol- 
lowing alternatives: either life came to this planet from some other 
part of the universe; or it arose spontaneously from non-living 
matter at one period at least in the past as a natural result of the 
evolution of the Earth and its elements. With these in mind, a 
review may be made of several modern theories of the origin of 
life. It is nearly, if not quite, as important to define our area of 
ignorance as to extend our area of knowledge. 


1. Cosmozoa Theory 

The establishment of biogenesis and the dawning realization 
of the unique complexity of the structure of matter in the living 
state have led several scientists to suggest that life has never 
arisen de novo on the Earth but has been carried hither from else- 
where in the universe — the so-called cosmozoa theory. 

On the assumption that some of the heavenly bodies have al- 
ways been the abode of life, and from the fact that small solid 
particles, which presumably have been a part of such bodies, are 
moving everywhere in space, these particles have been pictured 
as the vehicles which disseminate the simplest forms of life through 
interstellar space to find lodgment and development upon such 
planets as afford a suitable environment. Clearly, from this point 
of view, life may be as old as the universe itself. 

The plausibility of the cosmozoa theory depends on two assump- 
tions: that life exists elsewhere in the universe, and that life can 
be maintained during the interstellar voyage. Neither assumption 
has, of course, any foundation of established fact whatsoever, 
though the second offers at least something tangible for discussion. 

As we know, many of the Bacteria and Protozoa, especially 
when under the influence of unfavorable surroundings, have the 
power of developing protective coverings about themselves and 
of assuming a dormant condition in which all the metabolic ac- 
tivities are reduced to the lowest ebb. In this spore or encysted 
state they can endure extremes of temperature and dryness which 
would quickly prove fatal during active life. For instance, it 
seems clear that the spores of certain kinds of Bacteria can survive 
a temperature approaching that below which no chemical reactions 
are known to occur, and others can endure as high as 140° C. for a 
short time. The cysts of some relatively highly specialized Pro- 
tozoa can retain their vitality for at least half a century, while the 
seeds of some plants have been found to retain the power of germi- 
nation for nearly a century; though statements that grain from 
ancient Egyptian tombs still maintains its power of growth has 
been positively disproved. (Fig. 200.) 

But the hardships to which living matter would be exposed 
when started on its interstellar journey are not to be minimized. 
Meteors in their fall through the Earth’s atmosphere become 
heated to incandescence and, if they are the vehicle of transfer, 


it would only be conceivable for life to survive far below their 
surface where the temperature is lower. To avoid this and other 
difficulties it has been suggested that the radiant pressure of light 
is sufficient to overcome the attraction of gravitation for particles 
of the extraordinary minuteness of some of the lower forms of life, 
and that isolated germs might make the journey to the Earth. 
But on the assumption that an organism were forced out into 
space by the mechanical pressure of light waves from the sun of 
the nearest solar system, it would require many thousand years 
for it to reach the Earth. However, it has been suggested that, 
owing to the exceedingly low temperature and absence of water 
vapor which must prevail in cosmic space, there is no reason why 
spores should lose appreciably more of their germinating power in 
ten thousand years than in six months. 

Without further discussion, it is apparent that the cosmozoa 
theory is one which cannot be proved or disproved. It removes the 
origin of life to a “conveniently inaccessible corner of the universe 
where its solution is impossible.” Although at first thought it 
seems almost absurd, with its strictly scientific formulation by 
recent physicists and biologists, and especially in view of our in- 
creasing knowledge of the powers of life in the latent state, we are 
justified, perhaps, in seriously wondering whether after all life 
has ever arisen, whether it may not be as old as matter, and whether 
its germs, passing from one world to another, may not have de- 
veloped where they found favorable soil. 

But the majority of biologists undoubtedly would agree that, 
“knowing what we know, and believing what we believe, as to the 
part played by evolution in the development of terrestrial matter, 
we are, without denying the possibility of the existence of life in 
other parts of the universe, justified in regarding cosmic theories 
as inherently improbable.’ Accordingly we may turn to theories 
which attempt to picture the evolutionary origin of life from the 
inorganic upon the Earth. 

2. Pfluger’s Theory 

Assuming that the Earth was at one time in an incandescent 
condition, Pfliiger imagines that there arose from this superheated 
mass a combination of carbon and nitrogen to form the radical 
CYANOGEN, CN. This union involves the taking up of a large 
amount of energy in the form of heat, and therefore cyanogen 


contributes energy to organic compounds and, in particular, to 
proteins of which he believes it to be the unique life-principle. 
Accordingly the problem of the origin of life is essentially the 
origin of cyanogen, and since cyanogen and its compounds arise 
only at exceedingly high temperatures, Pfliiger holds that life is 
essentially derived from fire. 

Thus, if Pfliiger’s hypothesis is valid, once the cyanogen has 
energized organic compounds they are on their way to proteins 
and protoplasm, and finally to the evolution of the highly spe- 
cialized protoplasm of organic life to-day. 

3. Moore’s Theory 

Moore essays to picture with rather bold strokes the origin of 
life from the inorganic elements of the cooling Earth, by a continua- 
tion of the process of complexification which he sees inherent in 
the nature of matter. This he expresses in a general way as a “law 
universal in its application to all matter, and holding throughout 
all space as generally as the law of gravitation —a law which 
might be called the LAW OF COMPLEXITY — that matter, so far as 
its energy environment will permit, tends to assume more and 
more complex forms in labile equilibrium. Atoms, molecules, 
colloids, and living organisms arise as a result of the operations 
of this law, and in the higher regions of complexity it induces 
organic evolution and all the many thousands of living forms.”’ 
In this manner he conceives that the chasm between non-living 
and living things can be bridged over, and that life arose as an 
orderly development, which comes to every earth in the universe 
in the maturity of creation when the conditions arrive within 
suitable limits. 

4, Allen’s Theory 

Allen maintains that it is simplest to believe that life arose when 
the physical conditions of the Earth came to be nearly what they 
are at present, and therefore does not attempt to trace it to actual 
Earth beginnings. If life formerly existed actively outside of the 
range of the freezing and boiling points of water, it must, he says, 
have been quite different from life as we know it. Allen imagines 
some such reactions as the following to have occurred: solar energy, 
acting on the water or damp earth containing the raw materials, 
caused dissociation and rearrangement of the atoms; the nitrogen 


abstracting oxygen from its compounds with carbon, hydrogen, 
sulfur, and other elements and delivering it to the atmosphere. 
Not much energy would be absorbed by a transparent liquid; 
but such reactions would occur particularly in water containing 
compounds of iron in solution or suspension since these compounds 
would absorb the solar energy. In this way compounds of nitro- 
gen, carbon, etc., accumulated in the water or damp earth; and 
further reactions, anabolic and katabolic, occurred among them 
by virtue of the lability of the nitrogen compounds. Life at this 
stage was of the humblest kind since there were no definite organ- 
isms, only diffuse substances trading in energy, and between this 
stage and the evolution of cellular organisms an immense period 

5. Troland’s Theory 

With the increasing realization of the importance of enzymes in 
the economy of organisms, it is not strange that in these chemical 
bodies has been sought the key to life’s origin, and accordingly we 
find Troland stating that life is something which has been built up 
about the enzyme. This author assumes that, at some moment in 
Earth history, a small amount of a certain autocatalytic enzyme 
suddenly appeared at a definite point within the yet warm ocean 
waters which contained in solution various substances reacting very 
slowly to produce an oily liquid which did not mix with water. If, 
when this occurred, the enzyme became related to the reaction in 
such a way as to greatly increase its rate, Troland believes it is ob- 
vious that the enzyme would become enveloped in the oily material 
resulting from the reaction, and the little oil drop would increase 
until it was split into smaller globules, provided the original sub- 
stances which combined were soluble in oil as well as in water. Thus 
arose, according to Troland, the first and simplest life-substance, 
possessing the power of indefinitely continued growth. 

6. Osborn’s Theory 

Starting with the assumption that the primal earth, air, and 
water contained all the chemical elements and three of the more 
simple but important chemical compounds — water, nitrates, 
and carbon dioxide, Osborn suggests that an initial step in the 
origin of life was the bringing of these elements into combined ac- 
tion. This took place when the Earth’s surface and waters had 


temperatures between 6° and 89° C. and before the atmospheric 
vapors admitted a regular supply of sunlight. The earliest func-. 
tion of living matter, he thinks, was to capture and transform the 
electric energy of the chemical elements characteristic of proto- 
plasm, and this power probably developed only in the presence of 
heat energy derived from the Earth or the Sun. 

An early step then, in the organization of living matter, was the 
assemblage of several of the ‘life-elements,’ and next their group- 
ing in a state of colloidal suspension — “they were gradually 
bound by a new form of mutual attraction, whereby the actions 
and reactions of a group of life elements established a new form 
of unity in the cosmos, an organic unity, or organism, quite dis- 
tinct from the larger and smaller aggregations of inorganic matter 
previously held or brought together by the forces of gravity.” 

7. Huzley’s Statement 

Such is an outline of some of the foremost attempts of scientists 
to conceive the origin of the living state of matter from the ele- 
ments of the Earth. It will be noted that all, except the cosmozoa 
theory, have one assumption in common — the ‘chance’ assem- 
blage of the various elements of protoplasm: an assumption re- 
garded by some as not unreasonable when the stupendous dura- 
tion of time and the almost infinite variations in conditions that 
were at the disposal of nature are appreciated. According to the 
statistical theory of probability, if we wait long enough, anything 
that is possible, no matter how improbable, will happen. Ob- 
viously this leaves out of the picture the marvellous ‘order of 
nature’ which many modern biologists and physicists insist cannot 
be thought of as emerging from the fortuitous. But the statements 
of the respective theories necessarily have been presented so briefly 
here as hardly to be fair to their authors. However, our purpose is 
attained if they provide an instructive illustration not only of the 
evolutionary trend which biological thought follows in this prob- 
lem, but also of the divergent results reached by the scientific 
imagination when it has few or no facts to guide it. 

So we may more profitably turn to a consideration of the present- 
day manifestations of life, and dismiss the insolvable problem of 
the origin of life on the Earth with the conservative statement 
penned more than half a century ago by Huxley: “Looking back 
through the prodigious vista of the past, I find no record of the 


commencement of life, and therefore I am devoid of any means of 
forming a definite conclusion as to the conditions of its appearance. 
Belief, in the scientific sense of the word, is a serious matter, and 
needs strong foundations. To say, therefore, in the admitted ab- 
sence of evidence, that I have any belief as to the mode in which 
existing forms of life have originated, would be using words in a 
wrong sense. But expectation is permissible where belief is not; 
and if it were given to me to look beyond the abyss of geologically 
recorded time to the still more remote period when the Earth was 
passing through physical and chemical conditions, which it can 
no more see again than a man can recall his infancy, I should ex- 
pect to be a witness of the evolution of living protoplasm from not 
living matter. ... That is the expectation to which analogical 
reasoning leads me; but I beg you once more to recollect that I 
have no right to call my opinion anything but an act of philo- 
sophical faith.” (Fig. 298.) 


Owing to the imperfection of language the offspring is termed a new 
animal, but is in truth a branch or elongation of the parent. 
— Erasmus Darwin. 

SINCE so far as is known all life now arises from preéxisting life 
and has done so since matter first assumed the living state, it 
apparently follows that the stream of life is continuous from the 
remote geological past to the present and that all organisms of 
to-day have an ancient pedigree. It is to the establishment of this 
as the reasonable conclusion from the data accumulated during 
recent years, that from now on our attention is somewhat more 
particularly directed; and accordingly it is necessary first of all to 
consider in some detail the relation of parent to offspring in present- 
day forms as exhibited by reproduction. 


The power of producing new individuals specifically similar to 
the parent is, as has been seen, one of the most important character- 
istics of living in contrast with lifeless matter. Furthermore, re- 
production is typically cell division. This is quite evident in uni- 
cellular plants and animals, but by no means so obvious in higher 
organisms where, as we know, special gonads and highly complex 
accessory organs are developed in furtherance of reproduction. 

It will be recalled that in Paramecium, for example, the nucleus 
and cytoplasm divide into two parts, so that by cell division, here 
called BINARY FISSION, the identity of the parent organism is 
merged into the two new cells. Simple as this seems, the fission 
of Paramecium actually involves considerably more than the halvy- 
ing of the original cell, because, as a matter of fact, each half 
must reorganize into a complete new individual with all parts 
characteristic of the parent. (Figs. 8, 28.) 

Among some unicellular animals (e.g., the Sporozoa) the parent 
cell, instead of merely forming two cells by binary fission, becomes 
resolved into many cells by a series of practically simultaneous 



divisions known aS MULTIPLE FISSION, Or SPORULATION. This is 
usually preceded by a considerable growth of the parent cell and 
its enclosure in a protective covering, or cyst, which ruptures to 
liberate the spores. Other unicellular forms, such as the Yeasts — 
colorless plants chiefly responsible for alcoholic fermentation — 
exhibit a modified form of fission in which the parent cell forms 
one or several outgrowths, or BUDS, which gradually assume the 
characteristic adult form and sooner or later become detached as 
complete similar individuals. (Figs. 17, 25, 200, 223.) 

In a considerable number of instances, however, the cells arising 
by multiple fission or budding remain closely associated or organi- 
cally connected so that they form a coLtony. In some colonial 
organisms the component cells are all alike and each retains its 

A. Paramecium. 

(Binary fission) CoNnJUGATION (Period of re- (Binary fission) 
An indefinite number (Fertilization) construction) An indefinite 
of generations. Each cell fer- Each fertilized number of gen- 
tilizes the other. cell gives rise erations, 
to typical etc. 
B. Volvox. 

on @) 

Crit Division CELL Division CELL Division PERMANENT CELL Drvision 
(Colony for- (Asexual re- (Gamete for- Consuea- (Colony forma- 
mation) production) mation) TION tion) 
Zygote (z)de- Germ cells (g.c.) Certain germ (Fertilization) Zygote develops 
velops into a_ give rise to new cells produce One sperm into a colony, 
colony. colonies. eggs (e), others fuses with one etc. 

sperm (sp.). egg, forming 
a zygote (z.). 


G. Hydra. 

ty omen 

—————— cee 
(Embryological (Asexual re- (Gamete for- ConsuGA- (Embryologica] 
development) production) mation) TION development) 
Zygote (z) Part of animal Certain germ _ (Fertilization) Zygote (z) 
produces ani- separates from cells produce one sperm produces ani- 
mal contain- parent and eggs (e); others unites with mal, ete. 

ing germ cells 
(g.c.) and two 
layers of spe- 
cialized somatic 
cells, the 
ectoderm (ec.) 
and endoderm 

leads separate produce sperm 

; one egg, form- 
existence. (sp.). 

ing a zygote 

D. Earthworm. 

AL. © 
a 9 





OO nd 
(Embryological (Gamete forma- CoNnsJUGATION (Embryological 
development) tion) (Fertilization) development) 

Zygote (z) pro- 
duces animal 
containing germ 
cells (g.c.) and 
three layers of 
somatic cells: 
the ectoderm, 
mesoderm, and 


Certain germ 
cells produce 
eggs (e); others 
produce sperm 

One sperm unites 
with one egg, 
forming a zygote 

Zygote (z) pro- 
duces animal, 

Fic. 154. — Diagrams to illustrate the general reproductive cell cycle in 
A, a unicellular organism (Paramecium); B, a colony of cells (Volvor); C, a 

simple Metazodn (Hydra); and D, a more complex Metazo6n (Earthworm). 
(Modified, from Hegner.) 


individuality, while in others certain cells are restricted more or 
less in their functions, so that a physiological division of labor is 
established which involves the shifting of individuality from the 
cells to the colony as a whole. This specialization is exhibited 
chiefly with regard to reproduction and reaches its highest expres- 
sion among colonial Protozoa in VoLvox, where among ten thou- 
sand or so cells, perhaps a score are specialized for reproduction 
and the rest are somatic. Usually each of the reproductive cells 
(germ cells) divides to form a group which is set free as a mini- 
ature colony; but in certain cases some of the reproductive cells 
become transformed into male and others into female gametes. 
After fertilization of the eggs, usually by sperm from another 
colony, the zygotes develop into new colonies which eventually 
are liberated from the parent colony. (Figs. 29, 30.) 

As has been previously suggested, the physiological division of 
labor in the colonial Protozoa, involving, as it does, a segregation 
of reproductive from somatic structures, affords a logical transi- 
tion from the unicellular condition to that characteristic of the 
multicellular forms. These, to all intents and purposes, may be 
considered highly complex colonies of cells in which specialization, 
no longer confined merely to demarking germinal and somatic 
regions, has transformed the latter into a complex of tissues and 
organs, the body (soma) of the individual, while the germinal tis- 
sue (GERM) is confined to the essential reproductive organs. 

It is customary, therefore, to draw a more or less sharp distinc- 
tion between the soma and germ — to consider the soma the 
individual which harbors, as it were, the germ destined to continue 
the race. This theory of GERMINAL CONTINUITY, which is chiefly 
associated with the name of Weismann, recognizes that the germ 
contains living material which has come down in unbroken con- 
tinuity ever since the origin of life and which is destined to persist 
in some form as long as life itself. On the other hand, the soma may 
be said to arise anew in each generation as a derivative or offshoot 
of the germ; and, after playing its part for a while as the vehicle 
of the germ, to pass the germ on at reproduction, and then die. 
The germinal continuity concept has altered the attitude of biolo- 
gists toward certain fundamental questions in heredity and evolu- 
tion, as will be apparent when these subjects are considered. 
(Figs. 154, 162, 180, 305.) 

Though Volvox and other colonial forms afford a glimpse of the 


conditions which probably prevailed when the evolutionary bridge 
from unicellular to multicellular organisms was crossed, the varied 
methods of reproduction of the lat- 

ter by no means indicate the early 
establishment of a hard and fast 

boundary between soma and germ. J 
Many of the Invertebrates, such as 

Hydra and various types of worms, NN - 
reproduce not only sexually by eggs er 

and sperm, but also by strictly 

ASEXUAL processes which are known 

as FISSION and BUDDING. These - 

processes are comparable merely in, 155, — Hoda, reneedue 
a superficial way with the similarly K celitz.) 

named methods in the Protozoa. In 

some forms the whole complex body divides into two or more parts, 
each of which reforms — REGENERATES — what was lost and so 
becomes a complete though a smaller individual. In other species, 

Fic. 156. 
A Flatworm, 
Planaria, in 
the process of Fig. 157. — Reproduction of a Flatworm, Lineus socialis, 
fission.(From by fission. A, mature worm; B, same, in nine parts; C, regen- 
Child.) eration of each resulting in normal smaller worms. (From Coe.) 

as well as in Hydra itself, buds arise as outgrowths from the body 
and assume the form of the parent either before or after becoming 
detached. (Figs. 155-157.) 


In many of the nearest allies of Hydra, it will be recalled that 
the buds remain permanently attached so that eventually a large 
colony of organically connected polyps is developed. Moreover, 
this condition leads to a physiological division of labor between 
the various polyps which may become more or less changed in 
structure so that, for instance, feeding, protective, and repro- 
ductive individuals are established, and thereby the Hydroid 
colony exhibits polymorphism. Our present interest is confined 
to the reproductive polyps, which in many of the Hydroids are so 
modified that they are dependent upon the colony as a whole for 
all the necessities of life and are merely bodies which form asexually 
by budding other individuals known as MEDUSAE. The medusae 
liberate their sexual products in the water where fertilization 
occurs, and the zygote gives rise to a free-swimming embryo which 
soon becomes attached to some submerged object and develops 
into a hydroid colony. (Figs. 37, 57.) 

Thus the common Hydroids, such as Obelia, exhibit two dis- 
tinct phases, or generations, in their life history — the fixed, poly- 
morphic colony of polyps which is produced sexually but is itself 
asexual; and the free-swimming medusae which are produced 
asexually but are themselves sexual. The asexual and sexual gen- 
erations alternate with each other in regular sequence, so that an 

Alternation of asexual and sexual methods of reproduction, 
attended by more or less difference in structure of the individuals 
of the generations, is fairly widespread among the Invertebrate 
groups, particularly in forms which have adopted a parasitic mode 
of life as, for example, the Liver Fluke. Frequently the life his- 
tories are exceedingly complicated: several asexual, sexual, and 
parthenogenetic generations succeeding one another in response 
to the special conditions imposed by adaptation to a life within 
another animal or series of animals. (Fig. 251.) 

It is clear from such life histories that the conception of special 
germ cells early set aside, as it were, from the somatic cells must 
not be taken too literally. The same point is emphasized by the 
power exhibited by plants and animals in restoring parts lost by 
mutilations of one kind or another. Among many plants, pieces 
of the root, stem, or, in special cases, of the leaf may give rise to 
individuals complete in every respect. Until the middle of the 
eighteenth century this was considered a property peculiar to 


plants, and soon after Hydra was discovered experiments were 
made to determine whether the organism was a plant or an animal. 
Specimens were cut into several pieces and it was found that each 
piece developed into a complete Hydra. This result, from the ideas 
of the time, should have led to the conclusion that Hydra is a plant, 
but additional characteristics were observed which outweighed all 
other considerations. Accordingly Hydra was recognized as an ani- 
mal with the power of replacing lost parts. (Fig. 158.) 

Since the classic work on Hydra the power of regeneration has 
come to be recognized as a fundamental property of all animals. 
It is exhibited to the greatest degree among the lower animals, 
while in the higher Vertebrates it is confined chiefly to the replace- 

Changes in a 
piece of normal Hydra Later changes in 
the same piece 

Fic. 158. — Regeneration in Hydra. 

ment of cells which especially suffer from wear and tear, such as 
those forming the outer layers of the skin. Regeneration is one 
phase of a fundamental property of protoplasm, namely growth, 
whether it consists in restoring a part of a Paramecium, trans- 
forming a bit of a Flatworm into a complete animal, or replacing 
half of an Earthworm, the head of a Snail, the claw of a Crayfish, 
or the leg of a Salamander. But, it will be recognized that associ- 
ated with growth there are complex processes of simplification 
(dedifferentiation) of tissues and organs, and later a rebuilding 
(differentiation) in order that a part may become again a normally 
organized whole. Witness certain marine Flatworms that can be 
cut down to less than one two-hundred-thousandth of their origi- 
nal size and still become miniature worms like the original. — 
The experimental study of regeneration phenomena has opened 


up a new vista of the regulatory powers of living things from 
Protozoon to Vertebrate and from egg to adult, and has afforded a 
means of approach to some fundamental biological problems. And 
withal it has a practical value. The surgeon now knows more about 
the regeneration of tissues in general and of nerves in particular in 
wound healing, and the oysterman knows — or should know — 
that his attempt to destroy Starfish by tearing them up and throw- 
ing the pieces overboard may serve merely to increase this enemy 
of the Oyster. (Figs. 46, 159-161.) 

Fic. 159. — Regeneration in a Flatworm, Lineus socialis. A, normal worm; 
B, B’, section cut from body and its appearance after twelve days; C, same 
after thirty days, cut in planes 3-3 and 4-4. Successive cuttings and regenera- 
tions indicated by arrows. M, M’, similar experiments and results on posterior 
end of body. (From Coe.) 

The power of fragments of distinctively somatic tissue, as in 
many lower animals and plants, to form a complete organism 
including the reproductive organs and germ cells, indicates that 
we must postulate at least a potential supply of the germ residing 
in the somatic tissue, which can make good the definitive germ 
cells when they are lost. At first glance this may seem to be a far 
cry to save an idea, but it is a fact that there is a continuity of the 
nuclear complex (GERM PLASM) whether the germ cells are set aside 
early in individual development, or later by the transformation 
of what seem to be typical somatic cells. That this is really the 
crux of the question will be appreciated after the details of cell 
clivision have been discussed. 


A B 

Fig. 160. — Regeneration and gra‘ting in the Earthworm. A, regeneration 
of removed anterior segments by the posterior piece. B, regeneration of pos- 
terior segments by the posterior part, so that the worm has a ‘tail’ at either 
end. C, regeneration of removed posterior end by the anterior piece. D, three 
pieces grafted together to make a long worm; E, two pieces grafted to form a 
worm with two ‘tails’; F, short anterior and posterior pieces grafted together. 
Regenerated portions are dotted. (From Morgan.) 

Fic. 161. — Regeneration of a Flatworm, Planaria maculata. A, normal 
worm; cut across at line indicated. B, B’, and C, C’, regeneration of anterior 
and posterior parts of A to form complete worms. D, piece cut from a worm; 
D1, D?, D*, D4, successive stages in the regeneration of D. E, ‘head’ from 
which rest of animal has been cut off. E!, E?, E*, successive stages in the re- 
generation by E of a complete body. F, similar experiment to E, but a new 
‘head’ in reversed position is regenerated instead of a body, F!. (From 



Among the Vertebrates, as previously described, the germ cells 
reside during adult life in definite organs, the ovaries and testes, and 
upon these cells the power of reproduction of the individual is 
solely dependent. It seems clear, however, that the primary germ 
cells do not arise as such by division in the tissues which during 

Gametes \@ 2 

Prim, Sez Cells 

Fic. 162. — Diagram of the lineage of the body cells and germ cells in a 
Worm or Mollusc. Lineage of germ cells shown in black, of ectoderm in white, 
and of endoderm and mesoderm in shaded circles. (From Conklin.) 

development form the ovaries and testes. Just when the germ cells 
are set aside in Vertebrates is uncertain, but it would seem to occur 
very early in embryonic life, perhaps during the cleavage of the 
egg. Then by shiftings of the tissues during growth, and possibly 
also by amoeboid movements of the germ cells themselves, they 
finally reach definite positions in the epithelium lining the dorsal 
wall of the coelom, which becomes an integral part of the gonads 
as development proceeds. (Fig. 162.) 

With regard to the fate of the PRIMORDIAL GERM CELLS, once they 


have reached testis or ovary, we are on surer ground and can trace 
with considerable exactness their divisions and transformations 
which give rise to the gametes: sperm and eggs. In the first place 
the primordial germ cells proceed to divide in the testis and ovary so 
that they produce a large number of germ cells known as SPERMA- 
TOGONIA and OOGONIA respectively. (Fig. 165, A, B.) 

Thus, for instance, the ovary of an adult female Frog shows 
oogonia in various stages of development. The eggs of the next 
breeding season are the largest cells; those of intermediate size 

Early stage in development of egg 

Second stage 

Third stage eee 
Blood vessel 

Wall of eae 

Fourth stage 

Epithelium lining 
the coelom 

Fifth stage 

Fic. 163. — Diagram of a section through a lobe of the ovary of a Frog, 
showing several stages in egg development. 

represent approximately those of the following year; and many 
smaller cells are the odgonia from which the eggs of later years 
will arise. Furthermore there are other cells that form a matrix 
of supporting and nutritive tissue (FOLLICLE CELLS, etc.) in which 
the germ cells are embedded. The Mammalian ovary presents a 
similar picture, except that since fewer eggs are produced at each 
breeding period, the supply of odgonia is less numerous. Never- 
theless, even in the human ovary there are potentially many thou- 
sands of eggs. The testis shows a similar condition, but since so 
many more sperm than eggs are produced, the spermatogonia 
divide much more actively. (Figs. 133, 163.) 

1. Mitosts 

Before taking up the origin of the gametes by division from the 
spermatogonia and odgonia, it will be necessary to describe in 


some detail the complicated internal process involved in all typical 
cell divisions, known as MITOSIS, which was dismissed when con- 
sidering the origin of cells until the reader would be in a position 
to appreciate to the full its significance. (Fig. 10.) 

Reduced to its simplest terms, a typical resting cell, that is one 
which is not dividing, consists of a mass of CYTOPLASM surrounding 
a NuCLEUs; the latter with its chromatin distributed so that it 
presents a net-like appearance. In addition to the nucleus, it will 
be recalled that there is present another important cell organ, the 
CENTROSOME, which appears like a tiny body enclosing a granule 
and is situated in the cytoplasm near the nucleus. For practical 
purposes we may consider the cytoplasm as the arena in which 
mitosis takes place, the centrosome as the dynamic agent, and the 
nucleus, or more specifically its CHROMATIN, as the essential element 
which the complicated process is to distribute with exactness to 
the daughter cells that are about to be formed. With this in mind 
we may proceed to an outline of the chief stages of mitosis, though 
perhaps it should be emphasized that variations in the details are 
as numerous as the different types of cells, and that any general 
account can do no more than present the fundamental plan of 

Broadly speaking, mitosis can be divided into four chief stages: 
which characteristic changes take place in the nucleus, cytoplasm, 
and centrosome. (Fig. 164.) 

At the beginning of the prophase, or earlier, the centrosome 
divides to form two, each of which becomes surrounded by what 
appears to be a halo (asTER) of radiating fibers, the nature of 
which is unknown, that are the visible expression of physico-chemi- 
cal forces. The centrosomes and asters now proceed to move apart, 
take up positions at opposite sides of the nucleus, and the astral 
fibers between lengthen until they form a CENTRAL SPINDLE. While 
these changes are going on, the nucleus is not inactive. The nuclear 
membrane gradually disappears and the chromatin granules, orig- 
inally presenting a net-like appearance, now become visibly re- 
solved into a number of split threads of chromatin, termed CHRO- 
MOSOMES, which by chromatin concentration gradually become 
shorter and thicker and so distinctly individual. The number of 
chromosomes varies greatly in different species, but is typically 
an even number and the same for all the cells of a given species. 


When the chromosomes have assumed definitive form, the pre- 
liminary events which constitute the prophase of mitosis are 

Fic. 164. — Typical stages of mitosis (somatic) in which the chromosome 
number is assumed to be eight. A, prophase (start): chromatin still exhibiting 
net-like appearance, centrosome divided and surrounded by aster; B, prophase 
(early): chromosomes visible as long split threads of chromatin, centrosomes 
moving apart and spindle arising between; C and D, prophases (later): nuclear 
membrane disappearing, chromosomes shorter and thicker; E and F, metaphase 
and anaphase (early): chromosomes arranged in equatorial plate and each 
separating into two along the longitudinal split; G, anaphase (later): a set of 
eight chromosomes approaching each aster; H, telophase: gradual loss of 
visibility of distinct chromosomes, asters and spindle disappearing, division 
of cytoplasm beginning; I, mitosis completed, two cells. 

brought to a close by the chromosomes being drawn to the center of 
the spindle. Here they are arranged in a plane at right angles to 

the long axis of the central spindle, midway between the two cen- 
trosomes, and form the EQUATORIAL PLATE. 


And now the stage is set for what is apparently the climax of 
mitosis, designated the metaphase. Each of the chromosomes sep~ 
arates into two parts along the line of the longitudinal split already 
present, in such a manner that each of the thousands of chromatin 
granules which make up a chromosome is equally divided. Two 
sets of similar daughter chromosomes are thus formed. 

With chromosomal division consummated, the metaphase 
merges into the anaphase which is devoted to a shifting of a 
daughter set of chromosomes along the fibers to either end of the 
spindle. In this way each centrosome becomes associated with 
one set of daughter chromosomes. 

The last stage, or telophase, is one of nuclear reconstruction and 
division of the cytoplasm. The chromosomes become indistinct 
as they spin out to form the net-like appearance of the chromatin 
in the nucleus of each daughter cell; a nuclear membrane arises; 
and the nucleus again assumes the form of a definite spherical 
body characteristic of the resting cell. It must be emphasized, 
however, that although the chromosomes usually disappear from 
view as definitive entities in the resting nucleus, nevertheless the 
individuality of each persists and the same chromosomes emerge 
from the nuclear complex at the next division period. 

Simultaneously with these nuclear changes, and before the 
spindle and asters — the machinery of mitosis — disappear, the 
division of the cytoplasm is initiated as indicated by an indenta- 
tion of the cell wall, encircling the cell at the equator. This be- 
comes deeper as it gradually extends through the cytoplasm in the 
same plane which the equatorial plate formerly occupied, until 
the cytoplasm is cut into two separate masses, each containing 
one of the daughter nuclei and centrosomes. Thus one cell has 
merged its individuality into two daughter cells by mitotic divi- 
sion. Cell division — reproduction — has occurred. 

What is the main thought that we carry away from this brief 
view of a phenomenon that has been going on for untold ages; 
is going on in various cells of our own bodies this very instant? 
Surely it seems that whereas the mitotic process apparently re- 
sults in merely a mass division of the cytoplasm, the chromatin 
material is rearranged and distributed in a manner which makes 
it possible for each cell to receive a very definite share. Each 
daughter cell receives the same number of chromosomes, although 
in many cases there is a very great difference in the size of the 


resulting cells. Indeed, exactness of chromatin distribution ap- 
pears to be the primary object of mitosis. 

The significance of the nicety of chromatin distribution lies 
in the fact that not only are the various chromosomes qualitatively 
different but also each chromosome is qualitatively different from 
one end to the other, and these different parts of the chromosomes, 
known as GENES, are the determiners of characters which are 
handed on from cell to cell. And since cell division is reproduction, 
the chromosomes are the chief agents in the transmission of char- 
acters from parent to offspring in inheritance. We shall consider 
this important fact when we discuss heredity, but now we must 
return to the origin of the gametes. 

2. Chromosomes of the Germ Cells 

It is clear that the spermatogonia and odgonia in the reproduc- 
tive organs, together with all the cells forming the body proper, 
are direct descendants by mitotic cell division from the fertilized 
egg which gave rise to the individual organism. This, we have 
just seen, is equally true of the chromosomes and, therefore, every 
cell of the animal body has the same number of chromosomes as 
the fertilized egg. Furthermore, since fertilization always consists 
in the fusion of two gametes — a fusion of nucleus with nucleus 
and cytoplasm with cytoplasm to form a zygote — one of two 
things must happen. Either the zygote, which is one cell recon- 
structed from two, must have double the chromosome number, 
that is, a set contributed by both egg and sperm; or some method 
must exist by which the chromosomes of the gametes are reduced 
in number to one-half that characteristic of the somatic cells. As 
a matter of fact, a reduction of the number of chromosomes always 
does take place in animals during the final stages in the develop- 
ment, or MATURATION, of the gametes. 

The maturation or ‘ripening’ of the germ cells of animals in- 
volves two cell divisions by which each spermatogonium gives 
rise to four sperm, and each odgonium to one functional egg and 
three tiny, abortive cells known as poLocyTEs; each and all with 
one-half the number of chromosomes of the somatic cells and of the 
germ cells up to this point in their development. Consequently 
these two divisions, termed MATURATION DIVISIONS, must be ex- 
amined in some detail if we are to appreciate the nicety of the 
process by which the chromosome number is reduced one-half 


without impairing the chromatin heritage from cell to cell. We 
shall describe first the origin of the sperm, or SPERMATOGENESIS, 
and then proceed to the fundamentally similar origin of the egg, 
or OOGENESIS. (Fig. 165.) 

3. Spermatogenesis 

A given SPERMATOGONIUM, with, let us say, eight chromosomes 
characteristic of the species, proceeds to increase in size prepara- 
tory to the first maturation mitosis, and is designated a PRIMARY 
SPERMATOCYTE. At the close of the growth period, when this cell 
is preparing to divide, the chromosomes are arranged in pairs by 
a process termed SsyNApsis. The number of such pairs will obviously 
be half that of the chromosome number. The SYNAPTIC PAIRS are 
then distributed in the equator of the spindle exactly as the single 
chromosomes are in ordinary mitosis. But in the early anaphase 
the members of each pair are separated, one synaptic mate going 
to each pole of the spindle. Thus each of the daughter cells — 
SECONDARY SPERMATOCYTES — receives half the total number of 
chromosomes that were present in the primary spermatocyte. It 
will be noted that the essential difference between this type of 
mitosis (REDUCTION DIVISION, or MEIOSIS) and that of typical 
nuclear divisions lies in the separation of entire chromosomes 
(SYNAPTIC MATES) instead of the splitting of each chromosome. 
Reduction thus involves the SEGREGATION of synaptic mates in 
separate cells. 

Both the secondary spermatocytes now divide by typical mito- 
sis, including chromosomal division, and so each of the resulting 
cells (SPERMATIDS) receives half the somatic number of chromo- 
somes. The spermatids are presently transformed into sperm, and 
thus each spermatogonium with eight chromosomes (diploid group) 
gives rise to four sperm with four chromosomes (haploid group) 
apiece. (Fig. 165.) 

It may be mentioned in passing that the chromosomal division 
just described as taking place in the secondary spermatocytes 
usually occurs precociously in the primary spermatocyte while 
the chromosomes are in synapsis. Thus each synaptic pair is 
resolved into a group known as a fetrad, the four components of 
which are thereafter distributed by the two maturation divisions, 
and accordingly either or both of these divisions may be involved 
in segregation. However, for simplicity of exposition we may dis- 


Primordial germ cells 
(> SS 
3 AS Ue 

ee one yest x 

q an Primary spermatocyte i) 
and primary oocyte 8 
Secondary spermatocytes 2 
and secondary oocytes =y . 
\ E 
Spermatids and = 
OOOG mx ( Qoeee 

v 3 
— — | 
Division of zygote 
Fic. 165. — Diagram of the general plan of spermatogenesis and odgenesis 

in animals. Tetrad formation is disregarded. The somatic, or diploid, number 
of chromosomes is assumed to be eight. Male, to the left; female, to the right. 
A, primordial germ cells; B, spermatogonia and odgonia, many of which arise 
during the period of multiplication; C, primary spermatocyte and odcyte, after 
the growth period, with chromosomes in synapsis; D, secondary spermatocytes 
and odcytes; E, spermatids (which become transformed into sperm) and egg 
and three polocytes, each with the haploid number of chromosomes; F’, union 
of sperm and egg (fertilization) to form zygote with diploid number of chro- 
mosomes; G, chromosome complex of cells after first division of the zygote, and 
of all subsequent somatic cells, and germ cells until maturation. 


regard tetrad formation since it in no wise alters the basic results 
attained by spermatogenesis or odgenesis. 

4. Odgenesis 

The maturation of the egg, as already intimated, follows the 
same plan as that of the sperm, and the reduction of the chromo- 
somes is the same. Such modifications as occur are related to the 
fact that the egg is usually a relatively large, passive cell stored 
with nutritive materials for use during the developmental process, 
while the sperm is among the smallest of cells — essentially a nu- 
cleus surrounded with a delicate envelope of cytoplasm. Accord- 
ingly it is only necessary to emphasize that the growth period of 
egg formation, in which the oO0GoNIUM becomes transformed 
into the PRIMARY OOCYTE, is characterized by a much greater 
increase in size than is the case in the corresponding period in 
spermatogenesis; and that the following two cell divisions (mat- 
uration divisions) involving chromosome reduction result in very 
unequal division of the cytoplasm. Thus one SECONDARY OOCYTE 
is very large, while the other is a tiny cell termed the First POLO- 

Both the large secondary odcyte and first polocyte now divide 
again; the former giving rise to a large cell, the mature EGG, and 
a tiny SECOND POLOCcYTE; while the first polocyte divides equally 
to form two polocytes. In this way arise the four cells, compa- 
rable to the four sperm in spermatogenesis, each with half the 
somatic number of chromosomes. But only one of these, the egg, 
functions as a gamete. The three polocytes, although possess- 
ing a similar chromosome complex, are sacrificed in providing one 
cell, the egg, with its special cytoplasmic equipment. The polo- 
cytes get just enough cytoplasm to be regarded as cells, and soon 
degenerate and disappear. (Figs. 165, 166.) 

Such is the outline of the essentials of spermatogenesis and 
oogenesis in animals; processes which involve at one stage a modi- 
fication of ordinary mitosis to give each gamete half the somatic 
number of chromosomes characteristic of the species. It is clear 
that this is not merely a mass reduction of chromatin material, 
but is a separation and segregation after synapsis of definite chro- 
matin entities, the chromosomes, so that the gametes receive the 
reduced number. 


Nucleolus Nuclear membrane Oil droplet 

Sperm Sperm 

Fic. 166. — Maturation and fertilization of the egg of the Sandworm, 
Nereis. A, egg (o6cyte) before start of maturation; B, first polocyte spindle 
forming, sperm just entering; C, first polocyte spindle established; D, first 
polocyte formed, second polocyte spindle near; spindle with sperm nucleus; 
E, second polocyte formed, union of egg and sperm nucleus; F, spindle for 
first division of fertilized egg. Note that in Nereis, as in many other animals, 
maturation of the egg is deferred until the time of fertilization. (From Wilson.) 


Aa BbCc Dd : 

V VI Vil 

Fic. 167. — Diagram of the chromosome cycle of an animal. Somatic (dip- 
loid) chromosome number assumed to be eight. Paternal chromosomes (from 
sperm)= A BCD; maternal (from egg) = a bcd. I, union of nuclei of gametes, 
each with a simplex group (haploid number) of chromosomes, in the zygote 
at fertilization to form a duplex group (diploid number) of chromosomes. 
Il, III, IV, somatic divisions or divisions of germ cells before maturation 
(duplex groups of chromosomes). V, synapsis, involving pairing of homol- 
ogous paternal and maternal chromosomes to give the haploid number of 
paired chromosomes. VI, reduction division — separation of pairs into single 
chromosomes again. VII, two gametes, with simplex groups (haploid number) 
of chromosomes; there are 14 more possible combinations of the chromosomes, 
or types of gametes, which are not shown. See: Fig. 189. (After Wilson.) 


Throughout the animal kingdom, wherever sexual reproduction 
occurs, phenomena which can be interpreted as nuclear reduction 
have been observed in the formation of gametes. In some of the 
Protozoa this seems to be merely an extrusion of a certain amount 
of chromatin, but since whenever chromosomes can be observed 
and counted the process has been found to follow in principle 
essentially the same lines described above, we have every reason 
to believe that it is never a haphazard mass reduction, and that 
the ripe gametes emerge with a definite chromatin heritage, rela- 
tively simple as this may be in the lowest forms. 

5. The Chromosome Cycle 

We have now surveyed the germ cell cycle from the fertilized 
egg through the germ plasm in the adult to the gametes again, 
but before proceeding to consider the details of the fusion of egg 
and sperm — the fertilization process —it may clarify matters 
to glance back to the chromosome condition in the fertilized egg 
at the beginning of the cycle that has just been considered. 

Obviously this fertilized egg (zygote) contained two groups of 
chromosomes, one of which belonged to the egg and therefore 
may be termed MATERNAL, and one which was derived from the 
sperm and thus is PATERNAL. When the zygote divided by mitosis 
to form the body and germ, every cell received two groups of 
chromosomes directly derived from these two original groups 
in the zygote. It logically follows, and all observations indicate, 
that each and every cell, both of the body and of the germinal 
tissue, possesses two groups of chromosomes, one of maternal and 
one of paternal origin — in other words, direct lineal descendants 
of the combined set formed at fertilization. 

So it happens that each body cell really has a double set (diploid 
number) — two complete sets — of chromosomes, and the same 
is true of the germ cells until maturation. Then at synapsis corre- 
sponding (HOMOLOGOUS) maternal and paternal chromosomes pair 
and, after the maturation divisions the gametes have a single set 
(haploid number). (Fig. 167.) 

Thus far we have emphasized chromosome reduction as the 
main result of the complicated maturation phenomena. The 
question now arises: Is this chromatin distributed so that all the 
gametes receive the same heritage? 

As already stated, the evidence indicates not only that chromo- 


somes differ qualitatively one from another, but also that the var- 
ious parts of each chromosome are qualitatively distinct. And 
further that these qualitative differences are the physical basis of 
inheritance — the determiners (genes) of characters which will 
be realized in the individual or the race to which the cell containing 
them contributes. Such being the case, the chromosomal complex 
of each of the nuclei which arises after synapsis — the nuclei of 
the gametes — depends on how the various chromosomes happen 
to be distributed during the two maturation divisions. As a mat- 
ter of fact, all the chromosomal combinations occur that are 
mathematically possible with the available number of chromo- 
somes in a given species, but with one limitation: every cell must 
receive one member of each synaptic pair of chromosomes, so that 
each and every gamete receives a complete haploid group of 
chromosomes, but rarely the same groups (maternal and paternal) 
which existed before maturation. For example, if the somatic 
(diploid) number of chromosomes is eight, sixteen different types 
of gametes are possible. In Man with 48 somatic chromosomes 
and after synapsis 24 pairs of paternal and maternal chromosomes, 
there are 2 **, or about seventeen million possible types of gametes 
in each sex; and since these combine at random at fertilization, 
the possible number of different types of zygotes from one parental 
pair mounts far up in the trillions. No wonder the children of a 
family differ — there is variation! (Fig. 193.) 

In a way, therefore, fertilization is not consummated, so far as 
its influence on the race is concerned, until the maturation of the 
gametes in the new generation to which it has given rise. We must 
defer until later the consideration of the significance of these facts 
In BIPARENTAL inheritance, and merely emphasize again that the 
continuity of life implies not only the continuity of cells but also 
of their nuclear elements, the chromosomes — the genes. 


The entire organism may be compared to a web of which the warp 
is derived from the female and the woof from the male. — Huzley. 

Now that we are familiar with the method of gamete formation 
and its contribution to the continuity of life, it is in order to con- 
sider some important details of the structure of the gametes them- 
selves, and the significance of the complex series of phenomena 
that they initiate at fertilization. The biological importance of 
fertilization and the part it plays in the life of the individual or- 
ganism and the race has aroused the interest of philosophers and 
scientists since the time of Aristotle, but it is only within the past 
half-century that at least a partial answer has been forthcoming 
from a critical analysis of the gametes and their product, the 


The gametes, while exhibiting in certain cases peculiar adapta- 
tions to special conditions, are remarkably similar in general struc- 
ture throughout the animal series. It is possible to arrange a 
series of lower forms which shows various stages in sex differen- 
tiation. Beginning with those in which both gametes are struc- 
turally similar, we pass by slow gradations to others in which the 
egg is a relatively large, passive, food-laden cell and the sperm a 
minute, active, flagellated cell. 

As a matter of fact, the egg is subject to somewhat more varia- 
tion in size and general appearance than the sperm, for after 
fertilization it must be adapted to meet the special conditions of 
development peculiar to the species. Thus, for instance, the actual 
size of the egg in animals is determined chiefly by whether the de- 
veloping embryo is in the main dependent upon food stored in the 
cytoplasm of the egg itself, or upon some outside source, such as 
the sea water in which it floats, or the tissues of the parent. The 
first case is well illustrated by a Bird’s egg in which the so-called 
YOLK is the egg cell proper, hugely distended by stored food, and 



surrounded by nutritive and protective envelopes consisting of 
the ‘white of the egg,’ shell membranes, and shell which are formed 
by secretion from the walls of the oviduct during the passage of 
the egg to the exterior. On the other hand, the eggs of Mammals, 
for instance of the Rabbit and Man, are very small — the human 
egg being less than 1/125th of an inch in diameter — since their 

Granular ‘polar’ cytoplasm 

First polocyte 

Second polocyte 

acuolated ectoplasm 
Dense endoplasm 

SP gee —_ Vacuolated 
5s endoplasm 


oft age oe 
a a 


Inner membrane 

Outer membrane 

Fig. 163. — A, section through the egg of a primitive Vertebrate, the Lam- 
prey. B, sperm of the same species, drawn to scale. (From Kellicott, after 

essentially parasitic method of development in the uterus renders 
superfluous the storage of any considerable amount of food ma- 
terial in the egg cytoplasm. (Figs. 7, 133, 168, 177.) 

With the specialization of the egg along lines which render it 
non-motile, it has devolved upon the sperm to assume the func- 
tion of seeking out the egg for fertilization. It does this in most 
cases by active lashing of its flagellum. This necessitates a fluid 
medium in which the sperm can swim, and such is provided by the 
environment in which the organism lives or, in the case of most 
higher animals, where fertilization takes place within the oviduct, 
by special fluids secreted for the purpose. 

A question of much interest is how the actual meeting of the 


gametes is brought about. In many cases it is undoubtedly merely 
by chance: the random swimming of the sperm sooner or later 
bringing one in contact with an egg. In other cases the move- 
ments of the sperm seem to indicate a definite attraction by the 
egg. Thus the sperm of some of the lower animals apparently 
are attracted by substances eliminated by the egg at matura- 
tion. In such instances there can be but little doubt that chemical 
stimulation of the sperm by specific substances plays a part in 
bringing the gametes together. This is an example of CHEMO- 
TROPISM: a phenomenon of considerable importance, especially in 
the behavior of free-living cells. 

Once a single sperm has come into functional contact with the 
egg, it initiates a chain of events which constitutes fertilization. 

Albumen Blastoderm 

Shell memb.. x < SN 
\e : \\\ 
Chalaza UR ' 
ee ELASL, Shell memb. 1 
/ f /') Shell memb. 2 
Albumen iY Air space 
= Yolk 

Fig. 169. — Diagram of the egg of the domestic Fowl, before incubation. 

Although, as might be expected, the variations in details are legion, 
they do not obscure the main facts. The first reaction on the part 
of the egg is to prevent the entrance of other sperm and thereby 
to insure a free field for the operations of the first arrival. Fre- 
quently a jelly-like layer is formed about the egg, or if a mem- 
brane is already present this may be rendered impermeable or still 
another formed. In cases where the egg is surrounded originally 
by a dense and resistant wall, the tiny opening provided for the 
entrance of the sperm is closed. However, the accessory wrappings 
about certain eggs, such as those of Birds, have no relation to the 
present subject since they are secreted, not by the egg itself, but 


by glands in the wall of the oviduct, some time after fertilization 
has occurred, when the egg is passing down. (Fig. 169.) 

The reactions of the egg cytoplasm that exclude accessory sperm 
are overshadowed in importance by others which upset the stable 
equilibrium of the egg and render its surface permeable, so that 
extensive osmotic interchanges take place between the cytoplasm 
of the egg and its surroundings. Most often this is visible merely 
in a shrinkage of the cytoplasm due to loss of water, but sometimes 
contractions, amoeboid movements, or flowing of special cyto- 
plasmic materials to definite regions of the egg are visible. In 
any event it is certain that profound changes occur in the cyto- 
plasm — its organization as a gamete soon gives place to a reor- 
ganization that establishes the general outlines of its subsequent 
development as a new individual. (Fig. 177, A, B.) 

1. Synkaryon 

Turning now to the nuclei, known as male and female GAMETIC 
NUCLEI, the union of which to form the single nucleus (SYNKARYON) 
of the zygote is the climax of fertilization. Disregarding the flagel- 
lum of the sperm, which disappears as it enters the egg, we find 
that the sperm nucleus moves through a quite definite path toward 
the center of the egg where it is met by the egg nucleus. Both the 
gametic nuclei now become resolved into chromosomes which lie 
free in the cytoplasm, while two centrosomes, each surrounded by 
an aster, appear and take up positions on either side of the chromo- 
somes to form a typical mitotic figure. The two sets of chromo- 
somes form an equatorial plate at the center of the spindle, thus 
establishing at once not only the mitotic apparatus for the first 
division of the egg, but also the intimate association on equal terms 
of chromosomes, with their potentialities from the two parents, 
to form a common structure — the nuclear complex of the new 
individual. (Figs. 166, 167, I, II.) 

Such are the outstanding facts of fertilization which a host of 
investigators have brought to light chiefly within the past sixty 
years. It was not until 1839 that Schwann, with the establishment 
of the cell theory, recognized the egg as a cell, and sixteen years 
more before the sperm was similarly understood; while the first re- 
alization that fertilization is an orderly fusion of two cells to form 
one came during the seventies of the past century. Then it be- 
came evident that in sexual reproduction each individual con- 


tributes to the formation of the offspring a single cell, in which 
must be sought the solution of the problems of sex, fertilization, 
development, and inheritance. However, the concentration of at- 
tention on the cell has not simplified the solution of these funda- 
mental problems; but rather it has contributed to an ever- 
increasing appreciation of the complexities of cell phenomena and 
the difficulties of formulating them in general terms. (Fig. 303.) 

2. Significance of Fertilization 

Quite naturally the original view was that fertilization funda- 
mentally is reproduction — the mature egg pauses in develop- 
ment and usually comes to naught unless a sperm enters. How- 
ever, as we know, reproduction is cell division or the detachment 
of a portion of a living organism to form another, whereas fertiliza- 
tion is the union of two cells to form one cell. The erroneous idea 
that fertilization is reproduction is due to the fact that in higher 
organisms, if fertilization is to occur at all, it must take place at 
the period in the life history when the individual is but a single 
cell detached from the parent — that is, at reproduction. With 
this point clear, we may briefly discuss the significance of ferti- 
lization, first on the basis of evidence derived from the Protozoa. 

Protozoa. The life histories of nearly all Protozoa that have 
been carefully studied include a period in which fertilization occurs. 
Under favorable environmental conditions, Paramecium, for in- 
stance, reproduces by binary fission two or three times a day so that 
in aremarkably short period the one cell is replaced by a host of de- 
scendants. Sooner or later, however, the individuals exhibit a 
tendency to unite temporarily in pairs, or CONJUGATE. During 
conjugation complicated changes take place in the nuclei of the 
cells, involving chromosome reduction and the formation of two 
gametic nuclei in each individual of the pair of conjugants. Then 
one of the gametic nuclei in each conjugant migrates over and 
fuses with the stationary gametic nucleus of the other to form 
a synkaryon, or fertilization nucleus, in each cell. After this the 
two Paramecia separate, reconstruct their characteristic vegeia- 
tive nuclear apparatus, and proceed to reproduce by division as 
before. (Fig. 170.) 

This is fertilization in Paramecium, and on the assumption 
that the primary significance of synkaryon formation should be 
most evident in unicellular forms, of which, of course, this animal 


is an example, a large amount of experimental breeding has been 
carried out on Paramecium and its allies. The earlier results seemed 
to demonstrate conclusively that Paramecium can divide only a 
limited number of times, say a couple of hundred, after which the 
cells die from exhaustion or SENILE DEGENERATION unless fertiliza- 
tion takes place. In other words, it was believed that periodic 
REJUVENATION by fertilization is a necessity for the continuance 
of the life of the race. And therefore, so the natural conclusion 
ran, protoplasm is unable to grow indefinitely; there is an inherent 
tendency for the destructive phases of metabolism to gain ascend- 
ancy over the constructive, and fertilization serves to maintain or 
restore the youthful condition and thus secure the continuance of 
the race. 

In this connection, the life history of Paramecium from one 
period of fertilization to the next is often compared to the life of a 
multicellular organism from its origin as the fertilized egg, through 
youth and adult life to old age. The striking difference is that, in 
the case of Paramecium, the products of division of an animal 
which has conjugated (EXCONJUGANT) separate as so many inde- 
pendent cells, all of which are alike and, in later generations, 
capable of fertilization; while all the products of division of the 
fertilized egg of multicellular forms remain together as a unit and 
become differentiated for particular functions in the individual, 
except a few, the germ cells, which retain the power of forming 
new individuals. Pushing this comparison a little further, it is 
stated that after fertilization in Paramecium we have the period of 
greatest cell vigor, or youth, followed by maturity when the cells 
are ripe for fertilization again, and in the absence of fertilization — 
and only then — the onset of old age, and death. Thus death has 
no normal place in the life history of Paramecium, for all the cells 
at the period of maturity are capable of fertilization. On the other 
hand, in multicellular forms only some of the cells, the germ cells, 
retain this power — the somatic cells have paid the penalty of 
specialization and must die. Thus death of the individual except 
by accident does not occur among unicellular forms because ferti- 
lization ‘rejuvenates’ the cell, and the cell and the individual are 
one and the same. With the origin of multicellular forms, involvy- 
ing the segregation of soma from germ, death became possible, and 
was established — it is the ‘price paid for the body.’ (Figs. 154, 
C.D arog.) 


Fic. 170. — Diagram of the nuclear changes during fertilization (conjuga- 
tion) in Paramecium aurelia. A, union of two individuals along the peristomal 
region; B, degeneration of macronucleus and first division of the micronuclei; 
C, second division of micronuclei; D, seven of the eight micronuclei in each 
conjugant degenerate (indicated by circles) and disappear; E, each conjugant 
with a single remaining micronucleus; F, this nucleus divides into a stationary 
micronucleus and a migratory micronucleus — the gametic nuclei. The mi- 
gratory micronuclei are exchanged by the conjugants and fuse with the re- 
spective stationary micronuclei to form the synkarya. This is fertilization. 
G, conjugants, with synkarya, separate (only one is followed from this point); 
H, first division of synkaryon to form two micronuclei; I, second reconstruc- 
tion division; J, transformation of two micronuclei into macronuclei; K, divi- 
sion of micronuclei accompanied by cell division; L, typical nuclear condition 


Suggestive as is this comparison and contrast — and it is not 
without some justification — the cardinal fact remains that recent 
work has demonstrated that Paramecium and some closely related 
forms, when bred under favorable environmental conditions, can 
continue reproduction indefinitely, at least in one case for more 
than thirty years and some twenty thousand generations, without 
fertilization and without any signs of degeneration. Moreover in 
many unicellular forms fertilization has never been observed and 
perhaps does not occur in the life history. In other words, fertiliza- 
tion is not a necessary antidote for inherent senescence, and this, 
taken in connection with other data which point in the same direc- 
tion, such as the unlimited reproduction of many plants by asexual 
processes, and the recent discovery that certain tissue cells re- 
moved from the Vertebrate body will live, grow, and divide appar- 
ently indefinitely if given favorable conditions, renders it fairly 
safe to make the general statement that senescence is not inherent 
in protoplasm — the need of fertilization is not a primary attribute 
of living matter. Reproduction and fertilization are intrinsically 
separate processes which, however, have become closely associated, 
especially in higher forms. 

So far our conclusion is entirely negative — fertilization is not 
reproduction and is not intrinsically necessary for reproduction. 
What then is its significance? Though fertilization may not be 
necessary in the life of simple organisms under favorable condi- 
tions, this does not indicate that it may not be a stimulus to proto- 
plasmic activity when it does occur — perhaps a very important 
factor under special environmental conditions. Indeed it appears 
certain that conjugation in many cases directly results in stimulat- 
ing the vital processes of the cell, including reproduction. But it 
would seem that the essential factor in this stimulation is not 
the essence of fertilization, which is synkaryon formation. In 
Paramecium, for example, an internal nuclear reorganization proc- 
ess known aS ENDOMIXIS occurs periodically, which is carried on 
by each individual, without a nuclear contribution from another. 
Nevertheless it frequently effects a physiological stimulation similar 
to that which follows synkaryon formation during fertilization. 
Accordingly the factor common to both fertilization and endomixis, 
that is general nuclear reorganization, apparently is responsible 
for the ‘dynamic’ effects. (Fig. 171.) 

Mertazoa. Turning from Paramecium and its allies, we may 


ee, - 

es SES 
Sas? aaa 
Ce ee 
25 H 

Fic. 171. — Diagram of the nuclear changes during endomixis in Parame- 
cium aurelia. A, typical nuclear condition; B, degeneration of macronucleus 
and first division of micronuclei; C, second division of micronuclei; D, degener- 
ation of six of the eight micronuclei; E, division of the cell; F, first reconstruction 
micronuclear division; G, second reconstruction micronuclear division; H, 
transformation of two micronuclei into macronuclei; I, micronuclear and cell 
division; J, typical nuclear condition restored. 


consider some evidence among higher forms in regard to the 
dynamic influence of fertilization. Although fertilization is usu- 
ally necessary for the resumption of the series of cell divisions 
which paused after the maturation divisions, and which are to 
transform egg into adult, there are many exceptional but entirely 
normal cases where the egg proceeds to divide of its own accord. 
Such PARTHENOGENETIC eggs are formed like other eggs, though 
sometimes without chromosome reduction. Thus the eggs of the 
Honey Bee, to cite the most interesting case, develop either with 
or without fertilization — fertilized eggs forming females and un- 
fertilized eggs, males. Certain species of Rotifers and Roundworms 
apparently reproduce solely by parthenogenesis, males not being 
known. Leaving out of the question the effect on the chromosome 
complex, it is at once apparent that the mere fact that an egg di- 
vides without the influence of a sperm indicates clearly that, in such 
cases at least, neither structural additions nor physiological in- 
fluences of the sperm are necessary to initiate deveiopment. 

It may with justice be urged, however, that such cases of normal 
parthenogenesis are special adaptations to peculiar conditions in 
which the egg has usurped, as it were, the usual sperm function, 
and that therefore the evidence is of little weight in determining 
the primary significance of fertilization. Accordingly the data 
from so-called ARTIFICIAL PARTHENOGENESIS are particularly co- 
gent. Within recent years it has been found that the eggs of a con- 
siderable number of Invertebrates and even of Vertebrates, such 
as some Fishes and Frogs, which normally require fertilization, 
can be induced to start development parthenogenetically by var- 
ious artificial means such as subjection to certain chemicals, 
unusual temperature changes, shaking, or the prick of a needle 
— the effective stimulus varying with different species. 

Just what happens in the egg as a result of such treatment is 
open to discussion, but for our purposes it is sufficient to know 
that the egg begins to divide in normal fashion. This shows con- 
clusively that even eggs which normally require fertilization are 
intrinsically self-sufficient at least to start to develop, and there- 
fore this strongly indicates that an incidental and not the main 
function of fertilization is to stimulate cell division. 

Restating the evidence in its bearings on the meaning of fertili- 
zation, we may say that fertilization is not fundamentally an 


indispensable event in the life history of the Protozoa living under 
favorable environmental conditions. Certain species have been 
bred for thousands of generations without conjugation, and, in- 
deed, without endomixis. Similarly in the Metazoa, both normal 
and artificial parthenogenesis indicate that the egg itself comprises 
a mechanism which is capable of initiating and carrying on develop- 
ment. From this viewpoint, fertilization may be satisfactorily 
interpreted as a means of insuring under special or unfavorable en- 
vironmental conditions in unicellular organisms, and under usual 
conditions in the eggs of multicellular forms, a suitable stimulus 
which otherwise might be unavailable at the proper time. 

Granting then that fertilization may afford a stimulus to develop- 
ment, is this its chief significance? Many lines of evidence surely 
converge toward the view that the opportunities which fertilization 
affords for changes in the complex of the germ are of paramount 
importance. Fertilization establishes new diploid groups of heredi- 
tary characters by combining diverse haploid groups from the two 
gametes. It makes possible the shuffling of germinal variations so 
that they are presented in new combinations. It is the pooling of 
the germinal changes of two lines of descent. Some of the new 
combinations may more effectually meet — be better adapted to — 
the exigencies of the environment, and so have a survival value 
for the organism in the struggle for existence. So whatever the 
primary meaning of fertilization may be, its importance in estab- 
lishing the essentially dual nature of every sexually produced 
organism is settled beyond dispute, and it is the cardinal fact of 
heredity. No wonder is it that from the lowest to the highest ani- 
mals provisions are made for a process which multiplies many-fold 
the opportunities for descent with change. (Fig. 189.) 

In passing, it should be emphasized that provisions to ensure 
fertilization have had a profound influence on the morphology and 
physiology of organisms. Sex of the gametes and sex of the indi- 
vidual body are, of course, radically different, although the latter 
is indirectly an outcome of the former. The evolution of the gam- 
etes themselves is relatively simple: from those alike so far as struc- 
ture is concerned, though physiologically different, to those in 
which one sex is smaller and more motile and the other larger and 
usually non-motile. But the sexual evolution of the individual 
body in the Metazoa presents amazing phenomena. Witness the 


biological and physiological contrast of individuals that bear sperm 
and eggs respectively. Sex, indeed, becomes largely a dominating 
factor in the life of the lower animals, and even of Man, where 
the primary function of somatic sexual differentiation to ensure 
fertilization appears to become largely submerged. “It is as though 
variety and beauty had become ends in themselves in the evolu- 
tion of secondary sex characters, as exemplified in the plumage of 
birds, and in the strife and amenities of human social relations.” 


The student of Nature wonders the more and is astonished the less, 
the more conversant he becomes with her operations; but of all the 
perennial miracles she offers to his inspection, perhaps the most 
worthy of admiration is the development of a plant or animal from its 
embryo. — Huzley. 

THE new individual, established by the orderly merging of a cell 
detached from each parent in sexually reproducing species, has 
before it first of all the problem of assuming the adult form by a 
complicated developmental process. As we have seen, this in- 
volves cleavage of the egg, followed, in the Metazoa, by blastula 
and gastrula stages during which the primary germ layers are 
established — the fundament out of which the definitive form, 
organs, and organ systems of the adult are evolved. The descrip- 
tion and comparison of these processes in different organisms con- 
stitute the content of one aspect of EMBRYOLOGY. (Fig. 288.) 

It is unnecessary — indeed, it is impossible — for us to survey 
the immense field included under embryology. We must be satis- 
fied with the realization that animal development, though it varies 
widely in producing the immensely diverse body forms, exhibits 
throughout a thread of similarity in its fundamental features; and 
the appreciation of the marvellous intricacy of the developmental 
process even in the lowly animals. This perhaps may be gained 
by concrete examples — first the embryological development of 
the Earthworm from the zygote to the establishment of the gen- 
eral body plan. 


The egg of the Earthworm, after fertilization, proceeds to divide 
first into two cells, then four cells, eight cells, and so on, with more 
or less regularity, until a condition is attained in which many rela- 
tively small cells are arranged about a central cavity. This stage 
of the embryo will be recognized as the blastula. 

The various cells of the blastula appear essentially the same ex- 
cept that those at one end are somewhat larger than at the other. 



The larger cells now sink into and nearly obliterate the central 
cavity of the blastula, thus forming a typical gastrula stage com- 
posed of two layers of cells, ectoderm on the outside and endoderm 
on the inside. The infolded enteric pouch, or enteron, enclosing 

“ASOD, aX » 

, KW) IQ 
ete <4 $ 


Fic. 172.— General plan of the early development of the egg of an animal. 
A-F, cleavage and formation of the blastula; G, section of blastula showing 
the beginning of gastrulation; H-I, early and later gastrula stages. a, ecto- 
derm; 6, endoderm; c, blastocoel; d, blastopore, leading into the enteric cavity; 
e, cells, arising from the endoderm, destined to form the mesoderm. 

the enteric cavity, eventually becomes the main part of the ali- 
mentary canal of the worm; its present opening to the exterior, 
or blastopore, forming the mouth. So the developing worm has 
now reached a transient state which is broadly comparable to 
the permanent adult condition of Hydra. (Figs. 172, 173.) 


While these two primary germ layers are being established, the 
developing embryo shows the rudiments of the third primary germ 
layer (mesoderm) in the form of two MESOBLAST CELLS which 
leave their original position in the wall of the embryo and take 
up a place between the ectoderm and endoderm; that is, in the 
remnant of the cavity of the blastula which the invagination proc- 
ess during gastrulation has not completely obliterated. Here the 
two cells, by division, form on either side of the enteric pouch a 
linear series, or band, of mesoderm cells. These mesoderm bands 
gradually increase in size and spread out until finally they unite 
above and below, that is encircle, the enteric pouch. Thus they 
form a continuous mesoderm layer between ectoderm and endo- 
derm. Simultaneously with the growth of the mesoderm bands to 
form a definite middle layer, a linear series of spaces appears in 
each band which presages the future segmentation of the worm’s 
body. These cavities increase in size and, when the bands unite 
around the enteric pouch, the corresponding cavities of each band 
also become continuous in the same regions. (Fig. 173, C—H.) 

In this way the mesoderm itself becomes divided into what are 
essentially two cellular layers, an outer, or SOMATIC LAYER, next 
to the ectoderm, and an inner, or SPLANCHNIC LAYER, In contact 
with the endoderm. The space between these layers of the meso- 
derm is the body cavity, or coelom. The coelom, however, is not 
a continuous cavity from one end of the embryo to the other, be- 
cause the mesodermal cells which separate the linear series of 
cavities in the respective mesodermal bands persist. These cells 
form a regular series of connecting sheets of tissue between the 
somatic and splanchnic mesoderm layers and thus divide the body 
of the worm into a series of essentially similar segments, the limits 
of which are indicated on the outside by a series of grooves which 
encircle the worm’s body. (Fig. 173, I, J.) 

While these processes are transforming the two-layered gastrula 
into an embryo composed of three primary layers, and exhibiting 
segmentation, coelom, etc., — in short, the ‘tube within a tube’ 
body-plan characteristic of higher forms — the embryo is gradu- 
ally increasing in size and elongating. The mouth, representing 
the blastopore, remains at one end, which is therefore designated 
as anterior, while growth is chiefly in the opposite direction or 
toward the posterior. At this end (the blind end of the enteric 
pouch formed at gastrulation) an opening to the exterior, the 



Mesoblast 4 
“ cell A) £0) 

Enteron = Ectoderm 

ri geoaee sooo we 
a0 arise 



Enel Ma 

tury nt 


stag =: 



Bt EA 

; i Splanchnic 





Fic. 173. — Diagrams of stages in the development of the Earthworm. 
A, blastula (surrounded by a membrane); B, section of a blastula showing 
blastocoel and one of the primary cells (mesoblast cells) of the mesoderm; 
C, later blastula with developing mesoderm bands; D, start of gastrulation; 
KE, lateral view of gastrula showing invagination, which as it proceeds leaves 
the mesoderm bands on either side of the body as indicated by the cells repre- 
sented with dotted outline; F, section of E, to show mesoblast cells, meso- 
derm bands, and enteric cavity. G, later stage showing cavities in the meso- 
derm bands; H, the same (G) in transverse section; I, diagram of a longitudinal 
section of a young worm after formation of mouth and anus; J, the same in 
cross section; K, later stage in transverse section. (After Sedgwick and Wilson.) 


anus, is formed so that the enteric pouch now communicates with 
the exterior at both ends and becomes the alimentary canal. Thus 
antero-posterior differentiation is clearly established. 

A cross section perpendicular to the main axis of the developing 
worm at this stage presents the appearance of a circle within a 
circle. The smaller circle surrounds the enteric cavity and is the 
wall of the alimentary canal. It is separated by a space, the coelom, 
from the larger circle, or body wall. Moreover, each of these 
circles is composed of two tissue layers: the alimentary canal, 
formed internally of endoderm and externally of splanchnic meso- 
derm; and the body wall, internally of somatic mesoderm and ex- 
ternally of ectoderm. Thus the coelomic cavity is entirely enclosed 
by mesoderm. (Fig. 173, K.) 

It is from these three primary layers of cells (ectoderm, somatic 
and splanchnic mesoderm, and endoderm) that all of the tissues 
and organs. of the adult worm arise through later differentiation, 
thickenings, foldings, outgrowths, etc. For example, the nervous 
system is formed by the ingrowth of a thickened region of the 
ectoderm; the blood vascular system develops by a specialization 
of cells throughout the mesoderm; while the reproductive system 
first appears as thickenings of the somatic mesoderm which, as 
development proceeds, become largely separated from it as inde- 
pendent organs in the coelom. (Figs. 60, 61.) 


As an example of Vertebrate development we may take that of 
the Frog, though it must be borne in mind that just as other 
Invertebrates differ in their embryology from the Earthworm, so 
the embryology of other Vertebrates departs widely from that of 
the Frog — chiefly fundamental and highly significant similarities 

The fertilized egg of the Frog contains a large amount of stored 
food material, or yolk, which influences the character of the cleav- 
age of the egg. Thus cell division is progressively more rapid, and 
accordingly the cells smaller, in the region with little yolk, the 
upper (animal) pole, than in the yolk-laden lower (vegetal) pole. 
The first and second division planes are from pole to pole, and 
give rise to four cells of equal size. The third division plane 
is just above the equator of the egg, at right angles to the former 
planes, and establishes four dark, pigmented cells above, and four 



Vegetal pole 



Gill arches Notochord Spinal cord io Midbrain 

urenteric AE : 
ne Z ie & Forebrain 

Anal 7 
Rectum ie Enteron 
BOR “Sucker plate 
Yolk ; eS Endoderm 
tacit J Ectoderm K Mesoderm 

Fic. 174. — Early development of the Frog. A, B, C, egg at two-, four-, 
and eight-cell stage; D, early blastula; E, section of D; F, late blastula; G, early 
gastrula: overgrowth of ectoderm (cells of ectoderm now too small to be 
shown in figure); H, section of G showing germ layers, etc. (Blcel, blastocoel); 
I, late gastrula: formation of neural groove and folds representing the founda- 
tions of the nervous system; J, older embryo, with neural groove closed, as- 
suming tadpole form; K, section of J. See Fig. 175. 


larger pale, yolk-laden cells below the equator. As division pro- 
ceeds, soon there are many cells arranged in the form of a hollow 
sphere which will be recognized as the blastula. (Fig. 174.) 

The transformation, in due course, of the blastula into the 
gastrula by typical invagination is somewhat obscured by the 
large amount of yolk in the prospective endoderm cells. In fact, 
the endoderm is formed by a flat infolding of cells, just below the 
edge of the small dark cells, that finally results in a crescentic 
groove on the surface, which is the edge of the blastopore. But 
gastrulation is not completed until all the large endoderm cells 
are enclosed by ectoderm cells, and this is accomplished chiefly 
by the latter gradually creeping and folding over the exposed, 
pale endoderm cells (YoLK PLUG) until merely a small blastopore 
remains leading into the enteron. 

The development of the third germ layer, or mesoderm, takes 
place by the ingrowth of a layer of cells between ectoderm and 
endoderm along the edge of the blastopore where these two layers 
merge. When the mesoderm has grown forward and spread out 
between the ectoderm and endoderm, the lower portion (LATERAL 
PLATE) splits into a somatic and splanchnic layer and thus gives 
rise to the coelomic cavity between. The upper portion of the 
mesoderm (VERTEBRAL PLATE) exhibits traces of primitive seg- 
mentation as it forms a series of muscle plates, or MYOTOMES, on 
either side of the NoTocHoRD which, in the meantime, has arisen 
from an axial, dorsal strip of cells above the enteron. 

During the later stages of gastrulation, the foundations of the 
central nervous system are established by the differentiation of a 
plate of ectoderm cells, the MEDULLARY PLATE, on the dorsal sur- 
face of the embryo. Then a groove appears in the medullary plate 
which is finally completely enclosed by the growth upward, over, 
and then fusion of the edges of the medullary plate. Thus the 
open groove is converted into the NEURAL TUBE which is soon to be 
differentiated into fore-brain, mid-brain, hind-brain, and spinal 

Simultaneously with the establishment of the central nervous 
system, the differentiation of the enteron into the alimentary canal, 
opening by mouth and anus, and also various other internal trans- 
formations have proceeded apace. Furthermore, the embryo has 
been gradually elongating so that it is nearly twice as long as 
broad by the time it begins locomotion by means of cilia distributed 


over the body surface. And soon thereafter the larva, or TADPOLE, 
assumes a somewhat fish-like form, with a vertically flattened 
tail edged by a fin which provides for locomotion during the 
rest of the animal’s purely aquatic life. (Fig. 175.) 


6) Bogmnent 
c/- of eye 

: &~ Olfactory pit 
Gill slits 

Oral ion 

©e eo, 
Ce SE oe 

“Richard Edes- Harrison -1931- 

Fic. 175. — Development and metamorphosis of the Frog. A, B, stages 
closely following K in Fig. 174. C-L, stages from egg to adult drawn to scale. 

Independent existence demands sense organs, and these are 
already functioning in the head region. It also demands the in- 
take of food which earlier was supplied by the yolk stored in the 
egg, and so the mouth develops a hard rim for scraping food mate- 


rial from the surface of aquatic plants. Moreover, increased res- 
piration is necessary, and this is met by the appearance of branched 
external gills on the sides of the head, which are the first of a 
series of three different respiratory organs that succeed one another 
during the life history. Indeed, these external gills are soon coy- 
ered over by a fold of the skin, the oPERCULUM, which finally 
leaves but a single opening, the SPIRACLE, to the exterior. And 
no sooner is the operculum fully developed, than the external 
gills are resorbed and a new set of fish-like internal gills take their 
place in the gill slits. Then hind legs slowly make their appear- 
ance, followed by the fore legs, already developed under the 

Now the larva is ready for METAMORPHOSIS — its transforma- 
tion from a gill-breathing tadpole to a lung-breathing juvenile 
Frog. During metamorphosis one stage melts rapidly into the 
next: the tail is resorbed, the legs increase in size, the long coiled 
intestine becomes shorter and specialized to digest animal food, 
the internal gills are resorbed, and lungs are developed which 
make it necessary for the tadpole to come to the surface of the 
water for air. Finally, as a juvenile Frog, the animal transfers 
its abode largely to land, and grows. 

The process of metamorphosis varies in length from a few 
weeks to several years in different species of Frogs. In all cases it is 
some time after metamorphosis before sexual maturity arises. Pre- 
ceding the first breeding season, the gonads develop rapidly, their 
ducts become fully differentiated, and adult male and female 
individuals are established. (Figs. 132, 163.) 


The embryological development of the higher Vertebrates de- 
parts rather widely in certain ways from that of the Earthworm 
and the Frog. Thus the eggs of Reptiles and Birds contain much 
more yolk than the egg of the Frog, with a consequent greater 
obscuring — though not obliteration — of the characteristic blas- 
tula, gastrula, etc. (Fig. 169.) 

Furthermore, in the Frog the whole egg becomes converted 
into the body of the tadpole, whereas in Reptiles, Birds, and 
Mammals a part of the egg forms a hood-like membrane, the 
AMNION, about the embryo. This is cast off at birth and with it 
another membrane, the ALLANTOIS, which extends into the am- 

Outer germ layer (Ectoderm) 

Embryonic ue nee 
: mbryo 
-—~— J Middle germ layer (Mesoderm)\ —~— “Asaninge 

<0 Inner germ layer (Endoderm) aay fold 
ee: Blastodermic vesicle XA an 

oS ee 

later becoming 
yolk sac 


Closing amniotic folds 

Sx Allantois joining with 
\==:=X chorionic membrane g 

Amniotic cavity 

Body stalk, 
yolk sac 
Extra-embryonic space 

Fic. 176. — Diagrammatic sections showing the development of the egg and 
embryonic membranes of a Mammal. A, blastula showing fundament of 
embryo at top, before the appearance of the amnion. B, embryo outlined, with 
developing amnion and yolk sac. C, embryo with amnion further developed 
and allantois appearing. D, embryo with amnion closing, and allantois joining 
with outer membrane, or chorion. E, F, embryos in which the vascular layer 
of the allantois is applied to the chorion and growing into the villi of the latter 
to form the fetal placenta; yolk sac reduced; amniotic cavity increasing; 
mouth and anus established. 



nion and has served temporarily as a respiratory membrane. The 
development of these two EMBRYONIC MEMBRANES, to meet new 
conditions of embryonic existence, makes possible not only a 
more rapid and sure interchange of materials between the embryo 
and its surroundings, but also affords greater protection for the 
growth of complicated structures. (Fig. 176.) 

Fic. 177A. — Photographs of early stages in the development of the egg 
of the Rabbit. A, two-cell stage, 24 hours after fertilization, in thick surround- 
ing membrane (zona pellucida); B, four-cell stage, 29 hours; C, eight-cell 
stage, 32 hours. Highly magnified. (After Streeter.) 

Finally, the eggs of typical Mammals, including Man, though 
not provided with so large an amount of yolk because food is 

A B 
Fic. 177B.— Human embryos. A, one month old (6.7 mm.), showing arm 
and leg buds, caudal end, umbilical cord, heart, gill slits, olfactory pit, and 
eye; B, six weeks old (19 mm.), showing developing hands and feet, elbow and 
knee, nose, eye, and ear. See Fig. 235. (After Streeter.) 

supplied to the developing embryo by the blood vascular system 
of the mother, nevertheless inherit from lower forms the embryonic 


membranes. These contribute to the formation of the PLACENTA 
and are modified and diverted to meet new conditions demanded 
by the uterine life of the Mammalian embryo. (Figs. 133, 134.) 

With merely this outline of some of the chief features of the 
embryology of the Earthworm, Frog, and higher forms before us, 
it is possible to gain some appreciation of the similarity of the 
basic method of development which is ever present in the Animal 
Kingdom — cleavage, blastula, gastrula, primary germ layers, etc. 
In general, it may be said that in all the higher animals the ecto- 
derm forms the outer skin and nervous system; the endoderm sup- 
plies the lining membrane of the major part of the alimentary tract; 
while the mesoderm contributes muscles, blood vessels, reproduc- 
tive organs, and the membrane lining the coelom. This similarity 
in origin of the organ systems from the primary germ layers, 
throughout the animal series above the Coelenterates, is of the 
highest significance because it indicates a fundamental structural 
similarity in the body plan of all these forms. It is exhibited in 
the developmental process in each generation, even though the 
adult body in the various groups differs widely in form and arrange- 
ment of organs. Such a state of affairs clearly suggests an heredi- 
tary relationship throughout the animal series — the origin of the 
diverse forms by gradual change. (Figs. 172, 174.) 


Embryology is something more than the description of the ka- 
leidoscopic series of stages which seem to melt one into the other 
as development progresses. It attempts, especially at the present 
time, to look below and beyond structure to the processes in- 
volved, and to determine how the sequence of events is brought 
about. This is but a repetition of the stages of progress in all 
science; a passage from the descriptive to the experimental. The 
results thus far secured have raised many, and answered some prob- 
lems of development of great practical importance and theoretical 
interest. The outline of one broad problem may serve as an 
example. | 

From what the pioneer students of embryology during the 
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries saw, or thought they saw, 
with simple lens and newly invented compound microscope, there 
were gradually formulated two opposing views of development 


which, though long since swept aside in their original form as a 
result of the increase of knowledge, raised a problem that is still 
before the embryologist to-day. 

In brief, one view virtually denied development by maintaining 
that the adult organism is nearly or completely formed within the 
germ, either in the egg or the sperm, which merely by expansion, 
unfolding, and growth gives rise to the new generation. In this 
first crude form the PREFORMATION theory demanded the ‘ encase- 
ment’ of all future generations one within another in the germ of 
existing organisms, so that when it was computed that the pro- 
genitor of the human race must have contained some two hundred 
million homunculi (a conservative estimate, to say the least) the 
reductio ad absurdum was irresistible. 

The other view was reached by careful studies on the transforma- 
tion of the Hen’s egg into the chick which soon made it clear that 
the chick is not preformed in the egg. The embryo arises by a 
gradual process of progressive differentiation from an apparently 
simple fundament — it is a true process of development, or EPI- 
GENESIS. But the upholders of epigenesis versus preformation were 
before long beyond their depth and in danger of attempting to 
get something out of nothing — lost in the miraculous. 

A statement in such succinct form tends to accentuate the cru- 
dities of these two conflicting views — “ preformation explaining 
development by denying it and epigenesis explaining development 
by reaffirming it’’ — and it may be well to remark that the early 
embryologists with the means at their command faced a stupendous 
task of which only recent work has brought a full appreciation. 

The path to progress cleared by the realization that adult 
structures are not preformed as such in the egg, and that develop- 
ment is not an expansion but the formation — the ‘becoming ’— 
by an orderly sequence of events of structures of great complexity 
out of apparent simplicity, the problem of the embryologist was to 
determine what the egg structure actually is, and how it is related 
to that of the adult. To trace the development of these studies 
would involve the history of embryology since the formulation of 
the cell theory. We must confine ourselves to the bare statement 
of the new guise in which the old theories of preformation and 
epigenesis confront us to-day as a result of recent research. 

The reader already recognizes the fertilized egg as a cell, with 
its nucleus comprising a complex of quite definite elements — the 


chromosomes — contributed jointly by the two gametes. To this 
extent, then, the nucleus and therefore the egg exhibits a ready- 
formed structural basis which (as we have already suggested, and 
will have occasion to elaborate later) certainly is definitely related 
to characters which appear in the offspring. 

Turning to the egg cytoplasm, we are confronted with conditions 
which are not so uniform but nevertheless highly suggestive. In 

Fic. 178A. — Egg of a Mollusc, Dentalium, showing cytoplasmic differentia- 
tion. A, egg, shortly after being extruded and before maturation is completed, 
showing three differentiated regions; B, section through an egg after fertiliza- 
tion, showing cytoplasmic rearrangement involving the segregation of clear po- 
lar lobe at p; C, normal sixteen-cell stage, with materials of polar lobe now in 
cell X. Removal of the polar lobe results in an abnormal embryo. (After 

the first place, before fertilization the egg possesses a definite 
POLARITY, expressed, for example, by the position of the nucleus 
and the distribution of food material (yolk), pigment granules, 
and vacuoles. This polarity is traceable, in part at least, to the 
polarity of the odgonia, and through them to the germinal epi- 
thelium. In brief, the egg as a whole is organized; the invisible 
organization of the fundamental matrix of the cytoplasm being 
revealed, in part, by the disposition of various elements of the 
cell. Now this cytoplasmic organization undergoes more or less 
profound changes in establishing that of the new individual. In 
some cases the reorganization occurs at fertilization, while in 
others it is somewhat deferred. And herein, apparently, is to be 
sought the explanation of the difference in behavior — in potential- 
ities — of various types of eggs during cleavage stages. Two con- 
trasting examples will serve to bring the main facts before us. 
The first type is well illustrated by the egg of a Mollusc, Den- 


talium, and a primitive Chordate, Styela. The egg of the latter 
shows at the first division five clearly differentiated cytoplasmic 
regions. For the sake of simplicity these may be described as 
white, light and dark gray, and light and dark yellow. As cleavage 
proceeds, these substances are distributed with great regularity 
to definite cell groups, which in turn form special organs or organ 
systems of the animal. Thus cells which receive the white region 
form the ectoderm; those which receive the dark gray, the endo- 
derm; while the cells with light or dark yellow form mesodermal 
structures, and so on. And further, the experimental removal of a 
cell or cell group in which a certain substance is segregated results 
in an embryo deficient in the very structures which this normally 
forms. In other words, the egg cytoplasm seems to be a mosaic of 
organ-forming substances which possibly themselves directly, but 
probably through more fundamental conditions of which they 
are but the visible expression, have a causal relation to definite 
adult structures. Just in so far as this is true, the adult is pre- 
delineated in bold lines, though not actually preformed, in the egg. 
(Fig. 178.) 

Passing now to the second type, represented, for example, by the 
eggs of some Sea Urchins, the results which we obtain seem to be 
diametrically opposite. Although more or less clearly differentiated 
cytoplasmic regions appear to exist, frequently the removal of a 
part of the egg before division, or the separation of the cells at 
the two-cell stage, and sometimes even at the four-cell stage, has no 
permanent effect on the structural integrity of the developing 
embryo. Each of the cells has the power to develop into an embryo 
complete in every respect, but smaller than the normal. Or, to 
put it another way: at the four-cell stage, a single cell which nor- 
mally forms, let us say, one-fourth of the embryo, if isolated with 
one other cell, may form one-half of a normal embryo and, if isolated 
with two other cells may form one-third. And apparently the same 
phenomenon occurs in the case of human identical twins. The egg 
becomes separated into two parts during early development and re- 
sults in two individuals with identical hereditary basis. Indeed iden- 
tical quintuplets, all from one zygote, have become famous. In all 
such cases one may ask, what has become of the egg organization? 

At first glance the behavior of these two classes of eggs seems 
to afford results which are irreconcilable — the former supporting 
the doctrine of preformation in a refined form, and the latter its 


antithesis, epigenesis. But an explanation is not far to seek. The 
difference apparently depends, as already suggested, upon the time 
when chemical differentiation of the egg cytoplasm occurs and the 
products are localized in special regions. If this occurs before or 
at fertilization, so that the early divisions give rise to dissimilarly 
organized cells, then each of the cells is not TOTIPOTENT and the 
mosaic type of development results; but if the initial differentiation 
and localization is delayed until later, or is relatively slight so that 
the cells of the early stages are all essentially similar, then during 
this period each cell is totipotent — the whole forms an EQUI- 
POTENTIAL SYSTEM — as exhibited by the early stages of the Sea 
Urchin. Thus we may bring under one viewpoint the apparently 
contradictory behavior of the two classes of eggs, for it turns out 
to be reducible to a common factor: the time of differentiation and 
localization of the products. In one case this has progressed fur- 
ther than in the other during the early embryonic stages. In both 
cases, therefore, development is epigenetic in its obvious features. 

However, since cytoplasmic differentiation is a fact whether it 
appears early or late, we have merely pushed the solution of the 
problem further back and the question becomes: Is there a primary 
differentiation and, if so, where? It is not possible to present here 
the specific evidence on this point, but the reader’s knowledge of 
the nucleus, and particularly its definite chromosomal architec- 
ture, will lead him to anticipate that modern research tends more 
and more to emphasize the gene as representing a material con- 
figuration — apparently it is a protein molecule — which is trans- 
mitted, in a way, ‘preformed’ from generation to generation 
and determines the cytoplasmic characteristics of the cells. As to 
how the specific physical basis of inheritance, the genes constitut- 
ing the chromosomes, is related to cytoplasmic organization and 
to characters which arise later, we can offer no satisfactory expla- 
nation or even guess. We must be content with a discussion, in 
the next chapter, of some of the facts of heredity which show that 
certain chromosomes are causally related to the inheritance of 
certain characters. 

But in so far as the nucleus possesses an organization which is 
definitely related to differentiations of the cytoplasm, organ- 
forming substances, or characters of embryo and adult, we may 
look upon the chromatin to this extent as representing a sort of 
primary preformation which is realized by a process of building 


up — epigenesis — as one character after another becomes estab- 
lished in the development of the individual. This is the guise in 
which the old problem of preformation versus epigenesis faces the 
biologist to-day. 

So the early embryologists were right when, studying the egg 
of the Frog or Hen, they maintained that development is develop- 



Fic. 178B. — Diagram to illustrate how the character of the first division 
of an egg may influence the distribution of the products of cytoplasmic differ- 
entiation and therefore the potentialities of the resulting cells. A, immature 
egg, assumed to have no definite segregation of cytoplasmic stuffs; B, mature 
egg, with cytoplasmic zones established; C, first division of egg; D and E, two 
types of two-cell stages; D, type with one cytoplasmic zone entirely distributed 
to one of the cells, and therefore each of the two cells, if separated, gives rise 
to an abnormal larva; E, type with equal distribution of the zones to both cells, 
and therefore, if separated, each of the two cells gives rise to a normal larva. 
(From Wilson.) 

ment and not merely the unfolding of an organism already fash- 
ioned in more or less definite adult form. But it took two centuries 

of research to reveal the fact that, below and beyond its super- 
ficial aspects, there is a germ of truth in the principle of preforma- 


tion deeply hidden in the nuclear architecture, the enormously 
complex physico-chemical structure of the genetic basis, or genes, 
and therefore the origin of the individual, though obviously through 
epigenesis, is fundamentally from a sort of preformed basis. We 
no longer bother ourselves with the old conundrum as to which is 
more complex, the egg or the adult, but recognize that each is com- 
plex in its way — the simplicity of the egg being more apparent 
than real, as is convincingly attested by every endeavor to analyze 
cytoplasm, nucleus, chromosomes, genes, and beyond. 


So careful of the type .. . 
So careless of the single life. — Tennyson. 

Tue old adage that ‘like begets like’ expresses the general fact 
of HEREDITY. Everyone recognizes that parent and offspring agree 
in their fundamental characteristics: they “belong to the same 
species. And everyone realizes that the resemblance may be 
strikingly exact even in details of form or behavior. Family traits 
reappear. The mere statement of striking resemblances among the 
individuals of a family is a tacit admission that no two individuals 
are exactly alike; in other words, heredity is organic resemblance 
based on descent — inheritance of the characters exhibited by the 
parents is not complete, there is VARIATION. Indeed “variation is 
the most invariable thing in nature,” but one must guard against 
the impression that there is an antithesis between heredity and 
variation. “Living beings do not exhibit unity and diversity, but 
unity in diversity. Inheritance and variation are not two things, 
but two imperfect views of a single process.” 

We may now address ourselves to the problems of heredity and 
variation which are at the basis not only of what organisms have 
been in the past and are at the present, but also of whatever the 
future may have in store for them. Variations are the raw materials 
of evolutionary progression or regression. From a broad point of 
view, the origin of species and the origin of individuals are essen- 
tially the same question. If we can solve the relations of parent 
and offspring, the origin of species will largely take care of itself. 
As a matter of fact, historically the question of species origin was 
approached first, and through the work of Darwin became of 
paramount interest in the latter half of the nineteenth century. 
The twentieth century finds the individual — the hereditary re- 
lation of parent and offspring — the center of investigation, and 
it forms the science of genetics. ORGANIC EVOLUTION attempts to 
establish the general fact that all organisms are related by descent; 
GENETICS attempts to show how specific individuals are related. 



Even further has the pendulum swung from the general to the 
particular. To-day the most intense investigation is centered not 
on the heritage of the individual as a whole, but on particular 
characters of the individual. An immense amount of experimental 
work has demonstrated that, for practical purposes, the individual 
may be regarded as an aggregate of essentially separate characters, 
both structural and physiological, that are relatively stable and 
may be inherited more or less as units. But the analysis does not 
stop even at this level. Each character is regarded as represented in 

Fic. 179. — The evolution of the Game Cock. Results produced largely by 
selection before our present knowledge of the mechanism of inheritance. 
(From Metcalf, after Wright.) 

the chromosomes of the germ cells by one or more determining 
factors, or GENES; and whether or not a given character wil! be 
present in a tree or a man depends upon whether the genes for this 
particular character entered into the nuclear complex of the fer- 
tilized egg which formed the individual. Therefore, geneticists are 
now studying the relative positions which the genes occupy on 
certain chromosomes; how they may cross-over from one chro- 
mosome to the other of a synaptic pair; how they mutually influence 
one another, etc. (Fig. 196.) 

At present we are witnessing great advances in knowledge of 
the underlying factors of heredity, and the data recently accumu- 
lated are so vast that we can attempt here no more than to indicate 
the character and promise of the principles already discovered. 

We may glimpse the field before us by a concrete example. 


About thirty-five years ago, just at the opening of the modern 
concentrated attack on genetic problems, an association of British 
millers awoke to the fact that some active means must be taken 
to offset the increasingly great deficiency in quantity and quality 
of the wheat yield. Accordingly they commissioned a specially 
trained biologist to investigate the matter. He collected many 
different varieties of domestic and foreign Wheat, each known to 
have one or more good qualities, and studied how these were in- 
herited. Making use of the data thus secured, in the course of a 
few years he produced a wheat which combined the good qualities 
of several varieties; including high content of gluten, beardless- 
ness, immunity to Rust, and large yield, and this ‘made to order’ 
wheat proved successful in the British Isles. But with the open- 
ing up of new territory in western Canada another obstacle was 
encountered: the growing season was too short for the finest vari- 
eties of wheat. This condition was quickly met by transferring 
the quality of early ripening from an inferior grade of wheat to 
a wheat possessing several other valuable characters. 

In a similar fashion, a host of workers have performed the im- 
possible of a few years ago. Corn of desirable percentage content 
of starch or sugar; cotton with long fibers of foreign varieties and 
quick maturing qualities to escape insect ravages; Sheep com- 
bining choice mutton qualities of one breed with the fine wool of 
another and the hornlessness of a third; and so on almost without 
end. Furthermore, there is no limit in sight to the new stable 
races of plants and animals which are forthcoming as the principles 
already known are applied, and subsidiary ones are discovered. 
And last but not least, Man has begun to study himself as a 
product of heredity and the process of evolution — to determine 
the distribution of characters in the family, and the consequences 
of their combinations in the physical and mental make-up of the 


What then are the basic principles of heredity which are to-day 
at the command of the scientific breeder? To answer this question 
it is necessary to go into some details because no real appreciation 
of the underlying principles involved is otherwise forthcoming. 
Most of these details have been acquired through patient inves- 
tigations made from the standpoint of so-called pure science — one 



more proof of the indebtedness of the ‘practical man of affairs’ 

to the biological laboratory. 

In the Protozoa the problems of heredity confront us in their sim- 
plest, though by no means simple form. Amoeba or Paramecium, 


Fic. 180. — Scheme to illustrate the con- 
tinuity of the germ. Each triangle repre- 
sents an individual composed of germ 
(dotted) and soma (clear). The beginning 
of the life cycle of each individual is at the 
apex of the triangle where both germ and 
soma are present. In biparental (sexual) 
reproduction the germ cells of two individ- 
uals become associated in a common stream 
which is the germ and gives rise to the soma 
and germ of the new generation. This con- 
tinuity is indicated by the heavy broken line 
and the collateral contributions at each suc- 
ceeding generation by light broken lines. 
(From Walter.) 

as we know, divides into 
two cells which through 
growth and reorganization 
soon are to all intents and 
purposes exactly similar to 
the parent cell. The par- 
ent has merged its individ- 
uality into that of its off- 
spring. Thus stated, one 
does not wonder that par- 
ent and offspring are alike 
— each is composed of es- 
sentially the same proto- 
plasm. But when we come 
to multicellular forms in 
which reproduction is re- 
stricted to special germ 
cells which involve ferti- 
lization, confusion is apt 
to arise unless one keeps 
clearly in mind — and per- 
haps exaggerates for the 
sake of concreteness — the 
distinction between germ 
and soma which has been 
previously discussed. Since 
in higher forms, to which 
brevity demands that our 
attention be confined, the 

sole connection between parent and offspring is through the germ 
cells, it follows that they must be the sole path of inheritance. 
In other words, whatever characters the body actually inherits 
must have been represented by genes in the fertilized egg from 
which it arose; and furthermore, any characters which the in- 
dividual can transmit must be represented in its germ cells. 

(Figs. 8, 28, 180.) 


1. Modifications 

Every individual organism — a man, for instance — is a com- 
posite not only of inherited characters, but also of MODIFICATIONS 
of the soma produced by external conditions during embryonic 
development or later. The individual’s environment, food, friends, 
enemies, the world as he finds it, on the one hand, and on the other 
his education, work, and general reactions to this environment, 
all have their influence on body and mind and determine to a 
considerable extent the realization of the possibilities derived from 
the germ — what he makes of his endowment. He acquires, let 
us say, the strong arm of the blacksmith, the sensitive fingers of 
the violinist, or the command of higher mathematics. In other 
words, what he is depends on his heritage and what he does with 
it. Now, if he does develop an inherited capacity, can he transmit 
to his offspring this talent in a more highly developed form than 
he himself received it? Or must his children begin at the same 
rung of the ladder at which he started and make their own way 
up in the world? This is the old question of the inheritance of 
modifications, or so-called ACQUIRED CHARACTERS. (Fig. 198.) 

Is the great length of the Giraffe’s neck, to take a classic though 
crude example, due to a stretching toward the branches of trees 
during many successive generations, with the result that a slightly 
longer neck has been gained in each generation and inherited by 
the following? If so, it is a result of the inheritance of modifications 
because the changes were somatic in origin. Or is the length of 
the neck the result of the survival in each generation of those in- 
dividuals which “happened to be born’ with longer necks and ac- 
cordingly were better adapted to foliage conditions than those 
which varied toward shorter necks) If so, it is not the result of 
modifications but of changes having their origin in the germ cells. 
(Fig. 92.) 

To-day biologists almost unanimously deny the former and 
accept the latter interpretation — the consensus of opinion is 
certainly that modifications, or changes in the individual body 
due to nurture, use, and disuse, are not transmitted as such. This 
conclusion is held chiefly because there is no positive evidence 
of the inheritance of modifications while there is much negative 
evidence; and also because there is no known mechanism by which 
a specific modification of the soma can so influence the germ com- 


plex that this modification will be reproduced as such or in any 
representative degree. However, it should be emphasized that 
biologists in general recognize the potent influence of environment 
and the organism’s reactions to the environment on the destinies 
of the race, even though they see, at present, no grounds for a 
belief that any specific modification can enter the heritage and 
so be reproduced. (Fig. 199.) 

In this connection the question of the inheritance of disease will 
undoubtedly arise in the reader’s mind. But this is really not a 
special case. If the disease is the result of a defect in the germinal 
constitution, it may be inherited just as any other character, 
physiological or morphological, that has a germinal basis. But if 
the disease is a disturbance set up in the body by some accident 
of life or through infection by specific microorganisms, before birth 
or later, it is a modification and inheritance does not occur. Of 
course, the well known fact that susceptibility or immunity to 
disease-producing organisms — the ‘soil’ for their development — 
may be inherited is not an exception to this statement. It may, 
however, be suggested in passing that from the standpoint of the in- 
dividual born malformed, structurally or mentally, as a result of 
parental alcoholism, syphilis, or other obliquities, it probably will 
not appear of the first moment that the sins have been visited 
otherwise than by actual inheritance. (Fig. 250.) 

The whole question of the non-heritability of modifications, or 
acquired characters, is a relatively new point of view which has 
been fostered by the elusiveness of crucial experimental evidence, 
by an ever-increasing knowledge of the details of the chromosome 
mechanism of inheritance, and by the general influence of Weis- 
mann’s contrast of the soma and germ. Indeed, Lamarck did not 
question the inheritance of acquired characters and made it the 
corner-stone of his theory of evolution, while some have even 
gone so far as to say that either there has been inheritance of 
acquired characters, or there has been no evolution. However, 
the question is not so serious as that, as will be seen later on; 
though it obviously is profoundly important from many view- 
points, biological, educational, and sociological. In passing, it 
may be mentioned for those who would like to believe that ac- 
quired characters are inherited, that if desirable modifications 
were inheritable, undesirable ones would be also. Perhaps Nature 
is merciful! (Figs. 305, 309.) 


2. Recombinations 

Turning from modifications, which appear to be useless to the 
geneticist, we find that the most common inherited differences 
which appear in offspring are RECOMBINATIONS which owe their 
origin to new groupings of the germinal factors, or genes. 

Everyone is familiar with some of the more obvious hereditary 
differences following fertilization which are the result of new 
combinations of parental characters represented in the egg and 
sperm: that is, cases in which nothing is apparent which is not 
clearly related to the conditions expressed in the ancestors. In 
the first place the offspring may exhibit a character, eye color, let 
us say, of one parent to the exclusion of that of the other — the 
character appearing unmodified. This is termed ALTERNATIVE 
inheritance. Or the offspring may seem to be a sort of Mosaic 
of the characters of its progenitors, each parent contributing a 
certain character but not to the exclusion of that of the other. 
Sometimes the parental traits seem to fuse so that the progeny 
exhibit a more or less intermediate and different condition, as 
in the color of the skin of mulattoes, frequently called BLEND- 
ING inheritance. And as a final example, characters of grand- 
parents or more remote ancestors may crop out, and constitute 

3. Mutations 

But quite different results now and then occur. Characters 
which have no place in the ancestry appear and are transmitted 
to the descendants. Sometimes these new inherited variations, 
or MUTATIONS, are only slight departures from the parental con- 
dition, while in other instances they are quite abrupt. But the 
significant fact is that mutations result from relatively radical al- 
terations in the gene complex and so afford new opportunities for 

Thus combinations and mutations contrast sharply with modi- 
fications which are not transmitted to the offspring; the latter 
being merely the results of environing conditions on the soma 
during embryonic development or later. The importance of this 
distinction can hardly be over emphasized because it makes 
comprehensible many of the inconsistencies of earlier work on 



The statistical treatment of biological data as a method of 
studying inheritance was first brought prominently to the attention 
of biologists by the work of Galton, a cousin of Darwin, during the 
closing decades of the last century and started the widespread 
investigation of genetic problems. In particular, his work on the in- 
heritance of characters in Man, such as stature and intellectual 
capacity, is a biological classic judged by the momentous conse- 
quences which followed from the discussion it evoked. But it 
was reserved for Mendel to apply statistical methods to facts ob- 
served in the progeny derived from carefully controlled experi- 
ments in breeding. Mendel’s studies that founded the modern 
science of genetics actually were made more than a score of years 
before Galton’s, but failed to reach the attention of the biological 
world engrossed in the evolution theory; in fact were not known 
by Darwin to whom they would have meant so much in his work 
to secure experimental data on heredity. We can with advantage 
introduce the survey of genetic principles by a study of examples 
from Mendel’s own work. (Fig. 290.) 

Mendel chose seven pairs of ALTERNATIVE characters which 
he found were constant in certain varieties of edible Peas, such 
as the form and color of the seeds, whether round or wrinkled, 
yellow or green; and the length of the stem, whether tall or dwarf, 
and these he studied in the HYBRIDS. One ordinarily thinks of a 
hybrid as a cross between two species or, at least, two characteristi- 
cally distinct varieties of animals or plants; but as a matter of 
fact the offspring of all sexually reproducing organisms are really 
hybrids because two parents seldom, if ever, are exactly the same 
in all of their germinal characters. Consequently the offspring are 
hybrids with respect to the characters in which the parents differ; 
but in the following exposition the terms hybrid and pure are used 
solely in regard to the particular characters under analysis. 

1. Monohybrids 

Mendel found, in crossing pure tall and dwarf varieties of Peas, 
that all of the progeny of this PARENTAL (P) generation, in the 
FIRST FILIAL (F\) generation, were tall like one parent, there being 
no visible evidence of their actual hybrid character. Accordingly 
tallness was designated a DOMINANT (D) and dwarfness a RECES- 
SIVE (d) character. 


Mendel’s next step was to follow the behavior of these charac- 
ters in succeeding generations. Therefore the tall hybrids (F;) 
were inbred (self-fertilized) and their offspring, the SECOND FILIAL 
(F.2) generation, were found to be tall and dwarf in the ratio of 
three to one (3D : 1d). This is nowa broadly established Mendelian 
ratio. But, of course, in dealing with a small number of individ- 
uals this ratio is merely approximate; the greater the number of 
offspring, the closer it is approached. In this particular case Mendel 
obtained 787 dominant and 277 recessive individuals: a ratio ap- 
proximating 3 : 1. (Fig. 181A.) 

aa s 3 
S s 
oO x e 
ats é e 3 & 
Fic. 181A. — Inheritance of size in a cross between a tall and a dwarf race 

of the edible garden Pea. The small circles represent the genes involved. 

Continuing the work, Mendel found that the dwarfs (recessives) 
when inbred gave only recessives generation after generation, 
and accordingly were pure. On the other hand, the tall plants 
(dominants) when inbred proved to be of two kinds: one-third 
pure dominants which bred true indefinitely, and two-thirds hy- 
brids like their parents, giving when inbred the same ratio of 
three dominants to one recessive in the THIRD FILIAL (F3) genera- 



Aside from his masterly foresight in realizing that success de- 
pended on simplifying the problem by dealing with definite al- 

CO) @ 


Fic. 181B. — Diagram of a Men- 
delian monohybrid. Results of cross- 
ing tall (S) and dwarf (s) Pea plants. 
The circles represent the zygotes and 
the characters of the soma (pheno- 
type); the letters within the circles, 
the germinal constitution (genotype). 
The letters outside the recombination 
Square represent the gametes. Note 
that each of the parents (P) repre- 
sents a different phenotype and gen- 
otype; all the F; (one shown) belong 
to the same phenotype and genotype; 
while the F. represent two pheno- 
types and three genotypes. The rel- 
ative number of individuals compos- 
ing the F, phenotypes is 3:1. 

ternative characters, Mendel’s 
claim to fame lies chiefly in his 
discovery of a simple principle by 
which the results may be ex- 
plained. Since the hybrids when 
inbred always give rise to hybrids 
and also to each of the parental 
types in a pure form, it must be 
that the factors (genes) which de- 
termine the characters in question 
are sorted out, or SEGREGATED, 1n 
the ripe germ cells, or gametes. 
Assuming for illustrative purposes 
that a single gene determines a 
given character, it follows: that 
after segregation the genes are 
F distributed so that some gametes 
bear the gene for one character 
and other gametes bear the gene 
for the other character, but no 
gamete ever bears the genes for both 
characters. If the gametes of the 
original tall parent contained the 
gene for tallness (S), and those 
of the dwarf parent the gene for 
dwarfness (s) — then the hybrids 
will arise from a zygote which 
combines both genes (Ss), and 
since tallness is dominant over 
dwarfness all will be tall. Further, 
when the germ cells of this hybrid 
(Ss) mature, and these genes are 
segregated so that half of the 
gametes bear S and half bear s, 
then when such plants, each with 

this germinal constitution, are inbred there will be equal chances 
for gametes bearing the same and for gametes bearing different 

genes to meet in fertilization. 


The zygotes are 1 SS :2Ss:1ss. But, since S is dominant, the 
resulting organisms will be in the ratio of 3 tall to | dwarf, which 
is the familiar 3 : 1 Mendelian ratio of dominants to recessives in 
the F, generation. The important point, however, is that these 
tall plants, although they all appear alike and therefore belong to 
the same PHENOTYPE, are actually different with respect to their 
germinal constitution; because one-third bear gametes all of which 
contain the gene 8, and two-thirds bear gametes half of which con- 
tain S and the other half s. Consequently the tall phenotype is 

and white (albino) Guinea-pigs. The small circles represent the genes involved. 

composed of two GENOTYPES which are distinguishable only by 
what they produce. (Figs. 181, 182.) 

It is thus apparent why the pure tall plants always breed true, 
and why the dwarfs (necessarily pure) do the same — all the 
gametes of one bear S and those of the other, s. The pure plants 
are HOMOZYGOUS with respect to the characters in question. It is 
also clear why the hybrids give rise to hybrids and pure dominants 
and recessives — half of their gametes bear S, and half bear s. The 
hybrid plants are HETEROZYGOUS. 

The real difference then between the F. hybrids (Ss) and the 
pure dominants (SS) is that the former are heterozygous and the 
latter are homozygous. In order to tell which is which, since they 
are phenotypically the same, it is necessary to breed them. When 
self-fertilization can be practiced, as in the case of most plants, 


we get the result directly; that is an individual’s progeny are either 
all dominants or dominants and recessives in 3 : | ratio, and thus 
the gametic constitution of the parent is immediately known. 
However, in the case of animals, where self-fertilization is impos- 
sible, the determination can be made by mating the dominants 
with recessives; for a homozygous (pure) dominant then will give 
all dominants, while a heterozygous (hybrid) dominant will give 
half dominants and half recessives. Thus: 

Gametes = p< xi 
Gametes = d d d d 
Possible zygotes = 100% Dd 50% Dd+50% dd 

So far we have considered inheritance in MONOHYBRIDS, that is 
cases involving one pair of alternative characters that can be 
interpreted as the resultant of one pair of genes termed AL- 
LELOMORPHS, but now we proceed to cases where two, three, 
or more pairs of genes are concerned, known as DIHYBRIDS, TRIHY- 
BRIDS, etc. 

2. Dihybrids 

Mendel investigated inheritance in dihybrids by crossing, for 
example, a Pea producing yellow round seeds with one producing 
green wrinkled seeds. The plants in the F; generations bear only 
yellow round seeds, and therefore yellow and round are each 
dominant characters when paired with green and wrinkled. After 
self-fertilization such hybrid plants produce offspring (F2) with 
seeds showing all the possible combinations of the four characters, 
and in the ratio of 9 yellow round to 3 yellow wrinkled to.3 green 
round to | green wrinkled. (Fig. 183A.) 

This logically can only be interpreted as indicating that one of 
the original parent plants bore gametes all containing the genes 
for yellow and for round peas (YR), while the other parent plant 
bore gametes all containing the genes for green and for wrinkled 
(yr). Such being the case, the resulting zygote is YRyr, and the 
hybrid which it forms develops gametes with all the possible com- 
binations of these genes (except, of course, Rr and Yy) which are 
YR, Yr, yR, and yr — there is an INDEPENDENT ASSORTMENT of 
the genes as evidenced by the new combinations Yr and yR. Now, 


in turn, at fertilization there are sixteen possible combinations of 
gametes. since there are four different kinds of sperm and four dif- 

ferent kinds of eggs 
with respect to the 
characters in question. 
Accordingly the F» 
generation, which is 
produced by the union 
of these gametes, is 
represented by one 
pure dominant 
(YRYR), one pure re- 
cessive (yryr), four 
homozygotes — includ- 
ing the two just men- 
tioned, and twelve het- 
erozygotes. These six- 
teen individuals form 
nine genotypes but, 
since only the domi- 
nant character is ex- 
pressed when dominant 
and recessive genes 
combine, they are re- 
solvable into four 
phenotypes (YR, Yr, 
yR, yr) in the ratio 
PVives Lr so ylx : 1 yr. 
Tins the 923 :3 : 1 
Mendelian ratio for 
two pairs of alterna- 
tive characters is 
merely the monohy- 
brid 3:1 expanded. 
Both rest on the same 
fundamental assump- 
tion that the genes for 
alternative characters 




Fic. 183A. — Diagram of a Mendelian dihy- 
brid. Results of crossing yellow round seeded 
(YR) Peas with green wrinkled seeded (yr). The 
circles represent the zygotes and the characters 
of the soma (phenotype); the letters within the 
circles, the germinal constitution (genotype). The 
letter groups outside the recombination square 
represent gametes. The hybrids of the F; gen- 
eration are all yellow round seeded since green 
and wrinkled are recessive. The F; plants form 
four types of gametes which afford sixteen pos- 
sible types of zygotes, representing four pheno- 
types (shown graphically) and nine genotypes 
(numbered). There is one pure dominant (1) and 
one pure recessive (9). The zygotes numbered 4 
are identical with the F; generation. Four are 
homozygotes (1, 7, 8, 9) and the rest are hetero- 
zygotes. Those numbered 7 and 8 are new homo- 
zygous combinations resulting from independent 
assortment. The relative number of individuals 
composing the phenotypes is 9 :3:3: 1. 

are segregated during gamete formation — both members of a pair 
of allelomorphs never occur in the same gamete. (Fig. 183B.) 


: (! rt Ke 
pends ; A : ; 
ay \y 4 ‘ 
8 asks Gln LiL 

Fic. 183B. — Result of crossing pure smooth black with rough white Guinea- 
pigs. Rough and biack (pigmented) are dominant. Note that each parent 
(P) bears both a dominant and a recessive character. The IF, illustrates the 
principle of independent assortment. 

3. Trihybrids 

Similarly, Mendelian trihybrids, for example the cross between 
pure tall Peas bearing yellow round seeds and dwarfs bearing green 
wrinkled seeds, or the cross between pure Guinea-pigs with long, 
rough, black hair and those with short, smooth, white hair give 
in the F. generation 27 genotypes and 8 phenotypes; the number 
of individuals in the phenotypes being in the ratio 27:9:9:9: 
3:3:3:1. Of course, in nature there are few instances in which 
parents and offspring differ by only one, two, or three characters, 
but since characters arising from each pair of allelomorphs can 
usually be treated singly, convenience demands that the analysis 
be made with respect to one or two pairs at a time, which there- 
fore is the usual method of procedure. (Figs. 184, 185.) 

4. Summary 

Before passing to certain extensions of these established hered- 
itary principles, it may serve to clarify the subject if we restate 

Tall Dw 
Yell x eer arf 
Round | US led = 

4 R 

ase els 

- GeQeaQoe@el , 
- Gla@leleans 

Fic. 184. — Diagram of a Mendelian trihybrid. Results of crossing tall 
Peas bearing yellow round seeds (SYR) with dwarf Peas bearing green wrinkled 
seeds (syr). The circles represent the zygotes and the characters of the soma 
(phenotype); the letters within the circles, the germinal constitution (geno- 
type). The letter groups outside the recombination square represent the gam- 
etes. The F, hybrids form eight types of gametes, giving sixty-four pos- 
sible types of zygotes, representing eight phenotypes (shown graphically) and 
twenty-seven genotypes. There is one pure dominant (in upper left corner) 
and one recessive (in lower right corner). Eight are homozygotes (diagonal 
from upper left to lower right corner) and the rest are heterozygotes. The 
zygotes in the diagonal from upper right to lower left are identical with the 
F, generation. The relative number of individuals composing the phenotypes 
VST flees! CL! ELS ies Tab ides aaa I 


it in slightly different form and thus emphasize the essential facts 

thus far discussed chiefly on the basis of Mendel’s own work. 
Every cell of the soma of an individual may be regarded as 

bearing a pair of genes for each alternative character (e.g., size in 



f Z 

Boss Wie 

ay spr 

Fic. 185.— The eight phenotypically different kinds of Guinea-pigs in 
the F, generation of a trihybrid. S = short hair, s = long hair, P = pig- 
mented coat, p = non-pigmented coat or albino, R = rough coat, r = smooth 
coat. The hybrid parents (F,) were phenotypically SPR. 

the case of the garden Pea), one member of each pair having been 
derived from each gamete which contributed to the individual’s 
make-up. When both genes are identical (e.g., either SS or ss) 
they are expressed in the soma (e.g., the plant is tall or dwarf). 
The individual is homozygous with respect to size. But when the 
two genes are not identical (e.g., Ss), the one, the dominant (S), 


is expressed in the soma (the plant is tall), while the other, the 
recessive (s), is not expressed. The individual is heterozygous with 
respect to the character in question (e.g., size). 

After synapsis during the maturation of the germ cells of the 
individual, segregation of the genes occurs with the result that each 
gamete receives only one gene for each character. Thus the gametes 
of homozygous individuals are all alike with respect to the gene in 
question (e.g., all bear either S or s), while the gametes of hetero- 
zygous individuals are of two numerically equal classes (e.g., 
50 per cent bear S and 50 per cent bear s). 

Finally, there is an independent assortment of the genes for dif- 
ferent characters, as evidenced by new combinations of characters 
in the progeny of dihybrids, etc. For example, size and color are 
independently inherited. This depends, as we shall see later, upon 
the genes involved being in different pairs of chromosomes. 

The principles of segregation and independent assortment are 
usually known as Mendel’s laws. 


The immense amount of experimental breeding that has been 
carried on since Mendel’s time has accentuated the significance of 
the principles of segregation and independent assortment, but has 
revealed that dominance is by no means universal. A few examples 
will bring the main facts before us. 

The seven pairs of alternative characters in Peas which Mendel 
studied showed essentially complete dominance of one character 
in each pair, but we now know a great many cases in which the 
hybrid (F;) shows a different condition from either of the parents. 
For instance, on crossing homozygous red and white races of the 
Four-o’clock, all the progeny in the heterozygous (F,) generation 
bear pink flowers, or, we may say, flowers intermediate in color 
between the two parents. Neither red nor white is dominant: the 
result is BLENDING inheritance. But inbreeding the hybrids gives a 
F, of | red : 2 pink : 1 white. Thus the typical Mendelian 3 : | ratio 
is, So to speak, automatically resolved into the 1 : 2 : 1 ratio which, 
when one character is dominant, is evident only on further breed- 
ing. Segregation actually occurs as usual, because the homozygous 
progeny of the hybrid exhibit the original parental characters 
unmodified. (Fig. 186.) 

In certain other cases, the hybrids, instead of being true inter- 


mediates, really exhibit the characters of both parents: neither 
character is recessive. Thus in Shorthorn cattle, red and white 
when mated give roan, a color effect resulting from a close inter- 
mingling, or MOSAIC, of red and white hairs in the coat. Accordingly 
roan Shorthorns are always heterozygous, but their offspring give 

Fic. 186. — Diagram to illustrate the results from crossing white and red 
flowered races of Four-o’clocks, Mirabilis jalapa. The somatic condition 
(phenotype) is shown graphically; the small circles represent the genes which 
are involved. 

the expected ratio of 1 red : Z roan : 1 white which is clear evidence 
of segregation. Another example is the well-known blue Andalusian 
fowl. This will not breed true — it is a hybrid in which the charac- 
ters of both parents are exhibited, apparently not blending though 
giving a somewhat intermediate effect. Its offspring show the 
ratio of 1 black :2 blue Andalusian : 1 white-splashed-with-blue. 
In order to obtain all blue Andalusians — the type recognized by 
poultrymen — it is necessary to mate black with white-splashed- 


with-blue birds. So again it is clear that segregation is involved, as 
it is in innumerable instances where no sharp distinction can be 
made between complete and incomplete dominance. (Fig. 187.) 
Illustrations of some of the complications are afforded by cases 
of blending inheritance that result from the CUMULATIVE action of 


-Ruchard- Edes’Harrisons 

Fic. 187. — Cross of white-splashed-with-blue and black fowls, giving in 
the F,; all blue Andalusians, and in the F2 one white-splashed-with-blue to two 
blue Andalusians to one black. 

several pairs of genes (MULTIPLE GENES) as in the cross of white and 
black human races. The mulatto (F;), from a cross between an 
individual homozygous for white and an individual homozygous 
for black, is intermediate in skin color between the parental types, 
and in the F. and later generations gives a series of gradations 
between white and black but rarely pure white or black offspring. 
Assuming that three pairs of genes for color are involved, the 
genetic constitution of the black race may be represented by 
AABBCC and that of the white race by aabbcc. Accordingly the 
hybrid, or mulatto, has the genetic constitution AaBbCe and is 
intermediate in color since only half of the genes for black pig- 


mentation are present. Furthermore, the progeny (F2) of mulattoes 
show different degrees of color ranging from pure white to pure 
black owing to the sixty-four possible recombinations of genes 


ae | SE | | | HE 
ee ae |e | | | FE 

Fic. 188. — The distribution 
of the sixty-four possible recom- 
binations in the F. generation 
when three pairs of similar genes, 
cumulative in action, produce a 
character; e.g., the offspring of 
mulattoes. The figures indicate 
the number of genes (e.g., for 
black) present in the individ- 
uals represented by the column 
above. (From Walter.) 

according to the trihybrid formula: 
the more ‘black’ genes present, the 
darker the pigmentation of the skin. 
The infrequent appearance of pure 
whites or blacks in the F, generation 
is because the chances are slight that, 
through segregation and independent 
assortment, all the separate genes for 
black or white will be brought to- 
gether in a single gamete and, fur- 
ther, that such a gamete at fertiliza- 
tion will meet another similarly en- 
dowed. (Fig. 188.) 

From these few examples, selected 
almost at random from the wealth 
of data at hand, it is apparent that 
the various types of inheritance can 
be satisfactorily interpreted on the 
fundamental principles of segregation 
and independent assortment. It is 
merely necessary to bear in mind 
that it is the genes, which condition 
the development of characters, and 
not the characters themselves that 
behave as units; for now we know 
that most characters are determined 
by multiple genes, and that even in 
cases where one gene seems to pro- 
duce a character, other MODIFYING 
genes, COMPLEMENTARY genes, etc., 
may affect its development. Genes 
are units in inheritance but are not 
units in development. 

Within the past few years genet- 
icists have been able by the multiple 
gene, modifying gene, and similar 
concepts to bring the inheritance of 


a large number of characters into line with the principles pre- 
sented. Thus stature, proportions of the parts of the body, build, 
as well as nearly all of the physiological and mental characteristics 
in Man are evidently dependent upon multiple genes. In certain 
Fruit Flies eye color may be influenced by more than forty pairs 
of genes and the wings by upward of ninety. Thus it is becoming 
increasingly clear that what a given gene will produce is determined 
by the constitution of the gene plus its interaction with many, 
if not all of the other genes of the complex, although, of course, 
as we have seen, the single gene pair, in many or most cases, does 
have its most conspicuous effect on a certain character of the 
organism. And, furthermore, what the gene complex will produce 
bears an intimate relationship to the environment. For instance, 
in Fruit Flies the abnormal condition of extra legs is inherited in 
typical Mendelian manner when the flies are reared at a low 
temperature; whereas supernumerary legs do not appear in flies 
with the same gene heritage when bred at a higher temperature. 
In short, the environment, in certain cases at least, may act as 
a differential intensifying or diminishing gene action. 

So it happens, as is usually the case, the more a problem is stud- 
ied the more complex it appears to become. Suffice it to say that 
although our knowledge of inheritance is to-day very much broader 
than Mendel conceived on the basis of his classic experiments, it 
is evident that he supplied us with basic principles which are 
affording a common denominator for an ever-increasing number of 
facts in genetics. 


With this general outline of genetic principles before us, it is 
now necessary to bring them into relation with the facts so far 
discovered in regard to the structure of the germ cells. In other 
words, we have assumed, on the basis of the experimental results 
derived from breeding plants and animals, the existence of genes, 
the occurrence of segregation, etc., but has the actual study of 
cells (CYTOLOGY) by means of the microscope given any evidence 
of the physical basis of genes and of a segregating mechanism? 
The reader will at once answer this in the affirmative on the basis 
of our discussion of the origin and structure of the germ cells and 
their behavior in fertilization. Accordingly the essential facts may 
now be restated from this viewpoint. (Fig. 165.) 


The egg and sperm each carry a definite number of chromosomes 
and consequently after fertilization the zygote contains a double 
set. For each chromosome contributed by the sperm there is a 
corresponding, or HOMOLOGOUS, chromosome contributed by the 
egg. In other words, there are two chromosomes of each kind 
which may be considered as pairs. When division of the zygote 
takes place each chromosome splits into two chromosomes, so that 
each daughter cell receives a daughter chromosome derived from 
each of the original ones. Since all the cells of the organism are 
lineal descendants by similar mitotic cell divisions, all of its cells 
contain the double set of chromosomes — half paternal and half 
maternal; and since the primordial germ cells have a similar origin, 
they also have a double set of chromosomes. But during the mat- 
uration process SYNAPSIS occurs: that is, homologous chromosomes 
of paternal and maternal origin unite in pairs — the process of 
fertilization which gave rise to the individual being consummated 
in the ripening of its own germ cells. But this union is only tem- 
porary; during the maturation process the maternal and paternal 
chromosomes of each synaptic pair are separated and one of each 
(though very rarely all of the same maternal or paternal set) passes 
to the daughter cells — segregation occurs. Thus each mature 
germ cell, or gamete, contains one member of every chromosome 
pair and the number of chromosomes is reduced one-half. (Figs. 
167, 189.) 

It has been assumed that the genes for alternative characters 
segregate in the formation of the gametes of hybrids so that a single 
gamete bears one and not both genes of a pair of allelomorphs. 
That is'the genes, which come together in the zygote that forms 
the hybrid, separate again in the formation of its own gametes. 
This is just what cytological studies show. Chromosome behavior 
exactly parallels the typical behavior of the ‘Mendelian’ gene, 
because after synapsis, during spermatogenesis and oogenesis, 
each chromosome of paternal origin separates from the correspond- 
ing chromosome of maternal origin. Moreover, since the genes 
similarly situated on homologous maternal and paternal chromo- 
somes are HOMOLOGOUS GENES, or allelomorphs, it follows that 
homologous genes are segregated in separate gametes during mat- 
uration — the two members of a pair of allelomorphs pass to 
different gametes. This is the basis of the so-called purity of the 


Furthermore, in considering dihybrids we found, for instance, 
that genes for yellow and round, and green and wrinkled seeds 
were inherited in a fashion which indicated that yellow and round 
are segregated independently of each other — there is an inde- 
pendent assortment because all possible combinations with green 
and wrinkled occur. This clearly is fully accounted for, provided 
the gene for color and the gene for form are not in the same pair of 

Body Primordial 
Cells Germ Cells 
Chromosomes Synapsis 

Ge AB aB 
Ge ec D cD 
AB aB aB 
cd ae ae Grd ed 

the union of haploid groups of either the 
chromosomes or of the genes of the gametes to form the diploid condition of 
the zygote, body cells, and primordial germ cells. Finally their pairing at 
synapsis, and segregation in the gametes. With four pairs of chromosomes or 
of genes (Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd) there are sixteen possible types of gametes. 

chromosomes. Moreover, following synapsis the gametes secure 
one of each pair of homologous chromosomes (a haploid group), 
but not necessarily — indeed very rarely — all of maternal or 
paternal origin. (Figs. 183A, 189.) 

In short, when two gametes unite, each contributes to the zygote 
a homologous haploid group of genes with the result that the off- 
spring is of diploid gene constitution. Similarly, each gamete 
contributes a homologous haploid chromosome group so that the 
zygote is of diploid chromosome constitution. Thus both the 
chromosomes and the genes (characters) are in the haploid condi- 


tion in the gametes and the diploid in the zygote. This close paral- 
lelism of character and chromosome behavior affords further 
proof that the chromosomes through their constituent genes de- 
termine the physical basis of inheritance, and that segregation 
and related phenomena are facts. For all practical purposes, 
A, B, C, D, and a, b, c, d, in Figures 167 and 189 may be inter- 
preted either as chromosomes or as characters (genes). 

Turning now to the inheritance of characters whose genes are 
borne by the same chromosome: these would seem to be indissolv- 

°O Zygote, O 

Spernt \"O 

ees ag 1) \ Maturation 

@ Hit 1 

Spermatogonium , 
‘Mature Egg He) 

Fic. 190. — Diagram to show the relation of the two classes of sperm in 
fertilization. The formation of gametes in the male is shown at the left, in the 
female at the right; fertilization, producing the male or female zygote, in the 
center. Somatic chromosome number assumed to be six. X chromosome 
(large) and Y chromosome (small) in black. 
ably linked together. And since the chromosome number is usually 
not large — there are twenty-four chromosomes in the gametes of 
Man — compared with that of heritable characters, we would 
expect sometimes to find characters linked together. That is, not 
separately inherited, or independently assorted, as are yellow and 
round in our example. In reality many cases are known in which 
characters are usually inherited together. The inheritance of sex 
and sex-linked characters will make the main point clear, and at 
the same time serve to bring before us the essential facts in regard 
to the determination of sex. 

1. Sex Determination 

Intensive studies of the chromosomes in the somatic cells and 
in the germ cells before the maturation divisions have shown that 


usually in male animals two members of a certain pair of homol- 
ogous chromosomes (synaptic mates) differ recognizably one 
from the other in size or form or both. For example, one mem- 
ber, referred to as the X chromosome, may be similar in size to 
the other chromosomes, while its mate, called the Y chromo- 
some, may be atypical in form, or much 
smaller or, indeed, not present at all in 
certain species. Furthermore, it has been 
found that in corresponding cells of 
females there are two X chromosomes. 
Thus the chromosome groups of males 
possess an X—Y pair, and those of fe- 
males, an X—X pair. This difference 
between the chromosomes of the sexes 
naturally suggests that the X chromo- 
some bears essential determiners for sex, 
and this appears to be the case. (Fig. 190). 

During spermatogenesis the matura- 
tion divisions following synapsis segre- 
gate the synaptic mates (X—Y) in the 
regular way, so that two classes of 
sperm result: half the sperm bear the X 
chromosome and half bear the Y chro- 
mosome. Furthermore, in odgenesis the 

‘ ar ae Fic. 191. — A, Fruit Fly, 
maturation divisions distribute an X Drosophila, the study of 

chromosome (from the X—X pair) to which has contributed greatly 

each cell, and accordingly every egg iets seg bans 

hears an chromosome... ‘Uhustin Wan male and female: the lower 
the somatic number of chromosomes is_ Pair in the female is the X-X, 
48; males having 46 plus an X—Y pair, Aa es pea: 
and females 46 plus an X—X pair. Half 

the sperm bear 23 plus X, and half bear 23 plus Y; while all the 
eggs bear 23 plus X. (Figs. 191, 193.) 

Since there are equal numbers of sperm with and without the X 
chromosome, on the average as many eggs will be fertilized by one 
class of sperm as the other, with the result that half of the zygotes 
will contain one X and half two X chromosomes. The former will 
develop into males and the latter into females, since the somatic 
cells of males have one X chromosome and similar cells of females 
have two. 


So it seems clear that sex is typically determined in many 
animals, including Man, at the time of fertilization by the same 
fundamental mechanism that controls inheritance in general. 
Moreover, multiple genes are involved. The decision is given 
by certain genes in the X chromosomes, acting in connection with 
genes in other chromosomes. The genes in the X chromosomes 

J\\ «|\ fe 

x xX 
A B C 

Fic. 192. — Influence of the balance between X chromosomes and the other 
chromosomes on sex in Drosophila. A, “super female’; B, ‘intersex’; C, ‘super 
male.’ See Figs. 191, 197. 

MC ‘ ‘ Y 


turn the balance under the usual conditions of development so 
that a series of processes is initiated, involving the action and 
interaction of hormones, nutritional factors, and various envi- 
ronmental conditions, that lead to the sex differentiation of the 

But many unusual cases, some normal and others abnormal, 
occur particularly among the lower animals. Thus it has been 
found that INTERSEXES, indi- 
IL S907 5259 viduals exhibiting varying de- 
CU fice 3) 9 grees of male and female 
characters, may result from 
abnormal sets of chromosomes 
in which the balance between 

B 7 
Tied ART cocen atest the X and the other chromo- 

nium with 48 chromosomes; B, chromo- SOMEesS is upset, as is well il- 
somes arranged to show the 24 pairs of lustrated by studies on Dro- 

synaptic mates. The X—Y pair is at sophila. Or hormones may 
lower right. (From Painter.) Lave : 

have a modifying influence. 
Thus a male twin in cattle may render abnormal the develop- 
ment of its female twin in the uterus, so that a sterile ‘free-martin ’ 
results. Or still again, SEX REVERSAL may occur through environ- 
mental factors acting on the early embryo, as in the case of the 
Frog. And finally, the sex of the adult may change, sometimes 

8098 Pe cere ec ee 
CCL CCee ceet gs 


periodically as in the Oyster. Such marked departures from typical 
sex differentiation serve to emphasize that the final establishment 
of sex is indeed a resultant of many complex factors. (Fig. 192.) 

2. Linkage 

Since the basic mechanism that regulates sex is the same 
as that which determines the distribution of other characters 

P |&J} <Oy XY XX 
9 3 9 

es @) 

? Or 

¥ XQ 

nop > ©> GB xXx HX XY XY 
Q Q 3} 3 2 2 3 ze 

Fic. 194. — Diagram to show the inheritance of color-blindness from the 
male. A color-blind man (shown in black) transmits the character through his 
daughters (carriers) to half of his grandsons. % indicates the X chromosome 
with the gene for color-blindness. 

in inheritance, it might be supposed that the genes of other 
characters as well are carried in the X chromosome. As 
a matter of fact the behavior in inheritance of certain characters is 
such that it can only reasonably be explained on this assumption. 
Accordingly such characters are known as SEX-LINKED. This brings 
us again to the point at which we digressed to consider sex — the 
discussion of genes associated in the same chromosome. 

The best known examples of sex-linked characters in Man are 
COLOR-BLINDNESS in which the affected individual is unable to 
distinguish red from green, and HEMOPHILIA in which the individ- 
ual’s blood has little tendency to clot so that bleeding from even 
a slight wound may be serious. Both abnormalities have long been 
known to be inheritable, and in the same peculiar criss-cross way. 
Thus color-blindness is usually transmitted from a color-blind man 


through his daughters, who are normal, to half of his grandsons; 
and from a color-blind woman to all of her sons and none of her 
daughters. When both parents are color-blind, all the children 
show the defect. This behavior is readily accounted for if we as- 
sume that the gene for color-blindness when present is associated 
with the factors for sex on the X chromosome, and that color- 

i blindness develops in males 

when it is received from one 
I Ila IIc 

parent, and develops in fe- 
males when it is received from 
both parents. Thus a color- 

Fic. 195. — Diagram showing a pos- 
sible mechanism of crossing-over during 
synapsis of homologous paternal and 

blind man is always hetero- 
zygous for the character, while 

maternal chromosomes. ‘The segments 

indicate the assumed linear arrange- 

a color-blind woman is ho- 
ment of the genes with allelomorphic 

C—_ Ea Biexunmeana BES 


mozygous. A woman who is 
heterozygous has normal vi- 
genes opposite each other. I, pair of 
chromosomes which have entered and 

sion, but is a ‘carrier,’ that is, 
produces gametes half of which 
emerged from the synaptic state with- 
out any crossing-over; Ila, chromo- 

carry the gene for color-blind- 
somes winding about each other at 

ness. It is obvious why color- 
blindness is very much less fre- 
synapsis; IIb, separation of these chro- 
mosomes, involving breaking at the 

points of crossing; IIc, their emergence 

quent in women than in men. 
(Fig. 194.) 

Color-blindness and hemo- 
philia thus serve to illustrate 
the association of genes of 
different characters in the 
same chromosome and_ the 

from synapsis with the members of the 

pairs of allelomorphic genes inter- association later of their re- 
Se te spective characters in the 
adult — independent assortment does not occur. Incidentally, 

it also clearly shows that whatever characters are borne by the 
X chromosome are not transmitted by a father to his sons, and so 
perhaps minimizes, from the standpoint of heredity, the importance 
usually ascribed to descent in the direct male line. 

3. Crossing-over 

However, the presence of different genes in the same chromo- 
some — we know that chromosomes are really linkage groups of 
genes — by no means indicates that such genes must always be 


distributed together. Thus during synapsis homologous genes 
(allelomorphs) often reciprocally CrRoss-ovER from one synaptic 
mate to the other, and so become separated from their former gene 
associates in the same chromosome. When such occurs the ex- 
changed genes are segregated independently of their former asso- 
ciates in the same chromosome, and accordingly a greatly in- 
creased flexibility is afforded the genetic mechanism. (Fig. 195.) 


Fic. 196. — Cyto-genetic map. Terminal portion of the X chromosome 
from the salivary gland of Drosophila, with the locations of some of the 
genes indicated. ac, achaete; br, broad; cv, cross-veinless; ec, echinus; fa, facet; 
N, notch; pn, prune; rb, ruby; sc, scute; w, white; y, yellow. (After Painter.) 

In addition to its great importance in bringing about genetic 
change, crossing-over affords the geneticist an opportunity to 
determine the relative positions of different genes in a chromosome. 
It has been found that the distance between two genes in a chromo- 
some is, in general, proportional to the percentage of crossing-over 
which occurs between these genes at synapsis — the longer the 
distance, the more likely is crossing-over to occur. Accordingly, 
in very extensive breeding experiments it is possible to construct 
so-called chromosome maps by plotting the relative positions of 
the various genes in the chromosomes. In the case of Drosophila 
the genes for more than six hundred characters have already been 
mapped. (Fig. 196.) 

4. Mutations 

But the possibilities of genetic change are not necessarily limited 
by the typical chromosome groups or to crossing-over that usually 


afford the material for recombinations. Not infrequently relatively 
radical alterations, or MUTATIONS, occur, usually just before or 
during the maturation of the germ cells, which thereupon are at 
the disposal of the usual genetic mechanism for segregation, etc. 

Mutations may be broadly classified as chromosomal aberra- 
tions and intrinsic changes in the individual gene. Indeed some 
geneticists restrict the term mutation to gene changes. A few 
illustrations from the wealth of available data must suffice. 

CHROMOSOMAL ABERRATIONS consist of departures from the 
normal number and arrangement of the chromosomes, and of 
their parts. Thus many cases are known in which the whole nor- 
mal chromosome set (diploid number) has been increased to some 
multiple of the typical haploid number. Such symmetrical changes 
in the chromosome groups are termed PLOIDY, and appear to be 
more frequent in plants than in animals. Thus the haploid sets of 
three well-known varieties of Wheat consist of 7, 14, and 21 chro- 
mosomes respectively. 

Some marked instances of the origin of new types have recently 
been observed in the Jimson weed (Datura). In one case the plants 
differ in size and several other characters that clearly are attribut- 
able to the doubling of the diploid number of chromosomes. They 
have 24 pairs of chromosomes instead of the typical 12 pairs. 
Equally interesting are certain observations on Drosophila which 
typically has 4 pairs of chromosomes. Individuals have appeared 
that differ markedly from the normal flies and possess 12 chromo- 
somes as a result of the addition of another haploid set. 

Another type of chromosome mutation, known as HETERO- 
PLOIDY, involves only one, or rarely two, chromosomes, and not an 
entire set. Thus again in Drosophila, the failure of the X chro- 
mosomes to separate after synapsis (NON-DISJUNCTION) gives rise 
to individuals with nine chromosomes, including one Y and two X 
chromosomes. This may be regarded as a ‘male’ complement of 
chromosomes plus another X chromosome, with the result that 
flies so endowed are females with an altered heredity visible chiefly 
as larger size. (Fig. 197.) 

Still other irregularities may involve only a portion of one chro- 
mosome. Thus part of a chromosome may be lost, or duplicated, 
or attached to another chromosome. For example, a race of 
Drosophila has been obtained in which a part of the Y chromo- 
some has become transferred (TRANSLOCATED) to the end of an X 


the X chromo- 
some in Dro- 
sophila as a 
result of non- 

chromosome; and another race in which one of the X chromosomes 
has been broken into two nearly equal parts — one part being 
united to one of the other chromosomes. Moreover, recent work 
emphasizes the significance of the order of arrangement of the 
genes in a chromosome; alterations of the usual order resulting in 
hereditary changes referred to as POSITION EFFECTS. 

All such chromosomal aberrations, rare and radical as most of 
them are, may be regarded, in a way, as a broad extension of the 
principal of recombination. They exert their influ- 
ence by new relations and proportions of the genetic Py) CG 
material, and offer new hereditary possibilities in the NG 
event that they are not lethal. fl? 0d. 

GENE MUTATIONS apparently involve intrinsic al- J “ 
terations in the individual genes themselves or even at eg a 

var uplication of 
the origin of new genes, and probably are the most 
significant changes in the hereditary complex. They 
presumably are a result of an alteration in the 
physico-chemical constitution of the gene; although disjunction. 
some would assign them mostly to position effects. See Fig. 191. 
It appears that usually only one of a pair of homol- eos 
ogous genes mutates at a given time so the change , 
is extremely localized, and most frequently takes place just be- 
fore or during maturation. Although gene mutations occur rel- 
atively rarely, several hundred examples have been identified 
in Drosophila, chiefly by the elaborate studies of Morgan and his 
collaborators — studies involving upward of 25 million fruit flies. 
‘These experiments have made this tiny insect the greatest contribu- 
tor to our knowledge of genetics since Mendel’s experiments with 
peas, and justified the award of a Nobel Prize to Professor Morgan. 

Perhaps the best-known example of gene mutation in carefully 
pedigreed animals is the sudden appearance, at long intervals, of 
a single white-eyed Drosophila in a true-breeding red-eyed stock. 
The white-eyed mutant breeds true from its origin, and the genetic 
data indicate that a specific point on one chromosome — it has 
been mapped — suddenly changed so that the developmental 
processes that formerly gave rise to the usual red eyes thereafter 
produced white eyes. And similar evidence of so-called ‘point 
changes’ has been obtained in a number of other kinds of animals 
and in plants that have been bred under controlled experimental 


Such are a few of the types of mutations in the nuclear complex 
of the germ cells that we now know give rise to genetic variations. 
Chromosomal aberrations afford new relations and proportions 
of their constituent genes, whereas gene mutations actually deter- 
mine the nature of the chromosomal elements themselves. In 
many instances, probably the majority, mutations produce lethal 
combinations in the gametes or zygotes — the altered hereditary 
constitution renders development or survival impossible. In other 
cases, individuals with the mutant characters become established 
and produce offspring with these new characters and so supply the 
material for descent with change. 

Finally, in passing, it should be mentioned that mutations may 
also occur in somatic cells. Such SOMATIC MUTATIONS give rise 
to changes in the individual body which, of course, cannot be 
transmitted by the germ cells, but may be perpetuated by vegeta- 
tive reproduction. Thus many desirable types of fruit are produced 
solely by tissue, descended from the original plants in which the 
mutations occurred, that has been grafted on other plants. 

Important as is the recently acquired knowledge of some of the 
nuclear changes at the basis of mutations, we still do not know 
the fundamental factors underlying their origin. However, recent 
experiments have afforded a most valuable clue. It has been found 
possible to induce mutations in certain animals and plants by sub- 
jecting their germ cells to unusual conditions — the most effective 
so far employed being irradiations (X-rays, etc.) and certain tem- 
perature changes. Thus since mutations can be induced by con- 
trolled and measured external agents, the way seems to be open- 
ing for an experimental attack on the problem of the origin of 
mutations in nature that apparently is at the basis of organic 


Even after making due allowance for the possibilities of genetic 
change involved in mutations, the individual still may be considered 
as a composite of very many characters which usually behave in 
a definite way in inheritance. Expressed somewhat fancifully, 
individuals may be regarded as temporary kaleidoscopic recom- 
binations of the various genes belonging to the species; the act of 
reproduction, especially the maturation divisions, involving segre- 


gation, and subsequent fertilization, providing the new turn of the 

But since the life of an organism is one continuous series of re- 
actions with its surroundings, it follows that nurture plays an 
immensely important part in molding the individual on the basis 
of its heritage. Indeed we are apt to overlook the fact, already 
mentioned, that every character is a product both of factors of the 



. 2 Be ae Bib Tl is REO ca 

Fic. 198. — Corn of a single variety (Leaming dent): at the left, grown well 
spaced: at the right, badly crowded. The heredity of each piot ef corn is 
the same; the striking differences in growth are therefore solely due to en- 
vironment. They are modifications. (From Blakeslee.) 

heritage and of the environment and can be reproduced only when 
both are present. Those characters that appear regularly in suc- 
cessive generations are those whose development depends upon 
factors always present in the normal surroundings. Other charac- 
ters, potentially present, do not become realized unless the un- 
usual environmental conditions necessary for their development 
happen to be met. Heredity and environment are collaborating 
artists with different rdles to play as molders of the individual. 
To disentangle the closely interwoven influences of heredity and 


environment is one of the most important and perplexing problems 
of the science of genetics. This is especially true in the case of 
Man. Development is a form of behavior, and how a child develops 
physically and mentally is determined not by its heritage alone nor 
by its environing conditions alone, but by both in intricate com- 
bination. (Fig. 198.) 

Although apparently we do not inherit the effects on our fore- 
bears of their surroundings and training, nevertheless we are the 

m= heirs to their customs — each gen- 
ey. oN 74 ° . . 
nS eens /~} eration builds upon the intellectual 
\ ~S = / \ A yo e . 
= ee \-« ~~  / and material foundations of all of 
X SS ab aa x ee / . . . 
\ ee Ge / its predecessors — and this entails 
wy KK U / ee 
\ pe oe NS added responsibilities as well as 
\ / c ~ ‘8 
\ ip A seed Pe SS ne y yz iH e, @ . 
ry eL ee opportunities for each succeeding 
we “A generation. Already in certain 
HERITAGE fields the applications of science to 

Fic. 199. — Scheme to illustrate human affairs tax the ability of 
the contributions of nature and M t th cal Th 
nurture to the make-up of the in- | sk , eae Koon Se ae us 
dividual. The triangles represent ‘social heredity’ bids fair to out- 
various types of individuals which strip our conservative and essen- 

are 7 Lh PSs to eos tially unchanging inherited nature. 
training are variable. The foun- —The EUTHENIST emphasizes nur- 
dation of the ‘triangle of life’ is ture, the EUGENIST emphasizes na- 
heritage. (After Conklin.) 3 
ture. As is so often the case, how- 
ever, when doctrines are opposed, the truth combines both; though 
we cannot doubt, knowing what we know of the genetic constitu- 
tion of organisms, that from the standpoint of permanent advance 
— racial rather than individual — the path to progress is chiefly 
through EUGENICS, the science of being well born. (Fig. 199.) 
This distinction between heritage and acquirements leaves a 
fatalistic impression in many minds, which to a slight extent is 
justified. We cannot get away from inheritance. On the other 
hand, although the organism changes slowly in its heritable or- 
ganization, it is very modifiable individually; and this is Man’s 
particular secret — to correct his internal organic inheritance by 
what we may call his external heritage of material and spiritual 
influences. It is therefore clear that the problem of human im- 
provement has two aspects: in the first place, the effects of 
culture on the individual which, though not inherited, are cum- 
ulative from generation to generation through training; and 


secondly, racial betterment through breeding the best. (Pages 420-— 
425, 437, 444.) 

Summarizing our survey of inheritance, in the first place, it is 
evident that the basis of inheritance is in the germinal rather than 
in the somatic constitution of the individual. A character to be 
inherited must be represented by one or more genes in the germ 
cells, although the environment is not unimportant in the develop- 
ment of the character from the gene complex. Secondly, there is 
no satisfactory evidence that modifications of the body, ‘acquired 
characters,’ can be transferred from the body to the germ complex 
and so be inherited. And thirdly, the germinal basis of characters, 
genes, may be dealt with essentially as units. The chromosomes — 
linkage groups of genes — undergo segregation and independent 
assortment during the development of the gametes of an indi- 
vidual, so that paternal and maternal contributions may be re- 
adjusted in all the possible combinations. Finally, mutations 
afford still further changes in the gene complex for distribution by 
the genetic mechanism, and so provide crucial opportunities for 
variation — for descent with change. 


Every creature is a bundle of adaptations. Indeed, when we take 
away the adaptations, what have we left? — Thomson and Geddes. 

SINCE organisms are dependent for their life processes upon 
energy liberated by physico-chemical processes in protoplasm, any 
and all influences which induce changes in the structure or func- 
tions of an organism must initially modify the underlying meta- 
bolic phenomena. In other words, organic response is a problem 
of metabolism. Although it is highly important that this cardi- 
nal fact be clearly grasped, the science of biology to-day is not 
in a position to interpret the responses of organisms in these 
fundamental terms. Accordingly we can merely present some 
representative instances to illustrate the fact that the response 
of organisms, as exhibited in active adjustment — ADAPTATION — 
of internal and external relations, overshadows in uniqueness all 
other characteristics of life and at one stroke differentiates even 
the simplest organism from the inorganic. 

Overwhelmingly striking as is the fitness of organisms to their 
physical surroundings, we must not lose sight of the fact that the 
environment itself presents a reciprocal fitness. This results from 
the “unique or nearly unique properties of water, carbonic 
acid, the compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. . . . No 
other environment consisting of primary constituents made up of 
other known elements, or lacking water and carbonic acid, 
could possess a like number of fit characteristics, or in any 
manner such great fitness to promote complexity, durability, 
and active metabolism in the organic mechanism which we call 
life.’ (Henderson. ) 


In any consideration of the reciprocal relations which must 
exist between organisms and their surroundings, of first importance 
is the inconstancy of the latter. Uncertainty is the one certainty 
in nature and accordingly the response of living things — their 



adaptability to environmental change — is at once the most strik- 
ing and indispensable adaptation. 

1. Adaptations Essentially Functional 

Although the changes of the environment are almost incon- 
ceivably complex — witness the kaleidoscopic series of events ex- 
hibited in the hay infusion microcosm — there are certain general 
conditions which every environment must supply, and without 
which life cannot exist. These are food, including water and oxygen, 
and certain limits of temperature and pressure. (Fig. 18.) 

Foop. As we know, food represents the stream of matter and 
energy which is demanded for the metabolic processes of living 
matter. And each and every element which forms an integral 
part of protoplasm must be available. Since all protoplasm con- 
sists chiefly of a dozen chemical elements, these, of course, must 
be present; and further, since protoplasm is a colloidal complex in 
which water plays a fundamental role, life processes without water 
are impossible. But the old adage that what is food for one is 
another’s poison has a broader significance than is immediately 
apparent. Although it is true there are general ‘food-elements’ 
which all life demands, it is equally true that the combinations 
in which these elements must be presented to the organism, in 
order to be available for its metabolic processes, are subject to 
the widest variation. 

We have emphasized and contrasted the nutrition of a typical 
animal, green plant, and colorless plant, and have seen the re- 
ciprocal part which they play in the circulation of the elements 
in nature; so it is hardly necessary, with these facts in mind, to cite 
special cases in order to illustrate the adaptation of organisms to 
special nutritional conditions. Perhaps the demands of the Yeasts, 
that affect human life from so many angles, will suffice. (Fig. 17.) 

The Yeasts include a host of microscopic colorless plants which 
play an important part in the simplification of organic compounds. 
An ounce of “brewers’ yeast”? contains about five billion cells. 
Since they are devoid of chlorophyll, Yeast cells, of course, lack 
photosynthetic powers, though like many other colorless plants 
they are not dependent upon proteins for nitrogen but obtain it 
in less complex form. But the essential fact of interest at present is 
the chemical changes associated with Yeast metabolism — the 
transformation of a large proportion of the sugar content of the 


medium in which they live into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This 
process of ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION may be approximately ex- 
pressed by the formula: 

C.H1.0, (sugar) + Yeast = 2 C;H;OH (alcohol) + 2 CO, 

The explanation is not far to seek. Deprived of an adequate sup- 
ply of air, Yeasts resort to the energy released when, with the de- 
composition of the sugar, the carbon and oxygen unite as COQ. 
The formation of alcohol by the remnants of the sugar molecules 
is, from the standpoint of the Yeasts, a mere incidental factor 
which is, so to speak, unavoidable. On the other hand, from the 
broad viewpoint, the waste products of the action of the Yeast 
plants’ enzymes represent an important phase in the general 
simplification of organic compounds in nature. And Man turns 
to account in numerous ways both products of the Yeasts’ de- 
structive powers — the alcohol and the carbon dioxide. 

Thus the Yeasts are practically independent of free oxygen and 
in this they agree with many kinds of Bacteria as well as some 
animals, chiefly parasitic worms, which are able to secure the 
necessary energy by the rearrangement of the atoms within, or 
the disruption of molecules containing oxygen. Indeed, certain 
species of Bacteria not only do not need free oxygen at all, but are 
killed when it is present in any considerable amount. All such 
organisms are termed ANAEROBES. A common example is Clos- 
tridium tetant which inhabits garden soil and street dust and pro- 
duces TETANUS, or lockjaw, in Man and certain domesticated ani- 
mals when it gains entrance and develops in the tissues. 

TEMPERATURE. Although protoplasmic activity is restricted to 
ranges of temperature which do not seriously interfere with the 
chemico-physical processes involved, it is a commonplace that 
various species are adapted to different degrees of temperature. 
The great majority of organisms, however, find their optimum 
temperature between 20° C. and 40° C., though species inhabiting 
the polar and tropical regions show adaptations to the temperature 
extremes of their surroundings. Asa matter of fact, it is not possible 
to state the upper and lower limits beyond which active life ceases, 
but some Protozoa are known to multiply in the water of hot 
springs, certainly at temperatures higher than 50° C., and others 
in water until freezing actually occurs. 

Many of the Bacteria and Protozoa develop protective cover- 


ings and assume a resting condition in which the metabolic proc- 
esses are reduced to the lowest terms. In this spore or encysted 
state they are immune to extremes of temperature and of dry- 
ness to which they succumb during active life. Thus some 
Bacteria can withstand nearly — 200° C. for six months, and 
about — 250° C. for shorter periods, while others can endure 
140° C. for a short time. (Fig. 200.) 


Fic. 200. — A-E, Bacillus biitschlii: A, cell structure; B, C, spore forma- 

tion; D, E, germination of a spore; F, various types of spore formation occur- 
ring among bacilli. (From Smith and others; A-E after Schaudinn.) 

It is clear that the great majority of organisms are at the mercy 
of environmental temperatures. This is true of all except the Birds 
and Mammals. These homothermal animals possess a complex 
mechanism which maintains their body temperature practically 
constant; e.g., in Man at 37° C. 

The heat regulatory mechanism represents, so to speak, the final 
result of the assembling and elaborating, throughout Vertebrate 
evolution, of elements that appear in the Fishes. In the Mammals 
it comprises insulation by the skin, a closed blood vascular system, 
power of rapid oxidation, endocrinal and other glandular products, 
evaporation surface of the lungs and skin, ‘trophic’ and ‘tempera- 
ture’ nerves, codrdinating centers, etc.,— the whole complex 
rendering its possessors largely independent of the surrounding tem- 
perature and making possible the carrying on of the various func- 
tions with such nicety as the life of these forms demands. Indeed, 
this mechanism makes it possible for a man to stay in a hot dry 
chamber sufficiently long to see a chop cooked. It is hardly prob- 
able that the human brain could have developed to function as it 
does if its cells were subject to wide temperature variations. 


Pressure. The metabolism of organisms, in common with 
chemical processes in general, is influenced by the surrounding 
mechanical pressure. Therefore it is evident that the pressure 
of either the water or air plays an important part in the operation 
of the life functions. We find organisms adapted to the greatest 
depths of the ocean where the pressure is several tons to the 
square inch —so great that some forms burst when rapidly 
brought to the surface; while others are adapted to live at high 
altitudes where the air pressure is relatively low. And again, the 
higher Vertebrates present an adaptive mechanism which ren- 
ders them less dependent on a constant atmospheric pressure. 

These few examples must suffice to emphasize the general en- 
vironmental conditions which are necessary for life, as we know 
it, to exist, and to suggest that within these broad limits organisms 
are adapted to special environmental conditions so that there is 
scarcely a niche in nature untenanted. 

2. Adaptations Essentially Structural 

We may now broaden our view of the plasticity of organisms 
by a brief consideration of adaptations which are essentially struc- 


GLE Za == 
A ee EE—— 
| WWE 
y/ YL 

Fic. 201. — Gymnura. (From Horsfield and Vigors.) 

tural. But here as elsewhere it is absolutely impossible to distin- 
guish sharply between structure and function which, obviously, 
are only reciprocal aspects of the fitness of living creatures. 
ADAPTIVE RADIATION OF MAmmats. In the group of Mammals, 
forms are to be found which are extraordinarily modified in adapta- 
tion to the most diverse environmental conditions. From a more 
or less primitive type, or focus, there radiate, as it were, types 
which are specialized for very different habitats and modes of 


life. We may select from the Placental Mammals a small Malayan 
insectivorous animal known as Gymnura, which is allied to the 
Hedgehogs, as most similar among living Mammals to the gen- 
eralized or focal type of terrestrial Mammal. Gymnura has rela- 
tively short pentadacty! limbs with the entire palms and soles rest- 
ing flat upon the ground (PLANTIGRADE) and therefore essentially 
adapted for comparatively slow progression. (Figs. 201, 202.) 




Fic. 202. — Diagram of parallelism in evolution and adaptive radiation in 
Mammals. I, Gymnura; II, Bear; III, Camel; IV, Badger; V, Anteater; 
VI, Seal; VII, Dolphin; VIII, Sloth; IX, Gibbon; X, “Flying” Squirrel; 
XI, Bat; XII, Kangaroo; XIII, Jerboa. (From Hegner, after Newman and 

Radiating from this focus, adaptations for rapid running (cUR- 
SORIAL adaptations) are chiefly evident in a lengthening of the 
limbs. Thus, for example, in the Dogs, Foxes, and Wolves, the 
effective limb length is increased by raising the wrist and heel 
from the ground and walking merely upon the digits (DIGITIGRADE) ; 
while in Antelopes, Horses, and hoofed runners in general, the 


chief limb bones themselves are lengthened, subsidiary ones are 
suppressed, and the wrist and ankle are raised still further from 
the ground, so that merely the tips of one or two digits of each 

Fra. 203. — Foot postures of Mam- 
mals. A, plantigrade; B, digitigrade; 
C, unguligrade. (From Lull, after 
Pander and D’ Alton.) 

limb support the animal (UNGULI- 
GRADE). Thus the typical cur- 
sorial forms represent the culmi- 
nation of Mammalian adaptation 
to plains and steppes; regions in 
which long distances must fre- 
quently be traversed in quest of 
food, and safety is to the swift. 
(Fig. 203.) 

Another line of adaptive radia- 
tion is presented by the tree 
dwellers: ARBOREAL forms which 
make their own the world of 
foliage high above the ground. 
Such are, for instance, the Sloths 
which are really tree climbers 
that walk and sleep upside down 
suspended from branches; the 
tailless Apes that swing among 
the boughs chiefly by their arms; 
and the Squirrels that scamper 
along the branches. Some Squir- 
rels and the so-called Flying Le- 
murs take long soaring leaps sup- 
ported by wide folds of skin 
between the sides of the body 
and the extended limbs. But the 
Mammals have not left the air 
untenanted, for truly VOLANT 
forms are represented by the 
Bats in which the fore limbs with 
greatly elongated fingers form 
the framework of true wings. 
(Figs. 204, 207.) 

Passing below the surface of the 
earth, FossoRIAL Mammals are 
found such as the Woodchucks, 


Gophers, and especially the Moles, which are adapted to a subter- 
ranean existence by bodily modifications which facilitate digging. 


TaN x hh \ | 
Fic. 204. — A Sloth, Choloepus, walking suspended from a branch. 
(From Allen.) 


Furthermore, the gap between terrestrial and aquatic Mammals is 
bridged by the Muskrats, Beavers, Otters, and Seals which are 
more or less equally at home on land and in the water. (Fig. 205.) 

= pl eg = 

hf Ss = 


Fic. 205. — Skeleton of a Mole, Talpa europaea. (From Pander and D’ Alton.) 

The truly aquatic Mammals, such as the Porpoises and Whales, 
have completely abandoned the land of their ancestors of the 
geological past and to-day approach, in adaptations to a marine 

Fic. 206. — Skeleton of a Porpoise. The vestigial pelvic bones are shown 
imbedded in the flesh. (From Pander and D’Alton.) 

life, the general contour of the primitiveiy adapted aquatic Ver- 

tebrates, the Fishes. (Fig. 90, 91, 206.) 
Thus the various lines of adaptive radiation of the Mammals from 

a generalized terrestrial type, such as Gymnura, have provided 


Mammals fitted for all sorts and conditions of the environment — 
representatives are competing with members of other groups be- 
neath, on, and above the earth and in the water. Somewhat sim- 

Fic. 207. — A, ‘Flying Lemur,’ Galeopithecus volans; B, Bat, Vespertilio 
noctula. (From Lull.) 

ilar adaptive radiations are traceable in other animal groups, espe- 
cially the Insects, though there seems no doubt that the adapta- 
bility of the Mammalian stock — its potential of evolution — is in 


Fossorial a 
Fossorial-Volant ie e forms 
en re Wate Cstriders 
Vo eke 

Ambula ry -Volant 



Fic. 208. — Diagram of the adaptive radiation of a group of Insects, the 
Hemiptera, or Bugs. (From Lindsey.) 
no small degree responsible for the dominant position which the 
Mammals hold in the animal world of to-day. Man is a Mammal. 
(Figs. 85, 208.) 
ANIMAL COLORATION. Perhaps the most generally striking 
characteristic of organisms is their color and color pattern. Among 


plants this applies chiefly to the flowers and fruit of the higher 
forms, though here and there throughout the plant series the 
typical green color is replaced or rendered inconspicuous by others. 
But the absence of photosynthetic pigments in animals and their 
relatively active life have permitted more latitude in body color, 
and accordingly it is in the animal world that color adaptations 
are more numerous and varied. Some colors and color patterns 
are, of course, merely incidental to the chemical composition of 
the whole or parts of the body. Others, however, irresistibly arouse 
our interest and seem to demand a less simple explanation because 
they are apparently of special service to their possessors. A few 
examples will serve to bring the problem before us and indicate 
the class of facts involved. 

The color and color patterns of many animals are such that 
they harmonize or fuse with the usual surroundings of the crea- 

At EE ERS) >. ae 
Tes ESTRELA é ce 

— = Sle sm =a ia EN . Lis SE 

re /> = 
M Es Sar ] 4 
= Se ee Kp Py 14—F = 
SQA \ 
Sane — > N oo 

Fic. 209. — The common green Katydid, Microcentrum. (From Riley.) 

tures and render them practically indistinguishable from their im- 
mediate environment. Every frequenter of the open knows innu- 
merable instances. The song of the green Katydid readily guides 
one to its immediate vicinity, but it is quite another matter to dis- 
tinguish its leaf-green wings among the foliage of its retreat. Again, 
one is attracted by the striking colors of an Underwing Moth while 
in flight, but is at a loss to find the insect when scarlet or orange is 
obscured by the overlapping, grayish-mottled fore-wings blending 
with the tree trunk where it has come to rest. (Figs. 209, 210.) 
The white of the Foxes, Hares, and Owls of alpine and arctic 
regions; the green color of foliage-dwelling Toads and Frogs; the 
tendency toward fawn and gray of desert Insects, Reptiles, Birds, 
and Mammals; the olive upper surface of the bodies of brook 
Fishes; the steel gray above and white below of sea Birds that 
harmonize with sea and sky when viewed from above and below 
respectively — the number of such cases is legion. (Gazelles living 


on the lava fields of volcanic regions are dark gray, while those 
of the great stretches of sand plains are white — the same species | 
exhibiting regional variations in color which blend with the sur- 
roundings. Furthermore, the same individual may vary in color 
with the seasonal changes in its environment, or present different 
color schemes in different localities. Thus the summer coat colors 

a Sots gig’ <a ¥ 
BE: y! vey A eS pte : m7 

Fig. 210. — Underwing Moth. A, wings expanded, exposing the highly 
colored hind wings; B, resting on bark. (From Folsom.) 

of the Arctic Fox and the Weasel harmonize with the browns of 
rocks; and the winter coat of white, with snow-clad nature. And 
the Chameleons are by no means unique in their ability to change 
color very rapidly in response to that of their immediate surround- 
ings. (Fig. 81.) 

But confusion is worse confounded when to harmonizing color 
is added harmonizing form, striking examples of which are the 
Leaf Butterflies of the East Indian region, the familiar Walking- 


sticks, and the caterpillars (‘inch-worms’) of Geometrid Moths. 
(Figs. 211, 212.) 

Although the general tendency in nature is for sympathetic col- 
oration — indeed, it is frequently possible to infer from the color 
of an animal its habitat — there are numerous cases in which 
the colors and color schemes seem to be in striking contrast with 
the animal’s usual background. Sometimes, however, the con- 
trast which is so striking with the bird in the hand, proves to be 

( Harrison 
Fic. 211. — Leaf Butterfly, Kallima. 

obliterative with the bird in the bush —a conspicuous color pat- 
tern, expressing gradations of light and shadow, and counter 
shading, fuses with a background of light and shadow afforded 
by foliage. 

But examples of color patterns which by the most liberal stretch 
of the imagination cannot be interpreted as harmonious with the 
animal’s usual surroundings are not far to seek. Brilliant yellows 
and reds render, for instance, many Wasps, Bees, Butterflies, and 
various species of Snakes actually conspicuous. And it is suggestive 
that very many of these forms are provided with special means of 


defense, such as poison glands and formidable jaws, or special 

secretions which render them unpalatable. 
still more interesting, many animals possessing this protective 

conspicuousness, which renders them easily identified and adver- 


Moreover, what is 

wy y 

ag : 

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ore Ne a) 
‘itt — J Ve , 
Pa i Og ga PMN cates, Uh Fr - 
Lyi, }) ‘( R Re ve Wy) ys 
Lyla Suv al, OP ms Se 
a i Genes 1g y 
é See O® 
a LY RO Ae , 
r CY, 4 Ye fp 

AES sy 

Fic. 212. — A, Walking-stick Insect on a twig; B, larva of a Geometrid 
Moth resting extended from a twig. (Modified, after Jordan and Kellogg.) 

tises that they are to be avoided by their foes, are frequently 
‘mimicked’ in color pattern and form by defenseless creatures. 
Thus commonly associating with the various species of Bees hover- 
ing about flowers are defenseless Flies which are so bee-like in 
appearance that they are usually mistaken for Bees, and avoided 


accordingly by human, and presumably by other enemies also. 
(Figs. 213, 218.) 

Now, what is the significance of such phenomena of animal 
coloration and form? This problem has attracted much attention 
and appears by no means so simple to-day as it did a generation 

Fic. 213. —‘ Protective mimicry.’ A, drone Honey Bee; B, a Bee-fly, 
Eristalis tenax. (From Folsom.) 

ago. Biologists to-day are not so ready to interpret individual 
cases as ‘protective,’ ‘aggressive,’ ‘alluring,’ ‘confusing,’ or “mi- 
metic.” But nowhere else is the plasticity — adaptability — of or- 
ganisms better illustrated, and, taken by and large, many such 
adaptations are of crucial importance in the life and strife of species. 
Apparently the origin of such adaptive variations must be sought 
in mutations — the unadaptive mutations being eliminated in the 
struggle for existence. 


Fic. 214. — The Honey Bee, Apis mellifica. (From Bureau of Entomology.) 

Tue Lecs oF THE Honey Bree. From time immemorial the 
Honey Bee (Apis mellifica) has been the subject of wonder and 
study, and to-day there is no more interesting and instructive ex- 
ample of adaptation than that exhibited by the Bee in relation to 
the highly specialized community life of the hive. (Fig. 214.) 


An average hive comprises some 65,000 Bees of which one is 
a QUEEN, several hundred are DRONES, and the rest WORKERS. 
The queen is the only fertile female and accordingly she is the 
mother of nearly all the other members of the hive. Throughout 
her life of a few years she is tended and fed by her numerous off- 
spring. The drones, or males, contribute nothing to the work of 
the hive but, after the old queen departs at the swarming, one of 
them during the nuptial flight mates with a virgin queen which 
then is the queen of the hive. Thus queen and drones represent 
Gonreound Ocelli an adaptation of the colony to 
communal life —a physiological 
division of labor in the hive which 
involves a_ specialization of a 
class solely for reproduction, while 
the daily work and strife of the 
colony devolves upon the workers. 
The latter are sexually undevel- 
oped females which do not lay 
| eggs but spend their time carry- 
TLabraur Nj Antenna ing water, collecting nectar and 
Med ead | 8° gpipharynx pollen, secreting wax, building 
EA the comb, preparing food, tending 
the young, and cleaning, airing, 
Labial palp = and defending the hive. 

The worker is a ‘bundle of 
adaptations’ for its varied duties. 
The primitive insect appendages 
mo) have become specialized in the 

eas Labellum ‘ 
eee aan a ee worker Bee, so that collectively 
Honey Bee. they constitute a battery of tools 
adapted with great nicety to the 
uses for which they are employed. This applies to all of the 
appendages of the insect’s body, but we shall neglect those of the 
head and consider only the specializations of the three pairs of 
legs. These, as in all Insects, arise from the THORAX; the anterior 
pair from the first segment of the thorax (prothorax) ; the second, 
or middle, pair from the second thoracic segment (mesothorax) ; 
and the posterior pair from the third, or last, thoracic segment 
(metathorax). A typical insect leg consists of several parts: the 
coxa, which forms the junction with the body, followed in order 

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by the TROCHANTER, FEMUR, TIBIA, and five-jointed TARSUS, or 
foot. (Figs. 215, 216.) 

The worker Bee’s PROTHORACIC LEGS show the following special- 
izations. The femur and tibia are covered with long, branched 
FEATHERY HAIRS which aid in gathering pollen when the Bee 
visits flowers: the tibia, near its junction with the tarsus, bears a 
group of stiff bristles (POLLEN BRUSH) which is used to brush to- 
gether the pollen grains that have been dislodged by the hairs of 

b = A, 

(QQ (QQ QQ Q rxsN 

Fic. 217. — Foot of the Honey Bee in the act of climbing, showing the 
‘automatic’ action of the pulvillus. A, position of foot on a slippery surface; 
B, position of foot in climbing on a rough surface; C, section of a pulvillus just 
touching a flat surface; D, the same applied to the surface. an, claw; er, curved 
rod; fh, tactile hairs; pv, pulvillus; ¢, last segment of tarsus. (From Packard, 
after Cheshire.) 

the upper leg-segments. On the opposite side of the leg is a com- 
posite structure, the ANTENNA CLEANER, formed by a movable 
plate-like process (vELUM) of the tibia which fits over a circular 
notch in the upper end of the tarsus. The notch is provided with 
a series of bristles which form the teeth of the ANTENNA COMB. 
The antennae, or ‘feelers,’ which are important sense organs of 
the head, are cleaned by being placed in the toothed notch and, 
after the velum is closed down, drawn between the bristles and 
the edge of the veltum. On the anterior face of the first segment 
of the tarsus is a series of bristles (EYE BRUSH) which is used to 
remove pollen and other particles adhering to the hairs on the 
head about the large compound eyes and interfering with their 

The terminal segment of the tarsus of each leg is provided with 
a pair of notched cLaws, a sticky pad (PULVILLUS), and a group 
of TACTILE HAIRS. When the Bee is walking up a rough surface, 
the points of the claws catch and the pulvillus does not touch, 
but when the surface is smooth, so that the claws do not grip, 
they are drawn beneath the foot. This change of position applies 
the pulvillus, and it clings to the smooth surface. Thus the charac- 


ter of the surface automatically determines whether claw or pul- 
villus shall be used. But there is another adaptation equally re- 
markable. ‘‘The pulvillus is carried folded in the middle, but 
opens out when applied to a surface; for it has at its upper part 
an elastic and curved rod, which straightens as the pulvillus is 
pressed down. The flattened-out pulvillus thus holds strongly while 
pulled along the surface by the weight of the Bee, but comes up 
at once if lifted and rolled 
off from its opposite sides, 
just as we should pull a wet 
postage stamp from an enve- 
lope. The Bee, then, is held 
securely till it attempts to 
lift the leg, when it is freed 
at once; and, by this exquisite 
yet simple plan, it can fix 
and release each foot at least 
twenty times per second.” 
(Fig. 217.) 

The characteristic struc- 
tures of the middle (MESO- 
THORACIC) legs of the Bee are 
a small POLLEN BRUSH and a ne 
long spine, or POLLEN SPUR. 2 B \.7 — Palpus of sting 

exhibit four remarkable 
adaptations to the needs of 
the insect. known as the Fic. 218. — Sting of a worker 

° Honey Bee. 


AURICLE, and POLLEN BASKET. The pollen combs comprise a 
series of rows of bristle-like hairs on the inner surface of the first 
segment of the tarsus: the pecten is a series of spines on the distal 
end of the tibia which is opposed by a concavity, the auricle, on 
the proximal end of the tarsal segment; while the pollen basket 
is formed by a depression on the outer surface of the tibia which 
is arched over by rows of long curved bristles arising from its 

Thus the worker is fully equipped. Flying from flower to flower, 
the Bee brushes against the anthers laden with pollen, some of 
which adheres to the hairs on its body and legs. While still in 

Poison sac 

Levers to 
move barb 


the field, the pollen combs are first brought into play to comb the 
pollen from the hairs, while the pectens scrape the pollen from 
the combs. Then the auricles are manipulated so that the ac- 
cumulating mass of pollen is pushed up into the bristle-covered 
pollen baskets. This process is repeated until the baskets are full 
and then the insect returns to the hive, where the contents of the 

Fic. 219. — Pollination of an Orchid, Cypripedium, by a Bumble Bee. 
A, Bee forcing its way into the flower; B, Bee obtaining nectar in the flower; 
C, Bee starting to escape brushes pollen upon the stigma of the flower; D, be- 
fore finally escaping the Bee receives another load of pollen from the anther. 

pollen baskets are removed by the aid of the spurs with which the 
mesothoracic legs are provided. (Figs. 218, 219.) 

Moreover, the structural adaptations of the worker Bee are but 
one aspect of a reciprocal fitness. Many of the flowers which the 
Bee visits show remarkable adaptations for the reception of the 
Bee and for dusting it with pollen, because Bees are effective 
agents in transferring pollen from flower to flower and thus insur- 


ing cross-fertilization. And so the Bee which has been given as our 
final example of adaptation to the physical environment, serves 
also as an introduction to the consideration of adaptation to the 
living environment. No better proof could be asked of the futility 
of attempting to classify the adaptations of organisms — the 
organism is a unit: a complex of adaptations to any and all of 
its surroundings, inanimate and animate, otherwise it could not 


We now turn more specifically to some striking interrelations 
of organism with organism, in order to make possible an apprecia- 
tion of the devious means to which they have recourse — to what 

Mussels ( Physae 
AS~{ Sphaeridae 
a __| 
Ree. Small aquatic insects 


Decaying Vegetation 

Black bass adults ae | 
Black bass young EES 
Fic. 220. — Diagram of the web of life and the equilibrium of nature, as 
illustrated by the food relations in a pond community. Arrows point from the 

organisms eaten to those doing the eating. The task of ecology is to decipher 
the patterns of the web of life. (From Shelford.) 

extent the strands of the web of life become entangled — in the 
competition for a livelihood. 

The mutual biological interdependence of organisms is, in the 
final analysis, the result of the primary demands of all creatures — 
proper food, habitat, reproduction, defense against enemies and 
the forces of nature. The web of life is an expression of the coodpera- 
tion, jostling, and strife of individual with individual, and species 
with species for these primary needs; and the activities which 
follow from them form the foundations of life in the lowest as well 


as the highest. A little patch of meadow soil two feet square has 
revealed, within about an inch from the surface, over a thousand 
animals and three thousand plants. There is a struggle for existence. 

Take a single example. A common food Fish, the Squeteague, 
captures the Butter-fish or the Squid, which in turn have fed on 
young Fish, which in their turn have fed on small Crustacea, which 
themselves have utilized microscopic Algae and Protozoa as food. 
Thus the food of the Squeteague is actually a complex of all these 
factors, and such a nutritional chain is no stronger than its single 
links. Circumstances which modify or suppress the food and 
thereby reduce the abundance of the Algae and Protozoa of the 
sea are reflected in correlative changes in the abundance of eco- 
nomically important food Fishes. And this same principle is 
true throughout living nature, though only occasionally is it pos- 
sible to trace it. “‘Nature is a vast assemblage of linkages.” 
(Figs. 220, 266.) 

1. Communal Associations 

Perhaps the simplest associations of organisms are represented 
by GREGARIOUS animals, such as Wolves which hunt in packs, and 
Buffaloes and Horses which herd for protection. Here the associa- 
tion is more or less temporary and there is no division of labor 
between the members, other than leadership by one animal. 

COMMUNAL animals, however, exhibit highly complex associa- 
tions in which the members merge, as it were, their individuality 
in that of the community. This is well exhibited, for example, 
among the Ants, in which all of the various species, about 5,000 in 
number, are communal, and the Wasps and Bees in which all 
gradations exist from solitary to hive-dwelling species. In the 
case of the Bees, and still more in the Ants, the division of labor 
has developed to the extent that structural differentiations have 
given rise to classes of individuals specially adapted for the per- 
formance of certain functions in the economy of the hive. 

But the differentiations of various members of a colony of Ants 
or Bees are limited to their bodies and are practically fixed and 
irreversible, while in human society, differentiations are no longer 
confined to the bodies of individuals. Man’s ingenuity has de- 
vised what are to all intents and purposes artificial, accessory 
organs — tools and machines. Accordingly it is in Man that we 
find the highest expression of communal codperation, because in- 


creased intelligence, in particular, makes flexible the stereotyped 
life as exhibited in the lower forms — the human individual is 
adaptable to the various community tasks. 

2. Symbiosis 

Associations are not confined to members of the same species, 
nor are all an expression of cooperative adaptations. All grada- 
tions occur from those which are mutually beneficial to the parties 
in the pact, to those in which one member secures all the advantage 
at the expense of the other. 

The most intimate associations in which the organisms involved 
are mutually benefited, if not absolutely necessary for each other’s 

Fic. 221. — The formation of a Lichen, Physcia paratina, by the combina- 
tion of an Alga and a Fungus. A, germination of a Fungus spore (sp), whose 
filaments are surrounding two cells (a) of the unicellular Alga, Cystococcus 
humicola. B, later stage in which spores have formed a web of filaments 
(mycelium), enveloping many algal cells. Magnified about 400 times. (From 

existence, are termed symBiotic. A familiar case is the common 
green Hydra (Chlorohydra viridissima) that owes its color to the 
presence of a large number of unicellular green plants which live 
in its endoderm cells. The products of the photosynthetic activity 
of the plant cells are at the disposal of the Hydra, and the latter 
in return affords a favorable abode and the material necessary 
for the life of the plants. 


A far more striking example of symbiosis is afforded by Lichens 
which represent intimate combinations of various species of color- 
less plants (Fungi) and simple green plants (Algae). In each case 
the Fungus supplies attachment, protection, and the raw materials 
of food, while the Alga performs photosynthesis. Each can live 
independently under favorable conditions, but in partnership they 
are superior to hardships with which many other plants cannot 
cope, and thus some Lichens become the vanguard of vegetation 
in repopulating rocky, devastated areas. (Fig. 221.) 

From the practical standpoint of agriculture the symbiotic 
nitrogen-fixing Bacteria are of first importance. It will be recalled 

: 77K" f 

Wig N ’ ~ 
a 2 Y, . 
aA ae Ss 
y , GOES PL 
, 3S: 

é! pi 
i Wy 

Fic. 222. — Rose Aphids visited by Ants. 

that these Bacteria form small nodules on the rootlets of higher 
plants, such as Beans and Clover, and make atmospheric nitrogen 
available to the latter — return it to the cycle of the elements in 
living nature. (Fig. 16.) 

Still another type of association in which both partners profit is 


represented by the relation that occurs between Ants and Plant 
Lice, or Aphids. The defenseless Aphids are protected, herded, and 
‘milked’ by the Ants to supply their demand for honeydew, a 
secretion of the Aphids which the Ants greedily devour. (Fig. 222.) 

3. Parasitism 

But associations in which one organism, the PARASITE, secures 
the sole advantage, and in most cases at the expense of the help- 
less second party, the Host, are far more numerous — it has been 
estimated that nearly half the animal kingdom are parasites. And 
these justly receive considerable notoriety because many human 
diseases are the result of Man’s unwilling partnership in such 
associations. Indeed, PARASITOLOGY has become an important 
subdivision of biology, both practical and theoretical. Practical, 
as a cornerstone of public health; and theoretical, because many 
of the most remarkable functional and structural adaptations are 
exhibited by parasites in becoming fitted for this apparently 
highly successful method of gaining a livelihood, and by the hosts 
in bearing the burden with the least outlay. Generally speaking, 
the effect on the parasite consists in a simplification of the various 
organs of the body devoted to food-getting, locomotion, etc., 
since their duties are performed by the host; while the organs and 
methods of reproduction are highly specialized and elaborated, 
owing to the necessity of producing enough offspring to compen- 
sate for the hazards involved in reaching a proper host. For in 
the majority of cases a parasite is adapted to live in a specific 
host, and death ensues if this is not attained at the proper time. 
(Pies25, 251, 252, 260.) 

Probably the most generally interesting example of parasitism 
is the cause of the disease known as MALARIA. Man is subject to 
at least three types of malaria, each the result of infection by a 
different malarial organism. The malarial parasites are all uni- 
cellular animals, Protozoa, with complicated life histories which 
are adaptations to the specific demands of their parasitic exis- 
tence. One part of the life history, the asexual, is passed in the 
red blood corpuscles of Man; while the other, the sexual, occurs 
in the digestive tract of certain species of Mosquitoes. A single 
parasite inoculated into the human vascular system by the bite 
of an infected Mosquito enters a red blood corpuscle and multi- 
plies. The progeny, liberated from the destroyed corpuscle, sim- 


ilarly attack other corpuscles and multiply until a very large 
number of blood corpuscles are destroyed. And poisonous prod- 
ucts of the life processes of the parasites provoke the chills and 
fevers characteristic of the disease. (Fig. 223.) 

But the parasites must make their escape before the human 
host successfully combats the toxic substances, kills the parasites 

(rapid increase 
of animals 
Sporozoite entering 7 x in blood) 

uman red blood Merozoites 

corpuscle 3)” 
(} aa Os Male Ge 
Transmission CYCLE IN MAN : Te 
: Maturation 
Sporozoites enter / in stomach 
salivary glands —_ of Mosquito 
\W (@ ‘ 
Microgametes“D> Macrogamete 
ie (Sperm) )\ 7 (Ege 

Odcyst ruptures, 
releasing sporo- 
zoltes into 

body cavity \ fas i 

in stomach 

Ookinete (Zygote) 
penetrates epithelium 
i of stomach 

yy in wall of stomach 

“*// Odcyst developing sporozoites 

Odcyst with fully /[{4@ 
developed sporozoites \WNwiy, 

Fic. 223. — Life history of a Malarial Parasite, Plasmodium malariae. 

by taking quinine, or succumbs to them. The getaway is accom- 
plished, if at all, by a Mosquito biting the host and taking with 
the blood certain sexual stages of the parasite which can develop 
in the cold-blooded insect. And now the Mosquito is the host. 
In its stomach the sexual phase of the life history of the malarial 
parasite takes place, fertilization occurs, and finally the numerous 
products of the zygote work their way to the mouth parts of the 
Mosquito, where they await an opportunity to enter the human 


To cerebrospinal fluid 
causing sleeping sickness and death 

in human blood 
causing Trypanosome fever 

Man, Antelope, etc. 

Transmission by Transmission by 

bite of tsetse fly bite of tsetse fly 

/ Tsetse Fly 

Y : 

Forms in Salivary glands 
ready for re-infection 
(20th-30th day) 
NES Crithidial forms in 
salivary glands Forms in mid gut 
Ls (2 or 3 days later) (48 hrs. after infective meal) 

Newly arrived form 
in salivary gland 
(12th to 20th days) 

Long, slender forms in proventriculus 
(about l0th to 15th days) 

Fic. 224. — Life history of the Trypanosome, Trypanosoma gambiense, 
that produces African Sleeping Sickness in Man. Magnified about 1500 times. 
(Modified, after Chandler.) 


The life history of malarial parasites exhibits a continuous series 
of adaptations to parasitic life: the nicety of the adjustment being 
especially well illustrated at the transfer from Man to Mosquito, 
since all the parasites which enter the stomach of the latter are 
digested except those sexual forms which are ready to initiate the 
sexual part of the cycle in the new host. (Figs. 246, 247.) 

But the acme of parasitic associations is only attained when 
the adaptations of parasite and host have become so complete that 
the latter ‘pays the price’ without any ill effects. Thus the Ante- 
lopes and similar Mammals of certain regions of Africa harbor 
in their blood various species of Protozoan parasites, known as 
TRYPANOSOMES, without any apparent discomfort. But if the in- 
termediate hosts, which are biting Flies, transfer certain species 
of Trypanosomes to the blood of imported Horses or Cattle, or 
of Man, serious diseases result which are usually fatal. Indeed, the 
opening up of large regions of Africa has been greatly retarded 
by the ravages of Trypanosomes in new hosts to which they are 
not adapted. Generally speaking, pathogenic species may be re- 
garded as aberrant forms which are not yet adapted to their hosts 
or are not in their normal hosts. And these are the parasites which 
are especially forced upon our attention, though there are few 
organisms without their specially adapted parasites — the parasites 
themselves not excepted. (Figs. 224, 245.) 

4. Immunity 

At best, however, the part played by the host cannot be re- 
garded as ideal, and devious types of adaptations against parasites 
exist which, in so far as they are effective, bring about IMMUNITY. 
Usually among the higher animals, including Man, immunity 
to the ravages of pathogenic microdrganisms seems to depend 
chiefly upon the activities of the white blood cells and upon spe- 
cific chemical substances in the blood, termed ANTIBODIES. 

The white blood cells have been called the policemen of the 
body because, under the influence of invading organisms, some 
of them make their way through the walls of the capillaries in the 
region of the infection and, in amoeboid fashion, engulf and digest 
the intruders. When acting in this capacity they are referred to as 
PHAGOCYTES. Similar phagocytic cells are found in groups, PEYER’S 
PATCHES, scattered in the intestinal wall. Apparently they are 
to forestall invasion of the tissues by Bacteria that swarm there. 


Among the various classes of antibodies are the ANTITOXINS 
that neutralize the poisonous products (toxins) of certain Bac- 
teria; the PRECIPITINS that act upon foreign proteins of bacterial 
or other origin; the Lystns that actually destroy foreign cells; and 
the opsontns that render Bacteria vulnerable to the attacks of 
the phagocytes. 

Various specific antibodies may be naturally present in the 
blood —a part of the heritage — so that an individual is immune 
to certain diseases due to pathogenic organisms. Or the anti- 
bodies may be produced in response to the parasites themselves, 
and the individual acquires immunity only after undergoing the 
disease. Again, immunity may be artificially acquired by various 
means, such as VACCINATION, which stimulate the production of 
antibodies so that the individual is prepared in the event of an in- 

Indeed, the subject of immunity has become a science in itself 
(IMMUNOLOGY) within the past few years — a science which has as 
its fundamental basis the investigation of the marvelous power of 
adaptation of protoplasm as exemplified in coping with disease- 
producing parasites, and even with those ultramicroscopic agents 
of disease, the so-called FILTERABLE VIRUSES, such as produce 
smallpox, measles, rabies, etc. The viruses are so small that they 
pass through porcelain filters and, in one case at least, consist of a 
single protein molecule. But they have the power to multiply 
when in the protoplasm of host cells and so exhibit one funda- 
mental characteristic of life. The viruses appear to be on the 
border line between the lifeless and the living but to include them 
with the latter would necessitate an extension of our present con- 
ception of life. Their further study is certain to be of immense 
practical and theoretical importance. 


We may now turn to a survey of the highest expression of ad- 
aptation evolved by Nature, which appears as TROPISMS and other 
elements of BEHAVIOR in the lower organisms, gains definiteness 
and content as we ascend the animal series, and becomes the basis 
of INTELLIGENCE and all that the mental life of Man involves. It 
is the adaptation which renders Man essentially superior to adapta- 
tion — enables him to a large extent to control, instead of being 
controlled by his environment. “It seems that Nature, after elab- 


orating mechanisms to meet particular vicissitudes, has lumped 
all other vicissitudes into one and made a means of meeting them 
all’? — the nervous mechanism. 

That organisms respond to environmental changes, we are well 
aware. Life itself is the result of — in fact, is — a continuous flow 
of physico-chemical actions, interactions, and reactions with the 
surroundings. But by the behavior of the organism we refer 
specifically to the reactions of the organism as a unit, rather than 
to the internal processes in the economy of its life. And surveyed 
from a broad viewpoint, there is discernible in the behavior of 
animals, just as in their structure in general and in their nervous 
system in particular, from the lowest to the highest, a great 
though gradual increase in complexity. The behavior of Amoeba 


Fic. 225. — Diagram to illustrate the avoiding reaction of Paramecium. 
A, asolid object or other source of stimulation. 1—6, successive positions taken 
by the animal. The rotation on its long axis is not indicated. (From Jennings.) 

or Paramecium is an expression of the primary attributes of pro- 
toplasm — irritability, conductivity, and contractility. So is the 
behavior of Hydra and Earthworm in which special cells constitute 
a definite codrdinating, or nervous system. And so is the complex 
behavior of the higher animals, including Man, with their elaborate 
series of sense organs and highly developed sensorium, or brain. 

‘Let us now try to form a picture of the behavior of Parame- 
cium in its daily life under natural conditions. An individual 
is swimming freely in a pool, parallel with the surface and some 
distance below it. No other stimulus acting, it begins to respond 
to the changes in distribution of its internal contents due to the 
fact that it is not in line with gravity. It tries various new positions 
until its anterior end is directed upward, and continues in that 


direction. It thus reaches the surface film. 
To this it responds by the avoiding reac- 
tion (Fig. 225), finding a new position and 
swimming along near the surface of the 
water. . . . Swimming forward here, it ap- 
proaches a region where the sun has been 
shining strongly into the pool, heating the 
water. The Paramecium receives some of 
this heated water in the current passing 
from the anterior end down the oral groove. 
(Fig. 226.) Thereupon it pauses, swings its 
anterior end about in a circle, and finding 
that the water coming from one of the 
directions thus tried is not heated, it pro- 
ceeds forward in that direction. This course 
leads it perhaps into the region of a fresh 
plant stem which has lately been crushed 
and has fallen into the water. The plant 
juice, oozing out, alters markedly the chemi- 
cal constitution of the water. The Parame- 
cium soon receives some of this altered 
water in its ciliary current. Again it pauses, 
or if the chemical is strong, swims back- 
ward a distance. Then it again swings the 
anterior end around in a circle till it finds 
a direction from which it receives no more 
of this chemical; in this direction it swims 
forward. ... 

“In this way the daily life of the animal 
continues. It constantly feels its way about, 
trying in a systematic way all sorts of con- 
ditions, and retiring from those that are 
harmful. Its behavior is in principle much 
like that of a blind and deaf person, or one 
that feels his way about in the dark. It isa 
continual process of proving all things and 
holding to that which is good.” (Jennings.) 

The behavior of Paramecium leaves one 
with the impression that the animal is 
largely at the mercy of its surroundings — 

Fic. 226. — Diagram 
to show the rotation on 
the long axis, and the 
spiral path of Parame- 

cium. 1-4, successive 
positions assumed. The 
dotted areas with small 
arrows represent the cur- 
rents of water drawn 
from in front. (From 


that the environment rather than the organism itself is the domi- 
nant factor, and this is true to a considerable degree. But Parame- 
cium is not merely an automaton. Its behavior is modifiable and, 
in the long run, is adapted to the usual changes of its surroundings. 
It forms immense aggregations where food and other conditions 
are favorable. That the reactions are adequate for the simple life 
and methods of reproduction of Paramecium is attested by its 
success — it is one of the most common and widely distributed 
animals. (Fig. 27.) 

In such simple beginnings, then, must be sought the largely 
automatic responses of animals to the changes in external con- 
ditions, known as REFLEXES and INsTINCTs. Both apparently are 
chiefly the result of inherited nervous structure and therefore may 
be regarded as inherited behavior. And increase in the complexity 
of life processes has involved at the same time an increase in the 
number and complexity of reflexes and instincts. The primitive 
reflexes and instincts of Hydra lead it to seize small organisms 
within reach of its tentacles and pass them to its mouth; the 
Earthworm, to swallow decaying leaves as it burrows through the 
soil; the Crayfish, to grasp its prey with its large claws, tear it 
into pieces by means of certain appendages about the mouth 
which are adapted just for the purpose — and so on to the higher 
Vertebrates where the feeding instincts reach their maximum of 
complexity. The remarkable behavior of Ants and Bees is essen- 
tially a complex of instincts. Moreover, instincts of fear, self- 
defense, play, care of the young, etc., render a considerable part 
of the behavior of even the higher organisms more automatic than 
is perhaps, at first thought, apparent. (Figs. 139, 143.) 

But just as the behavior of Paramecium and its allies is modi- 
fiable, so reflexes and instincts which seem the most fixed show at 
least a slight degree of adaptability to unusual conditions. Indeed 
new reflexes, Known as CONDITIONED reflexes, may be established 
as the result of experience during the life of the individual. And 
it is this ever-present power of modifiability, which is in man called 
‘choice,’ that leavens the whole and becomes the dominant factor 
in the behavior of the highest animals; while reflex action and in- 
stinct are relegated to a subsidiary though by no means unimpor- 
tant role. A large part of human education consists in establishing 
other fixed adaptive responses called HABITS which join the earlier 
reflexes and instincts in relieving the conscious life of innumerable 


simple factors of behavior, and leave it more or less free for the 
higher intellectual processes. The cerebrum, regarded as the organ 
of the MIND, is superimposed upon the system of automatic, 
machine-like responses of the reflex centers. It is the executive 
that reacts to the state of affairs as a whole and coordinates or 
alters responses when the routine responses are inadequate. The 
progress of modifiability toward conscious choice-responses to ex- 
ternal conditions constitutes a gradual and ill-defined transition 
from instincts to ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY, or newly conditioned 
responses, to learning and the highest intellectual processes. 
(Fig. 143.) 

Although it is necessary to emphasize that mind and intelligence, 
in the biological sense, are expressions for that integration of 
nervous states and actions which makes possible a nicety of adapta- 
tion of behavior to environmental conditions that otherwise would 
be impossible — that it is our chief means of adaptation; it is a 
serious mistake to minimize the importance of the vast gulf be- 
tween Man’s nature and that of the most highly developed lower 
animals. In no respect are these differences more marked than in 
the various forms of learning that collectively form the means 
of education. While associative memory, or conditioning, will 
account for the various non-instinctive actions of Man’s animal 
associates, human racial history and the individual’s experience 
contain much that baffles explanation in such terms. Indeed, in 
the highest reaches of conscious life we appreciate that it is able 
to form strange conceptions; that it has not only memory of the 
past, but also anticipation of the future. We can brood and medi- 
tate and understand in part. We are guided by the past, present, 
and future in making adaptations. “The largest fact in the story 
of evolution is the growing dominance of the mental aspect of 


Thus it is clear that, with all the variations in structure and 
function, organisms all possess irritability in common: they all 
exhibit adaptive responses which enable them to exist in spite of 
surrounding changes. “‘ Adaptability appears to be the touchstone 
with which nature has tested each kind of organism evolved; it has 
been the yard-stick with which she has measured each animal type; 
it has been the counterweight against which she had balanced 
each of her productions . . . the general course of evolution has 


been always in the direction of increasing adaptability or increas- 
ing perfection of irritability.” The individual’s heritage affords 

the cumulative result of the adaptations of the race — including 


Thoughtful men will find in the lowly stock whence Man has 
sprung, the best evidence of the splendor of his capacities; and will 
discern in his long progress through the past, a reasonable ground 
of faith in his attainment of a nobler future. — Huzley. 

From the time of the Greek natural philosophers there always 
have been men who have sought a naturalistic explanation of the 
origin of the diverse forms of animals and plants, and who have 
suggested that the present ones arose from earlier forms by a 
long process of descent with change, or EVOLUTION. But with the 
revival of natural history studies after the Middle Ages, the pre- 
vailing ideas in regard to creation led the majority, perhaps al- 
most unconsciously, to assume that there is merely a limited 
number of kinds of organisms, all of which were created at one time. 
And this is not so strange when one considers that nearly all of 
the important facts which we have reviewed in the preceding 
pages were yet to be discovered, and that the number of known 
kinds of animals totalled but a thousand or so instead of about a 
million as to-day. 

The pioneer work of the early Renaissance naturalists consisted 
principally of collecting and describing animals and plants. This 
involved making a catalog of the different kinds — classifying them 
in some way — and consequently some basis of CLASSIFICATION 
was sought. Thus attention was focussed on the kinds, or 
SPECIES, and for practical, if for no other reasons, the species as- 
sumed a prominence which overshadowed the individuals which 
composed it. 

Indeed, to-day biologists are hard put to it to define a species. 
Of course everyone recognizes not only that there are many kinds 
of animals and plants, but also that many individuals are essen- 
tially the same. Groups may be formed of individuals which differ 
less among themselves in the sum of their characters than they 
do from the members of any other group of individuals. And 
further, the members of a group produce other individuals which 



are essentially similar. It is such a group of similar individuals 
that is regarded by the biologist as a species. But it is difficult to 
formulate a satisfactory brief definition of a species, unless perhaps 
it be “a group of individuals that do not differ from one another in 
excess of the limits of ‘individual diversity,’ actual or assumed.”’ 
So with but slight exaggeration it may be said that a species is 
largely a concept of the human mind: a somewhat arbitrary con- 
venience. The real unit in nature is the individual animal or plant, 
and an understanding of the differences between individuals should 
give us the key to the differences between species. In the final 
analysis, the problem of the origin of species is a problem in 
genetics. (Figs. 236, 280.) 

This seemingly obvious point of view has but relatively recently 
been clearly grasped by biologists, and the species rather than 
the individual has loomed large in the discussions of how plants 
and animals-came to be what they are to-day. As a matter of 
fact, during the eighteenth century the greatest student of plant 
and animal classification, Linnaeus, emphasized the idea that 
each species represents a distinct thought of the Creator, and 
that the object of classification is to arrange species in the order of 
the Creator’s consecutive thoughts. This viewpoint is somewhat 
whimsically expressed by the old naturalist who, finding a beetle 
which did not seem to agree exactly with any species in his collec- 
tion, solved the difficulty by crushing the unorthodox individual 
under his foot. His credulity surely would have been strained by 
the estimate of modern entomologists that if all the species of In- 
sects were known they would total upward of three million. 

We may consider, then, that the consensus of opinion up to the 
middle of the last century was overwhelmingly on the side of 
SPECIAL CREATION and FIXITY OF SPECIES, and therefore against 
the idea occasionally advanced by men, as it now appears, ahead 
of their times, that DESCENT WITH CHANGE is the true explana- 
tion of the origin of the diverse forms of plants and animals. But, 
as nearly everyone knows, a complete reversal of opinion has oc- 
curred since 1860 — to-day professional scientists and most edu- 
cated laymen accept ORGANIC EVOLUTION. And we have accepted 
it in the preceding sections of this work; but if this appears to 
have been prejudging the question, the explanation is that the 
genetic connection of organisms is the guiding principle of all 
modern biology. The mere fact that an unbiased presentation of 


the data seems to prejudge the question is the most cogent pre- 
sumptive evidence for evolution. It is true that there are wide 
differences of opinion among biologists in regard to the factors 
which have brought about the evolutionary change — but there 
are none in regard to the fact of evolution itself. It will be con- 
venient, therefore, first to summarize a few of the evidences of evolu- 
tion, and then to present certain modern views in regard to the 
methods of evolution. 


To one who has thoughtfully followed the preceding pages 
there must immediately occur many facts which are readily and 
reasonably interpreted from the point of view of descent of one 
species from another, but which are entirely obscure from that 
of the special creation of species. For instance, one will recall the 
cellular structure of all organisms; the method of origin and the 
fate of the germ layers in animals; the interrelationship of the 
urinary and reproductive systems in the Vertebrates; the com- 
parative anatomy of the vascular and skeletal systems of Verte- 
brates; the similarity of the physical basis of inheritance in 
animals and plants: in a word —the ‘unity in diversity’ 
that pervades the world of living things. (Figs. 122, 129, 
wAly 227.) 

In general, such are the types of data which support the eve- 
lution theory. Although the evidence, from the nature of the 
case, must be indirect, it is none the less impressive, chiefly because 
the facts for evolution are from such diverse sources and all con- 
verge toward the same conclusion. The theory of evolution reaches 
the highest degree of probability, since in every branch of botany 
and zoology all the data are most simply and reasonably explained 
on the basis of descent with change. It is a cardinal principle of 
science to accept the simplest conceptions which will embrace all 
the facts. 

Assuming the reader’s familiarity with the contents of this 
volume up to the present point, it is now necessary to summarize 
some of the most important evidence from various subdivisions of 
biology. But, as will soon appear, it is impossible to arrange the 
facts in natural groups because the evidence from one merges into 
that from another — the evidence interlocks. 


1. Classification 

When the serious study of biological classification was well 
under way, biologists found increasing evidence of the similarity, 
or affinity, of various SPECIES of animals and plants. Not only is 
it possible to arrange animals, for example, in an ascending series 
of increasingly complex forms, but also in many cases it is difficult 
or impossible to decide just where one species ends and the next 
begins. That is, the most divergent individuals within a given 
species frequently approach those of a closely similar species. There 
are intergrades. (Fig. 236.) 

Furthermore it is found that species themselves can be naturally 
arranged in more comprehensive groups to which the name GENUS 
is applied. For example, the common Gray Squirrel represents the 
species carolinensis, and the Red Squirrel, the species hudsonicus. 
Both are obviously Squirrels, and therefore both species are grouped 
under the genus Sciurus. Accordingly, each animal is given a name 
composed of two words: the first, generic and the second, specific. 
The Gray Squirrel is Sciturus carolinensis and the Red Squirrel is 
Sciurus hudsonicus. Thus to give a scientific name to an animal or 
plant is really to classify it, because the first word of the name indi- 
cates that it possesses some fundamental characteristics in common 
with the other species of the genus — in fact, is more like them than 
it is like any other group of organisms. 

But again, the members of the genus Sciurus have many char- 
acteristics in common with other animals which obviously are not 
true squirrels. The Chipmunks or Ground Squirrels, for instance, 
differ not only in certain obvious features, but in the possession of 
internal cheek pouches, etc. This dissimilarity and similarity is 
expressed by placing them in a different genus, Tamias, but in the 
same FAMILY, Sciuridae. The familiar eastern Chipmunk is Tamias 

Moreover, while the Beaver (Castor americana) differs still more 
from the Squirrels than do the Chipmunks, and therefore is placed 
in a distinct family, the Castoridae, it nevertheless agrees with both 
in many fundamental ways so that it is placed in the ORDER Ro- 
dentia, which also includes the Squirrels and Chipmunks, as well as 
many other families and genera. Other orders, such as the Ungulata 
(Horses, Cattle, etc.), the Carnivora (Cats, Dogs, Bears, etc.), and 
the Primates (Monkeys, Apes, etc.), while they differ widely from 


the Rodents, still agree with them in possessing hair, and milk 
glands for suckling the young. This basic likeness is expressed by 
including all under the cLass Mammalia. 

The Mammals in turn are readily distinguished from Birds, 
Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fishes (each of which forms a separate 
class), but nevertheless are constructed on the same basic plan, 
comprising a dorsal central nervous system surrounded by skeletal 
elements forming the skull and vertebral column. Therefore, all are 
comprehended in the larger group Vertebrata which, with certain 
minor groups, comprises the PHyLUM Chordata and stands in con- 
trast with all the Invertebrate phyla which include Hydra, Earth- 
worm, Crayfish, etc. The classification of the Gray Squirrel, 
Sciurus carolinensis (Fig. 108), may be outlined as follows: 

Kincpom — Animalia 
PuyLtum — Chordata 
SUBPHYLUM — Vertebrata 
Cxiass — Mammalia 
OrbDER — Rodentia 

Famity — Sciuridae 

GENUs — Sciurus 

SPECIES — carolinensis. 

This classification of the Gray Squirrel, although it incidentally 
serves to illustrate the general method of classification of all or- 
ganisms, is important because it places concretely before us the 
fact that organisms show such fundamental similarities with ob- 
vious dissimilarities. In short, the mere fact that animals and 
plants naturally arrange themselves, as it were, in classes, orders, 
families, genera, species, etc., raises the question of the origin of 
species. Is special creation implying fixity of species, or is descent 
with change the more plausible explanation? (See Appendix: 

The unavoidable answer is descent with change — evolution — 
because the principle in accordance with which the groups of 
increasing comprehensiveness are formed is solely the greater or 
less similarity in the structural features of the organisms. It is 
much more reasonable to assume that the thread of fundamental 
similarity which runs through all the Vertebrates, for instance, is 
the result of inheritance, while the differences of orders, families, 


genera, etc., are due to changes brought about under different 
unknown conditions, than it is to assume that each is the result 
of a special creative act. Especially so when we realize that in 
a very large number of cases it is difficult or impossible to decide 
the limits of a species, owing to variations among the individuals 
comprising it, and it is necessary to resort to SUBSPECIES and 
VARIETIES in Classification. Again, among genera, intergrading 
forms demand SUBGENERA; among orders, SUBORDERS; among 
classes, SUBCLASSES; and so on. If we admit the origin by descent 
with change of the subspecies and varieties, there is no logical 
reason for denying the same origin of species, orders, and higher 
groups. The difference is one of degree and not of kind. Be- 
fore the recognition of evolution, classification was a groping after 
an elusive ideal arrangement which naturalists felt but were un- 
able to express except in artificial form and in transcendental terms. 
Under the influence of the evolution theory, classification became 
the natural expression of biological pedigrees. (Figs. 236, 297.) 

2. Comparative Anatomy 

The evidence from taxonomy is, as has just been seen, really 
evidence from comparative anatomy, since modern classifications 
are based chiefly on anatomical characters. The various groups — 
classes, orders, families, genera, species, etc. — are founded not 
on a single difference, nor on several differences, but on a large 
number of similarities. For instance, the differences exhibited 
throughout the five classes of the Vertebrates are relatively slight 
in comparison with the basic resemblances. This similarity in 
dissimilarity is brought out by the science of comparative anatomy. 
A few concrete examples, some of which we are already familiar 
with, will serve to bring the main facts clearly before us. 

The fore legs of Frogs and Lizards, the wings of Birds, the fore 
legs of the Horse, and the arms of Man are built on the same basic 
plan. The same is true of the hind limbs. Clearly all are HomoL- 
OGOUS structures, such variations as exist being brought abovt 
chiefly by the transformation or absence of one part or another. In 
short, all the chief parts of both the fore limbs and the hind limbs 
are homologous throughout the series. All are composed of the same 
fundamental materials disposed in practically the same way — 
nearly all the bones, muscles, blood vessels, and nerves are homol- 
ogous. Or compare the digestive systems of the same forms, or 

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the execretory and reproductive systems. One has but to recall 
that, on an earlier page, it was possible to describe in general 
terms these systems as they exist throughout the Vertebrate 
series — in forms as obviously different as Fish and Man. They 
are all fundamentally the same. (Figs. 102-110, 121, 129, 141, 
227, 226.) 

Turning to the Invertebrates, we may remind the reader that 
all the appendages of the Crayfish are built on the same simple 


Q 5, 
i) — 

Fic. 228. — Skeletons of Man and of Gorilla. (From Lull.) 

plan as exhibited in the swimming legs (swimmerets) of the ab- 
domen. The highly specialized walking legs, great claws, jaws, 
and feelers (antennae and antennules) are all reducible to modifi- 
cations of the simple swimmeret type. In short, all are homologous 
structures, though differing widely in function. This is a most 
striking example of SERIAL HOMOLOGY, though we have seen the 
same principle exhibited in the Vertebrates where the fore limbs 
and the hind limbs of each animal are homologous. Moreover, 


the appendages of the Crayfish are not only serially homologous 
among themselves, but are also homologous with the appendages 
of all the other members of the class Crus- 
tacea — just as the limbs of one Vertebrate 
are homologous with those of all other 
Vertebrates. (Figs. 64, 65, 227.) 
Another class of facts presented by 
comparative anatomy is derived from  Nittsting membrane 
the so-called VESTIGIAL organs. In Man 

there are nearly a hundred structures RSS KN i 
. 5 TSS SA) }) 
which apparently are useless and some- Sy a OG 7 

times are harmful. One thinks at once = 

of the VERMIFORM APPENDIX of the large Zz Sto Bird 
intestine, apparently a remnant of an or- ETM en 

gan that serves a useful purpose in certain Fic. 229. — The nicti- 
vegetable-feeding (herbivorous) Mammals. t@ting membrane, or third 
But equally suggestive are the muscles ache 
of the ear, which in some individuals are sufficiently developed 
to move the external ear; or the so-called third eyelid at the in- 
ner angle of the eye which corresponds to the lid (NICTITATING 
MEMBRANE) that moves laterally across 
the eye of Reptiles and Birds; or the 
terminal vertebrae (coccyx) of the human 
spinal column. Other animals likewise 
possess many such structures. Porpoises 
have vestiges of hind limbs enclosed 
within the body, and certain species of 
Snakes bear tiny useless hind legs. The 
splint bones of the Horse are remnants of 
lost toes. (Figs. 109, 206, 229, 230, 234.) 
In another class of cases, the organs, or 
remnants of organs of a lower form are 
Hic 230-— Veatiaial altered or completely made over, as it 
hind limbs of a Snake, were, into new organs of the higher form. 
Python. f, femur or thigh The milk glands of Mammals are trans- 
aaa oe une formed sweat glands of the skin, while the 
poison glands of Snakes are specialized 
salivary glands. During the embryonic life of Vertebrates there 
are gill slits, all of which vanish in higher forms except one 
pair which remains as passages (HUSTACHIAN TUBES) connect- 


ing each middle ear with the pharynx. Gill arches, which func- 
tion as supports for the gills in the aquatic Vertebrates, persist 
in highly modified form as skeletal structures associated with 
the tongue and entrance to the lungs (LARYNX) in terrestrial 
forms. Finally, in this connection the reader will recall the trans- 
formations of the blood vessels in the Vertebrates which occur 
with the substitution of lungs for gills, and also the variations 
and interrelationships of the excretory and reproductive systems 
in the ascending series of Ver- 
tebrate classes. (Figs. 121, 
122,127,129, 14372515) 

One may, of course, con- 
clude from all these facts that 

brates have each been inde- 
Fic. 231. — Head of a Rattlesnake, 

with the skin and part of the muscles pendently created according to 

removed. The long oval mass in the the same preconceived plan — 
upper jaw which is connected by a duct and likewise all the great num- 

with the curved tooth, the fang, is the bers of orders, families, genera, 
poison gland. (From Smallwood.) 5; 

species, etc., of each of the five 
classes that these forms represent. Or one may conclude that all 
have arisen by descent with change from a primitive Vertebrate 
organism which possessed the fundamental similarities exhibited 
from Fish to Man. The latter is the conclusion accepted by biolo- 
gists to-day. 

3. Paleontology 

Huxley once said that if zodlogists and embryologists had not 
put forward the theory of evolution, it would have been necessary 
for paleontologists to invent it. What then are the main facts 
offered by PALEONTOLOGY, the study of the FossiL remains of ex- 
tinct animals and plants? 

In the first place it must be made clear that geologists are able 
to determine, with remarkable accuracy in most cases, the se- 
quence in time, or CHRONOLOGICAL SUCCESSION, of the rock strata 
composing the Earth’s surface. The main outline of this scheme 
of geological chronology was understood long before the evolution 
of organisms was a crucial question; so that we may consider the 
evidence which it affords of the chronological succession of the 
fossil remains exhibited by the various strata, as impartial testi- 



The present or ‘Recent time,’ and the time during which Man at- 
tained his highest civilization; estimated to be less than 10,000 

Glacial or Pleistocene epoch. Last great ice age. Rise of Man. 
Pliocene epoch. Rise of types transitional to Man. 
Miocene and Oligocene epochs. Rise of Apes. 
Eocene epoch. Rise of higher Mammals. 

Mesozoic on Meprevat Era: AGE OF REPTILE DOMINANCE. 
Cretaceous period. Rise of primitive Mammals and Seed Plants. 
Jurassic period. Rise of Birds and flying Reptiles. 

Triassic period. Rise of Dinosaurs, and Mammalian stock. 


Permian period. Rise of Reptiles and Conifer forests. Another great 
ice age. 

Carboniferous period. Age of Amphibia. Rise of Insects. Marked 
coal accumulation. 

Devonian period. Age of Fishes. First known marine Fishes, and 

Silurian period. First known land floras. 

Ordovician period. First fresh-water Fishes. 

Cambrian period. First shell-bearing marine animals, and dominance 
of Trilobites. 

An early and a late ice age. 


Beginnings of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, and of continental 
platforms and oceanic basins. No known geological record. 

1 From Schuchert, somewhat modified. 


mony to the order of appearance on the Earth of the different 
types of animals and plants. (Fig. 232.) 

The geological time-table (page 359) summarizes the panoramic 
succession of life as it is seen by the paleontologist. It is of little 
value to discuss the absolute duration of geologic time, because 
the estimates vary so greatly, though there are fairly reliable data 
in regard to the relative length of the various eras. Perhaps the 
conservative estimate of two billion years — much more than half 

ANTES —— Les BIRDS or 

oF Z 









ae SE Seer 

ee ee a ee ee ee 


Fic. 232. — Chart showing the origin and degree of development of the 
chief groups of Vertebrates, correlated with the geological time-table. (From 
Lindsey, after Osborn.) 




of which was before the Cambrian period — will serve to spell the 
Earth’s unfathomable past and to afford some idea of the immen- 
sity of time available for evolutionary changes. 

Even a casual survey of this history — natural history — of the 
Earth and its inhabitants cannot but impress one with the fact 
that, taken all in all, there has been a continuous, though not 
always a uniform, advance in the complexity of organisms from 
the most ancient times, and that the older types seem gradually 
to melt into modern forms as the remoter geological eras merge 
into the more recent. ‘‘Only the shortness of human life allows us 


to speak of species as permanent entities.” Invertebrates appear 
in the Proterozoic Era; Fishes, Amphibians, and Reptiles in the 
Paleozoic; Birds and primitive Mammals in the Mesozoic; higher 
Mammals and Man in the Cenozoic. Mosses and Ferns arise 
before Conifers and the latter before the familiar Seed Plants. 
Just in proportion to the completeness of the geological record 
is the unequivocal character of its testimony to the truth of the 

Fic. 233. — Reptilian Bird, Archaeopteryx (A), compared with Pigeon, 
Columba livia (B). (From Lull.) 

evolution theory. For the sake of concreteness we may select two 
examples from the wealth of material offered by the paleontologist. 

At first glance there seems to be little but contrasts between a 
typical Reptile and a typical Bird; between a cold-blooded, scaly- 
skinned Lizard, let us say, and a warm-blooded, feathered Pigeon. 
And yet the zodlogist is convinced that Birds have evolved from 
a reptilian stock, because, in spite of superficial dissimilarities, 
there are fundamental structural resemblances not only between 
adult Reptiles and Birds, but also between their embryological 
stages. And further, because the fossil remains of a very primitive 
Bird, Archaeopteryx, have been found which form, in many ways, 


a connecting link between the Reptiles and Birds as we know them 
to-day. (Fig. 233.) 

Archaeopteryx was undoubtedly a bird about the size of a 
Pigeon, but one with jaws supplied with many small teeth; with 
a long lizard-like tail formed of many vertebrae, each bearing a 
pair of quill feathers; with a four-fingered reptilian hand; and 
so on. In brief, just such a creature as the imagination of an evolu- 
tionist would picture for a primitive Bird has been actually dis- 
covered in the lithographic stone quarries of Bavaria, representing 
the later Jurassic period. 

The ancestry of the modern Horse has been the most impressive 
fossil pedigree, ever since Professor Marsh collected the famous 
series of fossil skeletons from the western United States and ar- 
ranged them in the Yale University Museum. They have been 
referred to as the “first documentary record of the evolution of a 
race.” Huxley studied this collection and regarded it as conclusive 
evidence of evolution. 

The essential facts of the evolution of the Horse are these. 
Horse-like animals probably arose from an extinct group, similar 
to the Condylarthra, which had five toes on each foot and a large 
part of the sole resting on the ground. However, the first unques- 
tionable horse-like forms found in North America are little animals 
about a foot in height, known as Eohippus, from rocks of the 
EocEnE epoch. The fore foot of Eohippus has four complete toes 
(digits 2, 3, 4, and 5) but no trace of the inner digit, or thumb, 
while the hind foot has three complete digits (2, 3, and 4) with 
vestigial remains, or splints, of the first and fifth. Later in the 
Eocene appears Orohippus showing a somewhat larger central 
digit in the fore foot and the disappearance of the splints in the 
hind foot. Passing up to the OLIGOCENE epoch, Mesohippus, an 
animal about the size of a wolf, occurs with fore and hind feet 
three-toed, but with the side toes much smaller than the central 
one, and just a trace of the fifth digit in the fore foot as a splint. 
Then Merychippus appears in the MiocENE epoch, with still 
shorter side toes (digits 2 and 4) so that they do not reach the 
ground, and the weight is borne solely on the hoofed tip of the third 
digit. This same general reduction of the lateral digits and advance 
in size and functional importance of the middle digit is carried 
further during the PLIOCENE epoch in Pliohippus, which is usually 
regarded as the first type of ‘one-toed’ Horse, and leads finally 


Hind Foot 

Fore Foot 

Formations in Western United States and Characteristic Type of Horse in Each 

One Toe 
* Splints of 
24 ond 4athdigits 

One Toe 

Splints of 
2 ond 4! digits 


Three Toes 

Three Toes 

Side toes 

e 2 
“ = = 
2we oo 
o,¥ < o,? 2 
Flfy | BY 
Vio = vIE = 
Lis oo = 5 
"= — oe 
a = ia 


“ = 
2285 n 
irl rt) 
al aa e 
Vlzwe = 
4 Pe = 
Eas: 2 
e ‘ote 

GA Eohippus 

The Premolar Teeth 
become more and more 

Hypothetical Ancestors with Five Toes on Each Foot 

and Teeth like those of Monkeys etc, 

like true molars 


Age of 

(From Matthew.) 



Fic. 234. — Graphic presentation of the evolution of the Horse. 


to the genus Equus which has continued from the PLEISTOCENE 
epoch to the present. This genus includes the modern Horse, 
Equus caballus, with one functional digit on each foot and vestiges 
of two more (digits 2 and 4) as the splint bones. (Fig. 234.) 

In this outline of what must be interpreted as the fossil ancestors 
of the Horse of to-day, we have merely selected several representa- 
tive forms to emphasize changes in foot structure. But the reader 
will realize that many other equally significant changes were in- 
volved in the transformation — during perhaps ten million gen- 
erations — of an Eohippus type into that of Equus. This much 
appears certain to the biologist: ““In early Eocene times there 
lived small five-toed hoofed quadrupeds of generalized type, that 
the descendants of these were gradually specialized throughout 
long ages along similar but by and by divergent lines, that they 
lost toe after toe till only the third remained, that they became 
taller and swifter, that they gained longer necks, more complex 
teeth, and larger brains. So from the short-legged splay-footed 
plodders of the Eocene marshes there were evolved light-footed 
horses running on tiptoe on the dry plains.” 

Truly, the stupendous and ever increasing record of ancient 
forms of life is not that of a disordered multitude. Newly dis- 
covered fossil remains, one after another, fall into the scheme 
of a common tree of descent — descent with change. 

4. Embryology 

If evolution is a fact, one would expect to find evidences of the 
genetic relationships of organisms in their embryological develop- 
ment from egg to adult. Under former headings we have inciden- 
tally mentioned embryological data which point toward evolution, 
so that now attention may be confined to an attempt to make clear 
a fact of first importance — the history of the individual frequently 
corresponds in broad outlines to the history of the race as indicated 
by evidence from comparative anatomy, etc. If we have in mind 
the earlier discussion of Vertebrate anatomy, just a few examples 
will suffice to suggest the type of evidence which supports this 

Lower Vertebrates, such as the Fishes, have a heart composed of 
two chief chambers: an auricle which receives blood from the 
body as a whole and a ventricle which pumps it to the gills on its 
way to supply all parts of the body. Among the members of the 


next higher group, the Amphibia (Frogs, Toads, etc.), the auricle 
is divided into two parts, while the ventricle remains as before. 
Thus these forms have a three-chambered heart. Passing to the 
Reptiles, we find that most of the Lizards, Snakes, and Turtles 
have the ventricle partially divided into two chambers, while 
the more specialized Crocodiles and Alligators have a complete 
partition and therefore a four-chambered heart. This is the con- 

vr yy 
Ba on 
On! tan 

i ia ap 
Uti Greet 

Mid d 

rire THR 


Fic. 235. — Embryos in corresponding stages of development. A, Fish 
(Shark); B, Bird; C, Man. g, gill slits. (From Scott.) 

dition in all adult Birds and Mammals, but the significant fact 
is that, in the development of the heart of the individual Bird and 
Mammal, embryonic stages succeed each other which parallel in 
a general though remarkable way this sequence from a two- 
chambered to a four-chambered condition as exhibited in the 
adults of the lower Vertebrates. (Figs. 120-122.) 

Or take the development of the brain in the Vertebrate series. 
Even in the human embryo the fundament of the brain arises by 
simple transformations of the anterior end of the neural tube, 


which at first are nearly indistinguishable from the conditions 
which exist in the lowest Vertebrates. Then the changes become 
progressively more complex along lines broadly similar to those 
occurring from Fish to Mammal, until finally the complex human 
brain is formed. (Figs. 140, 141.) 

The same picture is presented by a study of the development of 
the excretory system, the reproductive system, the skull, and so 
on. One cannot avoid the fact that the organs of higher animals 
during development pass through stages which correspond with 
the larval or adult condition of similar organs in lower forms. The 
correspondence is far from exact — to be sure, there are gaps and 
blurs — but it is not an exaggeration to say that embryological 
development is parallel to that which anatomical study leads us 
to expect. A knowledge of the anatomy of an animal actually 
gives a sound basis of facts from which to predict in broad out- 
lines its embryological development. (Figs. 129, 235.) 

What are the bearings of these facts on the evolution theory? 
It is perfectly logical to conclude that it is an architectural neces- 
sity, let us say, for the four-chambered heart to arise from a two- 
and three-chambered condition — and undoubtedly if this were 
the only example of ‘ontogeny repeating phylogeny’ the conclusion 
would be justified. But when one considers the widespread general 
correspondence of the developmental stages in higher forms with 
conditions as they exist in the adults of lower forms, the facts al- 
most overwhelmingly force us to go further and conclude that the 
similarity has its basis in inheritance, in actual blood relationship 
between the higher and lower forms, in descent with change — evo- 

5. Physiology 

Fundamental structural similarities throughout a series of or- 
ganisms implies fundamental physiological similarities — struc- 
ture and function go hand in hand, each being an expression of 
the other: function alone gives permanence to structure — and 
this is strikingly corroborated by the data accumulated which 
show that species are characterized not only by morphological 
attributes, but by their specific biochemical constitution as well. 
But this physiological evidence of the relationships of organisms 
is less readily presented in brief form, so we may confine attention 
to the most significant examples. 


It will be recalled that chemical! control by hormones plays an 
important part in the coordination of the multicellular animal 
into a working unit, especially in the case of such functions as 
digestion, growth, and reproduction. Now it is significant that 
the hormones seem to be largely if not completely interchangeable 
from one species of Vertebrate to another. Thus a deficiency in 
the insulin hormone in Man may be supplied from the pancreas 
of a Fish or a Sheep. Obviously this strongly suggests that at least 
certain of the chemical regulators have been common factors 
from a remote ancestral period. 

But chemical differences as significant as anatomical ones have 
been revealed by the type of crystals formed by the hemoglobin 
of the blood. When orders, families, genera, or species are clearly 
separated by anatomical criteria, the crystals are correspondingly 
markedly differentiated. Thus from crystal form it is evident 
that the common White Rat is the albino of the Norway Rat 
(Mus norvegicus) and not of the Black Rat (Mus rattus); and that 
Bears are more nearly related to the Seals than they are to Dogs. 

Again, there are other important chemical differences, not de- 
terminable by ordinary chemical analysis, between the blood even 
of closely related species, long known by the fact that the TRANS- 
FUSION of the blood of one species into another is usually attended 
by physiological disturbances and often by death. It has been 
found by innumerable transfusions and also by so-called PRECIPITIN 
TEsts of the blood in vitro, that is outside the body, that the degree 
of the reaction is in many cases proportional to the degree of re- 
lationship of the species involved, as indicated by their classifica- 
tion on the basis of anatomical structure. 

Thus, as one would expect, human blood shows by the precipitin 
test closer chemical relationships with the blood of the highest 
Apes than it does with that of the Old World Monkeys; closer re- 
lationships with the blood of the latter than it does with that of 
the New World Monkeys; and closer with the blood of these than 
with that of the Lemurs; and so on. Or, descending to the Reptiles: 
paleontology indicates that there is a close relationship between 
Lizards and Snakes and also between Turtles and Crocodiles, while 
the reptilian ancestor of the Birds was probably more closely allied 
with the latter than the former groups. These same relationships 
are indicated by blood tests. 

Thus aside from a few startling exceptions, which further study 


perhaps may bring into line, all the data warrant the conclusion that 
the chemical characteristics of the blood are almost as constant 
as structural similarities of the blood vessels. Indeed, the inorganic 
salts present in the various circulating fluids of animals correspond 
in nature and relative amounts to what we have good reason to 
believe was the composition of the ocean some hundred million 
years ago. So in evolutionary terms, a common property has per- 
sisted in the bloods of animals throughout the ages which have 
elapsed during their evolution from a common ancestor: of all 
the systems, the blood perhaps is the most conservative in retain- 
ing its ancestral condition. Blood relationship is a fact. 

6. Distribution 

Everyone recognizes that there are wide variations in the fauna 
and flora of different parts of the Earth. There is a characteristic 
life on mountain, plain, and seashore, and in the sea — as well as 
in pond and puddle — and also in arctic, temperate, and tropical 
regions. But the problem of animal and plant distribution is by 
no means so simple as this statement might seem to imply, because 
the study involves the investigation of both the relations of the 
various organisms to the general environing conditions, and the 
interrelations of the species with each other. It forms a part of the 
sciences of plant and animal EcoLoay. (Figs. 220, 236.) 

Confining attention merely to the geographical distribution of 
animals — which forms the science of zoOOGEOGRAPHY — let us take 
a couple of clear-cut examples and see whether or no evolution 
offers a reasonable explanation of the facts. 

A characteristic genus of Mammals, known as the Tapirs, is 
represented to-day by distinct species in two widely separated 
regions: Central and South America and southern Asia and ad- 
jacent islands. But distribution in the past proves to be the key 
to the present distribution. Paleontological studies show that in 
the Pliocene epoch Tapirs were distributed over nearly all of North 
America, Europe, and northern Asia, and thereafter gradually 
became extinct so that by the close of the Pleistocene epoch the 
remnants were distributed as we find them to-day. In brief, the 
present discontinuous distribution represents the remnants of a 
world-wide Tapir population, and the differences between the 
existing species are such as one might expect to find among the 
members of a genus long isolated in different environments by 


Fic. 236. — Geographical distribution of Song Sparrows. Each different 
number indicates habitat of a subspecies. ‘‘We find complete integradation in 
color and in size. Nowhere can one draw the line. As the climatic conditions 
under which the birds live change, the birds keep pace. Here we have a species 
in flower, as it were, a single Song Sparrow stalk with its twenty-nine blos- 
soms, any one of which might make an independent growth as a species if it 
were separated from the parent stem. Doubtless some day the separation will 
come, when we shall have several species, each with its groups of races, but 
at present we have only one species, divided into some twenty-nine sub- 
species, or species in process of formation.”” (Chapman.) 


geographical barriers. We know, for example, that a litter of 
European Rabbits was introduced on the small island of Porto 
Santo during the fifteenth century and by the middle of the last 
century its descendants had become so distinct from the parent 
form that they were described as a new species. (Fig. 92.) 

Fic. 237. — Successive forms of a Snail, Paludina, from the Tertiary deposits 
of Slavonia. (From Lull, after Neumayr.) 

As a matter of fact the characteristic fauna of islands was what 
impressed Darwin with the need of some interpretation of their 
origin other than by special creation. During his famous three 
years’ voyage around the world on the “ Beagle,’ he stopped at the 
Galapagos Islands, situated about 600 miles off the west coast of 
South America, and was astonished to find that although the fauna 
as a whole resembled fairly closely that of the mainland, neverthe- 
less the species for the most part not only were different, but even 
those of the separate islands were distinct — the islands nearest to 


Fic. 238. — Evolution of the head and molar teeth of Elephants. A, A’, 
Elephas, Pleistocene; B, Stegodon, Pliocene; C, C’, Mastodon, Pleistocene; 
D, D’, Trilophodon, Miocene; E, E’, Palaeomastodon, Oligocene; F, F’, Moeri- 
therium, Eocene. (From Lull.) 


each other having species most similar. Darwin wrote, “ My atten- 
tion was first thoroughly aroused by comparing together the 
numerous specimens, shot by myself and several others on board, 
of Mocking Thrushes, when, to my astonishment, I discovered 
that all those from Charles Island belonged to one species 
(Mimus trifasciatus); all from Aibemarle Island to M. parvulus; 
and all from James and Chatham Islands (between which 
two other islands are situated as connecting links) belonged to 
M. melanotis.” 

Darwin’s observations of such facts as these have been cor- 
roborated in the Galapagos and extended to isolated island faunas 
and floras all over the world. For instance, half of the species of 
Insects and four-fifths of the species of Seed Plants that occur on 
St. Helena are found nowhere else. And further, Darwin’s ex- 
planation of the phenomena is the most plausible extant. Conti- 
nental islands secure their life from the mainland before they are 
cut off, and oceanic islands after their formation by volcanic action 
alone or aided by coral growth. In either event the organisms in- 
habiting islands are isolated from the main stock of the species, 
and they diverge, in proportion to the length of time and the degree 
of isolation, until they constitute separate races and _ species. 
Isolation promotes divergence apparently to a considerable extent 
by preventing new types from being swamped by interbreeding 
with the old, and by allowing many mutations to become established 
that would not survive in a more competitive field. Furthermore, 
new conditions may afford new problems to be met by mutations, 
and so favor their persistence. We see evolution as a response of 
life to its environment. Each species peculiar to each isolated 
island can reasonably be interpreted as having arisen by descent 
with change. (Figs. 236-238.) 

We have now summarized a few concrete examples of the chief 
types of evidence that organisms — species — have come to be 
what they are to-day through a long process of descent with change. 
This evidence, taken with that presented, so to speak, on and be- 
tween the lines throughout this work, should place the reader in a 
position to form a more or less independent judgment of the ques- 
tion. It is only necessary to remind him again that, although the 
evidence, from the nature of the case, must inevitably be indirect, 
its force is tremendously increased by its amount. And the reader, 
with only a very limited amount of the data before him, cannot 


appreciate the overwhelming impressiveness of all the concordant 
evidence for organic evolution. 


Taking for granted the fact of evolution, what are the factors 
which have brought about evolution? That is quite a different 
question, but one which has often brought confusion to the popular 
mind. Although biologists are in general agreement on the basic 
factors involved, there is much debate in regard to their relative 
importance and method of operation. And the layman has mis- 
taken the questioning of one factor or another for a questioning 
of the fact. 

No purpose will be served by a long historical account of the 
origin of the present-day point of view. Suffice it to say that the 
evolution idea is a generalization which has crept from science to 
science — from astronomy to geology, from geology to biology, 
thereupon becoming ORGANIC evolution. The idea in one form or 
another is as old as history, but for all practical purposes the biol- 
ogist Lamarck, during the early part of the nineteenth century, 
formulated the first consistently worked out theory of organic 
evolution. (Fig. 293.) 

1. Lamarckism 

The evidence for organic evolution offered by Lamarck was 
necessarily limited in amount, and in some cases neither happily 
selected nor convincingly presented, so it was laughed out of court 
by biologists and laymen alike. His evolution factor was essentially 
the change of the organism through the use and disuse of parts; 
the physiological response of the organism to new needs offered by 
new conditions of life. And these changes, somatic in origin, he 
believed were transmitted to the progeny. His first statement in 
1809, freely translated, is as follows: 

“First Law: In every animal which has not exceeded the term 
of its development, the more frequent and sustained use of any 
organ gradually strengthens this organ, develops, and enlarges it, 
and gives it a strength proportioned to the length of time of such 
use, while the constant lack of use of such an organ imperceptibly 
weakens it, causing it to become reduced, progressively diminishes 
its faculties, and ends in its disappearance. 

“Second Law: Everything which nature has caused individuals 


to acquire or lose by the influence of the circumstances to which 
their race may be for a long time exposed, and consequently by the 
influence of the predominant use of such an organ, or by that of 
the constant lack of use of such part, it preserves by heredity and 
passes on to the new individuals which descend from it, provided 
that the changes thus acquired are common to both sexes, or to 
those which have given origin to these new individuals.” 

Lamarck’s first law is, in general, sound, but the second — the 
inheritance of acquired characters — is highly questionable to say 
the least, because, as we have seen, there is no evidence that modi- 
fications are heritable. But this weak point was not the one which 
caused the rejection of the theory by Lamarck’s contemporaries. 
The various antagonistic influences can be summed up by saying: 
the time was not ripe for evolution. 

2. Darwinism . 

Then a generation later appeared Charles Darwin in England. 
With a better background prepared for him, in part by headway 
being made by the evclution theory in geology, he did two things 
in his Origin of Species which was published in 1859. He presented 
an overwhelming mass of facts which could be explained most 
reasonably by assuming the origin of existing species by descent 
with change from other species. And he offered as an explanation 
of the origin of species the theory of “NATURAL SELECTION, or the 
preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life.” It was the 
combination of the facts and the theory to account for the facts 
that won the thinking world to organic evolution — a common 
height from which we view the whole world of living beings. 
(Fig. 296.) 

What, in brief, was the theory? In the first place, without 
attempting to determine the cause of variations, Darwin showed 
the great amount of VARIATION in nature. And any and all kinds 
of heritable variations were, broadly speaking, important — though 
he somewhat grudgingly admitted the inheritance of acquired 

The universality of variations established, Darwin emphasized 
the fact that the POWER OF REPRODUCTION of organisms far ex- 
ceeds space for the offspring to live in and food for them to eat. 
Some recent data will illustrate this point. A microscopic Para- 
mecium possesses the power to eat, grow, and reproduce — to 


transform the materials of its environment into Paramecium proto- 
plasm — at the rate of 3000 generations in five years. And all the 
descendants (if they actually existed) would equal 2 raised to the 
3000th power, or a volume of protoplasm approximately equal to 
101° times the volume of the Earth! The Plant Lice, or Aphids, 
may produce a dozen generations in a year. The final brood, as- 
suming the average number of young produced by each female to 
be one hundred and that every individual produced its full com- 
plement of young, would consist of ten sextillion individuals — 
a procession, if it could be marshalled, that ““would extend from 
the Earth out into space far beyond the furthest star that has 
ever been discerned by the telescope.”” The common House Fly 
under favorable conditions may lay as many as six batches of eggs, 
of about one hundred and forty eggs each, during its short life 
of approximately three weeks. Assuming that all the progeny 
survived and multiplied at the same rate, “the progeny of a single 
pair, if pressed together into a single mass, would occupy some- 
thing like a quarter of a million cubic feet, allowing 200,000 flies to 
a cubic foot.” And the all too familiar Mosquito may have nearly 
two hundred billion descendants during one summer. Indeed, the 
common Rat will afford astounding figures. (Figs. 222, 246, 258.) 

The number of individual organisms on the Earth is essentially 
infinite. If it is assumed that the average life span of an individual 
is a year —a day would probably be nearer the truth — then 
one must grip the fact that this infinitude of individuals is each 
year wiped out, and replaced by reproduction. Such an almost 
explosive expansion of a population under favorable conditions is 
appalling, though true, and serves to afford an appreciation of 
the enormous realized and unrealized potentialities of living mat- 
ter to make more living matter — to reproduce. ‘The problem 
of organic evolution is that of the evolution of an organic mass 
consisting of an infinitude of individuals reproduced during an 
infinitude of generations. ”’ 

Something must — does — suppress the inherent power of each 
species to overpopulate the Earth, and Darwin emphasized the 
STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE between the individuals of species. 
Since the struggle is so keen, a variation, however slight, which 
fits — adapts — an individual better to its surroundings than its 
neighbors are adapted, will, more cften than not, give its possessor 
an advantage in the struggle, and accordingly the latter will 


Fic. 239. — A few varieties of domestic Pigeons. Over one hundred and 
fifty different breeds have been derived by selection from the wild Blue-rock 
Pigeon, some of which “differ fully as much from each other in external 
characters as do the most distinct natural genera.””’ (Darwin.) 1, Blue-rock 
Pigeon, Columba livia, ancestral form; 2, homing; 3, common mongrel; 4, arch- 
angel; 5, tumbler; 6, bald-headed tumbler; 7, barb; 8, pouter; 9, Russian 
trumpeter; 10, fairy swallow; 11, black-winged swallow; 12, fantail; 13, car- 
- rier; 14, 15, bluetts; bird between 14 and 15, a tailed turbit. (From photo- 
graph of an exhibit in the United States National Museum.) 


tend to survive and to pass on the favorable variation to its prog- 
eny. Thus by NATURAL SELECTION is brought about THE SURVIVAL 
OF THE FITTEST — the survival of those individuals, and there- 
fore species, which are best adapted to the peculiar conditions 
of their environment and mode of life. And note, this offers an 
explanation of the fact of adaptation itself — perhaps the most 
striking phenomenon which organisms exhibit. 

This is all so simple from one point of view and so confusingly 
complex from others that it may well be restated in a couple of 
sentences by Darwin himself: ““As many more individuals of each 
species are born than can possibly survive, and as, consequently, 
there is frequently recurring struggle for existence, it follows that 
any being, if it vary however slightly in any manner profitable 
to itself, under the complex and sometimes varying conditions of 
life, will have a better chance of surviving, and thus be naturally 
selected. From the strong principle of inheritance any selected 
variety will tend to propagate its new and modified form.” 

Nothing succeeds like success, and once started Darwin’s theory 
gradually swept nearly all opposition away. Indeed, some of its 
advocates in their enthusiasm extended Darwin’s theory to a 
point not justified by his own conservative statements. Then, 
as was to be expected, the reaction came. One objection after 
another was raised as the problem was studied from nearly every 
standpoint by biologists the world over. But it is unnecessary to 
obscure the main issue by entering into these controversies. What 
is the status of the theory of natural selection to-day) The answer 
must be sought in the light of genetics. (Figs. 180, 239.) 

3. Genetics and Evolution 

Evolution is not a closed book — an event which has been com- 
pleted in the past — but a process which is actively going on now. 
It may well be an accelerating process that is gaining momentum. 
Perhaps it is even to-day but little beyond the beginning of its 
revelations. ‘‘ Nothing endures save the flow of energy and the ra- 
tional order that pervades it.’’ And there is every reason to be- 
lieve that the factors involved in present evolution are the same 
as those which have operated in the past. This UNIFORMITARIAN 
doctrine has proved productive in explaining the evolution of the 
Earth, and all the available evidence indicates that this view- 
point will prove — is proving — equally valuable in understand- 


ing the origin of the diverse inhabitants of the Earth. We now 
realize that organic evolution is a bird’s-eye view of the results 
of heredity since the origin of life— the facts of inheritance 
hold the key to the factors of evolution. Therefore we shall 
consider the relations of recent discoveries in genetics to the 
evolution problem — to the origin of the fitness of organisms. 

SELECTION. The process of selection has long been successfully 
practiced by man to establish desirable types of domestic animals 
and plants, and, as we know, Darwin assumed that a somewhat 
similar but automatic selective process determines the survival 
of the better adapted wild forms in nature. Darwin clearly 
recognized that selection in itself can produce nothing — its efficacy 
depends on the materials afforded by variation. But he did not 
and, of course, could not make the modern sharp distinction be- 
tween modifications, recombinations, and mutations. In general 
he accepted all variations as at the disposal of selection, but em- 
phasized the importance of small, finely-graded fluctuating varia- 
tions in gradually producing, through many generations, a cumu- 
lative effect in the direction of selection — variations that to-day 
we know are, in part, modifications. 

The modern approach to the critical analysis of significant varia- 
tions was opened by the work of two botanists, deVries and 
Johannsen. DeVries laid stress on the importance of discontinuous 
variations which he called MUTATIONS — a class of variations that 
we have already discussed; while Johannsen made clear that in a 
homozygous germ complex, or 
PURE LINE, selection is ineffective, 
as will appear beyond. 

Some of the problems of selec- 
tion will be clear from an example. 
Take, say, a quart of beans and 
sort them into groups according 

1 at Ae to the weight of each bean. Then 

Fic. 240. — Diagram to illus- ; 
trate a quart (population) of beans put each group into a separate 
assorted according to weight. cylinder and arrange the cylinders 

in a_ series according to the 
weight of the enclosed beans. Now if we imagine a line connecting 
the tops of the bean piles in the cylinders, it takes the form of a 
normal curve of probability, or variability curve. A similar figure 


would be obtained by the statistical treatment of nearly all fluctuat- 
ing characters among the members of any large group of organisms, 
or of the size of the grains in a handful of sand, or the deviations 
of shots from the bull’s-eye in a shooting match. Therefore the 
variations with respect to a given character very closely approxi- 
mate the expectation from the mathematical theory of probability, 
or chance, and the reasonable conclusion is that such finely-graded 
fluctuating variations are a resultant of a large number of factors, 
each of which contributes its slight and variable quota to the ex- 
pression in a given individual. (Figs. 240, 241.) 

The question is, what results are obtained by breeding from 
individuals which exhibit such a fluctuating variation to, let us 

Inches 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Gl 62 63 64 65 G6 67 68 69 70 71 
Persone 2 S$ 7 18 $4 80 135 163 183 163 115 78 41 146 8 & 2 

Fic. 241. — Normal variability curve plotted from measurements of the 
height of 1052 women (population). The height of each rectangle is propor- 
tional to the number of individuals of each given height. (From Kellicott, 
after Pearson.) 

say, a greater degree than that of the mean of a mixed POPULA- 
TION? One will perhaps expect, and rightly, that the offspring 
usually will exhibit the character to a less degree than the parents 
but to a greater degree than the population. The top (mode) of the 
curve will have moved, so to speak, slightly in the direction of selec- 
tion. Now, by continuing generation after generation to select as 
parents the extreme individuals, is it possible, with due allowance 
for some regression, to take one step after another indefinitely, or 
until the character in question is expressed to a degree which 
did not exist previously? The experience of practical breeders 


gives a partial answer, since the continual selection of the best 
animals for mating and the best plants for seed has been a profit- 
able procedure. But it has long been known that after a certain 
amount of selection has been practiced it may cease to be effec- 
tive, and thenceforth serves chiefly to keep the character at the 
higher level attained. (Fig. 242.) 

The crux of the matter is in regard to exactly what the varia- 
tions are. Both modifications and recombinations are usually in- 
cluded, and this mixture of non-heritable and heritable variations 

1 2 3 4 
Fic. 242. — Schematic representation of the effect of selection from the 
viewpoint of Galton’s ‘law of filial regression.’ 1, Mode before selection; 
2, 3, 4, new (successive) modes, the results of selections of individuals at 
2’, 3’, 4’. The mode has been shifted in the direction of selection (toward the 

right). But there has been each time an amount of regression indicated by 
the length of the arrows. 

is what makes confusion. If we rule out recombinations by inbreed- 
ing or by self-fertilization of homozygous individuals, soon we 
establish puRE LINES. Then the variations are all modifications 
and selection is ineffectual with characters which are not inherited. 

The importance of this point was discovered by Johannsen in 
careful experiments on the inheritance of characters in single pure 
lines of a brown variety of the common garden Bean. For example, 
by keeping the progeny of each individual bean separate from that 
of all the rest, he was able to isolate a number of pure lines which 
differed in regard to the average weight of the beans. Thus selec- 
tion resolved the bean population with which he began into its con- 
stituent ‘weight types,’ or lines, each of which exhibited a charac- 
teristic variability curve of its own with a mode departing more 
or less from that of the population. But when Johannsen selected 
within a pure line (ruled out recombinations) nothing at all re- 
sulted; he was unable to shift the mode because he was dealing 
with non-heritable characters. In other words, selection sorts out 
preéxisting pure lines (lines with homogeneous germinal constitu- 


tion) from a population and then stops — though if selection is 
stopped the isolated lines usually merge soon again into the original 
population. A mutation must occur in the pure line for selection 
to be effective — but by 

: : lt 
the mutation the single — 

pure line becomes two. : 

(Fig. 243.) 

Thus the pure line con- 
cept has served to clarify 
our ideas in regard to 2 
selection by focussing at- 
tention on the actual na- 
ture of the variations be- 
ing dealt with — to make 8 
a sharp discrimination 
between modifications, 
which are a result of en- 
vironmental influences 
recurrent in each genera- 
tion, and variations that 
are heritable because they 3 
are the result of changes 
in the germ plasm. 

However, it will be 
recognized at once that, 
in general, the animal 
breeder, as well as Nature, Population 
deals with hybrid stock, 
heterozygous in regard to 

a characters, rather Fic. 243. — Diagram to illustrate a popula- 
than pure lines. Even tion of beans and its five component pure 
pure lines do not stay pure lines. The beans are assorted according to 
—mutations occur. Here weight. Tubes containing beans of the same 
: weight are placed in the same vertical row. 
selection has ample ma- g¢e¢ Fig. 240. (From Walter, after Johannsen.) 
terial at its disposal so it 
can and does isolate new combinations and accumulate mutations 
in the direction of selection. If it is carried on sufficiently long, 
the extent of the change may be very great: a more or less steady 
change in the direction of selection when mutations are available. 

Although selection is not ‘creative,’ it is effective: the appre- 


ciation of its limitations has but accentuated its possibilities. 
NATURAL SELECTION may automatically act as a ‘sieve’ and sort 
out the new combinations and mutations presented — retain the 
fit and discard the unfit — and so afford a natural explanation of 
adaptation. (Figs. 179, 239.) 

MetTHOD OF EvoLuTiIon. A synoptic view of some of the essen- 
tial facts, presented from a different angle, may serve to clarify 
our view of evolution as fundamentally a complex problem in 

In the first place, we have seen that though variations are the 
rule and not the exception, some are of importance for evolution 
and some are not. All the evidence indicates that the effective 
variations are germinal and not somatic. Changes arising in the 
soma — modifications — are unable to attain representation in the 
germ so that they are ‘born again,’ although modifications re- 
newed by the soma in each generation may enable a race to survive 
until appropriate recombinations or mutations appear. Evolution 
must be brought about by changes in the germinal complex — by 
the evolution of the germ plasm itself. Accordingly selection must 
operate to eliminate the unfit germ plasm (genotype) rather than 
the unfit soma (phenotype), though as a matter of fact the fitness 
of an individual is determined largely by its somatic characters. 
Dominant genes are directly within the reach of natural selection, 
whereas recessive genes may slip by because they are frequently 
concealed by dominants. The latter is a much more select, and 
selected, group: recessives may be the “skeleton in the nuclear 
cupboard of the race.” We know that inbreeding, e.g., cousin- 
marriages in man, often reveals recessives because relatives are 
likely to carry the same recessives and so afford more chance for 
them to meet and become expressed in the offspring. This presents 
a complication of the mental picture of the operations of selection 
which did not exist before our modern concept of phenotype and 
genotype. Since individuals frequently belie their genotypic con- 
dition — what they can pass on to their progeny — natural selec- 
tion has, so to speak, a more devious though not less sure path. 
(Fig. 182.) 

Secondly, how does the germ plasm change? It will be recalled 
that germinal alterations result from the usual processes of re- 
combination and crossing-over, as well as from the more radical 
mutations — chromosomal aberrations and intrinsic gene changes. 


These afford a wealth of opportunities for alterations in the germ 
plasm and so for the appearance of new characters in organisms. 
Indeed the significance of fertilization, which, of course, is at the 
basis of hybridization, can hardly be overemphasized at this point. 
It provides new combinations not only of established germinal 
factors but also of such mutations as occur, and so affords oppor- 
tunity for relatively rapid germinal change. (Figs. 167, 189, 196.) 

True it is that mutations seem to be infrequent in comparison 
with non-inheritable changes of somatic origin, nevertheless it 
must be borne in mind not only that somatic changes are more 
readily apparent, but also that the majority of the mutations 
which occur lead to a decrease in vitality or even to death. This 
is to be expected, for a random change in a highly complicated 
mechanism such as a living organism, which has long survived 
in a severely competitive environment, is far more apt to upset 
than to improve the nicety of its internal and external adaptation; 
natural selection is conservative unless a changing environment is 
presenting new conditions to be met. 

Relatively little information is available in regard to the basic 
factors that induce mutations, but we have seen that recent ex- 
perimental work indicates that environmental factors, such as 
irradiation, etc., acting directly on the genetic complex are not 
without influence — mutations have been produced. Indeed it 
seems probable that both external and internal environmental 
conditions, particularly the new cellular environment of the genes 
following hybridization, are potential inducers of genetic change 
and so of new variations at the disposal of natural selection. How- 
ever, when all is said, we are far from any appreciation of the 
physico-chemical changes in the germinal material itself that are 
responsible for the new characters. Characters may emerge that, 
at least, are not recognizable as the computable or additive result 
of newly associated genes — the expressions of the genes may 
change, new properties may emerge — “emergent evolution.” But 
witness the properties of water that emerge from a certain associa- 
tion of hydrogen and oxygen! 

One may well inquire whether geneticists in their extensive ex- 
periments during the past two decades have succeeded in ‘creat- 
ing’ a new species. And the answer is largely determined by one’s 
concept of a species — a problem we have already discussed. It is 
fair to say that some biologists hold that new species have been 


‘created,’ while others who are more conservative prefer to con- 
sider the new forms as ‘artificial species.’ Probably all would 
agree that some of the new types would be regarded as true species. 
were their origin not actually known. The question, however, is 
not so important as it may, at first glance, appear. The essential 
fact is that we now understand, at least to a considerable extent, 
the mechanism of inheritance and variation that is at the basis of 
similarity and dissimilarity of individuals, parents and offspring — 
the mechanism that surely is crucially involved in the differentia- 
tion of groups of similar individuals, or species. 

To epitomize — these facts from genetics, taken in connection 
with the wealth of data from geographical distribution, the suc- 
cession of types in the geologic past, and so on, give us the modern 
background for attempting to form an opinion of the method of 
evolution. The opinion of most biologists is that natural selection 
in general is a guiding principle underlying the establishment 
of the adaptive complexes of organisms. Evolution is the result 
of mutations, germinal variations, largely, though not entirely, 
independent of environing conditions. Many of these variations 
give rise to characters which neither increase nor decrease the 
adaptation of the organism, and consequently are neutral from 
the standpoint of its survival. With regard to such characters 
natural selection is essentially inoperative. Other germinal changes 
occur, some of which produce adaptive and others unadaptive 
characters, and here natural selection is effective. It may elim- 
inate the unadaptive and leave the adaptive variations and so 
make possible the survival value of the latter in the struggle for 
existence. The germ plasm never ceases to experiment, or natural 
selection to discover. Variability affording opportunity for adapta- 
bility is expressed in evolvability — perhaps the most profoundly 
significant characteristic of life. 

So, it will be noted, this is essentially a clarified view of Darwin’s 
idea of natural selection that has been made possible by recent 
intensive studies of the intrinsic nature and the origin of varia- 
tions. Natural selection still affords the most satisfactory explana- 
tion of that coordinated adaptation which pervades every form of 
life: it shows how nature can be self-regulating in establishing 
adaptations. But it is probable — indeed, positive — that there 
are more factors involved than are dreamt of in our biology. 

In the words of Thomson: ‘The process of evolution from in- 


visible animalcules has a magnificence that cannot be exaggerated. 
It has been a process in which the time required has been, as it 
were, of no consideration, in which for many millions of years there 
has been neither rest nor haste, in which broad foundations have 
been laid so that a splendid superstructure has been secured, in 
which, in spite of the disappearance of many masterpieces, there 
has been a conservation of great gains. It has its outcome in per- 
sonalities who have discerned its magnificent sweep, who are 
seeking to understand its factors, who are learning some of its 
lessons, who cannot cease trying to interpret it. It looks as if 
Nature were Nature for a purpose’’ — but this thought carries us 
beyond the accepted sphere of science into the great fields of phi- 
losophy and theology. 


Man is part of a web of life which he continues to fashion, and the 
success of his weaving depends upon his understanding. — Thomson. 

Now that we have made a general survey of the foundations of 
biology, it is important to consider some of the outstanding con- 
tributions of biology to human welfare — contributions made, for 
the most part, within a century, but already so interwoven with 
our everyday life that they have become indispensable. 

Strange as it may at first glance appear, usefulness is not the 
basic standard of value adopted by most scientific men: the dis- 
covery of truth is their aim, lead where it will. Although their 
controlling motive is increase of knowledge and enlargement of our 
outlook on nature, it is nevertheless a fact that the practical ap- 
plication of their discoveries is responsible for most of the conditions 
which constitute the environment of modern life. “Science brings 
back new seeds from the regions it explores, and these seem to be 
nothing but trivial curiosities to the people who look for profit from 
research, yet from these seeds come the mighty trees under which 
civilized man has his tent, while from the fruit he gains comfort 
and riches.”” Indeed, the supreme test of the intellectual life of a 
community is the importance which it attaches to research and 
creative intellectual effort. Unless research is held in high esteem, 
with adequate facilities for its maintenance and adequate rewards 
for those who devote themselves to it, the development of applied 
science will be retarded. 

One of the most surprising illustrations of the way in which 
seemingly useless biological research often reveals itself almost 
overnight as of the greatest utility to business, is afforded by the 
present interest of the oil industry in certain Protozoa known as 
FORAMINIFERA: not living Foraminifera but fossil forms from the 
geological past. A short time ago oil companies were wasting large 
sums in sinking drills from which no oil came: frequently such a 
drilling cost as high as sixty thousand dollars, eventually to be 
paid chiefly by the motor-car owner. Then it was noted that 



Foraminifera were brought to the surface with the drilling, and the 
problem was to determine whether the species found in material, 
from relatively near the surface in drills that proved to be oil- 
bearing, could be distinguished from those from dry drills. Accord- 
ingly the companies turned to the United States National Museum 

Fic. 244. — Shells of several species of Foraminifera, considerably magnified. 
1, Cyclammina pauciloculata, two views; 2, Globotertularia anceps; 3, Margin- 
ulina ensis; 4, Vagulina spinigera; 5, Nodosaria filiformis; 6, Rhabdammina 
abyssorum; 7, Chilostomella grandis. 

which has made a practice of gathering and preserving samples of 
microscopic life from all parts of the world: material which the 
layman would undoubtedly regard as refuse and throw away. 
Thanks to a lifetime spent in studying Foraminifera, one expert 
was able to make the necessary determination, and his knowledge 
when applied in the oil fields resulted in saving the industry many 
millions of dollars. Whereas the small governmental appropriations 


for this biologist’s work had been considered by many an economic 
waste, to-day it is reported that the annual income tax on the 
salary his services command from the oil industry repays many- 
fold to the Government the annual grants that formerly were 
made to him. (Figs. 20, 244.) 

Hence it is far from true that so-called pure science and applied 
science are distinct and independent activities. There is only one 
kind of science — science aspiring for truth and knowledge, and 
there could be no application of science unless that knowledge pre- 
viously existed. (Great innovations are chiefly facile applications 
of truths which their authors have pursued for their own sake, 
and in our most theoretical moods we are frequently nearest to the 
most practical applications. 

Indeed, some of the great biological generalizations with which 
we have become familiar on previous pages have in everyday 
affairs a profound practical significance which is easily overlooked. 
For example, the cellular structure of all living things — imply- 
ing the existence of a fundamental similarity in organization 
throughout the living world. Again, the basically similar life-stuff, 
protoplasm — demonstrating that all living nature is united by a 
common bond not only of cellular organization but also of proto- 
plasmic basis to which all life phenomena are referable. Still 
again, the transformation by protoplasm of non-living material 
into living material — proving that living matter is ordinary 
matter peculiarly organized. And finally, organic evolution. All 
nature is one. 

These and other great biological truths have a far-reaching im- 
port to everyone, because collectively they unmistakably lead to 
the grand conclusion that human life must be interpreted in terms 
of all life. Man must conform to the general order of living nature 
of which he is an integral but dominant part. Remove one of the 
essentials of life and he perishes like the beasts. But he differs in 
capacity to understand and to take advantage of circumstances. 
Human welfare, therefore, demands that. Man must ‘control’ 
nature by consciously adapting himself to it. Indeed, the chief 
purpose of education is the adaptation of the individual and the 
promotion of adaptability — adjustment to the basic internal and 
external conditions of life without a loss of plasticity. Thus biology 
affords the natural foundation of the science and art of right living 
which human welfare demands. 



Health — the adaptation supreme — is a priceless possession 
whether it be estimated from the standpoint of the well-being of 
the individual or in terms of national wealth. Accordingly, medi- 
cine, in the broadest sense of the word, is without doubt the most 
important aspect of applied biology. Human anatomy and physi- 
ology, on which the foundations of medicine rest, are merely special 
parts of the general sciences of anatomy and physiology of all 
organisms. In fact the interpretation of human anatomy is impos- 
sible except in the light of the comparative anatomy of Verte- 
brates, while human physiology owes its present state of develop- 
ment to the fundamental principles derived from experimentation 
on the lower animals. And hope for further advance is chiefly de- 
pendent upon similar investigations on animals which have been 
rendered insensible to pain by anesthetics. To mention one ex- 
ample: experimental surgery practiced on animals has demon- 
strated the possibility of innumerable operations which no con- 
scientious surgeon would have ventured to perform for the first 
time on Man. In the words of Darwin who gave up the sport of 
hunting on account of his great sympathy with the suffering of 
animals: ‘‘ Physiology can make no progress if experiments on liv- 
ing animals are suppressed, and I have an intimate conviction that 
to retard the progress of physiology is to commit a crime against 

1. Microdrganisms and Disease 

No one will gainsay that discoveries in preventive and curative 
medicine rank amongst the most important contributions of sci- 
entific research to civilization, and nearly all have as their founda- 
tion studies by generations of biologists. Though Pasteur’s first 
investigations were in chemistry, his subsequent work, which 
pointed out the way of preventing and eradicating diseases due to 
microorganisms, followed naturally from his discovery that the 
souring of wine and milk is the result of the activities of organisms 
from the air which induce chemical changes. Injure the skin of a 
grape, and organisms irom the atmosphere enter and fermentation 
begins. Exclude air or sterilize it, and fermentation is prevented. 
Lister immediately saw the importance of this for surgery, and 
modern aseptic surgery — one of the greatest blessings of man- 
kind — was born. (Figs. 152, 278.) 


Proceeding on the theory that since fermentation is the result 
of the activities of microdrganisms, certain diseases of plants and 
animals are likewise caused by the invasion of the body by similar 
germs, Pasteur’s early success in preventive medicine came from 
the study of cholera in French Fowls and anthrax in Sheep and 
Cattle. The treatment he employed reduced the death rate of the 
animals from about ten per cent to less than one per cent, and saved 
the French nation in twenty years not less than the amount of the 
war indemnity of 1871. Then Pasteur devised the treatment for 

A B 

Fic. 245. — Endamoeba histolytica, a parasitic Amoeba of the human in- 
testine, which gives rise to amoebic dysentery. A, active Amoeba showing 
nucleus and three ingested human red blood corpuscles; B, encysted Amoeba 

with four nuclei, preparatory to division into four individuals. (Redrawn, 
after Dobell.) 

rabies. The human fatalities from this disease, usually arising by 
infection from the bite of a ‘mad’ Dog, fell almost at once from 
nearly one hundred per cent to less than one per cent. 

During the past half-century a host of investigators, following 
the lead of Pasteur, have secured undreamed-of results in discover- 
ing preventive measures and curaiive treatments for a long series 
of diseases of Man, domestic animals, and plants. One thinks im- 
mediately of diphtheria, tuberculosis, bubonic plague, typhus 
fever, malaria, yellow fever, syphilis, amoebic dysentery, and 
African sleeping sickness — all the results of the infection of Man 


by microscopic organisms. It is hard to realize that so recently as 
1884, Koch, probably the greatest successor of Pasteur, proved 
that tuberculosis is caused by a specific type of Bacteria, and 
thereby revolutionized the treatment of this disease which has 
been estimated to cause about one-seventh of all the deaths in the 
world each year. 

Only second in importance to the prevention of diseases of Man 
that are due to microdrganisms, is the suppression of diseases of 


Note Recent Years When Microbic Causes 
were Established — 

A Anthrax Uplenic Rver) 1876 || | Malta Fever 1887 
m Asiatic Cholera 1883 || Mcningius 1887 
# Bubonic Plague 1894 | Pncumonia 1884 

8 Diphtheria 1884 | Relapsing Fever 1873 

: YcAntitoxin discovered 1890) 
H Dysentcry 1g98 || SYPhilis su 
H. Glanders 1882 || TCTANUS «Lockjaw) 1889 

Gonorrhea. , 1879 || Tuberculosis 1884 

Infantile Paralysis 1909 | 
Typhoid Fever 1884 
Influenza. 1892 Hite. zing Vaccine 

Leprosy 1892 ; | established. 1896.) 
Malaria. ,,,. 1880 [cae Fever 

2 (Transmission by Mosquitoes (Transmission by Mosquitoes 
4 established 1897.) | established /900) 

bubonic plague by rats, ana sleeping sickness 
by the tsetse fly. This knowledge has shown how 

Several fevers are transmitted by lice or other insects ~ 
4: prevent the spread of these diseases, 

ea on Medical Education and Hospitals 

domestic animals. For example, the Chief of the Bureau of Animal 
Industry estimates that the Bacteria which produce infectious 
abortion in Cattle are responsible for an animal loss of approxi- 
mately fifty million dollars each year in the United States. And 
the study of this disease is proving of increasing significance from 
the recognition that undulant fever in Man is caused by a member 
of the same group of Bacteria — an excellent instance of how 
knowledge leads to further knowledge. 

Indeed, the way interlocking data from several biological fields 
are frequently necessary to determine the causative agent of a 


disease can, perhaps, be best illustrated by a brief outline of the 
development of our knowledge of malaria, yellow fever, and 

MatartiA. From ancient times malaria, as the name indicates, 
was supposed to be due to foul air, especially from swampy regions, 
but the first step toward the correct explanation was made in 1880 
when Laveran found certain microscopic parasites always present 
in the blood of malarial patients. Nearly two decades later Ross 
demonstrated similar parasites in the body of a Mosquito, and 

“Richard -Edes'Harrison- 


Fic. 246. — Mosquito life histories. Mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles, 
which transmit malarial parasites, differ from the common Culer in every 
stage. When at rest the adult Culer holds its body parallel to the surface, 
whereas Anopheles holds it nearly perpendicular. 

then a long series of studies by various investigators, among whom 
Grassi stands foremost, showed that when a mosquito of the genus 
Anopheles bites a malarial patient, it secures with the blood: some 
of the parasites such as Laveran had discovered, and thereupon 
the mosquito becomes the host of the Malarial organism. Within 
the mosquito, the parasite undergoes a complicated series of 
changes, including rapid reproduction, This finally results in myri- 
ads of parasites located in the salivary glands of the insect, ready 
to be injected into the blood of the next individual bitten and to 
begin the other phase of its life history in Man. (Fig. 223.) 

So stated, it appears simple enough, but years of study by spe- 
cialists on Insects (ENTOMOLOGISTS), by specialists on Protozoa 


(PROTOZOOLOGISTS), and by physicians highly trained in general 
medical zoology are behind the scenes in making clear the way to 
eradicate a disease which, it is estimated, each year costs the United 
States not less than one hundred million dollars and the British 
Empire three times that amount. In India alone it is respon- 


=, “V LOUISIANA IN 1918-19/9-1920 


ABWT $4,000,00022 A YEAR 


Fic. 247. — Map used in anti-malaria campaign in Louisiana. Each dot 
represents a death from malaria. 

sible for a death list of more than a million people annually. 
(Figs. 246, 247.) 

YELLOW FEverR. Proof that malaria is due to a Protozoon 
which can only be transmitted to Man by members of a certain 
genus of Mosquitoes, was largely the work of English, French, and 
Italian biologists; but the demonstration that another kind of 
mosquito, Aedes, is responsible for the transmission of the agent 
which causes yellow fever is due to Reed, Lazear, and other mem- 
bers of the United States Yellow Fever Commission working in 
Cuba in 1900. This was followed by the investigations of many 
biologists, with the result that to-day one may be vaccinated with 
a weakened virus of yellow fever and probably be rendered immune 
for several years. 


Most inspiring is the long story of heroism and hard work which 
has made it possible to cope with yellow fever; made possible the 
building of the Panama Canal, since the earlier attempt by France 
was unsuccessful largely on account of its ravages. We even have 
to be reminded that half a million cases occurred in the United 
States during the past century: the epidemic of 1793 took a total 
of one-tenth of the population of Philadelphia, and that of 1878 
killed more than thirteen thousand in the Mississippi Valley alone. 

Fic. 248. — Results of a quarter century of yellow fever control. 
(From the Rockefeller Foundation.) 

However, while this and more is true, the recent discovery of 
new sources of infection in the interior of South America and 
Africa has made the problem much more complex and the complete 
control of the fever less certain than it appeared to be a decade 
ago. (Fig. 248.) 

SypHiuis. The brilliant investigations, chiefly of the proto- 
zoologist Schaudinn in 1905, revealed the unicellular parasite, 
Treponema pallidum, that is the cause of syphilis — one of the 
greatest scourges of mankind since it became widespread during 
the sixteenth century. The ravages of the parasite produce many 
symptoms — frequently a type of paralysis, or paresis, with a 


gradual loss of the mental faculties and death. The discovery of 
the cause has made possible intensive studies of therapeutic meas- 
ures to combat it, and the test of upward of a thousand chemical 
substances has resulted in the discovery of certain organic arsenic 
compounds of considerable specific value if employed in the early 
stages. This knowledge, supported by the enlightened attitude 
that is gradually being taken toward the disease, offers a brighter 
outlook for the future. While syphilis, of course, is not inherited, 
much of it in the world today is due to the infection of infants 
before or at the time of birth. (Fig. 249.) 

Fic. 249. — Treponema pallidum (the spiral bodies) in liver of child with 
congenital syphilis. Highly magnified. 

2. Parasitic Worms 

Thus far we have been considering causative agents of disease 
which are popularly called microbes, and we must now turn from 
this “‘“world of the infinitely little’ to somewhat larger organisms 
which form a most important part of medical zodlogy. This field 
may be illustrated by various kinds of parasitic worms. (Fig. 250.) 

TREMATODES. There are many parasitic Flatworms, related to 
the free-living Planaria, that comprise the group TREMATODA. 
Parasitic species exhibit, for the most part, complicated life his- 
tories which have taxed the patience and ingenuity of biologists 
to unravel. Among the numerous species, the Liver Fluke is per- 
haps of most interest. (Figs. 43, 156, 161, 251.) 


The adult Liver FLUKE is a worm about an inch long which 
lives in the bile ducts of the liver of Sheep, Cattle, Pigs, etc., and 
occasionally in Man. It is hermaphroditic, each individual pos- 
sessing both male and female reproductive organs, and in its iso- 
lated position is almost continually producing fertilized eggs. In 
fact, one Fluke may liberate over five hundred thousand eggs 

__{ Paragonimus westermant 
i Ascaris lumbricoides (larva) 

lasmodi lei -— { Echinococcus granulosus 
Plasmodium falciparum ate sip te 
Leishmania donovani 
! Ascaris lumbricoides 
Giardia lamblia \ \ Ancylostoma duodenale 

3 Taenia solium 

Isos, hominis } 
oc acs i Diphyllobothrium latum 

Balantidium coli } 
Endamoeba histolytica } 
Endamoeba coli ! 

Schistosoma mansont 

Enterobius vermicularis 

Trichomonas hominis —~ ye 
Trichuris trichiura 

5 Wuchereria bancroftt 
Trichomonas vaginalis — j (lymph nodes) 

ic Phthirius pubis 

Ye Schistosoma haematobium 
Fig. 250. — The chief points of jocalization of some of the parasites in the 

organs of the human body. At the left are Protozoa; at the right, Worms. 
(After Hegner.) 

which pass down the bile ducts of the host (sheep) into the intes- 
tine and finally leave the body with the feces. An egg that happens 
tc reach moisture develops into a ciliated larva, or MIRACIDIUM, 
which escapes from the egg-shell and swims about. For further 
development to occur the larva must encounter within a few hours 
a certain species of fresh-water Snail, otherwise death results. 
But once it has bored into a snail’s body, the parasite receives 


Proboscis (extruded) 

AP Sf> 
a : 

1 - 


G ve) 

WET} rn) 

Intestine. __ 


Ventral sucker__/¢ iy 

Nephridium +4, 


»\ ~ 
° es, —Germ-cells 

Fic. 251. — Life history of the Liver Fluke, Fasciola hepatica. A, ‘egg’; 
B, miracidium; C, sporocyst; D, E, rediae; F, cercaria; G, encysted stage; 
H, adult (nervous and reproductive systems omitted). (From Hegner, after 



a new lease of life involving a series of changes. After about 
two weeks it has become a sac-like creature, or SPOROCYST, which 
in turn proceeds to develop within itself a brood of another larval 
stage, the REDIA. Each redia liberated from a ruptured sporocyst 
usually gives rise to one or more generations of redia, and the 
final generation of these produces a third kind of larva, known as a 

All these stages have been arising in the snail’s body, but now 
the swarm of cercariae emerges from the snail, and each swims 
about in the water and finally encysts on a blade of grass. Here 
again the life of the parasite hangs in the balance, for death fol- 
lows unless the grass with the cyst is eaten by a sheep, and 
the cyst reaches the animal’s intestine. This location success- 
fully attained, the cercaria escapes from the cyst, and makes 
its way to the bile ducts where it soon develops into a mature 
Liver Fluke, the cause of liver-rot in sheep. The life history is 

The large number of eggs produced by a single Fluke increases 
the chances of a ciliated larva meeting the proper kind of snail, 
while the various generations within the snail multiplies many- 
fold the number of cercariae from a single egg, and just to that 
extent increases the opportunities for at least one to reach another 
sheep. This life history, while remarkable, is by no means unique, 
and is presented as a type which is broadly representative of a 
large group of parasitic Flatworms. No wonder that years of study 
are required by specialists in different branches of zoology to 
discover the various stages of the different species and determine 
their relationships. 

CresTopEs. The group of Flatworms known as the CESTODA 
comprises the numerous species of TAPEWworMsS which infest the 
lower animals and Man. The best known species are Taenia 
solium and Taenia saginata. both living as adults in the human 
digestive tract, while the larvae of the former infest Pigs, and 
those of the latter, Cattle. 

Taenia is a long ribbon-like worm comprising a small knob-like 
head, or SCOLEX, which is an organ for attachment to the lining 
of the human digestive tract, and a large number of similar seg- 
ments, Or PROGLOTTIDES. These are formed by growth just be- 
hind the scolex so that the oldest and largest proglottides are 
at the posterior end of the animal. (Fig. 252.) 


The adult Tapeworm is hermaphroditic and each of the older 
proglottides contains both male and female reproductive organs, 
while the terminal ‘ripe’ ones are almost completely filled with 
eggs which have already developed into embryos. One by one the 
ripe proglottides become detached from the worm and pass from 
the host with the feces. For development to proceed further an 
embryo must be swallowed by a pig, whereupon it bores through 
the walls of the animal’s intestine, passes to the voluntary muscles 
and there encysts. In this position it develops into the BLADDER- 



Fic. 252. — Tapeworm, Taenia solium. A, Anterior and posterior parts of 
a specimen about 8 feet long comprising some 900 proglottides. Uteri filled 
with eggs are shown in the last two proglottides. B, Scolex more highly mag- 
nified. (From Hegner.) 

WORM, Or CYSTICERCUS, stage. To complete the life history, in- 
fected meat, insufficiently cooked, must be eaten by Man. [If this 
transfer is successfully accomplished, upon attaining the human 
digestive tract the parasite gradually assumes the adult form, the 
scolex becomes attached, and a series of proglottides begins to 
develop. (Fig. 253.) 

Since Tapeworms which live as adults in Man and the higher 
animals secure their food by absorbing that of their host, they 
seriously interfere with nutrition, but larval stages are still more 
dangerous. Thus, the larvae of a tapeworm (Echinococcus), which 
lives as an adult in the intestine of the dog and other carni- 
vores, form in the brain, liver, etc., of man, pig, and sheep large 


vesicles, or HYDATIDS, usually with fatal results. Such larvae in the 
brains of sheep were a stumbling-block for the early exponents of 

A B 

Fic. 253. — Stages in the development of a Tapeworm. A, egg with embryo; 
B, bladder worm (cysticercus) before head (scolex) is protruded; C, same 
after protrusion. (From Hegner.) 

biogenesis, since, with the life history unknown, they could not 
account for the larvae except on the theory of spontaneous gen- 

NeMATODES. Passing now to the NeEmMatopa, or ROUNDWORMS, 
we come to a group which, from the standpoint of medical zoology, 
is of as much importance as the Flatworms. Free-living forms are 
found literally everywhere in water, soil, and air, and blown about 
by the wind. Most of these are harmless, but some are of great 
economic interest because of their destructive action on the roots 
and other parts of plants. Among the species parasitic in Man and 
the higher animals, Trichinella and the Hookworm will serve as 
examples. (Fig. 44.) 

TRICHINELLA is the cause of a serious disease in Man, Pigs, and 
Rats known as TRICHINOSIS. Man becomes parasitized by eating 
infected pork, insufficiently cooked, and pigs contract the disease 
by eating offal or infected rats. The larvae from the meat quickly 
mature in the human intestine, and each female worm produces 
nearly ten thousand larvae which bore through the intestinal wall, 
migrate throughout the voluntary muscles, and encyst there to 
await a possible getaway from the body at death. Since thou- 
sands of resistant cysts may occur in a single gram of muscle, the 
riddling of the tissues is not only very serious, but incurable. 
(Figs. 250, 254.) 








eS 5 

Fic. 254. — Trichinella spiralis. A, larvae free among muscle fibers; B, a 
single larva encysted among fibers; C, piece of pork containing many encysted 
worms, natural size; D, adult worm, highly magnified. (From Leuckart.) 

The widespread distribution of the several species of Hooxk- 
worms and their insidious effects make them also of great prac- 
tical importance. Biological studies have demonstrated the 
process by which the tiny worms, just visible to the naked eye 
as whitish threads, are hatched in a warm moist soil, make their 
way through the skin of the human foot, enter the circulatory 
system, are carried to the lungs, and finally work to the intestine. 

Fic. 255. — The American Hookworm, Necator americanus, 
highly magnified. 

Here, as adults, they become attached, feed upon the blood of 
their host and liberate eggs. These pass out with the host’s feces 
to become the source of infection for others. The spread of knowl- 
edge of the essential facts and of vermifuges to expel the parasites 
has been an important contribution of the International Health 
Board which has carried on a campaign in over fifty countries. It 
has been estimated that not less than two million persons are af- 
flicted with the disease, but the recently acquired facts in regard 
to the parasite should result eventually in its almost complete 
eradication. (Fig. 255.) 


3. Health and Wealth 

It has been aptly said that health and wealth are essentially 
synonymous, and this is amply shown by the fact that medical 
progress is reputed to have added at least twenty years to the 
average life span of Man during the past century — mainly years 
of the highest efficiency from the age of thirty-five to fifty-five 
years. It is conservative to say that the increase in longevity has 
effected a saving of more money than has ever been expended in 
support of every kind of scientific investigation, and this without 
taking into account the economic value of the lives or the im- 
mensely greater factor of human happiness which follows from 
healthful and unbroken family life. 

The same can also be said for the leading rdle which medical 
zoology has played in rendering vast regions of the tropics almost 
as safe for human habitation as the temperate regions of the Earth 
—regions which must offer an outlet for the rapidly increasing 
human population. Statistics make clear that the population of 
the world has more than doubled during the last century: what 
it will do during the next century experts in vital statistics are 
actively computing. But this much is certain: it is merely a matter 
of time before regions now untenanted by civilized Man must be 
encroached upon more and more, not only for food and other ma- 
terials but also for a place of abode; and the first step necessary 
to make this possible is the survey of the innumerable biological 
competitors in the form of parasites, etc., which Man must en- 
counter in adjusting himself to this environment. 

Again, knowledge is power — the best investment from the 
standpoint of health and wealth is in support of research. It is 
easy to forget that combined studies on the life history of Bacteria, 
Fleas, Rats, and the rest have made impossible to-day such epi- 
demics as have many times in the past swept over the world. 
During the Christian era more people have succumbed to the 
Plague than constitute the total population of the Earth to-day. 
It is easy to forget that the biological forces of disease are costing 
the United States nearly four billion dollars annually —a loss 
largely preventable by an efficient dissemination of knowledge 
and an efficient application of biological principles already well es- 
tablished. Civilizations in the past have succumbed to the on- 


slaughts of pestilences, and the hope of our immensely more com- 
plex community life depends upon the development of knowledge 
of these living agents of disease. 


True it is that Man cannot live by bread alone, but it is equally 
true that the fundamental urge of all living things to secure food 
and to multiply is, in the final analysis, at the basis of human en- 
deavor. Modern agriculture represents the body of knowledge ac- 
cumulated by mankind during its slow progress toward civiliza- 
tion, involving increasingly exacting food demands as community 
life became more and more complex. Agriculture is, of course, 
dependent upon many fundamental biological sciences — indeed, 
agriculture is one aspect of applied biology — but merely a few 
examples must suffice to bring the most significant points before 

1. Plant and Animal Food 

As we know, all animals, including Man, are absolutely de- 
pendent for their food upon the photosynthetic activities of plants. 
Green plants must manufacture enough food for themselves, and 
to spare for the rest of the living world as well. Animals must 
have ready-made food which, after they have used it, is useless both 
for animals and for green plants. Here, it will be recalled, the 
Bacteria and other colorless plants come in and make possible the 
completion of the biological cycle of the elements in nature: put 
the materials in a condition in which they are again available to 
green plants. (Figs. 15, 16, 17.) 

This intimate food interrelationship of all living organisms, which 
has been demonstrated by interlocking data accumulated by thou- 
sands of biochemical studies, is not only of profound theoretical 
interest, but also of incalculable practical importance in all prob- 
lems of soil fertility, including soil composition and maintenance, 
crop rotation, etc. To coax greater productivity from the soil — 
‘civilization rests upon the soil’’ — is a problem of no mean im- 
portance. One of its most crucial factors is the demand for the 
economical production of food for plants themselves; in particular, 
for an adequate supply of nitrogen in a form readily available for 
the use of cultivated plants. 

A natural source of nitrogenous plant food is, of course, the 


nitrogen of the atmosphere, trapped by Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria; 
but the artificial conversion of this gaseous element into solid 
forms suitable for fertilizers has taxed to the utmost the ingenuity 
of chemists. Finally after years of intensive laboratory study and 
experimentation, they have succeeded in developing industrial 
processes for accomplishing this result, which have created an 
enormous industry of world-wide extent and supplied agriculture 
with a cheaper source of this indispensable nitrogenous food for 

Soil investigations involving the codperation of chemist and 
biologist lay the foundations for studies on seed planting, germina- 
tion, and growth, which in turn lead to others on transplanting, 
grafting, and pruning, and on pollination, hybridizing, and develop- 
ing new varieties of plants. Nearly every cultivated plant that is 
important for food or other purposes has been improved. The great 
body of practical information which the human race has accumu- 
lated from centuries of toil has been multiplied a hundred fold 
within merely the past. generation, through the intensive work of 
investigators at Agricultural Experiment Stations, Colleges, and 
Universities throughout the world. (Page 283.) 

But this indispensable work is only a small part of all that must 
be accomplished. Man’s conquest of the plant kingdom has hardly 
begun, because the number of species already brought into his 
service is insignificant in comparison with the wealth of available 
kinds. Relatively few of about two hundred thousand known spe- 
cies of higher plants are cultivated, and most of these in merely an 
incidental way. There is every reason to believe that many plants 
not as yet employed possess intrinsic value at least equal to those 
under cultivation — “‘some neglected weed in the hands of a skilled 
botanist may one day revolutionize agriculture.’’ Furthermore, the 
botanist must develop varieties of important plants which not 
only afford the largest yield, but also are most resistant to unfavor- 
able climatic conditions and to disease; the forester must develop 
timberland both for the materials it supplies and the indirect effect 
it has on soil erosion and on water conservation for agricultural and 
other purposes; the entomologist and plant pathologist must devise 
means for holding in check destructive insects, as well as bacterial 
and related microscopic parasites of plants. All these and others 
must cooperate. For what does it profit us if we are robbed of our 
crops? (Fig. 268.) 


2. Insects Injurious to Animals 

The former Chief of the United States Bureau of Entomology 
informs us that Insects alone in this country continually nullify 
the labor of a million men, in spite of the annual expenditure of 
between two and three hundred million dollars in fighting insects, 
and if human beings are to continue to exist they must first win the 
war. This can only be accomplished by the labors of an army of 
patient and skilled investigators, and will occupy very many years, 
possibly all time to come. This is not only because the insect 
complex is enormous — there are possibly three million species 
of which only about six hundred thousand have been described — 
but also because insects achieved an important place on this globe 
many millions of years before Man came into existence, and to-day 
are probably the most perfectly adapted of all creatures to live 
under all sorts of environmental conditions. If this statement 
appears extreme, the following examples will serve to make clear 
some of the cardinal facts which are necessary for an appreciation 
of the stupendous problems involved. 

Among this teeming insect population, probably the Bottflies, 
Fleas, and Lice stand preéminent as parasites of Man and beast. 
Botflies of various kinds infest domesticated animals but rarely 
human beings. The most common Horse Botrty attaches its eggs 
to the Horse’s hair where the eggs can be licked off and swallowed. 
Then the larvae spend nearly a year attached to the lining of the 
stomach, and if present in considerable numbers cause irritation 
and serious digestive disturbances. When full grown the larvae pass 
out with the feces, pupate in the ground and emerge as adult bot- 

Again, the common Ox Bortr.y deposits its eggs chiefly on the 
legs of Cattle, but when the larvae emerge, they penetrate the hide, 
and then wander through the tissues until the following spring. 
Finally they come to rest just under the hide of their host; which 
they puncture to get air. When the larvae are ready to assume the 
pupal state they burrow out, drop to the ground and there com- 
plete their life history. It is estimated that the monetary loss from 
the Ox Botfly alone in the United States is about one hundred 
million dollars annually. (Fig. 256.) 

Fleas and Lice of various species are common parasites of the 
higher animals throughout most of the world. The JigcerR FLEA 


of warmer climates is frequently a serious human pest because the 
female flea burrows into the skin when ready to deposit eggs. The 
Cat Flea, Dog Flea, and House Flea we usually consider merely a 
nuisance, but they are potential carriers of disease-producing 

B, larva; C, larva just beneath air-hole in skin of Ox; D, adult. 

microorganisms. One might think that a life devoted to the study 
of fleas and lice could be more profitably spent, until we recall that 
expert knowledge of these animals was essential to discover that 
Trench fever in the World War was transmitted by lice; was es- 

Fic. 257. — Dog Flea, Ctenocephalus canis. A, larva in cocoon; B, pupa; 
C, adult. (From Howard.) 

sential to make clear that Bubonic plague, or ‘Black Death,’ 
is carried by fleas. (Fig. 257.) 

- It was long known that rats die in great numbers during a plague 
epidemic, and accordingly biologists set out to determine whether 


there is any relation between the disease of the Rat and of Man, 
and found that Man is infected with the plague bacillus, Bacillus 
pestis, by being bitten by a Flea from an infected rat. Extermina- 
tion of rats and fleas means the practical eradication of the disease, 
but in California the Ground Squirrels have become infected with 
the bacillus so the problem has become somewhat greater. Bu- 
bonic plague is doomed, though it has already taken an incalculable 
toll of human lives: even during the first four years of the present 
century it destroyed about two million people in India. Still more 
recently San Francisco has been fighting an outbreak of the 



Eggs Larva Pupa Adult 

Fic. 258. — Life history of the House Fly, Musca domestica. 

plague that not long ago would have been a national calamity; 
but it was immediately stamped out with the loss of compara- 
tively few lives. 

In brief, numerous parasitic Insects not only actually develop 
at the expense of animal tissue, but others act as the transmitting 
agents of Bacteria, Protozoa, etc., which are the actual parasites, as 
we have already seen in the case of malaria, yellow fever, and Afri- 
can sleeping sickness. And last, but not least, we know that HousE 
Furies, which we tolerate as uninvited guests at our tables, have 
been shown to carry the germs of typhoid fever, tuberculosis, 
dysentery, and several other scourges. (Figs. 224, 248, 258.) 


3. Insects Injurious to Plants 

It has been stated, and truly, that it costs the American farmer 
more to feed his Insect foes than to educate his children: in fact, 
more than is expended for all the educational institutions in the 
United States, nearly twice as much as for our military and naval 
forces, and more than twice the loss by fire. And we all pay the 
bill. Every kind of plant supports many species of insects, although 
usually certain ones are especially destructive. Thus Oak trees are 
attacked by no less than a thousand kinds of insect pests; Apple 
trees by about four hundred, and Clover and Corn by some two 
hundred insect enemies. A few random examples obviously must 
suffice for our view of the field. 

The ArmMy-woprsM is the larva of a brown Moth which sometimes 
becomes so numerous in regions east of the Rocky Mountains 
that the caterpillars have to migrate in search of food. Immense 
armies crawl along totally destroying the crops over large areas. 
Fortunately, the pest has its own insect enemies, the chief being 
certain Tachina Flies which lay their eggs on the caterpillars, and 
the larvae of the flies burrow into their bodies and finally destroy 
them. (Fig. 266.) 

Of equal interest is the CABBAGE BUTTERFLY which was ac- 
cidentally introduced from Europe into Canada in 1868, and has 


Fic. 259. — Life history of the Cabbage Butterfly, Pieris rapae. 

gradually made the whole of the United States its field, even oust- 
ing a related native species. Many of the caterpillars of the Cab- 
bage Butterfly are destroyed by parasites; one being a Brachonid 
Fly which was imported from its old home in Europe by entomol- 
ogists for this special purpose. (Fig. 259.) 


The Porato BEETLE first began to attract attention about 
eighty years ago when it transferred its activities from certain weeds 
in the Colorado region to the recently introduced Potato plant, 
and since that time it has spread all over the United States and 
has emigrated to Europe to become one of the serious insect pests. 
Large masses of yellow eggs are deposited by the beetles on the 
under surface of Potato leaves which serve as food for the cater- 
pillars until they are full grown and ready to pupate in the ground. 
Two broods of adults are usually produced annually to carry on 
the depredation. 

Among the most destructive parasites of Wheat, Rye, and Bar- 
ley, nearly the world over, is the HEsstan Fiy which was intro- 
duced into America toward the end of the eighteenth century. 
The life history is especially adapted to the growth of wheat, 
and two or three broods of the insect develop in one year. For- 
tunately, it has numerous parasites of its own that hold it some- 
what in check. 

The EurRoPEAN Corn Borer has long been distributed over 
a large part of the Old World but only recently has reached Amer- 
ica. Starting in New England, it is rapidly moving westward 
and bids fair before long to infest the entire corn-raising area of 
the continent. The destructive stage, of course, is the caterpillar 
which, throughout most of the insect’s range, spends the winter 
in the stem of its food plant and gives rise to the adult moth 
early the following summer. Unfortunately, however, in New Eng- 
land there are two generations annually, one of which winters in 
the larval state. 

The JAPANESE BEETLE was accidentally introduced into New 
Jersey from Japan about twenty years ago and since has spread 
rapidly through many of the eastern States, defoliating trees and 
shrubs and destroying lawns and golf greens. The larva spends the 
winter underground and the adult emerges the following summer. 

It seems safe to say that the destruction wrought by the Corron 
Boi WEEVIL exceeds even its notoriety. During the first thirty- 
five years after its invasion of the United States from Mexico, it 
had to its account a wastage of upward of three billion dollars, 
not to mention other immense financial losses due to depreciated 
land values, etc. Probably each person in the United States pays 
annually ten dollars more for cotton fabrics than he would if this 
weevil did not exist. The injury to the Cotton plant is caused 


both by the adults and larvae: the former by feeding and boring 
holes for their eggs, and the latter by injuring the developing 


Fic. 260. — Life history of the Cotton Boll Weevil, Anthonomus grandis. 
On the right, a Cotton plant attacked by the Weevil, showing a, a dry in- 
fested ‘square’; b, a ‘flared square’ with punctures; c, a cotton boll sectioned 
to show attacking Weevil and larva in its cell; g, adult female with wings 
spread as in flight; d, adult viewed from the side; h, pupa, ventral view; e, larva. 
(From Metcalf and Flint, after U. S. Department of Agriculture.) 

flowers so that they either fail to bloom, or produce seeds with 
few cotton fibers. (Fig. 260.) 

While ScALE-INSECTS are so small and obscure that they are 
only a name to all except specialists, they constitute economically 
one of the most important groups of the insect world. Scale-insects 
infest almost all kinds of trees and shrubs; in some cases doing 
merely temporary damage and in others actuaily killing the hosts. 
Among the myriads of species, the San Jos& SCALE is probably the 
most important, and since being brought to California from China 


has spread all over the United States. The adult female insect 
lies permanently attached by its beak to the bark, underneath 
a tiny waxy scale which it secretes. Here eyes, legs, and antennae 
are lost and the sac-like creature sucks the plant sap and repro- 
duces. It is estimated that the progeny of a single individual 
during one season would number thirty million if all were to sur- 
vive. (Fig. 264.) 

About forty years ago the vineyards of France, and later those 
of California, appeared to be doomed to destruction by the attacks 
of a species of minute plant lice, or ApHips. The French govern- 
ment offered a large reward for an effective remedy, and many 
entomologists and botanists devoted all their time to the study 
of the problem. Eventually it was discovered that certain Ameri- 
can wild Grapes were naturally immune to the pest. Accordingly 
by grafting the cultivated grape upon the resistant wild stock a 
combination was effected which saved the vineyards of both coun- 
tries. (Figs. 222, 265.) 

The MErpITERRANEAN FRuIT FLy appeared a few years ago in 
certain Florida orchards but the invasion apparently has been 
repulsed by the vigilance of the eee ae . 557 hes. 
United States Bureau of Ento- | . 2 
mology and Plant Quarantine. fo , 
It is the larvae of the fly that 
are the mischief-makers, because 
when they develop from eggs de- 
posited in the fruit they soon ren- 
der it unfit for human food. When 
we realize that the annual fruit 
and vegetable crop of Florida 
amounts to well over a hundred 
million dollars, it is no wonder 
that this fly is one of our most aS Se 
notorious foreign emigrants. But — Fie. 261. — Mediterranean Fruit 
we maintain a defense on the Rio ae Ceratitis cap 2 Se (Brom Ui: 
Grande against the Mexican Fruit Coen seoubace) 

Fly, and others throughout the country against our many native 
species of Fruit Flies, though the latter are held in check to a 
considerable extent by their own insect enemies. (Fig. 261.) 

Another great problem is the preservation of forest and shade 

trees from native and also imported pests. The enormity of the 


loss attributed to this army of silent tree-killers is staggering. 
They destroy two-thirds as much of the nation’s wealth each year 
as do forest fires — timber equal to one-fifth of the wood produced 
annually in the United States. At the present time these destruc- 
tive insects recognize neither limits nor boundaries, for their march 
has received relatively little resistance. And resistance is not easy 
when we recall that some insects may travel hundreds of miles on 
the wings of the wind — aviators have trapped them more than 
two miles aloft. 

The Mountatn Pine Bark Beette, after invading the forests 
of the Northwest, now is threatening those of the Yellowstone 

Fic. 262. — Gypsy Moth, Porthetria dispar. A, larva; B, pupa; C, adult 
female. (From Howard.) 

National Park. The Gypsy Mora, accidentally introduced near 
Boston, has spread throughout a large part of southern New 
England and is besieging the New York State line. Entomologists 
have made intensive studies of its European enemies, left behind 
when it came to America, and the introduction of some of these 


into New England gives hope that it may eventually be conquered. 
In one year alone nearly three million enemies, representing eight 
species, were liberated. The Brown-rarm Morn is another im- 
portation from Europe whose activities thus far have been con- 
fined to New England as the result, in part, of control measures. 
These three examples may stand as representative of the legions 
of destructive forest insects. (Fig. 262.) 

Finally we should be reminded, if necessary, that our households 
are not immune to insect marauders that take an immense ag- 

Fic. 263. — A, Carpet Beetle, Anthrenus scrophulariae; a, larva of Carpet 
Beetle; B, Clothes Moth, Tinea pellionella; b, larva of Clothes Moth. (From 
gregate toll each year. Carpet BEETLES, popularly called Buf- 
falo Moths, and CirorHes Morus are all too familiar examples. 
(Fig. 263.) 

4. Beneficial Insects 

Although we have mentioned incidentally the part played by 
certain insects in suppressing other noxious kinds, it would be 
unfair to the insect world not to emphasize the existence of mem- 
bers which are serviceable to Man: those thousands which prey 
upon our enemies or supply us with materials. It has been well 
said that “if insects would quit fighting among themselves, they 
would overwhelm all Vertebrate animals”; though sometimes 
long biological investigations are necessary to keep them fighting 
when we have upset the natural conditions; e.g., moved them to a 
new environment away from their natural enemies. Thus Acacia 
plants brought from Australia introduced the Corrony CUSHION 
SCALE which soon spread to the great California orange and lemon 
groves, and entailed enormous losses. The fruit growers finally sent, 
at their own expense, an expert entomologist to study in Australia 
the native enemies of the Scale-insect. As a result some Ladybird 


Beetles were eventually discovered which offered hope of meeting 
the needs, and these were sent to California and reared until they 
could be colonized in the infected groves. Here they multiplied 
and ever since have held the Scale in check. (Figs. 264-266.) 

ses = 

Fic. 264. — Australian Ladybird Beetle, Rodolia cardinalis, and Fluted 

Scale-insect; Icerya purchasi. a, larvae of beetle feeding on scale; b, pupa of 

beetle; c, adult beetle; d, Orange twig showing scales and beetles. (From 

Furthermore we must not forget that such insects as the SILK- 
worm Mors and the Honey BEzE are really domesticated animals: 
each is at the basis of an enormous wor!d industry. One of Pas- 
teur’s most important studies was on the PEBRINE disease of 

Fic. 265. — A, An Ichneumon Fly inserting egg in an Aphid. B, emergence 
of the parasite that has developed from the egg. (From Webster.) 

Silkworms, and not only saved the silk industry of France, but also 
paved the way for the study of infectious diseases in higher animals 




Fic. 266. — Army-worm Moth, Cirphis unipuncta, and its ecological rela- 
tionships with other Insects. a, adult Moth; 6, full-grown larva; c, eggs; 
d, pupa in soil; e, parasitic Fly, Winthemia, laying eggs on an Army-worm; 
f. Ground Beetle, Calosoma, preying upon an Army-worm, and, at right, 
Calosoma larva emerging from burrow; g, a Digger Wasp, Spher, carrying an 
Army-worm to its burrow; h, a wasp-like parasite of the Army-worm. (From 
U.S. Department of Agriculture.) 


and Man. The cause of pebrine proved to be a Protozoan parasite, 
Nosema bombycis. (Figs. 214, 267.) 

The dependence of many plants upon insects for pollination is 
well illustrated by the difficulties in establishing the Smyrna Fic 
in California. The fruit would not mature, and studies by botanists 
and entomologists showed that in the plant’s native land pollina- 
tion was effected by a certain tiny insect. Importation and es- 

Fic. 267. — Silkworm Moth, Bombyr mori. A, caterpillar; B, cocoon; 
C, male moth; D, female moth. (From Shipley and MacBride.) 

tablishment of the insect carrier in California created there the 
immense fig-growing industry. (Fig. 219.) 

As a matter of fact an amazing number of plants that we most 
highly prize would be unable to reproduce were it not for pollina- 
tion by insects: for instance, there would be no pears, apples, 
peaches, plums, oranges, or strawberries. So it is perhaps not 
unreasonable that an entomologist has asked whether insect dep- 
redations may not be regarded as a twenty per cent commission 
we pay for the invaluable services that “friendly insects” render. 
It may, but it is economical, if not generous, to reduce the tax 
to the lowest limit! 

Insects touch human affairs in other vital but less direct ways. 
It will be recalled that Darwin emphasized the importance of 
Earthworms in aérating and plowing the soil; but various insects 


probably contribute at least as greatly to this indispensable work. 
Ground burrowing insects are still more widely distributed than 
Earthworms and in most regions they are more numerous and more 
active. Moreover, not only do they carry decaying leaves beneath 
the soil, but also rich nitrogenous plant food such as manure and 
the dead bodies of animals. (Fig. 266.) 

Finally, it is not an exaggeration to wonder how land plants 
could have arisen without the direct or indirect services of insects. 
Indeed geological history indicates that land plants did not flour- 
ish and Seed Plants did not exist before insects became a well- 
established part of the Earth’s fauna. 

Enough, perhaps, has been said to indicate the struggle for 
knowledge which Man must maintain in order to cope with the 
biological forces that would rob him, are robbing him, of what he 
considers his heritage. But it is only fair to add that biologists 
who have given the most thought to the problem are by no means 
certain that the struggle will eventually be successfully terminated; 
it is possible that insects and allied enemies will gain the upper 
hand in the warfare for food when the human population has in- 
creased beyond a certain limit. This seems incredible, though 
it is a conservative statement by men who are specialists and not 
pessimists. In any event, it is clear that the most urgent need to- 
day is more knowledge of the life habits of insects and other de- 
structive organisms. Generous Federal and State appropriations 
must be made so that through research effective methods of con- 
trol may be developed. Experience has shown that the research 
dollar is not only invested in a gilt-edge security, but one at the 
same time producing a national dividend almost beyond com- 
putation. (Figs. 270, 271.) 


We are slowly awakening to the fact that we have been very 
shortsighted. Conservation of natural resources has, until re- 
cently, given very little concern, although it is one of the greatest 
problems which biologists of the present generation face, and it 
must be solved now or it will be too late. What happened in 
America is being repeated in many other parts of the world. Our 
forefathers came to a land of fertile soil covered with primeval 
forests, abounding with large and small Birds and Mammals, and 


with waters richly supplied with Fish. These they necessarily 
and rightly drew upon for their livelihood. It was their wealth — 
Nature’s generous bonus. 

But the apparently inexhaustible supply has already become 
alarmingly reduced and conservation must be the watchword, as 
was recognized nearly a half century ago by Theodore Roosevelt 
who considered it “the weightiest problem now before the nation, 
as nobody can deny the fact that the natural resources of the 
United States are in danger of exhaustion, if the old wasteful 
methods of exploiting them are permitted longer to continue.” 
Yet in spite of this, the conditions are still such that a prominent 
legislator is more than justified in stating that “it is time that the 
national conscience be awakened to the necessity of preserving 
what is left of the outdoor heritage of our fathers, and of restoring 
some of that which has been destroyed and defiled.”’ 

Only about one-eighth of the virgin forest of the United States 
remains to-day. It seems incredible for a civilized nation — but is 
only too true. Approximately one-half of this is held by the Govern- 
ment but the rest is being destroyed far more rapidly than unaided 
nature can restore it. And there is nowhere in the world a suffi- 
cient supply of the kinds of timber we use to take their place. We 
have continuously treated our forests, except those under public 
control, not as a farm on which to produce crops, but as a mine 
whose useful product is to be gathered once for all. The axe has 
held almost unregulated sway, but with ideas of conservation 
becoming increasingly widespread it appears that hope for a better 
future for our forests is well founded. 

It seems hardly necessary to state that forests are of inestimable 
value in many ways entirely aside from the lumber they supply. 
We are, perhaps, prone to forget that under nature’s stabilizers 
of forests, shrubbery, and grass the blowing and washing away of 
the soil progresses but slowly, while with their removal by Man this 
erosion is increased tremendously. Witness the great dust storms 
during recent years in the Southwest. The devastating floods 
that swept down the Mississippi in 1927, the Yangtze in 1931, and 
the Ohio River in 1937 are in no small part attributable to defor- 
estation. China’s affliction is the product of millenniums, ours of 
little more than a century. Scientific forestry is crucial for our 
future. (Fig. 268.) 

Many of the larger animals have been exterminated and some of 


the smaller ones are fast approaching the same fate. The Bison is 
extinct in the United States except for the few hundreds preserved 
in reservations; the Elk is restricted in numbers and range; the 
Elephant Seal remains only in one small colony; the Bowhead 
Whale and Right Whale are threatened with extermination; and 
the Beaver has disappeared from most of its former haunts. The 
demand for furs is estimated to be responsible for the destruction 

Se Rie naa > 2 a ig 

Fic. 268. — Soil erosion due to removal of all the trees. 
(From U.S. Forest Service.) 

of thirty million Mammals throughout the world each year, and this 
number is nearly doubled if all the wild Mammals destroyed for 
commercial purposes are included. While there is life there is hope, 
but unless immediate steps are taken to reduce the slaughter, the 
fur-bearing animals of the world at large are doomed. 

Birds are now faring somewhat better owing to the heroic efforts 
started a generation ago by the Audubon Societies, so that a partial 
restoration of our former bird population seems probable. Of what 
use are the Birds? Even if usefulness were the only question in- 


volved, the answer would still be clear. Experts tell us that without 
the services of insect-eating and seed-eating Birds, successful 
agriculture would soon be impossible, and the destruction of the 
greater part of our vegetation would also result. One caterpillar 
during its lifetime of less than two months can consume three- 
quarters of a pound of leaves, or nearly ninety thousand times its 
original weight. Birds are “the winged wardens of our farms.” 
Their help is needed in the struggle. 

In truth, it is dangerous for Man to upset the intricate balance 
of the economy of nature by the reckless destruction of plant or 
animal without taking thought for the morrow — without inten- 
sive study of the far-reaching consequences which may follow from 
the breaking of one link in the chain of the interrelationships of 
organisms. The destruction even of certain Protozoa and other 
microscopic life may seal the fate of Fish valuable for food. 
(Figs. 24, 220, 266.) 

D. ConstructivE BioLoGcy 

The great living heritage which we have received will be per- 
manently impaired for posterity, even though useless waste is 
stopped, unless the highly complex problem of conservation is at- 
tacked constructively in the light of modern biological knowledge. 
Merely to hold Nature’s bonus unimpaired, crucial as that is, will 
not adequately meet the requirements of increasing populations 
with the attendant demands of complex civilized life. Few seem to 
realize that the whole of our business life takes root in nature. All 
of our progress and prosperity is predicated on the abundance of 
our natural resources and the manner in which we develop them for 
Man’s use. Methods of raising crops and domestic animals which 
were sufficient for primitive communities are entirely inadequate 
to satisfy modern conditions. 

Indeed, the state of civilization of a people is closely related to its 
success in developing plants and animals for particular needs. One 
hears of new ‘creations,’ but often fails to recall that Man can 
merely direct the laws of inheritance, and this he can do only 
by intensive investigations of the principles underlying heredity. 
Certainly the most important recent contribution of biology is the 
discovery of the general method of transmission of characters from 
generation to generation, common to all living things, which has 
established the new biological science, genetics. To-day, as we 


(N) Norma/ man QI755 

® Normal women 
feet/e-minded man 
@ Feeble-ninded woman 

77 P 
Undetermined man Nomeless 

a ink Died 'n infancy 

Jeeble-minded girl 



D770 § 



NS Normal wife 
After the Revolution 

F LN (N) 
§|. 2457 
During the Revolution 
WIR 2 a} 8 SIS s s 
CISS} ul Gl & Sg 8 $ 
poles GOES IRS st ah is Sl Rl el Slopes 
F ize’? |I@@ (- @WOW “% a] S} a} a} 3] S$} & 
WN) WN) @®) @& @ IN] WD 
a——G NN——® 

Fic. 269. — The Kallikak family. 

Of the 480 descendants, in five 
generations, of this branch, 143 are 
known to have been feeble-minded, 
36 illegitimate, 33 sexually immoral 
mostly prostitutes, 24 alcoholic, 3 
epileptic, and 3 criminal. 82 died 
in infancy. 

Of the 496 descendants, in five 

. generations, of this branch, none were 

feeble-minded, and all but 2 were nor- 
mal mentally. 2 were alcoholic and 15 
died in infancy. Thus nearly all were 
good citizens. Among them were edu- 
cators, physicians, lawyers, judges, 
traders, landowners — men and women 
prominent in every phase of social life. 

(After Goddard.) 


have seen, biologists the world over are developing and applying 
these principles in plant and animal breeding. What was impossible 
a few years ago is now being accomplished almost as a mere matter 
of routine work in many biological laboratories. 

Important as the application of these principles is in the mastery 
of agricultural problems, a far more profound power remains to be 
realized when, as nations, mankind becomes awake to the fact that 
these same basic principles apply equally to human inheritance. 
If it be true that the human race has not improved in bodily and 
mental characteristics since the time of the ancient Greeks, the 
responsibility rests with Man himself. He has studied and applied 
selective breeding of animals and plants. He has in general kept 
the best for his purposes that nature offered and eliminated the 
rest. He has depended chiefly on the stock and only secondarily 
on the environment for permanent improvement. But it has been 
otherwise with himself. Much of the worst human stock has 
continued to survive and multiply, and disproportionately so as 
civilization has advanced. Reliance has been placed almost solely 
on the improvement of the conditions of life and not on breeding 
from the best. We may fairly say that humanity is what it is to- 
day in spite of the continual violation of many of the biological 
principles which would improve the race. (Figs. 179, 269.) 

This, of course, is merely a statement of fact: not a reproach. 
Man could not have done otherwise until it had been demonstrated 
by biological investigation that he is a part of, and not apart from 
the rest of living nature — the most profoundly important fact that 
biology has contributed to human welfare. With this fully grasped, 
new import is given to the study of general biological principles and 
no plant or animal is too insignificant to throw light on life prob- 
lems. And this has been the chief source of the stupendous po- 
tential for biological control which has within less than a century 
come to mankind. Potential for control, we say, because years of 
research by generations of investigators is still necessary before 
we shall be prepared to solve the problems we now face and which 
the saturation point of human population will immensely augment. 
(Figs. 188, 194, 270, 271.) 

The natural method of securing a healthy — adapted — race is, 
of course, the gradual process of adjustment throughout the ages by 
response to environmental stimuli. But mankind has the power, 


which we believe is denied to the lower animate beings, of conscious 
response — of choice. Human volition and action can retard or ac- 
celerate nature’s response. Human volition may not only decide, 
within limits, the response to surrounding conditions, but also not 
infrequently may directly change the conditions so as to render 
unnecessary individual or racial adaptation to them. Thoughts 
such as these make plain the enormous complexity of the situation 
and reveal the possibility of danger lurking where it may be least 

Besse ame 

Fic. 270. — The Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachu- 
setts. One of the laboratories where biologists spend the summer in research 
covering many branches of the science. 

expected — danger lest in acting as we think humane from the 
point of view of particular individuals, we may be rendering a dis- 
service to the race. 

The complex problems of eugenics, the science of being well-born, 
are problems in genetics so intricately interwoven with those of all 
the other sciences of human life and relationships, in particular 
sociology and psychology, that propaganda in eugenics not funda- 
mentally grounded in basic interlocking data from these sciences is 
not only premature, but fraught with insidious possibilities. Eu- 
genics seeks improvement through nature, euthenics seeks im- 
provement through nurture. [Each is a partial view and before 
significant progress can be made the proper balance between these 
two aspects of one problem must be grasped. Organism and envi- 
ronment are one and inseparable. ( Fig. 198.) 


The crying need of the present is for more and still more knowl- 
edge which is secured in the laboratory rather than on the lecture 
platform. When we realize that if the infants Darwin and Lincoln, 
who were both born on the same day, had been exchanged by their 
parents, almost certainly neither would have produced epoch- 
making contributions to science or civilization, it gives us pause. 
The Danes have a proverb that it does no harm to be born in a 
duckyard if you are laid in a Swan’s egg — thus emphasizing hered- 

Fic. 271. — The National ae of sae and the National Research 
Council of the United States, Washington, D. C. The focus of American 
scientific research. 

ity, though heredity implies not a repetition in kind, but in possi- 
bilities. We cannot hope to be born equal, but we may ask to be 
born with an equal opportunity to develop what is in us. At least 
we can say at present, without fear of contradiction, that Man 
owes it to himself not to be less mindful of his own stock than he is 
of that of his domestic animals. 

From every standpoint the mere pittance Man casts to biolog- 
ical research returns to him many-fold in health and wealth, in 
comfort and power, and most of all in a broader and more ap- 
preciative outlook on a congenial world. “*‘Man becomes more in- 
telligible, and therefore more controllable, when he recognizes his 
affiliations and the ancestral strands that linger in his fabric. It 


is encouraging to know that we have behind us not a descent, but 
an ascent, and that there is some appreciable momentum in the 
right direction.” Far from depriving life of its mystery, biology 
affords a sublime picture of the interrelatedness of living things 
and still more inextricably interweaves human life with that of all 


The process of evolution has its outcome in personalities who 
have discerned its magnificent sweep. — Thomson. 

As the culmination of our survey of the continuity of life, it is 
important to consider briefly what is known in regard to human 
origins — to bring Man more specifically into relationship with 
the evolutionary process and to appreciate his affiliations as evi- 
denced by the ancestral strands that persist in his fabric. 

Although the general recognition of Man’s place in nature has 
but recently been attained, more than two thousand years ago 
Aristotle placed him at the summit of animal creation, emphasiz- 
ing his God-like nature, but withal regarding him as only the 
highest point of the Scale of Nature. Linnaeus, the founder of 
our modern method of classification, during the middle of the 
eighteenth century placed Man in the order Primates of the class 
Mammalia, a position he has since held. (Figs. 288, 296.) 


The order Primates to-day comprises three suborders: the LE- 
MUROIDEA, or Lemurs; the TAarstormpEA, or Tarsiers; and the 
ANTHROPOIDEA, or Monkeys, Apes, and Man. Most of the charac- 
ters which distinguish them from the other groups of Mammals 
represent adaptations to a tree-dwelling life: adaptations for 
climbing, for subsisting on a simple and plentiful food supply, and 
for taking advantage of changing environmental conditions by a 
bigger and better brain. (Figs. 93, 272.) 

The Anthropoidea, in which our interest centers, are widely 
distributed throughout the tropical regions of both hemispheres, 
and although those of the eastern and western hemispheres doubt- 
less were derived from the same original stock, they have followed 
somewhat different though, in general, parallel evolutionary paths 
since their origin more than fifty million years ago, early in the Age 
of Mammals. 

The Old World branch of the Anthropoidea is of especial im- 




bases: "6 
- nS). 
— > 





Fic. 272. — General relationships of the Primates. 1, Lemur; 2, Tarsius; 
3, New World Monkey; 4, Marmoset; 5, Old World Monkey; 6, Gibbon; 
7, Orang-utan; 8, Chimpanzee; 9, Gorilla; 10, Neanderthal Man. See p. 480. 
(Modified, after Hegner.) 


portance because it is dignified by the inclusion of Man. It 
comprises two families higher in rank than the tailed Monkeys, 
or Macaques and Baboons. These are the SmmimpAg, or man-like 
(anthropoid) Apes — the Gibbons, Orang-utans, Chimpanzees, and 
Gorillas; and the Hominipag, or Man. However, all specialists are 

Fic. 273. — Chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes. Note large 
ears, long lips, ridge above eyes, long arms, nails on fingers 
and toes, and hand resting on back of fingers. Height 
AS feet; weight of male, 160 pounds. (From Hegner, drawn 
by R. Bruce Horsfall.) 

not agreed that this separation of anthropoid apes from Man is 
justified, for, as one states it: ‘‘ between the Gorilla and Man, bar- 
ring for the moment the mental and spiritual distinctions, there is 
hardly more difference than there is between the horse and the ass, 
and the degree of consanguinity is much the same.” (Page 480). 
At all events, the inevitable inference is that these various forms 
have evolved from a common stock, though it should be emphasized 


that no living species represents the direct human ancestor. The 
chimpanzee-gorilla group is regarded as the nearest to Man, but 
these apes have evolved along different lines since the divergence of 
the human lineage in the geologic past. Apparently the common 
ancestor was a rather large animal with a mode of life more similar 
to the present-day Gibbons than to either the Chimpanzees or the 
Gorillas, although anatomically the Gibbons to-day differ more 

Fic. 274. — Gorilla, Gorilla gorilla. Note large head, small ears, short 
lips, large canine teeth, ridges above eyes, and absence of a chin. The gorilla 
walks on the backs of its fingers. Height about 5% feet, weight 500 pounds. 
(From Hegner, drawn by R. Bruce Horsfall.) 

markedly from Man than do any of the other anthropoid apes. 
Gibbons are relatively small active animals with such very long 
arms that the knuckles reach the ground even when the body is 
erect. But they are strictly arboreal forms whose amazing adapta- 
tions for progression through the foliage of trees has been suggested 
as of prime importance in the development of their mentality; and 
so possibly it was with the prehuman ancestors. (Figs. 93, 273, 274.) 

Receding still further into the past, there were antecedent to the 
common ancestor of the anthropoid apes and Man more and more 


primitive forms — Tarsioids and Lemuroids — and so back, and 
still further back to an insectivorous stem from which the Primates 
originally emerged. It is perhaps somewhat in deference to Man 
that the Primates are usually placed as the culminating order of 
Mammals and so of the Vertebrate series, because in spite of their 
larger brain — and the use they make of it — the Primates retain 
many primitive characters that elsewhere are found only in the 
lowly order [NSEcTIVoRA. (Figs. 201, 202.) 

No useful purpose will be served at the present time by delving 
further into the geologic past for still earlier antecedent forms, 
because behind the Insectivores the actual record becomes in- 
creasingly obscure. However, it seems certain that the latter were 
evolved from still more primitive Mammals during the Mesozoic 
Age — the Age of Reptiles; the earliest Mammals arising from 
the reptilian stock. 

Returning to Man as a Primate and his relationships with the 
anthropoid apes, we are on more firm ground. This relationship 

Wii, ine 
a ee 


Fic. 275. — Feet of Anthropoid Apes and Man. (From Schultz, after 
several authors. ) 


is supported by many independent but interlocking lines of evidence, 
such as the similarities in structure of the brain and viscera, of the 
musculature and the skeleton in general and of the hands and feet 
in particular. The differences are almost entirely in proportions, 
the structures are almost identical. Indeed, even the ridges on the 
palms and soles, and the chemical properties of the blood indicate 
affinity. And not the least important evidence is the structure of 
the premolar and molar teeth, because those of Man are very un- 
like those of any other animals except the great apes. Therefore 
the teeth, especially since they withstand well the ravages of geo- 
logic time, afford excellent clues in the search for the fossil an- 


thropoids at the root of the human family tree. (Figs. 228, 275.) 

Numerous fossil remains have been found that give evidence 
in regard to the origin of the anthropoids. Back in the Eocene 
epoch are various Tarsioids and a monkey which bridge the gap to 
higher Primates, and in the Oligocene epoch are several monkeys 
and anthropoid apes that, apparently, are near to the main line of 
ascent. And then late in the Miocene epoch, perhaps ten million 
years ago, appears Ramapithecus with teeth that foreshadow 
those of Man. Indeed, the number and arrangement of the teeth, 
the bicuspid pattern of the premolars, as well as various characters 
of the incisors, canine, and the milk dentition, are prophetic of 
the human dentition to-day, particularly in certain primitive races. 
It appears that the differences shown by the human teeth are to a 
considerable extent the results of an omnivorous diet, and of 
changes in the proportions of the jaws, following the great expan- 
sion of the cranium in providing for the enlarging brain. (Page 359.) 

So it seems reasonably clear that the prehuman ancestor arose 
through or near the Ramapithecus stem, from animals adapted to 
live in the vast forests of the Old World. But as geologic time 
progressed, climatic changes of course occurred, the forests became 
restricted, and we may assume that the Primates that had not 
already made a retreat were impelled to renounce, in part, the 
arboreal for a terrestrial habitat. Thus the precursor of Man 
reached the ground: an environment that was provocative of many 
adaptations, in particular the erect body with hind limbs support- 
ing the entire weight. This necessitated considerable mechanical 
readjustment, including the alternating curvature of the vertebral 
column for the nicer balance of the larger cranium. Moreover, the 
development of the brain, furthered by the emancipation of the 
hands from their part in locomotion and by changes in the vocal 
organs leading to speech, eventually paved the way to the 
emergence of culture from the biosocial foundations of preman—to 
invention, communication, and social habituation. In the course 
of the ages Man arrived. (Figs. 105, 109.) 

B. Fosstrr Man 

The evolution of Man, unlike that of other organisms, presents 
two clear-cut aspects: the physical and the mental. His physical 
evolution was exceedingly slow, but his cultural development, 
once started, proceeded with increasing momentum. Both can be 


traced with some assurance from the actual fossil remains of pre- 
historic man and the relics of his handiwork. 

When one realizes how slight are the chances for the remains of 
prehistoric man to become fossilized and, if preserved, to be un- 
earthed to-day, it seems remarkable that the record is no more 
fragmentary than it actually is, especially when the short time 
that interest has centered in the problem is considered. Some of 
the important fossil forms are of the greatest significance, though 
experts are by no means unanimous in regard to the interpretation 
of details. At present it is prema- 
ture to attempt to reach a decision 
in regard to the specific Early 
Pleistocene ancestor of modern 
man, but there is reasonable as- 
surance that the problem will 
eventually be solved. At all 
events the emergence of man is 
essentially a Pleistocene story. 
Some representative ‘fossil men’ 
may be reviewed. (Page 359.) 

Fic. 276. — Skull and face of the 1. The Java Man 
Java Man, Pithecanthropus erectus. Ty deposits of the Middle Pleis- 
Portion below irregular line restored. 

(From Lull, adapted from McGregor.) tocene of Java there have been 

discovered during the past cen- 
tury various skeletal fragments which possess many of the attri- 
butes of ‘missing links.’ The bones found probably represent several 
species. The first discovered and the most famous consist of a skull- 
cap, femur, and three teeth. With these fragments as a guide, ex- 
perts have attempted to restore the chief features of this so-called 
Java MAN, Pithecanthropus erectus. (Fig. 276.) 

The face of Pithecanthrepus shows immense beetling brows. 
The skull viewed from above is essentially human although the 
brain itself has deficiencies in the parietal and prefrontal regions, 
the latter in particular being the seat of the higher mental faculties. 
The motor and auditory speech centers are significantly developed 
so it seems probabie that Pithecanthropus had at least the rudi- 
ments of articulate speech which differentiated him from the apes. 
The volume of the brain, estimated at about 940 cc., is small com- 
pared with that of modern man, though barely within the range of 


the human brain variation. It far exceeds that of a very large male 
gorilla. The skull was supported by powerful muscles and ligaments 
as in the great apes, and not nicely poised as in man, thus indicating 
a stooping posture. The straight femur probably belongs to a more 
erect and advanced type of Pleistocene man. 

From several standpoints, Pithecanthropus affords an interest- 
ing link with the past, but one that is based on somewhat confused 
evidence. Indeed the importance of this Java man is hardly com- 
mensurate with the fame which he has acquired, and he is now 
overshadowed by the more 
recent discoveries in regard to 
Peking man, who actually 
preceded him. 

2. The Peking Man 

At various times during the 
past thirty-five years frag- 
ments of fossil man have been 
found near Peiping, China, in 
deposits of Early Pleistocene 
age, perhaps a million years Fic. 277. — Peking Man, Sinanthro- 

- pus. The face and jaws are mainly re- 
old. From the fragments dis- stored. (From Romer, after Weinert.) 
covered — skulls, jaws, teeth, 
etc. —it appears that the PEKING man, Sinanthropus pekinensis, 
had very thick cranial walls but surprisingly large cranial ca- 
pacity. The brain was loftier but narrower than in the Java 
man, and the mastoid region of the temporal bone is sug- 
gestive of that in the adult anthropoid apes and the human in- 
fant. The teeth are somewhat primitive although essentially 
human. The Peking man obviously represents a very primitive 
type in the general line of advance, which probably is fairly 
closely, but not directly related to the Java man. Moreover, 
there is some evidence of the dawn of culture with this early man. 
Abundance of carbonized material indicates the use of fire, and 
pieces of crudely chipped stones suggest the use of tools. (Fig. 277.) 

3. The Piltdown Man 

Significant discoveries were made near Piltdown Common in 
Sussex, England, from 1911 to 1913, that included parts of two 
crania and a lower jaw, nasal bones, and several teeth. The enor- 


mously thick cranial walls of this Prprpown MAN, Eoanthropus 
dawsoni, resemble those of the Peking man, but the forehead and 
vault of the skull approach nearer to that of modern man. How- 
ever, the jaw and canine tooth are more ape-like than in the man 
of Peking, and probably do not belong to the same skeleton. Al- 
though geologically about contemporaneous, it is difficult from the 
scanty data to bring the relatively large-brained Piltdown man 
into relationship with the Java and Peking men. It has been sug- 
gested that the human line comes from the Piltdown rather than 

Fic. 278. — Skull and face of Pilt- Fic. 279. — Skull and face of Hei- 
down Man, FEoanthropus dawsont. delberg Man, Homo heidelbergensis, 
(From Lull, adapted from McGregor.) based upon McGregor’s restoration 

of the skull, the lower jaw only being 
known. (From Lull.) 

the Peking line, but their relative significance from the standpoint 
of the direct human lineage remains to be determined. (Fig. 278.) 

4. The Heidelberg Man 

A species of early Man is represented merely by a lower jaw 
found during 1907 in a sand deposit of Eariy Pleistocene age near 
Heidelberg, Germany. The quite massive jaw is of a primitive 
type, but the teeth are essentially human both in relative size and 
general appearance. Accordingly, the HrE1ipELBERG MAN is included 
in the same genus with modern man, as Homo heidelbergensis. 
However, the relationships of Heidelberg man are obscure, though 


possibly he is an ancestor of the men of Neanderthal, his succes- 
sors. (Fig. 279.) 

5. Neanderthal Man 

The remains of NEANDERTHAL MAN, Homo neanderthalensis, 
appear in the caverns or rock shelters of Europe several hundred 
thousand years after the Heidel- 
berg man. The history of man 
during the vast interim has not 
yet been revealed, but we must 
suppose that he persisted precar- 
iously through the intermittent 
periods of glaciation during the 
great ice ages. Indeed, the Nean- 
derthal race may have diverged 
early in the Pleistocene, but it 
flourished in the last interglacial 
and the early part of the last 
glacial epoch. It appears to have 
sprung from an earlier stock of 
which the Java and Peking men 
were members. (Fig. 272.) 

Neanderthal man is known to 
us from many skeletons, one of 
the earliest in point of discovery 
bemg found in the Neander cell | 
Valley, near Diisseldorf, Ger- el 
many, in 1857, and one of the Hate Plank atic et ited 
most recent in the Cave of compared with that of a living native 
Robbers near Jerusalem. The Australian (B), Homo sapiens; the 
men of Neanderthal averaged aie the lowest existing race. (After 

: E oodward.) 
about five feet, four inches in . 
height and were stocky and powerful. They probably walked with 
a shuffling, slouching gait since curved thigh bones and imperfect 
curvatures of the spine show that the limbs were habitually bent 
at hip and knee. A large head with heavy jaws was supported 
by powerful neck muscles. (Fig. 280.) 

The skull is notable for its size but the cranium is low and the 
forehead retreats from a continuous brow-ridge that is distinctive 
of the race. The large brain is relatively simple compared with 


that of modern man, especially in the regions devoted to the higher 
mental activities. However, that these cave men were not without 
ability is attested by the well-wrought stone hunting implements 
found associated with their remains. But bestiality outweighs hu- 
man features, according to modern 

Fic. 281. — Skull and face of Nean- Fic. 282. — Skull and face of 
derthal Man, Homo neanderthalensis. Cré-Magnon Man, Homo sapiens. 
(From Lull, adapted from McGregor (From Lull, adapted in part from 
and Boule.) McGregor.) 

standards, though it seems that some higher human traits lurked 
in their make-up because in certain instances there is evidence 
of reverential burial, with all that it implies. (Figs. 281, 283.) 

6. Cré-Magnon Man 

Sometime in the last glacial epoch the supremacy of Nean- 
derthal man was challenged by a superior race — the first that 
is recognized as of the same species, Hemo sapiens, to which 
modern man is assigned. This invading race of CRO-MAGNON MEN 
seems to be of different immediate stock from the Neanderthal men 
of Europe and, in large part at least, to be responsible for their ex- 
tinction. Apparently Cr6-Magnon man came from an Asiatic source 
about fifty thousand years before the dawn of history, after an ante- 
cedent evolution of many more thousands of years from a Ne- 
anderthaloid stem. If this is true, modern man may be, so to 
speak, Neanderthal man’s progressive nephew, though not his 
direct descendant. 


Although numerous remains of the Cro-Magnon race have been 
discovered, those from a rock-shelter of Cr6-Magnon in western 
France represent the type. The men were of large stature, averag- 
ing at least six feet in height, while the women were much smaller. 
The posture was entirely erect with the characteristically alternat- 
ing curves of the human spine, and straight limbs. The cranium 

Fic. 283. — A, Neanderthal Man; B, Cré-Magnon Man. Original models 
by Professor J. H. McGregor, in the American Museum of Natural History. 

was of very large capacity with high, vertical forehead and no brow- 
ridges. The face was broad in comparison with the cranium, and 
the somewhat prominent chin, narrow and pointed. (Figs. 282, 283.) 

The Cr6d-Magnons were a splendid race physically, and the re- 
markable Paleolithic art that still survives in certain caverns of 
France and Spain attests their mental equipment. Thus from both 
aspects they meet the standard of the species Homo sapiens, and 
differ in no great degree from their successors, the so-called 
Mesolithic and Neolithic races which, in turn, closely approach 
the present-day races of man. 


It seems evident that man’s position above the beasts is based 
chiefly upon the fact that he alone possesses a genuine culture. 
Man domesticated himself and so originated a culture involving 
the basic tripod of invention, communication, and social ha- 


bituation. Man created culture, and culture created Man. But, of 
course, the biological basis constitutes the foundations upon 
which the cultural superstructure rests — Man cannot get away 
from Nature. Various culture patterns are impressed upon the indi- 
vidual as habits of thought and action and this social conditioning 
demands a complex organism with the ability to make environ- 
mental adaptations. 

Animals in general exhibit various BIOSOCIAL reactions, such as 
the group life of Bees and Ants or the simple family life of the 
anthropoid Apes, that are inherited from generation to generation 
and are the outcome of evolution. But upon the hereditary biosocial 
endowment of actions and reactions, Man has superimposed proc- 
esses of a cultural order that are acquired in each generation by 
the continuity of so-called group conditioning; t.e., habits of body 
and mind are impressed upon the young by the elders. Although 
these cultural processes are an addition to, and are dependent upon 
the hereditary biosocial endowment, they are something more 
than merely an elaboration of it. They are essentially untramelled 
by the limitations of the slow process of organic evolution that is 
dependent upon germinal variations and natural selection. Thus 
the cultural aspect of human nature can and does forge ahead in 
so far as the physical and mental heritage is adequate to meet the 

1. Paleolithic Culture 

Most of the specimens of prehistoric man have been found in 
Europe and this holds true also for the evidences of his culture, 
so our attention may be confined to this region where the chro- 
nology has been worked out most thoroughly. 

The first artifacts appear in the Pliocene epoch or very early in 
the Pleistocene epoch of periodic glaciation, and consist of small 
chips of flint known as EOLITHS, or ‘dawn stones,’ that obviously 
have been crudely shaped by man. This culture is evidence of the 
exceedingly slow dawning of human mental life because it persisted 
with little improvement for not less than several hundred thousand 
years. It apparently represents the cultural scale of the Peking and 
Piltdown men and possibly also of Heidelberg man. However, as 
time passes we find that the artifacts increase in variety of form 
and nicety of manufacture, and the so-called PALEOLITHIC culture 
emerges. There are cleavers, axes, scrapers, drills, etc., some of 


them apparently shaped for convenience in grasping, and even- 
tually we reach the work of Neanderthal man — the first Paleo- 
lithic culture that can be assigned to a definite race of OLD STONE 

The relics of Neanderthal man, unlike those of his precursors, 
are found typically in rock shelters and caverns. The chief source 
has been in western France, although a similar culture is wide- 

Fic. 284. — Mousterian implements. Flint scrapers and points, and two bone 
compressors from a rock shelter of La Ferrassie (Dordogne), France. Middle 
Paleolithic Period. (From MacCurdy, after Capitan and Peyrony.) 
spread in other suitable regions of Europe, and in Palestine and 
Mongolia. The most famous cavern, at Le Moustier in France, is 
believed to have served as a human abode for more than fifty 
thousand years, and accordingly the culture of the Neanderthals 
is known as MousTeRIAN. (Fig. 284.) 

The stone implements of the Neanderthals show technical im- 
provements in the methods of chipping as well as a greater variety 
of form. In addition to the point and the scraper there are saws, 
hammers, drills, and skinning implements. Also tools of bone were 
used for dressing hides, but there is no evidence of implements 
for sewing so it is assumed that clothing, such as it was, consisted 
of single skins. The use of fire was known and burial of the dead 
was practiced, but even the simplest pictorial art was not developed. 


Apparently chipping flint tools and hunting demanded all the en- 
ergy and ability of the Neanderthals until they were superseded 
by the Cro-Magnons. 

A wave of migration from Asia brought the Cro-Magnons to 
western Europe where they met and to some extent mingled with 
the Neanderthals, but to the eventual extinction of the latter. 
Clearly it was the survival of the fit for the Cr6-Magnon was es- 
sentially like modern man both physically and mentally, and “the 

Fig. 285. — Harpoons of reindeer horn from France and Switzerland. Late 
Paleolithic Period. (From MacCurdy, after Breuil.) 

characters of their crania reflect their moral and spiritual poten- 
tialities.”” It was a race of hunters and warriors, of sculptors and 
painters that lived at the close of the long glacial epoch, some 
fifty thousand years ago. 

The marked line of cleavage between the Neanderthal and Cro- 
Magnon cultures is attested by a newly developed kit of tools. No 
longer are the implements confined to such as can be fashioned 
merely by chipping, but include, for example, the harpoon of rein- 
deer horn, the flat bone point with cleft base, the needle of bone or 
ivory, the dart thrower, and the flint scratchers, knives, and gravers. 


The latter were used both for cutting bone, horn, and ivory and 
also for engraving and sculpturing. Indeed the Cr6-Magnon artist 
not only modeled in clay, but also was skillful with colors, first 
simple, later blended, as is still attested by the drawings and fres- 
coes on the walls and ceilings of his caverns. However, the art 
that depicted the Wooly Rhinoceros and the Mammoth was to 
fade as the diminishing ice sheets forced these animals north to 
eventual extinction. The cause of this flowering of artistic ability 

Fic. 286. — Bison incised on limestone. Rock shelter of Laugerie-Basse 
(Dordogne), France. Late Paleolithic Period. (From MacCurdy.) 

and its passing remains an enigma. It was not exhibited by the 
immediate successors of Paleolithic man. (Figs. 285, 286.) 

2. Mesolithic Culture 

The so-called MrsouitruHic culture succeeded the Paleolithic and 
represents, as it were, the Dark Ages of the prehistoric era. Char- 
acteristic of the period are the huge shell heaps — refuse piles 
that throw considerable light on the food habits and implements 
of the people. These are found in Europe, Asia, and America. 
Usually they were situated near water as is evidenced by the great 
abundance of oyster and mussel shells, and of the bones of the 
duck, goose, gull, and swan. Mammals are represented by bones 


of the stag, boar, wolf, bear, beaver, etc. It is significant that re- 
mains of domesticated animals are not present, except possibly of 
the dog — the earliest companion of man. Among the implements 
are arrow points, axes, adzes, and blade-like flints, while remnants 
of pottery show that at least crudely fashioned bowls and jars 
were employed. 

Other interesting accessions of the period are the curious painted 
pebbles that are found in stream beds. The pebbles bear symbols 
of various kinds, some of them crudely resembling modern letters. 
Indeed it has been seriously suggested that these symbols represent 
a mode of writing and that some of them have had their influence 
on our own alphabet. 

3. Neolithic Culture 

The culture of the NeouirHic, or NEw STONE AGE, is essentially 
that of modern men who have deserted cavern life and taken to 
the open. The animal life is also modern since no ‘prehistoric’ 
animals persisted and none have since become naturally extinct. 
The human population appears to have been increasing in num- 
bers, and the division of labor between individuals and communities 
to have become more significant. Thus the Mesolithic hunter and 
fisherman gave place to the Neolithic husbandman who, to some 
extent at least, controlled his food supply and so made possible 
the development of community life. From a mere food gatherer, 
Man became a food producer. 

Almost surely the relatively rapid transformation of the primi- 
tive civilization was the outcome of the cultivation of plants — such 
as wheat, barley, rye, flax, grape, apple, and pear; the domestica- 
tion of animals — for example the dog, ox, sheep, and goat; and 
the development of the art of making pottery and textiles. More- 
over pottery and textiles afforded an outlet for artistic ability and 
this is also evidenced, for instance, in the beautifully chipped flint 
poignards and knives. The shaping and finishing of stone tools 
and weapons by a process of polishing appears for the first time in 
the Neolithic period which accordingly is frequently referred to 
as the age of polished stone implements. (Fig. 287.) 

Transportation on water by means of dugouts began in Neo- 
lithic times, and the custom was developed of erecting habitations 
on piles in rivers, lakes, and swamps. Such PILE VILLAGES, serving 
both sanitation and safety, were widely distributed in Europe 


during the later Neolithic and survived into the following age. 
The best known representatives are the Swiss Lake Dwellings. 
Transportation by dugout apparently antedates the invention 
of the wheel, but Neolithic man employed at least crude wheels 
made from sections of logs, and the significance of this advance 
can hardly be overestimated. The wheel is so inextricably woven 
into the fabric of modern civilization that one is inconceivable 

———— = 

5 6 

Fic. 287. — Implements typical of the Neolithic Period. 1, ax-hammer; 
2, ax; 3, saw; 4, dagger; 5, knife; 6, arrow point. (From American Museum 
of Natural History.) 

without the other. “Take away fire and the wheel and the world 
would suddenly revert to sub-Neolithic level.” 

Although burial of the dead extends further into the past, it 
reaches ceremonial significance with Neolithic man. Numerous 
so-called MEGALITHIC monuments still remain— some of them 
memorials to the dead, and others of unknown symbolic import. 
Probably the most celebrated is the Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain 
in England. And finally, to his other accomplishments, Neolithic 


man developed some surgical skill as evidenced, in particular, by 
skulls showing trepanation. So culture moved on apace to the 
Age of Metals. 

4. Age of Metals 

The gradual transition from the Stone Age — Paleolithic, Meso- 
lithic, and Neolithic — to the AGE or MErats effected perhaps the 
most important step in the history of human culture. It meant a 
release from the restrictions inherent in the very nature of stone 
and the opening up of the almost infinite possibilities of metals in 
the fabrication of newer and better instruments and utensils. In- 
vention was stimulated. 

This turning point in culture came with the development of the 
art of extracting metals from their ores and of melting and casting 
them. Copper was the first employed, probably because it was 
available in its native condition, and led to a transition period, the 
so-called AGE oF Copper. This later gave place to the great BRONZE 
AGE, with the discovery of the many advantages of this alloy of 
copper and tin. The Bronze Age extended approximately from 
3000 to 1500 B.c. and shows gradual progression in the variety and 
nicety of fabrication of tools, utensils, ornaments, etc., as well as 
concomitant progress in many other aspects of human culture. It 
eventually led to the IRon AGE which bridges the transition be- 
tween prehistoric and historic times. 

So Man has travelled far since culture emerged from the mere 
biosocial pattern. He has gained an increment in each generation 
and passed it on by so-called ‘social heredity’ until the cumulative 
result is monumental. Witness the high order of endeavor and 
social integration that has led Man not only to modern science and 
art, but has created within him the aspirations and ideals that 
make him unique in the world of life. It spells modern civilization 
that, ideally at least, ministers to the health, wealth, and happiness 
of mankind. 

It is important to note that cultural evolution has given to 
humanity greatly increased powers, although the hereditary physi- 
cal basis apparently has remained essentially the same since the 
origin of Homo sapiens. Increased cultural complexity has de- 
pended upon the intelligent use of structures and capacities already 
present and not upon the evolution of new ones. Indeed, the rela- 


tively static character of Man’s nature may possibly constitute 
a crucial handicap to indefinite human progress. One may be a 
confirmed optimist and still admit that the increasing momentum 
of the stupendous cultural advance during the past century is to- 
day taxing the adjustment capacity — the adaptability — of the 
human biological heritage. Surely, Man must study himself more 

And so we may appropriately reiterate what was stated on an 
early page: the most pregnant thought from the study of biology 
in general and Man’s past in particular is the unity of nature — 
the oneness of life — based on the ever-increasing background of 
knowledge which “robs life of none of its mystery but rather serves 
to link it securely with the larger mystery of the universe and the 
Infinite back of it all.’”” But Man, though one with all living beings, 
has the unique and all-important power consciously to study the 
ways, to direct the forces of nature, and to adapt himself to them. 
The knowledge of Man’s physical development through the ages 
in no wise minimizes the other aspects of his nature on whose 
origin biology is silent, and which constitute the enormous gap 
that separates him from the beasts. When the grandeur of this 
view of life to which biology leads is appreciated to the full, no 
reassurance is necessary of Man’s commanding position — his op- 
portunities and his responsibilities. 


History must convey the sense not only of succession but also of 
evolution. — New York Times. 

Tue story of Man’s slow emergence from a condition in which he 
was completely at the mercy of his environment, to his relatively 
masterful position as exhibited in our present civilization, is the 
inspiring history of science — the intellectual development of the 
race. Indeed, as we have seen, knowledge spells power — power 
to direct and become adapted to the forces of nature, and this 
knowledge Man has acquired after much labor and safely treasured 
with great pains as a result of scientific study. Truly “the succes- 
sion of men during the course of many centuries should be consid- 
ered as one and the same man who exists always and learns con- 
tinuously’; but we, for the most part, forget the past whose heirs 
we are — ‘‘the present is vocal and urging, the past silent and 
patient.”” Let us for the moment turn to the works of some of the 
outstanding contributors to biological history. 

Some knowledge of hunting, agriculture, and husbandry was one 
of the early acquirements of prehistoric Man, and at the dawn of 
history, nearly 5000 years ago, systems of medicine apparently 
found a place in Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations. So, on the 
practical side, biology has a very ancient beginning. But biology as 
the science of life in which emphasis is placed on the study of vital 
phenomena for their own sake really begins with the Greeks. 


Science reaching Greece from the South and East fell upon fertile 
soil, and in the hands of the Hellenic natural philosophers was 
transformed into coherent systems through the realization that 
nature works by fixed laws — a conception foreign to the Oriental 
mind but the corner-stone of all future scientific investigation. It is 
not an exaggeration to say that to all intents and purposes the 
Greeks laid the foundations of the chief subdivisions of natural 

science and, specifically, created biology. 


ARISTOTLE (384-322 B.c.), the most famous pupil of Plato and 
dissenter from his School, represents the highwater mark of the 
Greek students of nature and is justly called the Father of Natural 
History. Although Aristotle’s contributions to biology are numer- 
ous, perhaps of most significance is the fact that he took a broad 
survey of the existing data and welded them into a science. He did 
this by relying, to a considerable extent, on the direct study of 
organisms and by insisting that the only true path of advance lies 
in accurate observation and description. The observational method 
and its very modern development, the laboratory method of biolog- 

Fic. 288. — Aristotle. 

ical study, find their first great exponent in Aristotle. But mere 
observation without interpretation is not science. Aristotle’s gen- 
eralizations based on the facts accumulated and his elaboration 
of broad philosophical conceptions of organisms give to his biolog- 
ical works their lasting significance. (Fig. 288.) 

While Aristotle’s biological investigations were devoted chiefly 
to animals, his pupil and co-worker, THEOPHRASTUS (370-286 B.c.), 
made profound studies on plants. Theophrastus not only laid 
the foundations but also gave suggestions of much of the super- 
structure of botany; an achievement which entitles him to rank 
as the first great student of plant science. (Fig. 289.) 

Before leaving the Greeks we must mention HIppocRATES 


(460-370 B.c.), the Father of Medicine. Lecturing a generation 
before Aristotle, at the height of the Age of Pericles, Hippocrates 
crystallized the knowledge of medicine into a science and gave to 
physicians a high moral inspiration. 

The history of medicine and of biology as a so-called pure science 
are so closely interwoven that consideration of the one involves 
that of the other. Indeed the physicians form the chief bond of 
continuity in biological history between Greece and Rome. The 
chief interest of the Romans lay largely in practical affairs so it 
would seem that the advantages to be gained from medicine should 

Fic. 289. — Theophrastus of Eresus. 

have led them to make important contributions. As it happened, 
however, two Greek physicians were destined to have the most 
influence: Dioscorides, an army surgeon under Nero, and Galen, 
physician to the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. 

DioscoripEs wrote the first important treatise on applied 
botany. This was really a work on the identification of plants for 
medicinal purposes but, gaining authority with age and being var- 
iously transformed, it became the standard ‘botany’ for fifteen 

GALEN (131-201) was the most famous physician of the Roman 
Empire and his voluminous works represent both a depository for 
the anatomical and physiological knowledge of his predecessors, 


improved and worked over into a system, and also a large amount 
of original investigation. Galen was at once a practical anatomist 
and also an experimental! physiologist, inasmuch as he described 
from dissections and insisted on the importance of vivisection and 
experiment. Galen gave to medicine its standard ‘anatomy’ and 
‘physiology’ for fifteen centuries. 

Any consideration of the biological science of Rome would be 
incomplete without a reference to the vast compilation of mingled 
fact and fancy made by Puiny the Elder (23-79.) It was aside 
from the path of biological advance, but long the recognized 
Natural History, passing through some eighty editions after the 
invention of printing. 


For all practical purposes we may consider that biology at the 
_ decline of the Roman Empire was represented by the works of 
- Aristotle, Theophrastus, Dioscorides, Galen, and Pliny. Even 
these exerted little influence during the Middle Ages. Dioscorides, 
Galen, and Pliny were in the hands of the scholars, but in so far 
as science reached the people in general it was chiefly by collec- 
tions of quotations from corrupt texts of these authors interspersed 
with anecdotes and fables. From diverse sources gradually devel- 
oped the oft-quoted PHysroLocus, found in many forms and lan- 
guages, which is at once a collection of natural history stories, and 
a treatise on symbolism and the medicinal use of animals. Here, 
for instance, the mythical centaur and phoenix take their place 
with the Frog and Lion in affording illustrations of theological 
texts and in pointing out more or less far-fetched morals. Allu- 
sions from the Physiologus are readily found in Dante, Cervantes, 
and Shakespeare, while its illustrations are immortalized in the 
gargoyles of medieval cathedrals. 

Indeed, science was submerged to such an extent that the scien- 
tific Renaissance owes its origin largely to the revival of classical 
learning: in particular to the translation of Aristotle and Theo- 
phrastus, and renewed study of Dioscorides and Galen. Their 
works were so superior to the current science that, in accord with 
the spirit of the times, to question their authority became almost 
sacrilegious. The first studies were merely commentaries on the 
writings of these authors, but as time went on more and more new 
observations were interspersed with the old. In short, the climax 


of the scientific Renaissance involved a turning away from the 
authority of Aristotle and the past, and an adoption of the Aris- 
totelian method of observation and induction. 

Botany was the first to give visible signs of the awakening, 
probably because of the dependence of medicine on plant products. 
“ All physicians professed to be botanists and every botanist was 
thought fit to practice medicine.”” In the Hersats published in 
Germany during the sixteenth century we can trace the growth of 

Fic. 290. — Andreas Vesalius. 

plant description and classification from mere annotations on the 
text of Dioscorides to well-illustrated manuals of the plants of 
western Europe. 

Meanwhile zodlogy began to emerge as a distinct science, but 
the less obvious immediate utility of the subject, combined with 
the greater difficulty of collecting and preserving animals, and 
therefore the necessity of more dependence on travellers’ tales, 
contributed to retard its advance. One group of naturalists, the 
ENCYCLOPAEDISTS, so-called from their endeavor to gather all the 
available information about living things, attempted the impos- 
sible. However, this gleaning from the ancients and adding such 
material as could be gathered led to the publication of huge volumes 
of fact and fiction, which in the case of the best — Gesner’s History 


of Animals — served to popularize zoology and afforded the neces- 
sary survey which must precede constructive work. 

Although GESNER (1516-1565) of Switzerland was without 
doubt the most learned naturalist of the period and probably the 
best zoologist who had appeared since Aristotle, the direct path to 
progress was blazed by men whose plans were less ambitious. 
Contemporaries of Gesner, who confined their treatises to special 
groups of organisms which they themselves investigated, really 

Fig. 291. — William Harvey. 

instituted the biological MONOGRAPH which has proved to be an 
effective method of scientific publication. 

at work in natural history were making earnest endeavors to 
develop the powers of independent judgment, long suppressed dur- 
ing the Middle Ages, the emancipator of biology from the traditions 
of the past appeared in the Belgian anatomist, VESALIUS (1514— 
1564). Not content with the anatomy of the time, which consisted 
almost solely in interpreting the works of Galen by reference to 
crude dissections made by barbers’ assistants, Vesalius attempted 
to place human anatomy on the firm basis of exact observation. 
The publication of his great work On the Structure of the Human 
Body made the year 1543 the dividing line between ancient and 
modern anatomy, and thenceforth anatomical as well as biological 


investigation in general broke away from the yoke of authority, 
and men began to trust and use their own powers of observation. 
(Fig. 290.) 

The work of Vesalius was on anatomy, and physiology was 
treated somewhat incidentally. The complementary work on the 
functional side came in 1628 with the publication of the epoch- 
making monograph On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Ani- 
mals by Harvey (1578-1657) of London. No rational conception 
of the economy of the animal organism was possible under the 
influence of Galenic physiology, and it remained for Harvey to 
demonstrate by a series of experiments, logically planned and 
ingeniously executed, that the blood flows in a circle from heart 
back to heart again, and thus to supply the background for a 
proper understanding of the physiology of the organism as a whole. 
With the work of Vesalius and Harvey, biologists had again laid 
hold of the great scientific tools — observation, experiment, and 
induction — which since then have not slipped from their grasp. 
(Figs. 121, 291.) 

C. THe Microscopists 

During this revival period, when collections and accurate de- 
scriptions of plants and animals were being made and the study of 
anatomy and physiology was going rapidly forward, optical inven- 
tions occurred which were destined to make possible modern 
biology. First came the development of the SIMPLE MICROSCOPE, 
through an adaptation of the principles of spectacles, during the 
sixteenth century; then the combination of lenses to form the 
COMPOUND MICROSCOPE first effectively employed by Galileo in 
1610; and by the middle of the century simple and compound 
microscopes were being made by opticians in the leading centers of 
Europe. Significant of the times is the clear appreciation of the 
importance of studying nature with instruments, which increase 
the powers of the senses in general and of vision in particular, ex- 
pressed by Hooke (1635-1703) of London in a remarkable book, 
the Micrographia, published in 1665. Using his improved com- 
pound microscope, Hooke clearly observed and figured for the 
first time the “‘little boxes or cells’ of organic structure, and his 
use of the word cell is responsible for its application to the proto- 
plasmic units of modern biology. (Fig. 10.) 

Microscopical work was a mere incident among the varied inter- 


ests of Hooke, while LEEUWENHOEK (1632-1723) of Holland spent 
a long life studying nearly everything which he could bring within 
the scope of his simple lenses. With an unexplored field before him, 
all of his observations were discoveries. Bacteria, Protozoa, Hydra, 
and many other organisms were first revealed by his lenses. But 
Leeuwenhoek’s discovery of the sperm of animals created the most 
astonishment. His imagination, however, outstripped his observa- 
tions for he thought he saw evidence of the organism preformed 
within the sperm and so regarded it as the complete germ which 
had only to be hatched by the female. (Figs. 14, 26, 292.) 


Fic. 292. — Antony van Leeuwenhoek. 

The patience and ingenuity of Leeuwenhoek was equalled, if not 
exceeded, in the studies on insect anatomy made by SWAMMERDAM 
(1637-1680) of Holland. Inspired largely by the desire to refute 
the current notion that Insects and similar lower animals are with- 
out complicated internal organs, Swammerdam spent his life in 
studies on their structure and life histories. Revealing, as he did, 
by the most delicate technique in dissection, the finest details 
observable with his lenses, Swammerdam not only set a standard 
for minute anatomy which was unsurpassed for a century, but also 
dissipated for all time the conception of simplicity of structure in 
the lower animals. He thus, quite naturally, added one more 
argument to those of the Italian Rep1 (1626-1698) and others 


against spontaneous generation — an erroneous theory that sur- 
vived until the work of Pasteur (1822-1895) in the nineteenth 
century. (Figs. 152, 294.) 

Malpighi of Bologna and Grew of London, contemporaries of 
Hooke, Leeuwenhoek, and Swammerdam, may be considered as 
the pioneer histologists. GREW (1641-1712) devoted all his atten- 
tion to plant structure, while Matpicui (1628-1694), in addition 
to botanical studies which paralleled Grew’s, made elaborate inves- 
tigations on animals. The versatility as well as the genius of 

Fic. 293. — Marcello Malpighi. 

Malpighi is shown by his studies on the anatomy of plants, the 
function of leaves, the development of the plant embryo, the em- 
bryology of the chick, the anatomy of the Silkworm, and the struc- 
ture of glands. Skilled in anatomy but with prime interest in 
physiology, his lasting contribution lies in his dependence upon the 
microscope for the solution of problems where structure and func- 
tion, so to speak, merge. This is well illustrated by his ocular 
demonstration of the capillary circulation in the lungs, which is 
not only his greatest discovery but also the first of prime impor- 
tance ever made with a microscope, since it completed Harvey’s 
work on the circulation of the blood by revealing what his experi- 
ments predicted. (Fig. 293.) 



The microscopists taken collectively created an epoch in the 
history of biology, so important is the lens for the advancement of 
the science. Broadly speaking, we find that its development along 
many lines during the eighteenth and particularly the nineteenth 
century went hand in hand with improvements in the compound 
microscope itself and in microscopical technique. Again, the mi- 
croscopists in general and Malpighi in particular opened up so 

Fic. 294. — Louis Pasteur. 

many new paths of advance that from this period on it is not pos- 
sible, even in the most general survey, to discuss the development 
of biology as a whole. The composite picture must be formed by 
emphasizing and piecing together various lines of work, such as 
classification, comparative anatomy of animals, embryology, phys- 
iology of plants and animals, genetics, and evolution. 

1. Classification 

Classification has as its object the bringing together of organisms 
which are alike and the separating of those which are unlike; a 
problem of no mean proportions when a conservative estimate to- 
day shows nearly a million known species of animals and about a 
quarter of a million plants — leaving out of account the myriads 
of forms represented only by fossil remains. 


Naturally the earliest classifications were utilitarian or more or 
less physiological — fowl of the air, beasts of the field; edible, 
poisonous, etc. But as knowledge increased emphasis was shifted 
to the anatomical criterion of specific differences, and thenceforth 
classification became an important aspect of natural history —a 
central thread both practical and theoretical. Practical, in that it 
involved the arranging of living forms so that a working catalog 
was made which required nice anatomical discrimination, and 
therefore the amassing of a large body of facts concerning animals 
and plants. Theoretical, because in this process zoologists and 

Fic. 295. — John Ray. 

botanists were impressed, almost unconsciously at first, with the 
‘affinities’ of various types of animals and plants, and so were led 
to problems of their origin. (Fig. 297.) 

From Aristotle, who emphasized the grouping of organisms on 
the basis of structural similarities, we must pass Over some seven- 
teen centuries, in which the only work of interest was done by the 
herbalists and encyclopaedists, to the time of Ray (1628-1705) of 
England and Linnarus (1707-1778) of Sweden. Previous to Ray 
the term species was used somewhat indefinitely, and his chief 
contribution was to make the word more concrete by applying it 
solely to groups of similar individuals which seem to exhibit con- 
stant characters from generation to generation. This paved the 
way for the great taxonomist, Linnaeus. (Figs. 295, 296.) 


First and foremost a botanist, Linnaeus published a practical 
classification of the Seed Plants which afforded a great impetus 
to plant study, particularly because he insisted on brief descriptions 
and the scheme of giving each species a name of two words, generic 
and specific, thereby establishing the system of BINOMIAL NOMEN- 
CLATURE. Linnaeus’ success with botanical taxonomy led him to 
extend the principles to animals and even to the so-called mineral 
kingdom: the latter showing at a glance his lack of appreciation of 
any genetic relationship between species. Although Linnaeus be- 
lieved that species, genera, and even higher groups represented 

Fic. 296. — Carolus Linnaeus. 

distinct acts of creation, nevertheless his greatest works, the Species 
Plantarum and Systema Naturae, are of outstanding importance in 
biological history and by common consent the base line of priority 
in botanical and zodlogical nomenclature. (Page 352.) 

2. Comparative Anatomy 

Owing to the less marked structural differentiation of plants in 
comparison with animals, plant anatomy lends itself less readily 
to descriptive analysis, so that an epoch in the study of comparative 
anatomy is not so well defined in botany as in the sister science, 

Comparative anatomy as a really important aspect of zodlogical 
work, in fact as a science in itself, was the result of the life-work of 


CuviER (1769-1832) of Paris. It is true that some of his pred- 
ecessors had reached a broad viewpoint in anatomical study but 
Cuvier’s claim to fame rests on the remarkable breadth of his in- 
vestigations — his survey of the comparative anatomy of the whole 
series of animal forms. And not content merely with the living, he 
made himself the first real master of the anatomy of fossil Verte- 
brates, as his contemporary LAMARCK was of fossil Invertebrates. 
(Figs. 232, 297, 309.) 

Cuvier’s grasp of anatomy was due to his emphasizing, as Aris- 
totle had done before him, the functional unity of the organism: 

Fic. 297. — Georges Cuvier. 

that the interdependence of organs results from the interdepend- 
ence of function: that structure and function are two aspects of the 
living machine which go hand in hand. Cuvier’s famous principle 
of correlation — “Give me a tooth,” said he, “‘and I will construct 
the whole animal’ — is realiy an outcome of this viewpoint. Every 
change of function involves a change in structure and, therefore, 
given extensive knowledge of function and of the interdependence 
of function and structure, it is possible to infer from the form of one 
organ that of most of the other organs of an animal. But Cuvier 
undoubtedly allowed himself to exaggerate his guiding principle 
until it exceeded the bounds of fact. 

Among Cuvier’s immediate successors, OWEN (1804-1892) of 
London perhaps demands special mention. He spent a long life 


dissecting with untiring patience and skill a remarkable series of 
animal types, as well as reconstructing extinct forms from fossil 
remains. Aside from the facts accumulated, probably his greatest 
contribution was making concrete the distinction between homol- 
ogous and analogous structures. This has been of the first impor- 
tance in working out the pedigrees of plants as well as of animals; 
though Owen himself took an enigmatical position in regard to 
organic evolution — not unlike that of the great teacher and in- 
vestigator of zoology in America, AGassiz (1807-1873), but quite 

Fic. 298. — Thomas Henry Huxiey. 

different from that of Huxitey (1825-1895), his famous English 
contemporary comparative anatomist. (Figs. 227, 298, 299.) 

3. Physiology 

The functions of organisms were discussed by Aristotle with his 
usual insight, though, as might be expected since physiology is 
more dependent than anatomy upon progress in other branches of 
science, with less happy results. Similarly Galen was hampered in 
his attempt to make physiology a distinct department of learning, 
based on a thorough study of anatomy, and the corner-stone of 
medicine; though fate foisted upon uncritical generations through 
fifteen centuries his system of human physiology. 

Neither Vesalius nor Harvey made an attempt to explain the 
workings of the body by appeal to so-called physical and chemical 


laws; and for good reason. Chemistry had not yet thrown off the 
shackles of alchemy and taken its legitimate place among the elect 
sciences, while during Harvey’s lifetime, under the influence of 
Galileo, the new physics was born. But by the end of the seven- 
teenth century both physics and chemistry had forced their way 
into physiology and split it into two schools. The physical school 
was founded by BoreE.ur (1608-1679) of Italy, who, employing 
incisive physical methods, attacked a series of problems with 
brilliant results; while the chemical school developed from the 

Fic. 299. — Louis Agassiz. 

influence of Franciscus Sytvius (1614-1672) of Holland as a 
teacher rather than as an investigator. 

This awakening brought a host of workers into the field and 
the harvest of the century was garnered and enriched by HALLER 
(1708-1777) of Geneva. In a comprehensive treatise which at 
once indicated the breadth of view and critical judgment of its 
author, Haller established physiology as a distinct and important 
branch of biological science. It was no longer a mere adjunct of 
medicine. Perhaps the most significant advance in Haller’s cen- 
tury consisted in setting the physiology of nutrition and of res- 
piration — both of which awaited the work of the chemists — well 
upon the way toward their modern form. (Fig. 300.) 

REAUMUR (1683-1757) of Paris and SPALLANZANI (1729-1799) of 
Pavia may be singled out for their exact studies of gastric digestion, 


which showed ‘solution’ of the food to be the main factor in diges- 
tion; although it was not clear how these changes differ from or- 
dinary chemical ones. It was left for nineteenth-century investi- 
gators to establish the fact that food in passing along the digestive 
tract runs the gauntlet of a series of complex chemical substances, 
each of which has its part to play in putting the various constit- 
uents of the food into such a form that they can pass to the various 
cells of the body where they are actually used. (Fig. 113.) 

pie a 

Fic. 300. — Albrecht von Haller. 

On the side of respiration, a closer approach was made toward a 
true understanding of the process. In France Lavoisiter (1743- 
1794) demonstrated that the chemical changes taking place in 
respiration involve essentially a process of combustion, and it 
chiefly remained for later work to show that this takes place in 
the tissues rather than in the lungs. (Fig. 118.) 

Most of the firm foundation on which the physiology of animals 
rests to-day has been built up by the work on Vertebrates. But 
since the middle of the nineteenth century, when the versatile 
MUuzer (1801-1858) of Germany emphasized the value of study- 
ing the physiology of higher and lower animals alike, there has 
been an ever-increasing tendency to focus evidence, in so far as 
possible, from all forms of life on general problems of function. 
This has culminated in the science of GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY. 


The less obvious structural and functional differentiation of 
plants retarded progress in plant physiology as it did in plant 
anatomy. Probably of most historical, and certainly of most gen- 
eral interest is the development of our knowledge of the nutrition 
of green plants. Aristotle’s notion that the plant’s food is pre- 
pared for it in the ground was still prevalent during the seven- 
teenth century when Malpighi, from his studies on plant histology, 
gave the first hint of supreme importance — the crude ‘sap’ en- 
ters by the roots and is carried to the leaves where, by the action 

Fic. 301. — Stephen Hales. 

of sunlight, evaporation, and some sort of a ‘fermentation,’ it is 
elaborated and distributed as food to the plant as a whole. 

It is Hates (1667-1761) of England, however, to whom the 
botanist looks as the Harvey of plant physiology, because in his 
Vegetable Staticks (1727) he laid the foundations of the physiology 
of plants by making ‘plants speak for themselves’ through his 
incisive experiments. For the first time it became clear that 
green plants derive a considerable part of their food from the at- 
mosphere, and also that the leaves play an active réle in the move- 
ments of fluids up the stem and in eliminating superfluous water 
by evaporation. Still the picture was incomplete, and so remained 
until the biologist had recourse to further data from the chemist. 
(Fig. 301.) 


In 1779, Priesttey (1733-1804) of England, the discoverer of 
oxygen, showed that this gas under certain conditions is liberated 
by plants. This fact was seized upon by a native of Holland, 
INGENHOUSZz (1730-1799), who demonstrated that carbon dioxide 
from the air is reduced to its component elements in the leaf during 
exposure to sunlight. The plant retains the carbon and returns 
the oxygen — this process of carbon-getting being quite distinct 
from that of respiration in which carbon dioxide is eliminated. It 
remained then for DE SAUSSURE (1767-1845) in Geneva to show 
that, in addition to the fixation of carbon, the elements of water 
are also employed, while from the soil various salts, including com- 
binations of nitrogen, are obtained. But it was nearly the middle 
of the last century before the influence and work of Liesic (1803-— 
1873) at Giessen led to a clear realization of the fundamental part 
played by the chlorophyll of the green leaf in making certain chem- 
ical elements available to animals. The establishment of the cos- 
mical function of green plants — the link they supply in the cir- 
culation of the elements in nature — is an epoch in biological 
progress. (Figs. 15, 16.) 

Enough perhaps has been said to indicate the trend of physi- 
ology away from the maze of Galenic “‘spirits” in which science 
lost itself, toward the modern viewpoint of science which assumes 
as its working hypothesis that life phenomena are an expression of 
a complex interaction of physico-chemical laws which do not differ 
fundamentally from the so-called laws operating in the inorganic 
world, and that the economy of the organism is in accord with the 
law of the conservation of energy — probably the most far-reaching 
generalization attained by science during the past century. 

However, it is important to emphasize that viTaALisM — the 
conception that life phenomena are, in part at least, the resultant 
of manifestations of matter and energy which transcend and differ 
intrinsically in kind from those displayed in the inorganic world: 
a denial, as it were, in the organism of the full sufficiency of known 
fundamental iaws of matter and energy — has arisen many times 
in the development of biological thought. This has been either as a 
reaction against premature conclusions of the rapidly growing 
science, or from an overwhelming appreciation of the staggering 
complexity of life phenomena. (Page 24.) 

Vitalism attained perhaps its most concrete formulation as a 
doctrine during the early part of the eighteenth century, in opposi- 


tion to the obviously inadequate explanations which chemistry 
and physics could offer for the phenomena of irritability of living 
matter then prominently engaging the attention of biologists. 
The vitalists of that period abandoned almost completely all 
attempts to explain life processes on a physico-chemical basis, and 
assumed that an all-controlling, unknown, mystical, hyper- 
mechanical force was responsible for all living processes. It is 
apparent that such an assumption in such a form is a negation of 
the scientific method, and at once removes the problem from the 
realm of scientific investigation. 

Of course, no biologist at the present time subscribes to vitalism 
in this form; some uphold vitalism — if it must still be called vital- 
ism — in its considerably limited modern form; while al! will un- 
doubtedly admit that we are at the present time utterly unable 
to give an adequate explanation of the fundamental life processes 
in terms of physics and chemistry. Whether we shall ever be 
able to do so is unprofitable to speculate about, though certainly 
the twentieth century finds few scientists who really expect a 
scientific explanation of life ever to be attained or who expect 
that protoplasm will ever be synthesized. However that may be, 
this much is positive: during the past fifty years some biologists 
have now and then thought they were on the verge of artificially 
creating life in the test tube, only to leave the problem, like the 
alchemists of old, with more respect for the complexities of proto- 
plasmic organization and the enormous gap which separates even 
the simplest forms of life from the inorganic world. 

4. Histology 

Studies on the physiology of plants and animals naturally 
involved the progressive analysis of the physical basis of the phe- 
nomena under consideration, but the Aristotelian classification of 
the materials of the body as unorganized substance, homogeneous 
parts or tissues, and heterogeneous parts or organs, practically 
represented the level of analysis until the beginning of the eight- 
eenth century. In fact it was not until the revival of interest in 
embryology early in the last century that the cell became a particu- 
lar object of study, and attention began gradually to shift from 
more or less superficial details to cell organization. This culminated 
in the classic investigations of two German biologists, the botanist 
SCHLEIDEN (1804-1881) and the zodlogist ScHWANN (1810-1882), 


published in 1838 and 1839. Together these studies clearly showed 
that all organisms are composed of units, or cells, which are at once 
structural entities and the centers of physiological activities. And 
further that the development of animals and plants consists in the 
multiplication of an initial cell to form the multitude of different 
kinds which constitute the body of the adult. (Figs. 7, 32, 302, 

Unquestionably the cell concept represents one of the greatest 
generalizations in biology, and it only needed for its consummation 

Fic. 302. — Matthias Jacob Schleiden. 

the full realization that the viscid, jelly-like material which zoolo- 
gists interpreted as the true living matter of animals, and the 
quite similar material which botanists considered the true living 
part of plants are practically identical. This viewpoint was crystal- 
lized in the early sixties by ScnuttzE (1825-1874) of Germany in 
the formulation of the protoplasm concept, and thenceforth not 
only morphological elements — cells — but also the material of 
which they are composed — protoplasm — were recognized as 
fundamentally the same in all living beings. Indeed, the realiza- 
tion of a common physical basis of life in both plants and ani- 
mals — a common denominator to which all vital phenomena are 


reducible — gave content to the term biology and created the Sci- 
ence of life in its modern form. (Fig. 9.) 

5. Embryology 

The cell theory resulted, as we have seen, from combined studies 
on the adult structure and on the development of plants and ani- 
mals, and accordingly implies that the science of embryology has a 
history of its own. As a matter of fact, Aristotle discussed the 
wonder of the beating heart in the hen’s egg after three days’ in- 
cubation, but there the subject practically rested until FaBricrus 

Fic. 303. — Theodor Schwann. 

(1537-1619) at Padua, early in the seventeenth century, published 
a treatise which illustrated the obvious sequence of events within 
the hen’s egg to the time of hatching. This beginning was built 
upon by a pupil of Fabricius, the celebrated Harvey, who added 
many details of interest, though little progress in embryology was 
possible without the microscope. 

The microscope was first turned on embryological problems by 
the versatile MaALpicui in two treatises published in 1672, and 
at one step animal development was placed upon a plane so ad- 
vanced that for over a century it was unappreciated. One conclu- 


sion of Malpighi, however, was seized upon by contemporary 
biologists. Apparently, unbeknown to him, some of the eggs which 
he studied were slightly incubated, so that he thought traces of the 
future organism were preformed in the egg. This error contributed 
to the formulation of the preformation theory, which gradually 
became the dominant question in embryology. (Page 274.) 

As a matter of fact the time was not ripe for theories of develop- 
ment. The preformationists were wrong, but so were Aristotle, 
Harvey, and later supporters of epigenesis who went to the opposite 
extreme and denied all egg organization and therefore tried to get 

Fic. 304. — Karl Ernst von Baer. 

something out of nothing. It remained, as we know, for the present 
generation of embryologists to work out many of the details of the 
origin and organization of the germ cells, and to reach a level of 
analysis deep enough to suggest how “the whole future organism is 
potentially and materially implicit in the fertilized egg cell”’ and 
thus that “the preformationist doctrine had a well-concealed 
kernel of truth within its thick husk of error.” 

The next great advance came in the accurate and comprehensive 
studies of the Russian, von Baer (1792-1876), published in the 
thirties of the last century. Taking his material from all the chief 
groups of higher animals, von Baer founded COMPARATIVE EMBRY- 
oLocy. Among his achievements may be mentioned: the clear 


discrimination of the chief developmental stages, such as cleavage 
of the egg, germ layer formation, tissue and organ differentiation; 
the insistence on the importance of the facts of development for 
classification; and the discovery of the egg of Mammals. His obser- 
vations on the origin and development of the germ layers, which 
afforded the key to many general problems of the origin of the 
body form, and his emphasis on the resemblance of certain embry- 
onic stages of higher and lower animals, were made by his suc- 
cessors, under the influence of the evolution theory, the point of 
departure for the development of the GERM LAYER THEORY and the 
RECAPITULATION THEORY. (Figs. 176, 235, 304.) 

From every point of view von Baer created an epoch in embry- 
ology just when the cell theory began to exert its influence on 
biological research, and thenceforth it became the problem of the 
embryologist to interpret development in terms of the cell. It is 
unnecessary to follow historically the establishment of the fact 
that the egg and the sperm are really single nucleated cells; that 
fertilization consists in the fusion of egg and sperm and the orderly 
arrangement of their chief nuclear contents, or chromosomes; that 
the new generation is the fertilized egg, since every cell of the body 
as well as every chromosome in every cell is a lineal descendant by 
division from the zygote, and so from the gametes which united at 
fertilization to form it. Such, however, are the chief results of 
cytological study since von Baer. But embryologists have not been 
content to employ merely the descriptive method, and the dom- 
inant note of the most modern research is physiological — the 
experimental study of the significance of fertilization, the dynamics 
of cell division, the basis of differentiation, the influence of environ- 
mental stimuli, and so on. (Figs. 162, 164, 178.) 

6. Genetics 

The study of inheritance could be little more than a groping in 
the dark until embryology, under the influence of the cell theory, 
afforded a body of facts which clearly indicated that typically the 
fertilized egg is the sole bridge of continuity between successive 
generations. Indeed, the present science of genetics has a history 
largely confined to this century. 

Although clearly intimated by a number of workers, the concep- 
tion of the continuity of the germ plasm was first forced upon the 
attention of biologists and given greater precision by WEISMANN 


(1834-1914) of Germany in a series of essays culminating in 1892 
in his volume entitled The Germ Plasm. He identified the chro- 
matin material which constitutes the chromosomes of the cell 
nucleus as the specific bearer of hereditary characters, and em- 
phasized a sharp distinction between germ cells and somatic cells. 
(Figs. 181, 305.) 

While this viewpoint had been gradually gaining content and 
precision, the science of genetics had been advancing not only by 
exact studies on the structure and physiology of the germ cells, but 
also by statistical studies of the results of heredity — the various 

Fig. 305. — August Weismann. 

characters of animals and plants as exhibited in parents and off- 
spring. The studies of this type which first attracted the attention 
of biologists were made by GALTon (1822-1911) of England. In 
the eighties and nineties of the last century, he amassed a great 
volume of data in regard to, for example, the stature of children 
with reference to that of their parents, and derived his well-known 
‘laws’ of inheritance. 

But the work which eventually created the modern science of 
genetics was that of MENDEL (1822-1884) of Briinn, Austria. Men- 
del combined in a masterly manner the experimental breeding of 
pedigree strains of piants and the statistical treatment of the data 


thus secured in regard to the inheritance of certain characters, such 
as the form and color of the seeds in Peas. His work was published 
in 1865 in an obscure natural history periodical, and he abandoned 
teaching and research to become the Abbot of his monastery. Thus 
terminated prematurely the scientific work of one of the epoch- 
makers of biology, and the now famous Mendelian laws of inherit- 
ance were unknown to science until 1900, when other biologists, 

Fic. 306. — Gregor Johann Mendel. 

coming to similar results, unearthed his forty-year-old paper. 
(Figs. 183, 306.) 

We have already seen that the fundamental principle of the 
segregation of the genes during the development of the gametes, | 
which Mendel’s work indicated, has been extended to other plants 
and to animals, and that instead of being, as at first thought, a 
principle of rather limited application, appears to be the key to all 
inheritance. And the present results are extremely convincing 
because cytological studies on the architecture of the chromosome 
complex of the germ cells keep pace with, and afford a picture of 
the physical basis of inheritance — the mechanism by which the 
segregation and independent assortment of characters by the Men- 
delian formula takes place. Such is the deeply hidden kernel of truth 
in the old preformation theories. (Fig. 167.) 


7. Organic Evolution 

A question which has interested and perplexed thinking men of 
all times is how things came to be as they are to-day. The historian 
of human affairs attempts to trace the sequence and relationship 
of events from the remote past to the present. Similarly, the geol- 
ogist endeavors to formulate the history of the Earth; and the bi- 
ologist, the history of plants and animals on the Earth. All rec- 

Fic. 307. — Comte de Buffon. 

ognize that the present is the child of the past and the parent of 
the future, and that past, present, and future, though causally re- 
lated, are never the same. It was the Greek natural philosophers 
who introduced this idea of history into science and attempted to 
give a naturalistic explanation of the Earth and its inhabitants, 
and thus started the uniformitarian trend of thought which cul- 
minated in the establishment of organic evolution during the past 
century. (Page 349.) 

Aristotle apparently held the general idea of the evolution of 
life from a primordial mass of living matter to the higher forms, 
and placed Man at the head of animal creation. “To him be- 
longs the God-like nature. He is preéminent by thought and voli- 
tion. But although all are dwarf-like and incomplete in comparison 
with Man, he is only the highest point of one continuous ascent.” 
And evolution is still going on — the highest has not yet been 


attained. In looking for the effective cause of adaptation Aristotle 
rejected the hypothesis of EMpEpocLes (495-435 B.c.), which em- 
bodied in crude form the idea of the survival of the fittest, and 
substituted secondary natural laws to account for the apparent 
design in nature. This was a sound induction by Aristotle from 
his necessarily limited knowledge of nature, but had he accepted 
the idea to account for adaptations, perhaps it would not be an 
exaggeration to regard him as “the literal prophet of Darwinism.” 

Fic. 308. — Erasmus Darwin. 

The thread of continuity in evolutionary thought is not broken 
from Aristotle to the present, but from the strictly biological 
viewpoint two Frenchmen, Buffon and Lamarck, and two English- 
men, Erasmus Darwin and his grandson, Charles Darwin, stand 

BuFron (1707-1788) was a peculiarly happy combination of 
entertainer and scientist who found expression in each new volume 
of his great Natural History. And it was largely, so to speak, be- 
tween the lines of this work that Buffon’s evolutionary ideas were 
displayed; apparently beyond the reach of the censor and dilettante. 
It is not strange, therefore, that it is often difficult to decide just 
how much weight is to be placed on some of his statements; though 
certainly it is not exaggerating to ascribe to him not only the recog- 
nition of the factors of geographical isolation, struggle for existence, 


artificial and natural selection in the origin of species, but also 
the propounding of a theory of the origin of variations — that the 
direct action of the environment brings about modifications in 
the structure of animals and plants and these are transmitted to 
the offspring. (Fig. 307.) 

When Buffon’s influence had passed its height, ERasmus Dar- 
win (1731-1802) expressed consistent views on the evolution of 
organisms, in several volumes of prose and poetry, which lead 

Fic. 309. — Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. 

biologists to-day to recognize him as the anticipator of the La- 
marckian doctrine that somatic variations arise through the reac- 
tion of the organism to environmental conditions. “All animals 
undergo transformations which are in part by their own exertions, 
in response to pleasures, and pain, and many of these acquired forms 
or propensities are transmitted to their posterity.” (Fig. 308.) 
Lamarck (1744-1829) developed with great care the first com- 
plete and logical theory of organic evolution and is the one out- 
standing figure in biological uniformitarian thought between Aris- 
totle and Charles Darwin. ‘‘For nature,” he writes, “time is 
nothing. For all the evolution of the Earth and of living beings, 
nature needs but three elements, space, time, and matter.” In 
regard to the factors of evolution, Lamarck put emphasis on the 
indirect action of the environment in the case of animals, and the 


direct action in the case of plants. The former are induced to 
react and so adapt themselves, as it were; while the latter, without 
a nervous system, are molded directly by their surroundings. And, 
so Lamarck believed, such changes, somatic in origin — acquired 
characters — are transmitted to the next generation and bring 
about the evolution of organisms. (Fig. 309.) 

Through the relative weakness of Lamarck’s successors the 
French school of evolutionists dwindled to practical extinction; 

Fic. 310. — Charles Lyell. 

while in Germany, GOETHE (1749-1832), the greatest poet of 
evolution, and TREvrRANUS (1776-1837) “‘brilliantly carried the 
argument without carrying conviction,” for the man and the 
moment must agree. Then in England the uniformitarian ideas 
elaborated by LyEtui (1797-1875) in his Principles of Geology es- 
tablished evolution in geology and the way was paved for CHARLES 
Darwin (1809-1882) to do the same for the organic world. (Figs. 
310, 312; pages 373-377.) 

True, “the idea of developmeni saturated the intellectual at- 
mosphere — nevertheless the elaborate and toilsome labor of think- 
ing it through for the endless realm of nature was to be done”’ and 
Darwin did it in his Origin of Species which appeared in 1859. By 
his brilliant, scholarly, open-minded, and cautious marshalling of 
the facts pointing toward the universality of variations and the 


mutability of species; and by the theory of natural selection on the 
basis of slight adaptive variations resulting in the survival of the 
fittest in the struggle for existence — which, strange to say, Darwin 
and WALLACE (1822-1913) reached simultaneously and independ- 
ently — Darwin “made the old idea current intellectual coin.”’ 
(Figs. 236; 239; SLY, 312.) 

To-day, as we know, no representative biologist questions the 
fact of evolution — “evolution knows only one heresy, the denial 

Fic. 311. — Alfred Russel Wallace. 

of continuity’ — though in regard to the factors involved, there is 
much difference of opinion. It is possible that we shall have reason 
to depart widely from Darwin’s interpretation of the effective prin- 
ciples at work in the origin of species, but withal this will have 
little influence on his position in the history of biology. The great 
value which he placed upon facts was exceeded only by his demon- 
stration that this ‘value is due to their power of guiding the mind 
to a further discovery of principles.’’ The Origin of Species brought 
biology into line with the other inductive sciences, recast prac- 
tically all of its problems, and instituted new ones. Darwin beauti- 
fully and conservatively expressed this new outlook on nature in 
the historically important concluding paragraph of his epoch- 
making work: 


‘It is interesting to contemplate a tangled bank, clothed with 
many plants of many kinds, with birds singing on the bushes, with 
various insects flitting about, and with worms crawling through the 
damp earth, and to reflect that these elaborately constructed 
forms, so different from each other, and dependent upon each other 
in so complex a manner, have all been produced by laws acting 
around us. These laws, taken in the largest sense, being Growth 
with Reproduction; Inheritance which is almost implied by re- 
production; Variability from the indirect and direct action of the 

Fig. 312. — Charles Darwin. 

conditions of life, and from use and disuse: a Ratio of Increase so 
high as to lead to a Struggle for Life, and as a consequence to 
Natural Selection, entailing Divergence of Character and the 
Extinction of less-improved forms. Thus, from the war of nature, 
from famine and death, the most exalted object which we are 
capable of conceiving, namely, the production of the higher ani- 
mals, directly follows. There is a grandeur in this view of life, with 
its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator 
into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone 
cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a 
beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have 
been, and are being evolved.”’ 


The figures indicate the approximate number of known species. 

Phylum 1. PROTOZOA. (20,000 species.) 
Class I. Sarcopina: Amoeba, Foraminifera, Heliozoa, Radiolaria. 
(Figs. 6, 8, 11, 13, 19-21, 244, 245.) 
Class II. Masticopuora: Flagellates. Monads, Trypanosomes, Eu- 
glena, Volvox. (Figs. 18, 22-24, 224.) 
Class III. Sporozoa: Plasmodium, Monocystis. (Figs. 25, 223.) 
Class IV. Inrusoria: Ciliates. Paramecium, Vorticella, Stentor. 
(Figs. 18, 26-28, 135, 226.) 
Phylum 2. PORIFERA: Sponges. (3000 species.) Leucosolenia, Grantia, 
Euspongia. (Figs. 35, 36.) 
Phylum 3. COELENTERATA. (10,000 species.) 
Class 1. Hyprozoa: Hydra, Obelia, Gonionemus. (Figs. 37, 38, 57, 
58, 155, 158) 
Class II. Scypuozoa: Jellyfish. Aurelia. (Figs. 39, 40.) 
Class III. ANtHozoa: Sea Anemones, Corals. (Figs. 41, 42.) 
Phylum 4. CTENOPHORA: Sea Walnuts. (100 species.) 
Phylum 5. PLATYHELMINTHES: Flatworms. (7000 species.) 
Class I. Tursevuarta: Planaria. (Figs. 43, 156, 161.) 
Class If. Trematopa: Liver Flukes. (Fig. 251.) 
Class III. Cestropa: Tapeworms. (Figs. 252, 253.) 
Class IV. Nemertinea. (Figs. 157, 159.) 
Phylum 6. NEMATHELMINTHES: Roundworms. (3000 species.) 
Class I. Nematopa: Ascaris, Trichinella, Hookworm. (Figs. 44, 
254, 255.) 
Class II]. Nematromorpua: Gordius. 
Class III. Acanruocepuata: Echinorhynchus. 
Phylum 7. ANNELIDA: Segmented Worms. (7000 species.) 
Class J. ARCHIANNELIDA: Polygordius. 
Class II. PotycHarta: Sandworms, Tubeworms. (Figs. 45, 166.) 
Class III. Or1cocuarta: Earthworms, Naids. (Figs. 60, 160, 173.) 
Class IV. GepuyRea: Sipunculus. 
Class V. Hirupinea: Leeches. (Fig. 45.) 
Phylum 8. ROTIFERA: Rotifers. (1800 species.) 
Phylum 9. BRYOZOA: Bryozoans. (3000 species.) 
Phylum 10. BRACHIOPODA: Brachiopods. (130 species.) 



Phylum 11. ECHINODERMATA. (5000 species.) 
Class I. AstEromwea: Starfish. (Fig. 46.) 
Class II. OpHiuroripEa: Brittle Stars. 
Class III. EcurnoinEa: Sea Urchins. (Figs. 47, 172.) 
Class IV. HoLotHurorpEaA: Sea Cucumbers. (Fig. 47.) 
Class V. Crrinoipka: Feather Stars, Sea Lilies. (Fig. 47.) 
Phylum 12. MOLLUSCA. (80,000 species.) 
Class I. AmMpuIngeurRa: Chiton. (Fig. 48.) 
Class II. ScapHopopa: Dentalium. (Fig. 177.) 
Class III. Gastropopa: Snails, Slugs. (Fig. 48.) 
Class IV. PELEcypopa: Oysters, Clams, Scallops, Shipworm. (Fig. 
Class V. CEpHALOpoDA: Squid, Octopus, Nautilus. (Fig. 50.) 
Phylum 13. ARTHROPODA. (700,000 species.) 
Class I. Crustacka. 
Subclass 1. Entomostraca. Daphnia, Cyclops, Barnacles. (Fig. 51.) 
Subclass 2. Malacostraca. Crayfish, Lobsters, Crabs, Pill-bugs.. 
(Figs. 51, 63-65.) | 
Class II. OnycHopuora: Peripatus. (Fig. 56.) 
Class III. Mynrrapopa: Centipedes, Millipedes. (Fig. 52.3 
Class IV. Insecta. (Fig. 54B.) 
Commonly accepted orders are: 

1. Thysanura: Silverfish, etc. 13. Anoplura: Sucking Lice. 

2. Collembola: Springtails. 14. Hemiptera: Bugs. 

3. Orthoptera: Grasshoppers, 15. Homoptera: Plant-lice, etc. 
Crickets, Roaches, etc. 16. Dermaptera: Earwigs. 

4. Isoptera: Termites. 17. Coleoptera: Beetles. 

5. Neuroptera: Ant-lions, Lace- 18. Strepsiptera: Stylopids. 
wings, etc. 19. Mecoptera: Scorpion-flies, etc. 

6. E/phemeroptera: Mayflies. 20. Trichoptera: Caddice-flies. 

7. Odonata: Dragonflies. 21. Lepidoptera: Moths and But- 

8. Plecoptera: Stoneflies. terflies. 

9. Psocoptera: Book-lice, etc. 22. Diptera: Flies, Mosquitoes. 

10. Mallophaga: Bird-lice. 23. Siphonaptera: Fleas. 

11. Embioptera: Embiids. 24. Hymenoptera: Bees, Wasps, 

12. Thysanoptera: Thrips. Ants, Ichneumons, etc. 

Class. V. ARACHNOIDEA: Scorpions, Spiders, Mites. (Fig. 55.) 
Phylum 14. CHORDATA. (70,000 species.) 
Subphylum A. ENTEROPNEUSTA: Dolichoglossus. 
Subphylum B. TUNICATA: Tunicates, Sea-squirts. Styela. 
Subphylum C. CEPHALOCHORDA: Lancelets. Amphioxus (Branchi- 
ostoma). (Figs. 67, 278.) 


Subphylum D. VERTEBRATA. 
Class I. Cyciostomata: Hagfish, Lamprey. (Figs. 68, 168.) 
Class IJ. ELasmMoprancuii: Sharks and Rays. Dogfish. (Figs. 69, 
70, 120.) 
Class III. Pisces. (30,000 species.) 
Subclass 1. Teleostomi. Mackerel, Trout, Cod, Perch, Goldfish, 
Guppy. (Figs. 71-74, 106.) 
Subclass 2. Dipnot. Lungfishes. (Fig. 75.) 
Class IV. Ampurpra. (2000 species.) 
Order 1. Apoda: Coecilians. 
Order 2. Caudata: Necturus, Salamander, Cryptobranchus, Am- 
blystoma. (Figs. 76, 77.) 
Order 3. Salientia: Frogs, Toads. (Figs. 78, 98, 103, 107, 174, 175.) 
Class V. Repritia. (5000 species.) 
Order 1. Testudinata: Turtles, Tortoises. (Fig. 80.) 
Order 2. Rhynchocephalia: Sphenodon. 
Order 3. Crocodilia: Crocodiles, Alligators. 
Order 4. Squamata: Chameleons, Lizards, Snakes. (Figs. 81-83, 
230, 231.) 
Class VI. Aves: Birds. (15,000 species.) 
Subclass 1. Archaeornithes: Archaeopteryx (extinct). (Fig. 233.) 
Subclass 2. Neornithes. 
Division A. Ratitae: Apteryx, Ostrich. (Fig. 84.) 
Division B. Carinatae: All familiar Birds. (Figs. 85, 86, 239.) 
Class VII. Mammatra. (10,000 species.) 
Subclass 1. Prototheria: Monotremes. Duck-bill, Echidna. (Fig. 87.) 
Subclass 2. Metatheria: Marsupials. Opossums, Kangaroos. (Fig. 
Subclass 3. Eutheria: Placentals. All familiar Mammals. (Fig. 202.) 
Order 1. Insectivora: Moles, Shrews, Hedgehogs, Gymnura. 
(Figs. 201, 205, 207.) 
Order 2. Edentata: Sloths, Anteaters, and Armadillos. (Figs. 89, 
Order 3. Chiroptera: Bats. (Figs. 207, 227.) 
Order 4. Rodentia: Rats, Mice, Rabbits, Squirrels, Beavers, 
Porcupines, Guinea-pig. (Figs. 108, 187.) 
Order 5. Carnivora: Cats, Dogs, Bears, Seals, Walruses. (Fig. 
Order 6. Cetacea: Whales, Porpoises, Dolphins. (Figs. 90, 206.) 
Order 7. Ungulata: Horses, Tapirs, Rhinoceroses, Camels, Oxen, 
Antelopes, Giraffes, Pigs, Hippopotami, Elephants. (Figs. 90, 
92, 234, 238.) 
Order 8. Sirenia: Manatee. (Fig. 91.) 


Order 9. Primates: (Fig. 272.) 
Suborder 1. Lemuroidea: Lemurs. (Fig. 93.) 
Suborder 2. Tarsioidea: Tarsiers. (Fig. 272.) 
Suborder 3. Anthropoidea: Monkeys, Apes, Man. (Fig. 272.) 
Series 1. Platyrrhini: New World Species. 
Family 1. Hapalidae: Marmosets. 
Family 2. Cebidae: Capuchins, Howler Monkeys, Spider 
Monkeys, etc. (Fig. 93.) 
Series 2. Catarrhini: Old World Species. 
Family 3. Cercopithecidae: Tailed Monkeys. Macaques, 
Baboons, etc. (Fig. 93.) 
Family 4. Simiidae: Man-like or Anthropoid Apes. Gib- 
bons, Orang-utans, Chimpanzees, Gorillas. (Figs. 93, 
228, 273, 214.) 
Family 5. Hominidae: Man. 

Phylum Ctenophora 

Phylum Coelenterata All other Phyta 
(Animals with (Animals with 
enteric cavity ) enteric cavity 

and coelom) 

Phylum Porifera ENTEROZOA 


(Multicellular animals) 

Phylum Protozoa 
(Unicellular animals) 

Fic. 313. — Diagram of the relationships of the animal phyla. 





Some easily available works in English which are suitable for reference 
and collateral reading. 

BaliTsELL, G. A. Manual of Animal Biology. Macmillan, 1932. Detailed 
descriptions of the structure and life processes of a number of repre- 
sentative animals, together with directions for their study in the lab- 
oratory. Written especially to accompany WoopruFF’s Animal Biology. 


Biological Abstracts of the World’s Literature in Biology. Issued monthly. 

Vol. 1, 1926. Philadelphia. 

CatTEi, J. McK. (editor). American Men of Science. A Biographical 
Dictionary. 6th edition. Science Press, 1938. 

DampierR-WHETHAM, W. C.D. A History of Science. Cambridge Univer- 
sity Press, 1930. 

Grecory, R. A., Discovery, or the Spirit and Service of Science. Macmillan, 

Hawupane, J. S. The Philosophical Basis of Biology. Doubleday, Doran, 

HeEnpeErsON, I. F., and HenpErson, W. D. A Dictionary of Scientific 
Terms: Pronunciation, Derivation, and Definition of Terms in Biology, 
Botany, Zodlogy, Anatomy, Cytology, Embryology, Physiology. 2d edition. 
Van Nostrand, 1929. 

Huxtey, T. H. “Educational Value of the Natural History Sciences.” 
1854. Collected Essays, Vol. Science and Education. Appleton. 

Huxtey, T. H. “On Our Knowledge of the Causes of the Phenomena of 
Organic Nature.’ 1863. Collected Essays, Vol. Darwiniana. 

Huxtey, T. H. “On the Study of Biology.” 1876. Collected Essays, Vol. 
Science and Education. 

JaEGER, E. C. A Dictionary of Greek and Latin Combining Forms Used in 
Zoological Names. Thomas, 1930. 

ME .anper, A. L. Source Book of Biological Terms. College of the City 
of New York, 1937. 

Tuomson, J. A. An Introduction to Science. Holt, 1911. 

We ts, H. G., Huxtey, J. S., and Wetts, G. P. The Science of Life. 
Doubleday, Doran, 1931. 

Westaway, F. W. Scientific Method. 3d edition. Blackie & Son, 1923. 

WuiteHeaD, A. N. Science and the Modern World. Macmillan, 1925. 




Cownry, E. V. (editor). General Cytology. University of Chicago Press, 

Cowpry, E. V. (editor). Special Cytology. 2d edition. Hoeber, 1932. 

Gray, J. Text Book of Experimental Cytology. Macmillan, 1931. 

SHarp, L. W. Introduction to Cytology. 3d edition. McGraw-Hill, 1934. 

Tuompson, D’Arcy W. On Growth and Form. Cambridge University 
Press, 1917. 

Witson, E. B. The Cell in Development and Heredity. 3d edition. Mac- 
millan, 1925. 


Bautpwin, E. An Introduction to Comparative Biochemistry. Macmillan, 

Barnes, T. C. Textbook of General Physiology. Blakiston, 1937. 

Bayuiss, W. M. Principles of General Physiology. 4th edition. Longmans, 
Green, 1924. 

Bayuiss, W. M. The Nature of Enzyme Action. Longmans, Green, 1925. 

HeEILBrunn, L. V. Colloidal Chemistry of Protoplasm. Borntraeger, 1928. 

HerILprunn, L. V. General Physiology. Saunders, 1937. 

Huxtey, T. H. “On the Physical Basis of Life.”” 1868. Collected Essays, 
Vol. Method and Results. Appleton. 

Logs, JacquEs. The Dynamics of Living Matter. Columbia University 
Press, 1906. 

Parsons, T. R. The Materials of Life. Norton, 1930. 

Puiu, J. C. Physical Chemistry: Its Bearing on Biology and Medicine. 
Longmans, Green, 1925. 

Serrriz, W. Protoplasm. McGraw-Hill, 1936. 

SHERMAN, H. C. Chemistry of Food and Nutrition. 5th edition. Macmillan, 

SHERMAN, H. C., and Smitu, 8. L. The Vitamins. American Chemical 
Society, 1931. 

Witson, E. B. The Physical Basis of Life. Yale University Press, 1923. 


GREAVES, J. E., and Greaves, E. O. Elementary Bacteriology. 3d edition. 
Saunders, 1936. 

Hotmes, E. The Metabolism of Living Tissues. Cambridge University 
Press, 1937. 

Huxtey, T. H. “On the Border Territory between the Animal and 
Vegetable Kingdoms.” 1876. Collected Essays, Vol. Discourses Biological 
and Geological. Appleton. 

JORDAN, E. O. Bacteriology. 11th edition. Saunders, 1937. 


Lutman, B. F. Microbiology. McGraw-Hill, 1930. 

MarsHa.u, C. E. Microbiology. 3d edition. Blakiston’s, 1926. 

PLunkeEtt, C. R. Outlines of Modern Biology. Holt, 1930. 

Waksman, S. A., Principles of Soil Microbiology. Williams & Wilkins, 1927. 

Waxsman, S. A., and Starkey, R. L. The Soil and the Microbe. Wiley, 

Wooprurr, L. L. “The Origin and Sequence of the Protozoan Fauna of 
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Wooprurr, L. L. Foundations of Biology. 5th edition. Macmillan, 1936. 


Caxins, G. N. Biology of the Protozoa. 2d edition. Lea and Febiger, 1933. 

Heener, R. W., and TauiaFerro, W. H. Human Protozodlogy. Macmil- 
lan, 1924. 

Jennincs, H. S. Genetics of the Protozoa. Nijhoff, 1929. 

Kupo, R. R. Handbook of Protozoélogy. Thomas, 1931. 

Mincutn, E. A. Introduction to the Study of the Protozoa. Arnold, 1912. 

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Wenyon, C. M. Protozodlogy. William Wood, 1926. 

Wooprurr, L. L. ‘‘The Protozoa and the Problem of Adaptation,”’ in 
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Bremer, J. L. Histology. 5th edition. Blakiston, 1936. 

DauLGREN, Uric, and Kepner, W. A. Principles of Animal Histology. 
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GacE, S. H. The Microscope. 16th edition. Comstock, 1936. 

Guyer, M. F. Animal Micrology. Practical Exercises in Zoélogical Micro- 
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Ke.uicotr, W. E. General Embryology. Holt, 1913. 

Kincssury, B. F., and JoHANNSEN, O. A. Histological Technique. Wiley, 

McCuung, C. E. (editor). Microscopical Technique. 2d edition. Hoeber, 

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BaitsEtL, G. A. Human Biology. Edwards, 1938. 

Bepparp, F. E. Earthworms and Their Allies. Cambridge University 
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BorrapDAILe, L. A., and Potts, F. A. The Invertebrata. 2d edition. 
Macmillan, 1935. 

Carson, A. J., and Jounson, V. The Machinery of the Body. University 
of Chicago Press, 1937. 

CRANDALL, L. A. An Introduction to Human Physiology. Saunders, 1934. 

Drew, G. A. Invertebrate Zodlogy. 5th edition. Saunders, 1936. 

Fotsom, J. W., and Warp.ig, R. A. Entomology. 4th edition. Blakiston, 

Harmer, S. F., and Surptey, A. E. (editors). The Cambridge Natural 
History. Ten volumes. Macmillan, 1895. 

Heoner, R. W. College Zodlogy. Ath edition. Macmillan, 1936. 

Heaner, R. W. Invertebrate Zodlogy. Macmillan, 1933. 

Heoner, R. W. Parade of the Animal Kingdom. Macmillan, 1935. 

Herrick, C. J. Introduction to Neurology. 5th edition. Saunders, 1931. 

Homes, S. J. Biology of the Frog. 4th edition. Macmillan, 1927. 

Hoskins, R. G. The Tides of Life. Norton, 1933. 

Howe tt, W. H. Textbook of Physiology. 13th edition. Saunders, 1936. 

Hux ey, T. H. The Crayfish. Appleton, 1880. 

Hyman, L. H. A Laboratory Manual for Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy. 
University of Chicago Press, 1922. 

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1 Also see Bibliography for Chapter X XI. 


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ABIOGENESIS. The abandoned idea that living matter may arise at the 
present time from the non-living without the influence of the former. 
See Biogenesis. 

ApsorPTION. The passage of nutritive and other fluids into living cells. 

AcoELOMATE. Not possessing a coelom, or body cavity; e.g., Hydra. See 

AcgurRED CHARACTER. A modification of body structure or function 
which arises during individual life. 

ApaPTATION. The reciprocal fitness of organism and environment; a 
structure or reaction fitted for a special environment; the process by 
which an organism becomes fitted to its surroundings. 

ADRENAL GLANDS. Ductless glands situated near the kidneys. Secretion 
supplies the hormones adrenaline and cortin. 

AgrosBeE. An organism requiring free oxygen. See Anaerobe. 

AFFERENT Root. Dorsal, or posterior, root of certain cranial and all 
spinal nerves through which sensory nerve impulses enter the brain and 
spinal cord. See Efferent Root. 

Axprno. An individual lacking normal pigment, e.g., a white rat. Al- 
binism in the Rat and Man is a typical Mendelian recessive character. 

AucaAg. A heterogeneous group of lower plants in which the body is uni- 
cellular or consists of a thallus; e.g., Protococcus, Spirogyra, Seaweeds. 

Auuantors. An embryonic membrane of higher Vertebrates, chiefly res- 
piratory in function. 

ALLELomMoRPHS. Alleles. Genes similarly situated on homologous chromo- 
somes. Homologous genes. See Homologous Chromosomes. 

ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS. Typically the alternate succession of sex- 
ual and asexual generations in the life history; e.g., Obelia. 


Amino Acips. Components of proteins. Organic acids in which one hydro- 
gen atom is replaced by the amino group (NHz2). 

Amnion. A delicate membrane enclosing the developing embryos of 
Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals. 

Amogesorp. Usually applied to the flowing movements of a cell, as in 
Amoeba and white blood corpuscles. 

AmPuHIMIxis. The mingling of the germ plasm of two gametes in the zygote. 

ANABOLISM. The constructive phase of metabolism. See Katabolism. 

ANAEROBE. An organism not requiring free oxygen; e.g., certain Bacteria 
and parasitic Worms. See Aerobe. 



AnaLocy. Structural resemblance, usually superficial, due to similarity 
of functions; e.g., wing of Butterfly and Bird. See Homology. 

ANAPHASE. Period in mitosis during which the daughter chromosomes 
move toward the respective centrosomes. See Telophase. 

Anatomy. The structure of organisms, especially as revealed by dissec- 
tion. See Morphology. 

ANTENNAE. A pair of appendages of the Arthropod head, sensory in 

Anus. Terminal orifice of the alimentary canal. 

Aorta. A great trunk artery carrying blood away from the heart. See 
Dorsal Aorta. 

Aortic ArcHEs. Arteries arising from the ventral aorta and supplying 
the gills in aquatic Vertebrates. Undergo many modifications in the 
ascending series of air-breathing Vertebrates. 

Apuips. Small sucking Insects; e.g., the green Plant Lice of garden shrubs. 

ApopyLes. Pores leading from the flagellated chambers to the gastral 
cavity of Sponges. 

Artery. A blood vessel carrying blood away from the heart. 

ArtTHROPODA. Phylum of Invertebrates. Includes the Crustaceans, In- 
sects, Spiders, etc. 

AssocriaTIVE Memory. Representative cerebral activity of the higher 
animals and Man, exclusive of reason which presumably is confined to 
the latter. 

Aster. Radiations surrounding the centrosome during cell division. 

AUTONOMIC SysTEM. System of outlying ganglia and nerves which com- 
municates with the central nervous system via the roots of the spinal and 
cranial nerves. Regulates nearly all the involuntary functions of the 
body. Sympathetic system. 

Autotropuic. Power to synthesize food from inorganic substances. Green 
plants (holophytic) secure the necessary energy from light, and certain 
Bacteria by the oxidation of inorganic substances. See Holozoic. 

Axon. A nerve fiber conducting impulses away from the nerve cell body. 
Dendrites conduct toward the cell body. See Neuron. 

Bite Duct. Tube which conveys the secretions (bile) of the liver to the 
small intestine. Usually unites with the pancreatic duct to form a com- 
mon duct which enters the intestine. 

Binary Fission. The division of a cell, especially a unicellular organism, 
into two daughter cells; e.g., in Paramecium. 

Brvomrat NomMeEnNciature. The accepted scientific method of designating 
organisms by two Latin or Latinized words, the first indicating the genus 
and the other, the species; e.g., the Dog, Canis familiaris; Man, Homo 


BiocogEnosis. An association of diverse organisms forming a natural 
ecological unit in which there is more or less interdependence. 

BiocengEsi!s. The established doctrine that all life arises from preéxisting 
living matter. See Abiogenesis. 

BioGEnetTic Law. See Recapitulation Theory. 

BroLtocy. Study of matter in the living state, and its manifestations. 

BipaRENTAL. Involving two progenitors, male and female. 

Brramous. Comprising two branching parts; e.g., abdominal appendages 
(swimmerets) of the Crayfish. 

BLasTocoEL. The cavity within the blastula. Segmentation cavity. 

BuLasToporRE. The opening to the exterior from the enteric pouch of a 

BuastosTyYLe. Central axis of an individual (gonangium) of a Hydroid 
colony that buds medusae, e.g., in Obelia. 

Buastuta. The stage following cleavage when the cells are arranged in a 
single layer to form a hollow sphere. 

BLENDING INHERITANCE. Apparent fusion of parental characters in the 
offspring so that a more or less intermediate condition arises; e.g., skin 
color of mulattoes. 

Bioop Corpuscies. Detached cells present in the fluid plasma of the 
blood. Two principal kinds, red and white. 

Buccat Cavity. Mouth cavity. 

CALCIFEROUS GLANDs. Glands opening into the esophagus of the Earth- 
worm which secrete calcium carbonate, probably to neutralize acidity 
of food. 

Catorig£. The unit of heat energy, and therefore largely of fuel value. 
Heat required to raise 1000 grams of water through 1° C. Large calorie. 

CARBOHYDRATES. Compounds of carbon with hydrogen and oxygen, the 
hydrogen and oxygen typically in the same proportion as in water (H.0). 

CARDINAL VEINS. Pair of large veins returning blood from posterior part 
of body, e.g., in Dogfish. 

CasTRATION. Removal of the gonads, especially of the male. 

Catatysis. The inducing or accelerating of a chemical reaction by a 
substance (e.g., an enzyme) which itself remains unchanged. 

Ceti. A structural and physiological unit mass of protoplasm, differ- 
entiated into cytoplasm and nucleus. 

CELLULOSE. A carbohydrate which characteristically forms the walls of 
plant cells. 

CENTRAL Capsute. Perforated partition that separates the endoplasm 
from the ectoplasm in the Radiolaria. 

CENTROSOME. A body, enclosing a minute granule, or centriole, situated 
in the center of the aster and active during cell division. 


CueirPeD. The first thoracic appendages of the Crayfish and its allies. 
The ‘ pincer.’ 

CuemotropisM. A simple orienting response, either positive or negative, 
to chemical stimuli; e.g., of Paramecium or sperm. Chemotaxis. 

CHLORAGOGEN CELLS. Outer layer of intestine of Earthworm. Probably 
excretory in function. 

CHLOROPHYLL. The characteristic green coloring matter of plants, through 
which photosynthesis takes place. Comprises two pigments. 

Cutoropiasts. The special cytoplasmic bodies containing chlorophyll. 

CHOLESTEROL. A complex monohydric alcohol of the lipid series. Closely 
related to vitamin D, certain hormones, and cancer-producing sub- 
stances. See Lipids. 

CuorpaTe. An animal whose primary axial skeleton consists temporarily 
or permanently of a notochord. All Vertebrates are Chordates, but the 
lowest Chordates are not Vertebrates. See Appendix I. 

Cuorion. External embryonic membrane of Mammals. 

CuHromaTIN. A deeply staining substance characteristic of the nucleus, 
forming chromosomes, etc. See Germ Plasm. 

CHROMOSOME. One of the deeply staining bodies into which the chromatin 
of the nucleus becomes visibly resolved during mitosis. A linkage 
group of genes. See Germ Plasm. 

Cit1a. Delicate protoplasmic projections from a cell, which lash in unison 
and propel the cell in the water (e.g., Paramecium), or move particles 
over the cell surface (e.g., cells lining various tubes in multicellular forms). 

Cuass. In classification, a main subdivision of a phylum. See Order. 

CLEAVAGE. Cell divisions which transform the egg into the blastula stage 
during development. 

Cioaca. A cavity at the posterior end of the Vertebrate body, into which 
the intestine, urinary, and reproductive ducts open. Not present in 
most Mammals. 

CocuiEA. The portion of the ear, in communication with the sacculus, 
which is the essential organ of hearing in the higher Vertebrates. 

CoELom. The body cavity, enclosed by tissue of mesodermal origin. 

CoELOMATE. Possessing a coelom, or body cavity; as in all the chief 
groups of animals above the Coelenterates. 

CoELomic EpirHetium. See Peritoneum. 

Cornosarc. Tissue of the tubular branches of a Hydroid; e.g., Obelia. 

CotiarR CEs. Cells with cytoplasmic flange, or collar, surrounding the 
base of the flagellum. Represented by certain Protozoa, and in the 
gastral epithelium of Sponges. 

Cotto. A state of matter in which a substance is finely divided into 
particles larger than one molecule and suspended in another substance, 
semi-fluid or fluid. 


Cotony. An aggregation or intimate association of several or many 
individuals to form a superior unit. 

Compounp Eyr. One composed of numerous facets, or separate visual 
elements. Supposed to afford mosaic vision; e.g., in Crayfish and 

ConsuGaTion. Union (usually temporary) of two cells, resulting in fer- 
tilization; e.g., in Paramecium. See Endomixis. 

CONSERVATION OF ENERGY. The ‘law’ that the total energy of the universe 
is constant, none being created or destroyed but merely transformed 
from one form to another. 

CONTRACTILE Vacuo.Le. A reservoir in unicellular organisms (e.g., Para- 
mecium) in which water and waste products of metabolism collect and 
are periodically expelled to the exterior. 

Cowper's GLAND. Small ovoid body associated with the prostate gland 
and urethra in the male of Mammals. 

CrantaL Nerves. Nerves which arise from the brain. 

Cranium. The protective case enclosing the brain. 

CREATININE. A nitrogenous waste product. Present in small quantity in 
human urine. 

Cretin. A defective individual, due to a deficiency of thyroid secretion. 

Crossinc-ovEerR. The rearranging of linked characters as a result of the 
exchange of homologous genes during synapsis of chromosomes. 

Crura Ceresri. Thickenings of ventral surface of mid-brain. 

Crustacea. A group of Arthropoda, including Crayfish, Crabs, ete. 

Curaneous. Pertaining to the skin. 

CuticLte. The outermost lifeless layer of the skin. See Epidermis. 

Cyst. A resistant envelope formed about an organism (e.g., many Pro- 
tozoa) during unfavorable conditions or reproduction. 

Cyto.tocy. The science of cell structure and function. 

Cytopiasm. Protoplasm of a cell exclusive of nucleus. Cytosome. 

Darwinism. Charles Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection. Erroneously 
used as synonymous with organic evolution. 

Decay. Chemical decomposition involving putrefaction or fermentation. 
See Putrefaction. 

DENpRITE. See Axon. 

DeNiITRIFYING BactEertA. Types of Bacteria which break down com- 
pounds of nitrogen and set free the nitrogen to the atmosphere. 

DerrMAL. Pertaining to the skin. The dermis is the inner layer of the 
Vertebrate skin. See Epidermis. 

DIFFERENTIATION. A transformation from relative homogeneity to heter- 
ogeneity, involving the production of specific substances or parts from 
a general substance or part. Specialization. 


Dirrusion. Intermingling of two substances due to migration of their 
molecules. Pressure exerted by molecules in diffusion through a semi- 
permeable membrane is osmotic pressure. See Osmosis. 

Dicestion. Chemical simplification of food so that it can be absorbed 
and utilized. 

Diaysrip. Progeny of parents differing in two given characters. 

Drie.os.iastic. Composed of only two primary layers: ectoderm and endo- 
derm, e.g., Hydra. See Triploblastic. 

Drietow. Having two complete sets of homologous chromosomes. Max- 
imum number of chromosomes in the life history of a given species. See 

Division oF Lapor. Allocation of special functions to special parts which 
codperate toward the unity of the whole. 

Dominant CuaractTer. One of a pair of alternative characters, repre- 
sented by homologous genes, which appears in the phenotype to the 
exclusion of the other (recessive) character when both are present in 
the genotype. 

Dorsat Aorta. Chief artery distributing pure blood to the body. Ven- 
tral aorta carries blood from heart to gill arteries in Fishes. 

Ductiess Guanp. An organ whose function is to elaborate and secrete a 
hormone directly into the blood. An endocrine gland. 

Ecotocy. The study of the relations of the organism to environing condi- 
tions, organic and inorganic. 

Ecroperm. The primary tissue comprising the surface layer of cells in the 
gastrula. See Germ Layer. 

Ecropiasm. Modified surface layer of cytoplasm of a cell. See En- 

EFFERENT Root. Ventral, or anterior, root of certain cranial and all spinal 
nerves through which motor nerve impulses leave the brain and spinal 
cord. See Afferent Root. 

Emsryo.tocy. Study of the early developmental stages, or embryos, of 
individual organisms. 

EncystTMENT. The formation of a resistant covering, or cyst wall, about 
an organism; e.g., Euglena. 

ENpocrRINE GLAND. See Ductless Gland. 

EnpopERM. The primary tissue comprising the inner layer of cells 
in the gastrula, and in subsequent stages forming the lining of the 
essential parts of the digestive tract and its derivatives. See Germ 

Enpomrxis. A nuclear reorganization process in Protozoa, e.g., Parame- 
cium, which does not involve the codperation of two cells (as in conjuga- 
tion) or synkaryon formation. 


EnpopiasM. The inner cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus; eg., in 
Amoeba, Paramecium. See Ectoplasm. 

EnpopopiTEe. The inner of the two distal parts of the typical biramous 
Crustacean appendage. See Protopodite and Exopodite. 

ENDOSKELETON. An internal living skeleton affording support and protec- 
tion, as well as levers for the attachment of muscles. Characteristic of 

Enercy. See Potential Energy. 

Enteric Cavity. The digestive cavity of the gastrula stage, and of simple 
Metazoa, e.g., Hydra. 

ENTERON. Enteric pouch forming the wall of the enteric cavity. 

EnTEROzoA. Animals with an enteron, and with or without a coelom. 
All animals above the Sponges. See Parazoa. 

Enzymes. Special chemical substances (apparently proteins) of organ- 
isms, which bring about by catalytic action many of the chemical 
processes of the body; e.g., digestion. See Catalysis. 

Epwermis. The outer cellular layer of the skin. 

EpicENnEsis. Development from absolute or relative simplicity to com- 
plexity. See Preformation. 

EpirHevium. A layer of cells covering an external or internal surface, 
including the essential secreting cells of glands. 

EquaToriIAL PLate. The equator of the spindle with its group of chromo- 
somes during the metaphase of mitosis. 

Esopuacus. Tubular passage from pharynx to stomach. 

Kucenics. The system of improving the human race by breeding the best. 
“The science of being well born.’ See Euthenics. 

EustTacH1aAN Tue. Passage connecting the Vertebrate middle ear with 
the pharynx. Remnant of the most anterior gill slit, represented in 
present-day Sharks by the ‘blow-hole,’ or spiracle. 

EutuHenics. The system of improving the human race by good environ- 
ment. See Eugenics. 

Eutuerta. The highest of the three subclasses of Mammals, including all 
the familiar forms. Placentals. See Appendix I. 

EvoLuTion, OrGcanic. Present-day organisms are the result of descent 
with change from those of the past. 

Excretion. The elimination of waste products of metabolism. A waste 
product. See Secretion. 

Exopopite. The outer of the two distal parts of the typical biramous 
Crustacean appendage. See Protopodite and Endopodite. 

EXOSKELETON. A non-living external skeleton chiefly for protection. The 
characteristic skeleton of Invertebrates; e.g., Crayfish. 

EXTERNAL Receptors. Sense organs upon the surface of the body. See 
Internal Receptors. 


Famity. In classification, a main subdivision of an order. See 

Fats. One of the chief groups of foodstuffs. Compound (esters) of glyc- 
erol with a fatty acid; e.g., mutton tallow is chiefly the fat stearin 
(Cs7H1190¢) = glycerin plus stearic acid. More oxidizable than carbo- 
hydrates. See Lipids. 

FERMENTATION. The transformation of carbohydrates by the activity of 
ferments, or enzymes, derived from living organisms. See Putrefaction. 

FertILizaTion. The union of male and female gametes, especially their 
nuclei, by which the chromatin complex of each is arranged to form the 
composite nucleus (synkaryon) of the zygote. 

Fetus. An embryo of a Vertebrate, in egg or uterus. ; 

FiaceEtitum. A whip-like prolongation of the cytoplasm, the movements 
of which usually effect the locomotion of the cell; e.g., Euglena. 

Fiuctuations. Relatively slight variations, usually forming a finely 
graded series, always found in organisms; may be either modifications or 
recombinations, but usually the former. 

Funct. Colorless plants; e.g., Bacteria, Yeast, Mushrooms. 

Gat BiappeEr. Receptacle near the liver for the temporary storage of 

GameETE. A cell which unites with another at fertilization to form a zygote. 
Egg or sperm. 

Gametic Nucier. Nuclei of gametes that unite to form the synkaryon, 
or nucleus of the zygote. 

GANGLION. A group of nerve cells, chiefly the cell bodies, with supporting 

Gastric VacuoLe. A droplet of fluid enclosing ingested food, in which 
digestion occurs; e.g., in Amoeba and Paramecium. Food vacuole. 

Gastrouitus. Calcareous bodies found at certain times in the lateral 
walls of the stomach of the Crayfish. Probably represent the storage of 
material for the exoskeleton. 

GastRuLA. A stage in animal development in which the embryo consists 
of a two-layered sac, ectoderm and endoderm, enclosing the enteric 
cavity which opens to the exterior by the blastopore. 

GeMMULE. An asexual reproductive body liberated by certain Sponges. 

GENE. Independently inheritable factor or element in the chromosomes 
which influences the development of one or more characters in the 
organism. Presumably a protein molecule. 

Genetics. The science of heredity. 

GenotyPeE. The fundamental hereditary constitution of an organism or 
group of organisms. The gene complex of an organism. See Phenotype. 

Genus. In classification, a main subdivision of a family. See Species. 


GERMINAL Continuity. The concept of an unbroken stream of germ 
plasm from the beginning of life, from which each generation is derived. 

GERM Layer. A primary tissue (ectoderm, endoderm, or mesoderm) in 
the embryo, from which the tissues and organs of the adult animal de- 

Germ Layer THEeory. The doctrine that the germ layers are fundamen- 
tally similar throughout the Metazoa and that homologous structures 
in various animals are derived during development from the same germ 

GERM Puiasm. The physical basis of inheritance. The chromatin (genes) 
which forms the specific bond of continuity between parent and offspring. 
Contrasted with soma or somatoplasm. Germ. 

Gitu Suits. Paired lateral openings leading from the anterior end of the 
alimentary canal to the exterior for the exit of the respiratory current 
of water. Permanent or embryonic characters of Vertebrates. Bran- 
chial clefts. 

GLaNpb. One cell or a group of many epithelial cells which elaborate mate- 
rials and secrete the product for the use of the organism. 

Gwocuipium. A bivalved larva of certain fresh-water Mussels, that lives 
temporarily as a parasite on a Fish. 

Guiottis. The opening from the pharynx into the tube (trachea) leading 
to the lungs. 

GLYCOGEN. So-called animal starch. Sugar is stored as glycogen in liver 
and muscle cells. 

Gotar Bopres. Formed elements in the cytoplasm; apparently active 

Gonapb. Ovary or testis. 

GonotHEcA. Transparent sheath, or exoskeleton, of the reproductive in- 
dividuals (gonangia) of a Hydroid colony; e.g., Obelia. 

Gray Crescent. Localized organizing substance in Frog’s egg. 

GustaTory. Relating to the sense of taste. 

Hapwiorp. The reduced (one-half) number of chromosomes. A complete 
single set of chromosomes. See Diploid. 

HemMoG.LoBIn. Complex chemical compound, in the red blood corpuscles 
of Vertebrates, which enters into a loose combination with oxygen, be- 
coming oxyhemoglobin. Respiratory pigment. 

Hepatic Portrat System. Non-oxygenated but food-laden blood from 
digestive tract passes to the liver by the hepatic portal vein. Oxygenated 
blood reaches liver by the hepatic artery. Both leave by hepatic vein. 
Thus there is a double blood supply to liver in all Vertebrates. 

Herepiry. The transmission of characters from parent to offspring by 
the germ cells. 


HermMapuropite. An organism bearing both male and female reproduc- 
tive organs; e.g., Earthworm. 

Hererozycous. Hybrid. Formed by gametes dissimilar in regard to a 
given character, or characters, and producing gametes dissimilar in 
regard to the character, or characters, in question. See Homozy- 

Histo.tocy. The science which treats of animal and plant tissues. Mi- 
croscopic anatomy. 

Hotozorc. Type of nutrition involving the ingestion of solid food. Char- 
acteristic of animals. See Autotrophic and Saprophytic. 

Homotocous CHromosomMes. The members of a pair of chromosomes, of 
a diploid group, one paternal and the other maternal in origin, which 
bear homologous genes. See Synaptic Mates. 

Homotocous Genes. Genes similarly situated on homologous chromo- 
somes, and contributing to the same or different expressions of a char- 
acter. Allelomorphs. Alleles. 

Homotocy. Fundamental structural similarity, regardless of function, 
due to descent from a common form; e.g., wing of Bird and fore leg 
of Dog. 

HomoTHERMAL. Animals provided with a mechanism which maintains 
the body at a practically constant temperature, usually higher than 
that of the environment; e.g., the ‘warm-blooded’ animals, or Birds 
and Mammals. 

Homozycous. Pure. Formed by gametes the same in regard to a given 
character, or characters, and producing gametes all the same in regard 
to the character, or characters, in question. See Heterozygous. 

Hormone. An internal secretion usually from a ductless gland. Secreted 
directly into the blood which distributes it throughout the body where 
it selectively influences tissues and organs. 

Host. An organism in or on which a parasite subsists. 

Hyatopiasm. The clear ground-substance of protoplasm. 

Hysrip. The progeny of parents which differ in regard to one or more 
characters. A heterozygote. 

Hyprantu. A feeding polyp of a Hydroid colony; e.g., Obelia. 

Hyproips. A group of animals (Coelenterates) exhibiting alternation of 
generations; e.g., Obelia. 

Hyprotysis. Decomposition of a chemical compound by reaction with 
water; e.g., in digestion. 

Hyprostatic OrGan. Organ for regulating the specific gravity of an 
animal in relation to that of water; e.g., the air-bladder of certain 

HyprotHeca. Vase-like expansion of the exoskeleton, or perisarc, about 
a hydranth; e.g., of Obelia. 


Immunity. Resistance of the body to infection by disease-producing 
organisms. Exemption from disease. 

INDEPENDENT ASSORTMENT. Members of different pairs of genes, located 
in different pairs of chromosomes, are distributed independently. 

INFUNDIBULUM. A funnel-like outgrowth from the ventral wall of the 
diencephalon., See Pituitary Gland. 

INTERCELLULAR DiGEstTIOoN. Digestion by the secretion of enzymes into a 
digestive cavity; e.g., in Earthworm and Man. See Intracellular Diges- 

INTERNAL Receptors. Sense organs within the body. See External Re- 

INTERNAL SECRETION. See Hormone and Ductless Gland. 

IntTEsTINE. Portion of the alimentary canal. In higher forms, portion 
from pyloric end of stomach to cloaca or anus. Usually divided into 
small and large intestine. 

INTRACELLULAR DicEstIon. Digestion of food within the cell itself; e.g., 
in Paramecium and to some extent in the endoderm cells of Hydra. See 
Intercellular Digestion. 

InvaGinaTIOoN. Sinking or growing in of a portion of the surface of a hol- 
low body; e.g., during transformation of blastula into gastrula. 

INVERTEBRATE. Animal without a notochord or a vertebral column. 

IRRITABILITY. The power of responding to stimuli, exhibited by all proto- 

KaryotymMpH. The more fluid material of the nucleus in contrast with the 
linin and chromatin. 

Katapo.ism. The destructive phase of metabolism. See Anabolism. 

Kinetic ENERGy. Energy possessed by virtue of motion; e.g., union of 
C with O2 transforms chemical potential energy into kinetic energy, 
i.e., heat, etc. See Potential Energy. 

Lactreats. Lymphatic vessels of the small intestine. 

Lamarckism. Essentially the doctrine of the inheritance of modifications, 
or acquired characters, as a factor in evolution. 

Larva. An immature stage in the life history of certain animals, usually 
active and differing widely in appearance from the adult; e.g., cater- 
pillar of Butterfly, tadpole of Frog. 

Linin. Non-stainable portion of the nuclear reticulum, probably closely 
related chemically to chromatin. 

Linxace. The inheritance together of characters represented by genes in 
the same chromosome. Independent assortment does not occur. 

Liriws. Fatty substances including the true fats and such compounds as 
cholesterol (C»;H,;0H) and the lecithins containing also phosphorus and 
nitrogen. See Fats. 


Lympu. Essentially excess tissue fluid passing through vessels on its way 
back to the blood vascular system. See Tissue Fluid. The large ‘somatic’ nucleus in Infusoria with dimorphic 
nuclei; e.g., in Paramecium. See Micronucleus. 

Mapreporic Piatt. A small perforated plate on the aboral surface of 
certain Echinoderms (e.g., the Starfish) that allows the passage of water 
to the water-vascular system. 

Matrtose. A double sugar derived from starch by hydrolysis during diges- 


Mantte. Layer of tissue that secretes the shell in Molluscs. 

Maturation. Final stages in the formation of the germ cells, involving 
chromosome reduction (meiosis). 

Maxiuurreps. The three anterior pairs of appendages of the thorax of the 

Mecuanism. The doctrine that the phenomena of life are interpretable 
in terms of the laws of matter and energy which hold in the realm of the 
non-living. See Vitalism. 

Mepusa. Sexual, gonad-bearing generation of hydra-like animals, the 
Hydrozoa, and also the Scyphozoa. 

Merosts. See Reduction. 

MENDEL’s Laws. See Segregation and Independent Assortment. 

MesenTeErRY. Fold of the peritoneal lining of the body cavity, suspend- 
ing the alimentary canal. Also, radial partitions in the enteric cavity; 
e.g., of Metridium. 

MeEsopermM. A primary tissue, or germ layer, of animals, which develops 
between the ectoderm and endoderm. See Germ Layer. 

Mesocioea. The non-cellular layer between the two primary tissue 
layers of Coelenterates. 

Mesorcuium. Mesentery-like membrane supporting the testes. 

Merasouism. The sum of the physico-chemical processes in organisms, 
involving the building up, maintenance, and breaking down of the 
living matter and its constituents. See Anabolism and Katab- 

Meramorpuosis. A more or less abrupt transition from one developmen- 
tal stage to another; e.g., transformation of larva into adult during the 
life history of a Butterfly or Frog. 

MerapnHase. Climax of mitosis involving the separation of the halves of 
the longitudinally split chromosomes arranged in the equatorial plate. 
See Anaphase. 

Merapuyta. Multicellular plants. 

Merapuasm. Lifeless inclusions in cytoplasm; e.g., yolk granules, ete. 


Merazoa. Multicellular animals with cells differentiated to form tissues. 
Invertebrates and Vertebrates. See Protozoa. 

Micronucteus. The small ‘germinal’ nucleus in Infusoria with dimorphic 
nuclei; e.g., Paramecium caudatum has one, P. aurelia and P. calkinsi 
have two, and P. woodruffi and P. polycaryum have several micronuclei. 
See Macronucleus. 

MitrocuonpriA. Bodies in the cytoplasm which apparently contribute to 
specific chemical processes. 

Mitosis. The typical process of cell division. 

MopirFications. See Acquired Characters. 

Mononysrip. The progeny of parents differing in regard to one given 

MorpuHocenssis. The embryological development of the form and struc- 
ture of an organism. 

Morpuoxocy. The science of the form of animals and plants. 

Mosaic INHERITANCE. Inheritance of a character in part from each parent 
but without blending. 

Moutrt. To cast off the outside covering, such as the exoskeleton of 
Arthropods. Ecdysis. 

Mutation. A heritable variation due to a change in the constitution of 
the chromosome (gene) complex, independent of the usual processes 
of segregation and crossing-over. Chromosomal aberrations and in- 
trinsic gene changes. 

Myonemes. Contractile fibrils of certain Protozoa; e.g., Vorticella. 

Myotomes. Muscle segments in body wall of lower Vertebrates and em- 
bryos of higher forms. 

NATURAL SELECTION. The processes occurring in nature which result in 
the “survival of the fittest’ individuals and the elimination of those 
less adapted to the conditions imposed by their environment and mode 
of life. Essence of the Darwinian theory of evolution. 

Nematocyst. A _nettle-cell or stinging-cell of Coelenterates; e.g., 

NEPHRIDIOSTOME. Funnel-like opening of a nephridium into the coelom. 

Nepuripium. A tubular excretory organ; e.g., in Earthworm. 

NerRvVE. Essentially a group or cable of parallel nerve fibers bound to- 

gether. See Axon. 

NeEuRAL Tuss. A tube derived from the ectoderm and forming the brain 

and spinal cord in Vertebrates. 

NEURENTERIC CANAL. Temporary passage between cavity of enteron 

and neural tube in Vertebrate embryos; e.g., Frog. 

Neuron. A nerve cell, comprising cell body and cytoplasmic processes. 
See Axon. 


Nirairyinc Bacteria. Nitrite Bacteria which, in the process of their 
nutrition, change ammonia (NHs3) into compounds with the NO: radical 
(nitrites), and Nitrate Bacteria which change nitrites Into compounds 
with the NOs radical (nitrates). 

NItROGEN-FIXING Bacteria. Types of Bacteria which take free atmos- 
pheric nitrogen and combine it with oxygen so that nitrates available 
for green plants are formed. Found in the soil and in tubercles on root- 
lets of various leguminous plants such as Beans, Clover, Alfalfa. 

Non-pissuNcCTION. Failure of homologous chromosomes to separate after 
synapsis. Therefore they are not independently segregated during 
maturation — both pass to the same gamete. 

Norocuorp. An axial cord of cells characteristic of the Chordates, and 
about which the vertebral column is formed in Vertebrates. 

Nucreouus. A spherical, achromatic body in the nucleus. Plasmosome. 
Karyosome is chromatic. 

Nucteus. A specialized protoplasmic body in all typical cells. Most 
characteristic element is chromatin. See Cytoplasm. 

Ocrettus. Sense organ responsive to light, especially the simple eyes of 
Insects. See Compound Eye. 

Ouracrory. Relating to the sense of smell. 

ONTOGENY. The developmental history of the individual. See Phylogeny. 

Oocyst. Encysted zygote; e.g., of Malarial Parasite. 

Oocyte. The ovarian egg before maturation. 

OOcENEsIS. The development of the mature egg from a primordial germ 

Optic Loses. Thickenings of the dorsal surface of the mid-brain. 

Orver. In classification, a main subdivision of a class. See Family. 

Orcan. A complex of tissues for the performance of a certain function; 
e.g., the heart. 

Osmosis. Diffusion of dissolved substances through a semi-permeable 
membrane. Osmotic pressure may be considered as a result of the in- 
hibited power of diffusion of a dissolved substance — inhibited because 
the membrane is semi-permeable, i.e., permitting water but not the 
substance in solution to pass through. The physical phenomena of dif- 
fusion and osmosis are complicated in living cells by the fact that their 
limiting membranes undergo changes in permeability. See Diffusion. 

OstEoLtocy. The study of the Vertebrate skeleton. 

Ostrum. In Sponges, the opening from the gastral cavity to the exterior. 

Oviparous. Egg-laying. See Viviparous. 

Ovum. Egg. Female gamete. 

OxipaTion. The combination of any substance or its constituent parts 
with oxygen. Combustion. 


PaLeEontoLocy. The science of extinct animals and plants represented 
by fossil remains. 

Parapopium. Locomotor and respiratory organ of marine worms; e.g., 

ParasiTE. An organism which secures its livelihood directly at the ex- 
pense of another living organism, on or in whose body it lives. 

Parazoa. Animals without an enteron or coelom. Sponges. 

PARTHENOGENESIS. Development of an egg without fertilization. 

PaTHOGENIC. Disease-producing, especially in regard to the relation of 
a parasite to its host. 

PENTADACTYL. Having five fingers or toes; typical Vertebrate limb. 

PrericarRpiuM. Peritoneum lining the pericardial cavity containing the 

PeriostEuM. Connective tissue sheath covering bone and contributing 
to its growth. 

PrrIsTALsis. Rhythmical contractions of the wall of the alimentary canal 
which force the food along. 

PERITONEUM. Membrane lining coelom of Vertebrates. Mesodermal in 

Puarynx. Region of alimentary canal between buccal cavity, or mouth, 
and esophagus. Throat. 

PHENOTYPE. The somatic, or expressed, characters of an organism or 
group of organisms irrespective of those potential in their germ cells. 
See Genotype. 

PHOTOSYNTHESIS. Process by which complex compounds are built up from 
simple elements through the energy of sunlight absorbed by chlorophyll. 

Puy.LoGeny. The ancestral history of the race. See Ontogeny. 

Puytum. In classification, a main subdivision of the animal kingdom. 
See Class. 

PuystoLocy. The study of the functions of animals and plants. The 
mechanical and chemical engineering of organisms. 

PinEAL Bopy. An outgrowth from the upper wall of the diencephalon. 
The vestige of an additional eye possessed by the ancestors of existing 
Vertebrates. Possibly functions as an endocrine gland in Mammals. 
Brow-spot of Frog. 

Piruirary Guanp. A glandular body under the brain, formed of tissue 
from the nervous system and from the alimentary canal. Secretes 
several hormones. 

PiaceNTA. A Mammalian organ adapted for the interchange of all nu- 
tritive, respiratory, and excretory materials between the embryo (fetus) 
and mother. It also serves as an organ of attachment. In the higher 
Mammals it is composed of both fetal and maternal tissues. See Um- 
bilical Cord. 


Pxasma. Liquid portion of the blood, lymph, and tissue fluid. 

PLASMA-MEMBRANE. Living cell membrane, as distinguished from the 
cell wall which may also be present. 

Piastip. A specialized cytoplasmic body. See Chloroplast. 

Piexus. The intermingling of fibers from one nerve with those of an- 
other to form a network; e.g., sciatic plexus. 

PoLieN. The microspores of Seed Plants. 

PoxturnaTtion. The transference of pollen to the stigma of the pistil in 
Seed Plants. Eventuates in fertilization. 

Potocytes. Tiny abortive cells arising by division from the egg during 
maturation. Polar bodies. 

PotymorpuHisM. Occurrence of several types of individuals during the 
life history, or composing a colony; e.g., in some Hydroids. 

Potype. Hydra, or a Hydra-like individual of Hydroids, Corals, and other 

PoputaTIon. Entire group of individuals from which samples are taken 
for genetical study. Usually comprises several pure lines. 

PotrenTIAL Enerncy. Energy possessed by virtue of stresses, 1.e., two 
forces in equilibrium. Criterion is work done against any restoring 
force; e.g., kinetic energy of sunlight through agency of chlorophyll 
separates CO, into C and O, and thereupon is represented by an equal 
amount of chemical potential energy. Restoring force is here chemical 
affinity. Similarly a raised weight possesses gravitational potential 
energy in amount equal to kinetic energy expended in raising it. See 
Kinetic Energy and Conservation of Energy. 

PREFORMATION. The abandoned doctrine that development is essentially 
an unfolding of an individual ready-formed in the germ. See Epigenesis. 

Pronepuros. Primitive kidney of Vertebrates. 

Propuase. Preparatory changes during mitosis leading to the disposition 
of the chromosomes in the center of the cell (equatorial plate) ready 
for division. See Metaphase. Pores leading into the flagellated chambers of Sponges. 

ProstaTE GLAND. An accessory male genital gland in Mammals. 

Prostomium. A lobe which projects from the first segment of the body of 
the Earthworm and forms an upper lip. 

Protern. A class of complex chemical molecules, containing nitrogen, 
which form the chief characteristic constituent of protoplasm. 

Protopuyta. Unicellular plants. 

ProtopiasM. The physical basis of life. Matter in the living state. 

ProtopopiTe. The basal portion of the typical Crustacean appendage 
from which arise the endopodite and exopodite. 

Protozoa. Unicellular animals, or colonies of animal cells not differ- 
entiated to form tissues; e.g., Amoeba, Volvox. 


ProtrozooLocy. The science of unicellular animals, or Protozoa. 

Pseupopopium. Temporary protoplasmic projections for locomotion, 
feeding, etc., as in Amoeba. 

PupaTte. Assumption of a quiescent stage (pupa), in the life history of 
Insects with a ‘complete’ metamorphosis, during which the larva is 
reorganized as an adult; e.g., chrysalis of a Butterfly and in cocoon 
of a Moth. 

Pure Linge. A group of individuals bearing identical genes, derived from 
a common homozygous ancestor. 

PutreFactTion. The simplification of nitrogenous compounds, such as 
proteins, chiefly through the action of enzymes of living organisms. See 
Fermentation and Decay. 

Pytoric Vatve. Muscular constriction between stomach and small intes- 

Pyrenorp. Portion of chloroplast specialized for starch formation. 

RECAPITULATION THEORY. Doctrine that individual embryonic develop- 
ment (ontogeny) repeats in abbreviated and modified form the de- 
velopment of the race (phylogeny). So-called biogenetic law. 

RECESSIVE CHARACTER. See Dominant Character. 

RECOMBINATION. Heritable variation due to the typical reassortment of 
the chromosomes during maturation and fertilization. Includes crossing- 
over of genes. 

Repuction. The process in maturation, during spermatogenesis and 
oogenesis, which separates synaptic mates and reduces the chromosome 
number one-half. Meiosis. The mechanism of segregation. 

Rervex. A relatively simple and essentially automatic response resulting 
from the transmission of a sensory impulse to a nerve center and its 
immediate reflection as a motor impulse independent of volition. A 
conditioned reflex is one established by training. 

REGENERATION. The replacement of parts which have been lost through 
mutilations or otherwise. 

RENAL Portat System. Blood (‘impure’) passes from posterior part 
of the body to kidneys by the renal portal vein; oxygenated blood 
to kidneys by the renal artery. Thus in animals with the renal 
portal system there is a double blood supply to the kidneys. 
Present in Fishes, Amphibians, and Reptiles; vestigial in Birds; absent 
in Mammals. 

Repropuction. The power of living matter to reproduce itself. Proto- 
plasmic growth resulting in cell division. 

ReEsprraTIon. Essentially the securing of energy from food by oxi- 
dation, involving the exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen by 


Response. Any change in the activity of protoplasm, and therefore of an 
organism as a whole, as the result of a stimulus. See Irritability. 

Restinc Cetu. One which is not undergoing mitosis. 

Retina. Actual percipient part of the eye by virtue of a sensory layer 
which is stimulated by light rays. 

Reversion. The appearance of an ancestral character in an individual 
after it has been ‘latent’ for one or many generations. Atavism. 

Rorirera. Microscopic, aquatic, multicellular animals. Wheel animal- 

Rusts. Fungi which are destructive parasites of the higher plants; e.g., 
the Wheat Rust. 

SaccuLus. The anterior sac of the labyrinth of the ear, a derivative of 
which becomes the cochlea in higher Vertebrates. 

Sapropuytic. Type of nutrition involving the absorption of complex 
products of organic decomposition; e.g., in many groups of Bacteria 
and other Fungi, as well as various species of lower animals. Saprozoic. 
See Holozoic and Autotrophic. 

SeBAcEOUS GLANDs. Glands which elaborate a fatty substance (sebum) 
and secrete it into the hair follicles. Oil glands. 

SECONDARY SExuAL CuaractTers. Differences between the sexes, other 
than those of the gonads and related organs. 

SECRETION. A substance elaborated by glandular epithelium; or the 
process involved. See Gland and Excretion. 

SEGREGATION. The distribution of homologous chromosomes, and there- 
fore of homologous genes (allelomorphs), to separate cells during the 
formation of the gametes. The chief factor of Mendelian inheritance. 
See Reduction. 

SEMICIRCULAR CANALS. Portion of the Vertebrate ear devoted to the 
maintenance of equilibrium. 

SEMINAL ReEcEPTACLES. Sacs within the body cavity of certain animals 
(e.g., Earthworm), which receive sperm from another individual and 
retain them until fertilization is to occur. 

Septa. The partitions which divide the coelom of the Earthworm into a 
series of chambers, or segments. 

SeRIAL Homotocy. Homology of a structure of an organism with another 
of the same organism; e.g., appendages of the Crayfish, fore and hind 
limbs of Vertebrates. 

SessILE. Attached, sedentary; e.g., Sponges. 

SeTak. Bristle-like structures which protrude from the body wall and 
aid in locomotion; e.g., in Earthworm and Nereis. 

SEX-LINKED CHARACTERS. Characters represented by genes in the X 


Soma. Body tissue (somatoplasm) in contrast with germinal tissue (germ 

SpEcIAL CREATION. Doctrine that each species was specially created. Im- 
plies fixity of species. See Evolution. 

Species. In classification, the main subdivision of a genus. A group of 
individuals which do not differ from one another in excess of the limits of 
‘individual diversity,’ actual or assumed. 

SpeRM. Male gamete. Spermatozoon. 

SpermMatTip. Male germ cells after the final maturation division but be- 
fore assuming the typical form of the ripe sperm. 

SPERMATOCYTES. Cells arising from the spermatogonia. Primary sperma- 
tocyte arises by growth from the last generation of spermatogonia. 
Primary divides to form two secondary spermatocytes. 

SPERMATOGENESIS. The development of the sperm from a primordial 
germ cell. 

Sprnp.LeE. The fiber-like apparatus between the centrosomes during 

Sprractes. Openings on the body surface leading into the tracheal system 
of Insects. 

SPLEEN. A vascular ductless organ of most Vertebrates, usually situated 
near the stomach, that acts chiefly as a stabilizer of the supply of red 
blood corpuscles. 

Sponain. A horny substance, chemically allied to silk, forming the fibers 
of the skeleton of certain Sponges; e.g., the Bath Sponge. 


Spore. A cell which gives rise without fertilization to a new individual. 
Also the resistant phase assumed by certain unicellular organisms; e.g., 
Bacteria, Sporozoa. 

SPORULATION. Occurrence of several simultaneous divisions by which a 
unicellular organism is resolved into many smaller cells. Formation of 

Sratocysts. Organs of equilibrium; e.g., in medusae. 

Stimutus. Any condition which calls forth a response from living matter. 
See Irritability. 

Symsiosis. The association of two species in a practically obligatory and 
mutually advantageous partnership; e.g., Lichens, Hydra (green). 

SyMPATHETIC Nervous System. See Autonomic System. 

Synapse. The contact of one nerve cell with another, which makes pos- 
sible the conduction of a nervous impulse from cell to cell. 

Synapsis. The pairing of homologous chromosomes during maturation 
of the germ cells. 

Synaptic Mates. Homologous chromosomes of maternal and paternal 
origin that pair during synapsis. 


SyNKARYON. The composite nucleus formed by the union of the nuclei of 
two gametes. Male and female gametic nuclei united in the zygote. 
See Zygote. 

Tapir. A large herbivorous Mammal, having short stout limbs and flexible 
proboscis with the nostrils near the end. New World species are brown- 
ish-black, those of the Old World are black and white. 

Taxonomy. The science of classification. 

TELOPHASE. Final phase of mitosis during which the two daughter nuclei 
are formed and cytoplasmic division is completed. See Prophase. 

TetTrabD. Group of four chromosomes formed by a precocious division of 
synaptic mates in the primary spermatocyte and primary o6cyte. 

THorax. Portion of the trunk in Mammals, containing esophagus, lungs, 
and heart. The middle portion of the body in the Arthropoda; e.g., in all 
Insects. In the Crayfish the head and thorax are fused to form the 

Tuymus. A glandular structure in the pharyngeal region of Vertebrates. 
Regresses during early life in Man. Function obscure. 

Tuyroip GLAND. An endocrine or ductless gland in the pharyngeal region 
of Vertebrates. 

TissuE. An aggregation of similar cells for the performance of a certain 
function. See Organ. 

TissuE Fiurp. Essentially plasma and white blood cells that have passed 
through the capillary walls to supply the milieu of the tissue cells. 
Intercellular fluid. See Lymph. 

TRACHEAL SysTEM. Series of tubes that convey air throughout the tissues 
of certain Arthropods; e.g., Insects. 

Tricuocysts. Minute bodies, arranged in the outer part of the ectoplasm 
of certain Infusoria (e.g., Paramecium), each of which upon proper 
stimulation is transformed into a thread-like process protruding from 
the cell surface. Apparently defensive structures. 

Trinysrip. The progeny of parents differing in regard to three given 

TRILOBITES. Crustacea dominant during the early Paleozoic era. Ex- 

TRIPLOBLASTIC. Composed of three primary germ layers: ectoderm, endo- 
derm, and mesoderm, as in all animals above the Coelenterates. 

TROPHOZOITE. Growing and feeding form developed from a Sporozoite; 
e.g., in Monocystis and Malarial Parasite. 

Tropism. Element of behavior of the lower organisms. Orientation with 
respect to an external stimulus; e.g., chemotropism, phototropism, etc. 
Tuse Feet. Locomotor organs of Echinoderms; e.g., Starfish and Sea 



Turcor. Pressure within a cell, largely due to the absorption of water, 
which distends or holds rigid the cell wall. 

TypHLosoLe. A median dorsal invagination along the entire length of 
the intestine of the Earthworm which increases the area of the digestive 
and absorptive surface. 

UmepiticaL Corp. A Mammalian structure, commonly known as the 
navel cord, by which the embryo is attached to the placenta. The blood 
vessels from the embryo to the placenta pass through it. See Placenta. 

UneuricunaTe. Provided with claws. 

UNIFORMITARIAN Doctrine. An interpretation of the present condition of 
the Earth on the assumption of similarity of factors at work during 
past ages and to-day. 

UNIPARENTAL. Derived from a single progenitor; e.g., in asexual reproduc- 
tion. See Biparental. 

Urea. Nitrogenous waste product of animal metabolism. Formed as such 
in the liver, removed from the blood by the kidneys and eliminated from 
the body chiefly in urine. CO(NH,)2. A major part of the nitrogen is 
excreted in this form in human urine. See Creatinine and Uric Acid. 

Ureter. A tube carrying urine from kidney to the cloaca or to the urinary 

Uric Aci. A nitrogenous waste product. Present in small quantity in 
the urine of Man. 

UroceEnirTau. Relating to the urinary and reproductive systems. 

UrostyLe. Terminal rod-like bone of the vertebral column of the Frog. 

Uterus. Lower portion of the oviduct (or oviducts) modified for the 
retention of the eggs, temporarily or during development. 

Urerus Mascuuinus. Remnant of the pronephric ducts in some male 

Urricu.tus. The posterior sac of the labyrinth of the ear into which the 
semicircular canals open. 

VacIna. Passage leading from the uterus to the exterior. 

VasomoTor NervEs. Nerves which regulate the caliber of small arteries 
by bringing about relaxation or contraction of the muscular layer of 
their walls. 

VERMIFORM APPENDIX. Blind outpocketing of the large intestine near its 
origin from the small intestine. Vestigial end of the caecum. Found 
only in Apes and Man. 

VERTEBRA. One of the series of elements forming the backbone, or ver- 
tebral column. 

VERTEBRATE. An animal with a backbone, or vertebral column. See 


Viratism. The doctrine which attributes at least some of the phenomena 
of life to an interplay of matter and energy which transcends the so- 
called laws operable in the inorganic world. See Mechanism. 

Vitamins. Indispensable accessory food substances whose importance 
has but recently been realized. Chemical composition of most of them 
is unknown. 

Viviparous. Producing young that have developed to a relatively ad- 
vanced stage in the uterus; e.g., most Mammals. See Oviparous. 

WorkinG Hypotuesis. A basic assumption to guide the study of a sub- 
ject, and to be proved or disproved by facts accumulated. 

X CHromosoMe. The so-called sex chromosome. 

Y Curomosome. The synaptic mate of the X chromosome when present. 

Yeast. A group of unicellular colorless plants (Fungi) which are chiefly 
responsible for alcoholic fermentation. 

Youk. Food material stored within the cytoplasm of an egg. See Meta- 

Yok Sac. When a great quantity of yolk is present in an egg, the endo- 
derm gradually grows over it to form the yolk sac which is usually of 
enormous size in comparison with the embryo proper. 

ZoOGEOGRAPHY. The science of the geographical distribution of animals. 
Zycotr. The composite cell formed by the union of male and female 
gametes. Fertilized egg. See Synkaryon. 


(Figures in italics designate pages on which illustrations occur) 

Abdomen, 90, 93, 106, 133, 134, 149 

Abdominal pore, 190 

Abiogenesis, 218-221 

Abortion, infectious, 391 

Absorption, 153, 154, 157, 158 

Academy of Sciences, National, 424 

Acoelomate, 101, 480 

Acquired character, 285, 286, 374; 
See: Modifications 

Actinophrys, 49 

Adam’s apple, 162 

Adaptability, 343-348 

Adaptation, 18, 26, 28, 56, 316-337, 
375-377, 384, 388, 405, 431, 445 

Adaptive radiation, 320-324 

Adrenal gland, 190, 198 

Adrenaline, 198 

Aedes, 393 

Aerobe, 318 

Afferent nerve, 208 

African sleeping sickness, 341. 342, 
390, 407 

Agassiz, 459, 460 

Age, old, 25, 256-259 

Ages, geological, 360, 363 

Agriculture, 6, 342, 403-417, 422 

Air bladder, 146 

Albino, 291, 296, 367 

Albumin, 21, 253 

Alcohol, 286, 318, 427 

Algae, 335-337 

Alimentary canal, 65, 150-160, 168, 
180, 267-270 

Allantois, 271, 272 

Allelomorphs, 292, 293, 302, 308 

Allen’s theory, 225, 226 

Alligator, 120, 121, 365 

Allogromia, 48 

Alternation of generations, 72, 234. 

Alternative characters, 288 

Alveolus, 163, 164. 

Amblystoma, 178 

Ambulacral groove, 84 

Amino acid, 22, 33, 36, 151, 156 

Ammonia, 41, 181 

Ammnion, 193. 271. 272 

Amoeba, 10, 12, 15, 27, 28: 35-37 
261, 344, 390, 477 

Amoeboid movement, 27, 28, 238, 

Amphibia, 111, 117-119, 147, 173, 
359, 365; See: Frog 

Amphineura, 86 

Amphioxus, 1170, 111, 145, 478 

Amylase, 155, 156 

Anabolism, 25; See: Metabolism 

Anaerobe, 318 

Analogy, 107, 216, 459 

Anaphase, 240-242 

Anatomy, 3, 4, 354-388, 451-454, 

Andalusian fowl, 298, 299 

Animal, 35-37, 43, 46-56, 67-131; 
body, 98-109, 132-149; coloration, 
324-329; number, 47, 66, 67, 349 

Animal biology, 3 

Annelida, 81, 82, 457, 480; See: 

Anopheles, 392, 393; See: Mosquito 

Ant, 93, 336-339, 346 

Anteater, 127, 321 

Antelope, 321, 341, 342 

Antenna, 93, 104-106, 330, 331, 356; 
cleaner, 331, 332; comb, 3317, 332 

Antennule, 105, 106, 356 

Anterior chamber of eye, 150 

Anther, 334 

Anthozoa, 75-77 

Anthrax, 390, 391 

Anthropoidea, 426-431 

Antibody, 342, 343 

Antitoxin, 343 

Antlers, 192 

Anus, 80, 132, 159 

Aorta, 174, 176, 185 

Aortic arches, 173, 175; loop, 101, 102 

Ape; 130; 131, 322, /396;(399) csor. 

Aphid, 338, 339, 375, 411, 414 

Apopyle, 70 


Appendages of crayfish, 96, 105, 106, 

Appendicular skeleton, 142, 143 

Apple, 408 

Applied science, 386, 388 

Aptera, 92, 94 

Apteryx, 124 

Aqueous humor, 275 

Arachnoidea, 95 

Arcella, 48 

Archaeopteryx, 123, 361, 362 

Aristotle, 2, 23, 188, 218, 251, 446, 
449, 451, 456, 462, 464, 466, 471, 

Armadillo, 728, 129 

Army worm moth, 408, 4175 

Arterial system, 171-177 

Artery, 105, 170-179 

Arthropoda, 90-97, 
215, 478 

Artificial parthenogenesis, 260, 261 

Artificial selection, 378-384, 473-476; 
See: Selection 

Artiodactyl, 130 

Ascaris, 80, 396 

Ascon, 69, 70 

Asexual reproduction, 57; See: Bud- 
ding, Regeneration, Reproduction, 
and Schizogony 

Associative memory, 347 

Aster, 240, 241 

Asteroidea, 86 

Astronomy, 2 

Atlas, 142 

Atmosphere, 320 

Auditory nerve, 212, 213 

Audubon Societies, 419 

Aurelia, 73-75 

Autonomic system, 201, 205, 208, 209 

Autotrophic, 33, 42 

Aves, 123-126 

Avoiding reaction, 344 

Axon, 200 

104-109, 130, 

Baboon, 131 

Babylonian science, 446 

Bacillus, 38, 39; See: Bacteria 

Backbone, 111; See: Skeleton 

Bacon, 452 

Bacteria, 38-45, 158, 220-223, 318, 
319, 342, 343, 391, 402-404, 407, 
453; denitrifying, 45; nitrite, 45; 
nitrogen-fixing, 42, 338 


Badger, 321 

von Baer, 1, 467, 468 

Balanced aquarium, 45; See: Web of 

Balantidium, 396 

Barley, 409 

Barnacle, 91 

Bat, 128, 129, 321,324, 355 

Bath sponge, 69, 70 

“Beagle,” voyage of, 372 

Bean, inheritance, 380, 387 

Bear, 129, 321, 352, 367 

Beaver, 129, 323, 352 

Bee, 93, 94, 327-336, 346, 414 

Bee-fly, 329 

Behavior, 253, 314, 343-348 

Belief, 228 

Beri-beri, 159 

Bibliography, 481-491 

Bilateral symmetry, 78, 104, 132 

Bile, 154; duct, 133, 146, 148, 154, 
155, 398 

Binary fission, 50, 56, 188, 229, 230, 

Binomial nomenclature, 353, 457 

Biochemistry, 5, 366, 403 

Biocoenosis, frontispiece, 494 

Biogenesis, 218-228, 454 

Biogenetic law, 364-366, 468 

Biological sciences, 3, 4 

Biology, 1-6, 466 

Biophysics, 5 

Biosocial reactions, 437, 444 

Biparental, 274 

Biramous, 106, 107 

Bird, 111, 123-126, 204, 251, 253, 319, 
325, 355, 361, 362, 365, 369737 
376, 419, 420, 479 

Birth, 191, 192, 194 

Bison, 419, 441 

Bivalve, 87-89 

Bladderworm, 399, 400 

de Blainville, 23 

Blastocoel, 60, 264, 266, 268 

Blastoderm, 253, 272 

Blastopore, 60, 264, 266, 268 

Blastostyle, 72 

Blastula, 60, 98, 263, 264, 266, 268 

Blending inheritance, 287, 297-301 

Blind spot, 275 

Blood, 11, 15, 64, 165, 166, 169-179, 
182, 192, 367, 430, 452, 454; corpus- 
cles, 11, 28, 64; pressure, 176, 177; 


rate, 176; relationship, 367, 368; 
reservoir, 178; transfusion, 367; 
vessels, 157; volume, 178; See: Ar- 
tery and Vein 

Blue crab, 91 

Boa-constrictor, 123 

Bodo, 51 

Body, invertebrate, 98-109; verte- 
brate, 132-149 

Boll weevil, 409, 410 

Bone, 15, 62, 63, 113, 124, 138, 139, 
213, 215; See: Skeleton 

Bony fishes, 115, 116 

Borelli, 460 

Botany, 3, 4, 404, 447, 450, 454, 456, 
457, 462, 463 

Botfly, 405 

Bougainvillea, 72 

Box tortoise, 127 

Brachiopod, 82, 83, 477 

Brachonid fly, 408 

Brain, 104, 105, 108, 110, 143, 200- 
217. 268, 269, 319, 344, 365, 366 

Branchial artery, 170-173 

Branchiostoma, 110; See: Amphioxus 

Bright’s disease, 182 

Brittle star, 86 

Bronchial tubes, 163 

Bronze age, 444 

Browne, 218 

Brown-tail moth, 413 

Bryozoa, 82, 83, 477 

Bubonic plague, 390, 391, 406, 407 

Buccal cavity, 151, 152 

Bud. 417,68; 71, 72, 77 -99; 230 

Buffalo, 336 

Buffalo-moth, 473 

Buffon, 220, 471, 472 

Bufo, 118, 179 

Bumble bee, 94, 219 

Buttercup, 7 

Butterfish, 336 

Butterfly, 94, 96, 327, 408 

Cabbage butterfly, 94, 408 
Caddice-fly, 94 
Calciferous gland, 102 
Calorie, 159 

Cambrian period, 359, 360 
Camel, 130, 327 

Camera, 216, 217 

Candle, 24 

Cane sugar, 156 


Capillaries, 101, 163, 170-179, 186, 
198, 342, 454 

Caprella, 97 

Carapace, 121 

Carbohydrate, 22, 23, 32, 33, 36, 39, 
ESL, 156, 157, 159; 197 

Carbon, 21-23; cycle, 40; dioxide, 
165, 166, 181 

Cardiac muscle, 138 

Carinatae, 124, 126 

Carnivora, 129, 352 

Carpal, 142, 144, 355 

Carpet beetle, 473 

Carrier, 307, 308 

Cartilage, 62, 63, 138, 139 

Casein, 21, 156 

Castration, 192 

Gat, 129) 142. 204, 352 

Catalysis, 23, 33 

Caterpillar, 408, 416, 420 

Caudata, 117, 118 

Cell, 3, 7-12, 14, 18, 19, 28, 30, 31, 39, 
254, 351, 388, 452, 465, 466, 468; 
cycle, 230, 231, 238; division, 12, 
13; 26: 31,41, 50, 56,60, 230° 262: 
theory, 464, 466 

Cellulose, 22 

Cenozoic era, 359, 361 

Centaur, 449 

Centipede, 97, 92 

Central capsule, 49 

Central disk, 84 

Central nervous system, 201; See: 
Nervous system 

Central spindle, 240, 241 

Centrosome, 19, 240, 241, 254 

Centrum, 133, 139, 140 

Cephalization, 206 

Cephalopoda, 89, 90 

Cephalothorax, 90 

Cercaria, 397, 398 

Cercomonas, 51 

Cerebellum, 146-149, 202-204 

Cerebral, cortex, 207, 217; ganglion, 
102; hemispheres, 202-205; See: 

Cerebrum, 203 

Cestode, 78, 398, 399 

Cetacea, 129 

Chalaza, 253 

Chameleon, 122, 123, 326 

Chapman, 369 

Cheliped, 105 


Chemical coordination, 196-198 

Chemical physiology, 5, 366, 403 

Chemistry, 2, 5, 15, 20-23, 196-198, 
403, 404, 460, 464 

Chemotropism, 253, 343 

Chess, 5 

Chills and fever, 340 

Chimpanzee, 427, 428, 431 

Chipmunk, 352 

Chiroptera, 129 

Chiton, 86, 87 

Chloragogen cells, 103 

Chlorohydra, 337 

Chlorophyll, 8, 34, 36, 325, 463 

Chloroplast, 32, 33 

Choice, 346, 347, 423 

Cholera, 390, 391 

Chordate, 111, 145, 478-480; See: 

Chorion, 272 

Choroid, 275 

Chromatin, 19, 20, 240-243; See: 

Chromatophore, 50 

Chromosome, 240-250, 275, 279, 280, 
304-314, 468, 469; aberrations, 310, 
311; combinations, 248-250; cycle, 
248-250; human, 306-311; map, 

Chronological succession, 358-361 

Chrysalis, 408 

Chyle, 158 

Chyme, 153 

Cicada, 94 

Cilia, 4728; 55; 62 

Ciliate, See: Infusoria 

Circulating tissue, 64; See: Blood and 

Circulation, 65, 82, 108, 168-179, 196, 
451, 452, 454 

Cirripede, 91 

Clam, 88 

Class, 353 

Classification, 46, 47, 349, 352-354, 
455, 457, 477 

Clavicle, 140, 144 

Cleavage, 58-60, 468 

Cloaca, 133, 147, 159, 190, 194 

Clostridium, 318 

Clothes moth, 473 

Clover, 408 

Clypeus, 330 

Cobra, 123 


Coccus, 38, 39 

Coccyx, 149, 357 

Cochlea, 212, 213 

Cocoon, 406 

Coelenterate, 71-78, 98-100, 477 

Coelom, 81, 701-103, 112, 132, 133, 
145, 183, 185, 189, 194, 266, 267, 
269, 480 

Coelomate, 101, 169, 189, 480 

Coelomic fluid, 169 

Cenosarc, 72 

Cold blooded, 112, 117 

Cold sense spots, 211 

Coleoptera, 94 

Collar cell, 68, 69 

Colloid, 16, 227, 317 

Colon, 158 

Colony, 51, 58,.71, 72, 230; 232520%4 
330, 336 > 

Coloration of animals, 324-329 

Color-blindness, 307, 308, 383 

Colorless plants, 37; See: Bacteria 

Colpidium, 44 

Colpoda, 44 

Comb-jellies, 78 

Combustion, 166, 167 

Communal associations, 93, 336, 337 

Comparative anatomy, 107, 354-358, 
389, 457-459 

Complementary genes, 300 

Compound eye, 215, 330 

Conditioned reflex, 208, 346, 437, 438 

Condylarthra, 362 

Conifer, 359, 361 

Conjugation, 55, 230, 255-260; See: 

Conjunctiva, 215-217 

Connective tissue, 62-64, 134, 139 

Consciousness, 347 

Conservation, of energy, 463; of re- 
sources, 417—420 

Constructive biology, 420-425 

Continuity of life, 229-250 

Contractile vacuole, 10, 27, 35, 37, 
50, 55, 56, 180 

Coniractility, 63, 344 

Conus arteriosus, 170, 171, 173 

Coordination, 196-217 

Cootie, 94 

Copper, age of, 444 

Copperhead, 123 

Copulation, 189, 190 

Coracoid, 140 

INDEX 519 
Coral, 77 Dante, 449 
Corn, 283, 313, 408, 409 Daphnia, 97 

Corn borer, 409 

Cornea, 215, 216 

Corpus luteum, 192, 193 

Cortex of brain, 203 

Cosmic time, 359 

Cosmozoa theory, 223, 224, 227 

Cotton boll weevil, 409, 410 

Cousin-marriage, 383 

Cowper’s gland, 148, 194 

Coxa, 330, 331 

Crab, 90, 91, 96 

Cranial nerve, 205, 206, 211 

Cranium, See: Skull 

Crayfish, 90, 96, 104-109, 132, 145, 
Pol 189) 210, 292, 239, 325, 346, 
356, 357 

Creatinine, 181 

Cretin, 197 

Crinoidea, 85, 86 

Crithidia, 341 

Crocodile, 120, 121, 365, 367 

Cr6-Magnon man, 436-438, 440, 441 

Crop, 102 

Crossing-over, 282, 308, 309 

Crura cerebri, 203, 205 

Crustacea, 90, 917, 104-109; See: 

Crystal, 26, 367 

Ctenophora, 78, 477 

Culex, 392 

Cultural development, 431, 437-445 

Cumulative genes, 299-301 

Cursorial, 321 

Curve of probability, 378, 379 

Cutaneous senses, 210, 211 

Cuticle, 702, 103, 135 

Cuttle-fish, 86 

Cuvier, 458 

Cyanea, 73 

Cyanogen, 224, 225 

Cycle of elements, 39-45, 403 

Cyclosis, 28 

Cyclostome, 112, 113, 184, 479 

Cyst, 50, 52, 223, 230, 319, 390 

Cystic duct, 155 

Cysticercus, 399, 400 

Cyto-genetic map, 309 

Cytology, 3, 301 

Cytoplasm, 10, 18, 19, 240-242; See: 

Cytoplasmic organization, 276-27 

Darwin, Charles, 82, 281, 290, 372, 
376, 378, 384, 389, 416, 472-476 

Darwin, Erasmus, 229, 472, 473 

Darwinism, 374-377, 384, 472-476 

Datura, 310 

Death, 14, 20, 258 

Decay, 40, 41, 221; See: Fermenta- 
tion and Putrefaction 

Dedifferentiation, 235 

Dendrite, 200 

Denitrifying bacteria, 41, 42 

Dentalium, 276 

Dermal branchia, 84. 

Dermis, 134, 135 

Descent with change, 349; See: Evo- 

Development, 57-61, 231, 263-280, 
364-366; See: Embryology 

Devil-fish, 86 

Diabetes, 182, 197 

Diaphragm, 134, 148, 149, 152, 163, 

Dickens, 150 

Didinium, 54 

Diencephalon, 202, 203, 214 

Differentiation, 56, 57, 235, 274, 276— 
279, 460 

Difflugia, 48 

Diffusion, 157, 181, 497 

Digestion, 36, 61, 69, 108, 150-160, 
338, 460, 461 

Digestive tract, 168; See: Alimentary 
canal and Enteric cavity 

Digit, 322, 355, 361-364. 

Digitigrade, 321, 322 

Dihybrid, 292-294, 303 

Dinoflagellata, 51 

Dinosaur, 120, 123, 359 

Dioscorides, 448-450 

Diphtheria, 390, 391 

Diploid, 245, 248, 249, 303 

Dipnoi, 116 

Diptera, 94 

Disease, 38; inheritance of, 286; mi- 
croodrganisms and, 389-402 

Distribution of animals, 368-373 

Division of labor, 232, 234; See: Phys- 
iological division of labor 

Dog, 129, 321, 352, 367, 399, 442 

Dogfish, 114, 171 

Dog flea, 406 


Dolphin, 129, 327 

Dominant character, 290-295, 383 

Donnan, 218 

Dorsal aorta, 171-173; See: Aorta 

Dorsal nerve root, 201, 207, 208 

Dragonfly, 94 

Drone, 330 

Drosophila, 305, 306, 309, 311 

Duckbill, 727 

Duct, See: Gland 

Ductless gland, 160, 196; See: Hor- 

Dust, 220, 222, 418 

Dysentery, 391, 407 

Ears 705-210, 272. 213, 357, 358 

Barth;-221, (222, 227, 359, 360 

Earthworm, 52, 81, 82, 100-1703, 145, 
161, 783, 189, 207,. 209, 237, 235, 
237, 344, 346, 416, 477; embry- 
ology, 263-267; excretion, 183; 
feeding instinct, 346; nerve cells, 
201; regeneration and_ grafting, 

Earwig, 94 

Echidna, 127 

Echinococcus, 396, 399 

Echinoderm, 83-86; See: Sea urchin 

Ecology, 4, 335, 368, 415, 420; See: 
Web of life 

Ectoderm, 8, 60, 99, 100, 134, 200, 
214, 215, 231, 238, 272; See: Germ 

Ectoplasm, 10, 19, 27, 35, 252 

Education, 5, 347, 388, 437, 444 

Eel, 115, 218 

Efferent nerve, 208; See: Nerve 

Kog, 97-51, 59; 191, 250), 2a, 238; 
247, 251, 252, 253, 340, 466-468; 
bird, 253; frog, 190, 239, 268; hu- 
man, 197, 239, 252, 273; mem- 
brane, 252, 253; organization, 254, 
275-280; rabbit, 273; sea urchin, 
264, 279; shell, 252, 253 

Egypt, 218, 446 

HKjaculatory duct, 194 

Elasmobranch, 113, 114 

Elements, cycle of, 39-45 

Elephant, 129, 370, 371 

Fit, 278 

Elk, 419 

Embryo, 272, 365; human, 193, 273, 


Embryology, 4, 57-61, 231, 263-280, 
364-366, 454, 466, 468 

Embryonic membrane, 128, 191-193, 

Emergent evolution, 384 

Emerson, 111 

Empedocles, 472 

Encyclopaedist, 460, 461 

Endamoeba, 48, 390, 396 

Endocrinology, 160, 172, 
319, 367 

Endoderm, 8, 60, 99, 100, 231, 238, 
QP aot 

Endomixis, 55, 258, 259 

Endoplasm, 19, 27, 35, 252 

Endopodite, 106, 107 

Endoskeleton, 138, 145; See: Skeleton 

Energy, 114, 16, 24, 25, 27; 32, Bas 
34, 37, 42, 159, 168, 197, 318; con- 
servation of, 463; kinetic, 25, 32, 
33, 36, 45; potential, 25, 325933. 
36, 45, 498 

Enteric cavity, 8, 60, 61, 71, 73, 99, 
100, 264, 266, 268, 480 

Enteric pouch, 264 

Enteron, 76, 99, 264, 269; See: Enteric 

Enterozoa, 480 

Entomology, 350, 392, 416; See: In- 

Entomostraca, 90 

Environment, 27, 285, 286, 301, 312—- 
316, 372, 383, 473, See: Adapta- 

Enzyme, 23, 33, 41, 61, 151-159, 226, 

Eoanthropus, 433, 434 

Eocene epoch, 359-362, 430 

Eohippus, 362-364 

Eolith, 438 

Ephyra, 75 

Epidemic diseases, 391 

Epidermis, 8, 103, 134, 135, 274, 280 

Epigenesis, 274-280, 467 

Epiglottis, 748, 162, 421 

Epipharynx, 330 

Epipodite, 106 

Epithelium, 17, 28, 61-64, 70, 134, 
151, 201, 208. 211, 216 

Equatorial plate, 241 

Equilibration, sense of, 210, 212 

Equilibrium of nature, 335; See: Web 
of life 



Equipotential system, 278 

Equus, 363, 364; See: Horse 

Erepsin, 155 

Erosion of soil, 479 

Esophagus, 103, 146-149, 151-153 

Ethics, 5 

Eugenics, 314, 422-424 

Euglena, 50, 477 

Euplotes, 54 

Euspongia, 69, 70 

Eustachian tube, 273, 357 

Euthenics, 314, 423 

Eutheria, 128-131, 479 

Evolution, 4, 131, 327, 348-385, 388, 
459, 471-476 

Exconjugant, 256, 257 

Excretion, 25, 37, 39, 61, 134, 154, 

Excretory system, 65, 164, 180-187 

Exopodite, 106, 107 

Exoskeleton, 96, 104, 105, 138, 145 

Experimental method, 2, 219, 274, 
452, 468 

Eye, 79, 81, 82, 90, 93, 104, 105, 210, 
2S 217, 330; 357; brush, 332: 
color, 287 

Eyelid, 215, 357 

Fabricius, 466 

Fallopian tube, 193, 194; See: Oviduct 

Family, 352, 353 

Fang, 358 

Pat, 22. 20,.00; 39, 151, 155,156, 157, 

Fat body, 190 

Fatty acid, 22, 151, 156, 181 

Feather, 97, 111, 123, 124, 134, 138 

Feather star, 85, 86 

Feces, 159, 180 

Feeble-minded, 427 

Female, 57; See: Egg and Sex 

Femur, See: Vertebrate and Bee 

Fermentation, 40, 41, 221, 389, 390 

Fern, 361 

Fertilization, 55, 57, 230, 231, 243, 
249-262, 305, 340, 383, 468; signifi- 
cance, 255-262 

Fibula, 142, 144 

Fiddler crab, 91 

Fig, 416 

Filaria, 80 

Filial regression, 380 

Filterable virus, 343 


Fin, 110, 112, 133, 142, 143, 146, 270 

Fire, 433, 439, 443 

Fish, Lil, Y12=117, 1462 168. 773. 
184, 194, 204, 212, 336, 359, 418, 

Fission, 230, 233; See: Binary fission 

Fixity of species, 350; See: Evolu- 

Flagellate, 477; See: Euglena, Mas- 

Flagellum, 28, 39, 51, 58, 59, 68, 69 

Flatfish, 175 

Flatworm, 78, 79, 233, 235, 396-400, 

Flea, 93, 94, 402, 405, 406 

Flight, 124 

Flipper, 355 

Flounder, 115 

Flower, 334 

Fluctuations, 379 

Fluke, 78, 396-398 

Fly, 219, 407-409, 411, 415 

Flying dragon, 122 

Flying-fish, 775, 116 

Flying lemur, 322, 324 

Flying squirrel, 321 

Follicle, cells, 239; hair, 134 

Food, 14, 26, 31-33, 36, 159, 221, 317, 
318, 335, 336, 403-407; See: Me- 
tabolism and Nutrition 

Foodstuffs, 23, 32-36 

Foot, 140, 431; See: Limb 

Foraminifera, 48, 49, 386, 387, 477 

Fore-brain, 201, 202, 215, 268, 269 

Forest conservation, 404, 412, 418 

Formaldehyde, 32 

Fossil man, 431-437 

Fossils, 83, 358-364, 431-437, 459 

Fossorial, 327, 322 

Four-o’clock, 297, 298 

Fox, 321, 325,326 

Free-martin, 306 

Fresh-water sponge, 69, 70 

Frog, 7, LY, V7-119; 18s 784,325: 
circulation, 147, 173, 365; embry- 
ology, 267—271; intestine, 147, 155; 
metamorphosis, 267-271; muscular 
system, 136; nervous system, 204, 
205; pancreas and liver, 155; respir- 
atory mechanism, 165; skeleton, 
141; urogenital system, 190, 239 

Fructose, 22 

Fruit fly, 305, 306, 309, 311, 411 


Fuel value, 159 
Fungus, 337, 338 

Galapagos Islands, 372 

Galen, 448, 452, 463 

Galileo, 452, 462 

Gall bladder, 146, 147, 152, 154, 155, 

Galton, 288, 380, 469 

Game cock, 282 

Gamete 52757168, 230.) 234- 238. 
243, 251-262, 291-305 

Gametocyte, 52, 340 

Ganglion, 101, 108, 199-216 

Garpike, 115 

Gastral cavity, 68-70 

Gastric, glands, 153, 156; juice, 153, 
156; mill, 705; vacuole, 10, 35, 36, 

Gastropoda, 87 

Gastrula, 60, 75, 87, 98, 263-268 

Gazelle, 325 

Geddes, 316 

Gene, 243, 249, 250, 282, 290-315, 
352, 353, 383, 384; mutation, 311 

Genetics, 4, 281-305, 350, 377-384, 
420-425, 468-470 

Genital duct, See: Excretory and Re- 
productive systems 

Genotype, 291-305, 382 

Genus, 47, 352, 353, 457 

Geographical distribution, 368-373, 

Geological succession, 358-364, 370- 
371, 474 

Geometrid moth, 327, 328 

Germ, cells, 58, 59, 65, 188, 231, 232, 
238-250, 284, 297, 397, 467, 469; 
origin, 238-250; layers, 265, 268, 
272,351; plasm,.232; 234. 236, 283, 
284, 469 


Gesner, 450, 451 

Giardia, 396 

Gibbon, 321, 427-429 

Gide, 67 

Gill, 88, 90, 113, 114, 117, 119, 145, 
146, 161, 162, 170-172, 180, 181, 
270,. 364, 365: arch, 268, 358; 
pouch, 161, 162; sht, 710, 111, 
114) 115s 132) 133.2 145, 1465 151, 
161, 162, 357, 364, 365 

continuity, See: Germ 


Giraffe, 130, 285 

Girdle, limb, 142-144; See: Skeleton 

Gizzard, 102 

Glacial epoch, 359, 435, 436, 440, 441 

Gland, 63, 108, 126, 134, 148-153, 
154, 159, 180, 181, 193, 32853345 
357, ooo 

Glanders, 391 

Gliadin, 21 

Globigerina, 49 

Glochidium, 89 

Glomerulus, 182, 186 

Glossa, 330 

Glossary, 492 

Glottis, 147, 162, 165 

Glucose, 22, 32, 182, 183 

Gluten, 22 

Glycerol, 23, 151, 156 

Glycogen, 157, 198 

Goby, 113 

Goethe, 474 

Goiter, 197 

Goldfish, 113 

Golgi bodies, 19 

Gonad, 74, 171, 188-195, 229; See: 
Ovary and Testis 

Gonangium, 72, 73 

Gonionemus, 477; See: Medusa 

Gonorrhea, 391 

Gonotheca, 72 

Gopher, 323 

Gorilla, 356, 427-429, 431 

Gout, 182 

Grafting, 118, 237 

Grantia, 68 

Grape, 389, 411; sugar, 182, 183 

Grasshopper, 93, 97 

Grassi, 392 

Gray crescent, 268 

Gray matter, 203, 207 

Greeks, 2, 349, 422, 446-449, 471; 
See: Aristotle 

Green gland, 105 

Green plant, 30-35, 463 

Gregarious, 336 

Grew, 454 

Gristle, 139 

Group conditioning, 438 

Growth, 10, 25, 26, 28, 57; See: Anab- 

Guinea-pig, 129, 291, 294, 296 

Guinea worm, 80 

Gullet, 55, 56 


Gum, 135 

Guppy, 113 

Gustatory cell, 271 

Gymnodinium, 57 

Gymnura, 128, 129, 320, 321, 323, 479 
Gypsy moth, 412 

Habit, 347 

Habituation, social, 437, 438 

Hagfish, 113 

Har. 15,°97, 111. 126, 134, 181 

Hairworm, 80 

Hales, 462 

Halibut, 115 

Haller, 460, 467 

Hand, 130, 143, 177, 430, 431 

Haploid, 245, 248, 249, 303 

Hare, 325 

Harpoon, 440 

Harvest mite, 95 

Harvey, 168, 451, 452, 454, 466, 467 

Hay infusion, 43-45, 220, 317 

Head, 132, 206, 330, 371 

Health, 339, 389-403 

Heart, 105, 133, 146-149, 158, 163, 
169-179, 364, 365, 452 

Heat, animal, See: Temperature 

Heat sense spots, 211 

Hedgehog, 128, 129, 321 

Heidelberg man, 434, 438 

Heliozoa, 49 

Hematochrome, 32 

Hemiptera, 94, 324 

Hemoglobin, 166, 367; See: Blood 

Hemophilia, 307, 308 

Hen, 190, 251, 253, 274 

Henderson, 316 

Hepatic, artery, 170, 173; duct, 155; 
portals 72... 173; vem, 172, 173; 
See: Liver 

Herbal, 450, 451 

Herbivorous, 129, 357 

Heredity, 3, 281-315, 377-384, 420- 
425, 468-470; See: Inheritance 

Hermaphrodite, 188, 189, 396, 399 

Hertwig, 14, 57 

Hessian fly, 409 

Heteroploidy, 310 

Heterozygous, 291-299, 382; See: 

Hexuronic acid, 23, 159 

Hibernation, 117 

Hind-brain, See: Brain 


Hippocrates, 448 

Hippopotamus, 130 

Hirudinea, 81, 82 

Histology, 3, 4, 462, 464-466 

History of biology, 2, 3, 218-221, 446- 

Hive, 330, 334 

Holothuroidea, 86 

Holozoic, 44 

Hominidae, 428, 480 

Homo sapiens, 436; See: Man 

Homologous chromosomes, 302-305, 
308; See: Synapsis 

Homologous genes, 302, 308 

Homology, 107, 354-356, 459 

Homothermal, 123, 126, 178, 319; 
See: Temperature 

Homozygous, 291-299 

Honey bee, 260, 327-336, 414 

Hoof, 134, 362-364 

Hooke, 452 

Hookworm, 80, 401 

Hormone, 160, 169, 192, 193, 196- 
198, 306, 367 

Horn, 134 

Horned-toad, 122 

Horse, 321, 352, 355, 361-364 

Horse botfly, 94, 405 

Host, 52, 339, 340, 342; See: Parasite 

House fly, 93, 375, 407 

Human, body composition, 21; hand, 
143, 431; heredity, 283, 285-288, 
299-301, 306-315; origin, 426-445; 
posture, 143, 431, 435, 436; skele- 
ton, 356; welfare, 386-425; See: Man 

Humerus, 141, 142, 144, 355 

Hummingbird, 126 

Huxley, 5, 227, 228, 251, 263, 349, 
358, 361, 459 

Hyaloplasm, 18, 19 

Hybrid, 290, 314, 382-384 

Hydatid, 400 

Hydra, 8, 71, 73, 98-100, 150, 188, 
189, 199, 209; 210, 237, 233,290; 
337, 344, 477 

Hydranth, 73 

Hydrolysis, 151 

Hydrozoa, 71-73, 234 

Hymenoptera, 94, 478; See: Bee 

Hyoid, 142 

Ice age, 359; See: Pleistocene epoch 
Ichneumon fly, 474 


Ideal vertebrate, 132, 133 

Iguana, 122 

Iliac artery, 171 

Ilium, 141, 142, 357 

Imbecility, 197, 198, 421 

Immunity, 286, 342, 343 

Inbreeding, 289, 297, 383 

Inch-worm, 327, 328 

Incomplete dominance, 299 

Incomplete metamorphosis, 97 

Incubation, 253 

Incus, 273 

Independent assortment, 
300, 315 

Individual, 27, 29.73, 232, 350; 375 

Infantile paralysis, 391 

Influenza, 391 

Infundibulum, 202, 203 

Infusoria, 44, 47, 53-56, 477; See: 

Ingenhousz, 463 

Inhalation, 164 

Inhalent siphon, 88 

Inheritance, 281-315, 377-384, 420- 
425, 468-470; See: Genetics 

Inner ear, 272, 213 

Insanity, 217 

Insect, 91-94, 161, 162, 324-335, 
340, 372, 392, 404-413, 453, 478; 
beneficial, 413-417; injurious, 405- 
413, 417, 420 

Insectivora, 128, 129, 427, 430, 479 

Instinct, 346 

Insulin, 197, 367 

Integumentary system, 65 

Intelligence, 343, 347 

Internal secretion, 159; See: Hor- 
mone , 

Intersex, 306 

Interstitial growth, 25 

Intestinal juice, 155 

Intestine, 64, 105, 146-149, 171, 441 

Invention, 444 

Invertebrates, 66-109, 188, 214; See: 
Hydra, Earthworm, and Crayfish 

Involuntary muscle, 139 

Iodine, 197 

Iris 2152 ta 

Tron age, 444 

Irritability, 26, 27, 64, 344, 347; See: 
Nervous system 

Ischium, 142 

Islands, 372 



Japanese beetle, 409 
Java man, 432, 433 
Jaws, 112, 141, 151; See: Skull 
Jellyfish, 72-75 
Jennings, 346 

Jerboa, 327 

Jigger flea, 405 

Jimson weed, 310 
Johannsen, 380 

Jugular vein, 171 

Julus, 92 

Jurassic period, 359-361 

Kallikak family, 427 

Kallima, 326, 327 

Kangaroo, 127, 321 

Karyolymph, 20 

Katabolism, 25, 182; See: Metabolism 

Katydid, 325 

Kidney, 146-149, 168, 172, 180, 182- 
187, 192, 194; evolution, 183-187 

Kinetic energy, 14, 25, 502; See: 

King crab, 95 

Kingsnake, 123 

Kircher, 218 

Kissing bug, 94 

Kiwi, 124 

Knee cap, 142, 144 

Koala, 127 

Koch, 391 

Labellum, 330 

Labial palp, 330 

Labium, 93 

Labrum, 93, 330 

Labyrinth, 212, 213 

Lacewing fly, 94 

Lacrymaria, 54 

Lactase, 156 

Lacteal, 157, 158 

Ladybird beetle, 414 

Lagena, 212 

Lamarck, 3, 46, 286, 373-375, 458, 

Lamprey, 113, 252 

Lamp-shell, 83 

Laplace, 98 

Larva, 397, 398, 407, 475 

Larynx, 149, 162, 358 

Lateral, line, 210; plate, 269 

Laveran, 392 

Lavoisier, 461 

INDEX 229 

Leaf, 7, 8 

Leaf butterfly, 326, 327 

Leech, 81, 82 

Leeuwenhoek, 453 

Leg, of insects, 93, 330, 334; See: 

Leishmania, 396 

Lemur, 130, 131, 322, 324, 426, 427, 

Lens, 274-216 

Lepidoptera, 94; See: Butterfly and 

Lepisma, 92 

Leprosy, 391 

Leucosolenia, 68 

Lice, 405 

Lichen, 337, 338 

Liebig, 463 

Life, 1, 130, 229, 402; charcteristics, 
1, 18-28; continuity, 229-250; defi- 
nition, 23, 29; origin, 218-228 

Ligament, 139 

Limb, 112, 117, 118, 134, 142-144; 
structure, 327, 322, 354-357; See: 

Limpet, 87 

Limulus, 95 

Lincoln, 424. 

Lineus, 233, 236 

Lingula, 83 

Linin, 19, 20 

Linkage, 307-309 

Linnaeus, 350, 426, 456, 457 

Lionotus, 54. 

Lipase, 155, 156 

Lister, 389 

Lithobius, 92 

Liver, 110, 146-149, 152, 154, 155, 
174 NZ NSO? VB 2, 197 

Liver fluke, 121-123, 234, 396-398, 

Lizard, 111, 120-122, 365, 367 

Lobster, 90, 106 

Lockjaw, 318 

Locomotion, See: Movement 

Locust, 93, 97 

Louse, 94 

Lumbricus, See: Earthworm 

Lung, 116, 133, 145, 147-149, 151, 
152, 162-166, 168, 180, 181, 192, 
358, 454, 461 

Lung-fish, 113, 716, 479 

Lyell, 474 

Lymph, 64, 169, 176, 177; vessels, 
157, 158. 177: 
Lysin, 342 

Macaque, 428 

Mackerei, 113, 174 

Macrogamete, 340 

Macronucleus, 44, 54-56, 257-259 

Madreporite, 84 

Maggot, 219 

Maintenance, 25 

Malacostraca, 90 

Malaria, 53, 339, 340, 390-393, 396, 

Male, 57; See: Gamete and Sex 

Malleus, 213 - 

Malpighi, 454, 462, 466, 467 

Malta fever, 391 

Maltose, 151, 156 

Mammal, 111, 126-131, 148, 173, 
$93, 252, 319,. 353, 359-361, 365" 
419, 426-431; adaptation, 320-324 

Mammary gland, 193, 357 

Mammoth, 441 

Man, 130, 135, 143, 149, 163, 175, 177, 
355, 365; embryo, 193, 273, 365; 
fossil, 431-437; inheritance, 250, 
307-313, 421-423; muscles, 137; 
skeleton, 144; urogenital system, 
186, 193, 194; See: Human, Mam- 
mal, and Vertebrate 

Manatee, 129 

Mandible, 93, 105, 106, 142, 330; 
See: Jaws 

Mantis, 94 

Mantle, 87, 88 

Manubrium, 73, 75 

Marmoset, 427 

Marsh, 361 

Marsupial, 727, 128, 479 

Mastigophora, 44, 47, 50-52, 477 

Mastodon, 371 

Mathews, 196 

Matrix, 62, 63, 139 

Maturation, 243, 244-247, 249, 255, 
304, 340 

Maxilla, 93, 142, 144, 330 

Maxilliped, 105, 106 

Mayfly, 94 

Measles, 343 

Mechanism of inheritance, 301-312 

Medicine, 6, 389-403, 448, 450 

Medieval science, 449, 450 


Mediterranean fruit fly, 477 

Medulla, 147-149, 165, 202-205 

Medullary plate, 269 

Medusa, 71-74, 234 

Megalithic monuments, 443 

Meiosis, 244 

Membrane bone, 141 

Membranous labyrinth, 212, 213 

Memory, 347 

Mendel, 288, 297, 469, 470; See: In- 
heritance and Genetics 

Mendel’s laws, 297 

Menengitis, 391 

Mental life, 217, 347, 431, 437, 444 

Merozoite, 340 

Merychippus, 362, 363 

Mesenterial filament, 76 

Mesentery, 133, 134, 147, 148, 153 

Mesoblast, 265, 266 

Mesoderm, 60, 61, 100-103, 134, 237, 
238, 264-269, 272; bands, 265, 266 

Mesogloea, 99, 100 

Mesohippus, 362, 363 

Mesolithic culture, 441, 442 

Mesonephric system, 133, 184-186, 
190, 194 

Mesozoic era, 359-361, 430 

Metabolism, 18, 23-26, 159, 180-183, 
316-318; See: Anabolism and Ka- 

Metacarpal, 142, 144, 355 

Metals, age of, 444 

Metamorphosis, of frog, 267-271; of 
insects, 96, 97, 406-410, 412, 413, 
415, 416 

Metanephric system, 96, 117-120, 

Metaphase, 240, 241 

Metaplasm, 19; See: Yolk 

Metatarsal, 742, 144 

Metatheria, 479 

Metazoa, 66, 258, 260, 480 

Metridium, 75, 76 

Microbe, 38, 396; See: Bacteria 

Microcosm, 43-45, 317; See: Web of 

Microgamete, 340; See: Sperm 

Micronucleus, 44, 54-56, 257, 259 

Microérganisms and disease, 38, 39, 

Microscope, 15, 452-454, 466 

Mid-brain, 201, 202, 268, 269 

Middle Ages, 349, 449 


Middle ear, 273, 358 

Milk, 128, 153, 156; souring, 389 

Millipede, 91, 92 

Mimicry, 328, 329 

Mind, 217, 347 

Miocene epoch, 359, 362, 363, 430 

Miracidium, 396, 397 

Mite, 95, 219 

Mitochondria, 19 

Mitosis, 13, 239-243, 254, 304 

Mitral valve; See: Heart 

Mixed nerve, 208 

Moccasin, 123 

Modifications, 285, 286, 288, 289, 
313-315, 374, 380-384, 473, 474 

Modifying genes, 300 

Mold, 40 

Mole, 323 

Mollusc, 86-90, 210, 216, 276, 478 

Monad, 44 

Monkey, 130, 131, 367, 426-431, 480 

Monocystis, 52 

Monograph, 451 

Monohybrid, 289-292 

Monosiga, 57 

Monotreme, 127, 190, 479 

Moore’s theory, 225 

Morgan, 311 

Morphology, 3, 4; See: Anatomy 

Mosaic inheritance, 287, 298-301 

Mosquito, 53, 339, 340, 375, 392, 393 

Moss, 361 

Moss-animal, 83 

Moth, 412-416 

Motorium, 199 

Motor nerve, 201, 206, 207 

Moult, 96 

Mouse, 129, 218 

Mousterian culture, 439 

Mouth, 132, 149, 152, 156, 162 

Movement, 27, 28; See: Tropism 

Mucus, 151 

Mud-puppy, 118 

Mud turtle, 727 

Mulatto, 299, 300 

Miller, 461 

Multicellular organism, 7, 57-66; See: 

Multiple genes, 299, 300 

Muscle, 27, 62-64, 102, 103, 133, 
135-138, 165, 201, 215; cells, 17, 
28, 138 

Muskrat, 323 


Mussel, 89 

Mutation, 285, 287, 308-312, 315, 
329, 372, 381-384 

Mycelium, 337 

Myoneme, 44 

Myosin, 21 

Myotome, 110 

Myriapoda, 91, 92 

Myxedema, 197 

Nail, 15, 134 

Nares; See: Nostril 

National Academy of Sciences, 424 

Natural history, 2, 3, 349 

Natural selection, 285, 374-377, 381- 
385, 438, 473-476; See: Selection 

Nature and nurture, 312-315, 444; 
See: Environment 

Nautilus, 86 

Neanderthal man, 427, 435, 436, 439, 

Nectar, 334 

Necturus, 178 

Needham, 220 

Negro, 299, 300 

Nemathelminthes, 79, 80, 477 

Nematocyst, 71, 76 

Nematode, 400, 401, 477; See: Nema- 

Neolithic culture, 442-445 

Nephridiopore, 102, 103, 183 

Nephridium, 102, 103, 183, 186, 194, 

Nephrostome, 102, 103, 183 

Nereis, 81, 82, 247 

Nerve, 11, 64, 108, 134, 135, 200-216, 
319; cell, 62, 64, 199-217; cord, 
101-105, 108, 145; fiber, 200, 211, 
216; impulse, 206; net, 199, 208 

Nervous system, 65, 108, 168, 199- 
217, 269, 344; See: Nerve 

Neural, arch, 139, 140; groove, 201, 
268, 269; spine, 139, 149; tube, 
145, 201, 202 

Neurenteric canal, 268 

Neurology, 198 ‘ 

Neuromotor system, 55, 199 

Neuromuscular mechanism, 199 

Neuron, 11, 62, 64, 199-217 

Neuroptera, 94 

New stone age, 442 

Newt, 117, 118 

Nictitating membrane, 357 

Nitella, 28 
Nitrate, 33, 40, 41 
Nitrite, 41, 42 
Nitrogen, 22, 41, 42, 159, 226, 403, 

404, 417 
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, 47, 42, 404. 
Nitrogenous waste, 181-185 
Non-disjunction, 310, 311 

Nosema, 416 

Nostril, 132, 147-149, 162, 165, 
Pal Uf 

Notochord, 110-112, 133, 135, 138, 

139, 145, 268, 269 

Noyes, 180 

Nucleolus, 79, 20, 247 

Nucleus, 10-12, 18, 19, 20, 27, 35, 41, 
200, 239, 241, 247, 280, 390, 469 

Nurture, 312-315, 423, 424 

Nutrition, 30-45, 460; See: Metabo- 

Nutritional chain, 336; See: Web of 

Oak, 408 

Obelia, 72, 73, 234 

Obliterative coloration, 327 

Ocellus, 93, 330 

Octopus, 89 

Oil, 386, 388 

Old stone age, 438-442 

Olfactory, cells, 271; lobes, 147, 148, 
202-205; nerves, 146; pouches, 211; 
pit, 270 

Oligocene epoch, 359, 362, 363, 430 

Oligochaeta, 81, 477 

Ontogeny, 366; See: Embryology 

Odcyst, 340 

Odcyte, 245-247 

Odgenesis, 245-248, 305 ; 

Odgonium, 239, 243-245, 275 

Oodkinete, 340 

Operculum, 114, 115, 270, 271 

Opossum, 127 

Opsonin, 343 

Optic, cup, 214; capsule, 142: lobe, 
146, 147, 203, 204; nerve, 146, 148, 
205, 214-216; vesicle, 214, 215 

Oral arm, 74 

Orang-utan, 427, 428, 431 

Orchid, 334 

Order, 352, 353 

Order of nature, 227, 388 

Organ, 3, 65, 104; systems, 65, 104 


Organ-forming substance, 277-279 

Organic adaptation, 316-337 

Organic evolution, See: Evolution 

Organism, 14, 18, 29 

Organization, 18-20 

Origin, of life, 218-228; of germ cells, 
238-250; of species, 349-385, 471-— 

Ornithology, 124 

Ornithorhynchus, 127 

Orohippus, 362, 363 

Orthoptera, 94 

Osborn’s theory, 226, 227 

Osculum, 70 

Osmosis, 16, 157, 505 

Osteology, 139; See: Skeleton 

Ostium, 68, 70, 76 

Ostrich, 124 

Otter, 323 

Outer ear, 213 

Ovary, 99, 101, 102, 188-195, 238, 239 

Oviduct, 102, 184, 189-195 

Oviparous, 123 

Owen, 458, 459 

Owl, 325 

Ox, 300 

Ox botfly, 405, 406 

Oxidation, 23, 24, 42, 165, 166, 197 

Oxygen, 165, 166, 463 

Oxyhemoglobin, 166 

Oyster, 88, 89, 236, 306 

Pain sense spots, 211 

Paleolithic, art, 437, 440, 441; cul- 
ture, 438-441; man, 433-441 

Paleontology, 4, 358-364, 368 

Paleozoic era, 359-361 

Panama Canal, 394 

Pancreas, 133, 146-148, 152, 154, 155, 
171, 196, 197 

Pancreatic juice, 155 

Paralysis, 394 

Paramecium, 53-56, 199, 229, 230, 
235, 255-260, 477; behavior, 344— 
346; conjugation, 55, 230, 255-260; 
endomixis, 55, 258, 259; heredity 
284; irritability, 344-346; repro- 
duction, 56, 256, 375; species, 54; 
structure and life history, 53-55 

Parasite, 51, 53, 79, 220, 234, 339- 
343, 396-401, 407 

Parazoa, 480 

Parrot, 126 


Parthenogenesis, 234, 255, 260, 261; 
artificial, 260, 261 

Pasteur, 227, 389, 390, 414, 454, 455 

Patella, 142, 144 

Pathology, 4 

Pea, inheritance, 288-297 

Peach, 416 

Pear, 416 

Pearl, 89, 90 

Pebrine, 414 

Pecten, 331, 333, 334 

Pectoral girdle, 142-144 

Pedicellaria, 84 

Pedigreed race of Paramecium, 258 

Peking man, 433, 438 

Pelecypoda, 87, 88 

Pellagra, 159 

Pelvic girdle, 142-144, 323 

Penguin, 126 

Penis, 148, 194 

Pentadactyl limb, 140-144, 321 

Pepsin, 153, 156 

Peptone, 156 

Peranema, 51 

Perch, 113, 146] 

Pericardial cavity, 133 

Pericardium, 133, 148 

Periosteum, 135 

Peripatus, 97, 478 

Perisarc, 72 

Peristalsis, 153, 156 

Peristome, 55 

Peritoneum, 64, 134 

Perspiration, 178, 181, 183, 198 

Petromyzon, 113 

Peyer’s patches, 342 

Pfliiger’s theory, 224, 225 

Phacus, 57 

Phagocyte, 342 

Phalanges, 142-144, 355 

Pharynx, 102, 110, 132, 133, 151, 152, 

Phenotype, 291-296, 382 

Philosophy, 5, 385, 447 

Phosphorescence, 51 

Photosynthesis, 32, 33 50, 317, 337, 
338, 403, 463 

Phylogeny, 366, 480 

Phylum, 47, 353, 477-480 

Physalia, 73 

Physical basis of life, 14-29, 465; See: 

Physics, 1, 2, 5, 460, 464 


Physiological division of labor, 10, 
58, 65, 232-234, 330, 336 

Physiologus, 449 

Physiology, 3, 4, 366-368, 389, 449, 
454, 459-464 

Pig, 130, 398, 400, 401 

Pigeon, 362, 376 

Pigment, 11 

Pile village, 442 

Pill-bug, 90 

Piltdown man, 433, 434, 438 

Pine bark beetle, 412 

Pineal body, 202-204 

Pinna, 213 

Pisces, See: Fishes 

Pithecanthropus, 432, 433 

Pituitary gland, 193, 198 

Placenta, 128, 192, 193, 272, 273 

Placental, 128-131, 321, 479 

Plague, 402, 406, 407 

Planaria, 78, 79, 396; See: Flatworm 

Plant, 30-35, 37-45, 404, 408-412, 
417, 462, 463 

Plantigrade, 321, 322 

Plasma, 64, 166, 169 

Plasma-membrane, 19 

Plasmodium, 53, 340, 396, 477 

Plastid, 19, 30, 32; See: Chloroplast 

Plastron, 127 

Plato, 447 

Platyhelminthes, 78, 79, 477, 480 

Pleistocene epoch, 359, 363, 364, 368, 

Pleura, 163 

Plexus, 205, 206 

Pliny, 449 

Pliocene epoch, 359, 362 363, 368 

Pliohippus, 362, 363 

Ploidy, 310 

Plum, 416 

Plumatella, 83 

Pneumonia, 3917 

Podura, 92 

Point change, 311 

Poison gland, 357 

Polar lobe, 376 

Pollen, 333, 334 

Pollen basket, 337, 333, 334; brush, 
331-333; comb, 331, 333 

Pollination, 334, 416 

Polocyte, 243, 245-247, 252, 304 

Polychaeta, 81, 477 

Polymorphism, 73, 234 


Polyp, 71-78, 98, 99 

Pond community, 335 

Population, 378-381 

Porcupine, 129 

Porifera, 67-71, 477, 480 

Pork, infected, 400, 407 

Porpoise, 129, 323, 357 

Portal vem, 157, 758, 172; 173 

Porto Santo rabbit, 372 

Portuguese man-of-war, 73 

Position effect, 311 

Potato beetle, 94, 409 

Potential energy, 14, 22, 507; See: 

Pottery, 442 

Precipitin, 343, 367 

Preformation, 274, 280, 453, 467, 470 

Pregnancy, 191—193, 273 

Prehistoric man, 431—437 

Prehuman lineage, 426-431 

Pressure, 320; receptors, 210 

Preventive medicine, 389 

Priestley, 463 

Primary, germ layers, 61; tissues, 61, 

Primate, 128, 130, 131, 352, 426-431, 

Primordial germ cells, 238, 305; See: 
Germ cells 

Probability, theory, 227 

Proglottid, 398, 399 

Pronephros, 133, 184, 185, 270 

Prophase, 240, 241 

Prorodon, 54 

Prosopyle, 70 

Prostate gland, 148, 194 

Prostomium, 82 

Protective mimicry, 328 

Protein, 21—23, 33, 39, 151, 155-159, 

Proteose, 156 

Proterozoic era, 359-361 

Prothorax, 330, 331 

Protococcus, 30-35 

Protophyta, 35 

Protoplasm, 3, 10, 14-29, 388, 464, 
465; appearance, 17; composition, 
20-23; concept, 15; organization, 
18-20, 254, 275-280; structure, 17 

Protopodite, 106, 107 

Prototheria, 479 

Protozoa, 35-56, 209, 223, 229, 232, 
244-246, 248, 255-261, 284, 318, 


319, 335, 336, 341, 342, 386, 387, 
390-394, 396, 407, 416, 420, 453, 
477, 479; See: Amoeba and Para- 

Protozodlogy, 46, 393; See: Protozoa 

Pseudopodium, 10, 35, 48 

Psychology, 4, 5, 423 

Psychozoic era, 359 

Pterodactyl, 120 

Ptyalin, 152, 156 

Pubis, 140, 142 

Public health, 6, 339, 389-403 

Pulmonary circulation, 173-176 

Pulvillus, 332, 333 

Pupa, 97, 392, 406, 407, 410, 412 

Pupil, 215, 217 

Pure line, 380-382 

Pure science, 386, 388 

Purity of gametes, 302; See: Segrega- 

Purpose in Nature, 385 

Putrefaction, 21; See: Decay 

Pyloric, caeca, 84; sac, 84; valve, 153 

Pylorus, 155 

Pyramids, 49 

Python, 123, 357 

Quahaug, 88 
Queen bee, 329, 330 
Quinine, 396 

Rabbit, 129, 372 

Rabies, 343, 390 

Radial, canal, 72, 74; symmetry, 71, 

Radio, 210 

Radiolaria, 49 

Radius, 142, 144, 355 

Radula, 87 

Ramapithecus, 430, 431 

Rana, See: Frog 

Rat, 129, 367, 401, 402, 407 

Ratitae, 124. 

Rattlesnake, 123, 358 

Ray, 113, 114 

Ray, John, 456 

Reason, 347 

Reaumur, 460 

Recapitulation theory, 96, 364-366, 

Receptaculum chyli, 158 

Receptor, See: Sense organ 

Receptor-effector system, 199 


Recessive character, 290-297, 383 

Recombination, 287, 288, 314, 315, 

Rectum, 152, 268 

Redi, 219, 220, 453 

Redia, 397, 398 

Reduction of chromosomes, 244, 245, 
247, 305; See: Maturation 

Reed, 393 

Reef, 77 

Reflex action, 201, 207, 208, 346, 

Regeneration, 67, 118, 233, 235-237 

Rejuvenation, 256-260 

Relapsing fever, 391 

Renaissance science, 349, 449-451 

Renal, artery, 171, 185, 186; portal 
system, 171-173; vein, 171, 185, 

Rennin, 153, 156 

Reorganization, 229 

Repair, 10; See: Regeneration 

Reproduction, 12, 26, 57, 65, 184, 
188-195, 229-258, 262; power of, 

Reproductive organs, 184; See: Re- 

Reptile, 111, 120-123, 204, 359, 360, 
367, 430 

Research, 383, 386, 387, 394, 402- 
404, 417, 423-425 

Resorption, 271 

Respiration, 33, 34, 37, 134, 145, 161— 
167, 181, 461, 463 

Respiratory center, 165, 205; inter- 
change, 165, 166; mechanism, 164, 

Resting cell, 240 

Retina, 213-216 

Reversion, 287 

Rhagon, 69, 70 

Rhinoceros, 130 

Rib, 133, 142, 144, 164 

Rickets, 160 

Roan cattle, 298 

Rodentia, 129, 352, 353 

Rods and cones, 2176, 217 

Roman science, 448, 449 

Roosevelt, 418 

Ross, 392 

Rotifer, 82, 83, 260, 477 

Roundworm, 79, 80, 260, 400, 401 

Rye, 409 


Sacculus, 272, 213 

Salamander, 117, 118, 235 

Salientia, 117-119 

Saliva, 151, 156 

Salivary gland, 151, 152 

Sandworm, 81, 82, 247, 477 

San José scale, 410, 411 

Saprophyte, 43, 44 

Sarcocystis, 396 

Sarcodina, 47-49; See: Amoeba 

de Saussure, 463 

Scale-insect, 410-414 

Scale of nature, 426 

Scales, 134, 138 

Scallop, 86, 87 

Scapula, 142, 144 

Schaudinn, 394 

Schistosoma, 396 

Schizogony, 340 

Schleiden, 464, 465 

Schultze, 465 

Schwann, 254, 464-466 

Sciatic plexus, 205 

Science, scope, 1, 

Scientific method, 2, 228, 464. 

Sciurus, 148, 353 

Sclerotic coat, 216 

Scolex, 398-400 

Scorpion, 95 

Scorpion-fly, 94 

Scrotum, 148 

Scurvy, 23, 159 

Scyphistoma, 75 

Scyphozoa, 73-75 

Sea anemone, 75, 76 

Sea cucumber, 85, 86 

Seahorse, 175 

Seal; 129, 321, 323, 367, 419 

Sea lily, 85, 86 

Sea pen, 77 

Sea urchin, 85, 86, 277, 279, 478 

Sea walnut, 78 

Sebaceous gland, 134, 181 

Secondary sexual characters, 
262; See: Sex 

Secretin, 160 

Secretion, 61, 63, 134, 159, 180 

Seed plants, 221, 359, 361, 372, 417, 

Segment, 81, 103, 707, 108 

Segmentation, 81, 82, 90, 96, 97, 101- 
108, 112, 185, 206 

24, 385, 386, 



Segmented worm, 81, 82, 97; See: 

Segregation, 244, 246, 290-297, 300, 
302, 5315;,510 

Selection, 282, 376-384, 473, 475, 476; 
See: Natural selection 

Self-digestion, 156 

Semicircular canal, 272, 213 

Seminal receptacle, 103; vesicle, 103, 

Seminiferous tubule, 194 

Senile degeneration, 256-259 

Sense organ, 65, 74, 143, 199, 201, 207, 
209-217, 344 

Sensory nerve, 201, 206, 207 

Septum, 101, 102 

Serial homology, 356, 357; See: Ho- 

Setae, 81, 102, 103 

Sex, 188, 189, 192, 254, 255, 261, 262, 
284, 306-310; determination, 304— 
307; differentiation, 306; linked, 
307, 308; reversal, 306; See: Fer- 
tilization and Reproduction 

Shakespeare, 449 

Shark, 173, 114, 171, 365 

Sheep, 130, 283, 396-398 

Shell, 86-88 

Shell-fish, 86 

Shell-heaps, 441 

Shipworm, 88 

Shorthorn cattle, 298 

Shoulder blade, 144 

Silkworm, 414, 416, 454 

Silver-fish, 92, 94 

Simiidae, 427-429 

Simple eye, 330 

Simplex group, 245, 248, 249, 261, 306 

Sinanthropus, 433 

Sinus venosus, 170, 171, 173 

Siphon, 88, 89 

Sirenia, 129, 130 

Skate, 114 

Skeleton, 63, 77, 138-144, 322, 323, 
355-357, 435 

Skin, 7, 134, 135, 161, 180, 181, 207, 

Skull, 112, 141-149, 432-437 

Sleeping sickness, 341, 391, 407 

Sloth, 129, 321-323 

Slug, 87 

Small intestine, 752-154 

Smallpox, 343 


Smell, sense of, 210, 277 

Smyrna fig, 416 

Snail, 86, 87, 235, 370, 396-398 

Snake, 120-123, 327, 357, 358, 365, 

Snapping turtle, 727 

Social habituation, 431, 437 

Social heredity, 314, 444 

Sociology, 4, 5, 286 

Soil, 82, 403, 416-419 

Solar energy, 32-34, 45, 224, 226 

Soma, 58, 59, 231, 232, 236, 243, 284, 
383, 469; See: Germ plasm 

Somatic, cells, “243; mesoderm, 265, 
266; mutations, 312 

Song sparrow, distribution, 369 

Spallanzani, 220, 460 

Span of life, 375, 402 

Special creation, 222, 350, 351 

Species, 46, 47, 349-354, 369, 376, 
456, 457; number, 47, 477-479; 
origin, 349-385, 471-476 

Spencer, 23, 132 

Sperm, 177 57, 59; 491. 230,231, 247, 
251, 252, 340, 453, 468; See: Gam- 

Spermatic fluid, 194 

Spermatid, 245 

Spermatocyte, 244, 245 

Spermatogenesis, 244-248, 305 

Spermatogonium, 239, 243-245, 304, 

Spicule, 68, 69 

Spider, 95, 478 

Spinal, cord, 170-112, 133, 135, 145, 
146-149, 200-216; nerve, 205-207 

Spiny anteater, 127 

Spiracle, 93, 271 

Spirillum, 38, 39 

Spirostomum, 54 

Splanchnic mesoderm, 265, 266 

Spleen, 146-148, 178 

Splint bone, 357, 362-364 

Spondylomorum, 58 

Sponge, 67-71, 477, 480 

Spongilla, 69, 70 

Spontaneous’ generation, 
399, 454 

POLE, 39, D2) Das 223; 200, 319, sav 

Sporocyst, 397, 398 

Sporozoa, 47, 52, 53, 229, 230, 340, 

Sporulation, 230; See: Sporozoa 



Springtail, 92, 94 

Spur, 331, 333, 334 

Squamata, 120, 127 

Squeteague, 336 

Squid, 89, 90, 215, 336 

Squirrel, 129, 148, 321, 322, 352-354, 

Stable fly, 94 

Stag, 192 

Stapes, 273 

Starch, 22, 33, 155 

Starfish, 17, 83, 84, 236, 478 

Statoblast, 83 

Statocyst, 72 

Stature, human, 379 

Stentor, 54 

Sterilization, 220 

Sternum, 139, 142, 144, 149 

Stick-insect, 327, 328 

Stigma, 50, 51, 59 

Stimulus, 27, 64, 165, 209, 217; See: 
Sense organs 

Sting of bee, 333 

Stomach, 105, 146-149, 152-156 

Stone age, 438-444 

Stonefly, 94 

Stonehenge, 443 

Stork, 126 

Strawberry, 416 

Stream of life, 229 

Strobila, 75 

Struggle for existence, 329, 336, 375, 
376, 472-476; See: Web of life 

Sturgeon, 115 

Styela, 275, 279, 478 

Stylonychia, 54 

Subclass, 354 

Subcutaneous tissue, 134 

Subesophageal ganglion, 102, 105-108 

Subgenital pit, 74 

Subspecies, 354, 369 

Sucrase, 156 

Sugar, 22, 32, 33, 156, 182;°183, 197, 

Sun animalcule, 49 

Sunlight, 32, 33, 45 

Supporting tissue, 62, 63, 65, 139; 
See: Cartilage, Skeleton, etc. 

Suprascapula, 741 

Surgery, 221, 389, 444 

Survival of the fittest, 377, 475, 476; 
See: Web of life, Evolution 

Swammerdam, 453 


Swan, 424 

Swarming of bees, 330 
Sweat gland, 181, 357 
Sweetbread, 154 

Swiss lake dwellings, 443 
Sycon, 69, 70 

Sylvius, 460 

Symbiosis, 337, 338 
Symmetry, 71, 99, 104, 132 
Sympathetic coloration, 327 
Synapse, 200, 207 

Synapsis, 244, 245, 249, 302-304, 308 
Synkaryon, 254-262 
Syphilis, 286, 390, 394, 395 

Tachina fly, 408 

Tactile organ, 143, 210 

Tadpole, 111, 117, 270, 271 

Taenia, See: Tapeworm 

ans? 133 

Tapeworm, 78, 396, 398, 399, 400, 477 

Tapir, 130, 368 

Tarsius, 426, 427 

Tarsus, 142, 144; of bee, 331-333 

Taste, 210, 271 

Taxonomy, 4, 455-459; See: Classifi- 

Teat, 128 

Telencephalon, 202, 203 

Teleost, 175, 116 

Telophase, 240—242 

Telson, 105 

Temperature, 318, 319; body, 181, 
223; on inheritance, 303; sense, 178 

Tendon, 139 

Tennyson, 281 

Tentacle, 71-74, 76, 82, 87 

Termite, 94 

Testis, 99, 147, 148, 188-195, 238, 239 

Testudinata, 120, 121 

Tetanus, 318, 391 

Tetrad, 244, 245 

Textiles, 442 

Thalassicolla, 49 

Theophrastus, 2, 447, 448 

Thomson, 7, 161. 316, 384, 386, 426 

Thoracic duct, 157, 158, 177 

Thorax, 93, 106, 134, 163, 330, 331 

Thrips, 94 

Throat, 151; See: Pharynx 

Thrush, 372 

Thumb, 143, 431 

Thymus gland, 148, 152, 160 


Thyroid gland, 152, 160, 197 

Thyroxine, 197, 198 

Tibia, 142, 144, 331-333 

Tick, 95 

Times, New York, 446 

Tissue, 3, 61-65, 100, 104 

Tissue fluid, 176-178 

Toad, 118, 119, 325, 365 

Toe, 142, 361-364, 431 

Tongue, 151, 211, 358 

Tonsil, 152 

Tool, 143, 330, 336, 433, 436, 438-444 

Tooth, 129, 134, 135, 142, 144, 358, 
363, 371, 430 

Torpedo, 114 

Tortoise, 120, 127; shell, 127 

Totipotent, 278 

Touch sense, 143, 210 

Toxin, 343 

Trachea, 90, 147-149, 161-164 

Trachelomonas, 51 

Tradescantia, 28 

Training, 3173; See: Education 

Transfusion, blood, 367 

Translocation, 310 

Transverse process, 139, 140 

Tree, 412, 418 

Tree frog, 119 

Trematode, 78, 396-398 

Trench fever, 406 

Treponema, 394, 395 

Treviranus, 474 

Trial and error, 345 

Triangle of life, 314 

Triassic period, 359, 360, 363 

Triatoma, 94 

Trichinella, 80, 400, 401 

Trichocyst, 55 

Trichomonas, 57, 396 

Trichurus, 396 

Tricuspid valve, 174 

Trigeminal ganglion, 205 

Trihybrid, 294-296 

Trilobite, 359 

Triploblastic, 78 

Triturus, 118 

Trochanter, 331, 332 

Trochelminthes, 83 

Troland’s theory, 226 

Trophozoite, 52 

Tropism, 253, 343 

Trypanosome, 51, 341, 342, 396 

Trypsin, 155 


Tsetse fly, 341, 342 

Tube feet, 84 
Tuberculosis, 390, 391, 407 
Tubeworm, 81 

Tunicate, 145, 478 
Turbellaria, 78 

Turtle, 120, 121, 367 
Tympanic membrane, 273 
Tyndall, 222 

Typhlosole, 102 

Typhoid, 390, 391, 407 

Ulna, 142, 144, 355 

Umbilical cord, 192, 193, 272 

Underwing moth, 326 

Undulant fever, 391 

Unguiculate, 129 

Ungulata, 129, 130, 352 

Unguligrade, 321, 322 

Unicellular, 7, 28, 30-56; See: Pro- 
tozoa and Bacteria 

Uniformitarian doctrine, 377, 471 

Uniparental, 57; See: Asexual 

United States National Museum, 387 

Unity of life, 6, 131, 351, 388, 424, 
425, 445 

Urea, 37, 41, 181, 182, 192 

Ureter, 147, 149, 182, 185, 186, 190, 

Urethra, 148, 149, 182, 194 

Uric acid, 37, 181, 182 

Urinary bladder, 133, 146-149, 182, 
185, 194 

Urine, 183, 186, 197 

Urogenital system, 159, 784, 193-195, 
351, 358 

Urostyle, 141, 147 

Uterus, 184, 190-194, 252, 273, 399 

Uterus masculinus, 148 

Utriculus, 272, 213 

Vaccination, 343 

Vacuole, cell, 79; contractile, 10, 27, 
Jd; SAStric: 10.750, 00 

Vagina, 194 

Valve, 87, 88, 170, 173, 174, 176 

Van Helmont, 218 

Variability curve, 378, 379 

Variation, 250, 261, 281-315, 374— 
385, 473-476 

Varieties, 354. 

Vascular system, 169-179, 185, 186, 
192; See: Circulation 


Vas deferens, 194 

Vasomotor, center, 205; nerve, 177 

Vegetal pole, 267, 268 

Vein, 148, 158, 170-179, 185, 186 

Velum, 337, 332 

Venous system, 170 

Ventral, ganglion, 201; nerve root, 
201, 207, 208 

Ventricle, 170-173 

Vermiform appendix, 149, 152, 357 

Vertebra, 138, 139, 142, 144, 146-149, 

Vertebral canal, 139, 141, 145, 149, 

Vertebral column, 111; 

Vertebral plate, 269 

Vertebrate, 66, 111-131, 252, 253; 
body plan, 132-149, 185, 189, 353; 
characters, 112, 145; See: Mammal 
and Man 

Vesalius, 450, 452, 459 

Vestigial organs, 323, 357, 358, 362- 

Villus, 157, 208 

Virginia opossum, 127, 128 

Virus, 343, 393 

Vitalism, 24, 

Vitamin, 23, 159, 160 

Vitreous, chamber, 274-216; humor, 

Viviparous, 123 

Vivisection, 449 

Vocal cords, 162 

Voice, 162 

Volant, 322 

Voluntary muscle, 137, 138 

Volvox, 58, 59, 67, 230-232, 477 

Vomer, 7141 

Vorticella, 44 

See: Skel- 

227, 347, 385, 463, 

Walking-stick insect, 327, 328 

Wallaby, 128 

Wallace, 475 

Wasp, 327, 336, 415 

Water, 21, 383 

Water-flea, 80, 97 

Water-vascular system, 84 

Wealth, 389 

Weasel, 326 

Web of life, 43, 91, 335, 336, 386, 388, 
394, 415, 420 


Weevil, 409, 410 

Weismann, 232, 286, 468, 469 

Whale, 90, 128, 129, 323, 355, 419 

Wheat, 283, 310, 409 

Wheel, 443 

Wheel-animalcule, 83 

White matter, 203, 207 . 

White rat, 367 

Wing, 107, 355 

Wolf, 321, 336 

Woodchuck, 322 

Woodcock, 126 

Wood-lice, 90 

Woods Hole Marine Biological Lab- 
oratory, 423 

Working hypothesis, 4, 463 

Worms, See: Earthworm, Flatworm, 


X chromosome, 304-311, 383 
X-rays, 312 

Y chromosome, 304-311 

Yale University Museum, 361 

Yangtze, 418 

Yeast, 40, 41, 230, 317, 318 

Yellow fever, 391-395, 407 

Yolk, 251-253, 267, 268; plug, 268, 
269; sac, 272 

Youth, 25 

Zona pellucida, 273 

Zodgeography, 368-373 

Zoology, 3, 4 

Zygomatic arch, 142 

Zygote, 52, 57, 59, 188, 190, 230, 237, 
238, 243, 245-247, 290-305, 340, 

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