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The Annals 


Scottish Natural History 


“Che Scottish Naturalist” 



AMES SW. El TRAPTE. UMeCAt NMED PR oo.) bolas. 






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The Annals 

Scottish Natural History 

No. 25] 1898 [ JANUARY 


READERS of the “Annals” would notice with regret the 
announcement of the death of Mr. Morris Young, which took 
place at Paisley early in the morning of the 26th of February 
1897. Mr. Young was born in 1821, and from his 
very earliest boyhood exhibited qualities which marked him 
out as a born naturalist. Undoubtedly he was the pioneer 
in the scientific study of natural history in Paisley, if not in 
the West of Scotland. When Mr. Young first took up the 
study of entomology, there were not half a dozen entomologists 
in the whole of Scotland, and books on the subject were few 
and expensive, while the best of them were not written in 
our language. The want of books led Mr. Young to learn 
to draw, in order to illustrate what he meant in his corre- 
spondence with other entomologists. In this he was more 
than successful, for his entomological drawings were perfect 
both in detail and colour. Books with uncoloured plates 
which he purchased later in life he often coloured. 

As the result of an accident which he received while 
yet a boy, Mr. Young was lame. It is said that, while still 
unable to move far from the house, he passed his time 
sitting at the open window with a net, capturing all the 
insects which came within his reach. In after life this lame- 

25 B 


ness did not hinder Mr. Young from active service—in fact 
he could walk with any sound-limbed person; nor did it 
daunt his courage. We saw him once rush across the street 
and rescue an aged clergyman from the abuse of a drunken 
Irishman ; and in the Museum, woe betide man, woman, or 
child who misbehaved, for out they went. Being debarred, 
by reason of this lameness, from entering his chosen pro- 
fession of medicine, Mr. Young became a schoolmaster. 
Many men and women still living in Paisley remember 
being in Mr. Young’s day-school in the long ago. They 
recollect with pleasure how on certain fixed days—red-letter 
days they were to both teacher and scholars—a lecture was 
given on butterflies and moths and other less attractive 
insects, and with what astonishment they looked upon the 
wonderful collection which he exhibited to them. At first 
Mr. Young used to find some difficulty in getting out to 
collect as early in the morning as he wished. He and a 
companion hit upon the device of leading a string from his 
bed, through the window, to the street below. On going to 
bed at night, Mr. Young tied the string to his big toe. In 
the morning his friend came along and, pulling the string, 
awoke him. This, however, did not long work well. Some 
other companions, having learned the system, rose at un- 
timeous hours and drew the string, much to Mr. Young’s 

Long before 1860, Mr. Young was well known amongst 
entomologists in Great Britain and on the Continent as a 
leading Coleopterist. Among his correspondents such men 
as Rye, Smith, Wollaston, Murray, and Waterhouse may 
be mentioned. In Lepidoptera also. he had an extensive 
knowledge, and possessed a very good local collection. In 
short, Zoology, as a whole, had great attractions for him ; 
and as he wandered through our woods and glens, or over 
the lofty Bens that overlook the estuary of the Clyde, or 
along the banks of our rivers and lochs, he had ample 
opportunities of observing the beauties of nature and of 
learning the many lessons which she alone can teach. 

In 1862 a few of his scholars and others whom he had 
interested in his own study formed themselves, under his 
leadership, into a Natural History Society. They met two 


or three times a month in his schoolroom in Old Sneddon 
for the identification and classification of the captures which 
had been made in their collecting excursions. To these 
meetings some of his own cases of insects were brought to 
help the members in their work. As the result of his 
exertions, a splendid society of active workers was gathered 
together. Not one of the members of that early society will 
soon forget those experiences and the delight and enthusiasm 
which his untiring efforts infused into them. Many of those 
members afterwards became known to science as earnest 
workers. His knowledge of the habits and peculiarities of 
beast, bird, and insect was simply wonderful, and his clear 
and enthusiastic observations appeared to the minds of his 
hearers more like some story from the “ Arabian Nights,’ and 
could not fail to make lifelong converts to the study he 
loved so well. This society increased in membership and 
made great progress, chiefly in entomology, till it was incor- 
porated with the Paisley Philosophical Society. The meet- 
ing-place was then transferred to the School of Design 
Buildings, and every encouragement was given to the 
members by that wealthy and influential society. Under 
Mr. Young’s direction, lists of the Mammals, Birds, and 
Insects of Renfrewshire were compiled, and additions were 
made to these from time to time. In 1867 the Philo- 
sophical Society held an exhibition of the various collections 
belonging to the Society and to private members. It was 
open to the public for a week, and each evening papers on 
a variety of subjects were given. Mr. Young’s large collec- 
tions of insects nearly filled one of the halls. It was then 
that the late Dr. Frazer, the president, first intimated the 
intention of the late Sir Peter Coats to provide his native 
town with a suitable building as a Museum and Library, for 
the reception of the vast number of specimens shown in 
Natural History, Antiquity, and Art. 

When Mr. Young was unanimously appointed Curator 
of the Museum in 1871, it was felt that no better choice 
could have been made. He was not only a man of consider- 
able education, but was by disposition an enthusiastic 
naturalist who loved his work. His own collections were at 
once gifted to the Museum, and he entered with heart and 


soul into the work of arranging and classifying the vast 
number of natural history objects which were received from 
many sources. To Mr. Young’s indefatigable energy and 
skill is due the credit of getting together the very fine collec- 
tion of birds, British and foreign. More than this, he was a 
very skilful taxidermist, and was able, during his long service 
of twenty-six years, to save the Museum authorities a great 
deal of expense. 

As Curator, Mr. Young had only one day in each week 
in which to collect, and these days he devoted to the collec- 
tion of the orders of insects, etc. not represented in the 
Museum. He added a good collection of spiders; made a 
fine collection of fish, mounted in a style peculiarly his own. 
He took up the various orders of insects—-Hymenoptera, 
Hemiptera, Diptera, Orthoptera, etc., and the seldom studied 
branches Anoplura and Mallophaga. His name appears 
frequently on the pages of Murray’s “ Catalogue of Scottish 
Coleoptera” (1853); Fowlers “Coleoptera of the British 
Isles” (1887-91); Edward’s “ Hemiptera-Homoptera of the 
British Isles” (1896), etc.; and he also contributed to 
numerous scientific journals. 

Mr. Young was a Fellow of the Entomological Society, 
but his modesty was such that he seldom used the title. 

All Mr. Young’s energies were expended on his beloved 
Museum. He looked upon it as Azs Museum—/zs birds, 
his insects, zs flowers. He was unmarried, but the Museum, 
with its birds, its beasts, and its plants, and, above all, with 
its insects, held for him some of the joys which others find 
in the domestic circle. Like many of the older zoologists, 
he loved the old ways and the beaten paths, and had very 
little sympathy with modern scientific theories. With the 
theory of evolution, for example, and its principles of develop- 
ment and adaptation to circumstances, he had little patience. 
The mere mention of Darwin’s name to him was like waving 
a red flag before a bull—not that he did not admire Darwin, 
but because the theory of evolution of which Darwin was the 
author was to him heresy unpardonable. 

The meeting of kindred spirits was, perhaps, never better 
shown than on the introduction of Thomas Edwards, the 
Banffshire naturalist, and Mr. Young. Mr. Edwards visited 


Paisley shortly before his death, mainly to meet our Curator. 
Edwards was introduced by a mutual friend one morning, 
and left with Mr. Young, with the strict injunction to mind 
dinner. Dinner-time came, but no Edwards. Three o’clock, 
four o'clock, and still Edwards had not come. Edwards’s 
friend now made sure something must be wrong, and off he 
rushed to the Museum, only to find two “old men eloquent ” 
over bird and beast. After a great effort, he got Edwards 
away with him, grunting: “Dinner might ha’ waited for 
anither hour ; for its no aye ane gets sic a gran’ crack.” 

Mr. Young was wont to tell of one of his experiences on 
the top of Ben Lomond. He had ascended the mountain in 
search of some species of Alpine beetles. He determined to 
remain on the top all night, and lying down under what 
little shelter he could get, he soon fell fast asleep. Early 
in the morning he was awakened by some heavy drops 
falling upon his face, and when, in his dazed condition, he 
looked around, he imagined he was placed among some 
islands in the midst of the ocean. When fully awake, he 
knew that a thunderstorm was raging in the valley below. 
What to his dazed senses seemed to be islands appearing 
above the ocean were but the tops of the neighbouring hills, 
seen in the bright sunshine, rising above the gray-coloured 
clouds. A drenching to Mr. Young, however, was nothing 
if he got his collecting- boxes filled. One feature of Mr. 
Young’s character which is not generally known is that he 
was passionately fond of music, and a not unacceptable 
player on the violin. 

Mr. Young was by nature very reserved on private 
matters. Few entered his dwelling-house, and fewer still 
could take the liberty of asking personal questions. In 
short, apart from his profession as a schoolmaster, or on the 
subject of natural history, he was a recluse, spending all his 
spare time in the country as far as possible from the busy 
haunts of men. 

In the Museum, however, to ask Mr. Young a question 
was to honour him, not to trouble him. Nothing delighted 
him more than to be asked about the habits of some beast, 
bird, or insect; and, though he did not often lecture publicly, 
his talk about any topic in natural history was extremely 


interesting and replete with knowledge. Mr. Young was 
ever ready to direct the footsteps of any young naturalist, 
and would look up and show in his own valuable collection 
of scientific books anything about which another had a 
difficulty. In 1887 Mr. Young took a great notion to 
become a microscopist and for a considerable time he spent 
his Wednesday evenings with two of the compilers, learning 
the mysteries of that instrument and its application to photo- 
graphy. His instrument, which was a valuable one, is one 
of the many things he bequeathed to the Museum. 

Owing to the death of a brother a few years ago, 
Mr. Young came into a good deal of private means, which 
he did not hesitate to use in the interests of his especial 

On his death it was found that all his valuable scientific 
books had been left to the Institution, as well as the sum of 
4500, the interest of which was to be expended on his 
favourite division of natural history. 

Mr. Young’s trustees have presented a carbon enlarge- 
ment of him to the Museum, while the Museum Committee 
lately acquired a painting of him by a local artist. In it 
Mr. Young is represented as putting the finishing touches to 
a heron. It is intended that the picture be placed in some 
prominent part of the building over which he ruled for 
twenty-six years. It will always be present, but we shall 
miss his kindly characteristic figure within its familiar haunts, 
and those who knew him best will long remember him as an 
eminently lovable and good man. The well-known lines 
with which we close might surely be his epitaph: 

He prayeth best who loveth best 
All things both great and small. 

[The above is communicated by a small Committee of 
the Paisley Naturalists’ Society, consisting of Messrs. 
Dunsmore, Mure, Taylor, and Finnie, for which we tender 
our acknowledgments.— EDs. ] 



Was the son of William Traill of Westness and Woodwick 
in Orkney, and younger brother of Dr. William Traill, of 
whom a brief obituary notice is contained in the “ Scottish 
Naturalist” of April 1887. The love of Nature was strong 
in both, but while the elder brother preferred zoological 
studies the younger gave his chief attention to the seaweeds 
of the East Coast and North of Scotland. Born in 1836,he 
became a clerk in the head office of the Standard Life 
Assurance Company, and remained forty-two years in that 
employment. Though not of robust health, he did much to 
add to our knowledge of the Algz of the shores on both 
sides of the Firth of Forth, and of the Orkney Islands, and 
published the results of his investigations in papers of which 
a list is subjoined. In these, the amount of information 
about the evironment and economy is very noteworthy. He 
also wrote “ An Elementary Treatise on Quartz and Opal.” 
He died at Joppa, near Edinburgh, on 7th April 1897, 
leaving a widow, two sons, and one daughter. 


‘The Algz of the Firth of Forth’ ( “ Edin. Phys. Soc. Proc.,” 1880, 
pp. 171-189; 1881, pp. 96-97; 1883, pp. 188-190, 306). 
‘An Alphabetical List of the Parasitic Algze of the Firth of Forth’ 

( “Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc.,” 1883, pp. 286-297). 
“A Monograph of the Algz of the Firth of Forth,” 4to, 18 pages, 
with herbarium specimens of the rarer species: Edinburgh, 


‘The Marine Algz of Joppa’ (‘‘ Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin.,” 1886, pp. 

‘The Marine Algze of Elie’ ( “Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin.,” 1888, pp. 

‘On the Fructification of Sphacelaria radicans’ ( ‘‘’Trans. Bot. Soc. 
Edin.,” 1888, pp. 77-78). 

‘Notes on New and Rare Algz’ (‘‘ Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin.,” 1888, 
Pp. 312-313). 

‘The Marine Algz of the Dunbar Coast’ ( ‘‘ Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin.,” 
1890, pp. 274-300). 


‘The Marine Algze of the Orkney Islands’ ( “Trans. Bot. Soc. 
Edin.,” 1890, pp. 302-342). 

‘Supplementary Notes on the Marine Algz of the Orkney Islands, 
—South Ronaldshay ’( “Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin.,” 1892, pp. 
544-546); ‘North Ronaldshay’ (Zc. 1895, pp. 341-345). 

Several of these papers were issued also in separate form 
as reprints, and some of these were illustrated with dried 
herbarium specimens. 


WILLIAM ARCHER, F.R.S., from 1876 to 1895 Librarian to 
the Royal Dublin Society, made several visits to Scotland, 
and for the most part in collaboration with Dr. John Roy of 
Aberdeen did excellent work in the investigation of the 
microscopic Algze of our country. A short account of his 
life and his scientific work is given in the “ Irish Naturalist,” 
October 1897, pp. 253-257, with a portrait. He was born 
on 6th May 1830, and died on 14th August 1897, having 
been an invalid for a considerable time before his death. 

By J. A. Harvige-Brown. 

AT the present time naturalists are endeavouring to arrive 
at conclusions regarding certain groups of phenomena 
relating to animal life, which phenomena have every 
appearance of being intimately associated with one another. 
These are: Bird Flight, Migration, Dispersal,and Distribution. 

As a first means towards their study I have long 
advocated the subdivision of larger areas into smaller sub- 
areas, and have illustrated my contention by treating this 
country of Scotland in such a manner. I have defined 
what we may call “the Minor Faunal Areas of Scotland” 
from topographical and faunal standpoints. 

I do not consider it necessary to enumerate these by name, 
except in so far as may be required to illustrate the present 


paper. I believe they have been accepted with a very fair 
amount of unanimity as useful aids in the directions indicated. 

In Buckley’s and my own series of volumes “On the 
Vertebrate Fauna of Scotland,” we have adopted the areas 
promulgated by the late Dr. Buchanan White (“ Scot. Nat.,” 
i. p. 160). But I already realise that certain modifications 
will be desirable. But I claim some small degree of useful- 
ness in these early attempts, in the light that they have 
had some educative influence, and have given some impetus 
and energy in the further development of local work. I 
would desire to see attempts made to define Natural Areas 
in England and Ireland as well as in Scotland. 

The Rev. H. A. Macpherson has adopted Mr. H. C. 
Watson’s province for his “Fauna of Lakeland” (ze. the 
lake land of the north-west of England), chiefly comprised 
within the political boundaries of the three counties of 
Cumberland, Westmoreland, and North Lancaster. Even I, 
who live at a distance, fancy I could point out a¢ /eas¢ six 
Natural Faunal Areas of the rest of Great Britain, though 
without local knowledge I could not describe them in detail. 

I do not desire here to enter into the question—at least 
in detail—whether the areas which we have defined in 
Scotland satisfy the botanists or geologists. I only wish to 
advocate “method” from a faunal standpoint, though I 
might discuss, from our restricted horizon, the aptitude of 
the botanists’ definitions of floral areas both of Scotland, 
England, and Ireland; but that is not my object now, any 
more than it is my province to do so. 

Possibly in course of time (and time must be given) 
botanists may agree as to the final outcome of plant dis- 
tribution and dispersal, geologists may reconcile their differ- 
ences, zoologists may arrive at many mutual conclusions 
on different lines or groups of inquiry, and a_ platform 
common to all be raised from whence to advocate a more 
general and more generous unanimity.’ 

1 I desire to point out here that by ‘‘ Minor Faunal Areas” I do not 
mean to include still smaller areas which more correctly claim their treatment 
under descriptive topography, as has been done by many able writers, amongst 
whom I would place pre-eminently the admirable work of the late Mr. Stevenson 
in his ‘‘Birds of Norfolk.” His ‘* Introduction” still stands foremost as an 
English classic in this direction. 


If we are to build up a satisfying structure, subjects 
must be studied from small beginnings, and pursued to 
bolder generalisations. Such works, we believe, as general 
maps and treatises, built upon hypothetical foundations, or 
imperfect data, even as regards the general subject of the 
migration of our British birds, are premature and_ rashly 
published. In some instances they are worse, being plausible 
but decidedly erroneous, and calculated to encourage a purely 
theoretical school at the expense of real scientific work. 
Scientific work I hold to be simply an accumulation of facts, 
combined with the ability to draw fairly accurate deductions 
from them; and in this opinion I believe I am supported 
by a very different school of authorities from those who 
attempt “the higher flights.” 

I have said it is scarcely our province to meddle with 
the geological aspects of the subject, yet we venture—subject 
to correction—upon a few remarks. 

It is true, no doubt, that geology may—and probably 
does—influence several conditions of plant and animal life ; 
but that it does so to any such extent as to decide faunal 
areas with permanency, beyond what may be termed 
topographical or surface geology, or such as subsidence of 
land or the upheaval of the same, we find it difficult to 
realise. A great geological fault may be found to divide 
plant- and faunal-areas from one another with considerable 
distinctness ; and, for instance, a great range of mountain 
limestone, growing plants and general vegetation peculiar to, 
or characteristic of, limestone tracts, may—-and no doubt 
does—influence the insect and even the bird life along its 
course ; but I find difficulty in believing that it does so 
to an extent which would warrant the separation of faunal 
areas by the aid of geology as regards presently existing 
animals. Nevertheless, some useful keystones may yet be 
placed in position by the reconciling efforts of the students 
of these several branches of inquiry. I do not consider 
myself competent to say more. 

The Minor Faunal Areas of Scotland are at present 
defined either by the names of the principal river basins or 
from their isolated positions, “Dee,” “ Forth,” “Clyde” are 
examples of the former, and “Outer Hebrides,” “Orkney,” 


“ Shetland ” are examples of the latter ; whilst another group 
is indicated from their somewhat more general geographical 
position, independent of their great watersheds—and in- 
cluding these—such as “Moray,” “Sutherland,” “West 
Ross,” or “ Argyll.” 

The definitions in the case of those which contain the 
drainage areas of one great river and its tributaries are— 
skylines and watersheds, over higher or lower cols or 
passes. “Dee” is an example of a higher, and “ Forth” 
and “Clyde” examples of the lower. Those which are 
most useful as aids in the study of migration and dispersal 
are of the former group, because their areas are more easily 
described and mapped. Insular areas are easily studied, 
and their peculiarities or influences—if such exist—are most 
easily traced. The larger areas, which contain within their 
boundaries many minor river valleys and much rugged 
sround of different altitudes and varying characters, are /ess 
easy to define and map out. “West Ross” and“ Argyll” are 
examples of such, and therefore present divisions laid down 
between these for convenience in treatment of details may be 
considered somewhat arbitrary, such as the division between 
“West Ross” and “ Argyll.” But, on the other hand, “Moray,” 
though very extensive and embracing the basins of many 
large rivers,—the Deveron, the Spey, the Findhorn, the Ness, 
the Beauly, the Conon, and their tributaries,—is nevertheless 
a clearly defined area, enclosed by an encircling rim of the 
highest mountains of the country, whence all these streams 
descend, and which rim encircles all their sources ; and this 
area is also well defined by a deeply indented coastline and 
basin, zzto which all these rivers flow, between sharply 
prominent and embracing arms or headlands of the coast. 

Having thus endeavoured to give our reasons for the 
belief that is within us, we pass on to the next point in our 

Within our areas we must pay minute attention to the 
Faunal Value of each of the inhabitants—that is, we must 
catalogue all British species which occupy or visit each. 
This is being done with the object in view of comparing 
their numbers, their increase or decrease, their seasons of 
arrival and departure, their dates of first appearance, their 


actual routes and passages on their migrations—one area 
with another, and each with each. Such investigations have 
already led up to conclusions regarding the phenomena of 
the dispersal of species, and also to some knowledge of their 
possible, probable, or certain original headquarters. (The 
latter point, of course, is arrived at by a comparison with 
distribution and statistics outside our presently treated of 
areas, by the observations of Continental naturalists, or of 
personal observations conducted and recorded by the travelled 
naturalists of our own country abroad, etc.) 

Another step in the right direction, and with the same 
ends in view, has been initiated by the British Association’s 
“Committee on the Migration of Birds” at lighthouses, as 
shown by the nine reports published between 1879 and 
1887 inclusive, and the digest of these published in 1896, 
worked over again from the whole of the original schedules 
by the unbiassed work of Mr. Eagle Clarke, and delivered 
at the British Association Meeting at Liverpool in that 

Yet another step has been taken, still with the same 
ends in view, viz.: by a treatment of single species both as 
regards past and present distribution, by calling in the 
assistance of the earliest records of appearances, by 
mapping these under a series of chronological dates, and (so 
far as such a method can be relied upon) by tracing out the 
various “avenues of advance” along “the lines of least 
resistance” or “greatest facilities ” resultant upon the “natural 
increase of species” and “overflows from congested districts 
and centres.” 

To illustrate the facts from as many standpoints as 
possible has been among my first cares in contributing 
material. I have tried to select examples under very differ- 
ent circumstances as attached to the history of each. 

I may be allowed to attempt to further illustrate this by 
placing my examples in juxtaposition. 

First, | selected the Capercaillie' as an example. This 
giant grouse became erézuct in Britain; but after a restora- 
tzon at Taymouth and at several other centres of introduction, 
dispersed over large areas of suitable country along certain 

1 « The Capercaillie in Scotland.” (Edinburgh : David Douglas, 1879.) 


defined “ avenues of advance,’ which I ventured to designate 
“lines of least resistance.” 

Next, 1 followed with a mammal—the Squirrel.’ This 
animal similarly became ertzuct over a great area of Scotland, 
but probably lingered in one old timbered tract of J/oray. 
It became resuscitated by various re-zntroductions, and we 
traced its zucrease and extension of range, not only from these 
centres, but. also, as we believe; from) the centre of its 
resuscitation, caused by the planting of young timber in 
close proximity to its indigenous haunts in the old pine 
woods of Rothiemurchus, Abernethy, and Glen Feshie of 

Again, I illustrated the decline of certain species—partly 
owing to the intervention of man, partly to changing circum- 
stances among their native haunts, and other causes—in a 
paper upon the “Past and Present Distribution of some of 
the Rarer Animals of Scotland,’ and in a paper upon the 
‘Great Spotted Woodpecker in Scotland” *—a species once 
again endeavouring to reach into Scotland through our 
south-eastern Border counties in late years. 

I xext followed with a series of papers upon the increase 
and extension of range of several carefully selected species, 
to show the varying avenues of approach and the circum- 
stances affecting each species. 

Thus the Stock Dove* reached north and along our East 
Coast. The Redstart,° long a breeding species in England 
and the south, suddenly increased and spread north by a 
peculiarly sinuous course, though one fairly accurately defined, 
crossing between “Forth” and “Clyde,” and then passing 
up the West Coast through Argyll, increasing rapidly in 
1890 or thereabouts, crossed the dividing low cols between 

1 « The History of the Squirrel in Great Britain.” (Edinburgh : M‘Farlane 
and Erskine, 1881.) 

2 Reprinted from ‘‘ Zoologist,” 1881, pp. 8-23, 81-90, 161-171 ; and 1882, 
pp: I-9, 41-45; including notices of the (1) Wild Cat, (2) the Marten, (3) the 
Polecat, and (4) the Badger. 

3 «On the Decrease of the Great Spotted Woodpecker in Scotland,’ reprinted 
from the ‘‘ Zoologist,” 1880, pp. 85-89; and a later paper on the same subject, 
‘* Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist.,” January 1892, pp. 5-17. 

4 «On the Stock Dove,’ etc., ‘‘Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin.,” 1883, 
pp. 54-66. 

5 See ‘*A Vertebrate Fauna of the Moray Basin” (Edinburgh: David 
Douglas, 1895), under the species, vol. i. pp. 227-233. 


Argyll and Spey, populated the whole length of these great 
depressions, until it swarmed by 1891 and 1892 right down 
to the pine forests on the shores of the Moray Firth, and 
later beginning to ascend the valleys of the tributary streams 
and glens, reaching also far down the Great Glen to Inverness 
by 1895 (oc. cet. p. 232). Strange it is to find the Redstart, 
known as yet only in one district in the south-east of Ireland, 
and so rare in the western counties of England and in Wales. 

The more complicated advances also of the Starling’ 
claimed my attention and revealed the distinct evidences of 
a double invasion: one from the south and south-east, and a 
much earlier one from the north and north-west and north- 
east. This was a most interesting study, especially if taken 
along with the facts known as regards the former distribution 
of now extinct animals in Ireland (Scharff, “Proc. Roy. 
[nish Acad,” (3) ive ps 427 (1807): 

Of other species which have passed under review I may 
instance a few as of extreme interest, viz. the Tufted Duck,” 
which rapidly, of late years, has populated our lakes from 
southern approaches: one avenue vza the East Coast, and 
another vza Ireland and the West Coast; curiously missing 
out the Moray area (as yet) and leaping, as it were, across 
from “Dee” to Caithness. The Goosander*® may be instanced 
as coming down our West Coast, leaving out the barren Outer 
Hebrides, filling our west glens, surging over the highest 
cols of the backbone of Scotland, flooding the great eastern 
valleys, and still annually pursuing an easterly course along 
the low haughs of the Laigh of Moray and penetrating to 
most of the great forests of Spey, etc. The Red-breasted 
Merganser * is another which came by similar routes, but first 
populated the Outer Islands, finding the peat cracks and 
crevices of the Long Island suitable to its requirements. And 
we could instance many others not less interesting—and may 
yet do so in another place. 

Finally, interest can be given further by a study of 

1 «The Starling in Scotland,’ etc., ‘‘ Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist.,” January 1895, 
Plate I., pp. 2-22. 

2 «The Tufted Duck in Scotland,’ etc., ‘‘ Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist.,” January 
1896, map, pp. 3-22. 

3 Vide ** Fauna of Moray Basin,” vol. 1. pp. 117-120 (Hinxman). 

4 Loc. cit. pp. 120-122. 


individual birds and species, and field observations on their 
flight and actions. We can instance the arrival of the noisy 
Oyster-catcher—most blatant of birds—at the annual and 
favourite nesting sites, as well as their equally noisy de- 
partures and movements in autumn. Many times have I 
also seen the surging to and fro—to the north, and then to the 
south—of many migrants in the valley of the great rivers ot 
North Russia—influenced one day by a warm sun and the 
melting of the snows, and the next hurrying back upon their 
tracks, fleeing for a space away from the next temporary 
grasp of the Ice King. 

In conclusion, I wish to emphasise the intimate con- 
nections existing between the initial phases of bird flight, 
the greater migrations, the increase of species, and their 
dispersal ; and, in order to illustrate the connection with our 
neighbouring Continent and its avifauna, we add here a 
short extract from W. Eagle Clarke’s Digest, provided by him 
at my request, and recommend such of our readers as have 
not perused the full Digest to do so if they wish to learn 

I trust we have shown some uses for the division of 
larger areas into smaller ones—the principal object of this 


I. Zntermigration between Britain and Northern Continental 
Lurope-—Autumn migrants cross the North Sea and arrive on the 
east shores of Britain at points between the Shetland Isles and the 
Humber or the Wash (including the northern seaboard of Norfolk). 
These immigrants and emigrants from and to Northern Europe pass 
and repass between this portion of the Continent and Britain by 
crossing the North Sea in autumn in a south-westerly direction, and 
in spring in a north-easterly one,! and that, while the limit to their 
flight on the north is the Shetland Islands, that on the south extends 
to the coast of Norfolk.2, During these movements the more southern 
portion of the east coast of England is reached after the arrival of 
the immigrants on the more northern portions. 

1 The direction varies. It is probably more westerly (in autumn) or easterly 
(in spring) at the most northern British stations, and south-south-westerly (in 
autumn) or north-north-easterly (in spring) at the stations on the east coast of 

2 The formation adopted by the migrants during passage would seem to be 
an extended line—perhaps a series of lines—whose right wing extends to the 
Northern Islands and its left wing to the coast of Norfolk. 


After arriving on our eastern shores, these immigrants from the 
north—some of them after resting for a while—move either down 
the south-eastern coast of England, ez vouwte for more southern 
winter quarters, or, 1f winter visitors, to their accustomed haunts in 
Britain and Ireland. A few occur as birds of passage on the west 
coast and in Ireland, which they reach by overland routes across 
‘Britain, and then pass southwards to their winter quarters. The 
west coasts, however, do not receive d@rect/y any immigrants from 
Continental Europe. 

Thus, so far as concerns the movements of the birds of passage 
to and from their northern breeding haunts, the British east and 
west coast migratory movements are very distinct in their characters. 
The west coast does not receive immigrants direct from Europe, nor 
do these Continental breeding species depart from its shores in the 

Il. Lntermigration between the South-east Coast of England and 
the Coast of Western Europe—‘ East and West Route.—There is a 
considerable amount of migration observed at the lightships and 
lighthouses between the Kentish coast and the Wash, flowing from 
the south-east to the north-west, not infrequently from east to west, 
across the southern waters of the North Sea. From the stations off 
the mouth of the Thames as a centre, the birds either sweep up the 
east coast, sometimes to and beyond the Tees (many proceeding 
inland as they go), or pass to the west along the southern shores of 

Ill. LZntermigration between Britain and Feroe, Iceland, and 
Greenland.—Feroe, Iceland, and Greenland are the summer home 
of several species (Wheatear, White Wagtail, and Whimbrel) which 
occur as birds of passage on the British coasts. These birds 
being of strictly Old World species, our Islands lie in the course of 
their migrations. It is quite possible that these migrants may pass 
along both the eastern and western coasts of Britain and the coasts 
of Ireland. Here, at any rate, we have evidence that these birds 
are observed on passage on our western shores. There is good 
evidence that important movements of Redwings, Wheatears, and 
Whimbrels are observed on the western coast of Great Britain and 
the Irish coasts (both east and west as regards the passage of the 
Whimbrel) which are not observed elsewhere. Such a fact points 
to the independent nature of these west coast flights, and indicates 
that in some instances at least the western route alone is followed. 




THE fourth known example of the remarkable hybrid result- 
ing from a cross between the Capercaillie (Zetrao wrogallus) 
and the Pheasant (Phaszanus colchicus) is worthy of more 
than a mere record, not only on account of the extreme 
rarity of such specimens, but chiefly because there is now 
material for a contribution towards a knowledge of the 
morphological variations and the peculiarities in coloration 
presented by such hybrids. 

Only four such specimens are known, and all of these 
have been obtained in Scotland. 

M. Suchetet, in his recently published (1897) work on 
“Des Hybrides 4 Etat Sauvage (Classe des Oiseaux),” only 
records two examples,—the specimens in the collections of 
the Hon. Walter Rothschild and Sir Arthur Grant,—over- 
looking the first recorded bird in the collection of Mr. James 

In the “Scottish Naturalist” (1891, p. 39) I described 
the first known hybrid. Now, thanks to Mr. Harvie-Brown, 
I have had the opportunity of examining and describing the 
latest specimen, which Mr. Harvie-Brown is about to present 
to the bird collections in the Museum of Science and Art, 

The bird under consideration was obtained in the middle 
of September last at Stronchullin, Blairmore, S.E. Argyll- 
shire, where it had been observed for eighteen months, and 
was sent to Mr. Harvie-Brown by Mr. G. H. Black. 

This bird, a male, resembles a huge Pheasant, being 
332 inches in length from the bill to the end of the tail, 
which latter is not fully developed, as the bird is in deep 
moult; the wing, 12.5 inches; culmen, 1.5 inches; depth 
of bill, 0.7 inches. 

HEAD and UPPER NECK greenish black, slightly glossy, 
with a dull buff central spot on each feather; the eyes 
surrounded by a large patch of scarlet. LOWER NECK 

25 6 


glossy dark green. BREAST black, with a green gloss, 
vermiculated with dull buff, the whole forming a con- 
spicuous pectoral band. ABDOMEN glossy dark green, 
boldly but irregularly marked with buff on its upper part ; 
the feathers only edged with buff on the lower part. 
FLANKS dull black, spotted and edged with buff. UNDER 
TAIL COVERTS dusky, and barred with buff on the central 
coverts, and with dark rufous on the lateral coverts. MANTLE, 
BACK, SCAPULARS, and WING COVERTS dull buff, finely ver- 
miculated and edged with black washed with glossy green. 
UPPER TAIL COVERTS similar, but washed with rufous brown. 
WINGS: primaries dusky, the outer web white streaked with 
gray, the inner web with vermiculated bands of buff ; second- 
aries also dusky, with wavy bands of buff. Axillaries and 
minor under wing coverts bright buff, blotched with dusky 
towards their bases; greater series dove-coloured, finely 
vermiculated with a darker tint of the same colour. THIGHS 
buff, with dull black bars. TAIL in deep moult, but the 
central pair of feathers, which are considerably elongated, black 
finely vermiculated with buff in the centre, laterally deep 
rufous finely vermiculated with black. The remaining tail 
feathers are short and black, edged and marked with buff 
on the basal portion of their outer margins. Thus these 
feathers entirely lack the characteristic and conspicuous 
oblique bars which adorn the tail feathers of the Pheasant, 
and differ considerably, both in colour and form, from the 
tail of either of the parent species. 

The TARSO-METATARSUS is an interesting mixture of 
the characteristics of both parents, inasmuch as it is feathered 
on the upper half of its frontal aspect. The spur is re- 
presented by a mere nodule, and is scarcely noticeable. The 
FOOT is a Pheasant’s, but the hallux is on the same plane as 
the front toes, and not slightly elevated as in that species, 

Mr. Lumsden’s bird was shot on his estate at Arden, 
in Dumbartonshire, on the 8th November 1890, when in 
company with some Pheasants, and is the bird figured by 
Mr. J. G. Millais in his “Game Birds.” It also is a male, and 
in general appearance it resembles a cock Capercaillie with 
the tail of a Pheasant. The well-developed beard, the deeply 


hooked bill, and the conspicuous white patch near the shoulder 
are all pronounced characteristics of the Capercaillie. The 
HEAD is that of a cock Capercaillie, but has the large 
naked vermilion space around the eyes of the male 
Pheasant. The tarsus agrees with that of the bird already 
described. The tail is cuneate, but not pronouncedly so, 
as in the Pheasant. In colour, the HEAD has the crown 
and hind neck green with dull yellow margins, the sides 
of the head green with dull yellow spots. BREAST dark 
glossy green. Feathers of the ABDOMEN and FLANKS 
barred with green and dull yellow, the green predominating. 
UPPER SURFACE resembles that of the cock Capercaillie, 
but the vermiculations are coarser and of a dull yellowish 
tint. WINGS a mixture of buff and black, the primaries 
on their outer margins barred with pale brown, as in the 
Pheasant. The TAIL FEATHERS black, barred with pale 
brown. The TARSUS is only feathered on its upper part, the 
lower portion being scutellate, with a nodule or rudimentary 
spur on its hinder surface. The TOES are those of a Pheasant. 

The second example, now in the fine collection of the 
Hon. Mr. Rothschild at Tring, was, according to the informa- 
tion supplied to M. Suchetet (of. czz. p. 62), killed in a 
wild state at Aiden [Arden], Loch Lomond, Scotland, in 
December 1890, “in a lonely forest far from any pheasantry.” 
It will be observed that this specimen was not only obtained 
in the same locality as Mr. Lumsden’s, but also that it was 
shot a few weeks after the capture of that example. I am 
told, too, that Mr. Rothschild’s bird closely resembles Mr. 
Lumsden’s specimen both in form and coloration, and there 
can be little doubt, I think, that these birds were brothers. 
M. Suchetet is wrong, however, when he states (pp. 622, 944) 
that Mr. Rothschild’s specimen is the one figured by Mr. 
Millais in his “Game Birds” (p. 20). 

The third specimen is a young male, and was shot at 
Monymusk, in Mid-Aberdeenshire, on the property of Sir 
Arthur Grant, Bart., in whose possession it now is, “at the 
end of the past year” (1895). This bird was recorded in 
this magazine (“ Annals,” 1896, p. 123) by Mr. George Sim, 

ho thus describes it: “The bird is much above the usual 


size of the Pheasant. The form of the HEAD, BEAK, and 
FEET are like that bird. The TAIL,in shape and marking, is 
also like the Pheasant, but not quite so long. The feathers 
of the BACK are marked like the Capercaillie, but tinged with 
the golden brown of the Pheasant. The NECK, BREAST, and 
ABDOMEN are wholly coloured as in the Capercaillie, and 
the TARSUS is feathered for half its length.” 

Lastly, we have the fourth specimen already described. 

It is evident from the foregoing descriptions of these 
hybrids that they represent two morphologically distinct 
types. These are peculiar and partake of the character- 
istics of both parents in a greater or lesser degree. 

The first we have is the type least modified in appearance, 
being pheasant-like in form, as in the third and fourth 
specimens described. There are, however, important tetrao- 
nine modifications. These are the partially feathered tarsus, 
with its merely rudimentary spur; the hallux on the same 
plane as the front toes; while in one of the specimens the 
formation of the tail is peculiar, only the central pair of 
feathers being elongated. 

The second type of form is a mixture of Capercaillie and 
Pheasant, and may be said to be a Capercaillie with the 
tail and feet of a Pheasant. Other phasianine peculiarities are 
to be found in the scarlet eye-patches, and the partially 
scutellate tarsus with its nodule or rudiment of a spur. 

The question of coloration presents great difficulties ; 
and it is almost impossible to institute useful comparisons, 
and quite so to formulate colour types. 

There exists, however, a great resemblance between the 
two Arden specimens. That this should be so is not 
unnatural, for there can be little doubt that these birds 
were members of the same brood. I say not unnatural, but 
it certainly does not follow as a matter of course, for I know 
of two male hybrids between a Pheasant and a Domestic 
Fowl, members of one family, which are as different in 
coloration as it is possible for them to be. 

In coloration the two pheasant-like birds differ widely. 
The Monymusk specimen is described as resembling the 


Capercaillie in the coloration of its under surface, and, to a 
great extent, the same may be said of the back also. 

The fourth, or Stronchullin, example decidedly presents 
the greatest departure from the typical coloration of either of 
its parental forms. Its feather regions have their colours 
strangely modified, so that few of the plumes can be re- 
garded as typical of either Capercaillie or Pheasant. It is 
not, however, a bird of beauty ; and though a fine creature, it 
is certainly not so from wearing the proverbial fine feathers. 

It will have been noted that all the known specimens of 
this hybrid between the Capercaillie and the Pheasant are 
of the male sex. This may, perhaps, be accounted for by 
the fact that such birds naturally fall under the observation 
of sportsmen, many of whom would not be likely to detect 
in the sombre plumage of the female of this hybrid an ex- 
tremely rare bird; or it may be such a specimen might be 
considered to belong to a commoner cross. 

In conclusion, it remains to be stated that nothing what- 
ever is known of the sex of the particular parent species 
from which any of these interesting hybrids have sprung. 
This, however, was not to be expected, since one and all of 
these crossbred birds are the offspring of wild parents. 


THE present paper has been compiled from observations 
made on the bird-life of Ettrick, in the course of annual 
visits which have been made to that district during the past 
twenty years. These visits, each of which lasted several 
days, occurred, as a rule, in June; but on several occasions 
additional incursions were made in autumn and in spring. 

The area is most interesting to the ornithologist ; and, 
what is of consequence, it is easy of access during the 
summer months by rail and coach. 

The river Ettrick has its source in Capel Fell, a high hill 
at the south-western extremity of Selkirkshire, and after a 


winding north-easterly course of some thirty-three miles it 
falls into Tweed two and a half miles below the town of 
Selkirk. In its course it is joined by numerous hill burns, 
two of which—Tima and Rankle Burn—have courses of some 
seven and ten miles respectively ; and by Yarrow (which has 
a course of fourteen and a half miles from St. Mary’s Loch) 
two miles above Selkirk. Yarrow I have simply driven 
through, never resided in, so that these notes have only a 
very limited application to that area. 

The valley of Ettrick, which is, as a rule, marrow, is 
bounded on either side, from the grounds of Bowhill (the 
seat of the Duke of Buccleuch) upwards, by wave after wave 
of hills, generally green, and often high, with peat in many 
instances on their shoulders and summits. The area under 
cultivation is small, but the slopes are, as a rule, well 
wooded from Tweed as far south as Shaws (the residence of 
Mr. Scott Anderson). Between Shaws and Thirlestane 
Castle (the seat of Lord Napier and Ettrick) there are 
several scattered plantations; and at Thirlestane Castle the 
valley and slopes are finely wooded, and many of the trees 
are well-grown, beautiful specimens. 

It will accordingly be inferred that the conditions of bird- 
life are not unfavourable, and such is the case. The list 
annexed does not pretend to be exhaustive. It is a simple 
record of what has been observed during a limited period of 
each year by myself, or seen by others whose names I give. 
Were attentive observations made during longer periods of 
each year, and in autumn and spring, many additions might 
be made to the list of 91 species which is annexed. 

MissEL THRUSH, Zurdus viscitvorus.—Occurs in scattered pairs as 
far up the river as Thirlestane. 

Sone THrusu, Zurdus musicus.—Fairly common in every wood and 
brake over the whole area. Less numerous than formerly 
during seasons 1895, 1896, and 1897. 

REDWING, Zurdus tliacus—Common in autumn. 

FIELDFARE, Zurdus pilaris.—Parties in autumn and spring. 

BLACKBIRD, Zurdus meruda—Common over the whole area up to 

RinG OuzeL, Zurdus torquatus.—A few pairs during the nesting 
season on suitable ground. 


WHEATEAR, Saxicola enanthe—This is one of the earliest of the 
spring visitors. During the nesting season it is distributed over 
the whole area in considerable numbers. 

Wuincuat, Pratincola rubetra.—A common bird on suitable ground. 

SronecHat, Pratincola rubicola.—Scarce. I have seen the bird 
occasionally on the face of the hill above Ramsaycleuch. 

Repstart, Ruticilla phenicurus.—This most attractive bird is dis- 
tributed over the whole area during the nesting season, in every 
suitable wood and brake. 

Repsreast, Lrithacus rubecula,—Common., 
WaiteTHROAT, Sylvia cinerea. —Common during the nesting season. 

Biackcap, Sylvia atricapilla—This charming songster is a feature of 
the wooded parts of the valley from Tweed to Thirlestane. A 
number frequent the beautiful grounds at Bowhill and Haining, 
and birds are always heard in the summer season from the public 
road at Oakwood, Kirkhope, Shaws, Singlie, Cacrabank, and 
Thirlestane. One of the most delightful and memorable inci- 
dents of a drive in the valley on a genial June morning is the 
certainty of being electrified by its rapid, mellow notes in passing 
these haunts. 

GARDEN WarBLER, Sylvia hortensis—Rare. Have heard it twice, 
once at Bowhill and on another occasion at Thirlestane. 

GOLDEN-CRESTED WREN, “Regulus cristatus—Common in all the 
coniferous plantations. 

WitLtow WreN, Phylloscopus trochilus—Abundant. 

Woop Wren, Phyloscopus sibilatrix.—A few pairs at Bowhill, Oak- 
wood, and Thirlestane, and during the past twofyears a bird has 
been heard at Cacrabank. 

SEDGE WARBLER, Acrocephalus phragmitis.—Abundant in spring and 

GRASSHOPPER WARBLER, Locustella nevia.—Have heard this bird 
twice in different years in June: once nearly opposite Annels- 
hope farmhouse; on the other occasion in the rough pasture 
opposite Tushielaw farmhouse. 

HEDGE Sparrow, Accentor modularis.—Not plentiful. 
Dipper, Cinclus aquaticus.—A few pairs on every stream. 
LONG-TAILED T1TMoUSE, Acredula caudata.—Scarce. 
Great TirmousE, Parus major—Common. 

Coat Tirmouss, Parus ater.—Fairly common. 

BLuE Titmouse, Parus ceruleus.—Common. 

WreN, Zroglodytes parvulus.—Common. 


TREE CREEPER, Certhia familiaris.—Seen occasionally. 
PreD WactalL, Motacilla lugubris.—Common. 

Gray WactalL, Motacilla melanope.—A few pairs of this beautiful 
species nest in the area, returning year by year to the same 

YELLOW WactalL, AZotacilla raii.—l saw a pair near Tushielaw Inn 
in the end of April 1889. 

TREE Prpit, Anthus trivialis—Common. A pair always near 
Tushielaw Inn. On going out of the inn on a genial morning 
in late spring or early summer, the first sound which falls on 
the ear is the note of this bird, which is immediately detected 
perched on the topmost twig of one of the tall roadside trees. 
From that point it, from time to time, soars and descends, 
pouring out during its flight its very pleasing song. 

MeEaDow Pipit, Anthus pratensis.—Abundant. 
SPOTTED FLYCATCHER, Muscicapa grisola.—A few pairs. 
SWALLOw, /7irundo rustica.—Common. 

Martin, Chelidon urbica.—-Common. 

SAND Martin, Cottle riparia.—Not so often seen as the two species 
last noticed. 

Swift, Cypselus apus.—Fairly common. 

House Sparrow, Passer domesticus.—Common. 

GREENFINCH, Ligurinus chloris—Common. 

CuarFincH, Fringilla celebs.—Abundant. 

LINNET, Acanthis cannabina.—Scarce. 

LESSER REDPOLL, Acanthis rufescens—Heard in autumn. 
BULLFINCH, Pyrrhula europea.—Seen at Bowhill and at Thirlestane. 
Corn Buntinc, Lmberiza miliaria.—Scarce. 

YELLOW Buntinc, Emberiza cttrinella.—Common. 

REED Buntinc, Lmberiza scheniclus.—A pair usually on all suitable 

Snow Buntine, Plectrophenax nivalis.—Common in autumn. 

STARLING, Sturnus vulgaris.—Common. 

Macpir, Pica rustica.—A few pairs, particularly at Tushielaw and 

Jackpaw, Corvus monedula.—Common. A number of pairs nest 
in the rabbit burrows on the slope of the Kip on Crosslee 
Farm. : 

RAVEN, Corvus corax.—Seen occasionally. 


CaRRION Crow, Corvus corone.—Common. 
Rook, Corvus frugilegus.—Abundant. 
SKyLarK, Alauda arvensis —Abundant. 

KINGFISHER, Alcedo ispida.—One seen on the river in 1895 at 

Cuckoo, Cuculus canorus.—A few birds. 

Barn Ow1, Strix flammea.—My friend Mr. Alexander Sturrock, 
Craigmillar Park, informs me that he has seen this bird in 
Newark Tower. 

LONG-EARED OWL, Asio otus.—Common. 

SHORT-EARED OwL, Asio accipitrinus.—During the years (1891-93) 
of the Vole Plague this beautiful and useful bird was abundant 
over the stricken area from Singlie to the watersheds. But with 
the entire subsidence in 1893 of the great wave of vole life, the 
bird almost entirely disappeared. In normal conditions of 
food supply it is very scarce in the district, though never 
entirely absent. I have not seen it every year: only occasionally. 
A permanent haunt is the grassy slopes near Clearburn Loch, 
and the haughs and hillsides from Tushielaw to the mouth of 
Tima. A fine bird was flushed last June in the latter area, out 
of a plantation on Annelshope, where it had been sitting on the 
eround at the side of a decaying Scotch fir-branch. 

Tawny Ow1, Syraium aluco—Common in all the larger woods. 
ComMMoN Buzzarp, Luteo vulgaris.—Occasionally seen. 
Sparrow Hawk, Accipiter nisus.—A few pairs. 

PEREGRINE Fatcon, Falco peregrinus.—Once seen flying in a south- 
easterly direction. 

Meruin, Zalco esalon.—A pair nested yearly, up till within the last 
six or seven years, on the face of a heathery brae on the farm 
of Wester Deloraine. 

KestreL, /alco tinnunculus.—Another bird which appeared in great 
numbers during the vole period and disappeared with the vole, 
except a few pairs. At present nearly every well-grown wood 
holds a pair, and two or three may be seen during a drive of 
an hour or two. 

Common Heron, Ardea cinerea.—One or two seen on the occasion 
of every visit. I am informed that a few pairs nest at Thirle- 

MALLARD, Anas boscas.—A few pairs always nest. 

PintalL Duck, Dajila acuta.—I saw a pair many years ago in the 
hands of Mr. Hope, birdstuffer, George Street, Edinburgh, 
which he informed me had been shot on the small lake in 
Bowhill grounds. 


TEAL, Querquedula crecca.—A few pairs nest, principally at the flat, 
marshy ground near Midgehope. 

WicEON, MJareca penelofe.—Two pairs have nested each year for the 
past three years within the watersheds; but I think it as well 
not to communicate the exact locality. In dealing with this 
fine bird it is right to mention that it is decidedly increasing, 
and that it nests in every suitable loch on Alemuir which I have 
been able to visit. In June 1896, while examining one of the 
larger lochs, a flock passed of fourteen birds. I did not succeed 
in identifying the sex of the whole, but before the birds got into 
an unfavourable light I had made out, through a strong glass, 
that the nine rearmost ones were all drakes. 

TurreED Duck, Puligula cristafa—This beautiful little duck is a 
feature of the fine lake in Haining grounds. In the early winter 
of 1895 I counted fifty birds on that lake; and three or four 
pairs remain during the summer. The gamekeeper, however, 
informs me that he has never seen the young ; but the presence 
of large pike in the lake may easily account for their absence. 

GoosANDER, Jergus merganser.—A regular spring visitor. As I 
write, I have before me a case containing a fine pair which were 
shot on the river some years ago. I have never seen, or heard 
of, the bird frequenting the area during the nesting season. 

Rinc Dove, Columba palumbus.—Common. Greatly decreased of 
late years. 

Buiack Grousk, Tetrao tetrix.—A fairly abundant species over the 
whole upper part of the area. 

RED GrRousE, Lagopus scoticus.— Abundant on all the heathery 

PHEASANT, Phasianus colchicus.—Common. 

CoMMON PARTRIDGE, Lerdix cinerca.—Fairly abundant over the 
cultivated area. 

LAND Ratt, Crex pratensis.—Common. 
MERE HEN, Gadllinula chloropus.—A few pairs. 
Coot, Fulica atra.—A few pairs. 

GOLDEN PLOVER, Charadrius pluvialis——Distributed over the higher 
ground during the nesting season in considerable numbers. 

Lapwinc, Vanellus vulgaris—Abundant during the nesting season. 

OYSTER-CATCHER, H/ematopus ostralegus.—On one occasion I saw a 
single bird flying up the course of the river. 

Woopcock, Scolopax rusticula.—Seen once in autumn. Mr. James 
Mathison, banker, Selkirk, and Mr. Martin, gamekeeper, Bow- 
hill, inform me that a number nest in Bowhill Woods. 



Common Snive, Gallinago celestis—Found on all suitable ground. 
Dunun, Zringa alpina.—A few pairs nest. 

Common SaAnppIPER, Zofanus hypoleucus.—Distributed during the 
nesting season over the whole course of the river. 

REDSHANK, Zofanus calidris.—Within the past ten years a number 
of pairs nest annually in the area. 

Common Cur.Lew, umenius arguata.—On every hillside. 

BLACK-HEADED GULL, Larus ridibundus.—A nesting-place at Haining. 
Numbers frequent the river during the spring and summer 
months in search of food. 

LEssER BLACK-BACKED GULL, Larus fuscus.—Several frequent the 
valley during spring and summer ; and these may be looked on, 
during their stay, as the most destructive winged vermin in the 
district, subsisting as they do to a great extent on smolts 
(during the smolt period) and trout, and on the young of game 
birds and wildfowl. As an instance of the rapacity and audacity 
of the species, in the end of last June, while angling on the 
Gladhouse Reservoir, Midlothian, an immature bird suddenly 
descended on four Teal, apparently two or three weeks old, 
which were feeding within 80 yards of us, near a rushy margin, 
caught one in its bill, and chased the remaining three to the 
shelter of the rushes, repeatedly jumping on one of the ducklings, 
but without success, as its bill was full. It then flew past us, 
within 50 yards, and, alighting on a sandy spit, at once gulped 
down the victim. 

Pi eh ELE RK. 

By Percy H. Grimsuaw, F.E.S. 

ON the 23rd of August last Mr. Archibald Fairbairn, of 
Wellwood, Muirkirk, Ayrshire, sent to the Museum for 
examination a root of heather infested with a small whitish 
srub, which he stated had destroyed many acres of good 
young heather in his district, causing the shoots to become 
quite withered and brown. Mr. Fairbairn also stated in the 
accompanying letter that he was inclined to think that this 


plague is the cause of the popular idea of frosted heather. 
Upon a careful examination of the grub I became satisfied 
that it belonged to a species of phytophagous beetle, and even 
decided upon the family (Galerucid@) to which it belonged, but 
with such scanty material could proceed no further. How- 
ever, a few days afterwards the same gentleman very kindly 
sent me three large patches cut from the moor, two of them 
badly frosted and the third unaffected. From the two 
infested pieces I picked every day for the space of a week or 
so freshly emerged specimens of a beetle which I identified as 
Lochme@a suturalis, Thomson; and as a vast number of 
examples of this insect in all stages between that of full- 
grown larva and perfect: insect were found buried amongst 
the roots of the heather, I was enabled satisfactorily to refer 
the damage to this species. As the life-history of the beetle 
does not appear to have been hitherto observed, so far as I 
can ascertain, I have thought it desirable to draw attention 
to it. Unfortunately, it was too late in the season to see any- 
thing of younger larva, so that all I can do at present is to 
furnish a short description of the full-grown larva and the 
subsequent stages. Fig. 1 shows a full-grown larva seen in 
profile and magnified. It is about five millimetres long, of a 
dirty white colour, with black head and legs. The surface is 

Larva, pupa, and imago of Lochmea suturalis, Thomson. 

studded with small black tubercles, arranged in a double 
transverse row in each segment, and the segments themselves 
are transversely furrowed or wrinkled on the dorsal surface. 
Each tubercle is tipped with a fine bristle of a pale colour, 
while the black, shining head is furnished with similar bristles. 
The pupa as seen from beneath is represented in Fig 2, and 
the characteristic form of a phytophagous beetle is here 


distinctly traceable. The body is still covered with bristly 
tubercles, though these are not nearly so prominent as in the 
larva. The legs are folded up close under the body, and the 
antenne are beautifully curled under the two anterior pairs of 
legs and brought out again so as to show the tip of each close 
to the four anterior tarsi, the separate joints of the latter being 
quite distinctly seen. The posterior legs are folded under 
the wings, which are here in a rudimentary condition, though 
plainly to be seen as in the figure. The developing mouth- 
parts are seen just in front of the anterior tarsi. 

The mature beetle is shown in Fig, 3. It is of a yellowish- 
brown colour, with black head, irregular blackish markings on 
the thorax, and black scutellum. The antenne are about as 
long as the body, and black with the exception of the three 
basal joints, which are more or less testaceous. The first 
joint is much thickened, the second very short, the third the 
longest of all and rather slender, the rest somewhat cylindrical. 
The legs have the tibiz testaceous, the femora and tarsi 
black. The head, thorax, and elytra are all finely punctured, 
while the first-named bears prominent shining black frontal 
tubercles. Fowler, in his “ Coleoptera of the British Islands,” 
says the beetle is occasionally entirely black, while the suture 
of the elytra is always dark. In all my specimens, however, 
there is no darkening of the suture whatever, and the colour 
corresponds well with the figure given by Fowler of L. capree, 
the only species with which it might be confounded. How- 
ever, the prominent shining black tubercles on the front of 
the head afford a ready discriminating character, besides the 
fact that ZL. cafree is found on willows, sallows, and birches, 
and not on heather. Redtenbacher’s description of the species 
(“Fauna Austriaca,” 3rd edition, 1874, Band ii. p. 488) cor- 
responds much better with my specimens, for he says the 
thorax and elytra are “braunlich graugelb, die Naht der letz- 
teren dunkelbraun.” Possibly my examples were killed 
somewhat early, and if kept longer the suture might have 
considerably darkened. 


BRUCE IN 1806. 

Rev. A. THORNLEY, M.A., F.L.S., F.E.S. 

SHORTLY before Mr. Bruce went away with the Jackson- 
Harmsworth Polar Expedition, he sent me a small box of 
insects collected chiefly during the month of May 1896. 
Amongst the Coleoptera were some very conspicuous species, 
all taken on, or close to, the summit of the mountain. For 
previous lists of insects from the locality, readers are referred 
to the January, April, and July numbers of this Magazine 
for 1896. The following is the list of additional species. 


ANISODACTYLUS BINOTATUS, #:—One example—type form. 
AMARA COMMUNIS, Panz.—One example—a dark form. 

ALEOCHARA MOESTA, Grav.—One example—a widely distributed 
MEGACRONUS CINGULATUS, JZaun.—One example—an uncommon 

RHANTUS BISTRIATUS, Lerxg.—Two examples from the Tarn (2500 
feet nearly). 
DyTIscus LAPPONICUS, Gy//,—A pair from the same locality. 




ANATIS OCELLATA, Z.—Two examples. 

ADALIA BIPUNCTATA, Z.—Two examples—one a singular variety. 
OMOSITA DEPRESSA, Z.—One example. 

SILPHA RUGOSA, Z.—One example. 







ORCHESTES FAGI, Z.—One example. 

HYLASTES ATER, Payk.—Two examples. 

There were again several specimens of Acédota crenata and 
Tachinus elongatus ; and also many examples of Coccinella 
hieroglyphica, which ran into curious varieties. Corymdbztes 
cupreus and Lochmcea suturals occurred in some abundance. 
The Byrrhidze were well represented by B. fasczatus, B. 
pulula, B. dorsalis, and Cytidlus. Both Donacia discolor and 
Silpha opaca occurred again. 

[CORRECTION.—In the first list of Coleoptera from this 
locality—given in the January 1896 number of this magazine, 
on page 36, No. 42—the six examples of a small form of 
Telephorus lituratus must be referred to the much rarer 
Telephorus figuratus, Fall. The impressed lines on the 
antenne in the male are not always a very obvious feature. ] 

By Symers M. Macvicar. 

THE island of Tiree is the most westerly of the Inner 
Hebrides, and forms with Coll, Mull, and its adjacent islands, 
the “ Mid Ebudes” of Watson. It is remarkable for its flat- 
ness and small elevation above sea level. According to the 
Old Statistical Account of 1794, its ancient name, translated 
into English, was, “ The kingdom whose summits are lower 
than the waves.” The same authority also mentions that 
the waves are often seen from the one shore rising several 
feet above the level of the other. Nearly the whole of the 


island is less than 20 to 30 feet above sea level, the excep- 
tions being three small hills about 400 feet high at the 
western end, while some parts are considerably under the 
20 feet. In the centre of the island, and extending across 
it, is a large grassy plain, called the Reef, which is one of the 
natural curiosities of the West Coast. It has been described 
as being as level as a bowling-green, and although it has that 
appearance when viewed as a whole, it is seen on closer 
inspection to be slightly undulating. Martin, in his “ De- 
scription of the Western Islands of Scotland” (1703), mentions 
that in his time the sea sometimes overflowed the whole of 
this pasture. In the Old Statistical Account it is stated that 
a barricade of stones, etc., was erected at one spot to pre- 
vent the island being divided into two, also that the storms 
had raised a high bank of stones in another place, “ yet the 
impetuous surge sometimes baffles the whole.” The Reef 
is bounded on one side by a broad channel of water, called 
the Fhaodhail, which has scarcely any perceptible current 
except at its exit, which is on the south shore. It was by 
means of this channel that the sea usually flooded the Reef, 
but this has not happened within living memory. The Rev. 
D. Maclean, Hylipol Manse, to whom I am indebted for 
much kind help, writes: “The salt water is still forced up 
the Fhaodhail a long distance in rough weather, and when 
there are unusually high tides. The mouth of the channel 
used to be blocked up by sand during the ebb to such an 
extent that a huge body of water lodged in the river for a 
considerable time afterwards ; but this has been remedied to 
a certain extent by confining the exit to a narrow space by 
means of a wall, and thus causing a strong current where 
the block took place.” Mr. Maclean adds: “I believe that 
the sea is much higher than the bed of the Fhaodhail at high 
water, and that, if the natural bank at Ballyphetrish [the 
north shore] were damaged, the sea would cover the Reef 
any day at high water. His Grace the Duke of Argyll, to 
whom the island belongs, speaks thus of the Reef in 1883: 
“There is indeed one large farm on the island, the famous 
‘Reef of Tyree, which is chiefly—though by no means ex- 
clusively—pastured by sheep. It is a great plain containing 
about 1000 acres, which has once been covered by the sea 


and is still very slightly raised above its level. It is 
absolutely unfit for tillage, being almost pure sand.” Both 
sides of the Fhaodhail have a salt marsh vegetation of such 
plants as Glaux maritima, Juncus Gerardi, and Carex 
extensa ; and in the channel there is to be found Azuppza 

That the sea communicated with the greater part of the 
island within comparatively recent times appears probable 
from the fact that such plants as Apzwm nodiflorum, var. 
ocreatum, dinanthe Lachenaliz, and Samolus Valerandi occur 
in some quantity over the island, and that Ranunculus 
Baudotii and Potamogeton pectinatus are found in one of the 
lochs which is now 20 feet above sea level. 

Tiree being so flat, there is no shelter except at sides of 
ditches and on rocky ledges among the cliffs at the western 
end. On this account there is an entire absence of gardens, 
trees, and even bushes, with the exception of a few stunted 
roses in two localities. The vegetation is mostly dwarfed, 
but the soil being in great part a mixture of sand and shell 
lime, gives the fine pasturage for which the island has long 
been noted. 

With regard to the interesting question of former wood 
on the island, the Old Statistical Account says: “It plainly 
appears that wood formerly grew in this parish when thinly 
inhabited and fewer cattle reared. Frequently large pieces 
of trees are found in mosses, though now there is not a tree 
on it.” The parish also included Coll, but it is Tiree which 
is here spoken of. Mr. Maclean writes me in answer to 
queries on this subject: “There was undoubtedly a wood 
of considerable extent in Tiree at one time, but the remains 
have almost entirely disappeared as the peat moss has been 
exhausted. About fifty years ago roots or portions of trees 
—the largest measuring about three feet in diameter—were 
numerous where the peats were cut. The trees looked as if 
blown down by a gale, lying sideways about five or six feet 
below the surface. No trace of axe-work could be seen. I 
cannot say what kind of wood, but I am told it was hard, 
and reddish in colour. Abundance of shells of hazel-nuts 
could be gathered there also.” There is evidence here of 
the former existence of fairly large timber, and it points toa 

25 D 


very .different configuration of the land from that of the 
present in this part of Scotland, as a considerable amount of 
shelter would be necessary for such trees to attain this size. 
A curious remark is made in this connection by the author 
of the account of the island in the Old Statistical Account, 
—the Rev. Archibald M‘Coll,—where he says that it is not 
probable that trees would now thrive on the island upon 
trial, “the situation being so far in the ocean and without 
shelter.” As to the kind of tree which formed the wood, I 
think the larger ones at least were probably oak. Evidence 
not being forthcoming that these remains were used for 
torches, makes it unlikely that they were conifers, as such 
trees were generally put to this use in the Highlands. Mr. 
Maclean tried to grow willows. He says: “They grow all 
right in summer, but wither from the tops in spring”; and 
he adds: “I think the cold strong winds are the cause.” A 
few years ago the Marquis of Lorne sent seeds of Pinus 
Pinaster, which were sown on the sandhills in one place, 
but the young plants were not protected from the cattle and 
sheep, and have since died (“ A Vertebrate Fauna of Argyll 
and the Inner Hebrides,” 1892). 

Sandy shores and dunes surround the greater part of 
the island, muddy shores being rare. This gives a pre- 
ponderance to certain plants, while some usually common 
species are limited in their distribution. 

The geological formation of Tiree is mainly Lewisian 
gneiss, similar to that of its neighbour Coll, and to the Outer 
Hebrides, but dissimilar to that of the other parts of the 
Inner Hebrides, with the exception of part of Iona. The 
flora also would appear to correspond more with that of the 
Outer Hebrides than with that of the Inner, at least of those 
islands from Mull to Skye inclusive. Omitting the island 
of Coll, for the» present; there “are certain: characteristic 
plants common to Tiree and the @uter Hebrides which are 
believed to be absent from the Inner Hebrides from Mull 
to Skye. These are Ranunculus Drouetii, R. Baudotz?, 
Hippuris vulgaris, Apium nodiflorum,—which occurs as the 
var, ocreatum,—A. inundatum, Veronica Anagallis-aquatica, 
Potamogeton pectinatus, P. filiformtis, Chara aspera, C. hispida. 
They are all aquatic or sub-aquatic, some being sub-maritime, 


and they occur in quantity. The profusion and luxuriance 
of the Veronica is one of the striking features of the flora of 
Tiree, while it has been found in several of the islands of 
the Outer Hebrides. It is to be noted that Tiree and the 
Outer Hebrides have low-lying ground with lochs little 
above sea level, and that it is characteristic of the parts of 
the Inner Hebrides referred to, as they are basaltic, to rise 
more or less precipitously from the shore to an inland 
plateau. There are some places where this does not occur, 
but not on any of those which I have examined have I met 
with any of these species. 

Some of these plants appear to miss the intervening 
islands between Tiree and the Clyde area, such as Ranunculus 
Baudoti (allowing that Balfour’s A. aguatilis from Islay is 
the R. Drouetit of Mr. Ewing’s list), Chara aspera, C. con- 
traria, and C. hispida. Chara vulgaris might be added, 
though it will probably be found to occur. These species 
are also unrecorded from the western mainland north of the 
Clyde area. 

Among the rarer plants of Tiree there are Ranunculus 
marinus, Fr., which has not been definitely found anywhere 
else in Scotland ; Axthyllis Vulneraria, var. maritima, Koch, 
not previously recorded, I think, from Scotland ; Savrzfraga 
tridactylites, apparently new for the West of Scotland ; Szam 
erectum, not found elsewhere on the West Coast north of the 
Clyde ; Plantago Coronopus, var. maritima, Gren. and Godr., 
new to Britain ; FEguzsetum arvense, var. serotinum, Mey., 
new, I think, for Scotland ; Potentzlla reptans, Carex disticha, 
and C. firta, which reach here their most northerly reported 
localities on the West Coast. 

In mentioning the West Coast mainland I have not taken 
into account Watson’s vice-county of West Sutherland, 
because the greater part of that district is zo¢ on the western 
watershed ; and until some other division of the extreme 
north is made it is only misleading to consider it in that 
connection. Allowance must also be made for error in 
quoting records of plants until a much needed new edition 
of “ Topographical Botany” appears. 

Of the 320 species, excluding Charace@, which have been 
found in Tiree, the great proportion belong here, as elsewhere, 


to Watson’s British type. There are 14 species which belong 
to the English type, viz. : 

Papaver Rheas (colonist). Gnanthe Lachenalit. 
Potentilla reptans. Centunculus minimus. 
Drosera intermedia. Samolus Valerandz. 
Lythrum Salicaria. Volvulus Soldanella. 
Eryngium maritimum. Scirpus Tabernemontant. 
Apium nodiftorum. Carex disticha. 

Stum erectum. Festuca rottbellhioides. 

This is one twenty-third part of the whole known flora of 
the island: a large proportion for this coast, and more than 
double that of the low-ground flora of Mull. 

There are 9 species which belong to the Scottish type : 

Thalictruim dunense. Lobelia Dortmanna. 
Ligusticum scoticum. Pueumaria maritima. 
Pinguicula vulgaris. Scirpus rufus. 
Potamogeton filiformts. Carex dioica. 

Antennaria dioica. 

To the Atlantic type belong 5 species: 

Viola Curtasze. Pinguicula lusitanica. 
Hypericum elodes. Scella verna, 
Sedum anglicum. 

To the Highland type there is one species, Selagznella 
selaginoides ; and to the Local type, one species, Utricularia 

The island is estimated to contain 18,828 acres, of 
which foreshores are given as 222 acres, roads 113 acres, 
water 489 acres, and tidal water 17 acres. The population 
is numbered at 2500. 

The following list is the result of visits made in 1896 
and 1897. A few more species will doubtless be found, 
especially among late-flowering plants and weeds of cultiva- 
tion. Except in a few instances, I have not especially 
mentioned whether the species appear native or not: the 
nature of the localities cited will give an indication as to this. 

I am greatly indebted to Mr. Arthur Bennett for notes 


on many plants, and to Messrs. H. and J. Groves, who have 
examined all the Characee. 

THALICTRUM DUNENSE, Du.—Very common on sandy places 
bordering the shores. 

RANUNCULUS TRICHOPHYLLUS, Chaix.—Messrs. H. & J. Groves have 
so named specimens from two localities near Scarinish. 

RANUNCULUS DroveEtiu, Godr.—Common in streams and ditches, 
varying considerably in habit, length of peduncle, and size of 

RanuncuLus Baupotu, Godr.—Common about Loch Vassapol 
and in its exit stream. 

Var. c. MARINUS, /7.—Stream at Hynish Bay. This is the 
only authentic record for this plant in Scotland; I am 
indebted to Mr. Bennett for identifying the Batrachian 

RaNUNCULUS FLaMMULA, Z.—Very common in wet places. 

RANUNCULUS acRiIs, Z.—Very common as var. Boreanus, Jord., 
over all the island, except on the central moorish ground. On 
the sandhills it frequently has a vertical rootstock of from five 
to six inches in length. Another form, &. Stevenz, Andrz., 
also occurs on sandhills, but not in any quantity. 

RANUNCULUS REPENS, Z.—Very common about roadsides and ad- 
joining ditches ; also at sides of cultivated fields. 

RANUNCULUS BULBOsUS, Z.—Common in sandy pastures. This 
species, which is also common in Coll, is very rare on the West 
Coast mainland north of Loch Linnhe, the only locality where 
I have seen it being on a sandy pasture near the shore in 
Ardnamurchan. It is found in the Outer Hebrides. 

RaNuUNCULUS FicariA, Z.—Leaves of this plant are to be seen 
quite commonly, even in summer, among shady rocks. ‘The 
Rev. D. Maclean sent me fresh specimens in spring with the 
remark ‘quite common in Tiree.” I also found it fruiting, 
which is not uncommon for the species on this coast. A 
considerable percentage of plants have flower heads that form 
fruit; but frequently only a few achenes ripen on a head. 
When the achenes commence to swell the peduncle arches, as 
the head endeavours to reach the soil, thus making the fruiting 

CALTHA PALUSTRIS, Z.—Very common at the sides of ditches, 
marshes, and lochs. 

PAPAVER Rucaas, Z.—Very rare; only one plant seen in 1897 ina rye- 
grass field belonging to the Hotel; none seen the previous year. 

PAPAVER DUBIUM, Z.—Very rare; a few plants in a cornfield near 


FUMARIA CONFUSA, Jorvd.—Rare ; cultivated field, Scarinish. The 
last three species have no title to be considered as native. 
NASTURTIUM OFFICINALE, &. 47r—Very common and luxuriant in 

ditches and streams. 

ARABIS, sf.?—An interesting plant, still under consideration, which 
Mr. Bennett thinks may be A. ci//ata, occurs at Kenavara. 
CARDAMINE PRATENSIS, Z.—Common in wet places in fields and by 

sides of ditches. 

CARDAMINE HIRSUTA, Z.—This usually common plant is curiously 
rare. Although especially looked for, only a few specimens 
were noticed in the ruins of Kilkenneth Chapel. 

EROPHILA VULGARIS, YC.—Rare ; only a few plants seen in sandy 
ground, some distance from cultivation, between Barrapol and 

COCHLEARIA OFFICINALIS, Z.—Common on rocky and muddy 

COCHLEARIA DANICA, £.—Rather rare ; it does not appear to occur 
in its typical form on the island. The Rev. E. S. Marshall 
named a plant as this species from Kenavara rocks ; it is also 
found at Urvaig. 

SISYMBRIUM OFFICINALE, Scof—Common; usually near houses ; 
sometimes in cultivated fields. 

BRASSICA CAMPESTRIS, £.—Rare; cultivated fields, occasionally 
spreading to sandy shores. 

BRASSICA SINAPISTRUM, Soiss.—Rather rare; a few plants on 
waste ground, Hynish ; in some quantity in a cultivated field, 

Bursa PAsToRIs, Weber.—Common; waste places and cultivated 

CAKILE MARITIMA, Scof.—Rather rare; Hynish Bay, Traigh-na- 
Gillean, Salum Bay. A few plants on the sandy shore at each 

RAPHANUS RAPHANISTRUM, Z.—Very common; occurs in most 
cultivated fields and in waste places in great quantity. The 
plant with yellow petals was alone seen. 

VIOLA PALUSTRIS, Z.—Rare, I think ; I did not see it on my second 

Viota RrvintaAna, Retch.—Common among the dwarf heather in 
some places on Scarinish Moor ; uncommon elsewhere. 

VIOLA ARVENSIS, JZuxr.—Only seen in waste places near the Hotel. 

Viota Curtis, Forster.—In abundance at Ruaig in a sandy 
pasture which extends nearly across the island; flowers mostly 

(Zo be continued.) 


By James W. H. Tram, A.M., M.D., F.R.S. 

SINCE the publication, in 1883, of the second edition of 
Mr. H. C. Watson’s “Topographical Botany,” and largely 
under the stimulus given by that work, a great deal has been 
done towards widening our knowlege of the flora of Scotland. 
Attention was drawn to the almost total want of information 
from several districts, and to the imperfect nature of the 
records from others, even as regards common and easily 
determined species, with the result that the larger gaps have 
for the most part been filled. Doubtful records have been 
confirmed, and some errors in former records have been dis- 
covered and corrected. To determine whether a record 
should be excluded as erroneous is, however, far more 
difficult than to ascertain whether a new record may securely 
be added to our lists, since a rare species may not be again 
detected in its habitat, even when sought for; or it may have 
become extinct from some cause that is not apparent to us. 
Critical groups (eg. Rubus, Rosa, Hieractum, etc.) have 
received very close study of late years, and for such groups 
the former records are not in full accord with the conclusions 
arrived at by specialists. Most of the information gained 
since 1883 has been published, chiefly in numerous papers 
and shorter notes, some of which relate exclusively to the 
flora of Scotland, while in others there are only occasional 
references to Scottish plants, the bulk of the articles relating 
to other districts. The thanks of all interested in the 
Scottish flora are due in a very special degree to Mr. A. 
Bennett for the unwearied assistance he has given to local 
botanists in determining the critical species of their districts, 
and for his ‘Additional Records of Scottish Plants,’ in 
which he has brought together and put within our reach (in 
the “Scottish Naturalist” from 1886 to 1891, and sub- 
sequently in the “Annals of Scottish Natural History”), 
year by year, the information scattered through our own 
journal, the “ Journal of Botany,” the publications of Societies, 
and occasional floras in book form. The value of the 
‘Records’ is most appreciated by those that know them 


best ; but they are scattered over a considerable time. It is 
time that the information within our reach should be brought 
together once again, and that we should see where it is still 
deficient. Mr. Bennett tells me that he cannot undertake 
to do so; but he has most kindly revised records kept by 
myself during a good many years. For valuable assistance, 
most freely given in this as well as in many other ways, I 
offer him my grateful thanks, in which, I feel assured, all 
interested in Scottish Botany will join. 

The results embodied below, in so far as they are 
additional to those recorded in “ Topographical Botany,” re- 
present the labours of love of not a few botanists, whom I 
shall not here attempt to enumerate. A truer conception 
of the value and wide extent of these labours will be best 
obtained from the inspection of a list of the several articles 
which it is proposed to add as a supplement to this paper. 

The districts into which Great Britain is divided in 
“Topographical Botany” are based on the counties: the 
larger ones subdivided, as in Perth and Aberdeen, to reduce 
inequalities in area, and a few of the smallest combined with 
their neighbours. Detached and outlying portions are 
associated with the counties in which they lie, as may be 
observed under Inverness and Nairn. In some cases the 
divisions correspond fairly well to natural areas or river 
basins ; but unfortunately this is the exception, and it has 
for a good many years been recognised by most students of 
our flora and fauna that the natural divisions of the country 
should be employed in preference to the political. But as yet 
our records of the larger plants have been published only on 
the latter scheme of distribution, and many of them would not 
fit in with the natural areas, and might thus be lost. It seems 
desirable, therefore, to adhere in this revision to Watson’s 
areas, of which a list, with his numbers, is given below. For 
brevity the numbers alone are given. These have been most 
carefully checked, and it is hoped that no errors have been 
admitted through want of care. Certain species have been 
recorded from all the districts, and this is indicated by the 
word “all.” Many species have been recorded from con- 
siderably more than half the areas, and for these the numbers 
of the areas in which they have zo¢ been found are preceded 

lL? ee 


by “ercepft,’ and are printed in ¢falcs, as it is hoped that 
attention will thus be more prominently drawn to the absence 
of records from these, and also that the risk of confounding 
them with records of actual occurrence will be prevented by 
the difference of type. For all other species the numbers 
given are those of the areas from which they have been re- 
corded, or in which they are known to Mr. Bennett or to 
myself, if not already published. The sign ? denotes that 
the number that it follows at least requires confirmation ; 
?? or [ | denotes that the record is almost certainly erroneous ; 
+ after a number denotes the introduction by man, whether 
intentional or accidental, of the species into the area ; “cas.” 
indicates that the plant has been introduced by man in some 
way, directly or indirectly, but that it has failed to establish 
itself. A careful survey of published records leads to the 
belief that both f and “cas.” might be used with advantage 
a good deal more freely than they have been by some local 
botanists. The names of plants that are not regarded as 
indigenous in the British Islands are printed in z¢a/zcs. 


West Lowlands.—72, Dumfries ; 73, Kirkcudbright ; 74, Wigtown ; 
75, Ayr; 76, Renfrew; 77, Lanark. 

East Lowlands.—78, Peebles; 79, Selkirk; 80, Roxburgh; 81, 
Berwick ; 82, Haddington; 83, Edinburgh; 84, Linlithgow. 

East Highlands.—85, Fife and Kinross; 86, Stirling; 87, West 
Perth and Clackmannan (including the Perthshire part of the 
Forth basin); 88, Mid Perth (Perthshire between West Perth 
and the rivers Tay and Garry); 89, East Perth (Perthshire 
east of the Tay and the Garry) ; 90, Forfar; 91, Kincardine ; 
92, South Aberdeen ; 93, North Aberdeen (separated from 92 
by the watersheds east and west of Inverurie); 94, Banff; 95, 
Elgin (including the part of Inverness that cuts into Elgin) ; 
96, Easterness (Nairn, and rest of Inverness east of N. and S. 
watershed of Scotland). 

West Highlands.—g7, Westerness (Inverness west of the watershed, 
and Argyll north-west of Loch Linnhe); 98, Argyll (Argyllshire 
between Loch Linnhe and Crinan Canal); 99, Dumbarton ; 
100, Clyde Isles (islands in the Firth of Clyde); roz, Cantire 
(to Crinan Canal); 102, South Ebudes (Isla, Jura, and ad- 


jacent islets); 103, Mid Ebudes (Mull, Coll, and adjacent 

islets) ; 104, North Ebudes (Skye, Rum, and adjacent islets). 
North Highlands.—1o5, West Ross (Ross and Cromarty west of 

N. and S. watershed); 106, East Ross (Ross and Cromarty 

east of the watershed, with Nairn west of Moray Firth); 107, 

East Sutherland (with drainage to the east); 108, West 

Sutherland (with drainage to north and west); 1og, Caithness. 
North Isles.—11o, Hebrides; 111, Orkney; 112, Shetland. 


Clematis Vitalba, L., occurs as an introduced plant in 77, 82, 83, 
85, 87, 89, 99. 
*Thalictrum alpinum, Z., except 74-85, 91, 93, 95, 101, 102, 107. 
Th. minus, Z., except 76, 78, 86, 95, 96, 97, 99, 105, 107, 112. 
a. maritimum, Syme (dunense, Dum.), except 72, 73, 74, 75, 
76, 78,79, 80, 81, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 95, 96, 99, 100, 
6. montanum, Wadllr., 72, 73, 85, 88, 89, 98. 
c. flexuosum (fezchd.), 73, 74, 77, 80, 81, 85, 87-89, 98, 
LOZ, 103, LOS (og): 
TS ilavan, 2259713574, gps 81,1 OG nos EO TOS Oe: 
Anemone nemorosa, L., except 109, 112. 
A. apennina, L., introduced in a few places. 
Adonis autumnatis, L., introduced in 75, 77, 80, 83. 
? Ranunculus circinatus, S74¢h., 74, 81, 83, 85-90, 105 (?). 
. fluitans, Zam., 76, 77, 80, 81, 85 (?), 93, 94. 
. pseudo-fluitans (Bad.), Hiern, 99. 
. trichophyllus, Chazx, 72, 73, 80, 86, 88, 89, 100, 103, 106 
107, 100-112. 
. Drouettil, Godr., 73, 75, 79, 83, 88-90, 102, 103, 106, 108-111. 
6. Godronii (Gren.), 80 (?), 112 (?). 
. heterophyllus, Weé., 73, 85, 88, 89, 98, 111. 
. peltatus, Schranck, 72-74, 77, 78, 80, 83, 85, 87-93, 99, 100, 106. 
c. floribundus (2adé.), 88, 89. 
d. penicillatus (4Zzern), 74 (?), 88, 89. 
R. Baudotii, Godr., 75, 76, 80-84, 103, I1o-112. 
6. confusus, Godr., 76,77 (?), 80 (?), 81 (?), 82-84, 89, 99,109. 
¢. marinus, /7., 103. 
R. Lenormandi, / Schultz, 72-77, 86, 99, 100, 102. 
R. hederaceus, Z., except 105. 



1 Thalictrum.—Under this genus I have followed the arrangement given in 
the eighth edition of the ‘* London Catalogue” instead of that in the ninth edition, 
owing to the difficulty of correcting the published records with the latter. 

2 Ranunculus.—In the section Batrachium of this genus the records can 
scarcely be regarded as wholly reliable. Those for 88 and 89 (Perth, Mid and East) 
for species and varieties are chiefly on the authority of Dr. F. Buchanan White. 


wseeleratus, Za ,exceee 76, 79, gos 104, 105, JO7, 108, 111, 112; 
. Flammula, Z., all. 
sreptans, /..,.S5,0@3: 
. petiolaris, Marshall, 96-98, 104, 105, 108, IIo. 
. Lingua, Z., except 78, 74(2), 78, 82, 91, 94, 96-104, 107-110, 
LIA(2), LL. 
R. auricomus, Z., except 74, 78, 84, 94, 95, 97, 98, 100-112. 
eRe aes. 22. all. 
ix, repens, 2, all. 
R. bulbosus, Z., except S84, 98, 101, 104, 105, 112. 
2R. Sardous, Crantz (R. hirsutus, Curtis), 72, 74, 77, 80, 81, 83-90, 
927, 931, 98, 104. 
= Rearvensis, Z., 73,75,771) Ol) 921) 037058) Cos 09,009 (P), DEL (?): 
R. Ficaria, Z., all. 
6. incumbens, / Schultz, 88, 89, 92. 
Caltha palustris, Z., all. 
6. Guerangerii (Loreau), 89. 
¢. minor, Syme, 87, 89, 90, 92, 95, 108. 
C. radicans, Forster, 90, 105. 
b. zetlandica, Beeby, 112. 
Trollius europzeus, Z., except 2, 102, 110, 111. 
ffelleborus viridis, L., probably nowhere native in Scotland, though 
recordedirom 74, 75, $1, 83, 85, 1, O2: 
f1, feetidus, L., as an introduced plant or casual in 75, 77, 80-83, 
S15; 805 SO, 02. 
Lranthis hyemalis, Salisb., semi-naturalised or casual, 92. 
Aquilegia vulgaris, Z., of frequent occurrence beside rivers and in 
other places, apparently wild, but a very doubtful native in 
any part of Scotland, though recorded from 72, 73, 75, 77, 
79, 93-92, 95-97, 102, 109. 
Aconitum Napellus, L., introduced or as a casual in 76, 77, 81, 
835, 05,,00,.00; 00, 165, TOO. 
Actea spicata, L., has been recorded from 85. 



4 Berberis vulgaris, Z., except 74, 82, 94, 96, 98, 99, 103, 104, 105, 
LOG SOG MOSs 109) PLT, 112. 

1 R. acris, L.—The varieties of this species require investigation in Scotland 
before any record of their distribution with us can be given. Var. c. Stevend 
(Andrz.) has been recorded from 89, 97, 103, I12. 

2 R. Sardous, Crantz.—Though recorded with no sign of doubt of its native 
origin from several Scottish counties, the remark in ‘‘ Topographical Botany ” 
that it is ‘scarcely more than a casual plant northward of Yorkshire ” probably 
applies in most cases. It certainly does so in 92 and 93. 

3 R. arvensis, L.—Not improbably introduced frequently among cornfield 

4 Berberts vulgaris, L.—In many, if not in most, of the counties of Scotland 



Nympheea lutea, Z. (Wuphar luteum, Sm.), except 72, 78, 84, 94, 
GON, 90; O15, LOL, LOL MOC MOT OS, LOD ilo es 
6. intermedia (Leded.), 72, 86, 89, 91, 92, 97, 99. 
N. pumila, Hoffm., 77 (2), 86-89, 95, 96, 98, 109. 
Castalia speciosa, Salish. (Vymphea alba, L.), except 78, 82, 84, 
his JULIE, 

Papaver somniferum, V., a casual on rubbish heaps and waste ground. 
P. Rhoeas, 222, 7/5:7'7,) 60-04, £03,105, 109, 1 it, 112. 
P. dubium, Z., except 97, 9S, 104. 
6. Lecoqii (Lamotte), 85 (?), 89, 105, 106. 
P. *Argemone} 7.572, 75,7 7s 00-92),94-90, Ol, 102,105, 100, Tro: 
Meconopsis cambrica, Vig., 72, 75, 83, 85-87, 90-92, 95. 
Glaucium flavum, Cvantz, 72-76, 80(?), 81, 82, 84, 85, 91 (long 
ago extinct), 95 (?), 98, 99. 
Chelidonium majus, Z., 72-93, 95, 96. 


Neckera lutea, Scop. (Corydalis lutea, DC.), 88+, 921. 

N. claviculata, WV. Z. Br. (C. claviculata, DC.), except 77, 78, 79, 82 
GOO) 102, 105, JOD IOS iL: 

Fumaria pallidiflora, Jord., 79+, 80, 89. 

: Boreet, Jord... 735 74; 7 0} 775,023 S5 OO NOLO 2, LOO, LOT sO hen i ti 

~contusa, /07d., 7:2, F415, ©7509) LOO-102, TO, n1o. 

. muralis, Sonder., 86. 

. densiflora, OC. 72, 74, 80, 82-85, 98-93, 05,90, Til, Puen): 

. Officinalis, Z., except 9S, 104. 

. Vaillantii, ZozseZ, 83 (?), 112 (?) (probably erroneous records). 

. parviflora, Zam., 80}, 82, 83, 87, 89 (?), 95 (?), 96(?), 109 (?), 
112 (?) (those queried are probably erroneous), 


prj bef bf Rf} fy 


Cheiranthus Cheirt, 1.., well established, but not with a claim to be 
considered native, 88, 89, 91. 

the Barberry, though often not rare, is an evident introduction, or has probably 
grown from seed of introduced plants. This is certainly the case in the north-east 
of Scotland. 

1 PAPAVERACEA.—In this order Glauctwm flavum is probably the only i 
species that does not owe its presence in Scotland (on the coast) to human agency. 
All the species of Papaver are weeds of cultivation. PP. somnzferum is a mere 
casual anywhere. 2. Rhewas is scarcely more than a casual in 91 to 94 at least, 
and probably in the higher numbers. P. Axgemone, though a common weed near 
Montrose, is a mere casual in 92, and probably in other districts from which it is 
recorded. JZeconopsis cambrica and Chelidontum majus, though well established 
in a good many places, always, in my experience, occupy situations near gardens, 
along roads, or otherwise such as to indicate their introduction by man as more 
than probable. 



Nasturtium officinale, 2. Br., all. 
Ne sylvestre, 7; Bz, 72, 7.3, 81, 83, O51) O0};107-00, OS. 
N. palustre, DC., 72-78, 80-90, 98 (?), 99, 100. 
N. amphibium, #. £7., very doubtful as a Scotch plant, though 
recorded from’ 72, 75. 77.) 63, 85,0 7 G4e 
Barbarea vulgaris, 2. Br., except 97, 101, 102, 103, 106, 107, 110, 
B. stricta, Andzz., 86f. 
Arabis alpina, Z., 104 (Skye). 
A. petrea, Lam., 88, 91, 92, 94, 96(?), 97, 98, 103-105, 106 (?), 
6. hispida, DC., 92, 106. 
Aveiliatay fe 7., Go (??). 
peehinsuta, Scop, excep? 93, 96, 99. JOT, 105.1 finite, 
A. Turrita, L., 88. 
A. perfoliata, Zam., 77, 80, 87-89, 90 (?), 99, probably an introduc- 
tion wherever it occurs in Scotland. 
Cardamine amara, Z., except 74, 78, 82, 97, 101-112. 
d. lilacina, & B. White, 88. 
. pratensis, Z., all. 
. hirsuta, Z., all. 
. flexuosa, W7th., eg (3 Sl GS, LO Tate 
Pmpations, L..075)(),. 77 (2), 83 (?), 97(?), t11(?). All records 
of this plant for Scotland require confirmation. 
. bulbifera, Syme, 75. 
Draba muralis, L., recorded from 77, 83, 88, 90, 100, but probably 
erroneously, also 867, 987. 
De incana, 7, °87-90; 92, 94, 96-98, 102-112. 
Dy rupestris, KH. Gr., 88, 89, 90 (??), 94 (??), 96, 98: 
Erophila vulgaris, DC., except 101, 104, 107, 112. 
iB pracox, C., 35 
EK. inflata, “Zook. f., 88, 89. 
Cochlearia officinalis, Z., except 791, SOT, 88, 89. 
C. alpina, 4. C. Wats., 78, 80, 87-90, 92-94, 96-98, 104, 105, 
LOS-1 10, FEI (?), 112. 
. micacea, Marshall, 88, 98, 112. 
. danica, Z., 73, 76, 81 (?), 83, 85, 87, 91-93, 95, 99, 100, 102, 
103, PaG, ROSH DLO, Dr (?)s 112. 
erenlentica: Woo, 105, LOO, LOS-11O, WEz: 

. anglica, Z., 73, 74, 78(?), 95. 
. Armoracia, Z., a casual in waste places. 



flesperis matronalis, \.., a casual not uncommonly met with. 
Sisymbrium Thalianum, 7 Gay, except 101, 102, 103, 105, 107, 
108, 110, 112. 
S. officinale, Scop., except 112. 
6. leiocarpum, DC.,, 87, 88. 


S. sophia, Z., 77 (t), Sot, 81-85, S61, 88}, 90, OT, 05, Loo, reo Ts 

S. pannonicum, /acg., 877, 92T. 

US. Alliaria, Scop., except 97, 107, 102, 103, 10%, 105, 107, 108, 
HOD NO, A ales 

Erysimum chetranthoides, L., a casual, recorded from 80, 81, 84, 
85, 91, 95, 103. 

Camelina sativa, Crantz, casual, 87, 88, 92. 

Subularia aquatica, Z., 71-73, 85 (?), 87-94, 96-99, 103, 105, 108- 
LO.) Emo 

Brassica oleracea, \.., B. Napus, L., B. Rutabaga, DC., B. Rapa, L., 
are all met with by waysides and on waste ground, as casuals. 

B. monensis, “/uds., 72-76, 82 (?). 

B. Sinapioides, Roth (B. nigra, Koch), a casual in 72, 77, 81, 83, 
85, 95: 

B. Sinapistrum, Gozss., all, as a weed of cultivated ground. 

2B. alba, Botss.; 73) 745 77-85; 877, 887, 89f, O15 921, TOT, 102, 
164, TOS, 1OO;, 110,, VL2i. 

(Zo be continued.) 


Harvest Mouse in Moray.—Perhaps I may be allowed a few 
words in reference to Mr. W. Taylor’s note on the Harvest Mouse 
(Mus minutus) which appeared in the October number of the 
“ Annals.” I am the more anxious to do so because, in Messrs. 
Brown and Buckley’s “‘ Fauna of Moray,” vol. i. p. 202, a mistake 
has been made in so far as it is said the specimen of the Harvest 
Mouse found at Greenscares, and now in Banff Museum, had been 
“sent to Mr. George Sim of Aberdeen, who identified it.” This is 
not so. I merely saw the specimen in spirit in the Banff Museum, 
and took a note of the specimen as labelled. As to the species I 
had no doubt, for I have had specimens sent to me several times 
from England. Mr. Taylor remarks: ‘“‘I do not yet believe that 
Mus minutus has ever been found north of the Grampians.” This 
may prove to be the correct finding, yet against it I have to note 
that the late Mr. Stewart Burnett, than whom there was no more 
close and accurate observer, found a Harvest Mouse at Kemnay 
House in 1889; MacGillivray, in his “ History of British Quadru- 
peds,” p. 257, mentions having had one sent to him from Aberdeen- 

1 §. Alliaria, Scop., occurs in the counties near Aberdeen only in situations 
that suggest its introduction. 

2 B. alba, Boiss.—In most districts, if not throughout Scotland, this species is 
met with only as a cultivated plant, or as a weed of cultivation, or a casual. 
Certainly several of the above records ought to be marked with f. 


shire ; and lastly, Mr. J. E. Harting records in the “ Zoologist” that 
Mr. Small of Edinburgh received two specimens from Banffshire. 
I have no wish to dogmatise in this matter, but it seems neces- 
sary to suspend an absolute refusal to admit the species as 
having been found in the district until such time as the authori- 
ties above mentioned are proved to have been mistaken.—GEo. 
Stu, Aberdeen. 

Harvest Mouse in Moray.—Mr. W. ‘Taylor’s note in the 
“ Annals” for October last reminds me that in Mr. Harting’s article 
on the ‘ Harvest Mouse,’ published in the “ Zoologist ” for November 
1895, “ Banffshire,” on line 21 of page 419, should read “ Berwick- 
shire,” as in my book on the ‘‘ Mammals of the Edinburgh District,” 
from which Mr. Harting was quoting. This disposes of the second 
‘“‘ Banffshire” record cited in Harvie-Brown and Buckley’s “ Fauna 
of the Moray Basin” (vol, 1. p. 287, footnote)—WILLIAM Evans, 

The Common Dolphin and the Bottle-nosed Dolphin in the 
Moray Firth.—On the 14th October last four Bottle-nosed Dolphins 
(Tursiops tursio) were stranded and shot near Delny, Ross-shire. 
The largest female measured as follows :—Total length, 9 feet ; 
breadth of tail, 2 feet; height of dorsal fin, 114 inches; length of 
flipper, 15 inches ; breadth of flipper, 6 inches. The skin was lead 
coloured mottled with white on the dorsal surface, and all white on 
the ventral surface. 

The skull measured :—Basal length, 19} inches ; breadth behind 
orbit, 10 inches; vertical height, 7 inches; length of rostrum, 11} 
inches, Teeth, 23 and 23. The largest teeth were a quarter of an 
inch in diameter. The younger animals had fewer teeth. 

The Common Dolphin (De/phinus delphis) has been caught in 
the Moray Firth two or three times within the past few years. 
Provost Jenkins, Burghead, had a specimen in his yard last year 
caught at Burghead. I have examined two skulls of this species, 
one of which was found on the Elginshire coast. Both the above- 
mentioned species are presumably new to this district, as no mention 
is made of them in Messrs. Harvie-Brown and Buckley’s ‘“‘ Vertebrate 
Fauna of the Moray Basin.” ——Wm. TayLor, Lhanbryde. 

Notes on the Birds of Carmichael, ete.—During the fine 
weather prevailing at the end of October and the beginning of 
November this district was visited by several birds, which, as a rule, 
are not conspicuous here while on their autumn migrations. Red- 
wings (Zurdus iliacus), in wild and restless bands, came daily— 
usually disappearing by mid-day—from the 25th October till the 
second week of November, after which date only a few stragglers 
have been observed. At the same time Larks (A/auda arvensis), 
Goldcrests (Regulus cristatus), Creepers (Certhia familiaris), Wrens 


(Troglodytes parvulus), and Redbreasts (Lrithacus rubecula) were 
very abundant. During the passage of these species several Hawks 
(Accipiter nisus and Falco esalon) were much in evidence. 

A Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis) in tawny plumage was 
caught on Tinto in a rabbit-trap on 16th September. By the end 
of that month the Swallows were gone, but on the 21st October I 
saw three Swallows (/477wndo rustica) peacefully circling in the frosty 
sunshine around Lochlyock farmhouse at the north base of Tinto 
(which was covered with snow on the 14th and 15th, when the 
temperature was as low as eighteen degrees Fahr.) On the same 
day I observed a pair of Marsh Tits (P. palustris) at Muirglen, near 
Lanark. On the 2nd November the Kingfisher (Alcedo cspida) 
appeared in its old haunts at the foot of the Manse garden; on the 
3rd a few Bramblings (/7ngilla montifringilla) were seen ; and on 
the 17th a Peregrine (Falco peregrinus) was observed passing low 
down over Carmichael Hill. Among the Teal, Mallard, and Wigeon, 
which are very abundant on the Clyde at present, I observed on 
the 6th December a pair of Golden-eye Duck (Clangula glaucion, L.) 
One of them was tame enough to allow my watching it for some 
time diving in pursuit of food. The birds are in immature plumage. 
On 14th December, during a heavy sleet shower, I saw a Great Gray 
Shrike (Zanius excubitor, L.) in hedgerow at Harleyholm stackyard. 
—J, D. W. Gigson, Carmichael. 

Jay in East Lothian.—On 27th September last I examined, in the 
house of Mr. John Fairbairn, Stobshiel, East Lothian, a specimen of 
the Jay which he had caught in a rabbit-trap in a plantation adjoin- 
ing the shepherd’s house at Wanside on the Lammermuirs. The 
exact date was not forthcoming, but was, as far as its captor (my 
informant) could recollect, in 1882. Though such a comparatively 
old record, I consider it to be of interest in consideration of the 
extremely local distribution of this bird in the Lothians at the 
present time.—RosBeRtT Goprrey, Edinburgh. 

The Jay in Berwickshire.—It is interesting to record that a 
Jay (Garrulus glandarius) was shot on 23rd October last, on the 
confines of this parish, Chirnside, and that of Ayton, and is being 
preserved. The last specimen seen in Berwickshire, as far as I can 
make out, was shot at Rawburn near Longformacus about fifty years 
ago, and was to be seen in a shepherd’s house in that region not 
many years ago. About that time there were Jays on Leader side 
in the Lauder district. I have been resident in the Eastern Borders 
for nearly fifty years, and have never seen one in Berwickshire ; 
although I have often seen the bird in northern counties. Two 
more specimens are still left, Lord Tweedmouth’s keeper informs 
me, at Blackburn, in Chirnside Parish, but I am afraid they will get 
“short shrift” if a gunner gets within shot. These birds must have 
emigrated to the district, for it is almost impossible that in a game- 


preserving district they would have been allowed to live-—C. Stuart, 

The Jay in Dumfriesshire.—At one time this fine bird may have 
been a regular inhabitant of this district, since it was some half 
century ago, as I believe, pretty common in Ayrshire. Nowadays 
it is only a casual visitant. One frequented a Stewartry plantation 
within a few miles of Maxwelltown for some weeks in October 1894. 
On the 5th November a Jay (Garrulus glandarius) was shot in the 
neighbourhood of Lockerbie. I hear from Mr. Gilbertson, keeper 
on Closeburn, that a drove of Jays is frequenting the woods there. 
No doubt these are all birds on migration. The species sometimes 
migrates from the far east of Europe in untold multitudes.—R. 
SERVICE, Maxwelltown. 

Rose-coloured Pastor in West Ross-shire-—On 16th August 
last, Murdo Mackenzie shot a bird which had been observed in 
Inverbroom garden for two or three days previously. It proved to 
be a specimen of the Rose-coloured Pastor (Pastor roseus), the 
plumage agreeing exactly with the illustration of this species in 
Gould’s “ British Birds.” The bird has been sent to Mr. Inglis of 
Dingwall to be mounted for the Braemar Museum.—J. A. FOWLER, 

Partial Albinism in the Robin at Dalmeny.—About the rst of 
November a rather uncommon variety of the Robin made its 
appearance in the garden here. It was nearly white, with the excep- 
tion of a few brown feathers on the head and back. ‘The breast 
was red, spotted with white, while the under parts of the body and 
the tail were pure white. Where it had come from was a matter of 
some conjecture, as a bird of so conspicuous plumage could not 
remain long anywhere without being noticed. After a few days I 
caught it, and it is now in my possession. It is a most interesting 
pet, and when whistling has a low, sweet note that is very pleasing.— 
Cuas. CAMPBELL, Dalmeny Park. 

The Pied Flyeateher, ete., in Mid-Nithsdale.—In reference to 
Mr. Service’s note on the Pied Flycatcher (AZuscicapa atricapilla) 
in the October “Annals,” I may say that it still frequents this 
district, and may now be regarded as a rare but regular summer 
visitor to Mid-Nithsdale. Its favourite haunts are the small streams 
tributary to the Nith. On the zoth May of this year I found a pair 
nesting about two miles below the spot where it was first discovered 
in 1884. The Wood Warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix) far out- 
numbers the Willow Wren (Phylloscopus trochilus), which is the 
commoner of the two elsewhere in Mid-Nithsdale. As for the Chiff- 
Chaff (Phylloscopus rufus), it is of extreme rarity hereabouts, if it 
occurs at all. I have never heard its note myself—RoBERT 
ARMSTRONG, Thornhill. ; 

25 E 


Waxwings in Banffshire.—A male and female Waxwing (4m- 
pelis garrulus) were shot at Tomintoul on the 13th of November 
last, and sent to Messrs. Snowie and Son for preservation. 
“Inverness Courier,” 16th November 1897. 

Waxwing in Elginshire.—An adult female was shot on Find- 
horn Links on the 4th of November last.—JamEs Brown, Forres. 

Waxwing in the Cairngorm District.—A male and female 
were received by me for preservation on the 24th of November 
Jast which had been shot in the Cairngorm district.—R. SMALL, 

Long-eared Owl in the Outer Hebrides.—As the Long-eared 
Owl (Otws vulgaris) is not included in Messrs. Harvie-Brown and 
Buckley’s “‘ Vertebrate Fauna of the Outer Hebrides” as occurring 
there, it may be worth recording that Colonel W. C. Verner in 
January 1897, near Loch Maddy, North Uist, shot a specimen, 
which I have examined. My friend Colonel Verner further informs 
me that the keeper, who well knew the difference between the Long- 
and Short-eared Owls, declared that off species nested there. 
There not being any trees on the island, I should not have men- 
tioned this, to me, most improbable assertion as regards the arboreal 
Long-eared Owl, but for the fact that Mr. W. Ogilvie-Grant and 
Capt. Savile Reid inform me that on the roth May 1897 they found 
a nest of the Long-eared Owl on the ground on the large island in 
Syre Loch, Sutherland. One live and one dead young birds were in 
the nest: the dead one was half eaten. The ground at the time was 
covered with snow. One of the old owls was shot, and is to be 
seen in the Natural History Museum, South Kensington. Messrs, 
Ogilvie-Grant and Reid at the time were trying to find a nest of the 
Short-eared Owl (Otus brachyotus), which species had been stated to 
breed on the above-mentioned island; but they did not see any 
there or in the adjacent district, although they found a nest of the 
Tawny Owl (Syrncum aluco) on the mainland. I hope some Scottish 
ornithologist may next spring be able to either confirm or disprove 
the statement that the Long-eared Owl breeds in North Uist. Iam 
myself very doubtful.—L. Howarp Irpy, London. 

Dark form of the Barn Owl in Kineardineshire.—A female of 
this form of Strix flammea was killed at Portlethen on 23rd 
November last, and was sent to me for preservation. ‘The chief 
difference in this variety—which appears to be the dominant form 
in Denmark—is, that its breast and lower parts are reddish orange 
instead of the pure white of the typical bird. This is the second 
instance of the occurrence of this race known to have occurred in 
the “Dee” area, the first being one killed near New Deer in 1886. 
—GeEo. Sim, Aberdeen. 


The Lesser Kestrel in Aberdeenshire.—A female of the very 
rare Lalco cenchris was shot by the Rev. Elton Lee on the estate of 
Boynalie on the 25th of October last, and was sent to me for 
preservation. ‘This appears to be the third record of the species for 
Britain, one having been obtained in Yorkshire, and another near 
Dover. Thus the one now noted is the first instance of its occur- 
rence in Scotland. The weight of the bird was barely 4} ounces, 
expanse of wings 254 inches, length from beak to tail 114 inches. 
Claws white. In the stomach were beetles, grubs, and eggs of 
insects. —GEo. Sim, Aberdeen. 

The Seaup in Inland Waters.—Last winter I noted in these 
columns that the Scaup (/%ligula marila), usually described as a 
marine species, seldom frequenting inland waters, was a regular 
winter visitor to the lake sanctuary at Monreith. Afterwards, early 
in April, I visited the lake, and saw seven or eight Scaup still there, 
nearly all the other winter ducks having departed. I did not see 
the lake again until the first week in August, when, to my surprise, I 
found a fleet of nine or ten scaup. The summer plumage of ducks 
is very deceptive, so that I could not be sure how many of these 
were young birds of this season, nor do I know whether they were 
bred on the shores of the loch, but the strong probability is that the 
parents had never left it. I examined them to-day (19th September) 
very carefully through a glass, and saw that one adult drake was well 
on with his winter plumage. There were four Pochards with them in 
August, apparently adult birds, and these are still there to-day, and 
two or three Tufted Ducks (/uligula cristata). I do not think the 
male Pochard (/idzgula ferina) undergoes such a complete summer 
change as the drakes of most species. The heads of these in 
August were quite red and comely, though the Mallards are still, at 
this date, in a very unsightly condition. 

The Great Crested Grebes (Podicipes cristatus) bred again this 
year, the second in succession, on this loch, but they have moved to 
a moorland loch in the northern part of the parish. This morning 
(20th September) the first winter flight of Tufted Duck have arrived 
—about twenty. 

Since writing the above, an interesting fact has come to light. A 
lady who lives in my neighbourhood told me she was in great distress 
because some of her young Pochards had come to grief by swallowing 
fragments of glass which had fallen into her lake during a glass-ball 
shooting competition. ‘“ Young Pochards!” quoth I, “where do you 
get them?” She then told me that the gamekeeper on an adjoining 
property had given her a brood of young Pochards, and also one “ of 
those little black and white diving ducks,” ze. Tufted Duck. You may 
be sure I was interested ; and, on making further inquiry, I found that 
both Pochards and Tufted Duck had bred for the last five or six years 
at least in a group of seven moorland lochs in Wigtownshire. This 


accounts for the presence of odd pairs of both species throughout the 
summer in our sanctuary, which has often puzzled me. I have very 
little doubt that the Scaup also bred in these lakes, which abound in 

Long-tailed Dueck in Kirkeudbrightshire.—On the 5th of 
November I had the pleasure of handling a fine old drake of the 
Long-tailed Duck (/fare/da glacia/is) in the finest feather. It had 
been shot the same morning near Kingholm on the Nith. Of late 
years this duck has shown a tendency to put in a more frequent 
appearance on the Solway Firth. But here, as elsewhere, it is 
extremely unusual to find one on inland waters. ‘This specimen was 
found some four or five miles from the sea. Its abundance off the 
rest of the West Coast contrasts very strongly with its rarity here.-— 
ROBERT SERVICE, Maxwelltown. 

Long-tailed Duek in Dumfriesshire.—A small but adult female 
of Harelda glacialis was sent to me as an unknown bird from Priest- 
side, near Annan, on 14th December 1897. The specimen in 
question is chiefly remarkable for having a pure white neck, more 
resembling that of a male //are/da than the neck of an average 
female.—H. A. Macpuerson, Allonby Vicarage, Cumberland. 

Hybrid Capereaillie and Black Cock near Inverness.—I was 
shown to-day, 14th November 1897, a fine specimen of a hybrid 
between a Capercaillie and a Blackcock. ‘The bird was a male in 
beautiful plumage, which partook more of the Blackcock than the 
Capercaillie, having the blue gloss of the neck of the former species. 
The tail, which was expanded, was only in the very least degree 
rounded. ‘The bird was killed last month, not far from Inverness, 
but the exact locality was not forthcoming, though: probably it was in 
the wooded range that runs parallel with, but at some distance from, the 
coast, and nearer Forres than Inverness.—T. E. BUCKLEy, Inverness. 

Water Rail breeding near Glasgow.—On 26th June last Mr. 
M‘Lachlan of Glasgow found a nest of the Water Rail (ad/us 
aguaticus) containing ten eggs, flushing the bird off the nest. A pair 
of adults were shot there in August, and were probably the birds 
resident there. —CHARLES KIRK, Glasgow. 

Sabine’s Gull in Arran.—On the 24th of September 1897 I 
received in the flesh an immature Sabine’s Gull (Xema_ sabinit, 
J. Sabine) which had been sent to me by my obliging correspondent 
Dr. Niel Fullarton, Lamlash. According to information sub- 
sequently communicated to me by the gentleman named, the bird 
must have been in an exhausted state, as it allowed itself to be 
captured by a little boy, the son of Mr. Peter Henderson, Sliddery, 
Arran. It was got on the shore at Sliddery, and died in Mr. 
Henderson’s house on the day following its capture. Dr. Fullarton, 
referring to the Note in the “Annals” for January 1897 on Sabine’s 


Gull in “Clyde,” says (¢z “7. 19th October 1897): “I have fre- 
quently seen what I took to be the same little gulls before, but 
never got hold of one until the 22nd ult.” The present is, however, 
the first record, with proof, of its occurrence in “ Clyde.” — Dr. 
Fullarton has had great pleasure in concurring in my proposal to 
present the bird to the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art.— 
JouHN PaTERsON, Glasgow. 

Great Northern Diver at St. Abb’s Head.—A female Great 
Northern Diver (Colymébus glaciafis) in full summer plumage was 
captured in the salmon-nets at St. Abb’s Head on the 22nd of May 
last, and was found on dissection to contain well-developed eggs.— 
CHARLES Kirk, Glasgow. 

Leach’s Petrel and Little Auk in Moray.—On the day following 
the heavy north-east gale of the 28th of November last, a Leach’s 
Petrel (Cymochorea leucorrhoa) was found dead on Cluny Hill, 
Forres, and a Little Auk (d/ergulus alle) was picked up alive on 
Findhorn shore.—JAMES Brown, Forres. 

Germon in the Solway Firth.—A specimen of the Germon or 
Long-finned Tunny (Orcanus germo) was caught alive on the sand 
near Silloth on the 25th of October 1897. I was away from home, 
and therefore the captor of the fish eventually buried it. On my 
return I dug it up and compared it with the plates in Couch 
and Day’s “British Fishes.” It measured 38 inches in length 
from the tip of the nose to the centre of the tail, and 274 inches in 
girth. The pectoral fin measures 16 inches.—H. A. MAcCPHERSON, 

Sead in the Solway Firth.—A specimen of the Scad, or Horse 
Mackerel (Cavanx trachurus) was found stranded on the sand near 
Silloth on 11th December, and was sent to me for identification as 
a strange fish. Although this species is often very numerous in 
British waters, I believe that it is a scarce visitor to the Solway 
Firth. Neither I, nor the fisherman who sent me the present 
specimen, had met with local specimens previously.—H. A. Mac- 
PHERSON, Allonby Vicarage, Cumberland. 

Seabbard Fish in Seottish Waters.—A female Lefrdopus 
caudatus, 2 feet 2 inches long, was caught by line off Barra Head 
and brought into Aberdeen market on roth November last. 
Through the kindness of Mr. William Meff, fish-salesman, it is now 
in my possession. Up to the date of publication of Day’s “ History 
of British and Irish Fishes” there was no record of this fish for 
Scotland, only eleven for England, and one for Ireland. Couch 
says in his “ British Fishes” “that the ventral fins are represented 
only by a pair of movable scales ; whilst the third takes the position 
of the anus.” Day remarks: “ Ventrals in the form of a pair of 
scales situated below the middle of the pectoral. . . . Anus situated 


at about the centre of the length of the body, and having a small 
movable scale a little distance behind it.” Now in the specimen 
under notice there is not the slightest indication of such ventral 
scales, and what is considered a scale by the authors named takes 
the form of a strong, bayonet-shaped spine situated behind the 
vent, and is an inch long. Yarrell describes one he saw in 1808, 
and remarks “that it had a triangular scale situated behind the 
vent.” But I cannot see that the name sca/e can be applied to such 
an organ: one might as well call the spines on the back of the Dog- 
fish scales. Yarrell says of his specimen: “I observed within the 
skin, on the abdominal parts, a great many Ascarides, pointed at each 
end, and of a whitish colour.” The fish now recorded had a number 
of such parasites.—GEo. Sim, Aberdeen. 

Pygeera (Phalera) bucephala (Z.) in Moray.—The larve of 
this moth, when feeding on the oak, usually choose a twig far up 
the tree, and it is not often that an opportunity of seeing them in 
the act is afforded to the observer. ‘There is an oak in the wood 
near Elgin which, through some injury in its youth, has grown 
laterally in place of vertically. Thus the summit of the tree is only 
a few feet above the ground, although it is a considerable distance 
from the root. In August I found a colony of buff-tip larve 
established ins what they no doubt considered one of the topmost 
branches, around the twigs of which they had entwined themselves 
in a cluster. I took a few home. ‘They fed readily on oak leaves, 
buried themselves in earth early in September, and emerged as 
moths on 5th June following. The moths did not return to the 
tree this year.—HeEnry H. Brown, Elgin. 

Euchelia (Hipocrita) Jacobez (Z.) and its Food-plant.—A 
number of larvee of the Cinnabar Moth were early in September sent 
me from the neighbourhood of Elie. Along with them was sent a 
portion of the plant upon which they had been feeding, and which 
appeared to be Senecio tenuifolius, or a kindred species. I could 
not conveniently get any species except the common ragwort (S. 
facobea), and supplied them with an abundance of fresh shoots of 
that plant which might have satisfied the most fastidious caterpillar. 
They would not taste it, and in spite of my efforts died one after 
another. I cannot say whether this was a case of acquired taste on 
the part of the larvz, or whether their behaviour was customary 
amongst the species, as I have had no opportunity here of studying 
the habits of the Cinnabar Moth.—HeEnry H. Brown, Elgin. 

Alucita hexadactyla (polydactyla) in Seotland.—In looking 
over the back numbers of the “ Annals” I was much astonished to 
notice (vol. vi. p. 48) a quotation made by Mr. Elliot to the effect that 
Mr. C. G. Barrett “ could not find a record of A. po/ydacty/a occurring 
in Scotland at all.” In August 1893 I took the species in Argyleshire, 
and in “The Monographof the British Pterophorina” (in which most of 

~ wy 


therecorded localities for the British “Plume ” Moths are summarised), 
p. 161, I write: “Common from September to June at Pitcaple,” 
and that the recorded localities ‘“‘suggest a wide distribution in 
Scotland.” This seems to have been overlooked by Mr. Barrett and 
Mr. Elliot.—J. W. Turr, Westcombe Hill, S.E. 

Migratory Locust in Aberdeenshire.—A fine specimen of this 
Locust (Pachytylus migratorius) was sent to me alive by Miss M. A. 
Smith, Coldwells School, Longhaven, on the east coast of Aberdeen- 
shire, for preservation. It was caught in a cornfield near the sea in 
that district on Saturday znd October, and kept in a glass cell until 
the 6th. Professor Trail, to whom I showed it, thinks it must have 
been blown across from the continent.—Joun Davipson, Marischal 
College, Aberdeen. 

Boreus hiemalis, Z., in Midlothian.—In the part of this journal 
for January 1897 I mentioned a number of localities in the neighbour- 
hood of Edinburgh in which I had met with this insect during 
October and November of the previous year. I have now to add 
two fresh localities for it, namely: banks of the Water of Leith below 
Harper-rig Reservoir, in the western section of the county, and 
Mountlothian, between Penicuik and the Moorfoot Hills, in the 
southern section, one specimen in each, on roth and 22nd November 
1897 respectively—WILLIAM Evans, Edinburgh. 

Meta menardi (Za?r.) in Kirkeudbrightshire.—Referring to my 
note in the “Annals” for October 1896, I have received from Mr. 
R. Service, Dumfries, an adult female of this spider captured on 12th 
December 1897 in a cave in Conhuith Wood, Kirkcudbrightshire, 
where he found the cocoon on a former occasion. —WILLIAM EVANS, 

Diaptomus hireus, G. S. Srady, in Loeh Lochy, Inverness- 
shire.—This is so far a somewhat rare freshwater Copepod, at least 
its distribution appears to be restricted and local. It was moderately 
common in a gathering of Entomostraca I collected a few years ago 
in Loch Harray, Orkney, and I have also obtained what appears to 
be the same species in a loch near Campbeltown (Cantyre). These 
are, I think, all the localities where it has been observed hitherto, 
so that Loch Lochy is a distinctly new station. Déaptomus hircus 
is readily distinguished from JD. grac/4is—the most common species 
of the genus in the lochs of the mainland of Scotland—by its stouter 
“build,” by its shorter antennules, and by the structure of the fifth 
pair of thoracic feet in male and female.-—THomas Scott, Leith. 

On the occurrence of Dulichia monocantha, G. O. Sars, in 
the Clyde.—I have recently obtained an undoubted example of this 
Amphipod among some material collected in the Clyde by Mr. F. G. 
Pearcy. I have on two or three previous occasions obtained 
specimens of what appeared to be this species, but they were females, 


and it is very difficult distinguishing the species of this group from 
the females alone. The specimen last obtained was, however, a 
male, and was easily distinguished by the strongly marked character 
of having the first pair of coxal plates “‘ produced to long horn-like 
processes pointing forwards.” This Amphipod is now for the first 
time added to the British fauna.—TuHomas Scott, Leith. 

On the occurrence of Paramunna bilobata, G. O. Sars, in 
Loch Fyne.—While examining recently a gathering of dredged 
material from near Otter Spit, Loch Fyne, collected by Mr. F. G. 
Pearcy in October last, I obtained two or three specimens of the 
minute Isopod Paramunna bilobata. Though small, this is a well- 
marked species ; the bilobed form of the front of the head and the 
strongly toothed lateral margins of the caudal segment distinguish it 
at a glance; Professor Sars, in a recently issued part of his second 
volume on the ‘Crustacea of Norway” (which is at present in 
course of publication), says: ‘Out of Norway this species has not 
been recorded”; it seems therefore to be an addition to the British 
fauna.—THOMAS Scott, Leith. 


Viola tricolor (Z.) and its Allies—A very important con- 
tribution to the study of the section Me/anium of the genus 
Viola has been recently made by Dr. Veit Wittrock under the title 
of ‘ Viola-Studier: Morfologisk-biologiska och systematiska studier 
ofver Viola tricolor (L.) och hennes narmare anforvandter’ (“ Acta 
Horti Bergiani,” 1897, li. pp. 3-142, with 14 partly coloured -plates 
and 17 figures in text). In this paper the author distinguishes, 
gives names to, describes, and figures the following “sub-species” of 
V. tricolor (L.) and V. arvensis, Murray, each with subordinate 
forms :— 

Viola tricolor (1..), ex parte.,—genuina, ammotropha, coniophila, and 
stenochila. V. arvensis, Murray,—communts, sublilacina, patens, 
curtisepala, and striolata. Of these ‘‘sub-species”” some ought to be 
detected in Scotland, orin England. It is probable that some of the 
names must yield to earlier names given by Jordan and other southern 
botanists. ‘Those to whom the original is not readily accessible or 
intelligible will feel grateful for a review in the “ Journal of Botany ” 
(November 1897, pp. 454-458), in which the new “sub-species ” 
are briefly described. Unfortunately, it is not easy to determine in 
how far these are distinct from the forms already described and 
named by Jordan and other specialists. 

Among other members of the section AZe/anium described in 
this important paper are V. a/gestris (DC.), an alpine or sub-alpine 


plant intermediate between /. ¢ricolor and V. arvensis (with sub- 
species zermattensis, vallombrosana, and subarvensis), and V. lutea, 
Huds., var. grandiflora (L. Vill.). 

Scottish Euphrasize.—Mr. F. Townsend in his monograph 
(Journ. Bot.,” October) gives descriptions of the “species” and 
varieties known to him from the British Islands, with their dis- 
tribution. The records for Scotland are as follows (the Watsonian 
numbers are added to the names of the districts, which alone are 
given in the “‘ Journal ”’) :— 

Luphrasia borealis, Wettst.—g92, Aberdeen ; 96, E. Ness; 98, 
Argyll; 108, W. Sutherland; 109, Caithness; 112, Shetland. 

E. brevipila, Burnat and Gremli.—87, West Perth; 88, Mid 
Pert 1o24 9. Aberdeen ;. 98, Argyll-S ress We oss 7 105, We 
Sutherland ; rog, Caithness. 

E.. nemorosa, H. de Mart.—g2, S. Aberdeen; 112, Shetland. 

E. curta, Fries.—‘‘ Perth, Tumbling Bay (J. Britten, comm.) ” ; 
92, S. Aberdeen; 97, W. Ness; 108, W. Sutherland; 109 (?), 
Caithness, a peculiar form. 

E. occidentalis, Wettst.—97, W. Ness; 108, W. Sutherland. 

E. latifolia, Pursh.—108, W. Sutherland, discovered in three 
localities on north coast, in July 1897, by Rev. E. S. Marshall. In 
one of the localities—Bettyhill—it occurs under the form grandiflora, 

E, foulaensis, Towns.—112, Shetland. Specimens gathered by 
Rev. E. S. Marshall in W. Sutherland and Caithness have been 
referred by Professor Wettstein to fou/uensis. 

E. gracilis, Fries.—88, Mid Perth; 92, S. Aberdeen; 96, E. 
Ness; 97, W. Ness; 98, Argyll; 105, W. Ross; 108, W. Suther- 
land ; 10g, Caithness ; 112, Shetland. 

Var. Friesiz, Sanio.—g2, S. Aberdeen, in Braemar. 
Var. primaria, Fries.—105, W. Ross, at Kinlochewe. 

E. scottica, Wettst. (= £. paludosa, Towns., non R. Br.).—92, 
S. Aberdeen ; 96, E. Ness; 97, W. Ness; 105, W. Ross; 108, W. 
Sutherland ; 112, Shetland. 

E. Rostkoviana, Hayne.—98, Argyll; Ross (Howle Hill, Walford, 
1891, A. Ley); rog, Caithness. 

“ Hyprips” found in Scotland are £. Rostkoviana x brevipila 
(Z. notata, Towns.), £. gracilis x brevipila (£. difformis, Towns.), 
E£. occidentalis x brevipila (E. pratiuscula, Towns.), £. brevipila x 
scotica (£. venusta, Towns.), £. scotica x gracilis (£. electa, Towns.) 

Under ‘‘ Addenda,” on p. 475, is mentioned £. curta, var. 
glabrescens, Wettst., n. var., from shell sand at ‘Tain in E. Ross. 

The Set of British Hieracia issued by the Messrs. Linton has 
reached its third fascicle. It contains examples of numerous forms 
not yet detected beyond the British Isles, and it records the localities, 
many of them in Scotland, in which each has been found. 



The Titles and Purport of Papers and Notes relating to Scottish Natural His- 
tory which have appeared during the Quarter—October-December 1897. 

[The Editors desire assistance to enable them to make this Section as complete as 
possible. Contributions on the lines indicated will be most acceptable and 
will bear the initials of the Contributor. The Editors will have access to the 
sources of information undermentioned. ] 


In MemortaM,—Davip Rosertson, LL.D., with bibliography 
of writings. Zzans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 1896-97, pp. 18-42. 

Fielden. Zvans. WVorfolk and Norwich Nat. Soc., vol. vi. pp. 245- 


or British OoLocy. By Colonel W. H. M. Duthie. TZ7yans. 
Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 1896-97, pp. 43-47. 

IN THE CLYDE AREA. By John Paterson. TZrans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 
Glasgow, 1896-97, pp. 48-52. 

LocaL NAME OF THE SHELDRAKE. By Hugh Boyd Watt. 

Zoologist (4), vol. i. p. 571 (December 1897). Ges Scottish and 
Gaelic forms. 

DIVERS IN SHETLAND. By Bernard A. E. Buttress. Zoologist (4), 
vol. i. p. 509 (November 1897).—Note on the finding of the eggs 
of Colymbus glacialis on 2nd June. 

LIMESTONE OF East KiLeribe. By R. H. Traquair, M.D., LL.D., 
F.R.S.  Zzans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. xi. part 1. pp. 41-50, pl. 
lv. (1897). 

LEPIDOPTERA IN ROSS-SHIRE. By E. Meyrick. “xt. AZo. Mag. 
(2), vol. vili. p. 234 (October 1897).—The following species, not 
hitherto recorded north of the Caledonian Canal, were noticed at 
Gairloch early in September :—Acalla aspersana, Chelaria hueb- 
nerella, and Cerostoma costella. 

Horne. Lunt. Record, vol. ix. p. 330 (15th December 1897).—A 
few specimens captured at Muchalls, Kincardineshire, in July last. 

mologist, Vol. Xxx. p. 298 (November 1897).—Specimen taken in 
September in Sutherlandshire. 


Horne. Zt. Record, vol. ix. p. 330 (15th December 1897).—Ab. 
rufa stated to be not uncommon on the Kincardineshire coast and 
near Aberdeen; where ab. hospita has never occurred. Ab. hospita 
is found on the higher moors. ‘ 

Horne. xt. Record, vol. ix. p. 260 (15th October 1897).—Refers 
to a specimen bred from a larva found on Scotston Moor, near 
Aberdeen, with the hind wings velvety black. 

Ent. Record, vol. ix. pp. 258-259 (15th October 1897).—Notes by 
various observers on}the occurrence of this species in Perthshire, 
Loch Long (Argyleshire), Forres, etc. 

1897. By William Hewett. Zt. Mo. Mag. (2), vol. vill. p. 255 
(November 1897).—Three specimens captured by Mr. W. Renton 
near Hawick on 26th August 1897. 

ACALLA ASPERSANA IN Unst. J. J. F. X. King. Zant. Mo. 
Mag. (2), vol. viii. p. 279 (December 1897).—Refers to a previous 
record in vol. vii. p. 8 (1896). 

SHIRE. By E. Meyrick. Zt. Mo. Mag. (2), vol. vill. p. 255 (Nov- 
ember 1897).—Several examples met with near Gairloch early in 

RARE AYRSHIRE COLEOPTERA, exhibited to Glasgow Nat. Hist. 
Society by Mr. Anderson Fergusson. Zyans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glas- 
gow, 1896-97, pp. 136-137. 

Mag. (2), vol. viii. p. 236 (October 1897).—Twenty species col- 
lected in the summer of 1895. 

King. nt. Mo. Mag. (2), vol. viii. p. 279 (December 1897).—A 
series captured in July 1897. 

HasitTs OF SERICOMYIA BOREALIS, FLN. By Rev. E. N. Bloomfield. 
Ent. Mo. Mag. (2), vol. viii. p. 222 (October 1897).—Refers to 
three specimens bred by Mr. W. Sim, of Gourdas, Fyvie, Aberdeen- 

Crustacea. By Thomas Scott, F.L.S., and Andrew Scott. <Azn. 
and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), vol. xx. pp. 489-494, pls. xi. and xu. 
(December 1897).—A female specimen of Sunaristes paguri from 
the Cromarty Firth, and Scottish specimens of Remigulus?tridens, 
Diaptomus laciniatus, and Lathonura rectirostris, are described and 


On BIPALIUM KEWENSE, MosELEy. By Charles Hogg. TZyrans. 
Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 1896-97, pp. 53-54.—Found in Woodside 
Gardens, Paisley. 

ING ANIMALS. By John Smith. TZyvauns. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 
1896-97, pp. 58-61. 


THE NiTrocGENous Foop or Puants. By A. P. Aitken, 
M.A., D.Sc. Trans. Bot. Soc. Hdin., 1897, xxi. pp. 1-20.—Being 
an address delivered at opening of Session on 12th November 

EXPERIMENTS WITH NitRacin. By William Somerville, D.Sc. 
Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin., 1897, xxi. pp. 20-24. 

INOCULATION. By R. Stewart MacDougall, M.A., B.Sc. TZvans. 
Bot. Soc. Edin., 1897, xxi. pp. 25-40. 

CLova IN JuLY 1896. By William Craig, M.D., F.R.S.E. Zyvans. 
Bot. Soc. Edin., 1897, xxi. pp. 40-43.—Enumerates many alpine 
species collected during the excursion. 

Journ. Lot., Oct., pp. 406-407.—On the variations in structure of 
308 flowers. ' 

BERWICKSHIRE RuBI AND Rosa@&. By F. A. Rogers. Journ. 
Lot., Nov., p. 450.—Names two forms of Audus and ten of 

Landsborough. Zvans. Bot. Soc. Edin., 1897, xxi. pp. 56-62.— 
Gives results of excursions in Arran in search of the peculiar Arran 
forms, and adds new localities. 

By Frederick Townsend, M.A., F.L.S. Journ. Bot., Oct. and Nov. 
1897, pp. 395-406, 417-426, pls. 374, 375.—In these pages are 
included nine species of Zwpfrasia found in Scotland, with notes 
on their occurrence and on peculiar varieties. 

SOME ScoTcH WILLow Hyeprips. By W. R. Linton, M.A. 
Journ. Bot., Nov., p. 443.—S. phylicifolia x repens, beside the 
Corriemulzie, in Braemar; S. dapponum x phylictfolia, from Glen 
Doll; S. Ardbuscula x herbacea, from Corrie Ardran, Mid Perth; 
S. herbacea x nigricans, from Glen Fiagh, Clova. 


Marshall and W. A. Shoolbred. Journ. Bot., Nov., p. 450.—Near 
head of Loch Naver, W. Sutherland, in a spongy, sphagnous bog, on 
4th August 1897. 

LL.B., F.L.S. Journ. Bot., Nov., pp. 433-440.—Describes a 
number of species, among which are the following from Scotland : 
Ulvella fucicola, Rosenv., var. nov. globosa, epiphytic on Sphacelaria 
racemosa, Berwick; Pheostroma prostratum, Kuck., Cumbrae; 
Mikrosyphar Polysiphonia, Kuck., Berwick ; Aiiddenbrandtia Crouant, 
J. Ag. Berwick; Porphyrodiscus simulans, nov. g. and sp., 

Fifteenth Annual Report of the Fishery Board of Scotland, part iii. 
pp. 212-218; reprinted in /ournal of Botany, Oct. 1897, pp. 387- 
395-—-Describes the results of work on West Coast in 1896, under 
“Methods,” ‘ Distribution,” and ‘‘ Reproduction of Diatoms.” 

(La&stTap.) By G. C. Druce. /ourn. Bot., Dec., p. 491.—Records 
disappearance of the grass from its habitat—a small swamp near 
Killin Pier in Perthshire. 

SESSION 1896-97. Zvans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 1896-97, pp.129- 
150.—Numerous notices of plants from localities in Scotland, some 
being new records for districts. 

M‘Andrew. Zvrans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 1896-97, pp. 72-74.— 
Several new records. 

Stewart. Zvans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 1896-97, pp. 75-79.—An 
interesting list. 

ON SOME COLL AND TIREE PLants. By Symers M. Macvicar. 
Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 1896-97, pp. 55-57. 

DURING SEPTEMBER 1894. By David Robertson, LL.D., etc. 
Trans. Nat. Hist. Glasgow, 1896-97, pp. 62-71. 



AN ILLUSTRATED ManuAt of BritisH Birps. By Howard 
Saunders, F.L.S., F.Z.S., etc. Second edition, revised. With illustra- 
tions of nearly every species. (London: Gurney and Jackson.) 

Among all the books on British Birds that have been published 
and their number now is almost legion—there is not one that 
is so useful and indispensable as ‘‘Saunders’s Manual.” We say 
this after years of almost daily use. Good, however, as the ex- 
hausted first edition was, we are able to aver, after a critical ex- 
amination of the two parts issued, that, thanks to Mr. Saunders’s 
increased and unrivalled knowledge of the subject and his pains- 
taking and exhaustive researches, this second edition is more 
complete and accurate, and hence better, than its predecessor. 
And moreover it brings the subject absolutely up to date of 
publication—an indispensable desideratum to all who are interested 
in British Ornithology. It is thus with feelings of satisfaction that 
we hail the advent of this new edition, and have great pleasure in 
bringing this excellent work under the notice of our readers. The 
book is now being issued in parts at one shilling, and twenty parts 
complete the work. 

Macpherson, M.A. (Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1897.) 

Those who are interested in the subject of Fowling,—and they 
are many among field naturalists,;—to which this handsome small 
quarto volume is devoted, will find it a perfect repertory of information. 
The author has ransacked tomes ancient and modern, visited several 
Continental countries in search of facts and practical knowledge, 
and has culled from his numerous ornithological friends their stores 
of knowledge. Thus we have a practically exhaustive treatise, 
dealing with the art as practised in many lands and during all times. 
The older information is of considerable archeological value, as 
well as possessing a peculiar interest from the very quaintness of 
the implements used and the descriptions of the manner of their 
employment. All the various sections of the subject have been 
well ordered by the scientific arrangement of the subject-matter 
under orders and families of birds, so that speedy reference may 
be made as to the mode of capture, etc., of any of the species 
treated of—and they are many. 

The book is illustrated by a photogravure frontispiece, full page 
plates, and numerous illustrations in the text; and these add much 
to the value and completeness of the work. 


PHOTOGRAPHER. By Richard Kearton, F.Z.S. Illustrated by 180 
Pictures from Photographs by Cherry Kearton. (London: Cassell 
and Company, Limited.) 

In the “Annals” for 1896, p. 134, we noticed favourably a 
former work of the same author on “British Birds’ Nests.” To 
that work the one now under consideration is a worthy companion 
volume. Indeed, attractive as that book was, we have a decided 
preference for Mr. Kearton’s latest production. For there is greater 
variety in its pictures and pages, hence a charm is lent to a hand- 
some, beautifully illustrated, and interesting volume. The book 
opens with an account of a visit to St. Kilda, which in itself is one 
of the best that we have read ; and it is made additionally attractive 
by the number, nature, and excellence of the pictures—over forty 
in number—which depict the scenes of bird-life and landscape 

Special mention must be made too of the series of pictures 
devoted to bird-snaring, which is so successfully carried on by 
the St. Kildians, as being among the most interesting photo-pictures 
we have seen. We would point out that Mr. Kearton includes the 
Common Gull in his list of the birds of St. Kilda and omits the 
Kittiwake, though he mentions the latter but not the former in 
his narrative. We must also remark that the scientific name of 
the Guillemot is Not Uria bruennicht. 

Leaving St. Kilda, the book covers varied ground, as do also the 
illustrations, which range in subject from a Red Underwing Moth at 
rest on the bark of a tree, to the Water Vole at home on the banks 
of his native stream. Several of the articles deal with areas in Wild 

HERBERT MAXwELL, Bart., M.P. (London: Edward Arnold, 

Anything from the facile pen of Sir H. Maxwell is sure to prove 
of interest and to commend itself to the reader, and the present 
pretty volume is certainly no exception, for it is seldom we have 
read anything that has given greater pleasure than these “‘ Memories 
of the Months.” Under this title the author has put together, from 
his notebook, ninety-one short essays illustrative of the never-ceasing 
industry, economy, and beauty of Nature, and the perpetual 
attractions of out-door life in the country in every month and 
season of the year. 

Sir H. Maxwell’s notes cover a very wide area, from the treeless 
wilds of Caithness to the flowery banks of a Hampshire trout 
stream. In page after page he pleasantly discourses of the many fair, 


shy creatures in fin, feather, and fur which still continue to haunt 
the wilds of Great Britain—notes too on reptiles, insects, plants, and 
flowers. Nothing is too commonplace, nothing too trivial—interest 
and beauty are eeu if we only take the trouble to look for 

The author is no carpet naturalist, and the great charm of this 
book is its delightful freshness and the knowledge that the facts 
were jotted down in the presence of the objects described. hus, 
when lying in acres of boulders on the top of Beinn Eibhinn, far 
above the heather line, and 3700 feet above sea level, in Garcon 
forest, surrounded with semi-darkness and in a gale, shivering too 
with eid under the damp cloud-mantles, we still find him, ike a 
true naturalist, jotting down notes on his near but unconscious 
companions the purring, chuckling Ptarmigan, the restless Blue Hare, 
the piping Golden Blges and she iovtoparorne Raven ; nor does he 
overlook the weather-wan mosses and the scant cue flora which 
carpet the spaces between the rough gray shingle. The half dozen 
plates are all excellent, but we would specially call attention to the 
frontispiece by Mr. werent representing the last Golden Eagle of 
the Merrick, one of this talented artist’s most lifelike productions. 

This little volume is nicely got up and printed, charmingly 
written and charmingly illustrated, and cannot fail to please. —J.C. 

Amonc British Birps IN THEIR Nestinc Haunts: ILius- 
TRATED BY THE CAMERA. By Oswin A. J. Lee. (Edinburgh: David 

Since our previous notice (‘‘ Annals,” 1897, p. ee this fine work 
has reached its seventh part. We observe with pleasure that the 
high standard of excellence in the reproduction of the pictures, to 
which we referred as being so high in the earlier parts, has been 
fully maintained. 

Armstead. Published by The Angler, Limited, Scarborough and 

This little book deals in a thoroughly practical way with the 
various piscicultural subjects covered by its title. It is, we may 
say, written by one who is a master of the subject, and whose experi- 
ence extends over many years. We have no hesitation in highly 
recommending it to all in want of advice or information on the 
important matters upon which it treats. 


The Annals 

Scottish Natural History 

No. 26] 1898 [ APRIL 


By J. B. Dossir, F.R.S.E., F.Z.S. 

WEsT ROSS-SHIRE has of late years attracted considerable 
attention from ornithologists. Mr. J. A. Dixon, in his 
excellent book on Loch Maree, gives a very full and 
interesting account of the birds of that district. Messrs. 
Hinxman and Eagle Clarke contributed to the “ Proceedings 
of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh,” vol. xii. 
part ii, ‘A Contribution to the Vertebrate Fauna of West 
Ross-shire,’ which deals mainly with the Applecross, Loch- 
carron, and Loch Torridon districts, and which is a valuable 
production. What may be termed a supplementary list to 
that of Mr. Dixon was contributed to the “ Annals of 
Scottish Natural History” for April 1896, by Mr. A. H. 
Evans; and lastly, an account of the birds observed by Mr. 
Harvie-Brown during a short visit paid by him to Priest 
Island in July 1884 was published in the “ Transactions of 
the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society.” 

The extreme north-west of the county, as it is now 

1 Read at a meeting of the Scottish Natural History Society, Edinburgh, on 
7th October 1897. 

26 B 


constituted, seems, however, to have been almost overlooked 
by ornithologists. I say almost, because the district which 
extends from Ullapool to Rhu Coigach (a distance of 30 miles 
or more) formed at the time the work was written a detached 
part of the county of Cromarty, and was included in the 
area described by Messrs. Harvie-Brown and Buckley in 
their “ Vertebrate Fauna of Sutherland, Caithness, and West 
Cromarty.” It was only to be expected, however, that, even 
in so comprehensive a work as this, the authors should have 
been able to devote but a meagre portion of their space to 
a district whose fauna could differ from that of the adjoining 
regions of Sutherland only in respect of its greater poverty. 

My friend the Rev. Horatius N. Bonar, who has on 
several occasions visited Coigach in autumn, had _ been 
greatly impressed with the number of birds which he always 
found there at that season ; and he naturally enough con- 
cluded that the locality must in spring also be rich in bird- 
life. Not quite sharing this opinion, I nevertheless thought 
that a region so remote and so sparsely populated might be 
likely to afford good results. 

As a matter of fact, however, the physical conditions of 
the district are not conducive to a rich avifauna. The almost 
total absence of trees forms an insuperable barrier to the 
presence of the vast majority of our small song-birds. The 
aspect of the most part of Coigach is forbidding and sinister 
in the extreme. Here and there along the shores of the 
lochs, or by the side of some rugged mountain torrent, a few 
stunted birch trees contrive to exist in spite of the sterility 
of the soil and the rigours of the winter ; but their presence, 
far from lending pleasure to the eye, only brings into bolder 
display the poverty of their surroundings. The description 
of it given by Dr. Ross in the “ New Statistical Account” is 
as literally true now as it was then: “ The appearance is that 
of a wide and dreary waste of bleak and barren heath, as if 
a segment of the great ocean, agitated and tossed and 
troubled, not by an ordinary storm, however violent, but by 
some frightful convulsion of nature, with here and there a 
rude and lofty peak of rugged rock towering to the skies, 
had been suddenly condensed and formed into a solid and 
shapeless mass of unproductive desert, without one spot of 


green on which to rest the eye.” But yet Coigach is far 
from wanting an impressive beauty of its own. It is jewelled 
with lakes, many of which are of considerable size. Lonely 
and desolate they are in all verity, but their very loneliness 
imparts to them a savage grandeur, which is greatly intensi- 
fied by the lofty and remarkable hills which dominate them. 
For the most part the sea-coast is deeply indented, and bold 
headlands with beetling precipices extend as far as the eye 
can reach. Here the scenery is magnificently grand, and 
the effect is greatly heightened by the rugged and storm- 
swept Summer Islands, whose appearance, as seen from the 
mainland, would seem to convey to the onlooker the idea 
that dreary and desolate as are his immediate surroundings, 
a drearier and still more desolate region lies beyond. At 
Auchnahaird Bay there is a veritable sand-dune which 
extends for about half a mile, and which is the chosen home 
of the Rabbit and the Wheatear, and where, among the 
shingle, the wary Ringed Plover nests. In autumn, as Mr. 
Bonar informs me, this bay is visited by many rare and 
interesting migrants on their way from their home in the far 
north to their winter quarters in the sunny south. But, 
judging from the paucity of feeding grounds, and the fact 
that Coigach lies outside the great migration route, I am of 
Opinion that the number of species which appear there at 
that season must be very limited. 

Before proceeding to enumerate the different species of 
birds which we observed during our stay in Coigach, it 
may perhaps be well to offer some explanation of the 
poverty of the list. In the first place, the district is, as I 
have already pointed out, practically a treeless waste, which 
offers no shelter whatever except to the hardiest of moor- 
land birds. But even on the moors one is struck by the 
scarcity of ground-nesting birds. This feature was observed 
farther to the south by Messrs. Hinxman and Eagle Clarke, 
who account for it by the excessive rainfall and by the 
nature and lie of the rocks, which are unfavourable to an 
effective surface drainage. To these causes I am inclined 
to add (in Coigach) the superabundance of adders, which 
are so common as to be an intolerable nuisance. Finally, 
it has to be borne in mind that Coigach is mostly a crofter 



country, and where crofters exist it is impossible for those 
birds to multiply whose eggs might be welcomed as an 
addition to a meal, and it goes for the saying that a crofter’s 
palate is not over-fastidious. 


Turpus musicus, Zizn., Song Thrush.—Far from common. 
A nest containing five eggs was found ina birch wood which 
skirts Loch Owskeich. This nest, which, though in the 
midst of a comparatively thick wood, was nevertheless placed 
on the ground, and was very artfully concealed among the 
roots of a birch tree, being covered exteriorly with birch 
bark in such a way as closely to resemble its surroundings. 
Indeed, had not the bird been disturbed the nest would, in 
all probability, have been overlooked. Whilst making our 
way through a rugged ravine, and at a considerable elevation, 
we were somewhat astonished to flush a Song Thrush. We 
were much amused by the utter indifference to our presence 
which this bird displayed. 

. Turpus MERuLA, Zinz., Blackbird.—A few seen in or near 


3. TuRDuS ToRQUATUS, Linn., Ring Ouzel.—Fairly common. 



SAXICOLA &NANTHE (Zizm.), Wheatear.—Abundant. One of 
the commonest birds in Coigach. 

PRATINCOLA RUBETRA (Zinn.), Whinchat.—Tolerably common. 

. PRaATINCOLA RUBICOLA (Zinn.), Stonechat.—Fairly common. 

Frequently seen perching on the telegraph wires. 
RUTICILLA PHENICURUS (Zzzz7.), Redstart.—Not uncommon. 
ERITHACUS RUBECULA (Zinz.), Robin.—Thinly distributed. 

Recutus cristatus, K. ZL. Koch, Golden-crested Wren.—Heard 
at Braemore, but not observed in Coigach. 

PHYLLoscopus TROCHILUS (Zinz.), Willow Wren. — Very 
common, being found wherever there is wood to afford 
it shelter. During my stay in Coigach, nothing surprised 
me more than the hardiness of this delicate little bird. No 
matter how extensive or how dreary the moorland, if a 
solitary stunted shrub struggled for existence beside a 
mountain mere the Willow Wren was certain to be heard 

CincLus aquaticus, Bechstein, Dipper.—Two pairs observed, 
one frequenting the Garvie Burn, and the other the Owskeich 













PARUS ATER, Zzuu., Coal Titmouse.—Several seen in the small 
plantations which skirt lochs Owskeich, Bad-a-Ghaill, and 

PARUS C@RULEUS, Lz77., Blue Titmouse.—One seen at Drum- 
runie, where there is a plantation of considerable size. 

TROGLODYTES PARVULUS, XK. ZL. Koch, Wren.—Heard, and 
disused nest found, in the wood which skirts Loch Bad-a- 

MOTACILLA LUGUBRIS, Zemm., Pied Wagtail.—A pair seen at 

ANTHUS PRATENSIS, Zizn., Meadow Pipit.—Very abundant on 
the moor and hillsides. We found many nests with eggs. 

ANTHUS OBSCURUS (Latham), Rock Pipit.—Abundant in suit- 
able localities. 

CHELIDON URBICA (Zizn.), Martin. — A few pairs nest at 
Auchnahaird, and one pair at least at Rudh’a Choin. This 
bird is not included in Messrs. Hinxman and Eagle Clarke’s 
list of the birds of West Ross-shire, while Mr. Dixon asserts 
that it is undoubtedly decreasing in numbers. It is never- 
theless still common at Ullapool, while several pairs nest 
under the eaves of the quaint inn at Altguish. 

CoTILE RIPARIA (Zzun.), Sand Martin.—Four or five pairs nest 
in the sandhills at Auchnahaird. On the 26th June, Mr. 
Bonar found that, with the exception of one pair, whose 
brood had just been hatched, the birds had all departed. 

PASSER DOMESTICUS (Zizz.), House Sparrow.—This familiar 
bird has only of recent years found its way into West 
Ross-shire. We found it quite common at Achiltibuie, while 
several pairs nested in the ivy which was trained against the 
wall of Auchnahaird House. Elsewhere in Coigach I found 
this bird extremely rare, though I have no doubt that it is 
resident in more or less abundance in every crofter hamlet 
in the peninsula. 

FRINGILLA C@LEBS, Zz77., Chaffinch.— Far from common, 
though, as a rule, found wherever there are clumps of trees. 
We observed several while driving past Drumrunie shoot- 
ing lodge, where there is a considerable plantation of 

PYRRHULA EUROPA, Viei//ot, Bullfinch. — Not observed in 
Coigach proper. Near Loch Droma we saw a pair in a 
clump of fir trees behind the hut where the mail-coach stops 
to have the horses changed. 








EMBERIZA MILIARIA, Zizz., Corn Bunting.—Found all over the 
peninsula wherever there are crofts, and is one of the most 
characteristic birds of the district. Only met with in close 
proximity to human dwellings, it has here become ex- 
ceedingly tame and confiding. Its song was continued till 
far into the twilight of the summer evening, long after every 
other passerine bird was mute; and it is to my mind 
decidedly ventriloquial in its effect. Again and again I was 
deceived by it, imagining the bird was quite near when 
in reality it was perched at some considerable distance 

EMBERIZA CITRINELLA, Zinz., Yellow Bunting.—Fairly common, 
even on the wildest moors. 

EMBERIZA SCHENICLUS, Lznu., Reed Bunting.—Fairly common. 

STURNUS VULGARIS, Zinz., Starling—Common. Young were 
abroad by the time we arrived (2nd June). 

Corvus MONEDULA, Linn., Jackdaw.—Not found in Coigach. 
It nests in some numbers in the cliffs near Leekmellm, a 
few miles east of Ullapool. 

Corvus coRAX, Linn., Raven.—I was much disappointed to 
find that even in so remote and lonely a district as Coigach 
the Raven is very rare. We saw a nest on a cliff near 
Camas Coille, which in all probability was that of a Raven ; 
indeed we were assured by our ghillie that a pair nest there 
regularly every year. The bird certainly nests on one at 
least of the Summer Islands, but I am of opinion that not 
more than two pairs now breed in Rhu More. This un- 
fortunate state of matters is, in all probability, due to the 
fact that Coigach is a crofter country ; and wherever crofters 
exist the Raven is subjected to ceaseless persecution on 
account of the damage, real or imaginary, which it does 
during the lambing season. 

29. CORVUS CORONE, Linm., Carrion Crow.—One seen at Garvie 



Bridge ; was seen quite distinctly. 

Corvus cornix, Linz., Hooded Crow.—Very abundant, especi- 
ally in south Coigach, and we met with it everywhere, even 
in the Summer Islands. On Camas Coille Mr. Bonar ob- 
served a pair of Hoodies repeatedly swoop at a Peregrine 
Falcon, which did not deign to resent their impudence. 

CORVUS FRUGILEGUS, Zinn., Rook.—Quite common near Ulla- 
pool, where there is a small rookery. I never saw the bird 
in Coigach proper, but Mr. Bonar observed quite a large 
flock feeding at the landing-place at Achiltibuie. 









ALAUDA ARVENSIS, Zinn., Skylark.—Very abundant everywhere, 
even on the bleakest and most desolate parts of the moor. 
To those who are accustomed to associate the Skylark with 
the highly cultivated fields and rich meadows of England 
and Southern Scotland, Hogg’s apostrophe must seem 
singularly inappropriate ; but in Coigach this is a veritable 
“bird of the wilderness.” Heard in such a place, its ex- 
quisite song has an indescribable charm. Mr. Bonar informs 
me that he heard several Skylarks near Auchnahaird—the 
haunt of the Ringed Plover—repeatedly introduce a perfect 
imitation of the call note of that bird into their song. 

CypPsELUS apus (Zinu.), Swift.—A pair of these birds were 
observed on three different occasions at Rhu-dh’a Choin. The 
birds no doubt nested in some crevice in the cliffs. 

CucULUS CANORUS, Zznn., Cuckoo.—Several seen and heard, 
but the bird is far from common. 

AQuiLa CHRyYS&TUS (Linn.), Golden Eagle.—The gamekeeper 
at Drumrunie informed us that there are two eyries of this 
bird under his protection. The Golden Eagle seldom visits 
the coast region, but confines itself to the mountain fast- 
nesses. None of our ghillies had ever seen one; and, 
grossly ignorant of ornithology as they mostly are, it is 
hardly credible that they could have overlooked so con- 
spicuous a bird. 

ACCIPITER Nisus (Lizn.), Sparrow Hawk.—One seen. 

FALCO PEREGRINUS, Zwusstal/, Peregrine Falcon.—A pair nest 
on cliff at Camas Coille. Mr. Bonar repeatedly observed a 
Peregrine hawking for food over a field of rye grass at 
Auchnahaird. Its visits are always made at the same time, 
viz. about 1 P.M. and 6.30 P.M. 

FaLco SALON, Zunstall, Merlin—Mr. Bonar observed one 
flying close to Auchnahaird House. 

FaLco TINNUNCULUS, Kestrel.—Tolerably common. 

PHALACROCORAX CARBO (Zizn.), Cormorant.—Very common. 
The bird nests in large numbers in several of the Summer 
Islands, but not, so far as I am aware, in Coigach. We 
found this bird to be a much earlier breeder than its con- 
gener, the Shag. While the former had, in the beginning of 
June, in several instances young almost ready to fly, the 
latter had just commenced to nest, and breeding was not at 
all general until the end of the month. 

. PHALACROCORAX GRACULUS (Zinz.), Shag. — Very common. 

Nests in considerable numbers in caves at Camas Coille. 
It also breeds abundantly in the Summer Islands. Its nest 
is far more difficult of access than is that of the Cormorant. 













ARDEA CINEREA, Liuz., Common Heron.—There is a small 
heronry in an islet on Loch Bhadaghaill. 

ANSER CINEREUS, Meyer, Graylag Goose.—This fine bird is 
very common, and breeds freely in islets in one or two of 
the lochs. We observed a pair of adults with their brood 
swimming on one of the lochs, which, for obvious reasons, 
I think it better not to name. This Goose frequents many 
of the Summer Islands, but I am decidedly of opinion that 
it breeds in none of them. 

TADORNA CoRNUTA (S. G. Gmelin), Sheld Duck.—Very rare. 

Anas Boscas, Zzun., Mallard.—Not very common. Mr. Bonar 
observed a duck with eleven young swimming in Loch Raa. 

QUERQUEDULA CRECCA (Lzzn.), Teal.—We only observed this 
bird on Loch Bhattachan ; but it no doubt nests freely in 
suitable localities throughout the district. 

MERGUS MERGANSER, Zinm., Goosander.— This handsome bird 
is common in Coigach. We found fragments of eggs both 
on the mainland and on the Summer Islands; and I have 
no doubt that these eggs, which were quite fresh, had been 
sucked by Crows. 

MERGUS SERRATOR, Liz7., Red-breasted Merganser.—Tolerably 
common, though not so often met with in Coigach proper 
as the preceding species. Mr. Bonar was fortunate enough 
to observe a most amusing encounter which one of these 
birds had with a flounder which it had caught in Reiff Loch. 
It was only after repeated efforts that the bird was able to 
swallow its victim. 

CoLuMBA PALUMBUS, Linz., Ring Dove.—Two seen. 

Co_umpga Livia, /. #. Gmel., Rock Dove.—One seen feeding 
in barley field at Auchnahaird. Nests in Isle Ristol and 
Eilean Mullagrach as well as in many of the Summer 

Lacopus scoticus (Lath.)—Fairly numerous, but the bird is 
nothing like so common as I had expected to find it. 
Under existing conditions, the bird never can be abundant 
in Coigach. 

Lacopus mutus (J/onéin), Ptarmigan.—Found only near the 
summit of Ben More Coigach, and even there in very 
limited numbers. 

CREX PRATENSIS, echst., Land Rail.—Pair nest at Auchna- 
haird, also at Ullapool. 

ANGIALITIS HIATICULA (Lznu.), Ringed Plover. —Seven or 
eight pairs nest on the shingle in Auchnahaird Bay. Several 
nests were found. We found this Plover also breeds on the 
west side of the peninsula, but only in very small numbers. 

a Et 


55. CHARADRIUS PLUVIALIS, Zinz., Golden Plover.—Thinly dis- 

tributed over the moorlands. 

56. VANELLUS vuLGARIS, Lechs¢., Lapwing.—Very abundant. 








HAMATOPUS OSTRALEGUS, Linn., Oyster - Catcher. — Very 

abundant. Breeds in large numbers, especially on the 

GALLINAGO C@LEsTIS (Fvenze/), Common Snipe. — Several 

pairs nest in the damp meadows at Auchnahaird. One even- 
ing our ghillie promised to show us the nest of the solitary 
pair of Corncrakes which nest in Coigach. On accom- 
panying him to the spot, we found the nest to be that of a 
Snipe ! 

. TOTANUS HYPOLEUCUS (Zinzz.), Common Sandpiper—A bundant, 

nesting on the margins of nearly every freshwater loch in 
the district visited by us. Occurs also in the Summer 

. TOTANUS CALIDRIS (Zizn.), Common Redshank.—We found 

the head of a Redshank in the Peregrine’s eyrie in Priest 
Island, and it may therefore be assumed that this bird nests 
in Coigach. Neither Mr. Bonar nor I, however, saw or 
heard it during our visit. 

. NUMENIUS ARQUATA (Zizzz.), Common Curlew.—Fairly com- 

mon. Nests on one or more of the Summer Islands. 

. STERNA MACRURA, JVaumann, Arctic Tern.—Very common. It 

is, here at least, a very late breeder, and though we visited 
several breeding sites we saw very few eggs even up to the 
25th June! I am decidedly of opinion, however, that these 
birds are, during the nesting season, subjected to ruthless 
persecution. We found a large colony inhabiting a rock off 
Rhu-dh’a Choin, which we visited on 9th June. On our 
approach the birds showed great alarm, although there were 
only four eggs on the islet. 

LARUS RIDIBUNDUS, Zzum., Black-headed Gull.—Pair seen in 

Baden Bay, and Mr. Bonar observed several following the 
plough at Auchnahaird. 

64. Larus canus, Lizn., Common Gull.—Very abundant. Nests on 

precipitous cliffs near Camas Coille, and, like the next species, 
on large stones in one of the bigger freshwater lochs. 

65. Larus arcentatus, /, / Gmel., Herring Gull.—Tolerably 


66. Larus Fuscus, Lesser Black-backed Gull.—The most abundant 

Gull of the district. 


67. LARUS MARINUS, Zium., Great Black-backed Gull. — Fairly 
common, but many of the birds observed on the mainland 
were immature. 

68. RISSA TRIDACTYLA, Kittiwake.—Mr. Bonar tells me he observed 
a pair diving in Baden Bay. He saw them repeatedly, and 
is quite certain of his identification. 

69. ALcA ToRDA, Zinn., Razorbill—Nests on one at least of the 
Summer Islands. 

70. URIA TROILE, Zinn., Common Guillemot.—Observed in large 
flocks in Baden Bay. 

71. URIA GRYLLE, Zénn., Black Guillemot.—Very abundant. Mr. 
Bonar found it nesting in the cliffs near Reiff. The male 
has a very beautiful crooning note which it utters to its mate 
while swimming, and which, when heard on a still summer 
evening, is very pleasing. 

72. FRATERCULA ARCTICA, Zinz., Puffin.—Fairly common on some 
of the Summer Islands, and nesting on at least two of them. 

73. CoLympus arcticus, Liza., Black-throated Diver.—Mr. Bonar 
observed one on Loch Bhattachan on two different occa- 
sions. My inquiries at our ghillies elicited no information 
which showed that they were at all acquainted with the bird. 

74. PROCELLARIA PELAGICA, Zinz., Storm Petrel.—We found the 
remains of one of these birds, which had probably been 
killed by a Peregrine Falcon, on one of the Summer Islands. 
It is no doubt fairly common, but owing to its nocturnal 
habits and the ignorance of the natives it has escaped ob- 

Such is the brief account of the birds which we were 
able to associate with Coigach during our brief sojourn in 
that remote district. Should subsequent investigation prove 
it inadequate or defective, it ought to be borne in mind that 
our stay in the region in question was far too short for our 
purpose ; and further, that this very circumstance prevented 
us from even attempting to explore the hills beyond an 
elevation of about 700 feet above the sea-level. Yet even 
if we had had the opportunity of doing so, I am very doubt- 
ful that the results of our research would have repaid -.the 

I have to acknowledge my indebtedness to my friend, 
the Rev. Mr. Bonar, for a large part of the material contained 
in my paper. I was indeed very fortunate in having for my 


companion so accomplished a field naturalist. His know- 
ledge of our birds is so good, and his power of observation 
so keen, that nothing in the least worthy of interest escaped 
him. Besides, his very much longer stay in Coigach afforded 
him the means of visiting many spots unvisited by me, and 
of gleaning many opportunities of acquiring information. 


By Joun MacRury, M.B. 

In order to bring up to date my list of the Birds of the 
Island of Barra, which was published in the “Annals” in 
1894, with a few Additions in January 1896, I have now 
to add the following species which have since then been 
observed in the Island, and I note them down in the order 
in which they were met with :— 

YELLOW Buntinc, Lmberiza citrinella—On the 18th December 
1895 a solitary bird was secured in my garden here. This is 
the only one of the species I have ever seen on the island, and 
I think its occurrence in the southern end of the Outer Hebrides 
must be rather rare. 

Burron’s Skua, Stercorarius parasiticus.—Mr. William Macgillivray 
identified a bird of this species flying over the sea at Eoligary 
on the r2th May 1896. This Skua has been found in Ben- 
becula and North Uist, but this is the first record from Barra. 

SWALLOW, Airundo rustica.—I found a nest with five eggs on the 
15th of June 1896: the first, I think, that has been found in 
the island. 

MEALY REDPOLL, Acanthis linaria—On the 8th October 1896 
Mr. Macgillivray secured a good specimen of the Mealy Red- 
poll, which is now in his collection at Eoligary. The Lesser 
Redpoll had been previously observed by myself and others on 
the island, but not this species. 

NicHt HERON, WVycticorax griseus.—A young Night Heron was shot 
on the 12th October 1896 at Northbay in this island by 
Mr. C. V. A. Peel. The bird was afterwards seen in the flesh 
by Mr. Eagle Clarke. Mr. Peel recorded the occurrence at the 
time in the ‘‘ Annals.” 


Rinc Ouze., Zurdus torquatus.—When quietly walking my pony 
along the road near a small plantation here on the 8th April 
1897, a solitary Ring Ouzel flew across the road right in front 
of me. The gamekeeper was walking beside me, and as the 
bird alighted again near the road, we had plenty of time to 
identify it. I heard that one of the species—probably the same 
bird—was seen a few days subsequently on the west side of the 
island. I have never seen a Ring Ouzel in any part of the 
Outer Hedrides before this, although I believe it has been ob- 
served in Lewis and Harris. 

GOLDEN-CRESTED WREN, Aegulus cristatus—On the same date on 
which I met with the Ring Ouzel, 8th April 1897, Mr. Wm. 
Macgillivray, Eoligary, secured a Goldcrest in his garden, one 
of several, and a few of the species were observed by him on 
the 12th and 24th of the same month near the same locality. 
Mr. Finlayson, Schoolmaster, Island of Mingalay, told me that 
he also, on the roth of the same month, found a Goldcrest 
at his bedroom window quite exhausted. This is the first time 
the species has been observed in Barra, although birds may have 
touched the Barra Group before this in migration. 

SISKIN, Chrysomitris spinus.—On the 29th October 1897 I observed 
a couple of Siskins in my garden, and from this date up to the 
oth of the following month fully a dozen of the species were 
seen by myself and by Mr. Macgillivray in various parts of the 
island. They were not at all shy, and, although when they got 
on the wing they flew off apart, they generally associated with 
Twites, Chaffinches, Greenfinches, etc., about the fields and 
gardens. I do not find any record of the occurrence of the 
Siskin in any part of the Outer Hebrides, so that this must be 
the first record from the Group. 

There are two or three species which were omitted in 
my former contributions, but which I find have undoubtedly 
been met with in Barra. I think I ought to add them now 
to the list of the birds of the island. These are :— 

Cuoucu, Pyrrhocorax graculus.—The Chough was found by Mr. Mac- 
gillivray in the southern islands of Barra in 1830, as mentioned 
in his paper in the “‘ Edinburgh Journal of Natural History and 
Geographical Science” for that year. The bird, hawever, 
seems to have deserted the locality soon after this date, and no 
recent record of its occurrence can be found. 

GARGANEY, Querquedula circiaa—In Messrs. Harvie-Brown and 
Buckley’s ‘Vertebrate Fauna of the Outer Hebrides,” Ap- 
pendix D, it is stated that a Garganey Duck was shot in Barra 


in 1863 by Mr. Colin M‘Vean, C.E., and that the specimen 
is in the collection of the late Sir John Campbell Orde, 
Bart., of Kilmory. 

Futmar, Fulmarus glacialis—Gray, in his “ Birds of the West of 
Scotland,” mentions that the Fulmar once bred in the south 
isles of Barra, but that none had been seen there in the breed- 
ing season since 1844. They certainly have not been breeding 
there for a long time now, but no doubt some may occasionally 
be seen near the shores, though not often. 

In my former lists I mentioned several species of which 
only one example had been then observed in Barra. Since 
then, however, more specimens of some of these have been 
met with, and some of them may be now regarded as regular 
visitors on migration. Of these, I may mention the— 

WHITETHROAT, Sylvia cinerea, and the WILLOW WREN, Piylloscopus 
trochilus, as regular summer visitors. 

SEDGE WARBLER, Acrocephalus phragmitis—A pair has visited us 
once or twice since the first recorded example. 

DipPER, Cinclus aguaticus.—Has been seen almost every year since 
first record. 

BRAMBLING, /7ingilla montiringilla.—Several seen during last two 

Rinc Dove, Columba palumbus——One or two seen almost every 
summer and autumn. 

TurRTLE Dove, Zurtur communis.—A pair of these birds was seen 
at Eoligary on 22nd May 1897: the only examples of the 
species seen since the first record in September 1895. 

IcELAND GULL, Larus leucopterus.—A few visit us almost every 

Giaucous GuLL, Larus glaucus.—Though occasionally seen, this 
bird is not so common as the Iceland species. 

The BLACKBIRDS are now breeding in numbers all over 
the island. <A few pairs of the HOUSE SPARROW are also 
breeding, but confine themselves to Castlebay, being as yet 
evidently too aristocratic to leave the capital of Barra. 

BarRRA, March 9, 1808. 



By R. H. Traquair, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S. 

On the 7th March I received for the Museum, from Mr. 
Harvie-Brown, a fish which had been sent to him by Mr. D. 
Watson, fishing-tackle maker, Inverness, as having been 
taken on the 28th February by a local angler “in the tidal 
water of the Ness.” Mr. Watson also proceeds to say: “ The 
fish seems to be peculiar, and to differ from the ordinary sea 
trout. The fins are unusually large for its size, and are 
tipped with orange; the tail is forked, and the scales are 
very small. I have shown the fish to several gentlemen, 
who have not seen anything similar in their experience.” 

That the fish was a Charr was at once suggested by the 
small scales and the pale edges of the fins on the lower 
aspect of the body ; but the colour was altogether aberrant, 
being dark and blackish on the back and sides, without any 
trace of spots whatever. Moreover, the tidal water of a 
river is hardly the place where we would expect to find a 
Charr, which, according to Day, “appears to require very 
pure and mostly deep water for its residence.” 

The fish measures 102 inches from the tip of the snout 
to the extremities of the rays of the centre of the caudal fin. 
The length of the head, 24+ inches, is rather more than the 
depth of the body at the front of the dorsal fin, and is con- 
tained about 44 times in the total up to the middle of the 
caudal. The maxilla extends backwards to slightly behind 
the eye; the teeth are very small, and those on the vomer 
are confined to the “ head” of that bone. The fins are very 
large, the pectoral being as long as the entire head, so that its 
posterior extremity reaches back to 4 inch from the origin of 
the ventral, which in turn reaches to $ inch from the begin- 
ning of the anal, and is about as long as the front part of the 
dorsal is high. The caudal fin is also large and emarginate. 
So far as can be ascertained by counting the rays through 
the skin, the fin formula is—D. 13; P. 13; V. 9; A. 12. 

The colour on the back and sides is blackish, passing into 
a dirty or grayish white along the belly, there being, however, 

ied — 


a flush of orange red at the origin of the pectoral and ventral 
fins. There are no pale rounded spots on the body, but on the 
sides there is a fazt appearance of vertical bars of alternating 
darker and lighter colour. The dorsal and caudal fins are 
dark and sooty in colour ; the pectoral, ventral, and anal fins 
are paler, and have their anterior margins of a yellowish white. 

On opening the abdomen the specimen was found to be 
a male. 

Among the forms of British Charr described by Giinther 
as distinct species, but considered by Day to be only varieties 
of Salmo alpinus, is one to which the present specimen makes 
so close an approach as to seem to be actually referable 
thereto. This is the Salmo K7llinensis of Giinther? from Loch 
Killin in Inverness-shire. I have not seen a specimen from 
that lake, but the present specimen agrees very closely with 
Dr. Giinther’s description and figure in general form, and in 
the proportional measurements of the body and fins, Salmo 
Killinensis being also remarkable for the large size of the last 
named appendages. The general coloration is also tolerably 
similar, but with one marked difference: Dr. Giinther’s fish is 
described and figured as having a number of pale spots on 
the sides, which in the fish now before me are entirely absent. 

Without discussing the question as to whether Salmo 
Killinensis is entitled to be considered as a “ good” species, 
or merely as a variety of that apparently very variable 
form S. alpinus, we cannot go wrong in referring to it the 
specimen which has formed the subject of this communica- 
tion ; and the absence in it of pale spots on the sides may be 
looked upon as only a still further instance of the variability 
to which these fishes are subject. It is surely, however, very 
unusual to find a Charr in the tidal water of a river such as 
the Ness, and I must own that I am not acquainted with 
any similar case.* 

1 Day, “ British Fishes,” vol. ii. pp. 112-114. 

2 «Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.,” 1865, pp. 693-699, pl. xi. ‘Cat. Fishes, 
British Museum,” vol. vi. p. 130. 

3 Since the above lines have been in type, Mr. Harvie-Brown has sent me a 
further communication on the subject, which he has received from Mr. Watson, 
and from which I extract the following :—‘‘ Loch Killin is ten miles from Foyers, 
and is connected with Loch Ness by the Foyers river. Is it possible that the 
fish reached Loch}Ness over the falls? During the past winter, Loch Ness was 
high, and the Ness was often in flood. I cannot discover that Charr have ever 
been seen or caught in the Ness before.” 



By Rev. F. D. Morice, M.A., F.E.S. 

AMONG the Hymenoptera taken by Mr. Bruce on Ben Nevis 
in 1895, and reported on in the “ Annals” (1896, pp. 165- 
168) by the Rev. A. Thornley, are some specimens which I 
determined for Mr. Thornley as Selandrza flavescens, Thoms., 
and which he consequently recorded under that name. 

Flavescens, Thoms. = flavens, Klug., and the latter name, 
having the priority, should be adopted. I find, however, 
what is of more consequence, that the specimens in question 
are not all of one species. Most of them are correctly 
referred to S. favens, Klug., but a few belong to a distinct 
though very similar species, viz. S. Wiistneiz, Konow. 

Wiistnett differs from flavens by its thicker antenna, 
which have the third joint very slightly longer than the 
fourth. It is also a darker insect, with the clypeus, the pro- 
notum, and the bases of the antennz quite black ; the costa 
and stigma, however, are on the contrary lighter than in 
flavens (brown, not black). 

Selandria Waiistnezt was first described by Konow in 
May 1885 (“ Wien. Ent. Zeit.,” iv. p. 122) from North German 
specimens. I know no record of its appearance elsewhere, 
unless the “aberrations a and 6” of flavens mentioned in 
Cameron’s “ Monograph” (i. p. 196) belong to it; but it 
may easily have been mistaken for flavens by collectors both 
in this country and on the Continent. 

Perhaps I may be allowed to take this opportunity of 
making a few other corrections in the list of Mr. Bruce’s 
captures (Zc. pp. 166, 167), as follows :— 

For Zenthredo dispar, Klug., read Zenthredo atra, Linn., var. dzspar, 

For Zenthredo viridis, Linn., read Rhogogastera viridis, Linn. 

For Pamphittus stellata, Christ., read Lyda stellata, Christ. 

For Dolerus lateritius, Klug., read Dolerus madidus, Klug. 


For Dolerus pratensis, Thoms., read Dolerus pratensis, Linn. 

Dolerus elongatus, Thoms., is considered by Konow to be only a 
variety of eneus, Htg. 

Dineura virididorsata = Dineura nigricans, Christ. 

Nematus acuminatus, Thoms. I had some doubt about my identi- 
fication of the ¢ of this species, but Herr Konow tells me it is 

As the whole genus (or rather group of genera) Mematus 
is in process of revision by Herr Konow, and many altera- 
tions in its synonymy may be expected, I do not think it 
worth while to revise my provisional determinations of Mr. 
Bruce’s specimens at present. 

WOKING, January 1898. 


By SymMers M. Macvicar. 
(Continued from p. 38.) 

POLYGALA VULGARIS, Z.—Rare ; Salum Bay, a few plants. 

POLYGALA SERPYLLACEA, lVei/ie.—Common ; prostrate on exposed 
sandy ground. 

SILENE MARITIMA, /V7t##.—Common, but rather local ; most plentiful 
on sand dunes; occurs also on rocks and sea cliffs, in the 
latter place being larger and more luxuriant. 

LycHNis Diorca, Z.—Rare ; among rocks at Kenavara and Hynish 

Lycunis FLos-cucu1, Z.—Common in damp pastures. 
CERASTIUM TETRANDRUM, Curtis.—Very common in sandy places. 

CERASTIUM GLOMERATUM, Z/uil/—Common ; mostly by roadsides, 
waste places, and cultivated fields. 

CERASTIUM TRIVIALE, Zivk.—Very common everywhere, except in 
the central moorish ground and salt marshes. 

STELLARIA MEDIA, Cyv.—Very common among cultivation and in 
waste places ; occurs also in crevices of rocks at Cliad cliffs 
where cattle and sheep frequent, and on the floor of caves at 
Kenavara Head, which these animals cannot reach, but which 
are much frequented by rock doves and starlings. The plant 
has probably been at first brought to these caves by birds, 
26 (6 


either among material for nests or by seeds attached to their 
feet, as in one case at least the cave is at the end of a narrow 
gully facing the sea, where seeds could hardly arrive by any 
other means. It is the only flowering plant in such places, 
occurring in its common shade form with glabrous pedicels 
and calyx. 

STELLARIA ULIGINOSA, JZurr.—Rare; roadside ditch between 
Scarinish and Ballyphetrish. 


ARENARIA PEPLOIDES, Z.—Common ; occurs principally on sandy 
shores, but is also found in salt marshes. 

SAGINA MARITIMA, Vow.—Rare ; among rocks on the shore near 
Loch-na-Gile ; near the harbour. 

SAGINA PROCUMBENS, Z.—Common on banks, roadsides, and shores. 

SAGINA NopbosA, /ezz/.—Sandy places in Hynish and Gott Bays; 
wet pasture at Hianish. Probably not uncommon. 

SPERGULA ARVENSIS, Z., var. sativa (Boenn.)—Common in cultivated 

Bupa MARINA, Dum. (Spergularia neglecta, Syme).—Rather common 
in the salt marshes of the north-east shore. 

Bupa MeEp1A, Dum. (Spergularia marginata, Syme).—In the same 
locality as the preceding, but more common; also, though 
rare, in Hianish salt marsh. 

MontIA FonTANA, Z.—Rare ; near Loch-na-Gile. 

HYPERICUM PULCHRUM, Z.—Rare; among rocks at Hynish Head 
and Kenavara. 

HYPERICUM ELODES, Z.—Rare; small lochs at Ruaig; loch on 
Hynish Hill. 

LINUM CATHARTICUM, Z.—Common on pastures and banks. 

GERANIUM SANGUINEUM, Z.—Rare; on rock ledges, Kenavara; it 
does not appear to occur on sand dunes as it does in the 
neighbouring island of Coll. 

GERANIUM MOLLE, Z.—Very common ; sand dunes, fields, and road- 

GERANIUM DISssEcTUM, Z.— Rather rare; cultivated field and 
roadside, Scarinish ; among rocks at roadside, Ballyphetrish ; 
roadside, Barrapol. 

Eropium cicutarium, L’ //érit—Not generally common, but abund- 
ant in places. Sand dunes, fallow fields, and tops of walls. 
Usually very glandular in sandy places. A small eglandular 
form, with calyx-hairs mostly appressed, occurs in a pasture 
field at Cliad. No plants with spotted petals were seen. 


[ULEx EUROpHus, Z.—On rocky pasture in the Manse field, 
planted by the Rev. Mr. Campbell, a former parish minister 
of Tiree. I was told that the present gamekeeper also intro- 
duced the plant on an island in one of the lochs. | 

MEDICAGO LuPULINA, Z.—Locally very common; sandy pastures 
near Scarinish, where the plant is covered with whitish 
pubescence. Where growing in loamy soil the plant is green. 

TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE, Z.—Common ; banks, roadsides, and culti- 
vated fields. Has been sown as a crop with rye grass in Tiree 
since about 1761 (Dr. John Walker, in ‘Economic History of 
the Hebrides,” 1812, who also mentions the plant as a native 
constituent of sandy pasture fields in the Hebrides). 

TRIFOLIUM MEDIUM, Z.—Rare; side of ditch, Cornaig. 

TRIFOLIUM REPENS, Z.—Very common over almost the whole 

TRIFOLIUM DUBIUM, .S7é¢h.—Very common ; banks, pastures, and 
sand dunes ; also common in cultivated fields. 

ANTHYLLIS VULNERARIA, Z.—Generally common and locally abund- 
ant. Var. maritima, Koch (¢este Ar. Bennett), on sand dunes, 
Hynish Bay, rare ; growing with the type and apparently under 
the same conditions. It is conspicuous by its’ size and the 
number of heads on the stems and branches, the lower ones 
being at some distance from the upper. 

Lorus cornicuLatus, Z.—Common ; the typical form is found 
about sheltered banks, roadsides, and sides of cultivated fields. 
The form with more thick and fleshy leaflets occurs among 
rocks on the shore, as it does over all this part of the coast. 
It seems to be the var. crasséfolius of Syme in “ English 
Botany,” ed. 3, but I hardly think it is worth varietal rank. 
Another form, which I have seen only in Tiree, grows sparingly 
in sandy pasture; it is a small prostrate plant with small leaf- 
lets, and with branches spreading in a circle, the base of the 
stem and branches denuded of leaves for some distance, and 
with the stems, leaves, and calyx covered with white woolly 
hairs, giving the plant in its more marked forms a grayish 

Vicia Cracca, Z,—Rather rare ; sand dunes and cultivated fields. 
On Hynish Bay sands it is somewhat dwarfed, with grayish 
pubescent leaflets and short racemes. 

VIcIA SEPIUM, Z.—Rare ; among rocks at Kenavara; also in culti- 
vated fields, where perhaps it is more common, 

LATHYRUS PRATENSIS, Z.—Common, plentiful locally; sides of 
fields, roadsides, tops of walls. 


SPir#A Uxtmaria, Z.—Common in the shelter of ditches, walls, 
rocky places, and roadsides. 

FRAGARIA vEscA, Z.—Rare ; among rocks, Hynish Head. 

POTENTILLA SYLVESTRIS, /Veck.—Common, especially on Scarinish 

POTENTILLA REPTANS, Z.—Very rare; sand dunes, Hynish Bay, 
remote from cultivation. Petioles, both leaf surfaces, upper 
part of peduncle, and calyx, covered with silky hairs when 
young, becoming less so when older; but both sides of the 
leaf remaining hairy over most of the surface. 

POTENTILLA ANSERINA, Z.—Very common; sides of fields and 
roads, shingles and sand dunes. 

POTENTILLA PALUSTRIS, .Scof.—Very common; marshes, ditches, 
and sides of lochs. 

ALCHEMILLA VULGARIS, Z.—Rare; Kenavara Head; near Loch 
Vassapol. In both places as the var. a/festris (Schmidt). 

ROSA PIMPINELLIFOLIA, Z.—Very rare; a few stunted, flowerless 
plants in crevices of rock at Cliad. 

Rosa canina, Z.—Very rare; a few stunted bushes clinging to 
the face of a rock near Ballyphetrish. Too immature to be 
determined ; leaves glabrous, doubly serrate, flowers light red. 

SAXIFRAGA TRIDACTYLITES, Z.—Only one plant seen ; sandy pasture 
between Barrapol and Kenavara. 

SEDUM ANGLICUM, //ud@s.—Common among rocks both on the shore 
and inland. 

SEDUM ACRE, Z.—Common; sandy shores and on sandbanks 

DROsERA ROTUNDIFOLIA, Z.—Rather common, and more generally 
distributed than the next. 

DROSERA INTERMEDIA, /Zayve.—Rather rare ; Scarinish Moor. 

Hippuris vuLGARis, Z.—Locally common; sides of lochs, streams, 
Fhaodhail. In two localities, Cornaig and Loch Vassapol 
streams, the plant is submerged in running water, and has 
longer and softer leaves of very different appearance from the 
ordinary form. Mr. Bennett thought that a plant from the 
first locality was a small form of the var. fluviatilis, Weber. 
In the other station, where a nearly similar form occurs, the 
typical plant grows at the edge of the stream, with submerged 
intermediate forms varying according to the depth of the water. 

MyYRIOPHYLLUM spicatumM, Z.— Locally common; streams at 
Cornaig, pool on rocky shore near the harbour. 


than the former ; Loch-na-Gile. 

CALLITRICHE STAGNALIS, Scof.—Common ; mostly in ditches, also 
as a very small form in drier places. 

CALLITRICHE HAMULATA, Kwefz.—Rare ; Loch-na-Gile ? 

PEpLIS PortruLaA, Z.— Rather rare; roadside ditch between 
Scarinish and Ballyphetrish ; near Loch-na-Gile. 

LyTHRuM Saticaria, Z.—Local; sides of ditches and marshes, 
Scarinish, Cornaig, etc. 

EPILOBIUM PARVIFLORUM, Schveb.—Rather common; Hynish, etc. 

EPILOBIUM MONTANUM, Z.—Very rare ; among rocks, Ben Hoch. 

EPILOBIUM PALUSTRE, Z.—Rare; Hynish, ditch on the Hotel 

HYDROCOTYLE VULGARIS, Z.—Very common among grass in damp 
places in the most exposed parts of the island as well as in 
more sheltered localities. 

ERYNGIUM MARITIMUM, Z.—Not generally common. West sandy 
shore in quantity ; Hynish and Gott Bay sands, rather scarce. 

ConiuM MaAcuLaAtTuM, Z.—A few plants in a rye-grass field belonging 
to the Hotel. 

APIUM NODIFLORUM, feeichd. fil. var. ocreatum, Bab.—Common ; 
ditches and sides of lochs. 

APIUM INUNDATUM, feichd. fii—Common; sides of lochs and 
ditches, often in deeper water than the former. 

StuM EREcTUM, /Zuds.—Locally common ; Loch-an-Eilean stream ; 


ANTHRISCUS SYLVESTRIS, //offm.—Very common about houses, waste 
places, and sides of cultivated fields; very rarely at any 
distance from cultivation. 

CENANTHE LACHENALI, C. GeZ.—Common in some marshy places 
and sides of streams. 

CENANTHE crocata, Z.-—Rather common ; generally in wet places 
near the shore. ‘This plant, I believe, not unfrequently causes 
death by poisoning to cattle on this coast. 

Licusticum scoticum, Z.—In some quantity on the few rocks and 
sea cliffs of the island, Kenavara, Cliad, etc. 

ANGELICA SYLVESTRIS, Z,—Rather common about damp sheltered 

HERACLEUM SpHONDYLIUM, Z.—Common ; on ledges of sea cliffs, 
as well as at sides of cultivated fields. 


Daucus Carota, Z.—Very common ; sandy pastures, dunes, fields, 
and roadsides. 

LoONICERA PERICLYMENUM, Z.—Very rare ; ledge of rock at Hynish 

GALIUM VERUM, Z.—Very common; sandy pastures, dunes, fields, 
and roadsides. 

GALIUM SAXATILE, Z.—Common, but much less so than the 

GALIUM PALUSTRE, Z.—Common in wet places. Leaves vary from 
broadly obovate to narrowly lanceolate, the margins always 
with prickles, which likewise occur on the midrib of at least 
some of the leaves of each plant. The stem has always some 
prickles, but only a few are found in the thicker-stemmed, 
narrow-leaved form of the wetter places. 

GALIUM APARINE, Z.—Rather common, especially on shingly 

VALERIANA SAMBUCIFOLIA, /JV7d/d.—Very rare; among rocks at 
Hynish Head. 

BELLIS PERENNIS, Z.—Very common. 

ASTER TRrIpoLiumM, Z.—Common in the salt marshes of Urvaig and 
the Fhaodhail. 

ANTENNARIA DioIca, 2. 47.—Very common over most of the 

[INULA HELENIUM, Z.—Mr. Erskine Beveridge sent me a fresh 
specimen which had been gathered at Ballyphetrish. ] 

ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM, Z.—Very common; pastures, roadsides, 
and dunes. 

CHRYSANTHEMUM SEGETUM, Z.—Locally common in cultivated 

quantity, Scarinish, Hylipol. 

MATRICARIA INODORA, Z.—The typical inland plant with erect stem 
and fine leaf segments does not occur in Tiree, the nearest 
approach to it being in the case of some plants in a rye-grass 
field at Ruaig, where the stems are almost erect, but the leaf 
segments are more fleshy. The ordinary maritime form of this 
coast is common on shingles and about house walls near the 
sea; the stems ascending, less branched upwards, with thicker 
peduncles and more fleshy leaves. On sheltered ledges of sea 
cliffs at Kenavara Head it has leaves still more fleshy, and 
with the segments shorter. In this last situation the plant 


seems to be a perennial with long rootstocks covered with 
former leaf bases. This apparently perennial character and 
more fleshy leaf occurring on sheltered ledges of sea cliffs is seen 
also here with another annual or biennial P/antago Coronopus. 
On the west coast of Inverness-shire the leaves of the AZatricaria 
are more fleshy on the shores of the open sea than when 
growing in estuaries. 

ARTEMISIA VULGARIS, Z.—Common ; chiefly at sides of cultivated 
fields and in waste places, more rarely on sand dunes. 

TussiLaco FarraraA, Z.—Only one patch seen, at the side of a 
cultivated field at Cornaig. 

PETASITES OFFICINALIS, J/@nch.—Local; sides of streams near 
cottages at Hynish and Cornaig ; also at the side of a stream 
near Cliad remote from houses. 

SENECIO VULGARIS, Z.—Common; cultivated fields and waste 

SenEcIO Jacopa#a, Z.—Very common on roadsides near houses, 
decreasing in proportion to its distance from them ; also occurs 
at sides of fields and on dunes, very rarely on sea cliffs. 

SENECIO AQUATICUS, AZzds.—Common in wet places. 

Arctium minus, Gerni.—Common ; waste places, roadsides, and 
sides of fields. 

Cnicus LANCEoLATUS, W2//d.—In similar places to the preceding, 
but extending farther among pasture fields. 

Cnicus Ppatustris, W7//d.—Rather common, but less so than the 
former, usually growing in wetter places, but sometimes along 
with it. 

Cnicus ARVENSIS, /Zoffm.—Very common ; fields and sand dunes. 

CENTAUREA NIGRA, Z.—Common in pastures. 

CREPIS VIRENS, Z.—Local; sides of fields and roadsides. 

Hieractum Pitoseitia, Z.—Local; Scarinish Moor, etc.; also on 
sand dunes rarely, as a more hairy plant with shorter stolons. 
The only member of the genus seen. 

Hypocuaris rapicata, Z.—Common ; fields, banks, and among 

LEONTODON AUTUMNALIS, Z.—Common; occurs in two extreme 
forms,—the small, nearly glabrous plant of salt marshes, and a 
tall, branched plant on sand dunes, with broad and often hairy 
leaves, and with the upper part of peduncles and the involucres 
covered with copious, shaggy, dark green or brown hairs,— 
intermediate forms occur. 


TARAXACUM OFFICINALE, W’eb.—Common on roadsides and walls, 
extending to the dunes; a form that occurs, though scarce, on 
the latter, with brick-red achenes, is under examination. 

Var. c. palustre (DC.)—Marshy ground on north-east shore, 

Var. d. wdum (Jord.) ?—Wet rocky ledges, Kenavara; appears 
to agree with plants so named. (A similar form is 
common on this coast among wet rocks.) 

SONCHUS ASPER, //offm.—Common ; sides of fields and waste places. 
LospeLIA DortTMANNA, Z.—Rather common in the more peaty lochs. 

CAMPANULA ROTUNDIFOLIA, £.—Locally common; Kenavara, 
Ballyphetrish, etc. 

VacciniuM MyrtiLuus, Z.—Apparently rare. 

Catituna Erica, DC.,; Erica TETRALIX, Z.; E. CINEREA, Z.—All 
the heaths must be classed among the “common” plants of 
Tiree, the first especially so; but being always prostrate, and 
not more than two to three inches in height, they are incon- 
spicuous—so much so that the general visitor might think that 
they are not to be found on the island. The Ca//uwna is much 
the most common, and is not confined to the central moorish 
ground as the others appear to be. 

ARMERIA MARITIMA, W7dd.—Very common; shore rocks, salt 
marshes, and sand dunes. 

PRIMULA ACAULIS, Z.—Locally common ; Kenavara, Cliad, Salum. 

GLAUX MARITIMA, Z.—Common in salt marshes and on muddy 
shores, more rarely in sandy places. 

ANAGALLIS TENELLA, Z.—A very common and characteristic plant 
of Tiree. 
CENTUNCULUS MINIMUS, Z.—Only seen on a wet bank on the shore 
at Rudh-an-Sgoir Mhoir. 
SAMOLUS VALERANDI, Z.—Common in several places; Fhaodhail, 
Loch-na-Mointeich, etc. 
ERYTHR&A CENTAURIUM, /evs.—Rather common; Barrapol, etc. 
Var. capitata, Koch (deste Ar. Bennett)—Hynish Bay sands, 
Kenavara Head. 
GENTIANA CAMPESTRIS, Z.—Rare?; seen only near Scarinish. 
MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA, £.—Common, but not generally in 
Lycopsis ARvENsIs, Z.—Common at the sides of sandy cultivated 

fields and on roadsides near cottages, but nowhere with the 
appearance of being native. 

oy ee 

Mm -\ 3 


PNEUMARIA (MERTENSIA) MARITIMA, /77//7.—A fresh specimen was 
given to me, gathered by Mr. Erskine Beveridge in Salum Bay. 

Myosotis ca#spitosa, /. Schudtz——Common in wet places; more 
generally distributed than the next. 

MyosoTis REPENS, G. Donx—Common in wet places. 

Myosoris ARVENSIS, Zam.—Common ; cultivated fields, roadsides, 
and banks. 

MYOSsOTIS VERSICOLOR, Aetch6.—Common in similar places as the 

VOLVULUS SOLDANELLA, /unger.—Rare. Fresh specimens from the 
Hynish Bay sands were sent to me by the Rev. D. Maclean. 

[VERONICA TouRNEFoRTI, C. Gmel.—A few plants were found 

about the Hotel grounds. If this be its only station it cannot 
yet be considered as permanently established. | 

VERONICA ARVENSIS, Z.—Very common on dry banks. 


VERONICA OFFICINALIS, Z.—Rather rare ; Scarinish Moor and road- 

VERONICA CHAMADRYS, Z.—Rare ; roadside, Scarinish. 

VERONICA SCUTELLATA, Z.—Rare; Loch-na-Mointeich and neigh- 
bouring wet places. 

VERONICA ANAGALLIS-AQUATICA, Z.—Common in ditches. All the 
specimens examined had the inflorescence glandular. 

VERONICA BeccaBunGa, Z.—Very rare ; a few plants in the roadside 
ditch between Scarinish and the Manse. 

EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS, Z.—Common as £. borealis, Towns., in 
grassy pastures, and as £. gracilis, Fr., in peaty soil. 

Bartsia Opontires, 7uds—Common in many fields as the var. 
verna (Reichb.). 
Var. serotina (Reichb.) ?—Ballyphetrish; specimens immature 
but probably of this variety. 

PEDICULARIS PALUSTRIS, Z.—Common on the wetter parts of 
Scarinish Moor, etc. 

PEDICULARIS SYLVATICA, Z.—Common on moorish ground. 

RHINANTHUS CRISTA-GALLI, Z.—Very common at sides of fields; 
also occurs in dry places as a smaller, narrow-leaved form. 

UTRICULARIA MINOR, Z.—Very rare ; ditch near the loch on Hynish 

UTRICULARIA INTERMEDIA, Hayne.— Local 3 lochs on Scarinish 
Moor, etc. 

PINGUICULA VULGARIS, Z.—Rather common in turfy places. 


PINGUICULA LusiTanica, Z.—Rather rare; Scarinish Moor; near 
loch on Hynish Hill, 

(MENTHA, sfs.—The mints were not in flower during my visits ; 
one species is very common in wet places.) 

THyMus SERPYLLUM, /7.—Common. 

THymus CuHama@&prys, 4y.—Also common, but less so than the 

PRUNELLA VULGARIS, Z.—Rather common, but not to the usual 
extent, on this coast. Is mostly found on damp roadsides. 


STACHYS SYLVATICA, Z.—Rare ; Ballyphetrish, Hynish, Kenavara. 
LAMIUM INTERMEDIUM, /47.—Common in some cultivated fields. 
LAMIUM PURPUREUM, Z.—Rare ; about houses at the harbour. 
PLANTAGO MAjor, Z.—Common. 

PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA, Z.—Very common ; fields, dunes, etc. 

PLANTAGO MaARITIMA, Z.—Very common on shore rocks and sea 

PLANTAGO Coronopus, Z.—Very common on the shore. 

Var. maritima, Gren. and Godr. (deste Ar. Bennett).—On 
rocky ledges of sea cliffs; Kenavara, rare. A well- 
marked plant with large, broad, nearly erect, very 
fleshy leaves, and with usually erect peduncles. In 
the “Journal of Botany,” 1897, p. 257, there is an 
article on the forms of the species, with the distribution 
of this variety given as from France, South Spain, 
Berlengas. The Tiree locality is an interesting addition 
to the above. 

LITTORELLA JUNCEA, Bervg—Common at the shallow sides of some 
lochs ; Loch-na-Gile, etc. 


ATRIPLEX PATULA, Z., var. sa/ina.—Common in salt marshes between 
Urvaig and Salum. 

ATRIPLEX Bapinctonu, Woods——Common on sandy shores and 
salt marshes. 

ATRIPLEX LACINIATA, Z.—Common on some sandy shores; Salum 
Bay, etc. 

SALICORNIA HERBACEA, Z.—Very rare; only seen on Hianish salt 

SUDA MARITIMA, Dum.—In some quantity on the muddy shore 
between Urvaig and Salum. 


SaLsoLa Kati, Z.—Locally common on sandy shores and dunes ; 
Traigh-na-Gillean, Traigh Sorobaith, Salum Bay. 

PoOLYGONUM AVICULARE, Z.—Common as the erect plant with oval 
subacute leaves ; cultivated fields, occasionally on roadsides. 

PoLtyconum Rau, Aad.—Rather rare ; sandy shore, Salum Bay. 
PoLyconum PersicariA, Z.—Very little seen ; Ruaig. 

PoLyGoNuM AMPHIBIUM, Z.—The floating form is rare, and seems 
confined to Loch Vassapol and its exit stream. The land 
form occurs in great abundance in fields and on roadsides over 
most of the island. 

RUMEX OBTUSIFOLIUS, Z.—Common ; sides of cultivated fields, waste 
places, and roadsides. 

RuMEx crispus, Z.—Common ; roadsides, cultivated fields, dunes, 
and shores. 

Rumex Acetosa, Z.—Very common; cultivated fields, roadsides, 


EvupnHoreia Hexioscopia, Z.—Local ; cultivated fields, Cornaig. 

Urtica pioica, Z.—Common in waste places. 

UrTICA URENS, Z.—Rare ; cultivated field, Cornaig. 

Myrica Gar, Z.—Local, and not in any quantity ; Scarinish Moor, 

SALIX REPENS, Z.—Very common, except on the dunes. 

ORCHIS INCARNATA, Z.—Common in pastures. Might almost be 
given as “very common,” which is unusual for the species on 
this coast. 

ORcHIS LATIFOLIA, Z.—Rather rare, though widely distributed ; 
Barrapol, Fhaodhail, etc. 

OrcHIS MACULATA, Z.—Very common; occurs with the two pre- 

ceding species in damp pastures, and extends by itself on to 
moorish ground. 

HABENARIA VIRIDIS, R. Br.—Rather rare. On dry grassy banks at 
Scarinish and its moor; Manse field ; near Loch Vassapol. 

HABENARIA CHLOROLEUCA, Aid/ey.—Very rare; Kenavara. 

Ir1s PsEupAcorus, Z.—Very common. 

ALLIUM uURSINUM, Z.—Rare; among sheltered rocks at Kenavara 

ScILLA VERNA, H¥uds.—Very rare; a few plants on rocky ledges, 
Kenavara Head. 

ScILLA FESTALIS, Salish. (.S. nutans, Sm.)—Rather common among 
rocks, Kenavara Head. 


NARTHECIUM OSSIFRAGUM, //u¢ds.—Common on moorish ground. 

Juncus Buronius, Z.—Common in wet sandy places and roadsides ; 
also, but sparingly, on drier sandy pastures. 

JuNcus sQuaRROSUS, Z.—Common on Scarinish Moor ; occasionally 
on roadsides. 

Juncus GERARDI, Lo/se/—Very common in salt marshes. 

Juncus ErFusus, Z., and J. CONGLOMERATUS, Z.—Neither of these 
rushes is as common as in most places. They are chiefly 
confined to roadsides. 

Juncus supinus, WZench.—Very common. All the land specimens 
which were examined had six stamens, with the filaments 
varying in length relative to the anthers. It is very rarely 
that one finds the land form having only three stamens on 
this coast. Two plants of the submerged form which were 
found in flower had three stamens. 

Juncus LAmMpocarpus, “Ari.—Common. 

Juncus acuTIFLoRUS, “/7i.—More common than the former, I 

LUZULA CAMPESTRIS, DC.—The Rev. D. Maclean sent me fresh 
specimens in spring, with the remark that the plant was then 
“quite common.” I saw one plant in July. 

LuzuLA ERECTA, Vesv.cRather common. 

SPARGANIUM RAMOSUM, /Zuwds.— Rare. Ditch, Cornaig; Loch 

SPARGANIUM MINIMUM, /7.?—Rare; stream, Hynish Bay; speci- 
mens immature. 

LEMNA MINOR, Z.—Very rare; ditch on the shore, Urvaig. 

ALISMA PLANTAGO-AQguaATICA, Z., var. lanceolatum, Afz. (teste Ar. 
Bennett).—Rare ; ditch, Cornaig. 

ALISMA RANUNCULOIDES, Z.—Common; sides of lochs, marshy 
places, and ditches. 

TRIGLOCHIN PALUSTRE, Z.—Common ; Loch-na-Mointeich, etc. 

TRIGLOCHIN MARITIMUM, Z.—Common in salt marshes and on 
muddy shores. 

POTAMOGETON POLYGONIFOLIUS, /owr.—Common on the marshy 
sides and in shallower parts of lochs. 

POTAMOGETON NITENS, Web.—Loch Vassapol. 
POTAMOGETON PERFOLIATUS, Z.—Loch Vassapol and its exit stream. 

POTAMOGETON PUSILLUS, Z.—Locally common; Loch Vassapol, 
Cornaig, Fhaodhail. 


POTAMOGETON PECTINATUS, Z.—Loch Vassapol and its exit stream 
in plenty. 

POTAMOGETON FILIFORMIS, /Vo/fe.—Fhaodhail in some quantity ; 
Cornaig stream. 

RUPPIA ROSTELLATA, Aoch.—Fhaodhail; pool on shore near Loch- 

ZOSTERA MARINA, Z.—Cast up on the shore. 

ELEOCHARIS PALUSTRIS, 2. 47.—Common; abundant in places. 
Occurs as a small form on the sandy shore of Loch Vassapol, 
and is often dwarfed, 4 to 6 inches in eres when in places 
liable to inundation. 

ELEOCHARIS UNIGLUMIS, Retchb.—Rather common. Shore near Loch- 
na-Gile ; Fhaodhail in plenty ; Hynish ; also dwarfed, 2 to 4 
inches, on the sandy shore of Loch Vassapol. 

ELEOCHARIS MULTICAULIS, S7.—Common ; Scarinish Moor, etc. 

SCIRPUS PAUCIFLORUS, Lightf—Very common; Fhaodhail, etc. ; 
also in a smaller form in turfy roadsides. 

SCIRPUS C&spPiTosuS, Z.—Very little seen ; Scarinish Moor, where it 
is nearly prostrate, the stems being curved to the ground. 

SCIRPUS FLUITANS, Z.—Common in the smaller lochs and in some 
ditches in moorish ground.’ 

SCIRPUS SETACEUS, Z.—Rather rare, but widely spread ; wet places 
on the shore, Scarinish Moor, etc. 

ScIRPUS TABERNAMONTANI, GmeZ—Rare; Loch Vassapol, pool 
at shore near Loch-na-Gile. 

SCIRPUS MARITIMUS, Z.—Common in pools and wet places about 
the north-east shore as the compact form with at times only 
one sessile spike. 

SCIRPUS RUFUS, Schrad.—In great quantity on the Fhaodhail ; salt 
marsh between Urvaig and Salum, common. 

ERIOPHORUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM, Ao¢t#.—Generally distributed in wet 
turfy places. 

SCHENUS NIGRICANS, Z7.—Very common on the moor in the centre 
of the island, where, with the rest of the vegetation, it is usually 
dwarfed ; also occurs at Hynish. 

CarREx pioica, Z.—Rare ; Scarinish Moor. 

CAREX PULICARIS, Z.—Rather common; Scarinish Moor, Ruaig, 

CaREX DIsTICHA, //ids.—Very rare ; near the road, and in the old 
reservoir, Hynish, the localities being about 200 yards apart. 


CAREX ARENARIA, Z.—Very common above the sandy shores, and 
on dunes. 

CAREX PANICULATA, Z.—Very rare; one large patch at the upper 
end of Loch Vassapol. 

CAREX VULPINA, Z.—Rare; Hynish Head, Fhaodhail, Ballyphetrish 
at the side of a grass field. This last locality is an unusual one 
for this coast, as the plant is generally limited to wet rocky 
places on the shore. 


CAREX OVALIS, Good.—Rather common; principally on roadsides 
and sides of fields. 

Carex GoopDENovu, /. Gay.—Common. 

Var. juncella (T. M. Fries),—Hynish, Loch-na-Gile. 

Carex FLACCA, Schreb. (C. glauca., Murr.)—Common, especially 
about the shores. 

CAREX PILULIFERA, Z.—Rare ; Barrapol. 

CAREX PANICEA, LZ.—Locally common; a slender, small-fruited 
plant occurs at the side of a loch on Scarinish Moor. At Loch- 
na-Mointeich, where the ordinary plant is common, a form 
occurs with the stalk of the male spike geniculate, as may 
occasionally be seen with C. vaginata, Tausch, in alpine 


CAREX DISTANS, £.—Rare; shore near Loch-na-Gile as a slender 

CAREX FULVA, Good.—Local; Barrapol ; fairly plentiful on Scarinish 
Moor ; Loch-na-Mointeich. 

CAREX EXTENSA, Good.—Seen only at the Fhaodhail, where it is 

CAREX FLAVA, Z.—Rather common. 
Var. cyperoides, Marsson.—Common, and frequently abundant 
in wet places. 

CAREX FLAVA x FULVA.—Loch-na-Mointeich, with both parents. 

CAREX HIRTA, Z.—Rare ; only a few plants at each locality ; road- 
sides, Barrapol and Scarinish; field behind the Hotel. 

CAREX ROSTRATA, Stokes.—Locally common in ditches and marshes. 
ALOPECURUS GENICULATUS, Z.—Common in ditches by roadsides. 

AGROSTIS CANINA, Z.—Common ; the awnless form was also seen. 


AGROSTIS PALUSTRIS, /uds. (A. alba, L.)—Common, occasionally 
with awns. 
Var. maritima, Mey.—On sand dunes. 


AMMOPHILA ARUNDINACEA, HZost.—Abundant, occupying large tracts 
on the dunes. 

AIRA PR&COX, Z.—Very common; dry banks, etc.; sometimes on 

DESCHAMPSIA CASPITOSA, 4eauv.—Rather common; Barrapol, 
Ballyphetrish, etc. 

DESCHAMPSIA DISCOLOR, Aoem. and Schult,—Rare ; near Loch-na- 


Hotcus Lanatus, Z.—Common ; chiefly by sides of fields and by 

AVENA PUBESCENS, //uds.—Rare ; among rocks at Cliad, and at 

ARRHENATHERUM AVENACEUM. Leauv.—Local ; usually at sides of 
fields, and among rocks by roadsides, as at Hynish and Bally- 

SIEGLINGIA DECUMBENS, 4ervz/.—Common ; Scarinish Moor, etc. 

PHRAGMITES COMMUNIS, Z7z7.—Commorn ; locally plentiful ; streams 
and marshy places, extending among pastures. 


K@LERIA_ cristata, /ervs.—Very common; sandy and_ rocky 
pastures, and dunes. 

Morini varia, Schrank.—Common in turfy places. 

CATABROSA AQUATICA, Leauvv.—Local, usually at the exit of streams 
on sandy shores. It is found only as the small decumbent 
form with one- or two-flowered spikelets—the latter being, I 
think, the more numerous. 

DACTYLIS GLOMERATA, Z.—Rather common; fields and roadsides. 

Poa annua, Z.—Very common in general; rare on the moorish 
ground, rather common on dunes. 


Poa TRIVIALIS, Z.—Rather rare ; mostly by roadsides and sides of 

GLYCERIA FLUITANS, &. 47.—Common in ditches. Panicle some- 
times simple and spike-like. 


GLYCERIA MARITIMA, Mert. and Koch.—Common on the salt marsh 
and muddy shore between Urvaig and Salum. A larger and 
more erect form occurs with rachis and panicle branches rough. 
This roughness of the panicle is not uncommon on this coast, 
and varies greatly in amount. 

FESTUCA ROTTBELLIOIDES, Awnth.—Locally common in sandy 
places ; Scarinish, Urvaig, Cliad. 

Festuca ovina, Z.—Common. 
Var. capil/ata, Hackel.—Ballyphetrish. 

Frstuca RUBRA, Z.—Very common on sandy pastures and dunes. 
A tall, large-flowered form also occurs on dunes with Ammophila. 
Var. pruinosa, Hackel.—Rocky shores and sea cliffs. 

FESTUCA ELATIOR, Z.—Rare ; Cornaig. 
Bromus MOLLIs, Z.—Common by roadsides and fields. 

LOLIUM PERENNE, Z.—Very common on sandy and cultivated 
ground and roadsides. 

AGROPYRON REPENS, Leauvy.—Very rare; only a few plants seen on 
the shore, at the side of a cultivated field. They probably had 
been weeded out of the field, as they had not the appearance 
of shore forms. 

AGROPYRON JUNCEUM, 4eauv.—Very common on sandy shores and 
dunes. On this coast a form occurs with leaves which are flat 
in the fresh state, remaining to a considerable extent flattened 
out under pressure when dried. I had hitherto taken this form 
to be the Z77ticum acutum of Syme’s “English Botany”; and 
I think this was the opinion, to some extent, of those botanists 
to whom I had submitted specimens. I have lately sent to 
Professor Hackel a series of specimens of this form. He 
considers that they are true jwnceum, and adds: “The true 
A. acutum (Triticum acutum, DC.!) is a hybrid between 
T. littorale, Host (which does not grow on the northern shores 
of Europe) and 7. junceum. What North European botanists 
call A. acutum are mostly hybrids between A. repens and 
junceum, but there seem to exist also distinct forms of not 
hybrid origin. The question is somewhat entangled and 
requires field observation, which I cannot procure.” A plant 
from the sandy shore of Eigg, growing with A. jumcewm and 
vepens, Professor Hackel thinks may be the hybrid. This 
recognition of hybridity ought at least to assist in clearing up 
the difficulties with regard to these shore forms. 

Narbus stricra, Z.—Common in turfy places. 

Preris AQuiLina, Z.—In local patches, but not generally spread. 



ASPLENIUM ADIANTUM-NIGRUM, Z.—Rare; Ballyphetrish or Hynish. 

ASPLENIUM MARINUM, Z.—Common among sea cliffs at the south 
of the island. 

ASPLENIUM TRICHOMANES, Z.—Rare ; among rocks at Ballyphetrish. 

ATHYRIUM FILIx-ramiNna, Roth.—Rare, though occurring in several 
places: Hynish, Scarinish, etc. 

LasTR&A Fixrx-mas, Pves/.—Rather rare; Urvaig, Salum, Hynish, etc. 
LASTR#A DILATATA, Pres/.—Very rare; Hynish Head. 

POLYPODIUM VULGARE, Z.—Locally common; Salum, Hynish 
Head, etc. 

BotrycHium Lunartia, Sw.—Very little seen; rocky bank on 
Scarinish Moor; bank at roadside between Scarinish and 

Var. serotinum, Mey. (¢este Ar. Bennett).—Field belonging 
to the Hotel, Scarinish. This form appears to be rare in 
Europe. Mr. Bennett thinks that it has been recorded 
once before from Britain. 

EQUISETUM PALUSTRE, £.—Very common. 
Var. nudum, Newn.—On the sandy shore of Loch Vassapol. 


SELAGINELLA SELAGINOIDES, Gvay.—Rare ; Scarinish Moor, near 

CHARA FRAGILIS, Vesv.—Common in the lochs on Scarinish Moor. 
Var. delicatula, Braun.—Loch-na-Gile and neighbourhood. 

CHARA ASPERA, W7@/d.—Common, and locally abundant; Loch 
Vassapol, Fhaodhail, Scarinish Moor, ete. 

CHARA CONTRARIA, Awetz.—Loch Vassapol. 

CHARA HIspipA, Z.—Rather rare ; Loch-na-Mointeich, lochs on 
Scarinish Moor. 

CHARA VULGARIS, Z.—Abundant in Loch Vassapol, its exit stream, 
and ditches by the side of the loch. 
Var. papillata, Wallr.—Ditches at Loch Vassapol. 

NITELLA TRANSLUCENS, Agardh.—Rare ; Loch-na-Gile. 

NITELLA opaca, Agardh.—Rare; Loch-na-Gile, reservoir at Hynish 

26 D 


By James W. H. Trait, A.M., M.D., F.R.S. 
(Continued from p. 46.) 

[I HAVE to thank Mr. James M‘Andrew and Mr. A. Somer- 
ville for additional information regarding the flora of S.W. 
and W. Scotland. Such of it as relates to the species 
included in this journal in January will find a place in 
supplementary notes at the close of this list, along with all 
other information that I obtain from any source too late for 
its incorporation in the list itself. All botanists able to 
favour me with information additional to these or previous 
records, or to correct any errors into which I may have 
fallen, will confer a favour by communicating the same 
to me.—J. W. H. T.] 

[Names of plants in z¢alécs, exceptfas synonyms within curved brackets,’ denote 
that the plants were certainly introduced into Scotland by man. Tf after a 
district number denotes introduction by man into the district ; ‘‘ cas.” 
denotes casual occurrence, and ‘‘ esc.” evident escape or outcast from culti- 
vation, both being due to man’s agency. Square brackets enclosing the 
name of a plant or a district number denote that the record was made in 
error. ? after a district number denotes, at least, need of confirmation ; 
after tit denotes doubt as to whether the plant owes its presence in the 
district to man. | 

CRUCIFERE (conid.) 

Diplotaxis tenuifolia, DC., 75+, 77 (?), 81 (?), 85 (?), 867, 87 cas. 

DP. muralis; YC.) 75 (esas CO no5iseO0i)20 7, Cas: 

Bursa pastoris, Weber (Capsella Bursa-pastoris, Mcench), all. 

Coronopus didymus, Sm. (Sevebiera didyma, Pers.), 75, 85, 877, 

C. Ruellii, Az. (S. Coronopus, Poir.), 73, 74, 75, 80-83, 85, 371, 
881, 921 931, 94, 951, 100, 105, 106(?). 

Lepidium latifolium, Z., 77+, 80+, 817, 82t, 85,¢ 1077. 

L. ruderale, Z., 73; 74 Cas., SO C4S.,°63, 85), 001, Ov 15 Col: 

L. sativum, 1., casual here and there. 

L. campestre, 2. Br, 72-75, 77, 81-91, 964. Dr. White states that 
“perhaps Z. campestre should be regarded rather as often a 
colonist than as a native in Perthshire.” 

L. hirtum, Sw. (Z. Smithit, Hook.), except 7S, 95, 101, 102, 104, 107, 

6. canescens, Gren. and Godr., 87-89. 


UL. Draba, \.., casual, ee. in 72, 75, 77; 89,.and 92: 
Thlaspi arvense, Z., a weed of cultivation in all except 76, 97, 98, 99, 
101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 108, 110, 112. 
Th. alpestre, Z., 88, 89, go. 
a. sylvestre (Jord.), go. 
Lberis amara, L., casual in 72, 73, 77, 79-81, 83-85, 87-89, 92. 
Teesdalia nudicaulis, R. Br, 72-75, 77-81, 83, 85, 88-93, 95, 96, 
99, 106. 
Hutchinsia petra, &. Br., 72 (?). 
Tsatis tinctoria, L., 74 cas. 
Crambe maritima, Z., 73-75, 81, 84, 85, 100, Io, 102. 
Cakile maritima, Scop., except 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 84, 88, 89, 98, 99, 
104, 105, 107. 
6. integrifolia, Koch, 110. 
Raphanus Raphanistrum, Z., all. 
R. maritimus, S7., 73-76, 98-101, 104, 110, 112 (?). 


Reseda lutea, L., casual, e.g. in 92. 

oe Luteola, L., 72, 73) 75-77) 79-99; git, 927, 94-96, Tol, 106, 
LOO; FL 2)(?).- 

R. odorata, L., casual here and there, e.g. in 92. 


Helianthemum Chamecistus, J/7//., except 76, S4, 9S, 99, 101, 102, 
OZ MOE NOS, 108, 109, 110, 111) 112. 


Viola palustris, Z., all. 

V. odorata, Z., 727, 731, 75, 771) 80, 817, 827, 837, 857, 86F, 
871, 881, 891, 901, 99 (var. alba). 

2V. hirta; Z., 72], 73, 80-83, 85, 38-01. 

V. Riviniana, Reichb. (V. sylvatica, Fr.), all. 

V. ericetorum, Schrader (V. canina, L.), except 72, 74, 75, 79, 80, 
SLA Iae Io, 97, G9, LOL, 103, 104, 105, 107, TiO hie 

V. lactea, Sm., 78 (?). 

V. tricolor, Z., all. 

1 Z. Draba, L.—I have found a plant of this species spread very freely by 
means of buds produced on roots creeping near, or a few inches below, the 
surface of the soil. The same plant has showed several very curious abnormalities 
in the structure of its flowers. 

2 Reseda Luteola, L.—This plant is scarcely more than a casual in 91 and 92. 
Its claims to be regarded as indigenous in so many districts of Scotland appear 
at least questionable. 

3 Viola hirta, L., is given as ‘‘ frequent” in 72 in ‘‘Top. Bot.,” but is not 
noted from the county in Scott-Elliott’s ‘* Flora of Dumfries.” 


V. arvensis, AZurr., a weed of cultivation in probably all, though not 
actually on record from some. 

WV. Curtisil, Forster, 72, 75, 92, 93 (?), 97> 98, 100, 103, 108, 109, 

V. lutea, Huds., except 91, 93, 95, 98, 103, 105, 107, 108, 111, 

f, ameena (Syme), 72, 73, 86, 92, 107, 108. 

Viola cornuta, L.., occurs not unfrequently as a casual on rubbish- 

heaps and waste ground. 


Polygala vulgaris, Z., except 75, 78, 79, SO, 31, §2, 83, 84, 88, 91, 
93, 94, 98, 99, 101, 104, 111. 

P. oxyptera, Feichb., 73, 74, 86, 87-90, 106. 

P. serpyllacea, Wethe, except 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, &2, §4. 

P. calcarea, /: Schultz, 108. 


Dianthus Armeria, Z., 72-74, 80(?), 831, 89 (exterminated a few 
years ago by agriculture), go. 
D. deltoides, Z., 741, 75, 77, 80-85, 87-91, 95(?), 96, 101 (2), 
106 (?), 112 (?). 
b. glaucus (Z.), 83. 
(D. prolifer, Z., is said in Hooker’s “Student’s Flora” to occur in 
“oravelly pastures from Perth southwards.”) 
Saponaria Vaccaria, L., casual, ¢.g. ii 17/25 O2: 
S. officinalis, L., casual or introduced in many districts, ¢.g. 74, 92. 
Silene Cucubalus, Wibel, except 97, 98, 101, 103, 108, 110% (), 
TIL); AL: 
b. puberula, Syme, occasionally met with. 
. maritima, With., except 79, SO, S6. 
. CONICAs 775,025.90, 10 52 
. anglica, Z., 75, 807, 827, 83, 85, 867, 88 (?)i igo; 92 1Cas 25 ii 
. dichotoma, Ehrh., casual in 92, 95. 
. acaulis, Z., 86-90, 92, 94, 96-99, 103-105, 107, 108, I10-112. 
; nutans, Z., $5, 90,92. 
S. ttalica, Pers., 837. 
S. noctiflora, Z., 72 cas., 80, 81 (2), 82, 83 (?), 85, 86, 877 (?), go. 
Lychnis alba, 1/2, except 50, 84, 98, 100, 101, 103; 10%, 107, 
109, TTT ALE. 
EL dioica, Z,,,all: 
L. Flos-cuculi, Z., all. 
L. Viscaria, Z., 72 cas. 73 cas., 80, 83, 85-90, 106 (?). 
L. alpina, Z., 90. 

NNR Nunn 


L. Githago, Scop., a weed of cultivation in all except 78, 79, 97, 9S, 
LOG, 108; 110: THe: 
Cerastium tetrandrum, Curtis, except 72, 78, 79, $4, 93, 98, 103, 
C. pumilum, Curtis, 85 (??). 
C. semidecandrum, Z., except 78, 79, 84, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 
10%, 105, 108, 109; 1105 110 (e)y 117 (e). 
C. glomeratum, ZAu7/7., all. 
b. apetalum, Dum., 89. 
C. triviale, Zz7., all. 
6. holosteoides, #7., 88, 89. 
c. pentandrum, Syme, 73. 
d. alpinum, JZer¢. and Koch, 90, 96, 112. 
e. longirostre (Wichura), 112. 
C. alpinum, Z., 72, 86-90, 92, 94, 96-99, 104, 106-108. 
6. pubescens, Syme, 88, 104. 
C. arcticum, Zange, 88, 94, 97, 98, 108. 
6. Edmonstonii, Leeby, 112. 
C. arvense, Z., 72-74, 77, 79-82, 85-94, 951, 96. 
C. trigynum, V7//., 88, 92, 94, 96, 97, 107. 
Stellaria aquatica, Scop., [77], 80(?), 86, [go], [111]. 
S. nemorum, Z., 72, 73, 75-77, 79-81, 83, 85 (?), 86-92, 94-96, 99. 
S. media, Cyr., all. 
6. Borzeana (/ord.) 
c. major, Koch. 
S. umbrosa, Of72, 85, 88, 89, 108. 
S. Holostea, Z., except 104, 110, 112. 
Sy palusins, 227k. 72, 73, 74 (2), 79, 77, 80, 81, 822), 63, 65-85. 
S. graminea, Z., except 102, 110. 
S. uliginosa, AZurr., except S4. 
Arenania verna, Z.,°72, 73, 77 (°), 81, 83, 88, 80, 90(?), 92, 93, 
A. sulcata, Schlecht., 88, 89, 108, 112. 
A. tenuifolia, Z., [83], [85]. 
A. trinervia, Z., except 78, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 108, 110, 111, 
A. serpyllifolia, Z., except 104. 
6, glutinosa, Koch, the commoner form. 
c. leptoclados (Guss.), 74. 
A. norvegica, Gunn., 108, 111 (?), 112. 
A. peploides, Z., except 77, 78, 79, 80, 86, 88, 89. 
var. diffusa, 112. 
A. sedoides, Schultz, 88, 90, 97, 98, 104, 105, 108, 112 (?). 
Sagina maritima, Don, except 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 88, 97 (?), 98, 107. 
c. densa (/ord.), 74. 
d. alpina, Syme, 97. 



apetala, Z., 73, 74, 81, 82, 86, 87, 89, 97, 99, 102, 109, 110, 
. ciliata, /7., 77 (?), 80-83, 85-89, 91, 92, 94. 
. procumbens, Z., all. 
. Boydii, & B. White, 92. 
. Linnei, Pres?, [75], 88-90, 92, 96-98, 106, 108, [111], 112. 
. nivalis, 7., 88, 90 (?), 98 (?) or 99 (?), 104 (?). 
» subulata, Pyesl, except 78, 79, SO, 32, 105, JOG 10a 10a: 
var. glabrata, 112. 
S. nodosa, Fenz/, except 78, $4, 107. 
1 Spergula arvensis, Z., in all, as a weed of cultivation. 
a. vulgaris (Benn.), 74, Perthshire “in several places,” 91, 
b. sativa (Benn.), 74, 87-93, 96, 98, 110, 111. 
2 Buda rubra, Dum. (Spergularia rubra, Pers.), except 79, 97, 101, 
103; 104; 107, 108, L095 SLO, 172. 
B. marina, Dum. (S. salina, Presl.), except 77, 78, 79, 80, $4, 86, 
S68; 97, 103, 105; 107, 1095 410. 
a. genuinum, 72-74. 
6. medium (/7.) 
c. neglecta (Kzindb.), 74, 81, 85-87, 89-92, 97, 98, 102, 
104, 105, 108-111. , 
B. media, Dum. (.S. media, Pers., L. marginatum, Koch), 72-76, 85, 
90, 91, 93, 97-100, 103-108, II0-112. 
B. rupestris (S. vupestris, Lebel), 73-75, 93, 101, IIo. 



C. perfoliata, Donn, and C. sibirica, L., have been found as escapes, 
more or less established in Perthshire, and also in other dis- 
tricts, e.g. C. sébirvica in 73, 93, 94, and C. perfoliata in 91 
and 92. 

Montia fontana, Z., except 79, 82, S4. No doubt this occurs in 
every district. Both the forms repens, Pers. (sznor, Gmel.), 
and erecta, Pers. (major, Gmel.), occur wherever I have observed 
this species in suitable situations. 


Elatine hexandra, DC., 86, 87, 89, 91, 92, 100, IIo. 

1 Spergula arvensis, L.—The variety sat?va appears to be that generally dis- 
tributed in Scotland. I have met with wz/garzs rarely (and only of late years), 
usually as an evidently recent introduction. 

* Buda, Adans.—This is the genus variously given in British Floras, and in 
earlier editions of the ‘‘ London Catalogue,” as Sfergularia, Persoon, and Lefr- 
gonum, Fries, 



Hypericum Androsemum, Z., 73-76, 80, 81}, 831, 851, 86, 877, 
97-105, 106 (?). 

HT. calycinum, ., introduced as an ornamental plant here and there, 

H. perforatum, Z., except 95, 97, 102, 103, 104, 108, 110, 111(?), 

H. dubium, Zeers, 72-79, 81, 85 (?), 86-89, 98, 100, 109. 

H. quadratum, Szofes, most of the records for “ H. quadrangulum, 
L.” (all districts except 78, 84, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 
112) probably belong to this form. 

. humifusum, Z., except 78, 82, 84, 96, 98, 105, 106, 107, 108, 

. pulchrum, Z., all. 

b. procumbens, Rostrup, 112. 

. hirsutum, Z., except 74(?), S84, 96, 97, 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 
105, 107, 108, 109) 110, 117, 112. 

. montanum, Z., 75, 98, 106. 

. elodes, Z., 73-75, 98-100, 102, 103, 110, 111 (?). 

am, jae; jae fae) a 


Althzea officinalis, Z., 727, 731, 86(?), 99 (?), 1007. 

Lavatera arborea, Z., 741, 75, 821; 851, 94 Cas., 1oo7. 

Malva moschata, L., 72-75) 77; 80-83, 35-89, got, 921, 94; 9515 
967, 99, 100, 102, 107}, 10gF. 

M. sylvestris, Z., 72, 73, 74, 75-77, 80-86, 877, 881, 891, 90, 911, 
921, 931, 941; 951 (?), 967 (?), 99, 100, 102, 106. 

M. rotundifolia, Z., 721, 741 (?), 75) 77, 80-83, 85, 86, 871, 891, 
9°, 91, 927, 93Ts 95T, 106T. 

M. borealis, Wallm., casual in various districts, e.g. in 72, Perth- 
shire, 92. 


Tilia, Z., no species of this genus can be regarded as indigenous in 
Scotland, though all the three included in the “ London Cata- 
logue” may be met with; the trees are, in almost all cases, 
more or less evidently introduced by man. 

1 MALVACEa&.—The claims of the species of this order to be indigenous in 
Scotland are not free from suspicion. Their beauty, and the reputed medicinal 
value of some, have rendered them favourites in cultivation ; and the localities in 
which they occur are often evidences of their introduction by man, The mark 7 
should be more freely employed in this order. 



1 Radiola linoides, Roth (R. Millegrana, Sm.), except 77, 78, 79, 82, 
SD, ON OL LO Tet 10, 

Linum catharticum, Z., all. 

L. perenne, Z., 72 cas., 73 cas., 83 (??). 

L. an: RG UE: Binds, 73 cas. 

L. usttatissimum, L., a elie or weed of cultivation, and casual on 
rubbish heaps in many districts. 


Geranium sanguineum, Z., except 72, 76, 77, 78, 79, S4, 87, 94, 
97, 98, 99, AOT, 104, HOS. 107, 0 saad Ona cols, 112. 
ad. micranthum, /& &. White, 88. 
G. striatum, L., a rare escape or casual, 92. 
G. pheum, L., escape or outcast in 72-76, gt. 
. sylvaticum, Z., except 74, 101, 103, 104, 107, 110, 112. 
. pratense, L., except 84, 95, 97, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 
LAT Me, 
» pyrenaicum, Burm. fil., 724, 75, 80, 83, 85, 887, 891,95 
967, 100. 
molle, Z., all, probably in some (e.g. Orkney) introduced with 
agricultural seeds. 
. pusillum, Z., 77, 80-83, 85; 86, 877, 88+, 897, 90, 94-96, T0090, 
102, 106; (? introduced in some cases not marked). 
; ue Le, S250 o sine 
. dissectum, Z., Bee 108, 112. 
columbinum, 25 734, 75) 7qe@)y 90; OL, O35 05-90; 901(e),) 102. 
. lucidum, Z., except 78, 79, 94, 95, 97, 101, 102%, 103, 107, 108, 
109, 110, {111}, 112. Undoubtedly introduced by man in 
N.E. Scotland, and probably so in a good many other districts. 
G. Robertianum, Z., all. 
Erodium cicutarium, LZ’ Herit., except 78, 79, 111 (2), 172. 
£. moschatum, VL) Herit., casual in 73, 807, 887, 92. 
E. maritimum, LZ’ Hev7z., 74. 
Oxalis Acetosella, Z., except 112. 
O. corniculata, L., a garden weed here and there, e.g. In 72-74, 92. 
Impatiens Nolt-tangere, L., 72+, 747, 777, 807, 831, 87 Cas., QoF, 
L. fulva, Nuttall. 
L, parvifiora, DC., 737. 

Gia aie) =a) G) Gla 

1 Radiola linoides, Roth, shows a very frequent association with Cezetunculius 
minimus, L. On several occasions the discovery of one of these local plants has 
led me to look for the other, and I have seldom failed on these occasions to find 
it, though previously unaware of its occurrence in the locality. 



Ilex Aquifolium, Z., except 93, 106, 107, 109, 111, 112. Marked 
with + for 74 and 99, and should perhaps be so in some other 


Kuonymus) europzeus, Z., 72,73, 77 (©), So; SI, S3i(@t), S0n, 

109 (?). 

1 Rhamnus catharticus, Z., 72+, 737, 911, 921, 941, 10oT. 

R. Frangula, EE 7275 7313 75> 864, 89, git, 927; 9375 95; 1067, 
107}. <A doubtful native, at least in Mid and North Scotland. 


Acer Pseudoplatanus, \.., introduced by man, probably into almost 
every district in Scotland, and very readily naturalising itself 
and spreading by seedlings. 

A. platanoides, L., is also a widespread, though less abundant, intro- 
duction in many districts. 

A. campestre, Z., occurs in 72-74, 76-78, 80, 81, 83-85, 89-92, 98, 
100, 102, 109, and probably in most other districts ; but there 
is no sufficient evidence that its presence anywhere in Scotland 
is not due to man. 


2 Lupinus perennis, L., 88+, 89, 91+, 92+, 106+, r11T. 

Genista anglica, Z., 72-74, 77, 79-83, 85-97, 106. 

G. tinctoria, Z., 72-74, 80, 81, 83 (?). 

Ulex europzeus, Z., all, but noted as ¢ in 103, 111, 112. 

U. Gallii, Planch., 72-74, 80, 93+ (?) (once). 

U. nanus, Forster, 72, 73, 74(?), 75; very doubtfully in 81, 83, 85, 
9°, 95. 

Cytisus scoparius, zk, except 110, 111+, 112. 

6. prostratus, Bazley, g2 (high level on Ben-a-Bourd). 

Ononis repens, Z., except 97, 101, 103, 104, 105, 107, 109. 110 

O. spinosa, Z., 72-74, 75, 81-83, 85, 86, 90 (?),£99 (?). 

1 Rhamnus, L.—Both R. catharticus and R. Frangula are not infrequent 
in some districts in localities that occasionally suggest them as Scotch plants ; 
but there is not sufficient evidence to regard them as indigenous. 

* Lupinus perennis, L., has been very thoroughly naturalised for a good 
many years beside the Dee, Tay, and other rivers in Scotland, and has even 
altered the bed of the stream by causing the accumulation of rubbish during winter 
on the shingle beds. In many places it forms such masses as almost to exclude 
other vegetation. Along the Dee it has materially encroached on the native flora. 
I have seen it also naturalised on moorland in Orkney. 


O. reclinata, Z., 747 (?). 
Trigonella purpurascens, Zam., 72 (?), 75, 76, 83, 85, 90 (?). 
Medicago sativa, L., almost naturalised in a good many districts, 
e.g. 74, 76, 88-90, 92. 
MM. sylvestris, Fr., 75%. 
M. falcata, V.., casual or seminaturalised, 92. 
M. lupulina, Z., except 101, 104, 110, 111+, 112. 
1M. denticulata, Wid/d., 72 cas., 78} (?), 807 (?), 851 (?), 92 Cas. 
1M. arabica, Huds. (MM. maculata, Sibth.), 741, 78+ (?), 80t (?), 
857 (?), 87 cas., 88 Cas., g2 Cas. 
1Melilotus officinalis, Zam., 76, 77, 80, 81+ (?), 821 (?), 837 (?) 
857 (2), 867, casual in 88-92, 95. 
M. alba, Desr., casual in 75, 80-88, 90, 92, 97. 
M. arvensis, Wallr., casual in 72, 73. 
M. indica, All. (MZ. parvifiora, Lam.), casual in 88, 92. 
Trifolium subterraneum, L., 757: 
T. pratense, Z., all. 
a. sativum, Syme, is common in cultivated pastures, and 
occurs as an escape elsewhere. 
b. sylvestre, Syme, is the common variety of uncultivated 
medium, Z., except 105, 109. 
ochroleucon, Huds., casual in 72, 92. 
incarnatum, L., casual, or as a relict of cultivation (e.g. in 88, 
stellatum, \.., casual, 88, 92. 
arvense, L., except 84, 97, 98, 101, 103, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 
striatum, Z., 74, 75, 80-91, [111]. 
scabrum, Z., $2, 83, 85, 90, (g1 requires confirmation). 
glomeratum, L., casual, 88, 89. 
hybridum, .., very frequent in cultivated fields, and often as an 
escape or casual. 
repens, ea, eal 
T. fragiferum, Z., 75, 81-83, 85, 89. 
2 T. agrarium, L., 88-96, 106. 
3T. procumbens, Z., except 98, 110, 1117, 112. 
T. dubium, S7d¢h., except 95, 1117, 112. 
a. pygmeum, S. Wil/em., is not uncommon in dry poor 


1 Medicago denticulata, Willd., M. arabica, Huds., and Melilotus officinalis, 
Lam., can scarcely be regarded as natives anywhere in Scotland. Indeed, they 
are little more than casuals wherever I have seen them. 

2 7. agrarium, L., is of frequent occurrence in fields in the east of Scotland, 
but cannot be reckoned indigenous. 

3 7. procumbens, L., occurs in two forms: majus, Koch (usually the com- 
moner), and wzz22s, Koch. 


1 T. filiforme, Z., 77 (?), 80, 82 (?), 83 (?), 84 (?), 85 (?), 90 (?), 91 (?), 
92 (?), 93 (?), 94(?), 95 (?), 96, 106 (?). 
Anthyllis Vulneraria, Z., except 78. 
6. coccinea, L. (Dillenit, Schultz), 106, 109, 112. 
Lotus corniculatus, Z., all. 
6. crassifolius, Pevs., the sea-shore form, recorded from 73, 
74, 89, and 112, but elsewhere in suitable localities. 
*L. tenuis, Waldst. and Kiz., 80+, 81-85, 87(?), 90, 91, 92T. 
L. uliginosus, Schkuhr (L. major, Sm.), except 95, 96, 97, 104, 105, 
HOG, LOT, 108, 110) 111, P17, 
Astragalus alpinus, Z., 89, 90, 92. 
A. danicus, Retz. (A. Hypoglottis, L.), 73-75, 81-85, 87-92, 94-96, 
A. glycyphyllos, Z., 72 (?), 73, 74, 77 (?), 80-91, 93, 94, 951, 106. 
Oxytropis uralensis, DC., 74, 75, 85, 88-90, 98, 106, 108, 109. 
O. campestris, DC., 89, go. 
Ornithopus perpusillus, Z., 72-75, 77, 83, 85-90, 921, 931, 94, 95; 
Coronilla varia, L., 72 Cas. 
Hippocrepis comosa, Z., 75, 91 (?). 
Onobrychis viciefolia, Scop. (O. sativa, L.), casual (eg. in 83, go, 
92, 95). 
Vicia hirsuta, Gray, except 108, 110, 111 (?), 112. 
V. gemella, Crantz (V. tetrasperma, Mcench.), [72], 73, 75, 77; 80, 
SaOmeoz is Col (P), GOT (PF), O2)CaSy 1O3i(P), mma): 
Ve Gracca, 2% alll 
Ve Orobus9EC.792, 73,74; 775 79 00; O15 03-05,00-0010 76 LOs. 
104, 108. 
V. sylvatica, Z., except 76, 78, 84, 98, 102, 103, 107, 111, 112. 
V. sepium, Z., all. 
V. lutea, Z., 72 cas., 73-75, 83, 85, 88 (??), go, 91. 
V. sativa, L., frequent in cultivation, and as a casual escape. 
V. angustifolia, Z., except 78, 79, 81(?), 82 (?), 98, 99 (2), 101, 102, 
HOS, 105, 108, 109, 110, 117, 172. 
6. Bobartii, Koch, a frequent form where the species occurs. 
V. lathyroides, Z., 73-75, 80-83, 85, 88-96, 99, 100, 106. 
V. bithynica, L., 72 cas. 
Lathyrus Aphaca, L., introduced or casual in 72, 75, 83, 88, 89, 
L. Nissolia, L., casual in 75, go. 
Le drsitus, L575 1- 
L. pratensis, Z., all. 
1 T. filiforme, L.—The records for this plant in Scotland are mostly sus- 
Picious, small forms of 7. dzbcum having been mistaken for it in at least some 
cases. Mr. A. Somerville found it at Aviemore (96) in 1891. 

2 Lotus tenuis, W. and K.—The claims to be indigenous in at least some of 
the counties recorded should be further investigated. 


‘LL. sylvestris, Z., 721, 73-75, 77, 81, 83, 87+ (?), 88 (?), 90, 91, 100, 
102, 103, Loo; 

[L. palustris, Z., was recorded from Scotland by Lightfoot, but there 
is no doubt the record was erroneous. | 

L. maritimus, 4zge/, go, 111 (?), 112. 

L. montanus, Bernh. (L. macrorhizus, Wimm.), all. 

6. tenuifolius, Reichd. fil., not infrequently met with. 
L. niger, Wimm., 89 (nearly extinct in 1892), 90, 96. 


Prunus spinosa, Z., except 109+ (?), 110, 111, 112. 

P. insititia, Zuds., 72-74, 751, 76, 77, 807, 81}, 834, 854, 88t, 
897, 90F, OIF, 99, 100, 106 (?), 107. 

P. domestica, V.., escape, in 72, 73, 86+, Perthshirey+. 

?P. avium, L., except 84, 93, 98, 101, 104, 105, 106, 108, 110, 

P. Cerasus, L., 83%, 87t, 88+, 891, 914, 924, 94T- 

PB Padus, 2 excepu 95, 110) 11d, Te: 

Spirea salitfolia, L., occasionally semi-naturalised, e.g. in 72-74, 
86, Perthshire, 91, 92. 

S: Wimarias 7; all: 

6. denudata, Benn. recorded by Dr. White from Perth- 
shire, not common. 

S. Filipendula, Z. 72(?), 771, 81, 83, 95, 88, 00) O17}, u920eas) 
1067, 1ogf (?). 

Rusus, Z. In this genus the determination of the forms is so 
difficult, and the older records are so often not fully reliable, 
that I have followed the Rev. W. Moyle Rogers’s papers in the 
subjoined enumeration for the most part. His determinations, 
based on examples found or seen by himself, are denoted by 
bare numbers. Mr. Bennett’s ‘‘ Additional Records” have also 
been drawn upon, and are indicated by “a.” For Perthshire 
(87, 88, 89), Dr. Buchanan White in his “ Perthshire Flora ” 
has recorded numerous forms, most of which were determined 
by Professor Babington. These records are indicated by “ w,” 
where not confirmed by Mr. Rogers. All other records un- 
confirmed by specimens are enclosed in brackets. 

1 Lathyrus sylvestris, L., may not be indigenous in some of the districts from 
which it has been recorded. It is probably not so in $7, 88. It has been 
questioned as indigenous in 91 (Kincardine) ; but there seems no good reason in 
its habitat there, at St. Cyrus, to attribute its introduction to man. 

2 Prunus avium, L.—It is difficult to ascertain in how far the Gean is indi- 
genous in Scotland, owing to the easy distribution of its seeds. There is little 
doubt that it is not indigenous in a number of the counties from which it has 
been reported. 




Pind Ww WP WW We We 


. Idzeus, Z., all. 

6. obtusifolius, W7dd. (Leest?, Bab.), 72, 85, Perthshire. 
c. asperrimus, Lees, 87. 

. fissus, Lind/., (72), 73a, 75, 86-91, (92), 96, 97, (98, 99), 105, 

106, III. 

. suberectus, Anders., (72); 73, (74); (76), (81), 86-88, 89w, (90), 

(92), 96, 97, (98), 105a. 

. sulcatus, Ves¢., Perth, w. 
. plicatus, W. and W,, (72), (74), (81), 87, 88, 89w, (90), (91), 

92, 96-99, (100), 102, 103, 104a, 105-107. 
6. hemistemon (P. /. AZuel/.), (88), 109. 

. Rogersii, Zinzton, 87, 88, 89, 106, 1072. 

nitidus, W. and JV, 97. 

. opacus, Facke, (107). 

affinis, W. and JV., (74), 77a, 87w, 88w, 89w, 94a, 95, 1038, 

. latifolius, Bad., 83, 84, 88, 89w, 97. 
. carpinifolius, W. and JV., (72 ?), 88w, 89w, 97, 98, 103, 105, 

110 (?), 

. incurvatus, 4ad., 76, 87, 88w, 8gw, 105, IIo. 
. Lindleianus, Lees, 72, 73a, 74, 75a, 76, 86-88, 89w, 97a, 99, 


. rhamnifolius, W. and JV., (72), 73, 74, 85-88, 89w, 92, 95, 98, 


. nemoralis, P. J. Muell., 87. 

6. glabratus, Lad., 86. 

. pulcherrimus, /Vewm., (72), 73, (74), 87; 97-99; 103-105, I10. 
. Scheutzil, Zzudeb., 86-88, 99. 
. Lindebergii, P. 7, AZuell., 87, 88. 

Dumnoniensis, 4ad., 97, 98, 103. 

. villicaulis (sp. collect.), 72, 77, 86, 88, 89, 96-98, 100a, 103, 

105, 106, 108. 
a. villicaulis, Koeh/., 97a, 106, 108. 
b. Selmeri (Zzndeb.), 72, (74), 77, 84, 86-89, 96-98, 103- 

¢. insularis (# Aresch.), 84, 87, 88, 97, 98, 104, 106, 
I 10a. 

. thombifolius, Wezhe, 87, (110). 

. gratus, Focke, 8gw, 104a, IIo. 

. rusticanus, AZerc., 75, 89W, 91, 100, ITO. 

. thyrsoideus, Wimm., (92). 

. macrophyllus (sp. collect.), 72, (73), 81, 84, 86-88, 92, 95, 96, 

98, 100, 105, 106. 
a. macrophyllus, W. and V., 84, 88w, 89w, 98, 100, 106. 
6. Schlechtendalii (Wezhe), 84, 96, 98, 106. 
a, amplificatus (Lees), 72, 88w, 89w, Ioo. 

R. Sprengelii, Wezhe, 73a, 74a, 8gw. 
R. micans, Gren. and Godr., 88, 107. 
R. hirtifolius, JZue//. and Wirtz., 86, 98. 
6. danicus, Focke, 86-88, 98, 102, 108. 
R. pyramidalis, Ka/¢., 87, 88w, 89w, 96, 97, 105. 
R. leucostachys, Schleich., 81, 105a, 107. 
R. mucronatus, Blox., 81, 84-89, 91, 92, 96-98, 100, 102, 103, 
105-107, IO. 
R. melanoxylon, JZ. and W., 87. 
R. infestus, Wethe, 72a, 86-89, 97. 
R. Drejeri, G. Jezsen, 86, 87. 
R. tadula (sp. collect.), 72-755) 70, 663,) 65;) 100, 66, 09, Ol, aos. 

105, L060, 110: 
a. radula, Wezhe, 85, 86, 88, 103, 104, 106, I10. 
6. anglicanus, Rogers, 87. 
c. echinatoides, Rogers, 84, 86-88. 
R. echinatus, Zzza/., 76, 81, 86, 88w, 89w, 95. 
R. oigoclados, A/uel/. and Lefv. 
6. Newbouldu, 4ad., 85. 
[R. Lejeunei, 7. and 1] 
? &, ericetorum, Lefv., 88, 89w. 
R. thyrsiger, Bad., 104. 
R. rosaceus (sp. collect.), 88, 89, 97. 
b. hystrix, Wand WV. 89. 
d. Purchasianus, Rogers, 91, 92. 
e. infecundus, Rogers, 97, 99. 
. Koehleri (sp. collect.), 72-74, 82, 83, 87-89, 100. 
b.* pallidus, Bad., 72, 87, 88, 89w, 100. 
. plinthostylus, Genev., 73. 
. serpens, Wezhe. 
6. rivularis, AZuel. and Wirt., 86. 
. hirtus, W. and &., 73. 
. britannicus, Pogers, 86-88. 
. dumetorum, 7” and WV, 86, 88, 89, 106. 
a. ferox, Wethe, 81. 
b. diversifolius (Zzza7.), 86, 89w, 106. 
e. tuberculatus, Bad., 86, 88, 89. 
g. fasciculatus, P. /. AZuell., 88w, 89. 
R. corylifolius, Sw., 73, 74, 76, 81, 36-89, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97, 100, 
104, 105a, 106, 107, 109, I10. 
a. sublustris (Zees), 73, 74, 86, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 104. 
6. cyclophyllus, Zzvdeb., 74, 76, 86, 89, 91, 92, 100. 
R. Balfourianus, Blox., (73), 81, 89. 
R. ceesius, Z., 74, 80, 84, 86-88, 89w, 91, 109. 
c. arvensis, Wallr., 80. 
R. saxatilis, Z., except 78, SZ, S4. 



R. Chameemorus, Z., 72, 77-81, 83, 86-94, 96-98, 105-109. 

[R. arcticus, Z., was recorded many years ago from Ben-a-Ghlo, in 
89, but almost certainly in error. | 

Dryas octopetala, Z., 87-90, 92, 96, 98, 101, 104, 105, 108, 111. 

Geum urbanun, Z., except 102, 104, 110, 111+ (?), 112. 

G. rivale, Z., except 110. 

G. intermedium, Z%rh. (urbanum x rivale), except 78, S4, 92, 93, 
94, 96, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112. 

G. macrophyllum, Willd., 92} (in one place abundant). 

(Zo be continued. ) 


[We have pleasure in bringing under the notice of our readers 
the invitation and information contained in the following letter.— 
Eps. | 

International Congress of Zoology—Cambridge Meeting, 1898. 
December 1897. 

Sir,—As the Fourth Congress of Zoologists is to be held in 
England, we have the honour to express to you our hope that you 
will be able to be present, and aid us in making the Fourth Congress 
as useful and important as the three which have preceded it. A 
Committee of Reception has been formed in Cambridge, where the 
Congress will meet on the 23rd August 1898, and we believe that 
the members of that University and others will accord a hearty 
welcome to the Congress and make every arrangement for the con- 
venience of our meetings. It may be of interest to you to know 
that an International Congress of Physiologists will be held at the 
same time in Cambridge. We propose at a later date to send you 
further information on the more important subjects which will be 
brought forward for the consideration of the Congress.—We remain, 
Sir, your obedient Servants, Joun Lusgock, President. 

[Here follows a List of the General Committee, in which are the 
names of the leading Scottish zoologists.—EDs. | 

Lesser Shrew in Tiree.—On the 24th of December last, I 
received in the flesh, from my valued correspondent Mr. Peter 
Anderson, a Lesser Shrew (Sovex minutus) which he had captured 
on the island of Tiree. Mr. Anderson informs me that, although he 
has lived twelve years in the island, he has only seen this example, 
and one other which he noticed the day before the capture was 
made. While acknowledging that this Shrew may occur in more 
of the islands, Messrs. Harvie-Brown and Buckley only mention its 


presence in Eigg in their “ Fauna of Argyll and the Inner Hebrides.” 


The Badger in Kirkeudbrightshire.—In Mr. Robert Service’s 
‘Mammalia of Solway,” in a previous volume of the ‘ Annals” 
(1896, p. 204), one of the last Badgers (A/e/es taxus) in the Solway 
district is said to have been killed near Dalbeattie in 1870. It 
may be useful to record that, a few years before that date, two 
Badgers escaped from a ship lying at anchor in Gibb’s Hole. Both 
of them were trapped by keepers about the same date as Mr. 
Service gives. ‘The one was on Munches estate and the other at 
the Scaur. So that it is very probable that the Badger Mr. Service 
mentions was one of these, and not a native-—Norman B. KINNEAR, 


The Harvest Mouse in Renfrewshire.—There is preserved in 
the Free Museum, Paisley, the nest of a Harvest Mouse (JZus 
minutus, Pallas). This nest was found by me in the parish of 
Kilbarchan in the beginning of the winter of 1895. It was by the 
side of a hawthorn hedge, about which there had grown many rank 
specimens of the reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea). The 
stalks of this grass were still standing, but withered, and the nest was 
fastened to some two of the stalks and a small twig of hawthorn. 
The nest stood a little over two feet from the ground; was com- 
posed almost entirely of the blades of Phalaris arundinacea ; was 
round in shape; and, as it now stands in the museum, it measures 
34 in. by 37 in., the latter being its height. To me it seems difficult 
to give an accurate description as to how the blades are fastened 
together. There is no cement used, but on the outer walls of the 
nest the flat blades of grass are spirally twisted round, so that when 
the nest is tenanted by a family of young it would seem as if the 
whole fabric expanded and its walls became tighter and closer knit 
together. On looking at the nest there seems to be no entrance 
to it, and it is probably entered from below. ‘The blades of the 
grass composing the interior of the nest are finely cut and torn. 
By the side of the hedge where the nest was found one of the fields 
had been cropped with cereals. I have also seen the nest of the 
Harvest Mouse in Abbey Parish, Renfrewshire, built in the same 
manner as the above described, but finer in appearance from finer 
blades of grass having been used. I have seen as many as three of 
them within a few feet of each other, but in these cases only raised 
from 5 to 8 inches above the ground. They were also at the root 
of a hawthorn hedge by the side of a cornfield, and were observed in 
the winter months when the hedges were leafless.—J. M. B. Tay.or, 
Curator, Free Museum, Paisley. 

The White-beaked Dolphin in the Moray Firth in January.— 
On the 12th of last January a female Lagenorhynchus albirostris got 


entangled in the fishing-net of a Portessie boat, and, being captured, 
was landed at Buckie. I examined it a few days after, and iden- 
tified the species, though the colour was somewhat abnormal. The 
fins and flukes of the tail had been cut off, so that exact measure- 
ments could not be taken. The total length of the animal was 
about 7 feet. The colour was black above, changing to gray along 
sides and on ventral surface ; with only a narrow white stripe along 
the median ventral line; very little white on the snout, which 
projected about 3 inches beyond the forehead. The lower jaw 
projected about an inch beyond the upper. The skull measured : 
total length, 18 in. ; breadth, behind orbits, 9} in.; height, 8 in. ; 
length of rostrum, 9 in.; length of mandible, 144 in.; teeth, 24 
and 34, the largest were + of an inch in diameter. It is stated by 
Mr. Evans in his “ Mammals of the Edinburgh District” that this 
species has only been found on our coasts in July, August, and 
September. I thought this species worth recording, as no mention 
is made of it in Messrs. Harvie-Brown and Buckley’s “ Vertebrate 
Fauna of the Moray Basin.’”—Wm. Taytor, Lhanbryde. 

Hyperoodon rostrata in the Moray Firth.—In November 
1894 a male of the Common Bottlenose Whale was cast ashore at 
Burghead. The specimen measured 24 feet 6 inches in length, 
and was 13 feet in girth. Messrs. Harvie-Brown and Buckley men- 
tion only two occurrences of this Cetacean in their ‘Fauna of 
Moray,” and the specimen now recorded does not appear to have 
come under their notice.—Wwm. TayLor, Lhanbryde, Elgin. 

An Old Note on Ailsa Craig.—I have never seen any writer on 
ornithology alluding to the subjoined note on Ailsa Craig, and it 
will no doubt be new to many readers of the ‘‘ Annals.” I make 
the quotation from Robertson’s ‘ Historic Ayrshire,” in which there 
is reproduced a “ Description of Carrick in 1696, by William Aber- 
crummie, Episcopal Minister of Maybole.” Abercrummie states, 
speaking of the people of Carrick that: “They have plenty of 
poultry, hens, capons, ducks, geese, and turkeys, at easie rates ; and 
for wild-foul, partridge, moor-foul, blackcocks, pliver, no place is 
better provided: besyde, store of solan-geese in so great plenty, that 
the very poorest of the people eat of them in their season, at easie 
rates: besides other sea-fowls, which are brought from Ailsa, of the 
bigness of ducks, and of the taste of solan-geese, and are called 
Albanacks or Atlsa cocks, and Tarnathans, of which there is so great 
a multitude about that Isle, that when, by the shot of a piece, they 
are put upon the wing, they will darken the heavens above the 
spectators. This Ailsa is a rock in the sea, in which those solan- 
geese nestle and breed; in which also there be conies and wild 
doves.” ——JOHN PATERSON, Glasgow. 

[The Albanack, or Albunac, or “ Ailsa Cock,” is, we believe, the 
Puffin; and the Tarnathan the Guillemot.—Ebs. | 

26 E 


Jays in Seotland.—In the January number of the ‘“ Annals ” 
the reappearance of Jays (Garrulus glandarius) is reported from 
Dumfriesshire and Berwickshire. I have heard also that one at 
least has been shot in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Mr. 
Service suggests that these are birds on migration. Possibly ; but I 
venture to suggest another explanation. In 1891, being anxious to 
restore Jays to this part of the country (Wigtownshire), I obtained 
twelve young birds from Mr. Baker of Mount Street, and, having 
kept them in a pheasant pen till full grown, released them in the 
autumn of that year. They have bred regularly since then, but do 
not appear to increase in numbers in these woods. It is possible 
that some of the offspring of this colony have spread to neighbouring 
counties. Game preservers may look upon this as a mischievous 
experiment, but I submit that the beautiful Jay is not one whit more 
injurious to game than the grimy, and far more numerous, Jackdaw. 
As for the effect on game at Monreith, the tenant of the shooting 
there reports having shot 11,500 Partridges in the last three seasons, 
(1895-96, 1896-97, and 1897-98), of which the last was a bad 
breeding season in these parts. Of Pheasants, he turned down 
1200 during the present season and shot 1400, which does not 
look as if the presence of a few Jays was very hurtful HERBERT 

The Garden Warbler South of the Grampians.—Mr. Saunders’s 
“Manual of British Birds” is the best book on the distribution of 
birds in Scotland, yet in the case of the Garden Warbler (Sy/uza 
hortensts) the information regarding Scotland in the new edition 
(pt. ii.) is not quite up to his usual standard. It would appear, 
from Mr. Saunders’s account, that the fact of this species being 
more abundant in ‘‘Solway” than the Blackcap was a distinction 
particular to that region ; but a similar state of matters obtains, Mr. 
Evans tells me, in “ Forth,” and the same may be said of “ Clyde.” 
I find it general in suitable places in localities widely separated ; for 
instance, throughout the Girvan valley in South Ayrshire, in the 
Glasgow district, and in the orchard country in Lanarkshire. It is 
a bird of Loch Lomond, although omitted from Mr. Lumsden’s list, 
and accounts of its nesting continue to be communicated to me 
from different “Clyde” localities. The Blackcap is less numerous 
and consequently less known. What I really desire to bring out is 
the fact that the Blackcap south of the Grampians is far more local 
than the Garden Warbler, whereas Mr. Saunders tells us regarding 
England, that there the last-named is “ far more local” than the 
former !—JoHN ParTerson, Glasgow. 

Hawfineh in Midlothian.—On the gth of March a Hawfinch 
(Coccothraustes vulgaris) was picked up dead in the shrubbery at 
Arniston, the seat of Robert Dundas, Esq., who has kindly pre- 


sented the specimen to the collection of British Birds in the Museum 
of Science and Art, Edinburgh. On examination I found the bird to 
be an adult female, in perfectly fresh condition. 

It may be remembered that in this magazine (“ Annals,” 1894, 
pp. 195-197) I recorded the capture, on the 3rd of August 1894, of 
a young bird only a few weeks old from this very place. This bird, 
too, I saw in the flesh; and it was presented to the Museum by 
Mr. Dundas, The rediscovery of this species at Arniston is a fact 
of extreme interest ; and, when considered in conjunction with the 
young bird’s occurrence (in the same grounds), there can, I think, 
be little doubt that the Hawfinch is now a resident species in 
Scotland. Prior to the first Arniston capture, the Hawfinch was 
only to be regarded as a rare w¢énter visitor to Scotland, very few 
instances of its occurrence having been recorded, all for that season. 

Mr. Dundas remarks that no other examples have been seen. 
That this should be so is not surprising when one remembers the 
shy nature and retiring habits of this species: —WM. EaGLE CLARKE, 
Museum of Science and Art, Edinburgh. 

Goldfineh in Caithness.—On the 4th of March I saw a Gold- 
finch at Berriedale in Caithness. As this bird is considered a very 
rare species by Messrs. Harvie-Brown and Buckley in their ‘ Fauna 
of Sutherland and Caithness,” the occurrence may be worth placing 
on record.—JOHN GoprrRey, Edinburgh. 

Goldfinch in Mid-Perth.—Mr. R. Ramsay, late schoolmaster 
Fearnan, Loch Tay, tells me that in January 1897 he watched a 
flock of eight or nine goldfinches ( Carduelts elegans) feeding on knap- 
weed by the roadside immediately to the west of Fearnan.—WILLIAM 
Evans, Edinburgh. 

Chiffehaff, Wood Wren, and Black-throated Diver in East 
Renfrewshire.—In our ‘List of the Birds of East Renfrewshire’ 
(“ Annals,’ October 1895) we were unable to include the Chiffchaff 
(Phylloscopus rufus) and Wood Wren (P. sibilatrix) as breeding 
species. Last summer (1897) both nested in a small wood at 
Giffnock. An immature Black-throated Diver (Colymbus arcticus) 
shot on Balgray Dam, Mearns, on 20th December last, is an 
addition to our list—JoHN PaTERSON and JoHN RoBERTSON, 

Waxwing in Ayrshire.—Several notices of occurrences of the 
Waxwing (Ampelts garrulus) in Scotland this winter having already 
appeared, it may be of interest to point out that in the Natural 
History Notes by the Rev. D. Landsborough in the “ Kilmarnock 
Standard” of 22nd January last a female is recorded as having been 
“shot a fortnight ago near to Riccarton Moss . . . it was accom- 
panied by another.”—Joun Paterson, Glasgow. 


Waxwing in the Lothians.—Mr. Hope, taxidermist, Edinburgh, 
informs me that a bird-catcher caught a Waxwing with bird-lime near 
Levenhall, Musselburgh, in November last. It lived only a few 
days.—WILLIAM Evans, Edinburgh. 

Waxwings at Loch Lomond.—In January last a flock of seven 
Waxwings (Ampelis garrulus) were seen on one of the small islands 
near the mouth of the Endrick, and one of them was shot. I have 
not seen the bird, but Mr. Lees, Alexandria, tells me it is an immature 
specimen.—JAMES LuMSDEN, Arden, Loch Lomond. 

A Cuckoo in Captivity.—There are so few instances, I believe, 
on record of a Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) surviving two winters in 
this country that the following case may be of interest. In the 
summer of 1896 Mr. Cochrane, a well-known bird-dealer in Market 
Street, Edinburgh, had a Cuckoo brought to him which had been 
taken from a Meadow Pipit’s (Anthus pratensis) nest in Wigtown- 
shire. He was successful in rearing it, the principal food given 
being meal worms, of which it soon grew very fond. ‘Towards the 
end of February 1897 the Cuckoo began to moult, and in a week 
or two was in perfect plumage. It then commenced its well-known 
call, and continued crying till near the end of July. At that time 
it began to be restless, and evidently felt the migratory instinct very 
strongly. It quietened down again after a time, and then began to 
moult for the second time that year, but did not regain the same 
brilliancy of plumage. This spring the Cuckoo is again in the 
moult, and when I saw it at the beginning of March it was near the 
fireside pruning its feathers. The bird is allowed full liberty inside 
Mr. Cochrane’s house, and it appears to be not at all timid.— 

Red-footed Faleon (/ako vespfertinus, Linn.) in Seotland.—As 
Mr. Sim’s reference, at page 251, in the ‘‘ Annals” for October last 
is apt to mislead those unacquainted with the district, may I be 
permitted to point out that Hauxley (the locality for his second 
Scottish example of this rare bird) is really in Northumberland, and 
quite 30 miles south of the Border.—GkrorGE BoLam, Berwick-on- 

Wild Geese migrating at a great height.—About the beginning 
of last October I saw a lot of Geese coming in from the north-west 
at a great height—over two miles, I should think. I put up my 
telescope to look at them, and there, right away more than two miles 
above them, were another lot of seventeen Geese, between me and 
the blue sky. These last were quite invisible to the naked eye. 
They were in a straight line, one after the other; while the lower 
party were flying in the shape of the letter<. As I can see Geese 
at three miles on the horizontal with my unaided eye, I calculated 
that these Geese must have been from four to five miles high. If it 


had not been for a patch of sky cloud, they would have been quite 
invisible, even with the aid of a telescope.—PETER ANDERSON, 

Shelduck earrying its Young.—Mr. Lees, bird-stuffer, Alex- 
andria, tells me he got a young Sheldrake (Zadorna cornuta) in the 
down in rather a curious way on r1th June last. The young one 
was dropped by an old bird which was flying over Alexandria, about 
two miles from Loch Lomond. A man saw the young bird drop, 
and watched the old bird for some time fly round and round quack- 
ing. He picked up the little bird, and the parent bird went off in 
the direction of Loch Lomond.—JamMes LumspEN, Arden, Loch 

Gadwall in Moray.—Since the ‘‘ Fauna of Moray” was pub- 
lished, I have learnt from Captain Dunbar-Brander that a Gadwall 
(Anas strepera) was shot on Loch Spynie somewhere about 26th 
August 1892. This year another was killed at the same place by 
his son on the 4th of February.—T. E. Buck ey, Inverness. 

Hybrids between Capercaillie and Pheasant.—Mr. Eagle 
Clarke, in his paper on ‘ Hybrids between Capercaillie and Pheasant 
in the January number of “The Annals of Scottish Natural History,” 
quotes a small misstatement. Notwithstanding the statement made 
by M. Suchetet in his recently published work, I beg to say that the 
hybrid now in the collection of the Hon. Mr. Rothschild, at Tring, was 
not got here. I think, however, I can explain how the mistake has 
occurred. Mr. Rothschild purchased his bird from a London dealer, 
under the belief that it was my bird, which at that time was the only 
recorded specimen of hybridism between Capercaillie and Pheasant. 
My bird was figured by Mr. Millais in his book on “Game Birds.” 
Some time after, I heard that Mr. Rothschild thought he had my 
bird. So I wrote and told him that, as it was still in my possession, it 
could not be so. Since then he has made many efforts to find out 
where his bird was killed, but all the information he can get is that 
it was purchased as a mounted specimen from some one in the 
north of Scotland. I am perfectly certain that it was not killed in 
this district, having made very full inquiries into the matter here. 
M. Suchetet must have got his information about the Tring specimen 
at the time Mr. Rothschild was under the belief that he had my bird. 
—JameEs LumspEN, Arden, Loch Lomond. 

[Mr. James Brown, taxidermist, Forres, informs me that he 
received for preservation, on the roth of November 1890, a pair of 
hybrids between the Capercaillie and the Pheasant. One of these 
birds, Mr. Brown tells me, was sold to a gentleman in London, and 
that the other is in’ the possession of Mr. Grant of Aviemore. 
Mr. Grant kindly writes me that he got the hybrid between 
the Capercaillie and the Pheasant, now in his possession, from a 


gentleman who was shooting at Aviemore some years ago, when 
there was a brood of these hybrids at Rothiemurchus. Mr. 
Grant thinks that he has hybrids of both sexes. The cock he 
describes as being much larger and stronger than a Pheasant, which 
the bird somewhat resembles, having the breast, wings, and tail of 
that bird, and is about 33 inches in length.—W. E. C.] 

Capereaillie in S.E. Lanarkshire.—Mr. James Davidson informs 
me that an old male Capercaillie (Ze¢vao wrogad/us) came to Dolphin- 
ton about nine years ago. It was there for about two years alone. 
The hen or hens came, and for several years there were broods on 
the South Hill on the border of the adjoining county—Peeblesshire— 
in a large wood about a mile long by a quarter of a mile wide. All 
were shot out on the Peeblesshire side, but not upon Dolphinton, 
where they were always carefully preserved. At present there are 
none, all having been shot out. Mr. Davidson was informed of 
these facts by the keeper and by Kenneth Ord Mackenzie, Esq.— 
J. A. Harviz-BRown. 

Great Skua in the Moray Firth.—A Great Skua (Stercorarius 
catarrhactes) was shot on 15th October 1897 at the Buckie Loch, 
near Forres, by Lieutenant-Colonel E. Astell, his attention being 
drawn to it by seeing it mobbed by Gulls. This is a late date for 
this summer species to be seen, and appears to be the first well 
authenticated instance of its occurrence in the Moray Firth.—-T. E. 
BUCKLEY, Inverness. 

Acherontia atropos—the Death’s-head Hawk Moth—in Ren- 
frewshire.—On Saturday, the 12th June 1897, a living specimen 
of this moth was taken in the eastern suburbs of Paisley. The 
moth was got hanging on a bush, and was in very perfect condition. 
It was kept over Sunday in a box, in which it died. This specimen 
was brought to the Museum, Paisley, by Mrs. Ross, Ellonvilla, 
Paisley. The species is more generally got in the imago state in 
the autumn months, but is well known as also occurring in June. 
W. F. Kirby says (“ European Butterflies and Moths,” 1889, p. 68) 
that ‘ hybernated specimens, or specimens from hybernated pupe, 
are sometimes found in June.” 

As to the article by Mr. Robert Service (“ Annals,” October 
1897, p. 257) pointing out that the imagos are more general than 
the larvae, my experience, so far as Renfrewshire is concerned, is the 
very reverse. The larval state is by far the most abundant, yet 
very few of them reach the adult condition. The larve feed among 
potatoes, and when it is borne in mind that most of the potato 
crops are now dug by machinery the destruction of such large 
larvee is easily accounted for. In this district they must be of 
general occurrence, for the appearance of such strange creatures has 
been described to me over and over again by those who work 


among the potatoes. . In some cases the narrator has spoken of the 
‘‘chirpin’” sound they give out. A very remarkable instance of the 
larvee occurring in great abundance was on a farm near Port-Glasgow, 
Renfrewshire. In this case they were obtained in potato-pits, and 
the farmer said he could have got barrowsful of them, they were in 
such abundance. This farmer took some of them to a friend, who 
confirmed what they were. Mr. Archibald Allison, teacher, South 
Public School, Paisley, described to me a remarkable larva got in a 
potato-field, and from his description I at once inferred it was the 
larva of this moth. I have since shown him Mr. Allison Kirby’s 
coloured figure, which he at once recognised. ‘This larva was got 
on Ormaig farm, parish of Kilmartin, Argyleshire, on the estate of 
Lord Malcolm of Poltalloch, in the month of August 1893.— 
J. M. B. Taytor, Curator, Free Museum, Paisley. 

Teniocampa gracilis (/%.) in Seotland—From Mr. Evans’s 
interesting notes (“ Annals,” 1896, p. 259, and 1897, p. 258), I 
am inclined to think that this species is not so well known in 
Scotland as it should be. For the last seven years I have taken it 
regularly in the Rannoch district of Perthshire, my average catch 
being about one hundred and fifty specimens every season. It is 
curiously uncertain in its appearance, being more abundant every 
alternate season. For instance, last year (1897) I only saw three, 
while in 1896 I caught a splendid series of over three hundred, 
and I know of other two hundred caught by another collector. 
The Scotch forms are quite distinct, and may be tabulated as 
follows :— 

1. Pale ochreous-cream, unicolorous, subterminal line pale 

Pale pinkish-cream, unicolorous. 

Pale pinkish-cream, veins, and subterminal line cream. 

Pale pinkish red-brown, unicolorous. 

Pale pinkish red-brown, veins, and subterminal line cream. 

mM BwW SN 

All the forms are occasionally to be found slightly dusted with 
blackish scales. Varieties 4 and 5 must not be confounded with 
the dark red forms found in the New Forest. Ours are quite 
distinct, and may be described as intermediate between the ordinary 
English form and the New Forest variety mentioned above. There 
is a peculiar pinkish flush about the Scotch insect, which is never 
present in English examples.—Wwm. REID, Pitcaple. 

On the recurrence of Eucalanus erassus, Gvesbrecht, in the 
Moray Firth.—In the “Fifteenth Annual Report of the Fishery 
Board for Scotland” (part iii. p. 312) I reported the occurrence of 
Eucalanus crassus in some tow-net gatherings from the Shetland 
section of the Faroe Channel, collected in July and August 1896 ; 
and in the Annals of Scottish Natural History for April 1897 I 


published a note referring to its occurrence, along with R/znca- 
lanus gigas, Brady, in the Moray Firth. In the note on the species 
in the Fishery Board’s Report referred to I described briefly its 
distribution, which, so far as known, seems to be tropical or 
subtropical. It is very interesting, therefore, to find these appear- 
ances of this Huca/anus in the regions mentioned. The recurrence 
of Lucalanus crassus in the Moray Firth last year is a further 
evidence of the extensive distribution of the species, whether brought 
about by currents or otherwise. The specimens referred to in the 
previous Moray Firth record were captured off Nairn; and on the 
present occasion the specimens—three in number—were taken a 
little to the west and south of Golspie. In the female of this 
species the abdomen is very short, and the first abdominal segment 
much dilated ; in the male two short setz project at an obtuse 
angle and spring from the posterior edge on each side of the 
second-last thoracic segment. No other /ucalanus possesses this 
character.—THomas Scott, Leith. 

On the recurrence of Labidocera wollastoni, Zudéock, and 
Isias clavipes, 4oeck, in the Firth of Clyde.—I recorded these two 
species of Copepoda for the Firth of Clyde in 1896, in the “ Trans- 
actions of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh ” (vol. xiii. p. 174). 
Istas had been previously recorded for Scotland in 1878 by Dr. 
G. S. Brady in the “ Monograph of British Copepoda” (vol. i. 
p. 64, and figure), but that was the first time Zadzdocera had been 
recorded from the Scottish seas. They are both well marked species, 
and do not appear to be very common. ‘They were obtained last 
year in tow-net gatherings collected near the seaward limits of the 
Clyde estuary. On the previous occasion they were both found 
in some material collected in Machrie Bay, Arran. Dr. Brady’s 
Clyde record of Zszas is for Cumbrae.—Tuomas Scort, Leith. 

Paracalanus parvus, Aveck, in the Firth of Clyde.—This is a 
small but distinct species, and one that seems to be widely distri- 
buted. It was common in a gathering of Entomostraca collected a 
few years ago at the mouth of the Firth of Forth, and has also been 
observed in one or two other places off the coast of Scotland, but 
has not before been recorded from the Clyde. The Clyde tow-net 
gatherings in which it was obtained were made in September last 
year: one in Kilbrennan Sound and the other one from the vicinity 
of Ayr Bay. It has also been taken near the Bass Rock. Probably 
it may have been passed over previously as a young Calanus.— 
Tuomas Scott, Leith. 



On Primary Characters in Cerastium.—Mr. F. N. Williams 
(“ Journ. Bot.,” 1898, pp. 8-10) discusses the value of the char- 
acters assigned to Cerastium, and comes to the conclusion that the 
genus may be divided into three subgenera as below (characterised 
in Latin, which is translated for general use of our readers) :— 
I. Dichodon.—Petals deeply emarginate. Styles 3. Capsule straight, 
dehiscing by 6 teeth, which are erect or spreading and subrevolute 
at margins. Herbs annual or perennial. II. Stvephodon.—Petals 
incised or emarginate. Styles 3 or 5 (sometimes 4). {Capsule 
straight or curved, dehiscing by 6 or 1o teeth, circinato-convolute 
at apex, not revolute at margin. Herbs annual or perennial, 
dichotomously branched, many flowered, rarely simple, corymbosely 
or subumbellately cymose. III. Orthodon.—Petals incised, emar- 
ginate or laciniate. Styles 5. Capsule straight (but sometimes 
slightly curved at tip), or more or less curved at base, usually 
longer than calyx, very seldom shorter, dehiscing by ro teeth, erect 
or spreading erect, flat on back or revolute at margin. Herbs 
annual or not often perennial, varied in habit and in arrangement 
of flowers. 

Distribution of British Mosses.—Mr. E. C. Horrell proposes 
to compile a census of British Mosses under the Watsonian counties 
and vice-counties, and he appeals in the ‘“ Journal of Botany” 
(1898, pp. 60-62). He says: “I have looked through most of the 
magazines, County Floras, Proceedings of Local Natural History 
Societies, the Botanical Record Club Reports, etc., in the library of 
the British Museum, and find that fairly good lists have been published 
for about fifty vice-counties. There are therefore about sixty-two 
vice-counties in Great Britain for which I can find no lists 
of the commoner mosses.” Among those from which he has 
“ found no satisfactory lists,” he enumerates from Scotland the follow- 
ing :—Wigtown, Ayr, Renfrew, Lanark, Peebles, Selkirk, Roxburgh, 
Berwick, Haddington, Edinburgh, Linlithgow, Stirling, West Perth, 
Mid Perth, East Perth, Kincardine, S. Aberdeen, N. Aberdeen, 
Banff, Elgin, Easterness, Westerness, Main Argyle, Dumbarton, 
Clyde Isles, Kintyre, S. Ebudes, N. Ebudes, W. Ross, E. Ross, E. 
Sutherland, W. Sutherland, Caithness, Hebrides, Orkney, Shetland. 

We are unaware of what Mr. Horrell regards as a “ satisfactory 
list”; but, unless he sets aside previous records as unreliable, we 
fear he has overlooked a good many published records from some 
of these districts. We cordially recommend his project to all Scotch 
botanists able to assist him by bringing to his knowledge informa- 
tion previously overlooked or still unpublished. His address is 
44 Brompton Square, London, S.W. 


Ranuneulus petiolaris.—I recently learned from Mr. Arthur 
Bennett that this name is preoccupied ; it was used by Boupland, 
Humboldt, and Kunth in their “‘ Nova Genera et Species Plantarum,” 
vol. v. p. 45 (1821), when describing a Mexican buttercup, which 
their figure (No. 428) shows to be a totally different plant from 
mine. The West Highland Ranunculus published some years 
since under this title may bear the name of ZL. scoticus for those 
who, like myself, believe it to be specifically (or subspecifically) 
distinct ; if it is regarded as a variety, I suppose that it can stand 
as Rk. Flammula, L., var. pettolaris, Lange, according to my 
original description.—EDWARD S. MARSHALL. 

Plants of West Ross.—*ieracium argenteum, Fries, occurred 
on the Cnochan Cliffs in 1892. Accidentally omitted from my 
list in “ Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin.,” 1894, p. 148. 

* Carex limosa, L.—Near Gairloch. 

Asplenium marinum, L.—Isle of Longa. T. B. Cartwright, in 

Rosa dumetorum, Zwi//—I found this Rose about Brodie, 
Nairn, in 1896, and fosa coriifolia, Fries, about Elgin. M. Crépin 
has named both of these.—G. CLARIDGE DRUCE. 

Poa eenisia, A//., var. flexuosa (Wa/.), a new species of Grass 
in Seotland.—Last August, during my search for Carex helvola, I 
found a /oa in small quantity on the south-west cliffs of Ben 
Lawers, which was new to me. Professor Hackel writes to me, in a 
letter received this day (14th March), that it is identical with 
specimens from the Dovrefield of Poa flexuosa, Wahl.—the oa 
arctica, Brown, which is put by Nyman as a sub-species of /oa 
centsia of Allioni. It has not been previously recorded for Great 

Set of British Willows issued by Rev. Edward F. Linton, 
M.A., F.L.S., and Rev. William R. Linton, M.A., F.L.S.—The 
fourth fascicle, issued in February 1898, contains 37, instead of 25, 
numbers. Like the earlier fascicles, it is noteworthy for the care 
with which it has been prepared and for the excellence of the pre- 
parations. 32 forms are illustrated, of which 27 are hybrids. Of 
the latter, several have been artificially produced in cultivation. 
They represent crosses that might occur in nature from the associa- 
tion of the parent species. A number of the specimens in this 
fascicle are from localities in Scotland, or have been taken from 
plants brought from Scotland and cultivated. Scottish botanists 
will find this collection of Willows a valuable aid in working out 
local forms of a difficult genus. 

British Sedges.—In a paper on British species of Cavex in the 
Journal of Botany (1898, pp. 73-82), the Rev. E. S. Marshall notes 
the following from Scotland :— 


Carex chordorhiza, L. (from wet peat-bogs at Altnaharra, in 
Sutherland, where it was found by Mr. Marshall and Mr. Shoolbred 
as new to Britain), is described on p. 73, and figured on plate 383. 

C. echinata, Murray, var. grypus (Schkuhr), from Allt Giubhas, 
near Kingshouse, Argyleshire, which seemed distinctly the variety, 
changed after cultivation for a year into normal echinata. 

C. curta, Good., var. alpicola, Wahlb., of British botanists, from 
moor near Little Culrannoch, from Driesh Hill, and from Sow of 
Athole, were named by Herr Kiikenthal C. canescens, var. robustior, 

C. ovalis, Good., var. bracteata, Syme. The elongation of the 
bract is too inconstant to uphold a variety by it. 

C. rigida, Good., var. inferalpina, Leestad. Specimens from 
Little Culrannoch and Glas Maol were confirmed as of this variety 
by Herr Kukenthal. 

C. aguatilis, Wahlb. Specimens from tableland above Corrie 
Kander, Aberdeenshire, were referred by Herr Kiikenthal to var. 
epigetos, Anderrs., while the plant distributed by Dr. F. B. White 
from White Myre of Methven, Perthshire, as var. efzgezos he refers 
to “ C. vulgaris, Fr., y elatior, Lang, 2 angustifolia m.” 

C. aquatilis x rigida, not previously recorded from Britain, has 
been gathered on Glas Maol, on moor at head of Glen Fiagh, 
Clova, and near Kingshouse, Argyle. All seem sterile, at least in 

C. Goodenowitt x rigida is probable parentage of a plant from 
near Kingshouse, at about 2000 feet. 

C. panicea, L., var. intermedia (Miégeville). A specimen from 
Fort William exactly resembles the Pyrenean form. 

“C. pelia, O. F. Lang,” found at Altnaharra in 1887, is referred 
by Herr Kiikenthal to panicea, L., though the fruit shows resem- 
blance to C. “vida. 

C. distans, L. Herr Kukenthal refers a dwarf plant from Inver 
Bay, near Tain, to var. Ztoralis, Anderrs. 

C. fulva, Good. Mr. Marshall discusses what is the true value of 
the name, and concludes that C. fudva, Good., is mostly C. flava x 
flornschuchiana, Hoppe, and that Hornschuchiana should be retained 
for the species, and fu/va dropped, as Babington did. 

C. Hornschuchiana x @dert, gathered at Inveroran, Argyleshire, 
and near Conan in East Ross. 

C. @deri, Retz., is accepted in usual sense (not as understood 
by Bailey). Var. wdocarpa, Anderrs., was found in Glen Nevis, 
West Inverness. 

C. rostrata x vesicaria. Sterile plants, referred to this hybrid, 
were gathered in Glen Callater, South Aberdeen, in 1886, and on 
Meall Ghaordie, Perthshire, at 2800 feet, in 1891. 

C. vesicaria, L. Herr Kikenthal places C. Grahami, Boott, 


from Glen Fiagh and from Kew Gardens, under this. Var. 
alpigena, Fr. To this he refers plants from the large bog on east 
side of Ben More, and from Glen Lyon side of Meall-nan- 
‘Tarmachan, both in Perthshire. 

A New British Flora.—We are informed that the Rev. E. F. 
Linton is engaged in the preparation of a flora that will embody the 
results of the critical research so successfully applied by himself and 
others in recent years to British botany, but which is as yet 
scattered through scientific journals and reports. Such a work is 
much required, and Mr. Linton is exceptionally fitted to produce 
one of the right sort. It will be eagerly looked for and heartily 


The Titles and Purport of Papers and Notes relating to Scottish Natural His- 
tory which have appeared during the Quarter—January-March 1898. 

[The Editors desire assistance to enable them to make this Section as complete as 
possible. Contributions on the lines indicated will be most acceptable and 
will bear the initials of the Contributor. The Editors will have access to the 
sources of information undermentioned. ] 


WHITE OtTers. By John Legge and J. E. Harting. Zhe 
Field, 22nd January 1898, p. 124.—Two notes referring to speci- 
mens, amongst others, from Islay and Jura. 

WuitE Otters. By ‘Cavintable.” Zhe Field, 29th January 
1898, p. 141.—A specimen obtained in Islay in June 1884. 

WHITE Otters. By Bruce Campbell. Zhe Field, 29th January 
1898, p. 141.—Refers to a specimen in a small museum near Tay- 
mouth Castle, Perthshire. 

A BADGER CoLony IN DALMENY Park. By Charles Campbell. 
Trans, Edin. Field Nat. and Micro. Soc., 1897, vol. iil. part vi. 
pp. 232-236. 

Birps or KrintaiL, Ross-sHire. By Archibald Craig. Zyans. 
Edin. Field Nat. and Muro. Soc, 1897, vol. iii. part vi. 
pp. 224-231. 

THE Upper Eur Locu, Braips. By Thomas Scott, F.L.S., 
and John Lindsay. Zyans. Edin. Field Nat. and Micro. Soc., 1897, 
vol. ill. part vi. pp. 276-287.—An interesting account of the fauna 
of this small loch, including the Protozoa, Coelenterata, Annulosa, 
Rotifera, Entomostraca, Arachnida, Insecta, Mollusca, Fishes, and 

C. G. Barrett, F.E.S. Zt. Mo. Mag. (2), vol. ix. p. 4 (January 
1898).—The species dealt with are Nemeophila plantaginis, Agrotis 


saucia, Noctua glareosa, N. festiva, var. borealis, Caradrina cubicu- 
laris, Hypsipetes elutata, Melanippe montanata, M.  fluctuata, 
Coremia munitata, Cheimatobia brumata, Cidaria russata, and 
Crambus tristellus. 

tomologist, vol. xxxi. p. 19 (January 1898).—Refers to a long series 
from Sutherlandshire in the collection of Mr. W. Salvage. 

mologist, vol. XXxi. p. 19 (January 1898).—Specimens are referred 
to from Invershin, Sutherlandshire, and from North Ross. 

EPIONE PARALLELARIA IN SCOTLAND. £ntomologzst, vol. xxxi. 
‘p. 66 (March 1898).—A note referring to two specimens in the 
collection of the South of Scotland Entomological and Natural 
History Society. 

Ernest E. Austen. xt. Mo. Mag. (2), vol. ix. pp. 8-13 (January 
1898).—A few references are given to the occurrence of species in 

E. N. Bloomfield, M.A., F.E.S. xz. Mo. Mag. (2), vol. ix. pp. 7-8 
(January 1898).—An account of some larve taken from the heads 
of Red Deer from Strathdon and other places in Aberdeenshire. 

THE CLyDE. By Thomas Scott, F.L.S. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 
(7), vol. i. pp. 185-190, plates X. and XI. (March 1898).—The 
species are Stephos Fultoni from Kilbrennan Sound and Loch Fyne, 
Eurynotus insolens from Kilbrennan Sound, and Dactylopus pecti- 
natus from Loch Fyne. 

DEENSHIRE. By A. J. Jukes-Browne and John Milne. Geol. Mag. 
(N.S.), Dec. IV. vol. v. pp. 21-32 (January 1898).—Comprises an 
account of previous investigations, and a Report on the Fossils, 
with a table of the species recorded. 


BOTANICAL AND OTHER NOT?Es (from neighbourhood cf Cold- 
ingham). By James Hardy, LL.D. ist. Berw. Nat. Club, 1897, 
XV. pp. 220-225.—-Contains no specially new records. 

1396, By KR. HW. Dunn. ist. Berw. Nat. Chib, 1897, xv. ps 225. 

ROXBURGHSHIRE. By John Elliot. A/zst. Berw. Nat. Club, 1897, 
XV. Ppp. 233-234), with a few mentioned by James Hardy, LL.D., 
in report of Club excursion (/.c. p. 231). List of plants observed 
on coast of Northumberland during excursion of Club, reported 
by Rev. George Gunn (Zc. p. 239). 


Williams, F.L.S. /ourn. Bot., 1898, pp. 8-10. 

LocaL CULTURE (in S.E. Scotland). By James Hardy, LL.D. 
fiist. Berw. Nat. Club, 1897, xv. pp. 362-364. 

Farquharson, LL.D. ist. Berw. Nat. Club, 1897, xv. p. 363.—In 
Whitmuir Bog, on borders of Selkirkshire and Roxburghshire. 

District. ist. Berw. Nat. Club, 1897, xv. p. 362.—Exhibited 
at Berwickshire Club meeting, in Berwick, from near Aberlady, by 
George Bolam. 

Journ. Bot., 1898, pp. 41-44, plate 382a.—Discusses the identity 
of this plant, states reasons against its identification with C. /rigida, 
All., concludes that it is very closely related to C. dznervis, Sm., 
and proposes for it the name C. éznervis, Sm., var. Sadler?. 

THE DISTRIBUTION oF BritisH Mosses. By E. Charles 
Horrell. Journ. Lot., 1898, pp. 60-62. 

CHARLES CARDALE BABINGTON, M.A., F.R.S., etc. Reviewed in 
Journ. Bot., 1898, pp. 33-35.—Botanists interested in the flora 
of Scotland will find in this work numerous references, especially 
to Braemar. 

OCCASIONED IN PLantTs By Mites. By James Hardy, LL.D. sz. 
Berw. Nat. Club, 1897, xv. pp. 354-355.—Enumerates galls on 
Acer Pseudoplatanus, *Lotus corniculatus, *Epilobium palustre 
Veronica Chamedrys, *Cytisus scoparius (Broom), Felianthemum 
vulgare, and *Gerantum molle. [Those marked * appear not to 
have been previously recorded from Scotland.—J. W. H. T.] 

Watson’s CLIMATIC ZONES. By Symers M. Macvicar. Journ. 
Bot., 1898, pp. 82-85.—Discusses the effect of altitude on plant 
distribution and its modification by local conditions. 

RANUNCULUS PETIOLARIS. By Rey. Edward S. Marshall. /ourn. 
Bot., 1898, p. 103.—Proposes (as the name /efiolaris was pre- 
occupied by Humboldt and Kunth) to substitute 2. scoticus as the 
name, if regarded as a species distinct from 2. -Hlammu/a, I.. 

NOTES ON SOME BritTisH SEDGES. By Rey. E. S. Marshall, 
M.A., F.L.S. Journ. Bot., 1898, pp. 73-82, plate 383.—See p. 122. 
of this journal. 

THE British CAREX FRIGIDA. By Arthur Bennett, F.L.S. 
Journ. Bot., 1898, p. 103.—Supports Mr. Linton’s determination of 
this as distinct from C. f/r7gida, All., and possibly an endemic form. 


By Symers M. Macvicar. Journ. Bot., 1898, pp. 103, 104.— 
Records this hepatic as found in some quantity at 500 and at 1200 
feet altitude, in a ravine in Moidart. 

Supplement. By James Britten, F.L.S., and G. S. Boulger, F.L.S. 
Journ. Bot., 1898, pp. 99-103.—This supplement to the excellent 
book published under the above title five years ago, is to include 
all botanists that died in the years 1893-97, and a few omitted 
from the book. ‘This instalment extends from Acton to Blomefield. 


Witp Birps PRoTEcTION Acts, 1880-1896. By J. R. V. 
Marchant, M.A. (Oxon.), of Gray’s Inn, and Watkin Watkins, B.A. 
(Cantab.), of the Inner Temple, Member of the British Ornitholo- 
gists’ Union ; both of the Oxford Circuit, Barristers-at-Law. Second 
Edition. (London: R. H. Porter, 1897.) 

It is now eighteen years since the first of the Wild Birds 
Protection Acts now in force was passed. Since then three others 
have been grafted on to it, while almost each year has seen one or 
more Orders issued varying or extending the provisions of the Acts 
in some part of the country. To the complex body of law so 
created, Messrs. Marchant and Watkins have lately issued a welcome 
handbook, which has now reached its second edition, and which 
should be of the greatest assistance, not only to all who have the 
administration or enforcement of the Acts in their charge, but to all 
interested in the subject of wild bird protection. ‘The book opens 
with a concise statement of what is the common law of England 
regarding wild animals and their capture, and a history of the 
legislation under which in that country the protection and preserva- 
tion of game and other animals fere nature has been cared for. 
Owing to material differences in the law of the two countries, how- 
ever, these chapters of the book will be of more practical use in 
England than in Scotland. But in Chapter IV. we have a very 
careful analysis of the four recent statutes, which apply throughout 
Great Britain, showing precisely what acts are and what are not 
constituted offences under them. To legal practitioners this part 
of the book should prove of great assistance, while to ornithologists 
generally it will at least show that something yet remains to be done 
before the interests of our wild birds can be considered as adequately 
safeguarded. The text of the Acts follows, the various sections being 
arranged, as they are intended to be read, as if they formed one 
statute, so that the exact provisions of the law on each point can be 
seen at a glance. Copious notes are appended to the sections. 


Finally, the text of all Orders issued since 1880, under which close- 
times have been varied or extended, or new birds brought within 
the provisions of the Acts, is given zw extenso; and more useful 
still is an index, which shows under the heading of each bird the 
state of the law in any part of the kingdom regarding it. The 
handbook has been compiled with great care, and though the index 
will inevitably require revision from time to time, if it is to keep 
pace with the state of the law as new Orders are constantly issued, 
it should prove a valuable work of reference. WwW, B: 

BritTIsH IsLanps. By F. G. Aflalo, F.R.G.S., F.Z.S. With illus- 
trations. (Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1898.) 

It is very questionable, we think, whether it is possible to com- 
prise in one small volume an account of all the British Vertebrates 
—about 7oo in number. Mr. Aflalo has accomplished the task, 
in a fashion, in the book under consideration, but we cannot con- 
gratulate him on the result. Such a work, to be of real use, should 
be based upon some definite method of treatment, by which all the 
species would receive equal consideration ; an accurate yet concise 
description of each species, a sketch of its distribution, and an 
outline of its life-history should be given. This book fails to fulfil 
these cardinal requirements, inasmuch as some species are rather 
fully dealt with, others inadequately treated ; the descriptions of species 
are not, as a rule, good, and are sometimes ridiculous or inaccurate, 
as in the case of the Chaffinch and Sanderling ; and the information 
as to distribution is faulty, as, for instance, when we are told that the 
Mountain Hare is “not uncommon in Yorkshire and Cheshire.” 

Although this book is disappointing, we cannot conclude this 
notice without some reference to Mr. Lodge’s beautiful illustrations, 
which are both numerous and acceptable. 

WE have received from Mr. J. W. Tutt, F.E.S., a separate copy 
of his Presidential Address delivered before the members of the 
City of London Entomological and Natural History Society in 
December last. It bears the title ““Some Considerations on the 
Nature and Origin of Species,” and in it are discussed with much 
ability and clearness such subjects as hybridity, the origin of varieties 
and species, variation in genital organs, isolation, the effects of food 
and climate, sexual selection and the utility of specific characters. 
As might be expected, these branches of the subject are almost 
entirely treated of in their relation to Lepidoptera, but they are of 
interest and importance to others than specialists. ‘The address is 
prefaced by a short review of the results of entomological work 
during the year, and here the author laments the stagnation of 
entomology in Scotland. This may be true as regards Lepidoptera, 
but as regards some other orders of insects we venture to assert that 
they are receiving a fair amount of attention. 

The Annals 



Scottish Natural History 

No. 27] 1898 [JuLy 

By Sir Wittiam Turner, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. 

In Scotland, as in other countries, man existed before the 
time of written history. The conditions under which his 
remains are found, and the works which he has left behind 
him, provide the data for determining their age, not ab- 
solutely or capable of being expressed in numbers of years, 
but relatively to each other. 

Marked differences existed in the physical conditions of 
Scotland, and indeed in the northern parts of England also, 
as compared with the southern districts of England and the 
adjoining parts of France and Belgium at the first appear- 
ance of primeval man in those countries. It is the more 
necessary, therefore, that the conditions then prevailing in 
Scotland should not be overlooked. 

No evidence sufficient to satisfy geologists has been 
advanced to prove that man existed in Britain during the 
period called Tertiary. So far, indeed, as Scotland is con- 

1 An Address delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, on the 26th 
March 1897. 
27 B 


cerned, even if it were admitted that in other parts of the 
globe man had been on the earth during Tertiary times, 
there is little likelihood that his remains could have been 
preserved ; for in that country the Tertiary is represented 
chiefly by voicanic rocks, and a few patches of sand and 
sravel with rolled sea shells belonging to the closing stages 
of that period. 

From the careful study which geologists have given to 
the surface of Scotland, it is evident that at the commence- 
ment of the period termed Quaternary or Pleistocene, 
immediately succeeding the Tertiary, the whole of the 
country was covered with ice which formed a great sheet 
3000 or 4000 feet thick in the low grounds, of which the 
lower boulder clay, or till, as it is termed, was the ground- 

As an upper boulder clay also occurs, which is often 
separated from the lower boulder clay by stratified deposits, 
some of which contain marine and other fresh-water and 
terrestrial organic remains, it is obvious that the Ice Age 
was not one uninterrupted period of continuous cold. The 
lower and upper tills are the ground-moraines of independent 
ice sheets, each indicating a distinct epoch, separated by an 
interglacial period. The earlier epoch was that of maximum 
elaciation, and the ice sheet extended over the north and 
middle of England, as far south as the Thames valley and 
the foot of the Cotswold Hills, but the high moors in Derby- 
shire and Yorkshire and the tops of the highest mountains 
in Wales and Scotland rose above its surface. The great 
Mer de Glace stretched westward over Ireland into the 
Atlantic, whilst on the east it was continuous across the 
North Sea, with .a similar ice sheet which covered 
Scandinavia and the region of the Baltic, and extended 
south to the foot of the hills of central Europe, and over- 
spread much of the great central plain. In the extreme 
south of England, therefore, the conditions differed from 
those that obtained in the country farther north. Although 
not actually covered with a sheet of ice, yet the more 

1 For the evidence on which these statements are based, consult the ‘‘ Great 
Ice Age,” by Professor James Geikie, edition 1894, also his ‘Classification of 
European Glacial Deposits,’ in ‘* Journal of Geology,” vol. iii., April-May 1895. 


southern counties had been of necessity under the influence 
of cold, and must have been subjected to the effects produced 
by rain and snow, by freezing and thawing. 

During the succeeding interglacial epoch the climate 
eventually became temperate and genial, and vegetable and 
animal life abounded. It is to this stage that most of the 
Pleistocene river alluvia and cave deposits of England and 
the adjacent parts of the Continent are assigned. The 
British Islands appear at that time to have been joined to 
the Continent, and the same mammalian fauna then occupied 
Britain, France, and Belgium, which implied similar climatic 
conditions. As examples of these, it may be sufficient to 
name the larger mammals, as the cave and grizzly bear, the 
hyena, lion, Irish deer, reindeer, hippopotamus, woolly rhi- 
noceros, straight-tusked elephant and mammoth, all of which 
are now either locally or wholly extinct. 

Abundant evidence exists that man was contemporaneous 
with these mammals in Western Europe, as is shown by the 
presence of his bones alongside of theirs, and of numerous 
works of his hands, more especially the implements and 
tools which he had manufactured and employed. Toa large 
extent these consisted of flint, rudely chipped and fashioned. 
To these implements, and to the men who made them, the 
well-known term “ Paleolithic” is applied. But along with 
these, other implements have been discovered, made from 
the bones, horns, and teeth of the larger mammals, on some 
of which animal forms and incidents of the chase have been 
sculptured both with taste and skill. Up to now, however, 
no trace of pottery which can without question be referred 
to Paleolithic men has been found, and no habitations, 
except the caves and rock shelters which nature provided 
for them. 

One may now consider how far northwards in Britain 
Paleolithic man and the large mammals, with which he was 
contemporaneous, have been traced. The exploration of 
caverns made by Professor Boyd Dawkins, and_ other 
geologists associated with him, has proved that bones of 
certain of the mammals of this epoch were present in caves 
in Derbyshire, Yorkshire, and North Wales, and that human 
remains and implements of Paleolithic type have been 


found along with them in the Robin Hood Cave in the 
Cresswell Crags, and in caverns in North and South Wales. 
When Scotland is considered, evidence of the existence 
of the mammals of this epoch is not so abundant, yet the 
interglacial beds of that country have yielded remains of 
mammoth, reindeer, Irish elk, urus and horse. But notwith- 
standing the keen scrutiny to which the superficial deposits 
in Scotland have been subjected by the members of the 
Geological Survey and others, no traces either of the bones 
of Paleolithic man or of the work of his hands have been 
discovered in North Britain. This, indeed, is not much a 
matter of surprise, for it must be remembered that, subsequent 
to the genial interglacial epoch, another ice sheet, that of the 
upper boulder clay, made its appearance, grinding over the 
surface of the land, wearing away alluvia, and largely oblit- 
erating the relics of interglacial times. Hence interglacial 
beds occur only at intervals and are very fragmentary. Nor 
in Scotland are there any caves similar in dimensions to 
those which in England and elsewhere have yielded such 
abundant traces of Paleolithic man and his mammalian 
congeners. If Paleolithic man ever did exist in Scotland, 
and there is no reason why he might not have migrated 
northward from Yorkshire and Wales, yet one could hardly 
expect to discover traces of his former presence. In Scot- 
land there are no massive limestones, with extensive caverns, 
in which man could have sheltered, and in which his relics 
and remains could have been secure from destruction during 
the advance of the second ice sheet. It is only in the 
alluvial deposits of interglacial times that such traces have 
been preserved, but these deposits, as we have seen, were 
ploughed out and to a great extent demolished by the later 
sheet of ice. The shreds that remain, however, are of extreme 
interest, from the fact that they contain relics of the Pleis- 
tocene mammals, with which Paleolithic man was contem- 
poraneous ; and there is a bare chance that some day traces 
of man himself may be encountered in the same deposits. 
Geologists have shown that in the regions which were 
overflowed by the second or minor ice sheet no traces of 
Paleolithic man, or of the southern mammals with which he 
was associated, have ever been met with in British superficial 


alluvia. When found in those regions out of Scotland, they 
occurred in caves chiefly, and sometimes in the stratified 
deposits which here and there underlie the upper boulder 
clay and its accompanying gravels. 

So far as Scotland is concerned, one must look for a 
period subsequent to the melting of the second great ice 
sheet for evidence of the existence of early man. After its 
disappearance important fluctuations in temperature and in 
the relative level of land and sea took place from time to 
time, so that the climate and the area of land in Scotland 
differed in some measure from what is known at the present 
day. Eventually a period of cold again occurred, not so 
severe, undoubtedly, as in the two preceding glacial epochs, 
but sufficient to bring into existence considerable district ice 
sheets and extensive valley-glaciers in the Highlands and 
Southern Uplands. Scotland at this stage was partially 
submerged, and many of the Highland glaciers reached the 
sea and gave orgin to icebergs. The submergence slightly 
exceeded 100 feet, and the marine deposits formed at the 
time are charged with arctic shells and many erratic blocks 
and débris of rocks. On a subsequent elevation of the land, 
the beach formed at this level constituted a terrace, well 
marked on the coast line in many districts, and now known 
as the 100-foot beach. 

There is good reason to believe that the elevation re- 
ferred to was of sufficient extent to join Britain again to the 
Continent. It is to this stage that the great timber trees 
which underlie the old peat bogs of Scotland are referred. 
The peat with its underlying forest bed passes out to sea, 
and is overlaid in the carse lands of the Tay and the Forth 
by marine deposits, which form another well-marked terrace, 
the 45-50 foot raised beach of geologists. 

Thus the elevation of the land that followed after the 
formation of the 100-foot beach coincided with an 
amelioration of climate and with the presence of an abundant 
vegetation, and large mammals, such as the red-deer, the 
elk, and the Bos primigenius roamed through the woods. 
While these conditions obtained partial submergence again 
ensued, and the sea rose to 50 feet, or thereabouts, above its 
present level. Within recent years it has been shown that 


during this period of partial submergence glaciers reached 
the sea in certain Highland firths, which would seem to 
show that the climate was hardly so genial as during the 
preceding continental condition of the British area, when 
that region was clothed with great forests. Ere long, how- 
ever, elevation once more supervened, and the sea retreated 
to a lower level. Here it paused for some time, and so 
another well-marked terrace was formed, that which is 
known as the 25-30 foot beach. 

There is not any evidence of the presence of man in 
Scotland during the formation of the 100-foot beach or 
terrace, but one can speak with certainty of his presence 
there during the period of formation of the later beaches. 
If one could put oneself into the position of an observer, who 
at the time of the 40-50 foot submergence had stood on the 
rock on which Stirling Castle is now built, instead of the 
present carse lands growing abundant grass and grain, and 
studded with towns, villages, and farm-houses, one would 
have seen a great arm of the sea extending almost if not 
quite across the country from east to west, and separating 
the land south of the Forth from that to the north. In this 
sea great whales and other marine animals disported them- 
selves, and sought for their food. Abundant evidence that 
this was the condition at that time in the Carse of Stirling 
is furnished by the discovery during the present century of 
no fewer than twelve skeletons of whalebone whales, belong- 
ing to the genus Balenoptera or Finner whales, imbedded in 
the deposit of mud, blue silt, and clay which formed the bed 
of the estuary.'. This carse clay, as it is called, is now in 
places from 45-50 feet above the present high-water mark, 
and is extensively used for the manufacture of bricks and 
tiles. Ata still lower level lies the carse clay of the 25-30 
foot terrace. Until the beginning of the present century the 
clay had been covered by an extensive peat moss, which the 
proprietors of the land have removed. The question which 
has now to be considered is—Did man exist in Scotland 
at the period of the formation of the carse clays and of the 

' See more particularly Mr. Milne Home’s “Ancient Water Lines ” (Edin- 
burgh, 1882), and ‘* The Raised Beaches of the Forth Valley,” by D. B. Morris 
(Stirling, 1892). 


two lower sea beaches? There is undoubted evidence that 
he did. 

Along, the margin of the 45-50 foot terrace in the 
neighbourhood of Falkirk one comes upon the shell-mounds 
and kitchen-middens of Neolithic man. All these occur on 
or at the base of the bluffs which overlook the carse lands 
—or, in other words, upon the old sea-coast. Again, in the 
Carse of Gowrie, a dug-out canoe was seen at the very base 
of the deposits, and immediately above the buried forest- 
bed of the Tay valley. The 25-30 foot beach has been 
excavated out of the 40-50 foot terrace; it is largely a 
plain of erosion rather than of accumulation. It is probable, 
therefore, that many of the relics of man and his congeners 
which have been obtained at certain depths in the 25-30 
foot beach may really belong to the period of the 4o- 
50 foot beach. Some of these finds will now be re- 
ferred to. 

In 1819 the bones of a great whale, estimated at about 
72 feet long, were exposed in the carse land adjoining the 
gate leading into the grounds of Airthrey Castle, near 
Bridge of Allan, about 25 feet above the level of high water 
of spring tides. Two pieces of stag’s horn, through one of 
which a hole about an inch in diameter had been bored, 
were found close to the skeleton. In 1824, on the estate of 
Blair Drummond, in the district of Menteith, a whale’s 
skeleton was exposed, and along with it a fragment of a 
stag’s horn which was said to have a hole in it and to have 
been like that found along with the Airthrey whale. Mr. 
Home Drummond also states that a small piece of wood 
was present in the hole, which fitted it, but on drying, 
shrunk considerably. Unfortunately, these specimens have 
been lost, and no drawings or more detailed descriptions 
were ever apparently published, though in some geological 
and archeological works they have been stated, without any 
authority, to have been lances or harpoons. Twenty years 
ago the skeleton of another whale was exposed at Meikle- 
wood, Gargunnock, a few miles to the west of Stirling, and 
resting upon the front of its skull was a portion of the 
beam of the antler of a red deer, fashioned into an implement 
eleven inches long, and six and a half inches in greatest 


girth ; a hole had been bored through the beam, in which 
was a piece of wood one inch and three-quarters long, 
apparently the remains of a handle. The implement was 
truncated at one end, and shaped so that it could have been 
used as a hammer, whilst the opposite end was smooth and 
bevelled to a chisel or axe-shaped edge formed by the hard 
external part of the antler.’ There can be no doubt that 
this implement resembled those found alongside of the 
Airthrey and Blair Drummond whales earlier in the century, 
and it effectually disposes of the statement that they were 
lances or harpoons. Dug-out canoes have indeed been 
found imbedded in the carse clays at a similar level, so that 
the people of that day had discovered a means of chasing 
the whale in the water ; one can, however, scarcely conceive 
it possible to manufacture a horn implement sufficient to 
penetrate the tough skin and blubber of one of these huge 
animals, and to hold it in its efforts to escape. It is much 
more probable that the whale had been stranded at the ebb 
of the tide in the shallower water near the shore, and that 
the people had descended from the neighbouring heights, 
and had used their horn implements, with their chisel-like 
edges, to flense the carcase of its load of flesh and blubber, 
and had carried the spoil to their respective habitations. 
There can be little doubt that these implements rank, along 
with the dug-out canoes, as the oldest relics made with 
human hands which have up to this time been found in 
Scotland, and that they belong to the earliest period of 
occupation by Neolithic man. 

After the oscillations in the relative level of land and 
sea had ceased, and the beach found at the present day had 
been formed, evidence of the presence of Neolithic man, and 
of mammals, both wild and domesticated, such as now exist 
in Scotland, becomes greatly multiplied. 

Shallow caves or rock shelters situated in the cliff which 
bounds the esplanade at Oban Bay, which, after being closed 
for centuries by a landslide from the adjacent height, had 
recently been quarried into in obtaining stone for building 

1 T described this implement in ‘‘ Reports of British Association, 1889,” p. 790. 
has subsequently been figured in a Report by Dr. Munro in the ‘‘ Proceedings 
the Society of Antiquaries,” 1896. 


purposes, were described in the lecture." The caves were, 
as a rule, 100 yards inland, and about 30 feet or more 
above the present high-water mark. They had, no doubt, 
been formed by the action of the waves at the period of 
formation of the 25-30 foot beach, for the floor of one of 
the caves was covered by a layer of gravel and pebbles, 
which had been washed there when the sea had had access 
to it. 

In these caves, bones representing fifteen human 
skeletons—men, women, and children—were found; also 
bones of the Bos longzfrons, red and roe deer, pig, dog, goat, 
badger, and otter, shells of edible molluscs, bones of fish and 
claws of crabs ; also flint scrapers, hammer stones, implements 
of bone and horn fashioned into the form of pins, borers, and 
chisel-shaped instruments. In one cave several harpoons 
or fish spears made of the horns of deer were obtained ; 
similar in form to those found in the Victoria Cave, Settle, 
in Kent’s Cavern, and in the grotto of La Madelaine, 
France, which in some of these instances have been 
associated with Paleolithic objects. 

An account was then given of the construction and con- 
tents of the chambered horned cairns in Caithness and the 
north-west of Scotland, which have been so carefully in- 
vestigated and described by Dr. Joseph Anderson.” The 
presence of incinerated bones and of unburnt skeletons showed 
the cairns to have been places of interment, whilst flint flakes 
and scrapers, bone and polished stone implements, and shallow 
vessels of coarse clay, associated them with Neolithic man, 
obviously the same race as the builders of the English long 

Stone abounds in Scotland, and the polished stone 
implements, which have been found in every county, in the 
soil and near the surface of the ground, are often of large 
size and beautifully ground and polished. Flint, on the 
other hand, is confined to a few localities, as the island of 
Mull and limited areas in the counties of Banff and Aberdeen. 
The nodules are as a rule small in size, and though adapted 

1 For a detailed description, see papers by Dr. Joseph Anderson and the 
Author in ‘* Proc. Scot. Soc. Antiquaries,” 1895. 
2 «Scotland in Pagan Times” (Edinburgh, 1886). 


for the manufacture of arrow-heads and scrapers, flint does 
not seem to have attained the same importance in Scotland 
as the raw material provided by nature for the manufacture 
of articles used by Neolithic man, as was the case in England 
and Ireland. 

Although there is ample evidence of the nature of the im- 
plements and weapons manufactured by Neolithic man, and 
of his methods of interment in rock shelters and chambered 
cairns, no traces of built dwellings which can be ascribed to 
the people of this period have been discovered. Doubtless 
their habitations were constructed of loose stones and turf, 
and sun-dried clay, or of the skins of animals killed in the 
chase spread over the branches of trees, which, from their 
fragile and destructible character, have not been preserved. 

In the course of time stone and bone, readily procurable, 
and which are directly provided by nature for the use of 
man, gave place to materials which required for their manu- 
facture considerable skill and knowledge. The introduction 
of bronze as a substance out of which useful articles could 
be made, marked an important step in human development, 
and could only take place after men had learnt by observa- 
tion the ores of copper and tin, and by experiment the 
methods of extracting the metals from them, and the pro- 
portions in which they should be combined in the alloy in 
order to secure the necessary hardness. So far as Scotland 
is concerned, bronze must have been introduced from without; 
its manufacture could not have been of indigenous develop- 
ment, as the ores of tin and copper do not occur in North 
Britain. Doubtless it came from the southern part of our 
island, and was extensively employed in South Britain long 
before it became substituted in the north for the more 
primitive materials. 

There is abundant information that Scotland had a 
Bronze Age. Swords, spears, bucklers, bracelets, rings, fish- 
hooks, axes, chisels, sickles, and other implements made of 
this metal have been found in considerable numbers. These 
objects occur sometimes singly, at others in collections or 
hoards in peat mosses, or even at the bottom of lochs and 
rivers, or buried in the soil as if they had been placed there 
with a view to concealment, and then, through the death or 


removal of their owners, had been lost sight of. In many 
instances these weapons and implements are elegant in 
design, show great mechanical ability in their construction, 
and are ornamented with much taste and skill. Instances 
also are not uncommon in which objects of bronze are found 
in the sepulchres of the period. 

In the study of the Bronze Age in Scotland a want is 
experienced similar to that felt in a review of the Neolithic 
period. There are no buildings which can be distinctly re- 
carded as dwelling-places for the men of this time. With 
them, however, as in the polished Stone Age, there is evidence 
of the mode in which they disposed of their dead friends and 
relatives. Interments which there are good grounds for 
associating with these people have been exposed in the 
formation of roads and railways, and in agricultural opera- 
tions. Where the surface of the ground has not been culti- 
vated or otherwise disturbed, in almost every county tumuli, 
mounds, hillocks, and cairns occur, the exploration of which 
has in many cases yielded interesting results. In no instance, 
however, have chambered cairns, divided into compartments, 
and possessing an entrance passage, been found associated 
with articles made of bronze. The sepulchral arrangements 
of the period possessed a greater simplicity than is shown in 
the chambered cairn. 

The interments in the Bronze Age were sometimes that 
of a single individual in a knoll or mound, or under a cairn 
artificially constructed, and now overgrown with grass, 
heather, and whin bushes, or, as is not uncommon, in the 
collection of sand or gravel near the sea shore, or on a river 
bank, or in the moraine of some long-vanished glacier. At 
other times, in similar localities, two to six interments had 
been made as if in a family burying-ground. At others the 
interments were much more numerous, and _ represented, 
doubtless, the cemetery of a tribe or clan; one of the best 
known of these was observed some years ago at Law Park, 
near St. Andrews, in which about twenty interments were 
recognised. In another at Alloa, twenty-two separate inter- 
ments were exposed. Quite recently, immediately to the 
east of Edinburgh, in the districts now known as Inveresk 
and Musselburgh, not less than fifty interments of this 


period have been brought to light, in connection with build- 
ing operations, which implies that then, as now, this part of 
the country was settled and had a considerable population. 

Two very distinct types of interment prevailed, viz. 
Cremation, with, or without cinerary urns ; and Inhumation, 
the unburnt body being enclosed in a stone cist or coffin. 
From an analysis of 144 localities in Scotland of burials 
which may be associated with the Bronze Age,’ and which 
included about 400 distinct interments, it would appear that 
in fifty-one of these localities the bodies had all been 
cremated ; in sixty they had been buried in stone cists ; in 
fifteen the same mound or cemetery furnished examples of 
both kinds of sepulchre, and in the rest the kind of interment 
was not precisely recorded. ‘These diversities did not express 
tribal differences, but seemed to have prevailed generally 
throughout Scotland. Both cremation and inhumation are 
found in counties so remote from each other as Sutherland 
in the north, and Wigtown in the south, in Fife and the 
Lothians on the east, and in Argyle and the distant Hebrides 
in the west, as well as in the intermediate districts. 

The cremation had been affected by wood fires, for in 
many localities charcoal has been found in considerable 
quantity at the place of interment. The heat generated 
was sufficient to reduce the body to ashes, and to burn 
the organic matter out of the bones, which fell into 
grayish-white fragments, often curiously cracked and con- 
torted, which were not very friable. They were then col- 
lected and usually placed in an urn of a form and size 
which we now call “cinerary.” When a bank of sand or 
gravel was convenient, a hole three or four feet ‘deep was 
made and the urn lodged in it. Sometimes the urn stood 
erect and a flat stone was placed across the mouth before 
the hole was filled in with sand and earth; at others a 
bed of compacted earth, or of small stones, or of a flat 
stone, was made at the bottom of the hole, and the urn, 
with its contents, was inverted. In some cases the urn 
was protected by loose stones arranged around it. In 

1 Most of these are recorded in the ‘* Archzeologica Scotica,” the ‘ Proceed- 
ings of the Scottish Society of Antiquaries,” and Dr. Joseph Anderson’s ‘Scotland 
in Pagan Times”; whilst others, in the Author’s note books, have not yet been 


obviously exceptional instances, it may be perhaps of a 
tribal chieftain, a small stone cist was built to enclose the 
urn, and even a cairn of stones was piled above and around 
to protect it and to mark the spot. 

Cremated interments not contained in urns have been 
recorded in a few instances, and in them the surrounding 
sand or gravel has usually been discoloured, from the 
blackened remains and charcoal having to some extent 
become diffused through it. 

The largest examples of cinerary urns were from 12 to 
16 inches in height, with a flat narrow bottom, and Io to 
12 inches wide at the mouth. About one-third the distance 
below the mouth the urn swelled out to its widest diameter, 
and was surrounded by one or two mouldings, between 
which and the mouth the outer surface was often decorated 
with lines which ran horizontally, or vertically, or obliquely ; 
sometimes they intersected and formed a chevron or a 
diamond-shaped pattern. Below the mouldings, the surface 
was without pattern, though sometimes raised into an ad- 
ditional simple circular moulding. 

When the inhumation of an unburnt body was decided 
on, a rude cist or coffin, formed of undressed flattened 
stones, was built for its reception. As a rule the sides 
and ends of the cist were formed each of a single slab of 
sandstone, schist, gneiss, granite, or other stones provided by 
the rock in the neighbourhood ; but in some instances of a 
stone of a different character from the adjoining rocks, and 
obviously brought from a distance. The stones were set 
on edge and supported a great slab, which being laid hori- 
zontally formed the lid or cover of the cist, and which was 
much thicker and heavier than the side and end stones ; 
sometimes, as if for additional protection, a second massive 
slab was placed on the top of the proper cover. The floor 
of the cist was formed, when the earth was shallow, of the 
native rock, and at other times of compacted earth, or a 
layer of pebbles, or of flat stones. Usually the stone walls 
and the cover of the cist were simply in apposition, but 
sometimes they were cemented together with clay. In 
some cists exposed a few years ago on the farm of Cousland, 
near Dalkeith, the peculiarity was observed of the cist being 


divided in its long direction into two by a stone slab down 
the middle. 

The cists were oblong, the length exceeding the breadth, 
and although they varied in size, those for adults being 
larger than those for children, they were always shorter than 
would have been required for a body to be extended at full 
length. As the end stones were usually set within the ex- 
tremities of the side stones, the internal measurement of 
length was some inches less than the external. The average 
dimensions may be given for the interior about 4 feet in 
length, 2 feet in breadth, and 2 feet in depth. The cover 
slab was much larger both in length and breadth, as it over- 
lapped both the sides and ends. 

These cists remind one in their general form and plan, 
but on a much smaller scale, both as regards the size of the 
enclosed space and the magnitude of the stones, of the 
dolmens so frequent in Brittany. As survivals in modern 
times we may point to the empty stone boxes, on the cover 
stone of which an inscription is incised, to be seen in so 
many country churchyards, built on the ground superficial 
to the pit in which the body in its wooden coffin has been 

Owing to the shortness of the cist the body could not 
be extended at full length, but was laid upon its side, with 
the elbows bent, so that the hands were close to the face ; 
the hips and knee joints were also bent so that the knees 
were in front of the body. 

Usually only a single skeleton has been found in a cist, 
either a man or a woman as the case may be. Sometimes 
two skeletons have been seen, at times a man’s and a 
woman’s, doubtless husband and wife ; in others the second 
skeleton has been that of a child. Sometimes the cist was 
below the average in size, and contained only the skeleton 
of a child or young person. Such examples throw light 
upon the family relations of the people of this period. 
They show that they desired to preserve the associations 
of kinsfolk even after death; and when the cist contained 
the remains only of a child it was constructed with the same 
care as if it had been the tomb of a chief. 

When cremated bodies are found associated with stone 


cists in the same cemetery, the cinerary urns in which the 
ashes were customarily deposited lie outside the cists, and 
in quite independent excavations in the soil, but in such 
close proximity as to show that they belonged to the same 
period. In two instances short cists have been opened, in 
which, alongside of the skeleton of an unburnt body were 
cremated human bones, not contained in a cinerary urn, but 
scattered on the floor of the cist, which conclusively prove 
that both cremation and inhumation were sometimes in 
practice at the same interment. 

One may now inquire into the reason why cinerary urns, 
with their contained ashes, and short cists, enclosing bodies 
which had been buried in a bent or stooping attitude, should 
be associated with the men of the Bronze Age. The first 
and most important is the presence of objects made of bronze. 
In the 144 localities under analysis in which interments 
ascribed to the Bronze Age have been examined, bronze 
articles were found in 34 directly associated with the inter- 
ments. In four of these the bronze was along with objects 
made of gold. In seven other interments of the same char- 
acter gold ornaments without bronze were present. The men 
of this period were, therefore, workers in gold also, and as it 
has been, and indeed still can be, mined in Scotland, it is not 
unlikely that the ornaments had been wrought from native 
metal. Additional proof that the burials in short cists, and 
after cremation in cinerary urns, both belonged to the same 
period, and were practised by the same people, is furnished 
by the presence of articles of bronze and gold in both groups 
of interment. 

But, in addition to metallic objects, the graves sometimes 
contained other implements and ornaments. In many 
localities articles made of flint, stone, or bone, and jet beads 
were associated with bronze. In others flints in the form of 
chips, knives, arrow-heads, and spear-heads; stone implements 
in the form of whetstones and hammers ; bone and jet orna- 
ments and bone pins were found in short cists, and some of 
these articles, also in cremation interments, were unaccom- 
panied by bronze. 

Attention has been called by Dr. Joseph Anderson to 
the character of the bronze objects usually associated with 


these burials.' For the most part they have been thin blades, 
leaf-like or triangular in form, and either with or without a 
tang for the attachment of a handle. From their shape they 
might have been used as spear-heads, daggers, or knives. 
Not unfrequently the surfaces of the blade were ornamented 
with a punctated or incised pattern. Sometimes bronze pins, 
rings, and bracelets have been obtained from these interments. 
It should, however, be stated that the bronze articles and 
ornaments of gold found in association with the burials are 
of a more simple character, and present less variety in form, 
purpose, and decoration than those which have been got in 
hoards in various parts of Scotland. It would seem, therefore, 
as if the people of this period, even if they were in possession 
of such finished and beautifully decorated swords, bucklers, 
axes, and bronze vessels as have been got in the hoards just 
referred to, did not deposit them in the graves of their deceased 
friends and relatives. It may be, however, that the simpler 
articles found in the interments represent a period in the 
Bronze Age earlier than that in which the art of making the 
more elaborate articles had been acquired, when perhaps the 
custom of depositing grave goods had been more or less 
departed from. 

Cinerary urns are not the only utensils formed of baked 
clay to which the term urn has been applied, and archeologists 
recognise by the names of “incense cups,” “ food vessels,” and 
“ drinking cups” three other varieties. 

The examples of so-called incense cups are not numerous 
in Scotland ; they were associated with cremation interments 
and have usually been contained in cinerary urns; they are 
the smallest of all the varieties of urn, and are as a rule from 
2 to 3 inches high, and about 3 inches wide. In one speci- 
men from Genoch, Ayrshire, the cup possessed a movable lid. 
Not unfrequently the outer surface was patterned with hori- 
zontal, vertical, and zig-zag arrangements of lines. Ina few 
cases the sides were perforated as if to allow the escape of 
fumes, and it is probably from this character, as well as from 
their small size which fitted them for being easily carried in 
the hand, that they have been termed incense cups. The 
burning of incense would, however, imply, on the part of the 

1 «Scotland in Pagan Times.” 


people of the Bronze Age, the possession of fragrant gums 
and resins such as are not indigenous to Britain, and which 
the ancient Caledonians were not at all likely to be in a 
position to procure. In most instances the contents of these 
cups were not preserved by the finders. An example, which 
was discovered in 1857 at Craig Dhu, North Queensferry, 
covered by a larger urn, and about the size of a teacup, was 
filled with calcined human bones ; the specimen from Genoch, 
found a number of years ago by Dr. James Macdonald, of 
Ayr, contained the burnt bones and ashes of a child in its 
fifth or sixth year. Of the conflicting theories as to the 
purpose to which these cups were applied, the view that, like 
the large urns with which they were associated, they were 
cinerary, and were intended for the reception of the ashes of 
an infant or young child, seems the most probable. 

Numerous examples of the variety of urn termed “ food 
vessel” have been found in Scotland, and “drinking cups,” 
although not quite so numerous, are fairly represented. In 
the 144 localities under analysis the bowl-shaped food urns 
were found in 31, drinking cups in 25, and in seven instances 
the size and form of the urn is not stated with sufficient pre- 
cision. With a few exceptions, in which the character of the 
burial had not been fully described, the urns were contained 
in short cists, in which also the skeleton of an unburnt body 
in the bent or contracted position, was lying. In several 
instances it is stated that the urn, either food or drinking 
vessel, contained black dust, or earth, or greasy matter, but 
burnt bones are never said to constitute their contents. Not 
unfrequently, although this is not an invariable rule, the urn 
was placed in proximity to the head and raised hands of the 

These varieties of urn are by no means invariably present 
in short cists. In twenty-five localities where this kind of 
grave was seen, there is no record of either form of urn 
being present. It is obvious therefore that, though associated 
with so many inhumation interments, they were not regarded 
as necessary accompaniments, and they obviously discharged 
in the minds of the people of the time a different function 
from that of cinerary urns. The term food-urns applied to 
the bowl-shaped variety is probably appropriate, as indicating 

27 Cc 


that edible substances were placed in them, in the belief 
that food should be provided for the use of the corpse. It 
is questionable, however, if the taller variety were drinking 
cups, as the unglazed clay would not fit them for the 
retention of liquids for any length of time. Their presence 
in the stone cists, along with, in some instances, implements 
and weapons, would point to the belief, in the minds of those 
practising this form of interment, in a resurrection of the 
body, and a restoration to the wants and habits of the 
previous life. It may be that placing the body in the 
crouching position, lying on one side, was regarded as the 
attitude best fitted, when the proper time came, to enable 
it to spring into the erect position and assume an active 
state of existence. The practice of cremation, however, to 
an almost equal extent as inhumation, by people of the same 
period, shows that they may not all have shared in the belief 
in a corporeal resurrection. But it should not be forgotten 
that, even in many cremation interments, blades and other 
objects made of bronze have been found along with the 
burnt bones and cinerary urns, as if for use in a future life. 

(To be continued.) 


THANKS to the courtesy of Lord Balfour of Burleigh, Her 
Majesty’s Secretary for Scotland, we are enabled to reproduce, 
for the benefit of our readers, certain documents which have 
lately been issued from the Scottish Office, and which should 
have an important bearing upon the future administration of 
the Wild Birds Acts in Northern Britain. 

Herein a scheme is suggested for adoption, which is so 
comprehensive and concise, and the general tenor of the 
Circular wherein it is propounded so excellent, that it 
demands little or no introduction or commentary at our 
hands. Indeed, it is admirably prefaced by a letter from 
Lord Balfour's pen addressed to the conveners of County 


Councils, to all of whom, along with the Circular and Lists 
of Birds, it has already been transmitted. 

A retrospect of the working of the Act of 1894 must 
convince every one that such a scheme as that now proposed 
is a great desideratum. The want of such a “ plan of action,” 
if we may so term it, in the past has resulted in so many 
anomalies that confidence in the Act has been shaken and 
its wisdom even doubted. 

The most serious of these defects are of a fundamental 
nature. Thus we find that counties in which the conditions 
of bird life and the requirements of protection are identical 
have elected to protect few species in common; that many 
of the birds scheduled are not species really in need of 
protection; that the birds which should be protected are 
often conspicuous by their absence from the schedules ; 
and, lastly, that certain counties have actually applied the 
benefits of the Act to the eggs of birds which do not breed 
in the British Islands! It is true that by a judicious exercise 
of censorship some of these shortcomings and absurdities have 
fortunately been remedied ; but there are naturally limits to 
the application of such censorship. 

It is essential that the Local Authority should realise 
what species actually require protection within the area 
under its jurisdiction. Certain County Councils—alas only 
a few—have either possessed this necessary knowledge, or, if 
they did not, have wisely consulted specialists ; and in these 
cases the result has been all that could be desired. 

We fully realise, however, the fact—and we desire to 
be very emphatic upon this point—that the intention of 
the Local Authority has always been excellent and well- 
meaning, and prompted solely by a desire to do the best for 
the community ; and if these good intentions have failed it 
is not the fault, but rather the misfortune, of the promoters. 

It is the very laudable desire to remove these existing 
anomalies, and to secure the maximum of benefit that the 
Acts are capable of affording, that has led Lord Balfour 
to propound his carefully thought-out scheme, and to offer 
sound advice as to what species should be protected generally 
and in the two districts into which Scotland is proposed to 
be subdivided. 


The scheme, and the lists of species enumerated for 
protection under it, have received our careful consideration 
and critical examination, and in our opinion it is well-con- 
sidered, practical, and highly beneficial in its aims, and leaves 
little or nothing to be desired. 

As naturalists, we extend to it our hearty approval. We 
recognise its merits, and desire to express to His Lordship 
our high appreciation of his enlightened action, which should 
place Scotland facile princeps in the matter of the adminis- 
tration of our Wild Birds Acts. We cordially recommend 
the adoption of the scheme ez d/oc by the County Councils 
of Scotland; and we trust that those who have influence 
in County matters will use their suasion in its favour. 

At first we were inclined to advocate the adoption of a 
larger number of natural areas, instead of the two here pro- 
pounded, but confess that we are now converts to the smaller 
number, which, among other things, has simplicity on its 
side—a most desirable and all-important recommendation. 

The following are the documents to which we have 
referred :— 

[Letter to the Conveners of County Councils.] 

WHITEHALL, S.W., 29¢2 April 1898. 

Dear Sir,—I enclose a copy of a circular letter which has 
been sent from this office to the Clerk of your County Council 
on the subject of the Protection of Wild Birds. 

I hope the policy indicated and the considerations on 
which that policy is based will commend themselves to your 
judgment, and that you will confer the favour upon me of 
taking a personal interest in the matter, and will bring it 
before your Council on an early date. 

The lists of birds now suggested have been most care- 
fully considered in this office, the existing orders have been 
examined, and as few changes made as will suffice to secure 
uniformity over the areas selected. The best ornithological 
advice open to us has been consulted, and I venture to hope 
the result will prove satisfactory to you and to your Council. 

I will only add, that, if there are any points in our 
circular letter which may not, at first sight, appear quite 


clear to you, I shall be willing to give you any further 
information or explanation you may desire. I am personally 
most anxious, with your kind co-operation, to give the 
proposed scheme a fair and reasonable trial, say for four or 
five years, because I believe it is in this way that the admin- 
istration of these protective Acts can be made to show the 
most satisfactory results.——I am, dear Sir, etc., 

Circular No. 287. 


WHITEHALL, S.W., 18th April 1898. 

Sir,—With reference to previous correspondence, including the 
circular letter of the 2nd November 1894, No. 204, addressed to 
you from this office, I am directed to request that you will call the 
attention of the County Council of to the 
present mode in which the Wild Birds Protection Acts are being 
administered, with a view of considering whether it would not be 
advantageous to adopt a general scheme under which Scotland should 
be divided into districts, consisting of groups of Counties, so as to 
enable the Secretary for Scotland, upon application by the Council 
of any County, to grant an Order bringing the County within a par- 
ticular group. 

2, The powers conferred by the Wild Birds Protection Acts, 
1880-96, bearing directly on the question, may be briefly summarised 
as follows :— 

(a) The provision in the Act of 1880 for the extension or 
variation of the close-time for all wild birds by order of 
the Secretary for Scotland upon the application of County 

(6) The provisions in the Act of 1894 enabling the Secretary for 
Scotland, upon the application of County Councils, to 
grant Orders prohibiting the taking and destroying of the 
eggs of wild birds throughout the whole County, and of 
the eggs of any specified birds within particular areas, and 
also for adding further species of birds to the schedule of 
the Act of 1880. 

(c) The provision in the Act of 1896 enabling the Secretary for 
Scotland to grant Orders, upon the application of the 
County Councils, for the extension of the close-time for 
particular kinds of birds, or for all wild birds in particular 


3. Lam to point out that an Order under (a) extending the close- 
time in Shetland has been issued by the Secretary for Scotland, but, 
with this exception, all the Orders made upon the application of 
County Councils have been under (0) of the aforesaid provisions. 
The administrative area for the purpose of these Orders, with one 
exception, has always been the County. 

4. It appears to His Lordship that the larger the area within 
which identical Orders can be made applicable the easier it will be 
found to administer the law, because all concerned can more readily 
make themselves acquainted with the provisions of the Orders in 
force for the protection of birds and their eggs. But, with the 
exception of the Counties of Dumfries, Kirkcudbright, and Wigtown, 
in which an identical list of protected birds is now in force, there has 
hitherto been a complete want of uniformity in the Orders applied 
for even by adjoining Counties. 

5. Lord Balfour of Burleigh has accordingly been led to consider 
whether it might not be desirable to form districts and to frame a 
model list of birds for each district which would meet the case of 
a larger number of Counties than it seems probable could by any 
other means be found working in co-operation. 

6. As the result of a careful consideration of the whole subject 
both from the administrative and the ornithological point of view, 
and in the light of the experience gained in the past four years, the 
Secretary for Scotland has come to the conclusion that the best plan 
to secure a really effective administration of these Acts would be to 
divide Scotland into two districts, Northern and Southern, in the 
manner indicated by the red line on the accompanying map 
(Appendix II.). 

7. Following upon this the Secretary for Scotland has considered 
what birds are in need of special protection, and is advised that the 
list, of which a copy (Appendix I.) is annexed, comprises all the 
birds which it is needful to protect in the Northern and Southern 
districts respectively. 

8. The list shows (1) what birds should receive protection in 
both districts ; (2) what additional birds should be protected in the 
Northern district ; and (3) what additional birds should be protected 
in the Southern district, by Orders under the Act of 1894. 

g. It is obvious that although certain rare or local species do not 
breed in all the Counties of one or the other of the districts, yet from 
the fact that they breed, in most instances, in Counties not far re- 
moved, it is suggested that it would be expedient to protect them in 
all the Counties of the district, in the hope that under such combined 
protection they may possibly become more numerous and extend 
their range. This course would prevent their being killed during 
their visits to Counties which are not far removed from their breeding 
areas. And there is the additional reason already indicated that the 
larger the area over which one uniform Order can be put in force the 


less excuse there will be for any individual who has not made himself 
acquainted with it. 

to. The birds in the annexed list whose eggs are mentioned for 
protection under the Act of 1894, and which are not already scheduled, 
would, under the scheme, be added to the schedule of the Act of 
1880, in order to afford them protection during the breeding season. 
It should be borne in mind that the Act of 1881 adds the Lark to 
the schedule of the Act of 1880. It is further suggested that certain 
birds marked * in the list should receive protection all the year 
round, under section 1 of the Act of 1896. 

t1. The protection of certain small birds in the vicinity of towns 
has not been lost sight of, but, if the necessity for such protection 
should arise, it can best be given by special Orders under the Wild 
Birds Protection Act, 1894. 

12. In conclusion, I am to request that you will be so good as 
to lay this communication before the County Council at their next 
meeting for their careful consideration, so that if the scheme meets 
with their approval they may be in a position to apply for Orders in 
accordance therewith, before the end of the period covered by 
existing Orders, which, in the great majority of cases, expire on the 
31st December 1898.—I am, Sir, your obedient Servant, 

Comin Scott MONCRIEFF. 


Appendix 1 to Scottish Office Circular, No. 287, of 18th April 

I.—Disrricrs (see Map Appendix II.*). 
(1) Northern District. 

Orkney Ross and Cromarty | Banff Perth 
Shetland Inverness Aberdeen Argyll 
Caithness Nairn Kincardine Bute 
Sutherland Elgin Forfar 

(2) Southern District. 

Fife Renfrew Berwick Dumfries 
Kinross Lanark Selkirk Kirkcudbright 
Clackmannan Linlithgow Peebles Wigtown 
Stirling Edinburgh Roxburgh 

Dumbarton Haddington Ayr 

1 We have not thought it necessary to reproduce the map.—EDs. 



1. In both Districts. 

2. In Northern District 

3. In Southern District 

only. only. 
Bullfinch Diver, —B lack Dipper 
* Buzzard throated Gull, Common 
*Chough Diver, Red-throated | Hawfinch 
Crossbill *Eagle, Golden Merlin 
* Dotterel *Eagle, Sea Oyster Catcher 
Eider Duck Gray Lag Goose Plover, Golden 
*Goldfinch Greenshank Plover, Ringed 
*Great-crested Grebe | Hen Harrier Raven 
Jay “Kite Sheld Duck 
* Kestrel Pintail Duck Siskin 
* Kingfisher Phalarope, Red" Woodpecker 
Lapwing (after 15th necked Great Spotted 
April) Scoter 
Mallard Skua, Great 
Night Jar Skua, Richardson’s 
* Osprey *Titmouse, Crested 

*Owl, Barn 
*Owl, Long-eared 
*Owl, Short-eared 
*Owl, Tawny 
*Peregrine Falcon 
Tern, Common 
Tern, Little 
Tern, Sandwich 
Tufted Duck 


32 +15 =47 species in Northern District. 

32 + 11 = 43 species in Southern District. 

Being a total of 58 Birds, whereof 

32 occur in both lists, 

£5. 4) North only, 

rt. e, South) only: 

Nore.—In the case of the birds marked * it is suggested that (irrespective of 
Districts) the close-time under the Act of 1880 should be extended by an order 
under section I of the Act of 1896. 

In conclusion, we would remark that it has been re- 
peatedly said that it is nobody’s business to put the Acts in 
motion against offenders. May we not look to the two 
powerful societies—The Society for the Protection of Birds, 
and the Selborne Society—for help in this matter? W.E.C. 




THE following notes relate to one hundred and twenty-eight 
species of birds which have come under my notice during 
twelve years of residence in the island. 

In addition to these, I have from time to time seen 
birds which I was unable to identify. These latter were 
chiefly small arboreal species which visit us during the 
seasons of migration, and which do not remain long here, 
for there is neither tree nor bush on the island. 

MissEL THRUSH, Zurdus viscivorous.—Not uncommon in late 
autumn, winter, and spring. It is generally seen singly or in 
twos or threes. They frequent grassy fields, and take shelter 
by the side of old walls and rocks during stormy weather. 

Sonc THRusH, Zurdus musicus—A regular winter visitor in con- 
siderable numbers, and usually remains until the latter end of 
March. It frequents the banks of deep ditches, and old turf 

Repwine, Zurdus tliacus—Common on migration in autumn and 
spring, and a few generally stay all winter, except in seasons of 
hard frost. 

FIELDFARE, Zurdus pilaris.—Arrives here in large flocks in late 
autumn ; but only stays for a day or two and then continues 
its journey south. A few make their appearance on the return 
journey in spring. ‘The Merlin follows the flocks of Fieldfares, 
and takes a heavy toll of them. 

BLACKBIRD, Zurdus merula.—Fairly common during winter and 
spring, when they are to be seen in all sheltered nooks. These 
birds leave rather earlier than the Song Thrush. 

WHEATEAR, Saxicola enanthe.—Abundant during summer, arriving 
about the latter end of March and beginning of April. Breeds 
mostly in old walls, 

Wuincuat, Pratincola rubetra.—\ have only seen one here, and 
that was in the month of April about eight years ago. 

STonEcHAT, Pratincola rubicola.—A regular winter visitor in small 
numbers. Frequents sheltered nooks among rocks. 

ReDBREAST, Lvithacus rubecula.—I see a few nearly every winter, 
chiefly about the stackyards. 


GOLDEN-CRESTED WREN, Regulus cristatus.—I have only seen a 
single example here, and it was caught in a merchant’s shop 
at Scarnish. 

WiLLow WREN, Phylloscopus trochilus—A regular visitor on the 
spring migration, but does not breed here. 

HEDGE SPARROW, Accentor modularis.—\1 have only seen a single 
bird here, and that one was in an exhausted state. 

WREN, Tvoglodytes parvulus—Common in winter, and a few 
remain all summer ; but I do not think they breed here. 

Prep WacrtalL, JJotacilla lugubris.—Rather rare. I saw one in my 
garden in March of the present year (1897). 

Wuirte WactalL, JZotacilla alba.—A regular visitor, in small parties 
of three, four, or five individuals, on the spring migration, 
which lasts for some days. They pass here, on their return 
journey, from the middle of August to the beginning of 

Meapow Pipit, Anthus pratensis—An abundant resident and 
breeding species. As this bird does not seem to increase, the 
surplus stock must migrate to other fields. It frequents 
pastures, and nests in old turf walls. 

Rock Pipit, Anthus obscurus.—A numerous resident and breeding 
species. It frequents the seashore, and breeds on rocky shelves. 

SwaALLow, /7/irundo rustica.—I see one or two nearly every summer, 
but they do not breed here. 

SAND MartTIN, Codtle riparia:—This species bred here in 1886, 
and previously, but does not do so now. 

GREENFINCH, Ligurinus chloris—Large flocks arrive in autumn and 
early winter. It mostly frequents turnip fields on its arrival. 
A few remain about the stackyards till spring. 

House SPARROW, Lasser domesticus.—Has become rather common 
within the last few years. 

TREE SPARROW, fasser montanus.—Numerous and resident, and 
has been since the oldest inhabitant can remember. It breeds 
in the ruins of the old churches at Kirkapol. The natives 
say it was much more numerous at one time, and was re- 
garded as a serious pest, as it shook the barley badly. 

CuaAFFINcH, Fringilla celebs.—An occasional winter visitor in small 
numbers. It never stays long here. 

TwitE, Linota flavirostris—An abundant resident. It breeds 
among the short heather, and feeds in the grain-fields. 


Corn Bountinc, Lmberiza miliaria.a— Common, and _ resident. 
Breeds near the cornfields, and is only to be found where the 
ground is cultivated. 

YELLOW Buntinc, Emberiza citrinella.— An occasional winter 
visitor in small numbers. It frequents the stackyards. 

Snow Buntineo, Plectrophanes nivalis—A regular visitor on migra- 
tion, appearing now and again in small flocks from October till 
the latter end of March. 

STARLING, Sturnus vulgaris—A superabundant resident. It has 
become a great nuisance through its habit of nesting in the 
chimneys. These birds feed in winter on grubs, which they find 
among the seaweed spread by the farmers on their fields. 

Cuoucn, Pyrrhocorax graculus.—I have only seen one bird of this 
species here. 

Jackpaw, Corvus monedula.—Iit has occurred, but it is rare here. 

RAVEN, Corvus corax.—One pair is resident, and breeds every year 
on the cliffs at Kennavara Head. ‘These birds do not seem 
to increase, although they are not molested in any way. 

CARRION Crow, Corvus corone.—It has occurred, but is very rare. 

HoopED Crow, Corvus cornix.—Common enough. Breeds on the 
cliffs on different parts of the island. 

Rook, Corvus frugilegus.—An occasional spring visitor in small 

SKYLARK, A/auda arvensis—An abundant resident. Breeds all 
over the island. 

SwiFt, Cypselus apus.—An occasional summer visitor, and is always 
seen singly. 

Cuckoo, Cuculus canorus.—Occurs sparingly every summer. 

SHORT-EARED OwL, Asio accipitrinus—Common on autumn and 
spring migrations. Frequents rushy fields and reedy bogs. 

PEREGRINE Fautcon, Falco peregrinus.—One pair breeds on the 
cliffs at Kennavara every year. ‘They do not increase, although 
they are not molested in any way. I suppose the young birds 
leave every year. 

MERLIN, Falco esalon.—Very numerous, especially during autumn, 
when they follow the flocks of migratory birds, such as Field- 
fares, Golden Plover, Snipe, etc., and take heavy toll of them. 
A pair bred here in the summer of 1897. 

KestreL, Falco tinnunculus.—Occurs now and again, but as there 
are neither voles nor mice here they do not stay long. A pair 
nested in 1896 on the cliff at Kennavara. 


Common Cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo.—Fairly common round 
the coast, and sometimes to be seen on the lochs. 

SHac, Phalacrocorax graculus.—Very common, and breeds in the 
caves at Kennavara Head. 

GANNET, Sula bassana.—Fairly common round the coast, but does 
not breed here. 

ComMoN HERON, Ardea cinerea—Common all the year round, 
although they do not breed. Frequents shallow lochs and 
ditches, where it feeds on eels and sticklebacks. 

GRAYLAG GOOSE, Axser cinereus.—Occurs now and again in winter, 
but does not stay long. 

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE, Azser albifrons.—Common, and numerous 
from middle of October till the end of April. Arrives here 
from the north-west in autumn, and takes a north-westerly 
direction when leaving here in spring. 

BERNICLE GOosE, Bernicla leucopsis.—Occurs now and again in 
small flocks of a dozen or so. 

BRENT Goose, Gernicla brenta.—Occurs only during hard frosts, 
and then but sparingly. 

WHOOPER SWAN, Cygnus musicus—Has increased enormously as a 
winter visitor since I came to the island in 1886. At that 
time only about a dozen or so could be seen at a time. I 
counted several times during the last few winters nearly 200 of 
this species on Loch-a-Phuil. 

BEWICK’s Swan, Cygnus minor.—A regular winter visitor, and 
increasing in numbers every year. A flock of about 200 spent 
some time on Island House Loch last winter. 

MutTE Swan, Cygnus olor.—I have seen a single straggler of this species 
on Island House Loch. A Black Swan spent the most of the 
summer of 1896 on Loch-a-Phuil. 

CoMMON SHELDRAKE, Zadorna cornuta.—-Resident, and breeds. 

MALLARD, Anas boscas—Numerous, and resident all the year round. 
Breeds on all parts of the island where it can find cover for its 

GADWALL, Anas strepera—Very common, Arrives about the end 
of harvest, and stays until late spring. Frequents the sea-coast 
during the day-time, and flights in the evening to brackish 
pools to feed. 

SHOVELLER, Sfatula clypeata.—Fairly common. A few pairs breed 
on the island every summer. 

PintalL, Dajila acuta.—Occurs sparingly on migration. 


TEAL, Querquedula crecca.—A numerous and resident species. 
Breeds in suitable places all over the island. 

WipcEoNn, Mareca penelope.—Numerous during autumn, winter, and 
spring. Frequents both the sea-shore and the fresh-water 

PocHarD, Fuligula ferina.—Numerous during winter, and a few 
remain to breed. 

TurteD Duck, /wligula cristataa—Common during autumn, winter, 
and spring. <A few remain to breed, but they have only begun 
to do so within the last few years. 

Scaup, Fuligula marila.—A regular winter visitor in considerable 
numbers. A few begin to arrive towards the latter end of 
September. They frequent both the sea-shore and the fresh- 
water lochs. 

GOLDEN -EYE, Clangula glaucion—Common during winter and 

spring. It is rather late in arriving, and frequents both the 
salt and fresh water. 

Lonc-taiLeD Duck, farelda glacialis. — Very common during 
winter and spring round the coast. I have seen them feeding 
on fresh-water lochs. 

Ewer Duck, Somazeria molissima.—An abundant resident, breeding 
in all suitable parts of the island. It very rarely leaves the sea, 
except during the nesting season. 

Common Scorer, @demia nigra.—Fairly common, but are never 
numerous. A pair bred here this year, 1897. I watched the 
male bird while the female was incubating, but failed to find 
the nest. However, I have since seen both old birds with a 
brood of five young ones, and have often been quite close to 

GOosANDER, Mergus merganser.—Used to be fairly numerous some 
years ago, but I have not observed any for the last two years, 

RED - BREASTED MERGANSER, JZergus serrator.— An abundant 
resident, breeding on all suitable parts of the island. 
Frequents both fresh and salt water. 

Smew, JZergus albellus—Common on Gott Bay during autumn, 
winter, and spring. It is one of the earliest migratory Ducks 
to arrive. It is entirely a marine species here. 

Rock Dove, Columba “ivia.—Resident, and breeds in caves in 
different parts of the island. 

PAaLLas SAND GROUSE, Syrrhaptes paradoxus. — Several flocks 
occurred here during the summer of 1888. They arrived 
about the end of May, and continued off and on until about 
the first week of October. 


CoMMON ParTRIDGE, Perdix cinerea.—Both English and Hungarian 
Partridges have been introduced into the island. 

QuaiL, Coturnix communis.—I have only seen one bird of this 
species here. It lay so close among the grass that I could 
easily have caught it. 

LAND RatL, Crex pratensis. — An abundant summer visitor, and 
breeds among the crops, though principally among the iris. 
Arrives about the end of May and beginning of June, and 
leaves about September. 

WateER Ratt, Rallus agquaticus.—Fairly numerous in winter; a few 
remain all summer, but I do not know whether they breed here 
or not. 

WaTER HEN, Gadlinula chloropus.—Resident all the year round. 
Breeds in reedy marshes, 

Coor, /ulica atra.—An abundant resident. Frequents reedy lakes, 
and makes its nest among the reeds. 

RINGED PLOVER, Zgtalitis hiaticulan—Abundant, and resident all 
the year round. Breeds on the flat rocks and sandy reaches. 

GOLDEN PLOVER, Charadrius pluvialis—Numerous during autumn, 
winter, and spring. Arrives in enormous flocks during September 
and October. Frequents the sandy machars, but never frequents 
the sea-shore here. 

Gray PLovER, Sguatarola helvetica.—A regular visitor on its autumn 
and spring migrations. Frequents the sea-shore and brackish 

Lapwinc, Vanellus vulgaris—Numerous as a breeding species, but 
only a few remain all winter. 

TURNSTONE, S¢repsilas tnterpres.—Abundant during autumn, winter, 
and spring. A good many remain all summer, but they do not 
breed. They frequent the sea-shore, but come on to the fields 
during stormy weather, and turn up the cow-dung in search of 
grubs, insects, and worms. 

OysTER-CATCHER, /Hematopus ostralegus.— Resident all the year. 
Frequents the sea-shore, and breeds there. 

Gray PHALAROPE, Phalaropus fulicarius.—An immature bird of this 
species was shot in a marsh near Kennavara, in September 
1886; and I identified one that I saw flying about over a small 
bay on the sea-shore at Heinish, in November 1890. 

Woopcock, Scolopax rusticula.— A regular winter visitor, but 
numerous only during hard frost. 


CoMMON SNIPE, Gallinago calestis.—A numerous resident species, 
breeding on all suitable parts of the island. Migratory Snipe 
begin to arrive in September, and continue off and on all 
winter, if the weather is favourable. 

Jack SwnipE, Gadlinago gallinulan—A regular autumn and winter 
visitor, arriving as early as the latter end of September in 
considerable numbers. It prefers mossy bogs to muddy 

DuNLIN, Zringa alpina.—Resident, and breeds all over the island. 
Only a few remain all winter. It breeds on rough boggy 
ground, and feeds on the sandy ebb. 

LittLe Stint, Zringa minuta.—Occurs occasionally on migration. 
I have seen as many as twenty in a flock, but they do not occur 
every year. 

PURPLE SANDPIPER, Z7inga striata.—A regular winter and spring 
visitor, but is most numerous in spring. It frequents the rocky 
parts of the coast. 

Knot, Zringa canutus.—A regular autumn and spring visitor, but 
is most numerous in autumn. I have seen them here as early 
as August. ‘They frequent the sandy shores. 

SANDERLING, Calidris arenaria,—Sanderlings are numerous here 
during autumn, winter, and spring ; and, like the Knot, frequent 
the sandy shore. 

Rurr, Machetes pugnax.—An occasional autumn visitor. I have 
not noticed it in spring. It frequents and wades in shallow 

CoMMON SANDPIPER, Zofanus hypfoleucus.—A regular summer visitor 
in small numbers. It breeds and feeds about the margins of 
lakes and shallow pools. 

REDSHANK, Zofanus calidris—The Redshank stays with us during 
the autumn, winter, and spring. 

GREENSHANK, Zofanus canescens.—Common during autumn, winter, 
and spring. A pair bred here a few years ago, but I have not 
noticed them breeding since. It frequents shallow pools, both 
salt and fresh. 

Bar-TAILED Gopwit, Limosa lapponica.—Common, arriving in 
autumn and leaving in late spring. Frequents the sandy shores. 

BLACK-TAILED Gopwit, Zimosa be/gica.—Rather rare. I shot one 
several years ago in spring, and I have seen a few-single birds 
since—always in spring. It has a peculiar, wild, eerie cry, which 
is unlike that of any other bird I know. 


CurLEW, WVumenius arquata.—Abundant during autumn, winter, and 
spring. It feeds a good deal on a small mollusc, which it 
finds on the machars. The bird roosts mostly on the rocks 
by the sea-shore. 

WHIMBREL, Vumentus pheopus.—Passes here in large flocks in May, 
the migration continuing the whole of the month. Comparatively 
few come here on the return journey in August. 

SANDWICH TERN, Sterna cantiaca.—An occasional visitor on migra- 
tion. One was shot and identified some years ago. 

ComMon TERN, Sterna fluviatifis—A numerous breeding species. 

Arctic TERN, Sterna macrura.—An abundant breeding species, 
more numerous I think than the Common Tern. 

LitTLE TERN, Sterna minuta.—There are several colonies of Little 
Terns on the island. It breeds on the sand, above and close 
to high-water mark. 

BLACK-HEADED GULL, Larus ridibundus.—A few pairs breed on the 
island, but they are never numerous. 

Common GUuLL, Larus canus.—Numerous, and breeding on the flat 
rocks all over the island. 

HERRING GULL, Larus argentatus.—Common, resident, and breeds. 

LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL, Larus fuscus.—Same remarks apply 
to this species as to the Herring Gull. 

GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL, Larus marinus.—Common enough, 
but I do not think it breeds, for I have never found its nest 
on this island. 

GLaucous GULL, Larus glaucus.—I have seen a single bird now and 
again of this species. 

KITTIWAKE GULL, ssa tridactyla.— Numerous, resident, and 
breeds. It nests on precipitous cliffs which are quite inac- 

RICHARDSON’S SkuA, Séercorarius crepidatus.—A regular summer 
visitor, arriving about the beginning of June. It has bred on 
the island, but does not do so every summer. 

RazorBiLL, Adca torda.—Resident, and breeding on the cliffs at 
Kennavara Head. 

CoMMON GUILLEMOT, U7ia ¢rotle-—Not nearly so numerous as the 
Razorbill, and breeds along with that species at Kennavara 
Head. Formerly this species was by far the more numerous of 
the two. 


LittLe Auk, AZergulus alle.—A few come ashore dead in winter, 
some of which are quite fresh. I have never seen a living one 
round the coast. 

Biack GUILLEMOT, Uria gryl/e—Not numerous, but a few pairs 
breed on the island. 

Purrin, fratercula arcticaa—Common during summer round the 
coast, but it does not breed here. 

GreEAT NorRTHERN Diver, Colymbus glacialis.—Fairly common round 
the coast. It returns here from its breeding-grounds as early as 
the end of August. 

BLACK-THROATED DIvER, Colymbus arcticus.—A few to be seen round 

the coast in spring; rare at other times. 

RED-THROATED DIVER, Colymbus septentrionalis—Fairly common 
round the coast, especially during autumn. It does not breed 

GREAT-CRESTED GREBE, Podicifes cristatus.—Occurs occasionally. 
I have seen a pair as late as the month of April on Loch 

SLAVONIAN GREBE, Podicifes auritus—Common during winter and 
spring. It frequents the lochs mostly, but it is sometimes to 
be seen on the sea. 

LITTLE GREBE, Podicipes fluviatilis—Fairly common, though never 
numerous. It frequents the lochs, and goes to the sea during 
hard frost. 

Fuutmar, /ulmarus glacialis.—Not uncommon. I have caught 
examples several times, which seemed to be unable to rise off 
the flat ground, although their wings appeared to be uninjured. 

GREAT SHEARWATER, Puffinus major.—Very rare. I found one 
dead on the ‘“‘ Reef” in October 1891 (“ Annals,” 1892, p. 74). 

MANX SHEARWATER, Pufinus anglorum.—Is sometimes very common 
round the coast, while at other times there are none to be seen. 

FORKED-TAILED PETREL, Occanodroma leucorrhoa.—I once found a 
bird of this species which had killed itself by flying against the 
telegraph wire. 

StorM PetreEL, Procellaria pelagica.—Not uncommon round the 
coast during summer. I have seen it at Kennavara Head 
during the breeding season, and I think it may perhaps breed 



By WixLu1AmM Evans, F.R.S.E. 

THE late John Hancock believed, apparently on substantial 
grounds, that the Pintail bred at Prestwick Car, in Northum- 
berland, prior to the drainage of that famous bird-haunt many 
years ago.' Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey has stated that in 
Ireland it has bred in Lord Castletown’s duck preserves at 
Abbeyleix, Queen’s County, and that he has himself seen 
females with young broods on Loughs- Mask and Corrib in 
County Galway.” As regards Scotland, Mr. Harvie-Brown ob- 
tained fourduck’s eggs on the island of Hysgeir, Inner Hebrides, 
in June 1881, which he afterwards identified as Pintail’s by 
means of the down and a feather found in the nest;* and he has 
also recorded a supposed nest got on a loch in Sutherland in 
1882.4 Such, shortly, is the sum-total of the recorded infor- 
mation concerning this, one of the most graceful of ducks, as 
a British breeding species.’ It is, therefore, no small satisfac- 
tion to me to be able to record the nesting of several— 
perhaps not less than six or seven—pairs this year on a loch 
in the Forth area, to wit Loch Leven in Kinross-shire. 
Pintail on Loch Leven in March, which I had myself 

seen, had little or no significance ; but when Messrs. T. G. 
Laidlaw and Bruce Campbell reported having observed a 
pair there on 1st May 1897, and again on 30th April of the 
present year, my suspicions were aroused, and I determined 
to thoroughly investigate the matter. Accordingly, on 14th 
May last, accompanied by my son, who wished to photograph 
a few nests, I visited a portion of the loch, and had the 
pleasure of seeing three of the birds I was in search of, 
namely a male and a female feeding quietly in a grassy pool, 

1 «¢Catalogue of the Birds of Northumberland and Durham,” 1874. A. G. 
More states that Hancock had found the nest (‘‘ Ibis,” 1865, p. 443). 

2 «¢ The Fowler in Ireland,” 1882. 

3 “« Proceedings Royal Physical Society,” vol. vii., 1881-83. 

+ «¢ Fauna of Sutherland,” etc., 1887. 

5 Mr. Charles Dixon states in his ‘‘ Nests and Eggs of British Birds” that he 
has every reason to believe that the Pintail breeds on certain small rocky islets in 

the Firth of Forth. Such statements, however, prove nothing, and cannot, 
therefore, be taken into account. 


and a beautiful drake flying backwards and forwards in a 
manner which strongly suggested his having a mate on a 
nest not far off—we had to leave, however, without settling 
this point. On the 18th we returned, and devoted our 
attention to other portions of the loch. On this occasion we 
observed altogether seven Pintails—four males and three 
females, two of the latter being flushed from their nests 
containing eight and five eggs respectively. Our delight 
knew, of course, no bounds, and we came home well pleased 
with the success of our expedition. 

But my observations did not stop here, investigations in 
other branches of natural history necessitating further visits 
to the loch and affording at same time opportunity for ex- 
tending my acquaintance with the Pintails. On 25th May 
a single drake was all that was noticed, but on 8th June I 
saw no fewer than three males and six females, all of them, 
except two of the ducks which were on their nests, being in 
view at one time—a sight to gladden the heart of any student 
of British ornithology. The two nests referred to were 
within a hundred yards of each other, and each contained six 
deeply incubated eggs—there were signs, however, that the 
number had once been greater. An empty nest with portions 
of hatched eggs beside it was also found. Altogether it was 
an eventful day, the memory of which I shall long cherish. 

Many nests of other species of duck were found, and all 
suspicious ones carefully identified. As a matter of fact, 
however, the four Pintails’ nests were never in doubt from 
the moment the ducks rose from them. When put off the 
nests, which were placed in tufts of grass in dry and open 
situations at some distance from the water, the birds invari- 
ably alighted within forty or fifty yards, so that even without 
using my binoculars I could recognise them perfectly well. 
But, for the satisfaction of those who look for more con- 
vincing evidence of identification, I may mention that I 
placed a couple of the eggs in an improvised incubator, and 
at the end of a week had the pleasure of seeing two un- 
mistakable Pintail ducklings. As regards the “down ” test, 
I must confess I am not an out and out believer in it. I 
have Wild Duck down which it would be hard to separate 
from that of the Pintail. 


It may be thought that, in the interests of the birds, I 
ought to have withheld the name of the locality. This I 
would gladly have done, had I not been convinced, after 
full consideration of all the circumstances, that publicity in 
this instance is more likely to do good than harm. Vague 
references to localities are, in my experience, of little use— 
those who want to find them out generally soon manage 
to do so. Besides, the law now provides means for the 
protection of the eggs of wild birds, and it will be well if it 
can be put in operation for the benefit of the Pintails and 
other birds at Loch Leven before another breeding season 
comes round, for some of them seem to have need of it. 
In any case, should this note induce any one to visit the 
locality in search of Pintails’ nests, I hope he will, in honour, 
refrain from interfering unnecessarily with the birds or their 


By James W. H. Trait, A.M., M.D., F.R.S. 
(Continued from p. 111.) 

[Names of plants in z¢alécs, except as synonyms within curved brackets, denote 
that the plants were certaindy introduced into Scotland by man. + after a 
district number denotes introduction by man into the district ; ‘‘ cas.” 
denotes casual occurrence, and ‘‘esc.” evident escape or outcast from culti- 
vation, both being due to man’s agency. Square brackets enclosing the 
name of a plant or a district number denote that the record was made in 
error. 2? after a district number denotes, at least, need of confirmation ; 
after + it denotes doubt as to whether the plant owes its presence in the 
district to man. ] 

ROSACEE (continued). 

Fragaria vesca, Z., except 110. 

F. elatior, Ehrh., an escape in many places. 

Potentilla norvegica, L., escape in 77. 

P. Fragariastrum, Lzrh., except 104, 107, 111 (?), 112. 

P. verna, 2.5 181-62, 05 190. 

P. rubens, VidZ. (P. maculata, Pourr. =P. Salisburgensis, Heenke), 
72, 86, 88-90, 92, 97, 104, 107, 108. 

P. silvestris, Weck. (P. Tormentilla, Scop.), all. 

P. procumbens, Své¢h., 72-74, 76, 77, 80, 81, 85 (?), 86-89, 91-93, 

G0, TOC, 102, Too (7); nm. 
. reptans, Z., 72-77, 79-83, 85-90, 91(?), 927, 94) 99, 100, 103, 106. 
P. Anserina, Z., all. 




[P. rupestris, Z., 83 ?]. 

P. argentea, Z., 72, 80-85, 87-90, 95. 

P. fruticosa, L., 77},:83t. (Both records from “Top. Bot,”) 

P. palustris, Scop. (Comarum palustre, 1), except 78. 

P. Sibbaldi, Hal/ fil. (Sibbaldia procumbens, L.), 72 cas., 73, 78, 86- 
90, 92, 94, 96-99, 104-106, 108, 112. 

Alchemilla arvensis, Scof., all. 

A. vulgaris, Z., all. 

a. pratensis (Schmidt), 72,'74, 83, 84, 88-90, 92, 99, I00, 
i ae i 

b. alpestris (Schmidt), 72, 74, 77, 84, 86, 88, 92, 96, 97, 99, 
MOO. 1:2: 

c. filicaulis (Buser), 72, 74, 80, 89, 100. 

A. alpina, Z., 72 (?), 86-92, 94-100, 102-110, 112. 

A. argentea, Lam. (A. conjuncta, Bab.), an occasional escape ; re- 
ported as native in go and Ioo. 

Acrimonia, Eupatoria, Z., except 78, 84, 101, 105, 107, 117: 

A. odorata, Jel/., 73, 74, 86, 88, 89, 91, 100. 

Aremonia agrimonioides, DC., a casual, or seminaturalised, in 72, 
89, 92. 

Poterium) Sanguisorba, LZ. 72); 73, 74, 772) S0y OL) O2i Oats 
88-90, 95 (?), 99. 

P. officinale, Hook. fil., 72-75, 79-81, 90F. 

P. muricatum, Spach, 887. 

Sanguisorba canadensis, L., casual in 88, 89. 

Rosa, Z. In this genus also, as with Awdws, the older records are 
not to be depended on, the views now held by students of the 
genus differing much from those that are embodied in the older 
lists. Below will be found two lists. The first, and more full, 
follows the ninth edition of the ‘‘ London Catalogue of British 
Plants” in the enumeration of species and varieties recorded 
from Scotland. It is based on “Topographical Botany,” second 
edition, with Mr. Bennett’s ‘‘ Additional Records,” published in 
the “Scottish Naturalist ” and in the “ Annals.” A good many 
additions are made for the counties of Dumfries, Kirkcudbright, 
and Wigtown, in Mr. Scott-Elliott’s ‘‘ Flora of Dumfriesshire ” 
(1896). These are indicated by “s” after the numbers of these 
counties. For more precise information about them the reader 
must refer to the book. In Dr. White’s “ Flora of Perthshire,” 
very recently published, there are many additional records of 
varieties not included under the above lists, but chiefly founded 
on specimens preserved in the herbarium of the Perthshire 
Natural History Museum, and named by Mr. J. G. Baker and 
Mr. G. Nicholson. These apply to the vice-counties 87, 88, 
89 (West, Mid, and East Perthshire), and are indicated by “w” 






after each number. ‘The “Flora” should be consulted for the 
particulars under each record. 

The second list given below is based on M. Crepin’s study 
of roses sent to him from Scotland, chiefly by Mr. William 
Barclay of Perth, and summed up in this journal in 1895, 
pp. 39-47, and in 1896, pp. 116-121, 169-176, in a paper by 
Mr. Barclay. It has been thought more likely to be useful to 
keep these lists apart than to attempt to combine them into one. 

. pimpinellifolia, Z. 

¥. Spmosissima, L., except 7S, 34, 101; JO541 Of Ida: 

. involuta, S7., 728, 75, 79, 87, 88w, 89w, 96, 106, 108. 

6. Sabini (Woods), 74, 7774, 81-84, 88, 89w, 90, 92, 93, 95, 

OW, TO2, Oh dO 7, LOG, suit. 

. hibernica, Sw., 72s, 88w, 89w, 95, 108. 
- mollis, Sw., except 79, 76, SI, SZ, 83, 84; LOT, 103, 112. 

b. coerulea, Woods, 728, 738, 748, 88w, 89. 
c. pseudo-rubiginosa (Le7.), 72s. 

. tomentosa, Sy, except 73, 102, 107. 

6. subglobosa (.S7)., 72s, 88w, Sow. 
c. farinosa, Sevznge, 88w, 8qw. 

ad. scabriuscula (.S.), 72s, 76, 107. 
g. sylvestris (Zizd/.), 88w. 

. rubiginosa, Z., except 75, 80, 87, 98, 98, 103, 104, 108, 109, 

110, 111, 112, in almost all with +. 

. micrantha, S7., 81, 95, 109. 

c. hystrix (Zeman), 72. 

. sepium, Zhuzl/., 79. 
. obtusifolia, Desv., 88 (?). 

6. frondosa, Baker, 88w, 89w. 
c. tomentella (Zeman), 72s, 88w. 

. canina, Z., except 102, 110. 

a. lutetiana, Zeman, 72s, 748, 87w, 88w, 8gw, 107, 110, 
Jorma andevagensis (asz.), 728, 88w, 89w. 
6. surculosa (Woods), 88w, 89w. 
spheerica (G7vev.), 88w, 8ow. 
dumalis (Lechs?.), 72s, 738, 748, 76, 88w, 89w, 99, 107, 
Wiel) Tee: 
forma verticillacantha (AZérat), 72s, 76, 88w. 
urbica (Leman), 728, 748, 88w, 89w. 
dumetorum (7Z/wil/.), 72s, 738, 748, 88w. 
k. arvatica, Baker, 72s, 88w, 8gw, 107. 
Jorma cesia (Sm.), 88w. 
7, pruinosa, Laker, 72s, 88w, 8ow. 
m. incana (IVoods), 72s, 88w. 
o. Borreri (Woods), 72s. 


wD. &. 


R. glauca, V7l/., 72s, 87w, 88w, 89w, 109. 
b. subcristata, Baker, 728, 748, 76, 88w, 8gw, 112. 
a. implexa (Gren.), 88w. 
e. corlifolia (77.), 728, 88w, 89w. 
fF. Lintoni, Scheutz, 92. 
g. Watsoni, Baker, 728, 88w. 
. stylosa, Deszv., doubtfully recorded from 77, 84, 86, 90, 96, 97, 
. arvensis, Huds., 72s, 76, 77, 80-86, 88-91, with + in all. 
. alpina, L., Perthshire, casual. 
. cinnamomea, 1.., Perthshire, casual. 
R. Dicksont, Lindl., 72s7. 

yA 7 

Scottish Roses determined by M. Crepin, from examples sent to him. 

. pimpinellifolia, Z., 85, 87, 88. 
v. spinosissima, Z., 85, 88. 
. involuta, S7., 75, 87-89, 100. 
. pimpinellifolia x tomentosa (Ze. Saéinz), Perthshire. 
. pimpinellifolia x mollis (2. Sadzzz), Perthshire, 108. 
. mollis, S7., 79, 85-90. 
. tomentosa, S77., 79, 80, 85-89, 100. 
v. subglobosa, .S7., Perthshire. 
v. cinerascens, Demz., Perthshire. 
. rubiginosa, Z., 75, 80, 83, 85, 88, 89. An old introduction, if 
not native. 
. obtusifolia, Desv., South Scotland. 
= canina, 
v. lutetiana, Zeman, 85, 88, 89. 
v. dumalis, Bechst., 79, 86, 98-99, 100. 
v. dumetorum (Zzwil/.), 81, 85, 87-89. 
v. subcanina (Christ), 87-89, 100. 
v. subcollina (Christ), 88, 89. 
. glauca, Vil7., 79, 85-89, 100. 
v. coriifolia (77.), 75, 79, 80, 85-89. 
. arvensis, Huds., Perthshirey. 
. alpina, L., Perthshire. 
. hibernica, S7z., 89. 
var. glabra, Baker. 





Pyrus torminalis, Ehrh., 1067. 

P. Aria, Ehrh., 757; Vite Sry, 83, 857; 867, 88, 907, 917, 927, 937; 
941) 95+, 987, 1037, 1047, 1087 (?). Doubtfully indigenous 
in Scotland, more probably introduced by man. 

P. intermedia, Z/rh., 857, 100, 106. 

P. pinnatifida, Zx%r/., 907, 997, 100. 

P. Aucuparia, Lhrh., except S4. 


P. communis, L., a. Pyraster (L.), has been found in Perthshire, 
‘scarcely indigenous.” 

P. Malus, Z., recorded for all except 72 (?), 73+ (2), 74t (?), 82, 85, 
905 (?), 917, 924, 937, 947, 957, 98; 99, 1007, 103, 104, 105, 
107, 109, 110, 111, 112 ; but probably not indigenous in some 
of the districts besides those marked as introduced. 

a. acerba, DC., 74, 87-89. 
b. mitis, Wallr., 747, Perthshirey. 

Crateegus Oxyacantha, Z., except 117. Probably introduced into some 
of the districts. ‘The common form is @. monogyna (/acy.) ; 
a. oxyacanthoides (Z/wz/7/.) has been gathered near Aberuthven 
in Perth. 


Saxifraga oppositifolia, Z., 72, 747 (?), 86-90, 92-94, 96-101, 104-106, 
. nivalis, Z., 72, 86-90, 92, 96-99, 103 (?), 104, 106 (?). 
. Stellanis, 322, except 7-4, (6,71, 80s 81, 82.895 84,099, HOT ELE 
S. Geum, L., casual in 87. 
S. umobrosa, L., naturalised or an escape in several districts, 86-88, 92. 
S. rotundifolia, L., 88 escape. 
S) Hirculusie/2, 77.9 ol, Os Out) 
S. aizoides, L., except 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 93, 
. tridactylites, Z., 79, 82-85, 87-90, 92, 93, 96, 103, 106, 107, 109. 
-tivulatis; 2. 88, 901(?), 02, 06,097. 
. Cena... oor 
. Stanulata, Zi. 172,17 3,7 Ais 75-9 bs es 
. ceespitosa, Z., 90 (?), 92 (?), 94, 96, 97. 
. groenlandica, Z., 88. 
. hirta, Haw. (.S. sponhemica, Gmel.), 72, 87, 88, 96-98, 104. 
. hypnoides, Z., except 74, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 95, 102, 1083, 
106, LO7, TIO, AL, 
Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, Z., except 112. 
C. alternifolium, Z., except 74, 84, 85, 97, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 
105, LOC, VO, AOS, LOD ALO; S11 Ine: 
Parnassia palustris, Z., except 78, 110. 
Ribes Grossularia, \.., naturalised in various districts, e.g. 72-74, 
$4, 87-92. 
R. alpinum, L., introduced into 72, 73, 75-77, 80-84, 86, 89, 92 
R. rubrum, Z. 
a. sattvum (Reichb.), introduced into 72, 73, 86-89 91, 92. 
6. petreum (S.), 877, 88, 897, 90(?), 91T (?), 93 (?), 95> 
O90; 102, 100: 
¢. spicatum (Leichd.), 104. 
RR. nigrum, L., introduced into 72-74, 91, 92. 





Cotyledon. Umbilicus, 222, 73 cas., 7475. 751 70, 67 15 92 en LOO, 
LOF, 103. 

Sedum roseum, Scop. (S. Rhodiola, DC.), except 76, 77, 78, 79, SO, 
Oo Ole GLa ae: 

S. Telephium, Z., 72-77, 80-83, 857, 86+, 877, 887, 897, 907, 91, 
927, 955 96, Iooy, IIIf, I127. 

b. Fabaria, H. C. Wats. Naturalised in several districts, ¢.g. 
79, 87-99; 92, 93, 99. 

S. villosum, Z., 72, 73, 75-77, 79-81, 83-95, 98-100. 

S. album, L., introduced into 87-89, gt. 

S. dasyphyllum, L., introduced into 87-89. 

S. anglicum, /wds., 72-76, 85-88, 90, 95, 97-105, 107, 108, IIo, 

Seackey Pe exrep? 79,112, 

S. refiexum, L., 86}, 887, 897, 92T. 

S. Fupestré, \., 747, 867, 887, 897. 

Sempervivum tectorum, L., frequent about houses as an introduced 
plant, e.g. in 72-74, 87-89, 91, 92. 


Drosera rotundifolia, Z., except S4. 
D. anglica, Huds., except 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 90, 94, 97, 102. 
x rotundifolia (= D. obovata, Mert. and Koch), 88, 89, 92, 
96; 99, 102-105,. £08, T10. 
D. intermedia, Hayne, 72, 73 (?), 74, 76 (??), 85 (2?), 88 (??), g2 (P?), 
9651975.99; LOO\(??); 102, 104, i105, 100) TEE (Gr) emme (an): 


Hippuris vulgaris, Z., except 78, S4, 87, 97, 104, 106, 108. 
Myriophyllum spicatum, Z., except 79 (2), SL (?), SZ (?), SH (?), IZ, 
Pe de, 94 (2. 9o'(?), 96°), LOZ), LOL 10a elo a, 

L12 (??). 

M. alterniflorum, DC., except 75, 76, 77, 79, 82, 84, 101. 

Callitriche stagnalis, Scop., except S4. 

C. polymorpha, Zonur., 97, 112. 

C. hamulata, Awetz, 72, 73, 74, 87-90, 97, 98, 104, 108. 

C. autumnalis, Z., except 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82 (2), 83, S84, 93, 
Tiradess9, LOO, 101, 102104, L0G 1OSa2), 210: 

Peplis Portula, Z., except 78, 80, 82, 84, 97, 104, 105, 107, 112. 
Lythrum Salicaria, Z., except 78, 83, 84, 90, 91 cas., 92, 93, D4, 95, 
AOL 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, LLL, Tie: 
L. Hyssopifolia, L., casual in 87. 



Epilobium angustifolium, Z., except 76, 77+, 78, 82, 854, 99+, 100, 
103, 107. 

E. hirsutum, Z., except 78, 92, 93+ (2), 94, 95, 96+, 97, 101, 102, 
103, 104, 105; 106, 107, 108, 109%, THO 117 (yi etd 2. 

E. parviflorum, Schreb., except 78, 84, 107, 108, 112. 

E. montanum, Z., all. 

E. roseum, Schreb., 72, 73, 82 (?), 83, 85 (2), 90 (?), 95 (2). 

E. adnatum, Grzesb. (LZ. eu-tetragonum), 72, 83 (?), 89 (?), 97, 98. 

E. obscurum, Schredb., except 75, 76, 77, 81, 82, 84, 98, 94, 95, 96, 

E. palustre, Z., all. 

EK. alsinefolium, 7/2, 72, 80, 85, 87-92, 94, 96-98, 104-106, 108. 

E. anagallidifolum, Zam., 72 (?), 85 (?), 86-92, 94, 96-99, 104-106, 
108, IIo. 

CGinothera biennis, L., casual in 72, 73, 87. 

Circzea lutetiana, L., except 78, 84, 90 (?), 91 (?), 92 (?), 93 (?), D4, 95, 
96 (°), 99 (2), 103, 104 (°), 107, 108, 109 (?), 110, 111, 172. 

C. alpina, Z., 72, 75 (*), 77 (?), 82 (?), 83 (?), 85 (?), 86-90, 91 (?), 
92'(@), 98 (?); 94 (7) o5-noo, 102-105, 111. 

6. intermedia (Z/72.), 72, 79, 86, 92, 93 (°), 95. 


Hydrocotyle vulgaris, Z., except 78, SO. 

Eryngium maritimum, Z., 72-77, 82, 83, 85, 87(?), 90, 91 ext., 
OF} Oath, HOON, Wine), Wi, 

Astrantia major, L., casual, along streams, etc., 72, 84, 88, 80. 

Sanicula europea, Z., except 78, 111, 112. 

Conium maculatum, Z., except 78, 98, 104, 105, 106, 112 ; but. its 
distribution (in the vicinity of houses and roads) is very 
suggestive of man’s agency in its introduction and distribution. 

2 Smyrnium Olusatrum, Z., 75, 76, 81-83, 85, 86+, 87+, 911, 927; 
931; 947, 99, 100. : 

Bupleurum rotundifolium, L., casual in 80, 92. 

Apium graveolens, Z., 73, 74, 837, 857, 877 (?), 92 CaS. 957, 101, 

A. nodiflorum, Rezchd. fil., 72-74, 76, 77, 80, 85, 99-103, TIO. 

¢. ocreatum, Bad., 103. 

' UMBELLIFER.—In this order there are several species admitted in lists 
without question as to origin whose habitats (almost always near houses, by 
roadsides, on rubbish heaps, in pleasure grounds, in cultivated fields and pastures, 
or beside streams below gardens) indicate the probability that they owe at least 
their present wide distribution in, if not their introduction into, Scotland, to man. 

2 Smyrnium Olusatrum, L.—Probably a relic of former cultivation in almost 
every district, if not in all. 


A. inundatum, Rerchd. fil., except 78, 79, 84, 97, 104, 105, 108, 112. 

Cicuta virosa, Z., 72, 73, 75-77, 79-81, 83, 85, 88, 90, 99, ITO. 

Carum verticillatum, Ach, 72-76, 86, 88 (Glen Falloch), 97-101. 

C. Petroselinum, Benth. and Hook. f., escape in 86, Perthshire, 92. 

[C. segetum, Benth. 103 (??).] 

C. Carut, L., a frequent weed near houses, + in 73, 74, 86-89, 91-93, 

Stson Amomum, L., 814. 

Falcaria vulgaris, Bernh., 877. 

Sium latifolium, Z., 74, 82(?), 86. 

S. erectum, /7uds., 72-76, 80-83, 85, 87, 89-91, 93, 95, 193, III, 

1 AXgopodium Podagraria, Z., except 105, 107+, 110, 112%. 

Pimpinella Saxifraga, Z., except 103, 104, 105, 106, 110, 112. 

P. major, Huds., 807, 83, 877 (?). 

Conopodium denudatum, Aoch, except 110. 

2 Myrrhis Odorata, Scop., except 98, 102, 104, 106, 107, 111, 112, 
but with fin 72, 85, 87-96, 103. 

* Cherophyllum temulum, Z., except 73+, 96, 97, 101, 102, 108, 
NOP MOS LOY, 108; 110, TIL LT. 

> scandix Pecten-Venetis, Z., except 72 cas., 73, 74, 78, 79, 87, 97, 
gamit, 102, 103, 104, 107, 110, 111 Cena 

® Anthriscus vulgaris, Bernh., 74, 75, 77, 80+, 81-87, 89-96, 106, 
HOP (ee EE 2) (2°). 

6 A. sylvestris, Hoffm., except SO, 106. 

Feniculum vulgare, Mill., 83+, 907. 

Crithmum maritimum, Z., 73-75, 83 (??), 85 (??). 

C:nanthe fistulosa, Z., 72, 73, 75, 76(?), 81, 85 (?), 88, 89, 90 (?), 
99 (?). 

dz. pimpinelloides, Z., 877 (?). 

CE. Lachenalii, C. Gwiel.,, 72-76, 82, 98-103, 110. 

Gicrocata, 2.) excep: 73, 79, S4,.94, LOG. 107, 103, FODS EL 

Ck. Phellandrium, Zam., 81-83, 97 (?), 99 (?). 

l Legopodium Podagraria, L..—Though frequently so plentiful and trouble- 
some near houses and gardens, this is seldom met with under circumstances that 
render its introduction by man improbable. 

+ Myrrhis Odorata, Scop.—Almost always occurs in situations that point to its 
introduction by man, 

3 Cherophyllum temulum, L., is local and scarce (? introduced) in 91-94 at 
least. Ch, aurewm, L., and Ch. arowaticum, L., were reported by G. Don as 
found by him in go. If correctly identified they must be looked on as casuals, 

4 Scandix Pecten-Veneris, L.—This is only a weed of cultivated fields, and 
must owe its presence in our flora to man. 

5 Anthriscus vulgaris, Bernh., is confined to vicinity of towns and villages in 
at least 91 to 94, probably introduced. 

8 A. sylvestris, Hoffm.—Though wide spread, and apparently not dependent 
on man at lower levels, this seems to have been introducéd at higher altitudes. 


1 Athusa Cynapium, Z., 72-83, 85, 86, 877, 88+, 89+, 90, 91+, 927, 
931, 947, 951, 99, 100, 1057, 106, 111F. 

Silaus flavescens, Bernh. (S. pratensis, Bess.), 80-83, 85. 

Meum Athamanticum, /acg., 72-78, 80, 83-92, 96, 98, 99. 

Ligusticum scoticum, L., except 72, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, S4, 86, 87, 88, 
89; 96, 9S, 99) LOO, LOg, 

Angelica sylvestris, Z., all. 

Arcthangelica officinalis, Hoffm., 87 cas. 

Peucedanum Ostruthium, Koch, casual or escape in 72, 73, 86, 87, 

[P. palustre, AZench, recorded from 76 and 83, probably errone- 
ously. | 

P. sativum, Benth. and Hook. f., 75+, 877, 92 cas., 100f. 

Heracleum Sphondylium, Z., all. 
6. angustifolium, /Zds., is of frequent occurrence. 

(ZZ. villosum, Fisch., occasional escape or in shrubberies.) 

Cortandrum sativum, 1., casual. 

2 Daucus Carota, L., except 78, 94, 107. 

D. gummifer, Zam., 74, 8074, 98(??), 101 (??). 

Caucalts latifolia, L., casual in 92. 

[C. arvensis, Huds., recorded, but unconfirmed, and probably in 
error, from 75, 83, 98.] 

°C. Anthriscus, Huds. (Zorilis Anthriscus, L.), except 108, 111, 

C. nodosa, Scop., 74, 80, 81, 83, 85, g0, 92 cas., 944, 1027, 106. 

Hedera Helix, Z., except 111} (?). 


Cornus suecica, Z., 88-90, 92, 94, 96-98, 105-108, 112. 
C. sanguinea, 1.., = in 72, 77, 80-86, 88, 92, 95, 102. 


Adoxa Moschatellina, Z., except 78, 84, 85, 97, 101, 102, 103, 104, 
LOG LOD SIO Sarai iene 

Sambucus nigra, Z., except 84, 110, 112, but with + in 87-99, 106 (?), 
107-109, 111, and probably should be marked so in others. 

1 £Ethusa Cynapium, L., is a weed of cultivated ground, chiefly in gardens, 
wherever I have seen it in Scotland. It should probably be marked + in almost 
all, if not in all, the districts. 

* Daucus Carota, ..—Though wide spread and often frequent in pastures 
may not be native in some of its recorded localities. 

3 Caucalis Anthriscus, Huds.—Near Aberdeen the localities in which this 
plant has been found are very suggestive of introduction by man; and the same 
probably holds true in other districts. 


S)Ebulus, Z.,) 72, 735 755 775. 90,01) S87 05) .09,1907 (ey OLt, (?), 
927), 937) 947 2), 95%, 967, TOOT, TOgt, IIT. 

1 Viburnum Opulus, Z., 72-77, 80, 81, 82}, 831, 857, 87-89, 907; 

917 (?), 927 (?), 947, 95-97, 99, 1027, 103-109. 

V. Lantana, \.., } 10 75-77; 81; $3, $6, 90, 92. 

Linnea borealis, Z., 81, 83, 88-96, 107. 

Lonicera Periclymenum, Z., except 108, 109, 110, 111, 112. 


Rubia peregrina, 1.., a scarce casual, ¢.g. in 102. 
Galium boreale, Z., except 78, 79, 82, 83, 84, 101, 102, 110, 111 (?), 
112 (?). 
G. Cruciata, Scop., except 93 (?), 94 (?), 95 (?), 96, 97, 98, 102, 104, 
W006; 107, 108, 109, 111, 172: 
G. verum, Z., all. 
G. erectum, Huds., 72, 81 (?), 83 (?), 87 (2), 88-90, 105, 106. 
G. Mollugo, Z., 72, 73, 75, 77, 80-84, 87-89, 907 (?), 914 (?), 
927 (?), 941, 957, 1OT. 
6. insubricum (Gawd.), 89. 
c. Bakeri, Syme, 74. 
wsaxatile, <7. all. 
. sylvestre, Poll, 72, 78, 80, 83, 86-90, 98, 108, I10, IIT. 
. palustre, Z., all. 
6. elongatum (/ves/.), not infrequent. 
c. Witheringii (.Sw.), not uncommon, 72-74, 106-108. 
G. uliginosum, Z., except 82, 84, 95, 96, 101, 106, 107, 111, 112. 
[G. anglicum, Huds., 80 (?)]. 
G. Vaillantit, DC., 837. 
G. Aparine, Z., all. 
G. tricorne, Stokes, casual in 72. 
Asperula odorata, Z., except 78, 110. 
A. taurina, 1.., casual in 72, 81, Perthshire. 
Sherardia arvensis, Z., except 98, 104, 112. 



Valeriana dioica, Z., 72, 73, 75, 77 (??), 79-86, 99 (?), 108. 

V. Mikanii, Syme, 111. 

V. sambucifolia, W2d/d., except 117. 

V. pyrenaica, L., ¢ in 72-74, 867, Perthshire, 94, 111. 
Centranthus ruber, DC., casual, in 87, 88. 

Valerianella olitoria, Po//., except 79, 87 (?), 95, 97, 101, 104, 107. 

1 Viburnum Opulus, L., is not rare in some parts of Scotland, but its 
situations are not beyond suspicion of human agency in its distribution in some 
of the districts. 


V. rimosa, Bast. (V. Auricula, DC.), 85. 
V. dentata, Podl., weed of cultivation, 72-75, 77 (?), 80-83, 85, 87, 
89, 90, 957, 100, IO. 


Dipsacus sylvestris, Z., 72+, 731, 741, 75, 76, 77(?), 811, 83, 85; 
867, 877, 897 (?), QOT, 92 Cas., 957, 9OT (?), 100. 

D. pulosus, MeO 3a, O51 

Scabiosa Succisa, Z., all. 

S. Columbaria, Z., 72, 80-82, 86, 87 (?), 90, 92 (??). 

S. arvensis, L., except 78, 97+ (2), 98, 101, 104, 106% (2), 107, 
HOST) LOD, WhO. ase (0), ane: 


Eupatorium cannabinum, Z., except 78, 79, 84, 92, 93, 94, 101, 103, 
LOD AO, ANG, Melle HAD: 

Solidago Virgaurea, Z., except 78. 
6. cambrica (uds.), Perthshire, 92, 97, 98, 104. 

S. lanceolata, L., and S. canadensis, L., casuals in 88. 

Bellis perennis, Z., all. 

Aster Tripolium, Z., except 77, 78, 79, SO, 88, (92 extinct), 94, 112. 

Lvigeron canadense, L., casual in 88, 92. 

HSacres/ 7. GOn. Oo: 

E. alpinum, Z., 88, 90, 92. 

Filago germanica, Z., except 78, S4, 93, 98, 99, 102, 103, 104, 105, 

F. minima, L., except 78, 97, 102, 103, 104, 105, 108, 109, 110 
Shs SIL 

Antennaria dioica, R. Br., except S4. 

Anaphalis margaritacea, Benth. and Hook, f., casual in 88, 91, 92. 

Gnaphalium uliginosum, Z., all. 

G. sylvaticum, Z., except 101. 

G. norvegicum, Guzn., 89, 90, 92. 

G. supinum, Z., 86-90, 92, 94, 96-99, 104-108, 111 (?) 

Inula Helenium, Z., 74+, 97, 1007 (?), 102 (?). 

[I. Conyza, DC., recorded in “Top. Bot.,” with disbelief, for 89 ; 
no evidence of its occurrence there. | 

I. crithmoides, Z., 73, 74. 

Pulicaria dysenterica, Gertn., 74, 81, 82, 86, 87+, 100-102, 106. 

Rudbeckia laciniata, V.., beside the Tay, 887, 897. 

Xanthium spinosum, 1. casual in 92. 

Bidens cernua, Z., 72-74, 76, 77, 80, 81, 83, 85, 87-91, 94, 95, 

B. tripartita, Z., 72-77, 83-89, 95, 100-102. 

Galinsoga parviflora, Cav., casual in 92. 



Achillea Millefolium, Z., all. 
A. Ptarmica, Z., all. 
Anthemis tinctoria, L., casual in 88, 89, 92. 
TA. Cotula, Z., 72 ese, 77 1 30, 82; 83, B5).85 7. S915) OOOO: 
1A. arvensis, Z., 731; 751, 771) 78, 80-85, 867, 87-90, 927, 95, 96, 
LOO, TOG) 1 hia (E): 
HA. nobilis, Z., 73° €s¢:, 7575. 791). Sits LOOT, UOz; LOA WOOT, 
? Chrysanthemum segetum, Z., except 78, 79. 
C. Leucanthemum, Z., all. 
C. Parthenium, Pers., +, recorded from all except 74, 75, 97, 9S, 101, 
LOS LOLS 105,107, 103., L1 Om tele ee: 
Matricaria inodora, L., except SO. 
6. salina, Bad., 72. 
c. phseocephala, Auwpr., 112. 
M. maritima, Z., 72-77, 81, 83, go-104, 106, Iog-112. 
WT Chamomilla, \., 72 €SC., 751, 771) S01 O3ts Ob 1s COs OT cass 
QIT, 92 Cas., 977, 1077. 
Tanacetum vulgare, L., except 78, S4, 98, 103, 105 ; with 7 in 74, 
91-97, 104, 106-112, and probably 7 in most others. 
Artemisia Absinthium, Z., 81-84, 85+, 877 (2), got (?), 106, 111. 
A. vulgaris, Z., except 7S, 107. 
A. campestris, L., 857. 
PeemMaritima, 2... 79-755). 01,82, 90, O1,, 93. 
Tussilago Farfara, Z., all. 
LPetasites fragrans, Presl., Perthshirey, 927. 
P. officinalis, Wench (P. vulgaris, Dest.), except 107, 108, 109 (2), 
P. albus, Gertn., 867, Perthshirey, 917, 927. 
Doronicum Pardalianches, ., 724, 73%, 777, 8417, 867, Perthshirey, 
927, 99T- 
D. plantagineum, 1, Perthshirey. 
Senecio vulgaris, Z., all. 
S. sylvaticus, Z., except 84, 105, 110, 112. 
3S. viscosus, Z., 72-74, 751, 761, 77, 79, 807, 81, 827, 83, 85, 86, 
877, 884, 891; 90, 917, 927 94, 99, 1077, 111 (@). 
Sr emictolius, 725 77, $0, 81. 
5. Jacobeea, Z., all. 
b. flosculosus (/ord.), 74, 88, 89. 

1 Anthemis Cotula, L., A. arvensis, L., and A. nobilis, L., have but little 
claim to be looked on as native in any part of Scotland where I have seen them. 
The mark + should follow a good many more of the above numbers. 

2 Chrysanthemum segetum, L., though often an extremely common weed of 
agriculture, could not hold its own anywhere in Scotland, probably, were it not 
for cultivation. 

3 Senecio viscosus, L., should have + after more of the districts recorded for it. 
It is hardly more than a casual in N.E. Scotland. 


S. aquaticus, /Zwds., all. 
6. pennatifidus, Gren. and Godr., 88, 89. 
9. SATACCHICUS, Ni, G24, Tate Atos OL iso et: 
[.S. Doria, L., escape on bank of Tay at Barnhill; now extinct. ] 
Carlina vulgaris, Z., 72-75, 77, 79, 81, 9, 91, 93, 951, 97, 100, 
To2, 1LoO4, DOG: 
Arctium Lappa, ZL. (agg.), except 78, 97, 9S, 103. 
A. majus, Bernh., 73, 82 (?), 84 (2), 85 (?), 98f. 
A. nemorosum, Z¢., 81, 33, 96, 99, 101, 105, 107, 109, 111 (?). 
A. minus; erm, except 16, 77, 19, 80, 84, 91,9509 ID 10S: 

A. intermedium, ange,” 72-74, 86,988, 96, 98,199; 1055) TOG. 

Carduus pycnocephalus, Z., 72-75, 77(?), 79, 80-83, 85-87, 90, 
91, 93, 95 (?) 100 (2), 106, 112 (2). 
C, nutans, 2.774 79:53) 97 €9, 92 (0), O51, Fe4, 106, mami), 
GC.erispus, 22, except 30; 99, 945.97, 100, 103, 10D; 107, 1085 L109, 
TKO OW Res Sh 
Cnicus lanceolatus, W7//d., all. 
C. eriophorus, Roth., 77+, [84 (), 85 (?), 87 (?)], 92T, [98 (2), 99 (?)]- 
C. palustris, Wed/d., all. 
[C. pratensis, Willd., 75 (??).] 
C. heterophyllus, Willd., except 74, 101, 111, 112. 
C. arvensis, //offm., all. 
b. mitis, Koch, 87-89. 
c. horridus (Adam), 87-89. 
d. setosus (Bess.), 86+, 87, 92, 93, 109. 
1 Onopordon Acanthium, L., 72 esc., 75, 777, 80, 817, 82, 834, 85T, 
S7rcas. bn 2 
Mariana lactea, Hill (Silybum Marianum, L.), casual in 74, 87-89, 

Saussurea alpina, DC., 72, 87-90, 92, 94, 96-99, IOI, .103-105, 

Serratula tinctoria, Z., 72, 73, 77 (°), 877, 88t (?), 964 (?). 
6. monticola (Boreaz), 887 (?). 
Centaurea nigra, Z., except 1107, 1117, 112+. 
fj: radians, 73, 74, 91, 92. 
C. Scabiosa, Z., 767, 771, 00; $2, 85, °967;. 877, 60-90, 2 7eHs.. 
957, 96, 108. 
C. Cyanus, Z., excep? 79, 102, FOZ, LOZ, 104.1038; 220) tLe), 
112(?). A field weed, probably + in all districts, 
C. Calcitrapa, L., casual in 87, 92. 

1 Onopordon. Acanthium, L., should probably be looked on as introduced by 
man in most districts in which it occurs in Scotland. Common in gardens, it is 
easily spread, and is an occasional casual in many places. 


Cichorium Intybus, L., +, seldom more than a casual, in 72, 75, 77; 
80-93, 95, 96, 99, 109. 

Arnoseris pusilla, Gertv., a weed of cultivated ground, a doubtful 
native, 88 extinct, 90, 91, 927 (?), 931, 947 (?), 95T- 

Lapsana communis, Z., all. 

Picris hieractoides, L., [77 (?)], 80F. 

PB. echioides, Z., 80}, 81, 82, 8375 S5iy O71 (Fs 92 Cas 

(Zo be continued.) 


Note on a Female Gray Seal obtained on the East Coast of 
Sutherland.—A fine specimen of the Gray Seal (Halicherus grypus) 
drifted ashore at Golspie on the 21st ult. Through the kind- 
ness of Dr. Joass, the carcase was sent to Sir William Turner. It 
was a female, and had been shot or pierced by some missile in the 
abdomen. It was gravid, and the foetus measured 19 inches in 
length. The skin has been preserved, and the foetus and skeleton 
will forthwith find a place in the Anatomical Museum of the 
University of Edinburgh.—James Simpson, Edinburgh. 

Notes on Dolphins in the Moray Firth.—About a month ago 
Mr. Craig, lighthouse-keeper, Covesea, near Lossiemouth, informed 
me that a large Dolphin had been stranded west of the lighthouse in 
June 1896, and was buried in the sand. From his description of 
the animal, I thought it might be a Risso’s Grampus (Grampus 
griseus). J had it dug up, and secured the skull, which proved the 
species to be an old individual of the White-beaked Dolphin 
(Lagenorhynchus albirostris). It was quite fresh when interred. The 
skull measured as follows :—total length, 184 ins. ; breadth be- 
hind orbits, ro} ins.; length of beak, 9 ins. Owing to age, most 
of the teeth had been lost. 

A young specimen of the Pilot Whale (G/odicephalus melas) was 
cast ashore dead, near Troup Head, Banffshire, in October 1896, 
and was buried by the coastguards. With their assistance, I had it 
dug up. I secured the head, which proves that the animal was not 
full grown. The skull measures :—total length, 214 ins. ; breadth 
behind orbits, 14 ins. ; length of rostrum, 11 ins. ‘Though this is a 
common Cetacean, I thought it useful to note the exact place where 
one was found, as no such record is given in Messrs. Harvie-Brown 
and Buckley’s “ Fauna of the Moray Basin.” 

It is now certain that the White-beaked Dolphin is to be found 
in the Moray Firth at any season of the year, as it has been found 
in January as well as June-—Wm. Taytor, Lhanbryde. 

27 E 


Late Stay of Fieldfares in Midlothian.—On 24th May this year 
I came across a small party of Fieldfares (Zurdus pilaris) frequenting 
a mixed wood of beech and fir about half a mile south of Midcalder 
station. Fieldfares are generally numerous in certain localities on 
the Pentlands during April, but they rarely linger beyond that 
month.—RosBertT GopFrReEy, Edinburgh. 

The Whinchat, Ortolan Bunting, and Pied Flyeatecher in 
Shetland.—In the absence of Mr. Harvie-Brown, I had forwarded 
to me a single specimen of each of the above named species for 
identification. The birds were sent by Mr. Thomas Henderson, jun., 
from Dunrossness. All were adult males, and had perished on 
the 30th of April; and all are new to the avifauna of Shetland. 
Further interesting particulars concerning these and others observed 
during a remarkable visitation of migrants will be found in Mr. 
Henderson’s note below.—Wmn. EaGLEe CLARKE. 

Remarkable Visitation of Migratory Birds to Shetland.—We 
have had a most unusual and interesting visitation of birds. On 
the 11th of April the wind blew from the S.E., gently at first, but 
gradually increasing to a gale accompanied by heavy rain. I did 
not observe any arrivals beyond the usual species until the 15th, 
when, passing along the sheltered side of a stone dike, I observed a 
Goldcrest (Regulus cristatus). After this I observed a few strangers 
every day, and they gradually grew in numbers until the 30th, when 
they had increased to an astonishing extent. Behind every stone 
dike, burnside, or other shelter, there could be seen from 12 to 20 
different kinds of birds. Among them I recognised Fieldfares 
(Zurdus pilaris), Redwings (Zurdus iliacus), Ring Ouzels (Zurdus 
torquatus), Redbreasts (£rithacus rubecula), Redstarts (Ruticilla 
phenicurus), Goldcrests, Pied Wagtails (Jotacilla lugubris), Chatf- 
finches (/7zgil/a celebs), Short-eared Owls (Asio accipitrinus) two 
seen, Ring Dove (Columba palumbus) one seen, and the commoner 
species. There must have been three Redbreasts to every one of 
other kinds. I only observed one Pied Flycatcher (A/uscicapa 
atricapilla), two Ortolan Buntings (Zmberiza hortulana), and one 
Whinchat (Pratincola rubetra), and these being strangers, they were 
kindly named for me by Mr. Eagle Clarke of the Edinburgh 
Museum. ‘There were several other kinds that I did not know 
the names of, though I could approach within a few yards of them, 
so exhausted were they with the wind. One of them was rather 
bigger than a Starling, colour yellow, wings and tail dark coloured. 
Could this have been a Golden Oriole? An Osprey (Pandion 
halietus) was fishing in Loch Spiggie on the 2nd of May. So far 
as I can ascertain, we have had more birds here than elsewhere in 
Shetland. This is accounted for by the fact that we are situated 
near the south, and on the west side of the island. The wind, 
coming from the south-east, blew them right on to us, and they 


found no shelter until they came to the west side. By the 5th of 
May they had almost entirely disappeared. On the z2oth of 
May I observed a good number of Spotted Flycatchers (Auscicapa 
grisola) and one Hedge Accentor (Accentor modularis); and on 
the 4th of June a male Siskin (Chrysomitris spinus)—THOMAS 
HENDERSON, jun., Dunrossness, Shetland. 

The Blue-headed Wagtail in Lanarkshire.—It has been my 
regular practice at the spring migration during the past decade to 
visit the banks of the Clyde, east of Glasgow, to note the appearance 
of our summer visitors. The district referred to, as long since 
pointed out by Gray, is regularly visited by a large colony of Yellow 
Wagtails. On the 24th of April this year, on a little patch of vegeta- 
tion in the stream below Cambuslang, I saw with my binocular, at 
about fifteen yards from the river bank, what I had supposed was a 
Yellow Wagtail, but it proved to have, to my surprise, a gray-blue 
head. It removed to another patch of vegetation at no distance 
from the first, but presented, as before, its back elevation, and in a 
minute afterwards flew to a tree on the right bank of the stream, 
whence it went to the fields on that side. I returned to this neigh- 
bourhood on the following evening, and had the good fortune, after 
waiting a little, to see the bird of the previous day on a patch of 
green close to the right bank. It shifted after an interval to one of 
the islets near the left bank, where I saw it quite favourably, noting 
anew the gray-blue head and the snow-white line over the eye, which, 
by the way, when seen directly in line with the spectator, gave the 
head a curiously puzzling appearance as it was slightly diverted to 
right or left. The bird in appearance was a cock Yellow Wagtail 
with the conspicuous differences mentioned, and being quite familiar 
with the yellow head of JZotgcilla rait I could not make the mistake 
of confusing JZ, fava with its congener. ‘To give an idea of the 
richness of this district in Wagtails at this season, I may say that on 
the forenoon of the day on which I saw JZ. flava I also saw half a 
dozen AZ. razz, as many JM. alba and MW. lugubris, and a pair of 
M. melanope. After the 25th I did not again see the Blue-headed 
Wagtail, but the river was in partial flood for some days thereafter, 
and the ‘“‘islets”—patches of vegetation which indeed scarcely 
deserve the name—were covered. On the 15th of May I saw about 
twenty JZ. raz on the river-bank over a stretch of three or four 
miles.—JOHN Paterson, Glasgow. 

Golden Oriole in Forfarshire-—This morning (8th June) we 
had brought to us a specimen of the Golden Oriole (Ordolus galbuda), 
a female, in most excellent plumage. The story which accompanied 
it was to the effect that it had been flushed at dusk (about 9 P.M.) 
the previous evening, in a narrow strip of wood about two miles 
north-east of Arbroath and about a mile from the sea ; and that, on 
being disturbed, it had flown against a tree trunk and injured itself. 


There were no marks of any violence upon it. On dissection, the 
ovaries were found to be somewhat enlarged. ‘Two examples of this 
species, believed to have been shot in the district about 1855, are 
in Montrose Museum. So far as we have heard, there are no other 
records for north-eastern Scotland.—T. F. and W. J. Dewar, 

Red-backed Shrike in Forfarshire.—On the morning of 21st 
May I noticed a male Red-backed Shrike (Zanius collurio) on the 
farm of West Kirkton about half a mile from Arbroath. It was not 
at all shy, and was under observation, usually at a distance of within 
twenty or thirty yards, for half an hour. It flew from post to post 
of a wire fence. When at last it flew off over the field, it was 
accompanied by another bird which, I thought, might be its mate. 
In the evening of the same day I saw it again. Next day I found 
both birds together, and so tame that I was able to observe them 
for several minutes. In the afternoon my brother visited the spot 
and saw the male bird only. On each of the six following days I 
visited the place, but no further sign of either bird was seen. I 
have never seen the species farther north than the Farne Islands, on 
which I observed one in May 1892. It seems to be extremely 
rare in this county, there being only one record, that of a specimen 
shot near Montrose about 1864.—T. F. Dewar, Arbroath. 

[An adult male ‘Red-backed Shrike was seen at Innerwick in 
East Lothian on the 25th of May. These birds were probably 
migrants on their way to their breeding-haunts in Scandinavia.— 
W. E.G] 

The Goldfinch in West Lothian.—It may be interesting to note 
that on the rst of January last I saw three Goldfinches (Carduelis 
elegans), in company with a number of other birds, on an elm tree in 
a field near East Craigie Farm, Dalmeny Park; and on the roth 
February I saw a single bird of this species very near the same 
place.—Bruce CAMPBELL, Edinburgh. 

Note on the Siskin in Kirkeudbright.—These pretty little birds 
have become rather uncertain visitants to our neighbourhood within 
recent years. Formerly they were more regular, and a few nested 
in certain localities. Indeed, the species was found nesting in 
Britain for the first time in the woods of Shambellie, adjoining the 
picturesque little village of Newabbey. During March several 
flocks and lesser parties of Siskins were noted in the seaward 
parishes of the Stewartry.—R. SERVICE, Maxwelltown. 

Curious Nesting-site of the Marsh Titmouse.—Whilst 
walking along the bank of the Fiddler’s Burn, near Braidwood, 
Lanarkshire, on the 28th May, one of my companions directed my 
attention to what seemed a mass of rubbish on a tree growing on 
the opposite bank of the stream. Thinking it well to make 


certain of its nature, he threw a stone into the tree, upon which a 
little bird slipped quietly out as if off its nest. Our curiosity was 
now aroused, and we crossed the stream, only to find, however, that 
the tree, which overhung the water at a height of some forty feet, 
was in an advanced state of decay. Notwithstanding this, one of the 
party climbed to the nest, which was built in a fork of the tree just 
where it bent right over the stream. So exceedingly shy were the 
owners of the nest, and so bad was the light, that it was with the greatest 
difficulty, and only after a wearisome wait, that we discovered that 
they were Marsh Tits (Parus palustris). One of the party who is 
familiar with the peculiar note of the bird had asserted from the 
very first that the nest belonged to that species ; but I determined, 
if possible, to place the matter beyond dispute. ‘The nest, except 
that it is larger than usual, is quite normal. So far as I am aware, 
this is the first authenicated case on record of the Marsh Tit nesting 
in an exposed situation. What is perhaps more wonderful still is 
the fact that the eggs are exceptionally large. The largest specimen 
measures .77 X .59 in., while the average dimensions of the clutch 
are.74 x.59 in.! Most leading British authorities give .65 in. as the 
maximum length of eggs of this Tit; while the longest specimen in 
the famous Rey collection at Leipzig measures 17.0 mm.—J. B. 
Dossik, Edinburgh. 

Hybrid Crows in the Forth Area.—This season I have examined 
two specimens of Crows in intermediate plumage between the typical 
Corvus corone and the northern form C. cornzx. ‘The first was shot 
about the middleof Mayfrom a nest in S.W. Perthshire; it had neck and 
shoulders gray, but was otherwise in the plumage of a typical Carrion 
Crow, to one of which birds—also shot—it was mated. ‘The second 
was shot from a nest near Listonshiels, Pentland Hills. It had a 
ring of gray round the lower neck, extending to an inch in breadth 
on the upper back, and the whole plumage of the lower back was 
interspersed with gray feathers; its mate was not secured, but 
appeared to be a typical Carrion Crow.—RoBERT GoprReEy, Edin- 

The Jay in Dumfriesshire and Kirkeudbright.—The large 
number of these birds that found their way to Dumfriesshire and 
the more easterly parts of the Stewartry during the past winter have 
been singularly lucky in avoiding the fate usually meted out to such 
as hold a reputation (ill-deserved it may be) like theirs. From all 
I can learn, not more than two or three dozen of them seem to have 
been shot. Some few of them may remain, and, if good luck 
continues, may breed. The vast majority have, however, dis- 
appeared quietly. Doubtless they are returning to the forests of 
North-Eastern Europe, from whence they set out in October last. 
Outside the western boundaries of the Nithsdale water-shed, these 
Jays hardly seem to have been noticed. A couple were shot near 


Kirkcudbright. A few were seen in Eskdale. Practically they 
were confined to Annandale and Nithsdale, especially the first 
named. I have notes and estimates from a good many correspond- 
ents that make up a total of rather more than 300 Jays seen. 
Such an immigration is rather a unique event.—R. SERVICE, 

Wryneck at the Island of Foula, Shetland.—On the 3oth of 
April a Wryneck (Zyax ¢orguil/a) was captured alive in » byre, where 
it had evidently sought shelter, on this island. It died about an 
hour afterwards, and I sent the specimen to the Museum of Science 
and Art, Edinburgh.—AbE.aIbE L. TraiL1, Island of Foula. 

Hoopoe at the Isle of May.—A Hoopoe (Ufupa epops) was 
obtained by the lightkeepers at the Isle of May on the g3oth of 
April last, and was forwarded to me for preservation, and proved to 
be an adult female.—R. Sma, Edinburgh. 

Great Spotted Woodpecker in Peeblesshire.—The game- 
keeper at Hallmyre informs me that he saw a Great Spotted Wood- 
pecker (Dendrocopus major) in a wood on that place on the 15th 
May last. The observer (who knows the species) was directed to the 
bird by its loud tapping on the dead limb of an old pine, and it 
allowed him to approach sufficiently close to distinguish the red on 
the nape of the head. I may mention that two birds of the above 
species were seen in Castle Craig woods about two years ago.— 
T. G. Larpiaw, Edinburgh. 

The Marsh Harrier in Dumfriesshire.—This very rare species 
occurred early in May, a fine old male having been shot at a 
place in Kirkmichael. I had the pleasure of examining the bird 
while it was still in the flesh. Probably it may have been a com- 
paratively common bird in this country at one time. If so, the 
period must have been rather remote. In the present conditions of 
agriculture and game preservation, such a species as the Marsh 
Harrier is inevitably doomed. So it is merely a rare straggler now. 
This individual is the first local specimen that has been obtained 
within the last thirty years.—R. SERvIcE, Maxwelltown. 

Iceland Faleon in Shetland.—An immature male Iceland Falcon 
(Falco islandus) was obtained at Ollaberry, near Lerwick, on the 6th 
of April last, and was sent to Mr. Robert Small, Edinburgh, for 

Destruction of Ospreys.—‘‘ Three weeks ago a pair of these 
splendid birds came to Lochan Eilean, on the estate of Rothie- 
murchus, in Strathspey, and took up their abode in the ruined castle 
in the lake, where for years they have bred in security. A few days 
after their arrival, they were joined by a third Osprey (probably a 
male bird). Then began a battle royal. For three days two of 
them fought, whilst the third perched unmoved on the castle wall. 


They towered and stooped and manceuvred in the air, and they 
attacked each other fiercely on the wall and on the shore, until at 
length one fell dead into the lake. The victor was seen to fly 
heavily to the castle wall. Next day it had disappeared, and but a 
solitary bird now remains.”—J. B. G. in “The Field,” 21st May 1898, 

Pp. 745: 

Ring Dove nesting in the City of Edinburgh.—Perhaps the 
following may be of some little interest to you. A friend of mine, 
who lives in a pretty crowded suburb of Edinburgh, informs me 
that a pair of common Wood Pigeons (Co/umba palumbus) are nest- 
ing in a horse-chestnut tree which grows alongside a large tenement 
of houses. Is this not rather an uncommon thing, considering the 
shyness of this species? You can rely upon this information being 
correct, and if you think it worth while to make a note of it you 
are welcome to do so.—Arcu. Craic, Edinburgh. 

[Although this species is a well-known bird in the parks and 
gardens of London, Paris, and elsewhere, it has rarely, we believe, 
bred in the city of Edinburgh.—Ebs. | 

Mode of Progression of the young Waterhen on Land.—In 
crossing a Caithness flow, tenanted by a colony of Black-headed 
Gulls, on 6th June last, I put up a Waterhen (Gad/inula chloropus) 
from a tuft of rushes. As the gulls’ nests seen up to that time were 
all empty, I thought it useless to halt and look for the Waterhen’s, 
but ere I had gone far I heard the distinctive call of a downy 
Waterhen, and I noticed a youngster resting on a wet patch between 
rush beds. The bird was only a day or so old, and it answered 
fearlessly and repeatedly my efforts to imitate its cry. It proceeded 
across the damp ground ‘on all fours,” using its stumpy wings like 
hands, stretching them forward alternately to catch on the stems of 
grasses or rushes, and moving forward thus with a floundering gait, 
keeping its belly on the ground as it proceeded. The deliberate use 
of the wings alternately seemed to me the most interesting point of 
the observation, as, of course, such a use of a bird’s wings in flight 
is impossible. The adult Waterhen at times exhibits a most re- 
markable side to side motion of his body in flight, in consequence 
of his running and flying simultaneously. In connection with this 
note, it is interesting to compare an account of the downy Little 
Grebe’s method of progression on land, as recorded by Professor 
Newton in the “Ibis,” 1889, and quoted by Mr. Tegetmeier in “ The 
Field,” 4th June 1898. Professor Newton shows that this bird, 
when recently hatched, depends quite as much on its wings as on 
its legs in impelling itself forward on land. I may say that I had 
not had the opportunity of seeing Professor Newton’s note till after 
I had made the above observation on the young Waterhen.—ROBERT 
Goprrey, Edinburgh. 


Early Hatehing of the Tufted Duek in Caithness.—The 
Tufted Duck (/iligula cristata) is one of our latest nesting species 
of Duck, the normal time for laying in Scotland being the first week 
in June. In Midlothian the earliest date on which I have seen the 
young is 25th June. I was therefore surprised to find this season 
in Caithness a female attended by nine young on a “ dhuloch,” on 
6th June; in this case the bird must heve begun to lay by 4th 
May at latest. Not only the date, but also the locality of the 
Caithness nesting-haunt referred to is interesting: the bird was 
frequenting a small peat-hole partially overgrown with bog-bean. 
Though such nesting-haunts are not unknown in other parts of 
Scotland—there being one such summer station in Midlothian— 
they are the exception.—RosBERT GopFrReEy, Edinburgh. 

The Viper in the Pentlands.—During an excursion of the 
Scottish Natural History Society to Auchencorth Moor on the 
7th of May, one of the party, Mr. Charles Traill of Edinburgh, killed 
a Viper. The specimen measured 26 inches in length, and weighed 
exactly 1 lb. As the Viper appears to be of very rare occurrence 
in the Pentlands and in the Forth district generally, this capture 
may be worthy of record.—J. B. Doggie, Edinburgh. 

On the occurrence of Cyelops nanus, G. O. Sars, and Cyelops 
languidus, G. O. Sars, in Loch Doon, Ayrshire.—These two species 
of Cyclops were obtained in a shore gathering from Loch Doon, 
collected by means of a hand-net on the 31st of March last. Cyclops 
manus is, as the name signifies, a small species, and in this case 
might have been the young of a larger kind, but as several of the 
specimens carried ova, there could be little doubt as to their being 
mature. Professor G. S. Brady, to whom I submitted specimens, 
considered them to be identical with the Cyc/ops nanus described by 
Professor Sars. ‘There does not seem to be any British record for 
C. manus previous to this. It may also be remarked that in C. 
nanus the antennules are eleven-jointed. Cyclops languidus is also 
comparatively a small species, and though it has previously been 
recorded from England, this is, I think, the first record of its 
occurrence in any Scottish freshwater loch. C. danguidus belongs to 
the group distinguished by having the antennules seventeen-jointed, 
but in this species the third and fourth joints are coalescent, so that 
the antennules appear to have only sixteen. This coalescing and 
subdividing of the joints of the antennules is an interesting feature 
in Cyclops, and has given rise to a considerable difference of opinion 
as to whether certain species are “true species,” or merely “ forms ” 
of some species having the full complement of joints. Even in 
the present instance there appears to be a tendency on the part of 
some authors to consider Cyclops manus as a modified “ form” of C. 
Janguidus, and in view of this it is somewhat significant that both forms 
were found in the same gathering from Loch Doon.—T. Scort, Leith. 


Records of Scottish Land and Freshwater Mollusea.—Since 
the publication, in the July 1895 number of this magazine, of 
Mr. Roebuck’s last list of additions to his ‘Census of the Land and 
Freshwater Mollusca of Scotland,’ I have sent to Mr. J. W. Taylor 
of Leeds, for “authentication,” a number of specimens constituting 
fresh county records. Others, no doubt, have also sent similar data 
from Scotland to the Conchological Society’s referees during the 
period, and I hope Mr. Roebuck will ere long favour us with a 
continuation of his useful supplements. Meantime it. can do no 
harm for me to mention some of the records I have myself 
supplied :— 

Limax cinereo-niger.—One well-grown specimen under bark on 
an old fir log in Rosslyn Woods, county of Edinburgh, 30th April 
1898. This is an interesting addition to the county list. 

Succinea putris,—Philipstoun, Linlithgowshire, October 1896, a 
few; Dollar, Clackmannanshire, April 1897, several. 

Fyalinia pura.—Near Macbiehill, Peeblesshire, February 1896, 
a dozen. 

Hyalinia radiatula—Near Macbiehill, Peeblesshire, February 
1896, a few. 

Flelix lamellata.—VYester grounds, Haddingtonshire, September 
1896, common. I have already recorded this in the ‘ Annals” 
(1897, p. 47). 

Helix granulata (=sericea, Jeff.).—Longniddry, Haddington- 
shire, February 1896, abundant among hemlock, etc. ; Yester, in 
same county, September 1896, two specimens; banks of stream 
flowing out of Kinghorn Loch, Fife, March 1896, a few dead shells. 

Helix fusca.—Pressmennan and Elmscleugh, Haddingtonshire, 
September 1894; Yester, in same county, September 1896; 
Carribber Glen, Linlithgowshire, February 1898, a few ; Causeway- 
end, near Manuel, Stirlingshire, March 1898, common. 

Vertigo antivertigo.—Banks of stream flowing out of Kinghorn 
Loch, Fife, March 1896, fairly common (Mr. T. Scott has recorded 
it from Largo, and from fos¢-tertiary deposits at Elie—see “Scot. 
Nat.,” 1891, p. 50); Pass of Aberfoyle, West Perth, April 1896, a 
good many. 

Vertigo substriata. —Dreghorn Glen, Pentland Hills, near 
Edinburgh, March 1897, one specimen. I have already recorded 
this in the “ Annals” (1897, p. 126). 

Clausilia bidentata, Strom. (=rugosa, Drap.).—Banks of the 
Avon, below Carribber, Linlithgowshire, February 1898, a few, 
including one of var. Everettt. 

Limnea glabra.—Rosslyn Curling Pond, near Edinburgh, October 
1897, fairly common. 

Spherium dlacustre—Rosslyn Curling Pond, near Edinburgh, 
October 1897, tolerably common. 


Specimens of the following species, which are not entered for 
Berwickshire in the ‘‘ Census,” were also sent by me to the referees 
from that county in 1895 (see my paper on Berwickshire Land and 
Freshwater Mollusca in “ Proceedings Berw. Nat. Club,” vol. xv., 
1894-95) :—Agriolimax levis, Succinea elegans, Helix arbustorum, 
flelix granulata, Felix fusca, Pua anglica (=ringens, Jeff. ); 
Vertigo pygmaa, Clausilia bidentata, and Limnea truncatula. 

I may add that on rath February last I found Azeca ¢ridens in 
some numbers on a mossy bank near Bridge of Allan, West Perth. 
It was first found in this locality by Mr. Foulis in 1868 (see “Proc. 
Glasgow Nat. Hist. Soc.,” i. 240); and rediscovered by Mr. A. 
M‘Lellan, Stirling, in April 1896. I hunted it up independently.— 
WILi1AM Evans, Edinburgh. 


Botanie Garden in Aberdeen.—A most valuable addition has 
been made to the facilities for the study of Botany in Aberdeen by the 
gift of 415,000 for the formation and upkeep of a Botanic Garden 
in Old Aberdeen. Miss Anne H. Cruickshank, daughter of a 
former Professor of Mathematics in Marischal College and Uni- 
versity, has connected this gift with the memory of her late brother, 
Dr. Alexander Cruickshank, an ardent student of natural science, 
and a successful student despite physical defects from infancy that 
would have crushed a weaker nature. The object of the gift is to 
promote higher teaching and research in Botany, and the administra- 
tion is committed to six Trustees (the Principal of the University and 
the Professors of Botany and of Mathematics, all ex officé’s, and three 
others named personally), who shall use the proceeds to further 
botanical teaching and study within the University of Aberdeen, and 
shall also permit the access of the public to the Garden under suit- 
able regulations. A year or so must elapse before the Garden can 
be equipped, but it should prove a valuable aid to botanical research 
in Aberdeen. 

Claytonia perfoliata, Donx.—This North American plant, which 
is common in some parts of England, but rare in Scotland, was found 
by Mr. A. Calder of Portobello, thoroughly established at Portincross, 
near Kilbride in Ayrshire, in May 1898. It is recorded in Dr. F. 
Buchanan White’s “Flora of Perthshire,’ but in no other of the 
published local Floras of Scotland.—A. B. STEELE, Edinburgh. 

[See “Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist.,” 1898, p. 102.—Ep. | 

Mosses and Hepaties near Edinburgh.—The following rather 
rare mosses and hepatics have recently been collected in the 
neighbourhood of Edinburgh by Mr. Alister Murray and Mr. Charles 


Scott, members of the Edinburgh Field Naturalists Society, either 
at the Society’s excursions or when botanising alone. Musei.— 
Grimmia subsquarrosa on Arthur Seat, April 1898 ; Orthodontium 
(Stableria) gracile in Roslin Glen, March 1898 ; Fissedens pusillus at 
Arniston, October 1897 ; Heterocladium heteropterum near Bavelaw, 
March 1897 ; Aypnum falcatum at head of Bonaly Burn, December 
1897; H. patientie south of Swanston, Pentland Hills, March 1896, 
rare in fruit. Hepaties.—VPorella levigata, Bonaly Burn and Craig- 
lockhart, December 1897; Cephalozia catenulata, Habbie’s Howe, 
February 1898.—A. B. STEELE, Edinburgh. 


The Titles and Purport of Papers and Notes relating to Scottish Natural His- 
tory which have appeared during the Quarter—April-June 1898. 

[The Editors desire assistance to enable them to make this Section as complete as 
possible. Contributions on the lines indicated will be most acceptable and 
will bear the initials of the Contributor. The Editors will have access to the 
sources of information undermentioned. ] 


28th May 18098, p. 787.—Three specimens captured lately in the 
Parish of Canonbie. 

Nores oF 1897 [LeprpopTEra]. By A. Horne, F.E.S., A. A. 
Dalglish, and E. M. Cheesman. xt. Record, vol. x. pp. 79-85 
(March 1898).—A large number of Scottish records are included in 
these notes, from Rannoch, South-West Scotland, and Orkney. 

Record, vol. x. p. 85 (March 1898).—Specimen captured at Strom- 
ness on 3rd September 1897. 

Prout, F.E.S. Lz. Record, vol. x. pp. 93-95 (April 1898).—The 
notes refer in great part to specimens from Rannoch, Aberdeen, and 

F. X. King, F.E.S. Zant. Mo. Mag. (2), vol. ix. pp. 134-135 (June 
1898).—A list of thirty-one species is given. 

RESPECTIVELY. By Kenneth J. Morton, F.E.S. Znz. Mo. Mag. (2), 
vol. ix. pp. 107-109 (May 1898).—Hydroptila sylvestris, n. sp., 
described from specimens taken in July by beating pine trees on 
the shores of Loch Morlich, Glen More, Inverness-shire, at an 
elevation of 1046 feet. 


Ent. Mo. Mag. (2), vol. ix. p. 138 (June 1898). 

GENUS. By C. W. Dale. Lt. Mo. Mag. (2), vol. ix. p. 88 (April 
1898).—-Specimen taken on 18th June 1896. 

Rey. A. E. Eaton, M.A., F.E.S. nt. Mo. Mag. (2), vol. ix. pp. 
117-125 (May and June 1898).—Psychoda phalzenoides, Linn., and 
P. albipennis, Zett., are recorded from Loch Maree. 


(First SUPPLEMENT). By James Britten andG.S. Boulger. /owrn. 
Bot., 1898, pp. 145-149, 192-195.—The above instalments extend 
from Bobart to Higgins. 

NorEes oF A Tour IN N. SCOTLAND, 1897. By Rev. 
Edward S. Marshall and W. A. Shoolbred. Journ. Bot., 1898, pp. 
166-177.—The results of a visit from 14th July to 12th August 
1897, in Vice-counties—Caithness (109), West Sutherland (108), 
East Sutherland (107), East Ross (106), and Elgin (95). It con- 
tains numerous new records. 

By Rev. Edward S. Marshall. Journ. Bot., 1898, p. 150.—Based on 
his own gatherings, and on the Boswell-SSyme and Hanbury herbaria. 
The localities noted are in Mid-Perth (88), S. Aberdeen (92), W. 
Sutherland (108), Caithness (109), Orkney (111). 

Edward F. Linton. Journ. Bot., 1898, pp. 122-124.—Descriptions 
of artificially produced hybrids, viz. S. Caprea x lanata, S. cinerea x 
Myrsinites, and S. lanata x repens. 

CAREX HELVOLA, BLYTT, ON BEN Lawers. Recorded by 
Mr. G. C. Druce at meeting of Linnean Society on 3rd March 1898. 
Journ. Bot., 1898, p. 157. 

New or Rare British Funci. By Annie Lorrain Smith. 
Journ. Bot., 1898, pp. 180-182.—Enumerates the following, sent 
by D. A. Boyd from Seamill in Ayrshire (except O. Bistorte), and 
believed by the writer to be new to Britain :—Pseudophacidium 
Callune, Karst., on dead branches of Cal/una vulgaris; Stictis stellata, 
Wallr., on dead stems of Eupatorium cannabinum; Thyrsidium 
hedericolum, Dur. and Mont., var. Carfind, Sacc., on dead branch of 
Carpinus Betulus; Ovularia Bistorte, Sacc.,on Polygonum Bistorta 
from Kilmarnock; and Ramularia Valeriane, Sacc., on Valeriana 
officinalis. [Of the above at least Ovularia Bistorte, Ramularia 
Valeriane, and Thyrsidium hedericolum have been previously recorded 
from near Aberdeen.—J. W. H. T.] 



AUDUBON AND HIS JOURNALS. By Maria R. Audubon. With 
Zoological and other Notes by Elliott Coues. In two volumes. 
(London: John C. Nimmo, 1898.) 

In the literature of the American people there is no name which 
justly ranks higher than that of the brilliant French-American 
naturalist John James Audubon. 

Now nearly half a century since his death his grand-daughter 
Maria R. Audubon has given his scientific admirers in many lands 
two large octavo volumes, excellent of their kind, and has for the first 
time brought together a most carefully prepared biography of the 
great naturalist, his life and works, as well as the full text of those 
famous “ Journals” and the “ Episodes.” 

In this now standard work the Missouri Journal is nearly new, 
the Labrador and European ones largely so. ‘The second volume 
contains the “ Episodes,” and these have not been before collectively 
printed in English. 

The zoologicai notes by Dr. Elliott Coues, who has greatly 
assisted with the work, add much to its value and interest. 

Audubon’s fame as a naturalist rests on his great and magnificent 
work Birds of America, in four massive folio volumes, containing 
435 plates, the first part of which appeared in London in 1827, 
finally to be concluded in 1838. This was subsequently followed 
by quite a distinct octavo edition in seven volumes, published 
1840-44. The price at which the Birds of America was issued 
made the work an article of luxury, and precluded its appearance in 
libraries except those of the most wealthy, thus placing the varied 
information beyond the reach of the great body of working naturalists. 

Audubon, although a most accurate observer of nature, had 
little claim to be considered a scientific naturalist. His great powers 
consisted in his skill with pen and brush in describing and depicting 
bird life as he saw it out of doors. He was a painter first, a natur- 
alist afterwards. Perhaps, judging by the standard of recent days, his 
magnificent plates fail through defective drawing, and he has chosen 
an exaggerated attitude and position for his subjects, such as are not 
seen in nature, or are not in accord with the ideas of the ornitho- 
logical artists of the present day. 

In 1826 Audubon visited Europe, landing in Liverpool in July 
of that year, and it was then that he became acquainted with the 
Rathbone and Roscoe families, from whom he received much 

Afterwards in Edinburgh and the North of England he became 
intimate with Professor Jameson, John Prideaux Selby of Twizel, 
Lizars the engraver, Sir William Jardine, Bewick, Sir Walter Scott, 


and a host of distinguished literary men. This portion of the 
European Journal is of much interest. 

In the autumn of 1830, Audubon and his wife, coming from . 
America, returned once more to his old quarters in Edinburgh, and 
then began that ‘ Ornithological Biography” in which he was so 
immensely assisted by William Macgillivray—how much so we may 
know by what his countryman Dr. Coues has written (Key fo Worth 
American Birds, 2nd ed., 1884, p. 22): “ Vivid and ardent was his 
genius, matchless he was both with pen and pencil in giving life and 
spirit to the beautiful objects he delineated with passionate love ; 
but there was a strong and patient worker by his side—William 
Macgillivray, the countryman of Wilson, destined to lend the sturdy 
Scotch fibre to an Audubonian epoch. The brilliant French- 
American naturalist was little of a ‘scientist.’ Of his work the 
magical beauties of form and colour and movement are all his ; his 
page is redolent of nature’s fragrance; but Macgillivray’s are the 
bone and sinew, the hidden, anatomical parts beneath the lovely 
face, the nomenclature, the classification—in a word, the technicali- 
ties of the science.” 

In concluding this short and imperfect notice of Miss Audubon’s 
charming volumes, we feel assured that the life-work of the great 
naturalist will abide, and his memory continue a joint heritage of the 
English-speaking people on each side of the Atlantic, so that the 
name and fame of Audubon will live in the hearts of the generations 
which follow. i Ee Oe 

FLORA OF PERTHSHIRE. By Francis Buchanan W. White, 
M.D., F.L.S., F.E.S. Edited, with an Introduction and Life of the 
Author, a list of his Scientific Publications, and an Appendix, by 
James W. H. Trail, A.M., M.D., F.R.S. (Printed for the Perth- 
shire Society of Natural Science by William Blackwood and Sons, 

Those interested in the Botany of Scotland were aware that the 
late Dr. Buchanan White had for several years been engaged in the 
preparation of a “Flora” of his native county, and have anticipated 
the issue of the work by himself. Few know any district so varied 
as Perthshire as he knew it, and the width of his interests in botanical 
problems, and also in zoology, gave promise of a work of much 
value. Much of the manuscript of the systematic section was drafted 
into shape a good many years ago; but Dr. White felt that addi- 
tional information was required on many points before he could 
regard it as ready for publication. Illness, leading to his death, put 
a barrier to the further progress of his work. The Council of the 
P.S.N.S. felt that it would be a misfortune if the result of Dr. White’s 
investigations were lost, especially as it was believed that the MS. 
was virtually ready to be placed in the printer’s hands. Arrange- 
ments were made to have it printed, and the editor undertook to 


revise the proofs and to prepare a short account of the author’s life 
and scientific work. 

It was soon found that the manuscript was less ready than had 
been supposed. Many additions had been made on the sheets, and 
required to be put in place and verified, and queries required to be 
solved. Several critical genera had been left for subsequent treat- 
ment, and were not represented at all, or only by brief and frag- 
mentary notes. It was clearly necessary to endeavour to fill these 
gaps, as far as practicable, on the same general plan as that followed 
by the author. The doing so has delayed a good deal the appearance 
of the volume. 

Though the book has inevitably suffered from its author not 
having been able to prepare it finally for publication, and to give it 
the benefit of personal revision, its value as a local flora will be 
recognised as entitling the Council of the Perthshire Society to the 
gratitude of a much wider circle than those interested in Perthshire 
alone. The accuracy of the author’s many personal observations 
recorded here give it a permanent value to all interested in the British 

(Leipzig: Eduard Kummer, 1898.) 

Though primarily intended for the flora of Middle Europe, and 
written in German, this work ought to be welcomed by every botanist 
desirous to become acquainted with the Characee of any region of 
the world. It will be found most useful, as it gives a key to all 
European species and varieties, with short and good descriptions. 
There are 133 excellent woodcuts, many of them of full-page size, 
and by far the most including numerous figures in each woodcut. 
Every European species except Zolypella hispanica is figured, as 
are also many of the varieties. An introduction explains and 
illustrates the structure of the group, and gives information as to 
collecting and examining the species. There is also a valuable 
index to the literature of the Characee and to the chief published 
sets of specimens. The work is based on Dr. Migula’s well-known 
volume on these plants in Rabenhorst’s “ Kryptogamenflora.” 
Though not so full in its treatment as the latter, it is more convenient 
for general use. 

A useful sheet under this title has been issued by Mr. A. Somerville, 
after consultation with many botanists and zoologists interested in 
the distribution of British plants and animals. It gives in brief and 
convenient form the divisions recognised by Mr. H. C. Watson, 
with notes on the divisions of the larger counties and on the effects 
of later legislation on the county boundaries and on the divisions. 
It is in a form suited for hanging up for ready reference, and 
should be found useful by all biologists in Britain. 


Issued by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., ete. (Concluding Notice.) 

It must be a matter for congratulation to the subscribers to the 
late Lord Lilford’s beautiful volumes who have lived to see the 
conclusion of the work. The first number was issued in October 
1885; the concluding in the spring of 1898. Lord Lilford’s death 
took place on 17th June 1896, on which date nearly all the remaining 
plates were in an advanced state of preparation, and only the letter- 
press remained to be issued. 

Friends who knew the gifted author were aware that his cheer- 
fulness never left him, and that although worn with the increase of 
bodily infirmities, and alas too often racked with pain, his interest in his 
work never flagged, but remained fresh and perfect to the end of a 
gentle and blameless life. 

The plates were intended to be the main feature of the work, and 
undoubtedly the beautiful drawings by Thorburn, Keulemans, Lodge, 
and Neale must ever remain a joy to the possessors, and a credit to 
nineteenth-century art. The letterpress, eminently original, and 
drawn from Lord Lilford’s varied experiences, or that of friends on 
whom he could rely, forms an admirable setting to the illustrations. 

The concluding number (xxxvi.) contains a welcome portrait 
of Lord Lilford, title pages, list of subscribers, and a preface memoir, 
written with much feeling, by his old friend Professor Newton, to 
whom the work is dedicated with affection and respect. 

The letterpress of the four concluding numbers was supplied by 
the late Osbert Salvin, F.R.S., and confined to a brief statement of 
the claims of each species to be considered a British bird, and its 
geographical distribution. And now he too has left us, and one more 
illustrious ornithologist of that fast diminishing brotherhood who 
were the original promoters and founders of the British Ornithologists 
Union has passed to the other side. 

We cannot live back into the past, and memory alone can quicken 
faces and voices once familiar; but the life-work of our comrades 
remains, and, like these beautiful volumes of Lord Lilford’s, will abide 
a treasure, a joy, and an example, when new generations of bird- 
lovers seek out the paths of the old. JG: 

The Annals 

Scottish Natural History 

No: 72:3) 1898 [OCTOBER 

By Sir Witt1aM TurNeER, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. 
(Continued from p. 146.) 

THE association of bronze objects, both with short cists 
and cinerary urns, establishes these forms of interment as 
practised at a time when bronze was the characteristic metal 
used in many purposes of life. The crouching attitude of 
the dead body, the contracted grave, and the varieties of 
urns already described, are therefore to be regarded as 
equally characteristic of this period, even if bronze is not 
found in a particular instance associated with the interment, 
and this view is generally held by archeologists in Scotland. 

In a preceding paragraph implements and weapons made 
of stone, flint, and bone were referred to as having been 
sometimes associated with bronze, and also of similar objects 
having been found in graves, in which, though obviously of 
the same class and period, no article made of metal was 
observed. Such an association proves that there was no 
sharp line of demarcation between the employment of the 
more simple substances used by Neolithic man in the 

1*An Address delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, on the 26th 
March 1897. 
28 B 


manufacture of implements and weapons, and the use of 
bronze for similar purposes. The two periods undoubtedly 
overlapped. It has been customary to regard this over- 
lapping as if bronze-using man had continued for a period 
to employ the same substances in making useful articles as 
did his Neolithic predecessors ; that time was required before 
the more costly bronze, imported from foreign sources, 
replaced the native materials, and that consequently both 
groups of objects became associated in the same grave. 
Additional light is thrown on the mixture of objects 
representing different stages of culture in the same interment 
by a collection of goods from the grave of an aboriginal 
Australian, buried about fifty years ago, recently brought 
under my notice by Dr. R. Broom. Along with the skeleton 
were found a clay pipe, an iron spoon, the remains of a 
rusted pannikin, the handle of a pocket-knife, and a large 
piece of flint. The handle of the knife, with its steel back, 
had doubtless been used along with the flint for the purpose 
of obtaining fire, as in Neolithic times a similar office was 
discharged by flint and a nodule of pyrites. These ac- 
companiments of the Australian interments show that men 
in a lower grade of culture and intellectual power utilise, as 
opportunity offers, objects representing a much higher stage of 
civilisation. It is possible, therefore, that some of the mixed 
interments ascribed to the Bronze Age may be the graves 
of Neolithic men who, in conjunction with articles of their 
own manufacture, had employed the material introduced by 
a bronze-using race, with whom they had been brought in 
contact, and whose usages they had more or less imitated. 
That the inhabitants of prehistoric Scotland were not a 
homogeneous people, but exhibited different types in their 
physical configuration, so as to justify the conclusion that 
they were not all of the same race, has long been accepted 
by archeologists. The first observer who made a definite 
statement, based on anatomical data, was the late Sir Daniel 
Wilson, in his well-known “ Prehistoric Annals of Scotland.” 
Whilst admitting that the material at his disposal was scanty, 
he thought that he was justified in stating that the primitive 
race in Scotland possessed an elongated dolichocephalic head, 
which he termed boat-shaped, or kumbecephalic. This race, 


he said, was succeeded by a people with shorter and wider 
skulls, which possessed brachycephalic proportions. Further, 
he considered that both these races preceded the intrusion 
of the Celta into Scotland. But the evidence is by no 
means satisfactory that the interments from which Wilson 
obtained the long kumbecephalic skulls were of an older 
date than those which yielded the brachycephalic specimens. 
So, fan therefore, as| rests upon these data, one cannot 
consider it as proved that a long-headed race preceded a 
broad-headed race in Scotland, and that both were antecedent 
fo) the? Celitze. 

Evidence from other quarters must be looked for, 
especially from the extensive researches of Thurnam, Green- 
well, Rolleston, and other archzologists into prehistoric 
interments in England; and by the study of the material 
which has accumulated in Scotland since the publication of 
Sir Daniel Wilson’s “ Prehistoric Annals.” 

The remains of prehistoric man in England subsequent 
to the Paleolithic Age have for the most part been found 
in mounds and tumuli, some of which were very elongated 
in form, others more rounded, so that they have been divided 
into the two groups of “long” and “round” barrows. There is 
a consensus of opinion that the long barrows were constructed 
by a race which inhabited England prior to the construction 
of the round barrows. The long barrows are indeed the 
most ancient sepulchral monuments in South Britain ; 
obviously they were erected before the use of bronze or 
other metal became known to the people. They belonged, 
therefore, to the Neolithic Age, as is testified by the imple- 
ments and weapons found in them being formed of stone, 
flint, bone, and horn, and by the absence of metals. They 
are not widely distributed in England, but are found especi- 
ally in a few counties in the north, as Yorkshire and West- 
moreland, and in the western counties in the south. The 
builders of these barrows in their interments practised both 
inhumation and cremation, but the burnt bones were never 
found in urns. 

The study of the human remains obtained from the 
English long barrows by Drs. Thurnam and Rolleston proves 
that the crania were distinctly dolichocephalic, and that the 


height was greater than the breadth. Those measured by 
Dr. Thurnam gave a mean length-breadth index 71-4, whilst 
Dr. Rolleston’s series were 72-6. 

The round barrows were constructed by a bronze-using 
people. The crania obtained in them were, as a tule, 
brachycephalic. Of twenty-five skulls measured by Dr. 
Thurnam seventeen had the length-breadth index 80 and 
upwards, and in six of these the index was 85 and upwards. 
Only four were dolichocephalic, whilst in three the index 
ranged from 77 to 79. In the brachycephalic skulls the 
height was less than the breadth. 

As similar physical conditions prevailed both in England 
and Scotland during the Polished Stone and Bronze periods, 
there is a strong presumption that the two races had, in 
succession to each other, migrated from South to North 
Britain. Unfortunately very few skulls have been preserved 
which can with certainty be ascribed to Neolithic man in 
Scotland, but those that have been examined from Papa 
Westray, the cairn of Get, and Oban, are dolichocephalic, 
and doubtless of the same race as the builders of the English 
long barrows. 

Seventeen skulls from interments belonging to the 
Bronze period have been examined by the author. The 
mean length-breadth index of twelve was 81-4, and the 
highest index was 88-6. In each skull the height was 
less than the breadth. In the other five specimens the 
mean index was 74; the majority, therefore, were brachy- 
cephalic. In only one specimen was the jaw prognathic ; 
the nose was almost always long and narrow ; the upper 
border of the orbit was, as a rule, thickened, and the height 
of the orbit was materially less than the width. The 
capacity of the cranium in three men ranged from 1380 to 
1555 ccs; the mean beina 1462 ce. In stature the Bronze 
men were somewhat taller than Neolithic men. The thigh 
bones of the Bronze Age skeletons gave a mean platymeric 
index 75-1, materially below the average of 81-8 obtained 
by Dr. Hepburn from measurements of the femora of modern 
Scots.’ The tibiz of the same skeletons gave a mean platy- 
knemic index 68-3; intermediate, therefore, between their 

1 «Journal of Anatomy and Physiology,” October 1896. 


Neolithic predecessors and the present inhabitants of Britain. 
Many of the tibiz also possessed a retroverted direction of 
the head of the bone ; but the plane of the condylar articular 
surfaces was not thereby affected, so that the backward 
direction of the head exercised no adverse influence on the 
assumption of the erect attitude. 

Whilst in England the Bronze Age round barrows are 
numerous and the burials in short cists are comparatively 
rare, in Scotland the opposite prevails. Whilst part of Dr. 
Thurnam’s aphorism, viz. “long barrows, long skulls,” applies 
to both countries ; the remaining part, “short barrows, short 
skulls,” should be modified in Scotland to “short cists, short 
or round skulls.” 

The presence of dolichocephalic skulls in the interments 
of the Bronze Age shows that the Neolithic people had 
commingled with the brachycephalic race. Similarly the 
Bronze men, though subject to successive invasions by 
Romans, Angles, and Scandinavians, have persisted as a 
constituent element of the people of Great Britain. The 
author has found a strong brachycephalic admixture in the 
crania of modern Scots—in Fife, the Lothians, Peebles, and 
as far north as Shetland. In 116 specimens measured, 29 
(ze. one-quarter) had a length-breadth index 80 and up- 
wards, and in five of these the index was more than 85. 

The question has been much discussed whether the 
people of the Polished Stone Age were descended from the 
men of the Ruder Stone Age, or were separated from them 
by a distinct interval of time. The latter view has been 
supported by Professor Boyd Dawkins, who contends that 
there is a great zoological break between the fauna of the 
Palzolithic-Pleistocene period and that of the Neolithic 
Age, and that the two periods are separated from each other 
by a revolution in climate geography, and animal life." 

Undoubtedly many large characteristic mammals of the 
Paleolithic fauna had entirely disappeared from Britain and 
Western Europe, but some nine or ten species, as the otter, 
wolf, wild cat, wild boar, stag, roe, urus, and horse, were 
continued into the Neolithic period ; at which time the dog, 

1 «Cave Hunting” and in “Journal of Anthropological Institute,” vol. 
xxiii., February 1894. 


small ox, pig, goat, and perhaps the sheep, as is shown by 
their osseous remains, were also naturalised in Britain. The 
continuity of our island with the Continent by intermediate 
land, which existed during Palzolithic times, also became 
severed, and a genial temperate climate replaced more or 
less arctic conditions. 

Man, however, possesses a power of accommodation, and 
of adapting himself to changes in his environment, such as 
is not possessed by a mere animal. The locus of an animal 
is regulated by the climate and the nature of the food, so 
that a change of climate, which would destroy the special 
food on which an animal lives, would lead to the extinction 
of the animal in that locality. Man, on the other hand, is 
omnivorous, and can sustain himself alike on the flesh of 
seals, whales, and bears in the Arctic circle, and on the fruits 
which ripen under a tropical sun. Man can produce fire to 
cook his food and to protect himself from cold, and can also 
manufacture clothing when necessary. Paleolithic man has 
left evidence that he had the capability to improve, for the 
cave men were undoubtedly in advance of the men who 
made the flint implements found in the river drifts. The 
capacity of the few crania of Paleolithic man which have 
been preserved is quite equal to, and in some cases superior 
to, that of modern savages. So far as regards the implements 
which he manufactured and employed, Neolithic man showed 
no material advance over the Paleolithic cave-dweller. 

The association of the bones of domestic mammals, 
which were not present in Palzolithic strata, along with the 
remains of Neolithic man, proves that additional species had 
been introduced into Western Europe at a particular period, 
probably by another race which had migrated northward and 
westward; but it by no means follows that Palaeolithic man had 
of necessity disappeared prior to this migration, and that when 
Neolithic man reached Western Europe he found it, as regards 
his own species, a desolate solitude. How then did Neolithic 
man with his associated animals find his way into Britain ? 

Was it whilst the land remained which connected 
Britain with the Continent in interglacial times, and along 
which Palaolithic man had travelled, or was it at some 
subsequent period, after the formation of intermediate arms 


of the sea? If the latter, then the further question arises, 
How was the transit effected? Neolithic man, so far as is 
known, had no other means of conveyance by water than 
was afforded by a canoe dug out of the stem of a tree. 
Although such rude boats might in calm weather serve as a 
means of transporting a few individuals across a river or 
narrow strait from one shore to the other, they can scarcely 
be regarded as fitted for an extensive migration of people; 
still less as a means of conveying their pigs, dogs, goats, and 
oxen. Hence one is led to the hypothesis that, after the 
sea had submerged the intermediate land of interglacial 
times, there had been a subsequent elevation, so that Britain 
again became a part of the continent of Europe. If one 
may use the expression, a “ Neolithic land bridge” was 
produced, continental relations and climate were for a time 
re-established, and a free immigration of Neolithic man with 
his domestic animals became possible. This may have been 
at the period when an abundant forest growth in Scotland 
succeeded the elevation of what is now called the 100-foot 
terrace. There is no evidence of the presence of Neolithic 
man in Scotland until about that period. Before this 
island with its surrounding and protecting “silver streak” 
settled down to the present distribution of land and water, 
there are ample data, as is shown by the three sea beaches 
at different levels so distinctly seen on the coast of Scotland, 
that frequent oscillations changed the relative positions of 
land and sea to each other. 

From the consideration of what may be called the 
biological data, the conclusion seems not to be justified, 
that because climatic changes had led to a disappearance of 
certain characteristic Paleolithic mammals, but by no means 
of all, therefore Palzolithic man had vanished along with 
them. When Neolithic man reached Western Europe, he in 
all likelihood found his Paleolithic predecessor settled there, 
and a greater or less degree of fusion took place between 
them. Hence, as the present inhabitants of Britain may 
claim the men both of the Neolithic and Bronze Ages as 
their ancestors, it is possible that as Neolithic man migrated 
northward into Scotland he may have carried with him a 
strain of Paleolithic blood. 



By T. G. LaipLaw, 
Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union. 

SCHEDULES were sent out as usual by Messrs. Harvie- 
Brown and Eagle Clarke to the Light Stations on the 
Scottish coasts, and of these twenty-four have been re- 
turned duly filled in. 

Schedules and notes have also been received from 
twenty-two other observers in various parts of the country, 
making a total of forty-six reports examined and tabulated. 
This represents an increase of twelve over the number 
received last year. 

While it is satisfactory to record an increase in the 
number of schedules received, it is hoped additional observers 
may be induced to record and send in reports from a// the 
different faunal areas. The need of such in Moray, West 
Ross, Tweed, and Solway may be specially referred to. 

Schedules may always be obtained from Mr. Eagle 
Clarke, Museum of Science and Art, Edinburgh. 

We have to express our hearty thanks to all those who 
have so kindly sent in reports, or otherwise assisted in these 

The following list gives the names of observers from 
whom reports have been received. The localities are 
arranged under the different faunal areas, proceeding from 
north to south along the east and west coasts. 

Locality. Name of Observer. 
North Unst L.H. James Ferrier, Lightkeeper. 
Various Localities Robert Godfrey, M.A. 
North Ronaldshay L.H. John A. Mackay, Lightkeeper. 
Pentland Skerries L.H. Robert A. M‘Harrie, Lightkeeper. 

Various Localities Robert Godfrey, M.A. 



Dunnet Head L.H. 
Cape Wrath L.H. 
Thurso District 


Kinnaird Head L.H. 
Rattray Head L.H. 

Auchinblae, Fordoun 
Upper Tay 
Tayfield, Newport 

Isle of May L.H. 

Row, Doune 

Lothians, Dollar, and Aber- 

Edinburgh District 


Various Localities 

Hallmyre, Peebles 



Name of Observer. 

Archibald M‘Eachern, Lightkeeper. 
The Lightkeepers. 
Lewis Dunbar. 


Lionel W. Hinxman, B.A. 


The Lightkeepers. 
R. Clyne and J. Gilmour, Lightkeepers. 
Rev. W. Serle, M.A. 


John Milne. 
Bruce Campbell. 
William Berry, B.A., LL.B. 


T. E. Arthur, Lightkeeper. 
Lt.-Col. Duthie. 
William Evans. 

Bruce Campbell. 
Charles Campbell. 
Robert Godfrey, M.A. 


D. G. Laidlaw. 
Charles Stuart, M.D. 


Island Ghlais L.H. 
Monach L.H. 
North Bay, Barra. 

James M‘Guffie, Lightkeeper. 
D. S. Stewart, Lightkeeper. 
John MacRury, M.B. 


Skerryvore L.H. 

Dhuheartach L.H. 
Scarnish, Tiree 

John Nicol and William Ross, Light- 

William Davidson, Lightkeeper. 

P. Anderson. 


Locality. Name of Observer. 
Lamlash L.H. James Edgar, Lightkeeper. 
Pladda L.H. Robert A. M‘Harrie, Lightkeeper. 
Ailsa Craig L.H. William A. Tulloch, Lightkeeper. 
(eee Paterson, John Robertson, 
Various Localities H. Boyd-Watt, and Robert 
\ Wilson. 
Mull of Kintyre L.H. William Quine, Lightkeeper. 

Solway Fishery, Dumfries. J. J. Armistead. 


The winter of 1896-97, as in the preceding year, was 
mild and open, but was followed by a cold and wet spring ; 
consequently the season was a late one. ‘This did not, 
however, seem to affect to any great extent the times of 
arrival of our summer visitants ; the average dates recorded 
showing no wide departure from the normal. Indeed, one 
or two exceptionally early dates are noted, such as March 
27th, Redstart at Skerryvore; and March 22nd, House 
Martin at Whithorn. 

There is little to notice with regard to the spring 
migration. On Feb. 5th-6th, at Skerryvore, there was a rush 
of Starlings, Larks, and Thrushes, with a S.E. wind; while 
from Pladda and Tiree, Wagtails in numbers were passing 
from April 28th to May 4th. At Tiree a large flock of 
Whimbrels was noted on May Ist. 

The principal autumn movements on the East Coast 
occurred during the first and last weeks in October. At 
Dunnet Head, on Oct. 2nd, Larks and Linnets in great 
numbers were passing all night; and at Rattray Head a 
great rush of Turdide, Larks, and Snow Buntings took place 
on Oct. 31st with a S.E. light breeze. 

On the West Coast, on August 31st, Sept. Ist-8th, 
rushes of small birds—-Wheatears, Wagtails, Pipits, and 
Warblers—are reported from Dhuheartach, Skerryvore, and 
Pladda. Other rushes, of Turdide chiefly, with Larks and 
Snow Buntings, occurred on Oct. 23rd, Oct. 31st, Nov. Ist- 



5th, with light winds from S.E. Nearly all the stations note 
these movements. 

The Turtle Dove has again been reported in unusual 
numbers. This bird appears to be extending its range, and 
may possibly soon be recognised as a regular summer 
visitant to Northern Britain. 

The occurrence of the Frigate Petrel (Pelagodroma 
marina)—the second British example—at Colonsay on 
Jan. tst is the most interesting rarity recorded during the 
year. The list of uncommon species includes the Waxwing 
(Ampelts garrulus) at Musselburgh and Chirnside ; Bee-eater 
(Werops apiaster) at Langwell, Caithness, on May 13th; 
Bittern (Botaurus stellaris) at Invergarry, Inverness, on Feb. 
2nd; Stone Curlew (dicnemus scolopax) at Muirhouse on 
August 12th; Gray Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius) at 
Kelton, Solway, on Sept. 19th; and Great Snipe (Gal/inago 
major) at Crocketford, Solway, on Oct. 2nd. The probable 
breeding of the Fulmar Petrel (Fudmarus glacialts), as 
recorded in the “ Annals” (1897, p. 254), is also worthy of 
mention, as the species has not hitherto been known to 
breed on the mainland of Britain. 

Turbus musicus (Song Thrush). 

Dee—Rattray Head, April 29. Outer Hebrides—Monach, Oct. 
24. Argyll and Isles—Tiree, Oct. 23. Skerryvore, Feb. 5-6, all 
night with Starlings and Larks ; Oct. 23, great rush with other birds ; 
Oct. 29-Nov. 1, numbers striking. Dhuheartach, Oct. 25; Nov. 
5, all night with Redwings. Clyde—Ailsa, Jan. 27; Pladda, Feb. 
3; Queen’s Park, Glasgow, Dec. 18, a few. 

Principal movements, Oct. 23-Nov. 5. 


Sutherland—Dunnet Head, Feb. 13, at lantern. Joray— 
Badenoch, Oct. 23. Dee—Rattray Head, Oct. 31-Nov. 1, great 
rush with other birds. 4vorti—Bonally, Oct. 4, several; Loganlee, 
Oct. 4; Isle of May, Nov. 1. Zzweed—Chirnside, April 4-Nov. 20. 
Outer Hebrides—Barra, Oct. 11, one; Oct. 21, flock. Island 
Ghlais, Oct. 28-29. Argyll and Isles—Tiree, Oct. 21, arrived; 
Oct. 31, numerous. Skerryvore, Oct. 23, rush of Turdide and 
Starlings; Oct. 28-29, numbers striking; Nov. 5, a rush. Dhu- 
heartach, Oct. 31-Nov. 1, all night; Nov. 3, with Blackbirds, great 


numbers killed ; Nov. 5, all night. CZyde—Ailsa, Jan. 27, Sept. 3, 
Oct. 18-20; Mearns, Oct. 23, a few. 

Earliest observed, Sept. 3, Ailsa Craig. Principal movements, 
Oct. 23-31, Nov. 5. 

TURDUS PILARIS (Fieldfare). 

Dee—Peterhead, Oct. 30. Rattray Head, Oct. 31; Nov. 1, great 
rush. Zay—Auchinblae, Feb. 7, fewer than usual. /vr¢i—Balerno, 
April, 29 ; Tynehead, Nov. 6; Morton, Nov. 9. Zzveed—Chirnside, 
April 4; Nov. 20, rather later than usual. Outer Hebrides—Monach, 
Oct. 1; Barra, Nov. 6, flock. Avgyl/ and Isles—Tiree, Oct. 14; 
Novy. 12, large numbers. Dhuheartach, Nov. 5, all night. Skerry- 
vore, Oct. 23, great rush; Nov. 5, rush. Clyde—Pladda, Jan. 2, 
11, 28; Feb. 22, killed at lantern. Beith, May 16, a few. Mearns, 

Earliest observed, Oct. 1, Monach. Principal movements, Oct. 
23, Nov. I-5. 

TURDUS MERULA (Blackbird). 

Sutherland—Cape Wrath, April 4. Dee—Peterhead, Oct. 25, 
Nov. 2, no marked rush of Turdidz this season. Rattray Head, 
Feb. 20, at lantern; Oct. 31-Nov. 1, great rush, many striking. 
Kinnairds Head, Nov. 2, large numbers, with Starlings, at lantern. 
Forth—Isle of May, Oct. 10. Outer Hebrides—Monach, Oct. 23, 
Nov. 7-24. Argyll and Isles—Dhuheartach, Oct. 25, on rock; 
Noy. 3, all night, numbers killed. Skerryvore, Oct. 23, great rush ; 
Noy. 1-5, many striking. Clyde—Ailsa, Jan. 27; Sept. 4, most 
seen, © Pladda, Feb, 22: 


Forth—Isle of May, Sept. 4; Aberfoyle, Sept. 13. Outer 
flebrides—Barra, April 8, first record. CZyde—Lamlash, April 16 ; 
Pladda, Sept. 2. So/zway—Mull of Kintyre, April 2. 

Earliest observed, April 2, Mull of Kintyre. 


Clyde—Ailsa, Feb. 28, two seen. 


forth—Dalmeny, April 22; Dollar, May 4. Zzeed—Chirn- 
side, May 10, Aug. 30. Outer Hebrides—Barra, May 17. Argyll 
and Isles—Skerryvore, Aug. 22. | Clyde—Carluke, April 29; 
Pollokshaws, Sept. 3. 

Earliest, April 22, Dalmeny ; latest, Sept. 3, Pollokshaws. 



Orkney—North Ronaldshay, Oct. 11, good many. Sutherland 
—Cape Wrath, April 4-5, a few. dAZoray—Badenoch, April 5. 
Deec—Peterhead, April 4; Sept. 27, scarce this season. Zay— 
Auchinblae, Sept. 27, left. /07th—Aberfoyle, March 27; Torduff, 
April 1, a pair; Lammermuirs, April 10. | Zzveed—Chirnside, April 
5, Sept. 5; Hallmyre, April 6. Ozter Hebrides—Barra, March 31; 
Monach, Sept. 5. Azgyll and Jsles—Tiree, March 29, small 
flock. Dhuheartach, April 27, flying about lantern, with Goldcrests ; 
August 22, four on rock; Sept. 1, all night in hundreds, with Larks 
and Wagtails. Skerryvore, March 29, one at lantern; Aug. 22, 31- 
Sept. 1, rush, with other birds, many killed, S. strong breeze ; Sept. 8, 
in rush with other birds; Sept. 29-30, flocks at lantern with other 
small birds; Oct. 23, along with rush of Turdide. CZyde—Ailsa, 
March 29; Beith, April 3; Thornliebank, April 4; Lamlash L.H., 
May 21, first arrivals; Tighvein, Arran, Sept. 27. So/way—Mull 
of Kintyre, April 4. 

Earliest, March 27, Aberfoyle; latest, Oct. 23, Skerryvore. 
Principal movements, Sept. 1-8. 


Moray—Badenoch, April 17. Zay—Ballinluig, May 2. Forth 
—Templehouse, April 1; Dalmeny, May 2; Dreghorn, April 27 ; 
Dollar, May 4; Isle of May, Sept. 4. Zzveed—Chirnside, May 1, 
Aug. 20; Hallmyre, May 4. <Azgyll and Isles—Skerryvore, March 
27, at lantern; Oct. 1, a number. Dhuheartach, Nov. 2. Clyde— 
Carluke, April 26; Ailsa, May 11; Queen’s Park, Glasgow, 
Sept. 6. 

Earliest, March 27, Skerryvore ; latest, Nov. 2, Dhuheartach. 


Orkney—North Ronaldshay, Oct. 4, a few. Dee—Peterhead, 
no definite rush. Azgyl/ and Isles—Dhuheartach, Oct. 25; Tiree 
Oct. 26. _CZyde—Lamlash L.H., Aug. 27; Ailsa, Sept. 3. 

SYLVIA CINEREA (Whitethroat). 

Orkney—North Ronaldshay, July 7, a few. ee— Peterhead, 
May 26. Zay—Tayfield, May 2. Aorth—Dollar, April 30; 
Dalmeny, May 1; Kirknewton, May 11. Zzveed—Hallmyre, May 
1; Chirnside, May 5, Sept. 10. Outer Hebrides—Barra, May 17. 
Clyde—Thornliebank, April 29; Ailsa, two pairs bred on Craig. 

Earliest, April 29, Thornliebank ; latest, Sept. 10, Chirnside. 



forth—Dalmeny, May 19; Aberfoyle, Sept. 12-13.  Tzveed— 
Chirnside, May 1, Sept. 10. CZyde—Carluke, May tra. 
Earliest, May 1, Chirnside ; latest, Sept. 13, Aberfoyle. 

SYLVIA HORTENSIS (Garden Warbler). 

Tay—YVayfield, May 16 (first time noticed). Forth—lIsle of 
May, Sept. 9, a male picked up (quite fresh). Argyl and Tsles— 
Skerryvore, Sept. 8, in rush with other birds (wings sent) ; Oct. 20, 
a few at lantern. ClZyde—Carluke, May 6; Busby, June 16, nest 
taken in Killoch Glen. ‘ 

Earliest, May 6, Carluke; latest, Oct. 20, Skerryvore. 

REGULUS CRISTATUS (Gold-crested Wren). 

Orkney—North Ronaldshay, Nov. 4. 2ee—Peterhead, Oct 24, 
a few migrants. Ovter Hebrides—Barra, April 8, one (first record) ; 
April 12 and 24, one each time; Mingley Island, April 19, one. 
Argyll and ILsles—Dhuheartach, April 27, flying about lantern,’ 
with Wheatears. C/yde—Pladda, March 27, April 5-27, Sept. 14, 
Oct. 173-14 Ailsa, Apnl 3-7): MamlashwicoEl. Oct.2n, 

PHYLLOscoPuS RUFUS (Chiffchaff). 

forth—Aberfoyle, April 7; Kirknewton, May 14. Zweed— 
Chirnside, May 1, Oct. 20. CZyde—Kildonan, Arran, March 30. 
Earliest, March 30, Kildonan. 


Moray—Badenoch, April 28. Dee—Peterhead, May 1, few 
have arrived. Zay—Auchinblae, April 29, large numbers; Ballin- 
luig, May 1; Newport, May 2. Forth—Dollar, April 20, one; 
April 23-24, common. Dalmeny, April 21; Balerno, April 26; 
Aberfoyle, Sept. 13. Zmweed—Hallmyre, April 24, one; April 28, 
common. Chirnside, May 10, Aug. 2, very plentiful this year. 
Outer Hebrides—Barra, April 12. Argyll and Lsles—Tiree, May 
15; Skerryvore, April 27, Aug. 31, Sept. 1, rush, many killed. 
Clyde—Ailsa, April 7, 10, 11; Daldowie and Carluke, April 15; 
Lamlash L.H., April 28, one at lantern; Queen’s Park, Glasgow, 
Sept. 20: 

Earliest, April 7, Ailsa ; latest, Queen’s Park, Glasgow, Sept. 20. 
Principal movements, Aug. 31, Sept. 1. 



Tay—Ballinluig, May 2. /orti—Dollar, April 30 ; Tillicoultry, 
May 3; Dalmeny, May 3. Clyde—Blantyre Priory, May tr. 
Earliest, April 30, Dollar. 


Orkney—Stennis Mill Dam, nesting, May 26. d/oray—Bade- 
noch, May, 29. Zzeed—Hallmyre, May 6. Clyde—Thornliebank, 
May 2; Pladda, Aug. 31, one killed. 

Earliest, May 2, Thornliebank. 

LocusTELLA N&VIA (Grasshopper Warbler). 
Clyde—Beith, April 30. 

CINcLUs aquaticus (Dipper). 

Outer Hebrides—Barra, July 26, one. 


Argyll and Isles—Tiree, Oct. 29, several. 

MorTaciLuin#& (Wagtails). 

Dee—Peterhead, May 22, AZ. rai (Yellow Wagtail), a pair; 
Sept. 11, JZ. Zugubris (Pied Wagtail), marked rush. Zay—Auchin- 
blae, May ro-11, JZ lugubris, about 100. Forth—Doune, Sept. 
26, many in the fields. Tantallon, Aug. 22, JZ raz, three. 
Isle of May, Sept. 9, JZ alba (White Wagtail), a very fine adult 3. 
Outer Hebrides—Barra, May 3, one; May 10, many AZ alba; 
Aug. 17, returning south. Island Ghlais L.H., Aug. 19, “‘ Wag- 
tails.” Argyll and Isles—Tiree, March 18, AZ. lugubris ; April 28- 
30, May 1, 4-18, JZ alba, ‘more plentiful than I ever remember 
seeing them”; Aug. 26, JZ razz, one; Sept. 2-3, JZ alba, passing 
south. Dhuheartach, May 17, “ Wagtails”; Aug. 22-24, Sept. 1, in 
rush with other birds. Skerryvore, Aug. 24, JZ. raz on rock; Aug. 
31-Sept. 1, a rush all night along with other birds, “ Wagtails” ; 
Sept. 8, JZ alba (wings sent), a rush of birds. | CZyde—Ailsa, March 
4, 6, 7, “common Wagtail”; Aug. 21, JZ. razz, one seen; Aug. 22, 


M. melanope (Gray Wagtail), four seen ; Sept. 3, “ Wagtails,” “ most 
I have ever seen on the Craig.” Whiting Bay, March 17, JZ. alba 
Beith, April 22, JZ razz. Erskine, Sept. 18, JZ rai. Pladda L.H., 
April 28, all day, “ Wagtails” ; Sept. 15, 17, ‘‘ Wagtails.” Lamlash 
L.H., May 13, AZ. lugubris, a pair. 

Principal movements, April 28 to May 4, Aug. 31, Sept. 1-8. 



Tay—Ballinluig, May 2. orth—Castle Campbell, Dollar, 
April 22; Dollarbeg, April 24; Forest Mill, Clackmannan, April 
28, several. Kirknewton, May 7. Zweed—Hallmyre, May 1. 
Clyde — Cathcart, April 23; Loch-Lomondside, May 3, large 
numbers. “Sp. not named in Lumsden’s ‘Nat. Hist. of Loch 
Lomond,’ 1895.” 

Earliest, Castle Campbell, April 22. 


Dee—Peterhead, April 17, marked migratory movement during 
last week. Argyll and Jsles—Dhuheartach, Aug. 23. Skerryvore, 
April 29, one killed at lantern. Aug. 31-Sept. 1, all night in rush 
with Wheatears, Wagtails, and Willow Wrens. Sept. 8, a rush of 
small birds; Oct. 1-2. CZyde—Ailsa, March 6-9. Thornliebank, 
March 14, about thirty. Pladda L.H., March 21-26, April 6-8, 
Oct 4555, 0, 25. 

Principal movements, Aug. 31, Sept. 1-8. 


Forth—Musselburgh (near), one caught early in Nov. Zzweed— 
Chirnside, “ more plentiful than usual in Berwickshire.” 

MUSCICAPA GRISOLA (Spotted Flycatcher). 

Dee—Peterhead, May 29, first seen. Zay—Auchinblae, May 
18, plentiful. Tayfield, May 24. /orth—Dalmeny, May 22, Aug. 
15.  Zweed—Hallmyre, May 25,a pair. CZyde—Kildonan, April 
26; Queen’s Park, Glasgow, Sept. 20. 

Earliest, April 26, Kildonan ; latest, Sept. 20, Queen’s Park, 


Orkney—North Ronaldshay, Aug. 24. Sutherland—Cape Wrath, 
May 8-30. /oray—Badenoch, May 20. Dee—Peterhead, May 
5; Sept. 26, left ina body. Rattray Head, May 9. Zay—Tayfield, 
April 23, Oct. 14; Auchinblae, April 24, Sept. 2; Ballinluig, May 
1. orth—-Dalmeny, April 18, Nov. 17; Aberfoyle, April 20; 
Dollar, April 26; Currie, Oct. 4, flock of thirty or forty.  Zzweed 
—Chirnside, April 14, Oct. 23; Hallmyre, April 23. Outer 
flebrides—Barra, May 15. Argyll and Lsles—Dhuheartach, May 
16-27; Skerryvore, May 16, 17, 28, June 1. Clyde—Lamlash, 
April 10; Pladda L.H., April 24, May 4-21, Aug. 24; Ailsa, 
May 8, about twenty; Queen’s Park, Glasgow, Oct. 11. Solway 
—Mull of Kintyre, April 7. 

Earliest, April to, Lamlash ; latest, Dalmeny, Nov. 17. 


CHELIDON URBICA (House Martin). 

Shetland—Lerwick, June 4, single bird. _Zay—Auchinblae, May 
12, Sept. 27. Horth—Tynehead, May 1; Dollar, May 3; Craig- 
house, Edinburgh, Oct. 16. Zweed—Chirnside, May, 4, Sept. 10; 
Hallmyre, May 9. C/yde—Thornliebank, May 2. Lamlash L.H. 
May 19, all day, N.E. light breeze ; Sept. 12, flocks all day. Mount 
Florida, Sept. 25. So/way—Whithorn (near), March 22, one flew 
into a house (see ‘‘ Annals,” p. 193). 

Earliest, March 22, Whithorn; latest, Oct. 16, Craighouse, 

CoTILE RIPARIA (Sand Martin). 

Moray—Badenoch, April 27; June 5, many hatched. Zay— 
Ballinluig, May 1. Sorth—Dollar, April 24, several. Tweed— 
Chirnside, April 12, Aug. 10; Hallmyre, May 6. Avgyl and Isles 
—Skerryvore, Aug. 2-3, a few, midnight, at lantern. Clyde— 
Cambuslang, April 11. 

Earliest, April 11, Cambuslang. 

FRINGILLIN# (Finches and Linnets). 

Orkney—Pentland Skerries, Dec. 29, Greenfinch, one killed. 
Dee—Kinnairds Head, Linnets, Sept. 28-29, in large flocks at 
lantern ; Oct. 2, in great numbers. Rattray Head, Linnets, Oct. 31, 
at lantern. Peterhead, Greenfinch, Oct. 24-25 ; Nov. 6, large flocks. 
Forth—Dreghorn, Goldfinch, April 18 (see “Annals,” p. 193); 
Crichton, Lesser Redpoll, Oct. 2, small flock; Isle of May, Dec. 
8, Greenfinch (leg and wing sent). Zzeed—Chirnside, April ro, 
Brambling ; Oct. 20, flocks feeding on beech mast; Oct. 109, 
Greenfinch and Chaffinch in immense flocks preparing for migra- 
tion. Outer Hebrides—Barra, Brambling, Oct. 21; Greenfinch, 
Oct. 22; Chaffinch, Oct. 19-24; Siskin, Oct. 209, “first record,” 
Nov. 1, “about a dozen.” Monach, Greenfinch, Oct. 23, flock ; 
Chaffinch, Oct. 24, at lantern. Argyll and Lsles—Tiree, Chaffinch, 
Jan. 2, Oct. 9. Dhuheartach, Chaffinch, April 20; Oct. 21, 24, 26, 
all day going S.; Nov. 2, all night at lantern. Skerryvore, Chaffinch, 
Oct. 21-23, all night flying about light, but not striking; Nov. 1-s, 
numbers all night, S.E. fresh breeze ; Greenfinch, Oct. 25-31, flocks 
flying past going S.E. Tiree, Greenfinch, Nov. 15, flocks. Clyde 
—Ailsa, Chaffinch, Jan. 2, 27, April 17, Oct. 19; Greenfinch, 
Jan. 4, 27; House Sparrow, Jan. 7, one seen; Linnet, Jan. 25, 
four, Feb. 24, seventeen, Oct. 20, twelve; Twite, Jan. 27, “con- 
siderable movement on this date,” N. strong breeze ; Redpoll, April 
29, two seen. 

Principal movements, Oct. 21-26, Nov. 1-6. 

28 c 



Tay—Auchinblae, Feb. 7, thirty to forty; Nov. 8. Argyll and 
Tsles—Dhuheartach, May 27, young bird, skin sent. 

EMBERIZIN& (Buntings). 

Dee—Peterhead, Reed Bunting, April 17, marked migratory 
movement. <Argyll and Tsles—Dhuheartach, Common Bunting, 
Oct. 27, two on rock; Nov. 19, a few birds striking (wing sent), 
S.W. strong breeze. Clyde—Ailsa, Common Bunting, Feb. 27, 
Oct. 20; Yellow Bunting, Feb. 21-26, Oct. 21. 


Orkney—North Ronaldshay, Sept. 14, “swarms.” Pentland 
Skerries, Nov. 22; Dec. 2-16, flocks. Swther/and—Dunnet Head 
L.H., Jan. 6, 10, 24, March 29, Nov. 5; Cape Wrath, March 16- 
17, a very large flock ; March 24, three struck lantern. A/oray— 
Badenoch, Nov. 3, first. 2ee—Rattray Head, Oct. 31; Nov. 1, in 
rush of Turdide, Starlings, and Larks, S.E. haze. Peterhead, Dec. 
31, flock. Zay—Auchinblae, Jan. 30. /orth—lIsle of May, Nov. 
rt (leg and wing sent); Swanston Hill, Nov. 13, flock ; Leith, Feb. 
24. Outer Hebrides—Monach, Oct. 1, two at lantern; Island 
Ghlais, Oct. 2, one killed; Barra, Nov. 11, flock. Argyll and Isles 
—Dhuheartach, Oct. 9, several at lantern, S.W., strong, showers. 
Skerryvore, Oct. 10; Nov. 1, numbers of birds striking, S.E., fresh ; 
Nov. 5, a rush all night, S., light. Tiree, Oct. 11-28, flocks. 
Clyde—Ailsa, Jan. 25, great many; March 12; April 4, last seen ; 
Oct. 13, first; Oct. 18. Queen’s Park, March 10. Soe/way—Mull 
of Kintyre, Oct. 21. 

Principal movements, Oct. 31, Nov. 1-5. 


Orkney—North Ronaldshay, Nov. 5, “swarms,” N.W., light, 
hazy.  Sutherland—Cape Wrath, March 24, April 4. Dee— 
Rattray Head, Oct. 31, Nov. 1, in rush with other birds, S.E., 
hazy ; Kinnairds Head, Nov. 1-2, large numbers at lantern. Azgyl/ 
and Isles—Skerryvore, Feb. 6-7, all night with Larks and Thrushes, 
S.E., strong ; Oct. 23, in rush with Turdidz. Dhuheartach, March 2, 
at lantern; Oct. 15-27, all day, S.E., fresh; Nov. 21, at lantern. 
Clyde—Pladda L.H., Feb. 3, 7, 22, 25, at lantern; Lamlash L.H., 
March 15, struck lantern; Ailsa, Sept. 29, Oct. 18. 


Tweed—Chirnside, Oct. 23, two shot, another seen. ‘“ Has not 
been seen in Berwickshire for fifty years.” 


Corvib& (Crows and Rooks). 

Orkney—Pentland Skerries, Dec. 16, Hooded Crow, two re- 
maining on island. Zay—Auchinblae, Nov. 8, a large augmentation 
to summer stock (Carrion Crow). /vrti—Aberlady, Hooded Crow, 
Oct. 8, five; Oct. 16, twenty. Argyll and ISsles—Tiree, Rook, 
Oct. 14, large flock ; Nov. 16, large flock. Dhuheartach, Jackdaw, 
Oct. 12, on rock; Rook, Oct. 15-16, Nov. 23. Skerryvore, ‘‘ Crows,” 
Noy. 14, fourteen flying S. 


Dee—Peterhead, came in gradually and numerously during latter 
half of September, no definite rush ; Kinnairds Head L.H., Oct. 2, 
along with Linnets, in great numbers; Rattray Head L.H., Oct. 31, 
Nov. 1, rush with Redwings and other birds, S.E., hazy. Forth— 
Isle of May, Oct. 19. Zzweed—Chirnside, Oct. 20, in large flocks. 
Outer Hebrides—Monach, Oct. 1, eight at lantern. Argyl and 
Zsles—Skerryvore, Jan. 30, at lantern; Feb. 5-6, all night with 
other birds; March 9, Oct. 21, Nov. 6, numbers about light ; Nov. 
26, Dec. 21-22. Dhuheartach, Aug. 23, at lantern; Sept. 1, all 
night in hundreds with Wagtails and Wheatears ; Oct. 22, all night. 
Clyde—Ailsa, Jan. 25; Feb. 6,at lantern; March 20, Pladda, Jan. 
30, one killed at light; Feb. 3, 6, 26, several at lantern. Lamlash 
L.H., March 14, three at lantern. 

Principal movements, Feb. 5-6, Oct. 2-31, Nov. 1-6. 

CyYpsELusS apus (Swift). 

Moray—Badenoch, May 20. - Dee—Peterhead, May 20, Aug. 6 ; 
Rattray Head L.H., June 25. Zay—Ballinluig, May 2, Aug. 24. 
Auchinblae, May 13, four or five pairs arrived; Aug. 1, twenty to 
thirty left. or¢ih—Edinburgh, May 4; Tantallon, Aug. 29, five 
flying S.; Portobello, Sept. 2. Zzveed—Chirnside, May 5; Aug. 24, 
later than usual. Hallmyre, May 27, three passing over. Outer 
Flebrides—Barra, June 28,two. CZyde—Bothwell, May 1; Cathcart, 
Sept. 2; Pladda L.H., May 31, June 4. So/way—Mull of Kintyre, 
jane: ro: 

Earliest, May 1, Bothwell; latest, Sept. 2, Portobello, Bothwell. 


Sutherland—Canisbay, Sept. 25. Zay—Auchinblae, Aug. 2. 
Lorth—Aberfoyle, May 16. Outer Hebrides—Island Ghlais, Aug. 14. 
Clyde—Lamlash, April 27. 

DENDROCOPUS Major (Great Spotted Woodpecker). 

Tweed—Chirnside, July 25, feeding young in Duns Castle 
woods. Also seen lately in gardens at Castle Terrace, Berwick. 



Sutherland and Caithness, May 13, adult ¢ found in garden 
at Langwell, 9 afterwards seen attacking bees (see ‘“ Annals,” 
1897, Pp: 250). 


Shetland—Delting Hills, June 11 (see “Annals,” 1897, pp. 
250-251). Sutherland—Cape Wrath, May 30. J/oray—Badenoch, 
April 26. Zay—Auchinblae, April 24. /or¢h—Aberfoyle, April 23 ; 
Dollar, April 27; Dalmeny, April 26; Listonshiels, April 28. 
Tweed—Hallmyre, April 24; Chirnside, April29. Outer Hebrides— 
Barra, April 26. <Avzgyll and Isles—Tiree, May 23, two. Clyde— 
April 24-26, all over “Clyde”; Luss, Aug. 30; Lamlash L.H., June 
22, last heard; Pladda L.H., July 27, leg sent (young). So/way— 
Mull of Kintyre, May ro. 

Earliest, April 23, Aberfoyle. 

ASsIO ACCIPITRINUS (Short-eared Owl). 

Orkney—Pentland Skerries, Dec. 14, one shot.  Sztherland 
and Caithness—Dorrey, Dec. 24, two, 6 and 9,shot. Argyll and 
Istes—Skerryvore, Nov. 1, one on rock; Tiree, Nov. 11. Clyde— 
Lamlash L.H., Dec. 19, flying round light, went away S. 

FaLconip& (Falcons and Hawks). 

Shetland—Honey Buzzard shot at Balta Sound on July 29 or 
30 (see “ Annals,” 1897, p. 225). Sutherland and Caithness—Hen 
Harrier, Feb. 3; young ¢@ killed at Durran. Moray— Honey 
Buzzard, Sept. 2, a pair shot on the Findhorn (see “ Annals,” 1897, 
p. 252). Jee—Red-footed Falcon, May 7, killed near Aberdeen 
(see “ Annals,” 1897, p. 251); Peterhead, Osprey captured, May 17 
(see “ Annals,” 1897, p. 192). 


Moray—Invergarry, Inverness, Feb. 2 (see ‘‘Annals,” 1897, p. 192). 

ANSERINZ (Geese). 

Sutherland and Caithness—Tister Swamp, A. albifrons (White- 
fronted Goose), Sept. 30, one killed (five seen). Zay—Tayfield, 
A. brachyrhynchus (Pink-footed Goose), April 25, last seen; Sept. 
26, flying over. forth—Dollar, A. brachyrhynchus (Pink-footed 
Goose), April 19-21, flocks going N.E.; Gullane, April 21 ; Aber- 
lady, Oct. 9, seven; Mortonhall, Oct. 11, a string passed over. 

ee ee 

nr eR 


Tweed—A. brachyrhynchus (Pink-footed Goose), Nov. 20, now 
about Coldingham Moor. Argyll and Isles—Tiree, A. cinereus 
(Graylag Goose), Feb. 25, Oct. 8, passing south; A. adlbifrons 
(White-fronted Goose), May 8, still here, very late; May 11, left; 
Oct. 15, about 200 arrived ; Lernicla leucopsts (Bernacle Goose), 
March 1 ; Dhuheartach, ‘“‘Geese,” Oct. to, Nov. 20, travelling S. 
Clyde—Wamlash L.H., ‘‘Gray Geese,” Nov. 25, flying S.W.; 
Fairlie Roads, B. drenfa (Brent Goose), Feb. 20, “hundreds.” 
Solway—Mull of Kintyre, “ Wild Geese,” Sept. ro, going S. 

CyGNIN#& (Swans). 

Forth—Barnbougle, ‘‘ Swans,” Feb. 10, two old and four young 
birds in Forth. Azgyl/ and Jsles—Dhuheartach, “Swans,” Jan. 17, 
ten going N., six flying S.E.; Tiree, C. musicus (Whooper), Oct. 21, 
seven on Loch Rioghan; C. dewzcki (Bewick’s Swan), Nov. 26. 

ANATID& (Ducks). 

Shetland—Walls, Mareca penelope (Wigeon), nest found in 
June. Orkney—Tankerness, AZ. penelope (Wigeon), May 31, two 
3s, 9s probably sitting ; Audigula cristata (Tufted Duck), May 26, 
pairs on Stenness, Skaill, and Clumly Lochs; / marila (Scaup), 
Tankerness, May 31, two pairs; C/angula glaucton (Golden-eye), 
May 26, one on Skaill, five on Clumly. J/orvay—Badenoch, JAZ. 
penelope, May 24, pair on Loch Tush; Kingussie, C. g/aucion, Nov. 
15, several on Spey. Dee—Rattray Head, Harelda glacialts (Long- 
tailed Duck), April 29, large flock; Oct. 13, flock, first this season. 
Tay—Johnshaven, Dajila acuta (Pintail), Nov. 8, a 3 caught; 
Auchinblae, JZ. penelope, May 16, nest with eight eggs at Glensauch 
Loch; Tayfield, C. glaucton, Oct. 16, young bird shot, /orth— 
Loch Leven, D. acuta, May 1, a pair; Dalmeny, JZ. penelope, Sept. 
30, in Longgreen Bay; Lochend, / ferina (Pochard), March 22; 
Alloa, C. glaucion, April 27, seven on Gartmorn Dam. TZzweed— 
fF. ferina, Jan. 5, shot at Foulden West Mill Dam. Outer 
Lebrides—Barra, MM. penelope, Sept. 4; & marila, Nov. 1; C. 
glaucion, Oct. 11. Argyll and Isles—Tiree, Anas strepera (Gad- 
wall), Nov. 14; C. penelope, April 26, left ; Oct. 27; & marila, Nov. 
3, Dec. 20, large flock; H glacialis, Nov. 6, numerous; @demia 
nigra (Scoter), a pair nested (see “ Annals,” 1897, p. 252); Mergus 
albellus (Smew), Sept. 7, several in Gott Bay. Clyde—Balgray 
Dam, Spatula clypeata (Shoveller), Oct. 14, immature ¢ shot; JZ 
penelope, April 24, fourteen, Woodend Loch, Gartcosh; / cristata, 
June, 5, four, Kilbirnie ; June 30, four, Woodend Loch; F& ferina, 
June 30, four, Woodend Loch. Solway, “Scoters,” Aug. 18, many 



Argyll and Isles—Skerryvore, Dec. 21, two at lantern (3 A.M.), 
one killed, rarely seen. C/yde—Ailsa, March 6, one seen. 

Cotumpa cenas (Stock Dove). 

Tweed—Chirnside, Oct. 5, several companies seen, increasing 
in numbers. 

TuRTUR comMMUNIS (Turtle Dove). 

Sutherland—Ghett Lodge, Sept. 29. Zzveed—Chirnside, Oct. 
10, several in fields. Outer Hebrides—Barra, May 22, pair, second 
occurrence. Azgy//—Drimnin, Sept. 7, one shot (see “ Annals,” 

1897, p. 254). 

Shetland—Bressay, June 4; Entherwick, June 5. Sutherland 
—Cape Wrath, May 29. Dee—Peterhead, May 26. Forth— 
Morningside, April 25; Comiston, May 7; Aberlady, May 11; 
Dalmeny, May 12. Zzeed—Hallmyre, April 29 ; Chirnside, May 
3, early, August 10. Outer Hebrides—Barra, April 26. Argyll and 
Lsles—Tiree, May 18. Clyde—Cathcart, April 25. So/way—Mull 
of Kintyre, May 19. 

Earliest, April 25, Morningside, Edinburgh, and Cathcart. 


Argyll and Isles—Tiree, Nov. 5. 


1897, p. 225). 


Muirhouse, August 12 (see “‘ Annals, 


Moray—Badenoch, Glen Feshie, June 30. Have young. 


Shetland—June 28, beginning to flock. Orkney—North Ronald- 
shay, July 12, many. Swther‘and—Dunnet Head L.H., May 5, 
in flocks; May 29, eleven. d/oray—Badenoch, April 6, still in 
flocks. ee—Peterhead, Sept. 29, numerous. Zay—Auchinblae, 
Sept. 26, flock ; Tayfield, Oct. 16, first big flock. /0r/i—Dalmeny, 
Oct. 2. Outer Hebrides—Monach, Oct. 1, one killed at lantern ; 
Oct. 6, flock. AzgyW and Isles—Tiree, Sept. 16, in large flocks ; 
Oct. 10, enormous flocks. CZyde—Langside, Aug. 28, flock. 



Orkney—Pentland Skerries, Dec. 6-10. /orth—Dalmeny, Feb. 
12. Argyll and Isles—Tiree, Aug. 28, single bird. 


Shetland—Yell' Sound, July 2, flock of thirty in full summer 
plumage ; North Unst, Sept. 13, four. Dee—Rattray Head L.H., 
April 23, large flock ; Peterhead, May 19, about thirty, in summer 
plumage. /orth—Gullane, April 19, seven; Isle of May, Aug. 19, 
small flock. Oxter Hebrides—Monach, Oct. 9. Argyll and Isles 
—Skerryvore, Aug. 13, a flock, first arrivals. CZyde—Girvan, Aug. 
8, twenty or thirty. So/way, Aug. Io. 


Sodway—Kelton, Sept. 19, one obtained (see “ Annals,” 1897, 


Shetland—North Unst, Oct. 25, killed at lantern. Orkney— 
North Ronaldshay, Nov. 20, four seen. Mee—Kinnairds Head, 
Nov. 23, killed at lantern. o7/i—Pentlands, April 20. Outer 
Hebrides—Monach, Oct. 24, at lantern. Argyl and Lsles—Dhu- 
heartach, Oct. 23, on rock; Nov. 5, all night at lantern, S.E. fresh 
breeze; Nov. 6, about twenty resting on rock. ‘Tiree, Oct. 31. 
Skerryvore, Nov. 5, two seen in rush of Turdidx, etc. Clyde— 
Pladda, Feb. 26, one killed; Ailsa, Oct. 19, one. 

GALLINAGO MAjoR (Great Snipe). 

Solway—Crocketford, Oct. 2, first authentic record (see ‘‘Annals,” 
1897, p. 125). 
Orkney—North Ronaldshay, Aug. ro; Pentland Skerries, Nov. 
24, Dec. 2-28. Sutherland—Dunnet Head L.H., Sept. 1. Outer 

Hebrides—Monach, Oct. 1, killed at lantern ; Oct. 24, killed. Azgyl/ 
and Isles—Tiree, Oct. 12, “ coming in thick,” ; 


Forth—Isle of May, Oct. 22 (leg and wing sent). <Azgyll and 
Isies—Skerryvore, Oct. 1-2, three killed at lantern ; Tiree, Oct. 4. 

TRINGA sTRIATA (Purple Sandpiper). 

Sutherland—Dunnet Head L.H., Aug. 11-13. Dee—Rattray 
Head L.H., Oct. 30, killed on lantern. /orth—Isle of May, Aug. 
19, small flock. 



’ Dee—Rattray Head, April 23, flock. orv¢h—Aberlady, May 13, 
seven in summer dress; North Berwick, Aug. 12, three. Outer 
Flebrides—Barra, Jan. 6. Clyde—Turnberry, Aug. 30. 


Clyde—Turnberry, Aug. 31. 

TOTANUS HYPOLEUCUS (Common Sandpiper). 

Shetland—Brae, July 14, two. JAZoray—Badenoch, April 16. 
Dee—Peterhead, Aug. 8. /orth—Pentlands, April 16; Dollar, 
April 21; North Berwick, Aug. 20. Zzwveed—Hallmyre, April 24, 
several. Outer Hebrides—Barra, April 23, three, many later. 
Argyll and ILsles—'Tiree, Sept. 13, have left. Clyde—Carluke, 
April 3; Lamlash L.H., April 23, a pair, first seen on island; 
Giffnock, Sept. 2; Ailsa, Sept. 3. 

Earliest, April 3, Carluke. 


Forth—Port Edgar, Feb. 4, ‘‘Tide-waif.” Outer Hebrides— 
Barra, June 20, one, unusual time, do not breed. Argyll and Lsles 
—Tiree, Aug. 28, a pair. 

LIMOSA LAPPONICA (Bar-tailed Godwit). 

Forth—Aberlady Bay, May 13, flock of 15, all gray; July 21, 
95 (20 red-breasted). Dalmeny, Aug. 16. Argyll and [sles—Tiree, 
Aug. 29; Sept. 21, several. 


Orkney—Kirkwall, May 27, nesting. ee—Peterhead, Aug. 
23-24, on migration. Zay——Auchinblae, March to, arrived at 
breeding ground. Outer Hebrides—Island Ghlais, Aug. 20, flock 
passing S.W. Argyll and Isles—Skerryvore, Aug. 7, 9, 24, flocks 
going S.; Dhuheartach, Aug. 24; Tiree, Sept. 23, have arrived. 
Clyde—Pladda, March to, one killed, came right through the plate- 
glass of lantern. 


Orkney —Stromness, May 27, solitary bird. or¢i—North 
Berwick, Aug. 4, several; Dalgetty Bay, Sept. 25. Outer Hebrides 
—Barra, May 3, many; Aug. 17, returning south. <Argyll and Lsles 
—tTiree, April 26, plentiful; May 1, large flocks. ClZyde—Garrock 
Head, Bute, June 4; Fairlie, Aug. 5; Ailsa, April 6, Aug. 23. 


STERNIN& (Terns). 

Orkney—Irganess Bay, S. cantiaca (Sandwich Tern), May 31, 
solitary bird. Sw¢herland—Dunnet Head L.H., “Terns,” Oct. 16. 
Dee—Rattray Head, “Terns,” April 30, first seen. Peterhead, 
S. fluviatilis (Common Tern), May 19, many; S. ménuta (Little 
Tern), May 19, “never saw so many before.” Zay—Ballinluig, 
May 3, S. fluviatilis. Forth—Inch Mickery, May 3; Longniddry, 
Sept. 28. Outer Hebrides—Barra, S. macrura (Arctic Tern), May 4, 
one; May 15, many. Monach, “Terns,” Sept. 11, last seen. 
Argyll and Isles—Dhuheartach, “Terns,” May 14, first seen; May 
15, great numbers all day. Tiree, S. minuta, May 14, arrived ; 
S. macrura, May 15; S. fluviatilis, May 15; “Terns,” Sept. 20, 
have left. Skerryvore, S. fwzéatilis, May 19, flock. Clyde—Pladda, 
“Terns,” May 16-18, Aug. I. 

Larin& (Gulls). 

Forth—F. Lothian, Larus minutus (Little Gull), May 11, adult 
$ found dead near Ballencrieff. Outer Hebrides—Barra, L. leucop- 
terus (Iceland Gull), Jan. 6, Nov. 17; Stornoway, L. leucopterus, 
procured about end of August ; Barra, Z. g/aucus, Nov. 14. Argyll 
and Isles—Tiree, L. glaucus, March 7 ; Dhuheartach, Z. deucopterus, 
Nov. 12. 


Solway—August 18, Solway Firth. 

MERGULUS ALLE (Little Auk). 
Dee—Peterhead, Nov. 13. Zay—Johnshaven, Feb. 13, large 
numbers. /ort#—Jan. and Feb., numbers stranded on shores. 
PopiciPEDID& (Grebes). 

Forth—Dalmeny, P. cristatus, Feb. 3, Nov. 23. Argyll and Lsles 
—Tiree, P. auritus (Sclavonian Grebe), Nov. 25. 

Shetland—Nesting at Calder’s Geo. So/wway—Mersehead Bank, 
picked up in Dec. 

Argyll and Isles—Colonsay, Jan. 1 (see “Annals,” 1897, p. 88). 



By THomas Scott, F.L.S., 
Naturalist to the Fishery Board for Scotland. 

SEVERAL small marine Isopods have occasionally been 
observed in gatherings of dredged and other material 
collected during the past six or seven years, but the study 
of them was for various reasons allowed to stand over. 
The second volume of Professor G. O. Sars’s valuable work 
on the “ Crustacea of Norway,” though not yet completed, has 
been of much assistance to me in the discrimination of these 
small Isopods, and has permitted of the satisfactory identi- 
fication of, at least, some of them. The following notes 
have been prepared with the assistance of the work alluded 
to, and include references to a few rare species already 
recorded for Scotland, extending in some cases their distribu- 
tion in the Scottish seas. A few others are referred to that 
do not appear to have been previously recorded from any 
locality in Scotland: one or two of these are also additions 
to the British fauna. 

Changes in the nomenclature of some of the species already 
recorded are also noticed. For details as to general distribu- 
tion, etc., the reader is referred to Sars’s work mentioned 
above, as my notes have reference chiefly to Scotland. 


This species is recorded by the late Dr. Robertson of Millport 
as having been taken amongst the roots of Zamznaria at the Tan, 
Cumbrae, in seven fathoms ;! so far, this is the only Scottish record 
for Montagu’s species known to me. 


This is the Zanazs vittatus of Bate and Westwood’s ‘‘ British 
Sessile-eyed Crustacea,” and it has been recorded for the Clyde 
under that name. Professor Sars has shown, however, that Kroyer’s 
name— Zazazis tomentosus—was published in 1842, whereas Rathke’s 
Crossurus (Tanais) vittatus was not published till the following year. 

1 «« Amphipoda and Isopoda of the Clyde,” Second Part, p. 28. (Dr. 
Robertson’s catalogue is frequently referred to in these notes.) 



I found Zanais tomentosus more or less common amongst living 
and dead barnacles on rocks, near low water, at the mouth of East 
Loch Tarbert, Loch Fyne, in 1886. Dr. Robertson obtained the 
same species on the wood piles of Millport pier, and on rocks, near 
low water, Cumbrae. 


According to Professor Sars, the Paratanats forcipatus of Spence 
Bate is not Lilljeborg’s species of that name, but is one previously 
undescribed; and as it was therefore necessary to rechristen the 
species, he has named it as above. Thomas Edward is said to 
have obtained Paratanats Batet at Banff, and Dr. Robertson records 
its occurrence at Cumbrae between tide-marks. I have it from 
Whiting Bay, Arran, where it was collected in November 1895, 
and from Tarbert Bank, Loch Fyne, collected in May 1896. The 
Firth of Forth has also now to be added to the list of Scottish 
localities for this Isopod—a specimen having been obtained amongst 
a lot of other Tanaidz collected off North Berwick in December 
1892. It is quite possible there may be some confusion among 
previous records of Paratanais Batet, and that both it and Lillje- 
borg’s species may have been included under Spence Bate’s name 
of Paratanais forcipatus. There is, however, one very obvious 
difference between these two Isopods—/aratanais Latei has small 
but conspicuous black eyes, that are quite distinct even in specimens 
that have been some years in spirit; in the other species the eyes 
appear to be altogether wanting, at any rate they are not percept- 
ible in specimens that have been preserved in spirit. The form of 
the che/e in these two Isopods is also very different. 


This species was described and figured in the “Annals and 
Magazine of Natural History” for October 1891 by the Rev. 
T. R. R. Stebbing, from specimens obtained in the sands at Lee 
and Woolacomb, North Devon, in August 1890. A number of 
specimens of what is undoubtedly the same species have been 
taken in the Firth of Forth at various times, and the species seems 
to be generally distributed in that estuary. In May 18g1 it was 
obtained both in Largo Bay and off Musselburgh. It occurred off 
North Berwick in December 1892, and off Aberdour in November 
1893; but I have no special records of it since that time. Leféog- 
nathia Lilljeborgt appears to be somewhat out of place among the 
species of that genus described by Sars: these all have the “‘ superior 
antenne in the female distinctly 4-articulate,’ whereas in this one 
the fourth joint is described as ‘‘quite rudimentary.” In the 
specimens from the Firth of Forth I have been unable to satisfac- 


torily make out a fourth joint; in one or two instances where there 
was the appearance of a fourth joint examination with a ‘“‘ higher” 
objective showed that the appearance was produced by the ap- 
proximation of the bases of the subterminal setze ; for this reason I 
was inclined at first to consider the species as a member of the 
genus 7yAhlotanats, the females of which have the superior antennz 
3-articulate, but as the general structure of the antennze in the male 
and female, together with the form of the chelz, do not fit in well 
with either genus, it is perhaps better to leave this Isopod where it 
is for the present. In the female the first joint of the superior 
antennz is long, but the other joints are short, and the second 
appears to be hinged to the first joint, for in some of my specimens 
the short end-joints bend over at nearly right angles to the first, 
as if the antennee were being used as grasping organs. 


This species has been obtained in the Firth of Forth, in the 
Moray Firth, and also in one or two places in the Clyde district. 
It was first observed in a gathering of micro-crustacea collected off 
North Berwick in December 1892, and in another gathering from 
the same locality collected in January 1894. It was obtained in a 
similar gathering from Guillam Bank, Moray Firth, collected in 
1895, and in another collected in June last, by Mr. F. G. Pearcey, 
at Smith Bank. Moreover, the same species was taken at Tarbert 
Bank, Loch Fyne, in 1896, and more recently near the head of the 
same loch. In this species, as well as in the two that follow, the 
upper antennzejin the female are “distinctly 4-articulate,” and show 
in this respect and in general structure a marked difference from 
L. Lilljeborgt. 


This species, which is smaller than the last, was obtained in the 
same gatherings with it from the Firth of Forth and the Moray 
Firth. A few specimens—two of them with ova—were also observed 
in a gathering collected at Tarbert Bank, Loch Fyne, in 1896. 
The length of the Forth specimens measured about one and a 
quarter millimeter. 


In this species the outer ramus of the uropods appears as if it 
were merely a spine-like prolongation of the basal joint, and not a 
distinct branch. This structural peculiarity forms one of the char- 
acters of the species. Leptognathia brevimana is comparatively a 
large species: a few of the specimens from the Firth of Forth 
measured about 2-7 millimeters, exclusive of antennz or uropods. 

a es ee 



I have specimens that were collected in the Firth of Forth in 1891 
and 1892; it has also occurred in material dredged at Guillam 
Bank, Moray Firth, in 1895, and more recently in a gathering col- 
lected by Mr. F. G. Pearcey at Smith Bank. 


Professor G. O. Sars, in his work on the Isopods of Norway 
(page 26), states that Paratanais rigidus, Spence Bate, ought to be 
referred to Leptognathia. Dr. Robertson records this species for 
the Clyde ; it was taken at the roots of Zamnarza in seven to eight 
fathoms, near the Tan Buoy, Cumbrae. And I have recorded it for 
the Firth of Forth ; no specimens of the species are, however, in my 
collection, and it is therefore probable that Leptognathia Lilljeborgi, 
or some other species, has been mistaken by me for this one. 


Professor Sars first described this as a Lepfognathia, but after- 
wards changed its name to Zazaopsis. Dr. Robertson recorded this 
species (under the older name) in 1892, from Fairland Point, 
Cumbrae ; and the Rev. Mr. Stebbing, in his paper on Z. Liddjeborgi, 
refers to its occurrence at Kames Bay, also in the neighbourhood of 
Cumbrae. TZanaopsis laticaudata appears to be widely distributed 
around the coast of Scotland. I found it fairly common, and of 
large size, in Loch Gair (Loch Fyne). Professor Sars gives 2.6 milli- 
meters as the average size of the species, but some of the Loch Gair 
specimens measure fully 3.5 millimeters. I have observed the species 
in other parts of the Clyde district, and also off Arisaig as well as 
in the Moray Firth and in the Firth of Forth: specimens from the 
latter estuary have been in my collection since 1891. 


This species was moderately common in some material dredged 
at Guillam Bank in August 1895: both males and females occurred 
in this material. A few specimens were also observed in a small 
gathering of micro-crustacea from Smith Bank collected by F. G. 
Pearcey in June last. These appear to be the only Scottish records 
of this species hitherto ; but, as has been already said, the Paratanats 
forcipatus recorded from the Clyde and from Banff may include 
both Paratanais Batei and the present species.! 

1 After these Notes had gone to press I obtained a few specimens of Pseudo- 
tanais forcipatus in a gathering of small Crustacea from Tarbert Bank, Loch 
Fyne, collected 31st March 1897. 



This Isopod, which is moderately common, is more familiar 
under the name of <Azceus maxillaris. Gnathia is the generic 
name established by Leach in 1814, and must, as stated by Professor 
Sars, be preferred to that of Azceus or Praniza. Anceus (Prantza) 
Edwardu, Spence Bate, is, according to Sars, only the female of 
Guathia maxillarts. 


This is the form described in Bate and Westwood’s “ Sessile-eyed 
Crustacea” as Cirolana spinifes. Dr. Robertson records it from the 
Clyde, and Mr. Gregor has taken it in the Moray Firth. I have 
also observed it in both these districts. (Czvolana Chranchit, 
Leach, has also been recorded from the Clyde by Dr. Robertson, 
but this species I have not yet observed.) 


This Isopod is more generally known under the name of 
[dothea tricuspidata, Desmarest. Professor Sars adopts Pallas’s name 
as being prior to that of Desmarest, and also in preference to /dothea 
(Oniscus) marina, Linné, because he considers it very doubtful if 
the Linnean name refers to this species. /dothea baltica, it is hardly 
necessary to add, is the most common of our “ Sea-sclaters.” 


The present form has been included with 7 da/tica under the 
common name of /. marina as not being specifically distinct ; but 
Professor Sars remarks that it could not have been the true Leachian 
species that had been under examination, as it is impossible to con- 
found that species with / daltica. Sdothea pelagica appears to be 
much less common than the other ; it is also considerably smaller in 
the adult stage. Dr. Robertson records this species from Cumbrae, 
Firth of Clyde, and states that it has been taken at various localities 
on the English, Scottish, and Irish coasts. In 1886 I collected a 
number of specimens, male and female, at East Loch Larbert, Loch 
Fyne. Some of the latter which carried ova did not exceed 7 milli- 
meters in length. 

I would note in passing that there are two other species of 
Idothea described by Professor Sars that may also occur on the coast 
of Scotland, viz. /dothea neglecta, G. O. Sars, and /dothea viridts 
(Slabber). The first is not unlike Z. pelagica in general appearance, 
but is larger, and has the inferior antennze longer and more slender ; 
this species is more or less abundant along the whole Norwegian 


coast. The second has been taken “rather plentifully in the 
Christiania Fjord in quite shallow water among eel-grass”; it is 
also recorded by Hoek from both the Dutch and French coasts. 
I. viridis is nearly of the same length as Z. pelagica, but is much 
narrower, “being more than four times as long as broad,” and is 
of a uniformly greenish colour. 


This is the Arcturus Jlongicornis of Bate and Westwood’s 
“Sessile-eyed Crustacea.” It has been shown, however, that Arcturus 
is not only of later date than Asvacil/a, but refers to a different 
genus.  <Astacilla longicornis is, under the name of Arcturus, 
recorded from several Scottish localities. Sars considers the 
Arcturus gracilis of Goodsir to be the-adult male of A. longicornis. 


The late Dr. Robertson records this for the Clyde under the 
name of Leacia dilatata. Professor Sars has, for reasons stated by 
him, established a new genus (Arcturel/a) for this Isopod. Dr. 
Robertson’s is the only Scottish record known to me for this species. 

IL@RA MARINA (Fabricius). 

Professor Sars adopts Fabricius’ specific name in preference to 
albifrons of Leach. “There cannot,” he says, “be any doubt that 
the Oniscus marinus of O. Fabricius is this species,” and, being the 
older name, ought to be preferred to that of Leach. He is also 
doubtful if the Zera Mordmanna figured by Bate and Westwood is 
Rathke’s species of that name; it seems rather to be the male of 
LI. marina. 

Munna Boeck, Avoyer. 

This species may be distinguished from JAZunna Kroyeri by its 
greater size, and especially by the structure of the superior antennze 
in the adult and by the armature of the caudal segment. The 
flagellum of the superior antennze in the adult is usually six-jointed, 
but in immature specimens the number of joints is less; the caudal 
segment resembles that of JZ, Avoyert in having the anterior portion 
of both margins armed with a few prominent spiniform teeth, but 
differs in having the apical lamellae also coarsely serrated. <A 
number of specimens of JZ, 4oeckt with ova occurred in a gathering 
of the micro-crustacea from the vicinity of Ailsa Craig, Firth of 
Clyde, collected in April 1897, and it has also been obtained in 
Kilbrennan Sound. In the Moray Firth and in the Firth of Forth 
immature specimens apparently belonging to the same species have 
also been observed. 


Munna KROvERI, Goodsir. 

Goodsir described this species from specimens obtained in the 
Firth of Forth, where I have also taken it. Dr. Robertson records 
M. Kroyeri from the vicinity of Cumbrae, Firth of Clyde; it does 
not appear to be a very common species. J/unna Whiteana, 
Spence Bate and Westwood, which has also been recorded for the 
Clyde, 1s, according to Sars, only the female of J7, Kroyert. This 
species, it may be noted, has the anterior portion of the margins 
of the caudal segment toothed as in JZ. Loecki, but the apical 
lamellee are not serrate. 


I collected a number of specimens of this Isopod in East Loch 
Tarbert, Loch Fyne, in 1886, but being unable at that time to 
determine the species, they were put aside and forgotten. Last 
year, when examining a small gathering of micro-crustacea collected 
by F. G. Pearcey at Otter Spit, Loch Fyne, I observed this species, 
and recorded it in “The Annals of Scottish Natural History” 
for January last, stating that it appeared to be new to the British 
fauna ; shortly afterwards the East Loch Tarbert specimens collected 
in 1886 turned up. Besides these Clyde records, I have now also 
to record Paramunna for the Firth of Forth, having found it in 
gatherings of micro-crustacea collected in that estuary in 1894 and 


I have obtained this little Isopod in gatherings of micro-crustacea 
from the Firth of Forth collected in 1894 and 1895, and also from 
Aberdeen Bay, but it seems to be a scarce species. In this species 
the lateral extremities of the four anterior segments of the mesosome 
are rounded or only slightly angular, and have each a short, straight, 
and blunt-pointed spine projecting from the middle of them. I 
have not yet observed this species in the Clyde, but it may likely 
occur there also. Off Montrose, 1892. 


The late Dr. Robertson has dredged this species off Farland 
Point, Cumbrae, Firth of Clyde, and records it in the second part 
of his catalogue of Clyde Amphipods and Isopods. _ It also occurred 
amongst some micro-crustacea from South Bay, Firth of Forth, 
collected in April 1891, of which this is the first record: one or 
two of the Forth specimens carried ova. /Veurogonium inerme is 
somewhat like the last species, but it wants the lateral spines; it 
appears to be rare in the Scottish seas. Also in Moray Firth, May 




Dr. Robertson records this species also from the Clyde, having 
obtained it in the same locality with the other. This appears to be 
the only Scottish record of the species hitherto. Though no specimens 
of Pleurogonium spinosissimum have yet been observed during our 
researches round the coasts of Scotland, I have had the opportunity 
of examining specimens from other places. The extremities of the 
body segments are remarkably angular in P. sfinosissimum. In all 
the three species the body is comparatively broad and considerably 
depressed, and as the legs are slender and easily broken perfect 
specimens are hardly obtainable. 


This is another of the curious Isopod species that have been 
discovered by Professor Sars. A single specimen of a Crustacean 
apparently belonging to this species was obtained in a small 
gathering collected by F. G. Pearcey in the Moray Firth in June 
last ; it was taken on a muddy bottom, in about 40 fathoms, north- 
east of Lossiemouth. In this species the forehead is broadly 
rounded and is sparsely fringed with short hairs. 


In my “Fishes and Invertebrates of Loch Fyne,” published last 
year, I record Lurycope phalangium. I have now obtained what 
appears to be the same species in a gathering of micro-crustacea from 
the Firth of Forth collected in 1895 : it appears to be a rare species. 

There are still one or two other small Isopods to record, 
but they require further study and will have to stand over 
for a short time. 

GRAPHICAL BOTANY,” 2nd Ed. (1883). 


THESE records show a larger number than for 1896; but 
with these a few of 1898 are incorporated. 
I trust in the future these “ Records” will appear more 
With those of this year I hope to give some “ Corrections, 
28 D 


etc.,” that have accumulated while these Reports have been 

The abbreviations, etc., are the same as in former records, 
viz. “Ann, 1S. N. oe] Annals™ of “Scottishe wNatunal 
History”; “J. B.”=“ Journal of Botany”; sp. denotes that 
a specimen was sent me, and + denotes that I have seen 
a specimen labelled as from the county. 


Blysmus compressus, /. J/‘Andrew, sp. 

[Se wR 

;Lepidium Draba, A. Somerville. 
+Geranium Phzeum, J/ss Henderson. 
+Medicago sylvestris, 4. Gilchrist. 


Ranunculus floribundus, A. Smith, “ teste Hiern.” 
Papaver Argemone, /. S. HZouston, sp. 
+Geranium Pheeum, A/7ss Henderson. 

Drosera anglica —) 

Utricularia vulgaris hoe Dom tO CENET 

77. LANARK. 

;Lepidium Draba, A. Somerville. 


(Records by and sfs. from A. Somerville.) 

Ranunculus bulbosus. Convolvulus arvensis. 
Nympheea alba. Polygonum amphibium. 
Viola Reichenbachiana. Salix alba. 

Geranium pratense. Ulmus montana. 
Lychnis vespertina. Sparganium ramosum. 
Stellaria uliginosa. Carex intermedia. 
Montia fontana. 3 cioleal. 
(Enanthe crocata. 5)  pulicans: 
Sambucus nigra. Aira flexuosa. 
Arctium minus. Glyceria fluitans. 
Sonchus asper. Festuca sciuroides. 

Hieracium vulgatum. »,  duriuscula. 


(Records mostly by Messrs. Kidston and Stirling.) 

Ranunculus peltatus, “‘ ¢este Hiern.” 

- floribundus. 
Cochlearia alpina. ~A. Somerville. 
;Erysimum cheiranthoides. 
+ Reseda lutea. Carduus nutans. 
Drosera anglica. Jasione montana. 
7+ Medicago maculata. 7 Linaria repens. 
Potentilla procumbens. + Mentha sylvestris. 
Alchemilla vulgaris, var. alpestris. Salvia Verbenaca. 
Saxifraga sponhemica. + Ballota nigra. 
Epilobium roseum. Rumex sanguineus. 
Hieracium rigidum. Carex paludosa. 

(All records from “ Flora of Perthshire,” by Dr. /. Buchanan White.) 

Utricularia minor. Eriophorum latifolium. 
. intermedia. Carex paniculata. 

Lysimachia thyrsiflora. >» aquatilis. 

Potamogeton crispus. 5» limosa, 

88. Mip PERTH. 
“Thalictrum Kochi” ) 
Polygala oxyptera { 
Pinguicula lusitanica. 
Lysimachia thyrsiflora. + Dr. White, in “ Flora of Perthshire.” 
Calamagrostis Epigejos. 

Somerville, ‘‘ teste Linton.” 

Kobresia caricina. 

Carex atrata. =| Dr. White, in “ Flora of Perthshire.” 
Calamagrostis Epigejos. 

Festuca rubra. 
go. FORFAR. 

Pyrola uniflora, /. S. Midler, “Edin. Bot. Soc. Trans.” of 8th July 


+Linaria viscida, Zraz/, in “ Ann. S. N. H.,” 1897, p. 52. 
+Rhinanthus major, Zvaz/, Zc. 

Caltha “ radicans,” Druce, in “ Ann. S. N. H.,” 1897, p. 55. 



Ranunculus fluitans, Z7az/, in “ Ann. S. N. H.,” 1897, p. 52. 
Rhinanthus major, Z7vaz/, l.c. 

95. ELGIN. 

Ranunculus Baudotii, Druce, “Ann. S. N. H.,” 1897, p. 54. 
Silene conica, Druce, /.c., “‘ native.” 
Hieracium angustatum, Lindeberg, Marshall and Shoolbred, “J. B.,” 
1898, p. 166. 
i boreale, AZarshall and Shoolbred, Lc. 


7 Berberis vulgaris ) 
7Erysimum cheiranthoides - A. Somerville, sp. 
Trifolium filiforme J 

98. ARGYLE. 

Erodium cicutarium, P. Lzw7ng, sf. 



Ranunculus Drouetii, Z. Watt, “teste Hiern. 
7 Viola odorata, A. Somerville. 


Crambe maritima, A. Somerville, confm. 
Chelidonium majus | Ballantyne. 

Lychnis vespertina 

Tragopogon pratensis (seg.) 

Utricularia neglecta ? (no flowers) > A. Somerville. 
Scirpus lacustris f 


(Records from sfs. sent by P. Lwing.) 

Fumaria officinalis. Briza media. 
; Boreel. Sclerochloa loliacea. 
Spergularia rupestris. Triticum junceum. 

Carex remota. - 
102. SoutH Epupss (Islay). 

(Dr. Gilmour, sps., ex A. Somerville.) 

7Clematis Vitalba (cult.), to Anemone nemorosa. 
show climate. 7 Helleborus viridis. 


7 Acer campestre. 

Viola canina. 

Sagina apetala. 
Hieracium umbellatum. 

7Chrysanthemum Parthenium. 

Myosotis repens. 

Habenaria chlorantha. 
Carex sylvatica. 

5,  pallescens. 
Polypodium Dryopteris. 

Ophioglossum vulgatum. 

103. Mip EBUDEs. 

(S. MZ Macvicar, sps.) 

Ranunculus bulbosus. 
Cochlearia danica ?. 
Draba verna. 

Vicia Orobus, Rev. 7. £. Somer- 


Helosciadium inundatum. 

Valerianella Olitoria. 
Centunculus minimus. 
Utricularia intermedia. 
Scirpus setaceus. 
Carex extensa. 
Sclerochloa maritima. 

104. NorTH Exsupes (Canna). 

Fumaria confusa 
Hypericum elodes 

ts. M. Macvicar, sp. 


(Marshall and Shoolbred, in “J. B.,” 1898, pp. 166-177.) 

Rubus villicaulis, Koehl. 
»  radula, Weihe. 

»  Balfourianus, Bloxam. 

Hieracium auratum, Fr. 

Hieracium strictum, Fr. 
Zostera nana. 

Avena pratensis. 
Sclerochloa maritima. 

108. Wrst SUTHERLAND. 

(Marshall and Shoolbred, in “J. B.,” 1898, pp. 166-177.) 

Hieracium globosum, Bach. 
3 Sommerfeltii, Linde- 

3 czesio-murorum, 
a dissimile, Lindeb. 
3 angustatum, Lindeb. 
2 zetlandicum, Beeby. 
x dovrense, Fr. 

Epipactis latifolia. 
Isoetes echinospora. 


Carex chordorhiza, Linn. (Ehrh.) 

Near Loch Naver, 


AUIS USEMESO TE) Veo en bee 
1897, VOl. XxXxXV.,/ Po 450: 
A good addition to the 

Scottish Flora. 


Isoetes echinospora, W. S. Duncan, sp. 


By James W. H. Trait, A.M., M.D., F.R.S. 

(Continued from p. 177.) 

[Names of plants in z¢adécs, except as synonyms within curved brackets, denote 
that the plants were certacnly introduced into Scotland by man. _ }+ after a 
district-number denotes introduction by man into the district; ‘‘ cas.” 
denotes casual occurrence, and “esc.” evident escape or outcast from culti- 
vation, both being due to man’s agency. Square brackets enclosing the 
name of a plant or a district-number denote that the record was made in 
error. ? after a district-number denotes, at least, need of confirmation ; 
after + it denotes doubt as to whether the plant owes its presence in the 
district to man. ] 

ComposiT& (continued ). 

Hieracium, L. The conclusions arrived at by those who have 
devoted special study to this perplexing genus in recent years 
often differ so widely from those accepted by their predecessors 
that the earlier records cannot, in many cases, be made use of 
with confidence. I cannot claim to be able to sift these 
records, and I have therefore asked Mr. F. J. Hanbury to favour 
me with his assistance. This he has kindly promised to give, 
but he has been unable yet to revise the records, owing to 
circumstances beyond control. The consideration of this genus 
must therefore be deferred. 

Hypocheeris glabra, Z., 75, 877 (?), 99, 91+ (?), 95, 96, 100. 

H. radicata, Z., except SO. 

[H. maculata, L., reported from go, but in error, or only a casual. | 

1 Leontodon ‘hirtus, Z., 72-74, 77 (2), 80, 82, 33, 88 (7), 92 cas, 
g9t (?), 102. 

L. hispidus, Z., 72, 73, 75-83, 85, 87, 88(?), 90, 91, 99, 100, 102, 
103, 104(?), 108, 109. 

L. autumnalis, Z., except S4. 

6. pratensis (Koch), of frequent occurrence. 
Taraxacum officinale, Wedé., all. 
a. Dens-leonis, Desf, the common form. 
6, erythrospermum (Avdrz.), 85, 88, 89, 92, 100, 102. 
c. palustre (DC.), except 73, 74, 79, 84, 95, 101, 102, 103, 
d. levigatum (DC.), 85, 92. 
Lactuca virosa, Z., 75, 81, 83, 85-89. 

1 Leontodon hirtus, L.—This has not improbably been introduced by man in 
some of the districts from which it has been reported as native. The same may 
be true of LZ. hespidus, L. 


oe muralis, fresen., 837; 86, 877, 887, 94 (?), 9575 96, 977) 987, 

L. alpina, Benth., 90, 92. 

Sonchus oleraceus, Z., all. 

S. asper, Hoffm., except 80, 94, 95. 

S. arvensis, Z., except 104. 

[.S. palustris, L., has been recorded from 75 and 83, but apparently 
in error. | 

Tragopogon pratense, Z., 72, 73, 75, 77, 80-83, 85-93, 95, 100, 108, 

Crepis taraxactfolia, Thuill., 807. 

©) wirens, |Z, except LION 712: 

Gy biennis, 2... 72, 82)(er) So. O20). 

C. succiseefolia, Zausch (hieracioides, W. and K.), 72, 73, 78, 80, 81, 
83, 85 (?), 87, 88, 90, 91 (?), 92, 94, 99. 

C. paludosa, Mench, except 110, 111, 112. 


Lobelia Dortmanna, Z., 72-75, 77, 86-92, 94, 106, 108-112. 
Jasione montana, Z., 72-77, 79, 86, 88 once, 91, 95, 97-102, III, 
6. major, Koch, 112. 
Wahlenbergia hederacea, Rezchb., 75, 76, 98. 
Phyteuma spicatum, L., casual, in 88. 
Campanula glomerata, Z., 82, 85, 88-91. 
Gy irachelinum; Z.,-72, 73) 75, 77s 25103 (a) 5 OO 1 OO) Gass 
@Matifolia, Z., 72-77, 79-81, 82 (?), 83, 85-90, oh), 92-945707, 
99, 1027. 
C. rapunculoides, L., 73+, 827, 837, 857, 881, 897, 9°T, 92T- 
C. rotundifolia, L., except 117. 
6. lancifolia, Mert. and Koch, Perthshire. 
d. hirta, Rich., 89 
C. persicifolia, L., escape, in 72, 87, 88, 89. 
C. Rapunculus, L., 857, 957- 
Specularia hybrida, DC., 827, 857. 


Vaccinium Vitis-ideea, Z., except 74, 82, 4, 91, 101, 112. 

V. uliginosum, Z., 72, 87-90, 92, 94, 96-98, 105, 106, 108, ITI, 112. 

V. Myrtillus, Z., all. 

Schollera Oxycoccos, Roth, except 78, 79, 82, 84, 93, 95, 97, 100, 
HOD OT, 108, 109, 170, 111, 112. 

1 ZLactuca muralis, Fresen.—Generally recorded as an introduction, though 
sometimes in localities that give it the aspect of a native species. 



Arctostaphylos alpina, Sfveng., go, 92(?), 96, 97, 105, 106, 108, 
LOO; cli, elt or 

A. Uva-ursi, Spreng., 72, 73, 78, 81, 87-92, 94-98, 100, 102-112. 

Andromeda Polifolia, Z., 72-77, 86, 87. 

Calluna Erica, DC., all. 

a. glabrata, Seem., is the commoner form, but 4. incana, 
Auct., is also widespread. 

Erica Tetralix, Z., except 78. 

By cinerea: 2/7. all. 

[E. vagans, Z., has been reported from 75, 87, 96, 98, but probably 
in error. | 

Loisleuria procumbens, Desv., 85 (?), 86, 88-90, 92, 94, 96-99, 104- 
TOQ srt, tna: 

Ledum palustre, Z., 367 (?), 877 (?). 

Bryanthus taxifolius, 4. Gray (Phyllodoce taxifolia, Salisb.), 88. 

Pyrola rotundifolia, Z., 73 (?), 75 (?), 77, 78), 80(?), 8x (?), 83 (?), 
B55 07 (0); 69-0 25190,108, 007,011, 112. 

P. media, Sw., except 74, 76, 77 (2), 78, 79, 83, 84, 86, 99, 100, 107, 
102; LOG ALOT LL. 

Pominory 7. Cxcepe WOOL NOL, On OOy LO 1, el 09 aot LO eile miele 

P. secunda, Z., 72, 73, 75 (?), 76(?), 77 (?), 88-98, 104-107. 

Moneses grandiflora, Gray, 89, 90, 93-98, 106, 107, 110(?). 


Hypopitys Monotropa, Cran¢z, 93, 96. 


Statice Limonium, Z., 73, 74, 85. 
S. rariflora, Dre7., 73, 74. 
S. auriculefolia, Vahl, 74. 
a. occidentalis (Lloyd), 74. 
6. intermedia, Syme, 74. 
Armeria maritima, W7//d., except 75, 7S. 
6. planifolia, Syme, 88. 


Hottonia palustris, Z., go (?). 

Primula acaulis, Z., except 78. 

P, veris, Z., 72, 73) 744: 75) 791, 77%, 80-86, 877 (?), 88-94, 951; 
90}, Loo}, 108; Teo; 711 

Lf elatior, \acg., 724; 73% 

P. farinosa, Z., 78 (? extinct). 


P. scotica, HZook., 94 (??), 108, 109g, III. 

Lysimachia thyrsiflora, Az4#, 75, 76, 77, 83, 84, 86-90, 99. 

L. vulgaris, Z., 72-77, 81 (?), 83+, 84, 85+, 86-88, 91+, 927, 99, 103- 

L citata, We eseane vim 725073. 

L. Nummularia, Z., 72, 747, 75, 76; 771, 78, 79, 807, 817, 831; 
854, 86, 87%, 884, Sot, got, Toot. 

L. nemorum, Z., except 112. 

Trientalis europea, Z., except 73, 74, 78, 80, 82, 84, 101, 102, 103, 

Glaux maritima, Z., except 77, 7S, 79, SO, 86, 88, 107. 

Anagallis arvensis, Z., except 78, 79, 92+, 93, 104, 105, 106, 109, 

A. coerulea, Schreb., 737 (?), 747, 88 cas., 89 cas., 92 Cas. 

Antenella, -L.,-excep? 72, (38, 79, 80, 86, 875 69, FU GL (2), aouluos 

Centunculus minimus, Z., 72 (?), 73, 75, 76, 77(?), 81, 85, 87-90, 
92, 95-97, 1900, 103, IIo. 

Samolus Valerandi, Z., 72-76, 81-82, 84, 85, 95, 97-104, IIo. 


Fraxinus excelsior, Z., 72-111, marked + in 85-95, 100-102, 104- 
III; nativity scarcely to be determined. 
Ligustrum vulgare, L., + in many districts, e.g. 72-78, 80-83, 85-97, 
100-103, 109. 

Vancamazjor, X., 7324; 924: 
‘V. minor, L., in 72, 73, 75-77, 81, 83-85, 88-92, 94, 95, 193; 107. 


Erythrea Centaurium, /ezs., except 78, 79, 91, 92, 93, 94, 105, 
b. capitata, Koch, 73, 74. 
[Z. latifolia, Sm., has been erroneously recorded from 97 and 103.] 
By littoralis, #7, 72-75, 82, 91, 93 (2), 94-908, LoO-re2, Tob; 1307, 
PLO, Era, 
KE. pulchella, 77, 72, 82, 102. 
Gentiana nivalis, Z., 88, go [97, error]. 
G. Amarella, Z., 80-83, 86, 83, 90, 92-95, 102, 105-109, III, 112, 
G. campestris, Z., except S4. 
G. baltica, M/urbeck, 98, to1, 108. 
Menyanthes trifoliata, Z., all. 
Limnanthemum peltatum, Gmel., ~ in 77, 81, 88, 89 (?). 

1 V. minor, L., despite its frequent profusion, must be regarded as introduced 
by man into Scotland. I have never seen fruit upon it in Scotland. 



Polemonium coruleum, L., ¢ or casual, in 72-75, 77, 81-87, Perth- 
Shire, 90, 62, 94, TOC moe) ToD; 


Cynoglossum officinale, Z., 757, 777, 81-85, 88-90, 917 (?), 937, 
O4f, 907, FOO, (PIT. 
C. germanicum, /acg. (C. montanum, Lam.), 88, 897 (?), 907. 
Asperugo procumbens, L., + in 77, 82, 85, 90, 93, 95, 106, 107. 
LEchinospermum Lappula, L., casual, in 92. 
Symphytum officinale, Z., 72-77, 79, 807, 81, 83, 841, 85, 86, 877, 
887, 897, 907, 91T, 927, 937, 99T, TOOT, IOQF. 
5. patens (Szbth.), 72, 74, 877, 887, 80T. 
S. tuberosum, Z., 72+, 731, 741, 75°77, 79, 81-94, 951, 98, 99, 
EO2, 106; 
S. asperrimum, Bab., 72+, 747, 92 Cas. 
Borago officinalis, L., casual, in 72-74, 86, 88, 92, 99, I00. 
Anchusa sempervirens, L., — in 72-74, rare in Perthshire, 91, 92. 
Lycopsis arvensis, Z., except 78, 103. 
Pulmonaria officinalis, 1.., casual, in 72, 74. 
Pneumaria maritima, /77// (Mertensia maritima, Don.), except 77, 
18s 19, BO, OC, OI OM, OO, 1, 00% OF, 99) LOZ MOL. 
Myosotis czespitosa, Schultz, all. 
M. palustris, With., except 94(?), 95 (?), 96 (2), 97, 101, 104, 105, 
IROL) THOT AG) Th Olop (2) TLTUON a)\, LILI TUL (2) 
6. strigulosa, Wert. and Koch, 72, 74, 84, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 
O99; 106, nx Tr. 
M. repens, G. Don, except 82, S4. 
M. alpestris, Schmidt, 88, 907. 
1M. sylvatica, Hofm., 72, 73, 77 (?), 79-81, 83, 86, 877, 887, 897, 
90, 91 (?), 927, 104. 
M. arvensis, Zam., all. 
6. umbrosa, Bad., 72-74, Perthshire. 
M. collina, Hoffm., except 74, 78, 79, 80, 87, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 
M. versicolor, Rezché., all. 
Lithospermum purpureo-ceruleum, L., 857. 
7. officinale, Z., 73, 741; 764,771, 62, 9315 95, 971, O81 @) 90; 
OL 7 (?),95,.90 (2) 100, wor, nt g(r)! 
3L. arvense, Z., 72, 73, 75-78, 80-86, 88-96, 106, 110. 

1 Myosotis sylvatica, Hoffm.—The claims of this species to be indigenous in 
several of the above districts are probably ill founded. 

2 Lithospermum officinale, L.—The distribution of this is such as to suggest 
its introduction by man in many habitats. 

3 ZL. arvense, L.—The same remark applies to this, though less strongly. 


1Echium vulgare, Z., except 72+, 73+ (2), 747), 78, 79, ILF (?), 
97, 98, 99; 101, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 112. 


2 Volvulus sepium, /wnger (Calystegia sepium, R. Br.), 72-77, 817, 82, 
83, 857, 86, 877, 88+, 89f, 907, 927, 957, 977, 987, 99-103, 

V. Soldanella, Junger (C. Soldanella, R. Br.), 727, 73% (), 744 (@); 
75> 82 (?); 87, 9°, 97 (@); 100-103, IIO. 

3 Convolvulus arvensis, Z., except 72+, 78, 79, 80, 92+, 93, 94, 97, 

4 Cuscuta Epilinum, Weihe, 72+, 887. 

C. europea, L., 72 (2), 77 (2), 807, 83 (?), 89 cas., 90 (?). 

C. Epithymum, Jurr., 737, 75, 771, 83 (?)- 

C. Trifolit, Bab., 75, 76 (?), 80-83, 85, 86, 88 cas., 89 cas., 90, 927, 
937, (7 probably in all these). 

(To be continued.) 


An Obscure Point in the History of the Cadzow Herd of 
White Cattle.—Not a little uncertainty surrounds the break in the 
continuity of the Cadzow herd of White Cattle in the end of the last 
and the beginning of the present century. Pretty full details of the 
evidence of contemporary writers on the subject may be found in 
the late Robert Turner’s article on this herd in the “ Transactions of 
the Natural History Society of Glasgow” (vol. ii., N.S., pp. 222-244). 
Mr. Turner laid considerable stress on the note of Sir Walter Scott 
in the introduction to his ballad ‘‘Cadzow Castle,” wherein he states 
that they were extirpated “about forty years ago,” say 1760. Scott’s 
evidence is, however, conflicting—a fact of which Mr. Turner was 
apparently unaware. ‘There is first in order of dates the above 
quoted statement. The ballad was completed, Lockhart tells us, 
before the appearance of vols. i. and ii. of the ‘‘ Border Minstrelsy ” 
in 1802. In “The Bride of Lammermoor” (181qQ), chap. iv., there 

1 Echium vulgare, L.—In the north-east of Scotland, at least, this plant is so 
often a weed of cultivated ground or of roadsides as to point to its distribution 
by man. 

2 Voluulus sepium, Junger, should probably have + after a good many more 
vice-county numbers. 

3 Convolvulus arvensis, L., is extremely local in north-east Scotland ; indeed, 
it occurs near Aberdeen, where not evidently introduced by man, only by one 
roadside, where it is rare and does not increase. 

4 Cuscuta, L.—No Cuscuta (except perhaps C. Zpzthymum) appears to be 
indigenous in Scotland. 


are two paragraphs relating to “wild cattle,” which, however, have 
been ‘‘ extirpated at the places we have mentioned,” 7.e. Hamilton, 
Drumlanrig, and Cumbernauld. This agrees with the former state- 
ment, but it is curious to find that in ‘ Peter’s Letters to his Kins- 
folk,’ by J. G. Lockhart, published in ‘‘ Blackwood’s Magazine” in 
the same year (1819), there is a lively description of the Cadzow 
cattle from personal observation. ‘They are white or cream- 
coloured all over, but have their hoofs and horns and eyes of the 
most dazzling jet. The fierceness of the race, however, would seem 
to have entirely evaporated in the progress of so many ages, for the 
whole herd lay perfectly quiet while our grave trio passed through 
the midst of them.” In “Castle Dangerous” (1831) Scott again 
refers to the cattle in Note B, where he states that they “were, in 
the memory of man, still preserved in three places in Scotland— 
namely, Drumlanrig, Cumbernauld, and the upper park at Hamilton 
Palace, at all of which places, except the last, I believe, they have 
now been destroyed on account of their ferocity.” This statement 
traverses what he had written previously. He had apparently 
learned, possibly through Lockhart, of the re-introduction at Cadzow, 
but it is unfortunate that he throws no light on the source of the 
restored herd, and this remains still a matter of conjecture.—]OHN 
PATERSON, Glasgow. 

Poleeat in Elginshire.—The Polecat is not quite extinct in 
Elginshire yet. A large male was killed at Whitewreath, about four 
miles south of Elgin, last January. Few of the young people have 
ever seen a Polecat alive in this district, and I only know of three 
or four having been trapped here during the past thirty years.— 
Wi1LLi1AM Tay.Lor, Lhanbryde. 

Lesser Rorqual in the Moray Firth.—A_ beautiful male 
Lesser Rorqual (Lalenoptera rostrata) was captured in a fishing- 
net off Portknockie on the 14th of August last. It was towed into 
Portknockie Harbour, where it lay for some days. The baleen 
was beautiful creamy white, but the boys had been helping them- 
selves to specimens before I saw it. The bands down the throat 
and chest were pure white, with slate-coloured grooves between. 
The white patch on the outside of the arm was well marked. The 
body was nearly black on the dorsal surface. I took the following 
measurements :—Total length, 244 feet; greatest girth, 13 feet; 
from snout to blowhole, 34 feet; height of dorsal fin, 1 foot 
2 inches; length of pectoral fin, 3 feet 9 inches; breadth of tail, 
6 feet 9 inches—WILLI1AM TayLor, Lhanbryde. 

The Grampus in Clyde.—On Sunday, 5th June, this year, while 
walking up the west side of the island of Bute, from Etterick Bay to 
Kilmichael, with Mr. John Robertson, that gentleman drew my 
attention to two whales proceeding down the Kyles. They might 
be a mile from the shore, probably less, but with our binoculars 


we could plainly see the tall (our estimate three and a half feet) 
dorsal fin, with a prominent hook, and a white patch in the region 
of the head. We watched them for a considerable time. On my 
return I looked up the literature of the subject, and have no doubt 
but that the whales were Killers (Ovca gladiator). I cannot recall 
any record of the Killer or Grampus occurring in this area, but the 
‘‘Finners,” well known to yachtsmen, will probably frequently be 
referable to this species, although they remain undistinguished.— 
Joun Paterson, Glasgow. 

Prosecution under the Wild Birds’ Protection Aects.— At 
Cupar, on 5th July, before SheriffSubstitute Armour, Alexander 
Greig and Christopher Neilson, labourers, Tay Street, Newport, 
admitted having taken eighty Terns’ eggs at Tentsmuir, contrary to 
the Order of the Secretary for Scotland, for the Protection of Wild 
Birds and their Eggs on Tentsmuir. A fine of Ar: 4s., or seven 
days’ imprisonment, was imposed on each of the offenders. 

Migrant Wagtails at Peterhead.—Migrant wagtails are a feature 
of the Peterhead district during the latter three weeks of August. 
They are everywhere in family parties, which, as the season goes on, 
unite into flocks of about twenty. The fields where the fishermen 
spread their herring-nets are a great attraction for these Pied Wag- 
tails (AZotacilla lugubris), but the most unobserving notice them by 
the side of small streams or catching flies amid the turnip-fields. They 
have always struck me as birds that migrate very slowly. Mixed up 
with them is a fair number of Gray Wagtails (AZotacilla melanofpe), 
but these generally prefer to migrate later in the season. It is but 
rarely you notice the Yellow Wagtail (AZo¢acil/a rayz) with them, 
although they breed in the neighbourhood. Let me add that some 
years ago, when I resided in Leith, I used to see hundreds of Pied 
Wagtails, during September, sitting down for their night’s rest in 
nurseries close to the Botanic Gardens and Fettes College. Often 
I used to go along to see them coming in from all quarters, 
and regularly before retiring to rest they used to sit in crowds 
balancing themselves on the wires, or ran in little squadrons along 
the road. —WILLIAM SERLE, Peterhead. 

A Habit of the Black-headed Gull.—Did any of your readers 
ever note that habit of this gull of fast pattering with its feet in the 
shallows? Lately I was frequently down on the beach opposite 
Cramond Island. Here the tide goes far back, and leaves shallow 
pools. In these poois the gulls stood “beating time” in the most 
rapid manner, and so making the water muddy. It seemed to be 
as much a piece of diversion as a means of snatching any food that 
might be stirred up.— WILLIAM SERLE, Peterhead. 

Introduetion of the Caperecaillie into Inverness-shire.—Three 
years ago Mr. Dalziel Mackenzie of Farr made an attempt to intro- 


duce the Capercaillie (Ze¢rao urogallus), but owing to the arrange- 
ments made—the birds being confined like pheasants—they all died 
of cramp. He then obtained some more birds, some of which were 
confined in a larger pen, with spruce trees, while others were turned 
out in the open. ‘This second attempt has succeeded fairly well, for 
two or three nests were known to have hatched out, and the young 
were seen, I think the ground is well suited to their requirements, for 
there are hundreds of acres of fir wood, ranging from old trees to those 
planted a few years ago.—HrarLey Nose, Henley-on-Thames. 

Pochard in Midlothian in Summer.—In consideration of the 
fact that the Pochard has not yet been found breeding in Midlothian, 
it is interesting to note that a drake remained all summer on Loch- 
end Loch. I do not know whether in the early part of the season 
it was accompanied by a mate or no, but on 16th June it was the 
only duck on the loch, and on the 29th July its only companion was 
a Tufted Drake in eclipse plumage. In the summer of 1892 also 
a Pochard remained on the same loch. On 2nd July 1892 I came 
on the bird sitting by the waters edge, and was surprised at its 
exceeding tameness: it allowed me to approach within a short 
distance before it entered the water. I may also note that in the 
south of Fife in 1894, and again in 1895, I noticed the Pochard 
in the nesting-season on a small loch well adapted for this bird.— 

The Great Shearwater at St. Kilda.—An example of the Great 
Shearwater (Pufjinus major) was captured at St. Kilda under the 
following circumstances. On the 7th of August 1897 Neil Ferguson 
and his colleagues were fishing a mile or two west of the Dune. 
While hauling their lines a Shearwater was noticed on the water 
near to the boat, and in company with some Fulmars (/idmarus 
glacialis). Ferguson knew at once that the bird was a Great Shear- 
water, a species concerning which I had in previous years questioned 
him and others, and desired, if possible, that a specimen should be 
obtained. At first the fishermen were at a loss how to act, as they 
had no gun on board the boat. At the suggestion of Ferguson, 
however, a quantity of ling’s entrails was thrown overboard. On 
this being done, the Shearwater came to the feast at once, before the 
Fulmars, and Ferguson struck it down with an oar and secured it. 
Ferguson thinks that this Shearwater breeds on the Dune, because 
the bird has been obtained there before, and because also there was 
a bare nesting-patch on the breast of the specimen captured, “the 
same as is to be seen on the Fulmars.” A very fair skin was made 
of the bird, which I have presented to the collections in the Museum 
of Science and Art, Edinburgh. I have identified probably two 
hundred or two hundred and fifty Great Shearwaters in western 
Scottish waters, but saw none there during the present year.— HENRY 
Evans, Jura Forest. 


Uneommon Fishes in the Solway Firth.—Besides the Belted 
Bonito (elamys sarda) said to have been recently taken in the 
Solway, other scarce species have been found. I say “scarce” 
because, although both the fish to be mentioned are very scarce in 
our waters, they are not by any means rare elsewhere on the British 
coasts. The first one to note is the “John Dory” (Zeus fader), a 
specimen of which was sent me from Annan lately. That it is an 
infrequent thing there is proven by the fact that none of the fisher- 
men to whom it was shown had ever seen it before. The other 
species is a fine little specimen of the Garpike (Be/one vulgaris) sent 
me from Carsethorn, where it was found stranded at low tide. The 
Garpike has been occurring in the Solway more frequently of late 
years than formerly.—R. SERvicE, Maxwelltown. 

Blue Shark in the Firth of Forth.—An example of the Blue 
Shark (Carcharias glaucus), about five feet in length, was caught in a 
salmon-net at Gullane Point, East Lothian, on 7th July 1898. 
When I had my attention directed to it, a couple of days later, it lay 
stranded among the rocks some 300 or 400 yards from the net. I 
cannot call to mind any previous record of the actual occurrence of 
the species within the waters of the Forth; but there can be little 
doubt it occasionally enters the maritime portion of the Firth 
during the summer months, seeing it is a not uncommon visitor to 
St. Andrews Bay, and has been captured in the salmon-nets there, 
as mentioned by Professor M‘Intosh in his ‘‘ Marine Invertebrates 
and Fishes of St. Andrews,” p. 184.—WILLIAM Evans, Edinburgh. 

Spread of the Roach in the Solway Distriet.—Hitherto in our 
district the Roach (Lewciscus rutilus) has been known only from the 
Lochmaben lochs, the Lochar, the Black Loch of Colvend, and the 
White Loch of Inch, near Stranraer. For the last year or two 
numerous specimens have been got from time to time in the little 
sluggish water of Cargen. It seems to be quite established there. 
That it is quite a recent immigrant there is positively certain. It was 
a puzzle where it had come from, until I found recently that Roach 
had been placed in Terregles ponds by the late Captain Maxwell. 
There seems no reason to doubt that the Roach of the Cargen are 
the produce of fish that have escaped from the ponds in Terregles 
Park.—R. SERVICE, Maxwelltown. 

Meta menardi (Zazr.) on Ailsa Craig.—Mr. W. Eagle Clarke 
has forwarded to me for identification a couple of specimens (both 
females) and an egg-cocoon of this large cave-loving spider which 
were sent to him from Ailsa Craig in July last by Mr. Tulloch, 
lighthouse-keeper there. I have already recorded the species in the 
pages of this magazine from the Forth and Solway areas. It has 
also been recorded from Tweed and Dee; but not till now, so far 
as I know, from Clyde.—W1xi1AMm Evans, Edinburgh. 


On the occurrence of Corophium affine, 47ze/zus, in Loeh 
Fyne.—Quite recently, when examining a small gathering of Crusta- 
cea collected at Tarbert Bank near East Loch Tarbert, Loch Fyne, 
in March last year but not examined till now, I obtained a single 
male specimen of Corophium affine. ‘There does not appear to be 
any previous record of this Amphipod for the Clyde district. It 
seems to have a moderately wide distribution around the Scottish 
coasts, as Dr. Norman has recorded it from Shetland, and I have 
obtained it both in the Firth of Forth and the Moray Firth. It seems, 
however, to be a rare Amphipod: I seldom find more than one or 
two specimens at a time. ‘The species is quite a distinct one. The 
structure of the second antennz in the male is characteristic, and so 
are the last pair of uropoda, which are very slender. It cannot be 
mistaken for any one of the other three British species of Coro- 
phium.—T. Scott, Leith. 

Sirex gigas, Z., in Argyleshire.—My friend Dr. J. S. Stewart 
of Edinburgh, who has been spending a holiday at Glendaruel, 
Argyleshire, has sent for my inspection a female specimen of this 
handsome insect which he found on the woodwork of his door- 
way there on 14th August. I do not know whether the species 
has previously been noticed in the county. —WILLIAM Evans, 

Noxious Insects in the Solway Distriet.—The present has been 
one of the worst seasons for many years in the undue prevalence of 
injurious insects. These have been further most remarkable in 
that, with few exceptions, they were species not often noticed to 
such an extent as to be hurtful. The Corn Grub or larve of the 
“‘ Daddy-long-legs” Fly were complained of in many quarters, and 
the “Turnip Fly” (which is, however, not a “fly” but a beetle) was 
also prevalent to a very serious extent. Both are old familiar 
enemies. But a new foe, Schizoneura fuliginosa, a dirty, sooty- 
coloured Aphide, has done immense damage to young plantations 
of fir trees, covering the twigs and young shoots in vast numbers. 
A Scale Insect that I have been unable to find a name for amongst 
those who specially study the class, has been met with everywhere 
in countless hordes on laurel bushes, sucking the life sap of the 
plants, and covering the foliage with masses of black frass. Then 
arboriculturists have had much reason to ban the Pine Weevil and 
its doings. The grubs or larvee of this insect have done very great 
damage to the roots of young pine trees. Feeding underground, 
these grubs cannot be got at with the usual insecticides, and have 
just to be allowed to proceed with their ravages at their own sweet 
will. The most casual observer must have seen during the hot dry 
mornings that have prevailed of late, the wet, stained, and sticky 
appearance of the ground under lime trees. This is the dripping 
of “honeydew” from Affhzs “le, the Greenfly of the lime tree, which 


has also to be added to the host of insects that have provoked the 
mildest-mannered horticulturist and arboriculturist to much wrath 
during the few weeks of this summer.—R. SERVICE, Maxwelltown. 

Homalomyia sealaris feeding on Wax.—In April and May 
this fly is a familiar species. It is most often seen in small parties 
of a score or more individuals flying together in sportive play under 
trees during the warmest time of day. Under fruit trees in bloom, 
more especially under plums, it is often conspicuous. In the larval 
state it feeds on various decaying substances, usually of animal 
origin, and has been found as an inmate of, and feeder upon, the 
debris of wasp nests. In the summer of 1897 a small jar of stone- 
ware that had contained preserves had been filled with fragments 
of empty honeycémb, placed under a bee hive in my apiary, and 
then forgotten. It was not noticed again until early in April last, 
when it was taken into an adjoining shed. Shortly afterwards flies 
of this species were observed to be congregated upon the shed 
window, and it was found that they were issuing from amongst the 
old combs in the jar. Careful notes were taken afterwards of the 
emergence of the flies. Over 600 in all came forth, and these 
(with the exception of half a dozen 4. canzcularis, and about a score 
specimens belonging to other dipterous species) were all 4. scalaris. 
They issued from r5th April to 20th May, and the time was during 
the morning hours up till about ten o’clock. At first only males 
were noted, afterwards about equal proportions of both sexes, and 
during the last fortnight the few stragglers were all females. Taking 
the whole brood, the proportion of males to females was slightly 
more than two to one.-—ROBERT SERVICE, Maxwelltown, Dumfries. 

Cyelops Dybowskii, Zande.—This comparatively rare Cyclops 
was obtained while I was making an examination of the shore of 
Loch Lomond near Balmaha on the 21st of June last. I was 
inclined at first to ascribe this Copepod to Cyclops otthonotdes, 
G. O. Sars, but a further examination convinced me that it must be 
Lande’s species ; and on comparing notes with my friend Mr. Scour- 
field, whose recent discovery of Cyclops Dybowskit in England has 
added another to the rapidly increasing number of British fresh- 
water Entomostraca, I found that he also was of the same opinion 
with myself in regard to the Loch Lomond Cyclops. Cyclops. 
Dybowski, which is an addition to the list of Scottish freshwater 
Copepods, is closely related to C. otthonoides ; and it requires careful 
examination to differentiate the two, as the characters that distinguish 
the one from the other are microscopic. They appear, however, to 
be distinct.—T. Scott, Leith. 

Streblocerus minutus, G. O. Sarvs, in the Dhu Loch, near 
Rowardennan, Loch Lomond.—A few specimens of this rare 
Cladoceran were obtained in a gathering of microcrustacea collected 

28 E 


around the shore of the Dhu Loch in June last. Stveblocerus is not 
unlike a AZacrothrix, and some familiarity with the group is necessary 
to enable one to discriminate between them. ‘This is the second 
time I have taken S¢reblocerus in Scotland. It was obtained the 
first time in Loch Morar in 1892, but was erroneously described in 
the Fishery Board’s Report for 1893 as Macrothrix laticornis, Jurine. 
It seems to be widely distributed, but on account of its habitat and 
small size it is easily overlooked.—T. Scort, Leith. 


‘Flora of Perthshire.”—May I ask a little of your space in order 
to correct a serious blunder in the recent ‘‘ Flora of Perthshire.” 
Very much to my surprise, I learn that I have seen Hymenophyllum 
unilaterale at Kilmadock. Now I never saw the plant there, and I 
have a firm conviction that no other botanist will! The same 
blunder has been made in regard to Carex vesicaria, etc. Many 
years ago I was asked to furnish a full list of the flora of the Parish 
of Kilmadock, and 1 did so by marking a copy of the London 
Catalogue. This was sent to Dr. B. White, and as there were some 
plants new to the county we had some correspondence in regard to 
the matter, so that Dr. B. White knew very well that the list was a 
parish flora and not a place one. If I remember right, the parish 
covers about sixty-four square miles. I shall feel obliged if you 
would correct a blunder for which I am not in any way responsible. 
—A. Craic Curisti£, Edinburgh. 

[To supplement this, we quote the following from the “ Journal 
of Botany” for August. Our readers will from it see that Mr. 
Christie’s objection is taken to the name being used for the parish 
of Kilmadock instead of being restricted to the church and its 
precincts :— 

“ \ PERTHSHIRE Note.—In the recently published ‘Flora of 
Perthshire’ I read with some astonishment that I have observed a 
number of plants at ‘Kilmadock.’ As a matter of fact, I never got 
one of the plants in question there, but I did get all of them in the 
parish of that name. I think it is to be regretted that Dr. White 
and his editor should have known so little of their ground as to 
confound an old church and its precincts with a parish which covers 
sixty-four square miles. In every instance the entry ought to read 
‘parish of Kilmadock.’ I was asked to furnish Dr. White with a 
complete flora of the parish ; I did my best to do so, but Kilmadock 
as a ‘station’ was never referred to.—A. Craic CuristTi£.”—ED. | 

‘‘The Flora of Perthshire.’”’—I was rather surprised to find that 
no notice was taken in this work of the fact that I was the discoverer 
of Calamagrostis borealis (Deyeuxia neglecta, var. borealis), and I 


believe the only gatherer of it in Strathtay, since I am afraid it is 
now destroyed in its original station near Killin. Nor is there any 
reference to my gathering of Saxzfraga grentlandica, L., var. decipiens 
(Ehrh.), on Ben Lawers, although Professor Engler verifies my 
specimen. The name S. grenlandica, L., is included in the Flora, 
but no locality or collector’s name is mentioned. So far as I am 
aware, these were the first records of these plants not only for 
Perthshire, but for Scotland. I failed to find the Saxifrage this 
year, but I only saw two or three specimens when I first gathered 
it near the summit of the mountain.—G. CLARIDGE DRUCE. 

Carex xanthoearpa, D/seg.—I have this from Portree, Skye.-— 

Agrostis pumila, Z.—I have this from Quiraing, Skye; Dal- 
mally, Argyle; Glen Lyon, Mid Perth; and Torrs, Wigtown.—G. 

Colours of Flowers and Moisture.—In walking along the 
Slug Road to-night after a day of rain, the harebells (Campanula 
rotundifolia) on the dry banks by the wayside showed their beautiful 
characteristic blue. We had been along the same route last night 
at the same hour (7.30), and had remarked how nearly all the 
‘“‘bells” were of a purple-red colour. ‘Those on the driest soils 
were redder than the ones on a soil a little damper, but all of them 
showed a tendency to red. To-night they are all as near as may be 
of the same shade. Of course the light is much less bright to- 
night than it was last night, but the main difference must lie in the 
different amounts of moisture present. Could this be the cause of 
the decided change in colour >—A. Macpona.p, Durris. 

Moss new to Britain.—Dr. Braithwaite has informed us that a 
moss collected on 3rd July 1895 near Cowie Moss, or Craig Moss 
as it is occasionally called, about three miles south-east of Stirling, 
is the Zortula tnermis, Brid., which has not previously been met with 
in Britain.—R. Krpston ; J. S. STIRLING. 


The Titles and Purport of Papers and Notes relating to Scottish Natural His- 
tory which have appeared during the Quarter—July-September 1898. 

[The Editors desire assistance to enable them to make this Section as complete as 
possible. Contributions on the lines indicated will be most acceptable and 
will bear the initials of the Contributor. The Editors will have access to the 
sources of information undermentioned. ] 


CAPTURE oF A Go~pEN Eacir. F.F. L. Zhe Meld, ard 
September 1898, p. 440.—A specimen captured alive on 29th 


August at Asknish, Lochgair, measuring 6 feet 7 inches between the 
tips of the wings, and weighing between nine and ten pounds. 

Ivory GULL ON THE SoLway. J. J. Armistead. Zvologist 
(4), vol. ii. p. 414 (September 1898).—Specimen seen in the Firth 
on 3rd August, and again on the following morning. 

SCOTERS IN SUMMER. J. J. Armistead. Zoologist (4), vol. i. 
p- 414 (September 1898).—This note refers to hundreds of Scoters 
seen off Southerness on 7th June last, including four Velvet Scoters. 
Remarks are also made as to the possible breeding of Red-throated 
Divers in Wigtown Bay, and on the disappearance of the Chough 
from the Kirkcudbrightshire coast. 

THE SO-CALLED ST. KiLDA WrREN. H.S. Davenport. Zoologist 
(4), vol. ii. p. 413 (September 1898).—Cnriticises a statement in the 
Spectator of 30th July, referring to Mr. C. Dixon as the discoverer 
of this bird in the island. 

Ent. Record, vol. x. p. 204 (August 1898). This note refers to five 
species of Lepidoptera taken during the season of 1898. 

man. Lt. Record, vol. x. pp. 204-206 (August 1898). A list is 
given of 110 species captured during the last two or three years, 
with notes on a number of the more interesting forms. 

Stn. By Eustace R. Bankes, M.A., F.E.S. Zt. Mo. Mag. (2), 
x. pp. 196-198 (September 1898).—On the probable specific 
identity of the two, as evidenced by comparison of Perth specimens 
of the former with specimens of the latter from various English 

ORSODACNA OCCURRING IN Britain. By G. C. Champion, F.L.S. 
Ent. Mo. Mag. (2), ix. pp. 175-176 (August 1898).—Notes given 
on some Paisley specimens. 

Report Fishery Board Scot., pt. i. pp. 17-87 (August 1898).— 
Tables given showing (1) the kinds of Fish, (2) the species of 
Invertebrates, obtained in the Moray Firth and Firth of Clyde. 

FROM 1889 TO 1895, BOTH INCLUSIVE. By Thomas Scott, F.L.S. 
16th Ann. Report Fishery Board Scot., pt. ii. pp. 153-210, and pls. 
iv.-vil. (August 1898).—This useful paper gives particulars of the 


Invertebrates captured during the years named by the tow-nets, 
including Mollusca, Crustacea, Vermes, and Ccelenterata. The 
plates are in the form of charts showing the distribution and relative 
abundance of various organisms in the Firth, and the paper con- 
cludes with a list of the species of Mollusca and Crustacea referred 
to in the preceding notes, and showing the stations where they were 

LAND — Part VIII. By Thomas Scott, F.L.S. Including an 
SHETLAND. By Thomas Scott and Robert Duthie. 16th Ann. 
Report Fishery Board Scot., pt. iii. pp. 248-260 (August 1898). 
—The first part of this paper deals with Lochranza (Arran), 
Garry Loch (Ailsa Craig), and Park Loch and Tangy Loch, near 
Campbeltown (Cantyre). The second part deals with the fresh- 
water lochs of Shetland, with notes on their physical aspects. Tables 
are given in both parts containing the names and showing the 
distribution of all the species (Mollusca and Crustacea) from the 
lochs referred to. 

By Thomas Scott, F.L.S. 16¢i Ann. Report Fishery Board Scot., 
pt. ili. pp. 261-282, pls. xil.-xv. (August 1898).—Deals with Crustacea, 
Vermes, and Foraminifera, and describes, amongst others, Pseudo- 
tachidius coronatus, gen. et sp. noy.(?); Ascomyzon simulans, sp. 
noy.; and Neopontius angularis, gen. et sp. nov. An appendix 
gives some extra notes on some Clyde Crustacea. 

ADDITIONS TO “BriTisH ConcHoLocy.” By J. T. Marshall. 
Journal of Conchology, vol. ix. pp. 65-74 (July 1898).—Numerous 
Scottish records are given. 

No. XIX. By Professor M‘Intosh, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S. Ann. and 
Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), vol. ii. pp. 103-118, and pl. ii. (August 1898). 
—Deals with Scottish specimens of Clione limacina and Bipinnaria 


James Britten, F.L.S., and J.S. Boulger, F.L.S.  /ourn. Bot., 1898, 
pp. 267-271.—The following botanists, natives of Scotland or 
writers on the botany of Scotland, are included in the present 
instalment of the supplement :—Rey. Robert Hunter (1824 ?-97), 
Charles Jenner (1810-93), Thomas King (1834-96), George 
Lawson (1828 ?-95), John Leitch (1859 ?-96), David Lyall, M.D. 


A PERTHSHIRE Note. By A. Craig Christie. /ourn. Bot., 
1898, p. 319.—Will be found in full on p. 242 of this journal. 

Notes FROM CanTirRE. By C. E. Salmon. /ourn. Bot., 
September 1898, pp. 338-340.—From near Ardrishaig, enumerates 
a good many new records for Cantire; and &. rhamntfolius, from 
the vice-county 98 (Argyle), also from near Ardrishaig. 

Journ. Bot., 1898, p. 275.—In Glenfarg. 

S. Marshall. Journ. Bot., 1898, p. 274.—Near Thurso. 

Wolley Dod. /ourn. Bot., September 1898, pp. 352-353-—From 
near Arisaig, in West Inverness. It had rose-purple flowers, spur 
stout and only twice as long as the lip, which latter is intermediate 
between tricuspidate and trilobed; spike resembles that of adda. 
This example was noticed in the Gardener's Chronicle of 23rd July 
as probably G. odoratisstma, Rich. 

G. C. Druce, M.A., F.L.S. Journal of the Linnean Society, Botany, 
1898, vol. xxxiii. pp. 458-464.—Discusses its occurrence on 
Lochnagar and Ben Lawers, and its relative rank, whether species 
and hybrid. 

ANcSst., IN Brirain. By William Whitwell, F.L.S. Journ. Bot., 
1898, pp. 291-297, pl. 388, B and C.—The former was determined 
from an example found by Dr. O. St. Brody in Ayrshire in July 
1887. The identity of B. rutaceum, Sw., figured by Newman from 
a specimen found in 1839 by Mr. Cruickshanks on sands of Barry, 
in Forfarshire, is discussed, and it is referred to 4. danceolatum, 

New anp Rare Scottish HeEpatic&. By W. H. Pearson. 
Journ. Bot., September 1898, p. 340.—Enumerates from West 
Inverness, collected by Mr. S. M. Macvicar, seven new to Scotland, 
one not previously recorded from Scotland (though already collected 
by Dr. Carrington at Loch Maree, and at New Galloway by Mr. 
J. M‘Andrew), and fifteen others new to West Inverness. 

Dixon, M.A., F.L.S. Journ. Bot. (1898), July, pp. 241-246, pl. 387.— 
Determined from barren specimens gathered by N. Sutherland and 
A. M‘Kinley on Ben Wyvis in August 1867; by James Murray on 
Ben Narnain, near Arrochar, in July 1896; and by H. N. Dixon on 
Craig Cailleach, near Killin, in July 1897. 



F.L.S., M.R.LA. With Selections from his Zoological and Botanical 
Writings. Edited by G. B. Moffat, B.A. With a Preface by Frances 
M. More. (Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, & Co., Ltd., 1898.) 

The volume before us is a fitting record of the labours of one 
who was a worthy successor to the late William Thompson as our 
leading authority on all subjects connected with Irish Natural 
History. And in many ways More was Thompson’s superior, for 
his interests were far wider, extending as they did to Botany as well 
as to Zoology, in both of which branches of natural science—as far 
as concerned Ireland—More had no equals. 

But it was not only in his own work that More’s labours were 
so successfully expended, for he had a wonderful power of attracting 
to himself workers in all branches of Irish Natural History, to 
whom it was his delight to suggest lines of research. Although he 
never really enjoyed robust health, and was seldom able himself to 
undertake long or arduous expeditions, his interest in the work of 
others never flagged, and his readiness to help less experienced or 
younger naturalists was such that for many years his room at the 
Museum (and later in Leinster Road) was recognised as a sort of 
meeting-place for all who were interested in Natural History: a 
place where expeditions were planned, and results brought in and 
discussed. During this period, hardly a paper on Irish Natural 
History was published that had not received the benefit of More’s 
advice, or, perhaps, of his actual revision. 

Hence it is that the book before us teems with interest for 
students of all branches of Natural History, and is so different from 
the number of dry volumes produced nowadays for the eyes of 
narrow specialists. Not a little of our pleasure in reading the 
volume was derived from the light thrown by it on much that 
appertains to the historical part of the subject—a matter too often 
neglected or untouched of late years. Here we learnt much that 
was new to us of the past generation of British Zoologists and 
Botanists, and a great deal more about those who are still working 
in the same field. 

Very great credit is due to Miss More and Mr. G. B. Moffat 
for the way in which they have accomplished their task. Great as 
were the opportunities of producing a good book, all have been 
made use of in a manner only possible to those who are thoroughly 
conversant with Irish Natural History in all its phases, and we are 
indebted to them for what we must regard as the most important 
work on Irish Natural History as a whole since the appearance of 
Thompson’s “ Natural History of Ireland.”——-G. E. H. B. H. 


Aberdeen, Botanic Garden in, 186 
Acalla aspersana in Unst (Curr. Lit.), 


ie atropos in Renfrewshire, 
118; in Orkney, 187 

ADAIR, PETER, notes on the birds of 
Ettrick, 21 

Additions to ‘‘ British Conchology ” 
(Curr. Lit.), 245 

Agrostis pumila, L., 243 

Ailsa Craig, old note on, 113 

Algze, new or critical British marine 
(Curr. Lit.), 61; of Lamlash Bay, 
Arran (Curr. Lit.), 61 

Alucita hexadactyla in Scotland, 54 

Ampelis garrulus in Ayrshire, 1153 in 
Banffshire, 50; in Cairngorm 
district, 50; in Elginshire, 50; at 
Loch Lomond, 116; in Lothians, 

Anas strepera in Moray, 117 

ANDERSON, PETER, Wild Geese flying 
at a great height, 116; birds 
observed in the island of Tiree, 

eee the late WILLIAM, F.R.S., 8 
catcher, etc., in Nithsdale, 49 
Auk, Little, in Moray, 53 
Avifauna of West Ross-shire, contribu- 

tion to, 65 

Memorials, etc., of (Curr. Lit.), 

Bacteria of the soil, with special refer- 
ence to soil inoculation (Curr. 
Lit.), 60 

Badger colony in Dalmeny Park (Curr. 
Lit.), 124 ; in Dumfriesshire (Curr. 
Lit.), 187 ; in Kirkcudbrightshire, 

Barra, additions to the birds of the 
island of, 75 

BENNETT, ARTHUR, F.L.S., records 
of Scottish plants for 1897, addi- 

tional to Watson’s ‘‘ Topographi- 
cal Botany,” 225 

Ben Nevis, additional Coleoptera from 
the summit of, 30; vertebrate and 
plant life on (Curr. Lit.), 58 

Berwickshire zzéz and Rose 
Lit.), 60 

Lipalium kewense at Paisley (Curr. 
Lit.), 60 

Birds of Ettrick, notes on, 21; of 
Carmichael, notes on, 47; of the 
island of Barra, additions to, 75 ; 
of Kintail, Ross-shire (Curr. Lit.), 
124; observed in the island of 
Tiree, 153; report on movements 
and occurrence of in Scotland 
during 1897, 200 

Blackcock and Capercaillie hybrid near 
Inverness, 52 

Llysmus rufus, var. béfolius (Curr. 
Lit.), 126 

BoLaM, GEORGE, F.Z.S., Red-footed 
Falcon in Scotland, 116 

Loreus hiemalés in Midlothian, 55 

Botanical and other notes [from Cold- 
ingham] (Curr. Lit.), 125 

Botanists, biographical index of British 
and Irish (Curr. Lit.), 127, 188, 

Botany, topographical, of Scotland, 39, 
98, 164, 230 

Botrychium matricariefolium and B. 
lanceolatun in Britain (Curr. Lit.), 

Brown, Henry H., Pygera bucephala 
in Moray, 54; Luchelia Jacobee 
and its food-plant, 54 

BROWN, JAMEs, Waxwing in Elgin- 
shire, 50; Leach’s Petrel and 
Little Auk in Moray, 53 

Buck ey, T. E., B. A., F.Z.S., hybrid 
Capercaillie and Blackcock near 
Inverness, 52; Gadwall in Moray, 
117; Great Skua in Moray Firth, 

Bunting, Ortolan, in Shetland, 178 


INDEX 249 

Caddis flies, In search of, in 1897 (Curr. 
Lit.), 187 

Cadzow herd of White Cattle, an 
obscure point in the history of the, 

CAMPBELL, BRUCE, Goldfinch in West 
Lothian, 180 

CAMPBELL, CHARLES, partial albinism 
in Robin at Dalmeny, 49 ; Cuckoo 
in captivity, 116 

Cantire, notes from (Curr. Lit.), 246 

Capercaillie and Blackcock hybrid near 
Inverness, 52 

Capercaillie and Pheasant, 
between, 17, 117 

Capercaillie in S.E. Lanarkshire, 118 ; 
introduction into Inverness-shire, 

Caranx trachurus in the Solway, 53 

Carduelis elegans in Caithness, 115 ; in 
Mid-Perth, 115 ; in West Lothian, 

Carex chordorhiza, Ehrh., in Britain 
(Curr lente) One zzecca the 
British (Curr. Lit.), 126; helwola 
on Ben Lawers (Curr. Lit.), 188 ; 
in Britain (Curr. Lit.), 246; xaztho- 
carpa, Diseg., 243 

Cephenomytia auribarbts, larvee of, etc. 
(Curr. Lit.); 125 

Cerastium, on primary characters in, 
TOT (Curr eit.) et26 

Charr, peculiar, from Inverness-shire, 



Chiff-chaff in Clyde area (Curr. Lit.), 
58; in East Renfrewshire, 115 

CHRISTIE, A. CRAIG, F.L.S., flora of 
Perthshire, 242 

Cladodus Nezlsonz (Curr. Lit.), 58 

CLARKE, WM. EAGLE, hybrids between 
Capercaillie and Pheasant, 17, 117 ; 
Lesser Shrew in Tiree, 111 ; Haw- 
finch in Midlothian, 114; protec- 
tion of Wild Birds and their eggs 
in Scotland, 146 

Claytonia perfoliata, Don, 186 

Climatic zones, Watson’s (Curr. Lit.), 

Club, excursion of the Scottish Alpine 
Botanical, to Clova (Curr. Lit.), 60 

Coccothraustes vulgaris in Midlothian, 

Coleoptera, additional, from the summit 
of Ben Nevis, 30; Ayrshire (Curr. 
Lit.), 59; from Hoy (Curr. Lit.), 


Coll plants (Curr. Lit.), 61 

Columba palumbus nesting in the City 
of Edinburgh, 183 

Colymbus arcticus in East Renfrewshire, 
1153 glactalis at St. Abb’s Head, 


Copepods, apparently new, from Clyde 
(Curr. Lit.), 125 

Corallorhiza innata, new locality for 
(Cury7 Lith) s026 

Corophium affine in Loch Fyne, 240 

CRAIG, ARCHIBALD, Ring Dove nesting 
in the City of Edinburgh, 183 

Crambus perlellus, var. rostellus, in 
Ross-shire (Curr. Lit.), 59 

Crows, hybrid, in Forth area, 186 

Cuckoo in captivity, 116 

Cuculus canorus in captivity, 116 

Cyclops Dybowskii, 241 ; languidus in 
Loch Doon, Ayrshire, 184 ; anus 
in Loch Doon, Ayrshire, 184 

Cymochorea leucorrhoa in Moray, 53 - 

Dafila acuta nesting in the ‘ Forth” 
area, 162 

DAVIDSON, JOHN, migratory Locust in 
Aberdeenshire, 55 

Death’s-head Hawk Moth in Renfrew- 
shire, 118 

Delphinus delphzs in Moray Firth, 47 

Dendrocopus major in Peeblesshire, 182 

Dewar, Dr. T. F., Red-backed Shrike 
in Forfarshire, 180 

DeEwak, Drs. T. F. and W. J., Golden 
Oriole in Forfarshire, 179 

Deyeuxia stricta, var. borealis, extinc- 
tion of (Curr. Lit.), 61 

Diaptomus hircus in Loch Lochy, 
Inverness-shire, 55 

Diptera from Aberdeen (Curr. Lit.), 

Diver, Black-throated, in East Renfrew- 
shire, 115 ; Great Northern, at St. 
Abb’s Head, 53 

Divers, Great Northern and Black- 
throated, nesting in Shetland (Curr. 
Lit;), 58 

Dossik, J. B., F.R.S.E., F.Z.S., a con- 
tribution to the avifauna of West 
Ross-shire, 65 ; curious nesting site 
of Marsh Titmouse, 180; Viper in 
the Pentlands, 184 

Dolphin, Bottle-nosed, in Moray Firth, 
47; White-beaked, in the Moray 
Firth, 112, 177 

Dolphins in the Moray Firth, 177 

Dove, Ring, nesting in the City of 
Edinburgh, 183 

Druce, G. CLARIDGE, M.A., F.L.S., 
plants of West Ross, 122; Rosa 
dumetorum, Thuill., 122; oa 
cenisia, All., var. flexuosa (Wahl.), 
a new species of Grass in Scotland, 
122; the ‘‘ Flora of Perthshire,” 
242; Carex xanthocarpa, Diseg., 
243; Agrostis pumila, L., 243 

Duck, Long-tailed, in Dumfriesshire, 
2; in Kirkeudbrightshire, 52 


Duck, Tufted, early hatching of, in 
Caithness, 184 

Dulichia monocantha in the Clyde, 55 

Dytiscus lappontcus in Mull (Curr. Lit.), 

Eagle, Golden, capture of a (Curr. Lit.), 


Edinburgh, Mosses and Hepatics near, 

Elf Loch, Braids, fauna of (Curr. Lit.), 

Emiberiza hortulana in Shetland, 178 

Epione parallelaria in Scotland (Curr. 
Lit.), 125; wespertarta in Rox- 
burghshire (Curr. Lit.), 59 

LEvithacus rubecula, partial albinism in, 


Ettrick, notes on the birds of, 21 

Loucalanus crassus, recurrence of, in 
the Moray Firth, 119 

Luchelia Jacobee and its food-plant, 54 

Euphrasiz, Scottish, 57; monograph 
of British species (Curr. Lit.), 60 

Luphrasia foulaensis, Scottish localities 
for (Curr. Lit.), 188; Jatéfolia, 
Pursh., in Caithness (Curr. Lit.) 

Evans, HENRY, the Great Shearwater 
at St. Kilda, 238 

EvANs, WILLIAM, F.R.S.E., Harvest 
Mouse in Moray, 46; Boreus hiem- 
alts in Midlothian, 55; A/eta men- 
ardi in Kirkcudbrightshire, 55 ; 
Goldfinch in Mid-Perth, 115; Wax- 
wing in Lothians, 116; Pintail 
nesting in the ‘‘ Forth” area, 162 ; 
records of Scottish land and 
freshwater Mollusca, 185; Blue 
Shark in the Firth of Forth, 239 ; 
Meta menardi on Ailsa Craig, 239 ; 
Strex gigas in Argyleshire, 240 

Excresences and diseases occasioned in 
plants by mites (Curr. Lit.), 129 


falco tslandus in Shetland, 182; Zz2- 
nunculus in Aberdeenshire, 51 ; 
vespertinus in Scotland, 116 

Falcon, Iceland, in Shetland, 182; Red- 
footed, in Scotland, 116 

Faunal areas, minor, 8 

Fieldfares, late, in Midlothian, 178 

Flora, a new British, 124 

Flora of Tiree, 31 

Flowers, colours of, and moisture, 243 

Flycatcher, Pied, in Shetland, 178 

Forth, Pelagic Invertebrate Fauna of 
the Firth of (Curr. Lit.), 244 

Fossils, Cretaceous, found at Moreseat, 
Aberdeenshire, 125 

Fow Ler, J. A., Rose-coloured Pastor 
in West Ross-shire, 49 

fFuligula cristata, early hatching of, in 
Caithness, 183 ; fev2xa breeding in 
Wigtownshire, 513; arz/a in in- 
land waters, 51 

Fungi, new or rare British (Curr. Lit.), 

Fyne, invertebrate 
(Curr. Wit:); 245 

fauna of Loch 

Gadwall in Moray, 117 

Gallinula chloropus, mode of progres- 
sion of young, 183 

Galloway, botanical notes from, for 
1896 (Curr. Lit.), 61 

“* Garland,” trawling experiments of the 
(Curr. Lit.), 244 

Garrulus glandartus, in Berwickshire, 
48; in Dumfriesshire, 49, 181 ; in 
East Lothian, 48; in Scotland, 

Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews, 
notes from the (Curr. Lit.), 245 

Geese, Wild, flying at a great height, 

Gelechia confinis, Stn., a Northern 
form of G. szmzlzs, Stn. (Curr. 
Lit.), 244 

Germon in the Solway Firth, 53 

GiBsON, Rev. J. D. W., notes on the 
birds of Carmichael, 47 

Glasgow Natural History Society, Pro- 
ceedings (Curr. Lit.), 61 

Globiocephalus melas in Moray Firth, 

East Lothian, 48; Goldfinch in 
Caithness, 115; late stay of Field- 
fares in Midlothian, 178; hybrid 
Crows in Forth area, 181 ; mode 
of progression of young Waterhen, 
183; early hatching of Tufted 
Duck in Caithness, 183 ; Pochard 
in Midlothian, 238 

Golden Oriole in Forfarshire, 179 

Goldfinch in Caithness, 115; in Mid- 
Perth, 115; in West Lothian, 180 

Grampus in Clyde, 236 ; 

Grebe, Great Crested, breeding in 
Wigtownshire, 51 

GRIMSHAW, PERcY H., F.E.S., note 
on the life-history of Lochmea 
suturalis, 27 

Gull, a habit of the Black-headed, 237 

Gull, Ivory, on the Solway (Curr. Lit. ), 
244; Sabine’s, in Arran, 52 4 

Gymnadenia conopsea x albida in Scot- 
land (Curr. Lit.), 246 

Halicherus grypus, note on female, from 
Sutherland, 177 

Harelda glactalis in Dumfriesshire, 52 ; 
in Kirkcudbrightshire, 52 

INDEX  \ 251 

Harrier, Marsh, in Dumfriesshire, 182 

Harvest Mouse in Moray, 473; in 
Renfrewshire, 112 

HARVIE-BRowN, J.A.,F.R.S. E., F.Z.S., 
on the minor faunal areas, 8; Caper- 
caillie in S.E. Lanarkshire, 118 

Hawfinch in Midlothian, 114 

HENDERSON, THOMAS, Jun., remark- 
able visitation of migratory birds 
to Shetland, 178 

Hepatice, new and rare Scottish (Curr. 
Lit.), 246 

fTieracta, British, 57 

Homalomyia scalarés feeding on wax, 

Hoopoe at the Isle of May, 182 

Hybrids between Capercaillie 
Pheasant, 17, 117 

Hybrid Capercaillie and Black Cock 
near Inverness, 52 

Hybrid Crows in Forth area, 181 

Hydroptilide, new, from Scotland, 187 

fyperoodon rostrata in the Moray Firth, 


Inland waters of Scotland, invertebrate 
fauna of (Curr. Lit.), 245 

IrBy, Lieut.-Col. L. Howarp, F.L.S., 
Long-eared Owl in the Outer 
Hebrides, 50 

Lstas clavipes, recurrence of, in the 
Firth of Clyde, 120 

Isopods, notes on some Scottish marine, 

Lynx torquilla in Foula, 182 

Jay in Berwickshire, 48 ; in Dumfries- 
shire, 49, 181; in East Lothian, 

Jays in Scotland, 114 

Kestrel, Lesser, in Aberdeenshire, 51 

KO STON RCH RS. Eeseand | oS: 
STIRLING, Moss new to Britain, 

KINNEAR, NORMAN B., Badger in 
Kirkcudbrightshire, 112 

KIRK, CHARLES, Water Rail breeding 
near Glasgow, 52 ; Great Northern 
Diver at St. Abb’s Head, 53 

Labidocera wollastont, recurrence of, in 
the Firth of Clyde, 120 

Lagenorhynchus  albirostris in the 
Moray Firth, 112, 177 

LaIDLaw, T. G., Great Spotted Wood- 
pecker in Peeblesshire, 182 ; report 
on movements and occurrence of 
birds in Scotland during 1897, 200 

Lantus collurio in Forfarshire, 180 

Lepidoptera from Orkney, variation in 
(Curr. Lit:); 124 

Lepidoptera, notes on, 1897 (Curr. 
Lit.), 187 ; captured in the Orkney 
Islands (Curr. Lit.), 244 

Lepidopus caudatus, 53 

Liddesdale district of Roxburghshire, 
plants indigenous to (Curr. Lit.), 

Lochmea suturalis, note on life-history 
of, 27 

Locust, migratory, in Aberdeenshire, 55 

Lontceracaprifolium in Perthshire (Curr. 
Lit.), 246 

LUMSDEN, JAMES, Waxwings at Loch 
Lomond, 116; Shelduck carrying 
its young, 117 

Lyctum barbarum and L. europeum 
and their local culture (Curr. Lit.), 

MACDONALD, A., colours of flowers 
and moisture, 243 

MACPHERSON, Rev. H. A., M.A., 
F.Z.S., Long-tailed Duck in Dum- 
friesshire, 52; Germon in the Sol- 
way Firth, 53; Scad in the Solway, 

MacRury, JOHN, M.B., the birds of 
the island of Barra—additions and 
notes, 75 

Macvicar, SYMERS M., on the flora 
of Tiree, 31, 81 

Man, early, in Scotland, 129, 193 

F.L.S., Ranunculus petiolaris, 

Mastigophora Woodst? in Inverness-shire 
(Curr, eit) 127 

F.L.S., Scaup in inland waters, 
51; Jays in Scotland, 114 

Meles taxus in  Wirkcudbrightshire, 

Mergulus alle in Moray, 53 

Meta menard: in Kirkcudbrightshire, 
553 on Ailsa Craig, 239 

Mollusca, Jand and freshwater, records 
of Scottish, 185 

Morice, Rev. F. D., M.A., FuE.S.; 
further notes on Saw-Flies (7ez- 
thredinide) from the summit of 
Ben Nevis, including a species new 
to Britain, 80 

Moss new to Britain, 243 

Mosses, distribution of British, 121, 
(Curr. Lit.) 126 

Motactlla flava in Lanarkshire, 179 

Mus minutus in Moray, 46, 47; in 
Renfrewshire, 112 

Muscicapa atricapilia in Nithsdale, 49 ; 
in Shetland, 178 

Mycology of Kelvingrove Park (Curr, 
Lit.), 61 


Nemeophila plantaginis, ab. hospita and 
ab. vufa (Curr. Lit.), 59; black 
aberration, 59 

Nitragin, experiments with (Curr. Lit. ), 

NOBLE, HEATLEY, introduction of the 
Capercaillie into Inverness-shire, 

Notes of the season—Wigtownshire 
(Curr. Lit.), 244 

Obituary Notices. —Morris Youne, 

HIRE Son, ts) 
(Kstrine parasites of British deer (Curr. 
Lit.), 125 

Oporabia autumnata (Curr, Lit.), 187 
Orcanus germo in the Solway Firth, 


Oriolus galbuda in Forfarshire, 179 

Orsodacna, colour-varieties in Britain 
(Curr. Lit.), 244 

Ospreys, destruction of, 182 

Otters, White (Curr. Lit.), 124 

Otus vulgaris in Outer Hebrides, 50 

Owl, Barn, dark form of, in Kincardine- 
shire, 50; 
Hebrides, 50 

Oxycera dives at Rannoch (Curr. Lit.), 

Pachytylus migratorius in Aberdeen- 
shire, 55 

Paracalanus parvus in the Firth of 
Clyde, 120 

Paramunna bilobata in Loch Fyne, 56 

Parus palustris, curious nesting site of, 

Pastor roseus in West Ross-shire, 49 

PATERSON, JOHN, Sabine’s Gull in 
Arran, 52; old note on Ailsa Craig, 
113; Garden Warbler south of the 
Grampians, 114; Waxwing in Ayr- 
shire, 115; Blue-headed Wagtail in 
Lanarkshire, 179; an obscure point 
in the history of the Cadzow herd 
of white cattle, 235; the Grampus 
in Clyde, 236 

Joun, Chiff-chaff, Wood Wren, 
and Black-throated Diver in East 
Renfrewshire, 115 

Peltas berus in the Pentlands, 184 

Perthshire, ‘‘ Flora” of, 242 

Perthshire note, a (Curr. Lit.), 246 

Petrel, Leach’s, in Moray, 53 

Phasianus colchicus and Tetrao uro- 
gallus, hybrids between, 17, 117 

Pheasant and Capercaillie, hybrids 
between, 17, 117 

Phylloscopus rufus in East Renfrewshire, 

Long-eared, in Outer 


1153; sebelatv¢x in East Renfrew- 
shire, 115 

Pied Flycatcher in Nithsdale, 49 

Pintail nesting in the ‘‘ Forth” area, 162 

Plagiothectum Mvillertanum in Britain 
(Curr. Lit.), 246 

Plant Plankton, observations on (Curr. 
Lit.), 61 

Plants, nitrogenous food of (Curr. Lit.), 

Plants, records of Scottish, for 1897, 

Poa cenisia, All., var. flexuosa (Wahl.), 
a new species of grass in Scotland, 

Pochard breeding in Wigtownshire, 51 

Pochard in Midlothian, 238 

Podicipes cristatus breeding in Wigtown- 
shire, 51 

Polecat in Elginshire, 236 

Polyommatus astrarche ab.quadripuncta 
(Curr. Lit.), 58 

Pratincola rubetra in Shetland, 178 

Protection of wild birds and their eggs 
in Scotland, 146 

Psychoda albipennis from Loch Maree 
(Curr. Lit.), 188 ; Ahalenoides from 
Loch Maree (Curr. Lit.), 188 

Pygera bucephala in Moray, 54 

Pyrus Ariaand its varieties (Curr. Lit.), 

Rallus aguaticus breeding near Glas- 
gow, 52 
Ranunculus auricomus, note on (Curr. 
Lit.), 60; Aetzolarzs, 122, (Curr. 
Leits) >) 126 
REID, WILLIAM, F.E.S., Zendocampa 
gracias in Scotland, 119 
Manual of British Birds, by Howard 
Saunders, 62 
A History of Fowling, by the Rey. 
H. A. Macpherson, 62 
With Nature and a Camera, by R. 
Kearton, 63 
Memories of the Months, by Sir 
Herbert Maxwell, 63 
Among British Birds in their Nesting 
Haunts, by O. A. J. Lee, 64 
A Handy Guide to Fish Culture, by 
J. J. Armstead, 64 
Wild Birds Protection Acts, 1880-96, 
by J. R. V. Marchant, M.A., and 
Watkin Watkins, B.A., Barristers: 
at-Law, 127 
A Sketch of the Natural History 
(Vertebrates) of the British Islands, 
by, GiAilaloy FRG. Ssh Zee 
Audubon and his Journals—Maria 
R. Audubon. With Zoological 

INDEX 253 

and other Notes by Elliot Coues, 
Flora of Perthshire — Francis 

Buchanan W. 
ital basa 18o] Bass 

White, M.D., 
Edited, with an 
Introduction and Life of the 
Author, a list of his Scientific 
Publications, and an Appendix, 
by James W. H. Trail, A.M., 
M.D., F.R.S., 190 
Synopsis Characearum Europzarum, 
—Dr. Walter Migula, 191 
County and Vice-County Divisions 
of the British Islands, 191 
Coloured Figures of the Birds of the 
British Islands, issued by Lord 
ilfoxd sy H-Z5.5,193 
Life and Letters of Alexander Good- 
renga), Wierda, IRIS Bay We !bESs 
M.R.I.A., edited by G. B. Moffat, 
B.A., 247 
Roach in the Solway district, spread 
of, 239 
ROBERTSON, Davip, LL.D., In 
Memoriam (Curr. Lit.), 58 
Robin, partial albinism in, at Dalmeny, 


Rorqual, Lesser, in the Moray Firth, 

Rosa dumetorum, Thuill, 122 

Rose-coloured Pastor in West Ross- 
shire, 49 

Ross, plants of West, 122 

Ross-shire, West, contributions to 
avifauna of, 65 

Salices, experiments in cross-fertilisa- 
tion of (Curr. Lit.), 188 

Salmo alpinus, peculiar, in Inverness- 
shire, 78 

Saw-Flies from the summit of Ben 
Nevis, including a species new to 
Britain, 80 

Scabbard Fish in Scottish waters, 53 

Scad in the Solway, 53 

Scaup in inland waters, 51 

Scoters in summer (Curr. Lit.), 244 

Scorr, THOMAS, F.L.S., Dzaptomus 
hircus in Loch Lochy, Inverness- 
shire, 55; Dudlichta monocantha 
in the Clyde, 55; occurrence of 
Paramunna bilobata, 56; recur- 
rence of Eucalanus crassus in the 
Firth of Clyde, 119; recurrence 
of Labidocera wollastont and Jszas 
clavipes in the Firth of Clyde, 120 ; 
Paracalanus parvus in the Firth of 
Clyde, 120; Cyclops manus and 
C. languidus in Loch Doon, Ayr- 
shire, 184 ; notes on some Scottish 
marine Isopods, 218; on the 

occurrence of Corophium affine in 
Loch Fyne, 240; Cyclops Dybow- 
shit, 241 3 Streblocerus minutus in 
the Dhu Loch, near Rowardennan, 
Loch Lomond, 241 

Seal, Gray, note on female, 
Sutherland, 177 

Sedges, British, 122; notes on some 
British (Curr. Lit.), 126 

Sericomyta borealis, habits of (Curr. 
Lit.), 59 

SERLE, WILLIAM, migrant Wagtails at 
Peterhead, 237 ; a habit of the 
Black-headed Gull, 237 

SERVICE, ROBERT, Jay in Dumfries- 
shire, 49, 181; Long-tailed Duck 
in Kirkcudbrightshire, 52; Marsh 
Harrier in Dumfriesshire, 182; 
uncommon fishes in the Solway 
Firth, 239; spread of the Roach 
in the Solway district, 239; 
noxious insects in the Solway 
district, 240; Homalomyta scalaris 
feeding on wax, 241 

Shark, Blue, in the Firth of Forth, 239 

Shearwater, Great, at St. Kilda, 238 

Shelduck carrying its young, 117 

Shetland, remarkable visitation of 
migratory birds to, 178; Whinchat, 
Ortolan Bunting, and Pied Fly- 
catcher in, 178 

Shrew, Lesser, in Tiree, 111 

Shrike, ed-backed, in Forfarshire, 

SIM, GEORGE, A.L.S., Harvest Mouse 
in Moray, 46 ; dark form of Barn 
Owlin Kincardineshire, 50; Lesser 
Kestrel in Aberdeenshire, 51 ; 
Scabbard Fish in Scottish Waters, 


SIMPSON JAMES, note on female Gray 
Seal obtained on the east coast of 
Sutherland, 177 

Strex gigas in Argyleshire, 240 

Siskin in Kirkcudbright, 180 

Skua, Great, in Moray Firth, 118 

SMALL, ROBERT, Waxwing in Cairn- 
gorm district, 50; Hoopoe at the 
Isle of May, 182 

Solway district, noxious insects in the, 

Solway Firth, uncommon fishes in the, 

Sorex minutus in Tiree, III 

Sphinx convolvulé in Scotland (Curr. 
Tit); 59 

St. Abb’s and vicinity, plants found in 
June 1896 (Curr. Lit.), 125 

St. Kilda, Great Shearwater at, 238 

St. Kilda Wren, the so-called (Curr. 
Lit.), 244 

STEELE, A. B., Claytonia perfoliata, 



Don, 186; Mosses and Hepatics 
near Edinburgh, 186 
Stercorarius catarrhactes in 
Firth, 118 

STIRLING, J. S., and R. KrpsTon, 
F.R.S.E., Moss new to Britain, 

Streblocerus minutus in the Dhu Loch, 
near Rowardennan, Loch Lomond, 

Strix flammea, dark form of, in Kin- 
cardineshire, 50 

Berwickshire, 48 


VEO S Se saya 

Sunaristes pagurt, notes on (Curr. 
Lit.), 59 — : ; 
Sylvia hortensis south of the Grampians, 


Tadorna cornuta carrying its young, 117 

Tentocampa gracilis in Scotland, 119 

Tayv.Lor, J. M. B., Harvest Mouse in 
Renfrewshire, 112; <Acherontia 
atropos in Renfrewshire, 118 

TayLor, WILLIAM, Common or 
Bottle-nosed Dolphins in the 
Moray Firth, 47; White-beaked 
Dolphin in the Moray Firth, 112; 
Fly peroodon rostrata in the Moray 
Firth, 113 ; Dolphins in the Moray 
Firth, 177; Polecat in Elginshire, 
2360; Lesser Rorqual in the Moray 
Firth, 236 

Tenthredinide from the summit of Ben 
Nevis, including a species new to 
Britain, 80 

Tephrosia bistortata in Scotland (Curr. 
Lit.), 59 ; 

Tetrao urogallus in S.E. Lanarkshire, 

Tetrao urogallus and Phastanus col- 
chicus, hybrids between, 17, 117 

THORNLEY, Rev. A., M.A., F.L.S., 
F.E.S., additional Coleoptera from 
the summit of Ben Nevis, collected 
by Mr. W. S. Bruce in 1896, 30 

Tiree, birds observed in, 153 ; flora of, 
31, 81; plants (Curr. Lit.), 61 

Titmouse, Marsh, curious nesting site 
of, 180 

Topographical botany of Scotland, 39, 
98, 164, 23 

Tour in N. Scotland, notes on a (Curr. 

Lit.), 188 

TRAIL, JAMES W. H., A.M., M.D., 
F.R.S., topographical botany of 
Scotland, 39, 98, 164, 230 


TRAILL, Mrs. A. L., Wryneck at the 
island of Foula, Shetland, 182 

F.R.S., etc., on a peculiar Charr 
from Inverness-shire, 78 

Turdus pilaris, late, in Midlothian, 178 

TURNERS (Sin (Winner  DACalle 
CED) BaRSS.,) Barly; Wiankein 
Scotland, 129, 193 

Tursiops tursio in Moray Firth, 47 

Tutt, J. W., F.E.S., Aluctta hexa- 
dactyla in Scotland, 54 

Upupa epops at the Isle of May, 182 

Venilia macularéa in Scotland (Curr. 
Lit.), 125 

Viola tricolor and its allies, 56 

Viper in the Pentlands, 184 

Wagtail, Blue-headed, in Lanarkshire, 

Wagtails, migrant, at Peterhead, 237 

Warbler, Garden, south of the Gram- 

pians, 114; Wood, in Kast 
Renfrewshire, 115 
Waterhen, mode of progression of 

young, 183 
Water Rail breeding near Glasgow 52 
Waxwing in the Cairngorm district, 
50; in Elginshire, 50; in Ayr- 
shire, 115; in Lothians, 116 
Waxwings in Banffshire, 50; at Loch 
Lomond, 116 
Whale, Bottle-nosed, in the Moray 
Firth, 113 ; Pilot, in Moray Firth, 


Whinchat in Shetland, 178 

Wild Birds Protection Act, prosecution 
under the, 237 

Willow hybrids, some Scotch (Curr. 
Lit.), 60 

Willows, set of British, 122 

Woodpecker, Great Spotted, in Peebles- 
shire, 182 

Wryneck in Foula, 182 

Xema sabintd in Arran, 52 

YounG, MorrIs, the late, 1 


Printed by R. & R. Ciark, Limitep, Edinburgh 


