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R. P. LAMONT, Secretary 

HENRY O’MALLEY, Commissioner 





Part II 


For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D, C. ------ - Price $1.65 



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AND CotomsBiA. By David Starr Jordan, Barton Warren Evermann, 

G43 EP 






Henry O’ MALLEY 

Deputy Commissioner.—Liwis RADCLIFFE. 
Assistants in Charge of Divisions: 
Office—Irvina H. DuNLAE. 
Fish Culture—Gurn C, LEAcH. 
Inquiry Respecting Food Fishes—E.uMER HiaaIns. 
Fishery Industries—Oscar E, Sette. 
Alaska Service—Warpv T. Bower. 
Architect and Engineer.—GroRGE A. SCHNEIDER. 
Accountant.—CHARLES W. SCUDDER. 
Superintendent Central Station and Aquaria.—L. G. Harron, 
Editor.— Anna B. Brown. 






The present memoir comprises a list of all the fishes and fishlike 
vertebrates known to occur in the waters of north and middle America; 
more specifically all of continental America north of the Isthmus of 
Panama, and the outlying islands including the West Indies, the 
Greater and the Lesser Antilles, Greenland, Iceland, and the islands 
off the Pacific coast of Central America, Mexico, the United States, 
and Alaska. The salt-water species on the northern coasts of Co- 
lombia and Venezuela have been included. Those of the Galapagos, 
the Sea of Okhotsk, and the west coast of Kamchatka are not included. 
Oceanic species in general within the 1,000-fathom curve have been 
admitted, although it is not always easy to draw the line. 

The majority of the species included will be found described in 
Fishes of North and Middle America, a 4-volume work by Jordan 
and Evermann published in 1896 to 1900 as Bulletin 47 of the United 
States National Museum. No other general work restricted to this 
continent and containing descriptions of all known species has been 
written. On that work was based the Check List of 1896 by Jordan 
and Evermann, of which the present Check List may be regarded as 
a revision. 

In the present list are given, in as natural sequence as our present 
knowledge permits, (1) the names of all species and subspecies that 
the authors admit as valid, (2) as many of the vernacular or common 
names for each species as have been readily obtainable, (3) the 
known geographic distribution of each species, (4) the reference to 
the original description of the species, and (5) the reference to every 
real synonym. If a species has been described as new but once, 
there will, of course, be but one reference (as, for example, Photo- 
corynus spiniceps on p. 509); if it has been described as new six times 
there will be six references (as, for example, Hupomotis gibbosus on 
p. 302). Thus, this work 3s really a check list of all the scientific 
names that have ever been applied to any American fish. 

As 4,139 species and subspecies are admitted as valid, and as there 
are more than 3,000 real synonyms, it appears that each American 
fish has been described as new about two times on an average. 

The first attempt at a Synopsis of the Fishes of North America was 
published by David Humphreys Storer in the Memoirs of the Ameri- 

1 Appendix X to the Report of the U. 8S. Commissioner of Fisheries for 1928. B. F. Doc. 1055. 


ean Academy of Arts and Sciences of Boston in 1846. That work 
enumerates 739 species distributed in 221 genera. As the fishes of 
the Rocky Mountain region, Mexico, the Pacific coast, and the West 
Indies were then scarcely known, this list was very incomplete and 
the nomenclature naturally was imperfect. 

After an elaborate survey of the Pacific coast fish fauna in 1880, 
David Starr Jordan and the late Charles Henry Gilbert published a 
Synopsis of the Fishes of North America (1882), including all species 
known north of the Mexican boundary. The 1,340 species names in 
that synopsis were arranged in 487 genera; a few other species 
appeared in the appendix. 

Jordan’s Catalogue of the Fishes Known to Inhabit the Waters of 
North America North of the Tropic of Cancer (1887) was based on 
this synopsis and includes a number of additional species. 

In the present memoir we have followed implicitly the rules of 
nomenclature laid,down by the International Commission for Zoo- 
logical Nomenclature, of which the senior author has been a member 
since 1908. One single case now under discussion (Carcharias) has 
not been disposed of fully as yet, and the view recommended by 
Jordan is adopted here tentatively. An important rule set forth by 
Jordan and Evermann in 1895 has not been acted upon. This rule 
reads: ‘‘We regard all generic names as different unless actually 
spelled alike.” In accordance with decisions of the commission, 
another rule, which we have followed, is this: ‘‘No change is to be 
made in current nomenclature unless the case is fairly clear; as, for 
example, a matter of priority.’ In general we have followed current 
practice rather than accept questionable changes. One doubtful 
opinion should not be exchanged for another. The original orthog- 
raphy of all names (misprints aside) has been retained. Some 
supposed misprints (Cypsilurus, Pachynathus, etc.) have been 
referred to the International Commission, whose verdicts have been 

Tn accordance with the decision of the International Commission, 
we have disregarded (unless revived by later authors) the polynomial 
generic names of Gronow, Klein, Browne, and other able early 
writers, who failed to adopt the Linnean code simply because they 
had not heard of it. This decision rests not on consideration of 
justice but upon that of permanence. 

The most serious problem in taxonomy is that of the assignment 
of generic types to the genera of authors who had no conception of 
types. ‘The “‘rule of the first reviser’’ was adopted by the commission 
at Boston in 1908, and the present writers have endeavored to 
follow it. 

By far the most complete work on North American fishes is that by 
Jordan and Evermann, mentioned above—the Fishes of North and 
Middle America. In that work the authors recognized 1,113 genera, 
3,263 species, and 133 subspecies—a total of 3,396 species and sub- 
species. The check list of Fishes and Fishlike Vertebrates of North 
and Middle America, by Jordan and Evermann, based upon the above 
and published in 1896, enumerates 3,100 species arranged in 1,053 
genera, these being about double those in the Jordan catalogue of 
1887, the additions being mainly from Mexico, the West Indies, and 
the deep seas. 

The late modern period in systematic ichthyology is from 1880 to 
the present time and is especially signalized by the explorations of 


the deep sea, of most of the continents, and of fossil beds. The un- 
exampled explorations of Eigenmann in South America belong to 
this period, as also the records of Boulenger of the fishes of South 
Africa and the varied researches of Regan in the rich material of the 
British Museum. In this period the faunas of Australia, Japan, and 
Siberia have been studied critically and successfully. Our knowledge 
of fossil fishes is assuming definite form through the work of Wood- 
ward, Zittel, Hay, Errol Ivor White, and others who have given verte- 
brate paleontology, as related to ichthyology, a constructive turn. 

We may again emphasize the distinction between the ancient and 
modern periods in animal taxonomy. Beginning with 1758, the 
date of Linnzus’s Systema Nature, for 60 years a genus was usually 
regarded merely as a convenient pigeonhole into which species were 
thrown. With Cuvier’s Régne Animal (1817) came the conception 
of arrangement ‘‘according to organization,’ or comparative anat- 
omy. With Darwin’s Origin of Species, 40 years later (1859), 
zoologists began, though slowly at first, to realize that a classification 
must be more than an inventory; that its basis must be genetic, and 
that the problems involved in natural grouping are vastly more 
complex than even great morphologists like Cuvier and Agassiz 
had realized. To paraphrase a sentence of Elliott Coues, “genera 
and species are but larger and smaller twigs of a tree, which we try 
to arrange as nearly as possible in accordance with nature’s rami- 
fications.””’ This view, applied to taxonomy, involves the extensive 
subdivision of accepted genera, many of which were in the highest 
degree unnatural. Subdivision as practiced in the present paper 
may go too far in some eases, but our material must be analyzed 
first before we can group its parts in natural synthesis. No system 
of naming can progress beyond the knowledge on which it rests. 
We may emphasize here a statement attributed to Aristotle that 
“fone should never expect a degree of accuracy which the subject 
matter does not permit.” 

Each tendency in evolution, large or small, diverging from the 
main current, should properly stand as a separate genus. 

The problem of subspecies among fishes is especially incomplete 
and confused. Most of the marine species are clearly definable and 
not often subject to intergradations. Among the fresh-water forms, 
all sorts of modifications occur. A species, in general, is a definable 
group of related individuals that have run the gauntlet of life and 
have endured. Among our river fishes we find species of different 
types. There are numerous cases of species of compact though 
often wide distribution, in which all individuals are, to all appear- 
ances, similar. Examples of this type are the common perch (Perca 
fluviatilis), the common sucker (Catostomus commersonii), and the 
minnows (Ericymba buccata and Exoglossum mazillingua). Other 
forms, which we have elsewhere called geminate or twin species, 
may be distinct enough, having a few tangible characters of difference 
in spite of general resemblance. These, for the most part, are set 
apart from each other by barriers, their distinctness proportional to 
the efficiency of the barrier. Their origin may be due to the crossing 
of these barriers by individuals from the mass of their kind, thus 
acquiring a different environment with a different type of selection. 
Illustrations of geminate species set off by isolation may be found in 
abundance, as among the trout of western America, and other species, 


especially in the Panama region, where many geminate species are 
found on each side of the Isthmus, which has split its species from 
their mates since Miocene times. The Miocene fossil fishes of Cali- 
fornia are largely geminate in origin, twins or parents of species now 
appearing on the coast. In most cases such forms are clearly distinct 
but to all appearance ancestral, the existing distinctions apparently 
due to varying incidents of selection in varying environment. Gem- 
inate species rarely inhabit the same region, though exceptions are 
known, attributable to reinvasion. 

In many cases the distinctions between geminate forms are not 
complete, intergradations occurring along the line of the barriers or 
at different sections in climatic range. Types thus connected are 
known as subspecies. Subspecies are often nascent species; but in 
most cases a large amount of material is necessary before subspecies 
can be separated from geminate species. Among fresh-water fishes, 
each river basin shows some features of distinction, large or small, as 
does each oceanic island with regard to marine fishes. In most 
families of American river fishes studies of species have not been 
extensive enough to establish facts of intergradation. While in 
birds, reptiles, and mammals the subspecies are usually well defined 
and named, among the fishes this is still largely a matter of guess- 
work. Many authors base the recognition of subspecies not on 
actual intergradation but on guesses based on degrees of probability, 
a practice we have not followed. It has seemed to us better to regard 
related forms as distinct species until intergradation has been shown. 

We find also among river fishes, and sometimes among marine 
forms (as in Lutianus), occasional individuals that to all appearance 
are hybrids. These are marked by a distinct blending of specific 
traits. They are extremely rare, however, often known only from a 
single example. A few hybrids are known or suspected among 
certain minnows, sunfishes, and darters. The best-known hybrids 
thus far recorded in America occur among the Centrarchide, or 
sunfishes, in which group they have been studied critically by Mr. 
Hubbs. Two common species (Apomotis cyanellus and Eupomotis 
gibbosus) figure particularly as probable parents. Hybrids may give 
rise to distinct species, but no example of this is known among our 

Among fishes there are also occasional monstrosities, freaks, or 
“‘mutations,”’ in which certain traits may be absent or exaggerated. 
Whether such qualities may be inherited is not known. If so, it is 
likely that they would soon be swamped by breeding with the mass 
unless especially protected by segregation. It does not appear that 
any species of fishes have arisen by mutation or from hybridization, 
though the latter possibility is greater than the former. 

We may observe that compilations such as the present paper should 
constitute an exercise in modesty. Such work can never be made 
absolutely complete nor free from errors. It deals with the obser- 
vations and thoughts of great minds, as also with a degree of ignor- 
rance, carelessness, and perversity, by which names have been 
multiplied without corresponding extension of ideas. Synonymy 
(the use of different names for the same group) in general represents 
the lack of exact knowledge or else a failure (often unavoidable) to 
deal justly with the work of others. It is, therefore, as has been 
said by Doctor Coues, often ‘‘a burden and disgrace to science.” 


Only those who have had experience in cataloguing, in a similar 
way, the species in some large group of animals or plants can appre- 
ciate the difficulties involved. In the first place, in order to make the 
list complete by the inclusion of all valid names and all real synonyms 
it was necessary to make a careful search of all ichthyological litera- 
ture. It is too much to expect that we have been entirely successful 
in this search; some names probably have been overlooked. The 
verification of the thousands of references as to the publication, 
volume, page, date, spelling, and type locality, was even more 
exacting and arduous; but most difficult of all were the multitude 
of taxonomic problems involved. In many cases existing knowledge 
is not adequate for final settlement. It is not improbable that some 
of our decisions as to the taxonomic relationships of certain species 
and the validity of others may not meet the approval of all of our 
coworkers, but that is inevitable where knowledge is incomplete. 

The present senior author, as a lifelong teacher of biology, may be 
pardoned a personal reference. Himself a student of Agassiz and 
Gill of the earlier period, he has had the honor of being also a friend, 
to some extent a protégé, of Baird, Giinther, Vaillant, Liitken, 
Hilgendorf, and Cope. In addition, he has numbered among his 
own students many of those active in systematic ichthyology during 
the late modern period. Among these are James Francis Abbott, 
Willis Stanley Blatchley, Charles Harvey Bollman, Alembert Win- 
throp Brayton, Charles Victor Burke, Howard Walton Clark*, 
Herbert Edson Copeland, Frank Cramer, George Bliss Culver, 
Bradley Moore Davis, Mary Cynthia Dickerson, Charles Lincoln 
Edwards, Carl H. Eigenmann, Rosa Smith Eigenmann, Barton 
Warren Evermann, Bert Fesler, Morton William Fordice, Henry 
Weed Fowler, Charles Henry Gilbert, James Zaccheus Gilbert, 
David Kop Goss, Ulysses Simpson Grant IV, Arthur White Greeley, 
Joseph Grinnell, Harold Hannibal, Edmund Heller, Albert William 
Christian Theodore Herre, Jennie Horning, Carl Leavitt Hubbs, 
Elizabeth G. Hughes, Oliver Peebles Jenkins, Eric Knight Jordan, 
Philip Henry Kirsch, Richard Crittenden McGregor, Ernest Alex- 
ander McGregor, Charles Leslie McKay, Seth Eugene Meek, Charles 
William Metz, Heraclio R. Montalban, George Sprague Myers, 
Edward William Nelson, Robert Newland, Masamitsu Oshima, 
Keinosuke Otaki, Charles J. Pierson, Cora D. Reeves, Robert Earl 
Richardson, Cloudsley Rutter*, Norman Bishop Scofield, Alvin 
Seale, Michitaro Sindo, Tage Skogsberg, Robert Evans Snodgrass, 
John Otterbein Snyder, Edwin Chapin Starks, Joseph Swain, Shigeho 
Tanaka, Lionel William Wiedey, Wilbur Wilson Thoburn, Joseph 
C. Thompson, William Francis Thompson, Deogracias Villiamin 
Villadolid, Yojiro Wakiya, Frank Walter Weymouth, Thomas 
Marion Williams, and Albert Jefferson Woolman.* 

Those marked with an asterisk have also been students of Doctor 
Evermann, as have also the following: Frederick Morton Chamber- 
lain, Ulysses Orange Cox, Samuel Frederick Hildebrand, Chancey 
Juday, William Converse Kendall, Clarence Hamilton Kennedy, 
William J. Moenkhaus, John Treadwell Nichols, Lewis Radcliffe, 
Josiah Thomas Scovell, and Alfred Cleveland Weed. : 

Many of these have made important contributions to our knowl- 
edge of fishes. 

The preparation of this Check List has extended over a period of 
more than 20 years. It was begun in 1906 by the senior authors, 


who worked upon it from time to time, as their other duties per- 
mitted, until 1925, when they were joined by the junior author, who 
thereafter gave most of his time to the work until its completion. 
The senior authors also have devoted much of their time to it since 

During the progress of the work the authors have endeavored to 
consult and utilize every record bearing on the fish fauna of America. 
In addition to this they have received invaluable assistance and sug- 
gestions from virtually every present-day student of American fishes, 
among whom special mention should be made of the late Dr. Charles 
Henry Gilbert and Prof. John Otterbein Snyder of Stanford Uni- 
versity, Dr. William Converse Kendall of the United States Bureau 
of Fisheries, Dr. Carl Leavitt Hubbs of the University of Michigan, 
George Sprague Myers of Stanford University, Barton Appler Bean 
of the United States National Museum, William Francis Thompson 
of the International Fisheries Commission, Dr. Arthur W. Henn of 
the Carnegie Museum, John Treadwell ‘Nichols and Dr. E. W. 
Gudger of the American Museum of Natural History, and many 
others. To all these we express our indebtedness and grateful 
appreciation. For clerical assistance of one kind or another, par- 
ticularly in looking up and verifying references, we are oreatly 
indebted to Miss Jessie E. Drayton, Harry J. ‘Christoffers, and 
Henry D. Aller, of the United States Bureau of Fisheries. Without 
the assistance so generously given by these and others, this memoir 
could hardly have been completed. 

Davip Srarr JoRDAN. 
Howarp Watton Cuark. 
January ih 1928. 

Class I. LEPTOCARDII. Lancelets 

Order A. CIRROSTOMI. Cirrostomes 
Family 1. BRANCHIOSTOMIDZ. Lancelets 

Genus 1. BRANCHIOSTOMA Costa. 
Branchiostoma Costa, Cenni Zoologici Napol., 49, 1834 (B. lubricum 
Costa=lanceolatus Pallas). 
Amphiocus Yarrell, Hist. Brit. Fishes, 1836, 468 (Limaz lanceolatus Pallas). 
Amphioxides * Gill, Amer. Nat., XXIX, 1895, 458 (Branchiostoma pel- 
agicum Giinther). 

1. Branchiostoma virginize * Hubbs. Virginia lancelet. 
Shallow waters, burying itself in the sand, from Chesapeake Bay to 
Florida; Beaufort, Cape Lookout, ete. 
Branchiostoma virginie Hubbs, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 
No. 105, 8, July 6, 1922, Sewall’s Point, Va. 

2. Branchiostoma floride Hubbs. Florida lancelet. 
Coasts of Florida; Tampa, Pensacola, Cape Romans, St. Martin’s Reef, 
Snapper Banks, etc. 
Branchiostoma floride Hubbs, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., No. 
105, 7, July 6, 1922, Tampa Bay, Fla. 

3. Branchiostoma bermudz Hubbs. Bermuda lancelet. 
Bermuda Islands. 
Branchiostoma bermude Hubbs, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 
No. 105, 9, July 6, 1922, Bermuda. 

4. Branchiostoma caribeum ‘ Sundevall. West Indian lancelet. 
West Indies. 
Branchiostoma caribeum Sundevall, Vet. Akad. Férhandl., XI, 1853, 12, 
St. Thomas. 

Co gia ema californiense Gill. California lancelet; California am- 

Pacific coast of America from San Diego Bay southward to San Luis 
Gonzales Bay, Gulf of California; reported also from Panama. Abun- 
dant in shallow water, buried in the sand. 

Branchiostoma californiense Gill, in Andrews, Studies Biol. Lab. Johns 
Hopkins Univ., V, 1893, 235, San Diego. 



Genus 2. ASYMMETRON Andrews. 
Asymmetron Andrews, Studies Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ., V, 1893, 
237 (A. lucayanum Andrews). 

6. Asymmetron lucayanum Andrews. Bahama lancelet; Bahama amphioxrus. 
West Indies; Bemini and Nassau, Bahamas; Culebra Island; Humacao, 
Porto Rico; south to Brazil. Common. 
Asymmetron lucayanum Andrews, Studies Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins 
Univ., V, 1893, 237, Bemini, Bahamas. 

? Based on larv# showing no buccal cirri, found in the open sea near Hawaii. 

3 Until the recent studies of Hubbs, this species was wrongly identified with the European form (B. 
lanceolatum), which, however, does not occur in America. 

4 Represented on the coast of Brazil (Rio Janeiro, etc.) by B. platz Hubbs. 



Class II. CYCLOSTOMI. Lampreys 

Order B. HYPEROTRETA. Hagfishes 
Family 3. MYXINIDZ. Hagfishes 

Genus 3. MYXINE Linneus. 
Myzxine Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 650 (M. glutinosa L.). 
Gastrobranchus Bloch, Ichth., XII, 1797, 51, tab. 413 (G@. ca@cus Bloch). 
Murenoblenna Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 647 (M. olivacea 
Anopsus Rafinesque, Anal. Nat., 1815, 93 (M. olivacea Lacépéde). 

7. Myxine limosa Girard. Hagfish; Borer; Sucker; Slimefish. 
Newfoundland, south to Cape Cod; Grand Manan Island, New Bruns- 
wick; replacing in the western Atlantic the European M. glutinosa 
L.; not abundant. 
Myzine limosa Girard, Proe. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858, 224, Grand 
Family 4. EPTATRETIDA. Borers 

Genus 4. POLISTOTREMA Gill. 
Polistotrema Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 30 (Gastrobranchus 
dombey Cuvier). 

8. Polistotrema stoutii (Lockington). California hagfish; Lamperina. 
Coast of California; common in Monterey Bay; Eel River, Humboldt 
Co., Calif., and other streams of northern California; San Francisco 
Bdellostoma stoutii Lockington, Amer. Nat., XII, December, 1878, 793, 
Eel River, Calif. 

9. Polistotrema deani Evermann and Goldsborough. 

Alaska to Santa Barbara, Calif., in deep water. 

Polistotrema deani Evermann and Goldsborough, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 
XX VI, 1906, 225, fig. 1, Albatross station 4238 in Behm Canal off Nose 
Point in 229 to 231 fathoms. 

Polistotrema curtiss-jamesii Townsend and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. 
Nat. Hist., LII, 1925, 4, off California, lat. 34° to 36° in 440 to 585 

Order C. HYPEROARTIA. Lampreys 
Family 5. PETROMYZONIDZ, lLampreys 

Genus 5. PETROMYZON Linneus. 

Petromyzon (Artedi) Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 230 (P. marinus L.). 

Ammocetes Duméril in Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. I, 1817, 119, variant 
spelling of Ammocetus, a name given to a larval form (branchialis). 

Bathymyzon Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 25 (Bathymyzon bairdii 
Gill); probably an old example that has lost teeth. 

Oceanomyzon Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LIX, 1907, 461 (0. 
wilsoni Fowler); like the preceding, supposed by Creaser and Hubbs to 
be an old individual from the Gulf Stream. 

10. Petromyzon marinus Linnzus. Great sea lamprey; Lamprey eel; Sucker; 
Lamprey; River lamprey; Green lamprey; Shad lamprey; Nine-eyes. 

Atlantic coasts of Europe and America, southward in America to Chesa- 
peake Bay; abundant northward; ascending streams to spawn. 

Petromyzon marinus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 230, European seas. 

Petromyzon americanus LeSueur, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., I, 1818, 
383, coast of Massachusetts. 

Petromyzon nigricans LeSueur, loc. cit., 385, Massachusetts; small exam- 
ple from fresh water. 

Ammocetes bicolor LeSueur, loc. cit., 386, Northampton, Mass. (larva). 

? Petromyzon (Bathymyzon) bairdii Gill, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 
254, Gulf Stream, north lat. 40° 02’, west long. 68° 50’ 30’’, in 547 

? Oceanomyzon wilsoni Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LIX, 1907, 
461; open sea. 


11. Petromyzon marinus dorsatus Wilder. Lake lamprey; Mud lamprey. 
Landlocked in Cayuga Lake and other lakes of western and central New 
Petromyzon marinus dorsatus Wilder, in Jordan and Gilbert, Synop. Fishes 
North Amer., 1883, 869, Cayuga Lake, N. Y 

Genus 6. ICHTHYOMYZON Girard. River lampreys. 
Ichthyomyzon Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, 1858, 381 (Petromyzon argenteus 
Scolecosoma Girard, loc. cit., 385 (Ammocetes concolor Kirtland); larva of 

12. Ichthyomyzon concolor ( irtland). Silver lamprey. 

Great Lakes; upper Mississippi Valley; tributaries of Hudson Bay; south 
to Arkansas and Louisiana. 

Petromyzon argenteus Kirtland, Zool. Ohio, 170, 1838, 197, Big Miami 
River, Ohio; name preoccupied. 

Ammocetes concolor Kirtland, Jour. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., III, 1840, 473, 
plate, Mahoning River; Scioto River; larva. 

Petromyzon bdellium Jordan, Cat. Fishes North Amer., 1885, 4; after 

pig 8p eat castaneus Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, 1858, 381, Galena, 

Ichthyomyzon hirudo Girard, loc. cit., 382, Fort Smith, Ark. 

Genus 7. REIGHARDINA Creaser and Hubbs. 
Reighardina Creaser and Hubbs, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 
No. 120, 1922, 4 (Ichthyomyzon fossor Reighard and Cummins= A mmo- 
cetes unicolor DeKay). 

13. Reighardina unicolor (DeKay). 
Ammocetes unicolor DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 383, pl. 79, fig. 
250; Lake Champlain. 
ci agar borealis Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 252, Michigan River, 
Ichthyomyzon fossor Reighard and Cummins, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. 
Univ. Mich., 31, 1916, 1 to 12, pl. 1, 2, Michigan. 

Genus 8. LETHENTERON Creaser and Hubbs. 
Lethenteron Creaser and Hubbs, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 
No. 120, 1922, 6 (Lampetra wilderi Gage= Petromyzon appendix DeKay). 

14. Lethenteron appendix (DeKay). Small black lamprey; Brook lamprey. 

New York to Iowa, in tributaries of the Great Lakes and of the Ohio 
and Mississippi, south to Virginia. 

Petromyzon nigrum Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 84, falls of Ohio 
River; name preoccupied. 

Petromyzon appendix DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 381, pl. 64, 
fig. 211, Providence; Hudson Bay. 

Lampetra wilderi Gage, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1896, 13, Cayuga Lake, N. Y. 

Genus 9. TETRAPLEURODON Creaser and Hubbs. 

Tetrapleurodon Creaser and Hubbs, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 

No. 120, 1922, 9 (Lampetra spadicea Bean). 
15. Tetrapleurodon spadiceus (Bean). Mexican lamprey. 

Known only from the Rio Lerma, near Guanajuato, and from Lago de 
Chapala, Mexico. 

Lampetra spadicea Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., X, 1887, 374, Pl. XX, 
fig. 6, Rio Lerma, Guanajuato, Mexico. 

Genus 10. ENTOSPHENUS Gill. 

Entosphenus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 331 (Petromyzon 

tridentatus Gairdner). 


16. Entosphenus tridentatus (Gairdner). Three-toothed lamprey; Western 


Panifio coast of America, from southern California to Unalaska; ascending 
streams even to the headwaters of the Columbia for spawning purposes. 

Petromyzon tridentatus Gairdner, in Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., 1836, 
293, falls of the Willamette River, Oreg. 

Petromyzon lividus Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv. , X, 1858, Pt. 4, Fishes, 379, 
Willamette River, Oreg. 

Petromyzon astori Girard, loc. cit., 380, Astoria, Oreg. 

Ammocetes cibarius Girard, loc. cit., 383 (larva). 

17. Entosphenus ciliatus (Ayres). 
Streams of northern California. 
Petromyzon ciliatus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 43, San 
Petromyzon epihexodon Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 331, 
Fort Reading, Calif. 

Genus 11. LAMPETRA (Bonnaterre) Gray. Brook lampreys. 
Lampetra Bonnaterre, Ene. Meth., 1788; no paging; no type, used for all. 
Lampreda Rafinesque, Anal. Nat., 1815, 94 (no species named; no 
Pricus Rafinesque, loc. cit. (no species named); no description. 
Lampetra Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1851, 286 (Petromyzon fluvialis L.). 

18. Lampetra ayresii (Giinther). Western lamprey. 
Pacific coast of North America from the Fraser River southward to the 
Sacramento; very close to L. fluviatilis of Europe. 
Petromyzon plumbeus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854, 27, 
San Francisco; name preoccupied. 
Petromyzon ayresii Giinther, Cat., VIII, 1870, 505, San Francisco; sub- 
stitute for plumbeus Ayres, preoccupied. 

19. Lampetra borealis (Girard). Arctic lamprey. 
Streams of northern Alaska and Kamchatka. 
Petromyzon borealis Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, 1858, Pt. 4, Fishes, 377, 
Great Slave Lake; not Ammocetes borealis Agassiz. 
UE eS aureus Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 159, Yukon 
Genus 12. OKKELBERGIA Creaser and Hubbs. 
Okkelbergia Creaser and Hubbs, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 
No. 120, 1922, 8 (Petromyzon lamotteni LeSueur). 
20. Okkelbergia lamotteni (LeSueur). 
Petromyzon lamotteni LeSueur, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 382, pl. 
79, fig. 249; no locality. 
Ammocetes xpyptera C. C. Abbott, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 
1860, 327 (type redescribed by Fowler, zbid., 1901, 328; 1907, 466). 

Class II]. ELASMOBRANCHII. (Selachii, Plagiostomata, Chondrop- 
terygii, Antacca). Sharks; Skates and rays; Chimeras 

Subclass SELACHII. Sharks 

Family 6. HETERODONTIDZ2. Bullhead sharks 

Genus 18. GYROPLEURODUS Gill. 
Gyropleurodus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 331 and 489 

(Cestracion francisci Girard). 
Tropidodus Gill, loc. cit., 489 (Cestracion pantherinus Valenciennes= 

Cestracion quoyi Fréminville). 

21. Gyropleurodus francisci (Girard). Bullhead shark. 
Coast of California; abundant south of Point Conception 
Cestracion francisct Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., “VII, 1854, 196, 
Monterey Bay, Calif. 


Order E. NOTIDANI. (Diplospondyli) 
Family 7. HEXANCHIDZA. Cow sharks 

Genus 14. HEXANCHUS Rafinesque. 
rorreioaties Rafinesque, Caratteri, etc., 1810, 14 (Squalus griseus Bonna- 
Notidanus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, 1817, 128 (Squalus griseus L.). 
gg coset Blainville, Faune Francaise, 1828, 77 (Squalus griseus 

22. Hexanchus griseus (Bonnaterre). Cow shark; Caffa bota. 
Mediterranean to Scotland; Cuba. 
Squalus griseus Bonnaterre, Ichth. R. 1788, 9; Mediterranean; after 
le griset Bonnaterre. 
Squalus griseus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 1795, 1789; after Broussonet. 

23. Hexanchus corinus Jordan and Gilbert. Shovel-nosed shark. 
Pacific coast of America; Monterey Bay to Puget Sound. 
Hexanchus corinus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880 
(December 21), 352, Neah Bay, Wash., and Soquel, Calif. 

Genus 15. NOTORYNCHUS Ayres. 
Notorynchus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 73 (Notorynchus 
maculatus Ayres). 

24. Notorynchus maculatus * Ayres. 

Pacific coast of the United States, from Monterey Bay northward to 
Washinton; common northward, especially in Humboldt and San 
Francisco Bays. 

Notorynchus maculatus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 72, 
San Francisco Bay. 

Notorhynchus borealis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 150, . 
Nisqually, Wash. 


Suborder GALEI. True sharks 
Family 8. SCYLLIORHINIDZA. Cat sharks 

Genus 16. SCYLLIORHINUS Blainville. Rowssettes. 

Catulus Valmont, Dict. Raisonnée, IV, 1768, 451 (C. sazatilis Valmont= 
Squalus stellaris L.); non binominal. 

Catulus Smith, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1837, 85 (Scyllium capense Smith) ; 
name preoccupied by Catulus Kniphof, 1759, a genus of insects. 

Scylliorhinus Blainville, Jour. Phys., 1816, 263 (Squalus canicula L., as 
restricted); spelled Scyliorhinus by Garman. 

Scyllium Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. I, 1817, 124 (Squalus canicula L., as 

25. Scylliorhinus retifer (Garman). 
Gulf Stream in deep water; occasionally off South Atlantic coast. 
Scyllium retiferum Garman, Bull Mus. Comp. Zool., VIII, 1881, 233, off 
coast of Virginia in deep water. 
26. Scylliorhinus cephalus (Gilbert). 
Gulf of California and southward in deep water. 
Catulus cephalus Gilbert, Proc. "U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XV, 1891, 541, deep 
water near the Revillagigedo Islands and in the Gulf of California. 

Cephaloscyllium Gill, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1861, 407, 412 
(Scyllium laticeps A. Duméril). 

* Regarded by Garman as identical with N. platycephalus (Tenore) of the Mediterranean, 










Cephaloscyllium uter (Jordan and Gilbert). Swell shark. 
Monterey to San Diego; very abundant in Santa Barbara channel. 
Catulus uter Jordan and Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
ae Mid. Amer., 1896, 25; Monterey, San Diego, and Santa Barbara 

Genus 18. APRISTURUS Garman. 
Apristurus Garman, Plagiostomia, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXXVI, 
1913, 96 (Scylliorhinus indicus Brauer). 

Apristurus brunneus (Gilbert). 
Gulf of California and northward in deep water; Monterey Bay; Puget 
Sound; Hood Canal. 
Catulus brunneus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 542, Gulf of 


Apristurus profundorum (Goode and Bean). 
North Atlantic, in deep water. 
Scylliorhinus prof undorum Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1896, 17, Gulf 

Genus 19. PRISTIURUS (Bonaparte) Miiller and Henle. 

Pristiurus Bonaparte, Prospetto del Systema d’Ittiologia Generale, 1831, 
121 (Galeus melanostomus Rafinesque); name only; defined in Icono- 
graphia della Fauna Italica, 1841 (no paging). 

Pristiurus Miller and Henle, Mag. Nat. Hist., III, Jan., 1838, 341 (Galeus 
melanostomus Rafinesque). 

Pristidurus Bonaparte, Mem. Soc. Sci. Neufchatel, II, 1839, 11, variant 

Pristiurus xaniurus (Gilbert). 

Pacific coast of southern and Lower California; abundant in deep water. 

Catulus xaniurus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 540, off 
southern and Lower California in 184 to 684 fathoms. 

Pristiurus are Nichols. 
Off the coast of Florida. 
Pristiurus are Nichols, Amer. Mus. Novit., No. 256, March 12, 1927, 1, 
off the coast of Florida. 

Family 9. GINGLYMOSTOMIDZ. Nurse sharks 

Genus 20. GINGLYMOSTOMA Miiller and Henle. 
Ginglymostoma Miller and Henle, Wiegmann’s Archiv, I, 1837, 396 
(Squalus cirratus Gmelin). 

Ginglymostoma cirratum (Gmelin). Nurse shark; Gata. 

West Indies and the west coast of Mexico; Cape Verde Islands; occasional 
on our South Atlantic coast. 

Squalus cirratus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 1492, 1788, American seas; after 

Squalus punctatus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth,, 1801, 1384, Cuba; 
after Gata Hispanus of Parra. 

Squalus punctulatus Bloch and Schneider, loc. cit., 549, Cayenne. 

Squalus argus Bancroft, Zool. Jour., V, 1832, 82, West Indies. 

Ginglymostoma fuluum Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 342, Habana; young. 

Ginglymostoma caboverdianus Capello, Jour. Sci. Math. Phys. Nat. Lisbon, 
1867, 167, Cape Verde Islands. 


Genus 21. PSEUDOTRIAKIS Capellw. 
Pseudotriakis Capello, Jour. Sci. Math. Phys. Nat. Lisbon, IV, 1867, 321 
(Pseudotriakis microdon Capello). 

Pseudotriakis microdon Capello. Peize carago. 
Portugal; Amagansett, Long Island. 
Pseudotriakis microdon Capello, Jour. Sci. Math. Phys. Nat. Lisbon, 1868, 
321, pl. 5, fig. 1, Portugal. 


Family 11. CARCHARIIDA. Gray sharks 

Genus 22. CYNIAS Gill. 
Cynias Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVI, 1903, 960 (Squalus canis 
Mitchill); embryos without placental attachment. 
Mustelus Valmont de Bomare, Dict. Raisonnée, ed. II, 1768, 786 (Galeus 
asterias Valmont= Squalus canis Mitchill; not given as a scientific name 
but as Latin vernacular). 

384. Cynias canis ® (Mitchill). Dog shark; Dogfish; Smooth dogfish; Blue dog. 
Cape Cod to Cuba; abundant on the Atlantic coast of both continents. 
Squalus canis Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., 1815, 486, New York. 
Mustelus asterias Cloquet, Dict. Raisonnée, 1820, 407, Europe. 

Mustellus stellatus Risso, Europ. Mérid., III, 1826, 1126, Nice. 
Mustelus plebejus Bonaparte, Fauna Italica, Pesci, Fascl., Tome III, 
1834, 48, pl. 132, Italy. 

35. Cynias lunulatus (Jordan and Gilbert). Gato. 
West coast of Mexico; common in Gulf of California. 
Mustelus lunulatus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
108, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Genus 23. MUSTELUS Linck. 

Mustelus Linck, Magazin fiir Neueste aus Physik und Naturgeschichte, 
1790, 31 (Squalus mustelus Linnzus); not of Valmont de Bomare. 

Galeus ’ Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1801, 13 (Squalus mustelus L., as restricted 
by Jordan and Gilbert). 

Mustelus Leach, Observ. Squalus, 1813, 62 (Squalus mustelus L.). 

Mustelus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. I, 1817, 128 (Squalus mustelus Cuv.). 

Pleuracromylon Gill, Proe., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 148, 
(Mustelus levis Risso); embryo attached by a placenta. 

36. Mustelus mustelus (Linnzus). Smooth hound; Boce dulce. 
sn naniy Europe; occasional in America, lately taken on coast of New 
Squalus mustelus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 235, Europe. 
Mustelus levis Risso, Europ. Mérid., 1826, 327, Nice; and of European 
writers generally. 
Galeus mustelus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1910. 

37. Mustelus californicus Gill. 
California, north to Cape Mendocino. 
Mustelus californicus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 148, 
San Francisco. 

38. Mustelus dorsalis Gill. 
Panama and neighboring waters, north to Gulf of California. 
Mustelus dorsalis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 149, 
Mustelus mento Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XVII, 1877, 47, Pacific 
Ocean at Pacasmayo, Peru. 

Genus 24. RHINOTRIACIS Gill. 
Rhinotriacis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila., XIV, 1862, 486 (Rhinotriacis 
henlei Gill). 

‘The European synonymy of Mustelus mustelus and Cynias canis is in a state of great confusion, as 
few of the earlier writers recognized any difference between the two species externally very much alike. 

7The genus Galeus of Rafinesque was based on species with spiracles, differing from Squalus by the 
presence of an anal fin. One new species is described, Galeus melastomus, later type of Bonaparte’s genus 
Pristiurus; but on the same page and the next-page Rafinesque speaks of other species—Galeus vulpecula, 
G. catulus, and G. mustelus. It is plain that Squalus galeus L. was his intended type, after the general 
custom of writers who elevated species to the rank of genus; but he does not mention that species in the 
paper nor in his Indice, and as Squalus galeus was therefore not available as type, Jordan and Gilbert 
selected Squalus mustelus for that purpose, thus making Galeus Rafinesque a synonym of Mustelus Leach, 
rather than to displace Pristiurus. Apparently this procedure was allowable, unless some earlier author 
had chosen either Pristiurus melastomas o 1 Scylliorhinus catulus (canicula) for that purpose. 











Rhinotriacis henlei Gill. 
Coast of California from Humboldt Bay to Monterey; rather rare. 
Rhinotriacis henlei Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 486, 
San Francisco. 

Genus 25. TRIAKIS Miiller and Henle. 
Triakis Miller and Henle, Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 1838, 36 (Triakis scylliwm); 
corrected to Triacis by authors. 

Triakis semifasciatum Girard. Cat shark; Leopard shark. 
Cape Mendocino to San Diego; common. 
Triakis semifasciatum Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIT, 1854, 
196, Presidio de San Francisco. 
Mustelus felis Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1854, 17, San Francisco. 

Genus 26. GALEORHINUS Blainville. 

Galeorhinus Blainville, Bull. Soc. Philom., 1816, 121 (Squalus galeus L.; 
restricted by Gill). 

Eugaleus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 148 (Squalus 
galeus L.); the first species named by Blainville being Squalus mustelus, 
for which reason Garman uses Galeorhinus as the name of the genus 
here called Mustelus. 

Galeorhinus zyopterus Jordan and Gilbert. Ol shark; Soupsfin shark. 
Coast of southern and Lower California, from San Francisco to Cedros 
Island; very abundant. 
Galeorhinus zyopterus Jordan and Gilbert, Synop. Fishes North Amer., 
1883, 871, San Pedro, Calif. 

Genus 27. TRIZNODON Miller and Henle. 
Triznodon Miller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1841, 55 (Carcharias obesus 

Triznodon obesus (Riippell). 
Tropical Pacific; reported from Cocos Island. 
Carcharias obesus Riippell, Neue Wirbel., Fisch., 1835, 64, pl. 18, fig. 2, 
Djidda, Arabian Coast of Red Sea. 

Genus 28..GALEOCERDO Miiller and Henle. 
Galeocerdo Miiller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 59 (Galeocerdo tigrinus 
Miiller and Henle). 4 
Boreogaleus Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1861, 411 (Squalus 
arcticus Faber). i 

Galeocerdo arcticus (Faber). Spotted shark; Leopard shark; Tiger shark; 


Tropical seas; occasionally to Iceland, Cape Cod, and San Diego. 

Squalus arcticus Faber, Fische Islands, 1829, 17, Iceland and neighboring 

Galeocerdo tigrinus Miller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 59, Pondicherry. 

Galeus maculatus Ranzani, De Novis Speciebus Piscium, Dissert. Prima, 
in Novi Com. Acad. Boron., IV, 1840, 68, Brazil. 

Genus 29. HEMIGALEUS Bleeker. 
Hemigaleus Bleeker, Verh. Bot. Gen., XIV, 1852, 45 (Hemigaleus mi- 
crostoma Bleeker); not Hemigalea, an earlier genus of mammals. 

Hemigaleus pectoralis Garman. 
Coast of New England, probably in the Gulf Stream. 
Hemigaleus pectoralis Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XLIV, 1906, 203, 
“ Aquarial Gardens,” the fishes in which were taken off Massachusetts 
and Rhode Island. 

Genus 30. SCOLIODON Miiller and Henle. 
Scoliodon Miiller and Henle, Wiegmann’s Archiv, I, 1837, 398 (Scoliodon 
laticaudus Miller and Henle. 

Scoliodon terre-nove (Richardson). Sharp-nosed shark; Newfoundland 
Cape Cod to Florida; very common southward along the Atlantic coast. 
Squalus (Carcharias) terre-nove Richardson, Fauna Bor.Amer., III, 1836, 
289, Newfoundland; an error, probably for Florida. 
Squalus punctatus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 483, 
New York; not of Bloch and Schneider. 










Scoliodon lalandi (Miiller and Henle). 
West Indies to Brazil. 
Carcharias lalandi Miiller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 30, Rio Janeiro; 
Martinique; Guadeloupe. 

Scoliodon porosus (Poey). 
Squalus porosus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 339, tab. 19, L. 11, 12, Habana. 

Scoliodon longurio (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Carcharias longurio Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
106, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Genus 31. APRIONODON Gill. 
Aprion Miiller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838-1841, 31 (Carcharias isodon 
Miller and Henle); preoccupied. 
Aprionodon Gill, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1862, 411 (Aprionodon 
punctatus Gill; not Squalus punctatus Mitchill=Carcharias isodon 
Miller and Henle). 

Aprionodon isodon (Miiller and Henle). 
Atlantic Ocean; recorded from New York, Virginia, and Cuba; probably 
Carcharius isodon Miller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 32, New York. 
Carcharius punctatus Giinther, Cat., VIII, 1870, New York; not Squalus 
punctatus Mitchill, which is Scoliodon terre-nove. 

Genus 32. CARCHARIAS Rafinesque. Gray shark; Requin. 

Carcharias Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 10 (Squalus carcharias L. intended, 
but Carcharias taurus the only species mentioned). 

Carcharhinus Blainville, Bull. Soc. Philom., 1816, 264 (Squalus commersonit 
Blainville, apparently the same as Carcharias lamia Rafinesque). 

Carcharias Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. I, 1817, 125 (‘Squalus carcharias,” 
Carcharias lamia intended); not of Rafinesque. 

Eulamia Gill, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1861, 401 (Carcharias 
lamia Rafinesque; Squalus commersonii Blainville being intended= 
Carcharias lamia Rafinesque was Carcharodon carcharias Rafinesque, the 
specific name being a substitute for Squalus carcharias L.). 

Platypodon Gill, loc. cit. (Carcharias menisorrah Miller and Henle). 

Isogomphodon Gill, loc. cit. (Carcharias oryrhynchus Miller and Henle). 

Lamiopsis Gill, loc. cit. (Carcharias temmincki Miller and Henle). 

Isoplagiodon Gill, loc. cit. (Carcharias sorrah Miller and Henle). 

Carcharias commersonii (Blainville). Cub shark; Requin; Requiem; 
Lamia; Common gray shark. 

Tropical parts of the Atlantic; common northward to the Florida Keys 
and in the Mediterranean; rarely straying northward to New York in 
the Gulf Stream. 

Squalus commersonii Blainville, Bull. Soc. Philom., 1816, 121, Mediter- 

Carcharias lamia Risso, Europ. Mérid., III, 1826, 19, Nice; not of Ra- 

Squalus longimanus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 338, Cuba. 

Carcharias lamiella Jordan and Gilbert. Bay shark. 
San Diego Bay and southward along the Mexican coast. 
Carcharias lamiella Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
110, San Diego; regarded by Garman as identical with C. commersonit 
of the Atlantic. 

Carcharias platyrhynchus (Gilbert). 
Magdalena Bay, Lower California, to Galapagos Islands and the Revil- 
lagigedo Islands. 
Eulamia platyrhynchus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 543, 
Clarion Island; Magdalena Bay; regarded by Garman as identical 
with C. commersonii. 

Carcharias platyodon (Poey). Cub shark. 
Cuba to Texas; abundant in the Gulf of Mexico. 
Squalus platyodon Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 336, Habana, 
Squalus obtusus Poey, loc. cit., 337, Habana, 















Carcharias milberti Valenciennes. Small blue shark; White shark. 
Cape Cod to Florida; not rare; recorded from the Mediterranean. 
Carcharias (Prionodon) milberti Valenciennes, in Miller and Henle, 
Plagiostomen, 1838, 38, New York. 
Carcharias ceruleus DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 49, New York. 
Lamna caudata DeKay, loc. cit., 354, Brenton Reef, R. I. 

Carcharias obscurus (LeSueur). Dusky shark. 
North and Middle Atlantic; frequently on our coast. 
Squalus obscurus LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1818, 223, New 
Carcharias falcipinnis Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1839, 90, Madeira. 
Prionodon obvelatus Valenciennes, Poiss. Iles Canaries, 1839, 103, Canaries. 

Carcharias azureus Gilbert and Starks. 
Carcharias azureus Gilbert and Starks, Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., IV, 1904, 
11, Pl. II, fig. 5, Panama. 

Carcharias nicaraguensis (Gill and Bransford). Nigrone; Fresh-water 
Lake Nicaragua (landlocked); also in the Bay of Panama. 
ELulamia nicaraguensis Gill and Bransford, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
XXIX, 1877, 190, Lake Nicaragua. 

Carcharias henlei Valenciennes. 
Coast of Brazil, northward to Guiana. 
Carcharias henlet Valenciennes, in Miiller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 
1838, 46, Cayenne. 
Carcharias porosus Ranzani, De Novis Speciebus Piscium, Dissert Prima.., 
in Novi Com. Acad. Bonon., IV, 1840, 70, Brazil. 

Carcharias cerdale (Gilbert). 
Abundant at Panama. 
Carcharhinus cerdale Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
and Mid. Amer., III, 1898, 2746, Panama; united by Garman with 
C. menisorrah from the East Indies. 

Carcharias falciformis Bibron. Cazon de playa (wharf) shark. 
Cuba and neighboring waters. 
pees falciformis Bibron, in Miller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 
47, Cuba. 
Squalus tiburo Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 331, Habana. 

Carcharias remotus Valenciennes. 
West Indies and Brazil. 
Carcharias remotus Valenciennes, in Duméril, Hist. Nat Poiss., I, 1865, 
Platypodon perezi Poey, Anal. Soc. Espafiola Hist. Nat., V, 194, pl. 9, 
figs. 2, 3, Cuba. 

Carcharias acronotus (Poey). 
Squalus acronotus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 335, Cuba. 

Carcharias velox (Gilbert). 
Panama. : 
Carcharhinus velox Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and 
Mid. Amer., 1898, 2747, Panama. 

Carcharias oxyrhynchus Miiller and Henle. 
Carcharias oxyrhynchus Miller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 41, 

Carcharias limbatus Miiller and Henle. Carconetta. 

Tropical seas north to Florida; a stray example taken at Woods Hole, 

Carcharias (Prionodon) limbatus Miller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 
49, Martinique. 

Isogomphodon maculipinnis Poey, Repertorio, I, 1866, 191, Cuba. 

Carcharias (Prionodon) miillerii Steindachner, Sitzungs. Kais. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, LVI, 1867, 356, West Indies. 

Carcharias microps Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1840, 38, Madeira. 

Prionodon cucuri Castelnau, Anim. Amer. Sud. Poiss., 1855, 99, Bahia. 









Carcharias ethalorus Jordan and Gilbert. 
Mazatlan to Panama. 
Carcharias xthalorus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc., U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
104, Mazatlan; regarded by Garman as inseparable from C. limbatus. 

Carcharias natator (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Gulf of Panama. 
Carcharhinus natator Meek and Hildebrand, Marine Fishes of Panama, 
Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., XV, Pt. I, Dec. 20, 1923, 40, pl. 1, fig. 1, 
Panama City fish market. 

Carcharias fronto Jordan and Gilbert. Tiburon. 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Carcharias fronto Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 102, 
Mazatlan. Regarded by Garman as inseparable from C. milberti. 

Genus 33. HYPOPRION Miiller and Henle.® 
Hypoprion Miiller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 34 (Carcharias macloti 
Miiller and Henle). 
Hypoprionodon Gill, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1861, 401 (Carcharias 
hemiodon Valenciennes). 

Hypoprion brevirostris Poey. 
West Indies, north to Charleston and Pensacola. 
Hypoprion brevirostris Poey, Repertorio, II, 1868, 451, Tab. 4, Cuba. 

Hypoprion signatus Poey. 
Hypoprion signatus Poey, Synop., 1868, 452, Cuba. 
Hypoprion longirostris Poey, Enumeratio, 1876, 199, Cuba. 

Genus 34. PRIONACE ® Cantor. 

Galeus Valmont de Bomare, Dict. Raisonnée, I, 1768, 371, ‘‘Cagnot bleu, 
Galeus glaucus Valmont’’; Latin vernacular. 

Prionodon Miiller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 36 (Squalus glaucus L.); 
name preoccupied. 

Prionace Cantor, Malayan Fishes, 1850, 399, substitute for Prionodon 
(Squalus glaucus Linnzus). 

Cynocephalus Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1861, 401 (Squalus 
glaucus L.); after Klein, whose names are not binomial. 

Prionace glauca (Linneus). Great blue shark. 
A large shark of the warm seas, occasionally taken on our coasts, both 
Atlantic and Pacific. 
Squalus glaucus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 235, Seas of Europe. 
Squalus ceruleus Blainville, Faune Frangaise, 1828, 91, Mediterranean. 
Squalus hirundinaceus Valenciennes, in Miller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 
1838, 37, Brazil. 

Family 12. SPHYRNIDA. Hammer-headed sharks 

Genus 35. RENICEPS Gill. 
Reniceps Gill, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1862, 403 (Squalus tiburo 

Reniceps tiburo (Linnzus). Shovelhead shark; Bonnethead shark. 
Atlantic Ocean, abundant from Long Island southward; Pacific Ocean 
ranging from Mazatlan and Bay of Panama to China. 
Squalus tiburo Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 234, America. 

Genus 36. PLATYSQUALUS Swainson. 
Platysqualus Swainson, Class. Anim., II, 1839, 318 (Zygena tudes Cuvier, 
in Valenciennes); misnamed Zygzna tiburo. 

* Miller and Henle’s Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiostomen was published from 1838 to 1841. 
Garman, probably correctly, gives this and other genera of sharks the date of 1841. Some of them appeared 
earlier in periodicals. 

* The reasons for not accepting the names of Valmont de Bomare in scientific nomenclature are given by 
Jordan and Evermann, Genera of Fishes, I, p.27. These names (Galeus, Vulpecula, Catulus, and Mustelus) 
are binomial only by accident, and not accepted by the author himself as generic in his list of genera (1791) 
These are, however, accepted by Garman (Plagiostomia, 1913). 


73. Platysqualus tudes (Cuvier). t 
Gulf of California to Bay of Panama; West Indies; Mediterranean Sea 
and Indian Ocean. 
Zygxena tudes Cuvier, in Valenciennes, Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat., IX, 1822, 
225, Nice; after Pantouflier of Risso. 

Genus 37. SPHYRNA Rafinesque. 

Sphyrna Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 60 (Squalus zygena Linnzus). 

Cestrorhinus Blainville, Jour. Phys., 1816, 264 (Squalus zygena Linneeus). 

Zygena Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. I, 1817, 127 (Squalus zygena Linnzus) ; 
name preoccupied. 

Sphyrichthys Thienemann, Lehrbuch der Zoologie, IIT, 1828, 408 (Squalus 
zygena Linnzus). : 

Eusphyra Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1861, 412 (Squalus zygena 

Cestracion Garman, Plagiostomen, 1813, 133 (Squalus zygena L.); after 
Kein; not binomial; not of Cuvier. 

74. Sphyrna zygeena (Linnzus). Hammerhead shark; Hammerhead; Shovelnose 


Cape Cod and Point Conception southward; Bay of Panama and Mazatlan 
in Pacific; and across to Hawaii and Japan; abundant. 

Squalus zygena Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 234, Europe; America. 

Zygena malleus Valenciennes, Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat., IX, 1822, 223, 
pie tihes ds 

Zygena lewinit Lord, in Griffith, Animal Kingdom, X, 1834, 640, pl. 50, 
New Holland. 

Zygzena subarcuata Storer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., III, 1848, 71, 
Cape Cod. 

Family 13. RHINEODONTIDA. Whale sharks 

Genus 38. RHINEODON Smith. 
Rhincodon Smith, Zool. Jour. Lond., No. XVI, 1829, 443 (R. typicus 
Smith); misprint for Rhineodon. 
Micristodus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X VII, 1865, 177 (M. puncta- 
tus Gill). 
Rhinodon and Rhincodon of authors. 

75. Rhineodon typicus Smith. Whale shark; Mhor; Chagrin; Tiburon ballenas; 

Tint reva; East Indian basking shark. 

Coast of Florida; Gulf of California; Cape of Good Hope; Japan to China; 
India; rare but widely diffused. 

Rhincodon typicus Smith, Zool. Jour. Lond., No. XVI, 1829, 448, 444, 
Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope. 

Micristodus punctatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVII, 1865, 177, 
Gulf of California. 

Family 14. ALOPIID. Thresher sharks 

Genus 39. ALOPIAS Rafinesque. 

Vulpecula Valmont de Bomare, Dict. Raisonnée, III, 1768, 740 (V. marina 
Valmont); Latin vernacular not intended as a generic name. 

Alopias Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 12 (Alopias macrourus Rafinesque= 
Alopecias vulpes Giinther). 

Alopecias Miiller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 74, amended orthog- 

76. Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre). Thresher; Fox shark; Swingletail; Longtail 

shark; Fish shark; Sea fox; Sea ape; Pez zorro; Pesca pavone. 

Mediterranean, Atlantic, and Pacific. 

Vulpecula marina Valmont, Dict. Raisonnée, ITI, 740; not eligible. 

Squalus vulpinus Bonnaterre, Tableau Encycl. Ichth., 1788, 9, Mediter- 
ranean; after Pennant. 

Squalus vulpes Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 1789, 1496, Mediterranean; after 

Alopias macrourus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 12, Sicily. 

Galeus vulpecula Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 15; passing notice. 


Family 15. ODONTASPIDZ. Sand sharks 

Genus 40. ODONTASPIS Agassiz. 
Odontaspis Agassiz, Poiss. Fossiles, III, 1836, 87 (Squalus ferox Risso). 

77. Odontaspis littoralis (Mitchill). Sand shark; Shovelnose shark; Horned 
dogfish; Picked dogfish; Dogfish; Bone-dog; Skittle-dog; Hoe. 

Atlantic coast between Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras; regarded by 
Garman as not separable from Carcharias taurus Rafinesque of the 

Squalus americanus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. and Phil. Soe. N. Y., I, 1815, 
483, New York; not of Shaw. 

Squalus littoralis and Squalus macrodus Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 
1818, 328, New York. 

greg griseus Ayres, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., IV, 1848, 288, Long 

Family 16. LAMNIDA. Mackerel sharks; Man-eaters 

Genus 41. LAMNA Cuvier. Porbeagles. 
Lamna Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. I, 1817, 126 (Squalus cornubicus Gmelin). 
Lamia Risso, Europ. Mérid., III, 1826, 123 (Squalus cornubicus Gmelin); 
name preoccupied. 
Selanonius Fleming, Brit. Anim., 1828, 169 (Selanonius walkeri Fleming = 
Squalus cornubicus Gmelin). 

78. Lamna nasus (Bonnaterre). Porbeagle; Mackerel shark; Salmon shark. 
ech amas and North Pacific; abundant in central and southeast 

Squalus nasus Bonnaterre, Tableau Encycl., Ichth., 1788, 10, shores of 

Squalus cornubicus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 1789, 1497, shores of Cornwall. 

Squalus pennanti Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 517, Cornwall; after 
Pennant. é 

Squalus monensis Shaw, Gen. Zool., V, 1804, 350, Anglesea. 

Selanonius walkeri Fleming, Brit. Anim., 1828, 169, Lochfyne, Argyleshire. 

Genus 42. ISURUS Rafinesque. 
Isurus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 11 (Jsurus oryrinchus Rafinesque). 
Oxyrhina Agassiz, Poiss. Fossiles, III, 1836, 276 (Jsurus spallanzani 
Rafinesque=T/surus oxyrinchus Rafinesque). 
aes iad ill, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1862, 398, 409 (J. dekayt 
ill). . 

79. Isurus punctatus (Storer). Mackerel shark. 
Atlantic coast of United States; common. 
Lamna punctata Storer, Rept. Fishes Mass., 1839, 185, pl. 3, fig. 2, Massa- 
Ozyrhina dekayi Gill, Cat. Fish. E. Coast N. Amer., Suppl. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 60, after Storer; name misprint for dekayi. 

80. Isurus tigris (Atwood). Mackerel shark; Mackerel porbeagle; Dentuda. 
tte Cod to West Indies; not generally common except in the Gulf of 

Lamna punctata DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 352, New York; 
not Squalus punctatus Mitchill. 

Isuropsis dekayi Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1862, 409; 
after DeKay; not Oxyrhina dekayi Gill, 1861. 

Carcharias tigris Atwood, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., XII, 1869, 268, 
Provincetown, Mass. 

81. Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque. Mackerel shark; Pesce tondo; Cane de 
Mediterranean Sea and neighboring parts of the Atlantic; occasional on 
the Atlantic coast of America. ! 
Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 12, Palermo. 
Isurus spallanzani Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 60, Sicily; after Spallanzani. 
ig gomphodon Miller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 68, Atlantic 
“Squalus rostratus Macri, Mem. Ac. Sci. Napoli, I, 1819, 55, Tab. 1, fig. 2, 


Genus 48. CARCHARODON !° Smith. Man-eater sharks; Great white sharks. 

Carcharodon Andrew Smith, in Miiller and Henle, Mag. Nat. Hist., IT, 

second article, January, 1838, 37 (Carcharodon capensis Smith = 
Squalus carcharias Linnzeus). 

82. Carcharodon carcharias (Linneus). Man-eater shark; Great white shark. 
Temperate and tropical parts of Atlantic and Pacific; ‘occasionally on our 
coasts, north to New York and Monterey Bay. A dangerous shark. 
bic e carcharias Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 235, Europe; after 


Carcharias lamia Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 44, after Linnzeus; not of 
Risso and later authors. 

Carcharodon verus Agassiz, Poiss. Fossiles, III, 1838, 91. 

Carcharodon rondeleti Miiller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 70, Mediter- 
ranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. 

Carcharodon Smith, in Bonaparte, Mem. Soe. Sci. Neufchdtel. IT, 1839, 9 
(errata), New York and Monterey Bay. 

Carcharias atwoodi Storer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., III, 1848, 72, 

Carcharodon capensis Smith, Ills. Zool. 8. Africa, Pisces, 1849, pl. 4, 
Cape of Good Hope. 

Family 17, CETORHINIDZ. Basking sharks 

Genus 44. CETORHINUS Blainville. 
Cetorhinus Blainville, Bull. Soc. Philom., 1810, 169 (Squalus gunneri 
Blainville=Squalus maximus Gunner). 
Selache Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. I, 1817, 129 (Squalus maximus Gunner). 
Polyprosopus Couch, Hist. Brit. Fishes, I, 1862, 67 (Squalus rashleighanus 
Couch=Squalus maximus Gunner). 

83. Cetorhinus maximus (Gunner). Basking shark; Pélérin; Elephant shark; 

Bone shark; Sailfish; Sunfish; Hoe-mother; Capidoli or oilfish. 

Arctic seas, straying southward to Portugal, Virginia, and California. 

Squalus maximus Gunner, Trondhjem Skrift., III, 1765, 33, coast of 

Squalus gunneri Blainville, Bull. Sci. Philom., 1810, 256; after Gunner. 

Squalus pelegrinus Blainville, loc. cit., 257, Europe. 

Squalus homianus Blainville, loc. cit., 257, Europe. 

Cetorhinus shavianus Blainville, loe. cit., 264, Europe. 

Squalus isodus Saverino Macri, Mem. della R. Ac. Sci. Napoli, I, 1819, 55, 
pls. 1 and 2, Naples. 

ee elephas LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II, 1821, 343, New 

Squalus rashleighanus Couch, Trans. Linn. Soc., XIV, 1825, 91, Cornwall. 

Squalus cetacews Gronow, Cat. Fishes, 1854, 6, Norway. 

Polyprosopus macer Couch, Hist. Brit. Fishes, Lara 6 68, England. 

10 As to the authorship of the name Carcharodon, we have this information from the late Allan R. Me- 
Culloch, of the Australian Museum: 

“The name Carcharodon is not used by Smith. The earliest reference to it is that of Miiller and Henle, 
as quoted above. These authors saw Smith’s specimens (p. 33) and perhaps heard his paper read at the 
Zoological Society in September, 1837. They, therefore, quoted the name as of Smith. But Smith’s 
paper was not published until February 13, 1838, he having read Miiller and Henle’s paper about a month 
previously, in which Carcharodon appeared, and he evidently withdrew it with names he refers to in his 
paper.”’ (In lit. June 28, 1920.) 


Order G. TECTOSPONDYLI.'' Tectospondylous sharks 

Suborder SQUALOIDEI. (Sharks without anal fin) 
Family 18. SQUALID. Dogfishes 

Genus 45. SQUALUS Linneus. 

Squalus (Artedi) Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 233 (includes all sharks; 
Squalus acanthias Linnzus made type by subsequent writers, following 
Rafinesque, 1810). 

Acathorhinus Blainville, Jour. Phys., 1816, 263 (Squalus acanthias Lin- 

Acanthias Risso, Europ. Mérid., III, 1826, 131 (Squalus acanthias Linnzus). 

84. Squalus acanthias Linneus. Spiny dogfish; Cod shark; Codfish shark; 

Thornback shark; Picked dogfish; Bone-dog; Dogfish; Skittle-dog. 

North Atlantic, on both coasts and about Cuba; abundant along shores 
of Northern and Middle States. 

Squalus acanthias Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 233, coast of Europe. 

Acanthias vulgaris Risso, Europ. Mérid., III, 1826, 131, Nice. 

Acanthias americanus Storer, Synop. N. Amer. Fishes, in Mem. Am. 
Acad., II, 1846, 506, Massachusetts. 

85. Squalus suckleyi (Girard). California dogfish; Dogfish. 
Pacific coast of America, from Santa Barbara to the Aleutian Islands; 
abundant in southeast and middle Alaska, through to Kamchatka. 
Spinax (Acanthias) suckleyi Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 
1854, 196, Fort Steilacoom, Wask. 

Genus 46. CENTROSCYMNUS Bocage and Capello. : 
Centroscymnus Bocage and Capello, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 263 
(C. celolepis Bocage and Capello). 

86. Centroscymnus celolepis Bocage and Capello. 
Coast of Portugal and neighboring parts of the Atlantic; Gloucester, 
Mass., and Nova Scotia Banks. 
Centroscymnus celolepis Bocage and Capello, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 
263, Portugal. 

Genus 47. CENTROSCYLLIUM Miiller and Henle. 
Centroscyllium Miiller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 191 (Spinaz fabrictt 

87. Centroscyllium fabricii (Reinhardt). 
Greenland seas; Gloucester and the Nova Scotia Banks. 
Spinaz fabricii Reinhardt, Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Forhandl., III, 1828, 
XVI, Greenland. 

Genus 48. ETMOPTERUS Rafinesque. 
Etmopterus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 14 (Etmopterus aculeatus Ra- 
finesque= Squalus spinaz L.). 
Acanthidium Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1839, 91 (Acanthidium pusillum 
Lowe, as restricted by Jordan and Evermann, 1896; restricted by 
Garman, 1912, to A. calcea, a species of Deania Jordan and Snyder), 

88. Etmopterus hillianus (Poey). 
West Indies; Cuba; St. Kitts. 
Spinaz hillianus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 340, Cuba. 

Family 19. SOMNIOSIDZ. Sleeper sharks 

Genus 49. SOMNIOSUS LeSueur. 

Somniosus LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1818, 222 (Somniosus 
brevipinna LeSueur=Squalus microcephalus Bloch and Schneider.) 

Lzmargus Miiller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 93 (Squalus borealis 
Scoresby = Squalus microcephalus Bloch and Schneider). 

Leiodon Wood, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., II, 1847, 174 (Leiodon echi- 
natum Wood=Squalus microcephalus Bloch and Schneider). 

Rhinocymnus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 264 (Scymnus 
rostratus Risso). 

1 We group together under this name those sharks that, like the rays, lack the anal fin and that have 
also simplified or degenerate vertebr, in which the hard material is arranged in rings without radiation. 


89. Beompsong microcephalus (Bloch and Schneider). Sleeper shark; Nurse 


Arctic seas, south to Cape Cod, Oregon, San Francisco Bay, and France. 

Squalus microcephalus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 135, 
northern seas. 

Somniosus brevipinna LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1818, 222, 

Squalus borealis Scoresby, Arct. Reg., I, 1820, 538, pl. 15, Arctic. 

Squalus norwegianus Blainville, Faune Frangaise, 1828, 61, Norway. 

Squalus glacialis Faber, Natur der Fische Islands, 1829, 23, Iceland. 

Family 20. ECHINORHINIDA. Bramble sharks 

Genus 50. ECHINORHINUS Blainville. 
Echinorhinus Blainville, Bull. Soc. Philom., 1816,.121 (Squalus spinosus 
Goniodus Agassiz, Poiss. Fossiles, III, 1836, 183 (Squalus spinosus Gmelin). 

90. Echinorhinus brucus (Bonnaterre). Bramble shark. 

Atlantic coasts of Europe, America, and Africa; scarce in the western 

Squalus brucus Bonnaterre, Tableau Encyel., Ichth., II, 1788, 1500, 
“the ocean.” 

Squalus spinosus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1789, 1500, ‘‘the ocean.” 

Echinorhinus obesus Smith, Ills. Zool. So. Africa, Fishes, 1845, Pl. I, Cape 
of Good Hope. 

Family 21. SQUATINIDZ. Angel sharks 

Genus 51. SQUATINA Dumeéril. 
Squatina Valmont de Bomare, Dict. Raisonnée, I, 1768, 117; not eligible. 
Rhina Klein, Neuer Schauplatz, II, 1776, 587; non-binominal. 
Squatina Duméril, Zool. Analyt., 1806, 102 (Squatina angelus Duméril= 
Squalus squatina Linneus). 
Rhina Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 14 (Squalus squatina L.) 

91. Squatina duméril * LeSueur. Angelfish; Monkfish. 
Atlantic coast of United States; Newport, R. I. 
Squatina duméril LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1818, 225, pl. 
10, probably Florida. 

92. Squatina squatina (Linneus). Monkfish; Angelfish; Squato; Shark ray; 

Monkeyfish; Kingston; Fiddlefish; Little bullhead shark. 

Atlantic on both coasts, north to southern England and Cape Cod. 

Squalus squatina Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 233, coasts of Europe. 

Squatina levis Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. I, 1817, 131; after Linnzus. 

Squatina vulgaris Risso, Ichth. Nice, 1810, 45, Nice. 

Squatina fimbriata Miiller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 101, Mediter- 
ranean Sea. 

Squatina oculata Bonaparte, Faun. Ital., Pesc., XX VIII, 1840, Fasci. 147, 
pl. 148, Italy. 

Squatina lewis Couch, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., XIV., 1825, 90, Cornwall. 

93. Squatina californica Ayres. California angel shark. 

Pacific coast of America, from southeastern Alaska southward; not rare 

on coast of California. 
Squatina californica Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1859, 29, San 

12 As this species has not been distinguished generally from its near relative, Sguatina squatina L., it is 
possible that all western Atlantic records belong to it. 


Order H. BATOIDEI. Rays 

Suborder SARCURA. Thick-tailed rays 
Family 22. PRISTIDZ. Sawfishes 

Genus 52. PRISTIS Linck. 
Pristis Klein, Neuer Schauplatz, VII, 1779, 403; non-binominal. 
Pristis Linck, Mag. Neueste Physik und Naturgeschichte, 1790, 31 
(Squalus pristis L.). 
Pristis Latham, Trans. Linn. Soe. Lond., II, 1794, 276 (Squalus pristis L.). 

94. Pristis pectinatus Latham. Common sawfish; Pez sierra. 

Tropical Atlantic, north to West Indies and Florida; occasionally at Cape 
May and Grassy Sound. 

Pristis pectinatus Latham, Trans. Linn. Soe. Lond., II, 1794, 278, ‘“‘in 
the ocean.” 

Pristis granulosa Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 352, Habana; 
after Parra. 

Pristis mississippiensis Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 86, lower 

Pristis megalodon Duméril, Elasmobranchs, 1870, 476, pl. 9, Cayenne. 

Pristis acutirostris Duméril, loc. cit., 479, Martinique. 

Pristis occa Duméril, loc. cit., 479, locality unknown. 

95. Pristis zephyreus * Jordan and Starks. Pez de espada. 
Tropical seas entering rivers, north to Mazatlan on the Pacific coast. 
Pristis zephyreus Jordan and Starks, Fishes of Sinaloa, in Proc. Calif. 
Acad. Sci., V, 1895, 383, Mazatlan, Mexico; regarded by Garman as 
inseparable from Pristis microdon Latham. 

Family 23. RHINOBATIDZ. Guitarfishes 

Genus 538. RHINOBATOS Linck. (Guitarfishes. 

Rhinobatus Klein, Neuer Schauplatz, II, 1776, 593 (Rhinobatos seu= 
Squatina raja; non-binominal). 

Rhinobatos Linck, Magazin Neuestes, 1790, 32; type not specified. 

Rhinobatus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 353 (Rhinobatus 
rhinobatus). . 

Syrrhina Miller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 113 (Rhinobatus columna= 
Rhinobatos rhinobatus). 

ie ing Bonaparte, Catalogo Metodico, 1846, 14 (Rhinobatus rhino- 

96. Rhinobatos horkeli (Miiller and Henle). 
Brazil north to Windward Islands; St. Eustatius. 
Rhinobatus horkeli Miller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 122, pl. 41. 

97. Rhinobatos lentiginosus (Garman). (uitarro. 
Atlantic from Charleston, 8. C., to Yucatan. 
Rhinobatus lentiginosus Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., VI, 1880, 168, 
coast of Florida. 

98. Rhinobatos percellens (Walbaum). Fiddlerfish; Puraque. 
West Indies to Jamaica and southern Brazil. 
Raja percellens Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 525, Brazil; after Puraque 
Rhinobatus electricus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 356, Brazil. 
Rhinobatus undulatus Olfers, Torpedo, 1831, 22, Brazil. 
Rhinobatus glaucostictus Olfers, loc. cit., 1831, 22, Brazil. 
Rhinobatus marcgravii Henle, Ueber Narcine, 1834, 34, Brazil. 

99. Rhinobatos stellio (Jordan and Rutter). 

West Indies. 

Rhinobatus stellio Jordan and Rutter, Proc., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
XLIX, 1897, 91, Kingston, Jamaica. 

4 The African species, P. perrotteti Valenciennes, probably does not occur in America, 










Rhinobatos spinosus (Giinther). 
Rhinobatus spinosus Giinther, Cat., VIII, 1870, 518, Mexico. 

Rhinobatos productus (Ayres). Guitarfish. 
San Francisco to San Diego. 
Rhinobatus producta Ayres, in Girard, Proc., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
VII, 1854, 196, Presidio of Monterey, Calif. 

Rhinobatos glaucostigma (Jordan and Gilbert). Guwitarro. 
Gulf of California and southward. 
Rhinobatus glaucostigma Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
VI, 1883, 210, Mazatlan. 

Rhinobatos leucorhynchus (Giinther). 
Panama and vicinity. 
Rhinobatus leucorhynchus Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1866, 604, 

Genus 54. ZAPTERYX Jordan and Gilbert. 
Zapteryx Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 53 
(Platyrhina exasperata Jordan and Gilbert). 

Zapteryx exasperatus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
San Diego Bay; abundant. 
Platyrhina exasperata Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 32, San Diego. 
Trigonorhina alveata Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., VI, 1880, 169, 
San Diego. 

Zapteryx xyster Jordan and Evermann. 
Zapteryx xyster Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1896, 65, Panama. 


Genus 55. PLATYRHINOIDIS Garman. 
Platyrhinoidis Garman, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 522 (Platyrhina 
triseriata Jordan and Gilbert). 

Platyrhinoidis triseriatus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Coast of California, from Point Conception southward. 
Platyrhina triseriata Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 36, Santa Barbara, Calif. 

Family 25. RAJIDA. Skates and rays 

Genus 56. RAJA Linneus. 

Raja (Artedi) Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 231 (Raja batis Lin- 

Dipturus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 16 (Raja batis L.). 

Platopterus Rafinesque, Anal. Nat. 1815, 93 (Raja batis L.). 

Dasybatus Blainville, Jour. Phys. 1816, 260 (communis). 

Propterygia Otto, Nova Acta Acad. Ces. Leop. Carol. Nat. Curios., 
1824, 777 (hyposticta; monstrous example with fins not adnate to 

Lezxviraja Bonaparte, Faun. Ital., XXV, 1839, 130 (oryrhynchus). 

Hieroptera Fleming, Edinburgh New Philos. Jour., XX VI, 1841, 236 
(H. abredonensis Flem.=R. clavata L.). 

Batis Bonaparte, Cat. Metod., 1846, 12 (radula; no description). 

Raia of various authors; merely change of spelling. 

Amblyraja Malm, Goteborg og Bohuslan’s Fauna, 1877, 607 (Raia 
circularis Malm= Raia radiata Donovan). 

Lencoraja Malm, loc. cit., 609 (Raja fullonica L.). 

Alpharaia Leigh-Sharpe,“ Jour. Morph., XXXIX, 1924, 568 (Raja 
circularis Couch). 

M4 Mr. Leigh-Sharpe (Jour. Morphology, XX XIX, December, 1924) divides the genus Raja into nine 
“‘pseudogenera’”’ on the morphology of the genital organs. To settle the question of the standing of pseu- 
dogenera, Jordan (in Copeia, 1925) accepts all as subgenera. Most of those not named above ( £psilonraia, 
Zetaria, Etaria, Thetaria, and Jotaria), outside of our limits, may prove valid genera. 













Betaraia Leigh—Sharpe, loc. cit., 568 (Raja clavata Linneus, a synonym 
of Heiroptera Fleming). 

Gammaraia Leigh-Sharpe, loc. cit., 568 (Raja batis Linneus, a synonym 
of Raja Linnzus). 

Deltaraia Leigh—-Sharpe, loc. cit., 568 (Raja radiata Linneus, a synonym 
of Amblyraja Malm). 

Raja levis Mitchill. Barndoor skate; Winter skate; Peck-nosed skate. 

Massachusetts to Florida, common northward. 

Raja levis Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 1817, 327, New York; 
name perhaps preoccupied by eligible authors (Gronow, 1763; 
Valmont, 1765; Duhamel, 1782). 

Raja stabuliforis Garman, Plagiostomia, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 
XXXVI, 1913, 341, Pl. XXII, fig. 2, Pl. XLIV, figs. 4-6, New 
England coast (substitute for levis, regarded as preoccupied, a matter 
to be questioned). 

Raja radiata Donovan. 
Northern Iceland, southward on both coasts. 
Raia radiata Donovan, Hist. Brit. Fish., V, 1820, pl. 114, Great Britain. 

Raja scabrata Garman. 
Raia scabrata Garman, Plagiostomia, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XX XVI, 
1913, 340, pl. 21, pl. 44, figs. 1-3, Massachusetts Bay. Long con- 
fused with Raja radiata. 

Raja granulata Gill. 
Banks of Newfoundland. 
Raia granulata Gill, in Goode and Bean, Bull. Essex Inst., XI, 1879, 28, 
La Have Bank. 

Raja fylle Liitken. 
Davis Straits, Greenland. 
Raja fylle Liitken, Vid. Medd. Naturh. Foren. Kjgbenhayn, 1887, 1, 
pl. 1, Davis Straits. 

Raja eglanteria Bosc. Skate; Brier ray; Possum ray; Sea possum; Bob- 

tailed skate ; Clear-nosed skate ; Summer skate. 

Cape Cod, southward to Florida; rather common. 

Raia eglanteria Bose, in Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 104, 
Charleston, 8S. C. 

Raia desmarestia LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IV, 1824, 100, 

Raia chantenay LeSueur, loc. cit., 106, America. 

Raia americana DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 368, pl. 66, fig. 
215, Staten Island. 

Raja erinacea Mitchill. Hedgehog ray; Common skate; Little skate; Tobac- 
cobox; Prickly skate; Summer skate. 
Nova Scotia to the Carolinas; very abundant from Virginia to Maine. 
oo ch ma Mitchill, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, IX, 1825, 290, pl. 6, 
ew York. 

Raja diaphanes Mitchill. Clear ray. 
East Coast of United States. 
Raia ocellata Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., 1, 1803, 877, New 
York; not of Russell. 
Raia diaphanes Mitchill, loc. cit., 478, New York. 

Raja senta Garman. 
Banks of Newfoundland to Ca pe Cod; in doo water. 
Raja senta Garman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. "Mus., VIII, 1885, 43, Cape Cod 
Bay; La Have Bank. 

Raja microtrachys Osburn and Nichols. 
Off west coast of Lower California. 
Raja microtrachys Osburn and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
XXV, 1917, 142, fig. 1, off Guadalupe Island in deep water. 

Raja ackleyi Garman. 
Yucatan Banks. 
Raja = a Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., VIII, 1881, 234, Yucatan 

















Raja ornata Garman. 
Coast of South Carolina and Florida. 
Raja ornata Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., VIII, 1881, 235, off 
South Carolina. 

Raja plutonia Garman. 
Deep water off South Carolina. 
Raja plutonia Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., VIII, 1881, 286, off 
South Carolina. 

Raja rhina Jordan and Gilbert. 
Monterey to Alaska; not rare. 
Raja rhina Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 251, 
Monterey; San Francisco. 

Raja parmifera Bean. 
Common on coast of Alaska; Bristol Bay. 
Raja parmifera Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 157, Unalaska. 

Raja aleutica Gilbert. 
Unalaska, Aleutian Islands. 
Raja aleutica Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893 (1895), 397, 
pl. 21, Sannak Pass, Aleutian Islands, in 81 fathoms. 

Raja rosispinis Gill and Townsend. 
Bering Sea. 
Raia rosispinis Gill and Townsend, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XI, 1897, 
231, Bering Sea. 
Raia obtusa Gill and Townsend, loc. cit., 231, Bering Sea. 

Raja interrupta Gill and Townsend. 
Raia interrupta Gill and Townsend, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XI, 1897, 
232, Bering Sea. 

Raja binoculata Girard. Big skate of California. 
Pacific coast; abundant from Monterey to Sitka. 
pues binoculata Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 196, 
San Francisco. 
Raia cooperit Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, Pt. 4, Fishes, 1858, 372, 
Shoalwater Bay, Wash. 

Raja stellulata Jordan and Gilbert. 
Coast of California and northward to Unalaska. 
Raja stellulata Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 
133, Monterey Bay. 

Raja inornata Jordan and Gilbert. Common skate (California.) 
Coast of California; very abundant from San Diego to Cape Mendocino. 
Raja inornata Jordan and Gilbert, Proc., U. 8S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 
457, San Francisco. 
Raia jordani Garman, loc. cit., VIII, 1885, 43, San Francisco. 
sr inornata inermis Jordan and Gilbert, loe. cit., 1V, 1881, 74, Santa 

Raja montereyensis Gilbert. 
Monterey Bay. 
Raja montereyensis Gilbert, Proc., U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLVITI, 1915, 307, 
Monterey Bay off Santa Cruz, Calif., in 26 to 2&8 fathoms. 

Raja equatorialis Jordan and Bollman. 
West coast of Colombia, between Panama and Galapagos Islands. 
Raja equatorialis Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1889, 150, off Colombia. 

Raja trachura Gilbert. 
Santa Barbara Islands; south of Shumagin Islands, Central Alaska. 
Raja trachura Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 539, off Santa 
Barbara, at Albatross station 2923 in 822 fathoms. 

Raja abyssicola Gilbert. 
Queen Charlotte Island, British Columbia, in deep water. 
Raja abyssicola Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1893 (1895), 396, 
pl. 20, off Queen Charlotte Island, at Albatross station 3342 in 1,588 


- Genus 57. DACTYLOBATUS Bean and Weed. 
Dactylobatus Bean and Weed, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVI, 1909, 459 
(D. armatus Bean and Weed). 

132. Dactylobatus armatus Bean and Weed. 
Deep water off South Carolina. 
Dactylobatus armatus Bean and Weed, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXVI, 
1911, 459, off Charleston in 270 fathoms. 

Family 26. TORPEDINIDA. Electric rays 

Genus 58. TETRANARCE " Gill. Great torpedo. 
Tetranarce Gill, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1862, 387 (Torpedo 
occidentalis Storer); misprinted Tetronarce. 
ahi genes Fritsch, Arch. Anal. Phys., 1886, 365 (Torpedo oceidentalis 

133. Tetranarce occidentalis (Storer). Jlectricfish; Crampfish; Torpedo; 
Atlantic coast of United States, Cape Cod to Cuba; not very common. 
Torpedo occidentalis Storer, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XLV, 1848, 165, 
pl. 3, Massachusetts. Garman regards this species as inseparable 
from Torpedo nobiliana Bonaparte of the Mediterranean. 

134. Tetranarce californica (Ayres). California torpedo; Crampfish. 
Coast of California; not recorded from south of Monterey; recently 
reported from Cape Flattery, Wash. 
Torpedo californica Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 74, 
San Francisco. 

Genus 59. NARCINE Henle. 

Narcine Henle, Ueber Narcine, 1834, 31 (Torpedo brasiliensis von 

Syrrazis Jourdain, in Bonaparte, Fauna Italica, fase. 160, 1841 (Narcine 
indica Henle). 

Cyclonarce Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1861, 387 (Raia 
timlei Schneider). 

Gonionarce Gill, loc. cit., 387 (Narcine indica Henle). 

135. Narcine brasiliensis (Olfers). Torpedofish; Small electric ray; Trembler. 

West Indies and Brazil, occasionally northward to Key West and the 
coast of North Carolina. 

Torpedo brasiliensis von Olfers, Torpedo, 1831, 19, tab. 2, fig. 4, Brazil. 

Torpedo bancrofti Griffith, Anim. King., X, 1834, 649, Pl. XXXIV, 

Narcine nigra Duméril, Revue Zool., 272, 1852, Brazil. 

Torpedo pictus Gronow, Cat. Fishes, 13, 1854, Antilles. 

Narcine brasiliensis corallina Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., VIII, 
1881, 234, Florida. ; 

ig Soke umbrosa Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 105, Key 


136. Narcine entemedor Jordan and Starks. EHntemedor. 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Mazatlan, La Paz, Panama. 
Narcine entemedor Jordan and Starks, Fishes of Sinaloa, Proc. Calif. 
Acad. Sci., V, 1895, 387, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Genus 60. DISCOPYGE Heckel. 
Discopyge Heckel, in Tschudi, Fauna Peruana, 1846, 32 (D. tschudit 

137. Discopyge ommata Jordan and Gilbert. 
Panama; rare. 
Discopyge ommata Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1889, 151, Panama. 

In the Old World genus Torpedo ForskAl, as then understood, the spiracles are provided with a frieze 
of filaments, at least in joints. In Tetranarce these are absent. The following is the synonymy of Torpedo: 

Torpedo Forskal, Fauna Arabica, 1775, 16, in part (Raja torpedo L., confused with Malapterurus elec- 
tricus, the electric catfish of the Nile). 

Narcacion Klein, Neuer Schauplatz, IV, 1777, 726, nonbinomial (Raja torpedo L.). 

Fimbriotorpedo Fritsch, loc. cit., 365 (Torpedo marmorata Risso= Raja torpedo L.). 


Suborder MASTICURA. Whip-tailed rays 
Family 27. DASYATIDA. Stingrays 

Genus 61. PASTINACHUS Riippell. 
Pastinachus Rippell, Atlas, Reise Nord Africa, 1828, 82 (Raia sephen 
Forsk&l); tail rounded above, with a keel below. 
ga a Miller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 170 (Raia sephen 

138. Pastinachus centrourus (Mitchill). Stingaree; Stingray; Devilfish; 
Pigeon stingray; Clam-cracker. 
Coast of Maine to Cape Hatteras, abundant; the same or a related 
species in the Mediterranean. 
Raja centroura Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 479, 
New York. 

139. Pastinachus schmardz (Werner). 
West Indies. 
Dasyatis schmardz Werner, Zool. Jahrb., X XI, 1904, 298, Jamaica. 

140. Pastinachus torrei (Garman). Sabina; Lebisa. 
West Indies. 
Dasyatis torrei Garman, Plagiostomia, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 
XXXVI, 1913, 386, Tunas de Zaza, Cuba. 

Genus 62. DASYATIS Rafinesque. Stingrays 

Dasybatus Klein, Neuer Schauplatz, I, 1775, 191; not binomial. 

Dasyatis Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 16 (Dasyatis ujo Rafinesque= Raja 
pastinaca L.). 

Urozis Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 61 (U. wyo Rafinesque). 

Trigonobatus Blainville, Jour. Phys., 1816, 261 (7. vulgaris Blainville= 
Pastinaca L.). 

Trygon Fa eee in Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. I, 1817, 135 (Raja pasti- 
naca e)e 

Pastinaca Swainson, Class. Anim., 1839, 319 (Pastinaca olivacea 

Pastinaca DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 372 (Raja pastinaca L.). 

Dasibatis Garman, corrected spelling. 

141. Dasyatis longus (Garman). 
Gulf of California to Panama: Galapagos. 
Trygon longa Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., VI, 1880, 170, Acapulco, 

142. Dasyatis hastatus (DeKay). Whip stingray; Kit; Stingaree. 
West Indies to Brazil, north to Florida, North Carolina and Rhode 
Pastinaca hastata DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 3738, pl. 65, fig. 
214, Rhode Island. 

143. Dasyatis guttatus (Schneider). 
Surinam to Brazil; recorded from Granada. 
Raia guttata Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 361, no locality given. 
Trygon gymnura J. Miller, in Erdmann’s Reise um die Erde, 1830, 
25, taf. 13, Brazil. 
Raja tuberculata Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 106, pl. 4, 
fig. 1, Cayenne; not of Bonnaterre. 

Genus 63. AMPHOTISTIUS Garman. 
Amphotistius Garman, Plagiostomia, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 1913, 
3/5 { Trygon sinensis Steindachner); tail with a distinct fold above 
and below. 

144. Amphotistius say (LeSueur). Southern stingray. 
ew Jersey to Brazil, common in Florida; occasionally northward to 
New York. 
Raja say LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1817, 42, New Jersey. 


145. Amphotistius sabinus (LeSueur). 
Streams and estuaries of Florida; abundant on both coasts. 
Trygon sabina LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IV, 1824, 109, 
Trygon osteosticta Miller, in Erdmann’s Reise um die Erde, 1830, 25, 
pl. 14, Brazil. 

146. Amphotistius dipterurus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Bay of San Diego and southward; locally abundant. 
Dasybatis dipterurus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 31, San Diego; identified by Garman with Dasyatis brevis 
Garman, from Peru. 

Genus 64. PTEROPLATEA Miiller and Henle. 
Pteroplatea Miller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1838, 168 (Raja altavela L.) 

147. Pteroplatea altavela (Linnzus) 

Tropical Atlantic, occasionally northward to Mediterranean and in 
Gulf Stream; Beaufort, N. C.; Woods Hole, Mass.; taken at Penzance 
Point in Buzzards Bay (Nichols). 

Raja altavela Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 232, no locality. 

Dasyatis attavilla Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 49, Sicily. 

Pteraplatea canariensis Valenciennes, Ichth. Canaries, 1843, 100, pl. 23, 
fig. 9, Canary Islands. 

Pteraplatea valenciennet A. Duméril, Elasmobranches, 1865, 612, no 

Pteroplatea vaillanti Rochebrune, Bull. Sci. Philom., IV, 1880, 159, no 

148. Pteroplatea micrura (Schneider). Butterfly ray. 
Rhode Island to Brazil. 
Raia micrura Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 360, Surinam. 
ei maclura LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1817, 41, Rhode 

149. Pteroplatea marmorata Cooper. 
Coast of California, from Point Conception southward to Cedros Island; 
Pteroplatea marmorata Cooper, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., III, 1863, 
112, fig. 25, San Diego. 

150. Pteroplatea crebripunctata Peters. Manta raia colorado; Manta raia. 
Gulf of California, southward along the west coast of Mexico; common. 
Pteroplatea crebripunctata Peters, Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1869, 

703, Mazatlan. 
Pteroplatea rava Jordan and Starks, in Jordan, Fishes of Sinaloa, Proc. 
Calif. Acad. Sci., Ser. 2, V, 1895, 390, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Genus 65. UROBATIS Garman. 
Urobatis Garman, Plagiostomia, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXXVI, 
1913, 401 (Leiobatus sloani Blainville). 

151. Urobatis sloani (Blainville). Maid. 

West Indies, generally common; occasionally northward; once (perhaps 
doubtfully) recorded from New Jersey. 

Leiobatus sloani Blainville, Bull. Sci. Philom., 1816, 121, Jamaica; after 
Pastinaca marina Sloan. 

Raja jamaicensis Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. I, 1817, 137, Jamaica. 

Tr a gee torpedinus Desmarest, Prem. Dec. Ichth., I, 1823, 6, 


152. Urobatis vermiculatus (Garman). 
West Indies. 
Urobatis sloani vermiculatus Garman, Plagiostomia, Mem. Mus. Comp. 
Zool., XXXVI, 1913, 802, Progreso, Yucatan. 

153. Urobatis halleri (Cooper). Round stingray. 
Coast of California, from Point Conception southward. 
Urolophus halleri Cooper, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., III, 1863, 95, 
San Diego. 



154. Urobatis umbrifer (Jordan and Starks). 
West coast of Mexico. 
Urolophus umbrifer Jordan and Starks, in Jordan, Fishes Sinaloa, Proc. 
Calif. Acad. Sci., Ser. 2, V, 1895, 389, Mazatlan, Mexico; regarded 
by Garman as inseparable from Urobatis hallert. 

155. Urobatis nebulosus (Garman). 
Gulf of California to Panama. 
Urolophus nebulosus Garman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 41, 
Colima, Mexico. 

156. Urobatis concentricus Osburn and Nichols. 
Gulf of California. 
Urobatis concentricus Osburn and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
XXXV, 1916, 144, fig. 2, Esteban Island, Gulf of California. 

Genus 66. UROTRYGON Gill. 
Urotrygon Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 173 (Urotrygon 
mundus Gill). 

157. Urotrygon mundus Gill. 

West coast of Mexico. 

Urotrygon mundus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 173, 

Urolophus asterias Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
579, Mazatlan; Panama. 

Urolophus rogersi Jordan and Starks, in Jordan, Fishes of Sinaloa, Proc. 
Calif. Acad. Sci., Ser. 2, V, 1895, 388, Mazatlan. 

158. Urotrygon goodei (Jordan and Bollman.) 
Panama and vicinity. 
Urolophus goodei Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1889, 151, near Panama. 

159. Urotrygon aspidurus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Urolophus aspidurus Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., IV, 
1881, 307, Panama. 

Family 28. AETOBATIDZA. Eagle rays 

Genus 67. STOASODON Cantor. 
Aétobatis Miller and Henle, Plagiostomen, 1841, 180 (Raia narinari 
Euphrasen); not Aétobatus Blainville. 
Stoasodon Cantor, Cat. Malayan Fishes, 1850, 434 (Raia narinari 
Goniobatis Agassiz, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VI, 1859, 385 (flagellum). 

160. Stoasodon narinari (Euphrasen). Spotted stingray; Bishop ray; Obispo; 

Lady ray. 

Tropical seas; north on the Atlantic coast to Virginia; Pacific coast, 
Gulf of California to Panama. 

ee narinari Euphrasen, Vedensk. Akad. Nya Handl., XI, 1790, 217, 


Raia flagellum Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 361, Coromandel. 

Myliobatis eeltenkee Riippell, Neu. Wirb., 1835, 70, Red Sea. 

Goniobatis macroptera McClelland, Calcutta Jour. Nat. Hist., I, 1841, 
60, Bengal. 

Aétobatus laticeps Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VIII, 1865, 137, 

Genus 68. PTEROMYLAUS Garman. 
Pteromylxus Garman, Plagiostomia, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXXVI, 
1913, 437 (Myliobatis asperrimus Gilbert). 

161. Pteromyleus asperrimus (Gilbert). 
Myliobatis asperrimus Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2754, Panama, 


Genus 69. AETOBATUS " Blainville. Eagle rays. 
Aétobatus Blainville, Jour. Phys., LX X XIII, 1816, 261 (Raia aquila as 
Aétobatus vulgaris Blainville). 
Sm Duméril in Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. I, 1817, 137 (Raia 
Holorhinus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 331 (Rhinoptera 
vespertilio Girard= Myliobatus californicus Gill). 

162. Aétobatus fréminvillii (LeSueur). Stingaree; Sharp-nosed ray; Long- 

tailed stingray. 

Cape Cod to Brazil. 

Myliobatis freminvillii LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IV, 1824, 
111, Rhode Island. 

Myliobatis bispinosus Storer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., I, 1841, 53, 

Myliobatis acuta Ayres, loc. cit., I, 1842, 65, Brookhaven, Long Island, 
Na Y. 

163. Aétobatus goodei (Garman). 
Central America to Brazil; Rio Grande do Sul. 
Myliobatis goodei Garman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 39, 
Central America. 

164. Aétobatus californicus (Gill). California stingray; Batfish. 
California from Cape Medocino southward. 
Rhinoptera vespertilio Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
137, Tomales Bay; not Myliobatis vespertilio Bleeker. 
Myliobatis californicus Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VIII, 1865, 
137; after Girard. 


Genus 70. RHINOPTERA Kuhl. 
Rhinoptera Kuhl in Cuvier, Régne Anim. ed. II, II, 1829, 401 (My- 
liobatis marginatus Goeffroy). 
Zygobatis Agassiz, Poiss. Fossiles, III, 1836, 79 (Z. jussieut Agassiz). 
Mylorhina Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1865, 136 (RAinoptera 
lalandi Miiller and Henle). 
Micromesus Gill, loc. cit., 136 (Rhinoplera adspersa Miller and Henle). 

165. Rhinoptera bonasus Mitchill. Cowfish; Cow-nosed ray. 
Cape Cod to Florida. 
Rhinoptera bonasus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 479, 
New York; description inadequate. 
Raia quadriloba LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1817, 44, 
New Jersey. 

166. Rhinoptera steindachneri Evermann and Jenkins. Gabilan. 
Gulf of California. 
Rhinoptera_ steindachneri Evermann and Jenkins, Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., XIV, 1891, 130, pl. 1, fig. 1, Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. 

167. Rhinoptera encenade# Rosa Smith. 
Todos Santos Bay, Lower California. 
Rhinoptera encenadez Rosa Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, 1886, 
220, Ensefiada de Todos Santos, Lower California. Jaw only. 

Family 30. MOBULIDZ. Sea devils 

Genus 71. MOBULA Rafinesque. 

Mobula Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 61 (M. auriculata=Squalus edentulus 

Apterurus Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 62 (A. fabroni Rafinesque). 

Cephalopterus Risso, Ichth. Nice, 1810, 14 (Raja giorna Lacépéde); 
not of Goeffroy St. Hilaire, 1809, a genus of birds. 

Dicerobatus Blainville, Bull. Soc. Philom., 1816, 116 (Raja mobular 

Pterocephala Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Amphib., etc., II, 1839, 321, 
(Raja giorna Lacépéde). 

% Miiller and Henle correctly referred Aétobatus Blainville to the type of Raja aquila, spelling the name, 
however, a3 Aétobatis, They then created a new genus, Aétobatis for Raia narinari, an arrangement with- 
out warrant. 


168. Mobula hypostoma (Bancroft). 
Cephalopterus hypostomus Bancroft, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc., 1830, 134, 

169. Mobula olfersi (Miiller and Henle). Small devilfish. 
Cape Lookout, N. C., to Brazil. 
Cephalopterus olfersi Miller and Henle, Abhandl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 
1834, 311, Brazil; regarded by Garman as identical with M. thy- 

Genus 72. CERATOBATIS Boulenger. 
Ceratobatis Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XX, 1897, 227 (C. robertsi 

170. Ceratobatis robertsi Boulenger. 
Ceratobatis robertst Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XX, 1897, 227, 

Genus 73. MANTA Bancroft. 

Manta Bancroft, Zool. Jour., IV, 1828-29, 444 (Cephalopterus manta 
Bancroft = Raia birostris Walbaum, 1792). 

Ceratoptera Miller and Henle, Syst. Beschr., Plagiostmen, 1838, 186 
(Cephaloptera vampyrus Mitchill). 

Brachioptilon Newman, Zoologist, 1849, 74 (B. hamiltont). 

Diabolichthys Holmes, Proc. Elliott Soc. Nat. Hist., I, 1856, 39 (D. 
elliotti Holmes). 

171. Manta birostris (Walbaum). Sea devil; Devilfish; Manta; Blanketfish. 

Tropical waters of America; north to New Jersey and San Diego; not 
rare on the Florida coast. 

Raia birostris Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, 535, after Diabolus marinus 
Willughby, ete. 

Raia manatia Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 364, tropical America. 

Raia fimbriata Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 677, Gulf Stream. 

Cephalopterus vampyrus Mitchill, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., I, 1823, 
23, Delaware Bay. 

Cephalopterus giorna LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IV, 1824, 
115, Georgia. 

Cephaloptera manta or Manta americana Bancroft, Zool. Jour., IV, 
1828, 444, Jamaica. 

Cephaloptera johni Miller and Henle, Syst. Beschr. Plagiostomen, 1838, 
186, West Indies. 

Diabolichthys elliotti Holmes, Proc. Elliott Soc. Nat. Hist., I, 1856, 39, 
Charleston, 5. C. 

172. Manta hamiltoni (Newman). 
San Diego; Gulf of California to Panama, not rare; not known to be 
distinct from Manta birostris. 
Brachioptilon hamiltoni Newman, Zoologist, 1849, 74, Gulf of California. 

Subclass HOLOCEPHALI. Chimeras 

Order I. CHIMAROIDEI. Chimeroids 
Family 31. CHIMAMRIDA. Chimeras 

Genus 74. CHIMARA Linneus. Llephantfishes. . 
Chimera Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 236 (C. monstrosa Linneus). 

173. Chimera monstrosa Linneus. 

Deep waters of the Atlantic; off Portugal and off the American coast 
from Cape Cod northward. 

Chimera monstrosa L., Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 236, Atlantic. 

Chimera mediterranea Risso, Europ. Mérid., III, 1826, 168, Nice. 

Chimera cristata Faber, Natur. der Fische Islands, 1829, 45, Iceland. 

Calloryhnchus centrina and Callorhynchus atlanticus Gronow, Cat. 
Fishes, 15, 16, 1854. 


Genus 75. BATHYALOPEX Collett. 
Bathyalopex Collett, Arch. Math. Natur., XX XIII, 1901, 125 (Chimera 
mirabilio Collett). 

174. Bathyalopex plumbeus (Gill). 
Gulf Stream in deep water. 
Chimera plumbea Gill, Bull. Phil. Soc. Wash., Dec., 1877, 182, La Have 
Bank, lat. 42° 40’ N., long. 63° 23’ W., in 350 fathoms. 

175. Bathyalopex abbreviatus (Gill). 
Chimera abbreviata Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 254, at 40° N., 
long. 67° W., in 1,290 fathoms. 

Genus 76. PSYCHICHTHYS Fowler. 
Psychichthys Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LIX, 1907, 419 
(Hydrolagus waitet Fowler). 

176. Psychichthys affinis (Capello). 
Open sea, from Cape Cod to Portugal. 
Chimera affinis Capello, Jour. Soc. Math., Lisbon, IV, 1868, 314, 
Portugal in deep water. 

Genus 77. HYDROLAGUS Gill. 
Hydrolagus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 331 (Chimera 
colliei Lay and Bennett). 

177. Hydrolagus colliei (Lay and Bennett). Ratfish; Elephantfish. 
Pacific coast, Monterey to Alaska; abundant in cold water at no great 
Chimera colliei Lay and Bennett, Beechey’s Voy., Zool., 1839, 71, North 


Genus 78. HARRIOTTA Goode and Bean. 
Harriotta Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XVII, 1895, 471 
(H. raleighana Goode and Bean). 
Anteliochimera Tanaka, Jour. Coll. Sci., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, XXVIII, 
art. 8, 1909, Japan (A. chetirhamphus Tanaka). 

178. Harriotta raleighana Goode and Bean. 
Deep water off the north Atlantic coast of the United States. 
Harriotta raleighana Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XVII, 
1894 (Jan. 26, 1895), 472, pl. 19, Gulf Stream at 39° N., 70° W. 

179. Harriotta curtiss-jamesi Townsend and Nichols. 
Deep water off Lower California. 
Harriotta curtis-jamesi Townsend and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., LIT, 1925, 6, fig. 2, off Lower California, lat. 26°, in 645 fathoms. 

Class IV. PISCES. True fishes 

Family 33. ACIPENSERIDA. Sturgeons 
Genus 79. ACIPENSER" Linneus. Stlurgeons. 

Acipenser Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 237 (A. sturio L.). 
Ichthocolla Geoffroy, Descr. de 719 Plantes, etce., 1767, 399 (presumably 

A. huso L.). 

Sterleta Giildenstiidt, Nov. Com. Sci. Petropol., XVI, 1772, 533 (A. 
ruthenus L.). 

Sturio Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 41 (Sturio vulgaris Rafinesque=A. 
sturio L.). 

Sterletus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 80 (A. serotinus Rafinesque= 
A. fulvescens Rafinesque). 

” This group ultimately may need subdivision into distinct genera, but none of the many proposed is 
adequately defined. 



Helops Brandt and Ratzeburg, Medizinische Zoologie, II, 1833, 3, 349 
(A. stellatus Pallas=A. halops Pallas). 

Sterletus Brandt and Ratzeburg, loc. cit., 349 (A. ruthenus L.). 

Sturio Miller, Anab. Myxinoiden, 1835, 77 (A. sturio L.). 

Antaceus Heckel and Fitzinger, Ann. Wiener Mus., I, 1836, 293 (A. 
schypa Eichwald). 

Lioniscus Heckel and Fitzinger, loc. cit., 370 (A. glabra Fitzinger). 

Sterletus Bonaparte, Cat. Metod., 1845, 21 (A. vultharius L.). 

Ellops Gistel, Naturg. Thierreichs, IX, 1848 (A. helops Pallas). 

Schipa Brandt, Bull. Acad. Sci. Petersb., VII, 1850, 113 (A. schypa 

180. Acipenser transmontanus Richardson. White sturgeon; Oregon stur- 

geon; Sacramento sturgeon. 

Pacific coast of North America, from Monterey to Alaska; once 
abundant, now nearly extinct; largest of the sturgeons, reaching a 
weight of 1,000 pounds. A record sturgeon, Aczpenser transmon- 
tanus, taken at Astoria, weighed 1,900 pounds. 

Acipenser transmontanus Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Amer., III, 1836, 
278, Fort Vancouver. 

Acipenser brachyrhynchus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854, 
15, San Francisco. 

Acipenser aleutensis Fitzinger and Heckel, Ann. Wien. Mus. Naturg., 
1836, Aleutian Islands, after Pallas. 

Acipenser caryi Duméril, Nouv. Arch. Mus., III, 1867, 169, San Fran- 

Acipenser ayresi Duméril, loc. cit., 171, San Francisco. 

Acipenser putnami Duméril, loc. cit., 178, San Francisco. 

181. Acipenser oxyrhynchus Mitchill. Common sturgeon. 

New York to Carolina, once abundant along the shores; very close to 
the common sea sturgeon of Europe (Acipenser sturio L.), but with 
fewer lateral plates and rougher ossification; the two perhaps identical. 

Acipenser oxyrhynchus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1814, 
462, New York. 

Acipenser mitchilli Duméril, Nouv. Arch. Mus., III, 1867, New York. 

Acipenser kennicotti Duméril, loc. cit., James River. 

Acipenser girardi Duméril, loc. cit., Maryland. 

Acipenser macrorhinus Duméril, loc. cit., New York. 

Acipenser milberti Duméril, loc. cit., New York. 

Acipenser bairdi Duméril, loc., cit., Maryland. 

Acipenser storeri Duméril, loc. cit., Boston. 

Acipenser holbrooki Duméril, loc. cit., Charleston, 

Acipenser lecontei Duméril, loc. cit., New York. 

182. Acipenser brevirostris LeSueur. Short-nosed sturgeon. 

Cape Cod to Florida. 

Acipenser brevirostrum LeSueur, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., I, 1818, 290, 
Atlantic coast. 

Acipenser microrhynchus Duméril, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1870, 105 and 
164, New York. 

Acipenser lesueuri Valenciennes, in Duméril, loc. cit., 105 and 166, 
Atlas, pl. 16, figs. 1 and la, New York. 

Acipenser dekayi Duméril, loc. cit., 105 and 168, New York. 

183. Acipenser acutirostris Ayres. Green sturgeon. 

Pacific coast of America, ascending rivers from Monterey nerthward; 
not rare. 

Acipenser acutirostris Ayres, Proc., Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854, 14, 
San Francisco. 

Acipenser medirostris Ayres, loc. cit., 15, San Francisco, 

Acipenser (Antaceus) agassizii Duméril, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, III, 
1867, 181, Pl. XI, figs. 2, 2a, 2b, San Francisco. 

Acipenser (Antaceus) alexandri Duméril, loc. cit., 183, Pl. XV, figs. 
1, la, 1b, San Francisco. 

Acipenser (Antaceus) oligopeltis Duméril, loc. cit., 184, Pl. XV, figs. 
2, 2a, 2b, San Francisco. 


184. Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque. Lake sturgeon; Ohio sturgeon; Red 


Mississippi Valley, Great Lakes and northward, ascending rivers, but 
not entering the sea; varying much with age. 

Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., I, August, 1817, 
288, Great Lakes. 

Acipenser rubicundus LeSueur, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soe., I, 1818, 388, 
Lakes Ontario, Erie, and all the upper lakes. 

Acipenser maculosus LeSueur, loc. cit., 393, Ohio River; young. 

Accipenser serotinus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 80, Ohio River. 

Accipenser ohiensis Rafinesque, loc. cit., 81, Ohio River. 

Accipenser macrostomus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 81, Ohio River. 

Dinectus truncatus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 82; erroneous, based on a 
drawing by Audubon. 

Acipenser rupertianus Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Amer., III, 1836, 311, 
Albany River, Rupert Land. 

Acipenser levis Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 267; Lake Superior. 

Acipenser carbonarius Agassiz, loc. cit., 271, Lake Superior. 

Acipenser rhynchzxus Agassiz, loc. cit., 276, Lake Superior. 

Acipenser liopeltis Giinther, Cat. Fishes, VIII, 1870, 341, Mississippi. 

Acipenser (Huso) copei Duméril, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 1870, 105 and 108, 
supposedly upper Missouri. 

Acipenser (Huso) rauchi Duméril, loc. cit., 105 and 118, Osage River, Mo. 

Acipenser (Huso) richardsoni Duméril, loc. cit., 105 and 120, upper 

Acipenser (Huso) anasimos Duméril, loc. cit., 105 and 122, Missouri 
River at St. Louis. 

oe paranasimos Duméril, loc. cit., 105 and 124, Hunts- 
ville, Ala. 

Acipenser (Huso) anthracinus Duméril, loc. cit., 105 and 126, Lake Erie. 

Acipenser (Huso) megalaspis Duméril, loc. cit., 105 and 133, Lake 

Acipenser (Huso) lamarii Duméril, loc. cit., 105 and 139, Mississippi 
River or Lake Erie. 

ag ahaa (Huso) atelaspis Duméril, loc. cit., 105 and 141, Saskatchewan 


Acipenser (Huso) rafinesquii Dum(ril, loc. cit., 105 and 143, Ohio River. 

Acipenser (Huso) rosarium Duméril, loc. cit., 105 and 152, Atlas, pl. 17, 
figs. 2 and 2a, upper Mississippi or Lake Erie. 

Acipenser (Huso) platyrhinus Duméril, loc. cit., 105 and 154, upper 
Mississippi or Lake Erie. 

Acipenser (Huso) kirtlandi Duméril, loc. cit., 105 and 161, Lake Erie. 

Acipenser (Huso) nertinianus Duméril, loc. cit., 105 and 162, Michigan. 

ac aed (Antaceus) cincinnati Duméril, loc. cit., 220 and 228, Ohio 


Acipenser (Antaceus) buffalo Duméril, loc. cit., 220 and 231, Lake Erie, 


Genus 80. SCAPHIRHYNCHUS Heckel. Shovelnose sturgeons. 
Scaphirhynchus Heckel, Ann. Wien. Mus. Naturg.,, I, 1835, 71 (S. 
rafinesquei Heckel=Acipenser platorynchus Rafinesque); not Sca- 
phorhynchus Maximilian, a genus of birds. 
Scaphirhynchops Gill, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., V, 1863, 12, 178 (Acipen- 
ser platorynchus Rafinesque). 

185. Scaphirhynchus platorynchus (Rafinesque). Shovelnose sturgeon; 
Switchtail; Hackleback; Sand sturgeon. 
Mississippi Valley; common in the larger streams. 
nae platorynchus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 80, Ohio 

Genus 81. PARASCAPHIRHYNCHUS Forbes and Richardson. 
Parascaphirhynchus Forbes and Richardson, Bull. Ll. Lab. Nat. Hist., 
VII, 1905, 38 (P. albus Forbes and Richardson). 

186. Parascaphirhynchus albus Forbes and Richardson. White shovelnose 
sturgeon; White sturgeon. 
Mississippi River; rare. 
Parascaphirhynchus albus Forbes and Richardson, Bull. Tl. Lab. Nat 
Hist., VII, 1905, 38, Mississippi River at Grafton, II. 



Family 34. POLYODONTIDZ2. Paddlefishes 

Genus 82. POLYODON Lacépéde. 

Polyodon Lacépéde, Bull., Soc. Philom., 1797, 49 (P. folium Lacépéde). 

Spathularia Shaw, Gen. Zool., V, 1804, 362 (S. reticulata=Squalus 
spathula Walbaum). 

Platirostra LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1817 (1818), 228 
(P. edentula). 

Planirostra Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 83 (P. edentula). 

Proceros Rafinesque, loc. cit., 87 (P. maculatus). 

187. Polyodon spathula (Walbaum). Paddlefish; Spoonbill cat; Duckbill 

cat; Spadefish. 

Mississippi Valley and south in the larger streams, reaching a weight 
of 173 pounds; rare in Lake Erie. 

Squalus spathula Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 522; after Spathula 
Rosier, Jour. Phys., 1774, 384, pl. 2; no locality given. 

Polyodon feuille Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., I, 1798, 402, locality 

Polyodon folium Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 457; after 

Spatularia reticulata Shaw, Gen. Zool., V, 1804, 362, after Lacépéde. 

Platirostra edentula LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1817, 
227, Ohio River. 

Acipenser lagenarius Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 86, Ohio River. 

Proceros maculatus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 87, Mississippi River at St. 
Genevieve, Mo. 

Proceros vittatus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 1820, 86, 87, Lake Ontario. 

Family 35. LEPISOSTEIDA. Gar pikes 

Genus 83. LEPISOSTEUS Lacépéde. Gar pikes. 

Lepisosteus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 331 (ZL. gavialis 
Lacépéde = Esox osseus Linnzus). 

Sarchirus Rafinesque, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1818, 419 (S. 
vittatus Rafinesque). 

Lepidosteus Agassiz; corrected spelling. 

188. Lepisosteus osseus (Linnzus). Long-nosed gar; Billfish; Common gar 

pike; Ohio gar; Ohio garfish; Billy gar. 

Maryland to Florida and Louisiana, in coastwise streams; also (huro- 
nensis) Great Lakes and the Mississippi Valley; the most abundant 
of the gars. 

Esox osseus Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 313, after Artedi; based 
on Acus maxima squamosa viridis, the green gar fish of Catesby, 
1738, pl. 30, Virginia. 

Lepisosteus gavialis Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 333, “lakes 
and rivers of both Indies.” 

Lepisosteus longirostris Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 74, Mus- 
kingum River, Ohio; head. 

Macrognathus loricatus Gronow, Cat. Fishes, 1854, 148, after Linnzus. 

Lepidosteus crassus Cope, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVII, 1865, 
Bombay Hook, Delaware River. 

Deptt eee lowisianensis Duméril, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 1870, 343, New 


Lepisosteus huronensis Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., III, 1836, 237, 
Penitanguishene, Lake Huron. 

?Sarchirus vittatus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 69, Ohio River; young; not 

?Sarchirus argenteus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 86, Ohio River; young; 
not identifiable. 

Lepidosteus semiradiatus Agassiz, Poiss. Fossiles, II, 1836, 2, pl. 2. 


Lepisosteus bison DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 271, Buffalo, 

Lepisosteus lineatus Thompson, Hist. Vermont, 1842, 145, Lake 

Lepidosteus leptorhynchus Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, pt. 4, Fishes, 
1858, 351, Devil River, Tex. 

Lepidosteus otarius Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVII, 1865, 
86 ‘Platte River near Fort Riley’; but Fort Riley was on the 
Kansas River. 

Lepidosteus milberti Duméril, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 1870, 323 and 328, 
New York. 

Lepidosteus harlani Duméril, loc. cit., 323 and 329, Wabash River. 

Lepidosteus smitht Duméril, loc. cit., 323 and 330, upper Mississippi. 

Lepidosteus ayresi Duméril, loc. cit., 323, 331, Wabash River. 

Lepidosteus copet Duméril, loc. cit., 323, 332, northern North America. 

Lepidosteus lesueurii Duméril, loc. cit., 323, 335, Wabash River. 

Lepidosteus elizabeth Duméril, loc. cit., 323, 336, no locality. 

Lepidosteus troosti Duméril, loc. cit., 323, 339, United States. 

Lepidosteus piquotianus Duméril, loc. cit., 323, 340, Lake Erie. 

Lepidosteus thompsoni Duméril, loc. cit., 323, 342, Upper Mississippi. 

Lepidosteus lamarii Duméril, loc. cit., 323, 337, northern North America. 

?Lepidosteus clintonii Duméril, loc. cit., 323, 338, no locality. 

Lepidosteus horatii Duméril, loc. cit., 323, 341, northern North America. 

Genus 84. CYLINDROSTEUS Rafinesque. Short-nosed gars. 
Cylindrosteus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 72 (Lepisosteus pla- 
tostomus Rafinesque). 

189. Cylindrosteus platostomus (Rafinesque). 
Mississippi Valley and Great Lakes; common. 
eee platostomus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 72, Ohio 
Lepisosteus oxryurus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 73, Ohio River. 
Lepisosteus albus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 73, Ohio River, 
Lepidosteus grayi, Agassiz, Poiss. Fossiles, II, 1836, 2, Louisiana. 
Lepisosteus (Cylindrosteus) oculatus Winchell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
hila., XVI, 1864, 183, Huron River, Mich. 
Cylindrosteus zadockii Duméril, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1870, 348, 353, 
Upper Mississippi. 
Cylindrosteus rafinesquii Duméril, loc. cit., 348, 352, United States. 
190. Cylindrosteus scabriceps Fowler. 
Lower Missouri River. 
Cylindrosteus scabriceps Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXII, 
1910, 607, Pl. XX XVIII. figs. 8, 9, Leavenworth, Kans.; a doubtful 

191. Cylindrosteus agassizii Duméril. 
Missouri Basin. 
biden agassizii Duméril, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1870, 351, St. 
Cylindrosteus productus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVII, 1865, 
86, San Antonio, Tex. 

192. Cylindrosteus castelnaudii Duméril. 
Florida and Louisiana. 
Cylindrosteus castelnaudii Duméril, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1870, 355, Lake 
Lafayette, Florida. 
Cylindrosteus bartoni Duméril, loc. cit., 356, New Orleans. 
Lepidosteus latirostris Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, pl. 4, Fishes, 1858, 
352, Rio Pecos, Tex. 

@i93. Cylindrosteus megalops Fowler. 


Cylindrosteus_megalops Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXTII, 
1910, 609, Pl. XX XVIII, figs. 15,16, Bayport, Fla.; a doubtful species. 

4* Many other tributary streams mentioned. 


Genus 85. ATRACTOSTEUS Rafinesque. Alligator gars. 

Litholepis Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., III, 1818, 447 (L. adam- 
antinus Rafinesque), based on a fancy painting by Audubon of an 
imaginary fish. 

Atractosteus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 72 (Lepisosteus ferox 

194. Atractosteus spatula (Lacépéde). Mississippi alligator gar. 

Lower Mississippi Valley in the larger streams, reaching a length of 5 
feet or more. 

Lepisosteus spatula Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 333, no locality. 

Lepisosteus (Atractosteus) feroc Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 73. 
Ohio River. 

Lepidosteus (Atractosteus) berlandieri Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, pt. 4, 
Fishes, 1858, 353, Tamaulipas. 

Atractosteus lucius Duméril, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 1870, 364, Tampico, 

195. Atractosteus tristeechus (Bloch and Schneider). Cuban alligator gar; 
Rivers of Cuba. 
Esox tristechus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 395, Cuba, 
after Manjuari of Para. 
Lepidosteus manjuari Poey, Memorias, I, 1860, 273, Cuba. 

196. Atractosteus tropicus Gill. 
Central America; Nicaragua. 
Atractosteus tropicus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 172, 
streams near Panama. 

Family 36. AMIIDZ. Bowfins 

Genus 86. AMIA Linneus. 
Amia Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 500 (A. calva); not of Gronow, 
1763, which is a nonbinomial name for A pogon. 
Amiatus Rafinesque, Anal, Nat., 1815, 88 (A. calva); substitute for 
Amia regarded as too short for symmetry. 

197. Amia calva Linneus. Bowfin; John A. Grindle; Mudfish; Lawyer; Poisson 

de marais; Choupiquel (Louisiana), 

Great Lakes, Mississippi Valley to Virginia, Florida, and Texas, in 
lakes and sluggish streams. 

Amia calva Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 500, Charleston, 8. C. 

Amia ocellicauda Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Amer., III, 1836, 236, Lake 
Huron, male. 

Amia occidentalis DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 269, St. 
Marys River, Mich. 

Amia marmorata Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 
1846, 412, New Orleans. 

Amia ornata LeSueur, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 420, Chi- 
bault, Mississippi River. 

Amia viridis LeSueur, loc. cit., 421, New Orleans. 

Amia canina Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 424, Lake Erie; after 

Amia lentiginosa Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 426; after Bonna- 
terre; no locality. 

Amia subcxrulea Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 427, New Orleans. 

Amia cinerea Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 480, Charleston, 8. C,. 

Amia reticulata LeSueur, loc. cit., 431, Wabash River. e 

Amia thompsoni Duméril, loc. cit., II, 1870, 419, Lake Champlain. 

Amia piquotii Duméril, loc. cit., 1870, 423, upper Mississippi. 


Superorder TELEOSTEI. Bony fishes 

Order N. ISOSPONDYLI (Physostomi; Malacopterigii). Soft-rayed 

Family 37. ELOPIDA. Tenpounders 

Genus 87. ELOPS Linnzus. 
Elops Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 518 (EZ. saurus). 
Mugilomorus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 398 (M. anna- 
Trichonotus Rafinesque, Anal. Nat., 1815, 88 (Mugilomorus anna- 
carolina); substitute for Mugilomorus, considered objectionable. 

198. Elops saurus Linneus. Tenpounder; John Mariggle; Bonyfish; Bonefish; 

Big-eyed herring; Matajuelo real; Lisa francesa. 

Tropical Atlantic; West Indies, north to Long Island; common. 

Elops saurus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 518, Carolinas. 

Argentina carolina Linnzus, loc. cit., 519, Carolinas. 

Mugilomorus anna-carolina Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 398, 
South Carolina. 

ieee inermis Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 445, New 


199. Elops hawaiensis Regan. Awa. 
awaii and Pacific coast of Mexico north to Gulf of California; Hawaii. 
Elops hawaiensis Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9th ser., III, 1909, 
39, Hawaii. 

Family 38. MEGALOPIDZ. Tarpons 

Genus 88. TARPON Jordan and Evermann. Grande écaille. 
Tarpon Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 409 
(Megalops atlanticus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

200. Tarpon atlanticus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Tarpon; Tarpum; 

Grande écaille; Silverfish; Sabalo; Savanilla. 

ai aon to Brazil; abundant off Florida, breeding in the West 

Megalops atlanticus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 
1846, 398, Guadeloupe; San Domingo; Martinique; Porto Rico. 

Megalops elongatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858, 224, 
Long Island. 

Family 39. ALBULIDZ. Ladyfishes 

Genus 89. ALBULA (Gronow) Bloch and Schneider. Ladyfishes. 
Conorhynchus Nozeman, Act. Select., III, 1757, 382; non-binomial, 
Albula Gronow, Zoophyl., 1763, 102; non-binomial. 

Albula Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 432 (A. conorhynchus= 
Esox vulpes L.). 

Butyrinus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 45 (B. banana=Esox 
vulpes L.). 

Glossodus Cuvier, in Agassiz, Spix, Pisc. Brasil., 1829, 48 (A. forskdli= 
Esozx vulpes L.). 

201. Albula vulpes (Linnzus). Ladyfish; Bonefish; Macabi; Sanducha; 


Tropical seas, ranging northward to San Diego; Long Island and south- 
ern Japan; perhaps more than one species included, 

Unbarana Marcgrave, Hist. Brazil, 1648, Brazil. 

Vulpes bahamensis Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolinas, ete., 1737, Pl. II, 
fig. 1, Bahamas; non-binomial. 

Esoz vulpes Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 318, Bahamas; based on 
the bonefish, Vulpes bahamensis of Catesby. 


Argentina glossodonta Forskal, Descr. Anim., 1775, 68, Djidda, Arabia. 

Macabi Parra, Diff. Piezas Cuba, 1787, 88, pl. 35, fig. 1, Cuba; based 
on Unbarana of Marcgrave. 

Synodus argenteus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 398, Asia. 

Clupea brasiliensis Bloch and Schneider, loc. cit., 427, Brazil. 

Albula conorhynchus Bloch and ‘schneider, loc. cit., 482, Antilles; 
after Gronow and Plumier; called Albula plumiert on plate 86. 

Amia immaculata Bloch and Schneider, loc. cit., Central Ameriea; 
after Macabi of Parra. 

Butyrinus banana Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 46, [le de France. 

Clupea macrocephala Lacépéde, loc. cit., 426, Martinique; on a drawing 
by Plumier. 

Glossodus forskdli Agassiz, in Spix, Pisce. Brasil., 1829, 49, Bahia; called 
Engraulis sexicus and Engraulis bahiensis on plates 22 and 24. 

Albula parre Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 1846, 
339, Martinique; Bahia; Rio de Janeiro. 

Albula goreensis Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit-, 342, Gorea. 

Albula neoguinaica Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 350, New Guinea. 

Albula seminuda Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 351, New Guinea. 

mate erythrocheilus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 352, Friendly 

Albula forsteri Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 354, Tahiti. 

Albula rostrata Gronow, Cat. Fishes, 1854, 189, American Ocean. 

Genus 90. DIXONINA Fowler. 
Dizxonina Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXII, 1910, 651 (D. 
nemoptera Fowler). 

202. Dixonina nemoptera Fowler. 
San Domingo, West Indies. 
Dixonina nemoptera Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXIi, 1910, 
652, San Domingo. 

Family 40. CHANIDZ. Milkfishes 

Genus 91. CHANOS Lacépéde. 
Chanos Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 395 (C. arabicus). 
Lutodeira Van Hasselt, in Riippell, Atlas Reise Nord Africa, 1828, 17 
(L. indica Riippell= Mugil chanos L.) 
Ptycholepis Gray, in Dieffenbach’s Travels in New Zealand, II, about 
1842, 218 (Mugil salmoneus Forster). 

203. Chanos cyprinella Cuvier and Valenciennes. Milkfish; Sabalo; Awa; 
Chani; Anged. 
Gulf of California to Panama and Hawaii; replaced in the western 
Pacific by Chanos chanus Forskal. 
Chanos cyprinella Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 
1846, 194, 198, Hawaiian Islands. 

; Family 41. HIODONTIDZ. Mooneyes 

Genus 92. HIODON LeSueur. Mooneyes. 
Hiodon LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1818, 334 (H. tergisus 
Glossodon Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., II, September, 1818, 354 
(G. harengoides). 
Hyodon, corrected orthography. 

204. Hiodon tergisus LeSueur. Mooneye; Toothed herring. 

Great Lakes and Mississippi Valley, north to Assiniboine River. 

Hiodon tergisus LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1818, 364, 
Ohio River. 

Glossodon harengoides Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., II, September, 
1818, 354, Ohio River. 

Glossodon heterurus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 354, Falls of Ohio River. 

Hiodon clodalis LeSueur, loc. cit., Ohio River at Pittsburgh. 

Hyodon vernalis Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 42, Ohio River. 


205. Hiodon selenops Jordan and Bean. Southern mooneye; Southern toothed 
Tennessee, Cumberland, and Alabama Rivers. 
Hyodon selenops Jordan and Bean, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 67, 
Chattanooga, Tenn. 

Genus 93. AMPHIODON Rafinesque. Goldeyes. 
Amphiodon Rafinesque, Jour. Phys., Paris, 1819, 421, Ohio River (A. 
alosoides; misprinted alveoides). 
Elattonistius Gill and Jordan, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 68 (Hyodon 
chrysopsis Richardson=Amphiodon alosoides Rafinesque). 

206. Amphiodon alosoides Rafinesque. Goldeye; La Quesche; Naccaysh. 

Ohio River and north to Saskatchewan; abundant and much valued in 

Amphiodon alosoides (misprinted alveoides) Rafinesque, Jour. Phys., 
Paris, 1819, 421, Ohio River. 

Hyodon amphiodon Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 42, Ohio River 
near the falls. 

Hyodon chrysopsis Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Amer., III, 1836, 232, 
Cumberland House, Saskatchewan River. 

Cyprinus (Abramis?) smithii Richardson, loc. cit., 110, Richelieu River. 

Family 42. CLUPEIDZ. Herrings 

Genus 94. CLUPEA Linneus. JHerrings. 
Clupea Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 317 (C. harengus L.). 
Rogenia Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XX, 1847, 340 
(R. alba, “the whitebait,’ the voung of harengus). 

207. Clupea harengus Linneus. Common herring. 

North Atlantic Ocean, south on our coast to Sandy Hook; Massachu- 
setts; New Hampshire. 

Clupea harengus Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 317, seas of Europe. 

Clupea membras Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso.-Asiat., III, 1811, 211, Baltic Sea. 

Clupea halec Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 451, New 

Clupea vittata Mitchill, loc. cit., 456, New York. 

Clupea cerulea Mitchill, loc. cit., 457, New York. 

Clupea elongata LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1817, 234, 

Clupea leachi Yarrell, Zool. Jour., V, 1829, 277, pl. 12, England. 

Clupea minima Peck, in Storer, Rept. Fish. Mass., 1839, 113, New 


Clupea lineolata Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XX, 1847, 
256, locality unknown. 

Rogenia alba Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 340, England; the 
young form known as whitebait. 

208. Clupea pallasii Cuvier and Valenciennes. California herring. 
Pacific coast, from Kamchatka to San Diego. 
Clupea harengus var. Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso.-Asiat., III, 1811, 209, 
Clupea pallasii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XX, 1847, 
253, Kamehatka; based on Pallas’s specimens. 
Clupea mirabilis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 138, 
San Francisco. 
Spratelloides bryoporus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1873, 25, 
Sitka; young. 
Genus 95. POMOLOBUS Rafinesque. Alewives. 
Pomolobus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 38, 1820 (P. chrysochloris 
Alausella Gill, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 36 (Clupea 
parvula Mitchill=Clupea mediocris Mitchill). 

Subgenus ALAUSELLA Gill. 


209. Pomolobus pseudoharengus (Wilson). Alewife; Branch herring; Gas- 

pereau; Wall-eyed herring; Big-eyed herring; Sawbelly; Ellwife; Bang. 

Atlantic coast of the United States; Lake Ontario and landlocked in 
the “‘ Finger Lakes” of New York. 

Clupea pseudoharengus Wilson, in Rees’s Encycl., IX, about 1811, 
probably Philadelphia. 

Clupea vernalis Mitchill, Rept. Fish. N. Y., 1814, 22, and Trans., Lit. 
Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 454, New York. 

Chives megalops Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., 1818, 206, Delaware 


Meletta venosa Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XX, 1847, 
374, New York. 

Pomolobus pseudoharengus lacustris Jordan, Man. Vert., ed. I, 1876, 
265, Cayuga Lake, New York; specimens landlocked. 

210. Pomolobus mediocris (Mitchill). Hickory shad; Hickory jack; Fall 

herring; Tailor herring; Mattowacca. 

Atlantic coast of United States from Maine to Florida. 

Clupea mediocris Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 450, 
New York. 

Clupea mattowacca Mitchill, loc. cit., 451, pl. 5, fig. 8, New York. 

? Clupea parvula Mitchill, loc. cit., 452, New York. 

? Clupea pusilla Mitchill, loc. cit., 452, New York. 

Clupea fasciata LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1818, 233, 


Clupea virescens DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 242, New 

Alosa lineata Storer, Proc., Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., II, 1847, 242, Massa- 

211. Pomolobus estivalis (Mitchill). Glut herring; Blueback; Black-belly; 
Summer herring; Kyack; Sawbelly. 
Atlantic coast. 
Clupea exstivalis Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 456, 
New York. 
Alosa cyanonoton Storer, Hist. Fish. Mass., 1867, 161, Provincetown, 

Subgenus POMOLOBUS Rafinesque. 

212. Pomolobus chrysochloris Rafinesque. Skipjack; Blue herring; Nailrod, 
Gulf of Mexico and Mississippi Valley; ascending streams, and intro- 
duced through the canals into Lake Erie and Lake Michigan. 
Pomolobus chrysochloris Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 38, Ohio 
River. : 
Meletta sueurii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XX, 1847, 
375, Wabash River. 

Genus 96. ALOSA Linck. Shad. 
Alosa Linck, Mag. Neuestes Phys. Naturgesch., 1790, 35 (scarcely 
defined; type not specified; Clupea alosa L.=Alosa Cuvier). 
Alosa Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. II, 1829, 319 (Clupea alosa L.). 
Alausa Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XX, 1847, 389 
(Clupea alosa L.). 

213. Alosa sapidissima (Wilson). Common shad; American shad; North 
River shad; Potomac shad; Connecticut River shad. 

Atlantic coast of United States, from Miramachi River to Florida; 
from Monterey northward on the Pacific coast, as an introduced 

Gines sapidissima Wilson, in Rees’s New Cyclopedia, IXg., neither 
pagination nor date, but prior to 1812; no locality, but probably 

Clupea indigena Mitchill, Trans. Lit Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 454, 
New York. 

Alosa prestabilis DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 255, pl. 15, 
fig. 4, New York. 

214. Alosa ohiensis Evermann. Ohio shad. 
Mississippi River basin; Ohio River. 

Alosa ohiensis Evermann, Rept. U. 8S. Fish Com., X XVII, 1901 (1902), 
277, fig. 2, Ohio River at the falls. 


215. Alosa alabame Jordan and Evermann. Alabama shad. 
Gulf coast of United States; ascending streams. 
Alosa alabamz Jordan and Evermann, Rept. U. 8S. Fish Com., XXTI, 
1895 (1896), 203, Black Warrior River, Tuscaloosa, Ala. 

Genus 97. SARDINIA Poey. True sardines. 

Sardinia Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 311 (S. pseudohispanica Poey; not 
of Jordan and Evermann, which is Sardinella anchovia Cuvier and 

Sardina Antipa, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, LX VIII, 1905 (Clupea 
pilchardus L.). 

216. Sardinia cerulea (Girard). California sardine. 
Pacifie coast, from Puget Sound to Magdalena Bay; very abundant. 
Meletta cerulea Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 138, 
San Francisco. 
Alausa californica Gill, loc. cit., XIV, 1862, 281, California. 

217. Sardinia anchovia (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Sardinia de Espaia. 
West Indies, north to Cuba. 
Sardinella anchovia Cuvier and Valenciennea, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XX, 
1847, 269, Rio Janeiro; Martinique. 
Sardina * pseudohispanica Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 311, Cuba. 

Genus 98. SARDINELLA Cuvier and Valenciennes. Smooth-headed sar- 
Sardinella Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XX, 1847, 261, 
(S. aurita Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

218. Sardinella aurita Cuvier and Valenciennes. Smooth sardine; Sardina 
de Espajia. 
Woods Hole to Florida; recorded from France; usually in rather deep 
Sardinella aurita Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XX, 
1847, 261, coast of France. 

Genus 99. HARENGULA Cuvier and Valenciennes. Scaled sardines. 
Harengula Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XX, 1847, 280 
(H. latula Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

219. Harengula sardina Poey. Sardina de Ley. 
West Indian fauna, north to Key West. 
Harengula sardina Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 310, Cuba. 
Sache callolepis Goode, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 152, 

220. ae. oe macropthalmus (Ranzani). Sardina Escamuda; White-bill; 

West Indies, Florida to Brazil. 

Clupea macropthalma Ranzani, Nov. Com, Acad, Sci. Bonon., V, 1842, 
320, Brazil. 

Harengula humeralis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XX, 
1847, 293, Rio Janeiro; Bahia; Guadeloupe; San Domingo. 

Alausa striata Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit; XX, 1847, 429, 
Guadeloupe; Bahia. 

Alosa bishopi Miller and Troschel, in Schomburgk, Hist. Barbados, 
1848, 675, Barbados. 

221. Harengula clupeola Cuvier and Valenciennes. Cailleu. 
West Indies. 
Harengula clupeola Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XX, 
1847, 289, Guadeloupe Island, West Indies. 

222. Harengula maculosa Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
West Indies. 
Harengula maculosa Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XX, 
1847, 292, Martinique. 
Alosa apicalis Miiller and Troschel, in Schomburgk, Hist. Barbados, 
1848, 675, Barbados. 

™ Recent examination of Poey’s type by Alvin Seale shows that this fish is a Sardinia apparently iden- 
tical with Clupea anchovia Cuvier and Valenciennes, not the Sardinella pseudohispanica of Jordan and 
Evermann, which apparently is the same as Sardinella aurita Cuvier and Valenciennes, 











Harengula pensacole Goode and Bean. 
Harengula pensacole Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 
152, Pensacola, Fla. 

Harengula thrissina (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Gulf of California. 
Clupea thrissina Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
353, Cape San Lucas. 

Genus 100. LILE Jordan and Evermann. 
Lile Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 431 
(Clupea stolifera Jordan and Gilbert). 

Lile stolifera (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Gulf of California to Panama; Mazatlan, Mexico. 
Clupea stolifera Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
339, Mazatlan. 

Genus 101. OPISTHONEMA Gill. Thread herring. 
Opisthonema Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 37 (Clupea 
thrissa Broussonet = Megalops oglina LeSueur); not of Osbeck. 

Opisthonema oglinum (LeSueur). Thread herring; Machuelo; Cailleu 

tassart; Sprat. 

West Indies, ranging regularly north to Florida and Carolina; Longport, 
N. J.; Newport, R. I.; Fortress Monroe. 

Clupea thrissa Broussonet, Ichthyologie, fase. I, 1782, Carolina; Jamaica; 
not of Osbeck, 1757, which is a Chinese species of Clupanodon. 

Megalops oglina LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1817, 359, 
Newport, R. I. 

Megalops notata LeSueur, loc. cit., 359, Guadeloupe. 

Chatoéssus signifer DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 264, New York. 

Chatoéssus eumorphus Gosse, Naturalist’s Sojourn in Jamaica, 1851, 
290, Jamaica. 

Opisthonema libertate (Giinther). Sardina machete. 
Pacific coast of Mexico and Central America. 
Meletta libertate Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, 603, Libertad, 
Central America. 

Genus 102. BREVOORTIA Gill. Menhadens. 
Brevoortia Gill, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 37 (Alosa 
menhaden Storer =Clupea tyrannus Latrobe). 

Brevoortia tyrannus (Latrobe). Menhaden; Mossbunker; Bonyfish; 

Whitefish; Bugfish; Fatback; Pogy. 

Nova Scotia to West Indies; abundant. 

Clupea tyrannus Latrobe, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., V, 1802, 77, 
pl. 1, Chesapeake Bay. 

Clupea menhaden Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 458, 
New York. 

Clupea neglecta Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., 1818, 206, Long Island. 

Clupea carolinensis Gronow, Cat. Fishes, 1854, 140, South Carolina. 

Brevoortia tyrannus brevicaudata Goode. Short-tailed menhaden. 
South Atlantic north to Connecticut. 
Brevoortia tyrannus brevicaudata Goode, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, 
34, Noank, Conn. 

Brevoortia patronus Goode. Gulf menhaden. 
Gulf of Mexico; coast of Texas. 
Brevoortia patronus Goode, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, 39, Brazos 
Santiago, Tex. 

Genus 103. ILISHA Gray. 
Platygaster Swainson, Class. Anim., II, 1839, 294 (Clupea africana 
Bloch); name preoccupied. 
Ilisha Gray, in Richardson, Ichthy. China, in Proc. Brit. Assoc., 1845 
(1846), 306 (1. abnormis); no description. 
Pellona Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XX, 1847, 300 
(P. orbignyana= Pristigaster flavipinnis Valenciennes). 












Tlisha caribbzea Meek and Hildebrand. 
Caribbean Sea. 
Ilisha caribbea Meek and Hildebrand, Marine Fishes of Panama, Pt. 1, 
Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., XV, Dec. 20, 1923, 191, Pl. X, fig. 1, 
Porto Bello, Panama. 

Genus 104. CHIROCENTRODON Giinther. 
Chirocentrodon Giinther, Cat., VII, 1868, 463 (C. teniatus Giinther). 
Medipeilona Jordan and Seale, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., LX VII, No. 11, 
May, 1926, 417 (Pellona bleekeriana Poey). 

Chirocentrodon tzniatus Giinther. 
Chirocentrodon teniatus Giinther, Cat., VII, 1868, 463, Jamaica. 

Chirocentrodon bleekeriana (Poey). Anchoa pelada. 
Matanzas, Cuba. 
Pellona bleekeriana Poey, Repertorio, II, 1867, 242, Matanzas, Cuba. 

Genus 105. OPISTHOPTERUS Gill. 
Opisthopterus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 1861, 38 (Pristi- 
gaster tartoon Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Opisthopterus dovii (Giinther). 
Pristigaster dovit Giinther, Cat., VII, 1861, 461, Panama. 

Opisthopterus macrops (Giinther). 
Pristigaster macrops Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, 603, Panama. 

Genus 106. PLIOSTEOSTOMA Norman. 
Pliosteostoma Norman, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XI, 1923, 21 (Pristi- 
gaster lutipinnis Jordan and Gilbert). 

Pliosteostoma lutipinnis (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Pristigaster lutipinnis Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 340, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Genus 107. ODONTOGNATHUS Lacépéde. 
Odontognathus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1799, 221 (O. mucronatus). 
Gnathobolus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 556 (Odontognathus 
mucronatus Lacépéde.). 

Odontognathus mucronatus Lacépéde. 
Coast of Guiana. 
Odontognathus mucronatus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 1799, 221, pl. 
7, fig. 2, Cayenne. 

Odontognathus panamensis (Steindachner). 
Pristigaster (Odontognathus) panamensis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., 
V, 1876, 24, Panama. 

Genus 108. PRISTIGASTER Cuvier. 
Pristigaster Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. I, 1817, 176 (type not named; 
later fixed as P. cayanus Cuvier). 

Pristigaster cayanus Cuvier. 
Coast of Guiana and northern Brazil. 
Pristigaster cayanus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. I, 1817, pl. 10, fig. 3, 
Pristigaster marti: Agassiz, in Spix, Pisce. Brasil., 1829, 55, Brazil. 
Pristigaster phaéton Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XX, 
1847, 338, mouth of Amazon. 

Family 43. DUSSUMIERIIDZ. Round herrings 

Genus 109. JENKINSIA Jordan and Evermann. 
Jenkinsia Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
418 (Dussumieria stolifera Jordan and Gilbert). 



240. Jenkinsia stolifera (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Gulf of Mexico from Florida to Yucatan. 
Dussumieria stolifera Jordan and Gilbert, Proce. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., VII, 
1884, 25, Key West, Fla. 

241. Jenkinsia lamprotezenia (Gosse). 
Clupea lamprotznia Gosse, Naturalist’s Sojourn in Jamaica, 1851, 291, 
pl. 1, fig. 2, Jamaica. 

Genus 110. HALECULA Jordan. 
Halecula Jordan, Fossil Fishes of the Calif. Miocene, VIII, 1925, 
(Etrumeus acuminatus Gilbert). 

242. Halecula acuminata (Gilbert). 
Gulf of California. 
Etrumeus acuminatus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 56, 
Gulf of California at Albatross station 3012 in 22 fathoms. 

Genus 111. ETRUMEUS Bleeker. 
Etrumeus Bleeker, Verh. Bat. Gen. Japan, XXV, 1853, 58, (Clupea 
micropus Temminck, and Schlegel, a Japanese species). 
Perkinsia Rosa Smith Eigenmann, Amer. Nat., XXV, 1891, 153 (P. 
othonops R. 8. Eigenmann). 

243. Etrumeus sadina (Mitchill). Rownd herring. 
Cape Cod to Gulf of Mexico. 
Clupea sadina Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 457, 
New York. 
Alosa teres DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 262, New York. 

244. Etrumeus micropus Temminck and Schlegel. 
Coast of Japan; Hawaii; found once off Point Loma in California. 
Etrumeus micropus Temminck and Schlegel, Fauna Japonica, Poiss., 
1850, 236, pl. 107, fig. 2, Japan. 
Perkinsia othonops Rosa Smith Eigenmann, Amer. Nat., XXV, 1891, 
153, Point Loma, San Diego, Calif. 

Family 44. DOROSOMIDZA. Gizzard shad 

Genus 112. DOROSOMA Rafinesque. Gizzard shads. 
Dorosoma Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 39 (D. notata Rafinesque). 
Chatoéssus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 320; in part (includes 
Opisthonema, ete.; restricted by Cuvier and Valenciennes to Megalops 
cepediana LeSueur). 

245. Dorosoma cepedianum (LeSueur). Gizzard shad; Hickory shad. 

Cape Cod to Texas, entering all streams and variously landlocked. 

Megalops cepediana LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1818, 
Delaware and Chesapeake Bays. 

Clupea heterura Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., 1818, 354, Ohio River. 

Dorosoma notata Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 39, Ohio River. 

Chatoéssus ellipticus Kirtland, Rep. Zool. Ohio, 1839, 169, Ohio River. 

Dorosoma insociabilis Abbot, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 1860, 
365, Sturgeon Pond, Trenton, N. J. 

246. Dorosoma cepedianum exile Jordan and Gilbert. 
Streams of Texas. 
Dorosoma cepedianum exile Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
V, 1882, 585, Galveston, Tex. 

Genus 113. SIGNALOSA Evermann and Kendall. 
Signalosa Evermann and Kendall, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XVII, 1897 
(Feb. 9, 1898), 127 GS. atchafalaye Evermann and Kendall). - 

247. Signalosa atchafalayze Evermann and Kendall. 
Coast of Louisiana and southward. 
? Chatoéssus mexicanus Ginther, Cat., VII, 1868, 409, Mexico. 
Signalosa atchafalaye Evermann and Kendall, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., 
XVII, 1897 (Feb. 9, 1898), 127, pl. 7, fig. 4, Atchafalaya River, 
Melville, La. 


248. Signalosa atchafalaye vanhyningi Weed. 
Near Gainesville, Fla. 
Signalosa atchafalaye vanhyningi Weed, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
XII, October, 1925, 145, Prairie Creck 6 miles southeast of Gaines- 
ville, Fla. 
249. Signalosa mexicana (Giinther). 
New Orleans to Central America. 
Chatoéssus mexicanus Giinther, Cat., VII, 1868, 409, Mexico. 

250. Signalosa mexicana campi Weed. 
Streams about Brownsville, Tex. 
Signalosa mexicana campi Weed, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., XII, 
October, 1925, 143, Resaca de la Guerra, near Brownsville, Tex. 

251. Signalosa petenensis (Giinther). 
Lake Peten. 

Meletta petenensis Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, 603, Lake Peten, 

Family 45.. ENGRAULIDZ. Anchovies 

Genus 114. ENGRAULIS Cuvier. Anchovies. 
i Soe Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. I, 1817, 174 (Clupea encrasicho- 
lus L.). 
Encrasicholus Fleming, Brit. Anim., 1828, 183 (Clupea encrasicholus L.). 

252. Engraulis mordax Girard. California anchovy. 
Pacific coast of America, from Vancouver Island to Lower California. 
Engraulis mordaz Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 138, 

and in Pac. R. R. Surv., X, pt. 4, Fishes, 1858, 334, Shoalwater Bay, 

253. Engraulis nanus Girard. Bay anchovy. 
San Francisco Bay; not known elsewhere. 

Engraulis nanus Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, pt. 4, Fishes, 1858, 335, 
San Francisco. 

Genus 115. ANCHOVIELLA” Fowler. American anchovies. 
Anchoviella Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXIII, 1911, 211 
(Engraulis perfasciatus Poey). 
Anchoa Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 4th Ser., XV, 
April 27, 1927, 502 (Engraulis compressus Girard). 

Subgenus ANCHOVIELLA Fowler. 

254. Anchoviella perfasciata (Poey). Grubber broadhead. 
Florida Keys to Jamaica. 

Engraulis perfasciatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 313, Cuba. 

255. Anchoviella miarchus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of America, from Mazatlan to Panama. 
Stolephorus miarchus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 344, Mazatlan; perhaps a larval form. 

256. Anchoviella exigua (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of Mexico at Mazatlan. 

Stolephorus exiguus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 343, Mazatlan. 

257. Anchoviella perthecata (Goode and Bean). 
Pensacola, Fla. 

Stolephorus perthecatus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 434, Pensacola, Fla. 

® Anchoviella differs from Stolephorus Lacépéde and related Old World genera in the entire absence 
of ventral scales. The many species cover a variety of forms; rostralis and spinifer with its relativegbeing 
aga generically distinct from perfasciatus, epsetus, and related forms, having many more gillrakers; 
these latter species constitute the subgenus Anchova, the others the subgenus Anchoviella Fowler. 


258. Anchoviella epsetus (Bonnaterre). Striped anchovy; Manjua; Anchovy 

Cape Cod to Brazil. 
Piquitinga Marcgrave, Hist. Brasil., 1648, 159, Brazil. 
Menidia Browne, Hist. Jamaica, 1756, 441, Jamaica; nonbinomial. 
Esox epsetus Bonnaterre, Tabl. Ichth., 1788, 175, Jamaica; after Browne. 
Atherina browniit Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1789, 1397, Jamaica; after Browne. 
Engraulis tricolor Agassiz, in Spix, Pise. Brasil., 1829, 51, Bahia, Pard. 
Engraulis lemniscatus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed, 2, II, 1829, 323, Brazil; 
after Piquitinga of Marcgrave. 
Stolephorus hiulcus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 
343, Clearwater Harbor, Fla.; depth 514; A, 22. 

259 Anchoviella cubana (Poey). Bocon. 
Cuba and Porto Rico. 
Engraulis cubanus Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 420, Cuba. 

260. Anchoviella ischana (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of America, from Mazatlan to Panama. 
Stolephorus ischanus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 340, Mazatlan. 
Stolephorus starksi Gilbert and Pierson, Fishes of Panama, in Jordan 
and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2813, Panama. 

261. Anchoviella cultrata (Gilbert). 
Santa Margarita Island, Lower California. 
Stolephorus cultratus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 544, 
Santa Margarita Island, Lower California. 

262. Anchoviella delicatissima (Girard). 
San Diego Bay and southward on coast of Lower California. 
Engraulis delicatissimus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 
1854, 154, and Pac. R. R. Surv., X, Pt. 4, Fishes, 1858, 335, San 

263. Anchoviella helleri Hubbs. 
Gulf of California. 
Anchoviella helleri Hubbs, Proc. Biol. Soc., Wash., XXXIV, Mar. 31, 
1921, 47, San Felipe Bay, gulf coast of Lower California. 

264. Anchoviella cherostoma (Goode). Hogmouth fry. 
Bermuda Islands; common in Hamilton Harbor. 
Engraulis cherostomus Goode, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, August, 1874, 
125, Bermuda. 

265, Anchoviella argyrophana (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Gulf Stream; Woods Hole, Mass. 
Engraulis argyrophanus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
X XI, 1848, 49, equatorial Atlantic. 
Stolephorus eurystole Swain and Meek, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
XXXVI, 1884, 34. Woods Hole, Mass. 

266. Anchoviella curta (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Mazatlan, Mexico. 
Stolephorus curtus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
343, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

267. Anchoviella mitchilli (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Cape Cod to Texas on sandy shores, entering rivers; common. 
Engraulis mitchilli Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XXI, 
1848, 50, New York; Carolina; Lake Ponchartrain. 
Engraulus louisiana LeSueur, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. 
Poiss., X XI, 1848, 51, Lake Ponchartrain, La. 
Engraulis duodecim Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1866, 405, Beasley’s 
Point, N. J. (dorsal fin said to be entirely anterior to the long and 
+ deeply concave anal, which is not true in S. mitchilli; the description 
otherwise agrees). 

268. Anchoviella lucida (Jordan and Gilbert). Sardina. 
Mazatlan, Mexico. 
Stolephorus lucidus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 341, Mazatlan. 


269. Anchoviella naso (Gilbert and Pierson). 
Panama; common. 
Stolephorus naso Gilbert and Pierson, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes 
North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2813, Panama. 

270. Anchoviella robertsi (Jordan and Rutter). 
West Indies. 
Stolephorus robertsi Jordan and Rutter, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
XLIX, 1897, 95, Jamaica. 

271. Anchoviella astilbe (Jordan and Rutter). 
West Indies. 
Stolephorus astilbe Jordan and Rutter, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
XLIX, 1897, 95, Jamaica. 

272. Anchoviella scofieldi (Jordan and Culver). 
Astillero at Mazatlan; not very abundant. 
Stolephorus scofieldi Jordan and Culver, in Jordan, Fishes of Sinaloa, 
Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 3d Ser., V, 1895, 410, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

273. Anchoviella lyolepis (Evermann and Marsh). 
Porto Rico. 
Stolephorus lyolepis Evermann and Marsh, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XX, 
1900 (Dec. 29), 89, fig. 138, Culebra Island, Porto Rico. 

274. Anchoviella branchiomelas (Higenmann). 
North coast of Colombia. 
Stolephorus branchiomelas Eigenmann, Proc. Am. Phil. Soe., LVI, 1917, 
682, mouth of Rio Dagua, Colombia. 

275. Anchoviella arenicola (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Anchovia arenicola Meek and Hildebrand, Marine Fishes of Panama, 
in Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., XV, 1928, 201, Pl. XIII, fig. 1, 
Taboga Island, Panama. 

276. Anchoviella scitula (Fowler). 
Coast of California; San Diego. 
Anchovia scitula Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXIII, 1911, 211, 
fig. 2, San Diego, Calif. 

7. gs Foes parva (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Anchovia parva Meek and Hildebrand, Marine Fishes of Panama, in 
Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., XV, 1923, 202, Pl. X, fig. 2, Porto Bello, 

278. Anchoviella elongata (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Canal Zone. 
Anchovia elongata Meek and Hildebrand, Marine Fishes of Panama, in 
Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., XV, 1923, 198, Pl. XII, fig. 2, Mindi 
Cut, Canal Zone. 

279. Anchoviella cayorum (Fow ler). 
Florida Keys. 
Anchovia cherostoma cayorum Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
LVII, 1906, 85, fig. 4, Hailer’s Rock, Florida Keys. 

280. Anchoviella platyargyrea (lowler). 
West Indies. 
Anchovia platyargyrea Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXIII, 1911, 
216, fig. 4, St. Martin’s, West Indies. 

281. Anchoviella lepidentostole (Fowler). 
Coast of Surinam. 
Anchovia lepidentostole Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXIII, 
1911, 214, fig. 3, Surinam. 

282. Anchoviella guianensis (Wigenmann). 
Coast of Guiana. 
Stolephorus guianensis EKigenmann, Mem. Carnegie Mus., V, 1912, 448, 
ae ae fig. 5, Bartica Rocks, British Guiana; misspelled Stoleferus 
n plate 



283. Anchoviella trinitatis (Fowler). 
British West Indies. 

Anchovia trinitatis Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LX VII, 1915, _ 

527, fig. 3, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. 

284. Anchoviella filifera (Fowler). 
British West Indies. 
Anchovia filifera Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LX VII, 1915, 
534, fig. 2, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. 

285. Anchoviella abbotti (Fowler). 
British West Indies. 
Anchovia abbotti Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXVII, 1915, 
522, fig. 1, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. 

Subgenus ANCHOA Jordan and Evermann. 

286. Anchoviella compressa (Girard). 
Point Conception to Lower California. 
Engraulis compressus Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, 1858, 336, San Diego. 

287. Anchoviella spinifera (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Coast of Guiana; recorded from Panama by Steindachner, probably an 
Engraulis spinifer Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X XI, 
1848, 39, Cayenne. 

288. Anchoviella rastralis (Gilbert and Pierson). 
Panama; abundant. 
Stolephorus rastralis Gilbert and Pierson, in Jordan and Evermann, 
Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2811, Panama. 

289. Anchoviella mundeola (Gilbert and Pierson). 
Panama; abundant. 
Stolephorus mundeolus Gilbert and Pierson, in Jordan and Evermann, 
Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2812, Panama. 

290. Anchoviella panamensis (Steindachner). 
Engraulis panamensis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., IV, 1875, 39, Panama. 

291. Anchoviella eigenmannia (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Anchovia eigenmannia Meek and Hildebrand, Marine Fishes of Panama, 
in Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., XV, 1923, 20, Taboga Island, Canal 

Genus 116. ANCHOVIA Jordan and Evermann. 
Anchovia Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
449, (Engraulis macrolepidotus Kner and Steindachner). 

292. Anchovia macrolepidota (Kner and Steindachner). Sardina bocona. 
Gulf of Mexico to Panama. 
Engraulis macrolepidotus Kner and Steindachner, Abhandl. Bayer. 
Akad. Wiss., X, 1864, 21, Pl. III, fig. 2, Rio Bayano, Panama. 

293. Anchovia clupeoides (Swainson). Hechudo; Grubber broadhead. 
Coast of Cuba and southward; common, ascending streams. 
Engraulis clupeoides Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., II, 1839, 388, Pernam- 
Stolephorus surinamensis Bleeker, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1866, 178, 
Engraulis productus Poey, Repertorio, 1866, 380, Cuba. 

Genus 117. AMPLOVA Jordan and Seale. : 
Amplova Jordan and Seale, Copeia, No. 141, 1925, 31 (Stolephorus 
brevirostrum Meek and Hildebrand; not Engraulis brevirostris, 
Ginther, also a species of Amplova). 

2094. Amplova balbox Jordan and Seale. 
Amplova balboz Jordan and Seale, Copeia, No. 141, Apr. 30, 1925, 
31, substitute for Stolephorus brevirostrum Meek and Hildebrand. 












Anchovia brevirostrum Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., XV, 1923, Pt. I, 198, Pl. XV, fig. 1; not Hngraulis brevirostris 
Giinther from Brazil, also a species of Amplova. 

Genus 118. CETENGRAULIS Giinther. 
Cetengraulis Giinther, Cat., VII, 1868, 383 (Engraulis edentulus Cuvier). 

Cetengraulis edentulus (Cuvier). Bocon; Tarpon fry. 
West Indies to Brazil; commor. in Cuba. 
Sprat Sloane, Hist. Jamaica, II, 1727, 282, Jamaica; after Sloane. 
Engraulis edentulus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 323, Jamaica. 
Engraulis brevis Poey, Repertorio, I, 1866, 379, Cuba. 

Cetengraulis gilberti (Evermann and Marsh). 
Coast of Porto Rico. 
Stolephorus gilberti Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. 8S. Fish Com., 
XXV, 1899 (Dec. 19), 352, Palo Seco near San Juan, Porto Rico. 

Cetengraulis garmani (Evermann and Marsh). Porto Rican anchovy. 
Porto Rico. 
Stolephorus garmanit Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., 
XXV, 1899, (Dec. 19), 352, Puerto Real, Porto Rico. 

Cetengraulis mysticetus (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of tropical America. 
Engraulis mysticetus Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, 604, 
Stolephorus opercularis Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 275, Punta San Felipe, Gulf of California. 

Cetengraulis engymen Gilbert and Pierson. 
Panama Bay. 
Cetengraulis engymen Gilbert and Pierson, in Jordan and Evermann, 
Fishes North and Mid. Amer. 1898, 2815, Panama Bay. 

Genus 119. PTERENGRAULIS Giinther. 
Pterengraulis Giinther, Cat., VII, 1868, 398, (Clupea atherinoides L.). 

Pterengraulis atherinoides (Linnus). 
Coast of Guiana and Brazil; ascending rivers. 
Clupea atherinoides Linneeus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 523, Surinam. 

Genus 120. LYCENGRAULIS Giinther. 
Lycengraulis Ginther, Cat., VII, 1868, 399 (EHngraulis grossidens 

Lycengraulis grossidens (Cuvier). 
Coast of Guiana and Brazil. 
Engraulis grossidens Cuvier, in Agassiz, Spix, Pisc. Brasil., 1828, 50, 
Rio Janeiro. 
Engraulis janeiro Agassiz, loc. cit., pl. 24, fig. 1, Rio Janeiro. 
Engraulis dentexr Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X XI, 
1848, 28, Rio Janeiro. 

Lycengraulis poeyi (Kner and Steindachner). 
Rio Bayano, Panama. 
Engraulis poeyi Kner and Steindachner, Abhandl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 
X, 1864, 23, with plate; Rio Bayano. n 


Genus 121. ALEPOCEPHALUS Risso. 
Alepocephalus Risso, Mém. Acad. Nat. Sci. Turin, XXV, 1820, 270 
(A. rostratus Risso). : 

pai ene halus agassizii Goode and Bean. 
ulf Stream. 
Alepocephalus agassizii Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, 
1883, 318, Gulf Stream. 

Alepocephalus productus Gill. 
Gulf Stream. 
Alepocephalus productus Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 256, 
Gulf Stream at Albatross station 2035 in 1,362 fathoms. 








3 CE 







Alepocephalus tenebrosus Gilbert. 
Santa Barbara Channel, California. 
Alepocephalus tenebrosus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIV,.1891, 
545, Santa Barbara Channel. 

Alepocephalus asperifrons Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Alepocephalus asperifrons Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 291, Pl. LIX, fig. 1, Panama. 

Alepocephalus convexifrons Garman 
Off Pacific coast of Mexico, in deep water. 
Alepocephalus convexifrons Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 292, Pl. LIX, fig. 2; off Pacific coast of Mexico. 

Alepocephalus fundulus Garman. 
Pacific coast of Panama, in deep ‘water. 
Alepocephalus fundulus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 293, Pl. LVII, fig. 2; off Panama in deep water. 

Genus 122. MITCHILLINA Jordan and Evermann. 
Mitchillina Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1896, 453, (Alepocephalus bairdii Goode and Bean). 

Mitchillina bairdii (Goode and Bean). 
Grand Banks of Newfoundland. 
Alepocephalus bairdii Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 
55, Grand Banks of Newfoundland. 

Genus 123. BATHYTROCTES Giinther. 
Bathytroctes Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 5th ser., 1878, 249 
(B. microlepsis Giinther). 

Bathytroctes stomias Gilbert. 
Coast of Oregon. 
Bathytroctes stomias Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 1890, 53, 
coast of Oregon in 877 fathoms, Albatross station 3074. 

Bathytroctes inspector Garman. 
Pacific coast of Panama, in deep water. 
Bathytroctes inspector Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
288, Pl. M., fig. 1; Panama. 

Bathytroctes alveatus Garman. 
Pacific coast of Panama in deep water. 
Bathytroctes alveatus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
Pl. LVIII, fig. 1, 287; Panama. 

Bathytroctes alvifrons Garman. 
Pacific coast of Panama in deep water. 
Bathytroctes alvifrons Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
286, Pl. LVIII, figs. 2, 2a; Panama. 

Genus 124. XENOGNATHUS Gilbert. 
Xenognathus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 311, (X. 
profundorum Gilbert). 

Xenognathus profundorum Gilbert. 
Coast of California, in deep water, 1,350 to 2,182 fathoms. 
Xenognathus profundorum Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 
1915, 311, off Santa Catalina Island, California. 

Genus 125. NARCETES Alcock. s 
Narcetes Alcock, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., VI, 1890, 305 (N. erimelas 
Alcock). ? 

Narcetes stomias (Gilbert). 
Off Pacific coast of America, from Oregon to southern California in 
deep water. 
Bathytroctes stomias Gilbert, Proce. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 53, 
coast of Oregon in 877 fathoms, Albatross station 3074. 

Narcetes pluriserialis Garman. 
Pacific coast of Panama in deep water. 
Narcetes pluriserialis Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
289, Pl. LVII, fig. 3; Panama. 


Genus 126. LEPTOCHILICHTHYS Garman. 
Leptochilichthys Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 284 
(L. agassizit Garman). 

317. Leptochilichthys agassizii Garman. 
Pacific coast of Panama, in deep water. 
Leptochilichthys agassizii Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 286, Pl. LVIII, fig. 3; off Panama. 

Genus 127. PLATYTROCTES Giinther. 
Platytroctes Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 1878, 249 (P. apus 

318. Platytroctes apus Giinther. 
Mid-Atlantic and the Arabian Sea. 
Platytroctes apus Ginther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 1878, 249, Mid- 

Genus 128. TALISMANIA Goode and Bean. 
Talismania Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 41 (Bathytroctes 
homopterus Vaillant). 

319. Talismania antillarum Goode and Bean. 
Caribbean Sea. 
Talismania antillarum Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 44, fig. 
49, Albatross station 2394, in Caribbean Sea, lat. 28° 38’ 30’ N., 
long. 87° 2’ W., 420 fathoms. 

320. Talismania equatoris Goode and Bean. 
Coast of Ecuador. 
Talismania xquatoris Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 44, fig. 50, 
off coast of Ecuador. 

Genus 129. CONOCARA Goode and Bean. 
Conocara Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 39 (C. macdonaldi 
Goode and Bean). 

321. Conocara macdonaldi Goode and Bean. 
Gulf of Mexico. 
Conocara macdonaldi Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 39, fig. 48, 
Gulf of Mexico. 

322. Conocara macropterua (Vaillant). 

Deep seas, coast of Morocco to Soudan, bane d’Arguin, and from the 
Canaries. A specimen 8 inches in length was obtained by the 
Albatross at station 2751, lat. 16° 57’ N., long. 63° 12’ W., in 68 

Alepocephalus macropterus Vaillant, Expéd. Sci. Travailleur et Talisman, 
Poissons, 1888, 150, Pl. XI, figs. 2a, 2b, 2c, coast of Morocco, Soudan, 
and Canaries. 

Genus 180. BAJACALIFORNIA Townsend and Nichols. 
Bajacalifornia Townsend and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
LII, 1925, 8 (B. burragei Townsend and Nichols). 

323. Bajacalifornia burragei Townsend and Nichols. 
West coast of Lower California in deep water. 
Bajacalifornia burragei Townsend and Nichols, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., LII, 1925, 8, fig. 3, off Todos Santos Bay, Lower California, 
in 590 fathoms. 

Genus 131. XENODERMICHTHYS Giinther. 
Xenodermichthys Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, ser. 5, 1878, 250 
(X. nodulosus Giinther). 
Aleposomus Gill, Amer. Nat., X VIII, 1884, 433 (A. copei Gill). 

324. Xenodermichthys copei (Gill). 
Gulf Stream. 
Aleposomus copei Gill, Amer. Nat., XVIII, 1884, 433, Gulf Stream, lat. 
oe” 12’ 20” N.,. long. 69° 39” W. 

Genus 132. ERICARA Gill and Townsend. 
Ericara Gill and Townsend, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XI, 1897, 232 
(EZ. salmonea Gill and Townsend). 


325. Ericara salmonea Gill and Townsend. 
Bering Sea, southwest of Pribilof Islands. 
Ericara salmonea Gill and Townsend, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XI, 1897, 
232, Bering Sea. 

Genus 1383. ATOPICHTHYS Garman. 
Atopichthys 2! Garman, Mem., Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 325 
(A. esunculus Garman). 

326. Atopichthys esunculus Garman. 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Atopichthys esunculus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
327, Pl. LXV, figs. 2, 2a; off Acapulco, Mexico. 

Family 47. SALMONIDZ. Salmon; Trout 

Genus 184. ONCORHYNCHUS Suckley. Pacific salmon. 
Oncorhynchus Suckley, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1861, 313 (Salmo 
scouleri Richardson=Salmo gorbuscha Walbaum). 
Hypsifario Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 330 (Salmo 
kennerlyi Gill). 

Subgenus. ONCORHYNCHUS Suckley. 

327. Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum). Humpback salmon; Pink 

salmon, Haddo; Holia; Gorbuscha. 

Pacific coast and rivers of North America and Asia, from California 

Salmo gorbuscha Walbaum, Artedi Pisc. 1792, 69, Kamchatka; after 
Gorbuscha of Pennant and Krasheninnikof. 

Salmo gibber Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 409, Kamchatka; 
after Krasheninnikof. 

Salmo proteus Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 376, Bering Sea. 

Salmo scouleri Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., III, 1836, 158; Observ- 
atory Inlet. 

Salmo tschawytschiformis Smitt, I Riksmuseeum Befintliga Salmonider, 
1886, 161; Port Clarence. 

328. Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum). Dog salmon; Hayko; Le kai salmon; 

Chum; Calico salmon. 

Pacific coast of America, from San Francisco to Kamchatka. 

Salmo keta vel kayko Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 72, rivers of Kam- 
chatka; after keta or kayko of Pennant and Krasheninnikof. 

Pia lagocephalus Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 372; Bering 

?Salmo japonicus Pallas, loc. cit., 382, Curile Islands; Amur River. 

Salmo dermatinus Richardson, Voy. Herald, Zool., 1854, 167; Yukon 

Salmo consuetus Richardson, loc. cit., 168; Yukon River. 

Salmo canis Suckley, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1858, 9, and 
Monogr. Salmo, 101, 1861 (1874); Puget Sound. 

329. Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum). Silver salmon; Kisutch; Medium 
red salmon; Skowitz; Hoopid salmon; Coho salmon; Bielaya ryba; 
Quisutsch; Tschaviche. 

From San Francisco northward, especially in Puget Sound and the 
Alaskan fjords; south on the Asiatic coast to Japan. 

?Salmo milktschitch Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 70, Bering Sea; 
after milktschutsch or miltschitsch of Pennant and Krasheninnikof; 
probably the young of kisutch. 

Salmo kisutch Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 70, rivers and lakes of 
Kamchatka; after the kisutch of Pennant. : 

?Salmo striatus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 407, Kamchat- 
ka; after milktschitsch of Krasheninnikof. 

21 This name is given not as a genus, but rather as a group name of larval fishes related to the eels or to 
the Alepocephalidz, commonly known as Leptocephalus,; but Leptocephalus morrisi (type of Leptocephalus) 
is now known to bea young conger. A number of these larve (A. sicarius, cinctus, dentatus, falcidens, acus, 
opichthys, cingulus, lychnus, obtusus, and longidens) are described by Garman (Deep Sea Fishes), but they 
need not be specifically recognized here. The species called Atopichthys ensunculus Garman, perhaps 
belonging to the Alepocephalids, has been designated as the type of this group. 


Salmo kisutch Bloch and Schneider, ‘oc. cit., 407, Kamchatka; after 

Salmo sanguinolentus Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 379, 
Bering Sea. 

Salmo tsuppitch Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., III, 1836, 224, Col- 
umbia River. 

Subgenus HYPSIFARIO Gill. 

330. Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum). Blueback salmon; Redfish; Fraser 
River salmon; Nerka; Sau-qui salmon; Sockeye or Sukkegh salmon; 
Krashnaya ryba. 

Klamath River and Rogue River to northern Alaska, Kamchatka, and 

Salmo nerka Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 71; after the nerka of Pennant, 
narka of Krasheninnikof; rivers and seas of Kamchatka. 

Salmo lycaodon Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 370, Okhotsk 
Sea, Kamchatka. 

Salmo paucidens Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., III, 1836, 222, Co- 
lumbia River. 

Salmo tapdisma Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X XI, 1848, 
365, Kamchatka; on a drawing. 

Salmo arabatch Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., Kamchatka; on a 

Salmo melampterus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., Kamchatka; on 
a drawing. 

Fario aurora Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 218; 
Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, 1858, 308, pl. 68, Astoria, Oreg. 

831. Oncorhynchus tschawytscha (Walbaum). Chinook salmon; Tchaviche; 
King salmon; Columbia River salmon; Spring salmon; Sacramento 
River salmon; Tyee salmon; Tschawytscha; Quinnat salmon. 

pee Oregon, and California; southward to Monterey, and to northern 


Salmo tschawytscha Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, 71, rivers of Kam- 
chatka; after the tschawytscha of Krasheninnikof, Descr. Kamchatka, 
1768, 178, and the tschawytscha of Pennant, 1792. 

Salmo orientalis Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 367, Kamchatka. 

Salmo quinnat Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., III, 1836, 219, Columbia 
River; and of many writers. 

Fario argyreus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 218, 
Cape Flattery; Fort Steilacoom. 

Salmo confluentus Suckley, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., December, 1858, 
and Pacific R. R. Surv., XII, pt. 2, 1860, 334, Puyallup River near 
Fort Steilacoom. 

Salmo cooperi Suckley, Notices New Spec. N. Amer. Salmon, New 
York, June, 1861, Okanogan River. 

Salmo warreni Suckley, loc. cit., June, 1861, and loc. cit., 1861, 117 
(1874) Fraser River, British Columbia. 

Salmo richardi Suckley, loc. cit., June, 1861, and loc. cit., 1861, 117, 
Fraser and Skagit Rivers. 

332. Oncorhynchus kennerlyi (Suckley). 

Lakes of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, British Columbia, Alaska, and 
Hokkaido. A dwarf landlocked form. Probably several forms 
should be recognized. 

Salmo kennerlyi Suckley, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1861, 307, 
Lake Chiloweyuck, Washington. 

Genus 135. SALMO Linneus. Salmon and trout. 
Saino Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 308 (S. salar Linnzus); after 

Truttz Linnzus, loc. cit., 308 (trutta, etc.: “ Trutte corpore variegato’’), 
Trutta Geoffroy, Desecr. de 719 Plantes, etc., 1767, 719 (Salmo trutta 

Fario Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X XI, 1848, 277 (Fario 
argenteus=Salmo fario L.). 

Salar Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 314 (Salmo ansonii= Salmo fario). 

Trutta i Siiswasserfische Mitteleuropas, 1863, 280 (Salmo 
trutta L.). 

Subgenus SALMO Linnzus. 












Salmo salar Linnzus. Common Atlantic salmon. 

North Atlantic; ascending all suitable rivers in northern Europe and 
region north of Cape Cod; formerly abundant in the Hudson and 
occasional in the Delaware, its northern limit being about lat. 50° 
N., and southwest Greenland: 

Salmo salar Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 308, seas of Europe. 

Salmo mas Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 58, Germany; based on “‘ Der 
Hakelachs”’ of Bloch; probably not intended as a binomial name. 

Salmo gone Girard, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 86, Union 
River, Me. 

Salmo sebago Girard. Landlocked salmon; Sebago salmon. 
Lakes of Maine, New Hampshire, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. 
Salmo sebago Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 18538, 380, Sebago 
Lake, Me. 

Salmo ouananiche McCarthy. Owuananiche; Winninish. 
Lake St. John, Saguenay River, and northward. 
Salmo salar owananiche Eugene McCarthy, Forest and Stream, March 
10, 1894, 206, and in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1896, 487, Saguenay River, Canada. 

Salmo mykiss Walbaum. Mykiss; Somka; Kamchatka salmon trout; 


Kamehatka; probably not occurring in America. 

Mykiss Pennant, Arctic Zool., 1792, 126, Kamchatka; after Krashenin- 
nikof, ete. 

Salmo mykiss Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 59, Kamchatka; based on 
mykiss of Pennant. 

Salmo penshinensis Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, Gulf of 

Salmo purpuratus Pallas, loc. cit., 374, Bering Sea. 

Salmo regalis Snyder. Royal silver trout. 
Lake Tahoe. 
Salmo regalis Snyder, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXXII, 1912 (Dec. 31), 
26, Lake Tahoe near Brockway, Nev. 

Subgenus TRUTTA Linnzus. 

Salmo clarkii Richardson. Columbia River trout; Cut-throat trout. 

Coastwise streams, from Puget Sound south to Elk River, Humboldt 
County, California. 

Salmo clarkii Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., III, 1836, 225, Cath- 
lapootl River. 

Fario stellatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 219, 
Fort Steilacoom, Shoalwater Bay. 

Salmo brevicauda Suckley, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1861, 308, 
Puget Sound. 

Salmo lewisi (Girard). Yellowstone trout; Cut-throat trout. 

Snake River basin above the Shoshone Falls, through Two-Ocean Pass 
to the headwaters of the Yellowstone and other affluents of the upper 
Missouri; Yellowstone Lake. 

Salar lewisi Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 219, 
Falls of Missouri River. 

Salmo carinatus Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Mont., 1871 (1872); 
locality unknown, probably Yellowstone River. 

Salmo bouvieri (Bendire). Waha Lake trout. 
Waha Lake, Washington. 
Salmo purpuratus bouwvieri Bendire, in Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, 
1883, 315, Waha Lake, Wash. 

Salmo utah Suckley. Cut-throat trout of Utah Lake. 
Lakes and streams west of the Wasatch range, especially in Bear, Provo, 
Jordan, and Sevier Rivers and in Utah Lake. 
Salmo utah Suckley, Monogr. Salmo, 1861 (1874), 186, Utah Lake; 
pale specimens from the lake. 














Salmo gibbsii Suckley. 
Middle Columbia River basin. 
Fario tsuppitch Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 218, 
Fort Dalles, Oreg.; not of Richardson. 
Salmo gibbsii Suckley, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1858, 1, Fort 
Dalles; also in the Yakima, John Day, and Boise Rivers; also in the 
Columbia at The Dalles, Oreg. 

Salmo henshawi Gill and Jordan. Lake Tahoe trout; Silver trout; Truckee 
trout; Pyramid Lake trout. 

Basin of the post-tertiary Lake Lahontan; Lake Tahoe, Pyramid Lake, 
Wennemuca Lake, Webber Lake, Donner Lake, Independence Lake, 
Truckee River, Humboldt River, Carson River, and most streams of 
the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada; also the headwaters of 
Feather River, west of the Sierra Nevada; probably introduced from 

Salmo henshawi Gill and Jordan, in Jordan, Man. Vert., ed. 2, 1878, 
258, Lake Tahoe. 

Salmo tahoenis (Jordan and Evermann). Great trout of Lake Tahoe. 
Deep waters of Lake Tahoe. 
Salmo clarkii tahoensis Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1898, 2870, Lake Tahoe. 

Salmo jordani (Meek). Jordan’s trout; Spotted trout of Lake Southerland. 
Lake Southerland, west of Puget Sound. 

Salmo clarkii jordani Meek, Publ., Field Col. Mus., Zool., I, 1897 
(1899), 229, Lake Southerland, Wash. 

Salmo declivifrons (Meek). Salmon trout of Lake Southerland. 
Lake Southerland, west of Puget Sound. 
Salmo clarkii declivifrons Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., I, 1899, 230, 
Lake Southerland, Wash. 

Salmo virginalis (Girard). Rio Grande trout. 
Upper Rio Grande and southward into the mountains of Chihuahua. 
Salar virginalis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 220, 
Utah Creek and at Sangre de Cristo Pass, Colo. 
Salmo spilurus Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Mont., 1871 (1872), 470; 
Sangre de Cristo Pass, Colo. 

Salmo pleuriticus Cope. Colorado River trout. 
Colorado River basin. 
Salmo pleuriticus Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Mont., 1871 (1872), 
471; headwaters of Green River, Wyo. 

Salmo stomias Cope. Greenback trout. 
Headwaters of Arkansas and Platte Rivers. 
Salmo stomias Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Wyo., 1870 (1871), 433; 
South Platte River; locality unknown. 

Salmo macdonaldi (Jordan and Evermann). Yellowfin trout. 
Headwaters of the Arkansas River. 
Salmo mykiss macdonaldi Jordan and Evermann, Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., XII, 1889 (January 20, 1890), 453, Twin Lakes, Colo. 

Salmo crescentis (Jordan and Beardslee). Blueback trout of Lake Crescent. 
Crescent Lake, Clallam County, Washington. 
Salmo gairdneri crescentis Jordan and Beardslee, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
poe oe ser., VI, 1896, 207, pl. 22, Crescent Lake, Clallam County, 

Salmo bathecetor Meek. Long-headed trout of Crescent Lake. 
Deep water of Crescent Lake, Washington. 
Salmo bathecetor Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., I, 1899, 227, Crescent 
Lake, Wash, 

Salmo beardslei (Jordan and Seale). Speckled trout of Lake Crescent. 
Crescent Lake, Clallam County, Wash. 
Salmo gairdneri beardslei Jordan and Seale, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sei., 
2d Ser., VI, 1896, 209, pl. 23, Crescent Lake, Clallam County, Wash. 


354. Salmo eremogenes Evermann and Nichols. 
Streams of central Wash. 
Salmo eremogenes Evermann and Nichols, Proce. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXII, 
ee 25, 1909, 93, pl. 2, Crab Creek at Rocky Ford near Ritzville, 

355. Salmo smaragdus Snyder. Hmerald trout. 
Truckee Basin, Nev. 
Salmo smaragdus Snyder, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXXV, 1915-16 
(Sept. 28, 1917), 80, fig. 9, Pyramid Lake, Nev. 

356. Salmo aquilarum Snyder. Eagle Lake trout. 
Lakes of northeastern California. 
Salmo aquilarum Snyder, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XX XV, 1915-16 (Sept. 
ae eos 77, fig. 7, Eagle Lake near mouth of Pine Creek, Modoe 
Jo., Calif. 

357. Salmo irideus Gibbons. Rainbow trout; Coast range trout. 

Coastwise mountain streams of the Coast Ranges from the northern 
coast of California southward to San Diego County, Calif.; entering 
the sea where it grows to 6 or 10 pounds, returning as a steelhead. 

Salmo iridia Gibbons, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 35, San 
Leandro Creek, Alameda County, Calif. 

Salmo rivularis Ayres, loc. cit., 42, Martinez, Calif.; steelhead form. 

358. Salmo gairdnerii Richardson. Brook trout of western Oregon to southern 
Alaska; Steelhead; Salmon trout; Kamloops trout; Stit-tse. 

Southern Alaska and Puget Sound to southern Oregon; in streams of 
the Coast Ranges and the Cascades, descending to the sea as a 
“steelhead’’; perhaps not separable from Salmo irideus. Kamloops 
Lake, Okanogan Lake, and other lakes tributary to Frazer River or 
to the upper Columbia. 

Salmo gairdnerii Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., III, 1836, 221, Co- 
lumbia River at Fort Vancouver. 

Salmo masoni Suckley, Pac. R. R. Surv., XII, part 2, 1860, 345, Cathla- 
pootle River. 

Salmo truncatus Suckley, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1862, 3, 
New Dungeness, straits of Fuca. 

Oncorhynchus kamloops Jordan, Forest and Stream, XX XIX, No. 19, 
November 10, 1892, 405, Kamloops Lake, British Columbia. 

359. Salmo shasta (Jordan). McCloud River rainbow trout; Rainbow trout of 
fish culturists. 

Streams of the Sierra Nevadas from Mount Shasta southward; known 
from McCloud River; the limits of its range not well known. Intro- 
duced into the Truckee River and many eastern streams, as well as in 
Europe and New Zealand. 

Salmo irideus or rainbow trout of most writers and especially of fish- 
culturists; not Salmo irideus Gibbons, which is based on coastwise 

Salmo gairdneri shasta Jordan, Thirteenth Biennial Rept. Calif. Fish 
ons 1894, 142, with plate; McCloud River at Baird, Shasta County, 

8360. Salmo stonei (Jordan). Nissuee trout; No-shee trout. 

McCloud River and upper Sacramento River. 

Salmo gairdneri stonei Jordan, Thirteenth Biennial Rept. Calif. Fish 
Com., 1894, 142, with plate; McCloud River at Baird, Calif.; perhaps 
a variant of Salmo shasta. 

361. Salmo newberrii Girard. 
Klamath River. 
Fario or Salmo newberrii Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858, 
225; new name for fish misidentified and described as ‘‘ Salmo gairdneri 
Richardson” in Pacific R. R. Survey, X, 1859, 313, Pl. LX XI, figs. 
1-4, Klamath River, Oreg. 

362. Salmo gilberti (Jordan). Kern River trout. 
Kern River, Calif. 
Salmo gairdneri gilberti Jordan, Thirteenth Biennial Rept. Calif. Fish 
Com., 1894,-143, with plate; Kern River at Soda Springs, Calif. 


363. Salmo rosei Jordan and McGregor. Rose trout. 
Certain headwaters of Kern River, Calif. 
Salmo rosei Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LX XVI, 1924, 19, 
Pl. II, Lake Cylver, Calif., and neighboring lakes. 

364. Salmo agua-bonita (Jordan). Golden trout of south fork of Kern River. 

South fork of Kern River, Calif.; introduced into Cottonwood Lakes, 
east of Mount Whitney. 

Salmo mykiss agua—bonita Jordan, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XV, 1892, 
481, “ Voleano or Whitney Creek, California,” by error; the original 
type came from the Cottonwood Lakes on the east side of Mount 
Whitney, into which the species had been introduced from the south 
fork of Kern River. This species does not occur in Voleano Creek 
nor in Whitney Creek. 

365. Salmo whitei Evermann. Golden trout of western tributaries of Kern 
River; Stewart White trout. 
Western tributaries of Kern River, Calif. 
Salmo whitei Evermann, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXV, 1905 (May 19, 
1906), 20, Pl. XVI; south fork of Kaweah River, Calif., into which 
the species had been transplanted from Coyote Creek, a western 
tributary of Kern River. 

366. Salmo roosevelti Evermann. Golden trout of Volcano Creek; Roosevelt 
trout; Volcano Creek trout. 
aero only to Voleano Creek, an eastern tributary of Kern River, 
Salmo roosevelti Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XXV, 1905 (May 19, 
1906), 26, Pl. I, Voleano Creek, Kern River Basin, Calif. 

367. Salmo evermanni Jordan and Grinnell. San Bernardino trout; Evermann’s 
Headwaters of Santa Ana River, Calif., above the falls. 
Salmo evermanni Jordan and Grinnell, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXI, 
1908, 31, Pl. II, south fork of the Santa Ana River, Calif., at 8,200 
feet altitude. 

368. Salmo nelsoni Evermann. Lower California trout; Nelson’s trout. 
Mountain streams of northern Lower California. 
Salmo nelsoni Evermann, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., X XI, 1908, 26, PI. I, 
San Ramon River, San Pedro Martir Mountains, Lower California. 

Genus 136. CRISTIVOMER Gill and Jordan. Great Lakes trout. 
Cristivomer Gill and Jordan, in Jordan, Man. Vert., ed. 2, 1878, 356. 
(Salmo namaycush Walbaum). 

369. Cristivomer namaycush (Walbaum). Great Lakes trout; Mackinaw 

trout; Longue (Vermont); Togue (Maine); Namaycush; Masamacush. 

Great Lakes region and lakes of northern New York, New Hampshire, 
and Maine; headwaters of Columbia and Fraser Rivers; streams of 
Vancouver Island, and north to the Arctic Circle. 

Namaycush salmon Pennant, Arctic Zool., 1792, 191, Hudson Bay. 

Salmo namaycush Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 68, Hudson Bay; based 
on the Namaycush salmon of Pennant. 

Salmo pallidus Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., December, 1817, 
120, Lake Champlain. 

Salmo amethystinus Mitchill, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1818, 410, 
Sault Ste. Marie. 

Salmo confinis DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 238, Louis Lake, 
Hamilton County, N. Y.; Silver Lake, Pa. 

Salmo symmetricus Prescott, Am. Jour. Sci. Arts, XI, 1851, 340, Lake 
Winnipiseogee, N. H. 

Salmo toma Hamlin, The Togue, in Holmes, 2d Ann. Rept., Maine 
Fish Com., 1862, 109; lakes of Maine. 

yt adirondacus Norris, Amer. Angler’s Book, 1865, 255; Adirondack 


370. Cristivomer siscowet (Agassiz). Siscowet. 

Lake Superior, in deep water, where it feeds on the fat ciscoes; a deep- 
water variant of C. namaycush. 

Salmo siscowet Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 333, Lake Superior. 

Salmo siskawitz Agassiz, in Herbert Frank Forester’s Fish and Fishing, 
1850, 112, with plate; Lake Superior. 

Salmo ursinus Barnston, Rept. Fish. Canada, Lake Superior; reference 

Genus 137. SALVELINUS Richardson. Charrs. 
Salvelini Nilsson, Prodr. Icth. Scand., 1832, 7 (alpinus); group name. 
Salvelinus Richardson, Fauna Bor.Amer., III, 1836, 169 (Salmo 
salvelinus L.); after Nilsson. 
Baione DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 244 (B. fontinalis DeKay). 
Umbla Rapp, Fische Bodensees, 1854, 32 (Salmo umbla=alpinus L.). 

371. Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill). Brook trout; Speckled trout; Eastern 
brook trout. 

Maine to the Saskatchewan and northward to Labrador, southward in 
the Alleghenies to headwaters of the Savannah, Chattahoochee, 
Catawha, and French Broad Rivers; largely introduced into western 
streams but not native west of the Mississippi except in Minnesota 
and Iowa. Some unnamed variants included. 

Salmo fontinalis Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 435, 
near New York City. 

Salmo alleghaniensis Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 44, brooks 
falling into the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers. 

ag ie eg Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 45, near the Laurel 

ills, Pa. 

Salmo canadensis Hamilton Smith, in Griffith’s Cuvier, X, 1834, 474, 
Canada; dots blood red, each ‘‘in white circular spot.’ 

Salmo hudsonicus Suckley, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1861, 310, 
Hudson Bay and tributaries; Labrador; Newfoundland. 

372. Salvelinus agassizii Garman. Dublin Pond trout. 
Dublin Pond, N. H. 
Salmo agassizii Garman, Nineteenth Rept., Mass. Fish Com., 1885, 20, 
Dublin Pond (Lake Monadnock), N. H.; Center Pond, N. H. 

373. Salvelinus timagamensi Henn and Rinkenbach. Aurora trout. 

White Pine Lake, Clearwater Lake, Timigami region, Ontario, of the 
St. Lawrence Basin. 

Salvelinus timagamensis Henn and Rinkenbach, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 
XVI, 1925, 131, figs. 1, 2, and 3; White Pine Lake. 

374. Salvelinus aureolus Bean. Sunapee trout; American saibling; Golden 
trout of Sunapee Lake. 

Sunapee Lake, N. H.; Dan Hole Pond, Carroll County, N. H., tributary 
to Saco River; and Floods Pond, Otis, Me., tributary to Union River; 
also in Averill Pond, Vt. 

Salvelinus aureolus Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1887, 628, Sunapee 
Lake, N. H. 

375. Salvelinus rossii (Richardson). MRoss’s arctic salmon. 

Lakes of Greenland and Boothia Felix. 

?Salmo hearnei Richardson, Franklin’s First Voy. 1823, 706, and in 
Fauna Bor.—Amer., III, 1836, 167, Bloody Fall, Coppermine River, 
Lat. 67°; not certainly recognizable, description imperfect. 

Salmo rossii Richardson, App., Ross’s Voy., LVI, 1835; and in Fauna 
Bor.—Amer., III, 1836, 163, Regent’s Inlet, Boothia Felix. 

Salmo alipes Richardson, loc. cit., LVII, 1835, and in Fauna Bor.- 
Amer., III, 1836, 169, Lakes in Regent’s Inlet, Boothia Felix. 

Salmo nitidus Richardson, loc. cit., LVII, 1835, and Fauna Bor.— 
Amer., 1836, 171; Lake of Boothia Felix. 

376. Salvelinus stagnalis (Fabricius). Greenland charr. 

Waters of Greenland, Boothia, and neighboring regions. 

Salmo stagnalis Fabricius, Fauna Groenlandica, 1780, 175; Alpine ponds 
of Greenland; not migratory. 

Salmo rivalis Fabricius, loc. cit., 176, Alpine brooks of Greenland; not 
entering the sea. 

Salmo immaculatus H. R. Storer, Jour. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VI, 1850, 
364, lower St. Lawrence; Canadian ‘‘salmon trout.’ Name preoc- 
cupied. Sea-run forms. 


377. Salvelinus naresi (Giinther). 
Lakes of Arctic America, Discovery Bay, and Cumberland Gulf. 
Salmo naresi Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1877, 476, plate, fresh- 
water lakes near Discovery Bay. 

378. Salvelinus arcturus (Giinther). Arctic charr. 
Victoria Lake and Flceeberg Beaches of Arctic America, latitude 82° 34’. 
Salmo arcturus Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1877, 294, Pl. XX XII, 
Victoria Lake, Floeberg Beach. 

379. Salvelinus malma (Walbaum). Malma trout. 

Waters of Kamchatka and Alaska, everywhere abundant; descending 
to the sea; apparently intergrading southward with Salvelinus 

Salmo malma Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 66, Kamchatka; based on 
Malma of Pennant. 

Salmo curilus Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 251, Curile Islands. 

Salmo callaris Pallas, loc. cit., 353, Bering Sea. 

Salmo lzvigatus Pallas, loc. cit., 385, Curile Islands. 

Salmo nummifer Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XXI, 
1848, 365, Kamchatka; on a drawing by Mertens. 

Salmo erythrorhychos Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 367, Kamchatka. 

Salmo tudes Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XIII, 1873, 24, Captains 
Harbor, Unalaska. 

Salmo pluvius Hilgendorf, Mitth., Deutsch. Ges. Ostasiens, XI, 1876, 
25; clear streams throughout Japan. 

380. Salvelinus malma spectabilis (Girard). Dolly Varden trout; Oregon 
charr; Bull trout; Red-spotted trout; Golet. 

Streams west of the Cascade Range, from the upper Sacramento to 
Montana and Alaska; in the Columbia basin as far up as Montana 
and Idaho. 

Salmo spectabilis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 218; 
Fort Dalles, Oreg. 

Salmo bairdii Suckley, loc. cit., 309, tributary of Flathead River, Mont. 

Salmo parkei Suckley, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1861, 309, 
Kootenay River. 

Salmo campbellr Suckley, loc. cit., 313, Fort Dalles, Oreg.; substitute for 
spectabilis, preoccupied in Fario, not in Salmo or Salvelinus. 

Salmo lordii Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 148, Skagit River; dwarf speci- 

381. Salvelinus oquassa (Girard). Oquassa trout; Blueback trout; Quasky. 
Rangeley Lakes, western Maine. 
Salmo oquassa Girard, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., IV, 1854, 262, 
Oquassa or Oquossoc Lake, Me. 

382. Salvelinus marstoni (Garman). Lac de Marbre trout; Marston trout. 
Salmo marstoni Garman, Science, July 14, 1893, Lac de Marbre, Ottawa 
County, Quebec. 

Family 48. COREGONIDZ. Whitefishes 

Genus 138. STENODUS Richardson. I[nconnu. 
Stenodus Richardson, in Back’s Narrative Arctic Land Exped., back 
append., 1836, 521 (Salmo mackenzii Richardson). 

383. Stenodus mackenzii (Richardson). Jnconnu. 
Delta of MacKenzie River. 
Pelee mackenzii Richardson, Franklin’s Jour., 1823, 707, MacKenzie 

Genus 139. LEUCICHTHYS Dybowski. Lake herrings and ciscoes. 

Argyrosomus Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 330 (‘‘clupeiformis” of 
DeKay, not of Mitchill=Salmo harengus Rich); not of M. de la 
Pylaie, which is Sciena aquila Cuvier. 

Leucichthys Dybowski, Fische Baikal-Wassersysteme, Verk. KK. 
Zool.—Bot. Gesell. Wien, Bd. XXIV, 1874, 300 (Salmo omul Pallas). 

Allosomus Jordan, Man. Vert., ed. 2, 1878, 361 (Coregonus tullibee 















Thrissomimus Gill, in Jordan and Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., 
XXIX, 1909 (1911), 3 (Coregonus artedi LeSueur). 

Cisco Jordan and Evermann, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., X XIX, 1909 (1911), 
3 (Argyrosomus nigripinnis Gill). 

Subgenus THRISSOMIMUS Gill. 

Leucichthys harengus (Richardson). Saginaw Bay herring; Georgian 

Bay herring. 

Shallow bays of Lakes Huron and Michigan; Georgian Bay, Saginaw 
Bay, Green Bay, etc. 

Salmo (Coregonus) harengus Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., II, 1836, 
210, Pl. XC, fig. 2; Georgian Bay at Penetanguishene, Ontario. 

Coregonus clupeiformus Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 339, the Pic; 
Shallow Bays, Michipicoten Island; not clupeaformis of Mitchill. 

Coregonus albus Agassiz, loc. cit., p. 342, the Pic; not of LeSueur. 

vaca ey a osmeriformis (Smith). Seneca Lake herring; Seneca Lake 
Lakes of central New York, tributary to Lake Ontario. 
Coregonus hoyi Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 658; not of Gill, 
Coregonus osmeriformis Smith, Bull. U. 8S. Fish. Com., XIV, 1894, 
Pl. I, II, Seneca Lake, Skaneateles Lake, N. Y. 

Leucichthys sisco (Jordan). Cisco of Lake Tippecanoe. 
Small lakes of Wisconsin and northern Indiana. 
Argyrosomus sisco Jordan, Amer. Nat., 1875, 135, Lake Tippecanoe 
near Warsaw, Ind. 

Leucichthys sisco huronius (Jordan and Evermann). Lake Huron her- 
ring; Blueback or Michigan herring. 
Lakes Huron and Michigan. The common form from which L. sisco 
is derived. 
Argyrosomus huronius Jordan and Evermann, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
XXXVI, March 3, 1909, 167, fig. 2, Port Stanley, Ontario. 

Leucichthys ontariensis Jordan and Evermann. 
Lake Ontario and Cayuga Lake, N. Y. 
Coregonus clupeiformis DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 248, 
pl. 60, fig. 198, Lake Ontario; not clupeaformis of Mitchill. 
Leucichthys ontariensis Jordan and Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., 
X XIX, 1909 (1911), 18, Lake Ontario and Cayuga Lake, INeeYs 

Leucichthys lucidus (Richardson). Great Bear Lake herring. 
Mackenzie River and tributaries; Great Bear Lake and River. 
Salmo (Coregonus) lucidus Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., III, 1836, 
207, Pl. XC, fig. 1, with figure, Great Bear Lake. 

Leucichthys laurettz (Bean). Lauretta whitefish. 
Lakes and streams of northern and western Alaska. 
Coregonus laurette Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 156, Point 
Barrow, Alaska. 

Leucichthys alascanus (Scofield). Arctic lake herring. 
Argyrosomus alascanus Scofield, in Jordan and Evermann, Fish. North 
and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2817, northern Alaska near Bering Straits. 

Leucichthys pusillus (Bean). Least lake herring. 
Lakes of Yukon basin and Alaska generally. 
Coregonus pusillus Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XI, 1888, 526, Kobuk 
River, Alaska. 

Leucichthys athabasce Harper and Nichols. Athabasca herring. 
Saskatchewan River. 
Leucichthys athabasce Harper and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., XLI, 1919, 269, Saskatchewan River. 

Leucichthys macrognathus Harper and Nichols. Mackenzie River 
Mackenzie River. 
Leucichthys macrognathus Harper and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., XLI, 1919, 269, Mackenzie River. 


395. Leucichthys entomophagus Harper and Nichols. 
Mackenzie River. 
Leucichthys entomophagus Harper and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., XLI, 1919, 267, Mackenzie River. 

396. Leucichthys gemmifer Snyder. Cisco of Lake Bonneville. 
Bear River Basin. 
Leucichthys gemmifer Snyder, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXXVI, 1817-18 
(May 7, 1919), 4, Bear Lake, near Fish Haven, Idaho. 

397. Leucichthys artedi (LeSueur). Lake herring; Erie herring; Common 
lake herring; Grayback. 
Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair; Lake Huron at Port Huron. 
Coregonus artedi LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1818, 231, 
Lake Erie (at Buffalo) and Niagara River (Lewiston). 

398. Leucichthys artedi bisselli (Bollman). Rawson Lake herring; Bissell’s 
Glacial lakes of southern Michigan once tributary to Lake Erie. 
Coregonus tullibee bisselli Bollman, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., VIII, 1888, 
223, Rawson Lake and Howard Lake, Mich. 

399. Leucichthys eriensis (Jordan and Evermann). Jumbo herring; Erie 
great herring. 
Lake Erie and Lake Huron. 
Argyrosomus eriensis Jordan and Evermann, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
XXXVI, March 3, 1909, 165, fig. 1, Lake Erie at Port Stanley. 

400. Leucichthys reighardi Koelz. 
Lake Michigan. 
Leucichthys reighardi Koelz, Occ. Papers, Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., No. 
ie March 22, 1924, 5; Lake Michigan 18 miles off Michigan City, 

401. Leucichthys alpenez Koelz. 
Lake Michigan and Lake Huron, including Georgian Bay. 
Leucichthys alpene Koelz, Occ. Papers, Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., No. 
146, I, March 22, 1924; Lake Michigan off Isle aux Galets. 

Subgenus CISCO Jordan and Evermann. 

402. Leucichthys supernas Jordan and Evermann. Cisco of Lake Superior. 
Deep waters of Lake Superior. 
Leucichthys supernas Jordan and Evermann, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 
XXIX, 1909 (1911), 22, Lake Superior. 

403. Leucichthys prognathus (H. M. Smith). Cisco of Lake Ontario; 
Ontario longjaw; Bloater; Chub. 
Deep waters of Lake Ontario, in depths of 60 fathoms and more. 
Coregonus prognathus Smith, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XIV, 1894, 4, pl. 
1, fig. 3, Lake Ontario at Wilson, N. Y. 

404. Leucichthys johanne (Wagner). Lake Michigan cisco; Bloater of 
Lake Michigan. 
Northwestern part of Lake Huron in deep water, and also for the whole 
length of Lake Michigan. : 
Argyrosomus johanne Wagner, Science, N. S., XXXI, No. 807, June 
17, 1910, 957-958; Lake Michigan in about 25 fathoms, some 18 
miles off Racine, Wis. 

405. Leucichthys nigripinnis (Gill). Blackfin of Lake Michigan. 
Deep waters of Lake Michigan and certain small lakes in Wisconsin. 
Argyrosomus nigripinnis Gill, in Hoy, Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci., I, 1872, 
100, Lake Michigan off Racine; name only. 
Coregonus nigripinnis Jordan, Man. Vert., ed. 2, 1878, 275; descrip- 

406. Leucichthys cyanopterus Jordan and Evermann. 
Deep waters of Lake Superior. 
Leucichthys cyanopterus Jordan and Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., 
XXIX, 1909 (1911), 27, fig. 13, Lake Superior, off Marquette, Mich. 


407. Leucichthys hoyi (Gill). Cisco of Lake Michigan; Kiyi; Chub; Mooneye 
Lake Michigan in deep water. 
Argyrosomus hoyi Gill, in Hoy, Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci., I, 1872, 100, 
Lake Michigan off Racine; no description. 
Argyrosomus hoyi Gill, in Jordan, Amer. Nat., March, 1875, 135, Lake 
Michigan off Racine, Wis.; description same specimens. 

408. Leucichthys kiyi Koelz. Kiyi; Mooneye; Waterbelly. 
Lake Michigan. 
Leucichthys kiyi Koelz, Occ. Papers, Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., No. 104, 
Dec. 31, 1921; Lake Michigan, 12 miles E. by S. of the mouth of 
Sturgeon Bay ship channel in about 60 fathoms. 

409. Leucichthys birgei Wagner. Cisco of Green Lake. 
Green Lake, Wisconsin. 
Leucichthys birgei Wagner, Bull. Wis. Nat. Hist. Soc., IX, 1911, 73, 
Green Lake, Wis., 28 meters below the surface. 

410. Leucichthys zenithicus (Jordan and Evermann). Longjaw of Lake 


Lake Superior, in deep water; possibly in other lakes. 

Argyrosomus hoyi Milner, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., II, 1872-73 (1874), 
86, Lake Superior at Outer Island, Wis.; not of Gill, Hoy, or Jordan, 
and not original type. 

Argyrosomus zenithicus Jordan and Evermann, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus., XXXVI, March 3, 1909, 169, fig. 3, Lake Superior between 
Duluth and Isle Royale. 

Subgenus ALLOSOMUS Jordan. 

411. Leucichthys manitoulinus Jordan and Evermann. Manitoulin tullibee. 
North channel of Lake Huron, and probably lakes of Minnesota. 
Argyrosomus tullibee, Evermann ar 1 Smith, Rept. U.S. Fish Com., XX, 

1894, 320, pl. 28; in part, the plate being tullibee. 
Leucichthys manitoulinus Jordan and Evermann, Bull. U. 8S. Bur. Fish., 
XXIX, 1909, 31, fig. 16, Blind River, North channel, Lake Huron. 

412. Leucichthys tullibee (Richardson). Tullibee; Tulipt. 
Lake Winnipeg Basin, perhaps entering Lake Superior Basin. 
Salmo (Coregonus) tullibee Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Amer., III, 1836, 
201, Cumberland House, Pine Island Lake, near Lake Winnipeg. 
Leucichthys nipigon Koelz, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., No. 
158, April 6, 1925; Lake Nipigon, Lake Winnipeg. 

Genus 140. COREGONUS Linneus. Whitefishes; Lavarets. 

Coregonus Artedi, Genera Pisc., 1738, 9. 

Coregoni Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 310 (Salmo lavaretus L.). 

Tripteronotus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 48 (7. hautin 
Lacépéde= Salmo lavaretus L.). 

Coregonus Lacépéde, loc. cit., X, 263 (Salmo lavaretus L.). 

Coregonus Cuvier, Régne Anim. Ed. I, 1817, 162 (thymallus, lavaretus, 

- 418. Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill). Whitefish; Labrador whitefish; 
Lake Superior whitefish; Manitoba whitefish; Musquaw River white- 
fish; Whiting of Lake Winnepesaukee; Shad of Lake Champlain. 

Great Lakes, excepting Lake Erie; and neighboring waters. 

Salmo clupeaformis Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 1818, 321, Falls 
of St. Mary, northern extremity of Lake Huron. 

Salmo otsego Clinton, account of the Salmo otsego or the Otsego basse, 
1822, 1, with plate, Otsego Lake. 

Coregonus labradoricus Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Amer., III, 1836, 206, 
Musquaw River, Labrador. 

Salmo (Coregonus) sapidissimus Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 344, 
Lake Superior. 

Salmo latior Agassiz, loc. cit., 348, Lake Superior. 

Coregonus neohantonius Prescott, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XI, 1851, 343, 
Lake Winnepesaukee, N. H. 

?Coregonus richardsonii Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 185, Arctic America. 


414. Coregonus clupeaformis albus (LeSueur). Lake Erie whitefish; Common 

Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair; Lake Ontario and various lakes to 
western New York and New Hampshire. New York; probably not 
separable from Coregonus clupeaformis, although local differences 

Coregonus albus LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1818, 232, 
Lake Erie. 

415. Coregonus nelsonii Bean. Humpback whitefish; Nelson’s whitefish. 
Alaska, from Bristol Bay northward. 
Coregonus nelsonii Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 48, Nulato, 

Genus 141. PROSOPIUM Milner. 
Prosopium Milner, in Jordan, Man. Vert., ed. 2, 1878, 361 (Coregonus 
quadrilateralis Richardson). 

416. Prosopium quadrilaterale (Richardson). Menominee whitefish; Pilotfish; 
Round whitefish; Shadwaiter. 
Alaska and upper Great Lakes to New England, in lakes. 
Coregonus quadrilateralis Richardson, Franklin’s Narrative, 1823, 714, 
Pl. X XV, fig. 2, Fort Enterprise, British America. 
Coregonus nove-anglie Prescott, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XI, 1851, 342, 
Lake Winnipesaukee, N. H. 

417. Prosopium kennicotti (Milner). Kennicott’s whitefish. 
Mackenzie River, Canada; Yukon River and other streams of the 
Alaska region; Lake Bennett, Alaska. 
Coregonus kennicotti Milner, in Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, 1883, 208, 
Fort Good Hope, British America. 

418. Prosopium preblei (Harper and Nichols). 
Mackenzie River, Canada. 
Coregonus preblei Harper and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
XLI, 1919, 266, Pl. XV, fig. 2, Mackenzie River. 

419. Prosopium stanleyi (Kendall). Stanley’s whitefish. 
Lakes of northern Maine. 
Coregonus stanleyi Kendall, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., X XII, 1902 (1904), 
366, with figure, thoroughfare between Mud and Cross Lakes, Aroos- 
took County, Me. 

420. Prosopium williamsoni (Girard). Rocky Mountain whitefish. 

Rivers of Sierra Nevada and west slope of the Rocky Mountains, from 
the Fraser and the Columbia to the Truckee and other streams of 
the Lahontan Basin of Nevada; abundant, especially in lakes of 
northern Idaho, western Montana, Washington, and Utah. 

Coregonus williamsoni Girard, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
136, Des Chutes River, Oreg. 

421. Prosopium williamsoni cismontanus (Jordan). Yellowstone whitefish. 
Streams of the Rocky Mountain region tributary to the upper Missouri. 
Coregonus williamsoni cismontanus Jordan, Bull. U. S. Fish Com, (EX: 

1889, 49, pl. 9, figs. 8, 9, Horsethief Creek, Madison River, Mont. 
Hardly distinct from P. williamsoni. 

422. Prosopium coulteri (Kigenmann and Eigenmann). Coulter’s whitefish. 
Headwaters of the Columbia. 
Coregonus coulteri Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Amer. Nat., Nov., 1892, 
961, Kicking Horse River at Field, British Columbia. 

423. Prosopium couesi (Milner). 
Headwaters of Saskatchewan River. 
Coregonus couesi Milner, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., II, 1872-73 (1874), 
88, Chief Mountain Lake, Mont. 

424. Prosopium spilonotus (Snyder). Bonneville whitefish. 
Bear River Basin. 
Coregonus spilonotus Snyder, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XXXVI, 1917-18 
(May 7, 1919), 6, Bear Lake, near Fish Haven, Idaho. 


425. Prosopium abyssicola (Snyder). Bear Lake whitefish. 
Bear Lake, Idaho. 
Coregonus abyssicola Snyder, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXXVI, 1917-18 
(May 7, 1919), 8, Bear Lake, near Fish Haven, Idaho. 

Genus 142. IRILLION Jordan. 
Trillion Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LX X, 1918, 342 (Coregonus 
oregonius Jordan and Snyder). 

426. Irillion oregonius (Jordan and Snyder). Chiselmouth jack. 
Mountain streams of Oregon tributary to the Columbia. 
Coregonus oregonius Jordan and Snyder, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XX XVI, 
1911, 425, with fig., McKenzie River, Oreg. 

Family 49. THYMALLIDA. Graylings 

Genus 148. THYMALLUS Cuvier. Graylings. 
Thymallus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 306 (Salmo thymallus 
Linnzus); not Thymalus Latreille, 1802, a genus of Coleoptera. 
Choregon Minding, Lehrbuch Naturgesch. Fische, 1832, 119 (Salmo 
thymallus L.) substitute for Thymallus, regarded as preoccupied. 
Orthocolus Gistel, Thierreich, 1848, XI, 1838 (Salmo thymallus L.); 
substitute for Thymallus, regarded as preoccupied. 

427. Thymallus signifer (Richardson). Arctic grayling; Poisson bleu. 
Mackenzie River to Alaska and the Arctic Ocean. 
Coregonus signifer Richardson, Franklin’s Jour., 1823, 711; Winter 
Lake near Fort Enterprise. 
Coregonus thymalloides Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., III, 1836. 714, 
Winter River. 
428. Thymallus tricolor Cope. Michigan grayling. 
Streams of northern Michigan; formerly abundant in Au Sable River, 
Jordan River, and other streams in the southern peninsula, and 
Otter Creek, near Keweenaw, in the northern peninsula. 
?Thymallus ontariensis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XXI, 1848, 452; said to have been brought by Milbert from Lake 
Ontario; most likely from Lake Geneva, Switzerland. 
Thymallus tricolor Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X VII, 1865, 80, 
Au Sable River, Mich. 

429. Thymallus montanus Milner. Montana grayling. A hardy and attrac- 
tive aquarium fish. 
Madison and Gallatin Rivers, Montana. 
Thymallus montanus Milner, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., II, 1872-73 (1874), 
741, tributary of Missouri River at Camp Baker. 

Family 50. OSMERIDZ. Smelts 

Genus 144. MALLOTUS Cuvier. Capelins. 
itt Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 305 (Clupea villosa 

430. Mallotus villosus (Miiller). Capelin; Lodde. 

Arctic America, south to Cape Cod and southern Alaska; Kamchatka. 

Clupea villosa Miller, Prodr. Zool. Dan., 1777, 245, Greenland. 

Salmo arcticus Fabricius, Fauna Greenlandica, 1780, 177, Greenland. 

Salmo grénlandicus Bloch, Ichthyologie, VIII, 1794, pl. 99, Greenland. 

Salmo socialis Pallas, Zoogr. Ross.—Asiat., III, 389, islands between 
Asia and America. 

Osmerus microdon Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X XI, 
1848, 385, no locality. 

Genus 145. THALEICHTHYS Girard. EHulachon. 
Thaleichthys Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, 1858, Fishes, 325 (T. stevensi 
Girard=Salmo (Mallotus) pacificus Richardson). 

431. Thaleichthys pacificus (Richardson). Hulachon; Candlefish; Oolachan. 
Oregon to Alaska. 
Salmo (Mallotus) pacificus Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., III, 1836, 
226, Columbia River. 
Thaleichthys stevensi Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, 1858, 325, pl. 75, 
figs. 1-4, Puget Sound. 


432. Thaleichthys albatrossis (Jordan and Gilbert). Kodiak smelt. 
Off Kodiak Island, Alaska. 
Osmerus albatrossis Jordan and Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, 
Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2823, Kodiak Island; probably 
not distinct from Thaleichthys pacificus. 

Genus 146. SPIRINCHUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Spirinchus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., I, 
1896, 522 (Osmerus thaleichthys Ayres). 

433. Spirinchus thaleichthys (Ayres). 
Pacific coast of America from San Francisco northward to Bristol Bay, 
Osmerus thaleichthys Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1860, 62, 
San Francisco. 

Genus 147. ALLOSMERUS Hubbs. 
Allosmerus Hubbs, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XX XVIII, 1925, 53 (Osmerus 
attenuatus Lockington). 

434. Allosmerus attenuatus egeicee kea 
Coast of California, from San Francisco northward. 
Osmerus attenuatus Lockington, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 66, 
San Francisco. 

Genus 148. OSMERUS Lacépéde. Smelis. 
Osmerus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 229 (Salmo eperlanus L.). 
eet Gaimard, Voy. Island and Greenland, 1851 (Salmo eper- 
anus L.). 

435. Osmerus dentex Steindachner. Rainbow herring. 
Coast of Alaska and south on the Asiatic coast to northern China. 
Osmerus dentex Steindachner, Sitzungsb. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, LXI, 
1870, 429, northern China. 

436. Osmerus mordax (Mitchill). American smelt; Icefish. 
Atlantic coast of United States, from Virginia northward to Gulf of 
St. Lawrence; Lakes Champlain and Memphremagog. 
Atherina mordax Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 446, 
New York. 
Osmerus viridescens LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1818, 230, 
coast of Maine. 

437. Osmerus mordax spectrum (Cope). Wilton smelt. 
Wilton Pond, Kennebee County, Me. 
Osmerus spectrum Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 490, Wilton 
Pond, Kennebec County, Me. 

438. Osmerus mordax abbotti (Cope). Cobessicontic smelt. 
Landlocked in Cobessicontic Lake, Kennebec County, Me. 
Osmerus abbotti Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 490, Cobessi- 
contic Lake, Me. 

439. Osmerus sergeanti *? Norris. 
New York Bay and southward. 
Osmerus sergeanti Norris, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XX, 1868, 93, 
Schuylkill River, N. J. 

Genus 149. HYPOMESUS Gill. Surf smelts. 
Mesopus * Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 14 (Argentina 
pretiosa Girard). 
Hypomesus Gill, loc. cit., 15 (Argentina pretiosa Girard). 

440. Hypomesus pretiosus (Girard). Surf smelt. 
Goast of California and Oregon, from Monterey northward. 
Argentina pretiosa Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 155, 
San Francisco. 
Osmerus elongatus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854, 17, San 

” The fish is described, but not named, in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 58. It is named in 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XX, 1868, 93. 
Mesopus, 4 name left in type through failure to correct proof sheets. Hypomegsus of same date, a page 
lower, chosen by author as name, 


441. Hypomesus olidus (Pallas). Pond smelt. 
Alaska and Kamchatka. 
Salmo (Osmerus) olidus Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso.—Asiat., III, 1811, 391, 
lakes and rivers of Kamchatka. 
?Osmerus oligodon Kner, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1865, 185, tab. 
4, fig. 1. 
Genus 150. THEROBROMUS Lucas. Ghost smelts. 

Therobromus Lucas, in Jordan and Gilbert, Fishes of Bering Sea, 1898, 
440 (T. callorhini Lucas). 

442. Therobromus callorhini Lucas. Ghost smelt. 
Bering Sea. 
Therobromus callorhini Lucas, in Jordan and Gilbert, Fishes of Bering 
Sea, in Jordan, Fur Seals and Fur-Seal Islands, Pt. III, 1898, 440, 
Bering Sea, in southern portion; known only from skeletons and 
bones found in the stomachs of fur seals. 

Family 51. ARGENTINIDA. Argentines 

Genus 151. ARGENTINA Linneus. Argentines. 
Argentina (Artedi) Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 315 (A. sphyrena 

Silus Reinhardt, Bemerk., Skandinay. Ichthy., 1833, 11 (Argentina silus 
Acantholepis Kréyer, Danmarks Fiske, III, 1846-49, 98 (Argentina silus 

443. Argentina silus Ascanius. 
Northern Europe; occasionally taken on the Grand Banks and off the 
coast of Maine. 
Argentina silus Ascanius, Icon. Rev. Nat., 1763, Pl. III, 3, 24. Norway. 
Silus ascanii Reinhardt, Bemeerk., Skandinav. Ichth., 1833, 11, Norway. 
Argentina syrtensium Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, 
261, off Sable Island in 200 fathoms; from stomach of Phycis tenuis. 

444. Argentina striata Goode and Bean. 
Gulf of Mexico. 
Argentina striata Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 52, fig. 62, 
Gulf Stream. 

445. Argentina sialis Gilbert. 
Coast of California. 
Argentina sialis Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 56, Albatross 
station 3017 in 58 fathoms. 

Genus 152. LEUROGLOSSUS Gilbert. 
Leuroglossus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 57 (L. stilbius 
446. Leuroglossus stilbius Gilbert. 
Coast of California, in deep water. 
Leuroglossus stilbius Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 57, 
from Albatross stations 2997 and 2998 in 221 and 40 fathoms. 


Genus 153. NANSENIA Jordan and Evermann. 
Nansenia Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
528 (Microstomus grenlandica Reinhardt). 
447. Nansenia grenlandica (Reinhardt). 
Microstomus grenlandica Reinhardt, Vidensk. Selsk..Naturv. Math. 
Afhandl., VIII, 1841, LX XIV, Greenland. 


Genus 154. BATHYLAGUS Giinther. 

Bathylagus Ginther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 1878, 248 (B. antarcticus 


448. Bathylagus benedicti Goode and Bean. 
Bathylagus benedicti Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 55, fig. 64, 
Gulf Stream. 

449. Bathylagus euryops Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Bathylagus euryops Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 55, fig. 63, 
Gulf Stream, in about lat. 40° N. and long. 70° W. 

450. Bathylagus pacificus Gilbert. 
Coast of Washington, in deep water. 
Bathylagus pacificus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 55, 
Albatross stations 3071 and 3074, off coast of Washington. 

451. Bathylagus borealis Gilbert. 
Coast of Alaska, in deep water. 
Bathylagus borealis Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893 (1896), 
402, north of Unalaska Island at Albatross station 3327 in 322 

452. Bathylagus milleri Jordan and Gilbert. 
Off coast of southern California in deep water. 
Bathylagus millerit Jordan and Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes 
North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2825, Cortez Banks, off San Diego, Calif. 

Xenophthalmichthys Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 9, XV, 1925, 59 
(X. dane Regan). 

453. Xenophthalmichthys danz Regan. 
Depths of the Caribbean Sea. 
Xenophthalmichthys dane Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 9, XV, 
1925, 59, off Santa Lucia in deep water. 

Family 54. STOMIATIDZ 

Genus 156. STOMIAS Cuvier. 
Stomias Cuvier, Régne Anim., Ed. I, 1817, 184 (Esozx boa Risso). 

454. Stomias ferox Reinhardt. 
Greenland and southward; Gulf Stream, from Bahama Channel to the 
Grand Banks. 
Stomias ferox Reinhardt, Vidensk. Selsk. Naturv. Math. Afhandl., X 
1842, 77, Greenland. 

455. Stomias affinis Giinther. 
Sombrero Island, West Indies. 
Stomias affinis Giinther, Challenger Rept., XXII, 1887, 205, Pl. LIV, 
Fig. A; Sombrero Island, West Indies. 

456. Stomias colubrinus Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Stomias colubrinus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
275, Pl. LVII, fig. 7, station 3360, lat. 6° 17’ N., long. 82° 5’ W. in 
1,672 fathoms. 

457. Stomias hexagonatus Garman. 
Eastern tropical Pacific in deep water. 
Stomias heragonatus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
P]. LVI, fig. 5; various stations in the Pacific. 

458. Stomias atriventer Garman. 
Eastern Pacific in deep water. 
Stomias atriventer Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 277 
Pl. LVI, fig. 4, Albatross station 3433, lat. 25° 76’ 15’’ N., long. 109° 
48’ W., in 1,218 fathoms. 

Genus 157. DACTYLOSTOMIAS Garman. 
Dactylostomias Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 279 
(D. filifer Garman). 



459. Dactylostomias filifer Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Dactylostomias filifer Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
279, Pl. LVI, fig. 6, Albatross stations 34138, 3414, and 3418. 

Genus 158. ZASTOMIAS Gilbert. 
Zastomias Gilbert, Proc., U. S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 322 (Z. scin- 
tillans Gilbert). 

460. Zastomias scintillans Gilbert. 
Coast of California; Monterey Bay in deep water. 
Zastomias scintillans Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 
322, pl. 15, off Monterey Bay, Calif. 

Genus 159. ECHIOSTOMA Lowe. 
Echiostoma Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1843, 87 (EZ. barbatum Lowe). 
Hyperchoristus Gill, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 256 (H. tanneri= 
Echiostoma barbatum). 

461. Echiostoma barbatum Lowe. 
Madeira; Gloucester, Mass.; and southward in the Gulf Stream to the 
old Bahama Channel. 
Echiostoma barbatum Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1848, 88, Madeira. 
Hyperchoristus tannert Gill, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VI, 18838, 256, 
Gulf Stream at Albatross station 2083, at 40° 26’ 40’’ N., 60° 58’ 
W., in 956 fathoms. 

462. Echiostoma margaritum Goode and Bean. 
Middle of the Gulf of Mexico. 
Echiostoma margarita Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 109, fig. 
131, Gulf of Mexico. 

Genus 160. GRAMMATOSTOMIAS Goode and Bean. 
Grammatostomias Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 110 (G. 
dentatus Goode and Bean). 

463. Grammatostomias dentatus Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Grammatostomias dentatus Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 
110, fig. 183, Gulf Stream. 

Genus 161. PHOTONECTES Giinther. 
Lucifer Déderlein, Weigmann’s Archiv, 1882, 26 (L. albipinnis Déder- 
lein); name preoccupied in Crustacea. 
Photonectes Giinther, Challenger Rept., X XII, 1887, 212 (L. albtpinnis 

464. Photonectes gracilis Goode and Bean. 
Photonectes gracilis Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 112, fig. 137, 
off Martinique at Blake station XL in 472 fathoms. 


Genus 162. IDIACANTHUS Peters. 
Idiacanthus Peters, Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1876, 846 (J. fasciola 
Bathyophis Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, II, 1878, 181 (B. 
ferox Giinther). 

465. Idiacanthus ferox (Giinther). 
North Atlantic, nearly midway, in 2,750 fathoms. 
Bathyophis ferox Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, II, 1878, 181, 
middle of North Atlantic in 2,750 fathoms. 

466. Idiacanthus antrostomus Gilbert. 
Coast of southern California in deep water. 
Idiacanthus antrostomus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 
54, off southern California, at Albatross station 2980 in 603 fathoms. 



Genus 168. MALACOSTEUS Ayres. 
Malacosteus Ayres, Jour. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1849, 53 (M. niger 

467. Malacosteus niger Ayres. 
Open sea; Gulf Stream and southward to Barbados. 
Malacosteus niger Ayres, Jour. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1849, 53, Gulf 
Stream, 42° N., 60° W. 


Genus 164. ASTRONESTHES Richardson. 
Astronesthes Richardson, Ichth. Voy. Sulphur, 1845, 97 (A. nigra, 
Phznodon Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., XVIII, 1850, 250 (P. ringens 

468. Astronesthes richardsoni (Poey). 
Deep waters of West Indies; Indian and Pacific Oceans. 
Chauliodus richardsoni Poey, Memorias, I, 1852, 176, Cuba. 

469. Astronesthes gemmifer Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Astronesthes gemmifer Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 105, 
fig. 124, Grand Banks, lat. 44° 25’ N., long 53° 12’ W., in 300 fathoms, 
in halibut stomach. 

470. Astronesthes niger Richardson. 
Deep waters of all seas. 
Astronesthes niger Richardson, Ichth. Voy. Sulphur, 1845, 97, Atlantic. 


Genus 165. STYLOPTHALMUS Brauer. 
Stylopthalmus Brauer, Zool. Anzeiger, XXV, 1902, 298 (S. paradoxus 

471. Stylophthalmus paradoxus Brauer. 
Open sea, north to southern California (San Pedro, W. F. Thompson). 
Stylophthalmus paradorus Brauer, Tiefseefische Valdivia Exped. (Zool. 
Anzeiger, XXV), 1902, 298; deep sea off the Cape of Good Hope 
and the Indian Ocean. 


Genus 166. CHAULIODUS Bloch and Schneider. 
Chauliodus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 430 (C. sloani 
Bloch and Schneider). 
Leptodes Swainson, Nat. Hist. Anim., II, 298 (Chauliodes sloani Bloch 
and Schneider). 

472. Chauliodus sloani Bloch and Schneider. 
Mediterranean and deep waters of the Atlantic; Georges Banks. 
Chauliodus sloani Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 430, Atlantic; 
after Vipera marina of Catesby. 

473. Chauliodus macouni Bean. 
Coast of California to British Columbia and Queen Charlotte Islands. 
Chauliodus macouni Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 44, off 
Cape St. James, Queen Charlotte Islands. 

474. Chauliodus barbatus Garman. 
Off Pacific coast of Panama. 
Chauliodus barbatus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
271, Pl. K, figs. 2, 2a; off Panama. 



Genus 167. GONOSTOMA Rafinesque. 
Gonostoma Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 64 (G. denudatum Rafinesque). 

475. Gonostoma denudatum Rafinesque. 
Gulf of Mexico at Albatross station 2665; off Morocco and Cape 
Verdes; Mediterranean Sea. 
Gonostoma denudata Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 65, Palermo. 

Genus 168. ZAPHOTIAS Goode and Bean. 
Bonapartia Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 102 (B. pedaliota 
Goode and Bean); name preoccupied. 
Zaphotias Goode and Bean, in Jordan and Evermann, Fish. North and 
id. Amer., 1898, 2826 (Bonapartia pedaliota Goode and Bean). 

476. Zaphotias pedaliotus (Goode and Bean). 
Gulf Stream. 
Bonapartia pedaliota Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 102, fig. 
120, Albatross station 2642, in 25° 20’ 30’’ N. Lat., 79° 58’ W. Long., 
depth 217 fathoms. 

Genus 169. CYCLOTHONE Goode and Bean. 
Cyclothone Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, No. 5, 1883, 
221 (C. lusca Goode and Bean). 
Sigmops Gill, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 256 (S. stigmaticus Gill). 
Neostoma Filhol, La Nature, 1884, 184 (N. bathyphilum Filhol). 

Subgenus CYCLOTHONE Goode and Bean. 

477. Cyclothone microdon (Giinther). 
Bermuda; Atlantic, Pacific, and Antarctic Oceans; Pacific coast from 
Oregon to Panama. — 
Gonostoma microdon Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 1878, 188, 
near Bermuda. 
Cyclothone lusca Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, No. 5, 
1883, 221, Gulf Stream. 

478. Cyclothone bathyphila Vaillant. 
Gulf of Gascony and off the Azores; western Atlantic. 
Neostoma bathyphilum Filhol, La Nature, 1884, 184; name and 
rough figure only. 
Cyclothone bathyphila Vaillant, Expéd. Sci. Travailleur et Talisman, 
Poissons, 1888, 96, pl. 8, figs. 1, la: Gulf of Gascony, Azores. 

479. Cyclothone acclinidens Garman. 
Off California in deep water. 
Cyclothone acclinidens Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
247, Pl. T, fig. 4; numerous stations of Albatross off California coast. 

480. Cyclothone signata Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Cyclothone signata Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
246, Pl. T, fig. 3; Albatross station 3382, off Panama. 

Subgenus SIGMOPS Gill. 

481. Cyclothone elongata (Giinther). 
New Guinea; Banda; American coast; Gulf Stream; Indian Ocean. 
Gonostoma elongatum Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 1878, 187, 
New Guinea; Banda. 
Sigmops stigmaticus Gill, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 256, Gulf 
Stream, in 38° 19’ 26’’ N., 68° 20’ 20’ W. 

Genus 170. YARRELLA Goode and Bean. 
Yarrella Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 108 (Y. blackfordi 
Goode and Bean). 

482. Yarrella blackfordi Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Yarrella blackfordi Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 103, fig. 
121, Gulf Stream at Albatross station 2376, in 324 fathoms. 

Genus 171. LYCHNOPOLES Garman. 
Lychnopoles Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 244 
(L. argenteolus Garman). 


483. Lychnopoles argenteolus Garman. 
ff Panama in deep water. 
Lychnopoles argenteolus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 244, Pl. LIII, figs. 4, 4a; off Panama. 


Genus 172. MAUROLICUS Cocco. 
Maurolicus Cocco, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat., II, 1838, 32 (M. amethystino 
punctatus Cocco). 

484. Maurolicus pennanti (Walbaum). Pearlsides. 
Open seas, widely distributed; New England coast at Nahant, Province- 
town, Woods Hole, etc. 
Argentina pennanti Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 47, England; after 
“‘sheppy Argentine’’ of Pennant. 

485. Maurolicus oculatus Garman. 
Deep water off Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Maurolicus oculatus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
241, Pl. LIII, fig. 3; off Pacific coast of Mexico. 

Genus 173. VINCIGUERRIA Jordan and Evermann. 
Vinciguerria Jordan and Evermann, in Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 
1895, 513 (V. attenwata Cocco). 
Zalarges Jordan and Williams, in Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., ser. 2, V, 1895, 793 (%. nimbarius Jordan and Williams). 

486. Vinciguerria attenuata (Cocco). 
Open Atlantic, west to the Bahama regions. 
gh a a attenuatus Cocco, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat., II, 1838, 33, coast 
of Italy. 

487. Vinciguerria lucetia (Garman). 
Eastern Pacific, in deep water. 
Maurolicus lucetius Garman, Deep Sea Fishes, in Mem. Mus. Comp. 
Zool., XXIV, 1899, 242, Pl. T, fig. 2; various Albatross stations, 
eastern Pacific. 

488. Vinciguerria nimbaria (Jordan and Williams). 
Open sea between Oregon and Hawaii. 
Zalarges nimbarius Jordan and Williams, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 2, 
V, 1895 (1896), 793, open Pacific. 

Genus 174. VALENCIENNELLUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Valenciennellus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1896, 577 (Maurolicus tripunctulatus Esmark). 

489. Valenciennelus tripunctulatus (Liitken). 
Madagascar; Denmark Straits between Greenland and Iceland. 
Maurolicus tripunctulatus Esmark, Christiania Vid. Selsk. Forh., 1870, 
488, Madagascar. 

490. Valenciennellus stellatus Garman. 
Deep water off California. 
Valenciennellus stellatus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 239, Pl. LIII, fig. 2; off California coast, lat. 30° 31’ 35’’ N., 
long. 140° 5’ 30’’ W. in 300 fathoms. 


Genus 175. STERNOPTIX Herrmann. 
Sternoptiz Herrmann, Naturforscher, 2 Stiick, XVI, 1781, 8 (S. diaphana 
Sternoptyx, authors’ amended spelling. 

491. Sternoptix obscura (Garman). 
Eastern Pacific in deep water. 
Sternoptyxz obscura Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
232, Pl. LIII, fig. 1; numerous stations in eastern Pacific in depths 
ranging from 421 to 1,823 fathoms. 


492. Sternoptix diaphana Herrmann. 
Atlantic; Gulf Stream, from Santa Cruz Island to the Grand Banks. 
Sternoptix diaphana Herrmann, Naturforscher, XVI, 1781, 8, Jamaica. 

Genus 176. ARGYROPELECUS Cocco. 
Argyropelecus Cocco, Arch. del R. Acad. Peloritano, 1829, 146 (A. hemi- 
gymnus Cocco). 
PAG Lowe, Hist. Fish. Madeira, 1848, 64 (Sternoptyx olfersi 

493. Argyropelecus hemigymnus Cocco. 
Atlantic and Mediterranean; Gulf Stream off Southern New England. 
Argyropelecus hemigymnus Cocco, Arch. del R. Acad. Peloritano, 1829, 
146, coast of Italy. 
Sternoptyx mediterraneus Cocco, Giorn. Faro de Messina, IV, 1838, 7, 
coast of Italy. 

494. Argyropelecus olfersi (Cuvier). 
Open Atlantic; coast of Norway to Brazil and Cape of Good Hope; 
Grand Banks southward in the Gulf Stream. 
Sternoptyx olfersi Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 316, near Cape 
of Good Hope. 
Argyropelecus durvillii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XXII, 1849, 405, open Atlantic. 

495. Argyropelecus lychnus Garman. 
Western Pacific in deep water. 
Argyropelecus lychnus Garman, Deep Sea Fishes, in Mem. Mus. Comp. 
Zool., XXIV, 1899, 234, Pl. T, fig. 1, 16; many stations in eastern 

496. Argyropelecus affinis Garman. 
Tropical Atlantic in deep water. 
Argyropelecus affinis Garman, Deep Sea Fishes, in Mem., Mus. Comp. 
Zool., XXIV, 1899, 237; sta. 2117, N. lat. 15° 24’ 40’’, W. long. 
63° 31’ 30’, in 683 fathoms. 

Genus 177. POLYIPNUS Giinther. 
Polyipnus Giinther, Challenger Rept., 1887, 170 (P. spinosus Giinther). 

497. Polyipnus laternatus Garman. 
Off Barbados. 
Polyipnus laternatus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
238; Blake station 280, off Barbados in 221 fathoms. 

498. Polyipnus spinosus Giinther. 
Gulf of Mexico; between the Philippines and Borneo. 
Polyipnus spinosus Gimnther, Challenger Rept., XXII, 1887, 170, from 
the surface near the Philippine Islands. 

Order 0. LYOPOMI 

Genus 178. HALOSAURUS Johnson. 
Halosaurus Johnson, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XIV, 1863, 74 (H. owent 
(ovenii) Johnson). 
Halosaurichthys Alcock, loc. cit., 1889, 454, (H. carinicauda Alcock). 

499. Halosaurus giintheri Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Halosaurus giintheri Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 131, Gulf 
Stream, in lat. 39° 13’ N., long. 72° 1’ W., Albatross station 2722. 

500. Halosaurus radiatus Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Halosaurus radiatus Garman, Deep Sea Fishes, in Mem. Mus. Comp. 
Zool., XXIV, 1899, 298, Pl. LX, figs. 2, 2a, Pl. LX XXIV, figs. 3-6; 
several stations off Panama in depths from 259 to 511 fathoms. 


501. Halosaurus attenuatus Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Halosaurus attenuatus Garman, Deep Sea Fishes, in Mem. Mus. Comp. 
Zool., XXIV, 1899, 296, Pl. LX, figs. 1, la, Albatross station 3413, 
lat. 2° 34’ N., long. 92° 06’ W., in 1,360 fathoms. 

Genus 179. ALDROVANDIA Goode and Bean. 
Aldrovandia Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 132 (Halosaurus 
rostrata Giinther). 
Halosauropsis Collett, Poiss. Prov. Comp. Il’ Hirondelle, Fasc. *X., 
Monaco, 1896, 143 (Halosawrus macrochir). 

502. Aldrovandia rostrata (Giinther). 
Halosaurus rostratus Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 1878, 252, 

5038. Aldrovandia macrochir (Giinther). 
Marion Island; Blake stations 308 and 325. 
Halosaurus macrochir Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 1878, 251, 
between Cape of Good Hope and Kerguelen Island. 

504. Aldrovandia goodei (Gill). 
Gulf Stream, at Albatross stations 2037 in 1,731 fathoms; 2051 in 1,106 
fathoms; 2035 in 1,362 fathoms, and 2052 in 1,098 fathoms.°* 
Halosaurus goodei Gill, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VI, 18838, 257, Gulf 
Stream off South Carolina. 

505. Aldrovandia gracilis Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream and Gulf of Mexico. 
Aldrovandia gracilis Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 134, fig. 
157, off Guadeloupe and in Gulf Stream at Albatross stations 2380 
and 2381. 

506. Aldrovandia pallida Goode and Bean. 
Gulf of Mexico, in deep water. 
Aldrovandia pallida Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 135, fig. 158, 
Gulf of Mexico, at Albatross station 173. 

Order P. HETEROMI. Spiny eels 

Genus 180. LIPOGENYS Goode and Bean. 
Lipogenys Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XVII, 1894 (1895), 
469 (L. gillii Goode and Bean). 

507. Lipogenys gillii Goode and Bean 
Gulf Stream. 
Lipogenys gillii Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XVII, 1894 
(1895), 469, pl. 18, fig. 3, and in Oceanic Ichth., 173, 1895, station 
2742, Gulf Stream. 


Genus 181. NOTACANTHUS Bloch. 
Notacanthus Bloch, Abhandl., Béhmischen Gesellsch. Wiss., I, 1787, 
278 (N. chemnitzi Bloch). 
Acanthonotus Bloch, Ichthyologia, XII, 1797, 113 (A. nasus Bloch=N. 
chemnitzi Bloch). 
Campylolon (Fabricius, 1798) Reinhardt, Vidensk. Selsk. Naturv. Math. 
Afhandl., 1838, 120 (C. fabricii Reinhardt). 

508. Notacanthus chemnitzi Bloch. 
Greenland; West Indies; Iceland; Scandinavia; South Greenland. 
Notacanthus chemnitzi Bloch, Abhandl., Béhmischen Gesellsch. Wiss., 
I, 1787, 278, northern seas. 
Notacanthus nasus Bloch, Ichthyologia, XII, 1795, 113, pl. 431, ‘‘India.” 
Campylodon fabricii Reinhardt, Vidensk. Selsk. Natury. Math. Afhandl., 
1838, 120, Greenland, 


509. Notacanthus analis Gill. 
Gulf Stream. 
Notacanthus analis Gill, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 255, lat. 40° 
N., long. 69° W., Albatross stations 2677 in 478 fathoms and 2676 in 
407 fathoms. 

510. Notacanthus phasganorus Goode. 
Grand Banks, Newfoundland. 
Notacanthus phasganorus Goode, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 535, 
Grand Banks of Newfoundland. 

511. Notacanthus spinosus Garman. 
Off Panama. 
Notacanthus spinosus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
301, Pl. L, figs. 4, 4a, 4b; Albatross stations 3384 and 3354, 322 and 
458 fathoms. 

Genus 182. POLYACANTHONOTUS Bleeker. 
Polyacanthonotus Bleeker, Versl. Akad. Amsterdam (2), VIII, 368 
(Notacanthus rissoanus Filippi and Verany). 
Zanotacanthus Gill, Johnson’s Cyclopedia, III, 1876, 883 (Notacanthus 
TissOanus Filippi and Verany). 
Macdonaldia Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XVII, 1894 
(1895), 467 (Notacanthus rostratus Collett). 

512. Polyacanthonotus challengeri (Vaillant). 
North Pacific and Bering 
Notacanthus rissoanus Giinther, Fishes, Challenger, XXII, Part LVII, 
Pl. LXI, fig. 13 (not of Filippi and Verany) 
Notacanthus challengeri Vaillant, Expéd. Sci. Travailleur et Talisman, 
1888, south of Yeddo; based on Giinther’s description. 

513. Polyacanthonotus rostratus (Collett). 
Gulf Stream. 
Notacanthus rostratus Collett, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1889, 307, off 
ewfoundland, at Albatross station 2216 in 963 fathoms, and station 
2553 in 551 fathoms. 

Order Q. SYMBRANCHIA. Symbranchoid eels 



Genus 183. SYNBRANCHUS Bloch. 
Synbranchus Bloch, Ichthyologia, IX, 1795, 87 (Synbranchus marmoratus 


Unibranchaptura Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 658 (Synbranchus 
marmoratus) . 

Ophisternon McClelland, Calcutta Jour. Nat. Hist., V, 1845, 197 (0. 
bengalensis) . 

Tetrabranchus Bleeker, Nat. Tijds. Ned. Ind., II, 1862, 69 (7. microp- 
thelmus McClelland). 
Symbranchus of authors generally; corrected spelling. 

514. Synbranchus marmoratus Bloch. 

Tropical America, in streams from the Amazon northward to southern 
Mexico and St. Lucia; generally abundant; recorded northward from 
Vera Cruz, Trinidad, St. Lucia, Lake Peton, Huamuchal, Rio Chisoy, 

Synbranchus marmoratus Bloch, Ichthyologia, IX, 1795, 87, pl. 418, 
tropical America. 

Synbranchus immaculatus Bloch, loc. cit., pl. 419, fig. 1. 

Synbranchus transversalis Bloch and Schneider, loc. cit., 1801, 524, 
Guinea; after Gronow. 

Unibranchapertura grisea, marmorata, immaculata, and lineata Lacépéde, 
Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 658, Surinam. 

Synbranchus fuliginosus Ranzani, Nov. Com. Acad. Sci. Bonon, IV, 
1840, 75, pl. 11, fig. 1, Brazil. 

Murzna lumbricus Gronow, Cat. Fish., 1854, 18, Sea of Guinea. 

Symobranchus vittatus Castelnau, Anim. Amer. Sud, Poiss., 84, 1855, 
pl. 44, fig. 3, Rio de Janeiro. 


Order R. CARENCHELI. Long-necked eels 

Genus 184. DERICHTHYS Gill. 
Derichthys Gill, Amer. Nat., XVIII, 1884, 433 (D. serpentinus Gill). 

515. Derichthys serpentinus Gill. 
Gulf Stream. 
Derichthys serpentinus Gill, Am. Nat., XVIII, 1884, 433, Gulf Stream 
at Albatross station 2094 in 1,022 fathoms. 

Genus 185. GORGASIA Meek and Hildebrand. 
Gorgasia Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., XV, 1923, 
133 (G. punctata Meek and Hildebrand). 

516. Gorgasia punctata Meek and Hildebrand. 
Gorgasia punctata Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
XV, 1923, 133, Chame Point, Panama. 

Order S. APODES 

Family 68. ANGUILLIDZ. True eels 

Genus 186. ANGUILLA Shaw. Eels. 
Anguilla Shaw, Gen. Zool., IV, 1803, 15 (A. anguilla). 
Murezna Bleeker, Poey, etc. (taking as type Murena anguilla, the first 
species mentioned by Artedi under Murena). 
Tribranchus (Peters) Miiller, Abhandl., Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1844 (7. 
anguillaris Peters= Anguilla australis Rich). 

517. Anguilla rostrata (LeSueur). American eel; Fresh-water eel. 

Atlantic coast of the United States; very abundant from Maine to 
Mexico, ascending all rivers south of Canada and east of the Rocky 
Mountains, individuals sometimes resident throughout the Missis- 
sippi Valley; common in the West Indies. 

sah han rostrata LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1817, 81, Cayuga 


Murzna bostonensis LeSueur, loc. cit., 81, Boston. 

Murena serpentina LeSueur, loc. cit., 82, Newport, R. I. 

Murzna macrocephala LeSueur, loc. cit., 82, Saratoga, N. Y. 

Murzxna argentea LeSueur, loc. cit., 82, Boston Bay. 

Anguilla chrysypa Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag. and Crit. Rev., 
1817, 120, Lake George; Hudson River; Lake Champlain. 

Anguilla blephura Rafinesque, loc. cit., 120, Long Island. 

Anguilla laticauda Rafinesque, loc. cit., 445, Ohio River. 

sig, aterrima Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 78, Tennessee and 

umberland Rivers. 

Anguilla zanthomelas Rafinesque, loc. cit., 78, Ohio River. 

Anguilla lutea Rafinesque, loc. cit., 78, Ohio River. 

Anguilla tenuirostris DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 310, New York. 

Anguilla noveorleansis Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 43, fig. 33, New 
Orleans, La. 

Anguilla punctatissima Kaup, loc. cit., 44, Niagara River. 

Anguilla cubana Kaup, loc. cit., 44, Cuba. 

Anguilla noveterre Kaup, loc. cit., 45, fig. 35, Newfoundland. 

Anguilla terana Kaup, loc. cit., 45, fig. 36, Texas. 

Anguilla wabashensis Kaup, loc. cit., 46, Wabash River. 

Anguilla tyrannus Girard, U. 8S. Mex. Bound. Surv., Ichth., 1859, 75, 
Rio Grande. 



Family 69. SIMENCHELYIDZ. Snub-nosed eels 

Genus 187. SIMENCHELYS Gill. 
Simenchelys Gill, in Goode and Bean, Bull. Essex Inst., 1879, 27 (S. 
parasiticus Gill). i 
Conchognathus Collett, Bull. Soe. Zool. France, 1889, 123 (C. grimaldiz 
518. Simenchelys parasiticus Gill. 
Offshore banks, in deep water, south of Newfoundland; also recorded 
from the Azores. 
Simenchelys parasiticus Gill, in Goode and Bean, Bull. Essex Inst., 1879, 
27, Newfoundland banks. 
Coneinaihns grimaldii Collett, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1889, 122, 

Genus 188. SYNAPHOBRANCHUS Johnson. 
Synaphobranchus Johnson, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1862, 169 (S. kawpit 
Johnson= Murena pinnata Gronow). 

519. Synaphobranchus pinnatus (Gronow). 
North Atlantic and western Pacific; common about the Madeiras, 
Canaries, etc., and also about the banks of Newfoundland. 
Murena pinnata Gronow, Cat. Fish., 1854, 19, locality unknown. 
Runa cnc kaupit Johnson, Proc. Zool. Zoc. Lond., 1862, 169, 

Genus 189. HISTIOBRANCHUS Gill. 
Histiobranchus Gill, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 255 (H, infernalis Gill). 

520. Histiobranchus batlybius (Giinther). 
Northern and western Pacific in deep water; Bering Strait; off Japan 
and off Cape of Good Hope; one specimen obtained by Doctor 
Gilbert in Bering Sea in 1890. 
Synaphobranchus bathybius Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XX, 1877, 
445, and in Voy. Challenger, 254, Pl. LXII, fig. 6, 1887, off Yeddo; 
North Pacific; Kerguelen Island. 

521. Histiobranchus infernalis Gill. 
Gulf Stream. 
Histiobranchus infernalis Gill, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 255, 
Gulf Stream, at Albatross station 2037, 38° 30’ N., 69° W., in 1,731 

Family 71. ILYOPHIDA. Ooze eels 

Genus 190. ILYOPHIS Gilbert. 
Ilyophis Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 351 (J. brunneus 

522. Ilyophis brunneus Gilbert. 
One specimen from Chatham Island, Galapagos Archipelago, in 634 
Ilyophis brunneus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 352, 
Chatham Island, Galapagos Archipelago, at Albatross station 2808 
in 654 fathoms. 


Genus 191. MURZ NESOX McClelland. 

Murenesox McClelland, Caleutta Jour. Nat. Hist., V, 1844, 408 (M. 
tricuspidata McClelland). 

Branchyconger Bleeker, Neder]. Tijdschr. Dierk., II, 1865, 236 (Murena 
savanna Cuvier). 

523. Murzenesox savanna (Cuvier). 

Cuba to Rio Janeiro, not common; occasional in the Mediterranean Sea. 

Murzna savanna Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 350, Martinique. 

Conger brasiliensis Ranzani, De Novis Spec. Pisce. Diss. Prima., IV, 
1838, 17, pl. 13, fig. 1, Brazil.. 

Congrus curvidens Richardson, Voy. Erebus and Terror, 1844, 111, no 

Conger limbatus Castelnau, Anim. Amér. Sud, 1855, 83, pl. 43, fig. 2, 
Rio Janeiro. 


524. Murznesox coniceps Jordan and Gilbert. 
Cape San Lucas to the coast of Colombia; generally common. 
furenesox coniceps Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 348, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Family 73. CONGRIDA (LEPTOCEPHALID). Conger eels 

Genus 192. CONGER Cuvier. Conger eels. 
a. Adult forms (Conger): 
Conger Cuvier, Oken, in Régne Anim., Ed. I, 1817, 231 (‘‘Les Congres” 
Cuvier, Oken, 1182) (Murzna conger Linnzus). ; 
Congrus Richardson, Voy. Erebus and Terror, 1844, 107 (Murena 
conger Linnzus). 
b. Larval forms (Leptocephali): 
Leptocephalus Scopoli, Int. Hist. Nat., 1777, 453 (L. morrisi Gmelin). 
Oxyurus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 19 (O. vermiformis Lacépéde). 
Helmictis Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 62. 
say me Costa, Fauna Napoli, Pesci, tavoli 31, 1854 (H. diaphanus 
? Leptocephalichthys Bleeker, Act. Soc. Sci. Indo—Neder., I, 69 (L. 
hypselosoma Bleeker, a larval form allied to Conger). 
? Diaphanichthys Peters, Sitzungsb., Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1864, 399 (D. 
brevicaudus Peters); larva allied to Conger. 

525. Conger conger (Linnzus). Conger eel. 
Atlantic Ocean; generally common on both coasts, from Cape Cod to 
Brazil, also on coasts of Asia and Africa. 
a. Adult forms: 
Murena supremo margine pinne dorsalis nigro Artedi, Synon., 40, 1738, 
2, Mediterranean. 
Murzna conger Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 245; based on Artedi. 
Murena nigra Risso, Ichth. Nice, 1810, 93 (black variety), Nice. 
Anguilla oceanica Mitchill, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1818, 407, off 
New York. 
Conger verus Risso, Europ. Mérid., III, 1826, 201, Nice. 
Conger vulgaris Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 350, France. 
Conger rubescens Ranzani, De Novis Spee. Pise. Diss. Prima, 1838, 19, 
Pl. V, fig. 5, Mediterranean. 
Ophisoma obtusa Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Reptiles, and Amphib., 
II, 1839, 395, Sicily. 
Conger orbignyanus Valenciennes, D’Orbigny, Voy. Am. Merid., Poiss., 
1839, pl. 12, 1, South America. 
Conger verreauxi Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 115, no locality. 
Conger esculentus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 346, Cuba. 
b. Larval forms: 
Leptocephalus morrisi Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1150, 1877, Holyhead, 
Ophidium pellucidum Couch, Lond. Mag. Nat. Hist., V, 1832, 3113, 
742, England. 
Leptocephalus gracilis Storer, Mem. Amer. Acad., II, 1839, 524, Massa- 
Leptocephalus spallanzani, candidissimus, ete., of European writers. 

526. Conger car dilimbatus (Poey). 
Tropical parts of Atlantic; Pensacola to Cuba and Madeira. 
Echelus caudilimbatus Poey, Repertorio, II, 1867, 249, Cuba. 
Conger macrops Giinther, Cat., VIII, 1870, 40, Madeira, Banamas. 
Conger caudicula Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 435, Pensacola. 

Genus 193. ARIOSOMA Swainson. 

Ariosoma Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., I, 1838, 220; II, 1839, 195 (no 
type named, logotype as restricted by Bleeker and by Swainson 
Ophisoma acuta Beaters urena balearica De la Roche). 

Ophisoma Swainson, loc. cit., 1839; Ophisoma acuta Swainson; substitute 
for Ariosoma; the name preoccupied. 

Congermurena Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 71 (108) (Murena balearica 
De la Roche, as restricted by Bleeker). 

Congrellus Ogilby, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, XXIII, 1898, 
288 (Murena balearica De la Roche). 












Ariosoma opisthopthalma (Ranzani). 

West Indies to Brazil. 

Conger opisthopthalmus Ranzani, De Novis Spec. Pise. Diss. Prima, 
1838, 16, Pl. V, fig. 1, Bahia: 

Conger microstomus Castelnau, Anim. Amér. Sud, 1855, 83, pl. 42, 
fig. 4, Rio Janeiro. 

Conger analis Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 318, Habana. 

Conger impressus Poey, loc. cit., 318, Cuba. 

Ariosoma gilberti (Ogilby). 
Panama; probably also at the Galapagos and Cape San Lucas. 
Ophisoma balearicum Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 349, 
Albatross station 2797, Panama Bay, 33.fathoms; not of Dela Roche. 
Congrellus gilberti Ogilby, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1898, 288, 
after Gilbert. 

Ariosoma caudale (Garman). 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Congermurena caudalis Garman, Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 305; 
Albatross station 3354, lat. 7° 9’ 45’’ N., long. 80° 50’ W., in 322 

Genus 194. ANAGO * Jordan and Hubbs. 
Anago Jordan and Hubbs, Mem. Carnegie Mus., X, 1925, 191 (Conger 
anago Schlegel). 

Anago nitens (Jordan and Bollman). 
One specimen dredged at Albatross station 2801, off Panama, 8° 47’ N., 
79° 29’ 30’’ W., in 14 fathoms. 
Ophisoma nitens Jordan and Botlman, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1889, 153, Panama. 

Anago macrurus (Gilbert). 
Gulf of California. 
Ophisoma macrurum Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 351, 
Gulf of California, at Albatross station 3105. 

Genus 195. HILDEBRANDIA Jordan and Evermann. 
Hildebrandia Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 4th Ser., 
XVI, Apr. 27, 1927, 502 (Congermurena flava Goode and Bean). 

Hildebrandia flava (Goode and Bean). 
Albatross stations 2121 and 2122 in 31 and 34 fathoms; station 2402 in 
111 fathoms; also Blake station 264 in 84 fathoms; Gulf Stream. 
Congermurena flava Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 138, fig. 159, 
Gulf Stream. 

Genus 196. GNATHOPHIS Kaup. 
Gnathophis Kaup, Abhandl., Natur. Verein Hamburg, 1859 (1860), IV, 
Abth. 2, 7 (G@. heterognathus Kaup); teeth blunt. 

Gnathophis guppii (Norman). 
West Indies. 
Congromurena guppii Norman, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 9, XV, 
1925, 313, Tobago. 

Gnathophis proriger (Gilbert). 
Panama to Ecuador. 
Ophisoma prorigerum Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 350, 
coast of Ecuador, at Albatross station 2792 in 401 fathoms; also at 
station 2799, near Panama. 

Genus 197. CONGROSOMA Garman. 
Congrosoma Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 308 
(Congrosoma evermanni Garman). 

Congrosoma evermanni Garman. 
Off Panama. 
Congrosoma evermanni Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, Pl. LXII, fig. 1, Albatross station 3355, lat. 7° 12’ 20’’ N., 
long. 80° 55’ W. in 182 fathoms. 

2s The shore species named below may not, any, of them, belong to Anago or, in fact, to the same genus. 
They seem nearer the Japanese form Anago than to Ariosoma. 


Genus 198. UROCONGER Kaup. 
Uroconger Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 110 (U. lepturus Kaup). 

536. Uroconger vicinus Vaillant. 
Deep waters off the coast of northern Africa; a young individual taken 
by the Albatross at station 2161 in 146 fathoms. 
Uroconger vicinus Vaillant, Expéd. Sci. Travailleur et Talisman, 1883, 
86, Pl. VI, fig. 1, Bane d’Arguin, off Soudan, off Cape Verde Islands. 

537. Uroconger varidens Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Uroconger varidens Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
304, Pl. LXI, fig. 1, Albatross stations 3396 and 3357 in 259 and 782 

Genus 199. MICROCONGER Fowler. 
Microconger Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXIV, 1912, 9 (Lepto- 
cephalus caudalis Fowler). 

538. Microconger caudalis (Fowler). 
Coast of Lower California. 
Leptocephalus (Microconger) caudalis Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Phila., LXIV, 1912, 9; off Lower California. 

Genus 200. MAYERINA Silvester. 
Mayerina Silvester, Carnegie Inst. Year Book, XIV, 1915, 214 (Mayer- 
ina mayeri Silvester). 

539. Mayerina mayeri Silvester. 
Porto Rico. 
Mayerina mayeri Silvester, Carnegie Inst. Year Book, XIV, 1915, 214, 
Porto Rico. 

Genus 201. XENOMYSTAX Gilbert. 
yer nen Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 348 (X. atrarius 

540. Xenomystax atrarius Gilbert. 
Coast of Ecuador. 
Xenomystax atrarius Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 348, 
1° S., 81° W., at Albatross station 2792 in 401 fathoms. 

641, Xenomystax rictus Garman. 
Off Panama. 
Xenomystax rictus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
315, Pl. N, several Albatross stations (3384, 3394, 3354, 3404, 3417) 
in from 322 to 511 fathoms. 

Genus 202. HOPLUNNIS Kaup. 
ee Kaup, Aalen. Fische Hamburg Mus., 1860, 19 (H. schmidtii 

542. Hoplunnis schmidtii Kaup. 
Caribbean Sea at Puerto Cabello, near Aspinwall; Colon. 
Hoplunnis schmidtii Kaup, Aalen. Fische Hamburg Mus., 1859, 19, 
pl. 2, fig. 4, Puerto Cabello, near Aspinwall, Colon. 

543. Hoplunnis diomedianus Goode and Bean. 
A single individual obtained by the Albatross in the Gulf of Mexico. 
Hoplunnis diomedianus Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 146, 1895, 
fig. ned he of Mexico, Albatross station 2402, 28° 36’ N., 86° 50’ W., 
111 fathoms. 

Genus 203. NEOCONGER Girard. 
Neoconger Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858 (1859), 171 
(N. mucronatus Girard). 

544. Neoconger mucronatus Girard. 
Coast of Texas. 
Neoconger mucronatus Girard, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858 
(1859), 171, St. Joseph Island, Texas. 

545. Neoconger vermiformis Gilbert. 
Lower California to Panama. 
Neoconger vermiformis Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 57, 
off Lower California, at Albatross station 3035 in about 30 fathoms. 


Genus 204. LEPTOCONGER Poey. 
Leptoconger Poey, Anal. Soc. Espafiola Hist. Nat., Madrid, 1880, 250 
(L. perlongus Poey). 

546. Leptoconger perlongus (Poey). 
Matanzas, Cuba. 
Neoconger perlongus Poey, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1874, 67, 
pl. 9, figs. 3 and 4, Matanzas, Cuba. 

Family 74. NETTASTOMIDZ. Duckbill eels; Sorcerers 

Genus 205. CHLOPSIS Rafinesque. 
Chlopsis Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 58 (C. bicolor Rafinesque). 
Saurenchelys Peters, Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1864, 397 (S. can- 
crivora Peters). 

547. Chlopsis equatorialis Gilbert. 
Coast of Ecuador. 
Chlopsis equatorialis Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 347, 
off coast of Ecuador, 1° 8., 81° W., at Albatross station 2792 in 401 

548. Chlopsis gilberti Garman. 
Off Panama and San Diego. 
Chlopsis gilbertii Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
Pl. LXII, fig. 2, various stations of the Albatross, from 322 to 511 

Genus 206. VENEFICA Jordan and Davis. 
Venefica Jordan and Davis, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XVI, 1888, 651 (Net- 
tastoma procerum Goode and Bean). 

549. Venefica procera (Goode and Bean). 
Gulf Stream; also taken off San Pedro, Calif. 
Nettastoma procerum Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, 
1883, 224, Gulf Stream, at Albatross station 325. 

550. Venefica ocella Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Venefica ocella Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 318, 
Pl. LXI, fig. 2, Albatross station 3366, lat. 5° 30’ N., long. 86° 45’ W., 
in 1,067 fathoms. 

551. Venefica tentaculata Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water; San Diego. 
Venefica tentaculata Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
319, Pl. M, fig. 2, various Albatross stations at depths ranging from 
770 to 978 fathoms. 

Genus 207. THZNIOCONGER Herre. 
Txnioconger Herre, Philippine Jour. Sci., XXIII, No. 2, August, 1923, 
152 (T. chapmani Herre). 

552. Teenioconger digueti Pellegrin. 
Gulf of California. 
T enioconger digueti Pellegrin, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, CLX XVII, 
1923, 789, near Island of Espiritu Santo, Gulf of California. 

Family 75. ECHELIDA. Worm eels 

Genus 208. AHLIA Jordan and Davis. 
Ahlia Jordan and Davis, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XVI, 1888, 639 (Myro- 
phis egmontis Jordan). 

553. Ahlia egmontis (Jordan). 
Florida Keys. 
Myrophis egmontis Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXXVI, 1884, 
44, Egmont Key, Fla. 

Genus 209. MYROPHIS Liitken. 
Myrophis Liitken, Vid.. Med. Naturh. Foren. Kjébenhavn, 1, 1851 
(M. punctatus Liitken). 


554. Myrophis punctatus Liitken. 
West Indies; coast of Texas to Surinam; common along our Gulf coast. 
Myrophis punctatus Liitken, Vid. Med. Naturh. Foren. Kj@benhavn, 
1, 1851, 9, West Indies. 
Myrophis microstigmius Poey, Repertorio, II, 1867, 250, Cuba. 
Myrophis lumbricus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 261, Galveston, Tex. 

555. Myrophis vafer Jordan and Gilbert. 
Pacific coast of tropical America, from Guaymas to Panama. 
Myrophis vafer Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
645, Panama. 

Genus 210. CHILORHINUS Liitken. 
Chilorhinus Liitken, Vid. Med. Naturh. Foren. Kjgbenhavyn, 1, 1851 
(C. suensonii Liitken). 

556. Chilorhinus suensonii Liitken. 
St. Croix, West Indies. 
Chilorhinus suensonii Liitken, Vid. Med. Naturh. Foren. Kj@benhavn, 
1, 1851, St. Croix. 

Family 76. NEMICHTHYIDA. Thread eels; Snipe eels 

Genus 211. NEMICHTHYS Richardson. 
Nemichthys Richardson, Voy. Samarang, 1848, 25 (N. scolopaceus 
Leptorhynchus Lowe, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., X, 1852, 54 (L. lewchten- 
bergi Lowe); preoccupied. 
Belonopsis Brandt, Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., Savans Etrangéres, 
1854, 174 (Leptorhynchus leuchtenbergi Lowe). 

557. Nemichthys scolopaceus Richardson. Snipe eel. 

Atlantic Ocean, in deep water; many specimens taken off the New 
England coast and off the Grand Banks; common about Madeira. 

Nemichthys scolopacea Richardson, Voy. Samarang, 1848, 25, South 

Leptorhynchus leuchtenbergii Lowe, Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 
Savans Etrangéres 1854, 171, Madeira. 

Belonopsis leuchtenbergii Brandt, loc. cit., 1854, 174 (with good plate). 

558. Nemichthys avocetta Jordan and Gilbert. 
Puget Sound near Seattle; only the type known. 
Nemichthys avocetta Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 409, harbor of Port Gamble, near Seattle. 

559. Nemichthys fronto Garman 
Off Pacific coast of Mexico, in deep water. 
Nemichthys fronto Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
324, Pl. LXV, fig. 1, Albatross stations 3384 and 3434, in 458 and 
1,588 fathoms. 

Genus 212. AVOCETTINA Jordan and Davis. 
Avocettina Jordan and Davis, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XVI, 1888, 655 
(Nemichthys infans Giinther). 

560. Avocettina infans (Giinther). 
Known from West Indies, and middle Atlantic off Pernambuco. 
Nemichthys infans Ginther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5th Ser., II, 1878, 
oon. and in Challenger Rept., X XII, 1887, 264, mid. Atlantic in 2,500 

561. Avocettina gilli (Bean). 
Coast of southeastern Alaska in deep water. 
Labichthys gilli Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 45, east of 
Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. 

562. Avocettina elongata (Gill and Ryder). 
Gulf Stream. 
Labichthys elongatus Gill and Ryder, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 
262, Gulf Stream at Albatross station 2100, 39° 22’ N., 68° 34’ W. 


Genus 218. SERRIVOMER Gill and Ryder. 
Serrivomer Gill and Ryder, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 260 (S. 
beanii Gill and Ryder). 

568. Serrivomer beanii Gill and Ryder. 
Gulf Stream; also taken in the Gulf of California. 
Serrivomer beanit Gill and Ryder, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VI, 18838, 261, 
Gulf Stream, lat. 41° 40’ 30’’, long. 65° 28’ 30’’ in 855 fathoms. 

564. Serrivomer sector Garman. 
Gulf of California to Panama in deep water. 
Serrivomer sector Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., X XIV, 1899, 320, 
Pl. LXIII, numerous stations of the Albatross and off Guaymas, 50 
miles south, surface to 700 fathoms. 

Genus 214. SPINIVOMER Gill and Ryder. 
Spinivomer Gill and Ryder, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 18838, 261 (S. 
goodez Gill and Ryder). 

565. Spinivomer goodei Gill and Ryder. 
Gulf Stream. 
Spinivomer goodei Gill and Ryder, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 261, 
Gulf Stream, at lat. 38° 19’ 26’’, long. 68° 20’ 20’ in 2,361 fathoms. 

Genus 215. LABICHTHYS Gill and Ryder. 
Labichthys Gill and Ryder, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1888, 261 (L. 
carinatus Gill and Ryder). 

566. Labichthys carinatus Gill and Ryder. 
Gulf Stream. 
Labichthys carinatus Gill and Ryder, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 
253, 255, 261, Gulf Stream, 41° 13’ N., 65° 33’ W. 

567. Labichthys bowersi Garman. 
ff Panama in deep water. 
Labichthys bowersi Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
823, Pl. XIV, fig. 1, Albatross stations 3414, 3388, and 3361, in 1,168 
to 2,232 fathoms. 

Family 77. OPHICHTHYIDZ. Snake eels 

Genus 216. SPHAGEBRANCHUS Bloch. 

Sphagebranchus Bloch, Ichthyologia, 1X, 1795, 88, pl. 419 (S. rostratus 

Cecilia Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 1385 (C. brandieriana 
Lacépéde= Murxna ceca Linneus); not Cecilia L. a genus of Ba- 

Apterichthys Duméril, Zool. Anal., 112, 1806, 331 (Murxna ceca 

Branderius Rafinesque, Anal. Nat., 1815, 93; substitute for Cecilia 

Ichthyapus Brisout de Barneville, Revue Zool., 1847, 219 (J. acuti- 

Ophisuraphis Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 29 (O. gracilis Kaup). 

568. Sphagebranchus anguiformis (Peters). 
Open Atlantic, near the West Indies. 
Ophichthys (Sphagebranchus) anguiformis Peters, Monatsber. Akad. 
Wiss. Berlin, 1876, 849, Atlantic Ocean, 15° 40’ N., 23° 5’ W. 

569. Sphagebranchus selachops (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Rocks about Cape San Lucas. 
Apterichthys selachops Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 356, Cape San Lucas. 

570. Sphagebranchus ophioneus Evermann and Marsh. 
Porto Rico. 
Sphagebranchus ophioneus Evermann and Marsh, Fish. Porto Rico, Bull. 
U. S. Fish Com., XX, 1900, 73, fig. 7, off Mayaguez, Porto Rico. 

Genus 217. VERMA Jordan and Evermann. 

Verma Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
374 (Sphagebranchus kendalli Gilbert). 


571. Verma kendalli (Gilbert). 
Coast of Florida, in rather deep water. 
Sphagebranchus kendalli Gilbert, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., IX, 1889 (1891), 
310, off west coast of Florida, 25° 34’ N., 82° 50’ W., in 25 fathoms. 

Cryptopterus Kaup, Aalen. Fische Hamburg Mus., II, 1860 (C. punctaceps 
KKaup); name preoccupied. 
Cryptopterenchelys Fowler, Amer. Mus. Novitates, CLXII, March 31, 
1925 (Cryptopterus puncticeps Kaup); substitute for Cryplopterus 
Kaup, preoccupied. 

572. Cryptopterenchelys puncticeps (Kaup). 
Caribbean Sea. 
Cryptopterus puncticeps Kaup, Aalen. Fische Hamburg Mus., II, 1860, 
pl. 1, fig. 2, Puerto Cabello. 

573. Cryptopterenchelys frontalis (Garman). 
Off Panama. 
Ophichthys (Cryptopterus) frontalis Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 
XXIV, 1899, 309, Albatross stations 3386, 3389, 3391. 

Genus 219. MYRICHTHYS Girard. 
Pisodonophis Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 15 (in part; not type, as 
restricted by Bleeker, which is P. cancrivorus). 
Myrichthys Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 58 (M. 
tigrinus Girard). 
Ophisurus Swainson, Bleeker, etc. (not of Lacépéde, nor of Risso, nor 
Kaup, who restrict the name to O. serpens). 

574. Myrichthys tigrinus Girard. 
Pacific coast of Mexico; rather common about Mazatlan, and occa- 
sionally ranging northward. 
Myrichthys tigrinus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 58, 
Adair Bay, Oregon; doubtless an error. 
Ophisurus rysturus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
346, Mazatlan. 

575. Myrichthys xysturus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of Mexico; common among the rocks about Mazatlan. 
Ophichthys xysturus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IX, 
1881, 346, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

576. Myrichthys oculatus (Kaup). 
Tropical Atlantic; Cuba to Surinam and Cape Verde Islands. 
Pisoodonophis oculatus Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 22, Curagao. 
diag latimaculatus Poey, Repertorio, II, 1867, 252, pl. 3, fig. 1, 

577. Myrichthys acuminatus (Gronow). 

West Indies, occasionally northward to Florida Keys. 

Murezna acuminata Gronow, Fish. Brit. Mus., 1854, 21, Insula Div., 

Pisodonophis guttulatus Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 21, fig. 10, Mar- 

Ophisurus longus Poey, Repertorio, II, 1867, 254, Cuba. 

i a a pisavarius Poey, Anal. Soc. Espafiola Hist. Nat., 1875, 196, 


578. Myrichthys pantostigmius Jordan and McGregor. 
Revillagigedo Islands. 
Myrichthys pantostigmius Jordan and McGregor, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., 
XXIV, 1898 (1899), 274, pl. 4, Clarion Island. 

Genus 220. LETHARCHUS Goode and Bean. 

Letharchus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 436 (L. 
velifer Goode and Bean). 

579. Letharchus pacificus Osburn and Nichols. 
Gulf of California. 

Letharchus pacificus Osburn and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
XXXV, 1916, 146, fig. 3, Cape San Lucas, 













Letharchus velifer Goode and Bean. 
Coast of Florida, in rather deep water; known only from the Snapper 
Banks off Pensacola and Tampa. 
Letharchus velifer Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
437, West Florida. 

Genus 221. PISODONOPHIS Kaup. 
Pisodonophis Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 17 (P. cancrivorus Kaup as 
restricted by Bleeker; later written Pisoodonophis by Kaup and since 
spelled Pisodontophis by purists). 

Pisodonophis daspilotus Gilbert. 
Pisodonophis daspilotus Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2803, Panama. 

Genus 222. OMOCHELYS Fowler. 
Omochelys Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXX, 1918, 3 (Pisoo- 
donophis cruentifer Goode and Bean). 
Styletor Jordan, loc. cit., LX X, 1918 (1919), 343 (Pisoodonophis cruentifer 
Goode and Bean); name preoccupied. 

Omochelys cruentifer (Goode and Bean). 

Two specimens at station 1035 of U. S. Fish Comniission steamer Fish 
Hawk, 39° 57’ N., 69° 28’ W., in 120 fathoms; four others at nearly 
same region in 245 fathoms. 

Pisoodonophis cruentifer Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 147, 
fig. 166, Gulf Stream. 

Genus 228. CALLECHELYS Kaup. 
Callechelys Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 28 (C. guichenoti Kaup). 

Callechelys murzena Jordan and Evermann. 
Snapper Banks off Pensacola. 
Callechelys murena Jordan and Evermann, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IX, 
1886, 466, Snapper Banks. 

Genus 224. BASCANICHTHYS Jordan and Davis. 

Bascanichthys Jordan and Davis, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XVI, 1888, 
621 (Cacula bascanium Jordan). 

Bascanichthys bascanium (Jordan). 
Egmont Key, Florida. 

Cecula bascanium Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXXVI, 1884, 
48, Egmont Key, Fla. 

Bascanichthys scuticaris (Goode and Bean). 
West coast of Florida. 
Sphagebranchus scuticaris Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 
P87), 343, Cedar Key. 
Sphagebranchus teres Goode and Bean, loc. cit., V, 1882, 436, west 

Bascanichthys cylindricus Meek and Hildebrand. 
Bascanichthys cylindricus Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., XV, 1923, 152, Pl. VIII, Chame Point, Panama. 

Bascanichthys panamensis Meek and Hildebrand. 
Bascanichthys panamensis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. 
Hist., Zool., XV, 1923, Pl. VII, 151, Chame Point, Panama. 

Bascanichthys bascanoides Osburn and Nichols. 
Coast of Lower California. 
Bascanichthys bascanoides Osburn and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., XX XV, 1916, 147, fig. 4, San Cristobal, from the stomach of 
Mycteroperea venadorum. 

Bascanichthys peninsule (Gilbert). 
Paz Bay, Gulf of California. 

Callechelys peninsulz Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 548, 
La Paz Bay, Lower California. 


Genus 225. QUASSIREMUS Jordan and Davis. 
Quassiremus Jordan and Davis, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XVI, 1888, 622 
(Ophichthus evionthas Jordan and Bollman), 

590. Quassiremus nothochir (Gilbert). 
San Josef Island, Gulf of Calitornia. 
Ophichthys nothochir Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 58, 
San Josef Island, Gulf of California. 

591. Quassiremus evionthas (Jordan and Bollman). 
Hood Island, Galapagos Archipelago. 
Ophichthus evionthas Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1889, 154, Hood Island, Galapagos Archipelago. 

Genus 226. OPHICHTHUS Thunberg and Ahl. 

Ophichthus Ahl, De Murzna et Ophichtho, 1789 (Murezna ophis L.). 

Cogrus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 62 (C. maculatus Rafinesque). 

Centrurophis Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 2 (C. spadiceus Kaup). 

Pecilocephalus Kaup, loc. cit., 5 (P. bonapartei Kaup). 

Microdontophis Kaup, loc. cit., 6 (M. altipinnis Kaup). 

Cecilophis Kaup, loc. cit., 6 (C. compar Kaup). 

Herpetoichthys Kaup, loc. cit., 7 (H. ornatissimus Kaup). 

Elapsopsis Kaup, loc. cit., 9 (EZ. versicolor Kaup). 

Murznopsis Kaup, loc. cit., 11 (Murzxnophis ocellatus LeSueur); the 
name wrongly credited to LeSueur. 

Scytalophis Kaup, loc. cit., 13 GS. magnioculis Kaup). 

Leptorhinophis Kaup, loc. cit., 14 (Ophisurus gomesi Castelnau). 

Uranichthys Poey, Repertorio, II, 1867, 256 (Murxna havannensis 
Bloch and Schneider). 

Oxyodontichthys Poey, Anales Soc. Espafiola Hist. Nat., 1880, 254 

Ophichthys Bleeker, Giinther, and of recent authors generally. 

592. Ophichthus ophis (Linnzus). 

West Indies; apparently not common, 

? Serpens marinus maculosus Willoughby, Hist. Pise., 1686, Tab. G., 9, 
no locality. 

? Murena ophis Linneus, Syst. Nat.,ed. X, 1758, 244; after Willoughby; 
may be identical with Ophichthius regius, a St. Helena species likewise 
spotted with black. 

Innominado Parra, Dif. Piezas Hist. Nat., 1787, pl. 37, fig. 2, Habana. 

Murxna_havannensis Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 491; 
after Parra. 

? Ophisurus guttatus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, 1817, 232, Surinam; 
after Bloch, pl. 154. 

? Murexna maculosa Cuvier, loc. cit., Surinam; after Ophisurus ophis 
Lacépéde, which is based on Bloch, pl. 154. 

Herpetoichthys sulcatus Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 8, fig. 5, locality 

Urantchthys brachycephalus Poey, Repertorio, II, 1867, 257, Cuba. 

593. Ophichthus retropinnis Eigenmann, 
Snapper Banks off Pensacola, Fla. 
Ophichthys retrowinnis Eigenmann, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1887, 116, 
Snapper Banks off Pensacola. 

594. Ophichthus guttifer (Bean and Dresel). 
Snapper Banks off Pensacola, Fla. 
Ophichthys guttifer Bean and Dresel, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., II, 1884, 
100, Snapper Banks. 

595. Ophichthus ocellatus (LeSueur). 
West Indies, south to Brazil and north to Pensacola. 
Murzxnophis ocellatus LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., V, 1825, 
108, pl. 4, fig. 3, South America. 







Ophichthus triserialis (Kaup). 

Pacific coast of tropical America, rather common from Lower Cali- 
fornia to the Galapagos. 

Murexnopsis triserialis Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 12, Pacific. 

Herpetoichthys callisoma Abbott, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 
1860, 475, locality unknown. 

Ophisurus californiensis Garrett, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., III, 1863, 
66, Margarita Bay, Lower California. 

Ophichthus rugifer Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1889, 155, Charles Island, Galapagos; young with longer pectorals. 

Ophichthus biserialis (Garman). 
Galapagos Islands. 
Ophichthys biserialis Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
311, Chatham Island. 

Ophichthus chamensis Meek and Hildebrand. 
Ophichthus chamensis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., XV, 1923, 155, Pl. VIII, fig. 2, Chame Point, Panama. 

Subgenus SCYTALOPHIS Kaup. 

Ophichthus gomesii (Castelnau). Sea serpent; Sea eel; Whipsnake eel. 

South Carolina to Rio Janeiro; generally common, especially about 
the Florida Keys and Cuba. 

Ophisurus gomesit Castelnau, Anim. Amér. Sud, 1855, 84, pl. 44, fig. 2; 
Rio Janeiro. 

Ophisurus chrysops Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 321, Habana. 

Oxydontichthys brachyurus Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 426; and Poey, 
Enumeratio, II, 1875, 155, Habana. 

Oxydontichthys macrurus Poey, Anal. Soc. Espafiola Hist. Nat., 1880, 
254, Habana 

Oxydontichthys limbatus Poey, loc. cit., 254, Habana; name a substitute 
for brachyurus. ; 

600. Ophichthus zophochir (Jordan and Gilbert). 

Pacific Coast of Mexico, Guaymas to Acapulco. 
Ophichthys zophochir Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 347. 

601. Ophichthus magnioculus (Kaup). 

West Indies to Brazil; Aspinwall. 
Scytalophis magnioculus Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 13, fig. 7, St. 
Croix; Brazil. 

602. Ophichthus parilis (Richardson). 


Cuba to Brazil. 

Ophisurus parilis Richardson, Voy. Erebus and Terror, 1844, 105, West 

Ophichthys pauciporus Poey, Repertorio, II, 1868, 255, pl. 3, fig. 5. 

Genus 227. MYSTRIOPHIS Kaup. 
Mystriophis Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 10 (Ophisurus rostellatus 

Crotolopsis Kaup, Abhandl. Natur. Verein Hamburg, IV, 1860, 12 
(C. quinctifer Kaup). 

Echiopsis Kaup, loc. cit., 13, (Ophisurus intertinctus Richardson). 

Macrodonophis Poey, Repertorio, II, 1867, 251 (M. mordazx ophiurus 

Subgenus ECHIOPSIS Kaup 

Mystriophis intertinctus (Richardson). 

West Indies, north to Pensacola, Fla. 

Ophisurus intertinctus Richardson, Voy. Erebus and Terror, Fishes, 
1844, 102, West Indies. 

Ophisurus sugillatus Richardson, loc. cit., 103, probably West Indies. 

Crotalopsis punctifer Kaup, Abhandl. Natur. Verein Hamburg, IV, 
1860, 2, 12, pl. 1, fig. 3, Puerto Cabello. 

Conger mordax Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 319, Cuba. , 

Ophichthys schneideri Steindachner, Ich. Beitr., VIII, 1879, 66, Brazil. 


Genus 228. SCYTALICHTHYS Jordan and Davis. 
Scytalichthys Jordan and Davis, Rept. U. 8S. Fish Com., XVI, 1888, 
635 (Ophichthys miurus Jordan and Gilbert). 

604. Scytalichthys miurus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 
Ophichthys miurus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
357, Cape San Lucas. 

Genus 229. BRACHYSOMOPHIS Kaup. 
Brachysomophis Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 9 (B. horridus Kaup). 
?Achrophichthys Bleeker, Poisson Ined. Murénes, Ned. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
II, 242, 1865, (A. typus), young. 

605. Brachysomophis crocodilinus (Bennett). 

East Indies; a specimen recorded by Giinther from the Galapagos. 

Ophisurus crocodilinus Bennett, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1833, 32, 

sacs a aiaad horridus Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 9, fig. 6, Otaheite 


?Achirophichthys typus Bleeker, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., II, 1865, 

242, Celebes. 


Genus 230. ACANTHENCHELYS Regan. 
Acanthenchelys Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., X, 1922, 296 (A. spini- 
cauda Regan). 

606. Acanthenchelys spinicauda Regan. 
West Indies. 
Acanthenchelys spinicauda Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., X, 1922, 296, 
Island of Tobago. 

Family 79. MORINGUIDZ 

Genus 231. MORINGUA Gray. 

Moringua Gray, Zool. Misc., 1831, 9 (M. lateralis Gray). 

Rataboura Gray, Illust. Ind. Zool., 1831, 95 (Murzna ratibouri Ham- 
ilton= Ratabouri hardwickei Gray). 

Pachyurus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish, Reptiles and Amphib., II, 1839, 
335 (Moringua linearis Gray; not of Agassiz, 1829). 

Pseudomoringua Bleeker, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., II, 1865, 114 (Mo- 
ringua lumbricoides Richardson). 

607. Moringua bekei Metzelaar. 
Caribbean Sea. 
Moringua boekei Metzelaar, Trop. Atl. Visschen, 1919, 17, Curacao. 

Apthalmichthys Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 68 (A. javanicus Kaup). 

608. Aphthalmichthys caribbeus Gill and Smith. 
Porto Rico. 
Aphthalmichthys caribbeus Gill and Smith, Science. XI, No. 286, 1900, 
974, San Geronimo, near San Juan, Porto Rico. 

Genus 233. STILBISCUS Jordan and Bollman. 
Stilbiscus Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XI, 1888, 549 
(S. edwardsi Jordan and Bollman). 

609. Stilbiscus edwardsi Jordan and Bollman. 
Green Turtle Cay, one of the Bahamas. 
Stilbiscus edwardsi Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XI, 
1888, 549, Green Turtle Cay, Bahamas. 

Genus 234. GORDIICHTHYS Jordan and Davis. 
Gordiichthys Jordan and Davis, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XVI, 1888, 644 
(G. irretitus Jordan and Davis). 

610. Gordiichthys irretitus Jordan and Davis. 
Snapper Banks off west Florida in rather deep water. 
Gordiichthys irretitus Jordan and Davis, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XVI, 
1888, 644, off Pensacola, Fla. 


Family 80. MURZNIDZ. Morays 

Genus 235. ENCHELYCORE Kaup. 
Enchelycore Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 72 (Murzna nigricans Bonna- 

611. Enchelycore nigricans (Bonnaterre). 

West Indies; rather common. 

Murena unicolor maxillis elongatus teretiusculus, inferiore longiore, etc., 
Gronow, Zoophy., 1, 1763, 163, South America. 

Murena nigricans Bonnaterre, Encycl. Meth. Ichth., 1788, 34; after 

Murezna anguina Gronow, Cat. Fish., 1854, 18, South America. 

Enchelycore euryrhina Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 73, no locality. 

612. Enchelycore nigrocastaneus (Cope). 
West Indies. 
Gymnothorax nigrocastaneus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1871, 
483, St. Martin. 
?Gymnothoraz wmbrosus Poey, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1874, 67, 
Habana, Cuba. 

Genus 236. MURANA Linneus. Morays. 

Murexna Artedi, Gen. Pisc., 1738, 23, in part; includes all eels. 

Murexna Klein, Hist. Pisc., 1742, 28, in part; includes all eels without 
pectoral fins. 

Murena Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 244 (helena, etc.); includes all | 

Murena Thunberg and Ahl, De Murzena et Ophichthus, 1789, 6 (re- 
stricted to helena, etc.), includes species without pectoral fins. 

Murexna Giinther and of authors generally; not of Bleeker. 

Murenophis Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 630 (helena, etc.). 

Limamurena Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 95 (L. guttata Kaup). 

613. Murena melanotis (Kaup). 
Tropical Atlanta, from Africa to South America. 
Limamurzna melanotis Kaup, Aalen. Fische Hamburg Mus., 1859, 27, 
pl. 4, fig. 3. 

614. Murena lentiginosa Jenyns. Morena pinta. 
Pacific coast of America, from Gulf of California to Galapagos. 
Murena lentiginosa Jenyns, Voy. Beagle, Zool., 1842, 143, Galapagos 
Murena pinta Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
345, Mazatlan. 

615. Murzna retifera Goode and Bean. 
Coast of South Carolina, in rather deep water; one taken at Tucker- 
nuck Island, Mass. 
Murena retifera Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 435, 
off Charleston. 

616. Murena argus (Steindachner). 
Gulf of California. 
Gymnothorax (Limamurzna) argus Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, X, 
1870, 17, Pl. IV, Altata, Gulf of California. 

617. Murzena insularum Jordan and Davis. 
Galapagos Islands. 
Murena insularum Jordan and Davis, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XVI, 
1888, 609, Chatham Island. 

618. Murzena myrialeucosticta Fowler. 
West Indies. 
Murena myrialeucosticta Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXIV, 
1912, 18, St. Martin. 
619. Murena clepsydra Gilbert. 
Murezna clepsydra Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fish. North 
and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2805, Panama. 
Genus 237. PYTHONICHTHYS Poey. 
Pythonichthys Poey, Repertorio, II, 1867, 265 (P. sanguineus Poey). 


620. Pythonichthys sanguineus Poey. 
Coast of Cuba, in rather deep water. 
Pythonichthys sanguineus Poey, Repertorio, II, 1867, 265, pl. 2, fig. 7, 

Genus 238. RABULA Jordan and Davis. 
Rabula Jordan and Davis, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XVI, 1888, 589 
(R. aquz-dulcis Jordan and Davis=Rabula davisi Fowler, not 
Murezna aquz-dulcis Cope). 

621. Rabula davisi Fowler. 
Said to be from San Diego, which is doubtful. 
Rabula davisi Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXIV, 1912, 21; 
after Rabula aque-dulcis Jordan and Davis; not of Cope. 

622. Rabula marmorea (Valenciennes). 
Galapagos Islands. 
Murznophis marmoreus Valenciennes, Voy. Vénus, Zool., 1855, 347, pl. 
10, fig. 1, Galapagos. 

623. Rabula panamensis (Steindachner). 
Pacific coast of Central America. 
Murezna panamensis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, 1876, 19, Panama. 

624. Rabula longicauda (Peters). 
Tropical Atlantic, off the West Indies. 
Murena longicauda Peters, Monatsberichte, 1876, 850, open Atlantic, 
with Sphagebranchus anguiformis. 

Genus 239. GYMNOTHORAX Bloch. Morays. 

Gymnothoraz Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, IX, 1795, 83, restricted 
to allies of M. afra by Giinther (G. murzna Bloch). 

Lycondontis McClelland, Caleutta Jour. Nat. Hist., V, No. XVIII, 
1844, 173 (L. literata=tile). 

Throndontis McClelland, loc. cit., V, No. XVIII, 1844, 174 (T. reti- 

Eurymyctera Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 72, (EZ. crudelis Kaup). 

Polyuranodon Kaup, loc. cit., 96 (Murxzna polyuranodon Bleeker). 

Tzniophis Kaup, Aalen. Fische Hamburg Mus., Nachtrage, 1859, 10 
(T. westphali Kaup). 

Priodontophis Kaup, loc. cit., 1859, 22 (Gymnothorazx ocellatus Agassiz). 

Neomurzena Girard, U. 8. Mex. Bound. Surv., Fishes, 1859, 76 (N. 
nigromarginata Girard =ocellatus). 

Pseudomurzna Johnson, Proc., Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, 167 (P. ma- 
deirensis Johnson. 

625. Gymnothorax mordax (Ayres). Conger eel of California. 
aR dae a to Cedros Island; abundant about Santa Barbara 
Murzna mordax Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1859, 30, 
Cerros [Cedros] Island. 

626. sic aaa moringa (Cuvier). Common spotted moray; Hamlet; 

a} of Mexico, Pensacola, and West Indies to Rio Janeiro and St. 
Murzna maculata nigra; the black moray, Catesby, Nat. Hist. Caro- 
linas, ete., 1738, pl. 21, Bahamas. 
?Gymnothoraz afer Bloch, Syst. Ichth., 1795, pl. 417, Africa. 
Murzxna moringa Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 352; after 

ae rostratus Agassiz, Spix, Pisce. Brasil., 1830, 91, pl. 50a, 
Murzna moringua Richardson, Voy. Erebus and Terror, Fishes, 1844, 89, 

Murzna punctata Gronow, Cat. Fish., 1854, 18, North America. 
Murenophis curvilineata Castelnau, Anim, Amér. Sud, Poiss., 1855, 81, pl. 
42, fig. 2, Rio Janeiro. 
Murznophis caramuru Castelnau, loc. cit., 85, pl. 43, Bahia. 
Gymnothorax flavoscriptus Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 158, Cuba. 
a a picturatus Poey, Anal. Soc. Espafiola Hist. Nat., 1880, 
7, Cuba. 















Gymnothorax funebris Ranzani. Black moray; Morena verde. 

Tropical America; Rio Janeiro; West Indies. ‘ 

Murzxna maculata nigra et viridis (the moray) Catesby, Nat. Hist. 
Carolinas, etc., 1738, pl. 20, Bahamas. 

Gymnothorax funebris Ranzani, Nov. Com. Acad. Sci. Inst. Bonon., IV, 
1840, 76, Brazil. 

Murezna lineopinnis Richardson, Voy. Erebus and Terror, Fishes, 1844, 
89, Puerto Cabello. 

Murena infernalis Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 347, 354, Cuba. 

Thyrsoidea concolor Abbott, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 1860, 
479, Vera Cruz. 

Murena erebus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 426, Cuba. 

Gymnothorax castaneus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of Mexico; common about Mazatlan; representing G. 
funebris of the West Indies. : 
Sidera castanea Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V. 1882, 
647, Mazatlan. 

Gymnothorax sancte#-helene (Giinther). 
Tropical Atlantic; recorded from St. Helena and the Bermudas. 
Murena sanctzx-helene Gimther, Cat., VIII, 1870, 115, St. Helena. 

Gymnothorax vicinus (Castelnau). 
Tropical Atlantic, Cuba to Africa and Brazil. 
Murenophis vicina Castelnau, Anim. Amér. Sud, Poiss., 1855, 81, pl. 42, 
fig. 4, Bahia. 
Gymnothorax versipunctatus Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 156, Cuba. 
Thyrosoidea maculipinnis Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 86, Gold Coast. 

Gymnothorax punctarene Fowler. 
Puntarenas, Costa Rica, one specimen known. 
Gymnothorax punctarene Fowler, Copeia, No. 39, Jan. 24, 1917, 3, 
Puntarenas, Costa Rica. 

Gymnothorax brunneus Nichols. 
Gymnothorax brunneus Nichols, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XX XIII, 1920, 
59, Bermuda. 

Gymnothorax virescens Poey. 
Gymnothorax virescens Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 156, Cuba. 

Gymnothorax polygonius Poey. 
Gymnothoraz polygonius Poey, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1870, 
68, Habana. 
Gymnothorax dovii (Giinther). Morena pintita. 
Gulf of California to the Galapagos Archipelago. 
Murexna dovii Giinther, Cat., VIII, 1870, 103, Panama. 
Murena pintita Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
346, Mazatlan. 

Gymnothorax conspersus Poey. 
Cuba to Rio Janeiro. 
Mureznophis punctata Castelnau, Anim. Amér. Sud, 1855, 82, Rio 
Janeiro; not Gymnothorax punctatus Bloch. 
Gymnothorax conspersus Poey, Repertorio, II, 1868, 259, Cuba. 

Gymnothorax jordani (Evermann and Marsh). 
Porto Rico. 
Lycondontis jordani Evermann and Marsh, Fish. Porto Rico, Bull. 
U. S. Fish Com., XX, 1900 (1902), pt. 1, 78, pl. 2; off Mayaguez, 
Porto Rico. 

Gymnothorax miliaris (Kaup). 

West Indies. 

Thyrsoidea miliaris Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 90, Martinique. 

Murezna multocellata Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 324, Cuba; based on 
specimens with smaller spots than usual. 

Gymnothoraz scriptus Poey, Repertorio, II, 1868, 261, Cuba. 

Murzna myrialeucostictus Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXIV, 
1912, 18, St. Martins, West Indies. 














Gymnothorax elaboratus (Poey). 
Murena elaborata Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 323, Cuba. 

Gymnothorax obscuratus Poey. 
Gymnothorax obscuratus Poey, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., IX, 1870, 
320, Cuba. 

Gymnothorax chlevastes (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Galapagos Islands. 
Sidera chlevastes Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 
208, Galapagos. 

Gymnothorax albimentis (Evermann and Marsh). 
Porto Rico. 
Lycodontis albimentis Evermann and Marsh, Fish. Porto Rico, Bull. U. 
S. Fish Com., XX, 1900 (1902), pt. 1, 78, fig. 9; off Culebra Island. 

Gymnothorax concolor (Abbott). 
West Indies. 
Thyrsoidea concolor Abbott, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 1860, 
479, Vera Cruz. 
?Murzna erebus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 426, Cuba. 

Gymnothorax aquedulcis (Cope). 

Rio Grande, Costa Rica. 

Murena aquex-dulcis Cope, Rept., U. S. Geol. Surv., 1871 (1872), 474; 
said to be from Rio Grande, Costa Rica. It is evidently not a fresh- 
water fish. According to Fowler, it is not a Rabula, the dorsal 
beginning well before the gill opening. 

Gymnothorax carcinognathus Fowler. 
West Indies. 
Gymnothoraz carcinognathus Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXIV, 
1912, 22, St. Martins, West Indies. 

Gymnothorax verilli (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Panama; one specimen known. 
Sidera verrilli Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 623, 

Gymnothorax ocellatus Agassiz. Spotted moray; Moray eel. 
Pensacola to Rio Janeiro. 
Gymnothorax ocellatus Agassiz, Spix, Pise. Brasil., 1828, 91, pl. 50b, 

Gymnothorax ocellatus saxicola Jordan and Davis. 
Snapper Banks off Pensacola and deep water off Cuba. 
Murexna meleagris Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. Freycinet, Zool., 1824, 
245, pl. 52, fig. 2; not of Shaw. 
Gymnothorax ocellatus saxicola Jordan and Davis, Rept. U. S. Fish 
Com., XVI, 1888, 606, Snapper Banks off Pensacola. 

Gymnothorax ocellatus nigromarginatus (Girard). 
Coast of west Florida and Texas. 
Neomurena nigromarginata Girard, U. 8. Mex. Bound, Surv., 1859, 
76, pl. 41, St. Joseph Island, Tex. 

Genus 240. SIDEREA Kaup. 
Siderea Kaup, Uebersicht der Aale, 1856, 59 (Murzxna pfeifferi Bleeker = 
Murena picta Ahl); name later written Sidera. 

Siderea picta (Ahl). 

ae Seas; East Indies; Hawaii; Revillagigedos; taken at Clarion 

Murexna picta Ahl, De Murzna et Ophichtho, VI, 1787, 6, tab. 2. 
Murzxnophis pantherina Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 628. 
Murena variegata Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. Uranie, 1824, 246, pl. 52. 
Murena lita Richardson, Voy. Erebus and Terror, 1844, 84, Moluccas. 
Murena siderea Richardson, loc. cit. 85, pl. 48, Australia. 
Murena pfeifferi Bleeker, Nat. Tijds. Ned. Ind., V, 173, Celebes, 

" 6424°—29-—7 


Genus 241. AHYNNODONTOPHIS Fowler. 

Ahynnodontophis Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXIV, 1912, 
25 (A. stigmanotus Fowler). 

651. Ahynnodontophis stigmanotus Fowler. 
West Indies (?) 
Ahynnodontophis stigmanotus Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
LXIV, 1912, 25; supposed to be from the West Indies. 

Genus 242. ECHIDNA Forster. 

Echidna Forster, Bibliotheca Banksiz, 1777, 181 (EF. variegata Forster). 

Gymnomurena Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 648 (G. doliata 

Gymnopsis Rafinesque, Anal. Nat., 1815, 93 (substitute for Gymno- 

Megaderia Rafinesque, loc. cit., 93 (substitute for Echidna Forster). 

Molarii Richardson, Voy. Frebus and Terror, 1844, 79 (Murzna ophis= 
Echidna nebulosa). 

Pecilophis WKaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 98 (Gymnothorax catenatus 

652. Echidna catenata (Bloch). 

West Indies, from Bermuda to Surinam; our specimens from Santa 

Murzna seu conger brasiliensis Seba, Thesaurus, II, 1738, 72, pl. 69, 
figs. 4, 5, Brazil. 

Gymnothorax catenatus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, XII, 1795, 
74, pl. 415, fig. 1, Coromandel; an error. 

Murena sordida Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, 1817, 233, after Seba. 

Murenophis catenula Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 628 and 641, 
Palmerston Island; after Bloch. 

Echidna fuscomaculata Poey, Repertorio, II, 1868, 263, Cuba. 

Echidna flavoscripta Poey, loc. cit., 264, Cuba. 

653. Echidna nocturna (Cope). 
Pacific coast of Mexico, the two known specimens from the Rio Grande, 
in Costa Rica and from Cape San Lucas. 
Pecilophis nocturnus Cope, Rept. U. 8S. Geol. Surv. Mont., 1871 (1872), 
474, Rio Grande at San José, Costa Rica. 

654. Echidna scabra Garman 
Cocos Island. 
Echidna scabra Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 314, 
Cocos Island. 

655. Echidna cocosa Garman. 
Cocos Island. 

Echidna cocosa Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 3138, 
Cocos Island. 

656. Echidna chionostigma Fowler. 
Gulf of California (?). 
Echidna chionostigma Fowler, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXIV, 
1912, 28; supposed to be from the Gulf of California. 

Genus 243. UROPTERYGIUS Riippell. 

Gymnomurena Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 648 (G. doliata 
Lacépéde); restricted first by Kaup, in 1856, to doliata, which is a 
species of Echidna. 

Ichthyophis Lesson, Voy. Coquille, II, 1830, 120 (J. pantherinus 
Lesson); not of Fitzinger, 1829, a genus of reptiles. 

Uropterygius Riippell, IReue Wirbelthiere, Fische, 1835, 83 (Nebrius 
concolor Rippell). 

Murzxnoblenna Kaup, Apodal Fishes, 1856, 67, (Uchthyophis tigrina 
Lesson); not of Lacépéde, 1803, which is Myzine. 

Scutica Jordan and Evermann, Fish. North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
403, (Uropterygius necturus Jordan and Gilbert). 


Subgenus SCUTICA Jordan and Evermann. 

657. Uropterygius necturus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Gulf of California. 
Gymnomurena nectura Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 356, Cape San Lucas. 

Genus 244. CHANNOMURAENA Richardson. 
Channo-Murzna Richardson, Voy. Erebus and Terror, 1844, 96 (Ichthyo- 
phis vittata Richardson). 

658. Channomurena vittata (Richardson). 
Coast of Cuba. 
Raro Parra, Dif. Piezas Hist. Nat., 1780, 66, pl. 30, fig. 3, Habana. 
Ichthyophis vittatus Richardson, Voy. Sulphur, Fishes, 1844, 114, pl. 53, 
figs. 7-9; locality uncertain. 
Channomurena cubensis Poey, Repertorio, II, 1867, 266, pl. 3, fig. 6, 


Family 81. SACCOPHARYNGIDZ. Gulpers 

Genus 245. SACCOPHARYNX Mitchill. 

Saccopharynz Mitchill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1824, 86 (type 
afterwards called S. flagellum Mitchill). 

Ophiognathus Harwood, Philos. Trans., 1827, 277 (O. ampullaceus Har- 

659. Saccopharynx ampullaceus (Harwood). 


Ophiognathus ampullaceus Harwood, Philos. Trans., 1827, 52, Atlantic. 

Saccopharynx flagellum Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, 1829, 355, Atlantic; 
after Mitchill. 

Saccopharynz chordatus Storer, Synopsis, 1846, 237, open Atlantic; after 

Family 82. EURYPHARYNGIDZ. Swallowers 

Genus 246. GASTROSTOMUS Gill and Ryder. 
Gastrostomus Gill and Ryder, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 271 
(G. bairdii Gill and Ryder). 
660. Gastrostomus bairdii Gill and Ryder. 
Deep water off Newfoundland Banks and Davis Strait. 
Gastrostomus bairdii Gill and Ryder, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 
271, off the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. 

661. Gastrostomus pacificus Bean. 
Pacific Ocean in deep water. 
Gastrostomus pacifius Bean, Smiths. Mise. Coll., XLV, 1904, 254, 
fig. 31; halfway between Midway Island and Guam. 


Family 88. CHARACINIDZ. Characins 

Genus 247. PHENAGONIATES Eigenmann and Wilson. 
Phenagoniates Kigenmann and Wilson, Indiana Univ. Studies, XIX, 

1914, 2 (P. wilsoni Kigenmann=Reboides macrolepsis Meek and 

662. Phenagoniates macrolepis (Meck and Hildebrand). 
Atlantic slope of Panama. 
Reboides macrolepis Meek and Hildebrand, Fie'd Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1913, 84, Rio Cupe, Boca de Cupe, Tuyra River Basin. 
Genus 248. COMPSURA Eigenmann. 

Compsura Kigenmann, Mem. Carnegie Mus., VII, 1915, 60 (Compsura 
heterura EKigenmann). 


663. Compsura gorgonez (Evermann and Goldsborough). 
Both slopes of Panama. 
Cheirodon gorgone Evermann and Goldsborough, Proc. Biol. Soe. 
Wash., XXII, 1909, 99, figs. 1, 8, Gorgona, Atlantic slope, Panama 
Canal Zone. 

Genus 249. PSEUDOCHEIRODON Meek and Hildebrand. 
Pseudocheirodon Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
X, 1916, 275 (P. affinis Meek and Hildebrand). 

664. Pseudocheirodon affinis Meek and Hildebrand. 
Both slopes of Panama. 
Cheirodon insignis Evermann and Goldsborough, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 
XXII, 1909, 98, Tabernilla, Atlantic slope; not of Steindachner. 
Pseudocheirodon affinis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zoon X, 1916, 275, Pl. XVIII, Rio Gatun, Monte Liria, Canal Zone, 

Genus 250. GEPHYROCHARAX Eigenmann. 
Gephyrocharax Eigenmann, Indiana Univ. Studies, No. 16, 1912, 23 
(G. chocéensis Kigenmann). 

665. Gephyrocharax atricaudatus (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Both slopes, Canal Zone, Panama. 
Deuterodon atricaudata Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1912, 68, Rio Frijoles, Canal Zone. 
Gephyrocharax atricaudata Eigenmann, Indiana Univ. Studies, No. 20, 
1914, 41, Panama Canal Zone. 

666. Gephyrocharax intermedius Meek and Hildebrand. 
Rio Chama, Panama. 
Gephyrocharax intermedius Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. 
Hist., Zool., X, 1916, 278, Rio Chama. 

Genus 251. ASTYANAX Baird and Girard. 

Astyanax Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
26 (A. argentatus Baird and Girard=Tetragonopterus mexicanus 

Pecilurichthys Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VI, 1858, 417 (P. 
brevoorti Gill). 

All the species mentioned below belong to the subgenus or genus As- 
tyanax, distinguished from Tetragonapienes Cuvier by the absence 
of teeth on the maxillary and by the shorter anal of less than 40 rays. 

667. Astyanax mexicanus (Filippi). 

Rio Balsas and Rio Tehuacan to tributaries of the Rio Grande in Texas, 
the northernmost species of the multitude of Characins. 

Teta mexicanus Filippi, Guerin’s Rev. Mag. Zool., 1853, 166, 

Astyanax argentatus Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
VII, 1854, 27, Comanche Spring and Brownsville, Tex. 

Tetragonopterus fulgens Bocourt, Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool., IX, 62, 1868. 

Tetragonopterus nitidus Vaillant and Pellegrin, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 
Paris, 1904, 324. 

Tetragonopterus brevimanus Ginther, Cat., V, 1864, 325, Yzabel; Rio 
San Geronimo, Guatemala. 

668. Astyanax eneus (Giinther). 

Oaxaca, Mexico, and Rio Chagres, and other streams about Panama, 
south to Brazil. 

Tetragonopterus #neus Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, 319, 
Oaxaca, Mexico, 

Tetragonopterus microphthalmus Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 324, Lake 
Amatitlan, Guatemala; Rio Rimac. 

Tetragonopterus panamensis Giinther, loc. cit., 324, Pacific coast of 
Panama; Yzabel. 

Tetragonopterus humilis Giinther, loc. cit., 327, Lake Amatitlan, 

Tetragonoplerus erstedi Kréyer, in Liitkin, Ict. Bidrag., III, 1874, 229, 
Rio San Juan, Nicaragua. 













Astyanax petenensis (Giinther). 
Nicaragua to western Ecuador; southeast to Argentine Republic. 
Tetragonopterus petenensis Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 326, Lake Peten, 

Astyanax scabripinnis (Jenyns). 
Jamapa, Mexico, to Rio Janeiro. 
Tetragonopterus scabripinnis Jenyns, Voy. Beagle, Zool., Fishes, 1842, 
125, Rio Janeiro, Brazil. 

Astyanax macrophthalmus (Regan). 
Streams of eastern Mexico. 
Tetragonopterus macrophthalmus Regan, Biol. Centrali-Amer., 1915, 
171, eastern Mexico; Monzorangi, Vera Cruz. 

Astyanax nasutus Meek. 
Astyanax nasutus Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., VII, 1907, 108, 
Lake Managua, Nicaragua. 

Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier). 
Coasts of Brazil, from Para to Napo and on the Parific side from 
Panama to Ecuador. 
Tetragonopterus fischeri Steindachner, Flussfische Siidamerikas, I, 1879, 
166, Mamo River at Chepo, Colombia. 

Astyanax ruberrimus Eigenmann. 
Panama, both slopes. 
Astyanaz ruberrimus Eigenmann, Indiana Univ. Studies, XVIII, 1913, 
25, Isthmeria, Atlantic slope. 

Astyanax brevoortii (Gill). 
Island of Trinidad. 
Pecilurichthys brevoortii Gill, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VI, 1858, 417. 
Pecilurichthys teniurus Gill, loc. cit., 418, Trinidad. 
Pecilurichthys pulcher Gill. loc. cit., 419, Trinidad. 

Genus 252. BRYCONAMERICUS Eigenmann. .« 
Bryconamericus Eigenmann, Ann. Carnegie Mus., IV, 1907, 139, (B. 
exodon Eigenmann). 

Bryconamericus emperador (Eigenmann and Ogle). 
Streams of both slopes, Panama. 
Astyanax emperador Kigenmann and Ogle, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
XXXIII, 1907, 26, Empire Station, Panama. 

Bryconamericus cascajalensis Meek and Hildebrand. 
Bryconamericus cascajalensis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. 
Hist., Zool., X, 1916, 284, Rio Cascajal, Puerto Bello, Panama. 

Genus 253. HEMIBRYCON Giinther. 
Hemibrycon Ginther, Cat., V, 1864, 318 (Tetragonoplerus (Hemibrycon) 
polyodon Ginther). 

Hemibrycon dariensis Meek and Hildebrand. 
Basin of Rio Tuyra, Panama. 
Hemibrycon dariensis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1916, 285, Pl. XX, mouth of Rio Yape, Panama. 

Genus 254. HYPHESSOBRYCON Durbin. 
Hyphessobrycon Durbin, in Eigenmann,, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., LII, 
1908, 100, (Hemigrammus compressus Meek). 
i mere Durbin, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 1909, 55 (D. calablepta 

Hyphessobrycon panamensis Durbin. 
Rio Chagres Basin, Panama. 
Hyphessobrycon panamensis Durbin, in Eigenmann, Bull. Mus. Comp. 
Zool., LII, 1908, 101, Rio Boqueron, Atlantic slope, Panama. 
Hemigrammus minutus Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
oeee, X, 1912, 67, Agua Clara, Panama, Atlantic side of Isthmus of 














Genus 255. HEMIGRAMMUS Gill. 
Hemigrammus Gill, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VI, 1858, 420 (H. 
untlineatus Gill). 

Hemigrammus unilineatus (Gill). 
Streams of Trinidad. 
Pecilurichthys unilineatus Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VI, 1854, 
420, Trinidad. 

Genus 256. CREAGRUTUS Giinther. 
Creagrutus Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 339 (Leporinus mullert Gunther). 

Creagrutus notropoides Meek and Hildebrand. 
Rio Chagres, Panama. 
Creagrutus notropoides Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1912, 68, Rio Indio, Chagres basin. 

Creagrutus simus Meek and Hildebrand. 
Rio Tuyra Basin, Panama. 
Creagrutus simus Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
X, 1913, 85, Rio Cupe, Cituro, Panama. 

Genus 257. RGQEBOIDES Giinther. 
Reboides Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 347 (Epicyrtus microlepis Reinhardt). 

Reeboides guatemalensis (Giinther). 
Rio Chagres and streams of Guatemala. 
Anacyrtus guatemalensis Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 347, Rio Chagres; 

Reeboides salvadoris Hildebrand. Plateado; Sardina; Alma _ seca; 
Lakes Guija and Metapan and Rio Sucio and Lempa, El Salvador. 
Reboides salvadoris Hildebrand, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XLI, 1925, 
246, fig. 9, Rio Sucio, Sitio del Nifio. 

Reeboides occidentalis Meek and Hildebrand. 
Pacific slope of Panama and southward. 
Reboides occidentalis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1916, 293, Pl. X XIII, Rio Cardenas, Corozal, Panama. 

Genus 258. BRYCON Miiller and Troschel. 
Brycon Miller and Troschel, Hore Ichth., I, 1845, 15 (B. falcatus 
Miller and Troschel). 
Chalcinopsis Kner, Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Miinchen, 1863, 226 (C. 
striatulus Kner). 
Megalobrycon Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1869, 423 (Brycon 
cephalus Ginther). 

Brycon striatulus (Kner). 
Rio Chagres and streams about Panama. 
Chalcinopsis striatulus Kner, Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Munchen, 1863, 
226, Panama. . 
Chalcinopsis chagresensis Kner, loc. cit., 1863, 226, Rio Chagres. 

Brycon guatemalensis Regan. 
Brycon guatemalensis Regan, Biol. Centrali-Amer., 1908, 168, lakes and 
streams of Guatemala and Nicaragua. 

Brycon petrosus Meek and Hildebrand. Pipon. 
Chagres River basin, Atlantic slope of Panama. 
Brycon petrosus Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
X, 1913, 84, Pl. XXIV, 1916; upper Chagres, Panama. 

Brycon dentex Giinther. 
Yucatan to Ecuador. 
Brycon dentex Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1860, 240, Esmeraldas, 

Brycon argenteus Meek and Hildebrand. 
Rio Charrera, and in Rio Bayano and Rio Tuyra basins, Pacific slope 
of Panama. 
Brycon argenteus Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
X, 1913, 84, Pl. XXV, 298, 1916; Rio Aruza, Aruza, Panama. 


691. Brycon oligolepis Regan. 
Streams of Panama. 
Brycon oligolepis Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., IX, 1913, 462, Rio 
Condoto, Panama. 

Genus 259. BRAMOCHARAX Gill. 
Bramocharax Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXIX, 1877, 189 
(B. bransfordi Gill). 

692. Bramocharax bransfordi Gill. 
Lake Nicaragua. 
Bramocharax bransfordi Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXIX, 
1877, 190, Lake Nicaragua. 

693. Bramocharax elongatus Meek. Sabalito. 
Bramocharax elongatus Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., VII, 1907, 
110, Lake Managua, Nicaragua. 

Genus 260. PIABUCINA Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Piabucina Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XXII, 1849, 
122 (161) (P. erythrinoides Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

694. Piabucina panamensis Gill. 
Tripoli, Atlantic slope of the Isthmus of Panama. 
Piabucina panamensis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXVIII, 
1876, 336, Rio Tripoli, Isthmus of Panama. 

695. Piabucina feste Boulenger. 
Piabucina feste Boulenger, Bull. Mus. Torino, XIV, 1899, 346, I, Rio 
Sabina, Panama. 

Genus 261. HOPLIAS Gill. 
Macrodon Miller, in Wiegmann’s Archiy, 1843 163, (Macrodon trahira= 
Synodus malabaricus Schneider); name preoccupied in Scizxnide. 
Hoplias Gill, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XXVI, 1903, 1016 (Synodus mala- 
baricus Schneider). 

696. Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch). 
Rio Tuyra Basin; both slopes of Colombia; Ecuador, and south to 
Esox malabaricus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, pt. 8, 1794, 149, 
pl. 392, Tranquebar; locality wrongly given. 
Macrodon tereira Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 
1846, 508, Bahia; San Francisco; Amazon; Maracaibo. 
Erythrinus trahira Agassiz, in Spix, Pisce. Brasil., 1829, pl. 18, Bahia; 
San Francisco; Amazon; Maracaibo. 
Erythrinus macrodon Agassiz, loc. cit., 43, pl. 18, Alma, Prov. Bahia, 
San Francisco. 
Erythrinus microcephalus Agassiz, loc. cit., 44, San Francisco. 
Erythrinus brasiliensis Agassiz, loc. cit., 45, pl. 20, Peruaguacu. 
Macrodon auritus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 
1846, 519, Montevideo. 
Macrodon teres Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 521, Lake Maracaibo. 
Macrodon patana Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 522, Cayenne. 
Macrodon aimara Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 586, Cayenne. 
Macrodon feroz Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VI, 1858, 51, Trinidad. 

697. Hoplias microlepis (Giinther). 
Panama to Ecuador. 
Macrodon microlepis Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 282, western Ecuador, 


Genus 262. GASTEROPELECUS Gronow. 
Gasteropelecus Gronow, Mus. Ichth., II, 1763, 7 (type given in Gen. 
Fish. as Clupea sternica L.). 

698. Gasteropelecus maculatus Steindachner. Peche—peche. 
Rio Mamoni, near Panama. 
Gasteropelecus maculatus Steindachner, Flussfische Siidamerikas, 1879, 
168, Rio Mamoni, at Chepo, Panama. 


699. Gasteropelecus sternicla Pallas. 
Surinam; Brazil; Essequibo. 
Gasteropelecus sternicla Pallas, Spice. Zool., 1780, fasc. 8, p. 50, tab. 3, 
fig. 4. 

Genus 268. CTENOLUCIUS Gill. 
Ctenolucius Gill, Suppl., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 8 
(Luciocharax insculptus Steindachner). 
Luciocharaz Steindachner, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, XXXIX, 
1878 (1879), 67 (L. insculptus Steindachner). 

700. Ctenolucius insculptus (Steindachner). 
Rio Magdalena and Rio Momoni near Panama. 
Luciocharax insculptus Steindachner, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
XXXIV, 1878 (1879), 67 Rio Magdalena, and Rio Mamoni near 

701. Ctenolucius beani (Fowler). 
Pacific coast of Panama; both slopes of Colombia. 
Belonocharax beani Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LVIII, 1906, 
464, Rio Truando, a tributary of Rio Atrato, Panama. 
Luciocharax striatus Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, VII, 
1911, 312, Boca de Calmia, Choco. 

Family 86. ANOSTOMIDZ. (Curimatide) 

Genus 264-265. CURIMATA Walbaum. 

Curimata Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 80 (Salmo marcgravit Walbaum, 
based on Charax mazilla superiore longiore Gronow, which is Salmo 
cyprinoides Linneus). 

Les Curimates Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, II, 1817, 165 (Salmo edentulus 

Curimatus of authors generally; altered spelling. 

Curimatella Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., IV, 
1889, 415 (C. lepidurus Eigenmann and Eigenmann). 

Semitapicus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, loc. cit., 415 (Curimatus 
spilurus Ginther). 

70la. Curimata magdalene Steindachner. Sardina blanca. 
Rio Magdalena and Rio Mamoni, Colombia. 
Curimatus magdalene Steindachner, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
XX XIX, 1878 (1879), 34, Rio Magdalena, Colombia. 


Genus 266. CHARACIDIUM Reinhardt. 
Characidium Reinhardt, Overs. Dansk. Forh. Kj¢benhavn, 1866, 56, 
(C. fasciatum Reinhardt). 

702. Characidium marshi Breder. 
Tuyra Basin, Pacifie slope of Panama. 
Characidium marshi Breder (C. M.), Amer. Mus. Novitates, CLXXX, 
July 5, 1925, 5, fig. 5, Rio Sucubti, Darien, Panama. 

Genus 267. APAREIODON Eigenmann. 
Apareiodon Kigenmann, Ann. Carnegie Mus., X, 1916, 71 (Parodon 
piracicabe Eigenmann). 

703. Apareiodon compressus Breder. 
Tuyra Basin, Pacific slope of Panama. 
Apareiodon compressus C. M. Breder, jr., Amer. Mus. Novitates, 
CLXXX, July 5, 1925, 4, fig. 3, 4, Rio Chucunaque, Panama. 

704. Apareiodon dariensis (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Rio Cupe, Panama. 
Parodon dariensis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
X, 1913, 83, Pl XVII, 1916, Rio Cupe, Pacific slope of Panama, 


Family 88. GYMNOTIDZ 

Genus 268. GYMNOTUS Linnzus. 
Gymnotus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 246 (G. carapo L.). 
Carapus Rafinesque, Indice, 37, 1810, 57 (Gymnotus acus Linnzus, prior 
to Fierasfer Cuvier, not Carapus Cuvier=Giton Kaup). 
Carapus Miller and Troschel, Hore Zool., III, 1849, 13 (Gymnotus 
fasciatus Pallas=Gymnotus carapo L.). 

705. Gymnotus carapo Linnzus. 
Carapo Marcgrave, Hist. Pise. Brasil., 1648, 170, Brazil. 
Gymnotus carapo Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 246. 
Gymnotus fasciatus Pallas, Spic. Zool., VII, 1769, 35, fresh waters of 
America; anal rays about 180. 
Gymnotus albus Pallas, loc. cit., 36, Surinam. 
Gymnotus putaol Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1801, 176, Brazil. 

Genus 269. APTERONOTUS Lacépéde. 
Apteronotus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 208 (A. passan 
Lacépéde=Gymnotus albifrons L.). 
Sternarchus Schneider, Syst. Ichth., Bloch, 1801, 497 (Gymnotus albi- 
frons L.). 
Memarchus Kaup in Duméril, Ichth. Anal., 1856, 201 (Gymnotus albi- 
frons L.). 

706. Apteronotus rostratus (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Streams of Panama, in Atlantic drainage, and of Colombia (Rio Cauca). 
Stenarchus rostratus Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1913, 85, Rio Grande near Cana, Panama. 

Genus 270. STERNOPYGUS Miiller and Troschel. 

Sternopygus Miller and Troschel, Hore Zool., III, 1849, 13 (Gymnotus 
macrurus Bloch and Schneider). 

Carapus Cuvier, Régne Anim., Ed. I, 1817, 237 (Gymnotus macrourus 
Bloch and Schneider); not Carapus Rafinesque, 1810. 

Carapo Oken, Isis, 1817, 1183; after Cuvier. 

sg Kaup, in Duméril, Ichth. Anal., 1856, 201 (Gymnotus fasciatus 


707. Sternopygus dariensis Meek and Hildebrand. 
Streams of Panama, Atlantic slope. 
Sternopygus dariensis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1916, 309, Rio Tuyra at Marrigante. 

Genus 271. HYPOPOMUS Gill. 
Hypopomus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 152 (Rham- 
phichthys mulleri Kaup). 
Brachyrhamphichthys Ginther, Cat., VIII, 1890, 6 (Rhamphichthys 
artedi Kaup). 

708. Hypopomus brevirostris (Steindaclhner). 
Panama, on both slopes to Brazil and Rio de la Plata. 
Rhamphichthys brevirostris Steindachner, Sitzungsb., Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
LVLUL 1868, 254, fig. 2, Garapore, Amazon, «et Santarem. 
Hypopomus occidentalis Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XIV, 1914, (8), 
32, Condoto River, Colombia. 

Genus 272. EIGENMANNIA Jordan and Evermann. 
Cryptops Kigenmann, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., VII, 1894, 626 (Sternopygus 
humboldti Steindachner); name preoccupied. 
Eigenmannia Jordan and Evermann, Fish. North and Mid. Amer., 
1896, 341 (Sternopygus humboldti Steindachner=Sternarchus virescens 

709. Eigenmannia virescens (Valenciennes). 

Brazil, north in Atlantic drainage to Panama. 

Sternarchus virescens Valenciennes, D’Orbigny Voyage, V, 1847, 11. 

Sternopygus lineatus Miiller and Troschel, Schomburgk’s Reise, III, 
1848, 640, British Guiana. 

Sternopygus tumifrons Miiller and Troschel, Hore Zool., I[I, 1849, 14. 

Sternopygus humboldti Steindachner, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1878, 55, Rio Magdalena. 


Family 89. CATOSTOMID. Suckers and buffalofishes 

Genus 273. CYCLEPTUS Rafinesque. Blackhorse. 
Cycleptus Rafinesque, Jour. Phys., LX XXVIII, 1819, 421 (C. nigrescens 
Rafinesque=Catostomus elongatus LeSueur). 
Rhythidostomus Heckel, Fisch. Syriens, in Russegger’s Reisen, 1842, 
1023 (Catostomus elongatus LeSueur). 

710. Cycleptus elongatus (LeSueur). Blackhorse; Gourdseed sucker; Missouri 
sucker; Suckerel. 
Mississippi valley; rather common in Jarge streams. 
Catostomus elongatus LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1817, 
103, Ohio River. 
Cycleptus nigrescens Rafinesque, Jour. Phys., LX XXVIII, 1819, 421, 
Ohio River. 

Genus 274. MEGASTOMATOBUS Fowler. Big-mouthed buffalofish. 
Megastomatobus Fowler, Proc., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXV, 1913, 45 
(Sclerognathus cyprinella Cuvier and Valenciennes, the chef de filo of 
these authors for Sclerognathus being Sclerognathus cyprinus). 
Ichthyobus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, 1855, 192 U. bubalus Agassiz; 
not Catostomus bubalus Rafinesque; revised spelling of Ictiobus). 

711. Megastomatobus cyprinella (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Redmouth 
buffalofish; Common buffalofish; Bigmouth buffalo; Gourdseed buffalo. 
Mississippi Valley to Red River of the North; generally abundant in 
larger streams. 
Sclerognathus cyprinella Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XVII, 1844, 355 (477), Lake Pontchartrain, La. 

Genus 275. ICTIOBUS Rafinesque. Buwffalofishes. 
Ictiobus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 55 (Amblodon bubalus 
Bubalichthys Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVIII, 1855, 192 (Car- 
piodes urus Agassiz). 
Subgenus BUBALICHTHYS Agassiz. 

(QlPE Sie urus (Agassiz). Mongrel buffalo; Round buffalo; Black buffalo, 


Mississippi Valley; less common than the others in the large streams; 
the largest and least common of the buffalo fish. 

?Carpiodes niger Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 56, Ohio River; 
may be M. cyprinella. 

Carpiodes urus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 355, Ten- 
nessee River, Ala. 

Bubalichthys urus Agassiz, loc. cit., Ohio River. 

?Bubalichthys niger Agassiz, loc. cit., 193, Ohio River. 

?Bubalichthys bonasus Agassiz, loc. cit., 195, Osage River, Mo. 

Subgenus ICTIOBUS Rafinesque. 

713. Ictiobus bubalus (Rafinesque). Smallmouth buffalo; Razor-backed 

buffalo; Suckermouth buffalo; Quillback buffalo; Brown buffalo; Rooter. 

Mississippi Valley and southward; generally abundant. 

?Amblodon bubalus Rafinesque, Jour. Phys., LXX XVIII, 1819, 421, 
Ohio River. 

?Carpiodes taurus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 355, 
Mobile River. 

?Carpiodes vitulus Agassiz, loc. cit., 356, Wabash River at New Har- 

Ichthyobus rauchi Agassiz, loc. cit., XIX, 1855, 192. 

Ichthyobus cyanellus Nelson, Bull., Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., I, 1876, 49, 
Illinois River. 

Bubalichthys altus Nelson, in Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
XXIX, 1877, 73, Cairo, Ill. 

Bubalichthys bubalinus Jordan, Bull. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., IX, 1877, 50, 
Ohio River. 










Genus 276. CARPIODES Rafinesque. Carp suckers. es 

Carpiodes Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 56 (Catostomus cyprinus 

Sclerognathus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XVII, 1844, 
472 (Catostomus cyprinus and Sclerognathus cyprinella Cuvier and 
Valenciennes; restricted to the former by Agassiz, 1854, to the 
latter by Giinther, 1868). 

: Carpiodes cyprinus (LeSueur). Carp sucker; American carp; Carp; 


Streams about Chesapeake Bay; common in the Chesapeake and 
Potomac, rare in the Delaware. 

Catostomus cyprinus LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1817, 91, 
Elk River and other tributaries of Chesapeake Bay. 

Carpiodes vacca Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 356, Sus- 
quehanna River. 

Carpiodes carpio (Rafinesque). Carp sucker; Common river carp; Sucker. 
hio Valley and southwest to central Texas; generally abundant and 


Catostomus carpio Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 56, falls of the 
Ohio River. 

Carpiodes nummifer Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 484, Wabash 

Carpiodes cutisanserinus Cope. 
Allegheny Basin. 
Car piodes cutisanserinus Cope, Proc., Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XI, 1870, 
481, Kiskiminitas River, Pennsylvania (Allegheny Basin). 
Carpiodes selene Cope, loc. cit., 1870, 41; supposed to be from Root 
River, Mich. 

Carpiodes difformis Cope. Blunt-nosed river carp; Sucker. 
hio valley and westward; generally common. 
Carpiodes difformis Cope, Proc., Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 480, 
Wabash River. 

Carpiodes bison Agassiz. 
sage River. 
Carpiodes bison Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 356, 
Osage River, Mo. 

Carpiodes thompsoni Agassiz. Lake carp; Drum; Shad (Sandusky, Ohio). 
reat Lakes region from Lake Champlain to Lake of the Woods, 
chiefly northward. 

Carpiodes thompsoni Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVIII, 1855, 191, 
Lake Champlain. 

Carpiodes velifer (Rafinesque). Silver carp; Quillback; Spearfish; Sail- 

fish; Skimback; Sailing sucker; Sailorfish. 

Mississippi Valley and westward to the upper Missouri; more common 

Catostomus velifer Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 56, Ohio. 

Carpiodes damalis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila,, VIII, 1856, 
170, Milk River, Mont. 

la Soro grayt Cope, Proe., Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 482, Western 
States. ‘ 

Carpiodes tumidus Baird and Girard. Metalote; Buffalo. 
Lowland streams and lagoons, from the Rio Grande to the Rio Panuco 
and Tampico 
Carpiodes tumidus Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 
1854, 28, Rio Grande at Fort Brown, Tex.; perhaps not separable 
from C. velifer. 

Carpiodes labiosus Meek. 
Streams of eastern Mexico. 
Carpiodes labiosus Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 29, fig. 6, 
Valles, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 













Carpiodes elongatus Meek. 
Streams of the east coast of Mexico. 
Carpiodes elongatus Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 28, fig. 5, 
Rio San Juan, Rio Conchos, and Rio Sarto Maruta in Tamaulipas, 
Linares, Nueva Leon. 

Carpiodes microstomus Meek. 
Tributaries of the Rio Grande, on the Mexican plateau, 
Carpiodes microstomus Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 27, fig. 
4, Rio Conchos in Chihuahua. 

Carpiodes meridionalis (Giinther). 
Southern Mexico and Guatemala. 
Sclerognathus meridionalis Giinther, Cat., VII, 1868, 23, Rio Usuma- 
cinta, Guatemala. 

Genus 277. NOTOLEPIDOMYZON Fowler. 
Notolepidomyzon Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXV, 1913, 47 
(Pantosteus arizone Gilbert =Catostomus clarki Baird and Girard). 

Notolepidomyzon plebeius (Baird and Girard). 

Basin of the Rio Grande, Colorado to Chihuahua; Rio Piedras, Rio 
Casas Grandes; very common. 

Catostomus plebeius Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
ee 1854, 28, Rio Mimbres, a tributary of Lake Guzman, Chihuahua, 


Catostomus (Acomus) guzmaniensis Girard, loc. cit., VIII, 1856, 173, 
Rio Janos, tributary to Lago de Guzman, Chihuahua, Mexico. 

Catostomus nebuliferus Garman, Bull Mus. Comp. Zool., VIII, 1881, 
89, Rio Nazas, Coahuila, Mexico. 

Notolepidomyzon clarkii (Baird and Girard). 
Rio Gila, Salt River, and their tributaries in Arizona. 
Catostomus clarkii Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 
1854, 27, Rio Santa Cruz, Gila Basin, Ariz. ; 
Pantosteus arizone Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
and Mid. Amer., 1896, 170, Salt River, Tempe, Ariz. 

Notolepidomyzon santz-anz (Snyder). 
Streams of southern California. : 
Pantosteus santx-ane Snyder, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXXIV, 1908, 
33, Santa Ana River, at Riverside, Calif. 

Notolepidomyzon generosus (Girard). Mountain sucker. 
Colorado Basin. 
Catostomus (Acomus) generosus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
VIII, 1856, 174, Cottonwood Creek; not in Utah, “no doubt from 
Colorado” (Snyder). 

Genus 278. PANTOSTEUS Cope. Mowntain suckers. 
shy scams Cope, Wheeler’s Surv., V, 1875, 673 (Minomus platyrhynchus 

Pantosteus delphinus (Cope). Bluehead sucker. 
Mountain streams tributary to the Colorado River in western Colorado 
and Wyoming; very abundant. 
Minomus delphinus Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Wyo., 1870, 435; 
probably Henry Fork of Green River, Wyo. 
?Minomus bardus Cope, loc. cit., 486; probably Green River, Wyo. 

Pantosteus platyrhynchus (Cope). 
Streams of Utah Basin (Provo and Sevier Rivers). 
Minomus platyrhynchus Cope, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1874, 134, 
Utah Lake at Provo. 
?Minomus jarrovii Cope, loc. cit., 135; ‘‘near Provo’’; the type lost. 

Pantosteus jordani Evermann. 
Upper Missouri and Columbia River Basins. 
Pantosteus jordani Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XII, 1892 (Jan. 
27, 1893), 51, fig. on p. 53; Whitewood Creek and other streams of 
the Black Hills, 8. Dak, 


733. Pantosteus columbianus Eigenmann. 
Columbia Basin. 
Pantosteus columbianus Eigenmann, Amer. Nat., Feb. 4, 1893, 151, 
Columbia River; perhaps identical with Pantosteus jordani. 

734. Pantosteus virescens Cope. 
Tributaries of Lake Bonneville basin of Utah; abundant in Weber and 
Bear Rivers; largest of the hard-mouthed or mountain suckers. 
Pantosteus virescens Cope, Wheeler's Surv., Zool., 1875, 675; by error 
ascribed to Arkansas River at Pueblo; must have come from the 
basin of Utah. 

735. Pantosteus lahontan Rutter. 
Streams of western Nevada; Lahontan Basin. 
Pantosteus lahonton Rutter, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XXII, 1902, 146, 
with figure; Susan River, a tributary of Honey Lake, Little Truckee 
River, Prosser Creek; misprint for lahontan. 

Genus 279. CATOSTOMUS LeSueur. Fine-scaled sucker. 

Catostomus LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1817, 89 (Cyprinus 
catostomus Forster). 

Decactylus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 60 (Catostomus bostoniensis 
Rafinesque = Cyprinus commersoni Lacépéde). 

Stomocatus Bonaparte, Fauna Italica, 1840, Fasc. 129 (Cyprinus catosto- 
mus Forster). 

Minomus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 173 (Catos- 
tomus insignis Baird and Girard). 

Acomus Girard, loc. cit., 173 (Catostomus forsterianus Richardson= 
Cyprinus catostomus Forster). 

Subgenus DECACTYLUS Rafinesque. 

736. Catostomus commersonii (Lacépéde,. Common sicker; White sucker; 
Brook sucker; Fine-scaled sucker; Black mullet (Sandusky, Ohio); Fine- 
scaled mullet; Bay mare. ; 

Quebee and the Great Lakes to Montana, Colorado, southward to 
Missouri and Georgia; the commonest of the suckers, excessively 
abundant from Massachusetts west to Kansas. 

Cyprinus commersonii Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 503, locality 
unknown; wrongly accredited to Commerson, the description and 
figure drawn from an old example long in alcohol. 

Cyprinus teres Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., 1815, 458, New 

Catostomus communis LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1817, 
95, 106, Delaware River. 

Catostomus bostonvensis LeSueur, loc. cit., 106, Boston. 

Catostomus flexuosus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 59, Ohio River. 

Catostomus reticulatus Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., Fishes, 1836, 
303, Albany River. 

Catostomus gracilis Kirtland, Rept. Zool. Ohio, 1838, 169, Cleveland, 

Catostomus pallidus DeKeay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 200, New 

Catostomus sucklii Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 175, 
Milk River, Mont. 

Catostomus chloropteron Abbott, loc. cit., XII, 1860, 473, Kansas. 

?Catostomus alticolus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1874, 138, 
Twin Lake, Colo. 

Morzostoma trisignatum Cope, Wheeler’s Surv., V, Zool., 1875, 679, 
Arkansas River. 

?Catostomus utawana Mather, Twelfth Rept., N. Y. Fish Com., Surv. 
of Adirondacks, 1884, 36, Blue Mountain Lakes, N. Y.; dwarf form. 

737. Catostomus ardens Jordan and Gilbert. Mullet of Utah Lake. 
Great basin of Utah and upper Snake River; Idaho; locally abundant. 
Catostomus ardens Jordan and Gilbert, Pros. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 
464, Utah Lake, Provo, Utah. 












Catostomus occidentalis Ayres. Sacramento sucker. 

Streams of northern and central California and southern Oregon. 

Catostomus occidentalis Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854, 18, 
San Francisco. 

Catostomus labiatus Ayres, loc. cit., 1855, 32, San Joaquin River, Stock- 
ton, Calif. 

Catostomus arezopus Jordan, Bull. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XII, 1878, 173, 
South Fork of Kern River, Calif. 

Catostomus tsiltcoosensis Evermann and Meek. 

Coastal streams of Oregon. 
Catostomus tsiltcoosensis Evermann and Meek, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., 
XVII, 1897, 66, fig. 1, Tsileoos Lake, Lane Co. , Oreg. 

Catostomus snyderi Gilbert. 

Klamath Basin, California and Oregon. 
Catostomus snyderi Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XVII, 1897 (Jan. 6, 
1898), 3, Upper Klamath Lake, Oreg. 

Catostomus microps Rutter. 

Streams of the lava beds of California. 

Catostomus microps Rutter, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., X X VIT, 1907 (1908), 
120, fig. 1; Rush Creek, a tributary of Ash Creek, Aden, Modoe Co., 

Catostomus macrocheilus Girard. Colwmbia River sucker; Biglip sucker. 

Columbia River Basin, as far up as Flathead Lake, Montana; Upper 
Salmon Falls and the headwaters of Salmon River, Idaho. 

Catostomus macrocheilus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila., VIII, 
1856, 175, Astoria, Oreg. 

Catostomus insignis Baird and Girard. 

Gila Basin, Ariz. 

Catostomus insignis Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
VII, 1854, 28, Rio San Pedro, Ariz. 

Catostomus gila Kirsch, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XI, 1888, 555, Rio Gila, 
Fort Thomas, Ariz. 

Catostomus bernardini Girard. 

San Bernardino Creek, a tributary of Rio Yaqui, on the boundary of 
Arizona and Sonora. 

Catostomus bernardini Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
175, San Bernardino Creek, Ariz. 

Catostomus sonoriensis Meck. 

Rivers of Sonora on the Pacific slope. 

Catostomus sonoriensis Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., Ser. III, No. 6, 
May, 1902, 75, Pl. XVI, Rio Paphigochic, Mifaca, Chihuahua, 

Subgenus CATOSTOMUS LeSueur. 
Catostomus catostomus (Forster). Long-nosed sucker; Northern sucker; 

Red sucker; Black sucker (Sandusky, Ohio); Sturgeon sucker. 

Great Lakes; upper Missouri River; Ohio Basin; West Virginia; 
upper Columbia; eastward to Maine and northwestward to Alaska; 
very abundant northward. 

Cyprinus catostomus Forster, Philos. Trans., LXIII, 1773, 155, tab. 6, 
streams about Hudson Bay. 

Catostomus longirostrum and hudsonius LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Phila., I, 1817, 102, 107, Vermont; after Forster. 

Catostomus forsterianus Richardson, Franklin’s Jour., 1823, 720, Lake 
Huron; Great Slave Lake. 

Catostomus aurora Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 360, Lake Superior. 

Catostomus nanomyzon Mather, Twelfth Rep., N. Y. Fish Com., Surv. 
of Adirondacks, 1884, 36, Big Moose Lake, northern New. York; 
dwarf form. 

747. Catostomus richardsoni Harper and Nichols. Gray sucker. 

Streams of northwestern Canada. 
Catostomus richardsoni Harper and Nichols, Bull., Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., XLI, 1919, 263, Pl. XV, fig. 1, type locality not designated. 











Catostomus griseus Girard. 
Platte River and upper Missouri region. 
Catostomus (Acomus) griseus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 
1856, 174, Sweetwater Fork of Platte River. 
?Catostomus (Acomus) lactarius Girard, loc. cit., 174, Milk River, Mont. 

Catostomus retropinnis Jordan. 
Northern Montana. 
Catostomus retropinnis Jordan, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 1878, 178, 
Milk River, Mont. 

Catostomus pocatello Gilbert and Evermann. Moo-gad-ee of the Fort 
Hall Indians. 
Upper Snake River. 
Catostomus pocatallo Gilbert and Evermann, Bull., U. S. Fish Com., 
XIV, 1894, 189, pl. 21, fig. 1, Ross fork of Snake River, near Pocatello, 

Catostomus tahoensis Gill and Jordan. Tahoe sucker. 
Lake Tahoe and Humboldt River, Nev. 
Catostomus tahoensis Gill and Jordan, in Jordan, Bull., U. S. Nat. Mus., 
XII, 1878, 173, Lake Tahoe, Calif. 

Catostomus discobolus Cope. 
Upper Colorado Basin. 
Catostomus discobolus Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Wyo., 1870 (1872), 
435, Green River, Wyo. 

Catostomus chamberlaini (Rutter). 
Chasmistes chamberlaini Rutter, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., XXII, 1902 
(1904), 147, Eagle Lake (a lake without outlet in the Lahontan 
Basin); apparently a variant of C. tahoensis. 

Catostomus latipinnis Baird and Girard. Flannel-mouthed sucker. 
Rio Colorado and Rio Gila and their tributaries. 
Catostomus latipinnis Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
VI, 1853, 388, Rio San Pedro, Gila Basin, Ariz. 

Catostomus conchos Meek. 
Catostomus conchos Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 75, Rio 
Conchos, Jimenez, Chihuahua, Mexico. 

Genus 280. HYPENTELIUM Rafinesque. 
Hypentelium Rafinesque, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II, 1818, 421 
(H. macroplectum Rafinesque=Catostomus nigricans LeSueur). 
Eurystomus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 59 (Catostomus megastomus 
Rafinesque), based on an incorrect drawing of Hypentelium nigricans. 
Hylomyzon Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, 1855, 205 (Catostomus nigri- 
cans LeSueur). 

Hypentelium nigricans (LeSueur). Black sucker; Mud sucker; Hog 
sucker; Stoneroller; Toter; Crawl-a-bottom; Hammerhead; Stonelugger; 
Hogmolly; Bootleg sucker; Spotted sucker; Niggerhead. 

New York to Minnesota, Kansas, Arkansas, and the Carolinas; abun- 
dant in swift or rocky streams. 

Catostomus nigricans LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1817, 102, 
Lake Erie. 

Catostomus maculosus LeSueur, loc. cit., 103, Pipe Creek, Md. 

Hypentelium macropterum Rafinesque, loc. cit., I, 1817, 420, Ohio River. 

Catostomus zanthopus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 57, Ohio River. 

Catostomus nigricans etowanus Jordan, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 
XI, 1876 (1877), 345, Etowah River, Rome, Ga. 

Catostomus megastomus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 59; based 
on incorrect drawing. 

Catostomus planiceps Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XVII, 1844, 334 (450), 1844, Wabash River. 

Genus 281. THOBURNIA Jordan and Snyder. 
Thoburnia Jordan and Snyder, Copeia, October 4, 1917, 88 (Catostomus 
rhothecus Thoburn). 


757. Thoburnia rhotheca (Thoburn). 
Headwaters of Tennessee River. 
Catostomus rhothecus Thoburn, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
and Mid. Amer., 1896, 181, upper tributaries of Tennessee River; 
supposed to be from the French Broad. River at Wolf Creek, Tenn. 

Genus 282. CHASMISTES Jordan. 

Chasmistes Jordan, Bull., Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Terr., IV, No. 2, 1878, 
417 (C. fecundus Jordan; not Catostomus fecundus Cope and Yarrow = 
Chasmistes liorus Jordan). 

Tipe ean Cope, Amer. Nat., XV, 1881, 59 (Chasmistes brevirostris 


Pithecomyzon Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXV, 1913, 54 

(Chasmistes cujus Cope). 

Subgenus LIPOMYZON Cope. 

758. Chasmistes fecundus (Cope and Yarrow). Webug sucker. 
Utah Lake. 
Catostomus fecundus Cope and Yarrow, Wheeler’s Surv., Zool., V, 1875, 
678, Utah Lake. 

759. Chasmistes brevirostris Cope. 
Klamath Lake, Oreg. 
Chasmistes brevirostris Cope, Amer. Nat., XIII, 1879, 785, Klamath 
Lake, Oreg. 

760. Chasmistes stomias Gilbert. 
Upper Klamath Lake, Oreg. 
Chasmistes stomias Gilbert, Bull., U. 8. Fish Com., XVII, 1897 (1898), 
5, text figure, Upper Klamath Lake, Oreg. 

761. Chasmistes liorus Jordan. June sucker. 
Utah Lake. 
Chasmistes liorus Jordan, Bull., U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 1878, 249, Utah 
Lake at Provo, Utah. 

762. Chasmis es cujus Cope. Couwia; Kweewee; Quiwee. 
Pyramid Lake, Nevada; locally abundant. 
Chasmistes cujus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila., XX XV, 1883, 149, 
Pyramid Lake, Nev. 

763. Chasmistes copei Evermann and Meek. T'swam. 
islamath Lakes, Oreg. 
Chasmistes copei Evermann and Meek, Bull., U. 8S. Fish Com., XVII, 
1894 (1898), 70, fig. 3; Pelican Bay, Upper Klamath Lake, Oreg. 

Genus 283. DELTISTES Seale. 
Deltistes Seale, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 2, VI, 1896, 269 (Chasmistes 
luxatus Cope). 

764. Deltistes luxatus (Cope). Tswam; Lost River sucker. 
Klamath Lake and River, Oreg; abundant. 
Chasmistes luxatus Cope, Amer. Nat., XIII, 1879, 784, Klamath Lake, 
Catostomus rex Kigenmann, loc. cit., XXV, July, 1891, 667, Lost River, 

Genus 284. XYRAUCHEN Eigenmann and Kirsch. Razorback suckers. 
Xyrauchen Eigenmann and Kirsch, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XI, 1888, 
556 (Catostomus cypho Lockington = Catostomus texanus Abbott). 

765. Xyrauchen texanus (Abbott). Razorback sucker; Humpback sucker. 

Basin of the Colorado and Gila Rivers (not in Texas). 

Catostomus tecanus Abbott, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XEI, 1860, 
473, Colorado and New Rivers, Ariz. 

Catostomus cypho Lockington, loc. cit., 1880, 237, Colorado River at 
mouth of the Gila, Ariz. : 

Xyrauchen uncompahgre Jordan and Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., 
1889, 26, Uncompahgre River delta, Colo.; young example, probably 
the same. 

Genus 285. ERIMYZON Jordan. Chub suckers. 

Erimyzon Jordan, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Hist., III, 1876, 95 (Cyprinus 
oblongus Mitchill). 


766. Erimyzon sucetta (Lacépéde). Chub; Chub sucker; Creekfish; Creek 


Coastwise streams, Pennsylvania and south; very abundant southward. 

Cyprinus sucetia Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 606, South 

Moxostoma kennerlyi Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
171, Dry Creek, Victoria, Tex. 

Mozostoma campbelli Girard, loc. cit., 172, Live Oak Creek and Devil 
River, Tex. 

Moxostoma tenue Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, 1855, 203, Mobile, Ala. 

Erimyzon goodei Jordan, Bull. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., xh 1878, 148, St. 
Johns River, Fla. 

767. Erimyzon oblongus (Mitchill). Chub sucker; Sweet sucker; Mullet; Creek. 
fish; Pin minnow. 

Great Lakes region to Maine and the Dakotas, south to Virginia and 
Oklahoma; very abundant; replacing the deeper-bodied sucetta north- 
ward; the ‘two probably intergrading. 

Cyprinus oblongus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 459, 
New York. 

Catostomus gibbosus LeSueur, Connecticut River, Northampton; tubercu- 
latus, Germantown, Pa.; and vittatus, W issahickon River, Pa.; Jour. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., r 1817, 92, 93, 104. 

Catostomus fasciolaris Rafinesque, Ichth. ‘Ohiensis, 1820, 58, Ohio River. 

Labeo elegans, New York; esopus, New York; and elongatus, Mohawk 
River; DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 192,_ 195, 394. 

Moxostoma claviformis Girard, Free. Aced. Nat. Sci. Fila., VIII, 1856, 
171, Coal Creek, Canadian Riv er, Indian Territory [Okla.] 

Genus 286. MINYTREMA Jordan. Spotted suckers. 
Minytrema Jordan, Man. Vert., ed. 2, 1878, 318 (Catostomus melanops 


768. Minytrema melanops (Rafinesque). Spotted sucker; Striped sucker; 

Winter sucker; Sand sucker; Black winter sucker. 

Great Lakes region to North Carolina and west to Texas and Montana; 
rather common westward. 

Catostomus melanops Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 57, Ohio River. 

Catostomus fasciatus LeSueur, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. 
Poiss., X VII, 1844, 333 (449), Mississippi River. 

Mozxostoma victoriz Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
171, Dry Creek, Victoria, Tex. 

Ptychostomus haydeni Girard, loc. cit., 172, Yellowstone River; Missouri 
River at Fort Pierre, Neb. 

Genus 287. MOXOSTOMA Rafinesque. Redhorse. 
Mozxostoma Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 54 (Catostomus anisurus 
Teretulus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 57 (Catostomus aureolus LeSueur). 
Ptychostomus Agassiz, Amer. "Jour. Sci. Arts., XIX, 1855, 203 (Catos- 
tomus aureolus LeSueur). 
Myzxostoma Jordan; corrected orthography. 

769. Moxostoma papillosum (Cope). White mullet. 
Lowland streams, from the Dismal Swamp in Virginia to the Oemulgee 
River, Ga. 
Ptychostomus papillosus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XI, 1870, 
470, Catawba and Yadkin Rivers, N. 

770. Moxostoma anisurum (Rafinesque). White- nosed sucker. 

Ohio River, Great Lakes region and Lake of the Woods; not very 
common, but widely distributed. 

Catostomus anisurus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 54, Ohio River. 

Catostomus carpio Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XVII, 
1844, 457, Lake Ontario, not of Rafinesque. 

Ptychostomus velatus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 471, 
Youghiogheny River, Pa. 

Morostoma valenciennesi Jordan, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 
73; substitute for Catostomus carpio Cuvier and Valenciennes; 













Cedi le 


Moxostoma bucco (Cope). 
Missouri River at St. Joseph. 
Ptychostomus bucco Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Wyo., 1870, 437, St. 
Joseph, Mo.; a doubtful species allied to M. anisurum. 

Moxostoma pidiense (Cope). 
Great Pedee Basin, the Carolinas. 
Ptychostomus pidiensis Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XI, 1870, 
471, Yadkin River, N. C. 

Moxostoma collapsum (Cope). 
Lowland streams of North Carolina. 
Ptychostomus collapsus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soe., XI, 1870, 471, 
Neuse, Yadkin, and Catawba Rivers, N. C. 

Moxostoma coregonus (Cope). Blue mullet. 
Catawba and Yadkin Rivers, N. C. 
Ptychostomus coregonus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XI, 1870, 
472, Catawba and Yadkin Rivers. 

Moxostoma album (Cope). 
Rivers of North Carolina. 
Ptychostomus albus Cope, Proe., Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XI, 1870, 472, 
Catawba River, (OF 

Moxostoma thalassinum (Cope). 
Yadkin River, N. C. 
Ptychostomus thalassinus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soe. Phila., XI, 1870, 
472, Yadkin River, N. C. 

Moxostoma congestum (Baird and Girard). Texas redhorse. 
Streams of Texas. 
Catostomus congestus Baird and Girard, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
VII, 1854, 27, Rio Salado, Tex. 
Ptychostomus albidus Girard, loc. cit., VIII, 1856, 172, Rio San Juan, 
Monterey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. 

Moxostoma austrinum (Bean.) 
Rio de Santiago, Mexico; known from Michoacan, Mexico (west of 
Sierra Madre); Rio Lerna at Salamanca. 
Myzxostoma austrina Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 302, Piedad 
in Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico. 

Moxostoma mascote Regan. 
Streams of Jalisco (Pacific drainage), Mexico. 
Mozostoma mascote Regan, Biol. Centrali-Amer., 1907, 147, Tab. 
XXIV, fig. 2, Rio Mascota, Mexico. 

Moxostoma parvidens Regan. 
Rio Grande Basin. 
Mozostoma parvidens Regan, Biol. Centrali-Amer., 1907, 147, Tab. 
XXIV, fig. 3, Rio Grande at Juarez, Mexico. 

Moxostoma aureolum (LeSueur). Common redhorse; Mullet; White 
sucker; Large-scaled sucker; Sucker. 

Lake Ontario and Lake Michigan to the Missouri River and Lake of 
the Woods, south to Arkansas and Georgia; very abundant west of 

Catostomus aureolus LeSueur, Jour., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1817, 
95, Lake Erie near Buffalo. 

Catostomus duquesnii LeSueur, loc. cit., I, 105, 1817, Ohio River at 
Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Catostomus erythurus Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., III, 1818, 354, 
355, Ohio River. 

Deeg oneida DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 198, Oneida 


Rutilus melanurus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 51, Ohio River. 

Myzxostoma euryops Jordan, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1876, 348, 
Oostanaula River, Rome, Ga.; probably a monstrosity of this 













Moxostoma lesueuri (Richardson). Picconou. 
Tributaries of Hudson Bay and westward. 
Catostomus lesuweuri Richardson, Franklin’s Jour., 1823, 1772, Pine 
Island Lake, British America. ‘ 

Moxostoma macrolepidotum (LeSueur). Mullet; Red mullet; Eastern 

redhorse; River sucker. 

Streams about Chesapeake and Delaware Bays and southward to 
North Carolina; east of the Alleghenies. 

Catostomus macrolepidotus LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 
1817, 94, Delaware River. 

Ptychostomus lachrymalis Cope, Proc., Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 474, 
Neuse River at Newbern, N. C. 

Moxostoma robustum (Cope). 
Yadkin River, N. C. 
Ptychostomus robustus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 473, 
Yadkin River, N. C. 
Moxostoma crassilabre (Co 
Streams of eastern North Carnie. 
Ptychostomus crassilabris Cope, Proce. Amer. Phil. Soe., XI, 1870, 477, 
Neuse River near Raleigh, N. C. 

Moxostoma conus (Cope). 
Neuse and Yadkin Rivers, N. C. 
Ptychostomus conus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 478, Yadkin 

River, N. C. 

Moxostoma breviceps (Cope). Short-headed redhorse. 
Ohio Valley and Great Lakes region; abundant in Lake Erie. 
Ptychostomus breviceps Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 478, 
Youghiogheny River, Pa. 
Moxostoma pecilurum (Jordan). 
Southern Mississippi to eastern Texas; Pearl, Tangipahoa, and Sabine 
Myzostoma pecilura Jordan, Bull. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 66, Tangi- 
pahoa River, La. 

Moxostoma alleghaniensis Nichols. 
Mountain streams of North Carolina. 
Moxostoma alleghaniensis Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
XXX, 1911, 275, Pl. XI, fig. 1, Marshall, N. C. 

Genus 288. SCARTOMYZON Fowler. 
Scartomyzon Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXV, 1913, 59 
(Ptychostomus cervinus Cope). 

Scartomyzon rupiscartes (Jordan and Jenkins). Jumprocks. 
Rivers of the Carolinas and Georgia, from the Catawba to the Chatta- 
hoochee; locally abundant. 
Moxostoma rupiscartes Jordan and Jenkins, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
XI, 1888, 353, Catawba River at Morgantown, and various other 
streams, representing Scartomyzon cervinus southward. 

Scartomyzon cervinus (Cope). Jumping mullet; Crawl-a-bottom. 
Rivers of the South Atlantic States, from the James to the Neuse. 
Teretulus cervinus Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 236, 

headwaters of the Roanoke and James Rivers, Va. 

Genus 289. PLACOPHARYNX Cope. 
Placopharynz Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 467 (P. carinatus 
Placopharynx carinatus Cope. White sucker; Big-toothed redhorse. 
Michigan to Tennessee, Georgia, and Arkansas; abundant in large 

streams, especially in the Ozarks. 
Placopharynz carinatus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 467, 

Wabash River. 


Genus 290. LAGOCHILA Jordan and Brayton. Rabbitmouth suckers. 
Lagochila Jordan and Brayton, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X XIX, 
1877 280, (L. lacera Jordan and Brayton); not Lagocheilus, an 
earlier genus of mollusks. 
Quassilabia Jordan and Brayton, Man. Vert., Ed. II, 1878, 406 (Lago- 
chila lacera Jordan and Brayton); substitute for Lagochila, regarded 
as preoccupied. 

793. Lagochila lacera Jordan and Brayton. Harelip sucker; Cut-lips; Split- 
mouth sucker; May sucker; Rabbitmouth sucker; Pealip sucker. 
Mississippi Valley; Ozark Mountains; Scioto, Tippecanoe, Clinch, 
Cumberland, and Chickamauga Rivers, and the White River of 
Arkansas; nowhere very common. 
Lagochila lacera Jordan and Brayton, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
X XIX, 1877, 280, Chickamauga River, Ringgold, Ga. 

Family 90. CYPRINIDA. Daces and minnows 

In arranging the genera of this by far the largest natural family of 
fishes, we have begun the series with the forms having closest affinity 
with Asiatic and then with European types—these having largely 
five teeth in the main row on the pharyngeals. Later follow the 
characteristically American forms, more or less degenerate as com- 
pared with the possible European ancestors, the series closing with 
aberrant forms from the same stock. 

Genus 291. ORTHODON Girard. 
Orthodon Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 182 (Gila 
microlepidota Ayres). 

794. Orthodon microlepidotus (Ayres). Blackfish. 
Larger rivers and lakes of central and northern California; generally 
Gila microlepidota Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854, 21, 
Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, Calif. 

Genus 292. ACROCHEILUS Agassiz. Chiselmouths. 
Acrocheilus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XIX, 1855, 96 (A. alutaceus 
Agassiz and Pickering). 

795. Acrocheilus alutaceus Agassiz and Pickering. Chiselmouth; Square- 
mouth; Hardmouth. 
Lakes and rivers of southeastern Oregon; lower Columbia and tribu- 
taries as far up as Spokane and Shoshone Falls. 
Acrocheilus alutaceus Agassiz and Pickering, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, 
XIX, 1855, 99, Willamette Falls and Walla Walla River, Oreg. 

Genus 298. MYLOCHEILUS Agassiz. 

Mylocheilus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XIX, 1855, 229 (M. lateralis 

Agassiz and Pickering). 
796. Mylocheilus lateralis Agassiz and Pickering. Columbia River chub. 

Columbia and Frazer River Basins; ascending to Flathead Lake and 
Shoshone Falls. 

Mylocheilus lateralis Agassiz and Pickering, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, 1855, 
231, Columbia River at Fort Vancouver; confused by recent writers 
with Leuciscus caurinus Richardson, which is a near relative of 
Richardsonius balteatus. 

797. Mylocheilus fraterculus Girard. ‘ 

Mylocheilus fraterculus Girard, Proc., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
169, ‘‘Monterey, Calif.’’; a doubtful record, as no Mylocheilus has 
been yet found in California; scales about 85; 77 in Mylocheilus 

Genus 294. MYLOPHARODON Ayres. ' 

Mylopharodon Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 33 (M. 

robustus Ayres=Mylopharodon conocephalus Girard). 




Mylopharodon conocephalus (Baird and Girard). Kaweah chub. 
Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, Calif.; southeastern Oregon, Pit 
River and Big Valley. 
Gila conocephala Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 
1854, 135, San Joaquin River, Calif. 
Mylopharodon robustus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 33, 
San Joaquin River, Calif. 

Genus 295. STYPODON Garman. 
Stypodon Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., VIII, 1881, 90 (S. signifer 

. Stypodon signifer Garman. 
Lago de Parras, an isolated lagoon in Coahuila, Mexico. 
Stypodon signifer Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., VIII, 1881, 90, 
Lago de Parras, Coahuila, Mexico. 

Genus 296. CHROSOMUS Rafinesque. 
Chrosomus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 47 (Luzxilus erythrogaster 

800. Chrosomus erythrogaster Rafinesque. Red-bellied dace. 


New Brunswick to Ohio, Wisconsin, Colorado, and northern Alabama; 
St. Lawrence River; chiefly or entirely west of the Alleghenies; very 
abundant northward. 

Luaijus or Chrosomus erythrogaster Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 
47, Ohio River. 

Chrosomus pyrrhogaster Jordan, Man. Vert., Ed. I, 1876, 284, White 
River, Ind. 

Chrosomus eos Cope. 
Streams east of the Alleghenies, north to the Susquehanna; scarce. 
Chrosomus eos Cope, Proc., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 523, 
Meshoppen Creek, Susquehanna River, Pa.; perhaps a variation of 
Chrosomus erythrogaster. 

802. Chrosomus oreas Cope. 


recreate of Roanoke River, and clear tributaries of the Tennessee 


Chrosomus oreas Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 233, 
head of Roanoke River, Montgomery County, Va. 

Chrosomus dakotensis Evermann and Cox. 
Chrosomus dakotensis Evermann and Cox, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., 
XIX, 1895, Crow Creek, Chamberlain, S. Dak. 

Genus 297. LAVINIA Girard. 
Lavinia Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 137 (L. ezili- 
cauda Baird and Girard). 
Luzilinus Jordan, Cat. Fishes N. Amer., 1885, 33 (Lawcosomus occi- 
dentalis Baird and Girard); young. 

804. Lavinia exilicauda Baird and Girard. Hitch; Chigh. 

Streams of the coast ranges about San Francisco and Monterey; 
locally common as far north as Clear Lake, Calif. 

Lavinia exilicauda Baird and Girard, Proc., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
VII, 1854, 137, Sacramento River, Calif. 

Leucosomus occidentalis Baird and Girard, loc. cit., VII, 1854, 137, Poso 
Creek; Four Creeks, Calif.; young of L. exilicauda. 

Lavinia harengus Girard, loc. cit., VIII, 1856, 184, Monterey, Calif. 

Genus 298. OXYGENEUM Forbes. 
Ozygeneum Forbes, Bull. Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., II, 1885, 136 .(O. pul- 
verulentum Forbes). 

805. Oxygeneum pulverulentum Forbes. 

Illinois River, Ill. 
Oxygeneum pulverulentum Forbes, Bull. Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., II, 1885, 
136, Illinois River, Il. 

Genus 299. PTYCHOCHEILUS Agassiz. Squawfish. 
Ptychocheilus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XIX, 1855, 227 (P. gra- 
cilis Agassiz =Cyprinus (Leuciscus) oregonensis Richardson). 











Ptychocheilus oregonensis (Richardson). Squawfish; Chappaul; White- 

Rivers of Oregon and Washington, in the Columbia Basin to Montana 
and Idaho, and northward to British Columbia. 

Cyprinus (Leuciscus) oregonensis Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., 
III, 1836, 305, Columbia River. 

Ptychocheilus gracilis Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XIX, 1855, 229, 
Willamette River. 

Ptychocheilus grandis (Ayres). Sacramento pike; Sacramento squawfish. 

Rivers of California and southeastern Oregon; Pit River. 

Gila grandis Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854, 18, San Fran- 

Ptychocheilus major Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XIX, 1855, 229, 
San Francisco. 

Ptychocheilus harfordi Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 72, Sacramento River; scales 90 to 95, a variant with smaller 

Ptychocheilus lucius Girard. White salmon of the Colorado; Colorado 
River squawfish. 

Colorado River Basin, in all larger streams from Rio Uncompahgre to 
the Gulf of California; largest of American Cyprinidz, reaching 80 

Ptychocheilus lucius Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 209, 
Rio Colorado. 

Ptychocheilus umpque Snvder. 
Coastal streams of Oregon. 
Ptychocheilus umpque Snyder, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., X XVII, 1907 
(1908), 170, fig. 2, in part, Callopooia Creek, Oakland, Oreg. 

Genus 300. GILA Baird and Girard. 
Gila Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1853, 368 
(G. robusta Baird and Girard). 

Gila elegans Baird and Girard. Bony-tail; Gila trout; Verde trout. 
Colorado and Gila Rivers; abundant in river channels. 
Gila elegans Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1853, 
369, Zuni, Colorado, and Gila Rivers. 
Gila emoryi Baird and Girard, loc. cit., 388, Gila River. 

Gila robusta Baird and Girard. Roundtail. 

Tributaries of the Rio Colorado and Rio Gila; very common up to the 
foot of the mountains in Colorado. 

Gila robusta Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1853, 
368, Zuni River. 

Gila gracilis Baird and Girard, loc. cit., 369, Zuni River. 

Gila grahami Baird and Girard, loc. cit., 389, Rio San Pedro, tributary 
to Rio Gila. 

Ptychocheilus vorax Girard, loc. cit., 1856, 209, locality unknown. 

Leuciscus zunnensis Gimther, Cat., VII, 1868, 241, Zuni River; sub- 
stitute for gracilis, preoccupied in Leuciscus. 

Gila affinis Abbott, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 1860, 474, prob- 
ably erroneously ascribed to Kansas River. 

Gila nacrea Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Wyo., 1870 (1871), 441, tribu- 
tary of Green River, Wyo.; young, perhaps of G. elegans. 

Gila seminuda Cope and Yarrow. 
Rio Virgen, in Utah and Nevada. 
Gila seminuda Cope and Yarrow, Wheeler’s Surv., Zool., V, 1875, 666, 
Rio Virgen, Nev. 

Gila minace Meek. 
Streams of Chihuahua, Mexico. 
Gila minace Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, May, 1902, 80, Rio 
Paphigochic, Mifiaca, Chihuahua, Mex. 
Genus 301. NOTEMIGONUS Rafinesque. 
Notemigonus Rafinesque, Jour. Phys., LXXXVIII, 1819, 420, (N. 
auratus Rafinesque=Cyprinus crysoleucas Mitchill). 
Hemiplus Rafinesque, Anal. Nat., I, 1820, 6 (H. lacustris Rafinesque). 


814. Notemigonus crysoleucas (Mitchill). Roach; Sunfish; Dace; Bitter- 

head; Shiner; Chub; Bream; Gudgeon; Young shad; Windfish. 

Nova Scotia and Maryland to the Dakotas. 

Cyprinus crysoleucas Mitchill, Rept., Fish. N. Y., 1814, 23, New York. 

Cyprinus hemiplus Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 1817, 121, 
Lake George, Saratoga, N. Y. 

Notemigonus auratus Rafinesque, Jour. Phys., LX XXVIII, 1819, 421, 
Ohio River. 

Hemiplus lacustris Rafinesque, Anal. Nat., I, 1820, 6, Lake George. 

Abramis versicolor DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 191, Connecticut 
and Hudson Rivers; Peekskill. 

815. Notemigonus bosci (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Rivers of the South Atlantic States; abundant from the James to the 
Leuciscus boscii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X VII, 1844, 
232 (313), Carolina, Pennsylvania, and New York. 
Cyprinus americanus Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 530, Charles- 
town; name preoccupied. 
Notemigonus ischanus Jordan, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1876, 
364, South Fork Ocmulgee River, Flat Shoals, Ga. 
Luzilus leptosomus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIIT, 1856, 203, 
Dry Creek, Victoria, Tex. 
Luzilus seco Girard, loc. cit., 203, Rio Seco, tributary of Rio Nueces, Tex. 
816. Notemigonus gardoneus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
South Carolina. 
Leuciscus gardoneus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X VII, 
1844, 235 (316), Charleston, S. C.; perhaps a hybrid. 

Genus 302. OPSOPCODUS Hay. 
Opsopeodus Hay, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 507 (O. emilix Hay). 
Trychxrodon Forbes, in Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XVI, 
1882, 247 (T. megalops Forbes). 

817. Opsopcodus emilie Hay. 
Lake Erie and southern Indiana and Illinois to Georgia and Mississippi. 
Opsopeodus emilie Hay, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 507, Artesia, 
Macon, and Enterprise, Miss. 

818. Opsopeodus osculus Evermann. 
Rio Neches and other streams about Palestine and Houston, Tex. 
Opsopeodus osculus Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XI, 1891 (1892), 
82, Neches River near Palestine, Tex. 

819. Opsopewodus borealis Harper and Nichols. Athabaska minnow. 
Streams of Alberta. 
Opsopeodus borealis Harper and Nichels, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
XLI, 266, Lake Athabaska at Fort Chipewyan, Alberta, Canada. 

820. Opsopcodus megalops (Forbes). 
Western Ohio to Illinois. 
Trychxrodon megalops Forbes, in Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, 1883, 
247, Illinois River at Pekin and Peoria, IIl. 

Genus 303. OPSOPCEA Jordan and Evermann. 
Opsopea Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
247 (Opsopeodus bollmani Gilbert). 

821. Opsopea bollmani (Gilbert). 
Lowland swamps of the Southern States; known from Satilla River, 
Waycross, Ga., and Obion River, Cypress, Tenn 
Opsopeodus bollmani Gilbert, Bull. U.S. Fish Com., VIII, 1888 (1890), 
226, Buckland Creek, Millen, Ga. 

Genus 304. ALGANSEA Girard. 
Algansea Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 182 (Leuciscis 
tincella Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

822. Algansea tincella (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Lakes about the City of Mexico and in streams of central Mexico. 
Leuciscus tincella Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XVII, 
1844, 240 (323), City of Mexico, 


823. Algansea dugesi Bean. 
Central Mexico, in streams tributary to Rio de Lerma, Lake Yuriria in 
Algansea dugesi Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XV, 1892, 2838, Lake 
Yuriria, Guanajuato, Mex. 
?Algansea tarascorum Steindachner, Einige Fischarten Mexicos, 1895, 
11, pl. 3, figs. 2-2c, Lake Patzcuaro, Mex. 

824. Algansea lacustris Steindachner. 
Lake Patzcuaro, Jalisco, Mexico. 
Algansea lacustris Steindachner, Einige Fischarten Mexicos, 1295, 10, 
pl. 3, figs. 1 and 1b, Lake Patzcuaro. 

825. Algansea sallei (Giinther). 
Streams of central Mexico. 
Ceratichthys sallzi Giinther, Cat., VII, 1868, 484, Cuernavaca, Mex. 
Zophendum australe Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 300, Lake 
Tupataro, Mex., Rio Lerma. 

826. Algansea rubescens Meek. 
Lake Patzcuaro, Michoacan. 
Algansea rubescens Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1905, 46, fig. 9, 

Lake Patzcuaro. 

827. Algansea stigmatura Regan. 
Northern Mexico. 
Algansea stigmatura Regan, Biol. Centrali-Amer., 1907, 152, Tab. XXV, 
fig. 2, Rio Grande de Santiago, Jalisco. 

828. Algansea affinis Regan 
Upper tributaries of Rio Lerma and Rio Panuco, Mexico. 
Algansea affinis Regan, Biol. Centrali-Amer., 1907, 151, Tab. XXV, 
fig. 1, Aguas Calientes, Salamanca, and San Juan del Rio, Mexico. 

Genus 305. POGONICHTHYS Girard. 
Pogonichthys Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 136 (P. 
inequilobus Baird and Girard =Leuciscus macrolepidotus Ayres). 
Symmetrurus Jordan, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Terr., IV, 1878, 788, 
(Pogonichthys argyreiosus Girard); young. 

829. Pogonichthys macrolepidotus (Ayres). Splittail. 

Streams of central California; very common in the Sacramento and 
San Joaquin Rivers. 

Leuciscus macrolepidotus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, in Placer 
‘Times and Transcript, May 30, 1854, San Francisco, Calif. 

Pogonichthys inequilobus Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Phila., VII, 1854, 136, San Joaquin Valley, Calif. 

Pogonichthys argyreiosus Girard, loc. cit., 153, Presidio, Calif. 

Genus 306. MARGARISCUS Cockerell. 
Margariscus Cockerell, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., X XII, 1909, 217 (Clino- 
stomus margarita Cope). 
As a small barbel is normally present in this genus and placed above 
the tip of the maxillary, as in Semotilus, the genus must be placed 
near Leucosomus. 

830. Margariscus margarita (Cope). Minnow; Goldthread shiner; Pearl 
Lake Erie, south to James River and headwaters of the Kanawha. 
Clinostomus margarita Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1866, 377, 
Conestoga River, Lancaster, Pa. 

831. Margariscus nachtriebi” (Cox). 

North Dakota to New Brunswick. 

Leuciscus nachtriebi U. O. Cox, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XX, 1894 
(1896), 615, Minnesota, Mille Lacs Lake. 

Couesius plumbeus rubrilateralis Philip Cox, Bull. Nat. Hist., 2, 1901, 
42, Miramachi, Canada. 

Leuciscus carletoni Kendall, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XXII, 1902, 357, 
fig. 1, Penobscot River, Me. 

2‘*With much doubt we leave this species (M. nachtriebi) with Margariscus. The actual relation of 
this and other related forms is yet to be determined.’’ (Jordan.) 


Genus 307. LEUCOSOMUS Heckel. Fallfishes. 

Leucosomus Heckel, Russegger’s Reisen, 1, 1843, 1042 (L. chrysoleucus 
Heckel=Cyprinus corporalis Mitchill); not Leucosoma Gray, a genus 
of Salangide. 

Cheilonemus Baird, in Storer, Hist. Fish. Mass., 1855, 285 (Leuciscus 
pulchellus Storer=Cyprinus corporalis Mitchill). 

832. Leucosomus corporalis (Mitchill). Chub; Dace; Fallfish; Silver chub; 
Windfish; Corporal; Chivin. 

Eastern United States, from the St. Lawrence to James River, Virginia; 
largest of our eastern Cyprinide; common northward, east of the 

Ade corporalis Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., I, 1817, 289, Wallkill 

IVeE: IN: X- 

Cyprinus bullaris Rafinesque, loc. cit., II, Dec., 1817, 120, Hudson 


pcan d argenteus Storer, Hist. Fish. Mass., 1839, 90, Worcester Co., 


Leuciscus pulchellus Storer, loc. cit., 90, Walpole, Mass. 

Leuciscus nitidus DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 209, Lake 

Leuciscus chrysopterus DeKay, loc. cit., 211, N. Y. Harbor. 

Leuciscus rotengulus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X VII, 
1844, 236 (318), Carolinas. 

Leucosomus cataractus Baird, Iconog. Encyl., II, 216, and in Cope, 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 523, Susquehanna River. 

Leucosomus rhotheus Cope, loc. cit., XIII, 1861, 523, Brandywine 
Creek and Rancocos Creek, Pa. 

Squalius hyalope Cope, loc. cit., XVI, 1864, 280, Conestoga River, Pa. 

Genus 308. SEMOTILUS Rafinesque. Horned dace. 
Semotilus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 49 (S. dorsalis Rafinesque= 
Cyprinus atromaculatus Mitchill). 

833. Semotilus atromaculatus (Mitchill). Horned dace; Creek chub; Chub; 

Silver chub; Mud chub. 

Maine to New Jersey; westward to Kansas and Wyoming. 

Cyprinus atromaculatus Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., IL 1818, 324, 
Wallkill River, N. Y. 

cai He dorsalis Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 49, Kentucky 


Semotilus cephalus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 49, Ohio River. 

Semotilus diplemia Rafinesque, loc. cit., 50, Ohio River. 

Leuciscus iris Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XVII, 1844, 
190, (255), New York and Carolina. 

a storeri Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 237 (255), New 


Leuciscus pulchelloides Ayres, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., III, 1849, 
157, Connecticut. 

Leucosomus pallidus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
190, Antelope Creek, Ark. 

Leucosomus incrassatus Girard, loc. cit., 1856, 190, Choctaw Agency. 

Semotilus macrocephalus Girard, loc. cit., 1856, 204, Fort Pierre, Nebr. 

Semotilus speciosus Girard, loc. cit., 1856, 204, Sweetwater River, Nebr 

Semotilus hammondii Abbott, loc. cit., XII, 1860, 474, Kansas. 

' 834. Semotilus atromaculatus thoreauanus (Jordan). 

Flint River, Ga. 

Semotilus thoreauanus Jordan, Bull., U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 63, 
Flint River, Ga. 

Genus 309. RICHARDSONIUS ” Girard. 
Richardsonius Girard, Proc., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 201 
(Cyprinus (Abramis) batleatus Richardson}. 

% The various American allies of Leuciseus Cuvier (type Cyprinus leuciscus L. of Europe, Squalius), 
we now divide among several genera, these corresponding to the subgenera in the previous check list. 
No species belonging to Leuciscus, as strictly defined, occurs in America or Asia. Many of the species, 
both in the groups allied to Leuciscus and Rutilus as well as in those related to Hybopsis and Notropis need 
comparison and verification. 

Richardsonius is here restricted to the single species, balteatus, distinguished, with its variant, by the 
very long anal fin. The genus Cheonda is provisionally recognized for species more or less similar to Rich- 
ardsonius but with the anal fin shorter. This group seems to merge into Tigoma, species with the anal 
fin short and the seales rather loosely imbricated. One species, carina, forms another intermediate type 
with short anal and very small scales. Any arrangement of these fishes must be still wholly provisional, 












Richardsonius siuslawi (Hvermann and Meek). 
Streams of western Oregon. 
Leuciscus siuslawi Evermann and Meek, Bull. U.S. Fish Com., XVII, 
1897 (1898), 72, Siuslaw River, Mapleton, Oreg. 

Richardsonius lateralis Girard. 
Streams of Washington and Montana, a doubtful species, nominally 
distinguished by the smaller number of anal rays. 
Richardsonius lateralis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 
1856, 202, Fort Steilacoom, Wash. 
Leuciscus gilli Evermann, Bull., U. 8. Fish Com., XI, 1891, 44, Browns 
Gulch Creek, Silver Bow, Mont. ; 

Richardsonius balteatus (Richardson). MRed-sided bream. 
Columbia and Fraser Rivers, and streams about Puget Sound. 
Cyprinus (Abramis) balteatus Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., III 
1836, 301, Columbia River. 

Richardsonius thermophilus Evermann and Cockerell. 
Warm Springs, Silver Creek, and Silvies River, Oreg. 
Richardsonius thermophilus Evermann and Cockerell, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Wash., XXII, December 8, 1909, 185, Warm Springs s, Harney Co., 

Genus 310. CLARKINA Jordan and Evermann. 

Cyprinus (Leuciscus) caurinus Richardson is an ally of the genus 
Richardsonius, differing in the short anal fin of 9 rays only. The 
body is elongate and the scales (86) very small, well imbricated, 
differing from the type of Tigoma. 

Clarkina Jordan and Evermann, Proce. Calif. Acad. Sei., 4th ser., XVI, 
1927 (April 27), 502 (Cyprinus caurinus Richardson). 

Clarkina caurina (Richardson). 
Cyprinus (Leuciscus) caurinus Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., III, 
1836, 304, Columbia River at Fort Vancouv er. 
Leuciscus caurinus Snyder, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., X XVII, 1907, 173; 
not Mylocheilus caurinus Agassiz; Willamette River near Corvallis, 

Genus 311. CHEONDA Girard. 
Cheonda Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 207 (C. 
coopert Girard); scales moderate; anal rays 8 to 11, usually 9. 


Cheonda cooperi Girard. 
Lower Columbia River Basin. 
Cheonda cooperi Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 207, 
Columbia River, Fort Vancouver, Wash. 

Cheonda microdon (Snyder). 
Richardsonius microdon Snyder, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XX XV, 1915-16 
(1918), 58; scales 55; anal rays 8 or 9. 

Cheonda egregia (Girard). 

Nevada to northern California; known from the Humboldt, Truckee, 
and Sacramento—San Joaquin Basins and Napa Valley, Calif. 

Tigoma egregia Girard, Pac. R. R. Sury., X, 1858, 291, locality Hum- 
boldt River at Imlay, Nev. 

Gila ardesiaca Cope, ‘Wheeler Surv., Zool., V, 1875, 660, Pl. XXX, 
figs. 1, la, locality unknown, probably Nevada. 

Squalius galtizx Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXXYV, 1883, 148, 
Pyramid Lake, Nev. 

Phoxinus clevelandi C. H. and R. 8. Eigenmann, West Amer. Scientist, 
1889, 149, Altna Springs, Napa County, Calif. (locality probably 

Cheonda evermanni (Juday). 
South Platte basin. 
Leuciscus evermanni Juday, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XXIV, 1904 (1905), 
226, with plate, Boulder Creek, Boulder, Colo.; a: 8; scales 47; teeth 
2, 5-5, ils 


844. Cheonda hydrophlox (Cope). Silverside minnow; Po-he-wa. 
Salt Lake basin and upper Snake River. 
Clinostomus hydrophlox Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Mont., 1871, 475, 
Blackfoot Creek, Idaho. 
?Clinostomus tenia Cope, Proc., Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1874, 133, 
Utah Lake, Provo, Utah. 

845. Cheonda humboldti (Girard). 
Locality doubtful. 
Tigoma humboldti Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 206, 
Humboldt River, Nev.; may be identical with C. hydr ophloz, but this 
seems unlikely. 

846. Cheonda montana (Cope). 
Clinostomus montanus Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Mont., 1871, 476, 
Grass Creek, Idaho. 
2Clinostomus tenia Cope, Proc., Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1874, 133, 
Utah Lake, Provo, Utah. 
May prove to be the same as C. hydrophlox. 

847. Cheonda copei (Jordan and Gilbert). Leather-sided minnow. 

Great Basin of Utah and Wood River, Idaho. 

?Tigoma gracilis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 206, 
locality unknown; species unidentifiable, name preoccupied in 

Squalius copei Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 461, 
Bear River, Evanston; not Leuciscus cope Ginther, a Notropis. 

Squalius aliciz Jouy, loc. cit., IV, 1881, 19, Provo River near Utah 
Lake, Utah. 

Genus 312. TIGOMA Girard. . 

Tigoma Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 205 (Gila 
pulchella Baird and Girard). 

Protoporus Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Mont., 1871 (1872), 473 (P. 
domninus Cope, young of Tigoma atraria Girard). 

Myloleucus Cope, loc. cit., 475 (M. pulverentulus Cope); the teeth of 
Siphateles accidentally placed in the pharynx of a Tigoma). 

Temeculina Cockerell, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXII, 1909, 216 (Rich- 
ardsonius orcutti Eigenmann and Eigenmann). 

848. Tigoma atraria (Girard). 

Great Basin of Utah, and Snake River Basin above Shoshone Falls. 

?Tigoma lineata Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 206, 
locality unknown; not identifiable. 

Siboma atraria Girard, toc. cit., 208, Fish Springs, Toole Co., Utah, 
near Desert. 

Tigoma squamata Gill, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VIII, 1861, 42, 
Great Salt Lake Basin. 

Protoporus domninus Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Sury. Mont., 1871, 473, 
Snake River, Fort Hall, Idaho. 

Hybopsis bivittatus Cope, loc. cit., 474, Warm Springs, Utah. 

Hybopsis timpanogensis Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1874, 134, 
Timpanogus, Utah; young. 

Squalius cruoreus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 
460, Provo River, Utah. 

Squalius rhomaleus Jordan and Gilbert, loc. cit., 461, Utah Lake, Utah. 

849. Eg tae gibbosa (Baird and Girard). 
o Gila, Ariz. 

Gila gibbosa Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
28, Rio Santa Cruz, Ariz. 

Tigoma intermedia Girard, loc. cit., VIII, 1856, 206, Rio San Pedro of 
the Gila, Ariz. 

Gila nigra Cope, Wheeler’s Surv., Zool., V, 1875, 663, Ash Creek and 
San Carlos, Ariz. 

Squalius lemmoni Rosa Smith, Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci., I, 1884, 3, Rillitto 
Creek, near Tucson, Ariz. 

850. Tigoma purpurea Girard. 
San Bernardino Creek in southern Arizona, a tributary of Rio Yaqui. 
Tigoma purpurea Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 206, 
San Bernardino Creek, Ariz. 










Tigoma pulchella (Girard). Pescadito; Chub of the Rio Grande. 

Rio Grande and other Mexican rivers. 

Gila pulchella Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
29, Rio Mimbres, Chihuahua; not Leuciscus pulchella Storer, a 

Tigoma nigrescens Girard, loc. cit., VIII, 1856, 207, Boca Grande and 
Rio Janos, Chihuahua, Mexico. 

Tigoma pulchra Girard, loc. cit., 207, Boca Grande and Rio Janos; 
Chihuahua River, Mexico. 

Clinostomus pandora Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Mont., 1871, 475, 
tributaries Rio Grande, Sangre de Cristo Pass. 

Gila gula Cope, Wheeler’s Surv., Zool., V, 1875, 661, Rio de Acama and 
near Fort Wingate, N. Mex. 

Cheonda modesta Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., VIII, 1881, 92, 
Rio Salinas, Saltillo, Coahuila. 

Gila conspersa Garman, loc. cits, VIII, 1881, 91, Rio Nazas, Coahuila, 

Tigoma bicolor Girard. 
Klamath Lake, Oreg. 
Tigoma bicolor Girard, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 206, 

Klamath Lake, Oreg. 

Cheonda cerulea Girard, loc. cit., 207, Lost River, Oreg. ¥ 

Tigoma pulverulenta (Cope). 

Myloleucus pulverulentus Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Mont., 1871, 
475, Warm Springs, Utah. 

Myloleucus is a synonym of Tigoma. In his study of these species, 
according to Fowler, Professor Cope by accident replaced the single- 
rowed teeth of a Siphateles in his type example of Myloleucus pul- 
verulentus, a species having teeth in two rows. 

Subgenus TEMECULINA Cockerell. 

Tigoma orcutti (Higenmann and Higenmann). 
Temecula, San Luis Rey, San Jacinto, and Santa Ana Rivers, California. 
Phoxinus orcutti Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
2nd ser., III, 1890, 2, Temecula River, Riverside County, Calif. 

Genus 313. SIBOMA Girard. 
Siboma Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 209 (S. crassi- 
cauda Girard). 

Siboma crassicauda (Baird and Girard). Sacramento chub. 
Rivers of California; generally abundant in the Sacramento and San 
Joaquin Rivers. 
Lavinia crassicauda Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
VII, 1854, 137, San Joaquin River. 
Tigoma crassa Girard, loc. cit., VIII, 1856, 207, Sacramento River. 

Siboma conformis (Baird and Girard). 
Tulare Valley and Sacramento—San Joaquin Basin, Calif. 
Lavinia conformis Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 
1854, 137; Poso Creek, Tulare County, Calif. 

Genus 314. CLINOSTOMUS Girard. 
Clinostomus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 211 
(Luxilus elongatus Kirtland). 

Clinostomus elongatus (Kirtland). Red-sided shiner. 

Great Lakes, upper Mississippi Valley, and New York. 

Luxilus elongatus Kirtland, Rept. Zool. Ohio, 1836, 169, 193, Mahoning 
River, Ohio, and Lake Erie near Cleveland. 

Leuciscus productus Storer, Synopsis, 1846, 416, Wabash River. 

?Leuciscus longirostris Kirtland, The Family Visitor, Mar. 14, 1850, 
Cleveland, Ohio, and Hudson River. 

Squalius proriger Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 280, 


858. Clinostomus vandoisulus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Minnow; Long- 

mouthed minnow; Rosy dace; Pike shiner. 

Leuciscus vandoisulus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XVII, 1844, 236 (317), South Carolina. 

Clinostomus afinis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, Dales 
James River, Va. 

Clinostomus s funduloides (Potomac River at Washington) and carolinus 
(Salem, N. C.) Girard, loc. cit., 212. 

Gila estor Jordan and Brayton, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 1878, 66, 
Elk River, Estill Springs, Tenn. 

Genus 315. HEMITREMIA Cope. 
Hemitremia Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 462 (H. vittata 
Cope= Phozinus flammeus Jordan and Gilbert). 

859. Hemitremia vittata Cope. 
Tributaries of the Tennessee River; common in clear streams in 
northern Alabama. 
Hemitremia vittata Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 462, Holston 
River, Knoxville, Tenn.; vittatus is preoccupied in Leuciscus. 
Phoxinus flammeus Jordan and Gilbert, in Jordan, Man. Vert., ed. 2, 
1878, 303, Elk River, Tenn. 

860. Hemitremia milneriana (Cope). 
Upper Missouri River Basin. 
Phoxinus milnerianus Cope, Amer. Nat., July, 1879, 440, upper Missouri 
River Basin; probably Batile Creek, "Mont. 

Genus 316. PFRILLE Jordan. 
Pfrille Jordan, Copeia, No. 32, 1924, 71 (Phoxinus neogxus Cope). 

861. Pfrille neogea (Cope). Bronze minnow. 
Upper Mississippi Valley and neighboring waters; also Maine and 
Connecticut lakes. 
Phoxinus neogezus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1866, 375, New 
Hudson, Mich. 
?Leuciscus burtonianus LeSueur, in Vaillant, Bull. Soc. Philom., VIII, 
1896, 28, with plate, Burton Mine, Mo.; perhaps a distinct species. 

Genus 317. IOTICHTHYS Jordan and Evermann. 
Iotichthys Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
228 (Clinostomus phlegethontis Cope). 

862. Iotichthys phlegethontis (Cope). 
Tributaries of Great Salt Lake and Sevier Lake; basin of Lake Bonne- 
Clinostomus phlegothontis Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1874, 137, 
Beaver River, Utah. 

Genus 318. HESPEROLEUCUS Snyder. 

Hesperoleucus Snyder, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XXXII, 1912, 63 (Pogo- 
nichthys symmetricus Girard). 

Myloleucus Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Mont., 1871, 475 (M. pulveru- 
lentus Cope=Pogonichthys symmetricus Baird and Girard, in part, 
not type, the teeth having been misplaced). 

This genus and others related, having the teeth 4-5 or 5—5, were placed 
in the former check list and the Fishes of North and Middle America, 
in the European genus Rutilus Rafinesque; but no American or Asiatic 
dace is congeneric with Rutilus rutilus L. 

863. Hesperoleucus symmetricus (Baird and Girard). 
Kivers of California and Nevada and waters of Lake County, Oreg. 
Pogonichthys symmetricus Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Phila., VII, 1854, 136, Fort Miller, San Joaquin Valley, Calif. 
Myloleucus parovanus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1874, 131, 
Beaver River, Utah. 

864. Hesperoleucus navarroensis Snyder. Navarro roach. 
avarro Basin on the western coast of northern California. 
Hesperoleucus navarroensis Snyder, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., X XXII, 1912 
(1914), 65, Navarro River near Philo, Calif. 














Hesperoleucus parvipinnis Snyder. Short-finned roach. 
Gualala River Basin, Calif. 
Hesperoleucus parvipinnis Snyder, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XXXII, 1912 
(1914), 66, Gualala River, Sonoma County, Calif. 

Hesperoleucus venustus Snyder. Venus roach. 
Russian River and the streams entering San Pablo, Suisun, and San 
Francisco Bays. 
Hesperoleucus venustus Snyder, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXXII, 1912 
(1914), 64, fig. 2, Coyote Creek near Gilroy Hot Springs, Calif. 

Hesperoleucus mitrulus Snyder. Northern roach. 
Streams tributary to the north end of Goose Lake, Oreg 
Hesperoleucus mitrulus Snyder, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., "XXXII, 1912, 
(1914), 67, Drew Creek, Lake County, Oreg. 

Hesperoleucus subditus Snyder. Monterey roach. 
Pajaro River system in the region of foothills and lower mountain 
ranges of coast ranges. 
Hesperoleugus subditus Snyder, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XXXII, 1902 
(1904), 67, fig. 3, Uvas Creek, Pajaro River Basin, Santa’ Clara 
County, Calif. 

Hesperoleucus mearnsi (Snyder). 

Rio Yaqui. 

Notropis mearnsi Snyder, Proc., U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLIX, 1916 (Dec. 
23, 1915), 582, fig., Rio San Bernardino, Yaqui Basin, Sonora, 

Hesperoleucus anticus (Cope). 


Algansea antica Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 282, 

Genus 319. SIPHATELES Cope. 
Siphateles Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXXV, 1883, 146 (S. 
vittatus Cope); young example. 

Siphateles olivaceus (Cope). 
Lake Tahoe; Pyramid Lake; Eagle Lake and Willow Creek, Calif. 
Leucus olivaceus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXXV: 1883, 145, 
Pyramid Lake, Nev. 

Siphateles obesus (Girard). 
Lakes and streams of Lahontan Basin. 
Algansea obesa Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 183, 
Humboldt River, Nev. 
Leucus dimidiatus Cope, loc. cit., XXXV, 18838, 145, Pyramid Lake, 
Siphateles.vittatus Cope, loc. cit., 146, Pyramid Lake, Nev. 

Siphateles bicolor (Girard). 
Lakes of southeastern Oregon (Klamath, Warner, Goose, etc.); Sacra- 
mento-San Joaquin Basin; Pit River. 
Algansea bicolor Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 183, 
Klamath Lake. é 

Siphateles formosus (Girard). 
Algansea formosa Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 183, 
Merced and Mohave Rivers, Calif. 
Myloleucus thalassinus Cope, loc. cit., XX XV, 1883, 144, Goose Lake, 

. Siphateles columbianus (Snyder). 

Lakes of southeastern Oregon. 
Rutilus columbianus Snyder, Bull. U. 8S. Bur. Fish., XX VII, 1907, 92, 
fig. 4, Warm Springs near Harney Lake, Harney County, Oreg. 

Siphateles oregonensis (Snyder). 
Lakes of southeastern Oregon. 
Rutilus oregonensis Snyder, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XXVII, 1907, 87, 
fig. 3, XL, Spring, Abert Lake, Oreg. 


877. Siphateles mohavensis Snyder. 
Mohave River, Calif. 
Siphateles mohavensis Snyder, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LIV, 1919 (Mar. 
15, 1918), 298, figure, Mohave River near Victor, Calif. 

Genus 320. LEUCIDIUS Snyder. 
Leucidius Snyder, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XX XV, 1917, 64 (L. pectinifer 

878. Leucidius pectinifer Snyder. Lake minnow. 
Lahontan system, Nevada and northeastern California. 
Leucidius pectinifer Snyder, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXXV, 1916-17 
(Sept. 28, 1917), 64, figs. 5 and 6, Pyramid Lake, Nev. 

Genus 321. NOTROPIS Rafinesque. 

Notropis ** Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 1818, 204 (Notropis 
atherinoides Rafinesque =? Alburnus rubellus Agassiz). 

Minnilus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 45 (M. dinemus Rafinesque). 

soutien ig Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856 (A. dilectus 


Photogenis Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soe., XIII, 1867, 378 (Squalius 

photogenis Cope=Photogenis leucops Cope). 

879. Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque. Shiner; Emerald minnow; Rosy 


Great Lakes region and Ohio and Mississippi Valleys, and north to 

Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 1818, 204, 
Lake Erie. 

Minnitus dinemus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 46, Ohio River. 

Alburnus rubellus Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 364, pl. 3, figs. 1-3, 
Sault Ste. Marie and the Pic, Lake Superior. 

Alburnus nitidus Kirtland, Cleveland Ann. Sci., 1854, 44, tributaries of 
Lake Erie. 

Alburnellus jaculus Cope, Trans., Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1866 (1869). 
387, St. Joseph River and Dowagiae River, Mich. 

Leuciscus copii Giinther, Cat., VII, 1868, 255, Virginia and Michigan; 

b tituce ir yacuius, preoecupied. 

880. Notropis photogenis (Cope). Silvery minnows. 

Allegheny region. 

?Rutilus compressus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 51, Mononga- 
hela River; not certainly identifiable; may be Luzilis cornutus. 

Squalius photogenis Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 280, 
Youghiogheny River, Pa. 

Photogenis leucops Cope, loc. cit., XIX, 1867, 164, Sinking Creek, and 
near Austinville, Va. 

Photogenis leucops engraulinus Cope, loc. cit., 164, tributaries of Kana- 
wha River, Austinville, Va. 

881. Notropis amenus (Abbott). 
Clear streams of the Alleghenies from the Raritan to the Neuse. 
Alburnellus amenus Abbott, Amer. Nat., VIII, 1874, 334, Raritan 
River, N. J. j 

882. Notropis scepticus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Rivers of the Carolinas from Cape Fear to the Santee. 
Notropis photogenis (‘‘pale variety”’), Jordan and Brayton, Bull. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus., XII, 1878, 23. 
Minnilus scepticus Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, 1883, 200, Saluda 
River, S. C. 

7 The name Notropis atherinoides was given by Rafinesque to a small and very slender miunow from 
Lake Erie. It was apparently a semi-dried example having therefore a ridge on the back as implied in 
the name Notropis. It had a long anal fin of 11 rays, and the dorsal inserted b2hind the ventrals. Among 
the small minnows of the Great Lakes it could hardly be anything else than rubellus; yet the original de 
scription is very incomplete and perhaps not identifiable. As this is the oldest name for any of the small 
American minnows with four teeth in the main row of the pharyngeals, and as distinctions of genera among 
these is especially difficult, the writers in 1896 extended the name to include them all. But this assemblage 
is hardly a natural one, as the species diverge in various directions. Hence, in this catalogue the former 
subgenera are given generic rank. 
















Notropis telescopus (Cope). 
Tennessee River Basin; very abundant in cold mountain streams. 
Photogenis telescopus Cope, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIX, 1867 
165, Holston River, Va. 

Notropis arcansanus (Meek). 
Ozark region. 
Notropis telecopus arcansanus Meek, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., IX, 1889 
(1891), 1383, White River, Eureka Springs, Ark. 

Notropis universitatis Evermann and Cockerell. 
Boulder Creek, Boulder, Colo. 
Notropis notatus var., Univ. of Colo. Stud., Apr., 1908, 170. 
Notropis universitatis Evermann and Cockerell, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 
XXII, Dec., 1909, 187, Boulder Creek, Boulder, Colo. 

Notropis welaka Evermann and Kendall. 
St. Johns River, Fla. 
Notropis welaka Evermann and Kendall, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XVII, 
1897 (Feb. 9, 1898), 126, pl. 6, fig. 2, St. Johns River near Welaka, 

Notropis leuciodus (Cope). 
Tennessee River Basin, in mountain streams. 
Photogenis leuciodus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIX, 1867, 
165, Holston River, Va. 

Notropis micropteryx (Cope). 
Headwaters of Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers; also in Ozark region, 
Alburnellus micropteryx Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 
233, Holston River, Va. 

Notropis metallicus Jordan and Meek. 
Swamp streams in Georgia and Florida, from the Suwanee Basin to 
the Escambia. 
Notropis metallicus Jordan and Meek, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 
1884, 475, Allapaha River, Nashville, Ga. 

Notropis louisianze Evermann. 
Atchafalaya River, La. 
Notropis louisiane Evermann, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2801, Atchafalaya River, Melville, La. 

Notropis socius (Girard). 
Live Oak Creek, southwestern Texas. 
Alburnus socius Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 193, 
Live Oak Creek, Tex. 

Notropis amabilis (Girard). 
Rio Leona, a tributary of Rio Nueces, Tex. 
Alburnus amabilis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
193, Rio Leona, Tex. 

Notropis arge (Cope). 
Upper Mississippi Valley. 
Alburnellus arge Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1866, 388, Detroit 
River or St. Joseph River, Mich. 

Notropis pilsbryi Fowler. 
Notropis pilsbryi Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LVI, 1904, 245, 
figure, Rogers, White River Basin, Ark. 

Notropis rubrifrons (Cope). Rosy-faced minnow. 
New York and western Pennsylvania to southern Michigan, Kansas, 
and Kentucky. 
Alburnus rubrifrons Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVII, 1865, 85, 
Kiskiminitas River, a tributary of Allegheny River. 
Alburnellus percobromus Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Wyo., 1870, 440, 
Missouri River at St. Joseph, Mo, 











Notropis dilectus (Girard). 

Lower Ohio to the Rio Grande; abundant in Arkansas and eastern 
Texas in sandy streams. 

Alburnus dilectus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII], 1856, 193, 
Arkansas River, Fort Smith, Ark. 

Alburnus lepidulus Girard, loc. cit., 212, Black Warrior River, Ala. 

Alburnus oligaspis Cope, loc. cit., XVI, 1864, 282, Kansas. 

Alburnellus jemezanus Cope, Wheeler Surv., Zool., V, 1875, 650, Rio 
Grande, San Ildefonso, Mexico. 

Notropis stilbius (Jordan). 
Alabama River and tributaries. 
Nototropis stilbius Jordan, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1876, 343, 
Etowah and Oostanaula Rivers, Rome, Ga. 

Notropis notemigonoides Evermann. 
Rio Neches near Palestine, Tex., and streams about Houston, Tex. 
Notropis notemigonoides Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XI, 1891 
(1892), 81, Neches River, Palestine, Tex., and Sims Bayou, Houston, 

Notropis fumeus Evermann. 
Hunter Creek, Houston, Tex. 
Notropis fumeus Evermann, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XI, 1891 (1892), 
81, Hunter Creek, Houston, Tex. 

Genus 322. PARANOTROPIS Fowler. 
Episema Cope and Jordan, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 64 (Photogenis 
scabriceps Cope, name preoccupied). 
Paranotropis Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LVI, 1904, 245 
(Photogenis scabriceps Cope). 

Paranotropis scabriceps (Cope). 
Kanawha River, W. Va. 
Photogenis scabriceps Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIX, 1867, 
166, Sinking and Walker Creeks,tributaries of Kanawha River. 

Paranotropis ariommus (Cope). 
Ohio and Tennessee Valleys. 
Photogenus ariommus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1866, 378, 
no locality given. 

Paranotropis jejunus (Forbes). 
Western Pennsylvania to Kansas and north to Winnipeg. 
Episema jejuna Forbes, Bull. Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., I, 1878, 60, Illinois 

Paranotropis megalops (Girard). 
Rivers of Texas from the Colorado westward. 
Alburnus megalops Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
193, San Felipe Creek, Tex.; the name preoccupied in Notropis 
(Luxilus) but not in Paranotropis. 

Genus 323. LYTHRURUS Jordan. 
Lythrurus Jordan, Man. Vert., ed. 1, 1876, 272 (Notropis lythrurus 
Jordan =Semotilus diplemius of authors, not of Rafinesque). 

Lythrurus umbratilis (Girard). 

Arkansas River and streams of Kansas and southwestern Iowa. 

Alburnus umbratilis Girard, Proc. AcadgNat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
193, Sugar Loaf Creek, tributary of Poteau River, Ark. 

Luzilus lucidus Girard, loc. cit., 203, Coal Creek, tributary of South Fork 
of Canadian River. 

Minnilus nigripinnis Gilbert, Bull., Washburn Lab. Nat. Hist., I, 1884, 
14, Shunganunga Creek near Topeka, Kans. 

Hee fa macrolepidotus Forbes, Bull. Il. Lab. Nat. Hist., II, 1885, 138, 
















Lythrurus cyanocephalus Copeland. 

Rivers of southern Wisconsin to Ohio and Kentucky and Indiana, 

Lythrurus cyanocephalus Copeland, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X XIX, 
1877, 70, Racine River, Wis. 

Rutilus ruber Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis 1820, 52, Elkhorn and Ken- 
tucky Rivers; named but not described. 

Notropis lythurus Jordan, Proc., U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 476, White 
River, Indianapolis; a rather more slender southern form. 

Lythrurus atripes Jordan. Blackfin; Compressed redfin. 
Southern Illinois and Iowa. 
Lythrurus atripes Jordan, Bull. Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., No. 2, 1878, 59, 
streams of Union and Johnson Counties, Ill. 

Lythrurus ardens (Cope). 
Roanoke River, Va. 
Hypsilepis ardens Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIX, 1867, 163, 
headwaters of Roanoke River, Montgomery County, Va. 

Lythrurus fasciol ris (Gilbert). 
Southern bend of Tennessee River, in limestone streams. 
Notropis umbratilis fasciolaris Gilbert, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., IX, 1889 
(1891), 148, streams about Florence, Ala. 

Lythrurus matutinus (Cope). 
Neuse and Pamlico Rivers; common in sandy brooks. 
Alburnellus matutinus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 465, 
Neuse River, Wake County, N. C. 

Lythrurus punctulatus (Hay). 
Tributaries of Big Hatchee River, northern Mississippi. 
Minnilus punctulatus Hay, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 508, 
Tuscumbia River, a tributary of the Big Hatchee, near Corinth, Miss, 

Lythrurus bellus (Hay). 
Tombigbee River, Miss. 
Minnilus bellus Hay, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 510, Tombigbee 
River, Artesia and Macon, Miss. 

Lythrurus roseipinnis (Hay). 
Sandy streams of Gulf States, from Escambia River to the Chick- 
Notropis roseipinnis Hay, in Jordan, Cat. Fishes N. Amer., 1885, 27, 
Chickasawha River, Enterprise, Miss.; substitute for rubripinnis, 

Lythrurus lirus (Jordan). 
Alabama River Basin; abundant in sandy streams. 
Nototropis lirus Jordan, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1876, 342, 
Etowah River, Rome, Ga. 
Notropis alabame Jordan and Meek, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1854, 
476, Alabama River, Montgomery, Ala. 

Genus 324. ORCELLA Jordan and Evermann 
Orcella Jordan and Evermann, Fish. North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 254 
(N. orca Woolman); not ‘‘Orcella,” a genus of Cetacea. 
Orcula Jordan and Evermann, loc. cit., 1900, 3140, substitute for 
Orcella, regarded as preoccupied by Orcella. 

Orcella nazas (Meek). 
Headwaters of the Rio Nazas in Durango, Mexico. 
Nototropis nazas Meck, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 70, fig. 19, 
Santiago Papasquiaro, Durango, Mexico. 
Orcella orca (Woolman). 
Rio Grande at El Paso, Tex. 
Notropis orca Woolman, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XIV, 1894, 56, Rio 
Grande, El Paso, Tex. 
Genus 325. HYDROPHLOX Jordan and Brayton 
Hydrophlox Jordan and Brayton, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1878, 
32 (Hybopsis rubricroceus Cope). 
















Hydrophlox rubricroceus (Cope). Red fallfish. 
Headwaters of the Tennessee and Savannah Rivers. 
Hybopsis rubricroceus Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 231, 
Tumbling Creek, tributary of the North Fork of Holston River, Va. 

Hydrophlox chlorocephalus (Cope). 
Santee Basin, in North and South Carolina. 
Hybopsis chlorocephalus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 461, 
Catawba River, N. C. 

Hydrophlox lutipinnis Jordan and Brayton. 
Santee and Oconee Rivers, Ga. 
Hydrophloz lutipinnis Jordan and Brayton, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
ATL 1878, 36, Oconee River, Halls Springs, Ga. 

Hydrophlox chiliticus (Cope). 
Basin of Great Pedee River, N. C.; common in upland streams. 
Hybopsis chiliticus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 462, Yadkin 
River, Rowan County, N. C. 

Hydrophlox altipinnis (Cope). 
Yadkin, Great Pedee, and Cape Fear Rivers, N. C. 
Alburnellus altipinnis Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 464, 
Yadkin River, Rowan County, N. C. 

Hydrophlox roseus (Jordan). 
Lowland streams of Gulf States from Ogeechee River to the Mississippi. 
Luzilus roseus Jordan, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 61, Notalbany 
River near Tikfaw, La. 

Hydrophlox stonei (Fowler). 
Streams of South Carolina. 
Notropis stonei Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LX XII, 1920, 391, 
figure, Pocataligo River, Manning, 8. C. 

Hydrophlox chalybawus (Cope). 
Delaware River to Ogeechee River. 
Hybopsis chalybzeus Hope, Trans., Amer. Phil. Soc., XII{f, 1866, 383, 
Schuylkill River, Pa. 

Hydrophlox abbotti (lowler). 
Notropis chalybeus abbotti Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LVI, 
1904, 239, Pl. XVII, upper figure, Batsto River, N. J 

Hydrophlox chrosomus (Jordan). 
Alabama Basin; very abundant in clear streams and outlets of springs. 
Hybopsis chrosomus Jordan, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1876, 333, 

Etowah River, etc., Rome, Ga. 

Hydrophlox xe#nocephalus (Jordan). 
Georgia to Mississippi; common in streams of the pine woods, descending 
to brackish water; abundant in Perdido Bay, Rete icia! Fla. 
Hybopsis xexnocephalus Jordan, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1876, 
334, Etowah River, etc., Rome, Ga. 

Genus 326. COCCOTIS Jordan 
Er abies Jordan, Rept. Zool. Ohio, 1882, 852 (Hypsilepis coccogenis 
Coccogenia Cockerell, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXII, 1909, 190 (Hypsi- 
leps coccogenis Cope). 

Coccotis coccogenis (Cope). 
Cumberland, Tennessee, and Savannah Rivers. 
Hypsilepis coccogenis Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIX, 1867, 
160, Holston River, Va. 

Coccotis brimleyi (B. A. Bean). 
Notropis brimleyi B. A. Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XX VI, 1903, 913, 
Cane River, N. C. 

Coccotis macdonaldi (Jordan and Jenkins). 
Mountain streams of Virginia tributary to the James and Shenandoah. 
Notropis macdonaldi Jordan and Jenkins, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XI, 
1888, 354, plate 44, fig. 4, Shenandoah River, Luray, Va. 


930. Coccotis zonatus (Agassiz). 
Mountain streams in the Ozark region of Missouri and Arkansas. 
Alburnus zonatus Agassiz, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., I, 1863, 9, Osage 
River, Mo. 

931. Coccotis zonistius (Jordan). 
Chattahoochee River. 
Luzilus zonistius Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 239, Suwannee 
Creek, tributary of Chattahoochee River in northern Georgia. 

Genus 327. LUXILUS Rafinesque. 
Luxilus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 47 (L. chrysocephalus Rafi- 
nesque=Cyprinus cornutus Mitchill). 
Hypsolepis Baird, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 359 (Cyprinus 
cornutus Mitchill); later written Hypsilepis. 

932. Luxilus cornutus (Mitchill). Shiner; Dace; Redfin. 

Entire region east of the Rocky Mountains excepting the south Atlantic 
States and Texas; very abundant; also Potomac River and tributaries; 
not found south of the James. 

Cyprinus cornutus Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., I, July, 1817, 289, 
Wallkill River, N. Y.; preliminary notice, and II, 1818, 324, West- 
chester County, N. Y. 

Cyprinus megalops Rafinesque, loc. cit., II, December, 1817, 121, 
Hudson River, above the falls. 

Cyprinus melanurus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 121, Hudson River, above the 

?Luaxilus interruptus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 49, Ohio River; may be 
Notropis rubrifrons. 

Rutilus plargyrus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 50, Ohio River in 

Rutilus compressus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 51, Monongahela River, ete., 
not certainly identifiable; may be Notropis photogenis. 

Leuciscus vittatus DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 212, Chittenonga 
Creek, tributary of Mohawk River. 

Argyreus rubripinnis Heckel, Russegger’s Reisen, 1843, 1040. 

Leuciscus spirlingulus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XVII, 1844, 239 (821), New Jersey; New Harmony, Ind. 

Leuciscus obesus Storer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., II, 1845, 48, 
Florence, Ala. 

Plargyrus typicus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 196; 
after Rafinesque. 

Plargyrus bowmani Girard, loc. cit., 196, Sweetwater River, Nebr. 

Plargyrus argentatus Girard, loc. cit., 212, James River, Va. 

Alburnops plumbeolus Cope, loc. cit., XVI, 1864, 282, Saginaw River, 
Flint, Mich. 

Hypsilepis cornutus cyaneus Cope, loc. cit., XIX, 1867, 160, Montreal 
River, Keweenaw, Mich. 

Leuciscus frontalis Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 368, Montreal River, 
eastern shore of Lake Superior. 

Leuciscus gracilis Agassiz, loc. cit., 370, Lake Huron. 

Hypsilepis cornutus gibbus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIX, 
1867, 158, Monroe County, Mich. 

933. Luxilus cornutus isolepis (Hubbs and Brown). 
Oklahoma and Arkansas. 
Notropis cornutus isolepis Hubbs and Brown, Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci., 
Pt. I, VI, Jan. 1, 1927, 129, Mountain Fork River, McCurtain 
County Okla. 

934. Luxilus cornutus chrysocephalus (Rafinesque). 
Ohio River and southward; the southern form of cornutus. 
gy ete chrysocephalus Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., 1820, 47, 
Yhio River. 

935. Luxilus cerasinus (Cope). 
Roanoke River Basin, in mountain brooks. 
Hypsilepis cornutus cerasinus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIX, 
1867, 159, headwaters of Roanoke River, Va. 


936. Luxilus albeolus (Jordan). 
Roanoke, Tar, and Neuse Rivers. 
Notropis megalops albeolus Jordan, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., VIII, 1888 
(1891), 123, Roanoke River near Roanoke, Va. 

937. Luxilus lacertosus (Cope). 
Headwaters of Tennessee River. 
Hybopsis lacertosus Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 232, 
Bear Creek, tributary of the Middle Fork of Holston River. 

Genus 328. EROGALA Jordan and Brayton 
Erogala Jordan and Brayton, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, 1898, 20 
(Photogenis stigmaturus Jordan). 

938. Erogala pyrrhomelas (Cope). 
North and South Carolina in the Santee Basin. 
Photogenis pyrrhomelas Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil, Soe. Phila., XI, 1870, 
463, Catawba River, N. C. 

939. Erogala formosa (Putnam). 

Southern Georgia and Alabama. 

Alburnus formosus Putnam, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., I, 1863, 9, Mobile; 
not Moniana formosa Girard. 

Leuciscus hypselopterus Giinther, Cat., VII, 1868, 255, Mobile; substitute 
for formosus, preoccupied in Leuciscus but not in Erogala. 

Photogenis grandipinnis Jordan, Bull. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 62, 
Flint River, Ga. 

940. Erogala whipplii (Girard). Silverfin; Lemonfin; Satinfin; Steel-colored 


Central and northern New York to Minnesota, northern Alabama, and 
Arkansas, in clear streams. 

Cyprinella whippliit Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
198, Sugarloaf Creek, tributary Poteau River, Ark. 

Photogenis spilopterus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1866, 378, St. 
Joseph River, southwestern Michigan. 

Hybopsis fretensis Cope, loc. cit., 382, Detroit, Mich.; young of C. 
whipplit, fide Hubbs. 

941. Erogala analostana (Girard). Silverfin; Satinfin; Lacefin; Shiner. 
Streams about Delaware and Chesapeake Bays; representing Erogala 
whipplii east of the Alleghenies. 
Cyprinella analostana Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 
59, at Analostan Island, Washington, | a @ 

942. Erogala galactura (Cope). 
Ozark region to Cumberland, Tennessee, and Savannah Rivers; abun- 
dant in mountain streams. 
Hypsilepis galacturus Cope, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIX, 1867, 160, 
Holston River, Va. 

943. Erogala stigmatura (Jordan). Spotted-tail minnow. 
Alabama Basin; very abundant. 
Photogenis stigmaturus Jordan, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1876, 
337, Etowah River, Rome, Ga. 
Cyprinella calliura Jordan, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 61, Black 
Warrior River, Ala. 

944. Erogala camura (Jordan and Meek). 
Arkansas River and tributaries. 
Cliola camura Jordan and Meek, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 474, 
Arkansas River, Fort Lyon, Colo. 

945. Erogala nivea (Cope). 
Southern Virginia to South Carolina. 
Hybopsis niveus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 460, Catawba 
River, N. C. 

Erogala chloristia (Jordan and Brayton). 
Santee River and tributaries. 
Codoma chloristia Jordan and Brayton, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1878, 21, tributary of Saluda River, Greenville, S BG. 















Erogala trichroistia (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Alabama River Basin. 
Codoma trichroistia Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1878, 50, Etowah River, etc., Rome, Ga. 

Erogala callistia (Jordan). 
Alabama River Basin. 
Photogenis callistius Jordan, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1876, 337, 
Etowah River, etc., Rome, Ga. 

Erogala cerulea (Jordan). 
Alabama River Basin. 
Photogenis ceruleus Jordan, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1876, 338, 
Etowah River, Rome, Ga. 

Erogala eurystoma (Jordan). 

Chattahoochee River. 

Photogenis eurystomus Jordan, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1876, 
356, Nancys Creek, tributary to Chattahoochee River, near Atlanta, 
exclusive of the smaller specimens mentioned, which are Notropis 
zonistus; not Codoma eurystoma Jordan. 

Photogenis leucopus Jordan and Brayton, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1878, 41, Chattahoochee River, Gainesville, Ga. 

Erogala cercostigma (Cope). 
Sandy streams tributary to the Gulf of Mexico, from Pearl River and 
Red River to Rio Nueces; abundant. 
Cyprinella cercostigma Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIX, 1867, 
157, Pearl River, Monticello, Miss. 
Luzxilus chickasavensis Hay, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 506, 
Chickasawha River, Enterprise, Miss. 

Erogala xenura (Jordan). 
Altamaha River Basin, Ga. 
Minnilus xenurus Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X XIX, 1877, 
79, Ocmulgee River, Flat Shoals, Ga. 

Erogala notata (Girard). 
Streams of Texas from Austin westward. 
Cyprinella notata Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 198, 
Rio Seco, Tex. 

Erogala venusta (Girard). 
Streams of Texas. 
Cyprinella venusta Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
198, Rio Sabinal, Tex. 

Erogala texana (Girard). 
Rivers of Texas from Trinity River to Rio Salado. 
Cyprinella tecana Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 198, 
Rio Salado and Turkey Creek, Tex. 

Genus 329. CYPRINELLA Girard. 
Cyprinella Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 196 (Leucis- 
cus bubalinus Baird and Girard). 

Cyprinella bubalina (Baird and Girard). 
Streams of Arkansas and westward; not common. 
Leuciscus bubalinus Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
VI, 1853, 391, Otter Creek, Ark. 
Cyprinella umbrosa Girard, loc. cit., VIII, 1856, 197, Coal Creek, 
tributary of South Fork Canadian River. 
Cyprinella gunnisonii Girard, loc. cit., 197, Cottonwood Creek of the 
Rio Grande, Colo. 
Cyprinella beckwithi Girard, loc. cit., 197, Arkansas River, near Fort 
Cyprinella lepida Girard, loc. cit., 197, Rio Frio, Tex. 
Cyprinella ludibunda Girard. 
Rio Grande Basin. 
Cyprinella ludibunda Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
199, locality now known to be Cottonwood Creek, Colo. 


958. Cyprinella macrostoma Girard. 

Rio Grande region, northward perhaps to Kansas. 

Cyprinella macrostoma Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
198, Devils River, Tex. 

?Cyprinella luxiloides Girard, loc. cit., 198, San Pedro Creek, Tex. 

?Cyprinella lugubris Girard, loc. cit., 199, Cottonwood Creek, Colo. 

?Notropis umbrifer Hay, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1887, 245, Solomon 
River at Beloit and Saline River near Wakeeney, Kans. 

959. Cyprinella forlonensis (Meek). 
Streams of Tamaulipas, Mexico. 
Nototropis forlonensis Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 70, fig. 20, 
Rio Forlon, Tamaulipas, Mexico. 

960. Cyprinella rubripinna Garman. 
Tributaries of Lago del Muerto, Coahuila, Mexico. 
Cyprinella rubripinna Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., VIII, 1881, 
91, Lago del Muerto; preoccupied. 
Notropis garmani Jordan, Cat. Fish. N. Amer., 1885, 813; substitute 
for rubripinna; preoccupied in Luzxilus but not in Cyprinella. 

Genus 330. MONIANA Girard. 
Moniana Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 199 (Leuciscus 
lutrensis Baird and Girard); probably inseparable from Cyprinella. 

961. Moniana lutrensis (Baird and Girard). Redfin. 

Southern Illinois to South Dakota, Kansas, and the Rio Grande; very 
abundant in clear brooks southward. 

Leuciscus lutrensis Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 
1853, 391, Otter Creek, tributary of North Fork of Red River, Ark. 

Cyprinella suavis Girard, loc. cit., VIII, 1856, 197, San Antonio, Tex. 

Moniana leonina Girard, loc. cit., 199, Leon River, tributary to Rio San 
Antonio, Tex. 

Moniana complanata Girard, loc. cit., 200, Brownsville, Tex. 

ray ag letabilis Girard, loc. cit., 200, Hurah Creek, tributary of Rio 


Moniana pulchella Girard, loc. cit., 200, Sugar Loaf Creek, tributary to 
the Poteau River. 

Moniana couchi Girard, loc. cit., 201, China, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. 

Moniana rutila Girard, loc. cit., 201, Cadereita, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. 

Moniana gracilis Girard, loc. cit., 201, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. 

Moniana gibbosa Girard, loc. cit., 201, Brownsville, Tex. 

ey ne billingsiana Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Wyo., 1870, 439, 

t. Joseph, Mo. 

Moniana jugalis Cope, loc. cit., 439, St. Joseph, Mo. 

Hypsilepis iris Cope, Wheeler Surv., Zool., V, 1875, 653, Rio Grande, 
San Ildefonso, N. Mex. 

Cyprinella forbesi Jordan, Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., I, 1878, 57, 
clear streams of southern Illinois. 

Cliola montiregis Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XII, 1885, 168 (read 
Dec. 7, 1884), Monterey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. 

962. Moniana formosa Girard. 
Rio Mimbres, Chihuahua, Mexico. 
Moniana formosa Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 201, 
Rio Mimbres, Chihuahua, Mexico. 

963. Moniana frigida Girard. 
Rio Frio and tributaries of Rio San Antonio, Tex., and Lake Santa 
Maria, Chihuahua, Mexico. 
Moniana frigida Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 200, 
Rio Frio, Tex. 

964. Moniana santamarie (Evermann and Goldsborough). 
Rio Grande Basin in Mexico. 
Notropis santamarie Evermann and Goldsborough, Bull., U. S. Fish 
pies XXI, 1901 (1902), 147, fig. 2, Lake Santa Maria in Chihuahua, 


965. Moniana proserpina Girard. 
Rio Grande region. 
Moniana proserpina Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
200, Devils River, Tex. 
Moniana aurata Girard, loc. cit., 200, Piedra Painte, N. Mex. 
? Moniana tristis Girard, loc. cit., 1856, 201, locality unknown, 

966. Moniana boucardi (Giinther). Salmichi. 
Central Mexico. 
Leuciscus boucardi Ginther, Cat., VII, 1868, 485, Cuernavaca, Mexico. 
Graodus nigroteniatus Ginther, loc. cit., 485, Atlisco, Mexico. 

967. Moniana robusta (Meek). 
Santa Rosalia and Jimenez, Mexico. 
Notropis robustus Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 82, Rio 
Conchos, Jimenez, Chihuahua, Mexico, figured as Nototropis robustus, 
in Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 66. 

968. Moniana chihuahua (Woolman). 
Streams of Chihuahua, Mexico. 
Notropis chihuahua Woolman, Amer. Nat., March, 1892, 260, Rio de 
los Conchos, Chihuahua, Mexico. 

969. Moniana callisema (Jordan). 
Ocmulgee River, Ga. 
Episema callisema Jordan, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1876, 363, 
South Fork of Ocmulgee River, Flat Shoals, Ga. 

Genus 331. HUDSONIUS Girard. 
Hudsonius Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 210 (Clupea 
hudsonia Clinton) 

970. Hudsonius chamberlaini (Evermann). 
Atchafalaya River, La. 
Notropis chamberlaint Evermann, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes 
North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2800, Atchafalaya River, Melville, La. 

971. Hudsonius hudsonius (De Witt Clinton). Spawneater; Spot-tailed min- 

now; Shiner; Smelt. ; 

The Dakotas and Lake Superior to New York, and southward; abundant 
in the Great Lakes. 

Clupea hudsonia De Witt Clinton, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., I, 1824, 
49, Hudson River. 

Hudsonius fluviatilis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
210, Hudson River. 

Luzilus selene Jordan, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 60, Lake Superior, 
Bayfield, Wis. 

Notropis scopiferus Eigenmann and Kigenmann, Amer. Nat., 1893, 153. 
Winnipeg, Brandon, Fort Qu’Appelle and Medicine Hat, Assiniboia. 

972. Hudsonius amarus Girard. Gudgeon; Spawneater; Silverfin; Shiner; 
Smelt shiner; Silvery minnow; Blue-lined minnow. 
Delaware and Potomac Rivers. 
Hudsonius amarus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 210, 
Potomac River at Washington. 
Hybopsis phaénna Cope, loc. cit., 1864, 279, Delaware River, Trenton, 
N. J. 

973. Hudsonius saludanus (Jordan and Brayton). 
Coastwise streams from the James to the Ocmulgee. 
Alburnops saludanus Jordan and Brayton, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1878, 16, a tributary of Saluda River, Greenville, 8. C. 
Hudsonius euryopa Bean, Proce. U. S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 285, McBean 
Creek, tributary of Savannah River, Ga. 

974. Hudsonius aletes Jordan and Evermann. 
Southern Indiana. 
Hudsonius aletes Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 4th 
ser., XVI, 1927 (Apr. 27), 502, Switz City Swamp, Green County, Ind. 


Genus 332. HYBOPSIS Agassiz. 

Hybopsis Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854 (H. gracilis 
Agassiz = Rutilus amblops Rafinesque?). 

Alburnops Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 194 (Hy- 
bopsis gracilis Agassiz=A. blennius Girard). 

Graodus Giinther, Cat., VII, 1868, 485 (Graodus nigrotzniatus Girard, 
specimen with pharyngeal teeth lost=Alburnops blennius Girard). 

Chriope Jordan, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Terr., IV, 1878 (Hybopsis bifre- 
natus Cope). 

Miniellus Jordan, Man. Vert., ed. 5, 1888, 56 (Hybopsis procne Cope). 

975. Hybopsis gracilis Agassiz. 
Tennessee River. 
Hybopsis gracilis Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 358, 
Huntsville, Ala. 

976. Hybopsis blennius (Girard). Straw-colored minnow. 

hio, Michigan, and New York to Tennessee, Dakota, and Kansas, 
thence southwestward to Texas. 

?Minnilus microstomus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 47, Kentucky 
River; not certainly identifiable. 

?Ru'tilus amblops Rafinesque, loc. cit., 51; not certainly identifiable. 

Alburnops blennius Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
194, Arkansas River, near Fort Smith, Ark. 

Hybognathus stramineus Cope, loc. cit., XVI, 1864, 283, Detroit River, 
Grosse Isle. 

Hybopsis missuriensis Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Wyo., 1870, 437, 
Missouri River, St. Joseph, Mo. 

Notropis reticulatus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Amer. Nat., 1893, 
152, Fort Qu’Appelle, Assiniboia. 

977. Hybopsis winchelli Girard. 
Black Warrior River, Ala. 
Hybopsis winchelli Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
211, Black Warrior River, Ala. 
This species and the preceding may prove to be identical with Hybopsis 
gracilis. The synonymy of these little fishes is still unsettled. 

978. Hybopsis procne (Cope). Minnow; Minnie; Swallowminnow shiner. 
Delaware River and Cayuga Lake Basin southward in coastwise streams 
as far as the Neuse River, N. C. 
Hybognathus procne Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 
283, Conestoga River, a tributary of the Susquehsnna. 
Hybopsis longiceps Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 231, 
headwaters of James and Roanoke Rivers, Va. 

979. Hybopsis cum mingsi (Myers). 
Streams near Wilmington, N. C. 
Notropis cummingsi Myers, Amer. Mus. Novitates, No. 168, April 23, 
1925, 1, fig. 1, upper Burnt Mill Creek, Wilmington, N. C. 

980. Hybopsis cayuga (Meck). 
Connecticut River, northern New York, and upper Mississippi Valley. 
Notropis cayuga Meek, Ann. Acad. Sci. N. Y., IV, 1888, 305, Cayuga 
Lake, N. Y. 
981. Hybopsis atrocaudalis (Evermann). 
Rio Neches, Palestine, Tex., also in Rio Comal at New Braunfels, ‘Tex, 
Notropis cayuga atrocaudalis Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XI, 
1891 (1892), 76, Neches River, Palestine, Tex. 

982. Hybopsis keimi (Fowler). 
Allegheny River, western Pennsylvania. 
Notropis keimi Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LX, 1908, 533, 
Plate X XVII, tributary of Allegheny River, Port Allegheny, Pa. 

983. Hybopsis volucella (Cope). 
Michigan, Wisconsin, and northern Indiana. 
Hybognathus volucellus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 
283, Grosse Isle, Detroit River, Mich. 
















Hybopsis phenacobius (Forbes). 
Streams of central Illinois. 
Notropis phenacobius Forbes, Bull. Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., II, 1885, 2, 137, 
Peoria Ill. 

Hybopsis spectrunculus Cope. 
Headwaters of Tennessee River in Tennessee, Virginia, and North 
Hybopsis spectrunculus Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 
231, tributary of Middle Fork of Holston River, Va. 

Hybopsis shumardi (Girard). 
Missouri region and southwestward. 
Alburnops shumardi Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
194, Arkansas River, Fort Smith, Ark. 
Alburnops illecebrosus Girard, loc. cit., 194, Arkansas River, Fort 
Smith, Ark 

Hybopsis boops (Gilbert). Bigeye minnow. 
Maumee River, west to Iowa and Missouri. 
Notropis boops Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 201, Salt 
ee Brown County, Ind., and Flat Rock Creek, Decatur County, 

Hybopsis kanawha (Jordan and Jenkins). 
Tributaries of Kanawha River, southwestern Virginia. 
Notropis kanawha Jordan and Jenkins, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XI, 
1888, 354, Plate 44, fig. 5, Reed Creek, Wytheville, Va. 

Hybopsis piptolepis (Cope). 
North Platte River. 
Photogenis piptolepis Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Wyo., 1870, 438, Red 
Cloud Creek, a tributary of North Platte River. 

Hybopsis gilberti (Jordan and Meek). 
Illinois to eastern Colorado. 
Notropis gilberti Jordan and Meek, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 
1885, 4, Des Moines River and Village Creek, Ottumwa, Iowa; 
perhaps. not distinct from Hybopsis piptolepis. 

Hybopsis horatii (Cockerell). 
Platte Basin. 
Notropis horatii Cockerell, Science, XXXIV, No. 879, Nov. 3, 1911, 
614, Julesburg, Colo. 

Hybopsis deliciosa (Girard). Straw-colored minnow. 

Michigan, and southwest to Arkansas. 

?Minnilus microstomus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 47, Ohio 
River; not certainly identifiable. 

?Hybopsis dorsalis Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts., XVII, 1854, 358, 
Burlington, Iowa; unidentifiable. 

Moniana deliciosa Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
199, Leon River, a tributary of the San Antonio River, Tex. 

Hybopsis deliciosa straminea Cope. Northern straw-colored minnow. 
Great Lakes region, mostly in small brooks, the northern form of H. 
Hybopsis stramineus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1886, 381, 
Grosse Isle, Detroit River. 

Hybopsis calientis (Jordan and Snyder). 
Streams of central Mexico. 
Notropis calientis Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. S. Fish. Com., XIX, 
1899 (1900), 122, fig. 4, Rio Verde at Aguas Calientes, Mexico. 

Hybopsis buchanani (Meek). 
Poteau River, Okla. 
Notropis buchanani Meek, Bull. U.S. Fish Com., XV, 1895 (1896), 342, 
Poteau River near Poteau, Ind. Ter. 
Hybopsis heterolepis (iivenmane and Eigenmann). 
Notropis heterolepis Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Amer. Nat., 1893, 
152, Cavuga Lake. 
Notropis muskoka Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., I, 1898, 308, Muskoka 
Lake near Georgian Bay, Ontario. 


997. Hybopsis kendalli (Evermann and Cockerell). 
Cross Lake Thoroughfare, Me. 
Notropis kendalli Evermann and Cockerell, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., X XII, 
Dec. 8, 1909, Cross Lake Thoroughfare, Me. 

998. Hybopsis ozarcanus (Meek). 
White River, Ark. 
Notropis ozarcanus Meek, Bull., U. S. Fish Com., IX, 1889 (1891), 129, 
North Fork of White River, Ark. 

999. Hybopsis scylla Cope. 

Illinois River to western Kansas and Montana; abundant in the shallow 
sandy streams of the plains. 

?Alburnus lineolatus Agassiz, in Putnam, Bull., Mus. Comp. Zool., I, 
1863, 9, Osage River, Mo.; unidentifiable. 

Hybopsis scylla Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Wyo., 1870, 488, Red 
Cloud Creek, tributary of Platte River. 

Cliola chlora Jordan, Bull. Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Terr., IV, 1878, 791, 
upper Missouri River. 

1000. Hybopsis longirostris (Hay). 
Chickasawha River, Miss., to Escambia River, Fla. 
Alburnops longirostris Hay, Proc., U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 504, 
Chickasawha River at Enterprise, Miss. 

1001. Hybopsis nocomis (Evermann). 
Trinity, San Marcos, and Comal Rivers, Tex. 
Notropis nocomis Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XI, 1891 (1892), 
78, Trinity River, Palestine, Tex., and San Marcos River, San 
Marcos, Tex. 

1002. Hybopsis ortenburgeri (Hubbs.) 
Mountain Fork River, Okla. 
Notropis ortenburgeri Hubbs, Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci., pt. 1, VI, Jan. 1, 
1927, 127, Mountain Fork River, McCurtain County, Okla. 

1003. Hybopsis nux (Evermann). 
Neches and Trinity Rivers near Palestine, Tex. 
Notropis nux Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XI, 1891 (1892), 77, 
Neches River, Palestine, Tex. 

1004. Hybopsis simus Me EF 
io Grande at San Ildefonso, N. Mex. 
Alburnellus simus Cope, Wheeler Surv., V, Zool., 1875, 649, San Ilde- 
fonso, N. Mex. 

1005. Hybopsis sabine (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Sabine River, Tex. 
Notropis sabine Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, 1886, 
15, Sabine River at Longview, Tex. 

1006. Hybopsis nitida (Girard). 

Tributaries of Rio San Juan at Cadereita, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. 

Moniana nitida Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 201, 
Cadereita, Mexico; not Alburnus nitidus Kirtland, also a Notropis 
but not a Hybopsis. 

Notropis braytoni Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1896, 264, Cadereita, Mexico; substitute for M. nitida 
Girard, preoccupied. 

Subgenus CHRIOPE Jordan. 

1007. Hybopsis bifrenata Cope. Bridled minnow; Minnie. 
aine to Maryland. 
Hybopsis bifrenatus Cope, Trans., Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1867, Schuyl- 
kill River, Conshohocken, Pa. 

1008. Hybopsis maculata (Hay). 
Chickasawha River, Miss. 
Hemitremia maculata Hay, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 1505, 
Chickasawha River, Enterprise, Miss. 









. Hybopsis anogenus (Forbes). 

Western New York (Cayuga Lake) to northern Illinois. 
Notropis anogenus Forbes, Bull. Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., II, 1885, Art. 2, 
138, Fox River, McHenry, Ill. 

. Hybopsis heterodon (Cope). 

New York to Michigan and Kansas; common. 

Alburnops heterodon Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 
281, Lansing; Grosse Isle, Mich. 

Notropis germanus Hay, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., X, 1887, 252, Smoky 
Hill River, Wallace, Kans. 

. Hybopsis heterodon richardsoni (Hubbs and Greene). 

Fox River System, tributary to Green Bay, Wis. 

Notropis heterodon richardsoni Hubbs and Greene, Univ. Mich. Mus. 
Zool., Mise. Pub. 15, 1926, 39, Pl. III, fig. 1, Fox River, opposite 
Lock 25, Columbia County, Wis. 

. Hybopsis jordani (EKigenmann and Eigenmann). 

South Saskatchewan River, Medicine Hat, Assiniboia. 

Notropis albeolus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Amer. Nat., 1893, 152, 
Medicine Hat, Assiniboia; name preoccupied. 

Notropis jordani Kigenmann and EKigenmann, loc. cit., 592, substitute 
for Chriope albeolus, preoccupied in Notropis but not in Chriope. 

Genus 333. PLATYGOBIO Gill. 

Platygobio Gill, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., V, 1863, 178 (Pogonichthys 
communis Girard=Cyprinus (Leuciscus) gracilis Richardson). 

. Platygobio gracilis (Richardson). Flat-headed chub. 

East slope of the Rocky Mountains, from the Missouri and Yellowstone 
Rivers to the Saskatchewan; abundant in river channels as far south 
as Kansas City. 

Cyprinus (Leuciscus) gracilis Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., Fishes, 
1836, 120, Saskatchewan River at Carleton House. 

Coregonus angusticeps Cuvier and Valenciennes,. Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XXI, 1848, 389-390 (534), Saskatchewan River. 

Pogonichthys communis Girard, Proc., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 
1856, 188, Yellowstone River, Fort Pierre, Nebr., ete. 

Pogonichthys (Platygobio) gulonellus Cope, loc. cit., XVI, 1864, 277, 
near Bridgers Pass, Wyo. : 

. Platygobio physignathus (Cope). 

Upper waters of Arkansas River; very abundant in the channels; the 
most common fish at Pueblo, Colo. 

Ceratichthys physignathus Cope, Wheeler Surv., V, Zool., 1875 (1876), 
651, Arkansas River, Pueblo, Colo. 

1015. Platygobio pallidus Forbes. 



One specimen from Ohio River at Cairo, Il. 
Platygobio pallidus Forbes, in Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, 1883, 220, 
Ohio River at Cairo, Il. 

Genus 334. COUESIUS Jordan. 

Covesius Jordan, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Terr., IV, 1878, 785 (Nocomis 
milneri Jordan=Gobio plumbeus Agassiz). 

Couesius squamilentus (Cope). 

Henry Fork of Green River in southwestern Wyoming. . 
Ceratichthys squamilentus Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Wyo., 1870, 442, 
Henry Fork of Green River, Wyo., Colorado Basin. 

Couesius plumbeus (Agassiz). Chub minnow; Lake chub; Plumbeus 

minnow; Moose Lake minnow. 

Streams and lakes from Lake Superior east to the Adirondack region 
and New Brunswick; not very common except northward. 

Gobio plumbeus Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 366, Lake Superior. 

Ceratichthys prosthemius Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1867, 
Montreal River, Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior. 

Nocomis milneri Jordan, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 64, Lake 


1018. Couesius greeni Jordan. 
Stuart Lake, headwaters of Fraser River, British Columbia, and Lake 
Pend d’Oreille, Idaho. 
Couesius greeni Jordan, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XVI, 1893, 313, Stuarts 
Lake, British Columbia. 

1019. Couesius dissimilis (Girard). 
Upper Missouri and Black Hills region. 
_ Leucosomus dissimilis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIIT, 1856, 
189, Milk River and Little Muddy River, Mont. 

1020. Couesius adustus Woolman. 
Rio de los Conchos, Chihuahua, Mexico. 
Couesius adustus Woolman, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., XIV, 1894, 57, Rio 
de los Conchos, Chihuahua, Mexico. 

Genus 335. NOCOMIS Girard. 
Nocomis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1856, 190 (N. nebrascensis 
Girard = Luxilus kentuckiensis Rafinesque). 
Ceratichthys Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1853, 
391 (C. vigilax Baird and Girard; not of Baird and Girard, 1856); no 

1021. Nocomis kentuckiensis (Rafinesque). Chub; Hornyhead; River chub; 

Jerker; Indian chub. 

Pennsylvania to Wyoming and Alabama, on both sides of the Alle- 
ghenies; abundant in the larger streams. 

Luzilus kentuckiensis Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 48, Ohio River. 

?Catostomus melanotus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 58, Ohio River at the falls. 

Semotilus biguttatus Kirtland, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., III, 1840, 344, Pl. V, 
Yellow Creek, Ohio. 

Nocomis nebrascensis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
190, Sweetwater River, Nebr. 

Ceratichthys leptocephalus Girard, loc. cit., 213, Salem, N. C. 

Nocomis bellicus Girard, loc. cit., 213, Black Warrior River. 

Ceratichthys cyclotis Cope, loc. cit., XVI, 1864, 277, Grosse Isle, Water- 
ford; Clinton River and Bruce, Mich. 

Ceratichthys stigmaticus Cope, loc. cit., 1864, 278, Michigan. 

1022. Nocomis micropogon (Cope). 
Streams of Pennsylvania. 
Ceratichthys micropogon Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 
277, Conestoga River near Lancaster, Pa. 

Genus 336. YURIRIA Jordan and Evermann 
Yuriria Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
321 (Hudsonius altus Jordan). 

1023. Yuriria alta (Jordan). Pesca blanca. 
Lakes and streams of Guanajuato, tributary to Rio Lerma, Mexico, in 
Pacific drainage. 
Hudsonius altus Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 301, Lake 
Tupataro, Guanajuato, Mexico. 

Genus 337. ERINEMUS Jordan 
Erinemus Jordan, Man. Vert., 1876, 279 (Ceratichthys hyalinus Cope). 

1024. Erinemus storerianus (Kirtland). Storer’s chub; Lake minnow. 

Great Lakes and westward to Wyoming, Tennessee, and Arkansas; 
abundant in the larger streams and lakes, especially in Iowa. 

Rutilus storerianus Kirtland, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., I, 1842, 71, 
Lake Erie (name only); description given as Leuciscus storerianus in 
Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., V, 1845. 30, Pl. I, fig. 2, 

Gobio vernalis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 189, 
Arkansas River, Fort Smith, Ark. 

Ceratichthys lucens Jordan, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 238, Falls 
of Ohio River near New Albany, Ind. 

1025. Erinemus hyalinus (Cope). Silver chub. ei 
Ceratichthys hyalinus Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 226, 
tributary of Holston River. 


1026. Erinemus labrosus (Cope). 
Basin of the Santee in North and South Carolina; common. 
Ceratichthys labrosus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 458, 
tributaries of Catawba River, McDowell and Burke Counties, N. C. 
Ceratichthys zanemus Jordan and Brayton, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1878, 24, Saluda River, Greenville, N. C. 

1027. Erinemus hypsinotus (Cope). 
Santee Basin, in North and South Carolina. 
Ceratichthys hypsinotus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XI, 1870, 
458, tributaries of Catawba River, McDowell County, N. C. 

1028. Erinemus rubrifrons (Jordan). 
Basin of the Altamaha, Ga. 
Nocomis rubrifrons Jordan, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1876, 
330, Ocmulgee River, Flat Rock, Ga. 

Genus 338. ERIMYSTAX Jordan. 
Erimystax Jordan, Rept. Geol. Surv. Ohio, IV, 1882, 858 (Luzxilus dis- 
similis Kirtland). 

1029. Erimystax dissimilis (Kirtland). Spotted shiner. 
Lake Erie to the headwaters of the Tennessee and west to Arkansas 
and Iowa. 
Luzilus dissimilis Kirtland, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., III, 1840, 341, pl. 
a fig. 2, Mahoning River, Ohio, and Lake Erie near Cleveland, 

1030. Erimystax watauga (Jordan and Evermann). 
Holston River, Va.; Watauga River, Tenn.; White River, Ark.; 
Big Barren River, Ky.; ; and Tippeeanoe River, Ind. 
Hybopsis watauga Jordan and Evermann, Proce. 'U. S. Nat. Mus. pe. <li 
1888, 355, Watauga River, Elizabethtown, Tenn.; North Fork of 
Holston River, Saltville, Va. 

Genus 339. ERIMONAX Jordan. 
Erimonazx Jordan, Copeia, 1924, 52 (Ceratichthys monacus Cope). 

1031. Erimonax monacus (Cope). 
Tennessee Basin in the river channels. 
Ceratichthys monacus Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 227, 
Holston River, Washington County, Va. 

Genus 340. OREGONICHTHYS Hubbs. 
Pregameitiue Hubbs, Occ. Papers, Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 1927 
(Hybopsis crameri Snyder). 

1032. Oregonichthys crameri (Snyder). 
Hybopsis crameri Snyder, Bull. U. 8S. Bur. Fish., X XVII, 1907, 181, 
fig. 5, Willamette River at Oregon City, Oreg. 

1033. Oregonichthys cumingii (Giinther). 
California; only the type known. 
Ceratichthys cumingii Giinther, Cat., VII, 1868, 177, California; type 
locality uncertain. 

Genus 341. MACRHYBOPSIS Cockerell and Alliston. 
Macrhybopsis Cockerell and Alliston, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXII, 
1909, 162 (Gobio gelidus Girard). 

1034. Macrhybopsis estivalis (Girard). 
Arkansas River to the Rio Grande; abundant in sandy river channels, 
not in small brooks. 
Gobio xstivalis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 189, 
Rio San Juan, near Cadereita, Nuevo Leon. 

1035. Macrhybopsis marconis (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Abundant in Rio San Marcos, San Marcos, Tex.; also known from the 
Guadalupe River near San Marcos and the Rio Comal at New 
Braunfels, Tex. 
Hybopsis xstivalis marconis Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
1X, 1886, 22, Rio San Marcos, San Marcos, Tex. 


1036. Macrhybopsis sterletus (Cope). 
Rio Grande. 
Ceratichthys sterletus Cope, Wheeler Surv., V, Zool., 1875 (1876), 652, 
Rio Grande, at San Ildefonso, New Mexico. 

1037. Macrhybopsis gelida (Girard). 
Middle Missouri River Basin, from Wyoming to eastern Nebraska. 
Gobio gelidus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 188, 
Milk River, Mont. 

1038. Macrhybopsis montana (Meek). 
Type supposed to be from the upper Missouri. 
Hybopsis montanus Meek, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 526, 
locality unknown but collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden, probably in 
the upper Missouri Basin. 

1039. Macrhybopsis meeki (Jordan and Evermann). 
Missouri River at St. Joseph and elsewhere in the river channel. 
Hybopsis meeki Jordan and Evermann, Fish. North and Mid. Amer., 
1896, 317, Missouri River at St. Joseph, Mo. 

1040. Macrhybopsis hyostoma (Gilbert). 
Indiana to Iowa, and south to the Alabama River. 
Nocomis hyostomus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 203, 
White River, Bedford, Ind. 

Genus 342. EXTRARIUS Jordan. 
Extrartus Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXX, 1918, 342 (Hy- 
bopsis tetranemus Gilbert). 

1041. Extrarius tetranemus (Gilbert). 
Tributaries of Arkansas River in Kansas and Arkansas. 
Hybopsis tetranemus Gilbert, Bull. Washburn Lab. Nat. Hist., 1886, 
208, Elm and Spring Creeks, Medicine Lodge, Kans. 

Genus 343. RHINICHTHYS Agassiz. 
Argyreus Heckel, Russegger’s Reisen, 1842 (Cyprinus atronasus Mitchill; 
name preoccupied). 
Rhinichthys Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 353 (Cyprinus atronasus 

1042. Rhinichthys cataractez (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Long-nosed dace; 

Black-nosed dace; Black minnow; Niagara gudgeon. 

New England to Virginia and Wisconsin. 

Gobio cataractez Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XVI, 1842, 
240 (315), pl. 483, Niagara Falls. 

Leuciscus. nasutus Ayres, Jour. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., IV, 1843, 299, 
West Hartford, Conn. 

Rhinichthys marmoratus Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 354, Pl. II, figs. 
1 and 2, Sault Ste. Marie, Lake Superior. 

1043. Rhinichthys bowersi Goldsborough and Clark. 
Rhinichthys bowersi Goldsborough and Clark, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 
XXVII, 1907, 36, Dry Fork, Herman, W. Va. 

1044. Rhinichthys dulcis (Girard). 

Upper Missouri, Platte, Arkansas, Rio Grande, and Colorado Rivers; 
Columbia River; Utah Basin; and coastwise streams of Washington 
and Oregon. 

Argyreus dulcis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 185, 

weetwater River, Nebr. 

Rhinichthys mazillosus Cope, loc. cit., XVI, 1864, 278, Kansas. 

Rhinichthys transmontanus Cope, Amer. Nat., 1879, 441, tributaries of 
Rio Grande in Colorado and New Mexico. 

Rhinichthys ocella Garman, Science Observer, III, 1881, 59, northeastern 
Wyoming and Montana. 

Rhinichthys luteus Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., VIII, 1881, 87, 
Bear River, Ogden, Utah. 











Rhinichthys atronasus (Mitchill). Dace; Black-nosed dace; Brook min- 

now; Striped dace. 

New England to Minnesota, northern Alabama, and Virginia; very 
abundant in clear brooks and mountain streams. 

Cyprinus atronasus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 460, 
Wallkill River; brooks of New York. 

Cyprinus vittatus Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 1817, 121, upper 
Hudson River. 

Rhinichthys croceus (Storer). 
Tennessee Basin; abundant in clear brooks. 
ieucea croceus Storer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1845, 48, Florence, 

Rhinichthys obtusus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 357, 
Huntsville, Ala. 

Rhinichthys badius Garman, Science Observer, III, 1881, 60, Clinch 
River, Tenn. 

Rhinichthys lunatus Cope. 
Lakes and brooks of Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, 
and in Rainy River. 
Rhinichthys lunatus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 278, 
Grosse Isle, Mich. 
Rhinichthys arenatus Garman, Science Observer, 1881, 62, Sand Hill 
River, Minn. ; 
Rhinichthys meleagris Agassiz. 
Illinois and Iowa. 
Rhinichthys meleagris Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 357, 
Burlington, Iowa. 

Rhinichthys simus Garman. 
Coahuila, Mexico. 
Rhinichthys simus Garman, Science Observer, III, 1881, 61, Coahuila, 

Genus 344. AGOSIA Girard. 
Agosia Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 186 (Agosia 
chrysogaster Girard). 
Zophendum Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, 1883, 155 (Hybognathus 
siderius Cope=Agosia chrysogaster Girard). 

Agosia chrysogaster Girard. 
Tributaries of the Gila River; common in the mountain brooks. ; 
Agosia chrysogaster Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. ,Phila., VIIT, 1856, 
187, Rio Santa Cruz, Sonora. 
Agosia metallica Girard, loc. cit., 1856, 187, Rio San Pedro, Ariz. 
Hyborhynchus (Hybognathus) siderius Cope, Wheeler Surv., V, Zool., 
1875, 670, Pl. XXXI, figs. 6 and 6a, Camp Lowell, Ariz. 

Genus 345. APOCOPE Cope. 

Apocope Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Sury. Mont., ete., 1871 (1872), 472 
(A. carringtoni Cope). 

Eritrema Cope, Wheeler’s Surv., V, Zool., 1876, 645 (Apocope henshavii 

Apocope nubila (Girard). 

Basin of the Columbia River from western Idaho, below Shoshone Falls 
of Snake River, to the coast, and in coastwise streams from Wash- 
ington southward into Oregon. 

Argyreus nubilus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 186, 
Fort Steilacoom, Puget Sound. 

Apocope robusta (Rutter). 
Upper Sacramento Basin. 
Agosia robusta Rutter, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XXII, 1902, 148, Prosser 
Creek, Calif. 


1053. Apocope carringtonii Cope. 

Upper Snake River Basin to Heart Lake in Yellowstone Park, thence 
extending southward in the Great Basin and the Coast Ranges; 
southeastern Oregon. 

Apocope carringtonii Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Mont., 1871, 472, 
Warm Springs, Utah. 

Apocope vulnerata Cope, loc. cit., 473, Logan, Utah. 

Tigoma rhinichthyoides Cope, loc. cit., 473, Logan, Utah. 

Rhinichthys henshavii Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1874, 133, 
Provo, Utah. 

Agosia novemradiata Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXV, 1883, 
141, Weber River at Echo, Utah. 

1054. Apocope oscula (Girard). 









Lower Colorado and Gila Rivers; not rare. 
Argyreus osculus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1856, 186, Babo- 
comori Creek, a tributary of the Rio San Pedro, Ariz. 
Argyreus notabilis Girard, loc. cit., 1856, 186, Rio Santa Cruz, Sonora, 
a tributary of the Rio San Pedro, Ariz. 
sc ean ventricosus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XXV, 1874, 136, 

Apocope couesii Yarrow. 
Colorado River Basin. 
Apocope couesii Yarrow, Field and Forest, 1876, and Wheeler Surv., 
V, Zool., 1875, 648, Camp Apache, Ariz. 

Apocope yarrowi (Jordan and Evermann). 
nonin of Colorado in the Colorado River Basin. 
Agosia yarrowi Jordan and Evermann, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., IX, 1889 
(1891), 28, Tomichi Creek and Gunnison River, Gunnison, Colo. 

Apocope adobe (Jordan and Evermann). 
vier River, Utah; locally abundant. 
Agosia adobe Jordan and Evermann, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., IX, 1889 
(1891), Sevier River, Juab, Utah. 

Apocope klamathensis (Evermann and Meek). 
Agosia klamathensis Evermann and Meek, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XVII 
1897 (1898), 75, 9, fig. 5, Pelican Bay, Upper Klamath Lake, Oreg’ 

Apocope nevadensis (Gilbert). 
Warm springs in the deserts of southwestern Nevada; Ash Meadows, 
Indian Creek, and Vegas Creek, Nev. 
Rhinichthys (Apocope) nevadensis Gilbert, Death Valley Exped., 1893, 
230, pl. 6, fig. 1, Ash Meadows, Amargosa Desert, Nev. 

Apocope velifera (Gilbert). 
esti Valley, southwestern Nevada. 
Rhinichthys (Apocope) velifer Gilbert, Death Valley Exped., 1893, 
229, pl. 6, fig. 2, Pahranagat Valley, Nev. 

Apocope falcata (EKigenmann and Eigenmann). 

Columbia River Basin; locally abundant; Boise River at Caldwell, 
Idaho; Payette River at Payette, Idaho; Columbia River at Pasco 
and Umatilla; and Mill Creek at Walla Walla. 

Agosia faleata EKigenmann and Eigenmann, Amer. Nat., X XVII, Feb. 
4, 1893, 153, Boise River, Caldwell, Idaho. 

. Apocope umatilla (Gilbert and Evermann). 
otter River at Umatilla, Oreg., and Payette and Salmon Rivers, 

Agosia umatilla Gilbert and Evermann, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XIV, 
1894, 192, pl. 9, fig. 2, Columbia River, Umatilla, Oreg. 
Genus 346. ERICYMBA Cope. ; 
Ericymba Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVII, 1865, 88 (E. buccata 













Ericymba buccata Cope. Silver-mouthed minnow. 
Michigan and western Pennsylvania to Kansas and southward to 
western Florida. 
Ericymba buccata Cope, Proc., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVII, 1865, 88, 
Kiskiminitas River, a tributary of the Monongahela, western Penn- 

Genus 347. PHENACOBIUS Cope. 
Phenacobius Cope, Proc., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIX, 1867, 96 (P. 
teretulus Cope). 
Sarcidium Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Wyo., 1870, 363 (S. scopiferum 

Phenacobius teretulus Cope. 
Kanawha River, W. Va. 
Phenacobius teretulus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIX, 1867, 
96, Kanawha River, Eggleston Springs, W. Va. 

Phenacobius mirabilis (Girard). Sucker-mouthed minnow. 
Illinois to Arkansas. 
Exoglossum mirabile Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
191, Arkansas River, Fort Smith, Ark. 

Phenacobius scopifer (Cope). 
Illinois to the Rio Grande. 
Sarcidium scopiferum Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Wyo., 1870 (1871), 
440, Missouri River near St. Joseph, Mo. 
Phenacobius teretulus liosternus Nelson, Bull. Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., I, 
1876, 46, brooks of McLean County, III. 

Phenacobius uranops Cope. 
Upper Tennessee Basin. 
Phenacobius uranops Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIX, 1867, 
96, Holston River, Saltville, Va. 

Phenacobius catostomus Jordan. 
Alabama River Basin. 
Phenacobius catostomus Jordan, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1876, 
332, Silver Creek, Etowah River, Rome, Ga. 

Genus 348. FALCULARIUS Jordan and Snyder. 
Falcula Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., XIX, 1899, 124 
(Falcula chapale Jordan and Snyder); name preoccupied. 
Falcularius Jordan, Amer. Nat., XX XVII, 1903, 360 (Falcula chapale 
Jordan and Snyder). 

Falcularius cheaper (Jordan and Snyder). 
Lake Chapala, Mexico. 
Falcula chapale Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1899 
(1901), 124, Lake Chapala at Ocotlan, Mexico. 

Genus 349. XYSTROSUS Jordan and Snyder. 
Xystrosus Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1899 (1901), 
123 (X. popoche Jordan and Snyder). 

Xystrosus popoche Jordan and Snyder. 
Basin of the Rio Lerma, Mexico. 
Xystrosus popoche Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U.S. Fish Com., XIX, 
1899 (1901), 123, Lake Chapala at Ocotlan, Jalisco, Mexico. 

Genus 350. EVARRA Woolman. 
Evarra Woolman, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., XIV, 1894, 64 (HE. eigenmannt 

Evarra eigenmanni Woolman. 
Central Mexico. 
Evarra eigenmanni Woolman, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XIV, 1894, 64, 
City of Mexico. 

Evarra tlahuacensis Meek. 
Chalco Lake, Tlahuac, Mexico. 
Evarra tlahuacensis Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 85, Pl. 
XVIII, lower figure, Chalco Lake, Tlahuac, Mexico. 










Genus 351. TIAROGA Girard. 
Tiarega Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 204 (7. cobitis 

Tiaroga cobitis Girard. 
Gila Basin, Ariz. 
Tiaroga cobitis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 204, 
Rio San Pedro, Ariz. 

Genus 352. AZTECULA Jordan and Evermann. 
Azteca Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 254 
(Notropis aztecus Woolman); name preoccupied. 
Aztecula Jordan and Evermann, loc. cit., 1898, 2799, (Notropis aztecus 
Woolman=Codoma vittata Girard). 

Aztecula vittata (Girard). 
Valley of Mexico and headwaters of the Rio Balsas at Pueblo, Mexico. 
Codoma vittata Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 195, 
Valley of Mexico. 
Notropis aztecus Woolman, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XIV, 1894, 63, pl. 2, 
canals about City of Mexico. 

Aztecula mexicana Meek. 
Basin of Rio San Juan on the Mexican plateau. 
Aztecula mexicana Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 81, figured; 
loc. cit., V, 1904, 62, fig. 15; San Juan del Rio, Mexico. 

Aztecula lerme (Evermann and Goldsborough). 
Basin of Rio Lerma. 
Notropis lerme Evermann and Goldsborough, Bull. U. 8S. Fish. Com., 
XXI, 1901 (1902), 147, fig. 3, Lake Lerma, at Lerma, Mexico. 

Genus 353. CODOMA Girard. 
reine Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 194 (C. ornata 

Codoma ornata Girard. 
Headwaters of the Rio Nezquital and Rio Nazas in Durango to upper 
tributaries of the Rio Yaqui and Rio Conchos in Chihuahua, Mexico. 
Codoma ornata Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 195, 
Chihuahua River, Mexico. 

Codoma topeka (Gilbert). 
Western Iowa and eastern South Dakota to Kansas; locally abundant in 
the prairie streams. 
Notropis topeka Gilbert, Bull. Washburn Lab. Nat. Hist., I, 1884, 13, 
tributary of Kansas River, Topeka, Kans. 
Notropis zneolus Hay, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., X, 1887, 245, Solomon 
River, Wakeeney, Kans. 

Genus 354. HYBOGNATHUS Agassiz. 
H ebpapathus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XIX, 1855, 223 (H. nuchalis 

Hybognathus nuchalis Agassiz. Gudgeon; Smelt; Silvery minnow; Smelt 


Clear streams from the upper Missouri southward to Georgia and Texas, 
west of the Alleghenies. 

Hybognathus nuchalis Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XIX, 1855, 224, 
Quincy, Ill. 

Hybognathus evansi Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 182, 
Fort Pierre, Nebr. 

eomntys placitus Girard, loc. cit., 1856, 182, sluices of the Arkansas 


Hybognathus regius Girard. Gudgeon; Silvery minnow. 
Atsemines New Jersey to Virginia, east of the Alleghenies. 
Hybognathus regius Girard, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
209, Potomac River. 
Hybognathus osmerinus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 466, 
ritan River, N. J. 


1081. Hybognathus argyritis Girard. 
Upper Missouri region and Red River of the North. 
Hybognathus argyritis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
182, Milk River, Mont. 
1082. Hybognathus hayi Jordan. 
Lower Mississippi Valley and neighboring rivers in Mississippi. 
Hybognathus hayi Jordan, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 548, Pearl 
River, Jackson, Miss.; this and three preceding are all very close to 
Hybognathus nuchalis. 
Genus 355. DIONDA Girard. 
Dionda Girard, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.; VIII, 176 (D. episcopa 
Algoma Girard, loc. cit., 180 (A. amara Girard). 
1083. Dionda episcopa Girard. 

Southern Texas and northern Mexico; south to the Rio Mezquital in 

Durango and the Rio San Juan in Nuevo Leon. 
Dionda episcopa Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 177, 
headwaters of Pecos River and Comanche Spring, tributary to the 
Rio Grande, Tex. 
Dionda terensis Girard, loc. cit., 177, Nueces River, Tex. 
Dionda papalis Girard, loc. cit., 178, Delaware Creek, a tributary of 
Pecos River, Tex. 
Dionda argentosa Girard, loc. cit., 178, San Felipe Creek and Devils 
River, tributaries of Rio Grande. 
Dionda chrysitis Girard, loe. cit., 178, Live Oak Creek, a tributary of 
the Pecos. 
Dionda couchi Girard, loc. cit., 178, Guajuco, Monterey, and Cadereita, 
Nuevo Leon. 
Hybognathus flavipinnis Cope, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVII, 1880, 36, 
Johnsons Fork of Llano River, Tex. 
Hybognathus nigroteniata Cope, loc. cit., 37, Wallace Creek, a tributary 
of Medina River, Tex. 
Hybognathus (Dionda) punctifer Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., VIII, 
1881, 89, Parras and spring near Saltillo, Mexico. 
Hybognathus civilis Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1884, 167, Monterey, 
Nuevo Leon. 
1084. Dionda serena Girard. 
Sabinal River, Tex. 
Dionda serena Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 177, 
Sabinal River, Tex. 
1085. Dionda amara (Girard) 
Near Fort Brown, Tex. 
Algoma amara Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 180, 
Lagoon near Fort Brown, Tex. 
1086. Dionda melanops Girard. 
Coahuila, Mexico. 
Dionda melanops Girard, Proe. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 178, 
Buena Vista, Coahuila. 
1087. Dionda nubila (Forbes). 
Western Illinios, west to Wyoming and southwest to the Ozark region. 
Alburnops nubilus Forbes, Bull. Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., I, 1878, 56, Rock 
River, Ogle County, Ill. 
1088. Dionda plumbea Girard. 
Tributaries of Arkansas River, in Oklahoma. 
Dionda plumbea Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 178, 
Canadian River, Okla. 
Dionda spadicea Girard, loc. cit., 178, Fort Smith, Ark. 
Dionda grisea Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, 1858, 230, Pl. LII, figs. 6-10, 
near Choctaw Agency. 

Genus 356. CERATICHTHYS Baird and Girard. 
Ceraticthys Baird and Girard, Proc., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1853, 
391 (C. vigilax; misprinted Ceraticthys, not of Girard, 1856). 
Cliola Girard, loc. cit., VIII, 1856, 192 (Ceratichthys vigilar Baird and 
Hypargyrus Forbes, in Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 200 
(Hybopsis tuditanus Cope). 


1089. Ceratichthys vigilax Baird and Girard. Bullhead minnow; Fathead 


Ohio to Georgia, Iowa, and Texas. 

Ceratichthys vigilax Baird and Girard, Proc., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
VI, 1853, 391, Otter Creek, North fork of Red River, Ark. 

Cliola velox Girard, loc. cit., VIII, 1856, 192, San Pedro Creek and 
Cliola vivax, Rio Leon, tributaries of Rio San Antonio, Tex. 

Hybopsis tuditanus Cope, Trans., Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1866, 381, 
Detroit, Mich. 

Alburnops taurocephalus Hay, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1880, 503, Chie- 
kasawha River, Miss. 

1090. Ceratichthys smithi (Evermann and Cox). 
Southern South Dakota; known only from Prairie Creek near Scotland. 
Cliola smithii Evermann and Cox, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1894 
(1896), 400, Prairie Creek, Scotland, S. Dak. 

Genus 357. HYBORHYNCHUS Agassiz. 
Hyborhynchus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XIX, 1855, 223 (Minnilus 
notatus Rafinesque). 

1091. Hyborhynchus notatus (Rafinesque). Blunt-nosed minnow; Spotted 

Quebec to Delaware; Kentucky, Alabama, Arkansas, and northward 
to the Dakotas; generally very abundant in small streams west of 
the Alleghenies. 

Minnilus notatus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 47, Ohio River. 

Hyborhynchus perspicuus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 
1856, 179, Arkansas River, Fort Smith. 

?Hyborhynchus tenellus Girard, loc. cit., 179, Choctaw Agency. 

ae ee puniceus Girard, loc. cit., 179, Antelope Creek, Canadian 


Hybopsis hematurus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1866, 382, 
St. Joseph River, Michigan City, Ind. 

?Hyborhynchus superciliosus Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 
1868, 234, Kanawha River. 

Genus 358. PIMEPHALES Rafinesque. Fatheads. 
Pimephales Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 52 (P. promelas Ra- 
Coliscus Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Wyo., 1872, 437 (Coliscus parietalis 
Cope; young of Pimephales promelas). 
Spinicephalus LeSueur, Bull. Sci. Philom., VIII, 1896, 14, pl. 26 
(S. fibulatus LeSueur=Pimephales promelas Rafinesque). 

1092. Pimephales promelas Rafinesque. Fathead minnow; Blackhead 


Lake Champlain to Kentucky, Dakota, and the Rio Grande; abundant 
in sluggish brooks, especially in the Missouri Basin. 

Pimephales promelas Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 53, pond near 
Lexington, Ky. 

Pimephales maculosus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
180, sluices of the Arkansas River, Fort Makee, Ark. 

Pimephales fasciatus Girard, loc. cit., 180, Yellowstone River. 

Plargyrus melanocephalus Abbott, loc. cit., XII, 1860, 325, Lake 
Whittlesey, Minn. 

Pimephales milesi Cope, loc. cit., XVI, 1864, 282, Grosse Isle, Detroit 
River, Mich. 

Pimephales agassizii Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1866, 394, 
tributary of Ohio River, near Richmond, Ind. 

Coliscus parietalis Cope, Hayden’s Geol. Surv. Wyo., 1871, 437, St. 
Jcseph, Mo.; young. 

Hyborhynchus nigrellus Cope, Wheeler’s Surv., V, Zool., 1875, 671, 
Arkansas River. ; 

Spinicephalus fibulatus LeSueur, Bull. Soc. Philom., VIII, 1896, pl. 
26; no locality. . 

1093. Pimephales confertus (Girard). 
Tributaries of the Rio Grande. 
Hyborhynchus confertus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 
1856, 179, Hurrah Creek, a tributary of the Pecos River, Tex. 


1094. Pimephales anuli Kendall. 
Thoroughfare between Mud and Grass Lakes, Me. 
Pinephales anuli Kendall, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XXII, 1902, 257, 
between Mud Lake and Grass Lake, Me. 

Genus 359. COCHLOGNATHUS Baird and Girard. 
Cochlognathus Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 
1854, 158 (C. ornatus Baird and Girard). 

1095. Cochlognathus ornatus Baird and Girard. 
Rio Grande Basin. 
Cochlognathus ornatus Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
VII, 1854, 158, Brownsville, Tex. 

1096. Cochlognathus biguttatus Cope. 
Trinity River, Tex. 
Cochlognathus biguttatus Cope, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVII, 1880, 37, 
Trinity River, Fort Worth, Tex. 

Genus 3860. EXOGLOSSUM Rafinesque. 
Exoglossum Rafinesque, Jour., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1818, 419 
(EB. lesueurianum Rafinesque=Cyprinus mazillingua LeSueur). 
Mazillingua Rafinesque, loc. cit., 421 (Cyprinus mazillingua LeSueur). 

1097. Exoglossum mazxillingua (LeSueur). Cut-lips; Nigger chub; Nigger 
dick; Butter chub; Niggerfish. 

Lake Ontario, St. Lawrence River, Lake Champlain, Hudson River, 
and Cayuga Lake, and southward to Virginia; abundant in the 
basins of the Susquehanna, Hudson, Potomac, James, Roanoke, and 
Kanawha, but not widely distributed. 

Cyprinus mazxillingua LeSueur. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1817, 85, 
Pipe Creek, Md. 

Exoglossum annulatum Rafinesque, loc. cit., 1818, 421, Hudson River. 

Exoglossum nigrescens Rafinesque, loc cit., 422, Hudson River. 

Exoglossum lesurianum Rafinesque, loc. cit., 420; after LeSueur. 

Genus 361. CAMPOSTOMA Agassiz. Stonerollers. 
Campostoma Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XIX, 1855, 218 (Rutilus 
anomalus Rafinesque). 

1098. Campostoma anomalum (Rafinesque). Stoneroller; Greased chub; 

Blue sucker; Rotgut minnow; Mammy; Doughbelly; Steel-backed chub. 

Central New York to Tennessee, Wyoming, and Texas. 

se anomalus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 52, Licking River, 


Exoglossum spinicephalum Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XVII, 1844, 363 (489), Wabash River. 

Leuciscus prolizxus Storer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., II, 1845, 48, 

Exoglossum dubium Kirtland, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., V, 1845, 272, 
Yellow Creek, Ohio. 

Chondrostoma pullum Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 357, 
Burlington, Iowa. 

Campostoma nasutum Girard, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
176, Cadereita, and near Monterey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. 

Oe ea callipteryx Cope, loc. cit., XVI, 1864, 284, Flint River, 


Cam postoma mormyrus Cope, loc. cit., 284, Bruce, Macomb County, Mich. 

Campostoma gobionium Cope, loc. cit., 284, Bruce, Macomb County, and 
Grosse Isle, Mich. 

Campostoma hippops Cope, loc. cit., 284, Platte River, Nebr. 

Campostoma brevis Haseman, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci., 1905 (1906), 161, 
Wabash River near Wabash, Ind. 

1099. Campostoma ornatum Girard. ‘ 
Chihuahua River, and tributaries of the Rio Grande in Mexico. 
Campostgma ornatum Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
176, Chihuahua, Mexico. 








Campostoma pricei Jordan and Thoburn. 
Rio Yaqui, Sonora and neighboring streams, tributary to the Gulf of 
Campostoma pricei Jordan and Thoburn, in Jordan and Evermann, 
Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 203; Rucker Canyon, Chiricahua 
Mountains, Ariz., very near C. ornatum. 

Campostoma formosulum Girard. 
Texas; San Antonio River to the Rio Grande. 
Campostoma formosulum Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 
1856, 176, Rio Sabinal, near San Antonio, Tex. | 

Family 91. MEDIDZ 

Genus 362. LEPIDOMEDA Cope. 
Lepidomeda Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XIV, 1874, 131 (L. 
vittata Cope). 
Lepidomeda vittata Cope. 
Known only from the Colorado Chiquito River, Ariz., and from Pahran- 
agat Valley, Nev. 
Lepidomeda vittata Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soe. Phila., XIV, 1874, 131, 
Rio Colorado Chiquito, Ariz. 

Lepidomeda jarrovii Cope. 
olorado Chiquito River, Ariz.; also in southern Nevada, in springs in 
the desert. 
Lepidomeda jarrovit Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XIV, 1874, 
132, Rio Colorado Chiquito, Ariz. 

Genus 363. MEDA Girard. 
sys Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 191 (M. fulgida 

Meda fulgida Girard. 
Rio Gila Basin, Ariz. 
Meda fulgida Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 192, Rio 
San Pedro, Ariz. 

Genus 364. PLAGOPTERUS Cope. 
Plagopterus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1874, 130 (P. argentis- 
stmus Cope). 
Plagopterus argentissimus Cope. 
Colorado Basin in western Colorado; Fort Yuma. 
Plagopterus argentissimus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1874, 130, 
San Luis Valley, Colo. 

Family 92. ARIIDZ. Sea catfishes 

Genus 365. BAGRE Oken. Gafftopsail catfishes. 

Les Bagres Cuvier, Régne Anim., II, 1817 (Silurus bagre L.). 

Bagre Oken, Isis, 1817, 1183 (after les Bagres of Cuvier; type by tauton- 
omy Silurus bagre Linnzus). 

Breviceps Swainson, Nat. Hist. Anim., I, 1838, 328 (Breviceps filamen- 
tosus Swainson); name preoccupied. 

Felichthys Swainson, loc. cit., II, 1839, 305 (Breviceps filamentosus 
Swainson); substitute for Breviceps. 

Ailurichthys Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
26 (Silurus marinus Mitchill). 

Ailurichthys, corrected spelling. 

* Until recently all members of this order have been usually included in the single family Siluridz. 
As properly restricted the Siluridx is a small group of large river fishes of Europe and Asia, resembling 
our larger catfishes, but without adipose fin, the anal joined to the caudal. 







j a i Nea Fe 







Bagre marina (Mitchill). Sea catfish; Gafftopsail. 

Cape Cod to Texas. 

Silurus marinus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 483, 
New York. 

In the investigation of Linnzan types at Upsala Dr. Einar Lénnberg 
has found an example of this species labeled Silurus felis. On the 
strength of this discovery this species has been called Felichthys felis. 
But Linnzeus’s own description shows clearly that this was not his 
type, which must have been our common sea cat here called Galeichthys 

Bagre isthmensis (Regan). 

Atlantic coast of Panama; Colon. 

Alurichthys isthmensis Regan, Biol. Centrali-Amer., 1907, 117, Tab. 
XV, fig. 1, and Tab. XIX, fig. 1, Atlantic coast of Panama, Colon. 

Bagre panamensis (Gill). 
Mazatlan to Panama. 
Allurichthys panamensis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 
172, Panama. 

Bagre pinnimaculatus (Steindachner). 
Mazatlan to Panama. 
Ailurichthys pinnimaculatus Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., IV, 1875, 15, 
Panama, Altata, Costa Rica. 

Bagre eydouxii (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Galeichthys eydouxii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XV, 
1840, 43, Guayaquil. 

Bagre scutatus (Regan). 
Coast of Panama and Ecuador. 
Alurichthys scutatus Regan, Biol. Centrali-Amer., 1907, 116, Tab. 
XV, fig. 2, and Tab. XIX, fig. 2, Pacific coast of Panama. 

Bagre bahiensis (Castelnau). 
Mexico to Bahia. 
Galeichthys bahiensis Castelnau, Anim. Amér. Sud, 1855, 37, Bahia. 
Alurichthys longispinis Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 178; Mexico; South 

Genus 366. SCIADEICHTHYS Bleeker. 
Sciadeichthys Bleeker, Act. Soc. Sci. Indo-Neerl., V, 1858, 99 (Sciades 
pictus Miller and Troschel); not Sciadeichthys Bleeker, 1863. 

Sciadeichthys troscheli (Gill). 
Gulf of California to Panama. 
Sciades troscheli Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 171, 
Arius brandti Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., IV, 1876, 21, Altata, Panama. 

Sciadeichthys emphysetus (Miiller and Troschel). 
Bagrus (Sciades) emphysetus Miller and Troschel, Hore Ichth., III, 
1849, 8, Surinam. 

Sciadeichthys proops (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
West Indies from Porto Rico to Surinam and south to Pernambuco. 
Bagrus proops Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIV, 1839, 
457, Guiana; Porto Rico. 

Genus 367. SELENASPIS Bleeker. 
Selenaspis Bleeker, Vissch. Ind. Archipel., I, 1858, 62 (Silurus hertzbergi 
Leptarius Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 170 (L. dowi 
Selenaspis dowii (Gill). 
Panama to Guayaquil. 
Leptarius dowi Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 170, Panama. 
Arius alatus Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., IV, 1876, 19, Panama. 


Genus 368. NETUMA Bleeker. 
Netuma Bleeker, Vissch. Ind. Archipel., I, 1858, 62 (N. thalassina, 
Bleeker=N. nasuta Bleeker). 
Guiritinga Bleeker, loc. cit., 62 (Arius commersonii Bleeker). 
Notarius Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 171 (Arius 
grandicassis Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

1117. Netuma planiceps (Steindachner). 
Gulf of Galifornta to Panama; not rare. 
Arius planiceps Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., IV, 1876, 26, Altata, 

1118. Netuma kessleri (Steindachner). 
Gulf of California to Panama, not rare. 
Arius kessleri Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., IV, 1876, 24, Altata, Panama. 

1119. Netuma insculpta (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Arius insculptus Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., II, 1882 
(1883), 41, Panama. 

1120. Netuma platypogon (Giinther). 
Gulf of California to Peru; generally common. 
Arius platypogon Ginther, Cat., V, 1864, 147, San Jose de Guatemala. 

1121. Netuma oscula (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Panama; a single example known. 
Arius osculus Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., II, 1882 
(1883), 46, Panama. 

1122. Netuma elattura (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Panama; scarce. 
Arius elatturus Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. 
(1883), 45, Panama. 

Genus 369. GALEICHTHYS Cuvier and Valenciennes. Sea catfish. 

Galeichthys Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XV, 1840, 28 
(G. feliceps Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Hexanematichthys Bleeker, Act. Soc. Sci. Indo-Neerl., V., 1858, 2 (Bagrus 
sundiucus Bleeker). 

Cephalocassis Bleeker, Vissch. Ind. Archipel., I, 1858, 62 (Arius 
truncatus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Ariopsis Gill, Suppl. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 56 
(Arius milberti=Silurus belis L.). 

Hemiarius Bleeker, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., I, 1863, 7 (Cephalocassis 
stormi Bleeker). 

Subgenus GALEICHTHYS ” Cuvier and Valenciennes. 

1123. Galeichthys lentiginosus (Eigenmann and Eigenmann). 
Tachisurus lentiginosus Eigenmann and EKigenmann, Proce. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., 2d ser., I, 1888, 139, Panama. 

1124. Galeichthys peruvianus Liitken. 
Pacific coast of Mexico to Peru. 
Galeichthys peruvianus Litken, Vid. Med. Naturh. Foren. Kjgbenhayn, 
1874, 204, Callao, Peru. 

Subgenus HEXANEMATICHTHYS * Bleeker. 

1125. Galeichthys felis (Linnzus). Sea cat. 
Cape Cod to Texas. 
Silurus felis Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 503, Charleston, S. C. 
Arius milberti Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XV, 1840, 
74, New York; Charleston, S. C. 
?Arvus equestris Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 
1855, 26, Indianola, Tex. 

1126. Galeichthys guentheri Regan. 
Gulf of Mexico. 
Galichthys guentheri Regan, Biol. Centrali-Amer., 1907, 124, Tab. XVI, 
fig. 1, and Tab. XIX, fig. 3, Gulf of Mexico. 

” Top of head covered with soft skin, hiding the ru ose plates. 
*” Top of head with thin skin which does not hide the rugose plates. 

S. Fish Com., II, 1882 



1127. Galeichthys surinamensis (Bleeker). 
Hexanematichthys surinamensis Bleeker, Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1862, 
380, Surinam. 

1128. Galeichthys seemani (Giinther). 
Arius seemani Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 147, ‘‘Central America.” 

1129. Galeichthys gilberti Jordan and Williams. 
Coast of Sinaloa. 
Galeichthys gilberti Jordan and Williams, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d 
ser., V, 1895, 395, pl. 26, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

1130. Galeichthys jordani (Kigenmann and Eigenmann). 
Tachisurus jordani Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proce. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
2d ser., I, 1888, 142, Panama. 

1131. Galeichthys cerulescens (Giinther). 
West coast of Guatemala. 
Arius cerulescens Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 149, Rio Huamuchal, Guate- 

1132. Galeichthys azureus Jordan and Williams. 
Mazatlan, Mexico. 
Galeichthys azureus Jordan and Williams, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d 
ser., LV, 1895, 398, pl. 27, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

1133. Galeichthys xenauchen Gilbert. 
Galeichthys xenauchen Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2777, Panama. 

1134. Galeichthys guatemalensis (Giinther). 
Mazatlan to Central America. 
Arius guatemalensis Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 145, Guatemala; Chiapas. 

1135. Galeichthys assimilis (Giinther). 
Atlantic coast of Central America, ascending streams. 
Arius assimilis Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 146, Lake Yzabel, Guatemala. 

1136. Galeichthys dasycephalus (Giinther). 
Panama (wrongly ascribed to the Hawaiian Islands). 
Arius dasycephalus Ginther, Cat., V, 1864, 157, Oahu; apparently an 

1137. Galeichthys longicephalus (Kigenmann and Eigenmann). 
Tachisurus longicephalus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., 2d ser., I, 1888, 143, Panama. 

Genus 370. ARIUS Cuvier and Valenciennes. 

?Tachysurus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 151 (T. chinensis 
Lacépéde; from a Chinese drawing, not identifiable as to species; 
may be a fresh-water fish or a Netuma). 

Arius Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XV, 1840, 52 (A. 
arius Cuvier and Valenciennes, type by autonomy). 

Ariodes Miiller and Troschel, Hors Ichth., III, 1849, 9 (Arius arenarius 
Miller and Troschel). 

Pseudarius Bleeker, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., I, 1862, 91 (Arius arius 
Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

1138. Arius spixii (Agassiz). 
Trinidad to Brazil. 
Pimelodus albidus Spix, in Agassiz, Gen. Spec. Pisce. Brasil., 1829, 19, 
equatorial Brazil; name preoccupied. 
Pimelodus spixii Agassiz, loc. cit., 19; after Spix. 
Arius arenatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XV, 1840, 
106, Cayenne. 
Arius laticeps Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 171, British Guiana, Trinidad. 
1139. Arius melanopus Giinther. 

Pacific coast of Central America. 
Arius melanopus Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 172, Rio Motagua, 


1140. Arius furthi Steindachner. 
Arius fiirthit Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., IV, 1876, 29, Panama. 

1141. Arius steindachneri (Gilbert and Starks). 
Pacific coast of Panama. 
Tachysurus steindachnerit Gilbert and Starks, Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
IV, 1904, 29, Pl. V, fig. 9, Panama Bay. 

1142. Arius evermanni (Gilbert and Starks). 
Tachysurus evermanni Gilbert and Starks, Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., IV, 
1904, 32, Pl. V, fig. 10, Panama. 

1143. Arius liropus (Bristol). 
Coast of Sonora, Mexico. 
Tachysurus liropus Susan Brown Bristol, in Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., XIX, 1896 (Feb. 5, 1897), 438, San Juan Lagoon, near mouth 
of Rio Ahome, Sonora, Mexico. 

1144. Arius emmelane (Gilbert). 
Tachysurus emmelane Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2785, Panama. 

1145. Arius taylori Hildebrand. Bagre. 
Coast of El Salvador. 
Arius taylori Hildebrand, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XLI, 1925, 250, fig. 
10, Rio Lempa, San Marcos. 

1146. Arius multiradiatus Giinther. 
Streams of Isthmus of Panama, Rio Bayano, Panama. 
Arius multiradiatus Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 173, Rio Bayano, Panama. 

Genus 371. CATHOROPS Jordan and Gilbert. 
Cathorops Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., II, 1882, 54 
(Arius hypopthalmus Steindachner). 

1147. Cathorops hypophthalma (Steindachner). 
Panama; rather scarce. 
Arius hypopthalmus Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., IV, 1875, 31, Pl. X, 

1148. Cathorops gulosa (Higenmann and Eigenmann). 
Panama. ’ 
Tachisurus gulosus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., 2d. ser., I, 1888, 146, Panama. 

Family 93. AMEIURIDZ. Horned pouts; Channel cats 

Genus 372. ISTLARIUS Jordan and Snyder. 
Istlarius Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., XIX, 1899, 118 
(I. balsanus Jordan and Snyder). 

1149. Istlarius balsanus Jordan and Snyder. 
Balsas River Basin, Pacific slope of Mexico. 
Istlarius balsanus Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1899, 
118; tributary of Rio de las Balsas at Puente de Ixtla, Guerrero, 
Mexico (Pacific drainage). 

Genus 373. ICTALURUS Rafinesque. Channel cats. 
Ictalurus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 61 (Silurus punctatus 
Elliops Rafinesque, loc. cit., 62 (Pimelodus maculatus Rafinesque). 
Synechoglanis Gill, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VI, 1858, 39 (S. bead!ei 
Gill =TIctalurus furcatus Rafinesque). 
Ichthyzlurus, corrected spelling. 


1150. Ictalurus furcatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Blue cat; Great fork- 

tailed cat; Mississippi cat; Poisson bleu. 

Pimelodus furcatus LeSueur, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. 
Poiss., IX, 1840, 186, New Orleans. 

Pimelodus affinis Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 
1854, 26, Rio Grande. 

Oe ponderosus Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 286, St. 

Ictalurus robustus Jordan, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 76, Cairo, II. 

1151. Ictalurus anguilla Evermann and Kendall. Fel cat; Willow cat; 
Fulton cat. 
Mississippi River, occasionally as far north as Louisville, Ky., Mus- 
catine and Fairport, Iowa, where it is known as the “ Fulton cat.” 
Ictalurus anguilla Evermann and Kendall, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., 
XVII, 1897 (Feb. 9, 1898), 125, pl. 6, fig. 1, Atchafalaya River, La. 

1152. Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque). Channel cat; White cat; Fiddler. 

Rivers of the Great Lakes region, the Mississippi Valley, and streams 
tributary to the Gulf of Mexico. 

Silurus punctatus Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., 1818, 359, Ohio 

Pimelodus caudafurcatus LeSueur, Mem. Mus., V, 1819, 152, Wabash 
River; Mississippi River. 

Pimelodus maculatus, pallidus, argentinus, argyrus, with varieties 
erythroptera, marginatus, lateralis, leucoptera Rafinesque, Quarterly 
Jour. Sci., London, 1820, and Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 62, ete., Ohio 

Pimelodus furcifer Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XV, 
1840, 139, Surinam, by error. 

Pimelodus gracilis Hough, Ann. Rept. Regent’s, Albany, 1852, 26, 
Somerville, N. Y. 

Pimelodus vulpes Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858, 170, 
rivers of Texas. 

Synechoglanis beadlet Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1859, 40, 
St. Catherines, Ont. 

Pimelodus houghi Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 159, 
Somerville; Ogdensburg; Foxburg, Pa. 

Pimelodus megalops Girard, loc. cit., 161, Black Warrior River, Bigsby 
River, Ala. 

Pimelodus graciosus Girard, loc. cit., 161, Prairie Mer Rouge, La. 

Pimelodus hammondi and notalus Abbott, loc. cit., XIT, 1860, 568, 569, 
Fort Riley, Kans. 

Ictalurus simpsoni Gill, Proc. Bost. Soe. Nat. Hist., VIII, 1862, 43, 
Platte River. 

1153. Ictalurus meridionalis (Giinther). 

Rio Usumacinta, Guatemala. 

Amiurus meridionalis Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 102, and in Trans. Zool. 
Soe. Lond., 1868, 473, Rio Usumacinta, Guatemala. 

Genus 374. HAUSTOR Jordan and Evermann. 
Haustor Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
137 (Gadus lacustris Walbaum=Pimelodus nigricans LeSueur). 
Villarius Rutter, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., VI, Ser. 2, June 23, 1896, 258 
(V. pricei Rutter). 

1154. Haustor lacustris (Walbaum). 

Saskatchewan River and the Great Lakes. 

Gadus lacustris Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, 144, Arctic America; 
based on the mathemeg or land cod of Pennant. 

Pimelodus nigricans LeSueur, Mem. Mus., V, 1819, 153, Lake Erie, 
Lake Ontario. 

Pimelodus borealis Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., III, 1836, 135, Pine 
Island Lake. 

1155. Haustor okeechobeensis (Heilprin). 
Ictalurus okeechobeensis Heilprin, Trans. Wagner Inst. Sci. Phila., I, 
1887, pl. 18, Kissimee River, Fla. 
Ameiurus lacustris okeechobeensis Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
LI, 1899, 480; same type. 


1156. Haustor catus (Linneus). White cat; Channel cat of the Potomac. 

Silurus catus Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 305; based on the catfish 
of Catesby (Bagre secundzx speciei marcgravei affinis), which is a rude 
figure of the adult or ‘“‘lophius” form of this species; northern part 
of America, 

Pimelodus albidus LeSueur, Mem. Mus., V, 1819, 148, Delaware River. 

Pimelodus lynx Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 160, 
Potomac River. 

Amiurus niveiventris Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 486, Neuse 

Ictalurus macaskeyi and I. kevinskii Stauffer, Hist. Lancaster County, 
Pa., 1869, 578, Lancaster County, Pa. 

1157. Haustor lophius (Cope). Big-mouthed cat. 
Potomac River. > 
Amiurus lophius Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soe., XI, 1870, 486, Potomac 
River; not observed elsewhere. Known by its very wide flat head; 
apparently not the adult of Ameiurus catus, as has been supposed. 

1158. Haustor lupus (Girard). 
Rio Neuces and Rio Pecos, Tex. 
Pimelodus lupus Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, 1858, Pt. 4, Fishes, 211, 
Rio Pecos, Tex. 

1159. Haustor pricei (Rutter). 
Southern Arizona. 
Villarius pricei Rutter, Proc., Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., VI, 1896, 257, 
San Bernardino Creek, a tributary of the Yaqui River, southern 

1160. Haustor dugesi (Bean). 
Rio Turbio, Guanajuato, Mexico, west of the Sierra Madre. 
Ameiurus dugesi Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 304, Rio Turbio, 
Guanajuato, Mexico. 

Genus 375. AMEIURUS Rafinesque. Horned pout. 
Ameiurus Rafinesque, Iehth. Ohiensis, 1820, 65 (Silurus cupreus Ratfi- 
nesque = Pimelodus natalis LeSueur). y 
Amiurus, corrected spelling. 

1161. Ameiurus erebennus Jordan. 
Coast swamps and black water streams from New Jersey to Florida. 
Ameiurus erebennus Jordan, Bull, U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 85, St. 
John’s River, Fla. 

1162. Ameiurus natalis (LeSueur). Yellow cat. 

Great Lakes region to Virginia and southward. 

Pimelodus natalis LeSueur, Mem. Mus., 1819, 154, North America. 

Silurus lividus and var. fuscus Rafinesque, Quarterly Jour. Sei. Lond., 
1820, 48, Ohio River. 

Silurus cupreus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 1820, 51, Ohio River. 

Pimelodus cupreus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 65, Ohio River. 

Pimelodus caenosus Richardson, Fauna Bor. ~Amer., IIT, 1836..182; 
Lake Huron. 

Pimelodus felinus et antoniensis Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, 1858, 209, 
Canadian and San Antonio Rivers, Tex. 

Pimelodus cupresoides Girard, Proc. "Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 
159, Aux Plaines, Il. 

Ameiurus nata’is analis Jordan, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 81, 
Arkansas River. 

Ameiurus bolli Cope, Bull. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XX, 1880, 35, Little Wichita 
River, Tex. 

1163. Ameiurus vulgaris (Thompson). 
Vermont to Minnesota and Illinois, chiefly Lan A doubtful 

fy vulgaris Thompson, Hist. Peeriaasie 1842, 138, Lake Cham- 
Plimelodus] dekayi Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 160, 
Oswego, N 

ce a ailurus Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, 1858, 210, Lake Amelia, 


1164. Ameiurus nebulosus (LeSueur). Horned pout; Common bullhead; Small 
catfish; Schuylkill cat; Sacramento cat. 

Great Lakes, Ohio Valley, eastward to Maine, southwestward to Texas 
and southwestward to Florida; introduced about 1877 into the Hum- 
boldt, Sacramento, San Joaquin, and Gila Rivers, where it is now 
excessively abundant. 

Pimelodus nebulosus LeSueur, Mem. Mus., V, 1819, 149, Lake Ontario. 

Pimelodus atrarius DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 185, Wappingers 
Creek, Dutchess County, N. Y. 

Pimelodus felis Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 281, Lake Superior. 

Pimelodus vulpeculus Girard, Proc., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 
160, Charleston, S. C. 

Pimelodus hoyi Girard, loc. cit., 159, Racine, Wis. 

Ameiurus mispilliensis Cope, Proc., Amer. Phil. Soc., 1870, 486, Mis- 
pillion Creek, Del. 

1165. Ameiurus nebulosus catulus (Girard). 
Streams of Texas; abundant. 
Pimelodus catulus Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, 1858, Pt. 4, Fishes, 208, 
Fort Smith, Ark. 

1166. Ameiurus prosthistius Cope. 
New Jersey. P 
Amiurus prosthistius Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XX XV, 1883, 
133, Batsto River, N. J 

1167. Ameiurus platycephalus (Girard). Mud cat; Brown cat. 
Streams of the Carolinas and eastern Georgia, Cape Fear to the Chat- 
Pimelodus platycephalus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 
161, Anderson, 8S. C. 
Amiurus brunneus Jordan, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1877, 366, 
Ocmulgee River, Flat Shoals, Ga.; the young of platycephalus. 

1168. Ameiurus brachyacanthus Cope. 
Streams of Texas. 
Amiurus brachyacanthus Cope, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVII, 1880, 35, 
Wallace Creek, Bandera County, Tex. 

1169. Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque). Black bullhead; Small catfish: 

Northern New York (Genesee River) to Kansas and Texas; common 
especially west of the Mississippi. 

ite melas Rafinesque, Quarterly Jour. Sci. Lond., 1820, 51, Ohio 


Silurus xanthocephalus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 1820, 51, Ohio River. 

Pimelodus pullus DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 184, Lake 
Pleasant, Janet, N. Y. 

Pimelodus confinis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 159, 
Racine, Wis. 

Amiurus obesus Gill, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1862, 45, Nebraska. 

Amiurus cragini Gilbert, Bull., Washburn Lab. Nat. Hist., I, 1884, 
10, Garden City, Kans. 

1170. Ameiurus marmoratus (Holbrook). 
Lowland streams and swamps from southwestern Indiana (Switz City) 
southward and eastward to Florida. 
Pimelodus marmoratus Holbrook, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., III, 
1855, 54, South Carolina. 

Genus 376. GRONIAS Cope. Blind catfishes. 
Gronias Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 231 (G. nigri- 
labris Cope. 
1171. Gronias nigrilabris Cope. 
Cave streams tributary to Conestoga River in eastern Pennsylvania 
Gronias nigrilabris Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 231, 
Conestoga River, Pa. 


Genus 377. OPLADELUS Rafinesque. 

?Pilodictis Rafinesque, Jour. Phys., 1819, 422 (P. limosa Rafinesque, 
after Audubon; drawing of an imaginary catfish). 

Leptops Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 64 (Pimelodus viscosus 
Rafinesque=Silurus olivaris Rafinesque). 

Opladelus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 64 (Pimelodus nebulosus Rafinesque= 
Silurus olivaris Rafinesque); name chosen by first reviser. 

Ilictis Rafinesque, loc. cit., 66 (Pimelodus nebulosus Rafinesque = Silurus 
olivaris Rafinesque). 

Hopladelus and Pelodichthys, corrected spelling. 

1172. Opladelus olivaris (Rafinesque). Mud cat; Yellow cat; Bashaw; 

Russian cat; ‘‘ Hoosier’’ at New Boston, IIl.; Goujon. 

Silurus olivaris Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., 1818, 355, Ohio River. 

Silurus nebulosus, viscosus and limosus Rafinesque, Quarterly Jour. Sci. 
Lond., 1820, 50, Ohio River. 

Pylodictis limosus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 67, Ohio and 
Mississippi Rivers; based on a drawing by Audubon. 

Pimelodus punctulatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XV, 1840, 134, New Harmony, Ind. 

Pimelodus xneus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 1385, New Orleans. 

Genus 378. NOTURUS Rafinesque. Stone cats. 
Noturus Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., November, 1818, 41 (N. 
flavus Rafinesque). 

1173. Nottrus flavus Rafinesque. Stone cat. 

Great Lakes region, westward to Montana and Wyoming and south to 

Noturus flavus Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., 1818, 41, falls of Ohio 

Noturus luteus Rafinesque, Jour. Phys., 1819, 421, Ohio River. 

Noturus occidentalis Gill, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VIII, 1862, 45, 
Platte River. 

Noturus platycephalus Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 104, North America. 

Genus 379. SCHILBEODES Bleeker. Tadpole cats. 
Schilbeodes Bleeker, Ichth. Archip. Indici. Prodr. Siluri, 1858, 258 
(Silurus gyrinus Mitchill). 

1174. Schilbeodes gyrinus (Mitchill). 
Hudson River and westward through almost the entire Mississippi 
Valley, and Great Lakes region. 
Silurus gyrinus Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., 1818, 322, Walkill 
River, N. Y. 
Noturus sialis Jordan, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 102, White 
River, Ind. 

Genus 380. TROGLOGLANIS Eigenmann. 
Trogloglanis Eigenmann, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soe., LVIII, 1919, 397 
(1. pattersoni Eigenmann). 

1175. Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann. 
Artesian well in San Antonio, Tex. 
Trogloglanis pattersoni EKigenmann, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., LVIII, 
1919, 397, figs. 1 and 2. 

Genus 381. RABIDA Jordan and Evermann. Mad toms. 
Rabida Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
146 (Noturus furiosus Jordan and Meek). 
Pimelodon (LeSueur) Vaillant, Bull. Soc. Philom., 1896, 28 (Pimelo- 
don insignarius LeSueur, unpublished plate of 1819; probably Pimelo- 
dus insigne Richardson, the lemniscatus = Pimelode insigne of LeSueur). 

Subgenus PIMELODON. 

1176. Rabida leptacantha (Jordan). 
oe States, in sandy streams; basins of Ogeechee, Alabama, and Pearl 
Noturus leptacanthus Jordan, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Weg wud: SOTO, 
352, Silver Creek, branch of Etowah River, Rome, Ga, 


1177. Rabida nocturna (Jordan and Gilbert). “ 
Sandy streams, among weeds, in lower Mississippi Valley; known from 
the lower Wabash in Indiana and from the Poteau, Washita, and 
Saline Rivers, Ark. 
Noturus nocturnus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LX, 1886, 
6, Saline River at Benton, Ark. 


1178. Rabida funebris (Jordan and Swain). 
Tributary of Black Warrior River, Tuscaloosa, Ala. 
Noturus funebris Jordan and Swain, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., IX, 1889, 
153, North River, Tuscaloosa, Ala. 

1179. Rabida exilis (Nelson). 
Wisconsin to Missouri and Kansas; common in prairie streams, 
Noturus exilis Nelson, Bull. Il. Lab. Nat. Hist., 1876, 51, Illinois River. 
Noturus elassochir Swain and Kalb, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 639, 
Naperville, Il. 

1180. Rabida insignis (Richardson). Mad tom. 

Pennsylvania to South Carolina; very common in streams east of the 

Pimelodus insignis Richardson, Fauna Bor.Amer., III, 1836, 32, based 
on Pimelode livree LeSueur, Mem. Mus., V, 1819, 155, locality not 

Noturus marginatus Baird, in Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 
1869, 237, Pa. 

Pimelodon ‘ insignarius LeSueur, in Vaillant, Bull. Soe. Phi 1896, 28. 

1181. Rabida gilberti (Jordan and Evermann). 
Roanoke River in southern Virginia, locally abundant. 
Noturus gilberti Jordan and Evermann, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XI, 
1888, 352, Roanoke River, Roanoke, Va. 
1182. Rabida miura (Jordan). 
Mississippi Valley and tributaries of Lake Michigan, south to Louisiana; 
common in the Ohio Valley. 
Noturus miurus Jordan, Ann, Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1877, 371, 
White River, Ind. 
1183. Rabida eleuthera (Jordan). 
Mississippi Valley, rare, but widely distributed; tributaries of French 
Broad River (Big Pigeon River, Clifton, Tenn., French Broad at 
Hot Springs, N. C.); White River, Gosport, Ind.; Green River, 
Greensburg, Ky.; Schriner Lake, Columbia City, Ind.; White River, 
Fayettesville, Ark.; Sallisaw River, Indian Territory [Okla.]. Only 
a few specimens known. 
Noturus éleutherus Jordan, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1877, 371, 
Big Pigeon River, Clifton, Tenn. 
1184. Rabida furiosa (Jordan and Meek). 
Eastern North Carolina; known from the Neuse, Tar, and Little Rivers. 
Noturus furiosus Jordan and Meek, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XI, 1888, 
351, Neuse River, N. C. 

Family 94. PIMELODIDA. South American catfishes; Bagres de Rio 

Genus 382. CONORHYNCHOS Bleeker. 

Conorhynchos Bleeker, Vissch. Ind. Archipel. Siluri, 1858, 191 (Pimelodus 
conirostris Cuvier and Valenciennes); not Conorhynchus Nozeman, a 
pre-Linnzan name (1757) revived by Gill (1861). 

Conorhynchichthys Regan, Conorhynchos being regarded as preoccupied. 

1185. Conorhynchos nelsoni Evermann and Goldsborough. 
Rio Usumacinta, Yucatan. 
Conorhynchus nelsoni Evermann and Goldsborough, Bull. U. 8S. Fish 
Com., XXI, 1901 (1902), 140, fig. 1, Rio Usumacinta at Monte 
Cristo, Yucatan. 

Genus 383. RHAMDIA Bleeker. Bagrés de Rio. 

Pteronotus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fishes, Amphib., ete., II, 1839, 309 
(Heterobranchus sextentaculatus Agassiz, preoccupied in mollusks). 
Rhamdia Bleeker, Vissch. Ind. Archipel.: Siluri, 1858, 197 (Pimelodus 

quelon Quoy and Gaimard). 
Rhamdella Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sei., 2d 
ser., I, 1888, 172 (R. eriarcha Eigenmann and Kigenmann), 


1186. Rhamdia wagneri (Giinther). Barbudo. 
Rivers of Central America, on both sides of the mountains; very 
Pimelodus wagneri Giinther, Fish. Cent. Amer., 1869, 474, Atlantic and 
Pacific rivers of Panama. 
Rhamdia bransfordi Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXVIII, 1876, 
337, Panama. 

1187. Rhamdia oaxace Meek. Bagre. 
Streams of Mexico on the Atlantic side south of Vera Cruz. 
Rhamdia oarace Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 74 (figured in plate 
V, loc. cit., V, 1905) Rio Quiotepec, Cuicatlan, Mexico. 

1188. Rhamdia baronis—miilleri (Troschel). 
“Pacific Ocean” in Mexico. 
Pimelodus baronis—miilleri Troschel, in Miiller’s Beitr. Gesch. Statis. 
und Zool. Mexico, III, 1865, 636, no definite locality. 

1189. Rhamdia motaguensis (Giinther). 
Rio Motagua, Guatemala. 
Pimelodus motaguensis Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 127, Rio Motagua, 

1190. Rhamdia guatemalensis (Giinther). 
Huamuchal, Guatemala. 
Pimelodus guatemalensis Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 122, Rio Huamuchal, 
Pimelodus brachypterus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1866, 404, 
Orizaba, Mexico. 

1191. Rhamdia salvini (Giinther). 
Rio San Geronimo, Guatemala. 
Pimelodus salvini Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 130, Rio San Geronimo, 

1192. Rhamdia hypselura (Giinther). 
Pimelodus hypselurus Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 126, Mexico. 

1193. Rhamdia brachycephala (Regan). 
Pimelodus brachycephalus Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XIX, 1907, 258, 
Guatemala, Rio Nacasil. 

1194. Rhamdia laticauda (Heckel). 
Pimelodus laticaudus Heckel, in Kner, Sitzungsb Kais. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, XXVI, 1857, 420, Mexico. 

1195. Rhamdia godmani (Giinther). 
Valley of Rio Usumacinta, Guatemala. 
Pimelodus godmani Ginther, Cat., V, 1864, 124, Rio Usumacinta, 

1196. Rhamdia nicaraguensis (Giinther). 
Lake Nicaragua. 
Pimelodus nicaraguensis Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 125, Lake Nicaragua, 

1197. Rhamdia microptera (Giinther). 
Rio San Geronimo, Guatemala. 
Pimelodus micropterus Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 124, Rio San Geronimo, 

1198. Rhamdia managuensis (Giinther). 
Lake Managua, Nicaragua. 
Pimelodus managuensis Giinther, Fish. Cent. Amer., 1869, 474, Lake 
Managua, Nicaragua. 

1199. Rhamdia cabrere Meek. 
Lake Amatitlan, Guatemala. 
Rhamdia cabrere Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., VII, 1906, 93, 
Lake Amatitlan, Nicaragua. 














Rhamdia barbata Meek. Chuchin. 
Lakes of Nicaragua. 
Rhamdia barbata Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., VII, 1907, 106, 
San Francisco, Nicaragua. 

Rhamdia sacrificii Barbour and Cole. 
Chichen-Itza, Yucatan. 
Rhamdia sacrificii Barbour and Cole, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., L, 1906, 
No. 5, 156, Sacrificial Cenote, near Chichen-Itza, Yucatan. 

Rhamdia depressa Barbour and Cole. 
Near Chichen-Itza, Yucatan. 
Rhamdia depressa Barbour and Cole, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., L, 1906, 
No. 5, 155, pl. 1, Ikil Cenote, near Chichen-Itza, Yucatan. 

Rhamdia heteracantha Regan. 
Costa Rica. 
Rhamdia heteracantha Regan, Biol. Centrali-Amer., Pisces, 1907, 134, 
Juan Vinas, Costa Rica. 

Rhamdia polycaula (Giinther). 
Rio San Geronimo. 
Pimelodus polycaulus Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 131, Rio San Geronimo. 

Rhamdia petenensis (Giinther). 
Lake Peten, Yucatan. 
Pimelodus petenensis Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 126, Lake Peten, Yucatan. 

Rhamdia parryi Eigenmann. 
Rio Zanalenco, Chiapas. 
Rhamdia parryi Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., I, 1888, 
130, Rio Zanalenco, Chiapas. 

Rhamdia underwoodi Regan. 
Costa Rica. 
Rhamdia underwoodi Regan, Biol. Centrali-Amer., Pisces, 1907, 135, 
pl. 23, fig. 4, Juan Vifias, Costa Rica. 

. Rhamdia rogersi (Regan). 

Pimelodus rogersi Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XIX, 1907, 259, 
Trazu, Costa Rica. 

Rhamdia regani Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., VII, 1907, 144, 
Rio Tiribi, San José. 

Genus 384. CHCORHAMDIA Norman. 
Cezxcorhamdia J. R. Norman, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 9, XVIII, 1926, 
324 (C. urichi Norman). 

Cecorhamdia urichi Norman. 
Guacharo Cave, Trinidad. 
Czcorhamdia urichi J. R. Norman, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 9, 
XVIII, 1926, 324, Guacharo Cave, Trinidad. 

Genus 385. PIMELODELLA Eigenmann and Eigenmann. 
Pimelodella Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d. 
ser., I, 1888, 131 (Pimelodus cristatus Miller and Troschel). 

Pimelodella chagresi (Steindachner). 
Rio Chagres. 
Pimelodus chagresi Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., IV, 1876, 34, Rio 
Chagres at Obispo, Canal Zone. 

Genus 386. PIMELODUS Lacépéde ; 
Pimelodus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 94 (P. maculatus 
Lacépéde, as restricted by authors=Silurus clarias Bloch). 
(ies en Bleeker, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1863, 99 (Silurus clarias 
Pseudorhamdia Bleeker, Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, XIV, 1862, 384 
(Pimelodus ascita Bleeker). 


1211. Pimelodus clarias (Bloch). 

Rio Mamoni (Panama) and southeastward to Rio de la Plata. 

Silurus clarias Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 306, in part, not the 

ee ciate maculatus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss:, V, 1803, 94, 107, 
Rio de la Plata. 

Piramutana blochiit Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, III, Cayenne; Surinam. 

Pimelodus rigidus Spix, in Agassiz, Pisc. Brasil., 1829, 19, Brazil. 

Pimelodus macronema Bleeker, Silures de Suriname, 1864, 79, pl. 14, 

Pseudaroides pantherinus Litken, Meddel. Nat. Hist. Forem., 1874, 
Nos. 1, 2, p. 194, Venezuela. 

Pseudorhamdia piscatrix Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XI, 1870, 
569, Pebas. 

Piramutana macrospila Ginther, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 5th ser., 
VI, July, 1880, 10, Pl. II, Pirana, Rio de la Plata. 

Megalonema punctatum Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1913, 77, Rio Tuyra, Marrigante, Panama. 

Megalonema robustum Meek and Hildebrand, loc. cit., 78, Rio Tuyra, 
Marrigante, Panama. 

Genus 387. TRACHCORYSTES Bleeker. 
Trachcorystes Bleeker, Vissch. Ind. Archipel. Siluri, 1858, 20 (7. typus 
Parauchenipterus Bleeker, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., I, 1863, 7 (Silurus 
galeatus L.). 

1212. Trachcorystes amblops (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Rio Tuyra Basin, Panama. 
Felichthys amblops Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1913, 77, Rio Tuyra, Marrigante, Panama. 

Genus 388. AGENEIOSUS Lacépéde. 
Ageneiosus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 132 (A. armatus 
Lacépéde = Silurus militaris Linnzus). 
Pseudageneiosus Bleeker, Neder]. Tijdschr. Dierk., I, 1863, 14 (Age- 
neiosus brevifilis Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

1213. Ageneiosus caucanus Steindachner. 
Lower Rio Tuyra, Marrigante, Panama. 
Ageneiosus caucanus Steindachner, Denkschr. Kais Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
XLI, 1880, 61, Pl. VI, figs. 1, 2, Rio Cauca, Panama. 

Family 95. PYGIDIIDZ 

Genus 389. PYGIDIUM Meyen. 
Pygidium Meyen, Reise in Peru, I, 1835, 475 (P. fuscwm Meyen). 

1214. Pygidium striatum Meek and Hildebrand. 
Upper Tuyra Basin, Panama. 
ryan striatum Meek and Hildebrand, Field. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
X, 1913, 78, Rio Cana, Cana, Panama. 


Genus 390. ASTROBLEPUS*! Humboldt. Cave catfishes. 
Astroblepus Humboldt, Obs. Zool. Phil. Mag., XXIV, 1806, 19, 331 
(A. grizalvii Humboldt). 
Cyclopium Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Amphib., ete., II, 1839, 305 
(Pimelodus cyclopum Humboldt= Cyclopium humboldti Swainson). 
Arges Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XV, 1840, 333 
(A. sabalo Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Brontes Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 341 (B. prenadilla Cuvier and 
Valenciennes, preoccupied). 

Strephon Gistel, Thierreich., Me 1848 (Brontes prenadilla Cuvier 
and Valenciennes, preoccupie d). 

Biygogenes Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 223 . htimboldt Giinther). 

" According to Reeders, all these names belong to the Same genus. 


1215. Astroblepus pirrensis (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Tuyra River Basin. 
Cyclopium pirrense Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1913, 88, Rio Cana, Cana, Panama (Pl. XVI, Field Mus. 
Nat. Hist., Zool., X). 


Genus 391. HOPLOSTERNUM Gill. 
Hoplosternum Gill, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VI, 1858, 395 (Cal- 
lichthys levigatus Cuvier and Valenciennes=Callichthys littoratus 

1216. Hoplosternum punctatus Meek and Hildebrand. 
Rio Marte Arnade, Panama. 
2Callichthys (Hoplosternum) thoracatus (not Cuvier and Valenciennes), 
Steindachner, Sitzungsb., Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, XLI, 1880, 66, 
Cauca, near Caceres. 
Hoplosternum punctatum Meck and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1916, 264, Rio Marte Arnade, 6 miles east of Panama City. 

Family 98. LORICARIIDZ. Mailed catfishes 

Genus 392. HYPOSTOMUS (Lacépéde). 
Plecostomus Gronow, Zoophyl., 1763, 127 (Plecostomus dorso dipterygio 
Gronow); not binomial. 
Hypostomus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 144 (Hypostomus 
guacari Lacépéde). 

1217. Hypostomus plecostomus (Linnus). 

Both slopes of Panama, south to Uruguay. 

Loricaria plecostomus Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, I, 1766, 508, 

Hypostomus guacarit Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 145, America. 

Loricaria flava Shaw, Gen. Zool., V, 1805, 38, pl. 101. 

Hypostomus robinii Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VI, 1858, 46, 

Hypostomus brasiliensis Bleeker, Silures de Suriname, 1864, 7, Surinam. 

Piecostomus seminudus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proce. Calif, Acad. 
Sci., 2nd ser., I, 1888, 169, Brazil. 

Plecostomus boulengert Eigenmann and Kennedy, Proc, Acad, Nat, Sci. 
Phila,, LV, 1903, 502, Paraguay, 

Genus 893, THYSANOCARA Regan, 
Thysanocara Regan, Ann, Mag. Nat, Hist., ser, 7, XVII, 1906, 95 
Hypostomus cirrhosus Cuvier and Valenciennes), 

1218. Thysanocara spinosa (Meek and Hildebrand), 
Rare, male taken at mouth of Rio Yape, the female (type) in Rio 
Calobre, Panama, 
Ancistrus spinosus Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus, Nat, Hist,, Zool,, 
X, 1916, 252, Rio Calobre, tributary of the Rio Bayano, Panama, 

Genus 394. XENOCARA Regan, 
Xenocara Regan, Trans. Zool, Soe, Lond,, XVIT, 1903, 251 (Chetostomus 
latifrons Gunther), 

1219. Xenocara chagresi (Kigenmann and Kigenmann), 
Rio Chagres, Panama, 
Ancistrus chagresi Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc, Calif, Acad, Sei., 
2nd ser., II, 1889, 47, Rio Chagres, Panama, 

Genus 395. CHAATOSTOMA Heckel, 
Chztostoma Heckel, in Tschudi, Fauna Peruana, 1846, 25 (C. loborhyn- 
chus Heekel), 
Chetostomus Kner and authors generally; needlessly altered spelling. 


1220. Cheetostoma fischeri (Steindachner). Couchu. 
Rio Mamoni, near Panama. 
Chetostomus fischeri Steindachner, Flussfische Siidamerikas, I, 1879, 14, 
Rio Mamoni, Panama. 

Genus 396. LASIANCISTRUS Regan. 
Lasiancistrus Regan, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., XVII, Pt. III, 1904, 224 
and 237 (Chetostomus heteracanthus Giinther). 

1221. Lasiancistrus planiceps (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Rio Tuyra Basin, Panama. 
Ancistrus planiceps Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
X, 1913, 79, Pl. X; loc. cit., 1916, Rio Tuy ra, Boca de Cupe, Panama. 

Genus 397. LEPTOANCISTRUS Meek and Hildebrand. 
Leptoancistrus Meek and Hildebrand, Field. Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
X, 1916, 254 (Ancanthias canescens Meek and Hildebrand). 

1222. Leptoancistrus canensis (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Mountain streams near Cana, Panama. 
Acanthicus canensis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
X, 1913, 80, Rio Cana, Cana, Panama. 

Genus 398. STURISOMA Swainson. 
Sturisoma Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Amphib., etc., II, 1839, 304 
(Loricaria rostrata Spix). 
Hemiodon Kner, Panzerwelse, Denkschr., Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1854, 
65 (H. depressus Kner). 

1223. Sturisoma rostrata (Spix). 

Rivers of eastern South America, from Panama to the Paraguay; 
widely distributed and abundant. 

Loricaria rostrata Spix, Pise. Brasil., 1829, 5, Pl. III, Rio Blanco, Brazil. 

Loricaria acuta Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XV, 1840, 
349 (472), pl. 452, Barra di Rio Negro. 

?Loricaria barbata Kner, Panzerwelse, Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1853, 87, Rio Cujuba. 

Genus 399. ANCISTRUS Bleeker. 

Ancistrus Kner, Denkschr., Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, VII, 1854, 272 
(abstract issued in 1853; Ancistrus medians Kner, as first restricted 
by Gill). 

Hemiancistrus Bleeker, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., I, 1862 (1863), 78 
(Ancistrus mediana Kner). 

1224. Ancistrus guacharote (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Porto Rico. 
Hypostomus guacharote Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XV, 
1840, 375 (508), Porto Rico. 

1225. Ancistrus aspidolepis (Giinther). 
Veragua, Central America. 
Chetostomus aspidolepis Ginther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868 
(Nov. 27), 477, Veragua. 

Genus 400. LORICARIA Linnzus. 

Loricaria Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 307( L. cataphracta Linneus). 

Hemiodon Kner, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1854, about 65 (H. de- 
pressus Kner). 

Loricarvichthys Bleeker, Neder]. Tijdschr. Dierk., I, 1863, 3 (Loricaria 
maculata Bloch) 

Pseudoloricaria Bleeker, loc. cit., 3 (Loricaria leviuscula Cuvier and 

Parahemiodon Bleeker, loc. cit., 3 (P. typus Bleeker). 

Hemioloricaria Bleeker, loc. cit., 3 (H. caracasenses Bleeker). 

Pseudohemiodon Bleeker, loc. cit., 3 (Hemiodon platycephalus Kner). 

1226. Loricaria variegata Steindachner. 
Rio Mamoni, Panama. 
Loricaria variegata Steindachner, Flussfische Siidamerikas, I, 1879, 15, 
Rio Mamoni, Panama. 


1227. Loricaria uracantha Kner and Steindachner. 
Rio Chagres, Panama. 
Loricaria uracantha Kner and Steindachner, Abhandl., Bayer. Acad. 
Wiss., 1865, 56, Rio Chagres, Panama. 
Loricaria bransfordi Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXVIII, 1876, 
338, Empire Station, Isthmus Railway, Panama. 

1228. Loricaria latiura Higenmann and Vance. 
Rio Tuyra and Rio Atrato Basins, Panama; probably not in Pacific 
Loricaria filamentosa latiura Eigenmann and Vance, Ind. Univ. Stud., 
No. 16, 1912, 13, Boca de Certegai, Panama. 
Loricaria tuyrensis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
X, 1913, 81, Rio Capeti, Panama. 

1229. Loricaria capetensis Meek and Hildebrand. 
Rio Tuyra Basin, Panama. 
Loricaria capetensis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1913, 80, Pl. XII; loc. cit., 1916; Rio Capeti, tributary 
Rio Tuyra, Panama. 

1230. Loricaria fimbriata EKigenmann and Vance. 
Rio Tuyra Basin, Panama. 
Locaria fimbriata Kigenmann and Vance, Ind. Univ. Stud., No. 16, 
1912, 12; Boca de Certegai and Bernal Creek, Colombia. 

1231. Loricaria altipinnis Breder. 
Tuyra Basin, Pacific slope of Panama. 
Loricaria CTs C. M. Breder, jr., Amer. Mus. Novitates, CLXXX, 
1925, 1, fig. 1, 2, Rio Chuecunaque, Panama. 

Genus 401. RINELORICARIA Bleeker. 
Rineloricaria Bleeker, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., I, 1862 (1863), 80 
(Loricaria lima Kner). 

1232. Rineloricaria lima (Kner). 
Coastwise streams of Brazil, from the Parahyba northward to Panama; 
widely distributed and abundant in rocky brooks. 
Loricaria lima Kner, Panzerwelse, Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1853, 89, Brazil. 
?Loricaria strigilata Hensel, Wiegmann’s Archiv, 1868, 368, Santa Cruz. 

Genus 402. OXYLORICARIA Bleeker. 
Oxyloricaria Bleeker, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., I, 1863, 5 (Loricaria 
barbata Kner). 

1233. Oxyloricaria panamensis (Higenmann and Eigenmann). 

Pacific slope of Panama and Colombia, south to Ecuador. 

Loricaria rostrata (non Spix) Steindachner, Denkschr. Kais. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, XLI, 1879, 165, Rio Mamoni, Panama. 

Loricaria panamensis Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., ser. 2, II, 1889, 34, Panama. 

Loricaria aurea Steindachner, Anz. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1900, 206, 
Rio Magdalena. 

Loricaria frenata Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, IX, 1902, 
69, northwestern Ecuador. JL. aurea and L. frenata are extralimital 
and may not belong here. 

Oxyloricaria dariensis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1913, 81, Rio Tuyra and Rio Bayano Basins, Panama. 

1234. Oxyloricaria citurensis Meek and Hildebrand. 
Rio Bayano and Rio Tuyra Basins, Panama. 
Oxyloricaria citurensis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1913, 82, Pl. XII, loc. cit., 1916, Rio Cituro, Panama. 


Order Z. INIOMI 
Family 99. SYNODONTIDZ. Lizardfishes 

Trachinocephalus Gill, Cat. Fish. East Coast N. Amer., Suppl., Proce. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 53 (Saurus myops Cuvier and 

1235. va eas myops (Forster). Ground spearing; Lagarto; Snake- 


Tropical parts of the western Atlantic; West Indies and Brazil to 
coast of South Carolina; occasionally northward to Woods Hole. 

Salmo myops Forster, in Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 421, 
St. Helena. 

Osmerus lemniscatus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 236, Mar- 
tinique; after Plumier. 

Saurus truncatus Agassiz, Pisce. Brasil., 1828, 82, Brazil. 

Saurus brevirostris Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 305, Cuba; erroneously 
stated to have 10 rays. 

Genus 404. SYNODUS Gronow. Lizardfishes. 
Synodus Gronow, in Scopoli, Int. Hist. Nat., 1777, 449 (GS. synedus L.). 
Tirus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 56 (7. marmoratus Rafinesque= 
Esox synodus Linnzus). 
Saurus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, 1817, 169 (Salmo saurus Linneeus). 
Alpismaris Risso, Europ. Mérid., III, 1826, 458 (A. risso Risso, very 

1236. Synodus synodus (Linnus). 
Coast of Brazil and Lesser Antilles. 
?Esox synodus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 516, America; based 
on Synodus of Gronow. 

1237. Synodus saurus (Linneus). Tarentola; Lacerto; Tiru. 

Coasts of southern Europe and neighboring islands, recorded by Doctor 
Goode from the Bermudas. 

Salmo saurus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, 1766, 511, Mediterranean; 
after Artedi. 

Saurus griseus Lowe, Trans., Zool. Soc. Lond., II, 1841, 188, Madeira. 

Saurida mediterranea Swainson, Nat. Hist. Anim., II, 1839, 287, Medi- 
terranean; name only. 

Tirus marmoratus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 56, Palermo. 

Alpismaris risso Risso, Europ. Mérid., III, 1826, 458; very young. 

Synodus lacerta Goode, Bull., U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1876, 68, Bermuda 
specimen; not of Risso. 

1238. Synodus fetens (Linneus). Lizardfish; Ga!lwasp; Lagarto; Soapfish. 

Cape Cod to Brazil, very common from South Carolina southward on 
sandy coasts. 

Salmo fetens Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 513, South Carolina. 

Osmerus albidus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 229, Carolinas; 
after Linnzeus. 

Coregonus ruber Lacépéde, loc. cit., 263, Martinique; after Plumier. 

Esoxz salmoneus Mitchill, Trans., Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 442, 
New York. 

Saurus longirostris Agassiz, Spix. Pise. Brasil., 1828, pl. 48, Brazil. 

Saurus mexicanus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, 1829, 314, Mexico. 

Saurus spixianus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 304, Cuba. 

1239. Synodus lucioceps (Ayres). 
San Francisco to Santa Barbara, rather common in summer. 
Saurus lucioceps Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 69, San 

1240. Synodus jenkinsi Jordan and Bollman. 
Gulf of California to Galapagos Islands in 16 to 33 fathoms; common. 
Synodus jenkinsi Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1889, 153, off coast of Colombia, Galapagos Islands, 














Synodus scituliceps Jordan and Gilbert. 
Cape San Lucas to Panama. 
Synodus scituliceps Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
344, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Synodus lacertinus Gilbert. 
Acapuleo, Mexico; one specimen known. 
Synodus lacertinus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 55, 
Acapulco, Mexico. 

Synodus poeyi Jordan. 
Cuba; abundant. 
Synodus poeyi Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., LX, 1886, 526, Habana. 

Synodus intermedius (Agassiz). Sand-diver. 
Coast of southern Florida to Brazil; not rare. 
Saurus intermedius Agassiz, Spix, Pisce. Brasil., 1828, 81, Brazil. 
Saurus anolis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X XII, 1849, 
483, Bahia, Martinique. 

Synodus evermanni Jordan and Bollman. 
Mazatlan to coast of Colombia; abundant. 
Synodus evermanni Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1889, 152, Pacific Ocean off coast of Colombia in 33 fathoms. 

Synodus simulans Garman. 
Off Cocos Island. 
Synodus simulans Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 251, 
Pl. L, fig. 3; towings at surface off Cocos Island. 

Synodus acutus Garman. 
Off Panama. 
Synodus acutus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 252, 
off coast of Panama. 

Genus 405. BATHYSAURUS Giinther. 
Bathysaurus Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, II, 1878, 181 (B. 
ferox Giinther). 

Bathysaurus agassizii Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream, in deep water. 
Bathysaurus agassizii Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, 
1882, No. 5, 215, Gulf Stream, 33° N., in 647 fathoms. 

Bathysaurus mollis Giinther. 

Southern Pacific to coast of Lower California. 

Found off Lower California, 23° N., 1,760 fathoms (only N. Amer. 
record; Townsend and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus Nat. Hist., LII, 
1925, 10). 

Bathysaurus mollis Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5th ser., II, 1878, 
182, middle of South Pacific off Yeddo, in 1,875 and 2,385 fathoms. 

Genus 406. BATHYLACO Goode and Bean. 
Bathylaco Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 57 (B. nigricans Goode 
and Bean). 

Bathylaco nigricans Goode and Bean. 
Gulf of Mexico; off Santa Cruz, at a depth of 2,393 fathoms; a single 
specimen known. 
Bathylaco nigricans Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 57, fig. 69, 
off Santa Cruz, Mexico. 

Genus 407. SAURIDA Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Saurida Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X XII, 1849, 499 
(Salmo tumbil Bloch). 

Saurida nebulosa Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
West Indies north to St. Eustatius. 
Saurida nebulosa Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XXII, 
1849, 504, pl. 649. 



Genus 408. CHLOROPTHALMUS Bonaparte. 
Chloropthalmus Bonaparte, Icon. Fauna Italiea, III, 1834, 144 (C. 
agassizi Bonaparte). 
Hyphalonedrus Goode, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 483 (H. chaly- 
beiws Goode). 

1252. ChJoropthalmus agassizii Bonaparte. 
Atlantic and Mediterranean; western Atlantic. 
Chloropthalmus agassizii Bonaparte, Fauna Italica, 1840, pl. 121, Italy. 

1253. Chloropthalmus chalybeius (Goode). 
Gulf Stream, in from 85 to 167 fathoms. 
Hyphalonedrus chalybeius Goode, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880 (Feb. 
16, 1881), 484, Gulf Stream off Rhode Island. 

1254. Chloropthalmus truculentus Goode and Bean. 
One specimen, Blake station LII, off Barbados. 
Chloropthalmus truculentus Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 61, 
fig. 72, off Barbados in 158 fathoms. 

1255. Chloropthalmus mento Garman. 
Off Panama. 
Chloropthalmus mento Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
254, 3, Pl. LIV, figs. 1-le, Albatross stations 3385, 3386, and 3389 
in 210 to 286 fathoms. 

Family 101. SUDIDZ 

Genus 409. SUDIS Rafinesque. 
Sudis Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 60 (S. hyalina Rafinesque). 

1256. Sudis ringens Jordan and Gilbert. 

Santa Barbara Channel, Calif., the only specimen known taken from 
the stomach of a hake, itself found in the stomach of a long-finned 
albicore (Germo). 

Sudis ringens Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 
273, Santa Barbara Channel. 

1257. Sudis intermedius (Poey). 
Matanzas, Cuba; one specimen known. 
Paralepis intermedius Poey, Repertorio, II, 1867, 416, Mantanzas, 

Genus 410. ARCTOZENUS Gill. 
Arctozenus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 188 (Paralepis 
borealis Reinhardt). 

1258. Arctozenus borealis (Reinhardt). 
Deep waters of Arctic America. 
Paralepis borealis Reinhardt, Vidensk. Selsk. Naturv. Math. Afhandl., 
VII, 1832, 115, Greenland. 

1259. Arctozenus coruscans (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Puget Sound; one specimen known. 
Paralepis coruscans Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 411, Port Townsend, Wash. 

Genus 411. PARALEPIS Risso. 
Paralepis Risso, in Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, 1817 (Coregonus paralepis 
Risso= Paralepis coregonoides Risso). 

1260. Paralepis coregonoides Risso. 
Mediterranean, rare; Gulf stream at Albatross station 2393. 
Paralepis coregonoides Risso, Europ. Mérid., III, 1826, 472, Pl. VII, 
fig. 15, Nice. 

1261. Paralepis barracudina Fowler and Phillips. 
Coast of New Jersey. 
Paralepis barracudina Fowler and Phillips, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Phila., LXII, 1910, 403, with figure, Corsons Inlet, Cape May 
County, N. J. 


Genus 412. LESTIDIOPS Hubbs. 
Lestidiops Hubbs, Univ. Calif..Publ. Zool., XVI, 1916, 154 (L. sphy- 
renops Hubbs). 

1262. Lestidiops sphyrenops Hubbs. 
Lestidiops sphyrenops Hubbs, Univ. Calif. Pub. Zool., XVI, 1916, 155, 
pl. 18, Avalon Bay, Santa Catalina Island. 


Genus 413. BATHYPTEROIS Giinther. 
Bathypterois Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, II, 1878, 83 (B. 
longifilis Ginther). 
Synapteretmus Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 64 (Bathypterois 
quadrifilis Giinther). 

Subgenus SYNAPTERETMUS Goode and Bean. 

1263. Bathypterois quadrifilis Giinther. 
Brazil; St. Vincent. 
Bathypterois quadrifilis Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 1878, 184, 
off coast of Brazil in 500 to 770 fathoms. 

1264. Bathypterois pectoralis Garman. 
Off Central America in deep water. 
Bathypterois pectoralis Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 257, Pl. K, fig. 1, Albatross stations 3376, 3393, 3407, and 3431 
in 885 to 1,132 fathoms. 

1265. Bathypterois ventralis Garman. 
Off west coast of Mexico. 
Bathypterois ventralis Garman, Mem., Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, Pl. LV, fig. 1, 256, Albatross stations 3418 and 3425 in 660 
to 680 fathoms. 


Genus 414. BENTHOSAURUS Goode and Bean. 
Benthosaurus Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XII, 1886, 
No. 5, 168 (B. grallator Goode and Bean). 

1266. Benthosaurus grallator Goode and Bean. 
Gulf of Mexico and Gulf Stream, in lat. 24° 33’ N., long. 84° 23’ W., 
and lat. 39° 3’ 15’’ N., long 70° 50’ 45’’ W. 
Benthosaurus grallator Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XII, 
1886, No. 5, 168, Gulf Stream. 

Family 104. MYCTOPHIDA.*” Lanternfishes 

Genus 415. MACROSTOMA Risso. 
Macrostoma Risso, Europ. Meérid., III, 1826, 447 (Macrostoma angust- 
idens Risso); not Macrostomus Wied., a genus of insects. 
Notoscopelus Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 405 (Lampanyctus resplendens 
Richardson), to replace Macrostoma, regarded as preoccupied. 
Catablemella Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., III, 
1890, 3, 24, (C. brachychir EKigenmann and Higenmann). 

1267. Macrostoma angustidens Risso. Prickfish; Maire d’ Amplora. 
Atlantic and Indian Oceans, Norway and Greenland. 
Macrostoma angustidens Risso, Europ. Mérid., III, 1826, 448, off Nice. 

1268. Macrostoma quercinum (Goode and Bean). 
Western Atlantic; Mediterranean. 
Notoscopelus quercinus Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 88, 
fig. 97, Grand Banks, Newfoundland. 

1269. Macrostoma margaritiferum (Goode and Bean). 
Grand Banks of Newfoundland. 
Notoscopelus margaritiferus Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 84, 
fig. 98, off Banquereau. 

% Several species recently described as Myctophum may prove to belong to other genera, 


1270. Macrostoma castaneum (Goode and Bean). 
Grand Banks. 
Notoscopelus castaneus Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 84, 
fig. 95, Grand Banks, Newfoundland. 

Genus 416. CERATOSCOPELUS Giinther. 
ed de Giinther, Cat., V, 1864, 405 and 412 (Scopelus madeirensis 

1271. Ceratoscopelus madeirensis (Lowe). ° 
Atlantic and Mediterranean; west to the Grand Banks. 
Scopelus madeirensis Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1839, 87, Madeira. 

Genus 417. LAMPANYCTUS Bonaparte. 
Lampanyctus Bonaparte, Fauna Italica, Fase. X XVII, 1840 (L. bona- 
partei Bonaparte). 

1272. Lampanyctus guntheri Goode and Bean. 
Grand Banks. 
Lampanyctus guntheri Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 79, fig. 90, 
Grand Banks. 

1273. Lampanyctus gemmifer Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Lampanyctus gemmifer Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 80, 
ze oS Grand Banks, in lat. 39° 40’ N., long. 71° 35’ W., in 538 

1274. Lampanyctus lacerta Goode and Bean. 
Gulf of Mexico. 
Lampanyctus lacerta Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 81, fig. 89, 
Gulf of Mexico, in lat. 28° 38’ 30’’ N., long. 85° 52’ 30’” W. 

1275. Lampanyctus ritteri Gilbert. 
Coast of California; Monterey Bay; San Clemente. 
Lampanyctus ritteri Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLVII, 1915, 318, 
pl. 15, fig. 3, Monterey Bay; San Clemente Island, Calif. 

Genus 418. NYCTIMASTER Jordan. 
Nyctimaster Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., LIX, 1921, 645 (Lampanyc- 
tus jordani Gilbert). 
Most of the species hitherto referred to Lampanyctus, having the scales 
of the lateral line not larger than the others, should be referred to 

1276. Nyctimaster townsendi (Migenmann and Eigenmann). 
Cortez Banks near San Diego, in 45 fathoms. 
Myctophum townsendi Kigenmann and Eigenmann, West Amer. Sci- 
entist, 1889, 125, Cortez Banks, off San Diego, Calif. 

1277. Nyctimaster alatus (Goode and Bean). 
Gulf of Mexico. 
Lampanyctus alatus Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 79, Gulf 

Genus 419. LAMPADENA Goode and Bean. 
Lampadena Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 85 (L. speculigera 
Goode and Bean). 

1278. Lampadena speculigera Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Lampadena speculigera Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 85, 
fig. 99, Gulf Stream, lat. 39° 48’ N., long. 70° 36’ W., in 551 fathoms. 

Genus 420. NANNOBRACHIUM Giinther. 
Nannobrachium Giinther, Deep Sea Fishes, Challenger, 1887, 199, (N. 
nigrum Giinther). 

1279. Nannobrachium nannochir (Gilbert). 
Alaska to Santa Barbara Islands, in deep water. 
Myctophum nannochir Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 51, 
off Washington, Albatross stations 2925, 3072, and others, in 266 to 
685 fathoms, 














Nannobrachium leucopsarum (EKigenmann and Eigenmann). 
Pacific coast of America, from Alaska to San Diego. 
Myctophum (Stenobrachius) leucopsarum Kigenmann and Eigenmann, 
Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., III, 1890, 5, off Point Loma, Calif., 
in stomachs of Sebastodes. 

Nannobrachium macdonaldi Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Nannobrachium macdonaldi Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 94, 
fig. 110, Gulf Stream. 

Nannobrachium regale (Gilbert). 
Santa Barbara Channel, in deep water. 
Myctophum regale Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 544, 
Santa Barbara Channel, Albatross station 2923, in 822 fathoms. 

Nannobrachium mexicanum (Gilbert). 
Coast of Lower California, in deep water. 
Myctophum mexicanum Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 51, 
off Lower California, at Albatross stations 8008 and 3009 in 306 
and 857 fathoms. 

Genus 421. A THOPRORA Goode and Bean. 
Athoprora Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 86 (Scopelus meto- 
poclampus Cocco). 

Z#Ethoprora effulgens Goode and Bean. 
Western Atlantic. 
Zthoprora effulgens Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 87, fig. 
103, Browns Bank and Albatross station 2127, 19° 45’ N., 75° W., 
in 689 fathoms. 

Zthoprora lucida Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Aithoprora lucida Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 87, fig. 102, 
Gulf Stream, lat. 19° 45’ N., long. 75° 4’ W. 

Genus 422. COLLETTIA Goode and Bean. 
Collettia Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 88 (Myctophum rafinesquet 

Collettia rafinesquei (Cocco). 
Mediterranean and Atlantic; Gulf Stream off the New England coast. 
Nyctophus rafinesquei Cocco, Alcuni Salmon, etc., 1820, 20, Messina. 

Collettia nocturna (Poey). 
Coast of Cuba. 
Myctophum nocturnum Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 426, Cuba. 

Genus 423. DIAPHUS Eigenmann and Eigenmann. 
Diaphus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., 
III, 1890, 3 (Scopelus engraulis Giimther). 

Diaphus theta Higenmann and Eigenmann. 
Point Loma, near San Diego, Calif., to coast of Oregon. 
Diaphus theta Eigenmann and Kigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sei., 
2d. ser., III, March, 1890, 4, Point Loma, near San Diego. 
Myctophum protoculus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 52, 
July 2, coast of Washington, in 584 fathoms, Albatross station 3072, 
in 584 fathoms. 

Genus 424. RHINOSCOPELUS Liitken. 
Rhinoscopelus Liitken, Vidensk. Selsk. Naturv. Copenhagen, VII, 
1892, 237 (Scopelus coccoi Cocco). 
Alysia Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1839, 87 (A. loricata Lowe= 
Scopelus coccoi Cocco; name preoccupied). 

Rhinoscopelus andrew (Liitken). 

Open Atlantic and Indian Ocean; Gulf Stream. 

Scopelus andrex Liitken, Spolia Atlantica, 1892, 25, North Atlantic. 
Rhinoscopelus rarus (Liitken). 

Open Atlantic, west to 50° W., 33° N. 

Scopelus rarus Liitken, Spolia Atlantica, II, 1892, 26, North Atlantic. 












Rhinoscopelus coccoi (Cocco). 
West Atlantic, Gulf Stream, Mediterranean, ranging from Newfound- 
land to Africa. 
Scopelus coccot Cocco, Giorn. Sci. Litt. Art. Sicilia (No. 77), Palermo, 
1829, 143 (‘‘Scopelo de Cocco’’), Palermo. 
Alysia loricata Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1839, 87, Madeira. 

Genus 425. MYCTOPHUM Rafinesque. Laniternfishes. 
Myctophum Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 56 (M. punctatum Rafinesque). 
Scopelus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, 1817, 56 (Gasteropelecus humboldtit 
Nyctophus Cocco, Giorn. Sci. Litt. Art. Sicil., 1829, 44 (N. rafinesquet, 
substitute for Myctophum). 

Myctophum punctatum Rafinesque. 
Warmer parts of the Atlantic, Grand Banks, and from the Gulf Stream 
to the Mediterranean. 
Myctophum punctatum Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 56, Pl. II, fig. 5, 
Scopelinus caninianus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XXII, 1849, 445, coast of Italy. 

Myctophum affine (Liitken). 

Open Atlantic west to 63° W., 38° N., and in the open Pacific. Perhaps 
more than one species included. 

Scopelus affine Liitken, Spolia Atlantica, II, 1892, 32, open Atlantic. 

Myctophum nitidulum Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 266, Pl. LVI, fig. 3, lat. 27° 50’ N., long. 145° 45’ 30’’ W. 

Rhinoseopelus oceanicus Jordan and Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., 
XX, 1902, 168, Hawaiian Islands. 

Myctophum margaritatum Gilbert, loc. cit., X XIII, pt. 2, 1905, p. 596, 
pl. 68, fig. 2, off south coast of Molokai, Hawaiian Islands. 

Myctophum humboldti (Risso). 
Open seas, Mediterranean, and Atlantic on both shores. 
Gasteropelecus humboldtii Risso, Ichth. Nice, 1810, 358, Nice. 

Myctophum californiense EKigenmann and Eigenmann. 
ortez Banks, San Diego, Calif. 
?Myctophum boops Richardson, Voy. Erebus and Terror, 1845, 39, 
open sea between Australia and New Zealand. 
Myctophum californiense Eigenmann and Eigenmann, West Amer. 
Scientist, Nov. 9, 1889, 124, San Diego, Calif. 

Myctophum gracile (Liitken). 
pen Atlantic, west to 48° W., 23° N. 
Scopelus gracilis Liitken, Spolia Atlantica, II, 1892, 35, open Atlantic. 
?Myctophum hians Richardson, Voy. Erebus and Terror, 1845, 41, pl. 
27, open sea, locality unknown. 

Myctophum benoiti (Cocco). 
Mediterranean to Norway and Greenland. 
Scopelus benoiti Cocco, Lett. su Salmon., 1838, 12, pl. 2, fig. 4, Messina. 

Myctophum hygomi (Liitken). 
North Atlantic, occasional in our waters. 
Scopelus hygomi Liitken, Spolia Atlantica, 1892, 257, North Atlantic. 
Sir ON remiger Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 75, western 

Myctophum oculeum Garman. 
ff Panama in deep water. 
Myctophum oculeum Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
260, Pl. LVI, fig. 2, numerous stations of the Albatross. 

Myctophum atratum Garman. 
Off western Mexico in the open sea. 
Myctophum atratum Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
268, Albatross station 3433, lat. 25° 26’ 15’’ N., long. 109° 48’ W., in 
1,218 fathoms. 












Myctophum laternatum Garman. 
Off Pacific coast of Mexico in open sea. 
Myctophum laternatum Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., X XIV, 1899, 
267, Pl. LVI, fig. 7, several stations of the Albatross. 

Myctophum aurolaternatum Garman. 
Off Panama. 
Myctophum aurolaternatum Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 264, Pl. LV, fig. 3, Albatross station 3382, lat. 6° 21’ N., long. 
80° 41’ W. at surface. 

Myctophum luminosum Garman. 
Off Panama. 
Myctophum luminosum Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 263, Pl. LV, fig. 2, Albatross station 3042, lat. 0° 57’ 30’’ S., 
long. 89° 3’ 30’’ W., in 421 fathoms. 

Myctophum tenuiculum Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Myctophum tenuiculum Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
262, pl. 5, fig. 5, Albatross station 3382, lat. 6° 21’ N., 80° 41’ W., 

at surface. 

Genus 426. BENTHOSEMA Goode and Bean. 
Bemoen: Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 76 (Scopelus mueller 

Benthosema arcticum (Liitken). 
Davis Straits, Greenland. 
Scopelus arcticus Liitken, Spolia Atlantica, 1892, 29, Davis Straits. 

Benthosema mulleri (Gmelin). 
North Atlantic, occasional from Norway to Greenland, more abundant 
southward to South Carolina; probably always in very deep water. 
Salmo miilleri Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1788, 1378, Norway; after Strom. 
Scopelus glacialis Reinhardt, Overs, 1835, 36, Greenland. 

Genus 427. SCOPELENGYS Alcock. 
Scopelengys Alcock, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, VI, 1890, 302 (S. 
tristis Alcock). 

Scopelengys dispar Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Scopelengys dispar Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
254, Pl. LIV, figs. 2-2d, Albatross stations 3353, 3360, 3382, and 
3383, in from 695 to 1,832 fathoms. 

Genus 428. TARLETONBEANIA Eigenmann and Eigenmann. 
Tarletonbeania Eigenmann and Higenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., IV, 
1891, 6 (7. tenua Eigenmann and Eigenmann). 

Tarletonbeania crenularis (Jordan and Gilbert). 

San Diego and vicinity. 

Myctophum crenulare Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 274, Santa Barbara, Calif. 

Myctophum procellarium Bean, in Jordan and Gilbert, loc. cit., 467, off 
Straits of Fuca. 

Tarletonbeania tenua Kigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., IV, 1890, 7, Coronado Islands near San Diego, Calif. 

Family 105. IPNOPIDZ 

Genus 429. IPNOPS Giinther. 

Ipnops Ginther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 1878, 187 (I. murrayi 

Ipnops murrayi Giinther. 

Bottom fish, at about 2,000 fathoms; coast of Brazil, Tristan da Cunha, 
Celebes, in tropical America (24° 36’ N., 84° W.) and off Bequia, 
Windward Islands. 

Ipnops murrayi Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 1878, 187, coast 
of Brazil, etc. 


1310. Ipnops agassizi Garman. 
Pacific coast of Central America in deep water. 
Ipnops agassizii Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 259, 
Pl. H, figs. 2, 2a, Albatross station 3413, lat. 2° 34’ N., long. 92° 6’ 
W., in 1,360 fathoms. 

Family 106. OMOSUDIDZ 

Genus 480. OMOSUDIS Giinther. 
Omosudis Giinther, Challenger Rept., X XII, 1887, 201 (O. lowii Giin- 

1311. Omosudis lowii Giinther. 
Open sea; Gulf Stream at Albatross station 2392. 
Omosudis lowii Giinther, Challenger Rept., X XII, 1887, 201, pl. 52, figs. 
C, C’, Philippine Islands, Magdalena. 

Family 107. ALEPISAURIDAZ. Handsawfishes 

Genus 431. ALEPISAURUS Lowe. 

Plagyodus Steller, in Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 383 (no 
type named, doubtless P. xsculapius Bean); given in oblique form 
only, as Plagyodontem. 

Alepisaurus Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., I, 1833 (A. feror Lowe). 

1312. Alepisaurus ferox Lowe. Lancetfish. 
Deep waters of the Atlantic; occasional off the coasts of Nova Scotia, 
Massachusetts, and on the Grand Banks. 
Alepisaurus feroxr Lowe, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., I, 1833, 395, Madeira. 
Alepisaurus azureus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X XII, 
1849, 530, Canaries. 

1313. Alepisaurus esculapius (Bean). Wolfish; Subotka. 
Coast of Alaska southward to California. 
ae ee Steller in Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso.—Asiat., III, 1811, 383, Kurile 
Alepidosaurus xsculapius Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 661, 
Tliuliuk, Unalaska. 

Genus 432. CAULOPUS Gill. Handsawfishes. 
Caulopus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 128 (Alepido- 
saurus borealis Gill). 

1314. Caulopus altivelis (Poey). 
Cuba, in deep water. 
Alepisaurus altivelis Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 302, Cuba. 
Alepidosaurus (Caulopus) poeyi Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 
1862, 131, Cuba. 

1315. Caulopus borealis (Gill). Handsawfish; Serra. 
Pacific coast of America from Alaska to Puget Sound. 
Alepidosaurus borealis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
128, Puget Sound. 
Alepidosaurus serra Gill, loc. cit., 129, ‘‘Monterey, Lower California.’ 



Genus 433. RONDELETIA Goode and Bean. 
Rondeletia Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XVII, 1894, 454 
(R. bicolor Goode and Bean). 

1316. Rondeletia bicolor Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Rondeletia bicolor Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVII, 1894 
(1895), 454, pl. 17, fig. 7, and Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 68, fig. 77, at 
Albatross station 2724 in 1,641 fathoms. 


Family 109. CETOMIMIDZ 

Genus 484. CETOMIMUS Goode and Bean. 
Cetomimus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XVII, 1894, 453 
(C. gillii Goode and Bean). 

1317. Cetomimus gillii Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Cetomimus gillii Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVII, 1894 
(1895), 452, pl. 17, fig. 2, and in Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 69, fig. 78, 
Gulf Stream, in lat. 39° 35’ N., long. 71° 24’ 30’ W. 

1318. Cetomimus storeri Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Cetomimus storeri Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XVII, 1894 
(1895), 453, pl. 17, fig. 3, and in Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 69, fig. 79, 
Gulf Stream at Albatross station 2222 in 1,535 fathoms. 


Family 110. DALLIIDZA. Alaska blackfish 

Genus 435. DALLIA Bean. 
Dallia Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 358 (D. pectoralis Bean). 

1319. Dallia pectoralis Bean. Alaska blackfish; Charnia ryba. 
Streams and ponds of northern Alaska and Siberia. 
Dallia pectoralis Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 358, St. 
Michaels, Alaska. 
Umbra delicatissima Smitt, Offer. Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Forh. Arg., 
Stockholm, 1881, 38, pl. 5, fig. 1, Pittlekag, Siberia. 

Family 111. ESOCIDZ. Pikes 

Genus 436. ESOX Linneus. 

Esox Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 313 (#. lucius Linnzus). 

Lucius Geoffroy, Descr. de 719 Plantes, etc., 1767, 407 (EHsox lucius 

Lucius Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 59 (Hsox lucius Linneus=L. vorar 

Picorellus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 70 (EH sox vittatus Rafinesque, 
a mythical species). 

Mascalongus Jordan, Klippart’s rept., Ohio Fish Com., 1878, 92 (Esox 
masquinongy Mitchill= Hsox nobilior Thompson). 
enoza Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
626 (Esox americanus Gmelin). 

Subgenus MASCALONGUS Jordan. 

1320. Esox masquinongy Mitchill. Muskallunge,** Muskellunge; Maskinongy; 

Muscalonge; Great pike. 

Great Lakes region; Upper Mississippi Valley and northward. 

Esox masquinongy Mitchill, ‘‘ Mirror,’”’ 1824, 297, Lake Erie. 

Esox masquinongy Mitchill, in Kirtland, Fishes of Ohio, 1838, 194, 
Lake Erie. 

Esox nobilior Thompson, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., III, 1850, 163, 
Lake Champlain. 

Esox nobilis Kirtland, Proc. Cleveland Acad. Nat. Sci., 1854, 84, Lake 
Erie; name a slip of the pen for Hsox nobilior. 

1321. Esox masquinongy ohiensis Kirtland. 
Ohio River and its tributaries; Chautauqua Lake, N. Y. 
Esox salmoneus Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., III, 1818, 447, Ohio 
River; not Esox salmoneus Mitchill 1815=Synodus fetens. 
Esox ohiensis Kirtland, Proc. Cleveland Acad. Nat. Sci., Feb. 7, 1854, 
Mahoning River, Ohio. 

33 The common names of the fishes of the pike family, and of the pike perches, with which they are con- 
fused, are too numerous to be given here. As Weed, who gives many of them (Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool. leaflet No. 9, 1927) remarks, ‘‘There are as many as 80 names for 1 fish and 7 fish for one name.” 


1322. Esox masquinongy immaculatus Garrard. Great northern pike. 
Lakes of Wisconsin and Minnesota. 
Esox immaculatus Garrard, MS.; noticed in various fishing journals; 
Eagle Lake, northern Wisconsin. 

Subgenus ESOX Linneus. 

1323. Esox estor * LeSueur. American pike. 

Northern North America; eastern United States south to New York 
and the Ohio River. 

Esox estor LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1818, 413, Lake 
Erie at Buffalo. 

??Esox vittatus Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., III, 1818, 447, Ohio 
River; mythical; described from hearsay. 

??Esox australis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XVII, 
1846, 323, locality unknown; thought to be Van Diemen’s Land 

Esox depraudus LeSueur in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XVIII, 1846, 336, Wabash River, New Harmony, Ind. 

Esozx lugubris LeSueur, loc. cit., 338, Crab Orchard, Ky. 

Esox boreus Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 317, Lake Superior. 

Esox lucoides Agassiz and Girard, in Herbert Forrester’s Fish and 
Fishing, 1850, 154, Lake Superior. 

Subgenus KENOZA Jordan and Evermann. 

1324. Esox niger LeSueur. JHastern pickerel; Green pike; Jack. 

Massachusetts to Florida, in lowland streams and swamps. 

Esox reticulatus LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1818, 414, 
Connecticut River, Adams, Mass.; Philadelphia; name preoccupied 
in Europe. 

?Esox phaleratus Say in LeSueur, loc. cit., 416, St. Augustine, Fla.; 

Esoz niger LeSueur, loc. cit., 415, South Carolina. 

rae i a ne Mitchill, ‘‘ Mirror,” 1825, 361, Oneida Lake, 

1325. Esox vermiculatus LeSueur. Little pickerel; Grass pike. 

Mississippi Valley and tributaries of Lake Erie and Lake Michigan, 
south to Mississippi and Arkansas. 

Esox vermiculatus LeSueur in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. 
Poiss., XVIII, 1846, 333, Wabash River, New Harmony, Ind. 

Esox lineatus LeSueur, loc. cit., 335, Wabash River, New Harmony, Ind. 

Esox crassus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, 1854, 308, Tennessee 
River, Huntsville, Ala. 

Esox umbrosus Kirtland, Proc. Cleveland Acad. Nat. Sci., 1854, 79, 
small Bay of Rocky River, Rockport, near Cleveland, Ohio. 

Esox cypho Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVII, 1865, 78, Water- 
ford, Oakland County, Mich. 

Esox porosus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XIII, 1866, 408, 
Waterford, Oakland County, Mich.; substitute for cypho regarded 
as an inept name. 

1326. Esox americanus Gmelin. Barred pickerel. 

Esox lucius americanus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1788, 1390, Long Island, 
N. Y.; after Schopf. 

Esox scomberius Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., 1818, 322, Murderers 
Creek, N. Y. 

Esoz fasciatus DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 224, Murderers 
Creek and other streams near New York. 

Esoz ornatus Girard, ‘‘ Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., V, 1854, 41,” Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XXXVII, 1885, 369, 41; Charles River, 

Esox Se Holbrook, Ichth. South Carolina, 1860, 201, Charleston, 
8. C. 

4 Not clearly separated from Hsoz l/ucius L. of Europe. * 



Family 112. UMBRIDA. Mud minnows 

Genus 437. UMBRA Miiller. 
Umbra Kramer, MS., in Miller, Anim. Austr. Infer., 1756; Miller, 
Abhandl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1842, 188 (crameri). 
Melanura Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVI, 1853, 135 (M. annulata 
Agassiz, not EHzxoglossum annulatum Rafinesque, etc.=Leuciscus 
pygmzxus DeKay). 

1327. Umbra limi (Kirtland). Mud minnow; Dogfish. 

Great Lakes region and upper Mississippi Valley in weedy streams 
and ponds; Lake Champlain to Minnesota. A hardy and attractive 
aquarium fish. 

Hydrargira lima Kirtland, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., III, 1840, 277, streams 
in northern Ohio. 

Hydrargyra fusca Thompson, Hist. Vermont, 1842, 137, Lake Champlain. 

Hydrargira atricauda DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 220, Lake 

1328. Umbra pygmea (DeKay). Striped mud minnow; Eastern mud minnow. 

Lowland streams and swamps coastwise, from Long Island to the 
Neuse River, N. C.; locally abundant. 

Leuciscus pygmeus DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 214, Tappan, 
Rockland County, N. Y. 

Fundulus fuscus Ayres, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., IV, 1843, 296, Brook- 
haven, Long Island. 

Umbra pygmea bilineata Shufeldt, Aquatic Life, July, 1917, tributaries 
of Chesapeake Bay; slight color variation. 

Order DD. CYPRINODONTES. (Microcyprini) 
Family 118. CYPRINODONTID2. Killifishes 

Genus 438. PROFUNDULUS Hubbs. 
Profundulus Hubbs, Mise. Pub. 13, Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., Jan. 18, 
1924, 12 (Fundulus punctatus Ginther). 

1329. Profundulus punctatus (Giinther). 
Southern Mexico and Central America in streams and lakes, south to 
Fundulus punctatus Ginther, Cat., VI, 1866, 320, Chiapas. 
Fundulus guatemalensis Giinther, loc. cit., 321, Lake Duenas. 
Fundulus pachycephalus Ginther, loc. cit., 321, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. 

1330. Profundulus labialis (Giinther). 
Rivers of Guatemala in Atlantic drainage, Lake Yzabal, Rio Chisoy 
and Rio San Geronimo. 
Fundulus labialis Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 319, Rio San Geronimo, 
Guatemala, Yzabal. 

1331. Profundulus oaxace (Meek). 
Streams of Oaxaca, Mexico. 
Fundulus oaxace Meek, Pub., Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 90, 
Oaxaca, Mexico. 

1332. Profundulus candalarius Hubbs. 
Profundulus candalarius Hubbs, Misc. Pub. 13, Mus. Zool., Univ. 
Mich., Jan. 18, 1924, 15, Candalaria, Guatemala, Rio Chiapas Basin, 
Atlantic drainage. 

Genus 439. CUBANICHTHYS Hubbs. 
Cubanichthys Hubbs, Mise. Pub. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., No. 16, 
July 9, 1926, 4 (Fundulus cubensis Kigenmann). 

1333. Cubanichthys cubensis (Eigenmann). 
Streams of Pinar del Rio, Cuba. 
Fundulus cubensis Eigenmann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XXII, 1902 
(1903), 222, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. 

Genus 440. LEPTOLUCANIA Myers. 
Leptolucania Myers, Amer. Mus. Novitates, June 6, 1924, 8 (Heterandria 
ommata Jordan=Zygonectes mannit Hay). 


1334. Leptolucania ommata (Jordan). 
Florida; Indian River and Santa Fe River, and their tributaries. 
Heterandria ommata Jordan, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 323, 
Indian River, Fla. 
Bugorecies mannii Hay, loc. cit., VIII, 1885, 555, Yellow Water River, 

Genus 441. CHRIOPEOPS Fowler. 
Chriopeops Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LX VIII, 1916, 425 
(Lucania goodei Jordan). 

1335. Chriopeops goodei (Jordan). 
Waters of the Florida Everglades; locally abundant. 
Lucania goodei Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 240, Arlington 
River, Fla., a tributary of the St. Johns. 

Genus 442. LUCANIA Girard. 
Lucania Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 118 (Limia 
venusta Girard); not Lucanus, a genus of beetles. 

1336. Lucania parva (Baird and Girard). Rainwaterfish; Little killifish. 
Atlantic coast from Connecticut to Key West, Texas, and Mexico. 
Cyprinodon parvus Baird and Girard, Ninth Smithson. Rept., 1854 
(1855), 345, Long Island. 

Limia venusta Girard, U. S. Mex. Bound. Surv., Ichth., 1859, 71, pl. 
39, figs. 20-23, Indianola, Tex. 

Lucania affinis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 118, 
Matamoras, Mexico. 

Genus 443. FUNDULUS Lacépéde. 

Fundulus Lacépéde, Hist..Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 37 (Fundulus mudfish 
Lacépéde=Cobitis heteroclita Linn us). 

Hydrargyra Lacépéde, loc. cit., 378 (H. swampina Lacépéde =F undulus 
majalis Walbaum). 

Borborys (Broussonet) Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VIII, 
1885, 205 (Cobitis heteroclitus Linnzus). 

Gambusinus Jordan and Evermann, Fish. North and Mid. Amer., 
1896, 633 (Fundulus rathbuni Jordan and Meek). 

Galasaccus Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LX VIII, 1916, 417 
(Hydrargyra similis Baird and Girard). 

1337. Fundulus heteroclitus (Linneus). Common killifish; Minnow; Pike 

minnow; Mummichog; Mud-minnow; Muddabbler; Cobbler. 

Coast of Maine to the Rio Grande; Gulf coast; common in brackish 

ae is heteroclita Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 500, Charleston, 

Pecilia cenicola Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 452, Carolinas. 

Fundulus mudfish Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 37, Carolinas. 

Hydrargyra swampina Lacépéde, loe. cit., 378, South Carolina. 

Fundulus nisorius Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XI, 1870, 456, 
reported from Gaboon, West Africa, appears to be heteroclitus, wrong 

1338. Fundulus heteroclitus fonticola Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
West Indies. 
Fundulus fonticola Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X VIII, 
1846, 148 (198), mountain springs of Porto Rico. 
Fundulus antillarum Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LX VIII, 
1916, 418, fig. 1, St. Martins, West Indies. 

1339. Fundulus heteroclitus bermudez Giinther. Mangrove minnow. 
Fundulus bermudx Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, XIV, 1874, 
370, Bermudas. 
Fundulus rhizophore Goode, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XIII, 1877, 298, 
Basden Pond, Bermudas. 


1340. Fundulus heteroclitus macrolepidotus (Walbaum). Common cobbler; 
Killifish; Catfish; Dogfish; Killy; Killie; River minnow; Mummichog; 

Maine to Virginia; common in brackish waters. Hardly distinct from 
F.. heteroclitus, of which it is the northern representative. 

Cobitis macrolepidota Walbaum, Artedi Pise., III, 1792, 11, Long Island; 
after Schopf. 

Cobitis killifish Walbaum, loc. cit., 12, Long Island; after Schépf. 

Esox pisciculus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 440, 
New York. 

Esox pisculentus Mitchill, loc. cit., 441, New York. 

Hydrargyra nigrofasciata LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 
1817, 133, Newport, R. I. 

Fundulus viridescens DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 217, 
New York. 

Fundulus zebra DeKay, loc. cit., 218, New York. 

Hydrargyra ornata LeSueur, loc. cit., 131, Delaware River, near Phila- 

1341. Fundulus heteroclitus grandis Baird and Girard. 
Gulf coast of the United States. 
Fundulus grandis Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 
1853, 389, Indianola, Tex. 
Fundulus floridensis Girard, loc. cit., XI, 1859, 157, Charlotte Bay, Fla. 
Zygonectes funduloides Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XI, 1891, 
85, pl. 35, ig. 3, Dickinson Bayou, Dickinson, Tex. 

1342. Fundulus heteroclitus badius Garman. 
Gulf of St. Lawrence. 
Fundulus heteroclitus badius Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XIX, 
1895, Grand Manan. 

1343. Fundulus majalis (Walbaum). Killifish; Mayfish; Rockfish; Catfish; 

Bass killy. 

Cape Cod to Florida, chiefly marine in shallow bays. 

Cobitis majalis Walbaum, Artedi Pise., II, 1792, 12, Long Island; 
after Mayfish Schépf. 

Esox flavulus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 439, New 

Esox zonatus Mitchill, loc. cit., 443, New York. 

Hydrargyra trifasciata Storer, Jour. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., I, 1837, 417, 

Hydrargyra vernalis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X VIII, 
1846, 154 (206), pl. 531; probably South Carolina. 

1344. Fundulus ocellaris Jordan and Gilbert. 
Pensacola to Fort Myers, Fla. 
Fundulus ocellaris Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
254, Pensacola, Fla. 

1345. Fundulus parvipinnis Girard. 
Coast of California from Point Conception southward to Lower Cali- 
Fundulus parvipinnis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
154, San Diego, Calif. 

1346. Fundulus parvipinnis brevis Osburn and Nichols. 
Magdalena Bay, Lower California. 
Fundulus parvipinnis brevis Osburn and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. 
Nat. Hist., X XV, 1916, 150, fig. 5, Magdalena Bay, Lower California. 

1347. Fundulus pallidus Evermann. 
Galveston Bay near Swan Lake, Tex. 
Fundulus pallidus Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XI, 1891 (1892), 
84, pl. 35, Galveston Bay near Swan Lake, Tex. 
1348. Fundulus vinctus Jordan and Gilbert. 
Coast of Lower California. 
Fundulus vinctus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
355, Cape San Lucas, Lower California, 


1349. Fundulus confluentus Goode and Bean. 
Streams of Florida. 
Fundulus confluentus Goode and Bear, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 
118, Lake Monroe, Fla. 

1350. Fundulus albolineatus Gilbert. 
Tennessee Basin in Alabama. 
Fundulus albolineatus Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., IX, 1889 (1891), 
149, Spring Creek, Huntsville, Ala. 

Subgenus GALASACEUS Fowler. 

1351. Fundulus similis (Baird and Girard). Sac-d-lait. 
Coast of the Gulf States. 
Hydrargyra similis Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 
1853, 389, Indianola, Tex. 

Genus 444. ZYGONECTES Agassiz. 
Zygonectes Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, 1854, 135 (Semotilus olivaceus 
Raf.=Semotilus notatus Raf.). 

1352. Zygonectes notatus (Rafinesque). Top minnow. 

Michigan to Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas; generally abundant in 
ponds and canals. 

Semotilus notatus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1826, 86, tributaries of 
Ohio River in Kentucky; vaguely described but recognizable. 

Pecilia o-ivacca Storer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., II, 1845 (1848), 
51, Florence, Ala. 

Fundulus tenellus Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 
1853, 389, Prairie Mer Rouge, La., and Russellville, Ky. 

Zygonectes lateralis Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 358, 
Mobile, Ala. 

Zygonectes zonatus Agassiz, loc. cit., 353, St. Louis, Mo. 

Zygonectes pulchellus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 
113, Sugar Loaf Creek, Ark. 

Fundulus aureus Cope, loc. cit., X VII, 1865, 78, Sugar Loaf Creek, Ark. 

1353. Zygonectes sciadicus (Cope). 

Middle Missouri River Basin; abundant in ponds and sluggish creeks 
in eastern Nebraska and southeastern South Dakota. 

Fundulus sciadicus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X VII, 1865, 78, 
Platte River, Nebr. 

Haplochilus floripinnis Cope, Proc. Amer: Phil. Soc., XIV, 1874, 138, 
Platte River, at Denver, Colo. 

Zygonectes lineatus Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., VIII, 1881, 88, 
northeastern Wyoming. 

Zygonectes macdonaldi Meek, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., IX, 1889, 122, pl. 
42, fig. 1, Jones Creek, Dixon, Mo., Osage fork of Gasconade River 
at Mansfield, Mo. 

Fundulus scartes Meek, loc. cit., XV, 1895, 347, St. Francis River, Big 
Bay, Ark. 

1354. Zygonectes chrysotus (Holbrook). 
Coastwise swamps, South Carolina to Florida; rather common, 
Fundulus chrysotus Holbrook, in Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 317, Char- 
leston, 8. C. 
Zygonectes henshalli Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 237, San 
Sebastian River, Fla. 
a arlingtonia Goode and Bean, loc. cit., 118, Arlington River, 
1355. Zygonectes cingulatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
New Jersey to Florida, in coastwise swamps, not rare; Escambia River 
at Flomaton, Ala. 
Fundulus cingulatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X VIII, 
1846, 147 (197), United States. 
ee rubrifrons Jordan, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 237, San 
Sebastian River, Fla. 
Zygonectes auroguttatus Hay, loc. cit., VILL, 1885, 556, Westville, Fla. 


1356. Zygonectes dispar Agassiz. Top minnow. 
Northern Ohio to Illinois, south to Mississippi; Maumee, Wabash, Big 
Black and Pearl Rivers. 
Zygonectes dispar Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 353, 
creeks opposite St. Louis; Beardstown, II. 

1357. Zygonectes nottii Agassiz. Star-headed minnow; Top minnow. 
Swamps and streams of Florida and neighboring States; not rare. 
Zygonectes nottit Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 353, 
Mobile, Ala. 

Zygonectes lineolatus Agassiz, loc. cit., 353, Augusta, Ga. 

Zygonectes hieroglyphicus Agassiz, loc. cit., 353, Mobile, Ala. 

Fundulus zonatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X VIII, 
1846, 146 (196), interior of South Carolina; not Esox zonatus Mitchill. 

Zygonectes craticula Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
433, Elbow Creek, a tributary of Indian River, eastern Florida. 

Zygonectes zonifer Jordan and Meek, loc. cit., VII, 1884, 482, Allapaha 
River, Nashville, Ga. 

1358. Zygonectes guttatus Agassiz. 
Zygonectes guttatus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 353, 
Mobile, Ala. 
Zygonectes escambizx Bollman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1X, 1886, 463, 
Escambia River, Flomaton, Ala. 

1359. Zygonectes lucie (Baird). 
Atlantic coast from Long Island to Virginia; rare. 
Hydrargyra lucie Baird, Ninth Smithson. Rept., 1854, 344, Beesleys 
Point, N. J. 

1360. Zygonectes pulvereus Evermann. 
Coast of Texas. 
Zygonectes pulvereus Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XI, 1891 (1892), 
85, Dickinson Bayou; Buffalo Bayou at Houston; Oso Creek at 
Corpus Christi, Tex. 

1361. Zygonectes jenkinsi Evermann. 
Coast of Texas. 
Zygonectes jenkinst Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XI, 1891 (1892), 
86, Dickinson Bayou, arm of Galveston Bay, Tex. 

1362. Zygonectes limi (Vaillant). 
Fundulus limi Vaillant, Bull. Soc. Philom. (8), VI, 1894, 71, Lower 
Fundulus meeki Evermann, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXI, 1908 (Jan. 
23), 25, fig. 1, San Ignacio, central Lower California. 
1363. Zygonectes melapleurus (Gosse). Ticky-licky. 
Streams of Jamaica. 
Pecilia melapleura Gosse, Naturalists’ Sojourn in Jamaica, 1851, 84, 

Subgenus FONTICOLA Jordan and Evermannn. 
1364. Zygonectes seminolis (Girard). 
Fundulus seminolis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 60, 
Palatka, eastern Florida. ; 

- Subgenus MENONA Jordan and Evermann. 

1365. Zygonectes diaphanus (LeSueur). 
Maine to North Carolina in river mouths; New York to northern 
Illinois in lakes. 
Hydrargyra diaphana LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1817, 
130, Saratoga Lake, N. Y. 
Hydrargyra multifaciata LeSueur, loc. cit., 131, Saratoga Lake, N. Y. 
1366. Zygonectes diaphanus menona (Jordan and Copeland). 
Streams and lakes of Ohio to Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota. 
Fundulus menona Jordan and Copeland, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
X XIX, 1877, 68, Catfish River, Dane County, Wis., outlet of Lake 
Menona, Madison, Wis. 











Subgenus GAMBUSINUS Jordan and Evermann. 

Zygonectes rathbuni (Jordan and Meek). 
Eastern North Carolina, abundant in spring brooks, not descending 
to salt water. 
Fundulus rathbuni Jordan and Meek, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XI, 1888, 
356, Reedy Fork, Allemance Creek, Buffalo Creek, and other tribu- 
taries of the Cape Fear River, about Greensboro, N. C. 

Zygonectes extensus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Coast of Lower California. 
Fundulus extensus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
355, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 

Genus 445. XENISMA Jordan. 
Xenisma Jordan, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Hist., 1876, 142 (X. stellifera 

Xenisma catenatum (Storer). Studjish. 
Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers and clear streams of the Ozark 
Pecilia catenata Storer, Synopsis, 1846, 430, Tennessee River, Ilorence, 

Xenisma stellifer Jordan. Studfish. 
Alabama River and tributaries. 
Xenisma stellifera Jordan, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1876, 322, 
Etowah and Oostanaula Rivers, Rome, Ga. 

Genus 446. PLANCTERUS Garman. 
Plancterus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XIX, 1895, 96 (Fundulus 
kanse Garman). 

Plancterus zebra (Girard). 

Kansas, western lowa and South Dakota to Texas and New Mexico, 
in upper tributaries of Kansas and Red Rivers. 

Hydrargyra zebra Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 61, 
tributaries of Rio Grande ‘‘between Fort Defiance and Fort Union, 
N. Mex.,’”’ name preoccupied in Fundulus. 

Fundulus adinia Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, 1883, 335, Rio Grande 
at Brownsville, Tex. 

Plancterus kansze (Garman). 
Fundulus kanse Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XIX, 1895, 103, 
pl. 2, fig. 10, Kansas. 
hy. rien ey zebrinus Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, 1882, 891; not of 

Genus 447. OXYZYGONECTES Fowler. 
Oxyzygonectes Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXVIII, 1916, 
425 (Haplochilus dovii Giinther). 

Oxyzygonectes balboz (Fowler). 
Panama; only one example known. 
Fundulus balbozx Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXVIII, 1916, 
423, fig. 2, Panama. 

Oxyzygonectes dovii (Giinther). 
Coast of Costa Rica. 
Haplochilus dovii Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 316, Punta Arenas, Costa 

Genus 448. RIVULUS Poey. 
Rivulus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 307, (R. cylindraceus Poey). 
ae Meek, Field Col. Mus. Zool., V, 1904, 101 (C. tenuis 

Rivulus cylindraceus Poey. 
Rivulus cylindraceus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 308, stream at Mar- 
dazo, near Habana, Cuba. 
Rivulus marmoratus Poey, Anal. Soc. Espafiola Hist. Nat., IX, 1880, 
248, Cuba. 














Rivulus heyei Nichols. 
Rivulus heyet Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXII, 1914, 
143, Haiti. 
Rivulus isthmensis Garman. 
Streams of Panama and Costa Rica. 
Rivulus isthmensis Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XIX, 1895, 140, 
Rio San Jose, Costa Rica. 

Rivulus brunneus Meek and Hildebrand. 
Rivulus brunneus Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
X, 1913, 86, Toro Point, Canal Zone, Panama. 

Rivulus flabellicauda Regan. 
Streams of Costa Rica. 
Rivulus flabellicauda Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XIX, 1907, 64, 
Juan Vinas, Costa Rica. 

Rivulus godmanni Regan. 
Rivulus godmanni Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7th ser., XIX, 1907, 
65, Guatemala. 

Rivulus tenuis (Meek). 
Cynodontichthys tenuis Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 101, El 
Hule, Oaxaca, Mexico. 

Rivulus harti (Boulenger). Rainfish; Small guabin. 

Mountain streams of Trinidad and Granada in rain-water pools. 

Haplochilus harti Boulenger, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., I, 1906, 389, Pl. 
XXI, fig. 2, Trinidad. 

Rivulus chucunaque Breder. 

Tuyra Basin, Pacific slope of Panama. 

Rivulus chucunaque Breder (C. M.), Amer. Mus. Novitates, No. CLX XX, 
July 6, 1925, fig. 6, Rio Chucunaque, near Yavisa, Darien, Panama. 

Rivulus chucunaque sucubti Breder, loc. cit., 8, fig. 7, Rio Sucubti, 
Darien, Panama. 

Genus 449. ADINIA Girard. 

Adinia Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 117 (A. multi- 
fasciata Girard). 

Adinia multifasciata Girard. 

Gulf Coast, west Florida to Texas; locally abundant in shallow lagoons. 

Adinia multifasciata Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 
118, Galveston; St. Joseph Island, Indianola, Tex. 

Fundulus xenicus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
255, Laguna Grande, Pensacola, Fla.; substitute for multifasciata, 
preoccupied in Fundulus but not in Adinia. 

Genus 450. FLORIDICHTHYS Hubbs. 

Floridichthys Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool. Mise. Pub. No. 16, July 9, 

1926, 16 (Cyprinodon carpio Giinther). 
Floridichthys carpio (Giinther). 

Florida to Texas. 

Cyprinodon carpio Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 306, America. 

Cyprinodon mydrus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
433, Pensacola, Fla. 

Genus 451. JORDANELLA Goode and Bean. 

Jordanella Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 117 

(Jordanella floride Goode and Bean). 
Jordanella floride Goode and Bean, 

Streams from Florida to Yucatan. 

Jordanella floride Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 
117, Lake Monroe, Fla. 

Genus 452. CYPRINODON Lacépéde. 

Cyprinodon Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 486 (C. variegatus 

Prinodon KRafinesque, Anal. Nat., 1815, 88 (Cyprinodon variegatus 

Encrotes Gistel, Thierreich, IX, 1848 (Cyprinodon variegatus Lacépéde). 

Trifarcius Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 306 (7. riverendi Poey). 


1387. Cyprinodon variegatus Lacépéde. Killifish; Pursy minnow; Sheeps- 










head minnow; Variegated minnow; Mummichog. 
Cape Cod to Rio Grande, in bays, rarely entering streams. 
sh hata variegatus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 486, South 
Esox ovinus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 441, New 


Lebias ellipsoidea LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II, 1821, 6, 

Lebias rhomboidalis Valenciennes, in Humboldt, Obs. Zool. Phil. Mag., 
II, 1810 (1811), 100, Lake Pontchartrain, La. 

Cyprinodon gibbosus Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
VI, 1853, 390, Indianola, Tex. 

Cyprinodon riverendi (Poey). 
Cuba and Florida Keys; common at Key West in shallow shore waters. 
Trifarcius riverendi Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 306, Habana; scarcely 
distinct from C. variegatus. 

Cyprinodon dearborni Meek. 
Curacao, Dutch West Indies. 
Cyprinodon dearborni Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., VII, 1909, 
208, Willemstad, Curacao, Dutch West Indies. 

Cyprinodon felicianus (Poey). 
Trifarcius felicianus Poey, Synopsis, 1867, 412, Habana, Cuba. 

Cyprinodon latifasciatus Garman. 
Parras, Coahuila, Mexico. 
Cyprinodon latifasciatus Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., VIII, 1881, 
No. 3, 92, Parras, Coahuila, Mexico. 

Cyprinodon bovinus Baird and Girard. 
Leon Spring in southwestern Texas. 
Cyprinodon bovinus Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
VI, 1853, 389, Leon Spring, Tex. 

Cyprinodon mart Steindachner. 
Santa Marta, coast of Colombia, South America. 
Cyprinodon marte Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., IV, 1875, 61, Santa 
Marta, Rio Cauca. 

Cyprinodon rubrofiluviatilis Fowler. 
Streams of Texas. 
Cyprinodon bovinus rubrofluviatilis Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
LXVIL 1916, 430, fig. 4, Rio Brazos, Seymour, Tex., and Red 
River, Tulip and Clarenden, Tex. 

Cyprinodon elegans Baird and Girard. 

Tributaries of the Rio Grande. 

Cyprinodon elegans Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
VI, 1853, 389, Comanche Spring, Tex. 

Cyprinodon eximius Girard, loc. cit., XI, 1859, 158, Chihuahua River, 

Cyprinodon macularius Baird and Girard. 

Springs and streams of the desert, from southern Nevada to Sonora, 
locally abundant, often found in Artesian water and desert water 
holes in southwestern California. 

Cyprinodon macularius Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
V1. 1853, 389, Rio San Pedro, Ariz. 

Cyprinodon californiensis Girard, loc. cit., XI, 1859, 158, San Diego 
Pecsite. Calif., probably from Salt Springs in the desert (now 
Imperial County). 

Lucania browni Jordan and Richardson, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XX XIII, 
1908, 319, hot spring in southeastern California, 

1397. Cyprinodon nevadensis HKigenmann. 

Death Valley. 
Cyprinodon nevadensis Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., I, 1889, 
270, Saratoga Springs, Death Valley, Inyo County, Calif. 










Cyprinodon baileyi Gilbert. 
Pahranagat Valley, Nev. 
Cyprinodon macularius baileyi Gilbert, Death Valley Exped., 1893, 233, 
Pahranagat Valley, Nev. 


Genus 453. EMPETRICHTHYS* Gilbert. 
Empetrichthys Gilbert, Death Valley Exped., Fishes, 1893, 233 (E. 
merriami Gilbert. 

Empetrichthys merriami Gilbert. 
Death Valley in southeastern California. 
Empetrichthys merriami Gilbert, Death Valley Exped., in North 
American Fauna, No. 7, May 31, 1893, 234, Ash Meadows, Amargosa 
Desert, on boundary between California and Nevada. 

Family 115. GOODEIDZ 

Genus 454. ZOOGONETICUS Meek. 
Zoogoneticus Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 91 (Z. diazi Meek). 

Zoogoneticus dugesii (Bean). 
Guanajuato, Mexico. 
Fundulus dugesii Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1887, 3738, pl. 20, 
Guanajuato, Mexico. 

Zoogoneticus diazi Meek. 

Lakes of Michoacan, Mexico. 

Zoogoneticus diazi Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 93, figured 
in Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 114, fig. 32, Lake Patzcuaro, 

Zoogoneticus miniatus Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., V, 1914, 
115, fig. 33, Lake Zirahuen, Mexico. 

Zoogoneticus robustus (Bean). 
Rio Lerma, Guanajuato. 
Fundulus robustus Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XV, 1892, 285, pl. 
44, fig. 2, Guanajuato, Mexico. 
Zoogoneticus maculatus Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), XIII, 1904, 
256, Rio Santiago (Lerma), Mexico. 

Zoogoneticus quitzeoensis (Bean). 
Rio Lerma, Mexico. 
Platypecilus quitzeoensis Bean, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., X XI, 1899 (Nov. 
21, 1898), 540, fig. 1, Lake Quitzeo, Lerma Basin. 

Genus 455. GIRARDINICHTHYS Bleeker. 
Girardinichthys Bleeker, Act Soc. Sci. Indo-Nederl., VII, 1860, 481 
(G. innominatus Bleeker, after a ‘Lucania sp.” of Girard). 
Limnurgus Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 309 (L. variegatus Giinther = 
Girardinichthys Bleeker). 

Girardinichthys innominatus Bleeker. 
Valle’ of Mexico. 
Lucania sp., Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 118, City 
of Mexico. 
Girardinichthys innominatus Bleeker, Act. Soc. Sci. Indo-Nederl., 
VII, 1860, 481, City of Mexico. 
Limnurgus variegatus Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 309, City of Mexico. 
Characodon geddesi Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), XIII, 1904, 257, 
Xochomileco, Morelos, Mexico. 
Genus 456. CHARACODON Giinther. 
Characodon Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 308 (C. lateralis Giinther). 

4 This genus apparently a desert derivative of the extinct genus, Parafundulus, has probably no affinity 

with Orestias of Peru. 













Characodon variatus Bean. 

Tributaries of Rio Lerma about Guanajuato, Mexico; locally common. 

Characodon variatus Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1887, 370, pl. 20, 
fig. 1, Guanajuato, Mexico. 

Characodon ferrugineus Bean, loc. cit., 372, pl. 20, figs. 3 and 4, Guana- 
juato, Mexico. 

Characodon eiseni Rutter, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., VI, 1896, 266, 
branch of the Rio Grande de Santiago at Tepic, Mexico. 

Characodon lateralis Giinther. 
Streams of Central America. 
Characodon lateralis Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 308, Central America. 

Characodon garmani Jordan and Evermann. 
Tributaries of Rio Grande in Coahuila, Mexico. 
Characodon garmani Jordan and Evermann, Fish. North and Mid. 
Amer., III, 1898, 2831, Parras, Coahuila, Mexico. 

Characodon furcidens Jordan and Gilbert. 
Cape San Lucas southward to Colima, Mexico. 
Characodon furcidens Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 354, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 

Genus 457. LERMICHTHYS Hubbs. 
Lermichthys Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool. Misc. Pub. No. 16, July 9, 
1926, 18 (Characodon multiradiatus Meek). 

Lermichthys multiradiatus (Meek). 
Rio Lerma Basin, Mexico. 
Characodon multiradiatus Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 119, 
Rio Lerma, Mexico. 
Girardinichthys limnurgus Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., 4th ser., XVI, Apr. 27, 1927, 502, Lake Lerma, Mexico. 

Genus 458. BALSADICHTHYS Hubbs. 
Balsadichthys Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., Mise. Pub. No. 16, July 
9, 1926, 19 (Goodea whitet Meek). 

Balsadichthys whitei (Meek). 
Rio de las Balsas Basin, Mexico. 
Goodea whitei Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 137, fig. 40, Rio 
Balsas, Yantepec, Cuautla, Mexico. 

Genus 459. SKIFFIA Meek. 
Skiffia Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 102 (S. lermz Meek). 

Skiffia variegata Meek. 
Lake Zirahuen, Mexico. 
Skiffia variegata Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 143, Lake 
Zirahuen, Mexico. 

Skiffia lermze Meek. 
Skiffia lermez Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 102, Lake Patz- 
cuaro (Rio Lerma), Mexico. 

Skiffia bilineata (Bean). 
Rio Lerma, Guanajuato, Mexico. 
Characodon bilineatus Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1887, 371, 
Guanajuato, Rio Lerma, Mexico. 

Skiffia multipunctata (Pellegrin). 
Rio Lerma system; Lake Chapala, Mexico. 
Xenendum multipunctatum Pellegrin, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, 1901, 
205, Jalisco, Mexico. 

Genus 460. GOODEA Jordan. 
Goodea Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 299 (G. atripinnis 
Xenendum Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1899, 128 
fig. 9 (1906) (X. xzaleicone=Characodon luitpoldi Steindac hner). 

Goodea atripinnis Jordan. 
Tributaries of Rio Lerma, Pacific slope, Mexico. 
Goodea atripinnis Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 299, Leon, 
Guanajuato, Mexico. 










Goodea calientis (Jordan and Snyder). 
Streams of central Mexico. 
Xenendum caliente Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 
1899, 127, fig. 8, Aguas Calientes, Mexico. 

Goodea luitpoldi (Steindachner). 

Basin of Rio Lerma, Mexico. 

Characodon luitpoldi Steindachner, Einige Fischarten Mexicos, 1895, 12, 
pl. 3, figs. 3-36, Lago de Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico. 

Xenendum xaliscone Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 
1899 (1901), 128, fig. 9, Laguna de Chapala, near Ocotlan, Jalisco, 

Goodea toweri Meek. 

Rio Panuco, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 

Goodea toweri Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 138, fig. 41, Rio 
Verde, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. : 

Goodea captiva Hubbs. 

Panuco Basin, Mexico. 

Goodea captiva Hubbs, Oece. Papers, Mus. Zool., Univ. Mich., No. 148, 
1924, 4; upper tributary of the Rio Panuco at Jesus Maria, Mexico. 

Family 116. PQCILIIDA. Top minnows 

Genus 461. BELONESOX Kner. 

Belonesox Kner, Sitzungsber., Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1860, XL, 419 
(B. belizanus Kner). 

Belonesox belizanus Kner. 

Southern Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala. 
Belonesox belizanus Kner, Sitzungsber., Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, XL, 
1860, 419, with figure, Belize; largest of the Pociliide. 

Genus 462. CHAPALICHTHYS Meek. 

Chapalichthys Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 97 (Characodon 
encaustus Jordan and Snyder). 

Chapalichthys encaustus (Jordan and Snyder). 
Lake Chapala, Mexico. 
Characodon encaustus Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XTX, 
1899 (1901), 126, Laguna de Chapala, near Ocotlan, Jalisco, Mexico. 

Genus 463. HETEROPHALLUS Regan. 

Heterophallus Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (8), XV, 1914, 66 (H. 
rachovit Regan). 

Heterophallus rachovii Regan. 

Streams of eastern Mexico. 
Heterophallus rachovii Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (8), XV, 1914, 
66, Fig. A, Vera Cruz, Mexico. 

Genus 464. GAMBUSIA Poey. Guajacones. 

Gambusia Poey, Memorias, I, 1854, 382 (G. punctata Poey). 

Hemizxiphophorus Bleeker, Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.—Indie, XX, 1854, 440; 
type not named. 

Paragambusia Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 1383 (Gambusia 
nicaraguensis Ginther). 

Heterophallina Hubbs (subgenus), Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool. Mise. Pub. 
No. 16, July 9, 1926 (Gambusia regani Hutbs). 

Arthrophallus Hubbs (subgenus), loc. cit., 38 (Heterandria patruelis 
Baird and Girard). 

Schizophallus Hubbs (subgenus), loc. cit., 40 (Gambusia holbrookii 


1423. Gambusia patruelis (Baird and Girard). Top minnow; Mosquitofish. 

Ditches, marshes, and lagoons, South Atlantic and Gulf States, lowland 
streams of the southwest; lower Mississippi from St. Louis to 
Louisiana and the Rio Grande. Introduced from Galveston into 
Hawaii, California, Formosa, Luzon, ete., a very effective mosquito 

Heterandria patruelis Baird and Girard, Proc., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
VI, 1853, 390, Rio Sabinal, Rio Nueces, and Elm Creek, Tex. 

Heterandria affinis Baird and Girard, loc. cit., 390, Rio Medina and 
Rio Salado, Tex. 

?Gambusia speciosa Girard, loc. cit., 1859, 121, Rio San Diego, Nuevo 
Leon, Mexico. 

?Gambusia gracilis Girard, loc. cit., 1859, 121, Matamoros, Mexico; 
name preoccupied. 

Gambusia humilis Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 334; substitute for gracilis. 

Haplochilus melanops Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1870, 457, Neuse 
River, N. C. 

Zygonectes (Micristius) brachypterus Cope, Bull., U. S. Nat. Mus., XX, 
1880, 34, Trinity River, Fort Worth, Tex. 

Zygonectes inurus Jordan, Proc., U. S. Nat. Mus., 1882, 148, Cache 
Creek, southern Illinois. 

Gambusia modesta Ahl, Blatter fiir Aguarium— und Terrariakunde, 
XXXVI, 1923, 220, 

Gambusia myersi Ahl, loc. cit., 1925, 36, with figure (substitute for 
modesta preoccupied). 

1424. Gambusia holbrooki (Girard). Holbrook’s top minnow. 

New Jersey to Florida and Alabama. 

Heterandria holbrooki Agassiz, in Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
XI, 1859, 61, Charleston, S. C. 

Haplochilus melanops Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 457, 
Neuse River, N. C 

Zygonectes atrilatus Jordan and Brayton, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1878, 84, Neuse River, Goldsboro, N. C. 

1425. Gambusia nobilis (Baird and Girard). 
Heterandria nobilis Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 
1853, 390, Leona and Comanche Spring, Rio Grande, Tex. 

1426. Gambusia senilis Girard. 
Rio Grande Basin. 
Gambusia senilis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 122, 
Chihuahua, Mexico. 

Subgenus HEMIXIPHOPHORUS Bleeker. 

1427. Gambusia gracilis (Heckel). 
Lowland streams of eastern Mexico. 
Xiphophorus gracilis Heckel, Sitzungsber. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wier, I, 
1848, 300, taf. 9, figs. 3 and 4, Orizaba, Mexico. 
Gambusia heckeli Bleeker, Fam. Cypr., 1860, 485. 

Subgenus GAMBUSIA Poey. 

1428. Gambusia punctata Poey. Guajacon. 


ero punctata Poey, Memorias, I, 1854, 384, Rio Almendares, 

Gambusia picturata Poey, Repertorio, 1868, 410, San Diego de los 
Bafios, Cuba. 

Gampusia punctata punctulata Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 
XIX, 1895, 87, Remedios, Cuba. 

1429. Gambusia puncticulata Poey. 
Streams of Cuba. 
Gambusia puncticulata Poey, Memorias, I, 1854, 386, Cuba. 

1430. Gambusia melapleura (Gosse). Ticky-ticky. 
Streams of Jamaica; locally common. 
Pecilia melapleura Gosse, Naturalist’s Sojourn in Jamaica, 1851, 84, 
















Gambusia nicaraguensis Giinther. 
Southern Mexico and Central America. 
Gambusia nicaraguensis Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 366, Lake of Nicaragua. 
Gambusia dovii Regan, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1913, 986, Lake Nica- 
Gambusia yucatana Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8th ser., XIV, 1914, 
67, Progreso, Yucatan. 

Gambusia menieli Fowler. 
Gambusia mcnieli Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LX VIII, 1916, 
433, Panama. 

Gambusia wrayi Regan. 
Gambusia wrayi Regan, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1913, 988, Pl. XCIX, 
figs. 3, 4 and text fig. 168B, Jamaica. 

Gambusia caymanensis Regan. 
West Indies. 
Gambusia caymanensis Regan, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1913, 990, Grand 
Cayman, West Indies. 

Gambusia gracilior Regan. 
Gambusia gracilior Regan, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1913, 989, Pl. XCIX, 
figs. 5, 6, and text fig. 168C, Jamaica. 

Gambusia dominicensis Regan. 
Haiti. E 
Gambusia dominicensis Regan, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1913, 989,. Pl. 
XCIX, fig. 7 and text fig. 169C, San Domingo. 

Gambusia oligosticta Regan. 
Gambusia oligosticta Regan, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1913, 988, PI. 
XCIX, figs. 1, 2, and text fig. 169B, Jamaica. 

Gambusia manni Hubbs. 
Gambusia manni Hubbs, Copeia, 1927, 62, New Providence, one of the 


Gambusia regani Hubbs. 
Rio Panuco, northwestern Mexico. 
Gambusia regani Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., Misc. Pub. No. 16, 
July 9, 1926, 28, Forlon, Tamaulipas, Mexico, in the River Forlon. 

Gambusia vittata Hubbs. 
Santa Engracia, Tamaulipas, Mexico. 
Gambusia vittata Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool. Misc. Pub. No. 16, 
July 9, 1926, 26, Rio Forlon, at Forlon, Tamaulipas, Mexico. 

Gambusia panuco Hubbs. 
Rio Panuco, Mexico. 
Gambusia panuco Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool. Misc. Pub. No. 16, 
July 9, 1926, 30, Rio Valles, at Valles, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 

Genus 465. BRACHYRHAPHIS Regan. 
Brachyrhaphis Regan, Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1913, 997 (Gambusia 
rhabdophora Regan). 

Brachyrhaphis terrabensis (Regan). 
Pacific streams of Costa Rica. 
Gambusia terrabensis Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), XIX, 1907, 
260, Rio Grande de Terraba, Costa Rica. 

Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora (Regan). 
Costa Rica. 
Gambusia rhabdophora Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (8), II, 1908, 457 
Voleano of Tenorio and Rio Grande de Terraba, Costa Rica. 











Brachyrhaphis olomina (Meek). 
Valley of the Rio Grande de Tarcoles, Costa Rica. 
Priapichthys olomina Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., X, 1912, 114, 
Las Cajfias, Alajuela, Costa Rica. 

Brachyrhaphis episcopi (Steindachner). 
Isthmus of Panama at Obispo station, and streams of the Pacific slope 
of Panama. 
Gambusia episcopi Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., VI, 1878, 9, Obispo near 
Gambusia_latipunctata Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1913, 87, Arrijan, Panama. 

Brachyrhaphis cascajalensis (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Streams of Atlantic slope of Panama. 
Gambusia cascajalensis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1913, 86, Rio Cascajal, Panama. 

Brachyrhaphis parismina (Meek). 
Costa Rica. 
Gambusia parismina Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., X, 1912, 71, 
Costa Rica. 

Genus 466. TRIGONOPHALLUS Hubbs. 
Trigonophallus Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool. Misc. Pub. No. 16, 
July 9, 1926, 48 (T. punctifer Hubbs). 

Trigonophallus punctifer Hubbs. 
Streams of Pacific coast of Panama. 
Trigonophallus punctifer Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool. Misc. Pub. 
No. 16, July 9, 1926, 49, Quibari Creek, Rio Secamola at Kakintin. 

Genus 467. PRIAPICHTHYS Regan. 
Priapichthys Regan, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1913, 991 (Gambusia 
annectans Regan). 

Priapichthys annectens (Regan). 
Streams of Atlantic slope of Costa Rica. 
Gambusia annectens Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), XIX, 1907, 
250, Costa Rica. 

Priapichthys annectens hesperis Hubbs. 

Streams of the Pacific slope of Costa Rica. 
Priapichthys annectens hesperis Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool. Misc. 
Pub. No. 13, Jan. 18, 1924, 22, Rio Maria Aquilar, Rio Grande de 

Tancoles, and their mountain tributaries. 

Priapichthys huberi Fowler. 
Priapichthys hubert Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LX XV, 1923, 
27, Marceligo Creek, tributary of the Tunky River, at Miranda, 

Genus 468. PANAMICHTHYS Hubbs. 
Panamichthys Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool. Misc. Pub. No. 13, 
Jan. 18, 1924, 8 (Priapichthys panamensis Meek and Hildebrand). 

Panamichthys panamensis (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Priapichthys panamensis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1916, 322, Panama, 

Genus 469. PS9EUDOXIPHOPHORUS Bleeker. 
Pseudoxiphophorus Bleeker, Ichth. Indice Prodr. Cypr., in Acata Societ. 
Scient. Indo—Neer., VII, 1859, 483 (Xiphophorus bimaculatus Heckel). 
Pecilodes Steindachner, Sitzungsber. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, XLVIII, 

1863, 176 (P. bimaculatus Steindachner). 

1453. Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus (Heckel). 

Central Mexico; Rio Blanco, Orizaba. 

Xiphophorus bimaculatus Heckel, Sitzungsber. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
{ 1848, pt. 3, 169, taf. 6, figs. 1 and 2, Mexico. 

Peeudovipho horus reticulatus Troschel, in Miller’s Reisen Vereinigten 
Staaten, Canada, Mexico, III, 1865, 638, no locality. 


1454. Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus teniatus Regan. 
Streams of the Atlantic slope of southeastern Mexico. 
Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus teniatus Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
(7), XVI, 1905, 303, Rio Touto and San Domingo de Guzman. 

1455. Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus jonesi (Giinther). 
Streams of southeastern Mexico. 
Mollienisia jonesi Ginther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4), XIV, 1874, 371, 
Lake Aleuhuaca, Huamanita, Mexico. 
Pseudoxiphophorus pauciradiatus Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), 
X, 1904, 14, 296, Orizaba, Mexico. 

Genus 470. HETERANDRIA Agassiz. 
Heterandria Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVI, 1853, 135 (H. formosus 
Agassiz MS.; H. holbrooki Agassiz MS.). 

1456. Heterandria formosa Agassiz. 
Streams of South Carolina to Florida; one of the smallest of fishes. 
Heterandria formosa Agassiz, in Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
XI, 1859, 62, Charleston, 8. C.; Palatka, Fla. 

Genus 471. PRIAPELLA Regan. 
Priapella Regan, Proce. Zool. Soe. Lond., 19138, 992 (Gambusia bonita 

1457. Priapella bonita (Meck). 
Streams of western Mexico; Rio Papaloapam, Motzorongo. 
Gambusia bonita Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 182, fig. 39, 
104, Refugio, Vera Cruz, Mexico. 

Genus 472. ALLOGAMBUSIA Hubbs. 
Allogambusia Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool. Misc. Pub. No. 138, Jan. 
18, 1924, 8 (Gambusia tridentiger Garman). 

1458. Allogambusia cana (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Streams of the Pacific slope of Panama. 
Gambusia cana Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., X, 
1913, 87, Rio Satiganti, Cana, Panama. 

1459. Allogambusia tridentiger (Garman). 
Rivers of Panama. 
Gambusia tridentiger Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XIX, 1895, 89 
(Pl. IV, fig. 10, teeth), rivers of Panama. 

Genus 473. TOXUS Eigenmann. 
Toxus Eigenmann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., X XII, 1902 (1903), 226 (T. 
riddlei Eigenmann). 

1460. Toxus riddlei Kigenmann. 
Streams of western Cuba. 
Torus riddlei Eigenmann, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., X XII, 1902 (1903), 
226, San Cristobal, Cuba. 

1461. Toxus cubensis (Higenmann). 
Streams of western Cuba. 
Heterandria cubensis Bigenmann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XXII, 1902 
(1903), 227, Los Palacios, Cuba. 

Genus 474. GLARIDICHTHYS Garman. 
Glaridedon Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XIX, 1895, 40 (latidens) ; 
name preoccupied. 
Glaridichthys Garman, Amer. Nat., XXX, 1896, 232 (same type). 

1462. Glaridichthys uninotatus (Poey). 
Girardinus uninotatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 309, Cuba. 

1463. Glaridichthys torralbasi EKigenmann. 
Streams of Pinar del Rio, Cuba. 
Glaridichthys torralbasi Eigenmann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XXII, 1902 
(1903), 225, fig. 4, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. 

1464. Glaridichthys falcatus HKigenmann. 
Streams of western Cuba. 
Glaridichthys falcatus Eigenmann, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., XXII, 1902 
(1903), 224, San Cristobal, Palacios, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. 











Genus 475. GIRARDINUS Poey. 
Girardinus Poey, Memorias, I, 1854, 383 (G. metallicus Poey). 

Girardinus metallicus Poey. 

Streams of Cuba. 

Girardinus metallicus Poey, Memorias, I, 1854, 387, Cuba. 

Girardinus denticulatus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XIX, 1895, 
47, Remedios, Cuba. 

Girardinus creolus Garman, loc. cit., 47, Cuba. 

Girardinus garmani Eigenmann, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XXII, 1902 
(1903), 296, Pinar del Rio, Palacios, Cuba. 

Genus 476. DARIENICHTHYS Hubbs. 
Darienichthys Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., Mise. Pub. No. 18, 
Jan. 18, 1924, 8 (Gambusia darienensis Meek and Hildebrand). 

Darienichthys darienensis (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Streams of Pacific slope, Panama. 
Gambusia darienensis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1913, 116, 88, Rio Capeti (Tuyra River Basin), Panama. 

Genus 477. PCQECILIOPSIS Regan. 
Peciliopsis Regan, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1913, 996 (Pecilia presidionis 
Jordan and Culver). 
Leptorhaphis Regan, loc. cit., 980, 998 (Gambusia infans Woolman). 

Peciliopsis occidentalis (Baird and Girard). 
Gila Basin, Ariz., and basins of Yaqui and Sonora Rivers, Sonora. 
Heterandria occidentalis Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
VI, 1853, 390, Rio Santa Cruz, near Tucson, Ariz. 
Girardinus sonoriensis Girard, loc. cit., XI, 1859, 120, San Bernardino 
Creek, a tributary of the Rio Yaqui, Sonora. 

Peciliopsis infans (Woolman). 
Rio Lerma, Salamanca, Mexico. 
Gambusia infans Woolman, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XIV, 1894, 62, Rio 
Lerma, Salamanca, Mexico. 

Peciliopsis balsas Hubbs. 
Balsas Basin, Mexico. 
Peciliopsis balsas Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool. Mise. Pub. No. 16, 
July 9, 1926, 66, Rio Balsas, Guerrero, Mexico. 

Peciliopsis latidens (Garman). 
Glaridodon latidens Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XIX, 1895, 40, 
Chihuahua, Mexico. 

Peciliopsis fasciata (Meek). 
Atlantic streams of southern Mexico. 
Gambusia fasciata Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 129, fig. 37, 
San Geronimo, Oaxaca, Mexico. 

Peciliopsis turrubarensis (Meek). 
Costa Rica. 
Gambusia turrubarensis Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., X, 1912, 71, 
Rio Turrubara, Costa Rica. 

Heterandria colombianus Eigenmann and Henn, Indiana Uniy. Stud., 
No. 8, 1912, 27, brackish water, mouth of Rio Dagua, Colombia. 
Priapichthys fosteri Hildebrand, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XLI, 1925, 260, 

figs. 14 and 15, Rio Lempa, San Marcos, El Salvador, Central America. 

Peciliopsis presidionis (Jordan and Culver). 
Rio Presidio, Sinaloa, Mexico. 
Pecilia presidionis Jordan and Culver, in Jordan, Fishes of Sinaloa, 
pest Calif. Acad. Sci., V, 1895, 413, pl. 29, Rio Presidio, Sinaloa, 

Genus 478. PQECILISTES Hubbs. 
Pecilistes Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool. Mise. Pub. No. 16, July 9, 
1926, 68 (Heterandria lutzi Meek). 



1474. Pecilistes pleurospilus (Giinther). 

Streams of Guatemala. 

Girardinus pleurospilus Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 353, Lake Duetias, 

Heterandria lutzi Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 148, fig. 47, 
Orizaba, Mexico. 

Priapichthys letonai Hildebrand, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XLI, 1925, 
258, Rio San Miguel, San Salvador. 

Genus 479. AULOPHALLUS Hubbs. 
Aulophallus Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. oalG Mise. Pub. No. 16, July 
9, 1926, 69 (Pecilia elongata Giinther). 

1475. Aulophallus elongatus (Giinther). 
Panama, a large marine species quite unlike Pecilia in habits. 
Pecilia elongata Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 342, Panama. 

Genus 480. PHALLICHTHYS Hubbs. 
Phallichthys Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool. Misc. Pub. 13, Jan. 18, 
1924, 10, (Peciliopsis isthmensis Regan). 

1476. Phallichthys amates (Miller). 
Motagua Basin, Guatemala. 
Pecilia amates Miller, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., X XIII, 1907, 108, 
fig. 1, pond and its outlet, Los Amates, an affluent of the Motagua 
River, Guatemala. 

1477. Phallichthys pittieri (Meek). 
Costa Rica. 
Pecilia pittieri Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., X, 1912, 71, La 
Junta, Costa Rica. 
Peciliopsis isthmensis Regan, Proc., Zool. Soc. Lond., 1913, 997, Pl. 
C, figs. 3, 4, and text fig. 171B, Colon, Panama. 

Genus 481. XENOPHALLUS Hubbs. 
Xenophallus Hubbs, Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich. Mise. Pub. 13, Jan. 18, 
1924, 10 (Gambusia umbratilis Meek.) 

1478. Xenophallus umbratilis (Meek). 
Streams of Costa Rica. 
Gambusia umbratilis Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., X, 1912, 70, 
Costa Rica. 

Genus 482. PQZCILIA Schneider. 

Pecilia Schneider, ed. Bloch, Syst. Ichth. 1801, 452 (P. vivipara Bloch 
and Schneider); not Pecilus of genus of beetles. 

Alazon Gistel, Thierreich, X, 1848 (Pecilia vivipara Schneider); sub- 
stitute for Pecilia, regarded as preoccupied. 

Acropecilia Hilgendorf, Sitzungsb. Naturf. Freunde, 1889, 52 (Pecilia 
tridens Hilgendorf). 

Neopecelia Hubbs, Uniy. Mich. Mus. Zool., Misc. Pub. 18, 1924 (N. 
holacanthus Hubbs). 

1479. Pecilia vivipara Bloch and Schneider. 

Rivers of Brazil; Guiana; Martinique; Porto Rico. 

Pecilia vivipara Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 452, pl. 86, 
fig. 2, Surinam. 

Pecilia surinamensis Valenciennes, Humboldt, Observ. Zool., II, 1817, 
158, pl. 51, fig. 1, Surinam. 

Pecilia schneideri Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X VIII, 
1846, 102 (135), Surinam. 

Neopoecilia holacanthus Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., Misc. Pub. 
No. 13, Jan. 18, 1924, 11, based on material recorded as Pecilia vivi- 
para Evermann and Marsh, Bull., U. S. Fish Com., XX, 1900, first 
part (1902), 97, from Porto Rico (Ponce, Fijaro, Arroyo, and Hu- 

1480. Pocilia tridens Hilgendorf. 
Streams of Haiti. 
Pecilia (Acropecilia) tridens Hilgendorf, Sitzungsb. Naturf. Freunde, 
1889, 52, Port au Prince. 












Genus 483. LIMIA Poey. cies 
Limia Poey, Memorias, I, 1854, 388 (L. cubensis Poey=Pecilia vittata 

Limia heterandria Regan. 
Santo Domingo. 
Limia heterandria Regan, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1913, 1017, Pl. CI, 
“Venezuela’’; locality probably wrong. 
Heterandria zonata Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXIV, 
1915, 603, fig. 3, Santo Domingo. 

Limia vittata (Guichenot). Faguito; Guajica. 
Streams of Cuba. 
Pecilia vittata Guichenot, in Ramon de la Sagra, Hist. Nat. Cuba, 
Poiss., 1853, 146, pl. 5, fig. 1, Cuba. 
Limia cubensis Poey, Memorias, I, 1854, 388, Habana. 
Limia pavonina Poey, Enumeratio, 1876, 142, Habana, 

Limia perugie (Evermann and Clark). 
Santo Domingo. 
Platypecilus perugie Evermann and Clark, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
XXX, 1906, 851, Santo Domingo. 

Limia caudofasciata Regan. 
Limia caudofasciata Regan, Proc., Zool. Soc. Lond., 1913, 1017, Jamaica. 

Limia nigrofasciata Regan. 
Limia nigrofasciata Regan, Proc., Zool. Soc. Lond., 1913, 1015, Pl. CI, 
figs. 1, 2, 1913, Haiti. 
Limia arnoldi Regan, loc. cit., 1016, Miragofine, Haiti; young of nigro- 

Limia ornata Regan. 
Limia ornata Regan, Prov. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1913, 1016, Haiti. 

Limia dominicensis (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Santo Domingo and Barbados. 

Pecilia dominicensis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X VIII, 
1846, 99 (131), pl. 525, Santo Domingo. 

Pecilia melanogaster Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 345, locality unknown. 

Platypecilus dominicensis Evermann and Clark, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
XXX, 1906, 852, fig. 2, streams in San Francisco Mountains, Santo 

Limia melanonotata Nichols and Myers. 
Santo Domingo. 
Limia melanonotata Nichols and Myers, Amer. Mus. Novitates, No. 79, 
1923, 1, Hispaniola. 

Limia versicolor (Giinther). 
Rivers of Haiti. 
Girardinus versicolor Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 352, Santo Domingo. 

Genus 484. LEBISTES De Filippi 
coma de Filippi, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fisiol., I, 1862, 69 (L. peciloides de 
Acanthophacelus Eigenmann, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XX XII, 1907, 426 
(Pecilia reticulatus Peters). 

Lebistes reticulatus (Peters). Millions; Bellyfish; Guppy and rainbow- 

fish of aquarists. 

Pools and streams of Barbados, Trinidad, and Venezuela. 

Pecilia reticulata Peters, Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1859, 412, 
Caracus, Venezuela. 

Lebistes peciloides de Filippi, Arch. Zool. Anat. Fisiol., I, 1861, 69, Pl. 
IV, fig. 6, Barbados. 

Girardinus guppii Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 353, Trinidad; Venezuela. 

Acanthophacelus melanzonus Eigenmann, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VI, 1909, 
51, Georgetown Trenches, British Guiana. 

Genus 485. MOLLIENESIA LeSueur. 

Mollienesia LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II, 1821, 2 (Mollinesia 
latipinna LeSueur). 










Mollienesia latipinna LeSueur. Mudjish. 

South Carolina to northern Mexico, in lowland swamps and streams. 

Mollinesia latipinna LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II, 1821, 3, 
New Orleans. 

Pecilia multilineata LeSueur, loc. cit., 4, New Orleans. 

Pecilia lineolata Girard, U. S. Mex. Bound. Surv., Ichth., 1859, 70, 
pl. 35, figs. 9 to 11, Rio Grande near Brownsville, Tex. 

Limia peciloides Girard, loc. cit., 70, pl. 38, figs. 8 to 14, Indianola, Tex. 

Limia matamorensis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 
117, Matamoras. 

Mollienesia gracilis Regan. 
Lake Peten, Guatemala. 
Mollinesia petenensis Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 348, Lake Peten; not 
Pecilia petenensis Giinther, also a Mollienesia. 
Mollinesia gracilis Regan, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1913, 1012; substitute 
name. 5 

Mollienesia petenensis (Giinther). 
Lake Peten, Guatemala. 
Pecilia petenensis Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 342, Lake Peten, Guatemala; 
not Mollinesia petenensis Giinther, loc. cit., 348. 

Mollienesia formosa (Girard). 
Mexico; Lake Aleohuaca, Huamantla, Mexico; Palo Alto. 
Limia formosa Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 115, Palo 
Alto, Mexico. 

Mollienesia spilura (Giinther). 
Streams of Central America. 
Pecilia spilurus Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 345, cabal America. 

Mollienesia velifera Regan. 
Mollinesia velifera Regan, Ann. Mag.’ Nat. Hist., 8th ser., XIII, 1914, 
338, Progreso, Yucatan. 

Mollienesia sphenops (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Lowland streams of Mexico and Central America. 

Pecilia sphenops Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XVIII, 
1836, 98 (130), 525, Vera Cruz. 

Molinesia fasciata Miiller and Troschel, Monatsber. Akad. ayiss. Berlin, 
1844, 36, Mexico. 

Pecilia mexicana Steindachner, Sitzungsb., Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
XLVIII, 1863, 178, taf. 4, fig. 2, southern Mexico. 

Pecilia thermalis Steindachner, loc: cit., 181, warm springs in Cehtral 

Xiphophorus gillii Kner and Steindachner, Abhandl. Bayer. Akad. 
Wiss., X, 1864, 28, taf. 4, fig. 1 (1866), Rio Chagres, Panama. 

Gambusia modesta Troschel, in Miiller’s Reisen Vereinigten Staaten, 
Canada and Mexico, ITI, 1865, 639, Mexico. 

eda chisoyensis Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 342, Rio Chisoy, Vera 


Gambusia plumbea Troschel, loc. cit., III, 1865,640, Mexico. 

Pecilia dovii Giinther, loc. ‘cit., VI, 1866, 344, Lake Nicaragua; Lake 

Platypecilus mentalis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXVIII, 1876, 
335, Isthmus of Panama. 5 

Pecilia boucardi Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., VI, 1878, 8, Colon (or 

Pecilia limantouri Jordan and Sryder, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 
1899, 129, fig. 10, Rio Tamesin, Tampico, Mexico. 

Pecilia butleri Jordan, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, 1888, 330, Rio 
Presidio, Mazatlan. 

Platypecilus tropicus Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., VII, 1907, 146, Tur- 
rialba, Costa Rica. 

Pecilia tenuis Meek, loc. cit., 147, San Jose, Costa Rica. 

ee ra i Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), XIX, 1907, 65, 

Pecilia spilonota Regan, loc. cit., 8th ser., II, 1908, 460, San Jose. 


1498. Mollienesia sphenops cuneata (Garman). 
Turbo, Gulf of Darien. 
Pecilia cuneata Garman, Mem., Mus. Comp. Zool., XIX, 1895, 62, Pl. 
V, fig. 3, teeth, Turbo, Gulf of Darien. 

1499. Mollienesia sphenops vandepolli (Van Lindth de Jeude). 
Tropical America, abundant in fresh-water pools. 
Pecilia vandepolli Van Lindth de Jeude, Notes, Leyden Mus., IX, 1887, 
137, Freshwater, Curagao. 
Pecilia vandepolli arubensis Van Lindth de ESS loc. cit., 188, Aruba, 
one of the Leeward Islands. 

Genus 486. ALFARO Meek. 
Petalosoma Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (8), II, 1908, 462 (P. cul- 
tratum Regan, name preoccupied). 
Alfaro Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., X, September, 1912, 72 
(A, acutiventris Meek). 
Petalurichthys Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., X, November 1912, 494 
(Petalosoma cultratum Regan; substitute for Petalosoma preoccupied). 

1500. Alfaro cultratus (Regan). 
Streams of Costa Rica. 
Petalosoma culiratum Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XI, 1908, 458, 
Rio Iroquois, Costa Rica. 
Alfaro acutiventralis Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., X, 1912, 72, 
Costa Rica, 

Genus 487. PLATYPCCILUS Giinther. 
Platypecilus Ginther, Cat., V1, 1866, 350 (P, maculatus Giinther). 

1501. Platypecilus maculatus Giinther. Moonfish of the aquarists. 


Platypecilus maculatus Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 350, Mexico. 

Platypecilus variatus Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 145, 146, 
San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 

Platypecilus maculatus immaculatus Myers, Copeia, No. 113, Dee 20, 
1922, 89, a form developed in an aquarium, therefore without stand- 
ing in scientific nomenclature. 

1502. Platypecilus couchianus (Girard). 
Rio Grande Basin. 
Limia couchiana Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 116, 
Rio San Juan, at Cadereita and Monterey, in Nuevo Leon, Mexico. 

Genus 488. XIPHOPHORUS Heckel. 
Xiphophorus Heckel, Sitzungsb. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, I, 1848, pt. 
3, 163 (X. helleri Heckel). 

1503. Xiphophorus helleri Heckel. Swordtail. 
Lowland streams of southern Mexico and Guatemala, of Atlantic 
Xiphophorus hellert Heckel, Sitzungsb. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, I, 
1848, pt. 3, 163, pl. 5, Rio Chisoy, Guatemala. 
gy, a tha jalapey Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 107, 

1504. Xiphophorus helleri guntheri (Jordan and Evermann). 
Rivers of eastern slope of Guatemala. 
Xiphophorus guntheri Jordan and Evermann, Fish. North and Mid. 
Amer., 1896, 702, Rio Chisoy (Usumacinta), Guatemala. 

1505. Xiphophorus helleri strigatus (Regan). 
Atlantic slope of southern Mexico. 
Xiphophorus strigatus Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), XIX, 1907, 
65; streams of Atlantic slope of southern Mexico; Cordoba, Oaxaca, 

1506. Xiphophorus helleri rachovii (Regan). 
Atlantic slope of Guatemala. 
Xiphophorus rachovii Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (8), VIII, 1911, 
374, Puerto Barrios between Lake Yzabal and Rio Motagua. 











Xiphophorus helleri brevis (Regan). 
British Honduras. 
Xiphophorus brevis Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), XIX, 1907, 65, 
British Honduras. ; 

Xiphophorus montezume Jordan and Snyder. 
Rio Panuco, eastern Mexico. 
Xiphophorus montezume Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., 
XIX, 1899 (1900), 131, fig. 11, Rio Panuco, Mexico. 

Family 117. ANABLEPIDZ. Four-eyed fishes 

Genus 489. ANABLEPS (Gronow) Scopeli. 
Anableps Gronow, in Scopeli, Introd. Hist. Nat., 1777, 450 (no type 
mentioned; A. anableps L. understood). 

Anableps anableps Linnzus. Cuatro ojos; Four-eyed fish. 
Trinidad to Brazil; in streams. 
Anableps anableps Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. 9, 1756, 55. 
Anableps tetrophthalmus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, VIII, 1794, 
d, DIOL. 

Anableps dowei Gill. Cuatro ojos. 
Streams of Central America, locally common (Salvador—Chiapas, 
Anableps dowei Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 4, La 
Union, Salvador. 

Family 118. AMBLYOPSIDA. Cave blindfishes 

Genus 490. CHOLOGASTER Agassiz. 
Chologaster Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVI, 1853, 135 (C. cornutus 

Chologaster cornutus jase Fish of the rice ditches of South Atlantic 
Lowland swamps of the Southern States, from the Dismal Swamp to 
the Okefinokee Swamp; locally very abundant. 
Chologaster cornutus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVI, 1853, 135, 
ditch in a rice field in South Carolina. 

Chologaster avitus Jordan and Jenkins. Fish of Dismal Swamp. 
Streams and swamps from southeast Virginia southward, probably 
varying into C. cornutus. 
Chologaster avitus Jordan and Jenkins, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., XI, 1888, 
356, pl. fig. 8, outlet of Lake Drummond, Dismal Swamp, near 
Suffolk, Va. 

Genus 491. FORBESELLA Jordan and Evermann. 

Forbesella Jordan and Evermann, Proc., Calif. Acad. Sci., 4th ser., XVI, 
1927 (Apr. 27), 503 (Chologaster papilliferus Forbes). 

This genus stands between the ancient type of Chologaster well colored 
and with developed eves, and the colorless blind fishes of the caves 
of the middle west. From Chologaster, Forbesella differs in the pres- 
ence of tactile papilla as in Amblyopsis. 

Forbesella papillifera (Forbes). Cavefish. 
Cave springs, Union and Pope Counties, Il. 
Chologaster papilliferus Forbes, Amer. Nat., XVI, January, 1882, 1, 
cave spring in Union County, southern Illinois. 

Forbesella agassizii (Putnam). 
Underground streams of Tennessee and Kentucky. 
Chologaster agassizii Putnam, Amer. Nat., VI, “13872, 30, Pl. 2, figs. 
4, 4a, 4b, from a well at Lebanon, Tenn. 

Genus 492. TYPHLICHTHYS Girard. 
Typhlichthys Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 63 (7. 
subterraneus Girard). 


1515. Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard. Small blindfish. 
Subterranean streams in limestone regions of Indiana, Kentucky, 
Tennessee, Missouri, and Alabama. 
Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 
1859, 63, well at Bowling Green, Ky. 

1516. Typhlichthys osborni Eigenmann. 
Horse Cave, near Mammoth Cave, Ky. 
Typhlichthys osborni Eigenmann, Biol. Bull., VIII, 1905, 65, figs. 3 and 
4, Horse Cave, Ky. 

1517. Typhlichthys wyandotte Eigenmann. 
Well near Corydon, Ind. 
ch a wyandotie Eigenmann, Biol. Bull., VIII, 1905, 63, Corydon, 

Genus 493. TROGLICHTHYS Eigenmann. 
Troglichthys Eigenmann, A Case of Convergence, Science, new series, 
IX, 1899, 282 (Typhlichthys rose Eigenmann). 

1518. Troglichthys rose (Eigenmann). Missouri cavefish. 
Typhlichthys rose Eigenmann, Science, new series, IX, 1899, No. 217, 
282, caves in Missouri. 

Genus 494. AMBLYOPSIS DeKay. 
Amblyopsis DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 187 (A. spelzus 

1519. Amblyopsis speleus DeKay. Mammoth Cave blindfish. 
Subterranean streams of the limestone regions of Kentucky and Indiana; 
River Styx, Mammoth Cave; the largest species of the group. 
Amblyopsis speleus DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 187, 
Mammoth Cave, Ky. 

Family 119. BELONIDZ. Houndfishes; Needlefishes 

Genus 495. STRONGYLURA Van Hasselt. 
Strongylura Van Hasselt, Bull. Sci. Nat. Ferussac., II, 1824, 374 (S. 
caudimaculata Van Hasselt=Belone strongylura Van Hasselt, 1823). 

1520. Strongylura notata (Poey). Needlefish; Longjaws; Gar. 
West Indies, north to Pensacola; common about Key West. 
Belone notata Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 293, Cuba. 

1521. Strongylura scapularis (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Tylosurus scapularis Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., I, 
1881, 307, Panama. 

1522. Strongylura timucu (Walbaum). Timucu; Peizxe agulha. 
Florida Keys to Brazil; not rare. 
fy wets or Peize agulha Marcgrave, Hist. Pisc. Brasil., 1648, 168, 
Esoz timucu Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., III, 1792, 88, Brazil; after Timucu 
of Marcgrave. 
Belone subtruncata Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 295, Habana. 
Belone depressa Poey; loc. cit., 296, Cuba. 
Tylosurus sagitta Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 
25, Key West. 
Belone ardeola Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XVIII, 
1846, 315 (425), Porto Rico. 
ae cigonella Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 323 (436), Porto 
Belone almeida Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. Uranie, Zool., 1824, 226, 
Bay of Rio Janeiro. 
Belone timucu Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XVIII, 
1846, 316 (426), Rio de Janeiro, , 


1523. Strongylura argalus (LeSueur). 
West Indies. 
Belone argalus LeSueur, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XVIII, 1846, 326 (439), Guadeloupe, West Indies. 

1524. Strongylura euryops (Bean and Dresel). Longjaw. 
Cuba and Jamaica. 
Tylosurus euryops Bean and Dresel, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 
168, Jamaica. 

1525. Strongylura diplotznia (Cope). 
St. Martins Island, West Indies. 
Belone diplotzenia Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1871, 481, ‘St. 

1526. Strongylura microps (Giinther). 
Coast of Guiana. 
Belone microps Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 237, Surinam, British Guiana. 

1527. Strongylura angusticeps (Giinther). 
Coast of Ecuador. 
Belone angusticeps Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 238, Ecuador. 

1528. Strongylura stolzmanni (Steindachner). Sverrita. 
Pacific coast of America from Guaymas and Mazatlan to Peru. 
Belone stolzmanni Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., VII, 1878, 21, Tumbez, 
Tylosurus sierrita Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
458, Mazatlan. 

1529. Strongylura exilis (Girard). Needlefish; California garfish. 
Coast of southern California, from Point Conception southward to 
Cedros Island, Mexico. 
Belone exilis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 149, San 
1530. Strongylura pterura (Osburn and Nichols). 
Gulf of California. 
Tylosurus pterurus Osburn and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
XXXY, 1916, 152, fig. 6, Carmen Island, Gulf of California. 

1531. Strongylura marina (Walbaum). Garfish; Billfish; Needlefish; Aguj6n; 
Salt-water gar; Silver gar; Swordfish; Green gar; Skippick; Sea pike; 
Harvest pike; Silvery gar. 
Coast of Maine to Texas; Atlantic and Gulf coasts, entering rivers. 
Esox marinus Walbaum, ‘Artedi Pisc., III, 1792, 88; after Schépf. 
Esox longirostris Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., aT 1818, 322, Hudson 
Belone truncata LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II, 1821, 126, 
New York Bay. 
Belone scutator Girard, U. S. Mex. Bound. Surv., Ichth., 1859, 30, pl. 
13, Brazos Santiago and St. Joseph Island, Tex. 
1532. Strongylura guianensis (Miller and Troschel). 
Tylosurus guianensis Miller and Troschel in Schomburgk’s Reise, 
III, 1848, 626, coast of Guiana. 
Genus 496. TYLOSURUS Cocco. 
Tylosurus Cocco, Giorn. Sci. Litt. Art. Sicilia, XVII, 1829, 18 (T. 
cantraint Cocco=?Sphyrena acus Lacépéde). 
1533. Tylosurus fodiator Jordan and Gilbert. Agujén. 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Tylosurus fodiator Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
459, Mazatlan. 
1534. Tylosurus raphidoma (Ranzani). Howndfish; Aguja de Casta; Guardfish. 
West Indies, Florida Keys to Brazil; north to Ocean City, N. J., and 
North Carolina. 
Belone raphidoma Ranzani, Noy. Com. Acad. Sci. Bonon., V, 1842, 
359, pl. 37, fig. 1, Brazil. 
Belone gerania Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XVIII, 
1846, 325 (437), Martinique. 
Belone crassa Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 291, Cuba. 
Belone melanochira Poey, loc. cit., 294, Cuba. 
Tylosurus gladius Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 239, 430, 
Pensacola, Fla. 








Tylosurus galeatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Cayenne, French Guiana. 
Belone galeata Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XVIII, 
1846, 319 (429), Cayenne, French Guiana. 

Tylosurus pacificus (Steindachner). 
Acapulco to Panama. 
Belone pacifica Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 65, Panama. 

Tylosurus acus (Lacépéde). Houndfish; Agujoén. 

West Indies and occasionally northward. 

Sphyrena acus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 6 pl., 1 fig. 3, 

?Esox imperialis Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 59, Palermo. 

?Tylosurus cantrainii Cocco, Giorn. Sci. Litt. Art. Sicilia, XVII, 1829, 
18, pl. 1, fig. 4, Messina. 

Belone latimana Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 290, Habana. 

Belone jonesi Goode, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts., XIII, 1877, 295, Bermuda. 

Tylosurus caribbeus (LeSueur). 
West Indies. 
Belone caribbza LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II, 1821, 127, 
Caribbean Sea. 
Belone altipinna Poey, Memorias, II, 1851, 293, Cuba. 

Genus 497. ABLENNES Jordan and Fordice. 
Athlennes Jordan and Fordice, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IX, 1886, 342 
ene hians Cuvier and Valenciennes); error of transcription for 
Ablennes. as 

Ablennes hians (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
West Indies, ranging from Florida to Brazil; generally common; also 
recorded from Acapulco and Hawaii. 
Belone hians Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X VIII, 1846, 
321 (432), pl. 548, Bahia; common at Habana. 
Belone maculata Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 290, Cuba. 


Genus 498. SCOMBERESOX Lacépéde. Sauries. 
Scomberesor Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 344 (S. camperii 
Sayris Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 60 (S. recurvirostra Rafinesque= 
Esozx saurus Walbaum). 
Grammiconotus Costa, Ann. Mus. Zool. Univ. Napoli, I, 1862, 55 (G. 
bicolor Costa; said to lack the air bladder. 

Scomberesox saurus (Walbaum). Saury; Skipper; Billfish; Skipjack. 

Temperate parts of Atlantic Ocean; common in schools especially 
north of Cape Cod and France. 

Esox saurus Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., III, 1792, 93, Cornwall; after the 
saury pike of Pennant. 

Scomberesox camperii Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 345, locality 

Sayris recurvirostra Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 61; substitute for 

Sayris hians Rafinesque, loc. cit., 61, Palermo. 

Sayris bimaculatus Rafinesque, foc. cit., 62, Palermo. 

Scomberesox scutellatum LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II, 1821 
(1823), 132, Newfoundland. 

Scomberesoxz storeri DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 229, pl. 35, 
fig. 3, Banks of Newfoundland; coast of Massachusetts; New York. 

Scomberesox equirostrum LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila, II, 
1821 (1823), 132, locality unknown. 

Scomberesox rondeletii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X VIII, 
1846, 350 (472), Mediterranean. 

Grammiconotus bicolor Costa, Ann. Mus. Zool. Univ. Napoli, I, 1862,» 
55, Naples. 

? Scomberesox forsteri Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XVIII, 1846, 357 (481), New Zealand. 

Sayris serrata Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 61, after Rondelet. 


Genus 499. COLOLABIS Gill. 
Cololabis Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVIII, 1895, 176 (Scomberesoz 
brevirostris Peters). 

1541. Cololabis brevirostris (Peters). 
Coast of California, south to San Diego in the open sea; often in schools. 
Scomberesox brevirostris Peters, Monatsberichte Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 
July, 1866, 521, Tomales Bay, Calif.; perhaps not separable from the 
Japanese Cololabis saira Brevoort. 

Family 121. HEMIRAMPHIDZ. Halfbeaks 

Euleptorhamphus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 156 (EZ. 
brevoorti Gill=probably E. velox Poey). 

1542. Euleptorhamphus longirostris (Cuvier). 
East Indies; Galapagos Islands. 
Hemiramphus longirostris Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 286, 
warm seas of both hemispheres. 

1543. Euleptorhamphus velox Poey. Slender halfbeak. 
West Indies, occasionally northward in the Gulf Stream to Massa- 
? Euleptorhamphus brevoortii Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 
1859, 156, no locality. 
Euleptorhamphus velox Poey, Synopsis, 1867, 383, Cuba; perhaps identical 
with the preceding. 

Genus 501. HYPORHAMPHUS Gill. Halfbeaks. 
Hyporhamphus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 131 (H. 
tricuspidatus Gill= Hemirhamphus unifasciatus Ranzani). 

1544. Hyporhamphus unifasciatus (Ranzani). Common halfbeak; Escribano; 

Tropical seas on both coasts of America from Brazil north to Rhode 
Island, New Jersey, Guaymas, and Mazatlan; generally common 
from Key West to Rio de Janeiro; also from Guaymas to the Gala- 
pagos; variable; but the distinction into two or more species not 
trustworthy. ; ; 

Hemirhamphus unifaciatus Ranzani, Nov. Com. Acad. Sci. Bonon., 
V, 1842, 326, Brazil. 

? Hemirhamphus picarti Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XIX, 1846, 18 (25), Bono, Algiers. 

Hemirhamphus richardi Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 19 (26), 
St. Croix, Antilles. 

Hyporhamphus tricuspidatus Gill. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, . 
1859, 131, Barbados. 

Hemirhamphus fasciatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 299, Cuba; not 
of Bleeker. 

1545. Hyporhamphus roberti * (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Both coasts of tropical America; West Indies and Brazil north to Rhode 
Island, and on the Pacific coast from Gulf of California to the Gala- 
Hemiramphus roberti Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 
1846, 18 (24), Cayenne. 

1546. Hyporhamphus gilli Meek and Hildebrand. 
Acapulco to the Galapagos. 
Hyporhamphus gilli Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Pub. - 
215, Zool. Ser., XV, Dec. 20, 1923, 240, Pl. XVII, fig. 1, Panama 
Bay, Balboa. 

1547. Hyporhamphus rose (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Coast of southern California and probably southward. 
Hemiramphus rose Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 335, San Diego, Calif. 

8 This species is slenderer than H. wnifasciatus, with longer beak and more numerous gill rakers, 28 to 
81 on lower limb (21 in H. wnifasciatus). 


1548. Hyporhamphus snyderi Meek and Hildebrand. 
Lower California to Panama. 
Hyporhamphus snyderi Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. 
Pub. 215, Zool., Ser. XV, Dec. 20, 1923, 240, Pl. XVII, fig. 2, Balboa, 
Panama Bay. 

Genus 502. HEMIRAMPHUS Cuvier. 
Hemiramphus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, II, 1817, 186 (Esox brasi- 
liensis Linnzus). 

1549. Beplempbue brasiliensis (Linnzus). Balao; Escribano; Red-tailed 


West Indies, generally abundant from Key West southward to Bahia. 

Esoz brasiliensis Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 314, Jamaica; after 
Browne; the Timucu of Macgrave wrongly included in the synonymy; 
Bloch, Ichth., 1801, 391, corrected synonymy and description. 

Hemiramphus brownii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 
1846, 10 (13), Guadeloupe, Martinique. 

Hemiramphus pleit Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 15 (19), Mar- 
tinique, San Domingo. 

Macrognathus brevirostris Gronow, Cat. Fish., 1854, 148, America; 
after Browne. 

Hemirhamphus filamentosus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 297, Cuba. 

1550. Hemirhamphus balao LeSueur. Balao; Piper; Blue-tailed balao. 
Cuba; also known from Panama; Guadeloupe; Martinique. 
Hemirhamphus balao LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II, 1823, 

136, Lesser Antilles, Guadeloupe, Martinique. 
Hemirhamphus macrochirus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 299, Cuba. 

1551. Hemirhamphus saltator Gilbert and Starks. 
Panama; Galapagos Islands. 
Hemirhamphus saltator Gilbert and Starks, Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
IV, 1904, 53, Pl. IX, fig. 16, Panama. 

Genus 508. CHRIODORUS Goode and Bean. JHardheads. 
Chriodorus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 431 (C. 
atherinoides Goode and Bean). 

1552. Chriodorus atherinoides Goode and Bean. Hardhead. 
Florida Keys and vicinity. 
Chriodorus atherinoides Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 432, Key West, Fla. 

Genus 504. HEMIEXOCCTUS Fowler. 
’  Hemiexocetus Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LIII, 1901, 293 
(H. caudimaculatus Fowler). 

1553. Hemiexocetus caudimaculatus Fowler. 
Mazatlan, Mexico. 
Hemiexocetus caudimaculatus Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
LIII, 1901, 294, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Family 122. EXOCTIDZ. Flyingfishes 

Genus 505. FODIATOR Jordan and Meek. 
Fodiator Jordan and Meek, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 45 
(Exocetus acutus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

1554. Fodiator acutus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Sharp-nosed flyingfish. 
Both shores of tropical America; Gulf of California; San Luis Gonzales; 
Panama; Nice. 
Ezocetus acutus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 
1846, 91 (125), Surinam; Nice. 

Genus 506. EVOLANTIA Heller and Snodgrass. 
Evolantia Heller and Snodgrass, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., V, 1903, 189 
(Exocetus micropterus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

1555. Evolantia microptera (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Malolo. 
Galapagos Islands. 
Ezxocetus micropterus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 
1846, 92 (127), Port King George, New Holland, etc. 


Genus 507. PAREXOC(TUS Bleeker. : 
Parexocetus Bleeker, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., III, 1866, 126 (Broo 
mento Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

1556. Parexocetus mesogaster (Bloch). 

Tropical seas; East Indies and West Indies; Hawatian Islands; 
Newport, Rhode Island; Carolina coast. 

Exocetus mesogaster Bloch. Naturgesch. Ausl. Fisch., DX; 1795, lye 
Martinique; on a drawing by Plumier, in which the pectorals and 
ventrals are much too long. 

Ezocetus orbignianus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 
1846 , 95 (131), Montevideo. 

Exocetus hillianus Gosse, Naturalist’s Sojourn in Jamaica, II, 1851, 
Pl]. I, fig. 1, Jamaica. 

Exocetus gryllus Klunzinger, Verhandl. Zool. Botan. Gesell. Wien, 1871, 
586, Red Sea. 

Genus 508. EXOCCTUS Linneus. Flyingfishes. 
Exocetus Linneeus, Syst. Nat., ed? X, 1758, 316 (#. volitans). 

1557. Exoccetus volitans Linneus. Sharp-finned flyingfish. 

Warm seas; Atlantic coast north to Newfoundland; England; Ha- 
waiian Islands and Japan, largely pelagic. 

Exocetus volitans Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x 1758, 316, Atlantic Ocean; 
not of Cuvier and Valenciennes. 

Exocetus evolans Linnzeus, loc. cit., ed. XII, 1766, 521; after Gronow. 

Exocetus splendens Abel, Narr. Voy. China, 1818, 4, China. 

Exocetus georgianus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XIX, 1846, 139, equatorial America. 

pre chiliensis Abbott, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 1860, 
472, Chile. 

1558. Exocetus obtusirostris Giinther. 
Tropical Atlantic; recorded from Cape Verde Islands, New Orleans, 
and Miami, Fla. 
Exocetus obtusirostris Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 283, Cape Verde Islands, 
etc.; according to Nichols (Copeia, No. 108, 1922, 49), this is different 
from E. volitens. 

Genus 509. EXONAUTES Jordan and Evermann. 
Exonautes Jordan and ‘Evermann, Rept. U. 8S. Fish Com., 1895, 322 
(Exocetus exsiliens P. L. S. Miiller). 

1559. Exonautes exsiliens (P. L. 8. Miiller). 

Open seas; rare on our Atlantic coast. 

Exocetus exsiliens Philip Ludwig Statius Miller, Niirnberg, ed. Linnzus, 
Syst. Nat., 1776, 209, Carolinas. 

Exocetus fasciatus LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II, 1821, 8, 
pl. 4, fig. 2, Atlantic. 

Exocetus lamellifer Kner and Steindachner, Neue Fische Godeffroy 
Mus., 1866, 29, Atlantic 12° S., 39° W. 

1560. Exonautes rondeletii (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Tropical seas; Florida; France; Acapulco; West Indies; southern 
Europe; perhaps the adult of H. exsiliens. 

Exocetus rondeletii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 
1846, 84 (115), pl. 562, Naples; Sicily; Canaries. 

Exocatus brachycephalus Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 297, China. 

Exocetus volador Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 34 Pensa- 
cola, Fla. 

1561. Exonautes vinciguerre (Jordan and Meek). 
Open Atlantic; southern Europe; Newfoundland; St. Martins; Gulf of 
Exocetus vinciguerre Jordan and Meek, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 
1885, 56, open sea off Newfoundland, 46° N., 61° W. 


1562. Exonautes rubescens (Rafinesque). 

Atlantic Ocean, north to Newfoundland; also in the Pacific if EZ. specu- 
liger is the same. 

Exocetus rubescens Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., 1818, 205, Banks 
of Newfoundland. 

? Exocetus speculiger Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 
1846, 69 (63), Friendly Islands, Pacific coast of South America, ete. 

Exocetus roberti. Miiller and Troschel, Schomburgk’s Hist. Barbados, 
1848, 675, Barbados. : 

? Exocetus quadriremus Gronow, Cat. Fish., 1854, 145, Spain and India. 

Exocetus volitans of various authors; not of Linn:eus. 

1563. Exonautes affinis (Giinther). 
West Indies to Africa; locally common. 
Exocetus affinis Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 288, West Africa; Cuba. 

1564. Exonautes rufipinnis (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Tropical America; Payta; Panama; Tabasco; Barbados. 

Exocatus Fufipinnis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist.’ Nat. Poiss., XIX, 
1846, 72 (99), Payta, Peru. 

Exocetus dowii ‘Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 167, near 

Exocetus scylla Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1871, 481, Tabasco, 

Genus 510. CYPSELURUS Swainson: ~ 

Cypsilurus Swainson, Class. Fishes, etc., IT, 1839, 296 (Exocetus nuttalli 

LeSueur); misprint for Cypselurus, according to decision Int. Com. 

Zool. Nom. 
1565. Cypselurus heterurus (Rafinesque). Flyingfish; Single-bearded flying- 

Atlantic Ocean, generally common southward to Newfoundland and to 

Exocetus heterurus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 58, Palermo. 

Exocetus comatus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., 1815, 448, pl. 5, 
fig. 1, New York. 

Exocetus noveboracensis Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 1818, 333, 
New York. 

Exocetus appendiculatus Wood, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IV, 1824, 
283, pl. 17, fig. 2, locality unknown. 

Exocetus melanurus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 

1846, 74 (101), New York. 

1566. Cypselurus lutkeni (Jordan and Evermann). 

Coast of Cuba. 
Exocetus lutkeni Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 

1896, 736, Cape San Antonio, Cuba. 

1567. Cypselurus furcatus (Mitchill). Double-bearded flyingfish. 

Warm seas, north to Cape Cod and the Mediterranean, generally 

Exocetus furcatus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 449, 
New York. 

Exocetus nuttalli LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II, 1821, 10, 
Pl. IV, fig. 1, Gulf of Mexico. 

Exocetus (Cypsilurus) procne De Filippie Verany, Mem. Acad. Sci. 
Torino, ser. 2, XVIII, 1857, 10, fig. 5, Nice. 

Exocetus maculipinnis Vinciguerra, ‘Ann. Mus. Genov., XVIII, 1883, 

pl. 1, fig. 6, 577, Tunis. 

1568. Cypselurus nigricans (Bennett). 

Tropical seas, north to Cuba, Central America, and France. 

Exocetus nigricans Bennett, Whaling Voyage, II, 1840, 287, taken in 
both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, in lat. 5° N. 

Exocetus bicolor Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 1846, 
81 (111), Atlantic. 

Exocetus spilopus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 86 (118), La 
Rochelle; St. Helena; West Indies; India; Arabia; De Witt Land. 


1569. Cypselurus xenopterus (Gilbert). 
Clarion Island, one of the Revillagigedo Islands. 
Exocetus xenopterus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 58, 
Clarion Island. 

1570. Cypselurus lineatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Tropical Atlantic; Gorea; the Canaries; Madeira and Bermuda. 
Ezocetus lineatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 
1846, 67 (92), Gorea; Canaries. 

1571. Cypselurus cyanopterus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Coasts of Brazil and Caribbean Sea; not common. 
Exocetus cyanopterus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 
1846, 71 (98), American seas. 
Exocetus albidactylus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 167, 
Caribbean Sea. 

1572. Cypselurus bahiensis (Ranzani). 
Tropical Atlantic; north to Cuba. 
Exocetus bahiensis Ranzani, Nov. Com. Acad. Sci. Bonon., V, 1842, 
362, pl. 38, Bahia. 
Exocetus vermiculatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 300, Cuba. 
? Exocetus parre Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 385, Cuba. 

1573. Cypselurus spilonotopterus (Bleeker). 
Tropical Pacific, north to Hawaii and Galapagos Islands. 
Exocetus spilonotopterus Bleeker, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., III, 1863, 
113, Sumatra. 

1574. Cypselurus californicus (Cooper). Great flyingfish; Volador. 
Southern California; Point Conception to Cape San Lucas; Santa 
Barbara Islands; locally very abundant. 
Exocetus californicus Cooper, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., III, 1863, 93, 
fi~. 20, Santa Catalina Island. 

1575. Cypselurus callopterus (Giinther). 
Exocetus callopterus Giinther, Cat., VI, 1866, 292, Panama. 

1576. Cypselurus fucorum (Zugmayer). 
Exocetus fucorum Zugmayer, Bull. 193, Inst. Oceanogr., Jan. 20, 1911, 
in 31° 38’ N., 42° 38’ W.., at surface. é 

1577. Cypselurus holubi (Steindachner). 
Exocetus holubi Steindachner, in Collett, Voy. Hirondelle, 1896, 123, 
Plover. 1s: Newfoundland. 

1578. Cypselurus gibbifrons (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Atlantic Ocean; Newport, R. I. 
Exocetus gibbifrons Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIX, 
1846, 86 (118), Atlantic. 

Family 123. MACROURIDZ (Coryphenoidide). Grenadiers; Rat-tails 

Genus 511. GADOMUS Regan. 
Gadomus Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XII, 1903, 459, 466 (Bathygadus 
longifilis Goode and Bean). 

1579. Gadomus arcuatus (Goode and Bean). 
Gulf of Mexico, in deep water. 
Bathygadus arcuatus Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XII, 
1886, No. 5, 158, off Martinique in 334 fathoms. 

1580. Gadomus longifilis (Goode and Bean). 
Deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico. 
Bathygadus longifilis Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 
1885, 599, Gulf of Mexico at Albatross station 2392, lat. 28° 47’ 30/' 
N., long. 87° 27’ W., in 724 fathoms. 


Genus 512. BATHYGADUS Giinther. 
Bathygadus Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 1878, 23 (B. cottoides 
Melanobranchus Regan, loc. cit., (7), XI, 1903, 459 (Bathygadus melano- 
branchus Vaillant). 

1581. Bathygadus favosus Goode and Bean. 
Off Martinique, in deep water. 
Bathygadus favosus Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XII, 
1886, No. 5, 160, off Martinique at Blake station 80 in 472 fathoms. 

1582. Bathygadus macrops Goode and Bean. 
Deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico. 
Bathygadus macrops Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 
598, at Albatross station 2396 in lat. 28° 34’ N., long. 86° 48’ W., in 
335 fathoms. 

Genus 518. STEINDACHNERIA Goode and Bean. 

Steindachneria Goode and Bean, in Agassiz, Three Cruises of the Blake, 
II, 1888, 26 (diagnosis but no type named); not Steindachneria 
Papouuany 1888=Steindachneridion Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 


Steindachnerella Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Amer. Nat., XXXI, 

1897, 159 (Steindachneria argentea Goode and Bean). 

1583. Steindachneria argentea Goode and Bean. 
Gulf of Mexico. 
Steindachneria argentea Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1896, 419, fig. 
351, off delta of Mississippi River in 68 fathoms. 

Genus 514. TRACHYRINCUS Giorna. 
Trachyrincus Giorna, Mem. Acad. Imp. Turin, XVI, 1805, 4, 179, 
(Lepidolepsus trachyrincus Risso, not mentioned). 

1584. Trachyrincus helolepis (Gilbert). 
Off the Pacific coast of Central America. 
Trachyrhynchus helolepis Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 
562, Pacific coast of Central America, at Albatross station 2818, in 
deep water. 

Genus 515. DOLLOA Jordan. 
Moseleya Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 417 (Macrurus 
longifilis Giinther); name preoccupied. 
Dolloa Jordan, Amer. Nat., XXXIV, 1900, 877 (Macrurus longifilis 

1585. Dolloa cyclolepis (Gilbert). 
Coast of British Columbia. 
Nematonurus cyclolepis Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1893 
458, off Queen Charlotte Island in 1,588 fathoms. 

Genus 516. NEMATONURUS Giinther. 
Nematonurus Giinther, Challenger Rept., Deep Sea Fishes, X XII, 1887, 
124, 150 (N. armatus Hector). 

1586. Nematonurus goodii (Giinther). 
Gulf Stream from Cape Cod to Habana; generally abundant. 
Macrurus asper Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, 1883, 
No. 5, 196, Gulf Stream, south of New England in 1,242 fathoms. 
Macrurus goodii Giinther, Challenger Report, XXII, 1887, 36; sub- 
stitute for Macrurus asper, preoccupied. 

1587. Nematonurus suborbitalis (Gill and Townsend). 
Bering Sea. 
Macrurus suborbitalis Gill and Townsend, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XI, 
1897, 234, Bering Sea, southwest of Pribilof Islands, in 1,771 fathoms. 

1588. Nematonurus acrolepis (Bean). 
Straits of Juan de Fuca; off Bogoslof Island, north of Aleutian Islands; 
once taken at Monterey (W. F. Thompson). 
Macrurus acrolepis Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 362, Port 
Townsend, Wash. 


1589. Nematonurus abyssorum Gilbert. 
Off southern California in deep water. 
Nematonurus abyssorum Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XLVITII, 
1915, 374, pl. 21, off Santa Catalina in 1,350 to 2,182 fathoms. 

Genus 517. ALBATROSSIA Jordan and Evermann. 
Albatrossia Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1898, 2573 (Macrourus pectoralis Gilbert). 

1590. Albatrossia pectoralis (Gilbert). 
Off coast of Oregon. 
Macrourus (Malacocephalus) pectoralis Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
XIV, 1891, 563, off coast of Oregon, at Albatross stations 3071, 3074, 
and 3075, in 685 to 877 fathoms. 
Macrurus (Nematonurus) magnus Gill and Townsend, Proce. Biol. Soc. 
Wash., XI, 1897, 234, Bering Sea, southwest of Pribilof Islands. * 

Genus 518. BOGOSLOVIUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Bogoslovius Jordan and Evermann, Fish. North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 
2574 (B. clarki Jordan and Gilbert). 

1591. Bogoslovius clarki Jordan and Gilbert. 
Bering Sea. 
Bogoslovius clarki Jordan and Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes 
North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2575, Bering Sea off Bogoslof Island 
in 664 fathoms. 

1592. Bogoslovius firmisquamis (Gill and Townsend). 
Bering Sea. 
Macrurus firmisquamis Gill and Townsend, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XI, 
1897, 234, Bering Sea southwest of Pribilof Islands. 

Genus 519. CHALINURA Goode and Bean. 
Chalinura Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, 1882, No. 5, 
198 (C. simula Goode and Bean). 
Chalinurus Ginther, altered spelling. 

15938. Chalinura occidentalis (Goode and Bean). 
Atlantic Ocean off Cape Hatteras and Caribbean Sea. 
Malacocephalus occidentalis Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
VIII, 1885, 597, off Cape Hatteras in 132 fathoms. 

1594. Chalinura serrula Bean. 
East of Prince of Wales Island in deep water. 
Chalinura serrula Bean, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 37, east of 
Prince of Wales Island, at Albatross station 2859 in 1,569 fathoms. 

1595. Chalinura filifera Gilbert. 
Off Queen Charlotte Island, in deep water. 
Chalinura filifera Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1893 (1896), 
458, off Queen Charlotte Island, at Albatross station 3342. 

1596. Chalinura simula Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Chalinura simula Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, No. 5, 
1883, 199, Gulf Stream, about latitude 40°. 

1597. Chalinura brevibarbis Goode and Bean. 
Atlantic Basin. 
Chalinura brevibarbis Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 413, 
Atlantic Ocean in 1,255 fathoms. 

1598. Chalinura spinulosa Gilbert and Burke. 
East coast of Kamchatka. 
Chalinura spinulosa Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 
1910, 92, fig. 36, Avatcha Bay. 

Genus 520. CORYPHANOIDES * Gunner. 
Coryphexnoides Gunner, Trondhj. Selsk, Skrift., III, 1765, 50 (C. rupestris 

* The name Coryphznoides is older than Macrourus, the term usually applied to the species of this genus. 
The distinction between Coryphznoides and Macrourus is rather slight, the mouth in Macrourus being 
smaller and more inferior. Gilbert and Hubbs unite the two groups as Coryphxnoides. Many species 
bave been described from the deep waters of America. These we leave in Coryphzxnoides or in Macrourus 
as their describers have placed them. Some ofthe genera accepted here are of questionable value. 














Coryphenoides rupestris Gunner. 
Banks of Newfoundland to Norway. 
Coryphznoides rupestris Gunner, Trondhj. Selsk. Skrift., ITI, 1765, 50. 
Lepidolepus norvegicus Nilsson, Prodr. Ichth. Seand., 1832, 51, Norway. 

Coryphenoides carapinus Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Coryphznoides carapinus Goode and Bean, Bull., Mus. Comp. Zool., 
X, 1883, No. 5, 197, Gulf Stream, about lat. 40°, in deep water. 

Genus 521. MACROURUS * Bloch. 

Macrourus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, II, 1786, 150 (Coryphena 
rupestris Fabricius = Macrourus berglax Lacépéde); not Coryphenoides 
rupestris Gunner. 

Macrurus Ginther, and of most authors; corrected spelling. 

Macrourus berglax Lacépéde. 
Massachusetts to Greenland and Norway. 
eA ei rupestris Fabricius, Fauna Groenlandica, 1780, 154, Green- 
land. . 
Macrourus berglax Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 170, Greenland. 

Macrourus bairdi Goode and Bean. Common rat-tail. 
West Indies to Massachusetts Bay; excessively common north in deep 
Macrourus bairdi Goode and Bean, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts., XIII, 1877, 
471, Massachusetts Bay. 

Macrourus stelgidolepis Gilbert. 
Pacific Ocean off Point Conception, Calif. 
Macrurus (Macrourus) stelgidolepis Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
XIII, 1890, 116, Albatross station 2960, lat. 34° 10’ 45’’ N., long. 
120’ 16’ 45’’ W., in 267 fathoms. 

Macrourus cinereus Gilbert. Popeye. 
North Pacific and Bering Sea; very abundant. 
Macrurus cinereus Gilbert, Rept. U.S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893 (1896), 
457, at Albatross stations 3307, 3329, and 3340, lat. 54° to 55° N. 
and long. 155° to 171° W., in 399 to 1,033 fathoms. 

Macrourus bulbiceps Garman. 
Off Cocos Islands in deep water. 
Macrurus bulbiceps Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
194, Pl. XLIV, off Cocos Islands. 

-Macrourus bucephalus Garman. 

Off Galapagos Islands to Gulf of California, in deep water. 
Macrurus bucephalus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
195, Pl. XLIV, Gulf of California. 

Macrourus barbiger Garman. 
Gulf of California in deep water. 
Macrurus bariger Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., X XIV, 1899, 197, 
Pl. XLV, Gulf of California. 

Macrourus capito Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Macrurus capito Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 200, 
off Bay of Panama. 

Macrourus leucophzus Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Macrurus leucopheus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
201, off Bay of Panama. 

Macrourus boéps Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Macrurus boéps Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 202, 
off Bay of Panama. 

” The many deep-sea forms described by Garman are nearly all referred to Macrourus without reference 
to the closely related minor genera proposed for forms alliea te Macrourus and Coryphzxnoides, the two 
principal genera of the family, and themselves barely separable. 

6424°—29 14 








LEE « 









Macrourus fragilis Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Macrurus fragilis Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 203, 
Pl. XLV, off coast of Panama. 

Macrourus carminifer Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Macrurus carminifer Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
204, Pl. XLVI, off Bay of Panama. 

Macrourus gracilicauda Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Macrurus gracilicauda Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
206, Pl. H, off Bay of Panama. 

Macrourus orbitalis Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Macrurus orbitalis Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 207, 
Pl. XLVII, off Bay of Panama. 

Macrourus cuspidatus Garman. 
Gulf of California in deep water. 
Macrurus cuspidatus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
209, Gulf of California. 

Macrourus convergens Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Macrurus convergens Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
210, Pl. XLVIII, off Bay of Panama. 

Macrourus latirostratus Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Macrurus latirostratus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
211, Pl. XLVIII, off Bay of Panama. 

Macrourus latinasutus Garman. 
Gulf of California in deep water. 
Macrurus latinasutus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
214, Gulf of California. 

Macrourus anguliceps Garman. 
From Galapagos Islands to Gulf of California in deep water. 
Macrurus anguliceps Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
212, Pl. G; off Bay of Panama. 

Macrourus trichurus Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Macrurus trichurus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
215, off Bay of Panama. 

Macrourus tenuicauda Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Macrurus tenuicauda Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
216, Pl. XLIX, off Bay of Panama. 

Macrourus canus Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Macrurus canus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 217, 
P]. XLIX, off Bay of Panama. 

Macrourus albatrossus Townsend and Nichols. 
Off Lower California in deep water. 
Macrourus albatrossus Townsend and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
ie LII, 1925, 17, lat. 31° W., southwest of San Diego in 1,076 

Macrourus ingolfi Liitken. 
Iceland and Greenland in deep water. 
Macrurus ingolfi Litken, Ichth. Ingolf Exped., 1898, 27, south of Iceland. 


1€25. Macrourus lepturus Gill and Townsend. 
Bering Sea, St. Paul Island, Yunaska Island. 
Macrourus lepturus Gill and Townsend, Froe. Biol. Soc. Wash., XI, 
1897, 233, Bering Sea, southwest of the Pribilof Islands, in 1,401 
Macrurus dorsalis Gill and Townsend, loc. cit., 233, Bering Sea, south- 
west of Pribilof Islands, in 1,401 fathoms. 

Genus 522. CHLORHYNCHUS Giorna. 
Celorhynchus Giorna, Mem. Acad. Nat. Sci. Turin, XVI, 1805, 179, 
pl. 1, figs. 3 and 4 (C. laville Giorna). 

1626. Celorhynchus occa (Goode and Bean.) 
Gulf of Mexico in deep water. 
Macrurus occa Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 
595, Gulf of Mexico in 335 fathoms. 

1627. Celorhynchus carminatus (Goode). Grenadier. 
Caribbean Sea, north in the Gulf Stream to Long Island. 
Macrurus carminatus Goode, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III. 1880, 346, 
Gulf Stream, 40° 02’ 54’’ N., 70° 23’ 40’” W., in 115 fati: >ms. 

1628. Celorhynchus caribbzus (Goode and Bean). 
West Indies to northern part of Gulf of Mexico. 
Macrurus caribbzus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 
1885, 594, northern part of Gulf of Mexico in 210 fathoms. 

1629. Celorhynchus scaphopsis (Gilbert). 
Gulf of California in deep water. 
Macrurus (Celorhynchus) scaphopsis Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
XIII, 1890, 115, Gulf of California at Albatross station 3015, lat. 
29° 19’ N., long. 112° 50’ W., in 145 fathoms. 

Genus 523. TRACHONURUS Giinther. 
Trachonurus Giinther, Challenger Rept., Deep-sea Fishes, X XII, 1887, 
124 (Macrurus villosus Giinther). 

1630. Trachonurus sulcatus (Goode and Bean). 
West Indies and Gulf of Mexico in deep water. 
Coryphznoides sulcatus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VIII, 
1885, 596, Gulf of Mexico in 420 fathoms. 

Genus 524. LIONURUS Giinther. 
Lionurus Giinther, Challenger Rept., Deep-sea Fishes, X XII, 1887, 124 
(Coryphenoides filicauda Giinther). 

1631. Lionurus liolepis (Gilbert). 
Off southern California in deep water. 
Macrurus (Lionurus) liolepis Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII 
1890, 117, coast of California at Albatross station 2980, lat. 33° 4g} 
45’’ N., long. 119° 24’ 30’’ W. in 600 fathoms. 

Genus 525. HYMENOCEPHALUS Giglioli and Issel. 
Hymenocephalus Giglioli and Issel, Pelagos, Genoa, 1884, 228 (H. 
italicus Giglioli and Issel). 

1632. Hymenocephalus cavernosus (Goode and Bean). 
Gulf of Mexico in deep water. 
Bathygadus cavernosus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VIII, 
1885, 598, Albatross station 2398, lat. 28° 45’ N., long. 86° 26’ W. 
in 227 fathoms. 

Genus 526. ATELEOBRACHIUM Gilbert and Burke. 
Ateleobrachium Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 1910, 
94 (A. pterotum Gilbert and Burke). 

1633. Ateleobrachium pterotum Gilbert and Burke. 
East coast of Kamchatka. 
Ateleobrachium pterotum Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 
XXX, 1910, 94, Avatcha Bay. 



Genus 527. BREGMACEROS (Cantor) Thompson. 
Bregmaceros Thompson, in Charlesworth’s Mag. Nat. Hist., IV, 1840, I, 
184 (B. macclellandii Thompson). 
om tee Richardson, Voy. Sulphur, 94, 1843, 16 (C. miruwm Rich- 
Asthenurus Tickell, Jour. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1865, 32 (A. atripinnis 

1634. Bregmaceros bathymaster Jordan and Bollman. 

South Pacific and Indian Oceans; also off coast of Panama. 

?Bregmaceros macclellandii Cantor, in Charlesworth’s Mag. Nat. Hist., 
IV, 1840, 184, fig. 185, India. 

?Asthenurus atripinnis Tickell, Jour., Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1865, 32, with 
plate, Bay of Bengal. 

Bregmaceros bathymaster Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
XII; 1889, 173, southwest of Panama. 

1635. Bregmaceros atlanticus Goode and Bean. 
Blake stations 99, off Granada, 113, off Nevis; and 185. 
Bregmaceros atlanticus Goode and Bean, Bull., Mus. Comp. Zool., 
XII, 1886, No. 5, 165, off Nevis and Granada, West Indies. 

1636. Bregmaceros longipes Garman. 
Off coast of Acapulco, Mexico, in shallow water. 
Bregmaceros longipes Garman, Mem., Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 191, Pl. XLIII, off Pacific coast of Mexico. 

Family 125. GAIDROPSARIDZA. Rocklings 

Genus 528. GAIDROPSARUS Rafinesque. ‘T'hree-bearded rocklings. 

Gaidropsarus Rafinesque, Indice, II, 1810, 51 (G. mustellurus=En- 
chelyopus mediterraneus Schneider). 

Dropsarus Rafinesque, Anal. Nat., 1815, 88, shortened form; same type. 

Les Mustéles Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, II, 1817, 215 (tricirrhatus= 
mediterraneus) . 

Mustela Oken, Isis, 1817 (for les Mustéles, not Mustela L., a genus of 

Onos Risso, Hist. Europ. Mérid., III, 1826, 214 (Gadus mustela Bloch). 

Mustela Stark, Elem. Nat. Hist., I, 1828, 425; after les Mustéles. 

Motella Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 334 (Gadus mustela L.); 
substitute for Mustela Cuvier. 

Onus Giinther, corrected spelling; not of Rafinesque. 

1637. Gaidropsarus ensis (Reinhardt). Rockling; Three-bearded rockling. 
New York to Greenland. 
Motella ensis Reinhardt, Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Afhandl., VII, 1838, 
116, 128, Greenland. 
Onos rufus Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 259, Gulf Stream. 

1638. Gaidropsarus septentrionalis (Collett). 
Coasts of Norway and Greenland. 
Motella septentrionalis Collett, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4th ser., XV, 
1875, 82, Lofoton, Floro, Bergen, coast of Norway and Bod6, lat. 67° 
15’ N., in 30 fathoms. 

Genus 529. CILIATA Couch. Five-bearded rocklings. 
Ciliata Couch, Mag. Nat. Hist., V, 1822, 15 (C. glawca Couch, the 
‘““mackerel midge,” larva of Gadus mustela L.) 
Couchia Thompson, Nat. Hist. Ireland, IV, 1856, 288 (C. minor Thomp- 
son=larva of Gadus mustela L.). 
Molvella Kaup, Archiv Natur., XXIV, 1858, I, 90 (Molvella borealis 
Kaup=Gadus mustela L.). 

1639. Ciliata argentata (Reinhardt). Silvery rockling; Mackerel midge; Five- 
bearded rockling. 
Coasts of Greenland, south to Farée and Bear Islands. 
Motella argentata Reinhardt, Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Afhandl., VII, 
1838, 116, 128, Greenland. 
Motella reinhardti Kréyer, in Collett, Forhandl. Vidensk. Selsk. Chr., 
No. 14, 1878, 83, Greenland. 



Genus 530. ENCHELYOPUS* Bloch and Schneider. Four-bearded rocklings. 
Enchelyopus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 50 (Gadus cimbrius 
' L.); not of Gronow, which is nonbinomial. 
Rhinonemus Gill, Proc. Aead. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 241 (Gadus 
cimbrius L.). 
1640. Enchelyopus cimbrius (Linnzus). Four-bearded rockling. 
es North Atlantic on both coasts, south in deep water to the Gulf Stream; 
common in Massachusetts Bay. 
Gadus cimbrius Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, I, 1766, 440, Atlantic 
Ocean; Scania. 
Motella caudacuta Storer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., III, 1848, 5, 
Long Point, Provincetown, Mass. 

Family 126. GADIDZ. Codfishes 

Genus 531. BOREOGADUS Giinther. 
Boreogadus Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 336 (Gadus fabricit Richardson= 
Gadus saida Lepechin). 

1641. Boreogadus saida (Lepechin). 
Arctic seas, Greenland to Alaska and northern Russia; common in the 
far north. 
Gadus saida Lepechin, Nov. Comm. Acad. Sci. Petropol., XVIII, 1774, 
512, Russia. 
sc la polaris Sabine, Suppl. Parry’s Voy., CCXI, 1824, Baffin’s 


Gadus fabricii Richardson, Fauna Bor—Amer., III, 1836, 245, northern 
bays of Greenland. 

Gadus agilis Reinhardt, Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Afhandl., VII, 1838, 
126, Greenland. 

Genus 532. POLLACHIUS Nilsson. Pollacks. 
Pollachius Nilsson, in Bonaparte, Cat. Metod. Pesci. Europ., 1846, 45 
(Gadus pollachius Linnzus). 

1642. Pollachius virens (Linnezus). Pollack; Coalfish; Green cod. 

North Atlantic; common northward on both coasts, south to Cape Cod. 

Gadus virens Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 253, oceans of Europe. 

Gadus carbonarius Linnzus, loc. cit., 254, seas of Europe. 

Gadus colinus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 416, England, ete. 

Gadus purpureus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 370, 
New York. 

Merlangus leptocephalus DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 288, 
pl. 45, fig. 146, Long Island. 

Genus 533. THERAGRA Lucas. 
Theragra Lucas, in Jordan and Gilbert, Rept. Fur-seal Invest., III, 
1896, 486 (Gadus chalcogrammus Pallas). 

1643. Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas). Alaska pollack. 
North Pacific, south to Sitka. 
Gadus chalcogrammus Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso.—Asiat., III, 1811, 198, 
Gadus periscopus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1873, 30, Unalaska. 

1644. Theragra fucensis (Jordan and Gilbert). Wall-eyed pollack; Puget 
: Sound pollack. 
Puget Sound. 
Pollachius chaleogrammus fucensis Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., XVI, 1893, 315, Puget Sound at Tacoma, Wash. 

Genus 534. ELEGINUS Fischer. 
Eleginus Fischer, Mem. Soc. Nat. Moscow, 2d ed.; V, 1813, 4, 252-257 
(Gadus nawaga Kolreuter). 

| “The name Lnchelyopus (‘eels without ventral fins’’) has been used variously since first proposed by 
Gronow; Gronow applied the name to Zoarces, Klein to Trichiurus; as both these writers were nonbinomial 
we recognize its first binomial use, that of Schneider, for Gadus cimbrius L. 


1645. Eleginus nawaga (KG6lreuter). Wachna cod. 
Puget Sound to Bering Sea. 
Gadus nawaga Kélreuter, Nov. Com. Acad. Sci. Petropol., XIV, 1770, 
484, pl. 12, coast of northern Russia. 
Gadus gracilis Tilesius, Mém. Acad. Sci. Imp. St. Petersb., II, 1810, 354, 
Gadus wachna Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso.—Asiat., III, 1811, 182, Kamchatka. 

Genus 5385. MICROGADUS Gill. Tomcods. 
Microgadus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVII, 1865, 69 (Gadus 
proximus Girard). 

1646. Microgadus tomcod (Walbaum). Tomcod; Frostfish. 

East coast of North America, from Virginia to Labrador. 

Gadus pesnced Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., III, 1792, 133, Long Island; after 

Gadus ae Walbaum, loc. cit., 1384, North America. 

Gadus tomcodus pruinosus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 
269, New York. 

Gadus tomcodus fuscus Mitchill, loc. cit., 369, New York. 

Gadus tomcodus luteus Mitchill, loc. cit., 369, New York. 

Gadus tomcodus mixtus Mitchill, loc. cit., 369, New York. 

Gadus polymorphus Mitchill, loc. cit., 369, New York. 

Morrhua americana Storer, Rept. Fish. Mass., 1839, 120, coast of 

1647. Microgadus proximus (Girard). California tomcod. 
West coast of North America, from Monterey to Alaska. 
Gadus proximus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 141, 
San Francisco. 
Morrhua californica Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854, 8, San 

Genus 536. GADUS Linneus. Codfishes. 
Gadus (Artedi) Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 251 (Gadus morrhua L.). 
Morrhua Oken, Isis, 1817, 1182, after ‘‘Les Morrhues”’ Cuvier (Gadus 
morrhua .). 
Cephus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Class. Fish., II, 1839, 300 (Gadus macro- 
cephalus Tilesius). 
Cerdo Gistel, Thierreich, X, 1848 (Gadus morrhua L., by implication). 

1648. Gadus morrhua Linnzus. Common codfish. 

North Atlantic, south to Virginia. 

Gadus callarias Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 252, Baltic Sea and 
ocean off Europe; young. 

Gadus morrhua Linneus, loc. cit., seas of Europe; name preferred by 
first reviser. 

Gadus vertagus Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., III, 1792, 143; after Jagershen. 

?Gadus heteroglossus Walbaum, loc. cit., 144; after Hornbogen of Klein. 

Gadus arenosus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 368, 
New York. 

Gadus rupestris Mitchill, loc. cit., 368, ee, York. 

?Gadus nanus Faber, Natur. Fische Islands, 1829, 112, 182, Iceland. 

1649. Gadus macrocephalus Tilesius. Alaska codfish; Pacific cod. 
Bering Sea, south to coast of Oregon. 
Gadus macrocephalus Tilesius, Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., II, 1810, 
360, Bering Sea. 
Gadus pygmezus Pallas, Zoogr. Ross.—Asiat., III, 1811, 199, Kamchatka. 
Gadus auratus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., aoe 1873, 30, Unalaska. 

1650. Gadus ogac Richardson. Greenland codfish; Ogac. 
Greenland; Godhaven. 
Gadus ogac Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., ITI, 1836, 246, Greenland. 

Genus 587. MELANOGRAMMUS Gill. 
Melanogrammus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 280 
(Gadus zxglefinus Linnzus). 
Zglefinus Malm, Géteborg och Bohuslins Fauna, 1877, 481 (Gadus 
gglefinus L.= Aglefinus linnei Malm). 











Melanogrammus eglefinus (Linneus). Haddock. 
North Atlantic, on both coasts. 
Gadus xglefinus Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 251, ocean off Europe. 
Morrhua puctatus Fleming, Brit. Anim., 1828, 191. 
Zglefinus linnzi Malm, Géteborg Bohuslins Fauna, 1877, 481. 

Genus 538. LEPIDION Swainson. 

Lepidion Swainson, Nat. Hist. Class’n Anim., I, 1838, 318, and II, 
1839, 300 (L. rubescens Swainson=Gadus lepidion Risso); not 
Lepidia Savigny, 1817, 

Haloporphyrus Ginther, Cat., IV, 1862, 358 (Gadus lepidion Risso). 

Lepidion verecundum Jordan and Cramer. 
ff Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Lepidion verecundum Jordan and Cramer, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIX, 
1896, 456, Clarion Island, Mexico. 

Genus 539. MICROLEPIDIUM Garman. 
Microlepidium Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 180, 
(M. grandiceps Garman). 

Microlepidium grandiceps Garman. 
Gulf of California in deep water. 
Microlepidium grandiceps Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 181, Pl. XLIII, Gulf of California. 

Genus 540. ANTIMORA Giinther. 
Antimora Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5th ser., II, 1878, 18 (A. 
rostrata Giinther). 

Antimora viola (Goode and Bean). 
Banks of Newfoundland and southward. 
Haloporhyrus viola Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, 
257, LaHave Bank in 400 fathoms. 

Antimora microlepis Bean. 
Pacific Ocean, off Queen Charlotte Islands. 
Antimora microlepis Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 38, lat. 
51° 00’ 23’’ N., long. 130° 34’ W., off Cape St. James, Queen Char- 
lotte Islands, in 875 fathoms. 

Antimora rhina Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Antimora rhina Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 185, 
off Bay of Panama. 

Genus 541. GADELLA Lowe. 
Gadella Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1848, 91 (G. gracilis Lowe). 
Uraleptus Costa, Wiegmann’s Archiv Naturgesch., 1858, 87 (Gadus 
maraldi Risso). 

Gadella maraldi (Risso). 
Nice; Madeira; Naples and Catania; also off island of Nevis in the 
West Indies. 
Gadus maraldi Risso, Ichth. Nice, 1810, 123, pl. 6, fig. 13, Nice. 
Gadella gracilis Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond, 1843, 91, Madeira. 

Genus 542. LOTELLA Kaup. 
Lotella Kaup, Wiegmann’s Archiv, 1858, 88 (Lota phycis Temminck 
and Schlegel). 

Lotella maxillaris Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Lotella mazillaris Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 241, lat. 39° 
55’ N., long. 70° 28’ W., in 396 fathoms. 

Genus 543. PHYSICULUS Kaup. 
Physiculus Kaup, Wiegmann’s Archiv, 1858, 88 (P. dalwigkii Kaup). 

are Aig kaupi Poey. 
Physiculus kaupi Poey, Repertorio, I, 1865, 186, Matanzas, Cuba. 


1660. Physiculus fulvus Bean. tf 
Caribbean Sea and north in the Gulf Stream to latitude 307k 
Physiculus fuluus Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 240, lat. 40° 
1’ N., long. 69° 56’ W., 79 fathoms. 

1661. Physiculus nematopus Gilbert. 
On both coasts of Lower California, in deep water. 
Physiculus nematopus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 
114, on both coasts of Lower California, at Albatross stations 2997, 
3011, 3015, and 3016, in 71 to 221 fathoms. 

1662. Physiculus rastrelliger Gilbert. 
Off Panama to southern California in deep water. 
Physiculus rastrelliger Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 113, 
coast of southern California. 

1663. Physiculus longipes Garman. 
Off Panama in deep water. 
Physiculus longipes Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
188, Pl. XLII, off Bay of Panama. 

Genus 544. LOTA Cuvier. Burbots. 
Les Lottes Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, II, 1817, 215 (Gadus lota L.). 
Lota Oken, Isis, 1817, 1182 (Gadus lota Bayt 

1664. Lota maculosa (LeSueur). Burbot; Lake lawyer; Ling; Alekey trout; Eel 
a and Long-tailed cat (trade names at Sandusky, Ohio); Mud 

Rivers and lakes of New England and the Great Lakes region, north to 
ae es seas, and west to the upper Missouri and Columbia River 


Gadus maculosus LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci.. Phila., I, 1817, 83, 
Lake Erie. 

Gadus compressus LeSueur, loc. cit., 84, Connecticut River, 

Gadus lacustris Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 1818, 244, Sebago 
Lake, Maine; not of Walbaum. 

Molva huntia LeSueur, Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, V, 1819, 161, 
Connecticut River. 

Lota inornata DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 283, pl. 45, fig. — 
145, Hudson River, Lansingburgh, N. Y. 

Lota brosmiana Storer, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., IV, 1841, 58; pl. 5, fig. 1, 
Lake Winnipissiogee, N. H. 

Genus 545. MOLVA Fleming. Lings. 

Molva Fleming, Hist. Brit. re 1828, 192 (Gadus molva L.=Molva 
vulgaris Fleming). 

Molva Nilsson, RB enGi ian Fauna, IV, 1832, 573 (Gadus molva L.). 

1665. Molva molva (Linnzus). Ling; Iverksoak. 
Spitzbergen to Gulf of Gascony, Arcachon; San Juan de Luz; Iceland; 
Greenland; Faroe Islands. 
Gadus molva Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 254, seas of Europe. 

Genus 546. PHYCIS Rose. Codlings. 
Phycis Rose, Synonomia, etc., ed. II, 1793 (@vxis Aristotle = Phycis 
tinca Schroeder); not Phycis Fabricius, 1798, a genus of insects. 
Phycis Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., 1818, 242 (Phycis marginatus 
Rafinesque= Blennius chisso Walbaum). 

1666. Phycis earlli Bean. 
Charleston, 8. C. 
Phycis earlli Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 69, Charleston, 


1667. Phycis cirratus Goode and Bean. 
Deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico. 
Phycis cirratus Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1896, 358, Gulf of 
Mexico, at lat. 29° 03’ 15’’ N., long. 88° 16’ W. ) 


Genus 547. UROPHYCIS Gill. 
Phycis Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 56 (tinca=blennioides), 
not Phycis Fabricius, 1798, a genus of Lepidoptera. 
Urophycis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 240 (Blennius 
regius Walbaum). 2 
Emphycus Jordan and Evermann, Fish. North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 
2552 (Gadus tenuis Mitchill). 

1668. Urophycis floridanus (Bean and Dresel). 
Pensacola, Fla. 
Phycis floridanus Bean and Dresel, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., II, 1884, 
100, Pensacola, Fla. 

1669. Urophycis regius (Walbaum). Spotted codling; Spotted hake. 
North Atlantic, south to Cape Fear. 
Blennius regius Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., III, 1792, 186; after Schépf. 
Enghennte regalis Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 53; after 
Gadus punctatus Mitchill, Trans., Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 372, 
New York. 

1670. Urophycis tenuis (Mitchill). Codling; Squirrel hake; Hake; Ling, 

Thimble-eyed ling; White hake; Old English hake. 

North Atlantic, south to Virginia; abundant northward. 

pc ee Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 371, New 

Phycis dekayi Kaup, Wiegmann’s Archiv, 1858, Pt. I, 89, North 

?Phycis rostratus Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 353, no locality. 

1671. Urophycis chuss (Walbaum). Codling; Squirrel hake; Thimble-eyed ling; 

Old English hake; Chuss; Fork-beard; Red hake. 

Atlantic coast, chiefly northward. 

Blennius chuss Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., III, 1792, 186, Long Island; 
after Schopf. i 

Enchelyopus americanus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 53; 
after Schopf. 

Gadus longipes Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 372, pl. 1, 
fig. 4, New York. 

Phycis marginatus Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 1818, 205, 
Point Judith, R. I. 

1672. Urophycis chesteri (Goode and Bean). 
Off Massachusetts, in deep water; abundant. 
Phycis chesteri Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, 256, 
off Cape Ann, in 140 fathoms. 

Genus 548. LE MONEMA Giinther. 
Lemonema Giinther, Cat., 1V, 1862, 356 (Phycis yarrellii Lowe). 

1673. Lemonema barbatulum Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Lzmonema barbatula Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X 
1883, No. 5, 204, Gulf Stream, in lat. 32° 43’ 25’’ N., long. 77° 20’ 
30’’ W., in 230 fathoms, and 38° 35’ N., 73° 13’ W. 

1674. Lemonema melanurum Goode and Bean. 
Caribbean Sea, north to New York. 
Lzmonema melanurum Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 363, lat. 
30° 44’ N., long. 79° 26’ W., in 440 fathoms, 

1675. Lemonema gracillipes Garman. 
Galapagos Islands to Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Lzemonema gracillipes Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899. 
187, Pl. XLII; off Galapagos Islands. 

Genus 549. BROSME Oken. Cusk. 
Brosme Oken, Isis, 1817, 1182 (Gadus brosme Miiller); after Les Brosmes 
Brosmerus LeSueur, Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1819, 158, Pl. XVI 
(Brosmerus flavesny LeSueur=Gadus brosme Miiller). 
Brosmius Cuvier, Regne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 354 (Gadus brosme 


1676. Brame brosme (Miiller). Cusk; European cusk; Nejorpallujak; Torsk; 


Polar regions, south to Cape Cod. 

Gadus brosme Miiller, Prodr. Zool. Dan., 1776, 41, Denmark. 

Gadus torsk Bonnaterre, Encycl. Meth. Ichth., 1788, 51, Sundmer, 
Norway; after Strém. 

Brosmerus flavesny LeSueur, Mém., Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, V, 1819, 158, 
Banks of Newfoundland; Marblehead, Mass. 

Family 127. MERLUCIIDA. Hakes 

Genus 550. MERLUCCIUS Rafinesque. JHakes. 

Merluccius Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 25 (M. smiridus Rafinesque= 
Gadus merluccius L.). 

Onus Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 12; substitute for Merluccius. 

Merlangus Rafinesque, loc. cit., 167, another substitute for Merluccius. 

Merlus Gay, in Guichenot, Pesces de Chile, II, 1848, 238 (Merlus gayi 

Epicopus Giinther, Cat., II, 1860, 248 (Merlus gayi Guichenot). 

1677. Merluccius merluccius (Linnzus). European hake. 

Coasts of Europe, straying to Greenland. 

Gadus merluccius Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 254, no locality; 

Gadus ruber Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 673, Scotland; Dieppe. 

Gadus merlus Risso, Ichth. Nice, 1810, 122, Nice; after Linnzus. 

Onus riali Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 12, 67; substitute for Gadus mer- 

Merlucius esculentus Risso, Europ. Mérid., III, 1826, 220, Nice. 

Merluccius ambiguus Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1840, 37, Madeira. 

Meriucius lanatus Gronow, Cat. Fishes, ed. Gray, 1854, 130, Mediter- 

1678. Merluccius bilinearis (Mitchill). Silver hake; New England hake; 
Whiting; Old England hake; Silverfish; American hake; Stockfish. 
Coast of New York and northward. 
Stomodon bilinearis Mitchill, Rept. Fish. N. Y., 1814, 7, New York. 
Gadus albidus Mitchill, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1817, 409, New 
1679. Merluccius productus (Ayres). 
Pacific coast, from San Diego northward to Washington. 
Merlangus prodwtus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 64 
(65), no locality given; types from San Francisco market, probably 
from San Francisco Bay. 
Homalopomus trowbridgii Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 
1856, 132, Astoria, Oreg. 

1680. Merluccius angustimanus Garman. 
Off Panama, in deep water. 
Merluccius angustimanus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 183, Pl. XLI, fig. 1, off Bay of Panama. 

Family 128. PERCOPSIDZ. Sand rollers; Trout perch 

Genus 551. PERCOPSIS Agassiz. 
Percopsis Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 284 (P. guttatus Agassiz= 
Salmo omiscomaycus Walbaum). 
Salmoperca Thompson, App. Hist. Vermont, 1853, 33 (S. pellucida 
Thompson=Salmo omiscomaycus Walbaum). 


1681. Percopsis omiscomaycus (Walbaum). Sand roller; Trout perch. 

Lake Champlain and Delaware River to Ohio River, Kansas, and 
northward; Great Lakes; Hudson Bay; Red River of the North; 
Saskatchewan River. 

Salmo omiscomaycus Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 65, Hudson Bay. 

Percopsis guttatus Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 286, Lake Superior. 

Salmoperca pellucida Thompson, App. Hist. Vermont, 1853, 33, Lake 

Percopsis hammondii Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 
151, Kansas. 

Genus 552. COLUMBIA Eigenmann and Eigenmann. 
Columbia Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Science, XX, Oct. 21, 1892, 233 
(C. transmontana Eigenmann and Eigenmann). 

1682. Columbia transmontana Eigenmann and Eigenmann. 
Columbia River Basin; Umatilla and Wallula Rivers. 
Columbia transmontana Eigenmann and FEigenmann, Science, XX, 
1892, 233, mouth of Umatilla River, Oreg. 

Family 129. APHREDODERIDZ. Pirate perches 

Genus 553. APHREDODERUS LeSueur. Pirate perches. 

Aphredoderus LeSueur, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
IX, 1833, 329 (445), (A. gibbosus LeSueur=Scolopsis sayanus 

Sternotremia Nelson, Bull. Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., I, 1876, 39 (S. isolepis 
Nelson); young with the vent posterior. 

Asternotremia Nelson, in Jordan, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 51. 

Aphododerus, attempted correction. 

1683. Aphredoderus sayanus (Gilliams). Pirate perch; Pirate; Mud perch. 

From New York in coastwise streams to Texas; also in the Mississippi 
Basin, north to Michigan; abundant in sluggish waters. 

Scolopsis sayanus Gilliams, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IV, 1824, 81, 
near Philadelphia. 

Aphredoderus gibbosus LeSueur, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. 
Poiss., IX, 1833, 331 (448), Lake Pontchartrain, La. 

Sternotremia isolepis Nelson, Bull. Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., I, 1876, 39, 
Calumet River, Ill.; young with vent posterior. 

Aphododerus cookianus Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X XIX, 
1877, 60, Sawyers Creek, Kendallville, Ind. 

Asternotremia mesotrema Jordan, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 52, 
Flint River, Ga. 


Family 180. LOPHOTIDZ 

Genus 554. LOPHOTES Giorna. 
Lophotes ree Mém. Acad. Sci. Torino, XVI, 1805, 19 (L. cepedianus 
Leptopus Rafinesque, Specchio Scienze Palermo, I, 1814, 16 (L. peregrinus 
afinesque= Lophotes cepedianus Giorna). 
Podoleptus Rafinesque, Anal. Nat., 1815, 93; a substitute for Leptopus; 
same type. 

1684. Lophotes cepedianus Giorna. 

pen seas north to Long Beach, Calif. (W. F. Thompson), and to 
Japan, if Lophotes capellei is the same. 

Lophotes cepedianus Giorna, Mém. Acad. Sci. Torino, XVI, 1803, 19, 


Leptopus peregrinus Rafinesque, Specchio Scienze Palermo, I, 1814, 
16, Palermo. 

?Lophotes capellei Schlegel, Fauna Japonica, 1845, 132, pl. 71, Japan. 








Suborder TZNIOSOMI © 
Family 181. TRACHIPTERIDA. King of the herrings 

Genus 555. TRACHIPTERUS Gouan. 

Trachipterus Gouan, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 1770, 103 (7. gouwani Gouan= 
Cephola trachyptera Gmelin). 

Trachypterus of authors; corrected spelling. 

Bogmarus Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 518 (B. islandicus Schneider = 
Trachipterus arcticus). 

Vogmarus Reid, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., III, 1849, 456 (B. islandicus 
Schneider); substitute name as the Danish name is Vaagmeer. 

Trachipterus arcticus (Briinnich). Dealfish; Vaagmér. 

Arctic Sea, Iceland to Norway. ai 

Gymnogaster arcticus Brimnich, Nya. Handl., Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. 
Skrifter, IiI, 1788, 408, Tab. B, figs. 1-3. 

Bogmarus islandicus Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 518, Tab. 101. 

Trachypterus bogmarus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X, 
1827?, 346. 

Trachypterus vogmarus Reinhardt, Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Skrifter, 
VII, 1838, 71, with fig. 

Trachipterus rex-salmonorum Jordan and Gilbert. King of the 

Off coast of California. ' 

Trachypterus rex-salmonorum Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., 2d ser., IV, 1894, 144, pl. 9, open sea, outside Bay of San Fran- 

Trachypterus seleniris Snyder, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LX, 1908, 
319, Monterey; adult form. 

Trachipterus trachyurus Poey. 
Cuba. ; 
Trachypterus trachyurus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 420, Cuba. 

Suborder ATELAXIA 
Family 1382. STYLEPHORIDA 

Genus 556. STYLEPHORUS Shaw. 
Stylephorus Shaw, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., I, 1791, 90 (S. chordatus 

Stylephorus chordatus Shaw. 
Open sea, Atlantic; very rare. 
Stylephorus chordatus Shaw, Trans., Linn. Soe. Lond., I, 1791, 90, pl. 
6, Atlantic, between Cuba and Martinique. 

Family 188. LAMPRIDZ. Opah; Moonfish 

Genus 557. LAMPRIS Retzius. 
Lampris Retzius, Vetensk. Akad. Nya Handl., XX, 1799, 91 (Zeus 
guttatus Briinnich=Zeus regius Bonnaterre). 
Chrysotosus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1803 (Zeus luna Gmelin). 
Echemythes Gistel, Thierreich, X, 1848 (Zeus luna Gmelin). 

Lampris regius (Bonnaterre). Mariposa; Opah; Moonfish; San Pedro 

fish; Cravo; Jerusalem haddock; Glancefish; Gudlax; Poisson lune. 

Open seas, Atlantic and Pacific; Madeira; Newfoundland; . Maine; 
Cuba; Monterey; Hawaii; Japan; recently taken off San Pedro. 

Zeus regius ® Bonnaterre, Encycl. Meth. Ichth., 1788,.72, pl. 39, 
Torbay, England. 

Zeus guttatus Briimnich, Danske Skrifter, III, 1788, 403, Elsinore, 

Zeus luna Gmelin, Syst. Nat., ed. XIII, 1789, 1225, Normandy. 

%” The name regius certainly has priority over /una and probably over guttatus also. 


Zeus stroemii Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., ed. 2, 1792, 398, Norway; after 


Scomber gunneri Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 38, Thrond- 

Zeus imperialis Shaw, Nat. Misc., IV, 1803, pl. 140, Torbay; after 

Zeus opah Shaw, Gen. Zool., IV, 1803, 287, Torbay; after Pennant. 
Lampris lauta Lowe, Fishes Madeira, 1843, 27, Madeira. 

Order KK. HETEROSOMATA. Flounders; Flatfishes 
Family 134. BOTHIDZ 
Genus 558. LOPHOPSETTA Gill. Windowpanes. 

Lophopsetta Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 220 (Pleuro- 
nectes maculatus Mitchill). 

1690. Lophopsetta maculata (Mitchill). Windowpane. 







Atlantic coast of United States, from Casco Bay to South Carolina; 

Pleuronectes maculatus Mitchill, Rept. in part, Fish. N. Y., 1814, 9, 
New York. 

Pleuronectes aquosus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 389, 
pl. 2, fig. 3, New York. 

Genus 559. PLATOPHRYS Swainson. 

Platophrys Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Reptiles and Amphib., II, 1839, 
302 (Pleuronectes ocellatus Spix and Agassiz). 

Peloria Coceo, Intorn. Aleuni Pesci, ete., 1844, 21 (P. heckeli Cocco). 

Coccolus Bonaparte loc. cit., 21 (C. annectens Cocco, a larva of Plato- 

Bothus Bonaparte, Cat. Metod., 1846, 49 (podas); not of Rafinesque. 

Rhomboidichthys Bleeker, Act. Soc. Sci. Indo-Neder., I, 1856, 67 (R. 
myriaster Bleeker). 

Platophrys spinosus (Poey). 
West Indies. 
Rhomboidichthys spinosus Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 409, Cuba. 

Platophrys constellatus Jordan. 
Galapagos Islands. 
Platophrys constellatus Jordan, in Jordan and Goss, Rept. U. S. Fish 
Com., XIV, 1886 (1889), 266, James Island, Galapagos Islands. 

Platophrys ocellatus (Agassiz). 
Tropical America; sandy shores from Long Island*to Rio Janeiro. 
Rhombus ocellatus Agassiz, in Spix, Pisce. Brasil., 1829, 85, pl. 46, Brazil. 
Rhombus bahianus Castelnau, Anim. Amer. Sud, 1855, Bahia. 
Platophrys nebularis Jordan and Gilbert, Proce, U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 
1884, 31, Key West, Fla. 

Platophrys maculifer (Poey). 
West Indies. 
F agnecice maculiferus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 316, Cienfuegos, 

Platophrys ellipticus (Poey). 
West Indies. 
Pleuronectes ellipticus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 315, Cuba. 

Platophrys lunatus (Linnwzus). Peacock flounder. 

West Indies. 

Solea lunata et punctata (the sole) Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolinas, ‘1725, 
Tab. 27, Bahamas. 

Pleuronectes lunatus Linnus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 269, Bahamas; 
based on Catesby and the various copyists. 

Pleuronectes argus Bloch, Ichthyologia, 1783, Tab. 48, Martinique; 
after Plumier. 

? Pleuronectes surinamensis Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 156, 
Surinam; satis parva et glabra, 


1697. Platophrys leopardinus (Giinther). 
Gulf of California. 
Rhomboidichthys leopardinus Ginther, Cat., IV, 1862, 434, locality 
Platophrys leopardinus Jordan, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 260, 
specimen from Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. i 

Genus 560. SYACIUM Ranzani. 
Syacium Ranzani, Nov. Spec. Pise., 1840, 20 (S. micrwrum Ranzani). 
Hemirhombus Bleeker, Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, XIII, 1862, 425 (H. 
guineensis Bleeker). 
Aramaca Jordan and Goss, in Jordan, Cat. Fish. N. Amer., 1885, 133 
(Citharichthys pxtulus Jordan and Gilbert= Pleuronectes aramaca 
Dénndorf = Pleuronectes papillosus Linnzeus). 

1698. Syacium papillosum (Linneus). 
West Indies. 
Aramaca Marcgrave, Hist. Pisce. Brasil., 1648, 181, Brazil. 
Pleuronectes papillosus Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 271, Brazil; 
based on Marcgrave. 
Rhombus solexformis Agassiz, in Spix, Pisce. Brasil., 1829, 86, Tab. 47, 
Atlantie Ocean. 

1699. Syacium micrurum Ranzani. 
West Indies; Key West to Rio Janeiro. 
Suan micrurum Ranzani, Nov. Spec. Pisce. Diss. Sec., 1840, 20, pl. 5, 

Hippoglossus ocellatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 314, Cuba. 

Hemirhombus aramaca Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 42, Cuba; Jamaica; 
not Rhombus aramaca Cuvier. 

Citharichthys xthalion Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IX, 1886, 52, 

1700. Syacium latifrons (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Panama. 
Citharichthys latifrons Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., I, 
1881, 334, Panama. 

1701. Syacium ovale (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Mazatlan to Panama. 
Hemirhombus ovalis Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 154, Panama. 

Genus 561. CITHARICHTHYS Bleeker. Whiffs. 
Citharichthys Bleeker, Vers]. Akad. Amsterd., XIII, 1862, 427 (C. 
cayennensis Bleeker=C. spilopterus Giinther). 
Orthopsetta Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 330 (Psettich- 
thys sordidus Girard). 
Metonops Gill, loc. cit., XVI, 1864, 198 (M. cooperi Gill= Psettichthys 
sordidus Girard). 

Subgenus ORTHOPSETTA Gill. 

1702. Citharichthys sordidus (Girard). 
Pacific coast of North America, in water of moderate depth from 
British Columbia to Lower California. 
Psettichthys sordidus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
142, San Francisco; Tomales Bay. 
Metaponops cooperi Gill, loc. cit., XVI, 1864, 198, Santa Barbara; 
shriveled specimen. 

1703. Citharichthys fragilis Gilbert. 
. Gulf of California. 
Citharichthys fragilis Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 120, 
Gulf of California, east coast of Lower California. 

1704. Citharichthys xanthostigmus Gilbert. 
Magdalena Bay, west coast of Lower California to Hermosa Beach, 
southern California, and in Gulf of California. 
Citharichthys zanthostigma Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 
120, Gulf of California, west coast of Lower California, and Magda- 
lena Bay. 














Citharichthys stigmzus Jordan and Gilbert. 
Coast of southern California. 
Citharichthys stigmzus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 410, 411, Santa Barbara, Calif. 


Citharichthys dinoceros Goode and Bean. 
Deep waters of Gulf of Mexico. 
Citharichthys dinoceros Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XII, 
No. 5, 157, off Martinique, St. Lucia, and Barbados. 

Citharichthys platophrys Gilbert. 
Southwest of Panama; one specimen known. 
Citharichthys platophrys Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 
454, Albatross station 2799, southwest of Panama. 

Citharichthys arctifrons Goode. 
Deep waters of Gulf Stream. 
Citharichthys arctifrons Goode, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 341, 
472, Gulf Stream off southern coast of New England. 

Citharichthys unicornis Goode. 
Deep waters of Gulf Stream. 
Citharichthys unicornis Goode, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 342, 
Gulf Stream off southeast of New England. 

Citharichthys uhleri Jordan. 
West Indies. : 
eh baer uhleri Jordan, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIV, 1886, 273, 
Citharichthys macrops Dresel. 
South Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. 
Citharichthys macrops Dresel, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 539, 
Pensacola, Fla. 

Citharichthys spilopterus Giinther. 

Both coasts of tropical America, north to New Jersey and Mazatlan. 

Citharichthys spilopterus Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 421, New Orleans, 
San Domingo, Jamaica. 

Citharichthys cayennensis Bleeker, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Amsterdam, 
XIII, 1862, 6, Cayenne, name only. 

Citharichthys guatemalensis Bleeker, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1864, 73, 

Hemirhombus fuscus Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 406, Habana. 

Citharichthys arenaceus Evermann and Marsh. 
Porto Rico and Santo Domingo. 
Citharichthys arenaceus Evermann and Marsh, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., 
XX, first part, 1900 (1902), 326, fig. 106, Mayaguez, Porto Rico. 

Citharichthys gilberti Jenkins and Evermann. 
Pacific coast of tropical America, from Gulf of California to Panama. 
Citharichthys gilberti Jenkins and Evermann, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
XI, 1888, 157, Guaymas, Mexico. 
Citharichthys sumichrasti Jordan and Goss, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., 
XIV, 1886 (1889) 276, Rio Zanatenco, Chiapas, Mexico. 

Genus 562. ETROPUS Jordan and Gilbert. 
Etropus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 364 (E. 
crossotus Jordan and Gilbert). 

Etropus microstomus (Gill). 
Coast of New Jersey. 
Citharichthys microstomus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 
1864, 223, Beesleys Point, N. J. 

Etropus micros (Fowler). 
Citharichthys micros Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXIII, 1911, 
200, with figure, Corsons Inlet, Cape May, N. J. 


1717. Etropus rimosus Goode and Bean. 
Gulf of Mexico. 
Etropus rimosus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 
ao coast of Florida between Pensacola and Cedar Keys, in 21 

1718. Etropus crossotus Jordan and Gilbert. 
Tropical America on both coasts, north to Guaymas, Mexico, and 
Cape Hatteras, N. C. 
Etropus crossotus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
364, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Genus 568. PERISSIAS Jordan and Evermann. 
Perissias Jordan and Eyermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 
2667 (Platophrys teniopterus Gilbert). 

1719. Perissias teniopterus (Gilbert). ; 
Gulf of California and western coast of Lower California. 
Platophrys teniopterus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 118, 
Gulf of California north of La Paz, at Albatross station 2298, lat. 
24° 51’ N., long. 110° 39’ W., in 40 fathoms. 

Genus 564. ENGYOPHRYS Jordan and Bollman. 
Engyophrys Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, 1889 
(1890), 176 (£. sancti-lauwrentii Jordan and Bollman). 

1720. Engyophrys sancti-laurentii Jordan and Bollman. 
Pacific Ocean off coast of Colombia. 
Engyophrys sancti-laurentii Jordan and Bollman, Proc., U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., XII, 1889, 176, Pacific Ocean off coast of Colombia, at Albatross 
station 2805, 7° 56’ N., 79° 41’ 30’’ W., and station 2795, lat. 7° 
57’ N., long. 78° 55’ W., in 33 and 51 fathoms. 

Genus 565. TRICHOPSETTA Gill. 
Trichopsetta Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, 1888, 601 (Arnoglossus 
ventralis Goode and Bean). 

1721. Trichopsetta ventralis (Goode and Bean). 
Gulf of. Mexico, in deep water. 
Citharichthys ventralis Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
VIII, 1885, 592, Gulf of Mexico, Albatross station 2386, lat. 29° 
15’ N., long. 88’ 6° W., in 60 fathoms. 

Genus 566. MONOLENE Goode. 
Monolene Goode, Proc., U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 338 (M. sessilicauda 
Thyris Goode, loc. cit., 344 (7. pellucidus Goode); larva of Monolene. 
Delothyris Goode, loc. cit., VI, 1883, 110; substitute for Thyris, pre- 

1722. Monolene sessilicauda Goode. 
Deep waters of the Gulf Stream. ~ 
Monolene sessilicauda Goode, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 337, 338, 
deep sea south of New England. 
Thyris pellucidus Goode, loc. cit., 344, Gulf Stream off the coast of 
Rhode Island. 

1723. Monolene atrimana Goode and Bean. 
Deep waters of the Caribbean Sea. 
Monolene atrimana Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XII, 
1886, 155, deep waters off Barbados. 

Genus 567. CYCLOPSETTA Gill. 
Cyclopsetta Gill, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XI, 1888, 601 (Hemirhombus 
fimbriatus Goode and Bean). 

1724. Cyclopsetta fimbriata (Goode and Bean). 
Deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico. : 
Hemirhombus fimbriatus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
VIII, 1885, 591, deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, between the 
Mississippi Delta and Cedar Keys, Fla. 


1725. Cyclopsetta querna (Jordan and Bollman). 
Pacific coast of America, off coast of Colombia. 
Azevia querna Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, 1889, 
174, Pacific Ocean off coast of Colombia, at Albatross station 2802, 
lat. 8° 38’ N., long. 79° 31’ 30’’ W. 

1726. Cyclopsetta chittendeni B. A. Bean. 
Trinidad Island. 
Cyclopsetta chittendent B. A. Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVII, 1894, 
635, Trinidad Island. 

Genus 568. AZEVIA Jordan and Goss. 
Azevia Jordan and Goss, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIV, 1886 (1888), 
271 (Citharichthys panamensis Steindachner). 

1727. Azevia panamensis (Steindachner). 
Pacific coast of Central America. 
phir ee Sea panamensis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 62, 

Genus 569. PLATOTICHTHYS Nichols. 
Platotichthys Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XLIV, 1921, 21 
(P. chartes Nichols). 

1728. Platotichthys chartes Nichols. 
Platotichthys chartes Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XLIV, 
1921, 21, pl. III, Turk Island, Bahamas. 

Family 135. HIPPOGLOSSIDZA. Halibuts 

Genus 570. ATHERESTHES Jordan and Gilbert. 
Atheresthes Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 51 
(Platysomatichthys stomias Jordan and Gilbert). 

1729. Atheresthes stomias (Jordan and Gilbert). Avrrow-toothed halibut. 
San Francisco to Alaska. 
Platysomatichthys stomias Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
III, 1880, 301, off San Francisco, Calif. 

Genus 571. REINHARDTIUS Gill. 

Reinhardtius Gill, Cat. Fishes East Coast N. Amer., Suppl. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 50 (Pleuronectes cynoglossus Fabricius; not 
of Linnzus= Pleuronectes hippoglossoides Walbaum). 

Platysomatichthys Bleeker, Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, XIII, 1862, 426 
(Pleuronectes pinguis Fabricius). ; 

1730. Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Walbaum). Greenland halibut. 

Arctic parts of the Atlantic, south to Finland and Grand Banks. 

Pleuronectes cynoglossus Fabricius, Fauna Grcoenlandica, 1780, 163, 
Greenland; not of Linnzus. 

Pleuronectes hippoglossoides Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 115; based 
on Fabricius. 

Pleuronectes pinguis Fabricius, Zoologiske Bidrag., 1824, 43, Greenland. 

Hippoglossus grenlandicus Ginther, Cat., IV, 1862, 404, Greenland. 

Genus 572. HIPPOGLOSSUS Cuvier. Halibut. 
Hippoglossus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, II, 1817, 221 (Pleuronectes 
hippoglossus Linnzus). 

1731. Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Linnezus). Common halibut. 

All northern seas, southward in deep waters to France, Sandy Hook, 
and northern California. 

Pleuronectes hippoglossus Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 269, 
European oceans. 

Hippoglossus maximus Gottsche, Archiv fiir Naturgesch., 1835, 164, 
no locality. 

Hippoglossus gigas Swainson, Nat. Hist. Class’n Anim., II, 1839, 302, 
no locality. 

Hippoglossus ponticus Bonaparte, Cat. Metod., 1846, 47, Black Sea; 
after Pallas. 




Genus 573. LYOPSETTA Jordan and Goss. 
Lyopsetta Jordan and Goss, in Jordan, Cat. Fish. N. Amer., 1885, 135 
(Hippoglossoides exilis Jordan and Gilbert). 

1732. Lyopsetta exilis (Jordan and Gilbert). 

North Pacific, in rather deep water; San Francisco to Alaska. 

Hippoglossoides exilis Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 

; ee off San Francisco, between the Golden Gate and Point Reyes, 

Genus 574. HIPPOGLOSSOIDES Gottsche. . 

Hippoglossoides Gottsche, Archiv fir Natuggesch., 1835, 164 (Pleuro- 
nectes limanda Linnzus). : 

Citharus Reinhardt, Kéng. Dansk. Vid Selsk., 1838, 116 (Pleuronectes 
platessoides Fabricius; not Citharus Bleeker, 1862). 

Drepanopsetta Gill, Cat. Fish. East Coast N. Amer., Suppl. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 50 (Plewronectes platessoides 

Pomatopsetta Gill, Proc., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 217 (Platessa 
dentata= Pleuronectes platessoides Fabricius). 

1733. Hippoglossoides platessoides (Fabricius). Sand dab; Dab. 

North Atlantic, south to Cape Cod, and coasts of England and Scan- 


Pleuronectes linguatula Miller, Prodr. Zool. Dan., 1776, 45; not of 

Pleuronectes platessoides Fabricius, Fauna Grcenlandica, 1780, 164, 

Pleuronectes limandoides Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, III, 1787, 
24, Tab. 186, Europe. 

1734. Hippoglossoides elassodon Jordan and Gilbert. 

Puget Sound and northward. 
Hippoglossoides elassodon Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
III, 1880, 278, Puget Sound at Seattle and Tacoma, Wash. 

1735. Hippoglossoides robustus Gill and Townsend. 

Bering Sea. 

Hippoglossoides robustus Gill and Townsend, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 
XI, 1897 (Sept. 17), Bering Sea, lat. 56° 14’ N., long. 164° 08’ W., 
Albatross station 3541 in 49 fathoms. 

1736. Hippoglossoides hamiltoni Jordan and Gilbert. 

Off Dalnoi Point, Kamchatka. 
Hippoglossoides hamiltont Jordan and Gilbert, Rept. Fur-seal Invest., 
1898, 489, Dalnoi Point, Avatcha Bay, Kamchatka, in 16 fathoms. 

Genus 575. EOPSETTA Jordan and Goss. 
Eopsetta Jordan and Goss, in Jordan, Cat. Fish. N. Amer., 1885, 135 
(Hippoglossoides jordani Lockington). 

1737. Eopsetta jordani (Lockington). California sole. 

West coast of United States, from Puget Sound to Monterey. 
Hippoglossoides jordani Lockington, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 
73, San Francisco. : 

Genus 576. PSETTICHTHYS Girard. 
Psettichthys Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1854, 140 (P. 
melanostictus Girard). 

1738. Psettichthys melanostictus Girard. 

Pacific coast of North America from Alaska south to Monterey. 
Psettichthys melanostictus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Fhila., VII, 
1854, 140, San Francisco; Astoria, Oreg. 

Family 1386. PARALICHTHYIDZ. Bastard halibuts 
Genus 577. HIPPOGLOSSINA Steindachner. 

Hippoglossina Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, 1876, 13 (H. macrops 


1739. Hippoglossina stomata Eigenmann and Eigenmann. 
Off San Diego, Calif. 
Hippoglossina stomata Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., 2d ser., III, 1890, 22, San Diego, Calif. 

1740. Hippoglossina macrops Steindachner. 
Pacific coast of Mexico at Mazatlan. 
Hippoglossina macrops Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, 1876, 13, pl. 3, 
Mazatlan, Mexico. 

1741. Hippoglossina bollmani Gilbert. 
Pacific coast off Colombia. 
Hippoglossina macrops Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
XIT, 1889, 175; not of Steindachner. 
Hippoglossina bollmani Gilbert, loc. cit., XIII, 1890, 122, off coast of 
Colombia at Albatross station 2805, lat. 7° 56’ N., long. 79° 41’ 30’’ 
W. in 51% fathoms. 

1742. Hippoglossina sabanensis Boulenger. 
Isthmus of Panama. 
Hippoglossina sabanensis Boulenger, Bolletino Mus. Zool. Univ. 
Torino, XIV, 1899, 4, Rio Sabana, Darien. 

Genus 578. LIOGLOSSINA Gilbert. 
Lioglossina Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 122 (L. tetrop- 
thalma Gilbert). 

1743. Lioglossina tetrophthalma Gilbert. 
Gulf of California. 
Lioglossina tetrophthalmus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 
122, Gulf of California, Albatross stations 3014 and 3016, in 29 and 
76 fathoms. 

Genus 579. VERASPER Jordan and Gilbert. 
Verasper Jordan and Gilbert, Rept. Fur-seal Invest., 1898, 490 (V. 
mosert Jordan and Gilbert). 

1744. Verasper moseri Jordan and Gilbert. 
Kuril Islands. 
Verasper moseri Jordan and Gilbert, Rept. Fur-seal Invest., 1898, 
490, Pl. LXXXYV, Shana Bay, Iturup Island, Kuril Group. 

Genus 580. XYSTREURYS Jordan and Gilbert. 
Xystreurys Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 34 
(X. liolepis Jordan and Gilbert). 

1745. Xystreurys liolepis Jordan and Gilbert. 
Coast of California, from Point Conception southward. 
Xystreurys liolepis Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 34, Santa Barbara, Calif. 

Genus 581. PARALICHTHYS Girard. Bastard halibuts. 
sir erie Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, 1859, 146 (P. maculosus 

Chenopsetta Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 218 (Platessa 
oblonga Storer). 

Pseudorhombus Bleeker, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Amsterdam, XIII, 
1862, 5 (Rhombus polyspilos Bleeker). 

Uropsetta Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 330 (Hippo- 
glossus californicus Ayres). 

1746. Paralichthys californicus (Ayres). Bastard halibut; Monterey halibut. 
Coast of California, Tomales Bay to San Diego. 
Hippoglossus californicus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., ser. 1, 
it 1859, 29, and 1860, fig. 10, San Francisco. 

1747. Paralichthys magdalene Abbott. 
Coast of Lower California. 
Paralichthys magdalenz Abbott (James Francis), in Jordan and Ever- 
mann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2871, Magialena Bay, 
Lower California, 

wae Wes 3 










. Paralichthys estuarius Gilbert and Scofield. 

Mouth of Colorado River, Gulf of California. 

Paralichthys zstuarius Gilbert and Scofield, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
XX, 1898, 499, Pl. X XTX, Shoal Point, mouth of the Colorado River, 

Paralichthys brasiliensis (Ranzani). 

Atlantic coast of South America; said to range northward to Guatemala. 

Hippoglossus brasiliensis Ranzani, Nov. Spec. Pisc., 1840, 10, Tab. 3, 

Pseudorhombus vorax Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 429, South America. 

Paralichthys woolmani Jordan and Williams. 
Guaymas to Panama. 
Paralichthys woolmani Jordan and Williams, in Gilbert, Proc. U. S. 
Nat. Mus., XIX, 1896, 457, Galapagos Islands. 

Paralichthys sinaloz Jordan and Abbott. 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Paralichthys sinaloz Jordan and Abbott (J. F.),in Jordan and Evermann, 
Fish. North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2872, Mazatlan and La Paz. 

Paralichthys dentatus (Linnzus). Summer flounder; Fluke. 

Atlantic coast of United States from Cape Cod to Florida. 

Pleuronectes dentatus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, and of numer- 
ous copyists. 

Pleuronectes melanogaster Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 
390, New York; doubled example. 

Platessa ocellaris DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 300, p. 47, fig. 
152, New York. 

Paralichthys ophryas Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, 1883, 822, Char- 
leston, 8S. C. 

Paralichthys lethostigmus Jordan and Gilbert. Southern flounder. 
Bouin Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, north to New 
Platessa oblonga DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 299, pl. 48, fig. 
156, New York; not Pleuronectes oblongus Mitchill. 
Paralichthys lethostigma Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
VII, 1884, 237, Jacksonville, Fla. 

Paralichthys oblongus (Mitchill). Four-spotted flounder. 
Coasts of New England and New York. 
Pleuronectes oblongus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 
391, New York. 

Paralichthys squamilentus Jordan and Gilbert. 
South Atlantic dnd Gulf coasts of United States. 
Paralichthys squamilentus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
V, 1882, 303, Pensacola, Fla. 

Paralichthys albiguttus Jordan and Gilbert. Gulf flounder. 
South Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. 
Paralichthys albigutta Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 302, Pensacola, Fla., and Beaufort, N. C. 

Genus 582. ANCYLOPSETTA Gill. 
Ancylopsetta Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 224 (A. 
quadrocellatus Gill). 

Ancylopsetta quadrocellatus Gill. 
South Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. 
Ancylopsetta quadrocellatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 
224, Pensacola; not Platessa quadrocellata Storer. 
Paralichthys ommatus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 616, Charleston, S. C. 

Genus 583. RAMULARIA Jordan and Evermann. 
Ramularia Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 
2633 (Ancylopsetta dendritica Gilbert). 

Ramularia dendritica (Gilbert). 
Gulf of California. 
Ancylopsetta dendritica Gilbert, Proc., U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 
121, Gulf of California, at Albatross station 3022, lat. 30° 58’ 30’ N., 
long. 113° 17’ 15’’ W., in 11 fathoms. 











Genus 584. NOTOSEMA Goode and Bean. 
Notosema Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, 1882, 193 (N. 
dilecta Goode and Bean). 

Notosema dilectum Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Notosema dilecta Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, 1883, 
193, Gulf Stream off the coast of South Carolina. 

Genus 585. GASTROPSETTA B. A. Bean. 
Gastropsetta Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XVII, 1894, 633 (G. frontalis 

Gastropsetta frontalis B. A. Bean. 
Key West and Apalachicola, Fla. 
Gastropsetta frontalis B. A. Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVII, 1894, 
633, Key West and Apalachicola, at Albatross stations 2317 and 2783, 
in 45 fathoms. 


Genus 586. PLEURONICHTHYS Girard. 
Pleuronichthys Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1854, 139 
(P. cenosus Girard). 
Heteroprosopon Bleeker, Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, XIII, 1862 (Pleuro- 
nectes cornutus Temminck and Schlegel). 
Parophrys Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 454; not of Girard. 

Pleuronichthys decurrens Jordan and Gilbert. 
Pacific coast of United States, south to Monterey. 
Pleuronichthys decurrens Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
III, 1880, 453, San Francisco; Monterey Bay. 

Pleuronichthys verticalis Jordan and Gilbert. 
Coast of California, in deep water. 
Pleuronichthys verticalis Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
III, 1880, 49, San Francisco. 

Pleuronichthys ccnosus Girard. 
Alaska, southward to San Diego; most common about Puget Sound. 
Pleuronichthys cenosus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
139, San Francisco. 

Pleuronichthys nephelus Starks and Thompson. 
Puget Sound. 
Pleuronichthys nephelus Starks and Thompsoa, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
XXXVIUIL 1911, 282, fig. 1, San Juan Islands, Wash. 

Pleuronichthys ritteri Starks and Morris. 
San Diego Bay. 
Pleuronichthys ritteri Starks and Morris in Starks & Thompson, Proce. 
U. S. Nat. Mus., XX XVIII, 1811, 287, San Diego, Calif. 

Pleuronichthys ocellatus Starks and Thompson. 
Gulf of California. 
Pleuronichthys ocellatus Starks and Thompson, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
XXXVIII, 1911, 285, fig. 2, Gulf of California. 

Genus 587. HYPSOPSETTA Gill. 
Hypsopsetta Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 330 (Pleuro- 
nichthys guttulatus Girard). 

Hypsopsetta guttulata (Girard). Diamond flounder. 
Coast of California, Cape Mendocino to Magdalena Bay. 
Pleuronichthys guttulatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 
1856, 137, Tomales Bay, Calif. 
Parophrys ayresi Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 457, San Francisco. 

Genus 588. PAROPHRYS Girard. 
Parophrys Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 139 (P, 
vetulus Girard). 









Parophrys vetulus Girard. 

Pacific coast of North America, Alaska to Santa Barbara. 

Parophrys vetulus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 140, 

Pleuronectes diagrammus Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 445, Victoria, British 

Parophrys hubbardii Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 281, 
San Francisco. 

Genus 589. PLEURONECTES Linneus. Plaice. 
Pleuronectes Artedi, Genera Pisc., in part, 1738, 16. 
Pleuronectes Linnzeus, Syst. Nat,. ed. X, 1758, 268; after Artedi (P. 
platessa Linnzus). 
Platessa Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. I, II, 1817, 220 (Pleuronectes 
platessa L.). 

Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus Pallas. 
Coasts of Alaska and Kamchatka. 
Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso.-Asiat., III, 1811, 
423, sea between Kamchatka and Alaska. 
Pleuronectes pallasii Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., VIII, 1879, Kamchatka. 

Genus 590. PLATICHTHYS Girard. Starry flownders. 
Platichthys Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 139 (P. 
rugosus Girard= Pleuronectes stellatus Pallas). 

Platichthys stellatus (Pallas). Great flounder; California flounder. 
Pacific coast of America, from Point Conception to the Arctic Ocean, 
and south to Sakhalin Island. 
Pleuronectes stellatus Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso.-Asiat., III, 1811, 416, Kam- 
chatka, Aleutian and Kuril Islands. 
Platichthys rugosus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
139, 155, San Francisco, Presidio; Petaluma, Calif. 

Genus 591. INOPSETTA Jordan and Goss. 
Inopsetta Jordan and Goss, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., 1885 (1887), 924 
(136 of inside paging) (Parophrys ischyrus Jordan and Gilbert). 

Inopsetta ischyra (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Puget Sound, probably northward to Alaska. 
Parophrys ischyrus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 276, 453, Puget Sound. 

Genus 592. LEPIDOPSETTA Gill. 
Lepidopsetta Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 330 (Pset- 
tichthys wmbrosus Girard). 

Lepidopsetta bilineata (Ayres). 

ie ae coast of North America, Alaska to Monterey and northern 

Platessa bilineata Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 40 (39 
of reprint), San Francisco. 

Platichthys umbrosus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
136, Puget Sound. 

Pleuronectes perarcuatus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XIII, 
1873, 32, Unalaska. 

Genus 593. ISOPSETTA Lockington. 
Isopsetta Lockington, in Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
XVI, 1882, 832 (Lepidopsetta isolepis Lockington). 

Isopsetta isolepis (Lockington). 
Puget Sound to Point Conception, in rather deep water. 
i gat a isolepis Lockington, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 325, 
an Francisco. 

Genus 594. LIMANDA Gottsche. Mud dabs. 
Limanda Gottsche, Archiv fiir Naturgesch., 1835, 100 (Pleuronectes 
limanda Linnzus). 
Myzopsetta Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 217 (Platessa 
jerruginea Storer). 


1774. Limanda ferruginea (Storer). 
Atlantic coast of North America, Labrador to New York. 
Platessa ferruginea D. H. Storer, Rept. Fish. Mass., 1839, 141, pl. 2, 
Cape Ann. 
Platessa rostrata H. R. Storer, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., VI, 1850, 268, 

1775. Limanda aspera (Pallas). 
Coasts of Alaska and Kamchatka. 
Pleuronectes asper Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso.—Asiat., III, 1811, 425, east coast 
of Siberia. 

1776. Limanda proboscidea Gilbert. 
Bristol and Herendeen Bays, Alaska. 
Limanda proboscidea Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893 (1896), 
460, pl. 33, Bristol and Herendeen Bays, Alaska. 

1777. Limanda beanii Goode. 
Deep water, off coast of New England. 
Limanda beanii Goode, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880 (Feb. 16, 1881), 
473 southern coast of New England, Fish Hawk stations 875, 876. 

Genus 595-596. PSEUDOPLEURONECTES Bleeker. Woénter flounders. 
Pseudopleuronectes Bleeker, Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, XIII, 1862, 428 
(Platessa plana Mitchill= Pleuronectes americanus Walbaum). 

1778. Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum). Common flatfish; Win- 

ter flounder; Roughback. 

Atlantic coast of North America, from Labrador to Cape Lookout. 

Flounder Schoépf, Schrift. Gesellsch. Naturf. Freunde, VIII, 1788, 148, 
New York. 

Pleuronectes americanus Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 113; based on 
the Flounder of Schopf. 

Pleuronectes planus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 387, 
New York. 

Platessa pusilla DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 296, pl. 47, 
fig. 153, New York. 

1779. Pseudopleuronectes dignabilis Kendall. Lemon-yellow flounder. 
North Atlantic coast, Newfoundland to Cape Cod. 
Pseudopleuronectes dignabilis Kendall, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XXX, 
1910 (1912), 392, Georges Bank. 

Genus 597. LIOPSETTA Gill. 
Liopsetta Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 216 (Platessa 
glabra Storer). 
Euchalarodus Gill, loc. cit., 221 (FE. putnami Gill, the male of Liopsetta 
glabra Storer). 

1780, Liopsetta glacialis (Pallas). Arctic flounder. 

Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea south to St. Michaels, Alaska. 

Pleuronectes glacialis Pallas, Itin., III, App., 1776, 706; mouth of the 
Obi River. 

Pleuronectes cicatricosus Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso.—Asiat., III, 1811, 424, 
sea between Kamchatka and Alaska; male. 

?Platessa dvinensis Lilljeborg, Veb. Ab. Handl., 1850, 360, Tab. 20, 
mouth of River Dwina. 

Pleuronectes franklini Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 442, Arctic seas of 
America; female. 

1781. Liopsetta putnami (Gill). Hel-back flounder. 

Atlantic coast of North America, from Cape Cod northward to Labrador 
and beyond. 

Platessa glabra Storer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hust., 1843, 130, Massa- 
oad female; not Platessa glabra of Rathke, 1837, a species of 


Euchalarodus putnami Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. XVI, 1864, 

216, 221, Salem, Mass. 


1782. Liopsetta obscura (Herzenstein). 
Sea of Okhotsk. 
Pleuronectes obscurus Herzenstein, Mélanges Biologiques, 1890, 127, 

Genus 598. MICROSTOMUS Gottsche. Smear dabs. 
Microstomus Gottsche, Archiv fiir Naturgesch., 1835, 150 (M. latidens 
Gottsche); not Microstoma Risso, 1826. 

Cynicoglossus Bonaparte, Fauna Italica, 1837, fase. XIX (Pleuronectes 
cynoglossus Nilsson); not of Linneus= Pleuronectes kitt Walbaum. 
Cynoglossa Bonaparte, Cat.:Metod., 1845, 48 (Pleuronectes cynoglossus 

Brachyprosopon Bleeker, Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, XIII, 1862, 428 
(Pleuronectes microcephalus Donovan= P. kitt Walbaum). 
Cynicoglossus Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, 1883, 460 (Pleuronectes 
microcephalus Donovan), microstomus being regarded as preoccupiede 

1788. Microstomus kitt (Walbaum). Smear dab. 

Arctic Europe, west to the sea between Greenland and Iceland. 

Rhombus levis cornubiensis Jago in Ray, ‘‘Syn. Pisc., 1713, 162, Tab. 
L fit? 

Smear dab Pennant, British Zoology, III, 1776, 230, pl. 41. 

Pleuronectes kitt Walbaum, Artedi Pise., III, 1792, 120; after Ray. 

Pleuronectes quenseli H6lboll, Bohuslins, Sweden. 

Pleuronectes quadridens Fabricius, Afhandl., Kongl. Dank. Vid. Selsk., 
I, 1824, 39, Iceland. 

Microstomus latidens Gottsche, Archiv fiir Naturgesch., 1835, 150, 

Pleuronectes gilli Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, VII, 1868, polar sea, 
north of Iceland. 

1784. Microstomus pacificus (Lockington). 
Pacific coast of North America, Monterey to Vancouver Island and 
probably northward. 
Glyptocephalus pacificus Lockington, Rept. Calif. Com. Fish., 1878-79, 
43, off Point Reyes, Calif. 

Genus 599. EMBASSICHTHYS Jordan and Evermann. 
Embassichthys Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895 (1896), 506 
(Cynicoglossus bathybius Gilbert). 

1785. Embassichthys bathybius (Gilbert). 
Coast of California, south of Point Conception. 
Cynicoglossus bathybius Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 123, 
Santa Barbara Channel at Albatross station 2980, lat. 338° 49’ 45’’ 
N., long. 119° 24’ 30’’ W., in 603 fathoms. 

Genus 600. GLYPTOCEPHALUS Gottsche. 
Glyptocephalus Gottsche, Archiv fiir Naturgesch., 1835, 156 (Pleuro- 
nectes saxicola Fabricius=P. cynoglossus Linneus). 

1786. Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (Linnzus). Craig fluke; Pole flownder; 

Gray sole; Lemon sole. 

North Atlantic, chiefly in deep water, south to Cape Cod and France. 

Pleuronectes cynoglossus Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 269; after 

Pleuronectes saxicola Faber, Tidsskr. fiir Naturv., 5 B., 1828, 244, 

Glyptocephalus acadianus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXV, 1878, 
360, Nova Scotia. 

Genus 601. ERREX Jordan. 
Errex Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LX XI, 1919, 343 (Glypto- 
cephalus zachirus Lockington). 

1787. Errex zachirus (Lockington). Rex sole; Long-finned sole. 
Waters of moderate depth of the northern Pacific; from San Francisco 
Glyptocephalus zachirus Lockington, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 
88, San Francisco. 


Family 188. ACHIRIDA. Broad soles 


Genus 602. GYMNACHIRUS Kaup. 
Gymnachirus Kaup, Wiegmann’s Archiv, I, 1858, 101 (G@ymnachirus 
nudus Kaup). 

1788. Gymnachirus nudus Kaup. 
Coast of Brazil; once taken at Tisbury Great Pond, Martha’s Vine- 
yard Island, Mass. (Vinal N. Edwards). 
Gymnachirus nudus Kaup, Wiegmann’s Archiv, I, 1858, 101, Brazil 

1789. Gymnachirus fasciatus Giinther. 
West Indies; very rare, north to Long Key, Fla. (W. C. Kendall). 
Gymnachirus fasciatus Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 488, locality unknown. 

Subfamily ACHARINA 

Genus 603. ACHIRUS Lacépéde. 

Achirus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 658 (Pleuronectes achirus 

Trinectes Rafinesque, Atlantic Jour. and Friend of Knowledge, I, 1832 
(T. scabra Rafinesque= Pleuronectes mollis Mitchill). 

Grammichthys Kaup, Arch. Naturgesch., 1858, 94 (Achirus lineatus 

eee Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 413 (B. brachialis 


Subgenus ACHIRUS Lacépéde. 

1790. Achirus achirus (Linnzus). 
Atlantic coasts of tropical America. 
Pleuronectes oculis dextris corpore glabro, pinnis pectoralibus nullus 
Gronow, Museum, I, No. 42, Surinam. 
Pleuronectes achirus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 268, Surinam; 
based on Gronow. 
Solea gronovii Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 472, Surinam. 

1791. Achirus inscriptus Gosse. 
West Indies, north to Key West. 
Achirus inscriptus Gosse, Nat. Sojourn Jamaica, 1851, 52, pl. 1, fig. 4, 
Monochir reticulatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 317, Cuba. 

Subgenus GRAMMICHTHYS Kaup. 

1792. Achirus klunzingeri (Steindachner). 
Pacific coast of tropical America, Panama to Guayaquil. 
Solea klunzingeri Steindachner, Zur Fische des Cauca und der Fliisse 
bei Guayaquil, 1879, 44, Guayaquil. 

Subgenus TRINECTES Rafinesque. 

1793. Achirus fasciatus Lacépéde. American sole; Hogchoker. 
Atlantic coast of United States, from Cape Cod to Texas; often 
ascending streams. 
Ware fasciatus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 1V, 1803, 659, Charleston, 

Pleuronectes mollis Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 388, 
pl. 2, fig. 4, New York. 

Pleuronectes apoda Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag. and Crit. Rev., Feb., 
1818, 244, Straits of Bahama. 

Trinectes scabra Rafinesque, Atlantic Jour. and Friend of Knowledge, 
I, 1832, Pennsylvania, in fresh water. 

Solea browni Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 477, New Orleans; Texas. 

1794. Achirus scutum (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of Central America. 
Solea scutum Giinther, Cat., 1V, 1862, 474, Gulf of Fonseca, Panama, 


1795. Achirus fonsecensis (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of tropical America, Mazatlan to Fonseca. 
Solea fonsecensis Giinther, Cat., [V, 1862, 475, Gulf of Fonseca. 
Solea panamensis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitrige, V, 1876, 10, Taf. II, 
Solea fischeri Steindachner, Beitrige Kenntniss Fluss-Fische Sudamer., 
I, 1879, 13, Rio Mamone near Panama. 

1796. Achirus mazatlanus (Steindachner). Mezxican sole; Teipalcate. 
Pacific coast of tropical America. 
eae mazatlana Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, IX, 1869, 23, Mazatlan, 
Solea pilosa Peters, Berliner Monatsber., 1869, 709, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

1797. Achirus comifer Jordan and Gilbert. 
Key West, Fla. 
Achirus comifer Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 
31, Key West, Fla. 

1798. Achirus lineatus (Linnzus). 

Florida to Brazil. 

Passer lineis transversis notatus Sloane, Jamaica, 2, 1725, 77, pl. 246, 
fig. 2, Jamaica. 

Pleuronectes fuscus subrotundus glaber Browne, Jamaica, 1756, 445, 

Pleuronectes lineatus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 268, Jamaica; 
based on Browne and Sloane; not of ed. XII, which is Achirus 

Monochir maculipinnis Agassiz, Spix, Pisc. Brasil., 1829, 88, pl. 49, 

Baiostoma brachialis Bean, Proc., U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 413, Appa- 
lachicola Bay and south Florida. 

1799. Achirus barnharti Jordan. 
Coast of southern California; Coronado Islands. 
Achirus barnharti Jordan, Univ. Calif. Pub. Zool., XX VI, 1923, 10, 
Pl. I, Coronado Islands in about 400 feet depth of water. 

Genus 604. APIONICHTHYS Kaup. 
Apionichthys Kaup, Wiegmann’s Archiv, 1858, 104 (A. dwmerili Kaup). 
Soleotalpa Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 489 (S. wnicolor Giinther). 

1800. Apionichthys dumerili Kaup. 
West Indies. 
Apionichthys dumerili Kaup, Wiegmann’s Archiv, 1858, 104, no locality; 
description of species included in that of the genus. 
Soleotalpa unicolor Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 489, West Indies. 
Apionichthys nebulosus Peters, Berliner Monatsb., 1869, 709, Surinam. 

Family 1389. CYNOGLOSSIDZA. Tonguefishes 

Genus 605. SYMPHURUS Rafinesque. Tonguefishes. 

Symphurus Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 13, 52 (S. nigrescens Rafinesque). 

Bibronia Cocco, Alcuni Pesci del Mare di Messina, 1844, 15 (B. ligulata 
Cocco, larval form of Symphurus). 

Plagusia Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 2, II, 1829, 344; based on Plagusia 
of Browne; name preoccupied in crustaceans, Latreille, 1806. 

Plagiusa Bonaparte, Cat. Metod., 1846, 51 (P. lactea); name a sub- 
stitute for Plagusia. 

Aphoristia Kaup, Archiv fiir Natur., 1858, 106 (Achirus ornatus 

Glossichthys Gill, Cat. Fish. E. Coast N. Amer., 1861, 51 (Pleuronectes 
plagusia Linnzeus). 

Ammopleurops Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 490 (Plagusia lactea Bonaparte). 

?Bascanius Schiddte, Naturhist. Tijdskr., V, 1867, 269 (B. tzdifer 
Schiédte; larval). 

1801. Symphurus piger (Goode and Bean). 
West Indies and Gulf of Mexico in deep water. 
Aphoristia pigra Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XII, No. 5, 
1886, 154, St. Kitts, in about 250 fathoms. 














Symphurus marginatus (Goode and Bean.) 
West Indies. ; 
Aphoristia marginata Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XII, 
No. 5, 1886, 153, off St. Vincent, West Indies. 

Symphurus atramentatus Jordan and Bollman. 
Off coast of Colombia. 
Symphurus atramentatus Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
XII, 1889, 177, off coast of Colombia at Albatross station 2795, lat. 
7° 57’ N., long. 78° 55’ W., in 33 fathoms. 

Symphurus fasciolaris Gilbert. 
Gulf of California. 
Symphurus fasciolaris Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1891, 506, 
Gulf of California. 

Symphurus elongatus (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of tropical America. 
ec ecenese ornata var. elongata Giinther, Fishes Cent. Amer., 1869, 473, 

Symphurus atricaudus (Jordan and Gilbert). San Diego sole. 
Lower California, north to San Diego. 
Aphoristia atricauda Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., ITI, 
1880, 23, San Diego, Calif. 

Symphurus leei Jordan and Bollman. 
Off the coast of Colombia. 
Symphurus leet Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 1889, 
178, off coast of Colombia at Albatross station 2804, lat. 8° 16’ 30/” 
N., long. 79° 37’ 45’’ W., in 47 fathoms. 

Symphurus plagusia (Bloch and Schneider). Acedia. 

West Indies, south to Rio Janeiro. 

Plagusia Browne, Jamaica, No. 1, 1756, 445, Jamaica. 

Pleuronectes plagusia Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 162, 
Jamaica; after Browne. 

Achirus ornatus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 659; on a speci- 
men “presented by Holland to France.” 

Plagusia tessellata Quoy and Gaimard, Voyage Uranie, Zoology, 1824, 
240, Rio Janeiro. 

rie brasiliensis Agassiz, in Spix, Pisce. Brasil., 1827, 89, tab. 50, 


Symphurus plagiusa (Linneus). Tonguefish. 
South Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States. 
Pleuronectes plagiusa Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 455, on a 
specimen from Doctor Garden, probably from Charleston. 
Plagusia fasciata Holbrook, in DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 
304, Charleston, S. C. 

Symphurus pusillus (Goode and Bean). 
Off Atlantic coast of United States in deep water. 
Aphoristia pusilla Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 
590, Gulf Stream, lat. 40° N., in deep water. 

Symphurus diomedeanus (Goode and Bean). 
Gulf of Mexico, off Key West, Fla. 
Aphoristia diomedeana Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VIII, 
1885, 589, Gulf of Mexico, lat. 25° 4’ 30’’ N., long. 82° 59’ 15’” W. 

Symphurus williamsi Jordan and Culver. 
West coast of Mexico. 
Symphurus williamsi Jordan and Culver, in Jordan, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 506, pl. 55, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Genus 606. ACEDIA Jordan. 
Acedia Jordan, in Jordan and Goss, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIV, 1886 
(1888) (Aphoristia nebulosa Goode and Bean). 

Acedia nebulosa (Goode and Bean). 
Gulf Stream. 
Aphoristia nebulosa Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, No. 5, 
1883, 192, Gulf Stream, off the coast of the Carolinas. 



Family 140. ZEIDZ. John dories 

Genus 607. ZENOPSIS Gill. 
Zenopsis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 126 (Zeus nebu- 
losus Temminck and Schlegel). 

1814. Zenopsis ocellata (Storer). Ocellated dory. 
Off New England coast. 
Zeus ocellatus Storer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VI, 1858, 386, off 
Provincetown, Mass. 

Genus 608. ZENION Jordan and Evermann. 
Zenion Jordan and Evermann, Rept. U. 8S. Fish Com., XXI, 1895 
(1896), 418 (Cyttus hololepis Goode and Bean). 

1815. Zenion hololepis (Goode and Bean). 
West Indies, in deep water. 
Cyttus hololepis Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1896, 225. figs. 233, 
233a, 233b, off Yucatan and Little Bahama Bank. 

Genus 609. OREOSOMA Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Oreosoma Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 2, II, 1829 (type not named, 
Oresoma atlanticum Cuvier). 
Oreosoma Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1830, 377 
(515) (O. atlanticum Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

1816. Oreosoma atlanticum Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Open Atlantic; only a few specimens known. 
Oreosoma atlanticum Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 
1829, 377 (515), open Atlantic. 
Oreosoma conferrum Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., pl. 99, same type. 


Genus 610. GRAMMICOLEPIS Poey. 
Grammicolepis Poey, Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., II, 1873 (G. brachius- 
culus Poey). 

1817. Grammicolepis brachiusculus Poey. 
Cuba; in deep water. 
Grammicolepis brachiusculus Poey, Anal. Soc. Espafiola Hist. Nat., II, 
1873, Cuba. 


Genus 611. STEPHANOBERYX Gill. 
a ah Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 258 (S. monz 
1818. Stephanoberyx mone Gill. 
Gulf Stream, in deep water. 
Stephanoberyx monz Gill, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VI, 1888, 258, Gulf 
Stream at Albatross station 2077 in 1,255 fathoms. 

1819. Stephanoberyx gillii Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream, in deep water. 
Stephanoberyx gillii Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 187, fig. 
206, Gulf Stream at Albatross station 2099 in 2,949 fathoms. 

Family 143. MELAMPHAIDZ 

Genus 612. CAULOLEPIS Gill. 
Caulolepis Gill, Forest and Stream, XXI, Aug. 30, 1883, and Proc. 
U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 258 (C. longidens Gill). 













Caulolepis longidens Gill. 
Gulf Stream and Pacific Ocean at Cortez Banks off San Diego, Calif. 
Caulolepis longidens Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 258, Atlantic 
Ocean, lat. 39° 27’ N., long. 69° 56’ 20’’ W., in 1,346 fathoms. 

Genus 613. ANOPLOGASTER Giinther. 
Anoplogaster Giinther, Cat., I, 1859, 12 (Hoplostethus cornutus Cuvier 
and Valenciennes). 

Anoplogaster cornutus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Atlantic, in deep water, north and south. 

Hoplostethus cornutus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
IX, 1833, 347 (270); from stomach of a shark, taken at 26° lat. S; 
others taken by the Albatross 31° N., 40° W., from the stomach of 
an albacore. 

Genus 614. POROMITRA Goode and Bean. 
Poromitra Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, No. 5, 1882, 
214 (P. capito Goode and Bean). = 

Poromitra capito Goode and Bean. 
Deep water in Gulf Stream in latitude 34°. 
Poromitra capito Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, No. 5, 
1882, 215, Gulf Stream. 

Genus 615. PLECTROMUS Gill. 
bapepone Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 257 (P. suborbitalis 

Plectromus suborbitalis Gill. 
Gulf Stream, in deep water. 
Plectromus suborbitalis Gill, Proce. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 258, lat. 
38° 52’ N., long. 69° 24’ W., at Albatross stations 2036, 2190, and 
2535 in 1,149 to 1,800 fathoms. 

Plectromus beani (Giinther). 
Gulf Stream in deep water. 
Plectromus crassiceps Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 73, Gulf 
Stream; name preoccupied. 
Melamphaés beani Giinther, Challenger Rept., XXII, 1887, 29, Gulf 
Stream, in about latitude 40°. 

Plectromus crassiceps (Giinther). 
Mid-Atlantic; Brazil. 
Scopelus crassiceps Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 1878, 185, 
deep water in mid-Atlantic and off Pernambuco. 

Plectromus cristiceps (Gilbert). 
Coast of Washington and Oregon and southeastern Alaska. 
Melamphaés cristiceps Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890 
(1891), 60, coasts of Oregon and Washington and Albatross station 
3075 in 859 fathoms. 

Plectromus lugubris (Gilbert). 
Coast of California; off Bay of Panama; Bering Sea. 
Melamphaés lugubris Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890 (1891), 
59, coast of California south of Point Conception, at Albatross station 
2923 in 822 fathoms. 

Plectromus mizolepis (Giinther). 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water; south of New Guinea and Bay of 
Scopelus mizolepis Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 11, 1878, 185, south 
of New Guinea. 

Plectromus nycterinus (Gilbert). 
Coast of southern California, in deep water. 
Melamphaés nycterinus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 
326, pl. 16, off Santa Catalina, 2,113 to 2,259 fathoms. 

Plectromus bispinosus (Gilbert). 
Coronado Islands, near San Diego, Calif. 
Melamphaés bispinosus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 
325, pl. 15, fig. 5; off the Coronado Islands, near San Diego, 642 to 
666 fathoms. 









Family 144. POLYMIXIIDA. Barbudos 

Genus 616. POLYMIXIA Lowe. 
see Lowe, Trans., Cambr. Phil. Soc., VI, 1838, 198 (P. nobilis 
Nemabrama Valenciennes, Ichth. Iles Canaries, 1844, 40 (N. webbi Valen- 
ciennes = Polymixia nobilis Lowe). 
Dinemus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 160 (D. venustus Poey = Polymizxia 
lowei Giinther. 

Polymixia lowei Giinther. Barbudo. 
Caribbean Sea; Cuba. 
Polymizia lowei Giinther, Cat., I, 1859, 17, Caribbean Sea. 
Dinemus venustus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 161, Cuba. 

Family 145. BERYCIDZ 

Genus 617. BERYX Cuvier. Alfonsinos. 
Beryx Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 151 (B. decadactylus Cuvier 
and Valenciennes. 

Beryx decadactylus Cuvier and Valenciennes. Alfonsin a Casta Larga. 
Cosmopolitan, open seas, in rather deep water; Portugal, Madeira, 
Japan, and Cuba. 
Beryx decadactylus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 
1829, 165 (222), Madeira or Portugal. 

Beryx splendens Lowe. Alfonsin a Casita; Cumprida. 
Cosmopolitan, in the open seas, at moderate depth; Madeira, Japan, 
and Gulf Stream at 35° 49’ 30’’ N., 74° 34’ 45’’ W. in 424 fathoms. 
Beryx splendens Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1833, 142, Madeira. 

Family 146. ANOMALOPIDZ 

Genus 618. KRYPTOPHANARON Silvester and Fowler. ‘ 
He eraphanones Silvester and Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
LXXVIII, 1926, 245 (K. alfredi Silvester and Fowler). 

Kryptophanaron alfredi Silvester and Fowler. 
Off coast of Jamaica. 
Kryptophanaron alfredi Silvester and Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Phila. LXXVIII, 1926, 246, Pl. XVIII, fig. 1; Pl. XIX, figs. 2 and 4. 
Off Kingston Harbor, Jamaica, floating on surface. 


Genus 619. HOPLOSTETHUS Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Hoplostethus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1829, 344 
(469) (H. mediterraneus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Hoplostethus mediterraneus Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Coasts of southern Europe; Gulf Stream. 
Hoplostethys mediterraneus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
V, 1829, 344 (469), Mediterranean Sea. 
Trachichthys pretiosus Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1839, 77, Madeira. 

Family 148. HOLOCENTRIDZ. Soldierfishes; Squirrelfishes 

Genus 620. OSTICHTHYS Jordan and Evermann. 

Ostichthys Langsdorf, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
III, 130 (174), 1829; name only, passing reference under Myripristis 
japonicus Cuvier. 

Ostichthys Jordan and Evermann, Fish. North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
846 (Myripristis japonicus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Ostichthys trachypomus (Giinther). 
West Indies; Cuba. 
Myripristis trachypoma Ginther, Cat., I, 1859, 25, Cuba. 
Myriopristis fulgens Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 160, Cuba. 


Genus 621. MYRIPRISTIS Cuvier. 

Myripristis Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 150 (M. jacobus 
Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Rhamphoberyx Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 817 (R. 
pecilopus Gill); young. 

Myripristes of authors; altered spelling. 

Myriopristis of authors; altered spelling. 

1837. Myripristis jacobus Cuvier and Valenciennes. Frére Jacques; Candil, 

West Indies to Brazil; common. 

Myripristis jacobus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 
1829, 121 (162), Martinique. 

Rhinoberyx chryseus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1871, 464, St. 
Croix Island. 

1838. Myripristis occidentalis (Gill). 
West coast of America, from Cape San Lucas to Panama; Galapagos; 
Cocos Island. 
Myriopristis occidentalis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 
87, Cape San Lucas. 
Rhamphoberyx leucopus Gill, loc. cit., 88, Cape San Lucas; immature. 
1839. Myripristis pecilopus (Gill). 
West coast of America, from Cape San Lucas to Panama. 
Rhamphoberyx pecilopus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 
87, Cape San Lucas; immature example. 
Genus 622. HOLOTRACHYS Giinther. 
Holotrachys Giinther, Jour. Mus. Godeffroy, Band I, 1873, 93 (Myri- 
pristes lima Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
1840. Holotrachys lima (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
South Seas, east to Hawaii and Cocos Island. 
Myripristis lima Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VII, 
1831, 493, Ile de France. 
Myripristes humilis Kner and Steindachner, Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
LIV, 1866, 357, pl. 1, fig. 1, Samoa. 

Genus 623. HOLOCENTRUS Bloch. Squirrelfishes; Soldierfishes. 

Holocentrus Gronow, Zoophyl., 1763, 65; nonbinomial. 

Holocentrus Bloch, Naturgeschich. Ausland. Fische, IV, 1790, 61 (H. 
sogo Bloch). 

Holocentrum Cuvier, and of most authors; amended spelling. 

Rhynchichthys Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VII, 1831, 
503 (R. pelamidis Cuvier and Valenciennes) ; young. 

Rhinoberyx Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 237 (Rhyn- 
chichthys brachyrhynchus Bleeker); larval form. 

1841. Holocentrus ascensionis*® (Osbeck). Matajuelo; Squirrelfish; Soldado; 

Islands of the Atlantic and northward from St. Helena and Ascension 
Island to Florida and Cuba. 

?Perca ascensionis Osbeck, Iter Chinensis, 1757; reprinted as Reise 
Ost-Ind. China, 1765, 388, Ascension Island; reprint of a pre- 
Linnzan paper, hence ineligible. 

?Bodianus pentacanthus Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, IV, 1790, 40, pl. 225, 
Brazil; after Saguaraca of ‘Marcgrave. 

?Holocentrus sogo Bloch, loc. cit., 61, pl. 232, Africa. 

Sciezna rubra Schneider, Ed. Bloch, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 82; after 

Amphiprion matejuelo Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Icth., 1801, 206, 
Cuba; after Parra. 

?Bodianus jaguar Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1802, 286, Brazil. 

?Holocentrum longipinne Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss. - 
III, 1829, 138 (185), Brazil; Martinique; Porto Rico; St. Thomas; 
San Domingo; Habana. 

Holocentrus striatus Gronow, Cat. Fishes, 1854, 173, Antilles. 

Holocentrus rostratus Gronow, loc. cit., 173, near the Equator. 

The specific name of the common mataguelo of Cuba is still wholly uncertain if the two forms (the 
fo from Cuba, the other from Brazil) are really distinct. The earliest specific name, ascensionis, is appar- 
veel ineligible, occurring in reprints of a pre-Linnz#an paper. The pertinence of most of the other names 

is more or less hes uncertain. Here, as elsewhere where no official decision has been made by the International 
Comission on Zoological Nomenclature, we follow the rule of not changing current nomenclature unless, 
as in matters of priority, the case is reasonably clear. 













Holocentrus rufus (Walbaum). 
The northern form probably varying into H. ascensionis, which ranges 
from the Bahamas to Brazil. 
Perca rufa Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 351, Bahamas; after Perca 
marina rubra of Catesby. 

Holocentrus coruscus (Poey). 

Cuba; Bahama Islands; Bermudas; Tortugas. 

Holocentrum coruscum Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 158, Cuba. 

Holocentrum sicciferum Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1871, 465, 
Bahamas, New Providence. 

?Holocentrum puncticulatus Barbour, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XLVI, 
1905, 117, Bermudas. 

?Holocentrus tortuge Jordan and Thompson, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 
XXIV, 1904 (1905), 236, fig. 1, Garden Key, Tortugas. 

Holocentrus brachypterus Poey. 
Holocentrus brachypterus Poey, Repertorio, I, 1866, 184, Cuba, 

Holocentrus vexillarius (Poey). 
Cuba; Porto Rico. 
Holocentrum vexrillarium Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 158, Cuba, 
?Holocentrum riparium Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 37, Cuba. 

Holocentrus osculus (Poey). 
Holocentrum osculum Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 156, Cuba. 
Holocentrum perlatum Poey, loc. cit., 157, Cuba. 

Holocentrus sancti-pauli (Giinther). 
St. Paul Rocks, mid-Atlantic. 
Holocentrum sancti-pauli Giinther, Shore Fishes, Challenger Rept., 
Zoology, I, part 6, 1880, 4, St. Paul Rocks, mid-Atlantic. 

Holocentrus meeki Bean. 
Holocentrus meeki Bean, Proc. Biol.. Soc. Wash., XIX, 1906, 31, St. 
Davids Island, Bermudas. 

Genus 624. FLAMMEO Jordan and Evermann. 
Flammeo Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 
2871 (Holocentrum marianum Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Flammeo marianus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Marian. 
West Indies; Cuba; Jamaica; Martinique. 
Holocentrum marianum Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
III, 1829, 164 (219), Martinique. 
Holocentrum rostratum Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 157, Cuba. 

Genus 625. ADIORYX Starks. 
nor? Starks, Science, XXVIII, 1908, 614 (Holocentrum suborbitale 

Adioryx suborbitalis (Gill). Mojarra cardinal. 
Mazatlan to Panama; Revillagigedo, Cocos, and Galapagos Islands. 
Holocentrum suborbitale Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 
86, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 

Genus 626. PLECTRYPOPS Gill. 
Plectrypops Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 237 (Holo- 
centrum retrospinis Guichenot). 

proteins retrospinis (Guichenot). 
uba. - 
Holocentrum retrospinis Guichenot, in Ramon de la Sagra, Hist. Cuba, 
1853, 35, pl. 1, fig. 3, Cuba. 



Family 149. GASTEROSTEIDZ. Sticklebacks 

Genus 627. GASTEROSTEUS Linnezus. Siticklebacks. 
Gasterosteus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 295 (G. aculeatus Linneus). 
Pear Pallas, Zoog. Rosso.—Asiat., III, 1811 (G. cataphractus 

Leiurus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Amphib., etc., II, 1839, 242 (Gasteros- 
teus aculeatus Linnzeus). 

Merriamella Jordan, Univ. Calif. Publ. Geol., V, 1907, 131 (M. dorysia 
Jordan); fossil form. 

1852. Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnzxus. Common stickleback. 

Arctic and subarctic regions, in shallow bays and estuaries, very com- 
mon; also ascending streams, where it loses partially or wholly its 
bony plates, in Europe, Asia, and America alike. The development 
of these plates and in some degree of dorsal spines and caudal keel 
depends on the salinity of the water. Reported G. williamsoni 
microcephalus from irrigation ditch near El Rosario, Lower California, 
255 miles south of U. 8. border, May 21, 1925, Clinton G. Abbott, 

(1. Forms completely mailed) 

Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 489, Europe. 

Gasterosteus cataphractus Pallas, Mém. Acad. Petersb., III, 1811, 325, 

Gasterosteus trachura Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 
1829, 481, France. 

Gasterosteus teraculeatus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 296. 

Gasterosteus obolarius Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 
1829, 500, Kamchatka. 

Gasterosteus noveboracensis Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 502, pl. 98, 
g. 3. 

Gasterosteus biaculeatus Shaw, Zool., IV, 1839, 608; after Pennant. 

Gasterosteus dimidiatus Reinhardt, Fauna Greenlandica, 1837, 32, 37, 

Gasterosteus loricatus Reinhardt, loc. cit., 32, 37, Greenland. 

Gasterosteus baillouwi Blanchard, Poiss. des eaux douces de France, 
1866, 231, Abbeville. 

Gasterosteus insculptus Richardson, Last Arctic Voyage, 1854, 10, 
Pl. XXYV, figs. 1, 2, and 3, Northumberland and Puget Sounds. 

Gasterosteus serratus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 47, 
San Francisco. 

(2. Forms armed anteriorly only) 

Gasterosteus gymnurus Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. II, 1829, 170, waters 
of England and northward. 
Gasterosteus leiurus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 
1829, 481, Seine. 
pire semiarmatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 493, Havre, 
rance. ; 
oe semiloricatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 494, 
Gasterosteus spinulosus Jenyns and Yarrell, Man. Brit. Vert., 1835, 
350, Edinburgh. 
Gasterosteus ponticus Nordmann, in Demidoff, Voy. Russ. Merid., III, 
1840, 357, Tauria and Black Sea. 

Gasterosteus cuvieri Girard, in Storer’s Fishes of Nova Scotia and 
Labrador, 1849, 254, p. VII, fig. 1, Bras d’Or, Red Bay, Labrador. 
Gasterosteus microcephalus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 

1854, 133, Four Creek (Kaweah River), a tributary to Tule Lake 
(Tulare Lake), San Joaquin Valley, Calif. 
Gasterosteus plebeius Girard, loc. cit., 147, Presidio, Calif. 



Gasterosteus inopinatus Girard, loc. cit., 147, Presidio, Calif. 

Gasterosteus pugetti Girard, loc. cit., 1856, 135, Fort Steilacoom, Wash. 

Gasterosteus neustrianus Blanchard, Poiss. des eaux douce de France, 
1866, 220, Harfleur. 

Gasterosteus argentissimus Blanchard, loc. cit., 232, Avignon. 

Gasterosteus elegans Blanchard, loc. cit., 234, Cadillac and Langou, 
6 pls. 

Gosteraatente islandicus Sauvage, Revision des Epinoches, 1874, 20, 

Gasterosteus atkinsi Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 67, Schoodic 
Lakes, Maine. 

(3. Forms naked or with one or two plates) 

Gasterosteus williamsoni Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
133, Williamsons Pass, Calif. 

Gasterosteus santa-anne Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8th ser., IV, 1909, 
437, Santa Anna River, Calif. 

Genus 628. GLADIUNCULUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Gladiunculus Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 4, 
XVI, 1927 (Apr. 27), 504 (Gasterosteus gladiunculus Kendall=G. 
bispinosus Walbaum). 

1853. Gladiunculus bispinosus (Walbaum). Common eastern stickleback. 
Labrador to New Jersey, near the coast, in salt water; very common 
in New England. 
Gasterosteus bispinosus Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 450; after Pennant; 
said to be ‘‘ New York,’’ but more likely Hudson’s Bay. 
rm wheatlandi Putnam, Proc., Essex Inst., V, 1867, 4, Nahant, 

Gasterosteus gladiunculus Kendall, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVIII, 1896, 
off coast of Maine, near Seguin Island. 

Genus 629. EUCALIA Jordan. 
Eucalia Jordan, Man. Vert., ed. 1, 1876, 248 (Gasterosteus inconstans 

1854. Eucalia incostans (Kirtland). Brook stickleback. 

New York to Kansas and northward to the Saskatchewan; Great Lakes 
region; central Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. 

Gasterosteus inconstans Kirtland, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., III, 1841, 273, 
brooks of Trumball County, Ohio. 

Gasterosteus micropus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVII, 1865, 
81, Fort Riley, Kans. 

Gasterosteus globiceps Sauvage, Revision des Epinoches, 1874, 35, North 

Eucalia inconstans cayuga Jordan, Man. Vert., ed. 1, 1876, 249, Cayuga 
Lake, Ithaca, N. Y. 

1855. Eucalia pygmea (Agassiz). 
Lake Superior. 
A valid species if the fin rays are D. IV-I, 6; A. I, 6. In E. inconstans 
they are D. IV-I, 10; A. I, 10. 
Gasterosteus pygmeus Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 314, Lake Superior. 


Genus 630. PUNGITIUS Costa. Nine-spined sticklebacks. 

Pungitius Costa, Mém. Savants Etrangers, Paris, X, 1846 (Gasterosteus. 
pungitius L.). 

Pygosteus (Brevoort) Gill, Can. Nat., and Cat. Fish. E. Coast N. A., 
supplement to Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 39 (Gasterosteus 
occidentalis Cuvier and Valenciennes=G. pungitius Linnzeus). 

Gasterostea Sauvage, Révision des Epinoches, 1874, 7 (Gasterosteus 
pungitius Linnzeus). 


1856. Pungitius pungitius (Linneus). Nine-spined stickleback. 

Gasterosteus pungitius Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 296, Europe; 
after Gasterosteus aculeis in dorso decem Artedi. 

Gasterosteus levis Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 2, II, 1829, 170, streams of 
France. ~ ry 

Gasterosteus occidentalis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
IV, 1829, 509, Newfoundland; not G. occidentalis Linneus, unrec- 
ognized, probably a species of Carangide. 

Gasterosteus concinnus Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., III, 1836, 57, 
Saskatchewan River and Great Bear Lake. 

Gasterosteus nebulosus Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 310, pl. 4, fig. 4, 
Lake Superior. 

Gasterosteus dekayi Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 311, New York. 

Gasterosteus lotharingus Blanchard, Poiss. France, 1866, 244, Lorraine. 

Gasterosteus breviceps Blanchard, loc. cit., 1866, 245, Caen, France. 

i el blanchardi Sauvage, Révision des Epinoches, 1874, 32, New 


1857. Pungitius mainensis (Storer). 
Kennebec River, Me.; a form or species with seven dorsal spines. 
Gasterosteus mainensis Storer, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., I, 1837, 464, 
Kennebec County, Me. 

1858. Pungitius brachypoda (Bean). 
Baffins Bay, Greenland. A form with 10 dorsal spines and the ventral 
spines very small. 
Gasterosteus pungitius brachypoda Bean, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., XV, 
1879, 129, Oosooadlin Mountain, Cumberland Gulf, Greenland. 

Subfamily APELTIN ZX 

Genus 631. APELTES DeKay. Four-spined stickleback. 

Apeltes DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 87 (Gasterosteus quadracus 

1859. Apeltes quadracus (Mitchill). 

Maine to New Jersey, in salt water only. 

Gasterosteus quadracus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. and Phil. Soc., I, 1815, 
430, New York. 

Gasterosteus apeltes Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 
1829, 505, no locality. 

Gasterosteus millipunctatus Ayres, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., I, 1842, 294, 
Old Mans Harbor, Long Island. 


Genus 632. SPINACHIA Cuvier. 
Spinachia Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed I, 1817, 320 (Gasterosteus spinachia 
Polycanthus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Amphib., etc., II, 1839, 242 
(Gasterosteus spinachia Linnzus). 
Gastrea Sauvage, Révision des Epinoches, 1874, 7 (Gasterosteus 
spinachia Linnzus). 

1860. Spinachia spinachia (Linnzus). 
Coasts of northern Europe; recorded from Newfoundland. 
Gasterosteus spinachia Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 442. 
Spinachia vulgaris Fleming, Brit. Anim., 1828, 210. 
nnareeiewe marinus Gronow, Cat. Fish., 1854, 168. 


Genus 633. AULORHYNCHUS Gill. 
Aulorhynchus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 169 (A. 
flavidus Gill). 
ja eon Peters, Berliner Monatsberichte, 1866, 570 (A. spinescens 


1861. Aulorhynchus flavidus Gill. 
Coast of California, from San Nicolas Island and Monterey northward 
to Sitka, Alaska. 
Aulorhynchus flavidus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 
169, coast of Washington. 


Family 151. SYNGNATHIDZ. Pipefishes and seahorses 

Genus 6384. DERMATOSTETHUS Gill. 
Dermatostethus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 283 
(D. punctipinnis Gill). 

1862. Dermatostethus punctipinnis Gill. 
San Diego, California. 
Dermatostethus punctipinnis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 
1862, 283, San Diego, Calif.; not lately recognized; the genus 
perhaps of doubtful value. 

Genus 685. SYNGNATHUS Linnezus. 
Syngnathus Linnezus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1858, 336 (Syngnathus acus L., 
the proper type as decided by the Internat. Com. Zool. Nomencl.). 
Siphostoma Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 18 (Syngnathus pelagicus 

1863. Syngnathus californiensis Storer. Great pipefish. 
Santa Barbara to Monterey and northward. 
Syngnathus californiensis Storer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., I, 
1845, 73, California. 

1864. Syngnathus griseolineatus Ayres. 
Pacific coast of the United States, from Monterey northward to Puget 
Sound and southeastern Alaska. 
Syngnathus griseolineatus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854, 
14, San Francisco Bay. 
Syngnathus abboti Girard, Pac. R. R. Survey, Fishes, X, 1858, 346, 
San Francisco. 

1865. Syngnathus leptorhynchus Girard. 
West coast of America from San Francisco to San Diego. 
Syngnathus brevirostris Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
156, San Diego; name preoccupied. 
Syngnathus ieptorhynchus Girard, loc. cit., 156, San Diego, Calif. 
Syngnathus dimidiatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
284, San Diego; substitute for brevirostris, preoccupied. 

1866. Syngnathus arundinaceus Girard. 
Coast of California. 
Syngnathus arundinaceus Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, 1858, 346, coast 
of California. 

1867. Syngnathus carinatus (Gilbert). 
Gulf of California. 
Siphostoma carinatum Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 547, 
Gulf of California, lat. 31° 31’ N., long. 114° 19’ W., at Albatross 
stations 3027 and 3028. 

1868. Syngnathus auliscus (Swain). 
Southern California. 
Siphostoma auliscus Swain, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 310, Santa 
Barbara and San Diego, Calif. 

1869. Syngnathus barbare (Swain). 
California coast at Santa Barbara. Rare; not reported recently. 
Siphostoma barbarz Swain, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 238, 
Santa Barbara, Calif. 















Syngnathus mackayi (Swain and Meek). 
Key West to Yucatan. 
Siphostoma mackayi Swain and Meek, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 
1884, 239, Key West, Fla. 

Syngnathus floride (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Virginia to Texas and Porto Rico. 
Siphostoma floride Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
263, Pensacola, Fla. 

Syngnathus poeyi (Jordan and Evermann). 
Syngnathus tenuis Poey, Synopsis, 1867, 444, Cuba; name preoccupied. 
Siphostoma poeyi Jordan and Evermann, Fish. North and Mid. Amer., 
1896, 766, Habana, Cuba; substitute for S. tenuis, preoccupied. 

Syngnathus elucens*° Poey. Pipefish. 
Cuba; Florida Keys; Porto Rico. 
Syngnathus elucens Poey, Synopsis, 1867, 443, Habana. 
Syngnathus flavirostris Poey, Enumeratio, 1876, 178, Habana. 
Syngnathus picturatus Poey, loc. cit., 178, Habana. 
Syngnathus linea Poey, loc. cit., 178, Habana. 
Syngnathus marmoreus Poey, loc. cit., 178, Habana. 
Syngnathus ascendens Poey, loc. cit., 179, Habana. 

Syngnathus rousseau Kaup. 
West Indies; known from Jamaica, St. Lucia, and Martinique. 
Syngnathus rousseau Kaup, Lophobranchii, 1856, 40, Martinique. 

Syngnathus jonesi Giinther. West Indian pipefish. 
Bermudas and Porto Rico. 
Syngnathus jonesi Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, XIV, 1874, 
8, 455, Bermudas. 

Syngnathus fistulatus Peters. 
Puerto Cabello, near Colon. 
Syngnathus fistulatus Peters, Monatsber., Ak. Wiss. Berl., 1868, 456, 
Puerto Cabello, near Aspinwall. 

Syngnathus pelagicus Linnzus. 

Open sea in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean; doubtfully recorded 
from the West Indies; some other species, perhaps S. fistulata, being 
mistaken for it. 

Syngnathus pelagicus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. I, 1758, open sea in 
floating seaweed. 

Syngnathus ethon Risso, Eur. Mérid., III, 1826, 182, Nice, France. 

Syngnathus robertsi (Jordan and Rutter). 
West Indies and Jamaica; Caribbean Sea. 
Siphostoma robertsi Jordan and Rutter, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
LIX, 1897, 97, Jamaica. 

Syngnathus brachycephalus Poey. 
Tortugas; Cuba. 
Syngnathus brachycephalus Poey, Synopsis, 1867, 444, Habana, Cuba, 

Syngnathus brevicaudus (Meek).. 
Boca del Rio, Vera Cruz. 
Siphostoma brevicaudum Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 163, 
oca del Rio, Mexico. 

Syngnathus crinigerum (Bean and Dresel). 
Pensacola and Key West, to Abrolhos Reef, Brazil. 
Siphostoma crinigerum Bean and Dresel, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., II, 
1884, 99, Pensacola, Fla. 

Syngnathus sinalow (Jordan and Starks). 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Siphostoma sinalox Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 3d ser., 
I, 1896, 268, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

# Some of the nominal species here included may prove to be valid. 


1883. Syngnathus arctus (Jenkins and Evermann). 
Gulf of California, Guaymas. 
Siphostoma arctum Jenkins and Evermann, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, 
1888, 137, Bay of Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. 

1884. Syngnathus starksi (Jordan and Culver). 
Estuaries about Mazatlan. 
Siphostoma starksi Jordan and Culver, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 3d ser., 
V, 1895, 416, Pl. XXX, Rio Presidio, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

1885. Syngnathus dendriticus (Barbour). 
Ireland Island, Bermudas. 
Siphostoma dendriticum Barbour, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XLVI, 
No. 7, 1904-1906, 115, Ireland Island, Bermudas. 

1886. Syngnathus mindii Meek and Hildebrand. 
Syngnathus mindii Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
XV, 1923, 261, Pl. XVIII, fig. 2; brackish creek near Mindi, Canal 
Zone, Panama. 

1887. Syngnathus elcapitensis Meek and Hildebrand. 
Streams, west coast of Panama. 
Syngnathus elcapitanense Meek and Hildebrand in Meek, Field Mus, 
Nat. Hist., Zool., X, 1914, 119, Rio Mamona at El Capitan, Panama, 

1888. Syngnathus tweedliei Meek and Hildebrand. 
Syngnathus tweedliei Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., XV, 1923, 259, Pl. XVIII, fig. 1, Chame Point, Panama. 

1889. Speseinre torrei (Nichols). 
Siphostoma torrei Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XX XI, 1912, 
183, fig. 1, Matanzas, Guba. 

Genus 636. SYRICTES Jordan and Evermann. 
Syrictes Jordan and Evermann Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., XVI, Apr. 27, 
1927, 504 (Syngnathus fuscus Storer). 

1890. Syrictes fuscus*! (Storer). Common pipefish; Green pipefish; Billfish. 
Atlantic coast of United States from Maine to Virginia; very common 
Syngnathus fuscus Storer, Rept. Fish. Mass., 1839, 162, Nahant, Mass. 
Syngnathus peckianus Storer, Rept. Fish. Mass., 1839, 163, Holms 
Hole, Marthas Vineyard. 
Syngnathus peckii Storer, Rept. Fish. Mass., 1839, 3; name only. 
Syngnathus fasciatus DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 319, pl. 54, 
fig. 174, New York. 
Syngnathus viridescens DeKay, loc. cit., 321, pl. 54, fig. 176, New York. 
Syngnathus dekayi Duméril, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1870, 569, New York. 
Syngnathus milbertianus Duméril, loc. cit., 573, New York. 
1891. Syrictes affinis (Giinther). 
Gulf of Mexico, on coast of Louisiana. 
Syngnathus affinis Giinther, Cat., VIII, 1870, 163, Louisiana. 
1892. Syrictes scovelli (Evermann and Kendall). 
Coast of Texas and both coasts of Florida. 
Siphostoma scovelli Evermann and Kendall, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
XVIII, 1895, 118, Shamrock Point, Corpus Christi, Tex. 
1893. Syrictes louisianz (Giinther). 
Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States; North Carolina to Texas 
and south to Key West. 
Syngnathus pelagicus, var., Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 416, 
Charleston, 8S. C. 
Syngnathus louisiane Giinther, Cat., VIII, 1870, 160, New Orleans, La, 
1894. Syrictes bairdianus (Duméril). 
West coast of Lower California. 
Syngnathus bairdianus Duméril, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1870, 574, ‘‘ Coast 
of Mexico, near California.”’ 

| The names fuscus and peckianus are of the same date. The author who first perceived this identity 
chose the second name in spite of the page priority of fuscus. 


1895. Syrictes exilis (Osburn and Nichols). 
Gulf of California. 
Siphostoma exile Osborn and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
XXXV, 1916, 153, fig. 7, west San Benito Island, Port San Bartolome. 

Genus 637. HIPPICHTHYS Bleeker. 
Hippichthys Bleeker, Verh. Batav. Genootsch., XXII, 1849, 15 (H. 
heptagonus Bleeker); not Hippocampus heptagonus Rafinesque. 
Corythoichthys Kaup, Archiv Naturgesch., 1853, 231 (C. albirostris 
Heckel MS. Kaup). 

1896. Hippichthys albirostris (Heckel). 
West Indies, north to Pensacola and Key West; south to Bahia, about 
coral reefs. 
Corythéichthys albirostris Heckel in Kaup, Archiv Naturgesch., 1853, 
231, Mexico; Bahia; type examined. 
Siphostoma zatropis Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 264, Snapper Banks, Pensacola. 

1897. Hippichthys cayorum (Evermann and Kendall). 
Key West, Fla.; Porto Rico. 
Corythéichthys cayorum Evermann and Kendall, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., 
XVII, 1897, 128, pl. 7, fig. 7, near Crawfish Bar, Key West, Fla. 

1898. Hippichthys spicifer (Riippell). 
Tropical Pacific; recorded from Tehuantepec. 
Syngnathus spicifer Riippell, Neue Wirb., Fische, about 1830, 1438. 

Genus 638. DORYICHTHYS Kaup. 
Doryichthys Kaup, Archiv Naturgesch., 1853, 233 (D. bilineatus Heckel). 

1899. Doryichthys lineatus Valenciennes. 
Tropical parts of Atlantic from Cuba to Brazil. 
Doryichthys lineatus Valenciennes, in Kaup, Lophobranchii, 1856, 59, 
Bahia, Mexico, and Guadeloupe. 

Genus 639. DORYRHAMPHUS Kaup. 
Doryrhainphus Kaup, Archiv Naturgesch., 1853, 233 (D. ercisus Kaup). 
Choeroichthys Kaup, loc. cit., 1853, 233 (C. valenciennesi Kaup). 

1900. Doryrhamphus californiensis Gill. 
Gulf of California. 
Doryrhamphus californiensis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 
1862, 284, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 

1901. Doryrhamphus sierra Nichols. 

Porto Rico. 
Doryrhamphus sierra Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXIV, 

1915, 145, fig. 2, Porto Rico. 

Genus 640. ACUS * Swainson. 
Acus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Amphib., etc., II, 1839, 333 (Syngna- 
thus zquoreus ‘‘ Yarrell’’). 
Osphyolar Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X XVII, 1875, 450 (O. 
pellucidus Cope). 

1902. Acus equoreus (Linnzus). Ocean pipefish. 
Open sea along coasts of Europe; recorded from New Orleans, some 
other species probably mistaken for it. 

Syngnathus zquoreus Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 417, open sea. 
Syngnathus sibbaldé Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 6, Scotland. 
Nerophis maculata Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 57, Palermo, Italy. 

ie ene Kaup, Lophobr., 1856, 65, Brownsey, Dorsetshire; 


1903. Acus martinicensis (Bibron) Kaup. 
West Indies. 
Nerophis martinicensis (Bibron) Kaup, Lophobr., 1856, 67, Martinique. 

“ We may adopt the generic name Acus for the species of the old genus Nerophis (Rafinesque, Indice, 
Bicil., 1810, 57, type Syngnathus ophidion L.) in which a small caudal fin is present, the tail not ending ina 
filament, as is the case in the type of meld a (Syngnathus ophidion L.) The name Acus, variously used 
by authors, is not preoccupied in binomial nomenclature. 












Acus heckeli (Kaup). 
Caribbean Sea. 
Nerophis heckeli Kaup, Lophobr., 1856, 66, Bogota; evidently not the 
exact locality. 

Acus pellucidus (Cope). 

Open Atlantic. 

Osphyolax pellucidus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X XVII, 1875, 
450, pl. 25, figs. 1 to 4, open Atlantic Ocean; a larval form of doubtful 
relationships and differing from Acus in the very short dorsal (D. 16; 
about 40 in Acus). 


Genus 641. NANNOCAMPUS Giinther. 
Nannocampus Giinther, Cat., VIII, 1870, 178 (N. subosseus Giinther). 

Nannocampus nanus Rosen. 
Bahama Islands. 
Nannocampus nanus Rosen, Arsskr. Univ. Lund, VII, 1912, 50, Bahamas. 

Genus 642. HIPPOCAMPUS Rafinesque. 
Hippocampus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 18 (Syngnathus hippocampus 

Bippeen apne hudsonius DeKay. Common American seahorse; Horse- 
Atlantic coast of United States, from Cape Cod to the Tortugas. 
Hippocampus hudsonius DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 322, p. 53, 
fig. 171, New York. 
Hippocampus levicaudatus Heckel, in Kaup, Lophobranchii, 1856, 16, 
North America. 

Hippocampus ingens Girard. Caballito del mar. 
Pacifie coast from San Diego to Mazatlan; rare. 
Hippocampus ingens Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., Fishes, X, 1858, 342, 
an Diego, Calif. 
Hippocampus gracilis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
282, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 

Hippocampus brunneus Bean. 
Hippocampus brunneus Bean, Proc. Biol. Soe. Wash., XIX, 1906, 32, 
Long Bird Island, Bermudas. 

Hippocampus punctulatus Guichenot. Caballito del mar; Seahorse; 


Tropical parts of the Atlantic; common in the West Indies, Brazil, and 
western Africa; Gulf Stream; Beaufort, N. C. 

Hippocampus punctulatus Guichenot in Ramon de la Sagra, Hist. ile. 
Cuba, Poiss., 1853, 174, pl. 5, fig. 2, Cuba. 

Hippocampus marginalis Heckel, in Kaup, Lophobr., 1856, 15, Mexico. 

Hippocampus fasciacularis Heckel, in Kaup, loc. cit., 15, Mexico. 

Hippocampus stylifer Jordan and Gilbert. 
Coasts of Florida; Snapper Banks off Pensacola and Tampa; Gulf 
Hippocampus stylifer Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 265, Snapper Banks, Gulf of Mexico. 

Hippocampus zosterze Jordan and Gilbert. 
Pensacola Bay, Fla. 
Hippocampus zostere Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V. 
1882, 265, Grand Lagoon, Pensacola, Fla.; smallest of the seahorses, 

Family 152. AULOSTOMIDZ. Trumpetfishes 

Genus 643. AULOSTOMUS Lacépéde. 
Aulostomus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 357 (A. chinensis 
Polypterichthys Bleeker, Nat. Tidschr., Neder-Indie, IV, 1853, 608 (P. 
valentini Bleeker). 
Aulostoma Schlegel, change of spelling. 


1913. Aulostomus maculatus Valenciennes. Trompetero; Trumpetfish. 
Caribbean Sea, north to southern Florida. 
?Aulostomus maculatum Valenciennes, in Cuvier, Régne Anim., III, 
Poiss., 1845, pl. 92, fig. 2. 
Aulostoma coloratum Miller and Troschel, in Schomburgk, History 
Barbados, 1848, 673, Barbados. 

1914. Aulostomus cinereus (Poey). 
Aulostoma cinereum Poey, Synopsis, 1867, 386, Cuba. 

Family 153. FISTULARIIDZ. Cornetfishes 

Genus 644. FISTULARIA Linneus. 

Fistularia Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 312 (F. tabacaria Linneus). 

Cannorhynchus Cantor, Jour. Roy. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, XVIII, 1849 
(Fistularia tabacaria Linnzus); substitute name, Fistularia having 
been used in 1750 as a pre-Linnzan name for a group of polyps. 

Flagellaria Gronow, Cat. Fishes, 1854 (F. fistularis Gronow= Fistularia 
tabacaria Linnzus). 

Solenostomus (Gronow) Gill, Cat. Fish. East Coast. N. A., Supl. to 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 38 (Fistularia tabacaria 

1915. Fistularia tabacaria Linneus. Trumpetfish; Trompetero; Tobacco 

trumpetfish; Unarmed trumpetfish. 

West Indies and neighboring seas; northward to Carolina and Florida, 
and occasionally to Long Island. 

Fistularia tabacaria Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 312, tropical 

Fistularia neo-boracensis Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. Phila., I, 
1815, 437, New York. 

Aulastome marcgravii Castelnau, Anim. Nouv. Amer. Sud, 1855, 30, 
Bahia, Rio Janeiro. 

Flagellaria fistularis Gronow, Cat. Fish., 1854, 146, American Ocean. 

1916. Fistularia serrata ** Cuvier. Flutemouth. 
Western Pacific and other warm seas; Bermuda; Cuba. 
Fistularia serrata Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, II, 1817, 389, 34; after Bloch. 
?Fistularia immaculata Cuvier, loc. cit., 349, Sea of the Indies. 
Fistularia commersonii Riippell, Neue Wirbelthiere, 1834, 142, Red Sea. 
phe <a villosa Klunzinger, Abh. Zool. Ges. Wien, X XI, 1871, 516, 

1917. Fistularia petimba Lacépéde. Corneta. 
on Indies; Australia; China; Panama; Lower California; Japan; 
Fistularia petimba Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 349, New 
Britain, Isle of Reunion, equatorial Pacific. 
Fistularia depressa Giinther, Challenger rept. Shore Fishes, Zoology, I, 
pe 6, 1880, 69, pl. 32, fig. D, Sulu Archipelago, station 200, 255 

1918. Fistularia corneta Gilbert and Starks. 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Panama. : 
Fistularia corneta Gilbert and Starks, Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., IV, 1904, 
56, Pl. X, Bay of Panama; Mazatlan. 

Family 154. MACRORHAMPHOSIDZ. Snipefishes 

Genus 645. MACRORHAMPHOSUS Lacépéde. Snipefishes. 
Macrorhamphosus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 136 (Silurus 
cornutus Forsk&l=Balistes scolopax Linnzus). 
Centriscus Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 1, II, 1817, 350; not Centriscus 
Macrognathus Gronow, Cat. Fishes, 1854, 147 (Centriscus scolopax 

Weber calls this species villosa but quotes serrata? in synonymy. The synonymy of serrata and pe- 
timba seem hopelessly confused. 


1919. Macrorhamphosus scolopax (Linnzus). Snipefish; Trumpetfish; 
Mediterannean Sea, northward to southern England, accidental on 
our North Atlantic Coast. 
Balistes scolopax Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 329, Mediterranean. 
Silurus cornutus Forskél, Descr. Anim., 1775, 66, Marseilles. 

1920. Macrorhamphosus hawaiiensis Gilbert. 
Deep waters about Hawaii; once taken off San Pedro, Calif. (W. F. 
Macrorhamphosus hawaiiensis Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XXIII, 
1903 (1905), 613, Laysan Island. 



Family 155. ATHERINIDZ. Silversides; Hardheads; Pescados del Rey; 
Peixe Rey 

Genus 646. HEPSETIA Bonaparte. 
Hepsetia Bonaparte, Fauna Italica, Fasc. 91 (no pages), 1837 (Atherina 
boyeri Risso). 
Atherinomorus Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LV, 1903, 730 
(Atherina laticeps Poey=Atherina stipes Miiller and Troschel). - 

1921. Hepsetia stipes (Miiller and Troschel). Cabezote, Bristle herring. 

West Indies; common north to western Florida. 

?Atherina teniata Spix in Agassiz, Pisc. Bras., 1829, 135, pl. 30, fig. 2, 
Atlantic Ocean, off Brazil. 

Atherina stipes Miller and Troschel, in Schomburgk, Hist. Barbados, 
1847, 671, Barbados. 

Atherina laticeps, Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 265, Habana. 

Atherina velieana Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 
342, Clear Water Harbor, Fla. 

1922. Hepsetia evermanni (Higenmann). 
Cuba; San Cristobal; Pinar del Rio. 
Atherina evermanni Eigenmann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XXII, 1902, 
228, fig. 9, San Cristobal, Cuba. 

Genus 647. ATHERINA (Artedi) Linneus. Friars. 

Atherina Artedi in Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 315 (Atherina 
hepsetus Linneus). 

Aphia Risso, Europ. Mérid. 1826 (A phia meridionalis Risso= apparently 
very young of Atherina hepsetus L.), but Risso describes their laying 
of eggs, and may refer to some other species. 

Tzniomembras Ogilby, Proc., Linn. Soc. New South Wales, XXIII, 
1898, 41 (Atherina microstoma Giinther). 

1923. Atherina area Jordan and Gilbert. 
Gulf of Mexico at Key West, Cozumel, and south to Caribbean Sea. 
Atherina arxa Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 
27, Key West, Fla. 

1924. Atherina harringtonensis Goode. 
Bermudas and south to Curagao. 
Atherina harringtonensis Goode, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, 3d ser., XIV, 
No. 82, 1877, 297, Bermuda Islands. 

1925. Atherina microps Poey. 
Atherina microps Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 266, Habana, Cuba. 

1926. Atherina carolina Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
South Carolina (reference doubtful). 
Atherina carolina Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X, 1835, 
330 (445), ‘‘ Carolinas.” 


Genus 648. MENIDIA Bonaparte. 

Menidia Bonaparte, Fauna Italica, Tome III, Pesci, in description of 
Atherina hepsetus p. 91, 1836, no type, Atherina menidia Linnzus 

Ischnomembras Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LV, 1903, 730, 
pl. 42, ‘‘Gabun River, Gabun County, West Africa,” probably an 

Phoxargyrea Fowler, loc. cit., 1903, 732, Phorargyrea dayi Fowler from 
‘‘India,’’ doubtless an error. 

Subgenus ISCHNOMEMBRAS Fowler. 

1927. Menidia beryllina (Cope). Silverside; Fresh-water silverside. 

Coastwise streams, Massachusetts to Florida and lower Mississippi, 
north to Tennessee. 

?Atherinichthys gracilis Ginther, Cat., III, 1861, 405, no locality given. 

Christoma beryllinum Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1866, 403, Potomac 
River, near Washington. 

Menidia audens Hay, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., II, 1882, 64, Memphis, 
Tenn., and Vicksburg, Miss. 

Ischnomembras gabunensis Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LV, 
1903, 731, pl. 42, Gabon River, West Africa; probably an error. 

1928. Menidia beryllina cerea Kendall. 
Atlantic coast, Massachusetts to South Carolina. 
Menidia beryllina cerea Kendall, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., X XVII, 1901, 
261, Waquoit Bay, Mass. 

1929. Menidia peninsulz (Goode and Bean). 
Florida and Gulf coast, in salt water. 
Chirostoma peninsule Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., II, 
1879, 148, Pensacola. 

1930. Menidia peninsule atrimentis Kendall. 
Florida; South Lake, Lake Monroe, Salt Lake, ete. 
Menidia peninsulz atrimentis Kendall, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., X XVII, 
1901, 258, South Lake, Fla. 

1931. Menidia menidia (Linnzus). 
Atlantic coast, Cape Hatteras to Florida. 
mre menidia Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 519, Charleston, 
Atherina boscii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X, 1835, 
345 (465), Charleston. 
Menidia denter Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 429, 
St. Johns River, Fla. 

1932. Menidia conchorum Hildebrand and Ginsberg. 
Key West, Fla. 
Menidia conchorum Hildebrand and Ginsberg, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 
XLII, 1926 (1927), 207, fig. 1, Boca Chica, Key West, Fla. 

1933. Menidia notata (Mitchill). Silversides; Friar; Whitebait. 

Atlantic coast of United States, Nova Scotia to Cape May, intergrading 
south with M. menidia. 

Atherina notata Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 446, 
New York. 

Atherina viridescens Mitchill, loc. cit., 447, New York. 

Phozargyrea dayi Fowler,.Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LV, 1903, 732, 
pl. 41, ‘‘India”’; no doubt an error in locality. 

1934. Menidia starksi Meek and Hildebrand. 
Menidia starksi Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
XV, 267, Pl. XX, fig. 2, Taboga Island, Panama. 

1935. Menidia sardina (Jenkins and Evermann). Pez del rey. 
Gulf of California. 
Atherina sardina Jenkins and Evermann, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XI, 
1888, 137, Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. 













Menidia clara Evermann and Jenkins. 
Gulf of California. 
Menidia clara Evermann and Jenkins, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 
1891, 136, Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. 

Genus 649. ARCHOMENIDIA Jordan and Hubbs. 
Archomenidia Jordan and Hubbs, Rev. Silversides, 1919, 54 (Atherin- 
ichthys salle Regan). 

Archomenidia sallei (Regan). 
Atherinichthys sallei Regan, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1903, 60, Mexico. 
Genus 650. HUBBESIA Jordan. 
Hubbesia Jordan, Proce. U. 8. Nat. Mus., LV, 1920 (May 2, 1919), 310 
(Menidia gilberti Jordan and Bollman). 

Hubbesia gilberti (Jordan and Bollman). 
Menidia gilberti Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 1889, 
155, Panama. 

Genus 651. MEMBRAS Bonaparte. 
Membras Bonaparte, Fauna Italica, fasc. 91 (not paged), 1837 (type 
not named directly, Atherina martinica Cuvier and Valenciennes being 

Membras martinicus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Atherina martinica Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X, 
1835, 340 (459), Martinique. 

Membras beani (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Atlantic waters of Panama. 
Kirtlandia beani Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
XV, 270, Pl. X XI, Fox Bay, Colon. 

Genus 652. KIRTLANDIA Jordan and Evermann. 
Kirtlandia Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
794 (Chirostoma vagrans Goode and Bean). 

Kirtlandia vagrans (Goode and Bean). Rough silverside. 
Gulf of Mexico; Florida to Texas; occasionally northward. 
Chirostoma vagrans Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 
148, Pensacola, Fla. 

Kirtlandia laciniata (Swain). Silverfish; Whitebait; Silversides. 
Lower Chesapeake to South Carolina, intergrading with K. vagrans. 
Menidia vagrans lacinata Swain, in Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, 1882, 
908, Beaufort, N. C. 

Genus 653. THYRINA Jordan and Culver. 
Thyrina Jordan and Culver, in Jordan, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 3d ser., 
V, 1895, 419 (Atherinella evermanni Jordan and Culver). 
aa Meek, Field Mus.—Zool., III, 1902, 117 (Melaniris balsanus 

Thyrina crystallina Jordan and Culver. 
Rio Presidio near Mazatlan, Sinaloa. 
Thyrina crystallina Jordan and Culver, in Jordan, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., 3d ser., V, 1895, 420, Rio Presidio, below Presidio, Sinaloa. 

Thyrina evermanni Jordan and Culver. 
West coast of Mexico; Mazatlan. 
Thyrina evermanni Jordan and Culver, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 3d ser., 
V, 1895, 419, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Thyrina guija Hildebrand. Pepesca; Manjuda; Alfiler; Rovalete. 
Lake Guija, Rio del Desague near Lake Guija and Rio Lempa at 
Suchitoto and San Marcos, El Salvador. 
Thyrina guija Hildebrand, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XLI, 1925, 264, 
fig. 18, Lake Guija, El Salvador. 












Thyrina balsana (Meek). 
Mexico, Rio Balsas, Guerrero. 
Melaniris balsanus Meek, Pub. Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 117, 
Rio Balsas, at Balsas. 

Thyrina guatemalensis (Giinther). 
Lakes of Huamachal. 
Atherinichthys guatemalensis Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, 
151, Lakes of Huamachal, Pacific coast of Guatemala. 

Thyrina sardina (Meek). Sardina. 
Lakes Nicaragua and Managua. 
Melaniris sardina Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., VII, 1907, 114, Lake 
Managua, Nicaragua. 
Chirostoma guatemalensis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXIX, 
1877, 187, Lake Nicaragua; not of Giinther. 

Thyrina chagresi (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Streams of Atlantic slope of Panama. 
Menidia chagresi Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
X, 1914, 119, Rio Chagres at Gorgona, Zent and Parismina, Costa 

Thyrina meeki Miller. 
Rio Motagua, Guatemala. 
Thyrina meeki Miller, Bull. Amér. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXIII, 1907, 
110, fig. 2, Rio Motagua, east coast of Guatemala. 

Genus 654. THYRINOPS Hubbs. 
Thyrinops Hubbs, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXIX, 1918, 306 
(Atherinichthys pachylepis Giinther). 

Thyrinops pachylepis (Giinther). 
Atherinichthys pachylepis Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 25, 

Genus 655. MELANORHINUS Metzelaar. 
Melanorhinus Metzelaar, Tropisch Atl. Visschen, 1919, 38 (M. boeki 

Melanorhinus boeki Metzelaar. 
West Indies. 
Melanorhinus boeki Metzelaar, Trop. Atl. Visschen, 1919, 38, Oyster 
Pond, St. Martin Island. 

Genus 656. XENATHERINA Regan. 
Xenatherina Regan, Biologia Centrali Amer., Pisces, 1906, 64 (Menidia 
lisa Meek). 

Xenatherina lisa (Meek). 
Streams of Vera Cruz, Mexico. 
Menidia lisa Meek, Field Col. Mus., Pub. Zool., V, 1904, 182, Refugio, 
Vera Cruz, Basin of Rio Papaloapam, Mexico. 

Genus 657. ATHERINELLA Steindachner. 
Atherinella Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., II, 1875, 35 (A. panamensis 

Atherinella panamensis Steindachner. 
Atherinella panamensis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., II, 1875, 35, 

Genus 658. EURYSTOLE Jordan and Evermann. 
Eurystole Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, . 
802 (Atherinella eriarcha Jordan and Gilbert). 

. Eurystole eriarcha (Jordan and Gilbert). 
West coast of Mexico; Mazatlan. 
Atherinella eriarcha Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
348, Mazatlan, Mexico. 












Genus 659. CHIROSTOMA Swainson. Pescados blancos. 

Chirostoma Swainson, Class. Fishes, etc., II, 1839, 243 (Atherina hum- 
boldtiana Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Atherinoides Bleeker, Verh. Bat. Gen., Japan, X XV, 1853, 40 (Chiros- 
toma vomerina Cuvier and Valenciennes=Atherina humboldtiana 
Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Atherinichthys Bleeker, loc. cit., 40 (Atherina humboldtiana Cuvier and 

Heterognathus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 198 
(Atherina humboldtiana Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Lethostole Jordan and Evermann, Fish. North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
792 (Chirostoma estor Jordan). 

Eslopsarum Jordan, Rept. U.S. Fish Com., XIX, 1895, 330 (Chirostoma 
jordani Woolman). 

Subgenus ESLOPSARUM Jordan. 

Chirostoma jordani Woolman. 
Basin of Rio Lerma and Valley of Mexico. 
Chirostoma jordani Woolman, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XIV, 1894, 62, 
pl. 2, canals at Salamanca and City of Mexico. 
Atherinichthys brevis Therese von Baiern, Anz. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1894, 149, Lake Cuitzeo, Mexico. 

Chirostoma mezquital Meek. 
Chirostoma mezquital Meek, Field Col. Mus., pub. 938, V, 1904, 170, 
Durango, Mexico. 

Chirostoma labarcze Meek. 
Rio Lerma, Mexico. 
Chirostoma labarce Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 113, Rio 
Lerma, Mexico. 

Chirostoma arge (Jordan and Snyder). 
Rio Verde, Mexico. 
Eslopsarum arge Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XIV, 
1899, 133, fig. 12, Rio Verde, Mexico. 

Subgenus CHIROSTOMA Swainson. 

Chirostoma bartoni Jordan and Evermann. 
Tributary of the Rio Lerma, near Guanajuato, Mexico; Lake Patzcuaro. 
Chirostoma bartoni Jordan and Evermann, Fish. North and Mid. Amer., 
1896, 793, tributary of the Rio Lerma, near Guanajuato, Mexico. 
Chirostoma attenuatum Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 112, 
Lake Patzcuaro, Mexico. 

Chirostoma zirahuen Meek. 
Lago de Zirahuen, Mexico. 
Chirostoma zirahuen Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 114, Lago 
de Zirahuen, Mexico. 

Chirostoma patzcuaro Meek. 
Lago de Patzcuaro, Mexico. 
Chirostoma patzcuaro Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 113, 
Lago de Patzcuaro, Mexico. 

Chirostoma humboldtianum (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Pescado 
blanco de Chalso. 
Lakes near the City of Mexico; La Laguna, Jalisco, Mexico. 
Atherina humboldtiana Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X, 
1835, 355 (479), Mexico. 
Atherina vomerina Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 357 (481), lake 
near City of Mexico. 

Chirostoma regani Jordan and Hubbs. 
Valley of Mexico; Lake Patzcuaro. 
Chirostoma regani Jordan and Hubbs, Leland Stanford Univ. Pub., 
Univ. Ser., 1919, 74, Xochomilco, Morelos, Mexico. After Chiros- 
toma breve Regan; not of Steindachner. 

Subgenus LETHOSTOLE Jordan and Evermann, 













Chirostoma chapale Jordan and Snyder. 
Laguna de Chapala, Mexico. 
Chirestoma chapalz Jordan and Snyder, Bull., U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 
1899, 135, fig. 13, Laguna de Chapala, Mexico, at Ocotlan. 

Chirostoma consocium Jordan and Hubbs. 
Basin of Rio Lerma, Mexico. 
Chirostoma consocitum Jordan and Hubbs, Rev. Silversides, in Leland 
ayer Univ. Pub. Univ. Ser., 1919, 76, Lake Chapala at La Palma, 

Chirostoma grandocule (Therese von Baiern). 
Lake Patzcuaro, Mexico. 
Atherinichthys grandoculis Therese von Baiern, Anz. Kais. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1894, Lake Patzcuaro, Mexico. 

Chirostoma promelas Jordan and Snyder. 

Laguna de Chapala; Guadalajara, Mexico. 
Chirostoma promelas Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 
1899, 136, market of Guadalajara, Mexico, from Laguna de Chapala. 

Chirostoma lucius Boulenger. 
Lake Chapala, Mexico. 
Chirostoma lucius Boulenger, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, V, 
January, 1900, 54, Lake Chapala, Mexico. 
Chirostoma crystallinum Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., 
aed 1899 (1900), 139, fig. 16, Laguna de Chapala, Mexico, at 

Chirostoma diazi Jordan and Snyder. 
Lake Chapala, Mexico. 
Chirostoma diazi Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XIX 
1899 (1900), 137, fig. 15, Lake Chapala, Mexico. 

Chirostoma sphyrena Boulenger. 
Lake Chapala, Mexico. 
Chirostoma sphyrena Boulenger, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, V, 1900, 
54, Lake Chapala, Mexico. 
Chirostoma lermez Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 
1899 (1900), 142, fig. 19. 

Chirostoma ocotlane Jordan and Snyder. 
Lago de Chapala, Mexico. 
Chirostoma ocotlane Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 
1899 (1900), 140, Lago de Chapala, Mexico. 

Chirostoma estor Jordan. Pescado blanco de Chapala. 
a Chapala, Lake Patzcuaro, Lake Zirahuen, and Lake Xochimilco, 
Chirostoma estor Jordan, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 298, Lake 
Chapala (an error for Lake Patzcuaro). 
Atherinichthys albus Therese von Baiern, Anz. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1894, 148, Lake Patzcuaro, Mexico. 

Genus 660. LABIDESTHES Cope. 
Labidesthes Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 455 (Chirostoma 
sicculum Cope). 

Labidesthes sicculus (Cope). Brook silverside; Skipjack; Glassfish. 
Lake Ontario and southern Michigan to Iowa, Florida, and Texas, 
clear streams and lakes. 
Chirostoma sicculum Cope, Proc. Acad, Nat. Sci. Phila., XVII, 1865, 
81, Grosse Isle, Detroit River, Mich. 

Genus 661. LEURESTHES Jordan and Gilbert. Grunion. 
Leuresthes Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 29 
(Atherinopsis tenuis Ayres). 
Leuresthes tenuis (Ayres). Grunion. 
Sandy coasts of California from San Francisco to Lower California; 
abundant southward. 
Atherinopsis tenuis Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1860, 75, 
San Francisco. 
Leuresthes crameri Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1896, 802, Ballenas Bay, Lower California. 













Genus 662. MUGILOPS Meek and Hildebrand. 
Mugilops Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., XV, 1923, 
271 (M. cyanellus Meek and Hildebrand). 

Mugilops cyanella Meek and Hildebrand. 
Panama Bay. 
Mugilops cyanellus Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
XV, 1923, 271, Pl. XXII, fig. 1, Balboa, Panama Bay. 

Mugilops marina Meek and Hildebrand. 
Panama Bay. 
Mugilops marinus Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
XV, 1923, 272, Pl. X XII, fig. 2, Porto Bello, Panama Bay. 

Genus 668. COLPICHTHYS Hubbs. 
Colpichthys Hubbs, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LX VIX, 1917 (1918), 
67 (Atherinops regis Jenkins and Evermann). 

Colpichthys regis (Jenkins and Evermann). Pez del rey. 
Gulf of California. 
Atherinops regis Jenkins and Evermann, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XI, 
1888, 138, Bay of Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. 

Genus 664. ATHERINOPS Steindachner. Pascadillos del rey. 
Atherinops Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 61 (Atherinopsis 
affinis Ayres). 

Atherinops affinis (Ayres). Little smelt; Pescadillo del rey. 
Coast of California, and north to Oregon. 
Atherinopsis affinis Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1860, 73, 
San Francisco. 
Atherinops oregonia Jordan and Snyder, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLV, 
1913, 575, pl. 46, Yachats River, Oreg. 

Atherinops insularum Gilbert. ; 
San Clemente and San Nicolas Islands of the Santa Barbara Group; 
Guadalupe Island. 
Atherinops insularum Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 549, 
San Clemente, San Nicolas, and Guadalupe Islands. 

Atherinops insularum cedroscensis Hubbs. 
Shores of Cedros and San Benito Islands, Lower California. 
Atherinops insularum cedroscensis Hubbs, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
XXXVIII, 1918, 434, southeast side of Cedros Island, Lower Cali- 

Atherinops insularum guadalupz Hubbs. 
Guadalupe Island, off Lower California. 
Atherinops insularum guadalupx Hubbs, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
XXXVIII, 1918, 485, Guadalupe Island. 

Genus 665. ATHERINOPSIS Girard. Pescado del rey. 
Atherinopsis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 134 (A. 
californiensis Girard). 

Atherinopsis californiensis Girard. California blue smelt; Pescado 
del rey; Peixe rey; Pesce rey. 
Coast of California, from Cape Mendocino to Ballenas Bay, Lower 
California; abundant. 
Atherinopsis californiensis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 
1854, 134, San Francisco, Calif. 

Atherinopsis sonore Osburn and Nichols. 
Cedros Island, Lower California. 
Atherinopsis sonore Osborn and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
XXXV, 1916, 156, fig. 8, Cedros Island, Lower California. 

Family 156. MUGILIDZ. Maullets 

Genus 666. MUGIL Linneus. Striped mullets (soft dorsal and anal not 
Mugil Artedi, in Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 316 (M. cephalus 
Arnion Gistel, Thierreich, 1848, X (M. cephalus L.). 


1985. Mugil brasiliensis Agassiz. Liza; Lebrancho; Queriman; Blueback mullet; 

Fantail mullet. 

Cuba to Patagonia; West Indies; Brazil; Habana, probably north to 

Mugil brasiliensis Agassiz, in Spix, Pisc. Brasil., 134 (234 by mispaging), 
1829, pl. 72, Atlantic Ocean off Brazil. 

Mugil liza Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XI, 1836, 61 
(83), Brazil; Porto Rico; Maracaibo; Surinam; Martinique. 

Mugil lebranchus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 260, plate 18, fig. 3 Cuba. 

Querimana gyrans Jordan and Gilbert, Proc., U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 
1884, 26, Key West; ‘‘the whirligig mullet” a little fish, with two 
anal spines, now regarded as the young of Mugil, but if so of M. 
brasiliensis as the scales are 28 to 29 (41 in Mugil cephalus). It is 
recorded from Woods Hole and Fortress Monroe; in revolving 
schools, perhaps mixed with the young of M. cephalus. 

1986. Mugil cephalus Linnzus. Common mullet; Striped mullet; Céfalo; 
Macho; Machuto; Lisa cabezuda; Callifaver mullet. 

Cosmopolitan; coasts of southern Europe and northern Africa; Atlantic 
coast of America from Cape Cod to Brazil; Pacific coast of America 
from Monterey to Chile; Hawaii; Japan; entering rivers. Perhaps 
more than one species included, but we fail to detect differences. 
If different, the American species must be known as Mugil albula of 
the Atlantic and Mugil mexicanus of the Pacific. 

Mugil cephalus Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 316, Europe; based 
on Artedi. 

Mugil albula Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, 1766, 520, Charleston, S. C. 

?Mugil tang Bloch, Ichthyologia, 1794, 171, Africa. 

?Mugil plumieri Bloch, loc. cit., 173, St. Vincent; on a drawing by 

Mugil lineatus Mitchill, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XI, 1836, 71 (96), New York. 

Mugil rammelsbergii Tschudi, Fauna Peruana, Ichth., 1845, 20, Peru. 

Mugil berlandiert Girard, U. 8. and Mex. Bound. Surv., 1859, 20, pl. 
10, figs. 1 to 4, St. Josephs Island, Indianola, Brazos Santiago; 
Brazos; Galveston; all on coast of Texas. 

Mugil guentherii Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXI, 1863, 169, 
western coast of Central America; not of Steindachner. 

bas mexicanus Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 58, Acapulco, 


Genus 667. QUERIMANA Jordan and Gilbert. White mullets. (Soft dor- 
sal and anal closely scaled.) 
Querimana Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 588 
eal harengus Giinther, now regarded as the young of Mugil 

1987. Querimana curema (Cuvier and Valenciennes). White mullet; Blue- 

back mullet; Lisa; Lisa blanca. 

Both coasts of America, Cape Cod to Brazil and Mazatlan to Chile. 

Mugil curema Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XI, 1836, 
64 (87), Brazil; Martinique; Cuba. 

Mugil petrosus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 65 (89), Brazil; 
Surinam; Gulf of Mexico; Cuba. 

Myzus harengus Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 467, Pacific coast of Central 
America; young examples with two anal spines. 

1988. Querimana incilis (Hancock). Trench mullet. 
Waters of Central America; Rio Chagres to Pard4 and Bahia. 
Mugil incilis Hancock, Quart. Jour. Sci., 1830, 127, Guiana. 
sd ginthert Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, I, 1864, 12, British 

1989, Querimana thoburni (Jordan and Starks). 
Pacific coast of tropical America, from Guatemala to Galapagos Islands. 
Mugil thoburni Jordan and Starks, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes 
North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 812, Galapagos Islands, 













Querimana hospes (Jordan and Culver). Listta. 
West coast of Mexico to Panama Bay. 
Mugil hospes Jordan and Culver, in Jordan, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., V, 
1895, 422, pl. 31, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

vlan Diet gaimardiana (Desmarest). Redeye mullet; Liza ojo de 

Florida Keys to Cuba; Key West. 

Mugil gaimardianus Desmarest, Dict. Class., 1831, pl. 109, Cuba. 

Querimana setosus (Gilbert). 
Clarion Island of the Revillagigedo Group. 
Mugil setosus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 549, Clarion 

Querimana trichodon (Poey). Fantail mullet. 
Florida Keys to Brazil; Key West. 
Mugil trichodon Poey, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1875, 66, pl. 8, 
figs. 4-8, Cuba. 

Genus 668. CHZNOMUGIL Gill. 
Chenomugil Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 169 (Mugil 
proboscideus Giinther). 

Chenomugil proboscideus (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of tropical America; M: zatlan; Cordova; Panama. 
Mugil proboscideus Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 459, Island of Cordova 
(Cardon), west coast of Central America. 

Genus 669. DAJAUS Cuvier and Valenciennes. Mountain mullets. 
?Agonostomus Bennet, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., I, 1830, 105 (A. telfairit 
Dajaus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XI, 1836, 122 (164) 
(Mugil monticola Bancroft). 
Neomugil Vaillant, Bull. Soc. Philom., Paris, 1894, 73 (N. digueti 

Dajaus monticola (Bancroft). Trucha; Mountain mullet. 

Fresh waters of the West Indies and the Atlantic and Pacific streams 
of Mexico and Central America. 

Mugil monticola Bancroft, in Griffith’s ed. Cuvier’s Animal Kingdom, 
Fishes, 1836, 367, pl. 36, Jamaica. 

Mugil irretitus Gosse, Nat. Sojourn Jamaica, 1851, 84, Jamaica. 

Agonostoma nasutum Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 463, Rio Geronimo, 

Neomugil digueti Vaillant, Bull. Soc. Philom., IV, 1894, 73, Lower 

Agonostomus salvini Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. XIX, 1907, 7, 
and Biol. Cent. Amer., Pisces., 1907, 68, Pl. XI, fig. 2, Nacasil, 

Dajaus percoides (Giinther). 
San Domingo. 
Agonostoma percoides Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 464, San Domingo; 
perhaps not distinct from Dajaus monticola. 

Dajaus microps (Giinther). 
West Indies and Central America. 
Agonostoma microps Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 462; probably West 

Genus 670. JOTURUS Poey. 
Joturus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 263 (J. pichardi Poey). 
Xenorhynchichthys Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 1908, 461 (Joturus 
stipes Jordan and Gilbert). 

Joturus pichardi Poey. Joturo. 
Rivers of Cuba; at the foot of waterfalls. 
fe i pichardi Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 263, Rio Almendares, near 


1999. Joturus globiceps (Giinther). Bobo. 
Rivers and cataracts of eastern Mexico, from Jalapa to Costa Rica 
and Panama. 
Agonostoma globiceps Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, XIV, 
1874, 370, Myzantla, Vera Cruz. 
Joturus stipes Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 373, 
Rio Bayano, near Panama. 

Family 157. SPHYRANIDZ. Barracudas 

Genus 671. SPHYRZENA Rise. 
Sphyrena Rose, in Artedi Piscium, 1793, 52 (Esoxr sphyrena Linneus). 
Sphyrena Artedi, in Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 109 (Esozx 
sphyrzna Linnzus). 
Agriosphyrena Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LV, 1903, 749 
(Esox barracuda Walbaum). 

Subgenus SPHYRAENA Rise. 

2000. Sphyrzna sphyrena (Linneus). Furopeqn barracuda; Spet; Sennet. 

Coasts of southern Europe and neighboring islands, west to the Ber- 

ee sphyrena Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 313, Mediterranean 

Esoz spet Haiiy, Encycl. Metod. Poiss., 1787; after Linneus. 

Sphyrena vulgaris Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 
1829, 242 (327), Mediterranean. 

Sphyrena viridensis Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 251 (339), St. 
Jago, Cape Verde Islands. 

2001. Sphyrena argentea Girard. California barracuda; Barracouta. 
Pacific coast, from San Francisco southward to Cape San Lucas. 
Sphyrena argentea Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 144 
San Diego, Calif. 
Sphyrena lucasana Gill, loc. cit., XV, 1863, 86, Cape San Lucas. 

2002. Sphyrena ensis Jordan and Gilbert. Vicuda. 
Gulf of California to Panama. 
Sphyrena ensis Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., II, 1882, 106, 
Mazatlan, Mexico. 

2003. Sphyrzna borealis DeKay. Northern barracuda; Sennet. 
Atlantic coast of the United States, from Cape Cod to North Carolina. 
Sphyrena borealis DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 39, pl. 60, 
New York. 

2004. Sphyrena guachancho Cuvier and Valenciennes. Guaguanche pelén; 
West Indies north to Pensacola; Gulf Stream to Woods Hole. 
Sphyrena guachancho Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 
1829, 252 (342), Habana. 
Sphyrena giinthert Haly, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XV, 1875, 270, Colon. 

2005. Sphyrena picudilla Poey. Picudilla; Baracuda. 
West Indies, on the coasts of Cuba; Bahia. 
Sphyrena picudilla Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 162; Habana. 

Subgenus AGRIOSPHYRAENA Fowler. 

2006. Sphyrena barracuda (Walbaum). Great barracuda; Picuda; Becuna; 

Short barracuda. 

West Indies and Brazil, north to Pensacola, Charleston, and the Ber- 
mudas; accidental to Woods Hole, Mass. 

Umbra minor, etc. (the barracuda) Catesby, Fishes of Carolina, etc., 
II, 1743, 1, pl. 1, Bahamas. 

Esozx barracuda Walbaum, Artedi Piscium, III, 1792, 94; after Catesby. 

Sphyrena sphyrena var. picuda Bloch and Schneider, ed. Bloch, Syst. 
Ichth., 1801, 110, Habana; after Parra. 

Sphyrena becuna Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, pl. 9, fig. 3; 
after drawing by Plumier at Martinique. 


Family 158. POLYNEMIDA. Threadfins 

Genus 672. POLYNEMUS Linneus. Barbudos. 

Polynemus (Gronow) Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 317, (P. quin- 
quarius, virginicus, and paradiseus Linnzeus) ; properly restricted by 
Giinther and by general usage to Polynemus paradiseus Linnzus. 

Polydactylus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 419 (P. plumiert 
Lacépéde= Polynemus virginicus Linnzus). 

Trichidion Klein, in Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 
274 (Polynemus virginicus Linneus). 

2007. Polynemus approximans Lay and Bennett. Raton. 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Guaymas to Panama; Santa Catalina 
and San Diego. 
Polynemus approximans Lay and Bennett, Beechey’s Voyage, Zool., 
Fish., 1839, 57, Mazatlan, Mexico. 
Polynemus californiensis Thominot, Bull. de la Soc. Philom. de Paris, 
Séance, 27 Juin, 1886, (7), X, 161, California. 

2008. Polynemus virginicus Linneus. Barbudo; Barbu; Catfish. 

West Indies, north to the Florida Keys. 

Polynemus virginicus Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 317, America. 

Polydactylus plumierii Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 419, 
Martinique; from a drawing by Plumier. 

Polynemus mango Lacépéde, loc. cit., 413, America, after Linnzeus. 

Polynemus americanus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., III, 1829, 
291 (393), Cayenne, San Domingo, Martinique. 

Polynemus oligodon Giinther, Cat., II, 1860, 322, Rio Janeiro. 

2009. Polydactylus opercularis (Gill). 
Pacific coast of tropical America, from Cape San Lucas to Panama. 
Trichidion opercularis Gill, Proc. ‘Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 168, 
Cape San Lucas. 
Polynemus melanopoma Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868, 
421, San José de Guatemala. 

2010. Polynemus octonemus Girard. Threadfin; Eight-threaded threadfish. 
New York to the Rio Grande. 
Polynemus octonemus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858, 
167, Brazos Santiago; Galveston. 
Trichidion octofilis Gill, loc. cit., XIII, 1861, 280, New York. 

Genus 673. PENTANEMUS Giinther. 
Pentanemus Ginther, Cat., II, 1860, 331 (Polynemus quinquarius 

2011. Pentanemus quinquarius (Linnzus). 
Atlantic Ocean; West Indies to coast of Africa; rare. 
Polynemus quinquarius Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 317, America; 
after Gronow. 
Polynemus artedii Bennett, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1831, 146, Africa. 
Polynemus macronemus Pel, Bydrage tot de Dierk., 1851, 9, Africa. 


Genus 674. ACANTHOCYBIUM Gill. Petos. 
Acanthocybium Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 125 
(Cybium sara Bennett). 

2012. Acanthocybium petus (Poey). Peto. 
West Indies north to Key West; recorded from Italy. 
Cybium petus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 234, pl. 16, fig. 1, Habana. 
Cyeeam verany Déderlein, Giorn. di Sci. Nat., ed. Econ., VIII, 1872, 

2013. Acanthocybium solandri (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Ono; Peto. 
Warmer parts of the Pacific; Hawaii; Pacific coast of Mexico; and 
South Seas. 
Cybium solandri Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 
1831, 192, open seas; exact locality unknown; after Solander. 


Family 160. CYBIIDZ *# 

Genus 675. SIERRA Fowler. 
Sierra Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LVI, 1904 (1905), 766 
(Cybium cavalla Cuvier). 

2014. Sierra cavalla (Cuvier). Sierra; Kingfish; Cavalla. 
tone! Atlantic; Florida Keys and Charleston; Cape Cod; Africa; 

Cybium cavalla Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 2, II, 1829, 200; after Guara- 
puca of Marcgrave. 

Cybium immaculatum Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 
1831, 140 (191), no locality. 

Cybium caballa Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 187, Brazil. 

Genus 676. SCOMBEROMORUS Lacépéde. 
Scomberomorus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 292 (S. plumiert 
Lacépéde = Scomber regalis Bloch). 
Polipturus Rafinesque, Anal. de la Nat., 1815, 89; substitute for Scom- 
Chriomitra Lockington, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XX XI, 1879, 133 
(C. concolor Lockington). 

2015. Scomberomorus maculatus (Mitchill). Spanish mackerel; Spaniard; 
Spotted cybium; Bay mackerel; Spotted mackerel. 
East coast of America from Cape Ann to Brazil; common in Gulf of 
Mexico but not recorded from Cuba. 
Scomber maculatus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 426, 
New York; not of Couch. 

2016. Scomberomorus sierra Jordan and Starks. Sierra. 
Pacific coast of tropical America. 
Scomberomorus sierra Jordan and Starks, in Jordan, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., V, 1895, 428, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

2017. Scomberomorus regalis (Bloch). Szerra; Pintado; Cero; Sier; Siering; 
Searer; Spotted cero; Kingfish; Black-spotted Spanish mackerel. 
Cape Cod to Brazil; Cuba. 
Scomber regalis Bloch, Naturgesch. ausl. Fische, VII, 1793, 38, Marti- 
nique; after a drawing by Plumier. 
Scomberomorus plumieri Lacepédé, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 292, 
Cybium acervum Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 1831, 
136 (186), Martinique; Cuba; St. Domingo. 
2018. Scomberomorus concolor (Lockington). Monterey Spanish mackerel. 
Coast of California. 

Chriomitra concolor Lockington, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XX XI, 
1879, 133, Monterey, Calif. 

Family 161. SCOMBRIDZ 

Genus 677. SCOMBER Linnzus. 
Scomber Artedi, in Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 297 (S. scombrus 
Cordylus Gronow, Cat. Fish., 1854, 163 (Scomber scombrus L.). 

2019. Scomber scombrus Linnzus. Common mackerel; Boston mackerel; 
Wawwhunnekesuog; Caballa. 
North Atlantic; Norway and Labrador, south to Spain and Cape 
Scomber scombrus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 297, Atlantic. 
Scomber vernalis Mitchill, Trans. Lit. and Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 
423, Sandy Hook, N. J. 

Genus 678. PNEUMATOPHORUS Jordan and Gilbert. 
Pneumatophorus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
593 (Scomber pneumatophorus De la Roche=Scomber colias Gmelin). 

“ The family name Cybiidz may be applied to the allies of Scomberomorus and Cybium. The name 
may be preferred to one derived from Scomberomorus, as the genus Cybium is also valid. Cybiuwm com- 
mersoni, the Asiatic type of Cybium Cuvier, has but two gillrakers, while in Scomberomorus there are 8 to 
11 below the angle. Acanthocybium (giant fishes with the reticulated gills of a swordfish) should constitute 
a separate family. The earliest of the many fossils of this type are mainly allies of Scomberomorus. 









Pneumatophorus grex (Mitchill). Chub mackerel; Tinker mackerel; 
Easter mackerel; Thimble-eyed mackerel; Spanish mackerel of England. 
The small mackerel called by the above names is very abundant on 
our Atlantic coast. It is very close to the similar species of Europe, 
Scomber colias Gmelin. 

?2Scomber colias Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1788, 1329, Sardinia; after Cetti. 

?2Scomber lacertus Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 209, Sardinia; after Cetti. 

2?Scomber pneumatophorus De Ja Roche, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hist., XIII, 
1809, 315, Balearic Islands. 

?Scomber macropthalmus Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 20 and 53, Palermo. 

Scomber grex Mitchill, Trans. Lit. and Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 422, 
New York. 

?Scomber maculatus Couch, Mag. Nat. Hist., V, 1832, 22, England. 

2?Scomber undulatus ‘Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fishes, Amphib., etc., II, 
1839, 409, Sicily. 

?Scomber gracilis Swainson, loc. cit., 410, Sicily. 

Scomber dekayi Storer, Fishes Mass., 1867, 130, Massachusetts. 

Pneumatophorus diego (Ayres). 

Coast of California; very abundant southward. Perhaps not separable 
from the Japanese species, Scomber japonicus; some small differences 
apparently permanent. 

?2Scomber japonicus Houttuyn, Verhand. Holl. Maatsch. Haarl., XX, 
1782, 331, Japan. 

2Scomber auratus Houttuyn, loc. cit., 333, Japan. 

Scomber diego Ayres, Proc., Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1856, 101, Santa 
Barbara, Calif. 

Pneumatophorus australasicus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

North coast of Australia, from Moreton Bay, Queensland to Lord 
Howe Island, Hawaii and Socorro Island off the west coast of Mexico. 

Scomber australasicus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 
1831, 49, Australia. 

Family 162. KATSUWONIDZ. The victor fishes 

Genus 679. KATSUWONUS Kishinouye. Oceanic bonito. 
Katsuwonus Kishinouye, Scombroid Fish. Japan, Coll. Agric. Tokyo, 
VIII, 1923, 452 (Scomber pelamis L.). 

Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnzus). Oceanic bonito. 
Open Atlantic; rarely north to Cape Cod and Bermudas on the Atlantic 


Scomber pelamis Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 297, ‘‘in Pelago inter 

Scomber pelamides Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 14; after 

Katsuwonus vagans (Lesson). Aku; Pacific bonito. 
Pacific Ocean, Hawaii, southern California, and Japan; inordinately 
abundant in open sea. 
Thynnus vagans Lesson, Voy. Coquille, Zool., II, 1828, 162, pl. 32. 
Thynnus affinis Cantor, Cat. Malay Fishes, 1849, 106. 

(;enus 680. EUTHYNNUS Liitken. 

Euthynnus Liitken, Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1896, 868 (Thynnus thunnina Cuvier and Valenciennes= 
Scomber alletteratus Rafinesque). 

This genus proves to be quite distinct from Gymnosarda, with which it 
has been confused. Gymmnosarda is an Asiatic ally of Sarda. 

Euthynnus alletteratus (Rafinesque). Little tunny; Bonito. 

Warm seas; north in Gulf Stream to Cape Cod; rather common at 
New York in summer: West Indies; Mediterranean; Japan. 

Scomber alletteratus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 46, Palermo. 

Thynnus leachianus Risso, Eur. Mérid., III, 1826, 414, Nice. 

Scomber quadripunctatus Geoffrey St. Hilaire, Descr. Egypt. Poiss., 
1827, pl. 24, fig. 3, Egypt. 

Thynnus thunnina Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 
1831, 76, (104), pl. 212, Mediterranean. : 

Thynnus brasiliensis Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 80 (110), Brazil. 

Thynnus brevipinnis Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 81 (112), 


2026. Euthynnus yaito Kishinouye. Kawakawa; Yaito. 
Japan; Hawaii; Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Euthynnus yaito Kishinouye, Scombroid Fishes, 1923, 420, Japan. 

2027. Euthynnus lineatus Kishinouye. 
Pacifie coast of Mexico. 
Euthynnus lineatus Kishinouye, Sici. Gakko, No. 111, 1920, 113; and 
in Scombroid Fishes, 1923, 430, fig. 2, Manzanillo, Mexico. 

Genus 681. AUXIS Cuvier. Frigate mackerels. 
Auzis Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 199 (Scomber rochet Risso = 
Scomber thazard Lacépéde). 

2028. Auxis rochei (Risso). Frigate mackerel. 
Open Atlantic, at times northward to Cape Cod; perhaps not separable 
from A. thazard (Lacépéde) of the South Seas. 
Scomber rochei Risso, Ichth. Nice, 1810, 165, Nice. 
Scomber bisus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 45, Palermo. 

Family 1683. THUNNID. Tunnies and albacores 

Genus 682. SARDA Cuvier. Bonitos. 

Sarda Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 2, II, 1829, 199 (Scomber pelamus 
Briinnich; not of Linnseeus=Scomber sarda Bloch). 

Pelamys Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 1831, 149 
(Scomber sarda L.); name preoccupied. 

Palamita Bonaparte, Ittiologia Generale, 1831, 107, substitute for 

Creotroctes Gistel, Thierreich, X, 1848 (Scomber sarda L.); substitute 
for Pelamys, 

2029. Sarda sarda (Bloch). Bonito; Bone jack; Bone-eater; Skipjack. 
Atlantic ocean, on both coasts, north to Cape Cod; verv abundant. 
Scomber sarda Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, VII, 1793, 44, Europe. 
Scomber mediterraneus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 23, 
Marseilles; after Briinnich. 
Scomber pelamitus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 44, pl. 2, Palermo. 

2030. Sarda lineolata * (Girard). California bonito; Skipjack. 

California, Patagonia and Japan; if S. orientalis is not distinct. 

?Pelamys chiliensis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 
1831, 118 (163), Valparaiso. 

?Pelamys orientalis Temminck and Schlegel, Fauna Japon., Poiss., 1844, 
99, pl. 52, Japan. 

pees lineolata Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, 1858, 106, San Diego, 


2031. Sarda velox Meek and Hildebrand. 
Sarda velor Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., XV, 
1923, 320, pl. 24, Panama market. Reported by Nichols and 
Breder from Block Island, R. I.; probably an error. 

Ge us 683. THUNNUS South. Great tunnies. 

Thynnus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, 1817, 313 (Scomber thynnus L.); 
name preoccupied in Lepidoptera. 

Thunnus Southy Encyclop. Metropol., V, 1845, 620 (Scomber thynnus 
Linnzus); substitute for Thynnus. 

Albacora Jordan, Man. Vert., ed. V, 1888, 106 (Scomber thynnus L.). 

Orycnus Cooper, Proc., Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., III, 1863, 77 (Scomber 
thynnus L.); not Orycnus Gill, 1861, the name originally a misprint 
for Orcynus. 

2032. Thunnus saliens Jordan and Evermann. Leaping tuna. 
Eastern Pacific; lower California, north to mouth of Columbia River; 
the type locality Santa Catalina Island. 
Thunnus saliens Jordan and Evermann, Occ. Papers, Calif. Acad. Sci., 
XII, Sept. 30, 1926, 10, Santa Catalina Island, Calif. 

48 This species is well separated from Sarda sarda of the Atlantic. Sarda orientalis of Japan and Hawaii 
is nearly related, and both may be inseparable from S. chilensis of Chile, as has been assumed by Jordan 
and Evermann (1896). 












Thunnus secundodorsalis Storer. 
North Atlantic; New York to Labrador. 
Thunnus secundodorsalis Storer, Hist. Fish. Mass., 1875, 163, Pl. X XII, 
fig. 1, Provincetown, Mass. 

Thunnus subulatus (Poey). 
West Indies; Cuba. 
Orcynus subulatus Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 71, Cuba; perhaps same 
as T’. coretta. 

Thunnus coretta (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Bonita of Martinique. 
West Indies. 
Tynnus coretta Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 1831, 
102, a young fish 11 inches long from Martinique. 

Genus 684. GERMO Jordan. Long-finned albacores. 

Orcynus Cuvier, Régne Anim., Ed. I, 1817, 314 (Scomber germo 
Lacépéde=Scomber alalunga Gmelin; not Orcynus Rafinesque, 1810, 
which is Scomberoides). 

Germo Jordan, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XL, 1888, 180 (Scombrus 
alalonga Gmelin); substitute for Orcynus, preoccupied. 

Germo alalunga (Gmelin). Albacore; Alilonghi. 

Mediterranean; Atlantic; all warm seas. 

Scomber alalunga Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, 13830, Sardinia; mis- 
printed Alatunga. 

Thynnus atlanticus Lesson, Voy. Coquille Zool., II, 1830, 165, Atlantic 

Thynnus balteatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 
1831, 98 (136), coast of Brazil (‘“vis-A-vis la Trinité du Brazil, par les 
20° de latitude Australe’’). 

Germo germo (Lacépéde). 
Pacific Ocean; California; Hawaii, Japan, and southward. 
Scomber germo Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 598, lat. 17° S., 
long. 103° W. 
Thynnus pacificus Cuvier and Valenciennes, op. cit., VIII, 1831, 96 
(133); lat..26° S!; long: 103° W. 

Genus 685. NEOTHUNNUS Kishinouye. Yellow-finned albacores. 
Neothunnus Kishinouye, Coll. Agric. Tokyo, VIII, 1923, 445 (Thynnus 
macropterus Temminck and Schlegel). 

Neothunnus cataline Jordan and Evermann. Yellow-finned albacore. 
Open Pacific; southern California, about Santa Catalina Island. 
Neothunnus cataline Jordan and Evermann, Oce. Paper No. 12, Calif. 

Acad. Sci., Sept. 30, 1926, 19, pl. 4, Santa Catalina Island, Calif. 

Neothunnus albacores (Bonnaterre). West Indies long-finned albacore. 
West Indies. 
Scomber albacores Bonnaterre, Encyc. Ichth., 1788, 140, Jamaica; based 
on Sloane; not albacora Lowe. 
Scomber sloani Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 1831, 
107 (148), Jamaica; after Sloane. 

Neothunnus allisoni (Mowbray). Allison’s tuna. 
Coast of Florida. 
Thunnus allisoni Mowbray, Copeia, No. 78, 1920, 9, with text fig., 
Biscayne Bay, east coast of Florida. 

Family 164. GEMPYLIDA. Snake mackerel; Escolares 

Genus 685. ESCOLAR Jordan and Evermann. 
Escolar Jordan and Evermann, in Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 
1896, 519 (Thyrsitops violaceus Bean). 
Bipinnula Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
878 (Thyrsitops violaceus Bean); duplication of names accidental 
through noncorrection of proofs. 

Escolar violaceus (Bean). 
Atlantic coast of America in deep water; LaHave Bank. 
Thyrsitops violaceus Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., X, 1887, 513, LaHave 
Bank; perhaps the same as Escolar niger. 


2042. Escolar niger (Poey). 
Thyrsites niger Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 74, deep water off Cuba. 

Genus 687. RUVETTUS Cocco. Escolares. 
Ruvettus Cocco, Giorn. Sci. Sicilia, XLII, 1829, 2 (R. pretiosus Cocco). 
Aplurus Lowe, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, II, 1841, 180 (A. simplex 
Acanthoderma Cantraine, Jour. Acad. Sci. Belles-Lettres Bruxelles, X, 
1837 (A. temmincki). 

2043. Ruvettus pretiosus ** Cocco. Escolar; Rovetto; Ruvetio; Chicolar; Oilfish; 

Scourfish; Plaintail. 

Mediterranean and westward to Cuba in Atlantic. 

Ruvettus pretiosus Cocco, in Giornale di Scienze per la Sicilia, XLII, 
1829, 21, Messina. 

Tetragonurus simplex Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1833, 143, Madeira. 

Ruvettus temminckit Cantraine, Giorn. Sci. Ft. Litt. Pisa, 1833, Malta; 
jide Poey. 

Thyrsites acanthoderma Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1839, 78, Madeira. 

Thyrsites scholaris Poey, Memorias, I, 1854, 372, pl. 32, fig. 1, Cuba. 

Genus 688. EPINNULA Poey. ; 
Epinnula Poey, Memorias, I, 1854, 369 (EZ. magistralis Poey). 

2044. Epinnula magistralis Poey. Démine. 
Epinnula magistralis Poey, Memorias, I, 1854, 369, Habana. 

Genus 689. NEALOTUS Johnson. 
Nealotus Johnson, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1865, 434 (N. tripes Johnson). 

2045. Nealotus tripes Johnson. 
About Madeira in deep water; between the Bahamas and Bermudas. 
Nealotus tripes Johnson, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1865, 434, Madeira. 

Genus 690. PROMETHICHTHYS Gill. Conejos. 
Prometheus Lowe, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., II, 1841, 181, Madeira 
(Psempylus prometheus Cuvier and Valenciennes); name preoccupied. 
Promethichthys Gill, Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci., VI, 1893, 115 and 123 
(Prometheus atlanticus Lowe=Gempylus prometheus Cuvier and Va- 

2046. Promethichthys prometheus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Rabbitfish; 
Coelho; Conejo; Bermuda catfish. 
Tropical Atlantic; Cuba; Bermuda. 
Gempylus prometheus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 
1831, 156 (213), pl. 222, St. Helena. 

Genus 691. PTAX “ Jordan and Evermann. 
Ptax Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 4th ser., XVI, 
Apr. 27, 1927, 504 (Dicrotus parvipinnis Goode and Bean). 

2047. Ptax parvipinnis (Goode and Bean). 
Western Atlantic in deep water. 
Dicrotus parvipinnis Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 201, fig. 212, 
ie Albatross stations 2537, 2542, and 2601, at about 
40° N., 70° W. 

Genus 692. GEMPYLUS Cuvier and Valenciennes. Snake mackerels. 

Gempylus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 1831, 152 
(207) (G. serpens Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Lemnisoma Lesson, Voyage Coquille, Poiss., 1826 (1831), 160, the date 
later than that of Gempylus, as the work of subsequent Cuvier and 
Valenciennes is quoted by Lesson (Lemnisoma thyrsitoides Lesson). 

Zypothyca Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish.,, Amphib., ete., II, 1839, 239 
(Gempylus coluber Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

A species very similar, regarded by Doctor Gudger as the same, is Ruvettus pretiosus Weber=R. paci- 
ficus Jordan and Jordan, from the tropical Pacific north to Hawaii. 

From xraf, a rabbit, conejo, a Spanish name of Promethichthys. The genus is characterized by the 
number of fin rays—D. X XI, 11; A. II, 8—while in Promethichthys the rays are D. XVIII, 19-I]; A. 16-II. 
Dicrotus has two lateral lines, the fin rays about as in Promethichthys. 


2048. Gempylus serpens Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Deep seas of the Atlantic. 
Gempylus serpens Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 
1831, 152 (207), Martinique. 
Gempylus ophidianus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 246, Cuba. 

Family 165. TRICHIURIDA. Hairtails; Cutlassfishes 

Genus 693. TRICHIURUS Linneus. JHairtails. 

Trichiurus Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 246 (7. lepturus Linnzeus) ; 
after Artedi. 

Gymnogaster Gronow, Mus. Ichth., I, 1754, 17, No. 47, and Zooph., I, 
1763, 136 (Trichiurus lepturus Linnzus). 

Enchelyopus Klein, in Bleeker, Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, XIV, 1862, 
109 (Trichiurus lepturus Linneus); after Klein; not of Schneider nor 
of Gronow. 

Lepturus (Artedi) Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 126 
(Trichiurus lepturus Linnzeus, a revival of a pre-Linnzan name). 

2049. Trichiurus lepturus Linneus. Cuitlassfish; Scabbardfish; Silverfish; 
Sable; Savola; Hairtail; Ribbonfish; Silvery hairtail. 
Western Atlantic north to New Jersey; West Indies. 
Trichiurus lepturus Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 246, America; 
after Lepturus of Artedi. 
Trichiurus argenteus Shaw, Gen. Zool., IV, 1803, 90, pl. 12; after 
2050. Trichiurus nitens Garman. 
Off Galapagos Islands. This or a similar species in the Gulf of California. 
Trichiurus nitens Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 69, 
off Galapagos Islands, Albatross stations 3354, 3389. 

Genus 694. APHANOPUS Lowe. 
Aphanopus Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., Pt. VI, 1839, 79 (A. carbo 


2051. Aphanopus minor Collett. 
East coast of Greenland. 
Aphanopus minor Collett, Vidensk. Selsk. Forhandl. Christiania, No. 
19, 1886, 3, east coast of Greenland at 65° N., 31° W. 

Genus 695. EVOXYMETOPON Poey. Tirantes. 
Evozymetopon Poey, in Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 
227 (E. teniatus Poey). 

2052. Evoxymetopon tzniatus Poey. Tirante; Tyrantfish. 
Evorymetopon teniatus Poey, in Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 
1863, 228, Cuba. 

Genus 696. LEPIDOPUS Gouan. Frostfishes. 

Lepidopus Gouan, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 1770, 107 and 185 (gouani). 

Vandellius Shaw, Gen. Zool., IV, 1803, 199 (needless substitute for 
Lepidopus Gouan). 

Scarcina Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 20 (S. argyrea Rafinesque). 

Xiphotheca Montagu, Werner. Mus., I, 1812, 82 (Lepidopus caudatus 

2053. Lepidopus xantusi Goode and Bean. Scabbardfish. 

Avalon, Santa Catalina; Lower California north to Santa Catalina, 
Calif.; San José del Cabo, Cape San Lucas. 

Lepidopus xantusi Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 519, Cape 
San Lucas. 

Genus 697. BENTHODESMUS Goode and Bean. 
Benthodesmus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 380 
(B. elongatus Goode and Bean, not Lepidopus elongatus Clarke= 
Benthodesmus atlanticus Goode and Bean). 

2054. Benthodesmus atlanticus Goode and Bean. 
Western edge of Grand Banks of Newfoundland in 80 fathoms. 
Benthodesmus elongatus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 380-383; not of Clarke. 
Benthodesmus atlanticus Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 205, 
Grand Banks. 


Family 166. ISTIOPHORIDZ. Sailfishes; Spearfishes 

Genus 698. ISTIOPHORUS Lacépéde. Sailfishes. 
Istiophorus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1803, 374 (I. gladifer 
Lacépéde=Scomber gladius Broussonet). 
Notistium Herrmann, Obs. Zool., 1804, 305 (N. gladius Herrmann). 
Zanclurus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Amphib., etc., II, 1839, 239 
(Histiophorus indicus Cuvier and Valenciennes= H. gladius). 
Histiophorus of authors, revised spelling. 

2055. Istiophorus americanus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Brazil, and West Indies, north to Woods Hole. 
Histiophorus americanus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
VIII, 1831, 303, Brazil; after Guebucu of Maregrave. 

2056. Istiophorus wrighti Jordan and Evermann. 
West Indies northward to Florida. 
Istiophorus wrighti Jordan and Evermann, Occ. Paper No. 12, Calif. 
Acad. Sci., Sept. 30, 1926, 43, pl. 12, fig. 2, coast of Florida. 

2057. Istiophorus greyi Jordan and Hill. Mezican sailfish; Pacific volador. 
Pacific coast of Mexico, north to Cape San Lucas. 
Istiophorus greyi Jordan and Hill, in Jordan and Evermann, Occ. Paper 
No. 12, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., Sept. 30, 1926, 41, pl. 14, near Cape 
San Lucas, Lower California. 

2058. Istiophorus volador Jordan and Evermann. Volador; Florida sailfish. 
About Florida Keys. 
Istiophorus volador Jordan and Evermann, Occ. Paper No. 12, Calif. 
Acad. Sci., Sept. 30, 1926, 46, pl. 12, fig. 1, Long Key, Fla. 
Istiophorus maguirei Jordan and Evermann, loc. cit., 45, pl. 13, West 
Indies; apparently young of volador. 

Genus 699. MAKAIRA Lacépéde. Marlinspike fishes; Spearfishes. 
Makaira Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 688 (M. nigricans Lac.). 

2059. Makaira mazara (Jordan and Snyder). Black marlin; Kurokajiki 
(Black spearfish); Mazaara (real swordfish); Kuroka (black marlin). 
Pacific Ocean, from Japan to Hawaiian Islands and the Channel 
Islands, Calif. 
Tetrapturus mazara Jordan and Snyder, Jour. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. 
Tokyo, XV, May 20, 1901, 4, 305, Misaki, Japan. 

2060. Makaira ampla (Poey). Aguja de Casta. 
West Indies. 
Tetrapturus amplus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 243, Habana. 

2061. Makaira marlina Jordan and Evermann. Giant black marlin. 
Southern California, south to Cape San Lucas. 
Makaira marlina Jordan and Evermann, Occ. Paper No. 12, Calif. 
Acad. Sci., Sept. 30, 1926, 59, pl. 17, off Cape San Lucas, Lower 

2062. Makaira mitsukurii (Jordan and Snyder). Marlinspike fish; Barred 

marlin; Makajiki or true spearfish of Japan. 

Coasts of Japan; Hawaii; southern California; abundant off Santa 

?Tetrapturus indicus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 
1831, 286, Sumatra, on a figure by Banks. 

?Histiophorus audaz Philippi. 

Tetrapturus mitsukurii Jordan and Snyder, Jour., Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. 
Tokyo, XV, pt. 2, 1901, 304, Pl. XVI, fig. 5, fishwell at Misaki. 

2063. Makaira holei Jordan and Evermann. Striped marlin. 
Off Pacific coast of Mexico, north to Cape San Lucas. 
Makaira holei Jordan and Evermann, Occ. Papers No. 12, Calif. Acad. 
Sci., Sept. 30, 1926, 63, pl. 19, fig. 1, off Cape San Lucas, Lower 



Family 167. XIPHIIDZ. Swordfishes 

Genus 700. XIPHIAS Linnzeus. Swordfishes. 
Xiphias Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 248 (X. gladius Linneeus). 
Phzxthonichthys Nichols, Amer. Mus. Nov., XIX, I, 1923 (Phetho- 
nichthys tuberculatus Nichols; a young swordfish). 

2064. Xiphias gladius Linneus. Common swordfish; Broadbill; Espada; 

Espadén emperador. 

Open sea, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, on both coasts; Cuba to Cape 
Breton and Newfoundland Banks; Pacific off Santa Barbara Islands, 
Hawaii, Japan, San Diego. 

Xiphias gladius Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 248, Europe. 

Xiphias rondeletii Leach, in Wern. Mem., II, 1818, 58, pl. 2, fig. 1, 
Firth of Forth. 

Xiphias imperator Schneider, ed. Bloch, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 93, Pl. X XI, 
Mediterranean, after an erroneous figure of Duhamal. 

Phethonichthys tuberculatus Nichols, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Novitates, 
XIX, pl. 1, Oct. 19, 1923; very young of X. gladius L. 

Family 168. LUVARID& 

Genus 701. LUVARUS Rafinesque. 

Luvarus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 22 (L. imperialis Rafinesque). 

Diana Risso, Europe Méridionale, 1826, 267 (D. semilunata Risso). 

Ausonia Risso, op. cit., 341 (A. cwviert Risso). 

Proctostegus Nardo, Diaro, Chem. et Hist. Nat. Ticino, I, 1827, 18, 
42 (P. proctostegus Nardo). 

Astrodermus (Bonelli) Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, about 215 
(A. guttatus Bonelli MS). 

Scafaria Gistel, Thierreich, VIII, 1848 (Ausonia cuvieri Risso). 

2065. Luvarus imperialis Rafinesque. 

Open sea; once taken at San Pedro, Calif. (W. F. Thompson). 

Luvarus imperialis Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 22. 

Diana semilunata Risso, Europe Mérid., 1826, 267. 

Ansonia cuvieri Risso, loc. cit., 341. 

Proctostegus proctostegus Nardo, Diaro, Chem. et Hist. Nat. Ticino, I, 

1827, 18, 42. 
Astrodermus guttatus Bonelli, in Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 
215 ca. 

Scafaria Gistel, Thierreich, VIII, 1848. 

Family 169. CORYPHANIDZA. Dolphins; Dorados 

Genus 702. CORYPHANA Linneus. Dorados. 
Coryphzena Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 261 (C. hippurus L.). 
Lampugus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 317 
(Scomber pelagicus L.; female). 

2066. Coryphena hippurus Linneus. Common dolphin; Dorado; Dourade. 

Pelagic to Cape Cod and northward, South Carolina to Texas; also 
throughout the mid-Pacific. 

Coryphena hippurus Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 261, open seas. 

Scomber pelagicus Linneus, loc. cit., 299, no locality. 

Coryphena fasciolata Pallas, Spicil. Zool., VIII, 1770, 23, Amboina. 

Coryphena imperialis Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 33, Sicily. 

Coryphena immaculata Agassiz in Spix, Pisce. Brasil., 1829, 111, pl. 56, 
Atlantic, off Brazil. 

Coryphena marcgravii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., LX, 
1833, 223 (301), America. 

Coryphxna suerii Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 224 (302), Phil- 

Coryphxna dorado Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 225 (303), Brazil. 

Coryphena dolfyn Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 226 (305), Antilles. 


Coryphena virgata Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 228 (308), Mar- 

Coryphena argyrurus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 232 (314), Sea 
of Coromandel. 

Coryphena vlamingii Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 233 (315), seas 
of India. 

Lampugus siculus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 240 (323), Sicily. 

Coryphzena scomberoides Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 234 (315), 
South Sea. 

Ectenias brunneus Jordan and Thompson, Mem. Carnegie Mus., VI, 
1914, 241, Japan; young. 

2067. Coryphena equisetis Linnezus. Small dolphin. 

Open Atlantic and Pacific; rare in the West Indies. Recently taken in 
some numbers off coast of southern California. 

Coryphzna equisetis Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 261 (misprinted 
equiselis), high seas; after Osbeck. 

Coryphzena aurata Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 33, Sicily. 

Coryphena lessonii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 
1833, 228 (307), India. 

Lampugus punctulatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 242 (429), 
Atlantic at the Equator. 

Lampugus neapolitanus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 241 (325), 
Naples; after Bloch. 

Coryphzna azorica Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 227 (306), Azores. 

Family 170. BRAMIDZ. Sea breams 

Genus 703. BRAMA Bloch and Schneider. Pomfret. 
Brama Bloch and Schneider, Ed. Bloch, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 98 (Sparus 
rait Bloch). 
Lepodus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 54 (L. saragus Rafinesque= 
Sparus raii Bloch). 

2068. Brama raii (Bloch). Sea bream; Pomfret; Catagnole; Rondanin. 

Open seas; Europe; Faroe Islands; Bermuda; Grand Banks; Pacific 
coast from Santa Catalina to Puget Sound; Japan; reported recently 
from Cape Flattery. 

Brama marina cauda forcipata Ray, Syn. Meth. Piscium, 1713, 115, 

Sparus raii Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, V, 1791, 95; after Ray, ete. 

Sparus castaneola Shaw, Gen. Zool., [V, 1803, 424; after Lacépéde. 

Sparus niger Turton, British Fauna, 1807, 98, Swansea. 

Lepodus saragus Rafinesque, Caratteri, etc., 1810, 54, Palermo. 

Brama dussumieri Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VII, 
1831, 219 (294), Indian Sea, long. 85° E. 

?Brama orcini Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 220 (295), Indian 
Sea, long. 85° E. 

?Brama chilensis Gay, Hist. Chile, Peces, 1843, 218, Chile. 

2069. Brama agassizii Poey. 
Cuba; rare. 
Brama agassizii Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 204, Cuba. 

2070. Brama brevoorti Poey. 
Cuba; rare. 
Brama brevoorti Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 206, Cuba. 

Genus 704. TARACTES Lowe. 
Taractes Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1843, 82 (T. asper Lowe; probably 
young of Taractes longipinnis). 
Argo Déderlein, Fische Japans, II, Denkschr. Acad. Wiss. Wien, 
XLVIII, 1883, 34 (Argo steindachneri Déderlein); name preoccupied. 

2071. Taractes saussurii (Lunel). 
Brama saussurii Lunel, Révue du Genre Brama, in Mém. Soc. Phys. 
Hist. Nat. Genéve, XVIII, 1865, 185, tab. 2, Cuba. 



Genus 705. STEINEGERIA Jordan and Evermann. 
Steinegeria Jordan and Evermann, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IX, 1886, 
467 (S. rubescens Jordan and Evermann). 

2072. Steinegeria rubescens Jordan and Evermann. 
Gulf of Mexico in deep water; one specimen known. 
Steinegeria rubescens Jordan and Evermann, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
IX, 1886, 467, snapper banks off Pensacola, Fla. 

Family 172. PTERACLIDZ 

Genus 706. PTERACLIS Gronow. 
Pteraclis Gronow, Acta Helvetica, VII, 1772, 43 (Coryphena velifera 


Pteridium Scopoli, Introd. Hist. Nat., 1777, 454 (Coryphzena velifera 

Oligopodus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 511 (Coryphena velifera 

Pteraclidus Rafinesque, Analyse de la Nat., 1815, 82, substitute for 
Oligopodus Lacépéde. 

Oligopodes Risso, in Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, 1817, 328 (l’Oligopode 
noir Risso). 

Oligopus Risso, Europe Mérid., 1826, 105, substitute for Oligopodus. 

2073. Pteraclis carolinus Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Coast of South Carolina. 
Pteraclis carolinus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 
1833, 272 (368), off coast South Carolina. 
?Pteraclis trichipterus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 272 (367), 
locality unknown. 

Genus 707. CENTROPHOLIS Hilgendorf. 
Centropholis Hilgendorf, Sitzber. Naturf. Freunde, Berlin, 1878, 135 
(C. peterst Hilgendorf). 

2074. Centropholis goodei Jordan. 
Gulf Stream. 
Pteraclis carolinus Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 212, Pl. LIX, fig. 
218, Gulf Stream; not of Linnzus. 
pl i goodet Jordan, Ann. Carnegie Mus., IX, 1915, 333, Gulf 

Family 173. STROMATEIDZ. Fiatolas 

Genus 708. PEPRILUS Cuvier. 
Rhombus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 321 (Chxtodon alepidotus 
Linnzus); preoccupied in mollusks. 
Peprilus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 213 (Stromateus longi- 
pinnis Mitchill=Stromateus paru Linneus). 

2075. Peprilus paru (Linnzus). Harvestfish; Poppyfish; Rudderfish. 
South Atlantic coast of United States; West Indies; Cape Cod to 
Jamaica and Brazil. 
Stromateus paru Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 248, Jamaica; 
based on Sloane. 
gr ane alepidotus Linnzeus, op. cit., Ed. XII, 1766, 460, Charleston, 

2Sternoplyx gardenii Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 494, 
Carolinas; after Linnzus. 
Stromateus longipinnis Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 
366, New York Bay. 
Genus 709. PALOMETA Jordan and Evermann. 

Palometa Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
966 (Stromateus palometa Jordan and Bollman). 

2076. Palometa simillima (Avres). California pampano. 
Pacific coast of United States, Puget Sound to San Diego. 
Poronotus simillimus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1st ser., II, 
1860, 84, San Francisco, 








Palometa media (Peters). Palometa. 
Pacific coast of North America, Mazatlan to Panama. 
Stromateus medius Peters, Berl. Monatsb., 1869, 707, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Palometa palometa (Jordan and Bollman). 
Pacific Ocean, off Colombia. 
Stromateus palometa Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1889, 156, off coast of Colombia, lat. 8° 16’ 30’’ N., long. 79° 37’ 
45’’ W., at Albatross station 2804. 

Palometa snyderi (Gilbert and Starks). - 
Peprilus snyderi Gilbert and Starks? Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., IV, 1904, 
87, Panama. 

Genus 710. PORONOTUS Gill. 
Poronotus Gill, Cat. Fish. E. Coast N. Amer., Sup. to Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 35 (Stromateus triacanthus Peck). 

Poronotus triacanthus (Peck). Dollarfish;. Harvestfish; Butterfish; 
Nova Scotia to Florida; common. 
Stromateus triacanthus Peck, Mem. Amer. Acad., II, 1800, pt. 2, 48, 
pl. 2, fig. 2, Piscataqua River, N. H. 
Stromateus cryptosus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 365, 
New York Bay. 

Genus 711. EUCROTUS Bean (B. A.). 
oe Bean, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, 123 (E. ventralis 

Eucrotus ventralis Bean. 
Eucrotus ventralis Bean, Proc. Biol. Soe. Wash., XXV, 1912, 125, 

Family 174. CENTROLOPHIDZ. Rudderfishes 

Genus 712. CENTROLOPHUS Lacépéde. Black ruffs. 

Centrolophus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 441 (Perca nigra 
Gmelin=Coryphena pompilus L.). 

Acentrolophus Nardo, Prodromus. Adriat. Ichth. Giorn. Fisica di Pavia, 
sp. 62, 1827, (A. maculatus Nardo=Centrolophus niger Lacépéde, 
the name Centrolophus deemed inappropriate). 

Gymnocephalus Cocco, Nuov. Ann. Sci. Nat., II, 1838, 26 (G. messinensis 
Cocco); name preoccupied. 

Pompilus Lowe, Suppl. Fish Madeira, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, VII, 
1839, 81 (Coryphena pompilus L.). 

Centrolophus niger (Gmelin). Blackfish; Black ruffe; Borlase. 

Coasts of southern Europe; once taken at Dennis, Mass. 

Perca nigra Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1788, 1321, Cornwall. 

Centrolophus liparis Risso, Eur. Mérid., III, 1826, 337, Nice, Italy. 

Centrolophus morio Lacépéde in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. 
Poiss., IX, 1833, 254 (342), Mediterranean. 

Centrolophus pompilius Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 247 (334), 
pl. 269; not of Linnzus. 

Acentrolophus maculosus Nardo, Prodr. Ichth. Adriat., No. 62, Isis, 
1827, Adriatic. 

Gymnocephalus messinensis Cocco, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat., II, 1838, 26, 

Genus 713. PALINURICHTHYS Bleeker. Black rudderfishes. 

Palinurus DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842 (Coryphena perciformis 
Mitchill); name preoccupied in Crustacea. 

Palinurichthys Bleeker, Enum. Spec. Pisc. Arch. Ind., in Acta Soc. 8. 
> ot aga VII, November, 1859, 22 (Coryphexena perciformis, 


Palinurichthys Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, January, 1860, 
20 (Coryphena perciformis Mitchill). 

Pammelas Giinther, Cat., II, June, 1860, 485 (Coryphzena perciformis 


20838. Palinurichthys perciformis (Mitchill). Rudderfish; Logfish; Snipnose 

mullet; Black rudderfish 

Atlantic coast of North America from Cape Hatteras to Maine; once 
taken in Cornwall. : 

Coryphena perciformis Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 1818, 244, 
New York Harbor. 

Pimelepterus cornubiensis Cornish Zoologist, IX, 1874, 4255, Penzance, 
Cornwall (a stray specimen floated across in a fish box). 

Genus 714. SCHEDOPHILUS Cocco. 
Schedophilus Cocco, Giorn. Innom. Messina, Ann., III, 1834, No. 7, 57, 
(S. medusophagus Cocco). 
Crius Valenciennes, Ichth. Iles Canaries, II, 1844, 43 (Crius bertheloti 
Valenciennes = Schedophilus medusophagus Cocco). 

2084. Schedophilus heathi Gilbert. 
Monterey Bay. 
Schedophilus heathii Gilbert, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 3, Zool., III, 
1904, 260, Pl. X XVI, Pacific Grove, Calif. 

Genus 715. ICICHTHYS Jordan and Gilbert. 
Icichthys Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 305 
(I. lockingtoni Jordan and Gilbert). 

2085. Icichthys lockingtoni Jordan and Gilbert. 
Off California, in deep water; a surface swimmer, hovering under 
jelly-fishes; known from off Monterey and San Francisco. 
Icichthys lockingtoni Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., ITI, 
1880, 305, off San Francisco. 

Family 175. NOMEIDA. Man-of-war fishes 

Genus 716. NOMEUS Cuvier. 
Nomeus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, II, 1817, 315 (Gobius gronovii 

2086. Nompuy gronovii (Gmelin). Portuguese man-of-war fish; Harder; 

Tropical parts of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans; Sargasso Sea; 
Florida; Bermuda; Woods Hole, Mass.; rocky pools at Panama. 

Gobius gronovii Gmelin, Syst. Nat., Ed. XIIJ, 1788, 1205, tropical 
America; after Gronow. 

Eleotris mauritii Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 66, Brazil. 

Nomeus maculosus Bennett, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc., I, 18381, 146, 
East Indies. 

Nomeus oxyurus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 286, Habana. 

Genus 717. PSENES Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Psenes Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 193 (259), 
(P. cyanophrys Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

2087. Psenes cyanophrys Cuvier and Valenciennes. 

Open sea; Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans; Jamaica and Mar- 

Psenes cyanophrys Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 
1833, 1938 260, pl. 265, New Ireland. 

Psenes javanicus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 196 (264), Batavia. 

Psenes auratus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 197 (264), Gulf of 

Psenes fuscus Guichenot, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg, XII, 1866, 
138, Madagascar. 

Cubiceps multiradiatus Ginther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1871, 661, 
pl. 61, Manado. 

2088. Psenes maculatus Liitken. 
Open Atlantic. 
Psenes maculatus Liitken, Spolia Atlantica, 1880, 110, open Atlantic, 
at 39° N., long. 25° S. and between 34° and 27° W. in 600 to 700. 

2089. Psenes regulus Poey. 
Coasts of Cuba. 
Psenes regulus Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 375, Cuba. 


2090. Psenes pellucidus Liitken. 
Gulf Stream at 32° 24’ N., 76° 55’ W., in 528 fathoms. 
Psenes pellucidus Liitken, Spolia Atlantica, 1880, 516 (108), with fig., 
Strait of Surabaja. 

2091. Psenes edwardsii Eigenmann. 
Off Rhode Island. 
Psenes edwardsti Eigenmann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., X XI, 1901 (1902), 
35, fig.; taken from under a medusa, 30 miles south of Newport, R. I. 

2092. Psenes chapmani Fowler. 
Open Atlantic, Cape Verde Islands, northwest of the Lesser Antilles. 
Psenes chapmani Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LVIIT, 1906, 
120; open Atlantic, lat. 24° 21’ N., long. 34° 32’ W. 
2093. Psenes pacificus Meek and Hildebrand. 
Psenes pacificus Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
XV, 1925, 409, Chame Point, Panama. 

Family 176. TETRAGONURIDA. Squaretails 

Genus 718. TETRAGONURUS Risso. 
Tetragonurus Risso, Ichth. Nice, 1810, 247 (7. cuvieri Risso). 
Ctenodax Macleay, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1885, 716 (C. 
williamsoni Macleay). 

2094. Tetragonurus cuvieri Risso. Squaretail; Escolar de natura; Courpata; 

Sea raven. 

Open seas; Nice; Toulon and Marseilles; Madeira; once taken off Santa 
Catalina Island, Calif. (W. F. Thompson), and once at Woods Hole, 
Mass.; these possibly different species. 

Tetragonurus cuvieri Risso, Ichth. Nice, 1810, 347, Nice. 

Tetragonurus atlanticus Lowe, Fishes Madeira, pt. 5, 1860 (1843), 129, 
Pl. XIX, Madeira. 

Family 177. ICOSTEIDZ. Ragfishes 

Genus 719. ICOSTEUS Lockington. 

Icosteus Lockington, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 63 (1. enigmaticus 

Schedophilopsis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., XI, 1881, 4 (S. spinosus 
Steindachner=TI/costeus xnigmaticus Lockington). 

2095. Icosteus enigmaticus Lockington. Ragfish. 

Open sea off the coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington; scarce. 

Icosteus enigmaticus Lockington, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 63, 
off San Francisco. 

Schedophilopsis spinosus Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., XI, 1881, 4, with 
figure, off San Francisco. 

Family 178. ACROTIDZ 

Genus 720. ACROTUS Bean. 
ee Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., X, 1887, 631 (A. willoughbyi 

2096. Acrotus willoughbyi Bean. 
Off coast of Washington, Whitby Island, Puget Sound, south to San 
Pedro, Calif. (W. F. Thompson), in rather deep water. 
Acrotus willoughbyi Bean, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., X, 1887, 631, Quinault 
Agency, Wash. 

Family 179. CARANGIDA. Cavallas; Pampanos 

The Carangidz, as heretofore understood, may be naturally divided 
into two families, the Seriolide (Seriola, Elagates, Naucrates, etc.) 
differing strongly in lacking the bony arch behind the abdominal 
cavity, this being made up of enlarged and anchylosed hiemals, its 
character somewhat different in different genera but developed in 
all Carangidz in the narrow sense, 



Genus 721. DECAPTERUS Bleeker. Mackerel scads. 
es Bleeker, Naturk. Tijdsch., VIII, 1855, 417 (Caranz kurra 
Eustomatodus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 261 (Decap- 
terus kurroides Bleeker). 
Gymneipignathus Gill, Joe. cit., 261 (Decapterus macrosoma Bleeker). 
Evepigymnus Gill, loc. cit., 261 (Decapterus hypodus Gill). 

2097. Decapterus punctatus (Agassiz). Scad; Round robin; Cigarfish; 
Quiaquia; Dotted scad. 
Cape Cod to Brazil, coasts of Florida and the West Indies. 
ios tke punctatus Agassiz, in Spix, Pisce. Brasil., 1829, 108, pl. 56a, fig. 2, 
Caranz aureus Risso, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
IX, 1833, 25 (33), Mediterranean. 

2098. Decapterus sanctze-—helene (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Tropical Atlantic; Cuba. 
Caranz santz—-helene Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 
1833, 28 (37), St. Helena. 

2099. Decapterus hypodus Gill. 
Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 
Decapterus hypodus Gill. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 262, 
Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 

2100. Decapterus macarellus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Mackerel scad; 
Antonino; Cigarfish. 
West Indies, northward to Cape Cod. 
Caranzx macarellus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 
1833, 30 (40), Martinique. 

Genus 722. TRACHURUS Rafinesque. Sawrels. 
Trachurus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 41 (Scomber trachurus Linneus). 

2101. Trachurus symmetricus (Ayres). Horse mackerel. 
Coast of California. 
Caranzx symmetricus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 62, 
Bay of San Francisco. 

2102. Trachurus trachurus (Linnzus). Saurel; Gascon. 

North Atlantic, chiefly on the northern coast of Europe, south to Spain 
and Naples; Newport, R. I.; Pensacola. 

Scomber trachurus Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 298, Mediterra- 

?Caranzomorus plumieiranus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 64, pl. 11, 
searcely identifiable, from a figure by Plumier, supposed to have 
been made in Martinique. 

Caranz semispinosus Nilsson, Prodr. Ichthyol. Scand., 1832, 84, Scan- 
dinayvia; the northern form usually called trachurus, the valid name 
for the European form. 

Trachurus europeus Gronow, Cat., Ed. Gray, 1854, 125, seas of Europe. 

Trachurus linnexi Malm, Bohuslins Fauna, 421, Bohuslin, Sweden. 

2103. Trachurus japonicus (Schlegel). 
Coast of Japan, east of Lower California, the Mexican specimens few 
and not surely identified; may be 7’. nova-zealandica Richardson. 
Caranz trachurus japonicus Schlegel, Faun. Japon., Poiss., 1850, 109, 
pl. 59, fig. 1, Japan. 

2104. Trachurus lathami Nichols. 
Coast of Long Island (a stray from the Gulf Stream). 
Trachurus lathami Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XLII, 1920, 
479, Long Island. 

Genus 723. TRACHUROPS * Gill. 
Trachurops Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 238, 261, 431 
(Scomber crumenophthalmus Bloch). 

4 The genus Selar Bleeker was based on four species, the first named being Caranz hasselti, which isa 
species of the modern genus Atule Jordan and Jordan. It was first restricted to Scomber boops Bleeker, a 
species of Trachurops; but this restriction can not stand as boops was not mentioned by Bleeker in connec- 
tion with Selar; Caranz hasselti=affinis of the south Pacific must therefore be the type of Selar. 


2105. Trachurops crumenophthalma (Bloch). Goggler; Big-eyed scad; 

Goggle-eye jack; Chicharro; Horse-eyed jack. 

Atlantic coast of the United States, Central America, South America, 
and Africa; West Indies; probably not in the Pacific. 

Scomber crumenophthalmus Bloch, Naturgeschich. Ausl. Fische, VII, 
1793, 77, Acara in Guinea. 

Scomber plumieri Bloch, loc. cit., 79, Antilles. 

laa balantiophthalmus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 29, 

Caranx macrophthalmus Agassiz, Spix, Pisce. Brasil., 1829, 107, Brazil. 

2106. Trachurops brachychira Gill. Akule; Atule. 
Pacific Ocean, north to Panama, and the Gulf of California and Hawaii. 
Trachurops brachychirus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
261, Cape San Lucas. 

Genus 724. HEMICARANX Bleeker. 
Alepes Swainson, Classn. Anim., II, 1839, 248 (Alepes melanoptera 
Swainson) ; identification uncertain. 
Hemicaranz Bleeker, Vesl. Kon. Ak. Wet., XIV, 1862, 135 (H. mar- 
ginatus Bleeker). 
Carangops Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 238 (Caranz 
heteropygus Poey). 

2107. Hemicaranx amblyrhynchus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Cape Hatteras to Brazil; West Indies; Carolina and Florida. 
Caranx amblyrhynchus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 
1833, 76 (100), pl. 248, Brazil. 
Caranz heteropygus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 344, Cuba. 

2108. Hemicaranx falcatus (Holbrook). 
Charleston, S. C. 
Caranz falcatus Holbrook, Ichth. South Carolina, 1855, 92, pl. 13, fig. 2, 
Charleston, 8. C 

2109. Hemicaranx atrimanus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Panama. 
Caranz atrimanus Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., I, 1881, 
308, Panama. 

2110. Hemicaranx furthii (Steindachner). 
Caranz fiirthii Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., IV, 1875, 12, Panama. 

2111. Hemicaranx leucurus (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Panama. 
Caranz leucurus Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 24, Panama. 

2112. Hemicaranx zelotes Gilbert. 
Hemicaranz zelotes Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2845, Panama. 

2113. Hemicaranx rhomboides Meek and Hildebrand. 
Atlantic coast of Isthmus of Panama. 
Hemicaranz rhomboides Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., XV, 1925, 345, Fox Bay, Colon, Panama. 

Genus 725 ELAPHOTOXON * Fowler. 
Elaphotozon Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LVII, 1905, 76 
(Scomber ruber Bloch). 

2114. Elaphotoxon ruber (Bloch). Cibi mancho; Carbonero; Cibi; Green jack. 
West Indies and coast of the Carolinas. 
gtr coed ruber Bloch, Naturgeschich. Ausl. Fische, VII, 1793, 75, St. 
Caranz blochii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 
52 (69), St. Croix. 
Caranz iridinus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 226, Cuba. 

This genus is near Caranz, the body rather elongate, the teeth in few series, without canines; the arch 
of the lateral line moderate, more than half the straight part; the dorsal and anal fins anteriorly but little 
elevated, maxillary not narrowed. 


2115, Elaphotoxon bartholommi (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Yellow jack; 

Cibi amarilla. f 

West Indies, northward to Florida and North Carolina; Cuba. 

Caranx bartholomai Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 
1833, 75 (100), St. Bartholomew. 

Caranz cibi Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 224, Cuba. 

Caranx beani Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 486, Beaufort, 


Genus 726. PARATRACTUS Gill. 
Paratractus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 432 (Caranz 
pisquetus Cuvier and Valenciennes =Scomber crysos Mitchill). 

2116. Paratractus crysos (Mitchill). /Mardtail; Runner; Blue runner; Jurel; 

Yellow mackerel; Crevallé; Cojinera. 

Cape Cod to Brazil. 

Scomber crysos Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 424, New 

Trachurus squamosus Gronow, Cat. Fishes, ed. Gray, 1854, 125, Carolina. 

Caranx pisquetus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 
73, Santo Domingo; Cuba; Brazil. 

2117. Paratractus caballus (Giinther). Cocinero; Cocinero dorado; Jurel. 

Pacifie coast of tropical America, San Diego to Panama, recently taken 
at San Pedro. 

Caranz caballus Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868, 431 (Nov. 
27), Panama. 

Trachurus boops Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, pt. 4, Fishes, 1858, 108, 
San Diego; not Caranx boops of Cuvier and Valenciennes. 

Carane girardi Steindachner, [ehthyol. Notizen, LX, 1869, 25, Mazatlan. 

Genus 727. XUREL Jordan and Evermann. 
Xurel Jordan and Hvermann, Proe. Calif. Acad. Sci., 4th ser., XVI, 
Apr. 27, 1927, 505 (Caranx vinctus Jordan and Gilbert). 

2118. Xurel vincta (Jordan and Gilbert). Cocinera. 
Pacific coast of Mexico, Mazatlan to Punta Arenas; Gulf of California 
to Panama, 
Caranx vinctus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
349, Mazatlan, Mexico, 

2119. Xurel fasciatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Segundo; Volantin. 
Cuba; Atlantic coast of Mexico. 
? Caranx fasciatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 
1833, 53 (70), east coast of Mexico. 
Caranz secundus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 223, Cuba. 

2120. Xurel lata (Agassiz). Jurel; Xwurel; Horse-eye jack. 

Tropical Atlantic, north to Virginia; probably not in the Pacific, where 
it is represented by the near related Caranx melampygus. 

Caranx latus Agassiz, in Spix, Pise. Bras., 1829, 105, Brazil. 

Caranz lepturus Agassiz, loc. cit., 106, Brazil. 

Caranx fallax Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 71 
(95), Antilles; Brazil. 

Caranx richardi Holbrook, Ichthyol. South Carolina, 1855, 94, pl. 18, 
fig. 1, South Carolina, 

Carangus aureus Poey, Knumeratio, 1875, 76, Cuba. 

2121. Xurel medusicola (Jordan and Starks). 
Pacific coast of Mexico, south to Panama. 
Caranrx medusicola Jordan and Starks, in Jordan, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., V, 1895, 430, pl. 34, Mazatlan. 

2122. Xurel marginatus (Gill). 
Pacific Ocean; Mazatlan, Panama, and Hawaii. 
Caranx marginatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila., XV, 1863, 166, 


2123. Xurel melampygus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Ulua. 
Tropical Pacific, east to off-shore islands of Mexico; Hawaii. A very 
important food fish, 
Caranzx melampygus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., LX, 
1833, 108, Hast Indies. 


2124. Xurel stellatus (Mydoux and Souleyet). Omilu. 
Pacific Ocean generally; Hawaii; Revillagigedo Islands; with the 
“Ulua” one of the staple food fishes of the Pacific islands. 
Caranz punctatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 
38; name preoccupied. 
Caranx stellatus Hydoux and Souleyet, Voy. Bonite, Zool., I, Poiss., 
1840, 167, Hawaiian Islands. 

2125. Xurel lugubris (Poey). Tinosa. 
Tropical Atlantic; West Indies, 
Caranx lugubris Poey, Memorias, IT, 1861, 222, Cuba. 
Caranz frontalis Poey, loc. cit., 222, Cuba. 

2126. Xurel tenebrosus Jordan and Evermann. 

South seas; Revillagigedos; Hawaii. 

Caranz lugubris Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1896, 924, in part; not of Poey, based on examples so listed by Jordan 
and McGregor, Report U. 8. Fish Com., XXIV, 1899, 227, from 
Clarion Island of the Revillagigedos Group. 

Caranx tenebrosus Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 4th 
Ser., XVI, Nov. 14, 1927, 656, Clarion Island. 

Genus 728. CARANX Lacépéde. 

Caranx Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., ITI, 1802, 57 (Scomber carangus 
Bloch=Scomber hippos L., as now usually restricted). Species with 
the breast naked except for a central patch of scales. 

Tricropterus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 41 (Scomber carangus Bloch= 
Scomber hippos Linnwus), as restricted. 

Carangichthys Bleeker, Nat. Tijdschr. Neder. Indie, III, 1852, 760 (C. 
typus Bleeker); immature; fish with breast naked; strong teeth 

2127. Caranx hippos (Linnwus). Crevallé; Toro; Horse crevallé; Cavalla; Jack; 
Jiguaqua; Yellow caranz; Yellow mackerel. 
Kast coast of tropical America, north to Cape Cod; apparently repre- 
sented in the Pacific by the closely related Caranx ignobilis. 
ward hippos Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, 1766, 494, Charleston, 


Scomber carangus Bloch, Naturgeschich. Ausl. Fische, VII, 1793, 69, 

Caranzx erithrurus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 68, South 

Caranx daubentonti Lacépéde, loc. cit., 72, Martinique. 

Caranz antillarum Bennett, Whaling Voyage, II, 1840, 282, West Indies. 

Caranz defensor DeKay, N. Y. launa: Fishes, 1842, 120, New York. 

Carangus esculentus Girard, U. 8. Mex. Bound. Surv., 1859, 23, pl. XI, 
figs. 1-8, Brazos Santiago, Tex. 

2128. Caranx ignobilis lorskAl. 
Tropical Pacific, east to offshore islands of Mexico; Hawaii. 
Scomber ignobilis ForskAl, Deser. Anim., 1775, Red Sea. 
Carangus hippoides Jenkins, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XXII, 1902, 443, 
fig. 15, Honolulu. 

Genus 729. GNATHANODON Bleeker. 
Gnathanodon Bleeker, Verh. Batay. Genootsch., XXIV, Makreele, 
art, 5, 1851 (1852), pp. 6, 18, 30, 72, ete. (Scomber speciosus YorskAl). 
Hypocaranx Klunzinger, Vische Rothen Meeres, 1884, 92 (Scomber 
speciosus VorskAl). 

2129. Gnathanodon speciosus (lorskAl). Mojarra dorada. 
Tropical parts of the Pacific Ocean; Hast Indies; Mazatlan to Panama; 
Scomber speciosus ForskAl, Deser. Anim., 1775, 54, Red Sea. 
Scomber rim Yorskal, loc. cit., 54, Djidda. 
Caranz panamensis Gill, Proc. Acad, Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 166, 

Genus 730, CITULA Cuvier. 
Citula Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, 1817, 315 (Sciana armata ForskAl), 


2130. Citula orthogramma (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Revillagigedo Islands; Pacific Islands. 
Caranz orthogrammus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 226, Sulphur Bay, Clarion Island, Revillagigedo Archipelago. 

2131. Citula dorsalis (Gill). Pampano. 
Pacifie coast of tropical America; Mazatlan; Panama. 
Carangoides dorsalis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 166, 
Caranz otrynter Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1883, 202; 
i ae substituted for dorsalis preoccupied in Caranz, but not in 

Genus 731. ALECTIS °° Rafinesque. Cobblerfishes; Cockfishes. 

Gallus as a Hist. Nat. Poiss., 1V, 1803 (Zeus gallus L.); preoccupied 
in birds. 

Alectis Rafinesque, Anal. Nature, 1815, (Zeus gallus L.); substitute for 
Gallus, preoccupied. 

Blepharis Cuvier, Régne Animal, 1817, 322 (Zeus ciliaris Bloch). 

Gallichthys Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 264 
(Zeus gallus L.); substitute for Gallus, preoccupied. 

Bleparichthys Gill, Cat. Fish. East Coast U. 8., suppl. to Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 36; substitute for Blepharis. 

2132. Alectis crinitus (Mitchill). Threadfish; Cobblerfish; Sunfish; Shoemaker. 
West Indies north to Cape Cod, Florida Keys and Cuba. 
ue crinitus Mitchill, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XI, 1826, 144, Shoreham, 
Blepharis sutor Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 
120 (161), pl. 253, Caribbean Sea. 

Blepharis major Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 121 (163), West 
Indies; Martinique; not Gallichthys major, an East Indian species. 
Carangoides blepharis Bleeker, Verhand. Batav. Genootsch., XXIV, 

1852, Makr. 667, East Indies. 
Carangoides gallichthys Bleeker, loc. cit., 668, East Indies. 

Genus 732. SCYRIS Cuvier. 
Scyris Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 209 (S. indica Cuvier and 

21338. Scyris analis Poey. 
Scyris analis Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 369, Cuba. 

Genus 733. HYNNIS Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Hynnis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 145 (195), 
pl. 257 (H. goreensis Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

2134. Hynnis cubensis Poey. 
Hynnis cubensis Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 235, Habana. 

2135. Hynnis hopkinsi Jordan and Starks. Pdmpano. 
Puerto Viejo, near Mazatlan, Mexico. 
Hynnis hopkinsi Jordan and Starks, in Jordan, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
V, 1895, 435, pl. 35, Mazatlan. 

Genus 734. VOMER Cuvier and Valenciennes. 

Vomer Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 141 (189), 
pl. 256 (V. brownii Cuvier and Valenciennes=Zeus setapinnis Mit- 

Platysomus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Amphib., ete., II, 1839, 250 
(Vomer browni Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

The genera and species allied to Alectis have been much mixed from the first. While other possibili- 
ties exist, and may be defended, it seems best to adhere to current nomenclature, which, in fact, accords 
best with the Code. 


2136. Vomer setapinnis (Mitchill). Jorobado; Moonfish; Horsefish; Blunt- 

nosed shiner; Sunfish; Pug-nosed shiner. 

Atlantic coast of America; from Maine to Florida. 

ee setapinnis Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., 1815, 384, New 


Vomer brownit Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 
141 (189), pl. 256, New York. 

Argyreiosus unimaculatus Batchelder, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., II, 
1845, 78, Maine. 

Vomer ‘curtus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXII, 1870, 119, 
Rhode Island. 

2137. Vomer setapinnis cubensis Nichols. 
Coast of Cuba. 
Vomer setapinnis cubensis Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
XXXVIII, 1918, 672, Cuba. 

2138. Vomer dorsalis Gill. 

West coast of Africa, recorded from the West Indies. 

gi oe dorsalis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 436; after 

Argyreiosus setipinnis var. B. Giinther, Cat., II, 1860, 459, St. Vincent; 
ape Verde Islands; West Indies. 

Vomer senegalensis Guichenot, Ann. Soc. Linn. Maine et Loire, 1865, 35, 

Vomer goreensis Guichenot, loc. cit., 37, Gorea. 

2139. Vomer spixii (Swainson). 

West Indies south to Brazil. 

Platysomus spixii Swainson, Class. Fishes, etc., II, 1839, 250 and 406, 
Brazil; after Spix and Agassiz, pl. 37. 

Platysomus micropteryx Swainson, loc. cit., 406, Pernambuco. 

Vomer sanctz-marthe, columbianus, martinicensis, dominicensis, nove- 
boracensis, sanctz-petri, brasiliensis, cayennensis, and cube Guichenot, 
Ann. Soc. Linn. Maine et Loire, 38 to 44, 1865, localities indicated 
by names, 

2140. Vomer declivifrons Meek and Hildebrand. 
Cape San Lucas to Peru. 
Vomer declivifrons Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
XV, 1925, 367, Pl. X XIX, fig. 2, Panama. 

2141. Vomer gabonensis Guichenot. 
West Indies and west coast of Africa. 
pee gabonensis Guichenot, Ann. Soc. Linn. Maine et Loire, 1865, 42, 

Genus 735. ARGYREIOSUS Lacépéde. Moonfishes. 
Selene Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 1V, 1803, 560 (S. argentea Lacépéde= 
Zeus vomer L.). 
Argyreiosus Lacépéde, loc. cit., IV, 1803, 566 (Zeus vomer Linnzus). 

2142. Argyreiosus vomer (Linnwus). Moonfish; Jorobado; Lookdown; Horse- 
head; Hair-finned dory; Hair-finned silverfish; Dollarfish. 
pre! America, on both coasts; Cape Cod to Brazil; Lower California 
to Peru. 
Zeus vomer Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 266, America. 
Zeus gallus Linnzus, loc. cit., America; after Artedi. 
Zeus capillaris Mitchill, Trans. Lit. and Phil. Soc., I, 383, 1815, New 
Zeus rostratus Mitchill, loc. cit., 384, New York. 
Zeus geometricus Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 245, 1818, New York. 
mi ag triacanthus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Classn. Fish., 1839, 250, 
Argyriosus filamentosus Swainson, loc. cit., 250; after Cuvier and Va- 
Argyriosus setifer Swainson, loc. cit., 407; after Cuvier and Valenciennes, 
Argyriosus mauriceit Swainson, loc. cit., 408, Brazil. 
Argyriosus mitchilli DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 126, New Yorn. 

2143. Argyreiosus erstedii (Liitken). 
Pacific coast, Mazatlan to Panama, 
Selene erstedii Liitken, Spolia Atlantica, 1880, 144, Punta Arenas. 


2144. Argyreiosus brevoorti Gill. 
Lower California to Peru. 
Argyriosus brevoorti Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 83, 
Lower California. 
Argyreiosus pacificus Lockington, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., first ser., 
VII, 1876, 84, Magdalena Bay, Lower California. 

Genus 7386. CHLOROSCOMBRUS Girard. Casabes. 
Chloroscombrus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858, 168 
(Micropteryx cosmopolita Agassiz=Scomber chrysurus Linnzeus). 
Micropteryx Giinther, not of Agassiz, which is Seriola. 

2145. Chloroscombrus chrysurus (Linnzus). Casabe; Bumper; Yellowtail. 
Cape Cod to Brazil; common on our South Atlantic coast and in Cuba. 
Scomber chrysurus Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 494, Charleston, 


Micropteryx cosmopolita Agassiz, in Spix, Pisce. Bras., 1829, 104, Tab. 
LIX, Atlantic Ocean. 

Scomber latus Gronow, Cat. Fishes, ed. Gray, 1854, 127, Carolina. 

Chloroscombrus caribbeus Girard, Mex. Bound. Surv., Zool., 1859, 21, 
Pl. XI, fig. 6, St. Joseph Island, Tex. 

2146. bpceh aden gar hi orqueta Jordan and Gilbert. Orqueta; Xurel de 
Pacific coast of tropical America, Magdalena Bay to Panama. 
Chloroscombrus orqueta Jordan and Gilbert, Proc., U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 
1862, 646, Panama. 
Chloroscombrus stirurus Jordan and Gilbert, loc. cit., VI, 1883, 206, 
Panama; slip for C. orqueta imperfectly corrected proof. 

Genus 737. TRACHINOTUS Lacépéde. Pdmpanos. 

Trachinotus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 79 (Labrus falcatus 
Linneus). : 

Czxsiomorus Lacépéde, loc. cit., 92 (C. bailloni Lacépéde). 

Acanthinion Lacépéde, loc. cit., IV, 1803, 499 (Chetodon rhomboides 

Baillonus Rafinesque, Analyse Nature, X, 1815 (Trachinotus bailloni 
Lacépéde) ; substitute for Cesiomorus. 

Bothrolemus Holbrook, Ichth. South Carolina, 1855, 80 (Trachinotus 
pampanus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Doliodon Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858, 168 (Gasterosteus 
carolinus Linneus). 

2147. Trachinotus palometa Regan. Gafftopsail; Pampano; Oldwife; Palo- 
meta; Banner pompano. 

Tropical America, from Virginia to the Caribbean Sea. 

Chetodon glaucus Bloch, Ichth., 1787, pl. 210, Martinique; on a figure 
by Plumier (name preoccupied by Lichia glauca L., also a Trachi- 

Trachynotus palometa Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), XII, 1903, 
349; substitute for glaucus Bloch). 

2148. Trachinotus rhodopus (Gill). Pampanito. 

Pacific coast of tropical America; south to Panama. 

Trachynotus rhodopus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 85, 
Cape San Lucas. 

?Trachynotus nasutus Gill, loc. cit., 85, Cape San Lucas. 

Trachynotus fasciatus Gill, loc. cit., 86, Panama. 

Trachynotus glacoides Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 150, San 
Jose de Guatemala. 

2149. Trachinotus falcatus (Linneus). Round pampano; Palometa; Permit 

(Indian River) Spinous dory; Ovate pampano. 

East coast of United States, Cape Cod to Florida. 

Labrus falcatus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 284, America. 

Trachinotus spinosus DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 117, pl. 19, 
fig. 538, New York Harbor. 

Trachinotus fuscus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 
1831, 302 (410), Brazil. 


21 50. Trachinotus rhomboides (Bloch). Round pampano. 
West Indies to Brazil. - : 
Chztodon rhomboides Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, III, 1787, 100, Martinique. 

2151. Trachinotus culveri Jordan and Starks. 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Trachinotus culvert Jordan and Starks, in Jordan, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
V, 1895, 439, pl. 36, Astillero at Mazatlan, Mexico. 

2152. Trachinotus kennedyi Steindachner. Palometa. 
Magdalena Bay to Panama. 
Trachinotus kennedyi Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 47, Pl. VII, 
Magdalena Bay. 

2153. Trachinotus goodei Jordan and Evermann. Permit; Palometa; Great 
West Indies, north to southern Florida. 
Trachinotus goodei Jordan and Evyermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1896, 943, Key West, Fla. 

2154. Trachinotus carolinus (Linnzus). Common pampano; Pédmpano; 

Cobblerfish; Butterfish; Carolina pompano. 

South Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States; Cape Cod; West 
Indies; Brazil. One of our best food fishes. 

Gasterosteus carolinus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 490, Carolina. 

?Trachinotus argenteus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
VIII, 1831, 304 (410), New York; Rio Janeiro. 

?Trachinotus cupreus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 305 (414), 

Trachinotus pampanus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 305 (415), 
Brazil; Charleston, 8. C 

2155. Trachinotus paloma Jordan and Starks. 
Cape San Lucas, Mazatlan, San Juan Lagoon. 
Trachinotus paloma Jordan and Starks, in Jordan, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., V, 1895, 437, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Genus 738. ZALOCYS Jordan and McGregor. 
Zalocys Jordan and McGregor (R. C.), Rept. U. S. Fish. Com., XXIV, 
1898 (1899), 276 (Zalocys stilbe Jordan and McGregor). 

2156. Zalocys stilbe Jordan and McGregor. 
Off Pacific coast of Mexico, Revillagigedo Islands. 
Zalocys stilbe Jordan and McGregor, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XXIV, 
° 1898 (1899), 277, pl. 5, Clarion Island. 

Genus 739. OLIGOPLITES Gill. Leatherjackets. 
Oligoplites Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 166 (O. occie 
_ dentalis Gill). 

2157. Oligoplites saurus (Bloch and Schneider). Leatherjacket; Leathercoat; 

Runner; Zapatero; Quiebra; Sauteur. 

Both coasts of Central America, and West Indies, north to New York 
and Lower California. 

Scomber saurus Bloch and Schneider, ed. Bloch, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 321, 
Jamaica; after Saurus argenteus of Browne. 

Centronotus argenteus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 316, 
equatorial America. 

Lichia quiebra Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. Freycinet, Zool., 1824, 365, 
equatorial America. 

Chorinemus saltans Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 
1831, 289 (393), Martinique, Brazil, and San Domingo. 

2158. Oligoplites inornatus Gill. Plain leatherjacket. 
Oligoplites inornatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 166 

2159. Oligoplites saliens (Bloch). Sauteur. 
West Indies. 
Scomber saliens Bloch, Naturgeschich. Ausl. Fische, VII, 1793, 49, 
Martinique; on a figure by Plumier. 
a Sr ‘saltator Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, pl. 19, 









Oligeplites palometa (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. 
Chorinemus palometa Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 
1831, 288 (392), Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. 

Oligoplites altus (Giinther). Jurel; Monda. 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Panama. 
Chasers altus Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, VI, 1869, 433, 

Oligoplites mundus Jordan and Starks. 

West coast of Mexico; Mazatlan. 

Oligoplites mundus Jordan and Starks, in Jordan and Evermann, 
Check List, 1896, 344, Mazatlan, Mexico (name only); Jordan 
and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2844, San 
Juan Lagoon, Mexico. 

Oligoplites refulgens Gilbert and Starks. 
Oligoplites refulgens Gilbert and Starks, Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., IV, 
1904, 73, Panama. 

Family 180. SERIOLIDA 

Genus 740. NAUCRATES Rafinesque. 

Naucrates Rafinesque, Caratteri 1810, 44 (Centronotus conductor 
Lacépéde=Gasterosteus ductor Linnzeus). 

Centronotus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 311, 51 (C. conductor 

Xystophorus Richardson, Voy. Erebus and Terror, 1844, 52, pl. 30, 
fig. 22 (larval form, no species named). 

Nauclerus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 247 
(N. compressus, Cuvier and Valenciennes; young of Naucrates). 

Naucrates ductor. (Linnezus). Pilotfish; Romero. 

Atlantic coast from Cape Cod to West Indies. 

Gasterosteus ductor Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 295, ‘‘in Pelago.” 

Centronotus conductor Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 311, no 

Naucrates fanfarus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 45, Sicily. 

Naucrates noveboracensis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
VIII, 1831, 239 (325), New York. 
Seriola dussumiert Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., IX, 1833, 162 
(217), Gulf of Bengal. ° 
Seriola succincta Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 163 (218), south of 
St. Helena. 

Nauclerus compressus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 185 (249), 
pl. 268, fig. 1, Molucca. 

Nauclerus abbreviatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 187 (251), 
Atlantic Ocean. 

Nauclerus brachycentrus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 187 (253), 
Indian Ocean. 

Nauclerus triacanthus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 188 (253), 
Atlantic Ocean. 

Nauclerus annularis Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 189 (254), south 
of St. Helena. 

Nauclerus lecurus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 189 (255), south 
of St. Helena. 

Naucrates cyanophrys Swainson, Classn. Fishes, II, 1839, 412, Palermo. 

Naucrates serratus Swainson, loc. cit., 413, Palermo. 

Thynnus pompilus Gronow, Cat. Fishes, 1854, 123, Mediterranean; 
seas of America and Spain. 

Xystophorus Richardson, Voy. Erebus and Terror, 1844, 52, Palermo. 

Naucrates polysarcus Fowler. 
Pacifie coast of Mexico. 
Naucrates polysarcus Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LVII, 1905, 
62, west coast of Mexico, 


Genus 741. ELAGATIS Bennett. 
Elagatis Bennett, Narrative of Whaling Voyage, II, 1840, 283 (Seriola 
bipinnulata Quoy and Gaimard). 
Seriolichthys Bleeker, Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.—Indie, VI, 1854, 196 
(Seriola bipinnulata Quoy and Gaimard). 
Decaptus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 391 (Seriola pinnulata Poey). 

2166. Elagatis bipinnulatus (Quoy and Gaimard). Runner; Yellowtail; 
Skipjack; Shoemaker. 
Tropical seas; West Indies; Long Island; Hawaii. 
Seriola bipinnulata Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. Uranie, Zool., I, 1824, 
363, pl. 61, fig. 3, Keeling Islands. 
Seriola pinnulata Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 233, Habana, Cuba. 

Genus 742. SERIOLA Cuvier. 
aoe eee: Régne Animal, ed. 2, II, 1829, 205 (Caranz dumerili 

Micropteryx Agassiz, Pisc. Brasil., 1829, 102, type (not named) Seriola 
dumerili Cuvier, substitute for Seriola, used in botany. 

Zonichthys Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fishes, Amphib., etc., II, 1839, 248 
(Scomber fasciatus Bloch). 

Halatractus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 442 (Seriola 
dumerili, substitute for Seriola, used in botany). 

Lepidomegas Thominot, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 7, IV, 1880, 173 
(L. muelleri Thominot). 

2167. Seriola dorsalis (Gill). Yellowtail; White salmon. 
Pacific coast of America from Monterey southward to Mazatlan; 
abundant about the Santa Barbara Islands. 
Halatractus dorsalis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 84, 
Cape San Lucas. 

2168. Seriola zonata (Mitchill). Rudderfish; Shark pilot; Pilotfish; Banded 
rudderfish; Jackfish; Banded mackerel. 
Atlantic coast of the United States from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras. 
Scomber zonatus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., 1815, 427, New 
York Bay. 

2169. Seriola carolinensis Holbrook. 
Gulf of Mexico, and on Atlantic coast north to Cape Hatteras. 
Seriola carolinensis Holbrook, Ichthyol. South Carolina, 1855, 70, 
Charleston, 8. C. 
Seriola stearnsi Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 48, 
Pensacola, Fla. 

2170. Seriola lalandi Cuvier and Valenciennes. Great amberfish; Amber jack; 
Coronado; Jenny Lind. 
New Jersey to Brazil; occasionally to New York. 
Seriola lalandi Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 
155 (208), Brazil. 
Seriola gigas Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 227, Cuba. 

2171. Seriola dumerili (Risso). Amber jack; Coronado. 
Mediterranean to West Indies, north to Key West and Pensacola. 
Caranzx dumerili Risso, Ichthyol. Nice, 1810, 175, pl. 6, fig. 20, Nice. 
Trachurus aliciolus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 42, Pl. XI, fig. 2, Sicily. 
Trachurus fasciatus Rafinesque, Indice, No. 108, 21 and 53, Sicily; not 
Scomber fasciatus of Bloch. 
Seriola prozima Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 229, Cuba. 

Genus 743. ZONICHTHYS Swainson. 
Zonichthys Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Amphib., etc., II, 1839, 248 
(Scomber fasciatus Bloch). 

2172. Zonichthys mazatlanus (Steindachner). 
West coast of Mexico, Mazatlan. 
gies 1c td tle Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, 1876, 8, Mazatlan, 
exico. e 

2173. Zonichthys fasciatus (Bloch). Madregal; Bonito. 
West Indies, north to Charleston, S. C. 
at-bat fasciatus Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, VII, 1793, 73, pl. 341, no 
Seriola semicoronata Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 232, Habana. 



2174. Zonichthys rivolianus Cuvier and Valenciennes. 

Mediterranean to Brazil, West Indies, and South Carolina; Florida 

Seriola rivoliana Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 
154 (207), the Greek Archipelago. 

Seriola boscii Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 156 (208), waters of 

Seriola bonariensis Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 157 (211), Buenos 

Seriola coronata Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 232, Cuba. 

2175. Zonichthys falcatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Madregal; Rock 

West Indies, north to Florida and the Carolinas. 
Seriola falcata Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 
156 (210), Gulf of Mexico. 
Seriola dubia Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, VII, 1839, 80, Madeira. 
Seriola declivis Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 230, Habana. 
Seriola ligulata Poey, loc. cit., 231, Cuba. 

Family 181. NEMATISTIIDA. Peacockfishes; Papagallos 

Genus 744. NEMATISTIUS Gill. 

Nematistius Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 258 (N. 
pectoralis Gill). 

Seriolophus Guichenot, Mém. Soc. Nat. Sci. Cherbourg, XIII, 1868, 
90 (Seriolophus carangoides Guichenot). 

2176. Nematistius pectoralis Gill. Pe: de gallo; Papagallo; Roosterfish. 

Gulf of California to Panama; generally common. 

Nematistius pectoralis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
259, Cape San Lucas. 

Seriolophus carangoides Guichenot, Mém. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg, 
XIII, 1868, 90, locality unknown. 

Family 182. POMATOMIDZ. Bluefishes 

Genus 745. POMATOQMUS Lacépéde. Bluefishes. 

Pomatomus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 1V, 1802, 436 (P. skib Lacépéde). 

Lopharis Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 52 (Perca lophar ForskAl). 

Gonenion Rafinesque, loc. cit., 53 (G. serra Rafinesque). 

Temnodon Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 1, II, 1817, 346 (Cheilodipterus 
heptacanthus Lacépéde). 

Sypterus Eichwald, Fauna Caspio-Caucas., 1841 (Perca lophar ForskAl). 

Chromis Gronow, Cat. Fishes, 1854, 149 (C. epicurorum Gronow= 
Gasterosteus saltatrix Linnzeus); name preoccupied. 

Sparactodon Rochebrune, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 7, 1V, 1880, 162 
GS. nalnal Rochebrune). ~ 

2177. Pomatomus saltatrix (Linneus). Bluefish; Snap mackerel; Skipjack; 

Fatback; Snapping mackerel; Tailor; Snapper; Horse mackerel; Green- 
fish; Skip mackerel. 

Atlantic coast of United States; eastern part of the Mediterranean 
and South to Australia and Madagascar; locally and irregularly 

Perca saltatrix Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, I, 1758, 293, Carolinas. 

Perca lophar Forsk&l, Deser. Anim., 1775, 38, Constantinople. 

Cheilodipterus heptacanthus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 542, 
Fort Dauphin, .Madagascar. 

Pomatomus skib Lacépéde, loc. cit., IV, 1802, 436, Carolinas. 

Lopharis mediterraneus Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 17, after Forskal. 

Gonenion serra Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 53, Sicily. 

Chromis epicurorum Gronow, Cat., ed. Gray, 1854, 149, Carolinas. 

Sparactodon nalnal De Rochebrune, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1880, 
159, Senegambia. 


Family 1838. RACHYCENTRIDA. The Sergeantfishes 

Genus 746. RACHYCENTRON Kaup. Crab-eaters. 
Rachycentron Kaup, Isis, XIX, 1826, col. 89 (R. typus Kaup). 
Elacate Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss. iF VILL, 1831, 328 
(E. malabarica Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Meladerma Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Amphib., ete., II, 1839, 243 
(M. nigerrima Swainson = Elacate pondicerriana Cuvier and Valen- 

2178. Bees ends canadus (Linnzus). Sergeantfish; Crab-eater; Bonito; 
In all warm seas; Atlantic coast north to Cape Cod; also in Japan and 
the East Indies, if all members of the genus belong to one species. 
Gasterosteus canadus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 491, Carolinas. 
Centronotus gardenii Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 357, 

Centronotus spinosus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. and Phil. Soc., I, 1815, 490, 
New York. 

?Elacate pondicerriana Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
VIII, 1831, 241 (329), Pondicherry. 

?Elacate motta Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 244 (332), Orixa. 

?Elacate malabarica Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 244 (332), 

Elacate atlantica Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 245 (334), Brazil. 

?Elacate bivittata Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 248 (338), Molucea. 

Elacata jolesprnnie Gosse, Nat. Sojourn Jamaica, 1851, 208, Jamaica. 


Genus 747. BATHYCLUPEA Alcock. 
Bathyclupea Alcock, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., VIII, 1891, 130 (B. hoskynii 

2179. Bathyclupea argentea Goode and Bean. 
West Indies, in deep water. 
Bathyclupea argentea Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 190, off 
Nevis Island, West Indies, at Blake station 37 in 365 fathoms. 

Family 185. PERCIDZ. Perches 

Genus 748. PERCA Linneus. River perches. 
Perca Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 289 (P. fluviatilis Linneus). 
Epitrachys Schulze, Jahrsber. Naturw. Ver. Magdeburg, 1889, 209 
(Perca fluviatilis Linnzeus). 

2180. Perca flavescens (Mitchill). Yellow perch; American perch; Ringed 
perch; Raccoon perch; Yellow Ned; River perch; Lake perch. 

Fresh waters of the eastern United States, chiefly northward and 
eastward; abundant in the Great Lakes and in coastwise streams 
from Nova Scotia to North Carolina; common im the tributaries of 
the upper Mississippi, especially in lakes of Indiana, Michigan, 
Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota; unknown from central Ohio 
southwestward; not known from the Ohio River or the lower Missouri. 

Perca americana Schranck, Abh. Privatges. Oberdeutschland, I, 1792, 
100, America; name preoccupied in Morone. 

Morone flavescens Mitchill, Rept. Fish. N. Y., 1814, 18, near New 
York City. 

Centropomus luteus Rafinesque, Précis des Découvertes Somiologiques, 
1814, 19, Pennsylvania. 

Perca notata Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., IT, 1818, 205, Lake Erie. 

Perca serrato-granulata Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
II, 1828, 34 (48), New York. 

Perea granulata Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 35 (48), pl. 9, New 


Perca acuta Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 36 (49), pl. 10, Lake 

hey 0g Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 36 (50), Skaneateles 

e, N. Y. 


Genus 749. STIZOSTEDION * Rafinesque. American pike perches. 
Stizostedion Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 23 (Perca salmonea 
Rafinesque= Perca vitrea Mitchill). 
Stizostethium, attempted correction. 

2181. Stizostedion vitrseum (Mitchill). Walleye; Wall-eyed pike; Pike perch; 
Dory; Glass-eye; Yellow pike; Blue pike; Jack salmon; White-eye; 
Spike (small specimens about 8 inches long, at Maumee Bay, 
Sandusky Bay, Port Clinton, etec.); Pickerel; River trout. 

Great Lakes region, upper Mississippi, north to Assiniboia; east to 
Vermont and Pennsylvania; south to Georgia and Alabama; espe- 
cially common northward. 

eres Mitchill, Am. Month. Mag., II, 1818, 247, Cayuga Lake, 

Lucioperca americana Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 
1828, 90 (122), pl. 16, New York. 

Perca salmonea Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag. III, 1818, 354, Ohio 

2182. Stizostedion glaucum Hubbs. Blue pike. 
Great Lake region. 
Stizostedion glaucum Hubbs, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., Mise. Publ. No. 
15, July 7, 1926. 58, Pl. IV, fig. 1, Lake Erie. 

Genus 750. CYNOPERCA Gill and fordan. 
Cynoperca Gill and Jordan, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 44 (Lucio- 
perca canadensis C. H. Smith, in Griffith’s edition of Cuvier’s Régne 

2183. Cynoperca grisea (DeKay). Sauger; Sand pike; Gray pike; Pickering. 

Great Lakes region and westward to Montana, Tennessee, and Arkansas; 
the common species which varies northward into the next. 

Lupoperts grisea DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 19, New 


Lucioperca borea Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1857, 201, Fort 
Sarpi, Nebr. 

Lucioperca pepinus Estes, in Hallock’s Sportsman’s Gazetteer, 1827, 
322, Lake Pepin. 

2184. Cynoperca canadensis (Smith). Sauger; Sand pike; Gray pike. 
Northeastern North America, from Vermont to the Great Lakes. 
Lucioperca canadensis C. H. Smith, in Griffith’s edition of Cuvier’s 

Régne Anim., Fishes, 1836, 275, Canada. 

Family 186. ETHEOSTOMIDZ  Darters 

We begin this series with the species most nearly related to the Percidz, 
from which the darters are apparently descended. Percina is the 
most primitive genus, and in most respects the highest, the other 
forms being progressively specialized to their life in swift brooks. 
From Percina two lines diverge in different directions; the allies of 
Crystallaria and Vigil to Ammocrypta toward a quiescent life, buried 
in sand; the other through Pecilichthys, Nothonotus and Oligocephalus 
for life in weedy brooks, culminating in Microperca and Alvarius, the 
lowest forms. 

Genus 751. PERCINA Haldeman. Log perches. 
Percina Haldeman, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1842, 330 (P. 
nebulosa Haldeman=Scizna caprodes Rafinesque). 
Pileoma DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 16 (P. semifasciata 
DeKay = Etheostoma caprodes Rafinesque). 

51 The European genus Sander Oken (Lucioperca Cuvier and Valenciennes) differs from Stizostedion in 
the close-set ventrals and the less close approximation of the anal spines. 










Percina caprodes (Rafinesque). Log perch; Rockfish; Hogmolly; Hogfish. 

Great Lakes and streams of the South and West from Quebec to Lake 
Superior, and Iowa. 

Scizna caprodes Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., Vol. II, 1818, 354, 
Ohio River. 

Perca (Percina) nebulosa Haldeman, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 
1842, 330, Susquehanna River. 

Pileoma semifasciatum DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 16, 
pl. 50, fig. 162, Lake Champlain, Westport, N. Y. 

Percina bimaculata Haldeman, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1844, 157, 
Susquehanna River. 

Percina carbonaria (Baird and Girard). 
Streams of Mississippi to the Rio Grande. 
Pileoma carbonaria Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
VI, 1853, 387, Rio Salada; Rio Medina; San Pedro Creek, Tex. 

Percina zebra (Agassiz). Manitou darter. 

Lakes of Michigan, northern Indiana, Wisconsin, and northward to 
Lake Superior; Cayuga Lake Basin. Probably varying into P. 

Pileoma zebra Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 308, Lake Superior. 

Percina manitou Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXIX, 1877, 53, 
Lake Manitou, Ind. 

Percina rex (Jordan and Evermann). 
Roanoke River, Va. One of the largest and most imposing of the 
Etheostoma rex Jordan and Evermann, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XI, 1888, 
357, Pl. XLV, fig. 9, Roanoke River near Roanoke, Va. 

Genus 752. HADROPTERUS Agassiz. Black-sided darters. 
Hadropterus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 305 (H. nigro- 
fasciatus Agassiz). 

Hadropterus nigrofasciatus Agassiz. Crawl-a-bottom. 
South Carolina to Louisiana. 
Hadropterus nigrofasciatus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 
305, Mobile, Ala. 
Alvordius spillmani Hay, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 491, Chicka- 
sawha River, Miss. 

Genus 753. ALVORDIUS Girard. 
Alvordius Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 68 (A. macu- 
latus Girard). 

Alvordius maculatus Girard. Black-sided darter. 

Great Lakes region to the middle Missouri and north to Minnesota, 
southward through Missouri, Indiana, and Kentucky to Arkansas; 
especially common in the Ohio Valley. 

Alvordius maculatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 68, 
Fort Gratiot, Mich, 

Alvordius aspro Cope and Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXIX, 
1877, 51, White River, Indianapolis, Ind.; substitute for Etheostoma 
blennioides of Kirtland, not of Rafinesque; perhaps distinct from A. 
maculatus which, if correctly described, has not been found later. 

Alvordius guntheri (Eigenmann and Eigenmann). Guiinther’s darter. 
Winnipeg south to Iowa. 
Etheostoma giintheri Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Amer. Nat., November, 
1892, 962, Souris River, Winnipeg. 

Alvordius peltatus (Stauffer). Shielded darter. 

Southeastern Pennsylvania, southward to South Carolina in coastwise 

Hadropterus maculatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 
100, tributary of Potomac River, Md.; name preoccupied. 

Etheostoma peltatum Stauffer, in Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
XVI, 1864, 233, Conestoga Creek, near Lancaster, Pa. 

Etheostoma nevisense Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 261, falls 
of Neuse River, N. C. 

Alvordius crassus Jordan and Brayton, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1878, 12, near Greenville, S. C. 













Alvordius sellaris (Radcliffe and Welch). Maryland darter. 
Streams of Maryland. 
Hadropterus sellaris Radcliffe and Welch, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XXXII, 
1912, 31, Swan Creek, Havre de Grace, Md. 

Alvordius ouachitz (Jordan and Gilbert). Ouachita darter. 

Southern Indiana, western Kentucky, southwest to Arkansas, not rare; 
known from Patoka River, Ind.; lower Green and Obion Rivers, 
Kentucky and Tennessee; Saline River, Ark. 

Etheostoma (Hadropterus) owachite Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., X, 1887, 49, Saline River, Benton, Ark., a tributary of the 

Alvordius maxinkuckiensis (Evermann). Mazxinkuckee darter. 
Lake Maxinkuckee, Ind. 
Hadropterus maxinkuckiensis Evermann, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XXV, 
1899 (1900), 366, pl. 17, fig. 2, Aubeenaubee Creek, an eastern tribu- 
tary to Lake Maxinkuckee, Ind. 

Alvordius evermanni (Moenkhaus). Hvermann’s darter. 
Lake Tippecanoe, Ind. 
Hadropterus evermanni Moenkhaus, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XXII, 
1902 (1904), 397, with figure on p. 398, Tippecanoe Lake, Ind. 

Alvordius roanoka (Jordan and Jenkins). 
Roanoke River, Va. 
Hadropterus roanoka Jordan and Jenkins, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, 
1888, 358, Roanoke River at Roanoke, Salem, and Allegheny Springs, 

Alvordius macrocephalus (Cope). Big-headed darter. 

West slope of the Alleghenies from Pennsylvania southward in mountain 
streams; known from Youghiogheny River, Pa.; North Fork of 
Holston River, Saltville, Va.; Middle Fork of Holston River, Glade 
Spring, Va.; Big Sandy, upper Green, and Cumberland Rivers, Ky.; 
Clinch River, Tenn. 

Etheostoma macrocephalum Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1869, 
400, Youghiogheny River, Pa. 

Alvordius phoxocephalus (Nelson). 
Ohio to Iowa, south to Kentucky and Oklahoma, in sandy rivers; 
locally common. 
Etheostoma phoxocephalum Nelson, Bull. Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., I, 1876, 
35, Illinois River and its tributaries. 

Genus 754. SERRARIA Gilbert. 
Serraria Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 205 (Hadropterus 
scierus Swain). 

Serraria sciera (Swain). Northern Indiana to Tennessee and Texas. 
Hadropterus scierus Swain, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 252, Bean 
Blossom Creek, Monroe County, Ind. 

Serraria serrula (Jordan and Gilbert). 
From southern Arkansas southward through eastern Texas. 
Hadropterus scierus serrula Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1X, 1886, 16, Red River, Fulton, Ark. 

Genus 755. ERICOSMA Jordan and Copeland. 
Ericosma Jordan and Copeland, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 8 
(Alvordius evides Jordan and Copeland). 

Ericosma evides (Jordan and Copeland). 

Indiana in the Wabash Basin, west to Cedar River, Iowa, and south- 
ward in Arkansas, Kentucky, and Tennessee; French Broad River 
and the Ozark region. 

Alvordius evides Jordan and Copeland, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
X XIX, 1877, 51, White River near Indianapolis, Ind. 

Genus 756. HYPOHOMUS Cope. 
Hypohomus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XI, 1870, 449 (Cotto- 
gaster aurantiacus Cope). 


2203. Hypohomus aurantiacus (Cope). 
Upper Tennessee Basin; North Fork of Holston, Clinch, Watauga, 
and French Broad Rivers. 
Cottogaster aurantiacus Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1869, 
211, North Fork of Holston River, Saltville, Va. 

2204. Hypohomus cymatotznia (Gilbert and Meek). 
Western Kentucky and southern Missouri. 
Etheostoma (Hadropterus) cymatotenia Gilbert and Meek, Proc. U. S. 
Nat. Mus., X, 1887, 51, Niangua River and Osage Fork of the Gas- 
conade near Marshfield, Mo.; Sac River near Greenfield, Mo. 

2205. Hypohomus niangue (Gilbert and Meek). Niangua darter. 
Niangua River, Ozark region of Missouri. 
Etheostoma (Hadropterus) niangue Gilbert and Meek, Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., X, 1887, 52, Niangua River near Marshfield, Mo. 

2206. Hypohomus spilotus (Gilbert). 
Kentucky River. 
Etheostoma nianguz spilotum Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1887, 
53, Sturgeon Creek, a tributary of Kentucky River near Travelers 
Rest, Owsley County, Ky. 

Genus 757. SWAINIA Jordan and Evermann. 
Swainia Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
1040 (Etheostoma (Hadropterus) squamatus Gilbert and Swain). 

2207. Swainia squamata (Gilbert and Swain). 
Upper Tennessee River Basin; known from Watauga and French 
Broad Rivers. 
Etheostoma (Hadropterus) squamatus Gilbert and Swain, Proc. U. S. 
ae Mus., X, 1887, 50, French Broad River at mouth of Wolf Creek, 

Genus 758. COTTOGASTER Putnam. 

Cottogaster Putnam, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., I, 1863, 4 (Boleosoma 
tessellatum Thompson; not of DeKay=Collogaster putnami Jordan 
and Gilbert). 

Rheocrypta Jordan, Bull. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 9 (R. copelandi 

2208. Cottogaster copelandi (Jordan). Copeland’s darter. 

Great Lakes region, south to the Black Warrior, westward to Missouri 
and through the Ozark region, where it is abundant; also about 
Indianapolis in clear brooks. 

Rheocrypta copelandi Jordan, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 9, White 
River near Indianapolis, Ind. 

2209. Cottogaster putnami (Jordan and Gilbert). Putnam’s darter. 
Lake Champlain. 
Cottogaster putnami Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, 1883, 498, Westport 
Brook, Lake Champlain, N. Y. Probably intergrades with C. 

2210. Cottogaster uranidea (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Lower Wabash Basin to southern Missouri, south through Arkansas 
and Alabama to the Escambia; mostly in sandy lowland streams. 
Etheostoma (Coitogaster) uranidea Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., X, 1887, 48, Washita River, Arkadelphia, Ark. 

Genus 759. IMOSTOMA Jordan. 
Imostoma Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X XIX, 1877, 49 (Ha- 
dropterus shumardi Girard). 

2211. Imostoma shumardi (Girard). Shuwmard’s darter. 
Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois southward to Kentucky and 
Arkansas. : 
Hadropterus shumardi Girard, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 
100, Arkansas River near Fort Smith, Ark. 
Etheostoma wrighti McCormick, Bull. Oberlin College Lab., No. 2, 
1891, 30, near Oberlin, Ohio. 



2212. Imostoma gilberti (Evermann and Thoburn). Giulbert’s darter. 
Clinch River, Tenn. 
Ulocentra gilberti Evermann and Thoburn in Jordan and Evermann, 
Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 1049, Clinch River at Walker’s 
ford near Tazewell, Tenn. 

2213. Imostoma meadiz (Jordan and Evermann). Meadie’s darter. 
Indian Creek, Powell River basin, eastern Tennessee. 
Ulocentra meadiz Jordan and. Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
Nov. 26, 1898, 2852, Indian Creek, Cumberland Gap, Tenn. 

2214. Imostoma longimane (Jordan). 
Basin of James River, Va. 
Etheostoma longimana Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XL, 1888, 
179, tributary of James River, Va. 

2215. Imostoma cheneyi (Evermann and Kendall). Cheney’s darter. 
Racket River near Norfolk, St. Lawrence County, N. Y. 
Cottogaster cheneyi Evermann and Kendall, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., 
XVII, 1897 (Feb. 9, 1898), 129, pl. 8, fig. 8, Racket River, near 
Norfolk, N. Y. 

2216. Imostoma podostemone (Jordan and Jenkins). 

Roanoke River Basin, Va. 

Etheostoma podostemone Jordan and Jenkins, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
XI, 1888, 359, Roanoke River, at Roanoke, Salem, and Allegheny 
Springs, Va. 

Genus 760. ETHEOSTOMA Rafinesque. 

Etheostoma Rafinesque, Jour. Phys., etc., 1819, 419 (H. blennioides 
Rafinesque, as restricted by code). 

Diplesion Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 37 (Etheostoma blennioides 

Hyostoma Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci., XVII, 1854, 305 (H. newmani 
Agassiz = Etheostoma blennioides Rafinesque). 

2217. Ethoestoma blennioides Rafinesque. Green-sided darter. 

New York to South Dakota and Kansas, south to lower Alabama 
Basin; a beautiful fish. 

Etheostoma blennioides Rafinesque, Jour. de Physique, LX XXVIII, 
1819, 419, Ohio River. 

Hyostoma newmani Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. and Arts, X, VII, 1854, 
305, vicinity of Huntsville, Ala. 

Pileoma cymatogramma Abbott, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 1860, 
327, no locality. 

Hyostoma blennioperca Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 
215, tributaries of Kanawha and Holston Rivers. 

Genus 761. ULOCENTRA Jordan. 
Ulocentra Jordan, Man. Vertebrates, ed. 2, 1878, 223 (Arlina atripinnis 
Jordan=Hyostoma simoterum Cope). 

2218. Ulocentra simotera (Cope). 

West Virginia, eastern Kentucky, and Tennessee, in the basins of the 
Green, Cumberland, and Tennessee Rivers, southward through 
Alabama to the Escambia River. 

Hyostoma simoterum Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 215, 
Holston River and its tributaries, near Nashville, Tenn. 

Arlina atripinnis Jordan, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 10, tributary 
of Cumberland River near Nashville, Tenn. 

?Etheostoma duryi Henshall, Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Hist., 1889, 32, 
tributary of Tennessee River. 

2219. Ulocentra histrio (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Southern Indiana, southwestward to Arkansas; known from the lower 
Wabash and tributaries; also from Green River, Ky., and Black, 
Poteau, and Washita Rivers, Ark. 
Etheostoma (Ulocentra) histrio Jordan and Gilbert, Proce. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., X, 1887, 47, Poteau River near Hackett City, Ark.; Saline 
River at Benton, and Washita River at Arkadelphia, Ark. 











Ulocentra blennius (Gilbert and Swain). 
Northern Alabama, in streams tributary to the Tennessee River. 
Etheostoma (Rhotheca) blennius Gilbert and Swain, Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., X, 1887, 55, Cox Creek and Shoal Creek, tributary to Tennessee 
River, Florence, Ala. 

Ulocentra verecunda (Jordan and Evermann). 
Tributaries of Holston River, Va.; rare. 
Etheostoma verecundum Jordan and Evermann, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
XI, 1888, 360, Pl. XLV, fig. 12, Middle Fork of the Holston River, 
about 5 miles south of Glade Spring, Va. 

Ulocentra phlox (Cope). 
Trinity River, Tex. 
Boleosoma phlox Cope, Bull. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XVII, 1880, 30, Trinity 
River at Fort Worth, Tex. 

Ulocentra stigmza (Jordan). Speck. 

Tennessee and Arkansas to Georgia and Louisiana. 

Boleosoma stigmzum Jordan, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1876 
(1877), 311, small tributaries of Etowah and Oostanaula Rivers near 
Rome, Ga. 

Pecilichthys saxatilis Hay, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 495, stream 
at Enterprise, Miss. 

Genus 762. BOLEOSOMA DeKay. Tessellated darters. 
Boleosoma DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 20 (B. tessellatum 
De Kay = Etheostoma olmstedi Storer). 
Arlina Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1859, 64 (A. effulgens 
Estrella Girard, loc. cit., 65 (E. atromaculata Girard). 

Boleosoma olmstedi (Storer). Tessellated darter; Grand Oranchee darter; 

Sand darter. 

Lake Ontario to Massachusetts and south to North Carolina, east of the 

Etheostoma olmstedi Storer, Jour., Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., IV, 1842, 61, 
pl. 5, fig. 2, Hartford, Conn. 

Perca minima Haldeman, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1842, 330, 
Susquehanna River. 

Boleosoma’ tassellatuum DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 20, 
pl. 20, fig. 57; New York fresh-water streams. 

Estrella atromaculata Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 66, 
Potomac River, vicinity of Washington, D. C. 

?Boleosoma xsopus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 270, Loy- 
alsoc Creek, Pa. 

Boleosoma nigrum (Rafinesque). Johnny darter; Blind simon. 

Eastern United States, Ohio Valley, Great Lakes region, and upper 
Mississippi, west to Colorado and north to Manitoba. 

Etheostoma nigra Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 37, Green River, Ky. 

Boleosoma maculatum Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 305, Lake Superior. 

Boleosoma olmstedi brevipinnis Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 
1868, 214, Kiskiminitas River, Pa. 

Pecilichthys beani Jordan, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 479, 
Tabo Creek, Mo. 

Boleosoma effulgens (Girard). Tassellated darter. 
Maryland to North Carolina. 
Arlina effulgens Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 65, 
brooks and streams flowing into Potomac River. 

Boleosoma mese#um (Cope). 
Platte River near Fort Kearney, Nebr. 
Pecilichthys mesxus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 232, 
Platte River near Fort Kearney, Nebr. 

Boleosoma maculaticeps Cope. 
Upper waters of Catawba River, N. C. ~ 
Boleosoma maculaticeps Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 269, 
upper waters of Catawba River, N. C. 


2229. Boleosoma vexillare Jordan. 
Tributaries of the James, Roanoke, and Rappahannock Rivers. 
Boleosoma vexillare Jordan, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 235, Rappa- 
hannock River at Warrenton, Va. 

2230. Boleosoma susanz Jordan and Swain. Swusan’s darter. 
Basin of upper Cumberland River, Ky. 
Boleosoma susane Jordan and Swain, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI., 1883, 
249, Wolf Creek and other tributaries of the Clear Fork of Cumber- 
land River near Pleasant View, Whitley County, Ky. 

Genus 763. VAILLANTIA Jordan. 
Vaillantia Jordan, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, 1878, 89 (Boleosoma 
camurum Forbes). 

2231. Vaillantia camura (Forbes). 

Indiana to Iowa and Mississippi, southwest to Houston, Tex. 

Boleosoma camurum Forbes, Bull. Il. Lab. Nat. Hist., I, 1878, 40, 
Cache River and Clear Creek, Union County, Johnston County, 
and Pekin, Il].; name preoccupied in Nothonotus but not in Boleosoma 
or Vaillantia, 

Vaillantia chlorosoma Hay, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 495, 

Genus 764. CRYSTALLARIA Jordan and Gilbert. 

Crystallaria Jordan and Gilbert, in Jordan, Cat. Fishes N. Amer., 

1885, 78 (Pleurolepis asprellus Jordan). 

2232. Crystallaria asprella (Jordan). 

Southern Indiana and Illinois to Arkansas and Alabama, chiefly in the 
larger, clearer streams. Recorded from Ohio River at Rising Sun, 
Ind.; Wabash River at New Harmony, Vincennes, and Terre Haute; 
Green River, Ky.; Choccolo Creek, Ala.; and Washita River, Ark.; 
besides the original locality in Illinois. 

Pleurolepis asprellus Jordan, Bull. Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., I, 1878, No. 2, 
38, 1878, rocky tributary of Mississippi River in Hancock County, II. 

Genus 765. VIGIL Jordan. 

Pleurolepis (Agassiz) Putnam, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., I, 18638, 5 
(Etheostoma pellucidum (Baird) Agassiz; name preoccupied by 
Egerton for a genus of fossil fishes. 

Vigil Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXX, 1918 (1919), 344 
(Pleurolepis pellucidus Agassiz). 

2233. Vigil pellucidus (Baird). Sand darter. 
Lake Erie to Minnesota, Kentucky, and Texas. 
Pleurolepis pellucidus Baird, in Agassiz, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., I, 
1863, 5, no locality; the specimens from Black River, Ohio, the types 
of Etheostoma pellucidum Baird (MS., 1853). 

2234. Vigil clarus (Jordan and Meek). 
Mississippi Valley; Wabash River, west to central Iowa and Minnesota, 
and south to Arkansas and northern Texas. 
Ammocrypta clara Jordan and Meek, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VIII, 
1885, 8, Des Moines River, Ottumwa, Iowa. 
2235. Vigil vivax (Hay). 
Mississippi and northwest through Arkansas and south to Texas. 
Ammocrypta vivax Hay, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., II, 1882, (1883), 58, 
Pearl River, Jackson, Miss. 
Genus 766. IOA Jordan and Brayton. 
Ioa Jordan and Brayton, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 1878, 88 (Peci- 
lichthys vitreus Cope). 

2236. Ioa vitrea (Cope). 
Southeastern Virginia and western North Carolina. 
Pecilichthys vitreus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XI, 1870, 263, 
Walnut Creek, a tributary of Neuse River, Wake County, N. ¢C. 
2237. Ioa vigil Hay. 
Pearl River, Jackson, Miss. 

Toa vigil Hay, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., II, 1882 (1883), 59, Pearl River, 
Jackson, Miss. 


Genus 767. AMMOCRYPTA Jordan. Sand darters. 
Ammocrypta Jordan, Bull. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 5 (A. beaniit 
Jordan). i 

2238. Ammocrypta beanii Jordan. 
Gulf States, Alabama to Louisiana. 
Ammocrypta beanii Jordan, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 5, Notalbany 
River, Tickfaw, La. 
Ammocrypta gelida Hay, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., ITI, 1880, 490, Enter- 
prise, Miss. 

Genus 768. PQQCILICHTHYS Agassiz. 
Pecilosoma Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 299 (Etheostoma variata 
Kirtland); name preoccupied. 
Pecilichthys Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, X VII, 1854, 305 (Etheostoma 
variata Kirtland). 

2239. Pecilichthys variatus (Kirtland). 
Ohio River Basin, from western Pennsylvania to Kentucky; scarce. 
Long confused with Oligocephalus cxruleus. 
Etheostoma variata Kirtland, Zoology of Ohio, 1838, 168, 192, Mahoning 
River, Ohio. 
Hadropterus tessellatus Jordan, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 7, 
Allegheny River, Foxburg, Pa. 

Genus 769. NANOSTOMA Putnam. Ts. 
Nanostoma Putnam, in Jordan, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 6 
(Pecilichthys zonalis Cope) ; not Nannostomus Giinther). 
Rhotheca Jordan, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIII, 1885 (1887), 868, 
80 of reprint issued 1885; substitute for Nanostoma Putnam, regarded 
as preoccupied by Nannosiomus Giinther. 

2240. Nanostoma zonale (Cope). Banded darter. 

Mississippi Valley from Ohio and northern Indiana (Kankakee River) 
west through Iowa and south through Kentucky and Tennessee 
into Alabama, Louisiana, and Arkansas. 

Pecilichthys zonalis Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 212, 
Holston River, Va. 

Nanostoma vinctipes Jordan, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 236, 
tributary of Mlinois River at Naperville, Ill. 

2241. Nanostoma arcansanum (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Ozark region of Missouri and Arkansas. 
Etheostoma zonale arcansanum Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., IX, 1886, 5, Spring River, Carthage, Mo.; James River, 
Marshfield, Mo.; Poteau River, Hackett City, ” Ark.; Washita 
River, Arkadelphia, Ark., and Saline River, Benton, Ark, 

2242. Nanostoma swannanoa (Jordan and Evermann). 
Upper waters of the Tennessee River. 
Etheostoma swannanoa Jordan and Evermann, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
XI, 1888, 360, Pl. XLV, fig. 13, South Fork of Holston River, Hol- 
stein Mills, Va.: : Middle Fork of Holston River, Marion, Va. and 
South Fork of Swannanoa Riv er, Black Mountain, No, 

2243. Nanostoma elegans (Hay). 
Chickasawha River, Miss. 
Nanostoma elegans Hay, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 493, shallow 
rocky branch of Chickasawha River, Enterprise, Miss. 

2244. Nanostoma thelassinum (Jordan and Brayton). 
Santee River Basin in North and South Carolina. 
Nothonotus thalassinus Jordan and Brayton, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
XII, 1878, 13, Reedy River, Greenville, s. C.; Catawba River and 
tributaries in North ‘Carolina; Ennoree River, ‘Chick Springs, S. C.; 
and Saluda River, Farr’s Mill, S.-C. 

2245. Nanostoma inscriptum (Jordan and Brayton). 
Oconee River, Ga. 
Nothonotus inscriptus Jordan and Brayton, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1878, 34, Oconee River, Sulphur Springs, Hall County, Ga. 


2246. Nanostoma rupestre (Gilbert and Swain). 
North River, a tributary of Black Warrior River, Ala. 
Etheostoma (Rhotheca) rupestre Gilbert and Swain, Proce. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., X, 1887, 57, North River near Tuscaloosa, Ala. 

Genus 770. NOTHONOTUS Agassiz. 
Nothonotus Agassiz, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., I, 1863, 3 (Hiheostoma 
maculata Kirtland). 

2247. Nothonotus maculatus Kirtland. 

Ohio and Indiana, southward through Kentucky and Tennessee to 
northern Alabama, in tributaries of the Wabash, Ohio, Cumberland, 
and Tennessee Rivers. 

Etheostoma maculata Kirtland, Jour. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1840, 276, 
Mahoning River, Ohio. 

Pecilichthys sanguifluus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XI, 1870, 
264, headwaters of the South Fork of the Cumberland River in 

2248. Nothonotus camurus (Cope). Blwe-breasted darter. 
Lake Erie to Tennessee, in clear, swift waters; not common; the most 
br‘lliantly colored of fresh-water fishes. 
Pecilichthys camurus Cope, Proe. Amer Phil. Soc. Phila., XI, 1870, 
265, headwaters of Cumberland River in Tennessee. 

2249. Nothonotus vulneratus (Cope). 
French Broad River. 
Pecilichthys vulneratus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XI, 1870, 
266, tributary of French Broad River, Warm Springs, N. C 

2250. Nothonotus cinereus (Storer). 
Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers; Tennessee River at Florence, Ala.; 
Obeys River at Olympus, Tenn.; Rock Creek near Whitley Station, 
Etheostoma cinerea Storer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., II, 1845, 49, 
Florence, Ala. 

2251. Nothonotus tessellatus (Storer). Tessellated darter. 
Florence, Ala. i 
Etheostoma tessellata Storer, Proc., Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., II, 1845, 48, 
Tennessee River at Florence, Ala. (Not Boleosoma tessellatum DeKay). 

2252. Nothonotus rufilineatus (Cope). 
Upper tr’butaries of the Tennessee, Cumberland, and Green Rivers. 
Pecilichthys rufilineatus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 267, 
Warm Springs Creek, French Broad River, Madison County, N. C. 

2253. Nothonotus jordani (Gilbert). Jordan’s darter. 
Tributaries of Coosa River in the Alabama River Basin. 
Etheostoma (Nothonotus) jordani Gilbert, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., I, 
1889 (1891), 156, pl. 43, fig. 3, Choccolo Creek, Oxford, Ala., and 
Chestnut Creek, Verbena, Ala. 

Genus 771. RAFINESQUIELLUS Jordan and Evermann. 

Aplesion Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 102 (A. pottsiz 
Girard); not of Rafinesque. 

Rafinesquiellus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1896, 1082 (A plesion pottsii Girard). 

2254. Rafinesquiellus pottsii (Girard). 

Streams of Chihuahua, Mexico, in Rio Grande Basin. 

Aplesion pottsti (misprinted potsii) Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Phila., XI, 1859, 102, tributaries of Chihuahua River, Mexico. 

Etheostoma micropterus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 289, 
Chihuahua, Mexico. 

Genus 772. OLIGOCEPHALUS Girard. 

Oligocephalus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 67 (Bo- 
leosoma lepida Baird and Girard). 











Oligocephalus czruleus (Storer). Blue darter; Rainbow darter; 

Soldierfish; Blue johnny. 

Upper Mississippi Valley, from Kentucky to Michigan and east to 
New York. 

Etheostoma cxrulea Storer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., II, 1845, 47, 
Fox River, Ill. 

Pecilosoma erythrogastrum Kirtland, Cleveland Annals Sci., 1854, 4, 
near Cleveland, Ohio. 

Se ehilais versicolor Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, 1854, 304, Quincy, 

Pecilichthys spectabilis Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, 1854, 304, Osage 
River, Mo. 

Pecilosoma transversum Abbott, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 
1860, 326, Lake Superior. 

Oligocephalus lepidus (Baird and Girard). 

Streams of Arkansas, Texas, and Chihuahua; perhaps more than one 
species included. 

Boleosoma lepida Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 
1853, 388, upper tributaries of the Rio Nueces, Tex. 

Oligocephalus grahami Girard, loc. cit., XI, 1859, 102, Devil River, Tex. 

Oiigocephalus leonensis Girard, loe. cit., 102, Leon River, Tex. 

Oligocephalus pulchellus Girard, loc. cit., 102, Gypsum Creek, a tributary 
to the Canadian River. 

Oligocephalus fricksia (Hildebrand). 
Tributaries of Savannah River. 
Etheostoma fricksia Hildebrand, Bull. U. 8S. Bur. Fish., X XIX, 1924, 
7, Brook near Augusta, Ga. 

Oligocephalus iowe (Jordan and Meek). 
Upper Mississippi Valley, from Iowa, Nebraska, and Colorado north to 
Assiniboia; abundant and widely distributed. 
Etheostoma iowe Jordan and Meek, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 
10, Chariton River, Chariton, Towa. 
Etheostoma quappella Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Amer. Nat., 1892, 
963, Qu’Apelle River, Manitoba. 

Oligocephalus aubeenaubei (Evermann). Awubeenaubee darter. 
Aubeenaubee Creek, an eastern inlet to Lake Maxinkuckee, Ind. 
Etheostoma aubeenaubei Evermann, Rept., U.S. Fish Com., XXV, 1899 
(1900), 367, Aubeenaubee Creek, Lake Maxinkuckee, Ind. 

Oligocephalus hildebrandti ‘oe and Clark). 
Fletcher Lake, Fulton Co., 
Etheostoma hildebrandti elcmeaiie and Clark, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 
XXIII, May 4, 1910, 81-88, fig. 1, Fletcher’ Lake, Fulton Co., Ind. 

Oligocephalus jessie (Jordan and Brayton). Jessie’s darter. 

Southern Illinois to Georgia and Mississippi. 

Pecilichthys jessiz Jordan and Brayton, in Jordan, Man. Vert., ed. 2, 
1878, 227; creek near Ringgold, Ga. 

Pacilichthys asprigenis Forbes, Bull. Il. Lab. Nat. Hist., I, No. 2, 1877, 
41, small creek at Pekin, Ill. 

Pacilichthys swaini Jordan, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 479, 
tributary of Pearl River, "Monticello, Miss. 

Oligocephalus luteovinctus (Gilbert and Swain). 
Stone River, Tenn. 
Etheostoma luteovinctum Gilbert and Swain, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 
1887, 58, Stone River near Nashville, Tenn. 

Genus 773, NIVICOLA Jordan and Evermann, 
Nivicola Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
1082 (Pecilichthys borealis Jordan). 

Nivicola borealis (Jordan). Northern darter. 
St. Lawrence River at Montreal, Canada, and Muskoka Lakes near 
Lake Huron. 
Pecilichthys borealis Jordan, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 477, 
Montreal, Canada. 


2264. Nivicola cragini (Gilbert). Cragin’s darter. 
Western portion of the Arkansas River Basin, from Garden City, Kans., 
to Canyon City, Colo. 
Etheostoma cragini 'Gilbert, Bull. Washburn Coll. Lab., March and April, 
1885, 99, small stream connecting the “Lake” at Garden City, Kans., 
with Arkansas River. 

2265. Nivicola punctulata (Agassiz). 
Ozark region of southwestern Missouri. 
Pecilichthys punctulatus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 
304, Osage River, Mo. 

2266. Nivicola pagei (Meek). 
Tributary of Neosho River, Arkansas Basin. 
Etheostoma pagei Meek, Amer. Nat., 1894, 957, Neosho, Mo.; only two 
specimens known. 

2267. Nivicola artesize (Hay). 
Georgia to central Texas. 
Pecilichthys artesie Hay, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 494, from a 
small branch of Catawba River, Artesia, Lowndes County, Miss. 

2268. Nivicola lepidogenys (Evermann and Kendall). 
Rio Comal, Tex. 
Etheostoma lepidogenys Evermann and Kendall, Bull. U. 8. Fish. Com., 
ae 1892 (Feb. 6, 1894), 114, pl. 35, fig. 3, Rio Comal, New Braunfels, 

2269. Nivicola virgata (Jordan). 
Tributaries of Cumberland River in western Kentucky. 
Pecilichthys virgatus Jordan, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 236, 
Rock Castle River, Livingston, Ky. 

2270. Nivicola obeyense (Kirsch). 
Tributaries of the Cumberland River in Clinton County, Ky. 
Etheostoma obeyense Kirsch, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., X, 1890 (1302), 292, 
with figure; all streams tributary to the Cumberland River in Clinton 
County, Ky. 

2271. Nivicola tippecanoe (Jordan and Evermann). 
Tippecanoe River, Ind. 
Etheostoma tippecanoe Jordan and Evermann, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
XIII, 1890, 3 (with a figure of Etheostoma camurum by error of 
printer), Tippecanoe River, Marshland, Ind. 

Genus 774. CLARICOLA Jordan and Evermann. 
- Claricola Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
1093 (Etheostoma juliz Meek). 

2272. Claricola julie (Meek). Julia’s darter. 
Basin of White River, Mo. 
Etheostoma julie Meek, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., TX, 1889 (1891), 130, 
pl. 42, fig. 2, James River, near Springfield, Mo. 

2273. Claricola whipplii (Girard). Whipple's darter. 
Lower Arkansas Basin; locally abundant in clear tributaries of the 
Saline, Washita, etc. 
Boleichthys whipplii Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 103, 
Coal Creek, Ark. 

2274. Claricola alabame (Gilbert and Swain). Alabama darter. 
Black Warrior and Big Catawba Rivers, Ala. 
Etheostoma whipplei alabame Gilbert and Swain, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
X, 1887, 62, Black Warrior River near Morris and Tuscaloosa, Ala. 

2275. Claricola squamiceps (Jordan). 

Lower Wabash Valley, Ind., through western Kentucky and Tennessee 
to Georgia and western Florida. A peculiar species resembling 
Catonotus; perhaps not a Claricola. 

Etheostoma squamiceps Jordan, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 11, 
Russellville, Ky. 

Etheostoma parvipinne Gilbert and Swain, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., X, 
1887, 59, small spring branch, tributary to Black Warrior River, 
Tuscaloosa, Ala. 


Genus 775. CATONOTUS Agassiz. Fantail darters. 

Catonotus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, X VII, 1854, 305 (C. lineolatus 

Etheostoma Rafinesque, as restricted by Cope and Jordan. 

Richia Coker, Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish., XLII, 1926, 105, 106; R. brevispina 
Coker, preoccupied by Richia, a genus of moths. 

Richiella Coker, Copeia, No. 162, March, 1927, 17, substitute for Richia, 

2276. Catonotus flabellaris (Rafinesque). Fan-tailed darter. 

New York to Virginia, west to Iowa and south to South Carolina and 
northern Alabama. 

Etheostoma flabellaris Rafinesque, Jour. de Physique, LX XXVIII, 1819, 
419, tributaries of Ohio River. 

Etheostoma flabellata Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 36, Ohio River. 

Etheostoma fontinalis Rafinesque, loc. cit., 85, Ohio River. 

Etheostoma linsleyi Storer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., IV, 1851, 37, 
Wolcott, Wayne County, N. Y. 

Oligocephalus humeralis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 
67, James River, Va. 

Catonotus fasciatus Girard, loc. cit., 68, Madrid, N. Y., and Grass River. 

Catonotus kennicotti Putnam, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., I, 1863, 3, 
southern Illinois. 

Richia brevispina Coker, Bull. U. 8S. Bur. Fish., XLII, March, 1927, 
106, fig. 1, Paddys Creek, N. C. 

2277. Catonotus flabellare lineolatum (Agassiz). 
Minnesota to northern Indiana and northern Missouri. 
Catonotus lineolatus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 305, 
~ small creek near Quincy, III. 

2278. Catonotus flabellare cumberlandicum (Jordan and Swain). Cumber- 
land darter. 
Brooks in Cumberland Mountains tributary to Cumberland River. 
Etheostoma cumberlandicum Jordan and Swain, Proc., U. S. Nat. Mus., 
VI, 1883, 251, small streams of the Cumberland Mountains; Wolf 
Creek and Briar Creek near Pleasant View, Whitley County, Ky. 

Genus 776. TORRENTARIA Jordan and Evermann. 
Torrentaria Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
1080 (Etheostoma sagitta Jordan and Swain). 

2279. Torrentaria sagitta (Jordan and Swain). 
Cumberland River. 
Pecilichthys sagitta Jordan and Swain, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 
1883, 250, Wolf Creek, near Pleasant View, Whitley County, Ky. 

2280. Torrentaria fasciata (Girard). ; 

Chihuahua River, Mexico, in Rio Grande Basin. 

Diplesion fasciatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 101, 
thihuahua River, Mexico; the name preoccupied in Etheostoma, not 
in T'orrentaria. 

Etheostoma australe Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XI, 1888, 362, 
ae River, Mexico; based on the types of Diplesion fasciatus 


Etheostoma scovellii Woolman, Amer. Nat., March, 1892, 260, Rio de 
las Conchas, Chihuahua, Mexico. 

Genus 777. PSYCHROMASTER Jordan and Evermann. 
Psychromaster Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1896, 1099 (Etheostoma tuscumbia Gilbert and Swain). 

2281. Psychromaster tuscumbia (Gilbert and Swain). Tuscumbia darter. 
Tennessee River Basin in northern Alabama. 
Etheostoma tuscumbia Gilbert and Swain, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 
1887, 63, stream flowing from the large spring at Tuscumbia, Ala. 

Genus 778. BOLEICHTHYS Girard. 
Boleichthys Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 103 (Boleich- 
thys exilis Girard). 











Boleichthys fusiformis (Girard). Fusiform darter. 
Massachusetts and south in coastwise streams. 
Boleosoma fusiforme Girard, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., IV, 1854, 41, 
Charles River, Mass. 
Hololepis erochrous Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 233, 
Brown’s Mill, N. J., opposite Philadelphia. 

Boleichthys gracilis (Girard). Crimson darter. 

Southern Indiana to Georgia and Texas; perhaps more than one species 
included; perhaps varying into the preceding. 

Boleosoma gracile Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 103, 
Rio Seco and Leona River, Tex. 

Pecilichthys butlerianus Hay, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., II, 1882, 61, Big 
Black River near Vaughns station, Yazoo County, Miss. 

Pecilichthys palustris Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 209, 
Switz City Swamp, Greene County, Ind. 

Boleichthys eos (Jordan and Copeland). 
New York to Minnesota. 
Boleichthys eos Jordan and Copeland, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
XXIX, 1877, 46, Wisconsin and Rock Rivers, Wis.; Fox River, IIL; 
northern Indiana. 

Boleichthys exilis Girard. 
Upper Missouri River Basin and Red River of the North. 
Boleichthys exilis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 103, 
Little Muddy River, a tributary of the upper Missouri. 
Boleichthys warrent Girard, loc. cit., 104, Cannonball River. 

Genus 779. HOLOLEPIS Agassiz. 
Hololepis Agassiz, in Putnam, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., I, 1863, 4 
(Etheostoma barrati Holbrook). 
Copelandellus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1896, 1100 (Pecilichthys quiescens Jordan). 

Hololepis barratti Holbrook. 

Swamps and streams of the lowlands from Virginia to Florida; known 
from Blackwater River, Zuni, Va.; Allapaha River, Nashville, Ga.; 
and various streams in Florida and South Carolina. 

Hololepis barratti Holbrook, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., III, 1855, 56, 
South Carolina. 

Pecilichthys quiescens Jordan, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 478, 
tributary of Allaphaha River, Nashville, Ga. 

Genus 780. MICROPERCA Putnam. 
Microperca Putnam, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., I, 1863, 4 (M. punctulata 

Microperca punctulata Putnam. Least darter. 

Northwestern States; Indiana, Michigan, and Minnesota, south to 
Arkansas; rare outside of tributaries of the Great Lakes. 

Microperca punctulata Putnam, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., I, 1863, 4, 
various points in Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Alabama; those 
from Alabama probably M. preliaris (Hay); name preoccupied in 

Etheostoma microperca Jordan and Gilbert, in Jordan’s Man. Vert., 
ed. V, 1888, 134, lakes of Laporte County, Ind.; substitute name. 

Microperca proeliaris Hay. 
Alabama and Mississippi, in lowland streams and ponds. 
Microperca preliaris Hay, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 496, small 
branch of the Tuscumbia River at Corinth, Miss. 

Genus 781. ALVARIUS Girard. 
ie Pag Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 101 (A. lateralis 
This genus differs from Microperca in having but one anal spine. The 
fins are short and low and the scales in the type are said to be small. 

Alvarius lateralis Girard. 
Rio Grande about Brazos Santiago, Tex. 
Alvarius lateralis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 101, 
mouth of Rio Grande. ° 


2290. Alvarius fonticola Jordan and Gilbert. 
Arkansas and Texas, in clear rocky streams; known only from Washita 
River at Arkadelphia; San Marcos River at San Marcos, Tex.; Comal 
Creek at New Braunfels, Tex. 
Alvarius fonticola Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IX, 1886, 
23, San Marcos Spring at San Marcos, Tex. 

Family 187. APOGONIDZ. Cardinal fishes 

Genus 782. APOGON Lacépéde. 

Amia Gronow, Zoophyl., 1763, 80 (Apogon moluccensis Cuvier and 
Valenciennes); not Amia L., nonbinomial. 

Apogon Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 411 (A. ruber Lacépéde= 
Mullus imberbis L.). 

Ostorhinchus Lacépéde, loc. cit., IV, 1808, 23 (O. flewriew Lacépéde). 

Dipterodon Lacépédeg, loc. cit., 165 (D. hexacanthus Lacépéde). 

Macrolepis Rafinesque, Analyse de la Nat., 1815, 86; a bare name, no 

Monoprion Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 123 (M. maculatus Poey). 

2291. Apogon imberbis (Linnzus). King of the mullets; Alfoncino; Fucinita. 

Mediterranean and neighboring waters; one from Newport, R. I., and 
one from the island of Fernando de Noronha. 

eee ers Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 300, Malta; after 

Apogon ruber Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 411, Malta. 

one pusilla De la Roche, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hist., XIII, 1809, 318, 


Apogon rex—mullorum Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 

II, 1828, 105 (143), Marseilles, Nice, Genoa, Naples, Palermo. 

2292. Apogon maculatus (Poey). 

Pensacola to Bahia; recorded from as far north as Woods Hole; 
common on the “snapper banks’’; often found in the stomachs of 
snappers and groupers. 

Monoprion maculatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 123, Cuba. 

2293. Apogon pigmentarius (Poey). 
Cuba; common at Habana. 
Monoprion pigmentarius Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 123, Cuba. 

2294. Apogon sellicauda Evermann and Marsh. 
West Indies; Tortugas Archipelago; Porto Rico. 
Apogon sellicauda Evermann and Marsh, Fish. Porto Rico, Bull. 
U.S. Fish Com., XX, 1900, 143, fig. 40, Culebra Island, Porto Rico. 

2295. Apogon americanus Castelnau. 
Brazil, north to the Tortugas. 
Apogon americanum Castelnau, Anim. Amer. Sud, Poiss., 1855, 3, pl. 
III, fig. 2, Bahia. 

2296. Apogon binotatus (Poey). 
Amia binotata Poey, Repertorio, 1867, 234, Cuba. 

2297. Apogon retrosella (Gill). Cardenal. 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Amia retrosella Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 251, 
Cape San Lucas. 

2298. Apogon dovii Giinther. 
Mazatlan to Panama. 
Apogon dovit Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1861, 371, Panama. 

2299. Apogon atricaudus (Jordan and McGregor). 
Offshore islands, Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Apogon atricaudus Jordan and McGregor, Rept. U. 8S. Fish Com. 
XXIV, 1898, 277, and in Jordan and Evermann, Fish. North and 
Mid. Amer., 1898, 2853, Socorro, Clarion, and San Benedicto islands. 

2300. Apogon atrodorsatus Heller and Snodgrass. 
Galapagos Islands. 
Apogon atrodorsatus Heller and Snodgrass, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., 
V, 1903, 192, Pl. III, Charles Island. 











Apogon guadalupensis (Osburn and Nichols). 
Guadalupe Island, off Lower California. 
Amia guadalupensis Osburn and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
XXXV, 1916, 160, fig. 9, Guadalupe Island. 

Genus 783. APOGONICHTHYS Bleeker. 
Apogonichthys Bleeker, Naturkundig Tijd. Nederl.—Indie, Floris, VI, 
1854, 321 (A. perdix Bleeker). 

Apogonichthys alutus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Snapper banks off Pensacola and Tampa, Fla.; and at Porto Rico. 
Apogon alutus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 279, 
and in Synopsis, 1883, 931, snapper banks off Pensacola, Fla. 

Apogonichthys puncticulatus Poey. 
Cuba; Tortugas. 
Apogonichthys puncticulatus Poey, Repertorio, II, 1867, 233, Cuba. 

Apogonichthys melampodus Blosser. 
St. Croix Island, West Indies. 
Apogonichthys melampodus Blosser, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VI, 1909, 
No. 1, 296, St. Croix. 

Genus 784. ASTRAPOGON Fowler. : 
Astrapogon Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LXIII, 1906, 527 
(A pogonichthys stellatus Cope). 

Astrapogon stellatus (Cope). 
Apogonichthys stellatus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1869, 
400, Nassau, Bahama Islands. 
Apogonichthys strombi Plate, Zool. Anzeiger, XX XIII, 1908, 393, with 
plate, Bahamas; living symbiodic in shells of Strombus gigas. 

Genus 785. XYSTRAMIA Jordan. 
Xystramia Jordan, Copeia, May 24, 1917, 46 (Glossamia pandionis 
Goode and Bean). 

Xystramia pandionis (Goode and Bean). 
Deep water off Chesapeake Bay. 
Apogon pandionis Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
160, deep water off Chesapeake Bay. 

Genus 786. EPIGONUS Rafinesque. 

Epigonus Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 64 (EZ. macrophthalmus Rafinesque). 

Pomatomus Risso, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 
1828, 171 (P. telescopiwm Risso); not of Lacép éde. 

Telescops Bleeker, Arch. Néerl. Sci. Nat., XI, M876, 261 (Pomatomus 
telescopium Risso); substitute for Pomatomus Cuvier; not of Lacépéde. 

Pomatomichthys Giglioli, Espos. Int. d. Pesca, Berlin, 1880, 20 (P. 
constanciz Giglioli= Pomatomus telescopium Risso). 

Epigonus occidentalis Goode and Bean. 
Deep water off Barbados. 
Epigonus occidentalis Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 233, off 

Genus 787. CHEILODIPTERUS Lacépéde. 
Cheilodipterus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IT, 1802, 539; restricted by 
Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828, to C. macrodon Lacépéde..- 
Clodipterus Rafinesque, Analyse Nat., 1815, 86, substitute for Cheilo- 
dipterus Lacépéde; regarded as too long. 
Paramia Bleeker, Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., I, 1863, 233 (Cheilodipterus 
lineatus Lacépéde); substitute for Cheilodipterus (Lacépéde) Cuvier. 

Cheilodipterus affinis Poey. 
Cuba; three specimens known. 
Cheilodipter us affinis Poey, Ann. Acad. Nat. Sci. N. Y., XI, 1876, 58, 


Family 188. SCOMBROPIDZ 

Genus 788. SPHYRANOPS Poey. 
Sphyreznops Poey, Memorias, Ti 1861, 249 (S. bairdianus Poey). 

2309. Sphyrzenops bairdiana Poey. 
Deep water of Cuba; one specimen known. 
Sphyrenops bairdianus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 350, Cuba. 

Genus 789. PARASPHYRANOPS Bean. 
Parasphyrenops B. A. Bean, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, 194 
(P. atrimanus B. A. Bean). 

2310. Parasphyrenops atrimanus B. A. Bean. 
Parasphyrenops atrimanus B. A. Bean, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 
1912, 194, Bermudas. 

Genus 790. LATEBRUS Poey. 
Latebrus Poey, Memorias, aE 1860, 168 (L. oculatus Poey). 

2311. Latebrus oculatus Poey. Escolar chino. 
Coast of Cuba; in deep water. 
Latebrus oculatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 168, with plate, Cuba. 

Genus 791. HYPOCLYDONIA Goode and Bean. 
Hypoclydonia Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 265 (H. bella 
Goode and Bean). 

2312. Hypoclydonia bella Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Hypoclydonia bella Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 236, 
Albatross stations 2314, 2397, 2401, 2417, etc., at depths from 90 to 
159 fathoms. 

Genus 792. AMIICHTHYS Poey. 

Amiichthys Poey, in Jordan, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, 1886, 586 
(diapterus Poey, 1861; only the specific name of this fish being 
published by Poey). : 

2313. Amiichthys diapterus Poey. 
Coast of Cuba; two specimens known. 
diapterus Poey, Synopsis, 1861, 305, Cuba. 

Family 189. CENTRARCHIDZ. Black basses; Sunfishes and pumpkinseeds 

Genus 793. HURO Cuvier and Valenciennes. Largemouth black bass. 
?Nemocampsis ® Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 30 (Lepomis flecuolaris 
Huro Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat., Poiss., II, 1828, 125 (H. 
nigricans Cuvier and V alenciennes = Cichla floridana LeSueur). 

2314. Huro floridana (LeSueur). Large-mouthed black bass; Oswego bass; 
Green bass; Bayou bass; Chub; Trout; Jumper; Welshman; Achigan 
grand bouche; Achigan noir; Big-mouthed black bass; Black bass of the 
Huron; Black huron; Bride ‘perch; Cow bass; Dotted paintedtail; Fresh- 
water trout; Gray bass; Green perch; Green trout; Growler; Huron; Lake 
bass; Marsh bass; Millpond chub; Moss bass; Mud bass; Paintedtail; 
Pale river bass; Perch; River bass; Rock bass; Salmon-formed growler; 
Siough bass; Southern chub; Speckled hen; Spotted bass; Straw bass; 
Striped bass; White bass; White salmon; White trout; Yellow bass; 
Yellow pondperch. 

Rivers of the United States from the Great Lakes and Red River of 
the North to Florida, Texas, and Mexico; west to the Dakotas, 
Nebraska and Kansas; introduced into lakes and streams of California. 

Cichla floridana LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II, 1822, 219, 
east Florida. 

Huro nigricans Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1828, 93 
(124), pl. 17, Lake Huron. 

Micropterus salmoides of authors; not Labrus salmoides Lacépéde. 

” sys: for the phrase ‘‘ Mouth large,’’ Rafinesque gives no distinctive characters for the young black 

Lg e calls ‘‘ Nemocampsis’’; but in Micropterus the mouth is decidedly large, though smaller than in 



Genus 794. MICROPTERUS Lacépéde. Black bass. 

Micropterus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 325, 1802 (M. dolomieu 

Calliurus Rafinesque, Jour. de Physique, 1819, 420 (C. punctulatus Raf.) 
Aplites Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 30 (Lepomis pallida Raf.). 
?Nemocampsis Rafinesque, loc. cit., 30 (Lepomis flexuolaris Raf.). 
Dioplites Rafinesque, loc. cit., 32 (Lepomis notata Raf.). 
Aplesion Rafinesque, loc. cit., 36 (Htheostoma calliura Raf.). 

2315. Micropterus dolomieu Lacépéde. Small-mouthed black bass; Achigan 

noir; Achigan petite bouche; Bass; Bass hogfish; Black bass; Black 
fresh-water bass; Black perch; Bronze-backer; Brown bass; Brown 
trout; Dwarf bass; Gold bass; Green bass; Green perch; Green trout; 
Hog bass; Jumper; Little bass; Minny bass; Mountain trout; Redeye; 
River bass; Rock bass; Speckled hen; Spotted river bass; Streaked-cheeked 
river bass; Streaked lead; Swago bass; Swego; Trout bass; Trout perch; White 
trout; Yellow bass; Yellow perch. 

Lake Champlain to Manitoba and southward on both sides of the 
mountains to South Carolina and Arkansas. 

Micropterus dolomieu Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1802, 325, type 
locality uncertain, probably South Carolina. 

Labrus salmoides Lacépéde, loc. cit., IV, 1802, 716, South Carolina. 

Bodianus achigan Rafinesque, Amer. Month Mag., II, 1817, 120, New 

Calliurus punctulatus Rafinesque, Jour. de Physique, 1819, 420, falls 
of the Ohio River. 

Lepomis pallida Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 30, Ohio, Miami, 
and Hocking Rivers. 

Lepomis trifasciata Rafinesque, loc. cit., 31, Ohio River. 

?Lepomis flecuolaris Rafinesque, loc. cit., 31, Ohio River. 

Lepomis salmonea Rafinesque, loc. cit., 32, Kentucky, Green, Licking, 
and Ohio Rivers. 

Lepomis notata Rafinesque, loc. cit., 32, Ohio River. 

Etheostoma calliura Rafinesque, loc. cit., 36, Ohio River; Salt River, Ky. 

Cichla fasciata LeSueur, Jour., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II, 1822, 216, 
Lake Erie. 

Cichla ohiensis LeSueur, loc. cit., 218, Ohio River. 

Cichla minima LeSueur, loc. cit., 220, Lake Erie. 

Centrarchus obscurus DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 30, pl. 
17, fig. 48, Onondaga Creek, N. Y. 

Dioplites variabilis Vaillant and Bocourt, Miss. Sci. Mex., Poissons, 
1875-1883, 142, Wabash River, New Harmony, Ind. 

2316. Micropterus pseudoplites Hubbs. Kentucky black bass. 

Southeastern United States from western West Virginia northward to 
southern Ohio, westward to Kansas and central Texas. 

Micropterus pseudaplites Hubbs, Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci., Part I, V, Jan. 
1, 1927, 187, nomen nudum. 

Micropterus pseudoplites Hubbs, Occ. Papers, Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich. 
No. 184, June 29, 1927, 8, Pl. I, figs. 2, 3, and 5, Forbush Creek near 
Mill Springs, Ky. 

Genus 795. APOMOTIS Rafinesque. 
Apomotis Rafinesque, Jour. de Physique, LXXXVIII, 1819, 420 
(Lepomis cyanellus Rafinesque). 
Telipomis Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 27 (Lepomis cyanellus 
Bryttus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VII, 454, 461 (B. 
punctatus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

2317. Apomotis cyanellus (Rafinesque). Blue-spotted sunfish; Green sunfish; 

Little red-eye; Blackeyes; Blackeye sunfish; Blue-and-green sunfish; 
Blue bass; Bluefish; Blue sunfish; Bream; Buffalo sunfish; Perch; Red- 
eye; Sunfish; Blanco perch; Wood bass. 

Great Lakes region to Mexico; very abundant from Ohio southwestward 
to the Rio Grande. 

Lepomis cyanellus Rafinesque, Jour. de Physique, LX XXVIII, 1819, 
420, Ohio River. 

Icthelis melanops Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 28, Ohio River. 









Pomotis longulus Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 
1853, 391, Otter Creek, Ark. 

Calliurus diaphanus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IX, 1857, 200, 
Rio Blanco, Tex. 

Calliurus formosus Girard, loc. cit., 1857, 200, Arkansas. 

Calliurus microps Girard, ‘loc. cit., 200, Rio Brazos, Tex, 

Calliurus murinus Girard, loc. cit., 200, Texas. 

Bryttus signifer Girard, loc. cit., 201, Rio Medina, Tex. 

Bryttus mineopas Cope, loc. cit., XVII, 1865, 84, Whittlesey Lake, 
Minneapolis, Minn. 

Apomotis euryorus (McKay). 
Upper Great Lakes region. A form regarded as this occasional in the 
upper Mississippi. 
Lepomis euryorus McKay, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 89, Lake 
Huron at Fort Gratiot, Mich. Regarded by Hubbs as a hybrid 
between A pomotis cyanellus and Eupomotis gibbosus. 

Apomotisischyrus (Jordan and Nelson). Big-nosed sunfish. 
Upper Mississippi Valley. 
Lepiopomus ischyrus Jordan and Nelson, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 
1877, 25, Illinois River, Il. Rare; thought by Hubbs to be a hybrid. 

Apomotts phenax Cope and Jordan. Deceptive sunfish. 
Streams of New Jersey. 
Apomotis phenax Cope and Jordan, Bull. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 26, 
Beaseley’s Point, N. J.; locality possibly erroneous; rare; thought to 
be a hybrid. 

Apomotis punctatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Bream; Chinquapin 

perch; Spotted bream. 

South Carolina to Florida. 

Bryttus punctatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist Nat. Poiss., VII, 1831, 
347 (462), no locality, probably Charleston, S. C. 

Bryttus Bbc tecats Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 348 (463), Charles- 

Lepomis apiatus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XVII, 1877, 65, Volusia, 

Apomotis symmetricus (Forbes) 
Mississippi Valley; Illinois to Louisiana and Texas. 
Lepomis symmetricus Forbes, in Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, 1883, 
473, Illinois River, IIl. 

Genus 796. LEPOMIS Rafinesque. Suwnfishes. 
Lepomis Rafinesque, Jour. de Physique, LX XXVIII, 1819, 420 (Labrus 
auritus Linnzus). 
Pomotis Rafinesque, loc. cit., 420 (Labrus auritus Linnzus). 
Icthelis Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 27 (Labrus auritus Linnzus). 

Lepomis pallidus (Mitchill). 
New York. 
Labrus palladus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. and Phil. Soc. N. Y., 1815, 407, 
New York. Misprint ‘for pallidus. 
Lepomis appendix Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., 1818, 247, New York. 
An uncertain species, perhaps based on L. auritus. 

Lepomis auritus (Linnzus). Yellowbelly; Redbreast bream; Sunfish; 
Tobaccoboz; Long-eared sunfish; Sun perch; Bream; Redbreast; Black- 
eared pondfish; Flatfish; Flounder; Fresh-water sunfish; Kiver; Leather- 
ear; Leatherwing; Perch; Quiver; Redbelly; Red-bellied bream; Red- 
bellied robin perch; Red-headed bream; Red perch; Red sunfish; Red- 
tailed bream; Red-tailed pomotis; Roach; Robin; Robin perch; Yellow 
perch; River sunfish; Horned-eared sunfish. 

Maine to Virginia; abundant in all streams east of the Alleghenies and 
south of New Yor 

Labrus auritus Gite. Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 283, Philadelphia. 

Brylttus unicolor Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VII, 1831, 
348 .(464), Philadelphia and Charleston. 

Pomotis rubri-cauda Storer, Jour. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., IV, 1842, 
177, Concord, N. H. 

Lepomis ophthalmicus Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 223, 

24, Roanoke River, Va. 


2325. Lepomis mystacalis Cope. 
East Florida. 
Lepomis mystacalis Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XVII, 1877, 66, east 

2326. Lepomis solis (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Virginia to Louisiana, in coastwise streams. 
Pomotis solis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 1831, 352 (468), 
Lake Pontchartrain, La. 
Pomotis elongatus Holbrook, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., III, 1855, 
47, pl. 5, fig. 1, St. Johns River, Fla. 

Genus 797. SCLEROTIS Hubbs. 
Sclerotis Hubbs, Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci., Pt. I, VI, Jan. 1, 1927, 138 
(Lepomis miniatus Jordan). 

2327. Sclerotis miniatus (Jordan). Red perch. 
Mississippi Valley; southern Illinois to Louisiana and Texas. 
Lepiopomus miniatus Jordan, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 26, Tangi- 
pahoa River. 
Lepomis garmani Forbes, Bull. Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., 1885, 135, Little 
Fox ae at Phillipstown and Wabash River and Drew Pond at 
Carmi, Ill. 

Genus 798. ALLOTIS Hubbs. 
Allotis Hubbs, Proce. Okla. Acad. Sci., Pt. I, VI, Jan. 1, 1927, 1389 (Bryttus 
humilus Girard). 

2328. Allotis humilis (Girard). Red-spotted sunfish; Bream; Orange-spotted 

sunfish; Perch; Sunfish. 

Ohio and Kentucky to the Dakotas, Kansas, and Texas; locally abun- 
dant, especially in the lower Missouri Basin. 

Bryttus humilis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IX, 1857, 201, 
Sugar Loaf Creek, Ark. 

Bryttus oculatus Cope, loc. cit., XVII, 1865, 83, Lake Whittlesey, Minn. 

Lepomis anagallinus Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 2d ser., VI, 
January, 1869, 221, Leavenworth, Kans. 

Genus 799. XENOTIS Jordan. 
Xenotis Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X XIX, 1877, 76 (Pomotis 
fallax Baird and Girard). 

2329. Xenotis megalotis (Rafinesque.) Long-eared sunfish; Big-eared sunfish; 
Blackears; Black-tailed sunfish; Bloody sunfish; Bream; Brilliant sun- 
jish; Common sunfish; Eared sunfish; Long-scaled sunfish; Perch; Red- 
bellied bream; Redbelly; Red-eyed sunfish; Small green sunfish; Sun 

Michigan to Minnesota, South Carolina, and southward to the Rio 

Icthelis megalotis Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 29, Kentucky, 
Licking, and Sandy Rivers, Ky. 

Pomotis nitida Kirtland, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., III, 1840, 472, pl. 28, 
fig. 1, Mahoning River, Ohio. 

Pomotis breviceps Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 
1853, 390, Otter Creek, Ark. 

Pomotis fallax Baird and Girard, loc. cit., VII, 1854, 24, Elm Creek, Tex. 

Pomotis convexifrons Baird and Girard, loc. cit., 1854, 24, Rio Cibolo, 

Pomotis nefastus Baird and Girard, loc. cit., 24, Rio Cibolo and Salado 
Creek, Tex. 

Pomotis sanguinolentus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. and Arts, XVII, 1854, 
301, Huntsville, Ala. 

Pomotis inscriptus Agassiz, loc. cit., 1854, 302, Huntsville, Ala. 

Pomotis popeii Girard, Pacific R. R. Surv., X, 1858, 26, headwaters of 
Colorado River, Tex. 

Lepomis peltastes Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1870, 454, Huron River, 

Xenotis lythrochloris Jordan, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., XI, 1876 
(1877), 376, White River. iS 

Xenotis aureolus Jordan, loc. cit., 376, White River. 


2330. Xenotis occidentalis (Meek). 
Rio Grande Basin in Mexico. 
Lepomis occidentalis Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 118, Rio 
Conchos, Mexico. 

Genus 800. HELIOPERCA Jordan. 

Helioperca Jordan, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1876 (1877), 355 
(Labrus pallidus Cuvier and Valenciennes; not of Mitchill= Pomotis 
ancisor Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Ericheta Jordan, Klippart’s Rept. Fish Com. Ohio, 1876 (1877), 48 
(Pomatis incisor Cuvier and Valenciennes); uncorrected in proof, 
reading for Helioperca. 

2331. Helioperca incisor (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Bluegill; Blue bream; 
Blue sunfish; Copper-nosed bream; Dollardee; Black-eared pondfish; 
Blue Joe; Blue-mouthed sunfish; Blue perch; Bream; Copper-headed 
bream; Perch; Sunfish. 

Great Lakes to Florida and the Rio Grande. 

Pomotis incisor Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VII, 1831, 
350 (466), New Orleans. 

Pomotis gibbosus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 1831, 351 (467), 
Charleston, S. C.; not of Linnzus. 

Pomotis speciosus Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 
1854, 24, Brownsville, Tex. 

Pomotis obscurus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 302, 
Huntsville, Ala.; specimens almost black. 

Pomotis luna Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IX, 1857, 201, Fort 
Snelling, Minn. 

Lepomis longispinis Cope, loc. cit., 1865, 83, Leavenworth, Kans. 

Lepomis ardesiacus Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 222, 
Kiskiminitas River, Pa. 

Lepomis purpurascens Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XI, 1870, 454, 
Yadkin River, N. C. 

\2332. Helioperca macrochira (Rafinesque). Bream; Chain-sided perch; Chain- 
side; Gilded sunfish; Gold perch; Perch; Sunfish. 
Ohio Valley and southwestward to Missouri and Kentucky. 
Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque, Jour. de Physique, LXXXVIII, 
1819, 420, Ohio, Wabash, Green, and Licking Rivers. 

2333. Helioperca nephela (Cope). 
Western Pennsylvania. 
Lepomis nephelus Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 222, 
‘iskiminitas River, western Pennsylvania. Perhaps the same as 
H. macrochira. 

2334. Helioperca marginata (Holbrook). 
Pomotis marginatus Holbrook, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., III, 1855, 
49, Pl. VI, fig. 2, St. Johns River, Fla. This and the remaining species 
here referred to Helioperca are of uncertain value and of doubtful 

2335. Helioperca haplognatha (Cope). 
Monterey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. 
Lepomis haplognathus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XXII, 1884 (1885), 
168, Monterey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. 
2336. Helioperca bombifrons (Agassiz). 
Tennessee River. 
Pomotis bombifrons Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. and Arts, XVII, 1854, 
303, Huntsville, Ala. 
Genus 801. XYSTROPLITES Jordan. 
Xystroplites Jordan, Bull. X, U.S. Nat. Mus., 1877, 24 (X. gilli Jordan= 
Pomotis pallidus Agassiz). 



2337. Xystroplites pallidus (Agassiz). 

Georgia to Texas. 

Pomotis pallidus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, 1854, 303 (name pre- 
ee in Lepomis by Labrus palladus Mitchill, but not in Eupo- 

~  Bryttus albulus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IX, 1857, 200, Rio 
Blanco, Tex. 

Xystroplites gilli Jordan, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 24, ‘‘Garden 
Key, Florida”; evidently an error, as there is no fresh-water stream 
on Garden Key. 

Lepomis lirus McKay, Proce. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 89; name a 
substitute for pallidus. 

Genus 802. EUPOMOTIS Gill and Jordan. 
Eupomotis Gill and Jordan, Field and Forest, II, 1877, 190 (Sparus 
aureus Walbaum= Perca gibbosa Linnzus). 

2338. Eupomotis heros (Baird and Girard). 
Southern Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio to Florida and the Rio Grande 
Pomotis heros Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 
March, 1854, 25, Rio Cibolo, Tex. 
Pomotis notatus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. and Arts, XVII, 1854, 302, 
Huntsville, Ala. 

2329. Eupomotis holbrookii (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Yellow bream; 

Shellcracker; Strawberry bass; Branch perch. 

Virginia to Florida. 

Pomotis holbroockii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VII, 
1831, 350 (466), Charleston, S. C. Misprint for holbrookiz. 

Pomotis speciosus Holbrook, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., III, 1855, 48, 
pl. 5, fig. 2, St. Johns River, Fla.; not of Baird and Girard. 

Pomotis microlophus Ginther, Cat., I, 1859, 264, St. Johns River, Fla. 

2340. Eupomotis longimanus (Cope). 
Florida to Alabama. 
Xystroplites longimanus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XVII, 1877, 66, 
Volusia and Port Bay, Fla. Perhaps identical with #. holbrookit. 

2341. Eupomotis gibbosus (Linnzus). Common sunfish; Bream; Pumpkin- 
seed; Sunfish; Sunny; Crapet jaune; Hemale pasck, Flatfish; Flounder; 
Harlequin roach; Kier; Northern pomotis; Perch; Pond perch; Quiver; 
Redbelly; Roach; Robin; Robin perch; Ruff; Sand perch; Sun bass; 
Tobaccoboxz; Yellowbelly; Yellow perch. 

Great Lakes region to Maine and southward to Florida, east of the 

Perca gibbosa Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 293, Carolinas; after 
Perca fluviatilis gibbosa, ventre luteo, of Catesby. 

Sparus aureus Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 290, lakes of New York. 

Morone maculata Mitchill, Fishes of New York, 1814, 18, near New 
York City. 

Pomotis vulgaris Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1829, 
67 (91), Lake Huron, New York, Virginia, and the Carolinas. 

Pomotis ravenelii Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., VII, 1831, 349 
(465), Philadelphia. 

Pomotis catesbei Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 352 (469), Phila- 

Genus 803. CHANOBRYTTUS Gill. 
Chenobryttus Gill, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XX XVII, 1864, 92 (Calliurus 
melanops Girard=Pomotis gulosus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
mage aes Jordan, Man. Vert., ed. 1, 1876, 223 (Calliurus melanops 

2342. Chenobryttus gulosus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Warmouth; Goggle- 
eye; Bigmouth; Big-mouthed sunfish; Black sunfish; Black warmouth; 
Bream; Buffalo bass; Chub; Jugmouth; Moremouth bream; Mud chub; 
Perch; Perchmouth bream; Redeye; Sac-a-lait; Sunfish; Sun trout; War- 
mouth perch; Warmouth bream; Wide-mouthed sunfish; Yawmouth 
perch; Indianfish. 


Eastern United States, from the Great Lakes to Florida and Texas, 
west to Kansas and the Dakotas; chiefly west or south of the Alle- 
ghenies; common in South Carolina. 

Pomotis gulosus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1829, 
367 (498), Lake Pontchartrain and lagoons about New Orleans. 

Calliurus floridensis Holbrook, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., III, 1855, 
53, Pl. VI, fig. 1, St. Johns River, Fla. 

Calliurus melanops Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IX, 1857, 200, 

Lepomis gillii Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 222, 225, 

Lepomis charybdis Cope, loc. cit., 223, Texas. 

Chenobryttus antistius McKay, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 88, 
Lake Michigan. 

Genus 804. AMBLOPLITES Rafinesque. Rock basses. 
Ambloplites Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 33 (Lepomis ictheloides 
Rafinesque= Bodianus rupestris Rafinesque). 

2343. Ambloplites rupestris (Rafinesque). Common rock bass; Redeye; Goggle- 
eye; Redeye perch; Bream; Bronzed centrarchus; Crapet mondouzx; Crapet 
noir; Crapet vert; Fresh-water bass; Lake bass; Red-eyed bream; Red- 
eyed sunfish; Sunfish; Sunfish bass; Sun perch; White bass. 

Vermont to Great Lakes region and Manitoba, south to Louisiana; 
very abundant west of the Alleghenies. 

Bodianus rupestris Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 1817, 120, 
Lakes of New York, Vermont, and Canada. 

Icthelis erythrops Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 29, Ohio River. 

Lepomis ictheloides Rafinesque, loc. cit., 32, Ohio River. 

Cichla znea LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II, 1822, 214, Lake 

Centrarchus pentacanthus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
III, 1829, 65 (88), Wabash River. 

2344. Ambloplites cavifrons Cope. Southern rock bass. 
Roanoke River, Va. 
Ambloplites cavifrons Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 217, 
Roanoke River, Va. 

Genus 805. ARCHOPLITES Gill. 
Archoplites Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 165 (Cen- 
trarchus interruptus Girard). 

2345. Archoplites interruptus (Girard). Sacramento perch. 
Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, Calif. 
Centrarchus interruptus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
129, San Joaquin and Sacramento Rivers, Calif. 
Centrarchus maculosus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854, 7, 
Sacramento River. 

Genus 806. ACANTHARCHUS Gill. 
Acantharchus Gill, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XXXVI, 1864, 92 (Centrarchus 
pomotis Baird). 

2346. Acantharchus pomotis (Baird). Mud sunfish; Bass sunfish; Mud bass; 
Mud perch. , 
Southern New York to South Carolina. 
Centrarchus pomotis Baird, Ninth Smiths. Rept., 1855, 325, New Jersey, 
New York. 

Genus 807. MESOGONISTIUS Gill. 
Mesogonistius Gill, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XX XVII, 1864, 92 (Pomotis 
chetodon Baird). 

2347. Mesogonistius chetodon (Baird). Black-banded sunfish. 
New Jersey to Maryland. 
Pomotis chetodon Baird, Ninth Smiths. Rept., 1855, 324, Cedar Swamp 
Creek, N. J. 

Genus 808. ENNEACANTHUS Gill. 
Enneacanthus Gill, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XX XVII, 1864, 92 (Pomotis 
obesus Baird). 


Hemioplites Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 2d ser., VI, 1868, 217 
(H. simulans Cope=Enneacanthus gloriosus; abnormal example with 
A. IV, the dorsal erroneously stated to be X. 

Copelandia Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X XIX, 1877, 56 (C. 
eriarcha Jordan, an abnormal example with D. X; A. IV, of Ennea- 
canthus gloriosus). 3 

2348. Enneacanthus obesus (Girard). Banded sunfish; Little bream; Litile 

sunfish; Spotted sunfish; Rock sunfish. 

Charles River, Mass., to Florida. 

Pomotis obesus Girard, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., V, 1854, 40, waters 
about Hingham and in branch of Charles River at Holliston, Mass. 

Bryttus fasciatus Holbrook, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., III, 1855, 51, 
Pl. V, fig. 3, St. Johns River, Fla. 

Pomotis guttatus Morris, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 3, 
Delaware River, Philadelphia. 

2349. Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook). Blue-spotted sunfish; Little 

sunfish; Spotted-finned sunfish; Spotted sunfish. 

Atlantic States; New York to Florida. 

Bryttus gloriosus Holbrook, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., III, 1855, 
52, Pl. V, fig. 4, Cooper River, 8. C. 

Hemioplites simulans Cope, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1868, 
217, Tuckahoe Creek near Richmond, Va.; abnormal examples. 

Enneacanthus pinniger Gill and Jordan, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 
1877, 27, Tar River, Kinston, N. C. 

Enneacanthus margarotis Gill and Jordan, loc. cit., 28, Beaseleys 
Point, N. J. 

Copelandia eriarcha Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X XIX, 1877, 
56, Menominee River, Wis.; evidently an error, an abnormal 
example; the locality for New Jersey. 

Genus 809. CENTRARCHUS Cuvier and Valenciennes. Rownd basses. 
Centrarchus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1829, 62 
(84) (Labrus irideus Lacépéde=Labrus macropterus Lacépéde). 

2350. Centrarchus macropterus (Lacépéde). Round sunfish; Flier; Flying 

perch; Large-finned bass; Long-finned sunfish; Many-spined sunfish; 
Millpond perch; Perch; Round bass; Sac-a-lait; Shining bass; Sunfish. 

Lowland streams from Virginia southward to Florida and Louisiana; 
northward in the Mississippi Valley to southern Illinois. 

gp acl Usa Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 482, Charles- 
ton, 8. C. 

Labrus irideus Lacépéde, loc. cit., IV, 716, Charleston, S. C. 

Genus 810. POMOXIS Rafinesque. Crappies. 
Pomoxis Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., IV, 1818, 41 (Pomozis 
annularis Rafinesque). 
Hyperistius Gill, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, 1864, 92 (Centrarchus hexa- 
canthus Cuvier and Valenciennes=Labrus sparoides Lacépéde). 

Subgenus POMOXIS Rafinesque. 

2351. Pomoxis annularis Rafinesque. Crappie; Bachelor; Sac-a-lait; New- 
light; Campbellite; Crapet; Bachelor perch; Bridge perch; Chinquapin 
perch; Goggle-eye; Goldring; John demon; Pale crappie; Papermouth; 
Shad; Silver perch; Speckled perch; Strawberry perch; Suckley perch; 
Timber crappie; Tinmouth; Tin perch; White crappie; White perch. 

Eastern United States, from the Great Lakes south to Texas and west 
to Kansas and Nebraska. Introduced into Columbia River and 
other waters on the Pacifie coast. 

Pomozis annularis Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., IV, 1818, 41, 
falls of the Ohio River. 

Cichla storeria Kirtland, Rept., Zool. Ohio, 1838, 191, Ohio River. 

Pomoxis nitidus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IX, 1857, 200, 
Houston River, Ky. 

eee brevicauda Gill, loc. cit., XVII, 1865, 64, North Grand River, 

Pomozys intermedius Gill, loc. cit., 65, no locality. 
Pomozxys protacanthus Gill, loc. cit., 66, Tarboro, N. C. 


Subgenus HYPERISTIUS Gill. 

2352. Pomoxis sparoides (Lacépéde). Calico bass; Grass bass; Barfish; 
Strawberry bass; Bachelor; Banklick ‘bass; Bitterhead; Calico bream; 
Chinquapin perch; Crapet; Crappie; Dolly Varden; Goggle-eye; Lake 
bass; Lake Erie bass; Millpond flier; Razorback; Roach; Rockfish; 
Sand perch; Silver bass; Silver perch; Speckled bass; Spotted perch; 
Spotted trout; Straw bass; Sun perch; Tinmouth; White perch; Black 

Great Lakes and upper Mississippi Valley to New Jersey and southward to 
Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. Introduced into Pacific coast streams. 

Labrus sparoides Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 517 and 518, 
South Carolina. 

Cantharus nigro—maculatus LeSueur, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. 
Nat. Poiss., III, 1829, 65 (88), Wabash River. 

Centrarchus hexacanthus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
VII, 1831, 344 (459), Charleston, S. C. 

Hyperistius carolinensis Gill, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XXXVI, 1864, 93, 
South Carolina. 

Family 190. ELASSOMID 2 

Genus 811. ELASSOMA Jordan. 
Elassoma Jordan, Bull. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 50 (Z. zonata Jordan). 
Elassosoma Boulenger; attempted correction but the name is from 
éX\aoowpua, a diminution. 

2353. Elassoma zonatum Jordan. Pigmy sunfish. 
Southern Illinois to Texas and Alabama. 
Elassoma zonata Jordan, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., X, 1877, 50, Little Red 
River, White County, Ark. 

2354. Elassoma evergladei Jordan. Everglades pigmy sunfish. 
Swamps of southern Georgia and Florida; locally common in dark 
waters tributary to the Everglades. 
Elassoma evergladet Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 323, St. 
Johns and Suwanee Rivers, Fla. 

Family 191. KUHLIIDZ. Mountain bass; Sesele 

Genus 812. SAFOLE Jordan. 
Safole Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLII, 1912, 655 (Dules teniurus 
Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

2355. Safole teniura (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Galapagos and Revillagigedo archipelagoes; locally common; South 
Seas and Hawaii to Japan; throughout the warm parts of the Pacific, 
in the open sea, away from coral reefs; not in California. 

Dules teniurus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1829, 
85 (114), Java. 

Kuhlia arge Jordan and Bollman, Proce. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, 1889, 
159, Chatham Island, Galapagos. 

Family 192. CENTROPOMIDZ. Robalos 

Genus 818. CENTROPOMUS Lacépéde. fRobalos. 

Centropomus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1802, 248 (lucioperca 
undecimalis, etc.; restricted to Sciena undecimalis Bloch by Cuvier 
and Valenciennes). 

Oxzylabraz Bleeker, Archiv Neerl., XI, 1876, 264 (same type Centro- 
pomus being restricted to the first species named by Lacépéde). 

2356. Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch). Robalo; Sergeantfish; Snook; 

Brochet de mer. 

Coasts of Florida and Texas, southward among the West Indies to 
Surinam or beyond; Bay of Panama. 

Sciena undecimalis Bloch, Naturgeschich. Ausl. Fische, VI, 1792, 60, 

Centropomous undecim—radiatus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1802, 
268; after Bloch. 

Perca loubina Lacépéde, loc. cit., 397, Cayenne. 

Sphyrena aureoviridis Lacépéde, loc. cit., V, 1803, 324, Martinique. 

Centropomus appendiculatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 119, Cuba. 


2357. Centropomus viridis Lockington. Robalo. 
Pacifie coast of Mexico; common from Gulf of California to Panama. 
Centropomus viridis Lockington, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., VII, 1876 
(1877), 110, off Ascension Island, Lower California. Probably not 
separable from C. wndecimalis. 

2358. Centropomus nigrescens Giinther. Robalo prieto. 
Pacific coast of tropical America; generally common from Mazatlan to 
Centropomus nigrescens Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864 (Mar. 22), 
144, Chiapam. 

2359. Centropomus pedimacula Poey. Constantino de las aletas prietas; 

Robalito de las aletas prietas. 

Both coasts of tropical America; common in Cuba; Jamaica; south to 

Centropomus pedimacula Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 122, Habana and 
Cienfuegos, Cuba. 

Centropomus medius Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864; 144, 
Chiapam. ; 

Centropomus cuviert Bocourt, Ann. Sci. Nat. Paris, IX, 1868, 91, Haiti. 

Centropomus grandoculatus Jenkins and Evermann, Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., XI, 1888, 1389, Guaymas, Sonora. Probably distinct. 

2360 Centropomus parallelus Poey. 
Coasts of Cuba; San Domingo, Jamaica, Barbados, and Rio Chagres; 
Guiana, Pernambuco, and Bahia; Porto Rico. 
Centropomus parallelus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 120, Habana and 
Cienfuegos, Cuba. 
Centropomus mexicanus Bocourt, Ann. Sci. Nat. Paris, IX, 1868, 90, 
Gulf of Mexico. 

2361. Centropomus pectinatus Poey. 
Coasts of Cuba. 
Centropomus undecimalis Cuvier and Valenciennes (part; not of Bloch), 
Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1828, 102 (Centropomus pectinatus Poey, Memo- 
rias, II, 1861, 121; Habana and Cienfuegos, Cuba. 

2362. Centropomus unionensis Bocourt. 
Pacific coast of Central America; rather common at Panama. 
Centropomus unionensis Bocourt, Ann. Sci. Nat. Paris, IX, 1868, 90, 
La Union, San Salvador. 

2363. Centropomus armatus Gill. 
Pacific coast of Central America; common from Chiapas to Panama. 
Centropomus armatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 163, 


2364. Centropomus robalito Jordan and Gilbert. Constantino; Robalito 
las aletas amarillas. 
Pacific coast of Mexico, from Mazatlan to Panama. 
Centropomus robalito Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 462, Mazatlan; Acapulco. 

2365. Centropomus ensiferus Poey. 

West Indies; generally common from Cuba to Surinam. 

Centropomus ensiferus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 122, Habana. 

?Centropomus brevis Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 145, 
locality unknown, tropical America. 

Centropomus affinis Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, I, 1864, 1, pl. 1, 
fig. 1, Rio Janeiro and Cajutuba; Demerara, Guiana. 

Cerone scaber Bocourt, Ann. Sci. Nat., 5 ser., [X, 1868, 90, marshes 
of Belize. 


Family 198. MORONIDZ, White bass 

Genus 814. ROCCUS Mitchill. Striped bass. : 
Roccus Mitchill, Fishes of New York, 1814, 24 (R. striatus Mitchill= 
Scizna lineata Bloch). 

2366. Roccus saxatilis * (Walbaum). Striped bass; Rockfish; Rock; Mis- 

Atlantic coasts of North America from New Brunswick to Escambia 
River, Fla.; introduced by the U. 8. Fish Commission into Sacramento 
River, Calif. 

Perca sazxatilis Walbaum, Artedi Gen. Pisc., 1792, 330, New York. 

Perca septentrionalis Bloch and Schneider, Systema Ichthyol., 1801, 90, 
New York. 

Roccus striatus Mitchill, Rep. Fishes N. Y., 1814, 24, New York. 

Perca mitchilli Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 413, pl. 3, 
fig. 4, New York. 

Perca mitchilli alternata Mitchill, loc. cit., 415, New York. 

Perca mitchilli interrupta Mitchill, loc. cit., 415, New York. 

Genus 815. LEPIBEMA Rafinesque. 
ee inn Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 23 (Perca chrysops Rafi- 

2367. Lepibema chrysops (Rafinesque). White bass; White lake bass; some- 

times silver bass at Sandusky, Ohio. 

Great Lakes region, upper Mississippi and Ohio Valleys, south to 
Washita River. 

Perca chrysops Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 22, falls of the Ohio. 

Labrax multilineatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 
1830, 360 (488), Wabash River. 

Labrazx notatus Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Amer., III, 1836, 8, lower St. 
Lawrence River. 

Labrax albidus DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 18, pl. 51, fig. 165, 
Buffalo, N. Y. 

Labraz osculatii Filippi, Rev. et. Mag. de Zoologie, 2d series, V, 1853, 
164, Canada. 

Genus 816. CHRYSOPERCA Fowler. 
Chrysoperca Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LIX, 1907, 250 
(Morone interrupta Gill). 

2368. Chrysoperca interrupta (Gill). Yellow bass. 
ee Mississippi Valley north to Cincinnati, Terre Haute, and St. 

Morone interrupta Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 1860, 118, 
St. Louis; New Orleans. 

Morone mississippiensis Jordan and Eigenmann, Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Phila., XX XIX, 1887, 295; substitute for Morone interrupta, 
preoccupied in Roccus, not in Morone nor in Chrysoperca. 

Genus 817. MORONE Mitchill. White perch. 
Morone Mitchill, Fishes of New York, 1814, 17 (M. pallida Mitchill= 
Perca americana Gmelin). 

2369. Morone americana (Gmelin). White perch; Silver perch; Sea perch. 

Atlantic coast of North America from Nova Scotia to South Carolina 
in oo water, ascending streams, and frequently landlocked in 

Perca americana Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, III, 1789, 1808, New York; 
after Schépf. 

Perca immaculata Walbaum, Artedi Genera Piscium, 1792, 330, New 
York; after Schépf. 

Morone rufa Mitchill, Rep. Fishes N. Y., 1814, 18, New York. 

Morone pallida Mitchill, loc. cit., 17, New York. 

?Centropomus aibus Rafinesque, Précis des Découvertes Somiolog., 
1814, 19, Philadelphia. 

% This species is usually called Roccus lineatus after Sci#na lineata Bloch (Auslindische Fische, VI, 
1792, 62); but it can not be the same. ‘The form, serre of the Bene and the stout spines of the fin, 
as well as the asserted locality (‘‘ Mediterranean’’) indicate that the species concerned is Dicentrarchus 
lwpus of Europe. The only resemblance to Roccus is found in the striped color; but Bloch says that the 
stripes on the sides are yellow. 


Perca mucronata Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag. and Crit. Rev., II, 
1818, 204, Delaware, Schuylkill, and Susquehanna Rivers. 

Labrax nigricans DeKay, Nat. Hist. N. Y., Fishes, 1842, 12, pl. 50, 
fig. 160, Long Island. 

Family 194. EPINEPHELIDZA. Sea basses, groupers, garrupas, etc. 

Genus 818. STEREOLEPIS Ayres. Jewfishes. 
Stereolepis Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1859, 28 (S. gigas 
Megaperca Hilgendorf, Sitzb. Gesell. Naturf. Freunde, Berlin, 1878, 
155 (M. ishinagi Hilgendorf). 

2370. Stereolepis gigas Ayres. California jewfish. 
Coast of California, north to the Farallons. 
Stereolepis gigas Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1859, 28, 
southern California. 
Stereolepis californicus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 
330, California; substitute for S. gigas, supposed to be preoccupied 
in this genus. 

Genus 819. POLYPRION Cuvier. Wreck/fishes. 

Polyprion Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 1, IH, 1817, 282 AAT Ea 
americanus Bloch and Schneider). 

2371. Polyprion americanus (Bloch and Schneider). Wreckfish; Stone bass; 

Gulf stream;-Grand Banks and New Jersey; also in Europe if P. 
massiliensis is the same, which is not certain. 

Amphiprion americanus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 
205, pl. 47; based on a drawing sent by Latham to Schneider repre- 
senting some fish called in America ‘‘Girom’’; called Amphiprion 
australis on pl. 47. 

?Scorpexna massiliensis Risso, Ichth. Nice, 1810, 184, Marseilles. 

?Polyprion cernium Cuvier, Mém. du Museum, XI, 1824, 265, Pl. XVII, 

?Holocentrus gulo Risso, Europe Mérid., III, 1826, 367, Nice. 

?Serranus couchit Yarrell, British Fishes, ed. 1, I, 1836, 12, Great 

Genus 820. GONIOPLECTRUS Gill. Spanish flags. 
Gonioplectrus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 236, 237 
(Plectropoma hispanum Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

2372. Gonioplectrus hispanus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Spanish flag; 
Ouatilibi espagnol; Biajaiba de lo alto. 
West Indies; Cuba. 
Plectrepoma hispanum Cuvier and Valenciennes, ‘Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
II, 1828, 298 (396), Martinique. 

Genus 821. PETROMETOPON Gill. Enjambre. 
Petrometopon Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVII, 1865, 105 
(Perca guttatus Poey=Sparus cruentatus Lacépéde). 

2373. Petrometopon cruentatus (Lacépéde). Hnjambre; Coney; Rock hind. 
West Indian fauna, Brazil to Florida Keys; very common on Cuba 
Sparus cruentatus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1802, 156, Marti- 
nique; on a copy of Plumier’s drawing. 
?Perca guttata Bloch, Ichthyol., 1792, 312, Martinique, not of Linnzus. 
Saranus apiarius Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 143, Habana. 

2374. Petrometopon cruentatus coronatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Brown hind; Petite négre. 
West Indies, north to Key West. 
Serranus coronatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 
1828, 278 (371), Martinique. 
2375. Petrometopon panamensis (Steindachner). 

Serranus panamensis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., IV, 1875, 1, with 
plate, Panama, 


Genus 822. CEPHALOPHOLIS Bloch and Schneider. 

Cephalopholis Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 311 (€. argus 
Bloch and Schneider). 

Uriphaéton Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Amphib., ete., II, 1839, 202 
(Serranus*4 phaéton Cuvier and Valenciennes=U. microleptes 

Enneacentrus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVII, 1865, 105 
(Serranus ouatalibi Cuvier and Valenciennes= Labrus fulvus Linnzus). 

Bodianus Bloch, in part, restricted by Cuvier and Valenciennes to 
Bodianus guttatus, etc., later restricted to Bodianus bodianus= Harpe 
rufa through tautonymy. 

2376. Cephalopholis fulvus ® (Linneus). Guativere; Niggerfish; Yellowfish; 

Butterfish; Lemon-yellow butterfish; Guativere amarilla. 

West Indies; Bermuda and Florida Keys to Bahia. 

Labrus fuivus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 287, Bahamas; after 

Guativere amariilas Parra, Descr. Dif. Piezas, Hist. Nat. Cuba, 8 lam., 
V, 1787, fig. 2, Cuba. 

Holocentrus auratus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, IV, 1790, 75, 
East Indies. 

Bodianus guativere Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 336 (after 
Parra’s figure). 

2377. Cephalopholis fulvus ruber (Bloch and Schneider). Red guativere; 

Ouatilibi; Rock hind. 

West Indies, etc.; very common. 

Gymnocephalus ruber Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 346, 
pl. 67, on Carauna of Marcgrave; not Epinephelus ruber Bloch. 

Serranus ouataiibi Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1828, 
286 (381), Habana. ; 

Serranus carauna Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 288 (384), no 
locality given. 

2378. Cephalopholis fulvus punctatus (Linneus). Niggerfish; Negrofish; 
Black quativere. 
West Indies, ete.; everywhere common. 
Perca punctata Linnewus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 291, Bahamas; based 
on Catesby. 

2379. Cephalopholis stellatus (Blosser). 
St. Croix. 
Bodianus stellatus Blosser, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VI, 1909, 297, St. Croix. 

2380. Cephalopholis tzeniops (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
West coast of Africa, straying to Florida. 
Serranus teniops Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1828, 
277 (370), Cape Verde Islands. 

Genus 823. MENEPHORUS Poey. 
Menephorus Poey, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., X, 1871, 50 (Serranus 
dubius Poey). 

2381. a, 5 cacgahia dubius (Poey). 
Serranus dubius Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 142, Cuba. 

2382. op gies punctiferus (Poey). 
Menephorus punctiferus Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 21, Habana. 

Genus 824. ENNEISTUS Jordan and Evermann. 

Enneistus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 

1147 (Bodianus acanthistius Gilbert). 
2383. Enneistus acanthistius (Gilbert). 

Cape Lobos, eastern shore of Gulf of California. 

Bodianus acanthistius Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 552, 
Cape Lobos, eastern shore of Gulf of California at Albatross station 
3017, in 58 fathoms. 

% A spurious species, Cephalopolis nigripinnis to which the tail of a Fistularia had been attached. 
% The various forms here treated as subspecies seem to inhabit varying depths of water and should be 
regarded rathgr as forms of C. fulous. 


Genus 825. EPINEPHELUS Bloch. Grouwpers. 

Epinephelus Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, VII, 1793, 11 (Z. marginalis). 

Cerna Bonaparte, Introd. Fauna Italica, III, 1833, pt. 1 (Perca gigas 

Cromileptes Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Ampbib., etc., II, 1839, 2901 
(Serranus altivelis Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Cynichthys Swainson, loc. cit., 201 (Perca flavopurpurea Bennett= 
Holocentrus flavoceruleus Lacépéde). 

Hyporthodus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 98 (Serranus 
niveatus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Labroperca Gill, loc. cit., XIV, 1862, 236 (Serranus labriformis Jenyns). 

Schistorus Gill, loc. cit., 237 (Serranus mystacinus Poey). 

Merus Poey, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., X, 1871, 39 (Serranus gigas 
Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Priacanthichthys Day, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1868, 193 (P. maderaspa- 
tensis Day = Epinephelus latefascitatus Temminck and Schlegel). 

Homalogrystes Alleyne and Macleay, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 
1877, 268 (H. guentheri Alleyne and Macleay). 

Hyposerranus Klunzinger, Fische des Rothen Meeres, 1884, 3 (Serranus 
morrhua Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Subgenus SCHISTORUS Gill. 

2384. Epinephelus mystacinus (Poey). Cherna de lo alto. 
West Indies south to Brazil. 
Serranus mystacinus Poey, Memorias, I, 1852, 52, Tab. 10, fig. 1, Cuba 

Subgenus EPINEPHELUS Bloch. 

2385. Epinephelus analogus Gill. Cabrilla pinta. 
Pacific coast of tropical America; common on coast of Mexico. 
Epinephelus analogus Gill. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 163, 
?Serranus courtadet Bocourt, Ann. Sci. Nat. Paris, X, 1868, 222, La 
Union, San Salvador. 

2386. Epinephelus adscensionis (Osbeck). Rock hind; Cabra mora. 

West Indies; Florida Keys to Brazil; Ascension and St. Helena Islands; 
Woods Hole, Mass. 

Perca tota Siba, Thesaurus, LII, 1758, Tab. 27. 

Trachinus adscensionis Osbeck, Iter Chin., etc., 1757, and English ed., 
1771, 96, Ascension Island. 

Trachinus punctatus Bonnaterre, Tableau Encycl., 1788, 46; after 

Perca stellio Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 349; after Siba. 

?Perca maculata Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, 1792, 92, Martinique; on a 
figure by Plumier. Name preoccupied in Hpinephelus. 

Trachinus osbeck Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 364; after 

Sparus atlanticus Lacépéde, loc. cit., IV, 1803, 158, pl. 5, fig. 1, Marti- 
nique; on a drawing by Plumier. 

Serranus nigriculus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 
1828, 381 (875); Martinique. 

Serranus pixanga Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 288 (383), after 
Pira-Pixanga or Gat-Vichof, Marcgrave, Hist. Brazil, 1648, 152. 

Serranus aspersus Jenyns, Voy. Beagle, Fishes, 1842, 6, Porto Praya, 
St. Jago of the Cape Verde Islands. 

Serranus impetiginosus Miller and Troschel, Schomburgk’s Hist. 
Barb., 1848, 665, Barbados. 

?Serranus varius Bocourt, Ann. Sci. Nat., X, 1868, 222, Gulf coast of 

2387. Epinephelus guaza (Linneus). Merou; Mérou; Guasa. 

Coasts of southern Europe and western Africa, ranging north to England, 
southward to Cape of Good Hope, and westward to Rio Janeiro and 
to Guiana. The American form, HE. mentzeli (Cuvier and Valen- 
ciennes), may prove different. 

Labrus guaza Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 285, “Habitat in Pelago.” 

Perca gigas Brunnich, Ichth. Massiliensis, No. 81, 1768, 65, Marseilles. 

Holocentrus merou Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., [V, 1803, 377, Marseilles; 
after Brunnich. 







?Serranus mentzelii Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., II, 1828, 216 

(291), coast of Brazil. 
Perca robusta Couch, Mag. Nat. Hist., V, 1832, 21, fig. 7, Polperro, 

Serranus marginatus Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., pt. 1, 1833, 142, 

Serranus fimbriatus Lowe, Trans. Cambr. Phil. Soc., 1836, 195, pl. 1, 

?Epinephelus brachysoma Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1871, 

466, Rio Janeiro. 

Epinephelus labriformis (Jenyns). 

Pacific coast of tropical America; Cape San Lucas to Galapagos Islands. 
Serranus labriformis Jenyns, Voyage Beagle, Fishes, 1842, 8, pl. 3, 

Galapagos Islands. 
Epinephelus sellicauda Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 

250, Cape San Lucas. 
Epinephelus ordinatus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1871, 466, 


Epinephelus flavolimbatus Poey. Yellow-finned grouper. 

West Indies, north to Pensacola. 
Epinephelus flavolimbatus Poey, Repertorio, I, 1866, 183, Cuba. 

Epinephelus niveatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Spotted grouper; 

Snowy grouper. 

West Indies to Brazil, occasionally northward in the Gulf Stream as 
far as Newport, R. I., and Woods Hole, Mass. 

Serranus niveatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1828. 
285 (380), Brazil. 

Serranus margaritifer Giinther, Cat., I, 1859, 131, South America. 

Serranus conspersus Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 139, Cuba. 

Hyporthodus flavicauda Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 
98, Newport, R. I. 

Epinephelus striatus (Bloch). Nassau grouper; Hamlet; Cherna 

criolla; Grouper; Rockfish. 

West Indian fauna; Key West to Brazil. 

Cherna Parra, Dif. Piezas, 1787, 50, Habana. 

Anthias striatus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, VI, 1792, 125, Mar- 
tinique; on figure by Plumier. 

Anthias cherna Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 310, Cuba; 
after Parra. 

Sparus chrysomelanurus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 160, 
Martinique; on a copy of Plumier. 

Epinephelus guttatus (Linnzus). Cabrilla; Red hind. 

West Indies; Carolina to Brazil, occasionally north to Charleston, the 
.Florida Keys, and the Bermudas. 

Perca guttata Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 292, Brazil; after 
Marcgrave, in part, but with a type specimen, examined by Lénn- 


Cabrilla Parra, Dif. Piezas, Hist. Nat. Cuba, 1787, 93, pl. 36, Habana. 

Lutjanus lunulatus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 329; 
after Parra, not L. lunulatus of Park. 

Serranus catus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1828, 
- 0 (373), Martinique. 

Serranus maculosus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 332; verified by 

Serranus arara Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 283 (377), Habana. 

Epinephelus cubanus Poey, Repertorio, I, 1866, 202, Cuba. 

Serranus stadthouderi Vaillant, Miss. Sci. Mex., Poiss., 1877, 69, sub- 
stitute for maculosus regarded as preoccupied by maculatus. 

2393. Epinephelus angustifrons (Steindachner). 

Coast of Cuba. 
Serranus angustifrons Steindachner, Verh. Ges. Wien, XIV, 230, Pl. 
VII, figs. 2 and 3, 1864, Cuba. 










Epinephelus drummond-hayi Goode and Bean. Speckled hind; 
John paw. 
Behe ge south Atlantic and Gulf coast of United States; Charleston, 

Epinephelus drummond-hayi Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
I, 1878, 173, 174, Pensacola; Bermuda. 

Epinephelus niphobles Gilbert and Starks. 
Magdalena Bay, Lower California. 
Epinephelus niphobles Gilbert and Starks, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIX, 
1896, 442, Magdalena Bay, Lower California. 

Subgenus VIVERO * Jordan and Evermann. 

Epinephelus morio (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Red grouper; Cherna 

americana; Cherna de vivero; Negre. 

Atlantic coast of America; Woods Hole to Rio Janeiro. 

Serranus morio Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1828, 
211 (285), New York and San Domingo. 

Serranus erythrogaster DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 21, pl. 
19, fig. 52, Florida. 

Serranus remotus Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 140, Cuba. 

Genus 826. GARRUPA Jordan. Black groupers. 
Garrupa Jordan, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., VIII, 1888 (1890), 353 (Ser- 
ranus nigritus Holbrook). 

Sup nigrita (Holbrook). Black jewfish; Black grouper; Mero de 
lo alto. 
South Atlantic and Gulf coast of the United States, Charleston and 
Pensacola to Cuba and Brazil; perhaps straying to Sicily. 
Serranus nigritus Holbrook, Ichth. South Carolina, Ed. I, 1855, 173, 
pl. 25, fig. 11, Charleston, S. C. 
Centropristis merus Poey, Synopsis Piscium Cubensium, 1868, 288, 
?Cerna sicana Doderlein, Bivista delle Specie del Genere Epinephelus 
o Cerna, 1882, 81, Palermo. 

Genus 827. PROMICROPS Gill. Guasas. 
Promicrops Gill, in Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 287 (Serranus guasa Poey = 
Itaiara Lichtenstein). 
Itaiara Vaillant and Bocourt, Miss. Sci. Mexique, 1875, 90 (Serranus 
itaiara Lichtenstein). 

Promicrops itaiara (Lichtenstein). Guasa; Spotted jewfish; Méro. 

Atlantic coast of tropical America, from Florida to Brazil; not uncom- 
mon about rocks. 

Cugupuguacu Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina, 1771, 14; nonbinomial. 

Serranus itaiara Lichtenstein, Abhandl. Berlin Acad. Wiss., 1821 (1822), 
278, Brazil; not Itaiara of Marcgrave. 

Serranus galeus Miiller and Troschel, in Schomburgk’s Reise in Brit. 
Guiana, 1848, 621, Guiana. 

Serranus guasa Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 141; 1861, 354, Cuba. 

Promicrops quinquefasciata (Bocourt). 
Pacific coast of Central America. 
Serranus quinquefasciatus Bocourt, Ann. Sci. Nat., X, 1868, 223, Nagua- 
late, Pacific coast of Guatemala; very close to P. itaiara. 

Genus 828. ALPHESTES Bloch and Schneider. 
Alphestes Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 236 (Hpinephelus 
afer Bloch). 
Prospinus Poey, in Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 287 
(Plectropoma chloropterum Cuvier and Valenciennes= Alphestes afer 

Alphestes afer (Bloch). 
West Indies; Cuba to Brazil; recorded perhaps doubtfully from Guinea, 
if so, the American species, A. chloropterus, may prove different. 
Epinephelus afer Bloch, Ichthyol., 1793, pl. 327, Acar4 in Guinea. 
Plectropoma chloropterum Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
II, 1828, 300 (398), San Domingo, Martinique. 

% The subgenus Vivero is based on Epinephelus morio (Cuy. & Val.) which differs from all other species 
of Epinephelus in the elevation of the second dorsal spine. 


Plectropoma monacanthus Miiller and Troschel, in Schomburgk’s Hist. 
Barbados, 1847, 665, Barbados. 
?Serranus armatus Osorio, Jour. Sci. Lisbon, III, 1894, 74. 

2401. Alphestes multiguttatus (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Mazatlan to Panama. 
Plectropoma multiguttatum Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, 600, 

2402. Alpestes lightfooti (Fowler). 
San Domingo, West Indies. 
Epinephelus lightfooti Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LIX, 1907, 
258, fig. 3, San Domingo. 

Genus 829. DERMATOLEPIS Gill. 
Dermatolepis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 54 (Derma- 
tolepis punctatus Gill). 
Lioperca Gill, loc. cit., XIV, 1862, 237 (Serranus inermis Cuvier and 

24038. Dermatolepis punctatus Gill. 
West coast of Mexico; Cape San Lucas; the Venados; the Revillagigedos. 
Dermatolepis punctatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 
54, Cape San Lucas. 

2404. Dermatolepis zanclus Evermann and Kendall. 
Key West. 
Dermatolepis zanclus Evermann and Kendall, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., 
XVII, 1897, 129, pl. 8, fig. 9, Key West, Fla. 

Subgenus LIOPERCA Gill. 

2405. Dermatolepis inermis (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
West Indies. 
Serranus inermis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 
322 (436), Antilles. 

Genus 830. TRISOTROPIS Gill. 
Trisotropis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X VII, 1865, 104 (Johnius 
guttatus Bloch and Schneider= Perca venenosa Linnzus). 
Archoperca Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1896, 1171 (Mycteroperca boulengeri Jordan and Starks). 

Subgenus ARCHOPERCA Jordan and Evermann. 

2406. Trisotropis boulengeri (Jordan and Starks). Cabrilla de raizero; Man- 
grove grouper. 
Mazatlan, Mexico. 
Mycteroperca boulengeri Jordan and Starks, in Jordan, Fishes Sinaloa, 
Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., V, 1895, 445, pl. 38, taken in the Astillero at 
Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Subgenus TRISOTROPIS Gill. 

2407. Trisotropis venenosus (Linnzus). Rockfish; Yellow-finned grouper; 
Bonaci de Piedra. 
Bahamas, Florida Keys, and southward. 
Perca venenosa Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 292, Bahamas; after 
Serranus petrosus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 136, Cuba. 

2408. Trisotropis venenosus apua (Bloch). Bonaci cardenal. 
West Indies, Florida Keys, and southward to Brazil. A red form of 
T. venenosus. 
Bodianus apua Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, IV, 1790, 50, Brazil; after a 
drawing by Prince Maurice—the same used by Marcgrave. 
Pirati apia Marcgrave, Hist. Brasil., 1648, 158, Brazil. 
Bonaci cardenal Parra, Piezas de Hist. Nat. Cuba, 1787, 29, Pl. XVI, 

rjat si guttatus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 77; after 
Bodianus marginatus Bloch and Schneider, loc. cit., 331; after Marc- 

Serranus rupestris Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 
1833, 323 (437), San Domingo. 















Trisotropis bonaci (Poey). Marbled rockfish; Bonaci arara; Black 

grouper; Aguaji; Bonaci. 

West Indies; Pensacola to Brazil; Woods Hole, Mass. 

Serranus bonaci Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 129, Cuba. 

Serranus brunneus Poey, loc. cit., 131, Cuba. 

Serranus decimalis Poey, loc. cit., 138, Cuba; specimen with ten dorsal 

Trisotropis aguajt Poey, Repertorio, II, 1868, 229, Habana. 

Serranus cyclopomatus Poey, Memorias, 1861, 353, Cuba. 

Serranus latepictus Poey, loc. cit., 353, Cuba. 

Trisotropis xanthostictus rosiea and Swain). 
Snapper Banks off Pensacola, Fla. 
Mycteroperca bonact xanthosticta Jordan and Swain, Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., VII, 1884, 371, Snapper Banks off Pensacola, Fla. 

Trisotropis jordani (Jenkins and Evermann). Cabrilla de astillero; 
Pacific coast of Mexico from Gulf of California to Mazatlan. 
Epinephelus jordani Jenkins and Evermann, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
XI, 1888, 140, Guaymas, Sonora. 

Trisotropis microlepis Goode and Bean. Gog; Aquaji. 
South Atlantic and Gulf coast of United States, north to Virginia, 
south to Pensacola and Key West. 
Trisotropis microlepis Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., I, 
1879, 141, west Florida. 
ee is stomias Goode and Bean, loc. cit., V, 1882, 427, Pensacola; 
<ey West. 

Trisotropis interstitialis (Poey). 
Coast of Cuba; Woods Hole, Mass. 
Serranus interstitialis Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 127, Cuba. 
Trisotropis chlorostomus Poey, Repertorio, II, 1868, 231, Cuba. 

Trisotropis dimidiatus (Poey). 
Coast of Cuba. 
Serranus dimidiatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 129, Cuba. 

Trisotropis xenarchus (Jordan). 
Pacific coast of Mexico to the Venados Islands near Mazatlan and 
to the Galapagos Archipelago. 
Mycteroperca xenarcha. Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XX XIX, 
1887, 387, Galapagos Islands; Payta, Peru. 

Genus 831. MYCTEROPERCA Gill. 
Mycteroperca Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 80 (Serranus 
olfax Jenyns). 

Mycteroperca venadorum Jordan and Starks. Garlopa. 
West coast of Mexico at Mazatlan. 
Mycteroperca venadorum Jordan and Starks, in Jordan, Proc. Calif. 
Acad. Sci., V, 1895, 446, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Mycteroperca bowersi Evermann and Marsh. 
Culebra and Vieques Islands, Porto Rico. 
Mycteroperca bowersi Evermann and Marsh, Bull. Bur. Fish., XX, 1900 
(1902), 158, Culebra Island. 

Mycteroperca hopkinsi Jordan and Rutter. 
Mycteroperca hopkinsi Jordan and Rutter, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
XLIX, 1897, 105, Jamaica. 

Mycteroperca olfax (Jenyns). Yellow growper; Gourami. 
James Island, Galapagos Archipelago; Panama. 
Serranus olfax Jenyns, Voyage Beagle, Fishes, 1840, 9, pl. 4, Galapagos 

Mycteroperca rosacea (Streets). Cabrilla calamaria. 
Gulf of California. 
Epinephelus rosaceus Streets, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1877, 51, 
Angel Island, Gulf of California. 









Mycteroperca falcata (Poey). Scamp; Bacalao; Abadejo. 
West Indies, north to Bermuda. 
Serranus falcatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 138, Habana. 

Mycteroperca phenax Jordan and Swain. Scamp; Bacalao. 
Coasts of southern Florida; abundant about the keys. 
Mycteroperca falcata phenax Jordan and Swain, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
VII, 1884, 363, Key West, Fla. 

Mycteroperca calliura Poey. 
Coast of Cuba. 
Mycteroperca calliura Poey, Repertorio, I, 1867, 181, Cuba. 

Mycteroperca tigris (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Bonaci gato; Rockfish. 

West Indies, north to Bermuda. 

Serranus tigris Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 
325 (440), San Domingo.  - 

Serranus felinus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 134, Habana. 

Serranus repandus Poey, loc. cit., 135, Habana. 

Trisotropis reticulatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVII, 1865, 
105, Barbados. 

Mycteroperca camelopardalis (Poey). 
West Indies. 
Serranus camelopardalis Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 132, Cuba, a bright 
red form, otherwise similar to M. tigris. 

Genus 832. XYSTROPERCA Jordan and Evermann. 
Xystroperca Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1896, 1181 (Mycteroperca pardalis Gilbert). 

Xystroperca pardalis (Gilbert). Cabrilla piritita. 
Gulf of California. 
Mycteroperca pardalis Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 551, 
La Paz Bay, Lower California. 

Genus 833. PAREPINEPHELUS Bleeker. 
Parepinephelus Bleeker, Systema Percarum Revisum, in Archiv Neer. 
des Sci. Exet. Nat., XI, 1875, 1876, 257 (Serranus acutirostris Cuvier 
and Valenciennes= Epinephelus ruber Bloch). 

Parepinephelus acutirostris (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Scirenga. 

West Indies, Brazil, Mediterranean Sea, and islands of the eastern 

?Epinephelus ruber * Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, VII, 1793, 22, pl. 330, 
‘‘Japan’’; probably from the Mediterranean. 

Serranus acutirostris Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 
1828, 212 (286), Brazil. 

Serranus undulosus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 219 (295), Brazil. 

Serranus tinca Cantraine, ‘‘ Nouy. Mem. Ac. Brux., XI, 1831,’ Naples. 

Serranus fuscus Lowe, Trans. Cambr. Philos. Soc., VI, 1838, 196, 

Cerna nebulosa Cocco, ‘‘Indice Pesci. Messina, Gen. 45, sp. 2,” 1844, 
ws macrogenis Sassi, ‘‘ Deser. Genoveil Genovasato, I, 139,” 1846, 

Serranus emarginatus Valenciennes, Ichth. Iles Canaries, 1839, 10, 
Canary Islands. 

Epinephelus chalinius Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1871, 465, 
St. Martins. 

Cerna acutirostris lata Doderlein, loc. cit., 74, Palermo. 

Genus 834. CHORISTISTIUM Gill. 
Chorististium Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 15 (Liopro- 
poma rubra Poey). 

2428. Chorististium rubrum (Poey). 

© Theoriginal type of E. ruber has 24 gill rakers; all others examined (Athem, Brazil) have 30 to 35; for 

Coast of Cuba. 
Liopropoma rubre Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 418, Habana. 

these we retain the name acutirostris pending investigation. 











Genus 835. LIOPROPOMA Gill. 
Liopropoma Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 52 (Perca 
aberrans Poey). 

Liopropoma aberrans (Poey). 
Coast of Cuba. 
Perca aberrans Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 125, Cuba. 

Liopropoma longilepis Garman. 
Eastern Pacific in deep water. 
Liopropoma longilepis Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1889, 
47, lat. 7° 30’ N., long. 78° 34’ W. 

Genus 836. RYPTICUS Cuvier. Soapfishes. 

Ryptieus Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 2, II, 1829, 144 (Anthias saponaceus 
Bloch and Schneider). 

Smecticus Valenciennes, Ichth. Voy. Véwgus, 1855, 305 (S. bicolor Val- 

Higher Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1871, 467 (E. coriaceus 

Rhypticus authors, corrected spelling. 

Bye cue saponaceus (Bloch and Schneider). Soapfish; Jabon; Jabon- 
West Indies; Pensacola to west Africa and Brazil. 
Jaboncillo Parra, Difer. Piezas de Hist. Nat., 1787, 51, lam. 24, fig. 2, 
Anthias saponaceus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 310, 

Rypticus arenatus Cuvier and Valenciennes. 

West Indies and coast of Brazil; recorded from Jamaica, Trinity, 
Barbados, and St. Thomas. 

Rypticus arenatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1829, 
48 (65), pl. 46, Brazil. 

?Rhypticus subbifrenatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 
53, St. Thomas. 

?Rhypticus nigromaculatus Steindachner, Ichth. Notiz., VI, 1867, 42, 
Barbados; dorsal with four spines instead of three. 

Rypticus coriaceus (Cope). Black soapfish. 
West Indies; recorded from St. Martins and Jamaica. 
Eleutheractis coriaceus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1870 (1871), 
467, St. Martins. 

Rypticus xanti (Gill). 
Pacific coast of Mexico, from Cape San Lucas to Colima and Mazatlan. 
Rhypticus xanti Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 250, Cape 
San Lucas. 

Rypticus bicolor (Valenciennes). 
Galapagos Archipelago. 
Smecticus bicolor Valenciennes, Voy. Vénus, Poissons, 1855, 307, pl. 2, 
fig. 2, Galapagos Archipelago. 

Genus 837. PROMICROPTERUS Gill. 
Promicropterus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 53 (Rhyp- 
ticus maculatus Holbrook= Bodianus bistrispinus Mitchill). 

Promicropterus bistrispinus (Mitchill). Soapfish. 
South Atlantic coast of United States; frequent off Charleston, Pensa- 
cola, and Key West; Porto Rico; occasional as far north as Newport, 

Bodianus bis-trispinus Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag. and Crit. Review, 
II, February, 1818, 247, Straits of Bahama. 

Rypticus maculatus Holbrook, Ichth. South Carolina, Ed. I, 1855, 39, 
Cape Romain, 8. C. 

Rhypticus pituitosus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 
341, Key West, Fla. 



2437. Promicropterus nigripinnis (Gill). 
Pacific coast of tropical America, Cape San Lucas to Panama. 
Rhypticus nigripinnis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 53, 

Rhypticus maculatus Gill, loc. cit., XIV, 1862, 251, Cape San Lucas. 
Promicropterus decoratus Gill, loc. cit., XV, 1863, 164, Panama. 

Family 195. SERRANIDZ. Sea bass 

Genus 838. PARALABRAX Girard. Cabrillas verdes. 
Paralabrax Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 131 (Labraz 
nebulifer Girard). 

2438. Paralabrax nebulifer (Girard). Johnny verde; Kelp bass. 
Southern California, from Monterey to Magdalena Bay. 
Labrax nebulifer Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 142, 
Monterey, Calif. 
2439. Paralabrax maculatofasciatus (Steindachner). Spotted cabrilla. 
Pacific coast of America from Lower California to San Pedro and 
Serranus maculatofasciatus Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, VII, 1868, 5, 
Mazatlan, Mexico. 
?Serranus acanthophorus Bocourt, Ann. Sci. Nat., X, 1870, 223, Pacific 
coast of Mexico. 

2440. Paralabrax humeralis (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Pacific coast of South America; Panama to Juan Fernandez. 

Serranus humeralis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 
1828, 183 (246), Chile. 

Serranus albomaculatus Jenyns, Zool. Beagle, Fishes, 1840, 3, pl. 2, 
Galapagos Archipelago. 

?Serranus semifasciatus Guichenot, in Gay, Hist. Chile, II, 1847, 151, 
pl. 1, fig. 2, Juan Fernandez. 

2441. Paralabrax clathratus (Girard). Cabrilla; Rock bass. 
Coast of southern California, from San Francisco to Cedros Island. 
Labraz clathratus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 143, 
San Diego. 

Genus 839. CRATINUS Steindachner. 
Cratinus Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., VII, 1878, 19 (C. agassizii Stein- 

2442. Cratinus agassizii Steindachner. 
Galapagos Archipelago. 
Ceres agassizii Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., VII, 1878, 19, Galapagos 

Genus 840. CENTROPRISTES Cuvier and Valenciennes. Black sea bass. 
Centropristes Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1829, 
27 (36) (C. nigricans Cuvier and Valenciennes=Labrus striatus 
Centropristis of authors; variation in spelling. 

2443. Centropristes striatus (Linneus). Black sea bass; Blackfish; Tallywag; 

Hannahill; Black Will; Black Harry; Black perch; Black bass; Bluefish. 

Atlantic coast of United States, Cape Ann to northern Florida. 

Labrus striatus Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 285, ‘‘America’’; 
description very brief, but not to be referred to any other fish. 

Perca atraria Linnzus, loc. cit., ed. XII, 1766, 485, Carolina. 

Perca furva Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 336, New York; after Schopf. 

Coryphena nigrescens Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 297, 
New York. 

Lutjanus trilobatus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1802, 246, locality 

Perca varia Mitchill, Trans. Lit. & Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 415, pl. 3, 
fig. 6, New York. 













Centropristes ocyurus (Jordan and Evermann). Gulf sea bass. 
Gulf of Mexico at Snapper Banks off Pensacola, Fla. 
Serranus ocyurus Jordan and Evermann, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., IX, 
1886. 468, Snapper Banks off Pensacola, Fla. 

Centropristes rufus Cuvier and Valenciennes. Hogfish. 
Centropristes rufus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 
1829, 35 (47), Martinique. 

Genus 841. TRILOBURUS Gill. 

Triloburus Gill, Cat. Fish. East Coast U.S., Supplement to Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 30 (Perca trifurca Storer=Perca phila- 
delphica Linnzeus). 

Triloburus philadelphicus (Linnzus). Rock sea bass; Redfish. 
Coast of South Carolina. 
Perca philadelphica Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 291, America. 
Perca trifurca Linnzeus, loc. cit., ed. XII, 1766, 489, Carolinas. 
Lutjanus tridens Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 1V, 1802, 246, Carolinas. 

Genus 842. DIPLECTRUM Holbrook. Squirrelfishes. 

Diplectrum Holbrook, Ichth. South Carolina, ed. I, 1855, 32 (Serranus 
fascicularis Cuvier and Valenciennes=Perca formosa Linnzus). 

Haliperca Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 236, (Serranus 
bivittatus Cuvier and Valenciennes=Serranus radialis Quoy and 
Gaimard, and other species). 

Paraserranus Bleeker, Verh. Akad. Amst., XIV, 1873, 6 (P. hasselti 

Subgenus HALIPERCA Gill. 

Diplectrum radiale (Quoy and Gaimard). Aguavina. 

Cuba to Brazil. 

Serranus radialis Quoy and Gaimard, Voyage Uranie, 1824, 316, Rio 

Serranus bivittatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1828, 
179 (241), Martinique. 

Centropristes ayresi Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, VII, 1868, 1, pl. 1, 
fig. 1, Santos, Brazil. 

Diplectrum pacificum Meek and Hildebrand. 
Diplectrum radiale Gilbert and Starks, Memoir Calif. Acad. Sci., IV, 
1904, 97 (not of Quoy and Gaimard). 
Diplectrum pacificum Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., XV, Apr. 15, 1925, 477, Pl. XLVI, fig. 2, Naos Island, Panama. 

Diplectrum macropoma (Giinther). 
Pacifie coast of tropical America. 
Centropristis macropoma Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 145, 

Diplectrum sciurus Gilbert. 
Gulf of California. 
Diplectrum sciurus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 550, 
Gulf of California at Albatross stations Nos. 3014, 3021, 3026, and 
3033, all in shallow water. 

Diplectrum euryplectrum Jordan and Boliman. 
Coast of Colombia, southwest of Panama. 
Diplectrum euryplectrum Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
XII, 1889, 157, Pacific Ocean, off coast of Colombia. 

Subgenus DIPLECTRUM Holbrook. 

Diplectrum formosus (Linnus). Squirrelfish; Sandfish; Serrano. 

West Indies; common on the south Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the 
United States, from Charleston south to Montevideo. 

Perca formosa Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 488, Carolinas. 

Epinephelus striatus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, VII, 1793, 20, 
Jamaica (not Anthias striatus Bloch). 

Serranus radians Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. Uranie, Poiss., 1824, 313. 
pl. 58, fig. 2, Rio de Janeiro. 













Serranus irradians Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 
1828, 181 (244), Montevideo. 

Serranus fascicularis Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 182 (245), pl. 
30, Brazil. 

Genus 843. PRIONODES Jenyns. 
Prionodes Jenyns, Voy. Beagle, Fishes, 1842, 46 (P. fasciatus Jenyns). 

Prionodes zequidens (Gilbert). 
Gulf of California. 
Serranus zquidens Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 61, Gulf 
of California at Albatross station No. 2996, in 112 fathoms. 

Prionodes fusculus (Poey). 
Centropristes fusculus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 342, Cuba. 

Prionodes pheebe (Poey). Phebe. 
West Indies, north to Pensacola, Fla. 
Serranus phebe Poey, Memorias, I, 1852, 55, pl. 2, fig. 3, Cuba. 

Prionodes baldwini Evermann and Marsh. 
Porto Rico. 
Prionodes baldwini Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XXV, 
1899 (1900), 353, Culebra and Vieques Islands. 

Prionodes fasciatus Jenyns. 

Pacific coast of Mexico, Cape San Lucas to Galapagos Islands. 

Prionodes fasciatus Jenyns, Voy. Beagle, Fishes, 1840, 46, Chatham 
Island, Galapagos Archipelago. 

Serranus psittacinus Valenciennes, Voy. Vénus, Poiss., 1855, 299, pl. 1, 
fig. 1, Galapagos Islands. 

Serranus calopteryx Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 350, Mazatlan. 

Prionodes bulleri (Boulenger). 
Coast of Jalisco, western Mexico. 
Serranus bulleri Boulenger, Cat., I, 1895, 288, Las Pefias, Jalisco, 

Prionodes deweegeri (Metzelaar). 
Caribbean Sea. 
Serranus (Paralabrax) deweegeri Metzelaar, Trop. Atl. Visschen, 1919, 
52, fig. 20, Guanta, coast of Venezuela. 

Prionodes tabacaria (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Jacome; Bout de tabac. 
West Indies. 
Centropristes tabacarius Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
IIT, 1829, 33 (44), Martinique. 
Serranus jacome Poey, Memorias, I, 1852, 57, pl. 2, fig. 1, Cuba. 

Prionodes tigrinus (Bloch). 
West Indies. 
Holocentrus tigrinus Bloch, Naturgesch. Aus]. Fische, IV, 1790, 77, 
East Indies; after Seba, Thesaurus, III, Pl. XX VII, fig. 5. 
Serranus prestigiator Poey, Memorias, I, 1852, 58, pl. 2, fig. 2, Habana. 
?Centropristis annularis Giinther, Shore Fishes, Challenger Rept., Zool., 
I, pt. 6, 1880, 6, pl. 1, fig. C, Pernambuco. 

Prionodes flavescens (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Serranus flavescens Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VI, 
1830, 380 (506), Martinique. 
Genus 844. MENTIPERCA Gill. 
Mentiperca Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 236 (Serranus 
luciopercanus Poey). 
Mentiperca luciopercana (Poey). 

Coast of Cuba. 
Serranus luciopercanus Poey, Memorias, I, 1852, 56, pl. 9, fig. 1, Cuba. 

Genus 845. CENTRISTHMUS Garman. 
Centristhmus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 47 
(Centristhmus signifer Garman). 


2464. Centristhmus signifer Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Centristhmus signifer Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
48, Pl. LXIX, off Bay of Panama. 

Genus 846. DULES Cuvier. 
Dules Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 2, II, 1829, 147 (Dules auriga Cuvier 
and Valenciennes). 
Eudulus Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LIX, 1907, 264 (Dules 
auriga Cuvier and Valenciennes; Dulus being a genus of birds. 

2465. Dules auriga Cuvier and Valenciennes. Coachman; Charioteer. 
Coasts of Brazil and Uruguay, and occasionally northward. 
Dules auriga Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1829, 83 

(2) plaol. Brazil. i 
Centropristis brasiliensis Brissot de Barneville, Révue Zoologique, 1847, 
131, Bahia. 

Genus 847. CALLIDULUS Fowler. 
Callidulus Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LIX, 1907, 265 (Cen- 
tropristes subligarius Cope). 

2466. Cae flaviventris Cuvier and Valenciennes. Grassy ground rock- 


Tropical America, Charleston to Brazil. 

Dules flaviventris Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1829, 
85, Brazil. 

Centropristis dispilurus Ginther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1867, 99, 

Centropristis subligarius Cope, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXII, 
1870, 120, Pensacola, Fla. 

Genus 848. PARANTHIAS Guichenot. 

Brachyrhinus Gill, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 286 (Serranus 
creolus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Paranthias Guichenot, Ann. Soc. Linn. Maine-et-Loire, X, 1868 (Ser- 
ranus furcifer Cuvier and Valenciennes=Serranus creolus Cuvier and 

Creolus Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., XVI, 1882, 
XXXVI (withdrawn in the text) (Serranus furcifer Cuvier and 

2467. Paranthias furcifer (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Rabdirubia de lo alto; 


Both Bae of tropical America, Cuba to Brazil, Cape San Lucas to 
the Galapagos Archipelago. 

Serranus furcifer Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1828, 
196 (264), Brazil. 

Serranus creolus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 197 (265), Marti- 
nique; San Domingo. 

Corvina oxyptera DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 77, Pl. XXX, 
fig. 96, locality unknown. 

Serranus colonus Valenciennes, Voy. Vénus, Zool., 1855, 300, pl. 2, fig. 1, 
Galapagos Islands. 

Genus 849. OCYANTHIAS Jordan and Evermann. 
Ocyanthias Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1896, 1227 (Aylopon martinicensis Guichenot). 

2468. Ocyanthias martinicensis (Guichenot). 
West Indies. 
?Aylopon martinicensis Guichenot, Anthiani, Ann. Linn. Soc., X, 1868, 

Genus 850. HYPOPLECTRUS * Gill. Vacas. 

Hypoplectrus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 236 (Plectro- 
poma puella Cuvier and Valenciennes=variety of Perca unicotor 

ee eee 

8 The West Indian forms correctly referred to this species fall into several groups here provisionally 
designated as subspecies of the form first named (H. wnicolor), apparently differing only in color. These 
range from mottled olive and orange to intense indigo blue. 


















Hypoplectrus unicolor (Walbaum). Vaca; Petiinégre. 

West Indies, north to Florida Keys. 

Perca unicolor Walbaum, Artedi Piscium, III, 1792, 352, locality 

Plectropoma ephippium Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
II, 1828, 307, (408), locality unknown. 

Hypoplectrus maculiferus Poey, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., X, 1871, 
78, Habana. 

Hypoplectrus unicolor puella (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Vaca. 
Plectropoma puella Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 
« 1828, 305 (405), pl. 37, Martinique. 

Hypoplectrus unicolor vitulinus (Poey). 
Plectropoma vitulinum Poey, Memorias, I, 1852, 68, Cuba. 

Hypoplectrus unicolor pinnivarius (Poey). 
Habana. ; 
Hypoplectrus pinnivaria Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 291, Habana. 

ln hao unicolor guttavarius (Poey). 
Plectropoma guttavarium Poey, Memorias, I, 1852, 70, Cuba. 
Plectropoma melanorhina Guichenot, Poissons, in Ramon de la Sagra, 
Hist. Cuba, 1853, 18, pl. 1, fig. 1, Cuba. 

a unicolor gummigutta (Poey). 
Plectropoma gummigutta Poey, Memorias, I, 1852, 70, Cuba. 

Hypoplectrus unicolor crocotus (Cope). 
West Indies. 
Plectropoma crocota Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1870 (1871), 
466, St. Martins, West Indies. 

pao unicolor aberrans (Poey). 
Hypoplectrus aberrans Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 291, Cuba. 

Hypoplectrus unicolor accensus (Poey). 


Plectropoma accensum Poey, Memorias, I, 1852, 72, Cuba. 
Hypoplectrus unicolor affinis (Poey). A 


Plectropoma affine Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 427, Cuba. 

Hypoplectrus unicolor chlorurus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Plectropoma chlorurum Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
II, 1828, 306 (406), Martinique. 

ay at ohare unicolor nigricans (Poey). 
Plectropoma nigricans Poey, Memorias, I, 1852, 71, Cuba. 

cy! 1 Create unicolor indigo (Poey). Anil. 
Plectropoma indigo Poey, Memorias, I, 1852, 69, pl. 3, fig. 1, Cuba. 

Hypoplectrus unicolor bovinus (Poey). 
Plectropoma bovinum Poey, Memorias, I, 1852, 69, Cuba. 

Hypoplectrus unicolor gemma Goode and Bean. 
Florida Keys; known from one specimen from Garden Key, Fla. 
Hypoplectrus gemma Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
428, Garden Key, Fla. 

Hypoplectrus lamprurus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Serranus lamprurus Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., I, 1881, 
322, Panama. 


Genus 851. ANTHIAS Bloch. Barbiers. 
Anthias Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, VI, 1792, 97 (Labrus anthias L.). 
Aylopon Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 52, (Labrus anthias L.; the name 
Anthias said to be preoccupied). 

2485. Anthias tenuis Nichols. 
Anthias tenuis Nichols, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XX XIII, 1920, 60, 

Genus 852. HEMIANTHIAS Steindachner. 
Hemianthias Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., I, 1874, 4 (Anthias (Hemian- 
thias) peruanus Steindachner). 

2486. Hemianthias peruanus (Steindachner). 
Coasts of Peru and Chile, occasionally northward; off the coast of 
Lower California. 
Anthias (Hemianthias) peruanus Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., I, 1874, 4, 
Payta; Trujillo. 

2487. Hemianthias vivanus (Jordan and Swain). 
Gulf of Mexico; Snapper Banks between Pensacola and Tampa, Fla. 
Anthias vivanus Jordan and Swain, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 
544, from stomach of a red snapper taken at the Snapper Banks off 
Pensacola, Fla. 

Genus 8538. PRONOTOGRAMMUS Gill. 
Pronotogrammus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 80 (P. 
multifasciatus Gill). 

2488. Pronotogrammus multifasciatus Gill. 
Off Bay of Panama; Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 
Pronotogrammus multifasciatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 
1863, 81, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 

2489. Pronotogrammus eos Gilbert. 
Pacific coast of tropical America. 
Pronotogrammus eos Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 62, 
west coast of Mexico, at Albatross station 2996, in 112 fathoms. 


Genus 854. GRAMMA Poey. 
Gramma Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 296 (G. loreto Poey). 

2490. Grammd loreto Poey. 
Matanzas, Cuba; only the type known. 
Gramma loreto Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 296, Matanzas, Cuba. 

Family 197. RHEGMATIDA 

Genus 855. RHEGMA Gilbert. 
Rhegma Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1898, 3169 (Rhegma thawmasium Gilbert). 

2491. Rhegma thaumasium Gilbert. 
Rhegma thaumasium Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
and Mid. Amer., 1898, 3170, Panama. 

Family 198. PRIACANTHIDA. Big-eyes or catalufas 

Genus 856. PRIACANTHUS Cuvier. 
Breen Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 1, 1817, 281 (P. macrophthalmus 

2492. Priacanthus cruentatus (Lacépéde). Big-eye; Catalufa. 

Tortugas; West Indies to St. Helena and the Canaries (Priacanthus 
carolinus Lesson), a species very similar or identical in Hawaii and 
the western Pacific. 

Labrus cruentatus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 522, Mar- 
tinique; from a copy by Aubriet of a plate made by Plumier at 


Priacanthus cepedianus Desmarest, Prém. Dec. Ichthy., 1823, 9, pl. 1, 

?Priacanthus carolinus Lesson, Voy. Coquille, 1826, 204, Caroline 

2493. Priacanthus arenatus Cuvier and Valenciennes. Catalufa; Big-eye. 

West Indies, south to Brazil; occasionally northward in the Gulf Stream 
to Newport and Woods Hole, Mass. 

Catalufa Parra, Dif. Piezas Hist. Nat., 1787, 20, Habana. 

Priacanthus arenatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 
1829, 75 (101), Brazil. 

Priacanthus fulgens Lowe, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., II, 1839, 174, 

Priacanthus catalufa Poey, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 182, 

Genus 857. PSEUDOPRIACANTHUS Bleeker. 
Pseudopriacanthus Bleeker, Versl. Ak. Wet. Amsterdam, 1869 (2), 241 
(Priacanthus niphonius Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

2494. Pseudopriacanthus altus (Gill). 
West Indies and the Gulf Stream. 
Priacanthus altus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 732, 
Narragansett Bay. 

2495. Pseudopriacanthus serrula (Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of Colombia. 
Priacanthus serrula Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 450, 
Albatross station, 2797, west coast of Colombia. 

Family 199. PEMPHERIDA. Deep-water catalufas 

Genus 858. PEMPHERIS Cuvier. 
Pempheris Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 195 (Kurtus argenteus 
Bloch and Schneider = Pempheris touea Cuvier). 

2496. Pempheris schomburgkii Miiller and Troschel. 
Barbados and Cuba. 
Pempheris schomburgkii Miller and Troschel, in Schomburgk’s History 
of Barbados, 1848, 669, Barbados. 

2497. Pempheris miilleri Poey. Catalufa de lo alto. 
West Indies to Brazil. 
Pempheris miilleri Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 203, Cuba. 

2498. Pempheris poeyi Bean. 
Pempheris poeyi Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 229, Habana. 

2499. Pempheris mexicanus Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Pacific coast of Mexico, Acapulco. 
Pempheris mexicana Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VII, 
1831, 230 (308), Acapulco, Mexico. 

Family 200. LOBOTIDA,. Flashers or tripletails 

Genus 859. LOBOTES Cuvier. 
Lobotes Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 177 (L. erate Cuvier and 

2500. Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch). Flasher; Tripletail; Dormeur; Black 

perch; Black grunt. 

Atlantic coast from Cape Cod to Surinam; Mediterranean; Japan. 

satics epideey surinamensis Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, IV, 1790, 98, 

Bodianus triourus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. and Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 
418, Powells Hook, N. J. 

Lobotes somnolentus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 244 (324), pl. 126, San Domingo. 

Lobotes erate Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 322, Pondicherry. 

Lobotes auctorum Ginther, Cat., I, 1859, 338, Cuba; Calcutta; China. 

Genus 860. VERRUGATO Jordan. 
Verrugato Jordan, Classn. Fishes, 1923, 195 (Lobotes pacificus Gilbert). 


2501. Verrugato pacificus (Gilbert). Berrugate. 
Lobotes pacificus Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and 
Mid. Amer., 1898, 2857, Panama. 


Genus 861. XENICHTHYS Gill. 
re ie Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 82 (X. wantt 

2502. Xenichthys xanti Gill. 
Pacific coast of tropical America, from Cape San Lucas to Panama. 
Xenichthys xanti Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 82, Cape 
San Lucas. 
Xenichthys xenops Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., I, 1881, 
325, Panama. 

Genus 862. XENISTIUS Jordan and Gilbert. 
Xenistius Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, 1883, 920 (Xenichthys cali- 
forniensis Steindachner). 

2503. Xenistius californiensis (Steindachner). 
Pacific coast of America, from San Diego southward to Guaymas, 
Xenichthys californiensis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 3, 
San Diego. 


Genus 868. HOPLOPAGRUS Gill. 
Hoplopagrus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 78; and 
1862, 253 (Hoplopagrus gunthert Gill.) 

2504. Hoplopagrus guntheri Gill. Pargo. 
Pacific coast of tropical America, from Guaymas to Panam 
Hoplopagrus guntheri Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1861, 78, 
and 1862, 258, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 

Family 203. LUTIANIDA. Snappers 

Genus 864. LUTIANUS Bloch. 

Lutianus Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, IV, 1790, 105 (L. lutianus Bloch). 

Diacope Cuvier, Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, I, 1816, 360 (Holocentrus 
bengalensis Bloch, preoccupied). 

Mesoprion Cuvier (Régne Animal, 143), Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. 
Nat. Poiss., II, 1828, 441 (L. lutianus Bloch). 

Genyoroge Cantor, Jour. Roy. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, XVIII, 1849, 12 
(Diacope seb Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Neomenis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858 (1859), 167 
(Lobotes emarginatus Baird and Girard=Labrus griseus Linneus). 
Hypoplites Gill, loc. cit., XIV, 1862, 236 (Mesoprion retrospinis Cuvier 
and Valenciennes). 

Evoplites Gill, loc. cit., 236 (Mesoprion pomacanthus Bleeker, young of 
L. kasmira). 

Lutjanus Bloch and later writers, change of spelling; the word from 
the Indian ‘‘ Lutjang.”’ 

Subgenus EVOPLITES Gill. 

2505. Lutianus viridis (Valenciennes). 
Rocky islands of the eastern Pacific; known from Galapagos, Tres 
Marias, and Revillagigedo Islands. 
Diacope viridis Valenciennes, Voy. Vénus, 1855, 303, pl. 1, fig. 2 (very 
bad), Galapagos Islands. 

Subgenus NEOMANIS Girard, 

2506. Lutianus jordani (Gilbert) 
Panama; Cocos Island. 
Neomenis jordani Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
and Mid, Amer., 1896, 1252, Panama. 


2507. Lutianus novemfasciatus (Gill). Pargo prieto; Pargo moreno; Pargo 


Pacife coast of tropical America; Cape San Lucas; Guaymas; Mazat- 
lan; Punta Arenas; San Blas; Panama. 

Lutjanus novemfasciatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
251, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 

Mesoprion pacificus Bocourt, Ann. Sci. Nat. Paris, X, 1868, 223, 
Tauesco, Pacific coast of Guatemala. 

Lutjanus prieto Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
353, Mazatlan. 

2508. Lutianus cyanopterus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Cubera. 

West Indies to Brazil. 

Mesoprion cyanopterus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
II, 1828, 357 (472), Brazil. 

ae pargus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 358 (473), Porto 


Lutjanus cubera Poey, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., X, 1871, 75, Cvba. 

Lutjanus dentatus A. Duméril in Vaillant and Bocourt, Mise. Sci. Mex. 
Poiss., 1881, 125, Brazil. 

2509. Lutianus griseus (Linnzxus). Gray snapper; Mangrove snapper; Cab- 

elellerote; Lawyer. 

West Indies; ranging from New York to Brazil. 

Turdus pinnis branchialibus carens Catesby, Hist. Carolinas, II, 1743, 
5, pl. 9, Bahamas. 

Labrus griseus Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 283, after Catesby. 

Caballerote Parra, Descr. Dif. Piezas, Hist. Nat., 1787, 52, pl. 25, fig. 1, 

Sparus tetracanthus Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, 1791, 116, Martinique. 

Anthias caballerote Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 310, Cuba; 
after Parra. 

Bodianus vivanet Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1802, pl. 4, fig. 3, 

Mesoprion griseus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 
1828, 355 (469), San Domingo, not after Linnzus. 

Lobotes emarginatus Baird and Girard, 9th Smith. Rept., 1854 (1855), 
332, Beaseley Point, N. J. 

Lutjanus stearnsi Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, 179, 
Pensacola, Fla. 

2510. Lutianus jocG (Bloch and Schneider). Dog snapper; Joci. 

West Indies, north to Florida Keys, south to Bahia; one young recorded 
from Woods Hole, Mass. (Nichols and Breder). 

Anthias _joci Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 310, Cuba; 
after Parra. 

rs ‘asad Descr. Dif. Piezas, Hist. Nat., I, 1787, 58, pl. 25, fig. 2, 


Mesoprion litura Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1828, 

353 (467), Cayenne; St. Thomas. 

2511. Lutianus apodus (Walbaum). Schoolmaster; Caji. 
West Indies, north to Key West, south to Bahia; young casual at 
Woods Hole, Mass. (Nichols and Breder). 
Perca apoda Walbaum, Artedi Piscium, 1792, 351; based on the “School- 
arent of Catesby, which, in the very bad plate, lacks the pectoral 


Cazis Parra, Descr. Dif. Piezas, Hist. Nat., 1787, 14, pl. 8, fig. 2, Habana. 

Sparus cazis Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 284, Habana; 
after Parra. 

Bodianus striatus Bloch and Schneider, loc. cit., 1801, 335, pl. 65, 
West Indies, misprinted albostriatus and fasciatus. 

ao acutirostris Desmarest, Prem. Dec. Ichth., 1823, 12, pl. 3, 


Mesoprion cynodon Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 
1828, 351 (465), Martinique, San Domingo. 

Mesoprion linea Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 354 (468,) Cuba; 
San Domingo. } 

Mesoprion flavescens Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 357 (472), 
Martinique. : 


2512. Lutianus lutjanoides (Poey). 
Ocyurus lutjanoides Poey, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., IX, 1870, 319, Cuba; 
known from one specimen, suspected to be a hybrid between Ocyurus 
chrysurus and Lutianus apodus). 

2513. Lutianus brachypterus (Cope). 
Bahama Islands. 
One specimen known. 
Lutjanus brachypterus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soec., XIV, 1871, 470, 
New Providence, Bahama Islands; perhaps a hybrid of Lutianus 
griseus and L. synagris. 

2514. Lutianus argentiventris (Peters). Pargo amarillo. 
Pacifie coast of tropical America; Galapagos and Cocos Islands. 
Mesoprion argentiventris Peters, Berlin Monatsber., 1869, 704, Mazatlan. 

2515. Lutianus hastingsi (Bean). Bermuda silk snapper. 
Neomenis hastingsi Bean, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., X, Art. III, 
1898, 45, Bermuda. 

2516. Lutianus buccanella (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Sest de lo alto; 
Orielle noire; Boucanello; Blackfin snapper. 
West Indies; Habana. 
Mesoprion bucanella Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 
1828, 344 (455), Martinique. 
Mesoprion caudanotatus Poey, Memorias, I, 1854, pl. 3, fig. 3, 440, Cuba. 

2517. Lutianus vivanus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Pargo de lo alto; Silk 

snapper; West Indian snapper. 

West Indies; Habana. 

Mesoprion vivanus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 
1828, 343 (454), Martinique. 

Mesoprion profundus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 150, Cuba. 

Elen torridus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1871, 469, St. 

Lutjanus purpureus Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 29. 

2518. Lutianus campechanus™ (Poey). Red snapper; Mexican snappers 
Pargo guachenarigo. 
Long Island to Yucatan and Texas; a valued food fish. 
Mesoprion campechanus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 149, Campeche. 

2519. Lutianus blackfordii Goode and Bean. Pensacola snapper. 
Lutjanus blackfordii Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, 
176, Pensacola, Fla. 
2520. pba analis (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Muttonfish; Pargo; Pargo 
West Indies; Pensacola to Brazil, rarely north to Woods Hole, common 
and valued. 
Anthias quartus rondeleti (the muttonfish) Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina, 
II, 1743, 25, pl. 25, Bahamas. 
Mesoprion analis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1828, 
341 (452), San Domingo. 
Mesoprion sobra Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1828, 
342 (453), Martinique. 
Mesoprion isodon Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 1X, 1833, 328 (443), 
San Domingo. 
Merge rosaceus Poey, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., IX, 1870, 317, 
2521. Lutianus colorado (Jordan and Gilbert). Pargo colorado. 
Pacific coast of Mexico, Guaymas to Panama. 
Lutjanus colorado Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
338, name only, 351, 355, Mazatlan, Mexico. 
2522. Lutianus guttatus (Steindachner). Flamenco. 
Pacific coast of Mexico, from Guaymas to Panama. 
Mesoprion guttatus Steindachner, Ichthyol. Notizen, IX, 1869, 18, pl. 8, 
Mazatlan, Mexico. 

& The common red snapper is here admitted provisionally as distinct from the Brazilian Lutianus aya 
from which it is said by Hildebrand to differ tangibly. . 



2523. Lutianus synagris (Linneus). Lane snapper; Biajaiba; Redtail snapper. 

West Indies; Florida Keys to Colon and Brazil. 

Sparus synagris Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 280, Carolinas; after 

Salpa purpurascens variegata (Lane snapper) Catesby, Nat. Hist. Caro- 
lina, IT, 1743, 17, pl. 17, Bahamas. 

Sparus vermicularis Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 275, 
Martinique, on a drawing by Plumier. 

?Lutjanus aubrieti Desmarest, Prem. Dec. Ichth., 1823, 17, pl. 2, Cuba. 

Mesoprion uninotatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 
1828, 339 (449), pl. 39, San Domingo; Martinique. 

2524. Lutianus ambiguus (Poey). 
Mesoprion ambiguus Poey, Memorias, IT, 1861, 152, pl. 12, fig. 4; pl. 13, 
fig. 8; Habana; two specimens known; suspected to be a hybrid of 
Lutianus synagris and Ocyurus chrysurus). 

2525. Lutianus mahogoni (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Ojanco; Mahogany 


West Thdies; Habana. 

Mesoprion mahogoni Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 
1828, 338 (447), Martinique. 

Mesoprion ricardi Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 339 (447), Marti- 
nique? No locality given. 

Mesoprion ojanco Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 150, pl. 13, fig. 10, Cuba. 

2526. Lutianus megalophthalmus (Evermann and Marsh). 
Porto Rico. 
Neomzxnis megalophthalmus Evermann and Marsh, Bull. U. S. Fish 
Com., XX, 1900 (1902), 177, Puerto Real, Porto Rico. 

Genus 865. RAIZERO Jordan and Fesler. 
Raisero Jordan and Fesler, Rept. U. 8. Fish. Com., XVII, 1889 (1893), 
438 (Mesoprion aratus Giinther). 

2527. Raizero aratus (Giinther). Pargo de raizero. 
Pacifie coast of tropical America. 
Mesoprion aratus Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 145, Panama; 

Genus 866. RABIRUBIA Jordan and Fesler, 
Rabirubia Jordan and Fesler, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XVII, 1889 
(1893), 438 (Mesoprion inermis Peters). 

2528. Rabirubia inermis (Peters). 
Pacific coast of America from Mazatlan to Panama. 
Mesoprion inermis Peters, Berliner Monatsber., 1869, 705, Mazatlan, 

Genus 867. OCYURUS Gill. Rabirubias. 
Ocyurus Gill, Proe. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 236 (Sparus 
chrysurus Bloch). 

2529. Ocyurus chrysurus (Bloch). Yellowtail; Rabirubia. 
West Indies, southern Florida to Brazil; single specimen recorded at 
Woods Hole, Mass. 
Sparus chrysurus Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, V, 1791, 28, Brazil; after 
Acara pitamba Marcgrave, Hist. Brasil., 1648, 155, Brazil. 
Rabirubia Parra, Descr. Dif. Piezas, Hist. Nat., 1787, 42, pl. 20, fig. 1, 
Anthias rabirubia Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 309, Cuba; 
after Parra. 
Sparus semiluna Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1802, 141, Martinique. 
nae aurovittatus Agassiz, Spix, Pisc. Brasil., 1829, 121, pl. 66, 
Ocyurus rijgersmai Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1871, 468, 
fig. 4, St. Kitts. 
Genus 868. RHOMBOPLITES Gill. 
Rhomboplites Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 237 (Cen- 
tropristis aurorubens Cuvier and Valenciennes). 


2530. Breiepiiee aurorubens (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Cagon de lo 

West Indies, north to Charleston, south to Rio Janeiro. 

Centreprisits aurorubens Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
IIT, 1829, 34 (45), Brazil, Martinique, and San Domingo. 

Mesoprion elegans Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 153, Cuba. 

Aprion ariommus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 
142, Pensacola, Fla. ; 

Genus 869. TROPIDINIUS Gill. 
Tropidinius Gill, in Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 296 (Mesoprion arnillo 
Poey=A psilus deniatus Guichenot). 

2531. Tropidinius dentatus (Guichenot). Arnillo. 
West Indies; Habana. 
Apsilus dentatus Guichenot, in Ramon de la Sagra, Hist. Cuba, Poiss., 
1853, 29, pl. 1, fig. 2, Habana. 
Mesoprion arnillo Poey, Memorias, IT, 1861, 154, Cuba. 

Genus 870. PRISTIPOMOIDES Bleeker. 
Pristipomoides Bleeker, Tijdschr. Ned. Ind., III, 1852, 574 (Pristipo- 
moides typus Bleeker). 
Platyinius Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 237 (Mesoprion 
voraz Poey=Ceniropristis macrophthalmus Miller and Troschel). 
Bowersia Jordan and Evermann, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XXII, 1902 
(1903), 182 (B. violescens Jordan and Evermann). 

Subgenus PLATYINIUS Gill. 

2532. Pristipomoides macrophthalmus (Miiller and Troschel). Voraz. 
West Indies, Habana. 
Centropristis macrophthalmus Miller and Troschel, in Schomburgk, 
Hist. Barbados, 1848, 666, Barbados. 
Meszoprion voraz Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 151, Cuba. 

Genus 871. ETELIS Cuvier and Valenciennes. 

Eielis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1828, 93 (127) 
(Eteliz carbunculus Cuvier and Valenciennes, an East Indian species). 

Elastoma Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Amphib., etc., II, 1839, 202 
(Etelis oculatus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Hezperanthias Lowe, Fishes of Madeira, 1843, 14 (Serranus oculatus 
Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Macrop: Duméril, Mém. Acad. Sci. Paris, X XVII, 1856, 279 (Serranus 
aculeatusz (oculatus) Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

2533. Etelis oculatus “(Cuvier and Valenciennes). Cachucho. 

Warm seas; West Indies to Madeira; Hawaii. 

Etelis carbunculus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1828, 
94 (127), pl. 18, Seychelles Archipelago. 

Serranus oculatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., II, 198 (266), 

1. 32, Martinique. 

?Eteliz eviurus Jordan and Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XXII, 

1902, 142, Hawaii. 

Genus 872. ETELIDES Jordan and Thompson. 

Etdides Jordan and Thompson, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XXIV, 1904, 
241 (Anthias aquilonaris Goode and Bean). 

2524. Etelides aquilonaris (Goode and Bean). 
Gulf of Mexico; Gulf Stream near Carolina coast. 
rt aquilonaris Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 238, Gulf 
of Mexico. 

Family 204. VERILIDZ 

Genus 873. VERILUS Poey. 
Verilus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 124 (V. sordidus Poey). 
2525. Verilus sordidus Poey. LEzcolar chino. 

West Indies. 
Verilus sordidus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 125, pl. 12, fig. 6, Cuba. 

% This widel ay ony and brilliantly havi ype ty 1 cen of . single species eng ey the 
Warn “eA, é ¢e American species # pending inv on, though we can not de any 
Giflerencs: {rom the common wiurus, Hawaii, and carbunculus of Japan. 








Family 205. HZMULIDZE 

Genus 874. HA MULON Cuvier. Roncos or grunts. 
Diabasis Desmarest, Prem. Decade Ichth., 1823, 34 (D. parra Desma- 
rest; name preoccupied in beetles). 
Hzmulon Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 175 (elegans, etc., 
restricted later to Hemulon elegans Cuvier=Sparus sciurus Shaw). 
Anarmostus Scudder, in Putnam, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., I, 1863, 
12; name preoccupied in insects. 

Hemulon sexfaciatum Gill. Mojarra almejero. 
Pacific coast of tropical America, Guaymas to Panama. 
Hzmulon sexfasciatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
254, Cape San Lucas. 
Hzmulon maculosum Peters, Berliner Monatsber., 1869, 705, Mazatlan. 

Hemulon album Cuvier and Valenciennes. Margatefish; Jallao; 
Margaret grunt. 
West Indies; Florida Keys to Brazil. 
Perca marina gibbosa cinerea (margatefish) Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina, 
II, 1743, 2, pl. 2, Bahamas. 
eee gibbosa Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 342, not of Linnzus, after 
atesby. . 
Hzmulon album Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 
179 (241), St. Thomas. 
Hezmulon microphthalum Giinther, Cat., I, 1859, 306, America. 

Hemulon mowbrayi Jordan and Evermann. 

Key West, Fla. 

Hzmulon chrysopterum Mowbray, N. Y. Zool. Soc. Bull., XVIII, 
No. 6, 1915, 1298, with fig., Key West; not of Cuvier, which is 
Bathystoma rimator Jordan and Swain. 

Hzmulon mowbrayi Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
4th ser., XVI, Apr. 27, 1927, 505. 

Hemulon macrostomum Giinther. Gray grunt; Striped grunt. 
West Indies, north to Florida Keys. 
Hzmulon macrostoma Giinther, Cat., I, 1859, 308, Jamaica. 
Hzemulon fremebundum Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., II, 
1879, 340, Clearwater Harbor, Fla. 

Hemulon bonariense Cuvier and Valenciennes. Black grunt; Ponce 


West Indies, south to Buenos Aires. 

Hezmulon bonariense Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 174 (254), Buenos Aires. 

Hxmulon canna Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., V, 173 (233), 

Hzemulon notatum Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 179, Cuba. 

Hzmulon retrocurrens Poey, Repertorio, II, 1868, 236, 461, Cuba. 

Hzmulon continuum Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 46, Cuba. 

Hemulon parra (Desmarest). Sailors’ choice; Ronco blanco; Ronco 

prieto; Bastard margaret. 

West Indies; southern Florida to Brazil; very common at Key West 
and Habana. 

Diabasis parra Desmarest, Prem. Décade Ichth., 1823, 30, pl. 2, fig. 2, 

Hzmulon caudimacula Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 176, 
Brazil; Habana. f 

Hzmulon chromis Broussonet, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. 
Poiss., V, 1830, 180 (242), Jamaica. 

Hzmulon acutum Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 180, Cuba. 

Hzmulon serratum Poey, loc. cit., 181, Cuba. 

Hzmulon albidum Poey, loc. cit., 181, Cuba. 

Hezmulon canna Agassiz in Spix, Pise. Brasil., 1829, 130, pl. 69, Brazil; 
not of Cuvier and Valenciennes, 










Hemulon scudderi Gill. Mojarra prieta. 
Pacific coast of tropical America, Guaymas to Panama. 
Hemulon scudderi Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 253, 
Cape San Lucas. 
Hzxemulon brevirostrum Ginther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868, 418 
(Nov. 27), Panama. 
Hemulon undecimale Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 11, Panama. 

Hemulon carbonarium Poey. Ronco carbonero; Cxsar grunt. 
West Indies and Bermudas, south to Brazil; Habana. 
Hemulon carbonarium Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 176, Cuba. 

Hemulon steindachneri (Jordan and Gilbert). Roncador raiado. 
Both coasts of tropical America; Guaymas to Panama; a similar 
species (unnamed) recorded from St. Lucia and Rio Janeiro. 
Diabasis steindachnert Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., I, 
1881 (1882), 322, Panama and Mazatlan. 

Hemulon melanurum (Linnzus). Jeniguana; Cesar grunt. 

West Indies; Habana and southward; Bush Key; Tortugas. 

Perca marina cauda nigra (blacktail) Catesby, Hist. Carolina, II, 1743, 
7, pl. 7, fig. 2, Bahamas. 

Perca melanura Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 292, and ed. XII, 
1766, 486, Bahamas; based on Catesby. 

Hexemulon schrankii Agassiz in Spix, Pise. Brasil., 1829, 131, pl. 69a, 

Hzmulon dorsale Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 179, Cuba. 

Hemulon sciurus (Shaw). Yellow grunt; Ronco amarillo; Boar 

grunt; Humpback grunt. 

West Indies; Florida Keys to Brazil. 

Anthias formosus Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, VI, 1792, 122, Antilles; 
not Perca formosa of Linnzeus as identified. 

Sparus sciurus Shaw, General Zoology, IV, 1803, 439, pl. 64, Antilles; 
based on the description and figure of Bloch. 

?Diabasis obliquatus Bennett, Zool. Jour. London, V, 1837, 90, Jamaica. 

?Hxemulon similis Castelnau, Anim. Nouv. Rares, II, 1855, Bahia. 

Hezemulon luteum Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 174, Cuba. 

Hzemulon multilineatum Poey, loc. cit., 178, Cuba. 

?Hemulon hians Haly, Ann. Nat. Hist., XV, 1875, 268, Aspinwall. 

Hemulon plumieri (Lacépéde). Common grunt; Ronco ronco; Ronco 
arara; Boar grunt; Squirrelfish; Ronco grande. 

West Indies; abundant from Cape Hatteras to Rio Janeiro. 

Perca marina capite striato Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina, II, 1748, 6, 
pl. 6, Bahamas. 

Labrus plumieri Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 480, pl. 2, fig. 2, 
Martinique; on a copy of a drawing by Plumier, identified with this 
species by Cuvier. 

Guabicoara brasiliensibus Marcgrave, Hist. Brasil., 1648, 163, Brazil. 

Hzmulon formosum Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 175, Mar- 

Phe arcuatum Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 
1833, 356 (481), Charleston, S. 

Hezemulon arara Poey, Memorias, Tr 1861, 177, Cuba. 

Hzemulon subarcuatum Poey, loc. cit., 419, Cuba. 

Hemulon flavolineatum (Desmarest). French grunt; Open-mouthed 

grunt; Ronco condenado. 

West Indies; Florida Keys and Bermudas to Brazil. 

Diabasis flavolineatus Desmarest, Prem. Décade Ichth., 1823, 35, pl. 2, 
fig. 1, Cuba. 

Hzmulon heterodon Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 176, Cuba, 
based on Desmarest. 

Hexemulon xanthopteron Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 174 (254), Martinique. 

Genus 875. BRACHYGENYS Scudder. 
Brachygenys Scudder, in Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 47 (Hemulon tenia- 
tum Poey =Hxemulon chrysargyreum Ginther). 











Brachygenys chrysargyreus (Giinther). 
Key West, Habana, and Trinidad. 
Hzemulon chrysargyreum Giinther, Cat., 1859, 314, Trinidad. 
Hzemulon tzniatum Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 182, Cuba. 

Genus 876. BATHYSTOMA Scudder. Tomtates. 
Bathystoma Scudder, in Putnam, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., I, 1863, 12; 
no definition. (Hamulon jeniguano Poey=Hezemulon aurolineatum 
Cuvier and Valenciennes); not Bathystomus Forster, 1862. 

Bathystoma rimator (Jordan and Swain). Tomiate; Redmouth grunt; 
Cesar; Young grunt. 4 
West Indies; Cape Hatteras to Trinidad. 
Hzmulon rimator Jordan and Swain, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 
308, Charleston; Key West; Pensacola. 

Bathystoma aurolineatum (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Jeniguano; 
West Indies; Florida Keys to Brazil. 
Hzxmulon aurolineatum Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 176 (237), Brazil; San Domingo, 
Hzmulon jeniguano Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 183, Cuba. 

Bathystoma striatum (Linnzus). White grunt. 

West Indies; Bermudas to Brazil. 

Capeuna brasiliensibus Marcgrave, Hist. Brasil., 1648, 155, Brazil 

Perca striata Linnzwus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 293, North America. 

Grammistes trivittatus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 188, 
Brazil, after Marcgrave. 

Serranus capuena Lichtenstein, Abhandl. Berlin. Akad., 1820, 288, 
Brazil; after Marcgrave. 

Hezemulon quadrilineatum Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
V, 1830, 177 (238), pl. 120, San Domingo. 

Hemulon quinquelineatum Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 419, Cuba. 

Genus 877. LYTHRULON Jordan and Swain. 
Lythrulon Jordan and Swain, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 287 
(Hemulon flaviguttatus Gill). 

Lythrulon flaviguttatum (Gill). Peixe fonda. 
Pacific coast of tropical America, Guaymas to Panama. 
Hzemulon flaviguttatus Gill, Proc.. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
254, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 
Hezemulon margaritiferum Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 147, 

Lythrulon opalescens Jordan and Starks. 
Mazatlan, Mexico. 
Lythrulon opalescens Jordan and Starks, in Jordan, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., V, 1895, 459, pl. 40, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Genus 878. ORTHOSTCECHUS Gill. Striped grunts. 
Orthostechus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 255 (O. 
maculicauda Gill). 

Orthostechus maculicauda Gill. Roncador raiado. 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Guaymas to Panama. 
Orthostachus maculicauda Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
225, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 
Hzemulon mazatlanum Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, VIII, 1869, 12, 
Pl. VI, Mazatlan. 

Genus 879. PARACONODON Bleeker. 
Paraconodon Bleeker, Archiv Neerl., XI, 1876, 272 (Conodon pacifici 
Paraconodon pacifici (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of tropical America. 
Conodon pacifici Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 147, Chiapam. 
Paraconodon cesius (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of Mexico; Mazatlan and Acapulco; Bay of Panama. 
Pomadasys cesius Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
383, Mazatlan. 












Paraconodon dovii (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of tropical America at Mazatlan and Panama. 
Pristipoma dovit Ginther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 23, Panama 

Genus 880. ANISOTREMUS Gill. 
Anisotremus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 105 (Sparus 
virginicus Linnzeus). 
Genytremus Gill, loc. cit., XIV, 1862, 256 (Pristipoma_ bilineatum 
Cuvier and Valenciennes= A nisotremus surinamensis Bloch). 

Subgenus GENYTREMUS Gill, 

Anisotremus surinamensis (Bloch). Pompon. 

Tropical America, from Louisiana (New Orleans market) to Brazil. 

?Lutjanus surinamensis Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, IV, 1790, 98, 

Pristipoma bilineatum Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 202 (271), pl. 122, Martinique. 

Peeps melanopterum Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 203 (273), 

Hzxmulon obtusum Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 182, Habana. 
Hezmulon labridum Poey, loc. cit., 1861, 419, Cuba. 

Anisotremus interruptus (Gill). Mojarron. 
Pacific coast, Magdalena Bay to Panama and the Galapagos. 
Genytremus interruptus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1861, 
256, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 
Pristipoma furthii Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, 1876, 4, Panama. 

Anisotremus bicolor (Castelnau). Maria prieta. 
Coast of Brazil; perhaps Cuba. 
Pristipoma bicolor Castelnau, Anim. Amér. du Sud, Poiss., 1855, 8, 
pl. 2, fig. 2, Bahia, Brazil. 
?Pristipoma trilineatum Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 343, Habana, young. 
Pristipoma brasiliense Steindachner, Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1863, 1013, Bahia. 

Subgenus ANISOTREMUS Gill. 

Anisotremus scapularis (Tschudi). 

Coast of Peru; said to have been once taken at Mazatlan, a doubtful 

Pristipoma scapulare Tschudi, Fauna Peruana, 12, 1845, Huacho, Peru. 

?Diagramma melanospilum Kner, Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wiss., 1807, 4, 
west coast of South America. 

Pristipoma notatum Peters, Monatsb. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1869, 706. 
“angeblich aus Mazatlan.” 

Anisotremus davidsonii (Steindachner). Sargo raiado. 
Coast of southern California. : 
Pristipoma davidsonii Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 6, San 

Anisotremus spleniatus (Poey). 
Pristipoma spleniatum Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 187, Habana. 

Anisotremus teniatus Gill. Catalina; Striped grunt. 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Magdalena Bay to Panama. 
Anisotremus tzniatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 107, 

Anisotremus virginicus (Linneus). Porkjish; Catalineta. 

West Indies; Florida Keys to Brazil. 

Guatucupa juba Marcgrave, Hist. Brasil., 1648, 147, Brazil. 

Acara pinima Marcgrave, loc. cit., 1648, 152, Brazil. 

Sparus virginicus Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 281, South America. 

?Sparus vittatus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, V, 1791, 33, fig. 2, 
Brazil; after Acara pinima Marcgrave. 

Perca juba Bloch, loc. cit., VI, 1792, 77, Brazil, after Marcgrave. 

Grammistes mauritii Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichthyol., 1801, 185, 
after Bloch. 


?Pristipoma catharine Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 201, 269, St. Catharine Island, Brazil. 

Pristipoma acara—pinima Castelnau, Anim. Nouv. Rares, 1856, 8, 

Pristipoma rodo Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 205 (274), Mar- 
tinique, Brazil, Porto Rico, and San Domingo. 

2567. Anisotremus serrula (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Téte de roche; 
Petite scie. : 
Pristipoma serrula Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 203 (272), Martinique. 
Pristipoma auratum Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 203 (272), 

Genus 881. CONODON Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Conodon Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 156 
(C. antillanus Cuvier and Valenciennes= Perca nobilis Linnzeus). 
Cheloniger Plumier, in Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803 (Perca 
nobilis Linnzeus); name not accepted by Lacépéde. 

2568. Conodon nobilis (Linnzus). 

West Indies; coast of Texas to Brazil. 

Perca nobilis Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 291, North America. 

Scizna plumieri Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, VI, 1792, 66, taf. 306, Mar- 

Scizena coro Bloch, loc. cit., 1792, 70, pl. 307, fig. 2, Brazil; after Coro 
coro Marcgrave. 

Conodon antillanus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 116 (156), Jamaica. 

2569. Conodon serrifer Jordan and Gilbert. 
Lower California. 
Conodon serrifer Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
351, Boca Soledad, Lower California. 

Genus 882. BRACHYDEUTERUS Gill. Burritos. 
Brachydeuterus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 17 (B. 
auritus, an African species). 
Hzmulopsis Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, VIII, 1869, 9, Mazatlan 
(Hzemulon corvineformis Steindachner). 

2570. Brachydeuterus nitidus (Steindachner). 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Panama, Mazatlan, and the Gulf of 
California. . 
Pristipoma (Hzemulopsis) nitidum Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, VIII, 
1869, 5, Mazatlan. 

2571. Brachydeuterus leuciscus (Giinther). Buwrrito. 
Pacific coast of tropical America; not rare at Mazatlan and Panama; 
south to northern Peru. 
Pristopoma leuciscus Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 147, 
San Jose de Nicaragua; Chiapam. 
Pomadasis elongatus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 352, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

2572. Brachydeuterus axillaris (Steindachner). Burro blanco. 
Pacific coast of Mexico; Mazatlan and Guaymas. 
Pristipoma (Hxmulopsis) azxillare Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, VIII, 
1869, 7, Mazatlan. 

2573. Brachydeuterus corvineformis (Steindachner). 
West Indies to Brazil; Jamaica. 
Hzemulon corvineforme Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, VII, 1868, 16, 
Santos, Brazil. 

Genus 883. RHENCUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Rhencus Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 387 (Pristipoma 
panamense Steindachner), 

6425°—29 22 














Rhencus panamensis (Steindachner). 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Panama and Mazatlan. 
Pristipoma panamense Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 8, Panama. 

Genus 884. POMADASYS Lacépéde. Burros. 
Pomadasys Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 516 (Scizna argentea 
Pristipomus Oken, Isis, 1817, 279 (Lutjanus hasta Bloch; after les 
Pristipsmes Cuvier). 
Pristipoma Cuvier and Valenciennes, changed spelling. 

Subgenus PRISTOPOMUS Cuvier. 

Pomadasys bayanus Jordan and Evermann. 
Pacific coast of Panama, in fresh water. 
Pristipoma humile Kner and Steindachner, Sitsgber. Akad. Wiss. 
Miinch., 1863, 222, Rio Bayano, near Panama; name preoccupied 
by Pristopoma humilis Bowdich, Fishes of Madeira, 1825, 236. 
Pomadasis bayanus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1898, 1331, Rio Bayano, near Panama. 

Pomadasys productus (Poey). 
Pristipoma productum Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 186, Habana. 

Pomadasys macracanthus (Giinther). Burro. 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Panama; Mazatlan; Chiapas, and 
Punta Arenas. 
Pristipoma macracanthum Ginther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 146, 

Pomadasys grandis Meek. 
Lake Nicaragua. 
Pomadasis grandis Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., VII, 1907, 116, 
Lake Nicaragua. 

Pomadasys templei Meek. 
Valles, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 
Pomadasys templei Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 201, Valles, 
San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 

Pomadasys boschme (Metzelaar). 
West Indies. 
Pristipoma boschme Metzelaar, Tropisch Atl. Vissch., 1919, 83, fig. 
27; probably from Curagao. 

Pomadasys starri Meek. Burro. 
Perez, Vera Cruz, Mexico. 
Pomadasys starri Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 200, Perez, 
Vera Cruz, Mexico. 

Genus 885. RHONCISCUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Rhonciscus Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 387 (Pristipoma 
crocro Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Rhonciscus crocro (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
West Indies; Cuba to Brazil. 
Pristipoma crocro Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 
197 (264), Martinique. 
Pristipoma cultiferum Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 185, Habana. 
Pomadasys approximans Bean and Dresel, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. i 
VII, 1884, 160, Jamaica. 

Rhonciscus branicki (Steindachner). Burrito. 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Mazatlan to Peru. 
Pristipoma branicki Steindachner, Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
XLI, 1879, 28, Tumbez, Peru. 

Rhonciscus ramosus (Poey). 
West Indies; south to Brazil. 
Pristipoma ramosum Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 186, Habana. 
Pristipoma bqucardi Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, VIII, 1869, 1, Coji- 
mar River near Habana. 










Rhonciscus sinuosus (Eigenmann). 
North coast of Colombia. 
Pomadasys sinuosus Eigenmann, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soe., LVI, 1917, 683, 
Patia, between Magna and Telembi. 

Genus 886. ORTHOPRISTIS Girard. Pigfishes. 
Orthopristis Girard, U.S. Mex. Bound. Surv., Zool., 1859, 15 (O. duplex 
Girard= Perca chrysopterus Linnzus). 
Pristocantharus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 256 
(Pristipoma cantharinum Jenyns). 

Orthopristis chalceus (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of tropical America, from Cape San Lueas to the Gala- 
Pristipoma chalceum Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 146, 
Pristipoma kneri Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, VIII, 1869, 3, Mazatlan, 

Orthopristis reddingi Jordan and Richardson. 
La Paz, Lower California. 
Orthopristis reddingi Jordan and Richardson, in Jordan, Proc. Calif. 
Acad. Sci., V, 1895, 509, pl. 41, La Paz, Lower California. 

Orthopristis chrysopterus (Linneus). Pigfish; Sailors’ choice, Hogfish; 
Red-mouthed grunt. 
South Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States; young common 
as far north as New York. 
Perca chrysoptera Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, 1766, 485, Charleston, 

Labrus fulvo-maculatus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. and Phil. Soe. N. Y., 
1814, 406, New York. 
Pristipoma fasciatum Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 213 (285), New York. 
Orthopristis duplex Girard, U. 8S. Mex. Bound, Surv., Zool., Fishes, 1859, 
~ 15, pl. 9, figs. 1 to 4, Indianola and Brazos Santiago, Tex. 

Orthopristis poeyi Scudder. 
West Indies; Habana. ‘ 
Orthopristis poeyi Scudder, in Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 312, Habana. 

Genus 887. MICROLEPIDOTUS Gill. 
Microlepidotus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 255 (M. 
inornatus Gill). 
Tsaciella Jordan and Fesler, Rept. U. 8S. Fish Com., XVII, 1889-1891 
(1893), 497 (Pristipoma brevipinne Steindachner). 

Microlepidotus brevipinnis (Steindachner). 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Pristipoma (Hemulopsis) brevipinne Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, VIII, 
1869, 10, Mazatlan. 

Microlepidotus inornatus Gill. Jopaton. 

Gulf of California; La Paz and Mazatlan. 
Microlepidotus inornatus Gill, Proe. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 

256, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 

Genus 888. GENYATREMUS Gill. 
Genyatremus Gill, Proe., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 256 (Dia- 
gramma cavifrons Cuvier and Valenciennes= Lutianus luteus Bloch). 

Genyatremus luteus (Bloch). 

Lesser Antilles to Brazil. 

Lutianus luteus Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, IV, 1795, 111, Martinique; 
on a drawing by Plumier. 

Grammistes hepatus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 187, 
after Bloch. 

Diagramma cavifrons Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 217 (290), pl. 123, Rio Janeiro. 


Family 206. SPARIDA. Porgies; Pargos 

Genus 889. OTRYNTER Jordan and Evermann. 
Otrynter Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 388 (Stenotomus 
caprinus Bean). 

2593. Otrynter caprinus (Bean). 
Banks off the west coast of Florida. 
Stenotomus caprinus Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 426, Snapper 
Banks off Pensacola, Fla. 

Genus 890. STENOTOMUS Gill. 
Stenotomus Gill, Canadian Nat., 1865, 266 (Sparus argyrops Linnzeus = 
Sparus chrysops Linnzeus). 
Stenesthes Jordan, Copeia, Oct. 4, 1917 (same type); substitute name, 
there being an earlier genus Stenotoma). : 

2594. Stenotomus versicolor (Mitchill). Common scup; Porgy; Scuppaug; 
Mishcuppauog; Bream; Fair maid. 
Atlantic coast of United States, from Cape Cod to North Carolina; 
common northward. 
bare versicolor Mitchill, Trans. Lit. and Phil. Soc., I, 1815, 404, New 
Sargus ambassis Giinther, Cat., I, 1859, 449, New York. 

2595. Stenotomus chrysops (Linneus). Southern porgy. 

Southern Atlantic and Gulf coast of United States, Cape Hatteras to 

Sparus argyrops Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, 1766, 471, Charleston; 
young. > 

Sparus chrysops Linneus, loc. cit., 1766, 471, Charleston, 8. C. 

Sparus xanthurus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 120, Charleston; 
after argyrops L. 

Chrysophrys aculeata Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XI, 
1830, 137, Charleston, S. C. 

Genus 891. CALAMUS Swainson. 
Calamus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fishes, etc., II, 1839, 171 and 221 (Pa- 
gellus calamus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Grammateus Poey, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., X, 1874 (Pagellus 
microps Guichenot= Pagellus penna Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

2596. Calamus calamus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Saucereye porgy; Pez de 


West Indies, north to Florida Keys. 

Pagellus calamus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VI, 1830, 
152 (206), pl. 152, Martinique; San Domingo. 

Calamus megacephalus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fishes, IT, 1839, 222, after 
Cuvier and Valenciennes. 

Pagellus orbitarius Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 201, Cuba. 

2597. Calamus bajonado (Bloch and Schneider). Jolt-head porgy; Bajonado. 

West Indies, north to Florida Keys. 

Sparus bajonado Bloch and Schneider, ed. Bloch, Syst. Tchth., 1801, 
284, West Indies; after Parra. 

Bajonado Parra, Dif. Piezas Hist. Nat. Cuba, 1787, 13, lam. 8, Habana. 

Pajellus caninus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 199, Habana. 

Calamus plumatula Guichenot, Rev. Pagels in Mém. Soc. Sci. Nat. 
Cherbourg, XIV, 1868, 119, Martinique. 

2598. Calamus proridens Jordan and Gilbert. Littlehead porgy; Pez de pluma. 
West Indies, north to the Florida Keys. 
Calamus proridens Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 
1884, 150, Key West, Fla. 
2599. Calamus pennatula Guichenot. Litilehead porgy. 
West Indies. 

Calamus pennatula Guichenot, Révision des Pagels in Mém. Soe. Sci. 
Nat. Cherbourg, XIV, 1868, 116, Martinique. 











Calamus brachysomus (Lockington). Mojarra garabata. 
Gulf of California and neighboring waters, locally abundant from 
Magdalena Bay to Panama. 
Sparus brachysomus Lockington, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 284, 
Magdalena Bay, Lower California. 

Calamus leucosteus Jordan and Gilbert. Whitebone porgy. 
South Atlantic coast of United States; known only from the markets 
of Charleston, S. C. 
Calamus leucosteus Jordan and Gilbert, in Jordan, Cat. Fish. N. Amer., 
in Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIII, 1885, 879, Charleston, 8. C. 

Calamus macrops Poey. 
Calamus macrops Poey, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., X, 1872, 181, 
P]. VII, fig. 3, Habana. 

Calamus penna (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Litilemouth porgy; Sheeps- 

head porgy; Speckled porgy. 

Southern Florida to Brazil; known from southern Florida, Key West, 
Rio Janeiro, St. Thomas, Habana, Camaru, and Rio Grande do Sul. 

Pagellus penna Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VI, 1830, 
154 (209), Brazil. 

Pagellus microps Guichenot, in Ramon de la Sagra, Hist. Ile Cuba, 
1853, 83, pl. 3, fig. 1, Habana. 

Pagellus humilis Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 308, Habana. 

Pagellus milneri Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IT, 1879, 134, 
Charlotte Harbor, Fla. 

Calamus arctifrons Goode and Bean. Grass porgy; Shad porgy. 
Gulf of Mexico, from Pensacola to Key West; West Indies; Porto Rico. 
Calamus arctifrons Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
425, Pensacola, Fla. 

Calamus medius (Poey). 
West Indies; Habana. 
Grammateus medius Poey, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., X, 1872, 183, 
pl. 7, fig. 4, Habana. 

Calamus kendalli Evermann and Marsh. Pluma. 
Porto Rico. 
Calamus kendalli Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XXV, 
1899, 354, Mayaguez, Porto Rico. 

Genus 892. PAGRUS Cuvier. 
Pagrus Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 1, 1817, 272 (Sparus argenteus Bloch 
and Schneider=Sparus pagrus Linnzus). 

Pagrus pagrus (Linnzus). Red porgy; Besugo; Pargo colorado. 
Southern Europe and south Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United 
States; south to Uruguay; less common in America. 
Sparus pagrus Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 279, southern Europe. 
Sparus argenteus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 271, Europe. 
Pagrus vulgaris Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VI, 1830, 
104 (142), pl. 148, southern Europe. 

Genus 893. LAGODON Holbrook. Chopa spina; Sailors’ choice. 
angen Holbrook, Ichth. South Carolina, 1855, 56 (Sparus rhomboides 

Lagodon rhomboides (Linnzus). Pinfish; Bream; Sailors’ choice; 
Chopa spina; Sargo. 
Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States; Cape Cod to Cuba. 
Epasus rhomboides Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed, XII, 1766, 470, Charleston, 

Genus 894. SALEMA Jordan and Evermann. 
Salema®™ Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 390 (Perca uni- 
maculata Bloch). 

% Not Seleima Bowdich 1825= Kyphosus. 


2609. Salema rhomboidalis (Linnzeus). Salema. 

West Indies, north to Key West, south to Rio Janeiro. 

Perca rhomboidalis Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, Jamaica; after 
Bream, Browne, Jamaica, 1756, 446. 

Perca unimaculata Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, VI, 1792, 75, Brazil. 

Sparus salin Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1802, 136; based on 

Sargus humerimaculatus Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. Freycinet, Zool., 
1824, 297, Rio Janeiro. 

Sargus flavolineatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VI, 
1830, 44 (60), Cuba. 

Cynzdus brama Gronow, Cat. Fishes, ed. Gray, 1854, 56, South Carolina. 

Sargus caribeus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 197, Cuba. 

2610. Salema tridens (Poey). 
Sargus tridens Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 57, Cuba. 

Genus 895. ARCHOSARGUS Gill. Sheepsheads. 
Archosargus Gill, Canadian Nat., 1865, 266 (Sparus probatocephalus 

2611. Archosargus probatocephalus (Walbaum). Sheepshead; Sargo raiado. 

Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States; Cape Cod to Florida 
Keys and Texas. 

Sparus probatocephalus Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 295, New York; 
based on Sparus of Schoépf. 

Sparus ovicephalus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 280, New 

Sargus ovis Mitchill, Trans. Lit. and Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1814, 392, 
pl. 2, fig. 5, New York. 

2612. Archosargus aries (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Honduras to Brazil; Rio Janeiro; Maracaibo; Belize. 
Sargus aries Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VI, 1830, 42 
(58), Rio Janeiro; Maracaibo. 

Genus 896. DIPLODUS Rafinesque. 
Diplodus Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 54 (Sparus annularis L.). 
Sargus Cuvier, Régne Anim., I, 1817, 272 (Sparus sargus Linnszeus); 
preoccupied in insects. 

2613. Diplodus holbrookii (Bean). 
South Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States; Cape Hatteras to 
Cedar Keys. 
Bahone Leng? Bean, Forest and Stream, June 13, 1878, 359, Charles- 
ton, S. 

2614. Diplodus argenteus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Sargo. 
West Indies; Florida and Bermudas, south to Argentina. 
Sargus argenteus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VI, 1830, 
44 (60), Brazil. 
Sargus caudimacula Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 198, Cuba. 
2615. Diplodus sargus (Linnzus). Sargo. 
Coasts of southern Europe; Bermudas. 
Sargus sargus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 278, Mediterranean. 
Sargus variegatus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 207, Medi- 
Sargus raucus Geoffrey St. Hilaire, Deser. de l’Egypte, Poiss., 1813, 
Pl. XVIII, fig. 1, coast of Egypt. 
Sargus rondeletii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VI, 1830, 
10 (14), pl. 141, Mediterranean. 
Sargus vitula Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 35 (48), Naples. 

Family 207. GIRELLIDZ 

Genus 897. GIRELLA * Gray. 
Girella Gray, Illus. Indian Zool., II, 1833, 98 (@. punctata Gray). 
Camarina Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1860 (1863), 81 (C. 

nigricans Ayres). 

62 Melanichthys Schlegel, 1844=Jncisidens Gill, 1862; differs from Girella in having two to four rows of 
incisors and is probably a valid genus. 


2616. Girella nigricans (Ayres). Greenfish; California bluefish; White spot. 
Coast of southern California from Monterey to Cape San Lucas. 
_Camarina nigricans Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1860, 81, fig. 
22, California. 
Girella dorsomacula Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 244, 
Cape San Lucas. 

Genus 898. INCISIDENS Gill. 
Incisidens Gill, Proce. Acad. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 244 (Crenidens 
simplex ® Richardson). 
Aplodon Duméril, in Thominot, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1883, 141 
(Aplodon margaritiferum Duméril); name preoccupied. 

2617. Incisidens simplicidens (Osburn and Nichols.) 
Gulf of California. . 
Girella simplicidens Osburn and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
XXXV, 1916, 165, fig. 10, San Francisquito. 

Family 208. KYPHOSIDZ. Pilotfishes 

Genus 899. KYPHOSUS Lacépéde. 

Kyphosus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 114 (K. bigibbus 
Lacépéde=fuscus Lacépéde). 

Pimelepterus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 429 (P. besci 

Dorsuarius Lacépéde, loc. cit., V, 1803, 482 (D. nigrescens Lacépéde.). 

Xyster Lacépéde, loc. cit., X, 484 (X. fuscus Lacépéde). 

Xysterus Rafinesque, Anal. Nature, 1815, 95; substitute for Xyster. 

Seleima Bowdich, Fishes Madeira, 1825, 238 (S. aurata Bowdich). 

Opisthistius Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 245 (Sciena 
tahmel ForskAl. 

Cyphosus of authors, corrected spelling. 

2618. Kyphosus analogus (Gill). Salema. 
Pacific coast of tropical America, Gulf of California to Panama. 
Pimelepterus analogus Gill, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
245, Cape San Lucas. 

2619. Kyphosus incisor (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Chopa amarilla. 
West Indies to Brazil and the Canaries; Tortugas. 
Pimelepterus incisor Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VII, 
1831, 198 (266), Brazil. 
ane aurata Bowdich, Excursion Madeira, 1825, 238, Bona Vista 
Pimelepterus flavo—lineatus Poey, Repertorio, I, 1866, 319, Habana. 

2620. Kyphosus elegans (Peters). Chopa. 
Pacific coast of tropical America, from Guaymas to Mazatlan; a species 
apparently the same in Hawaii. 
Pimelepterus elegans Peters, Berlin. Monatsb., 1869, 707, Mazatlan, 
Pimelepterus sandvicensis Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Philom., July, 1880 (7), 
IV, 221, Sandwich Islands. 

2621. Kyphosus metzelaari Jordan and Evermann. 

Caribbean Sea. 

Cyphosus elegans Metzelaar, Trop. Atl. Vissch., 1919, 44, Curacao; 
Cennaurins not Pimalepterus elegans Peters. 

This species, according to Metzelaar’s account, is extremely close to 
Kyphosus elegans of the Pacific, but the scales are larger; 52 in the 
lateral line (67 in elegans), the teeth are also fewer, ‘15 in upper 
jaw’’; in elegans they are ‘‘86 in each jaw.”’ 

Kyphosus metzelaari Jordan and Evermann, Proc., Calif. Acad. Sci., 
4th Ser., XVI, Apr. 27, 1927, 506, Curacao, Venezuela. 

This species with entire teeth is said to be the female of Girella tricuspidata. If this is true the genus 
Incisidens may not be tenable. 


2622. Kyphosus sectatrix (Linneus). Rudderfish; Bermuda chub; Chub; 
Chopa blanca. 

West Indies, ranging from Cape Cod to Brazil, crossing the ocean to 
the Canary Islands; accidental in the Mediterranean; one taken at 

Perca marina sectatrix Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina, II, 1748, 8, Caro- 

Perca sectatrix Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, 1766, 486 (correction), 
misprinted for saltatriz, after Catesby. 

Chxtodon cyprinaceus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 1789, 1269, tropical 

Pimelepterus bosquii Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 429, South 

Pimelepterus oblongior Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VII, 
1831, 197 (264), locality unknown. 

Pimelepterus bosci sicula Doderlein, Nat. Siciliano, Giornale Scienze 
Nat., ITI, 1883, 83, Gulf of Palermo. 

2623. Kyphosus lutescens (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Revillagigedo Archipelago. 
Pimelepterus lutescens Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 229, Braithwaite Bay, Socorro Island. 

Genus 900. SECTATOR Jordan and Fesler. 
Sectator Jordan and Fesler, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XVII, 1889-91, 
534 (Pimelepterus ocyurus Jordan and Gilbert). 

2624. Sectator ocyurus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pimelepterus ocyurus Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., I, 1881, 
327, 328, Bay of Panama. 

Genus 901. HERMOSILLA Jenkins and Evermann. 
Hermosilla Jenkins and Evermann, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XI, 1888, © 
144 (H. azurea Jenkins and Evermann). 

2625. Hermosilla azurea Jenkins and Evermann. 
Gulf of California. 
Hermosilla azurea Jenkins and Evermann, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XI, 
1888, 144, Guaymas, Mexico. 

2626. Hermosilla robusta Osburn and Nichols. 
Gulf of California. 
Hermosilla robusta Osburn and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
XXXYV, 1916, 166, fig. 11, Tiburon Island. 

Family 209. INERMIIDZ 

Genus 902. INERMIA Poey. 
Inermia Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 193 (J. vittata Poey). 

2627. Inermia vittata (Poey). Boga. 
Caribbean Sea, north to Cuba; often in large schools, off Venezuela. 
Inermia vittata Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 193, Habana. 

Family 210. MANIDZ 

Genus 903. SPICARA Rafinesque. 
Spicara Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 51 (S. flecuosa Rafinesque=Sparus 
smaris Linnus). 
Smaris Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 1, 1817, 269 (Sparus smaris Linnzus). 

2628. Spicara martinica (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
West Indies; probably an error. 
Smaris martinicus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VI, 
1830, 319 (424), Martinique; most likely an error, type probably 
from the Mediterranean. 

Family 211. GERRIDA. Mojarras; Silver perch 

Genus 904. EUCINOSTOMUS Baird and Girard. Mojarritas. 
Eucinostomus Baird and Girard, Ninth Smithson. Rept., 1854, 344 (EH. 
argenteus Baird and Girard=Gerres gula Cuvier and Valenciennes). 


2629. Eucinostomus gula (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Silver jenny; Mojarra 

de ley; Petite gueule; Shad. 

Gerres gula Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VI, 1830, 349 
(464), Martinique. 

Eucinostomus argenteus Baird and Girard, Ninth Smith. Rept., 1854, 
335, Bessley Point, N. J. 

Eucinostomus gulula Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 54, pl. 2, Habana. 

Diapterus homonymus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 
340, Clearwater Harbor, Fla. 

2630. Eucinostomus pseudogula Poey. 
Tortugas; West Indies to Brazil; Bermudas; St. Lucia; Bahia. 
Eucinostomus pseudo-gula Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 53, pl. 1, Cuba. 
Gerres jonesii Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1879, 150, Bermudas. 
Eucinostomus harengulus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 
1879, 132, west Florida. 

2631. Eucinostomus californiensis (Gill). Mojarra cantilena. 
Pacific coast of Mexico; Guaymas and Cape San Lucas to Panama. 
Diapterus californiensis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XIV, 1862, 
245, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 
Diapterus gracilis Gill, loc. cit., 245, Cape San Lucas. 
Diapterus dowii Gill, loc. cit., XV, 1863, 162, Panama. 

2632. Eucinostomus elongatus Meek and Hildebrand. 
Eucinostomus californiensis elongatus Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. 
Nat. Hist., Zool., XV, 1925, 586, Sobago Island, Panama. 

Genus 905. ULZ MA Jordan and Evermann. 
Ulzma Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., V, 1895, 471 
(Diapterus lefroyi Goode). 

2633. Ulema lefroyi (Goode). 
West Indies, on sandy shores north to Cedar Keys; Bermudas; Cuba; 
Key West; recorded north at Beaufort, N. C. 
Diapterus lefroyi Goode, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, 3d ser., VIII, 1874, 123, 

2634. Ulema producta (Poey). 
Eucinostomus productus Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 55, Habana. 

2635. Ulema meeki (Eigenmann). 
Rio San Juan, in western Cuba. 
Eucinostomus meeki Eigenmann, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., XXII, 1902, 
229, fig. 10, San Juan River, just below its first ford, west Cuba; 
apparently a Ulema having but two anal spines, the second hemal 
spine not described. 

Genus 906. GERRES (Cuvier) Quoy and Gaimard. Mojarras blancas. 

Gerres Cuvier in Quoy and Gaimard, Voyage Uranie, 1824, 293, 
restricted by Jordan 1919 to Gerres vaigiensis Quoy and Gaimard= 
Sciena argyrea ForskAl, an ally of Mugil cinereus Walbaum. The 
only other species named in this earlier paper is Gerres gula, belonging 
to Eucinostomus. This use of the name Gerres from Cuvier’s MS. 
=e that in the Régne Animal, 1829, and unfortunately must 

Podager Gistel, Thierreich, IX, 1848, a substitute for Gerres regarded 
as preoccupied by Gerris; Podager is actually so, however. 

Catochenum Cantor, Malayan Fishes, 1849, 55, same type, being a 
substitute for Gerres, deemed preoccupied by Gerris, a genus of insects. 

Xyste2ma Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., V, 1895, 471 
(Mugil cinereus Walbaum). 

2636. Gerres cinereus (Walbaum). Mojarra de Casta; Mojarra_ blanca; 
Broad shad 
Coasts of tropical America; West Indies, north to Florida; Habana; 
Jamaica; Martinique; Bahamas; Barbados; Florida Keys. 
Turdus cinereus peltatus Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolinas, II, 1743, 11, 
Mugil cinereus Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 228, Bahamas; after 
atesby. ; 













Gerres aprion Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 2, II, 1829, 188; based on 

Gerres zebra Miller and Troschel, in Schomburgk’s Hist. Barbados, 
1848, 668, Barbados. 

Gerres squamipinnis Giinther, Cat., I, 1859, 349, Jamaica; Guatemala. 

Gerres simillimus Regan. 
Pacific coast of tropical America, Mazatlan to Panama. 
Gerres simillimus Regan, Biol. Centrali-Amer., Pisces, 1906, 38, Panama. 

Gerres havana (Nichols). 
Miami, Florida; Cuba. 
Xystema havana Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XX XI, 1912, 
189, fig. 2, Marianas Beach, Habana. 

Genus 907. MOHARRA Poey. 
Moharra Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 50 (Gerres rhombeus Cuvier and 

Moharra rhombea (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

West Indies and Atlantic coast of tropical America; Jamaica; San 
Domingo; Martinique; Puerto Cabello; Habana; Aspinwall; Rio 
Magdalena; Santa Lucia; Bahia. 

Gerres rhombeus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VI, 1830, 
345 (459), Martinique; San Domingo. 

Moharra evermanni (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Atlantic waters of Panama. 
Diapterus evermanni Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., XV, 1925, 594, Pl. LXII, Mindi River near Mindi, Panama 
Canal Zone. 

Genus 908. DIAPTERUS Ranzani. 
Diapterus Ranzani, Nov. Comment. Bonon., V, 1842, 340 (Diapterus 
auratus Ranzani, a species near D. alisthostomus). 

Diapterus aureolus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Panama; only the type known. 
Gerres aureolus Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., I, 1881, 
328, Panama. 

Diapterus axillaris (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Gerres axillaris Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 152, Chiapas. 
Diapterus peruvianus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Mojarra de las 
aletas amarillas. 
West coast of tropical America; Mazatlan; Salina Cruz; Chiapas; 
Panama; Peru. 
Gerres peruvianus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VI, 
1830, 351 (467), Payta, northern Peru. 
Gerres brevirostris Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, III, 1879, 208, 
Rio Guayas, Ecuador. 

Diapterus olisthostomus (Goode and Bean). Trish pompano; Mutton- 
West Indies, north to southern Florida. 
Gerres olisthostoma Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
423, Indian River, Fla. 

Genus 909. EUGERRES Jordan and Evermann. 
Eugerres Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 4th ser., XVI, 
Apr. 27, 1927, 506 (Gerres plumieri Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Eugerres lineatus (Humboldt). Mojarra china. 
Pacific coast of Mexico; Acapulco; Mazatlan; San Blas; Chiapas. 
Smaris lineatus Humboldt, Observ. Zool., II, 1811, 185, pl. 46, Acapulco. 
Eugerres brasilianus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Patao. 
West Indies to Brazil. 
Gerres brasilianus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VI, 1830, 
344, 458, Brazil. 
Gerres patao Poey, Synopsis, VI, 1868, 320, Habana; scarcely dis- 
tinguishable from G. lineatus of the Pacific coast. : 
Gerres embryx Jordan and Starks, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes 
North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 1379, Charleston, S. C.; large example. 











Eugerres brevimanus (Giinther). 
Pacifie coast of tropical America and Panama Bay. 
Gerres brevimanus Ginther, Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1864, 152, Chiapam. 

Eugerres plumieri (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Mojarra. 

Atlantic coast of tropical America and West Indies; Habana; Porto 
Rico; San Domingo; Jamaica; Pernambuco; Bahia; Aspinwall; 

Gerres plumieri Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VI, 1830, 
340 (452), pl. 467, Antilles; Porto Rico. 

Eugerres mexicanus (Steindachner). Mexican mojarra. 
Rio Teapa, Mexico. 
Gerres mexicanus Steindachner, Ueber eine Neue Gerres-Art aus Mexico, 
Verh. K. K. Ges. Wien, XIII, 1863, 383, Rio Teapa, Mexico. 

Family 212. MULLIDZ. Surmullets 

Genus 910. MULLUS Linneus. Surmullets. 
Mullus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 299 (M. barbatus Linnzus). 

Mullus auratus Jordan and Gilbert. Goatfish; Red mullet. 
Eastern coast of North America, Cape Cod to Pensacola; rare. 
Mullus barbatus auratus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 280, Pensacola, Fla. 

Genus 911. UPENEUS Cuvier. Goatfishes. 

Upeneus Cuvier, Régne Animal, Ed. II, 1829, 157 (vittatus; russelit; 
bifasciatus; trifasciatus; first restricted by Bleeker to bifascialus, an 
ally to U. maculatus). 

Pseudupeneus Bleeker, Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, XIV, 1862, 134 (P. 
prayenis Bleeker). 

Parupeneus Bleeker, Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., I, 1863, 342 (Mullus 
bifasciatus Lacépéde). 

mip ooo alae Poey, Repertorio, II, 1867, 160 (Upeneus flavovittatus 


Brachymullus Bleeker, Arch. Neerl. Sci. Nat., XI, 1876, 333 (Upeneus 
tetraspilus Ginther). 

Hypeneus Agassiz, corrected spelling. 

Upeneus maculatus (Bloch). Red goatfish; Salmonete. 
West Indies and Brazil, Key West to Rio Janeiro; generally common. 
Mullus maculatus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, VII, 1893, 95, 
Upeneus punctatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 
1829, 355, 482, Martinique. 

Upeneus dentatus Gill. 
oe coast of Mexico, Cape San Lucas, La Paz, and the Tres Marias 
Upeneus dentatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 256, 
Cape San Lucas. 

Upeneus parvus Poey. 
Upeneus parvus Poey, Memorias, I, 1853, 226, Cuba. 

Upeneus martinicus Cuvier and Valenciennes. Yellow goatfish; Sal- 
monete amarilla; King mullet. 
West Indies, north to Key West. 
Upeneus martinicus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., ITI, 
1829, 356 (483), Martinique. 
Upeneus balteatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 356 (483), Cuba. 
Upeneus flavovittatus Poey, Memorias, I, 1853, 224, Cuba. 

Upeneus xanthogrammus Gilbert. 
Coast of Lower California. 
Upeneus ranthogrammus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 
553, La Paz, Lower California. 













Upeneus grandisquamis Gill. Chivo. 
Pacific coast of Mexico and Central America, Guaymas to Panama. 
Upeneus grandisquamis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 
168, western coast of Central America. 
U peneus tetraspilus Ginther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 148, Panama. 

Genus 912. MULLOIDES Bleeker. 
Mulloides Bleeker, Verh. Bat. Gen., AM, 1849, 12 (Mullus flavoli- 
neatus Lacépéde). 

Mulloides rathbuni (Evermann and Jenkins). 
Gulf of California. 
Upeneus rathbuni Evermann and Jenkins, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIV, 
1891, 158, pl. 2, fig. 4, Bay of Guaymas, Sonora. 

Family 218. SCIZZNIDZ. Croakers; Roncadores 

Genus 918. LARIMUS Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Larimus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 108 (145), 
(L. breviceps Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Arable Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 165 (A. argen- 
teus Gill). 
Monosira Poey, Anales de |’Hist. Nat. Esp., 1881, 326 (M. stahli Poey). 

Subgenus LARIMUS. 

Larimus effulgens Gilbert. 
Pacific coast of Mexico, Sonora to Panama. 
Larimus effulgens Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and 
Mid. Amer., 1898, 1421, San Juan Lagoon, Sonora. 

Subgenus AMBLYSCION Gill. 

Larimus argenteus (Gill). 
Amblyscion argenteus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 165, 
western coast of Central America, the extreme form of the series. 

Larimus acclivis Jordan and Bristol. 
Pacific coast of Mexico and Central America, from Sonora to Panama. 
Larimus acclivis Jordan and Bristol (S. B.), in Jordan and Evermann, 
Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 1422, San Juan Lagoon, Sonora. 

Larimus breviceps Cuvier and Valenciennes. Cabezon. 
West Indies, south to Brazil. 
Larimus breviceps Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 
108 (145), pl. 140, Brazil; San Domingo. 
Monosira stahli Poey, Anal. Soe. Espafiola Hist. Nat., X, 1881, 326, 
Pl. VI, Porto Rico. 

Larimus pacificus Jordan and Bollman. 
Pacific Ocean, off coast of Colombia. 
Larimus pacificus Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1889, 161, Albatross station 2802, 8° 38’ N., 79° 31’ 30” W.., between 
Galapagos Islands and Panama. 

Larimus fasciatus Holbrook. Banded larimus. 
South Atlantic coast of the United States, from Chesapeake Bay to 
Galveston, Tex.; not common. 
Larimus fasciatus Holbrook, Ichth. South Carolina, 1855, 153, pl. 22, 
fig. 1, Charleston, 8. C. 

Genus 914. ODONTOSCION Gill. 
Odontoscion Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 18 (Corvina 
dentex Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Odontoscion dentex (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Corvina. 
West Indies, north to the Tortugas. 
Corvina dentex Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 
103 (139), pl. 109, San Domingo. 

Odontoscion xanthops Gilbert. 
Odomtoscion xanthops Gilbert in Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 
1895, 396, Panama. 


Genus 915. CORVULA Jordan and Eigenmann. 
Corvula Jordan and Eigenmann, Review Sciewnide Europe and America, 
in Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIV, 1886, 377 (385), (Johnius batabanus 

2666. Corvula batabana (Poey). 
Cuba and Porto Rico. 
Johnius batabanus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 184, Batabano, south 
coast of Cuba. 

Genus 916. VACUOQUA Jordan and Evermann. 
Vacuoqua Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 4th ser., 
XVI, Apr. 27, 1927, 506 (Corvina macrops Steindachner). 
This genus differs from the aberrant Corvula batabana in having the 
deeper, symmetrical body and the silvery coloration of Bairdiella and 
related species. 

2667. Vacuoqua macrops (Steindachner). Vacwocua. 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Mazatlan to Panama. 
Le macrops Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 24, fig. 2. 

2668. Vacuoqua sialis (Jordan and Eigenmann). 
Florida Keys. 
Corvula sialis Jordan and Eigenmann, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIV, 
1886, 379, Key West, Fla. 

2669. Vacuoqua subequalis (Poey). 
West Indies. 
oon subequalis Poey, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1875, 58, 

2670. Vacuoqua sanctz-lucie (Jordan). 
West Indies. 
Corvula sanctzx-lucie Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, 1889, 649, 
Port Castries, St. Lucia. 

Genus 917. ELATTARCHUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Elattarchus Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 397 (Odontoscion 
archidium Jordan and Gilbert). 

2671. Elattarchus archidium (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Odontoscion archidium Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., I, 
1881, 317, Panama. 

Genus 918. BAIRDIELLA Gill. Mademoiselles. 
Bairdiella Gill, Cat. Fish. E. Coast N. Amer., Suppl. to Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 33 (Bodianus argyroleucos Mitchill= Dipterodon 
chrysurus Lacépéde). 

2672. Bairdiella chrysura (Lacépéde). Mademoiselle; Yellowtail; Silver perch. 
South Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States, north to New York; 
very abundant on our sandy shores from Long Island to Texas. 
Caranx chrysurus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 64, South 
Carolina; after Linnzus. 
Perca punctata Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, 1766, 482, in part, South 
Bodianus argyro-leucos et exiguus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., 
I, 1815, 417, pl. 6, fig. 9, New York. 
Bodianus pallidus Mitchill, loc. cit., 420, New York. 
Homoprion subtruncatus Gill, Cat. Fish. E. Coast N. Amer., Suppl. to 
oe: Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 33, South Carolina; after 

2673. Bairdiella ensifera (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Panama; common. 
Sciena ensifera Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., I, 1881, 
313, Bay of Panama; Punta Arenas. 
Corvina fulgens Vaillant, Miss. Sci. au Mexique, 1883, 164, Pacific 
coast of Mexico. 














Bairdiella icistia (Jordan and Gilbert). Corbineta. 
Pacific coast of Mexico; rather common about Mazatlan. 
Sciena icistia Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
356, Mazatlan. 

Bairdiella ronchus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Ronco; Ground drummer. 
Atlantic coasts of tropical America; generally common in the West 
Indies and along the coast of Brazil. 
Corvina ronchus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 
79 (107), Maracaibo; Surinam. 

Bairdiella bedoti (Regan). 
Sciena (Bairdiella) bedotis Regan, Rev. Suisse Zool., XIII, 1905, 391, 
Pl. VI, Cuba. 

Genus 919. NECTOR Jordan and Evermann. 
Nector Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 
1432 (Corvina chrysoleuca Ginther). 

Nector armatus (Gill). 
Both coasts of tropical America; not uncommon on the Pacific coast 
about Panama, and equally abundant on the Atlantic coast. 
Bairdiella armata Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 164, 
west coast of Central America. 
Corvina acutirostris Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 28, pl. 4, 

Nector verzw-crucis (Jordan and Dickerson). 
Gulf of Mexico, Vera Cruz. 
Bairdiella vere-crucis Jordan and Dickerson, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
XXXIV, 1908, 16, fig. 1, Vera Cruz, Mexico. 

Nector alutus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of Central America. 
Scizna aluta Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 232, 
La Union, Salvador. 

Nector chrysoleucus (Giinther). 
Corvina chrysoleuca Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868 (Nov. 
27), 387, 427, pl. 67, fig. 1, Panama. 

Genus 920. STELLIFER (Cuvier) Oken. 

Les Steliferes Cuvier, Régne Anim., Ed. I, 1817, 283 (Bodianus stellifer 

Stellifer (Cuvier) Oken, Isis, I, 1817, 1182 (Bodianus stellifer Bloch). 

Stelliferus Stark, Elem. Nat. Hist., 1, 1828, 459 (Bodianus stellifer 

Homoprion Holbrook, Ichth. South Car., 1st ed. (mostly destroyed by 
fire), 1855, 168 (Homoprion lanceolatus Holbrook). 

Stellifer stellifer (Bloch). 
Coasts of Guiana and Brazil. 
Bodianus stellifer Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, IV, 1790, 55, Cape 
of Good Hope. 
Corvina trispinosa Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 
80 (109), Brazil; Cayenne. 

Stellifer lanceolatus (Holbrook). 
South Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States, Charleston to Texas. 
Homoprion lanceolatus Holbrook, Ichth. South Carolina, Ed. I, 1855, 
168, pl. 23, Port Royal Sound, 8. C. 

Stellifer ericymba (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Scizena ericymba Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., I, 1881, 
311, Bay of Panama. 

Stellifer microps (Steindachner). 
Coast of Brazil and Guiana. 
Corvina microps Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, I, 1864, 6, pl. 2, fig. 1, 
Corvina stellifera Giinther, Cat., II, 1860, 299, West Indies (not Bodianus 
stellifer Bloch). 













Stellifer mindii Meek and Hildebrand. 
Atlantic coast of Panama. 
Stellfer mindii Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
XV, 1925, 626, Pl. LX VI, fig. 2, Mindi Reef, near Colon. 

Genus 921. ZESTIS Gilbert. 
Zestis Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1898, 1439 (Stellifer oscitans Jordan and Gilbert). 

Zestis oscitans (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Sciena oscitans Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., I, 1881, 312, 
Bay of Panama. 

Zestis furthii (Steindacher). 
Corvina (Homoprion) fiirthii Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 26, 
fig. 3, Panama. 

Zestis melanochir (EKigenmann). 
North coast of Colombia. 
Stellifer melanochir Eigenmann, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., LVI, 1917, 682, 

Genus 922. ZESTIDIUM Gilbert. 
Zestidium Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1898, 1439 (Stellifer illecebrosus Gilbert). 

Zestidium illecebrosum (Gilbert). 
Stelliferus illecebrosus Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 
1895, 398, and Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 1443, Panama. 

Zestidium colonense (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Coral reefs near Colon, Atlantic side of Isthmus of Panama. 
Stellifer colonensis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., 
XV, 1925, 623, Mindi Reef, Colon. 

Genus 923. STELLICARENS Gilbert. 
Stellicarens Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1898, 1445 (Stellifer zestocarus Gilbert). 

Stellicarens zestocarus (Gilbert). 
Stelliferus zestocarus Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 
1895, 398, and Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 1445, Panama. 

Genus 924. OPHIOSCION Gill. 
Ophioscion Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 164 (Ophioson 
typicus Gill). 

Ophioscion adustus (Agassiz). 
West Indies to coast of Brazil. 
Corvina adusta Agassiz, in Spix, Pisce. Brasil., 1829, 126, pl. 70, Brazil. 

Ophioscion punctatissimus Meek and Hildebrand. 


Ophioscion punctatissimus Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. 
a poets XV, 1925, pt. 2, 644, Pl. LXVIII, Panama Canal at 

Ophioscion typicus Gill. 
Ophioscion typicus Gill, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 165, 
west coast Central America. 
Corvina ophioscion Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868 (Nov. 
27), 387, 428, Panama. 

Ophioscion strabo Gilbert. 
Ophioscion strabo Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIX, 1896, 444, San 
Juan Lagoon, south of Guaymas, Mexico. 











Ophioscion simulus Gilbert. 
Ophioscion simulus Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 
398, and Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 1449, Panama. 

Ophioscion imiceps (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Sciena imiceps Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., I, 1881, 309, 
Bay of Panama. 

Ophioscion scierus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacifie coast of tropical America, from Mazatlan to Panama. 
Scizena sciera Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 480, 


Genus 925. SIGMURUS Gilbert. 
Sigmurus Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1898, 1446 (Corvina vermicularis Giinther). 

Sigmurus vermicularis (Giinther). 
Corvina vermicularis Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868 (Nov. 
27), 387, 427, pl. 67, fig. 2, Panama. 

Genus 926. SCIZNOPS Gill. Red drums. 
Scienops Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 30 (Perca ocellata 

Scizenops ocellata (Linneus). Red drum; Channel bass; Redfish; Pescado 
colorado; Bull redfish; Bass; Red bass; Sea bass; Spotted bass; Spottail. 
South Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, New York to 
Texas; very abundant south. 
Perca ocellata Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, 1766, 483, South Carolina. 
Lutjanus triangulum Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1802, 181, pl. 24, 
fig. 3, Sumatra. 
Sciena imberbis Mitchill, Trans. Lit. and Phil. Soc. New York, 1815, 
411, New York. 

Genus 927. CALLAUS Jordan. 
Callaus Jordan, Rept. U. 8S. Fish Com., XIV, 1886, 401, 406 (59) (Cor- 
vina deliciosa Tschudi). 

Callaus deliciosa (Tschudi). 
Pacific coast of South America, from Panama to Peru. 
Corvina deliciosa Tschudi, Fauna Peruana, Ichthyol., 1845, 8, Peru. 

Genus 928. RHINOSCION * Gill. Red roncadors. 
Rhinoscion Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 17 (Amblodon 
saturnus Girard). 

Rhinoscion saturnus (Girard). Red roncador; Black croaker. 
Coast of southern California, from Santa Barbara to Cedros Island. 
eee a saturnus Girard, U.S. Pac. R. R. Surv., 1858, 98, San Diego, 
Corvina (Johnius) jacobi Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., VIII, 1879, 3, 
San Diego; young. 
Genus 929. RONCADOR Jordan and Gilbert. 
Roncador Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 28 
(Corvina stearnsi Steindachner). 

Roncador stearnsi (Steindachner). Roncador. 
Coast of southern California, north to Santa Barbara. 
Corvina stearnsi Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 22, San Diego, 

Genus 930. LEIOSTOMUS Lacépéde. Goodies. 
Leistomus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 439 (L. xanthurus 
Liostomus authors, revised spelling. 

4 This genus is very close to the European genus Corrina on the one hand and to the Peruvian Cheilo- 
trema on the a but probably deserves tostand ‘There is no genuine species in America of Scizna as 
now restricte 


2704. Leiostomus xanthurus Lacépéde. Spot; Goody; Postcroaker; Oldwife; 

Lafayette; Cape May goody; Porgy; Yellowtail. 

South Atlantic and Gulf- coasts of United States; Cape Cod to Texas; 
once doubtfully recorded from Martinique. 

Leiostomus xanthurus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1802, 439, pl. 
10, fig. 1, Carolina. 

Mugil obliquus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. New York, 1815, 405, 
New York. 

Scizna multofasciata LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II, 1821, 
255, east Florida. 

Leiostomus humeralis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 105 (141), pl. 110, New York. 

Genus 931. PACHYPOPS Gill. 
Pachypops Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 87 (Micro- 
pogon trifilis Miller and Troschel). 

2705. Pachypops furcrea (Lacépéde). 
Rivers and estuaries of Guiana. 
Perca furcrxa Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1802, 398, 424, Surinam. 
Corvina biloba Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 
83 (112), habitat unknown. 

Genus 932. GENYONEMUS Gill. 
Genyonemus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 87 (Leios- 
tomus lineatus Ayres). 

2706. Genyonemus lineatus (Ayres). Little roncador; Kingfish; Croaker. 
Coast of southern California, San Francisco to Cedros Island. 
Leiostomus lineatus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 24, 

San Francisco. 

Genus 933. MICROPOGON Cuvier and Valenciennes. Croaker. 
Micropogon Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 158 
(213) (M. lineatus Cuvier and Valenciennes= Perca undulata Linnzus). 
Micropogonias Bonaparte, Ittiologia Generale, 1831, 104 (Perca wndu- 
lata Linnzeus; substitute for Micropogon said to be preoccupied; but 
the genus of birds so named dates from 1838). 

2707. Micropogon undulatus (Linneus). Croaker; Roncodina; Corvina; 


South Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States; Cape Cod to Texas. 

Perca undulata Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, 1766, 483, South Carolina. 

Scizna croker Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1802, 309, Carolinas. 

Bodianus costatus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. New York, 1815, 
417, New York. ; 

Micropogon lineatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 160 (215), pl. 119, New York. 

2708. Micropogon furnieri (Desmarest). Verrugato; Whitemouth drummer. 
West Indies and coasts of South America. 
Umbrina furniert Desmarest, Premiére Décade Ichth., 22, pl. 2, fig. 3, 
1823, 182, Habana. 
?Micropogon argenteus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 162 (218), Surinam. 

2709. Micropogon megalops Gilbert. 
Gulf of California. = 
Micropogon megalops Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 64, 
Gulf of California in 14 fathoms at Albatross station 3021. 

2710. Micropogon ectenes Jordan and Gilbert. Verrugate. 
Pacific coast of Mexico, Mazatlan. 
Micropogon ectenes Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 355, Mazatlan. 
2711. Micropogon altipinnis Giinther. 
Micropogon altipinnis Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 149, 
San Jose; Panama; Chiapam. 



Genus 9384. UMBRINA Cuvier. 
Umbrina Cuvier, Régne Anim., Ed. J, II, 1817, 297 (Scizna cirrhosa 
Attilus Gistel, Naturgesch. d. Thierreichs, 1848, 109 (Sczxna cirrhosa 

2712. Umbrina broussonnetii Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
West Indies; Florida to Brazil. 
Umbrina broussonnetii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 139 (187), Jamaica. 

2713. Umbrina coroides Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Southern Florida to the West Indies and Brazil. 
Umbrina coroides Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 
139 (187), Brazil. 

2714. Umbrina gracilicirrhus Metzelaar. 
Coast of Venezuela. 
Umbrina gracilicirrhus Metzelaar, Tropisch Atlantisch Vissch., 1919, 
72, coast of Venezuela. 

2715. Umbrina roncador Jordan and Gilbert. Yellow-finned roncador; 
Yellow-tailed croaker. 
Coast of southern California, from Point Conception to Guaymas. 
Umbrina roncador Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
277, Pequena Bay, west coast of Lower California. 

2716. Umbrina xanti Gill. Codorniz. 
Pacific coast of tropical America, Cape San Lucas to Panama. 
Umbrina xanti Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 257, Cape 
San Lucas. 
Umbrina analis Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868 (Nov. 27), 
387, 426. Panama. 

2717. Umbrina sinaloze Scofield. 
Pacific coast of Mexico; Mazatlan. 
Umbrina sinaloe Scofield, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., VI, 1896, 220, PI. 
XXV, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

2718. Umbrina dorsalis Gill. 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Umbrina dorsalis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 257, 
Cape San Lucas. 

Genus 935. MENTICIRRHUS Gill. Kingfishes. 
Menticirrhus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 86 (Perca 
alburnus Linneus= Cyprinus americanus Linnevs). 

2719. Menticirrhus americanus (Linnzus). Carolina whiting; Sand whiting; 
Kingfish; Sea smelt; Sea mullet. 
Poe Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States; Chesapeake Bay to 
Cyprinus americanus Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 321, Carolinas; 
(based on Alburnus americanus the whiting of Catesby, nonbinomial; 
not Cyprinus americanus of 12th edition of Systema Natures, which 
is a cyprinoid, Abramis bosci Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Perca alburnus Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, 1766, 482, Charleston, 

Umbrina phalena Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858, 167, 
Indianola and Brazos Santiago, Tex. 

2720. Menticirrhus saxatilis (Bloch and Schneider). Kingfish; Sea mink; 
Northern whiting; Hake; Barb. 
Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States; Cape Ann to Key West 
and Pensacola; most common northward. 
ee saratilis Schneider, Ed. Bloch, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 75, New 

2721. Menticirrhus undulatus (Girard). California whiting; Sand sucker. 
Southern California, north to Santa Barbara. 
Umbrina undulata Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 148, 
San Diego, Calif. 











Menticirrhus martinicensis (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Jewsharp 


West Indies; Martinique; Jamaica to Patagonia; common in Brazil. 

Umbrina martinicensis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist, Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 186, Martinique. 

Umbrina gracilis Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 1830, 186, Brazil. 

Umbrina arenata Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 141 (190), Brazil. 

Umbrina januaria Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, 1876, 122, Rio 

Menticirrhus nasus (Giinther). 
Umbrina nasus Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868 (Nov. 27), 
387, 426, Panama. 
Menticirrhus simus Jordan and Eigenmann, Review Scienide, Rept. 
U.S. Fish Com.. XIV, 1886, 427, Mazatlan and Panama. 

Menticirrhus panamensis (Steindachner). 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Mazatlan to Panama. 
Umbrina panamensis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., IV, 1875, 9, Panama. 

Genus 936. UMBRULA Jordan and Eigenmann. 
Umbrula Jordan and Eigenmann, Review Scienide, Rept. U. S. Fish 
Com., XIV, 1886, 424 (Umbrina littoralis Holbrook). 

Umbrula littoralis (Holbrook). Surf whiting; Silver whiting; Shore 
pias Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States, North Carolina to 
Umbrina littoralis Holbrook, Ichth. South Carolina, Ed. I, 1855, 142, 
pl. 20, fig. 1, South Carolina. 

Umbrula elongata (Giinther). Verrugata. 
Pacific coast of tropical America, Mazatlan to Panama. 
Umbrina elongata Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 148, Chiapam. 

Genus 937. PARALONCHURUS Bocourt. 
Paralonchurus Bocourt, Nouv. Arch. Mus. d’Hist. Nat., IV, 1869, 21 
(P. petersi Bocourt). 

Paralonchurus petersi Bocourt. 
Coast of Central America; rare at Panama. 
Paralonchurus petersi Bocourt, Nouv. Archiv du Muséum, IV, 1869, 22, 
La Union, San Salvador. 

Genus 938. POLYCLEMUS Berg. Corvalos. 
Polycirrhus Bocourt, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, IV, 1869, 22 (P. dumerili 
Bocourt); name preoccupied in worms. 
Polyclemus Berg, Ann. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, IV, 1895, 52 (Polycir- 
rhus dumerili Bocourt). 

Polyclemus dumerili (Bocourt). 
Polycirrhus dumerili Bocourt, Nouy. Arch. Mus. d’Hist. Nat., IV, 1869, 
23, La Union, San Salvador. 
Genyonemus fasciatus Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., II, 1875, 31, Panama. 

Genus 939. ZONOSCION Jordan and Evermann. 
Zonoscion Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 401 (Polycirrhus 
rathbuni Jordan and Bollman). 

Zonoscion rathbuni (Jordan and Bollman). 
Polycirrhus rathbuni Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1889, 162, Panama. 

Genus 940. ZACLEMUS Gilbert. 
Zaclemus Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 401 
(Paralonchurus goodei Gilbert). 

Zaclemus goodei (Gilbert). 
Paralonchurus goodei Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 
1895, 401, and Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 1480, Panama. 



Genus 941. LONCHIURUS Bloch. 
Lonchiurus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, VII, 1793, 144 (Lonchiurus 
barbata Bloch= Perca lanceolata Bloch). 
Lonchurus authors, preferred spelling. 

2731. Lonchiurus lanceolatus (Bloch). 

West Indies to Guiana. 

Perca lanceolata Bloch, Nov. Act. Sc., Copenh., III, 1788, 383, India. 

ee depressus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, VII, 1793, 144, 

Genus 942. POGONIAS Lacépéde. Sea drums. 
Pogonias Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 1388 (P. fasciatus 
Lacépéde= Labrus cromis Linnzus). 
Pogonathus Lacépéde, loc. cit., V, 1803, 121 (P. courbina Lacépéde). 
Pogonathus Bonaparte, Ittiologia Generale, 1831 (Pogonias fasciatus 

2732. Pogonias cromis (Linneus). Gray drum; Drum; Black drum; Drumfish; 

Banded drum; Big drum. 
Atlantic coast of America; Long Island to mouth of Rio Grande. 
Labrus.cromis Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, 1766, 479, Carolinas. 
Pogonias fasciatus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 137. 
Mugil grunniens Mitchill, Rept. in part, Fishes New York, 1814, 15, 
New York. 
Scizna fusca Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., 1815, 409, New York. 
Sciena gigas Mitchill, loc. cit., 412, New York. 

2733. Pogonias courbina (Lacépéde). 

Guiana to Uruguay; rather common on coast of Brazil. 
Pogonathus courbina Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 121, Rio de 
la Plata. 

Genus 943. APLODINOTUS Rafinesque. River drums; Thunderpumpers. 

Aplodinotus Rafinesque, Jour. de Phys., LXXXVIII, 1819, 418 (A. 
grunniens Rafinesque). 

Amblodon Rafinesque, Jour. de Phys., 1819, 421, based on teeth supposed 
to belong to IJctiobus, later restricted by Rafinesque to Amblodon 

Eutychelithus Jordan, Man. Vert., Ed. I, 1876, 242 (Corvina richardsont 
Cuvier and Valenciennes, an injured or deformed example of A. 

Haploidonotus Gill, revised spelling. 

2734. Aplodinotus grunniens Rafinesque. Fresh-water drum; Gaspergou; 

Thunderpumper; Lake sheepshead; Croaker; Bubbler; White perch. 

Great Lakes to Texas; abundant in lakes and large streams between 
the Alleghenies and the Great Plains. 

Aplidonotus grunniens Rafinesque, Jour. de Phys., 1819, 88, Ohio River. 

Scixna oscula LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1822, 252, pl. 13, 
Lake Ontario. 

Scixna grisea LeSueur, loc. cit., 254, Ohio River at Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Corvina richardsoni Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 100, Lake Huron, based on an abnormal specimen. 

Amblodon concinnus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1854, 307, 
Tennessee River. 

Amblodon lineatus Agassiz, loc. cit., 307, Osage River, Mo. 

2735. Aplodinotus neglectus (Girard). 

Streams of eastern Mexico from Rio Grande to Rio Usumacinta. 

Amblodon neglectus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858, 167, 
mouth of the Rio Grande; Rio Usumacinta. This Mexican form 
apparently distinguished by larger scales (43 instead of 55 to 60). 

Genus 944. EQUETUS Rafinesque. 
Eques Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, VII, 1793, 91 (Z. americanus Bloch= 
Chetodon lanceolatus Linnzeus); preoccupied. 
Equetus Rafinesque, Anal. Nat., 1815, 89; substitute for Hques Bloch. 


2736. Equetus lanceolatus (Linneus). Ribbonfish; Guapena; Serrana. 

West Indies, ranging northward to Pensacola. 

Ribband fish, Edwards, Gleanings, pl. 210, 1758, Guadeloupe; Carolina. ° 

Cheztodon lanceolatus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 277, ‘‘Caraibes 
Islands’; based on Edwards, pl. 210. 

?Serrana Parra, Piezas, d’Hist. de Cuba, 1787, pl. 2, Cuba. 

Eques americanus Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, VII, 1793, West Indies. 

Eques balteatus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 175, pl. 29, fig. 2, 
Martinique, after Edwards. 

Sciezna edwardi Gronow, Cat. Fish., ed. Gray, 1854, 53, after Edwards. 

Genus 945. PAREQUES Gill. 
Pareques Gill in Goode, Bull. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., V, 1875, 50 (Grammistes 
acuminatus Bloch and Schneider). 

2737. Pareques viola (Gilbert). 
Eques viola Gilbert in Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 402, 

2738. Pareques acuminatus (Bloch and Schneider). 
West Indies; South Carolina to Brazil. 
Grammistes acuminatus Bloch and Schneider, ed. Bloch, Syst. Ichth., 
1801, 184, no locality; after Seba. 
Eques lineatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 
126 (169), Brazil. 

2739. Pareques umbrosus (Jordan and Eigenmann). 
Southeast coast of the United States, Charleston to Pensacola. 
Eques acuminatus umbrosus Jordan and Eigenmann, Review Scienide, 
Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIV, 1886, 440, Charleston and Pensacola. 

2740. Pareques punctatus (Bloch and Schneider). Serrana hispana. 
West Indies. 
Serrana hispanis Parra, Piezas, Hist. Nat. Cuba, 1787, 2, pl. 2, lower 
figure, Cuba. 
Eques punctatus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 106, Cuba; 
based on Parra, 2, pl. 2, fig. 2. 

2741. Pareques pulcher (Steindachner). 
Tortugas Archipelago; Barbados. 
Eques pulcher Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, VI, 1867, 43, Barbados. 

Family 214. OTOLITHIDZ. Weakfishes; Queenfishes 

Genus 946. SERIPHUS Ayres. 
Sertphus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1858-1862 (1863; 
read Novy. 5, 1860), 80 (S. politus Ayres). 

2742. Seriphus politus Ayres. Queenfish; White croaker. 
Coast of southern California from Point Conception to Cedros Island; 
common on sandy shores. 
Seriphus politus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1858-1862 (1863; 
read Noy. 5, 1860), 80, fig. 21, about San Diego. 

Genus 947. ISOPISTHUS Gill. 
Isopisthus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 18 (Ancylodon 
parvipinnis Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

2743. Isopisthus parvipinnis (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Coast of Brazil, north to Cayenne and Guiana. 
Ancylodon parvipinnis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V 
1830, 62 (84), pl. 105, Cayenne. 
Isopisthus affinis Steindachner, Denksch. Mat. Nat. Kais. Acad. Wiss., 
XLI, Bd. I., Abth., 1879, 43, pl. 2, fig. 2, Porto Alegre, Brazil. 

2744. Isopisthus remifer Jordan and Gilbert. 
Panama, on sandy shores, rather common. 
Isopisthus remifer Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., I, 1881, 
320, Panama, 










Isopisthus harroweri Fowler. 
Atlantic shore of Central America. 
Isopisthus harrowert Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LX VIII, 
1916, 402, Colon. 

Genus 948. NEBRIS Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Nebris Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 111 (149) 
(N. microps Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Nebris microps Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Atlantic coast of northern South America; sandy shores. 
Nebris microps Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 
111 (149), pl. 112, Surinam. 

Nebris occidentalis Vaillant. Guavina. 
Pacific coast of tropical America. 
Nebris occidentalis Vaillant, Bull. Mus. Paris, 1897, 124, Pacific coast 
of Central America. i 
Nebris zestus Jordan and Starks, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
and Mid. Amer., 1898, 1417, Panama. 

Genus 949. MACRODON Schintz. 

Ancylodon Cuvier, in Oken, Isis, 1817, 1182 (Lonchurus ancylodon 
Schneider); name preoccupied in mammals. 

Macrodon Schintz, Das Thierreich, II, 1822, 482 (Lonchurus ancylodon 

Nomalus Gistel, Thierreich, X, 1848, substitute for Ancylodon. 

Sagenichthys Carlos Berg, Ann. Mus. Nat. Buenos Aires, 1895, 42 
(Lonchurus ancylodon Schneider); substitute for Ancylodon. 

Macrodon ancylodon (Bloch and Schneider). Pescadillo del rey. 
West Indies; Guiana; Brazil; and Uruguay; rather scarce. 
Lonchurus ancylodon Bloch and Schneider, ed. Bloch, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 
102, pl. 25, Surinam. 
Ancylodon jaculidens Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 60 (81), Cayenne. 

Macrodon mordax (Gilbert and Starks). 
Sagenichthys mordax Gilbert. and Starks, Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., IV, 
1904, 121, Pl. XVI, Panama. 

Genus 950. BUCCONE Jordan and Evermann. 
Buccone Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 394 (Cestreus preda- 
torius Jordan and Gilbert). 

Buccone predatoria (Jordan and Gilbert). Bocone. 
Coast of Panama; scarce. 
Cestreus predatorius Jordan and Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIV, 
1886, 363, Panama. 

Genus 951. CYNOSCION Gill. 

Cestreus Gronow, Cat. Fish., ed. Gray, 1854, 49 (Cestreus carolinensis 
Gronow= Otolithus nebulosus Cuvier and Valenciennes); preoccupied 
in gobies. 

Cynoscion Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 81 (Johnius 
regalis Bloch and Schneider). 

Apseudobranchus Gill, loc. cit., XIV, 1862, 18 (Otolithus te-re Cuvier 
and Valenciennes=Cheilodipterus acowpa Lacépéde). 

Subgenus CYNOSCION Gill. 

Cynoscion acoupa (Lacépéde). Acoupa; Toeroe. 

Atlantic coast of South America, Brazil north to Venezuela; generally 

Cheilodipterus acoupa Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 546, 

Lutjanus cayanensis Lacépéde, loc. cit., IV, 1802, 196, Cayenne. 

Otolithus rhomboidalis Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 173, Ca- 

Otolithus toe-roe Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 
54 (72), pl. 103, Cayenne. 













Cynoscion squamipinnis (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of tropical America; known from a few specimens taken 
at La Union and Panama. 
Otolithus squamipinnis Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868 
(Nov. 27), 387, 429, Panama. 

Cynoscion othonopterus Jordan and Gilbert. 
Gulf of California. 
Cynoscion othonopterum Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 274, Punta San Felipe, Mexico. 

Cynoscion obliquatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Otolithus obliquatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, in Sauvage, Bull. Soc. 
Philom. Paris, III, 1879, 209, Martinique. 

Cynoscion jamaicensis (Vaillant and Bocourt). Mongolar drummer. 
Jamaica and Porto Rico. : 
Otolithus jamaicensis Vaillant and Bocourt, Miss. Sci. au Mexique, 
Poissons, 1874, 156, Jamaica. 

Cynoscion regalis (Bloch and Schneider). Common weakfish; Sque- 
teague; Sea trout; Squit; Shecutts; Chickwick; Salt-water trout; Gray trout. 
ang ae and Gulf coasts of United States, Cape Cod southward to 
Johnius regalis Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 75, New York. 
Roccus comes Mitchill, Report, in part, Fishes New York, 1814, 25, 
New York. 
Labrus squeteague Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. New York, 1815, 396, 
pl. 2, fig. 1, New York. 

Cynoscion nothus (Holbrook). Bastard weakfish. 
South Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States; rather rare at Charles- 
ton. This unspotted fish is now generally regarded as a pale variant 
of Cynoscion regalis. . 
Otolithus nothus Holbrook, Ichth. South Carolina, 1855, 134, pl. 19, 
fig. 1, South Carolina. 

Cynoscion thalassinus (Holbrook). 
Pensacola; Pass Christian, Miss.; Hampton Roads, Va. 
Otolithus thalassinus Holbrook, Ichth. South Carolina, 1855, 132, pl. 
18, fig. 2, Charleston, 8S. C. 

Cynoscion leiarchus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Coasts of Brazil and Guiana. 
Otolithus leiarchus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 
58 (78), Brazil; Cayenne. 
Cynoscion microlepidotus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Coast of Brazil and Guiana. 
Otolithus microlepidotus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss.; 
V, 1830, 59 (79), Surinam. 

Genus 952. ERISCION Jordan and Evermann. 

Eriscion Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 4th ser., XVI, 

Apr. 27, 1927, 506 (Otolithus nebulosus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Eriscion reticulatus (Giinther). Corvina. 

Pacific coast of tropical America, Mazatlan to Panama. 

Otolithus reticulatus Giinther, Proce. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 149, San 
Jose de Guatemala; Chiapam. 

Eriscion nebulosus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Spotted weakfish; 
Spotted sea trout; Spotted Squeleague. 

South Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States; New York to 
Texas; everywhere common on our southern coast; rare north of 

Labrus squeteague maculatus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc., 1815, 396, 
New York; not Labrus maculatus Bloch. 

Otolithus nebulosus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 59 (79), locality unknown. 

Otolithus carolinensis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 
1833, 351, (475), South Carolina. 

Otolithus drummondi Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Amer., Fish., 1836, 70, 
New Orleans. 



2763. Eriscion parvipinnis (Ayres). California bluefish. 

Coast of Lower California; Santa Barbara Islands to Guaymas; 
common along the coasts of southern California as far north as 
San Pedro. 

Cynoscion parvipinnis Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., IT, 1858-1862 
(read Dec. 1, 1861, published Sept., 1862), 156, fig. 48, coast of 
Lower California. 

Otolithus magdalenz Steindachner, Ichth. Beit., III, 1875, 34, Mag- 
dalena Bay, Lower California. 

2764. Eriscion xanthulus (Jordan and Gilbert). Corvina de las aletas amaril- 

las; Yellowmouth. 

Pacific coast of Mexico; not rare about Mazatlan. 

Cynoscion xanthulum Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 460, Mazatlan. 

2765. Eriscion albus (Giinther). 

Pacific coast of tropical America. 

Otolithus albus Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 149, Chiapam; 
Panama. ; 

Otolithus cayennensis Vaillant and Bocourt, Miss. Sci. Mexique, Poiss., 
1874, 156, La Union, Salvador. 

2766. Eriscion stolzmanni (Steindachner). 

Pacific coast of tropical America, from Panama to Peru. 
Otolithus stolzmanni Steindachner, Denkschr. Mat. Nat. Kais. Acad. 
Wiss., XLI, Bd. I, Abth. 35, 1879, pl. 2, fig. 1, Tumbez, Peru. 

2767. Eriscion virescens (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Coasts of Guiana and Brazil. 

Otolithus virescens Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 
54 (72), Surinam. 

Otolithus microps Steindachner, Denkschr. Mat. Nat. Kais. Acad. 
Wiss., XLI, Bd. I, Abth. 38, 1879, pl. 8, fig. 2, Porto Alegre, Brazil. 

2768. Eriscion macdonaldi (Gilbert). Totwava. 

Gulf of California. 
Cynoscion macdonaldi Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 64, 
head of Gulf of California. 

Genus 953. ATRACTOSCION Gill. 
Atractoscion Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 18 (Otolithus 
aquidens Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

2769. Atractoscion nobilis (Ayres). White sea bass of California. 

Coast of California, north to San Francisco, occasionally straying as 
far north as Boca de Quadra Inlet, Alaska. 

Johnius nobilis Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1860, 77, San 

Otolithus californiensis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 31, San 
Diego, Calif., and Magdalena Bay, Lower California. 

2770. Atractoscion phoxocephalus (Jordan and Gilbert). 

Pacific coast of tropical America; Panama. 
Cynoscion phoxocephalum Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., 
I, 1881, 318, Panama. . 

Family 215. MALACANTHIDZ. Matajuelos 
Genus 954. MALACANTHUS Cuvier. 

Malacanthus Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 2, II, 1829, 264 (Coryphxna 
plumieri Bloch). 

2771. Malacanthus plumieri (Bloch). Matajuelo blanco. 

West Indies, generally common. 
Coryphena plumieri Bloch, Ichth., V, 1787, 119, pl. 175, Martinique; 
from a drawing by Plumier. 


Family 216. BRANCHIOSTEGIDZ.® Blanquillos 

Genus 955. CAULOLATILUS Gill. 
Caulolatilus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 240 (?Latilus 
chrysops Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Dekaya Cooper, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., III, pt. 1, 1863 (Nov.), 
70, fig. 17 (D. anomala Cooper). 

2772. Caulolatilus chrysops (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Blanquillo. 
Gulf of Mexico and southward. 
Latilus chrysops Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IX, 1833, 
496, Brazil. 

2773. Caulolatilus microps Goode and Bean. 
Gulf of Mexico. 
Caulolatilus microps Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, 
43, off Pensacola, Fla. 

2774. Caulolatilus princeps (Jenyns). Blanquillo. 
Cape San Lucas to the Galapagos. 
Latilus princeps Jenyns, Zool. Voy. Beagle, Fishes, 1842, 52, Chatham 
Island, Galapagos Archipelago. 
Caulolatilus affinis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVII, 1865, 68, 
Cape San Lucas. 

2775. Caulolatilus anomalus (Cooper). Blanquillo; Sea whitefish. 
Coast of southern California, about rocky islands from Point Conception 
southward; common. 
Dekaya anomala Cooper, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., III, pt. 1, 1863 
(Nov.), 70, fig. 17, Santa Catalina Island off southern California. 

2776. Caulolatilus cyanops Poey. Blanquillo. 
Coasts of Cuba and Porto Rico. 
Caulolatilus cyanops Poey, Repertorio, I, 1866, 311-312, Cuba. 

Genus 956. LOPHOLATILUS Goode and Bean. Tilefish. 
Lopholatilus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 205 (L. 
chamzleonticeps Goode and Bean). 

2777-2778. Lopholatilus chameleonticeps Goode and Bean. Tilefish. 
Deep waters of the western Atlantic; abundant at intervals but subject 
to calamities; a valued food fish. 
Lopholatitus chamzleonticeps Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
II, 1879, 205; 80 miles 8. by E. of No-man’s Land, 40° N., 70° W., 
in 84 fathoms. 


Genus 957. TRICHODON Steller. 
Trichodon Steller, in Tilesius, Mém. Acad. St. Petersb., IV, 1811, 468 
(Trachinus trichodon Telesius). 

2779. Trichodon trichodon (Tilesius). Sandfish. 

Coasts of Kamchatka and eastward; Herendeen Bay and elsewhere in 
Bering Sea, and south to coast of Oregon. 

Trachinus trichodon Tilesius, Mém. Acad. St. Petersb., IV, 1811, fig. 8, 
73, Kamchatka. 

Trachinus gasteropelecus Tilesius, loc. cit., 1811, 466, Kamchatka. 

Trichodon lineatus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1860, 60, 
San Francisco. 

Genus 958. ARCTOSCOPUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Arctoscopus Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 464 (Trichodon 
japonicus Steindachner). 

2780. Arctoscopus japonicus (Steindachner). 
Sea of Japan, eastward to Sitka, Alaska. 
ae japonicus Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., X, 1881, 4 Strietok 
and Sitka. 

*s The name #ranchistegus Rafinesque (1815) has priority over Latilus Cuvier and Valenciennes (1830). 


Family 218. CIRRHITIDZ 

Genus 959. CIRRHITUS Lacépéde. 
Cirrhitus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1803, 3 (C. maculatus Lacépéde). 
Cirrhitichthys Ginther, Cat., II, 1860, 73; not of Bleeker. 
Cirrhites of authors; revised spelling. 

2781. Cirrhitus rivulatus (Valenciennes). 
Cape San Lucas to the Revillagigedos and Galapagos Islands. 
Cirrhites rivulatus Valenciennes, Voy. Vénus, Poiss., 1855, 309, pl. 3, 
fig. 1, Galapagos Islands. 
Cirrhitus betaurus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 259, 
Cape San Lucas; young. 

Family 219. ANTIGONIIDZ 

Genus 960. ANTIGONIA Lowe. ; 
Antigonia Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1843, 85 (A. capros Lowe). 
Caprophonus Miiller and Troschel, Hore Ichth., III, 1845, 28, pl. 5, 

fig. 1 (C. aurora Miller and Troschel). 
. Hypsinotus Temminck and Schlegel, Faun. Japon., Poiss., 1844, 84 
(H. rubescens Giinther). 

2782. Antigonia capros Lowe. 
Tropical Atlantic, in rather deep water. 
Antigonia capros Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1843, 85, Madeira. 
Caprophonus aurora Miiller and Troschel, Hore Ichthyologice, III, 
1845, p. 28, pl. 5, fig. 1, Barbados. 

Family 220. SCORPIDA. Halfmoon fishes 

Genus 961. MEDIALUNA Jordan and Fesler. 
Medialuna Jordan and Fesler, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XVII, 1889-1891, 
536 (Scorpis californiensis Steindachner). 

2783. Medialuna californiensis (Steindachner). Medialwna; Halfmoon. 
Coast of southern California from Point Conception southward to 
Cedros Island. 
Scorpis californiensis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 19, San 

Family 221. EPHIPPID& 

Genus 962. CHATODIPTERUS Lacépéde. 
Chxtodipterus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 503 (Chetodon 
plumiert Bloch=Chetodon faber Broussonet). 
Parephippus Gill. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 165 (Ephip- 
pus zonatus Girard). 

2784. Chetodipterus faber (Broussonet). Angelfish; Spadefish; Moonfish; 

Tripletail; Three-banded sheephead; Three-tailed porgy. 

West Indies, Cape Cod to Rio Janeiro, south Atlantie coast. 

Faber marinus fere quadratus (the pilotfish) Sloane, Jamaica, II, 1793, 
290, pl. 251, Jamaica. 

Chetodon faber Broussonet, Ichth., V, Dec. 1, 1782, pl. 4, Jamaica. 

sie quadratus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, 1225, Jamaica; after 

Chextodon plumieri Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, III, 1787, 104, 

Selene quadrangularis Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 564, 
Jamaica; after Sloane. 

Chetodon oviformis Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 247, 
pl. 5, fig. 4, New York. 

Ephippus gigas Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 191, America. 

2785. Chetodipterus zonatus (Girard). 
fs aa coast of America, from San Diego to Panama; common south- 
Ephippus zonatus Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, pt. 4, Fishes, 1858, 110, 
San Diego, Calif. 


Genus 963. PARAPSETTUS Steindachner. 
Parapsettus Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 50 (P. panamensis 

2786. Parapsettus panamensis Steindachner. 
Parapsettus panamensis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 51, 

Family 222. CHZTODONTIDZ. Butterfiyfishes; Coralfishes 

Genus 964. PROGNATHODES Gill. 
Prognathodes Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 238 (Chelmo 
pelta Giinther=Chelmon aculeatus Poey). 

2787. Prognathodes aculeatus (Poey). B 
West Indies. 
Chelmon aculeatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 202, Cuba. 
Chelmo pelta Giinther, Cat., II, 1860, 38, locality unknown. 

Genus 965. FORCIPIGER Jordan and McGregor. 
Forcipiger Jordan and McGregor, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XXIV, 1898, 
279 (Chztodon longirostris Broussonet). 

2788. Forcipiger longirostris (Broussonet). 
South Seas east to Revillagigedo Islands. 
Chztodon longirostris Broussonet, Desc. Ichth., I, 1782, 23, pl. 7, Society 
and Sandwich Islands. 
Forcipiger flavissimus Jordan and McGregor, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., 
XXIV, 1898, 279, Clarion Island, Revillagigedo Archipelago. 

Genus 966. CHA TODON ® Linneus. Buiterflyfishes. 

Cheztodon Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 272 (C. capistratus Linnzeus). 

Rabdophorus Swainson, Classn. Fishes, II, 1839, 21 (Chetodon ephippium 
Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Citraredus Kaup, Wiegmann’s Archiv, XXVI, 1860, 136 (Chxtodon 
ornatissimus Solander). 

Linophora Kaup, loc. cit., 137 (Chxtodon auriga ForskAl). 

Sarothrodus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 99 (Chextodon 
capistratus Gill). 

Tholichthys Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., I, 4th ser., 1868, 457 
(T. osseus Giinther; a larval form). 

Chetodontops Bleeker, Arch. Neerl. Soc. Nat., XI, 1876, 304 (Chxtodon 
collaris Bloch). 

Tetragonopterus Klein, in Bleeker, loc. cit., 305 (Chzxtodon striatus L.); 
not Teragonopterus of Cuvier. 

Lepidochextodon Bleeker, loc. cit., 305 (Chxtodon unimaculatus Bloch). 

Gonochzxtodon Bleeker, loc. cit., 306 (Chxtodon triangulum Kuhl and 
Van Hasselt). 

Oxychxtodon Bleeker, loc. cit., 306 (Chxtodon lineolatus Quoy and 

Hemichztodon Bleeker, Vers]. Ak. Amsterdam, XII, 1876, 38 (Chxtodon 
capistratus Linnzus). 

Anisochztodon Klunzinger, Fische Rothen Meeres, I, 1884, 3 (Chxtodon 
auriga Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Subgenus CHZTODON Linneus. 

2789. Chetodon capistratus Linneus. Parché. 
West Indies, Habana, north to Woods Hole. 
Chetodon capistratus Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 275, India. 
Chztodon bricei Smith, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., XVII, 1897, 102, with 
text fig., Woods Hole, Mass.; young. 

2790. Chetodon striatus Linneus. Portuguese butterfly. 
West Indies. 
Cheztodon striatus Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 275, India. 

These nominal genera, here included under Chztodon, are mostly imperfectly defined. The following 
may be valid: Chztodon, lines of scales ranning upward and backward from the lateral line, no produced 
rays; Linophora, similar but one dorsal ray much produced; Ozychxtodon, scales of sides enlarged, snout 
sharp; Chzxtodontops, similar, but snout blunt, etc.; Lepidochrtodon, scales of sides much enlarged, in 
horizontal rows, etc.; Rabdophorus, scales horizontal, much reduced above lateral line (see Jordan and 
Jordan, Mem. Carnegie Mus. X, 58, 1922). 











Subgenus CHAXATODONTOPS Bleeker. 
Chetodon bimaculatus Bloch. Parché; Isabelita de la alto. 

West Indies, north in Gulf Stream to New Jersey and Rhode Island. 

Chextodon ocellatus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, III, pl. 211, 1787, 
105, ‘‘also from the East Indies.” 

Chetodon bimaculatus Bloch, loc. cit., 1790, pl. 219, fig. 1. 

Sarothrodus maculo—cinctus Gill, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 
1861, 99, Newport, R. I. 

Sarothrodus amplexicollis Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 63, Cuba. 

Cheetodon nigrirostris (Gill). 

Cape San Lucas, Lower California; Panama Bay. 
Sarothrodus nigrirostris Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
243, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 

Cheetodon humeralis Giinther. Muneca; Dollfish. 

Pacific coast of America, from Guaymas to Panama. 
Chetodon humeralis Giinther, Cat., II, 1860, 19, ‘‘Sandwich Islands,” 
by error for Central America. 

Chetodon sedentarius Poey. 

West Indian fauna. 
Chetodon sedentarius Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 203, Cuba. 

Cheetodon gracilis Giinther. 

West Indies. 
Chetodon gracilis Ginther, Cat., II, 1860, 20, Caribbean Sea, West 

Cheetodon aya Jordan. 

Gulf of Mexico. 
Chextodon aya Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IX, 1886, 225, Snapper 
Banks, south of Pensacola, Fla. 

Cheetodon atzniatus (Poey). 

Habana Cuba. 

Sarothrodus ateniatus Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 353, Cuba. 

? Chetodon unicolor Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Philom., IV, 1880, 222, Mar- 

Genus 967. POMACANTHUS Lacépéde. Chirivitas. 

Pomacanthus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 517 (Chextodon 
arcuatus Linneeus, as restricted by Cuvier). 

Pomacanthus arcuatus (Linneus). Black angel; Chirivita; Portugais. 

West Indies, north to New Jersey, south to Bahia. 

Chetodon arcuatus Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 273, ‘India.’ 

Chetodon aureus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, III, 1787, 49, Mar- 
tinique; on drawing by Plumier. 

petite lutescens Bonnaterre, Enecycl. Meth., 1788, 82, Jamaica; after 


Chetodon littoricola Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 351, Cuba. 

Pomacanthus balteatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VII, 
1831, 156 (208), Porto Rico. 

Pomacanthus cingulatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 156 (209), 
pl. 185, West Indies (probably Porto Rico). 

Pomacanthus quinquecinctus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 157 
(210), West Indies (probably Porto Rico). 

2799. Pomacanthus paru (Bloch). Paru; Indianfish; Flatfish; Chirivita. 

West Indies, south to Bahia; Tortugas. 
Chztodon paru Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, III, 1787, 57, Brazil; 
on a drawing. 

Genus 968. POMACANTHODES Gill. 

Pomacanthodes Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 244 (P. 
zonipectus Gill). 

67 Poey seems to have been the first to recognize the identity of ocellatus (which has page priority) with 
bimaculatus. He chose to use the name bimaculatus, which should therefore stand. 


2800. Pomacanthodes zonipectus Gill. Mojarra de las piedras. 
West coast of tropical America, from Mazatlan to Panama. 
Pomacanthodes zonipectus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
244, San Salvador. 
Pomacanthus crescentalis Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
IV, 1881, 358, Mazatlan. 

Genus 969. CENTROPYGE Kaup. 
Centropyge Kaup, Wiegmann’s Archiv, X XVI, 1860, 140 (Holacanthus 
tibicen Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

2801. Centropyge passer (Valenciennes). 
West coast of tropical America; Cape San Lucas to Galapagos Islands. 
Holacanthus passer Valenciennes, Voy. V énus, 1846, 327, pl. 6, Galapagos 
Holacanthus strigatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 243, 
Cape San Lucas. 

2802. Centropyge clarionensis (Gilbert). 
Z Clarion, Socorro, and San Benedicto Islands of the Revillagigedo group. 
Holacanthus clarionensis Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 
72, Revillagigedo Islands; Clarion, Socorro, and San Benedicto. 

2803. Centropyge lunata (Blosser). 
St. Croix. 
se sie lunatus Blosser, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VI, 1909, 299, St. 
This small species with low fins and rounded caudal if fairly mature 
can not be placed in Holacanthus. It seems to belong to the genus 
Centropyge, a genus thus far known only from the Pacific. 

Genus 970. HOLACANTHUS Lacépéde. Catalinetas. 
Holacanthus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 525 (Chextodon 
tricolor Bloch). 

2804. eye Rag tricolor (Bloch). Rock beauty; Catalineta; Vaqueta de los 
West Indies and Bermudas; south to Bahia. 
Chztodon tricolor Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, IX, 1795, 103, Cuba. 
Catalineta Parra, Descr. Dif. Piez., Hist. Nat. Cuba, 1787, 12, Pl. VII, 
fig. 2, Cuba. 

Genus 971. ANGELICHTHYS Jordan and Evermann. 
Angelichthys Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 420 (Chextodon 
ciliaris Linnzeus). 

2805. Angelichthys ciliaris (Linneus). Angelfish; Isabelita; Yellow angel; 

Golden angel; Blue angel. 

West Indies north to Key West. 

Chetodon ciliaris Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 276, Indies, in part. 

Isabelita Parra, Dif. Piezas, Hist. Nat. Cuba, 1787, 11, pl. 7, fig. 1, Cuba. 

Chextodon squamulosus Shaw, Naturalist’s Miscellany, VIII, 1796, 275; 
after the angelfish of Catesby. 7 

Chzxtodon parre Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 235, Cuba; 
after Isabelita of Parra. 

Holacanthus cornutus Desmarest, Décade Ichthyologique, 1823, 44, 
pl. 3, fig. 3, Cuba. 

Holacanthus formosus Castelnau, Anim. Amer. Sud, Pois., 1855, 19, 
Pl. XI, fig. 2, Bahia. 

' 2806. Angelichthys isabelita Jordan and Rutter. Angelfish. 
West Indies; north to Key West, Fla. 
Angelichthys isabelita Jordan and Rutter, in Jordan and Evermann, 
Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 1685, Key West. 

2807. ia townsendi Nichols and Mowbray. 
Angelichthys townsendi Nichols and Mowbray, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., XX XIII, 1914, 581, Key West, Fla. 



Family 223. ZANCLIDZ. Moorish idols 

Genus 972. ZANCLUS Cuvier and Valenciennes 

Zanclus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VII, 1831, 70 (102) 
(Chetodon cornutus Linnzus). 

Gonopterus Gronow, Cat Fish., ed. Gray, 1854, 77 (@. merens Gronow= 
Chetodon cornutus Linnezus). 

Gnathocentrum Guichenot, Ann. Maine et Loire, IX, 1866, 4 (Zanclus 
centrognathus Cuvier and Valenciennes); young. 

2808. Zanclus cornutus (Linneus). Moorish idol; Besan; Piquier; Porte 


Warm seas of the Pacific; Revillagigedo, Cocos, and Galapagos islands; 
Hawaii; Samoa; East Indies and islands of Polynesia; common 
and widely distributed throughout the Pacific. 

Chetodon cornutus Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 273, Indies; 
after Artedi. 

Zanclus centrognathos Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VII, 
1831, 397 (528), near Equator, 75° E. 

Gonopterus merens Gronow, Cat. Fishes, ed. Gray, 1854, 77, India. 

Family 224. ACANTHURIDZA. Surgeonfishes; Tangs 

Genus 973. ACANTHURUS Forskal. Surgeonfishes. 

Acanthurus Forskal, Deser. Anim., 1775, 59 (Chxtodon unicornis), etc. 

Harpurus (Forster) Gmelin, Enchiridion, 1778, 84 (H. fasciatus Forster). 

Aspisurus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 556 (Chetodon sohar 

Acronurus Gronow, Cat. Fishes, 1854, 190 (Teuthis hepatus Linnzus). 

Rhombotides (Klein) Bleeker, Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1 (Chetodon 
triostegus Linnzeus). 

Subgenus’ HARPURUS Forster. 

2809. Acanthurus triostegus (Linnzus). 

South Pacific, from New Zealand and Australia to the Revillagigedos. 

Chextodon triostegus Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 274, India. 

Harpurus fasciatus Forster, Enchiridion, 1778, 84, South Seas. 

Acanthurus zebra Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 548, fig. 3, 
no locality. 

Chetodon couaga Lacépéde, loc. cit. IV, 1802, 727, no locality. 

Teuthis australis Gray, in King, Surv. Australia, I1, 1826, 435. 

Acanthurus hirudo Bennett, Ceylon Fishes, 1851, 11, pl. 11, Ceylon. 

Acanthurus subarmatus Bennett, Whaling Voyage, II, 1840, 278, 
Raiatea, Society Islands. 

Subgenus TEUTHIS. 

2810. Acanthurus cezeruleus Bloch and Schneider. Barbero; Blue surgeon; 

Blue tang. 
yee Indies, Key West, and Bermuda to Bahia, north to Woods Hole, 

Acanthurus czruleus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 214, 
Carolinas; Habana; Jamaica; after Catesby, Parra, and Browne. 
Acanthurus broussonetii Desmarest, Prem. Dec. Ichth., 1823, 26, Cuba. 
Acanthurus brevis Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 207, Antilles and Habana. 

Acronurus ceruleatus Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 69, Cuba; young. 

2811. Acanthurus hepatus (Linneus). Common surgeon; Doctor fish; Lancet 

fish; Tang; Tangbarbero; Saigneur; Barbero. 

West Indian fauna; Florida to Bahia; Key West and Cuba; Charleston; 
north to Woods Hole, Mass. 

Teuthis hepatus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII,.1766, 507, Carolinas. 

Cheztodon chirurgus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, III, 1787, 99, 
Martinique; on drawing by Plumier. 

Acanthurus phlebotomus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X, 
1835, 129 (176), pl. 287 Martinique, Brazil, Habana, New York. 
Acronurus fuscus Gronow, Fish., ed. Gray, 119, 1854, West Indies; 

Acronurus carneus Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 207, Cuba. 


2812. Acanthurus bahianus Castelnau. Barbero; Ocean tang. 
West Indies to Brazil. 
Acanthurus bahianus Castelnau, Anim. Amer. Sud, Poiss., 1855, 24, 
Pl. XI, fig. 1, Bahia. 
Acanthurus tractus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 208, Cuba. 
Acronurus nigriculus Poey, Enumeratio, 1875, 69, Cuba. 

2813. Acanthurus crestonis (Jordan and Starks). Barbero negro. 
West coast of Mexico and Central America, Mazatlan to Panama. 
Teuthis crestonis Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 2, 
1895, V, 485, pl. 47, Mazatlan. 

2814. Acanthurus aliala Lesson. Philosophe. 
East Indies to the west coast of Mexico; abundant at Socorro and 
Clarion Islands. 
Acanthurus aliala Lesson, Voy. Coquille, Zool., II, 1830, 150, Oualan. 
Acanthurus glaucopareius Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
X, 1835, 139 (190), Oualan; Moluccea. 

Genus 974. XESURUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Xesurus Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 421 (Prionurus 
punctatus Gill). 

2815. Xesurus punctatus (Gill). Cochinito. 
Cape San Lucas; Mazatlan; Creston Island. 
Prionurus punctatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 242, 
Cape San Lucas. 

2816. Xesurus clarionis Gilbert and Starks. 
Galapagos Islands. 
Aesurus clarionis Gilbert and Starks, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIX, 
1896, 437, 445, Clarion Island, Galapagos Archipelago. 

Genus 975. CTENOCHATUS Gill. 
Ctenodon Bonaparte, in Klunzinger, Fische Rothen Meeres, 1884, 
I Theil, 54 (Acanthurus strigosus Bennett); name preoccupied. 
Ctenochxtus Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 277 (Acanthurus 
strigosus Bennett). 

2817. Ctenochetus striatus (Quoy and Gaimard). Kale. 

South seas, recorded from Cocos Island. 

Acanthurus striatus Quoy and Gaimard, Voyage l’Uranie, Zool., 1824, 
373, pl. 63, fig. 3, Guam. 

Acanthurus strigosus Bennett, Zool. Jour., IV, XIII, Art. III, 1828, 41, 

Acanthurus ctenodon Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., X, 
1835, 178 (241), pl. 289, the Carolines and New Guinea. 

Family 225. SCORPANIDZ. Rockfishes and scorpionfishes 

Genus 976. SEBASTES Cuvier. Rosefishes. 
Sebastes Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 166 (Perca norvegica 
Ascanius= Perca marina Linnzus). 
Eusebastes Sauvage, Nouv. Archives Mus. Paris, 1878, (2), 1, 1421 
(Perca norvegica Ascanius). 

2818. Sebastes marinus (Linneus). Rosefish; Redfish; Snapper; Hemdurgan; 

Red seafish; Norway haddock. ’ 

North Atlantic, both coasts, south to Faroe Islands; Norway; Maine; 
in deep water off coast of middle New Jersey. 

Perca marina Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 290, Norway. 

Perca norvegica Ascanius, Icones Rev. Nat., II, 1772, 7, Norway. 

eh sanguineus Faber, Natur. der Fische Islands, 1829, 126, 

Sebastes fasciatus Storer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., V, 1854, 31, 
Provincetown, Mass. 

Sebastes regulus Ekstrom, Skand. Fish., Ed. I, 197, plate only. 


2819. Sebastes viviparus Kr¢yer. 
North Atlantic, in shallow bays, more southerly not certainly recorded 
from America. 
Sebastes viviparus Kroyer, Naturh. Tidskr., I, 1845, 275, Norway, in 
shallow water. 

Genus 977. SEBASTOLOBUS Gill. 
Sebastolobus Gill, Rept. Smithson. Inst., 1880, 375 (Sebastes macrochir 

2820. Sebastolobus altivelis Gilbert. 
Aleutian Islands, Alaska, and in deep water off the coast of California. 
Sebastolobus altivelis Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 18938, 410, 
pl. 23, south of Alaska Peninsula, at Albatross station 3338, in 625 

2821. Sebastolobus alascanus Bean. 
Bering Sea; Pacific coast of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California, 
in deep water; recently taken in San Pedro. 
Sebastolobus alascanus Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 44, 
off Trinity Islands, Alaska, at Albatross station 2853, 56° N., 154° W., 
in 159 fathoms. 

Genus 978. EMMELAS Jordan and Evermann. 
Emmelas Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 
1773 (Sebastes glaucus Hilgendorf). 

2822. Emmelas glaucus (Hilgendorf). 
Hokkaido, north to Bering Island. 
Sebastes glaucus Hilgendorf, Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde, Berlin, 
1880, 172, Hokkaido, north Japan; no description given. 

Genus 979. SEBASTODES ® Gill. Rockfishes. 
Sebastodes Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 165 (Sebastes 
paucispinis Ayres). 

2823. Sebastodes paucispinis (Ayres). Bocaccio; Mérou; Jack. 
San Diego to Barclay Sound, British Columbia; common south. A 
valued food fish. 
Sebastes paucispinis Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., £, 1854, 6, San 

2824. Sebastodes jordani Gilbert. 
Coast of California in deep water. 
Sebastodes jordani Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 466, 
coast of California, at Albatross station 2935, 31038, and 3114, in 64 
to 124 fathoms. 

2825. Sebastodes goodei Eigenmann and HKigenmann. 

San Diego to San Francisco; not common. 

Sebastodes goodei Kigenmann and Higenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
III, 1890, 12, San Diego, Calif. 

Genus 980. SEBASTOSOMUS Gill. 

Sebastosomus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 59 (Sebastes 
melanops Girard). 

Primospina Eigenmann and Beeson, Am. Nat., X XVII, 669 (Sebas- 
tichthys mystinus Jordan and Gilbert). 

Subgenus PRIMOSPINA Ligenmann and Beeson. 

2826. Sebastosomus flavidus (Ayres). Yellowtail rockfish. 
San Diego to San Francisco; common northward. 
Sebastodes flavidus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., ser. I, II, 1862, 
209, fig. 64, San Francisco. 

68 The 13-spined allies of Sebastodes constitute a most striking feature of the fauna of the north Pacific, 
the species being very numerous on the rocky coast of California, Alaska, and Japan; a few also in Chile. 
The species are in general well defined, showing little individual variation and no sex changes. It is ex- 
tremely difficult, however, to divide them into genera, the various traits being intertangled to a remark- 
able degree. Yet such species as paucispinis, rosaceus, and nigrocinctus could hardly stand in one genus 
ina natural system. It may be noted that the group called Sebastodes is the simplest in organization and 
=a ae oldest, four well-marked species related to Sebastodes paucispinis occurring in the upper Miocene 
° ifornia. 





. Sebastosomus serranoides (Eigenmann and Eigenmann). 
Cortez Banks, off San Diego. 
Sebastodes serranoides Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., 2d ser., III, 1890, 36, Cortez Banks. 

. Sebastosomus melanops (Girard). 
Pacific coast of America, from Monterey to Sitka. 
Sebastodes melanops Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
135, Astoria, Oreg. 
Sebastosomus simulans Gill, loc. cit., XVI, 1864, 147, Cape Flattery. 

. Sebastosomus mystinus (Jordan and Gilbert). Péche prétre; Priestfish; 
Black rockfish. 
Pacific coast of America, from Aleutian Islands to San Diego. 
Sebastichthys mystinus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 455, San Francisco. 

2830. Sebastosomus ciliatus (Tilesius). 








Coast of Alaska. 

Epinephelus ciliatus Tilesius, Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., IV, 1810, 
474, Aleutian Islands. 

Perca variabilis Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., III, 1811 (1831), 241, 
Aleutian Islands; including S. aleuticus. 

Genus 981. ROSICOLA Jordan and Evermann. 
Rosicola Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 429 (Sebastosomus 
pinniger Gill. 

Rosicola babcocki (Thompson). 
Coast of Alaska and British Columbia, common. 
Sebastodes babcocki W. F. Thompson, Fisheries British Columbia, 1914, 
Middleton Island, Alaska. 

Rosicola pinniger (Gill). Flioma; Orange rockfish. 
Pacific coast of America, from San Diego to Puget Sound. 
Sebastosomus pinniger Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 
147, San Francisco. 

Rosicola miniatus (Jordan and Gilbert). Rasciera; Rasher. 
Pacific coast of America, from San Francisco to San Diego. 
Sebastichthys miniatus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 70, Monterey, Calif. 

Rosicola alexandri (Evermann and Goldsborough). 
Monterey Bay. 
Sebastodes alecandri Evermann and Goldsborough, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus., XX XI, 1907, 651, Monterey Bay in 65 fathoms. 

Genus 982. ZALOPYR Jordan and Evermann. 
Zalopyr Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 
1795 (Sebastodes aleutianus Jordan and Evermann). 

Zalopyr aleutianus (Jordan and Evermann). 
Alaska; Aleutian Islands. 
Sebastodes aleutianus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1898, 1795, Shelikof Straits, Alaska. 

Zalopyr atrorubens (Gilbert). 
Monterey, Calif. 
Sebastodes atrorubens Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 
1895, 429, and Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 1797, San Fran- 

Zalopyr atrovirens (Jordan and Gilbert). Garrupa. 
Coast of California, from San Diego, to San Francisco. 
Sebastichthys atrovirens Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
III, 1880, 289, Monterey, Calif. 

Genus 983. ACUTOMENTUM “® Eigenmann and Beeson. 
Acutomentum Eigenmann and Beeson, Amer. Nat., XX VII, 1893, 669 
(Sebastes ovalis Ayres). 

As here arranged, this {s far from a natural assemblage, 


















Acutomentum ovale (Ayres). Viuva; Widowfish. 
Pacific coast of United States from San Diego to San Francisco. 
Sebastodes ovalis Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1862, 209-212, 
fig. 65, San Francisco. 

Acutomentum prorigerum (Jordan and Gilbert). 
San Diego to San Francisco. 
Sebastichthys proriger Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 327, Monterey, Calif. 

Acutomentum brevispine (Bean). 
Coast of Alaska. 
Sebastichthys proriger var. brevispinis Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
VI, 1883, 359, Hassler Harbor, Alaska. 

Acutomentum clavilatum (Starks). 
Puget Sound. 
Sebastodes clavilatus Starks, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VII, 1911, 181, San 
Juan Islands, Puget Sound. 

Acutomentum entomelas (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of America, from Port Harford to Monterey Bay. 
Sebastichthys entomelas Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
III, 1880, 142, Monterey. 

Acutomentum wilsoni (Gilbert). 
Monterey Bay. 
Sebastodes wilsoni Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 333, 
pl. 16, fig. 8, Monterey Bay. 

Acutomentum rufum (EKigenmann and HKigenmann). 
Pacific coast of America, near San Diego; Cortez Banks. 
Sebastodes rufus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
2d ser. III, 1890, 13, Point Loma; Cortez Banks. 

Acutomentum macdonaldi Eigenmann and Beeson. 
San Diego, Calif. 
Acutomentum macdonaldi Eigenmann and Beeson, Am. Nat., X XVII, 
1893, 669, San Diego, Calif. 

Acutomentum eigenmanni (Cramer). 
Coast of California. 
Sebastodes eigenmanni Cramer, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., VI, 1896, 239, 
Pl. XLII, Monterey, Calif. 

Acutomentum hopkinsi (Cramer). 
Monterey Bay, Calif. 
Sebastodes hopkinsi Cramer, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., V, 1895, 594, with 
plate, Monterey Bay, Calif. 

Acutomentum alutum (Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of America, from Bering Sea to Santa Barbara. 
Sebastichthys alutus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 76, 
Santa Barbara Islands, Calif. 

Genus 984. EOSEBASTES Jordan and Evermann. 
Eosebastes Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895 430 (Sebastichthys 
aurora Gilbert). 

Eosebastes aurora (Gilbert). 
Santa Barbara Islands, in deep water. 
Sebastichthys aurora Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 80, 
Santa Barbara Islands, in 266 fathoms. 

Eosebastes melanostomus (Higenmann and Kigenmann). 
Coast of California to Alaska. 
Sebastodes melanostomus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. 
Acad. Sci., 2d ser., III, 1890, 17, Point Loma, near San Diego, Calif. - 

Eosebastes introniger (Gilbert). 
Santa Barbara to Bering Sea. 
Sebastichthys introniger Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 81, 
Santa Barbara Islands. 















Eosebastes saxicola (Gilbert). 
Southern California to southeast Alaska in moderate depth. 
Sebastichthys saxicola Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 78, 
Santa Barbara Islands at Albatross stations 2893, 2907, and others, 
in 44 to 155 fathoms. 

Eosebastes deani (Starks). 
Puget Sound. 
Sebastodes deani Starks, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VII, 1911, 178, Puget 

Eosebastes crameri (Jordan). 
Coast of Oregon. 
Sebastodes crameri Jordan, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIX, 1896, 451, 
coast of Oregon, at Albatross station 3091. 

Eosebastes swifti (Evermann and Goldsborough). 
Southern Alaska. 
Sebastodes swifti Evermann and Goldsborough, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., 
XXVI, 1906, 285, Yes Bay and Kasaan Bay, Alaska. 

Eosebastes semicinctus (Gilbert). 
Coast of California. 
Sebastodes semicinctus Gilbert, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., XIX, 1896, 449, 
Santa Barbara Channel, Calif. 
Eosebastes diploproa (Gilbert). 
Pacific coast from the Coronado Islands northward to Nanaimo, 
British Colombia. 
Sebastichthys diploproa Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 
79, Coronado Islands at Albatross station 2935, in 124 fathoms. 

Eosebastes emphzus (Starks). 
Puget Sound, in deep water. 
Sebastodes emphzus Starks, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VII, 1911, 183, about 
San Juan Islands, Puget Sound. 

Genus 985. SEBASTOMUS Gill. 
Sebastomus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 147 (Sebastes 
rosaceus Girard). 

Sebastomus constellatus (Jordan and Gilbert). Spotted rockfish. 
Coast of California, from San Diego to San Francisco. 
Sebastichthys constellatus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
III, 1880, 295, Santa Barbara Channel; San Francisco. 

Sebastomus rosaceus (Girard). Corsair. 
Pacific coast from San Diego to Puget Sound. 
Sebastes rosaceus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1854, 146, 
San Diego, San Francisco. 
Sebastes helvomaculatus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1859, 
26, San Francisco. 

Sebastomus rhodochloris (Jordan and Gilbert). Flyfish. 
Off Monterey and San Francisco. 
Sebastichthys rhodochloris Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
III, 1880, 144, Monterey, Calif. 

Sebastomus chlorostictus (Jordan and Gilbert). Pesca vermiglia. 
San Diego; Monterey; San Francisco. 
Sebastichthys chlorostictus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
III, 1880, 294, Monterey, Calif. 

Sebastomus umbrosus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Coast of California, Point Conception to Coronado Islands. 
Sebastichthys umbrosus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 410, Santa Barbara. 
Sebastodes zreus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
2d ser., III, 1890, 20, Coronado Islands. 

Sebastomus ayresii (Gilbert and Cramer). 
Coast of southern California at Cortez Banks, near San Diego. 
Sebastodes ayresii Gilbert and Cramer, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIX, 
1896, 450, Cortez Banks, near San Diego, Calif. 


2865. Sebastomus eos (Kigenmann and Eigenmann). 
Coast of California at Point Loma, near San Diego. 
Sebastodes eos Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d 
ser., III, 1890, 18, Point Loma, near San Diego, Calif. 

2866. Sebastomus gillii (Higenmann and Higenmann). 
Coast of California at Point Loma, near San Diego. 
Sebastodes gillii Kigenmann and Eigenmann, Amer. Nat., XXV, Feb- 
ruary, 1891, 154, Point Loma, near San Diego, Calif. 

2867. Sebastomus rupestris (Gilbert). 
Santa Barbara Islands northward to southeast Alaska. 
Sebastichthys rupestris Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 76, 
Santa Barbara Islands, at Albatross station 2946, in 150 fathoms. 

Genus 986. SEBASTOPYR ” Jordan and Evermann. 
Sebastopyr Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 4th ser., X VI, 
Apr. 27, 1927, 506 (Sebastodes ruberrimus Cramer). 

2868. Sebastopyr ruberrimus (Cramer). Red rockfish; Tambor. 
Pacific coast from San Diego to Puget Sound and southeastern Alaska, 
Sebastes ruber of early writers, not of Ayres. 
Sebastodes ruberrimus Cramer, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 
597, pls. 62, 63, and 69, Monterey, Calif. 

Genus 987. HISPANISCUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Hispaniscus Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 481 (Sebastichthys 
rubrivinctus Jordan and Gilbert). 

2869. Hispaniscus rubrivinctus (Jordan and Gilbert). Spanish flag. 
California coast from San Diego to Monterey; not rare south. A most 
brilliantly colored fish. 
Sebastichthys rubrivinctus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
III, 1880, 291, Santa Barbara Channel. 

2870. Hispaniscus ievis (HKigenmann and EKigenmann). 
Coast of California, from San Diego to Monterey. 
Sebastichthys levis Eigenmann and Eigenmann, West American Scientist, 
Nov. 9, 1889, 128, San Diego, Calif. 

2871. Hispaniscus zacentrus (Gilbert). 
Coast of California. 
Sebastichthys zacentrus Gilbert. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 77, 
Santa Barbara Islands, at Albatross station 2893 and 2946, in 145 
and 150 fathoms. 

2872. Hispaniscus elongatus (Ayres). Reina. 
California coast, from San Diego to San Francisco. 
Sebastes elongatus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1858-1862 
(Oct. 17, 1859), 26, San Francisco. 

2873. Hispaniscus sinensis (Gilbert). 
Gulf of California. 
Sebastichthys sinensis Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 81, 
Gulf of California, at Albatross station 3015 in 145 fathoms. 

Genus 988. AUCTOSPINA Eigenmann and Beeson. 
Auctospina Eigenmann and Beeson, Amer. Nat., X XVII, 1893, 670 
(Sebastes auriculatus Girard). 

2874. Auctospina auriculata (Girard). Brown rockfish. 

Pacific coast of America, from Cape Mendocino to Cedros Island; 

Sebastes auriculatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
131, 146, San Francisco. 

Sebastes ruber Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854 (Sept. 11), 7, 
San Francisco. 

Sebastes ruber parvus Ayres, loc. cit., I, 1854 (Sept. 11), 7, San Francisco. 

70 This group is allied to Sebastomus, but of much coarser build, the cranial spines in the adult rough 
with olunt spinules. 


2875. Auctospina dallii (Eigenmann and Beeson). 
Pacific coast of America, from San Francisco to Puget Sound; perhaps 
a variation of A. awriculata. 
Pteropodus dallii Eigenmann and Beeson, Amer. Nat., XXVIII, January, 
1894, 66, San Francisco. 

Genus 989. PTEROPODUS Eigenmann and Beeson. 
Pteropodus Eigenmann and Beeson, Amer. Nat., XXVII, 1893, 670 
(Sebastichthys maliger Jordan and Gilbert); not Pteropus, a genus of 

2876. Pteropodus rastrelliger (Jordan and Gilbert). Grass rockfish. 
California coast, from San Diego to San Francisco. 
Sebastichthys rastrelliger Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., ITI, 
1880, 296, Monterey, Calif. 

2877. Pteropodus caurinus (Richardson). 
Pacific coast of America from Puget Sound to Sitka. 
Sebastes caurinus Richardson, Voy. Sulphur, Ichthyology, 1845, 77, 
pl. 41, fig. 1, Sitka. 

2878. Pteropodus vexillaris (Jordan and Gilbert). 
California coast, from San Diego to Cape Mendocino, replacing cawrinus 
Sebastichthys verillaris Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 292, Santa Barbara Channel; San Francisco. 

2879. Pteropodus maliger (Jordan and Gilbert). Yellow-backed rock cod; 
Brown rock cod. 
Pacific coast of America, from Monterey to Sitka; not rare. 
Sebastichthys maliger Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 322, San Francisco. 

2880. Pteropodus gilberti (Cramer). 
Coast of California. 
Sebastodes gilberti Cramer, Proce. Calif. Acad. Sci., VI, 1896, 241, Pl. 
XLII, San Francisco. 

2881. Pteropodus carnatus (Jordan and Gilbert). Flesh-colored rock cod. 
California coast, from San Diego to Point Reyes, replacing P. chryse 
omelas in shallow water. 
Sebastichthys carnatus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 73, Monterey, Calif. 

2882. Pteropodus chrysomelas (Jordan and Gilbert). Black and yellow 
rock cod. 
Pacific coast of America, from Puget Sound to San Diego; common in 
moderate depths. 
Sebastichthys chrysomelas Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
III, 1880, 455, 465, Monterey, Calif. 

2883. Pteropodus nebulosus (Ayres). Yellow-spotted rock cod. 

Pacific coast; southeastern Alaska; Puget Sound region, Vancouver to 
Point Conception; common. 

Sebastes nebulosus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854 (Sept. 11), 
5, San Francisco. 

Sebastes fasciatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 146, 
Presidio, California; not of Storer. 

Sebastichthys fasciolaris Lockington, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 
297, San Francisco. 

Genus 990. SEBASTOCARUS ” Jordan and Evermann. 
Sebastocarus Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 4th ser., 
XVI, Apr. 27, 1927, 507 (Sebastichthys serriceps Jordan and Gilbert). 

2884. Sebastocarus serriceps (Jordan and Gilbert). T'reefish. 
Coast of California, from Point Reyes to Cedros Island; common south. 
Sebastichthys serriceps Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 38, Santa Barbara and Santa Catalina Islands, Calif. 

1 This genus is nearly allied to Sebastichthys differing in the more compressed body and especially in 
the strict and high ridges on the head, all of them free from se rrations or accessory tubercles. 










Genus 991. SEBASTICHTHYS Gill. 
Sebastichthys Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 278, 329 
(Sebastes nigrocinctus Ayres). 

Sebastichthys nigrocinctus (Ayres). Black-banded rock cod. 
Monterey Bay to Naha Bay, Alaska. 
Sebastes nigrocinctus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1859, 25, 
fig. 6, San Francisco. 

Genus 992. METZELAARIA Jordan. 
Metzelaaria Jordan, Class. Fishes, 1923, 209 (Scorpxna tridecimspinosa 

Metzelaaria tridecimspinosa (Metzelaar). 
Caribbean Sea. 
Scorpena tridecimspinosa Metzelaar, Tropisch Atlantische Visschen, 
1919, 146, fig. 44, Bonaire, Aruba. 

Genus 998. SCORPAXNODES Bleeker. 
Scorpenodes Bleeker, Nat. Hist. Ned. Ind., XIII, 1857, 371 (Scorpxna 
polylepis Bleeker). 
Sebastopsis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 278 (Scorpena 
polylepis Bleeker). 
Sebastodes Sauvage, Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool., V, 1873, 1 (Sebastes minutus 
Cuvier); not Sebastodes Gill, 1861. 

Scorpzenodes xyris (Jordan and Gilbert). 
West coast of Mexico. 
Sebastopsis xyris Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
369, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 

Genus 994. HELICOLENUS Goode and Bean. 
Helicolenus Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1896, 248 (Scorpxna 
dactylopterus De la Roche). 

Helicolenus dactylopterus (De la Roche). Seran imperial; Fanegal; 

Cardonniera; Scorfanudi; Funal; Crabra; Redfish. 

Deep waters of Atlantic off both coasts from Narragansett and Chesa- 
peake Bays, and to coasts of Italy and Spain. 

Scorpena dactyloptera De la Roche, Ann. Mus., XIII, 1809, pl. 22, 
fig. 2, Ivica, Barcelona. 

Sebastes imperilalis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 
1829, 246 (3836), Nice. : . 

Helicolenus maderensis Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 250, 
Madeira, and in the Gulf Stream. 

Genus 995. SCORPANA (Artedi) Linnezus. 
Scorpena (Artedi) Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758 266 (S. porcus 
Parascorpena Bleeker, Versl. Ak. Amsterdam., IX, pt. 3, 1876, 295 
(Scorpena picta Kuhl and van Hasselt in Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Pseudosebastes Sauvage, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, II, 1878 
(Sebastes bougainvillei Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Scorpena atlantica Nichols and Breder. 
Coast of Texas. 
Scorpena russula atlantica Nichols and Breder, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 
XXXVII, 1924 (Feb. 21), 21, Pl. VII, off Galveston, Tex. 

Scorpena colesi Nichols. 
Coast of North Carolina. 
Scorpzna colesi Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XX XIII, 1914, 
537, fig. 1, Cape Lookout, N. C. 

Scorpena plumieri Bloch. Rescacio; Poison grouper; Plumier’s 


West Indies and Brazil, north to Florida; rarely northward to Woods 

Scorpena plumieri Bloch, Nya. Handl. Stockh., X, 1789, 234, Mar- 

Scorpena bufo Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1829, 
224 (306), Martinique. 

Scorpzena rascacio Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 169, Cuba. 

Apistes exul Gosse, Nat. Sojourn Jamaica, 1851, 207, Jamaica. 















Scorpeena mystes Jordan and Starks. Lapon. 
Coast of Mexico. 
Scorpena mystes Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser. V, 
1895, 491, pl. 52, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Scorpena grandicornis Cuvier and Valenciennes. Lionfish; Poison 
grouper; Sculpin. 
Florida Keys to Brazil, in the Gulf Stream to Woods Hole, Mass. 
Scorpena grandicornis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 
1829, 227 (309), pl. 86, Martinique, Porto Rico, Habana, San Do- 

Scorpena brasiliensis Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Atlantic coast, from Charleston to Rio Janeiro. 
Scorpzena brasiliensis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 
1829, 224 (305), Brazil. 
Scorpena stearnsi Goode and: Bean, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 421, 
Pensacola, Fla. 

Scorpzena inermis Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
West Indies, north to Florida. 
Scorpena inermis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1829, 
228 (311), Martinique. 
Scorpzena occipitalis Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 171, Cuba. 
Scorpexna calcarata Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
422, Clearwater Harbor, Fla. 

Scorpena sonore Jenkins and Evermann. 
Guaymas, Gulf of California, and Santa Margarita Island. 
Scorpena sonore Jenkins and Evermann, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, 
1888, 150, Guaymas, Sonora. 

Scorpena guttata Girard. Scorpene; Scorpion; Sculpin. 
Coast of California, from Monterey southward to Cedros Island. 
Scorpzna guttata Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 145, 

Scorpena russula Jordan and Bollman. 
Pacific coast of Colombia. 
Scorpena russula Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1889, 165, Pacific coast of Colombia. 

Scorpena histrio Jenyns. 
Pacific coast of America, Panama to Juan Fernandez; Galapagos Islands. 
Scorpena histrio Jenyns, Voy. Beagle, Fishes, 1842, 35, pl. 8, Chatham 
Island, Galapagos Archipelago. 

Scorpena pannosa Cramer. 
Scorpena pannosa Cramer, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIX, 1896, 446, 
with plate, Panama. 

Scorpeena albofasciata Metzelaar. 
Caribbean Sea. 
Scorpxna albofasciata Metzelaar, Tropisch Atlantische Vissch., 1919, 
145, fig. 43; Bonaire, Arubi. 

Scorpena albifimbria Evermann and Marsh. 
Porto Rico. 
Scorpena albifimbria Evermann and Marsh, Bull. U.S. Fish Com., XX, 
1900, 275, fig. 82, Culebra Island; Porto Rico. 

Scorpena nuttingi Hvermann and Seale. 
West Indies (Barbados). 
Scorpxna nuttingi Evermann and Seale, University of Iowa Studies 
Nat. Hist., X, 1924, 14, 39, Carlisle Bay, Barbados. 

Scorpzena agassizii Goode and Bean. 
Mid-ocean east of Cuba. 
Scor;.cna agassizii Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1596, 247, fig. 243, 
latitude 32° 13’ N., longitude 39° 10’ W. 















Scorpzena cristulata Goode and Bean. 
Atlantic Ocean, off coast of Georgia; perhaps also from northern Spain. 
Scorpxna cristulata Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1896, 247, fig. 242, 
off Georgia. 
Scorpena echinita Koehler, Ann. Univ. Lyons, X XVI, 1896, 474, pl. 27, 
figs. 4 and 6, Bay of Biscay, in 700 fathoms. 

Genus 996. MERINTHE Snyder. ig 
Merinthe Snyder, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XXII, 1902, 536 (Sebastes 
macrocephalus Sauvage). 

Merinthe nematophthalma (Giinther). 
West Indies, exact locality uncertain. 
Sebastes nematophthalmus Giinther, Cat., II, 1861, 99, West Indies. 

Genus 997. PONTINUS Poey. 
Pontinus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 172 (P. castor Poey). 

Pontinus castor Poey. 
Pontinus castor Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 173, Habana, Cuba. 

Pontinus furcirhinus Garman. 
Eastern Pacific in deep water. 
Pontinus furcirhinus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
51, Pl. VII, numerous Albatross stations off Panama. 

Pontinus pollux Poey. 
Pontinus pollux Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 174, Habana, Cuba. 

Pontinus rathbuni Goode and Bean. 
Coast of North Carolina, probably in the Gulf Stream. 
Pontinus rathbuni Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 255, fig. 245, 
off Cape Hatteras, N. C. 

Pontinus macrolepis Goode and Bean. 
Pontinus macrolepis Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 257, fig. 247, 
off Yucatan. 

Pontinus longispinis Goode and Bean. 
Coast of western Florida. 
Pontinus longispinis Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 258, fig. 246, 
west coast of Florida, lat. 28° 36’ N., long. 85° 33’ 30’’ W., in 111 

Pontinus beanorum Evermann and Marsh. 
Porto Rico. 
Pontinus beanorum Evermann and Marsh, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XX, 
pt. 1, 1900, 279, fig. 85, San Juan Harbor, Porto Rico. 

Pontinus sierra (Gilbert). 2 
Gulf of California. 
Scorpena (Sebastoplus) sierra Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 
1890, 82, Gulf of California, at Albatross stations 2996 and 3011 in 
112 and 71 fathoms. 

Pontinus bergii (Evermann and Marsh). 
Porto Rico. 
Scorpena bergii Evermann and Marsh, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XX, pt. 1, 
1900, 276, fig. 83, Mayaguez, Culebra; perhaps not a Pontinus. 

Genus 998. SETARCHES Johnson. 
Setarches Johnson, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1862, 177 (S. guntheri 

Setarches parmatus Goode. 
Coasts of Rhode Island, North Carolina, and western Florida, in deep 
Setarches parmatus Goode, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 480, off 
coast of Rhode Island. 


Family 226. ANOPLOPOMIDZ. Skilfishes; Sablefishes 

Genus 999. ANOPLOPOMA Ayres. 
Anoplopoma Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1859, 27 (A. mer- 
langus Ayres=Gadus fimbria Pallas). 
Scombrocottus Peters, Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1872, 569 (S. 
salmoneus Peters=Gadus fimbria Pallas). 

2917. Ange fimbria (Pallas). Beshow; Coalfish; Skil; Black cod; Sable- 
; fish. 

Unalaska to San Diego, common northward; a valued food fish in 
Alaska when it becomes fat. 

Gadus fimbria Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 200, probably 
Aleutian Islands. 

Anoplopoma merlangus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1859, 27, 
San Francisco market. 

Scombrocottus salmoneus Peters, Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1872, 
569, Vancouver Island. 

Family 227. ERILEPIDZ. Fat priests 

Genus 1000. ERILEPIS Gill. 
Myriolepis Lockington, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 248 (Myriolepis 
zonifer Lockington); name preoccupied in fossil fishes. 
Erilepis Gill, Science, Jan. 26, 1894, 54 (Myriolepis zonifer Lockington). 
Ebisus Jordan and Snyder, Jour. Coll. Sci. Tokyo, XV, 1901, 308 (E. 
sagamius Jordan and Snyder). 

2918. Erilepis zonifer (Lockington). Aburabozu; Fat priest. 
Coast of Japan to Alaska; once taken at Monterey Bay, Calif. 
Myriolepis zonifer Lockington, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 248, 
Ebisus sagamius Jordan and Snyder, Jour. Coll. Sci., Tokyo, XV, 1901, 
308, Misaki, Japan. 

Family 228. HEXAGRAMMIDZ. Greenlings 

Genus 1001. HEXAGRAMMOS Steller. 

Hexagrammos Steller, in Tilesius, Act. Ac. Petrop., II, 1810, 335 (H. 
stelleri Tilesius= H. asper Tilesius). 

Labrax Pallas, Mém. Acad. Sci. Petersb., II, 1810, 382 (L. lagocephalus 
Pallas), not of Klein nor of Cuvier. 

Lebius (Steller MS.) Pallas, Zoog. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 279 (Labrazx 
superciliosus Pallas). 

Chirus Steller, in Pallas, loc. cit., 279 (Labrax superciliosus Pallas). 

Octogrammus Bleeker, Vers]. Akad. Amsterdam (2), VIII, 1874, 370 
(“‘ Labrax octogrammus Schlegel’’=Octogrammus pallasi Bleeker). 

Acantholebius Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 166 (Chi- 
ropsis nebulosus Girard=Hexagrammos stelleri Tilesius); specimen 
with broken dorsal spines. 

Grammatopleurus Gill, loc. cit., XIII, 1861, 166 (Labrax lagocephalus. 

2919. Hexagrammos decagrammus (Pallas). Rock trout; Boregat; Bodieron 

North Pacific, from Point Conception to southern Alaska; common 

Labrax decagrammus Pallas, Mém. Acad. Petersb., II, 1810, 386, pl. 22, 
fig. 2, Elias Bay. 

Chirus guttatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 132, 
San Francisco. 

Grystes lineatus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854, 9, Bay of 
San Francisco. 

Chiropsis constellatus Girard, U. 8. Pac. R. R. Surv., X, Pt. 4, Fishes, 
1858, 42, San Francisco. 

Chirus maculo-seriatus Lockington, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 
55, San Francisco. 


2920. Hexagrammos octogrammus (Pallas). Alaska greenfish. 
Aleutian Islands, westward to Petropaulski and Robben Island. 
Labrax octogrammus Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 283, Kam- 
chatka and Aleutian Islands; doubtful species. 
Chirus ordinatus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1873, 28, Unalaska. 
ao idle pallasi Bleeker, Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, VI, 1870; after 

2921. Hexagrammos stelleri Tilesius. Greenling. 

Kamchatka and Unalaska to San Francisco; abundant in Puget Sound 
and northward. 

Hexagrammos stelleri Tilesius, Mém. Acad. St. Petersb., II, 1809, 335, 

Hearn asper Steller in Tilesius, loc. cit., 340, pl. 15, 1810, Kem- 
chatka. 5 

Labrus hexagrammus Pallas, loc. cit., 395, pl. 23, fig. 3, 1810, Kamchatka. 

Chiropsis nebulosus Girard, U. 8. Pac. R. R. Surv., X, Fishes, 1858, 45, 
Puget Sound and at Fort Steilacoom. 

Chirus trigrammus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1873, 29, Una- 

2922. Hexagrammos superciliosus (Pallas). Red rock trout. 

Bering Sea to Monterey Bay. 

Labrax superciliosus Pallas, Mém. Acad. St. Petersb., II, 1810, 388, 

Chirus pictus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 132, San 
Francisco; Humboldt Bay. 

Chirus balias Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1873, 28, Captains 
Harbor, Unalaska. 

Hexagrammus scaber Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 154, 
Amchitka, Unalaska. 

2923. Hexagrammos lagocephalus (Pallas). 
Western Bering Sea, Kuril Islands; Alaska; Attu. 
Labrax lagocephalus Pallas, Mém. Acad. St. Petersb., II, 1810, 384, 
Kuril Islands. 

Genus 1002. PLEUROGRAMMUS Gill. Atka mackerels. 
Pleurogrammus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 166 
(Labrax monopterygius Pallas). 

2924. Pleurogrammus monopterygius (Pallas). Atka mackerel; Atkafish; 
Northern Pacific, common about Atka and other Aleutian Islands east 
to Unalaska. 
Labrax monopterygius Pallas, Mém. Acad. Sci. St. Petersburg, II, 1810, 
391, Unalaska. 

Family 229. OPHIODONTIDZ. Cultus cods 

Genus 1003. OPHIODON Girard. 
Ophiodon Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 1383 (Ophiodon 
elongatus Girard). 
Oplopoma Girard, loc. cit., VIII, 1856, 135 (Oplopoma pantherin 
Girard=Ophiodon elongatus Girard; young). < 

2925. Ophiodon elongatus Girard. Cultus cod; Blue cod; Buffalo cod; Ling. 
Pacific coast from Alaska to Santa Barbara. 
Ophiodon elongatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 133, 
San Francisco. 
Oplopoma pantherina Girard, loc. cit., VIII, 1856, 135, Cape Flattery, 
Family 230. OXYLEBIID 

Genus 1004. OXYLEBIUS Gill. 
Oxylebius Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 277 (O. pictus 
2926. Oxylebius pictus Gill. 
From Monterey northward to Puget Sound; not rare. 
Oxylebius pietus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 278, 
California; no definite locality given. 









Family 231. ZANIOLEPIDZ 

Genus 1005. ZANIOLEPIS Girard. 
Zaniolepis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IX, 1857, 202 (2. 
latipinnis Girard). 

Zaniolepis latipinnis Girard. 
Coast of California, from San Francisco northward. 
Zaniolepis latipinnis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IX, 1857, 
202, Fort Steilacoom, Puget Sound. 

Genus 1006. XANTOCLES Jordan. 
Xantocles Jordan, Copeia, Oct. 4, 1917, 88 (Zaniolepis frenatus Higen- 

Xantocles frenatus (Higenmann). 
Shore banks of southern California; rare. 
Zaniolepis frenatus Kigenmann, West American Scientist, VI, Nov. 9, 
1889, 147, Cortez Banks off San Diego. 

Family 232. JORDANIIDZ 

Genus 1007. JORDANIA Starks. 
Jordania Starks, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XLVII, 1895, 410 (J. 
zonope Starks). 

Jordania zonope Starks. 
Puget Sound. 
Jordania zonope Starks, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XLVII, 1895, 
410, Port Orchard, Puget Sound. 

Genus 1008. PARICELINUS Eigenmann and Eigenmann. 
Paricelinus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, West Amer. Sci., VI, 1889, 131 
(P. hopliticus Eigenmann and Figenmann). 

Paricelinus hopliticus Eigenmann and Eigenmann. 
Cortez Banks, off San Diego. 
Paricelinus hopliticus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, West Amer. Sci., 
VI, Nov. 9, 1889, 131, Cortez Banks. 

Genus 1009. ALCIDEA Jordan and Evermann. 
Alcidea Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1886, 
1898 (Paricelinus thoburni Gilbert). 

Alcidea thoburni (Gilbert). 
Coast of Oregon. 
Paricelinus thoburni Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1898, 432, 
pl. 30, coast of Oregon, in 75 fathoms. 

Family 233. ICELIDZ. Scaled sculpins 

Genus 1010. CHITONOTUS Lockington. 
Chitonotus Lockington, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 141 (C. mega- 
cephalus Lockington=Artedius pugetensis Steindachner). 

Chitonotus pugetensis (Steindachner). 
San Francisco to Puget Sound. 
Artedius pugetensis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, 1876, 133, pl. 14, 
fig. 2, Puget Sound. 
Chitonotus megacephalus Lockington, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
142, off San Francisco. 

Genus 1011. TARANDICHTHYS Jordan and Evermann. 
Tarandichthys Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., 
VI, 1896, 225 (Icelinus filamentosus Gilbert). 

Tarandichthys cavifrons (Gilbert). 
Coast of southern California. 
Icelinus cavifrons Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 83, off 
Santa Barbara Islands, at Albatross stations 2907 and 2945, in 44 
and 30 fathoms. 














Tarandichthys filamentosus (Gilbert). 
Coast of southern California; Alaska, off St. Mary’s Mission; Hood 
Canal, Puget Sound. 
Icelinus filamentosus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 85, 
off Santa Barbara Islands, in 145 and 55 fathoms. 

Tarandichthys tenuis (Gilbert). 
Coast of southern California, Alaska, Fort Rupert and Gulf of Georgia. 
Icelinus tenuis Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 86, off 
Santa Barbara Islands, at Albatross stations 2893, 2946, and others, 
in 45 to 150 fathoms. 

Genus 1012. ICELINUS Jordan. 
Icelinus Jordan, Cat. Fish. N. Amer., 1885, 110 (Artedius quadriseriatus 

Icelinus fimbriatus Gilbert. 
Southern California. 
Icelinus fimbriatus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 87, off 
Santa Barbara Islands, at Albatross stations 2893 and 2975, in 145 
and 36 fathoms. 

Icelinus oculatus Gilbert. 
Coast of southern California. 
Icelinus oculatus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 87, off 
Santa Barbara Islands, at Albatross station 2935, in 124 fathoms. 

Icelinus burchami Evermann and Goldsborough. 
Loring and Behm Canal, Alaska. 
Icelinus burchami Evermann and Goldsborough, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., 
XXVI, 1906, 297, fig. 48, off Loring, Alaska. 

Icelinus borealis Gilbert. 
Coast of Alaska, north and south of Aleutian Islands and in Bristol 
Icelinus borealis Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 415, pl. 
25, Aleutian Islands and Bristol Bay at Albatross stations 3213, 
3214, and others, in 11 to 121 fathoms. 

Icelinus quadriseriatus (Lockington). 
Off San Francisco, between Point Reyes and Golden Gate. 
Artedius quadriseriatus Lockington, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 
330, off San Francisco. 

Icelinus strabo Starks. 
Puget Sound at Port Ludlow, Wash. 
Icelinus strabo Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d. ser., VI, 1896, 551, 
Port Ludlow, Wash. 

Icelinus fuscescens Gilbert. 
Southern California, Santa Barbara Islands to Monterey. 
Icelinus fuscescens Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 
340, pl. 17, fig. 9, Santa Barbara Islands, depth 260 to 310 fathoms. 

Genus 1013. ASTROLYTES Jordan and Starks. 
Astrolytes Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 
807 (Artedius fenestralis Jordan and Gilbert). 

Astrolytes fenestralis (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Puget Sound to Unalaska. 
Artedius fenestralis Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 577, Puget Sound. 
Artedius asperulus Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., VI, 1896, 
553, Port Ludlow, Wash. 

Genus 1014. PARASTROLYTES Hubbs. 
Parastrolytes Hubbs, Oce. Papers, Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., No. 170, 
Feb. 20, 1926, 2 (Artedius notospilotus Girard). 

Parastrolytes notospilotus (Girard). 
Coast of California from Straits of Fuca southward; abundant at Santa 
Barbara and Puget Sound. 
Artedius notospilotus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
134, Tomales Bay, Calif. 










Genus 1015. AXYRIAS Starks. 
Azyrias Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., VI, 1896, 554 (Azyrias 
harringtoni Starks). 

Axyrias harringtoni Starks. 
Puget Sound in the vicinity of Port Ludlow, Wash. 
Azyrias harringtoni Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., VI, 1896, 
554, pl. 74, Port Ludlow, Wash. 

Genus 1016. ARTEDIUS Girard. 
Artedius Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 134 (Scorpzx- 
nichthys lateralis Girard). 

Artedius lateralis (Girard). 
Pacific coast of North America, from Puget Sound to Port Harford, 
Scorpxnichthys lateralis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
145, San Luis Obispo (Port Harford), Calif. 

Genus 1017. PARARTEDIUS Hubbs. 
Parartedius Hubbs, Oce. Papers, Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., No. 170, 
Feb. 20, 1926, 3 (P. hankinsoni Hubbs). 

Parartedius hankinsoni Hubbs. 
Tidepool, near end of Point Loma, California. 
Parartedius hankinsoni Hubbs, Oce. Papers, Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 
No. 171, Feb. 20, 1926, 4, Tidepool near end of Point Loma, Calif. 

Genus 1018. ALLARTEDIUS Hubbs. 
Allartedius Hubbs, Oce. Papers, Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., No. 170, 
Feb. 20, 1926, 8 (A. corallinus Hubbs). 

Allartedius corallinus Hubbs. 
Tidepool on Point Lobos, Monterey Co., Calif. Only one specimen 
Allartedius corallinus Hubbs, Oce. Papers, Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 

No. 170, Feb. 20, 1926, 8, deep low pool on Point Lobos, Monterey 
Co., Calif. 

Genus 1019. ARCHAULUS Gilbert and Burke. 
Archaulus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. 8S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 1910, 36 
(A. biseriatus Gilbert and Burke). 

Archaulus biseriatus Gilbert and Burke. 
West Bering Sea. 
Archaulus bisertatus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 
1910, 36, Petrel Bank, Bering Sea. 

Genus 1020. ARTEDIELLUS Jordan. 

Artediellus Jordan, Cat. Fish. N. Amer., 1885, 110 (Cottus wncinatus 

Artediellus uncinatus (Reinhardt). 
Greenland to Labrador. 
Cottus uncinatus Reinhardt, K. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Natur. Math. Afh., 
VI, 1833; XLIV, 1837, Greenland. 
Artediellus atlanticus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1898, 1906, Massachusetts Bay. 

Artediellus pacificus Gilbert. 

Coast of Alaska; in Bristol Bay, south of Sannak Island, and north of 

Artediellus pacificus Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., KIX, 1893, 416, 
Unalaska, Sannak, Bristol Bay, at. Albatross station 3216, south of 
Sannak Island, many other stations in Bristol Bay, and station 3323 
north of Unalaska, in 8 to 61 fathoms. 

Artediellus clarki (Evermann and Goldsborough). 
Bering Sea. 
Blennicottus clarki Evermann and Goldsborough, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., 
XXVI, 1906, 323, fig. 85; Bering Sea. Young, perhaps of Artediellus 













Artediellus miacanthus Gilbert and Burke. 
Western Bering Sea. 
Artediellus miacanthus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 
1910, 47, fig. 7, east coast of Kamchatka. 

Artediellus camchaticus Gilbert and Burke. 
Western Bering Sea. 
Artediellus camchaticus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XXX, 
1910, 46, fig. 6, Avatcha Bay, east coast of Kamchatka. 

Genus 1021. RUSCARIUS Jordan and Starks. 
Ruscarius Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d series, V; 1895, 
805 (Ruscarius meanyi Jordan and Starks). 

Ruscarius meanyi Jordan and Starks. 
Puget Sound, at Port Orchard near Seattle. 
Ruscarius meanyi Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d series, 
V, 1895, 805, pl. 80, Port Orchard, Puget Sound. 

Genus 1022. RUSCARIOPS Hubbs. 
Ruscariops Hubbs, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., No. 170, 
Feb. 20, 1926, 12 (R. creasert Hubbs). 

Ruscariops creaseri Hubbs. 
Low rock pool at Bird Rock, San Diego County, Calif. 
Ruscariops creasert Hubbs, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., No. 170, 
Hee 20, 1926, 12, very low rock pool at Bird Rock, San Diego Co., 

Genus 1028. RASTRINUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Rastrinus Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 437 (Icelus scutiger 

Rastrinus scutiger (Bean). 
South of the Alaskan Peninsula. 
Icelus scutiger Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 41, Trinity 
Islands, Alaska, at Albatross station 2853, in 159 fathoms. 

Genus 1024. ICELUS Kr¢gyer. 
Icelus Krgyer, Natur. Hist. Tidsskr., I, 1845, 253 (Icelus hamatus 
Kr¢yer=Cottus bicornis Reinhardt). 

Icelus bicornis (Reinhardt). 

Arctic seas, circumpolar; Spitzbergen to northern Russia, Finland, 
Alaska, Greenland, Labrador, and Cape Cod. 

Cottus bicornis Reinhardt, Vid. Selsk. Natur. og Math. Afh., VIII, 
1841, LX XV, Greenland. 

Icelus hamatus Krgyer, Nat. Hist. Tidsskr., I, 1845, 253, Belsund in 

Icelus furciger Malm, Forhand]. Skand. Naturf., 1865, 9 Mote, 410, 
Bohiislan, Sweden. 

Icelus spiniger Gilbert. 
Coast of Alaska in the vicinity of Unalaska Island and in Bristol Bay. 
Icelus spiniger Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1898, 412, pl. 24, 
fig. 1, Bristol Bay and Unalaska, at Albatross stations 3216, 3223, 
and many others, in 17 to 121 fathoms. 

Icelus euryops Bean. 
Bering Sea, off Trinity Islands, Alaska. 
Icelus euryops Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 41, off 
Trinity Islands, at Albatross station 2853, in 159 fathoms. 

Icelus vicinalis Gilbert. 
Bristol Bay, Alaska. 
Icelus vicinalis Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1898, 413, Bristol 
pee at Albatross stations 3324, 3330, 3331, and 3332, in 109 to 406 

Icelus canaliculatus Gilbert. 
Bering Sea north of Unalaska. 
Icelus canaliculatus Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 
ras pl. 24, fig. 2, off Unalaska, at Albatross station 33829, in 399 


2963. Icelus uncinalis Gilbert and Burke. 
Coast Bering Sea, off Commander Islands. 
Icelus uncinalis Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 1910, 
39, fig. 2, Petrel Bank, near Commander Islands. 

2964. Icelus spatula Gilbert and Burke. 
East coast of Kamchatka. 
Icelus spatula Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 1910, 
41, fig. 3, Avatcha Bay. 

2965. Icelus australis (Eigenmann and Eigenmann). 
Cortez Banks off San Diego. 
Icelinus australis Eigenmann and Eigenmann, West Amer. Sci., 1889, 
131, Cortez Banks, Calif. 

Genus 1025. STELGIDONOTUS Gilbert and Thompson. 
Stelgidonotus Gilbert and Thompson, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXVIII, 
1905, 977 (S. latifrons Gilbert and Thompson). 

2966. Stelgidonotus latifrons Gilbert and Thompson. 
Puget Sound region, Admiralty Head, Friday Harbor. 
Stelgidonotus latifrons Gilbert and Thompson, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
XXVIII, 1905, 977, Friday Harbor, Wash. 

Genus 1026. RADULINUS Gilbert. 
Radulinus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 88 (R. asprellus 

2967. Radulinus boleoides Gilbert. 
Off Santa Catalina Island in shallow water. 
Radulinus boleoides Gilbert, Report U. 8S. Fish Com., XXIV, 1898, 26, 
pl. 1, and in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
II, 1898, 1919, Santa Catalina Island, Calif. 

2968. Radulinus asprellus Gilbert. 
Coast of Oregon and Washington, and in Puget Sound. 
Radulinus asprellus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 88, off 
Oregon and Washington, at Albatross stations 3046, 3057, and others, 
in 43 to 77 fathoms. 

Genus 1027. STELGISTROPS Hubbs. 
Stelgistrops Hubbs, Occ. Papers, Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich. No. 170, 
Feb. 20, 1926, 8 (Stelgistrum beringianum Gilbert and Burke). 

2969. Stelgistrops beringiana (Gilbert and Burke). 
South Bering Sea. 
Stelgistrum beringianum Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 
XXX, 1910, 52, fig. 9, Petrel Bank, Aleutian Islands. 

Genus 1028. THYRISCUS Gilbert and Burke. 
Thyriscus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. 8S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 1910, 43 
(T. anoplus Gilbert and Burke). 

2970. Thyriscus anoplus Gilbert and Burke. 
Bering Sea. 
Thyriscus anoplus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. 8S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 
1910, 43, fig. 4, Attu Island. 

Genus 1029. TRIGLOPS Reinhardt. 
Triglops Reinhardt, Vid. Selsk. Natur. Math. Afh., V,. 1832, LII (7. 
pingeli Reinhardt). 

2971. Triglops pingeli Reinhardt. 
North Atlantic, from Spitzbergen and western Norway to Greenland. 
Triglops pingeli Reinhardt, Vid. Selsk. Natur., V, 1832, LII, Greenland. 
Triglops pleurostictus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVII, 1865, 

81, Godhaven, Greenland. 

2972. Triglops ommatistius Gilbert. 
North Atlantic coast of North America, Newfoundland to Cape Ann. 
Triglops ommatistius Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLIV, 1913, 465, 
Gloucester, Mass.; heretofore wrongly called Triglops pingeli, which 

is mainly a European species, 












Triglops terrzee-nove Gilbert. 
Coast of Newfoundland. 
Triglops ommatistius terre-nove Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XLIV, 
1913, 467, off Newfoundland, in 39 fathoms. 

Triglops metopias Gilbert and Burke. 
West Bering Sea. 
Triglops metopias Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 
1910, 50, fig. 8, Petrel Bank, Bering Sea. 

Triglops beani Gilbert. 
Alaska, both north and south of the Aleutian Islands and in Bristol 


Triglops beani Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 426, pl. 28, 
upper fig., Aleutian Islands and Bristol Bay, at Albatross stations 
3214, 3217, and many others, in 714 to 42 fathoms. 

Triglops scepticus Gilbert. 
Aleutian Islands, south of Sannak and north of Unalaska Island. 
Triglops scepticus Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 18938, 428, pl. 
28, lower fig., Aleutian Islands, at Albatross stations 3215, 3222, and 
others, in 43 to 138 fathoms. 

Genus 1030. PRIONISTIUS Bean. 
Prionistius Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 18838, 355 (P. macellus 

Prionistius macellus Bean. 
British Columbia, in Carter Bay. 
Prionistius macellus Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 355, Carter 
Bay, British Columbia. 

Genus 1031. ELANURA Gilbert. ‘ 
ne Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1898, 429 (EF. forficata 

Elanura forficata Gilbert. 
Aleutian Islands, south of Sannak and north of Unimak Island. 
Elanura forficata Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1898, 430, pl. 30, 
fig. 1, Aleutian Islands, at Albatross stations 3213, 3214, and 3222, in 
38 to 50 fathoms. 

Genus 1032. STERNIAS Jordan and Evermann. 
Sternias Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 
1926 (Triglops xenostethus Gilbert). 

Sternias xenostethus (Gilbert). 
Bering Sea, north to Unalaska. 
Triglops xenostethus Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 429, 
pl. 29, two figures, north of Unalaska, at Albatross station 3230, in 
34 fathoms. 

Genus 1033. PTERYGIOCOTTUS Bean and Weed. 
Pterygiocottus Bean and Weed, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, XII, 1920, 73 
(Pterygiocottus macount Bean and Weed). 

Pterygiocottus macouni Bean and Weed. 
Vancouver Island. 
Pterygiocottus macouni Bean and Weed, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, XIII, 
1920, 73, Vancouver Island. 

Genus 1034. MELLETES Bean. 
Melletes Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 354 (M. papilio Bean). 

Melletes papilio Bean. 
Aleutian Islands. 
Melletes papilio Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 354, St. Paul 
Island, Alaska. 

Genus 1035. HEMILEPIDOTUS Cuvier. 
Hemilepidotus Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 2, II, 1829, 165 (Cottus hemi- 
lepidotus Tilesius). 
Temnistia Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., III, 1831, 59 (Blepszas ventri- 
cosus Eschscholtz=Cottus hemilepidotus Tilesius). 


2982. Hemilepidotus hemiiepidotus (Tilesius). Red sculpin. 

Kamchatka to San Francisco; not common in Bering Sea; abundant 
from Sitka to Puget Sound. 

?Cottus hemt'epidotus Tilesius, Mém. Acad. Petersb., III, 1810, 262, 
Sea of Okhotsk. 

Cottus trachurus Pallas, Zoogr. Ross.-Asiat., III, 1811, 138, Kuril 

Hemilepidotus tilesii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 
1829, 203 (276), pl. 85, after Tilesius and Pallas. 

?Blepsias ventricosus Eschscholtz, Zool. Atlas, 3d Heft, 1829, 14, t. 13, 
Norfolk Sound and Sitka. 

Hemilepidotus gibbsii Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 13, 
no definite locality; Northwest boundary survey. 

2983. Hemilepidotus jordani Bean. Jrish Lord; Yellow sculpin. 
Alaska; Unalaska. 
Hemilepidotus jordani Bean, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 153, 

2984. Hemilepidotus zapus Gilbert and Burke. 
Bering Sea. 
Hemilepidotus zapus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 
1910, 54, fig. 10, Attu Island. 

Genus 1036. CALYCILEPIDOTUS Ayres. 
Calycilepidotus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., ed. 2, I, 1855, 81 
(76) (C. spinosus Ayres). 
2985. Calycilepidotus spinosus Ayres. 
Coast of California; known only from about Monterey and San Francisco. 
Calycilepidotus spinosus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., ed. 2, I, 1855, 
81 (76), San Francisco. 

Genus 1037. ENOPHRYS Swainson. 
Enophrys Swainson, Classa. Fishes, II, 1839, 271 (Cottus claviger 
Cuvier and Valenciennes). 


2986. Enophrys claviger (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Bering Sea. 
Cotltus claviger Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1829, 
143 (195), pl. 79, Kamchatka. 
Coltus eegans Gray, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 143 (195), 
same type. 

Genus 1038. ASPICOTTUS Girard. 
Aspicoltus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 130 (A. 
bison Girard). 
Clypeocottus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854, 12 (C. robustus 
Avres= Aspicottus bison Girard). 

2€87. Aspicottus bison Girard. Buffalo sculpin. 
San Francisco to Alaska; abundant about Puget Sound. 
Aspicottus bison Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 130, 
San Francisco. 
Clypeocottus robustus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854, 11, 
San Francisco. 
2988. Aspicottus taurinus (Gilbert). 
Monterey Bay. 
Enophrys taurinus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLVII, 1915, 135, 
Monterey Bay. 
Genus 1039. CERATOCOTTUS Gill. 
Ceratocottus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila., XI, 1859, 165 (Cottus 
diceraus Pallas). 
2989. Ceratocottus diceraus (Pallas). 
Alaska and Kamchatka. 
Cottus diceraus Pallas, Nov. Act. Petropol., 1783, 354, pl. 10, fig. 7, 
Petropaulski, Kamchatka, 
Synanceia cervus Tilesius, Mém. Acad. Petersb., III, 1811, 278, pl. 13, 
Petropaulski. é 
Cottus stelleri Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 63, after Steller. 



2990. Ceratocottus lucasi Jordan and Gilbert. 
Bering Sea. 
Ceratocottus lucasi Jordan and Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, 
Fishes North and Mid. Amer, 1898, 1940, St. Paul Island, Bering 

Family 234. BLEPSIIDZ 

Genus 1040. HISTIOCOTTUS Gill. 
Peropus Lay and Bennett, Beechey’s Voy., Zool., Fish., 1839, 50 (Blepsias 
bilobus Cuvier and Valenciennes); name preoccupied. 
Histiocottus Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, 1888, 573 (Blepsias 
bilobus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

2991. Histiocottus bilobus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Coast of Alaska and Kamchatka. 
Blepsias bilobus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1829, 
279 (379), no locality, somewhere off Kamchatka. 

Genus 1041. BLE2SIA3 Cuvier. 

Blepsias Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 167 (Trachinus cirrhosus 

2992. Blepsias cirrhosus (Pallas). Nee-kaio-kaiung. 

Alaska to San Francisco; common at Unalaska, but not often south of 
Puget Sound. 

Trachinus cirrhosus Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., III, 1811, 237, Bering 

Blepsia trilobus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1829, 
276 (375); same types. 

Genus 1042. NAUTICHTHYS Girard. 
Nautichthys Girard, Pac. R. R. Sury., X, pt. 4, Fishes, 1858, 74 (Blepsias 
oculofasciatus Girard). 
Nawtiscus @ Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1898, 2019 (Nautichthys pribilovius Jordan and Gilbert). 

Subgenus NAUTICHTHYS Girard. 

2993. Nautichthys oculofasciatus (Girard). 
Pacific coast, Alaska to Monterey, chiefly northward; common in 
Bristol Bay and about Unalaska. 
Blepsias oculofasciatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IX, 1857, 
202, Fort Steilacoom, Wash. 

Subgenus NAUJTISCUS Jordan and Gilbert. 

2994. Nautichthys pribilovius (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Bering Sea, Alaska. 
Nautiscus pridilovius Jordan and Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, 
Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2020, off St. George Island, 
Bering Sea. 

Family 235. SCORPZZNICHTHYIDA. Cabezones 

Genus 1043. SCORPANICHTHYS Girard. 
Scorpenichthys Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 131 

(Hemitripterus marmoratus Ayres). 

2995 Scorpzenichthys marmoratus (Ayres). Cahezon. 
Pacific coast of America from Puget Sound to San Diego. 
Hemitripterus marmoratus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 13854, 
4, San Francisco. 

72 The genus Nautiscus is now regarded as scarcely distinct from Nautichthys. 


Family 236. COTTIDZ. Scaleless sculpins 

Genus 1044. COTTUS ® Linneus. Mailler’s thumbs. 

Cottus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 264 (C. gobto Linnzeus). 

Pegedictis Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 1820, 85 (P. ictalops Rafinesque = 
?Cottus bairdi Girard, apparently also confused with the darter 
Catonotus flabellaris). 

Uranidea DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 61 (U. quiescens 
DeKay =Cottus gracilis Heckel). 

Cottopsis Girard, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., III, 1850, 303 (Cottus asper 
Richardson). 4 

Potamocottus Gill, loc. cit., VIII, 1861, 40 (P. caroline Gill). 

Tauridea Jordan and Rice, in Jordan, Man. Vert., Ed. II, 1878, 255 
(Cottopsis ricet Nelson). 

2996. Cottus gulosus (Girard). 

Streams of the Coast Ranges in California; Columbia, Klamath, and 
Sacramento River regions; Alaska; Loring and Boca de Quadra. 

Cottopsis gulosus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 129, 
San Mateo Creek and San Joaquin River, Calif. 

Cotiopsis parvus Girard, loc. cit., 1854, 144, Monterey, Presidio, Fort 
Reading, Petaluma. 

Uranidea semiscabra centropleura Eigenmann and Eigenmann, West 
Amer. Scientist, VI, No. 49, 1889, 149, Allen Springs, Lake Co., Calif. 

Subgenus COTTOPSIS Girard. 

2997. Cottus asper Richardson. Prickly bullhead. 
Streams of the Cascade Range, southeastern Alaska to Oregon; south to 
Sacramento River. 
Cottus asper Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., Fish., 1836, 295, Columbia 
River at Fort Vancouver. 
Trachidermis richardsoni Heckel, Ann. Wiener Mus., II, 1840, 162, 
Columbia River. 

2998. Cottus evermanni Gilbert. 
Lost River, Oreg. 
Cottus evermanni Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XVII, 1897, 11, with 
figure, Lost River, Lostine, Oreg. 

2999. Cottus rhothea (Rosa Smith). 
Hangman Creek, Tekoa, Washington, and elsewhere in Columbia 
River Basin. 
Uranidea rhothea Rosa Smith, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 347, 
Spokane Falls, Wash. 

3000. Cottus shasta Jordan and Starks. 
Upper Sacramento Basin, about Mount Shasta. 
Cottus shasta Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sei. 2d ser., VI, 
1896, 224, McCloud River, Baird, Shasta County, Calif. 

3001. Cottus punctulatus (Gill). 
Headwaters of Green River, Wyo.; Silver Creek, Harney County, Orecg. 
Potamocottus punctulatus Gill, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VIII, 1831, 
40, Bridger Pass, Wyo. 

™ In every cold stream of northern Europe, northern Asia, and northern America species of this genus 
abound, lurking on the bottom and devouring the eggs of trout which inhabit the same waters. ‘he 
species are ill differentiated and like those of trout subject to much individual variation. Those of the 
United States and Canada are not yet well known and the number of species has probably been unduly 
expanded. Efforts to subdivide the group have not been very successful and we place all the American 
forms in a single genus, Cottus. Western species, allies of Cottus asper, termed Cottopsis, are in general 
larger in size, more prickly, with well-developed palatine teeth and the ventral rays I, 4. Those of the 
middle west allied to Cottus bairdi, called Potamocottus, show similar characters but are for the most part 
smaller and smoother, the colors more mottled. Rafinesque’s Pegedictis ictalops, the ‘‘ Cat’s-eye Spring 
fish,’ seems to us a Coltus described carelessly or more likely from memory. In New England and south 
to Pennsylvania the allies of Coftus gracilis called Uranidea are small, smooth, without palatine teeth and 
the ventral rays I, 3. But all these traits are subject to intergrading. A few species in deeper waters in 
Lake Michigan and Canada, allies of Cottus ricei called Tuuridea, are more or less rough and have the 
preopercular spine larger, hooked and somewhat spiral, otherwise much as in Cotlopsis. 
















Cottus semiscaber (Cope). Rocky Mountain bullhead. 

Rocky Mountain region in clear streams on both slopes; abundant in 
Colorado, northern New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, 
eastern Washington, and Oregon. 

ee semiscaber Cope, Hayden Surv. Mont., 1871, 476, Fort Hall, 


Uranidea wheeleri Cope, Proce. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XIV, 1874, 
138, Beaver River, Utah. 

Cottus asperrimus Rutter. 
California; Sacramento-San Joaquin Basin; Fall River. 
Cottus asperrima Rutter, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., X XVII, 1907, 144, 
fig. 3, Fall River, Calif. 

Cottus beldingii Higenmann and EKigenmann. 

Streams of Columbia River Basin, south to Lake Lahontan; abundant 
east of the Cascades and in Lake Tahoe; fossil in Lahontan Basin, 
in Pleistocene deposits. 

Cottus beldingii Eigenmann and EHigenmann, Amer. Nat., XXV, 1891, 
1132, Lake Tahoe. 

Cottus anne Jordan and Starks. 
Eagle River, a tributary of Grand River, Colo., Colorado River Basin. 
Collus anne Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., VI, 1896, 
223, Pl. XXVII, Eagle River at Gypsum, Colo. 

Cottus philonips Higenmann and Higenmann. 
Columbia River Basin at Field, British Columbia, and in Idaho. 
Cottus philonips Kigenmann and Eigenmann, Amer. Nat., XXVI, 1892, 
963, Kicking Horse River, Field, British Columbia. 

Cottus klamathensis Gilbert. 
Kamath Lakes, Oreg. 
Cottus klamathensis Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish. Com., XVII, 1897, 10, 
figure, Upper Klamath Lake, Oreg. 

Cottus macrops Rutter. 
Fall River, Calif. 
Cottus macrops Rutter, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., X XVII, 1907, 146, fig. 
4, Fall River, Calif. 

Cottus perplexus Gilbert and Evermann. 
Skookumechuck and Newaukum Rivers, near Chehalis, Wash. 
Cottus perplexus Gilbert and Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XIV, 
1894, 202, pl. 20, fig. 1, Skookumechuck River, near Chehalis, Wash. 

Cottus princeps Gilbert. 
Klamath Lakes, Oreg. 
Cottus princeps Gilbert, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., XVII, 1897, 12, figure, 
Upper Klamath Lake, Oreg. 

Cottus bendirei (Bean). 
Walla Walla, Wash.; Rattlesnake Creek near Camp Harney, Oreg., 
and Goose Creek near Meadows, Idaho. 
Potamocottus bendirei Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 27, 
Rattlesnake Creek near Camp Harney, Oreg. 

Cottus greenei (Gilbert and Culver). 
Snake River Basin, Idaho. 
Uranidea greenei Gilbert and Culver, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes 
North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 1965, Thousand Springs, Snake River, 

Cottus marginatus (Bean). 
Tributaries of Walla Walla River, Wash. 
Uranide1 marginata Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 26, Walla 
Walia, Wash. 

Cottus tenuis (Evermann and Meek). 
Klamath Lakes, Oreg. 
Uranidea tenuis Evermann and Meek, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., XVII, 
1897, 83, fig. 6, Upper Klamath Lake, Klamath Falls, Oreg. 


3015. Cottus leiopomus Gilbert and Evermann. 
Wood River, Shoshone, Idaho. 
Cottus leiopomus Gilbert and Evermann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XIV, 
1894, 203, pl. 20, fig. 2, Wood River, Shoshone, Idaho. 

3016. Cottus aleuticus Gilbert. 
Unalaska; Departure Bay, Vancouver Island; southward to Monterey 
in the Coast Range. 
Uranidea microstoma Lockington, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 58, 
St. Paul, Kadiak Island; name preoccupied in Cottus. 
Cottus aleuticus Gilbert, Rept. U.S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 418, streams 
at Unalaska; also in Departure Bay, Vancouver Island. 

3017. Cottus chamberlaini Evermann and Goldsborough. 
Southeastern Alaska. 
Cottus chamberlaint Evermann and Goldsborough, Bull. U. S. Bur. 
Fish., XX VI, 1906, 308, fig. 66, Loring, Alaska. 

Subgenus PEGEDICTIS Rafinesque. 

3018. Cottus ictalops (Rafinesque.) Miller’s thumb; Mufflejaws; Springfish; 
Blob; Bullhead. 

Middle and northern States, east of the Dakotas and Nebraska; 
Lake Superior to the Ohio and Potomac Rivers. 

Pegedi.tis wtalops Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohiensis, 85, supplement, 1820. 
Falls of the Chio; perhaps confused with Catonotus flabeilaris. 

Cottus richardsoni Agassiz, Lake Supericr, 1850, 300, northern shore of 
Lake Superior; not Trachidermis richardsoni Heckel, also a species 
of Cottus. 

Cottus bairdii Girard, Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., II, 1850, 410, 
Mahoning River, Poland, Ohio. 

Cottus wilsoni Girard, Monogr. Cottoids, in Smithson. Contrib. to 
Knowledge, 1850, 42, Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Cottus alvordii Girard, loc. cit., 46, Fort Gratiot, Lake Huron. 

Uranidea spilota Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVII, 1865, 82, 
Grand River at Grand Rapids, Mich. 

3019. Cottus meridicnalis Girard. Southern miller’s thumb; Blob; Muflexaw 
Coltus meridionalis Girard, Proc. Am. Assn. Adv. Sci., II, 1850, 410, 
James River, Va. 
Potamocottus caroline Gill, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1861. 40, 
Potamocottus zopherus Jordan, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., XI, 1876, 
320, small tributaries of the Etowah and Oostanaula Rivers near 
Rome, Ga. 

Subgenus URANIDEA DeKay 

3020. Cottus franklini Agassiz. 

Lake Superior and Lake Michigan in deep water. 

Cottus franklinit Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, 303, north and east shores 
of Lake Superior. 

Uranidea hoy: Putnam, in Nelson, Bull. Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., I, No. ily 
1876, 41, Lake Michigan, in deep water. 

Uranidea kumlieni Hoy, in Nelson, loc. cit., 41, Lake Michigan, in 
deep water. 

3021. Cottus gracilis” Heckel. Miller’s thumb; Rock cusk; Little slargazer. 

Streams of New England, Maine to New York; recorded from tribu- 
taries of the Connecticut, Lake Champlain, Hudson, Delaware, and 

Cottus gracilis Heckel, Ann. Wien Mus., II, 1837, 148, New York. 

whe viscosus Haldeman, Suppl. Mongr. Linnea, 1840, 3. Susquehanna 


Uranidea quiescens DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 61, Lake 
Pleasant, Adirondack region. 

Cottus gobioides Girard, Proc. Amer. Assoc. Ady. Sci., II, 1850, 411, 
Lamville River, Johnson, Vt. 

Cottus boleoides Girard, loc. cit., II, 411, Windsor, Vt. 

4 May not be distinct from the northern C. cognatus, 












Cottus copet Abbott, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 1860, 326, 
probably New Jersey. 

Coltus gracilis cayuga Meek, Ann. New York Acad. Sci., IV, 1888, 315, 
Cayuga Lake, N. Y. 

Cottus formosus Girard. 
Lake Ontario, in deep water. 
Cottus formosus Girard, Monogr. Cott., in Smithson. Contrib., ITI, 
1850, 58, Lake Ontario, off Oswego, in stomach of Lota maculosa. 

Subgenus TAURIDEA Jordan and Rice. 

Cottus ricei (Nelson). 
Lake Michigan; Lake Ontario. 
Cottopsis ricet Nelson, Bull. Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., I, 1876, 40, Lake 
Michigan off Evanston. 
Uranidea pollicaris Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 222, Lake Michigan, off Racine, Wis. 

Cottus onychus Eigenmann and Eigenmann. 
Saskatchewan Basin. 
Cottus onychus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Am. Nat., XXVI, No- 
vember, 1892, 963, Bow River at Calgary, a tributary of the South 
Saskatchewan, Alberta Territory. 

Cottus cognatus Richardson. Northern miller’s thumb. 
Northern United States and northward, through Canada. 
Cottus cognatus Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., III, 1836, 40, Great 
Bear Lake. 
Genus 1045. ACANTHOCOTTUS Girard. Daddy sculpins. 
Acanthocottus Girard, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., III, 1849, 185 (Cottus 
grenlandicus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Acanthocottus mitchilli ™ (DeKay). 
Coast of southern New England and New York. 
Cottus mitchilli DeKay, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
IV, 1829, 188, New York; after Cottus scorpio Mitchill. 

Acanthocottus bubalis (Euphrasen). Fatherlasher; Lucky proach. 
Cottus bubalis Euphrasen, Kéng. Vet. Nya Abhandl., VII, 1786, 65, 
taf. 3, fig. 8, 1885, Barbados. 
Cottus maculatus Fischer, Jahrb. Wissensch. Aust. Hamburg, II, 1885, 
78, taf. 2, fig. 8, Barbados. 

Acanthocottus zseneus (Mitchill). Grubby; Brassy sculpin; Pigmy 


Coast of southern New England and New York. 

Cottus xneus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 380, New 

Cottus anceps Sauvage, Nouv. Archiv Mus. Paris, I, 1878, 145, pl. 1, 
fig. 13, New York. 

?Cottus nigricans LeSueur, in Vaillant, Bull. Soc. Philom., serie 8, 
tome VIII, No. 1, 1895, 12, no locality. 

Acanthocottus octodecemspinosus (Mitchill). Long-spined sculpin; 
Common sculpin; Bullhead; Eighteen-spined sculpin; Hacklehead. 
Atlantic coast south to Virginia; common northward. 
Colttus octodecem-spinosus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 
380, New York. 
Acanthocottus scorpius (Linneus). European sculpin; Ulke. 
Northen Europe and Arctic regions, not common on our coasts; recorded 
by Doctor Liitken from the Baltic, Finland, Spitzbergen, Nova 
Zembla, coasts of England and northern Asia; also recorded from 
Eastport, Me. 
Cottus scorpius Linnxus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 265, in Atlantic 
Ocean off Europe. ; 

Acanthocottus scorpioides (Fabricius). Arctic sculpin. 
Arctic regions of America, Greenland to Siberia. 
Cottus scorpioides Fabricius, Fauna Groenl., 1780, 157, Greenland. 
Colttus pachypus Giinther, Cat., II, 1860, 161, Port Leopold. 

6 Differentiated by Nichols, Copeia, No. 31, 40, 1916. 











eee ie greenlandicus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Daddy 
New York to Greenland; according to Fabricius it is abundant in all 
the bays and inlets of Greenland. 
Cottus grenlandicus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 
1829, 135 (156), no locality given, probably Greenland; after Fabricius. 
Cottus porosus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., VIII, 1831, 367 (498), 
Baffins Bay. 
Acanthocottus mucosus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854 
(Oct. 9), 12, coast of New England. 
Acanthocottus ocellatus Storer, Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., 1850, 253, 
Cottus glacialis Richardson, in Belcher, Last Arctic Voy. H. M. S. 
Assistant, App. 3, 1855, 349, pl. 24, Northumberland Sound. 

Genus 1046. MYOXOCEPHALUS (Steller) Tilesius. 
Myoxocephalus Tilesius, Mém. Acad. Sci. Petersb., IV, 1811, 273 
(Myoxocephalus stelleri Tilesius). 
oon Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 166 (B. axillaris 

Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus (Pallas). Great sculpin; Kalog. 

Alaska to Kamchatka; abundant, Bering Sea to Puget Sound; tide 
pools of Karluk. 

Cottus polyacanthocephalus Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso.—Asiat., III, 1811, 133, 
Aleutian Islands. 

Myoxocephalus jaok (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Cottus jaok Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1829, 126 
(172), Kamchatka. 
Cottus humilis Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 149, Chamisso 
Island, Bering Straits. 

Myoxocephalus verrucosus (Bean). 
Plover Bay, Siberia, near Bering Straits; Unalaska; Sitka; Bristol Bay; 
Kings Island; Grantley Harbor, Port Clarence; Litnik. 
Cottus verrucosus Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 152, Plover 
Bay, Siberia. 

Myoxocephalus axillaris (Gill). 
Bering Straits. 
Boreocottus axillaris Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 166, 
Bering Straits. 

Myoxocephalus stelleri Tilesius. 

Western shore of Bering Sea and Okhotsk Sea. 

Myoxocephalus stelleri Tilesius, Mém. Acad. Petersb., IV, 1811, 273, 
with plate, Petropaulski. 

Cottus decastrensis Kner, Denk. Kais. Acad. Wissen., XXIV, 1865, 2, 
taf. 2, figs. 1, la, Decastris Bay, near mouth of the Amur. 

?Cottus marmoratus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 
1831, 366 (497), Petropaulski. 

Myoxocephalus mednius Bean. 
Medni Island, Bering Sea. 
Myoxocephalus mednius Bean, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
and Mid. Amer., 1898, 1983, Medni Island, Bering Sea. 

Myoxocephalus parvulus Gilbert and Burke. 
Medni Island, Commander Group. 
Myoxocephalus parvulus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 
XXX, 1910, 59, Preobazenskoi Bar, Medni (Copper) Island. 

Myoxocephalus niger (Bean). Black sculpin. 
Pribilof Islands. 
Cottus niger Bean, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 151, St. Paul Island, 
Bering Sea. 
?Cottus mertensii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., VIII, 
1831, 366 (496), Petropaulski. 

Genus 1047. MEGALOCOTTUS Gill. 
Megalocottus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 166 (Cotius 
platycephalus Pallas). 


3041. Megalocottus platycephalus (Pallas). 
Cottus platycephalus Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso.—Asiat., III, 1811, 135, Kam- 
chatka; after Steller. 
Coltus teniopterus Kner, Sitzungsber. Ak. Wiss. Wien, LXIII, 1868, 28, 
Taf. 14, fig. 10, Decastris Bay, near mouth of Amur River. 

3042. Megalocottus laticeps (Gilbert). 
Eastern shore of Bering Sea. 
Acanthoccttus laticeps Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish. Com., XIX, 1893, 422, 
pls. 26 and 27, Nushagak River and Herendeen Bay, Alaska. 

Genus 1048. POROCOTTUS Gill. 
Porocottus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 166 (P. quadrifilis 

30438. Porocottus sellaris (Gilbert). 
Bristol Bay, Alaska. 
Acanthocottus sellaris Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com. XIX, 1893, 419, 
Bristol Bay, at Albatross stations 3229, 3231, and others, in 5 to 17 

3044. Porocottus quadratus Bean. 
Bering Island. 
Porocottus quadratus Bean, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and 
Mid. Amer., 1898, 1998, Bering Island. 

3045. Porocottus polaris (Sabine). 
East side of peninsula of Boothia. 
Cottus polaris Sabine, App. Parry’s First Voyage, CCXIII, 1824, 
north Georgia. 

3046. Porocottus quadrifilis Gill. 
Bering Straits. 
Porocottus quadrifilis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 166, 
Bering Straits. 

3047. Porocottus bradfordi Rutter. 
Alaska; rock pools at Karluk. 
Porocottus bradfordi Rutter, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2862, Karluk. 

Genus 1049. MALACOCOTTUS Bean. 
Malacocottus Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 42 (M. zonurus 

3048. Malacocottus zonurus Bean. 
Coast of Alaska off Trinity Islands. 
Malacocottus zonurus Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 43, 
off Trinity Islands, Alaska, 56° N., 154° W., at Albatross station 2853, 
in 159 fathoms. 

3049. Malacocottus kincaidi Gilbert and Thompson. 
Puget Sound. 
Malacocottus kincaidi Gilbert and Thompson, Proc. U. S. Nat. Wear 
XXVIII, 1905, 979, fig. 2, Brinnon, Hood’s Canal, Wash. 

Genus 1050. ONCOCOTTUS Gill. 
Oncocottus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 13 (Cottus 
quadricornis Linnzus. 

3050. Oncocottus quadricornis (Linnus). 
Arctic America to Baltic Sea, chiefly northward; abundant. in eastern 
Baltic and in Lakes Ladoga and Onega; north to White Sea and 
Nova Zembla; rare in England and eastern Greenland; unknown 

in western Greenland. 5 
Cottus quadricornis Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 264, Baltic Sea. 

3051. Cncocottus hexacornis (Richardson). 
Arctic Sea about Hershel Island. 
Cottus heracornis Richardson, Franklin’s Journal, 1823, 726, mouth of 
Tree River near Coppermine River. 
Acanthocottus labradoricus Girard, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., VI, 1850, 
247, pl. 7, fig. 3, coast of Labrador, 












Oncocottus gilberti Fowler. 
Point Barrow, Alaska; Arctic Sea. 
Oncocottus hexacornis gilberti Fowier, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
LVII, 1905, 366, figs. 2, 3, 4, and 5, Point Barrow, Alaska. 

Genus 1051. TRIGLOPSIS Girard. 
Triglopsis Girard, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., IV, 1851, 16 (7. thompsoni 

Triglopsis thompsoni Girard. Lake sculpin. 
Deep waters of Lake Ontario. 
Triglopsis thompsoni Girard, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., IV, 1851, 19, 
Lake Ontario off Oswego, N. Y. 

Triglopsis stimpsoni Hoy. 
Lake Michigan in deep water. 
Triglopsis sttmpsoni Hoy, Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci., 1872, 99, Lake Mich- 
igan, off Chicago. 

Triglopsis ontariensis Jordan and Thompson. 
Deep waters of Lake Ontario. 
Triglopsis ontariensis Jordan and Thompson, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
XXXVIII, 1911, 75, Lake Ontario, off Toronto. 

Genus 1052. GYMNOCANTHUS Swainson. 

Gymnocanthus Swainson, Class. Fishes, Amphib., ete., II, 1839, 271 
(Cottus ventralis Cuvier and Valenciennes=Cottus pistilliger Pallas). 

Phobetor Krgyer, Naturh. Tidskr., I, 1844, 263 (Cottus tricuspis Rein- 

Elaphocottus Sauvage, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris (2), 1, 1878, 142 
(Cottus pistilliger Pallas). 

Gymnacanthus of many authors. Corrected spelling. 

Gymnocanthus pistilliger (Pallas). 

Coasts of Alaska; taken abundantly in Bristol Bay. 

mah pistilliger Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., III, 1811, 148, Unalaska 

Cottus ventralis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1829, 
142 (194), Kamchatka. 

Coitus cephaloides Gray, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
IV, 1829, 142 (194), Kamchatka. 

Gymnocanthus tricuspis (Reinhardt). 
Arctic seas, south to Norway and Labrador; not very common on our 
Cottus tricuspis Reinhardt, Vidensk. Selsk. Nat. Math., V, 1832, LII, 
Acanthocottus patris Storer, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., VI, 1857, 250, 

Gymnocanthus galeatus (Bean). 
Aleutian Islands. 
Gymnacanthus galeatus Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 153, 

Genus 1053. CROSSIAS Jordan and Starks. 
Crossias Jordan and Starks, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., X XVII, 1904, 296 
(C. allisi Jordan and Starks). 

Crossias albomaculatus Schmidt. 
Bering Sea. 
Crossias albomaculatus Schmidt, Ann. Mus. Zool. Russ., XX, 1923, 
614, fig. 2, Bering Sea. 

Crossias beringi Soldatov. 
Bering Sea. 
Crossias bering: Soldatov, Ann. Mus. Zool. Russ., XXI, 1924, 218, 
Bering Nea. 

Crossias c“mtschaticus Schmidt. 
Crossias camtschaticus Schmidt, Ann. Mus. Zool. Russ., XX, 1923, 17, 


Genus 1054. LEIOCOTTUS Girard. : 
Leiocottus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 133 (ZL. 
hirundo Girard). 

8062. Leiocottus hirundo Girard. 
Coast of southern California, chiefly about the Santa Barbara Islands; 
extremely local. 
Leiocottus hirundo Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 133, 
San Miguel Island near Santa Barbara, Calif. 

Genus 1055. LEPTOCOTTUS Girard. 
Leptocottus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 130 (L. 
armatus Girard). 

8063. Leptocottus armatus Girard. Smooth cabezon. 
Pacific coast, from Kodiak to San Diego; abundant northward. 
Leptocottus armatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 131, 
Cape Flattery, Fort Steilacoom, Shoalwater Bay, Humboldt Bay, 
San Francisco, Monterey, San Pedro, Fort Point, San Diego, and 
Tomales Bay. 

Genus 1056. ASEMATICHTHYS Gilbert. 
Asematichthys Gilbert (Asematichthys taylori Gilbert). 

3064. Asematichthys taylori Gilbert. 
Vancouver Island. 
Asematichthys taylori Gilbert, Departure Bay, Nanaimo, Vancouver 

Genus 1057. CLINOCOTTUS Gill. 
Clinocottus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila., XIII, 1861, 166 (Oligo- 
cottus analis Girard). 
Rusulus Starks and Mann, Univ. Calif. Pub. Zool., VIII, 1911, 14 
(Clinocottus sabarre Starks and Mann; young). 

3065. Clinocottus analis (Girard). 
Coast of California from Point Conception northward. 
Oligocottus analis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IX, 1857, 201, 
Cottus criniger Giinther, Cat., II, 1860, 522, Monterey, Calif. 
Rusulus saburrz Starks and Mann, Univ. Calif. Pub. Zool., VIII, 1911, 
14, Ballast Point, off mouth of San Diego Bay; young. 

3066. Clinocottus australis Hubbs. 
Southern California from Los Angeles County and Santa Catalina 
Island southward to Todos Santos, San Martin, San Benito, and 
Guadalupe Islands. Probably varies into C. analis, of which it is 
the southern form. 
Clinocottus analis australis Hubbs, Oce. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 
No. 171. Feb. 20, 1926, 11, Point Loma, San Diego, Calif. 

Genus 1058. OLIGOCOTTUS Girard. 
Oligocottus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 182 (0. 
maculosus Girard). 

3067. Oligocottus maculosus Girard. Johnny. 
San Francisco to céntral Alaska. 
Oligocottus maculosus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
133, Tomales Bay, San Francisco. 
Oligocottus borealis Jordan and Snyder, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., 
VI, 1896, 225, Neah Bay, Wash. 

Genus 1059. GREELEYA “ Jordan. 
Eximia Greeley, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1899, 18 (Hximia rubellio 
Greeley); name preoccupied. 
Greeleya Jordan, Genera of Fishes, IV, 1920, 493 (Ezximia rubellio 

76 The separation of this genus from Oligocottus has been questioned by Starks and approved by Hubbs, 










Greeleya rubellio (Greeley). 
Monterey Bay, in deep tide pools. 
Eximia rubellio Greeley, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1899, 18, fig. 5, 
Pacific Grove, Calif. 

Genus 1060. DIALARCHUS Greeley. 
Dialarchus Greeley, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XIX, 1899, 14 (Oligocottus 
snydert Greeley). 

Dialarchus snyderi (Greeley). 
Coast of California, Crescent City to San Luis Obispo, in tide pools. 
Oligocottus snyderi Greeley, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and 
Mid. Amer., 1898, 2871, Pacific Grove, Calif. 

Genus 1061. SIGMISTES Rutter. 
Sigmistes Rutter, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1898, 2863 (S. caulias Rutter). 

Sigmistes caulias Rutter. 
Rock pools at Kodiak Island, Alaska. 
Sigmistes caulias Rutter, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and 
Mid Amer., 1898, 2863, rock pools at Karluk, Kodiak Island, Alaska. 

Genus 1062. OXYCOTTUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Oxycottus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 
2015 (Oligocottus acuticeps Gilbert). 

Oxycottus acuticeps (Gilbert). 
Alaska south to Cape Flattery, Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, 

Oligocottus acuticeps Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 432, 
Unalaska. J 

Genus 10638. ALLOCOTTUS Hubbs. 
Allocottus Hubbs, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., No. 171, 1926, 
14 (Oligocottus embryum Jordan and Starks). 

Allocottus embryum (Jordan and Starks). 
Washington (Neah Bay), Point Lobos, Calif., Karluk and Sitka, 
Oligocottus embryum Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d 
ser., V, 1895, 808, pl. 82, Neah Bay, Wash. 

Genus 1064. RUSCICULUS Greeley. 
Rusciculus Greeley, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1899, 13 (R. rimensis 

Rusciculus rimensis Greeley. 
Monterey Bay in tide pools. 
Rusciculus rimensis Greeley, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1899, 13, 
fig. 3, Point Lobos, near Carmel, Calif. 

Genus 1065. BLENNICOTTUS Gill. 
Blennicottus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 166 (Oligo- 
cottus globiceps Girard). 

Blennicottus globiceps (Girard). 
Pacific coast from Coronado Islands northward to Cape Mendocino. 
Oligocottus globiceps Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, pt. 4, Fishes, 1858, 
58, South Farallons. 
Blennicottus globiceps bryosus Jordan and: Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 808, Neah Bay, Wash. 

Genus 1066. MONTEREYA Hubbs. 
Montereya Hubbs, Oce. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., No. 171, 
1926, 16 (Blenicottus recalvus Greeley). 

Montereya recalva (Greeley). 
Monterey Bay to San Diego, in tide pools. 
Blennicottus recaluus Greeley, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1899 
(Dec. 13), 9, fig. 1, Pacific Grove, Calif. 

Genus 1067. ORTHONOPIAS Starks and Mann. 
Orthonopias Starks and Mann, Univ. Cal. Publ. Zool., VIII, 1911, 11, 
(O. triacis Starks and Mann). 



3076. Orthonopias triacis Starks and Mann. 








Coast of California, Monterey to San Diego. 
Orthonopias triacis Starks and Mann, Univ. Cal. Publ. Zool., VIII, 
1911, 11, fig. 1, Cortez Banks off San Diego. 

Genus 1068. DASYCOTTUS Bean. 
Dasycottus Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 42 (D. setiger 

Dasycottus setiger Bean. 
Puget Sound to Bering Sea. 
Dasycottus setiger Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 42, off 
Sitkalidak Island, Alaska. 

Genus 1069. ZESTICELUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Zesticelus Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 443 (Acanthocoltus 
profundorum Gilbert). 

Zesticelus profundorum (Gilbert). 
Bering Sea, north of Unalaska. 
Acanthocottus profundorum Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 
423, pl. 27, upper fig., Bering Sea, north of Unalaska, ‘at Albatross 
station 3328, in 399 fathoms. 

Genus 1070. THECOPTERUS Smith. 
Thecopterus Smith (H. M.), Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XVII, 1904, 163 
(Thecopterus aleuticus Smith). 

Thecopterus aleuticus Smith. 
Bering Sea. 
Thecopterus aleuticus Smith, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XVII, 1904, 163, 
near Rat Islands, in 270 fathoms. ; 

Genus 1071. COTTUNCULUS Collett. 
Cottunculus Collett, Norges Fiske, 1875, 20 (C. microps Collett). 

Cottunculus microps Collett. 
Deep waters off coasts of Norway and Rhode Island. 
Cottunculus microps Collett, Norges Fiske, 1875, 20, pl. I, figs. 1-3, 
Hasvig near Hammerfest, Norway, in 200 fathoms. 

Cottunculus thomsonii (Giinther). 
North Atlantic, in deep water. 
Cottus thomsonii Giinther, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, XI, 1882, 679, 
Faroe Channel, in 535 fathoms. 
Cottunculus torvus Goode, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 479, Gulf 
Stream off Rhode Island. A nomen nudum. 

Genus 1072. ASCELICHTHYS Jordan and Gilbert. 
Ascelichthys Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 264 
(A. rhodorus Jordan and Gilbert). 

Ascelichtnys rhodorus Jordan and Gilbert. 
Pacife coast from Sitka to Cape Mendocino; abundant in Neah Bay, 
Ascelichthys rhodorus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 264, Waadda Island, Neah Bay, near Cape Flattery. 

Genus 1073. PSYCHROLUTES Giinther. 
Psychrolutes Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 516 (P. paradorus Giinther). 

Psychrolutes paradoxus Giinther. 
Puget Sound to Kodiak Island. 
Psychrolutes paradoxus Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 516, Gulf of Georzia. 
Psychrolutes zebra Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 43, Aleutian 
Islands, between Unga and Nagai Islands, in 110 fathoms. 

Genus 1074. GILBERTIDIA Berg. 
Gilbertina Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 
811 (Gilbertina sigalutes Jordan and Starks); name preoccupied. 
Gilbertidia Berg, Comun. del Museo Nac. de Buenos Aires, I, 1898, 42 
(Gilbertina sigalutes Jordan and Starks). 









Gilbertidia sigalutes (Jordan and Starks). 
Puget Sound. 
Gilbertina sigalutes Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., 
V, 1895, $11, pl. 86, Port Orchard, near Seattle. 

Family 237. SYNCHIRIDA 

Genus 1075. SYNCHIRUS Bean. 
Synchirus Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 1889, 641 (S. gilli Bean). 

Synchirus gilli Bean. 
Puget Sound; Barclay Sound, Port Townsend; rare. 
Synchirus gilli Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, 1889, 642, Barclay 
Sound, British Columbia. 


Genus 1076. RHAMPHOCOTTUS Giinther. 
Rhamphocottus Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Series 4, XIV, 1874, 
369 (R. richardsoni Ginther). 

Rhamphocottus richardsoni Giinther. 
North Pacific, Alaska to Monterey; not infrequent in Puget Sound. 
Rhamphocottus richardsoni Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Ilist., XIV, 
1874, 369, Fort Rupert, British America. 

Genus 1077. ULCA Jordan and Evermann. 
Ulea Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., VI, 1896, 
227 (Hemitripterus marmoratus Bean). 

Ulea marmorata (Bean). 
Alaska, Bering Sea and off Sitkalidak Island. 
Hemitripterus marmoratus Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 
43, off Sitkalidak Island. 

Family 239. HEMITRIPTERIDZ. Sea ravens 

Genus 1078. HEMITRIPTERUS Cuvier. 

Hemitripterus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 164 (Scorpzxna 
americanus Gmelin). 
Hemitripterus americanus (Gmelin). Sea raven; Yellow sculpin. 
Atlantic coast of America from Tortugas to Labrador, chiefly northward. 
Scorpxzna americana Gmelin, Syst. Nat., ed. XIV, 1788, 1220, after 
“Diable en Crapand de |’Amérique” of Duhamel de Moreau. 

Cottus acadian Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 392, 1784, Nova Scotia; 
after Pennant. 

Cottus hispidus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 63, New York. 

Cottus tripterygius Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 638, Nova 
Scotia; after Pennant. 

Hemitripterus villosus (Pallas). 
Coast of Alaska. 
Cottus villosus Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 129, Cape Kronok, 
Kamchatka, Itscha River. 
Hemitripterus cavifrons Lockington, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
XXXII, 1880, 233, Kodiak Island, Alaska. 

Family 240. AGONIDZ. Sea poachers; Alligatorfishes 

Genus 1079. HYPSAGONUS Gill. 

Hypsagonus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 167 (Aspido- 
phorus quadricornis Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Cheiragonus Herzenstein, Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., XIII, 1890, 116 
(Hypsagonus gradiens Hertzenstein= A spidophorus quadricornis Cuvier 
and Valenciennes). 

Hypsagonus quadcricornis (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

North Pacific; Kamchatka; Bering Sea and coasts of Alaska south to 
Bristol Bay and Puget Sound. 

Aspidophorus quadricornis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 

V, 1829, 162 (221), Kamchatka. 

Hypsagonus gradiens Herzenstein, Bull. Acad. Int. Sci. St. Petersb., 

pail , 1890, 116, Kamchatka, Sinus Awatcha Bay, Petropaulski. 










Genus 1080. STELLERINA Cramer. 
Stellerina Cramer, in Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 447 
(Brachyopsis xyosternus Jordan and Gilbert). 

Stellerina xyosterna (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Coast of California and Oregon. 
Brachyopsis xyosternus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 
July 2, 1880, 152, Santa Cruz, Calif. 
Agonus anne Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., IX, 1880, 254, pl. 6, figs. 1, 1a, 
Sitzb. K. Aead. Wiss., LX XXII, San Francisco, Calif. 

Genus 1081. OCCA Jordan and Evermann. 
Occa Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2043 
(Brachyopsis verrucosus Lockington). 

Occa verrucosa (Lockington). 
Coast of California, south to San Francisco. 
Brachyopsis verrucosus Lockington, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, May 6, 
1880, 60, Drake Bay, near San Francisco. 
Agonus barkani Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., IX, 1880, 253, pl. 5, Sitzb. 
K. Akad. Wiss., LX XXII, San Francisco, Calif. 
Genus 1082. OCCELLA Jordan and Hubbs. 
Occella Jordan and Hubbs, Mem. Carnegie Mus., X, No. 2, 1925, 291 
(Agonus dodecaédron Tilesius). 

Occella dodecaédron (Tilesius). 
North Pacific, Kamchatka, Bristol Bay, coast of Alaska. 
Agonus dodecaédrus Tilesius, Mém. Acad. Petersb., IV, 1810, pl. 13, 
Phalangistes loricatus Pallas, Zoog. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 114, tab. 19, 

Genus 10838. PALLASINA Cramer. 
Pallasina Cramer, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 815 (Sipha- 
gonus barbata Steindachner). 

Pallasina barbata (Steindachner). 
Bering Sea on both coasts to Hokkaido, northern Japan. 
Siphagonus barbatus Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, July, 1876, 140, 
pl. 5, Sitzb. der K. Akad. Wiss., LX XIV, Hakodate, Japan; the 
locality of Nagasaki also mentioned is impossible. 

Pallasina aix Starks. 
Puget Sound to the Aleutian Islands. 
Pallasina aix Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., VI, 1896, 558, 
pl. 75, Puget Sound near Port Ludlow, Wash. 

Genus 1084. LEPTAGONUS Gill. 
Leptagonus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 167, 259 
(Aspidophorus spinosissimus Krgéyer = Aspidophorus decagonus Cuvier 
and Valenciennes). 

Leptagonus decagonus (Bloch and Schneider). 
Arctic Ocean, south to Newfoundland and Norway. 
Agonus decagonus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., I, 1801, 105, pl. 27, 
erroneously recorded from the Hast Indies; the tvpe from Greenland. 
Aspidophorus spinosissimus Krgyer, Naturhist. Tidskr., I, 1844, 250, 

Genus 1085. PODOTHECUS Gill. 
Podothecus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 77, 259 (P. 
peristethus Gill= Agonus acipenserinus Tilesius). 
Paragonus Gill, loc. cit., 167, 259 (Agonus acipenserinus Tilesius). 

Podothecus acipenserinus (Tilesius). Common alligatorfish. 
Kamchatka to Puget Sound. 
Agonus acipenserinus Tilesius, Mém. Acad. Petersb., IV, 1811, 422, 
pl. 11, fig. 163, Unalaska. 
Podothecus peristethus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 
259, Simeahmoo, Washington Territory. 










Podothecus gilberti Collett. 
Podothecus gilberti Collett, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, 67, pl. 45, 

Genus 1086. AGONUS Bloch and Schneider. 
Agonus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 104 (Cottws cataphractus 
Aspidophorus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 221 (A. armatus 
Lacépéde= Cottus cataphractus Linnzeus). 
Phalangistes Pallas, Zoog. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 113 (Cottus cata- 
phractus L.). 

Agonus cataphractus (Linnzeus). Sea poacher; Pogge. 

Northern Europe to western Greenland. 

Cottus cataphractus Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 264; after Artedi. 

Cottus brodamus Bonnaterre, Encycl. Meth., 1788, 67, northern seas. 

Aspidophorus armatus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 222 
Atlantic Ocean. 

Cataphractus schoneveldii Fleming, British Animals, 1842, 216, Great 

Aspidophorus europeus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
V, 1829, 147 (201), sandy shores of northern Europe. 

Genus 1087. STELGIS Cramer. 
Stelgis Cramer, in Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., 
V, 1895, 821 (Agonus vulsus Jordan and Gilbert). 

Stelgis vulsus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Off San Francisco. 
Agonus vulsus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 
330, Point Reyes, near San Francisco. 

Genus 1088. AVERRUNCUS Jordan and Starks. 
Averruncus Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 
821, 824 (A. emmelane Jordan and Starks). 

Averruncus emmelane Jordan and Starks. 
Puget Sound, near Port Orchard. 
Averruncus emmelane Jordan and Starks, Proe. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d 
ser., V, 821, pl. 91, Port Orchard, Puget Sound. 

Averruncus sterletus Gilbert. 
Coast of southern California. 
Averruncus sterletus Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2072, off Coronado Island. 

Genus 1089. XYSTES Jordan and Starks. 
Xystes Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 824 
(X. azinophrys Jordan and Starks). 

Xystes axinophrys Jordan and Starks. 
Puget Sound to Monterey. 
Xystes axinophrys Jordan and Starks, Proce. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., 
V, 1895, 824, pl. 92, Port Orchard, Admiralty Inlet. 

Genus 1090. SARRITOR Cramer. 
Sarritor Cramer, in Jordan and Evermann, Check List; 1895, 448, and 
Fishes of North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2072 (Odontopyxis frenatus 

Sarritor frenatus (Gilbert). 
Coast of Alaska. 
Odontopyxis frenatus Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 435, 
pl. 30, fig. 3, Alaska and Aleutian Islands, at Acbatross stations 5219, 
3225 and many others, in 16 to 351 fathoms. 

Sarritor leptorhynchus (Gilbert). 
Coast of Alaska. 
Odontopyzis leptorhynchus Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish-Com., XIX, 1893, 
437, north and south of the Alaska peninsula, at Albatross stations 
3215, 3219, and others in 32 to 59 fathoms. 

Genus 1091. BATHYAGONUS Gilbert. 
Bathyagonus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 89 (B. nigri 
pinnis Gilbert). 













Bathyagonus nigripinnis Gilbert. : 
North Pacific; known from the Aleutian Islands, Bering Sea, south to 
the coast of Washington. 
Bathyagonus nigripinnis Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 
89, coast of Washington, at Albatross station 3073, in 477 fathoms. 

Genus 1092. XENERETMUS Gilbert. 
Xenochirus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 90 (X. tria- 
canthus Gilbert); name preoccupied. 
Xeneretmus Gilbert in Jordan, Amer. Nat., 1903, 360 (Xenochirus 
triacanthus Gilbert). 

Xeneretmus triacanthus (Gilbert). 
Pacific coast, from Santa Barbara to Washington. 
Xenochirus triacanthus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 91, 
off coast of California, Oregon, and Washington, at Albatross stations 
2898, 2973, and 3059, in 145, 68, and 77 fathoms. 

Genus 1093. ASTEROTHECA Gilbert. 
Asterotheca Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 343 (Xeno- 
chirus pentacanthus Gilbert). 

Asterotheca pentacantha (Gilbert). 
Coast of Washington. 
Xenochirus pentacanthus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 91, 
coast of Washington, at Albatross station 3076, in 178 fathoms. 

Asterotheca alascana (Gilbert). 
Puget Sound to Bering Sea; coast of Washington. 
Xenochirus alascanus Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 488, 
Unimak Pass, Aleutian Islands, at Albatross stations 3216, 3219, and 
others, in 35 to 138 fathoms. 

Asterotheca infraspinata (Gilbert). 
Off coast of Washington. 
Xeneretmus infraspinatus Gilbert, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sei., 3d ser., ITI, 
1904, 262, pl. 27, off Cape Flattery, Wash., in 77 fathoms. 

Genus 1094. XENOPYXIS Gilbert. 
Xenopyxis Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLIII, 1915, 345 (Xeneretmus 
latifrons Gilbert). 

Xenopyxis latifrons (Gilbert). 
North Pacific coast from Oregon to San Diego. 
Xenochirus latifrons Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 92, 
off coast of Oregon and San Diego, at Albaircss stations 2898, 2935, 
etc., in 61 and 158 fathoms. 

Xenopyxis leiops (Gilbert). 
Off southern California. 
Xeneretmus leiops Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 348, 
pl. 17, fig. 10, off Santa Catalina Island. 

Xenopyxis ritteri (Gilbert). 
Off San Diego, Calif. 
Xeneretmus ritteri Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 350, 
pl. 17, fig. 11, off San Diego, in 176 to 181 fathoms. 

Genus 1095. ODONTOPYXIS Lockington. 
Odontopyxis Lockington, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 328 (0. 
trispinosus Lockington). 

Odontopyxis trispinosus Lockington. 
Pacific coast, Alaska to Santa Barbara. 
Odontopyxis trispinosus Lockington, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 
328, San Francisco. 

Genus 1096. BOTHRAGONUS Gill. 
Bothragonus Gill, in Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, 1883, 728 (Hypsa- 
gonus swanii Steindachner). 

Bothragonus swanii (Steindachner). 
Puget Sound. 
Hypsagonus swanii Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, July, 1876, 144, 
pl. 4, Sitzb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, LX XIV, Port Townsend, Wash. 









Genus 1097. ULCINA Cramer. 
Ulcina Cramer, in Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 449, 1896 
(Aspidophoroides olriki Liitken). 

Ulcina olriki (Liitken). 
Arctie Ocean; known from west coast of Greenland, Davis Strait, Kara 
Sea, Barrants Bay, and Nova Zembla. 
Aspidophoroides olriki Liitken, Forelob. Meddel. om Nord Ulkefische 
Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kjgb., 1876, 386, 3 figs., Green- 

Ulcina giintheri (Bean). 
Coast of Alaska. 
Aspidophoroides giintheri Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 74, 

Genus 1088. ASPIDOPHOROIDES Lacépéde. 
Aspidophoroides Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 228 (A. tranque- 
bar Lacépéde= Cotius monopierygius Bloch). 
Canthirhynchus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Amphib., ete., II, 1859, 
272 (A. monoplterygius Bloch). 

Aspidophoroides monopterygius (Bloch). Sea poacher. 

Greenland to Cape Cod; accidental to New York. 

Coltus monopterygius Bloch, Ichth., II, 1786, 156, pl. 178, figs. 1, 2, 
Tranquebar; an error. 

Cottus indicus Bonnaterre, Tableau Encycl. Meth., 1788, 68, pl. 87, 
fig. 367, India; after Bloch. 

Aspidophoroides tranquebar Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 228, 

Aspidophoroides grenlandicus Valenciennes, in Cuvier, Régne Anim., 
ed. 2, II, 1829, pl. 21, fig. 3, Greenland. 

Aspidophoroides bartoni Gilbert. 
Aleutian Islands. 
Aspidophoroides bartoni Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 
434, Aleutian Islands and Bristol Bay, Alaska, at Albatross stations 
3213, 3223, and many others, in 114% to 121 fathoms. 

Genus 1089. ANOPLAGONUS Gill. 
Anoplagonus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 259 (Aspido- 
phoroides inermis Giinther). 

Anoplagonus inermis (Giinther). 
Coasts of Alaska, south to Vancouver Island. 
Aspidophoroides inermis Giinther, Cat., II, 1860, 524, Vancouver Island. 


Genus 1100. CYCLOPTERUS Linneus. 
Cyclopterus Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Hd. X, 1758, 260 (C. lumpus Linneeus). 
Lumpus Oken, Isis, 1817, 1782; based on “les Lumps’’ Cuvier (Cyclopterus 
lumpus Linnzeus). 

Cyclopterus lumpus Linnwus. Lumpfish; Cock and hen paddle; Sea owl; 

Paddle; Licorne de mer; Lumpsucker. 

aie Atlantic; rocky shores of both coasts, south to Cape Cod and 

Cyclopterus lumpus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 260, Baltic and 
North Sea. 

Cyclopterus minutus Pallas, Spicilegia, Zool., VII, 1769, 12, Atlantic 

Cyclopterus pavoninus Shaw, Nat. Hist., IX, 1797, pl. 310. 

Cycloplerus pyramidatus Shaw, Gen. Zool., V, 1804, 390. 

Cycloplerus ceruleus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 480, 
New York Harbor. 

Cycloplerus coronatus Couch, Nat. Hist. Cornwall, in Trans. Linn. Soc. 
London, XIV, 1823, 47, Cornwall. 












Lumpus vulgaris McMurtrie, Eng. ed. Cuvier, Anim. Xing., 1831; after 
C. lumpus Linnzeus. 

Lumpus anglorum DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, IV, 1842, 305, after 

Genus 1101. EUMICROTREMUS Gill. 
Eumicrotremus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 190 
(Cyclopterus spinosus Miiller). 

Eumicrotremus spinosus (Miiller). Spinous lumpfish. 
North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, south to Maine and Denmark; and 
Eastport, Me. 
Cyclopterus spinosus Miller, Prodr. Zool. Dan., IX, 1777, Denmark. 

Eumicrotremus orbis (Giinther). 
Aleutian Islands, south to Vancouver Island. 
Cyclopterus orbis Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 158, Vancouver Island. 

Eumicrotremus phrynoides Burke. 
Bering Sea. 
Eumicrotremus phrynoides Burke, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XXX, 1910, 
69, Petrel Bank, Alaska. 

Genus 1102. LETHOTREMUS Gilbert. 
Lethotremus Gilbert, Rept. U.S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 449 (L. muticus 

Lethotremus muticus Gilbert. 
Aleutian Islands. 
Lethotremus muticus Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 449, 
pl. 31, Unimak Pass, Alaska, at Aldatross stations 3223 and 3258, 
in 56 to 70 fathoms. 

Lethotremus vinolentus Jordan and Starks. 
Puget Sound, Wash. 
Lethotremus vinolentus Jordan and Starks, Proce. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d 
ser., V, 1895, 827, pl. 94, Puget Sound, near Seattle, Wash. 

Genus 1103. CYCLOPTEROIDES Garman. 
Cyclopteroides Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XIV, 1892, 37 (C. 
gyrinops Garman). 

Cyclopteroides gyrinops Garman. 
Pribilof Islands, Alaska. 
Cyclopteroides gyrinops Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XIV, 1892, 
37, St. Paul Island. 

Family 243. LIPAROPIDZ 

Genus 1104. APTOCYCLUS De la Pylaie. 
Aptocyclus De la Pylaie, Congrés Scientifique Potiers, 1834, 529 (Cy- 
clopterus ventricosus Pallas; misprinted Cyclogasterus). 
Cyclopterichthys Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., X, 1881, 14, 192 (C. 
glaber Steindachner=Cyclopterus ventricosus Pallas). 

Aptocyclus ventricosus (Pallas). 
Kamchatka; Sea of Okhotsk. 
Cyclopterus ventricosus Pallas, Spicilegia Zool., VII, 1770, 15, t. 2, no 
locality given, somewhere about Kamchatka. 
Cyclopterichthys glaber Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., X, 1881, 14, pl. 8, 
Sea of Okhotsk. 

Genus 1105. LIPAROPS Garman. 
Liparops Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XV, 1892, 42 (Cyclopterus 
stelleri Pallas). 

Liparops stelleri (Pallas). 
Peter and Paul Harbor, Kamchatka. 
Cyclopterus stelleri Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiatica, III, 1811, 73, Peter 
and Paul Harbor, Kamchatka, 


Family 244. LIPARIDA. Sea snails 

Genus 1106. POLYPERA Burke. 
Polypera Burke, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., XLIII, 1913, 567 (Liparis greeni 
Jordan and Starks). 

3130. Polypera greeni (Jordan and Starks). 
Puget Sound at Victoria, British Columbia. 
Neoliparis greeni Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 
1895, 829, pl. 96, figs. 2 and 3, Victoria, British Columbia. 

Genus 1107. NEOLIPARIS Steindachner. 
Neoliparis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 54 (Liparis mucosus 

3131. Neoliparis atlanticus Jordan and Evermann. Sea snail; Lumpsucker. 
Common along rocky shores from Newfoundland to Cape Cod. 
Neoliparis atlanticus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. 

Amer., 1898, 2107, Godbout, Quebec. 
Liparis montagui of authors, not of Donovan, the European cognate. 

3132. Neoliparis mucosus (Ayres). 
Pacific coast from Puget Sound to San Francisco; rare. 
Iiparis_ mucosus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 22, 
San Francisco. 
Neoliparis flore Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d. ser., V, 
1895, 830, pl. 96, fig. 1, Waadda Island, Straits of Juan de Fuca. 

_3133. Neoliparis fissuratus Starks. 
Puget Sound. 
Neolvparis fissuratus Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., VI, 1896, 
560, Port Ludlow, Puget Sound. 

3134. Neoliparis rutteri Gilbert and Snyder. 
Kodiak Island, Alaska. 
Neoliparis rutterit Gilbert and Snyder, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes 
North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2108, Ugah Bay, Kodiak Island. 

3135. Neoliparis bristolensis (Burke). 
Bristol Bay, Bering Sea. 
Cyclogaster bristolensis Burke, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XLIII, 1913, 
567, Bristol Bay in about 20 fathoms. 

3136. Neoliparis callyodon (Pallas). 
Coasts of Alaska, north to Kamchatka and Bering Sea; recorded 
from St. Paul, Kamchatka, Plover Bay, Siberia, Unalaska, and 
Cyclopterus callyodon Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 75, Kam- 
chatka and Aleutian Islands. 

3137. Neoliparis grebnitzkii Schmidt. 
Commander Islands. 
he! ais grebnitzkit Schmidt, Fauna Mare Orientale, 1875, 61, Bering 

3138. Neoliparis beringianus (Gilbert and Burke). 
Bering Island. 
Cyclogaster (Neoliparis) beringianus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. 
Bur. Fish., XXX, 1910, 72; Nikolski, Bering Island. 
3139. Neoliparis micraspidophorus (Burke). 
Bering Island. 
Cyclogaster (Neoliparis) micraspidophorus Burke, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., 
XXX, 1910, 71, Nikolski, Bering Island. 

Genus 1108. LIPARIS Scopoli. 
Cyclogaster ” Gronow, Act. Helvet., IV, 1760, 265 (Cyclopterus liparis 
Linneus); nonbinomial. 
Cyclogasterus Gronow, Zoophyl., No. 198, 1763; nonbinomial. 
Liparis (Artedi) Scopoli, Introd. Hist. Nat., 1777, 453 (Cyclopterus 
liparis Linneus). 
Cyclogaster Gronow, Cat. Fishes, ed. Gray, 1854, 40 (Cyclopterus liparis 


7” We do not find that Gronow used the name Cyclogaster as binomial. Although later than Linneus 
(1758), he had not then adopted, most likely had not heard of, the Linnsan system. 


3140. Liparis liparis (Linnzeus). Sea snail; Striped sea snail. 

North Atlantic, on both shores, south to Connecticut and France, 
common north; very variable, a dozen color varieties having received 

Cyclopterus liparis Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, I, 1766, 414, northern 
ocean; after Artedi and Gronow. 

Cyclopterus lineatus Lepechin, Nov. Comm. Petropol., XVIII, 1774, 
520, White Sea. 

Cyclopter us liparis minor Fabricus, Fauna Grcenlandica, 1780, 135, 

Cyclopterus musculus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1802, 683, near 

3141. Liparis osborni Townsend and Nichols. 
Off southern California in 440 fathoms. 
Liparis osborni Townsend and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
LIT, 1925, 14, fig. 4, off southern California. 

3142. Liparis cyclopus Giinther. 
Aleutian Islands to Puget Sound. 
Liparis cyclopus Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 162, Esquimault Harbor, 
Vancouver Island. 

3143. Liparis megacephalus (Burke). 
Southeastern Bering Sea. 
Cyclogaster megacephalus Burke, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLIII, 1918, 
569, southeastern Bering Sea at 37 fathoms. 

3144. Liparis fucensis Gilbert. 
Straits of Fuca. 
Liparis fucensis Gilbert, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 837, 
and Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 447, Port Angeles, Straits of 
Juan de Fuca. 

Genus 1109. CARELIPARIS Garman. 
Careliparis Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XIV, 1892, 62 (Liparis 
agassizit Putnam). 

3145. Careliparis tunicatus (Reinhardt). 


Liparis tunicata Reinhardt, Overs. Kong. Danske Vidensk. Selsk., VI, 
CXI, 1836, Greenland; after Fabricius. 

Liparis fabricit Krdéyer, Naturh. Tidsskr., II, 1847, 274, Greenland; 
D. XIII, 27; Az IL, 30; +P. 34; -C. 95: Vert..46. 

Liparis arctica Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 191, Port 
Foulke, Greenland. 

3146. Careliparis eeareia (Putnam). 
Bering Sea; Sakhalin Island. 
Liparis agassizii Putnam, Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1874, 339, 
Sakhalin Channel of Tartary. 
Liparis gibbus Bean, Proc: U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 148, Unalaska, 
St. Paul Island, Indian Point, Cape Chaplin, and Plover Bay, Siberia. 

3147. Careliparis herschelinus (Scofield). 
Arctic Ocean. 
Liparis herschelinus Scofield, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
and Mid Amer., 1898, 2123, Herschel Island, Arctic Ocean, near 
mouth of the Mac kenzie. 

3148. Careliparis dennyi (Jordan and Starks). 
North Pacific, from Aleutian Islands to Puget Sound. 
Liparis dennyi Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 
1895, 835, pl. 98, Admiralty Inlet near Seattle. 

Genus 1110. LYOLIPARIS Jordan and Evermann. 
Lyoliparis Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 451 (Liparis 
pulchellus Ayres). 
3149. Lyoliparis pulchellus (Ayres). 
Point Reyes, Calif.; northern Pacific, Alaska to Monterey. 
Liparis pulchellus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 22, San 











Genus 1111. ACTINOCHIR Gill. 
Actinochir Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 190, 193 (A. 

major Gill). 

Actinochir major Gill.. 
Coasts of Greenland. 
Actinochir major Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 193, 
Cyclopterus liparis major Fabricius, Fauna Greenland., 1780, 136, Green- 
land; major is here simply an adjective. 

Genus 1112. CRYSTALLICHTHYS Jordan and Gilbert. 
Crystallichthys Jordan and Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes 
North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2364 (C. mirabilis Jordan and Gilbert). 

Crystallichthys mirabilis Jordan and Gilbert. 
Bering Sea. 
Crystallichthys mirabilis Jordan and Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, 
Fishes. North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2865, Provostmaya, Kamchatka. 

Crystallichthys cyclospilus Gilbert and Burke. 
Bering Sea, Petrel Bank, St. Paul Island. 
Crystallichthys cyclospilus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., 
XXX, 1910, 74, Petrel Bank. 

Crystallichthys cyclostigma (Gilbert). 
Bristol Bay, Alaska. 
Liparis cyclostigma Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 446, 
Bristol Bay, Alaska, at Albatross station 3252, in 291% fathoms. 

Genus 1118. BATHYPHASMA Gilbert. 
Bathyphasma Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 447 (B. 
ovigerum Gilbert). 

Bathyphasma ovigerum Gilbert. 
Off Queen Charlotte Islend, British Columbia. 
Bathyphasma ovigerum Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XTX, 1893, 448, 
Queen Charlotte Islands, at Albatross station 3342 in 1 588 fathoms. 

Genus 1114. CAREMITRA Jordan and Evermann. 
Caremitra Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 452 (Careproctus 
simus Gilbert). 

Caremitra sima (Gilbert). 
Off Unalaska Island. 
Careproctus simus Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 444, 
off Unalaska, at Albatross station 3331 in 350 fathoms. 

Genus 1115. LIPARISCUS Gilbert. 
Lipariscus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 358 (L 
nanus Gilbert). 

Lipariscus nanus Gilbert. 
Monterey Bay, Calif. 
Lipariscus nanus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 358, 
pl. 19, Monterey Bay in 32 to 309 fathoms. 

Genus 1116. EURYMEN Gilbert and Burke. 
Eurymen Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 1910, 64 
(#. gyrinus Gilbert and Burke). 

Eurymen gyrinus Gilbert and Burke 
Bering Sea. 
Eurymen gyrinus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. 8S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 1910, 
64, Avatcha Bay, east coast of Kamchatka, 

Genus 1117. ACANTHOLIPARIS Gilbert and Burke. 
Acantholiparis Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 1910, 
83 (A. opercularis Gilbert and Burke). 

Acantholiparis opercularis Gilbert and Burke. 
Kast coast of Kamchatka. 
Acantholiparis opercularis Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 
XXX, 1910, 83, Starichkof Island. 














Genus 1118. NECTOLIPARIS Gilbert and Burke. 
Nectoliparis Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 1910, 
82 (N. pelagicus Gilbert and Burke). 

Nectoliparis pelagicus Gilbert and Burke. 
Bering Sea to Hokkaido, Japan; pelagic. 
Nectoiiparis pelagicus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 
1910, 82, fig. 27, Bering Sea. 

Genus 1119. ELASSODISCUS Gilbert and Burke. 
Elassodiscus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 1910, 
81 (£. tremebundus Gilbert and Burke). : 

Elassodiscus tremebundus Gilbert and Burke. 
Coast of Kamchatka. 
Elassodiscus tremebundus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 
XXX, 1910, 81, Avatcha Bay. 

Genus 1120. CAREPROCTUS KErgyer. 

Careproctus Krgyer, Naturh. Tidskr., I, 1862, 253-257 (Liparis rein- 
hardi Krgyer). 

Allochir Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 452 (Careproctus 
melanurus Gilbert). 

Allurus Jordan and Evermann, loc. cit., 452 (Careproctus ectenes Gilbert). 

Alinectes Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 
2866 (Careproctes ectenes Gilbert, substitute for Allurus, preoccupied). 

Subgenus CAREPROCTUS Kr¢gyer. 

Careproctus reinhardi (Kr¢yér). 
Greenland, Jan Mayen, and Beeren Island. 
Liparis reinhardi Kréyer, Naturh. Tidskr., I, 1862, 252, Greenland. 

Careproctus colletti Gilbert. 
South of Alaska Peninsula to Sea of Okhotsk. 
Careproctus colletti Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 18938, 442, 
south of Alaska Peninsula, at Albatross station 3338 in 625 fathoms. 

Careproctus phasma Gilbert. 
Bristol Bay, Alaska. 
Careproctus phasma Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 443, 
Bristol Bay, Alaska, at Albatross stations 3254 and 3256 in 46 and 
49 fathoms. 

Careproctus spectrum Bean. 
Between Unga and Nagai Islands, Alaska. 
Careproctus spectrum Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 40, 
between Unga and Nagai Islands, 160° 18’ W., 55° 10’ N., at Albatross 
station 2848 in 110 fathoms. 

Careproctus ranulus (Goode and Bean). 
Off Halifax Harbor. 
Liparis ranula Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 46, 

Careproctus gelatinosus (Pallas). 
Peter and Paul Harbor, Kamchatka. 
Cyclopterus gelatinosus Pallas, Spicilegia, VII, 17€9, 19, Peter and Paul. 
Harbor, Kamchatka. 

Careproctus ostentum Gilbert. 
Unalaska Island. 
Careproctus ostentum Gilbert, Rept. U. 8S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 444, 
north of Unalaska Island, at Albatross stations 3324 and 3331 in 109 
and 350 fathoms. 

Careproctus furcellus Gilbert and Burke. 
Bering Sea. 
Careproctus furcellus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 
1910, 80, between Petrel Bank and Agattu Island, Bering Sea. 

Careproctus gilberti Burke. 
Southeastern Alaska and British Columbia. 
Careproctus gilberti Burke, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLIII, 1913, 570, 
Kodiak Island and neighborhood in 102 to 482 fathoms. 













Careproctus candidus Gilbert and Burke. 
Attu Island, Aleutian Chain. 
Careproctus candidus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 
1910, 77, fig. 22, East Cape, Attu Island, Alaska. 

Careproctus mollis Gilbert and Burke. 
Attu Island, Aleutian Chain. 
Careproctus mollis Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XXX, 
1910, 77, fig. 21, East Cape, Attu Island, Alaska. 

Careproctus bowersianus Gilbert and Burke. 
Bering Sea. 
Careproctus bowersianus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 
XXX, 1910, 76, fig. 20, Bowers Bank, Bering Sea. 

Careproctus opisthotremus Gilbert and Burke. 
Bering Sea. 
Careproctus opisthotremus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., 
XXX, 1910, 78, fig. 23, Petrel Bank, between Attu and Agattu 
Islands, Alaska. 

Careproctus longifilis Garman. 
Off Galapagos Islands and Panama in deep water. 
Careproctus longifilis Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XIV, 1892, 9, 
southwest Panama. 

Careproctus longipinnis Burke. 
Arctic Ocean; Faroe Islands to Beeren Island. 
Careproctus longipinnis Burke, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8th ser., IX, 
1912, 510, Ingolf station 139, north of the Faroe Islands, depth 702 
Danish fathoms. 

Careproctus melanurus Gilbert. 
Off coast of California and Oregon. 
Careproctus melanurus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 560, 
off coasts of California and Oregon, at Albatross stations 2840, 2891, 
and others in 178 to 339 fathoms. 

Careproctus attenuatus Gilbert and Burke. 
Bering Sea. 
Careproctus attenuatus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XXX, 
1910, 79, Petrel Bank and Agattu Island, Alaska in 482 fathoms. 

Subgenus ALLINECTES Jordan and Evermann. 

Careproctus ectenes Gilbert. 
Unalaska Island. 
Careproctus ectenes Gilbert, Rept. U. 8S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 442, 
north of Unalaska, at Albatross station 3331 in 350 fathoms. 

Genus 1121. PROGNURUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Prognurus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
2866 (P. cypselurus Jordan and Gilbert). 

Prognurus cypselurus Jordan and Gilbert. 
Bering Sea and north Pacific. 
Prognurus cypselurus Jordan and Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, 
apace North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2866, Bogoslof Island, Bering 
Genus 1122. GYRINICHTHYS Gilbert. 
Gyrinichthys Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 444 (G. miny- 
tremus Gilbert). 

. Gyrinichthys minytremus Gilbert. 
Off Unalaska Island, Alaska. 
Gyrinichthys minytremus Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 
444, north of Unalaska at Albatross station 3331 in 350 fathoms, 


Genus 1123. PARALIPARIS * Collett. 

Paraiiparis Collett, Vid. Selsk. Forsk. Christiania, No. 14, 1878, 32 
(Paraliparis bathybii Collett); species allied to P. cephalus with 
narrow gill openings. 

Amitra Goode, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 478 (A. liparina 

Monomitra Goode, loc. cit., VI, 1883, 109 (Amitra liparina Goode); 
Supe toate for Amitra regarded as preoccupied by Amitrus Schénherr, 
a beetle. 

Hilgendorfia Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichthyol., 1895, 280 (Paraliparis 
membranaceus Giinther). 

Amitrichthys Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 453 (Paraliparis 
cephalus Gilbert). 

8181. Paraliparis holomelas Gilbert. 
North of Unalaska Island, Alaska. 
Paraliparis holomelas Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 441, 
north of Unalaska, at Albatross stations 3308 and 3332 in 406 and 
1,625 fathoms. 

3182. Paraliparis cephalus Gilbert. 
Alaska to California. 
Paraliparis cephalus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 561, 
off California and Oregon, at Albatross station 2919 in 984 fathoms. 

3183. Faraliparis mento Gilbert. 
Coast of Oregon. ? 
Paraliparis mento Gilbert, Proce. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 562, off 
coast of Oregon, at Albatross station 3071 in 685 fathoms. 

8184. Paraliparis albescens Gilbert. 
Off Monterey Bay, Calif. 
Paraliparis albescens Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 355, 
pl. 18, fig. 18, off Monterey Bay. 

8185. Paraliparis caudatus Gilbert. 
Monterey Bay, Calif. 
Paraliparis caudatus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 
356, pl. 18, fig. 14, Monterey Bay. 

3186. Paraliparis deani Burke. 
Bering Sea; once taken in Monterey Bay. 
Paraliparis deani Burke, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLIII, 1912, 571, 
Stevens Passage, Alaska. 

3187. Paraliparis dactylosus Gilbert. 
Off Santa Cruz, Calif. 
Paraliparis dactylosus Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 469, 
pl. 34, fig. 2, off Santa Cruz, Calif., at Albatross station 3112, in 
296 fathoms. 

3188. Paraliparis grandiceps Garman. 
Off Lower California in deep water. 
Paraliparis grandiceps Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, off Lower California. 

$189. Paraliparis rosaceus Gilbert. 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Paraliparis rosaceus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 93, 
Pacific coast of Mexico, at Albatross stations 2898, 2935, and others 
in 61 to 158 fathoms. — 

3190. Paraliparis fimbriatus Garman. 
Off Colombia and Galapagos Islands in deep water. P 
Paraliparis fimbriatus Garman, in Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XIV, 
1892, 9, southwest of Panama. 

3191. Paraliparis attenuatus Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Paraliparis attenuatus Garman, Deep Sea Fishes, Mem. Mus. Comp. 
Zool., XXIV, 1899, 118, pl. X XVII, off Bay of Panama. 

78 'Mhis group of degenerate liparids is excessively abundant in all northern sea bottoms at considerable 
dept 1s. It should, no doubt, be subdivided, but the present knowledge of the group hardly permits this. 














Paraliparis angustifrons Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Paraliparis angustifrons Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. XXIV, 
1899, 119, Pl. XX VII, Albatross station 3394, off Bay of Panama. 

Paraliparis latifrons Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Paraliparis latifrons Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
120, Pl. X XVII, off Bay of Panama. 

Paraliparis garmani Burke 
Off coast of New England. 
Paraliparis garmani Burke, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLIII, 1912, 572, 
off coast of New England in 328 to 542 fathoms. 

Paraliparis copei Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Paraliparis copei Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1896, 279, fig. 353, 
Gulf Stream, at Albatross station 2232, 59° 12’ 17” N., 72° 9’ 30” W.,, 
in 520 fathoms. 

Subgenus AMITRA Goode and Bean. 

Paraliparis liparinus (Goode). 
Atlantic Ocean, off Rhode Island. 
Amitra liparina Goode, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 478, off 
Rhode Island. 

Subzenus HILGENDORFIA Goode and Bean. 

Paraliparis ulochir Gilbert. 
Gulf of California to Unalaska. 
Paraliparis ulochir Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 441, 
Gulf of California, at Albatross station 3010 in 1005 fathoms. 

Genus 1124. RHINOLIPARIS Gilbert. 
Rhinoliparis Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 445 (R. bar- 
bulifer Gilbert). 

Rhinoliparis barbulifer Gilbert. 
Bering Sea. 
Rhinoliparis barbulifer Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XTX, 1893, 445, 
north of Unalaska, Alaska, at Albatross stations 3237, 3325, and others, 
in 225 to 576 fathoms. 

Rhinoliparis attenuatus Burke. 
Bering Sea. 
Rhinoliparis attenuatus Burke, Proe. U. S. Nat. Mus., XLIII, 1912, 
573, Bering Sea in 576 fathoms. 


Genus 1125. PERISTEDION Lacépéde. 
Peristedion Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 368 (P. malarmat 

Lacépéde= Trigla cataphracta L.). 

Peristethus Kaup, amended spelling. 

Peristedion brevirostre (Giinther). 
Caribbean Sea. 
Peristethus brevirostre Giinther, Cat., II, 1860, 217, West Indies. 

Peristedion miniatum Goode. 
Gulf Stream. 
Peristedion miniatum Goode, Proce. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 349, 
Gulf Stream, off Rhode Island 

Peristedion longispathum (Goode and Bean). 

West Indies, off Cuba and Barbados. 

Peristedium longispatha Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 
XII, 1886, No. 5, 166, off Santa Cruz Island, West Indies, and off 

Peristedion gracile Goode and Bean. 

Gulf of Mexico and Porto Rico. 

Peristedion gracile Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1896, 473, Gulf of 













Peristedion platycephalum (Goode and Bean). 
West Indies; Barbados. 
Peristedium piatycephalum Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 
XII, 1886, No. 5, 167, off Barbados. 

Peristedion barbiger (Garman). 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Peristedium barbiger Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
110, off Bay of Panama. 

Peristedion crustosum (Garman). 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Peristedium crustosum Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 112, Pl. A, off Bay of Panama. 

Genus 1126. VULSICULUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Vulsiculus Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 489 (Peristedion 
imberbe Poey). 

Vulsiculus imberbis (Poey). 
Gulf of Mexico. 
Pterystedion imberbe Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 367, Cuba; apparently 
never described. 
Peristedion micronemus Poey, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., IX, 1870, 
321, Cuba; substitute name on discovery of the minute barbels. 

Family 246. TRIGLIDA 

Genus 1127. COLOTRIGLA Gill. 
Colotrigla Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X XVII, 1905, 240 (Prionotus 
stearnsi Jordan and Swain). 

Colotrigla stearnsi (Jordan and Swain). 
Gulf of Mexico. 
Prionotus stearnsi Jordan and Swain, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 
1884, 541, Pensacola, Fla. 

Genus 1128. GURNARDUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Gurnardus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1898, 2152 (Prionotus gymnostethus Gilbert). 

Gurnardus birostratus (Richardson). 
Gulf of Fonseca, Pacific coast of Central America. 
Prionotus birostratus Richardson, Voy. Sulphur, Ichth., pt. II, 1845, 81, 
April, Gulf of Fonseca, Pacific coast of Central America. 

Gurnardus gymnostethus (Gilbert). 
Gulf of California. 
Prionotus gymnostethus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, £59, 
Gulf of California, in shallow water. 

Gurnardus xenisma (Jordan and Bollman). 
Pacific Ocean, off coast of Colombia. 
Prionotus xenisma Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1889, 169, Pacific coast of Colombia. 

Gurnardus loxias Jordan. 
Pacific coast of Central America, 
Prionotus lorias Jordan, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIX, 1896, 452, Bay 
of Panama. 

Gurnardus ruscarius (Gilbert and Starks). 
Panama Bay; Mazatlan; Magdalena Bay. 
Prionotus ruscarius Gilbert and Starks, Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., IV, 
1904, 165, Pl. XX VII, Panama Bay. 

Genus 1129. MERULINUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Merulinus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 
2148 (Trigla carolina Linneus), 


8214. Merulinus carolinus (Linnzus). Common gurnard; Red-winged sea 
robin; Pigfish; Rock pigfish; Flyingfish; Spinous gurnard; Small-scaled 
sea robin; Web-fingered sea robin; Carolina robin; Carolina sea robin. 

Cape Ann to South Carolina, chiefly northward. 

Trigla carolina Linnzus, Mantissa, II, 1771, 528, Carolina. 

Trigla palmipes Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. New York, 1815, 431, 
pl. 4, fig. 5, New York Harbor. 

Prionotus pileatus Storer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., II, 1845, 77, 
Massachusetts Bay. 

3215. Merulinus scitulus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
South Atlantic coast of United States, Peaufort to St. Augustine. 
Prionotus scitulus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
288, Beaufort, N. C. 

3216. Merulinus roseus (Jordan and Evermann). 
Gulf of Mexico; Tampa Bay; Pensacola; Tortugas. 
Prionotus roseus Jordan and Evermann, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, 
1886, 470, off Tampa Bay, Fla. 

3217. Merulinus salmonicolor Fowler. 
New River, Dade County, Fla. 
Merulinus salmonicolor Fowler, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., LV, 1903, 
333, New River, Fla. 

Genus 1130. PRIONOTUS Lacépéde. Gurnards; Sea robins. 
Prionotus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 337 (Trigla evolans 
Ornichthys Swainson, Classn. Fishes, Amphib., ete., 1839, 262 (Trigla 
punctata Bloch). : 
Chriolaz Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, 374 (Trigla 
evolans Linnzus). 

3218. Prionotus evolans (Linnxus). Southern striped gurnard; Lined sea robin; 
Flyingfish; Striped sea robin. 
South Atlantic coast of United States. 
Trigla evolans Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, 1766, 498, Carolinas. 
Prionotus sarritor Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
615, Charleston; Beaufort, N. C. 

3219. Prionotus strigatus (Cuvier). Northern striped gurnard; Brown-winged 
sea robin; Sea robin; Sand pigfish; Pigfish; Flyingfish; Red-winged 

Atlantic coast of northern States, Cape Cod to Virginia; replacing 
P. evolans northward. 

Trigla strigata Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 161, New York; 
after lineata of Mitchill. : 

3220. Prionotus rubio Jordan. Rubio volador. 
West Indies. 
Prionotus rubio Jordan, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, 1886, 50, Habana. 
sap volador Parra, Descr. Dif. Piezas de Hist. Nat., 1787, 98, lam. 38, 

3221. Prionotus punctatus Bloch. Spotled sea robin; Rubio volador. 
West Indies and Caribbean Sea; Cameron, La. 
Prionotus punctatus Bloch, Ichth., 1793, pl. 353, Martinique; on a 
drawing by Plumier. 

3222. Prionotus ophryas Jordan and Swain. 
Gulf of Mexico; Snapper Banks off Pensacola, Fla. 
Prionotus ophryas Jordan and Swain, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 
542, Snapper Banks off Pensacola, Fla. 

3223. Prionotus pectoralis (Nichols and Breder). 
Coast of Texas. 
Prionotus miles pectoralis Nichols and Breder, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 
XXXVII, 1924, 22, Gulf of Mexico, off Aransas Pass, Tex. 

3224. Prionotus stephanophrys Lockington. 
Deep water off San Francisco, Point Reyes, and Monterey; very rare. 
Prionotus stephanophrys Lockington, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 
529, Point Reyes, near San Francisco, 











Prionotus quiescens Jordan and Bollman. g 
Pacific Ocean off the coast of Colombia; Gulfof Gulrornia: 
Prionotus quiescens Jordan and Bollman, Proc: U.S. Nat. Mus., XII, 
1889, 166, off Pacifie coast of Cblombia. : 

Prionotus frontalis Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Prionotus frontalis Garman, Deep Sea Fishes, in Mem. Mus. Comp. 
Zool., XXIV, 1899, 108, off Bay of Panama. 

Prionotus albirostris Jordan and Bollman. 
Pacific Ocean off the coast of tropical America. 
Prionotus albirostris Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., xT. 

1889, 168, Pacific Ocean off the coast of Colombia. 

Prionotus beanii Goode. 
Off Trinidad. 
Prionotus beanii Goode, in Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1896, 468, 
off Trinidad. 

Prionotus tribulus Cuvier and Valenciennes. Big-headed gurnard; Sea 
South Atlantic coast from Long Island to Brazos, Tex. 
Prionotus tribulus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. eis IV, 1829, 
72 (98), pl. 74, New York; Carolinas. 
?Trigla carolina Bloch, Ichth., 1793, 352, Carolinas; not of Linnzeus. 

Prionotus horrens Richardson. 
Pacifie coast of tropical America. 
Prionotus horrens Richardson, Voy. Sulphur, Ichth., 18438, 79, pl. 42, 
figs. 1-3, Gulf of Fonseca. 

Genus 1131. FISSALA Gill. 
Fissala Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVIII, 1905, 342 (Prionotus 
alatus Goode and Bean). 

Fissala alata (Goode and Bean). 
Off Charleston, S. C. ‘ 
Prionotus alatus Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus.’Comp. Zool., X, 1883, 
210, deep sea off Charleston, 8. C. 

Genus 1182. BELLATOR Jordan and Evermann. 
Bellator Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 488 (Prionotus mili- 
taris Goode and Bean). 

. Bellator militaris (Goode and Bean). 

Off Cape Catoche, Yucatan; Gulf of Mexico. 
Prionotus militaris Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1896, 464, figs. 380 
and 384, off Cape Catoche, Yucatan. 

Bellator egretta (Goode and Bean). 
Prionatus egretta Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1896, 465, fig. 381, off 
Barbados, at Blake station 64. 


Genus 11338. DACTYLOPTERUS Lacépéde. Flying gurnards. 

Cephalacanthus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 323 (C. spinarella 
Lacépéde); young examples. 

Dactylopterus Lacépéde, loc. cit., 325 (D. pirapeda Lacépéde= Trigla 
volitans Linnzeus); adult form. 

Cephacandia Rafinesque, Analyse Nature, 1815, 85; substitute for 
Cephalacanthus; too long a name. 

Gonocephalus Gronow, Cat. Fish., ed. Gray, 1854, 106 (@. macrocephalus 
Gray = T'rigla volitans Linnzeus). 


3234. Dactylopterus volitans (Linnzus). Flying robin; Batfish; Volador; Fly- 

ing gurnard; Murcielago; Civetta de mer. 

Atlantic Ocean on both coasts; also Gulf of Mexico. 

Trigla volitans Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, I, 1758, 302; after Artedi. 

Hirundo Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carol., IT, 1771, Tab. 8, p. 8, Bahamas. 

Trigla tentabunda Walbaum, Artedi Piscium, III, 1792, 362; after Klein. 

Trigla fasciata Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 16, tab. 3, 
fig. 1; after Klein. 

Dactylopterus pirapeda Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 326, 
Mediterranean and almost all warm seas. 

Polynemus sexradiatus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 
pl. 4, fig. 10, New York. 

Callionymus pelagicus Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., 1818, 205, 
Atlantic Ocean. 

Gonocephalus macrocephalus Gronow, Cat. Fish., ed. Gray, 1854, 106; 

Family 248. EMBIOTOCIDA. Surffishes; Viviparous perches 

Genus 1134. MICROMETRUS Gibbons. 

Micrometrus Gibbons, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., in Daily Placer 
Times and Transcript, May 30, 1854 (M. minimus Gibbons). 

Abeona Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 322 (A. trow- 
bridgiit Girard). 

38235. Micrometrus minimus (Gibbons). 

San Francisco to San Diego. 

Cymatogaster minimus Gibbons, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
106, San Francisco Bay. 

Holoconotus trowbridgei Girard, loc. cit., 152, no locality given. 

Genus 1135. AMPHIGONOPTERUS Hubbs. 
Amphigonopterus Hubbs, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XX XI, May 16, 1918, 
13 (Abeona aurora Jordan and Gilbert). 

3236. Amphigonopterus aurora (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Monterey Bay, Calif. 
Abeona aurora Jordan and Gilbert, Proe. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 
299, Monterey Bay, Calif. 

Genus 1136. CYMATOGASTER Gibbons. 
Cymatogaster Gibbons, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., in Daily Placer 
Times and Transcript, May 18, 1854 (C. aggregatus Gibbons). 
Metrogaster Agassiz, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VIII, 1861, 128 (Cyma- 
togaster aggregalus Gibbons). 
Sema Jordan, Bull. U. 8S. Geol. Surv., IV, 1878, 399 (S. signifer Jordan; 
larve with very high vertical fins and closely compressed body). 

3237. Cymatogaster aggregatus Gibbons. Sparada; Viviparous perch; Perch. 
Pacific coast from Port Wrangel, Alaska, to Todos Santos Bay. 
Cymatogaster aggregatus Gibbons, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., in Daily 
Placer Times and Transcript, May 18, 1854, San Francisco. 

Sema signifer Jordan, Bull. Hayden’s Geol. Surv., IV, 1878, 399, Rio 
Grande, Tex.; error for San Francisco. 

Metrogaster lineolatus Agassiz, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VIII, 1861, 
129, no locality. 

Genus 1137. BRACHYISTIUS Gill. 
Brachyistius Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 275 (B. 
frenatus Gill). 

3238. Brachyistius frenatus Gill. 
Vancouver Island to San Diego. 
Brachyistius frenatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 275, 
California coast. 
Ditrema brevipinne Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 248, Esquimault Harbor, 
Vancouver Island. 








Genus 1188. ZALEMBIUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Zalembius Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
1499 (Cymatogaster rosaceus Jordan and Gilbert). 

Zalembius rosaceus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
San Francisco, Calif. 
Cymatogaster rosaceus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., ITI, 
1880, 303, off San Francisco in rather deep water; the other species of 
this family live on sandy shores. 

Genus 1189. HYPOCRITICHTHYS Gill. 
Hypocritichthys Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 275 
(Hyperprosopon analis Alexander Agassiz). 

Hypocritichthys analis (Agassiz). 
San Francisco to Point Conception. 
Hyperprosopon analis Alexander Agassiz, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 
VIII, 1861, 133, San Francisco. 

Genus 1140. TOCICHTHYS Hubbs. 
Tocichthys Hubbs, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXXI, May 16, 1918, 12 
(Hyperprosopon agassizii Gill). 

Tocichthys agassizii (Gill). 
Coast of California, San Francisco to Santa Barbara; most common 
along San Luis Obispo County. 
Hyperprosopon agassizii Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
276, California. 

Genus 1141. HYPERPROSOPON Gibbons. 
Hyperprosopon Gibbons, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., in Daily Placer 
Times and Transcript, May 18, 1854 (H. argenteum Gibbons). 
Eunichthys Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1855, 322 (E. 
megalops Girard). 
Bramopsis Alexander Agassiz, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VIII, 1861, 
132 (B. mento Agassiz= Hyperprosopon argenteus Girard). 

Hyperprosopon argenteus Gibbons. Wall-eyed surffish; White perch. 
Coast of California, Cape Disappointment to Todos Santos Bay. 
Hyperprosopon argenteum Gibbons, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 

1854, 105, San Francisco. 
Hyperprosopon argenteum punctatum Gibbons, loc. cit., 106, San Fran- 
Hyperprosopon arcuatum Gibbons, loc. cit., 125, San Francisco. 
Holconotus megalops Girard, loc. cit., Presidio, Humboldt Bay; Astoria. 
Bramopsis mento Agassiz, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VIII, 1861, 133, 
no locality. 

Genus 1142. HOLCONOTUS Agassiz. 
Holconotus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts., XVII, May, 1854, 367 (H. 
rhodoterus Agassiz). 
Cymatogaster Gibbons, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., in Daily Placer 
Times and Transcript, June 21, 1854 (C. pulchellus Gibbons); not 
of Gibbons, May 18, 1854. 

Holconotus rhodoterus Agassiz. 

Coast of California, San Francisco to San Diego. 

Holconotus rhodoterus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, May, 
1854, 368, San Francisco. 

Cymatogaster pulchellus Gibbons, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 
July, 1854, 123, San Francisco. 

Cymatogaster larkinsi Gibbons, loc. cit., 123, San Francisco. 

Cymatogaster ellipticus Gibbons, loc. cit., 124, San Francisco. 

Genus 1148. AMPHISTICHUS Agassiz. 
Amphistichus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, May, 1854, 367 (A. argen- 
teus Agassiz). 
Mytilophagus Gibbons, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, July, 1854, 
125 (M. fasciatus Gibbons=A. argenteus Agassiz). 


3244. Amphistichus argenteus Agassiz. 

Pacific coast, from Cape Flattery to San Diego; very abundant on 
sandy shores. 

Amphistichus argenteus Agassiz, Amcr. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, May. 
1854, 367, San Francisco. 

Mytilophagus fasciatus Gibbons, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 
July, 1854, 125, San Francisco. 

Amphistichus heermanni Girard, loc. cit., 185, Cape Flattery, San 

Amphistichus similis Girard, loc. cit., 153, San Francisco. 

Genus 1144. EMBIOTOCA Agassiz.. 
Embiotoca Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVI, 1853 (November), 386 
(EZ. jacksoni Agassiz). 

3245. Embiotoca jacksoni Agassiz. Black surffish. 

Vancouver Island to Todos Santos Bay; abundant and variable. 

Embiotoca jacksoni Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVII, 1853, 387, 
and XVIII, 1854, 366, San Francisco. 

Holconotus fuliginosus Gibbons, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
123, San Francisco. 

Embiotoca cassidyi Girard, loc. cit., 151, San Diego. 

?Embiotoca webb Girard, loc. cit., VIII, 1855, 320, San Diego. 

Genus 1145. TH NIOTOCA Alexander Agassiz. 

Holconotus Gibbons, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854 (July), 
122 (H. agassizi Gibbons=Embiotoca lateralis Agassiz); not Hol- 
conotus Agassiz. 

Tzniotoca Alexander Agassiz, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VIII, 1861, 
133 (Embiotoca lateralis Agassiz). 

3246. Tzeniotoca lateralis (Agassiz). Striped surffish. 

Vancouver Island to Todos Santos Bay; abundant southward. 

Embiotoca lateralis Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts., XVIII, 1854 (May), 
356, San Francisco. 

Holconotus agassizii Gibbons, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854 
(July), 122, San Francisco. 

Embiotoca lineata Girard, loc. cit., (Aug.), 134, San Francisco, Tomales 
Bay, Presidio. 

Embiotoca ornata Girard, loc. cit., VII, 1855, 321, San Diego, Calif. 

Embiotoca perspicabilis Girard, loc. cit., 321, Puget Sound. 

Genus 1146. PHANERODON Girard. 
Phanerodon Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 153 (P. 
furcatus Girard). 

3247. Phanerodon furcatus Girard. White surffish. 
Pacific coast from Vancouver Island to Todos Santos Bay; abundant 
Phanerodon furcatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
153, Presidio, San Francisco, Calif. 

3248. Phanerodon atripes (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Monterey to San Diego; scarce. 
Ditrema atripes Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 
320, Monterey Bay, Calif. 
Ditrema orthonotus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, West American 
Scientist, October, 1889, 127, Cortez Banks, off San Diego. 

Genus 1147. RHACOCHILUS Agassiz. 
Rhacochilus Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVIII, 1854 (May), 367 
(R. toxotes Agassiz). 
Paechylabrus Gibbons, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., in Daily Placer Times 
and Transcript, June 21, 1854 (P. variegatus Gibbons=R. tozoles 

32492. Rhacochilus toxotes Agassiz. Bigmouth surffish; Alfione. 
Rhachochilus toxotes Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, X VIII, 1854 (May), 
367, San Francisco. 
Pachylabrus variegatus Gibbons, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 
1854 (July), 126, San Francisco, 


Genus 1148. HYPSURUS Alexander Agassiz. 

Hypsurus Alexander Agassiz, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VIII, 1861, 

133 (Embiotoca caryi Agassiz). 
3250. Hypsurus caryi (Agassiz). Bugara. 

Cape Mendocino to San Diego; common northward. 

Embiotoca caryi Agassiz, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XVI, 18£3, 389, and 
XVII, 1854, 366, San Francisco. 

Holconotus gibbonsi (Gibbons MS., Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 1854), 
Gibbons, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila., VII, 1854, 12, San Francisco 

Genus 1149. DAMALICHTHYS Girard. 
Damalichthys Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1855, 321 (D. 
vacca Girard=D. argyrosoma Girard). 

3251. Damalichthys argyrosomus Girard. 

Vancouver Island to Tocos Santos Pay; very abuncant nortl ward. 

Damatichthys argyrosoma Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 
1855, 136, San Francisco; young individual in kad condition. 

Damavichthys vacca Girard, loc. cit., 321, Puget Sound. 

Genus 1150. HYSTEROCARPUS Gibbons. 

Hysterocarpus Gibbons, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci.,in Daily Placer 
Times and Transcript, May 18, 1854, and in Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Phila., VII, 1854, 124 (H. traski Gibbons). 

Sargosomus Agassiz, in Alexander Agassiz, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 
VIII, 1861, 128 (S. fluviatilis Agassiz = Hyslerccaryus traski Gibbons). 

Dacentrus Jordan, Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., IV, 1878, 667 (D. lucens 
Jordan; very young). 

3252. Hysterocarpus traski Gibbons. 

Rivers of central California, chiefly in the Sacramento-San Joaquin 
Valley from Lake County to Santa Clara County. 

Hysterocarpus traski Gibbons, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., VII, 
1854, 105, lower Sacramento River. 

Sargosomus fluviatilis Agassiz, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VIII, 1861, 
130, Sacramento. 

Decentrus lucens Jordan, Bull. U. 8. Geol. Surv., IV, 1878, 667, ‘‘ Rio 
Grande, Tex.” locality erroneous, should ke San Francisco. 


Genus 1151. AZURINA Jordan and McGregor. 
Azurina Jordan and McGregor, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North 
and Mid. Amer., 1898, 1544 (A. hirundo Jordan and McGregor). 

38253. Azurina hirundo Jordan and McGregor. 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Azurina hirundo Jordan and McGregor, in Jordan and Evermann, 
Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 1544, Guadalupe Island, off 
- Lower California. 

Genus 1152. FURCARIA Poey. 
Furcaria Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 194 (Ff. puncta Poey= Heliases 
multilineatus Guichenot in Ramon de la Sagra, Hist. fisica Cuba, IV). 
3254. Furcaria atrilobata (Gill). ¢ 
Pacific coast of America, from Cape San Lucas southward. 
Chromis (Furcaria) atrilobata Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 
1862, 149, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. ; 
3255. Furcaria cyanea Poey. 
Furcaria cyanea Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 196, Cuba. 
3256. Furearia multilineata (Guichenot). 
Heiiases multilineaitus Guickenot, in Ramon de la Sagra, Poiss. Cuba, 
1853, 76, pl. 2, fig. 2, Habana. 
Furcaria puncita Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 195, Cuba. 


3257. Furcaria bermude (Nichols). 
Chromis bermudz Nichols, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XX XIII, 1920, 60, 

Genus 11538. HELIASES Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Heliases Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 369 (495) 
(H. insolatus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Heliastes Giinther, revised spelling. 

3258. Heliases insolatus Cuvier and Valenciennes. Chauffe soleil. 
West Indies, north to Pensacola. 
Heliases insolatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1830, 
370 (494), pl. 1387, Martinique. 

3259. Heliases enchrysurus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Snapper Banks off Pensacola and Tampa, Fla. 
Chromis enchrysurus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
286, Pensacola, Fla. 

3260. Heliases marginatus Castelnau. 
Brazil; St. Croix Island, West Indies. 
Heliases marginatus Castelnau, Anim. Amer. Sud, Poiss., 1855, 9, Pl. 
III, fig. 1, Bahia. 

Genus 1154, AYRESIA” Cooper. 
Ayresia Cooper, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., Ist ser., III, 1863, 73 (A. 
punctipinnis Cooper). 

3261. Ayresia punctipinnis Cooper. Blacksmith. 
Coast of California, from Point Conception to Cedros Island. 
Ayresia punctipinnis Cooper, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1st ser., III, 
1863, 73, San Diego Bay, San Pedro, and Santa Barbara. 

Genus 1155. EUPOMACENTRUS ® Bleeker. 

Lupomacentrus Bleeker, Nat. Verh. Holl. Maats., Wetensk., II, 1877, 
73 (Pomacentrus lividus Bleeker); teeth in one row, truncate; snout 
scaly; lower jaw naked; dorsal not notched. 

Amblypomacentrus Bleeker, loc. cit., 68 (Pomacentrus breviceps) ; similar, 
snout naked. 

3262. Eupomacentrus fuscus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Maria molle. 
West Indies and coast of Brazil north to Key West. 
Pomacentrus fuscus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 324 (432), Brazil. 
Pomacentrus variabilis Castelnau, Anim. Nouv. ou Rares, Poiss., 1855, 
9, pl. 3, fig. 3, Bahia. 
Pomacentrus atro-cyaneus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 190, Cuba. 

3263. Eupomacentrus dienczeus Jordan and Rutter. 
Jamaica, ‘ 
Eupomacentrus dienceus Jordan and Rutter, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Phila., XLIX, 1897, 116, Jamaica. 

3264. Eupomacentrus leucostictus (Miiller and Troschel). Cockeye pilot; 
Beau Gregoire; Black pilot. 
West Indies to Snapper Banks, west Ilorida; accidental north to Woods 
Hole, Mass. 
Pomacentrus leucostictus Miller and Troschel, in Schomburgk’s Hist. 
Barbados, 1848, 674, Barbados. 
_Pomacentrus xanthurus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 190, Cuba. 
Pomacentrus caudalis Poey, Synopsis, 1867, 328, Cuba. 
Pomacentrus dorso-punicans Poey, loc. cit., 328, Cuba. 
3265. Eupomacentrus analis (Poey). 
Cuba, Key West, and Porto Rico. 
Pomacentrus analis Poey, Synopsis, 1867, 327, Cuba. 

* This genus is near the Mediterranean genus Chromis Cuvier, based on Sparus chromis Linnseus, a 
species with 14 dorsal spines, the head high and narrow, the tail short, the caudal not deeply forked. Fur- 
CR Telases are also closely related and usually the four groups have been united into one as Chromis 
or ‘‘ Heliastes.”’ 

0 In the closely related old world genus Pomacentrus the teeth are in two rows. Several of the species 
here accepted are of very doubtful validity, and the genera of Bleeker derived from the subdivisions of 
Pomacentrus need further study. 



3266. Eupomacentrus otophorus (Poey). 
Pomacentrus otophorus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 188, Cuba. 

3267. Eupomacentrus chrysus Bean. 
Eupomacentrus chrysus Bean, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XIX, 1906, 32, 
Whites Flat Channel, Bermudas. 

3268. Eupomacentrus flaviventer (Troschel). 
Atlantic coast of Mexico. 
Pomacentrus flaviventer Troschel, in J. W. von Miiller’s Reisen in den 
Vereinigten Staaten, Canada, ‘und Mexico, III, 1865, 633, Atlantic 

3269. Eupomacentrus gillii (Gilbert and Starks). 
Pomacentrus gillii Gilbert and Starks, Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., IV, 1904, 
141, pl. XXII, fig. 44, Panama. 

3270. Eupomacentrus partitus (Poey). 
Pomacentrus partitus Poey, Synopsis, 1867, 327, Cuba. 

3271. Eupomacentrus planifrons (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Petite ja- 
Tortugas; West Indies, Jamaica to Martinique. 
Pomacentrus planifrons Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 
1830, 323 (481), Martinique. 5 

3272. Eupomacentrus leucorus (Gilbert). 
Socorro Island, one of the Revillagigedo group, off Pacific coast of 
Pomacentrus leucorus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 554, 

Socorro Island. 

3273. Eupomacentrus adustus (Troschel). 
Pomacentrus adustus Troschel, in J. W. von Miiller’s Reisen in den 
Vereinigten, Staaten, Canada und Mexico, IIT, 1865, 633, Mexico. 
Pomacentrus obscuratus Poey, Enumeratio, 1876, 101, Habana. 

3274. Eupomacentrus rectifrenum (Gill). Pescado azul de dos colores. 
Pacific coast of America from Cape San Lucas to Panama; common. 
Pomacentrus rectifrenum Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 

148, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 
Pomacentrus analigutta Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 27, Cape San Lucas. 

$3275. Eupomacentrus flavilatus (Gill). Pecans azul de dos colores. . 
Pacific coast of America, from Cape San Lucas to Mazatlan and beyond. 
Pomacentrus flavilatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 148, 

Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 

3276. Eupomacentrus nepenthe Nichols. 
Regie nepenthe Nichols, Amer. Mus. Novitates, XXVI, 1921, 
1, fig. 1, Bahamas. 

Genus 1156. NEXILARIUS Gilbert. 
Nezilarius Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 512 
(Euschistodus concolor Gill); misprinted Nezilaris. 
3277. Nexilarius concolor (Gill). 
Euschistodus concolor Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
145, Panama. 

Genus 1157. ABUDEFDUF *! Forskal. Pintanos. 
Aba Te Forsk4l, Deser. Anim., ete., 1775, 59 (Chextodon sordidus 
Glyphisodon Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 542 (Chetodon saza- 
tilis Linnzeus). : 
Euschistodus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 145 (E£. 
declivifrons Gill). 

81 The small brilliantly colored species of coral reefs in the South Seas constituting the genus Chrysiptera 
Swainson are probably separable from Abudefduf. 


3278. Abudefduf marginatus (Bloch). Pintano; Cow pilot; Jaqueta; Mojarra 

raiado; Demoiselle. 

Atlantie coast of tropical America, West Indies, to Brazil; once reported 
from Newport, R. I. 

Jaguacanguare Marcgrave, Hist. Brazil, 1648, 156, Brazil. 

Chetodon marginatus Bloch, Ichthyol., III, 1787, 98, Martinique; 
after Plumier. 

Chetodon sargoides Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 452, Mar- 

Glypshiedion moucharra Lacépéde, loc. cit., 542, Brazil. 

Glyphidodon saxatilis of authors, not of Linnzus, an Asiatic species. 

2?Chztodon mauritii Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, III, 1787, 109, 
Brazil, on a drawing by Prince Maurice. A doubtful species, 
apparently the same as A. marginatus. 

38279. Abudefduf troschelii (Gill). 
Pacific coast of Mexico; Cape San Lueas; Socorro Island; Cocos 
Islands; Galapagos. 
Glyphidodon troschelii Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
150, Cape San Lucas. 

3280. Abudefduf declivifrons (Gill). 
Pacific coast of tropical America, from Cape San Lucas southward. 
Euschistodus declivifrons Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
145, 146, Cape San Lucas. 

3281. Abudefduf analogus (Gill). 
Atlantic coast of Central America. 
Euchistodus analogus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 220, 

3282. Abudefduf taurus (Miiller and Troschel). Dovetail fish. 
Tortugas; Barbados. 
Glyphidodon taurus Miiller and Troschel, in Schomburgk, Hist. Bar- 
bados, 1848, 674, Barbados. 

Genus 1158. CENTROCHROMIS Norman. 
Centrochromis Norman, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 9, IX, 1922, 534 
(Glyphidodon rudis Poey.) 

3283. Centrochromis rudis (Poey). ‘ 
Glyphidodon rudis Poey, Memorias, IT, 1861, 191, Cuba. 

Genus 1159. HYPSYPOPS Gill. Garibaldis. 
Hypsypops Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 165 (Gly- 
phisodon rubicundus Girard). 

3284. Hypsypops rubicundus (Girard). Garibaldi; Sea goldfish; a magnificent 
and hardy aquarium fish. 
ear = California south of Monterey; abundant about Santa Catalina 
Glyphisodon rubicundus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
148, Monterey, Calif. 

Genus 1160. STEGASTES Jenyns. 
Stegastes Jenyns, Voy. Beagle, Fishes, 1842, 63 (S. imbricatus Jenyns). 
Microspathodon Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 35 (Glyphidodon chrysurus 
Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Pomataprion Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 214, 216 
(Hypsypops dorsalis Gill). 

3285. Stegastes chrysurus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Tortugas; West Indies; Cuba and St. Thomas. 
Glyphisodon chrysurus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V 
1830, 356 (476), St. Thomas. 
Pomacentrus denegatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 190, Cuba. 
3286. Stegastes bairdii (Gill). 
Pacific coast of tropical America, from Cape San Lucas to Panama. 

Pomacentrus bairdi: Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 149, 
Cape San Lucas. 


3287. Stegast2s niveatus (Poey). 
Pomacentrus niveatus Poey, Enumeratio, 1876, 102, Habana. 

3288. Stegastes dorsalis (Gill). 

Pacific coast of America, from Cape San Lucas to Mazatlan. 

Hypsypops dorsalis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. XIV, 1862, 147, 
Cape San Lueas; young. 

Pomacentrus quadrigutta Gill, loc. cit., 149, Cape San Lucas. 

Microspathodon cinereus Gilbert, Proce. Uz S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 71, 
Clarion and Socorro Islands. 

Microspathodon czurissimus Jordan and Starks, in Jordan, Proc. Calif. 
Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 478, pl. 44, Venados Islands, near Mazat- 
lan; adult. 

Family 250. CICHLIDZ.*2 Mojarras de rio 

Genus 1161. CICHLAURUS Swainson. 

Cichlaurus Swainson, Nat. Hist..Classn. Fishes, etc., II, 1839, 173, 
definition, but no type named; this is given on p. 230, where, without 
assigned reason, the name is changed to Cichlasoma. 

Cichlasoma Swainson, Nat. Hist., etc., loc. cit., 230 (Labrus punctatus 

Heros Heckel, Natterers Reise, II, 1840, 362 (Heros severus Heckel). 

3289. Cichlaurus bifasciatus (Steindachner). 
Heros bifasciatus Steindachner, Denks. Ak. Wiss. Wien, XXIII, 1864, 
60, pl. II, Mexico. 

3290. Cichlaurus angulifer (Giinther). i 
East slope of Guatemala. 
Heros angulifer Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 298, River de Santa Isabel, 

3291. Cichlaurus microphthalmus (Giinther). 
Rio Motagua, Guatemala. 
Heros micropthalmus Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 295, Rio Motagua, 

3292. Cichlaurus guttulatus (Giinther). 
Pacific drainage of Guatemala. 
Heros guttulatus Giinther, Proce. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 152, Lake 
Amatitlan, Guatemala. 

3293. Cichlaurus meeki (Hildebrand). Mojarra; Mojarra negra; Mojarra 
Lakes and rivers of El Salvador, Pacific slope of Central America. 
Cichlasoma meeki Hildebrand, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XLI, 1925, 275, 
fig. 20, Lake Guiga, El] Salvador. 
3294. Cichlaurus melanurus (Giinther). 

Lake Peten, Guatemala. 
Tleros melanurus Ginther, Cat., IV, 1862, 288, Lake Peten, Guatemala. 

3295. Cichlaurus fenestratum (Giinther). 
Atlantic slope of southern Mexico. 
Chromis fenestrata Ginther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, 318, Mexico. 

3296. Cichlaurus godmanni (Giinther). 
Atlantic slope of Guatemala. 
Heros godmanni Giinther, Cat., 1V, 1862, 296, Rio Cahabon, Guatemala. 

3297. Cichlaurus intermedius (Giinther). 
Lake Peten, Guatemala. 
Heros intermedius Gimthe ‘r, Cat., IV, 1862, 298, Lake Peten, Guatemala. 

3298. Cichlaurus deppii (Heckel). 

Heros mals Heckel, Ann. Wiener Mus., II, 1840, 382, Mexico. 

# The many species of this genus in the Mexican region are chiefly the overflow from the vast Brazilian 
fauna. The larger genera as here recognized are very closely related and were recently regarded as sub- 
genera of Cichlasoma (Cichlaurus) =IHeros Heckel; several of the species are only provisionally located and 
a few (godmani, hedricki, lentigonosus) may represent new groups not yet det.ned. 















Cichlaurus calobrensis (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Streams of Panama. 
Cichlasoma calobrense Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1913, 90, Rio Calobra, Panama. 

Cichlaurus umbrifer (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Rivers of Panama. 
Cichlasoma umbriferum Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1913, 88, Rio Cupe, Cituro, Panama. 

Genus 1162. THERAPS Giinther. 
Theraps Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 284 (7. irregularis Giinther). 
?Baiodon Agassiz, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VI, 1858, 401 (B. fas- 
ciatus Agassiz); scanty description; said to be slender as in the 
Sparoid genus Boops or Bor. 

Theraps irregularis Giinther. 
Atlantic slope of Guatemala and southern Mexico. 
Theraps irregularis Ginther, Cat., IV, 1862, 284, Guatemala. 

Theraps mojarra (Meek). 
Pacific slope of Isthmus of Tehuantepec. 
Cichlasoma mojarra Meek, Field Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 93, 217, San 
Geronimo, Oaxaca, Mexico. ; 

Theraps nebulifer (Giinther). 
Atlantic lowland streams of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. 
Heros nebulifer Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1860, 318, Mexico. 

Theraps gibbiceps (Steindachner). 
Rivers of Tabasco, Mexico. 
Heros gibbiceps Steindachner, Denks. Ak. Wiss. Wien, XXIII, 1864 
66, Pl. V, figs. 1 and 2, Rio Teapa, Tabasco, Mexico. d , 

Theraps zonatus (Meek). 
Pacific slope of Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico. 
Cichlasoma zonatum Meek, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XVIII. 1905, 245 
Niltepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. ; ; 
Baiodon fasciatus Agassiz, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VI, 1858, 408 
Lake Nicaragua. ‘ : 

Theraps eigenmanni (Meek). 
Rio Tehuacan, Mexico. 
Cichlasoma eigenmanni Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 119 
Rio Tehuacan, Mexico. : ; 

Theraps teape (Evermann and Goldsborough). 
Rio Teapa, Mexico. 
Cichlasoma teape Evermann and Goldsborough, Bull. U. S. Fish Com. 
XXI, 1901, 156, fig. 6, Rio Teapa, Mexico. ; 

Theraps frontalis (Meek). 
Turrubales, Costa Rica. 
Cichlasoma frontale Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., VIII, 1909, 210 
Turrubales, Costa Rica. ; 

Theraps punctatum (Meek). 

Buenos Aires de Terraba, Costa Rica. 

Cichlasoma punctatumeMeck, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool:, VII, 1909, 210, 
Buenos Aires de Terraba, Costa Rica; name preoccupied in Cichla- 
soma but not in Theraps. 

aheceee terrabe Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sei., 4th ser., 
XVI, Apr. 27, 1927, 507, substitute for Cichlasoma punctatum Meek, 

Theraps gadovii (Regan). 
Atlantic slope of southern Mexico. 
Cichlosoma gadovii Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1905, 232, Motozo- 
rongo, Mexico. 

Theraps milleri (Meek). 
E] Rancho, Guatemala. 
Cichlasoma milleri Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., VII, 1907, 142, 
E] Rancho, Guatemala. 
















Theraps balteatus (Gill and Bransford). 
Great Lakes of Nicaragua. 
Heros balteatus Gill and Bransford, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X XIX, 
1877, 184, Lake Nicaragua. 

Theraps nicaraguensis (Giinther). 
Great Lakes of Nicaragua. 
Heros nicaraguensis Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 153, Lake 

Theraps nigritus (Meek). 
Lake Nicaragua. 
Cichlasoma nigritum Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., VII, 1907, 
128, Lake Nicaragua. 

Theraps lentiginosus (Steindachner). 
Rivers of Mexico. 
Heros lentiginosus Steindachner, Denks. Akad. Wiss. Wien, X XIII, 1864, 
62, Pl. III, fig. 1, Mexico. 

Genus 1163. PARAPETENIA Regan. 

Hypsophrys Agassiz, Proe., Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VI, 1858, 401 (H. 
unimaculatus Agassiz); no description except that it resembles 
Chrysophrys (Sparus) and has a large round black spot on the shoulder; 
lakes of Nicaragua. 

?Parachromis Agassiz, Proc., Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VI, 1858, 401 (P. 
gulosus Agassiz); not described but said to resemble Dentex; lakes of 

Parapetenia Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XVI, 7th ser., 1905, 324 

(Acara adspersum Ginther). 

Parapetenia adspersa (Giinther). 
Acara adspersum Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 282, Barbados. 

Parapetenia dovii (Giinther). 
Great Lakes of Nicaragua. 
Heros dovii Ginther, Proce. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1864, 154, Lake Nicaragua. 

Parapetenia managuense (Giinther). 
Great Lakes of Nicaragua. 
Heros managuensis Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868 (Nov. 27), 
392, 463, pl. 77, fig. 3, Lake Managua, Nicaragua. 

Parapetenia motaguensis (Giinther). 
Atlantic slope of Guatemala. 
Heros motaguensis Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868 (Nov. 27), 
391, 462, pl. 77, fig. 2, Lake Motagua, Guatemala. 

Parapetenia friedrichstahli (Heckel). 
Lake Peten, Guatemala. 
Heros friedrichstahli Heckel, Ann. Mus. Wien, II, 1840, 381, Lake 
Peten, Guatemala. 

Parapetenia multifasciata (Regan). 
Guatemala; British Honduras. 
Cichlasoma multifasciatum Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7th ser., XVI, 

1905, 335, Lake Peten, Guatemala. 

Parapetenia salvini (Giinther). 
Atlantic slope of southern Mexico to Guatemala. _ 
Heros salvini Giinther, Cat., 1V, 1862, 294, Rio de Santa Isabel, Guate- 
Heros triagramma Steindachner, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, XXIII, 
1864, 70, Taf. 3, fig. 2, central Mexico. 

Parapetenia urophthalma (Giinther). 
Atlantic slope of southern Mexico to Guatemsla; British Honduras 
and Yucatan. 
Heros urophthalmus Ginther, Cat., IV, 1862, 291, Lake Peten. 

Parapetenia istlana (Jordan and Snyder). 
Rio Balsas, Mexico. 
Heros istlanus Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1899, 
144, fig. 21, Rio Ixtla at Puente de Ixtla, Mexico. 

















Parapetenia tetracantha (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Viajaca. 
Rivers of Cuba. 
Centrarchus tetracanthus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
VII, 1831, 346 (460), Habana. 
Chromis fusco—maculatus Guichenot, in Ramon de la Sagra, Hist. Ile 
Cuba, Poiss., 1853, 78, pl. 2, fig. 3, Habana. 

Parapetenia ae torralbasi (Eigenmann). 
Cuba; Calabazar, Almendares River; San Cristobal; Los Palacios. 
Heros tetracanthus torralbasi Eigenmann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XXII, 
1902, 230, fig. 11, Calabazar. Cuba 

Parapetenia tetracantha grisea (Eigenmann). 
San Antonio, Cuba. 
Heros tetracanthus griseus Eigenmann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XXII, 
1902, 233, San Antonio, Cuba. 

Parapetenia tetracantha lata (Higenmann). 
San Juan, Cuba. 
Heros tetracanthus latus Eigenmann, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XXII, 
1902, 234, San Juan, Cuba. 

Parapetenia tetracantha cincta (Eigenmann). 
Paso Real, Cuba. 
Heros tetracanthus cinctus Eigenmann, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XXII, 
1902, 234, fig. 16, Paso Real, Cuba. 

Parapetenia parma (Giinther). 
Mexico and Guatemala. 
Heros parma Ginther, Cat., IV, 1862, 285, Mexico and Guatemala. 

Parapetenia nigricans (Kigenmann). 
Pinar del Rio, Cuba. 
Heros nijricans Eigenmann, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XXII, 1902, 235, 
fig. 17, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. 
Parapetenia steindachneri (Jordan and Snyder). 
Lower portion of the basin of the Rio Panuco and Rio Verde, Mexico. 
Cichlasoma steindachneri Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., 
XIX, 1899, 143, fig. 20, Rio Verde, Mexico. 

Parapetenia bartoni (Bean). 
Upland portion of the Rio Verde in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 
Acara bartoni Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XV, 1892, 286, Pl. XLIV, 
fig. 3, Huasteca Potosina, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 

Parapetenia labridens (Pellegrin). 
Upland portion of the Rio Verde in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 
Heros labridens Pellegrin, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1903, 122, 
Huasteca, Potosi, Mexico. 

Parapetenia beani (Jordan). Mojarra verde. 
Lowland streams of Sinaloa and Jalisco. 
Heros beani Jordan, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., XI, 1888, 332, Rio Presidio, 
near Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Parapetenia tenuis (Meek). 
Atlantic slope of the isthmus of Tehuantepec; Achatol; Vera Cruz, 
Cichlasoma tenue Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., VII, 1906, 94, 
Achotal, Vera Cruz, Mexico. 

Parapetenia centralis (Meek). 
Pacific slope of Guatemala; Caballo Blanco. 
Cichlasoma centrale Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., VII, 1906, 94, 
Caballo Blanco, Guatemala. 

Parapetenia alfari (Meek). 
Atlantic slope of Costa Rica; Turrialba. 
Cichlasoma alfari Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., VII, 1907, 148, 
Turrialba, Costa Rica. 

Parapetenia mento (Vaillant and Pellegrin). 
Southern Mexico. 
Heros mento Vaillant and Pellegrin, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1902, 
88, Rio Negro, southern Mexico. 


3340. Parapetenia trimaculata (Giinther). 
Pacific coast streams of southern Mexico and Guatemala. 
Heros trimaculatum Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soe. Lond., VI, 1868, 461, 
pl. 76 (Nov. 27), Chiapam and Huamuchal, Mexico. 

Genus 1164. ARCHOCENTRUS Gill. 
Archocentrus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X XIX, 1877, 186 
(Heros centrarchus Gill and Bransford). 

3341. Archocentrus centrarchus (Gill and Bransford). 
Great Lakes of Nicaragua. 
Heros centrarchus Gill and Bransford, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
X XIX, 1877, 185, Lake Nicaragua. 

3342. Archocentrus nigrofasciatus (Giinther). 
Lakes Amatitlan and Atitlan, Guatemala. 
Heros nigrofasciatus Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868, 391, 
452, pl. 74, fig. 3, Lakes Amatitlan and Atitlan. 

3343. Archocentrus spilurus (Giinther). 
Rio Motagua and Lake Isabel, Guatemala. 
Heros spilurus Ginther, Cat., aig 1862, 289, Lake Yzabal, Guten aie 

3344. Archocentrus spinosissimus (Vaillant and Pellegrin). 
Rio Polochic, Guatemala. 
Heros (Cichlasoma) spinosissimus Vaillant and Pellegrin, Bull. Mus. 
Hist. Nat. Paris, 1902, 87, Rio Polochic, Guatemala. 

3345. Archocentrus immaculatus (Pellegrin). 
Rio Palochic, Guatemala. 
Cichlasoma spinosissimum immaculatum Pellegrin, Mém. Soc. Zool. 
France, XVI, 1903, 225, Rio Palochic, Geatentales 

Genus 1165. ASTATHEROS * Pellegrin. 
Astatheros Pellegrin, Mém. Soc. Zool. France, 1833, 205 (Heros hetero- 
dontus Vaillant and Pellegrin). 
Erythrichthys Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., VII, 1907, 118, 121 
(Heros citrinellus Giinther) ; ; name twice preoccupied as Erythrichthys. 

3346. Astatheros heterodontus (Vaillant and Pellegrin). 
Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico. 
Heros heterodontus Vaillant and Pellegrin, Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist., Paris, 
1902, 86, Isthmus of Tehuantepec. 

3347. Astatheros evermanni (Meek). 
Pacific slope of Isthmus of Tehuantepec. 
Cichlasoma evermanni Meek, Field Col. Mus. Zool., _V, 1904, 214, fig. 
70, Rio Tehuantepec, Tehuantepec, Mexico. ‘ 

3348. Astatheros robertsoni (Regan). 
British Honduras. 
Cichlasoma robertsoni Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, XVI, 
1905, 239, Stann Creek, British Honduras. ' 

3349. Astatheros lethrinus (Regan). 
Rio Iroquois, Costa Rica. 
Cichlasoma lethrinus Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, IT, 1908, 462, 
Rio Iroquois, Costa Rica. 

3350. Astatheros dorsatus (Meck). 
Lake Managua, Nicaragua. 
Cichlasoma dorsatum Meek, Field Col. Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., VII, 
1907, 123, Lake Managua. 

3351. Astatheros longimanus (Giinther). 
Lake Nicaragua. 
Heros longimanus Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868 (Nov. 27), 
391, 453, pl. 72, fig. 2, Lake Nicaragua. 
3352. Astatheros altifrons (Kner and Steindachner). 
Panama and Colombia. 
Heros altifrons Kner and Steindachner, Sitz. Bayer. Akad., 1863, 223, 

*8 This group is usually united with the two large-lipped species lahiatus and lobochilus, to which the 
name Amphilophus was given earlier. Citrinellus and Erythrzus seem intermediate. 

















Astatheros laure (Regan). 
Tampico, Mexico. 
Cichlasoma laure Regan, Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist., 8th ser., 2, 1908, 223, 
Tampico, Mexico. 

Astatheros margaritifer (Giinther). 
Lake Peten, Guatemala. 
Heros margaritifer Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 287, Lake Peten. 
Heros mei ne aa Steindachner, Denks. Akad. Wiss. Wien, XXIII, 
1864, 72, pl. 1, fig. 3, Central ‘America. 

Astatheros eeakeic a (Regan). 
Guapote, Mexico. ; 
Cichiosoma sexfasciatum Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), XVI, 1905, 
230, Guapote, Mexico. 

Astatheros septemfasciatus (Regan). 
Costa Rica. 
Cichiosoma septemfasciatum Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, ser. 8, 
1908, 461, Rio Iroquois, Costa Rica. 

Astatheros basilaris (Gill and Bransford). 
Lake Nicaragua. 
Heros basiiaris Gill and Bransford, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.Phila., XXIX, 
1877, 182, Lake Nicaragua. 

Astatheros rectangularis (Steindachner). 
Acara rectangulare Steindachner, Chromiden Mejicos, 1364, pl. 1, fig. 1, 
1, Mexico. 

Astatheros maculicauda (Regan). 
Atlantic slope of Guatemala and Panama. 
Cichlosoma_ maculicauda Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XVI, ser. 7, 
1905, 227, Lake -Yzabal, Rio Motagua, and Rio Chagres. 

Astatheros tuyrensis (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Rivers of Panama. 
Cichlasoma tuyrensis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat.. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1913, 89, Rio Tuyra, Boca de Cupa, Panama. 

Astatheros oblongus (Giinther). 
Rio Motagua; Guatemala. 
Heros oblongus Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868 (Nov. 27), 
392, 464, Rio Motagua, Guatemala 

Astatheros montezuma (Heckel). 
Heros montezuma Heckel, Ann. Wiener Mus., II, 1840, 382, Mexico. 

Astatheros globosum (Miller). 
Puerto Barrios, Guatemala. 
Cichlasoma globosum Miller, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXIII, 
1907, 114, fig. 4, Puerto Barrios, Guatemala. - 

Astatheros rostratum (Gill and Bransford). 
Great Lakes of Nicaragua. 
Heros rostratus Gill and Bransford, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci: Phila., XXIX, 
1877, 181, Lake Nicaragua. 

Astatheros hedricki (Meek). 
Large Atlantic slope rivers of Mexico, south of Vera Cruz. 
Cichlasoma hedricki Meek, Field Col. ‘Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 208, fig. 66, 
Obispo, Vera Cruz, Mexico. 

Astatheros octofasciatus (Regan). 
Atlantic slope, Isthmus of Tehuantepec to British ie duvan 
Heros octofasciatus Regan, Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Geneva, Rev. Suisse, 
Zool., 1903, 417, pl. 13, fig. 1, Mexico. i 

Antatheros granadense (Meek). ‘ + 
Lake Nicaragua. 
Cichlasoma granadense Meek, Field Mus. Nat: Hist., Zool., VII, 1907, 
121, Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua, Granada. 















Astatheros citrinellus (Giinther). 
Great Lakes of Nicaragua. 
Heros citrinellus Ginther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 153, Lake 

Astatheros erythreum (Giinther). 
Great lakes of Nicaragua. 
Heros erythreus Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond, VI, 1868 (Nov. 27), 
391, 457, pl. 75, fig. 2, Lake Managua. 

Genus 1166. AMPHILOPHUS Agassiz. 

Amphilophus Agassiz, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VI, 1858, 401 (A. 
frebeli Agassiz); a large-lipped species from Lake Nicaragua not 
otherwise described, probably labiatus; these species, labiatus and 
lobochilus, have been placed in Astatheros, but the name Amphilophus 
has priority. 

Amphilophus labiatus (Giinther). 
Great lakes of Nicaragua. 
Heros labiatum Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 27, Pl. IV, fig. 1, 
Lake Nicaragua. 

Amphilophus lobochilus (Giinther). 
Lake Managua, Nicaragua. 
Heros lobochilus Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868 (Nov. 27), 
391,457, plied; fg 1, Lake Managua, Nicaragua. 

Genus 1167. THORICHTHYS Meek. 
Thorichthys Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 222 (T. elliott Meek). 

Thorichthys ellioti Meek. 
Atlantic slope of Vera Cruz to Guatemala. 
Thorichthys elliott Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., V, 1904, 223, Motzos 
rongo, Vera Cruz, Mexico. 

Thorichthys callolepis (Regan). 
Atlantic slope of Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico. 
Heros callolepis Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, XIII, 1904, 258, 
San Domingo de Guzman, Mexico. 

Thorichthys aureus (Giinther). 
Atlantic slope, Vera Cruz, Mexico, to Guatemala. 
Heros aureus Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 292, Lake Yzabal, Guatemala. 

Thorichthys affinis (Giinther). 
Lake Peten, Guatemala. 
Heros affinis Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 292, Lake Peten. 

Thorichthys acutus (Miller). 
Small tributaries of the Rio Motagua, Guatemala. 
Cichlasoma acutum Miller, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXIII, 1907, 
117, fig. 6, Rio Tenedores, Guatemala. 

Thorichthys helleri (Steindachner). 
Lowland streams of Mexico emptying into the Gulf south of Vera Cruz. 
Heros helleri Steindachner, Denks. Akad. Wiss. Wien, X XIII, 1864, 64, 
Pl. IV, fig. 1, Rio Teapa, Tabasco, Mexico. 
Heros maculipinnis Steindachner, loc. cit., 69, Pl. IV, fig. 2, Rio Zanopa, 
Genus 1168. HERICHTHYS Baird and Girard. 
Herichthys Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
25 (H. cyanoguttatus Baird and Girard). 

Herichthys cyanoguttatus Baird and Girard. 
East slope of Mexico from Rio Grande to Rio Panuco. 
Herichtys cyanoguttatus Baird and Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. “‘Phite. 
VII, 1854, 25, Rio Grande, Brownsville, Tex. 
Heros ‘teporatus Fowler, loc. cit., LV, 1¢03, 321, Victoria, spacers 

Herichthys pavonaceus (Garman). 
Spring near Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico. 
Heros pavonaceus Garman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., VIII, 1881, 93, 
spring near Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico. 













Herichthys bocourti (Vaillant and Pellegrin). 
Lake Isabel, Guatemala 
Neetroplus bocourti Vaillant and Pellegrin, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, 
1902, 85, Lake Isabel, Guatemala. 

Herichthys carpintis (Jordan and Snyder). 
Rio Panuco, Mexico, and its lowland tributaries. 
Neetroplus carpintis Jordan and Snyder, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 
1899, 146, fig. 22, Laguna de Carpinte, Tampico, Mexico. 

Herichthys troscheli (Steindachner). 
Heros troscheli Steindachner, Ichthyologische Notizen, IV, 1867, 12, 

Genus 1169. TOMOCICHLA Regan. 
Tomocichla Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, ser. 8, 1908, 463 (Herich- 
thys underwoodi Regan). 

Tomocichla underwoodi (Regan). 
Costa Rica. 
Herichthys underwoodi Regan, Biol. Central Amer., Pisces, 1908, 30, 
Costa Rica. 

Tomocichla geddesi (Regan). 
Southern Mexico. 
Herichthys geddesi Regan, Ann. Mag. Hist., XVI, ser. 7, 1905, 436, 
southern Mexico. 

Genus 1170. PETENIA Giinther. 
Petenia Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 301 (P. splendida Giinther). 

Petenia splendida Giinther. 
Lake Peten, Guatemala; Montecristo; Frontera. 
Petenia splendida Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 301, Lake Peten, Guatemala. 

Genus 1171. PARANEETROPLUS Regan. e 
Paraneetroplus Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XVI, ser. 7, 1905, 436 
(P. bulleri Regan). 

Paraneetroplus bulleri Regan. 
Rio de Sarabia, Mexico, 
Paraneetroplus bulleri Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XVI, ser. 7, 1905, 
437, Rio de Sarabia, Mexico. 

Genus 1172. NEETROPLUS Giinther. 
Neetroplus Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. VI, 1866, 469 (N. nema- 
topus Ginther). 

Neetroplus sieboldii (Kner and Steindachner). 
New Granada, and from the Pacifie slope of Panama. 
Heros sieboldit Kner and Steindachner, Abhandl. Bayer Akad. Wiss., 
X, 1864, 13, pl. 2, fig. 2, Panama, Colombia. 

Neetroplus nematopus Giinther. 
Great lakes of Nicaragua. 
Neetroplus nematopus Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868 
(Nov. 27), 392, 470, pl. 74, fig. 4, Lake Managua. 

Genus 1173. HEROTILAPIA Regan. 
Herotilapia Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., V, 38 (Tilapia buettikofert 

Herotilapia multispinosa (Giinther). 
Great lakes of Nicaragua. 
Heros multispinosus Giinther, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., VI, 1868 (Nov. 
27), 391, 453, pl. LX XIV, fig. 2, Lake Managua. 

Genus 1174. HQUIDENS Eigenmann and Bray. 
Aiquidens Eigenmann and Bray, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1894, 616 
(Acara tetramerus Heckel). 

#quidens ceruleopunctata (Kner and Steindachner). 
Panama to northwest Ecuador. 
Acara ceruleopunctata Kner and Steindachner, Sitz. Bayer. Akad., 
1863, 222, northwest Ecuador. 


Genus 1175. GEOPHAGUS Heckel. 
Geophagus Heckel, Ann. Mus. Wien, II, 1840. 383 (G. magasema 
Heckel=Sparus surinamensis Bloch). 
Mesops Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 311. (Geophagus cupido Heckel). 
Satanoperca Giinther, loc. cit., 312 (Geophagus demon Heckel). 

Subgenus SATANOPERCA Giinther. 

3391. Geophagus crassilabris Steindachner. 
Geophagus (Satanoperca) crassilabris Steindachner, Sitz. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1876, 74, 65, Pl. VII, Panama. 

Family 251. LABRIDA 

Genus 1176. CENTROLABRUS Giinther. Rock cooks. 
Centrolabrus Giinther, Cat., [V, 1862, 92 (Labrus exoletus Linnzeus). 

3392. Centrolabrus exoletus (Linnzus). Rock cook. 
Coast of northern Europe south to Cornwall; Greenland. 
Labrus exoletus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 287, Atlantic Ocean. 
Labrus pentacanthus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1803, 503; after 
Crenilabrus microstoma Couch, in Thompson, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1837, 55, Cornwall. 

Genus 1177. TAUTOGOLABRUS Giinther. Cunners. 
Tautogolabrus Giinther, Cat., [V, 1862, 89 (Ctenolabrus bergall Giinther = 
Labrus adspersus Walbaum). 

3393. Tautogolabrus adspersus (Walbaum). Cunner; Chogset; Blue perch; 

Bergall; Berg-gylt; Nibbler; Conner; Gall Bengal. 

Atlantie coasts of North America from Labrador to Sandy Hook. 

Labrus adspersus Walbaum, Artedi Piscium, 1792, 254, no loeality; 
after Bergall of Schopf. 

Tautoga niger Mitchill, Report, in part, in Fishes of New York, 1814, 
23, New York. 

Tautoga cerulea Mitchill, Report, loc. cit., 1814, 24, New York. 

Labrus chogset Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 402, pl. 3, 
fig. 2, New York. : ‘ 

Labrus chogset fulva Mitchill, loc. cit., 1815, 403, New York. 

Ctenolabrus uninotatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XIII, 1839, 174 (239), New York. 

Ctenolabrus bergall Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 90, Canada. 

Genus 1178. TAUTOGA Mitchill. Tautogs. 
Hiatula Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 522; name preoccupied. 
Tautoga Mitchill, Rept. Fishes New York, 1814, 23 (T. niger Mitchill = 
Labrus tautoga Mitchill= Labrus onitis Linnzus). 

3394. Tautoga onitis (Linneus). Tautog; Blackfish; Oysterfish; Tautoga; 

Smooth blackfish; Cub; Sea dog. 

Atlantic cost of United States; Cape Ann to Charleston. 

Labrus onitis Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 286, locality unknown. 

Labrus hiatula Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, 1766, 475, Carolinas. 

Labrus carolinus Bonnaterre, Tableau Encycloped. et Méthod., Ichthyo- 
logie, 1788, 113, Carolinas. 

Labrus subfucus Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, 254; after Schépf. 

?Labrus tassellatus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, VI, 1792, pl. 8, 

Hiatula gardeniana Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 522, Carolinas. 

Labrus americanus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 261; after 

Labrus tautoga Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 398, Long 
Island; Rhode Island; Cape Cod; Sandy Circle. 

Tautoga fusca Mitchill, Rept. Fish. N. Y., 1814, 23, New York. 

Tautoga rubens Mitchill, loc. cit., 23, New York. 

Tautoga alia Mitchill, loc. cit., 28, New York. 

Tautoga niger Mitchill, loc. cit., 23, New York. 


Genus 1179. .ACHNOLAIMUS Cuvier and Valenciennes. Capitaines. 
Lachnolaimus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIII, 1839, 
200 (274) (L. aigula Cuvier and Valenciennes= Labrus maximus 
Lachnolemus Giinther; corrected spelling. 

3395. Lachnolaimus maximus (Walbaum). Capitaine; Perro perro; Hogfish. 

West Indies, north to Key West and the Bermudas. 

Suillus Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carol., II, 1743, 15, pl. 15; no locality; 
probably Bahamas. 

Labrus mazimus Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 261, no locality; after 

Lachnolaimus suillus Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 2, II, 1829, 257; after 

Lachnolaimus aigula Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIII, 
1839, 202 (277), pl. 378, St. Bartholomew. 

Lachnolaimus dux Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 208 (285), Mar- 

icieianat caninus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 210 (288), 
St. Thomas; San Domingo. 

Lachnolaimus ’ psittacus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 212 (291); 
Porto Rico. 

Genus 1180. BODIANUS Bloch. 

Bodianus Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, IV, 1790, 31, 33 (B. bodianus 
Bloch=Labrus rufus Linnzus); in part; type by tautonomy; not by 
first restriction to species of Cephalopholis. 

Harpe Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 426 (H. cxruleoaureum 
Lacépéde= Labrus rufus Linnzeus). 

Cossyphus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., XIII, 1839, 102 (Bodianus 
bonus Bloch); name twice preoc cupied. 

Crenilabrus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Amphib., etc., II, 1839 (Lutianus 
verres Bloch=Labrus rufus Linneus) ; name preoccupied. 

3396. Bodianus rufus (Linnzus). Ladyfish; Spanish ladyfish; Spanish hogfish; 
Pudiano; Perro colorado. 
West Indies, north to Key West, south to Rio de Janeiro. 
Labrus rufus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 284, America; after 
Pudiano vermelho Marcgrave, Hist. Bras., 1648, 145, Brazil. 
Turdus flavus Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina, II, 17438, 11, pl. 11, fig. 1, 

Perro colorado Parra, Descr. Dif. Piez. Hist. Nat. Cuba, 1787, 3, lam. 3, 
fig. 1, Habana. 
bi seri pa bodianus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, IV, 1790, 33, 

?Lutjanus verres Bloch, loc. cit., V, 1791, 9, locality uncertain. 
?Sparus falcatus Bloch, loc. cit., 20, Martinique; after Plumier. 
Labrus semiruber Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., III, 1802, 428, Rio 
Bodianus blochii Lacépéde, loc. cit., IV, 1803, 279; after Bloch. 
Harpe coeruleo—aureus Lacépéde, loc. cit., 426, pl. 8, fig. 2, Martinique. 
3397. Bodianus diplotenia (Gill). 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Cape San Lucas; Panama; Revilla- 
gigedo Islands; Mazatlan. 
Harpe diplotenia Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 140, 
Cape San Lucas; female. 
Harpe pectoralis Gill, loc. cit., 141, Cape San Lucas; male. 
3398. Bodianus pulchellus (Poey). 
Cossyphus pulchellus Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 208, Habana. 
Genus 1181. DECODON Giinther. 
Decodon Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 101 (Cossyphus puellaris Poey). 
3399. Decodon puelliaris (Poey). 

West Indies; Cuba; Barbados; Snapper Banks off Pensacola, Fla, 
Cossyphus puellaris Poey, Memorias, II, 186, 2101, Habana. 


Genus 1182. PIMELOMETOPON Gill. Fatheads. 

Pimelometopon Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 58 (Labrus 
pulcher Ayres). 

3400. Pimelometopon pulcher (Ayres). California redfish; Fathead; Sheeps- 

Southern California, from Point Conception to Ascension Island, Lower 
pri pulcher Ayres, Proce. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854, 3, San Diego, 

Genus 1183. CLEPTICUS Cuvier. 
Clepticus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 261 (Rabirubia genizara 
Parra=Brama parre Bloch and Schneider). 

3401. Clepticus parre (Bloch and Schneider). Genizara; Janissary; Creole. 
West Indies. 
Rabirubia genizara Parra, Dif. Piezas de Hist. Nat. Cuba, 1787, 44, 
pl. 21, fig. 1, Habana; author not binomial. 
Brama parre Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 100, Habana. 

Family 252. CORID 

Genus 1184. IRIDIO ** Jordan and Evermann. Doncellas. 

Halicheres Riipell, Neue Wirbelthiere, Fische, 1835, 17 (bimaculatus) ; 
not Halicherus Nillson, 1820, a genus of seals. 

Hermiulis Swainson, Nat. Hist. Classn. Fishes, II, 1839 228, (Labrus 
guttatus Bloch); as restricted by Bonaparte (1841); restricted by 
Swain (1882) to Cheilio auratus Quoy and Gaimard. 

Parajulis Bleeker, Ned. Tijdschr. Dierk., II, 1865, 251 (Julis pacilopterus 
Temminck and Schlegel). 

Tridio Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 412 (Jwlis dimidiotus 
Agassiz= Labrus cyanocephalus Bloch). 

8402. Iridio radiata (Linneus). Puddingwife; Doncella; Pudiano verde. 

West Indies, Brazil north to Florida Keys, Bermuda, and St. Paul 

Labrus radiatus Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 288, Bahamas; 
based on Catesby. 

Pudiano verde Marcgrave, Hist. Pisce. Brasil., 1648, 146, Brazil. 

Turdus oculo—-radiato Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina, II, 1748, 12, pl. 
12, fig. 1, Bahamas. 

Doncella Parra, Desc. Dif. Piez. Hist. Nat. Cuba, 1787, 95, lam. 37, 
fig. 1, Habana. 

Labrus brasiliensis Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, V, 1791, 125, 

Julis crotaphus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 258; after Parra. 

Julis cyanostigma Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. ’Poiss., XIE 
1839, 286 (391), Martinique. 

Julis opalina Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc cit., 287 (392), Martinique. 

Julis patatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 291 (398), Martinique; 

Julis principis Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 294 (402), Bahia. 

3403. Iridio bivittata * (Bloch). Slippery dick; Doncella. 

West Indies, north to Beaufort, N. C., and south to Brazil. 

Labrus bivittatus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, V, 1791, 133, from a 
painting by Plumier made at Martinique. 

Sparus radiatus Linneus. Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 472, Carolinas. 

Labrus psittaculus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IU, 1800, 452, Mar- 
tinique; after Plumier. 

Julis humeralis Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 212, Cuba. 

Cherojulis grandisquamis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 
206, Beaufort, N. C. 

Cherojulis arangoit Poey, Enumeratio, 1876, 109, Habana. 

Platyglossus florealis Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 287, Pensacola, Fla. 

« This genus is very close to the Old World genus Halicheres. 
% Regarded by some authors as the young of /ridio rudiata. 















Iridio cyanocephalus (Bloch). 
West Indies, south to Brazil. 
Labrus cyanocephalus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, V, 1791, 139, 
location unknown; Museum of Link. 
Julis dimidiatus Agassiz, in Spix, Pisce. Bras., 1829, 96, pl. 53, Brazil. 
Julis internasalis Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 421, Cuba. 

Iridio maculipinna (Miller and Troschel). 
West Indies to Beaufort, N. C. 
Julis maculipinna Miller and Troschel, in Schomburgk, Hist. Barbados, 
1848, 674, Barbados. 

Iridio garnoti (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
West Indies, Cuba, Martinique, St. Croix. 
Julis garnoti Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIII, 1839, 
285 (390), Martinique. 
Julis cinctus Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 211, Cuba. 
Julis ruptus Poey, loc. cit., 212, Cuba. 

Iridio kirschii Jordan and Evermann. 
Cuba to Brazil. 
Julis crotaphus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIII, 
1839, 289 (395), Bahia; not of Cuvier. 
Ne kirschit Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 413, Bahia, 

Iridio poeyi (Steindachner). 
Platyglossus poeyi Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, VI, 1867, 49, Surinam. 

Iridio caudalis (Poey). 
Julis caudalis Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 213, Habana. 

Iridio pictus (Poey). 
West Indies, north to the Paanye Banks off Pensacola, Fla. 
Julis pictus Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 214, Cuba. 

Iridio elegans Bean. 
Bermudas to Curayao. 
Iridio elegans Bean, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., VII, 1906, 65, fig. 6, 
Nonesuch Island, Bermudas. 
Iridio similis Nichols. 
Iridio similis Nichols, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXXIII, 1920, 61, 

Iridio frenatus Nichols. 
Iridio frenatus Nichols, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXXIII, 1920, 61, 

Iridio decoratus Bean. 
Tridio decoratus Bean, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XIX, 1906, 29, Nonesuch 
Island, Bermudas. 

Iridio meyeri Bean. 
Iridio meyeri Bean, Proce. Biol. Soc. Wash., XIX, 1906, 29, Nonesuch 
Island, Bermudas. 

Iridio microstomus Bean. 
Iridio microstomus Bean, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XIX, 1906, 30, None- 
such Island, Bermudas. 
Iridio semicinctus (Ayres). Kelpfish; Senorita. 
Southern California, Santa Barbara Islands to Cedros Island. 
Julis semicinctus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1859, 32, 
Cerros {Cedros] Island, off coast of Lower California. 
Iridio dispilus (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of tropical America, Mazatlan to Panama. 
Platyglossus dispilus Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 25, Panama, 











Iridio nicholsi (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Revillagigedo and Galapagos Islands. 
Platyglossus nicholsi Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 231, Braithwaite Bay, Socorro Island. 

Iridio sellifer (Gilbert). 
Revillagigedo Archipelago. 
Halicheres sellifer Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 67, 
Clarion Island. 

Genus 1185. OXYJULIS Gill. Seforitas. 
Oxyjulis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 330 (Julis 
modestus Girard). 

Oxyjulis californicus (Giinther). Senorita. 
Cone of southern California; common from Monterey to Guadalupe 
Julis modestus Giratd; Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 151, 
San Diego, Monterey, San Miguel; preoccupied. : 
Halicheres californicus Ginther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, VIII, 
1861, 386, name only; substitute for Julis modestus, preoccupied. 

Genus 1186. PSEUDOJULIS Bleeker. 
Pseudojulis Bleeker, Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1861, 412 (P. girardi 


Pseudojulis inornatus Gilbert. 
Pacifie coast of Mexico; only the type known. 
Pseudojulis inornatus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus.,XI II, 1890, 67, 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 

Pseudojulis melanotis Gilbert. 
Pacific coast of Mexico; only the type known. 
Pseudojulis melanotis Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 66, 
Pacifie coast of Mexico. 

Genus 1187. EMMEEKIA Jordan and Evermann. 
Emmeekia Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 413 (Pabud ilies 
venustus Jenkins and Evermann). 

Emmeekia venusta (Jenkins and Evermann). 
Gulf of California. 
Pseudojulis venustus Jenkins and Evermann, Proc.'U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
XI, 1888, 145, Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. 

Genus 1188. JULIDIO Jordan and Evermann. 
Julidio Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 413 (Pseudojulis 
adustus Gilbert). 

Julidio adustus (Gilbert). 
Revillagigedo Islands. 
Pseudojulis adustus Gilbert, Proce. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 66, 
Socorro Island. 

Julidio notospilus (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of Mexico, Panama, and Clarion Island of Revillagigedo 
Pseudojulis notospilus Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 26, 

Genus 1189. THALASSOMA Swainson. 
Thalassoma Swainson, Nat. Hist: Class. Fishes, II,-1839, 224 (Labrus 
purpureus Rippell). 
Chlorichthys Swainson, loc. cit., 232 (Labrus bifasciatus Bloch). 
Julis Giinther, not of Cuvier and: Valenciennes. 













Thalassoma bifasciatum (Bloch). 

West Indies; Tortugas; Jamaica; Cuba; San Domingo; and Martinique. 

?Labrus bifasciatus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, V, 1791, 131, 
West Indies. 

Labrus bifasciatus torquatus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 
243, Antilles; after Gronow. 

Julis detersor Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIII, 1839, 
298 (408), San Domingo. 

Labrus ornatus Gronow, Syst. Nat., ed. Gray, 1854, 83, Antilles. 

Julis gillianus Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 214, Cuba. 

?Julis nitida Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 190, Jamaica 

Thalassoma socorroensis Gilbert. 
Revillagigedo Archipelago. 
Thalassoma socorroense Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 69, 

Socorro Island. 

Thalassoma nitidum (Giinther). 
West Indies; Jamaica; Tortugas. 
Julis nitida Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 190, Jamaica. 
Julis nitidissima Goode, Am. Jour. Sci. Arts, XIV, 1877, 293, Bermuda, 

Thalassoma grammaticum Gilbert. 
Revillagigedo Archipelago. 
Thalassoma grammaticum Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 
68, Socorro Island; Clarion Island. 

Thalassoma virens Gilbert. 
Revillagigedo Archipelago. 
Thalassoma virens Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 68, 
Socorro Island. 

Thalassoma lucasanum (Gill). 

Gulf of California, Cape San Lucas to Mazatlan and Tres Marias 
Islands; Panama Bay. 

Julis lucasanus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 142, 
Cape San Lucas. 

Thalassoma steindachneri (Jordan). 
Acapulco, Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Thalassoma steindachneri Jordan, Rept. U.S. Fish Com., XV, 1887, 
654, Acapulco; after Steindachner. 
Julis ‘melanochir Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., III, 1875, 63, Acapulco; 
not of Bleeker. 

Genus 1190. DORATONOTUS Giinther. 
Doratonotus Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 124 (D. megalepis Giinther). 

Doratonotus megalepis Giinther. 
West Indies, north to Key West. 
Doratonotus megalepis Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 125, St. Christopher. 
Doratonotus thalassinus Jordan and Gilbert, Procy. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
VII, 1884, 28, Key West, Fla. 

Doratonotus decoris Evermann and Marsh. 
Porto Rico. 
Doratonotus decoris Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., 
XXV, 1899, 354, Ponce, Porto Rico. 

Doratonotus boekei Metzelaar. 
Caribbean Sea. 
Doratonotus boekei Metzelaar, Trop. Atlant. Visschen, 1919, 107, fig. 31, 
Curacao, Bonaire. 
Genus 1191. XYRULA Jordan. 
Xyrula Jordan, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XV, 1887, 656 (Xyrichthys 
jessie Jordan). 
Xyrula jessie (Jordan). 
Snapper Banks off Tampa, Fla. 
Nyrichthys jessie Jordan, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1887, 698, off 
Tampa Bay, Fla. 














Genus 1192. NOVACULICHTHYS Bleeker. 
Novaculichthys Bleeker, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1861, 414 (Labrus 
teniurus Bloch). . 
Dimalacocenirus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 223 
(Novacula kallasoma Bleeker). 

Novaculichthys martinicensis (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Xyrichthys martinicensis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XIV, 1839, 37 (49), Martinique. 
Xyrichthys vitta Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 38 (51), no locality. 

Novaculichthys infirmus (Bean). 
Cozumel, Yucatan. ; 
Xyrichthys infirmus Bean, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., VIII, 1888, 199, pl. 
29, fig. 2, Cozumel. 

Novaculichthys rosipes (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Key West; Florida; Tortugas. 
Xyrichthys rosipes Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 
1884, 27, Key West, Tortugas. 

Novaculichthys ventralis (Bean). 
Cozumel Island, Yucatan. 
Xyrichthys ventralis Bean, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., VIII, 1888, 198, pl. 
29, fig. 1, Cozumel, Yucatan. 

Genus 1193. XYRICHTHYS Cuvier. Razorfishes. 
Xyrichthys Cuvier, Mém. Mus. d’Hist.'Nat., I, 1815, 324, 329 (X. 
novacula Cuvier). 
Novacula Cuvier, Régne Anim., Ed. I, 1817, 265 (Coryphena novacula 
Amorphocephalus Bowdich, Exe. Madeira, 1825, 238 (A. granulatus 

Xyrichthys psittacus (Linneus). Razorfish. 
West Indies, north to Pensacola and Charleston. 
Coryphena psittacus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, 1766, 448, Charles- 
FON. Ce 
Coryphena lineata Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1788, 1195, Charleston, S. C. 
Xyrichthys venustus Poey, Enumeratio, 1876, 110, Martinique. 
Xyrichihys vermiculatus Poey, Memor‘s, II, 1860, 215, Cuba. 

Xyrichthys mundiceps Gill. 
Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 
Xyrichthys mundiceps Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
143, Cape San Lucas. 

Xyrichthys modestus Poey. 
Xyrichthys modestus Poey, Rcpertorio, II, 1867, 238, Cuba. 

Xyrichthys’ binghami Mowbray. 
Bahama Islands. 
XAyrichthys binghami Mowbray, Marine Life, I, Apr. 2, 1925, 1, Cay Sal 
Bank, Bahamas. 
Genus 1194. INIISTIUS Gill. 
Iniistius Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 143 (Xyrichthys 
pavo Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Iniistius pavoninus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Hawaii and Pacifie coast of Mexico. 
Xyrichthys pavoninus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIV, 
1839, 63, Hawaii. 
Iniistius mundicorpus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 162, 
145, Cape San Lucas. 
Genus 1195. BERMUDICHTHYS Nichols. 
Bermudichthys Nichols, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XX XIII, 1920, 62 (B. 
subfurcatus Nichols). 
Bermudichthys subfurcatus Nichols. i 
Bermudichthys .subfurcatus Nichols, Proc. Biol. Soe. Wash., XXXIII, 
1920, 62, Bermuda. 












Family 253. SPARISOMIDZ 

Genus 1196. CRYPTOTOMUS Cope. 
Cryptotomus Cope, Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., XIV, 1870, 462 (C. roseus 
Nicholsina Fowler, Copeia, No. 14, 1915, 3 (Cryptotomus beryllinus 
Jordan and Swain). 

Subgenus CRYPTOTOMUS Cope. 

Cryptotomus roseus Cope. 
West Indies, south to Brazil. 
Cryptotomus roseus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1871, 462, St. 
Martins, West Indies. 

Cryptotomus crassiceps Bean. 
Cryptotomus crassiceps Bean, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XIX, 1906, 32, 
Coopers Island, Bermudas. 

Subgenus NICHOLSINA Fowler. 

Cryptotomus beryllinus Jordan and Swain. Parrotfish. 
Florida Keys, north to New Jersey, south to Rio Janeiro. 
Cryptotomus beryllinus Jordan and Swain, Proce. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 
1884, 101, Habana. 
Sparisoma sp. Bean, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., VII, 1887, 137, Somers 
Point, N. J. 

Cryptotomus dentiens (Poey). 
Scarus dentiens Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 422, Cuba. 

Cryptotomus retractus (Poey). 
West Indies, north to Pensacola. 
Calliodon retractus Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 245, Habana. 

Cryptotomus ustus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
West Indies, north to Charleston, south to Bahia. 
Callyodon ustus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIV, 1839, 
212 (286), pl. 405, Brazil. 

Cryptotomus auropunctatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
San Domingo. 
Callyodon auro-punctaltus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XIV, 1839, 215 (290), Santo Domingo. 

Genus 1197. LEPTOSCARUS Swainson. 

Leptoscarus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Classn. Fishes, 1839, 11 (Scarus 
vaigiensis Quoy and Gaimard=Scarus spinidens Cuvier and Valen- 

Calotomus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 70 (C. xenodon 

Leptoscarus xenodon (Gilbert). 
Socorros Island, Revillagigedo Archipelago. 
Calotomus xenodon Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 70, 
Socorro Island, Revillagigedo Islands. 

Genus 1198. SPARISOMA Swainson. Viejas. 
Sparisoma Swainson, Nat. Hist. Classn. Fishes, ete., II, 1839, 227 
(Scarus abildgardii Bloch). 
Euscarus Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 416 (Labrus crelensis 

Subgenus SPARISOMA Swainson. 

Sparisoma xystrodon Jordan and Swain. 
West Indies, north to Key West. 
Sparisoma xrystrodon Jordan and Swain, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 
1884, 99, Key West; Habana. 

Sparisoma atomarium (Poey). 
Scarus atomarius Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 423, Habana. 













Sparisoma radians (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
West Indies, south to Brazil; Tortugas. 
Scarus radians Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIV, 1839, 
153 (206), Brazil. 
Scarus lacrimosus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 422, Cuba. 

Sparisoma hoplomystax (Cope). 
West Indies, from Key West to Bahia. 
Scarus hoplomystax Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1871, 462, 
St. Martins, West Indies. 
Sparisoma cyanolene Jordan and Swain, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 
1884, 98, Key West, Fla. 

Sparisoma niphobles Jordan and Bollman. 
Bahamas; Tortugas; Cape Florida; Key West; Porto Rico; abundant 
about Porto Rico. 
Sparisoma niphobles Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XI, 
1888, 551, Green Turtle Cay, Bahamas. 

Sparisoma aurofrenatum (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
West Indies. 
Scarus aurofrenatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIV, 
1839, 142 (191), San Domingo. 
Scarus miniofrenatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 279, Cuba. 

Sparisoma oxybrachium (Poey). 
Scarus oxybrachius Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 342, Habana. 

Sparisoma abildgaardi (Bloch). Red parrotfish; Roseback parrot. 

West Indies south to Brazil; Tortugas; generally common. 

Sparus abildgaardi Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, V, 1791, 22, pl. 259, 

Vieja Parra, Descr. Dif. Piezas Hist. Nat., 1787, 58, pl. 28, fig. 2, Cuba. 

Scarus coccineus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 289, Cuba; 
after Parra. 

Sparus aureo-ruber Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 55, 163, 
Martinique; on a drawing by Plumier. 

Scarus amplus Ranzani, Nov. Comm. Ac. Scient. Inst. Bonon., V, 
1842, 324, pl. 25, Brazil (fide Guichenot). i 

Scarus erythrinoides Guichenot, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg, XI, 
1865, 10, San Domingo. 

Sparisoma distinctum (Poey). 
Scarus distinctus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 423, Habana. 

Bparsore chrysopterum (Bloch and Schneider). Blue parrotfish; 
West Indies, south to Bahia. 
Scarus chrysopterus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 286, pl. 57, 
American seas. 
Vieja Parra, Descr. Dif. Piezas Hist. Nat., 1787, 59, pl. 28, fig. 4, Cuba. 
Scarus chloris Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 289, Cuba. 
Scarus lateralis Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 219, Cuba. 
?Scarus spinidens Guichenot, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg, XI, 
1865, 15, Bahia. 

Sparisoma lorito Jordan and Swain. 
West Indies. 
Sparisoma lorito Jordan and Swain, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 
95, Habana. 

Sparisoma viride (Bonnaterre). Green parrotfish. 

Tortugas to West Indies. 

pete viridis Bonnaterre, Ene. Meth., 1788, 96, Bahamas; after 

Piscis viridis bahamensis Catesby, Nat. Hist. Car., II, 1743, 29, pl. 29, 

Scarus melanotis Bleeker, Verslagen Koning. Akad. Wetenschappen, 
XIV, 1862, 126, St. Croix. 

Scarus (Catesby) Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 16; after 


8468. Sparisoma flavescens (Bloch and Schneider). Mud parrot; Vieja 
colorada; Vieja muger; Parrotfish. 
West Indies; Key West to Rio Janeiro; Woods Hole, Mass. 
Scarus flavescens Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 290, Cuba; 
after Parra. 
Vieja Parra, Descr. Dif. Piezas Hist. Nat., 1787, 59, pl. 28, fig. 4, Cuba. 
Scarus squalidus Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 218, Cuba. 

3469. Sparisoma rubripinne (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

West Indies. 

Scarus rubripinnis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIV, 
1839, 147 (199), San Domingo. 

Scarus virens Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 1839, 150 (203), Porto 
Rico; Martinique. 

Scarus circumnotatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 423, Cuba. 

Scarus truncatus Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 339, Cuba. 

?Scarus emarginatum Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 340, Cuba. 

3470. Sparisoma strigatum (Giinther). : 
Scarus strigatus Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 212, locality unknown, but 
as the genus Sparisoma is chiefly confined to American waters, this 
species is probably American. 

8471. Sparisoma frondosum (Cuvier). 
West Indies, south to Brazil. 
Scarus frondosus Cuvier, in Agassiz, Spix, Pise. Brasil., 1829, 98, Bahia. 
Scarus aracanga Giinther, Cat., 1V, 1862, 209, Jamaica. 

8472. Sparisoma brachiale (Poey). 
Scarus brachialis Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 345, Cuba. 
?Scarus humeralis Poey, loc. cit., 422, Habana. 

3473. Sparisoma maschalespilos (Bleeker). 
Scarus maschalespilos Bleeker, Verslagen Kéning. Akad. Vet., XIV, 
1862, 127, Surinam. 

Family 254. SCARIDZ& 

Genus 1199. SCARUS Forskal. 
Callyodon Gronow, Zoophyl., I, 1763, 72 (Scarus croicensis Bloch); 
work not binomial. 
Scarus Forskal, Deser. Anim., 1775, 25 (Scarus croicensis Bloch); not of 
Hemistoma Swainson, Classn. Vish., etc., I, 1839, 226 (Scarus pepo 
Bennett= H. reticulata Swainson). 
Petronason Swainson, loc. cit., 226 (Coryphena psittacus Linnzus). 
. Erychthys Swainson, loc. cit., 526 (Labrus croicensis Bloch). 
Chlorurus Sw ainson, loe. cit., 227 (Scarus gibbus Riippell). 

3474. Scarus bollmani Jordan and Evermann. 
Gulf of Mexico in moderately deep water. 
Scarus bollmani Jordan and Evermann, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., IX 
1886, 470, snapper banks off Tampa Bay, Fla. 

3475. Scarus punctulatus Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
West Indies; Tortugas. 
Scarus punctulatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIV, 
1839, 144 (195), Martinique. 
Scarus diadema Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 146 (196), Martinique. 
Pseudoscarus teniopterus Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 226, Trinidad. 

8476. Scarus teniopterus Desmarest. 
West Indies. 
sr a leniopterus Desmarest, Dict. Classique, XV, 1831, 244, pl. 12, 

Scarus vetula Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIV, 1839, 
143 (193), St. Thomas; not of Bloch ‘and Schneider. 

Scarus virginalis Jordan and Swain, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 
88, Habana. 















Scarus trispinosus Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Scarus trispinosus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIV, 
1839, 135 (182), Brazil. 
Scarus quadrispinosus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 146 (197), 

Scarus aracanga Giinther. 
West Indies. 
Scarus aracanga Ginther, Cat., IV, 1862, 209, Jamaica. 
?Pseudoscarus aracanga Giinther, loc. cit., 227, Jamaica. 

Scarus cuzamile Bean. 
Cozumel Island, Yucatan. 
Scarus cuzamile Bean, Bull. U. 8. Fish. Com., VIII, 1888, 196, Cozumel, 


Scarus vetula Bloch and Schneider. Mudfish; Vieja; Oldwiéfe. 
Tortugas; West Indies. 
Vieja Parra. Dif. Piezas, etc., 1787, 58, pl. 28, fig. 1, Habana, 
Scarus vetula Bloch and Schneider, Ichth., 1801, 289, Cuba. 
Scarus superbus Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 218, Cuba. 

Scarus gnathodus (Poey). 
Pseudoscarus gnathodus Poey, Repertorio, II, 1867, 240, Habana. 

Subgenus CALLYODON Gronow. 

Scarus croicensis Bloch. Bullon. 

West Indies to Key West and Woods Hole, Mass. 

Scarus croicensis Bloch, Nat. Ausl. Fische, IV, 1790, 27, St. Croix. 

Scarus insule-sante—-crucis Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 
285, St. Croix. 

Scarus alternans Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 1839, 148 
(200), Martinique. 

Pseudoscarus lineolatus Poey, Repertorio, II, 1867, 239, Cuba. 

Scarus evermanni Jordan. 
Gulf of Mexico, in moderately deep water. 
Scarus evermanni Jordan, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., [X, 1886, 469, Snapper 
Banks off Tampa Bay, in moderately deep water. 

Scarus flavomarginatus Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Scarus jlavo—marginatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XIV, 1839, 150 (202), Martinique. 

Scarus acutus Poey. 
Scarus acutus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 216, Habana. 

Scarus ceruleus (Bloch). Blue parrotfish; Loro; Clamagore. 
West Indies; Chesapeake Bay. 
Coryphena cerulea Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, II, 1786, 120 (148), 
pl. 176, probably Martinique; in part; after Catesby. 
Loro Parra, Descr. Dif. Piezas Hist. Nat., 1787, 57, pl. 27, fig. 1, Cuba. 
Trompa Parra, loc. cit., fig. 2, Cuba. 
Scarus trilobatus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., IV, 1803, 21, Martinique. 
?Scarus holocyaneos Lacépéde, loc. cit., 45, Martinique. 
Scarus obtusus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 217, Cuba. 
Scarus nuchalis Poey, loc. cit., 220, Cuba. 

Scarus compressus (Osburn and Nichols). 
Gulf of California. 
Callyodon compressus Osburn and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., XXX V, 1916, 170, fig. 12, Concepcion Bay, Gulf of California. 

Scarus noyesi Heller and Snodgrass. 
Gulf of California to Galapagos Islands. 
Scarus noyesi Heller and Snodgrass, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., V, 1903, 
206, Tagus Cove, Albemarle Island. 


8489. Scarus emblematicus Jordan and Rutter. 
Scarus emblematicus Jordan and Rutter, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
XLIX, 1897, 122, Jamaica. 

Genus 1200. PSEUDOSCARUS Bleeker. 
Pseudoscarus Bleeker, Versl. Akad. Vet. Amsterdam, Scaroiden, XIT, 
TSH 2230" CP- microrrhinos Bleeker). 
Loro Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 418 (Sear us guacamaia 

Subgenus PSEUDOSCARUS Bleeker. 

8490. Pseudoscarus celestinus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Loro. 
West Indies. 
Scarus celestinus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIV, 
1839, 134 (180), St. Thomas. 

3491. Pseudoscarus microps (Osburn and Nichpls). 
Gulf of California. 
Callyodon microps Osburn and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
XXXV, 1916, 170, fig. 12, Santa Catalina Island, Gulf of California, 

3492. Pseudoscarus simplex Poey. 
Pseudoscarus simplex Poey, Repertorio, I, 1867, 185, Habana. 

3493. Pseudoscarus pleianus (Poey). 
St. Thomas; only the type known. 
pe pleianus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 393, St. Thomas, West 

3494. Pseudoscarus guacamaia (Cuvier). Guacamaia; Green parrotfish. 

West Indies, north to Florida Keys, south to Rio de Janeiro; straying 
to Argentine. 

ai Parra, Descr. Dif. Piezas Hist. Nat., 1787, p. 54, pl. 26, 


Scarus guacamaia Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 265; after Parra. 

Scarus turchesius Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XIV, 
1839, 134 (181), Porto Rico. 

Scarus rostratus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 221, Cuba. 

3495. Pseudoscarus perrico (Jordan and Gilbert). Perrico. 
Pacific coast of Mexico, from La Paz to Mazatlan. 
Scarus perrico Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
357, Mazatlan. 

3496. Pseudoscarus plumbeus Bean. 
Pseudoscarus plumbeus Bean, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, 125, 


Family 255. ELEOTRIDZ. Sleepers 

Genus 1201. GOBIOMORUS Lacépéde. 
Gohiomorus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 583 (G. dormitor 
Lacépéde); first restriction to this species. 
Philypnus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 1837, 255 
(Platycephalus dormitator Bloch). 
Lembus Giinther, Cat., I, 1859, 505 (L. maculatus Giinther). 

3497. Gobiomorus dormitor Lacépéde. Sleeper; Guavina. 

Streams of the West Indies and the Atlantic shores of Central America, 
Mexico and Surinam. 

Gobiomorus dormitor Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 583, Mar- 
tinique; from a drawing by Plumier. 

Guavina Parra, Deser. Dif. Piezas Hist. Nat. Cuba, 1787, 105, lam. 
39, fig. 1, Habana. 

Platycephalus dormitator Bloch and Schneider, Ichth., 1801, 60, Mar- 
tinic ue. 

Eleotris wongiceps Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1864, 151, Nicaragua, 

Eleotris dormitatriz Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 246, Antilles. 


3498. Gobiomorus lateralis (Gill). Aboma de mar. 
Streams of Pacific coast of Mexico and Central America; from Sonora 
to Panama. 
Philypnus lateralis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 1860, 123, 
Cape San Lucas. 

Genus 1202. DORMITATOR Gill. 
Prochilus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, II, 1817, 294 (Sciezna maculata 
Bloch); name preoccupied. 
Dormitator Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 240 (D. 
gundlachi Poey). 

3499. Dormitator maculatus (Bloch). Guavina; Mapo; Paneca; Mapiro; 

Striped sleeper. 

Both coasts of tropical America, ranging from South Carolina through 
the West Indies to Para, Cape San Lucas, and Panama. 

Sciena maculata Bloch, Ichth., 1785, pl. 299, fig. 2, West Indies. 

Eleotris mugiloides Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 
1837, 170 (226), Martinique; Surinam. 

Eleotris sima Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 174 (232), Vera Cruz. 

Eleotris latifrons Richardson, Voy. Sulphur, Fishes, 1844, 57, pl. 35, 
figs. 4 and 5, locality unknown, supposed to be from Pacific coast of 
Central America. 

Eleotris grandisquama Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 
1837, 173 (229), America. 

Eleotris somnolentus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858, 169, 
near mouth of Rio Grande. 

Eleotris omocyaneus Poey, Memorias, IT, 1861, 269, Habana. 

Dormitator microphthalmus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 
170, Panama. 

Dormitator gundlachi Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 396, Cuba. 

Dormitator lineatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 271, 

Genus 1203. GUAVINA Bleeker. 
Guavina Bleeker, Esquisse d’un Syst. Nat. Gobiod., in Archiv Neerl. 
Sci., IX, 1874 (Hleotris guavina Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

3500. Guavina guavina (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Guarubaco; Guavina. 
East coast of tropical America, Cuba to Rio Janeiro. 
Eleotris guavina Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 1837, 
168 (223) Martinique. 

Genus 1204. LEPTOPHILYPNUS Meek and Hildebrand. 
Leptuphilypnus Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., X, 
1916, 361 (L. fluviatilis Meek and Hildebrand). 

3501. Leptophilypnus fluviatilis Meek and Hildebrand. 
Fresh waters of Panama. 
Leptophilypnus fluviatilis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1916, 361, Mindi, Canal Zone, Panama. 

Genus 1205. ELEOTRIS Schneider. 
Eleotris Schneider, Syst. Ichth., ed. Bloch, 1801, 65 (Gobius pisonis, etc., 
Culius Bleeker, Esquisse, Gobioides, 1874, 304 (C. fuscus Bleeker). 

8502. Eleotris pisonis (Gmelin). Guavina; Tetard; Sleeper. 

Streams of the West Indies; southern Florida to Brazil. 

Gobius pisonis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1789, 1206, Rio Almendares, Cuba; 
based on Eleotris of Gronow. Wie 

Amore pixuma Marcgrave, Hist. Brasil., IV, 1648, 166, Brazil. ~ 

Eleotris capite plagioplateo Gronow, Mus, Ichth., II; 1757, 168; after 
Marcgrave. Swe 

Gobius amorea Walbaum, Artedi Pise., III, 1792, 205; based on Eleotris 
of Gronow. 

Eleotris gyrinus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 1837, 
166 (220), pl. 356, Martinique; San Domingo; Surinam. 

Eleotris (Culius) belizianus Sauvage, Bull. Soe. Philom. Paris, ser. 7, 
IV, 1879, 55, Belize, Cayenne. 

SG aly 












Eleotris perniger (Cope). 
West Indies, south to Rio Janeiro. 
Culius perniger Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1870, 473, St. 
Martins, West Indies. 

Eleotris amblyopsis (Cope). 
Atlantic coast of America, from Charleston, 8. C., to Surinam; streams 
of West Indies. 
Culius amblyopsis Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1870, 473, 

Eleotris abacurus Jordan and Gilbert. 
Coast of South Carolina. 
Eleotris abacurus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., 
VI, 1896, 228, Charleston, 8S. C. 

Eleotris pictus Kner and Steindachner. Guavina. 
Streams about the Gulf of California, from Sonora south to Panama; 
Rio Presidio, Mazatlan. 
Eleotris pictus Kner and Steindachner, Abh. Akad. Wiss. Wien, X, 
1864, 18, pl. 3, fig. 1, Rio Bayano, near Panama. 
Culius xquidens Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
461, Rio Presidio, near Mazatlan. 

Eleotris tubularis Heller and Snodgrass. 
Cocos Island. 
Eleotris tubularis Heller and Snodgrass, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., V, 
1903, 210, Pl. X, Cocos Island. 

Genus 1206. ALEXURUS Jordan. 
Alerurus Jordan, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 511 (A. armiger 
Jordan and Richardson); perhaps inseparable from Lleotris. 

Alexurus armiger Jordan. 
La Paz, Lower California, to Panama. 
Alexurus armiger Jordin, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 511, 
pl: 48, La Paz, Lower California. 

Genus 1207. HEMIELEOTRIS Meek and Hildebrand. 
Hemieleotris Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., X, 
1916, 364 (Eleotris latifasciatus Meek and Hildebrand). 

Hemieleotris latifasciatus (Meek and Hildebrand). 
Streams of Panama. 
Eleotris latifasciatus Meek and Hildebrand, Ficld Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1912, 68, Rio Cardenis, Panama. 

Genus 1208. EROTELIS Poey. JEsmeraldas de Mar. 
Erotelis Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 273 (E. valenciennesi Poey = Eleotris 
smaragdus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Erotelis smaragdus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Esmeralda negra; 
Esmeralda de mar. 
Key West and Cuba; coral shores among alge. 
Lleotris smaragdus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 
1837, 173 (231), Cuba. 
Erotelis valenciennesi Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 273, Cuba. 

Genus 1209. MICROELEOTRIS Meek and Hildebrand. 
Microéleotris Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., X, 
1916, 362 (M. panamensis Meek and Hildebrand). 

Microéleotris panamensis Meek and Hildebrand. 
Pacific slope of central Panama. 
Microéleotris panamensis Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1916, 363, Rio Juan Diaz, Panama. 

Microéleotris mindii Meek and Hildebrand. 
Mindi, near Atlantic coast of Canal Zone. 
Microéleotris mindii Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., X, 1916, 364, brackish creek at Mindi, Canal Zone, 






Genus 1210. EVIOTA Jenkins. 
Eviota Jenkins, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., X XII, 1902, 501 (Lviota epiphanes 


Eviota personata Jordan and Thompson. 
Coral reefs about the Tortugas, Fla.; Garden Key. 
Eviota personata Jordan and Thompson, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XXIV, 
1904, 251, fig. 3, Garden Key, Fla. 

Genus 1211. IOGLOSSUS Bean. 
Toglossus Bean, in Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
297 (I. cailiurus Bean). 

Ioglossus calliurus Bean. 
Gulf of Mexico; Snapper Banks off Pensacola, Fla. 
Togiossus calliurus Bean, in Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
V, 1882, 297, Pensacola, Fla. 

Genus 1212. GYMNELEOTRIS Bleeker. 

Gymneleotris Bleeker, Esquisse d’un Syst. Nat. des Gobiod., in Archiv 
Néerl. Sei., IX, 1874, 304 (Eleotris seminuda Giinther). 

Gymneleotris seminuda (Giinther). 
Eleotris seminudus Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 24, pl. 4, 
figs. 2, 2a, Panama. 

- Genus 1213. PYCNOMMA Rutter. 






Pycnomma Rutter, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 3d ser., III, 1904, 252 (P. 
semisquamatum Rutter). ; 

Pycnomma semisquamatum Rutter. 
Gulf of California. 
Pycnomma semisquamatum Rutter, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 3d ser., 
III, 1904, 252, Pl. XXIV, Gulf of California. 

Genus 1214. CHRIOLEPIS Gilbert. 
Chriolepis Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 557 (C. minutillus 
Chriolepis minutillus Gilbert. 
Gulf of California. 
Chriolepis minutillus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 558, 
Gulf of California, at Albatross station 2825. 

Family 256. GOBIID. Gobies 

Genus 1215. LOPHOGOBIUS Gill. Crested gobies. 

Lophogobius Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 240 (Gobius 
cristagalli Valenciennes, in Cuvier and Valenciennes=Gobius cy- 
prinoides Pallas). 

Lophogobius cyprinoides (Pallas). 

West Indies; Cuba. 

Gobius cyprinoides Pallas, Spic., Zool., VIII, 1770, 17, pl. 1, fig. 5, 
* Amboina.”’ 

Gobius crista-galli Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 
1837, 98 (130), Habana. 

Genus 1216. EVORTHODUS Gill. 
Evorthodus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 195 (Z. breviceps 

Evorthodus breviceps Gill. 
Trinidad and Surinam. 
Evorthodus breviceps Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 195, 
Genus 1217. CTENOGOBIUS Gill. 
Ctenogobius Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VI, 1858, 374, 4380 (C. 
fasciatus Gill). 

Ctenogobius fasciatus Gill. 
West Indies. 
Ctenogobius fasciatus Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat, Hist. N. Y., VI, 1858, 376, 








* Some of the species named below may belong to Clenogobius, from which this genus diilers but sligbt.y. 


Genus 1218. RHINOGOBIUS * Gill. } 
Rhinogobius Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 145 (R. similis 
Coryphopterus Gill, loc. cit., XV, 1863, 263 (C. glaucofrenum Gill). 

Rhinogobius glaucofrenum (Gill). 
Florida Keys; Tortugas. 
Coryphopterus glaucofrenum Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 
1863, 263, coast of the State of Washington; evidently an error. 

Rhinogobius manglicola (Jordan and Starks). 
Pacific coast of Mexico at Mazatlan. 
Gobius manglicola Jordan and Starks, in Jordan, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
2d ser., V, 1895, 495, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Rhinogobius quadriporus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Gobius quadriporus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 
1837, 66 (87), Surinam. 

Rhinogobius stigmaturus (Goode and Bean). 

Florida Keys. 

Gobius stigmaturus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
418, no type locality given, but specimens probably from Florida 

Rhinogobius shufeldti (Jordan and Eigenmann). 

Gulf coast of United States. 

Gobius shufeldti Jordan and Eigenmann, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, 
1886, 495, New Orleans. 

Rhinogobius boleosoma (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Gulf of Mexico, Pensacola to Key West. 
Gobius boleosoma Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
295, Laguna Grande, Pensacola, Fla. 

Rhinogobius enczomus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
South Carolina to Key West. 
Gobius enceomus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
611, Charleston, 8. C. 

Rhinogobius eigenmanni (Garman). 
Off Key West. 
Gobius eigenmanni Garman, Bull. Lab. Nat. Sci. State Univ. Iowa, IV, 
No. 1, 1896, 88, pl. 3, fig. 1, off Key West in 60 fathoms. 

Rhinogobius curacao (Metzelaar). 
Caribbean Sea. 
Gobius curacao Metzelaar, Trop. Atl. Viss., 1919, 136, fig. 38, Antilles. 

Rhinogobius mowbrayi Bean. 
Bermudas to Caribbean Sea. 
Rhinogobius mowbrayi Bean, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., VII, 1906, 
81, Challenger Bank, 28 fathoms, rock cavity, Bermudas. 

Rhinogobius tortuge (Jordan). 
Dry Tortugas, Garden Key, West Indies. 
Ctenogobius tortuge Jordan, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XXII, 1902, 541, 
pl. 1, Garden Key, Tortugas. , 

Rhinogobius parvus (Meek). 
Rio San Francisco, La Antigua, Mexico. 
Gobius parvus Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 121, La Antigua. 

Rhinogobius claytonii (Meck). 
Rio San Francisco, La Antigua, Mexico. 
Gobius claytonii Meek, Field Col. Mus., Zool., III, 1902, 121, La Antigua. 

Rhinogobius garmani (Kigenmann and EKigenmann). 
Dominica; Fort de France; Martinique; St. Kitts. 
Gobius garmani Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
7 ser., I, 1888, 61, Dominica; Fort de France, Martinique, and St. 


Genus 1219. GOBIUS Linneus. 
Gobius Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, I, 1758, 263 (G. niger Linneus). 

3535. Gobius translucens Nichols. 
Porto Rico. 
Gobius translucens Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXIV, 
1915, 145, fig. 2, near San Antonio Bridge, San Juan, Porto Rico. 

8536. Gobius hipoliti Metzelaar. 
West Indies. 
Gobius hipoliti Metzelaar, Bijdr. Dierk. Amsterdam, XXII, 1922, 138, 
with figure, West Indies. 

Genus 1220. BATHYGOBIUS Bleeker. Mapos. 
Bathygobius ** Bleeker, Arch. Neer]. Acad. Sci., XIII, 1878, 54 (Gobius 
nebulo-punctatus Riippell=Gobius fuscus Riippell). 
Mapo Smitt, Oefv. Kong. Vet. Akad. Stockholm, 1899, 542 (Gobius 
soporator Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

3537. Bathygobius soporator (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Sleeper; Mapo; 
Caiman; Oopu. 

Barbados, Pard, Itapuana, Cuba, Bahamas, Orange Key, Bahia, Per- 
nambuco, St. Thomas, Charleston, Tortugas, Florida Keys, Mar- 
tinique, Sao Mathias, Curacao, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Doce. 

Gobius soporator Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 
1837, 42 (56), Martinique. 

?Gobius albopunctatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 43 (57), Isle 
of France. 

?Gobius padangensis Bleeker, Nat. Tijds. Ned. Ind., I, 1850, 249, 

Gobius catulus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858, 169, 
St. Joseph Island, Tex. 

?Gobius breviceps Blyth, Proc. Asia. Soc. Beng., 1858, 271, Great An- 
daman Island (in Jour., X XVII, 1858). 

Gobius mapo Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 277, Cuba. 

Gobius lacertus Poey, loc. cit., 278, Cuba. 

Gobius caroliniensis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 268, 
Charleston, 8. C. 

Gobius brunneus Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 393, Habana. 

3538. Bathygobius fuscus (Riippell). 

Red Sea to Galapagos Islands. 

Gobius fuscus Riippell, Atl. Reis. Nord. Af. Fish., 1828, 137, Red Sea. 

Gobius punctillatus Riippell, loc. cit., 138, Red Sea. 

Gobius nebulo-punctatus Riippell, Neue Wirbelthiere, Fische, 1835, 
139, Red Sea. 

Gobius lineatus Jenyns, Zool. Voy. Beagle, 1842, 95, pl. 19, fig. 2, Gala- 
pagos Islands. 

Gobius homocyanus Vaillant and Sauvage, Rev. Mag. Zool., III, 1875, 
280, Sandwich [Hawaiian] Islands. 

Gobius sandvicensis Giinther, Rept. Shore Fishes, Challenger, I, 1880, 
pt. 6, 60, Honolulu. 

Genus 1221. RHINOGOBIOPS Hubbs. 
Rhinogobiops Hubbs, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., No. 169, 
Feb. 17, 1926, p. 1 (Gobius nicholsii Bean). 

3539. Rhinogobiops nicholsii (Bean). 
Coast of British Columbia, south to southern California. 
Gobius nicholsii Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 469, Departure 
Bay, British Columbia. 

Genus 1222. GOBIONELLUS Girard, 
Gobionellus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858, 168 (G. 
hastatus Girard). 
Smaragdus Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 280 (Gobius smaragdus Cuvier 
and Valenciennes). 

An ill-chosen name for these shallow-water gobies, 












Gobionellus oceanicus (Pallas). Hsmeralda; Endormi; Emerande; Baca- 

lhao sabara. 

Gulf coast of United States, southward through the West Indies. 

Gobius oceanicus Pallas, Spic., VIII, 1770, 4, locality unknown; after 

Gobius lanceo‘atus Bloch, Fische Deutschlands, IJ, 1783, 8, pl. 38, 
fig. 1, Martinique. 

Gobius bacalaus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 1837, 
90 (119), Surinam; Cayenne. 

Gobionellus hastatus Girard. Emerald fish; Sharp-tailed goby. 
Gulf of Mexico. 
Gobionellus hastatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858, 168, 
St. Joseph Island, Tex. 

Gobionellus smaragdus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Esmeralda. 
West Indies, south to Rio Janeiro, north to St. Augustine, Fla., and to 
Charleston, N. C. 
Gobius smaragdus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 
1837, 91 (120), Cuba. 
Smaragdus vaienciennesi Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 280, Cuba; after 

Gobionellus sagittula (Giinther). 
Gulf of California, south to Panama. 
Euctenogobius sagittula Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1861, pt. 3, 
371, 372, Pacific coast of Central America. 
Gobius longicaudus Jenkins and Evermann, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
XI, 1888, 146, Guaymas. 

Gobionellus strigatus (O’Shaughnessy). 
Coast of Surinam. 
Euctenogobius strigatus O’Shaughnessy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 
IV, XV, 1875, 145, Surinam. 
Gobius kraussi Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., VIII, 1879, 16, Surinam. 

Gobionellus bayamonensis (Evermann and Marsh). 
Porto Rico. 
Gobius bayamonensis Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U.S. Fish Com., 
XXV, 1899 (Dec. 19), 355, San Juan Market, Porto Rico. 

Gobionellus lyricus (Girard). 
Gulf of Mexico, from Galveston to Cuba and the Lesser Antilles. 
Gobius lyricus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858, 169, 
Brazos Santiago, Tex. 
Gobius wurdemanni Girard, loc. cit., 169, Brazos Santiago. 
Smaragdus costalesi Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 280, Habana. 

Gobionellus stigmaticus (Poey). 
Coast of North Carolina, Florida Keys, West Indies, southward to 
Rio Janeiro; common at Habana. 
Smaragdus stigmaticus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 281, Cuba. 

Gobionellus microdon (Gilbert). 
San Juan Lagoon, west coast of Mexico. 
Gobius microdon Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 554, San 
Juan Lagoon, north of Rio Ahomé, Mexico. 

Genus 1223. ZONOGOBIUS Bleeker. 
Zonogobius Bleeker, Esquisse Syst. Nat. Gobioiden, 1874, 323 (Gobius 
semifasciatus Kner). 

Zonogobius zebra (Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of Mexico and southern California. 
Gobius zebra Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 73, Albatross 
station 2989, Pacific coast of Mexico. 

Genus 1224. EUCTENOGOBIUS Gill 
Euctenogobius Gill, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1859, VII, 45 
(E. badius Gill). 


3550. Euctenogobius badius Gill. . 
Mouth of Amazon; recorded also from Martinique. 
Euctenogobius badius Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N Y., VII, 1859, 45, 
Gobius boscii Sauvage, Bull. Soe Philom. Paris, IV, 1880, 44, Mar- 
tinique; not Gobius bosci Lacépéde. 

3551. Euctenogobius poeyi (Steindachner). 
Gobius poeyi Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, VI, 1867, 44, Barbados. 

Genus 1225. LYTHRYPNUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Lythrypnus Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 458 (Gobius dallt 


3552. Lythrypnus dalli (Gilbert). 
Catalina Harbor, Calif. 
Gobius dalli Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 73, Avalon, 
Catalina Harbor, Calif., in 35 fathoms. 

Genus 1226. XENOGOBIUS Metzelaar. 
Xenogobius Metzelaar, Trop. Atlant. Vissch., 1919, 140 (X. weberi Metze- 


3553. Kenogobius weberi Metzelaar. 
Caribbean Sea. 
Xenogobius weberi Metzelaar, Trop. Atlant. Vissch., 1919, 140, fig. 40, 

Genus 1227. ELACATINUS Jordan. 
Elecatinus Jordan, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., X XII, 1902, 542 (HZ. oceanops 


3554. Elacatinus oceanops Jordan. 
Garden Key, Tortugas. 
Elacatinus oceanops Jordan, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XXII, 1902, 542, 

pl. 2, Garden Key, Fla. 

Genus 1228. CHONOPHORUS Poey. 

Chonophorus Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 274 (C. bucculentus Poey = 
Gobius banana Cuvier and Valenciennes; published in July, 1860, and 
therefore presumably older in date than Awaous). 

Awaous Steindachner, Ver. Mat. Phrs., XLII, 1860, 289 (Gobius ocellaris 
Cuvier and Valenciennes; in an article presented on July 12, 1860). 

3555. Chonophorus banana (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Guavina hoyera; 

Aboma de rio. 

West Indies; both coasts of Mexico, south to Brazil; Cuba; Sinalos; 
common; Lower California to Panama. 

?Gobius taiasica Lichtenstein, Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1822, 273, 
Brazil; not T’ajaasica Marcgrave. 

Gobius banana Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 1837, 
78 (103), San Domingo. 

Gobius martinicus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loz. cit., 79 (105), Marti- 

Chonophorus bucculentus Poey, Memorias, II, 1860, 275, Cuba. 

Chonophorus contractus Poey, loc. cit., Cuba. 

Gobius dolichocephalus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XIII, 
1869, 403, near Orizaba, Mexico. 

Euctenogobius latus O'Shaughnessy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, XV, 
1875, 146, Bahia. 

3556. Chonophorus mexicanus (Giinther). 
Fresh-water streams of Atlantic slope of Mexico. 
Gobius mexicanus Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 61, Mexico. 


3557. Chonophorus nelsoni (Evermann). 
Streams of Sinaloa. 
Awaous nelsoni Evermann, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XII, 1898, 3, fresh- 
water pools at Rosario, Sinaloa, Mexico. 
Genus 1229. GNATHOLEPIS Bleeker. 
Gnatholepis Bleeker, Ksquisse Syst. Nat. Gobioiden, 1874, 318 (Gobius 
anjerensis Bleeker). 














Gnatholepis thompsoni Jordan. 
Bush Key, Tortugas. 
Gnatholepis thompsoni Jordan, Bull. U.S. Fish Com., XXII, 1902, 541, 
pl. 1, Bush Key, Tortugas. 

Genus 1230. BOLLMANNIA Jordan. 
Boilmannia Jordan, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., XII, 1889, 164 (B. chlamydes 

Bollmannia chlamydes Jordan. 
Pacific Ocean off coast of Colombia. 
Bollmannia chlamydes Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, 1889, 164, 
Pacific Ocean off coast of Colombia. 

Bollmannia ocellata Gilbert. 
Gulf of California. 
Bollmannia ocellata Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 255, 
northern part of Gulf of California at Albatross stations 3031 and 3035 
in 30 and 33 fathoms. 

Bollmannia macropoma Gilbert. 
Gulf of California. 
Bollmannia macropoma Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 
556, near La Paz, Gulf of California, at Albatross station 2996 in 
112 fathoms. 

Bollmannia stigmatura Gilbert. 
Northern part of the Gulf of California. 
Bollmannia stigmatura Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat Mus., XIV, 1891, 556, 
Gulf of California at Albatross stations 3016 and 3017 in 76 and 58 

Bollmannia boqueronensis Evermann and Marsh. 
Porto Rico. 
Bollmannia boqueronensis Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U.S. Fish Com., 
XXV, 1899 (Dec. 19), 356, Ensenada del Boqueron, Porto Rico. 

Genus 1231. ABOMA Jordan and Starks. 
Aboma Jordan and Starks, Fishes of Sinaloa, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
2d ser., V, 1895, 497 (A. etheostoma Jordan and Starks). 

Aboma etheostoma Jordan and Starks. 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Aboma etheostoma Jordan and Starks, Fishes of Sinaloa, Proc. Calif. 
Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 498, pl. 50, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Aboma lucretie (Eigenmann and Eigenmann). 
Pearl Island, Gulf of Panama. 
Gobius lucretie Kigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
2d ser., I, 1888, 57, Pearl Island, Gulf of Panama. 

Aboma chiquita (Jenkins and Evermann). 
Gulf of California. 
Gobius chiquita Jenkins and Evermann, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, 
1888, 146, Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. 

Genus 1232. MICROGOBIUS Poey. 
Microgobius Poey, Enumeratio, 126, 1876 (M. siqnatus Poey). 
Zalypnus Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 459 (Gobius em- 
blematicus Jordan and Gilbert). 

Microgobius emblematicus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Lower California to Panama. 
Gobius emblematicus Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., I, 1881, 
330, Bay of Panama, 
Microgobius cyclolepis Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 74, 
Albatross station 3020, Lower California. 
Microgobius signatus Poey. 
West Indies; common about Cuba. 
Microgobius signatus Poey, Enumeratio, 1876, 127, pl. 5, fig. 3, Cuba. 
Microgobius gulosus (Girard). 
Coast of Florida to Texas; common north to Indian River, Fla. 
Gobius gulosus Girard, Proc, Acad. Nat. Sci, Phila., X, 1858, 169, 
Indianola, Tex, 











Microgobius meeki Evermann and Marsh. 
Culebra and Vieques Islands, Porto Rico. 
Microgobius meeki Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XXV, 
1899 (Dec. 19), 356, between Vieques and Culebra Islands east of 
Porto Rico. 

Microgobius thalassinus (Worden and Gilbert). 
South Atlantic coast, Virginia to South Carolina. 
Gobius thalassinus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
612, Charleston Harbor, 8. C 
Microgobius eulepis EKigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
2d ser., I, 1888, 69, Fortress Monroe, Va. 

Microgobius miraflorensis Gilbert and Starks. 
Bay of Panama. 
Microgobius miraflorensis Gilbert and Starks, Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
IV, 1904, 176, Pl. X XIX, Bay of Panama. 

Genus 1233. EUCYCLOGOBIUS Gill. 
Eucyclogobius Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 279 (Gobius 
newberryt Girard). 

Eucyclogobius newberryi (Girard). 
Streams of California, in small brooks near the sea; locally common in 
San Luis Obispo Creek. 
Gobius newberryi Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 136, 
Tomales Bay, Cali®. 

Genus 1234. LEPIDOGOBIUS Gill. 
Lepidogobius Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1859, 14 (Gobius 
lepidus Girard). 
Cyclogobius Steindachner, Sitzb. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, XLII, 1860, 
284 (Gobius lepidus Girard). 

Lepidogobius lepidus (Girard). 
Pacific coast of North America, from Vancouver Island to Lower 
California, in rather deep water off San Francisco Bay. 
Gobius lepidus Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, pt. 4, Fishes, 1858, 127, 
25a, figs. 5 and 6; substitute for Gobius gracilis, preoccupied. 
Gobius araeilis Girard. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 134, San 

Genus 1235. GILLICHTHYS Cooper. 
Gillichthys Cooper, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., III, 1863, 109 (G4. 
mirabilis Cooper). 
Gillia Giinther, Zool. Rec., 1864, 137 (Gillichthys mirabilis Cooper) ; 
substitute name preoccupied. 
Aprolepis Hubbs, Occ. Papers, Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., I, 1921, 99 
(A. barbare Hubbs); young of Gillichthys mirabilis. 

Gillichthys mirabilis Cooper. Long-jawed goby. 
Pacific coast of North America, from San Francisco to Guaymas. 
Gillichthys mirabilis Cooper, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., III, 1863, 
109, San Diego Bay. 
Gobius townsendi EKigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
XI, 1888, 463, San Diego, Calif. 
Aprolepis barbare Hubbs, Occ. Papers Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., I, 1921, 
99, young. 
Gillichthys detrusus Gilbert and Scofield. 
Horseshoe Bend, near mouth of Colorado River, in Mexico. 
Gillichthys detrusus Gilbert and Scofield, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XX, 
1896, 498, near mouth of Colorado River. 

Genus 1236. QUIETULA Jordan and Evermann. 
Quietula Jordan and Evermann, in Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. 
Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 839 (Gillichthys y- cauda Jenkins and 

Quietula y—cauda (Jenkins and Evermann). 
Pacific coast of North America from Guaymas to Vancouver Island. 
Gillichthys y-cauda Jenkins and Evermann, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XJ, 
1888, 147, Guaymas, Sonora. 
Gillichthys guayamasiz Jenkins and Evermann, loc, cit., 148, G.ayimas, 











Genus 1237. CLEVELANDIA Eigenmann and Eigenmann. 
Clevelandia Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., 
I, 1888, 73 (C. longipinnis Kigenmann and Eigenmann= Clevelandia 
rose Jordan and Evermann). 

Clevelandia ios (Jordan and Gilbert). 

Puget Sound and neighboring waters. 

Gobiosoma ios Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 437, 
Saanich Arm, Vancouver Island. 

Clevelandia longipinnis Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., 2d ser., I, 1888, 73; not of Steindachner. 

Clevelandia rosz Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., 
VI, 1896, 229, San Diego, Calif. 

Genus 1238. ILYPNUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Ilypnus Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 460 (Lepidogobius 
gilberti Eigenmann and Eigenmann). 

Ilypnus gilberti (Eigenmann and Eigenmann). 
San Diego Bay and southward; abundant at Magdalena Bay, Con- 
ception Bay, and St. George’s Bay in the Gulf of California. 
Lepidogobius gilberti Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., XI, 1888, 464, San Diego Bay, Calif. 

Genus 1239. EVERMANNIA Jordan. 
Evermannia Jordan, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., IV, 1896, 592 
(Gobiosoma zosterurum Jordan and Gilbert). 

Evermannia zosterura (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of Mexico at Mazatlan, Mexico. 
Gobiosoma zosterurum Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 361, Mazatlan. 

Evermannia longipinnis (Steindachner). 
Gulf of California. 
Gobiosoma longipinne Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., VIII, 1879, 27, Las 
Animas Island, Gulf of California. 

Evermannia panamensis Gilbert and Starks. 
Panama Bay. 
Evermannia panamensis Gilbert and Starks, Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
VI, 1904, 179, Pl. XXX, Panama Bay. 

Genus 1240. GARMANNIA Jordan and Evermann. J/Half-naked gobies. 
Garmannia Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 
1895, 496, pl. 49 (Gobius paradoxus Giinther). 

Garmannia paradoxa (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of Mexico, Mazatlan to Panama. 
grees paradoxus Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 549, Pacific coast of Central 

Garmannia hemigymna (Higenmann and Eigenmann). 
West Indies. 
Gobius hemigymnus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci, 2d ser., I, 1888, 66, dredged in the West Indies. 

Garmannia rubra Rosen. 
Garmannia rubra Rosen, Arsekr. Univ. Lund, VII, 1912, 50, Bahamas. 
Genus 1241. ENYPNIAS Jordan and Evermann. 
Enypnias Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 
2233 (Gobius seminudus Giinther). 

Enypnias seminudus (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of Central America. 
Gobius seminudus Ginther, Cat., III, 1861, 554, Pacific coast of Central 

Genus 1242. GOBIOSOMA Girard. 
Gobiosoma Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858, 169 (Gobius 
alepidotus Bloch and Schneider=Gobius bosci Lacépéde). 













Gobiosoma bosci (Lacépéde). Naked goby; Clinging goby; Goby; 

Variegated goby; Mud-creeper; Oysterfish. 

Atlantic coast of United States, Cape Cod to Florida. 

Gobius bosci Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1798, 555, pl. 16, fig. 1, 
Charleston, 8S. C. 

Gobius alepidotus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 547; after 

Gobius viridipallidus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. and Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1814, 
379, pl. 1, fig. 8, New York. 

Gobiosoma molestum Girard. 
Gulf coast of the United States from Key West to Texas, and south 
to Bahia. 
Gobiosoma molestum Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858, 
169, Indianola, Tex. 
Gobiosoma alepidotum Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 297, Laguna Grande, Pensacola, Fla. 

Gobiosoma histrio Jordan. 
Known only from the Gulf of California at Guaymas. 
Gobiosoma histrio Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 260, Guay- 
mas, Mexico. 

Gobiosoma crescentale Gilbert. 
Gulf of California. 
Gobiosoma crescentalis Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 557, 
Gulf of California, at Albatross station 2825. 

Gobiosoma multifasciatum Steindachner. 
West Indies; known from Cuba, St. Thomas, and the Lesser Antilles. 
Gobiosoma multifasciatum Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, 1876, 183, 
Lesser Antilles. 
Gobius lineatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 424, Cuba; not of Jenyns. ° 

Gobiosoma horsti Metzelaar. 
Curacao, Caribbean Sea. 
Gobiosoma horsti Metzelaar, Marine Fishes Lesser Antilles, 1923, 

Gobiosoma longum Nichols. 
West Indies, north to Florida. 
Gobiosoma longum Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., X XXIII, 
1914, 143, fig. 1, Florida. 

Genus 1248. BARBULIFER Eigenmann and Eigenmann. 
Barbulifer Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser. 
I, 1888, 70 (B. papillosus Kigenmann and Eigenmann=Gobiosoma 
cauthecum Jordan and Gilbert). 

Barbulifer cauthcecus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
About Key West, Fla. 
Gobiosoma cauthecum Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 
1884, 29, Key West, Fla. 
Barbulifer papillosus EKigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., 2d ser., I, 1888, 70, Key West, Fla. 

Genus 1244. EVERMANNICHTHYS Metzelaar. 
Evermannichthys Metzelaar, Trop. Atl. Vissch., 1919, 139 (H. spongicola 
Radclifiella Hubbs, Occ. Papers, Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., No. 99, 1921, 
2 (Garmannia spongicola Radcliffe). 

Evermannichthys spongicola (Radcliffe). 
Off shore banks of North Carolina and Florida in cavities of sponges. 
Garmannia spongicola Radcliffe, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., LII, 1917, 
423, off Cape Hatteras, N. C., and near Tarpon Springs, west coast 
of Florida. 











Evermannichthys metzelaari Hubbs. 

Caribbean sea, living in sponges. 

Evermannichthys spongicola Metzelaar, Trop. Atl. Vissch., 1919, 189, 
figs. 39 and 40, 139, Curacao; name preoccupied by Evermannichthys 
spongicola (Radcliffe). 

Evermannichthys metzelaari Hubbs, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. 

- Mich., No. 144, Dec. 21, 1923, pl. 1, Curacao; substitute for EH. 
spongicola Metzelaar, preoccupied. 

Genus 1245. LETHOPS Hubbs. 
Lethops Hubbs, Occ. Papers Univ. Mich. Mus.' Zool., 1925 (Lethops 
connectens Hubbs). 

Lethops connectens Hubbs. 
Coast of California in tide pools. 
Lethops connectens Hubbs, Oce. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 1925, 
Carmel Bay; Point Firmin, near Los Angeles. 

Genus 1246. TYPHLOGOBIUS Steindachner. Blind gobies. 
Typhlogobius Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., VIII, 1879, 24 (T. cali- 
forniensis Steindachner). 
Othonops Rosa Smith (Mrs. Eigenmann), Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., II, 
1881, 19 (O. eos Smith=Typhlogobius californiensis Steindachner). 

Ea bage ia Sage californiensis Steindachner. Blind goby of Point Loma; 
Coast of Lower California, from San Diego southward to Cedros Island; 
especially common at Point Loma. 
Typhlogobius californiensis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., VIII, 1879, 24, 
False Bay, San Diego, Calif. 
Othonops eos Rosa Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., II, 1881, 19, Point 
Loma, San Diego, Calif. 

Genus 1247. SICYDIUM Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Sicydium Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 1837, 126 
(168) (Gobius plumieri Bloch). 

Sicydium plumieri (Bloch). Sirago. 
Fresh waters of the West Indies. 
Gobius plumieri Bloch, Ichth., 1786, 125, pl. 178, fig. 3, Martinique; on 
a drawing by Plumier. 
Sicydium siragus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 278, Santiago de Cuba. 

Sicydium caguite# Evermann and Marsh. 
Porto Rico. 
Sicydium caguite Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XXV, 
1899 (Dec. 19), 355, Rio de Caguitas at Caguas, Porto Rico. 

Sicydium vincente Jordan and Evermann. 
Kingston, St. Vincent Island; Haiti. 
Sicydium vincente Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 45, St. 
Vincent Island. 

Sicydium antillarum Ogilvie—Grant. 
Sicydium antillarum Ogilvie-Graat, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1884, 157, 

Sicydium punctatum Perugia. 
Sicydium punctatum Perugia, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia 
Naturali di Genova, ser. 2, XVI, 1896, 18, Martinique. 

Sicydium buscki Evermann and Clark. 
Santo Domingo. Ev 
Sicydium buscki Evermann and Clark, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXX, 
1906, 854, fig. 3, San Francisco Mountain, Santo Domingo. 

Genus 1248. COTYLOPUS Guichenot. 
Cotylopus Guichenot, in Maillard, Notes sur l’Isle de la Réunion, IT, 
1862, annex b., 9 (C. acutipinnis). 
Sicya Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 456, (Sicydium gymno- 
gaster Ogilvie—Grant). 


3605. Cotylopus salvini (Ogilvie—Grant). 
Streams near Panama. 
Sicydium salvini Ogilvie-Grant, Proce. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1884, 159, pl. 
12, fig. 2, Panama. 

3606. Cotylopus cocoensis Heller and Snodgrass. 
Chatham Bay, Cocos Island, northwest of Panama. 
Cotylopus cocoensis Heller and Snodgrass, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., V, 
1903, 211, Pl. XI, Cocos Island. 

38607. Cotylopus punctatus Regan. 
Tequesixtlan, Mexico. 
Cotylopus punctatus Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser.’7, XVI, 1905, 362, 
Tequesixtlan, Mexico. 

Family 257. GOBIOIDIDZ 

Genus 1249. GOBIOIDES Lacépéde. 
Gobioides Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 580 (G. broussonnetit 

8608. Gobioides broussonnetii Lacépéde. 

West Indies to Brazil; once taken near New Orleans. 

Gobioides broussonnetii Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 580, 
probably from Surinam; ‘‘given by Holland to France.” 

Gobius brasiliensis Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 69, Brazil. 

Gobius oblongus Bloch and Schneider, loc. cit., 548; based on Lacépéde. 

Gobioides barreto Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 282, Cuba. 

Amblyopsis mexicanus O’Shaughnessy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, 
XV, 1875, 147, Mexico. 

Genus 1250. TYNTLASTES Giinther. 
Tyntlastes Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1862, 193 (Amblyopus sagitta 

8609. Tyntlastes sagitta (Giinther). 
Coast of Lower California. 
Amblyopus sagitta Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1862, 193, ‘‘Cali- 
fornia’’; probably from Lower California. 

3610. Tyntlastes brevis (Giinther). 
Amblyopus brevis Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 151, Panama. 

Genus 1251. CAYENNIA Sauvage. 
Cayennia Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Philom., ser. 7, IV, 1880, 57 (C. guichenoti 

8611. Cayennia guichenoti Sauvage. 
Cayenne, French Guiana. 
Cayennia guichenoti Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Philom., ser. 7, IV, 1880, 
57, Cayenne. 

Family 258. ECHENEIDZ. Remoras 

Genus 1252, ECHENEIS Linneus. 
Echeneis Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 261 (#. naucrates Linnzeus, 
as first restricted by Gill, 1862). 
Leptecheneis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 60 (Echeneis 
naucrates Linnzus). 

3612. Echeneis naucrates Linneus. Sharksucker; Pega; Pegador; Suckingfish; 

White-tailed remora; Indian remora. 

Warm seas, universally distributed; common north to Cape Cod and 
San Francisco. 

Echeneis neucrates (misprint for naucrates) Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 
1758, 261, Pelago Indico. 

Capen albacauda Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 1818, 244, New 


Echeneis lunata Bancroft, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc., I, 1830, 174, Kings- 

ton, Jamaica. 


Echeneis vittata Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1839, 89, Madeira. 

Echeneis guaican Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 248, Cuba. 

Echeneis verticalis Poey, loc. cit., 253, Cuba. 

Echeneis metallica Poey, loc. cit., 252, Cuba. 

Echeneis fusca Gronow, Cat. Fish., ed. Gray, 1854, 92; after Linneus. 

Echeneis neucratoides Zuieuw, Nova Acta Acad. Sci. Imp. Petropol., IV, 
1789, 279, no locality. 

Echeneis lineata Holbrook, Ichth. South Carolina, 1855, 101, Charleston, 
S. C.; not of Menzies. 

Echeneis holbrooki Giinther, Cat., II, 1860, 382, Jamaica. 

Genus 1253. REMILEGIA Gill. 
Remilegia Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 239 (Echeneis 
scutata Ginther). 
3613. Remilegia australis (Bennett). 

Tropical seas; recorded by Doctor Liitken from 10° N., 39° W. 
Echeneis australis Bennett, Nar. Whaling Voyage, II, 1840, 273, pls. 

Echeneis scutata Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1860, 401, pl. 10, 
fig. B, Ceylon. 

Genus 1254. REMORA Forster. 
Remora Forster, Cat. Anim. N. Amer., 1770, 20 (Echeneis remora 

3614. Remora remora (Linnzus). Remora; Sucker; Pega. 

Warm seas, north to New York and San Francisco. 

Echeneis remora Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 260, Pelago Indico. 

Echeneis squalipeta Daldorf, Skrivt. Naturrh. Selsk., II, 1793, 157, 
Atlantic Ocean between the tropics. 

Echeneis jacobzxa Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1839, 89, Madeira. 

Echeneis remoroides Bleeker, Natur. Tijd. Ned. Ind. (Bata, IX, 1855, 
70, Batee). 

Echeneis parva Gronow, Cat. Fish., ed. Gray, 1854, 92, no locality; after 

Echeneis postica Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 255, Habana. 

Genus 1255. REMORINA Jordan and Evermann. 
Remorina Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 490 (Echeneis 
albescens Temminck and Schlegel). 

3615. Remorina albescens (Temminck and Schlegel). 
Tropical Pacific, northward to San Francisco and Japan; common at 
Galapagos Islands. 
Echeneis albescens Temminck and Schlegel, Fauna Japonica, Poiss., 
1845, 272, pl. 120, fig. 4, Nagasaki, Japan. 
Genus 1256. REMOROPSIS Gill. 
Remoropsis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 60 (Echeneis 
brachyptera Lowe). 
3616. Remoropsis brachyptera (Lowe). Swordfish sucker. 
Warm seas; occasionally north to Cape Cod. 
Echeneis brachyptera Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1839, 89, Madeira. 
Echeneis sexdecim-lamellata Eydoux and Gervais, Voy. Favorite, V, 
1839, 77, pl. 31, Indian Ocean. 
Echeneis quatuordecimlaminatus Storer, Rept. Fishes Mass., 1839, 155, 
Holmes Hole. 
Echeneis pallida Temminck and Schlegel, Fauna Japonica, Poiss., 1845, 
271, pl. 120, fig. 2, 3, Japan. 
Echeneis nieuhofii Bleeker, Sumatra, Naturk. Tijd. Neder. Indie, IV, 
1853, 279, Sumatra, Priaman. 

Genus 1257. PHTHEIRICHTHYS Gill. 

Phtheirichthys Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 239 

(Echeneis lineata Menzies). — 
3617. Phtheirichthys tropicus (Huphrasen). 

Tropical seas, ranging north to South Carolina and Pensacola. 

Echeneis tropica Euphrasen, Nya. Handl., XII, 1791, 315, Atlantic 
vetween the tropics. 

Echeneis apicalis Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 254, Cuba. 

?Echeneis sphyrenarum Poey, loc. cit., 255, Cuba, on barracudas., 













Genus 1258. RHOMBOCHIRUS Gill. 
Rhombochirus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 88 (EHcheneis 
osteochir Cuvier). 

Rhombochirus osteochir (Cuvier). Spearfish sucker. 
West Indies, north to Cape Cod. 
Echeneis osteochir Cuvier, Régne Animal, ed. 2, II, 1829, 348, no locality 
Echeneis terapturorum Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 256, Cuba. 


Genus 1259. DRACONETTA Jordan and Fowler. beets 
Draconetta Jordan and Fowler, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXV, 1903, 939 
(D. xenica Jordan and Fowler). 

Draconetta acanthopoma Regan. 
Depths of north Atlantic. 
Draconetta acanthopoma Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., May, 1904; 
north Atlantic, in deep water. 

Family 260. CALLIONYMIDZ. Dragonets 

Genus 1260. CALLIONYMUS Linneus. 
Callionymus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 249, (C. lyra Linnzus). 

Callionymus bairdi Jordan. 
Snapper Banks, Gulf of Mexico, between Pensacola and Tampa, Fla. 
Callionymus bairdi Jordan, Proc., U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1887, 501, 
Snapper Banks off Pensacola, Fla. 

Callionymus agassizii Goode and Bean. 
West Indies off Barbados and Santa Cruz 
Callionymus agassizii Goode and Bean, Three Cruises of the Blake, 
II, 1888, 29, fig., Gulf of Mexico. 
Callionymus himantophorus Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 
296, figs. 268 A and B, off Barbados in 209 fathoms. 

Callionymus calliurus Kigenmann and Higenmann. 
Key West, Fla. 
Callionymus calliurus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, Proc., Calif. Acad. 
Sci., 2d ser., I, 1888, 76, South Beach, Key West, Fla. 

Callionymus ee tte Gill. 
Matanzas, Cuba. 
Callionymus pauciradiatus Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VIII, 
1867, 148, Matanzas, Cuba. 

Callionymus bermudarum Barbour. 
Castle Island, Bermudas. 
Callionymus bermudarum Barbour, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XLVI, 
1905, No. 7, 129, Castle Island, Bermudas. 

Callionymus bekei Metzelaar. 
Caribbean Sea. 
Callionymus bekei Metzelaar, Trop. Atl. Vissch., 1916, 149, fig. 47, 

Callionymus sancti-eustatii Metzelaar. 
Callionymus sancti-eustatii Metzelaar, Trop. Atl. Vissch., 1916, 150, 
fig. 47, St. Eustatius. 

Callionymus atrilabiatus Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Callionymus atrilabiatus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 122, off Bay of Panama. 



Genus 1261. HYPSICOMETES Goode. 
oo ie Goode, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., ITI, 1880, 347 (H. gobioides 

3628. Hypsicometes gobioides Goode. 
Gulf Stream. 
Hypsicometes gobioides Goode, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 348, 
Gulf Stream at Albatross station 871, 40° 2’ 54’’ N., 70° 23’ 40” W., 
in 115 fathoms. 

Family 262. AMMODYTIDA. Sand lances or sand launces 

Genus 1262. AMMODYTES Linneus. Sand launces; Sand lances. 
Ammodytes Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 247 (A. tobianus Linnzus). 
Argyrotenia Gill, Fishes East Coast U. S., Suppl. to Proc. Acad. Nat. 

Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 40 (Ammodytes vittatus DeKay; probably a 
deformed example). 

3629. Ammodytes americanus DeKay. Sand launce; Sand lance; Sand eel; 
Newfoundland to Cape May and Cape Hatteras; abundant on sandy 
Ammodytes americanus DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 317, 
Stratford, Conn. 
Ammodytes vittatus DeKay, loc. cit., 318, pl. 60, fig. 197, New York. 

3630. Ammodytes dubius Reinhardt. 
Greenland to Cape Cod. 
Ammodytes dubius Reinhardt, Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Afhandl., VII, 
1838, 131, Greenland. 

3631. Ammodytes personatus Girard. Sand launce; Sand lance. 
Japan to Alaska, south to Monterey, Calif. 
Ammodytes personatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1856, 
137, Cape Flattery, Wash. 

3632. Ammodytes alascanus Cope. Alaska sand lance 
North Pacific coast of North America, Sitka to Aleutian Islands. 
Ammodytes alascanus Cope, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., XIII, ,1873, 30, 
Sitka, Alaska. 

Family 263. BLEEKERIIDZ 

Genus 1263. RHYNCHIAS Gill. 
Rhynchias Gill, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1898, 2841 (Ammodytes septipinnis Pallas) ; species and Bons doubtful, 
not seen by recent authors. 

3633. Rhynchias septipinnis (Pallas). 
Ammodytes septipinnis Pallas, Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 227, Tab. 
XLVIII, fig. 3, Kamchatka. 

Family 264. BATHYMASTERIDZA. Ronquils 

Genus 1264. BATHYMASTER Cope. 
Bathymaster Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1873, 31 (B. signatus 
3634. Bathymaster signatus Cope. 
Shores of Alaska. 
Bathymaster signatus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. XIII, 1873, 31, near 
Sitka, Alaska. 

3635. Bathymaster ceruleofasciatus Gilbert and Burke. 
Southern Bering Sea. 
Bathymaster ceryleofasciatus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. 8S. Bur. Fish., 
XXX, 1910, 4, fig. 29, Agattu Island, Alaska, 










Genus 1265. RONQUILUS Jordan and Starks. 
Ronquilus Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser.,V, 1895, 
838 (Bathymaster jordani Gilbert). 

Ronquilus jordani (Gilbert). Ronquil. 
Alaska to Puget Sound. 
Rathymaster jordani Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, 1888, 554, 
Elliott Bay at Seattle; Alaska. 

Genus 1266. RATHBUNELLA Jordan and Evermann. 
Rathbunella Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 463 (Bathymaster 
hypoplectus Gilbert). 

Rathbunella hypoplecta (Gilbert). 
Coast of California about the Santa Barbara Islands. 
Bathymaster hypoplectus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 97, 
coast of California, south of Point Conception, at Albatross station 

Rathbunella alleni Gilbert. 
Monterey Bay, Calif. 
Rathbunella alleni Gilbert, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 3d ser., III, 1904, 
267, Monterey Bay, Calif. 

Family 265. ZAPRORIDZ 

Genus 1267. ZAPRORA Jordan. 
Zaprora Jordan, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., VI, 1896, 202 (2. 
silenus Jordan). 

Zaprora silenus Jordan. 
East coast of Vancouver Island; only four specimens known. 
Zaprora silenus Jordan, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., VI, 1896, 203, 
pl. 20, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. 

Family 266. CHIASMODONTID2. Black swallowers. 

Genus 1268. CHIASMODON Johnson. ; 
Chiasmodon Johnson, Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1863, 408 (C. niger 
Chiasmodus Giinther, altered spelling. 

Chiasmodon niger Johnson. Black swallower. 
Deep waters of the Atlantic; taken at Madeira and off Massachusetts 
Chiasmodon niger Johnson, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1863, 408, Madeira. 

Chiasmodon subniger Garman. 
Pacific coast of Mexico, off Lower California, in deep water. 
Chiasmodon subniger Garman, Mem., Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
73, off Gulf of California at Albatross station 3429. 

Genus 1269. PSEUDOSCOPELUS Liitken. 
Pseudoscopelus Liitken, Spolia Atlantica, Scopelini, 64, in Vid. Selsk. 
Skr. (6), VII, 1892, 285 (P. scriptus Litken). 

Pseudoscopelus scriptus Liitken. 
Old Bahama Straits, in deep water. 
Pseudoscopelus scriptus Liitken, Spolia Atlantica, Scopelini, 64, in Vid. 
Selsk. Skr. (6), VII, 1892, 285, Old Bahama Straits. 

Family 267. OPISTHOGNATHIDA. Jawfishes 

Genus 1270. OPISTHOGNATHUS Cuvier. 
Opisthognathus Cuvier, Régne Anim., Ed. I, 1817, 252 (O. sonnerati 
Opisthognathus macrognathum Poey. 
‘lorida Keys to Cuba. 
Opisthognathus macrognathus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 284, Cuba. 
Opisthognathus megastoma Giinther, Cat., I, 1860, 255, Gulf of Mexico. 
Opisthognathus scaphiurus Goode and Bean, Proc, U, 8, Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 417, Garden Key, Fla, 


3644. Opisthognathus lonchurum Jordan and Gilbert. 
Gulf of Mexico, in deep water; two specimens known, taken from the 
stomach of a red snapper at Pensacola, Fla. 
Opisthognathus lonchurus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
V, 1882, 290, Snapper Banks off Pensacola, Fla. 

3645. Opisthognathus punctatum Peters. 
West coast of Mexico; Mazatlan; Magdalena.Bay. 
Opisthognathus punctatus Peters, Berl. Monatsber., 1869, 708, Mazatlan, 

3646. Opisthognathus cmmatum Jenkins and Evermann. 
Bay of Guaymas, Gulf of California. 
Opisthognathus ommata Jenkins and Evermann, Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., XI, 1888, 153, Guaymas, Sonora. 

Genus 1271. GNATHYPOPS * Gill. 
Gnathypops Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 18€2, 241 (Opistho- 
gnathus mazillosus Poey). 

3647. Gnathypops maxillosa (Poey). 
Cuba, north to Garden Key, Fla. 
Opisthognaihus mazillosus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 286, Cuba. 

3648. Gnathypops macrops (Poey). 
Coast of Cuba. 
Opisthognathus macrops Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 287, coast of Cuba, 

3649. Gnathypops cuvieri (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Opistognathus cuviert Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XI, 
1836, 504, Bahia (may be identical with macrops). 

3650. Gnathypops rhomalea (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Gulf of California. 
Opisthognathus rhomaleus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
IV, 1881, 276, Santa Maria Cove, Lower California. 

3651. Gnathypops scops Jenkins and Evermann., 
Gulf of California at Guaymas. 
Gnathypops scops Jenkins and Evermann, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
XI, 1888, 152, Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. 

3652. Gnathypops snyderi Jordan and Evermann. 
Gulf of California. 
Gnathypops snydert Jordan and Evyermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1898, 2285, San Luis Gonzales Bay, Gulf of California. 

3653. Gnathypops mystacina Jordan. 
Gulf of Mexico; known from the Pensacola ‘Snapper Banks,’ from 
the stomach of a red snapper (Neomeznis blackfordi). 
Gnathypops mystacinus Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 37, 
Snapper Banks off Pensacola, Fla. 

3654. Gnathypops aurifrons Jordan and Thompson, 
Garden Key, Fla. 
Gnathypops aurifrons Jordan and Thompson, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., 
XXIV, 1904, 252, fig. 4, Garden Key, Fla. 

Genus 1272. LONCHOPISTHUS Gill. 
Lonchopisthus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 241 (Opis- 
thognathus micrognathus Poey). 

3655. ang iaeecanae micrognathus (Poey). 
Opisthognathus micrognathus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 287, Cuba. 

* It is possible that some or all of the short-jawed forms are the females of species of Opisthograthus 












Family 268. URANOSCOPIDA,. Stargazers 

Genus 1278. ASTROSCOPUS Brevoort. Stargazers. 
Astroscopus Brevoort, in Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci: Phila., XII, 1860, 
20 (Uranoscopus anoplos Cuvier and Valenciennes = Uranoscopus 
y—-grecum Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Astroscopus y-grecum (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Stargazer. 
South Atlantic coast, from Cape Hatteras to the Caribbean Sea. 
Uranoscopus y-grecum Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., ITI, 
1829, 229 (308), locality unknown. 
Uranoscopus anoplos Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., VIII, 1831, 
363 (493), Atlantic coast of North America. 

Astroscopus guttatus Abbot. Spotted stargazer. 
Atlantic coast of the United States, from Long Island to Virginia; not 
known south of Cape Hatteras. 
Astroscopus guttatus Abbott, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 1860, 
365, pl. 7, Cape May, N. J. 

Astroscopus zephyreus Gilbert and Starks. 
Magdalena Bay, Lower California. 
Astroscopus zephyreus Jordan and Starks, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIX, 
1896, 453, Magdalena Bay, Lower California. — 

Genus 1274. KATHETOSTOMA Giinther. 
Kathetostoma Giinther, Cat., II, 1860, 231 SER be: levis Bloch and 

Kathetostoma averruncus Jordan and Bollman. : 
Pacific Ocean off coast of Colombia, and Bay of Panama, in deep water. 
Kathetostoma averruncus Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 

XII, 1889, 163, off coast of Colombia, 8° 57! N.,: 79° 31’ 30/”' Wi, at 
Albatross station 2800 in 7 fathoms. 

Kathetostoma albigutta (Bean). 
Gulf of Mexico. 
Cathetostoma albigutta Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVIII, 1892, 121, 
Gulf of Mexico, at Albatross station 2403, 28° 42’ 30’’ N., 85° 29’ W. 

Genus 1275. EXECESTIDES Jordan and Thompson. 
Execestides Jordan and Thompson, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XXIV, 1904, 
253, (Execestides egregius Jordan and Thompson). 

Execestides egregius Jordan and Thompson. 
Garden Key, Fla. 
Execestides egregius Jordan and Thompson, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XXIV, 
1904, 253, fig. 5, Garden Key, Fla. 

Family 269. DACTYLOSCOPIDZA. Sand stargazers 

Genus 1276. DACTYLOSCOPUS Gill. 
Dactyloscopus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI,-1859, 132° (D. 
tridigitatus Gill). 
Congrammus Fowler, loc. cit., LYIII, 1906, 105 (C. moerei Fowler). 

Dactyloscopus tridigitatus Gill. Sand Beles 
West Indies, north to Key West. 
Dactyloscopus tridigitatus Gill, Proc. ‘Acad? ‘Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 
132, Barbados. 
Congrammus mooret Fowler, loc. cit., LVIII, 1906, 105, Hailer’s. Rock, 
Florida Keys. 

Dactyloscopus pectoralis Gill. 
Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 
Dactyloscopus pectoralis Gill, Proc. Acad.. Nat. Sci. Phila., Fa 1861, 
267, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 

. Dactyloscopus cinctus Osburn and Nichols. 

Gulf of California. 
Dactyloscopus_ cinctus Osburn and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., XX XV, 1916, 176, fig. 14, Cape San Lucas. 


3665. Ve occopus poeyi Gill. 
Dactyloscopus poeyi Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 266, 

3666. Dactyloscopus lunaticus Gilbert. 
Gulf of California. 
Dactyloscopus lunaticus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. hee XIII, 1890, 99, 
Gulf of California. 

Genus 1277. GILLELLUS Gilbert. 
Gillellus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 98 (G. semicinctus 
Gilbert). ; 

3667. Gillellus semicinctus Gilbert. 
Gulf of California; also off the Florida coast. 
Gillellus semicinctus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 98, 
near north end of Gulf of California, at Albatross stations 2827, 248 
11’ 45’ N., 109° 55’ W., and 2829, 22° 52’ N., 109° 55’ W., in 10 
and 31 fathoms. E 

3668. Gillellus arenicola Gilbert. 
Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 
Gillellus arenicola Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 99, Cape 
San Lucas. 

8669. Gillellus ornatus Gilbert. 
Gulf of California. 
Gillellus ornatus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 558, Gulf 
of California. 

Genus 1278. ESLOSCOPUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Esloscopus Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 465 (Dactyloscopus 
zelotes Jordan and Gilbert). 

3670. Esloscopus zelotes (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Dactyloscopus zelotes Jordan and Gilbert, in: Jordan and Evermann, 
Check List, 1895, 464, Panama. 

Genus 1279. DACTYLAGNUS Gill. 
Dactylagnus Gill, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 505 (D. 
mundus Gill). 

3671. Dactylagnus mundus Gill. 
Carmen Island, Gulf of California. 
Dactylagnus mundus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 505, 
Carmen Island, Gulf of California. 

Genus 1280. MYXODAGNUS Gill. 
Myzxodagnus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 269 (M. 
opercularis Gill). 

3672. Myxodagnus opercularis Gill. 
ape San Lucas, Lower California. 
Myxodagnus opercularis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila., XIII, 1861, 
270, Cape San Lucas, Lower California. 

Family 270. CLINIDZ 

Genus 1281. MNIERPES Jordan and Evermann. 
Mnierpes Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 468 (Clinus macro- 
cephalus Giinther). 

3673. Mnierpes macrocephalus (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of Central America; Panama. 
Clinus macrocephalus Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 266, Pacific coast of 
Central America. 

Genus 1282. GOBIOCLINUS Gill, 
Gobioclinus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 1860, 103 (Clinus 
gobio Cuvier and Valenciennes). 


3674. Gobioclinus gobio (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Lesser Antilles. 
Clinus gobio Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XI, 1836, 292 
(395), Lesser Antilles. 

Genus 1283. HISTIOCLINUS Metzelaar. 
Histioclinus Metzelaar, Trop. Atl. Vissch., 1919, 157 (H. veliger Met- 

3675. Histioclinus veliger Metzelaar. 
Caribbean Sea. 
Histioclinus veliger Metzelaar, Trop. Atl. Vissch., 1919, 157, Bonaire. 

Genus 1284. STARKSIA Jordan and Evermann. 
Starksia Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., VI, 
1896, 231, (Labrosomus cremnobates Gilbert). 

3676. Starksia cremnobates (Gilbert). 
Gulf of California. 
Labrosomus cremnobates Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 
100, Gulf of California. 

Genus 1285. ALLOCLINUS Hubbs. 
Alloclinus Hubbs, Papers, Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Letters, VII, 
1926 (1927), 351 (Starksia holdert Lauderbach). 

3677. Alloclinus holderi (Lauderbach). 
Santa Catalina, Calif. 
Starksia holderi Lauderbach, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XX XII, 1907, 74, 
fig. 6, Santa Catalina Island. 

Genus 1286. CRYPTOTREMA Gilbert. 
Cryptotrema Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 101 (C. coral- 
linum Gilbert). 

3678. Chryptotrema corallinum Gilbert. 
Coast of California, south of Point Conception. 
Cryptotrema corallinum Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 101, 
coast of California, south of Point Conception. 

Genus 1287. EXERPES Jordan and Evermann. 
Exerpes Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., VI, 
1896, 232 (Auchenopterus asper Jenkins and Evermann). 

3679. Exerpes asper (Jenkins and Evermann). 
Guaymas, Mexico. 
Auchenopterus asper Jenkins and Evermann, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
XI, 1888, 154, Guaymas, Mexico. 

Genus 1288. CORALLICOLA Jordan and Evermann. | 
Corallicola Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 
2369 (Cremnobates marmoratus Steindachner). 

3680. Corallicola marmoratum (Steindachner). Rockfish. 
Florida Kéys to Cuba; Key West. 
Cremnobates marmoratus Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, 1876, 174, pl. 
12, fig. 6, near Cuba. 

3681. Corallicola nigripinne (Steindachner). 
Clinus nigripinnis Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, VI, 1867, 45, Barbados. 

3682. Corallicola altivelis (Lockington). 
La Paz, Lower California. 
Cremnobates altivelis Lockington, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XX XIII, 
1881, 116, La Paz, Lower California. 

Genus 1289. AUCHENOPTERUS Giinther. 
Auchenopterus Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 275 (A. monophthalmus Giin- 
ther; not Auchenipterus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Cremnobates Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1861, 374 (same type; 
substitute name). 
Tekla Nichols, Copeia, No. 110, 1922, 69 (Cremnobates fasciatus Stein- 















Auchenopterus monophthalmus Giinther. 
Gulf of California to Panama. : 
Auchenopterus monophthalmus Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 275, Panama. 

Auchenopterus integripinnis (Rosa Smith). 
Coast of California and southward to Todos Santos, Lower California. 
Cremnobates integripinnis Rosa Smith, Proe. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 
147, La Jolla, near San Diego. 

Auchenopterus mexicanus Gilbert. 
La Paz to Mazatlan, Mexico. 
Auchenopterus mexicanus Gilbert, Proce. Calif. Acad. Sci., 3d ser., III, 
1904, 269, Pl. X XIX, La Paz, Lower California. 

Auchenopterus affinis (Steindachner). 
West Indies; Key West; St. Thomas. 
Cremnobates affinis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, 1876, 178, St. Thomas. 

Auchenopterus fasciatus (Steindachner). 
Florida Straits; north to Key West; Porto Rico. 
Bio aaiaes fasciatus Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, 1876, 176, Florida 

Auchenopterus nox (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Key West, Fla. 
Cremnobates nox Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 
30, Key West. 

Auchenopterus albicaudus Evermann and Marsh. 
Porto Rico. 
Auchenopterus albicaudus Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. S. Fish 
Com., XXV, 1899 (Dec. 19), 360, Arroyo, Porto Rico. 

Auchenopterus fajardo Evermann and Marsh. 
Porto Rico. 
Auchenopterus fajardo Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., 
XXV, 1899 (Dec. 19), 361, Fajardo, Porto Rico. 

Auchenopterus rubescens Evermann and Marsh. 
Porto Rico. 
Auchenopterus rubescens Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., 
XXV, 1899 (Dec. 19), 360, Puerto Real, Porto Rico. 

Auchenopterus cingulatus Evermann and Marsh. 

Porto Rico. 
Auchenopterus cingulatus Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., 

XXV, 1899 (Dec. 19), 361, Ponce, Porto Rico, 

Auchenopterus grandicomus Rosen. 
Auchenopterus grandicomus Rosen, Fauna Bahamas, 1911, 69, Andros 


Genus 1290. AUCHENISTIUS Evermann and Marsh. 
Auchenistius Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XXV, 
1899 (Dec. 19), 359 (A. stahli Evermann and Marsh). 

Auchenistius stahli Evermann and Marsh. 
Porto Rico. 
Auchenistius stahli Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., 
XXV, 1899 (Dec. 19), 359, Ponce, Porto Rico. 

Genus 1291. PARACLINUS Mocquard. 
Acanthoclinus Mocquard, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, X, 1885, 18 (A. 
chaperi Mocquard); name preoccupied. 
Paraclinus Mocquard, loc. cit., I, 1888, 41 (Acanthoclinus chaperi 
Paraclinus chaperi (Mocquard). 
Bay of Guanta, near Barcelona, in Venezuela. 
Acanthoclinus chaperi Mocquard, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, X, 1885, 18, 
Bay of Guanta, Venezuela. 


Genus 1292. ENNEAPTERYGIUS Riippell. 
Enneapterygius Rippell, Neue Wirbelthiere, Fische, 1835, 2 (Z. pusillus 
Enneanectes Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 
1895, 501 (Tripterygium carminale Jordan and Gilbert). 

3696. Enneapterygius carminalis (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Mazatlan, Mexico, and Caribbean Sea. 
Tripterygium carminale Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
IV, 1881, 362, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Genus 12938. GILLIAS Evermann and Marsh. 
Gillias Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XXV, 1899 
(Dee. 19), 357 (G. jordanit Evermann and Marsh). 

3697. Gillias jordani Evermann and Marsh. 
Porto Rico. 
Gillias jordani Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XXV, 
1899, (Dec. 19), 357, Cardona Lighthouse Reef, Ponce, Porto Rico. 

Genus 1294. GIBBONSIA Cooper. 
Gibbonsia Cooper, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., III, 1863, 109 (Myzodes 
elegans Cooper). 
Blakea Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, 1876, 148 (Myzxodes elegans 

83698. Gibbonsia elegans (Cooper). Spotted kelpfish; Senorita. 
Coast of southern California; Point Conception to Todos Santos. 
Myzxodes elegans Cooper, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., III, 1863, 109, San 
Diego; Santa Barbara. 
Clinus ocellifer Mocquard, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1886, 44, California. 
Go evides Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, 1883, 763, Monterey, 

3699. Gibbonsia elegans montereyensis Hubbs. 
Coast of southern California. 
Gibbonsia elegans montereyensis Hubbs, Papers Mich. Acad. Sei. Arts 
and Letters, VII, 1926, 354, reef at Pacific Grove, Calif. 

3700. Gibbonsia metzi Hubbs. 
California coast, chiefly in tidepools. 
Gibbonsia metzi Hubbs, Papers Mich..Acad. Sci. Arts and Letters, 
VII, 1926, 360 Pacific Grove, Calif. 

Genus 1295. HETEROSTICHUS Girard. 
Heterostichus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 143 
(H. rostratus Girard). 

3701. Heterostichus rostratus Girard. Kelpfish. 
Coast of California from San Francisco to San Diego. 
Heterostichus rostratus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
143, San Diego, Calif. 

Genus 1296. NEOCLINUS Girard. 
Neoclinus Girard, U. S. Pac. R. R. Surv., X, pt. 4, Fishes, 1858, 114 
(N. blanchardi Girard). 

3702. Neoclinus blanchardi Girard. 
Coast of California, Monterey to San Diego. 
Neoclinus blanchardi Girard, U. 8. Pac. R. R. Surv., X, pt. 4, Fishes, 
1858, 114, off San Diego, Calif. 

Genus 1297. PTEROGNATHUS Jordan and Evermann. 

Pterognathus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 57 (Neo- 
clinus satiricus Girard); name only suggested but not adopted. 

Pterognathus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1898, 2354 (Neoclinus satiricus Girard). 

3703. Pterognathus satiricus (Girard). 

Coast of California, from Monterey to Santa Barbara. 

Neoclinus satiricus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 57, 
Monterey Bay. 


Genus 1298. LABRISOMUS Swainson. 

Labrisomus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Classn. Fishes, II, 1839, 277 (Clinus 
pectinifer Cuvier and Valenciennes=Clinus nuchipinnis Quoy and 

Lepisoma DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 41, L. cirrhosum DeKay= 
Clinus nuchipinnis Quoy and Gaimard). 

3704. Labrisomus nuchipinnis (Quoy and Gaimard). 

West Indies; South Atlantic coast. 

Clinus nuchipinnis Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. Uranié, Zool., 1824, 255, 
Bay of Rio de Janeiro. 

Clinus pectinifer Cuvier and Valeneiennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XI, 1836, 
276 (374), Bahia. 

Clinus capillatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 278 (377), Mar- 

Sicha canariensis Valenciennes, in Webb and Berthelot, Poiss. Iles 
Canaries, 1839, 60, Pl. XVII, fig. 3, Canary Islands. 

Lepisoma cirrhosum DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 41, 1842, Florida. 

3705. Labrisomus heilneri Nichols. 
Labrisomus heilneri Nichols, Amer. Mus. Novitates, X XVI, 1921, p. 2, 
fig. 2, Bahamas. 

3706. Labrisomus xanti Gill. 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Labrisomus xanti Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 1860, 107, 
Cerro Blanco, Cape San Lucas. 

3707. Labrisomus herminier (LeSueur). 
St. Bartholomew, West Indies. 
Blennius herminier LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IV, 1824, 
361, St. Bartholomew, West Indies. 

3708. Labrisomus bucciferus Poey. 
Labrosomus bucciferus Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 399, Cuba. 

3709. Labrisomus lentiginosus Bean. 
Paget Parish, Bermudas. 
Labrisomus lentiginosus Bean, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XIX, 1906, 31, 
tide pool at Does Rock, Paget Parish, Bermudas. 

37 ster a Labrisomus microlepidotus Poey. 
Labrosomus microlepidotus Poey, Anal. Soc. Espafiola Hist. Nat., XIX, 
1880, 246, Pl. VIII, fig. 2, Cuba. 

Genus 1299-1300. MALACOCTENUS Gill. 
Malacoctenus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 1860, 103 (Clinus 
delalandi Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

3712. Malacoctenus delalandi (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Coast of Brazil and the Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Clinus delalandii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XI, 1836, 
279 (378), Brazil. 
Clinus zonifer Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Msi IV, 1881, 
.. 861, Mazatlan. ~ 

3713. Malacoctenus ocellatus (Steindachner). 
. Bahama Islands. 
id = Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, 1876, 182, Bahama 

3714. Rr Sere varius (Poey). 
Myzxodes varius Poey, Enumeratio, 1876, 132, pl. 5, fig. 2, Habana. 




Sik é- 











Malacoctenus macropus (Poey). 
Myzxodes macropus Poey, Synopsis, III, 1868, 399, Habana, . 

Malacoctenus lugubris (Poey). 
Myzxodes lugubris Poey, Enumeratio, 1876, 131, Cuba. 

Malacoctenus gilli (Steindachner). 
Clinus gilli Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, VI, 1867, 46, Barbados. 

Malacoctenus bimaculatus (Steindachner). 
Small rocky islands north coast of Cuba. 
yee bimaculatus Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, 1876, 180, islands off 

Malacoctenus puertoricensis Evermann and Marsh. 
Porto Rico. 
Malacoctenus puertoricensis Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. 8S. Fish 
Com., XXV, 1899 (Dec. 19), 358, Hucares, Porto Rico. 

Malacoctenus versicolor (Poey). 
Myzxodes versicolor Poey, Enumeratio, 1876, 131, pl. 5, fig. 1, Cuba. 

Malacoctenus biguttatus (Cope). 
New Providence, Bahamas. 
Labrisomus biguttatus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soe. Phila., XIV, 
1871, 473, New Providence, Bahamas. 

Genus 1301. ERICTEIS Jordan. 
Ericteis Jordan, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XXII, 1902, 543 (EH. kalisherez 

Ericteis kalishere Jordan. 
Bush Key, Tortugas. 
Ericteis kalishere Jordan, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XXII, 1902, 5438, pl. 
2, Bush Key, Fla. 

Genus 1802. ACTEIS Jordan. 
Acteis Jordan, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XXII, 1902, 543 (Malacoctenus 
mooret Evermann and Marsh). 

Acteis moorei (Evermann and Marsh). 
Porto Rico. 
Malacoctenus moorei Evermann and Marsh, Fishes of Porto Rico, in 
ape U. 8. Fish Com., XX, 1900, 309, fig. 97, Culebra Island, Porto 

Acteis culebre (Hvermann and Marsh). 
Porto Rico. 
Malacoctenus culebre Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. 8S. Fish Com., 
XXV, 1899 (Dec. 19), 357, Culebra Island. 

Family 271. BLENNIIDZ 

Genus 13803. BLENNIUS Linneus. Blennies. 
Blennius Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 256 (B. galerita Linnzus). 
Salaria Forsk&l, Deser. Anim., 1777, 22 (Blennius galerita Linnzus). 
Adonis Gronow, Cat. Fish., Ed. Gray, 1854, 93 (A. pavoninus Gronow= 
Blennius ocellaris Linnzus). 

Blennius fabbri Nichols. 
Blennius fabbri Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXVIII, 1910, 
161, Miami, Fla.; perhaps young of Chasmodes bosquiannus. 

Blennius stearnsi Jordan and Gilbert. 
Gulf of Mexico. 
Blennius stearnsi Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
300, Pensacola snapper banks. 


3727. Blennius fucorum Cuvier and Valenciennes. Seaweed blenny. 

Off the Azores; also off New York. 

Blennius fucorum Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XI, 
1836, 194 (263), pl. 324, 240 miles south of the Azores. 

Blennius oceanicus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 195 (265), open 

3728. Blennius cristatus Linneus. Rockfish. 

Tropical Atlantic. 

Blennius cristatus Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 256, Indies; after 

Blennius crinitus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XI, 
1836, 175 (237), La Rochelle, France. 

Blennius nuchifilis Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 186 (253), Isle of 

Blennius asterias Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
416, Garden Key, Fla. 

3729. Blennius favosus Goode and Bean. 

Gulf of Mexico; Garden Key, Fla. 
Blennius favosus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
416, Garden Key, Fla. 

3730. Blennius pilicornis Cuvier. 

Coast of Brazil and north to the West Indies; recorded from Rio 
Janeiro, Bahia, the Tortugas, and off the coast of Florida. 

Blennius pilicornis Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 237, coasts of 
Europe, Rio Janeiro. 

3731. Blennius marmoreus Poey. 

Blennius marmoreus Poey, Enumeratio, 1876, 130, Cuba. 

3732. Blennius truncatus Poey. 

Blennius truncatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 424, Cuba. 

3733. Blennius vinctus Poey. 

Blennius vinctus Poey, Repertorio, II, 1867, 243, Habana. 

Genus 1304. LIPOPHRYS Gill. 
Pholis Fleming, Brit. Anim., 1828, 207 (Blennius lxvis=Blennius 
pholis Linnzeus); name preoccupied. 
Lipophrys a Amer. Nat., XXX, June, 1896, 498 (Blennius pholis 

3734. Lipophrys carolinus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

South Carolina. 
Pholis carolinus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XI, 1836, 
204 (276), Carolina. . 

Genus 1805, SCARTELLA Jordan. 
Scartella Jordan, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IX, 1886, 50 (Blennius micro- 
stomus Poey). 
Blenniolus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1898, 2386 (Blennius brevipinnis Giinther). 

3735. Scartella microstoma (Poey). 

Blennius microstomus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 288, Cuba. 

3736. Scartella brevipinnis (Giinther). 

Pacific coast of Mexico, from Mazatlan to Panama. 
Blennius brevipinnis Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 226, Pscifie coast of 
Central America. 
Genus 1306. HYPLEUROCHILUS Gill. 
Hypleurochilus Gill, Cat. Fishes E. Coast of N. Amer., Suppl. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 44 (Blennius multifilis Girard= 
Blennius geminatus Wood). 

6424°—29 30 











Hypleurochilus geminatus (Wood). Blenny. 
South Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States. 
Blennius geminatus Wood, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IV, 1824, 278, 
Charleston, 8. C. 
Blennius multifilis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X, 1858, 169, 
St. Joseph’s Island, Tex. 

Genus 1807. HYPSOBLENNIUS Gill. 
Hypsoblennius Gill, Cat. Fishes E. Coast N. Amer., Suppl. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Phila., Sa 1861, 44 (Blennius hentz LeSueur). 
erie tere and Gilbert, "Sy nopsis, 1883, 757 (Blennius gentilis 

Hypsoblennius hentz (LeSueur). 
Coasts of North and South Carolina, south of ieee River, Fla.; 
locally common. 
Blennius hentz LeSueur, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., lst ser., 1V, 1825, 
363, Charleston, S. Cc. 
Blennius punctatus Wood, loc. cit., 278, Charleston, 8. C.; not of 
Fabricius, 1780. 

Hypsoblennius gilberti (Jordan). 
California, from Point Conception southward to Todos Santos; Santa 
Barbara Islands, among rocks. 
Isesthes gilberti Jordan, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 349, Santa 
Barbara, Calif. 

Hypsoblennius gentilis (Girard). 
Coast of California from Monterey to Cape San Lucas. 
Blennius gentilis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 149, 
Monterey, Calif. 

Hypsoblennius piersoni Gilbert and Starks. 
Bay of Panama. 
Hysoblennius piersoni Gilbert and Starks, Mem. Calif. Acad. Saar IV, 
1904, 191, Pl. XXXII, Bay of Panama. 

Hypsoblennius striatus (Steindachner).. 
Panama. et 
Blennius striatus Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, 1876, 15, Panama. 

Hypsoblennius ionthas (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pensacola, Fla. 
Isesthes ionthas Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. ‘Mus., V, 1882, 
299, Pensacola. 
Isesthes scrutator Jordan and Gilbert, loc. cit., 300, Pensacola; Galveston. 

Genus 1808. CHASMODES Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Chasmodes Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XI, 1836, 218 
(295) (Blennius bosquianus Lacépéde). 
Blenitrachus Swainson, Classn. Fish., II, 1839, 78, 274 (Pholis quadri- 
faciatus Wood). 

. Chasmodes bosquianus (Lacépéde). Banded blenny; Bose’s shanny; 

Four-banded blenny. 

New York to Florida; common southward in; ‘shallow radions 

Blennius bosquianus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 493, South 
Carolina; female. 

Chasmodes quadrifasciatus (Wood). 
Probably south Atlantic coast of United States. 
Pholis quadrifasciatus Wood, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IV, 1824, 
282, locality unknown; probably South Carolina, 

Chasmodes saburre Jordan and Gilbert. 
Pensacola Bay, Fla. 
Chasmodes saburre Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
298, Pensacola, Fla. 

Chasmodes novemlineatus (Wood). | Nine-lined shanny. 
South Atlantic coast of the United States, South Carolina to Florida. 
Pholis novemlineatus Wood, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1V, 1825, 280, 
Charleston Harbor, 8S. C. 


3748. Chasmodes jenkinsi Jordan and Evermann. 
Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. 
Chasmodes jenkinsi Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d 
ser., VI, 1896, 232, pl. 39, Guaymas, Mexico. 

Genus 1309. HOMESTHES Gilbert. . 
Homesthes Gilbert, in Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1898, 2394 (H. caulopus Gilbert). 

3749. Homesthes caulopus Gilbert. 
Panama Bay. 
Homesthes caulopus Gilbert, in Jordan and Ey ermann, Fishes North 
and Mid. Amer., 1898, 2394, Panama. 

Genus 1310. SCARTICHTHYS Jordan and Evermann. 
Scartes Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 471 (Salarias salarias 
rubropunctatus Cuvier and Valenciennes) ; name preoccupied. ' 
Scartichthys Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1898, 2395 (Salarias rubro-punctatus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

3750. Scartichthys rubropunctatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Coast of Peru and Chile, north to Panama. 
Salarias rubro— punctatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XI, 1836, 257 (348), Juan Fernandez, off Chile. 

Genus 1311. RUPISCARTES Swainson. 

Alticus Commerson, in Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 458 (A. salta- 
torius Commerson) ; ; not binomial and not accepted by Lacépéde.’ \ 

Alticus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XI, 1836, 337; 
casual notice; the name not accepted as that of a genus (Blennius 
saliens **= Salarias alticus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

Rupiscartes Swainson, Class. Fish., II, 1839, 275 (Salarias atlanticus 
Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

3751. Rupiccartes atlanticus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Tropical America on both coasts, north to West Indies and to Todos 
Santos, Lower California; abundant. 
Salarias atlanticus Cuvier "and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XI, 
1836, 238 (321), Atlantic Ocean. . 

Genus 1812. ENTOMACRODUS Gill. 
Entomacrodus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, 168 (E. 
nigricans Gill). ; 

3752. Entomacrodus chiostictus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
gi ied chiostictus Jordan and Gilbert, Synopsis, 1883, 363, Mazatlan, 

3753. foe ee margaritaceus (Poey). 
Salarias margaritaceus Poey, Memorias, II, -1861, 289, Cuba. 

3754. or; 5 peal ates decoratus Poey. 
Entomacrodus decoratus Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 398, Cuba. 

3755. Entomacrodus nigricans Gill. 
West Indies. 
Entomacrodus nigricans Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. ane XI, 1859, 
168, Barbados. 

3756. Entomacrodus cruentatus Garman. 
Off Cocos Island in deep water. ; 
Entomacrodus cruentatus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 123, Pl. L; off Cocos Island, Panama. 

Genus 1313. SALARICHTHYS Guichenot. 
Salarichthys Guichenot, Mém., Soc. Sci. Nat.Cherbourg, XIII, 1868, 
96 (Salarias vomerinus Cuvier and Valenciennes=Salarias textilis 
Cuvier and Valenciennes). 

‘ane petit salarias qui nous parait ¢tre celui, la méme pour laquel Commerson a établi son genre 













Salarichthys textilis Quoy and Gaimard. 
West Indies, from Bermudas to Brazil. 
Salarias textilis Quoy and Gaimard, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. 
Nat. Poiss., XI, 1836, 227 (307), Ascension Island. 
Salarias vomerinus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 258 (349), Bahia. 

Genus 1814. BRANNERELLA Gilbert. 
Brannerella Gilbert, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., II, 1900, 180 (B. brasi- 
liensis Gilbert). 

Brannerella brasiliensis Gilbert. 
Brazil, north to Curacao, in the Caribbean Sea. 
Brannereila brasiliensis Gilbert, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., II, 1900, 180, 
Maceio, Brazil. 

Brannerella sluiteri Metzelaar. 
Caribbean Sea. 
Brannerella sluiteri Metzelaar, Trop. Atl. Vissch., 1919, 155, Bonaire. 

Genus 1315. OPHIOBLENNIUS Gill. “4 
Blennophis Valenciennes, in Webb and Barthelot, Iles Canaries, Poiss., 
1844, 60 (B. webbii Valenciennes), name preoccupied. 
Ophioblennius Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XII, 1860, 103 (B. 
webbii Valenciennes); substitute for Blennophis Valenciennes, not 
Blennophis Swainson, a genus of Clinide. 

Ophioblennius webbii (Valenciennes). 
West Indies and Canary Islands. 
Blennophis webbii Valenciennes, in Webb and Barthelot, Iles Canaries, 
Poiss., 1839, 60, pl. 20, fig. 1, Fort Aventura, Canary Islands. 

Ophioblennius steindachneri Jordan and Evermann. 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Ophioblennius steindachneri Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and 
Mid. Amer., 1898, 2401, Tres Marias Islands; after Steindachner. 

Genus 1316. CORALLIOZETUS Evermann and Marsh. ; 
Coralliozetus Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XXV, 
1899 (Dee. 19), 362 (C. cardone Evermann and Marsh). 

Coralliozetus cardonze Evermann and Marsh. 
Porto Rico. 
Coralliozetus cardone Evermann and Marsh, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., 
XXV, 1899 (Dec. 19), 362, reef at Cardona Light House, Playa de 
Ponce, Porto Rico. 


Genus 1317. EMBLEMARIA Jordan and Gilbert. 
Emblemaria Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VY, 1882, 627 
(E. nivipes Jordan and Gilbert). 

Emblemaria atlantica Jordan and Evermann. 
Snapper Banks off Pensacola; Gulf of Mexico. 
Emblemaria atlantica Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. 
Amer., 1908, 2402, snapper banks off Pensacola, Fla. 

Emblemaria nivipes Jordan and Gilbert. 
Pearl Island near Panama. 
Emblemaria nivipes Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
627, Pearl Island, near Panama. 

Emblemaria oculocirris Jordan. 
Gulf of California. 
Emblemaria oculocirris Jordan, in Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIX, 
1896, 456, La Paz. 

Emblemaria pandionis Evermann and Marsh. 
Porto Rico. 
Emblemaria pandionis Evermann and Marsh, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., 
XX, 1900, 318, between Vieques and Culebra Islands. 











Emblemaria marki Mowbray. 
Emblemaria marki Mowbray, in Bean, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XX V, 
1912, 126, Hamilton Harbor, Bermudas. 

Genus 1318. ACANTHEMBLEMARIA Metzelaar. 
Acanthemblemaria Metzelaar, Trop. Atl. Vissch., 1919, 159 (A. spinosa 

Acanthemblemaria spinosa Metzelaar. 
Caribbean Sea. 
Acanthemblemaria spinosa Metzelaar, Trop. Atl. Vissch., 1919, 159, 
fig. 53, Curacao. 


Genus 1319. ATOPOCLINIS Vaillant. 
Atopoclinus Vaillant, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 8, VI, 1894, 73 (A. 
ringens Vaillant). 

Atopoclinus ringens Vaillant. 
Gulf of California. 
Atopoclinus ringens Vaillant, Bull. Soc. Philom., ser. 8, VI, 1894, 74, 
Gulf of California. 

Family 274. CHA NOPSIDZ 

Genus 1320. CHANOPSIS Gill. 
Chenopsis Gill, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VIII, 1863, 141, Pl. 3, 
fig. 3 (C. ocellatus Poey). 
Lucioblennius Gilbert, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 103 (L. alepi- 
dotus Gilbert). 

Cheenopsis ocellata Poey. 
Matanzas, Cuba. 
Chenopsis ocellatus Poey, in Gill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VIII, 
1863, 143, Matanzas, Cuba. 

Chenopsis alepidota (Gilbert). 
Gulf of California; Avalon Bay, Calif. 
Lucioblennius alepidotus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 
103, Lower California. 

Cheenopsis lucius (Osburn and Nichols). 
Gulf of California. 
Lucioblennius lucius Osburn and Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
XXXV, 1916, 179, fig. 15, San Jose Island, Gulf of California. 

Genus 1321. PHOLIDICHTHYS Bleeker. 
Pholidichthys Bleeker, Boerce, in Natur. Tijd. Neder. Indie, XI, 1856, 
406 (P. leucotxznia Bleeker). 

Pholidichthys anguilliformis Lockington. 
Gulf of California. 
Pholidichthys anguilliformis Lockington, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
XXXIII, 1881, 118, San Jose Island, Lower California. 

Genus 1322. PSEDNOBLENNIUS Jenkins and Evermann. 
Psednoblennius Jenkins and Evermann, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, 
1888, 156 (P. hypacanthus Jenkins and Evermann). 

Psednoblennius hypacanthus Jenkins and Evermann. 
Gulf of California at Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. 
Psednoblennius hypacanthus Jenkins and Evermann, Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., XI, 1888, 156, Guaymas, Mexico. 

Genus 1323. STATHMONOTUS Bean. 
pa la Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 191 (S. hemphillit 

Stathmonotus hemphillii Bean. 
Key West, Fla. 
Stathmonotus hemphillii Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 191, 
pl. 13, Key West, Fla. 











Stathmonotus tekla Nichols. 4 
Key West, Fla. i 
Stathmonotus tekla Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXVIII, 
1910, 161, fig. 1c. XXX, Pl. XI, fig. 2, Key West, Fla.” ~ 


Genus 13824. CEBIDICHTHYS Ayres. 
Cebidichthys Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 59 (A podichthys 
violaceus Girard). 

Cebidichthys violaceus (Girard). 
Coast of California from Crescent City to Carpenteria. 
Apodichthys violaceus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
150, Monterey, Calif. 
Cebidichthys cristagalli Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 58, 
San Francisco. 


Genus 1825. BRYOSTEMMA Jordan and Starks. 
Bryostemma Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 2d ser., V, 
1895, 841 (Blennius polyactocephalus Pallas). 

Bryostemma polyactocephalum (Pallas). 
Northern Japan and Kamchatka to Puget Sound. 
Blennius polyactocephalus Pallas, Zool. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 179, 
Chirolophus japonicus Herzenstein, Mélanges Biologiques Soc. Sci. 
Petersb., XIII, 1890, 123, Yezo, Japan. 

Bryostemma nugator Jordan and Williams. 
Puget Sound. 
Bryostemma nugator Jordan and Williams, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d 
ser., V, 1895, 848, pl. 101, Seattle, Wash. 

Bryostemma decoratum Jordan and Snyder. 
Point Orchard, Wash. 
Bryostemma decoratum Jordan and Snyder, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
XXV, 1903, 615, Point Orchard, near Seattle, Wash. 

Bryostemma tarsodes Jordan and Snyder. 

Bryostemma tarsodes Jordan and Snyder, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XXV, 

1903, 614, Unalaska. 
Genus 1326. BRYOLOPHUS Jordan and Snyder. 
Bryolophus Jordan and Snyder, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XXV, 1903, 
617 (B. lysimus Jordan and Snyder). 

Bryolophus lysimus Jordan and Snyder. 

Unalaska. ; 
Bryolophus lysimus Jordan and Snyder, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXV, 

1903, 617, Unalaska. 
Genus 1327. GYMNOCLINUS Gilbert and Burke. 
Gymnoclinus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XXX, 1910, 86 
(G. cristulatus Gilbert and Burke). 

Gymnoclinus cristulatus Gilbert and Burke. 

Bering Island. 
Gymnoclinus cristulatus Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 

1910, 86, fig. 30, Nikolski, Bering Island. 
Family 277. PHOLIDZ 
Genus 1328. APODICHTHYS Girard. 

Apodichthys Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 150 (A. 
flavidus Girard). 


3784. Apodichthys flavidus Girard. 

Point Conception to Vancouver Island. . 

Apodichthys flavidus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
150, Presidio (San Francisco), Calif. 

Apodichthys virescens Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 55 
(54), San Francisco. 

Apodichthys sanguineus Gill, Proe. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 
279, California. 

Apodichthys inornatus Gill, loc. cit., 279, Puget Sound, 

3785. Apodichthys univittatus Lockington. 
Lower California. 
Apodichthys univittatus Lockington, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
XXXIII, 1881, 119, Lower California, probably from the Gulf. - 

Genus 1329. XERERPES Jordan and Gilbert. 
Xererpes Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 
846 (Apodichthys fucorum Jordan and Gilbert). 

3786. Xererpes fucorum (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Coast of California. 
Apodichthys fucorum Jordan and Gilbert, Proce. U. 8. Nat. Mus., ITI, 
1880, 139, Point Pinos, near Monterey, Calif. 

Genus 1330. ULVICOLA Gilbert and Starks. 
Ulvicola Gilbert and Starks, Proc. U, 8S. Nat. Mus., XIX, 1896, 455 
(U. sanct#-rosxz Gilbert and Starks). 

3787. Ulvicola sancte-—rose Gilbert and Starks. 
Santa Rosa Island, coast of California. 
Ulvicola sanctz-rose Gilbert and Starks, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XTX, 
1896, 453, Santa Rosa Island, Calif. ; 

Genus 1331. PHOLIS Gronow. 
Pholis Gronow, Acta Helvet., IV, 1760, 259 (Blennius gunnellus 

Pholis Scopoli, Introd. Hist. Nat., 1777, 456 (Blennius gunnellus 
Linnzus). . 
Murzxnoides Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 324 (Murzxnoides 
 sujef Lacépéde). 

Centronotus Schneider, Systema, ed. Bloch, 1801, 165 (Centronotus 
fasciatus Schneider). 

Dactyleptus Rafinesque, Anal. Nat., 1815, 82; substitute for Murznoides. 

Gunnellus Fleming, Brit. Anim., 1828, 207 (G. vulgaris Fleming = Blennius 
gunnellus Linnzeus). 

Centronotus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 239 (Blennius gun- 
nellus Linnzus). 

Ophisomus Swainson, Classn. Anim., II, 1839, 279 (Blennius gunnellus 

Urocentrus Kner, Sitzber. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, LVIIT, 1868, 51 (U. 
pictus Kner). 

3788. Pholis gunnellus (Linnezus). Gunnel; Butterfish;’ Rockfish. 
North Atlantic, south to Cape Cod. a 
Henne gunnellus Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 257, Atlantic 

Ophidion imberbe Linneus, loc. cit., 259, Europe. 

Blennius europeus Olafsen, Reise Island, I, 1772, 81, Iceland. : 

Blennius murxnoides Sujef, Act. Petrop., II, 1779, ,195, no. locality, 
probably Baltic. 

Ophidium mucronatum Mitchill, Trans. Lit. and Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 
1815, 361, Pl. I, fig. 1, New York. 

Gunnellus vulgaris Fleming, British Anim., 1842, 207, England. 


3789. Pholis fasciatus (Bloch and Schneider). 

Greenland to Alaska and Japan. 

Centronotus fasciatus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 165, pl. 
37, fig. 1, Tranquebar. 

Gunnellus grenlandicus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XI, 1836, 326 (442), pl. 340, Greenland; after Bloch and Schneider. 

?Gunnellus murenoides Valenciennes, in Cuvier, Régne Anim., Poiss., 
ed. 2, 1829, pl. 78, fig. 2, 916; after Bloch and Schneider. 

Blennius tenia Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 178, Kuril 

Murenoides mazillaris Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 147, 
St. Paul Island, Alaska. 

3790. Pholis ornatus (Girard). 
San Francisco to Alaska. 
Gunnellus ornatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 149, 
Presidio (San Francisco), Calif. 
Centronotus letus Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1873, 27, Sitka 
or Unalaska. 

3791. Pholis gilli Evermann and Goldsborough. 
Bering Sea. 
Pholis gilli Evermann and Goldsborough, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., X XVI, 
1906, 337, fig. 110, Bering Sea. 

Genus 1832. RHODYMENICHTHYS Jordan and Evermann. 
Rhodymenichthys Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 474 (Gun- 
nellus ruberrimus Cuvier and Valenciennes=Blennius dolichogaster 

3792. Rhodymenichthys dolichogaster (Pallas). Butterfish. 
Okhotsk Sea to San Francisco. 
Blennius dolichogaster Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 175, 
Gunnellus ruberrimus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XI, 
1836, 324 (440), Kuril Islands; after Pallas. 

Genus 1833. ASTERNOPTERYX Riippell. 
Asternopteryx Riippell, in Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 288 (A. gunelliformis 

3793. Asternopteryx gunelliformis Rippell. 
Asternopteryx gunelliformis Riippell, in Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 288, 
Greenland; type in Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt; a second speci- 
men from Greenland examined by us. 

Genus 1334. ANOPLARCHUS Gill. 
Anoplarchus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 261 (A. 
purpurescens Gill). 

3794. Anoplarchus cristagalli (Giinther). 
Alaska to San Francisco. 
Centronotus cristagalli Ginther, Cat., III, July, 1861, 289, Vancouver 
Anoplarchus purpurescens Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 
Sept., 1861, 262, Washington Territory. 

3795. Anoplarchus cristigalli archolepis Hubbs. 
Coast of central California. 
Anoplarchus purpurescens archolepis Hubbs, Papers Mich. Acad. Sci., 
Arts and Letters, VII, 1926, 375, Reef at Carmel, Calif. 

3796. Anoplarchus insignis Gilbert and Burke. 
Attu Island. 
Anoplarchus insignis Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., XXX, 
1910, 88, fig. 32, Attu Island, Bering Sea. 

Genus 1335. PLECTOBRANCHUS Gilbert. 
Plectobranchus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 102 (P. 
evides Gilbert). 


3797. Plectobranchus evides Gilbert. 
Coasts of Oregon and Washington. 

Plectobranchus evides Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1898, 102, 
coasts of Oregon and Washington. 


Genus 1336. XIPHISTER Jordan and Gilbert. 
Xiphidion Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, Pt. 4, Fishes, 1858, 119 (X. 
mucosum Girard); name preoccupied in Orthoptera. 
Xiphister Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 135 
(Xiphidion mucosum Girard). 
3798. Ziphister mucosus (Girard). 
Monterey to Alaska. 
Xiphidion mucosum Girard, Pac. R. R. Sury., X, pt. 4, Fishes, 1858, 
119, South Farallon Island, off California. 
Xiphidium cruoreum Cope, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIII, 1873, 27, 
Sitka, Alaska. 
Genus 1337. EPIGEICHTHYS Hubbs. 
Epigeichthys Hubbs, Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Letters, VII, 
1926 (Xiphister rupestris Jordan and Gilbert). 
3799. Epigeichthys atropurpureus (Kittlitz). 
Pacific coast of America from Alaska to Monterey. 

Ophidium atropurpureum Kittlitz, Denkwiird, einer Reise Russ.—_Amer., 
I, 1858, 225, Alaska. 

Xiphister rupestris Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III, 
1880, 137, Monterey, Calif. 
Genus 1338. PHYTICHTHYS Hubbs. 
Xiphistes Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 

846 (Xiphistes chirus Jordan and Gilbert); name preoccupied in 

Phytichthys Hubbs, in Jordan, Class. Fishes, 1923, 234 (Xiphister chirus 
Jordan and Gilbert). 
3800. Phytichthys chirus (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Monterey to Alaska. 
Xiphister chirus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 
135, Point Pinos, near Monterey, Calif. 
Xiphistes ulue Jordan and Starks, Fishes Puget Sound, Proc. Calif. 
Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 847, pl. 102, Waadda Island, Neah Bay. 
3801. Phytichthys versicolor (Gilbert and Burke). 
Bering Sea. 
Xiphistes versicolor Gilbert and Burke, Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., XXX, 
1910, 88, fig. 33; Attu; Agattu, Bering Sea. 

Family 279. STICHZIDZ 

Genus 1339. STICHAUS Reinhardt. 
Sticheus Reinhardt, K. Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Skrift. Natur. og 
Math. Afhandl., VI, 1837, CX (Blennius punctatus Fabricius). 
Notogrammus Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 147 (N. rothrocki 
Bean); young example. 
3802. Sticheus punctatus (Fabricius). Spotted snake blenny. 
Arctic seas from Greenland to northern Siberia, south to Bristol Bay 
and Newfoundland. 
Blennius punctatus Fabricius, Fauna Groenlandica, 1780, 153, Greenland. 
Notogrammus rothrocki Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 146, 
Blover Bay and Cape Lisburne, Siberia. 
Genus 1340. PLAGIOGRAMMUS Bean. 
Plagiogrammus Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XVI, 1893, 699 (P. 
hopkinsi Bean). 
3803. Plagiogrammus hopkinsi Bean. 
Monterey Bay, Calif. 
Plagiogrammus hopkinsi Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XVI, 1893, 700, 
with fig. on p. 699; Monterey, Calif. 


Genus 1341. ULVARIA Jordan and Evermann. 
Ulvaria Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 475 (Pholis subbi- 
furcatus Storer). 

3804. Ulvaria subbifurcata (Storer). Radiated shanny. 
North Atlantic, south of Cape Cod. 
Pholis subbifurcatus Storer, Rept. Fish. Mass., 1839, 63, Nahant, Mass. 

Genus 1842. EUMESOGRAMMUS Gill. 
Eumesogrammus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 210 
(Clinus precisus Krgyer). 

3805. Eumesogrammus precisus (Krgyer). 
2Clinus precisus Kréyer, Naturh. Tidsskr., I, 1837, 25, Greenland. 
Clinus unimaculatus Reinhardt, Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk., VII, 1838, 
114, 121, Greenland. 

Family 280. LUMPENIDZ 

Genus 1348. LEPTOCLINUS Gill. 
Ctenodon Nilsson, Scand. Fauna, IV, 1853, 190 (Clinus maculatus 
Fries); name preoccupied. 
Leptoclinus Gill, Cat. Fish. E. coast N. Amer., Suppl., Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 45 (Clinus aculeatus Reinhardt=Clinus 
maculatus Fries). 

3806. Leptoclinus maculatus (Fries). Langbarn. 

North Atlantic coasts of Europe; this or some closely similar species 
is recorded from Bering Sea, Robben Island, Aleutian Islands, and 
Hood Canal, Puget Sound. 

Ce ee Fries, Kgl. Vet. Ak. Handl., 1837, 51, Bohiisliaan. 


Clinus aculeatus Reinhardt, K. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Natur. Afh., VII, 

1838, 114, 122, Spitzbergen. 

Genus 13844. POROCLINUS Bean. 
Poroclinus Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 40 (P. rothrocki 

3807. Poroclinus rothrocki Bean. 
Between Nagai and Big Koniushi Islands, Alaska. 
Poroclinus rothrockti Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 40, 
Albatross station 2952, lat. 55° 15’ N., long. 159° 37’ W., in 58 

Genus 13845. ANISARCHUS Gill. 
Anisarchus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 209 (Clinus 
medius Reinhardt). 

3808. Anisarchus medius (Reinhardt). 
Greenland to Norway and Spitzbergen; this or a similar species on 
coasts of southern and central Alaska. 
Clinus medius Reinhardt, K. Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Skrift. Afh., 
VII, 1838, 114, 121, Greenland. 

Genus 1846. LUMPENUS Reinhardt. 

Lumpenus Reinhardt, Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Natur., VI, 1837, CX 
(Blennius lumpenus Fabricius=Gunnellus fabriciti Cuvier and Val- 

Leptogunnellus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854, 26 (L. 
gracilis Ayres= Blennius anguillaris Pallas). 

Centroblennius Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XVI, 1864, 209 
(Lumpenus nubilis. Richardson=Gunnellus fabricit Cuvier and 
Valenciennes). . 

Leptoblennius Gill, loc. cit., 1864, 209 (Blennius serpentinus Storer= 
Blennius lampetreformis Walbaum). 

3809. Lumpenus gracilis (Ayres). 
San Francisco to Alaska. ' 
Blennius anguillaris Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 176, about 
Kamchatka; no definite locality; not of Peck. 
Leptogunnellus gracilis Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855, 26, 
San Francisco. 


8810. Lumpenus mackayi Gilbert. 
Nushagak River, Alaska. 
Lumpenus. mackayi Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 450, 
pl. 32, Nushagak River, Alaska. 

3811. Lumpenus fabricii (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
Arctic seas; Greenland, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Wellington Sound, 
Bristol Bay, and other localities in Bering Sea. 
Gunellus fabricii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XI, 1836, 
317 (431), Greenland. 
Lumpenus nubilus Richardson, Last Arctic Voyage, Fishes, 1855, 259, 
pl. 28, Wellington Sound. 

3812. Lumpenus lampetreformis (Walbaum). Snake blenny; Tangbrosme; 

Eel blenny; Snakefish. 

North Atlantic and Arctic, on both shores; south to Sweden and Green- 
land; rarely to Cape Cod. 

Blennius lampetreformis Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., III, 1792, 184, Iceland. 

a lg a islandicus Schneider, ed. Bloch, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 167, 


? Clinus nebulosus Fries, Vet. Akad. Handl., 1837, 55, Bohiislin, Sweden. 

? Clinus mohri Krgyer, Naturrh. Tidsskr., I, 1837, R, 32, Iceland. 

Blennius gracilis Stuvitz, Nye Mag. for Naturvid., I, 1838, 406, west 
coast of Norway. 

Blennius serpentinus Storer, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., III, 1848, 30, 
Massachusetts Bay. 

Genus 1847. LUMPENELLA Hubbs. 
Lumpenella Hubbs, Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Letters, VII, 
1926, 378 (Lumpenus longirostris Evermann and Goldsborough). 

3813. Lumpenella longirostris (Evermann and Goldsborough). 
Southeastern Alaska. 
Lumpenus longirostris Evermann and Goldsborough, Bull. U. 8. Bur. 
Fish., XX VI, 1906, 340, fig..115, Lynn Canal, Alaska. 


Genus 1348. PTILICHTHYS Bean. 
Ptilichthys Bean, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 157 (P. goodei Bean). 

3814. Ptilichthys goodei Bean. 
Aleutian Islands. 
Ptilichthys goodei Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 157, Port 
Levasheff, Unalaska. 


Genus 13849. CRYPTACANTHODES Storer. 
ere Storer, Rept. Fish. Mass., 1839, 27 (C. maculatus 

3815. Cryptacanthodes maculatus Storer. Wrymouth; Ghostfish. 

North Atlantic, south to Cape Cod. 

a nt ana maculatus Storer, Rept. Fish. Mass., 1839, 28, Massa- 

Fierasfer borealis DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 316, New 
York; after Peck. 

Cryptacanthodes inornatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 
332, coast of Massachusetts. 

Genus 1350. LYCONECTES Gilbert. 
paconeess Gilbert, Rept. U. 8S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 452 (L. aleutensis 

3816. Lyconectes aleutensis Gilbert. 
Aleutian Islands. 
Lyconectes aleutensis Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 452, 
pl. 34, near Unalaska. 

Genus 1351. DELOLEPIS Bean. 
Delolepis Bean, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 465 (D. virgatus Bean). 


3817. Delolepis giganteus Kittlitz. 
Coasts of British Columbia and southern Alaska, south to Puget Sound. 
Tee giganteus Kittlitz, Denk. Reise Russ. Amer., 226, 1858, 
Delolepis virgatus Bean, Proce. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 466, King- 
combe Inlet, British Columbia, and Port Wrangel, Alaska. 


Genus 1352. ANARHICHAS Linnezus. 
Anarhichas Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 247 (A. lupus Linneus). 

3818. Anarhichas lupus Linneus. Wolffish. 

North Atlantic, south to Cape Cod and France: rather common in 
America and Europe. 

a rag lupus Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 247, no definite 

Anarhichas strigosus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., Tome I, Pt. III, 1789, 1144, 
British seas. 

Anarrhichas vomerinus Agassiz, in Storer, Hist. Fish. Mass., 1867, 
265, pl. 18, fig. 1, Cusk Rocks between Boston and Cape Ann. 

3819. Anarhichas orientalis Pallas. 

Anarhichas orientalis Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso—Asiat., III, 1811, 77, 

Anarrhichas lepturus Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 212, St. 
Michaels, Alaska. 

Genus 1353. LYCICHTHYS Gill. 
Lycichthys Gill, Ann. Rec. Indust. & Sci., 1876, CLXVII (Anarrhichas 
latifrons Steenstrup and Hallgrimsson). 

3820. Lycichthys latifrons (Steenstrup and Hallgrimsson). 
North Atlantic, on both coasts; chiefly north of the Arctie Circle. 
Anarrhichas latifrons Steenstrup and Hallgrimsson, Férh. Skand. 
Naturf., 3 die MGéte, 1842, 647; name only, no description; Viden- 
skabelige Meddeleker Natur Forening Kjobenhavn, 1877-1878, 

3821. Lycichthys minor (Olafsen). 

North Atlantic, on both coasts, chiefly north of the Arctic Circle. 

sa eg minor Olafsen, Reise i. Island, sec. 682b, 1774, tab. 42, 

Anarrhichas karrak Bonnaterre, Encycl. Ichth., 1788, 38, Iceland, 
after Olafsen. 

Anarrhichas maculatus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 496, 
Iceland; after Olafsen. 

Anarrhichas leopardus Agassiz, in Spix, Pise. Brasil., 1829, 92, tab. 51, 
‘‘ Atlantie Ocean.” 


Genus 13854. ANARRHICHTHYS Ayres. 
Anarrhichthys Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1855,. 31 (A. 
ocellatus Ayres=A. felis Girard). 

3822. Anarrhichthys felis (Girard). Wolf eel. 
Pacific coast, from Monterey north to Puget Sound; commo 
Anarrhichas "felis Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Walls "1854, 150, 
San Francisco; brief notice. 
Anarrhichthys ocellatus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sc ., I, 1855, 31, 

San Francisco. 
Family 285. CERDALIDZ 
Genus 1855. MICRODESMUS Giinther. 

Microdesmus Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 26 (M. dipus 


3823. Microdesmus dipus Giinther. 
Pacific coast of tropical America. 
Microdesmus dipus Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., Jan. 26, 1864, 
26, pl. 3, fig. 2, Central America. 

8824. Microdesmus retropinnis Jordan and Gilbert. 
Microdesmus retropinnis Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., I, 
1881, 331, Panama. 

Genus 1856. CERDALE Jordan and Gilbert. 
Cerdale Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., I, 1881, 332 (C. 
ionthas Jordan and Gilbert). 

3825. Cerdale iorithas Jordan and Gilbert. 
Cerdale ionthas Jordan and Gilbert, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., I, 1881, 
332, Panama. 

Genus 13857. LEPTOCERDALE Weymouth. 
Leptocerdale Weymouth, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXVIII, 1910, 
142 (L. longipinnis Weymouth). 

3826. Leptocerdale longipinnis Weymouth. 
oast of Louisiana. 
Leptocerdale longipinnis Weymouth, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XX XVIII, 
1910, 142, Cameron, La. 

Family 286. SCYTALINIDZ 

Genus 1358. SCYTALINA Jordan and Gilbert. 
Scytalina Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 266 
(S. cerdale Jordan and Gilbert). 
Scitaliscus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, III; 
same type, there being already a genus Scytalinus. 

3827. Scytalina cerdale Jordan and Gilbert. 
Straits of Juan de Fuca, Waadda Island, near Cape Flattery; also in 
Aleutian Islands burrowing deep in gravel and sand. 
Scytalina cerdale Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., III, 1880, 
267, Waadda Island, Neah Bay. 

Family 287. ZOARCIDZ 

Genus 1359. MACROZOARCES Gill. 
Macrozoarces Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 186%, 258 (Blennius 
anguillaris Peck). 

3828. Macrozoarces americanus (Bloch and Schneider). EHelpout; Muttonfish; 

Mother-of-eels; Ling; Lamper eel; Conger eel. 

Delaware to Labrador; rather common northward. 

?Enchelyopus Gronow, Zoophyl., No. 266, 1763, 77, America. 

?Blennius americanus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 171, 
America; after Gronow. ; 

Blennius anguillaris Peck, Mem. Amer. Acad. Sci., II, 1804, 46, fig. 3, 
New Hampshire. 

? Blennius fimbriatus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. and Phil. Soc. N. Y., 1815, 
374, pl. 1, fig. 6, New York. 

Blennius ciliatus Mitchill, loc. cit., 374, pl. 1, fig. 6, New York. 

Zoarces labrosus Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 240, America. 

Zoarces gronovit Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XI, 1836, 
246 (469); after Gronow. 

Genus 1360. EMBRYX Jordan and Evermann. 
Embryz Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 
2458 (Lycodopsis crotalinus Gilbert). 

3829. Embryx crotalinus (Gilbert). 
Northern Pacific and off Santa Barbara Islands. 
Lycodopsis crotalinus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 105, 
off Santa Barbara Islands at Albatross station 2980 in 603 fathoms. 














Embryx crassilabris (Gilbert). 
Coast of southern California. 
Lycodopsis crassilabris Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 106, 
off southern California at Albatross station 2839. 

Embryx parallelus Gilbert. 
Monterey Bay. 
_ Embryx parallelus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 360, 
Pl. X, IX, fig. 16, Monterey Bay, 394 to 406 fathoms. 

Genus 1361. LYCODOPSIS Collett. 
maces: Collett, Proce. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1879, 381 (Lycodes pacificus 
Leurynnis Lockington, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 326 (L. paucidens 
Lockington=Lycodes pacificus Collett). 

Lycodopsis pacificus (Collett). 
San Francisco to central Alaska; Afognak Bay. 
Lycodes (Lycodopsis) pacificus Collett, Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1879, 
381; said to be from Japan; doubtless an error. Ph 
Leurynnis paucidens Lockington, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., ITI, 1879, 326, 
off San Francisco, Calif. 

Lycodopsis scaurus Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Lycodopsis scaurus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
132, Pl. XXXII, off Bay of Panama. 

Genus 1862. APRODON Gilbert. 
Aprodon Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 106 (A. corteziana 

Aprodon cortezianus Gilbert. 
Cortez Banks, near San Diego, Calif. 
Aprodon corteziana Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 107, 
Cortez Banks, off San Diego, at Albatross stations 2925 and 2948 in 
339 and 266 fathoms. 

Genus 1363. LYCODES Reinhardt. 
Lycodes Reinhardt, Kéngl. Danske. Vidensk. Selsk. Naturyv. Math. 
Afh., VII, 1888, 153 (ZL. vahli Reinhardt). 

Lycodes vahlii Reinhardt. Vahl’s lydodes; Misarkornak. 
Coast of Greenland. 
Lycodes vahlii Reinhardt, Kéngl. Danske. Vidensk. Selsk. Nat. Math. 
Afh., VII, 1838, 158, pl. 5, Greenland. 

Lycodes frigidus Collett. 
North Atlantic, off New England coast; Spitzbergen. 
Lycodes frigidus Collett, Forh. Vid. Selsk. Christ., 1878, Nos. 14, 45, 
near Spitzbergen. 

Lycodes terrze—nove Collett. 
Newfoundland Banks. 
Lycodes terre-nove Collett, Campagnes Scientifiques L’Hirondelle, 
Poiss., 1896, 55, Newfoundland Banks in 25 fathoms. 

Lycodes reticulatus Reinhardt. Akulliakitsok; Spotted lycodes. 
North Atlantic from Greenland south to Narragansett Bay; also 
northern Europe. 
Lycodes reticulatus Reinhardt, Kongl. Danske Vid. Selsk. Afh., VII, 
1838, 167, Greenland. 
Lycodes perspicillum Krgéyer, Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Afhandl., XI, 
1845, p. eexxxiii, Newfoundland. 

Lycodes esmarkii Collett. 
North Atlantic; Gulf Stream, in about latitude 40°, to Finmark and 
Lycodes esmarkii Collett, Norges Fiske, 1875, 95; American specimens 
from the Gulf Stream in about latitude 40°. 

Lycodes jordani Evermann and Goldsborough. 
Puget Sound and southeastern Alaska. 
Lycodes jordani Evermann and Goldsborough, Bull. U. 8. Bur. Fish., 
XXVI, 1906, 3438, fig. 120, Puget Sound. 














Lycodes gracilis Sars. 
Atlantic Ocean off Nova Scotia. 
Lycodes gracilis Sars, Christ. Vid. Selsk. Forh., 1866, 40-45, Drdébak, 
Lycodes zoarchus Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1896, 308, off Nova 
Scotia. . 

Lycodes concolor Gill and Townsend. 
Bering Sea. 
Lycodes concolor Gill and Townsend, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XI, 1897, 
233, Bering Sea in 276 fathoms. 

Lycodes digitatus Gill and Townsend. 
Bering Sea. 
Lycodes digitatus Gill and Townsend, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XI, 
1897, 232, Bering Sea in 49 fathoms. 

Lycodes palearis Gilbert. 
Bristol Bay, Alaska. 
Lycodes palearis Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 454, 
Bristol Bay, Alaska, at Albatross stations 3253 and 3254 in 36 and 
46 fathoms. 

Lycodes brevipes Bean. 
Aleutian Islands to Puget Sound. 
Lycodes brevipes Bean, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 38, between 
Unga and Nagai islands in 110 fathoms. 

Lycodes anguis Garman. 
Off Lower California and Panama in deep water. 
Lycodes anguis Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool.,. XXIV, 1899, 133, 
off Bay of Panama. 

Lycodes serpens Garman. 
Off Lower California in deep water. 
Lycodes serpens Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 134, 
off Gulf of California. 

Lycodes incisus Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. : 
Lycodes incisus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 135, 
Pl. XXX, off Bay of Panama. 

Lycodes cicatrifer Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Lycodes cicatrifer Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 136, 
Pl. XXXI, off Bay of Panama. : 

Genus 1864. LYCIAS Jordan and Evermann. 
Lycias Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 
2461 (Lycodes seminudus Reinhardt). 

Lycias nebulosus (Krgyer). Cloudy lycodes. 
Lycodes nebulosus Krgyer, Kéngl. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Afhand., XI, 
1845, p. eexxxii, Greenland. 

Lycias seminudus (Reinhardt). Half-naked lycodes. 
North Atlantic, from Greenland to Spitzbergen. 
Lycodes seminudus Reinhardt, Kéngl. Danske Selsk. Afhand., VII, 
1838, 221, Omenak, Greenland 

Genus 1365. LYCENCHELYS Gill. 
Lycenchelys Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXX°VI, 1884, 180 
(Lycodes murxna Collett). 

Lycenchelys verrillii (Goode and Bean). 
Coast of Massachusetts and northward. 
Lycodes verrillii Goode and Bean, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, XIV, 1877, 
474; 27 miles south and west of Chebucto Head near Halifax. 











Lycenchelys paxillus (Goode and Bean). 
Gulf Stream. 
Lycodes paxillus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 44, 
between La Have and Sable Island Banks. 
Lycodes paxilloides Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, No. 
5, 1883, 207, off Newfoundland. 

Lycenchelys porifer (Gilbert). 
Off Lower California. 
Lycodes porifer Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 104, off 
Lower California at Albatross station 3009 in 857 fathoms. 

Genus 13866. LYCODALEPIS Bleeker. 
Lycodalepis Bleeker, Versl. Akad. Amst., ed. 2, VIII, 1874, 369 (Lycodes 
mu_osus Richardson). 

Lycodalepis polaris (Sabine). Arctic lycodes. 

Gulf of Georgia and Alaska. 

Blennius polaris Sabine, Parry’s Jour., Voyage 1819-20, App. CCXII, 
north Georgia. 

aes turnerit Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, 463, St. Michaels, 

Lycodes coccineus Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 144, Big 
Diomede Island, Bering Strait. 

Lycodalepis mucosus (Richardson). 
Arctic seas. 
Lycodes mucosus Richardson, Last Arctic Voyage, 1855, 362, pl. 26, 
Northumberland Sound. 

Genus 1367. FURCIMANUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Furcella Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1896, 
480 (Lycodes diapterus Gilbert); name preoccupied. 
Furcimanus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1898, 2472 (Lycodes diapterus Gilbert). 

Furcimanus diapterus (Gilbert). 
Coasts of California and Oregon. 
Lycodes diapterus Gilbert, Proc., U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 564, off - 

coast of Oregon at Albatross stations 2892, 2896, and others in 82 
to 376 fathoms. 

Genus 1868. LYCODONUS Goode and Bean. 
Lycodonus Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, No. 5, 1883, 
208 (L. mirabilis Goode and Bean). 

Lycodonus mirabilis Goode and Bean. 
Off the New England coast. 
Lycodonus mirabilis Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, 
No. 5, 1883, 208, lat. 38° 20’ 8’’ N., long. 73° 23’ 20’’ W.,.in 740 

Genus 1869. LYCONEMA Gilbert. 
Lyconema Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 471 (L. barbatum 

Lyconema barbatum Gilbert. 
Coast of Alaska. 
Lyconema barbatum Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 471, 
pl. 35, coast of Alaska, at Albatross station 3129 in 204 fathoms. 

Genus 1870. LYCOGRAMMA Gilbert. 
Lycogramma Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 364, 
(Maynea brunnea Bean). 

Lycogramma brunnea (Bean). 
Coast of California to Alaska. 
Maynea brunnea Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 38, off 
Queen Charlotte Island in 876 fathoms. 

Genus 1371. MAYNEA Cunningham. 
Maynea Cunningham, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., XXYII, 1871, 471 
(M. patagortca Cunningham), 


3861. Maynea californica Gilbert. 
Santa Barbara Islands. 
Maynea californica Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 362, 
pl. 19, fig. 17, San Nicolas Island off southern California. 

3862. Maynea bulbiceps Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Maynea bulbiceps Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 140, 
P]. E, off Bay of Panama. 

Genus 1372. BOTHROCARA Bean. 
Bothrocara Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 38 (B. mollis Bean). 

3863. Bothrocara pusilla (Bean). 
Coast of Alaska north to Unalaska. 
Maynea pusilla Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 39, Aleutian 
Islands, lat. 55° 10’ N., long. 160° 18’ W., in 110 fathoms. 

3864. Bothrocara mollis Bean. 
North Pacific to southern California. 
Bothrocara mollis Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 39, off 
Queen Charlotte Islands in 876 fathoms. 

8865. Bothrocara remigera Gilbert. 
Monterey Bay. 
Bothrocara remigera Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 366, 
pl. 20, fig. 19, Monterey Bay in 718 to 756 fathoms. 

Genus 1373. BOTHROCAROPSIS Garman. 
Bothrocaropsis Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 127 
(B. alalonga Garman). 

3866. Bothrocaropsis alalonga Garman. 
Off Gulf of California in deep water. 
Bothrocaropsis alalonga Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 127, XXXII, off Gulf of California. 

3867. Bothrocaropsis rictolata Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Bothrocaropsis rictolata Garrints Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 128, Pl. XXIII, off Bay of Panama. 

3868. Bothrocaropsis elongata Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Bothrocaropsis elongata Garman, Mem. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 129, 
Pl. XX XIII, off Bay of Panama. 

Genus 1374. GYMNELIS Reinhardt. 
Gymnelis Reinhardt, Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Afhandl., VII, 1838, 116, 
131 (Ophidium viridis Fabricius). 
Cepolopolis Kaup, Archiv fiir Natur., 1856, 96 (Ophidium viridis 

3869. Gymnelis viridis (Fabricius). Unernak. 
Arctic seas south to Alaska and Nova Scotia. 
Ophidium viridis Fabricius, Fauna Groen., 1780, 141, Greenland. 
Ophidium unernak Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 280, Greenland. 
?Gymnelus pictus Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 324, no locality. 

3870. Gymnelis stigma (Lay and Bennett). 
Kotzebue Sound, Alaska. 
Ophidium stigma Lay and Bennett, Zool. Beechey’s Voy., 1839, 67, 
pl. 20, fig. 1, Kotzebue Sound. 
Gymnelis viridis unimaculatus Richardson, Last Arctic Voyage, 1855, 
371, Northumberland Sound. 

3871. Gymnelis conorhynchus Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Gymnelis conorhynchus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. 

131, Pl. XX XI, off Bay of Panama, 

= é 
6424°—29-—3] 176908 Hes 












Genus 1875. LYCOCARA Gill. 
Uronectes Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 325 (Ophidium parrii Ross); name 
Lycocara Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXXVI, 1884, 180 (Ophi- 
dium parrit Ross). 

Lycocara parrii (Ross). 
Baffins Bay. ; 
Ophidium parrii Ross, in Parry’s Third Voyage, App., 1826, 109, 
Baffins Bay. 

Genus 1876. MELANOSTIGMA Giinther. 
Melanostigma Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1881, 20 (M. gelatino- 
sum Giinther). 
Melanostigma gelatinosum Giinther. , 
Deep waters of the western Atlantic; originally known from the Straits 
of Magellan, but since obtained in various localities from Cape Cod 
to the West Indies. 
Melanostigma gelatinosum Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1881, 21, 
pl. 2, fig. A, Straits of Magellan. 

Melanostigma pammelas Gilbert. 
Coast of Alaska. 
Melanostigma pammelas Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 
472, pl. 35, coast of Alaska at Albatross station 3202, lat. 36° 46’ 
10’’ N., long. 121° 58’ 45’’ W., in 382 fathoms. 

Genus 1877. PHYCOC@TES Jenyns. 
Phycocetes Jenyns, Zool. Beagle, 1842, 168 (P. latitans Jenyns). 

Phycoccetes suspectus Garman. 
Off Gulf of California in deep water. 
Phycocetes suspectus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
137, Pl. XXX, off Gulf of California. 


Genus 1378. LYCODAPUS Gilbert. 
fyeneeins Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 107 (L. fierasfer 

Lycodapus fierasfer Gilbert. 
Pacific coast of America, Lower California to southeastern Alaska. 
Lycodapus fierasfer Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 108, 
off Lower California and Washington at Albatross stations 2980, 
3010, and 3072 in 610 to 1005 fathoms. 

Lycodapus dermatinus Gilbert. 
Coast of California in deep water. 
Lycodapus dermatinus Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 471, 
pl. 35, coast of California at Albatross station 3162, 37° 54’ 10’’ N., 
123° 30’ W., in 552 fathoms. 

Lycodapus parviceps Gilbert. 
Bering Sea, north of Unalaska Island. 
Lycodapus parviceps Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 455, 
Bering Sea north of Unalaska Island at Albatross station 3324 in 109 

Lycodapus extensus Gilbert. 
Bering Sea north of Unalaska Island. 
Lycodapus extensus Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 455, 
Bering Sea north of Unalaska Island at Albatross station 3324 in 109 

Lycodapus lycodon Gilbert. 
Monterey Bay. 
Lycodapus lycodon Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 371, 
Monterey Bay, 152 to 268 fathoms. 










Lycodapus grossidens Gilbert. 
Bering Sea. 
Lycodapus grossidens Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 
373, Funter Bay, southeast Alaska, in 350 fathoms. 

Lycodapus attenuatus Gilbert. 
Monterey Bay. 
Lycodapus attenuatus Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 
372, pl. 21, Monterey Bay, in 285 to 357 fathoms. 

Lycodapus mandibularis Gilbert. 
Monterey Bay. 
Lycodapus mandibularis Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 
369, pl. 20, fig. 20, Monterey Bay, in 144 to 293 fathoms. 


Genus 1379. DEREPODICHTHYS Gilbert. 
Derepodichthys Gilbert, Rept. U. 8. Fish Com., XIX, 1898, 456 (D. 
alepidotus Gilbert). 

Derepodichthys alepidotus Gilbert. 
Coast of British Columbia, off Queen Charlotte Island. 
Derepodichthys alepidotus Gilbert, Rept. U. S. Fish Com., XIX, 1893, 
456, Queen Charlotte Island at Albatross station 3342 in 1 ‘588 fathoms. 

Family 290. BROTULIDZ 

Genus 1380. BROTULA Cuvier. 
Brotula Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 335 (Enchelyopus barbatus 
Bloch and Schneider). 

Brotula barbata (Bloch and Schneider). Brotula. 
West Indies. 
Enchelyopus barbatus Bioch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 52, 
Habana; after Parra. 
Brotula Parra, Dif. Piezas Hist. Nat., 1787, 70, lam. 31, fig. 2, Habana. 

Genus 1381. STYGICOLA Gill. 
Stygicola Gill, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 252 (Lucifuga 
dentatus Poey). 

Stygicola dentatus (Poey). 
Caves in southern Cuba. 
Lucifuga dentatus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 102, cave of Cajio, Cuba. 

Genus 1382. LUCIFUGA Poey. 
Lucifuga Poey, Memorias, Tr, 1860, 95 (L. subterraneus Poey). 

Lucifuga subterranea Poey. Pez ciego. 
“Cuba, in caves. 
Lucifuga sublerraneus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 96, caves of San 
Antonio in southern Cuba. 

Genus 1383. BROSMOPHYCIS Gill. 
Brosmophycis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 168 
(Brosmius marginatus Ayres). 
Halias Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1861, 52 (Brosmius margi- 
natus Ayres). 

Brosmophycis marginatus (Ayres). 
a Francisco to Puget Sound; scarce, recently taken at San Pedro, 
Brosmius marginatus Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., I, 1854, 13, 
Bay of San Francisco. 

Genus 1384. OGILBIA Jordan and Evermann. 
Ogilbia Jordan and Evermann, in Evermann and Kendall, Bull. U. 8S. 
Fish Com., XVII, 1897, 132 (O. cayorum Evermann and Kendall). 












Ogilbia cayorum Evermann and Kendall. 
Key West. 
Ogilbia cayorum Evermann and Kendall, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., XVII, 
1897, 132, pl. 9, fig. 14, Key West, Fla. 

Ogilbia verrillii (Garman). 
Brosmophycis verrillii Garman, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci., X, 1900, 511, 
Bailey Bay, Bermuda Islands. 

Ogilbia ventralis (Gill). 
Lower California, about Cape San Lucas. 
Brosmophycis ventralis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 
253, Cape San Lucas. 

Genus 1385. BYTHITES Reinhardt. 
Bythites Reinhardt, Kéngl. Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Skrift. Afhandl., 
VII, 1837, 178 (B. fuscus Reinhardt). 

Bythites fuscus Reinhardt. 
The only specimen known, now in the Museum at Copenhagen, was 
obtained in Greenland nearly a century ago. 
Bythites fuscus Reinhardt, Kéngl. Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Skrift. 
Afhandl., VII, 1838, 179, Greenland. 

Genus 1386. CATATYX Giinther. 
Catztyx Ginther, Challenger Rept., XXII, 1887, 104 (Sirembo messiert 

Catztyx rubrirostris Gilbert. 
Coast of California south of Point Conception, in deep water. 
Catetyx rubrirostris Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 111, 
coast of California, at Albatross stations 2909, 2925, and 2936 in 205 
and 356 fathoms. 

Catztyx simus Garman. 
Off Galapagos Islands to Bay of Panama, in deep water. 
Catxtyx simus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, Pl. E 1, 
168, off Bay of Panama. 

Genus 1387. DICROMITA Goode and Bean. 
Dicromita Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 319 (D. agassizii 
Goode and Bean). 

Dicromita agassizii Goode and Bean. 
Granada and Gulf of Mexico. 
Dicromita agassizii Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1896, 319, fig. 285, 
Gulf of Mexico in 26 fathoms. 

Genus 1388. MONOMITOPUS Alcock. 
Monomitopus Alcock, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, VI, 1890, 297 
(Sirembo nigripinnis Alcock). 

Monomitopus torvus Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Monomitopus torvus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
157, Pl. XL, off Bay of Panama. 

Genus 1889. MONOMEROPUS Garman. 
Monomeropus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zocl., XXIV, 1899, 157 
(Monomeropus malispinosus Garman). 

Monomeropus malispinosus Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Monomeropus malispinosus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 158, Pl. XL, off Bay of Panama. 

Genus 1390. BASSOZETUS Gill. 
Bathynectes Giimther, Ann. Nat. Hist., II, 1878, 20 (B. compressus 
Giinther); name preoccupied. 
Bassozetus Gill, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 259 (B. normalis Gill). 
Bathyonus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1886, 603 
(Bassozetus catena Goode and Bean). 












Bassozetus compressus (Giinther). 
Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere in deep water. 
Bathynectes compressus Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 1878, 20, 
southeast of New Guinea in 1,400 fathoms. 

Bassozetus normalis Gill. 
West Indies, off Dominica, to 40° north latitude, in region of Gulf 
Bassozetus normalis Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 259, Gulf 
Stream, at Albatross station 2042, 39° 33’ N., 68° 26’ 45/7 W., in 
1,555 fathoms. 

Bassozetus catena (Goode and Bean). 
Gulf of Mexico in deep water. 
Bathyonus catena Goode and Bean, Proe. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 
oe at Albatross station 2379, 28° 00’ 15’’ N., 87° 42’ W., in 1,467 

Bassozetus tzenia (Giinther). 
Bathyonus tenia Giinther, Challenger Rept., XXII, 1887, 110, pl. 23, 
fig. A, Mid-Atlantic. 

Bassozetus nasus Garman. 
Off Gulf of Panama and Pacific coast of southern Mexico in deep water. 
Bassozetus nasus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 159, 
Pl. LX XVII, off Pacific coast of southern Mexico. 

Genus 1391. ERETMICHTHYS Garman. 
Eretmichthys Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 164 
(E. pinnatus Garman). 

Eretmichthys pinnatus Garman. 
Galapagos Islands to Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Eretmichthys pinnatus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
165, Pl. XX XV, off Bay of Panama. 

Eretmichthys ocella Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Eretmichthys ocella Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
166, Pl. XX VII, off Bay of Panama. 

Genus 1392. M@BIA Goode and Bean. 
Mebia Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 331 (Bathynectes gracilis 

Meebia promelas (Gilbert). 
Gulf of California. * 
Porogadus promelas Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 546, 
Gulf of California in 1,005 fathoms. 

Genus 1393. NEOBYTHITES Goode and Bean. 
Neobythites Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 600 
(N. gillii Goode and Bean). 

Neobythites gillii Goode and Bean. 

Gulf of Mexico to Brazil, in deep water. 

Neobythites gillii Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 
601, Gulf of Mexico, at Albatross station 2402, 28° 36’ N., 85° 33’ W., 
in 111 fathoms. 

Neobythites ocellatus Giinther, Challenger Rept., X XII, 1887, 103, pl. 21, 
fig. B, off Pernambuco in 350 fathoms. 

Neobythites marginatus Goode and Bean. 
Off Barbados. 
Neobythites marginatus Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XII, 
1886, off Barbados in 209 fathoms. 

Genus 1394. HOLCOMYCTERONUS Garman. 
Holcomycteronus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 162 
(H. digittatus Garman). 













Holcomycteronus digittatus Garman. 
Gulf of California to Colombia in deep water. 
Holcomycteronus digittatus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXXVI, 
1899, 163, Gulf of California. 

Genus 13895. BENTHOCOMETES Goode and Bean 
Benthocometes Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 327 (Neobythites 
robustus Goode and Bean). 

Benthocometes robustus (Goode and Bean). 
West Indies to lat. 29° N. in Gulf Stream. 
Neobythites robustus Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XII, 
1883, 161, off Morro Castle, Cuba. 

Genus 1396. BASSOGIGAS Gill. 
Bassogigas Gill, in Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 328 (B. 
gillit Goode and Bean). 

Bassogigas gillii Goode and Bean. 
Off Cape Henlopen, Del. 
Bassogigas gillii Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 328, fig. 291, 
off Cape Henlopen, Del., at Albatross station 2684 in ah 106 fathoms. 

Bassogigas stelliferoides (Gilbert). 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water, and Gulf of California. 
Neobythites stelliferoides Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 
112, off Lower California at Albatross station 2996 in 112 fathoms. 

Genus 1397. BARATHRODEMUS Goode and Bean. 
Barathrodemus Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, No. 5, 
1882, 200 (B. manatinus Goode and Bean). 

Barathrodemus manatinus Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream, north to Bermudas. 
Barathrodemus manatinus Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 
X, No. 5, 1882, 200, lat. 33°. 51’ 20’ N., long. 76° W., in 647 fathoms. 

Genus 13898. NEMATONUS Giinther. 
Nematonus Giinther, Challenger Rept., XXII, 1887, 114 (Bathyonus 
pectoralis Goode and Bean). 

Nematonus pectoralis (Goode and Bean). 
Gulf of Mexico and off Dominica. 
Bathyonus pectoralis Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 
1885, 604, Albatross station 2380, lat. 28° 02’ 30’’ N., long. 87° 43’ 
45’’ W., in 1,480 fathoms. 

Genus 13899. POROGADUS Goode and Bean. * 
Porogadus Goode and Bean Proce. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 602 
(P. miles Goode and Bean). 

Porogadus miles Goode and Bean. 
Atlantic coast, off Delaware Bay, in deep water. 
Porogadus miles Goode and Bean, Proce. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 
602, at Albatross station 22380, lat. 38° 27’ N., long. 73° 2’ W., in 
ifs 168 fathoms. 

Porogadus longiceps Garman. 
Off Cocos Islands to Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Porogadus longiceps Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
153, Pl. F, off Bay of Panama. 

Porogadus atripectus Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama and Pacific coast of Mexico in deep water. 
Porogadus atripectus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
154, Pl. XX XVII, off Bay of Panama. 

Porogadus breviceps Garman. 
Gulf of California in deep water. 
Porogadus breviceps Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
155, Gulf of California. 

Genus 1400. PENOPUS Goode and Beak 
Penopus Goode and Bean, Oceanic Tobie 1895, 335 (P. macdonaldi 
Goode and Bean). 


3918. Penopus macdonaldi Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Penopus macdonaldi Goode fad Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 336, fig. 
293, Gulf Stream at Albatross station 2716, lat. 38° 29’ 3 au? long. 70° 
57’ W., in 1,631 fathoms. 

Genus 1401. DICROLENE Goode and Bean. 
Dicrolene Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, No. 5, 1882, 
202 (D. introniger Goode and Bean). 

3919. Dicrolene intronigra Goode and Bean, 
Gulf Stream, from lat. 15° to 40° N. 
Dicrolene introniger Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, 
No. 5, 1882, 202, Gulf Stream, lat. 34° N. 

3920. Dicrolene pullata Garman. 
Off Gulf of Panama in deep water. 
Dicrolene pullata Garman, Mem. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 152, off 
Gulf of Panama. 

3921. Dicrolene nigra Garman. 
Off Galapagos Islands to Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Dicrolene nigra Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 150, 
Pl. XX XVII, off Galapagos Islands. 

3922. Dicrolene filamentosa Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama and Pacific coast of Mexico in deep water. 
Dicrolene filamentosa Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
149, Pl. F, off Bay of Panama. 

Genus 1402, MIXONUS Giinther. 
Mizonus Giinther, Challenger Rept., XXII, 1887, 108 (Bathynectes 
laticeps Giinther). 

3923. Mixonus laticeps (Giinther). 
Mid-Atlantic in deep water. 
Bathynectes laticeps Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 1878, 20, Mid- 
Atlantic at Challenger station 104 in 2,500 fathoms. 
Sirembo guentheri Vaillant, Expd. Sci. Travailleur et Talisman, 1888, 
268, Pl. XXIV, fig. 5, off the Cape Verde Islands at a depth of 3,200 

3924. Mixonus caudalis Garman. 
Between Galapagos and Cocos Islands in deep water. 
Mizxonus caudalis Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 148, 
Pl. XXXVI, off Cocos Islands. 

Genus 1403. ACANTHONUS Giinther. 
Acanthonus Giinther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., IJ, 1878, 22 (A. armatus 

3925. Acanthonus spinifer Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Acanthonus spinifer Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Weck. XXIV, 1899, 
170, Pl. F, off Bay of Panama. 

Genus 1404. LEUCICORUS Garman. 
Leucicorus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 146 (L. 
lusciosus Garman). 

3926. Leucicorus lusciosus Garman. 
Off Pacific coast of Mexico in deep water. 
Leucicorus lusciosus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
146, Pl. XX XVIII, off Pacific coast of Mexico. 

Genus 1405. SCIADONUS Garman. 
Sciadonus Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 171 (S. 
pedicellaris Garman). 

3927. Sciadonus pedicellaris Garman. 
Off Cocos Maat in deep water. 
Sciadonus pedicellaris Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
172, Pl. F, off Cocos Island, 














Genus 1406. LAMPROGRAMMUS Alcock. 
Lamprogrammus Aleock, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., VIII, 1891, 32 (L. niger 

Lamprogrammus illustris Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama. 
Lamprogrammus illustris Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 174, Pl. XXXIV, off Bay of Panama. 

Genus 1407. BARATHRONUS Goode and Bean. 
Barathronus Goode and Bean, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XII, 1886, 164 
(B. bicolor Goode and Bean). 

Barathronus bicolor Goode and Bean. 
Off Guadaloupe Island in deep water. 
Barathronus bicolor Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XII, 
1886, 164, off Guadaloupe at Blake station 71 in 769 fathoms. 

Genus 1408. APHYONUS Giinther. 
Aphyonus Ginther, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., II, 1878, 22 (A. gelatinosus 

Aphyonus mollis Goode and Bean. 
Gulf of Mexico in deep water. 
Aphyonus mollis Goode and Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XII, 1886, 
163, Gulf of Mexico at Blake station 221, lat. 24° 36’ N., long. 84° 5’ 
W., in 955 fathoms. 

Genus 1409. ALLECTOR Heller and Snodgrass. 
Allector Heller and Snodgrass, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., V, 19038, 228 
(A. cheloniz Heller and Snodgrass). 

Allector cheloniz Heller and Snodgrass. 
Between Clipperton Island and Galapagos Archipelago. 
Allector chelonie Heller and Snodgrass, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., V, 
1903, 228, fig. 1, between Clipperton Island and the Galapagos. 

Family 291. OPHIDIIDA 

Genus 1410. LEPOPHIDIUM Gill. 
Lepophidium Gill, Am. Nat., X XIX, 1895, 16; substitute for 
Leptophidium Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 210 (L. 
profundorum Gill); preoccupied in serpents by Leptophidium Hallo- 
well, 1860. 

Lepophidium marmoratum (Goode and Bean). 
Gulf Stream. 
Leptophidium marmoratum Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
VIII, 1885, 423, lat. 23° 10’ 39’’ N., long. 82° 20’ 21” W., in 213 

Lepophidium profundorum (Gill). 
Gulf Stream, off coast of Florida. 
Leptophidium profundorum Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 
211, Gulf Stream, off coast of Florida. 

Lepophidium cervinum (Goode and Bean). 
Gulf Stream. 
Leptophidium cervinum Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VIII, 
1885, 422, lat. 40° 01’ N., long. 69° 56’ W., depth 76 fathoms. 

Lepophidium brevibarbe (Cuvier). 
West Indies and Brazil. f 
Ophidium brevibarbe Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 2, II, 1829, 359, Brazil. 

Lepophidium prorates (Jordan and Bollman). 
Panama and south of Panama. 
Leptophidium prorates Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
XII, 1889, 172, Panama and south of Panama. 

Lepophidium emmelas (Gilbert). 
Coast of Lower California. 
Leptophidium emmelas Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 110, 
coast of Lower California at Albatross stations 3007 and 3008 in 362 
and 306 fathoms. 


3938. Lepophidium pardale (Gilbert). 
Lower California. 
Leptophidium pardale Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. MOS XIII, 1890, 108, 
off Lower California. 

3939. Lepophidium microlepis (Gilbert). 
Off Lower California. 
Leptophidium microlepis Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 
109, off Lower California. 

3940. Lepophidium stigmatistium (Gilbert). 
Coast of Lower California. 
Leptophidium stigmatistium Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 
109, off Lower California at Albatross station 2996 in 112 fathoms. 

Genus 1411. OPHIDION Linneus. Cusk eels. 
Ophidion Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 259 (Ophidion barbatum 
Ophidium of most authors; revised spelling. 

3941. Ophidion graéllsi Poey. 
Ophidion graéllsi Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 425, Habana. 

3942. Ophidion beani Jordan and Gilbert. 
Gulf of Mexico; Snapper Banks off Pensacola, Fla. 
Ophidion beani Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U.S. ‘Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, 143, 
Snapper Banks off Pensacola. 

3943. Ophidion holbrooki (Putnam). 
Key West, Fla.; Gulf of Mexico. 
Ophidium holbrooki Putnam, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., XVI, 1874, 
342, Key West, Fla. : 

Genus 1412. RISSOLA Jordan and Evermann. 
Rissola Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 483 (Ophidiwm mar- 
ginatum DeKay). 

3944. Rissola marginata (DeKay). Sand eel; Slippery dick. 
sigtoks Atlantic coast of United States from New York south to Pensa- 
Ophidium marginatum DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 315, 
New York Harbor. 
?Ophidium josephi Girard, U. 8. and Mex. Bound. Surv., Zool., 1859, 
29, Saint Joseph Island, "Tex. 

Genus 1413. OTOPHIDIUM Gill. 
Otophidium Gill, in Jordan, Cat. Fish. N. Amer., 1885, 914 (Genypterus 
omostigma Jordan and Gilbert). 
oy hoed paces and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 482 (Ophidium taylori 

3945. Otophidium taylori (Girard). 
Coast of California, from Monterey to San Diego. 
Ophitiium taylori Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, Pt. 4, Fishes, 1858, 138, 
Monterey, Calif. 

3946. Otophidium omostigma (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Gulf of Mexico, Pensacola snapper banks. 
Genypterus omostigma Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vi; 
1882, 301, Pensacola snapper banks. 

3947. Otophidium scrippsi Hubbs. 
Long Beach to Cedros Island, Calif. 
Otophidium scrippsi Hubbs, Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., XVI, 1916, 166, 
pl. 20, Cedros Island, off coast of Lower California. 
3948. Otophidium galeoides (Gilbert). 
Coast of Lower California. 
Otophidion galeoides Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 110, 
off Lower California. 


3949. Otophidium welshi Nichols and Breder. 
Coast of Texas. 
Otophidium welshi Nichols and Breder, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXXV, 
an 15, fig. 3, Texas, Grampus station 10478, southwest from Brayes 
Family 292. CARAPIDA 

Genus 1414. CARAPUS Rafinesque. 

Carapus Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 57, restricted by the International 
Commission of Nomenclature to Ophidiwm imberbe ® Linnzus. 

Fierasfer Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, II, 1817, 239 (Ophidiwm imberbe 

Echiodon Thompson, Proce. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1837, 55 (H. drummondi 

Diaphasia Lowe, loc. cit., 1848, 92 (Gymnotus acus Briinnich). 

Oxybeles Richardson, Voy. Erebus and Terror, Fishes, 1844-48, 73 
(O. homei Richardson). 

Porobronchus Kaup, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1860, 272 (P. linearis Kaup; 
larva of Fierasfer acus). 

Vewillifer Gasco, Bull. Assoc. Nat. Med. Napoli, 1870, 59 (V. dephil- 
lippi Gasco; larva of Fierasfer acutus). 

Lefroyia Jones, Zoologist, IX, 1874, 3838 (L. bermudensis Jones). 

8950. Carapus affinis (Giinther). Pearlfish. 
Lower California to Panama; abundant about the Pearl Islands off 
Panama, north to Point Loma, San Diego, Calif. 
Fierasfer affinis Giinther, Cat., IV, 1862, 381, no locality given. 
Fierasfer dubius Putnam, Pro. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., XVI, 1874, 344, 
Pear! Islands. ‘ 

3951. Carapus arenicola (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Fierasfer arenicola Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 363, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

8952. Carapus bermudensis (Jones). 
West Indies; recorded from Bermuda, Habana, Key West, and St. 
Lefroyia bermudensis Jones, Zoologist, IX, 1874, 3837, Bermuda. 

Genus 1415. LEPTOFIERASFER Meek and Hildebrand. 
Leptofierasfer Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., XV, 
1928, 964 (L. macrurus Meek and Hildebrand). 

3953. Leptofierasfer macrurus Meek and Hildebrand. 
Leptofierasfer macrurus Meek and Hildebrand, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., 
Zool., XV, 1928, 964, Pl. XCIX, fig. 1, Chame Point, Panama. 


Genus 1416. BATRACHOIDES Lacépéde. 
Batrachoides Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 451 (B. taw Lacépéde) ; 
not Gadus tau Linnzeus= Batrachus surinamensis Schneider. 
Batrachus Schneider, ed. Bloch, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 42 (B. surinamensis 
Schneider) ; substitute for Batrachoides. 
Batrictius Rafinesque, Anal. Nat., 1815, 82; substitute for Batrachoides. 

8954. Batrachoides surinamensis (Schneider). Sapo. 
Coast of Guiana and Brazil. 
Batrachus surinamensis Schneider, ed. Bloch, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 43, 
Surinam; from a specimen in the museum of Paris. 

% With this decision we do not willingly concur, as the name Carapus is clearly cognate with Gymnotus 
carapo, a species of Gymnotidz included but not named in the original account. 











Batrachoides goldmani Evermann and Goldsborough. 
Rio Usumacinta at Montecristo, Tabasco, Mexico. 
Batrachoides goldmani Evermann and Goldsborough, Bull. U. S. Fish 
Com., X XI, 1901, 159, fig. 8, Rio Usumacinta, Mexico. 

Batrachoides boulengeri Gilbert and Starks. 
Bay of Panama. : 
Batrachoides boulengeri Gilbert and Starks, Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., 
IV, 1904, 182, Pl. XX XI, Bay of Panama. 

Batrachoides pacifici (Giinther). 
Batrachus pacifict Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 173, Panama. 

Genus 1417. OPSANUS Rafinesque. Toadfishes. 
Opsanus Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 1818, 203 (O. cerapalus 
Rafinesque=Gadus tau Linnzus). 
Batrachus of authors, not of Schneider. 

Opsanus tau (Linneus). Toadfish; Sapo; Slimer; Oysterfish; Scorpion. 

Atlantic coast, Massachusetts to the West Indies. 

Gadus tau Linnzus, Syst. Nat., ed. XII, 1766, 439, Charleston, S. C. 

ee ee Schoépf, Schrift. Naturf. Freunde, VII, 1788, 146, Long 

Cottus chetodon Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 62, New York; 
after Schopf. 

Lophius bufo Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soe., I, 1815, 463, New York. 

Opsanus cerapalus Rafinesque, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 1818, 204, 
south coast of Long Island. 

Batrachoides vernullas LeSueur, Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat., V, 1819, 157, 
pl. 17, coast of Rhode Island. 

Batrachoides variegata LeSueur, Jout.. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., III, pt. 2, 
1824, 398, Egg Harbor, N. J. 

Batrachus celatus DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 170, pl. 50, 
fig. 161, New York. 

Opsanus hildebrandi Breder. 
Colon Market, Panama. 
Opsanus_ hildebrandi Breder, Amer. Mus. Novit., No. 188, Sept. 28, 
1925, I, Colon Market, Panama; place of collection unknown. 

Opsanus pardus (Goode and Bean). Sapo. 
Gulf of Mexico in deep water. 
Batrachus tau pardus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., II, 1879, 
336, Pensacola snapper banks. 

Genus 1418. PORICHTHYS Girard. Midshipmen. 
Porichthys Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 141 (P. 
notatus Girard). 

Porichthys notatus Girard. Singingfish; Midshipman; Cabezon; Sapo. 
Pacific coast from Puget Sound to Panama. 
Porichthys notatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 141, 
San Francisco. 

Porichthys margaritatus (Richardson). 
Pacific coast of tropical America. 
Batrachus margaritatus Richardson, Voy. Sulphur, Fishes, 1844-1843, 
67, Pacific coast of Central America. 
Porichthys nautopedium Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
XII, 1889, 171, Pacific Ocean off coast of Colombia in 16 fathoms. 

Porichthys greenei Gilbert and Starks. 
Panama Bay. 
Porichthys greenei Gilbert and Starks, Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., IV, 1904, 
184, Panama Bay. 

Genus 1419. NAUTOPAZDIUM Jordan. 
Nautopxdium Jordan, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1919, 342 (Batravhus 
porosissimus Cuvier and Valenciennes). 










Nautopedium porosissimum (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Bagre sapo. 
South Carolina to Montevideo; Pensacola. 
Batrachus porosissimus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 
1837, 373 (501), Surinam, Cayenne, Rio Janeiro, and St. Catherine. 
Porichthys plectrodon Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 291, Galveston, Tex. 

Genus 1420. THALASSOPHRYNE Giinther. Poison toadfishes. 
Thalassophryne Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 175 (7. maculosa Giinther). 
Dector Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 

2325 (Thalassophryne dowt Jordan and Gilbert). 


Thalassophryne maculosa Giinther. 
Caribbean Sea. 
Thalassophryne maculosa Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 175, Puerto Cabello 
near Aspinwall. 

Thalassophryne reticulata Giinther. 
Thalassophryne reticulata Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 150, 
155, Panama. 

Subgenus DAXCTOR Jordan and Evermann. 

Thalassophryne dowi (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of North America from Punta Arenas to Panama. 
Thallassophryne dowi Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., X, 
1887, 388, Punta Arenas. 

Family 294. GOBIESOCIDZ 

Genus 1421. CAULARCHUS Gill. 
Caularchus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIV, 1862, 330 (Lepado- 
gaster mexandricus Girard=Lepadogaster reticulatus Girard); name 

Caularchus meandricus (Girard). Suckfish. 
Pacific coast of United States, from Vancouver Island to Monterey. 
Lepadogaster reticulatus Girard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, 
155, San Luis Obispo, Calif.; name preoccupied. 
Lepadogaster mxandricus Girard, Pac. R. R. Surv., X, Pt. 4, Fishes, 
1858, 130, San Luis Obispo, Calif., and the Farallons. 

Genus 1422. BRYSSETARES Jordan and Evermann. 
Bryssetexres Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., VI, 
1896, 230 (Gobiesox pinniger Gilbert). 

Brysseteres pinniger (Gilbert). 
Gulf of California; known from Puerto Refugio (Angel Island), San 
Luis Gonzales Bay, and La Paz. 
Gobiesox pinniger Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 94, Puerto 
Refugio, Gulf of California. 

Genus 1428. CAULISTIUS Jordan and Evermann. 

Caulistius Jordan and Gilbert, Check List, 1895, 491 (Gobiesox papillifer 

Bryssophilus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1898, 2329 (Gobiesox papillifer "Gilbert); accidental duplication over- 
looked in proof reading. 

Caulistius papillifer (Gilbert). 

Magdalena Bay, Lower California. 

Gobiesox papillifer Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 96, 
Magdalena Bay, Lower California. 

Genus 1424. GOBIESOX Lacépéde. Clingfishes. 
Gobiesor Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 595 (G. cephalus 
Megaphalus Rafinesque, Anal. Nat., 1815, 86 (substitute for Gobiesoxr 
Sicyogaster Brisout de Barneville, Rev. Zool., 1846, 144 (Gobiesox 
marmoratus Jenyns. 
















Gobiesox nigripinnis (Peters). 
Puerto Cabello, near Aspinwall, Colon. 
Cotylis nigripinnis Peters, Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1859, 412, 
Puerto Cabello, near Aspinwall, Colon. 

Gobiesox macrophthalmus Giinther. 
Probably West Indies. 
Gobiesox macrophthalmus Giinther, Cat., III, 1861, 502, locality 

Gobiesox androsiensis Rosen. 
Gobiesox androsiensis Rosen, Arsskr. Univ. Lund., VII, 1912, 50, 

Gobiesox costaricensis Meek. 
Costa Rica. 
Gobiesox costaricensis Meek, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., X, 1912, 74, 
Zent, Costa Rica. 

Gobiesox gyrinus Jordan and Evermann. 
West Indies. 
Gobiesox gyrinus Jordan and Evermann, Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 
1898, 2331, Cordova; name only in Check List, 1895, 491. 

Gobiesox cephalus Lacépéde. Tétard; Testar. 
West Indies. 
Gobiesox cephalus Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1800, 595, Mar- 
Lepadogaster testar Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 4, Mar- 
tinique; after Plumier. 

Gobiesox tudes Richardson. 
Probably West Indies. 
Gobiesoxr tudes Richardson, Voy. Sulphur, Fishes, 1845, 103, pl. 46, 
figs. 1-3; habitat unknown, erroneously supposed to be China. 

Gobiesox strumosus Cope. 
Maryland to Florida. 
Gobiesor strumosus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXII, 1870, 
121, Hilton Head, S. C, 

Gobiesox virgatulus Jordan and Gilbert. 
From Pensacola Bay north to Charleston, 8. C. 
Gobiesox virgatulus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 293, Pensacola, Fla. 

Gobiesox adustus Jordan and Gilbert. 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Gobiesor adustus Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
360, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Gobiesox funebris Gilbert. 
Gulf of California; Puerto Refugio (Angel Island) and La Paz. 
Gobiesoxr funebris Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 95, Puerto 
Refugio, Gulf of California. 

Gobiesox rhodospilus Giinther. 
Gobiesox rhodospilus Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 25, Panama. 

Gobiesox cerasinus Cope. 
St. Martins, West Indies. 
?Cyclopterus nudus Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 260, ‘India’; 
not identifiable. 
Gobiesoxr cerasinus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soec., XIV, 1871, 473, St. 
Martins, West Indies. 

Gobiesox vittatus Metzelaar. 
Caribbean Sea. 
Gobiesor vittatus Metzelaar, Marine Fish. Lesser Antilles, Bijdr. 
Dierk., 1922, 140, with fig., Curacao, 















Gobiesox sancti-martini Metzelaar. 
West Indies. 
Gobiesox sancti-martini Metzelaar, Trop. Atl. Vissch., 1919, 154, fig. 48, 
St. Martin’s Island. 

Gobiesox yuma Nichols. 
Coast of Florida. 
Gobiesox yuma Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XX XVII, Dec. 
29, 1917, 876, fig. 1, south of Sanibel Light, Florida west coast. 

Genus 1425. SICYASES Miiller and Troschel. 
Sicyases Miller and Troschel, Wiegmann’s Archiv, 1843, 298, S. 
Tomicodon Brisout de Barneville, Rev. Zool., 1846, 144 (7. chilensis 
Barneville). . 

Sicyases erythrops (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Mazatlan; also Tres Marias Islands. 
Gobiesox erythrops Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U..8. Nat. Mus., IV, 
1881, 360, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

Sicyases rubiginosus Poey. 
Matanzas, Cuba. 
Sicyases rubiginosus Poey, Synop., 1868, 391, wharves of Palmasola, 
Matanzas, Cuba. 

Sicyases carneus Poey. 
Matanzas, Cuba. 
Sicyases carneus Poey, Synop., 1868, 392, wharves of Palmasola, 
Matanzas, Cuba. 

Sicyases heres (Jordan and Bollman). 
Green Turtle Cay, Bahamas. 
Gobiesox heres Jordan and Bollman, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., XI, 1888, 
552, Green Turtle Cay, Bahamas. 

Sicyases punctulatus Poey. 
Sicyases punctulatus Poey, Enumeratio, 1876, 124, Habana. 

Sicyases fasciatus Peters. 
Puerto Cabello near Aspinwall. 
Sicyases fasciatus Peters, Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1859, 412, 
Puerto Cabello. 

Genus 1426. RIMICOLA Jordan and Evermann. 
Rimicola Jordan and Evermann, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., VI, 
1896, 231 (Gobiesox muscarum Meek and Pierson). 

Rimicola eigenmanni (Gilbert). 
Point Loma, near San Diego, to Monterey Bay, Calif. - 
Gobiesox eigenmanni Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 96, 
Point Loma near San Diego, Calif. 
Gobiesox muscarum Meek and Pierson, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., 
V, 1895, 571, pl. 71, Monterey Bay, Calif. 

Rimicola beryllinus (Hildebrand and Ginsberg). 
Key West, Fla. 
Gobiesox (Rimicola) beryllinus Hildebrand and Ginsberg, Bull. U. S. 
Bur. Fish., XLII, 1926, 213, fig. 5, Boca China, Key West, Fla. 

Genus 1427. ARBACIOSA Jordan and Evermann. 
Arbaciosa Jordan and Everman, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., VI, 
1896, 230 (Gobiesox humeralis Gilbert). 

Abraciosa rhessodon (Rosa Smith). 
San Diego to the northern part of the Gulf of California. 
Gobiesor rhessodon Rosa Smith (Mrs. Eigenmann), Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus., IV, 1881, 140, San Diego, Calif. . 

Abraciosa humeralis (Gilbert). 
Gulf of California; Puerto Refugio, Angel Island; La Paz. 
Gobiesox humeralis Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 95, 
Puerto Refugio, Gulf of California, 


3997. Arbaciosa rupestris (Poey). 
Coral reefs of Cuba. 
Gobiesoxr rupestris Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 283, Cuba. 

3998. Arbaciosa zebra (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Mazatlan, Mexico. 
Gobiesox zebra Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 
359, Mazatlan, Mexico. 

3999. Arbaciosa eos (Jordan and Gilbert). 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Gobiesox eos Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 360, 
Mazatlan, Mexico. 



Genus 1428. HOLLARDIA Poey. 
Hollardia Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 348 (H. hollardi Poey). 

4000. Hollardia hollardi Poey. 
West Indies. 
Hollardia hollardi Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 348, pl. 18, fig. 11, Cuba 

Family 296. BALISTIDZ 

Genus 1429. BALISTES Linnezus. 
Balistes Linneus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 327 (B. vetula Linneus). 
Capriscus Rafinesque, Indice, 1810, 41, 58 (C. porcus Rafinesque= 
Balistes capriscus Gmelin). 

4001. Balistes naufragium Jordan and Starks. Pez puerco de piedra. 
Mazatlan; Panama Bay. 
Balistes naufragium Jordan and Starks, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., 
V, 1895, 488, Mazatlan. 

4002. reir ope barton: Gmelin. Leatherjacket; Cucuyo; Turbot; Triggerfish; 


Tropical parts of the Atlantic; Gulf Stream; Mediterranean. 

Balistes carolinensis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, 1468, Carolinas. 

Balistes capriscus Gmelin, loc. cit., 1789, 1471, Indian and American 

oceans; after Gronow (this name preferred by first reviewer). 

5 buniva Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., V, 1798, 669, pl. 21, fig. 1, 


Balistes caprinus Valenciennes, Ichth. Iles Canaries, 1836, 94, pl. 16, 

‘Balistes fuliginosus DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 339, pl. 57, 
fig. 188, New York. 

Balistes teniopterus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 326, Cuba. 

4008. Balistes vetula Linneus. Oldwife; Old wench; Cochino; Blue-striped 

triggerfish; Bessy cerka. 

ria ay parts of the Atlantic; West Indies; Gulf Stream to Woods 


Guaperva Marcgrave, Hist. Bras., 1648, 163, Brazil. 

Balistes vetula Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 329, Ascension Island; 
after Balistes vetula of Osbeck, Iter Chinensis, 294, 1757. 

Balistes bellus Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., III, 1792, 467, West Indies; 
after Krgyer. 

Balistes equestris Gronow, Cat. Fishes, ed. Gray, 1854, 31, American 









Balistes forcipatus Gmelin. 

West coast of Africa to Rhode Island and Brazil. 

Balistes forcipatus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 1789, 1472, Brazil; after 
Guaperva lata of Lista. 

Balistes punctatus Gmelin, loc. cit., 1472; after Stipvisch of Willoughby. 

Balistes spilotopterygius Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., III, 1792, 455, Brazil. 

Balistes guttatus Walbaum, loc. cit., 467, St. Vincent. ' 

Balistes ciliaris Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 471, Brazil. 

Balistes liberiensis Steindachner. Ichth. Notizen, IV, 1867, 9, Monrovia 
in Liberia. 

?Balistes powelli Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., X XII, 1870, 120, 
Newport, R. I. 

Balistes moribundus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1870, 478, 
St. Martins. 

Genus 1430. SUFFLAMEN Jordan. 

Pachynathus Swainson, Classn. Fishes, II, 1839, 326 (Balistes triang- 
ularis=Balistes capistratus Shaw); not Pachygnatha nor Pachy- 
gnathus; both these names earlier used for genera of spiders, the 
name Pachygnathus regarded as a misprint and not valid according 
to decision of the International Commission of Nomenclature. 

Sufflamen Jordan, Copeia, April 12, 1916, 27 (Balistes capistratus 

Suffiamen verres (Gilbert and Starks). Pez puerco. 

Pacific coast of tropical America, from Magdalena Bay to the Gala- 

Balistes capistratus of authors; not of Shaw, Gen. Zool., V, 1804, 417; 
ater Balistes bridé Lacépéde, a species of the South Seas and East 

Balistes verres Gilbert and’ Starks, Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., V, 1904, 
153, Pl. XXVI, fig. 49, Panama and Mazatlan. 

Genus 1431. VERRUNCULUS Jordan. 
Verrunculus Jordan, Copeia, Sept., 1924, 82 (Balistes polylepis Stein- 

Verrunculus polylepis (Steindachner). Pez puerco. 
San Diego to Panama; common southward. 
Balistes polylepis Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, 1876, 21, Magdalena 
Bay; Mazatlan; Acapulco. 

Genus 1432. CANTHIDERMIS Swainson. Sobacos. 
Canthidermis Swainson, Nat. Hist. Classn. Anim., II, 1839, 325, 
(Balistes angulosus Quoy and Gaimard). 

Canthidermis angulosus (Quoy and Gaimard). 
Hawaii to Cocos Island; rare. 
Balistes angulosus Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. Uranie, Zool., 1824, 210, 
Sandwich Islands (Hawaiian Islands). 

Canthidermis sobaco (Poey). Sobaco. 
West Indies. 
Balistes sobaco Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 324, Habana. 
Balistes asperrimus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1870, 478, 
St. Martins. 

Canthidermis suffamen (Mitchill).  Sobaco. 
West Indies; Habana. 
Sobaco Parra, Dif. Piezas, Hist. Cuba, 1787, 17, fig. 10, Habana. 
Balistes sufflamen Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 467, 
locality unknown, said by DeKay to be from the south Atlantic. 
Balistes macrops Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 326, Habana. 








Canthidermis maculatus (Bloch). Ocean turbot. 

West Indies. 

Balistes maculatus Bloch, Nat. Aus]. Fisch., II, 1786, 25, West Indies. 

Balistes americanus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 1789, 1473, America; after 

Balistes macropterus Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., III, 1792. 465, America. 

Balistes rufus Gronow, Cat. Fishes, ed. Gray, 1854, 36, American 

Balistes longus Gronow, loc. cit., 1854, American oceans. 

Balistes melanopterus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1870, 478, 

Canthidermis willughbeii (Lay and Bennett). 
Pacific coast of Mexico. 
Balistes willughbeii Lay and Bennett, Zoology Beechey’s Voyage, 
1839, 68, pl. 21, fig. 2, Acapulco, Mexico. 

Genus 1433. XANTHICHTHYS Kaup. 
Xanthichthys Kaup, in Richardson, Ene. Brit., ed. XII, 1856, 313 
(Balistes curassavicus Gmelin). 

Xanthichthys ringens (Linneus). Cocuyo. 
West Indies and southward, recorded from Mauritius. 
Balistes ringens Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 329, no locality. 
Cucuyo Parra, Dif. Piezas, ete., Cuba, 1787, 19, Habana; after Linnzeus. 
Balistes curassavicus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, 1472, Curagao. 
Balistes notatus Gronow, Cat. Fishes, ed. Gray, 1854, 36, both Indies. 
Balistes nitidus Gronow, loc. cit., 36, American oceans. 
Balistes cicatricosus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 327, Cuba. 
Balistes heckeli von Miiller, Reisen in Vereinigten Staaten, Canada 

und Mexico, I, 1864, 182, Mexico. 

Xanthichthys lineopunctatus (Hollard). 
Panama; Pacific coast of Mexico to East Indies; taken at San Diego. 
Balistes lineopunctatus Hollard. Ann. Sci. Nat., ser. 4, I, 1854, 65, 
Bourbon Island. 
Balistes mento Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 228 
Clarion Island of the Revillagigedo group. 

Genus 1434. MELICHTHYS Swainson. 
Melichthys Swainson, Class. Anim., II, 1839, 325 (Balistes ringens 
Bloch= Balistes buniva Lacépéde). 

Melichthys piceus (Poey). Galafate; Black oldwife; Calafate. 
West Indies and southward. 
?Balistes nigra Osbeck, Iter Chinensis, 1757, 295, Ascension Island; 
Galafate Parra, Dif. Piezas, etc., 1787, 18, Habana. 
Balistes piceus Poey, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 180, Cuba. 

Melichthys radula (Solander). 
East Indies, Clarion and Socorro Islands; Cocos Island. 
Balistes radula Solander, in Richardson, Voy. H. M. 8S. Samarang, 
Fishes, 1848, 21. 
Melichthys bispinosus Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 125, 
Clarion and Socorro Islands of the Revillagigedo group. 

Family 297. MONACANTHIDZ. Filefishes 

Genus 1435. CANTHERINES Swainson. 
Cantherines Swainson, Classn. Fishes, II, 1839, 327 (Cantherines nasutus 
Swainson= Balistes sandwichensis Quoy and Gaimard). 
Pseudomonacanthus Bleeker, loc. cit., 12 (Monacanthus macrurus 
Liomonacanthus Bleeker, Ned. Tijdskr., III, 1866, 13 (Monacanthus 
pardalis Riippell). 




4016. Cantherines pullus (Ranzani). Lija colorado. 

West Indies and coast of Brazil; southern Florida. 

Lija colorado Parra, Dif. Piezas, etce., 1787, pl. 23, p. 49, Cuba. 

Monacanthus pullus Ranzani, Nov. Comm. Act. Sci. Inst. Bonon., V, 
1842, 4, pl. 1, Brazil. 

Monacanthus macrocerus Holland, Ann. Sci. Nat., II, 1854, 327, pl. 12, 
fig. 1, Bahia. 

Monacanthus ruppelii Castelnau, Anim. Nouv. Amer. Sud., Poiss., 
1855, 97, pl. 47, fig. 2, Bahia. 

Monacanthus irroratus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 330, Cuba. 

Monacanthus striatus Poey, loc. cit., 8329, Cuba. 

Monacanthus parraianus Poey, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 
185, Cuba; after Parra. 

Monacanthus punctatus Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 487, Cuba. 

4017. Cantherines carole (Jordan and McGregor). 

Islands off the Pacific coast of Mexico; Revillagigedo Islands. 

?Balistes sandwichensis Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. l’Uranie, Zool., 
1824, 214, Sandwich [Hawaiian] Islands. 

?Cantherines nasutus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Class. Fishes, II, 1839, 327; 
substitute for B. sandwichensis. . 

Cantherines carole Jordan and McGregor, in Jordan and Evermann, 
Fishes North and Mid. Amer., 1898, 1713 (Clarion Island by error), 
Socorro Island. 

4018. Cantherines amphioxys (Cope). 

St. Martins Island, West Indies. : 
Monacanthus amphioxys Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1870, 
477, St. Martins Island. 

Genus 1486. MONACANTHUS Cuvier. 

Monacanthus Cuvier, Régne Anim., Ed. I, 1817, 152 (Balistes chinensis 

Trichoderma Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Amphib., ete., II, 1839, 328 
(Balistes scapus Lacépéde). 

Stephanolepis Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XIII, 1861, 78 (Mona- 
canthus setifer Bennett). 

4019. Monacanthus ciliatus (Mitchill). Leatherfish; Liga; Flapmingo. 

West Indies and Florida; Florida Keys. 

Balistes ciliatus Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag. and Crit. Rev., i 
March, 1818, 326, Bahama Straits. 

Monacanthus piraaca Kner, Reise Fregatte Novara um Erde, Zool., 
Fische, 1867, 396, Rio Janeiro. 

Monacanthus occidentalis Ginther, Cat., VIII, 1870, 237, Puerto 

Monacanthus davidsonii Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XIV, 
1870 (1871), 476, Florida Reef. 


4020. Monacanthus hispidus (Linneus). Foolfish; Filefish; Leatherfish; 

Horny cony; Lija; Thread filefish; Mingo. 

Cape Cod to Cuba; south Atlantic coast ana Florida Keys; West Indies 
to Brazil. 

Balistes hispidus Linneeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, 1766, 405, Carolinas. 

Balistes broccus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc., iif 1815, 467, "New York. 

Monacanthus filamentosus Valenciennes, fles Canaries Ichth. Atl., 1836, 
95, pl. 16, fig. 1, Canaries. 

Monacanthus gallinula Valenciennes, loc. cit., 95, Canaries. 

Monacanthus varius Ranzani, Novi Comment Ac. Sci. Inst. Bonon., V, 
1842, 6, Pl. II, Brazil. 

Monacanthus massachusettensis DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 
336, pl. 57, fig. 187, Massachusetts Bay. 

Monacanthus selifer DeKay, loc. cit., 337, pl. 59, fig. 194, New York. 

Monacanthus signifer Storer, Synop. Fish. N. Amer., 1846, 497, Massa- 

Monacanthus auriga Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1850, 253, Madeira. 


4021. Monacanthus oppositus Poey. 
Monacanthus oppositus Poey, Memorias, II, 1861, 331, Habana. 

4022. Monacanthus spilonotus Cope. 
Gulf of Mexico. 
Monacanthus spilonotus Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Phila., XIV, 
1870, 476, Gulf of Mexico. 

4023. Monacanthus tuckeri Bean. 
West Indies, north to Bermudas. 
Monacanthus tuckeri Bean, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool., VII, 1906, 
78, fig. 11, Bermudas. 

Genus 1437. CERATACANTHUS Gill. 
Ceratacanthus Gill, Fish. E. Coast N. Amer., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Phila, XIII, 1861, 57 (Balistes aurantiacus Mitchill= Balistes schepfit 

4024. Ceratacanthus schepfii (Walbaum). Filefish; Orange filefish; Lija; 

Foolfish; Unicornfish; Sunfish. 

Cape Cod to the Carolinas and Florida. 

Balistes schepfii Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., 1792, 461, Long Island; after 
Schépf, Berlin Ges. Naturf., VIII, 1788, 186. 

Balistes aurantiacus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 468, 
New York. 

Aluteres cuspicauda DeKay, New York Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 338, 
New York. 

Aluterus holbrooki Hollard, Ann. Sci. Nat., IV, 1855, 7, North America. 

Aluterus cultrifrons Hollard, Ann. Sci. Nat., ser. 4, IV, 1855, 8, pl. 1, 
fig. 2, New York and Bahia. 

Genus 1488. DAVIDIA Miranda Ribeiro. 
Davidia Miranda Ribeiro, Archiv Mus. Nac. Rio Janeiro, XVII, 1915, 
9 (Alutera punctata Agassiz). 

4025. Davidia punctata (Agassiz). Long mingo. 
Jamaica to Bahia. 
Alutera punctata Agassiz, Pisc. Brasil., 1829, 134, pl. 76, Brazil. 

Genus 1439. OSBECKIA Jordan and Evermann. 
65 Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 424 (Balistes scripta 

4026. Osbeckia scripta ®! (Osbeck). Unicornfish; Lija trompa; Olilepa; Ohua. 

Tropical seas; West Indies; North Carolina; off west coast of Mexico; 
Clarion Island, Revillagigedo Islands. 

Balistes scriptus Osbeck, Iter Chinensis, I, 1757, 144, Canaries. 

Unicornis piscis bahamensis Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina, ete., II, 
1743, 19, pl. 19, Bahamas. 

Balistes levis Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, IV, 1795, 82, pl. 414, 

Monacanthum proboscideum Ranzani, Nov. Comm. Ac. Sc. Inst. 
Bonon., V, 1842, 8, Brazil. 

Aluterus venesus Hollard, Ann. Se. Nat., ser. 4, IV, 1855, 14, pl. 1, fig. 
3, New Ireland. 

cee picturata Poey, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 183, 


Genus 1440. ALUTERA Cuvier. 
Les Aluteres Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, 1817, 153 (Balistes monoceros 
Alutera Oken, Isis, 1817, 153 (‘‘Les Alutéres” Cuvier; Balistes monoceros 
a a a ae) 

" Whether Osbeckia venosa Hollard, East Indies to Hawaii and the Revillagigedos, is distinct from O. 
scripta of the Atlantic is a matter not yet determined. The distinction of Osbeckia and Ceratacanthus 
‘rom Alutera is questionable. 


4027. Alutera monoceros * Linneus. Lija barbuda; Loulu. 

Pacific Ocean; East Indies; Japan; Hawaii. 

Capriscus minima ete., Klein, Miasus, IT, 1742, 25 (no locality; figure 
very bad). 

Balistes monoceros Osbeck, Iter Chinensis, 1757, 110, Asia; Linneus, 
Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 327, Asia and America. 

Lija barbuda Parra, Dif. Piezas Hist. Nat., 1787, 48, pl. 22, fig. 2, 

Balistes kleinii Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1788, 1472, Indian seas; after 

Balistes barbatus Walbaum, Artedi Pisc., III, 1792, 464; after Klein. 

Balistes monoceros unicolor Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 
463, after Gmelin. 

Aluteres berardi Lesson, Voy. Coquille, Zool., 1830, 108, pl. 7, New 

Alutera cinerea Temminck and Schlegel, Fauna Japon., Poiss., 1850, 
292, pl. 131, fig. 1, Japan. 

Alutarius macracanthus Bleeker, Verh. Bat. Gen., Balistini, XXIV, 
Art. 11, 1852, 22, pl. 3, fig. 7, East Indies. 

Alutarius amphacanthoides Bleeker, loc. cit., 23, pl. 2, fig. 5, East Indies. 

Alutarius obliteratus Cantor, Malayan Fishes, 1850, 352, Pinang. 

Balistes linguatula Gronow, Cat., ed. Gray, 1854, 35, Indian seas. 

Aluterus anginosus Hollard, Ann. Sci. Nat., IV, 1855, 11, East Indies. 

Balistes unicornu Basilewsky, Nouv. Mém. Soc. Nat. Moscow, X, 
1855, 263, China. 

4028. Alutera guntheriana Poey. Liza barbuda. 
West Indies; once taken at Woods Hole (1898). 
Alutera guntheriana Poey, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 
184, Habana. 

Family 298. OSTRACIIDZ. Trunkfishes 

Genus 1441. OSTRACION Linneus. 
Ostracion Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 330 (O. cubicus Linneus). 
Cibotion Kaup, Wiegmann’s Archiv, X XI, 1855, 215 (Ostracion cubicus 
Ostracium of authors; improved orthography. 

4029. Ostracion punctatum Bloch and Schneider. 
Tropical Pacific in general; Clipperton Island, Galapagos Islands, 
Hawaiian Islands. 
Ostracion lentiginosum Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 501, 
le de France. 
Ostracion punctatus Bloch and Schneider, loc. cit., 501, Honolulu. 

4030. Ostracion clippertonense Snodgrass and Heller. 
Clipperton Island. 
Ostracion clippertonense Snodgrass and Heller, Shore Fishes, Galapagos 
Islands, in Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., VI, 1904, 410, Clipperton Island. 

Genus 1442. RHINESOMUS Swainson. 
Rhinesomus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Classn. Fishes, IJ, 1839, 194, 324 
(Ostracion triqueter Linneus). 

4031. Rhinesomus triqueter (Linnexus). Trunkfish; Rock shellfish; Drunken- 
fish; Chapin; Platefish. 
West Indies, north to the Bermudas; Key West and Pensacola; Woods 
Hole, Mass. 
Ostracion triqueter Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. Ed. X, 1758, 330, ‘‘India.”’ 
Ostracion concatenatus Bloch, Naturgesch. Ausl. Fische, I, 1785, 101, 

Genus 1448. CHAPINUS Jordan and Evermann. 
Chapinus Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 424 (Ostracion 
bicaudalis Linnzeus). 

% Whether the West Indian Alutera guntheriana is distinguishable from Alutera monoceros of the Pacific 
is uncertain. 


4032. Chapinus bicaudalis (Linneus). Chapin; Spotted trunkfish; Pesce toro; 
West Indies, from Cuba to Ascension Island; Tortugas. 
Ostracion bicaudalis Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 330, ‘“‘India’’; 
after Artedi. 

Genus 1444. LACTOPHRYS Swainson. Three-angled trunkfishes. 
Lactophrys Swainson, Nat. Hist. Classn. Fishes, II, 1839, 194, 324 
(Ostracion trigonus Linnzus, etc.). 

4033. Lactophrys trigonus (Linneus). Common trunkfish; Chapin; Shellfish; 

Cuckold; Bozxfish. 

West Indies, north to Bermuda and Key West; occasionally northward 
in Gulf Stream to Holmes Hole, Mass., and Chesapeake Bay. 

Ostracion trigonus Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 330, India. 

Ostracion yalei Storer, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., I, 1836, 353, Holmes 
Hole and Marthas Vineyard. 

Ostracion undulatus Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 441, Habana. 

Ostracium expansum Cope, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., XIV, 1870, 474, 
figs. 9-10, locality unknown. 

Genus 1445. ACANTHOSTRACION Bleeker. 
Acanthostracion Bleeker, Atlas Ichth., V, 1865, 27, (Ostracion quadri- 
cornis Linneus=Ostracion tricornis Linnzus). 

4034. Acanthostracion quadricornis (Linneus). Cuckold; Toro; Cowfish; 
Horned trunkfish. 

Tropical seas; common from Carolina to Brazil; Marquesas Islands; 
Florida Keys; occasionally at Pensacola and Galveston and north in 
the Gulf Stream to Charleston and Chesapeake Bay. 

Ostracion tricornis Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 331, ‘‘India”; 
after Artedi. 

Ostracion quadricornis Linneus, loc. cit., 331, ‘India’; after Artedi; 
(this name preferred to the preceding by the first reviser). 

Ostracion lister Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., I, 1798, 468; after Wil- 

Ostracion sexcornutus Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 1818, 328, mouth 
of Mississippi River. 

Ostracion guineensis Bleeker, Ned Tydskr. Dierk., II, 1865?, 298, 

Ostracion gronovii Bleeker, loc. cit., II, 298, Guinea. 

Acanthostracion polygonius Poey, Enumeratio, 1876, 175, Cuba. 

Family 299. TETRAODONTIDZ. Puffers 

Genus 1446. LAGOCEPHALUS ™ Swainson. 
Lagocephalus Swainson, Nat. Hist. Classn. Fishes, II, 1839, 194, 328 
(Tetraodon stellatus Donovan). 

4035. Lagocephalus levigatus (Linnwus). Smooth puffer; Rabbitfish; Smooth 

swellfish; Tambor. 

Cape,Cod to Brazil; rare north of Cape Hatteras. 

Tetroflon levigatus Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, 1766, 411, Charleston, 

Tetrodon curvus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc., I, 1815, 472, New York. 

Tetrodon mathematicus Mitchill, loc. cit., I, 1815, 474, New York. 

a el melanothos Gronow, Syst. Nat., ed. Gray, 1854, 24, Caro- 

Tetrodon lineolatus Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 432, Cuba. 

4036. Lagocephalus pachycephalus (Ranzani). Jugfish. 
Jamaica to Brazil. 
Tetrodon pachycephalus Ranzani, Nov. Comm. Ac. Sci. Inst. Bonon., 
IV, 1840, 73, Pl. X, fig. 2, Brazil. 

" The American species of pupeepeaias are very well separated from Sphcroides but various Japanese 
species of the former genus grade off into the latter. 












Genus 1447. SPHCEROIDES Lacépéde. Svwellfishes. i 

Les Sphéroides Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1798, 22, Pl. I, fig. 1 
(La Spheroide tuberculée, a front view of Tetraodon spengleri Bloch). 

Spheroides, Allegem. Lit. Zeit. Berlin, Sept. 24, 1798, unsigned review, 
adopts this spelling as a technical name for the genus. 

Spheroides Duméril, Zool. Anal., 1806, 342; after Lacépéde. 

Orbidus Rafinesque, Analyse de la Nature, 1815, 90 (substitute for Les 
Sphéroides Lacépéde). 

Crayracion Klein, Gesellschaft Schauplatz, IV, 1777, 788 (Tetraodon 
spengleri Bloch; not binomial); after Klein, 1742. 

Holocanthus Gronow, Cat. Fish., 1854 (H. leconothus Gronow). 

Anchisomus (Kaup) Richardson, Zool. H. M. S. Herald, 1854, 156 
(Tetraodon spengleri Bloch). 

Crayracion Bleeker, Atlas Ichth., 1865, 65 (Tetraodon spenglert Bloch). 

Stenometopus Bibron, Rev. Mag. Zool., VIII, 1855, 279 (Tetraodon 
testudineus Linnseus). 

Spheroides maculatus (Bloch and Schneider). Puffer; Swelltoad; 

Blower; Swellbelly; Swellfish; Toadfish. 

Atlantic coast of the United States from Cape Ann to St. Johns River 
and Biscayne Bay, Fla. : 

Tetrodon hispidus var. maculatus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 
1801, 504, Rhode Island; after Schopf. 

Tetrodon turgidus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 473, 
pl. 5, fig. 5, New York. 

Spheroides spengleri (Bloch). Southern puffer; Swelltoad; Tambor. 

West Indies; coasts of Texas and Florida, south to Rio Janeiro and to 
the Madeiras and Canaries; rarely north to Woods Hole. 

Tetrodon spengleri Bloch, Ichth., I, 1782, 135, pl. 144, East Indies. 

Le Tetrodon Plumier Hist. Nat. Poiss., I, 1797, 504, Martinique. 

Le Sphéroide tubercule Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1798, 22, Mar- 

Sphezroides tuberculatus Pillot edition of Lacépéde, VI, 1831, 279, 

Spheroides nephelus (Goode and Bean). Puffer; Swellingfish. 
Tetrodon nephelus Goode and Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 
412, Indian River and Pensacola, Fla. 

Sphceroides marmoratus (Ranzani). Spinyback blowfish; Swellfish. 
West Indies to Brazil; Jamaica. 
Tetrodon marmoratus Ranzani, Nov. Comm. Ac. Sci. Inst. Bonon., 
IV, 1840, 72, pl. 10, fig. 1, Brazil. 

Spheeroides harperi Nichols. 
West Indies (St. Eustatius) north to Florida. 
Spheroides harperi Nichols, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., XX XIII, 
1914, 81, Cape Sable, Fla. 

Spheeroides asterias (Blosser). 

St. Croix. 
Spheroides asterias Blosser, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VI, 300, 1909, St. 
Croix. » 

Spheroides eulepidotus (Metzelaar). 
Caribbean Sea. 
Tetrodon (Spheroides) eulepidotus Metzelaar, Trop. Atl. Visschen, 1919, 
170, Curagao. 

Spheeroides lobatus (Steindachner). Botete. E 
Gulf of California to Galapagos Islands; Mazatlan; Panama. 
Canthogaster? lobatus Steindachner, Ichth. Notizen, X, 1870, 18, pl. 5, 
fig. 3, Altata. 

Spheroides angusticeps (Jenyns). 
Pacific coast Lower California (La Paz), to the Galapagos Islands. 
Tetrodon angusticeps Jenyns, Voyage Beagle, Fishes, 1842, 154, 28, 
Galapagos Islands. 


Genus 1448. CHEILICHTHYS Miiller. 
Cheilichthys Miller, Abhandl. Akad. Wiss. Berl., 1839, 252 (Tetraodon 
testudineus Linnzus). 
Apsicephalus Hollard, Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool., VIII, 1857, 275 (Tetrodon 
fluviatilis Hamilton). 

4046. Cheilichthys testudineus (Linnzus). Tambor; Glovefish; Blowfish; 

Swellfish; Puffer. 

West Indies; Gulf Stream, occasionally to Newport, R. I. 

Orbis levis variegatus Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolinas, II, 1743, 28, pl. 
28, Virginia. 

Tetraodon testudineus Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 332, India; 
based on Balk and Artedi. 

?Tetrodon punctatus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 506, 


Tetrodon geometricus Bloch and Schneider, loc. cit., 508, Virginia; after 

Tetraodon ammocryptus Gosse, Nat. Sojourn Jamaica, 1851, 287, 

Holocanthus leionothos Gronow, Cat. Fishes, ed. Gray, 1854, 24, Amer- 
ican oceans. 

4047. Cheilichthys annulatus (Jenyns). 
Pacific coast of tropical America; Galapagos Islands. 
Tetrodon annulatus Jenyns, Zool. Beagle, 1842, 153, Galapagos Islands. 
Anchisomus geometricus (Kaup) Richardson, Voyage Herald, 1854, 
156, pl. 30, Galapagos Islands. 
Tetrodon heraldi Giinther, Cat., VIII, 1870, 283, Galapagos Islands 
and Panama. 

4048. Cheilichthys politus (Girard). 
Pacific coast of tropical America, San Diego to Mazatlan. - 
tb Si ae politus Girard, Pacific R. R. Surv., X, 1858, 340, San Diego, 

4049. Cheilichthys fiirthi (Steindachner). 
Tetrodon firthii Steindachner, Ichth. Beitr., V, 1876, 22, Panama. 

4050. Cheilichthys trichocephalus (Cope). Hairy blowfish. 
Gulf Stream off Newport, R. I.; only the type known. 
Tetraodon trichocephalus Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXII, 
1870, 120, Gulf Stream off Newport, R. I. 

4051. Cheilichthys pachygaster (Miiller and Troschel). 
Tetrodon (Cheilichthys) pachygaster Miller and Troschel, in Schom- 
burgk’s Hist. Barbados, 1848, 677, Barbados. 

Genus 1449. TETRAODON Linnzus. 

Tetraodon Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 333 (7. lineatus Linnzeus). 

Les Ovoides Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., I, 1797, 256 (fascé, face view). 

Ovoides Cuvier, Legons Anat. Comp., I, 1800, tab. 1 (Ovoides fasciatus 
Lacépéde = Tetraodon stellatus Linnzus). 

Ovum Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 530 (O. commersoni 
Bloch and Schneider=‘‘l’Ovoide Fascé”’ Lacépéde, 1797) ; preoccupied 
in mollusks. 

Oonidus Rafinesque, Anal. Nat., 1815, 90, for ‘‘les Ovoides” of Lacépéde. 

Arothron Miller, Abh. Akad. Wies. Berlin, 1839, 252 (A. testudinatus 
Miiller= Tetraodon reticularis Bloch and Sehneider). 

Dilobomycter Bibron, Rev. Mag. Zool., VIII, 1855, 279 (Tetraodon 
reticularis Bloch and Schneider). 

Dichotomycter Bibron, loc. cit., 279 (Tetraodon pluviatilis Hamilton). 


4052. Tetraodon hispidus Linneus. Maki-maki; Kete. 

Panama and neighboring islands; Hawaii; Samoa; to China and the 
Red Sea. 

Tetraodon hispidus Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 333, India. 

Tetraodon perspicillaris Riippell, Atlas, Reise Nord Africa, 1828, 63, 
Red Sea. 

Tetrodon implutus Jenyns, Voy. Beagle, Fish., 1842, 152, Keeling Island. 

Tetrodon laterna Richardson, Voy. Sulphur, Zool., 1844, 124, pl. 61, 
fig. 2, Canton, China. 

Arothron erethizon™ Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 
1882, 631, Panama. 

Subgenus OVOIDES Cuvier. 

4053. Tetraodon setosus Smith. 
West coast of Mexico; Revillagigedo, Clipperton, Cocos, and Galapagos 
Tetraodon setosus Smith, Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., VI, Nov. 13, 
1886, Mexico. 

Genus 1450. GUENTHERIDIA Gilbert and Starks. 
Guentheridia Gilbert and Starks, Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., IV, 1904, 158 
(Tetrodon formosus Giinther). 

4054. Guentheridia formosa (Giinther). 
Tetrodon formosus Giinther, Cat., VIII, 1870, 283, ‘‘South America.” 

Genus 1451. COLOMESUS Gill. 
Colomesus Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, 1884, 422 (Tetrodon psittacus 
Bloch and Schneider). 

4055. Colomesus psittacus (Bloch and Schneider). 
River mouths, Guiana and northern Brazil; Rio Branco, Essequibo, 
Marafion, and Capin at Para; West Indies in fresh waters only. 
Tetrodon psittacus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 505, ‘‘ Mal- 
Cheilichthys asellus Miller and Troschel, in Schomburgk, British 
Guiana, III, 1848, 641, Guiana. 


Family 300. CANTHIGASTERIDA. Sharp-nosed puffers 

Genus 1452. CANTHIGASTER Swainson. 

Canthigaster Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish., Amphib., etc., II, 1835, 194 
(Tetraodon rostratus Bloch, called Psilonotus later in the text). 

Psilonotus Swainson, loc. cit., 1835, 328, same type. 

Prilonotus (Kaup) Miiller, Richardson, Voyage Herald, 1854, 162 (Tetro- 
don rostratus Bloch). 

Tropidichthys Bleeker, Nat. Tijdschr. Neder-Indie, VI, 501 (7. margari- 
tatus Bleeker). 

Anosmius Peters, Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, X XI, 1855, 274 (T. 
teniatus Peters). 

Eumycterias Jenkins, Bull. U. 8S. Fish Com., XIX, 1899, 399 (E. biteni- 
atus Jenkins). 

4056. Canthigaster rostratus (Bloch). 
West Indian fauna; Pensacola; Madeiras and Bermudas. 
Tetrodon rostratus Bloch, Ichth., I, 1782, pl. 146, India. 
Tetrodon capistratus Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1839, 90, Madeira. 
Prilonotus (Anchisomus) caudacinctus Richardson, Voyage Herald, 1854, 
162, pl. 30, figs. 1-3, locality unknown. 
Tetrodon ornatus Poey, Synopsis, 1868, 433, Cuba. 

4057. Canthigaster punctatissimus (Giinther). 
Pacific coast of America, Gulf of California to Panama. 
Tetrodon punctatissimus Ginther, Cat., VIII, 1870, 302, Panama. 
Tetrodon oxyrhynchus Lockington, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XX XIII, 
1881, 116, Gulf of California. 

4 This American form shows no distinction from the widespread Tetraodon hispidus. 


Family 301. DIODONTIDZ 

Genus 1453. DIODON Linneus. Porcupinefishes. 
Diodon Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 335 (D. hystrix Linneus). 
Paradiodon Bleeker, Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., II, 1865, 271 (Diodon 
hystriz Linnzus). 

4058. Diodon hystrix Linneus. Porcupinefish; Erizo; Puerco espino; Soursap. 

Tropical seas, north to Lower California, Hawaii, and Florida. 

Diodon hystrix Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 335, India; after 

Guamajacu guara Marcgrave, Hist. Nat. Bras., 1648, 159, Brazil. 

Erizo Parra, Desc. Dif. Piezas Hist. Nat. Cuba, 1787, 60, pl. 29, fig. 1, 

Le Diodon plumier Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1798, 1, pl. 3, fig. 3, 

Diodon brachiatus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 513, Cuba. 

Diodon punctatus Cuvier, Mém. du Mus. d’Hist. Nat., IV, 1818, 132, 
no locality. 

Diodon echinus Rafinesque, in Bonaparte, Cat. Met. Pisce. Eur., 1846, 
87, Mediterranean Sea. 

4059. Diodon holacanthus Linnexus. Balloonfish. 

te warm seas; north to Florida Keys, Lower California, and Hawaiian 

Diodon holocanthus Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. X, 1758, 335, India; based 
on Artedi (misprint). : 

Erizo guanabana Parra, Desc. Dif. Piezas Hist. Nat. Cuba, 1787, 62, 
pl. 29, fig. 2, Habana. 

Le Diodon tacheté Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1798, 13, New Cy- 

Diodon liturosus Shaw, Gen. Zool., V, 1804, 436; after Lacépéde. 

Diodon spinosissimus Cuvier, Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat., IV, 1818, 134, 
pl. 7, no locality. 

Diodon novem—maculatus Cuvier, loc. cit., 136, pl. 6, no locality. 

Diodon sex—maculatus Cuvier, loc. cit., 136, pl. 7, no locality. 

Diodon multimaculatus Cuvier, loc. cit., 137, no locality. 

Diodon 4—maculatus Cuvier, loc. cit., 137, pl. 6, Otaiti. 

Diodon maculatus var. a, Giinther, Cat., VIII, 1870, 307, St. Croix; 
Jamaica; Panama; South America, etc.; after Lacépéde. 

Diodon melanopsis Kaup, Wiegmann’s Archiv, 1855, 228. 

4060. Diodon maculifer Kaup. 
Cape of Good Hope; recorded doubtfully from Cuba. 
epaeer maculifer Kaup, Wiegmann’s Archiv, 1855, 229, Cape of Good 

Genus 1454. TRICHODIODON Bleeker. 
Trichodiodon Bleeker, Atlas Ichth., Gymnodontes, V, 1867, 49 (Diodon 
pilosus Mitchill). 
Trichocyclus Giinther, Cat., VIII, 316 (7. erinaceus Giinther). 

4061. Trichodiodon pilosus (Mitchill). Balloonfish; Hairy porcupinefish; 
Hairy bozxfish. 
New York. 
Diodon pilosus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 471; 
supposed to be from New York Harbor. 
Diodon asper Cuvier, Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat., IV, 1818, 138; no locality. 
?Trichocyclus erinaceus Giinther, Cat., VII, 1870, 316; no locality. 

Genus 1455. CYCLICHTHYS Kaup. Svwelltoads. 

Cyclichthys Kaup, Wiegmann’s Archiv, XXI, 1855, 231 (Diodon orbicu- 
latus Bloch), 


4062. Cyclichthys schepfi (Walbaum). Burrfish; Cucumberfish; Spotted bal- 

loonfish; Balloonfish; Rabbitfish; Swelltoad; Spiny boxfish. 

Cape Cod to West Indies and occasionally northward to Woods Hole, 

Diodon schepfi Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, 601, Long Island; after 

?Diodon meulenii Walbaum, loc. cit., 602; no locality. 

Diodon geometricus lineatus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 
513, New York. 

Diodon maculato striatus Mitchill, Fish. N. Y., 470, pl. 56, fig. 3, 814, 
New York. 

Diodon rivulatus Cuvier, Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat., IV, 1818, 129, pl. 6, 
New York. 

Diodon nigrolineatus Ayres, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., I, 1842, 68, 
Brookhaven, Long Island. 

Diodon verrucosus DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 324, 1842, pl. 56, 
fig. 184, New York. 

4063. Cyclichthys spinosus (Linnzus). 
West Indies and coast of Brazil. 
Guamaicu atinga Marcgrave, Hist. Brasil., 1648, 168, Brazil. 
Diodon spinosus Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 335, India. 
Le Diodon orbe Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., II, 1798, 16, Rio Janeiro. 
Diodon geometricus Bloch and Schneider, Ichth., 1801, 513, pl. 96, 
Cyclichthys cornutus Kaup, Wiegmann’s Archiv, 1855, 231, Bahia. 

4064. Cyclichthys fuliginosus (DeKay). Black burrfish; Unspotted balloon- 


Atlantic coast from Cape Cod southward; not common. 

Diodon fuliginosus DeKay, N. Y. Fauna: Fishes, 1842, 324, pl. 55, 
fig. 181, New York Harbor. 

4065. Cyclichthys antillarum (Jordan and Rutter). 
Cuba and Jamaica. 
Chilomycterus antillarum Jordan and Rutter, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Phila., XLIX, 1897, 131, Kingston, Jamaica. 

4066. Cyclichthys briareos (Metzelaar). 
Lesser Antilles. 
Chilomycterus briareos Metzelaar, Trop. Atl. Vissch., 1919, 173, fig. 55, 
St. Eustatius. 

4067. Cyclichthys antennatus (Cuvier). 
West Indies and southward; St. Croix; Jamaica; Porto Rico; Cape of 
Good Hope. 
Desens antennatus Cuvier, Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat., IV, 1818, 131; no 
?Chilomycterus puncticulatus Poey, Anal. Soc. Espafiola Hist. Nat., 
X, 1881, 346, Porto Rico. 

Genus 1456. CHILOMYCTERUS Bibron. Burrfishes. 
Chilomycterus Bibron, in Barneville, Rev. Zocl., 1846, 40 (Diodon 
reticulatus Linnzeus= Diodon atinga Linnzus). 
Cyanichthys Kaup, Wiegmann’s Archiv, IV, 1855, 231 (C. ceruleus 
Kaup; not of Quoy and Gaimard). 
Diodon Bleeker, Atlas Ind. Gymnod., 1865, 55 (D. atinga); not of 
authors, who, after Kaup, restrict Diodon to D. hystrix. 

Subgenus CHILOMYCTERUS Bibron. 

4068. Chilomycterus atinga (Linnzus). Altlinga. 
West Indies to Bermuda and Florida Keys. 
Diodon atinga (misprinted atringa) Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 
334, India. 
Diodon reticulatus Linnzus, loc. cit., 334, India; after Artedi. 

4069. Chilomycterus affinis Giinther. 
Galapagos; coast of southern California; Hawaii, Japan; scarce. 
Chios affinis Giinther, Cat., VIII, 1870, 314, no locality; Cali- 
Chilomycterus californiensis Eigenmann, Amer. Nat., V, 1891, 1133, 
San Pedro, Calif. 


Genus 1457. LYOSPHERA Evermann and Kendall. 
Lyosphera Evermann and Kendall, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., X VIT, 1897, 
131 (L. globosa Evermann and Kendall). 

4070. Lyosphera globosa Evermann and Kendall. Marblefish. 
Atlantic coast of the United States; known from the mouth of the 
‘Rappahannock River and from Biscayne Bay, Fla. 
Lyosphera globosa Evermann and Kendall, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., 
XVII, 1897, 131, pl. 9, figs. 11 and 12, Rappahannock River near 
mouth of Windmill Creek, Va. 

Family 302. MOLIDA. Headfishes 

Genus 1458. MOLA Kelreuter. MHeadfishes. 

Mola Keelreuter, Nova Comm. Act. Petropol., VII, 1770, 337 (Diodon 
mola Koelreuter=Diodon mola Linnzus). 

Mola Cuvier, Tableau Elem. Hist. Nat. Anim., 1798, 323 (M. rotunda 
Cuvier= Tetrodon mola Linnzus). 

edit tc Schneider, ed. Bloch, Syst. Ichth., 1801, 510 (Diodon mola 


Cephalus Shaw, Gen. Zool., V, 1804, 482 (Diodon mola Linnzus). 

Orthragus Rafinesque, Caratteri, 1810, 17 (Tetrodon mola Linnzeus). 

Diplanchias Rafinesque, loc. cit., 17 (D. nasus Rafinesque). 

Tympanomiums Ranzani. Novi Comm. Acad. Sci. Inst. Bonon., ITI, 
1839, 81 (T. planci Ranzani). 

Ozadura Ranzani, loc. cit., 81 (O. orsini Ranzani= Mola mola Linnzus). 

Trematopsis Ranzani, loc. cit., 81 (7. willughbeii Ranzani). 

Pedalion Swainson, Nat. Hist. Fish. Amphib. etc., I, 1838, 199, IT, 195, 
329 (Tetrodon mola Linnzus). 

Molacanthus Swainson, loc. cit., II, 1839, 329 (M. pallasi Swainson= 
Diodon mola Pallas, young). 

Pallasia Nardo, Ann. Sci. Lombardo-Veneto, X, 1839, V, 10, 112 
(P. pallasi Nardo). 

Acanthosoma DeKay, Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1842, 350 (A. carinatum 

Centaurus Kaup, Wiegemann’s Archiv Naturg., XXI, 1855, 221 
(Ostracion boops Richardson; larval). 

Aledon Castelnau, Mém. Poiss., Afr. Aust., VII, 1861, 75 (A. storert 

4071. Mola mola (Linnzus). Ocean sunfish; Globefish; Sunfish; Headfish; 

Mola; Pez luna; Pez mola. 

Temperate and tropical seas, northward to England, Cape Cod, and 
San Francisco; rare in the West Indies. 

Tetrodon mola Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 334, 412, Mediter- 

Diodon carinatus Mitchill, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, II, 1815, 
264, pl. 5, fig. 1; New York. 

Ozodura orsini Ranzani, Nov. Comm. Ae. Sci. Inst. Bonon., III, 1839, 
82, Mediterranean Sea. 

Tympanomium planci Ranzani, loc. cit., table, Adriatic Sea. 

Diplanchias nasus Ranzani, loc. cit., table, “in marei siculo’”’ (Sicily). 

Trematopsis willughbei Ranzani, loc. cit., table, “in oceano.”’ 

Orthragoriscus retzii Ranzani, loc. cit., table, no locality. 

Orthragoriscus ghini Ranzani, loc. cit., table, Mediterranean Sea. 

Orthragoriscus rondeletii Ranzani, loc. cit., Mediterranean Sea. 

Orthragoriscus blochii Ranzani, loc. cit., ‘in mari oceano.” 

Orthragoriscus alexandrini Ranzani, loc. cit., Adriatic Sea. 

Orthragoriscus redi Ranzani, loc. cit., Mediterranean Sea. 

Orthragoriscus oculeatus Ranzani, loc. cit., no locality. 

Orthragoriscus elegans Ranzani, loc. cit., Atlantic Ocean. 

Orthragoriscus battare Ranzani, loc. cit., Adriatic Sea. ; 

Orthragoriscus lunaris Gronow, Cat. Fishes, ed. Gray, 1854, 165, Medi- 
terranean. ; 

Orthragoriscus solaris Gronow, loc. cit., 165, Mediterranean. 

Orthragoriscus analis Ayres, Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., II, 1859, 31, 
fig. 54, San Francisco. 

Ostracion boops Richardson, Voy, Erebus and Terror, Ichth., 1844, 52, 
South Atlantic (larva). 


Genus 1459. RANZANIA Nardo. King of the mackerels. 
Ranzania Nardo, Ann. Sci. Regn. Lombard. Venet., X, 1840, 105 
(Tetrodon truncatus Retzius). 

4072. Ranzania truncata (Retzius). 
Pelagic; occasionally on the Atlantic coast; Bermudas; Martinique. 
Tetrodon truncatus Retzius, Vet. Ak. Nya. Handl., VI, 1785, 2, 121, 

4073. Ranzania makua Jenkins. 
Open Pacific, Hawaii to Japan; very rare, once found on Pismo Beach 
near Oceano, San Luis Obispo County, Calif. 
Ranzania makua Jenkins, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, 1895, 779, 
with colored plate (frontispiece), Honolulu; probably not different 
from pees truncata; see Snyder, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLIV, 
19138, 455. 

Family 303. LOPHIIDZ. Fishing frogs 

Genus 1460. LOPHIUS Linneus. 
Lophius Linneus Syst. Nat., Ed. X, 1758, 236 (Lophius piscatorius 
Linnzeus); after Artedi. 

4074. Lophius piscatorius Linneus. Fishing frog; Monkfish; Goosefish; 
Angler; Allmouth; Bellowsfish. 
North Atlantic, on both coasts. 
Lophius piscatorius Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. XII, 1766, 402, Seas of 
Lophius americanus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 
1837, 380, Philadelphia. 

Genus 1461. LOPHIOMUS Gill. 
Be Gill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1882, 552 (Lophius setigerus 

4075. Lophiomus setigerus (Vahl). 

Pacific Ocean; not uncommon in rather deep water off coasts of China 
and Japan; one specimen from Albatross station 2805, southwest of 

Lophius setigerus Vahl, Skrivt. Naturh., IV, 1797, 214, tab. 3, figs. 5 
and 6, China Sea. 

Lophius viviparus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 142, 1801, tab. 
32, China Sea; after Vahl. 

Family 304. ANTENNARIDZ. Frogfishes 

Genus 1462. HISTRIO Fischer. 
Histrio® Fischer, Zoog., Tab. Syn. Illust., Ed. III, I, 1813 (Lophaus 
histrio Linnzeus). 
Pterophryne Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 90 (Chironectes 
levigatus Cuvier; name preoccupied). 
Pterophrynoides Gill, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, 216 (Chironectes 
levigatus Cuvier); substitute for Pterophryne). 

4076. Histrio pictus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Mousefish; Sargassumfish. 

Tropical parts of the Atlantic; abundant on our Gulf coast and occa- 
sional to Cape Hatteras and beyond. 

Lophius tumidus Osbeck, Iter Chinensis, 1757, 400, open sea; pre- 

Chironectes pictus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 
1837, 393, Surinam. 

Chironectes tumidus Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 397, Sargasso Sea. 

Chironectes arcticus Diiben and Koren, K. Vet. Akad. Stockholm, 1844, 
72, Vadsé, Norway, carried northward on the Gulf Stream. 

95 Name questionable on account of error in the published diagnosis, the description interchanged with 
that of Lophius. 


4077. Histrio gibba (Mitchill). 
West Indies, north to Key West and the Tortugas. 
Lophius gibbus Mitchill, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. N. Y., I, 1815, 1, pl. 4, 
fig. 9, off St. Croix, lat. 22° N., long. 64° W. 
Chironectes levigatus Cuvier, Mém. Mus., III, 1817, 423, pl. 16, fig. 1; 
South Carolina. 

4078. Histrio jagua Nichols. 
Histrio jagua Nichols, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXXIII, 1920, 62, 

Genus 1463. ANTENNARIUS * Lacépéde. 

Antennarius Lacépéde, Hist. Nat. Poiss., I, 1798, 421 (Antennarius 
bivertex totus ater puncto mediorum, laterum albo Commerson (in foot- 
note)= Lophius commersonianus Lacépéde). 

Chironectes Cuvier, Mém. Mus., III, 1817, 418 (Lophius commersonianus 

Capellaria Gistel, Thierreich, VIII, 1848 (Lophius commersonianus 

4079. Antennarius scaber (Cuvier). 
Caribbean Sea; Port Castries; St. Lucia. 
Chironectes scaber Cuvier, Mém. Mus., III, 1817, 425, pl. 16, fig. 2, 
Lophius spectrum Gronow, Cat. Fish., ed. Gray, 1854, 49, Antilles; 
after Lophius acute scabra Gronow, Zoophyl., 1781, 210. 

4080. Antennarius inops Poey. 
Porto Rico. 
Antennarius inops Poey, Anal. Soe. Esp. Hist. Nat., X, 1881, 340 Porto 

4081. Antennarius principis (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
West Indies to Brazil. 
Chironectes principis Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 
1837, 416, Brazil; on a drawing by Prince Maurice. 
?Chironectes mentzeli Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 416, Brazil; on 
a drawing. 

4082. eo tenebrosus (Poey). 
Chironectes tenebrosus Poey, Memorias, I, 1853, 219, pl. 17, fig. 1, Cuba. 

4083. Antennarius reticularis Gilbert. 
Gulf of California; only the type known. 
Antennarius reticularis Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XIV, 1891, 566; 
Gulf of California at Albatross station 2825. 

4084. Antennarius strigatus Gill. 
Cape San Lucas; Panama. 
Antennarius strigatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 92; 
Cape San Lucas. 
Antennarius tenuifilis Giinther, Fish. Cent. Amer., 1869, 440, Panama; 

4085. Antennarius sanguineus Gill. 
Pacific coast of tropical America, Cape San Lucas to Panama; scarce. 
Antennarius sanguineus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 
91; Cape San Lucas. 
Antennarius leopardinus Giinther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 151; 

4086. Antennarius ocellatus (Bloch and Schneider). 
West Indies, north to Florida. 
Pescador Parra, Dif. Piezas, Hist. Nat., 1780, 1, tab. 1, Cuba. 
Lophius histrio, var. ocellatus Bloch and Schneider, Syst. Ichth., 142 
180; after Parra. 
Antennarius pleuropthalmus Gill, .Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 
1863, 92; Key West. 


” These fishes vary nordinately in color and moreor less inform. It's likely that the number of species 
should be reduced. 













Antennarius tigris (Poey). 
Chironectes tigris Poey, Memorias, I, 1853, 217, pl. 17, fig. 2; Cuba. 

Antennarius nuttingii Garman. 
Great Bahama Banks. 
?Chironectes mentzelii Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist: Nat. Poiss., XII, 
1837, 417; Brazil; on a drawing by Prince Maurice. 
Antennarius nuttingii Garman, Bull. Iowa Lab. Nat. Hist., 1896, 83, 
Pl. Il; Great Bahama Banks. 

Antennarius multiocellatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). Martin pes- 


Garden Key, Fla., to Martinique. 

Chironectes multiocellatus Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., 
XI, 1837, 422, Martinique. . 

Antennarius annulatus Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 91, 
Garden Key, Fla. 

Antennarius corallinus Poey, Repertorio, I, 1865, 188, Cuba. 

Antennarius radiosus Garman. 
Key West. 
Antennarius radiosus Garman, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ., 1896, 
85, pl. 1, off Key West in 50 fathoms. 

Antennarius sonntagii (Baron Miiller). 
Gulf of Mexico. 
Chironectes sonntagii Baron J. W. von Miiller, Reisen in den Verein. 
Staat., ete., Band I, 1864, 180, in floating seaweed, no exact locality 

Antennarius avalonis Jordan and Starks. 
Santa Barbara Islands. 
Antennarius avalonis Jordan and Starks, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XX XII, 
1907, 77, fig. 8, Santa Catalina Island at Avalon, Calif. 

Antennarius verrucosus Bean. 
Antennarius verrucosus Bean, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XIX, 1906, 31, 
St. George Island, Bermuda Islands. 

Antennarius astroscopus Nichols. | 

Antennarius astroscopus Nichols, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XX XI, 
1912, 109, Barbados. 

Family 305. CHAUNACIDZ 

Genus 1464. CHAUNAX Lowe. 
Chaunax Lowe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., XIV, 1846, 339 (C. pictus 

Chaunax pictus Lowe. 
Madeira; taken off the coast of Rhode Island in the Gulf Stream. 
Chaunaz pictus Lowe, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1846, 339, Camera de 
Lobos, Madeira. 

Chaunax nuttingi Garman. 
Florida keys, 
Chaunax nuttingi Garman, Bull. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ., 1896, 86, 
Sand Key Light, Fla. 

Family 306. OGCOCEPHALIDZA. Batfishes 

Genus 1465. OGCOCEPHALUS Fischer. Seabats. 
Ogcocephalus Fischer, Zoognosia, ed. 3, I, 1813, 70, 78 (Lophius vesper- 
tilio Linnseus). 
Oncocephalus Gill, corrected spelling. 
Malthe Cuvier, Régne Anim., ed. 1, II, 1817, 311 (Lophius vespertilio 
Malthza of authors, modified spelling. 


4097. Ogcocephalus vespertilio (Linnzeus). Batfish; Diablo. 
West Indies, north to Carolina. 
Lophius vespertilio Linnzus, Syst. Nat., Ed. X, I, 1758, 236, American 
seas; after Lophius fronti unicorni of Artedi. 

4098. Ogcocephalus nasutus (Cuvier and Valenciennes). 
West Indies. 
Malthea nasuta Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 
1837, 452, Martinique. 
Malthea notata Cuvier and Valenciennes, loc. cit., 453, Surinam; snout 
15 in length; body spotted. 

4099. Ogcocephalus radiatus (Mitchill). 

Coast of Florida and neighboring waters; very common in shallow 
bays among weeds, especially about the Florida keys. 

Lophius radiatus Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., March, 1818, 326, 
Straits of the Bahamas. 

Malthe cubifrons Richardson, Fauna Bor.—Amer., III, 1836, 103; said 
to be from Labrador, which is certainly an error. 

?Malthza truncata Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 
1837, 454, America; snout wholly obsolete; perhaps a species of 

Genus 1466. ZALIEUTES Jordan and Evermann. 
Zalieutes Jordan and Evermann, Check List, 1895, 511 (Malthe elater 
Jordan and Gilbert). 

4100. Zalieutes elater (Jordan and Gilbert). 

Pacific coast of Mexico, south to Panama, in water of moderate depth; 
very rare near the shore but obtained in abundance by the Albatross 
at stations 2794 and 2795 near Panama. 

Malthe elater Jordan and Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., IV, 1881, 365, 

Genus 1467. MALTHOPSIS Alcock. 
Malthopsis Alcock, Deep Sea Fish. Invest., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., VIII, 
1891, 26 (M. luteus Alcock). 

4101. Malthopsis spinosa Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama in deep water. 
Malthopsis spinosa Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 
104, Pl. XXII, Albatross stations 3392 and 3393, off Panama, in 
1,020 to 1,270 fathoms. 

4102. Malthopsis spinulosa Garman. 
Off Bay of Panama, in deep water. 
Malthopsis spinulosa Garman, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 
1899, 106, Pls. XXI, XXVI, Albatross station 3394, lat. 7° 21’ N., 
long. 79° 35’ W. in 511 fathoms. 

Genus 1468. HALIEUTICHTHYS Poey. 
Halieutichthys Poey, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XV, 1863, 90 (H. 
reticulatus Poey=Lophius aculeatus Mitchill). 

4103. Halieutichthys aculeatus (Mitchill). 
Cuba to southern Florida. 
Lophius aculeatus Mitchill, Amer. Month. Mag., II, 1818, 325, Straits 
of Bahamas. 
Halieutichthys reticulatus Poey, in Gill, Proc. Acad, Nat. Sci. Phila., 
XV, 1863, 91, Cuba. 

4104. Halieutichthys caribbeus Garman. 
Jamaica to Barbados, in depths of 70 to 150 fathoms or more. 
Halieutichthys caribbeus Garman, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ., 
1896, 87, pl. 4, fig. 2, Jamaica to Barbados. 

4105. Halieutichthys smithii Evermann and Marsh. 
Porto Rico. 
Halieutichthys smithii Evermann and Marsh, Bull. U. 8. Fish Com., 
XX, 1900, 339, fig. 112, Mayaguez Harbor, Porto Rico. 

Genus 1469. HALIEUTHA Cuvier and Valenciennes. 
Halieutza Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., XII, 1837, 455 
(H. stellata Cuvier and Valenciennes). 












Halieutz#a spongiosa Gilbert. 
Pacific Ocean, off Lower California. 
Halieutzxa spongiosa Gilbert, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, 124, 
west of Revillagigedo Islands, at Albatross station 2992, lat. 18° 17’ 
30’’ N., long. 114° 48’ 15’’ W., in 460 fathoms. 

Genus 1470. HALIEUTELLA Goode and Bean. 
Halieutella Goode and Bean, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., II, 1885, 88 (H. 
lappa Goode and Bean). 

Halieutella lappa Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Halieutella lappa Goode and Bean, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., II, 1882, 88, 
Gulf Stream at Fish Hawk station 1151, lat. 39° 58’ 30’’ N., long. 
70° 37’ W., in 125 fathoms. 

Genus 1471. DIBRANCHUS Peters. 
Dibranchus Peters, Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1875, 736 (D. 
atlanticus Peters). 

Dibranchus atlanticus Peters. 
Gulf Stream. 
Dibranchus atlanticus Peters, Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1875, 
736, with plate; West Africa, lat. 10° N. long. 17° W., in 360 fathoms. 

Family 307. CERATIIDA. Sea devils 

Genus 1472. CERATIAS Krégyer. 
Ceratias Kréyer, Naturhist. Tidsskr., I, 1845, 639 (C. hollbolli Kréyer). 

Ceratias hollbolli Kréyer. 
Greenland to Nova Scotia; four specimens known. 
Ceratias hollbolli Krgéyer, Naturh. Tidsskr., 1844, 639, Greenland. 

Genus 1473. MANCALIAS Gill. 
Mancalias Gill, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, 227 (Ceratias uranoscopus 
Typhlosaras Gill, Forest and Stream, 1883, Nov. 8, 284 (T. shufeldti 
Mancalias uranoscopus (Murray). 
Deep seas; taken at Madeira and off the coast of southern New England. 
Ceratius uranoscopus Murray, in Wyville Thompson, The Atlantic, II, 
1878, 67, off Madeira. 

Mancalias shufeldti (Gill). 
Western Atlantic. 
Typhlosaras shufeldti Gill, Forest and Stream, November 8, 1883, 284, 
western Atlantic. 

Genus 1474. CRYPTOSARAS Gill. 
Cryptosaras Gill, Forest and Stream, Nov. 8, 1883 (C. cowesi Gill). 

Cryptosaras couesii Gill. 
Gulf Stream. 
Cryptosaras couesti Gill, Forest and Stream, Nov. 8, 1883, 284, Gulf 
Stream off New England. 

Genus 1475. EDRIOLYCHNUS Regan. 
Edriolychnus Regan, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., ser. B, XCVII, 1925, 398 
(E. schmidti Regan). 

Edriolychnus schmidti Regan. 
Deep waters of the western Atlantic. 
Edriolychnus schmidti Regan, Proce. Royal Soc. Lond., ser. B, XCVII, 
1925, 398, western Atlantic; Dana expedition. 

Genus 1476. MONOCERATIAS Gilbert. 
Monoceratias Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 379 (M. 
acanthias Gilbert). 

Monoceratias acanthias Gilbert. 
Off Santa Barbara Islands, Calif. 
Monoceratias acanthias Gilbert, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XLVIII, 1915, 
379, pl. 22, fig. 24, off Santa Cruz Island, 764 to 891 fathoms, 











Genus 1477. BOROPHRYNE Regan. 
Borophryne Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 9, XV, 1925, 564 (B. 
apogon Ean 

Borophryne apogon Regan. 
Gulf of Panama. 
Borophryne apogon Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 9., XV, 1925, 
564, Gulf of Panama. 

Genus 1478. PHOTOCORYNUS Regan. 
Photocorynus Regan, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., ser. B, XCVII, 1925, 393 
(P. spiniceps Regan). 
Photocorynus spiniceps Regan. 
Deep waters of Panama. 
Photocorynus spiniceps Regan, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., ser. B, XCVII, 
1925, 393, figs. 6-7, deep waters off Panama. 


Genus 1479. ONEIRODES Liitken. 
Oneirodes Liitken, Overs. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Kjgbenhavn, 1871, 56 
(O. eschrichtii Liitken). 

Oneirodes eschrichtii Liitken. 
Deep sea off Greenland. 
Oneirodes eschrichtii Liitken, Overs. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Forhandl., 
1871, 56, 9-18, pl. 2, deep sea off Greenland. 

Genus 1480. HIMANTOLOPHUS Reinhardt. 
Himantolophus Reinhardt, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. Kjgbenhavn, VII, 
1838, 74 (H. grenlandicus Reinhardt). 

Himantolophus grenlandicus Reinhardt. 
Himantolophus grenlandicus Reinhardt, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. 
Afh., 1837, 74, Greenland. 

Genus 1481. LOPHODOLUS Lloyd. 
Lophodolus Lloyd, Mem. Indian Mus., II, 1909, 167 (L. indicus Lloyd). 

Lophodolus acanthognathus Regan. 
North Atlantic. 
Lophodolus acanthognathus Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 ser., XV, 
May, 1925, 563, north Atlantic. 

Genus 1482. CORYNOLOPHUS Gill. 
Corynolophus Gill, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, 219 (Himantolophus 
reinhardtii Liitken). 

Corynolophus reinhardtii (Liitken). 
Greenland; one specimen known. 
Himantolophus reinhardtii Liittken, Kong. Dansk. Vid. Selsk., 1878, 321, 
Greenland. Perhaps a species of Himantolophus. 

Genus 1483. DOLOPICHTHYS Garman. 
Dolopichthys Garman in Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., XXIV, 1899, 81, 
(D. allector Garman). 
Dolopichthys gracilispinis Regan. 
North Atlantic. 
Dolopichthys gracilispinis Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 ser., XV, 
May, 1925, 563, north Atlantic. 
Dolopichthys microlophus Regan. 
North Atlantic. 
Dolopichthys microlophus Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 ser., XV, 
May, 1925, 563, north Atlantic. 
Dolopichthys anisacanthus Regan. 
North Atlantic. 
Dolopichthys anisacanthus Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 ser., XV, 
May 1925, 562, north Atlantic. 














Dolopichthys luetkeni Regan. 
Gulf of Panama. 
Dolopichthys luetkeni Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 ser., XV, May, 
1925, 562, Gulf of Panama. 

Dolopichthys heteracanthus Regan. 
Gulf of Panama. 
Dolopichthys heteracanthus Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 ser., XV, 
May, 1925, Gulf of Panama. 

Genus 1484. LASIOGNATHUS Regan. 
Lasiognathus Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 ser., XV, 1925, 563 
(L. saccostoma Regan). 

Lasiognathus saccostoma Regan. 
Caribbean Sea. 
Lasiognathus saccostoma Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 ser., XV, 
May, 1925, 563, Caribbean Sea. 

Genus 1485. LINOPHRYNE Collett. 
Linophryne Collett, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1886, 138 (L. lucifer Collett). 

Linophryne lucifer Collett. 
Open Atlantic. 
Linophryne lucifer Collett, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1886, 138, pl. 15, 
off Madeira, lat. 36° N., long. 20° W. 

Linophryne polypogon Regan. 
North Atlantic. 
Linophryne polypogon Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 ser., XV, May, 
1925, 565, north Atlantic. 

Linophryne arborifer Regan. 
North Atlantic. 
Linophryne arborifer Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 ser.. XV, May, 
1925, 564, north Atlantic. 

Linophryne macrodon Regan. 
Gulf of Panama. 
Linophryne macrodon Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 ser., XV, May, 
1895, 564, Gulf of Panama. 

Genus 1486. CHAANOPHRYNE Regan. 
Chenophryne Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 ser.. XV, May, 1925, 
564 (C. longiceps Regan). . 

Cheenophryne longiceps Regan. 
North Atlantic and Gulf of Panama. 
Chenophryne longiceps Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 ser., XV, May, 
1925, 564, north Atlantic. 


Genus 1487. MELANOCETUS Giinther. 
Melanocetus Ginther, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 301 (M. johnsoni 

Melanocetus polyactis Regan. 
Gulf of Panama. 
Melanocetus polyactis Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 ser., XV, May, 
1925, 565, Gulf of Panama. 

Melanocetus niger Regan. 
Gulf of Panama. 
Melanocetus niger Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 9, XV, May, 1925, 
565, Gulf of Panama. 

Genus 1488. LYOCETUS Giinther. 
Lyocetus Giinther, Challenger Rept., XXII, 1887, 57 (L. murrayi 






Lyocetus murrayi (Giinther). 
Mid-Atlantic at Challenger stations 106 and 348. 
Melanocetus (Liocetus) murrayi Giinther, Challenger Rept., X XII, 1887, 
57, pl. 11, fig. A, mid-Atlantic. 


Genus 1489. CAULOPHRYNE Goode and Bean. 
Caulophryne Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 496 (Caulophryne 
jordani Goode and Bean). 

Caulophryne jordani Goode and Bean. 
Gulf Stream. 
Caulophryne jordani Goode and Bean, Oceanic Ichth., 1895, 496, pl. 21, 
fig. 409, Gulf Stream off Carolinas in 1,276 fathoms. 

Family 311. ACERATIIDZ 

Genus 1490. RHYNCHOCERATIAS Regan. 
Rhynchoceratias Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 ser., XV, May, 1925, 
566 (R. brevirostris Regan). 

Rhynchoceratias leucorhinus Regan. 
North Atlantic and Gulf of Panama. 
Rhynchoceratias leucorhinus Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 ser., XV, 
May, 1925, 566, north Atlantic. 

Rhynchoceratias rostratus Regan. 
Gulf of Panama. 
Rhynchoceratias rostratus Regan, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 ser., XV, 
May, 1925, 567, Gulf of Panama. 

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Page Page 
DET | (A ee eee et Noe SRA E Vita %s tee ae a ee AOilparracnad..2. 2-0 Sn ee 
aboma de mar__-.---------- 436 Ase), DlaGh 2 os. oo 88 = 360 California__ 
AiO, CE.TI0. = tee ASSP anpelaish = 2b a= 22, 358, 361 European___ 
Sara OZ. 2. bo 373 | angel shark, California_____ 22 (02) pe A SON RAS Feat, PANES D 
SR es ee ee 231 angel SHatES? to aS 22 MIGEGHON == oo pe eee 
achigan grand bouche______ OO hetero ae Se ee eee 504 SLT Ga See pe ENS Re 2 
genigan noir! <2 >.> Pa fA Tt | ee eS Ser Tees dak) arracudas. = Bis es 
achigan petite bouche______ Jos |} BNiOnm0 7s Be eae Se 270 | barred marlin 
Ty es 1: ev Seay a oe ee SOS | UIE ee ee ree Se 314 | barred pickerel 
Pr ETT fA Ra it eae Cae o1d) @retic cham 25-78) 2 io lb Wala; See eae eae 
BppAvINaE = W.-W 2n52 oa 318 | arctic founder. --_--.2.-.-- 227 | basking shark_~-<.-.- = 42s 20 
aguja decasta___......._- 196, 263 | arctic grayling._........_._ 66 HMashundig nes no aes 18 
COST! in we ale are 196, 197 | arctic lake herring-.._______ 62 | basking sharks______..-___ 20 
ee ee ee 258 | arctic lamprey-_._.__.._.._. 10/) ass = 23 Fee ee 298, 348 
Mien ee Zi}, arctic lycodes. =. -- 7 banklick eee 305 
akulliakitsok__......_...__- 474 | arctic salmon, Ross’s_______ 60 DAVOS. =~) Seana 297 
Alabama darter__..._...._- 292) arctic sculpin_ _*<- =. 55-5. 386 Bienen black_______ 297 
inbams shadici.=— 2.22 -< 43 | argentine, sheppy-_-_-_------ 7 Ding ee ee 298, 317 
Alaska blackfish_._..._.._- 172 | argentines 68 fresh-water. __ 20022225 298 
Alaska codfish__....._....- IO AAO = = oes 8S Sen 328 ofthe Huron. 22s 297 
Alaska greenfish___________ 374 | arrow-toothed halibut_____- 221 DIRCK Saa.2 se = Sea 317 
Alaska pollack.._....._.... 20 | Athabaska herring____.__.. 62 12] (2 ey ene 298 
Alaska sand lance_________- 451 | Athabaska minnow__-____-_- 115 Drown... ee 298 
albacore________- Ps ee OI GT: ae See eee BUZ)} > uttalos 050. sae eh ah 302 
West Indies long-finned.. 260 | atkafish__.._............__- 374 Calico. caps ee ee 305 
yellow-finned__._.___.__- 20 | atka mackerel_......_...... 374 abannel. 220) o-Ps eet, RAR 
PIDEOULES 25062 eo tte 259 | atka mackerels______.____.- 374 common rock _..__.__-_-- 
long-finned___........... 260] Atlantic salmon, common_. 56 COWS 3 eae 
yellow-finned __.._.._.-. Se UR Ta so a ee 271 awart 28 ee 
GIBkOW TIONG. 2 ee 212 | Aubeenaubee darter_______ 291 fresh-water... .-..-.2.2. 
OTT ea ET te SE 42} aurora trout__.............. 60 (A) Ls beth <a EE 
CE) re er lh BS Saale a eee ee ee ee 39, 40 (Jo; > ee Ce Bee 
LDL: ona ae Re ee ae 248 SPAY see eS Ae 
D's yt oie: 0 lene all eae Sais 411 RYOGIt2 2 Meee a ae 
alfoncino________- ve yl tee at ie eee 315 PUL! SOR M82 46 Pond Bers, 
alfonsin a casta- a 234 | bacalhao sabara 441 (0): See SE apneree ee 
alfonsin a casta larga_ Repro 234i bachelor... - 2. /a8-22. 304, B05 kelps.... 
BeOHAWION. 2) 2. 6 Soe) DEchelor perch. soe e 304 Kentucky Black. soese tes 298 
alilonghi_- ee eee PTO. oo eee ri a oy lak Spence sehen ea B0SeoUD, 
alligatorfish, common_____- Aut UBT SA00 52 sense eee 488 Lake 1S (eR erat 305 
alligatorfishes__ -------- 393] bagrés de rio_ aoshe. & 66 large-finned__..__........ 304 
alligator gar, C ‘uban______- 38 | Bahama amphioxus ears 7 largemouth black 
WEEE) a 38 | Bahama lancelet_._______.. 7 ite 8. ee 
mlicator gars: - 20 )| DEIONRGO.. 2: see ey Shae 336 marsh 
ISO CUR. 2 = th RIO eS ae ee ee = 199 minny 
WAMMORGISG «oan eet oe 504 blue-tailed__--._-_- 2-5. 199 TDG Ge A 88g See Pte 
Hist Sed al oe 98 Ted-patied 2 2" 22-3 b wees 199 mountain 
amberfish, great___..._.._- 279 | balloonfish_._............ 501, 502 it \ a (7 (eS Se ee oT 
amberjack - ope = laa hole FC eS ee 502 Oswego 
American anchovies. ____. 47 RIB OL PEM. one 2 oe &§ pale river 
American carp.._.___.-.-.. 103 | bananafish__._....___-- 39 11:1 apy ee i Sere 
American eel_.__-..-.-...=. 77 | banded blenny 4fi2 TLV OD. <a 5 
American hake._.......... 214] banded darter__...._______ 289 PUGH He S52 ete 
American perch.._..._...-- 281 | banded drum_.__--.._....-- 352 rock sea 
American pike._....__..... 173 | banded Jarimus___.._.___-- 344 round 
American pike perches _... 282 | banded mackere]___________ 279 BO ees oo ee ks Pere 
American saibling______._- 60 | banded rudderfish___._____ 279 shining 
American seahorse, com- banded sunfish_____._-____. 3 silver 
vit: SA ee a ee ral tt ae epee on on Oe 42 slough 
American shad... _..<.._.. 42) banklick Daas 2228 dee = 553 305 small-mouthed black 
American smelt.._......._. 7 | banner pompano___________ 276 southern rock 
American sole. ......-...... BoD! PATACUUM xis) see, sae 255 speckled 
amphioxus, Bahama______- ATT AL Ose. See Bean nes ae De ABO spotted 
Californigy. <2.) scaccets. if) DAD DOO so. be see ee aL.) OA SAS spotted river 
anchoa pelada--......._..- 45 | barbero negro ee eee 363 stone 
MROUOWIOS Hone eos Ai) Dar Biers. = 222525. osc de 322 straw 
i 47 | barbu SLAW DEITY... oso sos 302, 305 
47 | barbudo_. ; streaked-cheeked river... 298 
47 | barbudos_- r AbTIPEd uA owe coe 297, 307 
48 | barfish SOs A eta ca awe 302 
51 | barndoor skate SUG: 2 oe cue aren 303 
48'! barracoutausesseaseucdavee (205 SWEEO cn aanann ciecluil a. 298 



List of common names of fishes occurring in check list—Continued 

ase) trots). 222 298) black? cod sJ#=-5-2-42-aseee 
VIN ee ee 297, 303, 307 | black crappie 
WHitelake: — 92a)! ee 307 | black croaker 
white sea, of California 356) (black: drum weaea nese 
WGOC fos ee ee 298 | black-eared pondfish_____ 299, 301 
vollowne.= = 25.2 997208; 3071)" blackearsso- 9s sean 300 
Dbass'hogfishe 922222" 5- 5) 908) iblackeyessas seeee esac 298 
Passi kalliys #2 ee 176 | blackeye sunfish __._.-_-__- 298 
Dasssunishess an wee ee 303) blackfine == sees oa ee 126 
basses, black#2=.=55- seas 297 | blackfin of Lake Michigan- 63 
TOGK.. ooo 3 1 eee ee 203 | blackfin smapper_--_-_------ 326 
POU ee ee ees 304 | blackfish_...._..- 112, 267, 317, 424 
868 3 -s 0 ees 308 PAU AS wha coe. ka oe 172 
bastard halibut__.___..___- 223 STHOOUNE Ee eee ee 424 
bastard halibuts___..__-._- 222 | black fresh-water bass____-- 293 
bastard margaret ______ 2205 5390) black grouper “92 _--~ 3 312, 314 
bastard weakfish______..... 355] black groupers_---.-.--.---- 312 
bathshin = eee 31, 409; 507 | black grunt_.-.-..--=-=-- 323, 329 
DAtHSH6g. a Oe 506 | black guativere___ Sse 1309 
| opi: Cake wi a EB SL 314 | black Harry---_-.-.--- ae BUG 
bay anchovy_-_._.---------- 47 | blackhead minnow-._-..----- 145 
bay mackerel___._.._-_-__- 957) Dlackhors@-=-o~- =e eee 102 
bay mare. p22 2-2 105)|\ black huron=== 22s 297 
pay shark.2.25. 5 ees 15,| Dlack jewish) eee 312 
bayou bass. 24 a 297 | black lamprey, small_____-- 9 
Bear Lake herring, great_.. 62 | black marlin___-_---------- 263 
Bear Lake whitefish______-_ 65 Plante tet So eee 263 
beau gregoire_..__________- black minnow--------.---- 139 
becwunes: > 5 eee bisck moray 2 eee 91, 92 
DGUOWSlSHi os 5 eae ae black mullet_____-------_-- 105 
bel ysis sk. re black-nosed dace____.---- 139, 140 
pergalles oe black oldwife.___2.. = = 493 
berg-gylt_._---_--- black perch<22 2222225 298, 317, 323 
Bermuda catfish Dlackspilotzic- ee ees 413 
Bermuda chub------ blacksrockfiish2=a=-2e sea = 365 
Bermuda lancelet_________. 7 | Dlack ridderhishe-s.---- 268 
Bermuda silk snapper_..-. 326 black rudderfishes__-_------ 267 
Merruigate: (32 as eee $94) Dsek-rufees. 2-0 eee eee 267 
Pekan bese ssa oe ee 260.) black rufis= 2 = See eee 267 
DESUO Ws ona ee 373) Diack scul pings 2-2 ee 387 
ipessy corka— = 3.322 7 Pe 491 | black sea bass___.---------- 317 
IDGSHP Oe ase ee eee 337 | black-sided darters__-_----- 283 
pinidibae. co tes oY Sie 327 | Diacksimith=—--s—.=-eeeeee= 413 
biajaiba de lo alto__-.___--- 308 | black soapfish__...--------- 316 
DiGlava ry Da =- -52-252202-5 54 | black spearfish___-_-------- 263 
Dinars se sae ee 352| black-spotted Spanish 
big-eared sunfisi______- 300 || A omackérel2s25. 5 eee oe 257 
ig-cyerrt ase 322, 323 | black sucker___---------- 106, 107 
big-eyed herring__-.-_-__-- 39, 42 | black sunfish__---..------- 302 
big-eyed scad ____.--.-.-- 270 black surftish==- 2222 setee= 411 
bigeye minnow ____-------- 134 | black swallower-_--.-------- 452 
DIR-BY OS 2 aoa es ee 322 | black swallowers___-.------ 452 
big-headed darter___.___--- 284 | black-tailed sunfish__--__-- 300 
big-headed gurnard _______- 403 | black warmouth____------- 302 
Diplip.sncker=-f2s-...22-< 106)| ‘black wills-22- 222525 317 
igo ones ae ee 302 | black winter sucker__-_---- 109 
bigmonth buffalol_-.-.-=2— ~ 102)| blanco: perchy-=-— === = 298 
big-mouthed black bass._.. 297 | blanketfish__-.......------ 32 
big-mouthed buffalofish__ VOM blan quails 22s sees 357 
big-mouthed cat_.......... 153 | blanquillos.....-..---.-..-. 357 
big-mouthed sunfish ___-_-- B02 | sblenniesie see eae eee 460 
bigmouth surffish__._..---- ATT i blennVeeecs-2ses- see oeeee 462 
big-nose sunfish eee k200 panded. 22 SSeS 462 
big skate of C alifornia_____- 26 | ee Lat 6 RS: & Swear 
big- die redhorse___ 111 fOur-DanGeds-2-- ee eens 462 
ih ees ae 36, 196, 197, 242 SOA WEGde- oh ass conser 461 
kU; Sars 22 eek a ae 36 Snake. cooks) eee 471 
DISH Ways sae cee eee e 30 spotted Snakosasseeees 1 469 
Bissell’s herring_._.....--_- 63)| blind. catfishes2=== =22522= =" 154 
ItSerUGAG: 2+ conc cee tk 115, 305 | blindfishes, cave__...------ 194 
black and yellow rock cod__ 369 blindfish, Mammoth Cave. 195 
PIACK Angeles aes oe eee 360 | blindfish, small__...--__--- 195 
black-banded rock cod____- 2/0'|; blind gobies +. oes eee 447 
black-banded suntisi1_____- 303 | blind goby of Point Loma. 447 
DIACRADASE: = o2- 525552. 2081817 )| (Dn SimONe=s-- 25s eee 287 
big-mouthed___...._._._- O07) (pldaters aanseoeees sae eee 63 
Kpntnickyn. 2.2: 62.0555 298 of Lake Michigan_--._._. 63 
JES) os rie 207)| Dlob=. os os. ae - ee aco 
large-mouthed _____..-__. 297 | bloody sunfish 300 
of the Haron 297 | blower 498 
small-mouthed___.. 298 | blowfish_- 499 
Dlack basses: = .o2 stern s3 297 hairy 499 
black-belly..2)Jsensseeeeee 42 spinyback 498 
bisck. bufiais..-- 2 102 | blue-and-green sunfish_____ 298 
black bullhead______...-.-. Tos) | Ditie Arigels =a 2 ea 361 
black burrfish_............. B02) blueback 2222233) 22 ee 42, 62 


blueback trout..._._..----_- 61 
of Lake Crescent ._--..._. 57 
blue Dass. 222 a ee ees 298 
blueibreanis ocean Ol 
blue-breasted darter__-.-__ 290 
blue Catz. sce eee 152 
Due. code ae eee 374 
blucidarter: 22552 eee 291 
bluewdog: 25 232 o ee 13 
bluefish._____..____- 280, 293, 317 
California 22 339, 356 
Dluefishes:- 22. ee 280 
bluegill _ eee See erOUL 
bluehead sucker. ___-.---_- 104 
blue herring_____- 42 
bliewoes=ae see 301 
blue Johnny_-___.__-- E 291 
blue-lined minnow____.---_- 132 
blue-mouthed sunfish___-__ 301 
blue mulletl oe ses See 110 
blue parrotfish______- ---- 432, 434 
bluéewperch==26s08 2 See 301, 424 
blue\pikessi 2 ae 282 
blue niinders 02s 272 
blue shark, great._._.-.--_- 17 
SMa: <0 eee eae 16 
blue smelt, California______ 252 
blue-spotted sunfish — -__- 298, 304 
blue-striped triggerfish_____ 491 
ble; suckers-t2.. essen 146 
blue sunfish____- a== 298, 301 
blue surgeon_____ Bee, Sw of (i93 
blue-tailed balao___------_- 199 
blue tango. =o eee 362 
blunthedd22) == ee eG 
blunt-nosed minnow___---_. 145 
blunt-nosed river carp---_- 103 
blunt-nosed shiner__--_--__ 275 
obo! <a eeee 
bob-tailed skate 
DOCaCCIO == SoS eee 
boce: dulce... esate e eee 
bocon2= +... _ as See eee 
bocone:.2.2-0. ees 
Dogs eee se 

bonaci gato 
bone-dog: 2.0 -0.4.. eeeeeeee 
bonefish-- =. 2s eee 
bone-jack 22 622--aacese se 
bone shark..323 
bonita of Martinique- _____ 260 
lofey ado eee aS 258, 259, 279, a 
Oceanic... 5 s-5eenease= 358 
Pacifies-:. 32 eee 258 
DONITOS 22 Zane eee 259 
bonnethead shark__-__-- 17 
Bonneville whitefish 65 
bonyfish- 222933 eS 39, 44 
bonyiishess 2222. ase eee 39 
bony-talliz.- ee eee 114 
bootleg sucker.......------ 107 
boregats.222222222 4 eee 373 
DOL? sa face ale ee eee 8 
DPOLrersi.-=222ss0s2= 22 e ee 8 
borlase..205. 8 267 
Bose’s shannyascceeceeeee= 462 
Boston mackerel_____.----- 257 
botete 498 
boucanello 326 
bout de tabae 319 
bowfin 38 
bowfins__- 38 
boxfish____ 497 
re 501 
spin 502 
peas shark 22 


List of common names of fishes occurring in check list—Continued 

bramble sharks-_--_---..----. 22 
branch herring_-_---------- 42 
branch perch... -.---------- 302 
brassy sculpin----_--------- 386 
bream. ....-- 115, 298-303, 336, rt 
71 a es 
Palicad:.—. .. Sas ee 305 
copper-headed--_...----- 301 
copper-nosed___---------- 301 
fie...) “eae 304 
mreremouth esse) sss s5 302 
perchmouth 2" -=- ==. 3 
wad-pellied =. 2.5.2) Saes. 200 
redbreast: == 5 3--4-¢ = 299 
Ted-Oved ... 2 s25s2=s.s56 303 
yod-headed: ....22422 220 ee 299 
Red-sided {2 sees Te sess. 118 
= ile \. 255: 35a 299 
ee a ee 265 
Ctl ee re Cees = 299 
warmouth.. 302 
yellow __---.--- 302 
breams, séa._----.- 265 
roe perch. .-...-.--.-2=-< 297 
bridge perch --_._..-.--.... 304 
bridled minnow------------ 135 
poof 25 
brilliant sunfish._-.-.-----. 300 
bristle herring------------- 246 
Dot) as eee 24 
broadhead, grubber---.-.---- 47, 50 
Joh: (of i a 341 
Lh Ca) eee Se 229 
brochet de mer-_-_-_.--------- 305 
bronze-backer__.-.--------- 298 
bronzed centrarchus------- 303 
bronze minnow..---------- 121 
brook lamprey-.--..--------- 9, 10 
brook Jampreys------------ 10 
brook minnow.--.---------- 140 
brook silverside__..----.--- 251 
brook stickleback_-...-..-- 238 
ook sucker.......2---..2. 105 
MYOO WOUGs coccdocsce-se54 60 
ae 60 
of western Oregon to 
southern Alaska------. 
CL 5 is eee a 
oe er 
brown buffalo__......------ 
yg Ye a cae 
Pe gh 308 
brown rock cod 369 
brown rockfish__...-------- 368 
bo aD | ee eee 298 
brown-winged searobin.... 407 
i) ee eee 352 
PPE ctesoascces-neye 103 
DIQMOUGN sess cs0s-ou5= 102 
pO oe eae ys 102 
8 Op eh pe 102 
WOTTUSOOU Seca oos cee ise ao 102 
pert) 12) bp ee epee 102 
QIMNHAGK. 6.22. 2asepe aoe 102 
razor-backed_-- 102 
VOC casa 102 
smalJlmouth_-.......------ 102 
suckermouth_.---.------- 102 
Dittislo Passos os calse mote 302 
htiffalo eed: ...0552 25.25.34 374 
buffalofish, big-mouthed... 102 
COMIN J saceencuens ace ne 102 
FOOMOULI SE oo asese nce 102 
DItALOTISHON. oo oan eee 102 
buffalo sculpin_..-.-.--.--.- 381 
buffalo sunfish_.......---.-- 298 

. Page 
eapitainess2 ae) eee 425 
earanx, yollow~===.~=-=-.2<= 273 
ecarbonero: = =< -5-6soncs se 271 
earconetts: 2-222 - 9285225 16 
eardenal. 22 nn cc3t eee nes 295 
cardinalfishes 295 
cardonniera 370 
Carolina pompano-- 277 
Carolina robin 407 
Carolina sea robin 407 
Carolina whiting 350 
CaTDLe == 228255 sbes e e ee 103 
ATMIGNICAN Acoso c pce n 103 
blunt-nosed river___.-.-- 103 
common river-_____--.---- 103 
Take o222 ote ee 103 
Silventee—: bts -ce ses eete 103 
btitter chups. <=. <...--.=. 146) carp isucker—.i=52==.2s52==5- 103 
butterfish___. 267, 277, 309, 467, 468 | carp suckers-_--...--------- 103 
lemon-yellow B00 |} CHBAN@S 25322252 4o= 25 oe 
butterfly fishes - - 400)|| ChSabes 23062255522 5 on 
butterfly ray 29 | catagnole----_- 
Caballace-<- 2 -. cnsccesnsee 257 | catalineta 
eaballito del mar_____------ a4 'entalinetas: 2 o-52-- 35-2 ase 361 
cabelellerote_--.....-.----- Geo || Cabaluian-- 92 0S-< 2 eae 322, 323 
Cabezon:> 2-242. =<. 344, 382, 487 | catalufa de lo alto_________- 323 
Smvothis= «5222 csess ss Soo) crbalifpnys 2 os) eer eae 322 
Caperones_.- = =-<2-52=-+.5-- 382 deep-water... 5.255. 0s 323 
enpesatess = 42222 See 246 | cat, big-mouthed _-_-----_.. 153 
CAUrH MOTAS. 225 cS. 25—. 208 310 blue 152 
CHBTUR 2 2c cent cas 311, 317 brown 154 
ReOLGad Mes — neo eee eA 317] channel 153 
cabrilla calamaria__--..---- 314 of the Potomac 153 
eabrilla de astillero_____---- 314 duckbill 36 
eabrilla de raizero___....-.-- 313 BAe 152 
eabrilla pinta. -......-.----- 310 Fulton 152 
eabrilla piritita__.....----- 315 great fork-tailed____.....- 152 
cabrillas verdes--.....------ 317 Ionieetatled = ook eee 212 
(CUNO S = eetedtasssaeeoae 328 DEEL) 2) ps op aee a o 152 
(Ojo ee Sa as ee eS 331 PG Ss oe eee 
Creenar grunt. --2-~o-ea- 330 Russian 
Oe yo eo ae eee 11 Sacramento 
eagon de lo alto___-...----- 328 soe 
FE (ye Ee PS hit Stes oN ay: a a Pe eee 
cailleu tassart.--.-.-------- 44 spoons 
440 stone 
325 white 

calico salmon. --....--..-.--- 54 sea 

California amphioxus------ a small 

California anchovy -------- 47 | catfishes, blind 

California angel shark-..--- 22 (Os) eR RS seuae iy LOG 
California barracuda. ---.-- 255 Patttopails clk cc nceee 147 
California bluefish.__..-- 339, 356 EBC oe oe 28 ie Sears 160 
California blue smelt_-_----- 252 Ee eae ae 147 
California bonito__...------ 259 South American---_-...... 156 
California common skate_.. 20) Cate; Gbentig le) 2. ooo 151 
California dogfish.......--- 2 

California flounder_._....-- 

California garfish.......--- 

California hagfish........-- 

California herring-- be 

California jewfish_.......-- 

California lancelet--------- 

California pampano_-___-_--- 

California redfish--......--- 

California sardine__......-- 43 IVE TSBOTION. oe ere decries 195 
Galore Sole. © 267k oe 222 | cazon de playa shark_._-__-- 16 
California stingray.--._---- Ol. OGiAlO 2. os os ot ea 253 
California tomcod_-_-..--.--- 210 | centrarchus, bronzed_..---- 303 
California torpedo......--- Bi CRUION Ss hein cae nmac oes 308 
California whiting..--.---- SMU) |(G@Gl0..202.cssaeawn ae ee 257 
Callifaver mullet_.........- 253 SDOUHO oben sceeraccecesen 257 
Caninbellites2e ocsecsaeue S04 WeDasrING 50022 -p apnoea ss 18 
gang:2. 2 eweoneaaees a 236: CMAINSIOG sos peal 301 
Cand lefiaie 2 ove sudan wenn 66 | chain-sided perch__.-...... 301 
cane dé mares.2+25-55.0-6. 1G) WOMANS 533 i552 seenedeeeene 40 
CODING. 2. cotaes cackon ss a 66 | channel bass_..--..-.-....- 348 
CADCINS 2 focie ed boabands< 66 | channel cat__---... 152 
Cape May goody.-......... 349 of the Potomac 153 
GADIOOIL 6 esa aay a= 20 | channel cats_--.-..- M51 
capitaine..........- oc ge. 406) ChADIN pasessveasecteee “496, 497 


List of common names of fishes occurring in check list—Continued 

ghappaul’.-- =. 3. se ae coschman:e. o_o 320 
eharacins.2 255. 2.5 Coplnshiss shes 2 woe eee 209, 373 
charioteer.-_......-.- coast-range trout__...-_.__- 58 
charnia ryba Cobblers32) =o aetna 175 
charr, Arctic Common son se2 sae ae 176 
Greenland cobblerfish=s222yo< 2 ae! 274, 277 
Oregon=. =! os one cobblerfishes\222--— = <2 = 2 
GHATS eons ee eee Cobessicontie smelt__.____- 67 
chaufte soleil Cabins ne eee Stee Se Tee 281 
Cheney’s darter. ---..-.---- Zeb) (cocnimitossenaseess == = 363 
cherna americana--__------- QUAN COCMING saa se ela 2. Se 491 
cherna criolla..._-....____. ale ECOG ROL H => Sse. s See 272 
cherna de lo alto___-.._-_.. BLOW ECORINALOn a. knee os anes aoe 272 
cherna de vivero._.-------- 312 | cocinero dorado----_-------- 272 
chicharro. =) =~ eee 271 | cock and hen paddle_______ 397 
CHICE WiGk= 2s. os ee 355 | cockeye pilot. .-_----.==--. 413 
Chicolar= seen oe ee 261 |feoekfishess-< 2 2 2 san ee 274 
Oniphic ts Sees ee are UES) | ACOCTLY. Ole Joe <= Ss ee 493 
Chimiatas 2555 eee 10°32) (coda blacksss— =a une 373 
CHImierordss s2 et Serer 32 A Cannan Sigaeab eer S90 2 374 
chinook salmon-__---------_- 55 pitialo: <2 se eed 374 
chinquapin perch____ 299, 304, 305 culius-= --.2 222) so 374 
Comrivits. ee ee 360 PVGONE se eee ee 209 
CHIVitaS soe ener eee 360 IBACIEC Sata ee ee 210 
CHISCUHOULD. 2 oe ene re 112 wachna. 222) tees ee 210 
chiselmouth jack___.----_-- 66 | codfish, Alaska- ©" --2_ 222 210 
ehiseimonths 2 wanes se 112 COnIMONe aoe see 210 
“elt iyi Ween pee eye ep 117 Greenland. - 2 == see 210 
COlVO. Seater Sse COdTSHOS 2. eh e-news 209, aid 
CHORSEtS ese ee 424 codfish shark -— .-2-- 225 
ehopa ss Se ee 309) |kcodling 22 =o ee ee eee 213 
chopa amarilla_......------ 339 spotted. - 2.22 -ecesleeee 213 
chopa blanca. -...-=---.-- 340 | codlings_______- awaseeceeses 212 
chops spinaie 3 ese So |}COGOrHIZ= 0 == ~ 2s eee 350 
Choppers sree oe TOD Codsy CUiUSse a see seme a 374 
Choupiqueles=e-5-2-- 36'|(cod Sharkos 222-2222 eene 2S 21 
Chobe 222s eee 635645109: | icoelhos= = ass. - ee oan = 261 
115, 117, 137, 297, 302, 640) |icoho salmon ce. oe ese ee 54 
Bermuda ee B40 |icojineraa eec— 2s see 272 
DH ears | ee een =e 146 | Colorado River squawfish_. 114 
Columbia River--__----_- 112 | Colorado River trout_----- 57 
creek _ _ eee ns S UUA I Ofoltorop torts) akhorre (olay rioy: Se = 112 
Hint headodes mane ene 136 | Columbia River salmon-_-- 55 
a OT | ee are 146 | Columbia River sucker_--- 106 
arian Ses eee 137 | Columbia River trout _---- 56 
eaiweslise: 22=-. 252 ae 113 | common alligatorfish___-_- 394 
AKO -<ee ae ee eS TE 136 | common American seahorse 244 
TONG sean. cae ee 297 | common Atlantic salmon-_- 56 
ctr OES ee ie ES 117, 302 | common buffalofish__------ 102 
RIP eSrosts gene eee Se 146 | common bullhead_-------- 154 
of the Rio Girande______- 120 | common cobbler-_---------- 176 
RRR OT As eye een eee 137 | common codfish----...---- 210 
Bacramento-. ==. >, .22-22. 120 | common dolphin___-------- 264 
Bere ee ek 5 5a 117,137 | common easternstickleback 238 
SOULNEINS ste eee, | esa COMMON aGlshee =a. ee 227 
steel-backed________--__- 146 | common gar pike_-.------- 36 
Storer’s- eeceseenceey ) ber common pray shank =o 15 
chub mackerel___---_------ 258 (common pruute—-=2--ss-2-— 330 
CHD AMNNOW Sacco 136 | common gurnard---_------- 407 
Phtib sucker: soe os ae? 108, 109 | common halfbeak_--------- 198 
chuchins"s- "2 22se- = 158 | common halibut__--------- 221 
cham SS eS 54 | common herring ----------- 41 
Chess 2S eee 213 | common killifish__---.----- 175 
Cpt ee 271 | common lake herring------ 63 
Cibi amarillas eto 272 | common mackerel_-------. 257 
CIbLINADChOss see eee oe 271 | common mullet_-_---------- 253 
Cipantighises 292s ee 270 | common pampano--.------- 277 
CINTOStOMECS <0  ee neaee 7 | common pipefish___.----.-- 242 
cisco, Lake Michigan_-___- 63 | common rat-tail_..-------- 205 
mooneye_.--_- eee 64 | common redhorse_--------- 110 
of Green Lake__________- 64 | common river carp_-__------ 1(3 
of Lake Bonneville______ 63 | common rock bass_-------- 303 
of Lake Michigan______-- 64 | common sawfish_---------- 23 
of Lake Ontario__._...-.. 63 | common sculpin----------- 386 
of Lake Superior___------ 65. | (COMMON SCUPU- se =--=--— = 336 
of Lake T EPecae pee SS 62) | Common shads222 ease nee 42 
ciscoes--_-_-_-_- Cet eee 61 | common skate_-_----------- 25, 26 
civetta de Mer___---_-____- 409 | common spotted moray_--- 91 
clamiagore se sees. -- se 434 | common stickleback ---.-.- 237 
clam=crackers 2 2822-522. 28 | common sturgeon_-_-------- 34 
clear-nosed skate___..._-..- 25)|| common sucker--2_ 2. an--— 105 
Clear ray. aes eee 25 | common sunfish--------- 300, 302 
Clingfishes= ase eens == eS 488 | common surgeon__--------- 362 
clinging goby=seee-sneee aoe 446 | common swordfish_-.------ 264 
cloudy lycodes.....-----.-. 475 

common trunkfish_.-.-...- 497 

common weakfish___----.__ 355 
common whitefish___-...__ 65 
compressed redfin_--.--._- 126 
CONG)O <2 ose a eee 261 
Conejos» 32222252228 aeee 261 
CONCY 2-3 A. cn aoe ne eee 308 
conger, Sand .2 452) _ == oes 454 
conger'eel: == 3233 54, 79, 473 
of California == eee 91 
conperieels: 222205 eee 79 
Connecticut River shad___- 42 
conner: .- =. 3555 eee 424 
Constantinos.) - =. see 306 
constantino de las aletas 
10) 1) f: eee ee 
Copeland’s darter___------- 285 
copper-headed bream _----- 301 
copper-nosed bream___----- 301 
Coralfishese = 22 once ae see 359 
corbineta- c= 25225 346 
cormets < - -=-fsssas-asa-eoue 245 
cormepfishés= =) - see 245 
Corongddo2 2452-2". eee 279 
corporal!s!_9222--.2.- anaes 117 
corsairie”. = eee 367 
COLEvalosy 9. 2: eee 351 
Convinaes sal aee ses 344, 349, 355 
corvina de las aletas am- 
arillas.22 oe Soe eee 356 
couchue. 273: 2h. ee 161 
Coniae ee 108 
Coulter’s whitefish____-...- 65 
courpatal: 4. 2-4 sneer 269 
COW, Dass=-4-2 5525 eee 297 
CowiShsc ess ae 31, 497 
GOw-nosed Tiayeesssees=eee= 31 
COWNDIOT.. <-5--- 415 
cow. Sharke --2-)= 6. SseeEse 1 
cow: sharks: 2252-22 25s ee 11 
crab-eater..-2-5-e-a=caLase 281 
crab-eaters.- 9-2-5 2eseeseae 281 
erabra.. 2. 2) -s=-se eee 370 
@rapin’s darters >> =-- asse see mice 
Graig fluke: 2-23 oo See 228 
crampfish= 225 =*-—) ees 27 
crapetu.. . 2-255 — see 304, 305 
carpet jaune. _ 222222. ceee = 302 
craper mondoux=—- ee eeae 303 
crapet Nolte 2. = = -nee ee 303 
crapet. vert--<--- = eee 303 
Chap Dieeia ae ee eee 304, 305 
Dlacki= 328222 s22 eee 305 
pole... 222i2622 2 304 
timber. == --2: eee 304 
wibhitOs.. 2 usec sac 304 
crappiese. 425--65<4-paeeeee 304 
CYANO: oc ec eenee ae ees 216 
crawl-a-bottom- ---_- 107, 111, Aci 
creek churbe. 22. oe eee 117 
creekiish. .2.4. 7.5222 osenee 109 
creek sucker .----oc-e ees 109 
Ch60l6: 22222 oe ence ae aeees 426 
Fein e10} (=) 01) « pope ese es 320 
crested gobies.------------- 438 
CTOVENC C2222 eee 272, 273 
WOMse. =. 3-2 hs -keeeee ae 273 
crimson darters-se- = eeeee 294 
croaker. .- << 22-<s-— 349, 352 
black. °32) 3-3 eee 48 
WHitel. 222. 32a. ceee eee 353 
yellow-tailed__...-_.---_. 350 
qroakers.. 2. .2--- ood s5- eee 344 
CHATIOLO)OS2-- soe ee eee 194 
Clie oie. so eee ee eee 424 
Cuban alligator gar_...---- 38 
SUDETa + US3eS5= eee ae 325 
Cub shark. 5. 26 ene 15 
cuckold. 2 497 
Cucumberiish= s22s--ese- as 502 
CUCIIVO2 202 eras eee 491 
CUITUS -COGL ec ae cent ee eee 374 
Cultusicods2. 222 een anne 374 
Cumberland darter------.. 293 
CUMPpId aes Soe seee eee 234 
CHUNCis. cee sete ee ene Pas=44 424 


List of common names of fishes occurring in check list—Continued 


M@pmnmners —. s  re ee 424 

Ganka =? ee 213, 214 

HarOpeal (20s esen a= 214 

BOCK — 2. 2 Doe a 385 

mask (sels. - 232 485 

eppiasshish = ose es ee 262 

@eassfishess2 22 ee ee 262 

PE DS: een 112, 146 

cut-throat trout .-...---..- 56 

fan tah) Lakensses= ss: 56 

eybium, spotted__._..._-_- 257 

(3159 9 a RS pe eet tS 2 AL 222 

SOT eee ae ee se 222 

SINBAn 2s ae See 228 

dabs, mud-__-__-.- 226 

Sail ee se eee 228 
bes St Se as 

black-nosed-_-.--------- , 140 

L1G) 07s Le SR a SS See eT 

long-nesed - 25 22 oe 139 

TAURINE S oo oe oe en 113 

(OO Sem Osos 4 a oe so sboone 121 

Fine) 22 a ee 140 

pipiens ee es eee 112 

Gaddy sculpin_ ==. "2 =~ =. 387 

daddy sculpins------------ 386 

darter, Alabama_--.-----.- 292 

Aubeenaubee----_------- 291 

SUC 289 

big-headed__..---.------- 284 

i 283 













green-sided ___.....-.---- 286 

Ginther’ (EE ee eee 283 






i 283 

MEAT yIS00 2. atta seans 284 

SATAN oo ee ae 
SONG. wean ake 

Le eS a, eS 
deceptive sunfish. _._-..... 
deep-water catalufas___...- 
HEMIOINGNG oo nook etka 
GOTO 5. sncansieenedeeGek 

dopnshs-- ==>. 2 13, 19, 21, 174, age 
(@aliiermia 22 2-.->. = A= 
GENS tee ee Se i9 
DiGked san se © eo ee 19, 21 
Si GG || (Ss a ee ee 1 
GI a Se ee ee 21 
OPS HRS i rn Stet 21 
BOP Salone feo ee: 54 
GHC) Eas See aaa 13 
Garisnappers > 222-2. - => 325 
GGL Na (eae See ee 301 
Monlartisti eae ee 267, 275 
PAC Coes Se Pe ee eee 360 
Bally, Warden: 9.2207 2252 305 
Dolly Varden trout____-_-- 61 
dolphin, common 264 
small 265 
dolphins- 264 
domine 261 
doncella 426 
Moncellag a: see Son eat 426 
oC: taht eh eee CES ee 264 
GOTADOSS eS on eee 264 
PONMONE o28 ee nnn Soe 323 
Hong eo ee ee ee 282 
alr nnmneg -- aos 275 
OCRUIATAG. oo see ee 232 
spinous _____- ee (« 
dotted paintedtail_. Poe ees 297 

double-bearded flyingfish_- 
doughbelly ____-______- 
OMVates .. Ue ae 
Git) ee a eae Se 
pe ee ae eee 
jot S Ati cee ae 
| RS oa ae As a 
1 [fl epee as Ye ee 
frenn-weter. asc. 8 Sf 
MON 25 Sc een oe 5 352 
oon hl Seas See eee 348 
SST) «Den a Se ele 352 
drummer, jewsharp____-_-- 351 
mign@oiar = 2 he 355 
whitemouth 349 
HENS STOO ood s 348 
PIWeits sous ane 352 
OS Co EA i wR oben eee 27 352 
arpnkenfish.... 22.22 22255 496 
Dublin Pond trout ______-- 60 
Gackbill cats... 1 <3 ae 36 
quckbill:¢els_- 5-52 cake 82 
nIniey BURT) =o. ee 16 
CC: © a ae Se ae 298 
Eagle Lake trout _.._._.__. 58 
PROIO TAUB S200 5 aisle 30, 31 
garad' shintish. 5.2.3 u2 2 300 
Easter mackerel_.......... 258 
eastern brook trout_______. 60 

eastern mud minnow _..... 174 
eastern pickerel_______ 
eastern redhorse __. 
aay stickleback, 


(0 fo PO EA TS PES 91 
fbi Tan (C: tae ee 77 
ON i oe glow dite eae 54, 79, 473 

of Califormia. ..e-<4. 2 91 
fresh-watets.g. 322-35. on. 77 
lett Der. 222 dees at eee 473 
last preys 22) caen- si ess 8 

SDIPGZ = ase 2 eo eee 83 
Snuub-nosed: oo. ns ee 7 
SDUNVEs eee ee 75 
symbranchoid__-_..._____ 76 
[aN jetzt Epa ae a AIS ee A 83 
ig (: See Se eet ee 77 
RON = ss 8 ae 82 
eighteen-spined sculpin __ 386 
eight-threaded threadfish__ 256 
Glactnictish = 2.2.28 27 
elpeirigstAys----. 22 22--e2- 27 
elenhanvhsh= =. esas 33 
elephantfishes__............ 32 
elephant shark_____.._.._.. 20 
(sla CE oe Ae ee 42 
Prermldtish --s20 ss eae 441 
emerald minnow________--- 123 
emerald trout__._.......... 58 
OMErande--- s-555-2 2 ee cu 441 
BugOn eos eo ae ee 441 
Onis Diese... 2 Se 308 
GNnLGmMeGOr. = os st Se 27 
Erie great herring__._.-___- 63 

Erie herring --_- 

European barracuda______- 255 
European cusk.... ccaicas 214 
European hake______.. 214 
European sculpin 386 
Everglades pigmy sunfish.. 305 
Evermann’s darter________- 284 
Evermann’s trout__.......- 59 
RAGULEO ee ee ee eH 191 
fair wal! 2 2c a. pees 336 
11: TO 1) c aes ene, Sr Re 117 

PAC 6. toe Societe asa 127 
falifishes, cs 5p. 2 ts to 117 
fallerring =. 3s._- 3. 4h=s fen 42 
p10 ee ae NE 370 
faritatl darters: 204 cass 293 
fan-tailed darters._.....___- 293 
fantail mullet 253, 254 
TAUD ACK. noose adh 44, 280 
fathead =. ae Py) 
fathead minnow « 145 
fanveades = 53-1 ee “145, 426 
Phenasher: Woo. -aase ees 386 
int priest... .6 2. e2saf. saan 373 
TRG PrestSs 3s a ee 373 
female perch... 2-2555552.5 302 
pit 11s) FC ene ee cee Cem te 266 
iC COLES c Es Se SS eee eee 22 
NMONGE: - - 25-2 ease eee 152 
ye (ith Psd aT 0 aS aS a a a a 23 
UES AN ne a tie SOF 491, 494, 495 

CL, See Es Sa ae ey 495 

MOH one Seton: wo eed 494 
filefishes__._.___ catia pau 
fine-scaled mullet .__.------ 105 
fine-scaled sucker__........ 105 
fishes, bony_-..__.. 39 

soft-rayed____ 5 39 

jy fe a es 33 
TAME ORS oc oa netooe 504 
PSKUING TO GK nce m ewan 504 


List of common names of fishes occurring in check list—Continued 

Page Page Page 
fish of Dismal Swamp-____- 194: |: gabilan:¢+2 62. o- See = 31) P0leb = 53.3 ee Ei Ye | iG 
fish of the rice ditches of gafitopsail: + eee 1485976); @O0GIeS. oo eee ee oneee ae 348 

South Atlantic States_. 194 | gafftopsail catfishes________ 1474\| goody. ee See 349 
fish) shark=<02 28 one = Sees 13) | palafatee mesa eee a eee A93'\| (Capel May! <i sen seeeee 349 
five-bearded rockling_______ 208 | gallbengals=ce 3-22-28 -2ee2 494)| 200s shots ale seen 504 
five-bearded rocklings_____- 208: eallwaspeeeee cousin eye 168'|(gorbuscha==ooseseeeeee eee 54 
imoency 3228 ees 320i Ranier Se ces beers ae eT 105: | POujOn ue 2o ee ee 155 
flannel-mouthed sucker__.. 107 | 0) tbs oe ee I See re ob ae OO |) POUNA TAT See te eee ee ees 314 
flanmingo--— 52) eae 494 Cuban alligator________- 38 | gourdseed buffalo__________ 102 
flasher #222 £262.22 5 Fe 323 Preeliece: y-. 72s < eres 196 | gourdseed sucker_____._.__ 102 
flashers! - 3 <2 ae tae 323 RON P=NOSEde so cckee 36 | grandeécales. soe. oe seen 39 
Hattish 22. eS 299, 302, 360 Mississippi alligator______ 38 | Grand Oranchee darter____ 287 

Commons 2. Sie ees 227 Ong 4 ee ee ee 86) BLASS) basses hc =e eee 305 
fintfishest2 =r ee 217 Saltawater ccs ece ene 196)\.grass pike 5. =o 3s 173 
flat-headed chub___________ 136 SIV Ore? 2 ee DAEY Se 196) PRESS POlE Vases see ee 337 
flesh-colored rock cod__.-._ 369 SILVERY se ae ene 196))| ‘Brass rockfishes oe eee 369 
filer. <== 304 | garfish______._. 196 | grassy ground rockfish _____ 320 
flioma 365 California 196: ipraybacki tees) see eas 63 
Florida lancelet 7 Ohid=.. eS $6) | ETA y base: oases eee 297 
Mlorida sailfish: -22-2) == 283 ‘|: ganibaldi- = {yes ee 415i eray Grum 222 =e eee 352 
HOU or == ee 2995302) earibaldis.- = See 415 ||. erayieronte- oe eee 329 
HICUiC eS saan ee oe Zar |: garlopac- ee eee 314 | grayling, arctic__.....____-_ 66 
Walifornin=--2) 0-25 Sour 226 | gar pike, common_-________- 36 Michigan Ae BO ery 66 
Gismond.c2 2 ee re 2o5\ | raripi kegs: mee ae ee 36 Montanaro) 3 seas 66 
Gel-Dack2.< 2 SE: 227h;) FATCUDS. 22 oe eee 865) eravilings$? os) see 65 
four-spotted___._________- 224 | ‘garrapas: > soe. es B08 ETRY DIKGL 1 UL ee 282 
fee ik a 224 | pars (alligator. o-oo eee i B74 Era veSBAr kyo 0 eee 15 
emon-yellow --...-....-- 227 short-nosedo eats 37 commons) =a eee 15 
percocks fe... 27. ers 217) | GAScOnst = 2 ee 270) |(eray sharks === eee 13 
Molen. a ee 228 | gaspereau 42'|\ gray Snapper.-2- 2 222s 825 
southern 224 | gaspergou $52'| Bray. Sole: =3_- ses eae 228 
summer__ O04 cata: jae he 12 | 2raysuckers-- ssp eee eee 106 
winter _-_- 220 | SAtOu.s eee 13) 2UAy routs ae eee 355 
flounders=-. = <2 ee) Oli penizarac. = 272 ee Se 426 | greased chub___-.2-_2-2-_2- 146 
great tuna te ee 225 | Georgian Bay herring______ 62 | great amberfish_______.____ 279 
LANEY eee eee Far | OS thse ee ee ee ae 471 | great barracuda______/_____ 255 
Willen cso as Se Zor | Ghost smelt. 0. ee 68 | great Bear Lake herring____ 62 
finke oi foe: 204" OhOst SMeOlES. ss ene oe 68 | great blue shark____________ 17 
Craip..oe.) ot Sess 228 | giant black marlin_________ 263 | great flounders_____..._.___ 226 
flutemouth_____--__-- LEON! 45) Gilactroutss—-- eee great flyingfish____.......__ 202 
ringi cl eee) 5 oe a eee 367 | Gilbert’s darter great fork-tailed cat__...___ 152 
fivingfish==)-2- Sea 201, 407 | gilded sunfish_._____..____. great herring, Erie_.__..___ 63 

a psara eie ak SOON pizgard Shades... een sees Great Lakes trout____..___ 59 

Fee IO ek TE pizzardispadsss tse great northern pike__...... 173 
en finned?+< 22-2 > 22" glancefishi2-* =e 5 Se great pampano_._-.-.-.2.-. 277 
single-bearded ? glass-eye great pike) eee 172 
fiyingtishes-.- os. 222k plassfish <7 2A So eee great pipefish. 22 2as sesso 240 
flying gurnard_- 409 | globefish great.sculpinis 2 se2e ooo 387 
flying gurmards_-_-----_--- 8 | glovefish great sea lamprey.-_..-_.--_ 8 
fiving perch 22225 glut herring preat torpedos = 2-cusceaeee 27 
RVING TOP aon aassese eee goat fish 2222226255 see great trout of Lake Tahoe__ 57 
{Goltishs 3 Sees eo TO 2 sence eco aoe great bunnies 2 esos 259 
fork Dearden eee VelOW ontoe so Bee e eee great white sharks____._... 20 
four-banded blenny___---__ 462)| goatfishes... 2 3-2 ee. greenback trout__........_- 57 
four-bearded rockling...... 209 | gobies___...-......--.---.-- green bass:.- sss scesese 297, 298 
four-bearded rocklings ---_- 209 lind 422. os! eae green cod. 22. eS eee 209 
four-eyed fish’. ..5.. 2.22.2 194 crested +. e eae greeniishs. oss. ease 280, 339 
four-eyed fishes___-.___.-_- 194 half-naked 22s eee Alaska 32235 ee 374 
four-spined stickleback ____- 239)! BobYy 22 2 ces (ate) Une See ee ee cine 196 
four-spotted flounder______- 224 blind, of Point Loma_-__- green jack: 22-4 Ss eso eee 271 
fox snare 3. eee 18 clinging oe a Se ee preenlampreyess---cseee see 8 
Fraser River salmon-_-_-.--- 55 long-la weds): Sau! See Greenland charr_........... 60 
Kronch grunt ©. Soe 330 nakeds >. 9.) SViaare Greenland codfish__........ 210 
frote|iacdues= 2 ee 235 sharp-tailed__ Greenland halibut __...___. 221 
fresh-water bass___..------- 303 variegated ___ greenling.. 2-2-2 2-osca serene 374 
lack: 2.) 32's i eee 2S Ni OG ee ess es ee ‘ preenlings: 23%. 2-3 ee 373 
fresh-water drum_-____-__-- 352 | goggle-eye.- 222-20 Sele 5 | green parrotfish_- EAS od 432, 435 
fresh-water eel___.....-..-- 77 | goggle-eye jack green perch 2.552 eee 297, 298 
fresh-water shark _______._. 16) | BOR PIRES. ae ose -~ aac eee green pike... 5.2.22 See 173 
fresh-water silverside______- DAT: | BOLUCDASS. eossacaseeasasee green pipeiish_— 2-2 ee 242 
fresh-water sunfish_________ 299: | golden:angelia-2 222 Se see2 green-sided darter___....... 286 
fresh-water trout____...___- 297 | golden trout of south fork green sturgeon..._......... 34 
1 EV Re Ee eps 3 247 of. Kern(River-- 22s ees 59 | green sunfish____....._-..-- 298 
fig, Ges See eee eee Ps 246 | golden trout of Sunapee Small. = 323. 223i ee ee 300 
frigate mackerel___________- 259 Lake =>. 4-0 7S eee 60'|; green trout... 22a eae 207, 298 
fropiishios #22 3 tree 504 | golden trout of Volcano grenadier.-_-- S202 La Sees 207 
ist [jt |the 2 ae eee ee ee ope S5 210 Creek 223 2 us ade 69] grénandiers_.--.-2-2 ee 202 
froptiishas 2-2 262| golden trout of western ground drummer_-_-_-_-----. 346 
fry, anchovy 48 tributaries of Kern River- 59 | ground rockfish, grassy___-- 320 
hogmouth- 48 | goldeyes-.20..s-- se see 41 | ground spearing____-..----- 163 
TaLpOW es none eeee eee 51 | goldeyes__... eens 
Srolmtiiag. Se ee 205 | goldfish, sea.2....0.scccens 
Bilton cats. 245 ess oes 162: | gold percha 222 enewadennce 
fitiel. 2 ee $70 | Poldring- 5s osccssssseeeeene 

fusiform darter__..........- 294 | goldthread shiner_.....-... 


List of common names of fishes occurring in check list—Continued 

: Page ; Page 
grouper, snowy hairy boxfish_____.-.......- 501 | herrings, lake___--.__.....- 41, 61 
Bpotted: -- 2 = eae eee porcupinefish._-_____ 501 . pan Le Se et AS eee 2 45 
yellow. <2. So teat Ore dann. ae eee 213, 350 | hickory jack---_-.-.._-.-.. 42 
yellow-finned eae 1 2 eae a Ce 214 ey. shad ss25 2 42, 46 
PIUIPCIS = 2-2 eee eee as MLOPEAaN: ~ = os sso S Se 214) hind, browmlsessos-ce--2 eee 308 
plnek: —. > ee een New England__._.._-._-- 214)))-* rede 4. 2 Sas eee) 312 
Prowler. = SSSR Roe OldeBnplishe-=- 225-352 DIS lt ROCK es See ee een 308, 310 
salmon-formed = Mplandss=)-<- 248.5" > 9l4 . speckled he ee 312 
grubber broadhead hi a AS hitch. =o ~ caso conse ee ee 113 
a) ee sae Ee silvers sccsee = fo 72h 219) |hapw eee ES 19 
prion =. -- = eo eee Spied Se oe 213 pe eaeies bhai sc me Se 20 
grunt, black C opens See Sa eee lady HORUDESS faeces 298 
boar EN MERE tiene SSS : dey Be ee ows ce 213 poaehoret Sindee ees Oe 229 
PORAT S22 ROR ess Sees Pea oe 2lf | nOPUSD...5-s.-2-- 283, 318, 335, 425 
a es common TOR) | OaSS. = 252.2 Se 55sec 298 
ag ee yn Oe Et SlSngens=-— 222. Se Sees se TOM at SDABISH: ~ 7.2555 se5co5cce 425 
ee eee aliiieaks 02822 oi JS S108 107, 283 
eee sg tapencaert Be eee 358 hogmouth fryso nan ote 2 eS 48 
margaret alfmoontishes_....-....... 358 | hog sucker .-.......--.----. 107 
open-mouthed__....._...__ 330] half-naked gobies_-_-_______ 445 | Holbrook’s top minnow____ 185 
PRD: 8c eS 331 | half-naked lycodes-_-____.._- AZO UPON eee see ee. eee ee 54 
red-mouthed_____________ San. halibut. 22226 221 | hoopid salmon-_-_-_--._____. 54 
cr ig Jo ee 329, 332 at Ng var ee eel ag Sy eeeeeeed Sascnoeuee 155 
(SLT ee eS Ls ae 331 SaStAnO ee ae cee 228", DOLDOO GACG. o-oo non decc sae 117 
pL (Teuton 330 Common: 22) eee aoe 221 | horned dogfish__._.-...._-- 19 
Oo Rae SE OS See ee 331 a nee tee rie ee 221 peer eet Sunfish®? 2222 299 
ri] 1 ee ee ee 329 WA OTTSIOY soe rte ee cee 223 | horned pout---.---.-.--- 
niripadee. awriar Ws) Zo A Ll ee 221 | horned pouts--..-........-. 
< [a os ee ete a 222 | horned trunkfish 
Se eval SS ee ro RIUM Ste Ae ae 91, 311 | horny cony------ 
: margins 953 | hammerhead_____........ 18, 107 | hornyhead______- 
ema Pp sere 185 hammerhead shark---__--- 18 | horse crevallé 
guajacones 3G Sacce: wee oe poe bended sharks-.... 17 alae LX) qaeeeeeeaee AST 271 
: pndsawhshe.. 22-2... sess 171 | horse-cye jacK___........._- 272 
eee handsawfishes---........-- Dyas HORSENS hs = ee 2 ee 244, 275 
guapena = jeieh Ui) eee See 317 cel popecows ie 275 
BrURKR eene beaten eens 268 | horse mackerel____...____ 270, 280 
7 oa pCa Lis (ee a es 199, 349 | hound, smooth_____.--_..__ 13 
guasa =< , MATARCAGS oo 2222 san ea wi 1005246) || hGund ish. 22-2. 2225 585s 196, 197 
guasas ean Bar GmOuth << s2suns<k anode £02" nowrG Danese 8! x soe eS 195 
guativere hard-mouthed suckers-...- 105 | humpback grunt____...._.- 330 
black 309 Sab wale eS ee rene | 272 ih eee Seyret ee aaoese 54 
= ie en aie a ¢ arelip sucker__........-.-. 112 | humpback sucker____-_-... 108 
red...-------- a oe ieee oe 309 harlequin roach_.........-- 302 | humpback whitefish _______ 65 
guativere amarilla__________ 309 | harvestfish__...........-- 266, 267 | huron_._....-.---.-- - 207 
guavina_...-.._- 354, 435, 436, 437 | harvest pike---..----.----- 1OBI| Slack Secs, Be 3 ks! see we 297 
Serpe iadsiog as | Tag seeped 
HOON . .----------- Oy 104, 18 ReSghst. =o. ee ea BOG) | TOBNBH ss = 922s Sasa 67 
phengag peecee diate eeseeas 139 | headfishes_........-......- 608) |) invonntics os ssh. ced ee 61 
le i iO aS ee eee AG|) hechvgose cesses s= Sey eee 60)|) Indian chubs 2222: 228 3 137 
ee ee 24 | hedgehog ray------.-...-..- 25|| Indianfish_ --_ (2222255222 302, 360 
puibariishes-\- 22-2 -2..2.-- 23') heamdurgan.. =.= 222b2 222.2 363 | Indian remora-............. 448 
pe ee 23, 24 | herring, arctic lake__.._.._. 62 Trish lord ses25 sos eee oe 381 
gulf Hotinder- 223202022. 224 ACHGDBAK AU sutSa al eseee 62 | Irish pompano__...-._..... 342 
gulf menhaden_____________ 44 DigeeyOdocs25 Venez se leeee 49)| THBDOlta: . aso 2Sacslg550 OL 
St hea bags 2: e252 318 IB ISSO Sosa cece akon maud 63 | isabelita de la alto__..____. 360 
PUL. 1 ae esos 95 Bltlesoe- = soot ceascsseeere ME IVGRRSO0GK: 2-3 =e oes) sy 212 
ci ithe a eee 6 eS 467 caine Pease h te tas eee 42 
Unther’s darter__....._._- 283 PIRUIGS Sows oe so8 See oe SS IRBONE. -cs-asssecsosaesbs 
Peder tes aetna Se Bet 191 OF or 1: a ee ee ae AY Win DONGHIOs 222s esuat 2 este 
quran’, big-headed-_-______ 408 COMMON Sac awenswaamaasie SUTAOKY 33 6cc cues dce den 
somnon eT an ee 407 common lake---. 63 chiselmouth 
MG ac ss5 bs ss aateetee 409 BIOS. > oaussces 63 goggle-eye 
chen asta ee ee 7 LODGE | ae a 63 FUGUE scarce ees casaude 
red-wingeds.<. 022.5522. 407 UES Sie Sa eae 42 SOMO Y 227.52 ase 
southern striped_-_____.- 407 Georgian. Bays-c. Jose-025 62 horse-eye 
SPINGES 2 2S5 sae boask Ss 5. 407 Mitarce. teat cece es nda 42 horse-eyed 
sinardal | ees Sele be 407| great Bear Lake-........ G2 eVellowscoc 2s 2s 3582 ees 
pip ist «ke Sabaee ai Ome we JUMBO os scan desenansonns 63 | jackfish._ . -. 
ying ate 
RANG OF (UG a dhscnat enste 216 ieee salmion 
35 BROS. -cesceceawanten~ a On WIBCOING, 2 sous doddo anos ssl 
auq| Lake Hurones.:. 22s. 3. G2 ANSO 5 55 2a55 sassdics <2 oe 
Ba} leant lakes -22*=2 2 OF WIGMMARAT Velo oo i322-skcess 65 
211 Mackenzie River..-...... 62] jaqueta_...........-.-...-- 
216 eee pe sa=sesseteaaes 62 Chita, Piidawsad Sas scdadee 
363 Fan OW oss aeeses so asene COS 4 CST a 
8 Rawson Lake OS) CWIBUANO? vos sccedvepescnss 
8 a aa mile rer iatd Lind 
aginaw Bay-..- MER Rele teas basiwone oe 
hagfishes Ee 8| Seneca Lake 62 Saraniios haddock. ....... 
275| southern toothed 41 | Jessie’s darter__..........- 
ai. || ” SiTHTeY Lodesodeascioaae 42 | jewfish, black._.........--. 312 
mee \taflor.'s.<sagnamereees 42} Ouliformid.sssdesecces estes 308 
206\)|’ thread. 223525 Seedssaeccee 44 BPONOdG. 285 scawanaes pepe eV) 

499 Wall-6yedsilscsssstededas 42' jewsharp drummer........ 351 



List of common names of fishes occurring in check list-—Continued 


jiguagna eR eo Ne 273 
1GGUS Wee Ae ee 
John A. Grindle._.---#22.- 38 
job demon. = 225 2a 304 
john: dories. ==> ---S sees 232 
John Mariggle_...-..------ 39 
FOUN DEW = = ee 312 
johnny- oe ee Sed 
johnny darter: ose 287 
japnny verde. 2-7 22252 =. 317 
jolt-head porgy..---.-----. 336 
jopatan- <= 25-8 eee 335 
Jordan's darter-- 2. 4. eee 290 
Jordants trouGe. 2 =... 22. 2 57 
Jorn pado ==-2-2 ee eae Sento 
JOUWLO 22 oe eae se ees hss 254 
TUR Shee Ss sense == eee 497 
JUPMOUtH. = 6 --5--—. Se 302 
JUlia7s GSrLer_ =~ 52-2  s 292 
jumbo) herring 26 202-6. 63 
TELS 0) heer eee ea= 297, 298 
jumping mullet__---------- 111 
WPM PLOCKR2=-- =. eee 11) 
Jone isucker.=. +6 22 ee 108 
jorel: 2223s 2 ae 272, 278 
kale ee oS he ee eee 363 
ReAlOg os eS ee 387 
Kamchatka salmon trout_- 56 
Kamloops trout-.---------- 58 
kawakawa- 2. ----2-2 23235 259 
kaweah' chub: =~. .-322222= 113 
Kelp ibasss<..>-.-- Seat a 317 
Kelpiish: 2-225 25e- -24es= 427, 458 
spotied: = 555 = <2 458 
Kennicotc’s whitefish______ 65 
Kentucky black bass__---. 298 

Kern River trout=—224---=- 58 

Keeper ee 2 500 
Rai 6: 2. nas oo. nee 176 



ASS. oe enone See 
kkinpaishes: == S2U= = see 22 ee 
ine mules. =. 2-. 22-238 343 
king of the herring --_------- 216 
king of the mackerels_----- 504 
king of the mullets____----- 295 
king of the salmon_-_------ 216 
KAnp SAUINON =. 2--seshescee 55 
ESRPSLON so 5 = sane once =o 22 
RISUUCU = 2 isna acces es aoe 54 
Ripe te oe eee eae 28 
1 bf) eee ys SS ope ae ae 299, 302 
Lith; Bae SY Neate od Se Sees 64 
Kodiak SinGlt.2.-2-2- on oeee 67 
krashnaya ryba-_-_--.------- 55 
Kuroka=. oo. --aakoae eee 263 
kurokajiki 263 
Kweew eb... cn- se snces ans 108 
KVACK. 2. cea oenn cen 42 
Labrador whitefish______-- 64 
Lac de Mabre trout______-- fl 
ieetin: hone = ee 129 
WWOOTTO. 3 anes ween cme oes 163 
In Cai} See ys ees 39, 425 

BPANISD. - 2) one eeene 425 
TaceTiISUeS.- ~~~ sa eee ee 39 
LETC eh: 5 ean = 2 hay ie 30 
lafayette Ee i Se eer 267, 349 
ECE SX ae ees 163 

WTO a a eS 307 
ISKG (Asa aa co ees 103 
Jake cin De2.) eset. ee 136 
Lake Erie bass....----s2s2. 305 
Lake Erie whitefish__.._.. 65 
Lake herring 63 

ALCLIC. ~~. eee 62 

common.._...-.. 63 

least... ..----2ssussaees == 62 


lake herrings: eee 61 
Lake Huron herring_---_-. 62 
lake lamprey___.._-------- 9 
lake lawyer eee: eee 212 
Lake Michigan cisco____-__ 63 
lake minnowa-—--ossssHe 123, 1387 
lake penchecor -- 2 se tones 281 
lake sculminu. =). sseecnses 389 
lake sheepshead_____.-.-.__ 352 
Lake Superior whitefish____ 64 
Lake Tahoe trout____-_--_.- 57 
IAAT eer, See 2 oe ee 15 
lamper eel! 2- d= sockeeee 473 
lgmperina =. 2 543262 es 8 
lamprey, arctic.—-.-----se6 10 
DTOOKss 3. 52 eee ae eee 9,10 
ereal S6@:c._-- 22.2 eee 8 
preen.—.. soc.) ee eee 8 
lake». -2 Sai Bee 9 
WMiexicar =. _ eases oka 9 
TOUGE= Sot. ee een eee 9 
MIVCls ia Seon eee 8 
SAGs 2" sence eee 8 
SUVer noe ok eee y 
Smialll black _ ss = ese 9 
three-toothed___.....-_-- 10 
western J. 3 see ee 10 
lamprey ee). 2225252 25 Sees 8 
JAMO VS!) co Sees eee 8 
jo) 0/0) oo ee 10 
Piver_2. 2. 22 .2-kee Fea 9 
lancelet, Bahama-_-_._--.--- 7 
Bermuda =... - eee i 
Califormmias === sseeeares 7 
FONG a5. = ee ee i 
Wilt tsi re ree ate if 
Wiesitindian= 2222=_ =o ee i 
lanceletse:: f= => See 7 
lanicetiish's: Se 2 eee 171, 362 
landlocked salmon ___------ 56 
ane'Spapperss--seeeeeea es 627 
lang barn. -...2-2- 6 = Bees 470 
lantisae 3222s oes ee CL 
lantperfishes2-=-2222=—see 166, 169 
lSponie. | 2 -Se oe saan 371 
latquiesche 4) 5 =i 22 eee 41 
large-finned bass___-_------ 204 
largemouth black bass__--. 297 
large-mouthed black bass.- 297 
large-scaled sucker ___------ 110 
larimus, banded_..-.....-. 344 
Lauretta whitefish___-.._-- €2 
lavaretss. 2 =e, eae 64 
lawyer te-)- 2 ee €8, 225 
lakews 13-255 eee 212 
leaping; tian so 2223 sea 259 
least idanten:- 240-2223 sees 294 
least lake herring__-------- 62 
leathercost=-=.- 2 = -- ees 277 
leather-ear_. 2 =< 6s ae aees 299 
leatherfishu. 22-2 eee 494 
lestheriacket.- =2--= =" 277, 491 
Dlaitteeasss2ss seo eee 77 
Jeatherjackets__-...-.-.---2. 277 
leather-sided minnow___--- 119 
les Gherwint-2-- 2... =-oee ae 299 
lebi8a... 35.4-2252-5225 sneer 28 
Tebranchot. 2-2. =--2285 263 
levkal- salmon: —. =) -sseeeeee 54 
jemoOnin 7. 2=~. = eee neaee 129 
lemon) sole.- 22-525 2s252- 228 
lemon-yellow butterfish_... 309 
lemon-yellow flounder ----- 227 
leopard shark -=--=2-22-uc-5 14 
licorne de IMer__< -. 2. seee 397 
105 {as Sm AT Te. AS 494, 495 
lija bar budas< 52 2222426 496 
lija colorada= =~ -55-- seeesce 494 
lijattronipa. - a=. 5225505. 495 
lined sea robin__=--~.-% -o2 407 
itoct ay ae ee eee 212, 213, 374, 473 




lisa) blanca. 2 ska 253 
lisa cabezda.. == ss saeee me 253 
lisaifrancesca. oe eeeeae 39 
lisita 254 
hitledgasses. eee 298 
little bream 804 

littlehead porgy - Sees ees 

little killifish= 2: 522 ee sali7s 
littlemouth porgy__.------- 337. 
little pickerele. 22s eee 173 
little red-eye__.-2-- 2282282 298: 
little roncador__...--+--_-- 249 
little;skates:. = <aseneomeaee 25 
little smelt________- 252 
little stargazer 385 
ittle.sunfish 222 304 
littleitunmy= ©). ee 258 
Mizas ite. Ae ee 253 
liza ojo de perdiz__-.--_---=, 254 
lizardfish® <5) 22s aes 163 
hzardfishess2 a 02) ase saaeee 163 
logide: 32-2 Saas 66 
lopfiishi = 5.5 =e sore 268 
log-perch =. 22. = 2h ee eons 
log merches. 2 5.1 ae 282 
long-eared sunfish_______ 299, 300 
long-finned albacore, West 
Indies. 22222225) see 260 
long-finned albacores______ 260 
long-finned sole____________ 228 
long-finned sunfish_-______ 304 
long-headed trout of Cres- 
cont. Lakex: . 2-2 2 sane 57 
longjaw=s-2. i eee 196 
Ontario): -4+ sae eee 63 
of Lake Superior___-..--- 64 
long-jawed goby_-_-.------- 444 
longjawsi-2-<¢ 5. oo eeeeee 195 
oyayeeoabbayefoy. < SUS. ~ 495 
long-mouthed minow---_-- J21 
long-necked eels______-.--- 77 
long-nosed dace___.--.---_- 139 
long-nosedigarwecesseeenee 36 
long-nosed sucker___._----- 106 
long-sealed sunfish______--- ©00 
long-spined seulpin__-__--- © 86 
long-tailed‘eat.. + -s222252e) eee 
long-tailed stingray__-.--- “8 31 
longtailshank- = sense snes 18 
longue. 5.9) 33. ees 59 
loOOkGoWn === oe eee 275 
lODOre Lee eee 434, 435 
Lost River sucker. _—=22222 108 
lou o2 =. 2 5 ee 496 
Lower California trout. —-- 59 
huekyiproaehe ase 286 
hump fish: 2-25 2 See 897 
Spinous. =2-2 =e 398 
lumpsucker_~...:-2--2-. 297, 399 
lycodes, arctice=cos=sase =e 476 
Gloudy-: =.= 82s). 5 eee 475 
halfnaked-2222 cs sree 475 
spotted’... - S62 eeases 474 
Wahltse 2-22. eee 474 
MAacapis..ds02e—- eee 39 
MACHhOu= ooo 5satae see eee ‘a 
machuelo- 3225.22 see 44 
MACH ULOLe ee eee eee eee 253 
Mackenzie River herring_- 62 
mackerel! Atkascc Jes ce 374 
panded... 2222s tees 279 
Day 2 ee ae ee 257 
black-spotted Spanish... 257 
Boston 257 
cChubiiees = as 258 
common 257 
Raster: S2pe8s shee 258 
{rigatey. 2s. ee sae 259 
MOTs. 2 ==. tee 270, 280 
Monterey Spanish-_..--- 257 
i110 eee eee Deze ees > 280 
snake. si isis seks oe 260 
SAD os acs cess neeeee 280 
SHapping= 22 lease seceeuene son 


List of common names of fishes occurring in check list—Continued 

Page Page 
mackerel, Spanish 324-2 257 bec(ielitets (ity See ee Pa 44 Mississippi (c:) e 
of eneland a CR (aS aeee e ee ee aE 44 | Missouri cavefish ____.-___- 
panikted <2 2 eee. 257| _Short-tailed_..__._..____- 44 | Missouri sucker_____---___- 
thimble-eyed Se 5, o58,| Henhadens-__--_-_ == 523 44 | missuckeke-kequock 
Linker: cepa oes 258 | Menominee whitefish_ iy ae ges 
wallow... co ae ey a ae estan gateoctasoneeceey 
Bess ane naan Ter 12 | mojarra almejero______-___- 
ok ni - fg Merde ee 310, 364 | mojarra blanca____-_..---_- 
eB cberl cease 7g| mibialote 28 103 | mojarra cantilena_-----.--- 
mickerol scales sane ae at 27g)| Seexican lamprey: -=--222-_ 9 | mojarra cardinal _-_----__.- 
uaiikercl chaskc. Sate 19 | Mexican mojarra___.-.----- 343 | mojarra china_______.-____- 
Serkorel clack’ 2 eee 19 | Mexican sailfish _--_.___.- 263 | mojarra de Casta_--_-____- 
= 74 | Mexican snapper ---------- 326 | mojarra de las aletas anaril- 
mackerels, Atka 374 Ripsicons nolo 230 Be 342 
xine of the_____ — Fit) je eat aie ee 18 | mojarra de las piedras_____- 361 
ead. sg | Michigan grayling-----.--- 66 | mojarra de ley_-__-.-------- 341 
ackinaw alg 345, | Michigan herring --_------- 62 | mojarra dorada-_------_---- 273 
nel ~------------- 943 | Midshipman___------ 487 | mojarra garabata____--___- 337 
ma peal: @S_----------- 379, 989 | Midshipmen 7 | mojarra negra_____._--- 416 
ma ate ~--------------- (9) 156 | Milkfish__-_---.- 40 | mojarra plateada______- 416 
ma 4 nin a = = 2-2 === --------- 155 | Milkfishes______.- 40 | mojarra prieta____....._-_. 330 
a OmS____~~------------ 397 | miller’s thumb 385 | mojarra raiado____________- 415 
ae Snapper__-----_- oy | ‘worthertit 222 2. --- 386 | mojarra verde__________-_-- 419 
ail ae one aa pala jan | ..sombhinen. 2 ~ 5205 253-2 Sn, INOARTAS. <8. none Ose cee 340 
iio Aun ans si bie 166 | Miller’s thumbs__----_----- 383 | mojarras blancas____-_._-_- 341 
makaiiki plora---------- ony | Pallas: 7 ee 191 | mojarras de rio____.._.----- 416 
ey a “a5: gaa £00 | Millpond chub__-.-___-_._- 297 | mojarritas__...-..--.-2-.24 340 
emia. eae 6] | Millpond flier_----.-_-..-.- S05) PmOjarcron---_o3s* acne aces 332 
Sa 90 Heupond perch. | <-- == Se Ue Ola a ie ee on IS 
pT) eee >~s-=-- 199 Mingo. 252 See eS mona. on? 22-2. = becbaes 278 
Mammoth Cave blindfish_ 195 Saale 28 Sean eee 3 mongolar drummer ____--_- 355 
SERRA ae Sen eee br minnow mongrel buffalo_._.___---.- 102 
man-eaters__-_-.....--..---- Athabaska monkeyfish 
man-eater sharks___-...__- 20! bigeye monkfish 
mangrove minnow~___.___- Le th) tl Al ee dil =f 9 | Montana grayling_-_.__.-- 66 
2 adele Salen oP oie 313, cq |  blackhead Monterey halibut_._._-._-- 223 
etniicd deca sh__--_-_- oR blue-lined 32 | Monterey roach___________- 122 
Seattaultn talithos.. 2.2: 64 oe nosed 4s “one Spanish mack at 
mManjua--_--_----.--.------- “ bronze moo-gad-ee._....--.---.-.-- 107 
wiieienia + = one e ee nn------- MN eae MOOnOYe-2-24.5 eo aepe ees 40, 64 
mManjuda-__-~-__--__-_____- bullhead acthern 222.32. 41 
man-of-war fish, Portuguese 268 chub mooneye cisco 64 
man-of-war fishes_-______-- 268) eastern mud MOOHAYOS-s. ae eee 
00 Be ee 82!) emeralds =: 3.552 123 | moonfish____.---- 
manta raia_____--.----..--- eal Matiipad Sec 2-5 145 | moonfishes_......-.--.----- 
manta raia colorado__.---_- 29! Holbrook’s top..---.-.-.. 185] Moorish idol. 
many-spined sunfish--__-- Nel LOST 7, an ae nA 23, 137 | Moorish idols 
JUIN A ace Se ae ee ee 436} Jeather-sided_....-------- Moose Lake minnow 
MISUOeeaensanaasca=— <5" 436, 440) jong-mouthed___..-_- 21 | moray, black 
WT Se eee 440| mangrove___..---.--- a f common spotted__......- 91 
rterbled rockfish___....-__- 314 Winoee - Spottedn 32 us. | sees 93 
Hi i es ee 503 1511) ee emer eapede, BS MOBY: O0ls.. sa. seoee ees 93 
costae}: aad ~=---------- 399 | Dorthern straw-colored... 134 | morays......-.--.-.------- 90, 91 
margate 7H 5d ETRE moremouth bream_..--.._. 302 
maria mole a 1 <a EE TREE a BE oe 5 | morena pinta.....-----.... 90 
marian. . = 439 | Pin....------.----------- morena pintita__..-.---.... 92 
maria prieta 516 | Plumbeus.........-...... morena verde__----.---___- 92 
mariposa__-------.--------4 é BUS Fa ooo rene He ee mosquitofish__.......---... 185 
— barred --...-...._.. 2 TL IRN moss bass 297 
DOO mann anna naan an é IBY ne as car SSS 3 | mossbunker-...-----------. 44 
eae lata ata tetaraa . e TOSYAA0G0. =. on oncc-- se mother-of-eels_....-...---.. 473 
Striped _--.-.-.-.-.---... SPL MONEE. = svc tpeiins mountain bass......--.--.. 305 
marlinspikefish aS eee . sheepshead __............ mountain mullet__.......-. 254 
mariinspikefishes --....._-. +63) — silver-mouthed_ mountain mullets___._____- 254 
TRAM EAMES cs oars 297 |  silyery__..._-. mountain sucker-____.----_- 104 
Marston trout _.........-.- 61 MOGs oS occsnacees mountain suckers__....-_ 104, 105 
Martin pescador___......-- 506 | spot-tailed___.....----_.. 32 | mountain trout_._......-___ 298 
Maryland darter- Boga) ie SPOSCAG sods oo nacann sane P PMoURenS: f sels eee 504 
masamacush............--. pol spotted-tall 2. cu... adds Mitid ‘baas.: 2 s2es8.. 297, 303 
IMAaSsKIMONgY ——--.-.-.-.---. 172] star-headed_........--.-- 178: mid blower u.s22225 220 5.825212 
i) LC eae ae ee 235 — steel-colored__--...----_- T2Gi SiN Cat 220 S530. 2ee 154, 155 
matajuelo blanco_.......... 356 |  straw-colored_.....---- 133, 134 | mud chub___..--.----.-- 117, 302 
matajuelo real_-_-........-. 39| striped mud______-_____- 174 | mud-creeper___..-.------_- 446 
pO ee 356 | sucker-mouthed........._ 142 | muddabbler_._...-.-.-.-.- 175 
UE Og as ee em 42 le eee ERIE 177}-178;186)); mud dabs.- sis 2.2205 226 
Maxinkuckee darter--..__- 284| variegated 181 | mudfish__--__.- 38, 192, 434 
Te a ae SaaS aie | TON GW SS. sooo dan dukes 112 | mud lamprey. ess 9 
ee SC tanehasseasie 112 am PES ee 174 | mud minnow--- . 174, B 
ss oe tein ay es pe 2 silvery.... 123 GAS OER 2c. yncadeatee ee ee 
McCloud River rainbow top. iy) Si ee Sy ALeAe- CBETIDOO. bees denace 174 
| on re 58 | minny bass 298 | mud minnows. --_.....--... 174 
Meadie’s darter............ 286 | misarkornak Aa i mad patrot. 5 cso. liseeeels 433 
MOCIAIGRS . oncc-cukascaie 358 | mishcuppauog_........-... So0)) 100d perch..o2..cossases 215, 303 
medium red salmon......... 4| Mississippi alligator gar-.... 38 | mud sucker..............-. 107 


List of common names of fishes occurring in check list—Continued 


Wihite Se s2-- 25-2258 109, 253 
muUletss-—--=— 22 eee se wF 252 
ING OL THO. = 222s nee 295 
mountain=s2--22=—-. 2 254 
BiTipedss. oi 3S. 252 
MILO: =~ 5=2-s2 neh Sse o= 253 
mummichog--_--_---_- 175, 176, 181 
MUMCCH =o 2252 Sete tS 360 
WUTCielAge-~_ 2 Ses 409 
muscalonge-.s--...=--28! 52 172 
muskallunge......-<.- 222 172 
muskellunge_-----_-______. 172 
Musquaw River whitefish_ 64 
muttonfish__-__-_--- 326, 342, 473 
Tiiy kiss 2s Seo ee 56 
NACCHYSN cat a8 = 3 -c ee 41 
Meroe 2 cosas oe 2. 2k 42 
NEKOA PODYj2c225---5-=.8225 446 
HamAaycush=..5-+--252s2-22 59 
namaycush salmon__-_-_-_- 59 
Nassau grouper_-_.-....--_- 311 
Wavarro roach. .-=-...-221- 121 
NeSdibHsn 2 =. aCe Slee. 
videdlefishes. 2-225 ie Be 
NURI Bs cee 
necronsh.... cbse 
Welson’sitrout.—- 522... 226 59 
Nelson’s whitefish. __-_.__. 65 
i ee ee ee ee eet ee 55 
New England hake = SIs 214 
Newfoundland shark_____- 14 
NIB W Eanes ae 304 
Niagara gudgeon__________- 139 
Niangua darter___....-_-_- 285 
THDD\Ch Ss. ee ee ee ea 424 
Miprerchub.2-a5-c <eee eS 146 
niggéeridick 2 —---- sees 5 146 
wiggerfish:-=..5.. Ness 146, 309 
niggerhead__-_-.._- Bee R10T 
MIGTOUG == ee s-nenea= ue 16 
THUG-BY OS. - oan seanee a aee 8 

nine-lined shanny_______-._ 462 
nine-spined sticklebacks_ 238, 239 

TUBSUSEULOUL.-5 5-5-2 ee 58 
northern barracuda_____-_-_- 255 
northern darter__-._______. 291 
northern miller’s thumb_.. 386 
northern pomotis__________ 302 
northern roach____________- 122 
northern straw-colored min- 

MIOWLE See ne eet en a 134 
northern striped gurnard_. 407 
northern sucker 106 
northern whiting 350 
North River shad___- 42 
Norway haddock ___- 363 
no-shee trout. 2-2 2 eee 58 
THERLO HIS 55 oe ee 27 
Tithe GuAark = <2 2 see 12, 22 
TINTS BUSTER. cc cesesscces] 12 

oceanic bonito-_-____ 
ocean pipefish 
ocean sunfish 

old England hake 
old Boge hake 

Ontario longjaw_---------- 

open-mouthed grunt 
Oquassa trout 
orange filefish 
orange rockfish- ___---_-.-. 
orange-spotted sunfish_-___- 
Oregon charr__------ 
Oregon sturgeon 

ouachita darter o2.22t.0 es 

ouatilibi espagnol RET ATI 
ovate pampano 

Pacific bonito 

Pacific salmon 
Pacifie volador 

pale river bass 

pargo amarillo 
pargo colorado 

pargo de lo alto 
pargo de raizero 
pargo guachenarigo__ 
pargo moreno 

FOSCDSCK = cceccweguncacese 

parrotfish 431, 433, 434 
bl 432 

pataot 2 ae ae Reis 
peacock flounder 
pealipisucker=- 722 3n2 

peche-peche____-..__._ 2-8 
péche prétre2o: sea eeoeee 
peck-nosed skate 

pegador-- 22222 ssaee es 

pelxe(carago=- 0 ae 

peixe fonda 24s ee 

POlAO Try s22 2552 seen e ee 

pélérin’=.- 22 Ss. ae 
Pensacola snapper--_______ 326 

DELGD wane eee 297-302, 304, 409 
i Aen 

bridge: ==) Sch aeaaes 304 
chain-sideds sae. seeee 301 
chinquapin__.___._ 299, 304, 305 
female: sia e ieee 302 
Hyings 22 eee 304 
POlG Cars Shi. aes 301 
PreOn = ee ee 297, 298 
lake.24--:63 eae eee 281 
OBE. ea ee 283 

Sand: -22 Ye eee 302, 305 


VeNOWie sue ee 281, 298, 299 

MerChe@s oss = soe eee ees 

uae Ee Ae aa 

perro perro 
pesca blanca sssss sooo ses ee 137 
pesca pavone-. .-.......-.-. 18 
pesca vermiglia_......_..___ 367 
pescadillo del rey________ 252, 354 
pescadito. 22): 8. sais 120 


List of common names of fishes occurring in check list—Continued 

Page Page Page 
pescado azul de dos colores. 414 | pipefish, ocean--....-.----- 243)| puffer__---=-------.---=- = 498. 499 
pescado blanco de chapala. 251| West Indian_------------ 241 aatess woe on nanan a === ms 
pescado blanco de chalso--. 250 | pipefishes_______.---------- NO es 497 
aaa pps san 348 | piper 7 P sharp-nosed__._.--------- 500 
Pbccios binnoeameehs 3e | Puget Sound pollack__----- 209 
pescados del rey...-------- 915 | Pug-nosed shiner-__------.-- 275 
pesce rey rey, 915 | Pumpkinseed - ------------- 302 
pesce tondo.-----.--------- 215 | Pumpkinseeds--___- oe 297 
iE eR TSS ee anny eee 181 
Ste equesiel tan 377 | Putnam’s darter_—_------ 285 
petite scie 2 te nage 98 Pyramid Lake trout---.--.. 57 
a ee Sie gory e 6 
pictons a6 hes Lao areas 256 | plumbeus minnow--------- 136 | Queenfish 353 
a aE Se 479 | Plumier’s pigfoot ---------- 370 | queenfishes 353 
pez de espada 23 e queriman 253 
pez de gallo..........------ Sar ee Mi aos Noemie 270 
ee Ee 247, 252 | po-he-wa...-.-.-.---------- aie wa-ennn---nnee--- es 
ST. aa een eee 371 | quillback buifalo.___-.----- 102 
penmigla | 2-o-- ---- 503 | poisson bleu. ....------ quinnat salmon__---..-.--- 55 
pez puerco-_____-_-- 492 | poisson de mareis..--.---- quisutsch------------------ 
= oy de piedra__- = poisson lune. _._. aM TS = lal ananneenn-n nee e--- 299, 302 
Jerra.-.--------------- Hole crappie: 2. 35 -25--Sea Oe [eet eo ae a ee 
ower tit Rit ok ESSE 18 
5 oh a aR ela rabbitfish......__-_- 261, 497, 502 
ite), ae ge ina iia 319 SUES ee rabbitmouth sucker___.---- 112 
STL] SO ea i 111 Povcet Sound...........22 pabirubia=--.--22 2-2 -saacney foal 
picked dogfish. ._-...-.---- 19, 21 eS EEE rabirubia de lo alto_. 320 
Toe: 4 DS eae arr ae Nees Brae Bee rabirublas. - - ~25---.4 327 
Rarrod Sess ee 2 173 | Pollacks......-------------- 09 | racoon perch._-....-------- 281 
pomfret__-------.---------- 4 radiated shanny--.-...---- 470 
pomotis, northern___- ragfish bay 269 
red-tailed-.__------ PgkEeiC ah ated 3/28 
3 ragtisnes...- 2.20 2 eee eeu 
pompano, Carolina-....--. rainbow darter____.....---- 291 
iP ee a ee ee pninbowfish. 22. a2s4.822 a5 191 
MOMIDONS:..-.---coacucksuse rainbow herring_.-.-.------ 67 
ponce prieto........--...-. 329 | rainbow trout_...-....----. 58 
pondfish, black-eared.... 299,301 | McCloud River_--..----- 58 
pond perch 302 of fish-culturists____..-.-- 58 
pin ee ee ie 335| yellow-...-.- 907 |rainfish...--------------2--. |180 
pigfoot, Plumier’s__-_------ 370 | pond smelt 6g | rainwaterfish.---....-----. 175 
pigmy NN a eee 386 BOUDRY s osono So 205 365 
pigmy sunfish. -.-_....-.-- 305 poppyfish 266 365 
i le DES 0) bo Bs ee 305 SwMHIANGI 3 ifn 19 33 
pike, American___.__..._-- 178 '|""mackerel:.. 0. me eee 19 256 
ee ee ee 282 Kouiates 2). 7. 19 rat-tail, common___-...-.-- 205 
common gar_..____.--.-- 36 | FOrbeagies.- .....---------= rat-tallic gees) oeeeee 202 
A 8 eae 173 porcupinefish - Se tetataate OO | waven; S6a.<: £2822 sss 
* RET, LE A gs2| hairy---..-.------------- 501 | Rawson Lake herring 
t 172 | porcupinefishes---..---.---- 501 | ray, bishop_.....---------- 
great northern.._._------ 173 | porkfish----..-.-.--.---..- B62 bee DMGF.- -.-.~2-22eseaeass 
een __ 77 77772173 | porgies_....-------.-----=-. S00 tei Bntterfly... 2... 5<~.0-222 
meyeibiclasy sti as) eee 196 | Porgy-------------------- OA DAG Ve Clear’. 2805. eee 
Sacramento.__________- 114] §fass.--..---------------- Gon |); ‘Cow-nosed22.2022.--22 6. 
o> One aera oe 982} jolt-head.........-------- 336] hedgehog-.......---.---- 
Sse. 196}. littlehead ._--.-..-.--..<- BAG WRlahV at -222. 30-5 ee 
wall-eyed............_.-. 2&2} littlemouth-------..--.-. O50 |e ORS tN <4 .5 2358 ea Boe 
yellow.....--..-....-..-. 22] red-----.-.---.---------- 337] shark....------ 
pike minnow_.-_------.--- 175 | saucereye 336 | sharn-nosed___- 
pike perch......___.-_...-. 282| Shad---.... 337 | small electric 
pike perches, American... a8 pi nose a FAYB.- ---=----neo-nonnanm-~ 
OC Ca a ie BADIO oo ak 
pikes. ‘ io 2S ea ie 172| speckled 337 aertis We hie se 27 
RTT 36| three-tailed--.....--.-.-. 358] thick-tailed_..._._..----- 23 
pilot, Dinteee ses. toot sok 413 | whitebone----....--..-.-- 337 | whip-tailed..........--.- 28 
oe | se ee 413 opal enselgne......s2zea55 $62 | razorback......-...--.22<L- 305 
Pr ee er a Ee Oe SS 415 | Porto Rican anchovy ------ 51 | razor-backed buffalo--_---- 102 
SNe eee ea Se Oe 2 sucht Sa co esa babiea es 360 | razorback sucker__._--.---- 108 
Pith sss. s2-c 65, 278, 279 | Portuguese butterfly__--.-- 359 | razorback suckers__-_------- 108 
339 | Portuguese man-of-war fish. 268 | razorfish......-----.------- 
45" | POBSUIM YAY220.- ossssaueee aR byt yi re oe 
337 LCPORE OE sc W222. feedine Yea) swordfish... .s<s82<- 
447 | Potomac shad--.-..-...--.. PO0) Gay. 22 Ue esasse et 
54 | pout, horned___....... red-bellied bream 
With MUMNOW. Lis cc ESL SS. 109 | pouts, horned._...........-. red-bellied dace___....---..- 
pinous dory........-...-.-- 976 | prick. 222022. anedaed red-bellied robin perch..... 299 
py) ae ST COSTE 257 | prickly bullhead.--......-- P|} 299, 300, 302 
Pi ne SEC 415 | prickly skate____. TOODTOOSE 3.2 aananaeee 299 
DAAION os ll att san 414 | priestfish................... 365 | redbreast bream........--- 299 
pt || eae: EES 241 | puddingwife-............... 496 fed dftim ..-...2.ssssusuee 348 
CORIMNOR veanweweiaesasan M2 | PUdIENO. 2. ocak panuaawweod ASG ed GYMS. . .ccuwccsncceaawe 348 
| a oe ape 240 | pudiano verde.........-... co he: a 208, 302, 303 
PG Bei stédunwrdtwascca 242 | puerco espino...........-.- 501 IGG: \ AS. Jcwewseameweee 299 


List of common names of fishes occurring in check list—Continued 

Page Page Page 
red-eyed bream-_---------- 303 | robalito de las aletas ama- nose troutss=2. 6 4easeeees 59 
red-eyed sunfish _-------- 3009803)|| nea soa eee Ross’s arctic salmon--.-_..- 60 
redeye mullet_...---------- 954 | robalito de las aletas prietas. 306 | rosy dace-_--_-------------- 121 
redeye perch..-.=.-===----- 803 WrODslOn= see eee eee — 305, 306 | rosy-faced minnow--------- 124 
Ted fallfish = 22-522 72 See 127 | robalo prieto_..------------ 306 | rosy minnow-------.------- 123 
Tedtini st! =2 see ees 128, 131 | robalos_____---------------- 305 | rotgut minnow------------- 146 
compresse TOD een sacae = 299;302)| rough back=._----===-seeaee 227 
redfish___----- Carolina__-.------------- 407 | rough silverside___--------- 248 
pile ha Ee fiying_.-..--.----=-<----- 409)\roundibass=- <2 eee 304 
California__-_-- TOON peNCD eee sede aes 299, 302 | round basses_-------------- 304 
red goatfish____-- red-bellied_-..----=------ 299 | round buffalo__-...-------- 102 
red grouper__------ TOCK Sere 8 eee ee ee 307 | round herring_--.---------- 46 
red guativere TOCKSDASS ne ocean ee 297, 298, 317 | round herrings------------- 45 
red'thakeaeecee eee common 303 | round pampano-__-------- 276, 277 
red-headed bream southern 303 | round robin____------------ 270 
red hind 224-432. - hed rock basses 303 | round stingray_.----------- 
TEdhorso Niece eS rock beauty 361 | round sunfish____---- weal 9304. 
big-toothed rock cod, black and yellow. 369 | roundtail_____------- ee eae! 
Commons ses eee We black-banded __---------- 370 | round whitefish___.-------- 65 
Gast Onn soe ane see ie oe ce brOWDee = sce ae eon e eee 369)\|;oussetteSs.-2+ ose a-neeees 11 
ee headed flesh-colored _------------ 369 || rowalete: 20. 22. nee canes 248 
exass.- x2) eee es yellow-backed--_--------- 369 oVettOmaccc2cnek cece eae 261 
perereeith buffalofish_---_-- 102| yellow-spotted_-----.---- 369 | roval silver trout____------- 56 
redmouth grunt___--------- 331 | rock cook -_---------------- 424 | rubio volador___----------- 407 
red-mouthed grunt_-------- 335 | rock cooks. ..-------------- 424 | rudderfish__-__-- 266, 268, 279, = 
redunullet-s- eee 111, 343 | rock cusk-__---------...--. 385 | handed 
red narrobtishe ee eee 499)|\nockfishto=-—-—--—=— 176, 283, 305, black 
red perch: = 22-24 40- 25S 299, 300 307, 311, 313, 315, 456, 461, S61 rudderfishes 
TOO POLES = Se 337 | Dblack_.------------------ black 
"Od TOCKNSH 2s =_2. 2. 25-8 368 DIO WDles 2. nee eee aes os ruff 
red rock trout_--_---------- STAN Se STass. 2 Soa So ae ane 369 | unner__.-_- 
red roncador-_.------------- 348 | grassy ground---_-------- 320) | (ern yiv oe ee 
red roncadors._._...------- 348| marbled-_--------------- B14 \ |p. actanicat seen 
red salmon, medium_------ 54| orange__----------------- 365 | ravetto 
2 sculpine 22s 22 es 381 red__ Re aE He 
red seafish=-22 ese ae 363 Spottedees=22=--=-- ee 6) : 
red-sided bream....-.---_- 118| yellowtail.__--.---------- 36t; | (Sebel <- 7 a aael sD 
red-sided shiner____-------- 120 | rockfishes__...----------- 363, 364 ee Qa naa w ani ei oo aed ’ 
red snapper- iste BON 206) rock hind” 2202-22 208, 309, 310 envi bene neeenaa en aaeanoas ee 
red-spotted sunfish..---... 300 | rockling-------------------- 208 Canes ange ates 22 
red-spotted trout___-------- 61|  five-bearded------------- 208) ee isgchas! 23. oo 373 
red sturgeon. -_------------ 35) |)) four-bearded.. 222 Sse 200) [Seo e ee ee ane eae 177, 302, 304 
red sucker. ...2..-<--: 106 Silvery. nc etne soe see a eee anes sac-a-lait_.--.-------- Ww 154 
red sunfish_......---------- 999 |  three-bearded___-_------- 9208 | Sacramento cat. ----------- ee 
red-tailed balao_____------- {09 rocklings=-/21 es: sca Pie eee 203 | Sacramento chub-__-------- 

red-tailed bream 299 five-bearded____--_------ 90g | Sacramento perch i SS aoe 
red-tailed pomotis--------- 299 four-bearded____-_-------- 909 | Sacramento pike_---------- 11 

redtail snapper__--_-------- 327 three-bearded___ a 903 | Sacramento River salmon_- 55 
red-winged gurnard____-_-- 407 | rock pigfish__--__- ~ 407 | Sacramento squawfish - -__- 114 

red-winged sea robin__----- 407 | rock salmon__--------- ~~ 980 | Sacramento sturgeon____--- 34 
Pale ea er EE 368 | rock sea bass__.------------ 318 | Sacramento sucker____----- 106 
POO el LE oh ate 449 | rock shellfish__.-.---------- 496 | Saginaw Bay herring ------ 62 
Tandinni oh oe oe 2s ceeds 448 | rock sunfish_--...---------- 304 | saibling, American__------- 60 
white-tailed_____--------- AAQN ROCK: trGUise eee ee 373 | salgneur-_------------------ 362 
BIDOAS 2. ee ee Adgh| Mey ed aa Pee 2s ee eS 374 | sailfish__------------------ 
roquiem es 225) t= 15 | Rocky Mountain bullhead. 384] Florida------- 
ryote | 1 ae a res OE A 15 | Rocky Mountain whitefish. 65| Mexican------ 
RORCACIO 2 cee ee eee ee S70 (ROME! One sre soe= ee eee 278 | sailfishes_-.--------- 
Tp acre) ee ee Hogi TONCACOTSes-ae a eone teens 348 | sailing sucker 
mibboniish=22-ees24-6- 228 2249659) pnlithle sess soeet eons 349 | sailorfish_...---------->---5 
ringed perch___.___-------- S18 \eMed essen tee ee 348 | sailors’ choice_------- 329, 335, 337 
Rio Grande trout___------- 57| yellow-finned____-------- 350 | salema------------------- 338, 339 
river bass__.._----------- 297, 298 | roneador raiado---------- 330, 331 | salmichi------------------- 132 
Dales thio eee eee 997, | roncadores..-.-----2222220~ 344 | salmon_-------------------- 54, 55 
spotted! pace ee DORN ered ee aun ese see 348 | blueback----------------- 55 
streaked-cheeked_____---- 908 || TONCOL uae soe ane eee 346 | calico------------------- 54 
river carp, blunt-nosed__--- 103 | ronco amarillo. --.--------- 330 | chinook------------------ 55 
common: <2... eee 103)’ TOnCO ararA- os. -.n2eeen eee 330| coho_-..----------------- 54 
river /Chube ce S225 eee 137 | ronco blanco_-_------------- 329 | Columbia River--------- 55 
Hiver drams see a 352 | ronco carbonero_--_--------- 330 | common Atlantic-------- 56 
river lamprey-...---------- g | ronco condenado-____------- SET teres (ay eee eee 54 
river lampreys--..---------- Pilisoncodina.2/2yas at veeeee 349 Fraser, River-_--.------=- 55 
rivey minnow--...--------- 176 | ronco grande-.-..>_--------- 330 14 Y0Y0) 09 (6 Peper ee Se 4 54 
Miverpieren so). .6. oo ee 981) lironco. prieto..-----c.-sueeee= 329 Num pDaCkas ssa eee ie 54 
river perches.....-22) 2522 981 | ronco ronco..-..------------ AB0\li@ejack= + 2-2 eaeeee eee 282 
Fiver SHCKOLs Leeks - == PU heOnCOSsa 25252 ee ee 329 IDG ot so eee es eee eee 55 
river sunfish _-_------ 990)\|'rondanin =: 2-2 eeeews = 265 ring of theless 2 ssseneeee 216 
river trout-. 22-22. O89 TONG UL oasa eae eee oe 452 lanidlocked_.2-2--se-=ee=e 56 
roach .2e2ousss 115, 299, 302, 305 | ronquils___-...------------ 451 We kalcet ssee. cee ee eee 54 
harlatuin oss 24 302 a 59 meditimireds2.e-5-2==eee 54 
Monterey. sss22e2 a 122 280 | Namaycush-------------- 59 
Navarro. 5... ee 121 102 Pacific. ee eee eae 54 
morthern..-2 552-5 sca eeees 122 ABO Minin a8 2s sees ese eee 54 
Werlus ss 6 soca 199) l\nosefish’...--2--ccoseaubee 363 Guinnateeseeese ea seeeeeae 55 
FODAINGOSS: 225 osesacecee ae 306 | rosefishes_.....-......-2--- SABM ATOCK cc cn seee leeeee eee 280 


List of common names of fishes occurring in check list—Continued 

salmon, Ross's arctie______ 60 
Sacramento River-_-_-__- 55 

salmon-formed growler_____ 207 
Saimon shark. 5222-2. 12>" 19 
Salmon tronte-»<- + east 58 

WeaMenat iA = 2/2 se 56 

of Lake Southerland____- 57 
paLt-water gar. =2 1... <2. -7> 196 
salt-water trout_____._.___- 355 
San Bernardino trout_____- 59 
sand conger:...-=--.......- 454 
eset hyee he 2S ee 222 
meeeeriers 608 oa. 287, 288 
IGE «ec rr 289 
San Diego sole______.______ 231 
TUN lS Nee 164 
CS UNG ae ela a aes . 451, 485 
sand lance 

sand lances 
sand launce 
sand launces 
sand perch.__..._..__.__- 302, 305 
sand pigfish____-__....___._ 407 
TE a Se aa 282 
TO OS ac aa ae ara’ 215 
RULTOUETS So =- 214 
CG) ea aa eas 19 
BEOTIGIRMAY ES 522.2 > oe 19 
sand stargazers__...________ 454 
sand sturgeon______________ 35 
Sand sucker... ...- =... 109, 350 
bh a 39 
EGR (1 350 
San Pedro fish___._..______ 216 
MND Satie a wi ic ers 486, 487 
i 48, 98, 249 
sardina blanca_____....___. 1 
Sardina bocona_.._._______- 50 
Sardina de espafia_________- 43 
sardina de ley_._.__.__..... 43 

pj li Se ar 129 

24°99 34 

Page Page 
SCAM ere be oe LY PSOR UT Ge. gen ee SL 272 
Schogimaster.- =. 2225 325 | Seneca Lake herring__ 2 62 

Schuylkill cat. 2.2. es 154 | Seneca Lake smelt__ 3, oe 
scirenga_______ asap INOS SORNGG=..eese fs toe 
SCDEDUHIIEN >to. Ae SY (| Gta # C0) a 7 Ue RE 427, 428, ee 

NCOEDOHG= 28 55. - sae SVU SONLORELAS 55-5, 9 ee 428 
ReOrping Ss]. 295 Lay 371, 487 | seran imperial____.__._____ 370 
scorpionfishes_____________- 363) | Sergeantfish. -_ === .-=2=.- 281, 305 
RenwHSh 5 2s Sage aes 261 | sergeantfishes____....._____ 281 
Soc) ae aS 1 Deere oe Bis] Serr... 22 LS 171 
ROU OS ee SNe G8 Serransers = 422 a ee 353 
black sees t: tees 387 | serrana hispafia___________- 353 
rng ee oe a ee SRG Serrano +... 2-222 ks 2 318 
[cies ee SS eee Bod | IPouseles at. 2 Ai an aed Ae 305 
CORTON Se Fer ss oe6 | Sesi-de loglto...~--- 22a) 326 
Gadiige= oy Sa ea 387 | shad_-._........._ 42, 103, 304, 341 
eighteen-spined_________- 386 Alabama = >see 43 
European 386 American 
great =. Sik 7 joy caste pee ee 
lake-.- 389 common 
long-spined 386 Connecticut River 
PlemMy 2. ee oe 386 At? Ss BR SA Bee 
2 a anaes ee 381 hickory..-<-22. 
oC) ee eae 381, 393 Worth River _._-°°_.208| 42 
sculpins, scaled-_-........._- 375 of Lake Champlain eae 64 
Sealelesss 225 2s Paes 383 Ohio e252. 2S Oe 42 
GGATGS Sone tae eS 386 Potomad:-22. keen sae es 42 
VON. 2 -nsssls ees 115 
shad lamprey s-*2 22 <2. 8 
SUNG Ore yen eee ees 337 
SHACWRILGr... sasae agen 65 
shads, gizzard. --_ 2 ease 46 
Shanny, 08e's:_2.5 secs 462 
MIMe-Hned. 35 ee ee 462 
PAGIALGH: 2 ek was 8 470 
506 | Shark, basking---.--_--_._. 20 
265 DAY! coe cc pds ee 15 
265 DOnO I. , Seb 5e 8 ea 20 
LU Soe Se as er ee Pree ponnethead. <2. 22255. 28 17 
Rea Cabos. = 2 sie e oe 148, 149 Dramble.. <i ..s.ceees le 22 
sea catfishes es 10 
7 | ee a ‘ i y 22 
MOCO VIINe 22d : 14 
Aa i Se aS 16 
RP CONTIG oo Ss ee , 21 
OC. See ae eS eens 21 
seafish, red 15 
sea fox.-_-_- 11 
sea goldfish 15 
Bealiorse: = - 52...” ee 13 
common American 16 
SPONOISEG 8. bt Use. 18 
sea lamprey, great__._..._. 8 eae. et aan OSLER 20 
Me ne ot ae ba 350 fish vc... Pes Eee 18 
Nee Tantlet.. «4h ed oe 350 LOK se. 2 A Lea 18 
BOG Owed =: bess i 397 fresh-water oc icsues 220256 16 
Ree Derchi 2 Js2A ye es. dae 307 Shy 5. 221. Js LEER aoe 15 
No) a eS Ne 196 great blue... .f28e222. 222 17 
Sea poacter.... 32. 2seu2 395,397 | hammerhead_............ 18 
Speponchore. 52 0. 5.2 393 leonard). 22- eee 23 -cbee 14 
Hiei HORST SS ote: oa 25 little bullhead’#) 2.4 Ss 22 
Sea TAvEI - =. oo er 269, 393 longtail...... .. eoelSes 18 

CL, a ae ee 
Gk ee a ee 
BPA RODIN 6. Sos oc ae 
Onnalings. 35260053 
111) 1 a Rae Se Sa ‘ 
red-winged____......._... 407| sharp-nosed.......-...... 14 
small-scaled.............. 407 shovelhead__.._...-.._._- 17 
BpOLtOdis tcc 1 eee 407 shovelnose,.. 5-252 18, 19 
Ct OE STN 407 shovel-nosed__.-..-._.._. 11 
web-fingered__.__________ AQT W ROEDER oe Eb Sane snes 22 
SU LGUINS. |. eter. ek 407 Biiall blue sects eieeee 16 
OER Snel Ge ee oe ee SSi| SOU p-ON yi cent Ueno. 14 
SOd CIAO ees Fe BOO! PPOLLEd 2 co succii eee 14 
OE es B00 400i) P'SWell, sconce we St See.. 12 
Bisi pod 2 ete et PUOFNDACK <<. 25. 2E 21 
Spi atiatis sao ok. oo BOO Y PROP aoe ea seose es kS 14 
Bd trOnt See i BBG |) Whe lets Jaen noe ocean 18 
BOCCGIS S eouerek teow sk he BBS || Pe Whetles oben itwesseloeele 16 
seaweed blenny_ oo AOL WO Les L wiuukbinnsaasona 16 
sea whitefish___ eeu, | SUBLK PllOtss..aubeuwcosewone 279 
Sebago salmon............. BG) Sint P89 = sos sxatawadanace a 22 


List of common names of fishes occurring in check list—Continued 

qharks~ = 222s: =50-5-25-c-26 10 | silverside minnow 
ao ee oa 99'| sitwerside@S=- 2 .----o= 
pasking 205. 26225-2222 DO |‘silver trouvees ona--22noo-e 

pram plense ss cessor 22 TOVAles eee eee 
bullhead_.._.--------_--- 10 | silver whiting-.------------ = 
11; | silvery garssss se ease 196 | snake mackerels 261 
11 | silvery hairtail___---------- 262 | snap mackerel------------- 280 
3 | silvery minnow---------- 132, 143 | Snapper-.---------------- 280, 363 
20 | silvery minnows----------- 123} Bermuda silk_----------- 326 
17 | silvery Eockaing Be Sa aL te Se eae oo= 2-222-722-2227 a4 
Sinpinghshee ot o2 202 eSB ABT) (AC 0R 2a eae ann 
20 | single-bearded flyingfish.... 201] 8taY--------------------- 325 
12 PSirapome: bales a2 ee ee 447 TRIG see eee eee ee 327 
AON GisGo wel. ue ec us=secceesos 60 MahOsan Ye -———o see 327 
pleeper 222 eee DNillichkate es -5 "4 2e-2 ese 25 INANCTOVOs2--- == eee 313, 325 
tectospondylous --------- 21 barnd00r-=2<<scs--222220 25 IMiexi¢aness == == neeeena— 326 
thresher2- 22...25--5-25— 18 Hobtalledo.k2t SL ee 25 Pensacola 326 
11) ee eee eene erin 11] Galifornia big__----.----- 96:| Yed---2------------=---== 326 
WHal@l = neenn= =n 18| Galiforniacommon_._--. 26| redtail 327 
Sharksucker 5-2-2 ena 448 clear-nosed-.22-226.22ce=- 5 sili: Sao aoe 326 
sharp-finned flyingfish __--- 200 COMMON S22 Sears 25, 26 West Indian 326 
sharp-nosed flyingfish__---- 199 NiGilos cee ee 95 | Snappers 324 
sharp-nosed puffers _------- 500 peck-nosed_...----------- 95 | snapping mackerel__-----.- 280 
sharp-nosed ray------------ DLICKIY oe oe eee 25 | snipe eel-_------------------ 83 
sharp-nosed shark--_-- SWInMGE. =. fs. See 95 | snipe eels. ..-.. -------=---- 83 
selena goDY<=.--- 2 Wintel. =... 4s<ce. eee 25 Soee oe 2 eee a 
BHOCHUWG2ee oa anno ea dae snipefishes ----------------- 
sheepshead..------.----- skates..-.----------------~ 10,28 | snipnose mullet. ----2------ 268 
ake___.--.--------------- gicilfishes. 2.2 _-222--cccsmeee 373 | SMOOK-_-- ------------------ 305 
three-banded ____-------- skimback_ ‘ 103 | SMowy grouper------------- 311 
sheepshead minnow-.------- skipjack ~~ 4 197,251, 259, 279, 280 | Snub-nosed eels. ----------- 78 
sheepshead porgy---------- skip mackerel-....---. 7” ogo | soapfish__---------------- 163, 316 
sheepsheads_-_-.------------ skipper cose doen 197 | black-------------------- 316 
shellcracker-...------------ ai ppick 2. cedasincenee ee 196 | Soapfishes_----------------- 316 
SHOMOSDo=-=a2se--cee ann —— pkittle dar? 202 sense 19, 21 | Sobaco------------- 492 
cS ROR “ASS ang | Settle O08 ------72727 To ga | SODBROS=-----75 492 
sheppy argentine_--------- 73 | sleeper__.------- 435, 436, 440 | Sockeye salmon----- = 55 
shielded darter___-_-------- 283 I's catrined: <. 2.2.20 ’ ” 436 | Soft-rayed fishes 39 
shiner=<--==.= TiS, 198; 198 WOO AGO ee ene ea 435 Soldad0w 22s 2e eae eee 235 
plunt-nosed._..---------- Hol eter hak eee 59 | Soldierfish___.-.-----------; 291 
goldthread.....-.-------- G16) creer charke 3 uss ceeme 5} | soldierfishes-..-.-------- 234, 235 
Ue eee 121 edoe halfbeak MMA S 198 sole, American.------------ 229 
PUP-NOSeG.- == ---=<=---== 275 | Simefish eRr ree oS, oo 8 Galiforniae]-22=-eses==—ee 222 
rye Eo Us or 120 slimer Ae OEE 5 487 gray --------------------- 228 
SINGS seen eee a ee =a 132 sli ery dick ria is Raa? 426 485 Jemon-..--------------=--- 228 
i) eS ee Ree G B38 | eye aes ces eae 597 | Jong-finned_------------- 228 
swallowminnow --------- 183 | Soon Hina Iara prayi ee! g| Mexican...-------------- 230 
piningbass.2—----—<——--——— 304 amiall plindilsh:...</2 ames 195 TCX oo os mee ee eee 228 
shoemaker-. =. 2--=====+-- 274, 279 | small blue ein]: eae 16 Sani Diegor-------=-.=—— 231 
shore whiting__---.-------- Boll enol cabfishots ne non Seeene 154 SOMiKa ee to aren eee 56 
short barracuda-_----------- 255 | small devilfish _------------ 39 | Sorcerers-_--.-------------- 82 
ahort-finned roach. ..-2sser ¥122'| ceri aainhinienneccnn nana 265 soup-fin shark | 14 
short-headed redhorse- ----- 111 97 | Soursap-------------------- 501 
short-nosed gars____-.------ 37 300 South American catfishes-. 156 
short-nosed sturgeon--.---- 34 180 southern chub------------- 277 
short-tailed menhaden _---- 44 102 southern flounder---------- 
shovelhead shark __---.---- 17 ggg | Southern miller’s thumb.-. 385 
shovel-nosed shark__------- 11 407 | Southern mooneye- -------- 41 
shovelnose shark-_-_--------- 18,19 | cmear dab 228 southern porgy ------------ 336 
shovelnose sturgeon-------- 36.1 coneardabal oie c eee 998 | Southern Militerseeeeaseeaa= 498 
White. ~----<-55----=--=== OS: Genego 2 Bee 132, 143 | Southern rock bass.-------- 303 
shovelnose sturgeons- ----.-- 35 ‘American aa ke Carag "67 southern stingray ---------- 28 
Shumard’s darter__-------- 285 California Binnie! aaa 959 | Southern striped gurnard.. 407 
A a eee oS 257 abessicontics.... seme 67 | Southern toothed herring --- 41 
sieving! _-s--2s=--s25--s-=== 257 Raeriniae “Ni hak See ee gg | Spadefish - - ..------------- 36, 358 
Ae ¢ 257 Kodiak ata tee aay Ee 67 | Spaniard.-----------------; 257 
Oy Pte 1 Ie 2 ee ee 196 Eee ee 952 Spanish Page sas _--- 308, 368 
silk snapper---.-.---------- 326 tS ioe as eres 5 gg | Spanish flags__.------------ 308 
jai (i a a $06 | fe arn eee 3rq | Spanish hogfish ...-..------ 425 
Mlver PASS ocees sacks 305, 307 Sinaia nies suenaeee 62 | Spanish ladyiishiecese=<ane 425 
MIVGNCALD occke ce deateres 108 eee a cao ee 67 | Spanish mackerel /=-_=-2- 257 
silver chub. _)...<.--2222- 117, 137 RV AIEOEuL ect ce toe 67 black-spotted--.-.------- 257 
PS (ry 1 i ee Peed 129, 132 ie mingow 2.) oe 143 Monterey oe san seee eae 257 
silverfish.......--- 39, 214, 248, 262 | Smelt pr ap Sa 13> | _ of England_.-.----------- 252 
hair-finned.........------ 275 smelt shiner --------------- 66,67 | SParada..-.--------------=- 4a 
SVEr PAlohesiss~ccnncnbzee 196 amelie mm een mn nnn nanan anna , 87 | spawneater---------------- 132 
allver Nake ss2))=<22.--ceus3 214} ghost-------------------- 67 | SPearfish...---------------- 103 
silver jenny_...------------ 341 | Surf.--------------------- BAS lack. 2 22s as. oscars 263 
silver lamprey ------------- g | smooth blackfish_.--------- 424! true, of Japan_-.--------- 263 
silver-mouthed minnow.... _ 142| Smooth cabezon-_---------- 390 | spearfishes__.-------------- 263 
silver perch.. 304, 305, 307, 340, 345 smooth dogfish_---.-------- 13 | spearfish sucker_----------- 450 
silver salmon_-__-_--..------ 54 | Smooth-headed sardines... 43 | spearing, ground_----.----- 163 
glivarside: ==) 122-2 ee 947 | smooth hound -_----------- 134 @neck-.ssceeseecees Ceo Ti 
brook £2 ccecce oes 951 | Smooth puffer_------------- 497 | speckled bass-------- ~ 305 
fresh-water__...-.-------- 247 | smooth sardine--_---..----- 43 | speckled hen_---------- 297, 298 
FOOGNS2 2 co ene ncer os aaee . 2481 smooth swellfish-........ .. 4971 speckled hind--.-....--- teak OL 


List of common names of fishes occurring in check list—Continued 

Page Page Page 
speckled perch_..-....-___. 304 | stickleback, four-spined.... 239 | sucker, May__-_-_-.------- 112 
speckled porgy-__-------.._- Sari) mane-spined-5 2-2-2. 28 239 IMISSOUFIR== = oa a eee 102 
speckled trout_--.-----..__ 60\listicklobacks.- --=5225-2 2225 237 mountain 
of Lake Crescent__-_-____ 57 MINnG-SpIN6G = 2. = 402 e 238 INE ey te ae tees ee 
Jip 78 eS ae 255 | stingaree northern 
ToL ee I es 2 ee 282 | stingray - pealipe 2222. 22222202 
spinous dory....----------- 276 California__ rabbitmouth 
spinous gurnard_------_._. 407 | long-tailed_ razorback 
spinous lumpfish__---_-___- 398 rondo eR SS ee io ee 
rd ert alae eee ba a teen Sa ao=aame n= =n 
Bhs shee So et spotte Tramento__ 
spiny dogfish ---__.--- 21 pice 155 SE Sailing - ___ 
spiny eels_____.._..- 75 | stingrays sand____- 
split-mouth sucker__ 112 | stit-tse spearfish 
Scie ree PMO etanktshilelo sole 2 en split-mouth 
ae alent See eee aug | Stone bass oe gg Sagar iia 
=F ace era RR aT SAT SUTRA nhe ee a a EE RT TN | il ca ica a 
white lalate 339 ATI: Cote es 3 oe Oe Fa 155 sturgeon 
spottail_____- _---=---------- 348 | stonelugger__-------------- 107| Sweet...--..--..------.-- 
spot-tailed minnow --_--__- 132 | stoneroller 107.146 | Swordfish 
spotted balloonfish__...____ 502 | stonerollers.._........... , 146 SPANOS soos Sis. fae ee 
CLG Sot eis ae eae 297, 348 | < Teoh t=: (ees ore ae, 7 Wenig) sas = Se 
sunted a * 599 | Storer’s chub... ..-..-..--.- 137! Shite 
ie ae alte Biren. 20) eee Wd BUD gop ege ee 
ca cab illa----------_- a strawberry bass_.....---- 302, 305 ei ae 
spotted codling eet aes 213 Strawberry perch. -------.. suckerdle te. 2... ote 
spotted cybium...________. 257 straw-colored minnow --. 133, 134 suckermouth buffalo Babine 
spotted-finned sunfish_.-.. 304 oe a river bass. 4 sucker-mouthed minnow... 142 
ee oC eign ae har ee oP striped anchovy -- 48 wee Ger See wee Pa, a 
spotted jewfish —----------- 312 mr — ---2-neeenee-- 297, at Eeatsioatied 202 ann 
Spotted Iycodes.-----------494| striped grunt". 0,382| Parone ----277777777"* 108 
Spotted minnow..--...-.-. 149|tribed gurnard, northera.- 407 | sydksh ovo 8 
Poommones-seowssscas. 91 Striped mariin---<-72-2-. 268 | Bacto perch 304 
pe obh oe vasa annnan=esaan= 305 strined en aang eet aa sukkegh salmon.......----- 55 
spo ie a) rr 298 riped muuet....-.......- sw] oe | a. 
aarti rockfish_......___. 367 | striped mullets__......-.--- 252 | Summer flounder_.....-.--. 224 
spotted sea robin___.-.____- 407 | striped sea robin_...._.---- 407 | summer herring_-....------ 42 
spotted sea trout_....-____- 355 | Striped sea snail 400 aes pri paedemces=-n~= to 
spotted shark__._........_. 14 | striped sieeper_......--.--- 436 | Sunapee trout-__....-.----.- 
spotted shiner_____________ 138 | striped sucker__- 1G) 'eririnishics. Meee 2 oe: sae 
spotted snake blenny-_.._._._ 469 | striped surffish__ 411 115, 274, 275, 298-304, 495, io 
spotted squeteague_________ 355 | studfish.__..._...- 179 banded 
pa a eset RES 454 | sturgeon, common-- or Lee tanyb crave =) ee a 
spo Biingray. 2.2.4... 30 GOH nGn: ncvccoamencneee g-mouthe 
spotted sucker__.......-- 107, 109 Biatne- Se Lt. 35 big-riosed 2225s lee 299 
spotted suckers____.-._____ 109 (21 Ge ess See 35 PDO coos es 2 eee ee 302 
spotted sunfish___.._..___- 304 NOONE Seca ee eae 34 black-banded .......-.-.. 303 
spotted-tail minnow -----__ 129 TRG ae ene oe oe ees 35 MInCK By OL 33-2525 seas 298 
spotted tront—— 2." == 2.2. 305 Sacramento... = 553-4. 34 black-tailed_.=--...=..-.- 300 
of Lake Southerland____- 57 rt A ne Ree Le a 35 TOGH Senet cose se Sze. 300 
—— ee eos eee = rede a JSS Jeawentee = tee no on eae 298, 301 
spo weakfish: .......... 55 BHOVEMIONO. 3 odode cence 5 ue-and-green.........-- 298 
Pe 44, 51 Witte) oe oes ee secre 34, 35 blue-mouthed___......-_- 301 
tee 385 white shovelnose___..---- 35 blue-spotted__.....---- 298, 304 
spring salmon__.........-.- Lg LD a 1, ae ee ea 33 PRONG Utacetsscacavensake 300 
squaremouth--_-.»......... 112 | ~shovelnose__..........--- 35 UNGID Hie saccuook ate e 298 
yittc: |S ea ae 269 | sturgeon sucker__........-- 106 GUO 5 252 shes 300, 302 
SQUAPER eases § 5d oy TET ot 3 eS ae a 171 Heceptlve: 48 2525553 s0-6 299 
Pe ee Pe WRUUR ere 8 oo sess 8, 103, 110, 449 ORIGGs 6220s ciccceasawuene 300 
naan ies rior] -2i ae pera iaaoplh Reenter oo 
ESE occ AO SS Sn ee ee ; PWALOr Hic ost ad cies 
Sacramento. .........-.-.. 114 pack winters: =. 25. ..2 109 GUGROs ouch deacwwaesnesss 301 
Pe 355 je ae ee Oe eee 146 oo) REE oP Pe ee 298 
rn caer oF a en eseesceseCanesa a ee saawee eee 299 
squirrelfish__......__ , 318, DONO Sas ca cdced ona 07 AGB 2 et es ae eee 304 
squirrelfishes__....... 234, 235, 318 1) ft) ee oe Oe eee A long-eared ._........... 299, 300 
pa pe ARO i2 355... 222 Minh, (OATD. wcsck caren sesansaee long-finned___.........--- 304 
BS, rT Ora 355 (liao ieee Seng RS SRE Ora 109 long-scaled............... 300 
Stanley’ 8 whitefish___....._ 65 Columbia River. -.....-.- 106 many-spined._........... 304 
eer Sse skegie ia sa ose oH api eRe Teas i d 
© a PEE OMS Th creel ee. A aR 
Pon il tina avs gether 454 105 
CUBVERC ORR 6 ies sn cneadone 454 107 
WRT poctedaa tata adeee. 454 102 
star-headed minnow- 178 106 
starry flounders__--__ 226 112 
steel-backed chub___- 146 107 
steel-colored minnow 129 108 
sthethead os cces sa 58 =f shies 108 
Stewart White trout__..... 59| large-scaled_........-.--- 110 
stickleback, brook ........- 238 lomg-nosed'-.-2sasscesees= 106 

common eastern._-...... 238 Lost River........ ddnene - 108 


List of common names of fishes occurring in check list—Continued 

Page Page 
sunfish, wide-mouthed__-_- 3038 ithreadfins4¢o-s= eee eee 254 | trout, golden, of south fork 
Smrtish bass-.._-=.. ..2ees 303) | ithreadfish:: 222) = eee eee 274 of Kern River________ 
senhshes-2-..-- ee 297, 299 eight-threaded_______-__- 256 of Sunapee Lake_______ 60 
Shani ene Se 302 | thread herring------.------ 44 of Voleano Creek-____. 59 
Stim) bass) 2-5.) 2 = ee 302 | three-angled trunkfishes___ 497 of western tributaries 
sun perch__------ 299, 300, 303, 305 three-banded sheepshead___ 358 of Kern River________ 59 
SHOU COMES ae eee 302 | three-bearded rockling___-- 208: |i worayeeien- 3) o one 355 
surffish, bigmouth_-_.-..-- 411 | three-bearded rocklings_--. 208 Great Lakes.___._________ 59 
placks 2S =e se eee 411 | three-tailed porgy-_-------- 358 | great, of Lake Tahoe_____ 57 
Siripede ets > tse a se 411 | three-toothed lamprey --_-- 10)| Gaereenback oe tee se sununes 57 
wall-eyed =. -.-- =. -S-see aT ONbareSn ees = soon eon 18! 7 -tereen ela a ae 297, 298 
WEDiG. = Stee oe 41! | thresher sharks- ----------- 18 Jordan's. 522 ee 
STiMfighese oes oe eee 409 | thunderpumper-__-__-------- 252 | Kamchatka salmon___-_- a 
Sart Smelt. 2. ---== chee 67 ppend srnuciners ~--n22--7-- oe Kamloops-..-Gleee 58 
Shrf:smlis-.-<=... Sede 67 | tiburon______---~---------- i iv 
Sunt whitingsesss= 22 =a 351 | tiburon ballemas---------_- 18 cote NBbEe. 2 eee a 
Stirfeon; blues enone 362 | ticky-ticky_-------------- 178, 185 Take Tahoe... casas 57 
PomMmion ae oe eee 362 | tiger shark_---------_--_-__ 14 long-headed, of Crescent 
surgeonfishes__------------- 362 eee Bea o oo ome eer mE Hakew <<) go aie 57 
s Ses eek ERS 343 SNl_-------------------- ol Yali F 
Seeraante oe age | timber erappie.---.----.- 304 Naingw Lt aalae an 
s ASS) a -65et eee 298 | © DO a x 
sWeilower, block... _...-.9/ .4no\| tiukermarkerel!s.7 eres 268 \ aivastad 2 eee am 
swallowminnow shiner__--- 133 | tinmouth-_-------------- 804,205 | MeCloud Riverrainbow. 58 
Swallowerss2s.-c 22s aoe 95 | tiflosa___------------------ 273 | mountain - 998 
plsnk. Sess etc asa | tin perch _...------------—- 304) Nelson's. 
Bebeet eae ker aa bw isso ype tice te™ saeeor eee eae ele 26 (eye rae aaa He 
Hib eer gmmmmmmesememcome bate a Beet 22) Gauasse.—.-..---<ederst 
Soraliishi sss ans > ss oe eee 4985490 |) Ve oemanne <97 ras els ye Reel Sais yrami ake. 28 ees 57 
Fi : SACO KOb At) ole ee SM SR 487, 498 + 
STOOLS ee eee 497 : Dah Tain DOW ese 58 
ewellfishes..-.--2... 2" ig, | POATR SHES a oe ee of fish-culturists-.-.... 58 
-ellingfis EW A eee game ar a TRESS red rock ___ 374 
swellingfish__-------------- tobaccobox_----------- 25, 299, 302 d isd. ee 
swell shark - --------------- 98, ue tobacco trumpetfish_______- 245 Ri sual 4 Rig EOI 61 
swelltoad es ana roe BOG 002) enantio veiec 8.8 tl oleae 354 tio Grande__.----------- 57 
swelltoads Ee a iy LODO oo eee 59 rv i eee soot 282 
swingletail___-------------- gz | tomeod___----------------- 210 Ro mas MEGS RERE EE TS 373 
switchtail Wie See 5 Galifornia. eee: 210 oosevelt.2 425-3532 59 
pce sao oe UR eee a 210) Toval silvers.---2-.--os. 8 
MMOL - «=~ <n enn aan H= PaNl TOMbALes as eee BE A PM aah ee ad ele 
real____....-------------- 263 | tomtates..-.2----Leeeeseee 231 plmen Speers en 58 
swmonrdiishes.----- -saka ase ZOANl tron en sheen ee eee 231 of Lake Southerland ___ 57 
swordfish sucker----------- 449 tonpuefishes:o2-2---s-ueae 230 salt-water___ ~--------2--- 355 
swordtail_.---...-.-------- 193 | toothed herring-_----------- 49 | San Bernardino__----..-- 59 
symbranchoid eelsse eee 76 SOULHOI = een eee ere 4] Keb SS eset senses 355 
top minnow -__------ 177,178,185 | spotted-_--_---____-____- 355 
tadpole cats__._------------ 1551) P SFTObroolkS ne eee Teal UN) Ree ee nee 57 
Tahoe sucker-------------- LOTel GopiminnowS=- sees eee 184 Speckled wes sonnet eseones 60 
tai a Sa etme pts EO Oe See oe ee ee 273, ay on ta Crescent__._-- get 
tailor Nerring_- —-------_-=- 10) a OY 216 | 0 apenas ep Seas spotted! —- ~~~. 2. ee 
tally Wags ose ean = een e ce eg DTh | PO Bitoni gee eee 27 of Lake Southerland... 57 
tambors= =5.25-5- 368,497, 498,499 | preat____--._------------- 27 Stewart White___..-___-- 59 
tane Ot Sas dee uueiay ema e ==> Bes torpedofish DEE Bie se fi Sunapee 60 
plue_ _ ~-.---------------- Peal b Wa) Go) ey pee ea Fes Aare = SS Truckee 57 
tanbarbero..2--s=s95. se G2) LOLGI Ses ee en eee 107 Verde 114 
taneDrosnies..c-..-25 a2 AST | GO LULU ee ee 356 Voleano Creek 59 
boxe ees a SG 2M MERE Sl eee am era 369 Waha Lake 56 
1808) Gs ee ae epee ee GB Myint a2| 0} (pee eae ee a 27 white 297, 298 
taupon: ns ee 39 | trench mullet-_-------_---= 253 yellowfin in 
tarpowirTrys--..---2---255% Dla enMe een SW ease ss = == soe 491 Yellowstone_-_-- 56 
PON DOUS 22s erase ee cere 39 | tripletail_--.------------- 323, 358 | trout bass 298 
tanip iin ee ene 39 | tripletails__------------- --- 23] trout perch 214, 215, 298 
tassellated darter-----.---- 287 | trompetero__---------------__ 245 | trucha 254 
tautog--------------------- sof pene =----------------- 54, 55, a Truckee trout 57 
tautoga-------------------- alekey --.---------------- true eels ihe 
LAUDORS 2. - oe ee ee ce eo oes 424 SURO Ase eee etn 60 | ¢ WORE ou so 
tohawiche ss = 9) = fee Be 55| blueback__.-----------_-. 61 jenn eS Se, Ae eng re 
tectospondylous sharks.--. 21 of Lake Crescent__----- 57 | true sharks. ___..-.-------- 11 
teipalcate_--.-------------- 230 | brook-_------------------- 60 | true spearfish of Japan_-__- 263 
tenpotnrcer-: .2>---"-peacce 39 . of western Oregon, etc- je trumpetfish__....._---__- 245, 246 
tenpounders-_-.--5--2eae 39 FOWD.---...---2--.----~ ‘ tobacco 245 
tessellated darter__--.------ 290 jo} 01 | ee re a ae CSRS Ip ce Aaa Menai fe NTS oF 
tessellated darters_-..------ 287 coast-range--.------------— 58 Je Stean te ay 
bastante eee asec _-. 489| Colorado River_--------- 57 pore he eS 496 
tetard........------------ 436,489 | Columbia River. -...-... Gf |, PLORMUSAS ac=m ae 
téte de roche.__------------ 333:| | jeut-throatie=. 2. eee ee OAR eae i 497 
Texas redhorse..-.--------- 110 ort Vv aroen aoe ae patted Se eter ree es 497 
thick-tailed rays-_-------.-... 23 UDR ROUGs (ose sean CTI A as taco Eto or arta gtci ins 
thimble-eyed ingemis 2 2. 213 Baclé lakes. 2.25522. 58 | trunkfishes_-_-------.----- on 
thimble-eyed mackerel___-- 258| eastern brook---...------- 60 three-angled 49 
thornback shark----------- 21 emordldes eee ee 58 54 
thread eels 2-2 ae eee awe 83 MV OrmMAnM 8. -seseesenees 59 55 
thread filefish - = --2-<22e-0- 494 fresh-water--<. e asne => 297 108 
fhireddfines--sscesen ee 256 | | Galas eseee ces cree cen nee 114 64 


List of common names of fishes occurring in check list—Continued 

Page Page Page 
ballibea: = 2.) 58 oet 2, 64 | web-fingered sea robin_____ 4072 |bwhiting:=2222 5 se et 214 
DManitonline= 223 3 =. 64 | Webug sucker_____________ 108 Californias. ses as 350 
iniay Allisonis=2sse5 22" 225 200} nwelebman see oe 235 Caroling sSes eee 350 
feap ing sae Zoonwelsnmannn ee. 2. = eee 297 northern. ee 350 
RTDET THOS me Se enroee ek 21S 259 | western lamprey_-_________- 10 of Lake Winnepesaukee__ 64 
great. 9 - oo a 259 | West Indian lancelet_______ tal gsende oo. 350 
2 aie ee 2 ee eG 
oie eo ee a ndian snapper______ (2) io Se ee eee So 
ocean_________._.--_....._ 492 | West Indies long-finned al- Surfs = 3-3. Fase 351 
Tuscumbia darter_________ 2931] es Daroreese & 28 Mets Sey 260 | wide-mouthed sunfish ____ 202 
eee hp | Whale shark —.......------- 1 ein escce ata io 
-- whale sharks): 6220230". 18 | Wlilow cat---_--___-_______ 2 
yrs Sioa en 262 — Eee Tee ee 16 1 ee agar meres a 
Wiis Sees he, ES 218 | W netsh. ~~~ ~--==--=----- % 
ULE bo sone eet eee 386 | Whipple's darter___.___... 292 | Windowpane_______________ 217 
TET EE ee 98 | whipsnake eel ____________- gg | Windowpanes______.._____ 217 
RalriEe oes a sede es 272 | whip stingray___----------- 9g) |) Wanninish >A eee Lee =: 56 
unarmed trumpetfish ______ 245 | whip-tailed rays 9g | Winter flounder____________ 227 
se eee ee es 
= mann ann n anne ee 5 | whitebait._..__..._____ 41, 247, 248 | Wi Kate. -_----------o. 
unspotted balloonfish______ 502 white bass RE ES 297, * 303, 307 ere suet el ee See 
WENGE Dy a8 ees = ood | | a Tal 
Vaagmir.-_.-------------.. 216 | whitebone porgy___----___- Ser GaGa ee aD eee _ 472 
vaca -------- 321 wliteleaes ees eres THOsT5S)| WOUNSH: Soe. fk et Ee 171, 472 
Vacas - ..-.----------------- 320 | white crappie____-_-______- 304 | Wood bass___-._.-___-__.- 298 
vacuocua 345 | white croaker____...-.__-- 353 | Worm eels___._.______._.__. 82 
Wablisiiyeodes. 2°. 5.---2/2 47S) ahi Kereue ice a eee kee og9 | Wreckfish-_-_-_..__..- <238 308 
vaqueta de los colores_____- 361] oh: wrecknishes#: 22.2842. 5 308 
variegated goby 446 | © hitefish ___-_.....---- 44, 64, ine wrymouth 471 
variegated minnow_.-__--_ 181 st Becta tera ees eee a Fo De 
arta 2 kc) Fay a 6 
verrugata.......... 1... 251 UMSEIS te eee 65 Me eg a ees 
verrugate 349 He re ae aR a iL ne ee ee | 259 
verrugato 3491 Labrador...---.-... _64 | YaWmouth perch .-.--___- 302 
CUNT SRS ee eine 419) Take Eric 65 | Yellow angel_--_-_-_______. 361 
vietorfishes 258 | Lake Superior... 65 | Yellow-backed rock cod-_-__ 369 
ee eee ae 62 | Yellowbelly--_~_~__-1---.” 200, 302 
vieja colorada_-_-.-.-----.-- 433 At erionitieeke & Baker eo 65 yellow, bream: — 23.25.5250 302 
AS aia pan sa key | SAdondasw Rivers..---.... 64 Ll 7 par camegmilanprneeye 1 80 
Virginia lancelet____----__- 7 Boe Avaaditaiai <-=-s=6 re yellow-finned albacore.. __ | 260 
it alee acne aOR pes ES 65 yellow-finned albacores_... 260 
viviparous perch __ pee es Us 409 dnaetar ss 0c Shas are 357 yellow-finned grouper_._- 311, 313 
viviparous perches_________ 409 Stanley's... 65 yellow-finned roncador_____ 350 
"Pacifien ww 998 | _ Yellowstone. 222222202272 65 | Yellowfish..-----7-7-7777"Soe, a74 
atantiieeesse.o0 21 2° 2: 272 | whitefishes_____--__--...._. 61, 64 | yellow goatfish_____--_-__-- 343 
Volcano Creek trout ______- 59 | white grunt._._.--________. 331 | yellow grouper____--- 314 
Vorays eee 328 | White hake_.___-_---_._.... 213 | yellow grunt...---------.-. 330 
white lake Dasse. sn 22a 307 yellow jack Le eae ele Fo 2972 
Wachna cod_________---__- 210 | whitemouth drummer-_-__- 349 | yellow mackerel_________ 27:, 273 
Waha Lake trout -__---___- LW Ma sate nnnewnnnanee a yellowmouth..----------_. "356 
See Coan saree oes > 282 | white mullets__-__________. BUOW. NGG fm SES ee 
walkeved herring. ._._..._- 42 | white-nosed sucker________- 109 yellow perch_____ 281, 298, 299, 302 
wall-eyed pike____________- 282 | white perch__ 304, 305, 307, 352, 410 | yellow pike-________.._____ ” 989 
wall-eyed pollack__________ 209 | white salmon-_-__......-- 279, 297 | yellow pondporch_._______- 9297 
wall-eyed surffish.________- 410 | _ of the Colorado.....-.... 114] yellow sculpin..___-____- 381, 393 
memgath Se rau. =8OZ id = gg of California. 356 sci -spotted rock cod__.. 269 
(Ct See e et 8 A 302 | white shark................ 16 | Yellowstone trout__________ 56 
warmouth bream _____..-_- 202 | white sharks, great_._______ 20 | Yellowstone whitefish. ____ 65 
warmouth perch_____-.-..- 302 | whiteshovelnose sturgeon. _ 35 | yellowtail____ 276, 279, 327, 345, 349 
SR MOUG Ete sce. FOF | WHILe aeqssascecs 339 | yellow-tailed croaker_____’_ 350 
waw whunnekesuog --.----- 257 | white sturgeon___.--.-_____ 34,35 | yellowtail rockfish_._-...-. 364 
weakfish, bastard__.......- 355 | white sucker_____-__- 105, 110, 111 | young grunt---.-.___.. oye dol 
CounOn 2 oe = © 1660:| "white surtiahss J 5-2 2L. Sir young shad 52 222 eas 115 

spotted ___ . 655] white-tailed remora.....___ 448 
DP OGMUINUD Hey ou ic 2 353 | white trout. -....... mame eo ly Leo RADALOL Os censor aeaeee uae 277 


Page Page 
abacurius, Eleotris-/2.242_. Se 437 | Acanthocottus patriss-2--) +=. see eee 389 
aboti; Syngnathus-2<- 2s ee ee 240 profundgorwm 2o- oo. cess ee eee 392 
gaibotti, Anchovia-=2...63> = 50 scorpicidess 9: 222 23. 386 
Anchovielia-.\.-5.sco eS ee 50 SCOPDIUS 26. 22s sce ata ete ee eee 386 
Hydrophloxr= 32 ee 127 Sellarisat at we oo. eS ee 388 
Notropis.chalybegss = sso ks boee = 127 |). Acanthocybiidee2== oo aoc eee 256 
OnMmGrTIS 22 ose tee en eee 67 | Acanthocy bium = 222 eles ee eee 256 
mordax= 23-2522 67 POtUset soe ence seta Sack. eee 256 
abbreviata, Chimera_______ 33 Solandria #2) 2 256 
abbreviatus, Bathyalopex 33 | Acanthoderma 261 
INSnclerisc2ss- eee eee ee te 278 temmincki 261 
Aheona.. se 62 ee ee est 409 | acanthoderma, Thyrsites__.....____.-._.__.. 261 
ATCO cos eee ee 409 | acanthognathus, Lophodolus_____________.-. 509 
row DROP ie 43.2.4 eee ee Been 400. |) Arcantholebius2.=2 = 2-22. 4 = 25-2 Bae eee eee 373 
aberrans, Hypoplectrus..-..--....-.-.---.-- 801: || -Acantholopiss==.252 023s ee eee 68 
Hypoplectrus unicolor___-...---.-------- 321")|" Acantholinariss=22—-_ > - 2 s822 os eee eee 401 
Tiopropoma. seo et eee ee ee 316 Opercilanis= \s-2 392-2825 25> eee 401 
Rérea 22 ee ee eee 316) -Acanthonotus#oce pe -92.- a a See ee 75 
abildgaardi, Sparisoma-.....-.....-.-.-----. 432 TAGS: Sates ot 82 ee eee 75 
SDAUS Soe soe ee ee a 432 Quadricormis:2- 2-2") 1 eh ee eee 497 
abildgardii, Scarus 431 >|  Acanthonuses22—- 5-25 eee eee 483 
IN) 0) CHV. Eee Se as Se te ee 197 armatuss-.J 528 32 fee Oe 483 
hians <2 sss50 eles = 197 Bpinifens= .-°+.< ss sass es tes eee 483 
A DOM = Sete ee eee oe 443 4| Acanthophacelits) 22222." <= S82 see eee 191 
OHIdGILA: 5 oo ee eo ae ee eee ene 443 melanzonuss so. 25 ees es eee 191 
OLHGOSLOMS jee ee ee ee 443 | acanthophorus, Serranus-------......----.-. 317 
THCTOEIB So ee ee ae ee 443 | acanthopoma, Draconetta----___.....-.-...-. 450 
(Abramis) baleatus, Cyprinus_____:_-_-_____ 117) |) -Acanthoptery gilsc-= 22 ss= = eee eee 232 
Sinitpi, © yprinusse ese eee eee eae 41| Acanthosoma: 223222252) 2222 eee 503 
‘Aibramis | bosct =~: 2555. lye OO ees ees 350 carinatum—c- 92 2 eee 503 
VWErsicolor:- 22.2088 eee ee 115 | -Acanthostracion’:-2-22 = 2. ae 497 
(Abramis) balteatus, Cyprinus________--____ 118 DOV ZOuIUS: 24 ee eee 497 
Windetdit 520 eee eee 414" | -Acanthuridss-=-- 52222) = te 2 eee 362 
Arinlogus Cees oe AU See ee 415 
Goeclivilfons eo se ae 2 eee ea eee 415 
MIRTOIMALHS 26s (oe ea eee ee ee 415 
BAUIDTIB 222 yee . BOE eee ie ae ee 415 
eTOSCHGN Ls 5k eek ke Se O eae ee Ee 415 
abyssicola,.,Coregonus 2) =) 2 ees 66 
(PrOsOpiU st Se eee eee 66 
aja 5235s er eee 26 
abyssorum, Nematonuruss<22222 2-2 204 
ncadian. GoLbusis soo =. eae uate eee ease 393 
acadianus, Glyptocephalus--_...._-.-.----_- 228 
ACAI HAT OMS soc oc sees feet ee Sone 303 phlebotomuss <2. 222s 2e ee eee eee 362 
OMDB GS oe occ ences oon eee 303 SITIACUS! 304 oes ode te oe eee 363 
ACATIDNeMpIGMaria=— oo. <5 6. - sao 465 Strigosus.c3.0-025.2- 88 oe eee eee 363 
ADINOSS oss eee on neta ans cooe eee eee 465 Bubarmatisi: =o oo} 524 ee ee eee 362 
Aeanthenchelyid ms seo 0c 2 aes te ta ees 89 tLACHUIS2 oe ses coe ane aCe oe ee 363 
(ACANDNOHCUOLVAT = Uae se ee sees 89 triostesusits tena cs tae onsen eee 362 
BPIMICANON a2 eee eee oe cone eee 89 ZODIAS = 3. coneweee eke eee 362 
Acanthins 2 SPS ee a ee ee 91.\| Acara .adsperslim. 25-520 eee 418 
americanus 21 partonl.2- 25204... See eee eee 419 
suckleyi 21 coeruleopunctata 423 
vulgaris 21 Pinima eee sae. 332 
acanthias, Monoceratias 508 50) 06-9001 0): 327 
Sinsins 520 eee 21 rectangulare 421 
‘Acanthicns canensis:. 9.2502 2 ree see. 161 tetramerus 423 
Acanthidigm 2. 3236.33 ee 21 | acara-pinima, Pristipoma-.-_.--.-...._-.-...- 333 
CAC se ee See coerce eee oT | A cathorbinuss226 ss seee ces a ee eee 21 
IBNIN 202. Soe ts ose Ss Eee 21 | accensum, Plectropoma-.---.--.-.-.-/.-._.. 321 
Acanthinion...-.... 22-22-22 ssl ec ELS 276 |, accensus, Ey ponleetnismimnicolor- 22222 t-ees Ly 62k 
Gcanphistings, HOdisnliss. .. 2c ses sece eee 309 | Accipenser macrostomus-------------------- 35 
JETINGIS MIS: oe ooo = Soden coe ne Bee 309 ohiensis: 2-295 25-2 =. ouS 2 ee eee 35 
(A CAnITHOCUNUE. oe coe ck os once eeee 457 SOrOLintis eset ee bee eee 35 
DHA DOU eee re cece eee 457 | acclinidens, Cyclothone----.-.......-...-... 72 
ACATINOCOLIN soo oa. -secaccuca eae 986 .|| acclivis;arininses=----- 32) osee aoe eee 344 
PENCUS 222 seen O86:| Acedia: sec seceo nies =e oe eee 231 
pobahse-see. ee - 388 nebulosa 231 
groenlandicus 387 | Acentrolophus-- 267 
lsbradOricus.<.c-susses2-osek sean sedene ee 388 maculatus-- 267 
WtiCGDs.~ o. 22. soe eee ws San nee 388 maculosus MS hs? i¥/ 
mitch. 2 2 coo eae eaten Se 386 | Aceratiide 511 
TIN COBUS 2.8 So one nena eee ee 387. | -aceryurm, Cy binm!i.s- 2 22--2eoo seca eae 257 
Ocelinttis.-. = ox ss cae ewe eeae ate 387 | Acharinss.... S220) 222222556 eee 229 
octodecemspinosus:. soo... .cesmecenesoee 886 | achigan, Bodianus -....-<-22 22-2 eeebesee 298 



List of scientific names—Continued 


JOS Gs ee ee ee ae eee 229 
Reniroppichthvs tiypus—=-—22_ sss oso2-8 89 
LTT See 2 5 eee eee 229 
TO) ig RE ee eee 229 
piety isin pl see ee a eos a 230 
erm rier see wate 6 ee 230 
JOD See = ot Se eee eee 229, 230 
MARSCORTISIS hese se ee a od a ee 230 
IBCTATS WIS ees ad St Dore ee 229 
eolenaminiportcs 86 sk oo oe ee 229 

Jin ht oe cere eee See 229, 230 
MAPaUATTIN = oS ee 230 
(a ih ele eee eee eee ee 231 
Sl) eee on SERS renee a 229 
SeInbOs, A CIIENS =. ..—._- 225265 eee. 229 
PBR ONBCURS! 8 i SNe ee 229 
PICOMED NCU GH YE se or. ce ee Je eee eee 89 
[igi Se oe ee ae eee eee 89 
PRON Se ar oS 2 ee See 33 
SARIS pee ea ea SS ee eee 34 

Th LST el are a eee eee ee es 34 
CAmtacons) deassivii.. -- ooo 22s3) ess 34 
uereerintrd 2 2 to eS 34 
PHA > a 8 ye ee 35 
TT a eee eee 35 
(bt) | CS a eee = ee ee 34 

Oo ee ae 34 
LAG eae She Pe ee eae Se eee 34 
PRMPINUP HU TONY: 3 cs gescle ca swawaeews 34 
jab O'S) 7 (kee ee Ie ee een ae 34 
[PLU 11 ie ee ee ee 34 
DU bate 1 ee Sa eas eee 35 
ete ot sas GS ooo eaadawok. 34 
Oe) ee ee ee er se eee 34 
Flatow tS Ne ee 33, 35 
Tg: | eae Gee ee ere eee eee eee 34 
a eae ee aes fo Se we 34 
LT) Sie ee een a tee eae ee 34 
ji ae Re eS eee 34 

Ltn | gon) 9 ee ae 34 
[irre ee ee re eee Se eee 33 
(iitiso) anasimos: - oi... cSsee docs. us. 35 
FIL THOMNIIN. 22-55 5 eee sae 35 

pas ta Ee ae ees ee 35 

FS Rae pte SOP Eee ee EE TE EE 35 

kitlandi EF Se nd PEE ay re ee 37 

\ | Ce RE Oa eS ee 35 

PAE S| a ae SE sae eee 35 
REGRTITINIEES 5-08 Se enon oat 35 
Ce a a ee 35 
rea bt ac) } a a hey eee 35 
RIMM ME TNOR eo 8 8s coos os ose 35 
ST ee ee eee ee oS ee 35 
TL 2) 15 SES ene as Re SU Serer 34 
Cp ee Re eS ae ce Say IS 35 
PROOUAENIC® 0 8.572. 5 eee ae 36 
LORS) ESR rae Meepee nie yirs bel Sra 34 
MVIPNICR Sot oe eee gees 34 
oh i eet AES a Oe TS 35 

i 34 







rina eee 3. 22 Sie dn eens 35 
Vries Se oe eS) eee eee 34 
ey Cee ts ga ono oo Sanaa es 34 
pag 101 Se See Caner a ae eRe SEF 35 
BVPI ods, = tat ee eb ene oy 34 

LEB TC CTs ep ee Ae Rs IS Se ae, See ree 35 
PHONICS of eat oan woe tees 35 

pi Se es ee soe 35 
PUIG. 25562. s520=4ssne soe seaE aeons 34 
SE Disa swases eee «kaa. aeaccankawsenee 34 
SBN wus soles cele, Hyde anaes eee 34 
Tt 9 Ee Se eee SE Se SRE EO LS 34 
BE 5g Corser dcioenetas beea's ca eee 33, 34 
PATON SNIIN Faience nsocenac sounbwenk 34 

bye Lich ty iy” SS ie the ee EE SS OLS Oe Moe 2 34 
(Tote. sol ie - es Se Se 33 
acipenserinus, Agonus_.............--.------ 394 
FDGGLDOO NS... ase cksestne ds cmdissweaed 394 

(Acomus) generosus, Catostomus ne ee J 
Briseus;, Catostomus.. 222-4 23224 <a ES 
guzmaniensis, Catostomns aes Tees seek 
Iactarius,, Catostomus: —- =. 2-2 224625 

scoups,, Cheilodipterus: 222-22 et eee 
Cynoscion? 252 se oe oe 

Scrolepis.-Macrirus:.__ 25° 5. 2 = een 
INCOR t ORUNUS see e ee eee ane eee 

Bauaiviss a ee es eae 
RICO TOCA £220 Bie Sek 2 ek Sees Sit MT 
(Acropeecilia) tridens, poecilia___--_-..------- 
APTONUNOS:— nhs. 5 dena o on aticae sees 

MUPRICUNUS none ee aoe eee nomena 

IACLOIS = oie oo soem nngcenanuaentunasee aoueeee 

pit) (1) eee ae ES See See eee ae 
Actimoptert-2o22- 2.525 
aculeata, Chrysophrys 
aculeatus, Chelmon- 

TSEC ate oh 7: eee a, Se eee Sete 
Bepnlnss 232. a acconk aces. Sete teases 
PIORMALUDUGS: 5.8 oon cca naameanee > 
aculeatus (oculatus), Serranus--------------- 
petlels, Gasterosteus.:.. 25.2.2. eek 
Ronininnte FAlbCuls. 20-3. 5... 2. okeneeeneee 
DURUI SRT Ss ee Se cn eee eee 
acuminatus, Etrumeus-.--.....-....---------- 
po peetthec tl]: ie Se ee Fei eae Soh 
MynCHth yb sS. « o.ocs ct cea loaeeebenkone 
RROOTION 5o5 == Soe eee ees eS ae 
acuminatus umbrosus, Eques__..------------ 
Ni ee ee ee eee eS ee ee 

Lifer < SE ee eee esa 

maxima squamosa viridis_.......--.-.--. 
Peulndidus, 2205. 4.8 av acadestansees 

CEVTNINO LURES bono 45s eee ean 1 
Br yrene acu sons kes oe eee ad 1 

RR MIOSUNUG sae neces seen aan sek ee eaeedatee 

acute scabra, Lo 
acuticeps, Oligo 
Oxy’ yeottus........- 

COLVING= 2 = 2c. 55.. 

TCHENYORMUES. Sone a 20h oc okneu a teAmeeee 
Verio) a oe a ae Soe ee re eS 
PATODINODNGING sas cn an rt< aden wane ge ae 
| Sy an CS eS a er See ee Oe 2 

aputirosixies latay Cerna... cccsacesecsanus 
PcubiveHiris, AMATO: 2. 22sec cnn ckeweaee 
ORS ROO TMMESER BAYER coor c's ceca on i'l co ins nb i a Se 
clinics (or Ree SS ces eee eee ee Bene ee <> Os 
EOVIE ONG res. oom on dncwu swe conactudeeeee 
DISVMSRHI eo Je seonceencoccmenannamaenel 
BIRSIBNANN ooo. soc ecccc ew eadaowueawen 
TCO OIASS 20, 8 cow oc cane aaa 
Liftys) seh 22 ls SRS annie aie es © FR 

Cit Oo eee ket eC oe 



List of scientific names—Continued 

acutum, Cichlasoma 

acutus, Exoccetus-- 
odiator:2.- = cs Ses ae eee 
SCAMS c.ssess6 sess ee ee 
Siynodus:. -..2--2 > s..2 =. eee eee 
‘Thorichthys-).2 2222-222 Se 422 
adamantinus, Litholepis bio ae oe ee 38 
Adinia; 32$22 223 = eee eS eee 180 
multifasciata. 22. =... 22. cee ee 180 
Adinia, Mundius220 235 Soe eee 179 
(A GIOIY Saeco 20 ee eee ee 236 
Suborbitalis<23-232 ae eee 236 
AdiTroOndaecus, palo 2 Sone ae eee 59 
Adobe; A. POS a es ee ee el As eek 141 
ADOCO MO ss = Ss Se ee Re 141 
Adonis <== st Se ss ss 5 ee 460 
SUOMI HS = ee en ee ee 460 
BaseCOnsONIS,; Drachinuseus --05---ss-neeeee 310 
adscensionus, Epinephelus____-_-_---------- 310 
earsperss, Paranpetenia. 2-2 35-92 ee 418 
nin optera-a3-2e- cs ee ee ee 31 
Adspersiim) -Acara ===. 2224cs.2 ss ee eee 418 
adspersus; vabrus 222 <- 25240 eS 424 
‘Tantorolabrius: 25. 80235653 eS 424 
saausta: CoOrvinhs 22. 3-5. ee eee 347 
AOUStUS, COUCSIUS 3 = - be  e 137 
Bupomacentrus == 2 oss.3 = a2 e ce see 414 
Gobiesoe. 22322 ae ae See ee 489 
Nuwlidio 23 sf so sat es 428 
Ophioscion’ 224 ee ee es 347 
Pomacentrius = 222-2 414 
SOIC O}IHIS 28) 5 Sosa) ye 3s 7, Eee 428 
PR plotings 2 2222 2s» 9 ee 210 
Jivin sal S22. 2s a ye ee 210, 211 
eecletnis: Gadus. 2828 se 210, 211 
Melanogrammus.. (2) -25252 Pe eee 211 
welurichthys:. 2 22-5 ee eee Ses 147 
istomensis: 2-222. eee 148 
IGNPISPINIS!*.22. 2 See 148 
MANAMOENSIS! 2225 205 2 Se 148 
RCHTATUISs = 229-2 eR ee 148 
PTCA CICHI Awe S522 yy soe aI Dae 303 
wnNneoles, INOtIOpIS. = -----2- 225 Se 143 
soneus; Acanthocottus 222. 92222. 25-ese 386 
Astvanax: 2=s- 2 255 Se ele ASS 96 
Cottus 22. 2S. 2255-5 e ee eee 386 
Pimelodtis:2: = 2255. 52-2857 ie 155 
Tetragonopterus::-2 22-82 22seSiaa=c ee eee 96 
snipmaticus; IcosteuS. 25s. .2-. = ae 269 
sapypters, Ammioccetés 2) a eae 10 
s@ouatoris; “alismania:= - 2-22-22. See 53 
PCI GSNS nes) oa Sean aoe se 423 
Coernleopunctatac 2255 <s2222 a 433 
wguidens: Culius:- = 25.2. 22222s22-5 222 SS 437 
Otoliths! 5352255522222 eee 356 
IPTIOHONES 302-325 k a= 22s NES 319 
SOrrantiss: 92-8 2625 5 aes ol ER 319 
SICUOTCUS; (ACUS! 22552. S2evet- => SS 243 
Synerathus 23. 22 2-32 ee 243 
serous, Sebastodes./s Meso. 325 a 223328 2 367 
gsculapius, Alepidosaurus____.---.---------- 171 
Plagvodus:2 = 4220 22 2 ee ee 171 
ssopus. Boleosoma <2 5-225. 5.235 eee 287 
feativalis; |\Clupes- 3° 524222 eee eee 42 
Gobioz=2s:-222-s ses eee eee 138 
Macrhybopsiss= 2.2222 - 22-28 eee 138 
Pomolobus _____-__- too see see 42 
eestivalis marconis, Hybopsis Pe eee 138 
eestuarius, Paralichthys eer ee 224 
#thalion, Citharichthys__...-_-------------- 218 
#thalorus, Oarcharias. 22.25% 2 oe 17 
ZEthoprora eS Beka shee 2S 522 cos ee eee 168 
Ctiulipens = = 228s. Fe 168 
MICIN=22= be > 2 nea eases Sa 168 
ABLODB Lee eo oan oe oon ana sree 30 
A BLODEM Sa sae ee ase od Jie) cede sae 
CLO DEtOS 2s fens 8: 252 52 saes 52 eee 
fréminvillii - 
POOGLS as i Ee as saa seee 
laticeps 222392 5282 Sass ae ee eeas 
afer, Alphestes 
BE/pinephelus: 33. 2s es see sa eee 312 

Gymnothorar 2 222 = 222522 22 aeeee sense 91 


affine, Miyctophamis= 22-5 <== aes eee 169 
Plectropoma=... =... 22a 321 
BCODBIUS=-2<4 52 84 32 > be Ss eee 169 
aiinis, “Al gansess) se soce cee ea eae eee cf 116 
Argyropelecus2-2<2- 3.62.1 eee 74 
‘Atherinops=2-9. S232 eee 252 
Aitherinopsis-<_ 25 24262" 2. ee 252 
‘AuchenopterUs=5.2005:.225- 53 eee 457 
Carapus.. 225.220 oS eee 486 
Caulolatilus-= =<. 254 = eee 357 
Centropomus..2 2 22. 23 se eee 306 
Cheilodipterus==_._ = eee 296 
Chilomycterus- 23-24-5222 502 
Chimera: eee eee 33 
Clinostomus2.-32_-2. eee 121 
Cremnobates: -- 2. 223.2 5 eee 457 
Bxoccetus co. 262 eee 201 
Mxonautes.2 23228 eee 201 
iNierdsfer 2225 2 oe eee 486 
Gila ee ee 114 
Heros2 25-20 os a ee 422 
Heterandria 32.22. ae eee 185 
Hypoplectrus unicolor____....--...-.-.-- 321 
Tsopisthus.2. =o. eee 353 
cana’) 222s See 175 
Pimelodus; 223.4025 eee 152 
Pseudocheirodon2-: =... ee 96 
iPsyehichthys:-322 "2s ee 33 
Stomiase =<. 2 .<) 2 eee 69 
Synenathus. 2.2 23-.  eeeeee 242 
Syrittes= 22 2-2.-32 eee 242 
Thorichthys: <2... eee 422 
?hynnwsss 432s. eee 258 
agassizi,(Careliparis:, -» 35-252 eee 400 
[PNOPS =~ Sse os oe 171 
agassizii, Acipenser (Antaceus) __-_----------. 34 
Alepocephalus:22 5-22. =.= 32.5 eee 51 
Bath yssurus2 22. ese 5 eee 164 
IBTaM Ae ge gsc es eee 265 
Callionymus 52.27c..-5 2. eee 450 
Careliparis..:= =: 72s 2 eee 400 
Chioropthalmus.--= eee 165 
Ghologaster..-. 32. eee eee 194 
Cratinus..2 3 2 eee eee 317 
Cylindrosteus $242) eee 37 
Dicromitas...2-2o-2 eee 480 
Forbesellas. == 2). ee 194 
Holeonotus.23.2. 26 eee 411 

1S By G) 5) 6) 4 0f0} 00) & Re RS Te 410 
Tpn0pssis 2-2 oss eee 171 
Leptochilichthys 53 
(Opabis= 225 2a ee 400 
Pimephales::-=.° 355-22) -)eeeeeeeee 145 
Balto 322. 22 25. oe eee 60 
Salvelinus.2=2- 2 ee 60 
Scorpmena-2 2.2220 ces oon ae ee 371 
ociehthys:i22-2. 52232 eee 410 
Agenelosus.\=- 5233.5 525 4s eee 159 
brevifis...8. eS eee 159 
Callcanus. *o4- 32. 22. 3s ade e eee ee 159 
aggregatus, Cymatogaster__...-.-----.-.-.-- 409 
agilis) Gadus. _5....)-4. eee 209 
A ponidiey {22 22S. 5s5 eee 393 
Agonostoma globiceps=—_ --2---22. seas ee aes 255 
THICTODS 35 olan Ja eee ee eee 254 
NES 5 5s seee Sees. a eee 254 
POLrCOldOS 2a casa coee se = =o 254 

A Ronostomus: 2. 230022 oto. 23 == 55.5 Soa 254 
Salvini>. 4.265982 osc. a eee 254 
telfairil 22S |... Se 254 

A POnUSE Soe on oa os a oe 895 
acipenserinuis: 222... .2..52.<20.ncee seen 394 
OUND sos sae ea ecb sae 394 
barkkoenit 25.2227... 2 eee 394 
cataphractusss oo< v= cscs.tlaoaseneeeee 395 
Gecagonus 2255... - 2 sack eaene ase 394 
dodecaédton:4... 2322-525 eee 394 
Godecaétdtus=2..- 2256s. ke 2. sa dsaeeheene 394 

ul 395 






metallica 2332355522 scecesseoneeeeoneeees 140 


List of scientific names—Continued 


apisik HOVOMIraMIAias =f <<. o esau 141 
RUS Ue ee eee a. See 140 
Diitthl be oe See a ee eer a 141 
Vg hyde oS! aes ee aS ee 141 
PPTIGSD IH UE MM eta one E ee ee RS 255 
GPVIs- DOME “manip Soe = Se Se oe 59 
Salinigpniykissse 2.2. 5~ he 2 Sees 59 
Apap MIsOEro pis. - cee soos le St 314 
PSU t sg] MGs So ee eee 195 
LADS ae 8 SRS tee SRS ee ae Pes 82 
GEMNGMTIS oe a oa as ee 82 
LTR VETS CT] 0) 0 ee a, Se 94 
Til ai CW oe ee Ree STS 94 
fmpuin. Pachmolaimus. 2-225 _-_- s2agee 425 
PMETIGHUN YS see Se aoe. 2 es 147 
APRPNTIRGT AUIS 2 ee ee 148 
gules, © inielogus. 22-222 2 eke 153 
gimara, Macrodon:-- =.=... = 5-2 = asseee= 99 
Ti lebih: ee ae ae ener ne aad t 394 
alabame, YUP 3 ee a eee ee ea 43 
OG Vitel (iat in rh a cee ee aes ee 292 
Etheostoma whipplei___-----_----------- 292 
ANSE Sennen a ce pica t en See 126 
ainlonps, Bothrocaropsis._.- ~_ =>. 2 -. 477 
Gh aL Se oo ee eee 260 
eaCESIRSER ENS ts es Ste ce BEEN NEE 8 es 260 
ORDO SiS Ca) i as oa 260 
SARE Se as se oon ec eahaae 260 
PRRSOMT dsr A SEGFORNOGA= (a8 oo = Sok Sa ce ee ccee 396 
AlssoanusAmmiodytes =.=... i=... ne 5s- 451 
VG Ct Be Ss eae a 62 
LC ee Tih ee ae Se ea Be 62 
EPC OR (OST [1s AS A a a 364 
PELIIEVIS 8a De Soest ee soos 396 
EL SE ia Yet ae ee 408 
SAE dp, a a a 148 
POPRETRVPAT ROA ISS Sg oo te eee 167 

DR GOEUDOR UT SES oo sce eae ee neh 167 

Ls C011) Da): Se Sn ae Ee ree 408 
RRRRIEED Retes hs MPES Sn Re oS cg ead 42 
LI 2 ies LSA eh ae oi nleees 41 
RIDE IMn mene 262. eee S Seo eee ee 190 
Mie rgeMin. 7 222% - sease 325 tS 41 
albacauda, Echeneis................-..--...- 448 
Lan, LG LS Ls Chee Se eee ees ee ea 259 
albacores, Neothunnus 260 
ET ee RE aie eh 260 
VU a 204 
pectoralis 204 
OO, Tip © i a a 67 
SIRLIPeLate: POE RL tet See dha 8 tone Se a 67 
albatrossus, Macrourus.._....--.----------.- 206 
PALE IO DGG... 8 se 8a ae 136 
J. 1 CS Ee a re enh ee a 129 

Bs GTR) ena A ene a eee 136 
DECI NP ATER RIODS, cm 2 ae en 129 
eipescens, Dchenels: 2s 449 
LG hos ea ee See hegele en pO eri pe 5 404 
Remorina__- -_-_-- ee way are ace) GM 
albicaudus, Auchenopterus___---.----- “ees 457 
albidactylus, Exoccetus........-=<—-_.....- 202 
m@ibiduns, Meamunlon 2: 22-2. 22. 329 
PREC E  CRG Ee dr 214 
pia ae che ne ee as SE ee 307 
Caminriise tee 3 Er ee 163 
IGLOS a Sa oS 3 oS eS 150, 153 

EV CUDRLOIINS 5 fet. ses) th). See 110 
albifimbria, Scorpena.............--.......- 371 
BIOMTONS, CAVINTpOS 1 sep oS eo ees e coe eas 101 
albigutta, Cathetostoma__-___.-..=........_- 454 
Paralichti vache: toate Pee Ste 224 
albiguttus, Paralichthys.-22.2..-.2255.2_.... 224 
albimentis, Gymnothorax_...-.....--------- 93 
Ly codontis 2), ee ae 93 
BIDS, Litielicn 2 asa ee ee 70 
albirostris, Corythéichthys___............._- 243 
Hippichthys fe ae See aS ee 243 
Pripuous. 5s augheneeee teks encle | 408 
albofasciata, Scorpena 2 Ee 371 
albolineatus, Fundulus_- 177 
albomaculatus, Crossias- 389 
Serranis.; 05. = wes. - 317 
albopunctatus, Gobius_-..............-.--.- 440 

eryunrochellus=-= 2325-8 So ee ea 
forskali= Sake ese ee 
IOTSEQRIS tee ee Se 5 eee 

neopiiniaica: = ee eee 
Parnes ee ee a 
Piper: Ses Se oe ee a ee 
Bi Se: 2 a ee es Se eee 

albula, Mugil Bee See on ee ee 
albulus, Brytt 
album, Hzemulon 

IWaxnstomig: OSes st eae ee 
alburmellus—----225— 2222 5 

Jémeranus-*-2= eee eee 
TMSTOMMUS: seas Senso.) oe ee 
MICKODLED X= 70522 ee ee 
(PORCODIOMINUS Soe nee anne aa ee 


yas oy 1 AT en ae Ree eee ee 
Dlamibegliis.. ss oes ete eee ee | bees 
SRIMOGTUIN 45 cercets Sane cas ee 
SU BT ON a Sacer enc cee oeecee eee eee 
Alburnus amabilis___-..-----..-.-- ee ees 

TORIMOBUS | = 5.55 sSs2-accenc- snus ee aesee 
CG (LO ee ee Se eee ose se 
Tineglais oa. 2---~ 2a se ee 

nitidus -__ 

SOCKS so) Sa a taateas cone sea ee dee ae 

VONAUUSS~ Ssetceen bc deecee eee ee 
SUDUPNUN ib ClCH oe eee a ne oa ee 
albus, Atherinichthys---.-.-..--.- 5-25 se. 

CBntropormMdius.Jo22 25. So Wo ao pede 

OOTeCOMIB: 2 hse nce eee 

Coregonus clupeaformis_-_.-_-__-__..___- 

THAD ISONtOUS 2 fea aca ate aus os ademet em 
CICOUMNSe ee ou eens os 
PUY CHOSUOMIUS 230-220 ho 54 ce eaeeeeoLe 
olf hte Ee Be oe eee 2 ee eeeper ate 

POO Ole dee cose seen are Uae 
SEULLIO he ot ee ean at ee 
MMBCR OCU S Stee oe awaae coe ecas eae ae 

MGIC ONE erase ieee ak on eo nets 
Alepidosaurus eesculapius- -__--_--_- 

DULCHIM ten enced ae shear oc as 

(caulopus) poeyi_.........._... 

alepidota, Cheenopsis_..............-.-...... 
alepidotum, Gobiosoma.-.........----c-sssae 



List of scientific names—Continued 

alepidotus, Chetodon----------------------- 265 
Derepodichthys - -- 

Tmcioblennins: 22222 es sngeaeee eee 


[Aen isaurus sence een ee 
SBSUUADIUS =a es ones caren eee 
sitivelis=. 20 222 a eee 
APUYGUS:- oe EE Pee ee 
ferox.<. ot ee ee eee 

‘Alepocephalidsss (2922. 2e eae ee 

Eee CET A | ee ee pe Re OE ey 
ASPeFiTONs) sess cena eae eee 
Des te ie San eee ae eee 
fundolviges oe osee =e 
LOUUCUUS 5 = one eae eee eee 
POS(TALUS2 ooo ne enn ee eee eee 
TADBDLOSUIS! oo cet on on oan one ene eee 

IGPOSOMUS 22222 eben ews enee ne ane en 
Pet) 0 a ee eRe er Re pee Seree a 

alates; HLudsOmMIUS =. s2ess 2. eee ee ene 

aleutensis, Acipemser- ----------------------- 
Ts FCONOCLIOSe Leo e ne ese aes eae e ea 
aleutianus, Sebastodes 
ZAlbpYleee case as ancecmeanar a eeeene 
alentica; Rabe st S28 secesssanenseccne- eae 

BleutiCus, COULUS = so ceeese scot ee eee ae eee 
‘PHOCOPLCIUS -ao 2c sans nn aaa eae en 

alexandri, Acipenser (Antaceus) 

IROsicolh los = oo ee sae seee eee ee ee ee 365 
Bebastodesse.-. 225 22555522432 --- ee 365 

alexandrini, Orthagoriscus_------------------ 503 

ONS Gilgit ee ee eee se reer e at ae 437 
Bringer eee sees eee ae ee ree 437 

eifarl  Cichlasomasecs- oss aoe 2 eee eee 419 
PAYA DOLONIG ses ee cette ae 419 

Way 20s Se ee Sos ae Seas eee ee eee 193 
acutiverntralis... -b2222sss235---222--e5— 193 
ACTIULVGNEIS = = noo ne eee ee eee 193 
Pu GrAtH Ses oo es See Soe eee 193 

alfredi, Kryptophanaron__-_------------------ 234 

(AIP ATIBGS Ses eee oe ae eee 115 
PNT Oe ee oe eee ee eee 116 
AT GCS = eet Soe a ee oes 122 
DICOLOR a ee. ee soso bees ae eee 122 
Cipesien Ses foe ee eee eee 116 
Li giitic: Cree ois APE SS eee eS be sa 122 
Wactstris2c. ee see ea eee 116 
Tac eee Sree ee ee eae Se SS 122 
FUBESCONS =o os cce ee oe ee eee 116 
ONG Lc) Capt ee op Se oe er SES 116 
stigmatura 116 
tarascorum 116 
tincella___-- 115 

‘Algompes—o22= 144 
PONTO 7, ae) Oss Spin os eae ea 144 

alia, Tautoga 424 

glinig® (ACantH ITS < 80 - coheoses seen een ae 363 

@licias, BONAWSs == season enn ner ene a asoee mon 119 

MHCIOIUS: CE RHOUDIUS== se seten a= seen ane ees 279 

jh MDBCUOR 222 Sb Sok been soe aoe bee eee 402 

Blines, SAalMm0 se! 2s. cae n= eb ecw eee eee eee 60 

alisthostomus, Diapterus- ------------------- 342 

‘Allertedius=*2o2225-*>=2¢ ree Seek eee 377 
GOTaUinn6:: 226 o 235 osc oct eo ese see 377 

Retr Soe aa oe aaa Soe 8 fone a ene 484 
cliglont =. aso s ena we cones ee ee 484 

allector, Dolopichthys:-..-2222---<n=->-~-->— 509 

alleghaniensis, Moxostoma- ----------------- 111 

BIN Onno se aces sewer ne ee rake a 60 

allen RaAGibNNelac 25.22 5225 ese ee ee a ance 452 

allotteratus, bnthynnus- =. 222 28en- -aee= sen 258 
pon beb ees. 5 22 cs eet oe cera ae eee 258 

ANlinectés =~ 550225052. S soo care eae n cee 403 

MILISL CLONDINN ees 2 ee aoe ae eee eee 389 

allisoni, INeOLHGNNUS= > 25. S225 pero arn 260 
SUC C11) ee a ee on RE 260 

Alloch fg 6 See oa doen ae ene 402 

ipeliniss se eae ee aa eee ae 456 
HT Fins Ee ee Be eee eer RoE eA 456 

PAllocOtUtUS cco ae ot acon cee ee 


AN UTUSS. . aoe Cece oe Se ee 

almeida: Belone: 22-62-22 s- a eee eee 

Alopecias< 222 Sisee= 552452 ee eer 
Villpestd. s222 42.6422. ee eee 

Mlopids = 2s 25sse2 sees 22 eee 
MAcrourus.i2: 5) shen ee See eee 



preestabiliss.2~ #20202 5. oe eee ee 
SAapidissims:_. 2525-232 Ses eee 
alosoides, Amphiodon..--------------------- 
alpen, Leucichthys 

chloropterus:c 20ers 
lightfootit 2222s ee eee 
multiguttatus.- 22-2222) ce sean en eee 
Ailpismmariseee sooner 2... Je See 
alta Vourinial) = ees ee 
altavela, Pteroplatea------------------------ 

alternana; SCarlis2 2 =. =n ae oes 
alfermmata, eres mitchilli 222) e-eeeaeeeeee 
alticolussCatostomus. 25-222 -2---.- = eeeaeeee 

alticus? Salariss ses o2 Sao Soe eee eae 
altifrons, Astatheros 
Merose se ee eee a ae eens 
altipixma; (Belone:=-2 2-2-2 +a ese ene 
altipinnis; Alburmelluss=.22 2s 22) = es eee ene 
ty droplilox soso oe ore 
DOriGaria= ==. 2caeecee ese eee 
Micropogoni.-c2oc2- 2-2 ee eee eee 
altivelis,Alepisaurts..2-2---2-----=e loosen 
Corallicolasi2- 225 s22-322 bene 
Creninobates 222.22 -2=2--2 eee 
Sebastolobusics-..2-* 222 eee eee 
Serrantis. 0 soa nee eee 
altus, Bubalichthys- 
UG sOnlUS 2 Seas soos eee 
OlgopiteSS= ten a2 eee n ne ne ae aes 
Prigcanthviss-<- 2 cess. sohe eo aes e eee 
aluta, Scissna. 22222. 5.2. =~. bepeeeeee 
alitaceus, Acrochellus.--. =. -=..s2--ceeeeeee 
Alutarius amphacanthoides____..-------- aes 
macracanthnss--+---=~2s25..- eee arenes 

Cuspicsnds 2s. -.=--5 5-285 -e eee 
Aluterus anginosus_.- 225250232 see eee 
Publi ay (tye) t): be eee SS 
DODrOOKL 0 ssece<scesseucssa~ cone aaeers 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
RIGLOUES -VGHG SUS = seen as ee oo ek 495 | Ameiurus nebulosus catulus_____._...._______ 154 
alutum, Acutomentum_-_-_._____-____________ 366 Diaty.caphalus’=22-e aee e 154 
URENS, ATOR OTIA rene eee ee Be Fe 296 DONG GROSUS See ae ae a dS 152 
A POP ONICHGNVH See erence 296 DT OSGhistinn Stes ee Se ee ees 154 
IV BCbOT = SP een ee 6 Bb os 8a 346 PUR pee eee = ee ee er eS 153 
Hepastichih yea ses ee ee ee 
PRY OLIPIS = So eR ES Ses? Me a? wes 
fOHGICUS (Se sarees sae Be a ae 
Iatoralis=—- Seater cone Or” ete 

alveata, Trigonorhina 
alveatus, Bathytroctes 
alvifrons, Bathytroctes 
alvordii, Cottus 

p12] 0) 2) as Se ST oy Oe Ee eee HEAT ee oe a eee eee 
CLASSIS SCORE SS ee Fete 5 a ee 283 AmiMmog Vtes ote oo ec ae eee 451 
erpriinnyy <5 Salt es Boe: 2 eee 284 ATO DRITIOH Se te a See ok een 308 
Syidesta 20 5S hee eR Se ee 284 ATER ON See aa ee aes 295 
pti H Erba Sa Oe. & Eee ie far ee 283 IBANIRLOS soe ees se SE a es 493 
SHGETOCe RNAS \- 22-2 ooo es 284 Blennigsse os. ane ee 473 
TRA CSIDUS <2 Se. S|). Se See 283 SEM EIS eee es asin: Seats de ae eee 115, 350 
TOARIBRTIORICNSIB.» <= 2 1 5: ee 284 Haigh elo puss.) ae tes See 213 
ApiRrarmlinsrs= oe ete Fs Ee a ee 284 LOG es fol ae a ee 352, 353 
aati ees ae ees £8 CS a Re 283 TSO Ne ao ee eee ES ME ee 172, 173 
poect ining? 77ers 338k ae 284 sox liveries: £2 Se oe a Oe ee 173 
PREC Mee Re NS ee TS 284 emisripvenrun = secant ee ee ee 393 
TLL Clad al 9 eS ae Le ae aaa a 284 ERISMODHOKGSs ooes ee eee en eee 263 
LCLLTE rt ee EE A RO ee ae ome tren 283 RALIOBUGTUBS cee oes Neer ae eee 263 
(oS gu eh so Ea ee ar ies 168 Pap rrighe seo Soars ee 424 
Lrg tes = SRE e DRE e Cee eens eee 168, 169 Eaphins 2 sooo oo 8 5e a ol ee 504 
Bani A DHINS. 8 8 124 ER CTO ORT Ged 2-282 ceo es eee eee 473 
17) 22 )a) Tie ha NE 1 a 124 Menticirhng! 20 eee ee 330 
DER JOUR TT te PS ape ee ee See 144 Petrom yaone? == 2- 12 ee ace 8 
iti Oe a eee ee 144 Plenranacres:. 52a oe | ees 227 
Silerilas, .Guatlverd..2---...2..-<2-2secese Le 309 Polynemuss= 222 io Sassen ces ecoe eee eee 256 
amarus, Masai... hae 132 Roly prion ts 52h: 4 ew aia See 308 
RINAUeGS SUBMICNtNYS. 22) PS eee 190 Pseudopleuronectes.._...........-....... 227 
i=! s 11 11 Sees eee eae Bene? ree Pind 190 Sed tll: a ie in ees AILS S 393 
Car DORE) a ae oT RAS 336 OTS TS a ae ee Se 19 
ambiguus, Lutianus......................... 327 | amethystino, Maurolicus-_______- 73 
Miprimecitinss 25.3527 eee 214 | amethystinus, Salmo-___-___-- BT 550 
Mesoprion___ cif al ge Nak ae ee Boe Eas --- 38, 295 
Amblodon___- 352 inGiatal <3 28 os ac eee 295 
HgTe, Se ee ae ae 102 ROR se ee Ta AO Es oh Ratt Se ee ees 38 
PORNO 2 accor ins Sno OE ee 352 ee 26 mm ate we we oe eee een oe 38 
cow agg cee WES HE ee Shes cee OS 352 CoN Cy 2 SO ns Se ee me te ane 38 
PUGERs= Sa ke «et | Poe ee 352 puadaluperinion = — + isa nee oe eee 296 
CS EES SC ee 352 SLIME CULIA Ris eevee Leas seen = se 40 
OSC AR i a STR SS Mies el 348 WenibligiiOse sos 8S eS SS a ae 38 
BRIPISLIR ee, SY oe SOE 303 IMADMOTACR Soa ose ae cee 38 
CLOT op A ST ie ie eR areas 5 Te 303 Gcolden tals <2. 22 ees ee eee 38 
TEV a oR Ry a pape 2 Dis pare 303 WGRUICANC a 22 seo sence non anc asee naneeee 38 
amblops, Felichthys_.......................- 159 ornata.-............-------------------.- 38 
icin ir ee ee aaa geen Toe 133 DIGUOUWU Soran acacia os seat ee cee 38 
UMBDUAEGMEES fi. 2 eon eee ae oe 159 CY © SE SS Oe an Pe te 38 
SUL) 25 Ea aa i Pe ORT 194 Rewosella! 53. 4.ctn oe accent oe see 295 
WANTS ORIN Stina 8 oes ee eee 104, 195 Snbcwrnles 222-32 ons hss aaa 38 
TIGL CHIITIN oo SL a as 448 Shontpsonts a2 soca ete as eee 38 
Le CS paca Ss eT 195 MAUS eae saemapak aren ae eee 3 9sx5 see eee 38 
SIADIvOpsIs NONI 2 5. ee a ee ry (ey fw 9 Ea ro ee ne Ree CIEE ae 38 
ro eS a a a ae ele 437 CAI ote ed an ae eee 38 
AINDIVO DOE DOVE. og c8 st PPR LNDY. 61) (sh 1h ae ean ee ee) hoe SeG Tees 297 
COE OEE Ap ape Re PSC TRON Sais.” 448 Glapterus! jes. 22 sf. ee as 297 
Amblypomacentrus--..............-.--....-- ANG) | MOUND Le oa ese nm eke 38 
mbiynaja be = hao th eee 24,25 | Amitra.-.---....-.---- 222-50 -b.265----252- 404, 405 
amblyrhynchus, Caranx.............-__-.... 271 liparina.....-.------.---.-------------- 404. 405 

Preitiaranie ty bbe elo se kee lt eee Talal by yeh Eee Sees eS oe ees es 
Amblyscion 344 sonia Fea aies aageaans oa ab pee ee or a 

argenteus Seek Wiha Vigan ae Vee ee ee en ae 
? Piaclivacanthva es. 35558 he ok 154 
Ameiuride 151 Shit t 1f ESS ae DES OC OPER S Ty MEST 154 
Ameiurus 153 Gracies proce VE eae 154 
[Meee Sane Bae el anes ese 153 inpnees eo wee OS Pooks 2188 
brachyacanthus 154 WPPIIOMANA ee kno se aes eee 152 
catus 153 MICRO RRBTIS Sec) ee ee a eh 153 
dugesi 153 PER tee! a Pc hae Sei NE tag 154 
erebennus : 153 jie el hy 1) ea erate Ree on eneES 154 
lacustris okeechobeensis in| pT i naPaa tal t | <2 (a i rn erie 8 
marmoratus 154 Shy tpig ¢] i 2 ee ee eS SR ET ne ta 10 
me. 154 GU 5 a ae aes viene acns 10 
mispi 154 Pe Se eae 8 
natalis 153 [ster 1) PS Ae eR aia Be I 9, 10 
natalis analis 153 TOD Soy OS SR i ar ASO 10 
nebulosus 154 as 8 a oe 2 eS 9 



List of scientific names—Continued 

‘Ammocostes tnicolor 2222e eek eee eee 9 
AMM OCS oi eo ta os eee 8 
PA MIMO CTY DLA = = ao ere ee 282, 289 
Deaniic oo 2s ee ee 289 
Glarged ss ceo he oe ce 
pelida..2ts 0.262 Se 289 
AUVs See no oe ee 288 
ammocryptus, Tetraodon_-—...........---_.. 499 
AlASCANUS 23s. os- a2 anos ee 451 
AMeriCAnUS 5.222 (250-1 25220. eee 451 
Gupiuse+ <2 He ES ee 451 
persQnatus:...9 5. =. 2 eee eee 451 
septininnis... > - 3S ae eee 451 
tobias. = So ee eee 451 
VILLAtUSS-< 522 Se a ee et 451 
Am Mody piGs es Vee A 451 
ALTMIGD CUNO Lene eee et en Ree 230 
poanus Al burnellns a sae 223 a ate 123 
PS GUND DIS Soe ee nae 2a ee eee 123 
AMNDre IST A = )  e  e 436 
SINOTER | GODIUSS ie ee 436 
ATOR DNOCEDDAIUS 2 =-2-- ee eae ee 430 
pranuilgtusss-02--2oe< ee ee een 430 
amphacanthoides, Alutarius___..__-------.-- 496 
Arp hivonopTteruss sna ct cee ee ee 409 
AUIEOT Ss ee eT ee eee 409 
AIM PNHOPUNSL. oo ws cow ee ee ee 420, 422 
ja =| 0) <1 5 (eal en RC a ee al De Res Ge SS ae 422 
IA DIAGUS See eet ee eee 422 
lohochlus 24 52S es eee eee 422 
ZAM PHO OF es ee ee eee 41 
nlosvides sok a ee 41 
FAIR DDO XSIOGS sae eee oe eee eee 7 
ANP MONUS ee tI a Se te ee ee 7 
amplioxyvs, Gantherines: = -2=- «25 ase 494 
Mfonocanthius’=. =a Skee oe 494 
Amphiprion americanus: - -2--2-- -.+---2 2 308 
GUISES? Se Pe ee 308 
TMUtCHIOIOS a eee a ee ein eee 235 
ASTOINSTICDUS! ae oe ee a oe ete 410 
SIZOULCHS =e Sos ee ee eee 410, 411 
Late) wo dt:h 0h 6) Cee mee ee eee RS eee 411 
LTS ee be ne ee eee ee 411 
RIN PUOSONIS ioe nek noe oe eR ee eo eemew nae 28 
CIDLORRIUS eke es ee eee 29 
Cha) LeU CE ee eS Se eens eS ee 29 
say -.- ee ene ae ee 28 
ampla, Makaira__ SPE. Ae ESET 47758 
amplexicollis, Sarotlino sis meee mene 360 
SATA D IOV aa to ae i ae Sree eee 50, 51 
Palos} ss. 2 A ae ee oe 50 
AIM PIS} SCATUS S222 ae aa ee eee 432 
"PEUTAD GEIS sos = ee ee ee 263 
ampullaceus, Opbiognatins tle rh i se 95 
Saccophisrynx.)- < 257s . 5 2 eee 95 
aria Dlepidce> =— ae oS o> Dee eens 194 
AAT 0) G) 0 ae ee et eee ee 194 
Psa 0) (2) 0s ae ee ee ee ae 194 
COW Gis oo4 2 wt nn ld ee 194 
LeLrOpotbaliis®: -Sos 22 2 bea eee 194 
anableps; Amableps) 22°) =2 e+ 220222 eae eee 194 
Anacanthini_- os A at 2 
Anacyrtus guatemalensis_ ees a Pe 98 
anagallinns, Jepomis 3 o252 25-2286 staeee es 300 
PAMAG0 SU ee ee eee oa ee 80 
TBR CUUPUIS os care eee eee 80 
MUIVONS oot he oe ee 2 ees 80 
anago, Conger... obs a ee eee 80 
analigutta, Pomacentrus- —. 2-5-1 2222-225 414 
Ras, Amicurus natalis —. 2505 a ee 153 
CHDOCOLLUB so-so 390 
Contery ooo eos co eee 80 
WipoOMIAcENntrus. — os So eee ee 413 
EPO DerMLOsSORON...- hen see ea ee 410 
Eby pocritiehthvs... 4. eee 410 
Jota ti hehe fe eam enn Die RED OT es 326 
WIESODrION Ht Ae eee Ph See 8 326 
IN OTACANLHS: 34) 3 = ee eee 76 
OligOcotHUIS Beveeu coulda eee ee 390 
Orfhagoriscusuls-. ole pees cane 503 
POmMscen Lins iees ss a Saee Oeee 413 
Seyris: - 2 Seen ot ace Ce 274 
Umbria. oe eee ee eee 350 

anslogus, A budefdut=.-.-__.--- eee 415 
Epinepheltiss -.. 5.2.22 eee 310 
Muchistoduss2 5 ke =. ess eee 415 
IKkcyphosus e222. 2 seen 3 eee 339 
Pimblenteruss. 6: 322283 a eee 339 
analostana,” Cyprinella_ 2]. _ 2 Sees 129 
Mropala:- = o552 ae tee eee eee 129 
Anarhichadidss_.. 5... 22 ee eee 472 
Anarhichas: 522.2225 eee eee 472 
lupus. 8 032 eee eee 472 
orientalis: .5=-2>.-7-  eeee 472 
ANarmostusiss 0.2222. oe ee eee 329 
‘Anarrhichas)karrak="- \=l 2) Se eee ee 472 
latifrons. 222 saen bee eee 472 
leopards... 35 2= oe eee 472 
lepturus eS eee 472 
maculatus>-- <0) 2 eee 472 
MHINOG se ee eee 472 
Strigosus:22 025.2 2 Pies) cere eee 472 
Vomerinus.2 2220 oS eee 472 
‘Anarrhichthyides 22 222s See 422 
“Anarnhichthys: 2228222 oe ee ee 472 
felis es eS eee ee 472 
ocellatus!-. 302 ee eee 472 
anasimos, Acipenser (Huso) -----..---------- 35 
Ancanthigs canescens... =.) <2 2 ae ee 161 
QNCOpS LC OLbNSE. =~ 22 ee 386 
“AMGHISOMIUS= of Se oe eS ee eee 498 
geomernicuss 2.2 oe 499 
(Anchisomus) caudacinctus, Prilonotus__--- 500 
PAMICNOR ss. een eee ee 47, 50 
ANCHO VE) oo oe ao Sa ee ee 47 
WATICHONIS. oe ee oe eee 50 
abWottine: «57 Se ee ee 50 
Brenicola: |. -=- <= See ere 49 
brevirostrum:- - === see ee 51 
choerostoma cayorum 49 
clupeoides: 2 a a ean § 
eigenmanniaa. =. === ae 50 
elongata. oe 49 
filifera.*_ = ean Oh ee 50 
lepidentostolec. “2... - 22 = eee 49 
macrolepidota: 22-40 323s eee 50 
DAlVa. se es ee ee 49 
platyareyrea:2- ==. eee 49 
Scitula 2. <2). 2 eee 49 
trinitatis--32 52 225-545 eee 50 
anchovia, Sardinella 43 
ST CIN Se Ba eS oe Se 43 
Amchoviellac. 2°22 Sse 2 eee 47 
ADO: £0. 2 asso 2 lessor ee 50 
arenicola_ 22". fc 4-2 ee ee 49 
Are yrophanalesssse sees = phe ette BE agees 48 
astilbes=. 22-83 5228 see os o8 oa ee 49 
branchiomelas=222 3532-35) 49 
cayorum:. ~ 222-6. 22855282 2 eres 49 
choerostoma: -i2228-5- 5. aes eee 48 
COMPIeSsasi 322225550 eee ee ee 50 
cuban. 222 oo eos 22-2 Soo ee eee 48 
cultrata. ..25.5..-==--.--_te@abe see eeee= 48 
(Ura eo. fon ashe once eee ee 48 
delicatissima. = 222. --2 552 Be eee 48 
eigenmannia--_..- 4-222 222-22 eee eee 50 
elongata: = We bal eee ree eee eee 49 
@psetus: 22252. 5- Sa eee ene ae eee 48 
CXIGUA. ...-s seals ee ees oa eee 47 
Hliferay >. 25.22 ee eee 50 
guianensis 49 
hellerizeve seas 48 
ischiaria 2: 2-0 ees see <2. 3 eee 48 
lepidentostole 49 
Wucidhe 252) 2a eee ees acc eee 48 
lyolepiss2 3 223.2; --.2i eee 49 
miarchuSy25:5k..---..2.=.2 3 eee 47 
mitehilli es... eee 48 
mtIndeolas = Se... 22526 oe eee AO 
TIASO se tat 22 oe Se pio a 49 
PanamMensis=-°-. _. 2: S2see eae eee 50 
DAT Vie oe = 32 eae ee eee 49 
Derastiate te... -- 222 ease Pees 47 
nerthecst®#==—. W222 o-b eae eee 47 
platyargyrea 49 
rastraliss2es2 22... cant 32 abe eee 50 
TODELtSibse ss. 222 oe ee eee 49 
PPG U I ee eee | ees ee eee ee 49 


List of scientific names—Continued 


Anchovies scofieldt: 25." =... 22 Se 49 

SLO ee Se ee ees = 50 

hh) ae eS oe se 50 

2 LENS ye oS A ES Senet 161 

SSpIGOIEDIS: SP ase 8 BE 161 
CL a Pe eee A Ee ars See 160 WAR RONICES= soso ae ee ee eS 332 
PUBERATOLG eee a ee Pees 161 | anisurum, IMoxostoma-2= 12s. See ee ab 109 
TET TA (Yay; Reena AE ETS ge ee eae = xa 162 | “Snisnras,,Catestomus.- =" = oo.) ees 109 
PITGORIATS -* 55 Be te as eS 1614| tanjerensis.\Gobius-— <>. eee 442 
iAniCeps:” 62 See a 161 | anna-carolina, Mugilomorus_--_-_------------ 39 
Bpmnsns. =) J eae TG ea | ATHSD | PACE NUSS eo oe ee eee 394 
POON ORTON ae ee gg ee 354 Colimss: sor ek ae ee 384 
fACHUGONS 22 rs=. 9S ai aa rannertans, Gambnsia-__. = 22 Seat 187 
IDARVIDHINIS.- te es ees ae abao | sannectens; Coccolts#2- 2. 8.24 eee 217 
ancylodon, Lonchurus 354 Gamibusia® 25220 .-.-6 2 oe Re 187 
Macrodon..__________- 354 IPeInpichthys: 5-0 = 2 eee eee: 2 187 
mneviopsetts. 2 so 224 | annectens hesperis, Priapichthys__--....-... 187 
Gartiniticne 4-37 2 5. eel eee 2) ‘annularis,, Centropristis. 2.2 =. =<. s.- = 2228 319 
muncrocel inte "28 2 a em 224 Wanclerus. _ 325-2 235-5... - Ss Ree 278 
audres, Rhinoscopelus. ...-_.-.- 2222222 168 IPDMO TIS 5 2 SO ee 304 
BCG peSs an 228 soe on ee SER 168 3 [ais ae ee NRE Oe St der 338 
androsiensis, Gobiesox_._____-.__-_-_-------- 489: || sasinulate’ WMelanura.—.:.-._.. 2 eee 174 
EIGHT YS oe. as en Se 361 | annulatum, Exoglossum_____-------------- 146, 174 
ToL it Be ee eee eee Oba ere ee 2 8 te 361 | annulatus, Antennarius_....-.....-. ee! 506 
pie Ue eee ae eae cet tek 2) 361 Gheilichtitys: =o) 76 ss Soe 2 ee ee 499 
AP ri | OS eee ee ae ee PR ees 361 Pewodon 2502.8 AS ee Ere 499 
CONDE 27 0 1 22 | enogents, Ey bopsis.<.52 2-025... = 22 136 
MPRRORUS CA ITELOS: a2 oe Gk oe 496 INGIRODIS Ato a aoe oS ee 136 
HINTING LARS == 2s = 2 teiol B05}. ABOUS, Savms = oo 5 ee 164 
anguiformis, Ophichthys (Sphagebranchus) -- of l- aomala, Dekkayas <2 4 22. Ao le ee 357 
2 tenia poste Se Ree ees pean er S491 || ‘Anomalopidse: -) 22. 252 2 aoa 234 
oS Be a a ee eas CIES See 77 | anomalum, Campostoma____---------------- 146 
rire | EC oT See See Cree 77 | anomalus, Caulolatilus______-..--.---------. 357 
TUNE KEfe eet eee Se ok ees 77 Gls es 5 7 Eee 146 
se Ay ee re ee me es RO IS are ae 77 | Anoplagonus EB 397 
LT Tlie 1y: | Oy ae SNe Re ABE SE AEE 77 ermine se ee re et * oe 398 
ORG eb OS tee eS 5 Oh Se Se eae Sng 77) SeMOMIALChUS 2.85 ee Re 468 
Coll ort es ay a a 2 Te 77 Cristea ok ee eee 468 
PARA COG Sn Se a 77 cristigalli archolepis._..................-- 468 
(its, a. in nnn es © 2 F" FES 7 insizpins 983s a 468 
MGV EeOHeanes = 8 Fs 2a: eed 77 Purprescens _ 52-5... ee ee 468 
aT 2) sys ee ne eS SRE EP Ti. Res DIDwaSen a 25s Se ee ee 233 
WORRTNICG: © 28/2 > BERETS 7 ORG IRs See as foe ee eS 233 
LU a en ene se ESF 7.) SemomOoploMia. 2. 2, 23-6 ee 373 
| a Oe 5, Te Eee 77 Pim priss 205 3535 2 Gee Lt See 373 
Cony eee Te 5 77 merlangus__ Soft Ee POSSE Ses 373 
(of EP ee aera ae a ESeh 7 ATIGHIOpOM Ghsc) 9S. ho a 373 
tyrannus i | @uoplos; Uranoscopus;..-....«.42-2, 222 454 
wabashensis 77 3) (BRODIE, PNYTISCHS: | 5.2.2 asda eee 379 
xanthomelas 77 8 
anguilla, Anguilla 77 500 
Ictalurus 152 100 
emrereriitseet Ayes 5 Se a 77 264 
anguillaris, Blennius.....____....._-_------ 470, 473 55 
SReraTRePAIIONNNNRS 3 802 2 oa Vl, SR 77 10 
fori T LG Uy eae eS ee eae SE 77 34 
anguilliformis, Pholidichthys__......---.---- 465 4) iAnteliochimesra sc 2. fn eats sanseeeae 33 
Soil l te GF ES OE onan ene tay eee 77 ehiretiriaqmphns 22 3. es 33 
Rein isan 2 «3. 8S IS 905) “Antennaria avalonia« |. a.-.5.. 22sec 506 
anguineus, Nerophis.______._..-.-..==;-_-.-- De rte RE rnin y Cr [oc ee Sa ep RR eS See t 504 
Bip ds yOOGGS <5 68 2 sos re Soe ss ee W7 5s | CAMILONMAr OS 233 oo eS eR 505 
anguliceps, Macrourus_.__..___._..-----.---- 206 GAYINITIIRE sey 8 2 ee. 506 
LOC ih ee oo ere eee kot beep 206 EStTOSCOPUD. ob sadtoasasscese eee 506 
angulifer, Cichlaurus 416 hi A ea ee ER eS REE: | oS I 506 
ic as 416 i 506 
angulosus, Balistes__ fr), 402 505 
MEI GeN TNR. 2 a2 ets 492 505 
mignmMbeis, BOlONG: og oak ene dee 196 506 
CONS =? a a eet OATS SD pte 136 PN GLNON son 5 5) des sake eee 506 
SLUGS fh a a Ts BRT 498 rN ae i res eae TEARS SIT 8S 505 
(Wes Lr Sees en ae a a 196 Pletiropthalmiuse. 22222 es e857. ee cence 505 
=. 311 ft) 1S a ep ot Sa aa rE 498 inti t.)a) ERS Se aM SE eeeeee = vs = POT 505 
angustidens, Macrostoma.____.-_.---..------ 166 eG (era SPE SE APRS ASA ES a 506 
angustifrons, Epinephelus_____-___-...------ 311 POCGRUREIS 7 $e 2 3350S Pedro ed alta eae oe 505 
MRRUMALIN Ss eas Somer eS 2 405 BAMIQTIOHN dete. s Ses Diese ona 505 
COLL |, eee See Tl a 311 CAE a Pe Oe Ee ee eee 505 
pe ap ray Men ieciie = 82 Le 214 ROMMUAGL. suebe sac anedi ek as bcs 506 
anisacanthus, Dolopichthys_._..._....._.--- 509 RENIN. eer She el BE bk Se 505 
Anisarchus 470 Jaci sje tt, ee ie wee 5EC LIE = 505 
tmedius 470 ROUEN eta yates gi 72 dbus aes vn eee 505 
Anisochtodon 359 506 
Anisotremus 332 506 
biodlor....46ae 332 502 
davidsonii 332 502 
interruptus 332 322 



List of scientific names—Continued 

Anthins aquilonarlas= =~ = >= oa. = es 328 | Apocope adobe 
caballerote.2- 25. 2 Sc 65 ek aes, 325 carringtonii 
eherna. 20 S20 eo eben ens 2 ae 311 CoUeSH iets ane So SS 
formosns=- 2 oo. = Seo ee ee 330 Taleataeeee cane 
(Hemianthias) peruanus___ 322 henshavii_____ 
OGG =i ae cen noe eee ens 325 klamathensis 
quartus rondeleti 326 Nevadensis.. ..223- es i =| eee 
rablrubie.2 500 3-25 a2 5 a ee 327 mu bilai2 Sos 220 S22 so eee coe ne a a eee 
SADONACOUS = 222522 eee 316 OSCUlae 2-352. 220s 5 eee ee 
Stratis: 2.22.) eee 311 robusta ->=..:<. 3. 226m ee ee 
Tenis 22c5 52-5 AS eee 322 imatilla:. 2222225 Se ee eee 
VIVANUS |. Joocssu cee ee ee 322 ‘valifora.).5. 2. 222 = ee 
anthias, Ibabros. 22! = 2 eo ee 322 vulnerata 222: 2-25.22 5522 ee 
anthracinus, Acipenser (Huso) -__-._-______- 36 Yarrowie 23-3  eeeee 
antica, Alvansea-= soe. <5 Ee 122 | (Apocope) nevadensis, Rhinichthys__-______ 141 
anticus, Hesperoleucus-.--_.........---------- 122 velifera, Rhinichthys._...._..._._..-.--.- 141 
‘Antivonine ses" oi 29 (o leas eae Bak 358 | apoda, 'Perca=: = <\22-- es ee 325 
CADTOS eee na a ee eee ee SD 358 Plevronectés::225- 2555222." eee 229 
At IpGMiG pees ne oom Le Th I ee ae 358 | Apodes 
antillanus, Conodon 333 | apodes, Lutianus 
antillarum, Caranx_-------_-_- 273 | Apodichthys-_---- 
Chilomycterus_____-------- 502 flavidus _-_- 
@yclichth ys... 5. 222-224 See 502 fucorum 
MMA eS 25 oe Soot TS nee eae Doe pees 175 inornatus 
Sicydlum <= <3. S-2-sc2-2-5 + 4 eee eee 447 sanguineus: 2 2..- 3.2222 - =. 2 ee 467 
PP RLISINIBTIG one Aes oe ee on See a on 53 univittatuss2 == 2 eee 467 
ATIbINOTA ooo. sac eee eS eee 211 ViolACGUS.- = 25-2. =2--2. .*. - ee 466 
microlepis= =" 22-2 te ee ee 211 virescens. 5-2.--2 =. 5b ee ee 467 
ps1) eee eee a eee ee 211 {| ‘apodus; utignus®: 2-2 35 22). ee 326 
FOSUIAG ae oS a ee ee 2h] «|| SApOgONS= 32256 Se te ee ee ee eee 38, 295 
pile) | es Sed ie See ee ee eee eee 211 BlUWUS 2... -05 25h 25. 22e oe eee eee 296 
antistius, Cheenobryttus____-.--.-.---------- 303 americanum. 35-2225) 422 5 ee 295 
antoniensis, Pimelodus________-------------. 153 americanus! 2520002 ch chs = 295 
ANtrostonins, Laiacantnus: co.) === + eee 70 Stricaudus: :=- 22 -e ee 295 
Anu, Pimephsles. 2 3. ees» Se a ee 146 295 
(Anaraiod Onset aoe eae ee eee 100 295 
opmpressus:: 225.6 5/2 3 le. ee eee 100 295 
Garievisis® >. ee eee 100 guadalupensis- - =". -5---- 2-7 == ase 296 
ADOMES = eee ee ee a 239 IMb@lbIS..3222.525-56-42- 525 ee 295 
QUAGTACHS «2-20 st eee 239 maculatus... 2-2. ss2244. 4 eee 295 
apeltes, \Gasterosteus .:. 2. 2.- 2 eee eae 239 moluccensis_=..----5-..-225.65-eeeseee 295 
Paneling: ssp ose ee ee 239 pandionis-:2) -..~-0222 2 eee 296, 
PASS Filey ere = ee Sd a PON a 5 2 Pee ee 246 pigmentariuss -22252-- = =} eee 295 
AVIGICONALS! 22. 22 ae eee aes 246 retrosella. ----<- ----0--L whe ee 295 
PADNSNODUS 22 oe to te 2 ee ee 262 Yox-minloriUmes= Sees ee jobs 295 
CAL DO er een sack e ae 262 ruber: 2 < s223....-s=5-5-. = eee 295 
MUWOP a oot ee eee ca oe Done 262 sellicauda..-222.5..=- 22-2 a ee 295 
A phododertis: 2c 2222 2 2 oe a es es 215 ||| apogon, Borophryne-_-----___-____ = eee 509 
Cookiqnus:<22 {<i Sea a eS 215: | ‘Apogonichthys--—.. ==. = 2-8 eee 296 
ATNONIStia ts) oS ee eee 230 alutus=... 32 -225-0-2.-.3- eee 296 
AUDICATIOR oes 2 ree ee ee eee 231 melampogusss:- 2. as2 25-5 ee 296 
diomedeana 231 Dergix...5.- ease a senae- topo noe ee 296 
MAareinatae. sas sess 231 puncticulatus:..--2<---- == ee 296 
TIBDULOSA Sos ee ee ano eee 231 stellatus....<....---+-----2243-.53 eee 296 
ornata elongata 231 StrOMDi. 2522.5... te eee 296 
Dleras Ss tee 3 ae ae 230 | Apogonidse.......--=-=-------=2-2--s- adnate 295 
OUIBI a 8 Fee 2k sks eee 231: || “Apomotis 2)... 2252s ee eee 298 
Aphredoderidm... ..-- 2222255522525 oe 215 cyanellus.°-<-.-. 2-2 -22-e a ee eS 
A PNYECOUGLIS 2 ==. 2.00.25: Sey oes eae ee 215 @ULrYOruS. 2). 2255-22. 52-2-2 ots 299 
ral 0) 1) Leen eet 215 ISCHYTUS.... ci sees 47d eee ee 299 
SAYSNUS 2a bs-32 8 nono set aa eee 215 phenax: =. 2--s-2ssesen<0-4-5-55en eee ae 299 
ADDN VONUS Sone anaes aa coe naka eee ee 484 PUNCtatUS=. —.<= 22. .255-cHe ease eee 299 
gelatinosus: 2 63.32 23-3 a2 eat eee 484 Symmotricts..--.---22.5-56.2- eee 299 
TOOING 3. oa ct eee ene 484 | appendiculatus, Centropomus-_-_-.----.----- 305 
Spin; Riva tis sa eee eee ee eee 313 XO COSHIS = eran snake eae pee 201 
apiarius, Saranus 308: | ‘appendix, uepomis- -- =. -2--.-=2-..-2225.-beee 299 
apiatus, Lepomis 299 (PeLD enter O nese nes np aaa = eee 9 
anicalisAlosa;.-... 222252205 eee ee 43 IPOtROMLYZONE2 oe a= nese eae nae are eens 9 
Mghenels. = o3 22-2 aeaans cone scene 449 256 
MAD IONICNERYE:< 2-222 -nee cosa ease a= wee 230 334 
Gumoerilte oo 23c2 eo. oon ee eee 230 15 
NepwlOsUS {f= se eS Pn ae Soe 230 328 
SAD IStGS AXT So <8 ees ee ee aeeenne 370 | ‘aprion, Gerres_2°". _..- =. 2. o-oo eee 342 
VAD ep ON 22) 3 a er ees 200,208 | Aprionodon==222--2--=- -<2ss2ee nek eee 15 
1 Oe a ee  aene: 290 B ASO Grineee see e ens = ee eee 15 
(VE aS eee eres ener Te a 298 PUUCHATUS=. ~~ ~~~. - 2-26 oe eco ener 15 
olan ise s oa NER ee Se 852 | :Apristurus: .=22.-.2<---2555.5-4.-4-eeeeee 12 
YUNG eS ee stn soe eeemee 352 DPYUNNCUSs.- <2 =. ceee desea eee ae 12 
NGG IBCHIS Ko se oss eo 352 profundortim:.- -.2.2~--s-<s25-6---seee 12 
p50 (75 Pt) ae SS ee eee oe 339 || ‘Aprodon ss est<-s_ 2. cccschesansesa eee eee 474 
339 corteziana: ..-...052.-222-s202=5eeeeeeeen 474 
261 COTteZIANUS 2. . .ccwact eases eee eee 474 
961 || Aprolepis. 22-52-56 sows ennnceensda== nee 444 
140 Darbar soe a2. - 2 bocce ceasncs eet 444 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Wenpenidobranchinsseoea= = ==. 222-4 354 
PERRO RITIS nae tec a eee a se 499 
POD STL PETG rT a Se ee ee 328 
Pentenehthys.- 209302. 32 5225-5 =.= 2535 M 
ROMICHODS: 2 Smears sone oe ee ee M4 
PRISLOR GMI. 50 23 ee 23 2 ok on os ae 101 
pS aS ee ee eee 101 
MOGULS Ae ea nase eo eee 101 
ISURISITAIS «2 = Soe sean none e sans 31 
ipeenye = 2 tase a 31 
mepinaiuichth ys... = 265 552225-2--.-52 S25 89 
pamip Deus 2° 228 e 8 “2a feo See 89 
MEINCEIG S eee a a 2s eee 89 
Lr a ee ener 398 
WISMMICOBUB 65 oon et ce sole S eee 398 
ore tT: re ees 313 
Trisotropis venenosus___...-...._-------- 313 
GENIN PIL GM OCLESS = - ss os oo 223 SSE 53 
aqueedulcis, Gymnothorax____._._...-.------ 93 
jeieeeeipis: Mt ureeita — = oF ks ee 
Sf egre ee a 5 5 Fons Sao cae 
Lr eee Se re ee 
2 a eee eee eee ae ret eed 
Co ee ee ere ee 
seelidrum, Salmo: .....---+.-----222---255 
CLE er) Ene cs ee 
ON ae eee ee 
Seposua, Prcnronoectes _. ... 2... -.2---=--56- 
arabatcn, Salmo... 2. .52--..-.---- 
arabicus, Chanos-----........- 
aracanga, Pseudoscarus__ 
qncansnnue, INO WOpIS . 22) Le 
Notropis telecopus_............-.-.-..--- 
PURE MNIRSISS Seo S82 55 ee 
TED SOY a a es: 0 See eae 
aeeoeiies BsOBtOntts 8 5s oso se 
0 a ee nee a see ee 
aramaca, Hemirhombus--.-.-.....-...-.....-- 218 
FE enn ae a) > ee 218 
CCAP CE, aE ee Ree Reis 9: Se 218 
SrEnipie, | CUOROIGUS «525052 2 se ee 426 
oS i es Sais Te Fig LD 330 
i ae OIE ES TU 311 
oe ET re i Se Eres ors 327 
Ss ae Se er Pass 327 
2 ee ie RP a meet ses npaees 490 
et = aE aE eee rae eae eae 491 
er ae 5 ele 490 
ae erase eos £, Sie S 490 
OOo ee Se eee 491 
Ls OEE ee 491 
WIMOTUEE, LADOPUT YDS. 2... 82 oo sos nan sccee 510 
arcansanum, Etheostoma zonale_____..__-.-- 2389 
ARATE So oo Oo oe Ba ES 289 
SONIMATINIC, TMT 8 sk es Se 124 
pops Telecopus. + - 3. Se 124 
pr ae Ae A ane anaes a 2 Ee 377 
ie OE AE a te ee ret 377 
archidium, Elattarchus_..........-.<.=.---. 345 
7 a Nee A 345 
Po 10g): ee ape annie eee 5SES 420 
itt Ot ee Ee eee. kee 420 
immaculatus-----......-.- 420 
nigrofasciatus___-....-- 420 
_— a Pee Ae 420 
pinosissimus__._.........__- 420 
sche, Anoplarchus cristigalli___ Z 468 
Anoplarchus purpuresceus-_--___________ 468 
ORCI ee os ae eo 248 
ee ee eet ee ee) See ae 248 
SOTO a Ss tee dda Ss ee ea 313 
Pt. SOS Soe eS ene eae 303 
vec Se aoe eae st eae ae aree¢ 303 
pS le ne ra See waite 338 
po RE POLE Se a Sr ee ee 338 
edit ay tale VL Le A ae a a 338 
arctica, Liparis Pn ee RA Pe rT 400 
arcticom, Benthosema_...............---..-. 170 
asctious, Chironects.. 232255. 2k sean keoe 504 
er | SEE AE egg se Apa ane OL 14 
CVETIOg ERR oe oa 216 
Eee Oe ES ee | 
a Dee SISA Se 28 170 
po BG eh Pi ee eas 14 
po EE eee. aa 216 


Srcbiinonsy Calamus <3: } 2s eed see 337 
Giihsrehttivs=s-2*-s.t gees Bio 219 

AT CLOSCOPUS= 2--o = naan anes onsen ee ee eee ene 357 
FADO CHS Soa en See 357 
ATCLOVOHUS 222-5 so4 2 oss ee 165 
berbalis:==25228 35238 eee 165 
COFHSCANSS: 22S 222 Se25 hs sae RZ 165 
SECrh; HipnOstomal=: oo 522 ss ee Se 242 
arcturus) Baimo- 2-2-5 5593 52 send eT 61 
Salvalinuss== 2205 = 22 Sabah eee was 61 
AUS -SVPTIAUNYS =o 23-2252  e ee 242 
prouninm. Finemulon: © = 62-220 8e oe es 330 
Bigperrosopan ee 2 a eee 410 
AICTistsis, SHC YPAGHS | 52 5-2 2 es o> Ee 202 
hiprenanksters 22 vat Ce ees 360 
Giada its ee ee ee So oe 202 
PIMMBOATUNNS 2 255,556 55 705 tS ee Le 360 
Tn: GAR ON PS Perce ae ne ee 105 
yas a os ses 2 32 52 > 2 NS 126 

EO hehe | ee eee cS ee Se ae 126 
cee FR Lc) eee a eee eed. ra 195 
rye a erst 6 eer eT Bee 118 
Srosingins Sasportig. 2008 222 301 
arenacous, Citharichthys._...--._--.2_=- 221. 219 
SrOUA tA MIMO. Soe aoa ca see eoeeaaeee 351 
arenatus, TAS So at eee ee ee 150 
TIBCAN DS 22 SIS ae Be 323 
Behirilonthigss0e 32 os ee 140 
Valor so. Soa OS Vier ad 316 
arenicola, Anchovia 49 




RYGHORUA CIA GNIR 2 om ns SS) es REE 210 
rE a ee 196 
PIPOMIRY Hine so a 3 sc occae aeons 196 
are, AJ DOING S550. ss SS eee 124 
CORO 22s 252 SE ts Se aes 250 
HSnertan 2s 3 5 ee eee 250 
RARa S22 ee ee eae 305 
DO ee RSE le ae aan eae Me 124 
yi tot gO) 1 LC: RS ee oR ae eats 208 
pT EE ROR SON RCAN OP aes 208 
argentatas, Astyanaxt. oo ooo onl 96 
Dg 4 js 2 ee ES ST ee eee ee We 128 
argentea, Bathyclupea __..-...-___-_-___--_- 21 
WERT So oe ee ee 77 
Te BE ee ea | a at SRE a 334 
TE a Oe Ea en Sen ae. de 275 
BOGIES os 3 cos ee eee 255 
Stelmanchneria 5. 20 A ee Sen ee = 203 
argenteolus, Lychnopoles_..-............-.-- 72, 73 
argenteum, Hyperprosopon._.........-..... 410 
punctatum, Hyperprosopon_____________ 410 
TROINONIES 22 Ses od ode See pe eaee 9 
AMBIPSGOH . so ssccso sade cocwcaenbeeeee 344 
ATP ISMC UNG 235 eto nee 411 

Lit g ct t ER Sn ene OEE Piee eed St HE Lad 98 
Oi 1 Ee a eee sae ee eeerre 277 






I 344 


WRCmapiOm iets oi ad Sao Fas oe Re 349 
RREOMORONE ts a ecw St ee 9 
RIED erste ee Sd ah 36 
La EEE eae eee Sa Ea 338 
SINE Sos fe ere sie ht PU 277 
LL) oie Sed Ss Re eS Sept aes 337 
Copp LCase eS ee Se ee ee ee 40 
Sebi tie a) te Le ee eee erie ail 277 
Jit St Oe a ee ee ee 262 
POA ease an dantsdn dee wa done ccsannew 68 
(ol SE a oat ee eee ee. 39 

Pa ile a) SS ee eee ee eee ee 40 
ERs Ja se ha bac io ened acu 73 

(og tl Os Se Sc a eae oe pe 67 
LL! 8 = SO Re a Pe aa papel es ne ptr Dea 68 
Pot aE Ty eee Be ee eee 68 
DOME todo e cca dua ane auaagwiies 68 
PCat ids jdaeeadicdennaliaes wat 68 
PRM Rei ekdus sd suddédcddsensdaaumk 68 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
Appeniitti doses eee sen esas enna eee ena 68 | Arius 'commersonii: - =. ..-.--22-sceenemeneee 149 
argentinus, Pimelodus-_--------------------- 152 dasycephalus!=.2:{-_-Li eee 150 
argentissimus, Gasterosteus____-------------- 238 elatturus_- <2... -+..2.2._00 1 eee 149 
Plavopterus=— 2 = --e e eeeee 147 emmelane<22555 22. soc 5.2 eee ee 151 
argentiventris, Lutianus___-------.---------- 326 @questnis= 2-2. -..- =... See 149 
EY '/0) 0) (0) 1 eee Se ee ee Oe ae fe 326 evermanni--< 2.2 = 52 sect eee 151 
arpentosa; Dionda 2-22 22-2~~- 2 aes 144 farthiz-.<-- 2620.3 a 151 
AY POS. ae on eee en ase ee 159 @Tandicassis..- == =.= 2 2522+ ola eee 149 
sabslo. =< --<-< oh aae a oe eee 159 guatemalensiso= s==s. 20s e202 eee 150 
Arpo jie. 225505 3o nt eee ee ee 265 hypopthalmus:--25)20 52022255. eee 151 
steindachneri. =o 2 Se eee 265 insculptus.c22..- 2a eee 149 
areus, Cephalopholis- =. ---- sen2-as eee 309 Kessleri-222 a2 22 oe oe Doe 149 
Gymnothorax (Limamurena)__--------- 90 lebiceps=) a2. o2 =) an ee ee ee 150 
Morena eo ee eee 90 liropuse Je .0 oN e 151 
Pleuronectes? 22) sais ce oe eee 217 melanopus:=..2--. 23. = eee ee 150 
Squslossa.= 32 Se. Sues 12 mil bertiz 232 iscis2. 2 3 Sh. ee 149 
aPryred: *SCarcina- 2) 2a soon eee eee pe 262 miultiradiatus 2222 <= 2-5. Soo 151 
SHAT oes a eee eo SEE SS 341 OSCHIUS 2-2 2250 oh ae 149 
IANEYTRIOSUS cao ~ coe nee enna een eS 275 planiceps: 22-23 822 == See 149 
ECV. OOD ose e ere oe en ee ee 276 platypogon.<--2s.--= =. ee 149 
Mersted hte ses. te a2 ee ee 275 Seomanie ~ 2-7-2. tooo te 25 ee 150 
MACIICUS!=- =. = so a oe ee ee 276 Spixti-3.-2 522. 58022 e552 ee 150 
SetipinniS: = 2 a2 ae So ee ee ee 275 steindachneri-=-° 222. =. 5 eee 151 
HOM AaCuatUS oe een ee eee 275 taylori> 323-2 et 151 
(0) 06(:) an ne aan ee 275 truneatus:._ 2-22... 22-2 Ree eee eee 149 
argyreiosus, Pogonichthys-_------------------ 116 || arizone:, Pantosteus!=.-_---— - ass eee 104 
IAB OVTOUS Se Soe ee ene ee ee 189. ||) Arlinasso2-22 222) (2222-2 287 
GUlGIsts oh soe oe ee aoe ae 139 atripinnis::, >... 2. = ae 286 
TIOUA DUIS a ee oe oe So ae See 141 effulgens) "3. --. ==. =.+. =. 25 see eee 287 
NYE |e) | (1 Sales Sole ean Sibel We eh ee RCH 140) |) arlingtonia® Gampbusia=—-- -— 2 177 
OS@UIUS=2 6 oan eee ee ane eee 141 | armata, Bairdiella.-.._..°. :scoseuaheee 346 
| P10) LO) 0 10 61 be ee A a ees See ey Se EN 128 Selena s/o ee oe er 273 
SPL VIOUS: WaniO. 22 aac ae eae eee 55. ||) armatus; Aspidophorus__.-.--2242524"2sseueee 395 
AFgyriosus.brevoortie:-- ---- 22 oo 2 ee 276 Centropomus peer en ee eet 306 
MlaMeRnTOSUS=— - naa ee oes woe ee 275 Dactylobatus: =: 2. 2--- 2) 27 
MAU CO sec sno a A ee ee 275 heptocottus. =. 32 222 =o eee ee 390 
Ith S28 Se ee ee eee ees 275 INector: ~~ 022. 2. st = -- eae ee 346 
sebifer sia. = 2 es oe en oe oe eee 275 Nematonurus 203 
triacanthys=. 2325. $222 2 ee a oe aoe 275 Serranus: 2-2-2 2.25525 313 
arcyritis, Hybodnathus: ..9s_---..2-s-nsanes= 144 | armiger, Alexurus 437 
argyroleucos, Bodianus: _-_=_---.----.----.== 345 || arnillo; Mesoprion=)- 22-2 = ses eee 328 
argyro-leucos et exiguus, Bodianus___-------- 345 Arnion ee eee eee pee = i A 252 
Are yTOpelecuS-—- =~ 22-222 enc se n-ne ae 74. || Arnoglossus;ventralis.2.2=_5=--2 2s5e eee 220 
aibihl eee ches ae ees pees ae: 74 )) arnoldi, Wimia_ <2" --2 os. eee 191 
URW. eee eee ee aoe roe sea @4 || Arothron's 22202. 23 3S ee 499 
OMIPVaTNUIS: eee ee eras 74 erethizon. 225202 - 22s n5- ohare eee 500 
lychnus=— 2.222 _.~ 2250252 sete e 74 testudinatus. i223 255 -n—s) a eee ee 499 
Olfersig = e222. | wee eae enon 74 Nt ATtOGL Sots oe Be tok ee 8 
argyrophana, Anchoviella.--.--------------- 48) ||-artedi Coregonus__.=--.- 25-2. 35 eee 63 
arzyrophanus, Eneraulis._-)- ~~. = = eee 48 Leucichthys ae ae ee 63 
EISVIODS; SHALUS SS 2-2 ec a oan eee 336 Rhamphichthys>....-- --- -...25>~—ee ee 101 
argyrosoma, Damalichthys-_---------------- 412 | artedi bisselli, Leucichthys---.-----------.-- 63 
AevEGSOMUS)a--- 2 ae ee ee a 61 | Artediellus 377 
AINSCANUS- << - ean e Beene ee 62 atlanticus 377 
Grionsiss 323 22 3357 es ene sae eee 63 camchaticus 378 
fale); Sa ee Rae 5 Sl ee he eS ee LS 64 @larki-:. 252-5 >. eee 377 
MYTONWISS 2 os ee 62 miacanthus_ 378 
JOD ANCE en Seon ene ane 63 pacificus 377 
BISPUD IN Soe roe a ee 62, 63 unicinatus 377 
BIR CO ae ee ere sae oe re op ee tre 62 | artedii}Polynemus. 22. 4-.524e-eeeee eee 256 
TUPI DOC Ss. soos co ce aap ee eee 64 |) Artedids =) 2 ee 377 
ZPTICNICUS Soo ee an eee ee re ecard 64 asperulus: 2 2220 os 376 
argyrosomus, Damalichthys_---------------- 412 fenestralis. 2222-25220.) .-= eee 376 
Arevrotwnia..-- son ean ose re eae 451 lateralig==(22 22 <- Seee e aeee 377 
argyrurus, Coryplitona==>2-=-2---- ee 265 NOtOSpLOtUS: <2 252-5562 5oe eee 376 
Srevrus, PiMClOOUS 2a = ood eee 152 DUPETODSIS- Hs =. — 33 eee none eka 375 
apies, Archosarets: "22° 2 =o oe eee 338 quadriseriatus...2..-..<- 2. eae 376 
_Sargus....-----.--------------- =. <2 -<0-=- 308) | Sartegica, Nivicola oosceneselo20 eo eee ee 292 
TN Se ee ee 147 Poecilichthys_.-..22 0025 eee 292 
Ariodes-_--_-- Fe a a IS Sa 150 | Arthrophallds:-2.-.--222-3--- ee 184 
arlommus, Aprion._.---.---.---------------- 328 arubensis, Peecilia vanderpolli___------------ 193 
Paranotropis- - -------------------------- 125 | srundinaceus, Syngnathus___..-.------------ 240 
POLO ROUUS.- 2 oe oan ee eee eee 125 astanil SilS.c.c2s ooo: ese ee 68 
Ariopsis--.---------------------------------- 149 Ascelichthys sd achat an caceeeeee ae ee 392 
axyene ras ea a THOdOrUsE ese. ose ees 392 
vilberti. ST ee i, TR ae, eet gq | ascendens, Syngnathus 241 
opisthopthalma__- ap abuses Holocentrus-_------------------- ae 

Nines eee 50 Jasese aaa s # «9 9S === = ole ake 
5 get a co is See Reid Egle Bb ego Yc 148 |) aSCita, PMGlOUUS. oe ee eee 158 
Son ee eee 150 | asellus, Cheilichthys 500 
TIL IS  ee e  e e 150 Asematichthys ween necwe 390 
PAIL epee aD ecnte gk NORE alee ey dee) 150 CAV AOY leeere meee ran 390 
assinitilig. =. eer en ees 150 | asper, Anebenoptenus 456 
Dravdtl: 2-2. eee ee eee eee 148 ottus-__------------------------------- 383 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
aoe, 0b ig es ee ee a ee 4561) |) Asthonurus.--6.- <<. occa sccnwcaesaseseateses 208 
Hexdgrammos: ==22 022-05. ado os ete 373 BirIpluMniss = 62-2 koe cede 208 
IVEACTUILUS.. 2 Seno ee eee ee ks 2037 |\;astilbe, Anchoviella < "2222" 2 Seen se TT ets 49 
Plenronectes 2 ssc ce~ s sees eee ccs 227 DlelapHOrHS®= ——~ coe ene eee een eee 49 
TPOTACLes -.~— eee sear ose Ea ||, ASULUGEO ss foc eee en eee 49 
BSHONA. PslMNAN G8 ac: sete eee ee te. ote 2203), astori,, Petromyzon= ><. 2352 see ees 10 
asperifrons, Alepacepee Be ees sce a2 || -AStrapogon. = <2. 5-5 -225-5-5ss2s--ec2 ae 296 
asperrima, Cottus-=--==-_------==-3-=-==.== 384 SGV SS ES eee 296 
asperrimus, Balistes_.......----------------- 492 | Astroblepide-......---..--------------------- 159 
Gotti 2 ee, epee re 384 | Astroblepus 159 
Myliobatis.......-.--------------------- ee erent 160 
Aeccrn, Sevanes ee aceet Soc wan || -Astrodermams. 264 
ey EES Ce ene eee 376 guttatus 264 
asperulus, Artedius_....-..-.----.--20222---2 
PANEER ALON S se ene are ee Se he ee 376 
ARNICOLUSS | 2 425asccssesssaes-— ose ee eee 381 = 
LSREA ee oa OED rE BRIE 381 fenestralis:— oo 2 >= <2: -5<<-2----lccececnes 376 
ote aan RR EES OTE TT TST 3a1 | Astronesthes---_.--_--_..-..--..:__...---... 71 
aspidolepis, Ancistrus 161 gemmifer_-..-..----.-------------------- a 
Cheetostomus- -_-- ON Ries Se RE a 
Aspidophoroides-- _-_-- 397 ali all pene a a na st a 
MICHAYASON 22. * onan owen see oe aoe eeay 71 
bartoni-_-..---.------------------------- 397 | Astronesthide 71 
prosglandieus--.-s:-25 522.2) 7S ete JEN Fare are arn ald Rg 454 
gunslipric..- 273.2; 2 eee eae 397 WS SEES ore Seas op aS See ees oe 
inermis 397 SUttAbUS.---. 22-2 = -2---nennns-n==-- a 
oo SS eee ee et elite y-precnml 3 8 522 8 ooo = ce cae 
meucpetyeios SE EOFS So aaa SC a ZOPN VIOUS: sas e ea aes on nes 454 
“0 > SS Sa RR 7 | astroscopus, Antennarius-...-.-------------- 506 
Aspidophoroididw_........--.--------------- | ee 8 
Aspidophorus ew Owe peweenwem enn sennesaese=o= 395 argentatus 96 
armatus-....---------------------------- 395 brevoortii 97 
or eee ae me | sapere x 
US ---<sa-2—=== : BSCInbts Seco. eos ee oe 
olan rita a 3y¢ | Macrophthalmus--———_--_-------------- %7 
aspidurus, Urolophus___- pd eR RD 07 
ROGUE SRO oo 8 ote prea eee 30 Sabtdieiih sol ee ee See 97 
Aspisurus..__.....-------------------------- 362 peibeertniDi 2s ones eee UMD 
asprella, Crystallaria. -_-..<...-...---.-.--- 288 SUS UMDNTNS sooo one een coe ea doaee 97 
Bsprellus, Plsgrolepis.—q3.8 ooo een ne pel PAU UNON So coos. we ee net aces EEE 7 
AS an ase cn tinem 379 Nieawantinl >. 355. socom cea 7 
agg te sg ee ee mt peeninas oe pen ak OE ERO CALL 5 x 360 
ro, A rdius__.._...-----------..------.- AXOWILOGUS =~ 226 -vecamm a seets anno sete te 360 
LS Sy | ESS ae ete eae eae 150 | atchafalaye, Signalosa__........-.....------- 46 
MOU VSS on nt ele a ee wernt reins 150 vanhyningi, Signalosa_-...-....--------- 47 
gage s ee Acipenser (Huso)_-........-...-... a 
f RIESE ee od peed catet ates 16 
basilaris PRVOIGO DACHAU ao ea im et ese te 207 
citrinellus pO ee ee RRR IS. RIE ISS ods 207 
dorsatus Blersinib A nGHU 7 Seine o conae as cee 77 
erythreum athabasce, Leucichthys..-.......-.----.--.. 62 
ph sam “y PARNELOSUHON » oa ete te mse anon eeen noma eee 221 
PRRHUCTINOS 2S occa d co oma mies pei a 421 
Cire.) 4 ete pi tee Billie, oS ait 5 Se BE vere 421 
FRAIASYEI EER te, See tS oc erates 420 
LL eS ee ESR i peat tel a see ieee 421 
UCL lle ad pa ee ah So SS 420 
JETT) Eee ere alae Bale Tea Saree 4 420 
Weencne hee Sse. - Sige amen Mice 421 
MIST PATICNOL SS 2. ok. ot ena ee tomato anna 421 
RU GHCC UE 9 ne oles conn encase 421 
nt EL, i be ee Sn pn SR ae mh 421 
octofasciatus 421 
rectangularis 421 
ROOT ee en ced aan aes 420 
yk LA Er cee ate RES Ss See Re tovigs AR te 421 
Sep temnlaeMiAb is ooo 2 eS ce nas ocnae ena 421 pit. a1 1) oS Le aN REC Sy 246 
SBRIRMOUALIN Aa. atte oat aca ee aeons 421 pL LEE N i ce Sele a ed Ree ve AD 67 
TBR oases wana = eee 421 Wat ethen et meres a oh cm ahan meee an aes eae 247 
calagrt apa | ES ee eee Ae oe ee a a Ui eee Ee Sy ee eee ee a 247 
ane auc aaae Eee id bh anewne an aera SENOS se oc uer ea aa oe A sae ae pe mnie ewer Bos 
Di FLEE Ee ae ARSE Se wee Se ee 13 fanitata aa on eR ee Se 2A 
BUNOSOIODS se tetsad se eee eee a atae 498 eR ens a aaah aie ace 246 
8 om Meh tea ee Ae ae aren ae - WARROMORIS so wierd een en na cruv aww ea 247 
Bp RSLS oa Fear See ae NGUIBEING ES oe concen candancsanccutadast « 200 
Peas aerer Fo RSA foe Atherinella__- 249 
sternopteryx.-....... erjiarcha-. 249 
gunelliformis_-_-__ - 468 evermanni-. 248 
MMP OR SAOLR CRIS. 7 Ae eth hte cao an oe 215 panamensis 249 
SROs eae acid cha aw itnaerinee AE CRCOTN YI: 53 coausannn ons undpedanacccme 250 
a Sa Ge a ed BLS nm iar depen For — MA ae Se ie BaP ars We 251 
ee AS Sr ee ee RARE t Os a apade case asa petawahmenda debe nieeD: 
infrespineta ee, a SR: 396 11 MAES i aS ERE ICE PE on Se treag 247 
PRINACRIIIR A iccdtaagescsecasavasncn -- 396 SRRUIUOCUIN oe soo scene cancndersavaneanan 251 




List of scientific names—Continued 


Atherinichthys guatemalensis_-............. 249 
pachylepis.2. cscs aes sk 22555222 ee 249 
Sallep. 32525 2ao sees edocs eee ee 248 
Atherinid @ss3-~2s2s25-2s222=+ 520 ee ee 246 
Atherinoldes 33 25 sass ease eee ee 250 
atherinoides, Chriodorus--_-____-__--.-.--_-____ 199 
Clupeg 0.22 55232555222 23522081 235 ee 51 
Notropise 3235655555555 54.0.5 eee 123 
Pterengraulis 51 
Atherinomorus---_ 246 
Atherinops_-____- 252 
affinis: |: -4:5 2522502222254 eee 252 
instilartm |. o22s23 3a eee 252 
Cedroscensls 2.533522 522 2 252 
gnadaliupre 252 So ee ee 252 
creranls Bera ee ee eee es ee 252 
TOGIS 3223s es oo eee eee 252 
IATTONINGNSIS =: 2o2 see ces ea obs. Te 252 
PINS 5 ee eae aes Ae ees a SS eS 252 
Palifqrmiensis<<622-2 5522 ee eee 252 
SOROS 2 es2s 52522530552 2 eee 252 
VONUIS oS so ana 5rc se ccke states eee 251 
IMT ONNOS 202 222253 oe ee 197 
atinga, Chilomycterus 502 
DO ON baa Ss ys a ee 502 
Guamaicu_------- 502 
atkinsi, Gasterosteus -_ 238 
Atlantica; Mlacate:2s..-12 o-oo se eee 281 
implemaria sos ose Sos aS 464 
Scorprenk:s22o- Sasa aan ee 370 
THBSUA ee ee ee ee 370 
atlanticum, Oreosoma2_---=-. 522-222 22 20225 232 
OresOmg = =3 327552 os ee 232 
atlanticnus: Artediclus. s > ease 377 
Benthodesmus-=_34 eee 262 
IBRORINACETOS: 2222. ee nee 208 
Callornyneniis2 soo. 0 e es 32 
Dibranchus=— 22. 2-0-2 oe ese eee 508 
Meralopss 2 ona ne oat cote e ee ee etee ee 39 
INGOLIDBTIS: Seuje = ee ee 399 
Promethuss—_>- 5-2 261 
RAT DISCALUES 2 Sasi. eee Se ene 463 
Salarias=-—---. 2. seu e2 ete enecoecces 463 
Spars: 9-0 eee eee eeeeeee 310 
SVanpOn Soe Coase eee eee 39 
Motragonurtiso-- 2 ve teen sees econ esen ees 269 
hymns: S525 eee eee ee 260 
Stomarium > Sparisoms <= -c 2-2. ee eae 431 
slomarins, Scarus: 642 ee ee 431 
Atopichthys-- 222222222222 o nessa once cases 54 
SCUS ee se ee eee eee ene 54 
CiNiehUSs co. sea ee toes ee ee eS 54 
CINCUIOSS. =. eee eee eee eee 54 








SICHMIS on2 =. oS ct + oe see eee eee ene 54 
Atopoclinidedet: == c8crsi sot ctheess a este 465 
ATODOCINUS Ss 2225. Seee ates =e eee ite Sse 465 
ringens: oss eee eset ces entaeoe eter 465 
AiZACtOSCION 2222 525 2e sea Stee Se eee essen 356 
MODs es Ae PE aa nes Fey Eo tat oy 356 
Phioxocephalyusse22 235 See eae 356 

A tractosteus:- 222 o22 S22 525. 522352 eee 38 
WUCHIR Ss = soca a OR eee oe eee 38 
iPISLOSCHUS. 22225 ne st esesese ane ee eee 38 
ETODICHS Soe) wet bee oe eee en Se eee eee 38 
(Atractosteus) berlandieri, Lepidosteus_--_-_-_- 38 
ferox, Wepisosters 2 oo ce ie See 38 
atramentatus, Symphurus__............-..-- 231 
GUANA eTCR. +. -S85.5 6) see none oe 317 
ROE oe et oss 5 ee eee eee 119 
Diggit so) i425 5 linc eee eee 119 
AtPArIUS, imelogus:_ >> > 55-24 es tae Ee 154 
BT ah cs oe aS pe ee 81 
atratiin; Mi yctophum:: 52> 2252-22 se ee 169 
siricatida, :Aphoristia=-=>-2<--2- 52227. 5 ee 231 
Ei ydrargirg:20sa2tse2e fie saci te ees ons ee 174 
atricaudata, Deuterodon___-..........-.-.... 96 

atricaudatus, Gephyrocharax,.,..,-.-.------- 96 


atricaudus, A pogons-.. scssss case se een 295 
Symmphurus: 2: s_ 8522255 ae 231 
atrilabiatus, Callionymus___________._______. 450 
atrilatus, Zygonectes......-... 2.22 eae 185 
atrilobata, Chromis (Furcaria) -_.-.________- 412 
Murcarigs: 22222225. -5 > ae ee 412 
atrimana, lonolene-.. 2 ee 220 
atrimarus | Caranx. -- 22 22" 2) ae 271 
Hemicaranx_____- u 271 
Parasphyreenops 297 
atrimentis, Menidia peninsulw_-_____________ 247 
atripectus, Pordgadus. ----2) = = aes tee 482 
stripes, ‘Ditrema. 2.2. 222.6 5.2 ee eee 411 
IL ythrurus. 22 oo. e econo s eee eee 126 
Phanerodon. 2-2 22-22-22 eee 411 
atripinnis; Arlina®.. 2. 322_. 2) ae 286 
ASthenurus......ci0nccsa55-5-8 0 208 
Goodee- 0 2355. 3 i ss5. see eee 183 
atriventer,Stomias! =) 222 5---2-- =a eee 69 
atrocaudalis, Hy bopsis=. --------sseeee eee 133 
Notropis cayugas.-.+2- 5-252 -2 oo ee 133 
AtTrOCHUGUS, A DOZON--- - 25. = oe eee eee 295 
atro-cyaneus, Pomacentrus--._._.-_____.__.. 413 
atrodorsatus, Apogon_..-.-.-------_-_- 295 
atromaculata, Estrella__- 287 
atromaculatus, Cyprinus - 117 
Semoiilise:- <2. ee 2 eee 117 
atromaculatus thoreauanus, Semotilus_______ 117 
atronasus, © Vprinus-.2--5- 22 nee ee 139, 140 
Rhiniehthyst0. =<" 2 3S a eee 140 
atropurpureum, Ophidium_-_____.____2____- 469 
atropurpureus, Epigeichthys-_---___________- 469 
atrorubens, Sebastodes_----2--.-2 eee 365 
Zalopyr.------ ee a a ee 365 
atrovirens, Sebastichthys_-.-._.._.._.._____- 365 
POPE 22: 2a son ess aenc nea nee  eee 365 
attavilla, (Dasyatis-....+..2 50.) = Sees eee 29 
aitenatus, Cyclichthyss- 2-22) s-se 5 = ees 502 
attenuata, Vinciguerria= "= 22) -s0 se eceeees 73 
attenuatum, Chirostoma-_---_-...._____- 250 
attenuatus, Allosmerus--- 67 
Careproctus-......- 403 
Halosaurus:.-ses-4 5.52 eee 75 
uycodapus: -- <2 22 2.Ubs22 eee eee 479 
WMatirolicus: -c22-.5=2-2--- eee 73 
Opmepis 2s. 2-2 Sau oe a ee ees 67 
Paraliparis™ <i occss- ase ee 404 

In inoliparis-2. 2-2 kas see en nee 405 
Attilys? Ac2. oe oc e bes ee ee 350 
FN CS ee ao eee Pere SSe aasee 270 
atwood), Carcharias: = 2 = -220l. een eee 20 
aubeenaubei, Etheostoma_-_-_______________- 291 
Oligocephalus—-<.-2_ 22) Seeeeeee 291 
anbrieti; btitjanus=- eo oes) eee eee 327 
Auichenipterus-->.2.-2222=-2-2. 16 eee 456 
Auchenistius - - 457 
Stabliceetese 457 
Auchenopterus 456 
afhiniss © tite = 2 Se ssethe ee eens 457 
albicaudusi-.~ 22252252 oes eee 457 

CA) of) a er ey ae a Ae 456 
cingulatus::+5.. < 2222252) se eee 457 
fajardogse.2oh cone boee eee eee oes 457 
fascistus:2.3¢22s~-ccacncrce eee cee eee 457 
STANGICOMIS essen saseenene ae eeee ee 457 
infégripinniss to. = 22s cccusee tense eee 457 
MOxiCSNUE ho) 3s seen sees Geet ot eo 457 
MONOPUPNAMINS scenes ee sooo eee 456, 457 
NOX oo) eee aseeneennne an seep eee 457 
THUOSCOUS see a teens cnc ances scene eee 457 
auctorum, Lobotes 323 
Auctosping. 2222225 s-a-2c 368 
gurioulatass*<i 52 202.22 bse ee 368 
Callies st sceaeest 221 coe. te eee eee 369 
Sid ax, HistiO phorus: °i2- S22 a eee eee 263 
andens;Menidigg>="--35 2330 eee 247 
Avlastome marceravil:." 20s eee 245 
BLUMUSCO PS thiasnes oS acannon e saee eee eee 239 
spittescensa#2 2... 5-223. 4-24. 4 eee 239 
auliscus, Siphostoms /< 222252222. 2a ses 240 
Synenathtisss:-. 222 es ee 240 
Aulophallussfsc222 2. cc2c2-2i- ee See 190 
GlongatuS:: s..cnesstelecen sect e oe eee 190 

Aulorbynchidg.....-cer-cer-scesczenzrereree, CO 


List of scientific names—Continued 

lark vnchiigs ee oe | See 239 
ig (hee oo AS eee 239, 240 
RSEIGSLO TING > teens manners ee a 8 od Se 244 
GUNIOE OTN Ss eae eee SE pe le ts 245 
Oglora Giri see eee 28 oe ob ea 245 
Aulostome marcgravii-__..-.-.---.----------- 245 
BTELSUSLOOTIRE Se > Sere ee een ee te 

aurantiacus, Balistes 
@ottogaster-~.—. 2 Pee 

sirens: Chena. ). 2 sree s Oba sae 

Buripa Monscanthys-.-=- --2 222522228 2.2285 

Biren, Eristipoma. - 2-22: - =. 2...4emede 
lade IDifnterns 225.2. a oe 

STL oo a re ae 162 
aureolum, Moxostoma..___...............-.- 110 
Aurecius, Catostomus.........0.-..-.--acse 109, 110 
MTORR reas SS Fa ee 342 
we ce GS ee eS ee eS 342 
EL Ge er a ES ae i ae AES 60 
Lp et Ss Se EE Se ee eS 300 
gu cl) ae rs 432 
aureoviridis, Sphyraena__._........---.-.-.. 305 
BURNS A EOCOIUNE. 288 oo a eee 10 
Carangus 272 
Caranx 270 
Chretodon 360 
Fundulus 177 
eros___ 422 
hip 302 
horichthys 422 
auriculata, Auctospina 368 
Mobul ; 31 
gh TT aE eS pee 2 aa eae 368 
bine; GHEtny DOS... 22s none aa 453 
PRR MOOLOTTS =o a ae eed 359 
i Aso eae: Sa a ieee rae 330 
Co SE SS kai ie oe Be 43 
ck he SE ee eee pitti BARE 339 
auritus, Brachydeuterus______.___._-..._.---- 333 
CL SE ae pee RET eee ae TA 299 
UC eT Re Le TPE Rg Sa 299 

1 Tas ebay > Siac aeons siet Orlie ARSE 99 
aurofrenattim, Sparisoma________.__.__-...-- 432 
gurowkenatis, Searus. 2: 2 6222 at cae 432 
auroguttatus, Zygonectes_____-_____.....-... 177 
aurolaternatum, Myctophum__........_..... 170 
aurolineatum, Bathystoma_._............_.- 331 
ERPOUIGUNE Sate eles ee ee tt et ae OY 
auro-punctatus, Callyodon_____....._.-_.2. 431 
auropunctatus, Cryptotomus___.__._________ 431 
MONON. Soot ast ok. feo oe AO 
Amphigonopterns. 5520 222 a - cn as 409 
WAprOnuOne 2) 8 nore ee aa 358 
OOM OHINIS. os sot care ee ee ie e.4 200 
OM DES LGB ncn sso ote hE ey ee 366 
Dy ee pa ke aap ide ae ny PU aay Sie 55 
BEDEASUONtH YS 2.52. 5 - oo scaet a aaeosdcecens AO 
aurorubens, Centropristis............__.____. 327 
OU DONDE tee Sect 2 a ee et 328 
aurovittatus. Mesoprion_..............--.._- 327 
SS Dg a Stes ote 264 
Se oo ea eae 264 
australasicus, Pneumatophorus._. 258 
Pu ae DRS Pe Se Ae gokart ob 258 
australe, Etheostoma.......................- 293 
Cie 6 ee oy ee ae 116 
australis, Amphiprion.......2....-.-..----.- 308 
ey a) eR ae Ey pO AS 390 
analis__.... pore A aE Ae epee ats Dec 390 
BONGO S55 ceases J Sp CTE SER ape ©. 449 


australis, (Msox-5.-22---c2. eee eee eae 173 
Remilegiqe 22. <2 2-25) ae he 449 
Mentiniss 7s = (ie Sos eo ee 362 
gustralus, Icelus22: 2 So 2: oe aa ee 379 
sustring* M yxostomas:. 2222). 5- 2USs ieee 110 




avalonis, Antennaria 506 
PAV GLERINIGIIS pene ae a ee eee 395 
Swimelano. . 222 5+. Fo2_- 22) See Rees 395 
Necrleters is 2 oe 2 Coe eee 395 
averruncus, Kathetostoma____.______________ 454 
Hvlgus | Cholopaster: 2+. 22-25 _--5 cece ne Bes 194 
avoceren sMemichth ys: _.-=.-c._ 2-2-2212 83 
Pes VOGUE He so Ge Kn Sate ee 83 
PIB RGH sn ee oe 8 ae ieee, 83 
itt SS Se ee ee ee eee 83 
Li os Seed eee ea: SPE try? 83 
PASSO BIG ea ae ee en Soe eh Re 442 
MOIS en = Sash cece a eek oe at 442 
axillare, Pristipoma (Hemulopsis) 333 
axillaris, Boreocottus 387 
Brachydeuterus 333 
Disp eriis. 28sec 342 
Crerrens 2 oe oe Se a eae 342 
IMivoxocepnalus. 2.2.23 3 22 ees 387 
axinophrys, k-ystes-. 252.8 e kes Be 395 
TE ee ect) eee ee Een 377 
barringtont= ce el osu eens 377 
Sya,' Chistodon: 20-55 aon cob ee 360 
JUNGIBNINIS: <at> el oe eee 326 
NSonmiteniss sesso cen es eee ee 453 
PROP LO OTS 85 fe Sk es ee aes 322 
WArtinigensis. . 220 nook. ee 320 
ayresly. Actpensit.... 2. sues) 34 
Dentropristes: = 2 slonndo= lo eee 318 

SO DIOOSCOUS SH Soi. cocaine eee 37 
PeBTORNEUSS 25503 ae 225 
P| | 413 
punctipinnis__ 413 
ayresii, Lampetra 10 
POWOMIGEON 2 5 aos ccdececac ns nanceaSeey 10 
BepastOUes osc ec anno ee SBT 
SORSSLOMINE 2 ccccassetaca.. 2 eee 367 
7) ES ee a eS ee Reb es SS 221 
prot | ae inh eee A 221 
UL gel See ears | ae Tet es 221 
Storicn, Coryphent. acs es cence kes ae 265 
OCR ore arian cae nuns ewe ae 143 
OI Se ens oul Saunas Soe 143 
LCi y ti: ee eS oe SORE IS BN TBF 143 
WISXICANRE Ss. wioaameenwas wacian 143 
Cee oe rk nan a ae 143 
a7ecus, NOWOpIS.. =o. cca aad 143 
azurea, Hermosilla.............__- 340 
azureus, Alepisaurus 171 
Carcharias_____ 16 
Galeichthys_._._. 150 

SE Vg Vit: tage aE EES SI Oa Ce? 412 
iiige te (ols a) SNE Ce ie Rear reas or 412 
azurissimus, Microspathodon.______._______. 416 

IB GTGs seats aerate coke co low cceees 
mering se sess. 
Polaco AT aS ie ae ane a 148 
RR NE ad a ag mi oie ox asm bd 148 
MAD Pree iam ue hn avis wae ae 153 
RE ERSA UTR ERRMSG Sig a so aaca STE 147 
Ph aly 1 ae a ae ae eS SY 148 
DUN a hdd dn ein wailed nan awe hoe 149 
(Sciades) emphysetus...................- 148 
bahamensis, Piscis viridis................... 432 
WRCUEINS DISCS soa sonata awhewesaucne- aes 495 



List of scientific names—Continued 


bahamonsis, Vulpes: . .--==.-=.-....tsesc ens 39 
bahianus, Acanthurus:.-.- = .-- * | Sear 363 
IRnombus =~ 225-6. aa ae 217 
bahionsis, Bagre: 5... 3... =. 2 eae ee 148 
Cypselurus2= 4-2 <4.2- -- Ss ose ee oe ee 202 
Eenpraulis:) 2 os sain eae See 40 
SOGCRLUA == = ey sn ee Se ee 202 
Galeichthysi. 5 3-432. = eee 148 
baileyi;»Cyprinodon_ +... =32>-=- = eae 182 
Cyprinodon macwWavius____.---_-_---____ 182 
bailloni; ‘Ceasiomorus--.-- 5 eee 276 
‘Trachinotus--.-.-- 5 ~  e eee 276 
Baill onus: - 4 ee ae 270 
bailloui,Gasterosieus-* 24042 2eses 4 eee 237 
Baiodon 3. - <3 ea se ee SS 417 
fasciatus. °2--- -2~ = > ol ee ae 417 
IBSIONO 9 no eon wanes ene ee eee ee 60 
fONnIALiSs2 2° Sao: = ee ee eee 60 
Palostomiqn eK. Seo ee oa ee Rie 229 
brackiliss =! 2S so eee 2350 
Dalrdi-A CiNeNSel as) ea ee 34 
@allionymus 2.3. kk a Se “0 
Cottus 2... 23a See SS 383 
Miaerourus 2-225 eee eS Be 205 
bairdiana, Sphyrzenups_----.------------_--- 297 
bairdianus, Sphyreenups_--_.------------_--- 297 
Syngnathus 242 
Syrictes= --4- 22-2. ee eee ey 242 
Bairdiella2. --—--- 345 
armata-_-.---- 346 
Ded otis 2s ora ee, eS 345 
cbrysyas e423 0s sc eee 345 
ensiferas-=2 23 28 2. ac. + ceo ee 345 
ICistig 6. a2 he Se ee ence 345 
TOUCH S si 22 252 er 8 8. ee eee 346 
Verse-criicis22 2652.4 be 4 eee ee 346 
bairdii;; Alepocephalus:.-— ==... === SSeS cee 62 
Bathymyzone...2 2-7-6... ee 8 
Cobiib= ee eee oa ee ooo 
Gosterostamus. 3: =--.2-22=52 245 2E eee 95 
Mitenilings= << st ee ae ae a eee 52 
Petromyzon (Bathyiuyzon) ------------. 8 
PomaAcantns§. x. 2... 3 sane eee 415 
Salmous< £62 = = loc. 2a ee 61 
Stegastes= 7) ) 2. 5.2.22. 52. pee 415 
Bajacaliiormmia.2- 22. 5.- s202e5s2. eee 53 
DETTAGR ES se ees se bee a een 53 
Balonadol: jece! s. 22055 auoksseeecae eee 336 
bajonado; Calamus: 229.2. 2222-22-24 2525 ees 336 
spas oye a sess seo SE eee 336 
balantiophthalmus, Scomber ---------------- 271 
balao; Hemiramphus- =. 355 342-2352222562-2-0 199 
Balbor; Amplov ass. 1.2522 2s2sssaasasscnes 50 
Bunduluss: 6. ui sscssse doo ee 179 
OXVZY GONCCIES 225 cote sss sean eS 179 
baldwint,Prionodes..-.2 —..2-2 Se Se eS 319 
Dalearica: Murena. 222 .65.255. See 79 
balearicum, Ophisoma..--..-.----------- 80 
baleatus, Cyprinus (Abramis) 117 
BaliasC@hirus. 3. 25 356-sssee eee eee 374 
BblisteS os 2ste s wc doews saws sass tose see 491 
AMeCTICANUS 22s et ee 493 
angulosus. 2.5.50 Ye ee ee 492 
ASDEMTNUS- ~ 286 Se ee ee eee 492 
eurantiscus 2-82 se case ean one 495 
bacbatus:2-- oe eee 496 
fare {) enon Ee eee eeee sees is fl 491 
bridés> 3365 232233 eee TEES 92 
broccus fet 3844 
DuniVas nook ee a 491, 493 
capistratus 2.2 2.2.214. ose 492 

PA DYATIOS ee oo ae ee eee 491 
RAaprIsCUs. oo 2s8 22h etc 491 
carolinensis.......-=----- em ciet S ULEN I AO 
clitiensig: 4 in os ss nec ee Ase 

Pole tha (Clb). a. | oe See ee eee at a th 
Cilariss 4 aie can tute hee 492 
ciliatus ______ Pecxcten ees Lytle 494 
CULASSAVICUSS os. teen ete nt- as sek= 493 
equestribtes siete peas eee 491 
forcipatis: < .onueccewes hates sescnseccee 492 
fuliginosti9s22 3. foscb esse teansc cle l 491 
SS ieee ones eee es 322 = See enon 492 
eckell . =<. =-c.s2siese ee ee ee 493 
hispidus...2-302222252 22 ee ee 494 

BOVIS 22 ee 2 eee 

lineopunctatus.<...--.deessce ss eee 
linenatula 2... 2-20 2u 555 atae eee 
ROMPUS. 5. 3S.) 2. a ee 
TIA CHOPS! oo ease ae os 
Maclilavusy.s bess. cose as. Sue 

MONO .5 3222 ae eee 

MONOCELOS UNICU 002 saan an eee 
mori bunaus:s. 2.5.55 = = eee 

SODSCO=-2o ea ee 

BUM AMeN= =: 42 Sars ee ee ee 
trenioplertiss . -.21j2t-— es See 
triangiilaris.22- 2 M2 ee ee 
UNICORN... scee So Oe ee 

willuhgbeligec22e. "ee eee 
BSlistid a. 8. ..2 asx Soe or ie See 

Wihi feist. 224.2... ee ee 
balsana, Thyrina 
balsanus; \[stalanius:= 2.0: 22: Set eee 

IMelaniris:2-<+ 5 + 925 A eee 
balsas VP ceciliopsisi<c }~ == tied ee eee 
balteatus, Cyprinus (Abramiis) --..-.__--_-_. 

banana, Butyrinus 
Chonophonist=2225-55-2- ase nee 
Gobivisess:2st2o-2 See 
bancrofti, Torpedo 
Barathrodemuse: =< 222222505) oe eee ee 
manatinuss:+222s en ee eee eee eee 
Barathronus-29 2222235. 5: 4 eee 
[5) (oa) Xo) peepee Cen Rp pee 
barbare,, Aprolepisss2222 Sane ene ee nee 
Siphostonidy. see se te ee ee 
Syneriath sees es 5 5 Ss eee 
barbata, Brotula ‘am 

barbatula, bremonema-— 5.2222 eee 
barbatulum, Laeemonema-.--_.....-.------.... 
barbatum, Echiostoma-.__......-------.--.. 
uvconenianeee ss eee eee eee 
Ophidion= 23. ee 

Darpatiis; Males eee see 
Siphagontige eee cae eee 
barbatus auratus, Mullus._.......-.--...... 
barbiger;;Macrogrus: 222 Ure see eeeee 
Macrurus22 2220 sue oo ene ae eee 


List of scientific names—Continued 


Barbicer:, Peristedione-. sono one 406 
PGPIsteuini ee esac ames 406 
arboritin) Tiina ea oate 496 
Barbulifer Pees o> clipe od ee 446 
esuthocus- 2222-2 2=->— Sa AS ae Fu 446 
Papillosusss = o-oo a son eat eee tS 446 
bar bulifer, Rhimoeliganiss2—-. == =~ sae ooo 405 
IDArds. MINnGHINS =e tesa ee en oh 104 
Parivar: “A pOnuss oe nea oo es eee 394 
Darnharti; Achiruiss< >=" 2220S. at 5s 230 
baronis-miilleri, Pimelodus__________.----.-- 157 
12111 y: 06 (9 1b: ane eee ee we Re th ieee 157 
areacnag. Wor neon seeds aca 255 
Spliyreena 22-7 5 eer es Se ae 255 
Pparracnudina; Paralepis-< == *=2- == - ete 165 
arratis WiLNGOSLOMIA. tos eo. sos) see 294 
GIO eis a oe oe es as 294 
TetreLe GObDIGides” "= 32S 222322 oes: ae 448 
Dartholomecl, @ararx.- oo >) 2892 sy eee 272 
AaTnOLOROnS 2-2 Yo S2 i= 2 eee 272 
je, (2: a ne: (anew Senet ry 419 
Aspidophoroides 397 
Chirostoma _- _-_--- 250 
Cylindrosteus_ -_-_- 4 37 
DEO ASL (ks ete ce nae = Seer ae 419 
IS CHPMOR ESS = 2 soak etwe soccer enees 86 
CINE ee eae ee ok kann 86 
ST OUD SS Sn noe Sen ia Ss a pape atl 86 
(JG y 1 ee ee ae 86 
SIMMUIDEIRIS ett goo ot nan sasaa Seen asine 86 
jaca nC: ea ahs Se Se ae nee wee Ree eS 86 
Pe hs its pe gee a aD 86 
bascanium, Bascanichthys-_---_...._...-.... 86 
CHL Uri be es ae eet Sele eae eae eee Sees 86 

1, DET ere SS Clana eS am aie Le Sema sat 230 
OT aes Ea ote, SS eed i anit 230 
bascanoides, Bascanichthy ee Tie eee ee 86 
basilaris, Astatheros 421 
Frerosy <= ee: 421 
Bassogigas___-__- 482 
CLL IS <7 SM alba hn ees eb Dec f Shes ACS 482 
eIRIRO ICES oo Se oa eee 482 
SD Rial a tees, ob Sale ed fA Ae SAAC 480 
HL i ce RS fe A et a ee 480, 481 
SRRSTIRORISULS on, ie tee os nen is gegen 481 
LLC, eee a pe | lina ae be Ae eee ae 481 

1 A LT le ee ee i Set ee ae 480, 481 

i tT ee Els aS ib Sieh Dee Pea 481 
BeMneiney COOK Vth = St 345 
po TOP 0 | a on ae re ce 345 
RMGHOSOPLOYs PALO 225 S28 en co depen 57 
RT EPUPO RITES Solace Se a nS. ieee ee 395 
COSCO ie ee pe Aan Ee me 395, 396 
Lilia Gy 2) lean ARE Sian, yp ieee SE Arey 33 
CALLUS oh 1S: ||) ee a CSR eh el ae ERS SS 33 
(AUT E|a i g ale pial ait Soo enema: Fey 33 
DALUy bin searnliparioss 305530. ees 404 
bathybius, Cynicoglossus__.................. 228 
Embassichthys______ RS ea, 228 
PERO BTAICRUS 6) oe 2 oo ea ok et cate 78 
Synaphobranchitiss2-* <8 esses 78 
SRE GOMIDOAS 22) ce eee. 5) Seti eee ees 281 
cry HLL eReader 281 
110"! 36 41) ac ieee ana Repel Seeders ay che 281 
Vajsinis tn ters: GE: Pema eae Smee iy Sab d 281 
(CUR 19 Ue aaa ences Sa ae Se Seat Sapo 203 
TRICE Se te es re ae 202 
CRVBETIOSTS So 208 ee eens 207 
ROTLOINEN aan ee se os ree ee ees 203 

TS GOR UB geet oe tres anc aco eea pad 203 
Presta Li Ln osama ths sea ls RAN a er Soo 202 
MIACOps 243 < WS c 203 
melanobranchus____ 203 
Bathygobius_-_......__. 440 
ti at epee hs Ni pall Oe ie Sete 440 
Ppt a: | 0, Pee Micelle A IIS ai ett i SA RTE Lun, a0 

RE UALeAC oe hs 98S See he a aa ae 164 
TIS Diet enn tee nas ees 164 
RAS eat S sees ene a seco 68 
FERcRy URE Aca ne See a ee 68 
BRAT OUICNR Sere cca 68 
Dpetedictt 522 28s ~~ aa LS end 69 
i ee ee ay pe ae te 69 
CFOs asalisieccscstnastccnsuiee dicen 69 


Bathylapus milleri®---)-.- 0 ss eee 69 
paciiicus=: 22 = 22sec Uo eee 69 

Bathymuster: (02 2-osce 2 or ee 451 
cseruleofascistus. = 552-0522 2-22 eee 451 
Hy poplectuss2o) so eee 452 
jordant='4 22 Se 452 
PY TeIe( Ut see Ree eos meek a SEE ee Sener es 451 

bathymaster, Bregmaceros 208 

Bathymasteride_-_-_____-__.. 451 

Bathymyzon ini. Se eee ews 8 
Pawranes 2s A ee EEL 8 

(Barthymyzon) bairdii, Petromyzon__-_-_--_- 8 

IBathynectess =a bos sss ae Sees Se ast 480 
COMPressus == 53-2535 22-2 Sees eek 480, 481 
Praciis® 8 = 3 es SR eee 481 
TANICADS*— oane aoe ee A SS 483 

atlnnans ee se = oS ee ee 480 
Cera oe LS eS 481 
OCTOTALS= 22-2 52 oo er eee 482 

panies 4022 a ee hs oi ee 5 eee 481 

Bathyopniss= =k eo a a eens 70 
TOPOR SS oe a ens eee as Sars oR 70 

Bath yinasmigss 6 iar oe se eee 401 
Ovigerum:. <.<2222:-9 401 

bathyphila, Cyclothone__-_ ze 72 

bathyphilum, Neostoma_-.--.-. =< 5 a2 

Bathiypreroides- =" 23 <2 < 2 a eee 166 

Bath ypterdiss:. . 25-225 > = ee 166 
lonGittis: = - 23 =.  eo ne eS a ee 166 
poctoralis.. 3.2 223 ee es eee 166 
Quaarinis 5-2-3 =o eee oo: See 166 
WOMGrnlIS <5 55a te ee 166 

Rathysaurds =. 532 eee eS ee ae 164 
4) na ne eae se) y 164 
WOROKe = <2 ahaa socks ae eee 164 
THOMIN Ske owe ee i er 164 ° 

Bathystomsa-. 225 0 on ee 
GUrULINOS POM. Ws > See eee 
yi.) a 
striatum ____... 


IRGC TOCUON 22 onal ee ee eS erly 
BIVORUHS<2a8e0 ct eceP ates ek Or ee 52 
BIVAIOUS: 2. wane epee eees. 4 pete 52 
WOMDDtERUSs o.oo ot eee 53 
frisPectors > acacs a. 52> Abe thee eee 52 
mifcrolepsls: — 2-5-5 Ske. 2. eee 52 
SUOUMEGS: ons 55 foo ete ae 52 

n= [:\ |. Cerne es eepaies yee ee a ss fe 24 
TAQ e hoe us Se oe A arte rere 

pais) Shee os ao et te ee oe 24, 25 

Batoldelsnc> 23 cs cca sen eee es 

IBatracnoldes: 22. uct See Bea 486 
boulengeri 487 
goldmani 487 
pacifici_-_.._.. 487 
surinamensis 486 

eee ho ae ee Sat os Sy cy ae 486 
ELISE li oe eee he Satan soa pe 487 
VETOES finn optimal cna ate ea 487 

BAtTACHOMIOSS.— acces n ose So en 486 

Beirne ose ae ean 487 
(iil ie ee Ae oe ea Ea ore 487 
THASRAMUACURE o22 > ooo ot eee ee 487 
THRE las ooo ha ahs cee ae Se 487 

POLUBIRBINNNS 2 te ons nina eee sas 487, 488 
SUrinamensis 22. 2 esses senate 
{au Dardus= 322.3 ope catee ede 487 

5 fh (1 a |: SR ieee CAGE Oe re aene A TEON 486 

battare, Orthragoriscus 503 

bayamonensis, Gobionellus___ 441 

D0) eae ees ees 441 

bayanus, Pomadasis 334 
POMSOUHSUBs.. .2ttesn 222 25-8 8 | 3 Wp ae oe 334 

pdéliigm, Petromy7onss3_ 2. ee 9 

BdEMostomd stoutiiin= se ee ee 8 

beadlei, Synechoglanis__...............-... 151, 152 

beant, Belonocharax 23.3642 5.os.c0 sued seLs 100 
oe es ee ae es ers 272 
STOHOIMOMIS. sce eeae ahora 2 aa Re 100 
RGUOS S20. thn eee a Sadao ss. Ade chmaen 419 
AL gh 7s bi Oe ee a eI TTR Te 248 
PCA off a i eR: Rel 23% 

Nihil Ee Se oe Soma a Ps his ZA 



List of scientific names—Continued 


beanl, Ophidion:< ..252 --2=2-4-2-5e- nose ane 485 
iParapetenisecssosess2sseee ease een ee 419 
iPlectroMus:-22~=.2.-2oeheseet se 233 
Poncilichthys= i=. --2ee0 ace eae 287 
"PriglopSeseseseeen te eee ee eee 380 
pean, AmMOcryDtssaet ees nn eee 289 
Liman ers Oe ee eee 227 
PRIOnObUS = oe eet eee ane 408 
Serrivomer: 2/23. 322-22. 6-s-osnseee ee 84 
heanorum,, continus-...-.-2..----..-s"--a=— 372 
beardslei, Balmoc coe ee 57 
Salmo gairdneri_ ee re Se oe 57 
beck withi,-Cypnnella= 2! ion soe So sees 130 
becuna, Sphyrena------------ penta Rates eens 255 
Hedotiwbardiellans---c. eho eee ee a Peon 246 
bedotis, Scizena (Bairdiella) -_- ee see 246 
bheldingti;Cottus_ <2... ---- + -<- Gaeee sa54= 384 
PRNSe ITS. oo" oon. a Sec, Ee ee eee 149 
bolizants, -pelonesox.. 5) 2-22 See 184 
belizianus, Eleotris (Culits) Lob ueck ween eee 436 
pella, weeypoclydonia. 2... ~~ =~ = =. = eee £97 
Bellatorec ou eve ct bt eee eee 408 
Chretia...Gosec ee Sore eee eee 408 
Mailitarisscls cS. ose wee ee yee sae © 408 
Ieilicus IN OCOmIS» LS ee eee 137 
bellus;+Balistes. 2... oe ee ee 491 
TVthturus:6-252 2 ee eee 126 
Minnis: ooo eet ee 126 
Beloneialmeida-ci--2 see weet ee 195 
eltipinna.<ocsae ee ee 197 
aneusticeps. cuca eee et ee ee zee 7196 

PVC tt) | a = ae See oe Re eee 195 

BY gARlUS 2c Sci a ee thee tee Re eee ees 196 
Garibbsea: 2 2) eee eee eee 197 
civonellat=.<o- 223 oe eee 195 
Crassascctk’  2hecaceeebe nt eet eect e ee 196 
WEDTESSB ite seh Ce Se ee eee 195 
diplotznia e 196 

Ed IR Cee aie ee ee k= eee ee 196 
PRICHIA Soot Glebe encanta bee 197 
PETANIAS cos Ce LAE coe 196 
NIANB Eos ese eee eee nee ee eneee 197 
JOnCS1 4 2b rete terete Eee eee 197 
Jatimana. [26.222 tee eS cb eee 197 
misculatast 2 ec eee ee eee 197 
melanochira 196 
MMLCTODS wc Se eee eee Hoo ee neon 196 

y 1(0) ch: ee ae feeneeie aed Se Se ees ee = 195 
MACiNes oo. acset ee  e 197 
Trapiicoms sooo aad Ee 196 
scutatorieus nw ctekec tose toe ee 196 
Sstolzmannl 2. 2c scence ee 196 
Strong yNrass. ocak ee ene See ee 195 
SUDtNUNCHtA essere ee ae eee 195 
CIMUMOU Looe nese cot ecessectoleeeaseen 195 
BITINCROHe S26 bso te Soe eee ewe 196 
PlOMESOK re Sees oon whack eee eee 184 
DelzaTusE ee be eo ee eee 184 
Malonidaes. 23-6. cesses eee eke eee 195 
Helonocharax 222 22 Lee 100 
Belonopsissssen hae a tee eee 83 
leuchtenhergiizs.c--25.24-2=) = See 83 
bellus, Minnilus_.........-- (ee ae 126 
bendirel, \Cottustaceoseeeceeen Cone aan 384 
Potomacottus:. <2: edeten naan = 384 
benedicti, Bathylagus--_-_- thy et a eee 69 
bengalensis, Holocentrus--...---------------- 324 
benolti, Myctophumi.-==:-.2¢.2-255 62 ee eee 169 
SCODClUS: 02 -cecccesewe ate eee 169 
Wenthocometes sz, 2222s cs see eee ee 482 
TODHSPUS =< ~..254o2 se eee eee eee 482 
Ont RGMSsINUS | 2 o2= 5.2 st eee nol e ee Sen 262 
BUATINICUS 52 ~ 222 oon Zee eee 262 
BIOUPRtUS so ceee een scsde ee ee ee 262 
Benthosanrmacr: 6 652224 22. so eee eedeee = 166 
(Beni LHOSSTNUS Se pot ee Sis. ck ee eae 166 
STrANAtGres acc aaa seen ero 166 
(Bonthosemameeeseus aed e. <2 ee 170 
ercticum sole ceeeess iso ceseceeeaeearee 170 
muertos. otic ese ct. 22 ee 170 
berardi,cAluteres 7 2bett cee 52 eet 496 
bergall Ctenolabriieiesboessc- - 23-02 soon eee 424 
Bergil; Pontinus. 2.2225 0e8252 25. eee 372 
Scorpena oo. sce ceenebestoss=seecenenn a 372 
berglax, ‘Macrourtis2 235 223520. -cccavecrce 205 

Derinpl, (Crossias: -22.252-+-<2.-450-e—sen Aaees 
beringiana, Stelgistrops___------- 
beringianum, Stelgistrum__________ Bs 
beringianus, Cyclogaster (Neoliparis) _- hb bee La 399 
INeolipanis<+ <2 225 tsi: Sees ee eee 399 
berlandier, Lepidosteus (Atractosteus) -__... A 
Bareaudes: ipranchiostomas-.. 2-2-5 aeeeeee 7 
CGhromis:<¢ 222322 532 22 eee 413 
Pundulusi2222. se secete se snc eneeeeene 175 
heteroclitus 175 
Murcarigeess=*= 25 eee 413 
bermudarum, Callionymus-_- 450 
bermudensis, Carapus 486 
Wefroyint 2 se 2 5222 en eee 485 
Bermudichthys-2.54 2 S325 2 ete oe nee 430 
Subfurcatus:.2-2 -22 22 {sees ee eae ae 430 
bernardini.Catostomiuss 2. eases pees eee 103 
pertheloti,;Crivs.e="5 ¥=2 oe ee ee 268 
Bory cid re2tes2. 305222. See eee 234 
Berycoidelen 22222 352s essa ee Se eee 234 
perylinasVMieniGia====9=2=ss-seeee 247 
beryllina cerea, Menidia hie yd 
beryllinum, Christomasa2 2252s eee 247 
beryllinus; Oryptotomuss_22)-5------ sense 431 
Gobiesox: (Rimicola) 222222222 22 eee 490 
Rimicola:-o=4=2 2422 eee es eee 490 
Beryxoss2 552 cess 5 ae eee 234 
decadactVlus s2s26- 22826 eee 234 
splondensS-2222=22 S22 208 eee 234 
Boetaraid-2==222=" $4.42 26. Se oe eee 25 
betaurs,<Cirnhicys!s=2=-2 esse ee 358 
biaculeatus, Gasterosteus 237 
Bibronigssseeses os oe eee 230 
ligulataee: 22242222" See ee eee 230 
icaudalis, Chapinuss 2222 Sees Sa" ssn 497 
Ostracion2::2242 5222 eee 496, 497 
bicolor, Algansea ss: 222 VSee. se ee se 122 
Ammocoetesi:6 22222522.- Sees eee 
ANISOULOMUS:<.co nse oe cee ee ees 332 
Barathrontsiic 2255220 = ae eee 484 
Chiopsis:.. 22224525250 5022 ee eee 82 
EXOCGStUS 222202 ace eee ee 201 
Grammiconotus22) 2222". 9e eee 197 
Pristipomat.: 22222225 Se eee 332 
ondeletig.)2226. 3 425 $5 oe een ees 171 
Rypticuss.2s2s2scccesee eo tees oe 315 
Siphatelessé 2s" 22-2" See ee 122 
Smecticus 2.322532 eee 316 
Mivomass: 82 ook aA ee eee 120 
biecornis;-Cottus. 26222 .cese sec sea eee 378 
Teeluswis tise 2235 Ae SN st he eee 378 
bifasciatum, ‘Mhalassoma +2252 2222 eee 429 
bifasciatus, ‘Cichlaurus S225.) 2 2eer ena 416 
Heros. 2-2 oca04 co snt ee eee 416 
abruSe=222 522s ces be oe eee 428, 429 
Miulluseiae2 2 Sones ees 34 
Wipenetssst- 22-25 ee eee 343 
bifasciatus torquatus, Labrus_-_--.---------- 429 
Difrenata, Evy DOpsis 2232-2 se 28s ss eee 
bifrenatus, Hybopsis 
bigibbus, Kyphosus Cee eels 
biguttatus, Cochlognathus-_-_-._-.-.-.---.-.-- 
(WabrisOMmuUse= stan ae sesee see eo eenomes 
Malacoctenus-s22.cspceccees- anne enens 460 
Samotilus. 222222222 fs3 eee 137 
bilinearis, Merluccius__---_....------ Feeney 214 
Stomodon 2222220 2222 e522 eee 214 
bilineata, Lepidopsetta 
IPlatessass<252 265.252 522 eee 226 
Fel Fabia ts at ee > ane 183 
Umbra pygmea-_-_-__- 174 
bilineatum, Pristipoma 332 
bilineatus, Charocodon 183 
Doryichtitystes<- 52 2S2as see ecea eee 243 
billingsiana, Cyprinella_....-_--_-----....... 131 
biloba, Corvinnes*=. 22 Ae eee eee ae 349 
billobus} ‘Blepsigs: =..<-s252-2e22---eeeee ee 382 
Histiocotttissss : oo 28 Fe See Seas cone 382 
bimaculata,Percina >: 2=sscain aes aeons 283 
bimaculatus, Cheetodon_- 360 
Olinus-2485s522=22- 460 
Halichceressteess cis: sear eee ce eraeeee 426 
Mialacoctenuss= 22. 222 icccccreuosaenman aia UO 
Poscilodessse22= 22 S2535 tee ee oeneae eaten re 

Pseuidoxiphophortis:-2 seo sces sence cesaeae 187 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Innmacdlatus Says oe aoc =~ - snc wccnn ce 197 
OU OUT = Soe 187 
bimaculatus jonesi, Pseudoxiphophorus_---- 188 
bimaculatus teniatus, Pseudoxiphophorus.. 188 
neghsan) Myrick ways 2-2 - 25-5 =>-nsn— ane 430 
binoculata, Bie) BR Ss 26 
ivigtata: Atsin een ase tes sn enon ewan 295 
rnoatus; A porgieaseassssesessaosedagon 295 
Tsar) y cle Epes 2S ees is SS ane ae 260 
bipmnulats, Serigla soo. ease Sc eo 279 
hininnglatus, Mingabiss.---sscse-.cetesenccun 279 
DNA, PLANCICNER YS 2520 sees e852 22S 64 
Birostratus, Gurnaraus2-----2-s-2csses05 ce 406 
PRIOMDUORS n= See ene ceeee teeta 406 
eee: Mantanet cus seeente coos ken cao ee 2 
biserialis, Ophichthyea-s--n20-2-25. 5 coe 88 
Giniehisinea =" > Basa ae eo eee oe eee 88 
Piserintisy Arvchanins:=o2s 25.02 o oncco nea se 377 
ji OR ae pe eae 43 
Dae IDD URIS: ==. == 2252352 oe oe ee 381 
DREDMIGN= Ses 222 > So oS oe Soe deen ee 103 
LGR or ee ee ee 37 
bispinosus, Gasterosteus_..............------ 238 
Selrariremign ities: 6-227 22) 2 oo aN eos 238 
NOAM DNEPS Sens cess cree accent csoe ss 233 
LORIE tot Da een 493 
POU De Ee ee re 31 
SN De ae cee 233 
bisselli, Coregonus tullibee---.-___...--.----- 63 
BOOB YS GFteds « 5 2 ccewc-cccc ew cn owen 63 
bis-trispinus, Bodianus---....-......-.------ 316 
Distirispuinsy BeGgianus..-.-2 5.205 t 5. 316 
Ser ROT RTE TOMEN ES COMP ENEY g  cce e e w eren es ae 316 
By TO a) io ee a rae 259 
biteniatus, Eumycterias--.........._..-.--- 500 
bivittata, Se PC 281 
by 1 Ne See eee pies me nn eee 426 
PAVIteeDS Ely DOPGIS 2 56n2se255n2ess=04-s5 119 
Oh Ley: |, Sy cette ee 426 
CUM 2222252 hs Shed Se eee ae 318 
Dinceordl,; Lotlanusiss. ses scons shee 2 5S 326 
BANNING Ss She? Coe cp eacsecocaceneee 326 
Pc aa neni ee he mi 453 
fg. Ee ee en ee ee ELEN 72 
binckiordit Eatinnns. ccs s2.cccocecssccdctcel 326 
MRP SPITHN 9 oto hid a dated Qancn a aoe 326 
IRR OMe es 258 ok sSveccascccedcnctarsowes 458 
blanchardi, rs i ee ee en 239 
MNS als 52 diac ctnd anise bcm neneaee 458 
Cuckarince,. Shirgsentrodon pierce casadeeta et 45 
Le Ee ee ee, ee P 45 
ICON se scacuancscaapeccasmactcan ence 451 
POH HOMES so neon cukccon bocce socoepante os 462 
BISRNIGNUEo dsc. Saccaissrcnteuacs taanwsloee 391 
Ci 3 a Se Pere n crs tt Sey 377 
PIODIGONS - oc dead scents ce mecewncceases sees 391 
DEY OHUHS6 55 ood nastedaneaudeweeee te 391 
recalvus--- Gaon” © BOL 
Blerntidss4.3 233. s000025 aeny 460 
blennioides, Etheostoma- - 283, 286 
BSnTHONB EL oo: Soase an dwekeeousceaueesa 461 
blennioperca, Hyostoma-_-..........-------. 286 
Blentiltwss Ass ese doc steal sedeeee 460 
GUIDPICENOE: pacoskwouniececclacabocatiess 473 
OUGIIMAS sss ce se asomiodasadsontaadas 470, 473 
asterias_..... Se shat Sihs tae cintad tcacanaeeld 461 
[ld a aS ee ee eee ne 461 
RISMQIEONIDIS 0-205 Jade oath oases 462 
PPEUIOMUNSos. a oc- oa ae eeoanus ceucek 461 
Pe on Be ne oe ee ee 212 
CL en aa Se OE eS eee ners 213 
ci iF: Ca | Se NS oO See ee ae 473 
WRN ae oe i eed re ice is 461 
Ps nt PE eS ee Te eae anes oe 461 
TIGRE RONEN Sue oe cat ade e ijn as whi 468 
Cb ha BE eRe eae ea ee 467 
TORO Nes a afens actin plete ean econo em okinwes 460 
ne ae ae Ses ick Apt ag a ed 461 
PEER A Gl oa oss cae biqweass 473 
RPP UNDNDACS aS Sens tae tee as hs in on le 461 
py eee ee ES a ae 
Pi ae es soe, 461, 462 
Pd Se Ce 6 eae 2 

p12) 1 et pa ee eS 461 
millCornins = eo eca note oe ee ae 461 
Polar ige net ee ooh t eck Pence se se e 476 
Polyuctoce plains: oc 2.2 scee sss 88a ee 466 
PUnCMaaURSS eo toleesessecs as~ 5 as dee 462, 469 
PA ee ee ee asl epee ES 213 
saliona=.-2 252 oA Sete ato ese ee 463 
serpentinus__.-..----=--------<-=--.-.- 470, 471 
LRT C1) Cele eel ey etn ae a | 
Pog C2 eee a a a el 462 
Or ee eee ene a eee ee ee ed 468 
WEGORUIS Hos Sees eaer sn acce sen cosaceet Skee 3) f 
DUEL 5 31 ee Re te ep ea teeta 461 
Wlennios; Alburnoeps= 3-2-5522 22-- eet 133 
Etheostoma (Rhothosea) Bot ie Cae 287 
Hybopais!s. 220565 ten csescceeses cee 133 
Mlocariiras 242s seacaéeosssesese ances 287 
Blennophiis: = 2hoeese ses fost k ec 464 
WED Die 2 is. bas cee ae once saa eee eee 464 
Bleparichthys: . 2c esis: 2sescec eS 274 
Blepliorts < 22 Pecsiescsns sete ds 2 ee 274 
TAOS ssa as eeteseeesed eee ene 274 
SUGr SH 355. os rho coseseteeasandoeseuseeoces 274 
blepharis, Carangoides--.-.-.....---..--.-..- 274 
blephite, Anguillazc. 25.2520 52 eo 77 
Ds) Pap cor en es oe es 382 
DUOROBS. st ctsccaocaanctdcesauculbcetwces 382 
2S? GUPRNSUS-= Hee ccsscascesnosceccccasdceen 382 
Oculbfasclatuss os2tcs2s025 225222520228 382 
WUODUS ete 525. foe sccsezcnsscee ee 382 
VOTNGONSHS: 222 s0scccsscubesses ees 380, 381 
BlOpsiNG soos eas Sb a5 asta ass35-F ees 382 
Blo¢hil; Bodianus... -ceccsnasoscu su cowsutaees 425 
WarAlk: 2522 esses sa cses cdo ceaweaeeeeese 271 
Orthragorisctisse:. 22 35.05 esa see 503 
Piramiutanes o2::3csdscss3e05ccsn ares tee 159 
DOs, Ns0Kss sooo esdc 5 acs ccaccsdssteesee leet: 69 
bocourti; Herichthys...2..20s0scc Sette 423 
Neetroplus b ick cadeasenaossiegee oe 4 
Bodlantise 2205: -s2ence leds ete 309, 425 
atanthisti is 5 cence ase 309 
gclilpart: 2... casivadecnacunsee eee eeecascd 298 
SIDOSIBHIB 2 succuiasadocdavaskcwacetese 325 
i ee ee ee See nner apie 313 
SISyTOMUCOS. 2355 rees ss ered CUE coed 345 
argyro-leucos et exiguus__..___.....--.-.- 345 
DistISPINGS <5 codes wate tee eC elb anes 316 
bis-trispinus wean! | GLO 
DIR CH oaswreneasaddtedewe si teeunuabeee 425 
DOGIRDE a dees sdwekidiwsdataawn sweden 309, 425 
GORTRRIES scdasanaewtdwatin dds ap adcewr ans 349 
CUDIOMER IB oeaoed duce esr tea deae BOSE CEs 425 
pT fe ee - a ee ee ere 2B 325 
WOURELVONO yee da seas cuwonsuad cud seeseee 309 
DHLMAUUN a anaes Fe ead nore w a agers se aoe 309 
FAGUGE S lacnwwiniwe cuwtdwowewconk suaseden> 235 
SMEG oe aSetatewe ie wndwncwae dane 313 
WHIMS Sir ae eas btO ea Siwamn Dauoee 2 345 
DOTILACANLNUS Jesasdeve cevseewsenwnaduaus 235 
VG est Seow Sedma sewn reese 425 
TUB oa tea bdctiknsedecceweeuses 2655 30E5 425 
PR Neh temitdietnsiwnwnccttoenebe diet 303 
Pee es adore tb uinaseu eda tae 3 Wala tatalee 309 
SCPC LG cist Sapa cic rarer ture Saha Me 346 
Gee IR ellen didaien es vadewennaubadaced 325 
PDN ia ob ab asic waiwwawenathmevawws 323 
SO RiP SRR NO Mes sch iter etn ei Set hed aris wa 325 
DOM IIDE OCIA US seein ccwssvadebuesa dade 309, 425 
Drekel, CaIMOnY MUS. 2.2.2 cc ccwcnneesnwcsdeun 450 
TUR CONOUUD «occ cane nweinnniundasekaiete 429 
MABUUCITUG oo dee sn newdw wees ineane ww aoe 249 
jC a a eo wipbdtue 89 



List of scientific names—Continued 

Pg 7 ee ee ee eee 216 
islanidicuss=3 = 2252s Se eet comee caer 216 

WDD -sa--sscecas se eeen ste see ene 292 
boleoidss; Coulns*2> ess 2582 ee ise ceene saa 385 
Radtlinus-----°.-.cccss- nce eeeceeae = 379 
IRR IGOSD DIS a one tee nen nn ae nee ee 287, 288 
ESSER US epee eee een 287 
OREN see ane ee eee ee 288 
BPUIPOlS aa sere eee eee 287 
NESIOGIN Ose er eet a ae ee ee mee 294 
TRC UG eee eee ee 294 
lepidAs==2-— = o-oo nnn eee eee 290 
macwlaticeps: 225.222 2222-022 sac a a ase 287 
MAGO She os tee SiS eee ee ane 287 
WGSSUM = on ean eee ee eee 287 
nhbag chee ee — Ree ee se es 287 
OlINSLOGI os Seek n cose ee ee eer aneee 287 
DESVIDINNIS = aS estes ee ee 287 
5611 (7) ea Sie ae oe ae eS 287 
StIQM PUN see ane nae ana eo ee ee 287 
BUSAN oo oe nce nee eee Se eee 288 
tassellatnme: 22. % 22 sek fe eee oe ee 
fesseliatiim {= 2-2-6 4 abst e ok nee 
Vexilare.2.>= == 
boleosoma, Gobius- - 
RINGS ODINS = —< oes aoe ee ee ae See 
BGI AMOIUINUS= 2-9-8 — =. 8 eee eee 
bollmani, Hippoglossina 
OQ) aj26) afar es eS ee ee 
GBSODOCROU US = sonata ne oat aa ne coe eee 115 
SORES se! cnet ee 5 ona me ee 433 
RMGUMANNIA 9 82 een ee a ee eee 443 
DOQGerOuGnsIS-- — 22 - one ee ee 443 
eblamydes. .. ---s5-255.=-.4-~----cspseeuem 443 
THAPTOWOM Sasa eae no a ee ee ee 443 
OCGUStA 2 oe soc none e eee 443 
BUIQMI SO en er 443 
pombifrons, Helioperca_-.......--..--_-----<- 391 
POMOUS: == >-0 secon eee ae ees 301 
Bonactcardenal-—...~.2 2-25 --6-<see5 se eee 313 
honachl, Serrsanus.--. ~*~ -- Sa ease ee 314 
MrisoiroOpis=-——-n---2- es ee 314 
xanthosticta, Mycteroperca__---_-------- 314 
bonapartei, Lampanyctus---___..-.--.------- 167 
Poacilosepualus..-----=--------.=-s-ees 87 
BOG ANAL ae a a ees 72 
pO ENA fol ee ee a a Serre 72 
Honariense, Heemulon--_---.-.... .-22---ns==- 329 
pbonariensis, Seriola ..- ::.282s- 52-5. 2 os3= 280 
bonasus, Bubalichthys 102 
RUIN ODLCLrS =n one sen es 3] 
bonita, Gambusia-----....-.--. 188 
2114 0, || Pi ena ve es ee ae Re 188 
Usfoayy SiS OE SRS CNS ee Ere ae se 417 
BOONE ACArANN S.-W o3 nana eee 272 
Uy DOSS 2 eet pea see 134 
WMSCLOUTDIB = i... oben aetna 205 
WWI ORDITUS 3 oe oo 5 enamey s  eeeee 205 
MechOD RUM = on a ae 169 
INOS ODIS S <a ana ee 134 
SOLON en a eee 503 
SeambOrs.c. >. on oan nan nan eee een emee 270 
cPrsohttns eo 5 eee 272 
boqueronensis, Bollmannia 443 
borea, Lucioperca...._...------.-- 282 
borealis, Alepidosaurus------..--- 171 
LAgratas (apo) Ges Bi ls ae ers - SE te 9 
AT CLAZEN US mene esme enn sana ae 165 
Batiivla Gs eek oa oe a 69 
Caulopis 2a ae nn ee 171 
Migrasfers 22s ne 5 ee ee 471 
Tceelinws5. 26 aes Re 376 
emi petra noe kf ae ow Reese 10 
Molvellac.ipccenss—ce ncn te eee 208 
INI VIGOR tase ces econ ano oe 291 

borealis, INotorhivynchus! 22-522 eee eee 1 
Olicocottustsasst 2 eee 
Opsoposod us Saics== a2: 3 ee ee 
IPATSIBDIS 2. ac esas poe oe on aes coe 
Petromyz0n. 22 sa eee nee 
Pimeloduses ese eee 
SQUSLUS ee ee ee ee 
Boreocottus = 225028222 oe eee ee ees 
axillaris. oe ee ee se eee eee 
Boreopadtsrss- sees ee ee ee ee es 
Saidacc 22222 tee ee eee 
Boreccaleus +25: 2a eee 
boreus; Hsox sss sess ss ae Se eee 
Borophryne- 222222222 so oc eee 
ADOLON Se eee ees eee eee 
BOrbory sors ase ee eee one ct ee eee 
boschms, Pomadasys 
PriStipoiia. 222222 eee eee ee eee 
bosei, Abramis~.-_---- 
GoDitisne Seah eee eee 442, 445, 446 
Notemizonus=3. sec: ooo s se eee ee 115 
Pimelepturus. os ae eee 339 
Sicuila, Pimeleptunus:s2 22 ooo) eee eee 340 
boseii, “Athering 22 2222222222322 2 eee eee 247 
GobIuSS.. 2322-2225 5-ecc cake ae ee ee 442 
WOUGISCUS =" 22s oacccu ne eee 115 
Seriolas= 222 220.2 cane ered 280 
basquiants) Blennius-- == == 38) ee eee 462 
@hasmodes?=)- 2. --. -- 22a eee eee 462 
bosquiannus, Chasmodes 460 
hosquil, Pimelepturus—---=- eee eee 340 
bostoniensis, Catostomus 105 
Mursena: 222220222 see 4 wi 
Bothid: — -. = .25-- 2. <ee oe eee eee eee 217 
Boathragonus:= —<...-2-22~ 2s = ee ee 396 
SWaNll......-222 oss os eee 396 
Bothrocsra. ..---5s22 222-202 ee- ee eee 477 
MOIS! % oS See Ee ee ee ee 477 
pusilla........--=---.c 2a e eee 477 
TOMILELa__..-2.- 2 == - 205 soe ee 477 
Bothrocaropsis - -.---..---- =.= 477 
alalonga 477 
elongata 477 
rictolata 477 
Bothrolzemus-_-_---- 276 
IBOpHUse 2222-22-22 217 
boucardi, Leuciscus 132 
Moniana 132 
Poecilia: 2552-25-45 5 5 sa ee 192 
Pristipoms = 32—- <= 82-2 a ee 334 
bougainvillei, Sebastes---._....-___--_.----. 370 
boulengeri, Batrachoides__-.._.-_--_-------- 487 
MM yeteroperca ...- 2 - = 2222-0 =< 5a 313 
PIS6CcOstOMUSs 6-2 aso Sa eee eee 160 
TrisotropisS.-.a02---2on2-- oe eee 313 
bouvieri}Salmo_---- - 2-5 oe eee 56 
Salmo 'purplratus---- 22-5 eee eee 56 
bovinum, Plectropoma-__-------- 321 
bovinus, Cyprinodon-___---------- 181 
Hypoplectrus unicolor_......------------ 321 
rubrofluviatilis, Cyprinodon 181 
bowersi, Labichthys-.-2.-~------="sapceeeeee 84 
WEyctenoperca.. - 22 nacen-oi554a5 Deen 314 
RRNINICHINVS oan anccscdosecan<aosssceeeee 139 
BOWersia-- 7 -2--<-a<pp-cascae= eee 328 
VIOIGSCONS ... === --- one 328 
bowersianus, Careproctus-__....----.-------- 403 
bowmani, Plargyrus-......--.--- Lael eae 128 
Bors. eso-eeee ee 417 
boyeri, Atherina_---_- - 246 
brachiale, Sparisoma 433 
brachialis, Baiostoma--._......-------.----.. 230 
BSCAltUS fae oo oss on sana toneeen eee 433 
brachiatus wDicdons.. 2) s2eeecseeeeee eee 501 
Brachioptilousets-- 2. 2-22 ese ee aoe 32 
hanMilionl sees os ee eens & 32 
brachiusculus, Grammicolepis___---------.-.. 232 
brachyacanthus, Ameiurus__------- aime om LOS 
¢ AMIUTUS Set ees ooo cocks cee ne nee ae eee 154 
brachycentrus, Nauclerus_..-......--.-----. 278 

brachycephala, Rhamdia . .-.-------------. 157 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 

brachycephalus, Exoccetus_.......-.-------- 200 | Brachyrhamphichthys_-=-_--.-----2-2-_--2. 101 
PIMGIOGUS re eee at ee ie 571) SBTAC My Nis his™ see eee ase Beare eee 186 
SyNpnathus seca sc see seen noose 241 Cascajalerisis Sse eee aes 187 
Uranichthys Ald aad he on 0 Dean eee emis 87 GDISCO Dee ee os Se eee 187 

265 OLOMT TRA 58 Sse KOR any oe Os 187 

265 DATISOUITA ooo ee ee ere ee 187 

99 pi) atch a05 fay 0) £0) yee ee ek et LEE te 186 

99 Terrabensis 2.228 e eer ee ake ba DEEDES 186 

OG) Brack yrhinus= 22-22 oes ee Ree? 320 

410 | brachyrhynchus, Acipenser______-_---_---_-_ 34 

410 Ribynehiehthys:!<<.20* tt + aA eee le 235 

8 | brachysoma, Epinephelus 311 

49 | Brachysomophis 89 

Binlephortst oo ee eee 49 CROCOCILAUS&< <8. 26. SS) Ph ee 89 
Pranchinstopitse <5 ee ee ee 357 Horridus:t---tecee 4 soos See 89 
ICHIELO IN on ae ee eee 7 | brachysomus, Calamus 337 
Rerrninitsee. e 8 Se ee nel eee 7 PAVUS en = 8a 8 hee rhe oats 337 
galifornicricd: (his rr* tre 45* os Gee if Sony reas: Oxydontichthys__._..._...-...- 88 
Caribou eS eee oh BrAGlorGi ee OfOCOUbUSse=— > cee = 388 
Hania e ae. asl, eee 7 DPRTTI RS OOS Sue 2 ee. i Sd En OR 265 

TIDE CEE LT a 6 Rata ela as Bede edits 7 BPRSSIAT eee ee ee Pe LC ee ee scree 265 
REP eee nee oF CAT ar Peeve ee fi Drevoorvie==2ei=s eee eee eae 265 

Pee ReaER TIT Set ye SN rE by A Pe A 7 265 
NUE Eb en a ie TN Eig aaa Rees SS (i 265 

CU de Ett Et) 2 Nae hake fs Se aN te ae eR ES 7 265 
Pcahietornihia 2 Eee eee ee eae ba he has 7 265 
Branchistegus -_--_- 357 426 
Branchyconger __-_- 78 265 
brandieriana, Ceecili 84 265 
TRTUNETE Te = pte all ISR ee 84 338 
Crticeee enn Toupee” nae 2 STREP Am ferns Ae 148 Catone, Porpedos 22-22-52. 27 
[eke TE Sia it no. 1) 11); Sa a a tc 334 VWomier::i+ <= s42s-225 ce Se es 275 
PaiTInGri eee oot: 8 eee anh er: eae” 7 334 Bfasiliensis corallina, Narcine___..-.---.----- 27 

doy hives eS ees pees eet 404 | braytoni, Notropis::=--..22- Sse 135 
PIE LAETIE ee Re ee ae BO ORS OPES RS EE ee AGA | Bregmacerop.<:-s-<t2<s256222-2e2.2 eet 208 
ibe eee ee Pret Pert ses eee: 464 Stlantions = = --22s<ss22e-<2-2e- eee. 208 
bransfordi, Bramocharax____..____------.--- 99 bath ymaster = -<s20-25<..-. 28 See 208 
Ce ee oa ns Bvt 2 > Viet ewe TET eo 162 longipess: -4-toteesccc le cutee ee 208 
TAG TV Er fa Vote cee oa et Ae nage aa ae Sep Se 157 maccléliandil..-<~.-=-. ere 208 
brasilian, ‘Mupetred> sof 223 $c icese i sere 22 342 || Bregmacerotide----:22+25222: 225.0 208 
PETCRE SAFES Shy Oras £05 ene pee) SA 342'| breve, Chirostomac:<--<-+2s.22:.- 20 2021S 250 
Brsiiienne: Pristipoma 223,535 2222 22 332 | brevibarbe, Lepophidium-_-_-_..............-- 484 
brasiliensibus, Capeuna 331 Ophidiam)..-<<2sscescdesserst eject 484 
Spirent 3S. 82 f6 sb78 Fa res 330 | brevibarbis, Chalinura.........._...- 204 
brasiliensis, Brannerella - 464 | brevicauda, Pomoxys.-................ 304 
Weert reay ear Rebs 9s ed aie oe * os Se ET 320 Salmowsvessec-setelessadsete cc ssss~ sl 56 

me lercvaem sie oe See Se bse sass) ods eae 40 | brevicaudata, Brevoortia tyrannus 44 
iaesaas ost reek 2 8 2 35 Ee 78 | brevicaudum, Siphostoma__........_.._.__-- 241 
UR MITITI DS! Ses? So ens =P ih on ss <2 DEI 99 | brevicaudus, Diaphanichthys__............- 79 
Ue UT padre sae 199 Syngnathus Gacacanatnedtasscsacccat ees 241 
COS ee) Meaney 6 bl wa 4480 Brevicapss-22secse5s.scéisoncce ne es 147 
PPOITTerer Hips? 6546.50035 5»: = PSL eh 199 Plame@ntosus-: -4 c= saees ee astee eee 147 
ERIE SCIN 2 522 he Ne EG 224 | breviceps, Evorthodus.............-.2212..22 438 
AERIALS ae 28 shoes See eee ee 160 Gasterosteus..:-.22iscasasasseseeeeseae 239 
PAIICCISNE EE eee 58 6 ry eh Lee ae 426 Gobitis.<c-2acesaccscccancsdees SU 440 
EL ere 82a ses +o ae hence ee BN Se 253 Darimyg se = 5 e226 oii Se en eet 344 
Ciena: Heh s ms Rese Sys 6 Awad f 27 WMIGSORLOMA~ 2-45-2522 2. 4 sa.ncasncase ee 111 
PAPC HOS reer e «9 tS. hws fe ee 224 POMPBDenITS sas oe 4c eua usn eee ecauceeh 413 
Plagusia_ 231 POMOUS se 5 52d scseusns de ces be clan eee 300 
Scorpzena___- 371 Porogadus___--..-- 482 
Thynnus 258 Ptychostomus- -_-- lll 
brachychira, Trachurops___......__.__- 271 | brevifilis, Ageneiosus_____- 159 
brachychirus, Trachurops. 271 | brevimanus, Eugerres 343 
DIBCHYOCULErUS 42 253 > hich eet A eS 333 Canias a fas ark oe fy eT 343 
SUEIS eee ne ee 333 ‘LObraRONOPterUb 50.2048 sane ccicuse sales 96 
SEAT IPR Stee 335-6 5 fa cee es eR Gam :|) DPOViped) Uy COdGS=5 555552550. -2cL ODA 475 
CONV ICDSIOVINNS 2 52> Sos Ss oes 8 4 ee 333 | brevipinna, Somniosus.................---.- 21, 22 
jeuvisciss-:2253.5 248s a> Ce ee eee ee cou | brévipinne) Ditremac..ssesisces..csvau—ceeue 409 
TIS oa eee eee ree 28st) a 533 Pristiponigsd js senn accesses eee 3 335 
ADINGHYROH CH 2s. 5 5 5 GA¥) ated ha, RES 330 (ElemolO pss) csesscas dade co eeueed 335 
POT A's 24: O). foe ape epee aa eps SS es 331 | brevipinnis, Blennius......................-. 461 
Decry wrativee oot Coasts See ee ee 409 MiicrOle DID OWS =< siancccacanannanbeces 335 
SPIRO ante 58 = Sate we ie ning se, 409 UTPOYETIHS Sac, oe 22. 22035 37 ce Pea By 258 
Fever Tik pinlstlys | peste wy Se lplensur a enema ene 22 E 343 | brevirostre, Peristedion...............-..-... 405 
Brachyopsis verrucosus__..........-.---.-.-- 304 POrsietnus 25255222 supciacawost sotsbeue 405 
SY ORDERTININ SSS ILA S BE nese. 5 Mh aoe 34 
brachypoda, Gasterosteus pungitius_-_- 239 108 
Pungitius [ee 52.09 239 198 
Brachyprosopon...__ - 2 51 
brachyptera, Ecbene 449 342 
EEGIOPU pelea hs Sak 5 eros Se 449 PEW DOMINS IS sy saeeas saan nae jawete SESE 101 
titheley pteace, avlomenttras- ies 22220 3 see 236 PES MO DIOL Jaa sbn dis coeds dank an cOLAbeS 17 
PT ee Ls Vee... Sea ae ps 326 Entre lAvbUs- 38k 2a: ouskusaasenoseuewas 199 
ERS eS ois Skee gah eon eEeE owas 326 Mami DNIChth Oh: = is.2.uensieesteeeweeens 101 
SOB G s Jae ic aie anaes aa 157 EO ICHOCETATIAG. J). .4ab ow cauesurueadous 511 
Zygonectes (Micristius)......-.--..----- 185 BULB dost scadensakaasmaaasakswewianmat 163 



List of scientific names—Continued 

brevirostris, Scombresox.-._.-.-.-.-.....-... 198 

Syngnathus 240 
brevirostrum, Acipenser-- 34 

Anchoviae<- 2-222 eS 51 

Ser On eee eee ee eee 330 

Stolephorus 50 
brevis, ACANUNULUS eos ~ oe oe ene eee eee 362 

Amblyopus 220 320 ese aa ea eee 448 

A therinichthysi22- tt a eee 250 

Gampostoms 223 220 ii eee 146 

Wentropomus (iS. oe ae eee 306 

Dasyatis= = oo eee eee 29 

FGNGFAUUS<.) act Eee eee 51 

Fundulus parvipinnis___..........-..__. 176 

TT VACIASteS ene eeeerne 448 

SI PNG PHOTOS ee oe ne ear eee ne 194 

[EGIL hs aes ae SA ited 5 epee eee 194 
brevispina, Richia___....._..- 293 

UTC GL eee ee 8 293 
brevispine, Acutomentum 366 
brevispinis, Sebastichthys proriger var___-_-- 366 
brevoorti, Argyreiosns.-2---* = 222 ee 276 

ATE YPIOSUSs aoat2. Geena nce oe ee 276 

(Brae <a ee ee oe 265 

Muleptorbamphus2 eee eee eee 198 

Poscilorichtnys $27 ee ee 96 
brevoortii, Poecilurichthys___-.......-_______ 97 
PSEBVOOLWG! 22 or acne ena see ee ot een 

Wavronus=-. ot ecaee oo eee 

OYTATIMNUS oe ss ee eet ete 

Inrevicaudata.2 esse ten Be 
brevoortii, Astyanax___.______._ 

briareos, Chilomycterus_____-_- 

@yclichtiyss=..t ue ee Se 
Bricel,: Cheetodon2= 3-222. aa eee 
primileyis, COCCOLIS.- 22 > nen een ee 

IN OULODIS Sse Sete ke saa 
bristolensis, Cyclogaster___.............__.-. 

IN BOM PATIS s== cv cent see eo eos 
IBTOCCHS Wb SlISteS soo ae aeons paaen see eee 
IDFOGAIOUS (COLLIS: «25-2 te ee Se eS 


brosme, Brosme- 

Brosmerus 3 

LEEW eae ee ee be LIDS Raters WERK S 213, 214 
DLOSTUATIA, (GOR sano a5 care seo eee eee 212 
Barna fine se oe ee ee OTS 

MATCINATUS: .223..5- so couc ae eiiecsee wees 479 
Brosmophycisit222 20) 26 479 

IMEIPINA HS es So one cee ea eee 479 

VC eee ae See ee ae 480 

WOrrUTES 5 Joseaseascu anc on mca eeteeaees 480 
IBID Ae oe ot ance cece sees dbase een eneaeee 479 

WearDAla 62-6 areas ot 5k ee eee 479 
Brotilidw@. seca see ss deueeeacansdeaeee eee 479 
broussonetii, Acanthurus__-.--..- 362 
broussonnetii, Gobioides___-_-_- 448 

Wimbring 2232. ckcececen oetese aes 350 
Drown, UCsNis: os. cbet esac a= aon 181 

OlGB oe Se oe naan a be senee eee ieetetenas 229 
brownill) ‘A thenina - 2205225002 ere ee ae 48 
PAGING DOB. 2 ona oo eee ea eee 199 
OMAR Cs. 25 ono ee ee SE ee 274, 275 
bracus, Pebinorhinus.... 2.2... 5. aes 22 

Parsing... -_ - Fs See bo eee 22 
brunnea, Lycogramma. _....-..----.-.-...-- 476 

Maivnen.. 3... 2. 3. 72.5 25 eee 476 
bronnens; Amilurus.... ....<-2225..-5- seeeee 154 

PDPIBPLS sos on 2-3 SS eee eens 12 

ORGS eee seca sc meecastuaeeeereees 12 

Ectenias-_-_.-- 265 

Gobitig=s25..-- 440 

Gymnothorax...__-.-_---- 92 

ip pocabipysss. 8. a+ oeeeees 244 

WOnIS. 2 = ieee 2. 5 cannon Sane 78 

Rivmlus>. sta e ee oe 5 eee 180 

bryoporus, Spratelloides 41 
Bryostemma 466 

decoratum___ 466 

MUPALON aoe 466 

polyactocephalum 466 

tarsodegit: a2 Se eae es eee 466 
Bry ssetssres seas os eae aes, epee ag gaan Ara 488 

Dinnigere 3. sess oe eee 488 
Bryssophilus eaten. ome kaee Se Soe eee 488 
Bry thse a ee eee 298 

Bl bulns eae As sei Se eee 302 

fasciatusMense eo eee eee 304 

gloriosuis:=22 se. 2. ee eee 304 

Nun iss eS eee 300 











UPS). 2252. ee ee eee 
bubalina;/Cyprinellaccs 2202-2. eee 130 
bubalinus, Bubalichthyss 220. ee 102 

IReuciscus: 22> 4 ee ES ee eee 
bubalis, Acanthocottus 

Am DOG ONS 222-22. 2c2o0 oan ee 

Coftwss so 


Totiobusss- 22.2225 
buccanella, Lutianus 

IM @SODMONS 52. ccnoscnuesscsconet eee 
buccata,bricymban ss sees eee ener 
buceiferus, Wabrisomuss 22. acee 2]. ease ene 459 

Labrosomus: 22 2252226 cecesen nee 459 
bucco, Moxostomas sesore 22 es eee eee 110 

Pty. chostomuss: 22 eee cece saeco eee 110 
Buccone 32205. soon nnn secon saat see eee coe 354 

prredatoria= .< 52222250 4 sso ce eee 354 
bucculentus, Chonophorus---...-.---------- 442 
bucephalus, Macrourus._.....-..-<-.-.-.-.-- 205 

Macrurus = =2- 22-2 ce ccaneteoneeaeenees 205 
buchanani, Hybopsis-_- 134 

Notropis---..---- 134 
buettikoferi, Tilapia sooo nee - 428 
buffalo, Acipenser (Antaceus) 35 
Dito; Wophius 22-2. ence eee caw ere eee 487 

SCOrprens ..- 22222. -caccancencanccuneeeiae 370 
bulbiceps, WMacrourus.=2- 2222. 22 eee 205 

IMacruruS. 2. -...--c.cec cnc oueastoenease 205 

WMAVIGH 22 sent ta- na oce ce cewenee ee 477 
bullaris;) Cyprinus... -- °°... 22222 ses 117 
bullerl; Paraneetroplus. - 6-222 ee eee 423 

‘Prionodese eo eee eee 319 

Se@rranus=-es- 220 2-c-cncaec ero eee 319 
Dbuniva, Balistes 22.252 ee eee 491, 493 
burchami, Teelints= =~. Sscsces seen eae 376 
burgall, Ctendlaprus... 22222 50-25.-nesneea 424 
burragei, Bajacalifornia_- 53 
burtonianus, Leuciscus 121 
buscki, Sicydium-.---- - 447 
butleri> Ptsciligtists = 222 22s ea 192 
butlerianus, Poecilichthys-_-....-..----.---.- - 204 


List of scientific names—Continued 

. : Page 
ealiforniensis, Diapterus_. pick Oak 

Coryrhamphus. ____.___-- See 2.53 
elongatus, Eucinostomus--._.________-_-. 341 
MUCHTOSLOMUSS 0 ene ee cc ene Sa es 341 
Mediahingiis coo 205 S62 soe ee ee 358 
Qphisprus! 25 Se Ae A a a ee 88 
Otolithus: 245-2 Ae eee 356 
Ralynemus: 22/35 Sheena cee eee 256 
Gabaitus: Caranx seer ee ak, 272 SCOTS > se ys ee eek eee 358 
Paratractus: 22 oi 5 Los eo se 272 EATING So ee Se Se SE 240 
caboverdianus, Ginglymostoma___---------- 12 SVD UIGPUDIUS= tens neeseonee ee ee ae 447 
CaDrerss, HiAMmaints <= os See 157 DCG TS ee OE ees Set EEE 324 
PRISE T ee ee 311 ERGRUNGILISS= 2 =) eo Ee eee 324 
Rpcilin = <8" Ger Poees AR en oe eae aN Site le COUnEINS « GQAdUS. —- =~ 5 secc saa ge cece coe 210 
Sserornamdin. 228s. 2) a bebe es cee ee 158 PARLE Cee te Sek se ee 61 
2a Ty Sone tk Oe ao pS OE Be Me NB ore |G cele eee oa OS 8 coo oon eacs 348 
Gmrmion. hoods: ~~. 0s soos eo aaa 120 CIBLIGIDS RS = 0 ed eee etn ea aoc aenene 348 
itieatees eee oer) ee we. ee ae Ai iimalechelys i225 -082 25 oa 2 cs. cescc oc eoa eee 86 
Corgpiond.— 522s) Ne 434 PulchenGtias (20 Li ps cct cancoe cee aceees 86 
TORAH ee 652 58s ee cae 130 VN 2 ee ore eae Seer eee 86 
Mane bars ote rl ee 291 Pens Se. esac ono coon aoe none 86 
Le ae ee ag ee a a a FAM fl STULL as C0 2 ea es a ae Tiel een 160 
LICKG Lin 32 Se eae a anes ee ie oh 43 | Callichthys (Holosternum) thoracatus___..-. 160 
crruleatus, Acronurus.....______...-.----.-- 362 lssvigatuNter. So. 0 6 come se oee 160 
ceruleoaureum, Harpe---____._...---------- 425 Nvtiratus et soo Ste ee eee eee 160 
ceruleofasciatus, Sopvaianter PS ENE IETS: py Bind (PMD 1 EG (a Ca oe a a a cre ras See se 320 
CE REET ET ART Tg 1 a 150 HRVIVONGM S20 <8 ota estes eee 320 
BUT r en eee 160) | Galllodon retracttaos2 3 ose ea ccc 431 
ceeraleus, Acanthurus- --.......---------.--- $62; |) Callionymidpes 2 25 ooo sak nessa geben eneeoe 450 
BEN LE stare hes Ole aS ieee 16.4), Calllonymivie®=- S252 oe ean eee 450 
SIIRHCO DUAN S ooo nl ee eee 289, 291 ORASSIZU Sore ocean sn enc eeaneeencremeeeed 450 
DRLELE GTN T jh Seca ae eee eee 130 atrilabintes sit oon eso ceaccesneeeeas 450 
jg Eee ee 434 bairdi 450 
Squalus........ 17 bermudarum._. 450 
C esiomorus-_--.---- 276 boekei 450 
focal thy: de ee ee 276 calliurus 450 
cesius, Paraconodon____.-__----_- alee | himantophorus- 450 
Lepore PSE top eS i NE Sek Re ae 331 1.29: eee ee ee 450 
CORTES SIC WONT oe es roe ei etgomn,, AEE pauciradiatus P 450 
calablepta, Dermatocheir.___......---------- 97 pelagl cus 9c eee as ab epee scene 409 
"Gy: LP eta 1, cee Minas Edie: 5. at arleS ed ae eis ae a 336 SABOU-OUSLAGN Cs us at asacanecesa se nodes 450 
CELL 21, CoG Sales esti 5 ites Sa ae 337 | callipteryx, Campostoma--...............-.. 146 
OL a RRR gl PR aE Na gt he ene Gn0s |. CAMIRBINE, JO DIS@IMA] 2-6 soc ccoeaseseececoc le 132 
fox vas gaa Bs elias 4.2 ilies > Sahat os 337 VEO oe nee aan camaro 132 
AMUS....---..----.------------------- 336 | callisoma, Herpetoichthys_-.........--..-.-- 88 
ch Le cae ee ie See eee, Sot see 657.,|' callintia, Pirogala, 227. eieo ce ete seed 130 
JROORTOUN 6 lacus tu aesaoo a caenanosaens 337 | callistius, Photogenis.............-...-----.- 130 
DERRY slater nce ww a aria 3a%\ 1) calliure, .Cypriziella:- 2. siiuecuabases. sess 129 
HL UT en a Se ieee ale i baat eae 337 Etleostoma 
pening ne paemn aa cman eae nnndmen main = Mycteroperca 
Rona sa sae HLbbadbewdean nono rnasnanae ® Od ‘ 
«5 ER RI otal a 336 piri rec denne “age aaieet ts 
pla e217) 6 aa yO ia i Se RS EE 336 flotidensis ipo anes 
pil arith EOS a ners Ree Spica 2 Sea 386 {nriipsUsese 
PAs MAINTE. 9. 3. con] o-oo. bon sheet 036 laincen ee 
een ecap ena. et Pere Mee 336 a ama se e-Gg 
calearata, Scorpsna_-_.__----__- nd A tnt. 371 a SIORees OShIN GS DET DRL 
Calpen, Aoanithidinm on 2 ooo aes one 21 SY a an A AT 
caliente, Xenendum__________.__- een 184 iP : 
calientis, Goodea...__--- ada niet he 1s4 | calliurus, Callionymus 
RUSDORRIA Sen ee ee Lee 134 MOBI DSSUB ee ena n seen san nek ane SE ene ee 
a OGD en et ok nie pote ee aed 134 | callolepis, Harengula 
Califorrion, ANRON So. ooo ss Se cake e ee ote 43 HOYOS saeeesce see cananecaducuencnsnsanease 
UT a ates ie i sal link SS celta Pte 477 THOMUUNY WIR =o enStare stan hcaempeonetee 
i COS Te a ea ae ee A aE pe es Sm 210 | callopterus, Cypselurus_.. eT 
LEAR EE ee Sai ee 3: a eh ep 22 Exoccetus: sac222-22 eudand 208 
fate 2 TRSRIRRALSA | DO RS CREA a Calloptilum idee CH Tas soca te T YS 208 
7 = = egal Parte set eee RB callorhini, Therobromus................-.--. 68 
Deo poral oka i aR al 992 | Callorhynchus atlanticus..---..-222 22222222 32 
LF a a 425 |, Comtrina......-.-------.-20-ee2eeeceennne 32 
Hippoglossus- one |) CANDOR OM Upea st Soe Name ewanseaenpuncaes ne 433, 434 
Mustelus____ 13 BHO PIMC EUB anew nase eee enh sanewen en 431 
Myliobatis_ 31 COMpressuS _......--..------~------------ 434 
Myliobatus 31 MICTOPS - ~~~ .---+------------------------ 435 
eile 2 ee. 428 ee Pe ONE Cee ee eee Ae 431 
PMMA GS ts eee aoc oes 223 | callyodon, Cyclopterus._. 399 
a! Pe 58s 9t Bh eee ae 308 INeoliparis..-.--_ =... 399 
californiense, Branchiostoma___........------ 7 | calobrense, Cichlasoma 417 
ny At le a aa eae 169 | calobrensis, Cichlaurus 417 
faliiorsienala, Jo OG ar aS ie She |) calopterys, Berranus. 22. ce occa wae eceewe 319 
RMON Y COME UM naa o oa sotenioccodenawoncss SUG CO TINO Sa canalimeras acne ao xcewienee eset 431 

OF piiiodon so iedeecsecaes eed onwwad 181 MUONS once ewitads atau cncenaamen eee as 401 



Calva Ama. ote coe se ee Se ee 38 
ATHIAtOS: tose eek een ese oaen 38 
Calycilepidotus___--------------<- 252 381 
SDINOSUSt Soe se eee see eee weet 381 
CEI a oe pee ss so eee 338 
MIPTICENS «1U Roe Sse eats es eas eee 338, 339 
camchaticus, Artediellus____.....---.------- 378 
camelopardalis, Mycteroperca peeks eevee 315 
DOrrnniis-ss2. = }4kerhet rests ess eee 315 
campechanus; Lutianus) 222222222222" see 326 
WIGSOPMON = oases = Seas eee eee 326 
canipbelli;-IMoxostomas*=2 52 * sean see aoe 109 
Palmows S22 sok seet Seed See ee eee 61 
camperi, Scomtberesox 222225222225 - ==" 222s 197 
Camiperit. Scomberesoxs sees sae seen 197 
campi, Signalosa mexicana__---.------------- 47 
@Geripostomisscss 22 fee reseed Sees seer e sees eee 146 
ATIOMALIITI nes Hes ha shee bee ee es eres 146 
DEGVIS See eee ee re nae ee Se OF ee 146 
Callipieny xe sess Sis se ssse eee ere 146 
TOVINTHOSUII ota tbe SN ee eee 147 
PODIONIMI Sn ene a Ren © eee eee 146 
NID DOS fore ec at eee ae eee eee 146 
THON V ESE eee os see ee en ee ees 146 
PASTURE Se ee eee See ee eee 146 
DMT NED ye oo Sas oe seine ee 146 

18) 5) ee eee per te ate en eset ae pe sy 147 
GCaAmMpPVlOdOn = see aee pseee s See eee Le to 
TADICH Sees tes seer ee NON eee eee ee 75 
camtharinum, Pristipoma_-_-__-_------------- 335 
camtschaticus; Crossias2e: 2222 25s eee ee 389 
CamiuranC oleae: oes ete 2 Sees a ee oe 129 
WrOpala ne asa eres ee te eee 129 
Walllanigia® = s=5 nes a seeia see ee 288 
Carmnrnm:.-Boleosomaosesne= as oe 288 
HT HeUSCO TIE ee wee See te Le ee 292 
CADIUTIIS: Novhonottis= 25222522" 2- Sees 290 
Peecilichthys iN L Ree abe One 290 
cana, Allopandhusiate =! 2424 28 #eae22 ee Sse 188 
Gambusiai- 20st 2s. ia ols sos 2 EG 188 
canadensis, Cynoperca---.------------------ 282 
Sal inig as fae eae Se ee ak See eee cna 60 
canadensis, Luciopercas= 22-222" 2222 ea. 282 
Canadus. Gasterosteusts2s-s2-ee-- =e ee 281 
RachyCentrom= 24522225 seks es ee ee 281 
ecansliculatius) [celuis:2-o.-tsceescacn ee eae 378 
canbriensis, Clinuss 522222525 4522-2292 S22 Ge. 459 
Pteraplated-ve 2s. 3-23 2. a SSeS At 29 
cancrivorus, Pisodonophis-_------------------ 85, 86 
eandalarius, Profundulus-_------------------- 174 
candidissimus, Leptocephalus--------------- 79 
candidus, Careproctus. eee ore 403 
canensis, A Can bHIClIS 262 [o-oo sle name eae 161 
Leptoancistrus Bee Sees oe ot 161 
canescens, Ancanthias.--.2.22252222.22-2eess 161 
camivula Squalus... 22.25.8255 222 steekees 11 
caning, AmMIa--- 2. ~~ 22-3 - ~<a nan nee 38 
caninianus, Scopelintiss -=--5..22s--se sees 169 
caninus, Lachnolaimus:_.-=-.-.----220a-sas2 425 
Pajellus a eee ee 336 
(Anis (Cyminsins 22 coset toe eee 13 
BUI oe nee cone cee asess a sacnecesep eR 54 
SqpAalusS 2.2 see S aaa een ew aes 13 
canna, esemulonss<222 52223222. 25525 22-2 oe- 329 
Ganrorhynchusess222 232 sesee re ee eee 245 
Cantharus nigro-maculatus__-.-------------- 305 
Gartitheriries 2: 2-222 -32-sssascseee 222 ses 493 
AMPIIOXYS- - fesse =o 5825S Secsnonc= == POS 494 
PATON 65 ose oes oe ee 494 
10,010 bt ae aimee ieee Pry eee eels 494 
Ganthidermis = 2.25 sescc2e2 oe esesec soso een 492 
hit GC sf ne ie ee ee a ee 492 
SHOACHINVUS-~-+ conss scarce ns5saeote see 493 
SOUHCO. 526 peas canes naa wae ee oe eames 492 
SHUMIAMION oo cv cnn nscda ence osanoe = seme 492 
WIN RHUGWs-00escsacccessateosnereneenee 493 
CATIDINEAS Ol co seus seos-o5 oe nea eee aee 500 
DUNC PADISSIMINIS 2 O52 So8 fon cee aen eee 500 
rostratus-=-.--.- 500 
Canthigasteride__-_- thes Si) 
Canthiriynchus S28essoeseeet ccceecenencene 397 
Oanthogaster lobatusigssseseac-eceees-seccce 498 
cantraini,"Tyloshrus soso eeesasesesteec ences 197 
cantralnit; Dylosiiruss2sseseecsecasseeses cee 196 


List of scientific names—Continued 

CANS, MIAChONUS esac cclosscneaneneeaeee ee 
Macrurus- - --- 
Canellariass os <ce2olss 0) - <3 s3. eee 
capellei, Lophotes 
capense, Seyllium 
Canensis, ‘Carcharodon------..--- eee eee 20 
capelensis.oriearia_-2--22222"22 =. > seen 162 
Capeunsbrasiliensibusss=-2=>-:<-_ 2. -eeeeeee 331 
capeuna; SerranuSs.-=225s=222Soe ee so eee 331 
capillaris, Zeus. + ss2sst access ceacepseseeeeeee 275 
espillatus; }Climus=3 2 o22s2soe Ss ae eee eee 459 
capistratusy Balistes*ee2cse- etree eee eee 492 
Chisstodonc: f22ve == 22 Ses ee eee 359 
Tetrodon==.5=2=.s422252 2 2=42eateeeseees 500 
capite plagioplateo, Eleotris__--__----------- 436 
striato.seerca marina sash ses sne eee 330 
capito, Miacrounis:s2225= 2225 =22 == eee 205 
IMAacriTus <2 ui soca cel aescoe wee amu 205 
IPOLOMithas=2- == 2s22 225222222 223 
caprinus; ‘Balistessss22s--2228-sse sen eaeeeee 491 
Otnynters:2* cesses. 222 ses a eee 336 
Stenotomus =< 2253552 een eo te eee 336 
Capriscus== 0222 .Ses23 ii. eee 491 
mifimig S254. = sale b= aeons eee ee eee 496 
DOLCUSS== cece oe ee 491 
CAaDriScus)Balisteses=2 52 2-5) See ee eee 491 
caprodes, Etheostoma--.-------------------- 282 
Percinar 2) 22 estas coe te Re 283 
Sclenass22 -sccsee he kere See es Te eee 282, 283 
Caprophontss! 22. 4222-22252 Sse eee 358 
SUTOLAtERe ane eee en ee ee eee ees 358 
capros, Antigonia 358 
capbiva:Goodeas_ = 2225225" sees sass eee 184 
caracasenses, Hemioloricaria________-___----- ng 
caramuru, Mursnophis-----.--------------- 
Garangidme=*:22--- =. Sec ees eek eee 239, 280 
@erangichthys=2:.:-/2ss2ee-=) ee ee 273 
LY DUSS = £2522 Soleo ROSS oe eee eee 273 
@arangoides blephaniss 22 222-5 = ose 274 
Gorsalis: <=> 26222-2224 oe eee 274 
PAllichthiys: :2ine3 Seo ee eee 274 
Carangoides, ‘Seriolophus.-2=2> ====s" esses 280 
Carangopse=2)2c25oc 22 sek eae eee eee 271 
Caraneus aureus *: 2225 e = eee eee 272 
Osculentus: 225.5252. S¢iSt eee eee 273 
Hippoldes\- 6 =si-=+ aos eee ee eee See 273 
carangus) Scombers — == =22 S22. ease eee 273 
Gardnxs> 5:25 se22* 5222 tsa e eke tee 271, 273 
AmMplyrbyrchus®= 62) ees ee se eee 271 
an tillantmebe.2 325-2 22 oe: hoot See eee 273 
airimanus: 2222-280 se oe eee 271 
RUNeUISH Ss fhe Ee. SIs eee ek eee 270, 272 
bartholomaeiz..2-s2c22 22 4a See ee 272 
beanies.) 222-5 sachet eee eee Bere yp? 
blochiis=<h2-52:2. 52502 ce Sees eee 271 
Caballus thes loop see eS. ee eee ees 272 
COMVSUNUS 25 aoe aneele sae eee 345 
CiDiss ere secre o ee ee ee eee 272 
Gatubentonil:=:t...20208205 2 22ers 273 
defensorsa2=-222-2.- hoes ees 273 
dtimerili_ 5 24 52222222 oS eee ee 279 
Ovivhruniis2-ce22. 222 = eee 273 
escilentus=: -.-_---. 2S e eee ee 273 
fe CAUUGE anne asa sae ee eee ee 271 
fallax=<-3 328 ee 272 
{asciatus=--=--2sset eee eee eee 272 
frontalis. 32>. =-2See ee eee 273 
fiirthii- == 22.52. See2222 SS 2 eee 271 
PITArG 22K = Sheen eee 272 
hassel tito. Settee cess J. ese eee 270 
heterophygus--- 271 
hippoides_-_----- 273 
HipP0S sansa cate wan mn wn een eee 273 
IQNODIUIGSeeeee eee eae ae sone ee eee 273 
{ridings eee see... eee 271 
urna = ote see e- = see eee 270 
lptiseee-ceneseae=- =~ = ee ee ees 272 
J U0) ro bay 8 Oo a er ere) 272 
DOUCUITIS DES nese eto sa coe eae eee 271 
VUgMbrisee 2 eeene. == ase eee ees 273 
MACHT staan es = an ase n eee 270 
macrophthalmus 271 
MAY Pinas! peeeces cess sees ae sean 272 
Wiedusl Colas Seeeess= ass ee ee eee 272 

Mela py Gus zaees aes ee ee ee eee 272 


List of scientific names—Continued 

OLE VT ber 22 45 Ss eee ae foes Ss S53 ats ee 



SIRE TIO GEIS oe Sa wee ae ee tn = 

ponctatus :=4 222-2272 == ee 

PACH ATdI « 2OUE. Se ea be ee SESS TR 


RACHTIGUS © <2 255 ae aon a Fwd oes 

SEITHSDINOSUS See = ee oe Sa oe eS 270 

stellatus: 2-2 oi ssce=223 Sohn. --- = a 27. 

By Mime lricns+<-4—-2522 222 - 2: ==. -- =; 270 

SIRT ORES <= 2 5* 3-2 Ss een Pe aux 273 

trachurus japonicus. = =2s5--2¢-2..2-26229 270 

PO RRIO DELS ee ge oe ee A 272 
Caranxomorus plumieiranus_________-_----_- 270 
Raplcies 22502 oe = 2 SERS 486 
carapinus, Coryphzenoides_____________-_--__ 205 

eG SEE See ee eee et 309 
CHIR PRPANIU SS oe ee a 309 
PEE A DMOMNUS 22.2 ooo ea eno Tones 262 
a) Ao a ee 222 2 
La OS Se ae ree eee 3) 283 
carbonarium, Hemulon-__.._.....__-____---- 330 
carbonarius, Acipenser____._______________.. 35 
a teh tema ae 209 
CBEDEVICUIPE, Steins oo 328 
Dehli oF CN SSS eee eee eae ie 15 
Ce eee ee et Fe sl pn es 16 
menisorrah 16 
natator 17 
pills @ RIE AE SC eee Sore 16 
Carcharias 15 
acronotus 16 
ethalorus 17 
atwoodi 20 
azureus 16 
ceeruleus 16 
cerdale 16 
commersonii_ 15 
falciformis 16 
EMT es Oe es ee eee 16 
fronto CES 2 Se lg Sa en anne arent e 17 

GLP LAV ROUNG = Cine. fie. 2S ats 15, 16 
CE Bf) RS” i RM erat Serie ee 15 
DIGS THUG HCNOB. ol. 2 20s soos ace 15 
Di ie Pe EE SE pee iad te, 16 
(Prionodon) limbatus__...........-2___- 16 

SU Ot ie ft oe ee 16 

miillerii 16 

@archariusisodon’.: 2-22s.5. 2 eee 
PEN ChALUSS=2— sess soe foe ee 
carcharius, Carcharodon 
Gearcharodon== = 2 .=< 2225-0 
Capensise 2-0 255 es he 
earcharias 220 s2 2222382. 2.2 2 ee? 
TET CelOhie ssa eee Ss ee 
WLS: 2 2-i 22h kas Ss es 2 ee ES 20 
carcinognathus, Gymnothorax______....___-- 93 
Cardbnalebonaeln = iss fae act eae 313 
enruonr, Goralliozetus<~ =. 222222222 s 2 464 
MRC TERA SS oe 2 oe OE ee 400 
Sessieiiee § SE 2. Ss ee: 400 
el Grisiyleeee ee eo eE 400 
FEPSGHOMRUS-: soo 2 Cee. Sle te a eee 400 
PRIN GRUB So oe ee Soc ove a 400 
(CT TMTE hg: pa a oe. er ee 401 
Shite ee Se a eee ee ee ee 401 

Careproctus -___-- 402 
attenuatus -_- 403 
BOWOInIARYS eee. coe eco e wate 403 
MANGAGIIS 2 2 Soro ooo au cee oe ee 403 
CUMD LR Sn See ee oe ae 402 
ie Te a ee ee ae ee Soe Pee 402, 403 
GET COUGR. cae oseccw Sn dos ce ccaneduuueses 402 
RGINUINGSHSs oek eee ee ck 402 
Pol [ely 1 een aS EN ee Soe ee AoE ee a < 402 
eT 411 St Ee ea ep EL 403 
TOMS WINS © ee cn oe eee 403 
IABIANOVOR Soo ee wae nace aoe 402, 403 
MOUS ee oe a cee eee 403 
Opisthotramus:......_2 ose ee eee ees 403 
OSSD soe teen cena ne nn ae 402 


caribbseus, Chloroscombrus__--__......._..-- 276 
Coelorhynchus eS a Saas ts = 2 207 
MpeUbICUCU eH. 2. ooo... Lees 507 
BRS oo. ics 1 SO Le Lees 207 
Jin ho rig |: ee eee eRe SER Se) 2 ae srs. 197 

caribbeus, Aphthalmich!hys_-_-........__._. 89 

carinatum, Acanthosoma 503 
PIpRORteNIs. fos a2 ae ee 240 

carinatus, Diodon---- 503 
Labichthys -_-_-- 84 
Placopharynx-- 111 
iLife OEE el a Sine chads 56 
SUHSNSGUUS see ee ee 240 

carinicauda, Halosaurichthys___..._..._____- 74 

GaMeLonl, DEUCISCUR os sos a se eee 116 

carminale, Tripterygium ---.............__.. 458 

carminalis, Enneapterygius__...........__.. 458 

carminatus, Coelorhynchus___-_._-_..._____- 207 

BORNE en cenmnaclnn Sa ee 207 

ecarmminifer: Macronrus= >. Js. 5.5 28 ee 206 
LCC gai |: Bie Ee Sep pS ee Sere eet nor 206 

CGRxDIAs, TE rerOpoans 0 5k See see ee 369 
Sabastichth yee 22 eee ae et 

carneus, Acronurus 

carolae, Cantherines_- 
carolina, Argentina_-__ 
9 (1 ES ars BAS SS eee 
caroline, Potamocottus_-.............-___- 383, 385 
Cirolitiensin’ Balintes = 3 es ns 491 
CPAULON Gs eek enn ae a ak Gee 354 
Libin f Sten see Seer eS ees 8 coe 44 
Co G10 ES ae de SPORES SS 440 
POOR cua sl ee 2a) 28 2 eee 305 
TROIS 22 oA, twin ote sap a ee 355 
[Pf ES nla Sie ae eS Cas Le: 279 
earolinus, Gasterosteus_................... 276, 277 
(1 Se a CRE PMR poe ET 
TADODUR US... = ac teses utc seUs ois eee 461 
PTT aS ae aS eee rays. one Cie Sel 407 



List of scientific names—Continued 

carolinus, Priacanthus ~2. <=. .-<.-wceteneon 322, 323 
PtOraClis: == 22 ew Ses Se ences ae 266 
‘Trachinotusws- 22225 ee sedese see on es 277 
carpintis, Herichthys® =~. 222.222 > ee 423 
IN Getroplus? a3 255" 222 Je Sean ss sees 423 
carpio; (Carpiodes=: <= 2-52 3/2. = se eee ee 103 
Catostomus << 2222. <2 2252322 22 ee 103, 109 
Gypringdon 2 22. 6 a ee Se 180 
Ploridichthys). 2 222525 ieee 180 
Carpiodes 103 
ISOM Se ee eee 103 
carpio 103 
cutisanserinus 103 
CYPYINUS: oo ao ee eae nee ae ee eee ee 103 
Gamage! Ae ts BA eae 103 
Giflonmiss sso re Ss eek ae ee 103 
BlOnPAtUStAS ono oS a caer cok st eee 104 
Te A lee se ee oe ee ee ee 103 
MAIIORTIS* toe Seen os hone OS Le ee ad 103 
BTIOKICON AIS: 22-5 o> Ses feel ae Sees 104 
Imilerosfromus:= <o2 223. 3 ee. ee 104 
MPG oso nee = He Sees 102 
MUM Mer oe 8s A eR eee, 103 
pelenes 25.22 skeet s ose Jes ec oe eee 103 
HS rg Min EE Se ee 102 
CLI es) eer ae eS SN eS 103 
PUM US Sooo eae nee coco eee 103 
Lag 1h eee Sees =e ae es ee 102 
VOC a a a 103 
WOLTER sos see teen nee ee ae bole 103 
NWAGTILEIS 0 NE Re LE 0 ee eee 102 
carringtoni; A pocope. =i =o si. 222 eee eee 140 
carmngtoni, Apocope:.2-= = 2 2222: ee reaa see 141 
caryi: Acipenser 222) 2590 a ee 34 
Mi MDIOLNCS S222 on ae 2 ee oe eee 412 
I. Vpsnriis® 28s See Se eee eee 412 
cascajalensis, Brachyrhaphis_---.....-._--_-- 187 
Bryconamericus 97 
GanmiDUSIA odo so bees eae 187 
cassidyi, Embiotoca__- 411 
castanea, Sidera______-_- 92 
CASLSNGOIAS SDALUS!. . <: 82 Seto ee 265 
castaneum, Macrostoma__................<=. 167 
castaneus, Gymnothorax..__._-.......-_-... 92 
Wchthyomyzrone* 22) 2 a a eee 9 
INOLOSCOpelUS. 2225 2 22222 Vase eae 167 
castelnaudii, Cylindrosteus___.....-.---_---- 37 
Castor, sPOntinns. 2.242842 22- or eae 372 
Gatablemelig.—- = 2 222 St oe ee eee ae 166 
prachychir. £2220". 2 2a ee 166 
Oat y x oe ee nen ee eee 480 
TUDMCLOSLDIS) 5.2 825 Sse ee ee 480 
AIMS. ~~ 2 = oo SS ee coe cooeeeaere 480 
cataline, Neothunnus 260 
@atalineta2 ce: 20 oe 2 361 
Oatalnia ts tes = 4328 
catalufa, Priacanthus. 2022 esse Slee as 323 
Catapbracti-< 22-2 22-5 nn on cae eecnoeeeee 363 
Cataphractus schoneveldii__..-....-.-.------ 395 
cataphractus, Agonus._.222 3222-242 ee25. eee 395 
DOttusa ss ssn Soe a ee oeeee eee 395 
Gasteracanthus:.s-.322cccess-~25-28see0 237 
Gasterostens:._<. 32 ose ee Se 237 
cataracts, 'Gobid. 322-2225 ee eee 139 
BR BINChLR YSU 5-2 on eee ee ee 139 
cataractus, Leucosomus 5.222 so ceesee 7, 
catena, .Bassozetus__.. 5. ic See eee 480, 481 
Bathyonus: os. 03 ia neat ee eee 481 
catenata, Echidna<...2.25.--.. eee 94 
COCHIG ELF eee eee 179 
catenatum, Xenisma____- 179 
catenatus, Gymnothorax 94 
catenula, Murzenophis.___....-.....-.-.-...-. 94 
cateapel, Pomotisc-.. oo ase eee 302 
catharines, Pristipomy.... i... osccue.sseeebes 333 
Cathetostomsa albigutta 2. coc ne eaeoseeee 454 
i RUIBLODS tect abe woe an one eee ee eee 151 
BMING og Seis. wen conn aeaebeeee 151 
Hy popiunlmA. 22222 tease eee 151 
@athochcenitin Soo. .0ie cise oe kaeeebeeecteen 341 
Ga UOTIOLIB sees cose ee ee eee eee 292, 293 
fasciatiis e250 os Sea Eh | seu 5, 
flabellare euiniberianvitanin pede TE os Sete 293 

lineolatuim :. co cence uswdasenesewee 293 

Catonotus flabellaris._.............-... 292, 383, 385 
RONNICOU = oe ao soe eee 293 
Hineolatusicsas os. ec. sels ec een ae ee 293 
Catostomidte st 3225.0 | eee Se ee 102 
Catostomiuss. 225 222222222222 as. eee 105, 106 
KAcomus) @@NGrOSUS. 22 2-2~ ooo eee eee 1 
RTISOUS Ao o5- cnccses acne ceee eee 107 
guzmaniensis.. --0 2221.1. eee 104 

CVPNMUS 26 cee oe cea ake eee 
discobolus. 2.222222. <3 ee eee 
duquesnii-- 33.2222 eee 
elongatus® §:-2 = soo cco ae eee eee 
eryinurus! io. 220 65- -ce so ee 
TASCIStUS Sone sus con esac eee 

longirostrum = 3320 2 eee eee 106 

machrochellus:.. .2-n-ccs eee 106 

macrolepidotus=- 222-02 ee ee eee 111 

MACWIOSUS ~ 5 bees So. ee 107 

Merastomis: 920. 0y.4 cee eC eee 107 

mélanops: -2 2 eee 109 

melanotus:=- 2222. eee 137 

MICTODsSe ose ee 106 

nanomyzon 106 

nebuliferus. = ..2 ne. vote eee 104 

Niericans= ssc he ot ee wee eee 107 

@tOWanuUS.o5522 2.25 Lee eee 107 

occidentalis:-c.2s..L 2 eee 106 

oneiday jue 3 eee 110 

Pallidtiss |Sc2se8c te See ere 105 

Dlaniceps22.0 6 eee eee 107 

mlebeltis. 2. 2.+-. Se eee 104 

pocatello:... ..i cae eee eee 107 

reticulatus.5.2-223 eee 105 


TOK 58 eae an ald ee ee 



Sn yderl-ce--eeees==-= 


suckliivo See eee eee 


Texans) Slee ee fcc eae eat ener 




Veli fer ese ecwcsasucne eck ees eee ee ea ee 


Fanthopusero wes e. Ses eee 107 
catostomus, Catostomus---.--...------------- 

Oy Prinus. sooo soos sede sseeeeeeee aaron 105, 106 

Phenacobiggses ios ea eee ace 


List of scientific names—Continued 


CEG eee ea oS Se a ee 11; 37 
Pee < 22 te eee ae 12 

ee ee 11 

OS ae eee ae ee 11 

ae 2 es ee 12 

ee 12 


(canicula), Scylliorhinus-__--.._-.-- 13 
ET ee ks ee er ee eet 13 
OUINS.. — c= ee en as 3 ee 440 

Pp irielod a: = 2 = Aa ee ee 154 
nett HIAUSLOP. 322.6. coc ecetoseseecceeeene 153 
perintin = ses ee ees 311 
Li ee eee EL ae eee = ee TBS 
caneanns, A geneiosus: 923-2 2.2 5.5 Sess 159 
cauda forcipata, Brama marina_..._--.-....- 265 
cauda nigra, Perca marina-____-_-...-------. 330 
caudacinctus, Prilonotus (Anchisomus)---.--.- 500 
ecanpacuta. Motelin_.- 2. ..- > So ae 209 
caudafurcatus, Pimelodus---_-..........-.-.- 152 
eauonie Arioaonig: —___.. >.<... -essheseeee 80 
caudalis, (ongermurcenas.-.. --cc-o-.eseeeee 80 
Iridio Soe ae ee ere | a 8. 427 
ll 5 ee ee ee 427 
Penn ANS ooo et eee 81 

ae ttocephalus (Microconger)-.......-_.-- 81 
LES eae eee eT cr 81 

LL Te ee Saeee 1558, CESEEY 483 











argus 338 
audimaculata, Strongylura____...........-- 195 
caudimaculatus, Hemiexoccetus...........c.- 199 
curinnnmmiats, Talia. 3-22... teeueeused 191 
i EAS: PUREE ED rae i 5 488 
PERSP NON 3 cre crit ii wba ee al 488 
Cn MigMistes so... 3 ace eet eS 391 
Sea ee aera) 2d 488 
“1 Sa aCe TEC Cee ee 488 
Le a are erie ee chs 357 
Oe ee ieee ee 1d 357 
CL eee ee ee ree aes 357 
er a ce U ee ase doaaweneone 357 
OL aS eee eae eee ne eee 357 
i Ca ecm se 7s 2 357 
it CE ee eee eee eee a 357 
CES a 232 
WRUNG ase clans SE a 232 
Caulop OS ere Sorcha ee 511 
pT aS SL eT PO 8 Sy CT 511 
Onguiophrynides...-- . 5. nese ec 511 
SO i ES oe ae oe Reco gi A 171 
Co I eres Sal eS 7 ee 171 
foe re eee ee See eee * 171 
(Caulopus) poeyi, Alepidosaurus--___....--.- 171 
an MOP GHEB ooh Sande co cece 463 
Poa a re a re ae a 118 
ehoriins, ‘Ogprinus..2-. 2.52. 2enc.. 2. 118 
spss ae Ch onciants) 62 oe se 118 

ts enantad sean 112, 118 
Meta. 118 
Pteropodus 369 
"RE ere aes 369 
cauthceecum, Gobiosoma---_......------. 446 
cautheecus, Barbulifer....................... 446 
0 a aa a 257 
oo SSS so See Sas Sere eee Se 2 257 
cavernosus, Bathygadus____._...-....-...... 207 
Hymenocephalus. _..-......cccccccccccae 207 
cavifrons, Ambloplites_................-.-... 303 
D “LU, peace Ss eee eee ee 335 
PE Ee eee = 2 393 
EL SL CT eae a eerie ae 375 

Ly ES ee ene 375 
See aes | ae seus”, ae 
PEI S = oto ante cbedsdbabsabcdccadasc oe 325 
cayanensis, Lutjanus_........-........-. sien GO 


esyanus, Pristigaster..- .-< -2s2822...ei esse 45 
cayennensis, Citharichthys_....__...-.--- 218, 219 

Otghibtige. = ee sete se as 356 

Cris) pe ne oe ES Sein ee a 275 
Cayenniag kee ee aes 448 

piiehe@noti 22 es i te ee 448 
caymanensis, Gambusia_-________--..---- 186 
eayorum, Anchovia chcerostoma_ 49 

ATCO VIA 2255) a ee ee 49 

Or VunNOIenCnyR eee. oe eee 243 

inpicnthyse. 2 ese eae 243 

Optining 2 2 ies 5 Se Sa 479, 480 
cayuga, Cutis gracilis... =. 2. Ys-_ aoe 386 

Hucatin inoorstans: ~~ =o. -...2 2-2 22828 238 

SEV DOGSINe ses eee a a eae So ee 133 

LET ar) OC eee Se IS ey ae 133 
cayuga atrocaudalis, Notropis_-------------- 133 
iar itn gicies- oe 2 8 ee Se 466 
ECE Say eS ESF SR ere Serpe 2s Se 466 

So TT RS eee eee eee 2 |e 466 

VALLE (ea aa ae oir eS ae = ras hare 466 
cedroscensis, Atherinops insularum___------- 252 
Gdistun Batraghus- 206 22-2e2e ead 487 
GConthtrie 6 = ees 503 
centrale, Cichlasoma: --.<-....2.<..-cessieee 419 
centralis, Paranctenias 222525.) 22 419 
Cen irarannn <— 952 S20 652 eS SIS 





ODRINIENBS = o-oo seecc eee 



ans Archocentrus..- 

centrina, ‘Geikwhyueius Loman mentees 32 
Centriscus iwichicm cinawinp bette kine e oan bub ee 245 

SPONDS. oc wicwsie mandy conor e aha sere ee Lee 245 
CBAUFIASININIES. . ceucecenccciestee cote Sem 319 

SR ee. Jece coeeipuckutkweaeneee bee Lene 319 
RISING Fon oat Sanek pean nn cucome eee 470 
Gentrorhramis. oo vennccccwctewuscne ates 415 

| fy ee ee See ea seees ees 3 415 
centrognathos, Zanclus_...............-..--- 362 
centrognathus, Zanclus............----.----- 362 
er) a ae ee Ses . eis 424 

et fT a ee ee ee ee ees See As 424 
U6 TOES srt fe FS ae SS SSO A Se ee 267 
Gaatulopling: 2... ceca ee aS 267 

DAR Reece buennananamneenoReereeneereae 267 

MNOEIO 6 se feecueuuecweewaseue eee ate 267 

WOON: oi So es ak eee CLEC iee 267 

pompilitig. o2 oo. cecn ce eS 267 
Ganongities =. 453) pasac sso ee 278, 467 

Pig itt st De ee oe eae eee See 277 

QUNGUELOR Ao conte wk oes ences gave (ore 

(istagall a. 2. oS eo ee 468 

TANGIDUUN 2 totes ekg cunts 467 

PUMAGH Mh osan cons aaenbusabacunosees 281 

Es (C1) oo oa cee seer Seer 471 

[al SSS ee ee ers eo eee ea 468 

BD UNON Gan cas g chaokws wwe obuwtnunebaseke 281 
Centropholis-- 266 

goodei-__.. 266 

petersi--- 266 
centropleura, Uranidea semiscabra--_- 383 
Centropomide- -.- 305 






Po ip Se Nene nee a ad ae 306 
Poh SS ee aS eS ae eee eae 306 
peti yo) See tS So be ea ee oe ee 306 
PNGOCIIAMIE SS oo oeco2e5 ae ee ig 306 

ucioperca undecimalis...........-----.. 305 

Jiij- tt eas Oe eee 281 

SIME AS eats sone cao ke a dee 306 

oo i a cc Bs ect ir ee anes  O0G 

Sb Sdn Sebsewconssaniaacenaeeeaee 306 



List of scientific names—Continued 

Bcaber n= ce 
funionensis.-=2 2-2 eee ee 
viridis). =. - 2223 SS eee 
Gentropristes2-0 225 2 eee 
siyresl. = ce eee eee 
fuSCUlUS ose 2-22 oa ean nc eee eee see 
MOMS: = oo SS ee ee 
MIPTICANS 2522. ccccannnus See eee 
OCVUIUS: <= =.= 2-22 eee See 
TUPLUS oo cu eee enttcccecca= nce a eee 
Sirishis=)= 220-2222. Ca ee eee 
PADACATIUS = 0s Ps eee 
Centropristis ____- 
Gispilurus: — ==". 332 io eee 
macropoma- 23s eee eee 318 
Ssubligarius = 22.422. 56 ae eee 320 
Centropyre=- ee eee 361 
clarlonensis- 25.222". S222 5 ee an 361 
dunste. 26.622) = eee 361 
essen) 2s Joc ous soccer 361 
OGentroscyllium: 2.2255 2822s eee 21 
fabricii= 2 eee ae aoa ees 21 
Gentroscymnus ==. SS 21 
coslolepis 2... <... --223---2225-- 8s 21 
Centrourd,citeia=- 39 ana ee 28 
centrourus, Pastinachus 28 
Gentrurophis23.- 2. oe. Sastose ee tees 28 
Spadicas stan 222 ee ee 87 
cepediana, Megalops: -..-- sseecusesteadie td 46 
cepedianum, Dorosoma____-.-.-.------------ 46 
cepedianum exile, Dorosoma_____.--_-------- 46 
cepedianus: Lophotes...--.-=-2.+2-sacseeeee 215 
Priscantinis 3. as a eee 323 
(Cephacanain==.o eee! 2 ees eee 408 
@Gephalacanthus._ 2. --2-- 22. 5st eset 408 
Rpindrel eens ee ee eee 408 
Gephalocsssis®= 2253-222 eae ee 149 
capnaloidess Cobtus: 5-22 esha eee 389 
Cephalopholis 5 
ATPUS: soe o- 2-05 
Uy ees Se eee oe eee 
fulvus punctatus 
Cephalopolis nigripinnis__.........._....---- 309 
Cephaloptera jonni_- -=--- 2 =~ ose ~ es 32 
MANTA: <a ss acho o een onee =o aee eee 32 
VAMP VIUS 522 oes acon aoe ee ease 32 
Caplalits : Sate 2 ote oN ane re ee 503 
cephalus, "Brycon =. 2-222 =-=sh0esee eee 98 
CCRT 2 oo te eee ll 
(RODIGSOK =a 28 se ec ee eee 488, 489 
1311-4 | Pea ere aCe a ae oh as 252, 253 
PAPA DALIS: See ooo foe aoe hate ee ee eee 404 
Seyilionuins en eee Sees 1] 
PONOLUIUSS >.> <- =. ancocos eee eos 117 
Cephola trachyptera 5-2 oo oes eee 216 
RTT onal RSS TRRE Sp, Dah NSN oe Tag Mec 210 
Cepolopelipsc- s-suscce secon seco cese eee 477 
cerapalus, Opsanus__....-...-...-.---------- 487 
cerasinus, Gobiesox__..-.-_-...-.-- 489 
Hypsilepis cornutus 128 
BINNS <a oe, es a ze 128 
Cerstacanthng ere oa eee 495 
SCHOSMN. Saas. nee aa ee oe eet 495 

Ceratias...... Sadnamcdineadenmoduntens anna -- 608 

Ceratias; nolibolll==s-22 - <5 -< ssa seen eeeeeee 
Ceratichthys-25-45.2..-...2.-2s ee 

igi SeSenncs sensu Sees eee 

icerals 2525523 eee ee 

QGeratoptera2222225- Se 

Ceratosconelus:=<.....-2 eS 
madeirensis:- :. setae eee eee 

Ceratichthys= 2252-62-22. seer eee 
cumingli/enesest4as 2 i Ste ee eee 
eyclotise =i. 5228202. <.2 eee 
hypsinotus - _- 
la DEOSUS Son ones so ae ae ees 

Wilcrisico 22 eo eee PS eens 

MONACUS.-\o. 2 hee eee io Ek See 
physignathus.o2. <..- +2. eee 
Drosthemius... =... -2-5-sese~- uses eee 
Ball ei mee WW noe sees anna ae ane 

squamilentus-- =. 2250-52 3212.56 
SterlebUS: = cons nd so omese Soe se eee 
stigmaticus Sse cteee eon 4 eae 
VeDLTICOSUS 2S. oo ase nn ane eee 

Ceratius uranoscopus 
Geratoscopelus <==. 22-2 ane eee eet 
ACCU GOSS oon ae a eee eee 

cerdale; Carcharias_ _... =.= beeen 
@archarhinus:- =.=. 20 - <2. 2a5 oe ae 
ISCAS bio: Rees Se Se ee 5 

Gerdo 2208 oa ee eee 

sicang. «202.0 2oe) 2 coe See 
cernium), ‘Polyprion!.--2 ~~ -.asceen ese aeeeeee 
cervinum, Lepophidium._....-.....----..--< 484 
heptophidium:= 2° 2 22h ecseneen es eee 484 
cervinus, Ptychostomus-_-_.........-.--.--... lll 
Scartomyzon. ..u22.ok2. 5. --nsseene see lll 
MTeretulus...--s.0sne es -2 20 .= ose eee 111 
ceryus, Synancels 2-6 cco ee essen eee 381 
COStra ClO Nee one asec e = eae ee 18 


Cestrorhinus:..~2 22225.) 2223222 eee 18 
cetaceus, Squalus. ...2._-) ono. sc4-p seems 20 
Cetengraulis: =. =--.25.22. 2S book ocean 51, 

Oden (UNS oes s on nn ae~ eee eee eee 51 

miysticetiis. Us. . 22 .canesteurenseteeeee 51 
Cetomimidss 2232222. ce eee 172 


Cetorhinus --- 
SUAVIANUS 3s cacscss coer asase 

Cetunctlinn ae ecoeececcee Scodaceeseeeebecenee 



List of scientific names—Continued : 

Gimennbry tins sea ee eens os enon cee ee cee 302 
sntistins- 9 ee A 303 
SUS See ee ee en nanncsecok 302 
iPnssnemneil 2) see ee 8 bee acuity 254 
EO UDOSCIOEHS See ees eee ae 254 
(CUO tigg tte Se. Ss ee a ee ee 510 
GHP ICE pa-eer eee eet Se tn ee 510 
WDESIEy SL RR oe ee ae 223 
WbrenGpsi des sao ee ee 465 
Whmnnpsis: | eee Sore ee eee 465 
alepidota 465 
lucius___ 465 
ocellata__. 465 
ocellatus 465 
chetirhamphus, Anteliochimera___.._._..-- 33 
Chetodl pterus 0 Ps ea eS 358 
3 ir pas eis Gee Se ae aha ieee ipee ky 358 
BOHN pei 2 252 Fo So eee 358 
[i129 (01 ope eR a ne age See cote 359 
COUPE GC] 4 a A eee a tp IP El 266 
gC I ee ied eee 360 
CT) no ah pe A es ee sh 5p 360 
LL Ee Se eee ene q- 360 
CO ae om aoe te ae meee. fs 359 
“TLS LL ees Se Sete 360 
erincatintiprs 25 55a eee 360 
SRR eo eee 

Liir 10) ae ia aan REY & 359 
Ul oo EAR 8 Eee A 360 
longirostris 359 
lutesce: 360 
marginatus 415 
mauritii 415 
nigrirostris 360 
ocellatus 360 
ornatissimus 359 
oviformis 358 
parr 361 
paru 360 
plumieri 358 
rhomboides 276, 277 
DN TAOS ee seed ee Ei iay iia 415 


jn Tr ES SET Te eee a Res bck 2 

SLD, 2 shire dda a dode 160 
Menidia.___. wnwenadinhintinn adasud tate - 29 
PINOIOOGUS. 5 ide ssecinmcacsebsdded igerwaw Le 


chalceum: Pristipoma.-<2. 22 See 
chalceus,; Orthopristiss<. 2-522. 2 2 ae 
@hralcinopsis= 3-24 eee 

chapresensis 9320222 2) re 

Styria tuluss62.23 23 see 3 ee 
chalcogramma, Theragra____.___....-.-.-..- 
chalcogrammus, Gadus-__-_____.._--_---...2. 

chalinius, Epinephelus __ 
Chalinura See Sets seas eee ee eee 

2101171 (2 C ea ane oaee aes ei een ae MRE 3” 
@holmmpriis=) $228 os ee eae 
challengeri, Notacanthus_-_...........--2.-. 

hole Caley Reed ee 

chamezleonticeps, Lopholatilus__. 
chamberlaini, Catostomus___..............-. 
Qhasmilstes 23235253 35026525 

Bani d 23 ooo ooo one eee cacy ee 

CODONSIS saci ese cscs ras Fest 

chanos, Mugil__- 
cnantanay, Ralas 2 sie rce candace sous 

Malena. cts sanweeecce nee ae 

CNCAUSUUB = 52s faweawuware. sete eee 
chaperi, Acanthoclinus._..............----.25 
OFAC oo oie ich tnwon re Sacre 
@RapInus Fs sooo sa racewaenacseseeaneeee 

Chapmanl \PRENOS Sean wouter nee 
‘T enioconger 
@haracidifim 262 eisai cee ovansseus eee 
fenclatOM iodo ssusecawe ge oes 
piri: ts-1 tt omen 
Oharacodon sis. ces ease 

fGrrtipineUs $swac sages toons taacecneeeae as 
ROMIMENS oe oa ses cou aes aaa 


List of scientific names—Continued 

‘ Page 
ping ere: ee ee Chilomycterus californiensis-- 2:cccccneesenee 502 
poe puncticulatus....-.<-=<..c<-ncesasceeeees 502 
pe ye PERRIS RY rm CERNE stake os Soe PS 
quadrifasciatus ---.--------------------- 462 7d acinar hcreanegeetigieaiy © =< °< ee 
eee ae eee PO ee 462 Ghimera:..-. 2. ee eee 32 
Ghasniaasts Cas ae vee a ama 46 abbreviate. 2... sceccees wot eee 33 
elintions <n) ee Eee 46 ee TATA) Ea 3 a eg apneree ao je akan 38 
STINGEDHUS. 2.56.48 pe eee 44 oe ae ees are oat tae pega as 
MOXICANUS send 22 keke ~ ee eee 46, 47 al eld aba oh aly ae Sans Fog ES 33 
signifer SEEDED IIIS Fea Ue 44 mediterranea Se on eee 32 
Ghanlsdontidie.... oe eee 7 SAO en are ee oe 
Ghaliodass< cat ocala 71 SIGHS UTOSBAsaran anne 2-0 on are aes ee 
barbakusn See eee eat em ie rete 71 Blan nea-- oa Sate 2 2 = atone anna aS 
BI a aS a 71 Chimportdse. 223 23 see eee eee 32 
7 Chimberdidel-. 22.0010) Sea a eee 32 
7 chinensis, ‘Aulostomus........... eee 244 
508 alistes: <0 .0/ -: D  e 494 
506 achyeurus-...-...2---- eee 150 
50 | Chionostigma, Echidna_--___...-...- 94 
plied e ne evan ae be son | chiostictus, Entomacrodus_--...------------- 463 
Gheilchthvas i's. toss Sonate 499 Salaries nsf ee 463 
PeVELHIE 9 |: i on ai eae 499 chiquita, MEG ees eae Raber 443 
1 (yet one 500 GOBIUS...--ccsacecams cet ee 443 
fyb Nes ee eee 499 | Chirocantrodon........-...-....-...-2o..cece 
TTL C1 se eR aR SET ee OR EP SE 499 bleekerians......acoccctacc.0.2laeeeene re 
pabhiywnsher.ccs cca se Loe edemnebeee 499 fetus ios. - oo-ccvncoee eo ae 
pe a ee be _teniatus Si ceweadcesndeeatedasasoeeeseeeee 45 
Pectridinenid oT eh ee Os | Late giee isrveel os ee ea 466 
trichocephalus____- iio dex400 Chie Poste si kenonmrpenreeee pd 
(Cheilichthys) pachygaster, Tetrodon- _ 499 nor br aiake ecpibicaeericaberaa ya TTT 
@heiloanratuss se nea tuees 498 ike ques 
Cheilodipterus - ------ 1 ae ee 296 Shosia 
IMO oe ee = IGNGZOl eee wa ee anes ae aes eee 
cpl oy Se a aR Gv Oi WOE aaa mentselii-- eee ee eee 
heptacanthus_..------------------ ERPS 980 multiocellatus Pano rea oy. 
Iicatiisaee eee ee re, ee 296 aes ig ics fio hs 
SAS [in ES Se A ep RTPA 296 SBE oc Se 
Ghialinnisianisseo oe esha oe ee eae neees 117 shed ot wehla tama apm t ype i 
HAGENS ee ee as 348 sonar igh: che 4 piel ge 
Ghettipinin oe eee 393 pone oraats (Topo oy feet 0 ea 
Cheirodon gorgon.....--..----------------- 96 faa 5. andes eet el 
frisleninies > ee a ee oe eee 96 + fesaresny sparpe rae teilagiacinigine doar pr 
Machi oe ae ne ee 359 Chiropsis constellatus 
Chelmon aculeatus_..---..---.-------------- 359 eee 
ehatowiteAMeetor = !s.5.0- poke oe 484 Chirostoma......---.------------------------ 
Gioloiiiper ss Sa.c. 25.5 2 cee eae ys eae PES 
chemnitzi, Notacanthus USE eS Rete el Sc 
cheneyi, Cottogaster..-..-2--=-23-- 2-56 partons toa aecee tee eee 
TRYGETGISIBE on et aoe de et beryliinum. 2.2 eo coe 
Ghee. soe ast el Vi Nan OH Std eaRDATIL 5 
Re Et ee Cis appetlia aceon. «oan ee eee 
PS MARE RIES ARE IPERE SE ATR, C8 consoclunt ose ee eee 
TRE 6 9 SAR DARE OEE BODES FH 8 Chysual Ue ae eee 
Avernin cs ees GEOR ee ce cee oe 
PTT) i eR ROR Bo DS ee Toe? grandocule - --- 
oF a) 5 hy RD CaN ETI guatemalensis: Soo. eenee cee 
Se PRIOM RC aoe fe ye ee humboldtianum=.=2>20 soeseee eumummnees 
Tua AC Ee ee jordin: -_.-..--2-----2sna0S oop ae eeeamee 
A TOTIT RTA Eos a a Jabarow ic. sects. eee 
Chena Tee: lores. 3. co os ee 
cherna, Anthias Natt cee ree ae 
chesteri, Phycis engl = cor on sac eran ees ee 
Urophycis See hee eS eee Debtlane. "- cescecaeeh ca. Cree eeeraeeee 
Ghissniodon me. oe. Dn eee es pabevuato.. 2 cee. ete eee 
=F agg MRE NRE Yate 55 EPRI aie promelas:-.c0c ee ee 
Gn ee ee reqantiei(ei eu ts 12, er 
Giisamduntidie....-2-=.. 2.2... s.cuseeedee Blocolaiti ceaeecent---ac20+=- (0eeoenee 
Ghisembdtia. seco gy oo Me BDDy Team <ccee oan n n-ne 
chickasavensis, Luxilus_.....-..---.--------- VERTRMS ee eoo---7onnso see 
ehinatnd, Monians..csaecd sce eee vomerina. . 
IGPRODIA. . =... ante cammcadek ecole ie virahuen......-.-----.--------------- 
GH dHineee. Lo cep Dee ae 485 | chirurgus, Chetodon ah 
chilensis; Brama-’. 2.) 22: 22 oat a es 265 | Chirus....-....--..------- 
(REGS ee 259 baliag:f:0it 5. cast ecece cea 
chiliensis, Exoccetus_- 200 guibtabas.0 2.) .--.5-cnccn- ann eee 
Pelamys....._..- 959 maculo-seriatus...-..---.---------------- 
chiliticus, Hybopsis 3496827 OPGINAPUBs <<. .--a--vnpeaunceqmnsenbeoeke 
Hy dsrophloxee see 25 oe s52cc5-pn sete 127 Distids ae... cate, See = eae 
Ohilomyctertis eases see auevsaenn-neneneaseee 502 trigramimnus. -..---.-cseerpeqenhatitessaae 
affinis =. «2-59 Sp s5stes st scncniepanwedeare 502 
antillarum._....0---.-2--------0--------- 502 
Atinod <2 3 See eee ea ee eee 602 | (chisoyensis, Poocilia-. 2.2 s528 sete cee eeeeee 192 

brigreos 222232 282 bes tee toessueesoeencaene 602 |) chisso, Blonniug o2essc sess cence eet seeeee 212 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 

PO a ee eed 376; |" Chromis epicurorum:.— ~~ 22h ences eee 280 
megacephalus_---.-------------------... 375 fenestrata.. 2-25-52. -22 oe eS 416 
PUPCLENIAIN= see eet Ass 375 (®urearia)satrilobata=- 52. 22222 ee 412 
chittendeni, Cyclopsetta____..-._-.----.-..-. 221 fusco-maculatus-=_ 7. --...22---225222.22€ 419 
ehiamydes: Bolimannia 22222... Ss #43 |) ehtromis, Hamulon®.-22--cocsccenaeeeeeee ee 329 
chlevastes, Gymnothorax___-_....---------.. 93 iPoronigs. es ee eee 352 
Sidtra=2 2222s eee ee nn at 93 SPAMUS 2} 222i eke en an ss eee ATS 
Mhiones+-:_. Sse eee eee Bord CNTOSOMIES — 6 oe ceo ee eee ne ra eee 113 
bicolor. 2-2 * 2) Seas ete 82 dakovensis: oc. ccncsss-2. 2) eee 113 
equatorislis:----- 2 = 2 Pe; = ee 82 O08 soos 5 onc cecnssncccece state 113 
all is 9) ey Ae Ay A alee ere 82 ervthrorvastér2t2 225. 32 oo ee es 113 
eigore- Chole- 20. eee ens 135 ORDA soe ee ee a Se Pe eee 113 
Mloricnthys. 2 ee eee eee 428 Deprhopaster: 2 5c tse. Zoe Ree 113 
BpEtS / RCATHS. 0-0 es oe eee S52 AGHTOSOINHS. ERY HODSIS-o = ~ 2s caeeckt eae eee 127 
chloristia,, Codoma: = —> 22s see eS ee 129 EPA p alone 4 ~ =e nc acon noose setae 127 
roeala 2 os co Se ee eee es 129 | chrysargyreum, Hemulon____.__---------- 330, 331 
gelecccnnnainn ‘Hybopsis..2- 225 52a ee 127 | chrysargyreus, Brachygenys----..------------ 331 
VOTO pWloK 2 = 2. 22. nnans ns eeeee ees 1260) elinysens, duninoberyx.<2- -2-<-22-- seas 235 
chloropteron, Catostomus------------------- Ob. |} MShRySIpbena so 502-5 acca nce eens sesso 414 
chloropterum, Plectropon.a_-__--------------- S12") ryote: Dionds so = 2 se. nla oo et 144 
chloropterus, Alphestes-_--------..----------- 312 | chrysocephalus, Luxilus.......-...-..--.--.. 128 
Mblsreniialmidses ~~ * asezss eels. Sed 165 Luzilus'cornutua. =< .<-<-..-22.s8scs2e2 128 
PMenpenANNIS.<.).-- 2-2-2 -=----- fab seces 165 | chrysochloris, Pomolobus--...-..------------ 41, 42 
SIC os ss tee es 16):.\|| ehrysoraster, Agosia-....-=- 25-2. 22. cl cee 140 

i 165 | chrysoleuca, Corvina..-.-..---..-----...----.. 346 

165 | chrysoleucas, Leucosomus-...-..-.--------- 117 

165 Notemigonts. ooo occ anetuncne teams 117 

276. | chrysolencus, Nector. —<- 22.0305... SLES 346 

276 | chrysomelanurus, Sparus 311 

276 | chrysomelas, Pteropodus 369 

276 Hebashicnthys. 2.22 elas Ue sees 369 

216° |. hrysoperca oo: son! 2 Ss econ nnn eee 307 

ehlorosoma, Vaillantia-__._.-.-.--4..--.---s 288 IBfermupte 2. 325 2-F cso nonce ene enna 307 
chlorostictus, Sebastichthy s_.----.--.--.---. 367 | Chrysophrys aculeata...............-....--. 336 
ET fa ae aat Semieeme 2 ee sea 367 | Ghrysops, Caulolatilis:: < o5...ccssa-esssustes 357 
chlorostomus, Trisotropis_.......-.-.----.---- 314 et ee ee ee 357 
chlorurum, Plectropoma. -.-.--------------- 321 LO DIOGINA viene predaes cans eee 307 
Chlorurus...........-- , ane aeeer | 483 Opnistinisis: 3..ci2-cs5,scuac-= scent 88 
chlorurus, Hypoplectrus unicolor...-.------- 321 oe eee See eee a eee Ae 307 
chocéensis, Gephyrocharax -_.-.--_.----.---. 96 BOMB. = Soot cadteSdeneannettesvedaee 336 
WHDRROIGH ERY Soo so oc eet owonncsiantewkabe 243 StQHOUGMIUS . 3+. n caveneunsbasceoun eeheol Ooo 
MRLAHMATNPR ao aceon conweaeeeenaue 245), GOIVSNDEIS, ELVOOO)s3. 32 scenes nae svete ase 41 
Ghemmonlis arangol_- 2 wo. econ cececsesaesse 426 | chrysoptera, Perca.......-......- cece 335 
grandisquamis---_-..--..-- ---- 426 | chrysopterum, Hemulon_--.-...-- aca eee Ope 
cheerostoma, Anchoviella__--- aoe” «| AS PPANIBOTMIG. Cob wos hp eapenuceusteeee 432 
chcerostomus, Engraulis.........-.......-... 48 | chrysopterus, Leuciscus---.-......------.--- 117 
or Oo On a ae 424 OMG pris: 5 222 coh evesasussaeeeeees 335 
Mupgecwiivn, DADIUS-.o. sleet ecasecdes ce 424 POlCH ioe ais c ccaccanpenanteewaquwlee eee 335 
wo Ss eg en See es Fos 194 Bonne ne Seco nweni tse ade d eat ate 432 
OETA SS Se ote an on a ei ioe! ‘chvyaas Sopmber sl; ecassesepadepecacweawaet 272 
RR nection Lanunveadwoncawsene 100. | @Brynoweued. 52.5 ce dca cae lee 216 
CLS Ae Sy Se Sen a= = 104 | elivysotns,-Wimdulus .. cesceccunssusceesee 177 

pea LAT, ee Oe Se a ae eS 194 DS RON ACHES = fe ee 177 
Chondrostoma pullum........--.-....-.---- 146. | oirysure,: Bairdipllae cc. voces casts waco soe ee 345 
PO PSn ie a a an Js ees SSeS a0 | Ghryenvns, (Caran) <s a ccoed: ease eee 345 
CRGNODUONIE 2. dawg odan= wan see eoose eens 442 ChIOrOsOOMDYUSissancasssuaaacouacroduce 276 
442 Dipterodon___--- 345 

442 Glyphidodon-.-- 415 

442 Glyphisodon_-..-_--- 415 

442 ORG oat ao Re ater as ee ane 327 

: 442 SCOMDOY satesonh este cuewen do uieew sana 276 

chordatus, Saccophary) i DL ee AE RAEN 95 Saris sero o eee cece cease eee Tes 327 
RULMRDND 29. ors ks oo 66 Statnstegs 2. 222 eae ies Sere eee 415 
Chorinening alts. -— =. = 2-25-23 ees 278 | chrysus, Eupomacentrus-_-......--.-.--....-- 414 
PAMNIRONG o-oo on cee tas ie Awe | eurysspe, Angola... 3 2202065 ee ec cke 77 
Ce) a eee ne ne: See S 277. | cnucunague; Riviits:.-s._. 2520S 2 8p 
Ciilopististipni: foc Scena sa Joe oe ene ae 315 | chucunaque sucubti, Rivulus._.......-..---- 180 
pg 14 aS SS aoe RS APT ae Clie. bi GNSS MICRTINBS:. 255 Seed aco aelabeeeoe 213 
Cirinnntintsse een rd eae 199 MIRON Y Gls soi Ses esa cross see ee 213 
atherinoides cibarius; Ammocotes..2.c..555.22028 22 10 
Mp AoIAriia: 435-255-226 cc0e see ese ene 272 

Ol, OCOPANS 36 ke soins coe So oe ne oee 272 

Otbotignes.=/<:--=- 22s 496 

cicatricosus, Balistes__- 493 

PIGHTONEC GR rcs ssdscuasds se sseeCe aces 227 

Gestrifer, Toy 0d 6.82 a Sens esesendeu2 S222 475 

GIOIA SOON sso ou aus Stee caoual Soe eeak aes 303 

TAMING Stas tests etetasacececsscovddassons 298 

(inhi) s Soy ee Be eee io ee 297 

peiitai veil, oe CSAS Bee eS a es eh 298 

peninsula. $3 1g tho sWedes 3at eas sake 247 OMIDD MIN a as fadeadcaiade Sena chee wastes 298 
Obsotitet cca ees ivleseccend 412 SUN PUAse cased ad awedeee cade cs senna se naae 304 
CB 00st » i ww wae ace beaks Pn (Ain Wh GACHINSOMIN§ cok abe kacbosasccadtassccsc-necdee 416 
DOPING 2 swesensdestisds sais och <. 413 Teli Cee Oe Se? ot ae 422 
GCI YSUTG 5. visativnwUbcenenccnsctes. 413 Miers si isaccusacesdsdadsedeel sss seccaaee 419 


Monacanthus- - 

Wiatrriniistersee. shoo leys enon ane Ge 205 | clarkii declivifrons, Salmo 

Microspathodon......---.---------------- 416 | ¢clarkii jordani, Salmo____---.-- 

WEG eek ee era 341 | clarkii tahoensis, Salmo-__--_--- 

INothonotus sts evo eee G0) in| is CA LL oe 

Deltatus, WMirdusse——} = 2) 35 5-- eee 341 Caurina..-------.-.----------------~----- 
cingulatus, Auchenopterus _--_-.-_---.-------. ABT 1), Clards; Vitlle-se-—e-cascsnsscs-aeeaeneeeeeee 

Mimd wis eee oe ae as A ceca seaee 177 |} clathratus; Wabrax: cio 22 oo conesarceeesemee 

Pomlacanthuss: se oseo 2 saoe eae acueaasae 360 Paralabrax-. cos occsceseeee essere ee eres 

ZY CONCCLES 2 ee ea eaeeceseneeees 177. |\ clawata, Raja-2222. 2.2 sc ececcnucesculsseaene 

cingulus, “Atopichthysi2soso 22a 2 occ ssc5 54 | claviformis, Moxostoma---......--. asecseeen 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Cichlasoma calobrense circularis; (Raia sess. 225. ee eee 
centrale: 222-225 2ebes Heke Ajassc-o see e oS. ae 
OOrsat Un Seer ae aes see eee eee eee circummotatus:/Scarus_. - 2... 22 Sea 
elgenmanni..2-2202-6224 20 Stk Ge seetenke cirratum, Ginglymostoma_____-...-.-_-_--__ 
evermanni—.22.>- 20-2 2S cirratus; Phy cise 3. 200-2 bene eee 
frontale:..2- 522-222 ce ee Se Squalus... ee hee eee 
PAGOVUGS ¢ =a oe ae ee ee Cimbitess. 2. Se eee 
SlODOSUIN soe ea ee eee PIVIUACUS. oo eee eee 
eranudense--=) 25223 eee ao1|Cirrhitichthys._< 42> Stes ee ee 
Nedricki®— 5-2 e eS eo ee ees 491) (@irrhitidss:..- <2 2 So ee ee ees 
IsUire. ss 2t eee 491) 1) Wilrrhitus’ 32-822 -25ees ee ee 
lethninis © soe 4 ee. eee 42 betauruS.-.25 ese os ae ee ee 
maculicauda £22 23-5 5-2 weenie 421 maculatus. 5.2 225- 2. -o~- ees eee ee ee 
Wi@Oki. eit Ss ee ee aT eee san .:¢ 416 Fividetus_ oe ee ee 
MmillOnies st SS a ee eee 417 | cirrhosum, Lepisoma 
MHbjarrea) ee Ne ee ee aps 417 | cirrhosus, Blepsias______.-.-__- 
muUltifasciatum. =. -2c-2i52i2¢ 232 222s eens i418 Hypostomus.—°-- 5.2 eee 
MiprituiM. | -ok aa ee RE ~- 418 Trachinus..0: 2.2.3 eee 
OUNChALIDA! oe oe re ks CD Sahay AUy 1) Mirrostomig ase = soe a ee es aa pd 2 
TODertsOni =. 22-225. 2 eee SS 490) | “Gisco. 2-5 82, Phe eee 
septemfasciatum - - .- =. ----e eoeee ne 421 cismontanus. Coregonus williamsoni 
sexfascintum=_--+_-- i ates anptareeo. sae Prosopium) williamsoni____ 2-22 3252292238 
spinosissimum immac ulatuan Meters sap 490 -| \Citharichthyst 2222-2 eee 
steindachneri. - .....-_--<;.2<1-- Zap igs wee: , 419 mthalion2: wce222 Le ee ee 
Leaps 2-22 Se soli oat spose 417 aretifrons? 32-2 eS eS eee 
TONUO 2225 oo chat pp nist ey ee » 419 arenaceus...... s-ccocces ees cease eee 
CUVTOHSIS= oss ceen ne ne ae Herwosegd. 421 cayennensisS2—..-2 os costa cee ee 
umbriferum 417 |. dinoceros.2-2_.23°.2 ff -ee 
zonatum._...-_.--- eaeetiteeaseeetaty abe 417 fragilis set See cesses ee nee eee 

(Cichlasoma) spinosissimus, Heros__...-=-- 2:3) 4205) gilberti______- 

Gichlsnrus. 22002222 2 ee ee eet 416 guatemalensis 
SUSU OL a eee eae cents 416 Jatifrons.... 2552222052220 22- eee 
Difascistus.w=- 2c5-4s255 2-8 eee 416 macrops----_-.----------~-===-=.---=-.55 
calobrensis.---2..- 5. <2 pete eee 417 MICTOS____--_-------------- = =~ =~ === eae 
deppiie : =. 25-5 See Ses hired e ie 416 Mucrostomus:_..- 252 .266-5-) ee eee 
feniestratiims.2-2¢2teee es ee ee ee 416 jot} v0 |b a ee ee et 
godmannis: oti A Se Oe ae eee 416 joke Ee} a 0X) ORS ee ee 
puttulattis. 228 222. 0s Soa ean oka 416 |. platophrys. 3. 3222-22 Soe oe eee 
INLecMe dics hoe et el ee ee 416 Sordidus: . - = SSeS es Se eee 
meeki 416 Spllopterus sen sss 2 == ase eee 
microphthalmus__.......-.--2-2sissee1e. © 416 StI QM US 2 caeee cee eae oa ee 
melanurus.. 416 sumichrasti_i< 322-22) eee 
umbrifer-_._ 417 TUL) G0 Ee eee ee 

Cichlide 416 |: unicornis - _- 

Cizonella; Beloue....-.2222-s222-0e2 ce eee 195 ventralis_______ 

ciliaris, Angelichthys._....-222--2----22---<2 361 _ xapthosiigmus---_.- 2/2226 2222-2) eaenee 
Balistes. 2-2-4 REP el See 499) | @itharns 23.2222 fue fo o2s eae eee 
Chisstadoutes coe ies ee ase ee 361. ||. Cltrarcedis..-..22..52---L-<-see ene ae eee 
YA vt pea ee MMT eee SECT = o74. \t Gitrinelitis:.2-0- 22-00 eee eee 

@ilinta= 6. isk aa i 208 || citrinellus, Astatheros. ._222-2-_ 22222 
AEG) WI eas ste nae a A eter asce 258 ., 1eLOS - - - ~------~--~--------------------- 
Pinca seeks ae a i eters: et ees 208. | Cltulas. 5-2. ov i eee 

ciliatus, Balistes_____- EAL Naa ere 494 dorsalis... -.--4--s<2t<sen=saeeeeeeee 
IBlennits: =. eo Ae ee 473 orthogramma:-2.-- 2. c sense ee ae ee 
I TtOSpHEMUS= <= - fi ie oe ee 10 || eiturensis’ Oxyloricaria)-—2--222-e sen eeeseee 
HMipinephelyss 2255 ea ld ee 365 |) Clvalis, Hybognathwus.*-_ 22 222 ena os een 

Peroni Z0Re = ee 10°}! elarias, Pimelodus:—--2--~- - 22 
Bebastosomuss 255 oer 2 ee ees 365 Silurus 
cimbrius, Enchelyopus--_-------------------. 209; \|' Claricola: ...<—. -os..32 22. =e oe eee 
BOS nae ee ee ere 209 alabamsze 
cincinnati, Acipenser (Antaceus) __-_-----_-- 35 julie. 2...05- 223. Lee 
cincta, Parapetenia tetracantha_--__...-.-.-. 419 squamiceps. 53 es 
omens Abopicnshys La woe Se eebesen ates. 54 whipplil- >. 2. 223.582 ass oer eee 
actyloscopuse=--. - << 2. aebeeeewenea= 454 i i 
Heros tetracanthus-——--- 70-2. 419 OE SeRn et oe ee 
Re a ea ne oe ge ee Clarionis; “Ke@SUrus: bec sen2- obs 222 see eee eee 
ener es, icles oo meee n nnn nnn nena nnnnnanne oe Clarius, Pimelodus)-s..2222-222.2. ee 
Sa gees SEEDER PLAST FOC 99 | Clarki, Artediellus_-.---.-------------------- 
399 SIGNMICOUMUS eee e saa en eae 
24 5 Bogosloviuses 2.62 saccsese see eee 
945 |: Clarkii, Catostomus_--_...------------------- 
341 INotolepidomiyzon. ... $2ce222es25-e ene ees 
205 Salmo 22S eee eee 

494. |} clara, Menidia...-- 2222202222 ceeensaeeeeee 


List of scientific names—Continued 

CGT ght Oh) Vt hee. 381 
Tap nr ye eee ee eee 381 
clavilatum, Acutomentum___________________ 366 
Clawslnins, Sobastodess: on a 366 
CLAMLOH = CLODIIR een ee ee ee es 439 
RHINO FGDs sete ee ene Se 439 
clepsydra, Murzna___ 90 
ie EN ST eS Ud | Ig i 2 5 Ul 445 
peepee? § oe nr eer AN Eee ee 
NNR GRE? mi a AEs At Es Se ee 
TRCN GS 2 oF e SSeS 5 2 COSY Es EEE 
TICE ees Sh ok Abe vo eb aN Soe See eer 
RIB UE CUREes DER BELA 377 Ans a Salty ok vy EES 
SMART Creer Rene po LF 5h AS eae ree 
RPIREIGIS DPE CTs? eee Oe gs ee 
TES Se eek eae ina, bar 
eevee meee 8 see 120 
Teme emt} cess => Seog perth Pe 2g 121 
Wa Se a ee ee 119 
MEME eave shes > BO? a? et 121 
clinteniiy epidosteus_... |. 2.22222 37 
Ey a ee ee a 470 
WEE Oped SS ee re Se ied 460 
WTS CORT Ba aS Ee ae a 459 
COL S ro Ses ee eon 459 

ihe rif a ee a i Se 456 
Semen CR AR oe Soper tee ert cee re 459 
OCU So To Si Se es Ses 459 
TAPP! Ld 8 TG Se RT ee 2 458 
DLV ys MR Se Ee Senta 459 

Wy La mets SES ad al gate Sey ce Ds a 470 
POU ss Sat TES) TIEN Cre See ae Ulla 469 
Airmen mee C8 LE nk en oe 144 
Cpr AREER AG clap Fae Bs ep wo Bi alata ah BL 129 
chlora.-=-- 135 
montiregis 131 
LU 8 aes eoted PERS oe Pee A 145 
ALL eR BS SR SS at ese Sameer s 8 145 
Aes to Rat PR SS Oe ee ee 145 
clippertonense, Ostracion__._-....-2-..--.---- 496 
Cigale ReIpa Ori 9 28 Jer = a 40 
esti ity t] ins Noelia a Ey ES Se eee ee SSE a 296 
Cierra eee ek ae Ce 44 
0) 915 ane depo a ays pane plas ao a staan 9 Spe 41 
a LE Nay Se eS pb Bed aed tat ase gt 42 
pV: U1; Nea esp Se ipl Mi Sey elit ee beat 44 
Raa Oe eA Fats Ree nr 42 
anchovia 43 
atherinoides 51 
brasiliensis 40 
ceerulea___.- 41 
carolinensi 44 
elongata 41 
encrasichelus 47 
ei 1 Cees wheels aig Sil aye Ry Rach Re, 42 
pO Pape ae an hed Piet a SP ae oe ae hah EE pS Ze! 41 

1 vu ed ie ye yep Sraeas a5 papal aap em 41 
NM 2 kine anda ede ee ate, 41 

aes pny, Lee ROT Sey meee Aap dae lero. 46 
riches ajith: Boel 5 nw lee ee 5 eeepc ase pote 132 
piri i lecpyeeaiig © —alitck Petal Seep ape 42 
lat DROtan.. Se cccesecn se eee eek ai 46 

|e cL eed se OAL EAD EET Toe SRA ae kp pts il sip 41 
pe beatae ait Ta Oe Die I ae OS Swan. 4 

IBSCIOCE PUSS. .cassadbededeccdsoaces: cose §8=— 40 

Glapes macropthalma—-—~- = 2 43 
TU AGLDW SCH: ee seen se eee eee 42 
MIQUIOCEIS Saas re na tet coe coe ee 41, 42 

1012) nV 7): Ue cepa aie Se Reem ee LES 3 aN 41, Ve 

Salinas se ke Se ee 64 
clupeaformis albus, Coregonus 65 
Ginpeldase ss oo ot eee 41 
clupeiformis, Argyrosomus_ 61 

@Coreronus.2 +. <c25<- 62 
Olmpenidehiee oe ss 3h ese 40 
glupecides Arichovinsos8c scan So ee 50 

Enpredlise sous ccc eh LS 50 
Glt@poola; Farenpuia2: 55220 ee 43 
Givpeocotins -- ese kt oe 381 

TODUSUUS. 253006 eg ccn ek ee es 381 
Cobitis hetercolitac: o-oo 175 

INIDA: 22 eS oe 5 ee 176 

MACEGIBPIOUtS 5 essen ea eese 176 

UU eas Sere 176 

UC ae _ 143 
COCHINGHERLAV CODRS 225 osha ceca ce ceweseu 476 

DICATTIA se Soo china ah ee eee 432 
OCU ROT He ie ete a ee ee 127 
coecogenis, Coccotis:: 2... scsceeeese cu cl 127 

Bs Aig 11() 01 | fo eae © ane SANDS Yo tT 127 
caccol,<cse rents sea 169 

cotcogenisf-: fou ee eee 127 
macdonaldix.cicveed sci ieee 127 
PONGUUB ion a ee se 128 
ZO nIstUS ssa eee RO CR! 128 
Gochlognathtiss 25 3 ee es 146 
bigutiatus: s222c.teeeneec es se 146 
OTR SOS) 5 oe ey 146 
cocoonsis; Cotylopus..c. ae ee es 448 
cqoensa. > Bonidna.- sacs ee eset e eee 94 
OM OME. toc ccecune eo ee 143 
chléristla. sane ecncs Sucskie eee RS 129 
OUryatemMaeses sss teen tee 130 
ORDALGU0 22 oo osteo sseouete teen eembe. OF 143 
PODERAG Ae oak a cewes ee eke 3 143 
trichroistia 130 
vittata-...- 143 
ececa, Mursena-- 84 
Ginciibwieei A ue een G 84 
brangleridng< ocou. ck oa see 84 
@escllon ise =. oh aso asec eee sels 87 
COM DAiet ae. Lak sac eet boone okt 87 
Ooscula bascanium: -- 2.22. e222 iets ece 86 
ccecus, Gastrobranchus_._..............-.... 8 
cecelolepis, Centrosrymnus. 2-22... s02 52502 21 
colestinus, Pseudoscarus_._..............--- 435 
SLO SRE a ee ee ee se ae 435 
Grelorhyicnues soos oto we de tewiniencuaelben 207 
CAIIB IONS S J iene oma wewnusthecdldwaena 207 
CANA USw at awevemivduEbwarunkcdacceaa 207 
IAVINes sh dowaadoduu dais sk aitiniesamewebler 207 
OCCA. Sécesqsadeseqavsss Senees2esesosboussee 207 



List of scientific names—Continued 

Coelorhynchus scaphopsis------------------- 207 
(Ccelorhynchus) scaphopsis, Macrurus- ----- 207 
crenicels, “Porcilian se. ete nee ee ene 175 
cosnosus; Pimelodus).. 250s oeee ee oe soc 153 
Pleuronichthys 02 Se eae eee 225 
coerulea; “Tautogas = 2.4 ee ae eran 424 
cceruleopunctata, Acara......-.-.----------.- 423 
A quidens 2222 0 iss ses e2 2 eee 423 
ceeruleus, Cyclopterus__.-..-..-:.----.---..-- 397 
coarulo-aureus: are 2a eee 425 
crprulopunctata, Acard. s. 2-2-2.) ess 423 
cognatus, Cottuss. 2. --.5-2 5250-5 eee 385, ed 
@oorus. - 622 oe cook oe do eee 
MACUAtIS! oe ae eee see Cee ee ee 7 
GLa (2%4) 0) 12) 3 Wane es = ee aE om RE 66 
Golesi; :‘Seornpena=2<--2:-2->ccen ct teean ose 370 
colias \Scomber. a onc2~2--= 222 a eeantcousecee 258 
POUHUS GAUNS2 =~ occas. occ col oee eee ee 209 
IG GLISCUIS es en ee a ee eee 145 
parietalis _-___- ese ee pe pa eee 145 
collapsum; Moxostoma:2<_<+22652425 5-2 == 110 
COuADSUS; -E tychostomiuss22-22=5) == 110 
collaris:;Cheetodon=<=22- = --<2-2eee eae 359 
Goblet tig yo. = 2 8 ee ie ae eae Sean 168 
MOCEUINA = 5S: ee oe eee ee ree 168 
Tatinesg uel <2 oe: tate Se 168 
colletti;:Careproctus:=2--<: = 52-225 ee 402 
colliel; Chimra:.-2- 32 ee eS 33 
Bydrolagus 22232 hes eae ees 33 
Colocephali 90 
GololanissesS eae ee 198 
brevirostris 198 
Salka see BAS 2 ee. pees ee 198 
colombianus, Heterandria 189 
Golomesus==.-. => 2.52 == -t = ee eee 500 
psitiacus ee oo aos 500 
colonense, Zestidinm.. =< -- <5 eee 347 
colonernsiss.Stellifer-— 5222. 2. * ee ees 347 
colons: Senranus: 255 2)2 3 so. Sea ee ee 320 
colorado; aja = 355.2222. 2 ees 494 
Lutianus 326 
Lutjanus 326 
Orr? Sze) 58) ns Sop ee ee 425 
coloratum, Aulostoma 245 
Colotriglat 324s = 3 et ee 406 
stearnsi. > J2-=2 55-2 te ae eS 406 
Golpichthiyss 255. 226.25 seve a nee 252 
TOS 52 onsets ometees ieee ee tee 252 
cnliiber; Gempyluss__s2se. 25 2e28 see. soe 261 
colabrintis; Stomiss ic s--.0-6-5-s2-cbsscecees 69 
Colimbia = 22 Ace eendcccs fee ee a 215 
transimiOntAUas 22-222 20.20 bens ene ea 215 
columbianus, Pantosteus-_------------------- 105 
PS wee ecn cece eae oe eee 122 
Siphatelessucs.sacecso. toca + coe ee 122 
WOOK 2 5s~ 255555 275 
columna, Rhinobatus__- 23 
comatus, Mxoccetus......22.---.-----<: 201 
COMICS, ROCOUS ont aspen se san cana eee 355 
Comilleny ACHIFUS 2). tees. oon eee 230 
commersonianus, Lops: >. 3 sad Sseeoesee 505 
commersoni; Oyun 2225-5. 22-- eee 499 
commersonii, ATS 2 See ee oa ene 149 
Carcharias.. os 225. 3 o-sees voce eaeecee 15 
Oatostomus: | 2.2622. cee tee 105 
Oy print... os 2222 ce eee eee 105 
Mistilaria.=2o ss c5 ccs. tke eee ones 245 
Sdnsinsso< so s2kt aooe on see a -e eeee 15 
communis, Catostomus...--.---------------- 105 
MAS YDALUS 22 oa eee. oe cee eeaees 24 
Pogonichth ys! 2.22 seco sen meee cakes 136 
compar, Ceecilophis-----..--------- 87 
complanata, Moniana--------------- 131 
compressa, Anchoviella 50 
compressus, Apareiodon_-.-.---------------- 100 
BASROZELTIN = 5503 c+ bs coat eaenepeeneene 481 
Bath ynectes sess sas boo suse eee a 480, 481 
Call yodon2a2secece b= sesesecss fepnen ens 434 
Wngraulisie ooo bossa seecssowsannaae 47, 50 
Gadus oo 5 et Bee as wba 212 
Hemigrammus 2. 26523 -25.-<---<sss<255 97 
Naticlaniss 5. 22sc02-bareeesenssceeeenn ee 278 
Retin see Se ee eet eee ae 128 

Com psurdisss seen 0255526 558s 
concatenatus, Ostracion = 
concentnicus,Urohatis. 2222. sckcecseeeeeeaes 
C@onchornathus: 2.22230 is eee 
erimaidiis:) = <2. es es See 
conchorum) Menidia 2202). 8 2-2 "eee 
conchos, Catostomussscsef) >on. aeeee eee 
concinnus; Amblodon¢2°)-2 2222 
Gasterosteus-22 75 ee eee 
concolor, Ammoccetes 
IN Gx artis Sot eee 
conductor, Centronotus 
conferrtum;) Oreosoma.- =... ° 22555552 eee 
confertus, Hyborhynchus____-....-.-.-..---- 145 
Pimephsles:—7 2" ht. a a eee eee 145 
confinis;Pimelodtis: = 2225. 8252558 eee 154 
Palmoee fo 232 oh ol eco eee eee 59 
confluentus) Hunduluss 2222222222255 eees 177 
Salmias.-. -= = 20= - co Lee eee 55 
conformis, Lavinia 120 
Siboma 120 
Conger ----.- 79 
anago-- - 80 
analigs. -8 225. So sence 80 
brasiliensis 78 
eaudicula.- -. =) S.5.220-2 ee en 79 
caudilimbatus: 2... 2022-2) See ese eee eee 79 
(618) 0:47) poe ES eR RE ee eh 79 
esculentus 23-53 52222-2--e ee 79 
imMpressus 26.3322 542 nse see 80 
limbatus 2 ease eco see eee 78 
MACTOPSoes sos nsscss caren eee eee 79 
microstomus= 2222.2 scssen enone eee 80 
Mordax: oo Soc Seas eee 88 
optisa. 222025. (3 Sc oan ee ere 79 
opisthopthalmus 80 
orbignyanus-------- 7 
rubescens_..------ 79 
Verreauxi- ooo ss- ooo 79 
MOVIS Hc seen web cscs onc ese soe se eee 79 
WIIPATISS 34 face cesctasenebeceace eee 79 
conger, ‘Conger. 0-23.65. -05 52 ee 79 
Muirsena -< 253252252225. co occa no eee 79 
conger brasiliensis, Murzena seu -----~------- 94 
Congermiirena: 25. ooh ae ccec eae eee 79 
catiddlis. 225i 252225 22S eee 80 
Vat hf: pee en ees ee a 80 
guppies ses eae oe eee 80 
congestum, Moxostoma------..------------- 110 
congestus, Catostomus:= .2.--..----E coon 110 
Congrammus 454 
MOOLCl. = S22 seus 454 
Congrellus- ----.--- 79 
gilbertiv..--coscns 80 
Gonpridi econo resccseee coc ee eee 79 
Congrosoma 80 
OVERMAN ee eee eae ee ees 80 
Gongritss: oie eet ee oe eee 79 
COMTIGGNS 8 ab 2 oo Sento sae el eee eee 78 
coniceps, Mursenesox.-..-.---=-225-------s=— 79 
conirostris, Pimelodus_----.-.---£-----_ 2 -= 156 
connectens, WsetHOpss. 2. Sete eae hee eee 447 
Génocarane aah ate eee 53 
MACKHONAIG! = 3S. tes Seca eee ee 53 
macroptera-- .-=.-- 5. - ssc eens so -emne nn 53 
conocephala, Gila__--......---------------<= 112 
conocephalus, Mylopharodon- --------------- 112 
Conodon_-_------- 333 
antillanus- -.. f 333 
nobilis 333 
serrifer 333 
Conorhynchichthys.....-------------------- 156 
Conorhynchos..-...------------------------- 156 
MeISONI Swe nc coat emeaee neater onw aan 156 
Conorbynchus...-. AIR SAL eet eee Rae 39, 156 


List of scientific names—Continued 

ererynehas P1010 ee eS a ee 39, 40 
Sues aon eee 477. 
consocium, Chitostania Lk ee ae 2 i RR ep Se 251 
TO FSP ESO G01 le eee ee ee 120 
conspersus, Gymnothorax-_--_---.....---.-... 92 
Rernnitis. = <2 22 a Sosa OLD 
constancie, Pomatomichthys_ - 296 
SEMA OLALS, COHITOPSIN’ <6 222250522 5 <5 373 
csr rat Se bathe eee aug ences) perenkus Salmo:-2-23. = 62 
ObaStICRINYS = =5. 226. ac eee ene ee ucidus, ( epee AE eres be eee ee 62 
0 sag ore MisES ee 9s_ 220 os 3 oe ei a ee Salmon cons casescraeowees 64 
consuetus, SING ose oat toe eee a aoe tullibee, MIO. os eee ee eee ee 64 
Guinean, Hesminlon. 222-25 Se 329 | coregonus, Moxostoma-.---....-..-.---------- 110 
contractus, Chonophorus_--_-__...--_.------- ~ 442 IPGVCROSEOMUS: (52 224< oo os ea Se ee 110 
PITA OAOSONLOINA 302-228 ee TVS PS GorettastPnhornnwso2=- = oo Soces esate 260 
BELA CU 2) OTs ie i Tree a lll LET Cee oS Re ee eh os 260 
oe, WMinerourns: o> 2 ese ee on ais aw Wisutheractis= 2.22: 220 es 316 
CURE) (11 2 ea es a 5 ae Sa pe ape © 8 LU a a 316 
convexifrons, Alepocephalus___-..-_.._------ 52 Goa, a Nae ensue neta sia SSE 426 
TERE ese ee ee ne EE bey he S00! ), Garnus) Heaxanehus:. =-— =p. 2s5c-c0 caceoees 1l 
cookianus, Aphododerus_____.-.-.--...------ 21a |> CORNEt, MOINtAYIO. 2-20 eos uae 245 
Gaaperr me npOnda. 828i oS coe ccke en 118 | cornubiensis, Pimelepterus---.-....-.-..---- 268 
EINER Se oes ene Se 218 Iommi pgs eis ee ore 228 
oe Le RE Ree ay. Spe ieee mine SS 218 | comubicus, Squalus: 2... 22.2 -- aco bas 19 
nae eee deans oe tanaaeacansenh annem Po — had Rha adi Ea ANS EE Oe 233 
Lise 3. Se Rhee ee ee ee abet a ee (2) 1 GS : ee ee ta es See ee 362 
Copel aciponeer (HUsO)\...........-.--...-== 35 Ghologhster- 22-3. ie se oo 194 
gna ge a ea Be ee ee om 
OL Ree A ee eee 1 | 5 | i Ie ae TSE Se ] 
EIU a arn =- sana wemcscenecs 119 IOIBCANENDE: 2 oe ace ceece eee ees 361 
OG) qi. 2 Da Se a Sa 386 ETO DISS ROL NUS oo ono cacneccsees cane 233 
ME PERMEE MS tte a one eae 405 Use 11 a rt ACB ted AS heey 123, 128 
PIUMIRTRRIUREG SF ean a aes scvncctentgasgn 37 TPISTINONBORES. hike = hoes ee ee eee 225 
LOE Te ee eels NS Se alias 119 SAMIORS Yo once peed aoe oom a oe 245, 246 
UAT eo eS ona ae preter 119 LTT EE ILE APE SRY PR a SS ee 362 
é Xeniodermichitiys pss PEST 2 hea 53 | cornutus cerasinus, Hypsilepis........-.----- 128 
ope — Ones Se ee Ce eae aan 294 chrysocephalus, Luxilis...........--.---- 128 
aT , Cottogaster 285 cyaneus, Hypsilepis......-.-..---------- 128 
c ae 285 gibbus, Hypsilepis............---.-..---- 128 
“aperens <a by leolepis, Lasilis Riana CE Se 128 
---- OMODIB = 5 ons cmnnanncnmne= =a ten 128 
ee - 74 EO nhs oo eee enn eee 333 
RS ECE Ie ee Ae oO Ao ea eaenageematt me eR TTS re 
aos re eta gies a mele Blo ae hh CUNY do ca ec newacanddseucnebedenaadosu.! Oo 
nr nig an ecenennn nnn nnnerennnenn ane aa eproidea, Umbring. <2... ee ee 350 
coralina, Nareine brasiliensis...----------_- eee Ce et 
corallinum, Cryptotrema..............772 456 | Coronatus, Cyclopterus .-------------------- 397 
Ri ear |e nena cinepiotns <6 aan te 
BE 1 ec aE Sei ae Det eet #5 506 sce ge SST pny eames RPS IHR T “SILE Pe po 
mht. = 464 | CofPoralis, Cyprinus_-.---.------------------ 11 
Gardens <a=s 464 EGUGOBOMYB Koco aissnmnacwwessoasaends 117 
eae Ss 257 | Corpore variegato, Truttw.....-------------- 85 
ie S755 Eg SS RY Sg ag al Sat lS 64 | cortezianus, Aprodon-.--.-.----------------- 474 
Coregonidis-.-----------2s-s2ssnsasa222222 1 | Coruseans, Arctozenus...-.------------------ 165 
coregonoides, Paralepis............--...----- 165 Paralepis_------------------------------- 165 
Seana a ee a RRO tae 64 | coruscum, Holocentrum....----------------- 236 
NOMEN <o8 Soe St tie cass ee ae 66 | coruscus, Holocentrus-....---.-------------- 236 
albus Me OOL VINE 2 oo ae eee eerans one es 348 
QOULITOBSEYIS.cevecoaccacessseee hoon enses 346 
(18: Ce eS od oe ee eae eee 347 
[ili faje plaid One RE TET RES a eee 349 
GUEVHOleN iss Se eee ees 346 
Ce fe Pe a Se ee sere ac- 348 
65 OTE ee ee a se A eee 344 
65 Pitre et ee ee eee 345 
62 Giomonrion) farthilscoc25.. ssc cones 347 
65 @a@hinins) jacob. 222222 Slestes es ee 348 
64 MANCODE: 20 30555 osseSee eee 345 
64 THPYOpS! = 20 oa dee ace eee ae 346 
62 OpnIOsCl Ot; sso tee encaacseesaocereeee 347 
65 C9 AS) 7: bee en Rea Pee Been Cee TP 320 
64 Pheer eg BEE DAE Peete Cee a 
FONCINSS~ 223 hs eee 
i ai a pe RE NRL Ea Bh ee oem 48 
Fe TT EE Ee poe © HE Ta RY stellifera........------------------------- 346 
SURTRIOEEE IR ine cae sak ba Came anos aide a 62 subsequalis wom merc we cecewnn nn nn nnn nn-ssen- 345 
SA RINE el ARE ae OS BEI, 165 trispinosa,......--22-.------------------ 346 
MI Soe Rae hs ke a 65 VOrmnCUlars 62.55.26. 6Se-0----42----~=-- 348 
ROUTAN 5-052 ee asasth tien ce etn 63 | corvinseforme, Heemulon-.------.-.---------- 333 
Posillus eS areas a BN ah le Reais fee 62 | corvineformis, Brachydeuterus__-----.--.---- 333 
Tondiilateraiis Sie SERRE SS Sia eo pee 65 Heemulon.......-..-..----------------<- 333 
PIGDALOSONN oon occ nad «asec neae Bei 1S GERRI Bas ae arias om oni ne rc ee eth 345 
CO 35 cktekndnnadanackupnidensaamexl 163 RNP TAAL ERE ti Sicaiiser mm cso rede es hea ald 345 
RE IEE ES SE Rae, pawns i. OO POON, ode aacanchukherew ain cane he 345 



List of scientific names—Continued 

@or-volaisialis:-=--2 Se eee 
G@6rynolop nis ase ee eee eeee ene 
TOMNATCt ose ae eee eee eee 
Coryphens.— anes 
GY OVTUPUS 26 eee tae a eee 
SULT tig rae coee een 

hip purus -2..- Sse ee ee ee 

TnarGoray ie a ee ee ee 
MUI PTOSCODS = 3 oe te ee 
MO VACHS etek ee ee See enn ee 

LUN eae eee ae ee 
NOM Pilsen eer eee 
DSittacUs 2 =o ee ee 

TUPESENISs See ee eee eee eee 

SAU Ea re ne er 
SW Levers 11 ee ese he ee eae 
Gory ph renid te = 2 Ce ean oe 
Corypi snifornics == een 
Gory pheenvidess---22 eee e ee ane 
CARA DIN Ree eee ee ee eee ene 
Pica el ee oe ee 5 ee Pee the ee 
TUPOSELIS 22 hoe ee oe eee eee eee 204, 205 
SUICAtUS... nace e sate ee eee 207 
Coryphenoidide 202 
Gory phoptenis--s-s—- —— eae eee eee 439 

(Candle See oe fe a ens 243 
ened ee Micropteryx=22 = 276 
G@ossyphus- -------=--~=----=--- 26 a-=t == 425 

Cottidti= o-oo ee ae 
ITANIGCA = nen oe aoe eee 285 
(Cottogaster) uranidea, Etheostoma_-------- 285 
cottoides, Bathygadus----------------------- 203 
IGOULODSIS = seen oe ne ewe ae aa a eet 383 
PULOKUS sa seen see ne een ee 383 
DALVUS = eon eee eee oon aueae as 383 
TACO see ee re ean samen 383, 386 
Bemiiscaber.: .o-ceveue. ease anes eres 384 
OGtpunCUlUS > =o aseo coe ee aa eer 392 
i 392 
RIGUTICUS > 82s acen ene Sao R ek eee 385 
AR Cea | (Se a ee eee i ap ee ae eee ee» 385 
ANICEPS... 2 ------- -- 2 no a wn ema 386 
ttt ae ae ey ae S32 384 
ASD CP See sete ooo oe i eel re ee 383 
BESET 2 oo one na aan a 384 
asperrimus. .._-.-.-.-.----------.--<---- 384 
Dpalrdisene ot seve e- aa eee 383 
Siig 6 pee ae ERS Be eb a seas yee ory 385 
eld tripe tte re ie 2 cower ceectoctees 384 
bendirei__.....-------------------------- 384 

C@ottns bulbalisse:2eeeos22ee-e seen ease 
cephaloides st. css22t seco ces eeteene 
chetodon! = oS eee 
chamiberlainie: (222222922202 seh eee een 385 
claviperie 922 oe 5 eee 381 
cognatus.__.-----=--2--_-_--_- 2 == 385, 386 
CODEC ea a eee ee no eee 3 
CLINI POF Se ee a ees 390 
Gecastrensis= 2S. ar ee eee 387 
diceraus. 222. eee 381 
eleganse 2 Oe eee 381 
evermanni 383 
form0sUS. 22 te eee 386 
franklini__ 385 
plaberss-ce ee 487 
elacialis® 22252 eee en ere 387 
PODION se Seas se See 383 
PODIOIGES eee eae ee eee 385 
PTACIIsn rae ee eee 383, 385 
CAYUGA Sse eon ae ae pees 386 
préenels. 2s a eee 384 
ereenlandicis2 eee 386, 387 
PUWOSUS Aye a ae eee 383 
hemilepidotus- == eee 380, 381 
Néxacornis == se eS eee 388 
DIS PI dS! esse EE ee 393 
nuimilis22 Se a ee eee 387 
ictalops=.-- 2 eee 385 
nasets OWS. a ee ee ee 397 
Agha kt hed a. 2 a e 387 
Samathensis 384 
leiopomus Yes eee 385 
MACrOpS w= ee eee 384 
Macvlatus=. oe ee 386 
MAareinatus: =.= See eee ee 384 
mMarmoratus eee 387 
meridionalisu2. Sone eee eee eee 385 
TNOrtenslizec sss eee 387 
mitchillie +2200 eee 386 
monopteryPiliss] 2 ess eee eee 397 
5b) pape by eae ee Sen ATR SS ery 387 
nigricans: #92 ee eee 386 
octodecem-spinosus-- 386 
ONY. chiisi2ciu ot ee 386 
DachyUS eee ee SE ae yy Be 386 
Derplextis? Cees ses eee eee 384 
PHVONI ps Aen ee ees 384 
DISMLpers ee eee ee eee 389 
platycephalus_ -_-----------------____- 387, 388 
Polaris 22 ee ee eee 388 
POLOs USE ee ee eee 387 
polyacanthocephalus le es ee ey S55 387 
PEINCOD Soe ee ten erate 384 
punctulatus----------------------------- 383 
Quadricornis: =. eee 388° 
rhotheas.c.-..ss2 ee Se eee 383 



SCOPPIUSae-ee 32 eee eee ee eee 
SémisScaber 2-scoe ct eee 
shasta= 22.0 eee ee ee 
stellori-c. -<2ec=2e eee oe ee 381 
taniopteris:s 2 ee ee eee 388 
eniise 2 eee toe ees 384 
thomsoniis2 sis. 422 See. se ee 392 
TrACHuUriis. =2ie est eect eee eee 3k1 
triCuSpis.. tenes === 52st eee 389 
tripteryeis se 6-22 = pee ee eee eee 893 
UNCindtus) == S-2 == tes See eee 377 
VentraliSao 2 chet. lates eee eee 389 
VEITULCOSNSin: basa ol Ses Lee ee ereeeereeees 387 
Villostigg- ec 62+. -t beset eee 393 

ViSCOSUS sae 6s 2s ee eee ee ers 385 
Wilsonis 2022+ 2----=lase bl keste eee 385 
Cotylis: nigripinnis =: 2222" - essen een eee 489 
Cotylopus icone: oe. i o=asa ate ae seer eae 447 
actitipinniss:-: -=.=22=2==.5e2seeb semen ee 447 
Coceensises2 seis sa Leese ee seas eee 448 
DUNCHATISS+=s5~ asa nent nae nee 448 
Sal vinnie cay ee secs eae eee . 448 
conaga, Chsstodon:-<--222-222---ses---—--n-= 362 
cotichi, Dionda:+:2:.2:-s-<<s6ss=--2----==—=——" 144 
Monianass=ao2scedeceasaeasesneeentnes {Dsl 


List of scientific names—Continued 

(Mi ne 
pit eee ee er 5 2 SE Se 
eouchiana, Limia-.--_--_------------- 
couchianus, Platypeecilus 
ManChHiiy SETranus: seco = sas se soma one amen 
PHUGKI CC OTCEOMUS 9 an ee a = ie 
PQRO DIO <a ee a oe oe = eee 
GBUESIL A POCOPG-.4-=2—5-5—— = aan 141 
ORV DUOSSTASS nomen ooo ee ena 508 
OOSIN Se ne ee a 136 
Gauss = — - ane en se ah a 137 
ISNTNNTNIS! 3 | on ann anno ae er a ee 137 
it 3) 1) a ae a Ene are Se ee Se ae 137 
MRTIDCUS «one k a ean eee ee sa 136 
FuDMIAteralis.- = nyse esa et 116 
Couesius squamilentus 136 
coulteri, Coregonus 65 
Prosopium -------- a 55 
courbina, Pogonathus-- 352 
DEUHIGS (oss pe naa a eee ee 352 
courtadei, Serranus 310 
2) PAu By 0 0g es a ah a eR ei re 154 
REM RIIUOTIN casa eh ee 291 
EUANBH Che ee ee nae ne ere et 291 
REMIterss MSGRCUASUOS— — 02552. nce nce dooce 357 
IS ST Th babe a aR ART RY BESET SAP 138 
RTE RUS os ete eg tary ee eet 251 
CRORES oe ena 138 
SULT DE 6 pe ea a a a ly RE eae 367 
JU 23a. aa ate a a ea ie pee ee pa ARES 174 
Con GT" 1 epee ate a aaa a 196 
Dh les & ae Rae ee ge end 120 
crassicauda, Lavinia_-_ 120 
fpoma. soo eos 120 
crassiceps, Cryptotomu: 431 
SOUS oe Sok Oe a aaah 8 id 233 
iis cts poe te 2 Sas aoe eee A 233 
crassilabre, Moxostoma...........-_......... lll 
Ge STs RE OTL 2 il aa Ie ie Rina SO 474 
2 YL OU 5 a tet Seale ei RE een A iid 424 
eG 1) 0): | a Se aN 424 
Bn Fae 1 | ee aR le ee PS Al Re eels 9 474 
RUMOUR LOUIS «5 ae nnn crig = hte aed 111 
RRRRRIRE A LWOLOMUS 22 5 ooo atoms hans 283 
sox 173 
Lepidosteus 36 
ctaticula, Zygonectes--................... 178 
Cratinus 317 
agassizii 317 
Crayracion 498 
Creagrutus 98 
notropoides 98 
ENONGRIS SLUBCHTIODG. ccc. 28.82 2S 378 
crebripunctata, Pteroplatea___......_..____. 29 
SB) i a ae ae i eS 456 
Lae gle Nie AE ee ape ope ier ge 457 
SIONS fle so eso nae so renee cen ctiens 456 
pc Ch baa Sed ae Ra erie Ee eto 456, 457 
pHs cag Un 11 Se oe a ee 457 
RHEE MIONIUUS 4a cae ames sauaacce eu woaeaa 456 
GROG faded ada hee 296 Sw a los bem ks 457 
cremnobates, Labrosomus 456 
Bitt eid seio estas ce . 456 
Crenidens simplex. 339 
Se CTL 1s 1 Segre Ree eal aes Wael aie a 425 
pithy orbit pe aa ree Rea Py 5h 424 
crenulate, Myctophum................-..... 170 
crenularis, Tarletonbeania_._......_..._._... 170 
MORIN aig tena fo at seo soot an tes = <a gee 320 
EPPS; CHIL HE CMMs saa cucuas ove scacpesiwet 189 
BOMB essa cso rncnwseee asa 2 adit 320 
OF NL 1, i oe a ee eR ay Fe 259 
crescentale, Gobiosoma.............-.....-.. 446 
crescentalis, Gobiosoma--............-...-.. 446 
POMIACHHUNUS Joi4 .cacaseslo co asa 361 
REOSOOTITIS AUG ss acca ces ccens tek stp dies 57 
Saiiig GHIPAHEr ncn: Scnvessonawiw band 
crestonis, Acanthurus 
Oo eS SEE 
cretensis, Labrus_.--- 

enmitus>Alectis=-..- 2. 25-26 3-22 eee eae. 274 
HOM S ee se ot See 461 
AGUS. ote CRE ee IE Ae 274 
eristagalli; Anoplarchus_< 2. 2855-22509 2528 468 
archolepis, Anoplarchus-_--.__.....----.. 468 
@ehbedichihys=: = =. 225 = 42 eee 466 
Gentronolus: 2.55205 eS 468 
estata; Chimeras. sc = ee 32 
mistatus:, Blennius- 2-2-5. 450 22 22 Ss Ses 461 
Pumelnd ts 22 = 2S Sees So een oe 158 
eristiceps; Moelamphats._-< 6222 te 233 
Plectromussoee 5-2 oe Soa 233 
Grislirai, Gobigs. — =25..5.-- assess eee 438 
Gusta Gobius--- 8. ese eee Seen 438 
METIS IAMERRIOR SS ote = Sa ne he Se aS 59 
namaycush_--_- 59 
siscowet-........- 60 
cristulata, Scorpzena 372 
cristulatus, Gymnoclinus.................... 466 
ris. 7S ee ee A soe ee ee 268 
hernphelot. =o. oes oko. sacneeee 268 
GEOCEUS) HOUCISCUS. =~ 5255.2. 52255 see eee 140 
FRBURIGHT RAYS: (5c co os ndee tant CS 140 
crocodilinus, Brachysomophis---.._.....__.. 89 
OPRIANTUS> | <0 o- = ee pee erete 89 
erocots; Er lectropoma..< =< 5S. ee 321 
erocotus, Hypoplectrus unicolor_--_....-.... 321 
QHOCLO Pe TISUIDOING. 0 onc o=2 52 5a- see 334 
latte Gen Se ee mee eee 

Sronalantes Fea sean 
cromis, Labrus 
Pogontas’= 2035. -- 22555 cate es 
UWOSSIAS =< os ces Secu cee 
sipomeacniatus..... erase as ek ae 
PUL I 1 ee epee neem y nm ie 5PM Oy 
ot (Cpa ee ee pe eee Pe PRY ES 
MNIGNOLUM. MOODS << cocoa eee 219, 220 
crotalinus, PINOY YXe canoes ade Soe a 473 
PeVOOUO RSIS. © Spesda ecco scat ate 473 
rotaiopsis punctifer - ..<. veewcwcdene cust 
GWLAn ONS CUMS 222, cn. <2 sat oe eee 
MTOUNO DRIES oo. sbucaoanc cde tuceee 
quinctifer_ — ...2...... 
crudelis, Eurymyctera__- 
cruentatus, Entomacrodus---.-..--.--.----- 463 
DADS} coset co cascwaceraatendacas cea wee 322 
Pemomoetopon: <.. 2.23 -cl 2 eee 308 
PrIACANLNUS oo con nnucase55 tee 322 
1 1 i ee eee nS heer 308 
cruentatus coronatus, Petrometopon________- 308 
emientiifer, Omochelyss.. 2.228 coos 86 
PISO GND DMS sq =: eas aa sau eee 86 
crumenophthalma, Trachurops_-_.._.-._____ 271 
crumenophthalmus, Scomber_....-.._____- 270, 271 
eruorenm, Xiphidivum: -. 262-2 525222255c55 “469 
CMOTSUS: SQUANUS: «sateen see Sy ad 119 
crustosum, Peristedion 406 
Peristedium__..._.-.- 406 
Cryptacanthodes-___-._- 471 
INOPOAGUB so oes 5 caso ooga 5255 SAE eee 471 
palit |) a ee eet 471 
Oryptatanthodide..-......- sess sae 471 
Ory pions =. 2-32) tah) 22 peeeieein ee Pes 101 
Oryptopterenchelys:. 233 02s cue 2. ee scbudslee 85 
WOUPAIUS: 5.25252 5.caeccseen sem eee 85 
Dimncticeps- = 225.0453 sett eee 85 
(Cryptopterus) frontalis, Ophichthys__----2. 85 
Wry DlOpterus: - 5 cc nede nes. as eee Sansa) 85 
PUDGiSCS DB = 52222 Ses e ste eco 85 
Punches 55... setae cewek 85 
Cryptosaras-__....- $a aera aaee ane aananseeneed 508 
GOUBRUE or te ne ens Sak phe 508 
cryptosus, Stromateus 267 
Cryptotomus,......<.2...... 431 
auropunctatus__...._- 431 
DeLyiliun Sasa sen ese 8s 431 
crassiceps_.. 431 
Ch ptiniiys Rh CEE SRS Se are eee eee await 45] 
[Pe See een ferd Soy tee ode Ael 
roseus_.... ee ee ey = 18 pec 431 
ustus__... Sl dele pa i Amen i a sien wis eS ae 431 



List of scientific names—Continued 


Cryptotrema. =o. 5--cstde sc 2ki 23s 456 
corallinum 22. --~.2i252222. 22 - 456 
erysoleucas, Cyprinus. <<. 2<cce2: 2-ssaenccs 114, 115 
Notemigonus...-.==-2. 222 wee ee 115 
erysos, Paratractus.. oso ate see 272 
Seambers.c.22252-4-24. = Se 272 
Orystallarias. 2 --22c tt ese eee 282, 288 use 22k eee 288 
Orystallichthys.2.-.222:222<: 2. eee ae 401 
eyclospilus. :-52===s2s<s+2-52 See 401 
cyclostigmsa. 5=22..-.-. 22 ee 401 
mirabilis] =. 22s<<--2--2< 401 
erystallina, Thyrina_-_-_-__--_- 248 
erystallinum, Chirostoma 251 
Ctenochmtus:)-- 9.225222 9-2-2952. ee 363 
Sitistiss sets sessnsesse ae 363 

© tenodax sot ss 269 
MiulamMsonl- cco 2525. ce ee 269 
OCtenodon's2-s-2 == ee 363, 470 
gtenodon,-Acanthurus:.2- .22.2 >. 2.2225 se 363 
Clenogopitis.-- =-2:=2-42ss2 2 eee 438 
fasciatus =<: -=Jsccsececcess eee 438 
tortugs.< s o4sboseses eee ee eee 439 
Stangatras bergallcue 02S aes Pee 424 
wninotatus= <2) cece eee eee 424 
Otenolucius:~.--2.-2.-2---- fae eae 100 
orn bee ee 100 
insculptus_- 100 
cube, Vomer 275 
cubana, Anchoviella 48 
Angola? - o.oo nos a EN 77 
@ubanichthys5- 22222225 s<ese22 252022 ee 174 
cuberisiss2.-c2s6.c-2 ssc eb ASS 174 
cubanus, Pngraulis:)...2.2<- 525-55 ee 48 
Eepinepheliise-232 22 5 ee 311 
cubensis, Channomurena____________-_____- 95 
Cubaniththys2so--2- 2 2233-¢ 222 174 
Mandulust so 22235 174 
Méterandrigss252 322225 eee 188 
PUG RNIS 2 sade ce wepees es ose ae 274 
Att) oa aa ee eee 191 

SU OXUS 2 S422 55 2 a5ees00 188 
Vomer septapinnis 275 
Pupera, LUnanuss- +. 25 Soo = ee es 325 
Cubiceps multradistts.> 22-2 22-3. ee 268 
cubicus, Ostracion:-33--. =.= ee 496 
eubifrons; Malthe25 205223 eee 507 
eucuri, Prionodon. 552 ees. eet 16 
CUCUYO sa saneacecens anaes ao aae se arte are aan 493 
Cugupugnact : 5 sscccssevesssel sete 312 
enius, Chasmistes.2s2352:32-42 2 SS 108 
cnlebres, ActeiS...asssees cesses 460 
Malacoctenus- _-_--- eee SoU SOS eee 460 
Oplins:: =. ss cco ssoeses se ee A 436 
SPCUIGENS. 2s cst ste ent ne eee 437 
amblyopsis 437 
fuscus__-_- 436 

ri permivers= 25 oss. 55 oA ee 437 
(Culius) belizianus, Eleotris__........._.__-- 436 
cultiferum, Eristipomia.. 42 See 334 
cuitrata, Atichovicllas2-.2.5- sco eee 48 
cultratum, Petalosoma.--_..............-.-.. 193 
Goltratus;Alisro_sjcenc ee ncaaccs sano 193 
Stolephorus=2ossscentse cose eee 48 
cultrifrons,. Alaterus6. 132-055 2 ee ae 495 
Gulvéri; Trachinotus;.2-5 eee 277 
cumberlandicum, Catonotus flabellare_______ 293 
BE theostoma sis ces see 293 
cumingii, Ceratichthys 138 
Oregonichthys______..- 138 
cummingsi, Hybopsis_ ---- 133 
IN Gtropis <<. ace ee 133 
cuneata, Mollienesia ee saresn BE SCEeS 193 
POscHlB ss oo oe ee ee eee 193 
eupido; Geophagus.. 32 sscs2cgsea6 eon 424 
cupresoides, Pimelodus__..............-...-. 153 
tiprens de imolodus.. 22522226 2 153 
MURS Fo pce cist cacao rcee es eee 153 
Trachinopys 7. Wiss sows oes 277 
ouracno, GObIgs seo. cock Cl ee eee 439 
Rhinogobitis2 2... nee eee 439 
curassavicus, Balistes. 2. 2...ssassecs oe ee 493 
prema, Mtge peek cent eweewone benee 253 
Querim ani sete es one eee 253 
Gurilus; Salitio. .ccsdastessscecscseecesssae ee 61 


Curiniatas Fe eh. es et a ae ee 1 

magdalente<o.::-: 2-2-2+-t oes Bees 1 
Curimatellas2-s2ssse =: ieee So RE ae 100 
lepidurus.2-8 <2.--<._2 2 eee eee 100 
Curimates; (Less. 22222255. cece 100 
Curlmatids 2: -..35i2esc2e22) eee 100 
Curimatus:— <>. css2d2es>: 22 = ee 100 
magdalens:. 2:82) 5a ese= eeeeeee 100 
Spilurus. --.<2.-.=233 eS eee 100 
curta; Anchoviella.- 252122325. - eee 48 
curtiss-jamesi, Harriotta 33 
Polistotrema-_--._-....... 8 
curtus, Stolephorus_____._._- 48 
VoOmer. i os=st stecere tee ee eee 275 
curvidens, Conprus. 224-233 eee 78 
curvilineata, Mursenophis_-__...._...__----_. 91 
¢curvus}Petrodon: 2-2 2225252222) See 497 
cuspicauda, -Alutores 2.222222 eee 495 

cuspidatus, Macrourus22:-- 2) See eee 
Moacrurus2=2.22 225223. 22242 eee 206 
cutisanserinus, Carpiodes_____.....--.---.-.. 103 
cuvierl; Ausonia::. 2-222. 7-342 See 

Centropomus:.:2 52234222222 eee 306 
Gasterosteus..2 os 22234205. ee 237 
Gnathypops:2. s.225252-2-so2 ee ences 453 
Opistognathus 453 
Tetragonurus-22-2 22.22." 269 
cuzamilee, Scarus___..----_-- 434 
cyanea, ‘Hurcaria.: 2.222222 2 eee 412 
cyanella, Mugilops.2:s 22222. 252 
cyanellus, Apomotis.:<2222 222222 2seoe eee 298, 299 
Jehthyobusisssscsic2c22 322-52 eee 102 
Lepomis: 2322252222. 3 See 298 
Mupgilops=: 2222.23 eee 252 
cyaneus, Hypsilepis cornutus___.____-______- 128 
Cyanichthys_s2. 2220: 2323222 eee eee 502 
C@ruleus 2-226 2-2 35sce ew acne eee 502 
cyanocephalus, Iridio__..-.-_---.-__---.____- 427 
DUIS Seana a 426, 427 
‘Lythrurus:-2.25022255. eee 126 
cyanoguttatus, Herichthys__--..-..-----.--. 422 
cyanolene, Sparisoma_..._...-..----------.-. 432 
cyanonoton; ‘Al0sa 222 )25 22a 52 feces eee 42 
cyanophrys, Natncrates. 2. 2. 25seaene eee 278 
senes. 2522226. eS eee 268 
cyanops, Caulolatilus----<222--- oso oe ee eee 357 
cyanopterus, Cypselurus) 22. . ces oeeeeseeeene 202 
Bx0ccetus: 22-22 soe cos oe se eee 202 
Geucichthys:2..-- 3. See 63 
Lutlantis 2222 23022-2520 .23 eee 325 
Mesoprion .. 2.22225 Sa eee 325 
cyanostigma; Juliss222 os en asses 426 
Cybiide 257 
Cybiuinss 2222s 522.2522 eo eee 257 
acervum 257 
caballa_-_-_ 277 
cavalla 257 
commersoni 257 
immaculatum 257 
petus 256 
BOEB2 eee cpeae sneer 256 
solandri 256 
verany 256 
Cycleptus 101 
elongatus 101 
nigrescens: 2.<- 22022 acer eee 101 
Cyclichthys. =<. ---=2-2222 eee 501 
antillarum 502 
attennuatus 502 
DMIBLE0S== Sse peeeerees 502 
cornutus-_-_ 502 
fuliginosus 502 
SCHOS Di See aes eon =e aaa eee 502 
SPINOSUS!e. . eoSe oes el oe ee ree eene eee 502 
Cyclogasters: =. ssl e eecacee eee 399 
bristolensis...-..--2.-2-22 eee 399 
mepaceplialus .+-2-s-essosces ee eee 400 
(Neoliparis) beringianus___.......----._. 399 
micraspidophorus® <2 32 s-2e2.s-enee 399 
Cyclogasterus=- 2225-02554 225 5 cee 398, 399 
Cyclogobius: <2 2.2: se eest cet ee eee 444 
cyclolepis/ Dolloa22.-ss-ctss ee eea sce ee cone 203 
Microgobits...2-2.2. ee ee 443 
Nematonuruss=sascs. eee 203 

Oyclotigred..22--.ccc0e. cocscneee oe antec seee 27 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
SA bin ae ee are 159% |'w@ynopercsa® 2.35000. a anne 282 
neem Wol Qi Seen Sn = os ack 159 canadensis 2 "225-5202 ee ee 282 
PRIERBYISO ee er ee 160 PrIs@a son oes ces ense) ae enor ee 282 
cyclopomatus, Serranus___.....-_---___----- BIS le Gynosclones ase een oo ek Se ee 354 
Si Git a ee 220 BCOWNA =~. <2 Soe soe eee 354 
CHIL PAHO anne eee en os a 221 HAINRICONSIS 2002 S22 Seen Cee aoe 355 
aoa Sent. 5. 5 Le ee 220 delarchus: < 2228270222 ee ee 355 
Loy: 5 hp oe paid Reel ene 221 macdonaldis. > 252 2- © es ae ee OG 
Dea piaicitives RASELET CRI) Rat 398 microlepidotus: 22.- sles ss ween 355 
BIRO asst ca ee 398 nowWosee 22 2 ee eee 355 
Pe velnpreried oot ee ee 397 Onliquatus-=° > 2c oT eae 355 
Wyclopteroides -< 2-8 3 a eee 398 Guionopternms. 222i eae 355 
UP INODS: 52 2a te ge ene aay es 398 Guignoepteris.- 20220 5 t-te Ae ee 355 
DE) 0170 ea ee age MS ie ieee SRD 397 ACY pling se = ho eo a eee 356 
Palivedon=. <= 2°22. ee eee oe eae 399 phoxocopnalsim <5). - 5s sh ee ee 356 
TEC) ae ee as OF AE EF 9 De 397 ici Ep oe a OSS PS oT 355 
Chine ii 5 13 1 Saas Nee eae nS WI 397 SABI DIS. 2 82 See ee 355 
PelnsinOeHS! oe A ee ee 402 Ghrlbinninbin se eo ee ee 355 
MITESELEIS © 2 oo. 3 rs eae eae a 400 ATIMMEE Ns oe ee BS a ee 356 
parses 2s Ae oe i ee 399, 400 | cypho, Catostomus___....__...___...__._---- 108 
RMI ee seg ese a ee ee ee eee 401 Lo) ee ee ae ee Se F 173 
TUL) cee a aOR EE AIS AMS) (ey DHDRUS. oS. 28 oS ss oe 339 
LESTE SiS Gee a a ei eae Reba 397 elegremig =) 52 ae rs eel ee ae 339 
DU LTT ess sepa a Lie eNOS 397 | cyprinaceus, Chsetodon-___..............=..-- 340 
SS LL OL Ts a Din serie ae aa ees 400 278) ¢ (21 1 | Ta aaa ee See eRe BESS 130, 131 
PL TT Pat eae aD SS ae 489 SHnIORbANAS 20228 A ee vi ae 129 
Ci 18 |e a ls RES ARNE ate leprae 397 OG Watiles co. Sar aos ot en ee 130 
TAs Waar) BS, Se SS ane ane am eran 397 DHUNnesiane 2.222 ae ie oe eee 131 
SMUG R ONE Re oe onc meee 397 Dubelina 226240. oso cee eee 130 
TUL Obs Bie settee Sienna nei ae 39” CRUE Sonne 129 
ili LL 2s ane San ne 398 cercostigma 130 
SWE UE INTIS on aso 398 forbes sates cee 131 
Cycloptus lumpus_.___._.___ 397 forlonensis 131 
cyclopum, Pime odus__ 159 gunnisonii_ 130 
cyclopus, Liparis_........... 400 leplds -- =. =. 130 
eyclospilus, Crystallichthys_________________ 401 ludibunda 130 
cyclostigma, Crystallichthys_............__.. 401 MOST Ts ere es ce 131 
[Li ys iy | he ane he pret a Sa onal 401 LE Cs CS Se ae mem ge iG A Se 1774 1-11 
SVS OR ea ae aS 8 RIBICKORTORN ES a ooo coe oo an SOS OL 
RT MST MNE I Oe Se icy i ee gee 72 Oo) SN es ee a eae malt 130 
ULE ET Se lee a aia F BAA ey end 72 pitt 2 \o]i tf iS hE Aer nies 131 
pO iS, Ca ia eae a Ea ler ail 72 LN L EO ear leone aaa Sates 131 
2: AS x PRE ONE, ee 72 CSET a ee eee ss Sa ree rere? eves 130 
(rile 2 So A RS ame Sas 8 aaa. shinee’ 72 GDR ee eS 130 
SE CS ie St PD. cen 72 bj TOT ea Se RE + aie UR eee 130 
Tin | ea eas ae bance ean 72 whipplii_____ el ea a eS Pe 129 
eyoms Coruicitnys. os 137 1). CYprinels, CHaAnNOS oC. oe Se 40 
Peete FRAG TINS. 179 Mipgastomatobus.-¢_ 2. =. ee ee 102 
eylindricus, Bascanichthys__________.____._. 86 Sclerogynauiua: 2-255 as -. asp eee 102, 103 
See ERMINE fof dhc 3553 Sa ad eden ciate Bey BLAND BY ENR O ge. crcteacie = oi sae Se oe 112 
a as ea ie cat aRonets aet aad O7''|) Oy POnOdCts-. so noses ace tee eee 180 
Uy rill ei ite et hall Raine Se oer th eet nepet ies 37 [oC 7 CRN ee a EM ATEN T: §t ARETE 2 182 
i i ie Rie RR ae 37 DOVARB eet cs 2 Sosa was sae eae 181 
Tih 1 2 et rc RE States << ae 37 FOrOnnVistils-. 255. sos senses 181 
PIN oe oe oan ea sa dabetiaas 37 CBINORTIOTISIS. 222 550 conse ee 181 
RM ere ek race See 37 CARDID Sete onc ee eee 180 
recat ti) 2 ees ieee ae Salita Bp lS es 37 BARDOT oot te Seoe ee ee yeas 181 
eg on eR AES feta te 37 CIDER een SU Gee es occa anata 181 
Pia C1 la | i ae ane ied apron ee 37 YT Ate cae ne ane ae aS ee 181 
(Cylindrosteus) oculatus, Lepisosteus- - _--_- 37 SOUCGTING Sor ee Sats ne on eta ee 181 
or itet 4 it 2 plete ented 5 Sia lieing, Fah: Se 409, 410 1h 9} 007 1 | i eee eA, Ae eT ati ea Ge" 181 
UGTORN SHES. ose iano oe oe 409 Poa EY a ei EY ERIE ia 181 
STENT Spi asa Fe REPRO ee ok Se SESS 410 PESTO LG UT EPR Bt SS Sh a Se 181 
poe 1 aca a conn NS SF 410 [ofl ig siege SR SRS Re Peer PE 182 
CUTLER BE Pe Se 5 Bee I 409 0 ERS LES Se IS a eee a 181 
pelts ht pees Tete SS A aE R TERE ARS 410 TUG ERE Te a 2 8 ae a ea 180 
po 1 ee a pera aE EES ea aie” 9 410 TIBVHOCMNI A octet ak cae oat auon eee 181 
cymatogramma, Pileoma-..__..._...__...-... 286 WAU eae tewacs ce eusudes dee 175 
cymatotenia, Etheostoma (Hadropterus).... 285 Pivereniueseres—c- se naeecess 181 
DS ipl tri Apert eis we eater ye 285 rubrofluviatilis 181 
Cynedus brama............... 338 WHUIDENUH ESS tegen sn eee 180, 181 
Sy RINe as 13S) oy PIMINOUHLOR ss. coos oiu tata cacnonwacces 174 
canis___. Le ey DIMMOOMN Gann ose aceany-ctean ssuemene 174 
[iil oC ae aa am 13) | CV DEMolee, COWIE. so. co5n soln soe cee 438 
ha gh tis 1 Sane AS Rea) AR Raber Pe Pier 310 TEOMA ORI a? 6 es chee wes 438 
8g ea aS BARI ERE Sate eS eee 228 | Cyprinus (Abramis) balteatus.__.________ 117, 4 
RIDEAU DS See eS alo rns ne 228 (Haj COPS ECL) | RS cr ie ae 
(tag le ae eee See eee eS 17 LETS UCLA LT Se aa ae 115, 350 
er te MECNONION “3. aise mtoiytes scans 325 SIU Bie a. Shs caso ns <a oeiel 117 
foe ae sae taba kid ama ain 2 ae eae 179 UG pet oe, 9a i ae eee, Se 139, 140 
Pes ari ewcdekeeree weakocaasnacen 179, 180 [Sp i 2 eel a a ee A 5 117 
ROU ION sana t oa tieiwantiiss ten asd onadag en 228 Lol itech | ee ae eae tee eT es aa 105, 106 
pg i ete, eee GRRE co eh aan ncadecnannna dees ee 8 
cy ossus, Glyptocéphalus--...........--- Uy a a rr ae Y oS AP 105 

leuronectes._..... af Sit. 5 aes on 221, 228 PUR GUBbsth eae a is~ saan on aksnd eee eee ify Lee 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 

Cyprinus corporalis.------------------------- 117 | dariensis, Apareiodon----.=-..=------.-...... 100 
crysoleucas..:----------=---=-----=---- emibnry cons *2-—< =< 22 bss sees eee 97 
hemiplus:2--2-2-===. Oxyloricania2 2s S222 2822-3 eee eee 162 
Jeuciscus..-_---------- Parod One -2csesesiess cee canoe e saan 100 
(Leuciscus) caurinus__-.------------- Sternopy Puss. 2225-25522 20 5 ae 101 
Sraciligus 2225) sa=s sess ase eee eee ae MASI DAtISSL: | 222 Se est 2s eee 28 
OrefOnOnsiS:----=2-2----2ne—5-- =e 113, 114 | daspilotus, Pisodonophis-_------------------- 86 
STINKING 3-o eens seek ee 1462)\ *(Dasvatidees = - = = =2 seen sss eee ee 28 
MOPAlOPS a 2ac su sence se ae =a ae a 498'7)' “Dasyatis==-<-2<3-2<222252 28 
MelANUrUS:.-2 /osaqesec5=6-—2o 52 eee 128 attavilla 29 
ObIONEUS hai s 226 sane e =e =a 109 guttatus 28 
StCOtia = s2--os 2252226508 109 hastatus 28 
teres 2222 3 a ea eee 105 Jongus2~ 9525802248558 eo) ee eee 28 

VIL UAUUIS eee ee eee nee eee aan 140 schmarde 28 
cyprinus, Carpiodes -_----------------------- 103 TOLreie see 16 so a8 ba es ee ee 28 
G@atostomuUSes sos sae ne ere ee 103 |, Dasybatis:dipterurus:2- Ss = 232222222 29 
Scleropnathusss-se-s225s5 Sse eee noose 102.1) sBrasybattisis- 2622-2 ssh ee ee 28 
Gypselurus-._....=.----4------=---=--------- 201 | dasycephalus, Arius_.--.-.-.----<-------.-=- 150 
bahiensis --__------- 202 Galeichthys 2: 222-2 22S eee 150 
californicus--------- 909\4| WDasy.cottussc22 224 52 abs saan See see 392 
eallopterus. 2. === ===5-=2-=4==--=-=- 202 SObIGCr ass 2 SPR: See ee eee 392 
cyanopterus 502. || “daubentoniit@aranxe-2i222- 22s eee 273 
TUCOTUIN 336-522 3 ee ee ee 09 |) Davida esne esse 1s ers She et see 495 

AUT CRUUS ee nee ae ee eee 201 punctata 495 
gibbifrons...-.-=---=---=---==------------- 202 | davidsonii, Anisotremus 332 
Heterurus. tosis sas ee See een 201 Monacanthusaos-26 22522222 494 
NOW soe sase sae Fa as ee 202 Pristipomassssess2se senna 332 
lintatus Soo se a eee 202 ‘|| «davisi Rabie». oso 22 ee eed 91 
lotkenle 2) se soe ee eee 201! ||| “dayi, sPhoxareyren 820 =2o- oeeeee e 247 
Migricays se es rae ae 201" || "dean, aR oSebastesis 26-2222 eee 367 
spilonotopterus-------------------------- 202 Paralinanisesees tess sas ae eos 404 
xenopteruS- .----.-------=---------=----- 202 Polistotrema~)) ces 2022 ee eee 9 
cypselurus, Prognurus----------------------- 403 Sebastodesos 2 32 eee 367 
Cypsilurus -----.---------------------------- 201 | ‘dearborni> Cyprinodon! se 2--——  ee 181 
(Cypsilurus) procne, Exoccetus__----~------- 201 || “Decactylus 222 a ee tes 105 
Cyttus hololepis----------------------------- 932 | decadactylus, Beryx-2o 0 nse eee 234 
Gecagonus) A gonus=*22 5022 sns ste eee 394 

eptagonus:2¢-229 22 ae eee 394 

RCA tLUS 2 ae Soe oe eee ene 412 | decagrammus, Hexagratnmos_-___----------- 373 
Chica i ls ee ee eee OS re ee oe Seeman 412 sbraxa gs A860 a ees 373 
Dactylagnus-...-..--=----=--------=-----=--- 455 |) *Decapterus 22 2ss ee ‘neers 270 
TN GUS oe eee eae ee eee 455 hy Pods ee ee 270 
Dactyleptus 222-2 - 25-2 = an 467 macarellus sy S50 ee een 270 
Dactylobatus._...---.-------------=--------- 27 punctatuss 2-2-3520 - 2 eae 270 
SPTMAtUB Sse en eee 27 Sanctse-helense.. 22 4 2 Sea eae 270 
dactyloptera, Scorpzena____------------------ 370) |) Decap ius ee ee ere 279 
Dactylopteride -----.----------------------- 408 | «decustrensis, Cothuse === 22-2 ees ee 387 
Dactylopterus-...--------------------------- 408 | Wecentrisilucens.. 2=-=-32-- 412 
pirapeda--.=---=-------=-=--=---------=-- 409: |, decimalis*Serranus 20-2 es eee 314 
OLEAN bose, rae ee eee 409 | declivifrons, Abudefduf___.------------------ 415 
dactylopterus, Helicolenus 370 Wuschistod us 2 lea eens 415 
Dactyloscopide----..---------------- -- 454 Salmo wet 2 eee 57 
Dactyloscopus--------------.-------_-------- 454 Clatkiies 22 ee eee 57 
cinctis-04 0 ea 454 Wolter: 30 eee 275 
lnnnticus aoa eee 455 | declivis, Seriola___- 280 
pectoralis___-.--------------------------- 454, || Decodon=s.-2--2 se eee 425 
DOC Yee eee st one oo aaa eae 455 puellariss <a See eee preaheir: Vi 
PriGigitALUseee ns — oe ee ae 454 | decoratum, Bryostemma__---_--------------- 466 
ZEB tAS eee ee ae ee ee 455 | decoratus, Entomacrodus 463 
Dactylostomias-_..-.------------------------- 69 TRI 10 2 ee eee eae a eee 427 
lillie eae eS Re ee ee ae 69, 70 PromicropterUs 2202222 2e eee eee eee 317 
dactylosus, Paraliparis__--------------------- 404 | decoris, Doratonotus.--.-..----.---------_- =. 429 
WD mCtOTe eee ee ee eee 488 | decurrens, Pleuronichthys-_----.------------- 225 
dekayi, Oxyrhina----..--------------------- 19] défensor;:Caranx?- 6-222 -2- Sasa eee 273 
Dajaus: -.2---------- 5-222 5-o ase - aan ane 954 |. Wekayae ste} ee ee 357 
gniicrapss= oa) se-e=-= 254 anomals see ee eae 357 
monticola 954 | dekayi, Acipenser--.------------_ Se 34 
percoides--.__...------------------------- 254 Gasterosteusi..-2--4- oe ene 29 
dakotensis, Chrosomus ---------------------- 113 TSUPOPS She Soon ee ee ee ee 19 
Galli, Gobius:.---..-----.- 6 a nee nn 442 IPI .GiS =. 2226 a6 nee 213 
Lythrypnus.-..-.------=---------------- 442 Pimelodusve--22-222s> 153 

I DIT eee ee ee Sam re Ue Tee pe eae 172 Scomberv <2 258 
pectoralis 2. 225-2 ana o ees so2- naan anne 172 Sygnathuse se eee ee AD, 
dallii, Auctospina..-------..-----.----=---=- 369 | delalandi, Malacoctenus 459 
Pteropoaus. 2. =. on Se See eee 360. |) delalandit»Clinus2=- 22 Se eee 459 
TBP fe ts a nee SR St aD SL Be Sea 172 | delicatissima, Anchoviella_.......----------- 48 
Damalonthyse 2). oes eee 412 Umbrarne 2 eee ee 172 
AYE YTOROUIUS 22-222 ae eae ee annem 412 | delicatissimus, Engraulis_-.-.----.---------- 48 
CCG ae an eye ee 412! \déliciosa; Corvinia=2 22-22 ee eaten 348 
damalis, Carpiodess..~-~- === 3-2-2 103 Eybopsiscs=-i <5. cee ee eee 134 
danz, Xenophthalmichthys-__-.------------ 69 Wioniana =. ice oSe eee ee 134 
darienensis, Darienichthys------------------ 189: |) Delolepsis-eest i= 2228 cee eee eee 471 
Gambusia.3 eee 189 giganteus__..... a ee ee ee 472 
Darionichthys-. i2s2eee2-==----tt = EEBLEISO Virgatuseensscts: ee AT IE Be 472 
Delothyris--.... eh eee sate toss 220 

darianensis == 533-S2es~ 2 aa aeeweenen 189 


List of scientific names—Continued 

delphinus, Minomus---._-...-._____________ 
IR ARILOSROUS” se nee ts 5a Das 
LL eat 1s Sa era 

califomiensis:-=< 2.22 206 ie 341 

OWI: 22-225. So 8 Ts 341 

Overmanni = ea ines 342 

gracilis} 3230s 2 eI ROMs ere 341 

Homonymus: 2.2 5 ee ane 341 

letra vie aes 341 

glisthostomus sess os Cee cae 342 

Bemiabry: Apelltis: 2 oe cee, ia _ peruvianus-______- 342 
Grammatostomias__...........__..._____ diapterus, Amiichthys 297 
Hear: > ai tae ee A a al 7' eURCINAHUS = cy eS Pe 476 
Lito Gt Se ea Cea time TS = Tiycodps 2 82-2 476 
ABH GNU YR —- 28S een Oe. Lad dinvin @hirostombiess <2 2.2 1 magia 251 
ib lpureneckes™s 2203202 es ea Zoogoneticus-_______ 182 
Dibranchus. ____--.__- 508 

atlanticus_________ 508 

diceraus, Ceratocottus._........______.__..1. 381 

COTES a es Ss so ts a 381 

dpicerobatuss 2. 5ess 53 31 

Micholomiycters en ch. 5s) Ae 499 

iS ierolenp see as ae rene ete a ea 483 

Hileman test ss5. 55-539 9 es 483 

intrGuipra- 2 te ee 483 

DN GT ist ee a eh 483 

[iA 2 eee er Seas ee A eB 7 483 

Dicrotus, parvipinnis..........-__.____._.... 261 

diego, Pneumatophorus 

At SS ee ae 
CLD DL Ty A SS SR aap 
Gnpiertt. BOING... 51005. ie 

GUENMaMIN 752225 2 Aono ot ae 

CLT 9 i aa ae AAG Sac 
DREN OUC GR eee oan 8 ie, 
CS Se SS ee ee SNES Fy 

Le Tj ee a I ae 
2 eae 


OS cre say LB |) UL mesilenlls.. nn 
Spee Eo ann ion osaennnianduaivaiiawsye Th) A PMMAR 

diaphanes, Raia ENSUMACHIBIHB. Se. ye seis) Suge pe 
pe ee MigrOnneatiae. 8 SS ards 

Diaphanichthys novem-maculatus 

diaphanus, Calliurus_.._.---.......__....._ DUCES ern poe 

ae LON 5 et ON. punctatus____._. 
pO a Rae reticulatus 



List of scientific names—Continued 

schwmph=.. loos asec owncnkee ns eee 

Spinosissimus 686 oo eee 
SDINOSUS= 4) 7. 2ee es 
VOIrucosus=.~ we eeecss 22. ee 
Diodon plumier, le 
Diodontides 2. a 
diomedeana, Aphoristia---_--------- 
diomedianus, Hoplunnis 

DISCO eterna ee eee eee eee 
Print ee eee eee coe eee 

DADSMUS- Se 2. kn eee hee ee 

TOXEUSIS.- =. —- 
GT LGRE Ra as aS aioe 22a 

Diplectrumey--<s = -— f oe sks eee ee Sze 
euryplecttim.--.22--5--" Rect O 
fONMMOSUS Sas) Seas e see See ee 
MACTOPOMIA: Jost ha} ae Sa AS ees 
pacificum.<-5-2 2-5 22- -ne = eee eee eee 
re TOA) RB Te Ee cee a genre eee 

Diplodus= 22>. so22-2--s202 5 asqene enero 
ereenteuses 52225-5555 soa eee 
nerves! aide wen een o a ae ee 

OT RUS soos 32 os aoe So eee eee 

Signa, Bosebastes.. 225 2-2-0 ee 

NPS PDASHCDUNY S25 2e a — mae 

ee Se any eee es ees 
Sirongyiiira= >see See eee 
Dinterodons.-426 e438 eso ee 
dipterurus, Amphotistius-_._---_--- 
AOS TNTUS hess oe ae ere ee ee 
Gipns,WMicrodesmus: 5.5. 222002525222 teseuse 
discoholus):‘Catostomus: .-=;-.- 252252265. 55 
Duseocapna. 2. eae el ee ee es 
IDISCOPY RG saiicn a aes cannes cGew= eo aeeets omnes 
OMIMNALS ==. 22-3 oe ea one 
dispar); Scopclengys:. -2 2-5-2222 55-. Soenoeee 
DY SOMECLOS = os wire he tee 
Gispilus;Tridio. -.2 2-5 25-2 eos eee 
Plat yglossus:= .2G. 2 ee eee eee 
dispilurus; Centropristis.._-----. 25... ----U2. 
digsimilis, Couesius:...-2s--2-.--22s-cesaeees 
Leucosomus--------.--- Bn ees 

distinetum; Sparisoma--......--=2-- s25-2-=22 
distinctus, ACarus, uso 
WoureMms airipes- 2. 22s cease necece oe cate 

breviplnne..— . cp 2sscsectsose denon eee 

PECHONGUISS 2 oo ssaece pan see cae 
L617 GT: enn. aoe eee we SS ot tte ee 

MAIO DLAI A.W 2 =~ aed oO ea eee 
dodecataron, Occella.. io -cnccs2se52ateebeuee 
dodecaédrus, A PONUS .. vi oecc aces neeeeeeees 
Golign organs... 2.25 caacs oe aaneenseee 
dolichocephalus, Gobius_....-...----------.. 
dolichogaster, Blennius__...-..-----------.-- 

Rhodymenichthys-_-___------ ee weet eee 
BB fel :f0%s (0): eee, | oe ee ae eee eee A 

eyclolenis.....-- 2222.5 
dolomieu, Micropterus 

Molopichthys_2:- =: 2...-..2- eee eee 
anisacanthuss..- 5.2.2. 2scec0 ee ee 
gracilispinis- 2. <..=) 25-2 waco eee 
heteracanthus...2- 222) <2 -su see seae ee 
pine Bo ccdaes ei scanseeteeee eee 

dombey, Gaatronianniae 
dominicensis, Gambusia._---.------.---- 

nonin Protoporus..<2-522-5s4essnesaeeee 
Doncellas.3.-<2.-2s.4-- eee 
dorado, _Corypheena-. = 422-22 ee eee 
Doratonotus tevsedelceesessstsace ee 

moegalepis. -2--0~.<._-« ee eee 
thalassinus.-22..----_. .- 5 ee 

lineatus 62428 4 ea ene ee 

microphthalmus..-.--....-.----- £3 
dormitator, Platycephalus_-_.----._- =i 
dormifatrix, Hleotriss o_o eee eee eee 
dormitor;, Goblomorus-ce-e-e ee eee 
Dorosoma. 2. 22.0.50422, 2-2 ee 

Gitula.c- 2uc2.. Se eee 
Hybopsis:z-2. 2s<.-2200 eee 


Umbrina doe) eee — 2 ee 

dorsatus, Astatheros=s #2222-2s52s2 sone 

dorsomaculata,; Girella-:.. 222 22 See 
dorso-punicaus, Pomacentrus__-------------- 
DOrsuarius: oi 2225 52---226-5 eee 

lineatus _ -_- 
californlensisss !anceesnes=— =p ae eee 

dovii,.A pogon-2. 5252-322 eee 
Gambusiazcscc2-3-425225 2 eee 
Gymnothorax. 2. $2222 2222 ee eee eee 
Haplochilus-.. 2... 5.22 oe eee 
Heros 2. sac tena cated See ees 

Opisthoptertis.. 23.8 2s 232 eee 
Oxyzy gonecteS =... seca eee eee 
Paraconodon.Ws.2 2262 sees ao eee 
Parapeteuia® -25--45s5--— aan eee 
Poodiliaisstri ccs ase ssnene eee 
Pristipoma.- _- 
dowei, Anableps__..------ 
dowi; Lepterlus......2..-222 eee 
Thalassophryne-«. s2.2l. see eee eee 
dowii,, Diapterus.....2. 2 eee 
EX0COUUS id <.2-2020e2 5s ee ee eee 
Belenaspise. =. -...cS were e le see 
Draconettaies:-....-.cscasassastecess seen 
acanthopoma...w2c setsen6 aot eee 
Draconettidte.=_-.....22-2-teeet oe eee 

drummondi, Otolithu: a ae ee 
dtibia,: Seriolaiz:. n=... 2weeeaeese ee eee eee 
Gublum, Hxoglossom 20 22-sesesecuaneeessaee 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
Spon PAMIMNOGO VLEs =~ 555-5 ef ee ees 4504 We chinorhinustae=s 22 32-2 2 -4--- se ee ae 22 
NeinpANtpE sc Pee eS 486 DEW CUS aera a6 26 os ee ee ae 22 
RVPORETIMOEUR Stone sae so Is eee 309 ObOSUISE Heese = S— 2 3. SSeS en hee SCO 22 
RIM ee ee ee 309)}} eehinus; Digdont 2222 5-5. est ess eae 501 
eireciair GHISLOLOSLeUS. 20 - oe ~=neeeee eee 2787 PIECHIOdO Nas ao eee anne ee eee 486 
I ENTI 971 fe Dae ee a a ame CETTE Ee 278 GFumMMONG 12222555505 228226 Sasi eee ee ee 486 
SRIPRATs AUDANISOH <2 nt. eee pee ee 116 4) chiopsis<. «22 22a sre oe ee ee 88 
PRINOUUENN == ono 2 = seen Scene P59) 4 SCHIOSLOMA co cacctas cone sske os ae eee” 7 
LE TCIM po Shee OE 5 es See ae ee ee se 153 Darbatint<. 2.5223. eae 70 
SUIPOM IMG MINS <= ones o so 5 eee 182 Biarcarita.. 2255. s2s22555 ses See Se 70 
ERP IE ICU ee ee 182 Msrearitum 52 ssessecssss esa 70 
CONG do teta ny ee i ir er as oe 139°. ‘ectenes, Careproctus:- 3. 2-2 2 42s 2 403 
Titi ov ch eae ee eS 139 Whicroporen 2: s-= 24 245 See ee 349 
DUTT Re Lees ee Ae ee emma wo S00) aroteniss, Nranneus == 522.2 --s2as sss eae ace 265 
Cli) Os sil eee ae os ee 320 | edentula, Platirostra____.-..-.......-.---...- 36 
pig ha ing Ce ac ees 320 | edentulus, Cetengraulis__._.._........-.--_... 51 
ROTI set, = oe 0s St eee A ene 305 arigratiinn se aoe Le tae 51 
SINCE SOMALI: 8 2 a ee Dar MUNOlVCNNNS ssc o caso oo eo cee cae eee 508 
dumerili, TATNONIGHEN GS. 2 8 - S > Saeeeae 230 BCR Ghee os. a oa BE ee 508 
erarreee ern 59s 7 ee 2 eee 279) Sewerdly Noise = 222. Soaks 2S SI see 2 353 
POUGMIVEM SIE 2! ogame tn See Shis|) Gdwardal, .eanes.ao0 22. 5coo ee 269 
PE MOUNICIN 2 Pee ees D8 351 NUUDISCRS Ss 2525 oe se ects eaeee 89 
PRmIGae See nS eee 279|.eeltenkee, Mi ylidbatis-. 2.2.20 ee 30 
duodecim, Engraulis_...................-... 48 | effulgens, Athropora.....--.-....- 2.2.2 .e- 168 
erence TIrLHOprIstis. 2-8 22k ee 335 6 | tT nee eS eee ee eee ae 287 
duquesnii, Catostomus---..-_...------- 110 BOlBOsOMIs: coo her sate cence 287 
durvillii, Argyropelecus 7 Larimus_--- 344 
Ges UE of nc rr re ee 286 | eglanteria, Raia- 25 
OUT o ie ayes Tei ee i a i ee: oe 265 Raja-.2-.-8 25 
GL Sth SOS 5 le ees ae EIEN aS 278) | epmontis;\Anlie= - 22 3.25.0. oo ee 82 
ranetitierig SLONIRIH =. = ne we 46 Dyropbhisi 252543 Ra ee eee 82 
Damerisrinemitleet, Sn es 45;)|\ (epregig; \COneondas. ssncecs occa ss ee ees 118 
Gixoschnninimius: =. -----.-----.-.-= eee ABS ie lace (EE ere VR eee so 118 
SORERRTINIE PRR ee a 227 1) egregius) ie xecestides< ....-<. 2c cccnaccsoenone 454 
Guretta, Belistor 2: <2 = sen oe 408 
TLL al 2d k's SNS el a Ae eS Ae serpents Ske Prlorintiis Sees oe eee ee 408 
DLL SU Oo CO aes eee Se Sees EEN 373 | eigenmanni, Acutomentum_______...----...- 366 
CDT Reine ee ees Pe eee 373 GIighissonins 3. soos soso ni chee aee een eee 417 
Love Tithe eine dF aa as a et A reins SEIN Oe" Set NT 82 MEVRIT Res oo camencewiiteo- = ct sn eee 142 
Echelus caudilimbatus_..____--_------------ 7 GoblesOns oo sacs nasser ch eccneneeee 490 
POO ry iT - i. i a ee! 216 KODE, 2 ocho en aoe char wcben-seostecs 439 
MATRICES oo oo Sew cate one Sp aa ieee i 448 RRMOPODIOS s6- fac as cea oeawsnctes Soeene 439 
PERRET ess 8 oS Sc oo soe ee oes 448 RHINE! ace kascamccoask downs sree eee 490 
CG a aa arte Fes 2 EB ey 448 SenaECOUGR 3 cose ane =a ot eee 366 
TU Ge ne Sap ae eer ae 449 SPDIATH nade sao aie ee wk oe ae 417 
aC | ee a I ne ED IER = FE 449 || .Rigenmannigs 2.2. s6-~ 22-525 nk See 101 
SU ee eect s 449 Virescens.... =. --- de akan heey cae ee eee 101 
eur rtens Sp ee PET NOS SEES 449 | eigenmannia, Anchovia.-_---.......-..-..... 50 
UT con SEN: eS ee ee eas 449 Anehovialla. 2202s aacoa oc 50 
a Cte eS ee ee ae gee ee ea ie 449 7) Gisentl, Cheraevdon> .- 3 5.ucc22 ote boas cee 183 
aes 449 | elaborata, Mureena-------.----.-.-.-----.--. 93 
iy GA a a ee Aah oA --- 449 | elaboratus, Gymnothorax_-_-....-.....---.-.. 93 
M49) SGAU Es 5 oon icaaceer sahaua unsere eke oes 281 
448 AUlANT CH oes ase sel te a  E 281 
449 Divittaleooceeseedansenacteace 2 esecoe 281 
448 {RicipINNiNe: Ws seus wrtessoanckes cae 281 
448 thalanerlida 2655520532 San ee ee 281 
449 NOH in seonacudtecawswsutaccesbens 281 
449 pondicetrisanit....2<sssn2s.wdre23e 281 
ADO I> Blscatinnias + 22. Sussendsemacssce Jee 442 
449 GORENG aan wee ara aed 442 
GAT WW WINSOLIG Cawecct conc sel aca dacces ss ae eee oseTe 279 
449 Dipinmivlatniso. soo 2ac.32-2 55. sata Sa 279 
PTR | LNT ce Ra OR See a eee oe cee 380 
MOTOR so 2505 hoes beet Secetme sae ae 449 Oi 7 2 ey eS SEs oe Be 380 
WOT OLOG fos ees el eee 440) | IB DHOCOLUUN: sxakuen oven coha~ bees neers 389 
PLL es Se eens BSS ee nes te MAU! MIB DNOWISON: oo scbascaunvscsesceerueet ees 271 
sexdecim-lamellata_-.-..........-------. 449 [avira (151 f=) CE ee ee. eee ays 272 
Sp renerant. 225 es ece eae eee oen eee 449 FUDOt nas 2seeeme es owas enna tee ae are 271 
2p EM |, ae ane ato 25 FSET TE A600 | TEIBDSODMIBS oes saw anig oases nea sec eu eae 87 
Tetra pruroriit. 52s 3 ons a kad AD) iO MIBSINODPANCUMG youd so eet. cUcoeesn sence 10 
PROPIA. 3 95a cea ae ee AAD: |, Glasaochir, NOtmrUSs 0.252552 52 we aunts uae 156 
VERUCAUB Ss ao on a4xndne eee Eee AA0 TM RGROONNOUSLeae = cuca oc awe gue aoe ute saeee aks 402 
WAC rel So a macts nara epee Ae Sa 449 ISIS BUMONIS 5200. eee ees eee 402 
a aoe rea dns wh sdk oa a el 94 | elassodon, Hippoglossoides--_........-.-..-- 222 
COG ot Sancho iva ieee ik aoe 4S TC MOINBSOINE Lt to tae ak nes sada. ca eidba daa!) GOD 
COMMONER. oo senna sateen Moe we 94 GV GPGINUON ee canes he pecs osu. ise ade’ 305 
COONER Sw rra nan dtihiionanaesnn dies tan 94 LOMMACenceuawbeddatesnaas waa c anu Camebaent? O00 
TRV IMORID its os saws ase el 94 POUR waweeie cones soc <nabunwenened |) SOD 
pore TE a ey al pte (RI De Ee Es De. le OlEsACNieedeteits nts. 526 .5-neansausboerert) OOD 
po Ae Os De A AS ihe Sires Pao InAB ee aa acs bata. «ann at a acased baeidine 328 
ae See eee OL GlACOr ry NIMItNOh ct ccdbnccatan sn vesacneneunuee 507 
oles aa eas ae ok 94 LAINE Ta Se SE es I RE A Set re Se leet 507 
Oberon, Lelodons 52 -~ venus devocase.ct sae CGO lL) Gt ee re EER EE 41 
OGTNTIA, BOOPDONIN < cu caes cheba cenccnceaenune Bee ET MUL LA OUTING co Ne can scndlnas dona cweule tend 345 

Bebinorhinidss. .. .cccvovcvevecenss evivaedvee” a Sirsa we ewaseveceenyesaan soveseweunt (Tate 



List of scientific names—Continued 

elattura, Netuma-.........--..-_-..... =.=... 149 | elongatus, Luxilus 
Glatturtis, ATiUS-~ --—-—.-2—2-n--===-~-~—==—= 149 egalops 
elcapitanense, Syngnathus-__----------------- 242 Ophiodon 
elcapitensis, Syngnathus___.----------------- 242 Osmerus 
electricus, Rhinobatus--_-..------------------ 2B Pomadasis 
elegans, Cottus..--=--.-.-------------------- 381 Pomotis 
GY DDOSUSS soon e nce se enna ene eee 339 Sebastes 
Oyprin0d00 = 1a =. aes =n -- aoe ee 181 Symphurus 
Gasterostens == 22--- ooo. —2 2 oe = eee 238: || Hm lopide= =~ a oo ee ee 
Gibbonsia-----------5-.--._-- = ae 458 | Elopoidea 
Gila rosa a eee ee eee 114. \| Wlops.2e-. 4-2 -.- oaasce coke ree eee 39 
Hepmulon. 222222225525. -2heesesee eee 329 hawaiensis..-2-22-- 2 set ee eee eeee 39 
Tridio.) 22 ee ee ee eee 427 INeTMIS..2 nn = oa se awee ee 39 
Kyphosus-.-.-...-.----- << --2--=--3--5== 339 SATITUS il 26 2. ee nee cee see ene eeeeeeee 39 
Labeo-.--------------------------------- 109 | ‘elacens) | Synegnathus--2-—- -os-ceeeeeeeeeeenee 241 
Mesoprion-------------- eae ee 328 | emarginatum, Seérus_.-.......-.----222----- 433 
montereyensis, Gibbonsia--------------- 458 | emarginatus, Lobotes_...-.------------------ 325 
MYx00@S 23-0 == -----5-=---—-~-e= ne aa= == 458 Rerranus)— ote. eee ee eee A ieee 315 
Nanostoma---------- 289 228 
Orthragoriscus 503 228 
Pimsloprerus.-2-2---=---—- see ew 339 411 
MileeingSe = ana eee eee ene eee 209 412 
TIA WAG Reece ee ene ae ee a ee ee ee 210 411 
Eleotrid#----.------------------------------ 435 411 
Eleotris------------------------------------- 436 411 
BbACHIUS enol oe ee eae ane ne eee 437 411 
437 411 
436 perspicabilis-____-.---.-=-==--22=-=--=-=- 411 
436 WODDiGs soso keds ans ces aceeeeeee eee 411 
435 |) Wimbiotocidseass.-suses-oeeeeee esa ee eee eee 409 
436. |) Hmblemariat2.s<-cca0ls2- o_o e eee eee 464 
436 atlantiCasci-.-2 Le = eee eee 464 
436 Matkils joveves=asca0 ee be eee 464 
436 Mivipes we. see se- aes 464 
437 oculocirris----------- 464 
435 DaNGiOniSessacesseeen oe eae 464 
mauritii--------_.---------==+-- == 268 | Emblemariide 464 
mupiloides-----------------------+=-__--= 436 | emblematicus, Gobius_.--------------------- 443 
omocyaneus----------------------------- 436 IMicrogobiUS:2<-22224 == <a) == - eee 443 
perniger - -------------------------------- 437 GCAaTUS= 22. sscoen Sas ae eee 435 
pictus----------------------------------- 437 | embryum, Allocottus__---------------------- 391 
pisonis---------------------------------- 436 Oligocottuss=s22s2 2555 sscse a= 391 
seminuda-------------------------------- A38) || mpryxio2- 2-2 esas ose esses ee 473 
seminudus--- 438 CrassilabriS. 12 2cs-2snese sees ee eee 473 
SiN82=---—=-= 436 CLObAlINUS = ooo e ea soe eee eee 473 
smaragdus 437 Patallelus:_.2- === ssasseoe ones eon 473 
somnolentus 436 | embryx, Gerres_------- 342 
TU DU ariS=-- 2-2 s2e25 2-22 n =weewase 437 | emilie, Opsopoeodus- - 115 
elephas, Squalus----------------------------- 20 | Emmeekia--------------------------- 428 
eleuthera, Rabida.--..--.-------------------- 156 VWORUStA tL 2c. se Geucdeo eee 428 
Bleutheractis..------..---------------------- 316 | emmelane, Arius 151 
coriaceuS-.-.--------------------------=---- 316 AV@rruncuS:..-.<-2 325 5228-S2seneeee ee 395 
eleutherus, Noturus- ------------------------ 156 Tachysurus - ----------------------=----- 151 
elizabeth, Lepidosteus-.---------------------- 37-0 Wimmelas en see se seas soe eee ee eae 364 
Elliops--.----------------------------------- 151 glaticUS..--.--------=---=--4==------cn~== 354 
ellioti, Thorichthys_--...-.--.-.-+-==--=----- 422 | emmelas, Lepophidium---------------------- 484 
elliotti, Diabolichthys----------------------- 32 Leptophidium_-------------------------- 484 
ellipsoidea, Lebias--------------------------- 181 | emoryi, Gila_-------------------------------- 114 
ellipticus, Chatoéssus_.---------------------- 46 | emperador, Astyanax_--.-------------------- 97 
Cymatogaster--.------------------------- 410 Bryconamericus------------------------- 97 
PlatoplTySeoscesenee- eee ee 217 | Empetrichthyid#---------------- epee Ueys 
Pleuronectes-_.-.--.---------------------- 217 | Empetrichthys------------------- Sei Ue 
Ellops--------------------------------------- 34 merriami-_.----------------------------- 182 
elongata, Anchovia-------------------------- 49 | empheus, Eosobastes - ---------------------- 367 
re ae Pb TT aS eR Cie ct SabastodeS.2-..--2--cscceeeee seen 367 
phoristia ornata var-------------------- 5 Himphycus.2--s.--=~ odes eee teen ease eee 213 
AWODSUTLIB «i on one name en eee eee 83 emphysetus, Bagrus (Sciades) -..------------ 148 
Leah iA RRR FRIED USERS 477 Sciadelchthys...----.--.-=a7==-psssnemee 148 
Geaainns Sumeurnerges same 4} | encmomus, Gobius----.--------------------- 439 
ie PaaS 190 Rhinogobius--...-----.----2------------= 439 
Win britianes co eee 351 | encaustus, Chapalichthys=>--==-se02---=-eee== 184 
Tinbenla fs ss. 5 ee ee 35] @haracodons si <2 4 take eter seen eee 184 
elongatum, Gonostoma 72 | encenade, Rhinoptera_..-.------------------ 31 
elongatus, AuJophallus----..---------------- 190 | Enchelycephali------------------------------ 77 
IBramoghar Akos. sea es eee eee eae 99 | Enchelycore---- 90 
Garpludes sees nee ae eee are eee 104 euryrhina-------------- 90 
IOAtOsLOMmne esse ce ee eee eee 102 nigricams----------------- 90 
Olinostonmus-—2 >. 6 ee eee eee 120 nigrocastaneus-...--.-------------------- 90 
Cyclepitises-22ee = 252 5-- o eee een ene 102- | “Einchelyopus=---+--se---->5---<-ee==— 209, 262, 473 
Bivicinostomus= 292 oe = on oso a ween anne 341 WINGICSNS eee ee aces eee a nae oe ee 218 
ealiformiensl$ 2-22-22 oe co senee 341 Barbatusecsace) sc cest eee anes ees 479 
Hispanicus 368 (ish10 5) |) Oman te te eS Ne ae 209 
Labeo-------.- 109 MOGdItervANeUSo. oe ce cnes eee =a eee 208 
Labichthys 83 POcdlisio,cscccesceceesseeseeae= =~ aan 213 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
enehrysurus, Chromis_ 22-2. 2282.2... 22522 413") -mosebastes'doant:: 2201202 = See amhte A Sale 367 
PERC GOR See ee en ee 413 diplopross=s.3 = x oe eee es 367 
Pie Sle SAE ee See ee ee as 47 empheus-efecdes<cd | eee ac es 367 
Lg Pee I eee 180 366 
iapimesyephiclop een be Ae Sy ee a 47 366 
engraulinus, Photogenis leucops____________- 123 367 
Loe) Th ee a a a i res a 47 367 
argyrophanus 48 367 
prayis 423 a 51 67 
brevirostris________- 51 358 
choerostomus 48 | ephippium, Chetodon____.__.__..-.-_-.=--. 359 
“CLT y hea) (0 (a ee en 50 Ploctropomiac ges: 5 22 2 eee 321 
PELORSTING ote trae es ES A 7-0 ep hiDDUS Pipasa nase: Cow. eee eee 358 
CRUSE Ret as ae se ee aah 48 A ZOR SOUS. = aso ee Se 4 S58 
delestissimug= i= 57h Ss et 8 45. |; Wpicopus® 22-2-2ss2 25-282 22 3s 2e5521l tie 214 
iG re eS eee, 3 eo bi | eplcurorumsChromis:: -- 242.22. -2- seat be 280 
Fayei 2 Uhh, tere eee yee oe Soe ee 45°}. Jopippichnnyeseen ese 2 od Dees Dol ey 469 
MApHiHs et toe 5 = 8G) tied = ot 51 OMPONURDETCUS: Sooo eo Eee 469 
PLOSIPDN Ss satire 2 sh st e523 = SS Si) eepigonichthyidte-<: = 235... lc 7 
p19 Oa) ee ee ee oe Bee Ble) mepIeGHUse S25 528 2 ne 5 CN 296 
Ji COE a rr a eres 48 macrophthalmus* <=: - 222+ S225 Sse 296 
rRPIRR rig se BRAG ee 48 Geaidentalis. 5-9-2252 5525 296 
macrolepidotus 50 | epihexodon, Petromyzon 10 
prot) a5 4) hiepinepualus afers 5.22 os 352 ee 312 
WiptGax 4-3 Sst Ag Wpnepuee dss ss 2s Cae 1 5 308 
Hy 0 eee ese SN) RL Te 1 Ts) 9) 002) |: Se ee a a a 310 
ih Se ee ee ee een 47 BURCH MUNIN eee. .d 5s tere at. SEA 310 
LU CO CS ee eee 50 ENACT oe eee a oe ea pre SOS 310 
Se CTE 2 Se a i re 47 GURVIAUUEDNS =o = 86 a8 620 5 Se ce Se 311 
NMI en aS os Bo 8 oo os cone teaka 51 DIAG ySOMn se 2255051 see be Sos et 311 
TAGUO tee Se To os sukseee 50 ehalinins 93802282 us: AS. eee 315 
upinepiene  5I8S n S o sSe 50 GUAGHS 32552 Je sa Payee SoS... te Te 365 
a Ss en ee ene eens 48 CODANUS S324 5225 oh eee 311 
engymen, MOLGRATIP PANG Poe os 51 drummond-hayi 312 
OA nt re Lee 220 flavolimbatus 311 
CES ET) 220 BURP is eos ss eek. Se 310 
Vastets 101111 | oo an ee iS ore i 303 PU Ly Oe CS TERE eee eee oe 0S EF 311 
ott cae, 1S es ree _ Sam 304 i (iS) a ee en eS 314 
TRENTO CM 58 Sta Ss ee 304 labriformis__ 311 
obesus_____ 304 latefasclatus ___ 310 
pinniger___ 304 111 (| Re ee SS oe te Oey ey Pe 313 
Enneacentrus_ 309 STOR Nal He ena ots oye 2 Rr a 310 
DEIR OOUSSE sv ira aft Fo mete 1S OB 5 458 p2[i [7 7: ES ae ae nae er CAMS Se SPs 310 
Enneapterygius 458 SUI er eg 5 eis 311, 312 
Cor a ie Pee eet ee 458 IGRUACUTS 200 5 se sates tS Se ae 310 
ji Sat BPS rea pee eee 458 TD UM OIGs 2 a ae, eee 312 
qa i ES Sey ar eae DEP eEe Se 309 TIRE LN GS iene se ee ee eee 311 
PUT UL TS [1 ee ee Ae ee a 309 ODCINGEGR 252255 So ee eee 311 
TIO iw es 2 Ae oe es 381 TRISH OR seed sot aa a 314 
Oba SE SS, St nee ee Pee 381 MERIT Se eee ogee et ee 309, 315 
oT rs Sr eerie oe eee 381 ROUICHIMEL & oo 3955 Oe es ee ee : 
Miinilord as airdialla= 2452-0: er 345 ERA DIS es er See SS 
enrages Bos ee es et caer ay Ropuiririta a es oa oes 
ensiferus, Centropomus 306 magistralis__..___ 
ensis, Gaidropsarus_______-_..._______ 208 | episcopa, Dionda__-_-__- 
Motella________- 208 | episcopi, Brachyrhaph 
Sphyrzena______ 255 Granite 552575 Bs ase no 
entemedor, Narcine_ Oar oo CC ES gel nn ae Soe eS IE al 
Entomaoroduss.o 2. 2 1.555.352 5 See 463 RSENS os eat tet 5 se ints sone 
pli c ata ir CRSP Sept eee ee Sanat na Olen aS 463 OUI MND thin 2h 5, 2 Par oan hg hee eG 
(CPUC Be te So Se es Se ARTO UNO GS 5 02 eso do hind aces oae ada a Senet 
5 2 Oe ae RRs eee ele 463 | epsetus, Anchoviella._......._-._....--..--.. 
TERT RUOUS ieee so s8ddd osu uaa oak 463 Ta) gh RAS SOE. PTE Lee 
dane. 366 | EPtatretidme ————————-----------2-----n-n-e0 
ROUHBSIONGNO Reis. S55 oe en 366 sia 7a isis segrevalaeosaie “ia be SIE 
entomophagus, Leucichthys____-____________ yl Bee es Cee Sn eae rears 
HENLORD MPUIBS el 4 tee og ee 9 Ln eee er cea Siehetetetalahatatattetetetatetatetate tater 
Pa LiCy1 ele HM awe Sede i OER EEE 10 acuminatus umbrosus 
tridentatus a5 9 POLLED Wc UT so oS ep ee a ae Se 
UG IRAs sat oetiedada sd oiesn ech 445 cu ino ogee ea eepen eee eea yore dss 
seminudus 445 anceolatus........-....---..------------ 
Wipatttieds so .acsc. 58 299 Ube (ori aie ED ESO ce ey et el 
Nouri 53 os 518 222 Lata ooioielaieiaiaisietetaiaietetsieieieisieieistetieteiietteid 
eos, Arbaciosa 491 rae atus.----.------..-------.---.2.-.- 
Boleichthys.-.- 294 VlOla. ---.----~=~-----~--~---------------- 

wi 2 ick litt), Bent eee Re OE eer Y pitty | /ECIS 1 ct Se | ES eee eran eae 

CERNE, aos cts sh prs Pe ee ee 491 Hs AER rete ition gid Sg ee 

VENOUD DE. sacchh its 295 a d.t on Ce Pied LU Cis) SI a Sl eee ae 
PYOMpLograInmMdges bs. sw c- ote Slee 322 | equirostrum, Scomberesox............-..-... 197 
BODNSLOOGS: ene) Scceidiate wasn 52 565 ne 368 | equisetis, Coryphsena.-_-............--..-..- 265 
SOpAstomititic, M10 nantes 22 ood Paoal| Bousr Chy eso) eh a ane aren oe Se a 323 
Pe ers CEN ASI 366+) erebemnus, Amieturus.......-.-...225...-s005 153 
GUNGEA fi sate tended ardsetatodee ca GOUT | LEVOUUA VLUE PONG soos scedcc baseennnodsobos 92, 93 
CROs see sin nde Breton ehnacon atta oOo Etomopenes, Pall. co siswacodee son oedeLaae 58 




List of scientific names—Continued 

erothizon, Arothron==-<=5.2.-~- te en 500 
Mretmichthys==<- 25 22s. sa.coe5ese- see 481 
Gell a2 2% | Sak ee Sh ee ee 481 
PiInnaWSs-.S25-~s seen noes See swe Sees 481 
eriarcha, Atherinella 
Gopelandia..o2- = 252-2 ss. lewssca~seeeeees 


g@ricymbs; Scien al 32-25 sis eee 
Stellfersee-s = oe oo ee a ae ae 

eniensis, sAreyrosomusa2 22.222) 2 ie ea 63 
eucicnthys 2252 ~ 2 asa SS 63 

HORM DIG tie soe sateen a= see ae aes ene 373 

_ monacus 
HTM VS Lak oo soon eae ce ete ee eee 138 
Gissimnwis 3222222 eS 138 

Fatty 6 (2) i ee ee Se eS ee 109 
1 SEE y= 2 ee ice Se SE Se 109 

ITING@MUS 2-222 sso ae essee es --eneeaee 
Vans | 325 eee eh = eee 

labrosus --- 
TISClON =e aoe soos eee ee ee 

MIG HLOSUS = ee ane ere ee 355 
PANVIPIMNISs foes ee ake eee eee aca 355 
peep 1 bee es Ie 2s ee 355 

erithrurs; Caranx:--. =o oe ee eee 

erochrous, Hololepis 
rope 28 ee 2 ee eee 
PTIHIOSLATIA soe 2s oS. cea Ree 

CBICUSUIPINE orescence etme te senanaan amen 
CHIOTISIA = sons ee sean anon ane seen eae 

SOLIMOSA 2 aes ene ene eeeres 


CLES ie aes Bee aaa Aetna 

SUE OG ae ee Be eee rece aoe 
VHIBNCISNMOS Zoe scene woe eee waeeroseaee 
EITOX 2 5 eee ne sense ek bee voece enue 
ZACHITTIS See ee one ease ae ee 
Prychtitiys -) 5.2 ee ee ba eee 
erythrioum, Astatheros: 2-.22502-8 2224 se2eoce 422 
Brythr ies . 22.2 228) an penne eas une eee 
erythreus, Heros_..---- 
erythrinoides, Scarus 

Erythrinus brasiliensis. ............. SeJssese 99 
macrodOn 2-584. = anen ose eee 99 
microcephals sees... cnc -eaee eee 99 
trahing 322.2 ee eee 99 
erythrocheilus; :Alpula:-:.-..2-.2--2 cee cee 40 
erythrogaster, Chrosomus.- ---..--.----.--.-- 113 
UWS ates ote oe Sesto ca cUS oe ene 113 
DOITANUS Seon oo eee eee ee 312 
erythrogastrum, Poecilosoma---...-..--.-.--- 291 
erythrops) (Gobiesox.--ce oe oe eee eeee eee 490 
Tethelis:.- see ene ee eee 303 
SicyaseS S222... <2-02.40 220. see 490 
erythroptera; bimelodus 2 2-~ 2 cecceeseeeee 152 
erythrorhynchos, Salmol-2-..3- soe eeee ee eeee 61 
erythurus, Gatostomusys- 22-2. eee eee 110 
escambim; Zygonectese: 2-22 + eee 178 
eschrichtil, 'Oneirades =. 2. o2s-e-eecsne eae 509 
Bscolarss2-e ga - 8 oho ee ee eee 260 
TMPCR ee sss os ee ee eee 260, 261 
Fiolaceusi2s = 32° eo eee eee 260 
esculentus; @Caranguss2s--2=2- eo ssncee see aee 273 
Congersd=: = 74 tee owen eee 79 
Merlucius 214 
Eslopsarum... 250 
arge wens 250 
Esloscopus 455 
ZOOUES = 2= «So ecee oes onenese eee eee 455 
esmarikil, ycodes-.-- =. 2-2 =~ =e eee 474 
Bs0tidte:=: =~ ---seseisces-tennanens eee eee 172 
esopus; abe0--s.cs2ses225-52 20 ¢sssasesseeee 109 
estor, ‘Gila ois. 22 <0 32 on Seeeae eee eee 120 
HSO8s esate see oe ecole h eee 172, 173 
flavulus = 2: .2-<--35-5-6 5655p eee eee 176 
immaculatus:—.-:-+. 22-2) -- 26 - eee 173 
imperialis. - 0.222. .-<2--cecosae =e 197 
lineatus wo. 2822 52ecc osc eco ee 173 
JonrirostriS. 2=2-s-2---eens see 196 
luciusiamericanusso. sccenee eae ae eee 173 
Nicdld@S =. <2252-- eee asec ce 5 ee eee 173 
lugu brisé. 22oc-coe~- noes hes ee 173 
alabaricus. ooa-<ces--c=asssaceeeneesees 99 
MISTINUS |S ons oke: oon owt e cee eee 196 
masquinongy----------- 172 
immaculatus 173 
ohiensiS. .S-d. cee cceseseccnese seer 172 
NPCs < = cece esst es en- c= acne ee 173 
ale) o) 0b(0) a eee ee I a 172 
NODS. coeeccemcacness eee eee ee eee 172 
ONICNSIS.. 25 Socc0 ua sbssnsascseeedaeeee 172 
OIMAUS ss cnccesos nose oe ne ee eee 173 
OSSRQUSE caene epee eases Soe ee 36 
OVINUS: --cesce sc eeuesoocen eae eee 181 
Mh aleraits snare = eee eee ee eee 173 
Disculentisso sera ce eae eee ene e ee 176 
DISCICHIUS Serene ee ee eae ees 176 
POrosuS..-.-.---------------------------- 173 
SAUDIS soe eee eee been amen 
SD CU ame et a we ol ee 
[1}600)0 (11) eae na pease eer ce 
tridecemiinestus..-. .-.-2---o5 = sae eee 173 
LTIShO@CHUS: -s2555~-- 2. 0ce nee eae eee 38 
UI DrOSUS tee as 8 serene eee eee 173 
VOrmMictiails)222.2.- scaesensn=eeeneneee 173 
WittAbUSs teehee eo oe eee we 


List of scientific names—Continued 

STAC a ee eee ae IBLTUIMOUS# eee He sooe noes aneece se eeeees Su 
LESAN ELIT L228 ae ie ea a ee See SCUMIMBUNS! So eee ee one eee ees 
PELORIACH Aba a= ae oo naa Sane TMUIGTO PES = sss as see atacsh aaaae es coe 
esunculus, Atopichthys Sain nee <a ee rere were es ee Cals eee 
I peNIMGS = eee ie 2 ae SS eee Up (chit ee end See Fa eee eee 
BUCH DMATISR a one eS aoe es eae, Incanstanss2ss Ts sea ee ee 
LOTTE eae Se a cee ee se eee ae Cayuga 6 Sosa chasse mecce obese eee 
PEED eTS ss eae ae a ea Py SiNea 2 Loe een ee eee eee 
ROR IVEES Pee er 5 ote, eee es NGHAIBTOONS = sce) ne eee 
Cai ht CS Sees ee 3 Dubya ee oe a eee eee 

(GS ee ee 292 arfenteusiss. a5 soe e on Saree oes 
aubeenaubei_-_-_-_- californiensis 
australe __-..... elongatus_ 
TL ee ee ne Pee 
den (od > oS Ea i ee a es ae ee 
MACHR NWS os oe eee near ee eeee eee 
Mroductiy See eos en coe ee ame 
TOSOUICLOR UE Bee ee ee oe eee 
SGU O=E Ter oo ae es Se eens 
SUTIGRO UES toe oe se Se Oke Se eon eee 
WORLTALIS 22 = os ee ee ee 
| 01:76 1h 2: ee ene A RL See Se Br 
new berryi 
Vovate Vel oie Awe eee RE SRE At oe oe ee Saree 
LOST 27 C5 | ey RR ea ea SE: An ay SOEs 
LONTT D2! See Ss Me RN, GARR RR Bap eS 342 
DEUS ee eh ee ees 342 
SPO VALAIS: ois oc cutee wee 343 
CAPT hf: ee aS SRS Se 292 Miette tyr. 0 Se Se TE aaa sarees DA Re Sy 342 
LG) 5 Lg are Saree eee 293 1103 4 (CNG | a a Ge 343 
RES PENIS 9 3 ee ms AS 286 peta erst |: MPR ett fe! Peete aie See ella et tees 343 
PROCS OTC UERTTE 2S Se en os a BEY RUMEN vt oe ee oe ac echoed 15 
284 RGATHSOOMSIS: 22.25 Soe a See 16 
290 GODT VROR IS oe oe oe io pater 15 
204 | eulepidotus, Sphoeroides_-_----- cae eas 
290 Tetrodon (Spheroides) ___.- - 498 
283) || @ulepis, Microgobitis-_- 2 ee ce 444 
285) iiuleptorbampnhis.. 5° Se. noe 198 
287 Ley a a — i eS ae eee 198 
2 RDO WOO es eee te Sr kere crate 198 
292 IDTRILORURISS Seep ot em ace ontn te meee 198 
287 TPN lets a2 neo etal erent gs a eee 198 
902 | SMUNNESORTaUIMUN. = — a Jacnaccaa Seceas~nanncend 470 
DIET, poten ea ee ea 292 [e)f:- |: [tf ne Stee Spee eee heen ee aP = 2 470 
PTL GAs eS ee so eee RRs SRA | MINI OP eI oe oe Se 398 
CUE e yi Ae ee Se a 283 OU Oe ee ne a ee ee 398 
ncxOue Pualett A002 en conectoas 284 pajevesyain) (ats Mo Se DN ee El Re Ba Re 398 
RRIOBLAMLOTIO — te eee sack ec ue sk wee ie 286 BUITIDRUIN See toe ee aan sheers rae 398 
epee Eas RE SS ee” 4S 291 | eumorphus, Chatoéssus__.................... 44 
oe at SoS ee ee ee eee eS 266 4|. URED VOLENIBSs = 202. toot ose cee 500 
(bothosca) aj Pat (51 PRS ee MEE S see 287 bitaeniatus- 500 
2 aE eS ee Se MAL 200s | AMUBNGNCN OSs 4 -~.sbusnesccasnseeons 410 
Cis See ae ee ate 293 CHE 1G 0k: ae, ae AE el ABE woes cas 410 
POPE arse ost, Satan artn adn wate W034) GAR DOMAUONLLUS 2a a6s sa scewent coocactanseoas 413 
De fl es a ee CC ee 293 oe Nel 01 2S ee anes at oS Se es 414 
Oy Cot ae a nae ee 289 ERO Se oe tao nena uree Ree aks at tad er ees 413 
Wo) Sea a eee bre ee 200 Pi bes fs) 0 RE eae eng pe aia hE eenicy 414 
nt PORTIS os 5 Sp oe <a aS ieee 292 CONGRESS chor Ses oe a nee 413 
pal it] ti SSS a ee ee ees 293 DAV UAU Sa cen Caen pe tenn soe nea 414 
ib aoinsd Bat; (a_i i aS ae a 286 BAVLUOHLOLS sania acneecen bascuneeneeeaon 414 
Wiis oe DS a a a eee 289 PUBS os Sh eete aerate eer eran a 
WORDCINININ soo 8 oooh ae ndancs sauna 287 111 | | ESC IH Resa tt AP aaah RIP RD oie 8 
WED el IN DRINON oes naa saskoe ake 292 IOUCONUS a2 cos tee awe 
TEs as ou eee a era aE 285 leucostictus 
TAR oo a ie 289 nepenthe 

ethon, Syngnathus 241 planifrons_-_. 
Volts yor Se nits ae Se eee eee 21 rectifreenum 

eC C1 RB, OS SI aly aa Dua ARLIOO IMUM Sea see oan tatoos aban a 
etowanus, Catostomus nigricans__.......-.-- 107 ie]o/s, ol fecha ae DER aes sae eal eS 
WEMODUG s Salita cull dnedenne sc dn wee aiid dpa 219 (ict! SS ge ee eee 

ee in eee A Se eee 219, 220 holbrooki 

TN CROB ce oo auc \ ES, ee 219 holbrookii 

microstomus..... 2 oe a ae oe a 219 Voretaser ha tyl Ties See ee NL Leen ae ae 302 

SIMOCNE  cctabieedaceouiacsnntteandase foo 4) entopmens, “TTACHGtis ..cawcsecocnccsecscuwe 270 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
europceus, Aspidophorus---_--.-.------------ 895° | vorthedus-2 =... ee eee 438 
BlenwUS os oS ee he a 467 DIG VICODS ee ea ee ee 438 
Worymen: 2222. 525-3 ab ee eae 401) ivoxymetopon=-— Se eee eee 262 
PYNMNNG so A Ee 401 teoniatus: 22225 262 
RETIN VE VCUGrA AS es Vi = A ph re ee 91 | exasperata, Platyrhina___ 24 
euryops, Hudsonius 22-4 eae eee 132 -|\ exasperatus, Zapteryxs= -- 2-2 =. = eee 24 
euryops,.(Bathylagus +o eee 69\)) (excisus; (Dorgnhamp huss. 225" 8) seeeeee 243 
Teese a ae nee 37S il CER@CASELU OS! 2 = ae eT Se 454 
Miyxostomac 2 seb ueen s  e 1 @grepilisi. 2.35 ee ee 454 
Strongylurace oe hee an 1 FUXOLDOS 0 oe 456 
PE VIOSWYUS 2 oso as See ee Ree 196 asper 2 J 2 oo ee eee eee 456 
euryorus; 2A pomotis. sens. a ee 209 | exigua, Anchoviellas 223 = ae 47 
Lepomis 3 2os.0- eee 299 | exiguus, Bodianus argyro-leucos et__-_.-___-- 345 
WorypharvigidS.- 2 ee eee 95 Stolephorus:.- = eee 47 
euryplectrum, Diplectrum_________-_-_---_-- 318 | exile, Dorosoma cepedianum_-__-_______---_-- 46 
euryrhina.Enchelycote:22-2.2- = 90 Siphostoma.! 2 a eee 243 
unyst oles ses See o ts 2 ea aae ele 3240.4) -exalicauda; Lavinia essen ae eee 113 
OligrGhan 22 <tr nn ee ee 249 | emlis, Bolone-- = SS eee 196 
eyrystole; Stolephorus: 22:22) ee 48 ‘Boleichthys2=s- 0s 2e see 294 
eurystomsa,Hrogala+-1o toe a ee 130 Hippogilossaides: se Se ae 222 
nrystOmus se eS RE 107 Liyopsetta: -2628. -5- toes 222 
Surystomus,-Photosenis#e- ee 130 Notirus. ss 220 2 ee eee 156 
UISCATTIS~ 3 431 Rabidgos 3s oe ts eee 156 
TSchishOd ws 52 Ase SA es et 414 Strongylura- 32 Ao a eee 196 
GTIGIGRUS el EE Ra NS 415 SYTIiCteS coe a ee ee 243 
CORGOOR 5a ee fe ee PUY Ma el Op chocit: ieee ew. ORE Cee ne Sete 390 
declivifrons 4072 4.20 sss an ek 414, 415 rubellio.2.2-2 SS ee 390, 391 
TSB DAStES ies re eo ot ee See 363. | Cxinuus: Cyprinodonuss nae eee 181 
WO USCA CHT os oF as il as a ES 1)! “Bxoectida es Se ees 199 
ISDH UT so ee a A ee 18> )|"Wxoccstuis: bee ee a eee 200 ~ 
MNstomatedus 2222-2 e De See eee 270 acutOS sss ee ee eee 199 
Muthiy nis sae se ei ks fe ORES 258 afinisa e226) Lr a ee 201 
allstterdttig 2-2 ae ee ee 258 albidactylus-) 33S eee 202 
lineatys: oe 2 j= ne eae hen Liga 259 appendiculatus 201 
VR LO na? 2S crea een ness SER 259 bahiensis-->-=2 222: eee 202 
ney chelithus) 2-7 = 2 eet eee 352 bicolor-=2 2-222 4 - een  S eeeee 201 
Byvansi, ey bognAt his yee oes eee eee 143 brachycephalus:= -—- Sse see ae eee 200 
PV AREAS te de hey nes edo £9 i ON 142 californicus<2-2ece 2 eee eee 202 
PIFOHN ANT ss ot ee ne 142 callopterus=-\ = 6 eS eee 202 
LIAM WACRSIS a Soe ee ee AE 142 chiliensiso---2 2 Ss eee eee 200 
Hyentognat his eee eee 102 comatuss: 82 2 ee a ee 201 
SS yopicymnus>-2) eee ee ee 270 cyanopterus: 2) ee eee 202 
evetpladel) Plassomass= es. ake 305 (Cypsilurus);procné2 2 eee 201 
evermanni, Alvordins= 203-29 o eee 284 dowilitse ee a eee 201 
SATUS Oe Es ee ee ee 151 evolans2 23-2622 Se eee 200 
Astatheros® 2-32-32 eee? oe ee 420 exsiliens_ .< <2 Sep ae ee ee 200 
Atheringd 2253 > 2k 3s ere 246 fasciatus. 229-352 eee ee Bae eee 200 
A heres 2 Ue 0 3a ot ys eee oad oh ea 248 facormm 2 seo Ss ae 202 
Cheorid ase Sas ars pe eee 118 POT CAtUS= 2 8 se ee a eee 201 
Cichlasomas = 3 ee ee 420 POOrPiANUS 2240s eas eee 200 
Gongrosdiis: ). 2205s a ee ee 80 Pibbifrons= Se ee 202 
Gottus:.o2 3 i ee ee 383 Pryllus: {ee ese eee eee 200 
(Dis pi@tuis ae Ss See ees 342 heberurts2 22 Ss ae eee 201 
Hadropterus_____ 8 ate es ase ee 284 hillianus! =3 22> -=205 See See 200 
Hepretig ie PURE PR ESS ore eee 246 holubiz-- = 2 ee ae eee 202 
EGHCISCH S222 oe eee 118 laméllifere 4-2 22 ee ee 200 
MON At rea e 342 linegtus:. 2320 2 ee eee 202 
Sf Ji 00 (1 e Mee on eather Peg eee BER Se ed 59 lutkenl 22) 2 eee 201 
Bcardsss 9) egw ae ee Se 434 macuwipinnis.262 32 eee 201 
Synodtig 2 +s Fee ee eee 164 MmelanuTussssc22 Se eee 201 
Tach ysurus: 2 wa te eee 151 Mentos eae 200 
ED iyririgy: So 0 ees 2s 4 0s 9 eee 248 mesogaster. -220 25 eee 200 
Rryermannig: 2 oe eee 445 Microplerus: ¢ 2. eee 199 
longipinnis 2 ee eee 445 nigricans? ® = 2 ee eee 201 
ManamMeusiss 29. so ee ee 445 moveboracencist ... ee 655 See 201 
WOStELULAS. Si ee eee 445 muttalliss= 2220 oa ee SS 201 
Hyermannichthys:2 eee 446 obtusirostris.-.._2- SS eee 200 
metzolasri coo ae eee 447 orbigniantss:- ea eee 200 
Spolgicdla. See 446, 447 Darr fs ..f wl eee 202 
evides; Alvordiiss:32 20-2 ee ees 284 Quadriremusie:+ i ee eee 201 
Glintis 9378S ae tad ndioty esas. 2a 458 roberti-:- eS ee ee eee 201 
TOTICOSINA 2 SL ee ee IS 284 rondeletiic: 223 eee 201 
Plectobranchus.=---2 322 ee 468 PUDESCONS 222 =e ee ees 201 
evionthas; Ophichthus-: ----_ << ee 87 ruapinnlsss eS eee eee 201 
Qpfassitemus 232) po ee 87 scyliss tet eee eee 201 
TO Vi0b ee ee ee 438 Bpeciliger-—--2=.. eeeeeeeee 201 
PIP UATeS Ss =a eee 438 spllonotopterus-<-_ 22224 eee 202 
PeTRONSIA. 2.3. “see eee ee 438 spllopus- 2.2. 5-.: -... eee 201 
6vinrns Mteligh. "see oe eee 328 splenden§. 22-2 2-222. = 2-2 eee ee 200 
evolans, Exoccetts.. 2-3 2a ee 200 vermicuistises®.-.24>. aS ee 202 
Prionotus 22S a 407 VIUCICSUGIT =e oe eee 200 
Tridla -- 3423 ee ee 407 volador .4.6 43 es. eee 
Byolantia oo een ae < 199 Volitans 24 522220.--2- eee 200, 201 

microptera 199 volitens_____.... 
Evoplitess 2222520} oa eee 324 xenopterus:-s 2.232222. eee 202 


List of scientific names—Continued 

; Page Page 
Gare DSSENTT So 5s pee es eee 28s os ees 146s | eSClaitis.-A CHITUS #2 5. LS eae 229 
PERFIEDIADEREIT Soe ee ee Sao 146 ACh yanmar nn eee tie ee ee 97 
Ci ee ee OS ee eee eee 146 AUCH ERO DLCEHS G5 ooo Cec eee ee 457 
LISTER TH THiS 218 Salt Se aS oS ee 146 BalOdgnes pone oe Becca = roo eee 417 
iG TSUN Tet ee ee Se eee 146 Bogianuss—S- 5-C Sse ee ee eee 325 
TEP DLIOS = ieee Ses S28 es Ae 142 IBEVbUS? oS eer eee es 304 
RPL COC OTIS eee 6 oes hes TS Cae 146 Carin =<  e e  Ee 272 
Spmicepiaiinies al Ses tT ew eet 146 @ahOnOnis Aces es ee eee cA 293 
paresis. Wenge oe ae 424 @apostomiise te oe etre tee ee ee 109 
424 @antronotuss >< t= se ees 467, 468 
200 Gremnppates =" - 22) St ete 456, 457 
201 CpenoeonluS. se 5-8 2s ee 438 
200 Diplesion 293 
200 LS ee an 293 
201 Exocoetus e 200 
201 Genwonentss : o00. ee ee ee eee 351 
Sella StS SN See ey 201 (CAULEY Cy oT aes eee ae eee SEE ep 229 
mTOR Oni etre an eee ee ee 200 Eg aFITIHUINS ee kL ease eters oer S| 101 
Sxpansnins Oseracians ae be Se 497 ETP > eee es eee ee eS 362 
SEEN Te KOCOSLTIS <5. = =~, ose eee ee 200 Heminhanphis= see. none a eet ae 198 
LOST TS ee ee Ley Sie Be 8S 200 ORIN eet tee ic ee a ee eee 344 
“pe SB OTs (| [a rr pe ee oe 179 Nivitionhaeuse 543 5 410, 411 
DD ac See es ae ee SP eee 478 (2 (0) fa Pe a SEPA Pe ee 499 
Vo a i ie ee eee Ee = 179 Os 2 ee 468 
Dn) Te la ai gee aay Se eer ee 139 Pimephales-_.-.- =.=... eee eee vet 145 
YEE a yaa eae ES ee eh 139 PONIES | oa ~~ ee ak 352 
SoS AGO TE Se eae s eeeee see 370 eritnOdes ho = 2, te 319 
OTIS el Th ae ee ae Se Fe 148 VG so) Bae Ae eS a le se 279 
Safe er arr ar 148 Sebastes_____.-__- ; 369 
le) jsaes) (2. 460 Sicyases____.__. 490 
Faber marinus fere quadratus 358 Syngnathus ‘ 242 
mer, ©hetodiptertis.~.... 2a Lk Le 358 SOORGDYINOR oy ae eee eee 279 
CST ee Se ee A ae se 358 TRCUGIIO UIA = oS hens he ee 276 
fabricii, Banvy TOO ee on eee ea 75 PHN es ee ee 272 
Centroseyllium ee Fa en ee 21 MADCH GOR ea ne aco Le ae 279 
(Ol ol Sy Se eS Oh Se ee ee 209 | fascicularis, Serranus___......_.-- eee 318, 319 
Ce eS oe ae Se ae B70,.471. | masclole. Intacanthus. 2 oo eo. ee 70 
Loh 8 wid el a aR en pie iss USE Gas 400 | fasciolaris, Catostomus-__-____._- CLS Saeea? 109 
UMTS RIDIN = oes SS eter i Pee Se 471 Erweireers eg ee 126 
(SoU Se epee oS a Se 21 Notropis mpratilisc.teeneec ect eee 126 
Pee MOROTUNUS 6 keen eee ences 31 EEDAAUCHINVR: oc, cnc pmat Leche eee. 369 
fajardo, Auchenopterus-__.---..-.----.------- 457 PROUITIIINOIS | ck tbea tebe i? 2 Oar 
faleata, Agosia 141 }- fasciolata, Coryphmna__..-.....-2 2. 3.222. 264 
LSS: ee eS aes 1s (PIRVORS, GAIN YRedus. oo. kre eee 203 
yetero 315 7] eI LTT OE ee aE 461 
phenax, 315 | fecundus, Catostomus-........-............- 108 
OL RR EE A ei ey == No ae 280 Cineriinieeh 70 eee so ce: ee ee 108 
faleatus, Brycon Os FURNES = cocci an cae ee o_o See 147 
ea a a ee pee Seas a 271 itll (1) 0: Set i ASS Leah Cae AS 159 
DEIRILASRI SO ee ee ee 188 | felicianus, Cyprinodon___...........-.-....- 181 
Ca TL aa iN Sse oa Se a 271 Teferoios it ee a 181 
‘oo lo Se a eee Ses 2(02 | aes Pe eOlOU MA. cook ec rene ae ee 153 
8 Seeman apelin a PINE CEL SEE - eee 315 cope Un ae Raia es Sate TS ae sees FAN ose 315 
oe a2 See See oe eee 425_| felis, Anarthichthys_.....-_-22._..2-- 2228 472 
OT ROE Se, io eae ae 276 Galeichthys BSL PSMES, Sete Es ys SEES 149 
PEAK ES RES SR ens 280 UATE (2: SRI ae aoe Sp IE Ha E ET Oe 14 
falcidens, atiaiaitiven cea Bete Bes | oe 54 Paci Spe aS SES Ua eT, Les 154 
falciformis, Carcharias------.-.--~----------- 16 31) U1 1): fe a is PR ASE YS Sa See SS 149 
falcipinnis. Carcharias 16°} fenestralis, Artedius..............--.-._---.- 576 
281 I SECORS TORE eo, et Oe ee ET B76, 
Fal i Tanestrnte*GurOMIs= sa... 416 
142 fenestratum, Cichlaurus_:.=.--:..-_-_.-_....- 416 
142 ferox, Adopinartrns <a c- Zan 
fal 72 DCPAN Cho) 0101 0 fae gs epee, aap ee es Si aa ge 70 
300 en eae Ie NS OE nae 7 
~ ; ORINUIOUG Baers 2 nae SS eae ee ; 
ae Naucrates hd (atractoataa)es2.. 2 oa cE 
BB MDOP NACo hoe pee hae Seen eee 
55 EO Se ag oe eee sd 
5S SSLOUSINS 2 gee he oa 
SAL le Sere ep CA UIIAD GAG sets se enone een 
57 UL ae eee ae nae 
fario US SS a a as 55 | ferrugineus, Characodon 
’ o74')\ Testes eiauncindee 8 eee ee ee 
BPR ACES corte ea fey cee ee ay ey ee ae 
42 | fibulatus, Spinicephalus 
TG. |C RICCOMOD SS cadets ecs Fao oem aa ae ante om tae a 
192 ee ee ee 
231 DAE eet aes det tern ten om eaters abe 
189 arenicola_ 
293 borealis 
409 ii Niel adn Gi ehke sass lS e een cae 486 
TO Le GOrasier, LIV COGADUS Laas adackwhelwswasnbacnns 478 

Py oe a a es aae 638) |) mlamentosa, Dicrolend:>. 11 se woos... 5... 483 



List of scientific names—Continued 


filamentosus, ArgyriosuS._-_........------=-- 275 

IBrevicepS. <<. -22ea5 sas naan ceeseee ee 147 

Wemirampnus.-o-2o2eeec seco sae 199 

Teelinus =~. =... senasascaeen eee 375, 376 

Monascanthus: 222. _ 22. = eee 494 
Tarandichnthys -=.--2--<-2- seen saseee 

filifer, Dacty lostomias 

filifera, Anchovia____...----- 
Anchoviella. .... 222-2. -2 = Ses=saeee 
Chalintra-:.)-...- 3 eee 
fimpra, Anoplopomia= ==. eee ae 
Gadus: © oS ee eee 
fimbriata, Cyclopsetta. =. - 222225. seas 220 
TOVICSTl a 6 22-2 n ssn eann Sen en eee 162 
IRS A cee ecen see c ales Jose ee oe 32 
Squwatina...--.- 5-6 2-25 22c seat eo5+ I 22 
hmbriatus; Blennivs.—-2 oo Se 473 
ifemirhombuss_- ~~. 222. -=.5-- 8 eae 220 
Téelintis® a= a5 nec cone eee 376 
Paralipsris ...c2a2-c_ ssn oee nee oe eee 404 
Serranus 2). 25. = 25, oo oe oe eee ees 311 
Fimbriotorpedo----.------ 27 
firmisquamis, Bogoslovius- 204 
Macrurus= "222 =22< .take Ae eee ch ee 
fischeri, Chsetostomas—-..------- =~ se ene 161 
Cheotostomus—~--. 24 --- a eee ae AGL 
Stel Ci eae es Se ee ee 230 
TetragOnODLerilS.cs.e =e see ean eee 97 
ssa: Sel Ss ee ee eee 408 
Rais. 288 Oe eee eee 408 
fissnratus, Neoliparis-=- <=. 2=2~.--.2=s282-2— 399 
Fistularia 245 
commersonii 245 
corneta 245 
depressa 245 
immaculata____- 245 
neo-boracensis_ 245 
petimba 245 
serrata 245 
tabacaria 245 
WiLIOSHR oe ets rae co eee one eee eee 245 
MistilariiGg. 2s. - 4 Vo eee ees eee 245 
fistolaris, Klagellaria: 2 38225 es ee ee 245 
fstulata, Syngnathus. 2-222 2e~ 2. ee 241 
fistulatus, Synenathus—— oa es ees 241 
flabellare cumberlandicum, Catonotus_____-- 293 
lineolatum, Catonotus:-*22s:.2 222 ee 293 
flabellaris, Catonotus._-- 00.0 cossee 293, 383, 385 
Eitheostoma =. 22 -s-adeaeeee= 293 
flabellata, Etheostoma 293 
flabellicauda, Rivulus 180 
Mlavelania--s2 e882 wo ee 245 
PiSLiliatis sees eee 245 
fisrellum, Goniobatis..2..-... 2-2 eases 30 
134 ee ee eee ae ee le it 30 
Saccopharyur: = -65.2c-0sawonnsnseeeeeae 95 
PUSMMCD S255) oS 2 oc ac conenes sae 236 
THATIANUS = - ok sccen a sete aS 236 
Hammes) PHOKINUS.-. 2. - 2 eae eee 121 
fava, Congerimirena= = oo) eae 80 
ildebrandia—2 ses = Se eee 80 
LOriearia 2 oes Soot ae ee eee ee 160 
flavescens, Mesoprion 325 
Morone 281 
Perea----- 281 
Prionodes 319 
SGHMIS 292. 5. o> oaces eons Hoe ee eee 433, 
Séerranus* 2 22225. foe eee pes Soe LG, 
SPariSOMA. 22 5--5-200 nek on eos eaenees 433 
flavesny, Brosmeris-.....5-- 422s 22 ce pela eHs 
finvicauda, Eyporthodus_.-...-.2-cesmennene 311 
flavidus, Apodich {DYS 0. =. Se ee 466, 467 
‘AgHorhnyncbuss2. = 22 tos se ba Pa 240 
RBHASLOORS es So Ss 2 ot ee eee 364 
BODES LOSOMNISS Auto. ayo eee aes 364 
flaviguttatum, Lythrulon 331 
flaviguttatus, Hemulon_____...-..-_-- © 331 
flavilatus, Eupomacentrus 414 
POMmsACcenUTIB 2 So Re oe saeco wee eesae= 414 
flavipinnis, Hybognathus----......-.....-.. 144 
Pristigaster_..-- 2 cseeesas22nteneaavenes 44 
flavirostris, Syngnathus-........--..---..-..- 241 
flavissimus, Forcipiger-==2.222-= =.22222525— 359 

flaviventer, Eupomacentrus__.-.-...-------- 414 
RPomacentrus2.. -—. ... <=... 2222 eee 414 
flaviventris, Callidulus_-- 2-7 -.secceeeeeee 320 
wles*2---- eee 320 
flavoceruleus, Halocentrus_-__-_---.-----.-- 310 
flavolimbatus, Epinephelus_-_-...-..-------- 311 
filavolineatum, Hisemitlon=-_—. 2252-2 aeese ee 330 
fiavolineatus, Diabasis=_ -=.--_ 22S see 330 
IWhnllus 2225. S22c sec eee eecee oe eee 344 
Sargus= 222.002. 2. Sec eee 338 
flavo-lineatus, Pimelepterus_..........-..--.. 339 
flavopurpurea, Perca._......-- ee eit) 
Mavoscripta, Echidna. 28. 225-2) eee 94 
flavoscriptus, Gymnothorax ___._-.-----.---. 91 
flavovittatus,, Upeneus <2 2=_ 222. een e eee 343 
flavulus, 80x. 2-- 2-2 eee 176 
flavus, Turdts=> =. i222. 2 oe 425 
Noturus. 2.0: 2 a eee 155 
fieurieu, Ostorhinchns! ---2 221 ee 295 
flexualaris, Wepomis=_.. 2. 2. See 298 
flexnosus; Catostomus2. 22: 222322 eee 105 
florse, Neoliparis:=-. 2... See 399 
florealis, Platyelossus= 22.22.22) ees 426 
floridss,, Branchiostoma__2 200-2. seen ena 
vordanella-.-23.- 2 ae eee eee 

Siphostoma 22-222 eee 
floridana, Cichla 
ur? oe eee 
floridanus, Phycis 
Urophycis en coil ED, ae ee ee 
floridensis,(Calliurus=—.__ U2 Ue 
Mundulus-<22... 2.22. eee 
Floridichthys= 0). 2 eee 
CaIDIO. 2. Ue ee eee 
floripimnis, Haplochilis==- 2.02 =oeeee eee 
fluviatilis gibbosa, Perca 
Hudsonivs’ =... eee 
eptophilypnus..2 22222 eee 
Sargosomus.2~ ~.- 2-2 oo ead eee 
Tetrodon.:--. 2.000) -22e eee 
Modisdtor=s_ == oe 
MACULUS = 4-22 fea 
fodiator, Tylosurus- 2-22-22). eee 
foetens, ‘Salmo... 2° eee 
Synodus= _=2.2..2. 2 eee 
folitm, Poly odons2: 7-2 aan eee se eee 
fonsecensis, -Achirus 222222 2.22 eee 
Soleave2 22-02-26 see ccescees eee 
Bonticola-.232-0 o2s0 222 cae ee eee 
fonticola, Alivarivis:+--2222.5 002 eee ees ! 
Pundulus 2 ee ee eee 175 
Fundulus heteroclitus._-..._.-. 7222225 175 
fontinelis, Mo bReosStomise = eso ele oa eee 293 
Salmo. see oo ee 60 
Salvelinus..2022"2 le eee 60 
forbesi, (Cyprinella.__.- 2 eee 131 
Forbesella.s..-22.- 2. 20 =~ eee 194 
AgOSSIZIi.- 32 2 oo eee eee 194 
papilliferas -- 22 ee eee 194 
forcipatus,, Balistes.<_2<2- <0. 22>) ae eee 492 
HOLCIDISCI == oo = ann eee nae aa 359 
flavissimus= 02-22 25-2 a ee ee 359 
léngirostris® 4 a ee eee 359 
forficata, Bilantina. 25 ose nee ssa eee 380 
forlonensis;'‘Cyprinella = 222-22 eee 131 
INototrOpiS:. .4.-.-S- se. 2oo es eee 131 
formosa, -Algansea -si=. 72e eens eee ee 122 
Wrogala. 2-2. ace cc nese eee 129 
Quentberidia2:_<.2. 220 eae 500 
Heterandria_. 2-22-2252 eee 188 
Dolmiae: ee ee eee 
Monianae sasseeee.= 
POlCAs. = sac se cee ate eee bee 
formosulum, Campostoma_-_-_-__..-----..--- 147 
formostim: Hssmulonl-22= 22s eee 330 
{OY MOSS, AU DULNUS — 22") Sle eee 129 
Anthias® 5.00 20 ee eee 330 
Callinurms 2222252 £22 2 eee 299 
Cottus= =) >.-0 2-32... eee 386. 
Diplectrtums- 2-22-22 5 ee eee 318 
Wolacanthus’ 2-2_-:- 2222 ce eee 361 
Sipbateles _—_ =... eee eee 122 

Tetrodon™--cocncnne nso se eee eee 500 


List of scientific names—Continued 


formulosum, Campostoma._-........--.----. 147 
Farsknlic Air gee te ne we cence 39 
(CLIOSSOCD Se een ae nase awa 40 
apes Pare) AL |e) FU frie ook ce ee ae 40 
Beomperciakee sn eee tee 197 
forsterianus, Catostomus----....-..-.----- 105, 106 
TOSSOF,, ICH YOU Zane 8 9 
fosteri, Priapichthtys"22-.- -2.--..-...-.---.. 189 
AAAcuIAhIS, DIOUON =~ +=. seen een -aoesc 501 
frasisy Citharichthysec-)- oo neon eeu 3 - 218 
TPeROUTES oe ee oe ee 206 
LR GRU US ee ee ee ance 206 
TEAM GISCL. COSLraClonin ser oe eee ee 10 
GpyraplenrodHg: ee ee ae 10 
stoped bith ROG) ngs C Ue Se Re ae ae ee 385 
GEE GHOCIGS een eee eee a ne ee 227 
fraterculus, Mylocheilus.__...........------. 112 
fremebundum, Hzmulon____________- 329 
freminvillii, Aétobatus___ 31 
DEVOURS 22s eek x 31 
prenaise -bomcarias 22-2 e > 2 PO 162 
frenatus, Brachyistius-_...................-.. 409 
SG LSE Ee ale ati iT ae Oe See tint did 427 
Riignisieiso =). See ae es 395 
RMI ASE cece et a PA xe 5S 395 
TS ee a Pe a ae ae 375 
STM) OS EE eee Te 375 
TRESS ELE DODSIS ee ee eee 129 
MPiPEHin, JeLNGOSLOMa..— - 22-222 eee 291 
WOVSDOT TT ST Sia aa ie - ORI is 291 

ist Taim(dity?1 01) OB 3 C91): i oir rn 418 
preemicnrtipes. 2620 2 a 418 
Pee ONG eS coe ee 131 
Wo EES VETO TS Co i a a ie aia ae eens 474 
iroepell, Amphiophus —........-.--.....2262 422 
MUMGGBUM SDarIsOIMs.... =< 5.-.--aesue5 433 
Lo LG Ss CORT oh ie i i ie Pn ee, Beet Li 433 
frontale, Divan © she sac. 3 417 
Rare CMe 2 es 273 
Cryptopterenchelys._........-_-......--. 85 
COLTS 89 25 ee eee eg ak SSE 225 
OIE Gates ee nd ee 128 
Ophichthys (Cryptopterus) ___----._.--. 85 
1G) ER EES ere 408 

LU eee SE ee aie ae 417 
fronti unicorni, Lophius_.._.....___._-----_- 507 
fronto, Carcharias 17 
MetuenL ye 222... 83 
frost, .Gadus-:-_.--_--.--... 210 
fucensis, Liparis_--.........---- 400 
Pollachius chalcogrammus.__--_-- 209 
Co. Si AI eS afr fap Se a 209 
FCUrI A POGICNtH YS... ... 2: eens 467 
ULE Ti yelping aad oS ile 461 
oT ira) a a a a ae eae 202 
Lint a2) 0) Ses soe a eae 202 
aoe REE NEE ES EE Ses SRE 467 
ryote SALE 75) oh 1s ge ie SS i ae 345 
PE MTIO TINGS ee tase oe ee 234 
(yt NG naa a ai = — al 323 
OMAP ONODLGLNB. 8) occ cdeweeeu 96 
SOUR SRC eed ee 147 
POLES TA an SS SS a aa 491 
CO) Tc Sas SES 9 Sa ea pias 502 
RANTLE, eee wink es ooo SS nee 502 
MPM DLONOUHA J. - ono Le ee 76 
fuliginotus, Holconotus..........._-..._----- 411 
falvn, Lapras Chogset..- sen 2502u 1. 2S 424 
falyescens, Acipenser.... --. 2 252252-2.-2. 33, 35 
fulvo-maculatus, Labrus__..................- 335 
fulvum, Ginglymostoma__......-.-........-- 12 
fulvus, Cephalopholis_...................__- 309 
LP ole ieee Ce aes Pee aie Loe So 309 

SSL OCT Ee Re AR ee Nee et 212 
punctatus, Cephalopholis_............._. 309 
Tnbers Cephalopholis... wo: 2227... 5 See 309 
Ait DN OREUOIN tas ore san ek eee oe 125 
funduloides, Clinostomus._.......-.--...---- 121 

Pach yeephal gssse2s=0 5 see eee 174 
pallihaga 2 ese Sade scons ee eee 176 
Daryl plumis:* = 22 Saas see ee 176 
DIevis=< 2522-22. Bee 176 

DH ClELES So Soa ad abase se aan Sosa 174 
TACHDRDI ES ooo sso kas ee 175, 179 
rhivaphoere soos sds eee eee 175 
SCALTOR SE Sansa secases sce pen cece ase 177 
OLN 1 lee pepe eee, o8 Tt Se ee ee 177 
PRTINIOUE S Se oS ee re eee 178 
ULC LF A oe eee oo = ee eee a 177 
[11111 EE eee mee ayy ene me CTO 177 
IOUS ee nw Se ee 176 
cin (st. tli a eee See SSS eee ee 176 
MOONS so eas cae adi cots tes Sah 180 
BBG io 52325 tore Soe babe Sore eee 176 
SAD OSes a5 otis Seas eed aotioncas 179 
PORSUUS he oe wees eevee ccs 178 
fundulus, Alepocephalus_____--- 52 
funebris, Gobiesox_______- - 489 
GAVINMOUDOLAE 2255 so sare eee ses 92 
iii tg 1S Se Se eer ee meee ee) SLE 156 
120) ee a en oo ee ae eee 156 
Wercania ete oo. co es a Le ee 412 
rs tC) af SS pe ee eee oe pel 412 
jaca Fo | eee ee EE SS SO eee ea, a 413 
OPTS. oan s set cena e ea eee 412 
TAUIMIMNBALAS 257 otis ase sa coe 412 
Cs) ts See ee a See ee ene shel ee 412 
(Furcaria) atrilobata, Chromis.___.._______.- 412 
forcatos, Cypselurus... 20 os. 2 eos docen 201 
TCPRIUNO RS aettn ee cereale © 151, 152 

Oe OG 1 ee ES SES Oe ee he SU 201 
PHANSHONON So seade ew cdma sslestauenes 411 
Fic: fo%s [bf a ce See ee en Gee wg ES 152 

Vig 1, C111 cS SS Re See Se sine mn ee aan 476 
fnrcallis: Careproctus..oo..22.;---2-2.-. 2° > 402 
furcidens; Characodon......----.---2222 222. 183 
fiitoiieresearanthiase soo oe te ee oe 320 
PUB OO Naaman ere once Lee 152 
DEITONUE 3 asco ans eesba wey woh ete 320 
PeCURET, LOCMUIB Efe ccc mue soup enone 378 
IPPCIMANUS, 5 Soc ere onde aon cuwaccs keoP ote e 476 
MURSULOEUS chee do set aan eenceh woot 476 
forcithinus, Pontmus..s2.226522-- 2b so econ 372 
furorma;Pachypops |= 2: scsi c0 22. iil tsa. 349 
OL Oh eee MeNe tah eakneic=Sonanoceacits 349 
SUPIDSAp RENO on se ee Le eno oan we nent a acak 156 
POM OBS) IN OMUINOB Se omni moe ven ens ae au sees 156 
RIM Gro DOR OM. Faces os acne co wceun 349 
PER DA See date Souda abs Saws actoan 349 
WOU alin hoes ts ie ae Ae 151 
IA | SE RS AE ARS 499 
HOOT LSU Aral pS ia i a a SA a 151 
2 a Se Se eae 271 

Corvina (Homoprion) .-...-....--.-----. 347 


List of scientific names—Continued 

furthii, Hemicaranx Gadus punctatus 2222025. 2  cee e ee 213 
Pristipoma purpureus 
Tetrodon DY SMRCUS eee heen Coe eee 
VAS A ee a ee peer eo MUD eres oe Bee See ee Se 
furva, Perca rupestris- ~~~ ~--------------------------- 
fosen, Michenolse on. a seam neme eee 449 Sida sests2s5t- oe) else eee 
EL VdTALP YTS on no ene ae eee 174 taser k= ate en ee oe ee 
Scieng eo eee ee eee 302 LENWISeee coos a eee ee ee SU ee eee 
Mantoga. fo. = Se ees esas eee 424 HOMO Ke eke sel Te a eee eee 
fASCESCONS [CONNUSS- oo 2 so naee eee ee 376 tomcodus fuscus 
fuscomaculata, Echidna -_-_-_---.-------------- 94 tomocdus luteus 
fusco-maculatus, Chromis-_------------------ 419 mixtus 
fusculus, Centropristes. = ..--=..--- <=552-==22 319 pruinosus 
Prionodess. ©2223 222 ee 319 torskes2:. Sh. ae ese eee ere eee 
fASCIIDI EVE oe ee eee 159 veriagys-- ss "2.260 es ee 
fuscus, cA cronUrus 626 eee enero e= 362 WITENSs22 Stns =) Sse ae eee 
Bathyrobius: =e 2 eee 440, wachna.-<2: 3 oot Fo ee 210 
By uh ites) set ons tae eee 480 | Gaidropsaridee________- 208 
TS ge ee 436 |, (Gaidropsaruss =) nies no wes so cane 208 
MapoOMAceBtns. os. wseeose os ee 413 Susie 2 See sta tt ee Sees 208 
UMS See ee 174 mustellurus.22220..0 0. hee 208 
Gadus tomcodus- ----------------------- 210 Septentrionalis ca) .m= cnn: sukeseuunnn 208 
SL ae arr eagesetpi ts 6 dig | gaimardiana, Querimana...................- 254 
“Tanase Pop Sh Cppeuenine Mase: LRORP). 2 339 | gaimardianus, Mugil_-_-.-_---_._________.. 254 
PRmeatrG oe ee 413 gairdneri beardslei, Salmo__________________-. 57 
Hentai ey ha eee eT 268 erescentis, ‘Salmo-..i<.--> 5 a ee 57 
a re eS pilberti, Salmo=s.2--_4 3s eee 58 
Sorrants ee ee eee 315 nadia neal 
SiTUS aes ee eee 153 asta, Ss i M0-_-~-~----~----------------- 58 
Synenavhuis =o oee se eee 242 ‘ BLOG), CAO. — = a ee 58 
(Saye a BTR RE ENT EE 949) | (eaindnerii, ‘Salmo>-2—- =) eee 58 
Trachinolls. nee ae a eee 276 | galactura, Erogala_-____.--.---------________- 129 
W pskar 05 an eae ee pee 339 | galacturus, Hypsilepis__-----.--_-__________- 129 
fusiforme, Boleosoma..---------------------- 294 | Galafate_.----------.-------.-.-------------- 493 
fusiformis, Boleichthys ---------------------- 294 | Galasaccus----.----------------_-.---_------ 175 
fplics: Raine ooo eet ne ok oe 95 || (Galasaceus?— === 2. eee 177 
galesta; Belone: - 3-3 oe eee 197 
pabonensis, Vomier==-2--2=- 5 = sone ace 975 | galeatus, Gymmacanthus. .__.-522-2 5-22 228 389 
gabunensis, [schnomembras----------------- 24 Gymmocanthus "2.52 ssee ee 389 
GadeLa eee eat er eros a 211 Siluiras <2 “220 * se ee ae 159 
Sracilis eee ee ae ee ae 211 MP YIOSURUS <= 2222 2a seco e en eee 197 
atm oe eee eae 211 Galei-2 te ek eee 11 
Gadidza ==. 242% ete 209' | (Galeichthivss 222. Seeee- ea eee 149 
Gadonnis © te a a Ret 202 assimilis..-~—--s 4 Se ee 150 
BR CUALLIS Sete sere oe eae rete 202 ATUTCUS 2.5 so 150 
longi bliss 3 oO ee ee ee 202 Ibahiensis- se So Se ee eee 148 
SadOVil, CICHIOSOMA. 92 see apse eee oe 47 cperulescens.<< 2b eee 150 
aT heraps 2 ose eae ee eee 417 Gasycep halts cs. Ste ee 150 
Gadus fee ee ee ee ee 210 ey G0lsii.= s=2 eee 148 
seChnnS cones ee oe eee 210, 211 feliCGDS. wo. et oe ee 149 
ari lig Senay cy ee POL ne Se, 209 f6iSh. 223 oe eee te oe 148, 149 
PIWIGES. eee an eee eee 214 UDO atone on eee oe eee 150 
RYONOSUS eee ee nee seca en eee 210 puatemajlensis: = Sveets eo oes 150 
TIALS ee een eo ee Cee Seer 210 euenbheric=: 2258 ee eee 149 
Drosme. sees oie SE oe ee 213 jOrdani- 2-222 ee eee 150 
PaNATIASe to oe eee tee ae eee 210 letiginosus-.-2_ 226 eee 149 
GAT DOMSTAUG 2 nS: eee eee 209 jongicephalus*=<s-70 5. So See 150 
Chalcopramamds.) 2 Saas eee 209 pertivianusi.. 222-55. ee 149 
“Tinie 0) a1 eee eee Soe eee 209 Scemnanis== 2222s i= ee eee 150 
Coins = 0 eke be a Seer Surinsmoensis= 2.282.225 22-25t eee 150 
COMDVCNSUS 2-5 oe eee ee eee 212 xenauchen-<-4e. 5 cet a eee 150 
fabricii_----------.------- =. 225 -s5-~-=-n= 209 || Galeocerdo! si) Me sele 002 eee 14 
fimibris 2 con ene a ee ee 373 arctieuS2a2 i222 2s5 cee eee 14 
praciili PLA ES” SL” So eh eae 210) aH tigrinus FRE Rene ee OP gargs me 
HeteCrOPIOSSUS 2) 22 - = 2- oe at Se oeeeete See 210 eens oe . Sk el oo el ee a 
lacustris__------- ee Se 152, 212 “$43 [oer RSS ST” Meets 
lepidion 211 BY ODUCT OS wa ann n-S nme on Sone 14 
oneipes. .2a. st lsseuwulllias i | Selenite, Blenmius.—.....-.--.---D-/aei eee 460 
le NEI EM SEU G a (0 CU ese eR eS de 13, 17 
macrocepnoaliis:_-o2 22-2234. 2S eee 210 asterlas_...-------~-------------+-------- 13 
AIACUIOSHS 9220 eo.. 5-2 5-c2-oe ee eee eee 212 catulus.-_.---------------------4-~------ 13 
Rrsaldi serene. Oe eee 11 PIQNCUSS vara a aaa anon oe ge ee 17 
menwuccitisas so. 2S: si 22 oc eee 214 maculatus--~---------------------------- 14 
aarp maid. Las So Sea Meee 214 melanostomuss2:2 2 Teese eee ee 12 
STIG) GAs Raa? 082 5 OSS ee ae 912 DAUStOlUS = 2 a eee 
Sh ee ae ae ee foe: a 210 VAD Ub olf bl pe es eee a 
SVT COLA ees Se en NR TY arr ees 208 | galeus, Serranus 
MIGTIUISh 2c no soe ees oo Se ee 210 refoqwesy ARE Sos Se ee ae ike 
TIAW OLA! oss ees eee. S225. Seo slots 909,910 |, (Gallichthysiissa 52 22-452 22> 2 Seas ees 
OR aC 2 ae odd awasagene & 210 | gallichthys, Carangoides.-_--..--.----------- 274 
DOLISCOPUS: 2 oe eo eee 209 | gallinula, Monacanthus-----.-----.--------- 494 
pollachitissce © sos he ee eee D00\t ly Gall is 2. Ses ae a a ee ee 274 
POlYMOr PUSS. seeeenssses—s2- eee ee 210) | gallus, Zeusess-e 522. oe = eee 274, 275 

PIOXIMNUS 22-52 anos ees cape eee 210)" tgaliie, SQuaise so seec ease s— eee ee 118 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
Gurl cit etwas re 184, 185: | Gasterosteus aculeis.---.._-.=..-2-2=.---.--- 239 
CIRNCCLA Soe ee mn teen 18 SOMES. te ae e e 239 
Hrin Etna eee ee | tL ae 177 Sreentissimus:-—- 3 o— See ee ka 238 
jeri, eee So 188 SUAS S32 8 Se SE GS ee 238 
Ceitah te Seen Se ee ee eee 188 alors s-— a  e  S e e 237 
CCAS Sn bee 2 Sk a 187 DIACUIBAWIS. 2 22s. ee ee eee 237 
PAVIMAN CNS eas Sh ae 186 ISMINOSHS: = or se ek ee oe eee 238 
CSIC ISIS ree 189 DIlnnchard ees ot Lo a ae Le 239 
186 breviceps 
186 canadus 
187 carolinus 
189 cataphractus 
186 concinnus 
185 cuvieri 
185 dekayi 
184 dimidiatus 
185 ductor 
185 GUS Se a ee ee eee eee res 238 
189 Al ehinin (els (1; Coe eee Sa aie owaeeT Are ee ae 238 
187 Fes (2, 81 (2 0] (oo) a IRE Ep RIE aE 238 
186 PwNNETUS ea a 237 
186 MGMNtANS. <a ee eae 238 
185 THO MINGUS 1a: 2 Sey be aie 238 
DES a a ESE 185, 192 ISON Hh ee a ee 237 
85 iSlandi¢us 25 2 sees So's. ae 238 
[2 1 a ee Oe ee 239 
Jelurus.2 = ae 237 
loricattis.. .-325<- 237 
lotharingus 239 
THBIGGUSIS, oo Sacto ae ee 239 
MIAVINUS =<, oes in pepe ee sae ee 239 
IMiigrocepUAIOS..22- ~~ ose 237 
MICPODUG-* bask Ese = Boe wee See 238 
punctata- milipundiatiie.---. &-. 2-5 e eas 239 
punctulata.-..-.........-.--------.. MODINGUE 22+. s- 4,02. 8 ks eee 239 
puncticulata______. wanna anna ne -------- neustrianus 
reganl. -—-----------------.-----______- noveboracensis 
rhabdophora---..-.---.-.-.-.--.-.-.---- obolarius 
agro ~+---+---------------------------- Soe gage 
terrabensigs22222 2200000200000 eel ein 
tridentiger wrt nen nen nn ee ee ee ene ee pugetti pee ee eS oe cs ee 238 
tumrubarensis......_.. .....-----.--.----. Denn es So eae 238, 239 
Se ee eee oe eS ae Eee Prachypdda e655 Aba ic menace 239 
Vittata-----.---------------------------- ear RE SOE i SRP 238 
oie ong ees ECE Cc ae See e NEMS See <5 iT 239 
G Lf some ---------- ---__ 1 SAlgirit o.eteee so Oe, 4 ee ee 280 
Yvan oo am PO UN ea. So 238 
gardeniana, Histula....---.-~-2. 2.272777” SOUT am mn nsec 237 
gardenii, Centronotus poor aang ee Sages PY. rod 
Sternoptyx. ------..-.--...-------------- - AT 1, KCC CSE aI °F 239 
gardoneus, Leuciscus...-_......-.----..124-.. 115 spinulosus 937 
Notemigonus. = ea ee Oa 15 teraculeat us BOR ag 237 
garmani, Cetengraulis_............-.-2..-.. 51 trachurua 237 
RCE bees aS Ee aS Soe 183 WHESHIADGI.f2 ce oe Ol so ee 238 
aw dinus--------..--------.......----- mis WILIARISONIS wmericbe ark eee 238 
ODIUS - ~~~ na =- =~ =a =n na~ a= = +2 nnnnn == 439 microcephalus._.....--_-_._--______- 237 
Vi i ae OER ae Eon 300 
Notropis____._- 131 | Gastrea_.--.........-.-.....-.-..--.-------. 239 
Paraliparis----.--)..2.--2..2-----.2.-. 405 | Gastrobranchus.---_---2- 20-0 8 
[34111 f20) 4p a 439 coecus - -.-------------------------------- 8 
Ch Sit) 2 Ree a ae a ores 51 dombey - .-..-----...--+2-2-+----2--.-... 8 
WaMu e A Sk 445 | Gastropsetta_-___- 225 
[icy on iT, aie ee a 445 MORURUS E>. oes ee eae weet peer e 225, 
8 SSS, as AS TSI M45): } SAAS URN DOMES. oon oe no an tome ewe aS 95 
Jo 3 eS a ae 445 10: th Ee Sih er ee Ae ae SET SEES 95 
Cp 1) Se a I ai eee 446 9, S11 Sie ee ee ee rae wae eae eS 95 
EE EME ls aa aca coma cakece ee, 407} Garss, Herranus. 2.5. ob. ola. eaeee 312 
een ncn). di ss22 sc eee © £07- | Gatlza, Ppinepheliis.2---20...-.-- 310 
(1. a aS a ce nes ea eierE: \ 1 LE otf, FR pe Ree eee ea aoe ad SWE 310 
+a SS ais soe, Meee De Siz || mavialis, oepisostens:. 0.2.2 202. eek 36 
(2 i ae na eae Zag it Way ly Wa ONCE tes hoo. a ge eae 214 
2 ou SS aS a ee a oe Bor.}| BRACES, CUErHCOUOM | -oceck cacbanunanaene 182 
OT Ee a 99 PURER UB ert SNe sku ayaa ouks te 423 
Gasteropelecus_...........__- 99 TD OMIDCIOUIN toe nk aoe 423 
humboldtii.........___ 169 | gelatinosum, Melanostigma___ 478 
maculatus.........___- 99 | gelatinosus, Aphyonus....................... 484 
0. 3 Sw SDR es ae 99 C *areproctus Se Se ORE ST | 402 
eee Wy 1 apa aa ee 357 GUY CMII DOIG 5 04 on aes ten na) 402 
et ee 206.) Rauda, Ammocry pts 8. 8 awediucsseeeeans!’ 280 
Gasterosteniaa TE See. Seas 237 Macrhybopsis...................-....-.- 139 
in SE ea 238 | gelidus, Gobio i ERS OT ORR 138, 139 
cy) OE ee” eae 237 | geminatus, Blennius......................- 461, 462 

SO ake is ono c to cccmmiedas a, CoO ny ECG ae cet akon an nen cleo 462 



List of scientific names—Continued 


gemma, Hypoplectrus__...-....-.....-...--- 321 
Hypoplectrus unicolor_.----.------------ 321 
gemmifer, Astronesthes_ 71 
Lampanyctus------ 167 
Leucichthys®.<222242-4-2 eee 63 
Gempylidie==2-< 3 43 eee ee 260 
Gempylus: 2. 22.222 28. eee 261 
colubers. 2: 232-2202. ee 261 
ophidianus = 2<2s222-s22 2st csessee eee ee 262 
prometheus cesee= S22 see Se eee 261 
Serpens. {ete * Sa eee 261, 262 
Zenerosus, Catostomus (Acomus)-.---------- 104 
Notolepidomy zon: = 222-22 = s52=2-4-2--= 104 
penizara, Rabirubia-2----es-- 22s. == oe 26 
Pontilis, BleNMINS-“ 5-522 sse sae eae = ooo 462 
Eeysoblennits 2 222 =. S222 See eee 462 
Genyatremus 335 
luitteus =seS—e as. cS 335 
Genyonemus 349 
fascists 232 eee 351 
fineatys 22+ 2 2225-2 eee 349 
Genyorcge tse 6 So ee 324 
Genypterus omostigma--_-_-...--...---.------- 485 
Genytremus =4.-2 = Se 332 
interruptus: 222 foc 5 Ses ee ee 332 
geometricus, Anchisomus_-_--..-------------- 499 
Dyodon-s = Se tie Se oe es ee eee 502 
lineatus, TOS Tati to eS eee Pe LTT 502 
Tetrodon: 2. et eee 499 
7A. joe ne See ae ee See Ree 275 
Geophagiis------- 424 
crassilabris --- 424 
GUpId =? Fee eee eee 424 
demon 23200 2 3 ee eevee 424 
magasema 424 
(Satanoperca) crassilabris___------------- 424 
Peorgianus, Mxocmtus..-2--.~=s-222— 2222-225 200 
Mapnyrocharas 29st =o eee ee 96 
Ginicsudata. 2s ses. cece eee 96 
atricanGatuS: 2s .ceec en eo oo eee 96 
chocoensis. = St oe ee ee 96 
intermedius 22.2 coh ceo sane see Sere 96 
geranin, Belone |= onan eee 196 
germanus, Notropis 136 
ermo=. ses 260 
alalunga-- 260 
germo-__.... 260 
PETITION CRTIUO Boe. cones ee noes aa eee 260 
Scomibers. ene a ee cee eee eee 260 
PArmMOn SO COMUOlA =. ee nae a eee 260 
@erres tes. 225 6s es eee 341 
SPOON eee ee eee eae eee 342 
AUPCOUS 2 cone 2 eee 342 
MxiNATIS. 22 ot ee eee aes 342 
IDLASINANNIS = oo hanes poses eee 342 
PLOVAMIANUS 2 ae soto es Sonn none ne nee 343 
Dbrevir0stris. == ooo a ann 342 


olisthostoma 342 
| OF: 177 | eee ee pen pe BAI mails Aram 342 
MYOTUV ARTIS 22 ae ees ae ee ere 842 
plumieti 2-225 o2 > spa ee tee saat 342, 343 
ThoniDGUSD os eee 342 
Simillimus: os 2 es eee oe 342 
Stam pinnis: 255! 5: eee Se eee 342 
SP SIPIONSIS Sos 2) orcas ee eee ee 341 
(Nain: ee eee eee eee eee eS Sars 342 
Gerrid hs a es See 340 
Gigpriss Se rs oF ete eee 341 
ghini, Orthragoriscus 503 
gibba, Histrio__--... 505 
gibber, Salmo 54 
eibbiceps, Heres-see sae 417 
SSRCPADS 5-4 ee ee eee 417 
gibbifrons, Cypselurus 202 
Exoccetus 202 
sibbonsi, Holconotus) 20 s2-- an eeneen-= 412 
Gibbonsia:. --8 20 2en ces eee 458 
elegans. _-_-_.--- ee Re er 458 

PORCH ee ee cae eee 
BiBposes, Aryan aaanis 8 eee 215 
Oatostomus’ 2 cacccee ne eee 109 
Cyprinodon:. 2260. 6 181 
Hupomotis: 2222-22 eee 302 
Pomotis..--22233-2282 eee 301 
Pibbsil, Elemilepidotus-— 2) )--esss2e se eee 381 
lM a8. Ses ee eee 57 
gibbus, Hypsilepis cornutus_--_-.-.-.-------- 128 
iperis.. 22-5223 eee 400 
LLophius®: 22-3. eee 505 
ES COINS Soe eae ea 433 
gigas ‘Hphippus 2222.3. eee 358 
Hippoglossus 221 
IP EKCde ee a eee 310 
Scitena 22) = 2.24 2 eee 352 
Senolat. 25.4-22..-220-5- eee 279 
Stereolepis' = 23222 2 22. Ss oe eee 308 
cipanteus; Mololepise 22 052-2se ee eee 472 
Gila.2- 2) ae Sees eee 114 
atinis 22. 222 2 Se eee Oe eee 114 
ardesiaca 118 
conocephala 113 
conspersa 120 
elegans 114 
emoryi 114 
estore 121 
gibbosa 119 
gracilis 114 
erahami-=2 238. ee eee 114 
prandis_2 2-23... eee 114 
bee oe eee 120 
microlepidota-~.-=-=-2 a eee 112 
minact..22..0 =... *-. 32 eee 114 
nacrea_. 32 -.. «=i eee eee 114 
Nigra. - ose n sone ee ee 119 
pulchella22- 2252 ee 119, 120 
TODUStA.-o sce eee 
seminuda:- 2. i3 eee 114 
gila,\Catostomus-=2.- >. = 25 see 106 
gilberti, Ariosoma =P 80 
@areproctus..22- 2 222 eee 402 
Getengraulis_-.._-.-...-_. SS 51 
Chlopsis *. =... 3. 2-22.) 82 
G@itharichthys: 2... eee 219 
Conegrellus 30522225 2.22 eee 80 
Galeichthyst--2-..2-- 242 eee 150 
Bulbbesia- = ic: -.c2seces eee ee 248 
Hybopsisi-_-2-- 23 eee 134 
Bypsoblennitis. 2252 soso eee 462 
MVOnus.2-.22--- shee 2. 2 ee eee 445 
Imrostoma. 2.252.203 eee 286 
Tsesthes.-.,.-222 5.22.2) ee eee 462 
Lepidogobius__ 445 
Notropis-__-- 134 
INObULIIS#2 oo ee see eee 156 
Oncocottts:22 a eee 389 
hexacormis..2-5--s-22-- 2-2 eee 389 
Podothecus....2 25.222... eee 395 
Pteropodus: 22 es eee 369 
Rapids. 2 a eee 156 
Salmo. 220 Se ee eee 58 
gairdneri. 2222 eee 58 
Sebastod@ss. 22. oss 5 ee ee 369 
Stolephorus: $2022. 32. see 51 
Ulocentra 2b... 22". eee 286 
Gilbertina--= :.--t 2.2 eee 
Sigalutes: 222. [22222 oss eee 
Gillelivs-“- 5-25. 2 3 ee 
OLNSUIS ee eee ence en ee ees 
gilli, Avocettina 
inus: 322s 2-se- cone 
Hyporhamphus 3 
Tabichtys=22522 02 eee 83 
LeucisGus: 222255. eho ac cee eee 118 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
ef, 3 alee ees ee. Hullo AGO) ie claves Cibal al ee econ nanan n= eee nee 208 
ees epee ct ey Se 468 1G@HIAS a fo et J ee ee 276: 
became ole So kee ee a: 228 IPRIONACGS — 224. a een ee eee meee Mi 
IS vraitel fila tls Rae Se ee ee as 393 | glaucofrenum, Coryphopterus____------.--.. 439 
“SET PEL OT beget SG ie Se i Lb a 444 Huhinogobius. Ae ee ee eee 439 
pildrisipia elise eS 2 3 429 | glaucopareius, Acanthurus__-_.-.-.---------- 363 
Jer Eh) eee a es ae or re ra 45809 Glaucostegusscc—_ Ae Soo See 23 
TGR ey ere a se 458 | glaucostictus, Rhinobatus- --..-.-...-----.-. 23 
Mlbichihvar sss ee SO erected 444 | glaucostigma, Rhinobatos---__-._-._-------- 24 
detrusus See oe ne ae ee SS 444 Rhinob: BRS oe been oes See 24 
ule sate S12 0 gs Se ge ee 444 | glaucum, Stizostedion-_-_--...-.--.--.-------. 282 
hinhid@s eee ek ST ere 444 | glaucus, Piretodons nsec. ce 3 276 
Renae eae ne EN cc ee 444 WOmmMelas: - =<... 0-5225--55352- ee test 364 
A a ee ee 482 Galeus_-_....-.---.---------------------- 17 
RS PTRIST Gee co Ok SE Sy, 172 Sebastes_.....-----.--------------------- 364 
apomacentts ... 22 52.22.-.---.-..- 414 Squalus. --_.----..---.------------------ 17 
ennai Soe es pa de 303 Ura Ghy Obs = aese ne ene aoe n se anne 276 
“tS ei aan ToT aT 75 | globiceps, Agonostoma-----_-.---.-.-----... 255 
Massie 2a5. 582. Se ee 481 IBS epi oe SES ee ee ee 391 
ER VMMAAHT ITN Sok oe ao ce 414 bryosus, Blennicottus------...-.-------- 391 
tect eee Son Ge. 2 368 Gasterosteus___...-.-....------ 238 
= ee ea 368 Joturus._---..--.-..-.--.-- 255 
Reemninnotergx 2328-22 282 5. ho 232 Oligocottus_.---..------- 391 
TESTE SS Anan Se SCRE Te, 192 | globosa, Lyosphrera-----..-.-.-- 508 
eed 301, 302 globosum, Astatheros_..-.....------.-------- 421 
= |) 02 a a eens 36 TO RIBR Or) Re areas see 421 
oN SS a a ete 12 | Sloriosus, Bryttus-----.--.---...------------ 304 
PH VOREIATUIG= ¢25 552208 e seks fone oe 12 Enneacanthus_- nee seer ais ae age Dey? STs 304 
CUMIN Son ots tah nonce ee 12 Glossamia pandionis_....-...----.-.--.-.-22. 296 
Fn ERs STE EE ERE og TAF TOT 12 GISGSiChUD VS se oso eo kek ae eee 230 
odo GS 6 SE ee eee 19 |) HomOdON ~~~ —-- =n namnnnn an adas sete re 
giorna, WBUHMIOVUERUS 22525022220 ee 32 harengoides.__-..-.-....----------------- 40 
Pirarus Aclpeuser 22s se- 22 2-2-2 se eee sek 34 heterurus_-.--_- Wp cela ge gat seal acde wig el. 40 
0 = ieee ORI eS ER 279 glossodonta, Argentina-.._......-_-.------.. 40 
SG, iS a ee eee ane 428 Glossodus. ne weak taut a aierecng co? <a sae 39 
Girardinichthys.....-...----.------.----.--- 182 REA cijneinnennnw 20min nnn na arith ao 
ws SS So rr PPE 132 | Glossoplites----------.---------------------= 302 
RUIN Sana Suds s- ane 183 | gloveri, Salmo---_---.-----.----------------- 56 
Girardinus___ 189 glutinosa, Nie sh (lee Soe = Seek ae ee 8 
predltis-..o- 255 is9 | Glyphidodon chrysurus----.---..----------. 415 
eT ea a es a 189 POI cirri Peer e On 3a= eee alb 
a0 (Crier ay alpen ts 189 ie Sp ial ipa ae ae eee Se hea 415 
| | TSS Rp aie sae eer a 191 i gt a: Leet Sa a pes eae 2 aes 2 oe EE a 415 
IRPAIN CHAE AE nd «Sy S5s Seah da tt 189 WOBCUOMIe oor aan ao anne ore a Sane 415 
Te at) (110) San ea ie ae aa NCAA ig9 | Glyphisodon.-.--.---.-.-.-----------------+ 414 
SUG oT Se ee nee 2 eee tae ee ee 189 chrysurus..-----~----.------------------ 415 
Ch) 2 te a DEEL 8 fa 188 EC TER ee) Sey 5 eae = 415 
> = > atalino aiden T'S MULDICUNCNE ss sade ose. shee ae eee 415 
ME OUGRINIGT sie 0 Se 338 Giyptocephaluso255- 22225 225. 22222 ee oe 228 
CE 1 Gy le ig as al een 339 -cuoy pons ai beeline omeipenpeie Te es 228 
SS abel leet ila a 339 Cg 1G 1S eee ee ee 228 
|, SS A aera tials 338 a Piemonte mnt 
Oa LPs 5 OS ag rng psa lie rena i a ARO 339 | Gg Ac oesp splat eee a 
CE wat te 338 TIARNENOUON ios jeseteve ease ran wees c seen 273 
oo", ST | SoS =a ae eee ie 101 GOH GOs aa geo ea Se 45 
glaber, "= a ade ema Phe ashy plc let pala ete te 862 
5 SI VCIOURERIONUNYR: Sno. 2acd2 see le 398 Geeeraaees: SIP RAPT Ps TS pol 
uron ICUS BERD TOPICS ween ee ee | Ne eR dy eS deed Pe Y 
clabrae Aopaner neue subrotundus..------ 2 | gnathodus, Peeudoscara 00-00 ast 
UE eae fe te ok oa teeta 227 BCAPUS. 242 -ncannne-aca0es=n-0-e0=<00=== 434 
Platessa....____. Sai pee ie cee) Soa Catholepis-- e.g aR ima SIRS NES | nie 
Pleuronectes satis parva et--.----------- PL aM) Pao Pe ae on nl es eae aed a aie ieee aes eaters 43 
glacialis, Cottus_- og oe Eee pee pe es 387 Guathophis.....-.-.----+.----------2-<<0=-- 80 
Liopsetta_. alah 2 9 seeps aa ale ela eta 80 
Pleuronectes. tl 7 | rotor DEMIS -saeenegasaneeneasetes neers Pt 
Scopelus__.._.._- MO Matera cS er et: aso 
a ay | OMNI PUS annette ena ae 
glacoides, Trachynotus_____.............-..- 276 Geen CaO 80 ene ea EE ee H 
pedis, , istiophorus 1h a sae ate ed Aes: 263 me Mar se patel AIEEE MERE SPR OTT pi 
(adrateniien no sonnei 238 eu ailerons vale eaiciodng 50 nm 
“| 3 eae 238 mero Reatethctes Abs Stn Ae ie 
gladiunculus, Gasterosteus..._-._._._______- 238 aceadacdarrin Se «peat So tok. | aaa me, a 
piadind, Lev hic lly 0), Ses ae ie ae 263 rida ASO ET a 
Wovisuiits.. 22.22... .22- Tal Ge nih ee ee ee a 
eras ooo" So gee oa SCOPS - -----aeneanneeenonnenn nnn nnannneeee 453 
ca a a 196 BU YORU sean secdabee canna loess usevends 453 
a a ae 264 FOUIGSD GANS 5.022 instr dan 5s. <2 ac stoees 488 
cas ee eee ee oe 489 
eae (so, eee i ee bean Piao cadena sia eeae bee 489 
Spore ett So siin wiem mKiin tao ad GED MEAUIB Sth Soanctdipewabenswascuccaas 405) 450 
torralbasi--- 4 2a See 188 DORAN Dae ccsiitheeniss acca eduecowaos ia 489 
PLS. 7-0 “eee 188 DORVAL COUN ae sbewdenwdeaapdovacctesavans 489 
Ne A Se a re pee eT PS 188 eigenmanni-_- Chomecheacwuw aU 

NL i lat niet spree ens ict 188, 189 POSP an pcoksmvdasnacettiesthiwkanabal: ePrae |) | 

584 ae 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Goabiesor; ‘erythrops.--2 = << Sa ees 490 
FonebYIS-— = 2+. 2 sean ar eee 489 
PYTINUS 2 2 esha Soe 3 ee sds 35 eet 489 
NELOS: = 2645-2 ee eas ae 490 
hnmeralis: >) =425 =) Se ee 490 
macrophthalmus:—.25255522-—= ee 489 
mMarmoratus.<.--~2222-23-3- Se SS 488 © 
MUSCALUM -2-* sa ee ee 490 
Rip piNnis.- 52220-2253 ee ee 489 
papilifer= >=. .svs.2es25 2 ee 488 
pinnigver..2=2.-6.-43 722 eee 488 
phessodon =~. 3/2. See 490 
rhodospilus=— +2 232 2. Sse ee 489 
(Rimicols) beryllinus:-2-——--—---=-- ve 490 
THDOSULIS- == eee os ee eS 491 
BANCUL-MariNlas¢ 225. 9 nee ee 490 
SLPUMOSIS o-oo eo ee 489 
PUdES 2-2-2 os 2a 5 ee eae 489 
WIT PANTS =< a6 = oS 5e4 Jo Rae 489 
WiULabUS= sso 5= == nn Set od ee 489 
WHS os bao sess eee asain eee 490 
TODA: 8.8 Bt ee 491 
Goblidie = 22222 .. 2. soo ee ees 438 
Gobid sestivalis:: £23 ces... 2 5 Se eS 138 
eataract®-.26-25.- 32-2256 eee Sees 139 
pelidus=2. 52-6 soe sae BS 138, 139 
plum Deus 22-2 een eee Pee 136 
VOrnaliS.- 23-22-25 5%-3 eens eee es 137 
pobio, Clinuss 222 3222-2 = eee ae 455, 456 
Cottus= 222 ~W 2nee cas Sos ae 383 
Gobioclinus=~ 237542 - 2 52-S 456 
QGobioclinus: =. =< Sss-22 2244406225 ees 455 
pObIOS =25 53 Sete st ess ae eee 456 
Gobioldes 2 2-2 s- S222. 252225 SS See 448 
DalrelOs so asa eee eee 448 
broussenneti = 555 3: 34.2 saessssss aoe 448 
POBIOIGES s COUUIS<-2 ee toe ee ne ne 385 
Ly DSICOMIPLES = =e ssn ee = eran ee 451 
Geonigid ides 9 3a eens 448 
CADDIDEAORUS 2fo2 ee ee ee 435 
TOMITLOL ees oe ss Sen te ee eee 435 
Isteralis. 2 see. 2S 2s ee ee 436 
Gioionellitisse se ee ee eee 440 
payamonensis 22. 2222-2 oS ee 441 
INASURUUS@ 35 ae Se ee oe ers 440, 441 
lyrics ake 5 ee eee 441 
THICEOUOU. 3-2 2 ~ So. Se ee ee eee 441 
OcesniCnsees Sb awe eee 441 
BAGitttlia ete soe 352. Se a ea eee 441 
pinay duis Se ee ee a ee 441 
BiPIQAIS ooo 3 carom se eo eee 441 
BiIPMISUICUS 22 = Soe or ee 441 
gobionum, Campostoma.__-..---------------- 146 
Gobiosoma: 5=- =. 55 oe oe eee 445 
AIGPIGOUU ss. 0 per nots Se ee 446 
DURCIR eon cae aoe So Aas 446 
ceaithoscuim == <2. oo ee eae tee 446 
crescentale_......----- Bee een ere eee 446 
PTOSCONLANS 2c 4 s554- sag oon ee 446 
NISGTIO 2S: 3c = Susp oe tere ee ee A46 
MOrstlees sek es Da seke soot tee 446 
IOS Se bc ot se eee to ee 445 
lonigipinnes-< Ses Sat a oe ee 445 
Jong. Poo 3 2, = see cn sce teas 446 
SIGIOS tN ahs = abbot cos ee 6 ae oe 446 
miultifascistum =<: So. 9-2 45 22-- eee 446 
ZOSLCFUNWGi os. 22635 5—555535-— eee 445 

OSC a ee a oa eee 442 
DTASIIGUSISS. — 2222 Ee ==) Sees 448 
breviceps---- 440 
brunneus-_-_-- 440 
Carolinensis:=<~_- == Sees Breet se 440 
catolis 22S Soe eee eee 440 
eli (D | ba YR: epee er Ie weree  as S t AES 443 

Gobius,; clayton: -=--~_-_... -. See 439 
eristageliines he eee 438 
crista-palliie Ae ee ae 438 
CUDACRO2—= Sey. 2S eee 439 
cyprinoldes' 2... 9 4 a eee 438 
ob) | ee ae eee teen re se Se! A” 442 
dolichocephalus_._ 222-3. 8s eee 442 
eigenmanni=22=. . 3-0 ee 439 
emblemsaticts- 225. = 5 > eee 443 
eNCKOMUS= 222 2.552844 a 439 
fuSCUS? 222 {os 23. 22 Sst 2 See 440 
garmani-. 2. <4 3. 205. shee Se ee 439 
gracilis: <2 2252 3 2 ee ee eee 444 
PTONOVIS te ee a ee ee 268 
QulOsus= 22222 30 Ane = Foe 2 443 
Nemiigymnus: os Se eee 445 
Dipolitig@ = oS. a eee 440 
homocyanus..2 22-222 222 eee 440 
RTAUSS)— 0 = 52s ss 2 2 Se Le ee 441 
Jacertus. <2 <2 = 2322225. 3 ee 440 
Janceolatuse. 22-58). = eee ee eee 441 
lepidtis: 2 Se eee 444 
lineatys=2 22 25.22 SS 440, 446 
longicaudus: =< -222-=2- =<. +- ee 1 
lucreti: 22 2}. /23.-.52221 <y eee 443 
NVTICHS oS. - nee te ee ee 441 
manclicola: = 2 eee 439 
mapotses! ee ae eee 440 
MALEINICUS: .c_3-2 52 ee ee 442 
mexicans. 25-2. A oe See 442 
mijcrodons 5 3) 3 252 = ee 441 
Nebulopunctatts2 = aes 440 
mebulo-puncta tus!) ss. ees 440 
newberryl=--=-=----2--2=2 Pons RE 444 
NiCHOMSs 222s 2s See 440 
Niger S222 Se eee 440 
oblongus? oi 2 2. 32.52. ee ee 448 
OCOSNICUS_ 22s 252- S. ac oe ee a ee 441 
ocellaris: -.2 2.22. es eee 442 
Madangensiss 2.42 ee eee 440 
paradoxus-. 2522 5-22 -- = 445 
Darvin ee See ee each 439 
DDISONIS..5 3 55 sane ae eo ase 436 
DlUMICL Ze =s 2~- +5 a5 eee 447 
OR Vinee ee 442 
punctillatus22<- -<:. 22255 -=- eeeeee 440 
quadriporus22.-:-.- =) 2 See 439 
Sand. wicensis: 4-5 22 oe= == 440 
Semifasciatwsa= 2222... 2284 46 eee 441 
SOMUINUGIS 2 20 ee eee 445 
Sshufeldtia: fe eee 439 
SIMSaragdus ss ee 440, 441 
Soporator ete =o 2 oe ee eee 440 
Shigmaturusios 20) 2 eee ae 439 
baissicg Aen eee ee eee 442 
thalassinwse 0. oe eee 444 
Cowisendis, sue ee ee eee 444 
LTANSlITCeN Ss. o eS Ee ee 440 
Vinidipallidus*.. 2-2-5 o- = ea ee 446 
Wurdemarini 2 2 ere ee 441 
17:) 0) pera eR eae whether = BSE 441 
Goboides sees = ee 435 
godmaniPimelodus,. -- -..0---e eee 157 
BING a ee ee eee 157 
godmanni;/Gichlaurtis!=_33" See ee 416 
STOSSS Ee aN 416 
RiViilus 260s. as ee 180 
goldmani, Batrachoides__..._---.------------ 487 
gomiesii; Ophichthus!=- = ==4— ee 88 
Opnisurus« 22. ee See 87, 88 
gomphodon; Oxyrbina-<_ 44 ee 19 
Gonenion tote e es ce et eee 280 
SOIT Basse es ee eee 280 — 
GoniobatisesS4.45552+2-2 eee 30 
TMMACTODICLH 2 4.22 Stes ee ee eee 30 
Gorinduss ta oe eee eee 22 
Gonionarcess S222 eo = ee eee 27 
Gonioplectrus-=---:--.-=---2-_ eee 308 
hispanuss<: 2222.21 2.2. SS eee 308 
Gonocephalus. 22 css228 a. 3 soe ee 408 
macrocephalus 408 
Gonochmtodon,.22e822-=22 =. eae 359 
Gonopterus------- 362 
Mcerens..==--- 362 
MCBIOUS-. occ ove nents cece cetceLsSe sess 362 


List of scientific names—Continued 

LOSSES apt bs lan 2 a pe 72 
Gpnugata es eee Re 5 72 
GenneahoE sere ee te eee ORS 72 
LGU artnet ie OS ee EE Spee Sages ae 72 
TEC OC ORM eee ee) od 72 
Gamostomidsi 3 = See se eS ese 7 
ig | Re pe Oe eee eee 183 
SERED en ee SSS yo, ee ee 183 
Caliente s see eee ee 2 as Ses os 184 
Papiiva ==) >ss =) 184 
luitpoldi 184 
POWERS ao Se eae th ey ee 184 
RGA ae See ee SRE oe Ae neg eek 183 
PRICE LR CLOUA Sao) nee = oe 8 Sree 31 
PATO UT Oe 42 52 foe te a ee os 75 
Penilraphotist =a). a tras sient). bes 266 
IG TBO UN tons ee tS eee 175 
SOT HIL GREAT ee oe” a ape ee Ey Ae 109 
(EGIOSHUTUIS. 8 Ce SR ee 75 
Ea ee ea eee ce Bele rhe ete 175 
Lub Th cia SS agen ee eC ea 31 
Latin TOT ef of ee a a Sa Shee 351 
PRULUTIDED S(T peck) pel es oS A See ny 471 
OCI TS [PT gel a a re ea 364 
STUER I Se hag dT tees s4 
Trachinotus 277 
Uralophus 225° - 52.25: 30 
cyan: ke 12 ee ee 30 
PICT ees 5 aS De Re eas 351 
ORL A Se a es age Obes oes 182 
ee erus 38 Sooo Si a es 203 
LOUIS Cee ae ain 203 
gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus--_.____....._____- 54 
Sopepreemer eee wer We eo ik Fa SR re 54 
CEA 0 eee a les apes 89 
SISO He ee Sie es cutee ee 89 
Pa Ue Se ey Pee 40 
120 p11) ee eee aes SCT ee ne. Sees 27 
Wii pee Sante are ef=r lk 275 
Grote 3 ces Aer 77 
pitt, Sees Sees a 77 
gorgonz, Cheirodon 96 
Pampanrac: 282! 203s Persie hres 96 
Siipenniss omer: 25. -2.cs to at a 275 
amen FIMO UtS 2 ett a” 262 
MIEN: ache Sol kena ce Ze 216 
SR EC i ee i a 24 
10 0 a rn SS Se ee ne 169 
NEMO bee ce at ae Re Sy 405 
gracilicauda, Macrourus_-__..______...__.-... 206 
CC See SR eae Lie 206 
Pracilicirhus,,Umbring..-..22 23.2222" -: 350 
EE SU a cr de 186 
Gracias, mlerovandia. --2..) 2.0522... 75 
Atherinichthys 247 
Bathynectes____.._....- 481 
leat 471 
IPOIDIG DEN GE oo Soe see es 294 
Catostomus.....- 2. pee 105 
CAVE E Onis = 22, oo Lee 386 
UC ts Leis ae ES tee to eee, 60 Po 360 
OT eee eae EE SEES See OS 2c 383, 385 
——— Cetieisds) =o 136 
Pa shh A en ee 341 
Ce eee a he hE ere 211 
(CO st eS ae eee Saft Se 210, 211 
CT oe ee ae ene oe el ae 185 
CLL Mle SSSR. Sp eae ee iene te an 114 
CLL TEN ae aE Se eee ee Cae et 444 
JON ger Tr ee a a ae ee 244 
on | rae 133 
Leptocephalus__ 79 
fr a WE en SS ea ig 470 
OO 1 Ra PR, a et eed See 128 
PAR EP as ee er 470 
“O_o ee LE ae nea eh Beene, 475 
SME MCS Sitte gee See oo 192 
Nt OES a ey a eee ee 192 
0} SL <2 ae lay 131 
pl Se OS ES ee nae 281 
(in are 70 
gi eat a RS See eee 152 

4 AS ee ee cee 136 
Py oS a eae epee 113, 114 
Scomber 258 

graciis, Seopelts™-=-— h- —sea eae eel | 5 169 
Oma Soe sone ie Be 119 
Upside 351 
pho pnonuss sso sto es ey 185 
gracilispinis, Dolopichthys___________________ 5 
pracillipes, Tsemoneing. 22 6e5 ee eile Bil 213 
SrAcloSUS 7 PiMGlOdUS Ss oe De 152 
Pracdiens, “Hy psagonus: 2 eA hs eh S 393 
praclist,* Ophidion::. << 3.2222 SS ee ee Ee 485 
Perera Ga Fa eg 2 eae 114 
Oligncenhalusc: <2 <2 Ai 3 Sees 291 
grallator, Benthosaurus. 2-222 see 166 
Regret ai Ss 2 =e ee ere 322 
RGEOLOs = se oe axe ore ta She PS he UL 322 
Grrmrunieperin es Feo oe eel Se oes a 336 
TELUS STE Cy A Oe Se eee ae 337 
grammaticum, Thalassoma..__....._.____..- 429 
@ramnnsoplonrus'= 2-2. = 84352 2205. ieee 373 
CUT OSHS 5, 5-5 see se a ee Sl 70 
Gipamimichthivsss 2922 Shee 5 229 
Gramunicolepidse=4 = <2 3 A Se. 232 
Granimicglenis= <<<; 6252-400. eee aes 232 
brachrasemlus- 3-223 423k 232 
eee BS SLE ER EE a AE 335 
POROY TGs ak, 8 ae eae) Fe eee ne ae 332 
yVpl ic: | 1 oo eet. Poems wren 331 
granadense, Astatheros_...__..._-_-_____._.. 421 
Gichiasoms2si2 24558 2 er aa 421 
prancioassis, "Arinss =<?) 2) 5. 507° eet eee 149 
grandiceps, Microlepidium_______._._.._._- 211 
RANGING. 2s 8 a esd pres mek A ee 404 
grandicomis, Auchenopterus___._____________ 457 
grandicornis, BGGrp ings? 5 32. iw 371 
grandipinnis, Photogenis_____........__..._- 129 
Sfandis, Fundulus.-- =. :-:.2.: sews oe 176 
Fundulus heteroclitus 176 
CS Le 114 
Pomadasis_ 334 
Pomadasys 334 
PEW OROPMAUUS oct cote i . OSE. oat 114 
grandisquama, WOU WIS oek ck en ose ae 436 
grandisquamis, Choerojulis_............-.--. 426 
WWpeneng es 23 2s els. ee oan ee: 344 
grandoculatus, Centropomus--_._..._.__.-___ 306 
grandocule, Chirostoma- --.._...--22 220-22. 251 
grandoculis, Atherinichthys___._._-__....___- 251 
Branglatas "Morcay. 2.2 oo ees eos 2c ee 
Bees tees See sees et eee 
Bate se ot sc ee sg ok CR 
granulatus, Amorphocephalus 
Sranwioss, Pristissrice:: seks le 52k 
UNHOMUG = > See POs ok ose rea 
HIRTO MEARE Sous ts) S Lacoste 
Nai GE sy 9) (70: Sh i gore Rapa roach. gn 
Depiaosteue-<35 2002 2. Sossusc2ss tatu reke 
grebnitzkii, Neoliparis.....................-- 
ITOGING ant whi cock Ea leek ube Gag 
TUMOUM ts cle OU. ck k te AL 
Boeetiel, (aGmis. 2.02.22 kt a ee 
MORICHES) 2 ete ee eo ee 
WISIN GAGS, oA eet ceeeton wee. eeOCeeS One 
greeni, Chpeslusl Sooo. at ok SEE, 2c BG 
LG ei ae Se a ee eee Sea tey ps 7 399 
INBONDETIO. co + 6: 2S Se eee 399 
POMpern. fot te 8. I SL 399 
Grex, Pnevmatopuornss: 226) oc ee 258 
BCOMIDGE A Aid wie nce SPAS et 258 
greyt ismopnorias 2 255. eee eZ 263 
grimaldii, Conchognathus_-___.._._______. 78 
PrISCHe yTIOPRICH el oc Le oe SR 282 
1G | ee Lee Se ae eee cna 144 
I parcriaeee sees ia cb cet ees 282 
Parapetenia tetracantha__........_.....- 419 
SCIP UA Kida bike Dba rok 352 
griseolineatus, Syngnathus-_-_.__...-...-..... 240 
REO LOSLOIULIS owe oa kee euadioe «scan m 107 
Catostomus (Acomus).................. 107 
Heros tetracanthus....0.0 2.2.50 419 
PAeEIORUN. 40 Oboe uaa aa ess bolt Ltd il 
BO n sia hee ee lewaonstwes dee le 325 



List of scientific names—Continued 

griseus, Lutianus=-~ -<3-5-- ===----62-s—ee= 325, 326 
Mesoprion 325 
Saurus----- 163 
Squalus = 7-2. ** so. s5 11 
grixalvil, AStroblepus: joanne seese ea seen 159 
groenlandica, Microstomus---......--------. 68 
Nansenia_£ 225". 8 oe eae ee ee 68 
groenlandicus, Acanthocottus__.--.---------- 387 
Aspidophoroides=— =.= =—4 == — se eee 397 
Cotins 2) ee eee 386, 387 
Gunnellus: 2. 222-2 eee 468 
Himantolophus==o.2-*_<e24se4S 509 
ippoglossuS=22 === 2 <5 esos ee 221 
Salmo. 25-22 =e eee 66 
G@rontas 5. 5 = 255-28 ee See 154 
MIPVINSADTIS= 22s e ame oe ea cece ee oe lod 
gronovii, Gobius 268 
Nomels.22---2- os 268 
Ostraciones- 2-2-2 .--2=== 497 
Solea: 2222 > See ee eee 229 
GOAT COS. c= St sean = oa ea SS 473 
grossidens; Hinpranlis.=="2-= 32-2. SS eee 51 
IVCenerauliss] + - 22 eee 51 
Lycodapus es =o eee 479 
grunniens, Amblodon.— 2: 5+. 22-2 Sse 352 
Aplodinotus 22 3.-- 32 2-5 -See Sena = eee 352 
VE ee See eee eee 352 
Pryllus pMxXOCOSUIS s== Ses sass sna sae aaa eee 200 
Grystes lineatts - = yas. se soo none 373 
Guabicoara brasiliensibus-_---...-.-...---... 330 
guacamaia, Pseudoscarus 435 
SCN ee ee 435 
Guacamaya 435 
Puacari, Hy postomis As ss Sas eee ce 160 
guachanco, Sphyreena--.-.-—------ =-2 8a ee 255 
guacharote, Amcistrus= 28252 see) 2 eases 161 
IEEV DOSLOEGYS =— aoe nee eee 161 
guadalupe, Atherinops insularum___------.- 252 
guadalupensis; Amia-s-. 2/2 e)Ste ces 296 
EAT forthe Soe see Sh Be see 296 
PURICAT  HICNGNOIS: 2=~aessoa- sae eee eee 449 
@Gttamaicu atings...- =. --<-22--=5=--sse5-.5<0 502 
Guamajacn gusra- =~ so 22s ee ee 501 
Ruansbana, Wriz0.-- 28) -. sass en eee 501 
GUAROIV Sa aaa eee ee eee 491 
late fees se en cae aes eee eee 492 
guara, Guamajacu 501 
Gunrapuca.- =---=aa=-22ce 257 
PIES OLE STL S pe eee ee ee 312 
guatemalensis, Anacyrtus_----.-_-..--_---.- 98 
ATWS sae oa ac seane Se abo ae a ee 150 
IB DY COlbse sen a= sana aa ae 98 
@hirostoma- — 2-2 o - soe eee 249 
Citharichthys 222 2bse cheese ee ee 219 
Mundults == 2s 52.20 222. 2ese ee ee 174 
Galeichthys ==. .-22.-22-02. 222522 ee 
Pimelodus.2:. == 5>-- 2. 28 Se eae 
IRAMCIG-~ ho ences noe eee 
Le % 02) 060) (0 (= ee ee ee Sete dae 
Typinhsac ce ees aas ens eee nae ee eee 
Guativere amarillas=- 22-25 se as 
guativere, Bodianus-------- 
Guatucupa juba-.-_-------- 
Guavina_- 2-2 eens ee Le 
CA 1 ee ee ee ON ER ota Cee 
gasvinag; Mlbotris= 2522-52. 5-0 ~L a> eee 
Guavitiea sate te eee 
guayamasisx, Gillichthys------.-.-.--22-.-.- 444 
guaza, epinephelus:.-5255- --2es.-+esnsseee st 310 
Dabrus.o 2.2 cic. bane eevee eee 310 
gueritheri, Galeichthys- =. 22.5.2. -22 asses 149 
LOMIAlOgTYSles == so wes ae sete bate 310 
IM IgA ess ek nwe coetetae aeouee eee 253 
Siremih0: =. dee ossae cence npeeate were 483 
GISNERETIONS: 222s 2 3 te ees 500 
[Cattle ee ie ae ene ae 500 
guianensis, Anchoviella 49 
Stolephorus_-_-_---_-- 49 
Strongylura----_-- 196 
‘TylOBOrUS 2-0 ooh a sae eeeeeses 196 
guichenoti, Callechelys_-.-.-.---..--.---=--- 86 
Cayernnia. £3) 2s tee 448 
gulja, “Phyring... 2c. feeeeseeee eae ee eres 248 
puineensis; Ostraciont 5. 22s sa sce eecewanos 497 

Guiritings 2.2225 sce eer eee 149 

Gerres="s— ee 

gulo, Holocentrus 308 
gulonellus, Pogonichthys (Platygobio)_____- 136 
gulosa,(Gathorops: -- 8: == 22-2. ee 151 
suldsuss Chenobry tts... eee 302 
@Ottopsi$ie. 22-22 2 eee 383 
Cottus 2 2t223 2 eee 383 
Gobius2:2.-.<225-- 02 eee 443 
NMicropobius.<-25-5 22 2-22 es eee 443 
Parachromiss=2--s. 3:33 3 eee ee 418 
IPomotis-=2 =~ > eee 302, 303 
Tachisuruséo2-2¢ eae noae ee 51 
gulula, Bucinostomus_==229-5 | eee 341 
gummigutta, Hypoplectrus unicolor_________ 321 
Plectropoma 321 
gundlachi, Dormitator___________ 436 
gunelliformis, Asternopteryx_____..._______- 468 
Gunnelluss3_ 22) os eee 467 
fabriciivs 2-62 22sec 2s eee 470, 471 
groenlandicus-=:..245.=25..0 See 468 
murenoides.==2522.< 05 62252 oe 468 
ODNATUS 2). ses 552-052 -s0 ee 468 
TUDELEIMUS -so2— ene nae eee 468 
Willgaris:.. 05. oo dl ee 467 
gunnellus; Blennius-2-<2.2-2--= 5. sone 467 
OliSscue2 oS le ee ee 467 
PUNCH, ‘SCOMPCH sos. = see ee ee 217 
Squalss4 5-22. Sa ee 20 
gunnisonii, Cyprinella 130 
guntheri,Alvordius: —-2-2 =< == Se 283 
ASpidophoroides=.-- =-5se seamen ee 397 
HALOS YS Seon ae ee 74 
iMioplopagrus: =. ~-.s25. 2222-5 eee 324 
Wampany Cts <3- 52. ee 167 
MUP. o. Sensstoss05es= ees eee 253 
Sphyrena. 22s... -25-52o. ee eee 255 
WilCina: 20 25.4 2See_ssee aes ee ee 397 
<iphophoOnriSs-252-- 6.4.52 ee 193 
Miphophorus helleniz=-—- == see ee ee 193 
guntheriana, Alutera- -2-2___2_ 4-sseseeee es 496 
guppil, ‘Congromunensa_-_- 522-22 eee 80 
Girardinuss._--/2._ 2.2222. ee eee 191 
Gnathophiss=2>. 2.22) 22 5a eee 80 
@urnardus- -2-25=.2 5-2 22-5252 eee 406 
birostratus:.-=-<:+. === 52 * nee 406 
: 406 
SCOLDD Aa enna ne eee ee 371 
guttatus; Astrodermus.— -__-—- 22 Seen 264 
AStrosCODUS_.< 2-5-s-2=2-H2s5 525-24 454 
IBalistes: 2. 2.222.223, eee eee 492 
Bodianus: 2.---2--5- --.-_-- 2 309 
GHITts #2 25622-2562 5-255 eee 373 
Dasyatis..-s--s-sss) 34 ces ae ees 28 
HM pinephelus 252 << -2os--n an eee eee 311 
JONNIUSE & so s5- = 5-322 cee be soe ee 313 
Labrus-_- 426 
Wutianuss2s- 2-2). oa 326 
IMGS0PRION == ==) ones a ee ee 326 
OPMISUDUS= 528 — oe een oe eee 87 
POT Gdibea ee ses wee coer a ieee ee 308 
Percopsis: s22se-22- 252-52 2 eae ee ee 214, 215 
POMOTIS: 52-526 ss sane me ee ae 304 
POUSii coe hecee tat aace senso eS a eee 216 
ZY BONCCLES == <== oa ee ai 178 
guttavarium, Plectropoma--_-__-..---.-.-.-_- 321 
guttavarius, Hypoplectrus unicolor_____-___. 321 
cuttifer, Opbichthus..--s 22-222. ees 7 
Ophichthys: =~ -—~~-<: -2--22 = ase 87 
guttulata, ELypsopsetta__ -2_.- =. ese eee 225 
guttuiatus, Cichlaurus..-.-- 2-2 15-. een ees 416 
Heross.- oe eb soe on ee 416 
Pisodonophis-_-_----- x 85 
Pleuronichthys 225 
guzmaniensis, Catostomus (Acomus) -.-- 104 
@ymnacanthuses*2--2----- 226 = 389 
Paleatuss —tsecsccs--2-- 72 eseee eeeeee 389 
Gymnachirin&®-*. 23. coe ons nccaenos-aseeeoe 229 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
CRA ig hie ee Se 229 | gymnurus, Gasterosteus__.....---.-- 237 
fASCIN GEIS ee ee ee ae 229 | gyrans, Querimana--_-_....-........- 253 
UGG Guede ake pin. 220) |. Goyrinchthys) <2 02-25. 3k ease 403 
|B atena (ica) (uate: (1413.6 ee ke ln a mg ee 270 iminyiremus 222323 e2 eae 403 
(Email Gian mes eos oe ea ees ee 438 | gyrinops, Cyclopteroides------.----- 398 
SOUT ee ee ee ee BN oe 238); LaesyrInus- HIeOtrIs ss se eS 436 
SUNT) VR a oe a 477 EVANIGI. Se Soe ae en 401 
CODOT yn C Hise see ne 477 Gobiesox (leans nee ae 489 
ICUS =e ee ee ee 477 Sobitheodes: =. ee 155 
SLAY 121 Net Dae so NE Lc | Se ae eS Naa 477 PMOTUSY = oo Sees eee 155 
yiig Ch Saee Soe od 2 a eee Litt (Ge yropleurodus: =<. 32 == 10 
PANIC HIS UR. oes ese ee ese 477 WANCISCL= ase sae ee Se 10 
a VIMNelS Pics] te pens See TA 477 

CRO HOGAN ENS. nee ees eee et Seg) | eudropterus =.= 2-2-2502 2222ses5c~5 283 
Pe Cr eee gS SS See 389 Vy io i er 284 
PES TALE pep ah Pee Lo Be eS ee 389 CEE TU TLS) 2 pepe es ae a Oe ea 283 
(ICUS WIS ee cca mee eae ne See ee 389 maxinkuckiensis--...........-=- 284 
OND EE RB ANIS = on ee ee ot es oe 267 WeroMmscistus 3 Sos oe 283 
ACC SSHTH 217 1h Waele he BPE eae ee eS SSE 267 TOOROKS Sab oo ose Bes sce 284 
ERR ee te cree oe ee Se See ae ee 309 RGIS ss eee ee Oe 284 
epusriniseirigins eee a 466 Serres ss. o so-so eeaaeancas 284 
Tu eG | hs 6 ele Oe ae ES Oe ee Seay SIR Pe ot 466 SOUATING EE Se ey es ee as 284 
"DELLA OVE 7 ee ra 497 Sclinmiardi see eee oe eae Ceo 285 
SURE 102] ei SR a ae SE eS 262 hesceliatnis: 325250. 8 Fo. ee 289 
LE GUL TDi sk ape Mah Sle a ae 216 | (Hydropterus) cymatotenia, Etheostoma-... 285 
eyimuoraster, picy dium .--_-__.______-...-.. 447 nianguz, Etheostoma-_-_-_-------- 285 
IenetsTRTIO ITIP NFtS e e a A 94 ouachitae, Etheostoma---------- 284 
ie Leh 4 A A aie ert ae 94 squamatus, Etheostoma-_-_--...-- 285 
AIL Td Nee SED a ae een eae ee 95 | hematurus, Hybopsis---....-... 145 
DOTA Ch etcetera ae TOP) peter des 222225 329 
Pa TIRELGATSS CTS 0s Ste ee Ne 486 | Heemulon---.....-.--- 329 
Ca al 486 acutum_. 329 
Gymnopsis__-.-- a 94 poo) Go tre Cae ee 329 
Gymmosarda__._.._._..- 258 elim 4 os one eS 329 
gymnostethus, Gurnardus_ us 406 Gfara- <5 82 oe te ced oes 330 
Cali it ins! tes Abs eh Slee eee le Te ACRES 406 ABECUALI Se < 2. So. Spa saan seus 330 
“LO Tn a ee eer 91 SUTOUNeAUHIN. 52220. nsencdeccn an 331 
ED! scat Me iS SAE ie eae Sai eee, 91 BOUTIN. 225 ac neanaseSecaseee 329 
CUTE a an leg oa ie 9S A ae 93 Drevirosiniiays =... -. soe a 330 
TRUS CS TUT re alee aa ie = 9 aie sista. Rg ae 93 MANNE oun ceue cence aesu cote 329 
[Usui | ee Sl EE Ait oe a NS ak TSS 92 GAT HOUGIIUMN =. a. se sscetuse cua 330 
Son Ul 071 a oo ee eS 93 eandimacnla. 6 2052020 csccse ee 329 
TC asl a Sipe Lae pease eee 92 Ghromis. | Fo en tase eet se 329 
A | ES AES SS Se SE eee ea 94 CHY USALOVTGING saat on eee osccduas eso am 330, 331 
OA a i eS pe Se a 93 GHrysOpteru oa oe on esos nce 329 
concolor--.-.... Pe a aS Se a 93 PCE AT ets 1110 Cea Sa ea 329 
SAU OREN ow slam wom wis tegen ity nn 92 ug) ye eS ee 333 
(CMA ps ed Se eS Ee ee i ee 92 OOEVINGOTINIS = oo. one ese 333 
CLC 2 pea oe eS SS SR Se Ree 93 GUGIRAIG Seren co aoe ete 330 
SINMOMETIDUG Ss Jn ee na ewe 91 GIBGHORS 2c J eee tesa Seek 329 
Le La piel Sa ee eee oe eee eae 92 flaviguttatus......-............. 331 
1 Ei Se ee eee at eeece eee eee 92 Havoelines tun... 330 
i TOMIOSUEN ono ou eon ees anne 330 
{EMV ANGUIM ss. owceck. 2s coee 329 
RIG UBEOUOILS weitas cmee cewatae eae 330 
hians..---2-9--2----- o-oo 830 

NPIIPTIBNO 98 oe momen Lees set sects 
se, oe eit iat a ui io ae Aree 332 
Jiri ri oe ieee eae ae 330 
macrostoma 329 
macrostomum 329 
maculosum 329 
margaritiferum -- 331 
mazatlanum._.......-._- 331 
melanurum 330 
microphthalmum...........-.---------- 329 
MO WEG nce tea duet eee e eed _re 329 
TMM HUNOR CNN woos soaase oe 330 
RMS UES N ATEN a po PS cl er hn Stn siete togapeadhd 329 
OD POBIG Ss aesacunsnewnweanead 332 
Ve Ne oe ee ee el a 329 
PIETRO NE oS oe oo on ok alae 92 Pliner oe poe a 330 
Ie ree it apt caer eS Smad ee 92 Quierilinestam. 7.2 5c. eae 331 
ns ee er ere ee 92 quinquelineatum.-............... 331 
Lt LO re ae a oe re 101 TOU OCMURONE So tier 2 a asean reson 329 
CELL ny 7 el Se an 27 PL fe) Sa aes ee ane aa 331 
er MMR? 2 8 on ears ad aco 101 SGUPRMEIE Sooo crac ekaceerGan nat 330 
Seay i eee ee eee 101 BOR ee eae teen anda ta ee ka 330 
(ES ae aa a ae ae ar 101 ys (ci) OP ee ER Ca an | eae 330 
CU AES 2 5 eee Ite ii 101 1311 Lee A ge pe 329 
RC denies Nal s ia = dL aS Us esas clined 101 CLA 111 aC ae ae 329 
ce eee | ae 101 TE 7 | aS ca ae ee es 329 
Pi ty 8 Se Ge, .. Sa saeert 101 GURU Pa a cial tino os cian ito hes 330 
Deen i a el anes ciacuaalteudawk 101 SEOLOR GEE To cera wim as ie walter da 330 

et) Re i ala iri Sivan niin sdb tea 101 SUDALCORGIIN 5 i 2anccoeeess oss 2 a= 
GO se salt edanncecccacacwsdisacix 23 TOI og enna saat wdannd ona kie 330, 331 



List of scientific names—Continued 


Heemulon undecimale.~.22520 eee 330 
xanthopteron-222 shoe fe a 330 
Hismulopsis's) 25 1282522 2592 ei nS pee 333 
(Heemulopsis) axillare, Pristipoma_-___-_-____- 333 
brevipinne; Pristipoms: 22222 eer sees 335 
nitidum;. Pristipomas——<-2 = ae 333 
hizeres; ‘Goblesox= = ssa se ee as ee 490 
Sicyases s..3 525 4 ee J 490 
HMalatractus =. 3. ee 279 
Gorsalis -2~ 2s Soba Se ee ee 279 
halec, ‘Gluped: -220 2 ee 41 
Halecomorphilt= eS ee 38 
IHislecula 23. te aes Sa ee 46 
ScuMiINnata. 2 eT ee eee 46 

12 UE Ce ee ae ee rae? pete ee a 479 
VAR CHOCHOS = 25 seas a Sa bs 5 nee AVERT? 426 
Cadtlornicuss.2--2 = s-- Se Eh 428 
SOL err 5 ty es es 428 

LEE UT its ele ee eee ee es ete Renee ew t eee 507 
BPONPIOSA = oe nn Se neh es ES 508 
Stotiata =e 220. So Sae Se es OE 507 

PH alioutellaee: ts eas 3 tee 508 
JAD DS oS Shee oe a ee 508 

Pra heutich thtyse. <2 2A fe Ee 507 
aculeatys: 27 22t tae ee Se ee ee 507 
CaTibpeus es see ee 507 
reticnlatus-c+ 30-2 =e ee 507 

SIN Tbh Thee oe ee a ee ee eee 507 
Haliperca.* oh one eS SR ees 318 
NavleriAUTObatSS—— =e soso ees ee 29, 30 
Urolophus’ (32> ies eee ee 29 
Haloporhyrus: viola. 2-22 ee 211 
Haloperbhyrus 4 ek oe 211 
halops-Acipenser. 2 == 20. se Se 34 
HMalosaurichthys>2==2-s-oe2 Shs 5 ae ee 74 
FAlgsairidce: © 22st = en ae ee 74 
TRlOssuropsisy 426 ee ee roe 75 
PISIESA TIS thee Or eee eee ee 74 
ettienwtatus. = sasha ee eee & 75 
CGO Ta Set a wan See eh ae ae 75 
PAI GDOTIE 9 58) £5 ee tp ee ee 74 
Bincrocni 2 oe ee eS eee 75 
OWOR Es sa 5 ey SRR es 74 
OVEN. 238 ass eee 74 
TAqIaLUS 4 ee ee ee ee 74 
TOS(rAt ae ae eo ee eee 75 
TOStTaAtiG! 2 Ss ee ee 75 
Hamacos. eels. 33-5 es eee 378 
hamiltoni, ‘Brachioptilon=2--- 2222-2 32 
Hippoglossoides- -.--.----------- peaches 222 
Manta 5233-3 5 ee SS 32 
hamuiondi; Pimelodus-—=- 23-42 es 152 
Hamimondli;-P ercopsissc so sso Seas 215 
Hemotiltis: 322 2 2-2 s oe 117 
hankinsoni,: Parartedivs=.-2225-2-2 ee 377 
Haplochilus dows = 32 $2555 3 eee 179 
Aoripinws a ee 177 
Leth yi Oh te ee See eee ere ee) 180 
MEelANODS 3s Ss Sn eee 185 
Haplod0els:2.2- 34 See a eee 486 
haplognatha, Helioperca___........--.------. 301 
haplognathus, Lepomis::- 2-5-2422 301 
Paploid onetise= oo oe eee 352 
HS ploni ss 7 ee a ee ee 172 
hardwickei, Ratabouri-_------.------ See 89 
harengoides, Glossodon____.----------------- 40 
arenpinie 73S Sees fate 43 
callolepis == 2 eee 43 
Cupedle 2 f232 sas RS 43 
NUMeralise = 2-2 fo sae he SS 43 
latte. =) 22a ses 2 eS 43 
Macro penalitus-—- ~e--  e eee 43 
MAaChlOsa 252-0 ae OS 43 
pesACOl ss 2222 SS A eee 43 
Sardint asses ee 43 
thrissing 24.2 esi252222 eee 43 
harengulus, Eucinostomus____.....-.-------- 341 
harengus,; (Oli pessoas ss eS 41 
aviniau se oe 5 ses ae 113 
Leucichthy sso 2ss ores sors ee 52 

Mey xtis |= 3:25 eee 253 
Salmo (Coregonus) s.ss2e202552022 552222 62 
harfordi, Ptychocheilus._._......-.....-.._-. 114 
harlani, Lepidosteus 37 
PIA DC (528s so cccesusowsercceaseeee eee eee 425 

Ceeruleosureunh.-2 255: 95224sssee 2 425 

Harpe cosruleo-aureus_______-.-.-.-=---.---- 425 
diplotznia 425 
pectoralis: sees ys eae es 425 
Fille: 3aee Pe 92 eee 309 
harper, Spheroides* 322° 2 eee aeearee 498 
Sphooroides: 2.0 22 a ae 498 
Manpuruis: = soo 2 25 38 a ee 362 
fasciatus: 3222522232 eee 362 
harringtonensis, Atherina____.________-____. 246 
bearringtoni,-Axyrias:- 2-25 a ee 377 
Harriottas.2 0 322) 328 a eee 33 
curtiss-jamesi__>- 2 = eee 33 
raleighans «2222 2 3 eee 33 
harroweri,; [sopisthus: 2.25 3 SS --ee 354 
harti, -Haplechilus=). sae 180 
Rivulus: 3-223 eee 180 
hasselti;:\Carank: +. 5.553235 22 eee 270 
Pardserranus sas 425 on eee 318 
Hasta; dbutianus! 225225232252) = eee 334 
hastata; Pastinaca.--2 0! eee 28 
hastatus “Dasyatis: i222 =5*- 45 ae 28 
Gobionelluss22243-+ = 2S 440, 441 
hastingsi, irtianus:-2 22220225 s ee 326 
INeomsrbnisi-2s2 262523) 2) tens 2 326 
Hastor 2362-2 eee eee 1§2- 
CaTUS SS ea os Ss A eee 153 
Giese hea eee 153 
Iscustris.2: iJ. 3s sas eee 152 
lophilis- 22 sc. =. .2 See 153 
AUPUSSI ess 5 th 8. es SS ee 153 
okeechobeensis's 2222-0 a eee 152 
DRIGOI se eee ses ah ao bs Nase 153 
DavsnatGerres 2268 = oss ee eee 342 
eySteeniAl 5 53502 2s Se ee 342 
havannensis, Mursena-. - 22.2" 2 ose eee 87 
hawsiensis; Hlops==22 -<-2_.-- | Sa 39 
hawaiiensis, Macrorhamphosus___________--- 246 
hayden, etychostomuss === eee 109 
hayl, Hybornathis. eee 144 
hearnei; Salmoi2c- 342. -=5 2552) ye eee 60 
heathi, Schedophiluss2==2-.2- eee 268 
heckeli,: A cusses322 2s sesso Snk eee 244 
Balistes- = 2¢22 ees ee 493 
Gambusie.2c 22s oe eee 185 
IN@rophisila2 2222. sees 5 244 
hedricki; ‘A:statheros.22. 52 22845 esse 421 
Cichlasoma 3222 Sss2=- eee 421 
heermanni, Amphistichus- --..---..-.-.------ 411 
heilneri; abrisomus=—=5-." "52222 2-e eee 459 
Heiropteravess 2c. sae. eon eee 25 
helena; Muyrena 2232-2 5s 2524 = eee 90 
Mursnophiss 22422222 ee 90 
Heliasess 24.0 occcsesses eee 413 
enchrysurus< -f22es 3452252 263=55 eee 413 
iInsolatus). 222 2Jss.26S2 2525 See 413 
Mareinatuss sss ess asses ces eee 413 
mul tilineatus-2-2225 54 2253-45 = 2-2 412 
Fleliastes 22. 2. 222 sess So eee 413 
Helicolentisi.2 Joss 32s505 2 33 se eee 370 
dactylopterus:2<s22 25 2=<=5 = 2 ee eee 370 
maderensis: 24222222 370 
Helioperca. 2se 222 2223525555523 S5-e ee 301 
bombifronss=. 2250-4 2-52-4-2sseeeeee 301 
haplognatha 2.5... 42-5222. eee 301 
InCiSOL2 22-2626. 24225 565 524 eee 301 
Macrochira — 5 = 25524242 esse 301 
marginota ! 2.5 2206<-5s2geosss eee 301 
nephela: =. _ 22 225 32235 es ee ee 301 
helleri;, Anchoviella-s2<- +. s5=2222-s-. Sees 48 
brevis; x<iphophorus=— 2225-55 see 194 
guntheri, Xiphophorus------------------ 193 
Heros: aasassso aces geo A eee 422 
ranchovii, Xiphophorus 193 
strigatus, Xiphophorus------------ 193 
Thorichthy$2s2- 222225 2.s0e5s.eeaee eee 422 
Siphopitonis..2--2-2sssss4s<sueeoeee eee 193 
helolepis, “Drachyrineus--=+-..252~..--ses-ee- 203 
HMelmiiehthys 725256 58.5252 545552 hoes ase 79 
diaphanuspass: 25225254 sas wee eee 79 
elmictis:csys 332 néos=- ooo eee 79 
heloepis, Trachyrhynchus...-...-.---------- 203 
Trach yrintus 25.25. 2222445 Ses ees 203 
MelOp§ 1282395. d st acaccs22 2 cases eee 34 
helops, A.cipenser=: 222 202. 4-sansne=aneeeeeeon 34 
helvomaculatus, Sebastes 367 
Hlemiancistrisicssscseneseeene Deen eee 161 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Peoninn thias* = Sees eee eee 22 St 322 
pick hjee = | os eee 322 
VEV OUTS see ee es Se 322 
(Hemianthias) peruanus, Anthias___--._-_-- 322 
EPCMDIATIUIS ee pee eee Sea So 149 
emi branchit==. See sae ee oe ek 237 
POTHIDTY CON: oe nate ee ted ae SoS 97 
Gariensis == ee see ee ee Pat ot 97 
(Hemibrycon) polyodon, Tetragonopterus_- 97 
PROM ICAPAN Ye ee ee eS 271 
amblyrhynchvss2-- eee eee 271 
atrimanus:_- = ok eee 271 
PO GUIS ee ee ee 271 
farthi =  e ee e 271 
JeOnciiepis ees bse Se ee 271 
MAEPINASISS ee ee See reel aes 271 
Shampoites 2". a Sees Berens eee 271 
MADRE oo =e See eee Sa a ee 271 
Ieniietite odo =) = 2 ee ee 359 
EATON ISS 2 28 2 Soo oe ees eo 437 
PRUREG IES as os oe ce 437 
Hemiexoccetus---...-.-...--.-- 199 
caudimaculatus 199 
CCT PE ee Ee et eee. 14 
CEPA O TU ee ae eas ees 14 
RINIERORLANN 2 oe Soe os ok see ies 4 
NI EN ce ee es 14 
ENNIS oe en a ete a 98 
COTES Ut toy sire OE Ee SEY See mee 97 
ee see oe Soe Se ae 97 
foo D TU eS See oe ene © 98 
hemigymna, Garmannia_----_-....__.._---- 445 
hemigymnus, Argyropelecus_---_--_-._.---- 74 
ROTOR ste oe SA Sey eS St 445 
Dae ot ee ee a 380 
Cl ee a eee nae oe rane 381 
PTE LES 6 SS a ri ee See ee é 

featitanidotoa, Cottus 
HRIKIOTR ONIONS 27252 D8 Sr. oe te 
ie CO) i es se ae ee 


PME MOP DRMION 222: ie) ne as. eee 
hemiodon, Carcharias 
Enis Ga SERS ee ae ey eS 100 
ERIC = ee es a a ee uh a ee 

eine Sei Eee eee eee ye 

LT UES ae ag SS A SS atone 
ee ee 
hemiplus, Cyprinus - - 

MIPIM UNC Le S22 oan es cock ae 
TAT TOV 111 Ce ee SR Pe EE 

[> ahi ok eae 

HENGE yee on cnet oa eee) 108 
filamentosus__________ A fey Lee ps 199 

LE Sa) a) Sp AS a See a Bp 198 

co Te Si, ee ae nnn ome 199 









So Se a SS es eee eae by ee 218 
en ~~ ee 
Co ge i ie 219 
0 ae a eae > saath ee a 218 
SEE eee fe. pact ton, eto, 218 
Re ee a eS PT al 433 
al Rr en SS aS i ee epee as Seay 433 
i SS ia aro ane Ora 121 
RU Se lo actin Yate a at 135 
pric. i iin a ae gl nn eS 121 
|) Si Se Sanaa aes 121 
P| a ipa ita ER eae Y 393 

6424°—29—— 38 

Efemitrinterea se. = 1 ive = cee Te eee. 393 
GIHOTICARTIUSS hes tars bee ges eae 393 
Gayiirons: See <3 Be ee 393 
MAPMOLatUSSS ee ee ee 382, 393 
WALLOSUISS 2 9 ot eS eye Se BS te He 393 
iHemriphophorus 22s. 2a ee ee 184, 185 
hemphillii, Stathmonotus---__...._---_-__-- 465 
henley Carcharias 32> es lesa 5 ee ieee 16 
RING LIACIS.. Ss >> 8 ae eer eS 13, 14 
ensballi; Z.yponectes: = 22) 2s as ees 177 
Henshavn. Rhinichthyss- 2: 2222. o ae 141 
nenshawi, oalme=- 2205S 4 eh eee a 57 
OW GP IB TRUISS 26 Soe = Sek pee 462 
Eby psoplennius=> = =." 4 1) eee eae 462 
RRMAtisS. ACABERUTUS. 295-200> 5ha2 aan eee 362 
GTAMMISTOS = «x. Sl. ee eet Se 335 
od ich 71s 15 ees a gS eee ee ee 2 EEE BS 362 
LEVON nt ee as ie ee ee ee 246 
Svermannl =. | <2 = 2-3 a Soke SX Sa 246 
i] 0c eRe ee ee ene ae ee ee 246 
PS DSGhNS,- Runering — -< <4 ol eevee 246, 247 
heptacanthus, Cheilodipterus____.__________- 280 
harval, Tewodener 02 222 AS eed ae 499 
dS ctu (elect h(n ie ceeeiac ee ee ee 422 
Bocouris.2 2 22a aero eee 423 
GCANDIRUIS 2. S- ae ee soc cet ee een eee 423 
CYANORULTANIS. 2S. 525 = 2 Ses OE eee 422 
Pages ee Fe ee th ee 423 
pel Qian) ates) 1k Pee seep a ee Re eae 422 
SPOSDUBIL oo: 2 Se is a Fe. ae ee Sena 423 
MUGEN WOOL ee Sos ee ese 2 oes 423 
hearminier, Bighmius: 2-2 22-. Ao eee 459 
GRINS MUGe ee oe aru cows seer an ae eee 459 
Hermiulis 426 
Hermosilla 340 
azurea 340 
robusta__-- 340 
1S Te i a lt, RR LLY Bape ly.) 416 
affinis 422 
altifrons 420 
angulifer 416 
aureus 422 
balteatus 418 
basilaris 421 
SR ee eo eee oes owe ee 419 
BHARCIAUUS. a. concos epee eae Soe 416 
MANQIE DIRS: ao) occa enti ac ocan eee 422 
UT OL CUS oo enn Son eee a ae eee a ee 
(Cichlasoma) spinosissimus ss peene ee eos 420 
gov. 22. 
st Co ee UN er Se apioae oe denen) as Rate 423 
PIDDIGSS. tusk chee elt ai 417 
pba vi\ 1 Wiaeyee 8 oe ee es 416 
ingests) 1 eels Soe See oe Pe eaelS Pes 416 
TI y eS GA Aer O58 Vas. Be ae te 422 
Heterodontus <a -ne ee es Se 420 
iSO TO OR yes. eat owe ein Seaton 416 
LAN rn 11: eee Se ee OL pees Peet Ee ee 418 
MATA osesate ote apc de vate ea eens 422 
IBUTIGGUG. cote ota oe eee 419 
plein Tabet: (61 eS Sens See el ae tore 418 
lobochilus _ _- 422 
longimanus__- 420 
RNACUITNOIIS: 2 wo aoa c ote dee ocean gee 422 
TIRUAQUOUBIS 5-0 nos Seo tlon boeetia nos 418 
TE OMRON tines snes pone. doe = ee ee 421 
TNOUO RMON wo as. wtb. Fw, in en 421 
TPINMUE OS. fos cote Renate be asicia has m 416 
TUG ob ag rena Sse > awe ee ade 419 
pelfgapeidet thee || WR ae: ioe sea e pe ReNi et 416 
TETAS So aibetts id a kuna oa rswig es ee 421 
PAOLBRUD HNN ioc iz de anes sa ababa bee 418 
TITAS MORE . oon on is oe ane nee Ladow 423 
7] STA OT: cet, SRO a SRC i A a Fi | Sy 417 
SCO INMID ca cie lata thd a5 suo acetates a 418 
FEET Le iad ae afta cra aes a rc aah wrt 419 
nigrofasciatus 420 
oblongus. —.- 421 
octofasciatus 421 



List of scientific names—Continued 

eros parma. Pott ae se ee alee be 419 
PRVONECOUS 2 2322 e2 Si eee epee 422 
TOSWAUUS = = Ses Se es ee eee 421 
Salvini. 2-000 ske 2 ee nee 418 
SOVOQUS oo soon an cos oe ee eee 416 
SIGDOIGI 2S 2) 6 ee een 423 
¥ 420 
wiayal ad rats Let) s Cpanel eee gee eats oR 418 
RIGLOS; uD OMLOUS eee eee Cae SUSE 302 
IPOTHOUIS = Cn Fae ed eee ee ee ee 302 
Heroilapign 3-22 2 oS ee ee 423 
ATU LIS PU OSH= a ooh ees eee een 
Herpetoichthyss=-~ = See a en et eee 
cnllisoma 2 222 =. ee ees 
snlcatus= == 
herschelinus, Careliparis.__.._-...-.----_---. 
1S of: y hee ee begets SET Beeline 22s ie 400 
herizbergi, Silurus. 222 ee ae 148 
Iesperanthigs-3° > 52.) ee eee 328 
herperis, Priapichthys annectens___________. 187 
Hesperoleucus-20 3.25. Sr ee ee 121 
SIUUCUS 2 ons se eae ee ee 122 
INGBTNS ss se oe ee ee 122 
mitrilus:.. 2.22. 2 Se eee 122 
MAVAELOANKIS. =o ys tee ee eee 121 
Darvipinnisk--5-3 2 he eas 122 
SUD GIbas= ee 122 
symmetricus 121 
WENUSUUISSo5 tye ee ee eee 122 
eteracantha, Rhamdia__.--_3- > se 158 
heteracanthus, Dolopichthys--._......-_--.- 510 
BINS = she Se ee eee eee 
HOTIMOSA en os ee ee ee 
Wt Zi se oS Oe Sao ee 
MODIS — 2 2 ee I eee 
ZODSUA2. 22s 2k Oe ea 

heteroclitus fonticola, puadalue $25 175 
heteroclitus, Myndulus:. = 1..-4 251 176 
heteroclitus’ grandis, Fundulus_ 2-33-22. 176 
heteroclitus macrolepidotus, Fundulus---.--. 176 
Hieteredon; Alburnops.-. 22... 3.2. eee 136 

Heemnlon-siccc. > ol ec ae ee 330 

Ey DOpSsiS= = tel ee oe ae 136 
richardsoni, Hybopsis_-._......-.--- 136 

Heterodontidies 23 sas) Jo eee ee 10 

heterodontus, Astatheros.........=--:.---.+. 420 
JROUOS = 226 sansa sa Sooo 420 

Hereroglossus, Gadus. 2.2. 2.262222 eee 210 

FIGLGrORDAtD 5225220525 -ccccnawen alee eee 95 

Heterognathuss_u- 25.2.5... Bab 

heterognathus, Gnathophis pert 5 Lia © 2 80 

heterolepis, Hybopsis ES ee ato 8 A A eee 134 
Notropis.. 3222.45.52... - eee B 

WIStClOMt = 52 sacar cena ce nanan stances oten eee 


Heterophslinss-<s22<05.252552225 See 



heteropygus, Caranx 

Hieterostichus 2-222 2sssnt eens ee 458 
TOStTAtUS 42s che ctadsasdea eae 458 

heterura, OClupess 232-3 ee 46 

TXOCOBUUSS = tenn sto cae= a oceceen a eee 

Dipterodon ee eee eee a 8 
hexacornis” Cottus__—...-— a eee 
Oncocottus SUaRe be eee 
hexagonatus, Stomias_ 
Hexaprammo0S-..2a2-soee eo 
OSPOl 2 san 5-25255225¢ 22 ee eee 
decagrammus. =. 22 52 2.22 = ees 
lagocephalus= =< 222) --3 2 eee 
octogramimls 23222 = bee ee eee 
Stelloniiis .) #8 2. 0 ee 
superciliosus.222 2 2 eee 
Hexarramimus Seca bers: cases soca. eee ene 
hexagrammus, Labrus 
Hexanchid®@--=-222 2 Se eee 
@xan CUS = So Se cane see ene eee eee 

PRRUL WOILUIS Ae oS 3 eat Soe 
Belone <2 525320 8a eee 
Hemulon. 225.223 eee 
Myctophum-==. 2-2. eee 
Sayriss. 223.02 ae ae 

Biatilal: 25 sss ee eee 
pardeniana: 0.22.65 eee eee 

hiatila, Wabrus.- 2.5.22 eee ee 

hieroglyphicus, Zygonectes_._...-.--------.- 178 

Hieroptera-=-. 282.2 =-s2-2-22-e ses see 24 
abredonensis- ---_- 24 

Hildebrandia_______- 80 

GVaoo ce eee 80 

hildebrandi, Opsanus 487 

hildebrandti, Etheostoma-_-_-.-.....--..-..--. 291 
Oligocephalus-2.22_52 2 eee 291 

Hilgendorfia-2-23.. 2s. eee 404, 405 

hillianus; Dtmopteruss ss.) secs see 21 
Exoccetus.<2- 22212253. eee 200 
Spinax..4.-...2.22. 2a eee 21 

Himantolophidse. ...:25 >. eee 509 

Himantolophus:2- 222-222. 522 3 eee 509 
proonlandicus:. 21 2 eee 509 
reinhardti_>.-22 ee eS eee 509 

himantophorus, Callionymus 450 

Biodons es, 332 See 40 
clodalis__ 40 
selenops 41 
tergisus 40 

Hiodontidss=2.c222.6 2s eee 40 

hipoliti, Gobius! 2223.2. ee 440 

Hippichthiys- 2-2-2255 2. See 243 
albirostris. 22225 2532s eee 243 
cayOrume. ).-. iii. eee 243 
heptagonus. sickest sso sadkacc see 243 
2) OCC (:) el a ee eo 243 

Hippocamping..-: 22-325. 2 = St eee 244 

Hippocampus. 2 33223222. eee eee 244 
DIuNneus... 225.5 sees aaa awe see eee 244 
fasciacularis 244 
PLACUIS sa ee ae ee - 244 
Neptagonus: =. cso. .cacs = seo ee ae eee 243 
hudsonivisis-==- Sosa sees ae eee 244 
INGONS: >. so 8b sake eee cee 244 
Isevicatidatus..2<.sakcosencas Sloe eee ee 244 
marginals... 322. coset anes ane eee 244 
PUNCtUAtUS soca sea enna ae ee 244 
Styliter.< 1 3-242. .0 5522 sececse eee eee 244 
ZOSUOL Daa cae ntaacese nase aeenameee 244 


Hip noglossine 22.32 ssaescauasen=2-aaweeee 
DOUManI- = 5. le. ces c eens aa oe 
MACTODS 225. dace wa gas ce oe OEE 
SADANGHSIS =. 2.55522 soos eases eee 
Stomata.doeoeesece == 

elassdd On so ssece.scec~avecedeecon ee 
OX osesas conus eee e asses 
-“hamiltoni pe asi2 2 eae eee 
nfo} 76 (Fo [eg cpio aioe aaah Sree ase BPS Ss 


List of scientific names—Continued 

eee peclessoldes PIALEsSHIGeS = 52 2s2e eS 222 
URIS CUS = eens ae Ries Ln SES 222 
hippoglossoides, Pleuronectes_.__-.---------. 221 
arabes ties cs as 221 
EAP OSSIS eae em ate: So ee 221 
LASIMBNSIS so een, ee see | es 224 
CoH OT NiGrines eee eee = Se 2S yet ay 223 
Signed. - Fer a tree 5 Bie * io 221 
SROs MIAN ICIEs ee ee ee eh 221 
Bip poplossiis = s2 2 Ae as eee 221 
WHARIMNGS 5-322 a ee ees 2 221 
ocd shs== 75. see) a eb cs eel 218 
(DOT CHS = ee eS ee eS 221 
hippoglossus, Hippoglossus 221 
fenronectest |) seer 8 as 221 
opoides, Caranpus: 2) 3. ale) * yee, 273 
hippops, Campostoma Pe Ne ee ees bee 146 
hippos, Waite ey Pt us 273 
EIS i) ree eR ero E 273 
Bippurus, COryphens * = 6-355 2 ee 264 
hirudo, eanbiariis. 5) ascents eases 362 
NenebyomyrOn..2. )-- Sept | oe 9 
hirundinaceus, Squalus___.-.-.-.......-.-.-. 17 
12 DTG a Gee ee ey Oe a eer te 409 
DG Tae, a eae 412 
Lo) 1 ee ee ae 
12 Spars a oe eee 
112 oe 
BOOTIMINCHER 222 tn eee 
SUPINE Setar oa ee Re ae ad 
igs Wl ee pee Soi ny See Rie RS 
hispanis, Serrana 
hispanum, LW eitiert: oe eae ee eee aie SE 308 
hispanus, ‘Gonioplectrus Lip (ia ee Se SNe F 308 
NN eee ae a See er Se ser 353 
TRADI HAUSER a ee ee 494 
LET SE Rh a Se ae eS RT ee 393 
SCLIN ete Sic ee a 494 
var. maculatus, Tetrodon__........_-.... 498 
Histichthys 215 

Den h hchi ht ae ane CSE eee Rens 

hiulcus, Stolephorus 

BSC Ty Ge ea ie ca a ee eres NT 361 
QRORIOMONAIR oso sco ae Ue ei ae 361 
So a led i ee ee ee 361 
TENS ota eee ee ore one ane ae 361 
Wen eet Soci oe A Re ONES 361 
6 Se aE Oe eee ee er e emeitee es Pe ee 361 
BRA as Spr rae Ne eee eet ee 
Lit) (1 BE es ee ie eee ae re ey 361 
en te nl A ale le A Sees a TNS AE 361 

Helacastnus, PHOOUI. 5-227. 20. seen 501 
INOUDUUCIUNG S22 5852. oy le seen eee 190 

holbroolt: Acipenser 34 
fo GOD Saige SCLIN 
MGMGUN oe odeedscs Soe noe 



op gy Ot i a eee me 
bolbroskit Dy eps plea I _ sell ee On 


ob i Ea a ee - Fis 

ECU eatinaeteberiass ssbncessax savwiteal 20m 


holbrookii} Sargus=<2- = 3 Sse seis 1 be 338 
olconiycieronus’-ooccee a ns ce aes 481 
dipittatus=e et ne ete. ere eee 481, 482 
Holtconoti * sescee soe = ee 409 
le CONOLHS 22 ees ee eee 410, 411 
APOSSIZIT on Se ee eee nce eee oe eee 411 
tahieinosus.<. = 332 ees eee 411 
PIRBOBSIc = ce pee one ee ee ee ee 412 
NOFAOpS 3-6 o> eT ee 410 
Thad overs <5 3. as ee as 410 
trowbridgel... --=222- = =222 --34 409 
holderi, Alloclinus 456 
UC cil aa ee ees Se 456 
gist Wiakairg. ofr es) Oe eee 263 
PEROUENasoece ne cw eee ae ee ee oe 491 
Nehankie 5) 55 2- ese o ne 491 
Bollard rtolardia--02 522222 i eae 491 
fintiboin eratins-— a>. ons. eee 508 
Holocanthus_____- OF tte he REM Fs eels 498 
SOIOHOUNOS=—0- 225 et so ees 498, 499 
[piel abs de oe ee ae Ss eee st l 
IMGIBHIORHOS of $< S55 oe = 2 2 SE 497 
holovanthns: Diadone —-= ~~ st ee . 501 
Boeloesnividss. 22 25 2. as ee eee 234 
Holacentrimn 5.2 2s ee a 235 
COPaRCh IN =< a eae oe te eee 236 
longipinne__ 235 
marianum_ 236 
osculum_--- 236 
DPerlstum= W725 Sao eeene 236 
poncticulatus-25..- = soo eseeace = ee ieee 236 
FeLrospinls: 2.0 66s. <== 53_ 5s eee 236 
TIPAMHUN: - sees eee enee aoe 236 
pees | 29 bane EE SD De ie Bes Ep * a 236 
SaNC-Daull oss on eee 236 
RICONORNIEO ss et 236 
STIDOE DONG omens cae tee nee 236 

pA TU La st CS ee SEE Se SN 236 
IDI GCRTNE once en nao a eens 235 
Ces | Sie ERE eee aay gees 309 
pCieh aU eee Mee ears Se eee meee SIs 324 
MEBOD YD ler Usn. sean spa~ aoe Ae ae ee 236 
(cay il or eae eee eae fee. 236 
flavocreruleu. 310 
BUND ee 308 
méeki-..> =.= 236 
TRB OU a ame acai eeie mae eons Te eed 310 

i cle ee SR a | ee, eee ef, 236 

pee cin is 1 ae Se SRE 2 SES Be ese 235 
PLN ee sere eis ee ei ee 236 
SQUCI-DAU Ue onee ee ae eee ee 236 
SSURMINOUS 2. oo 28 eee ep ee 7 363 
SOZO~ ..---.------------------------------ 235 
Lia :) ih: ae eal See ho Daye os oe 235 
SULiMAMeSIs. 6222 ee nace ect we eee 323 
LRAT as ite rl pa ee 319 

VOR BUR ho ame siren > aie oad Te 236 
VOXIUATIDG = oo Sener eens ee ee 236 
IQIOGO DNA steers ec ewans ee nape sae 32 
holocyaneos, Scarus- 434 
Hololepis 35... 294 
DAITReGl. ~ae ee 294 

erat c1h1:{3] OC, ee a PRR Ey EE 294 
BOMIEDIS, CNIS: eee ooo 22 2- -eee 232 
CEG ee ee eas Say eae oO 232 
liplomelas, Paraliparis. = <2. .5226s= 3. s2tecsce 404 
TROON ONUUS o cerec ap obs eee rt a Sa 31 
OSA ooo on cee tan aos conan Tee aL ed 36 
TROMOSUONILLS pfs cumwente hierar mn aera Ae ated de ed 76 
eg rg A ee oe, 235 
Lado e et aaoh ee or soenbye AEE 235 

tule, upediaas EE ee ean ne ee 202 
EXGOUHNEDS nee saci sean ew set guvor cr sear ae 202 
OnIn Ont Sys bot cewse tober ssc asceiaebeee 310 
SUONUNGU eet mas an ine ana yes -scaNennew one 310 
Homalopomus trowbridgii 214 
Homesthes 463 
caulopus 463 
homianus, Squalus 20 
homocyanus, Gobius 440 
homonymus, Diapterus 341 
Homoprion 346 
lanceolatus.-...- = 346 
BULUERMGRUUN.  Sasucncaventreceaeh wausee - 845 
(Homoprion) fiirthii, Corvina.......---... ef 

homopterus, Bathytroctes pe he Pee oe ALO 



List of scientific names—Continued 


hopkinsi, A.cutomentwm—-<----- 92822-22525 366 
WIniSs S42 ee ecco eee 274 
Miycteroperta. == soa as os eee 314 
Plagioeramimys,- ee eee 469 
Sabastodes!. =e Se eee 366 
Hapladelus?. 0s. eee 155 
A Oplins 2 ee a ne ee 99 
minlaparicuS=.2 ee sak ee eee 99 
microlepis...220oss- oe ae eee 99 
hopliticus, Paricélinus= = 2=—----<2*- > see 375 
heplomystax, Scarus_-. 5-22-22 - eee 432 
Sparisomss-- 2s 2 2Senecce se ee St) 4a 432 
Hoplopagnidws 2.22" 22 oe ee 324 
Hoplopagrus.2-2- 2 =. ee eee 324 
@uTtHer.-- = tes ee ea ee 324 
Honlostermmum:=25- 0-2) ets te oe ees 160 
DUNC ALDI = = a eee ee 160 
MUNCLAUUS = a ao na ee 160 
(Hoplosternum) thoracatus, Callichthys_--. 160 
Maplostethis->- = 222 t=- = eee 234 
OLNWGUS 22-2 ee eee oe eee 233 
mediterraneus 234 
Hopltinnis:2. oo ee ee 81 
diome@innus —- «82 re eee 81 
schmidtiit 2 2° 225 2 oe ee ee 81 
horatil,, Hey bopsiss—-2--.e eee ee 134 
ILepidosteus -- 22> S225 55258 Saree 345 
INOLTODISE > 2 St Ss Se ee eres 134 
horkelisnninopsioss- == sano ee ee 23 
HOrrensS: ENlOOOLUS > ee oe a eee 408 
harridus, Brachysomophis=) =<) >= se ees 89 
horsti, "(Gobiosoma- === ee 446 
hoskynil,, Bathyclupea. 2-52 -- == = esas 281 
hespes; Mugili2= sos ess i ek See 254 
Querimana 22229 26S ts ee 254 
henghi, Pimelodussss22 = 222 ee eee 152 
heyi, -Argyrosomus.—=- 2225222" s eee 64 
Coregonus = 2 ae ene ee ees 62 
BUCICHL UD YS.= = see scene tease se eee 64 
PIMOGIOGUS: .~2= cate nese eee ee 154 
ranided 2* -o-h =~ - neon a> See ee 386 
hobbardi, Parophrys22 2.3 2225 eee 226 
Habbesia_-. = eh ss Sea eee ees 248 
pilberti. =. oe SS eee 248 
hyper, Priapichthyss2 2 2st sss ee 187 
hwdsonia; Clupen ee 222s Sess cee aes 132 
idsonicus; salmoees. 222 s22e 2s ee 60 
NGGSONIS “2 Stee chee See ee eee 132 
pletesi-s2. 2228 ee ee eee 132 
BIGUS= eos Sg Ceres eek eS See 137 
IBTITATUR 2 2- oe sooo bn ene eee 132 
chamberlaimi>. —s.. 24222-2223 2 eee 132 
PTT VO DE aes 2 oS eee ster: Sete 132 
HiTWIAtINS | See soon Soa et Pace eee eee 132 
hridsonius |? 22-22. 2 3225: Ses 2 eae 132 
saludanus- - - -- ee ae 132 
hudsonius, Catostomus..------.------------- 106 
IPR ppocaripus=—=2----- 3. US =F eee 244 
Hrucnsonivis. = Sooo see cee cass Ss eeee 132 
humboldti; Cheondas. ..2.-Ss._ Sess 119 
@yclopiani:-2- 5-2 2252s sates ene ee 159 

IM yetophuim. 2 2os.tees2e-=s oneness 169 
BLremMmopy Luss. oe sa=asc2eecab~—s rE ABE tS 101 
Stypogenes:. + 2:2. 2225-42 255s eS 159 
Tigomiae —2se- 4) Geese sstsel Fcc ek eee 119 
humboldtiana, Atherina__.-.---------------- 250 
humboldtianum, Chirostoma_-_---..--.------ 250 
humboldtii, Gasteropelecus_--_--------------- 169 
htimeralis,. Arbaciosa-2:=22=2stsss2see2c0. 222 490 
Chetodon. 2 222s2s0hese0 sen 25 Se Seesp see 360 
ODIesOxs 225-25 ans Fate ss es hee 490 
Haerengwla:..- 2... 325 ee eee 43 
JMS 3.550 5. eo Se ee eee A ee 426 
(elOstomuUBs.06 = 55 sa522525 2 ssa ese 349 
Oligocephalus;. 2222222 05s eee 293 
Paralabrateucssss.s-u2l 255 eee es 317 
SCV 1 EE Ee ene eRe tye ca) 433 
Dervanus £25 2 kaos 54 ao ss5s5asasceseceenee 317 
humerimaculatus, Sargus......-.--------..-- 338 
huarmiilé, “Pristipompa-: 35-3. 52.5222 = 334 
paris; AN Obs 2225s 300 
Brytlus.—q a sessassesses sz=35 gas coe? 300 
CottuS 5 -<222dcasenpeasase 52552525 eae 387 
Gamibilsia s2se. sesccbasess2= 3285 185 
Moyripristess .a5.22222 te ee ee 235 


humilis, ‘Pristipoma:..cacess) esos ee eee 334 
Tetragonopterus 96 
humilus, Pagellus 2222 ae 337 
huntia; Molva 2. 22 ceo ee 212 
NINO oe eG ab eee os sok ee 297 
MOTIGRN aL toe eee ene ee 297 
MISTICANS 9. Soe oe ae ee 297 
huronensis, Lepisosteus-___-..---------------- 36 
HUTOnIUS; CATS yrOSOMUS.-0 oe ee ae ee 62 
Teuciehthys sisco.. = es eee 62 
(Huso) anasimos, Acipenser-_-_-__------------- 35 
anthracinus, Acipenser_-_-_--------------- 35 
stelaspis; AcipenSer.——---se= ee een eee 35 
copei, Acipenser 2. oe a eee 35 
kirtlandi, Acipenser. ..2. 2-2-2222 eee 35 
lamarii, A‘cipenser__-.— ee 35 
megalaspis, Acipenser____.-.------------ 35 
nertinianus, Acipenser__-___-...---------- 35 
paranasimos, Acipenser____-------------- 35 
platyrhinus, Acipenser-___-------------- 35 
rafinesquii, Acipenser --___-=~--.=--4+--=- 35 
rauchi, -Aicipenser .--o- oe 35 
richardsoni; A. cipenser. 2 ea eee 35 
rosariam,, A cipenser--.—-u=se- =e ee 35 
hyalina; Sudis:-_._. > 2 eee 165 
hyalinus;Ceratichthys.---- = ee ae 137 
Brinemus:- 2-2 eee eee 137 
hyalope, Squalius... 25>. eee 117 
My bornathuses. sees se = oe ee See 143 
Algyritis: 2... eee 144 
@CIVILIS: ones ee na 144 
(Dionda) punciifer= === =o eee 144 
@Vvansl2. 6 sos 2 eee 143 
favipinnis.-ck = eS 144 
NAVs soe oe ee ee ee See 144 
nigrotmnistas 2. 226 eo eee 144 
Muchalis.: 2c. sas eae ee 148, 144 
osmerinus! -222 -- eee 143 
placitus. 2-02 se eee 143 
PFOCNC. so a eS eee 133 
TOGiuS 628 es ee ee 143 
siderius... 222. 2s ee eee 140 
stramineus:—- 22-222 ee eee 133 
Volucellus.- 22.2222 2 = eee 133 
(Hybognathus) siderius, Hyborhynchus:---. _ 140 
Hiybopsis=..-- 2 = ee ee eee ee 117, 133 
eestivalis marconis. 22-22 92.2. eee eee 38 
anogenus.. 2. = 222 22 ae eee 136 
etrocaudalis. =. 2622-2 2b 2 eek eee 133 
pilrenata.=— S222. wee eee 135 
biffenatus:2223-- te ee 133, 135 
bivittatus_< 5-228 2ee +e eee ee 9 
Dblennins:. 22262. 22 eee 133 
WOODSs S20 cae tin ieseeececedcsicee 134 
buchanani>+<2-.- 5522222 es22 eee 134 
Calientisi2 oo): 2223 a eee 134 
Cayuga. .2-22 252 /- 222s eee 133 
chalybsus.22 22 eee eee 127 
chiliticus=- 2222. 222 eee 127 
chlorocephaliis< 22.26.22 222 127 
chrosomus:: 262 =: £2.24 22 ees eee 127 
Crameri.zs--.-. £222: 2.22. 2 ees 138 
cummingsi. §22..i2-.224: SSS eee 133 
deliciosa. .-=. 5.22.1 eee 134 
straminea.~ (22.5 Stet Se eee 134 
Geliciosus®: 2.2 222-2222) eee 134 
Gorsdlis: = 2: ee! i eee 134 
fretensis. 2 2. 2562 25552 3 eee 129 
gilbertis:..i.¢23 2-212 eS eee 134 
gracilis. .22-3.2 25.5. ca 522 ee eee 133 
PemMAvUrusrst22 22.2 pees ee ee eee 145 
heterodon\ 2225 e223 2 ee eee 136 
fichardsoni2.-. 22-2 eee 136 
heterolepis.-2: <== 22-24: s4* 2 See 184 
hhoratie: 52.¢502522 2232333 134 
HOPGAMI ose. 22 cl ase eee 136 
kanawha.222i222i. sc See 134 
Keim. ==. 2422302 52h 2 Seah eee eee 133 
RONG Alesis 23 tS 532 eee Ree ee 135 
lacertosus 129 
longiceps 133 
longirostris 135 
maciiaths ssexs=* = 222 5- b a ee pee Gir 
Meocki-c aU eM s 6 5222 eee ee 139 
MISSUTICNSIS2 sob se see ee eee sees aes 133 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
mgpapsissmontants. == =< 22.—-- Sees i239) hyostomus, Nocomis._. 2.2.5... 2. “=. tee 139 
[TCG [aM is SS 2 le” a eis Tt 135 | hypacanthus, Psednoblennius 465 
MGs. eee ee ee IZ BR parpyrise oe ne A AS - 144 
nocomis__ 135 Ebypeneus. 9 3s oe 343 
ifPR S22 522 Histr 4) ASR Geysad is 1s 121) a ea ee ee Os 107 
ortenburger 135 macroplectum 107 
ozarcanus 135 MeacrOplern Nt 2-56 2. Jo eee 107 
phaénna 132 MipniCrnsa ieee. So Fea 107 
phenacobius-=-— = NaSy |} Se perchoristuss=3 25 5- f3 = 5 ee 7 
PALLETS oes Oa ee 134 TERIOR et ey Se De noe ear 7 
pMucne = 5S ee at SS ee ey Panistiwsa= Gls FG: teens Steely S3 Se 304, 305 
THLierocns et tee ee 7 Ganoliviensis: 22 <3)° 22 rt Sie Ges 305 
Semele ee ee ae ee LE aa gS yr: er ee Te Soe eS ee 8 
ey Le eT on Se ae ee Hivperotretass sete hts eS ptben oe 8 
BiG are eS See, eee IE-ypernprosapon!si>o= 22-2 = esa eee! eee 410 
Rinne See SR eS GPaASsini oo Sst 52-8. eked a Se 410 
spectrunculus POL en a ae ee rags ahd pe Bae +8 410 
stramineus SORE INTL ok pe ae a ERE PRES Se 410 
Gcuranemug- === bos. *_- SU PUNUGHINe ss. 2 ta Re eee 2 a Se 410 
timpanogensis - punctatum Aalto 
tuditanus BTOUUGI te ee Se ee ee eae 410 
Senn Pn Be Yo oe ie Hyphalonedrus 165 
LET» aT ea eee: be QUEL DEUS er ns 2 Fe ET eee 165 
LT a oS eet 287 Fy phessobrycon << 2.2 .< 2). Sse eee bad 97 
xeenocephalus ; MEnARNSIS? 46 fo So eee 97 
1. ing th: he rh erie © Sire Di Ee UrOCOHUS oes. 2 22" 325 ee ees 2 461 
ROTEL) cer 6 a area ets. Ss PuITiINAiOsS <8 os 25h ee 462 
(Hybognathus) siderius____..._........- LAO Wi Ry DOCH UK 2 8o 82398 oe oe Soe ic 273 
“tar 2l| 21, Se. oe ee nie 2 Tl SOS See 145?) “ehepociyaonig. co ees Bde ke ees 297 
ATMA T I i are) ee 145 jee {7 at ee eas SPE ect 297 
i 145)/} “Eee pocritiehth yaoi seers = eS Cee oe 410 
145 Chih (Sas ae ee ee ei Se Be Oe EL 410 
145} hiypodus, Decapterus... =. .._ 5-2 .-._- 3222 270 
JAGR ei DQUD IG Ssens Sen oe oo ee 284 
174 aurantiacus 285 
174 cymatotenia___ 285 
175 FIAT See on a ee a ee 285 
178 SPO ie dts ee |. DS a Se A See 285 
TP EBON DIS eae Soe ke 28 
L74* |) Brapommesuns 5286 let eee SA Lesa 67 
178 Olidtie seu aoe ae yan 68 
178 (ogi Sse es Se eee ct! 67 
tS TE at ann aoe 176 | hypoplecta, Rathbunella_........._._...___- 452 
"SS ae ee ee eee ee Tg" eR DOTNCGURUS ee ae oe eae 320 
tie Le ee ee ae ae eee oe 175, 177 BwGr rai Ft ee ee 321 
DS aaa ee ee 175 PIG ot a ee eee a ee 321 
oh Oe 0 a ieee eee as OTE Pre 176 WAGES? oc ek aes 2 ee 321 
2 SS eae ae oem: 176 MIMOTN Gris oe sf ea 
i eae i een: S nce 179 pinnivaria.: 32828 Si in aes eee 
- OES a Se aa ey pret 33 [iis (sr fe) a ey PET ORS Sy De PS 
Uo Se eS ans 33 aberrans______ 
| aa 33 OT Re eat Mae PPS 
Hydrophlox 126 rotten Ut 2 een See meme aT 
Co iiv1 ss Deaee 5 ae ae ar Sees . =f ee 127 WORIDUSes a Pee bon son eee 
i eee AR er ot 127 BEIDGUER tte eee oe oo eee 
lanes cete eee Sew tot. ees Se 127 ROCOULR Sl a esr =e te Bais 
MUIR OU the so 8 Pao ale oe SE 127 Reaiies eee oe ee) os te 
milnrocep hal te ooo er est bs 127 Pim nitbiee ELS 
plirgsomns*. oe 2.. . dbetcneceen, saleee 127 Penns Sst | ee ee th oe a FETE 
1) 102017011, Lee eR ye Di ER Ba A eS 127 Eis | Us eae TAS ee ee Oe PRR ted © 
pu ean eae Opes See ee, vce eee 127 MIGniOns. o5-. pe oe ney a 
ROR DLOOGUS, 8 =o pate eae ass 4 127 Stet Cy tl ee eS A Sa ae 
lL a eS ee eS 2? 127 re] eC ae gy ee ee a RRS oe es: 
TS eres. 127 PRDOROINS 848" 5 =e < Fee See 
hydrophlox, Gheontins aoe cs oan tec cele. 119 | hypoplectus, Bathymaster 
Ree ae Pen aie eae. ee SLO Wd ER PODUGER.. 40s ee cece RR 
hygomi, Myctopbhum 169 | Hypopomus__._-..__- 2 
DE ee ee es eA 169 brevirostris 
Hylomyzon_____- 107 occidentalis 
ERPMPD MAIR ee 2s ns ee 207 | hypopthalmus, Arius. .........------------- 151 
Lo yas) [i ost ae eS Se Se 17 
TIPO EOIN astro na sek ot pdb mca 17 
TOUSEN iio ee nn ena a 17 
SIRMAR UTS s © Sos os rank inn mad ee 17 
PAS DODNONOMDT Tae 208s). iS ran cee ts 17 
hypopthalma, Cathorops___.--.____- Bigerss 151 
ReOP OMB Us AIA. = eS oo ora 151 
EXT PORNO DNB a oe seen nao sanes abe teaes 
Se ee ee tbh tia 
tt a ee Ce eS ase 
py Ra a ne Eee 
Ci Go oS, Ae ER ee ee ee 
unifasciatus_ __- 
RE PODMNOMN Aten ine deiapianmresnadtes sca 



List of scientific names—Continued 

Hiyposerranus ~~... --<sc<-- a5 aeseneeeseanere 
hyposticta, Propterygia 
hypostoma;-Mobula__.--.2_-.-2 ee 
brasiliensis _-_-- aa 
Ciprhosus- 32 c ees ee a ee 
PUACaTIE oe ee cee cee ee ee ee 
guacharote:< 22255 ee ees 161 
plecostOmus: 2-24.6e= ooo ee ee 160 
Top < c SE  eeee 160 
hypostomus, Cephalopterus___._-___----_--. 32 
Hypsagonus gradiens:- =.= __._-..-. S22 893 
SWall:-3-- 226 = ee eee 396 
hypselosoma, Leptocephalichthys_-_-_.______ 79 
bypselurahamcdia—- ooo = 157 
ypselurus, Pimelodus.- 255. Sots See 157 
liypsclopterus, veuciscus =.= soo ane ee 129 
Hypsicometes 451 

gobioides 451 
eiypsifaniocs.—2—-c--— 55 
Hypsilepis--_--. 128 

erdens 2-22 22 126 

coccogenis 127 

Corniuliqis|/Cerasinus-o. 02 sans ee eee 128 

cyaneus=-s=L25_ 2222-2 = eee 128 
gipbuss c= 2e-- eb ag_ =o = 128 

galacturmse<*2 22) ese ee 129 

ITS Seas kee aa ee ee 131 
Eby PSinObUSs2 eno seo ee 358 

TIDES CANS = sae ee 358 
hypsinotus, Ceratichthys____....--..---__-.. 138 

HM TIneMUS§ 2227 <3 oe ee SF a 138 
iypsolepis =c0 32 2-S a ee eee 128 
igpsoOpbnyS=<2 22 = Sia ee ee 418 

unimaculatus___ 418 
Hypsopsetta_______- 225 

guttulata 225 
bnypostonia. wiobula = 2 ee 2a ae 32 
EDV DOSTOINLISE= 2 S22 ess oo et 160 

Plectostomiuys == ee eee 160 
hypostomus, Cephalopterus-___-_------____-. 32 
PLY PSASONUISE.- ko ae sae eee = ee ee 393 

STAdiCNS ~~ = a2 tak Sl eee 393 

MUBOrICOMNISS#e. = 2 =e ee 393 

SWAT a eee en te ee 396 
Hypselupa. namin === se ee 157 
Eby psicometes..-— 5! Se ee ee re 451 

gobisides: 2-22 eS eae 451 
AE Lug Ofsit (a Ce ee ae RN 5 ope Ne RR Tae 54 
hypsinotus, Erinemus 138 
EB psoblenniuns 6 22 ta eee eee 462 

Gentiliss=: ita fe ee eee 462 

pilbantins 22 2250s - eno eee 462 

Ahn ee ten SE SARS ee — pee) 462 

ROnbR AS! soe f= Se SS 5 SS eae 462 

WIGISODD = toe eee soa son a 462 

SUNIBIHE - nee sek eee eo eee 462 
Bry psovsebia.- (22282246 = ee 225 

Sitiuwlatas = ss poe aie = 225 
iy PsuTMs=- Son 2). (ost ne eA 

(ns es Se) eee Ut eelee < 412 
Hypsypops: c=). 28 eae 415 

OTSQUS Pete ee ee ee 415, 416 

TUbICundUs! 22) Se eee 415 

Hiysterocarpus 22... 5 Ses ees 412 

1g} ae RD "OREN poe Deere tie ie + yi 412 
NYstrix, Di0done. 5-553 ee 501, 502 
Ieelides- 2 2.852 eae 375 
TCP US 2 ti > SOU eee eee See 376 

BOTeAMS <2 os5. cea ee one ee eee 376 

PULCOAM IS) - 2. oo ee eee 376 

CANUIEONS: 32 oo Joa aan os ook eee 375 

Bifarientostis_—— 2-5) oho * Sc ee ee 375 

fimpridtess= 2222.2. ere eae 376 

SUSCESCOUS 9) assoc ae >= - 2. eee 376 

Oculstigs- 22-3 eee 376 

quadriseriatus 376 

Ph: 04 a I I A Sk et DPR ee 376 

tenuis. ..- 376 
bt 21 Lot ee a 378 

AUsiRANIS” Soo eee eee ase eee 379 

plcornis 7s. So Se ae eneeee ee ee 378 

candliculatis:2=.2 5. Se es eee 378 

SULYODS. 2 = 5s ee eS 378 

Tehtthy aps 2222) o 2 2° ee ee 84 

Tehthyomy7zon = 23. - 2.63 eee 
Caslaneus=. i252 25. a ee 
CONCOlON z= 26 ax eeae ee eee 

Teichthys 222 Ae Se ee ee 
locdkingtoni= 4 a eee 
i¢cistia, Bairdielia. === t-=22 ee ee 
Sclsenas = 2252 eas eS See eee ae 

Teosteus.22-"-*-2 8 Uae ee eee 
ictalops, Cottus__- isteh 
Pegedictis. 222. .ci sb 
Mere M Wiebe eee eee janerce oes sees 

Kkevinskil- 2.25" 2.225225. eee 
TB CAS KG Vie eee ee ee 
meriGionalis= 225 = = seer see eee 

punctatus =2-~ 2 3S eee 
robustus:2-=-2=.-- =. eee 
sim psonis2 = 28. ee eee 
Icthelises) 2 = © eee 
CLythrops 22-82 5 232 eee 
megalotis:. = 28. ==. 3) ee 
melanops + ao ee 
ichtheloides, Lepomis 
Iehthyselurus: 2-3-3 2232-3-— eee 
Tehthyapus:.. 92 eee 
acutirostris:=:-S22s- 3-2 
Tehthyobus. =~ 2 ee ee 
cyanellus-- 22 22. 22 eee 
TAUCDIAW 2822 os ee es 
Iehthyophis- =. 22:35)" = eee 
Vibtatus.. oo oocs2 2 2252285 = eee 
HO) BIG) OU ees eee eee era eenesess csc: 

UYUS =. a2neeo Seconds eee 102 
Idiacanthide 70 
Tdiacanthus: 2 6oce" 2 ese eee 70 

Scomber i atte Se Ee a re 273 

Catibbeea_\22-- "4-22 -224 eee ees 45 
illecebrosum, Zestidium. --.---..----.--2--2. 347 
iliecebrosus, Alburnops:-<2.2)2-s-2--seeeeeee 134 

Stelliferus ae meee a ta tn 

imberbe, Ophiodon Ay 
Peristedion.: 2 2se2o0<2 52426555 eee 
imberbis, ApOgon. . ---<.22=25- 2-4 sae 
TAA DN NF arse ee cr 

Villsiculus:- <2 2-2 Sen. eee ee eee 
imiceps, Opbiostion =~ +2. 2-22-45 -=eeeeeneee 348 
Scitens..2=-2-- 2225-22. eae eaeeaeeeeee 348 
immaculata, Amia-..-.- occ se Leelee tees 40 
Coryphenas. < 3-22. sae beseoseeee eee 264 
Pistularias= 22s... 222-2 See eee 245 
POCA sence na hs cen s ee sae eee eee 307 
immaculatum, Cichlasoma spinosissimum__ 420 
Cybittmis2.22 2... 5.2.5 3. eee 
immaculatus, Archocentrus_---- 

Platypcecilus maculatus 
Salm0...nss=2.--=---- See ee 


List of scientific names—Continued 

SINORLOM S35. aon oe seen eee oe ee 
ULAR ieee es ee PEN a Se 285 
TMperaLOr: Mm IDUS snes ee JES 264 
Pminerials.. Cory phssdkes 2 sete ee eae 264 
1 Lt eet ae RS je a ee ee 197 
ATV APIS eg, SREY eT A 264 
p37] 0.2) 72: Ne a ae te aie eet eas eo eee 37 
VT SRB Dah MS ea TRAE 5 Sas, 3 ETDS 217 
impetiginosus, Serranus___-......-.-.------- 310 
PWG s> RELEOOGHE. = 5 tise as ieee 500 
PEI TRORSts te DMPO 325° soo yesh an See ee 80 
inequilobus, Pogonichthys__..........._.... 116 
incilis, Querimana 253 
dncisidens= 3-22 _ = 2. .--3 339 
simplicidens_____.__ 339 
incisor, Helioperca 301 
LONG CS a ee ae eimai Fire Spies 339 
ire: ne epee Te. a ea 339 
LTE AT Ca RS es Fs USE ea ee 301 
PRCREEEN LATER 22s 82 eee 475 
miconstans, Hicalia. >... 3h ee 238 
OOS nn a ee 238 
inconstans cayuga, Eucalia__........._...--- 238 
incrassatus, Leucosomus.............-------- 117 
RSICH PEDO GIN $585 ps Bowne 40 
Btls PING COOPRIIE 5.5.09 25 Oe ance sas ME Oe 397 
AAT Ser SES Sere ey 263 
MELO PE OST DOR oo 3 aoe eee 42 
indigo, Hypoplectrus unicolor............... 321 
LC [00 a Seen seer pe 321 
Inermia 340 
vittata 340 
Inermiidze 340 
SHeANIss ANODIGGONIS. 2. os cusesc2l. seen le 397 
RATIO DUONOOOS: 2c Get selene ee 397 
PRT SLOIBDIS 7: 5c 35.52. eae ke 313 
LoLit) on yp te LEN he. SIE Te 39 
LCT at LS ee OE See PRE 2 PS 327 
EADS EN ISN 6s 55 go ssc eos rel see 327 
Ln rh 2 ee oy oe ep ey eae oe ee 26 
ct ae SESE ES ae ae See 371 
infans, Avocettina 83 
Boo eee 189 
Nemichthys 83 
Peciliopsis 189 
infernalis, Histiobranchus--_..............-. 7 
UO PS See ae. ORs 2a eee 92 
infirmis, Novaculichthys_.................-- 430 
BS ils) ne ae i a 2 oe See 430 
infraspinata, Asterotheca................-.-. 396 
infraspinatus, Xeneretmus_................-. 396 
ingeus, Hippocampus. <= 25 ee 224 
SURO. DACOROULOR 5 =. eee 206 
Ri tis (1, iT See SPSS e Ra Mee ie eae eee Ss ly 430 
SUTTICUIOOT DUR sa so ate aac. ee eee eke 430 
APE MANMYINS Sots aed rata oe Me eee 430 
PU NIRESNER 3S sth S laar 8 dn PE ee ee 163 
rT 7 fo eS ee RCE RD Re AE Se) el 87 
innominatus, Girardichthys - 182 
inopinatus, Gasterosteus aise ior een! 238 
ifs Vii Toy | ie 505 
ROPE achat sais stale St acess 226 
jt RE Ee Rae ne mame beara oye 226 
aes 1 Re Sider ee WEIS SIE Sie ee 212 
i aE Bek ala ed Telecine aware 26 
inornatus, Apodichthys..............._..... 467 
PV MICHIE NOU BBs atone cw awieiew nd acne 471 
MUCOSA TIE oe supe on cann ssc onaee 335 
RIOD MUON a raed see ao 51 es 4 ia 
ES an SES SS Se a gee aa 428 
inscriptum, Nanostoma..................... 289 
"TRIRCEIOUIIN, ACHISUN A540 ddaweesss0lotccebs sc 229 
CLs) Se eae ar ae ae ae 289 
EO Me iia cid 2d ndtwonmkwiewidexcdue 300 
insculpta, Netuma 149 
insculptus, Arius. 149 
Gtendineless: thse 100 
(CN 1 eS * Re 237 
Sa ee 100 
insignarius, Pimelodon..................-- 155, 156 

insigne;, Pimrelodus 22s 22s eee 
insignis, Anoplarchus__-_ 

‘@heirodon ss et se Se ee 
Pimelod tis) = eat 
[Rapid a: + 3h: eA ees on ee 
sHsolatns:Hreliases - 26 sess oe SEE 
inspector, Bath ytroctes. =o 2. Pease. eas 
insule-sante-crucis, Scarus__---..-..-...-.-- 434 
insularam, Atherinops-~-5¢ (3.22225 252 
@edroscensis: 2 9.8 5 2 eee 252 
TERS oe ek 2 ee ee 90 
integripinnis, Auchenopterus__-__._.--.---_-- 457 
Cremrnobates:-2 2 0a eae 457 
inferanenion VigoiiAs = ~~ 8=- 2525 Nee are 119 
intermedius, Cichlaurus.-__...........------. 416 
Gephyrocharax 96 
Peron aes ea 416 
Paralepis 165 
Pomoxys 304 
UES 2 ee os es Pe 164 
Ls Lt ae ee SS PORES) Se TS Te 165 
SVOGOis- 9. 2 ot en ere 164 
internasalis, Julis: = 2s 46 =e 4 ee 427 
interrupts, Chrysoperca...........-.---.--.. 307 
Mierone.2 862 ee A ee 307 
POres wr POH ee ee 307 
lee et eee Ae Sas ee 26 
BT ee Oe eee ae) Th eee So 26 
interruptus, Anisotremus__......-...-----.-. 332 
Vacs) 2) |r ee DRS 8 co ETDS 303 
Centrarchus___ 303 
Genytremus_ 332 
70 <1 \1) oo ee niin 22 Str Te 128 
intertinctus, Mystriophus:............-..... 88 
COIMEUT US e = ot te, ES 88 
interstitialis, Serrants).2<-23....2. 5 eee -314 
iui ate) | ee ed cee ee ae Ter ie ade ce 314 
introniger, Dicrolene...........--..--------- 483 
Hiopebaeter ot a eee ee ee 366 
Bepsstiohth ye. 6- ees ee sie sie a 366 
intranigra, Dicrolonds2s 4 ee eee 483 
SLUTS, A VRONACLOGLE ota ee ts 4 es ee 185 
Jtq ee Ree Ses RE on See See Le Sees eT 288 
3) Sl er ES 2 Ls EET OR SS 288 
Wilred= ye ee ee ee ee 288 
TOSIORSUS es cues 438 
ealliurus_____ 438 
ionthas, Cerdale_____ 473 
Hypsoblennius 462 
USORGN OR poi SO te ee es 2 ee 462 
jon; Cleyelanuins 2 o3. eo el 445 
GIO DIOROITID eins Mees Fee 445 
LOL G1 1h Soe Dea Soe See Ole Ge 2 <4 121 
GHlepeapnontt se 28 ead oes Re bes 121 
1Owcs MLUSOs ina wn. os ees 291 
COUPORRTNAIUS a8. 20s; eae Se SRE a 291 
Lit til eed Se ee ae arene irre s.0 te 170 
POHMODA swe kos ances sk Oe ee Joe See 470 
SRR a ee ee ey SRD 171 
pitheriy: 84 ee. Aeneeee one eat SELECT gh OOF 170 
irideus, Labrus 304 
POINOS ocSoee 58 
iridia, Salmo “58 
iridinus, Caranx 271 
liters. geet A ee eens ee erie, Sets 426 
bivittata 426 
PAGEL fe eee a ee 427 
Gyanocephglises sus. ese ee 427 
DE ig Ul le ee ae eee ee ee 427 
ill) aa See ewe eT eae 427 
UREN Steg Ph ah aStie ae Oe eee 427 
pti] al, ie =e ae Se ae eee ae pee. oe Le 427 
oat toh eo ee eS. ae Sees aes eS 427 
iaiq lest LS See eee eae ae ae eee Te 427 
TRAC DINE otc uk ta cdsee Pees Sti oe 427 
WT Ly ee ee eee ee eel tere Cae ier 427 


List of scientific names—Continued 

; Page Page 
Trillion s~ 2222.2. se2ce er ee oe 66) | dagua, Histrio’2 2264 So. 2 es 505 
OTefOnIUS =~ = Se 8 a a eee 66) | paguacanprare “oi ooo S- -) oo ee eee 415 
IMIS ee VDSIGDISs 2 22 a onn cco e eee 131) udaguar sBowianis em CT Shes er eee 235 
Weuciseus.< 22-2 0 2-1 a ee 117; |) jalapse,, Saphophorus:__-_-_-___- _-- senses 193 
WTTadians .Serrantis, 0 - = ee eee 319 | jamaicensis, Cynoscion 355 
ICTOQUATIS, CL OLaDS. oo 417 Otolithus:*—- oes. 355 
iretivus. Gordiichthys— > === eee 89 Riaiaa = ne ee oe eae 29 
Mupil2o60 =o. 2 ee eee ee 254.) sanciro; ineraulis==._ "=. ea ee 51 
irroratus, Monacanthus-_ ~~. .-.---_ 2-2-2 494), | januaria, (Umbrina..°-..-- so) see ee eee 351 
arroratus, Mlonacanthus - 22252) .ce eee Aga |®sOk, .Cottuss:_. 22 e120 se ee 387 
Isabelita.= 222 “C= 8. - Sons eee eee 361 IMryoxocephalus2. <== 222 ae eee 387 
isabelita, Angelichthys.—.2- > "2h gee ee 361 | japonicus, A eEEGn UES 2 a ae 357 
Nsaciella 2-2 =- 2 cd ee ee See 335 @aranx trachurus=- 2. eee 270 
ischana, Anchoviella-_—-s--4-_2-. 9% _-e=- 48 Chirolophus!= .- ~~ = 3s5e eee 466 
ischanus: INofemiponus-- 22 2) = te See 115 Salwio:. 2-2 = 22265 =- oe ee 54. 
Stolephorus =o 2.202 27 cena el ee 48 Scomber222 =233 oss 2 eee 258 
Tachnomenibras = 22 a= Se Te eA age 247 ‘Trachuruss. =) £2.38 [iat a 270 
Paboneusis: =o S02 2 See ew ae at 247 Mrichodon =< oe >see 357 
PabUNEnSIS== 2-52 Se ee ee 247 || jarrovii; hepidomeda—_ =~ 2 ss eae ee 147 
isehanus, INotemiponus:._=352 =.) et 115 Minomitis: 2... 2-2 == 104 
HschnomeMmpras=-e-- oe 2 a ee ee 247.) Jjavanicus, Psenes 5200. ne oe eee 268 
ischyra, MOpsetl as. =e nae ee ==, 226, |(jejuna;pisema._- 2 = <= = eee 125 
ISCO YTUS, “A POMObIS: 22-555 sss a oe eee amen 299 jejunus, (Paranotrapis=. 2) oe eee ee 125 
Gepiopomniss 53 i a a eae 299 | jemezanus, AV urnellus = lice oes Seana 125 
Parophrys2 3029-2 = ee es 226. |eniguano icemulonse- a2 Sete 331 
Wsesthes aia. 20 ee ae pee AI ete 462, |}jenkinsi)) Chasmodes-=2. 5. > ieee 463 
Peres = se oe ee eee ex = 469 SyNOGUS-- os 2-2 ee ee 163 
jon this. Se Fe = ee Se a eae ee 462 Zyponectes: 2. => i See 178 
SOMItAbOr- <<. 2222 ae Sos os ee SP eet 4§2) |" Jenkinsia.e oe Sea 45 
sshinayleVieraperca=-- =" -2_~ Se Se ee aeee 308 lamproteonia == ~-2t == a eee 46 
islandicus, Bogmarus_......--.-.-.--.- 3 to 216 stoliferas..2* 2. St te ee 46 
Centronotus 2 ess ee ee eee 471 | Jessie, Oligocephalus. _--_.._____ eae 291 
Gasterosteris2- 2.2. 2b ew ee ee, pe ae 238 Poscilichthys*.2—_. =. 2. -- 72 = ae ae 291 
isOdon. A. prionodOn +. 2. =. es ae ee 15 SeVrichthys=. =.= 156 aa ee 429 
@archariviss 2 2 285 <r i eee 15 oyrulas . =. 32 ee 429 
Mesoprignes-2-—. 26 eee ee ee eee 326 || Oc eAmthias: = ca ae os eee 325 
ISOGUS: HOUAMUIS= =~ 652) Sen eee ee 20 Lutianus <~223226 es = oe ee 325 
IsogOnIpBOnOne se oo eee epee eae 15) | sjohanns; Areyrosomus.-_-. eee 63 
MACHHp NAN IS. 2 8 See Te ee 16 eucichthys-2 2. = ae 63 
isolepis.;lsopsettas. 92-2 eee 226 5| *johni; ‘Cephaloptera.. _) =) eee eee 32 
MENIGODSCULA es ee oo oer 226+ | cJohnius pbatabanus:—=—- -- oo see 345 
SotisHUS'|CORNGUUS! —2 5 <2 one eee 128 Pubtabus2: .--s2-2 2 oa ee 313 
Notropis: cormutus.2< 5-23 2e ee See ae 128 NODS. 222 = s. 5 32 kn 356 
Sternotreniia-- === = eee a a Sat D1 regalis...- 22252--..-25 4.5) 355 
RSOpISthUs 2224 S855 = ee eee -- 353 Saxatilis= 2. =. 2-8 350 
QiNINIS< #°C aaa ee So oe ae ee ee 353° | Jenesi; Belone- . 2-25 --  e eee 197 8. Fa fe ee eee 354 Mollienisiae. 222) 22> 3 5 eee 188 
TAT VADINIS = seo oe oe re ees 353 Syngnathus: >= 5-25.25 <oen oe ee 241 
Formilens sensei coe See eae 353, | ejonesit; \Gerres.°..- 222... ee 341 
Tsoplaciodon 922-5 e22- 2-5 - = = ee oe 15 Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus____.... 188 
[sopsetiasss= sm). = 52 8 obs ee eee 226: | \Jordanella- -. *— t=: 2. 2 se 2 a Se 180 
ISOlODISS 32 ets ee oe ee meh 5225 florida = 2-2 <2 ee ee ee 180 
Tsospond vit =o bs ns se noe ae are 39 | jordani, Bathymaster Ut fo aa 452 
isthmensis, Alurichthys_..--.--------------- 148 Caulophryne nh an sweep heel ee 511 
Bavtece 2) 2s 2 et eee 148 Chirostoma 2) 2... -2cos5- 5 eee 250 
Poeciliopsis. 35-+.-= D-: aac eee 190 Hopsetta- = =--- 222: -es52seeees eee 222 
Rivnlos:---- 2S oo. a ee 180 E\pinephelus._.- + 2-2 ssn eee 314 
Metlopnonid te* 2322-2 Sa ay ee 263 Etheostoma (Nothonotus)-__-_----- 290 
ETO DUNO Sse ees ones pene eee ee 263 Galeichthys -<..2.-}- 2 25 >. Dee 150 
BInericanlis-: 52242 2 Sse eee 263 Gilligsus:-2 28S! eee ok eee 458 
STAY) ob eee eee 263 Gymnothorax..==--- 22... _ Ses see ee 92 
magireion =) 2 sas oo ot ee 263 Memilepidotus2s. 26-2. 2.2 Sa eee 381 
WOlQHOM =. sowe oe ae eee 263 Biippoglossvides. -_<2. 2-5-5235 ee ee 222 
Wripntic! 3-5) os 2 ee 263 Fly DOpSIS 2 =" Sse ee eee 136 
istlans, Parapetenia. 2-55 2S eee 418 Dampanyctuss =. -s<sses oo sdoct en seeee 167 
isflanvis; PLerOg=~ oe ee ee pon .418 utignus: -.-. 2- 25 ek Se oe see eee 324 
AStlAvINS. 2°. At 20 eve a eee 151 Lycodes. = 24.5.2." Soe Benee eee 474 
Dalsanus:~ 2S so. ee ey 151 IY CONGONtTIS i222 «ase 92 
Isnropels ==... 2-2 a ok eee 19 Neonreniseie 22 ncn oh ok 324 
GCKAVA—-. -olsccnee nee ae 19 Nothonotus..- 2-3. 35.28: 25.2 290 
Rat riiss 4 Se 2 ee ee ee ee ase 19 Notropis.- 2 b.c1 ot {ook ee ee 136 
Oxeyringhus. 2.25 2 joe 2 ans 2 19 Pantosteus. .. 22.222 s2sese een renee 104 
DUICURGUS! aks So neo scone 19 Raia 2 ona os ton5 cone eee eee 26 
Toit hel /:i:) ee aS eS 19 Ronduilus. 226-4 .. 222 -- ese eee 452 
pili ee ee ee res 19 Salmiovsees 52S aa ee 5 iam es Se ee 57 
Wheatley So Aare es op (oe 3. ed ce ee 312 Glatklis—. = 6652-552 conc oee 57 
itaiara yPronierops.—-+ 2. . =. =. wee 312 Sebastodes® =. 5 --=<. saa eae eee 364 
Serrnmiss 25 s* eee 312 Wa eRISHIMIS.. 220-5. conn ec iachist oe cheiees 150 
ABrisotropisec: -¢ -. es a sone eee 314 
Taboncillo <> so shoe bes sea ewe- 2 oe see ansaneee 316 | wWordsnin- = S55. eee eos ee Ant Jans soea 375 
Jackson, Mimbintecavees=-20-2-5022---7 ee 411 ZONOPCL no eek eae ool. ba wn eee eee 375 
jacobe#a, Echeneis_- sb Seeaeeccec ae, 4409) edordaniidses see 8 ee ees 375 
jacobi, Corvina (Iohntusyese eae asec) 3481} \Jjosephi, 'Ophiditm-..-_ 205. = aeaaeeeaeee 485 
Jacobus, Miyripristis.- -..-2--osss.4e-=-Se=e4e 236 (| *OtUNOS. - - -c eee SWS ee ee 254 
jacome, Serranus >... -222..-- nase oe 319 glObiceDS2522-- Senn 5 ack enna cee eeeee 255 
jacnlidens,Ancylodon: 22.3) 2-s-ns] eee 354 DicDatd sence e naan See eee eee 254 
‘aculus, Albuarmelluss=.22 2. ..<-..ssecsete-e= 123 Stipes fase ee ee ents wd pee ne aseoes 255 


List of scientific names—Continued 

frpa, Guatictpa: 2222-2 eeee Se 332 
PTCR 2. eS re ee coe sass 332 
quealis, Moniana. 2-25 -825-s-4-2-5.0-+--s-2=— 131 
Sap MlATeS . <2 ape eee ke 450 
meics, .Claricola = 2s sss eee ee ee oe 292 
ulidi 428 
ser <2 eee 426, 427 
Gra HUShR MIR fo oats ee ees Sooke 426 
GOL GESU RSs eis ase gs soe ae 429 
Giri tilts 1 es SS ae 427 
eile] ) Cee ee, PONE. eee eee ee 427 
PUNANUS! ose ae sa ands sssess a5 ee 429 
mmnerabig’ © 2525-553 -* 3 She soca tec 426 
PRERTHESAND 4 575 3s co ee sre oo 427 
ieienmamris? 552.525 22.. 2 Soot eee 429 
BAAN ASE SS os Sp eS en ae 427 
RPCIATOOM oo so. san 3s esa oman 427 
Irene pase FXICLOIB oo. | oss 2 ees lok 460 
kamloops, Oncorhynchus____________-_--_--- 58 
AMEE BAe DODSIS ie 5 T3655 se 134 
LS i cere: te hae 134 
DESL GOH (a i a a eam eee 179 
Ci se ee eee eee ee 179 
karrak, Anarrhichas 472 
PIAS SECT a ee ee ee ae ee ee ee 454 
albigutta_-__......- 454 
averruncus eee 454 
LOOSE Sn 4 i a en pipe ae 258 
LT Os a ee ae 5k Sane Saree mae 258 
[OST eat EE Ne ae aoa eer ee 258 
PSII 2 dy are Pe Ad Ie ee AR ae 258 
Reh RUS CONG 998s. 5 alas dee aea dee 211 
kaupii, Synaphobranchus-__-_..___.____--+_--- 78 
yey ee ENING: ROtE VO). 2 argo ee cede s Sona 54 
BEI OO DAIS 2. 35 oo ak sk 133 
DAUR Be ce 38 ee eae ee 133 
EM OO i oe a aan o 337 
i 1 a SSSR ae oe eee 135 
BRET ANICH See a oe ee 84, 85 
i SS ee Be Serene eer 85 
kennedyi, Trachinotus. ....0._=.....-2.... 277 
kennerlyi, Moxostoma- 109 
neorhynchus-___ 55 
SAO eek ee eS oo eee 55 
Kennicotti, Acipenser._.......-=-s22.-1_.2.. 34 
CL opt 1s eae ani ane Sees 1 bn, 293 
Sn Ty) ee BS Rea eae Cais sere? 65 
les S31) Sp ees SAE ow CP Beles aM 5 65 
lt Se ASRS a i ae eee i ss La 173 
Rentackiensis, Lurxilis. ....2..6-2..2.2--.L2 
LS a ae PAN AE Sie le 
kessleri, Arins._......... Cat Seeereee etre 
os SO es 2 ey A aot 

keta, Oncorhynchus 
kevinskii, Ictalurus 
killifish, CG on, ee 
kincaidi, LE Pt ee Se ESE Bs Fe 
kirschii, Iridio.__....____. ae 
kirtlandi, Acipenser (Huso) _ 

BIV1; MGACICUN Ge a sac nadie wou nlees te 
klamathensis, Agosia 

Kiozzingeri.-A chiras:—. 22-5 te 38 229 
Soleas 2] +2522 55. 229 
kneri, Pristipoma 335 
FAUST GODIUS= 20-2. oa 4 528s ee eae 441 
Kary pLopnaneron=2ca8 hers te snk eS 234 
SNPAGIe so ans Senet 8 a eee s Fes en 234 
Seubbidsies = Wl 553 Peel Yo ee ee 305 
peepee. oa — = es es ohn a a ST 305 
kurmilieni;; Oranidea=— 4. - <2. 5a ns 5 ee 385 
Ky DHOSIC cats ens Es SO tens eee 339 
iK-yphOSUS.=.3-25=- 339 
analogus 339 
Pletans 3 233 <3 Sasso see sd at eee 339 
WGISOR 25535555 2 oa ee 339 
TETAS CON as 2 ass ee ae eS 340 
TOGRBOIRAT 38, ee a wk tai ged ES 339 
SOGURUTIS, 5255 53s 5 oe Spt 340 
laharem, (hirostoma- 2225s Se 250 
ADEO GIBPANSE $e t sb en 109 
labislis; mundus’... 59.258 8 BE 174 
Proteandguluss 222.26) se 1g4 
la bintim | HeroSs s.103.5 22 553425 5 oe eee 422 
labiatus, Amphilophus 422 
@atostonius: 2.5 --25 Ss ea eee 106 
Labichthys___-_-- 84 
bowersi____-- 84 
CRITI UU S22 59 Se PEE See 84 
GlOHRAWIS sao eee Pe Sa ez ee 83 
a | | eS See a ee eer Se See ae Se 83 
DEA) fala cjn tl: rene cae n Se ee eS 251 
SIOPULGS n= SS Sos a ee eee 251 
lab iogus) CarpiodGs {2033-332 2 103 
labradoricus, Acanthocottus _________________ 388 
@orezgOnus seta ee ws Se ae ae 
TN as a tet ts Ee NE 373 
SIDIDUS 38S Sanas A art eee 307 
OR er) ee eee: eee eS eee 317 
GRA gYAININUG 3.5 435 a eee 373 
Tnvoosonalis 0-52 te ke 374 
monopterygius---...---..-___- 374 
multilineatus + sco. sie. oe 307 
WORUUHOl esas. we eee oe Se 317 
MEEPS <9, 3S ne te ee 308 
IGUAD Us Sots 27 oe Sate ae ee ee 307 
OR OMEPAINEERLS 5 oo etter 373, 374 
“OE | | REO oS a ae ype a A 307 
PMUDELCIIONS 2 es ee SL ee ee 374 
CCS PURE oe oe ea a ee 424 
TROTIGOUA, EA GhOS - 7S eee as Sal eee 419 
Par DOO is 2s 52h ae en ee nee 419 
Tari, el ces Sees ae 332 
labriformis, Epinephelus_____-_.-_.----.-___- 311 
RerraneGses — soe ee ee See 311 
WAULISOIIER. i scan eee nae ees acon 459 
biguttatus 460 
bucciferus_ .- 459 
heilneri_- 459 
Naren ee te 459 
IPO LIPRUORN RSs. 287s een see 459 
TUUIGFOIP AAO WSs ae ce ee ee 459 
ST PIS ese eee ee eee 459 
Geet sae Se hg Se eae doe 459 
ANNO DOMORRL teers Pere te eS eee 310 
Labrosomus biicaiferus.. a2" oJ eae oo 459 
CreMinO Gath ee eee 456 
THMCOlIEDIGOLUSS: eee tee wu see duc 459 
labrosus, Ceratichthysi2 bose cece «188 
TORE Bot oe at ert ke ee 138 
OGIO ton felts ai oe ee ee ee 473 
TP AUTNE BUBORRUS <2 pee Ee ke 424 
ATNGRIGANUS 2 ee oe ese 424 
BitGRGIAGIIN a4 Oe. ge oe ee 429 
ve jie (tii) CRS Sere SS eae oe a ee 429 
jo cuty ec af ee eS ee ee ne 426 
jr iii ess Pee eee ree st 426 
OT ee fa ea seat ewe ome 424 
Te) eI eee an Se ey = ans a 424 
(hy wee ee La SSeS SS eee ae a | 
ai SSN ook RS SRR See i ile Ss Soe eye 352 
Pog, 1 (1 11» dee ope So ns a GyRe es 322 
GP RUBOS DIANE An ooo. Want cee eb neem, ee 
EO tee ile os ie one we 424 

ps NS ee ee ere a 



List of scientific names—Continued 

RriS@US-2..~ = 2 =o aa See 

hiatula ea Se a ee ee ee 

palladus:—. 222255 322255. See 
pentacanthus=25-2-.-)- 22. = ae 

Sparoides 252-2 -e= aS ee eee 
pqueteseue =~ 2-2 5 ee See 
p LCG US oe ae i ee 

tautora.—< 22... 2o css scence sae. eee 
VEISICOIOIS <2 ee eee eee 
lacers: Wagochils -.--- =. =e. 2 
lacerta; Wampanyctus.2 2225-5 =- = ee 
SVNOGUS! 9.2402 oe 
lacertinus, Synodus_-___----- 
lacertosus; Hrybopsis: 2 222255 eck ee 
VAS YS 28 ss ook ao een See 
laeertus, \GObIUS=<. - 2 cn228 pss see cce- ean 

PICU. oe2 esse one eo ene eee oe ae 

SAXONS See one se cen eee ane eee 
[ISR CU Se ee ee eee 
SUR CS ee ea 

IsieriINOSUS; SCAaTUS -2---_ 5) = = beeen eee 
lactarius, Catostomus (Acomus)_-__---------- 
TRCLODULYS. 2552 <5 sh ee 

HIONUS:- =... =Js-s an soso sanssceae eases 
lacustris; Algansea 22-22 22s oe eee 

Gadus 2-22-22 a2. a neta oe 152, 

Hemipluss 2 2222s a. ere cao 
okeechobeensis, Ameiurus__----- ------- 
Pomolobus pseudoharengus- __---------- 
Weil tty 17 en, 5a eee Seen 
eeMONEMIS oe esse oo soe c ese eee neeeee 

melanie 2: S8 aks eek aes 
letabilis, Moniana 
Isetus, GCentronotuss--. 22-~- s2n22e 25 a eee 
levicaudatus, Hippocampus- ----.---------- 
levigatus, Callichthys:2-<. +. 2. sssteces = 
@lironectes~ 2-2 2a. 25822525 

Salmi s2- 3 oe oaas dase nese as = eee 

Nh pg: [ne a a ee oe ae ee od ARS ee 
$0718 A CINENSEY << 3 =~ Sock oa ee eee eae 
WRRUSGGS oo eee te Se ane 
(TASURYDSLOUIS = 2 cccaccs so cke noe eeeae 
variegatus, Orbis 
lAgenarins, AcGipernseri<. = 225. 22k eae 
Tagsocapbaltta: Sassen ee eo ce deawec een 
[SS VISAS 25) ot = nee eam ee toe 
pachkiycephalus 2e.2525-- ~--sccceneee sees 
lagocephalus, Hexagrammos__---..---------- 
LADIAR os Soe an ee = no eee 
SalQ0 6 casecs acetone ne see nase wae 
Lagochile. 55-2 Sac. ccececcceseenene Rca 


Lagochils lacera—-2¢2._<_ =< <->. eee 112 
arodon = ote Se eee 337 
THOM poles. Se ee 337 
lahontan; Pancosieus:- 5202. eee. oe eee 105 
lalandig@archarias =. --c-8-) 15 
Scolio (0 eas epee a Ea ee 15 
HOM Ola. —. bee oan» Pe Soe 279 
Jamellifer” HXxOCOstUSs-- 2006-22 eee 200 
OI S ee eee -  e 20 
Jamia, Carcharids.__-- =" 200s eee ee eee 15 
Jamarii, Acipenser:22---2-=09.--s05-- eee 35 
Lepidosteus Swat ancnsd pene ee eee 37 
Jamiolia, (Carchaniss: 2-2) -) = coe ae 15 
Lamiopsis 15 
AMIN G ace. cone 19 
caudata_-_- 16 
NASUS 22 o= 19 
punctata 19 
Damnids:<...5 2 2-2 See 19 
Jamotteni, Okkelbergia . 2220 _ 225 224 ea 10 
Petromyzon pe ee Ae 10 
Dampadena2. =) 22255 2a eee 167 
speculigera. 22-2222 -- = = eee 167 
Lampanyctus=- 22 222 eee 167 
SISGUS: Jo ona o® annee one asec ee eee 167 
SOmmMiler es aes tal eee a a 167 
PUNTO Soe eee re 167 








lampetreformis, Blennius_-_-------------- 470, 471 
Lumpenus--2<=-- 2255-022 aeene eee 471 
Ihampreda 22-2 eS eee 10 
ampridse:: 2.2.22 22 eee 216 
DLAMPriS- sa soceleesecceseco eee 216 
I a eh ee ot 217 
TOPlUS. 2 ws ke ee ee 216 
bam programms 2) 2222 eee 484 
iiustris 2-326 eee 484 
Jamiprotmnia; ‘Clupeaz--<) 22-2 52. eee 46 
Jenkinsia.: =." 255.555 ss5 eee 46 
lamprurus, Hypoplectrus 321 
SOLManus. (2.9. ces5 = sees 321 
Mampugus._.- 2225-22. eee eee 264 
neopolitanus-.<.-_22-~2225- 552s eee 265 
punetulatus. =-.2--2--s2s-=- == eee 265 
SICUIUS 2. 22> Soescnescn anes an see 265 
lanatus; Merlucius: =. 225-222 ee ee 214 
lanceolata, Perea. -=--5.- 22-520 e eee 352 
lanceolatus, Chzetodon---_.-.-...------=--- 352, 353 
Hiquetus. 2-2-2525 _ 2522 a3 See 353 
Gobius. --.--.5 2.2552 ese eee 441 
Homoprion.. -2--s25-- 52 s2seseeeeee ee 346 
Lonchiurus: 22 s2<.-s-s2sses20en ee eee 352 
Stebifer__..--. 5.22502. 220” eee ee 346 
lappa, Halieutella 508 
Laproperca--.---- 310 
animuse= sees 344 
accliviS:-2 2.-ss2c.525=5-55-5. eee 344 

SI PENtCUS. 220 eee a- one ee ee ee 344 

DIS VICOPS is. nceaeccenss ese ctel eee 344 
@fUl Pens. st ocssncce-coeseee se se eee 344 
fasciatos-: .. S25--scccesces ence 344 
paciicus.. 202-2. = Soe eee 344 
larkinsi, Cymatogaster_. = =. Ue. ssSiseeeene 410 
Ibasiancistrus=. = 2-322 2--asss5 25 eee 161 
planiceps.. .. 5202-2 ies Sane eee eee 161 
Lasiognathus.-=s.:.----- -Se sae 510 
SACCOSLOMIA. 25. 5.25 ee ee eee 510 
lata, Parapetenia tetracantha..-.---_.--_..-- 419 
SOULCL: 3 = oo eton nce wee ee seen sone eee 272 
Latebrus ---._-- 297 
oculatus.-_---. - 297 
latepictus, Serranus = 314 
lateralis, ‘Alivarius.2. 2-225 225 -2-- snes eee 294 
Artedius..3.62 ooo ence ccc nec See eee 377 
Characodom... 3. 5-2-2. 2enenenaeee eee 183 
MmDlOlOCa =. 2. een a eee eee 411 
Gobiomiorts:.2. 22. --22---2s- ee 436 
Mylocheilus:.-2.3- 8 5 eee 112 
PhilypnuS:.23--s22ecs2nse~ese eee ee 436 
Richardsonius-s-scccennscoseecewacseere 118 


List of scientific names—Continued 


BeBe OCARS “os UPON See A ye 432 

Scorpenichthys. sas 377 
BR ARTHOLO CAs ugg T8 Bs nec ts 411 Xenopyxis_-: 
Zvsonecies): Suma Sy See an 177 | Leiostomus 
Sioa" Petrodon sete) eda 500 
laternatum, Myctophum____-____......... 170 
Jaternatus, Polyipnus._...________........... 7 
Jaterum albo, Antennarius______._._......... 505 GES: 82 es 
dathami, Trachurus....... __...__.-._..... 270 
laticauda, Anguilla______________...__..._. 77 
RHamdige 2 ois S DT eam push 825 co 
-aticaudus, Pimelodus._________________. Lome Me» Wmaculitags 22. oe Se 
= Scoliodion 2. 7.7 8 14 
laticeps, Acanthocottus.__ 388 
tobat 30 
WS ee 150 
Atherina 246 
Bathynectes 483 
Megalocottus 3 
_ Mixonus 483 
latidens, Glaridodon 189 
Peeciliopsis 189 
latifasciatus, C 181 
=... 2 ea Er te 437 
, SOE] st i SRR RE EOS Fe Ane mee Vachisnroses . pile ea ee ee 
Jatifrons, Anarrhichas___________._......... a7) |e” a berapss. 7 e 
Citharichthys 218 
ty eS Rea 436 
Lycichthys 472 
2 a Re ee aaa yeni. vol ieee *Llatophrys. 2 eo 
BrOleidonntoe kee ulo os 379 
Seeen Aenea Ie es le 218 
_. 1. Se eadreg 396 
|S GSS a oer age pene 396 
Peale ehrysopa..:...--____..._...... 357 
JLT) SCN SE ane else 357 
latimaculatus, Ophisurus___................. 85 
timana, 197 
206 SIVONING NAS. es wei cel te ee ee 
64 | lepidentostole, 
£Y2) || MEE RUODOVIGHRGS- os. cette CL oe ae 
a oe Dita Sea ee eet nn re 
Sadie | 21 2ye] (e | (0) a  e Maa  g 211 

187 WOLCC RUC 2 Sei ese ri ds eee 211 

2051 F  eepiooehmstedoncl..5 2 awe) a Pelee 359 

206 | lepidogenys, Etheostoma 292 

162 292 

tie Sie - Ser eee 162 444 

atos, Caranx __.... 272 445 
442 444 

419 203 

276 205 

als | pl OMOO des Ie ese ee, Sia 147 

421 GORTO Wiles cers) aoe ee eee TS 147 

62 WINCH bet en, es SR Se cd 147 

HOM Oo [es oP a a a a i a 279 

ATs | PEMUIOO DSO es A re Toes PTS 226 

113 WAUiea bao a 2 Fett pare 226 

120 110) 0) Es oa ON Os BE Rae eee Eo 226 

He) eC OOD Es me aoe eo ys seen ae 262 

113 262 

113 262 

41 262 

b 258 262 
Lebias ellipsoidea___->7777777777777777777777 181 36 
MMA iS eo 181 38 
be tee gp 191 37 
he yn: TE la SS OE ed Dic 191 37 
at ale pn ee TT AE DE OTIS 191 37 
[ulin fog oe OF ae 374 36 
253 37 

34 37 

278 37 

21 37 

341 37 

341 37 

486 37 

486 37 

ODU) tame MOM EUOTA ashes oo8 oso n 36 

355 ira at 4 (Si NA Se ea a ne a Se oa 38 

29 37 

390 37 

390 37 

TD BES ae 21 36 

Weionothos, Holocanthus..................- - 499 37 



List of scientific names—Continued 

ES008tL 6 ee eh eee nee 
lepidulus, Alburnus 
lenidus, Gobius-- << .--.ce eo ene eee 
Lepidogebids:... = ee eee 
Olipocephalus> . 522225. 2 ue 291 
Pepiopomius iSChyIys-- 2-2 sea eee ee 299 
MINIAtUS = 2. SS oe ee eae 300 
episoma._-.0:.~beanccatea- tee 459 
cirrhosuim.. -: =- 322.22 2 2 eee 459 
episosteidss.. 2. -= 22. 2 = ee 36 
Lepisosteus.- . a. See 2s ee 36 
albus__-__-- Beene ts he SEARO ea 37 
(Atraetosteus) ferox..— S22 see ee 38 
ISON: =~ 22 oe oo ee eee ee 37 
(Cylindrosteus) oculatus.----.-.-------- 37 
POMIANS foment ae ede ee ee en eee 36 
huronensiS =... =~---elsoeae tose ae ee 36 
lineatuse 222 25. 62: J ee se ee 37 
lonpirostris! 2.2225...) ee eee 36 
OSS@USS = 22223 este is ebn ass Peco epee eee 36 
OXYULUS= 4225 22 2e 2 es ee eae 37 
platostomus:=-.<.=.2-=-5 5-52. 2a 37 
Semiradiatus 2222 oo¢2encsten so asthe 36 
spatulas2..-=-+--2.5-.2 5.23 ee 38 
Hepodis. 2422-2) es See ee eee 265 
S8TASUS. Gb- 2252 2eeen = - aoe e = ee ee 265 
epomis <4 420-2 2. eer ee 299 
qnavallinus.2s 22452 0s ese see en ee eee 300 
Apishis.- ==. 22 das Oe eee 299 
appeudix=-—-622222. 2205 --- = eee 299 
ardesiacusS.--2+2-.<- Lise Aaa eR eeee 301 
auritus: 32=-% = 24=2---26 SS eee 299 
eharybdis':2--- = se eee 303 
cyanellus: 27: .t2 25 2528 wo eee ee 298 
@ULYOUUS.= 22622 22252 oes a ese antl eee 299 
Hexuolaris= ==£-55-2=22=5<.- pe Te ee 298 
PARMA «+ 22 Seen ct ee esc ese see ete a OOO 
Gillin 28 ae tet eS sees So eee 303 
haplopnathus!_-2:-4-.+-2)- se eee 301 
ictheloides-. 2-2 2. = 3:22 == =n ee 303 
Dirrig=<e2- {2343.5 =. ee ee ees 302 
Jonpispinis.-=52-2354-s32-24.22--) ee 301 
macrochirus-£==-+=-25-== ==>. s=eees5 301 
Whinistus.< 8s 225s sek eee ee ee 300 
MY Stacalis= e's = sas =e * eae ee eee 300 
Me phelus!Ss2 fees = case ee ee 301 
TIObAa. 42 es 2 eee 6 ee oe ee 298 
occidentalis 222: -=2--2--22 S525 ees 301 
ap ihalmicns==2522=*=2s2-22— = eee ee 299 
alli = 2s Ses Saas Os BP aE oe een eee 298 
DAUNGUS = 52 ee Soa ee eee noe ee 299 
Melpasnes*| fe oss ee eee eee 300 
purpurascens_--__-- Bee hee ee ae te oe 301 
BalMonda yest tel eH 582 SS - Saeee 298 
SORE: ae eee Ee eee oe eee ee 300 
SVMMOLiCUsS=2o5 2-2 - = 5-2-2 ese SS eee 299 
trifascista- 2.522.226 227 2232 52222 sSssseee 298 
Depophiditim 225222 2 a8 25 a= ses Se See 484 
brévibatbe- 2.227 =24o2s2 5s a eee 484 
COrvinitim: = 23222 2 40e2 2 as eee 484 
GULUIHEIAS 28: > Ss Sane ce tee 484 
MIALMIOT AM. ona Sp an ee eee ne ne eee 484 
AVTGT OLA Pin ees Soe ten ae ee see ee ae 485 
Sn Ce ee ne nee 485 
Drotdrcontimises* 2- ES sere eee eee 484 
OT DIALCS ot so oe 3 eines ee eee een 484 
stipmatisthiani 24255" So. occ ee 485 
laptacantiisy Rabida--22: =) > aes ee 155 
leptacanthus, Noturus____------- ee 155 
Wantdeantinws:S* <2 essa eee 394 
RIBCHDPMUS - ye 228 Seo see Sk See ee eas 394 
ep ienitise eae Se toe soe es Soe Se ee oe ee 
CLO ee a ee eee 148 
Leptecheneis------------ Me toes Soe eee 448 
IDOPhOSNCISD EMIS son eee ooo. ne ae eee eee 161 
CRTOSCE Dit gee eee es ae ene ae 161 
Leptoblennitisn cata 2 ass: ss eee 470 
eptocardit.:- > 29 er ea ee nn ac san se ee 7 
Léeptocephalichthys = s8e.02 58: 802.) soe ee 79 
Leptocephilidss. 2-225 Sess" aoe nee 7 
Leptocephialas: 2.25255 2s5 see eee 54, 7! 
Gandidissinmiss 5° 220 5252 ease sene a 7 
gracilige 37 5o 258232 ae Sa eee eens 79 
(Microconger) caudalis_-....--.-----..-. 81 

DIGETISI Ss ae een eae tect es sae eee 54, 79 

Leptocephalus spallanzani_ ........--...____ 
leptocepnalus, Ceratichthys 
Meptocerdaless-s cacce- noel cot ae en 
LOHPIpINMISe: ees keen ee 473 
beptochilichthys. 22 Swe er eee 53 
EASSIZU : ot ee i eee 53 
epLocligus 2-.. Sse eee 470 
maculatus: / 2.0 ee eee 470 
Teptocongers.- = 22.2 eee 82 
perlongus.- 2221s 2 eee 82 
Leptocottus 2. 2222 ee ee 390 
armatus. £2. 22. eee ee eee 390 
Leptodes:....2.-24.52- 2 ie eee 71 
‘Leptofierasfer- 22220 --2e 48ti 
MBCruUrusic. a el ee ee ee 486 
Leptogunnellusi22 55-22 32 eo 
eracilis:* 22022 ee eee 470 
heaptolucaniaare 22s seen of SEER eee 174 
ommata:2 3 Oe eee eee ee 175 
Leptophidium cervinum. --_--2-_-.222__-- = 484 
emmelas..:_- 222-5. 2 ae 
Marmorahimees: 3827 ee ee Fo eee 484 
Microlepis-=2-2. c=2 eer eRe 2 ae 485 
pardale: 2c. ==. se)2.-362) ee eee 485 
Drotlindorum= a2 2-235 Se eee 484 
prorateSice = 2: =222 = 5. 2 See ee 484 
Sligmastiim: 2. .22 0 ee 485 
meplophilypnuss. 2222-28 a ee 436 
AUViatilis: ===" +. Pease oe ee 436 
Leptops: 22. 2 See tS eee ee 155 
Lepiopus.—= 2-222. *2 2 ee. see eee 215 
peregrimus:*. =" .- 25202 ctl eee 215 
Weptorhaphis<. 32-22-2525 lose eee 189 
eptorhinophise.- -2t-= 2.22. (2 5=— ssa 87 
Weptorhynchus? 222-2230. --- a eee 83 
leuchtenbergii= =>... :-24- eee 83 
leptorhynchus, Lepidosteus-_--_____.-_______ 37 
Odontopyxis.2=¢ 2 523-22 395 
Sarritor..-.2-242=> 22 2 eee 395 
Syngnathus=: :-i+22.- hee s lee ae 240 
Iheptoscaruss=: —>- 2=- eeesea eee 5 ee 431 
Xxenod On: = 4222-32. 252 eee 431 
leptosomus, Wauxilus-2- +53 22a eee 115 
Tepturiiss-22. 2 ssn. k ct eee ee eee 262 
lepturus wAmarrhichass222 2 eee 472 
Caranx. 2 --s2e. 2325 ee eee 272 
IMacrourus2: 52-02-0226 eee 207 
“DRTC RIUTS 9 o-= peas oes = ee ee ee 262 
lerms;eA:ztecula 222.222.2822 ee eee 143 
C@hirostom-=22322 522-2 = 32523 eee 251 
INotropiss= 22242222423. eee 143 
Skiffiazs-2issic. s5 2525-2265 ee i ee 183 
Termichthys= 3 222 24-534 22 2s eee ee eee 183 
muiUtiradistus-.=:-- 22532 = ee 183 
Tes vAclutéres-2-< 5-22. 54s a Soe ae eee 495 
Gurimates:<:22222 + <= = 22-2 See eee 100 
Lottes_-_.-- 212 
Musteles -_- 208 
Ovoides. oi. Leszsca2- he ste tee eee 499 
Spheroides 498 
Steliféres=< = 2s=2"2 222.22 8e bets eee 346 
lessonii,;Corypbrenarss22s2-=esen = ees 265 
Lestidiopsc252ces2222 3 See et eee 166 
sphyctenops | -c232225--9 = ee eee 166 
lestieuri, A cipenser2222222222~ Soe eee 34 
Catdstomus:s3)-25450"32-4-> 2 eee 1 
Moxostomazjiiss+c-t0c S22 s2c0- bee 
lesueurianum, Exoglossum--_.---..--------- 146 
lesueurii; epidosteus=.2==5.* £22402) oe 37 
Letharchus:-)2-2-e*-521242-5620 ae 85 
pacificus-<. 25 2245 4>S "se <5 Cone eee 85 
Velifersacccn sesh lest ee oes 85 
Lethenteronis2 22: = 2 ee 9 
ApPendix.<-22> 2-352 See eee 
Lethope.c 22225.52525222224522 052 eee 447 
Conmeetens =< = 222 5) eS een ee 447 
lethostigma, Paralichthys_----------- 224 
lethostigmus, Paralichthys___----.---------- 224 
Lethostoletetzs22 522522. 2322 ste A eee 250 
‘Léethotremus 2 20-5222. ).- te ee eee 398 
MUCUS. 2255 oS: 2222 22S Se ee eee 398 
VinOlenitlS: 22sec. 5552505 eee 398 
lethrinus,;Astatheros.=--2_2s2522s.2 "see ee 420 
Cichiasomane 2 S25 23 582 eee eee 420 
letonai, Priapichthiys 2-22 2 2.--s22s=282sscaen 190 


List of scientific names—Continued 

leuchtenbergii, Belonopsis_--_----.._--.-.-._- 83 
Leptorbhynchusienc=n- = --—--~----5-=-22 5 3 
Cyanloplentisae-— =o esos sana n = 2c nen 63 
entomophagus ee ee = Ee 63 
CQIGNSIS~ 7 ere eye eke 63 
pemimiligr Stee ee ee Lee 63 
GH PTIS Seen pee ee 2 ee te 62 
OVI 2S eee ete pene 64 
Son arivise Catena get 8 nt 2 eS 63 
110 4 MER OT OR 8 tel Seg eee Sree la 63 
(ria bas! # (2 eo inate Sa ee SE 62 
IDG 1 a a ees a eS ee ee 62 
HIN CTOP RB LNTS= m= os 5 eee ee 62 
TiS ee ei aS 8 = 2 5E 63 
ROT eo peak eee be eee 64 
ODLArICNSIS...._...-..-. 62 
osmeriformis 62 
SPRL 12 cei eae ras te ce GT 63 
PST LURE Ea ae a area eee 62 
rrr Gh Pa aes Aa as EE ee 63 
BiIRCO 5 ..: EE Des LE OEES MERE STE So 3 8S 62 
ThE ET fe eae ae NE SS apie NS 3k 62 
ER Nn a a arene eas nk ates 63 
HST ee eae ee ee bse 2 SF 64 
FEL AP TT ae Se eS ee ERS Tees 64 
Leucicorus________- 3 So eed ae 
RPI RARE A ee orn te cs 483 
COLES 1 Sipe Ree Rie a Lee ae ee 
leuciodus, Notropis 
I ee ee 
7c RRO pe os apt eae OSS 
Ty TH Le Seat saat aa i A A a gl OEE, ae 
OT IS a a aE a PS ae aN 
rc oi ee Oe eee a’ * Es 
PScloDier De 8 eee 
ie oie TE 
SIGRID ee ee 116 
TIMMINS re oa tt a, 139 
cilities Sa aie. oS 117 
(1131 i Se aS ae oe ae se Re 128 
PTT a ae ee a ame = oy PET I 120 
Te ee Se Po IE A ar 146 
DOICuOOIOGs f= eh a ees nt hg 
PUL pie ee aie eee 117 
pygmzeus 174 
rotengulus 117 
siuslawi 118 
spirlingulus 128 
storeri 117 
tincella 115 
vandoisulus__ 121 
vittatus 128 
zunnensis 114 
(Leuciscus) caurinus, Cyprinus 118 
oregonensis, Cyprinus 114 
leuciscus, Brachydeuterus 333 
risti Le) Sk a ee 333 
ge mone PASCTOOLUG sonst Ae ecole acess 205 
Sait. <<) 3k ee Re 205 
leticops, Photogenis................-.-«ds.... 123 
engraulinus, Photogenis.__......._._.._. 123 

leucopsarum, Myctophum (Stenobrachius)_. 168 
Nanoprachinme2..24<--4=- 528—5- 3" s Se 168 
Jeucopus, -Photogenis=-2==- -=s-=255=- 225 = 130 
Rhamphoberyxe= <3 2592223522 sae0 a 235 
leucorhinus, Rhynchoceratias___.-..-----.--- 511 
leucorhynchus, Rhinobatos____-.------------ 
Bitinobatus <2 == 5255 2 es ee 
leucorus, Eupomacentrus 
Pomacentris *- 22-26 eet SS 
encosomus: 22525 52c. = 1 5-5. See De eS 
Cataractus 2 =< =~ 2-.5.5e54. 53 eee 
GORDOYALS: — <2 -= 2. 35 aeann ee a's eae ey oe 
GISSiaI Sans So. sa 5 ee ee SES eee See oe 
BHETOSSHLS — 2) osm 5 oye Sens ae gee 
HeciVEMLAliS.2 =~ 355 fo eh Ss a 
PONCE C1 ee ee ne ee ene ee a ee ae 
eC] 7 2 1 ee ee a a SARS StS 
PETIGOSEGUS:.COIRIMUS 5 _ 5 se 52a ee eee et 
leucostictus, Eupomacentrus______-________- 413 
PemMeaCentrus = <2 S45 sel cucaan Seu nk See 413 
leucotzenia, Pholidichthys___._...___.______- 465 
leucurus, Caranx 271 
Pere Onna Ngee > 525. Fe Sk | EES RS 271 
Leucus dimidiatus 122 
DHVAGRHS Sonos 5a Snes SS 122 
TBHEBS (DGS Sass to os ss sect te 251 
OPS MGiis. 4s ee Se es ee Ce 251 
CTT ee SES ae A eae Sd oe ke 251 
SEGUNDA OSSUIN GCs - 325. 322 ons ee Pe 68 
RIDES 5 ea teas s 7 Re ss ee a ee 68 
PSOUN TIS oe dt SI ON 474 
PAUCIGERE as a oe ee ee oe 474 
ley iss ENISDAmMN OSes 5 se= 55 as 5s 28" EE SEES 368 

lewini, Zygeena 
HARCIS SOUR GINA — os cao Se usa eee 
lewisi, ES a aD Ore ee ats ah ees 

liberiensis, Balistes 
libertate, Meletta___.__-__- wee 

Lichia quiebra 

Sieh tiooul “AIDMESLOd. 8 en oss eas ee 313 
ESOIDODN Gl Giese ecu eu 313 
AIPLES Cia So Fo) ES SSP ae eet 280 
LEA TS ey: (ce ee oe ee 496 
UGIGKHOO ss522 2 8 here ee 494 

UG nies tone ao se ae Se ee eee 44 
SL OMients Ssace: hs pete. 2 2 44 

Nims IOOWMON Ys ces ee eee 235 
ER Graton. 2acttens 9s 174 
TAIONT Eo a se ee ee ee 162 
VE EIN UIS tats Uae te hy ee 235 
Binglonearigee = 525. os et eee” 162 

Lima-murena 90 
melanotis 90 

UBT Es fo LS a a i tage ee oa 226 
ih oC, ee ee Ses See Ee Se OE 227 
VS Vee See Se 227 
IRR INCRE oka oo Skee 227 
pce ce 7 Oo ee Re Re ee 227 

limanda, Pleuronectes..._...........-....--- 222 

limandoides, Pleuronectes____............--. 222 

MERIOR GOR, (CANCHAMER: 2. sue soo) p oe 16 
Carcharias (Prionodon)_...............-- 16 
Oo. ee One ee oes Sy SS 5 TS 78 
iba fel intel: ee ie eee i el ie ee, 

Us Oa 2a aU ee 178 
(Wi c1) 5): eee ee oe eee Ee cya lee doe bed 174 
Zygonectes 178 

[Dit eee er owes 191 
arnoldi 191 
caudofasciata 191 
coucbiana 193 
cubensis 191 
dominicensis 191 
formosa 192 
heterandria 191 
matamorensis 192 
melanonotata 191 
nigrofasciata 191 
i cil th, ey SE Oe SPA Tes ae app ee eee a 191 
(ia dU he MS SS ea a es ie ia oi ay J 191 
Wena Oa wk wad ot ak eek ee ate ee. veh coe 191 

PEELE muse cow ticns weeu ween nee 192 



List of scientific names—Continued 

{Limis ‘venusta. 5. 2.32..c¢ esse eee 
Versicolor---.. <2 5e08~ sac nee oat a 
Wittbala oso se 

SSEMNUPEUS esos a eae rs 
varilegatus. 2. 9. oo eee 

limnurgus, Girardinichthys 

dimosa: Nryaines- 2222. ee en eee eee 
Pilodictisi. 225 See eee ae 155 

Jimosus, Pylodictis.<_2-) 2 ee 155 

linea, Miesoprion = 222028 25 ee 325 
Synenathus. 3 eee 241 

lineata, “Alosa: s<_- 5. 2 es Se ee 42 
Coryphiena=.2 S02. = ee eee 430 
Beheneis2=..6 = Se eee 449 
Pm piGvOCk 2 eee 411 
DiGi ceN ee ne Se en 307 
APIpOMe oe soe ae ee ee ee eS 119 

ieatin Achirus 230 
Amblodon orm 352 
Cyclopterus _-_ 400 
Gypselaruss<= 22-2 8 he ee ae 202 
Diodon geometricus=-22 == = eee eee 502 
‘Dormitator_—_-_ =. 2-2 eee 436 
Dorylehthiys --: =. 2 ie See Saree 243 
Eiques22 22 ee ee 353 
SOR. = et scenester eee 173 
UPOITOS: ~ hee ee ee 342 
DOE apra she (0 1c pees 9 See eo iy pA ee 259 
XOCOBLUSS Son ee tee ee ere eee 202 

seen LISS cee ee ee 101 
APrichoud Ofe- 22 a oe ores 357 
ZVeOueCtes! . * - ee eee: 177 
lineis transversis, Passer__........-----.---. 230 
irieolate: Clupes <== 2-222 eee 41 
GIONS 262 he er Se ee eae 259 

d e(o-=(t4 | ST ie eee oe PEERS See Spree 192 
[ohh i(0 than aries BOIS ee See ee 259 
lineolatum, Catonotus flabellare___._..._-_-. 293 
lineolstus, Al DUTUS.. 22222 50 oe ee Se 135 
Catonotiss 22 ee eee 293 
Metropasters:=-< (2522. eee 409 
Pserldoscartis: = 5322s 2 eee 434 
MGT OCONEE. 0 sao e ee eee ee 497 
ZYPONECtES Sos oe ee eee 178 
lineopinnisiMiurend: 2. 2 eee 92 
lirieopunictatus; Balistes2s.- > 5= 3 2 22saeeeee 493 
ANGINCUURUS) 2 eee ee ee 493 
WnpuAiia, (Salistes 4b so ere oe 496 
PIGUTONGCLES =o co te een ce ee 222 
Wieantsc) ays U4 (-)ab0 (bh pene eee i a Fe 211 
Mrachuruss Js © 255-5 2 ee 270 
Dinophora:=. -222o ee eee 359 
Dinophrynes asso. ee ae eee eee 510 
ar borilers een. ee eee ee 510 
MiG GY ea ee ee 510 
MACTOMON S282 ees ee ee Ae 510 
DOLV POOR] soe ae ee eee 510 
Tinsleyis Bitheostoma: =. 222222252) ee Se 293 
PAGPIOSSING: | 522 Nate Se 8 Se ee eee 223 
tetroprnelma = 2) = 2 sre ae 223 
tetropthalmus: = 2 ee 223 
Nolepisionntiss obs = = ete ae eee 207 
Mserusus \(Liontvrus) 222 es ee 207 
PRS UEOUT YE <2 os 12 5s Se SNe ee 223 
Tiomonuacanthiis. 25s 25 2 225s Sa ea eee 493 
ADH ISPS == a2 2 So eee 34 
Atchley a 207 
lidlepis === er rr ie 
(Lionurus) liolepis, Macrurtis: ... 2... aeaby 207 
liopeltis, Acipenser 35 
PD per Ga 2 os eee ee ee ee 313 
Liopropoma.._-....... 316 
sberrans: 0 3222272 NOLO 
longhlepiss so 5s ee eee a 316 
THD ee ee ee 315 
Lilopsettae 525525 esa ee 227 
glactslis==2s 2 Se eee eee 227 

Liopsetta obscura............... sth aes 228 
putnamic == i. 2: __ eee 227 
liorus ;@hasmsies*.. 5). ae See 108 
liosternus, Phenacobius teretulus_____- 142 
TAostomusse acoso ea eo a ee 348 
hipanidcer vee S20 2h ie, 2 399 
iparina,-Ammitra:..- 25 eat ee 405 
RIPSLINUS wearaliparis ess — a aos eee 405 
VET paris 223 - =. os aa ecteoe eee eee eee 399 
A@GASSIZM = = 2 oo ee a ees 400 
arcbiea....-. 22222 eee 400 
cyclopus...22 52022-6222 ee eee 400 
cyelostigma: 222-22...) eee 401 
Genneyl.. 2.22. ae eee 400 
LaCie Bias wa eee notes 400 
fucensis ‘ 
PIiPDUS a eS ee eee 
AUGAGISee eee 
Ospomni: 2-22 te ee ee eee 
Tania. = 2.522 soaececc santo eee 
liparis; ‘Centrolophus___ 2 eee 267 
Cyclopterus:=-.-<.) 3 eee 399, 400 
Liparis Wi ate See ae 400 
major, Cyclopterus...= 401 
minor, Cyclopterus 400 
TsiPariscus: === o-oo. eee ee koe eee 401 
NANUS $e ease ances eee 401 
Liparopide__- 398 
Liparops.-_-.. 398 
stelleri.o 2 z=. sssccnce ee eee 398 
Lipogenyidze 75 
WAPOPLON YS... se awceSee occa wee Sa e 75 
SUD: Us ae eon ee 75 
WipomyZzon:s~ - = -2- 522s eee aoe 108 
LipophtyS.--25-5---os2ce Leet eee 461 
carolinus ~ 222.222. 22 2S eee 461 
liropus, “Arius: <<. 2523s eee 151 
‘Tachysurus. 23-2. -c2 uc cose ee 151 
lirus; Lepomiss-. 22.2) ee eee 302 
ythurts.—--- 2-3 eee 126 
Nototropis= 2-2-2 eS eee 126 
lisa; Vienidia 2 2— <3 22 oo ee eee 249 
Xenatherina___ 249 
lister, Ostracion ___ 497 
lita, JViuinsenas 2. ogetc coos eee ee 93 
Witholepis.. ..-- 222 a2 ses. ene 38 
littoralis, Odontaspise=-2. 2 eee 19 
Squalus)2. 222 se ees eee 19 
Umbrinae 22 2 ae SS eee 851 
Unibrula Se eee 351 
littoricola, Chrstodontesctsae ee ee eee 360 
liturosus;, Diodon: -225 52 2S eee eee 501 
lividus) Petromy zone. 2 os ea eee. eee 10 
Silorus: - (25-3222. so aeceeee ee eee 153 
livree,. Pimelode.- 2. 2 eee 156 
liga, Mupgil- is. 2252 ee eee 253 
lobatus,; ‘Canthogasterases 22 oe ec ne ee ee 498 
Sphosroidés:. 2.52222 fee eee 498 
loboehilus, Amphilophus2=- cece ses seeeeeee 422 
Heros. .=-= 422 
Dobotes...2-5.2 323 
auctorum 323 
emarginatus 325 
erate 2.52 ei See eee 323 
pacificus..-.22.-2 2 eee 324 
sommolentus:* 22222252 se ecm eee eee 323 
Ssurimamensis. 22-52 cee cenenees eee eee 323 
Lobotid®_.2222 3. eet eee 
lockingtoni, Icichthys:-=2-- 22552222 eee 268 
Lonehitiruss 2225 < ccecacceuae=oasee eee 352 
deprersus-.<(.. -sins22250-c ee ee 352 
Janceolatus:.--.0ccen.Ulaese ae eee Sade 
Lorehopisthus= .2<2..-22222 2 eee 453 
mMicropnathus= 2. 2--....-- 222s seston 453 
lonchurum, Opistbognathus -- 45 
Wonchuriisasss soe ee ee x 352 
ancylodon 354 
Jonchurus, Opistognathus 453 
longa, "Drygonicccs acon ccaccbannee sees lessee 28 


List of scientific names—Continued 

lonpicandsMurcong es ee. = - ole ce O% |) aphonsettal = = cocks esse 4 oe 217 
2 7 Sle oe er 91 maculata 

1S tor ei ae «aR ae SEs kon Y eae 420 

wig cra Wareprocius..- = 25 oc. okpeseeaeen BOG) 4 -  UreCAR UDA waco snes Jo Se eee 
IWR tee Jo ee 445 | _ variegata...._.- Se ee ee ee 42 

SPOR os oo Ec eas ceneeben 359 Macrognathus 
LLCO 5 LS a aS See See Ce 196 p Phalangistes- =. 2-5. --- 122 
PERG TIL OROAMIDONIG os moon coin ce 198 | lorito, Sparisoma-- 

longus, Balistes : 
LO ot Se earn b-. Ran aa ee 

Oem mw www ww wee wee mewn eee eeeseeen 

EOpHOUREanmae. cosas to 
se fore es Oh, ie ee ee 509 
BCANUMOGMAUONGS . 39... 2 ticnneneeccs 509 
CA pice <= ae 438 
Lopholatilis chamzleonticeps.- - 8657 Malate oe RES ES ee aap eT 465 
OSU UR rece ciieasimiwincn a 357 | lucioceps, Saurus....- ee ee eeaadawee Bp 



List of scientific names—Continued 


lucioceps, 'Synodusizs=-=2 2-2 ee oe 163 
Dueiocharax. : 225-62. 2s eee eee 100 
Inscul Pts. 2. 2ccdeaas ae ee 100 
Striatus:< 2 2c.c ik ec ee eee 100 
Lucioperca americana... =..=.=-+.==s2)2-2-2- 282 
[0° )) -: ais ere Se ees ee TE 282 
canadensus 282 
grisea. -. oo eect at eee eee 282 
pepinus 282 
lucioperca undecimalis, Centropomus-_-_---- 305 
luciopercanus, Mentiperca_____.......-.----- 319 
SOrmranuS~ _ 225-32 -sSe bel sien eeoeseecee 319 
ILDRICIUS Ss 2S Set oS ye ee ee 172 
lucius americanus, Esox.__-..........-=---.- 173 
JCS. “ATTACLOSLOUS: = 2282 22---2- 23> Sees 38 
ASD PENOPSIS! =— === os se a eee 465 

MS DIngSpOr ha s2 ee a ae 251 
TAICIODIBNDIUS .os2 seecci ates ee 465 
iPiychachellus==s- 241. ee ees cee 114 
luwoides,. Wsox = 22> sss Se eee eee 173 
lticreti, A bom 3222-2222 et si a 443 
Gobis! 222 ae ae eee 443 
ludibunds, Cyprindila--— > Sees 130 
luetkeni) es ase ee 510 
lugabris; ‘Caranx 2222-24 Be oe es 273 
Cyprinella=) 32232 eee eee 131 
SOX ot oe tab asain at eee 173 
Malacoctenus 460 
Melamphats=oo-sc420 2" 8 ee 233 
IViyx0d6s 52: 2 sos isot ee eee 460 
Plectromus 233 
EXureleh 2 2 22 oset 2a eS 273 
luitpoldi,;Charocodon=2-- 2s. 2-2 ee 184 
Goodéai2. 2225: 2522535 se eee 184 
lumbricus, Mursens- 22 3- . 2. -oSe> See 76 
Miyrop hist 282 She 2 bee eae ee 83 
luminosum, Myctophum 170 
Tam pengiib=2_scsss> kee as ee 471 
JORPILOSHIS -o62 =~ < se Se ee 471 
MMP CNI GS os aac anese eases eee eee 470 
IMD EOHUS! = ate ee et Sa eee 470 
AabYiei: Fo “228s See er eee 471 

BT ACIIS 9522 oes ek ee eRe ee 470 
lampetraciormis=--=2.20 4 Ses pega See 471 
JONPITOSITIS =. ==)—<.£-=- Joe 471 
IMSCK SY ses os ee ere oe 471 
MUDWIS= "= 2 -saeee see eo eee 471 
ibRMpUs>| . ov see ees aes oe er 397 
angloriin => os. se Be ee ee 398 
Wilgaris:°u* 92. ee eee eee 398 
lamipus, Cyclopterns--— +. 2- <5 4a ee 397 
luna, Pomotis- -.2.--~. 25-252. ee ee 301 
ZeUS 2 8 oes) Sass ese ee eo ea 216 
liars, Ori havorisens. =.) 22 ee ee 503 
tnnta, Cention ye6-3-225.c2- 2 eee 361 
CHENGIS 2. Se aa dae eee eee 448 
(S10) C5 ee ne eee ee acne = 217 
lnnaticus, Dactyloscopus..=.—---- = 25. 455 
lonstus, Holocanthus*~-<_. 55-22 sss 361 
Pistyphrys- 24 2-= = 5... EGE OIE eee 217 
Pleuronectes 2-22 See ee ee 217 
Rhiniehth ysis... esas. 45-3 2 eee 140 
lonnlatus.Oyniss:-5 <.o se Ae e ee 13 
UT ANYS 220s 8 os sane mn eee cee 310 
IMvistelus== 2-22 see eek oes 2 oe 13 
lupus, Anarhichas__----- Salient Ne 472 
A astote =. fore ea aso een Scere ewes 153 
Pimelodus3 22742 5.22222 55580- EScaneeee 153 
‘Lusea’ Cyclothone:. .--=2---.. 2 eee 72 
lasciosus, Lencéicorus..\=.- 22-2252 2s e 483 
lees) Aniortlae sao 2 oe eee ee 7H 
luteovinctum, Etheostoma_____-_-_-_-----_- 291 
luteovinctus, Oligocephalus__-_._.--.-_----_- 291 
lafescens,'Cheetodon'2. «=~ ==. 5 222 saab ae 360 
ay ROSS ee oe ee ee 340 
PIMGIBDLCMIS <= 36 350. oe ane meee 340 
luteum, Hzemulon 330 
luteus, Centropomus 281 
Gadus tomcodus 210 
Genyatremus-<>-.-2 335 
Lutianms 2+ ee ses ee 8 eee oe 335 

IN ODTIETIS 20 SN ae 155 
Rhnichthys <>. 2652-25 ee eee 139 
Dntianidis 2a) ee ee 324 
Latians 5 ee ee ee 324 

ambiftus: 32 23222 esse eae eee 327 

butianusianahsse- =~... =>. 22 Ree ee 326 
BpUGUSsaeeeee oa ee): (8 eee 325, 326 
BIPENtIVENULIS:<s5:=-.2< 2) eee 326 
OVAL se wheats ssses So ee ee 326. 
plackfordii=-=-- 252-2: =. 2. 252 ees 326 
ibnachy pterus:=:: 22s 25.2.2 te eee 326 
Muccanella: s-<24=.25-242) 22 3* San SR 326 
campechanus:-=:-2-s2.s. = 22 oe 326 
colorado: =2_ 252222245252) eee 
PVISCUS=3 52: = 22542 SSE eee 
futtatus:s:2::--.-- 2. eee 
hastingsl = -=.223- 2-122 
joeG.2_- ss-uishle82s2 2 _ 2a eee 
jJordani.e=t<:--22a:222 SS eee 
luteus. -s2222222c22--324. eee 
lutianus=2:22 22. -3=22_-* 26 eee 
mahogonit=a= = .- 225222" +=: sss eee 
megalophthalmus= = -<_ 2292 sse Sse > 327 
novemfasciatus_-<.222-5.5 5) eee 325 
SyNseris 3 -52222s5-=-25.- 3 eee 326, 327 
WilidiS: 2 2252-22222 55525280224 eee 
ViVANUS <6 2. 2- 2235522555"- 3 eee 326 
litianus, Dutianus. 2222 Soars eee 324 
lutipinnis; Hydrophlox-2 -- = = eee 127 
Pristigaster::2=2 --..4.. eee 45 
lutjanoideés; -Lutianus.22- =. 2) eee 326 
OcylTuS: 22-22 --25-522 22 eee 326 
Lutjanus 22 2-2 2esccesoiol se eee 324 
acutirostriss: 222-222... "2 -  eeeeeeee 325 
ali brietii 52225205852 os ee eee 327 
blackfordi-= 22222 22.--- => eee 826. 
brachy pterus-."2.=° 525.2 1S eee 326 
CAYAaNeNSiSi2s=5 5-2 22 eee 354 
colorado--------- aotssst 2 eee 326 
stearnsit223 "2.55 ae eee TEES 25 
SurIDamMensis. 5-59-2325 5 eee 332 
TOrriduS.. 4=-sss-2—.—- ee eee 326 
triangulum._..2.--.... Se eee 348 
tridens. == 2-.2--..2. 22 2 ae eee 318 
trilobatus 317 
WOLTCS 22-4 thon sn ote gap ve ee 42& 
lutkeni, Cypselurus 201 
Exoccetus 201 
Lutodsira. <2 2 2222 -saan a eee 40 
lutrensis, Jueuciscus=.2- 225225 eee eee 131 
Mionians 2-.. 262 - Se eee 131 
lutzi; HMeterandria..22s--2 ee ee ee 19¢ 
LUValid:. s525 Sa aoa wane sae ea eee 264 
Liubvariformess2.52—--2- 2.55. 5.5 25 ee 264 
LAVATUS 22.05) 8 na ee 264 
imperialis- 2.6232 2os6 a 264 
luxatus, Chasmistes LE LOS 
Deltistes: .. 2252-5 es a eee 108 
LGxilinus. 2262.52 oe wes ee ee 113 
luxiloides, Cyprinella_2 (2-2 eee 131 
axils! oc oie 3 oe 125, 128 
Slbe0luss2 2322 4255- se eee 129 
cerasinus.222.=--0 2 a 128 
chickasavensis_...--. 222 2225 fee eee 130 
chrysocephalus-_._- >_> (i ee eee 128 
COINS: .< --co eo sence ee eee 128 
chrysocephalus. 2-5) te eee 128 
Isolepis. ....--\.-- ceca e nee 128 
dissimilis:- 22. 55252205 See ee eee 138 
elongatus... <5 26 pee eee 120 
erythrogaster....-2-<2-- eae eee 113 
inbermuptus=-. 5 oo ee ee 128 
Kkentuckiensis.-<.2- ne 137 
lacertosus... 50-222... 2 oe 129 
leptosomus 115 
licidusi. = 2 ee eee 125 
roseus.....- Pee 7/ 
S@CO) ene 115 
SCIONG A oe oem aaa eee 132 
ZONISHUS => Aeon eae cee eee ae ee 128 
lycaodon; ‘Salmo. > 232-25. seb se ese ee ee eee 55 
iLycenchelys: =<. 8-2-5 20 eee 475 
paxtls: 22220 sce oe econ pees eee 476 


List of scientific names—Continued 

erycenchoelys; pores = oo | =k 476 
Vegi ee =e ee 475 
DEARORTIET AL anne mee Oe 51 
grossidens_-_-_ 51 
poeeyi_=-=:-== 51 
Lynchnopoles_-_-____-- 72 
Iychnus, Argyropelecus_..-_--..--..---..2... 7 
Jy (aE ee ees SS Ss eee 475 
TIGDEMOSUS ee eee ee 2. oe 475 
SGBIINY Gusset ene eee sane = eS 475 
Ue neh Se ee 5 See eee 472 
[ig he a a ee 472 
ments) ees 2 ee eee anes 472 
LS IST EN eee a 2b ea 478 
pag esos 0-4 478 
My eOGHOpIS= eae ene ale oe ee 476 
MEET Oe eee oe 476 
SS te 2 ee 476 
Lycodapodid#___-__- 47 
Lycodapus-._-___._. 478 
attenuatus____.--.. 479 
dermatinus 478 
OU VISG 225 0 De ee ee ee 478 
Lo 2S re eee 478 
ToT SOD ae eee 479 
LACT ee eS 2 ee a 478 
VEE! otc 2 8 ee ee 
Meee ares e oe ae PS es 
CC Se eee eae 
Rim TaCat ete eye ne eR wl PS = ae 
TIED a) Ce ne nae ie ae 
wa i Tn ee oe ao ae ee een 
SOIT tS a eee ee 
Ch Ca 
Cd | a ee eee eee me ee 
SIMI te 5 oe So ot 
OT a nt." eae Oi ees SE. ES RS 
iT Lat eS ae SeS = Ss Jae a Be 475 
MRIS ae oe ee Se ag a Me 474 
(Lycodopsis) pacificus............-..-... 474 
PRI S85 RS ee ee er Le 476 
H'3)11", [0 2 ae eee eee a jens we RS 475 
“UT ee See eens See Aes 475 
DY Coe ae See Se eae ance 476 
pin SSS ea See eee eae ee 476 
SS. i ae irs ee eae 475 
Iyeodon, Lycodspus-. _..._-.......><2=2... 478 
Lycodontis albimentis._......__..-------___- 93 
CS ES os 2 ee aa ees See ead 476 
il SS ee eS ae 476 
WTI oo ce needs ene 474 
Eloi a ELA ae 474 
i 473 
DGtRCiAs 2 =. 5.2 SoS ee ee 476 

opalescens<-22 26-5: (oe Ss 331 
ay hres: = 28 2 aos ees Pe Ae 125 
andens. 24 2-9 2 5. Se Soe eS pat eet 126 
eiripes=—2sh225. 282 Sc -2 82S as 126 
baling. 2: £242 2255225 =i es 2s ee et ee 126 
eyanodephaluc?: 22 222 2S bee Pe ite 126 
fasoigiarige.— 2 o2i2k = een et ar 126 
MPR es Be 2 tee ee 126 
PLT AT ENE EL fe ar rE eet eee rage, 126 
ADWOEDIS= 20202525 ce35 oP ee 126 
punctulatus 126 
roseipinnis.-...-___- 126 
PUM DERULNS oe > 252 = ao Sa eS Fon ae 125 
Digs ecg opv 1 pate Wer ie wee Sab Segoe Si ed apne 442 
Ci aes SURE iat TE a eee 442 
A fcr 0) 1B 5 ee ee ee ee ae he Rand 40 
macnreuus. Garant: £2520 =. <2: ho. ee 270 
Decaptertis= =: 255 525-558. eS a 270 
Zygonectes 177 
IpracOnmAt iif. -. ka OD aE etre 76 
THACONMNS EYRODISCUGS oo 2 Sante, Cees ee Sats 380 
mgcer, OLYDIOBODUS. sess nea e 20 
Tee ly LAIN PONS 625 2S) se oe 471 
SIDS COME Se=* <5 se pe sr ee ae 241 
PE STIG GUN aa es eee oe EER, 241 
TORCRONP UN PALINO S22 ute 8 ee 61 
SUGNGOUSS 52-520 see Sch ee 61 
MaBGlow, Carcnnring ssc scree: oon ee 17 
NM EET Hat See oo. hes eee te 29 
macouni, Chauliodus__. 71 
ELSES SIOCO MUS ss ee aes 380 
macracanthum, Pristipoma__................ 334 
macracanthus, Alutarius. ....-...-...-..2025 496 
POMBOESYN i... bakosecee. see Ce 334 
Minerhy onsite 655555 2 ee Sh Benen ie 138 
| 1 fee eae EIS Wen ctioeer tact aa 138 
Pe ee ese ek ER Sei Cee 139 
Rts: Ce ee EES Ere 139 
Hisr comes. ~ = = ere Sees Hee oh 138 
rit < eee er ee ee el 139 
SENIGAT Che w= Heine eb bin ae 2 ee 139 
MURCIA coe te eee 139 
macrocephala, Clupea 40 
aay ira Ue ode ge ale ees Sartor mee heg ta) 77 
macrocephalum, Etheostoma 284 
macrocephalus, Alvordius__ 284 
ciile) ae eee eae eee 455 
ET aes ee ee Oe ee 210 
Gpnocephaloss. 22225 --  ae 409 
WEN DOs. Sako e pe ou eeen cout t es 455 
MU MANION sie Sanne is Sopot aw eee osece soe 372 
EEC] oR a ee a ped 117 
macrocerus, Monacanthus---......--__.----- 494 
macrocheilus, Catostomus...............-... 106 
macrochir, Aldrovandia ade = Sot ee ee 75 
PE RT NOL POPE ee St be ee cecateS 75 
Op ape SA ee Seen 364 
macrocuira, Helioperca..2..2.-.2-.-acecnecua 301 
macrochirus, Hemirhamphus-_-.-...-..-..---- 199 
Lepomis 5 
REACT OROM a aie aad at ticha Dunne dnl 
ancy lodon- 



List of scientific names—Continued 

Macrodon ferox 

MNONGSK <2 oe ose Sone ee eee 
patang 22 223 2y fossee ee eee 
Lereinas=<oscsec2=02 255s 
WALOS 29 S oo se casos eee e ate ens Seer eee 
trahira= 2.2. te ee 
macrodon, Cheilodipterus-_-_................ 296 
WURYUNTIN US 64 ee ee ee 99 
Linophryne=-<-os 22-426 - oe eee 510 
Macrodonophis. 2220. 2. coe ee ee 88 
mordax ophiuruss 22s. - eee 88 
JIACTOUUS; BAUAlLUSE= =) 2250 ee ee eos 19 
macrogenis; Cerna: oo: 20 te eee 315 
macrognathum, Opistognathus__-___-------- 452 
Miacroprathtses= sss sec ee oe a era 245 
brevirOstris?-<22 235 ca eee Se 199 
TOrica usta 2 eee oe ee Ree 36 
macrognathus, Leucichthys--_-_......---.-.-- 62 
macrolepidota, Anchovia-_____-.- 50 
WODIbISs os oe ee eee 176 
macrolepidotum, Moxostoma 111 
macrolepidotus, Catostomus___..-.---------- 111 
ingraulis.: $22" ete ote ee 50 
Mundulus heteroclittis <2. 2s ees 176 
TOU CISCUS- 22" S22 ee me ae eee eee 116 
INOUODIS= 225-52 ae eee ee eee 125 
Poronicht bys: ses) =o. 2 ne eee ee 116 
‘Macrolopis. ---- 1-24. ee ee es 295 
macrolepis, Phenagoniates___..-...---------- 95 
IPOntiInUS == yao ac oe ks Poe ee ee eee 372 
cg poides!2 ss=5 68 es ah oe ee oe aes, 95 
macronema, Pimelodus--=---<-2----- senna 159 
macronemus, Polynemus-._-._..-...---------- 256 
macrophthalmus, Astyanax__--_---.----.----- 97 
Oaranxa>- oo oas- 2 52 e le ee eee 271 
Centropristiss: 22. 2 e w eeee  eaee 328 
TH DIPGU OS ssa nto eee eee 296 
SGODIGSO Kr a eS ee ee 489 
IPbymenteleins 2. anes nea eee eee 107 
macropoma, Bollmiannia_<-2-522°> 52) =2S sees 443 
Gentropristis;.<{2-2 2 eee 318 
DIMlectruMi aks. ee ae eee 318 
IMscrops 2. oo o2 2 anes wosse eden saan ee nan oean aes 328 
macrops, Balieies= 2-525 2a te eee 492 
Bathygadus==-25. 225 22 ss eee eeeee 203 
Calamus iion= ones new ene cena eee eee 337 
Citharichthys 2222 222 32 Stakes St ees 219 
Conver i252 22 acne os nn ae eee 79 
(COnWINE ooo enn ee 345 
QOottus= 2632252522222 582 ee se 384 
Gnathypops._--2-25 00 eee 453 
Hippoglossina=--2.. 522252 aes ale 222, 223 
Opisthognathus~=-..5--5--=22-_2s2tLe 453 
Opisthopterus—.-.22. 2222.22 5-2 ess 45 
IPFIRVIRGASLEN. tuo een cee coulee rete See 45 
WaCKOGUS) 2s 22052 -nn- oe eee 345 
mineroptera;, Conocara 22" ---_ 222 -2-sc-se 53 
Goniobatisia.2-5 652 te oe ee 30 
macropterum, Hypentelium_-__-------------- 107 
macropterus, Alepocephalus_-_-----------..--- 53 
Balistes=< .--0s. sso oe oe ae oe 493 
Certrarchus = -2 025-3 -22522 3. -22--e-e 304 
ADINS ooo= oo sacetessasoe eee eee 304 
of ang 00 64 6 ae ea Ng Ee per pare 260 
macrophthalmus, Astyanax---.-------------. 97 
Ceantropristis= 2: 225222) see eee: eee 328 
BD OLIDILALON..-- ewan aoa eee ee 436 
Goliesox. .- ok eses 2 cease ee 489 
Waren g ila cos]. ~ eee ee ee eee 43 
Priscanthus=.- 2202525 ee eee 322 
Pris poOmoldesassssece-nsaean as aeee eee 328 
compen... 26-25. = eecaa se noennasaaeeeee 258 
‘Detragenopterus.....- S22 SSeS eee 97 
macroptualma, Clupes 2.2 522222 eee 43 
macropus, Malacoctenus-------.----------.. 460 
1. Bp <0 0: ae ee ee i aE se OE 460 
Macroriam puosid 5< 220 2-22-2asaa eee 245 
Miacrprhamphoss..-. 52952 See 245 
macrurus, Leptofierasfer 486 
Wonacanthuse<. 2 Sooo cee ance eeaane 493 
Macrorhamphosus hawaiiensis._.---..----.-- 246 
Tit) (0) 0): ee ee a eee YS 246 
macrorhinus, Acipenser_..--....------.--.... 34 

macrospila, Piramutana--_.--...-.---<-s.<-- 159 


Ma crostomass ses eceoe ss. . eee 166 
SanPlshidenss -2c 0. 5. <2 ee 166 
CaStaneUM =o 2. 205 32 Pees eee mieeplad 
EEetsh ees Y MUTE (=) i005 flap ae ae Se 166 
Quercinum= =< 0S << oe eee 166 
macrostoma, Cyprinella____......_-_-_2 222 131 
Heomulon. fos. 26 329 
macrostomum, Hsemulon_=)222-22- 2222-22228 329 

WMiaerostomiiss. = 5522 omen me eee 
macrostomus, Accipenser 
Macrouridis2 =: o23 > ee eae 

Miacrounus:< =~ 2: cota cance eee eee 
ml batrossuS 2.22 22s¢— os. eee 
BNPUN COPS. =. ws o.oo. te eee eee 
Darl. ose Se a ee 
par bipers--2 222 s2: So oe oe 
berglaxs<252 232 a ae eee 205 
Doops--- os a ee eee 205 
ipucephaluS << <2. .22ceso2 See 205 
DUI DICR Ss sso 2 ee eee 205 
CanUS=.2-- sen cbedeu een eee nee 206 
CADITOR< So ceccee kee eee 205 
carminifer 206 
CINGVOUS= -2 22s ca cccoweee eee ee eee 205 
CONVOlZO0S == 25 sateen anes e ae en 206 
CUSDIGStUS 2 2 So ete ee eee 206 
Jif: 12410 Cee ean Ae eta 206 
pracilicauda= 32. Soc2 scene so) 206 
Ingolhe 202 oo eee 206 
Jatinasutus - - : 206 
lapirosirayyssss=ssee 206 
lepturus_22-c- is. eee eee 207 
Jeucophssus=2) 82222) eee eee 205 
(Malacocephalus) pectoralis.__....-..... 204 
orbitaliss- 502 22-3 eeeeeeeee 206 
pectoralis...- 26225 Lie eee 204 
Stelgidolepis- =~ 3. .-.cs2--25--50 2 eee 205 
tenuicauda--=-=2.2 255 <2 25 eee 206 
trichurus--_ 2 =e eee 206 
(Macrourus) stelgidolepis, Macrurus-__--.--. 205 
macrourus, AlopiAs= =~ 222-2. ses eee 18 
(oy MO GUS sa es ees aero =— 101 
Macrozoarces.. 2252... -. .<s; eee ee 473 
@MericaNUS.-- 22. c. 5-55 ssc ee ease eee 473 
macrurum, Ophisoma--t-.------ee- eee 80 
Macrurus: 2.2.2... 3: so sec eee soe eee 205 
ACTOIOPIS (os ne Sone eee eee ee 203 
anguliceps.- == 2-264 205 
@SpPel_ =. --- == =23---.-=----53-- seseeeeene 203 
barbiger_- 22225-22222 52-5sonese eee aaa 205 
DOGPS 4-5 -< Sa anee cc sence sp eee 205 
puceplialus= >_< 2202 =< Se eee eee 205 
bulbiceps: =.= 22225-2225 sceseseeeeee 205 
CSNUS. oo ss oe en ae 206 
eapito 205 
caribbeus 207 
carminatus 207 
carminifer 206 
cinereus 205 
(Coelorhynechus) scaphopsis- --_- 207 
CODVOLPeNS. ..-- 22 s-os 2 ee ee 206 
CUSDIGELUS: -- = - ones ac ace see eee 206 
Gorsalis22-2 7... - <2 se=> 2 207 
firmiSQUADUS =< ss2=<-2n-eeen eee eee 204 
(aglis:=-2.. 22S ee neee eee era ee 206 
(£006 0) ee care eee See ee 203 
gracilicauda-.---.4- 206 
Ingolfi 8 2a ese sass- 25-225 ene seee ee 206 
latinasitisasssees-7-—-— 205 
latirostratus---.--.-.-- aeeheeud, 
Jeucophrens-2----.2 =.= ane ee eee 205 
(Lionurus) liolepis 207 
lOngIBUSie-22.--— > =. hae 203 
(Macrourus) stelgidolepis___----.-------- 205 
* QNematonurus) magnus--_---..- =o ce 204 
OCC a enon b an cam con ase adn ee 207 
OFDILES |. ~— 222. haste ae een eos ee 206 
SUDOrDItalis- 22 ee eee eee 203 
tenuicauda--- 206 
trichurus.-... 206 
VIOSUSE 22 ae cans owen ann annsn emer 207 
WACTULNS; PANY Ose noc cannons eee aes 80 
pigedve(s) 1) |: re ne oe SS awa LOL 
Oxydontichthys-- 25252 oe vecece sense ae 88 
Oxyodontichthiys--. cco ccaseeoeemeceeeee 87 


Tist of scientific names—Continued 
3 Page Page 
macularius baileyi, Cyprinodon_____________ 181 | maculosus, Serpens marinus________.......__ 87 
macularius, Cyprinodon__.____...___________ 181 SOLcaniUS! See any eae ae en 311 
machlataBelone=ves eis se 62081 aaa 197 | madeirensis, Ceratoscopelus___....-_..___.__ 167 
Hb epstormisaee aes steers ht oF 5 TTT TS 290 JESU ab igini en Abe SOR MORD Tay Ube To 91 
Heri tremin 2 saute ee 2 TSE 135 Scopelusis Stat sees Parr o Bee eeRe 167 
Hy DODSIs seo mea euetahe pases re eeL 135 | maderaspatensis, Priacanthichthys__________ 310 
THON OVSeia=s ww eins Seas ee GS 217 | maderensis, Helicolenus 370 
DEGCTOTO a ee ee Re 302 488 
Nerophis2 Seat Bs ena 243 488 
Nigra; Murentesss. eee ee Re E. 91 340 
nigra et viridis, Murena_______________ 92 424 
CO Ce ee ae ee eee 310 100 
Dcleenin sa has tates ve ee eens 436 100 
maculaticeps, Boleosoma_____________.__.__- 287 356 
maculatofasciatus, Paralabrax.______________ 317 223 
DOIraIus ee ose Se ee 317 261 
maculato striatus, Diodon_______.___________ 502 88 
maculatum, Aulostomus____..._.___.______ 245 1 eee eee Peary meee 87, 88 
BGIbOSOTIa Saree ay 5 awe Ee oe 287 | magnus, Macrurus (Nematonurus)_______.__ 204 
maculatus, Alvordius............____....____ 283 | mahogoni, Lutianus 
Anarrhichas 472 Mesoprion = - 25522 
A DBP OMNS 22 oF Pes cae, 295 | mainensis, Gasterosteus 
Aulostomus 245 Ponpinuss se —. 
Balistes-2. ss 403s |p majalis; 'Cobitige s- 8 Ss a toh sew 
Canthidermis 493 Fundulus__ 
Prrbifns 6. 358 | major, Actinochir 
Cu en 470 Wisnharinas\ 727. oh. aay ae 
LADS Sees ROOTS EEE OE ae Daa es P 87 Cyclopterus liparis 
LOIS ee Pe ee ae 386 Graichi hye Se oon a ae 
Cryptacanthodes....22--71 010029202727 471 Ptychocheilus 
ED Ie 8a Poe Re Sie) sheryl, 501 | Makaira 

1D ait ee eS ee a 436 ampla 
CUT eo ets eo ee Oa 14 holei 
Grasterapeleguss. <8 6065 925 T 3s TT 99 
RES RO DEORE oo ie tg eT 283 mazara 
immaculatus, Platypeecilus__.......____ 193 
Labrus squeteague....__..._...___.__... 355 nigricans 
MSIL APIN Sees ah cnn -- 435 | makua, Ranzania 
Meprocknts =f 0 ii EE -- 470 
Monoprion_______ -- 295 | malabaricus, Esox 
UE eae ee aS, REE gt ate 343 Hoplias 
PNOUOHOUUR : 25 .scsfge cosy st ese 290 Synodus 
Notorynchus_ hes So ae 11 | Malacanthids 
Purmelodtis: = 3295.25.53 151, 152, 158, 159 | Malacanthus 
Lyla ey pO aR igo 193 plumieri 
RON Bas 8 eee 
a Ee ee EE 2 Oscar rae 
poe, en RS reais 
wa ge a I ea 
UN LL Sao ee ET as a 
Se NN asa acc smnnn, 287/208 || Bmaeulatas joo 
el Se ae aT 311 COCR ES Foe ne eae a a 
ep II SiS fr Pee 498 
Tetrodon hispidus var 498 
Uiperierist Se Fs ons Se Te 343 
Zoogoneticus.....________ 182 
maculicauda, Astatheros 421 
Cichlosoma____ 421 
Orthostoechus_ 331 
maculifer, Diodon 501 
Platophrys.____._____ 217 
maculiferus, Hypoplectrus 321 
Pleuronectes_______ 217 
maculipinna, Iridio 427 
DON eae ae 427 
maculipinnis, Exoccetus 201 | maliger, Pteropodus 
J ee es aria 422 SOBASUICNUD Ve) A 32 ee Ong i 
Isogomphodon 16 | malispinosus, Monomeropus.____.........___ 480 
DHUCAR Ma eS Si te ee ee 230 | malleus, Zygena : 18 
Leas 92 us 66 
maculo-cinctus, Sarothrodus.....-........... 360 66 
maculosa, Harengula............__._....... 43 66 
_ | EES arena rare 212 61 
Ly ae a 87 61 
Thalassophryne._.__......-............. 488 61 
maculo-seriatus, Chirus.........__.......... 373 506 
maculosum, H#mulon....._..-............. 329 507 
maculosus, Acentrolophus...._.............. 267 506 
LDS ais Soames 35 507 
ROO acs a- sn ae 107 507 
Ceeereneer. d5.......« ......... 303 507 
a laa aitatte 212 507 
oy EEE ER aa 268 507 
COMMON iis... 390 507 
Paralichthys 223 507 
Pimephales 145 418 



List of scientific names—Continued 


manseuensis, Heros: < a2. one sennease ae 418 
Pimelodus-s2. 2.2225 oat eee 157 
Rham@ia.2.-.vsn22. bebe 26 onto ne a 157 
manstia- “Raig- 2-4 oc Seas ee ae 32 
manatinus, Barathrodemus_-____------------- 482 
WMancalias:.2-<+-secee es CP AOE ee 508 
Shufeld tis. 2262202 sean Se ee 508 
TITHUOSCOPUS.< Serre he eee 508 
mandibularis, Lycodapus 479 
manelicola, Gobius.2 <2 222-22 SS eee 439 
Rehinogobiusice- se ee eee 439 
manpo, PolynemMus:<2t222s22 22 safes eee 256 
manitou, Lercing-<s-2t 82. eee 283 
manitoulinus, Leucichthys-..-........_-_--- 64 
manjuari, Lepidosteus-.---<2-2=-2-22 72 seas 38 
manni: Gam busi: =*=2o222252 2.53 ene 186 
mannii, Zyeouectes:<._=-22" 5c. See 174 
WManta2 =. 5 22 Sete eee 32 
RINehiCaNng setae eese nae ee eee 32 
birostris 4. es ee ne eee 32 
DAMON =f ae es oe eee 32 
manta, Cephalopteras-2 =: =3. > -s0225 Sees 32 
Coephalopiernus: 2228 ose owe 32 
Miapo's= 22562182 secede ee oe ee ee eee 440 
miapo;) Gobius’s- $225. 2he2224 eet eee ae 440 
maraldi,;Gadellas2o2tSs2232 22s ee ee 211 
Gaddis he2> sss=2 See ee eee eee 2H 
marceravii, Aulastome=22.5<-- 2 ee 245 
Coryphena 264 
Rhinobatus 23 
Salme-o02 2 223 tees see eee ee eee 100 
marconis, Hybopsis wstivalis___..-___-_____- 138 
Maerhybopsiss. 222: ssn leas Sera ee 138 
IMargariscus #523 222252252 225226 Se ks 116 
Maran tated: 22s Son ee ot eee 116 
nachtriebi_-_-_-_--- W824 Senin Se eek ee 116 
margarita, ‘Clinostomus2-2222ss"sse'22 ee 116 
Mehiostomae 2252542552528 52 Seance ee 70 
Miargariscus 22522552 20322-2320 a ence 116 
margaritaceus, Entomacrodus_-_-_--_---_----- 463 
Salarias 2285232225532 esse (See ee eee 463 
margaritatum, Myctophum-_-_-__-.-_-.----.-. 169 
margaritatus; Batrachusi2s-.2223222-2--- = == 487 
Porichthiyse 2222252208 22 ees 487 
7FropidichthyS2s-=5=- 35255 ase ee 500 
margaritifer, AStatheros_._........__-_------ 421 
WICrOS 2s sess ssesano ass sncarasa seen ee 421 
HeLTARUS: 322 -45552-05s eS ase ewes 311 
margaritiferum, Hzemulon___-....-_-.-------- 331 
(A plodOns =) sssses84225202 22522 53 339 
Migierostomas 535 9355s s eas see eeeee eS 166 
margaritiferus, Notoscopelus_........--.----- 166 
margaritum, Echiostoma---=-=..-----.-----.. 70 
margarotis, Enneacanthus__---.-.-.--------- 304 
marginalis, Epinephelus_-..........---.----- 310 
Hippocampus. 22=2 25222. $525 2sses ieee 244 
marginata, A phoristia “222255 2-2-2 -20 nen 231 
HehODClCS 2 222. sas ecos =o see 301 
ISSO Sea re oe see ee ee 485 
Uranidea: =. 2 oss seth ae 384 
marginatum, Ophidium s.2252+- 2-2 485 
marginatis,. A budefdul. 5.2 52.c4255 22 oo 415 
IBOGIANUS.- 33240225. ssn eee 313 
IBrosmius +5. bats eke ee 479 
BrosmopuyCis 2s 479 
OArant 9) 2s cncssecees te eee 272 
Chptodon 3 cose Se SS ee 415 
Cottisiyn 4 oo eee ee Se 384 
ISD ASO6 es 5 ee eee 413 
Hemicarankt...i222.2-8 - Se _ zest een 271 
INeobythites . 3322 eee eee 481 
NoniIni8s 4.23 156 
PRY CIS oo os se eee 212, 213 
Pini@loduis.* 250224 saad e eta eee 152 

PP OIOUIS 3 ee Ee 9 Oe RT ee 301 
S@rranys .¢ 2 ooo ob a ak oe eee 311 

Sy nips. ee ee eee 231 
PUPA S C8 oan Soeenen aes See ete 272 
marianum, tolocentrum) 22-2 s 236 
MManAans, MISMMNCO. =... -ns-05no=-2aaaeeeee 236 
WIATIDS, .DECte sa ae as eee 148 
capite striate, Perce... .-5---- ee 330 
cauda forcipata, Brama____...---..---.-- 265 
canda migra; Perce... ccs .25 ee 330 
gibbossa cinerea *Ferca-~=~---~-+-26225--- 329 
Mugilops.- Scopes a peaseen ane ee ee anene 252 


marina, Pastinaca-2: 2-2 23555 80 eee 29 
OlCHe hee nee fee oe a 363 
Tubra; Perea. 2-2-2 ee 236 
sectatrix, (Perce. =.=: =-2-~--2c--es ees 340 
SLTOURYuiake ==) acces. >>. 196 
Milpecila:=—-.- 22- =: 5. 25 ees 18 
MATiNts: OIA Holus. se == 2 == Ss 7s ee 32 
dorsatus, Petromyzon 9 

BOR Rs aoe eee ae 196 

fere quadratus, Faber___- 358 
Gasterosteus: 2 2223-. 2aas2 ee eee 239 
maculosus; ‘SerpenS=2=- 223) 2262S e Seas 87 
Mugilops-=- 22252 cess eee eee 252 
Petromyzon -.==.252 2.2565 eee 8 
Sebastes. = =. £22 225.-- 2 22ers 363 
Silurus 222<= -=2- se. 2222 esse 148 
marki> Bmblemarias === 2-2 = ees 465 
marlina, Makairacs---2=- oso 2= eee 263 
Mmarmorata; ‘Amig 222-=-2-=--4 28s eee 38 
Pteroplatea:.<=" 2-32 22 =k eee 29 
Wiles 222) 2 fos so oS ee eee 393 
Wnibranchapertural-=:-2s2=- -s=2seeneee 76 
marmoratum, Corallicola_______-.-..-------- 456 
epophidium=*:: =. 2222 l22 Sle Sek eee 48k 
Leptophidtumt=-= 4a =o eee 484 
marmoratus, <A mers: ==—=- == 2=s-5-2-neeee 154 
Gottwst 2... eset 2a ee ee 387 
CremmnobateS. 2-22-22. 234 se ee ee 456 
Gobiesox 21 332-8=2. 253-2260 eee 488 
Hemitripterus. 222222522 eee ee 382, 393 
PimblodUS:.2 sce 2sesc2 ose eee 154 
Rhinichthiys-_-=5=222222225 222 seas 139 
IRIVUIUS:. 252 eect ao te eee 179 
Scorpenichthys--ss=2225- Soe aeons 382 
Sphoeroidess:c22 2822 sees Lees 498 
Synbranchuis i: si2255 ate oe 76 
etrodon 225225042524 =-0= eae eee 498 
Mirvs: 22.22 s2sc23e = eee eee 163 
marmorea, Rabula------ 91 
marmoreus, Blennius_-_-- 461 
Murenophis. Ses =2 2 eee 91 
Synenathus.22222-22s2225 2. - 2 ee 241 
marshi ‘Characidium:!=2.--22-225 === eee 100 
marstoni; Salmos.-..2-.2-a222- 320 eee 61 
Salvelinus: = -2<= s2¢5.222.. 522.52 eeeees 61 
martes, Cyprinodon. <2 --2=5s-2- sess seeeeene 181 
Inartii, Pristigaster-<-=-=22522=2--5- seas 45 
Martinica, Attherina 222 22=2- ee ees 248 
Spicarasa2 2 1.2226. ee eee 340 
martinicensis, A.cus.. 2-2. - 2252 - a eeeeeee 243 
Ua: (0) 910) ¢ Saee e e  ee SS AT = 320 
Non ticiyrNus=—-=22-c.-5-) 2 eee eee 351 
Werophiss2s 2 2222s222e222 4 = eee 243 
Novaculichthys=252-22.24- 2b ee eeseee 430 
QOtyanthias:2s-<223- 2a eee evasioeee 320 
Wmbrind a2] 22-22 26-2 eee 351 
Vomer, 2222 25222054252 2222 eo ee eee 276 
Myrichth ys.622 5-2 525.7 Fee ees 430 
martinicus, Gobius 442 
IMiermibras 2-3 eee 248 
Bimarisoo 2 eee 340 
Wpeneus:22-52.2 < 2223-4 Soe eee eee 343 
mas; Salmo. 22.222 22 a eee 56 
Mascslonguse<2-- 22225 es=255= eee 172 
miaschalespilos, Scarus---2-- = eae eee 433 
Sparisoma. 225-222 d ee oe se eee 433 
mascotte, Mioxostoma22:2_-., 5. 404-5 ee eee 110 
THASONT, (Sal ss oe = a ere 58 
masquinongy, Hsox.c- O.--~ 222s sense 172 
immaculatus) Wsoxi.-2-- = eee 173 
ohiensis; sox 2." eee 172 
massachusettensis, Monacanthus____-------. 494 
massiliensis; Poly prion==_-) -=sseneaeeee eee 308 
Scorprena:>....---=--k 2-2 ee ee 308 
Mastictifass 2-2-2232: 2 eee ee 28 
matamoreusis, Wimig.-.) 2 ee eee 192 
matejuclo, Amphiprion=__ 22222 5.-soeeeeeee 235 
mathematicus, Tetrodon-.-.-......-------.-- 497 
mattowsees, Clupes > - 54a ee eee 42 
Matiutins, Alburnellis:-—- = lee eee 126 
EVtRYUNUS: 22S. 2 eee 126 
mauriceli, “Argyriosus_..~_.-.-2--. sees 275 
mauritii; Chetodon...--.- a ae 415 
leotriss22 ~~. -c che eee 268 
Grammistes:—*_-_.....-- = ee 332 
Manrolicids: 562222... 2-2 <2 eee 73 


List of scientific names—Continued 

PONWRN i oe eee eee ee Ss 73 
tripanchulstys- eee Aah eet ei ne 73 
axillaris, Lotelia. 3) See Se 211 
Wherrrenioid es ee ee 468 
Wiaxilimptin. once ee eee me te 146 
7asxineus,- Cy pes! eS egal 2 146 
xoglossum ob tos 146 
miaxillosa, Gnathypops...- <= Se 453 
makxillosus, Opisthognathus__________--__--_- 453 
NEE Riayat a en 139 
Srinxnmus, (COLerninnis 2) weal ek 20 
Hippoglossus 221 
J ee ae 425 
Lachnolaimus 425 
UTI 1 ela AS SEE SS a ae ae 20 
maxinkuckiensis, Alvordius 284 
SPHERES: oe es pee ee 284 
RAVER MT AVErINA. 22 2 eo ee 81 
OSSD a een a pe aes pier ee yaa 81 
TC in tats ab lek oe anil Aa PEGE ss 2S 81 
UVOTS CT Di i eS See ein aa ee eae 476 
Dp TET SE ee Ne aR SS TT Lye 476 
DUN ee pee ne aa ES $477 
(cr Lite grit i ieee ae ale age ae a a ee 477 
Ea il RE RES wo RS eee 476 
Peis! 10 es a al Ball IS i ieee ye 477 
UELE IMSL gry: ean ly i i ie i RIE 2 
Dub it ita: 7 ie Ree SECA ae eae Soe 263 
UE TAG Deg 2 Cr aie 9 el Ea a BOS 279 
(1 a 5 eee ads 230 
mazatlanum, Hemulon_-__ 331 
mazatlanus, Achirus 230 
PAIRS Ss i en a es 
seriou, Cans.) 2s ne eas 
sribadins, LHIOStOUM 2.8.2. - 20) ate 
PR Re Bee ee 
REINS SECROARINIS 8 coe suse ee a 
mearnsi, Hesperoleucus 
a) naa ll Ail Bali oul Cede acto eae 
LL hee 5 teat pee Dil ae SpA eae SSE eae ean 
tii 10: |: ce nT pire tes then ecies RE 
SDS oy) Pl aS Ee SO 
Gili Satie. Megatron Reger ae 0a 
eA TONINM = eer ns Sree) S Yee oe 
mediana, Ancistrus 
medians, Ancistrus__.______ 
bolo: ee i 
Le Cr nae Bap cam EIS lls Rs MT 
mediorum, Antennarius puncto_____________ 505 
1 1G 31 Maral ie RO AES et acta cp 2 el a Se 45 
medirostris, Acipénser_.-.... ut 34 
mediterranea, Chimera_-_.__._.__-_---s.___- 32 
gH i ie ees a ie le Rn eC rapids nL Se 163 
mediterraneus, Enchelyopus-____.-.__-..-__-- 208 
Eis lomietiiigts 38 ee eee es 234 
MRD oS Sonn See eee ee 280 
tL 7 epee ai pas Sp ER ae aes peel Ble pe 259 
SILL LUG 7 Se ste GE RES Oe SR ae pe 74 
medius, Anisarchus 70 
Lit Re Ee cote sa 2 rete SR 337 
Centropomus.____.____- 306 
lt EES ae 470 
Grammateus. <a 
hii (2 a a a le ie ea 267 
mednius, Myoxocephalus 387 
medusicola, Caranx 272 
oS a gaia 272 
medusophagus, Schedophilus__._.___________ 268 
2 Ot ES STS Relig a Seiten 416 
Fo itn 2S ae ae lial ei eaaees 341 
Lg UN" eal Ee epee dears 178 
Holocentrus 236 

megacephalus, Cyclogaster 


Mepaderia 6" 2 ee ee es 
megalaspis, Acipenser (Huso)________._______ 35 
Deratonotns: <2 Se Sa 429 
Mesalobrycon” _9— "> => aise tS Seated 98 
DASPaOCOiIS =. 2-2) et ek ei 387 
NRIVADS = Ss Ne er ee 388 
pistycaphalas. = "ses et Cee aes 388 
RACPAIOdGH, (ELISUS: = at Ler PES eae 23 
Megalonema punctatum____________________. 159 
EO DUSHER Rs eee a ee ee aes 159 
ers perce: St 6 3s re: hairy 308 
2 UGE be ae ee Ss Bee 39 
IGE ATT EARS IE | 9 a ie ae Sere 39 
Gane lanes Oke eee 46 
RlBBP Rune en Sek ane Tei 39 
IGA eee SLOT Po 44 
Cfo ie ae ee ee ee ee 44 
megalops albeolus, Notropis-.......----__--- 129 
SIPPHIODS, 80 DUETS ee ee 125 
Jo key oo ial Ss “eee ee ee Bae 42 
@ylindrostenssi 2s ee. ee ee 37 
Cyprintig  e e eeers Ch eee 128 
uminhthivys> 2 stars se a ae 410 
FIOICORONISS << ceee s  o oa 2 eee 410 
WEITO DORs 8S ee a 349 
Opsopaoduss] = «29 5 ee ee 115 
ERIAMOROD So > 25. oee ere ae 125 
Peel Odds ot Peete Se 152 
AE OGHEGROU( eo ats su tee a ene a. eee 115 
megalophthalmus, Lutianus._._____________- 327 
INGORTEBINS 455 Soe os be a 327 
megalotis, Ichelis 300 
Xenotis-..-_- 300 
Megaperca-__- 308 
ishinagi__ 308 
WEAPRDDAIUN =o er ees on blag isa te 488 
megastoma, Opisthognathus__.....-._.__.._- 452 
WIBERS LOLA LO DUS S28 ie Se Ss se 102 
roi, ttl: 1 | ee ie ee DSR nae Ane ean 102 
megastomus, Catostomus__.............-.... 107 
fe CTs tat od ee ee ee eee eae Vee 281 
TUR rU ee es ne. seen a aan anes 281 
MeCNATIDLACS DOAN 2 aoe oa og 233 
BSR OsUS eee WW eee 233 
(OCLC) 0 ee Ee ie aE Se ra E ES 233 
biota) 0 a) SE a OE ESS ane eo RRL 233 
gee (612) 0111 en ee De 233 
UROL SIIR A RES eel eS es 232 
melampodus, Apogonichthys 296 
melampterus, Salmo____.....____- 55 
melampygus,.Caranx___.._.._.__- 272 
4 Ra A ed ee a ee ee, Oa 272 
MUSTO Uses eeo® 5 Let ees ee 338 
POGIAIIIRIN soe eee Sion cee ee ee Sy 248 
Denar ene eee 248, 249 

po CE ce Ta es mala pie oe Mabe Dac Nesp ad tay 
PROIATODrAnOnWS Ss. 2 26) See on) ate Cee 203 
melanobranchus, Bathygadus_.-..__.-_.__.. 203 
melanocephalus, Plargyrus.............----- 145 
I PINMOUR Ieee aces 2a Sele eee 56s 510 
IVT DLA IOOR CUS oe bet the Ss No a 510 
TOMAS one oe oe ee I ee 510 
(Hiovetas) mitiray is.) 5.26562. eet 511 
pig 7 i hh eae ee Sam es a pe ee ea 510 
i 510 
melanochita, Belone.2--5 2262 vssest Sei eS 196 
melanogaster, Pleuronectes__................ 224 
bits: ib te ae ee ee SAS eT ere 191 
TELOLAR CRETE Bok > esd eek re Ay See 210 
Sepp titieee SP ye, ht deh en eee 211 
meGlanopogon} Heros. _-25- kee ee 421 
melanopoma, Polynemus.....-....--..-----.- 256 
Tnelanope, "Oalitnwas: 25.5202 64 Fe 2 302, 303 
ISALORPOIiGhs 2 CoCr APA ee 109 
BR yf ato i sk angle ed On See Sa oe ee i Sa 144 
PSUS cel] oe pa lge Se apa ies 5 ar 185 
VGN bee eh SSS Si ee et AE 298 
Minytrema. 109 
Sebastes____ 364 
TORR ON S a estate a oa tenn 365 
Sebastosomus 365 



List of scientific names—Continued 

melanopsis, Diodon=..- Ses. cesses eee 501 
mielanoptera, Alepes._.-.---2 2-22-22 = Saeeee 271 
melanopterum, Pristipoma--__--___------.... 332 
melanopterus, Balistes...........--------..-. 493 
melanopus, AVIS... - 5) =< 2. eee 150 
melanorhina, Plectropoma-_-_-.-......-------- 321 
Mélanorbinvis]_~ 2 -25.-—- oon enonenee eee 249 
CA sees ee oe Soca nan ees 249 
melanospilum, Diagramma_-___._-.-.-------- 332 
melanostictus, Psettichthys_-.....--.---.--. 222 
Melanostigema: i. 222. s-<2st eee ee 478 
gelatinosum == 3 oe =. .-0 ee ee 478 
Re Hie EES Se Bee 478 
melanostomus, Eosebastes__- 366 
Gelgus = 4.2) 2. 3 eae 12 
Sebast0dés 4-22.20 ee eee 366 
melanotata,.duimia 2. 2222-.6.225- ace e eens 191 
melanothos, Holocanthus-_-_-----.------------ 497 
melanotis, Limamuréena____...-------------. 90 
Murase oo fe} be ee 90 
Pseudojulis.2:2 222-2225 eee ee 428 
DORIS 2-002 =225 5 = sasaencosasaseseeeee 432 
melanopterum, Pristipoma--_---------------- 332 
melanotus,Catostomus_.-.-2:--- 22-2 2eis 197 
melanozonus, Acanthophacelus. eet ate 191 
Melanura 174 
annulata 174 
melanura, Perea 330 
Peecilia 178 
melanurum* Hemulon 22-5 22222 eee 330 
Tissmionenia iat 6-200. 52 eeTanINE EY 973 
melanurus, C areproctus SIS erie Lh 402, 403 
Gichlanrus’s=-+ L123 7a cos 416 
Cy Prinus!: =< -=<s2s232 85 s= eee 128 
xocontusessi 22: eae ee esas eens 201 
HIGrOge = Se sow = hoe eee es We 416 
(ua biluseess 2-2 5 as oes. 22 Tee ee eee 110 
melanzonus, Acanthophacelus---_------------ 191 
moelapleura. Gambusia= 22 -se-+-2=--s--==-— 185 
Pe Cacihine tes © Os ele UN esd nt eee 185 
melapleurus, Zygonectes 178 
melas: -Ajmeluruss 2 s=2= Ss tee ae 154 
STMTTIS ae See See Ts oe eee « 154 
moejastomas, Pristurus.-$-=52--*- 2-222 - e 13 
melastomus, Galeusis=: <5 Soha shee eee ae 13 
me@learris;, Vitra = == Seek se see 93 
Rbinighth ys? 232323256435 22228eeseee 140 
IMoletiaicminleas= == 2: toe tees See ee 43 
NIDCULALC oes oe ee eee ea 44 
MOLEHOUS Sees es oa eee 47 
SUIGUT Ia oe ee ae eee 42 
WOLLOSR! eee e arene eee sa ee 42 
MIG CHER YS so: ae nee ee eee 493 
bispinosus 493 
DICHUS =o! ee econe 493 
ACLU Meee Hee te Oe er 493 
111} N Fe} i en ta en ag 9 98 380 
rosy oy tN Coens ap Aes a te Terre nn pine = cos 8 4% 380 
VEBINIATOUUG = ae ee een eee 101 
Meri bras s.52582 54S ooo ee eee eee 248 
DeATISO S32 SASS Re eee a eee 248 
Vat 1 130 (0 oa ge Oe a ne SN ee 248 
bai (itn ay qs tee Gly slo] (: ieee ee ten ak SO Sees epr  A Se = 41 
Wrenophoriis sis ees eee ee eee 309 
ivi 9) il )S peepee ay ee oo Rie Pa Se ey é 
UPMCHUONUS «eee ee ame terete 
menhaden, Alosa 
Clipped: 222225222 
Whonidisies ates see 
BUCOUS cag te ee ee ae 
DEFYING 5555s pone pA ad oo ae 
CAPER Sn Ate eee ee cent nee 
CHACTOR onan con eee SEARS ENTE DS ee 
AEE: a RS gE ee 8 erste 
PODCHOLU Mt ot = > seen ewes eee Sees 
GONUHSH sore sal osaL poccte aan 247 
ally Gi yn ee ee ee ee Sa eS 248 
ike =e See a ee Sc ee 249 
At CLAN (0) fs epee ora ea a ape eS 247 
TIOAtH On. eee ee pee rane a sana aen eee 247 
POTTS ee ee eee ena aan enna 247 
AUTON pee eee a ee oe 247 
Sarding =. o8 Sie oe 247 

pidyvkst 2. °¢ cess ss 
Vagrans lacinata- 


menidis, “A thering== <2... -.<s2ccsSseaeaeeee 247 
Menitia= 2-32). ce Soceescseee eee 247 
menisorrab. Carcharias: ==. -_<-- sae 15 
Careharinus2-- 22> 25-2 2c 52 eee 16 
IMI@n On Asean eee a cesece 2a ee eee 178 
menona, .Kundilus 22. 2-25.) -_ 2 eee 178 
Zygonectes diaphanus_.._._..-----.-_... 178 
mentalis: Platyposcilus:--ooLs.— ee eee 192 
Wentictrrhus.: 2-28 o2ceck cee ee eee eee 350 
americanus: 2255-2 Soc.20- eee eee 350 
martinicensis 351 
MASUS..- ob. ccectacenecn ee Seuse eee 351 
panamensis 351 
Saxabilis=jaasesees 350 
SIMUS 2-2-2 cdc coe tae coe ee 351 
mndwlatus =... .scsees- 2 eee 350 
Mientiperca.-. -<2. <2. 2k eek ee eee 319 
Juciopercantis)_ 222-5 22. eee 319 
mento, Balistes--.-. 22... 225 ee eee 493 
BramopsiSo- enue eeu e-n ewan ee eee eee 410 
Chloropthalnus:.- ee 165 
Hxocostus..2- st =22s ee pe ee eee 200 
HeTOS 22 22--. sone ete eee 419 
Musteltis)2 2222 ee ee 13 
(Paralipanis - ==... -2clsesscasaeeeee eee 404 
Parapeteniae.---ae-eeeneeae eee eee 419 
mentzeli, Chironectes -..___-----.------------ 505 
mentzelii, Chironectes__-- 506 
Serranus = sso ee ee 311 
meridionalis) Amipuscs-ee sesnee ee eee 152 
Aphia.- i522. 2.22 2 ee 246 
Carpiodés=22---2-- 2 eee 104 
Cottus 23224522222 ieee 385 
Jetalurus:=2 2-0 ee 152 
Sclerognathus: 2.2. eee 104 
Merinthe-..-_) =: ===... = eee 372 
nematopthalma2-- =-<5 se eee 372 
Merlangus...=---2.- bee 214 
leptocephalus:2-- 220 a= a2 ae eee eee 209 
polaris-s.<sshecse ea aba re eee 209 
products 22:5. 222 tee eee 214 
merlangus, Anoplopoma 373 
Mrerlucctis= = 2+: <> = == eee 214 
ambiguus: 252 20 eee eee 214 
AUPUStimanus.: == --seee ee eee 214 
bilinearis.— —2= 4 =e eee 214 
moerluccillss.==5 225202 ot eee eee 214 
Proguctus=-s-5--- ==> eee ae ee ee 214 
smiridus=---—) -.25-2- =: 2 eee 214 
merluccius, Gadus 214 
Merluccius 214 
Merluciidee 214 
Merlucius esculentus 214 
lanatus 214 
Merlusec. 20122222 eee 214 
gayi 214 
merlus, Gadus__.-----.- 214 
merou, Holocentrus 310 
Merriamella_*==2-2 ees 237 
GOry sigan os ee ee ee ee 237 
merriami, Empetrichthys------------------- 182 
MEeETCeNSI,) COLMMS 2-2 neces] eee eee eee 387 
IMiprilinuS:2i<2 5222-52 ese eae ee eee 406 
carolintiss 22-22 0~ <6 eee eee ee eee 407 
TOSCIIS|s= 55526 eee eee ee eee 407 
Ssalrionicolor-- 2022 nee ere eee 407 
Scitultise: tbs ee ee 407 
Merus': =.) 26 ae 310 
merus, Centroprighisic s.r 312 
meseum, Boleosoma: = .2- seeneose ate anaes 287 
meszeus, Poecilichthys 287 
mesogaster, Exoccetus 200 
PArexOCOStUS scene eee eee Ee the 4) 
MGSO ZONISTIUS 2=- - eae meee ee eee 303 
chsetodonh.- asec 6 sone a2 ae eee 303 
Miesoprion 2 een aes anes oe ee ee 324 
QM PIPUUIS co sece ee oe see aaa ee eee 327 
Analis 2 S02 tee os ok oe he Se See 326 

Pong: 4) che ee Se a ap ee aaa eh Se = 327 
argentiventisss--+--+--2--22—-— eee 326 
arnillo ee eee 328 
AUEOVALLAIIS ose een nae ene soon omens 327 
Dilcanella). 22 ee eee ae eee 326 
CAMPCChanWSsss. oese ene eee ene eee 326 
CAUCSNOLATUB == taco ccecen esse ene 326 


List of scientific names—Continued 


Mesoprion cyanopterus__--.------.------...- 325 
CyNOGONA == se er esse leses 325 
CIEE ne Se ae eee 323 

Ha vesceriss = oe ocen a 5 nha n-s--sccte 325 
PRISCUS ES oon se eee eee eee Re LS 325 
Parte: nb: a oa er 326 
INGMIMNISS <= oe eas oe nea Setus 327 
LSS Cy ee ee ree 326 
Tiniea. 2: oa eee eae oe ee See 325 
Nittre..£. 2586 sha nticeees oa Sees 325 
mshogoni- seo <= eee ee 327 
OJANCO- Socan se ae oe eee wceeae 327 
achicus. as eo ee 325 
DAPPUS an an oe Soe ctu ccnt eee 325 
POnIRCHTL NTIS. = 9 os eo eS 324 
IBSUIOUG G8 eee eee 326 
Petrospiniss nes) a eee 324 
TICAN ON = Fea ean seca eee 327 
ROSSNOUS sink maces ae ee een ee 328 






mesotrema, Asternotremia___-.---.---------- 215 
BRESSIEES EOS = eee he ee eee 480 
messinensis, Gymmnocephalus_-__-.-..-------- 267 
PApTHMIod. ACORA << 2 62S 6 J ee ee ges 140 
SRC HBHONS oso Se earc is caress eck 449 
metallicus, Girardinus.--.........--..--.--.. 189 
IMESAAIEIN = ots ee Ree one 124 
Metaponops cooperi-......--....-----.-----. 218 
RPLCRAI ONE oe cine tame sweeteceteeleeJse 218 
COE 1 je Se ee eee one 218 
TMBEO MINS) PRMPlONS sce oso nee eee Se 380 
metopoclampus, Scopelus___.......-.-------- 168 
MACEEURANGORS soc acco aaa ace Ua eee eke 409 
Piripe ers oS eee So 409 
fVicheelnnnin= S222 2 oso aos 5 alte Sas 370 
inGRi teh ote ( Se . oe pean openness 370 
metzelaari, Evermannichthys__.....---_---- 447 
CU MNTIN jan) Soe Se es se ee 339 
STAG AL Cato) ayn Ce i eee ae oe ote ee 458 
Cee SRD 00s (eee 502 
RUBNICANS, (AXLOCHIAS- 5225 22-2 See e220 143 
Caryl. PIRURIOSA 2s 2 =- 5Seeae eee ccaatoos 47 
ER IS ao oes i ee 323 
ST: 5 Sie ae eee eee recere a oan 192 
COT ee aes. ese ON arene 47 
mexicanum, Myctophum..-.---.--.-...-.-.-. 168 
PURI ORTACO IIT 35 cist SoC Boose 168 
mexicanus, Amblyopsis- Reee - 448 
SOLU En: ee eee os fe 96 
PATICMONODLTUS oe acres acseereenee ene 457 
PSO DUS so seen ao bbGc deen ee 306 
OHREORSSUIS 2s ce 56 ds ta cet 47 
Ghonophoruruss.2.<.cccSeereractease 442 
Ifo yg: ee aoe ene eae 8 343 
CULE co cewaet nba het nnssaeaba tae 343 
201) 7 EE a Ae eee ene Mery ht 442 
Lit 41 Sie cS oe Sea et eee seen te. 253 
OT RN IN 55 5a rose ee eee eel wees 323 
| ee see es 2 el Medea 163 
IPemaROUNDLORUS oo 22 sauscb sede kealeece 96 
UN eel he 1 bs Sp a SE ee ree 427 
mezquital, Se 1 aie se oe oe ere = 250 
miacanthus, OP MMIONUS rc enucws bacecwantoe 378 
miarchus, Anchoviella_...........--...---.-- 47 
hte pe CS Se See 47 
tmicraspidophorus, Cyclogaster (Neoliparis).. 399 
SIA citi TIS hari ue Oninr eens 399 
crete brachypterus, Zygonectes___.._- 185 
iol 1) ae ae ae ie eee ae ea ee 18 
pun Seared Danette ts dtawivwion sma See 18 
microcephalus, Erythrinus...........-..-.-- 99 
fa Rn ers ee 237 
LT ee ae ee ae none 237 
poe 2 ane kee 228 
0 eS a ee ee 22 
OCC Sao” ee * ee Ss 21, 22 
ye Sy Te en oe st pee ae 81 
COUGREO pie tnd ete drints owes 12s Ses 81 
(Microeconger) caudalis, Leptocephalus- --... 81 
Microdesmus 472 
Gipus...cn00 472 

microdon:.Cheonda-=-- —. . see ane oeeeeee 118 
@vclothone:..22) 432s. Se eee 72 
Gopionellussc sec. soe Sk 441 
Gebitse eee en 441 
@nnostomas = 33-3 Sees 72 
OSIIGEUS oe eon eer ee a ee, Se 66 
Psendowrinkis2<2 3-5-2 yet. 2 eel ee 12 
Miierodontophise <= =< .~ 22 sae ee eee 87 
altipinnis: 2 223-262 t bee LS ee 87 
Wier oeleObris aeacceccss concn ese eee eee 437 
Min Geos ose n cas acnt eee 437 
PRBAMOTISISS. oe ee 437 
Micrarads 22 322 ecco a ean EE 210 
PROBUS. 2s oe oo oct Sooo eee 210 
NGNNICOU 52 Sa PS LS ees 210 
micrognathus, Lonchopisthus------.-------- 453 
Onisthoenasthus:---. 2-6-2. --2 SRS 453 
MVbiICrGpa iiss 95.2 ao oe ee oe ek Je 443 
ovelolapiss 2s es et oe ee 443 
emnblenisticns 65. - 35 Sa ee eee 443 
GUIGPIS ot Sosece essere eae EA Oe 444 
PilOSOSako a= seen ae eonce ews ee So 443 
pisle':| (oe Se Se ee eee SS Se 444 
Mmuraflorensis:.2 oc. Soe ees 444 
Sipnatnss 3) soe Sees eee ae 443 
thalasstans > 29>. 4+ eee eS 444 
HHCLOMMIGU Lay GIRS. S25 s56 eas ace 112 
Wierolepiditum:c2..3ec2133225 eee 211 
STANGICOPS-c2 oe saa sc ewe ne cee See 211 
MA CYOIBDIG OLUS sas waee~ sao eee ee eee nee 335 
brevipinnis.<oasos 206 SS 335 
Sify +): 1 17 |: a ne ae eee nnn Pe 335 
microlepidotus, Cynoscion_...--------.------ 355 
TSA DRISOInUH |= Sect Sas en sce saree renee 459 
Orbhodons. & -tecasaweceee asset ase 112 
OCGMEHUR 4c 52k oui se ceed gees So TEE 355 
microlepis, ANGINONE Suara swaSan see eee 211 
WMICUNUUS oan wdcs Soo ceadasecdectatos ewe 98 
Pe Sara) tt! oe, ae a er eS SESS dee 99 
Beponni tam 206 cso ees uate 485 
enLopaiditind $25.5. Seg oe sae anes 485 
IWRONOG ONE: Si sccecte docs else MOS 99 
EMISOWODIRL Soest es 314 
microlepsis, Bathytroctes...........------.-. 52 
microleptes, Aripheton_.................-... 309 
microlophus, Dolopichthys_.-----.---------- 509 
POmous so. tocopatteow ss wasowaceeienes 302 
Iiicromirsns ao 5 2522 ees 31 
WHCTOMIGUTIINe «occ nk eSten Sees eee 409 
MRM Ss 2 ses on ce seal ee 409 
micronemus, Peristedion.--........--.------- 406 
MCT OREO so) ae aaa eeene aes 5 282, a 
Prculariss: -2- tee s 304 
WIE UEA te Coos oy eaeaee cae eee cee 294 
microperca, Etheostoma.............-.-..-.. 294 
microphthalum, Hwmulon_-__.__-_...------- 329 
MIGTO DORON: Scena toe oleae eee we we 349 
Ala buiriel ( Soe eee ee eee ere eee mn 349 
GTRONIGUB Sect a sane nt ten ne eecsaceeeans 349 
GBLOnes OS sae ee cee too eaet coe 349 
SrPnenls =e sae Ses Cee Leet 349 
ROR Tite 57 ee oe 2. TO Vie 349 
THIPRENO Ls iat Sse eae seen eee aoe 349 
poy bil CE Se eee cae eae Somes 5 349 
HH a ts es es cee 349 
micropogon, Ceratichthys__........-.-.----. 137 
INOCOMIS? Soto oe ae ca tne 137 
MiTCCOpOROIINS oo ode ence ateabees 349 
Milerapsp AGONOKVOMIB 2222 caste ee can ecenss 254 
GH APNE eet ea ct ee tttret Wace ooee 246 
GION. oaths oO oer eee 196 
ORIN e es ecetten oes ee ae El Pe 299 
LOPE (07 bs ee ne ee ey a re ae 435 
[2S ( rh ET Ne a es Oa eee = 16 
WAIDIADIUIG2-cLb estes coe wae eek ees 357 
CHatOMnUs eticeste cates eee shee 106 
CaF) nif 151: Peake op a a ok Se ewe a 346 
COtPHUCHINIS Seas ee eranns ca 2esndoucds 392 
1025 (UT ESS ae cee Se ee eres thee ae 254 
INR DUIN Ses icwemdacabissacwian aos cuerobuee 354 
QO ENUM cet aueiewas teee i wedcscesanee 356 
PACOUb dhe intwbenewedeccecdsactende 336, 337 
PPASUCOSCATIIS. cues scwi cen uenweewsiebedes 435 
Brey sic wwihesnadnancseccascetewouee 346 
BOE lUIG. dvskbakusbukiadsveenbansasun 196 


List of scientific names—Continued 

microptera, Hvilantia..—-... sae Seana seeeee 
Ran Gig: eee 
dolomien =. -2-¢ 33) eee 
pseudoplites® ==. 2-22-58" oS ara 
pseudotites: = 22 = eee 
salmoides=*.-=-- ete ee eee 
micropterus, Etheostoma 
MXOC0RUS.-s= 2 snsa cn eee 
Pimelodus-=.- =~... ===. 
Microptery x. =. =.= 23 eee 276, 279 
cosmopolite = 52.24 = = e eee 276 
micropteryx, Notropis=) = + *-- see 124 
FAD NGNUUS 2 ao pene ee 124 
IPA YSOMmUS [<3 ooo a a ee 275 
microphthalmum, Heemulon_______--_-____- 329 
micropthalmus, Cichlaurus__---------------- 416 
Dormitator 436 
Heros: - oe 416 
Tetrabranchus 76 
Toetrazonopterus.-<] == eee 96 
micropus,. Clupea=.-22=5<-.-—5-55-5--=- eee 46 
IP trams |= ea sa eee 46 
Gasterosteus.-- 52-52 - 2 ee 238 
microrhynchus, Acipenser_-..-.------------- 34 
microrrhinos, Pseudoscarus_-_--------=------- 435 
micros, Citparichthys=-— = -—-- = = eee 219 
tropus..-. 2-2 ae ee eee ee 219 
IMicrospathodon=-- ae ea 415 
e7uriscimuss2) 2 ee ee 416 
GiINGTCUS 25) ee ee es 416 
microstigmius, IMyrophis: -. = -- 2 =) seen 83 
WVEICrOstOnIa--< 3 = eS eee 228 
microstoma, Crenilabrus 424 
Atherinids see pe eee ee = 246 
Seartella -- "= > Sos oe eee 461 
reanid eats = 5s eee ees Ses eee 385 
Microstomidss..2", =~ ~ ee 68 
Dicrostomus=--=s2e- 22 eee eee ee ee 228 
propnlandica- 2 nso e- e  eees 68 
Ge ee ee eet ee 228 
Jatidens. 2) 22 2 S=55.- 72a e ae ese 228 
DACWICUS! 25. 5. aha soe ae ee ee 228 
microstomus, Blennius -... 92 2.2.5 ses ase 461 
Carpiodess-..- = 3252.2 2a eee ee 104 
Citharichthys 2 =< 22: 2s2ees 2 Ee ee 219 
Conger. -22562--=2- 2625424255 ee 
HUrOpUS = 32 322526 22 Scab s eee 
microtrachys, Raja----8.. 222-2 So ease 25 
Inierura, Pteroplatea. 2. 22-25-22 === 2s 22 ese 29 
aia © oo ot soe se Ssees ae ee eee 29 
mMicrirum; AyAchumM 2<==- -s2= === ss sees 218 
milberti, A:cipenser. -._-.....s=-.-.. asatese = 34 
ATIOS< 22 &. 22222 5 aS see eS oe 149 
Carcharids. 2 2-2 =. 22.22.22 222.e eee 16 
(Prienodon): =.=" =} a2 eee 16 
OpIGOSsteulsS. 22 aa oak e ae 37 
milbertianus, Syngnathus---.....--.-.----.- 242 
miles, Porogadus .— 22226 ac-acssosasestaess 482 
pectoralis, Prionotus.-..--- 22-2252 see 407 
miilesi; Pimephales: 145 
miliaris, Gymnothorax.-- .==.=22--=>-22--2255 92 
THY YSOIGES = 2 =k on ose ssbesete os ee ee 92 
militaris; Bellator. =~<-=-2-- oe: a2 eee 408 
Prionotus |. < -- 22. 52s seeabavads soe Reear 408 
Silnrns =. - 2. s2s=-cSeee bes ee 159 
milktschiteh, Salmo... =. - <2. -2-seeeeese ee 5 
imilleri, Bathylagus-=_-..- ou ec eee 69 
WeHASOG. ao. ee a 417 
"THETADS <3 2-- a doe ast ee See 417 
millipunctatus, Gasterosteus___.....---..--- 239 
gnailnori, INOCOmiIs.._.- 2.2255. scents 136 
Pareiisy- 2u- = == t= eee oe eee 337 
ralinerians, Hemitremia....° 2: 2-28 seee— 121 
milnerianus, Phoxinus...2---..._..2e.-- eee 121 
minacess, Gila = toes se Jo nee 114 
mindil, Stellifersss 3 eae eo ea ee 347 
Syngnathus___. 242 
mineopas, Bryttus____.-.---- a 299 
miniatum, Peristedion 405 
miniatus, Lepiopomus 300 
Lepomis... 22.20 222-< cde ae eee oe 300 
ROSICOIR 2c cecees wes ce seen soe 365 

Mminiatus,.sclerotis...32-2- 22. eee eee 300 
Sebastichthys 365 
Zoogoneticus--------_ 182 
Wiiniellge 9s 5 tee ee 133 
minima, Capriscus 496 
IChl aac en 298 
Glupea =. -8 se eee 41 
POI CAS saeco ot sewu eee eee 287 
minimus, Cymatogasters.. 52. see 409 
Micrometrus: J.- == 523) 24 22 eee eee 409 
miniofrenatus, ScaruS=: sos.) eee eee 432 
IVinmilis: = 2 2 See Sa cc ee ee 123 
bdllus- 2s. tates eee 126 
dinemus: <-222822 22 ee eee 1 
MICTOSLOMMUS 2. -. 2s esee ee ea ee 133, 134 
NOLAUIS=_- -=22 4. Sa ot eee 145 
Nigripinnls—- Se. 2 25-5" ee ascent 125 
punctulatus 126 
Sscepticus: S-=22-== 123 
XEOMUVUS.- = a 130 
Winomius: i" <= 252 = oes ee eee 105 
Pardusy > 255. os. oa ee eee 104 
delphinus = 2-222. 252222225. eee 104 
JALTO VI - eee eS ee eee eee 104 
pihtyrnynchus.= =o see 104 
minor, Amarrhichass sce ae eee eee 472 
Aphanopus._- 20-5 25: 22c. 2: Se ee 262 ~ 
Couchia..;..22 = == eee 208 
C@yclopterusl paris =o eee 400 
Lyeciehthys: 225. <- <==: 22-16. See 472 
Umbra.) = S23 eee 255 
minutillis’ Ghriolepis:---— ene 438 
minutus, Cyclopterus 397 
Hemigrammus 97 
Min yirems.-= "=". ~ 109 
melanops .-s.2-e=—5.23¢ =) ee ee 109 
minytremus, Gyrinichthys--_.._____--_____- 403 
Mirabile, Hxorlossum=-— =) eee 142 
mirabilio, Chimeera. 2552-4 =e see eee 33 
mirabilis; Cluapeas- =". =22--. eee 41 
Crystallichthys_-3.-+--2-2=5.s-us- eee 401 
Gillichthys:.;-=-20 Ate 444 
Ly codonus 2+; =222-.4. 25.5225 See 476 
IPHOMACO DI Siena =e 142 
miraflorensis, Microgobius___.--___--_-_-_-_- 444 
mirum, Calloptilumi= 322 - eee 208 
mispilliensis, Ameiurus-__---. 2222-235 285 154 
mississippiensis, Morone 307 
RSS se ee ee 23 
missuriensis, Hybopsis------------ 133 
mitchilli, Acanthocottus___...____- 386 
Acipenser.<-<- 2-24 2<222 2st eee 34 
alteruata; Perea. -2....55- 23s eee 307 
Anchoviella 2 2220-225 ~22es ee 48 
ATEYTIOSUS . 2-52-5555 525=~ see shane 275 
Cottus .---ase82 252 Sos t eee 386 
Bneraulis. —. 22.5 s0suseennasann eee 48 
interrupta, Percas.-.-2-=- assesses 307 
le): a ee ee a es 307 
Stolephorus = 2-22. 5-5-5--senq5 eee ee 48 
Mitechillings: =. ~ 2555 inh - sn oonsa sence eee 52 
Dalrdil= 2.2 SS. oe encae ene 52 
mitrulus, Hesperoleucus._-<-.-.-2=-seesesne 122 
mitsukurii, Maksira..-.2 25.2 ees 263 
Tetrapturus. ..s-ces--02<22steseeaee 263 
miura, Rabida_-_- 156 
miurus, Noturus-_-- 156 
Ophbichthys==..2.>--..9.22 263s eee 89 
Scytalichthys -........<- See ee 89 
Mixonus . o-s--< sace-sc~ sna s yee eeteepeeee 483 
caudalis..ios2-8 2 aah25 oe fons 5a Lee 483 
latic@ps. <2 2oo2¢ cece cae neon se eee ee 483 
mixtus, Gadusitomcodus so s52522 2-2 es 210 
mizolepis: Plectromus: . <<. -2---seseee 223 
SCODCIUS: << saiwe cee weep one eee 233 
Mnietpes: ...-2-5-s2--.-2ecnaee ees eee 455 
macrocephalus ~ < .. 25 -bane. eee 455 
Mobule.. opened cup se aece nos 22 peer 31 
auriculata 31 
hypostoma 32 
olfersi - 32 
thypostoma_- 32 
mobular, Raia_._- 31 
Mobulidz st 

Gambusid. 2. 2 ssecececcateoeeae epee 185, 102 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Od esiHS; AUS eee oe Set te 428 
Xyrichthys not. 5) 5 a oe ees 430 
EOD oT ee Se ho ee ee 481 
Pb weet 481 
maccrens, GOOD leLESs—- =~ - = = 362 
RS EVGAST he ee ee ee Fe ae es 342 
GVOROAAHE = Saree ee ee 342 
Paga ii] oe: ees ye ee ee ee 342 
mohavensis, Siphateles__...........--------- 123 
ail py Gi hie Cede ee Se SS eee 471 
j i 417 
TID RaADIGh Gi ae Se tee ee § 
Bipe eeeene Maen es CLI GAM Ae 503 
PieRuMOiier ee se tse ee ae § ove ESTy oth aT: Se ae a a ee ee 132 
OIMCHEGHUN eee Le ood ed oe 503 Wapicneli nee wee. See Fey ee 131 
TO LID) Lge noe hs Gee See eee oe 503 1) 8) 211 KT ae oe eS See eens ee ee 132 
yr] ES 2 Se alle Rat A Saale aaa ES S Renee =a OF ree UF) 125 SAR NES ae ee eta oy eS 131 
iolestpram, Gobioson: 8-2. SS 8 446 GEREN ER Poe re i tek eee 131 
ches eae ee ieee we Rr pers 5 REINS oes oe ee ee ee 132 
SETS COS 0 EY 2 a a er ear Se 192).|' “Nionoceravigs:. =. —- = en ee eee 508 
1 ODL DES CliT a.= Se Eee eee ee ee ey eee 191 SCALING cee ee ce ae eee Se 508 
A Oe a es es Sot eee 192) sponecercs; Aluter- >>. cece us ce eae 496 
SOTA She SE RS a Sipe O 8 eet es SE 192 be} 21h e's a Se ate See EDS Dee SEP 495, 496 
fifo Lah eS eS eae ee pe eee a 188 inicnlar. Halinves! 225.3 LE ee 496 
LE OLUTTLGN CC eRe aa Aa ee ee 5 Saeian e 192 | Monochir maculipinnis 230 
petenensis________ 192 reticulatus 229 
sphenops-____.___- 192 | Monolene----- 220 
cuneata 193 BUYUMNATIA 3 oo a cee ce eee ee ee 220 
vanderpolli 193 SONSINICANOR: oot ao oe oe 220 
CUNT aie ae ee ls en ai he ee oe TW: |||, GAOHOMOELOUIIA->- 2 9a5s.6se Leak a sooo 480 
NTL LLLE CS 5: 2 lnm a et Oe ea 192 WHAUBDIIOSUS | ocean cert a eee eee 480 
VT CT a ge.) BAOTIOMMO DUBS: a a 480 
DARIAN Sd gfe oS sc aaa w 191 es ee ee ee eS Meese 480 
DO VC Seah a aye oe Sees Saran ail) RAOH GLO Some nS ace = ae ee ae ee 404 
NEEM Nee as ee ect A wn ng AR Sore Ca 1 fg Ce I RE RE eS Sei 295 
NTS gO 7 1 er a a a a LE 4s4 MHA GUIDUUR = 9s a 8 ne cae ae ae 295 
UHI Cy Soe A ap > pae ARE 164 URRRUUAT ION S20 ee tee 295 
CU han 7's ea a en ae ei ae ee Pg VRS err a) 0) 20d Oe ef eae a a a eee 11 
WIMEGDIOCUS sono cts a eee a 403 | monopterygius, Aspidophoroides-_-_________-- 397 
SRPPIROTIOOLCRS <5 see ea 229 O(a 2 Fw GE ps AS Se a ae Sr ee? 397 
moluccensis, Apogon 295 Ov Lec) ny ele 2 Ps ay a I a aR ae 374 
1), See ae oe 212 PipvirarraniMnUss os) ee oe eee, 374 
nostige..-.. 212 | monophthalmus, Auchenopterus------_--- 456, 457 
| ee Eat ne Se er ee PAs || sRDNORB 8 oe as ie a eee = me a ee 344 
ne a SE AE elt oa oes Sl ae PA 212 F711 ee ae Space) en ae Se Se ee 344 
SEL TOT ITS Tia M0 SPs OaNd i ee ee eae PAD ial ip core totn ac O) a8 beh: ee eS 32 
iL ol ss al Paddy GRAS Teed a eos s Tee 212) Wonwieel, Lavaris. = 35 <2 ones. 22 5aee eee 399 
Lolli 7 LETS iat SS Se ee eed ge OR Sh minnie, Ouegnon = oo sts. oo ee 119 
Ran eS is ek eee ae 208 Med hd ae 01:1): Sa, cae i rl lg RI ae 139 
WE oh Fr a ie a a ae 493 | montanus, Clinostomus-...............-----. 119 
Monacanthum proboscideum .___-....._____ 495 (eRe RIN a 2k ee ane es 139 
pen Uae ee as FE Ati ie, 494 APPIN TIBENLLS seca cn ara a = ols ae es 66 
BURDUIUS YS sectea sete saa seeen ae eee MEN NATRAYER LUIS ire pee oi eee 391 
Cr eae ee 494 CCC Ne sae a eS ee rene eee 391 
UI ene ee ee ee 494 | montereyensis, Gibbonsia elegans_......---. 458 
GUM IRIMTIRE: Sots 9. eS eee a es 494 2 [i ie SR ae RR RC RR RRO Re PR RE ae 26 
filamentosus__.. 494 | montezuma, Astatheros__- 421 
es 494 eros eee cok 421 
ispidus____ 494 | montezume, Xiphophorus 194 
ice Tat ie cea ae CE ee pals le Oe Ppa ai 494 enkione, 1 a ei Seip tne 254 
My 1 Ma RSS a cin ear pean aes 404 dT ta | hime Sia Ae A, Ree ce wey I SS 254 
Te ae ON EE OIE ARE are 493 iuactineete, CALL) mS aS ee ee RE Se PES [5 | 
imaseachnsettensis ...-. 2... 2s. --acnns MOE) GOLA A CUB Ea. sc oS aaa oe ote 460 
SE Ut Spat a ait a eae ee 494 Bayelsa: nt) Cia: Meee a SES Ae ire Bea Se 454 
CU Eh ie es A a ae 495 IMAIRGOOLADUS. = 5 250 eae ae eee 460 
ELEN ae ak sak orm chemo ne 493 | mordax abbotti, Osmerus_._.--..-.---------. 67 
Dg i Lge a a 2 aE Se ane yee 400°) WgvHBe, A PHOCING 20 sc ocan clean tek ae 66 
i 494 a2 eo OT A RS te ES AE PCT tite? 88 
494 Sa Cea es LL fae ap AS a Sa a eR A Se 47 
44 CRPTOUNOLAS Soc ce wo nee ne ete exe 91 
404 PSC 0 Lt) 1 hep RRL SS ROE ie San 354 
494 ire ee os an on atl aie scl 91 
494 ophiurus, Macrodonophis_.-.--.--..-.--- 88 
495 REET op aig ax asin 5 67 
494 Sagenichthys-_-_----- 354 
495 spectrum, Osmerus-.. 67 
494 morbibundus, ERE srg a eke a ork 492 
monacanthus, Plectropoma_.__.....-....-..- 313 | moringa, Gymnothorax.......-.---.-.------- 91 
monacus, Ceratichthys...................--. 138 Weirretitiett ts 620s 2. skis cds enor 91 
Powis SLi Ri Sears eet tl MNAGEETO Ge fe ewes ain nnn ded esd ao namie ieee 89 
Mone, Stephanoberyx..........--------0n00 232 borkei__... 0 Sao aml li Ss ae it Spe F 89 
UM Bia aie ck ndenaewa’ <5 ae daar Piatt RA ger sone oruacnaancaeuwereh eee atin OM 



List of scientific names—Continued 

Moringua linearis -—.-------------------7777" 89 
Jumbricoides- - ---------------------7777" 89 

moringua, Murena--------------------777777 91 
Moringuid@.---------------------997 77777777 89 
morio, Centrolophus--------------------"""" 267 
Epinephelus..---------------------777777 312 
SerranuS. ------------- == 9-7-9 312 
mormyrus, Campostoma- ----------------""" 146 














Serranus. ---------=------" -- <7 "ssa e 310 
morrisi, Leptocephalus- --------------------- 79 
Moseloya----------------"----- "575777717 203 
moseri, Verasper------------------------77777 223 
motaguensis, Heros--------------------7--777 418 
Parapetenis - -----------------------77 418 
Pimelodus------------------- 157 
Rhamdia..-------------------- ---- 157 
Wiotel lawn aetna aaah er naa eae 208 

argentata..--2----==----- === 59555 208 
caudacuta..---------------------=07 7-777 209 
Ss ee Ero eo 208 
reinhardti-------------------------777777 208 
septentrionalis-----------------------"77" 208 
motta, Blacate--- .-----------------999955559 281 
mmoucharra, Glyphisodon - ------------------- 415 
mowbrayi, Hemulon--------------------"""" 329 
Rhinogobius-----------------------7-7777 439 
Moxostoma..------------------ 9700070000007" 109 

al PUM So soee 2a =-= nnn Rann a eae 110 
alleghaniensis 111 
aniSUrUM..-----==-----=------=97 7957-7 109 
aureolum..---------------------- 7977-777 110 

previcepS.--- -- ------------- 2-90 lll 
WUCCOss = cesnano ocean oa==- enn ae a 110 
campbelli..---------------------77-7-7777 109 
claviformis------------------------77--77 109 
COlAPSUM . == --2--- == == =-= 88a n no 110 
congestum....---------------------7-7777 110 
conus.------ 111 
coregonus- ---- 110 
crassilabre.-----------------------7777777 lil 
kenvetlViesoc-2s0-5=-2 === 2 - = coe 109 
lesueuri__-------------------------""7 111 
macrolepidotum lil 
mascot#..-.----------------- 9-9-9 5 110 
papillosum - - .-----------------------7777 109 
parvidens- ----------------------"-" 110 
pidiense.-----------------------77777 110 
pocilurum....------------------7 7777777 lll 
robustum_...--------=------------=--""=" alt 
rupiscartes.---------------------00777777 lil 
PONUO24s ool eben tenes seeene neon aeoee a 109 
thalassinum -----------------------5-7"-" 110 
trisignatum..--------------------=57---"5 105 
valenciennesi---------------------------" 109 
ViCtOli& lc s222+2-- 2629 - a on omer ee oon 109 
mucosum, Xiphidion-----------------------" 469 
mucosus, ‘Acanthocottus--------------------- 387 
UA AUIS 25s fe sone earn a an ann eee 399 
Lycodalepis------------------------"7-77 476 
Ly codes.2---ss------<8===-9 == 7-0 anno ans 47 
Neoliparis.---------------------- wsRES = 309 
Xiphister 469 
mucronata, Perca 308 
mucronatum, Ophidium 467 
mucronatus, Neoconger--..---------------7"" 81 
Odontognathus 45 
mudfish, Fundulus 175 
muelleri, Lepidomegas 279 
Scopelus..----------------------- 9077777 170 
Mugil------ 252, 253 

Mugil berlandieri--------------------------- 253 
brasiliensis _--.------------------------- 253 
cephalus...---------------------------" 252, 253 
Chan0S.--.-ces-s----=------=--=--- === == 4 
cinereuS------------------------------"-- 341 
CUreM a. --.---------=------=----===-">== 253 
gaimardianus---------------------------* 254 
guentherii-.--.-------------=---=--"==-5= 253 
plintheri.--=2-=--=-2---=-==-- oan 253 
grunniens 352 
hospes...------------ 254 
Thtalbe eee netecosposeee 253 
irretitus.----------------------- 254 
lebranchus 253 
lineatus..-----------------------77- 253 
1007 ee ee eee ee see ec 253 
mexicanuS.----------------------------7" 253 
monticola en Ee eee eS 254 
Mugilide------------------------- 252 
mugiloides, Eleotris 436 
Mugpilomorus--------------------------=-="-" 39 
anna-carolina._-------------------------- 39 
Mugilops...--------------------=--="="=25555 252 
cyanella..-----------------------=---==== 252 
cyanellus__-------------------=--------"" 252 
marina... .------------------------=--="5"= 252 
marinuS--.------------------------"==-""7 252 
miilleri, Benthosema ------------------------ 170 
Leporinus------------------------------" 98 
Pempheris- -.-------------------=""--7==5 323 
Rhamphichthys- ------------------------ 101 
Salim0.--------a6e= -2-2=-—5- oe eae 170 
miillerii, Carcharias (Prionodon) 16 
Mullhypeneus-----------------------------" 343 
Mullidee. .----------------------=--=9 "= =5555 343 
Mulloides___--------------------------== 344 
rathbuni -.---------------------------"== 344 
Mullus___..-.-------=-----=----=--=-=-="=55 343 
auratus ....--------------------"=-"=-== 343 
barbatus: ..2.-=---------------=---- 3a 343 
auratuS_-=---------- -- ==-----==" === 343 
bifasciatus__-.-.-- - -------------------7-- 343 
flavolineatus.------------------------"-" 344 
imberbis.-----------------=-----=="--==" 295 
maculatus 343 
multifasciata, Adinia------------------------ 180 
Hydrargyra-----------------------97 777" 178 
Parapetenia- --------------------------"" 418 
multifasciatum, Cichlasoma----------------- 418 
Gobiosoms--------------------------7777 446 
multifasciatus, Pronotogrammus------------7 322 
multifilis, Blennius------------------------ 461, 462 
multiguttatum, Plectropoma---------------- 313 
multiguttatus, Alphestes-------------------- 313 
multilineata, Furcaria----------------------- 412 
Poecilia..-----------------9 99a 192 
multilineatum, Heemulon------------------- 330 
multilineatus, Heliases---------------------- 
abrex..s2-2e-=---------- ==" ~ oa 
multimaculatus, Diodon--------------------- 
multiocellatus, Antennarius 
Chironectes- - -----------------------="°7" 

multipunctata, Skiffia 
multipunctatum, Xenendum- 
multiradiatus, Arius 

mundiceps, Xyrichthys- -------------------" 
mundicorpus, Iniistius---------------------= 430 


List of scientific names—Continued 


mundus, Dactylagnus___........-...-...-<.- 455 | Mursenophis punctata__-_-._........---.___- 
-Oligoplites Ly (eth ray Oe tk Sele Se : 
Urotrygon_- Mureznopsis- 

Murena._-__--- LRIS@TIANS)) <- 2s Ses eo a ee 
eT re ene Soe oe ee 8 THUFINGS, ,;Caligrus=< o-oo o-) 9 ee 
fy RS Ses ee ee oe TMULTAVI. LONOUS= == 5 oes nee ee 
CTech ee oat aes ee eee ee WSNOCOLUS! 2-7-5850 Geen oc a aes 
rato hha: ince Set ee eee 22 Melanocetus (Liocetus) 
AGHE-CUICISs ne ee eee 91503) ||) muscarum: Gopiesox. - .- --9--5-- => Sos. 490 
arrerntes.... on oe wee) anusculns,.Cyclopterus:.--2-o-. ae 400 
STU: 2 one ee ee = On) anuskoka- Notropis- oo". 2 a 134 
palearicd = ee 2 ee es Zo.) Mvstacinus: Derranus.-2—--) 02202. S-se ee 310 
INGSLONENSIS $=. = see ences Ma WP TISEOL ES 2 oe oan = en od canine Seen 208 
clepsy dra =e A ee en eeUstela, GSCUS =n 2 oo = enn er eeeeene 208 
Cnecas 5 ca ee ee eee REAP RMUINDOIOS. LOS 2 5. =. oak eee 208 
COD EOP: arse ae on ee nS eta 79 | mustellurus, Gaidropsarus.. eee ee See ee es 208 
C0) eS sa AE ee hy 1 ere Oi) MIUSHGUUS SCONAUUS = o.oo ee 13 


[Ae Pe ES SSE CEE ES eT ey a Se ee eee eee eS 
iP SS aire, Ai pee ae as ae Fd See Se See 93 IMUSTOIUS ce sons sacee ne ons coset aes 13 
JOLIE CEE ta C apes cee aS ae eae ae PAS 91 IGDAINS Soe acne encore ame scene em 13 
Lie CLELTTI eS ie rie ae ait ie Sa RE Sa a aaa 76° | Wiustelus, \AnlenS. -. . obo saa ouee st seeeee 13 
TORINO see ee eS 77 WMRtHINS o.oo oc oan eee eee anon 13 
MMP ERLE IPDS ores oc Coe ae See 91 EOT oI tT op eae eile Rovera taki 2 Belen Yi S6 ain 13, 14 
Pi UNIONS 52 core ee ss es ee eae g2' | muticus; Lethotremus._ 2273-222" ese 398 
SOILS. 7 apie tte 6 Sim Rene a a ee MEAL AF | OR y CLELODO0CH.~ oon ene nn a aceh tee eee 314 
REIT ete ee ee er cs es ee Ve 90 bonsel-xanthosticta..c . 2 acc ae ee 314 
CEI ae aa i a 93 BOUIGNP OIE — oSa sec ton cen ee oe eer 313 
Uh Sibel, One ee ee ae ee 91 20 GI ee ee a es ES 314 
HU oC ea 91 315 
moringua_-_---- 91 315 
multocellata----- 92 315 
RH CUDOSNC User oon 2 oan een 90 315 
THOT IMIOUIGOR GICItIN. = 5-2) Fee 92 314 
CEng Wee) el i i St RI Se ae RES 7 314 
BNR = ort coer nine oa in ec 90 315 
pee ene ee he ee 87, 94 315 
UT SET CL eee Ree eae te AE ask Seen pa 91 c 314 
i dO et Sa eR Se, BE Pate 93 TRIS ere ore eee ne ean eee ae 315 
[CG 7 ee ee ea Soe 7S eae aes 93 MENOQOROINE nn eee nano teen nce eee 314 
“ts ep = ee a a ea oe ees ae 93 MGUBKCH Eo tostcenesesee-omnane oe adenen 314 
(Ott (97 Sai aie ae NS Be Se ae ES 7) Sey GEG DIS Son nese ate 2 tee eee eee 166 
“A dette a at ee Aa RR Ae? EN CTIA PIE BC) 0) 01 UR ane il I et Bes anlar eI 169 
“iin 112 2 Ste aaltepet 92 NEO": fea ST sear  Se Meta oe Pata yee a! 169 
polyuranodon 91 atratum 169 
pirctata: -..--.--.- 91 aurolaternatum 170 
ratibouri_ oe 89 benoiti 169 
ant 9: ae eee 90 | La] 85 aS, peepee te ae 169 
PO: SOE ee an ae ae ee AES ae PDE TT AEs 77 californiense 169 
CNT SUPE Cn ial a iil i SRS OR Se 92 CLONMINT GS fe er get een eee 170 
COE ie le ble OS eS eee et eae 78 wo aoe So Ree a ee ee 169 
Ott, a a re Re ae. |. ga) URES aaa nese sana to ea tena cee tess 169 
seu conger brasiliensis_......_..._._._._. 93 humboidii ee ee eas ee we eee 169 
OL a Lee oN AT SRO REE 93 UR OMNs eee weet oe eee ape ie cae 169 
EG I a A SS A Re i ce et ON et RO 93 FE Ry cig als i top eae a rt ke ENE DI 170 
supremo etc_..........---._.--.-na<--.- 7 ceive ia) lai eee pe ee erg eee ieee ee: 170 
fT eG) et 2 SE RS SD SRY Ey aol aed fas 90 yas 5ily 239 0 Biehl nS Slate rag aR 169 
CULT ellie Aa SE a Sg LEE See eee 93 pF. 5 9 (Vag 117 eee ape ie le ae a A OE 168 
mutirestin, Callechelys__ = 22 ve Poss 86 plover 0c 2 Cable Satie Ae St Aa ete Be pe aos 167 
18s: 11 Sec ES Se page a nage tah” pe PILDIRLO RE Sorat ote ewan osc es tees 169 
Murnesocide MOC ela oe no tere es ete dee ee 168 
rt LAT 0 11 a ar rh 169 
punctatum -_ 169 
procellarium 170 
PROUOUUNUIN.- oot. gute ene Sea cee eee 168 
AGL Bp rk es SRS. COR rjritha's' C0 juts: ile Sealy ele aes De piled eee nels heen 15) 
SOR Gteien Senen tie oh cco teen ace et ome 168 
ac oe nl os ae i Re ea RECUR ee ee escassscccnc bce tae tices,, LOD 
be aot coat eae oi eh (Stenobrachius) leucopsarum___.-....... 168 
Weare op es geet ee yicheie itt ve 1 abbr ae dd ORIN Je ae aeeee: oar abam [7 (1) 
(Ra ey rae dehy eh ae ea [ONS Lh Era aah aaa eee 167 
murzenoides, Blennius.......__.......-...... 467: || maydrus, Oy mrinodon 22502. s soso cl ssl ec ces 180 
CRERTESMCMLLIN Ss dente rete te eae es ee ee AGG | SEE y, CHAE EMIS oe om acre an eee 185 
PUES IR OSM DEMS = 35 ect 2 is os ss aed denser ae eo 90 Ae RA rages ee Bare a: em i ck mpeg a ea 56 
PO thy et. i < i Ses Mini tae MARNE LN cathe une ont os one cdaeacok 56 
CACO ooo nanaomonsdenarnesenesmuaae 94 ScurWUMlny MAINO sce nso ccnasacsbeceewac 59 
Cig pL eC Sia a ieee As 3 it PMID DALE sees dete ata sslcawse~seomatrease 31 
PA ae oe ee a ce 2 eee 91 acuta..... 31 
DOUG seta dx sachin hae ono owe ie naan 87 asperrimus - 36 

p14 ET i a Te ee a ai 93 pL peri tty |b: stele. wel eh Aa Sie a iia aide 31 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
Myliobatis californicus_....._.....-----.--. 31 || Meyxostomaeuryops__-..__- 2 eee 110 
coltenkees <>... 5 tee eee 30 pmcilune Ss See es eee 111 
freminvillii IMiyxUSsHareneuss.. oo. 2 pee ee 253 
PO0CEl 2-2 ee ee ee ae IMIS 2ODSOU Use se on etre oe ee 226 
marginatusec. | ee eee ee eee 
vespertilio Nach iiepi, Ueuciscus_-L +t 2-2 ase 116 
Mrylocheiluss.222-.22c 2 tee ae ee IMSrRaTISCUS. = osac~ aoe nee eee 116 

caurinus___.-.-- mMacrea Gua ec 114 
fraterculus nalnal, Sparactodon_-_-_-_ 280 
lateralis:..i:-.cci 2c. eee ee namaycush, Cristivomer 59 
Miyloleucus secs 212-22 2-22 eee Salmo: 2-2-4... ee ee 59 
parovanus N21 | INannobrachium...-2-= oe. eee 167 
pulverontulus_23:- 2 eee 119, 120 leucopsatum=... =<. =. 2 == eee 168 
thalassinus. <<..2=2- 2. Ree 122 macdonaldi_jo-s == =. cose. ee eee eee 168 
Muylopharodons=< 2-22220s2_ 52 eae ee 112 mexicaniim. <5. 25-1230. 22. eee 168 . 
conocephalusee22 =. eae ie sores) Ae 112,113 halchab scott a ae PETTY. 167 
Tanustus=¢2 2232 22sec a = eee 112, 113 NIQVUMN Sen ee ee 167 
Meylorhings<c222 eee ob ee eect cece dees ee al regale.. = sc c2e ee a ee 168 
MyOps, baline-=2sse22- 22222 2222s 163 |. NannocampuS-o22le.- 222. 2) oe eee 244 
163 NANUS <C sce ccee ete eee eee 244 
163 SUDUSSCUS._&- 3: = 25 eka ee ee 244 
387. | Mannoehir; Myctophum)-__) -2-. ees eee 167 
387 Nannobrachium 167 
387 |) Wannostomus2= 222251 22. eee ee 289 
387 | nanomyzon, Catostomus 106 
387 ‘| WNamostonta-.86-o. 2c) cece ee ee ee 289 
Par vulUs = 2 S225 sso as eee se eee 387 arcansanum =. --.==5- 222.2) e eee ee 289 
polyacanthocephalus- ---_--.--.--------- 387 elegans... -2=-.=.2= 2-2: -2-S2-=s: eee 289 
Stellenisteea = sot ees Fae eee ee 387 inseriptum sce 22-22 222s see poe 289 
‘Vo FUCOSUS 25203 S25 ese ore eee 387 rupesive.---=t===.:+2-<2-t - ee eee 289 
myrialeucosticta, Mursena___--..------------ 90 Swannanoa: 2.----s-2==22 252s eee 289 
myrialeucostictus, Murena____-.-.._____---- 92 thalassintiml-<. 5.2 let ene ee 289 
myriaster, Rhomboidichthys_____-____-_-_--- 217 Winictipes: 22... . be. 2 eee 289 
Miyrichthyse2s=222 2) s= Sea ees eee 85 gonale-----ccsa-=- = Shi ie eee 289 
ACUMINALS =< 22 seek eee eee sees eee 85. | INansenia==2222--22<2-2=5_ - 2=- ee ee eee 68 
OCHA LUISES saab ei ae een Weere aera 85 eroenlandica...-=.2-<..--2.---s==e. eee 68 
pantostigmius __ 85. || manus; Eineraulis.--=-_--.- See =2) =< ae 47 
tiprinus::* 22222 85 adus:..£2-2- <4. _>se=-=22-s 2 =a 210 
EVR GLIE Sone conn ae ate Sem ea eeree = 85 Lipariscus: 2-52-2526. 5. eee 401 
Moyriglepis*==222¢-:2- 2 eee 373 Nannocampus-..----22 22 244 
DONNIE ss 2- Ss ew eee ee 373° | JNarcacion =. == ===-=---=2-==- =) -s=eaee ene 27 
AViryriODrishiS’: 2252 Sea eae ers ae 935. | Narcaciontes=-.=-.-==S=22-5- ==." =.= see 27 
falgensa? so esse as eee eer 234. | Narcetes=..-: =.=. ==. =. 2-7 5st 62 
OCCLCE NLAlIS 22 Se se ee 235 erimelas: --=2: =.=: 2<-22-- 3s eee 52 
ETACHY DOM doa eens ea en a eee eee 234 pluriserialis-...-.=-=.+-—*. - (Se: See 52 
Wigripristis e252 eee ns 235 Stomias.<.- 2223224522 lop ete ee eee 52 
UNG Sees SS ee eee 935) | JNareine- -. 225-6 s2-.2.65>b s+ 2a eee 27 
ACOH Sine = seas a ee 235 brasiliensis: - .222-2.-- = =22t =! eee 27 
NADODICUS 22 2 aca ns eee ae ee eee 234 corallina--_-2<.=.-2:-.6l-2 ieee 27 
irri see ees ee Sees eee 235 
occidentalis___ 235 
peecilopus --_-- 235 
Myrophis 82 
OGTHONNIB= 2155 2225255 ses sees ee 82 
DAW DNMCUS 525 £22525. 2e3sk eee eee 83 
MICrOSLICINIUS. << 22 522 * > eee eee ee Ee 83 | narinari, Raia 
DIVCLALUS 2-9 05222 S552 cee hee eee 82, 83 Stoasodon 
WRIBE oe es meee oceans cae eee 83 | maso; “Anchoviella.--2>- ences: S22" eee eee 49 
mystacalia’ Wepomis: *525 555.4 s See eee 300 Stolephorus acc teese ee EAS ees 49 
mystacina, Gnathypops--.--.---...-....---- 453 | nasus, -Acanthonotus: == -2=2-25!2---eee=ee eee 75 
mystacinus, Epinephelus_-__--_-..:--------- 310 Bassozetus=- <= i <cs-=: 22s i ein eee 481 
Gnsthvpops. ses eee 453 Diplanehiassss.5=cscsicceteese ee eee 503 
EDTA US eee eee rene epee ae 310 amine le 25-5022 2eee on eee ee eee 19 
mystes; Storpang 22.2255 ss ee 371 Menticirrhius ==: -.2=225=-2 08) eae 851 
mysticetus, Cetengraulis.....-._..----------- 51 Notacanthus- --_-- ak ee ee 75 
HD TOTAULIS:. 2 eee Ss Scene See So eee 51 Squaluss 2222-55022 2 ee eee 19 
mystinus, Sebastichthys__....-.-.---.------- 264 351 
SebasLosomus. 22) see 365 507 
Mivstriopnisis 2 fone none een ene 88 149 
interstinichis 2299s os onsen 88 ‘| nasutum, Agonostoma--=-=-=->-) === eee 254 
Bi silophidousys~ 2325 taser es 8 eas een 410 Campostoma-= =-222222 ee eeeee eee eee 146 
FASCIA DUBS eee sea se See eee eee 410 | nasutus, Astyanax.-_.----.----___-_--_-2- 97 
Digxinig oa sree es ee eee 8, 94 Cantherines-- i... cls:.2- see eee 493, 494 
Pa by icf: pape ie Menage Lo fap afr AL 8 6uCi8Cus..--2 3-22 et eee 139 
Mirai eee e sk sey Senne ong ee aes 8 Ogcocephalus....--=.-.==--222: oo eee 507 
Wiest ee: acer ee teks shee eee 8 MrachyMOwSs -- sa- =a ae ene wees eee 276 
WE XOUH DYING = sens 0 oo ea 455. |" nietalis; AmCLUDUS -— =e eee 153 
OPELCOlATIS sits a een fee cc ene on 455 analis, Ameiurus..--.-----2*2--/.- "22022 153 
Wiyrodas Plbvaineans s030 22 S52 eee eee 458 PinielOdtsepaesne asap ee eee 153 
Tetris See ee eee ree ones ose eest eee 460 | natator, Carcharhinus. --_----.----:--2222_22 17 
macropus__. 460 Carchatins.y-++.=- 2222s seceer es eee 17 
Wartus2-2-.- 459 | Wauclertiss.-=<e=<t-s-+~ 222 ete ee ee 278 
versicolor 460 SbDreVIAtUSS==2=5>- 2-225 eee 278 
Myxostonias 2 =. AR eee ee 109 annularis 2 2 shess ae ee eee 278 

AUBIN oe cones coe eee saaee 110 brachy centrus:<------==-=2S2tee ste e PORTS 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Myxostoma compressus___--_--_---_..--....- 278 
IGE 2 25 ee ee eas 278 
per Tt Pe Se Se ere en 278 
DIPNGRULOS ae ee a as 259, 278 
iggnngpliews se —= = 22 Sense csi 278 
MTT et re se eee 278 
PTT See 22 ee eee 278 
MBME PERU HSS ao cok so ate eae 27 
abuRHrD Tis See eee ee ee 278 
SEPT en ee ee 278 
Mumerstbos ALCHONGIS. .- 28 = - 2 SS 448 
MHPFOPAUI- Ys AUSLOS 2222 2. oa oe 491 
peeRR LIC Uys ty a 382 
oculofasciatus 382 
pribilovius----__ 382 
MWatitiseus 252 asm 382 
jal vitvet oe Oa ee ieee: 382 
AMMO PORN © oe sae 487 
iT aT i pe eee See ae ee 487 
nautopedium, Porichthys__---.---.--------- 487 
navarroensis, Hesperoleucus Mice #0) 3 Re 121 
nawaga Eleginus Re eee eee eee 210 
peeritis2 e eeT PO G 299, 210 
nazuz, Rctotanis Bie a See” Sees ese 1 
(2007 ee aE Se he eee Se 126 
a A ee ee ee eee eee 261 
Se a ee eee ee 261 
neapolitanus, Lampugus---------.---------- 265 
nebrascensis, Nocomis 137 
) 354 
picite a  ———— 354 
TOIT Sas ee ee See cee! 354 
Lh eS Sr eee ee 354 
Ce Vc a eee oir o4 
Menrmingin, Esatopnrys....-~ 2-2-2 25=. 2. <2 217 
FB GURL PTL OLOR aan coated eben aeteeeo slo 417 
TE a Se ee hy ee 317 
PIATRA. gee Ae ok io cans ooee bie eck 317 
ho Ey eS eS See tee 417 
nebuliferus, Catostomus_-_-_...........------- 104 
nebulo-punctatus, Gobius-___.._.__._______- 440 
riley eC" | a nr aay Sees ee 231 
TE ae Se ee «oo eee 231 
CSS Se ee os ae > tae ke 2S 315 
BPC UP COCO) en ee a Loe 283 
* ht ee ee | 164 
nebulosus, Ameiurus 154 
Ty ee) Ce ee ae 230 
minim Ame@urus..-....--.- 6822s 154 
SS Seo ea naee 5 373, 374 
1 FSS ee to RE eS 471 
RTI i anwee hacia eek ie oan aera a 355 
pe ae 2 Male ache SS © eee 239 
ET a ee oe ae a eee fi 
POO G Ser oo too ET ee 475 
ISOS UNIT <8 soca. aCe dee eee 354, 355 
PMPUOOTIN 55 5 5 = SEER. 154, 155 
PURODOGUS nn a wae eneceeaes 369 

LE oat eas Bate ey 369 



Memabramas 2: sain See So Staats mis 234 
INemiatishiidse 6a 2 sae eee 280 
Nematistis2—222225 2s =a eee a es 280 
nectoralis Ss ae ae 280 
Nematopnaiih-- = 3s ee ae ee 147 
Wenatonurus:.- <2)  ess ee ees 203 
SbySsonum 2: soos eee ne ee ae 203 
@CEOISDIS= ce 2 ee ee 203 
armailis. a2 6 2 ee 203 
cCyclolepis=— = 5 A ee eee 203 
Pood ee ea ee ee ree 203 
SUBOD MLSS er ees ee Ra ees 203 
(Nematonurus) magnus, Macrurus 204 
JO vera ict) Dee ee ER ae eet 482 
Deas ne ee ae ee ee Se ee 482 
nematophthalma, Merinths-_--__.._-______-. Sees 
nematophthalmus, Sebastes--__--.._-___--.. 372 
nematopus, Neetroplus- -____...----...---<.. 423 
IPD Valerrigis sees 3 = ne ee 212 
Mamichthyide. =.= 2s. As eae. ee 83 
INSMIGHENYS <= -~ 5 = 22 Sec ete S SS 83 
AVOCOLAK- Anon. =e a eee 83 
PONE to Ln eae 83 
PIRUSS oan ee e 83 
ScolOpAceA - 2-8 on be cea a Soe 83 
BepINDANOUS: 5-2 ae Pe a Se ae 83 
IGMOCAINDSIS 5-2 = oc te ee 297, 298 
nemoptera, Dixonina-—.- 22-5 = eS 40 
neo-boracensis, Fistularia_...............-... 245 
Neobythites 481 
ATS tas ie 481 
marginatus 481 
ocellatus 481 
robustus 481 
stelliferoides 482 
IWGOOIINGIN. <2 <5 eo ne ae 458 
Binnmiardtes = sn a5 eas ts eens 458 
SRQUCHE sn oe ee ee ee 458 
TRODGUDRER she ce oo end a ee 81 
ree el 4 ee ee ee 81 
Pep ies Ss ee et eS a ee S 82 
WHEMMITOR IG a= oe |, ey 81 
TIGUEEH, UO ee ee 2S oe ee 121 
HpOg rans; Uk NUNS pee 8 121 
neoguinaica, Albula.-........... 40 
neohantonius, Coregonus 64 
INGO ONIN 2 Pun ee Se 1 eas ree 399 
OT (C1 a Se Aes ae Die Leen 399 
DRrNgbns 2c eee 399 
Pail hee eee occ nee. 2 be oe EET 399 
Cally Oni Co oe ear aoe 

ric Ty) oe ae oe hee eee Eels 399 

Vi (03: 7 pet Rae. pa) Se ee ee ete en 399 
gout dal CSE RSE See See eee res 2087 399 
rer ee oS ee ad eee ton 399 
niferagpidophoerus: = 5.0. 3223 sees 399 

PC 1G 1th Re a ee eS See ee 399 
i217: y ale ee eee 6 Se an es ae, ee 399 
(Neoliparis) beringianus, Cyclogaster__....-. 399 
micraspidophorus, Cyclogaster - - 534 (390 
Neomeenis___-_-- 324 
blackfordi-_-~ 453 
hastingsi 326 
JOTI Ae: eee ees ee at 324 
MeRAOph NSM Us o-oo sc ee 327 
TMBOINURI nn es es oa 254 
CISTI as a a A go ee tee 254 
POOR Teen. 2 sees on oe oe is 91 
TU PKCRInN Pinata. 22 1S 8 oo ee 91,93 
TRO ORG 5 55 2522 I nes Sor ae 190 
OT RTEULLEIR ec ts 5 Sona eee 190 
D0) 11: ne ee ee nee eae 72 
Dany OEM 25.5, = sas does Se ee 72 
Pople ce ae es aS ee ren ne aes 260 
albacores 260 
allisoni-__--- 260 
catalinse 260 
nepenthe, Eupomacentrus 414 
nephela, "Sratsoarcs Le SE Eee ee 301 
POMEL MOUUE ¢ 2. s8ie san nnn taba 301 
PISULOMICUUU UN coh ak aman woame a aa aka 225 

yi tte. bf 2a ees Ye See ee 498 
UO Cie eee ee © ee ts 498 

nerka, Oncorhynchus.......-.------------.-- 55 
SIDHU = ooo ot akan nnn nani awa Reel 55 



List of scientific names—Continued 

INerophis heckeli: =. <2. = eee 244 
mseulstas == es ee ee eee 243 
martinicensis_- att a SSS 
nertinianus, Acipenser. (Huso) __ Oe 35 
Nattastonia procerum= =." 2_-- 2 See 82 
MeLlastomid-s-= = oe ee ee 82 
‘Netomia= = * 225 eee 149, 150 
GIA itine = a ee 149 
Insculpia. 2-2. eS 
kessleri. sos. a0 i ee 149 
Masta <2. 2520 ee eae 149 
oscilla. = es ee ee eee 149 
planiceps. = 32225224 sep ia eels 149 
DIS-ypOPON Les soe ea ee ae 149 
thalassing << 2 = Ss WE Eas eee 149 
neucrates, chenbis- 2-84 fois h sik lem 448 
rieticratoides, Eicheneis2 22sec er. esa ee 449 
neustrianus, Gasterosteus___.......______-_-- 238 
nevadensis, A nocope-_— 2s 2s eee 141 
Cypnunodon 2: 2) eee 181 
Rhinichthys (A pocope)__...--.-.-.------ 141 
nevisense, Etheostoma- -__-.._-_-------_---- 283 
NOW DEE, Mans. 9 wet SRA Pe eae 58 
Algtig oe ae a aoe ecw eae 58 
newberryi, Eucyclogobius___-__...__.-__..-. 444 
Obs £5 3 ROA os Da ae 444 
newmant, Hyostomis se sce ees eee 286 
WNoxilarins Joon eee eee ant 414 
concolor =: 2-8 “= 5510" pi ee Haas 414 
niangue, Etheostoma (Hadropterus) ____-_-- 285 
IEE VOOM IS Set ns see 2s 
spilotum, Etheostoma 
nicaraguensis, Carcharias__.........______--- 
Be alaniige: 355 ae hes ses 
ELeros oe a= 
IPimielOduS 3- = sos ee eee eee 
IRAN CIa Ss ao eee ee SE ee eee 
PE BeLaDS eae en Sc eee e ty eae eS oe dees 
WHCUOIS PION en eee ee eee 
Pintyelassus-2: =~ os bs a ee a 428 
HICHOISI ;GObIS 2.22225 22 oa ea 440 
Rhinogobicpss. =. 22-242 es ee 440 
INceholsinia 22 8S Sean sh eee tes ee 431 
Menno, Wcheneishl ois". es wi eee aes 449 
niger, Astronesthes=2-..__ Ss! hisieee = aa eee 71 
Bubalichthys 102 
Marpioues- 225 2ee ne ok et eee 102 
Centrolophus. 267 
Chiasmodon_- 452 
SCORLHS =: oso ese one ee en Pee eee 387 
1 OFS 010) |: RS ein ae pee ae en 261 
SOS ee eon Sse tees a ee eee 173 
ODNIR Ye Sia ees eae 440 
LSAT DLOPTAID IIS oes a ee 484 
WMalacosteus--<.. 2252 <* iz eee i aes 71 
Wielanocennsss = 2825-82 9 i oe ae 510 
IMvoxoceplalis: 2. i= 2 ii- eee 387 
Spars. = Peet La ah Ss a 265 
7LAULOLS | 2. ceeceee ee eee 424 
Hb thiadst (oop te wees eee Te OS ey PE. 261 
nigerrima, Meladerma 281 
nigra, Astronesthes_-_.-.._---._.- 71 
IS GLISLOS Sooo ee ee 493 
Dicrolene_____- 483 
IDeOSL Oma Ooo 2 See oe re 287 
MT en ae bee ee eee 119 
Mitinsenia'> Soon A eee ee ee 79 
macwiataces sc cee at ae ee 91, 92 
Marcin... .- = wc eee ee ee eas ae 27 
Petcd = Lie te ee ee eee 267 
MATING CANA oa. 2 -ecoerowe eee 330 
nigrelius, Beyborhynchus. 2... .-. ess 145 
nigrescens, Centropomus_— 2.2222 306 
Goryphcena soo eee eee 317 
iC VGIBDEUS eee. ee soe ee 102 
IOP SHATINS Setes soe news ee 339 
Exoglossum 146 
Salmo. alk 60 
Sympburus- - - 230 
MI ZOWIG 5 jo ee eee vA 
nigricans, Bathylaco 
Camarnng)= 255s ee ee 338, ig 
Catostomus. 2. ca ee ee 
Centropristes 22580 occ eee “a 37 

nigricans, «Cottus:<- 2... - .--- nese 386 
Cypselurusic a. oo ooo eo 201 
Hnchelycores=.. = aes (ae 90 
BmtOmacrodus 2.2.52 = 228 ee eS 
etowanus, Catostomus__-_-_- 107 
Exoccetus 201 
Girellas 2=5- 339 
Venos Se = oo ck cee ee 419 
IMU 2 oo ee eae oo 297 
iypentelium 22223 oe ee eee 107 
Hypoplectrus 1inicolor!. 92. 242 eee 321 
abrax2 220... eee 308 
Makara: 2022. :2 5.2.25. 8 a ee 263 
Mrunwena=s} 26.255 223 6 eee 90 
Parapeteniae sc one se ne eee 419 
Petromlya0nen 6. eee eee 8 
Pimelodus- wees. 26 0c. aoe eee 
Plectropoma.-2. 0 5s. a 
mipriculus; ACronurus. oss os eee 
nigrilabris, Groniess a Gah ee = 
nigmpinne, Corallicolat <1 1222-532 aes 
nigripinnis, Argyrosomus 
Bathyagonuss. 2) 52 ae 
Cephalopolisiei ata 5a ee ee 
GumiSoe" Ae Ses acca ates ee 
Coreponus! =. eS eee 
Gotyiis: - -ssobcb 22. 25 ee eee 
Gobiésox-. 35.0 se eee 489 
Teucichthys22s2225 2 ss eee 63 
Minnilus’e< = 2h eee 125 
PrOMICrOPUOLUS 2.2 5 Sean Soe 317 
DGS 2a se Se eee 317 
Siremibo_ 22-5. ee 480 
migrirostris, (Cheetod onc 22 2-- a eaen ae ae 360 
Sarothrodus 2 se 2 oe ee ee 360 
nigrita, Garrupas.:=2--2...+2 3 a eee 312 
nigritum, Cichlasoma..2_._25.-5- = sees 418 
nigritus;:Serranus:_---2-" 52555) 00k eee 312 
‘(herapss22222c., 2... 2s ean ee 418 
nigrocastaneus, Enchelycore__-........___.-. 90 
Gymnothorax..- -.5 32ers . 90 
nigrocinetus; Sebastes-c2-326 2 2a ee 370 
Sebastichthys sec 22525. 2 = ees 370 
Sebastodes...-5:---25-.5-2c0e5 se eee 364 
nigrofasciata, Hydrargyra._..-..-...-----2.45 176 
ima S22 052 Sh cces on 2 Sone 191 
nigrofasciatus, Archocentrus__-.--.---.__-... 420 
Badropterus:-4+-2.-2- -2-.0eee 283 
Herog os. Seo ee eee 420 
niprolinestus, Diodons- 55-5 s- = eee 502 
nigro-maculatus, Cantharus._.......-..._.._. 305 
nigromaculatus, Rhypticus_--....-......-_-. 316 
nigromarginata, Neomurzena___...-.----____- 91, 93 
nigromarginatus, Gymnothorax ocellatus___: 93 
nigroteeniata, Hybognathus____....----______ 144 
nigroteeniatus, Graodus____.-.......---...2 132, 133 
nigrum; Boleosomas-=<—<sehess-nc0> eee 287 
Petromyz0n = -2 2: a2 u Fe ee 9 
nimpbaria,, Vinciguerria:-*-=-==>-=- 8 eee 73 
nimbarius;:Zalarges=.5 => === 252) ee eee 73 
niphobles, Epinephelus___--..----_...--...-. 312 
SparisOmas iss. 5554 4see es ees 432 
niphonius, Priacanthus__..--..----.-- 323 
nipigon, Lericichthys.--2-=-= 2222222 eee 64 
TUISOELUS, CnC ONS Soe ote ge 175 
Mites; -ANag0.2 2 on 2-2 ane eee 80 
Ophisoma 22-22 4252222 sea eee 80 
Trichivyus 3-4 2s .cce-0s 2222 eee 262 
nitida, Ely bopsisS. 2-2-2. ee eee 135 
Jwliss <7 2c 22 a. eee 429 
Moniana 222-0253 Len.25. eee ek ae 135 
POMOLIBE. o* eee tees See a ee 300 
nitidissinia, Jniliss 2325-2: coe ase see eee eee 429 
nitidulum, Myctophum---------___-_2 Meise 169 
nitidum, Pristipoma (Hzmulopsis) 333 
MT halassoma eee . Sol de ooo eee 429 
nitiduis; Albiimuss cos) sescuee eee 123 
BASIC eee eae oe ae eee 493 
Brachydeuleris-.-252---_ eee 333 
LeucisCus.. 22 22nsonc= eo ce 117 
Pomoxiss 2 onsen on eee 304 
Salmo 22. eee eee cae aoe eee . 60 
» Tetragonoptertis=. 0. 2-_ a eee 96 
nivea, Erogala..........-... wie eee a L2g 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
fis PE pInepnelus.+ 2-5-2. le shes seseslS SEU |eTOtALOS ee OMOlIS aeons one eee ene ae 302 
SS a eriren NE 2 en eee 416 Parichtbiyaeesote oes Sas kee a 487 
Shiqg itive a0. a aoe 310, 311 ES(rieaVol NOYES <A s ae ks eee a ne a ae ey ee 177 
Slerastes eee ances a5. noel oe 416 DEF EONCCLOS 2 mene een wen Seances 177 
MIVELVERUriS  AIMEYOSHS= == eka ane 153 | notemigonoides, Notropis_....-------..------ 125 
IVs TERY DOpSiseseee =e onsets aS ee HS | eNO LEE IEI OU Uline meee eee 
Nivicola 291 SUITADUS=— ee Lt eee eee ee nna aoe 
artesie 292 OSCRSs sss sete Seek Sse oe 
borealis_- 291 crysoleucas 
cragini 292 fardoneus—-- === "== 
lepidogenys___- 292 incharus= 35-2 ee Se ee 
obeyense 292 | nothochir, Ophichthy 
pagei 292 Quassiremus 
punctulata Bee ale NORNORDEUS- heen e eo eae eee ne 
I DPACAROR nes = en ee 292 CRTC TS 8 er te ee 
SPREE ees ee 5 Sag LE tee 292 Gine@reus: 2803-38 28 eS ates ee 
nivipes, Emblemaria ----.._.--.----->------- 464 TOSCHplUsas) A088 ee cean senanee ea aea 
TH ilalinw ie jg]. 1) oe oe eee ee 27 sorCpriie e235" 320 ee Phe aR ea 
EDIE ADK sno owe eee 172 MACUL OS Se tet os Ae eet ee eS 
nobilis, Atractoscion_.....-.-.--------------- 356 rufilineatus 
333 TASSBIRtHINS 32. SA eae a oe ey 
172 thalassinus 
185 Wilneratus: 22222 3s ee 
185 | (Nothonotus) jordani, Etheostoma 290 
moO (othe. OyNnOSGlOH: ..2lesa.= noe ee 355 
333 OtoltGhns 6500s, ist oe 355 
doer WP ObOnTT: en 8 Pe tS ee a ll 
150.2 ON ObC ANUS Ss 25.22. 2-5 .o Re 11 
Ot WON Otinttmine ns 22522 soa or ee ees 263 
IVORUAINUIR =o) (O52 tae soe 139 plading 25. 2 ses ee ee 263 
LOCC Cie hs eS a aS SS io) | “NrOhoeramamita <7. se sea es URS Cates 469 
TEs |e fe oe Re re a ee 137 rOnhvodkt: 22.5 3222s 6. ee 469 
hol niis See Sa Ps SE 1n6 ||) NWotolepidomyzon= = A = 2 eee 104 
Cul] aya i CTE tlc atin al Res eae 137 CUT = eS 2 en 104 
MMM esse eee oe rae ee fen a 138 ROR OrOSUS-cans = stay Jaen de aie Lee 104 
Cia Tr Sl 2 840) 1 ee eae 135 GIGGANIS 2<seo0 cee ne ee ee 104 
Notropis : 135 Ban bep-Aniee) 32 on Ao 2k <b pee 104 
nocturna, Collettia 168 | Notorhynchus borealis__.........--.....-.-- ll 
1 ee ae See ee Be" | INGLORVHCNUAS => te A Fri eis 11 
12013) (2 [eae a ee Pea 156 pc 1 eee ee a ee eC ae 11 
nocturnum, Myctophum 168 DIAL YVCEDUAIUS: 2: Ss) Sede at -ce ah hiss Rintices ll 
nocturnus, Noturus.....---..-....-....------ BBG V NOLOSCODELUB =. 222.32. 0 eho one sare a) ea 166 
Peecilophis - -_-__- eee ee a Paar 94 Canbemiptin. 25). 2 ee es a 167 
nodulosus, Xenodermichthys_-_.--__.-.----- 53 Matparititerds: aoc see seae vo ~ eee 166 
CTE | ARES a A tinea ea 354 oir. qa ee SC eee nee LIT e 166 
[Shr a a ee ee oa 2684) DOUOSGTIA: 8 sonics Oren ttt ah ee 225 
DONG MSS oo ee BS eee 268 tC CRE eee ee ee es 225 
ch Ca} ROR ee Oo pee ae ee ee 268 Gilentinde 2b ss) > a=. 22 ee ee 225 
oh a a, Oe ae 268 | notospilotus, Artedius_._................-... 376 
cio gata et PES eee ee ee ne aie ner 2 PaRisthOlytee eso.) ast) ee ele ees 
SUstAlle,, DASSOTOLUS “25-555 222 2 oe 481 | notospilus, Julidio__.........-.--.-- 
MULMOR CAE Onoda == So 2028 5 eee Ee 363 Pseudojulis____- 
norvegicus, Lepidolepus._.-....-.-....----.. 205 | Nototropis forlonensis 
norwegianus, Squalus_............--..------. 22 Th yn psn ei es Se a See ee ee 
notabilis, Argyreus--.-.-...-.-----..------.. Bet des] SPAS: eon cee eee heen. Sor ae Se i, 
Pee a fe RS ee lee meee ape ee aa 75 SHIPS coed oreneme nas cbnteciee cate eee 
PIQUACAIIDMUS 505 San scas son ocs fone an cewenna ne Pel 3 alice eae ee BEN MT Re ee aEee Pees Se 
oT CS eR ee ee pap. — Ly OY ee Cara en cee cea ae Saree ar hs 5 Sree 
(UENCE 7 RE RE Ae alt ares a 76 SUR WAINES oo womens od seo a a 
CUPS 7 AEE Saag fae ate ley = Ma sa Ce | dee ASS 1: ae ee EMRE SETS 
TTC SSD ee SN PREY es ie hte ie a Teh, Ale BIDADIS cai aeen nok eee 
TIMERIMONORs5 2 20 Seo too ee (Lo eae tie le:) 1) ee inn a TeSys) 
LONE a Se ier a tat di ai oe UG |i Hw GYD PONS 3.2.32 075. 2eeU oe cee 
fa tas OS a ee ee EA ee eee 20, | we RE CRYICRTIU oe oe ge age 
130 [ere tcloCs be 1) Melener Pel st pacman ITE 
298 (eth fia) 1h pele Ea Ron psa ay BSE 
44 POA te ie inn ad cotteat ane nee meted 
247 Cpa ferr a Cai LEE Et ah Bel cp alle ny 2 
281 CHalybmis abbottl 2. o 2 oo ee 127 
507 GUMIOr IED. on ae tae ee 132 
RIPROUIC VAMLG sa ice) a a ee ee eee 195 GUA S fo Seed en nn ae on eas 132 
notatum, aa 5 ES ee ae Se ae ae 329 CURRURMSOLODIS 2s 2 sen ln ocenaubounacwe 128 
Vig te 97 5 Re i a Kei 2 ag eye AB 332 pevie ti ph ist) Lee ie A SS ASS Tate ieee ene, 133 
notatus allstes ibe SEIR Bee oa Sei ba 493 LCC LUM cuwevunwameacaseilte take acknawe 125 
ybortiynehie Se. aS EE pee 145 NUEAMIELUS A aussie c/a stents he eete ane ce 125 
Lea SR eee). aie set 307 Pa ee RRS Noes = oe Fae eee par — 131 
Mra dae eee A at 145 Ct Se ah gS ey RS Aas I Ay. 136 
Passer lineis transversis_.........--.---.. 230 ioe hk Fedak mcrae eee 134 
Sicntiswd Wiguacunins aacamaaenegil 152 eterodon richardsoni 136 



List of scientific names—Continued 


Nournpis beterolepis==2. 2a. == eee 134 
noratii-* <2. See ee 134 
jordant’> 3 2eS5 6S eee 136 
KANAWDA soo ce. ee ee 134 
Os 82 SRE AS! ee ee ee 133 
AOTC al ase ee ee eg ee een ae 135 
Termite 262 tS ee ee 143 
Jeucloduss2=.43 92) a ee eee eee 124 
lowisisinse 2322 32 eee ee ee 124 
Lythuruss 3) Se ee 126 
macoonaldits 22) 2 ee ee 127 
macrolepidotuss. eee eee 125 
INIGATTION = Ses) See Sa a ee 122 
meralops albeolus=— aa ee 129 
THStallicus:*+ ++ ee eee 124 
PICTOD SONG Rea es ees 124 
THUSKOK A Sa PES ee 134 
NOCORL IS ese ees eee 135 

TID URGES a es ee a 124 
novmiconoides ee 125 
MUX: he ks a 135 
OLCH eee. ee eee 126 
OrdenDurgenicen se <9 135 
OZATCANUS 222. 85) ee ks ee ee 135 
phenacobiusee st eee eee 134 
PHOvOPenIS ant eR eee 123 
WUSDUY2 = ee eee eee eee 124 
TOGICULA LISHEe Soo se Oe es eS 133 
TODUStUS-“. 22 er Cee 132 
TOSI IIIS. es Pee SEAR A ee 126 
Pubni trons 22202 ee ee eee ee 124 
SADINED S202} ook ee a Ee 135 
Santamaria: 2226 Se ee ae ees Spee cores 131 
sceplicus? = Se. & os eee ee 123 
scopiferus 132 











Notropoides, Creserutus.22525-252- 2-22 98 
MOU -AVEONECLES na So eco nae eee 178 
WWiGhrUs: 258 oe sok soe 155 
elassochir: 75/25 Ss) See 156 
plentherus?. 225.5055... eee 156 
RL et 5 156 
SVS =. Sooanisooca~ ee ee ee 155 
HINGIS oo 52ns ease eee 156 
TOTINSUS.2. eS aoc ee ee 155, 156 
gilbertiss 22 4s See 156 
septacanthus!*.=-_53_4.5 a 155 

fa hf: a ee Be eres ca eee Coe cE) SS 155 
MAT RINGCUS § 252 a2 yh 156 
“TEN (ah ees DA aes Seen ee 5a aN NC AS 156 
nocturnus ______- Satan Se Eee 156 
OCGIOBNLalig: Sr 3 So en ss 155 
Dlatycepualas:2 3 S533 155 
i: See ee ee eee ee ee 155 
nove-boracensis, Vomer._._.....-.-.-.------ 275 
Wovactlac: = "3 eo ae 430 
alishoms | 22 98 foo io ee 430 
novacuils, Cory phsena=.. 2w2- 5-5-5 2- 2 430 
SyTiChth ys: 22 = ee 430 
Novacniichtiiys-325 3 ee eee 430 
infirrmise oo W84. e 430 
martinicensis: 2-5 55s. eee eee 430 
TOSIDOG 4 eto lin gh ge eS oe 430 
EIS 7 Seer a eee eee 430 
novee-angliz, Coregonus_.............-_...-. 65 
noveorleansis, Anguilla__..........____.._. 77 
NOVAS UEITES, Mee 8s ee es 77 
noveboracensis, Exoccetus__......._.__-__--. 201 
K7asterosheuees es ot oo a 237 
INAUCKSICR eee eS oe eee 278 
novemfasciatus, Lutianus_................... 325 
DCI ATOS ee ee ee ee a 325 
novemlineatus, Chasmodes.__......--..-.-_. 462 
(PHGlis! =v Soe eee ee a 
novem-maculatus, Diodon__...-_._.___-___-. 501 
novemradiata, Agosia.....-2.s-.8Li2L lel ot 141 


mox; Auchenopharus.=2-=_.-ss22 22 eee 457 
Cremnobates=- © 2..-.-- 2 Se 457 
MOVES], DCSTUS= ete ee eee 434 
nubila, Apocope 140 
NiGNd Gs wl .: 7 ee 144 
nubilus, Alburnops 144 
PNT OVIEUS oe otek ee eee 140 
Mampenus 22. = ee eee 71 
muchalis; e-ybopnathus: 22: 2. == eee 143 
GATUS 4.2. 2-6 3523 eee 434 
nuchifilus, Blennius.-_2- 5-3) = ae ee 461 
nichipinnis, Glinus=_:2)2 = eee 459 
‘Labrisomus =~. 2a. ee 459 
nudus, Cyclopterus.-_.-2 == ee 489 
Gymnachirus:3-_-- 82 eee 229 
nugator;, Bryostemma: =. 2-543 aa 466 
nummifer; ‘Carpiodes_= == +2 = ae 103 
almo!.< he. =" 3 8 ee eee 61 
nutialli,- HW xocwtus ==. 022.) eee 201 
nutting!; ‘Chaunax.-<- eos. eee eee 506 
Scorpmna-:. 20s Se eee 371 
nutiingii, Antennarius_<-.25. = <= aaa 506 
Nix, ELV bOpSIsi2s2- 2S =: = a eee 185 
Notropis*22-—2 2. ai eee 135 
nycterinus, Melamphais____.__----____----._ 233 
Plectromus 233 
Niyctimasters..o-2 s Ss eee 167 
LATS oe aha SS ae on ee 167 
townsendi: -=-2_2 eee 167 
Nyctophus=...2) 253.333 Se eee 169 
rafinesquel: 2. 2-2-5 eee 168, 169 
Oaxacse, unduluss22—* Sa oS 2 ee 174 
Protundulus= 2.22. _ 22 232 ee eee 174 
Rhamdia™s2_22 2.2. 2 ee 157 
obesa, Algansea 122 
obesus, Amiurus-- _- 2.2555. ee 154 
C@archarias:|-- - )-.- =. = 14 
Hehinorhinuss. = ose eee tas eee 22 
Enneacanthus.. 22 Seo22 2-5 304 
Leuciscus = 23220: eee 128 
Pomotis. .2 22) 22. SS eee 304 
Siphateles== 5222222 see 122 
Urimnodon 32. 2-222 ae 14 
obeyense, Etheostoma__..____-___.._--_..__- 292 
Nivicdla:-< 2.2. 3 ee a ee 292 
obliquatus’ (Cynoscioni=: =o eee 355 
IDiabasis- =<. 22225 eee 330 
Otolithag: "ot SS eee 355 
obiquds iu pile S208 eee 349 
obliteratus, -Aliitanius. =~ =o eee 496 
oblonga; Platessa:.-- .°... 2 pS ee 224 
oblongior;} Pimelepterus] =o. es eee 340 
oblongus, Astatheros2-42- 2 eee 421 
Cyprinus: 22 SS eee 109 
Erimyzon 109 
Gobius2 200 Sa eee 448 
eros 2 i Se ee eee 421 
Parahichthys=b d25 2-2 23 ee ee 224 
Pleuronectes: 3.222) one ee eee 224 
obolarius, ‘Gasterosteus_<_ 22-2) 22 237 
obscura, ‘Liopsetta. 2. =... 3 ee 228 
Stermoptit 2222022 2S Se eee 73 
Sternoptyx_< -..-._o_3-* 3 eee 73 
obscuratus, Gymmnothorax___.......________- 93 
IPOMACONUTUS Soe a ee eee 414 
obscitrus) Carchsrias)- 2-22 eee 16 
Oentrarchus 2. se ee eee 298 
Pletironectes..:=. 5.2 2cesn = eee 228 
Pomotisss.>- 222 uke 301 
BQUBI IS =o 2 ee 16 
obtusa, Ophisomas 3: 2 Se eee 79 
nla 2s ee 26 
obtusirostris, Exoccetus.-22-232) 2 eee 200 
obtusum, Hemulon 332 
btusus, Rhinichthys__ 140 
SCarlis*so—a2 tes 72 434 
Squalushet. 2). s-secesco ease 16 
obvelatus, Prionodon 16 
OGe82 . sae a ee 394 
VOLruccsa Betas s >. eee 394 
ocea,'Cooloriiynchus.22—- 2 2 ee 207 
Migeninis® sto 5-22.22 sneer 207 
Pristis.~2u2 5202 te oe een ee 23 
Occella: ==. s¢ eee os Se ee 394 
dodecredrone ee eee 394 


List of scientific names—Continued 

meridentalis, Amia. - === eees, e = =e 38 
Catostomus? 2" eee 106 
@nalinura: "Sees | Se 204 
pIPONUS. -- = eee a 296 
Grasterastens== eee 238, 239 
Hieteran aris see eee ann 189 
iy Popomuses een ae 101 
DONGIS? > 32 ee eno oe sass 301 
iL SUCOSOIIUS eee re 3 ee ee 113 
Malacocaphiahtine== =. ==snee5 204 
Monnacan thins eS 494 
WMVrioprisiin ee ee os ee oe 235 

IM yriprishigaee ee a ee 235 

DCH Chalrwerc we 16, ae ee rr re re 354 
INGOT EGG eee en 155 
POSCUICMS eee eee a Ea oS 189 
SEO REISRE PR en eee ne 98 
MAT Ste 7. <etes SR S iie eeerees 27 
Rtg tot) 5 de mai ts ee ee ee 27 
GUID en ee ee ee 301 
OCCIDIIGNS, SCOrDiepa. 2.2. oe em 371 

mcodmiica ANPING. 22-0 sso Se 7 
CORI CHIPE IOUTINNIE «2 og 2 aC oe an ee 461 
Gobionellus 441 
Gomus—.* -— 441 
Rhinoscopelus 169 
RISSN A es nn add 8 
oceanops, Elacatinus 442 
Ocala teronmichunys.-—.-. 2-3 ek 481 
CO LED TEL CLC) REY ee RO gS rae ta ESS a 139 
TES cates Sete ae a semiemere tS 82 
Penns HITNOMIOS Se 2 2. a eon keee 176 
yR REAR Bers ge  e e s 442 
jail TTT ee ae oe ee Oe Se 224 
TLL NG) | a a a ae 443 
LEE DU) 21 oll Se aes in pe per ae Se 465 
| eee eet Se ST 348 
27 i A ae a ee ES a Sea ceom ae SORE 25 
CLES (a) ae ae ey reas SS “aaa 348 
CASE EE a pe ess EPS SPS 232 
ocellatus, Acanthocottus_____......_--.------ 387 
VO UR a eR a OEE 472 
Ss Tar (Cie a eae ee er 505 
“op To ee se ea ieee TEE 465 
CLS FTG 1 i a anh eae, Sea Pe 360 
LU a le a reat ERE BO. 459 
Chagos Ge ee Sa ENE Re 91, 93 
LARP GTO 2S GT aa ee ete OR EO SC ae SE 218 
LRPATELTU Te MTT] 9 (ga A Rl A ge Aa 505 
Polo 11 see Sc ne Sea 87 
SO a SF ea Aes ome ti ins 481 
nigromarginatus, Gymnothorax__--_---- 93 
tea ta ie | Eats UT SS ee ee eae a 87 
IONE Coes ero Se ee eee 217 
PE aINCHEN GS 50 2~ Sobel. cee ee sos 225 
RRMOINM Bs 2 oe 217 
saxicola, Gymnothorax-__ 93 
MR ee ee ee a 232 
ocellicauda, Amia.__.............-.- 38 
ocellifer, SRR ea eae eR iB 458 
ocotlane, Chirostoma.................-.----- 251 
ecemspinosus, Acanthocottus__-__-____- 386 
octodecem-spinosus, Cottus_...........------ 386 
octofasciatus, Astatheros_.............------- 421 
Cl DORE ee SP ronan Pais os) ae 421 
Ue aed ys Pl Pe) i ae 256 
CEA TT i A ee ie ae a Oe 373 
p RPE ah SLE aN Seip Sareea 374 
octogrammus, Hexagrammos-_-__--....._----- 374 
ogee ET tah 5. S.8 ta OE TE 374 
octonemus, Polynemus-.-...........-.------ 256 
Ponte, BUMatite 8-8, see ee tlh, 22 
Pogiavis, Dry ttts._ 2. hee eases 300 
le 1 a a ES SIE aN a = TE ee 328 
bE NT 7 east RE RAS Soa 3, SRN SE 376 
OS ep i ae Net leap eS SESS 297 
Lepisosteus (Cylindrosteus) ........--.-- 37 

WO CO oa tnt 7 
1p PLAY Ee ae ae OBES 85 
PURO CTNO DG 5 ole aes we 85 
DOU Mii sadbades ent sd aceok oaceee 328 
oculeatus, Orthagoriscus.................-... 503 
oculeum, Myctophum............-....-.--s« 169 



oculocirris, Emblemaria. -:-......_.....-.-... 464 
Oemlofascistis; Blepsias:—- 22-22 2 ce 382 
INET DLR PS Cee Se me an Se 382 
ecwio-radiato, Tordug... 22-52 ee 426 
(WHT Sie LENG CL eee Din ee eee eee ren aS 320 
RUPEE GOUSIS st ee ee 320 

QU EO Se RS Se eee ee 327 
BEE YSORIG2 eee ee eee 327 
THUATIONM eS Soe ee 327 
PUP RESINS Sot a ee ee ate 327 
ecyurus,, Cantropristes = 2-2 ee 318 
Pimelepterus >. <2 ee ee 340 
mestator= 22225 a2 ne ae oe eee ee 340 
Berpanus =e Secs Se Dee ce ee 318 
Gidontsispides. +55 oto REE ee 19 
Odontasniqe.-0 2208. 0 ee ee 19 
dF {ae i eae Oe Ce ne Ree ee 19 
@dontornatnis =< 2 oe ae ee 45 
WHGROTAUA 2 a a ee Se 45 
panamoensigy 220 22 Soe nS teas 45 
(Odontognathus) panamensis, Pristigaster___ 45 
WGONGOR WEIS 920 a 8S ee rte tae 396 
frenatus-_-___- 395 
leptorhyncht 395 
trispinosus.<~ - 2222p eee sah eee 396 
MIGONTOSCION: - => 222 ee ee eae = 334 
erchigium 2.222522 Se eae ephteetia ne 5s 345 
Genter. 64 8. 2 See Se BE Rey Bs 334 

Se DIET 0 pe pny So ee ee ae 334 
corstedil, ‘Areyrelosts. = oa—--.-0~--.-s2: 5 275 
Ga: WEE a EES SS eee 275 
‘TetragonoprerUse- 2) 96 
ee thsi at SS Sr aS 210 
CP ACe TL GO ee Ee eee 506 
LPS Car) 0) 212 12 6 ee RE Ee ene 506 
pip eee a ie a eee eee 507 
TRIN ke es i toe ee 507 
WES DOK IMO! 2 <2. so > ie eee on 0g SE 507 
iat oe ee ree) Roe? 479 
ays itt eS ee oe ee CMe? oe Tes 480 
We | a’ oi er. nee. SS tae 480 

bic vt ae a ee Sees See 480 
ORT MN ORGIOUS 2 oo o- ance ees es cease teeta 4 
oglinum, Opisthonema. ..................... 44 
Peneinity A GUIDONSE?” | 2-2-5 565.5... 20. 35 
7 lit Se en as ae eee ee 5 42 
I esa os oh 5 ee ere a oe 298 
pl i ee ee eee ee 172 
MiasGHinonby.-2..- == 2... 4 ee 172 

@ianco, Mesoprion.. . -.5 =~ nea ce ee ee 327 
okeechobeensis, Ameirus lacustris__..._.____ 152 
RAUB MOIS 352 22250 So. eae ccs. See 152 
TRCHIONUS 5. Sabo cans ncn an peetncwaeenee Ss 152 
Oikkelbenwia 25 ecco eS 10 
IRINOULON. <3 oo 8 ee ee 10 
olfax, Miycteroperca = 22/20 =~ cece pnneennce 314 
pafrlyo 1) 1) ee oe eae eee Leys 314 
olfersi, Argyropelecus._..........-...... i 74 
Cephalopterus. ey 32 
1G) A i Ae OS ee See ame aie Ss 32 
PLP 63) 1) 04 GO oe Se es ET ee 74 
OCHS Ey DOMIGRUS 7 55 oc oo ea eetiow ss 2 68 
SAUNO (OSMETNS)2o— nae costae non eed 63 
leone DOT r tte ee 125 
Oligocephalus Se a eee ee 290 
BINVOGUNEUNGL. pone Sook apn eee 291 
(hy hee eee ee eee ea 291 
UL) aa aera ero: ors Ae 291 
MAGYAR) «2.020220 wane nw ae 291 
GYIGT INS re ee ee 293 
NC ee ee ee te SEE eee TBS 291 
ph RS aa SR ae SR ra eae a FY 291 
Piel ret oe Sl a eS Dy RN SS Sere 291 
jFeyah ts (1 RR ee Re Ce a gS eae eaenS <>, 291 
TORO DUR ie ee ae ae eee nn casos 291 
PUSKAS soc. ck asl maabteowalws aan 291 

ID ROGDL VOR eer okie on oe icecuneebaneaw 390 
RUMDICH DS Bet 332. eens bas atech area 391 
PP eet ee 2 yi we SLA Ok 390 
RINSE se aos oa aw inn otto Uae aauc 390 
Tp 111 i aac i cS oe te Oe 391 
Re a ag a a dg td yale We 391 

Tit uit a" ae ee aaa Speer e Ty 390 
WIDE as sieeiedtitntaaihcedencsasnedtbwe av ed 

622 U. 


List of scientific names—Continued 


Olicodon, ‘Osmerts-2o=s24- ee eee 68 
olynemus. eee eee 256 
Oligolepis} ‘Bry con S22.) 2a eae 99 
oligopeltis, Acipenser (Antaceus) ___________. 34 
Oligoplites 255 S55 55s s is Se ee 277 
altuss 2 eee 278 







Oligopodes S42 ees & oo ee eee 266 
Olisopodus-22- 3 eee ee eee 266 
Oligopus eS ee See ey es eee 266 
oligosticta, | Gambusia 2 ee ee 186 
OLisihastoma; Cerress== see an ee ee ee 342 
olisthostomius, Diapterus=s-- 2) 2 ee 4D 
Olivacka; sh cecilia =e Le ee ee 177 
OLMVACELIS DOU CUS <P oe nes eee eee 122 
Sipnateles= eraser REISE Ee 5 122 
olivaris' Opladelus: 6-2-4 2 ee ae 155 
Silgriss. oo oi ee ed een Pe 155 
olmstedi; -Boleosoma 3 ee 287 
brevipinnis, Boleosoma_________________. 287 

HM thegstomacy.o° 4 ee es 287 
olomina; Brachyrhaphis= = 2 eee 187 
Pruapichthyses-- eet ee ee 187 
olriki, -Aspidophoroidesi2) 2 397 
Cine des ee a oe er ae 397 
omiscomaycus, Percopsis__......-..--._.-_-- 215 
ALIN Re ee eee eae ee 215 
ommataDiscopyce==-)- 22k ee 27 
iMeterandrig. 2-222. 222-2 ee 175 
Meptolucanial = 22 oe eee 175 
Opistognathuss-- 2 22) eee ee ee 453 
ommatistius terrse-nove, Triglops_._._______ 380 
ommatum, Opisthognathus________________- 453 
ommatus, Paralichthys 224 
RI MOCHOlYS ate. pe soHeen nee oe 86 
cruentifer 86 
UIOCVANEUS: WW IGOtTISs se een ee 436 
omostigma, Genypterus.2._ 2-2-2 ee 485 
Otophidium-43_. = ee eae ee 485 
Omosudid iets es eI 171 





nexacormis: = 222 eS Se, Ae. 388 

Pil berth: :2ceee = 8 ee ee 389 
quadricornis-23222 52... 25 ee ae 388 
Onicoriynehis=- 22 Sa eee 54 
gorbuscha 54 
kamloops-.- 58 
kenneryli-_- 55 

Otis eos 22 eee ee 54 

AAS CODS 2222-2 54 
TOU Ase eS 2 ed) es Le 55 
tschawovitschas 223-22) ee ee 55 
Gndida,.-Catostomus==--2<4-8 22 ee ee 110 
Oneirodess= +s we 2 eS jain 509 
eschnichtiis 2) i = i eee a et 509 
Onitis apis 4 en ee ee 424 
AUCORSs ese ee ee ee 424 
Ongs 4 es oe ee ae 208 
PUTS: ee eee 208 
ontariensis, Leucichthys_...........-.--.-_-. 62 
Thymallus =: -.9-. 4. J8 fh. eee eee 66 
‘DriglOPSIS s2ca-5 5-52 ceo- eee eee 389 
Onus2 214 
jt 11 ae 214 
onychus, Cottu 386 
OOMIGUS#. x- seo 252 252s 2a ee Eo > 499 
ODSE; ZENB sos 35552) ee a eee 217 
opalescens;) ythrilon 22222. 225. eS 331 
Opaling, suuss oe ee 426 
opercularis, Acantholiparis__.........._..__. 401 
IM yxO0RonnS is 33 isha ok 455 
Polydactylasise252 4) 454. 555.5- 2. 256 
Stolephorus= sss see ose esdcss sn 51 
Trichi@ione sss asee sess aacas eee 256 
Ophichthius réegitiss 52-5." 5 529 5 7 ene 87 
Ophichthus-=23 2 eee 87 
biserialiszc 234527, 383 ace ee eee 88 


zophochirs 22. ee eee 
Ophichthyidw:2= 2) aes eee 
Ophichthys:= "= eee 
Ibiserislis: © 2s. 252 eee 
(Cryptopterus) frontalis__............... 
Sultifer =: Jc ee eee 
nothochir 2S Se ee 
pauciporus: SS eee 
pisavarius-*--2 = a eee 
retropinnis:.. 2) 2 eee 
schneideri= 22:3. Se eee 
(Sphagebranchus) anguiformis_._.______- 
Ophicthusevionthas= 2 eee 
ophidianus, Gempylus 
Ophidiies-...- =. ee eee 
Ophidions-4.4 | 44-3 = eee 
Dean. 22a ee ee eee 
preelsiie. so ee 

ImMberDeL ioe ee ee 
Ophiditim’ 4s oe eee 
brevibarbe: —=2 +. et 
hol bro0ki2..<-- =. = ee eee 
josephi_22= 2342 >- eee 
marginatum_.__2-__. 1: 
DAT ty Ue ele jee 

Ophiodon2= <=. 2-2 oe eee eee 

Ophiodontidse. ee 
Ophiognathus: =. *— 2 eee 
ampullaceus:22 = eee 
ophioneus, Sphagebranchus__-___-_---------. 
Ophioscioni. ==. 2 2-s5 snes see eee eee 
aduUsis -— iS. Aeon eee 
IN COPS 22.2 Ee ee See 
punctatissimus=— 025 28S ee ee 

ophis,; Mursena-: 2). 2 a ee eee 

SCUL8. so. <2 bea. 2 ee ee 

Ophisonmis! 2 os 2s cc bh nee 
Ophisternonis. 2.522. 22ces2e se eee eee 
Opbisnrapbis=sss2es2--5s255 eusgdnsenatee ees 
Ophisurls:- 225<2-242—- eee 

californiensiss.<=s..225. 2-226-- = 


List of scientific names—Continued 


Gphisnrus lonens eS 85 
Pit Seen see 2 ae er a 87 
eee 88 
WORSGUIEL ESE 3 es 208 5 so et 88 
ane ey S52 S 
fie Parshentngns 2 ssa oa 224 
fee | ee a ee ee 407 
ophthalmicus, Lepomis_____.---------------- 299 
Opicthiart bri oo es ee 11 
Ceeeeiisiiig. (240 =) =) eee = eee 339 
Caminthogrintiiges =. = ae 452 
Grpsthinenat lng 2 ke 452 
ieri 453 













UTD le ree ee ae 452 

J STO ae SE eae oe aE 44 
Litto STL i a ee ae 44 
SUS Tr ee aS SSeS 44 
I eae es 45 
Ln eee ee 45 

0 1 a a ee ee 45 
opisthopthalmus, Ariosoma__--..----------- 80 
opisthotremus, Careproctus-__-...-------.-.- 403 
opistopthalmus, Conger-.._......-...-...-.- 80 
Oe ES ere 155 
i 155 





















pe macnn PESOS 2 oso) ie eae 209 
Were, CONGR. nf oe one vdode oS 79 

on levis variegatas. |... 5-..._--.=. 499 
Cee ee eolopterne :. 2 essa § ceslousst 398 
Eumicrotremus (aes eme se <7 ee 398 
—_, Ls a an SSS 205 
LO Sere re a eae ee 205 
a ae oe ee ae een! 336 
ee ee eee Pane 126 
kn agi aastht see as 126 
Lo eee a SNE RE aes Pa tte eae Oe 126 
i SEE Sia Oe SOD | oe Pee ee 126 
Ce a eee ee ee Mee 126 
Se IGN = os Sates seen ced SS 265 
ee eee ane tae tee TS ee 126 
CGEM (k DORIDGS: oc odascnk Menten kee ee 120 
LO Pe a iP res 120 
ore aes > SIRT 260 
oS a ES ET 260 
Gn, GRUPOS S ss tien asi non dod ceek oe 374 
ND nanaddecaneeManieeed ell 
CRONS, OI ORGNNS Be is cccnwadnppandetadide 113 
a. Cyprinus (Leuciscus)........... 114 
ocheilus 114 



aregonia,; Atherimops......-< s-..2.5-ss~=s.- 252 
Greponipinitys ne aoe ena conan eee 138 
Persist): y Meaeht GORE © Set yl heel ER ane e eae 138 
Pep PAT Ip ee ne ee a ee ee 138 
@reponins, Coreponus. 220s ee 66 
erator 2-6 Se 66 
COSTES 7 i ah eS 2 Se Seen Ea eet os 232 
Sila Giorno ee eo 232 
Canlernpatt = 9 So Se ee 232 
qnantahs ‘Avarhichas: 2° 2" = ss 472 
Pele ys ee eee 259 
SUL: St eer ae ra eee ee Ses ee 55 
vin eG. grr tr sie weil bag Bimend Apu oO alee 3 38 
gS) era Us iE ee die ee erie ins bo 231 
OTE ail eS Be eae te ae ok ES 143 
an ee 411 
eiyurreeie. 22 176 
EN et ere aaa ete Sa ie iy Se 191 
[oT alta a a ars Say Le Pome, beg Ail 26 
ornatum, Camposioma. ---..........-..-.... 146 
GUPIR STIS. CUNT sn a ee 231 
ST a0 ig i Pa a = A ince aD 146 
by a Re SCN Be De cen el AOSD sty SS 173 
Se, ot eee 455 
ECE T CNC: SEE elles SSR al eye etal 468 
OP eS See nee ee ae ea siete Te 429 
ne ere ae ee 468 
Qo rs ees Sa hs acetate = 500 
Ornichthys She: BORE Bie re aed 407 
orqueta, Chloroscomprus_.-.....-..--------- 276 
Orel, OZ0Gura. .-.- oe 503 
ortenburgeri, Hybopsis-__- 135 
Nowopis-— 23 -- 135 
QirROGOie oo noe ee 66 
OG 1 a eee aa en i ne A, St a = 112 
RUerGIenidOMIs = oe ee 112 
Cera = ese eee 503 
Grpoermmnna, Cittila__= -. 5. oe 274 
Pe ST rv alba Se ae eRe pane ieee safe Re 391 
pe hae pap adios Atel by ah Se Ne i te til 392 
Gna, SONI oo ae an ee 411 
pao Tels 2s ee ene cae Tid Mee eh HESS 9 335 
PROT SO Me Saas ees, 5 A ERS! ted 335 
PT) 1 SR ae Se A ae Ea 335 
ns pape RIE Fe I = nb Ep ee eens See 335 
APS as Rea x Sa 5 Rees Reape ede of 335 
dain SA PEO NS ata ge wes ipec ote 3? 335 
UT eae ee ee ae Sacer 2 218 
NU) ae sees SS at: 331 
maculicauda--__--_-- eS ey ay | 
Orthragoriscus alexandrini.....--.----------- 503 
NN ON as Sehec keiale cic ores a 503 
Oo es Saas Se nae sea Oe 503 
LCV | SEE EE See eS ake aaa | 
FE OE Be RTE IEE PII ae 503 
OO Ae Se Eee ee eee ee ee 503 
| MOR RS aes eed 
aS SS ree: 
Se eS Ses PAP at ee 
EE ae os nats dent cena ow rd eee 
I fe sein ca tae oxi em = Hak te egg 
PT Ae ES ee eee 260 
Peet et) et hg TT 1 C1) | en mee Pe Ae, oe 310 
Osbeckia SS esol ere ies acre wel ES odes ee 495 
PRY sta Sa i ts =o la 495 
CONNIE NTE a pte atn nisi aan a SES 400 
Typhlichthys aes = ee ae Oe 195 
Po as Se 
Oo a eee oS 7 
COE OO a oe aca aaa eee 141 
Lf a Ea ae as ibe itis kp 149 
ES SOT SE Se ee ee 352 
Pe ES ena ropa 307 
qmeiiem, Holocenirim.. 5... 6..2..-c515 236 
osculus, ele lad idieindnclannts, onde aneento 141 
Dt ey a ae ee TTL 149 
pos eee SRO a TS 7 
NOUN Sel eilicectcnnssowme a ewwidh wae nis 
LE ener sy ' 66 
osmeriformis, Coregonus..........-.....--... 62 
Leucichthys.........-.- iS eawcbat a+ Ga 

624 U. 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Osmerus 22525530 site ee ees See 

elongattisss=*te st ce eee 
lemimniscatus2 25. tee eee 

speciriim:. 004 See 
gligod onsen te ae eee eee 
BATON epee ee ee eee ee 
SPECLIUN Stee senor eee ees OS ea 
ihialeichthivs 2295 aa ee ee 
ViTIGOSCBLISS ce eee ee ee eee 
Osphiyolaxy -22* tous Goce acne A eas Be a 
pelivicid Uses ane as ee a ee 
osseus, Hsoxee = ssh ss5o te us 
Wepisosteus 2st eee 
Ostarioplivst arse Ano ee eee 
ostentum, Careproctus--_-_________________- 

osteosticta, eeyean 
Ostichthyssee ee Le eee 

trachvpomus 2262. A es ee 
Ostorhinchus22-2-=-sresse sea aaa eae 

oe poy ae eS a eee 
clippertonense: 22226254 eee ee 
CONCEtCNaAUUISH === —-- oe wusaeasoe 
PIONOVIS of ae 2c eee ee ee 
PILIUCCHSISe te. oo ee ee eee 
LeNtieinoOsuIn Ss. 8e- 65 tee ae ee 
MISGB Tee Ser eS Se ae Ree ie 
UNC U Se ee ee eee 
IDUDCLALOSES-Ca= =. Soe eee 
MUAGTICONBIS- <2." = +2 eve kee Ree EEN 
SOXCOLMUDUS= =552< tie ise ee 
TLIZONNS 22 oe ee ee 
Criqneter: 21 ette ct ene 
TITER AGUS 2— eee ee eee 

6xpansiih.<2-- = Ses Sea 

tricormmis.\ 22 ase.0s= 22 2 IE 
Ostracodernnt = 23554 eke 2s ea eee 
otarius, bepidosteus==--s2e.2e = tee 
Othon0ps*23-¢s- 2-42 oe ee 

othonops, Perkinsia--_.....-..-.-----.-.--2! 
othonopterus, Cynoscion 

Carolin@nsis:. 2-25 228 Saw ee 
CAVGNNGNSIS: 22527 ee ee 
armimimongi-2 a2: 4. eee 
JSTTAICOUSIS S225 esee ee 
IGlarChuUs. soos cee eee eee es 

MAS GRIN 2tesseoe ee Peco ERE : 

microlepidotus. -o=.— =~ -2—- - So se et eee 
TMICTODS =o en Ce ee eee 

MOLOYGE Ss: Ss Sbaw ses ee ce 6s eee 
obligiiats 222.2... eee 
TOLICUIsiNIS# eee Coed e ape Ed 
rhomboidalis: 2.2 ee 
squamipinnis__-_- Ie Rs 
Sto lzaine ee eee oa Re 
PORASSINUS § 35S c ot ek ES eee 

VITGRUCNS® 2 eae ae ee A 
Otephidinm = * Ss ee 
galeoides: 7 ne Se ee 
OMostigmia eas Saas oS ey egy 
BCripiisi=. 22 ee Be ee ae 
taylor. oS pe eee) 2 ya 
"WELS IN See en ates oe 
otcphorus, Eupomacentrus______.._.-_-.---- 
Pomacentrusiccs. 25202 coset sare 


Otrynter eee ee -. 242225 = 336 
CADENUS shee cs . 3z Seed ee 336 
otrynter, Caranxso.<.-2--2.csseae Se eeseeeee 274 
otserzo) Salmol =<. 2. 5 ee ee 64 
ounchite, eAuvordius.-.<-..s.2)---5 5 eee 284 
Etheostoma (Hadropterus)___-_-.________ 284 
onsnaniche; Salmo: =--i22.2-22 eee 56 
palmo'salar__-2.--...2.-2.0 4 eee 56 

ouatalibi, Serranuss--:2-...25- eee eee 309 
ovale, Acutomentum -_-..--------... 366 
SO VACIIIN 53>. Seat ieee = 218 
ovalis, Hemirhombus-. -2sesesee- ee 218 
Sebastodes==--.2-2----2-- 4 eee 366 
ovicephaltis: SparuS.<22ohs2- cee. a= eee eee 338 
oviformis,.Chratedon s-22 22-2 eee 358 
ovigerum, Bathyphasma. 222-2522. eee 401 
ovinus, UMsox.<o22-.- sete: 2.5 eee 181 
OVIS, ‘Sargus! 2-8 <sads-=2¢--5 ee ee 338 
Ovoides i 222-uen seo eee 499, 500 
OVUM 22222252 oo ek oct eee eee 499 
Oxy beles: 2... ~22-d 4 oe eee 486 
ocybrachium, Sparisoma-_--_....----__--__- 432 
Oxy Drachivs; Scarus: ese a2 eee ee 432 
Oxychretodons<+-22.-22--etee = 359 
Oxycotius:=<e-ss22 2 sence ses ec ee Ae 391 
acuticeps------- 391 
Oxygeneum -_------- 113 
pulverulentum 113 
OxyjUlista:-:=Wd-2s sees oteet eee eee 428 
californicus:: 2.222102 ee ee 428 
Oxylabraxder ices eck oc cet A eee 305 
Oxylebiidtecs- 2. cc eee ese whe se 374 
OxXYIObDIUS= 52 S--e25- 5 oso ee 374 
DiChiS= <2.) -Ss--3-—2 see ee ee 374 
Oxyloricaria 22 ...2.- eee 162 
citurensis:.2s-u=--t-c- Sheets | 162 
GaTIONSIS22.22e-- eee cee 162 
panamensiS=2.2+ - ooo eee 162 
Oxyodontichthys_----- 2-2 eee 87 
DLAchYurus:s..2 se 0- 62 ba ce 88 
limbatus so. 2-5.+ seis See 88 
MIACrurus== -- === 88 
oxyptera, Corvina_- 320 
Oxyrbina.- 3. 2-523s02S- Scola eee eee 19 
dekeyistesos sue so oe 19 
POMP NOd ON 2 ees se oe eee 19 
oxyrhynchus, Acipenseros 22. aoe eee 34 
Carchariss $23.22 looses eee eee 15, 16 
MetrodONsie2 22326s5s-e ae See a eee 500 
oxyrinchus, USurus =£<- eso ee caee 19 
OXYUTUS S2S8 =~ =. oo eee eee eee 79 
oryurus, Wepisosteus 4. =-=-- 22 os ee 37 
INOMeUS». 3.5 oo os 268 
Oxyzyeonectes: \_ <=! = 5 179 
balbortic< sock 52 eee 179 
GOW sse25 ts coo ee 179 
Ozadura-.\ 5-25) eee 
ozarcanus, Hybopsis---...-.------- 135 
Notropis 135 
Ozodura orsini 503 
pachycephalus, Fundulus--___-----_________. 174 
Lagocephalus..22-. 22. 32. =. 497 
‘Tetrodon.-.- 4.3 ee 497 
pachygaster, Cheilichthys__-.._-_-_______... 499 
Tetrodon (Cheilichthys)_-._.-...___._-_. 499 
Pachypuatha-_-: =>. 5.20.2. 2 Se eee 492 
Pachyenathus:2=. 2252325 2- sae 492 
Pach ylabrus2o2 3 css as eS eee 411 
VWariegatus...52n-2" <2 a eee 411 
pachylepis, Atherinichthys___-_._-_________. 249 
Thyrinops 249 
Pachynathus 492 
Pachypops- -- 349 
fUrcriaei soso. 2t 455 Seo 349 
pachypus, Cottus:.=s-2:-5_-2-5.5 eee aes “386 
Paenyurisive =. 20525 2c- lt eee 89 
pacitica; Belone-*2:=-- 2-2. =52 222 eee 197 
pacifici, Batrachoides)-_.2= 22282: eee 487 
Batrachusis-_-:--..+.22...5--2 eee 487 
Conodon2 22222. eee eee 331 
Paraconodon:< >>> - 22 5.-:-- Sees 331 
paciicum,, Dipleeinims]222- see aan a eee 318 
Pacificus, Argyreiosus. = 2.225.255 eee 276 
Artedicllust2---..-.2- Le eS 377 


List of scientific names—Continued 


maciiiens.-Gastrostomus._.. .. 22552225 e ee 95 
mypuocephalus.. 22 -25-. ae 228 
BPEENITI a me eee ee 344 
WGUNALCONIS= = oo eee, See ee 85 
WRIPOLCS 3 - oo ee Le eee 323, 324 
WeVCOGES. SN ee eee 474 
(Lycodopsis)... 24 Pere eee 474 

a; yeodopsis- 2-32 tee oe 474 
Wiesoprion == 2 = 2s See eee 325 
Wicrosfomus:> =< 322 cere ea eens 228 
Peenes € . =e ee et 269 
Salmo. (Mallotts) 2 = re ae 66 
‘TPhsleichthnys:=— 4. o- eeee ee cee ee 66, 67 
DISTRO TINTS Sree he eae gE 260 
"EAV1OSUEES Sg a eee al 197 
WeGXEU PALO. ee ee 324 
padangensis: Gopiis 2. oe es en ye 440 
petulus, Citharichthys_-_______-_.-.-_-.-_. 218 
BAPE bHPOSLOMIB 25. 5 ots °F rere ey 292 
LDA 1 te ae ee ee at's Sn oe 292 
Paceline chins. ©2_..--— - i ais tio 336 
humilus 337 

Pal: 0 meg “eee shat SERS ea ee PUES 259 
pees Au N Te) aaah ee Beaty Eee Bis Bee 475 
alinurichthys fino Sond SOE eS eS eT ee 267 
AMG Rs as eS Fp eae 268 
I eat epi 267 
SED Gag IE ao Ce oc ae eae 279, 302 
pallasi, Molacanthus 503 

pallasii, Ol ee eee Faeroe 41 
PREMISES = cn eT ees 226 
yo a ae eee Se ee 394 
a a es oT Bee 394 
oa a aa eee 394 
emis MOOTOVENOIAs == = edt 75 
een oe oe gee 449 
BERRI pas enw acy i a eae 298 
i ONS? A ee Te 307 
ees OCIANOS: 2-3 sad 345 
RaPRRITOO RTS fe oS} Soe ee te 105 
i igh) LE el ee ae AE ee OT 201, 302 
NS Se area aS SP 59 
SEVRAODUICS.. ooo. eee es cee 302 
pte Al hy) | ee ae ae a 407 
pars, Pa ONUS |. oe 277 
re LE eS eee ek ITs 266 
SOMA Se Sooo nono eek. 3a 267 
PROUICUN SS ooo sown a ee eS 267 
SAS ee oe ea, =o ce eae 
iy (ity ere pa ene a aes, 2p HP 
palometa, Chorinemus 
Olfgoplites..<2 25. alan ewe ke 
ralomieta.. soto iu se ae a 
sacred Pecilichthys 
PINON DE Jc 0 coed i aod ease no 
pammelas, Melanostigma__._............... 478 
pampanus, Trachinotus__..........._._.____ 276 
panamense, Pristipoma_._.......____.____- 333, 334 
panamensis, Zlurichthys___..........._..._. 148 
CNG IPG. ie ouaapeibits cathe ae 50 
SIGOPS AS cowpea ae oats oot. 249 
yy DRS pp Seer re? -« Sane Levee 221 
OGIO S 5 dora ss aki ANODE Atlas o Sole duiekil 1 IAS 
Bascanichth ys. .ccccceawiscseene doukeh dae 86 

panamensis, Caranx-_ -___-.._.____-- mee cssae 
Githarichtiiys: == O..- <2 
Piiprauliges¢ ilo A On oe ee ae 
iveRmannias..$-- a2 = 2 Se ee eee 
dieriGanipe =~ 22st ee ee 
MMenicireniis:——* 22 i. ese ee 


Odontemnathus’.---2- 222. - 2.2 = Pee 
OxviGnicarin=]= - 2-22 st. be. os 23 oe 
Panamichthys--=: = --.2-.-is eee 
era pSeltns sea 2 5 So. = - | os = = VR 
Perometoponu- =~ 2a-<-2-2s2222-226+ 
IBC AS. = = cose a2 5-5 ee 
PIMADICDERYS5- o< 252 -s2s2 = 253552 eS 
Pristigaster (Odontognathus) ____________ 
RAB WRe cso ne ec eons knee Aone set 

MAM Din Ss Sess occ ke. ee 

panamensis- - ----_ 
pandionis, Apogon-- 


By ne tht ee ae ES Re en aes See 
pandors, Clinestomus: <5 <5. 22255.5.-.:... 
panduratus, Leiobatus 2. 2.52.-.2-.222 2222 
ReNINosaS HCOT MRNAS oo saan e esses setae 
pantherina, Mursenophis----......-._....... 

OOMIDRININE Soe oon es cancad asco eee 
pantherinus, Cestracién--_.........-........ 

DOT GO) e111 ae Sa eee 8 ie 

Lc tS | a a ee feo Fy 
Hig 001 1 OR ale ae en AS See eee 8s Te 

TL, Seas ores 205 ¢sifor BT” 

jorgani-~—- 5... 

ts) CT, aS Le OS are Me eels LS, 
pte Tek ea See ais ene PE 5 
panuco, G 
Papas, Dionda. eit! Fe tae eee 
ec are Oailetius. ee ou eee 

papillifera, Forbesella-.-............-.-..-.. 
papilliferus, Chologaster____.....-._......... 
Pre POU ON no i rerclrcan ae eer 
papillosum, Moxostoma--................... 

papillosus, Barbulifer 

Pleuronectes -----_.._. 

Ld lite Corte | a 2 a eee TT 
RAPAOUDONN gos oe oe ee econ 

(CIETY 021 EE Oe i TRE ee eas 

"1: MNS SSE aE ears 2) et 
iu! 10 Ee i aie aes See eae Sey 5! 
LON os ois oo 2 ph tds ete 
parndoxa, Garmannia. _— 2. 52. ees sGaet 
erwin, GlOniUs. 22 = eee cee eeees 
po Clr) i ana, ee Se eT 
Pevatanduliss. <<... 5..5-5 
Up Ee a eee apes ye 

LSE eS ap eS a ens aon 
Les See OS Se ae eae aa 
BUMS ier) ee Se ees. 7 e 

‘ioral it 6) a a a en oS 

INO! Cad owen wast unwawannisabeead 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 

Paralepis coregonoides. ...._.~-.-<-<<-<-=<-. 165. | Parartedius=.-<-....- <5 siscesee eee 377 
COTUSCANIS <= = o2ee essa canon eee 165 bankinsoni=-= ">. .--. 32 ieee 377 
intermedius: =. i225 sie oe oe Se ee, 165 | Parascaphirhynchus__.......-22. =o eames 35 
paralepis, Coregonus... =2— = 5 a eee nee 165 albptse b=. —. 2222 es eee 35 
Paralichthyidtes—- <-~ = a eee 222) 7|) (BATASCOLD Sona a= see ace ccen as ann eee ee 370 
Paralichthys. . 0-52. -2=0-2n5-02— eee 223.4) Paraserranws =. ooo 2: 3 soe on 25 ee 318 
eestuarius: 26 222 eo eee 224 | parasiticus, Simenchelys__.....-.-.-.--==--.. 78 
slbiputte ==... 5.- 222) 5 ie eae 274), (Parasphyrenops.-.=.=. 55 eee 297 
AIDIPUtGUSS ook eee coe ee 224 atrimanus=--=.o---.cs45----— 297 
brasiliensis.~2. -2---.2+ =... -- see 2245) Parastrolytess2=-2 655.2 222s es {ou eee 376 
californicus: 2 2.220-2-- =  ee 223} notospilotus= ==... 25s522.5--—-) 2 eee 376 
dentatus=2 2 -_ 2023222 ee 224-\\) Baratractuss =. 2.3522. 5.2.9 oe 272 
lethostigmus 224 caballus <2. 22-620 c-2-5..- 272 
TNS CHIOSUS 22 oo 2 i oe ES ee eee ee 223 GLY SOS 222 Sise ce eee ee eee 272 
magdalenz 223 | Parauchenipterus- ----- 159 
oblongus--------- 224 | pardale, Lepophidium_- 485 
onimatus: ==. 2 6h 5 eee 224 Leptophidium:—=._.2. 225. eee eee 485 
ODE YAS Soe 2-258 a eae eee 224 | pardalis, Mionacanthus.—.. eases eae eee 493 
Sln@l O63 <2 a2 oo soe ee pee 224 My.cteroperca:... -.2.2-52_. 2 £e eee 315 
Squamulentis = sees eee 224 Xystroperca_ 8 = - seca sea =e eee 315 
WOOLMSNI=- 2-2) een een ee eee 224. | pardus; Batrachus:taus.-.222 <> sea 487 
Paralinaniss=225_ 2. .2 <<. Sates eee 404 Opsanus: sec 2 este 3 eee 487 
albescensS: 2-8-2 e-) = 3 eres 404- || Rarephippus2s22ss22 .2-2 2 S-0e22 eee 358 
gnestiirons2- 2.5 eS 405; |? Parepinephelus:. 22... 202.-2=-2- 3-2 eee 315 
aitenuaguss ss. oe eee 404 SCUbINOStTISS oe sos eee ee eee 315 
Dathyplis Seok! Be Se eee ee 404) Pareuies: = 22.2 .c2e 2. eee 353 
CATIG AUIS? Ce baa een ee eae 404 acuminatus 353 
cephalus 404 pulcherse3: 02:23. eee 353 
copes = 405 punctatuss- 2. 22 ee 353 
dactylosus 404 umbrosus----- 353 
Gan» So. 2 oe 8S te, eee eee eae 404 Wl0l8s.- 0). 37 eee 353 
fimbriatus A04: |» Parexoccetus-- =. 225... 2. h 2. ee 200 
garmani 405 mesogaster 200 
PTANGICEDS 2.25522 ee =n ee eee 404) | pargus, .Mesoprion: =< 220~s2sce see eee oe 325 
Molomelas>—s. <2 5 2 2o= ss 25. oe 404: |) Paricelinus..- 222223. 2 <2252secse sae 375 
latifrons=- oss: 005.2 2-2a--202 eee 405 hopliticus: 33.22: -.- 6455s ee 375 
RIPATIHUIS an ee ee eee ee 405 thohurni-2 222 225 ee 375 
moembranaceuss 22255-50655 o.- Lee sees AQ4. | parietalis, Coliscus.--2--2,.--2 eee 145 
404. | “parilis;;Ophichthuss---- so-so eee 88 

404 Ophisurus: 222s. - 22-5 Sec oe ee 88 

405 | parismina, Brachyrhaphis_-.-.---.-__-2eees 187 

306 Gambusia > <2: ae ee eee 187 

474), parkel, ‘Salmozcoe. 2. ooo ce eee 61 

351 | parma, Heros_--_--- 419 

351 Parapetenia__-_-_- 419 

S51, | -panmatus, Setarchesi..- 2. s.ce~e eee eee 372 

296" | parmifera,)| Maja. 9258.22 co ted eee 26 

paranasimos, Acipenser (Huso)__.----.------ 50 | Parodon:daniensis. .. 2). sce. ee eee 100 
Paraneetroplus:. =. 2-32 2222 Sa ee 423 Piraeica bes. ee ee 100 
pullerive: 222. 3 ta soce Se eee 423 | Parophrys=ns-cs0- 2 ean c cede 225 
125 BYTOS| 2 sc Set eee eee 225 

125 hubbardiissc-2 ts eee 226 

125 ISCHYTUS 3.230 oc coe ee 226 

125 Veltullss 4.3 2 Se eee 225, 226 

125 | parovanus, Myloleuctis..<--2-2--<-2.-se-eee 121 

320) |': panra, Diabasis.= 22-2. coco cee ee 329 

320 Hemulon 329 

418 | parre, Albula 40 

418 Brama-...- 426 

419 Chetodon_-. 361 

419 Clepticus 426 

Deans. 2 oe. chap tbscceusc dashonss--8s 419 PM x0costus< 222 22a ete oe 202 
CON [ialistee ee. ee ae ee eee 419 | parraianus, Monacanthus-.-...---.---------- 494 
AG Vai soa ee ea oie se ee sae 4189) parrli uy COCRLY ao a-eont == a= eae 478 
Prisdrichstanlics =. osece an ase ee eee 418 Ophidiums2) 3.0 4.25.-6. eee 478 
ISBT: 2 S08 2s teelweneoeseneea= eee ALS) | parryi; Rhamdid.c- 2 See f--eebee eee 158 
IADEGONS S S222 252s scot cases oe 419 | partitus, Eupomacentrus.._.._-.-..=-=-.---- 414 
MANACIOUSC 2 2. dose ce notes eae os 418 Pomacentrus- 2-3. ete ee ee 414 
Ment f52. 5 fe sew cece teceerose eee eee 419.) “paru, Chetodon....-=22:.-2-22--=h=- ae 360 
motaguensis 2-5 ea. es SS 418 Peprivus. 2p. © ocomcene= leo 266 
THUNCMASCIALR 4. So 225 so ce sae e eee 418 Pomacanthus:-:t2..22s52 22 eee eee 360 
nigricans 419 Stromateus. i; ccsole ct swsde se ete 266 
parma.--.-.-- 4197 | \‘Ratunenens::.- 2.2 noose ese eeen ee sees 343 
salvini------- 418 | parva, Anchovia- 49 
steindachneri 419 Anichoviblla sac s2eses 2 bene eeee 2 49 
| )1 01: aed Se ee ee pe See ee eee > 419 Micheneis. 52-6 esos ante eee eee 449 
tetracantha 419 WiNiCAnis. aceon sone noche ee ee eee 175 
cinta 419 Pleurovéctessatis-. 522 ee 217 
isea A419: | ‘parviceps; Diycodapus=..222-222-eee=2-e 2a 478 

bea saree eee ae ae a ee 419 | parvidens, Moxostoma:..s222222352) =e 110 
Totral basii2ce soe ann sense shoe ene 419 | parvipinne, Etheostoma---...---------------- 292 

ti oidenlata525ssecs9: sh sae oko eee A20 | ‘parvipinnis,; Ancylodon2s2s225->--se—) eens 353 
urophthalma. -:72222882 = eee oe 418 brevis, Randultis....:.s2.2.c22 toe 176 
Parapsetttis.- 22 652 s5- 2 ee 2 ee 359 Oynosclonises-- se secs see 356 

DAMAMENSIS-= 22  cnwamossccsecesleeseeces 359 DICTOUOS ~ -seswes swaweoc sp owaeeeam ase 261 


List of scientific names—Continued 

a Vite Gra tite Dewan + ees oe 356 
pines! == -— 2a ee. ee 176 
JE Pas] ere gt Carb Ta 1s tage ea ee a a eo 122 
HSODISENHS=— 35 - 2 te se a 353 
LEER Be er eee rere 261 
PETC ULELEDEN OH (es 0 ee Se ae SR ee 41, 42 
parvulus, Myoxocephalus......-..---------- 387 
Parvus4 Cottopsis: 2-3 W326 22e 5 tee ee. 383 
[Cana dy 4b 1456 13) «one eae eae ee ee ee le ae 2 175 
AO DIES! > = Mees Be ete ee 2 oe eee 439 
phinarobinises 2 os ai ee 439 
Sebsstes miber 2s. 522 -= Sse 368 
Ripemnegie® pe 2) 2s ee  } ee 343 
Ress ADLELONObHS:- = 2 2-2 52s. ee 101 
Passer lineis transversis notatus__..---------- 230 
passer, Centropyge--______ Be ee ans eee 361 
|S POE 71 1: Seg epee iy er gs 361 
Latah, = es ee eS ee ee 28 
1 ENS] Ene a aR ST See eee 28 
[ine Sa ee eee 29 
lime Se a 9-8 SK 28 
RMN TITIN CRORE eo ee oo ae 28 
Pe SUL Tot ee ee ee ae a eee 28 
centrourus-..... 28 
SUC GC ae i 28 
(Ut hs Se eee eee 28 
patugonica, Mayniea. - =... =... <<---kscs20 476 
prada wancrodon. <= || 25 = ees coe 99 
rir RS ee ee 342 
TE ne LOT OES Sea eet Pee eee 426 
gains) Apanthocottus. . 2222 ato. kas 389 
peuunns., Brevoortia... =. -25.255.-2-2.- 25-5 44 
Te SA | aS oa a ar 185 
PRAIRIE <n so 5 BER SO Se 184 
pattersoni, Trogloglanis_._.._...-.---------- 155 
Teascrare,© mirostoma.. .. 3222 5 5-oe2_-.-5== 259 
Danciaenus, weuryyriis 22225 235 Sete 474 
PSEC See re ae os ete aah esaassdseoneese 55 
pauciporus, Ophichthys__.._....------------ 88 
pauciradiatus, Callionymus-.--_-_.------------ 450 
Prandoxiphophorusg._.:.. 202 224s -.- 22. 188 
Pancemins, Sebastess. =. -..2.--2tcs. 2. viele 364 
CTS Ce eee ee Sa ee 364 
ReentRURIGULINUSS 02212 og ee Senos 430 
pavonaceus, Herichthys.............-.-.---- 422 
0 Ee SORES eee ee 422 
joc DM te 2 er i eee 191 
BU Ot re ok ee 460 
(lb 5) oy ee es ie ee ea cee 397 
in SE ae eae oe eeees steers 430 
LOST a ais 2s > 430 
Feuoloes,) bycodes. 2.5 52.2. 2.---ncuenos 476 
paxillus, Lycenchelys_ ase 476 
genders ss oi dia 476 
peckianus, Syngnathus__-__-___ arn 5242 
peckii, Syngnathus_- p< Baer 7 
pectinatus, Centropomus ee See as sh 306 
i211 eee ee a as a 23 
Oni. Set G) i111 ne ie TTT ES 459 
PC a ke eee Soe 123 
pectoralis; ‘Albatroceia.... 2.06... -e 2 2aes2s 204 
LEU“ Se ee a 482 
PLM RCE INS oO on eases aoe wee 166 
LO 2h 1, a Sa ae eee 454 
Se RES PP ae eel 2 172 
ETI oe Si go PU Ty 425 
oe AE ee ee ae ee ee 14 
ES eae. © 204 
(Malacocephalus)-......-.---------- 204 
If Se ea a a aa aes SS 280 
OMANI eS 2 oS ss aan eens 482 
BT iol = ae aR tales ee ee 407 
val SO 6 ae ee Seer 407 
oe See See 503 
pedaliota, Bonapartia.............---.-----. 72 
POURMOLEs, ZapnOtaS.. 2... asenconecscce 72 
icellaris, I RSS ESS 483 
i eae eres 504 
a Cantropommus....>-....2--2-4-32 306 
te ara err 383, 385 
pela -. Sa ee oewkccwannle 409 

pelamides> Scomiber<= 2-20 sonsencostes 258 
pelamidis, Rhynchichthys_.......-..--.-.--. 235 
pelamis! Kiatsuwonus:.-2-<..-..<-.. 22. 2sn2 258 
Sctombersase5 tse ae ee okt RE 
nelamitus; Scomber. = os. 2255..-.2-sss eee 259 
Pelinigesees eee ele. ee a ee 259 
GHHIGnsige 2a aoe Ae ee ees 259 
Tineolitas= => (Ais ees ae ee 259 
ODIBFMA US ns 5 a eS 259 
peleerinuss Squalis-<2-. =". ==. 2 es 20 
Peon ares cee een pe eo ee ee 44 
Nleeireriavias 2° 42 < = ase. = We 45 
ORDIeN Vana. . 2. 2s =< 5s5 ose ee 44 
pellucida, Salmonperca - - ..<.-2295223.252 8 214, 215 
pellucidum, Etheostoma-._............-.----- 288 
DUG ST eee eee ss a oe 7 
api yolaxes. 2-9-8 Fo Sere oa 243, 244 
Rigurolepiss 22: S:8 or 5. ook ee 288 
PHGnns ete. eo Fo a. er ae 269 
Rhy rise See se eS ee 220 
i Gh CEE yee ie ene 288 
Pelodichthys..........- 155 
Peloria-g -.- = 52: 217 
Neckeliee 28 iso Se = 217 
pelta, Chelmo 359 
DELLASLES,; pe POMS... 622 ee ee 300 
peltatum, Etheostoma._...- = 522. 22628.c22 22 283 
Palais PALVOTGINS <2. 2-05 aaceeee aeons 283 
*PORAUs CMOTGUS26. 2 240222 ose ee 341 
BRON DANG Pee See ees soe ee Oe ee 323 
Pampheriss: = hoa s. Os e eee 323 
vile+d {cs til ee ees SAS BI EES 323 
MIBSIGHYININ: = en Wes ae - ee ee 323 
marie cece se ces Moc See 323 
| 00 ae ee ae aN See ts 323 
BOBOMPEI ERI Woe ooo a teoe sees 323 
PPE 11 7 ys ee RR 8 BT 323 
peninsule, ey 8 Be ea pS 86 
aL BGnal Us: = 5-5. 5 5e weet a aati 86 
(ititrontomia 2.) 2. 505k once eee 
DURE oer eee a See 
peninsul# atrimentis, Menidia 
Ragan. S.ceceete eee nou od sn alee 
pennantinArventing.<- 322s. ees 
IM RRONCRS oo 3 See SS ee ee 
DQUBIUS <3 2235. Wo Seokes cen snecneuae aeons 
paunatols, Calamitis 2 coos ccacnce seen eee 
Reno piers eet oe poe en 5) 
MABCOONAIG 8 3-02 Oa Ae. eee 
pensacole#, Harengula---_---.--- 

penshinensis, Salmo__s.-- 
pentacantha, Asterotheca_ 
pentacanthus, Bodianus_- 

OR UWALCUNS <2 tbs. uaeeoroe 

Deming, Luctoperca. ih oo. nk OES 
TR CBR pe one oa eatin ns Sea 
PIN ho dee cys Se cae aes een no oO 

MipiiGbin sss. see Se Ae eo ete dc ant 

pcb 2 ee ee mee fp Roce 
WO LAtH os op aac. n= SEES 
CUERRODIEINS Sc cbevcundnocbeneneeroeeus 
THVOROADM Ne as Saadeh oon = eae 
TACOPUN rds oi oe sew ele sd iw 
Ot ia Bese in ien wae a a Soe 



List of scientific names—Continued 

Peres eracilis.~ -- = 2-22 at ee 281 
pranuilata:...:. 2... ae eee 281 
gubteates-- oo eee 308, 311 
SUNG) oases sees te 308 
immacnista—— 2-28 eee 307 
1[o | 0 ee ee Se Ne kee 332 
janceolata)---< =. eee 352 
1OpN AT. Oe 8 te A eee 280 
loubina:-2 == 2 ss Se ee oe 305 
maculata. 2 ee eee 310 
Manna =. ee ee ee ee 363 
capite striato: —..<<2 2-2 eee 330 
cauds nigra. 2-3. eee 330 
pibbosa cinerea: _2-25- eee 329 
TUDE. = 3 ae i er ees 236 
SOCUAUTIKS oo Seen ee ee eee 340 
MONS Ha ee ee ee ae 330 
MIN Se ee eS eae 287 
POET CEU 5 ees A ees 307 
Hitornats. 20 Se ee ee ee 307 
InLeTTUp ba. 2 See re eee ee 307 
THCrONAls fe. Se ee eee 308 
MSTA. Set. ee eee 267 
TIODUIS 2 ee eee 333 
NOT WOSICA 22s Se seek SS ee eee 363 
mots (aL eo ee ee eee 281 
OCelinta =) 2823 on = eee ee 348 
(Percina) mebuilosa= 3 sass 283 
philadélphica #2) 82 ae eae eT 318 
DUNCLALS Y.-S ee eee ee 309, 345 
DUST ee ee ee ae 295 
rhonihoidalig= =i Stee ae ee 338 
TODUSUAL oe ee es es ee eee 311 
TS oe = ei as ne See eee 236 
Salmonedec* 2 see Pee ask er ee ee 282 
Baltatrine 8 see oe oe ee ee 280 
SASACUIS SS oot Oss Fie See ee 307 
ROCiAITIS-=- = Ss eons c= ee eee 340 
SODLENTRIONAS. 5-2 == See eee 307 
SCITAL0-Craniata.. <2e 28 ea ee 281 
RUCUI get es A ee 310 
Sinaia oe eo ee eee 331 
LOR. ae a eee ere ee 310 
Tritoreg! 2 ec: 1 ee a eee 318 
AIT CLE See eee 349 
TITNCGLOR = =) ee eee 321 
AMI SC ate ee ee ee 338 
Varga 322. e 2 ee ee ee 317 
Warlabiis: 2) te Se eee ee 365 
VEHOUOSS. So ae. es er ee oe ee eee 313 
VENTS TNL60 28> =. Le ee eee 302 
Vitren = ei ree 282 
percellens; Rajan 2222 ieee eeeee ee 23 
RIE DaLOS. 3 ee eee ee 23 
FPenCRSOCES ~~ 85 oe Se he oe ee eee 
Percidn 220-2 O68 ee. 3 eee 
perciformis, Coryphena 
PAINETICUTOYS. ~~ 55. 8c > eee 
gf bt eA Oe ee ae a Se Se 
Bimiaciista se eee 
CA DTOdeS eee eee 
Par DONaTIS. — ee tes oot eee eee 
MATHS OUS = ea Se ee ee ee 
TIP DINOS oe es eee eee 
1 Re ENR ea a ee ee eer = 
PODER <0 oon ons eo Po eee 283 
(Percina) nebulosa, Perca.-..-.------------- 283 
percobromus, Alburnellus_-_--...------------ 124 
percoides, Agonostoma--._-.---------------- 254 
IDajans. = tee st hae Se eee 254 
Percomorpnl= nso 2 cs so oh ase ee 246 
PGEGODSIOSS. 22 nt ae Oe na oe eee 214 
PerCOpaIS 8 os ee eee eee 214 
DTT Ure eae ee et ee 214, 215 
PisiMImMOH a et 8 ee 215 
BIUIECOUNAYCUSs aon n= as an onan aa 215 
peregrinus, Leptopus-___..._-...---=-=-----. 215 
perezi, Pint y Od ON a= 22 ols. ee See 16 
perfasciata, AmchoGyielia 222-5 --- = esse tsoee= 47 
perfasciatus, Mugranlis-——=_.--_--.2---=225-. 47 
periscopus, ‘(Gadus:aoo Se =* =— pe eee 209 
PGrissinty. © 0 ee ee eee 220 
TENIOPLGIUIS 2 oo een eee ence e ee eee 220 
Peristediidss: sen ee eee 405 
Peristedion *. - Seoree eee 405 
bar bigers s 3. =e ee eee anaes 406 

Peristedion brevirostres.... . .. 2255s oes 
_ crustosum 
PTACIO e+ eo | 2 ek = ee 
Joneispat num: 24-22. | eee 

NS Ba 

MINIS = St ee ee 
Dlaty.caphalum=- =.= 5-2. 2 See 
Peristedium barbiger__--===-*_ =. eee 
CTUSTOSUM ... 22-225 Seo eee 
longispatha.-...-....-— -..._ > See 
platycephalum:...- 2) eee 
Peristethus!: 22 >~_ 2 eee 
brevirostré..- =... 5-s<_: _-- ser 
peristethus, Podothecus!=22-2--45-25eee ane 
(Perkinsig =e 22 rere 0 ee 
pthonons 22. 24-2. 32 et eee 
perlatum; E.olocentrum). <2) 2-2) ee 
perlongus, Leptoconger_-____._---.-..-_--_-. 
INe0conger: 22—  e eee eee 
perniger, Culius 
MleowiS! = os eee 
Herpes pues ae ere Ns ee 

perrotteti, 'Pristis See eo tate Lee 
personata; Eviotgins-<..- 22. ee ese 
personatus, Ammodytes_- ==. -- == 22 sees 
perspicabilis, HMimbiotocs__c--- -=-asenseeeeeee 
perspicillaris, Tetraodon_........-..---=-2... 
perspicillum; “uy codes= <-->. - = sass 
perspicuus, Hyborhynchus----_---..------.. 
perthecata, Anchoviella- _---=- <2 - se eee 
perthecatus, Stolephorus--_-_.-_-..----.-.... 
peruanus, Anthias (Hemianthias) ----..._-.. 

femianthias =< c.525 cee eee 
perugice, Limia:=*" 2s... 22) hase ee eee 

gett Diapterus_ 

Galeich thyS~ 222252525. eee 

Petalurichthys:.--. = eee 
petenensis, Astyanax=-.--< 2. eee 
gtd ee eee cone tether 

Sipnalosa. {222-2 h ee eee 
Tetragonopterus.:...-=5.2s=sssngaeeeo eee 
Petenia:. 2502-90 2 eee 
Splendid ai "e* Sees aaen e ee ee 

petimba, Fistularia_-_- 
Petrometopon =. ---- hs. 5-2 sass eee eee 

Cruentatus. 2-2-2 ..naa=ss54-50-eel ee eeee 

coronatus. 5- = 55252 8 ee eee 
panamensis..-- 2 3255-22 -ho eS eee eee 
Peiromy70N= ==! =. cece enna eee 

OMETICANUS<* Sole Se ee eee 

appendix pee eke cuet octane. ee 

(A rtedi) eae Eee ef oy 
@VTOSU_.. ..2- 5 = -2-508- naan ene 
(Bathymyzon) bairdii....._....._-2--_=- 

ae Wi Kaas 2 ee es ee eee 
IBOLEBUS 2) neat eee ea eee 

UWA Seen ata a ee 

SIA ca a on we i i im i aia 

Petromy Zong ee oon. 5 onto c one eee 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
BLT ODASON es ee ene oes Suse 433 °| ‘Photogenis, seabriceps= == =..-2==2-22 4-2 125 
MeLrosus. Hrycone <8 +220 =. ===. 98 Spilgpterusscaee see eels See 129 
Sg ee ae Se 253 StipMatUruS £= =... 22.2--ssc5= see seseesce 129 
Derr suse Sas et 313 telescopus==22 {oa ssoeS esi eS 124 
Potus, Acanthocyiinm = 222-52" - 2-2 2222 256 | photogenis, Notropis--------.------------- 123, 128 
Cyt Se a a ae 256 Squalus <-25 35ers 123 
a Miirean a a a ae 93 |: Photonectes: 5252. <2-252--25-=. 52) See 70 
ee ee 121 Seren ig er ee ee are a esac ee 70 
aa a ee ee eee eee eee ee oe Dal || *PHoxarpyrea.. 2252222. 52825-2 2 eee 247 
EPENTS EL DODSIS 22 2c0 aa eoa doe oe eee 132 C3 [ij LS ee Pee ee Cece ey 247 
PB rongd ON. 206 5 ceo aS 71>) Phoxinus clevelandies- 25525. 2e—2 - See es ee 118 
TINPAUS 2 none es oan et ee 71 flanimens << >=. 22. = 2-0 2522s ost sis Ree 121 
Bie tnonien th ys so. 2 eS eee 264 WUNEMANNS 22S. ssa. = 3 SSeS 121 
poberculawis. 2 oS Fe see 264 HOGPBUS: == 222-8 oaSsae cscs asael ee AE Al 
NAB LOM: Prishipaster <-> ~ =. -=2- Sseeonet ene 45 19 Oe SE Oe ee te ter aos 120 
Derrdns: 3 eso no 8 Sansa saee 309 | phoxocephalum, Cynoscion___--------------- 356 
Manan We RInh ee eS cee 350 Miheostoma.-s==- 3224255225222 5-225 set 284 
Ap laISIS tes eee So ee as eecesace ee 395 | phoxocephalus, Alvordius------------------- 284 
OMe etre ane 5 ee ae 394 Atractoscion.-2= =s-—2 2.22522 -2s55 2 eS 356 
Mualerawis,! WSOX ==. 225 22 2 Se nessa *. 173 | phrynoides, Eumicrotomus__---------------- 398 
Te nel): a i oe a eee Sone ao) Seat bet cn thy seen. -s2asee aes ea nee eee 449 
COT a a a ae 190 
pits ioe ES ee eee hee Ee. 190 
Meir siren Vie ee ea Th aeeal 411 
atripes__- 411 
furcatus - -_- 411 
Pharyngognath 424 
cig yt be Notacanthus_ 76 
S asma, Careproctus-__---------------------- 402 
CTT) LL ee eS a 142 
Sl oo ee a ee eee ae 142 
Cio 1 a ee a Pee 142 
ST i oS Sa ED Sees eee tans eae 142 
Do ee SS 1A) i) En OUCU Seas ae tessa ae eee 478 
J O11 a pee ee =e 142 ff Sn Seen Mee ne eereteta sy ach 478 
Uo Ee ee a es 142 SOS TOCR IB os nea oe aes Poteet 478 
phenacobius, Hybopsis.__._=-2=--22225---.-. WS® |) Riwaicnlas 228k sc ases coe 211 
OTR ne es re ee ie ens 134 GRID RNS: sce see aes sot ee eee 211 
MuOnACOMAS. oo asc ee oS. = 95 SE VUIBE Sane et Scab ab sae e Se SeEEree Ee 212 
putes Clo \ RSC US ie ees 95 ty) ae ne ee eee ae 211 
WRURON 5S oo na seed ete eto ee os 95 TOMI 6S 24 se anton ee eee 212 
TEL ADOMONS ask ne cee eee eT 299 TIGMIBLODUSUSS disancne soee tects. SR 212 
ML VGURCO DG Caio See eau 315 PURCON URE potas ea hoo e 212 
jo eT eee Seems See RA FS SAREE ees 315 | physignathus, Ceratichthys- --.-.-...-.----- 136 
ESE CaS 2210: ee a are ee 318 Piatye0bid 2: = es a 136 
philadelphicus, Triloburus--~-_--_..-___-_--- 318 || Ph ysos OM. <2 = ees oe = oe 39 
MEU TCOLINS, (CONG Gla ee De OES et Ss ee S84) 'l) Phytientiive:s oo. see eos tee 469 
1 ect), bt ileal Se eee eee 435 CUNT a ee eae ane ee 469 
Cp See. ns - ee ee ee 436 WEISICOIN es ee ec ee eee 469 
phlebctomus, Acanthurus--_----.-._.----.--- BGAt Ie EAMIOM 50, o, Bo aoe ata tok Oc 99 
gy orm Clinostamus. 2. Sd2ec- ads 121 erythrinoides cso ee 99 
RRR ge es eee Se, 121 TGR Se kee eee eee So Reene eee 99 
ee Bole: pe tOKitis ioscaeeeeeee. 5 121 PansIMIGNSIS 252 2-- 2 eee eee a 99 
Bue, SeOSOIn G5. = See ee ae 287 | picarti, Hemirhamphus-_--.------.--------.-- 198 
Wigtiacs no es ot Bei ViRnORs A BOLALOS | SS ocee eco oe BUEL SSE 493 
AT) 1214 Ae eee ee Soe eee” 389 Reon yR. Seno Ee ovate se Rea) 493 
Pucsbe,. Prionodes. =.=... 255532 geez cea Bint im WiGterdty DOLULUSoe=. ote tke nae ee 254 
Serranus_-_..--- 319 | Picorellus__----- 172 
Pholids_____- 466 | picta, Murzena. 93 
Pholidichthys _--_- 465 Scorpeena____- 370 
Puta 1G sth Ripon mas oe Se ITE G 465 SIM SrOn i feet. cant cosh. cont. sce ra cases 93 
[ote ee eae 8 2 apo. piobirata, Aliterioco oo aout cs. etat SES 495 
Dots Son eee dee F 461, 467 CERISIG 1 ele Otek eee ee eae 185 
A RSS EE Se eee er. 461 | picturatus, Gymnothorax....-------.-.......- 91 
We Ut Se Se a SE ee 468 SYOGNAUWIOS Sone cecepeent ee ast catbiscess 241 
LS ae ie ieee AE LSS S Se ot Ags | plots Channaxy oct sob eso okecesean ce lose 506 
ities 1 Sa reas Ost DERG SER eae, 467 GroMiOnactess. 52.5) oe eee See ceenk a ees 504 
SUNVenen in S00 ates od 462 CO 1) Liye): eee eo Sener eae eee eee aed, J 374 
ORM cen nds ee eatiee tue Ue teenie 468 Welpobriss 2 22 lcs wets peucbaseasisssieces 437 
UMA IN Sg cba batia dd Eien sen 462 CHO GNI See Gat daawschacaocausuacctent 477 
iid Cs OS ae 2 ee ee 470 Hist bof es keeper steels eeecoee 504 
- LE a a aa TS eerie eee 461 TUG iosabe tex ccpkacshasoosonbscse so see 427 
pv hin ait” Saka eee x Te eae SR Sea om 509 TC SE Se a ys eee een 427 
spiniceps_--.. Deg As CT YS ap a 509 Ree Deen Wiehe adeaswaesksesase ase: ceo 374 
Bitty) ics eye as Se BES Ua ae aR ear ta 123 M(INUEHLS Sek SLs Nee eli coast oans ee 148 
Oi ERS a eee ee eae 125 OURO Gsicancwidaanseesesbadaasse5.5.ce" 27 
(ot) RE ee ape ere eer 130 WUTUCOUM EN sas psc enadeedstectadsocccccen 467 
Cu Sa Sa Sele ae Date en 130 | picuda, og ase sphyreena var ---.--.-.-.. 255 
Pe i a a sree 1608 1 Digna, Spi greene. < saes 25 n55ses-5-5/. 2200 255 
tis i lee a "eee 1209 |" pidlansd, Moxostomia. .s22is.256-294555-5.50 110 
Se Ee a ee 124 | pidiensis, Ptychostomus..---.--.------------ 110 
pt es oe eee ae 123 | piersoni, Hy ate Pevesddaaseu sella oes 462 
CGE A ate ae warren ose ode 130 | piger, Symphurus........------------------- 230 
pn, Pie ee 2S ee ER ee ae Soe 130 pfamentarins, 4 pre Die asasidadannc tia 295 
piptolepis__..... | a eS Be 134 APRON tadetieaass«ade5 4+ 2 sees 295 

GEE OI ee iid on scan escnauce TOUR IRIR A DNOTIBHID ES Uda vacacc sen. -cuskussncae 230 



List of scientific names—Continued 


pilchardus, Clupea--_------------2=3225------ 43 
pileatus, Prigngtos. sc. 5 ee 407 
PulO0M A == 82 aan nce sega seen eee ase 282 
carbonariea’..-525-522222- 45 ose eee 283 
Cymalorram Mao. a eee ee 286 
semifasciata. uu. -ssss5- shee eee 282 
sSemifasclatiim 2° +- 22 2-5 225 22 o aeons 283 

Ao) 0): anes ee ee ee SE 283 
pilicornis, Blennius__--_--------------------- 461 
Pilodictis:... 2-5 -s- 2 sae ee secesecee eles 155 

limosa_--- 155 
pilosa, Solea_-- 230 
pilosus, Diodon 501 

Trichodiodon_...-=-2 25522 - +2 ees 501 
eee TP eNOULODIS= e-news ee 124 

AIMGlEPLSrUS-~ =~ a3 s=--kee sweat eee 339 
Bnalocus.. so ose ea Ck ee ese 339 
DOSCis = 2 sans nant Boles eee 339 

sicula 340 

Dbosquill: 5-325 5 = Se en yy 340 

cornubiensis 268 

@legans-- 2-55-2225. = eee 339 

flavo-lineatus 339 

INCISORS 32 so oSe eee oes ee 339 

lutescenS#2<. 222.2255 5 =. eS ee 340 

oblongior-- 340 

ocyurus-_- 340 

sandvicen 339 
Pimelode insigne 155 

iVTCO see ka ee Le eee 156 
Pimielodella= sess sone oe eee 158 

Chacresl =~ oseessen-s ee ee 158 
Pimelodidw@s 25-28 22s" Se ee eee 156 
Pimelodonees see oes nnen eee nee eee 155 

INSIONAPINIS 2 25-55 Sons 155, 156 
Pimelodtiss- == sai. 22 eS eee 158 

SONOS Sane ome ea = Soe ae ee 

Aiiniss se ssl 22 8 Se ea See 

BAITS sess e ee oe ose oe oe eee ee 

(ilo) te i Ce ee 

antoniensis __ 


SIEVIUS. Secs eo sooo ee ee eee 

ASCIUA AL Ss. oe uses eo eee See 

GUSritis) = - as ssse5-5 5 eee ee 

baronis-miilleris2 == Ps ie eee ee 

porealisc<-. 222 ee eee 

DrAchYDUClUS--o cease <5 5 eeee ee eee 

Catullise cis: 3 2s25 85 see ee 154 

caudatorcalus = aoe a enn ee 152 


cupreus Dee See ne saa eie mei = 153 

CYClOpUMl. <2) so c2se=5. ss = = ee 159 

CCl din; WS aes See eee eee 153 

Prybhropleras22252..245-5, 2. Jee eas ee 152 

IGlINUB 28 ea se 3525 Soe ocean 153 

{lis = oo aos coccsecn eee 154 

TUNCHUUS 2 nce 2qnnoachoaccnaesn Se eee 152 

furciler— 5. ccs 2aes5seu on zu sou eee 152 

godmanis i 203205. ek ose eee 157 

STACIIS | oi ee aka ss ooo a eee 152 

graciosus 152 

guatemalensis 157 

hammondi-- 152 

houghi----- 152 

OWT asa oa 154 

hypselurus 157 

PIS OND ee oe oe aad wa ai sa Stet ot 155 

insignis 156 

Dy A tT ae a Se eee eee eee 152 

IShiCHUGUS Scoot ve2se ans cree 157 

JOLCOPDCIE= seseneosn aoc ae ose 152 

ABS 5 Soe eS ee 153 

1h 1) See aes oe tee sae nee as 153 

MACTONCINIG ooo n fo tae oe eoeae eee 159 

MInCWIAiIS = sos one woe Se 151, 152, 158, 159 

MANEGUCTISIS =o sees cena ~ ante e eee 157 

Marginahis<~ ose ses ces waa eee 152 


Pimelodus;marmoratus:-.2 2 ee 154 
megalops-0- 225.262 --5. 5 eee 152 
MICTOPLOMMSeacaancen 2S eee 157 
MOLACUenSIS: 2-630. -.-. eee 157 
Natelis a Ws. Se eee 153 
mGDUlOSUS= 2-5-5 - oso ce tenn nee 154, 155 
nicaraguensis Re eee seeks oe 157 
MISTICANS= 5 2225-5. eee 152 
motatUS! 2. 2-ss<22c5s oe eee 152 
palliduss22.2. cc eee 152 
netenensiss 4 ee 158 
platycephalus 154 
polycaulus-*.-._-2=--- = 158 
PUUS: 22. 222225 - 35-. eo eee 154 
puncthlatuss_--= = Ss eee 155 
quélon:.-.) =. 5 eee 156 
TigidusS —2e = eS  eeeeee 159 
Topersi’ cose eee 158 
Salvini. 22 3.222 sos ee eee 157 
Spittl- 30.2 eee 150 
VISCOSUS.s2-astesecose ct Joao eee eee 155 
Vulgariss =~. cobs. Se eee 153 
vulpeculus2. <2 eee 154 
Vulpes: 2.20 4 ooo s52. eee 152 
Warmer. 2. tosses eee 157 
Pimelometopon 426 
pulcher---- 426 
Pimephales-.- 145 
agassizil" 520-2» P=. a ee 145 
anuli- 4. 35sec eee 146 
confertus 3) 22S ee a eee 145 
fasciatus. 2223. So ee ee 145 
maeclosus-2ic=5=2 222 eae ee 145 
milesi= 2235 285 ee eee 145 
promelas: 2.222 Ae ee ee 145 
pineal, Triglops:. 2 sos ee eee 379 
pinguis, Pleuxonectes.—— = =-=s 25s ssaneeeeee 221 
pinima, Acara®.-o:22eic.cLs- eee 332 
Pinnatea, Mursna-. = 22-22) eee 78 
pinnatus, Eretmichthys 481 
Synaphobranchus_______ 78 
pinniger, Bryssetzeres________-- 488 
Hnneacanthus:- -=-22222---2-sseeeeeeee 304 
Gobiesox_cuz...6---3. 2 eee 488 
Rosic0laws22- 5252-2 5ocs5 oe eee 365 
Sebastosomus..--.-.)2252222.2-0 gees 365 
pinnimaculatus, Ailurichthys__....---------- 148 
Bagrvel.e cc 22sec see eee Se ee 148 
pinnivaria, Hypoplectrus.--2---- 2-2 2s-sesees 321 
pinnivarius, Hypoplectrus unicolor__-------- 321 
Ppinnulata; Senlolas= . <2 acess seasons eee 279 
pinta; Mursena. 2s: -. 228... 325. eee 90 
pintita; Mursena 2 22. 2.222 See Saree 2 eee 92 
Piptolepis; Hy bopsis..--—-2-- see as eee eee eee 134 
Photogenis==< o. ==: soa. 25 eee aoe 134 
Biquitingas. = — 26 se. oe ee eee 48 
piquotianus, Lepidosteus__.......--...------ 37 
MIGUOtLL (Amite 220 ae ae eee 38 
piraaca; Monacanthus.--- 2 eee 494 
piracicabee, Paradon..222- 2252-2 eaeeeee eens 100 
Piramnutana blochil- oo... 2 ee 159 
IMACTOSPUS: =... oo Ssecocs een oe eee 159 
pirapeda, Dactyloptertisis.22 22 seo sas aeaeenee 409 
PUPAtl ADiate soot an net aren eee 313 
pirrense; '‘Cyclopium:.222-...2-2-.seeLeeeenee 160 
PUTENnSIS, AStroDlepUSe-.. s22-s==—eaeaseneee 160 
pisavarius, Ophichthys:=-=-22--2 ss) Sees 85 
piseatorius, Lophius.--..2-.22_ eae 504 
piscatrix, Pseudorhamdia-...-.-....4-------- 159 
PISCOS- sa chose cewek cade ase ee 33 
Pisciculus, Msoxs 52. 225s 26-2 2 eee 176 
Piscisiviridis bahamensis 222222522 seen 432 
piscis bahamensis, Unicornis__...--..------- 495 
Discitlentus, HSso0K .2222-552ccsene ase ee 176 
Pisodonophis: 2. 23.3 sca oso eeee eee 86 
CANCTIVOTUS. oa. geen ee eee 86 
daspilotus 22202. 25 eo eee eee 86 
guttulatus.3- 5. coe ana seen ee 85 
Pisodontopnisescsesseeaen as ne eee esas ee 86 
pisonis, Hleotris: 22265 .=- Sse 525-4 noes aaa 436 
Gobius:! eee 436 
PisoodonophiS: --. -572-<coccesn cnn ansewouueeee 86 
cruentifer:-2- 24 s-ss5-~ 22-85 eee 86 
octlatus: == sec eae ee ee 85 
pisquoetus, Caranx<~ 22 --2-s-<escncceeneeeeee 272 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 

petaiee; Cottha =. 32.) patel bers wre Seen 389 | platorynchus, Acipenser_-__......-..--.-.-.-- 35 
Gymnoeantnns:—— 52... 55 pease peaphiriynchopss._2- 2-2 ees eee 35 
Pia Wet ee platostomus, Cylindrosteus_____....--------- 37 

iit hecomyZ0n as sneer a aa =-—— ILO DISOSLCUS! 2 onan a ee eee 37 
pittieri, Phallichthys_- BIREGCICNUN YS eee a a ne 221 
Poscilia._ ~~ >= ee es Charies= 550522 ee ess 221 
pituitosus, Rhypticus__--------- platyargyrea, Anchovia____-_--_-- 49 
pixanga, Serranus._-__---------._- a Anchovidlips 1. 2s 49 
Dies: Amore 2s =o ee ee platycephalum, Peristedion_____-_-- 406 
placitus, Hybognathus Peristed itm 2. oe Sa. 5 ees 406 
Bisespharyns2] = <252 > = 232s eee Platycephalus dormitator__._....--.-------- 435 
CARIIAGHS 25 55a sone a ae iit) platycephalus, Amerturus_ =. . =>. .22-2saeee 154 
PInSIDsTAMMMTS <2 0-2 ce ee eee 469 Goptas se er ee eee 387, 388 
BUSVEARATIS 5 eS 469 WiepRloccoUnIs.-- = 2. ee eee ae 388 
plagioplateo, Eleotris capite___--.--.-------- 436 Sotorass 2 202 eae 155 
PInpIOn OMA oe ee SS 10 Mobarynenis— 2. - ee ll 
PESRPSUREIR SN et St a eer eee 230 Pimel OOS. 252 aos on on ee 154 
Niet oo ne Fe ee. ee SD eR EUPAStOr ns pee 44 
mings -Plenuronectes 2... 22... Se Se 231'))| sPlatyglossus dispilus: <2. 2<-- 22.2 csese 427 
Remnnreiss - oe Fe ee 231 Borealis. a oo ee ees ee 426 
TIA RIAINS 28 oe nag eos 2 es a a 147 a EE ee ree = 428 
PELL 01 Fl Ae ET ST fg EPR BS 147 (oth) Coane Ot Bile Se Re ee eee tee Eh 427 
igri seer 7.” | See Ae 230, 231 | Platy; ponig ptaee 3053 A ee eee Seas 136 
py LA et en PES 5 ee eet 231 gracilis i a ee ee ee 136 
LC G1) ae Sas See eS eee 231 Pallidos: 222-2052 Oe ee 136 
i SS eae eT ee ee 230 Doyalenathes. 3S ee eee 136 
CPUS a ae eee 231 | (Platygobio) gulonellus, Pogonichthys___---- 136 
plagusia, Pleuronectes___........-.-.------ Pen O8t Mi iPlabeininiss 0-5.) oe ee eee 328 
SOU) a. Seen e Stee 981 || platyodon, Carcharias: :. 2-22 -- (eee SESE 15 
STOTT, Ta 2 enemas Tee eS 171 Squalus ee oe i= Si Aree oe ee 15 
LOLS Gh, aS SCY RCE a Re SUPT 7i  Weney DOGO =. 5.2 o_o ws See ee 15 
SOUT rh ie a ee ee eee ee 171 OFOUS np ee 16 
CLUS OES a eran. : oe eee es eee ee Sr, Wl SRARLY DOSdIs eee fc Pee es Se ee ee 193 
Planet LS TPLye NEG Tee tr 11) ne ae on eae SS SES 503 CONCHIBNUS s ) es ae ee ees 193 
CET SP Ce ee pee 179 GGiniininerials et ee eae 191 
179 THACIIADOS. 2 ea NR ee ne es 193 

179 Tmmnema tis - 98s = = =< 2 es 193 

161 mentalis 192 

149 perugie yeh 191 

107 quitzeoensis 182 

161 tropicus_ AS 192 

149 variatus 193 

RInnieeDs NN OUHING oc. 5 oe eee. La S5 149 | playtypogon, Arius 149 
planifrons, Eupomacentrus._..........-.-.-- 414 Netuma 149 
PBORTLIS 358 eS Eee 414 | Platyrhina exasperata-_....--.-.------------ 24 
EA SRS ee ee Sai Se SSIS 36 PRIDEIRG 2 3)2-- 2 ee ek ee 24 
aes BEES Sr ASUS Loin fs Ce i Ser eo 24 
pers, PRIBUMONBtLOR 6 ee a re bees 227) || SRIBiyrninelais . e222 ee oe ee 24 
PRP ATROULEIUS Soo scons cas a= tee 128 SRISGPIRGIS 5 Bo 25 oe oe eae Sees 24 
Et (5 PS a coe ane a naeeT 128 | platyrhinus, Acipenser (Huso) -..--.--.----- 35 
SEMOPEDNOIOS Dt: Sees. 98S SS 145 | platyrhynchus, Carcharias-_---.....--------. 15 
0) a a ee 2k See: So eat 128 Nop {ere oT 15 
OR re or 128 Ninomns 2. ee ee ee 104 
inte oravicniostoma. 2. -a ede l een ks 7 PATICOR LOUD! © on a een ot aoe ae ee 104 
a ee ere ae? Ot > 226 | Platysomatichthys............-...-....-.-.- 221 
jo Or ee Ge EE aCe arte 226 CL ee SER Se once eee oat a 221 
ERE ee eis 8 eis eo eae Bee? 6 PIR bUROMIIG eis ok. 2 See ee es: 274 
CC Ba a eet Se ratsiyoyaj tp Ce en eee ore aks eee 275 
TORPOR INOS pets 2 a ee 226, 227 jb ee a a, ASE Se eye 275 
IE ee oe ae he es grec PIBCVRCUBINS 3s rece cs nas we oeeeeee 17 
iit aes Pe Rea ae pee 2 TS” 223, 224 TOG ee ok 2) Se es 17 
pth 5 Pe ee eee ieee rs aemcee ne Tf Oe | IRD OETOCIEd 20 ee ee 53 
CLT Se eee a es ee ee oe 227 BUDS ie secs oneaacedak ace nes beware 53 
Eda Aes Fo ee ea ts Jat | Plepenis, Oa tonvomis. sc 25.2.0. .seeeeee 104 
eee icin canes 227 Glasterosteus. 22" 5.8 oe ee 237 
platessa, Pleuronectes. ._......-...-.-...-... 226 Notolepidomyzon....-..----.----------- 104 
platessoides, Hippoglossoides__............-- 2m | PISDEIUBAMLUAtOLUS. .. os Jacnecan oaseosse ae ae 13 
Le Oe ee ay ee oe Ue) | IME <2 ess 2 So oe ee es 160 
Platichthys 226 onlonbath 2 2) oo 5 eee 160 
(SS. a eee eae ae ae 226 Goreo diptaryiio ss. 2.25.8 eee 160 

226 iri nla ET (hr i See eae See SS 160 

226 | plecostomus, Hypostomus__.....--...-.----- 160 

Platirostra 225-30... 36 RINE ton. aS hc a aa 160 
36 | Plectobranchus_ Seuswt 468: 

Platophrys_-__- 217 evides____.. -- 468, 469 
2g. ; WRAOGMIGMNGUU so. - 2. coca. sseeetanscseleeeeue 491 

217 jecwrogon, Poriehthys. :suisesevedowesbolen 488 

218 DRC UROL ade 2 ke pan dé See Siawoila dna dwn WOR 233 

217 [VC se a Pe eae, ee 233 

217 DIB MANA Wa a taduniane am at aeeh aah gmn ee 233 

217 GIRMOG ees aan ale ddsa cake oawe kid te wh p Zoe 

217 Ce ee a eae See, Pra 233 

217 PID AN aida ina btwn tie» eases Sea ne 233 

220 SN et ance ea wulbalicd atte ind ats Sees 233 

— tophrys, Cihaehings. cs gas baal ae SUNITA Stee se ee Los Se kndiade 233 
Loswioarpvitraveh Sardi iets tere sretmdlcalaspd mrad 2A BEE Ag tines Se nwiie sab nin im « reid aan) 00 



List of scientific names—Continued 

aftine... ee SL eae 
bovinum< 2. = == ae eee 
chloroptertm..252.-2-. eee 
chioranum: 2222 eS eee 
CLOCObaS == a ee ee eee 
ephippinmes_. 225. - eee eee 
punimipntties.2. «2250 = al ees 
guttavarinm,:.. 222 fed he eee: eaten 
hisnanwins 82s. ee eee 
indigo..2_<=.+-- =. .eetet Bae eae 
melanorhina: 2 > $e eee 
monacanthus-..<.. 2 3 ee eee 
migricans es: s ee 
Miele es oe ees ee 
Wittlinum =. 222027 88 2 ee ee 
Plectirypopss = 1-22 ee ee 
pleianus, Pseudoscarus=..=. 222. =~ = ee 435 
DCAPUS oo ea oe en ee ee 435 
ple; Hemiramphusé: 2222 = eee 199 
MIGUTIbICHS ,OAlMOe seen ea 57 
Rileuracromylone = se se oe ae eee 13 
Pienrogrammus.* 2-22 ees 374 
monopteryeiuss.-- = = a eed 37. 
Plenrolepis 22 see eal ee ean 288 
ASPFSHUS == =~ 50st Sees at see eS ene 288 
pellucidus 288 
Pleuronectes__ 226 
achirus_____ 229 
americanus 227 
Bp0GaA Se eee 229 
AQUOSUS 923.222 SL Se ees 217 
SBTamaca..22+ sa52 8 see = 218 
OUEU8: ook in on a ee 217 
ASPOP Asso 2 esse oe Se Le eee es 227 
CICBUTICOSUS -- en ee Ee 227 
COVDUGTIN Fa eet oo ne oe etn Sree 225 
Cynoglessus=- 42 ae 221, 228 
GBH GAIISE S55 Soe ea ae ee eee 224 
GIBPTADITNIUS. =) 2 oo ee eee 226 
ellipticus = S525 55s eS ae een ee 217 
iran wlinid = sss. cee i ee eee 227 
fuscus subrotundus glaber-__------------ 230 
PU Cen Se Ee eee 228 
Plabra sss Se ee a eee 217 
placialis®!) 2. =. +2242 9-2 SS eee 227 
hippoglosseides: = -— <= eee 221 
bippoglossis: 5 Sea eCe See eS ee 221 
3 Uh ae ee ee ce ee > notte 228 
luna ie Ae ee 222, 226 
Jinan oldes: 52. 4.225. oa ee eee 222 
linsatss=- 22025 3.c. ee ee 230 
Linge tile 0. 552. : A eee 222 
TIS eee ee ee 217 
maculatus 217 
maculiferus 217 
melanogaster 224 
microcephalus 228 
MOUS: 42h a2 eee cece 229 
SUlOMRUESL Less See 224 
obscuruss u.-- 2-3-2 2 SER ee 228 
OCCU ATS Eee Sat oes tee ee 217 
OCuNS Ste... 32 ee ae 229 
Pallasit | ose oot oo. 2 ee ee 226 
PapWlosis.2 -~ 5222225 .2- 5 ee 218 
PeETarCuUstUIS! sso. css 2 cecal oe eee 226 
PiNngiuis..-29 2-5 2222-0 3 ee es 221 
Dlswluea lt ae a el eS 231 
pldeusias ses ha eee eee 230, 231 
DIAG S 23 oh oie een See 227 
DIGCOSSA Se So a os aaa es 226 
DISLESSOIGES 0 8 ete es ee 222 
OQUIROTIOONG 26 72 ono ee, ee 228 
quadrituberculatus 226 
(UBHRON Bos oh sat cece cee 228 
SHbIS PALA eee cee 217 
SAXICOIG. 225552 co <0 wedi tan cat Ae 228 
stéliains 3530-222. oes ere 226 
SPrinAniensisy |. = -aeen naa ncos eee 217 
Plernronechids ts. 2 = 2 eee 225 
Pletronichthys32-- 3... ..._ eee 225 
COBN0SUS 2 aoess ee Saco eee cc eee 225 
Gecnrrens. 2 ose sno oon ne cee 225 

Pleuronichthys guttulatus___......_.......-- 225 
nephelussa2s-—. 2s a5 ee ee 225 
ocellatus: ..- -=-....- 23 aan ea 225 
rittenisese oe 225 
MVODILCANIS HS: =o 7 ae Ses 225 
pleuropthalmus, Antennarius____-.._-_-_____ 505 
pleurospilus, Girardinus....- 25 ees eee 199 
iPcecilistess =" =. Se ee 190 
pleurostictwws, Triglops- =. | Aaa 379 
Pleurothyris-. i202. eee 74 
IPhiosteostoma...2 =) 2-3 ee ee 45 
Lutipinnis. 2 = = a 45 
plumatula, Calamus "=> > =< 2 Sees 336 
plumbea,:Chimsra__2-- 2) eee 33 
Didnda- -* 27 6 Bets) nee 144 
Gam busig.. 2222. 2s se eee 192 
plumbeolus, Alburnops_.-2-)-" == ae 128 
plumbeus, Bathyalopex_-_=_2-- == aes 33 
Cousesius.< = a> 55" 2a See 136 
Goblo. i223 o. eos. Ee eee 136 
Petromyzon.£2.-- =. te 10 
Pseudoscarus=. 2.2. See 435 
rubrilaterals, (Couesius.- = = 2eaase ee 116 
plumieiranus, Caranxomorus._____.____--_-- 270 
plumier,, Je Diodon= 2-2 en eee 501 
Plumer, Chetodon.-2 = ees 358 
GCorypheena._ 222-222 een ee 356 
Gerres... <2 oo ee eee 
Dabrus< a. on acc canene eae eee 
(Margi 8 8 ela ey eee 
Polydactylus=-— = 228 ev ee 256 
Deleonay 2 eS ee ee 333 
Scomber:— === eee 271 
ScomberOmorous=~_---- =~ ee 257 
Sconpsens 22 oS Co ay ee ee 370 
Sicydium:..22:--. eee 447 
plumierianus, Caranxomorus_-_----.--_----- 270 
plumierit, Polydactylus._---- 22-5 eee 256 
pluriserialis, Narcetes 52 
plutonia, Raja..-_--... 562 eee Lie 26 
pluviatilis, Tetraodon 499 
DUDS soa MGs = ee ee 61 
Pnewmatopnorus. 22 -nn-— oan ee 257 
Susiralasicus 2.0.5 —-s-=. be ee eee 258 
JOZ0 2-5 ona sac same ne eee en eee 258 
Grex. 265. bon es eee 258 
pneumatophorus, Scomber-_--------------- 257, 258 
Pocatello, Catostomus-— =o: -- =e es sae eae 107 
Pogagere.: 2-2 See 341 
podas,, Bothus.. 2-24 -3-- ae eee ee ee 217 
Podoleptus 25-2... 0) oe a eo eee 216 
podostemone, Etheostoma__-_--------------- 286 
Imostoms - =o aan = ee 286 
Podothectis:3_--23peece---n-oe eee 394 
E104(2): a ewe BE oes, 190 
Doucardi: 2. oso ass oe aoe eee 192 
butieri2.<-- 2.222222 eee 192 
catenatd.=....2.. iS ae eee a eee 179 
chisoyensis. ...--22..:-.----.. eae 192 
ccoenicola. <---> s=0-=<ssecne sane eee 175 
cUneata. = =2-26s22- -- see eee eee 193 
Gominicensis. {ooo aes n oe cope ee ae eee 191 
OWLS 322 -- e+ sconce pees eee 192 
Glongata ten Le eee 100 
lim @ntouri. 36a ne ato ho ee eee eee 192 
Mine@WIATS 320-222 a2ee- sete cee e eee 192 
moelsnogaster-..-.<.-2....=- 2.2 eee 

petenensis= 2 o-5-.6.---.-222-cb ves eee 
Pittiert.. .a2022-b enews as ene cee 
presidionis. 6. sacs-on-ac0 leaner 
TOUICUIATA 2 ates sawn aos tee se ese eee 

SalVSLOVIS Soaccsconencanessows ese eeeeeee 192 


List of scientific names—Continued 

OG ce rr 190 
TED LTT tes 2 ee OS ener era 192 
SEED TTECE i A a ee ne a 192 
SOTTO TS Beale EN eR een, tee tate 7: 192 
SEMInAeTISIS <--> Se ee ee 190 
IER ee et Eee eee 192 
Heri ANG 2 225 ey 2 REE tects 192 
RURISTIS © apes SP SO eee Pee nae 190 
WAHGerppline => - >) ar serea ss Se 193 
APU DODSIS cee oe eee ae ed 193 
Ghai eS ae ee ee See 191 
PRN DS Sana seo ogee Beers ane Bene 190 
LEOTETHL TTA UAT fe a So a SME Pe Bot 282, 289 
Pay Tech fs ee ee a np Oo am per tiee 292 
asprigenis __ 291 
1) 287 
borealis 291 
butlerianus 294 
camurus 280 
WT Cees SOO SS eee ee ee 291 
mes#us 287 
RIGRORLEINS pre ee ae eae ee 294 
pomcciletiss =~ 22 22s 292 
EES eS aa ae ies ae ieee ari 294 
TEER ae ee Se Se ae Se 280 
US es SSS ee So ee ee 293 
ep erate = ape Ue eR ree Fe 290 
BURA gees 8 eo Se 287 
i 291 
PRI. fe ate ras ia See ee ee ee 184 
CCN Se NS Sota Be 2k See on 189 
i ea eae Ee a ee eee 189 
pte ee See ae ae ae pape 189 
Lon ee SS Se. 3b Set anaes Seen 189 
HPTIONISIS._ == 2 Dc Fane se 190 
Lie ep Se Te Fok = a el 189 
ee ee ee 192 
Poot 2 a eee 94 
Kiem eee Pak pe oe 94 
Peeciliopsis isthmensis.__.................-- 190 
Poccilopranus, saus.=--2.2-i--- =... 426 
poscilopus, Myripristis. _:..-.....----.-..... 235 
RAMON DOR OR teas) ob ee 
Go Ta: Saeyhe pS oe et eS eee 
Pe ne 0 Oe a ee ee 
pouty iis as a. eee eens 
peecilura, Myxostoma 
cecilurum, Moxostoma 
ic 1 a ee ieee Mere ee re ee 
poeyi, Alepidosaurus (Caulopus) 

MSOOPGS. 2am and? oe een 
UU eee ae ae ee eet eee 
SRIGtCTIOGODING 14. szaltescewnt skeen 
Lc eee pee. ee Se eka PTE 

| ee te peasy Poet FEE alos 
Reap COTIAT ONG iis hn 2 oc knee lean: 
OFTODT AUS butane oS ese ee ee 
PROS en acelin knedn cd cae ee 
PISt yeoman aoe 
SIPHOSTONIR Sao tances. ea wsleeeone 

PHUGRT ERO DES fate ts 5 ee ate ral 

Maeroleploolus.c ee sa eee 

(Platygobio) gulonellus_-__-----.-.------- 

Syametricus. 2. 23 ee ee 
UPONIUS CHLOMIS.—- =. =: eae ee ee 
polaris, Blennius 

Gotuis ee. - S- 

Lycodalepis ---- 

LG hi i opt ee ce 

Leo] Ce SS ee eae fe 
LUNE apne cea: eee ee Re ae ee Su ESE 

POUMCHIUR esos a A a 
chalecogrammus fucensis 
WENO Ao oo 5s Ron te see pe cee ee 
DBLIAONIUN HOTS = 5- oa eee 
policaris. Pranidea..< 2 Je a2 eS 
OMX eee ONS Soest ae 
polyacanthocephalus, Cottus_---.-__.._-___. 
Meyorocppunlites 4 see SR ES 
POlVACRNUBONOUUES ot ep we oe eee ee 
CDSIIBDRONT Soon Sento ot ee 
POORIAINS 2 2-2 oe ae Ee 
polyactis, Melanocetus-_.--...-..-..-----... 
polyactocephalum, Bryostemma 
polyactocephalus, Blennius__..--.......--_- 
Le] h C1) 10), a es Sonn eee coe See es > EE 
polycaula, Rhamdia 
polycaulus, Pimelodus._...-.----.-..-----... 
ULV ONT NGS = eee ee eee ae ne GREE 
otesic(:1y J eee eee 2 ee oe IEE 

ORM os eae AGeaee aoa se ewes nee ees 
Polyancryluas.sio222 6 len So. 5 osu 
OUONCUIBNIA et 2252s es ests ee 
Diam br 2502s. en nee 
RRUSDUGE eet ene t ot tae oa see eee 
polygonius, Acanthostracion_..--..._._.___.. 
Grymmnothorax. 2: 252 2. 552-2 ee Cee 
polylepis, Balistes -- 
Scorpzena ------ 
POLAR eso. opi eae neak eae ee 
Jatermatns «castes aces eRe 
QDMIOS IG on aaa ne tanscos as ee eee 
HOlvlepis, Verroneulue. 212-0 s575.c Ree 
PDL ORNNI ee Ce a oes oben a vd Oe 
NR atta sea kn owane me wnwa eee tbe ene 

Liars to) be eee Seems pane SA ELS: 
sn hae PROC Bae shah da ee 

TRADE G het ame ee tase sto ya Scan ss ane 

jor onl aC Beet ee ALES See ne aie eee 
QummUaruss aiauierssktsceodcu aco 02e lk 
CES i EN ef Ce nS a a ae ae ay pe ees 
Ae oy SR nn aes 

polyodon, 1 Tetragonopterus (Hemibrycon)_. 
PAP POGUES tas ca kaidededies seadeceadsen pee 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
Polypera.-....------------------=------------ 399 | Pomotis convexifrons..........-------------- 300 
GG 22 oS oe oss Sect 399 elongatus 
polypogon, Linophryne--------------------- 510 fallax_____ 
Polyprion. < =~ = 5-22. - 508s aaneen secew oneness 308 gibbosus_ 
americanus-....------ 308 gulosus___ 
Cermiunm: = ca 2- = 308 CHtlotuss 2d: |) Se ee 
massiliensis 308 heros#s2". _- 02 ne ee 
Poly ProsOPUS: === <6 5 — 2s oe ene 20 holbrooekii 
SN ACOl Ss a one eee eae ee 20 incisor--- =... k.5.. ee 
Polypterichthys-_-_-_--.-- Sans Se eee 244 inscriptus. =...) ee 300 
Valentinian <2" s5t 2 SS 244 Tongilus. 2. ce 2 ee ee eee 299 
upolysarcus, Naucrates-. -=-.-.--s=ess ee 278 lung SS2susert) LU We Se 301 
polyspilos: uhomibus 2°—- =<. 2 eee 223 microlophus= 2.6 302 oe 302 
Polylranodon =.= --.~2-52-sss-5-5-esseee eee 91 mefastuss. 2) 5. bt are 300 
polyuranodon, Murszena-.-.----------------- 91 ipida ss? = Vy ee 300 
emacanihodes. = 2225222425 ene eee 360 NOCAUIIS: .2e Ne Sete Ee SS Pe ae 302 
ZONINCCuUS=.- ase -=ssanecseeer see ee eee 360, 361 Obesusseie set st eee 303 
Ponimeanthys. 22 -26=- os 32 knee sce 360 obscurus 301 
QUCURTUS haan ss eee eee 860 pallidis == sees 301 
balteatus 222225 52-55.-225.-528222 ares (360 POPSTEA 2) ct FLEE CN ee ee 300 
CIN AUS eae ee eee 360 ravenelii 302 
crescentalis’— 22). - 3. - 2 2 eee 361 rubri-cauda 9299 
ATH ae 2 eo cao eee 360 sanguinolentus 300 
quinquecinetus ==>! ek eee 360 SOLIS SLES Be tet Sa wy ee ee 300 
pomacanthus, Mesoprion-_._--.-.-.---------- 324 speciosuss2om. 2 ii eee 301, 302 
IROMACENUNIGCS = 2 2 oe ee ee 412 Vulgarise: =: ee ee 302 
Pomacentius 3. - See ee eee 413 | “pomotis; Acantharchuse 22s) )2. eee 303 
MOUSUIS tee ee ne oe ee 414 Gentrarchus:2.. (2 ee 303 
analiontias2 285-5 eS ee 414 -| “Pomoxis2- > ois ee eee 304 
anialis= 2. Sl eee ee 413 annularis< 2 2) eee 304 
atro-cyaneus 413 nitidus. .29 92...) 2 304 
ain 415 Sparoides2= S22) ee 305 
breviceps----_- 413 | Pomoxys bervicauda - 304 
caudalis. =. Fo eee 413 intermedius=— 2c" = eee 304 
denegatus 415 protacanthus®..- -_< 2202252 eee 304 
dorso-ppnicans =. -=- 2535 6 eae 413 | pompilius, Centrolophus-------------------- 267 
flavilatis 3.22285 ee 4342) “Pompilus:-2=s25 =) - 2. eS eee 267 
flnviventor- sess sees sae eee ae 414 >) pompilus; (Coryphana it sssess sees 267 
flisciiges <.-_ 2-2 een ee eres 413 Thynniis:2— =. 2oe 1) 2 ee 278 
ene See ee ee ae 414 | ponderosus, Ameiurus_-_._------------------ 152 
\@UCORUSG= = 2220. so= 2 eee 414 | pondicerriana, Elacate___._------------------ 281 
leticostictiIs...=--5--22- eee es 413 ; ponticus, Gasterosteus___...-.----------=---. 237 
Vividiuset ===. Se.) on eke ee 413 tippoglossus= i. 22 _ == 25 221 
MiVeatlisiseel. fe eee ee 416 ‘\""Pontinus: 3222222 See eee 372 
obscuratus 414 beanorum . -...2.222_ 1-22 eee ee 372 
otophorus 414 beri... 3 eee 372 
PatUH OS ee eee 414 castor____-- 372 
planifrons 414 furcirhinus 372 
Quadrivuttas2 2202222 eee 416 longispinus 372 
recti(reenums +2 as. le 414 macrolepis: #222 e9s.  eeeee 372 
VariaDlls: 22-<- oben cee sconce eee 413 pollux 2222... eee eee 372 
SAnthUrus. =. 20-2 sesaee ees eee eee 413 rathbuni 22 - ooo 2 eceg- Ls ecaee ee ee 372 
Pomadasis bayanus. --.-.._.*---<-22222-==<- 334 SIO 2 Aer oe 372 
plonPauIS <1 ---20s 5.9) 2-55 ee eee 333 ||. popeil, Pomotis:-— 2 oo. ee eee 300 
WRSTIGIS: 2o2... sao ken nae See ee See 334. |: popoche, Xystrosus_22_- =.=. 2-225. see 142 
IPORIRC ASUS Soon - bi aoe sate ae eee 334 |. porcus, Capriscus....- 22222222 eee 491 
approximans 334 Secorprena. =. 52225252625. 370 
Prayantises: =) 6. 25-3 :. eee 334.\| \Porichthys=!22._...2 2 ae eee 487 
Deschmisss = ses 334 ereenel- -- 2. aie ote ee eee 487 
(ces) | eee ers 331 margaritatus! 2.2022 5222. 55- senor 487 
erandis <2. ote <a. eee re 334 nautopseditm. . 22222. 2-2 ea ee eee 487 
macracanthus 334 Notaitissce= 262 2e 2 487 
DYOCUCHUS= osa--ne seen ee ene 334 plectrodon_______- 488 
SiWWOSUB: 4 —yeas aoc are eee 335 | porifer, Lycenchelys 476 
Ag 1 ee ae ee eee Ae 334 uy COdeS .. .= 2c sskceaan cs eens ee 476 
temiplel- 222-5. 22-022 Aaset ee oe ee Sad || dorobronchus.22-— 22. aaees oe eee eee 486 
Pomatoniichthyssses- =e = eee 296 linearis 5.25222 s35 cane 486 
CODStANI CIN 2s-= 222-2 an - as 2 ee 996 || Poroclinus: 222-2 22cs2-cene~ 5225 seeeeeeees 470 
Poriatomid ocean 280 rothrocki__.. -s.-----seeeese eee ee 470 
Pomatomus 2scc2scn oneness eae 980. || Porocottusees2s. ccc ececsscs. seen 388 
SalGabrik = 2 scoot e  e ee, bradfordi__.. 2225 bscct eee 388 
Fl a | EE Sa Es BOE er Te SS AES POlarisi.g soc cc cone end. cos eee ee 388 
telescopium __ ¢ QUadratiisi2s ooo see sae eee ae 388 
Pomataprion ----- TUR OTL S <= see ee eee ee 388 
Pomatopsetta y SOU GIS oo ne ono ec ee 388 
POmOlGHUS =2 fens t eee 482 
SeStiValis oe eb ae aoe see e te ented 482 
chrysochloris 2. 32. - <-> 222s eeeee een 41 482 
mMoadiocrig: 2-0 sees Sas ses renee 42 482 
Seu ONATGN Pts seen. eae ea 42 482 
IRCUSUTIS 258 ee eae teen aa 42 D Sere sABI 
Portis"... 2. en eae 209 |) Poromitras 2 ete no. en 4 -aae ee 233 
pomibirons.. 0s. essa ae oe 301 CADIG0 S55 be ona sen a—a neers ease eee 233 
brevicepss-222.2-225- eee 300 | Poronotus__-.--.---------------------------- 267 
Cates boleh 3 ks a5. ap aes 302 simillimiigi 223265. -4csse2 sas ee 266 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 

porosissimum, Nautopedium_-_--_......-..- 488) jeenonodes: fascalus=. -—-. = 0. = sete 319 
porosissimus, Batrachus___.__........---_- 487, 488 AOS DO ee ee mee ee 319 
Marostis, Carcharing= seas - "is ses a8 16 tabacarig= 2.2225. 6 23 2s ee 319 
Gobi = 22 ee Ae eS ppl PTATIUS 2s nena a nee 319 

SO S( eo Reet ER eget eee £t op eg IBTIGN OGM Gs sco ate te oA en ee 17 
Seoliodon_ (rl eee ee a ee eee 16 
Squalus é Obvelatus.--.-=5: --5- =e on eee 16 
postica, Echeneis (Prionodon) limbatus, Carcharias__-_______- 16 
Potamocottus milberti, Carcharias 16 
bendirei Prionotus 497 
caroline alatus 408 
punctulatus albirostris_ 408 
Ce} 0) 31519 1 ee ee ey Re ae Sean me ey 385 beanii 408 
DOLLS -ADIesION: == So ee ek ae U 290 birostratus 406 
IRafinesnmaiis= 252 nee es oe 290 evolans 407 
RCUREIIS MES InG Gs == to: oe Sap bare aah ve) 492 frontalis 408 
Ea COC ISTIG: Acne =e) re Ss 470 gymnostethus 406 
JOMTNPROPTAM MS — 2 22 Fe el Sy aa, 470 GTR Seaton oe Sa se toe 408 
preedatoria, Buccons._ = .--=—-.2-s--s<-bea-0- 354 (Oy aC ee eee eee 406 
mrrodatorins, Cestres.2 bo: 2h oe 8 354 MPR DRCLOTBUS 2525-8) = ee 407 
prwestebllis, Alosa® 2 = 2 nos Sa 42 Ciba See eee ee 408 
preestigiator, Serranus___--..----------=---- 319 OBURVASE asco neon ae oe 407 
prayenis, Pseudupeneus-__..-......--.------- 343 Petiaralis.-. conse Nae tesa. St eae ce 407 
“Tiel CS AN Sitie sO: |) a a es 65 WCRI S eet tre ce nn ee 407 
Le CET) a 1 1) ee I SR Se a eS eS 65 punctatus 407 
Mmrcnniinas Dronies =.) ST he ee 159 quiescens 408 
presidionis, Leu a 189 roscus_---- 407 
(ESO Se ee eS Se eae 189 THD; =. 407 
pretiosa, Argentina_..-.........-.----------- 67 ruscarius- ----- 406 
pretiosus, EH ypomesus...-.-..-.---..-_.<_-<= 67 BATTILOT 2 esses ie os pi ee ee 407 
LENT CTE NAT: Ee ee aE Oe | SE Ee ees 261 ROU Se ane eat wo eee eee ee 407 
LOTR SEL a Rn a gi Pe eae sae 234 Stents: 22-6 aoe ee nes 406 

Ler Ere? 14 Tk (rr rr 310 Stephanophrys. <2. 20 so = 2 oc ees 407 
RO ae are ree Se 310 BISIO RGIS eon oe ce eae es ee 407 
Coe ol Oi errs ae 322 act] er |: ee a er en nns AE 408 
CAD ee ee ae ee he 322 SPURT pon eens ee oe re 406 
OTe eee aS A eee earn é23° | Prionurus DUnCtAIUS.. .........--s ssesececsccss 363 
nhs eee ees ee cee Seas She ey Gate LAP VISMOT fhe ooo 2 abe w one naan es anon 23 
CL, ae aaa PSS eee Ss S248 | PEP ISMOUIDN 5 one a caer ie an neon a seene ae eee 12 
LAT A i ie et ee ae es) oe COOL RES a ae Sea ees ee ee 45 
cepedianus-..._....__..._- 323 GOVOTINE: 5.53 omen aaa ease eee ates 45 
cruéntatus___.__..._...- 322 at) ee SEE ee 45 
1 ne ee ae 322 flavipinnis__- 44 
macrophthalmus 322 lutipinnis_---- 45 
TLE} EC VEL a cn a SOI ate ED: eS 322 MACTOPS- .-2---=-- 22525 5--0-2-2---a--=5s 45 
TOE ERE ae Bae RG Tee es 323 sts 4h | eee ae ees Ree eee ae 45 
Brenig oo 5 es we See So 188 (Odontognathus) Panamensis__..------- 45 
I RMOTE SR ct oe i ep a Sr 188 1) ey ee a eee eee 45 
CN DC a i a oS Lee ree 187 [tg 00 ee a ee oe ne 45 
SU ee ee ee eee 187 | Pristipoma-_-.--------..----.-..-.=<:..---.- 334 
hesperis acara-pinima 333 

Uo as ee er eae eer Se 2 auratum 333 
Sih 2 ee Pe eee |) fc (sae et eo SSeS eae ee 332 

UD OTL Es Se ae ae RE oS Se See. bilineatum 332 
olomina boschme 334 
anamensis boucardi 334 
pribilovius, Nautichthys branicki 334 
autiscus brasiliense 332 
pricei, Campostoma brevipinne_----.- 335 
Haustor camtharinum 335 
Villarius catharine 333 
RN ee eS a oat ot chaleeum 335 
rig ENT IONIIS 9 ne mo aoe Eee Bue 325 RING Bs cote wesc tae od OR ee ae 334 
Prilonotus..........-- Re es! cultiferum.....-.-.-.-.-.-------------<0.= 334 
(Anchisomus) caudacinctus.____--------- 500 ify helt) EP ae a ee 332 
Ef ae eee Te Te ae 364 Bis ne wel eee eee as aw ece nda 332 
Primeepe, CAmomMatilis.- 5255 Je 5e. ot eee 357 fASCLACHIN Eo cscse om in eee eae 335 
CUE ita tes wr iciciemn sna sacn ales e eae ne 384 furthil__.... nea ee ee CEI 332 

Latilis den We See Can ae RENT TES 357 (Heemulopsis) axillare---...-...-----.--- 333 
principis, Arifennarins:-_. 2-5. nc--ebedaws 505 1274258) 0) 600 (- eee ten eres et 335 
CHITGNOCES So = occ on nn nk eee 505 VL ilitras: CMS ee eae eee eames SST 333 
Lf ESE ANE DS ap SFOS OP ie STF oP 426 RUGS Jo aceta sy seapawensaaaausas eee 334 
CO fe Peet EBS ALF Sh ase 180 CANIS Sa tat eres & en earl epee Se 334 
Priodontoph 91 Lait 9 Eee ee eee 335 
PEAR ie is oxo 17 leuciscns..-.-..- 333 
Re wee wm tas aps nee as 17 macracanthum. -.. 334 
Prnatns Caretta.....0sssasuaeuaoweesekonsee 408 PPE Y eC] 0]: yi) 11 ee ee pee ee 332 
gh lt a ae ae eee > er 380 NOMA Sirdagh fu dan canna donk oanawie 332 
SN a) eR Se Sea <5," Pe UES 380 Pusat nit CL a ae Se eee st aes 333 
Lat (ee Sn ES SY Fee 319 ARIANA RNa es hentai on 6 om fo as i 334 
P11 ei, RS. PEE SETS ISS 319 EUCLA CO chad oe i iro phd ior psi ard lsd 334 

NC p11 Re RSE a Ay ae eRe EES SF 319 RRS ae eat tl hI a eg en sai ca ab at wb ob 333 
NC | eT rae ee 319 BOBO Opti dh nud akan adakn annie ad aes 332 

COW ORRIN a cai daksctn tambo nth uae 319 EOC he a sr eS ee Pere 332 
Cc adhsabaxtpendn pana ccankeeennae 319 serrula...... Peeteinsicnapas exits aamae 333 

DT ON in egibitin tte chain dee ncienaven 319 PIDUPEL Ui inesapWteadnnwuls coed ena eat 332 



List of scientific names—Continued 

Pristipomes, 1es=2 5-2 -- == at ane 

PristipOMuUs- = 2e= one eee oe een ae eee 


pranvlostes: oon ese ee ee 
meralodon 3 +-2222 ests an seeeee 
microdon__--- ee ee 
mississippiensis= -==-- "=== 9-5 = Se aeeeeee 

Pechinatus.22-2=--¢-2-<4esS anne een 
ZOPNYTeUS... 2-2-2022 50s252-e2ses5s-ncueeoe 
PTIStIS; OO UalUS-.-- =~ =) onan eee eee eee 
PPPISHUTUS= -noccnea ere ae eee eee ee. 
bre 2 2 eines eee sae Sosa eee eee 
mielastomss=) > 2222. =-- 2222 sete seek oe 
SANIMYUS)=2* -S2ee+ So aes ee sth o 
Pristocantharus= =22222ss2225- 2-229 ee 
IPristO POMS 22 = 2a Se = aes a eee ee 
Proarthrl: 2- = 242 -s2s¢-22225=-=+ 42-2 eee 
probatocephalus, Archosargus---_-.--------- 
Spars. 2222222222 Soe ees ase ee eee 
proboscidea, Limanda-----.----------------- 
proboscideum, Monacanthum__-____.--_----- 
proboscideus, Cheenomugil-__----.-.---_----- 
Myo) Ss 2-5 eee eae ee ee 
procellarium, Myctophum_.-------_.--.----- 
procera, VenehCa-sa222=- --hos= oe eee oe eee 
PPOCCLOS! 285 S5s= Ses aesSosesas= sae eee 
THACUIANIS == Sons) aa sae e esa eee ee 
Vittatlise == 223-525 552tset eee 
procerum, Nettastoma--------=.-..-----222.- 
ProchiluS>== 2: 2=22 <2: 2assss2222--2252 5 
procne, Exocoetus (Cypsilurus) _____--------- 
Hy bognathus2ss2-3-2.--25 se ee eee 
Ry DORIS ees ass ee a 55 ae eee 
Proctostegus2. 22242252222 2se sear 

TOU2BIN8 Ss so Sos oo acasses aeons eee eee 
productum, PristipomaA <= 252-2-. -s2es=-— 
productus, Alepocephalus- --_.....---------- 

@ylindrosteus 22.5 5225525-5525-52--eeee 

ONGTAUls: =. sos eae ee Eee eee 


TAUCISCUS 22 22Jesss 52522222555 

Merlangus-..< sont sews ss sos sass 

Mietlivecitis cs ssee5 255s, ee eeeee 

Pomadasys = s2cc8ssesca5sacsess ee 

RHINGDStOS >}. oo sess u ass sasassesee ee eee 
proaliaris, Wlicropercas—4 2-255 ss sseuee ene 
profundorum, Acanthocottus_-____....------- 

APTISUILUS 55-56 5225s525 Sse 

epopnidunm — 255-255-322 sss eee 

eptophidilims.os6 22252 sass 

Neviliorhinus = sss 3225-0555 ee 

SMGHO SNS GUUS 8 oo woees aa ete eee 

WeEsticelus. jt seicendten tds .ao cate ee ee 
Proftmdnlss 5255-255 s3255s2ssseace eee 

Contlalarns 2o35 5-24-55 2255 550202550 75ReS 

ISDIRUS 2-65 ia 36s oon eae te aS ee 

DIN CLAUUS £203 te er eee ae 
Profundis, -IMesoprion --- <n ss5 soe eeeman 
IPrognathodes.s<2< ese naa eee 

acnleatus...2s436525 es eee eee 
prognathus,, Coregonus........-2225525-2——— 

Leucichthys: 523-442; 24-: 5 Pee 
IPYOCNUNNSs 355-6 oe cotsan eee ese 

CYPSOMINUS: =. occas ss aoe ee 
promelas, Chirostoma-_.....--..-.-.--L-2-u5 

Mga Wiss a28 a ss en ee 

TP OLOREONS eee re ete oe 
Prometheus cscessmante acess asco se ube eee 
atlanticus ssa ins xs shoe 
promotheus, Gampylus......--3s.--s=t te =s=8 
PromethichtRy Ss 2 see ener wn 
ESOMDYlUSs 2s ose cnees sneer 
Promethichthys.. coccsso sesso eee se 
Prometheus... coy ecnso~ees=> Sateen & 

itaisras- 32520 1... < ieee eee 
Promicroptenus. ou. asue ce eee 
Me@COratus.—. «2. n. eee ee 
TST PIONS. =. aoe cee ee 
Pronotoprammius. 5. -- 65 = eee 

Proops;. Bagrus. a... 6. See ee 
Sciadeichthys= 22-2 -~ 2-25 eee 
Propterygia 2: =.= -oG oo 
prorates, Lepophidium=_-2- 2022 eeeeen eee 
eptophidimmiewe = -5 eee 
proridens, ‘Calamus cos see sees eee 
proriger;Gnathophis:->_.. eee 
Sebgstichtbhys. .-2>.. so eee ee 
var. brevispinis, Sebastichthys____-_---- 
Squalius:.2>.. ~~. 250 2 eee 
prorigerum, Acutomentum-_-_-_-..---.-.---.-. 
Ophisoma2s-¢-..<-. 2 eee 
proserpina, Mioniansu.- 2-58. eeeeeee ees 
iProsoplums. + -.2. 2. <keteed noo ee 

preblei... --2.---A5. 023. 0 eee 
quadrilaterale: ....---..-_. 2 eee 
Spllonotus2:-. 2.22. 52t occ poe 
stanleyles2si-2.6: 2.2 ee 
williamsoni......-.2-.-. See 

IPLOSPINUS «<2. .cne eee ee oh ee 
prosthemius, Ceratichthys-----.----.--.---- 
prosthistius, Ameiurus= =... 2 cease eee eeeeee 
protacanthus, Pomoxys.__ 2-222, seeceeeeeene 
proteus, Salmo. 22.2 Sk cee mec bebe ee 
protoculus) INyctophium--22- -S2 lene 
ProtopOruS =. 2-2 -s => Rc cake eee 

@omninus. . .. o-..2< 225 4 eee eee 
proxima, Seriola.. ....-2.2.75ysssteweseeeeee 
proximus; Gadus. _-=-—- 2222 222 eee 

Mictogadus: -.-./.o- S22 eee 
pruinosus, Gadus tomcodus------.---------- 
‘Psédnoblennius 22. ce eee ace ee 

hy pacanthus. 2-222. soa cen eee 
Psempylus prometheus._.- 2-222 e eee 
PSONCSi 2.52 2S ooo 5 wees nee een tee 

chapman. 20022 32. eee 
CYANO DDI S=~-oo- on een eee 
edwardsilct. 2.22.12 52-325350-= eee 

javanicus.--...2-.2. 22s 2 ees 
maculatusi=.2.c2 koe cck woes eee 
PacificuS ..~ casei sere cccee ee 
pollucidus =.= eee 
TOSUIUSs << 2 eso wae eel uae eS 
Pseettichthys-.. cs cee een eee ee 
melanostictus...2...-._-2.-_ ase 
SOrdidus!<o 2. osebec acceso se eee eee 
UmMbrosus2.02~. sl eee ee eeee ee 
Pseudagenelosus... .522- .-<.-<s-beeen see 
pseudaplites, Micropterus__......----.-..-=. 
IPseudaroides-<-2 == se-5--=-5 set oe eee 
pantherinus:-.....o. 45-2 pe eee 
Pseildarius..- =. 1-2-2225 ee eee 

pseudogula, Eucinostomus--------- 
pseudo-gula, Eucinostomus 
pseudoharengus, Clurea...._--..2.-----....-. 
lacustris; Pomolobus==~...22e2-seeee 
Pomolobus=.-....--.csscenetes~sse se eeee 

pseudohispanica, Sardinia_-----.------------ 

MelAnOtIS-ateceeasnsononeecererse ee 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Pseudojwlisimotospiluss-22_*- 2-2 
Vel CS = = a epee eee 
Exon olaricarias espe e eer 2 eS eit Tae 
TUB GINGHSIS=- sheen Fas noel 2° 
iEseudoplenronectess.: 22222 
INO ICR NUS Sse tte eee ee ee 
GaCTIRBNIS? >, cr pe x5 bs a dgenniges ee en ste tas 227 
pseudoplites, Micropterus___......._____---- 298 
RS GHOTIACAN ENS: 220 2 = hen nde s SES 323 
ak 2 ae eR RS So ee hare 323 
Se ae ei eh cre nc a Sete 323 
pseudoptites, Micropterus.__..._-._._-__-__- 298 
EMDR DEMEEN MH. >.)_/_- 36 eat on Ae 158 
TELE: es RS IESE lal a lt MAE, 159 
TEU) epee ee fe Ee TS 435 
TEES <= 5. yee SENSE SLES E 435 
OS oe eS SERS ae ee 435 
SOE EA oee pete rene eae < one pen EE 435 
ANU RETASNETP IR one by Do sar nce ® ey 9 a PY 435 
FERRET Oot 5 25 92 n> wp ns = EAE: 8 435 
RENO IIS Sak owe aes 01a x eT PETS 433 
Ly acc! fn ee SS a Sar Ne 452 
RICANS OURO 2 hy op oe rie eR 3 452 

ROSETTA OA se on oer ne PECTIN FST ge © 

TELRORS GLO eee stem = = aera TOTES ©, 10 STREET 
Eseudoxipho phorus.» 2. =2-- + 
FOREN ERENCE) 2 ee nt a 2 GTS 
1S LS Sos a ee 
BERR ASIG oa aan 2 Ue 
OTOH GUIS Se ers pen ee ee ER 
MRR TNS oa no en ee Ba eT oo 
MOTOR DGTIOUS. 2 oF 9 fon ee eB 
Lo "Eee ae RR Ot 2 
PRINTMINI 3 aki oo mn nr 5 +> SSR LS it 
psittacinus, Serranus : 
etuictians bebrus <= == 
psittacus, Colomesus = 
Gerypleonn =~... 2... 22 Z 
acunomimtus:.- 5.10: 3. eee ae 
PROSE eee Jt So Se ae 
Dy C31 hf lea eS ot date 430 
ENV CIIONEN YS! soo) ako ee 33 
Chit, oe ee ees Soe ba 33 
RAVCULONUtOG: =~ ..<.---_.--2 sss 392 
(eG) 1) | ee eo ee 392 
| 117 Se re oo EOS 392 
Peycnromaaster so. 5. f. St ee ies 293 
pT: ee Re pes JES pana pa OLE 293 
\ SP ERE Se eS ed 1 ee 261 
parvipinnis—~ 2. -<)-. eee 261 
ia ee se te ees 266 
Peraclidus___.. 266 
Pteraclis_____ 266 
carolinus_.__ 266 
piliys) oo) Caer lapel i tpn == als a Sac 266 
Pteraplatea canariensis__............-..--.-. 29 
VEOMONYIB cn 2 ees 29 
RPORCUOTAUUE. oo astern ee een 51 
SrVeMNOlies. a eae a 51 
U9 a RR eres ey oe 9 gl 266 
PE MROCODUAIA » naan a Len eet eo 31 
RCRORUATUTIS: <1 cue ee ee 458 
STICUN,” * See eee! 458 
MAC grand ET Saale Aor 8 anna oe ae 30 
OR Ag UT, iene = an Saw 6 a aR 30 
RES... ob, soc ee ee 156 
RECO DUL YUE.) lawn ee etnies nwa are 504 
Pterophrynoides & 
Pteroplatea.......... 29 
altavela___.__. 29 
crebripunctata 29 
pT ll a - Lae tet 29 

maliger 369 
nebulosus 369 
rastrelliger. 369 
vexillaris 369 
PAROUGLISANIC DS eee ee eee ene ee ee ee 451 
LER PETE OYE G1 — Ee Sas ale Alp emai ease Eg ad 369 
pterotum, Ateleobrachium-___________-____. 207 
Peru BoLouryinta oe ee 196 
pterurus, Tylosurus 196 
ALEEVEIOCOLERS te ae ee 380 
TARCO ees ee ee 380 
Ptarystedign WupELbos tee ee 406 
Plichun vidi: seen eee eo ns ed 471 
Pilichthiys= eeeesenee seer eee ee 471 
LOOK El ee eee ae ae 471 

Bt ychocel sss Sao ee eee eee ce eee 113 
SYACIIS. «ooo eee eee eee eee 113, 114 
SYAuUOIS! US eee 114 
Beriorgl, —--.-- 22 eee 114 
JF CR RR ae Se en el ee 114 
2111} (1) nn ree oe 114 
oregonensis 114 
MESES 5 hon 522 oon ee ee ee 114 
Rta ee ee 114 
TAU ESC) ae ag SI I Wa a 40 
Ptychostomus 109 
alibidus----- 110 
TURNS. == 110 

ji) ) a6) 9, Speen ge al Ea eee ee at 111 
[C0 a pay 8 Se pee ah panne APE Pay 110 

(0 yy 0 | eae abs Set pie gama tae pS es lll 
COUADBUAS 2-2: Se eens se nee ee een 110 
COT ee Sapa pons sympa is =E ls 8 lll 
GUTEMOINID. Som oo anes eee Secon wee 110 

Ce NEE) 0 RS nn pi lll 
or (el «| i a enn cere eae IE a 109 
PAAR oo Se en oe ey See 111 
Pees = oe ne eee eee 109 
DICNBOB IA ae ne ss ao cos ele cece ace oe 110 
70) 08 10 |e i A ee «BAA 111 
thalassinus 110 
velatusgu--<- 22-3 109 
Pudiano verde_-_..--- 426 
VetImnelInO tee eo eeeeen eerste ne 425 
puella, Hypoplectrus unicolor---_....--.-__- 321 
Pisotropomiar 22s. Sat 320, 321 
Drallaris; Cossypuum esses eee oer eet 425 
DecodOn= 222. seateeet soe eee 8 eee 425 
puertoricensis, Malacoctenus--_-.......-..-._ 460 
pugetensis, ‘Artedins2ss2 sass 82-22. ee 375 
GChitonottescteessce ee aak at tee ek doce 375 
Ppugetti, Gasterostens:-<2---.-2-22.2---2c lee 238 
Dolctela; Gilastes ceteec ose cece ens 119, 120 
LBUCISCUS ateuseewencaasccdencceosaped 120 
AINE GD ata goin ow oo bewa eee 131 
INNO ee Ses at tec oe ee seta Saeut nee 120 
pulchelloides, Leuciscus--.........-.--.-.... 117 
pulchellus, Bodianus- --- - 425 
Cossyphus- --....-- 425 
Cymatogaster--....-- 410 
ESGUGINCUS: 2. a siaaa se mentee mt eee aoe 117 

EA BRE costa aceite tae toe eee eee 400 
TIVOUDANIN’> sit cebs-Gh ecient aentnaa ee wee 400 
Olgovepiinluss so wutese ene 291 

DE RUMROES YS. 33 eat ta locas Sey disp ate 177 

po Pi Pel Pee Oo LeU. peeps ope pa at ee a 353 
(DADTTNS Joc wemen avatar sake wtransae wane 426 

LA el ne Rietat nc sup ewerdaae sam stews 353 
Pimelometopon- --.-.. aye 2 Pe telnet — jen Bpnd 426 

Ty POMPE RCAIGLIY Baatinte © matin © Scena nis atc 97 
pict felt ig: sah litt Cie gan een eS I lel eRe 120 
Peuatey icrolene --<os- sss cece enere -saceone 483 
Dit, CO nomdrostomac. .2 ooo ween nnn enn 146 
pullus, Cantherines 494 
Monacanthus--.....--- 494 
Pimelodus..... saedatictessss9¢ 154 



List of scientific names—Continued 

pulverentulus, Myloleucus--.-.....-...--.- 119-121 
pulvereus, Zygonectes_-----.-...-..-........ 178 
pulverulenta, Tigoma---.-----..--.----.-.-. 120 
pulverulentum, Oxygeneum_-_-.....-.-------. 113 
ponicta, Wurcarids = 55 n ce one nee ences 412 
punctaceps, Cryptopterus---.--.-.---------- 85. 
punctarene, Gymnothorax.-_-.---.----..-.-- 92 
PON Chat Aer mae eee ee ees 495 
Davidia ots sr eee 495 
Gamibusia-ssssca2s soo eee ee 
Gralla i 22h este ee een oes 
enc; een ciel to Sele Se Se 
punctulata, Gambusiali222=-520-- ee 8. 
Soleasi r= 2 ene eee 217 
Piping (ee ee eee ee 407 
punctatissima, Anguilla ___-.....-.-.--..-.-. 77 
punctatissimus, Canthigaster___......------. 500 
Opbioscion 2222224 3 eee 347 
"otrodon soe ea ces ese seoteeteees 500 
punctatum, Cichlasoma-_----..------.---... 417 
Hoplosternum( (2 =="! ** =) S*2s42 Sees 160 
Hyperprosopon argenteum-__--_---------- 410 
Megalonema 159 
Myctophum 169 
Opisthognathus 453 
Ostravions: 22.52 o Sse 496 
Bicy din ee eee eee 447 
HOTap ses een eee aera 417 
PuNetatOS; AMOMIOIS=-2 522 5-—s— a ee ee 299 
Aprionod0n-== 2-22 oi sas. sseesere ase 15 
Balistese 2822252. eee 492 
Blennitis®* 2252525 ee eae 462, 469 
Bry tts 223225 ssn ees ee eneeee 298, 299 
Caran ao esas ante acne ewes eaee eee 270, 273 
Garcharis: 2222” = 2258222 ene seen ae 15 
Cephalopholis fulvus__........---.-----. 309 
Catylopus ses a re es eee 448 
Decapterus.- ===. 2 = Sea 2S le eS 270 
Dermatolepis 313 
Diodon-----.. 501 
Ques:-----.-— -- 353 
Pundwlus, oo 2s o2- cece e eee 174 
CGF 0 Uh Scan A Ra at se 213 
Gymnothorax.¢ 2225252. eee eee 92 
HMopldstern tims tens ececte ese sees 160 
Netalarns oo sone Soon een eee 152 
ARHTTIS te race ee ceeeeeee cede ae 19 
TAGS 8 reece ee eneneaee 416 
Maurolicus amethystino_-.....--------- 73 
MicrisLogus:—.+-.-— >. - ee ee 
Momnacdntbus: 2.0.22 cc3e5cnecnoeeene ees 
DN ayy Wl 0.5: ial Spm SRE RED ey Wad oa otis as i 
Vs Kaa ns) 009: pa am ees sees a et 
PrignowS: <sc-sssenseen--eaassaseeensae= 
IPYIONUTTIS == cannon cease] saws eee ae 
‘Prommronosscses cece eee nce neeesceeee 
Silage ese ne eae 
Saulaltis? Se: 2 sess eee cosssc cone eee eee 
S(O) sf ieee as eee aia TS eee 
TOtr0d Ol. ccc cdeonesnascenenanncseonaes 
Wracnings: -ccawasecest te cesecee ee oaaneon 
UPOneus. esos doce cece cee cence eee 
MOSUMUS nso hosanc ce cseatonsssenareete 
puncticeps, Cryptopterenchelys_-___--_.....- 85 
Oryptopterds. ree ee renee ee 85 

puncticulata, Ganibusa_-__-_- 2. cee, 185 
puncticulatus, Apogonichthys-_--- 

Chilomycterug = 22 see sees “4 
TIGMULO Soc o tens tecee eee on eee 236 
piictifer, (Crotdlopsis.~ 2 <i neo ecco cece 88 
Hybognathus (Dionda) --.............-. 144 
TrigonopHAuUs=—s. o>. cect peop asecaee 187 
punctiferus, Menephorus_.......-.-..--..--- 309 
Plinctillatus, Gobiusi ecco cae cee ce 440 
Pusictipifnis, A VrOs aoe cece ce ccwechanacceens 413 
Derilistoste thus soso eon oeceneeoutee 240 
puncto-mediorum, Antennarius_-....---..-- 505 
punctulata, Gambusia punctata___....---..- 185 
IMIGrODet Cae ee ea ee eee seem 294 
Nivicdla.c. 53, seve owsntesnceseeneveeeee 292 


punctulatus, Calliurus.-..-...s-..-s-seeease 298 
OULNISSE= he 8-2 on nae eee eee 383 
Hippocampus2. 2... fo. see 244 
SGIMDUPUS = oon ccacc sack. eee eee 265 

A VGDYUTUS= 2-50 acca cen ke gee 126 
Minmilus=. 22... S220. can gee eee 126 
Pimeloaus:—_.. 3-0 See 155 
Poacvlichth ys: .- 320 oe eee 292 
Potomocottus® 222222222 ces— ee 383 
Scartise. oe eae ee ee 433 
SicyaseS ..---. 7325-2 oo coe 490 
Squalus:. ..3 cone ot eee 12 
Pungitius_-_-_--.. 238 
brachypoda 239 
mainensis - -- 239 
pungitiuss =. soi2o ho ee a eee 239 
pungitius brachypoda, Gasterosteus___...__- 239 
plungitius; Gasterostemst--2-) eee 238, 239 
Pungitius. 322-22.) Scio cane eee 239 
puniceus; Hyborhbynchus22222.-- -a-seeeeeee 145 
purpurascens, Lepomis: _22.- as. soso oeeee 301 
Variegata, Salpa. 2.550 222.. hee ones eee 327 
purpuratus bouvieri, Salmo-_---------------- 56 
Salmo.—.. ove. 8 ese eee eee 56 
purpurea, Tigoma.- --2-- - eo ee re eee 119 
purpurescens, Anoplarchus_-...------------- 468 
archolepis, Anoplarchus 468 
purpureus, Gadus-------- 209 
babrus>. 2 "=~ sce 428 
Gutjanus: 2. cseseccese cence eee 326 
pusilla, ‘Aphoristia._.-=222-2-5-- <2 5 cere 231 
Bothrocara..-s.. 2 s5s-a- se. oseeeee eee 477 
Clupeai-. 222. s.-5- cee eo eee 42 
Maynea./ccciae---ole coe eee 477 
POlCd_25.2sanewess=ascs-5eene= eee 295 
iPlatessa: ooo. eee non eeen eee 227 
pusillus;'Coregonus-2 <= --2- = ss eee eee 62 
Enneaptery glus....----- oases 458 
Leucichthys:. 2. <s5. === see eee eee 62 
Symphurus= <2 .2 sco cee. so oaseeeae 231 
putaol, Gymnotus__-..-- 101 
putnami, Acipenser- 34 
Cottogaster___..... - 285 
Fuchalarodus.. . oso cesc2 enn oes 227 
Liopsetta- =... csaces-osss-55 0 cee 227 
Pycnomma.2 25.02.2202. ee eee 438 
semisquamatiim . 222 --- ~~ ee eee 438 
Pyeidlidie:> oo ccl doen eee 159 
Pygiditim = -- 2222 cio cocoons seca eee 159 
fusetim 222. os ees ook cee pee e Dereon 
striat0M: os. -kace se oe eens eee ees 159 
pygmea bilineata, Umbra-----._--------.--. 174 
pygmea, Bucalia =.= =~ 22.2.2 --csssecceupeee 238 
Umbra222 2c eseon neck cece oe eee 174 
pygmeus, Gadus-. 210 
Gasterosteus_.. Ks 238 
(Leueiseus. ----2-cssoceaceseee ese ee eee 174 
Pygosteus.-=. 2-0... -6ss---- 2 eee 238 
Pylodictislimosus....... = -222252-~ ese 155 
pyramidatus, Cyclopterus__..-...-...-.-.--< 397 
pyrrhogaster, Chrosomus:.= 2-252 2225. Seco 113 
pyrrhomelas, Erogala...-....-.--.----------- 129 
Photogenis: .....<---s2ce-<cecsaneeeeeaee 129 
Pythonichthys= 2.02.22 2522 see eee 90 
SANgUINCUS '.. -soci--s oe se Soot eee eee 90, 91 
qfladracus; “Apeltes. =. -.5.-- 22h e en eee 239 
Gasterosteus-... ==. 022 52 oe 239 
quadrangularis, Selene__......--.--.-..------ 358 
quadratus, Porocottus-.-2-2-22s.252e55"- 0 ee 388 
ZQUSs ons o5 ane te es Lee eee 358 
quadricornis, Acanthonotus 497 
Acanthostracion 497 
Aspidophorus. 393 
Cottiss..:-.-= 388 
Hypsagonus 393 
OTICOCOTUUS ooo oon onan ne non SE eee 388 
Ostracloms 32-2 ofencsnaesaeceee = eee 497 
quadridens, Pleuronectes--_----.--..-------.- 228 
quadrifasciatus, Chasmodes-_-......---------- 462 
Phidligt=="essets© 5 F< ~ 5" See See eee 462 
qnadrifilis, Pathypterois..-- << 2i 5222 e- anne 166 
IP OFOCULMS = 5... == opn- ane ne eee enn 388 
quadrigutta, Pomacentrus__.......---.---.- - 416 
quadrilaterale, Prosopium_-__...------------- 65 

quadrilateralis, Coregonus---_. oe a ve aa OD 


List of scientific names—Continued 


quadrilineatum, Hzemulon----.....-.-.-.... 331 
Guadrloba, Kaia="-555=-—--- = 22 -- sco 31 
HUnGripoerus; GOMES aa 2 oo oon 439 
Rhinogobiws_— =.= = == -=55--2525--2- 2 439 
quadripunctatus, Scomber____--------------- 259 
quadriremus, Exoccetus--.....-.---.-.-.---.. 201 
Guadriseriatus, “Artedigs— os. ees 376 
Feelings = 3 = soto sae soa eese nn aase 376 
Guadrispimosus, Scars =. 0-2 ee 434 
quadrituberculatus, Pleuronectes__...-_-.-.. 226 
quadrocellatus, Ancyclopsetta___...-..--.-.. 224 
quappella, Etheostoma_._..........-...--... 291 
quartus rondeleti, Anthias__......-...-_-_--- 326 
Pinaceae bing to eo eee ea ceece 112 
Quassiremus........-. 87 
evionthas 87 
TIGLBOC RN eke 87 
quatuordecimlaminatus, Echeneis 449 
quenseli, Pleuronectes_....--.-.---- 228 
quercinum, Macrostoma_-_....---.----------- 166 
quercinus; Notoscopelus.......<.--.~.-...... 166 
COICRIIN SE eos oS ae aaa Somes 253 
“hit S38 eee Se ees oe 253 
PRIA TROUIS IN eS eto 254 
We SS Se eS La 253 
i SSeS eee ee eee 254 

Les LDS a ee tts ieee ee 253 
TL LS See Se ee a cae 254 
“SECTS St ee oe EE Sala ee me 253 
Sos UG te Se ee a pet k 254 
LO CS ee 2 eee ead 221 
CASE TNT Ty 5 snc he Bel R , 8To eS cea 221 
ED AE aS a pe pon ane 277 
Mrnneens,) © cocticnthyss =... 20 oe 294 
Lao Eh SS Sa ae SI St ae de 408 
TLE See i ee ae Lee 385 

i DST TS a a eae eee ed 444 
eT) A eae eee SSS See fdas. 444 
quinctifer, Crotolopsis__-.....----.------.--. 88 
pentarteeee oetiivits 2c eter 8 os ne eee 55 
quinquarius, Liq it 1 eae es IF 256 
CE TTL Tape eh op pcp bpd tila tf Pie RP 256 
quinquecinctus, Pomacanthus___.-----__--.. 360 
quinquefasciata, Promicrops__....----------- 312 
quinquefasciatus, Serranus _-_- 312 
quinquelineatum, Hemulon_- 331 
quitzeoensis, Platypcecilus --- 182 
Zoogoneticus_...........----- 182 
ry As WII ee 10 
TD a ec as teat aa 359 
Oo) whe OSA PFs eer 155 
J eee eee ees 156 

EE See eee te See 156 
io a aera ees See 156 
Co ee ee nae 156 
Lt aa a ae Ser 156 

2 LS Nee ll EE SEES See ee ee 156 

mebovil, E Peaaialins Se Sree ee 184 
Rachycentride TE a oa ee eee cee 281 
arr Seen 281 
oT Stel a ese 7 Sere 281 
Me Sree 446 
Fadiale, Diplectrum ..... 2-22.00. abieues 318 
LO ees | See 318 
I hc os) acre ears OU 432 
para oe ics iin ciepahini mn apd & ot Ya aad S ae 318 

Se Se ae eee | 432 

let 1 SLES Ae SF 426 
Beals EE SEER oN EO one 

de hi cg Sap ci be 25 

radiato, Turdus oculo.......-...--..- buadls - 426 
radiatus, FIslogaurus <2. ontamskositieSsele may Wa 
NTE ER nn I SIN ee 

Widiaias) bophivs oo Son tee 

Ocracenhnlas. == |... ile SSeS 
radula, Balistes ee eae 5 ee ea se 
RIGS en es ee na, ee 

@oneisa ss 26 oo ao ke 2 Se i 
@ylindrosteus- 2. 2. = Sasa ese sse 
Nyctlophus = 2.223525 oa 


rahleighanus, Squalus 


CHO BOT a oan ces Se 

OBS i eee wee SS ee 

Py) aS ae ne cece 
a ie SST SS nee nh ae 

jis) See eect on ae meee ore 
scblegt eee Se ee are eae ee 

CIBDMAN G6hs 2 ~ ase ae oe eos AR 
(di 2.) te cers ans» Snes genes 
equatorial SS ee Or 



List of scientific names—Continued 

RAIS, SON SLING 9 ee a eee ee ee 
raleighana, Harriotta_-----.----- 
rammelsbergii, Mugil 
ramosum, Pristipoma - .—.----=--=2-=-5=-_== 334 
ramosus, Rhonciscus- --------------=---=---- 334 
WamiUlaria.o 2s. 32-6 eo eee 224 
dendrites +=: 2.5. +22 ee 224 
ranchovii, Heterophallus_-------------------- 184 
EX PNOPMOLUS 2. oe ee 193 
hellen=_.---2ba eee ee 193 
Tanula. laipanis. = =--<--2e-——— ee es 402 
ranulus, Careproctus-—..--=--_------ === === 402 
Ranvanias.--—- so-so aenecn ene 504 
MSRIG = G2 2 ee eee 504 
fruncata-o2 .22sos> see eee 504 
raphidoma, Belone-------------------------- 196 
Pry IOSUEUS: oe Sa5 somone = eens 196 
arte. = pe i ie eee eee 95 
rarus, Rhinoscopelus-- ---__-..------=-----_- 168 
Scopeltiss= & eh a=2s2 a oes 168 
rascacio, Scorprena-- --------------------=--- 370 
rashleighanus, Squalus ---------------------- 20 
rastralis, Anchoviella.--_----.-------==-==--+- 50 
Stolephorus. ----..--------------=-=-==== 50 
rastrelliger, Physiculus-_--..---------------- 212 
iPferopodUs =o e623 ee ee 369 
Sebastichthys<=--2-6-----—-- see 369 
Ractrinvs =: oe eee 378 
SOUGIP Or eect ee ones ee ee 378 
Rataboure 1. 89 
Rath Dunelaee esa So oes ee eee 452 
PGi epee a Dee eee cee in 452 
hypoplecta -----.-.---------+------------ 452 
rathbuni, Fundulus-----.-------------=---=- 179 
AWN oid OS re eee ae eee 344 
Polycirrhuiss) 2 see-2 = a en 351 
Pontin (see coce eee ae enemas 372 
Upeneus_..------------------------------ 344 
TNOSCION Se eer e ee ee eee eee eae 351 
Tg SONGCeS 2 = 22 = === nH eee en ae 179 
rauchi, Acipenser (Huso) -------------------- 35 
WchthyObus2--es=-225-5—— se = 102 
raucus, Sargus_------------------------------ 338 
rava, Pteroplatea_--------------------------- 29 
raveneli, Esox ------------------------------- 173 
'POMGtS! ooe eee ee ooo 302 
recalva, Montereya_----------=----=--2-==22- 391 
recalvus, Blennicottus__-.------------------- 391 
rectangulare, Acara-.-.-=----------=-------.- 421 
rectangularis, Astatheros_------------------- 421 
rectifrenum, Eupomacentrus_--------------- 414 
Pomacen (russ =s2]2=- = = == = ee 414 
recurvirostrata, Sayris_---------------------- 197 
reddingi, Orthopristis----------------------- 335 
redi, Orthagoriscus - ----.-----=-----=----===- 503 
refulgens, Oligoplites-_.--------------------- 278 
regale, Myctophum ------------------------- 168 
Nannobrachitin.--=* ~~ ----22 seen 168 
regalis, Cynoscion--------------------------- 355 
Mnchel yOuus 22ers 213 
Jonntus =—--_ 32-6. eee eee 355 
SPN i (a es a So ee ete 56 
Scompen nnn hasee eee ee eee 257 
Scomperoniorus=>-2--—---=---2ee ee 257 
regani, Chirostoma-------------------------- 250 
iGambpusial= = 22.2 eee 186 
RhamGia_ 2-2 sieesee aoe eee 158 
regis, Atherinops---------------------------- 252 
Coelpichthys-=---------<----- 2 nee 252 
regius,; Blonnins..<-—.- +.-----2- == <2 = ne 213 
Hybognathus-~ --_----.------.---.------= 143 
rr) 0) {ee Se See ee oe eee 216 
Ophichthius_--—~_---.------2-.----=--==- 87 
Wxroplycis=----- oe ee eee 213 
YL Pe SRS EE ae er 2 216 
regulus, Psenes-----.------------------------ 268 
Sebastes... ..--------2 0 ea eee 363 
reighardi, Leucichthys----------------------- 63 
Reighardina.. ..--~--------+e-eo=---£--- ee 9 
WTMCOIOR oncet ease oe oe =a eens ogeeeeee 9 
reinhardi, Careproctus-.---...---------------- 402 
VLApaFis.-< ace oa = -- ta weeee wee ee 402 
reinharati, Motella.-_..:.---.----.-.-=------- 208 
reinhardtii, Corynolophus----.-------------- 509 

Himantolophus-.-.-..--.--.------------- 509 

FeMNGgIS a oe ao eer 


Riemorinas-. 02242e2-S— 2 = eee 
albeScens <---> == a eee 

remoroides, Echeneis 

Ibrach y plots == a= eee 

renigtus. CAarchanlas= =. ---=-=—- nos =e eee 

tiDUTO: 6 ss oe see a eee 
repandus,; Serranus------------_-- === 
reticularis, Antennarius-_--_.---_-__-__---_-- 
Tepicdlata, Aa = Se ee ee 
Poecilia_ 2222 2eeb ea ae ee eee 
Satu anlaesee eae ee 
hhalassophyyNGs=o:— = ea nee 
reticulatus, BIYLUUS=————s0oo—=— == see 

DS0X2 2 enon Sab Soon San ees 
Halieutichthys=----=—-4--se-5 4s er 
TueDISte@S w= = ones eee oe eee 
TV COG ES once sna a 
INONOCHI soe 26 aa ee 
QOtolthas ess ee ees 
TASOULO DIS =) so Sa ene 
Tetiler, SCVIMOLHINUS =o eee 
retifera, Mureena------------_-_-____= 
rO\akivqbianaisoAlpl buat ep eee ei eS 
retractus. Calliodon=—--__--- __ "es ee 
Cry ptotOmUss ss ean 
retrocurrens, Hzemulon__~__-____/- = =- 72 ee 
retropinnis, Catostomus__-_-_--_--_---_----- 
Microdesmus------ Seo ate a 
Ophichthus-- > - ~~~ oe ee ee 
Oy Nicht Hy see cee eee ee 

rotrosellay-A mia —--—-- = - == oe . 

A POGON soe = =e eae ae 
retrospinis, Holocentrum ___-----_----------- 
PlectrypopS==2----22—- = =e ees 
retzii, Orthagoriscus---.-...----------------- 

rex-mullorum, Apogon-_-_.__------------------ 
rex-salmonorum, Trachipterus_-_-__._-.------- 
rach ptenuseeee 2a a6 = oe eee eee 
rhabdophora, Brachyrhaphis__-_-_---------- 
GambuSia..- =.= -s-2sescee Seen eee 
Rhacochilus.2.--s-2--=- oaeee eee eee eee 
tox0tese == een oes see eee ee ee 

barbata—< 0. -seee2 els 2 eee 
paronis-mulleri__==-2¢-=.3.2. s2eeeecue ee 
brachycephala---..=2.<--- --4e-e sb eeee ee 
bransfordi--~ =. 2.22. seco ee eee 

hy pselurasc... 2-5. = eee 
Jaticatida ene. ts. -- Se ae ee 
MaNAaPCUCNSIS ~ o<o2 os ce ee 
microptera = =. 22-2 -tedees as eee 
motaguensis_-==- --- 22. eee 
NicATAPUGONSIS: fe}. so eee eee 

petenensis- -- 
polycaula._....------------ 521222. s--=- 


List of scientific names—Continued 

“PUGTIGIM ail tes aoe 2 ee 158 
PORGISE = See eee eta aa ease one 158 
OTE ITT Reale Se Se a 158 
Salymic 2 See ees 157 
BNGCKWOOGKS eee een = oe en 158 
Wanen-=- en ee ee eee 157 
Rhamphichthys brevirostris_________---_--- ~ 101 
BHaMmpnOperyx.— 3 es en eee NSS. Se 235 
NBLICR PES < goeeee- aeeee ae ee ae 235 
PRECHOMHS 2 eee ee ee 235 
eHaimphocottidee.. 2222252252. Seer 393 
righardsoni 2 <2. 5. 222 5 Se eee 
TanpP Ng ee eee 
TELCO TF er oni eans oh pet el BT Sipe pS "8 
RanAmadnig. eto eee ae 
MBOCEG TI 9 eek, ee 
copelnnty 27) ee a 
rhessodon, Arbaciosa 
LOH IGHON 9 2 oo oo ee ee 
rewire eee eae we ee en ee 
rhina, Antimora 
Re geen ss ee 
MIRE R on eos a ene 
se rn ke ee IE 18 
DTT Ys Fi) ve a a ae gia TESS 18 
PRCUS cote a. a Nee Fer” diy 18 
Rhineodontidz 18 
Rhbinesomus_____- 496 
triqueter____- £ 496 
LULL | Th a i i I Co ES ST Terk 2 139 
(Apocope) nevadensis___......-.-.-.---- 141 
RTC ee le ess ec, 9 eS 141 
LEC: map OS oe oa ae 140 
OTT 1 See a eer ge LES 140 
RM ee eee ee oe 140 
WRC ee ea a es 139 
MME on ane aihes eben bare eee 139 
ERE ise eee cen oe nee 140 
= 10" ial GS aie ee Aleaeere eamigee, °778 139 
eMana YE cos en LS eas 141 
eR oP ats oe oa a a ee 140 
a ee ene eke ea ee 139 
REISER MEISTER sacs Eyl se SR 139 
maxillosus____ 139 
meleagris__ 140 
obtusus_____ 140 
(Ls ea ICSE Pee TELA C 139 
PRR eee ee ee 140 
A ri 8 Fa] TS tal Se 139 
rhinichthyoides, Tigoma______.__..___.____- 141 
MRA ak eae eee 23 
LEE 7 ati ali et AS a Oe aR STS 23 
pancstigns tN SPS IEE NO Paes 24 
O_O) Cai ceiaiiet => BES 23 
lentiginosus 23 
leucorhynchus 24 
percellens 23 
productus 24 
Ji ee aria acaaine S. \T 24 
Beet ee oe 24 
Rhinobatus__ 23 
columna__ 23 
electricus 23 
PONICLUE on Fa oct eee 23 
eo Ale REIRSON DOS 8 24 
RN cee et a I 23 
MOOR ei te on eg eee 23 
IP eC NN So ee ee Oo eee 24 
eG | ie ta a A cay apie Fe -5 Te 23 
uo ee tele ORs tee PPT 24 
i) ee Se Ses ee ae 23 
oy be BN eS SAS ae o 23 
ME a oe trie dic a ciapraaucnens tee ates 24 
at i a ee | re 23 


EOEHUOPD DIU 5 oe Sse ee ene eee 439 
noleqsamAlas.=-5=- 58 ee 439 
ClayiGHl? sen ee cect oe ee ae eee 439 
CURRCADH 2. ono. conten one eee eee 439 
@IPANTIANM Us 52 = a oa eee 439 
QNGHOMUS 5 oes e ee nee ene 439 
PORTANT ses oe ee en Soe ee oe ee 439 
glancoireeniimcs: <= -- on te a ee 439 
TAN PH COMA 63456 SN er eee es en 439 

TG WAEB YA = 8s eee = oe a ee 439 
Pas Wiss Me. Sota ee 439 
QUROTIpOLUS! 32282 oe ees 439 
Shiela tines oo oe a ee 439 
SIMMS! seo oe te 439 
stigmaturus 439 
BONEN se She es le 3 ee ee 439 
WHinoliparis.... J... —- 405 
attenautus 405 
Jerrvil err LPS 72 ne Se ie eke tyt Sipe eae ce Sen 405 
BGNIT OURS sees oe Cee ae Pie ete 209 
elinopters ss ke. ee ono eee 31 
DOUASUS 2 eee coe ne ne a See eae 31 
@liceran 95 ee ces, < Settee cune tees 31 
Jalandi js oo ee ee 31 
Stelndachnaric222_ 22.25 ee eee 31 
WOSDERGNO: - oc on cet concn ches sores 31 soo. noe ee ee eee 31 
PRNNOROION ae, se ci Oe ee ae eae 348 
saturnus 348 
Rhinoscopelus 168 
BROS oc caees ee, es 168 
coccoi _ _ __ 169 
oceanicus 169 
TOR 6 ois Soe ccna ane kee 168 
Rhinotriacis 13 
MBM e tet See cicon dese eee 14 
Fiizophors, Fundulus.......---.-...2usse228 175 
rhodochloris, Sebastichthys____-....______._- 367 
BO DPHANTNN gs oo 6 oe a on ak, eRe 367 
Fnodopus, ‘Trachinotus..-..-2.. 2. 2.222222, 22 276 
rhodorus, Ascelichthys...................... 392 
rhodospilus, SLO SON see ee oe cone ee 489 
rhodoterus, Holconotus..................-... 410 
Bhodymenicnthys..c-.. onan see eS 468 
GOUGHOPHSLAD Ss cco ore ok wen cua cee 468 
rhomalea, Gnathypops. -..........-.......-. 452 
rhomaleus, Opistognathus__ - 453 
Soneline ss esi oe 119 
PHONICS, MORITA. 2 o0o. cn seen oe 342 
BHOMIDOUS UrOkTOS no-one ecannaeee. beeen 342 
Rilomboohiras.._--...--. 0. saesutae ee 450 
CONGO. 2 on Bocce tanec eeneeu eee 450 
Snompidalis, Lebias2:._2.2- 2 eee 181 
Otani e828 se nko sce 354 

1 3 [cea 5 "= RU Z9 8 at BS 40S 338 
OES Tee aie eae s <1) TTS ah 338 
rhomboides, Cheetodon_.................-.-- 277 
rhomboides, Hemicaranx............._.---.. 271 
(611) Ss See EET yaaa 337 
RO ee Foe eee ee 337 
bins Telilisle141) Se Siogs TCT TE 227 
Rhomboidichthys_-___ 217 
leopardinus_______ 5 218 
SpiNGsNR oe Ce ee 217 
PROMO DIOS cut eec owe cack en ad ee 327 
SUTOTOSU Ren con wasn saree eee eee 328 
Trt) ot a a ie hai Sees See © 362 
MINNIE 5 pa cece te arc awh oe enw 266 
2 EN) en ee eee ne RE: aT Te Bie 217 
Isvis:cornubiensis...-.--- 220 2e 2222 EL 228 
GEBUAUTIS Spt. Ss cee cua eee eee 217 
PRUGHOUOG oe coc srat cela ee oe 223 

cr f(s | in ee iis Sei SOS ae 218 

TO NOUGINOUS ioe madre at eee a we ee 334 








(Rhotbeeca) blennius, Etheostoma__-...-... | 287 
rhothoecs, Thoburnia................22:1221, 108 
rhothcecus, Castostomus__..............--.. 108 

rhyncheeus, Acipenser_............-------... 35 



List of scientific names—Continued 

Bibynehias. ~~~... 222.2 oot ae eee 
Sepuninnis. == Se 
Bhynchoceratias=~—= «.-= 52-52 eee 
DIS vitOstrise= est 2 < e eee 511 
Jeuconbinus:. "=~. 2222s oe Se eae 511 
FOSiratUS «oe os ee os ae 511 
Bhypticuss-92 =~ 6b ee ees 316 
mactlatos: 2-5-2222" 308 eee 317 
nispipinnis = _.- ==. = ee 317 
nipromaculatus_..=_. 222-52. see 316 
Pltuitesus= =. 2.3-< 225s. eee 316 
subbifrenatus..- 2-2. 2 te eee 316 
p11] ane eee aan Rae Se 316 
eh vthidostomus:-" =". See ee 102 
Ti MOUS sae eee 214 
ricardi, Mesoprion 327 
sipei, Cotvtopsis=. 2.2... ==. ee eee 386 
Cobtts 2022. 22s soc ka sone See 386 
richardi, (Carsnx: 225 20. 2 aoe we aaon see 272 
Hemirnamphus= 22052 ea eee - 198 
Salmo- .- 32-3. 2 ne ee: 55 
richardsoni, Acipenser (Huso) ------.-------- 35 
Astroniesthes-— | 12 -W=-52-..3-b ane ee 71 
Catostomus:. 322 eS: ees 108 
Chauliodus: > =.= a Sa eee ail 
COTWINS 222 oan os pee nee eee a 352 
Cotiis’ =. ee 2s ee et pi eieees 385 
Etybopsis heterodon! <2- 2 2-_ teens 136 
Rhaniphocotluss-<.- =. a<sasec0 nee 393 
Trachidermss. 2 = ne enn ae eee 383 
richardsonii, Coregonus____....---------- 64 
Richardsoniws*. 22 52a ao ecg oe eee 117 
PaILORtSs eee en on ee ee 118 
[ateralisoe 22 ooo sn eon ee ne 118 
mictodon. 2-2-2. 2 sa ee ee 118 
SluSlawi- 22s es Ba ee ee 118 
BHETIMODOUUS 2262 225 = ncn = ee 118 
Richig ==. eee a eee ee 293 
breViSPINa 92.22 na ee eee ee 293 
Richiella. W222 2 ee 293 
rictolata, Bothrocaropsis. -.-=22s2-24-42--2.e5 477 
TICbUS) 5 CHOMY Stax) 2 2s ee ae 81 
riddiel,{Coxus. . . 2-352 - 3-o5.  saee 
ripidus; Pimelodus: 22.0.2 eae ee eee 
rijersmoei, Ocyurus.2~-=223-2- ee eaee 
rim, | Scomiber -- 2 ee eee 
rimator, Bathystoma 
(Pisemiloi eo. ose eee ee ee 
rimensis? Rusciciltis:- 22> Se aaee 
Rimicolass- 22222) Senna oo ce esaceee eee 
beryllinus 22553225 So eee eee 
elgenmanni{: oo . --= 5 aes eee 
(Rimicola) beryllinus, Gobiesox--_-.---..--- 490 
FIMOSUS, MtroOpus=s5=-- 222-2222 eae es 220 
Rineloricaria = 22 20. 332 eee es ee 162 
Hina: 7 tes 2s Sees ee 162 
rivipens, -ATOpoclinus:..- === 2-2--- =~ 5 ees 465 
Balistes > 215 oie oe ecco ee eee ee 493 
PHeNOdON =< csccacawce sar senet ee 71 
Sudiso-2---- 23 165 
Xanthichthys--_--- 493 
riparium, Holocentrum 236 
risso) Alpismaris:-. .- 22222202 2225.2 sek eee 163 
rossoanus, Notacanthus_-__-...-..----.------ 76 
Rissola>. 7. ose eee 485 
MIATPINAUA 22. - Sees cee eae ac eee 485 
ritterl; Lampanyctus.u.-=.255225. 56 --e eee 167 
Pieuronichthys.. 22.252. 2s $e Se 225 
RONGLOHMUS oo ccwdannelseceense eee 396 
ROnOpy £18 255 0. 6 Se eee 3°6 
rivalis, Salmo) 22-2. +2. 25-5 s22.2.s25 eee 60 
riverendi. Cyprinodoni2)2- 2252. seesee 181 
SPrUarCUS sen. - ssn teense es oe eee 181 
EIVOUATICS OEIO Ne eae eee ne eee 280 
rivolianus, Zonichthys 280 
rivularis, Salmo-__--____- 58 
rivulatus, Cirrhites__- 358 
Diode se ae 502 
yA NTE LA bs porenttge ar It cae Ee 53 le Maat ay a 179 
Dreninieria oa ee a eee 180 
chucunaque sucubti__....--..-.-.-.---.. 180 
chucunaque.-__ < 23-220 seb eso- 180 
cylindraceus. - 22... .22eeseeeree seaeee 179 
fiabellicauda:- 22323. SS eee 180 
godmanni: =.22222-6.252.3-- eee 180 

Yoanoka vA vordius._-...-- "3 eee 284 
Hedropterus:.-—" 258s eee eee 284 
rohalito, ‘Centropomus-...._-__- eee 306 
PROD AIO 2 oe oe ee 306 
prietos..< 2+. 22-5 2s. ee 306 
robert, xocoetus-....--..2_ See 201 
HMemirhamphus==_322 25) eee 198 
Hy porhamphus--==-*=-2-. = sie 198 
ropertsi; Anchoviella._ 22-2. -=_ 2 = Sees 49 
Ceratobatis----. == -L5 28. eee 32 
Siphostomas-.2==-=5=- seca 241 
Stolephorus-_-_- 49 
SyNeuaunus.—- = ees oe 241 
robertsoni, Astatheros 420 
Cichlasoma:. 525222 -s2s2- oo ae ae ee 420 
robinii,, Hy postomus==---_ 2 2222s e Se eee 160 
robusta, Agosia:-.22-_-_--.. =? Saar e 140 
AMOCOPG.s 52-2 -ncse oe cess eae a 140 
Gilas> = 2h 2 eee 114 
ermosilla:=-2-25. 222222 eee 340 
IMeniana =~ = oe ee a eee 132 
Perea So sa2 ae os oe a 311 
robustum, Megalonema-.--__.__---__-..--<2. 159 
IM OxOStOMIA. 2522-2 == ee ee 111 
tobustus, Benthocometes 482 
@lypeocottus: -2"--2-* = 22 ieee sees 381 
Hippoglossoides 222 
Vetalonis= =o) ---seeesae 152 
Mylophsrogons. 2-2-6 2255 eae ee 113 
Neoby thites. 2222... 2s 2e hee eee 482 
INOrOpIS ss - 22 2sen a sen ea 132 
Ptychostomus--<_-- 22-2" no eee 111 
Zoogoneticus: - +. --2- 5s. occ ee 182 
ROCCUS == 2-osssenc aecme aes a aes 307 
COMECS fo onan ne enna ne 355 
Saxitilis() 222-322-602 oon ee ee 307 
SUMALUS 2 22> eee oe 307 
roche), AtxiS-2s<-2<-120~ 22" <2 ee 259 
comber, 222-2 =--- 2-2 ae eee eee 259 
rodo; Pristipoms- ===. 5:22 - eee 333 
NORD OL CS oe ee 98 
guatemalensis 98 
MACrOlOpIS. 2. -=----e=--6 95 
occidentalis_ 98 
SalvadOriS:.....-o-2-- 33 ose ee 98 
TOP CN See ee a ee 41 
Dae ooo eee ae cera e ass. eee 41 
rogersi, Pimelodus-_---- 2) nee ee 158 
Rhamidia 22 22-2-4a See ee eee 158 
WrolophuS2.-=------=2—5--— 2 eee 30 
IRON CAG OLS 22 aaa eon nee sean een eee 348 
Stearnsi( i! 22-22-22 2a eee 348 
roncador: Umlbrina- 2-22-22 eee eee 350 
ronchus, Bairdiella == 2_ 2222-22 eee 346 
OLVIDS 22 - oo ase conn ene aa ne Lee eee 346 
rondeleti, Anthias quartus______-___-__._-_... 326 
Carcharodon 20 
ROnGelovides a2 se-—-see— =e im 171 
bicolor___- 171 
Rondéletiidw-2222 2220 s<- 2 eee 171 
rondeletti, Exocostus: 22222-2222 ae 200 
HWxonautes..-- 2-22 oa o-b socnep eae 200 
Orthagoriscus=..--_-. =. S222 eee 503 
Sargus. nese sb Sooo eee 338 
Scombresox..-... 222225 sae eee 197 
Xiphbias: 05S. 2222 eee 264 
Ronquilus.....-35.2..2-22 <2 205 - eee 452 
jordan? 2. oon esas one ee 452 
roosevelti, Salmo... ..-2-22-22 42-2 ees 59 
rosacea, Mycteroperca 2222 522-2 aes 314 
rosaceus, Cymatogaster__.__..---.-...---_-.. 410 
Epinephelus.-_ 22522220. 2922352 see 314 
Mesoprion 3.2 22ers 326 
Paraliparis- 404 
Sebastes: 52225-25222. 367 
Sebastomus 367 
ZalemDids- ~~ -2 nessa ce ee 410 
rose; Clevelandin=- === -. -2 >So sees 445 
Hemiramphus ee eee 198 
Hyporhamphus=--.-2-2.222 5) oars 198 
Troglichthys2ce oi 2s ee aoe anes 195 

rosarium, Acipenser (Huso)-.---._.---------- 35 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 

Tosei, Salmo-3-3< s6=e--d eS 59 | rubrifrons, Alburnus-..-............. etonans 124 
roseipinnis, Lythurus....._......--.---.----- 126 HIG GHES Se cae ne ee an ene 138 
Notropis.-.- ee 126 DAT TCS ee etree eee RL ee 138 
Foseus, Cryptotemus! S22 = 28 ee 431 Notropis--... CORSO S CEE CO SEES 124, 128 
Ey drophloxe2e-- 3a eee 127 AY POUOC ESS oo = 5 AS = eae 2h Hs Se 177 
TARO 32 ea ee a 127 | rubrilateralis, Couesius plumbeus_..-....... 116 
Miernlinus. 2-5) 5-8-2 f os. rue 407 | rubripinna, Cyprinella EM Pal aes 131 
Prionotus22 =e ee eee 407 | rubripinne, Sparisoma___......._-.-..--...-. 433 
Hosicole alexandrics--o 3 es ee 305: |) rubripinnis, Arpyrsmus-2-222222522 22 128 
babeocki. <-¢3ecd. e825 So 365 Ncannsss = os Selo o 8S as CS ee 433 
miniatos 2-25-44 Go ee 365 | ‘rubrirostris, Catretyx_.---225- 3 2c 480 
pinniger 3.-¥ 24-5. eee 365 | rubrivinctus, Hispanicus.........._........- 368 
rosipes, Novaculichthys_-....__-......-_-.... 430 Sebastioh thiys 2755-5 eee a8 368 
Syrichthys Se ein 430 | rubrofluviatilis, Cyprinodon___._.___.._..... 181 
Risispmis, Raise oes 3 ee a 26 Cyprinodon bovinus- -______.-._----.2-. 181 
DLE eres 3 Sie ee te Sat Cee ae 26 | rubro-punctatus, Salarias____._._..._........ 463 
Foss Balmitias sea ce eeae feet ns ee 60 | rubropunctatus, Scartichthys___.....-...--.- 463 
Sabvelinris Ae. ees 7 ORE o 60 | rubrum, Chorististium.-.._.._........._.... 315 
ostrata, Albis - aan ooo Se ae 40 | rudis, Centrochromis..- eee ES ee ee eee 415 
ATOrSVand ile scp ue 75 Giyphidodons.~ << SoS See Sas 415 
PER co a en po ft.) ree. Moree sa oo 307 
oS A a ORR RR ETDS 2: 161, 162 on TS 1, SD 236 
Aiea i be eee eee 77 | rufilineatus, Nothonotus__ 290 
LL eee ees: ee ae es 227 Peecilichthys_________ 290 
UT ET a ee erie OP RSSS os has, 161 | rufipinnis, Exocoetus__- 201 
rostrata, Astatheros..—....-....-.-_ eno 421 Mxonautes-- ou-2 822352 201 
LECT ae ae > ee 236 | rufum, Acutomentum......_.._._.__._...... 366 
rostratus, Apteronotus____________ LOL) Poss Balistes 2. ss 493 
Canthigaster. —-—_..-. =. 500 Bodianus —= Ns 425 
Gymnothorax.-__......... 91 Coentropristes:--sscse0 a See 318 
I i re 75 Holocentrus:..<22- 2c ee 236 
UT eee 421 A Dr0s ee 425 
iB eee eee 458 QNO8 SS sien shee eo ee 208 
CMG a ae 235 Sebastodes-...........- gS aaa Hanae ts 366 
EE 05 tt Se 16: | ropifer, Ophichthus:..2..- 52 eee 88 
i 5 Oe ee eae: Ee 213 | ragosus, Platichthys..........2....-.-.-...< 226 
Polyacanthonotus.......>....---2205.2-. 76 | rupertianus, Acipenser__._____.___..._-..... 35 
Bhynenoceratins. . 2. sions see oekee 511 | rupestre, Etheostoma (Rhothorca)___-.-.-_.. 290 
ee Es 2S ' 435 DY BDIOMOM As ost oe ee, 290 
Lh EEE So Se a ee ee ss 19 | rupestris, Ambloplites__...-....._........... 303 
EO ne eS eee. FF 101 SRY DAMSOBRA cota shoe tee ee. 491 
Eh Sn ee eee terrae 500 BUGINNNS ipso weet Se a 303 
EE SESE SS ea Oe Pee BLS a 275 Orypnene: So eec ees 205 
SECRIBUING| DICHCISCUS. =n. x pee eraew es 117 Cory phesroldese eee 205 
rothrocki, Notogrammus eee ae SR ett? 469 oT, eh a> SRR Iewes Eo 55 9 210 
OS ea ee eee Saar ee 470 (2 1) fa RECT S ETE PCTS AR 491 
BOM, PP YNENACNNS 2k ect oe emee 241 SODASHICHNCN YA Se jaune eee 368 
ERROR Net TIN et cpinen oes 391 BepaS LOUIS: oot ee 368 
CS ee, Se Rea aE sce EIT 391 PET ATR oo esac ee = 318 
PERMIT ANTS 3 oe ao 123 pa fli li eae Se GL DST eae Te Set £60 
(Sn ee eT 585 S04 | SRI DISCATT ORL» oo Sy cope ee Me 463 
a ae FEE Ts 295 SRIBMOLCUS? «ce aes 463 
EDRBDUOUS TINGS: o.nonsiaeoee sn aceeee 309 | rupiscartes, Moxostoma_-___.......-_- lll 
LT ee Setar 8 Te 163 Scartomyzon-_-______ 111 
AHO DORON sy oo cia ob cc SS eee 271 | ruppelii, Monacanthus_._..........._.-_- - 494 
Poneman = 8 ba Ls eas O15. MDtUSa ass Cee eek ees Lea Th ee 427 
Ct eS are SOE STE Se UES AC PDMIAGATIO DS es fae a ode ee a 378 
Gymmocephalus.........-.<<es2222c2. 309 CTORSOYI 2. Sees Ss ee 378 
a A) eT me Oo) || Meerarits - occ cae we eae | SORE - 378 

ite lis ok oe SERN ae eT 126 pits hig Hea Ce Tes Oe Peet a ee 378 
ool SS ears ek mae RIC RE a 2/h | SONCALING, Crrmnardiun: -- 0 22 22b 0.8 cee 406 
Sebastes_......_.. 368 PPIOUGUMN se oe eo eee 406 
ruberrimus, Astyanax- 3) 1) SEMOOIDR Seem Oacp ay it ncek hee eee 391 
unnellus___.___- 468 FIMOUSIB, copes oe esas eke ee 391 
Sebastodes- - a tcgy BE CTS a co Rn ADE ep yee EET PD 390 
Sebastopyr 368 abl ae: oe ae SESS SPSS eee So Ta ly ae 390 
mavencone A lpantog. .. cet a eee 116 | russula atlantica, Scorpwna___.....-.-_-_-.-- 370 
PAUCMOLLO DCT IE 5 cei 235 och tee AD/)| See OOP pons = 2. ke oS ee 371 
ONG So onan cca a chan ee se ee #2.) PuRuonUR, A Clpenbar. =... ao ks ess 34 
LS ee eee ae SEAT ZOU Pethihey RONAN Sister Oe A aT a ee 131 
US Se pee RO ot 20>} ORNS Gx DIO pa). = safes ce. ee eee 133 
TE Og CEE REED TS aks Bee 266 BMOMAINIS 5 Shas ces DeLee kbeeeeteoe 146 
rubicundus, Acipenser___..............---.-- 35 CUMMN PIANOS: 22 J occcekee a tenea sees eee 122 
Le EE SS AY SIRT ead AD 415 COMEDI BOSE: o25 uaa ena alba cnbenlen 123, 128 
Lt a eee aT, TP SS 415 CE Ut RR CRS SSL SS Se or 4 aga Oe oa 110 
rubiginosus, Sicyases..............-...---.-. 490 oregonensis 122 
EN I RRA ale SIA: 407 plargyrus 128 
SEEEIDLTIN <5 road dauewn. coo ckee teen 407 ruber 126 
Peper GRP UIRTIN GY 25, 555s n<0.-.cacecedtenne 445 storerianus 137 
a a ae 315 | rutteri, Neoliparis 399 
a eS See 235 | Ruvettus 261 
oo So a ars 225 315 pretiosus 261 
Nn | a a ne ET 209 temminckii 261 
rubricroceus, Hybopsis..................-- 126,127 | Rypticus 316 

REM ta ia nenacabsbpaacdann 127 arenatus 316 



List of scientific names—Continued 

ey pucus bicolor-2< 2. 3< bse ee 316 
ONACGUS. = on cnee ane ce aan oe eee 31 
maculatus? ooo Sones eee eee eee 316 
BSAPONECOUS 5. Senco nase en ceo ee ee 316 
po: 0 5 tip ape ers nie Se erence ere 316 
sabaloy Arges =2.-.-+ 26-22 ae ee 159 
sabanensis, Hippoglossina___....-.-_-_-.---- 223 
Babine “Ory con ao ee oe oe cee eee 29 
sabinss Ely bopsis:~=.22. 2 eS eee 135 
Notropis8: =... 220s Ba ee 135 
sabinus; Amphotistius =.= 2-25 225 See 29 
saburre, Chasmodes---- 462 
Rusulus 23a 390 
Saccopharyngidte.. 2... cant ana eee 95 
Bacco pharynx = 2. 0-33 se ae eee 95 
eamipullaceusy. 2. 5 bees eee aero 
chordatts: 222 on saan cee eee eas 
Naga litea oy ee ee 
saccostoma, Lasiognathus_-__.____-----.----- 
sacrificii, Rhamdia Se oe NE eh ae ee 
sadina, Clupea Eee ee eee eee 
Pramiehis. oh a 
BAOlG= 2 oan eee ane ee 
bene ==> 5-22. 2. aoe oe ee 
Saeamitis; BDISUS= 22 25552se 2 se eee 
MOTGAK-*-=- —>. 222 
sagitta, Amblyopus 
Poeclichthys 2.27 2 2s ee pee etes 
"DOLTEN Taras! See 2 ee ee 
"Ry losuriiss 2 ee ee a See 
PD yTiGlastes: © seo a ee ee 2 Ae ad ein 
sagittula, Euctenogobius_-__..___....._..--.. 
Gobionellus. 22-5 9 eee iy 2 
Sacvaracds-—se oe = ae ok eee 
saida, Boreogadus:-—=_ 2222 ee 
AOUS ~~ <7. 22 ta sneea SE = oo ee 
AairaS Wololapis io sano nsec a oe eee 
SEN EY ees Se See ee a eee eae 
1C\, ¢i:) ees ee 
Virpinalis=seee-e— = 
salar. Salmon 5-22 oot ..=22 6. 5s eee 
Palaria. =. 22. ooo ao ae _ So Te fee ae 
Salarias alticuse:.:s20-- 22) sess eee eee 
atlanhicus. 5-2 2-i5 22525-22252" eee 
Chiostictus = = 522-6 2 es ee eee 
MATPAriLACelIS 2 sana ea ee 2 ae ae ee 
rubro-punctatus.- -— 1-25. 8-2-2 Seueeee 
salarias rubropunctatus 
LOXUUIS = 22) oe. 2 28e Te Ses ae hee 
VOMEINUS 22 ae ke eet ee Oe eee AS 
salarias rubropunctatus, Salarias__...___-._-- 463 
Salarichthys 463 
TOXGES eee eee 463 
Saleima aurata 339 
Salemigsa i? Sot eco ae eee 337 
rhomboidalis 338 
[ny tots) 0 hs eee ee a a ae 338 
galiens: Blomnitis= 2225252 8-4 522 ns ee 463 
Oligoplites: 22.2852 s= 25s alee eee 277 
Scombers. > J osseenec eso nc eoe8 eee 277 
(DRVINNUS 22 see ween se sere stesso 259 
galin, Sparus. 20-3 sees eee 2 2 aes ees 338 
faliss, Atherin’chthiys-_°2- 22) 22--2-2 > ee 248 
salisel, Alpansea- 2222. -ccos2sc2cen- seen 116 
Cerat'chthivs.._2-. .a2seiesse eee 116 
sallet, Archomenidia:-_ 202 a aeeeee 248 
Atherinichth ys. 2222 22.22 ocsesseepeden ses 248 
Salm0 es eee eee 55 
adirondacus- --- 59 
SPASM os 60 
seua-botita.- 222002 ssco_ 3. ae e ee 59 
AT oY. a eee Sipe ee eee eM 60 
AUORNANIGUSIS >. o.. 2 oes cosns a eee 60 
AION YSUNUB 20 cena s~nsessse see ae ene 59 
POISON | eters Onan anaes cee. 55 
AGUUATUS sewn 3 aoe So. 23 cca 58 
pkgs haf st) ee Se ee gee aes Sey 55 
SYCUCUB aoa sess. cana see 66 
AT CHUINS Sota ena a se i sa ee 61 
DAMN oe cena ern oe ot eee 61 
bath eeetorn oo. eee) =o eee 57 
beardsle 2 ea seen asec ee eee eeneee 57 
Dot viento ee eee eo eee 56 

Camp Hell ee ceennn--n- 2 

Clarkes. 22) 

(Coregonus) harengus 
lucidus 22-2. = 
sapidissimus:: <==. .2=--.).2( eae 
tullibee.-<22 +. 2-2 eee 
crescentis: =: 2222) 22222: SL ee ee 
@UnDS =. 2222 o as Se eo 


Shasta2=---oss sone sone eee 

gard se oboaedencasnneene= ee ee 
PIDDSU eo cae an cnet ec ase ee 
pilberti-.2-2=-5--Li2-2:5 2 
gorbuscha Soe oe ee 
ALCNCUS! =o oe wean eae ee eee 

jordan. <0 oo se eee 
kennerlyi. 20252-22222 52- 5 eee 

kisutch..22:-s¢o 232505. 262 eee 
ISSVIPApliS: =< Sos ee ee See 

lation: . 2 asi es eee 

lycgodon =: 5.222222_:3-. ee 
macdonaldi-:_22.....2-.. 2.2 See 
mackenzils. 522222 - 2-22) ee eee 61 
(Mallotus) pacificus__-____--__-L22222-23 66 

MOALCETAV I ooo cca cana ns noe 100 
WMATStOM ee eee das o ase ese 61 

ROBSOMIe se See oa eee ee 
respelraic(avhitcle eee oe 
miulktscbutsep <= — -. 5-220 oo sen 54 

ba Lien = Sab ain een aes aden 56 

agua-Donita.<_ 2222-50550. 59 
macdonaldi™ 2.205225. ee eee 57 
MV ODS 8 heen aa ee ee 163 


List of scientific names—Continued 

: Page 
Salmo nigrescens : saludanus;-Alburnopss -==ss22222---5--2ssu 4. 132 
Titus =o ewe. 22d Se Hrudsonigs=¢ =< 8+ 5 a2<2ee Sst eee 132 
numunifer 98 
omiscomaycus 192 
Omiul- 2. ee 60 
oquassa <=. -=5-fes-e= 60 
orientalis 60 
(Osmerns) olidtis=- => = 2) ee SEL 68 60 
Gtser 0.2 ase sae eae ee 64 61 
Quahaniche. 2-2-3. =. ee 56 60 
Dallidns =e -2Shcenst 2 2~ Se ee 59 60 
parkel. 2256 se eno eR 61 TEE 61 
PaNcidens, 2 maso2s2528.—8s eS 55 Spactabilissassaees— seen eee eeenaeee 61 
Penshinensis: = su) s25= eso - -Se 56 IS Oe eee 61 
PICHTILICHS =~ -baseens hs 55 ee a Se 57 NANOS Aa Caeeeee ae mee nee ee en en sameeren 61 
at ee ee eee eee Ie ee 61 GHEE SP 8 ne Se 61 
bt ee 60 
Spectabilis2 2b. <2k li e2sese5cs- 52222 61 
stapnalis...-*=221<<=22<s2222s2+_2. ee 60 
timagamensis--==<<s22552222-22-.-5-32--2 60 
salvelinus; Salmioz=-===+<2<2----222...20 22522 60 
Si¢ydiumiice:ci cece esse cetscssaee see e225 448 
sanctse-helene, Caranx-...-...........-.-... 270 
TEC) 151 | a i a ae er rer eis 60 Decapterus..<s222:-o-<22sssccc-oencescns 270 
SariPniNOlONtUS. . sae che sees eet). s2ee 55 Gymmothorax. =< 2¢25=-=2:-2<---<22e22225 92 
iia) Se ee re See ae 163 MunemeNGes ooo ocecd ceesectccueeeksecaeg eee 92 
BOC oN conn anit aed ee lS Bere 54 | sancte-lucise, Corvula...-.....-............. 345 
BENGEO > sanesnaca cavity years mace oe eee 56 Vacub@ue sso <sctucsceseses sce eens cs ok 345 
SUGTS Fe Se TE See 58 | sancte-marthe, Vomer_.......-...-...-..... 275 
siscowet 60: |) sanctz—petri, Vomer......................... 275 
siskawitz 60 | sancts-rose, Ulvicola...........-.-...-.--.. 467 
smaragdus-.--- 58 | sancti-eustatii, Callionymus---.---.--.. 450 
socialis _ - 66 | sancti-laurentii, Engyophyrs---.-.---- Ea 220 
spectabilis_--- 61.| sancti-martini, Gobiesox_..........-......... 490 
spilurus 57 | sancti-pauli, Holocentrum................... 236 
stagnalis 60 PIGIOGONGUSS 2c ca casecec=s i seeccaes2 Fee 236 
Tt ac re a anne Ste see 57. | BBHdeEs + csoscecee eee ee ee 282 
BUT acre a Ann so Sciam ac gS ER 58 | sandvicensis, Gobius--..-.----........-...-. 440 
oa ia Rd a RE Se ee eee 54 Pimplaprertsrens 152 anccassstsea hee seo 339 
BRRTCWIODS sive dnote cr sata 5 eee 59 | sandwichensis, Balistes_.................. 493, 494 
ORANG ae vibrato Sas a ei ahs Sons > SNS 57 | sanguifluus, Poecilichthys...............-..- 
ONG 1 a a aa ec pense ae 55 | sanguineus, Antennarius--.-.....-..--..-..- 505 
SARWAN cin is os chs ates 4 cae ats 66 Apodichthys-ssscccccecscsssdcccensliole. 
59 Holocentruss isa ccectasccsstces.8el2s2 8 
58 Pythonichthys= sas2ssscaeeseses5cc2-2u22 
55 SiCVESGEi se scaccwaccnsectcnnnsscsseeeee ee 
55 | sanguinolentus, Pomotis 
54 BalmOse0o22sLUaenakaawouatec 
55 | santa-ane, Gasterosteus-.................... 
61 | santw#-anz, Notolepidomyzon-_--......-.-... 104 
164 Pantosteus.-scdccecusseasesciciuvosseson 104 
60 | santamaris, Moniana-............--..---.-. 131 
60 Wotroplls s. < ssaiccanticdabacsconeansecee 131 
66} sapidissing...<0cctsenswsasecesincarass bese oas 42 
57 MMDCR = vn naecosassscaventasasscouesauende 42 
55 | sapidissimus, Salmo (Coregonus) -_--..---.-- 64 
59 || saponaceus, Anthias............2.<-s-2-....- 316 
Meee UR DNOS. 2 ooo cacao suse e cee 297, 298 We DUCUR! sewencceabesccnnssscacneee secs 316 
PURO MN ccna accents as cine mE 907" |) Gales OY GUM So naatacesetaeunecea ene 256 
EE Sy (ca a a ee Ba<b4 |) SAPs, ceccen san chi vescnneeeeee 265 
MII ec aice m cte ahs ee 908':| SHPaNS ApIAMUS sci cas cescnsccdcsstaxs see 308 
Ce Sees re res 989} SHPGHtUs eons cudceaawbentaescleeesdeee 36 
fata st TLC s Cai i ah he Ae ce eee 163, 172 argenteus__- 36 
[ON a ae ee 40 vittatus_-_ 36 
SOIT NOCUU DOS on oe cratic mes teas 373 | Sarcidium-----. 142 
salmonicolor, Merulinus__...........-.....-- 407 REGARD S32 sé sasuke Ret siacer ele 142 
RMR oe neta aia iank oss omen wet 64: || BGRCHIB She okeaccdecatasesteckwaades dive cuee 23 
(EGET, (a patel a i I aR ae ne 54!) SAGAR soca cussannonspwabbeasinhacndeuaeLe 259 
I MR ars cthsarmerates alatiniarc sa iss uienien SRSA ERIN 214 GUMGtSIS a. ccushnbWeswsnadeakocoduwceaual 259 
th | 2 a ae ies Sema = 215 [ist 1: ie ee ee Ar Soe oe 259 
eR tens tad el am wis a alo ds anc 214 OMBUINUA as cuniecbwakwwheacacusslseon ate 259 
Salpa purpurascens variegata.___.._.-. wid dle 327 SRD ie bo cdancvaswadbuusnabdcocteaenaen 259 
Ssaltans, Ciorinemns. 22... eevee) |) 277 WEIDK Ii sownencdusatunktieddnadsateuMdie 259 
saltator, Hemiramphus.-._................... 100)|) QO BUBACOG Ss: so bsp.5 2c ckewsuiedsanspwdeein 259 
RRR OEMO a ia etn wd alate 277 BOMIUEL Ss oacawnanalnnarapnigheubedaatate 259 
Ce a ae 465 0 RRC i oe, Joan saavacbwaWenssccunapiwoke 43 
saltatrix, Gastercetaus....-.-....-.----oaeeae 280 PeCHOCHINDARICH ss snsnesnatsacdsaucninbbe 43 

Uo Me Mie pe oS Ea RR I 280 | sardina, Atherina 
RAIERRSREA STEARIC 280 BIMCUgG wide acivbiesee vedeeedecbdensse 43 


~ aaa tel eee 
Garamvlla>- = 222 ceo 


sargoides, Cheetodon 
finiviatilis soon cee 

caribseus. ...-.....- 


Wittla= 50 wile soacas 

sargus, Diplodus------- 

maculo-cinctus- 360 | scapularis, Anisotremus_---_.-.---.- 

MigrivOsitis.. =e en==—==— 360 Strongylura 
SSrriLOl: weesesese see sea ee nee eae ena 395 Tylosurus--_- 

fronts ens See nee eee eee eee 390'-|| “Scaridsess-sccccesseseeose=oeees 

leptorhynchus- _..<..---..2252.2.----==-- 305: | \Scarcina=- <=...5s26. eee 
sarritor, EriONOtUS 222-cess--sea=ase—==—e=—== 407 ETRY LOA= so cen ocae eee 
Satanoperca=. 22s seeetan == oe eee 424 || Scartella-s- 92 -2s2cc-sesess8 ee 
(Satanoperca) crassilabris, Geophagus- -----.- 424 brevipinnis-essissss2<2222-2--— 
satiricus: Neoclinus:-_5---=---22e=n-c>-eeneee 458 mMicrostomMsa. 22.256 Lean 

Pteropnat nse.) 06) - ss — 222 eee ee £58) |) ‘Scart eseee soa- scan se oe ete eee 
satis parva et glabra, Pleuronectes_-_-.------- 2i7-|-scartes se unduluss]sose=-sess=e ene 
saturnus, Amblodon 348; |)Sdarbichthys_s-ss-05 252224 ssae=a sees 

RilinOsclon. => nena ssaeee seen ose 348 ToObropunctatusissss se sees ese 
Saurenchelys--- 82 | Scartomyzon 

cancrivora.......-.- 82 i 
Saurida.--2--~----scsace--——= 164 

mediterranea 163 | Scarus 

ritejay eli: Sie a me ree 164 
rE rica ee eS eee ee Sceicost 163 

ANON Bie oe <= ceeenaee see see nee ane aee 164 

argenteuS......-------<-cn-s--s0-=---0== 277 

IDTRVITOSIEIS on ooo eee enoe> seater 163 

ios eS Sa es apt = mmr 163 

Fatermedius ee ee an Reet ae te 164 aurofrenatus:s2-sesesss2-2se5-o— 

pats G0 9 Re eee 163 hollmaniis22 3225-25522 

NUCIOCE DS ese e nesses een oe 163 brachislis:22 sssea sans eee oc seaen 

mexicanus 163 (feo eG) Ce a eee 

myops...--- 163 (CGatesby) ssseasensece ce oee a eene 

spixianus_...- 163 GhlOtiss 2 ssssesssesenessee aera 

truncatus 163 CHrySOPlerllS Sana ec ee eer ee oe een ee neeae 
saurus, Elops 39 circumnotatus-___- 

EiS0X. 2-2 snenee sss cewasan anne aeeen ae 197 coccineus-.------ “32 

Oligoplites 277 Coplestinus 2. sncess assoc ce tenes 

RaWiG ie sec sc adan caaeen en eee 163 COMpPressussaeesosas= eee eee oe 

Scone? WJ csc can ne senenqeenseesanewan 277 CTOICONSIS --ccceeese sen =e ona 

Hcomberesex.. fa. -.oncoeeeseeeeocccseees 197 CUZAMI Sacer ese ee ene neeaeee 

SyNOGUS = oo sens ceceeseccnseenelaeraae 163 Gentiens<-seccsescse sees eee eaten 
Savinsuril. DIANA. ce-csseccananscemecaseeee= 265 Cobo (ye 6 eee 

LON ost 17 ea Oe ae ea ee 265 distinetus -.-- = See 
savannas, Murscna 2... son cece cee ee 78 emarginatum:—.ocsceeee soe e eee 

IMIOESONIBG OSs Scere cedtanesocnawa soe 78 emblematicus:—.----- 
saxatilis, Catulus 11 ery thrinoides S222 eee 

Chetodon___ 414 evermanni-s2 sos sescecoeeesee ee 

Glyphidodon 415 flavescens =. een ee eee nena 

J ONS 22 se ees 350 flavomarginatus-_. 

Menticirrhus 350 flavo-marginatus_ 

De eS A ee errr 307 frondosus._----- 

Peecilichthys......... manaesvancevesnedae 287 Gibbus aS eee eens ee aaa 

ROCCHS <3 eoseceaseean toence sete seroeee 307 gnathodus secede ee oae eee eene 
saxicola, Kosehastes=_ = . 22—-5-o5-—-aeeeeces 367 guacamMaia 

Gymnothorax ocellatus 

pe ee ees 412 | scaber, Antennarius 

waugussesees 338 | scabripinnis, Astyanax 
BEE CREED oec se ano 338 Tetragonopterus___ 
OE a Se =) en 338° |) Seafaria= 2.0 sscaseseosecce see eeneee 


List of scientific names—Continued 


Soe eS w----. 249 | saxicola, Pleuronectes...............--.----- 
acca bseeuSewetomeeee 247 Sebastichthyss= 2-2 2ss..-ssee sens 
roc cu ella wee cone 249 | say, 
SE reer 43 Bi a ee ee 
rapa Sh SE Te 43 | sayanus, Aphredoderus-_.-..-.------ 

43 Scolopsis=- 25 22s--ussacsascecence 

49> |S SAVTIS2 = Scone 2c) cocscccencceneenccees 

43 Dimsculstussosescseao—s eee eee ene 

43 i eee 

43 recurvirostra_-.... 

415 serrata. = 2 eee 

ee eee eee eee 412 Centropomus-c2222 scenes eeseteee 
Sant Soi a conamesoeees 338 Chironectes= == =-2=sc2-ss2s45e55 
Stic ccnascaceseueeees 336 exagramimus: 22 22eeseseeseseees 
pk eee ark PORE ys $38: | Seabra, Hehidna-—-. 22s. esseenee canes 
a ee 338 ophius actite_2saccs-scecnecence 
a ee ee 338 Trinectes..-=s.sasessueesseeseeee 

nonsececndacaveueaeee 338 | Scaphirhynchops..-........--------- 
Re Seen 338" Seanhirhynchus! 228 22 sees ee eee 
eosnueeees eee 338 platorynchus:- 5222222222222 323 
pee eee 338 rafinesquelcs 24222248. 32522222 

pe eo 338 | scaphiurus, Opisthognathus 
on eee ee eee 338 | scaphopsis, Coslorhynchus 
eee en 359 Macrurus (Coelorhynchus) 
pe ee a 360 | Scaphorhynchus..-.:------=2--22-=-- 
360 | scapulare, Pristipoma--_------------ 

no enseedaanesabes 93 holocyaneoss- eases se wanceeea nae 


List of scientific names—Continued 

— phir Ee eS sa Sutamouchin eae 432+) Seisons ensilera _- <= _-..ce.cescuessstueecwaes 
(a pall See sas SS tek ae aR oie GHeyMDAS 2) eek oo. ons cos cones naa 
eee Se cee aee oe 434 POSCASS 2 aoc oa sew aatedsnewcassceeeenneen 
IROTIIORG Se se oes ecw teesmceas hws 432 2 142: ee ee EES 
lateralis 32 eae ene ma ctee we ctec wien were 432 PRISGRE 3255 ot toa cee cet eceecasanekeeeecen 
SIMSCH APS Usa oman tee tee 433 1 IS): eee ep ate SE ees ag 
meliOtis —— = ee ee 432 pris Pid 0) ks eee ee See BS eS eee ee 
miniofrensts_. 2. 22 et 5s accom 432 12167) (ran aaa ee oe ee 
MOOR = SS Pere ee ee ee Seer 434 hina ta eto. - Se ae 
muchalis. oo ss ee so a hcceace 434 maculata 8 es oe cccamee een eons 
a) 8) 111s Ee aS OR ieee I ee Se ery ao a ws Ie 434 maltolasclata= 28 = Aso. s5.c uses oeoeen ade 
OEY PTACRIIS oo on eo ect aen tesa 432 Opcitans: (hha 5 neh ees Sh sae les 
j +) 8s Seca Se a ihe Ae Se ee 433 GRPUNR ne tees ones 
ra 1 aan SE eae ea See Sh ae a, 435 SLURS (21g tS a a eles SEAT re ieee a nee age 
CrP TE | elle ee eas oT ie eae nt AS ae 435 POU nn 5 eos Lo enkeoccasereees 
Coa ois) ee ae ee es 433 BGION Ea een oe a eee eae ee 
CHORIN DINURUS. <0 o520 2 — tone cee oe eee 434 PADING) 3 oe enone seakeeeeccanwumawe 
Cer Te me ooh he! este lees aN 432 HNO GCInInUS oe 6 Poe ee eee 
PURI R Hite Senn ce eee pA ihc carry Ut [ek See ne, TEES Ae 
Pi £1 1p 111) Se a Sa a ene meee a aoe ||| ERODODG oe sae Jee naam eee 
SPWNUGUs oo. ac cos ocee cnn anenn ap 431, 432 DOCU Ree sae os caer unter 
PSTN net oe om ceca ome 433 || Solera, Scisena......=.-2---.25-2lelseeucuce 
SETAE ce ctor ae camapeniomenawsnitipeey 433 BITATIA So = Soot enn conncapsaenebeeueee 
COE ee i RE SE LE LE RITE Aaa aeleras, Tadropterus. =, a0 3. -- 2c es 
REPIRIOICERNIS nn ae tne eee 433 Gpninmecton: = 22 
RPRIEIRIEES Se eee on ree ena 434 serrula, Hadropterus 
p30: 0: a Pe 434 | scintillans, Zastomias 
[LAL 8, a a ee i a TG OAS Cee Se ae ee ee 
PURCIORNS eee ne reuase ce BO5) |) AGisstin. (ANONO VIA = sc cee wc cnn cesn untae beau 
a a tt AR AE Ne 431 Anehoviella._..- <5 3.5. ~..sitholusce 
hi 1 A a a ee aA ES a aint IO 433,434 | scituliceps, Synodus.......--.-...-<csscunstee 
LOLS TATE 1 ee aS i See aera) Saws Ane, || SGtnlUs, MGTOUNUS oo. 2. ceo se 
Vita ee ae aS = pe ee 433 PTIONODUS oe as ecg ene a sack 2 ee 
Vili | up Se is aS 452. | aqioras, Diplectrum.- .- 22... scons wae 
Sears: LYCOCO DENS. . nen neenscweneescanne 472 ION en coca ewnnn eee 
SOIR, DA TNUIS 5 eS eminent 1233 0) SS Sea ee! 
INOMUD Iles 5a oon aon o ss eeen ener one Aad) | SOMOGGEID o-oo ce na -3-~-n a aee 
i ga oh SS ES Se Sore | CEGRORRACHUE: eel once cn wccowete 
SSHAIODNUODEIS < eso asi aon aan one cenn 269 ci) LL | oe ee ne 
1 a eRe A ea 269 rg? git | | i ere feb py 
ier aa eee ee a ee eee ee 268 MNSPIGIONSHS ... on esvenmncen a tase 
1 RR hfs tame PRS Oe PE | ROM lo a nine rats nim eel es CS 
nee pase Se ey Ree Pe 268 TAUNAGUB . oo 6 ole eee Sonn ebSTS 40S 
TG CR a RE IIS AL 155 | scofieldi, Anchoviella___....-.-....2.22 20.25 
UD) a a ae 155 Binlapnpruss on souk weno ate 
PMNS te ial wien mci neil G4: (BOUOCOSONIB . occas occ ccpake ee See 
2 OMT ALE Soca: a ee ee ane BlAy i BOGUOGONR og sonic wakt acannon cae eee Sore 
ye a a ee ee 184 U1 | ES Seen Sea ee Seer ee Sey ee 
Goninerdee, DAS SUS 3. on. cscceseanewneece 28 IBLICONIOUS: cecca nn encnce nots ae eeese 
BO A a Se ae PE ES 27 JORSUUU Sc acswawes ceucaussnans eee 
schmidti, Edriolychnus....................-- 508 OOTURU BE oo seine Sesentamt neue aes 
Marita MODIS. - | oc ensednckan 81 VEIree-NOV8. on cee eee 
scbneideri, Ophichthys_--......---..-.-...-. 88 | scolopacea, Nemichthys-------.-.-.._- 
ss caer RB cees 190 | scolopaceus, Nemichthys------.-.- a NOS 
schcepfi, ia ag ERPS EP SSeS ee iPM pe ae A 245, 246 
*  Diod 502 ISN IRCNIS C8 ee pene seta ot SEB 245 
schcepfii, so. Se Sees 495 Macrorhamphosus- .....--..----2-t2... 246 
Ceratacanthus_.....------------- 495 | Scolopsis sayanus...........--.....-.-...-04- 215 
oy Mel hp: a os on ee maps 20): | OG DOE en ade Seen naan en oo 257 
schomburgkii, Pempheris --_.-....-.-------- 323 EC rl A ae i eee by 260 
schoneveldii, Catap PRCOUS oh em comes 395 MIUADOTON Soon cae Seng ancranen leas 260 
po me ISMN Osea nncannwbcudvoudeae 330 nr ee a ae a ne Te She 258 
ped ey EE RE Ane A 34 Ta eaten onnimeionicmsiamncnmansetadl 258 
PIOEIY Os 2 2 ccceccnwcedduen dumewcmemciwe 148 MURER ASUS. ooo oo neers lcueee 258 
ay Ee Se eee eee eee a 148 belantiophthalmus. . 22... .nnes0lseeus 271 
ee ani iced ncwantmnuan anu kav ios 148 DIS aise eee ck ahnc nent eagaannacwedes 259 
/ 1 See eee ae 148 DOs cee and grdnsacnssvoaseee 270 
i arr a ee oe 148 ro or ae See Seis See te 273 
i a SE TS ee eerees 148 VSN oo op eerie sig nine aoa 276 
(Sciades) emphysetus, Bagrus_.............. 148 A ae ae aaa SSS TE Tee 257, 258 
a OM oh bi ee a aa Se 177 crumenophthalmus.-_.-.........-...... 270, 271 
it ioe rms ona tg mi sap to see 272 
“HLL ay A oc SR ee ee a open me 258 
Cn” Ee eee eee a pete cer ee 258 
TRCN needa ant eeasuas= eed 279 
71 Ee ae OPReES cc Ter ee! 260 
Plot SS ee Tily is oe Fe 263 
SOR ak in ritresevcgmes BS 258 
Ct DEL EDS LH Ty st ee - 258 
Si. 1 CSE EAM spas 217 
ippos___.. Sarnia petites ams carioanaards Std OND 273 
a UT Dee ee see ese 273 
Ip date ator Snide J5'1''258 
OS a see) 258 

macropthalmus. iwanivna eve oe = (258 



List of scientific names—Continued 

Seompbersmacwiatuse testes wee eens 
pelavicus? 22-22" 2""* 
NOISES. 5 Ses ee she VE EERE ENS ee 
PAIRS: 8 eee See Pee) See eee See e ee 
Delamitus-sses2> Sis" ees ee 
DSA See ee OE A ee eee 
Dlumienrs 22 [SF esr e she ee ee ae ee 
PRENMIALOP HOLS] see ae ae eee 
quadripuntatlus! 2235222 eee 
TUDNS 286144 iss One ORs 328 Seer eee 
TU Ber= Soe eat tee ee Ses Bees er ee 
HAG as 202 eeveek 7 ess eee SAR eee eS 
SAUD 9S See ee ae RSE ee Re ee sors eee 
SCOMmDnUISS: 23 5S ee 
SORTA EASES Se Sere eat we keen Poe 
SDOClOSUS st S2neswema seers Se eeee lesa eee 
thazards*sxsasesees sib e- sh.eeee 
Lys Soe ee eee ae eee { 
trachurus7stosss ee oss 5 ee Pe ee ee eee 270 
THEW sts ese ees ee ee 258 
VR SH OSes ae wate oa cere aN os Sey ome 257 
7 OS eae ee a ee eee eee PAE 
Scomberesecid so> -20~ 29 =e oe ere aa 197 
Scomberesox tae ssa <> ee eee 197 
DFOViTOSuriss >= {22852 so. se) Tee ee 198 
CAN Denia = 2 oes 5 sos a eee 197 
equircstriimy S666 23 see ee 197 
LOY SGETE Se ee ee ON 197 
TOUGGl Gills ast 0 eee 197 
SQUTUS ee! 2s Sie ads e e 197 
scotellatum 224s" = Ses 52 2k a eS 197 
SLOTED S223 22255-22285 3eeaes sans eee 197 
SCOM DerUs; EN SOX 25 255 a Se 2 ee = 173 
Scomberoidess: = 2 * 232 ae is 5 a 260 
Saltators.;. 22222 <2 2 25_ 3s Sees ee 277 
scomberoides, Corypheena______-_______-_.. 265 
Secon Deromoris? hase = = os So es 5s Se 201 
CONCOMO es 2s 25 ee es se ED 257 
macwats <3 hee ns 225 8s eee 257 
plunileri2.32 226 eee. 257 
Tepalis:ls See ee ee 257 
SIGERA 25 s.o 2 one se ee ee Eee 257 
Scombrid 2-2 sss See er 257 
Scombriformes:2 24223 Se 256 
Bcombrecottus:¢.22-.0-2 4 See 373 
salmonelis=+-- SS 73 
Scom bropid 2222S ee 297 
Scombrusialalonga-2-5-=. 22226 a ee 260 
scombrus:Scomber-22 22... + Ua eee 257 
Seopeleneys:+—-.--- = ee eee eee 170 
SPER Ao a ee 170 
CIS Sete = se ee 170 
Scopelinus caninianus--._...-...--_..-----_-- 169 
Scopeltiss.22 ci wce) enter ee 169 
ATTITIG eee CE A A oe 169 
ANIGTORS Gk cei et 168 
ar cticus: <5. ecu ee ee i eee 170 
Denvibivetu.ceust So ehee ae EE 169 
COCCOl= 2 et ttin ht ee cee 168, 169 
CLassicGDs Aches ke 2 SE 233 
engratlis?cccsee ee eee 168 
glSclalis. ctoctostie thcct ee ae 170 
RIACIIS. = cicada eee 169 
NY LOM soe ole cctclncto ee eee ee 169 
MACOILONSIS = eect eee eee 167 
TMIShADOCIAIUDUS: Soak weer St aeeee 168 
THIZOIEDIS: Ss ec Se ea 233 
THUCUBETIAS cede sere ign See 170 
iailg Vi fs ak Ss eee ee ae Sees Seay AE, & 168 
SCOPIEE Ee HONACODINS 25. ooee cece eee 142 
seopiferums Barcidiums <2. ot LE 142 
Seopiferns OMe Pisses so soc oe ee 132 
pops, Gnathypops =: ==. 3 cee 453 
Sear pcan ht. > aS ee eee 370 
nedssiwil”! Se ee ee nee 371 
albifim bria 2528s Soe ene 371 
albofasciata 371 
americana - -- 393 
americanus_- 393 
atlantica 370 
DOr gi ta as 8 ee eee 372 
brasiliersis= 222. =)... SS eee 371 
[111 (eS eo eee Se eS 370 

dactyloptera=t 22222252522; eee 
dactylopterus=2 22222: s2 2s eee 
echinatat=2**:sotsis 6: eee 

nuttingi= 2222s. eee 
panmn0sass222 2 Sse Sessa esas see 
picta * 2+ <- sans eee eet seen eee 
plumierizés i: #25 eee tk eee 
polylepis-2122 Sos eee 

tridecimspinosal-=Ss222 5" sss see eee 
Scorpsmenichthyidasss=52 2255315 
Scorpzenichthyss42-4222-=32 = eee 
lateralis 2. <2 4-222 See 
Scorpssnid eceas 2$9ses 2222s: ee 
KYVTIS Sse ose ses Ses 
Scorpidtes 222 ses eS eee 
scorpioides, Acanthocottus___...______-_____ 
Cotts.-2233 i sae ee eee 
Scorpis'califormmionsis 322225255 ses eee 
scorpius; Aicanthocottuses: {222292 22=— eee 
CotttSes eS eee 
scouleri; Salmoo-=.-2-222-422225s ee 
Scovelli, Siphostomas¢2=22-- 22. -=5=555 eee 
Syrictesins:scccsshesee nl ee 
scovellii; Htheostoma:=:)2==22---- 22s eee 
scrippsi, Otophidium=s.2 22s. 232-sa ee 
Scripta, <Balistes_2=2=s 5-2-2325 48a 
Osbeckia=222ss242225222562- == 
scriptus, -Balistes == 2=-+2<<-<s+:4s--2sss2-5—--o 
@ymnothorax. +4.-22---5-222-.. See 
Pseudoscopelus:--:-2-2. oe eee 
Scrutator,Isesthes-222==-22+---22. ae 
scudderi,; Heemulona=sses5>) 2 eee 
scutata, HEcheneis:-2.2252s-22225-5 oe ee 
scutator,Belone:2+2222--- 2-222 ee 
scutatus;,Atlurichthys:+~--=<-..5225- eee 

Scuticaris; Bascanichthiys-2--- 523 eee 
Sphagebranchus.235-=2. 222 -2e ee 
scutiger, Icelus...322_.. 2 eS eee 
Rastrinus..os Se eee 
scutum, Achirus-__ 

Scyliorbinus.20ei 3258s 
Scylla,,Hx0cotus 222526 soa ee 
ILIV DODSIS 2284249 2c oue 2 
Scylhiorhinid2e 22224. - so soe eee 
Séylliorhinus <4. sate seas sae oe 
catulusi(canicula)|- 29-2 se 2 eee 



List of scientific names—Continued 

REDAZO: Sane nen oe 
SSS ELS UES ora a oo ne ee 
AUIRLCRUS IS oe ee eee 
GHUNIWUS ~~ cera ee aera cee Sore 
LEER ERIS 2 = er ag 
TASCIN GUS oe eo ee ee ee 
BIRUICTIS( eee ee ee ee 
YVR AALS os se res eee es 
ELEY 010 011 pe a i ne epee aemeeinne eine nari 
STOTT Es pa er ey ah ge Minas 9 gene eee aed 
NP TACOS ee en nn a ane 
Ct Lt peg inl aan ele ar arene EGR etal Sie 
£2 2G, CE |: eae ne pe Sti aap saps RY ATE 
EN BPRS a a So ane ae eee 
AG SS Po See ee St et an cepa eS 
vats 52 gh Ne Reale eee tae Sane 
EL: ime eae as lint fy” etl Spee 
Rs EL UG Bi Deen Se Ae Ain aD ett eer a PRG tet 364 pinniger 
Sebastichthys 2a ese Ae ee PE 369, 370 Pore arg 016) (5 (-). fi en pe nti i ten 365 
Tlie Foie, owt Sie aie eee eee ear 366 PLOT 0 1 EY, ee Se a oly Sie ak sth 365 
CE a) s 212 ae Socal eal gle elpaed etre I ee OOM BecO, Wks: eens a 3 115 
Fis tsa 17 ena ps weal la gy» lee paiement BUD ICRU sear cee a eae ne eS 340 
CoD e140 G1 EN Ee ena i ean pin eee 369 GUIS oe ee eee 340 
chlorostictus 369 | sectatrix, Kyphosus 340 
chrysomelas 369 fg eae ean pein Sei 340 
constellatus 367 pt Va aioe Ei! ot lel lt pegs Wabetien 340 
SG RN RS SR a an ae 367 | sector, Serrivomer 84 
TLE See eee ee ee ee eS 366 | secundodorsalis, Thunnus 260 
VEN EU] Eo Sadho ttl te A ae a Ane 369 | secundus, Caranx 272 
Liar tye ie ipl A RA egg pte etait ALE 366 | sedentarius, Chetodon 360 
Ent Spe ne cn a taint aeet de te OE So EAE Tee eg 1, et I A her 150 
2 OL pe atelier Dial. age tas ae ape og 369 CECE (EL Cs eet ai ae te ca ee 150 
PRIM ERIRSR ES 9 Set Sipe rere eee ee nee pT A ei Vc gale eee St eel tia le tc aaa. ts vance" 20 
Zit sini al, Bel aeccaiscaiteittna: see tle hecetelesitl bof Oe eT [i ol a eee ee mae gmc ll lee did atte 10 
pits Coc pies AS ee Sila eee 370 | selachops, Apterichthys--...........-_..-.. 84 
a par 2S cee mai pli tm eae ae 366 SPO): 3} 01g: 2 Ce) 01 | sei li ay Sheet 84 
eNO IN OPIS te en re ee ee GON PELOCUUMMO ee ns co cecace ce pode Sau 36 
prin 21, ge ite St lt lel ee elaine’, scree: BOO A SEMIN ee ecean 2 we enna en te 
RIMM Se eo Se 367 gd: Cg ee Spe ie ae Sea alas Aa ee a 
rubrivinctus____-_-_- 368: 1 Selde-52 3°. 
Ni ng |: Cee aaa 368 | Seleima--_-_.. 
1) Stina lei at ced ig 367 UNS 1G ee ee ie ell Ae ap Fee 
Bhan neo ae mance DOU ih PUT GE IN see renee ee a ee ee ee 
UTES oa ge nan ahr are a eaneraateeme DU OWES sepia con euenmen a+ = aac aeheteneaes 
Tn ae eS Rah emcee tet mea nace Se GO ica Ny EAD Ophea eet ape open tras ane mane eee 
beta ies et sic Bt a orem to 369 argentea 
Se il pA aes Dre A So 368 cerstedii 
ST) eh aa cat pay a rs a as. ta 369 Cie tava itl df peepee leap oe aces pia amen & 358 
beni ie pee ke apa hat Bip Se — O09 i1) GHIBUS 7 GARDIOURS lS 6< can ois ocan metnabe aeons 103 
pO 2, hel Uk pen mel lcci iain 132 
IST ur Cl hi Sn iain pes sin galt teieR th> 216 
SRloninis, LPBOUYy PLOLUS: = 02 once son ceceneuas 216 
TLCS «2a 6 bye 01 chat lille. 41 
LS £000 pteridine ete Aaecen knberhs > ot 41 
sellaris, Acanthocottus 388 
OMNIS ooo eo cea one 284 
IMGROLIVORAIN 5 os ace oe wean nee SoBe matey 284 
eee ASIP DUN ok cena Seance auc 388 
“UTS. srt Se jeans at lie ete tr aa SODSE, BBUICHNOE, RDOROU Oe 2 connotea me con eee eee 295 
Po 3171 fete a a pene eee ed ete WEE 366 HEM MOGLUN fe os onc nn en ee ae eae 311 
CUTIE L 88 22 OL RR SO aE Nem BOtr) \Seuees ELAM CHUGION oe on onsen een 428 
Sas ate cee an es ce heli ot tsk rec i 368 MRT ata canatnpomcanlniedacn octut nnn 428 
a Os (poe eR REE RECTED S64.\8 'RUBING Socata dete no sabie sna once ban eaten 409 
(ho are, st ae ik aera eset 369 Biggteeie te gee aos ee tae area i pe 409 
“UL DS ae eens Or SE ae neaEe er SRE 368 | semiarmatus, Gasterosteus__---...-..--...-- 237 
Fo ets pipe tt Ral ee 2 yah Leal 364 | semicinctus, Eosebastes--_-_..........._--.... 367 
Us) or pS iy cA ie inate ewes <i 366 [UCL anche an: papel at tinted 455 
IE co teil aerate acd ores rs Pete = 3 ae 364 DUAR se again thts ecm go tent oad nanan 427 
Ct eget enessieaenarie pepe anette treet 365 BTU ae Ate apie Ae Aa RE IER ELT RA 427 
1 CU at Seat aR ae i aes SOGe) Gamicorolais, Perl0ls. 0 2252220.--2-cnnseman yese 
PEAT fe 1 C CrT: ,ene ee 282 
semifasciatum, Pileoma--_ 283 
rl iy [: 1: en apa ria ala pe 14 
pay re in OL) a a Hee: 
Wiltabatdadnnsetvisiasnhiancacda ohwena 4 OOO deunilenicatus, Gasterosteus 237 


List of scientific names—Continued 

semiluna, Sparus---------------------------- 327 | serra, Alepidosaurus 
semilunata, Diana__------------------------- 264 Gonenion._2--------=- 
seminolis, Fundulus_------------------------ 178 | Serrana_...----------------- 
Zygonectes------- 178 hispanis.....------------------------ 
seminuda, Albpula=—=-=- 40 | Serranide-..-.------------------------ 
Gila: ====-- aoneeeeeeeennn----- 114 | serranoides, Sebastosomus - 365 
Gymuneleotris Woks <n 52 3533S eee 438 | Serranus acanthophorus-------------------- 317 
seminudus, Eleotris------------------------ 438 aculeatus (oculatus) --.----------------- - 328 
Enypnias------------------------------* 445 acutirostris--.-------------------------"" 315 
Gobius-..-.-------------------720-707077 445 sequidens_._--------------------------="° 319 
Lycias.._------------------------------"= 475 albomaculatus_-_.-.---------------------- 317 
Lycodes=-------------------------=----+"> 475 310 
Plecostomus.-.--------------------------- 160 311 
semiradiatus, Lepidosteus------------------- 36 311 
semiruber, Labrus--------------------------- 425 313 
semiscaber, Cottopsis_----------------------- 384 310 
Cottus_-_.----------------------+------"" 384 318 
semiscabra centropleura, WUyanidea=222----n— 383 314 
semispinosus, Caranx----------------------- 270 314 
semisquamatum, Pycnomma_--------------- 438 2 (B19 
Semitapicus-------------------------- calopteryX_------------------------- ar*2319, 
Semotilus---------------------------- camelopardalis 315 
atromaculatus capuena...-.-------------------------* 331 
thoreauanuS--.---------------------- 117 carauna..-..-------------------------"** - 309 
biguttatus_2i1.:.------------------------ 137 catus.....-.---------------====--=-=-=-«= Sit 
cephalus__...----------------------=---7> 117 colonus...-.--------------------------"" Teme) 
diplemius-_.-.-------------------------° 125 conspersuS...------------------------"-7 oe BLL 
diplemia__...---------------------------- 117 coronatuSs....--------------------------"" 308 
dorsalis_..-----------------------------"* 117 couchii--- 308 
hammondii_----------------------------- 117 courtadei-- 310 
macrocephalus creolus___----------------------------7777 320 
notatus...--------+++----=-------------"- cyclopomatus 314 
olivaceus- -.-------- Gecimalis==-222-c---—=—= 314 
speciosus- ------------ Gimidiatus_.-..----------- 314 
thoreauanus @ubius:. 200 2 22222-222-2----- 2 - 309 
senegalensis, Vomer emarginatus------------------------- ee old 
senilis, Gambusia erythrogaster 312 
senta, Raja_.------------------------------77 falcatus__.-----------------------------"z 315 
sephen, Raia-----------------------------77" 318, 319 
septemfasciatum, Cichlosoma---------------- 421 315 
septemfasciatus, Astatheros__---.------------ 421 311 
septentrionalis, GaidropsaruS---------------- 208 319 
Motella...----------------------------77 208 320 
Perca...-<-------------------=--------"-" 307 315 
septipinnis, Ammodytes--------------------- 312 
Rhynchias_....-------------------------~ 312 
Serannus bonaci_..------------------------77" 310 
serena, Dionda_--.--------- I r 317 
sergeanti, Osmerus impetiginosus 310 
Seriola...---------------------------=-- inermiS...=.--.----------2====---=--<<=-- 313 
bipinnulata_...-------------------------- interstitialis --------------------------777 314 
bonariensis_..------------------=------"- irradians_.------------------------------- 319 
boscii_...--.--e2--+------=--2-"=--"--="= itaiara..-------------------------------"- 312 
carolinensiS_----------------------------7 jaCOMe¢..----------------------------7 7777 319 
coronata...--------------------------777* labriformis__...-------------------------- 311 
declivis...-.--------------------------""" JampruruS...-------------------------777 321 
dorsalis.....--------------------------"-"" latepictus__..-----------------------77777 314 
dubia.uw..--2------------=2------=<"=--< luciopercanus:------------------------77> 319 
dumerili_....---------------------------- maculatofasciatus 317 
dussumieri-- maculosus- ---- 311 
falcata_...-- margaritifer_-_- 311 
gigaS...-.---------------------=----- marginatus-_-_------------- 311 
InlATidicwsonn ace eee mentzelii_...--.---------- 311 
ligulata MOri0..-.--2-c0--=----2--==- 312 
mazatlana morrhua.-_-------------------------77777" 310 
pinnulata mystacinus....---------------------- 310 
proxima nigriculus_-.------------------------77-7- 310 
rivoliana nigrituS....-------------------====-""""=5 312 
semicoronata niveatuS_......------------------------ 310, 311 
stearnSi....---------------------------77- oculatus.......----------------------"7--- 
succincta_.-------------------------77777 OCYUIUS. ..-------------------"-----79""" 318 
RT AE Ecker soak .kesdnace Sane eseeen Tene ome. be Rage ace acre ee 314 
Seriolichthys ouatalibi__-..--------------------------- 309 
Seriolide pamamensis-----------------------------~ 308 
Seriolophus-_--- (Paralabrax) deweegeri ------------------ 319 
carangoides petrosus--.----- 313 
Seriphus_...----------------------------77777 phaéton--.-.- 309 
politus phoebe-.....---------- 319 
serotinus, Accipenser pixanga.-----.----------- 310 
Acipenser..----------------------7-77777~ ; preestigiator--------------- 319 
Serpens marinus maculosuS....-------------- psittacinus --------------------- 319 
serpens, Gempylus------------------- z quinquefasciatus 312 
Lycodes---------------------------" 2 75 radians_.---------------------------"" ecutat 318 
Ophisurus..-------------------------7--- radialis......-------.-----------------" os. 318 
serpentina, Mureema------------------------7 remotuS.....-----------------------"""7" 312 
serpentinus, Blennius---------------------- 470, 471 repandus-...- Yes 8 iiscetse2aasn eee - 315 
Derichthys.---.------------------------ = V7 rupestris.....----------------------"" ee OLD 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Serranus semifasciatus__.................-... 317; opieyases fasciatus: << 32-25-52 oesee oe 490 

stad horidenes ems #3 923 So tia 2s 311 ®TES_ — - ----------------------------- eee 490 
PETIT: ia abe eee OREO Be eae, Sage 309 punctatus 92a2 sans ns onennee ene aman 490 
Lian pons See Eh ee EE SE PET wer Sih FUDIPINOSUS Es sos scan cesses fac wee sees 490 
Rpratyi > ame en BE Rare bes 6 8 Te Se 315 SHNPTINOUS 5 2s02 seen s4 ae oonee tee eens 490 
CETTE a aire aes mn 8 a elite Gy Chien See £8 afb so 2 eee 22 5 eS a 447 
THES TRE ege aten  o Navs SN PADI Sk 310 antitlarwnin: 3. 52s 2a 82s 8s a2 Sa 447 

ET St ae Ee ae 284 IBRISCIG! S25 oe se ee Se Be ake 
Te a ee ee eae ee 284 edenite = = <2 i Selo 2h eee. eee 447 

aS eee eee 284 Pymnoraster=— s-s.225 ses ss5 «2 - 447 

TE SS Ly bE a a eS et 245 plaMeri=s. \5=* Sesh ess oso Ae 447 
2 ET ee ein See 197 pT Ae en cee eee 447 

serrato-granulata, Perca_._........---.-....- 281 Salvinie 23 2522 e sen oe eee 448 

serratum, Hzemulon_.--_-.--.....-..--..---. 329 HE Se ee ee St 447 

serratus, Gasterosteus __...-.-...---.-------- 237 RIE DS SES Ee et Bes 447 
DDT i ee a P| aC eS ee Pee ers 488 

serriceps, Sebastichthys----...-.-.-----.-.-. ints Weer son Cee Jai co SS ES oS 93 
REMMI TIS = SES ns 8 Se 369 CARTANIPR Wo 55 S54 85550 Soe 92 

serrifer, Conodon---_......-.-.---.---..--.- - 333 BHISVASLON S525 22225 - soca A tea 93 

aE Oe ee eee ee 84 oo Re eee eee me S 93 
tio ee ee eet 80) | (Riderga 22 = 3225 ono 2-2 i255 eee 2-93 
poe a a ea ee 84 ye ES ee Per us eek ee arr 93 

merits, Anisctremus 2. 2° =< <= \-- ooo. 65 oo BY -Gaey| Sideren. Minresid.2- => -=./.- Saye 93 
OUP rs ee Se eee 204 | siderius, Hybognathus-_-_-_..._._...-.----.... 140 
Pinsiventerus nolerts <5 + = 8-2 eos aes 284 Hyborhynchus (Hybognathus)....-..... 140 
PER OCNIDRTEEN => 2-2 8 (et Ee ES 8 Son O25 | wrpboldil; Heros: = 22-2... .-. 8 es 423 
Daisy Sor, ee ee ae eee ne A 8 ee SR ae a Pees 257 
Pseudopriacanthus-.-.......-.-.....-... 323 Cavallini; 22s S- sti snag ose ee 257 
EOE a EES Sos ai 284 | sierra, Doryrhamphus-. 243 

sessilicauda, Monolene-_......-.-.---.---.-.-- 220 Pontinnaejnsc. = 2.222.600) 2 eee 372 

CUE Ee a ene = eS 275 Scomberomorus- ~~ .-...=;.--cades..22 257 

euerene ets cos; - 274, 275 Scorpzna (Sebastoplus) -............. sae, OU 

setapinnis cubensis, Vomer bie. 2000 | SURED, VIORUTS: 2252 s2 coe 2 eee 196 

Setarches - 372 | sigalutes, Gilbertidia_......................- 393 
cro, ES se Ae 372 Gilbert. oo. venate esoceen pees 392, 393 
TSS) dee ieee ae ae eee Rate ee pep 372 | Sigmistes......... FESS ane ee kee MBE 

Pema AS TIEN os SNA ee 275 CAUNNAS = vasncesaxcnaesehke = uabboeences - sal 
Love Coit po ee ee ere ADa MBIBMO NG oo ada occa waccoc ns nes epee i 72 

praca Premren tires 6). ies = ats eT 392 Siismatlous. .o 25025202 a= ee oe 72 

setigerus, Lophiomus-...............-------- BOS) | SIGIUTON. des. 2_seenns- nasa 2 => aa aiee ee 348 
CPT ET OL Se Sete eee ae ee 504 VOCIMICUIArS. <a .anwaihin non -aatoliousne - 348 

setipinnis, Argyreiosus__-_...........-.-----. 210; WC RIRUMIONG 5.5. cn ansabneasen cosa Sean - 

Co a neg See 254 Bhiaiainyes 2. 2 -528-2><-222 2 ccsaesens 46 
— SAAS SS ano SS TS oe ne peel 254 Was Gyingh = 24 aan 2 oo ee ¥ 47 

cL ESS IY Pee Ses 500 WIGXICANA So ono an eceecs sa oe eae =e 4 

seu conger, etc., Mursena.-......-.....--.... ~ 94 Pei), ae nee Senet Sea meen OY MIS S27 47 

re RINNE RIOR 9/2550 0 ot oan ea ee eae 416 DIBUOTIBTN Ss ene och I ae. 47 

Bexcommutus.Ostradion... as ks 497) | wensta.:Ovclothone.- 5-2-2 5nnianotece ce 72 

sexdecim-lamellata, Echeneis-_---....-------. 449 | signatus, Bathymaster.............-...--... 451 

sexfasciatum, Cichlosoma..........---------- 421 PES ON Ses es 8 TO 17 
OT ae ee ae dies Sees 329 DAICTOQO ING oi seen olan ee 443 

sexfasciatus, Astatheros_..............-...--. 425: \imenife, Bryttus.« a. -3.-2.0 2s ab eeeeee 299 
IRAN Oc td 8 os 329 Centristiimns =< 225s ea ee 319, 320 

sex-maculatus, Diodon__............----..--. 501 OlAloas08 5 5265 240 Ae abeeee 44 

sexradiatus, Polynemus-.-......-............ 409 Goregontin a5 2 on aS ae 66 

Ee ae ae ae ae AS ee 383 Monacantiins =o. 0~ 3-20 e oon . 494 
OS EIRP ITS PALES TREE I =. 60 Weetrop lis: sao oy os 423 

Seige Ses oe a 58 BOM ee ed 409 

shavianus, Cetorhinus.........-2............ 20 SUG DOG0N ee for ss A 113 

shufeldti, Gobius_....__- ar a Pip Pili, MRE SSeS Ree eee ante 66 
Mancalias__._- Baer Os Te MEMORLUL SPU TORO cre re Go «ss f= RTS 452 
Rhinogobius-__ ST AMAL 0 ON Se eee ees See 147 

suet eee Ri Aen eyo. or Ces IR TIS DEGOs 38 2, anos ne eee 147 

gnatnardi, Alburnope.... 3.2522 5. ee 134 rs es oes che 7 es a ere 149 
PAUUODOOEUS < ica saciiitattee taesanee - 285 Ro Ee AEE PRE ele = eee es O8, 153 
St ae ei oe epee Tas TT eae tp» ET ES ES EE Se ee eee ORE ee 158, 159 
[SS Nee ARE, ATT aa SCS 285 “a gtia o pl Rae Se ee ee eek were es Ree 245, 246 

Og TY Re eee SS TE FES TS 68 COUN Gaiden cneues dadnatdroccraanke 1 
Coretta 5... -cdads 3s Se ae 345 a Per MP eRe epee Katy) 148 
DROUIN a tak, So eee eee 155 SION I Pop Re Soi Soot eae eee 153 
OA i), Sea nO BR STEEL So - 345 galeatus...... Batten aaee Sa te ahaa me. ee 

pues, Syngnathis. so oe ee 343 oe Pa Lidagawauonasanhamcelasastaaden - 165 

SN eS aT Pe bes 120 SUMIE Rie sac aabo de nea: ss oe 148 
oe, ee ee ee EEE TSA Ly OY 119 jiiite t) Do eee a ee ee eee eee tee, 155 
LL RESREE ABER E SS Abe i FEE LS 120 LAT oe RE Se ee ee en eee ie A 
ROR RES 3 2a ae (OA ain 7 ia pul atin Seep es ee oe Oe Cea ae ee Bert, iy 147, 148 

EN Er ea rts a 312 vin CESS Las Dee Ee een a SAN 154 

MEOCRNINTENT. OS Ce ee oe Ot Cy EELS Se ESR e reese re OF 159 

sicculum Chirostoma ans thatirararredee cont inane Maen bt Di NADNMIBOS tie cee. Seats Re | aes 155 

Sicculus, Labisdesthes_................-.--.. 251 folie ig US Pe SE Ea TG 155 

sicula, Pimelepterus CE EES - 0 TUTOR NOTIN 208. Seb etth A oo. a ee 151, 152 

oa Lenipuguss. . .....fiisn< SIE. a hohe 265 ie REP cee bate 155 

EEE RL | EE 447 RATSUOCODUAINIE co ccannnsnoncnsbau dabso \10e 

Sicyases........ ee pees. PAT - 490 var. fuscus..... Pies ee Saakson 153 
rain ee nn RE STI SS. 2 ISEE, S400? eles eidscccn. aac dcuha eee eoake 2 68 
I take ca cist dee 490 rs SE ER eS IR fob SS UTE 68 



List of scientific names—Continued 

gins, ‘Avgentina= =. 2 o<=. <...2. 25-24-2425. == 68 
SIMA aTrenutra- =. 2022 <5 soso en ee eee 401 
@areproctus. 2--+- =. 2-0... .5- gett ene 401 
MNGGETISS =o 2 so ese ae 436 
Bimenchelyid toe = 22 ee ee i 
Simenchelys--- ass... ease nee ee ee 78 
DAPASILICHS = + --- 22252 eee 78 
similis; AmpbisbiGhus..— = 22 02 se ee ees 411 
Fundulus: 2222 250 oo ee eee 
HeRTAO OR ee eee 
FLVOYar evra. =. eee eee 
Widio3- 4. << secs acee eee new ee 
Rhinogobius ; 
simillims: Palometa: 4-3.--.-=-s-222—> eae 266 
mMILATS, (GOLTES 6 =< se ee ee 342 
POrOnOhUS=-5— 2-2 noes ee eee 266 
BHTIOLErA WNOCONtra soak ee on a ee 286 
SUIMOLELUM. ELVOSiOMO=.. -Secee eon esa ease 286 
SINIDIOX, aa PIULUS =U na — ann een ee eee 261 
Crenide@ns=* - sh=oe e e 339 
IPRGUICOSCATUS.- nat fee es wee ee 435 
*POUPAPONUTUS oo eee ae 261 
simplicidens; (Girella- 2°22 02 oo eons ae 339 
IMCISIGONS sae oe ee 339 
simpsoni, letalords!—o.= — -2 2 ssse eee eenaas 152 
simula, (Chalinura’ =. tee eee 204 
SUNTIANS: “EV OIMIODINLCS = = =~ = re ee eas 304 
Se@baStGSOMIS! = es 365 
ByNOdUs—- == ee ce ee eee 164 
simulus; Opnioscion= =. a=" a eae eter 348 
Simus,. -AsDUMMeMUUS! =~ on) oon ote ee 135 
Careproctus. - <-~ - sees ee eee 401 
Catmty xe. Soe see oe nee oe eae Se ast 480 
Cregenitns) oo a2 2 ne hs be ee ee 98 
JEhy DODSISi== = one 2 = Soe = ne ee 135 
Vien Gicinn HS =e en ee ee 351 
FEDIMICHU DGS noe een eee 140 
sinalom: Paralichihys: 2-2-2 --- =~ == = sees eo 224 
Siphostomia--* 22s soe eee 241 
SYUCHADNUS 22 ae ene eee 241 
Bj) 1 0) «1421; NL ei a ncaa apiety SO str oat est 350 
MINOUSIS NISDANICUS 3. coon te ne ee 368 
Sepastichthys- 2) - 368 
AE PON ta ae Steen eee eee 28 
SINTIOSUS) LOIMAGASYSots. sone oa ee 335 
FH OUCIRCHS: 5 soe ke eee es 335 
Siphagonts'barbata.._--- eee 394 
Ff 8: 1b ba pa a Pa iar iy > ey ore 394 
Biphatelessee oan ws ee eee 119, 120, 122 
DIGolOre So ae ee a a ae ee 122 
COMED ISINUIS 252 ene = eee ee eee 122 
AGEITIOBYIS ose ee ete nnn tk eS 122 
TMONAV ODES. ee eee sees 123 
ODGSUS == «can see eee 122 

olivaceus __ 122 
oregonensis 122 
SUL ESLUIN Sooo eee te ee 122 
BIDHOStOM t=. soe anee ence eee eee 240 
SECURE eta es ee ee eee 242 
QWUSCUR See. oo ~~ ce en ee 240 
| 07:0): Caf plea tela i ee alee oe ce. 240 
DYOvicaUdiiin.-..25-- 25ers 241 
(CARIURUI oe eee ce eee 240 
crinigerttnt + 2s) sn oe eee 241 
Genahig ei se eee aa 242 
CESS re an ne en eee 243 
florid 241 
mackayi 240 
poeyi 241 
robertsi_ 241 
scovelli 242 
sinalow 241 
starksi 242 
torrei 242 
FAL 41) 0) eae Bee pla loli ate Ni Ae elo 8 5 ve 243 
BIrActis, Sicvalnin. >. co oe en 447 
Sirembo Puentherl oo eos 483 
TUDROIOUL et en nee. ee 480 
TMIpTipiiiine es 8 oe ae 480 
Bisco; (ATSYTOSOMIIS oon aa nese cane ae 62 
huronius, Leucichthys___-.-----...-.-.-. 62 
enClen Un ys tee sean Sea a a 62 
Siscowet, Cribtivomer 2 2 atone 60 
BAH eee ee oe n+ eS 60 
piskdwity SAO; sts ee a oe 60 
siuslawi, Leuciscus __- 118 
Bicheruromiliss 9s) eee, eee 118 


Skib, Lomatomuss 2-3 <2. ee ee 230 
FS a a1; een bs ert en a te erage 183 
niligcain ene ne eee 183 
letuie tee rasan esan ano woe eee ee 183 

zea \ FUL ho) be (6): fs pa ella elie S Coals Se 183 
Nie) (2) 51 = 2 ll ae ie oe 2 183 
BIOALU eH AUOU US. 2 -c2 so eee zat 
WGSIOUAtUS == oan se cee ee ee 29 
RCOMIDEL: > nn ann See 260 
Wrobaviss..- 02-6 cae ee ee 29 
sloani vermiculatus, Urobatis____._._-_______ 29 
Sluiteni, Branner olla ooo so ee 464 
SIMALaCGUS oo oe ee ee oe 440 
costelesi.- <2 2222S ee eee 441 
stigmiticus. 2-22 2s2 so ee 441 
VWalenciennesi = 2: 29 ee eee 441 
SIMATAgdUS, HWIGOtrIS== op ane see eee ee eres 437 
IGTOLGIIS = Se Se oe ee 437 
GODS en eee 440, 441 
GUODIONGN USP ee ne ne ee 441 
Salto ss <2 ose seas se aeoee nee eee 58 
SIMALISs = Feat SAO ee ee eee ee eee 340 
Jitieabusy Se 2 ao eee see eee 342 
DISECIOICUS: S22 coe et ee eer ee 340 
smariSS Spatus!+ soc nese oe eee 340 
SMe@ClICUS: ooo. eaten ees ane oe 316 
DIGOLON co on een en ee ee a ee 316 

smiridus, Merluccius 214 
smithi, Ceratichthys__________ 145 
Lepidosteus____--_----_ 37 
smithit Cliola=2-=2 =e see eee ee 145 
Cyprinus) (Abrams) enee os soe eee 41 
Hahentichthys= = 2 22 nae ee 507 
SHyderi, CAlOstomuUs:--9- 5500 eee 106 
Mialarchus=- =< scent eae ss ee 391 
Gnsthyipops--- 2220 anes eee 453 
Eby pPorwWamphuse 22222 = ee 199 
Qligocottus-— <> 2 oars ee ee eee 391 
IPalOMOLA= oe oo aee oe oe. ee 267 
IPODrIUS ooo cet anon ee ee 267 
SODSCO nce secre oo 492 
S0DaC0;/DaliSL@S-—-2 <>. —— nae 492 
Canthidermis 492 
sobra, Mesoprion_ 326 
Socialis, SalM0cs-~ s25 nee ne oe ne ee ees 66 
socius; “AlburmuS: 220-222 Seo eee ee ees 124 
INotropis.-.° == "oS" 0°" 8-2. ee 124 
SOCOITOODSS, 4 HalasSSOmM a= oe ae 429 
socorroensis, ‘Thalassoma__-..._._-._-_-,-... 429 
SOg0;-EolOCentrUS-4-* 2 = eee ae eee 235 
sohar, (Chetod0n =... ene ne oo ee 362 
Solandri, A.canthocyDitim: 222) 2 on. se seen 256 
Cy OM ES: sae se ne ae eee 2 Ra 256 
Solaris; Orthragoriscus=-—-- oe ten eee 503 
Splea Drowns. koss- eo ee ones Soe eee 229 
PSCHOM So esas en ae ee ee 230 
{ONSECONSIS--.- ~~ 2080 eee ee on ee 230 
gronovii-_-_-_ 229 
klunzingeri_ 229 
WA a ee eee ee ee 217 
mszatlana- oe cts ose one ee eee 230 
PAUAMIONSIS. 22622 22S. eee ee 230 
DOS 2 anne nace ee ee ee eee 230 
DUMNCTATE eee eee 217 
SCnpunie* see ee 229 
Soleseformis, Rhombus" 2292) ee 218 
MOlGNOSLOININ= =. anne oes see cee ee ee 
POlCOUAI DHA} ooo n none een ae 
WIUCOlOL=-- oe cea ces eee ee ee ee 
SOLis; SU@DOMIS= L256 oS eee 
IPOMIObIS. 2. oe eee eee 
Soniniosldss 2 ee eee 
POLQUIOSUBE Se tenet seco ee 
Drevipiinis eo. ee 
SOMMOLONLUS, WIGObTIS: - eee eee 436 
WSROGON. oe eee ee a eee 323 
sonnerati, Opisthognathus____.-__-_--------- 452 
spnntepit: Antennas. --—. 2 ve eed 506 
CGHIPONCCtES © owe on eee eee eee 506 
SoOnorie) ATHECIIO SIS Jeena en ae ee 252 — 
COLD catldss re ns oe a os etek es ee ee 371 
Bpnorieusis, CAatostomus.--_-- a a tee 106 
Girardinte. oe te ane 189 
Boporator; BablyeoOnilis co --- a= ween 440 
(6 5) 0) |b (teeth 25 Neca ligt pe peel eying ce res Sa 440 

sordidia, Marengo ee ee eee 94 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page | 
Ssordiquss Onmiononee t= = 2-2. 22-2 es 414 
Gifitarichtitys Ses 22 22. 8. ete ee 218 
Peeriichth yrs. ace he ogi 218 
Nee A CES SO See BS eR ee a emerges 69.2: 328 
Bpadicos!Dinnda soso aso 3s sn aneeee 144 
IAM petra as to ee ee 2 ae, 9 
spadiceus,. Centrurophis_.—... ..-...-==.22s-- 87 
Detranlenrodonen = 9 - - - eeee 9 
Spalianvani isyrpys! 2-52 ee 19 
Pentocepngiws sso = sae 79 
Bidractod ons. 222-3 2 ee as 
i ES ee eee eee Se 
SE AGG 1 paren 2 pen eer eee re 
RDAriso Miss et fs oe 
atomarium -_--- 
rachisies== 225 >s= e. eS es ee 
CHEVELGIIE = = a5 oo es See ee 432 
VAN ere. eo oe eS 432 
GE enh) Doe eS ee ae. es 432 
BIS Y ORGANS So 2S so ees 433 
FST (hs, ) 1) oe a eae eS T eS 433 
LET) tags | cee ae a a em eas SPE 432 
(oni Ae Se ee eee 432 
MIBHOURICNDINOR aon oom te oo oo ees 433 
1110) 3) [ok ae oe Se ee eee aemeY 432 
Ce Tt 1 a re api arlene eee 432 
i 432 
xystrodon 431 
CUES UTE TS ee rae 431 
CEU ES A a oes 304, 305 
ae EPPS IO. eee ae BS 305 
Li ae SE ee ae ee ae 418 
abildcaardl ea aT ee 432 
TNO iii ty tp SEE ae eee Se eae 338 
TON ss eee, oe 337 
ER RN a i tin = eco nappa pad 336 
CEST Feet Sele SS aT ae 310 
ST ea Se ee Se See Peer 432 
ol ae 302 
LTS he ee IS eae Cae 336 
brachysomus 337 
castaneola............. 265 
rn Ee ae RSE ENS Se ee 325 
NSRRRUN TRE Ge 5 sn Ss ee ae car, 413 
chrysomelanurus---.................-.... 311 
Cito) ee ai aa sare ae reyes 336 
i) ha Cee Se ae aera ee Ri Sse 327 
I ee 308 
CES ae OER, SIS Ps 425 
cu ee Seen amp ee ree 265 
oyieepiialna ASAE RE Bet RET OE ae OS 338 
a rans lan ds pe 337 
pheenmechains PETES SAD a Te 338 
Py iC oat ae cr Se ae me ee 426 

on i es SS ee ear Sere 327 
PTE ES a a aa ar Seen 325 
Va 1 SE aS Sa Se ieee aie paper te e 327 
Vale ie iS ier ie Rie earns 332 
ERE ee oo ates 332 
St pa AE I RA iy 336 
OO is eit ele eae tien s 36 
SPACOMIN, E ONDOON aso <n chad arose oe o nn 36 
CIO SS ee ae ells irae 36 
RICO Bs nn ase athe tse AS 36 
reticulata__.____ 36 
spatula, Atractosteu 38 
RMN ds Phd ia a kn 379 
CORE She eae 38 
dpatularia reticulata 36 
speciosa, Gambusia 185 
speciosus, Gnathanodon_--.__________._.-__- 273 
RT Fee ie way wind chan ar ce 273 


Speciosus’ POMmOts 2s Cie eet eee 301 
COM Dees 6. os ee a ee 273 
Semoinuss > = 2-0 2 1 eae aoe 117 
Spectspil, ‘Poecilichthys: 32 Sees ee 291 
ere See a ne a Pe 61 

Baie Tee Seana eet cess te 61 
minima. a Sp eee Fe 61 
spectrum, ‘Careprocttis:—_..-- >. _<teeae 402 
Lophius Sa eeee See eee ee ee 505 
Osmorntyte re 2 eee el 67 
INOLG AY: eee aE | A cgi egies 67 
spectrunculus, Hybopsis 134 
speciiiger., Hxocostus- =.=. edie) 201 
speculigera, Lampadena_ 167 
spelzus, Amblyopsis--__ 195 
spengleri, Sphceroides 498 
SE LROCOT) = 6 me UE = ee wees 498 
SPGEENOTe eT as a ee ee 255 
Spheroides tuberculatus____________________ 498 
Sireerebranchus. oe. Oo tae 84 
PUSUUOMDIN = o-8ee 5. ea 84, 91 
end a ee ot eee 84, 85 
oniioneug==. 7). td eer 84 
ROsiKatHe. se es eee 84 
Seilicarin= sooo. 2 oo 3a et es 86 
selachopal=.32.__ Lteabinie: petiienes yee 84 
Lo" 92 fale ee eine Met 5 ee eS Ee 86 
decleteecahnas anguiformis, Ophichthys - 84 
sphenops cuneata, Mollienesia__.____-________ 193 
spenops, Mannan. 2 teckel a. sien 192 
20 Cec ED pee eerie) ee me gen 192 
vandepolli, Mollienesia______.___________ 193 
Bphercide tuberctile-2-.2.. 2. ee ee 498 
Sas G (ees SS ae ea ee Seer PET 498 
SSROEI AR | 2 a2 oe a et ee ee 498 
pane Se eet a 488 
ia Be ne ee ie hl 498 
Giokeeditens eulepidotus, Tetrodon_________- 498 
Ge be ae ot ee 498 
SUPAIRUA I ON oa ae ete lg 498. 
SU ee 498 
oUF) oj Pala] 1) (a eS Se Ra RE Se SN 498 
STDON 35. 25 sas soR ee ae ee 498 

13] 50 en ee 498 
maculatus___ 498 
marmoratus 498 
117) 101 Cc oe, So Se ere Ser 498 
C1 ee ee A Sy 498 
CRIDGTENEIRGUR 2 eo Se) ae ee 498 

PO yea ass: eases eters 255 
OE ce iret rnp eu ada 196, 197 
C171, oe ee oe 1S Te) eo 255 
QxITOOVINIGIN: =. ea eee 305 
BBITEQNOS. — 9232-05. one eee eee 255 
RRCRTG. oon no aa A eee ee 255 
Dorsal. oo ae ee coe ones 255 
GUS sc Soe i a ee Seeley ho ees 255 
RESON BHC = 2 20 oe one eee ae 255 
PUNCRON: eas ese ies ee 255 
WUCAGRTIR = oo Pe as pe 255 
picudilla____ 255 
sphyrena__ 255 

AGU OB. sto, einen. IS eee 255 
WIIGRISIG Hc 8 nus eet ee ee 255 
HUIMOUIG ge i ergo ee eee 255 
apnyreens “ATgenting.- 52... .- assess 68 
GHiyostomia = 2 -- 5. ees eee 251 
a) Ee ae i ae as Sn ae aie Sy 8 2 255 
UCT ORGS 3 2 5 oo pares eth eee 255 
sphyrzenarum, Echeneis__._____-_._---.._--- 449 
PRUNING. 4 ts. tae 225 
RURURENOUR sa 5 seat 2 cates fo store ee 297 
1 Le 0: Rane te a meade We eae * ew ho 297 
IREGIRHS. 2 kon tas ence. teeta 297 
sphyreenops, Lestidiops--. << 2 122. antes 166 
Sphyrichthys 18 
(aya) thy. cf, ae Rai bene SIRS i tn arta Sielale 18 
TYEBNG..- ass 18 
Sphyrnidw..........- 17 
8 UES Ce PRE ha A Rad CR TEE. 28 340 
OSHOMH s anno anda dare ueee eee aoe 340 
RERANCH. Kaas oe So on cpa an Sakti da ok taee 340 
Ker ry ea Ec iis rt). Be A 8 243 
WOMGMAUMUMS © 2204-2 np bea ae hore keene 243 
apilimanl, MIS OLOUUN . < on vo waannal odtadd eae 283 



List of scientific names—Continued 

spilonotopterus, Cypselurus...-..-...--.---- 202 
Wxocosliis-..... 2 2-.-.u-dda-ssncnaceue eens 202 
spilonota,, Poscilia. _.-..=.-222-<5..-2sseemeee 192 
spilonotus, Coregonus- -- 65 
Monacanthus----_-_- 495 
Prosopitim'!2=22--- =. 5. = eee 65 
aifiaie Citharichthys....-2252 eee. 218, 219 
Photogenis..—.~ <<. . = .2=22 6 eee 129 
spilopus,.Exocootus-....... === -sscesseeeeee 201 
spilota, Uranides.....==.-=.=2-_ 2. dsc eeeenes 385 
spilotopterygius, Balistes-_----........------. 492 
spilotum, Etheostoma niangu@#___._-._------ 285 
spilotus,.Hypobhomus:.-- 2-264 22scre eee 285 
spilura, Mollienesia...=--==22- 2-23-26 ee 192 
spilurus, Archocentrus-__._...-..------------- 420 
Curimatus...-..---.2..2e eee 100 
Heros 420 
Peecilia 192 
Salmo-.-- 57 
Spinachia 239 
spinachia 239 
wilearis. 2b cid 7 oe oe ee 239 
spinachia, Gasterosteus_.......-.------------ 239 
Spinadhia= asco... ceo. oeeee eae 239 
Spinachtines {2 = oo ona eee 239 
Spinax (Acanthias) suckleyi-_........--.---. 21 
Spinaxfabrichi- oso. —= 3.52 = 2225 oe ose neous 21 
hillianus:(3/ [sj Pe eee 21 
spinax, Squalus...-..L-5 5.2 -2e eee 21 
spinesceus, Auliscops=- <2 ===: f2s22seseeeese ae 239 
spinicauda, Acanthenchelys--_-.--.---------- 89 
spinicephalum, Exoglossum __.....---------- 146 
fibwisitisis22" 3-34. Ses 

spiniceps, Photocorynus 

spinidens, Scanis..2. 22-2... cena nececet eee 

spinifer, A canthonus= 2.222 2_ <2 3 22 eee 
pe Bn AUIS See ee eee ee 

Spinivomer....<...25226.0hss0 -ssce eee 
poodel-o eee ee ee 
spinosa, Acanthemblemaria---..-.---------- 465 
AVISIERODSIS 22 <2 052s 22 et eee eee eee 507 
Thysanocara...-=.--===-2---=22e-saeens 160 
spinosissimum immaculatum, Cichlasoma_-. 420 

spinosissimus, Archocentrus 420 
Aspidophorus. 2 <...=22==- 394 
Diodones. 2- CSS se ce eee 501 
Heros (Cichlasoma); -=2...-=.222-2-222¢3 420 

spinosus, AncistrusS.--..<<cssassss2="0 160 
Calycilepidotus--22:-<<--222-. 2 ee 381 
Centronotus.2..22<sss2-s<sscseeh oneness 281 
Cyclichthys..--s-222222--- 242-5 eee 502 
Cyclopierus....-222---24.---<..22-45 2 398 
Digdon': 4 -. = .aacste enon se oe eke eee 502 
EHumicrotremus..-22-222+252i2s.2-2- 398 
NWotacanthus=.-2:-.-=2.2-2:--2 eee 76 
Platophlirys: =. .<sssasce2-caceeene ee 217 
Polyipnus 2 =. 255-242. sccasceceee eee 74 
Bhinobatoss2- 22.2.2 222422 --s 25 eee 24 
Rhinobatus.-..---3-.--223.2335. 24 
Rhomboidichthys 217 
Schedophilopris..=2. .<-.2<s=s2.-222 269 
Squalus .:-~--- 22h 252i. sse252>523seeee~ 22 
Trachinotus.<+:<-s<22sece see eee 276 

Same rer Chalinira 22-5 202252 25-2 204 

althopsis acces elo ste = See 507 

Sicatene Gasterosteus =~. 222265-82 8 sae 237 

Spirinchus._---.--:..2-= eee 67 
thaleichthys: == == -=2. 28282 ecs 7a 67 

spirlingulus, Leuciscus 128 

spixianus, Saurus 

rjboile/., Ot See eee meres ieee opt Vel 

Vomerns 2 --> 

splendens, Beryx 

splendida. Petemin# a=: ss esseeeeee 423 

spleniatum, Pristipoma_-_..-------------..--- 332 

spleniatus, Anisotremus--_------------------ 332 

spongicola, Evermannichthys--_--.-------- 446, 447 

armanma._~ -= 222525. sceee ne ees 446 

spongiosa, Halieuteea__......-.-------------- 508 

Spratelloides bryoporus....-...-------------- 41 

Squalids. <..- occ. eee 21 
qualidus,.Scarus).22"2.12-.=... 22s eeseeeeee 433 
squalipeta, Echeneis 449 
DIOLiger. = <== Le sacne ten eee e re en eee 120 
phomaleuS... nce o chose teste nee 119 
Squaloidei... --.==:--=-. 222-2 wastes eeeoeeeee 21 
Squalus 22422020320. -s ence sear ee See eee 13, 21 
acanthias.-....:2c-6en=sccocs cases 21 
ACFONOtUS. .. <<< -snHnaccclee setae eaters 16 
QPPUSpees aes ee 
pracus..2. 5. 22eb-- 3 ee eee 
Canis; -=2ot2<22--.--2edeceecs cusses eee 
carcharias:. _..:.--...222... eee 15, 20 
(Carcharias) terrse-novee__...---------... 14 
cetaceus ----2- === <= -8 8 5 eeeeeaaaees 20 

hirundinaceus =.= =i. 2. = -=--sesneeeneeee 17 
Womianuss.---.5.5-25 22 - scene ese eens 20 
isoduS.<:<2-=:---.22.2+--2lsscsesseeeee 20 
littoralis’=<2--22.22----e2ee 2. eee 19 
longimanus..-.-.2--222=-22---2ssseeseeee 15 
MACTOOUS..--~ 2. -—-- 22-52 Sect eee eee 19 
mMaxiMUS- -.-------=2--=--=-2cnenenaeeaae 20 

ObseuruS....- =2-<-5-5-42542202-seeeee ee 16 
ObtUSUS 2.2252 a2s2-2---=2-: 14 Se 15 
poeleprinus::-.22-ss.ccc2ae cose eeeeeene 20 
pennanti <<:-2.5452-L5eneseseecseseeeoce S 19 
platyodon.-<=2-<2=-2 2222-6. eee 15 
POLOSUS..=2-.2-c222e2ecsenseengeeeeee eee 15 
pristis-<:..i<..2:2-2-.55--2 eee 23 
punctatus: ---2=.-52--.5.222528 eee 12, 14, 15 
punctulatus..-.<..2222: s<sessce ona 12 
rashleighanus:.<=-.<22252:7_- 2 eee 20 
rostratus 19 
spathula_-_ 36 
.SPINAX. sccccceacecaccce-sesseneeeee oe 21 
spinosus 22 
squatina 22 
stellaris....-<..--222.-22222-2-3 ees ll 
suckloyi...:22.2-2--.22-224.2 2 eee 21 
tiburo: 22:2... s.2s.222523322 eee 16, 17 

DOS. -<s2--22225s55cenc ec 18 
vulpinus —. 262 222 2222-2- bee ees 18 

PA f2, <) 1); ae a a pert sya NE 18 
squamata, Swainia:--..-:-2-225.4-.5- sees 285 
Tigoma...-<=-=2- 5-2 5- sansa unseen eee 119 
squamatus, Etheostoma (Hadropterus) -.--.. 285 
squamiceps, Claricola-------..------------.. 292 
Eitheostoma ==. -=s-+-==--==-----8e ees 292 
squamilentus, Ceratichthys 136 
Couesitis-<225s2h=25255 136 
Paeralichthys=:..2-222.2222e22625 ts 224 
Squamipennes.._.--.-.--------------------<- 358 
squamipinnis, Cynoscion..---..--..-------.- 355 
Gerres..2 2=22223252-2-- =. eee 342 
Otolithus.--22222 52... 2 Je eee 355 
squamosa Viridis, Acus maxima------..----- 36 

squamosus, Trachurus.........---..--------- 272 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page : Page 
squamulosus, Chetodon____-...............- Shit) Stellatus, Wario. + <2 eo oe are 56 
PQUBLINIA aes eee 22 INMIStallaS oo ses 5 a 13 
PhS ti cite 22 Platichthys == <2 22... eee ek 226 
Callorniea is see oon 22 Pleuranectes ecw e 2 ee ee ae 226 
err Grrl eg es os ee oe ee 22 SDOLTHOd Grimes ieee Beam ae ee 497, 499 
fimbrintas ta oa a 22 Walenciennellus:=:2 2. == - <7» dial 73 
ot ae ae, ES ery See 22 Go Eee eee ee Ser rar 273 
pupils a Buea 2S aeons Zee estelleri, Cottnss< sean 3 ere 381 
oculatas 832s eee 22 MGLOBLONIS <3 oe ee SO 398 
TAG es Sn pa 23 Oxarrammos. 5.2535 eee 378, 374 
SQUANNAs 2 55 io 5 oe A er 22 ai parOpss SS 5282 ie elie GRRE RO Aa ais 398 
Mill partis oo. 0S -~ ol eel 22 Myoxocephalus2 as: aie osed a oan al 387 
Rousgtina; ‘Squalts. 222202... ee 22)| Stellorina 22 Se 2 Se Oe ae aie 394 
Souatinig 6 oof 2o See es Pel 22 EVOSPOIM a. 3222 2 ea 394 
RoviaGinidss- 20 oo Stee oa aes eSbeliicarens 20. oo. 23 at Sis bth eene tae ad 347 
Bauatingideis--5:- 8. 7: <. s An 22 347 
Squeteague, Labrus___.__.__.-.........._____ 355 346 
merwisuis, Tabrus. 2-225. >; ern eal 355 347 
Biebuliferis, aja se 2S 1 237 eee 25 346 
stadthouderi, Serranus___...._...........__. 311 347 
st is Snlyalininig 2. coy Say 60 346 
PE Atighenistins <2)... aera yi» 457 347 
aN a SR So 344 346 
stanloyi, Coregonus... 20. 2 eo 65 347 
sal) 1,121 1 Ae a RS 7 Tek a OG A 65 347 
Siren, Moenidia. 35.) 247 346 
RROD oor ono re Sei 242 347 
Biglomitmtta. 2268 se ea 48 346 
LES ECTS One Sea e Seok aartrety 242 346 
|e SE Se A Sr a? 456 179 
MERINO DALES eo ose 456 346 
“Ere are 456 1 aE ERE RTE SION, VF 95: 179 
AISI pPOmAHAR YS: 2. 8-22 e 8 334 | stelliferoides, Bassogigas_._......___..__..__. 482 
CCU To Se ieee eh aa cms Cake 465 Neobythitess 2.30). ee 482 
1 re a aC ae aT 455. §r Sibel lems see oc Secu ta eter ot eae 346 
(SESS RLS TE DE CT ee 466 Slibeehrobtis so sc225 5552 us 347 
eenrrss Blenning ..525 2. GN 460 SER MOCALTIN uid tients scence es eS 347 
1 OO Sy eae eee eS 1] TENE AOR PBUHO PONG eee oS Foc crte Aik IOS 310 
sremnisl) Coryine = 2.222 t te Rae aes 348 HAIN ODBLOS Sis 555 a peestecek Lee 23 
DB ES a MRIS 59, 325 ehingbetns Ieee co vcdccte es 23 
RACING S02 22S en BA a ca i 17S <n 26 
IORI E gh Ss ips | SE ST BED SOROBEDON SS Sot SOE ee. See aD 336 
la st Ee Se een 371 | (Stenobrachius) leucopsarum, Myctophum.. 168 
Soins, BEE SS RS yee lee 2 Fh rae Ate |) OCNONNG ee co ete 61 
i ee a ES MR SS TROT 415 mackenzii 61 
EE aos ane an BOR SOS oe FTO 415 | Stenometopus 498 
US La Gh ae SSS eRe: TIRED EN Te UES PLR os oY 336 
AL SaaS oa Ta eter 416 | Stenotomus................_. 336 
pnanionbng 205 230 ost sue ae Tiere 415 COUMIAUIR oo 336 
PO i, eR EDI USO nas pga or 416 GUT yNOpe! ook. 336 
Bteindachserella._................<-......... 203 versicolor_________ 336 
spetndaehtert, Argo. cas. ccc ac ewe 265 | Stephanoberycide 232 
Lk SE eee eae Fy 2 ere BRT PMODNANOUO IK sa. hoa t en an5 a AS 232 
Oteianoma 22522. 419 gilli 232 
Le ES Os 232 
Hemulon_-______ 494 
Ophioblennius 407 
Big Se |, ee ea REN SI og Ss Aah i 308 
Rhinoptera : 308 
Tach 308 
aie wa ee Ee 33, 34 
203 | sterletus, Averruncus.............__.-....... 395 
203 WABUIGUUNY Heise el | ae 139 









ho weamelaa shinee aatinad waa ek a 395 

ccodewnsadinadaah dwindle seo, 379 

dnt tn, StS ray ie 379 


eee See 346 





AIGA GON. ee ee: oosl: 206 

7 RS 8 309 

Cophalopholis...o52500..5. 0204 BL. 309 



List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
Sternotremisa 222-2 < -s-6s22 6 een 5 = ee 215)\}). stomiass Adherssthes-o----22e----se= Sonne 221 
ISGLO DIS eee eo ee 215 IBaihytrectess...-2<-—95555—-s5505oeneeee 52 
stevensii, Thaleichthys_--.--.----=--=--==2=< 66 G@hasmistesi sa. o 8 ee 108 
Stichwidies.. 2222 eS eee 469 INArGSLpS => == 55 35555. -5555555eee 52 
Stichus 4-22-2045 2.262225. 3 ee 469 Platysomatichtbiys-—-.-..--295--s eee 221 
punctatus. -- =. ..2-_.1-.... sae 469 Salnige = 26 eso 7 os 55 55 ee 57 
stigma; (Gymnolis 22225 =<2- 2s ee 477 NT RISGERO DIS eas 5 anes oe 314 
Ophidium:*:> 2. -..-=-.-.25-2-5- Beeeea atria] |) ASV aywen hiv Ge ee ee Sain 69 
stigmsea, Ulocentra:-__....-....- = .2sseeeees DRT SO DOA IONG Olas ne 69 
stigmeum, Boleosoma___._..-.-.-2s2s222s5522 bey? | iShi@aeiyen tha eee eee ee erro anes 105 
stigmeeus, Citharichthys__ -__-------------. 219 | Stomodon bilinearis......-22.---.-. = 4 pee 214 
stigmanotus, Ahynnodontophis___.._-------- O44) Stonel: sel ydrophlox---—- === ees 127 
stigmaticus, Ceratichthys___...-.----------- 13 ONG UROIDIS Se ae 127 
Gobionelltis.3-52.- --22--.0. = 5. eee 441 Salmoes*=- o=s --3=-- 222-22 eee 58 
stigmatistium, Lepophidium ---__------------ 485 POO ON ee ee 58 
Lentophidium~3-. <=> <a ree 4955) -storeria A CiIDPNSCY.- = ---- ee 34 
stigmaticus, Sigmops--_--------------- eS 7 Aledons = 4- = <== a 503 
Smararduss 2032s = eee i eas 441 Getominnis 23-— aan ae ee eee 172 
stizmatura, Algansea:2..--=---...=-2-2825-22 116 Lenciseus:-- 3=-s4--2-25=--5- Ses <= eee 117 
Ballmannia._= — =e ee ee 443 Scomberes0x....----==-=---===522=-—eee 197 
Wropalas=~< 22 4 ss ee eee TOO) \storeria,: @iChils=—-— = oon eee eee eee 304 
stigmaturus.;Gobius_._. -_--=---=-.- = eee 439 | storerianus, Erinemus----------------------- 137 
Photovenis* ss 129 RagGilus2=—= Ease Ri erckassasn52 252225 137 
Rhinogobis 2s ee 439 | stormi, Cephalocassis------------------------ 149 
stilbe; Zalocys 5-2-5 ee O77, | Stoutil, ~BGSUOStONIS--—-———- = — ee 8 
Stilbiseus 31 i222 ee eee 89 Polistotrema= 2-2-s-e--0-6-- 3 pee eee 
edwardsiv.. 2-552 ee aa 80) nstrabo sl celintss=.22- =e oe ree 376 
stilbius, euroglossus_._2-----=-.e22eas228. © 68 Ophioscion - - ---------------------------- 347 
INOEGERODIS.o-c2 ot eee Sa 125 | straminea, Hybopsis deliciosa_-_------------- 134 
Notropis. 32-043 = = ee 125 | stramineus, Hybognathus_------ eee ceeeseeee 133 
stimpsoni; Triglopsiss:. 2 s2s---_ see ee 389 (Ey DOS Issa = eee ee See 134 
stipes; Atherina. 6 25-2254 2) a ee 246 | Strephon------------------------------------ 159 
Hepsetigg 2-252 c5 se ee 246 | striata, Alausa__.---------------------------- 43, 
Jottrns: = 23 ee 254, 255 ATSONbINA =o — ana ee ee eee 68 
stirurus,: Ghloroscombrus:—--= —-- ---=-- ee 276 Veit eee e-=---- ee 331 
Stizostedion -@2c-= ==- 3 ohn ee sc 5 ee 982 | striato, Perca marina capite----------------- 330 
plauCcuits |. sasssc sees ees see 282 | striatulus, Brycon--------------------------- 98 
Witte) )oos2-sa esos = ann ee 282 @haleinopsis-= => ---<- =225==5-4-e eee 98 
Stizostethinms>.2--2.2". 4. -=- - eae 932 | striatum, Bathystoma_----_--.-----------__- 331 
Shoasodon’. 226-265-2202 esos e a ee ee 30 yPidium -2 502 - seo a ee 159 
IARI ST ees oo eer page Saye: ae. 30) ||| striatus, Acanthurus.__--.----=----- s-eeeeee 363 
Stolepnocus. = 2. 5-3- 2a eee 47 AST GUULERS  c  e 311, 318 
ASbUDGse- 2 ee Sa ees oes Fae 49 ‘Blennius: - =-=------ =. 3 ee 462 
Dranehiomelas- 22-252. -o 2. a a 49 IBOGIANUS=-. 5-5 =---- 222s 2=-) oso eee 325 
brevirostroiM=—._2 25. 50 @G@ntropristes!-2a-==—- 0 - nae eee B17, 
Cultratis. 222-228) -24 5 48 CReetodon: -<3-=- =. 2-2-2 eee 359 
CQUERUS 220s eee Se aes ee ea ee 48 CtenochetusS=—--—— == ae eee 363 
Bpsaulisesee ox wee Seige 47 Diodon maculato_-——---=2---—) == eee 502 
@ULVSUOIG os = = 5 a Sa ae ee 48 iplaephelus=. 2 = — eae ae 
Oxon Ae ood esas oe a 47 Molocentrus. =—-— 222- 2s = oe 
parmanios s 2-2 no naa so ana 51 Hypsoblennius 
gil bertic s.-322-22-~- = = 5 an See 51 LaDrUS.--=--s=-5=---- 2-22 
SUlANneNSIS.--=-.<---=-=--- <---> Peete 49 DeCIOCDATSX.- = -- —— nee ee ee eee 100 
hinges 2s os ee 48 IMonacanthus: ------- ~~ =. -=2- eee 
IS CNS UN< pane e Ao ee a ee 48 'ROCCUS 22. -- -25--= 32-9 <o- a eer 307 
IIMB es. en eee 48 Galin0:22-s.c--S 232 oe se os ae ee 54 
lydlepis.=- 2. -=-e0 -ecese see eee 40\..| ‘strigata, Drigla------__-__ == eee 407 
MNARCHUS 2) se ia nosso ene a7 \ strigatum, SparisOla-._-.- =e eee 433 
TMPMCOOUIS: 22 = =n cone ao ce ee ees BO’ | strigatus, A tenmarius- __-- === [= oe Sees 505 
MAR Sei ae wae aoe seein awa = oa 49 Buctenogobius.-- --.4-=-2- eee 441 
GPRLCUIANISS 2. mee nn sn oe ne ee 51 Gobionellus:- .:---=.-..2 2-2-2 a45 aes 441 
DGRIASOID GUS == ee se ne ne ee 47 Molacanthus...2-- =----22 >= - eee 361 
Pert Neca bUS a2 anne ee eee 47 DOOM OSS oe cee 407 
TAStPaUs= eee ewan ee oe pee 50 SCSTUS..-.- + 2-2-8045) oo ane eee ae 433 
TODBELSIs- - a. oe nan ee ee 49 <iphophorus=--5_- -—- a= ae 193 
FOSHRANS pf oe = nee ee eed 47 helleri(.— =. 92222222 ee 
ScOMGINL: 9. ee nen eee 469|| (stripilata, uoriearia-----—=-22-—----- eee 162 
Spitile@rs. 5225. oo canon ean 47> ‘strigosus, ACanthurus-——-- 250 hoa ae 363 
Starital. oon 8 soe se oe ee ae 48 Anarhichas! .e - - ec ben a ee 472 
SurinAMmensiS: == ss-- o-2 = ee es BO. |. Stroendiil, ‘Zeus=— = - 0S ee 217 
Stoliferd, lupenic.<- sess ae ee 44) Stromateidse: ------2-=--- =" 2-2 2 ee 266 
UO TIRS TCT en eee 45,46 | Stromateiformes----------------------------- 266 
Ur ayy ae eee eee 46 | Stromateus cryptosus-_--.---=___-_~- a e 267 
1B) fos eS eh nantes eis rep besae pr S/F 44 fonripinnis. <2. eee en 266 
BLOM en) IO a ae fan see ae nee eee 196 OCU ate oe oe eee ee 267 
Lp ei) ei 9, Bel Spe ie ee ee eee ee 356 PRIOMIOUG ose ee ee ee 266, 267 
OVONUHUS= 28 os ae ne ee 356 DAEs ee a ie a re el 261 
SnOnpy OT ete ee 196 triacanthus. .-_-.---------------ss--4--=+ 267 
stomata, Hippoplossin# 22s. . see eee 223 | strombi, Apogonichthys 296 
BILOTUGS 5 an eee ee 60) Biron ey lntacs= = oes an a ee 195 
a Fal ee ee es See ser ee tenes SF 69 BYP TBUCOUS sa pe nee a eee ee 196 
airiventer__------—- = 69 BLP ONS on ee ee ele 196 
Golubrinus.-\ ~~ = sace eee esa a keane 69 calidintacwlsta..-a2sn—2 ~~ aoa teenie 195 
10 t eh SR Sa ete nn pe ap pre) a OE SS 69 Giplotenls ae eee ee eer 196 
isxnponatis ae ee eee eee snes 69 G@UITVODS 2 eee ee a ae 196 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Strongeylora exis. tse see aw 196 
Pianensiss eS eee 196 
Fits \d tit: eee ae SOO Ne as Se ec 196 
THGTODS asses ee a ee 196 
MObste SW sos ote 195 
Plerure!: = 3232) ose = 196 
SCapullaVis 2 522.3. a aa 195 
Stelzmanni-s 22 es eee es 196 
timpen 262 soe 5 eee Se 195 
Strongylura, Belone: 2. ees 195 
Strumosis; Gobiesot....--2---— See 489 
Gturio.. > 2-22. eb saeet 3s ee Re 
MUN Pansy 6 9-82) eee 
sturio, Acipenser 
Bgprisgnin. . “52 So. sue ee es 
TOStra tao sic) 88s i ae a ae 
cpa cr ae eee ee 
Gentatusg se. ns Se eee 
PROCES = Soe Ag a SS 
Bpnnola th st oe oe 2 SS 
BEOlephoris 2225.22. = 3. ee 
PRRs 5 555 eee 
RTOS oe ease es ance ee 
LL 2 ae a eee 2 Pe 
Eiyitier Hippocampus: =..--2--<-=.~..-=2252% 244 
Beglnpiaalmninigss 225 3 8 oe eae ee 71 
USL eA 0 as Si ieee 71 
pat 1S 21 Ce ee ie es 71 
Stypodon___- 113 
signifer______- 113 
suavis, Cyprinella 131 
SEIeOTInIE OORWINS 2-2 5 joan sea eee 345 
OI ae ae eee ae sree She tae, 345 
Sparcnaia: 2 vemna. 2.5 SbCl uses 18 
subarcuatum, Hemulon_............-------- 330 
subarmatus, Acanthurus.-.__...._.._-----.-- 362 
subbifrenatus, Rhypticus ...............---- 316 
eubbifarcata, .Ulvaria.......-.25-..---sJ202. 470 
Babbilarcatis, Polis. oo oso eek LL 470 
Bmncrriied. mia. eos Kis 38 
subditus, Hesperoleucus---_.........----.---- 122 
MEE CSUS. GE METTIS 255° as opens oo ae SE 424 
subfurcatus, Bermudichthys _...........---- 430 
subligarius, Centropristis__- 3 
subniger, Chiasmodon_______- 452 
suborbitale, Holocentrum___..........._---- 236 
sannroiralis: -Adiorgx.....-2...-..25bste.b 8 236 
SOAR ANN 5 NB ce a sate SAE 203 
A Ana en eee ee eee 203 
RBGELOMING 25 28> a 5a 58 2 awe eat 233 
subosseus, Nannocampus..................-- 244 
sabterranea,. Lucifuga...........-...sL.---- 479 
subterraneus, Lucifuga...................-.- 479 
PIR TICM CNS So 27 S25 Sia a coun ced 194, 195 
Sabtrancata, Belone.....---..2..2.<.si52.- = 320 195 
subtruncatus, Homoprion--__-.......--..---- 345 
subuisius, Orcynus..._. 2... sees cc os Ee 260 
IPMUNMNS 252-2 sacocncsas le eNO 260 
SOCIOL, SOTIOIS .. Jeni ieroct ess conte eess 278 
sucetta, Cyprinus 109 
Lcpu tw £70 1 ee 109 
suckleyi, Spinax (Acanthias) 21 
WUPISIUE ceca d ad etaes csdsssdeeee 2] 
sucklii, Catostomus_ ain Dower See * #105 
sucubti, Rivulus chucunaqu. Pickatenweaeoseee 180 
Cyl ES Se St a enna e ae ee. 165 
PLANO ed dc ers ans) wren sw rive ars tos cd 165 
|, aS Ra Se eine Nae. ° 165 
Inter mpaius.. sic. ee ah 165 
PMR ese bin 7s CURSES wane 165 
@isnesoni. Chilorhinus..........02lb)iu. 2022 83 
Ua S95) ot) rn ae poe ot 2 
PEER DODIOLA GS oo occ ste alee nn eeesaeancoes 42 
MMEEROSR NSS oil cis ouiw iwc tipa tweed dedeey 492 
UT cient Dots esi nnd ote ta Sas 492 

RUA EMU LE cee saad sicaas wit 492 
MIATICMORBTONG owe owen anen/ de soseubat kOe 492 
sugillatus, Ophisurus__...................... 88 
A ee ee peas ese tT 425 
suiJlus, Lachnolaimus. -....................4 425 
SOTO BAUCUS on, so aicncnsssuelubssasee 467 
catus, Coryphwnoides...............-..-. 207 
RREOIAELOU Die oi =» conenodurdawece 87 
Trachonurus._____ chacanuatalaasde ne 
sumichrasti Citharichthys- ames cesiaiintiend mane 219 
sundiacus, Bagrus OS a acer? 149 


Super bus SCarus) veces ee i 434 
superciliosus, Hexagrammos_________________ 374 
ity berhynchus ss Se ene 145 

We braketee et enn a 373 
Supernas; Leuciehthys =. Se eee 63 
surinamensis, Anisotremus_-__.______________ 332 
‘Batrachoidéses ase ee eee 486 
IBatrachuss:co-o eee Ss 486 
Galeichthyses 2-3. 5 3 A ee es 150 
Hexanematichthys 150 
Holocentrus 323 
Haboless 20 -* 5 — 323 
Lutjanus____ 332 
Pleuronectes__ 217 
Poncllias 23. dees 353 2- eeee 190 
Spares 2455 nc ccoseitek ease ae 424 
Stolepborus.s.ccewtea 2 he 50 
Susans, Boleocsoma=.. 22.22 2s 288 
sispectus,, Phycoccates.==--c<222-- 478 
Sitor;-Blepbans=t2% 3) oe et 274 
Swaini)-Poocilichthys-o3 5. 2-2 eee 291 
BWaltla inc 23s. once ek ceceec ceed en Rae 285 
SQUAMAIA Ao eee ee eee 285 
Swampina, Hydrargyrac<- 222-22 2c 175 
swanil, .Bothragonussccces eee 396 
By psagonuss.0. oe eee 396 
swannanoa, Etheostoma 289 
INBHOSIONIB 5.520. eee eee ee ee 289 
swifti, Eosebastes_ 367 
DPEDESLOGES! Joe butt Ke ok 367 
CI! 0 eee oe ane Sree cs 218 
TA MONS 3+ 32S. ooo Sek loc ce 218 
SRIRC OU ee aceon oe dee ee cee neal 218 
OVAIO ne oe he cee tcc See 218 
DAVIN OSH Sse cess SS cece cease 218 
Semibranchia. 552.2. s cee ss0e5l 22 See 76 

BPTI GPANOOUS joc ae esse es 
symmetricus, Apomotis_ 

wae eeds So. SS 299 

WBIONX wes s swe soc seoe 2 eB 270 
FIeIperOlSNCUs ssc sucid-es oo se=<< et 121 
PApOMNSs 2.3 So csones sak ees es s2-2 299 
Pomonichth ys: oc s4esc22 ses. see = 121 
Sane sve 59 
Trachurus__ _- 270 
Symmetrurus- . ---__-- 116 
Symobranchus v UL ene ne oS 76 
BytO DHT S nx 25225. 2552258e5e 2-522 230 
OtraMen tats: 255222 55-5555 22222. 231 
AtHiCaUdUS ese 2 oss eseos eset “231 
Gigmedianus:-<- 220-2: 22-5525 522222228 2" 231 
ClOn@atus. 2 -22222-s25seecc2cee 2 231 
fasciolaris 231 

ee) 231 
marginatus 231 
nigrescens 230 
piger 230 
plagiusa 231 
plagusia 231 
pusi 231 
williamsi 231 
synagris, Lutianus 4, 327 
Syuagrus, Spans. << s2s22222522 55 2 ae 327 
Synandea-Cervils:-° = 22245222222 sc5 ee 381 
Synanesia cervos >. 232205. 22s0sspss 381 
Synaphobranchidt-:--. 22222222212. 2 78 
Syraphobranchus: =) 22522--+-222 222 ee 78 
patiybttsso2.- 2-26 fer. sssseie aS 78 
kaupilssesscessescetseesss222is_ 78 
pinnate assesses cde eese2e se 78 
Sypapteretmuse: ss sss25s222-52525. 0 166 
SYNDISUCM Ges: == sss sesso lle 76 
RVUDIAMCDUS = 5252 o255e se322252Es522 22 76 
FOURINOSUR: 222535 Sods se 222552 76 
UMIHACUIALUS. -F-ss42ssuses052 05: 76 
marmoratus-___ 76 
transversalis- _. : 76 
Bynchivideess-3-s-s7ss. ces eee Se 393 
Synchitpssces sees eeese se8 525 Bmp Pe 55 393 
Gunes ao tess oo Sec sescctereccss. 32 393 
DYNCCHORIANSesccsccccssccesccssseccse eee 151 
GRE Obes Sy fae ssi oSesccuscee ssw aee ee 151, 152 
MYNONIGRUAUDI cess -s2zc-2bectcstedetcrecsce 195 
PYNRMAMNOMsst-sdssc2stscccces cic. eee 240 
iy MANAGE ES iis Biol eee sth new ssuse.caceesee 240 
De MRUMUUUS: cuts cen vs dee seut ewan dob cewek 240 

abboti---.. gees esadccesednewaues hse aawe:4, SAU 


List of scientific names—Continued 


Synenathus acusS.2.5..<5-.cccaeseeeacees 240 
SQUOTeUS: -. . ccnwewees en eee eSese ee 243 
affinis —. - 2222 5ss... 22555 eee 242 
AYCHUIS: <2 Uc 33 = 2240 ee eee 242 
arundinaceus=<=_ 5-25. at eee ee 240 
ascendens =.= Jo2cssen ose Sees Se 241 
auliscus.222-0 = ==... 5.202.258 eee 240 
bairdianus____-__ 242 
brachycephalus__ 241 
Darbar... 2... 2840 eee 240 
brachycephalus-2=-. == =2 20. ee eee 241 
bervicauduse joo soo sae2e5 = eee 241 
brevitostvis = 33 2e< es. 3-5 a eee 240 
califormiensis: ~....o2. 222.2 a ees 240 
earinatis!. 222625" 2c See ee 240 
Crinigerim. — = 23. sa5 as eae see 241 
deksyi-: 2 os3ccs- ase es 242 
Goendriticus: <= <<] 625250. 2a eS 242 
dimidiatus- = -.--2. = Stee ee 240 
Glcapltanense.== =. =~ —- = eee 242 
eleapitensis....-.. 5... sect esses 242 
G@lucens... 330s. coset nase Se 241 
ethpnie Sc eee 241 
fasciatus: =* = — 22-2 ane 242 
fistulatus.. ==... 5.3.22. eee 241 
flavirostvis: 2.5.5. ee eee 241 
florid: = 22-2222. ee 241 
fuscus = 22. 22-402 eee 242 
STISCOLINGALUS 2232-26 - See 240 
hippocanipus-=—- "2: 22. eee 244 
WOneSi = > 2 eee 241 
Jeptorhnynehus_-— ~~ ==. 32s ee 240 
linea 23s et ace ea ao ee oe 241 
Lovisian 38-2 es es won nee scene 242 
mackayi 241 
MATMOlLCUS ===. - =- 352 sao we eee 241 
milbertianus-_-__ 242 
mindii 242 
ophidion es 243 
POCKIANUS. =... 222525522 5--5 Pee 242 
peckil: =. .-2<222252.---25.+2-242- ee 242 
PelsgicuS:3 45. 5-223. oo eee 210-242 
Dicturatus..2.5- 2: <2 ees ees 5-t ene 241 
POSYiL-ces- 5c eee ee 241 
TODESMSl.-.ssecass- ee ess cabot ee eee 241 
TOUSSEATL3.- 33222 ee eee 241 
SIDDSIGI >. Jc cascasen cate reese seen ee 243 
singlom222 20422 ace eee 241 
SPicilers. 2c 22-08 ae eee 243 
starksi=- 2-2 - s2522-2-2-8~ 25+ ne nee eee 242 
tenuis 2sk. oo canon eee net eee eee 241 
LOTTO 2 an 2 Soe 8S eee 242 
tweedHer s22 5 22 eos 242 
WARIDGRUGHS = one e 242 
Synodontidses > —- 2. 255225 5 asco eeeee 163 
Synodus 22222222 + eee 163 
ACUINIS el ot conn deen oc cornea en 164 
ATCONtSUS = 22. eho ee 2 et 40 
@vernisniie 2225 25.4 0+ S23. eee 164 
j (a2) 7) 11 ee ae ee eee ee 163, 172 
intermeditis. 5222 2523.35. elo 164 
JOURINSIe = en eee eee 163 
Macer tas: 55 hoops eewooe =e ooo ccet eee eee 163 
lacertinus. . 5 2 cs2 a. Semcon ecceessamadeee 164 
WCIOCEPS 22 < oce a es 3 oo eae 163 
MBSlAVATICUS <2 2—~ coe en ce eases 99 
DOGY ian ec ce cee ae ce sen ae 164 
BUMPS soso 2 Soon os Sonate ee See 163 
scituliceps_-- 164 
simulans_-_-_- 163 
BSYNGOUS $5020 on eee en 163 
SYNHOAYS. SOX.) weno ewan wen a soaneeneawe 163 
Bysind tis cows cet a na cook. eae oe eens 163 
Syptertis 2 2. es) ee eae 230 
Byrictes 22 2 ao cece nico cas cee ea eee 242 
Sitin is Sei ete ecko ae 242 
DAP GIANUS soe hocks sao ee tasers ena 242 
exilis. <2. tk eacnpeeettcn nue aeaoee 243 
fUSCUS, . cc ccoseene bocce icentaweenu eee 242 








tabacarius, Centropristes__......-..-...----- 319 
tacheté}Je;Diedon: --222 5... cc. cee eeee 501 
frania; -Bascozetus so. - 225... .-.s ss cea eee 481 
IBAthyYONUS 2. <ccacn ose aoe Cee ee 481 
Blenninse sesso kon ee ee 468 
@linostomus).<- oso 2c- coe See 119 
Temata pA therina. |. =. -.2 523 eee 246 
teniatum, Hemulon__----- 332 
teniatus, Anisotremus__-_ 332 
Chirocentrodon_--___- 45 
Hvoxymetopon.2-- 2-2 eee 262 
Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus_____-... 188 
‘Tropidichthys__.-_-.- eee 500 
Trenioconger= == 6-22 -2=-. eee eee 82 
diguetit.s. =e eee ee 82 
teeniops, Cephalopholis___........_-.-.-.-... 309 
Serranuss- =.= ee eee 309 
tseniopterts, Balistess se ceo nee eee 491 
Cotinss:4 4-2 3 ee eee 388 
‘Perissias = <5 2823.2 Ste a eee 220 
Platophrys- 22225. 222seece ae 220 
‘Pseudoscarus22222.22 2 eee 433 
Scariissh see. ae ee 433 
Tseniomembras___ ey 3246 
Teeniophis___._..__- 91 
westphali 91 
Teeniosouil. 6 ison oe 216 
‘Treniotoca< oes ee ee eee 411 
lateralis =. ou cc secs ce eee ee 411 
teoninra; Safole__ 252 4 ee eee 305 
teniurus, (Dules/ 2022-2 2.22 eee 305 
SDRUS Sees S ees 430 
Pocilurichthys._..2 22. 3S SSaaaee 97 
Tachisurusigulostsi=282- 2 ee eee 151 
jordan 22-2. 2-6 eee eee 150 
lentiginosus.2 2. > eh eee 149 
longicephalus 150 
Tachysurus-_-_.__... ; ELedd50 
chinensis____ 150 
emmelane__- s 151 
@vermanni:.--.< 0... 4 eee 151 
jiropus2=... 22 = eee 151 
Steindachneri:----2 2a eae 151 
tahoensis; Catostomus: 2.255. 2a ae 107 
Salmo2--=2 2 eee eee 5a 
Carkiijs: 2222.5 eee eee 57 
taiasica (Gobins = -- 220322. Se eee 442 
Talismania=: 252.20. 22 eee 53 
MOQUALOLISS 2 soso 2 Se ae eee 53 
antillarom:22<- 2-222. 2 eee 53 
tang;'Mupgil.2 22. -=- 0 eo eee eens eee 253 
tanneri, Hyperchoristus 70 

tapdisma, Salmo- =. 2-22 2 Sees 
Maractestes es = 

Tarandichthys: 2 -c2- 1-6. eee eee 
Cavifrons? 222 2.222202 22200 - See 

tarascorum, Algansea.2222 9222226 seca 
Tarletonbeania_.. -.2--.-: 20 ee 

Tarpon 2020 ee ae eee eee 

tarsodes, Bryostemma____--.---- 
tassellatum, Boleosoma 

Gaduser. too 5. 2 eee 
Opsantis.2- 2522 4.2-4c5 sn cbs eee eee 
pardus,, Batrachus .-...25---ces sesso 
Tatridea..~ s23i wn cncctuc cocenencommeotene 
taurinus, .Aspicottus......--.-.-.-. Siew 
Enophrys.. « ..<22222 280 Jeb eee 
taurocephalus, Alburnops-_-_-.---------------- 145 
taurus; Abudefduf- 2: 222. -22222eee ee 415 
Warcharias.W 230226. h 52S Seee 2 Se 15 
@arplodesa< -.<.223.22 ieee 102 
Glyphidodon-.c.=--2.2:--.2se ees 415 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Tautoga niger __._. Leshudinens, ATObbrONo 9 o-8) ooo ase ee 499 
Na ee on a es ES ¥ Chetlichthiyss 2 2s ere een see ee 499 
OYE Gs eee ee on oe ae ae SRetraod Grits to see ee ee oe Ree 499 
PE TEDIGT See) te oe ee Seg) ea FDetrabranchuss sos ees ee ea ee 76 
[SESE GS YD gp oR Se ee tetracantha cincta, Parapetenia_____---.---.. 419 
PIRTILOPOIR DROS oo ce eee ae STIS, Paraperenitis 2-2 2 sone coe 419 
SVR E tyr 1 5 a ee ae data. Parapetenin=s ==. eae te eee 419 
CET So Sa Th SR ee ee ee eee iParanetanias 22 ee eee 419 
SA SGHIAGIC UGH USS aon San ae torralbasi, Parapetenia____.._-....__-... 419 
Ciaran oe eee ee ey tetracanthus, Centrarchus_____......._-_... 419 
RE EIGTNST EN ee ene = oe CHICITIS RIGGS eon eon ears pees 419 
Ronee Snr nSOniaa. <= oe a Ss LE STISGHS SHOIOSS oo eS ay ee ee ee 419 
UDI RT ET oe a a eed RT Ee bee BRUTE EPOIS eee ee ees 419 
BUROLAN III GN so oe oa ee ames SCE Ge fe aaa ee sie 5k 325 
LUCUE se Ue pl ee a Se ee ee t MBLTHADASL GETOrOS (ean oe ne ee 419 
pola Btatnmonorus. 8g nance eeencenn 466.) -FLoMeponopterus.. 8 22) 2 es 359 
Pietro re eee ie ck wee ee 39 COLLEGES ap a an RE ade eS 96 
telescopium, Pomatomus___-_------.--------- 296 Lath Hiri |pi hee ee Se NE Ce A SAR ae 3, 96 
LET a aes Eee *E EL 1 Ca ae a ac ie I ae amt eS 97 
telescopus arcansanus, Notropis_ Se eee Tie MP PRHS oe See ea kke en Ae ee 96 
ROIPRDOD Its I GUNA DIS se 124 (Hemibrycon) polyodon____-.--.-...--.. 97 
PITOWOREINS Sa ey Sener 124 TC rer ih: ibe. Sima la a abe aera Hee Ree 96 
OTP) SP REIS iii RE OES SESE oe 298 AERCYORRUn Sinn 8s Se a ee 97 
CTE TTT Tr ei Ra pigs ig Tat a csc Aa ag 119, 120 PUBZICANUISs= pe eee we rok Ce ee 96 
iemmmineki, Carcharias.._.--- =. am 1 mim Gpaiiainus ee ee ee 96 
temminckii, Ruvettus_...........-..---..... 261 PRs ak 8 ee Eee 96 
LUT i Ce at = i ee eee eee a 380 PENTEL Ee tf a aan ie Tek ma SE APPA 2 gg 96 
280 DOLENOHNIS. 22 eee oe ee 97 
334 sre 115 0) 0) 11 fg aS ea el li Ar SS) 97 
52 | Tetragonuride_____ 269 
505 | Tetragonurus_- 269 
27% VG CTT ot 2 Sell ae Ere ie lee Pa de® 269 
273 CG te ee ee ee ee 269 
177 simplex_ to ph A eeteint DOR AS CASO ot nS 261 
abt SUOLEAN ITS ete ce Pn ee eee 27 
OV Agr Sh ks (lai i ae eras 409 COELIAC |e: Re a li a A els Se eR 27 
ienseculate, Vendfica. = - ee 82 occidentalis. ___- Bt RARE Rtas eat Tk ee a, 27 
tenua, Tarletonbeania bidet eke BETS m0. Kemanemus, Fextranus.__-.- 2222-2 eee 139 
hens, (Cloningama. 5 ey ae 419 CNL 0 IE RR gi © SS SS SA at tog eka 139 
LOTS ERS” Bae Tie ae ADs | mE to oe, Se ee re tees 499 
tengicauda, Macrourus____..__.........-2_.. 206 SEITE WIOEIS oct oe ean ame mee oe 499 

EE a ea Se email le ok ie SS einer 206 Pe Ea RE es kL aaa 2 ot iil ee Eo ap 
tenuiculum, Myctophum____...__.-......... 17 A eS Rl 8 8 SURES che and oe «tl 497 
tenuifilis, Antennarous._..._._....-....--.-- 505 NGA nese ee en nS ees 499 
ROMEO, ANISTING oo te 77 ID eee ee eat ee 503 
OG a RR I. ot DES SEE, 322 TICINDICLUGNIN 2 poe eee ee eee 500 
DET) I Relies NS DS 251 OMe oes a ee eee eee 499 
Rg Yt eee Ea re eed SSB lesb Se 384 relay Cin lite Che) SLR ae COE ae Slee oo 499 
WB ecc ee hay 70 eS I ea 180 TOUCUIATIO.- ote ees. ter ee eee 499 
“TST pall la pi tilde pa BOS on! Sem ste 213 TOSUIIMIN ooo mk n= scree ee ee es 500 
ai is gs Seka Bie SG etn Lyte heen ned 376 BOWOSUS 2. sc oeiewace eto eee eae nee 500 
(yi i EE hes CSET STS ES 251 IE TN CaS oe BE Ree ieee 497, 499 
—— WEeRRRLE Meta A Bes Shes - YS 419 ROS UHUUIOUS: sos ate eee ee eeeen een 499 
fi 1 eS RED abe ERTS Fog 192 LICHGOSDUAINS. <2 cece noe Eee eee 499 
LE ae Sie he BES Cas Girt, ae I EUR fae Es C0 py ge en a I 497 
Seyaarikns So oN een ee Min} hecrapientouun: . <2. acl eee eer ee > 9 
Tarandichthys-.....2.. 5. 376 Spatirguss 2 ee ae 9 
je co ae as SIS EE ee Nae eS 384 | tetrapturorum, Echeneis-.-.-.._.....--..-..... 450 
ji SS BEB Sai ek te to ed aia); GLemOpIrns Giplas. oe 263 
RPO TAD Ty SECTOR. oS Ss eee ce 422 PHGUCUS: Soon ee dosteoe. sean ees neee eee 263 
teraculeatus, Gasterosteus___..._....-....... 237 Jt iy: ee ae Se See Oe cee ea eae a 263 
Racin, Miamrodon. = ee =, 99 FULD Ler g | {Sacer ee ake OS SE 263 
0 re a 46 | tetraspilus, Upeneus_.. _._- 344 
Cyprinus....... - 105 | Tetrodon angusticeps_ 498 
Macrodon_-___-__.. = 99 annulatus-_-._-__- 499 
Sphagebranchus-- 86 Capisabus. 208s. sl 500 
LS OEE ie Ra 109 (Cheilichthys) pachygaster_ 499 
bo SoS LE ap ine S Bee? axe arma ory C02 eet eS SEE Eee Te ee aida 497 
teretulus liosternus, Phenacobius_-_......---- 142 Chg (1 aE Oe eee Ghar Ce 3 Te 499 
teretulus, Phenacobius--......-....--.-.-... 142 POEOUMTIE Sees ee Seo er a eae ae 500 
ea) Ri RRA ALORS 52 Se EE HTS 40 Lili he eee eR SESE CS a hes, 499 
femree-tioveo, Lycodes. . 22522 stake 474 uly stoi) ie Stee ies CS 499 
IRE EE ope tee 14 PEL te oS ap re pe yan 9 oa 499 
Botsineg (Cartharins) =... 523 14 hispidns maculattis._--2_.-.-......--..22 498 
1p, De RS SE cE eT AY SS é STV eee ot a> Se aS eae erg ae 500 
SMTA ACIS 5. sae nae eek 680 yt) Oe af Se a eer ee) 497 
OS SG ae aan sy | Pas Be 417 aa a EE ee meee ty os 500 
terrabensis, Brachyrhaphis_-.....--...--.-.- 186 | E ee e ee os ee a” 498 
> RRR ele ek 269 186 EMIMCINENIR Se ey Sogn naan Soros eee 497 
on RMON oe dens sen le a ts 290 DOS OLS B gee cgcse sais nan anne memaied 498 
Ie cain poeaee nat a a ocr eee 231 TIBCUCIUALICUB Fp ocaenacbicnaadasaewdeue Teor 

teeatiatn AO OLATUS . 0. oon oso wee 239 SERRE eee ees ot Hee ia zatenaa tomar 
eater pe fa pessoa ns inn sage 424 Op LES ete Ee in i Oak aes 498 
Lipa a ae Rn is oR tae 290 Co aR ce REESE ETS BEES OH pe 500 
eee 489 Saeed SAN COON ean en pan ou sae sane ae a 500 



List of scientific names—Continued 

Tetrodon pachycephalus._._.._.....-...--._. 
psittacass 22s a2 3 ee seat eee eee 
punctatissuns22) eee 
Punctatusse eee eee 
rost¥atusiis- 22552 2os5-t ees ee ae oeee ee 
Spenp len ees 8 6a ee ee 
(Spheroides) eulepidotus____-_____-_--_- 
LLOnCalus-22 2 = eee 
fUrgidus ee eee 

*Petronarce: = 3 ar eee 

tetrophthalma, Lioglossina 

tetrophthalmus, Anableps 

CEESLONISS Se eae eo eps ee 
hepsieis es as eens eee 
Larand -Amcuias a8! < te e see eee 
Cyprninelin= a eae ee 
EROS at Cates tte tes) ee eee 

SRV T AUCH ON ee aed nl 
Lexensis; Dignd a= ae ee ee ee eee 
TOXEIUS VO Rares Sone eer eee 

Salaricht yes as c= eee 
thalassinum, Moxostoma____....__._.-._--.. 

Nanostoma__ St : 
thalassinus, Cynoscion_ eee eee ees 

INGralOnOtUss ee on et ae 

GODS ae a etl 2 ee ee 

Wicrogo bisa Aart Sen Ce ee 

MirloleucHs ses one Sater feat ae eee 

Nothonotis 2) ee eee 

Otontnus-29- = es 2 ee ee ae 

PiychoOSstOMmUus- 22 a ee eee 
Thiglassonia ==: <0 2-22 2 ee 

CramimMayichms: =) oo se ene Seen 
WUCASANUIN Eo eee oo eee eee 
MGIC Gs fo ee eee ee ee 

VILGHS. eee ee ee 
TMHAIESsOpNT yO. ee ee eee ee 
OW nee ce ek ee ee ee eee ree 
MACHIOSH = oa eee 
MOQICMAUN Sooo ee ee en ene 
"TRHAIGICHTUYSs — oon es eee 
AIDSLEOSSIS#o 82S ee eee 
Paciticuen 2 as ee ees eee 
stevensi_ a 
thaleichthys, ‘Ositierus ee ere 
DITCH act ee ee ee eee 
tiainiasinm, Rhema. eee 
IPRECOPLErUS 2. = ooo ee coe eee 
MIGHDICUS: 2 2S. as eee 
PHPLAREAW coon ee te na ee eee 
CiAICOPTHINIMH = 2) ke ee 
TUCEDBIS== 2-2-5 Soe oe ee eee 
TOL ARs es sone ee ee ee ee 
Dalleatis=- 222 2 se eee 
GICOTIN GL en ee ee 
{rOulalis 2 = sue ese eee 
SAMO VS oe ee eee ee en ee ee 
ITOPUATIS. oe oo oct seen coe ee ee 
lentiginosus 23035222 eee 
mibGtie 2 [ooo ee cca ee eee 
MOAI Set odes e eee eee 

UCAS SO USIB See oe aoe eee 
MUGTIOUS 2 oo oo Se eee ee 

thermalis, Poa cilia_ 
thermophilus, Richardsonius_______________- 
RGrO DE OMIUS su sere = ae ae tee See 
eallorhinio. 355 oo Ae a kee eee 
theta, Diaphis._ 2 Se 
thoburit, Aleidéa:- 2. "-2-- ese ees 
Mig tl eee noose ee a eee eee 
POTiCGliNnuUs..- =25.6.0052~8een ce eee 
Querimand. 32. eS acoweee 

Thoburnis=*2 222 Fe 2ocseecesestk 2 107 
Thothoeca 2s 2e- ito eee 108 
Tholichthy6 Vis 222s. ee ee eee 359 
OSSOUSH etek eee oe ee 359 
THompsoni-Amia-<2- =< = toc eee 38 
GWarpiodéesi<2~- 2. eee eee 103 
@Gnatholepis=--..-.-.-. eee 443 
Lepidosteus: 2 2... =. 2--ct=e eee 37 
Triglopsis: 222-> =.-- =< ee eee 389 
thomsonii, Cottunculuss = 2.22 ----- eee 392 
Cottus_ 2222 ee eee 392 
thoracatus, Callichthys (Holosternum) __---- 160 
Thoracostei: 3. 2 = =e ee ee 237 
thoreauanus, Semotilus=2-- =e eee 117 
Semotilus atromaculatus___-________---- 117 
‘Thorichthys-2.22 2-4 tee. eS eee 422 
Scutus. =. 222. 2s. eas seth = oe eee 422 
aiinis. = soso eee eee 422 
SULCUS! Ut ae Se Saeco este oo eee 422 
callolepis: .<. 2.2422 eee 422 
@llioti_g 0 ee se eee 422 
helléris. 22a eee 422 
thrissa, Glupes=22222 =e 44 
thrissina Clupea: =. eee 44 
Harenevula2-2-2 <2. = eee 44 
ThrisSOMIMUS 2. Ya S2 ee a eae ee 62 
Throndonis::--¢-5--- SS SS 91 
reticulata: tesselatas-.- 200 -= ee 91 
Thunnide 259 
thunnina, Thynnus 258 
Thunnus 259 
allisoni 260 
coretta 260 
saliens 259 
secundodorsalis 260 
subulatus 260 
Thymallidses:: 3.2525 es eee 66 
thymalloides, ‘Coregonus=-==22252 42255 enes 66 
Thymallus2. S22 2.2-2 222 cess 66 
TNONUANU So enon nn an eee 66 
i 66 
atlanticus*< <2 stsss2>-2 =o eee 260 
balteatus-~2222 = eS eS eee 
brasiliensiss#<2t2-- 22-2 ee eee 
brevipinnis:<+---. === SS 
Coretta sss seen 
leachianus =. 225-2222 3222 see Ses aee eee 
pacificus:.--.- 42-2 = See 
pompilus 22s sess eee eee 
thumning 2-22: 2S eee 
VaERTRnS sso ter see ee eee 
thynnus;; Scomb ers = ssa eee eee 
Thyrsoidea concolor j 
Dy rings e222 sae 
DalSatial ss ee ee eee 
chadgresi= 22 Je 2 eee 
erystallina:-32 ceo eee 
eVverniannl $222 eS eee 
guatemalensis-y 2-2 eee 
giijat= LSS See 
MOCK Soe a2 Sos eee 
garding -2 os o4o- co ee ee ee ae¢-225. 32222 -32 ee 
Pach ylepis7cscsc<scse- cnn see eee 
TRYTIS. soo. ses oon See acne eee ee eee 
pellucidus:.. 2-2. ea eee ee 
THYTISCUS ==. oo SU eee eee 
BNODIUIS eo. oe 

Thyrosoidea maculipinnis___ 
thyrsitoides, Lemnisomia 

PP iryrsoides Concolorss a2 on eee 
Milivaris #2 ee eee eae 
Thyrsites'acanthodermlsas+.---+-sssceses esos 
MISO? ert eee ee Say ee ee eee ae 
SCHOLALIS $2 et eee te SS eee 261 
Miryristops violaceus] 42) ses Sse 260 
Physanovaral eso see sete eee 160 
spinosa ls eee ee eee 160 
Tiarogs- 2) ee ees es ee eee 143 
cobitis:... 22 eee 143 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Reipiiren e S ee ee 119 
Da i 6 (eer SS 141 
Maes emUepIcotus. 2 nt  eteace 381 
timagamiensis, Salvelinus_--..-.------------ 60 
OU) es eee os ee ef 
timpanogensis, Hybopsis 
ROR ee ee ae 
timuco. Belone. 93... = eee sas 
Cr SES ee 
tinca, Serranus- -_- 
tincella, ICU a eS seer 
SO a Se EE EE ere 
tippecanoe, Etheostoma__.......-...---...-. 
Diyos ae eae, eee a ee 
1 Ch pelagic area nee ane wee SF SOEY SE 
ATIPAOMLED oo ele aie aets 
tlauhuacensis, Evarra--.....-.-----.-------- 
LAL sic Sl et a 
LE ot Tis | (Re RO Sa IS ISS Sa = 410 
(rrr re re 354 
toma, RS ioe ns hee 59 
OT 6G (aT re os Sen Speen 210 
IE eS eA SED OE OT EH 210 
pruinosus, Gadus 210 
4 C5 1 lt Se SiS fC R Sa S aee 
To lai ee peels i RL LT 
CE REN STR See Sra ene 
MORIA OT NE gg pi ba a a bt tah hontai 
Suna COOUOITI fn ce) ee ee es 
SER PPREIMINEG fo cats = SS peeks «Sues 
torpedinus, Trygonobatus___-.....-...-_-.-- 
LS LTT SS 9 aan Site iat: lhl SEE ES 
torquatus, Labrus bifasciatus 
torralbasi, Glaridichthys_................... 
Heros tetracanthfts________ 
Parapetenia tetracantha_____._..._-..... 419 
NN AT I acs cate a el ns mg eS lh 28 
VA Sa Sea ee a re 28 
oc ene, al See ae” 
Le pnd plinllae ala PAA RATS 242 
Ne a anni pala alah ed ee 293 
UML Gn bhddaed tatiana sonndendnadeene 200 
Tee haat de ote oon ero ae weal 293 
RRR Paso aie nave oe che ay ae 326 


torsk,. Gatluss =~. sesso sees et 214 
tertuge, Gtenorobius.----24 see ew ole 439 
Holoceninus: =22¢ 3225 223-2 eee te 236 
IRDinorehips 3s = ee tere 439 
torvus, \Cottimentus-—22-—- 2-— 2. ae 392 
Monomifopus>—- 3a ae aw as eae 480 
Got eLCRs Saba es eee ee eee 310 
toweri, Goodes < - 2-82 so aes ei a es 184 
townsendi, Angelichthys 361 
Qblus. se ret 444 
Myctophum_____-- 167 
Nychimaster-3 -—— ard ad eee 167 
texotes, Rehachochilus. .=5-s25ss223252-2 = 411 
SRS ae i a es es ee 188 
COBSUSISs Hon oo A esas Bo. hie 188 
TICCNOM ee sos bo tes 5 ee 188 
PRHAGHOONVRLOS 22. 32s ae a Si eres 159 
pine] NG) 0% See eee eee eee pee ee TEAS 159 
UWS 2 yes eS RSS 159 
PREACHICHED Vic 20; 22 <5 8s oo ee ee 234 
"Drachichfhys pretiosus- ----—- =.= = nae 234 
‘Trachidermis:richardsoni == .-3 == >Sshae2e" 383 
Trachinocephalus 163 
Tian (1) 0s eee Se eee ee 163 
Trachinotus__....._._- 276 
argenteus__......._ 277 

je NG) 6) ee ee ee ee ae ee 276 
GATONNITIS = 22 5 52 mee he nos ek pene 277 
CULVART. 225 <5 2-5 a. et Bee Oh_enter 5 277 

[eld as4c)t |: Dae tape Mere ee pee Spee 277 
LCS 111: eS ee er re 276 
FORCUS © Ae he ee = ee Lc ee eee 276 
000 C) CE eee ee pan ences etme 277 
MGTETIBC SM goes ae Sa ee ee 277 

pT te: nessa Seapets eS Oe 277 
TOHLOTOD La ao Se ees Ale 276 
DETIDANVA: © =. eS oo ee ee 276, 277 
“ni 3 01/1) ee ee eee eee te 276 
spinosus 276 
Trachinus adscensionis 310 
cirrhosus 382 
gasteropetecus 357 
osbecki 310 
DUCES RUS a eee 310 
[noi Gs 6 (3) « Ce ae eT ee eee ters 357 
PEA OUIDPORIOGS ss oes 8 es eee ce ie OIG 
PIACIIDIST OS 2 met eset ooh sh a 216 
cede nit, 1) al See ae eee ee 216 
POSAalMONOVON = 2 ee 216 
TBC UP OS fer 8 8 O aeaeaes 216 
PUACIROTIUT HS 25 = See Sa ae a Ss 207 
BUCT AUS ee ee Le ew oe oe eS 207 
trachurs, Gasterosteus.........--~.-..---=aces 237 
LD Ty es oe eee eee 26 
PUA CMEIRODS > 2 se eee 270 
i Ng: oe eos? 271 
Dracityeniriis= 4-* (<2 8 bs a 271 
crumenophthalma 271 
PRPACHEIUS 0 nasa oe on res 270 
SUICIONIS = 2 2 oe eee 279 
ROGDS: 2 sees oe ea ona 272 
GULOD IOUS: oe on oso ania See 270 
TBRCIOUUIS.. cae So ee 279 

1B DOUCHE: = 3 ~ <a. 2 oa 270 
BAGUIO: 2 oe So) eee 270 
iC Se ene eee 270 
BOMEIMOSHS: 2.3.2) <- secs wee 272 
SYRIMGSWiCUsS.... —.. ~~ Jo soe eee ae 270 
*TACHOIOS. _- eno sa = eee 270 
trachuros, Cotpas-— 22 221082. seece serene 381 
japonicus, Caranx. - ....25.<2.-cssseenae 270 
Cfo: pe 270 

dibng: fcitvziq |: eel ere 270 
Trachynotus gasciatus 276 
(a cb aa eae ee ee 276 
MQRULUS. 2... .0cckeuates kes dss sc5RRee 276 
TROUODUB. 2.55 > sas oe dee as es ae 276 
trachypoma, Myripristis..................... 24 
trachypomus, Ostichthys....-..--..---....4. 234 
PETSCUY DSGIUS 22.5 in cada chtn seek apa oe 216 
oj 711 1 qe | i ie ne een em arene st 216 
FRR-SUINOUOTI 2. <5 S52. 2 aadecee eee dane 216 
fan) Sa aa 5 maaan SSS 216 
UI UN 5 wis ote cede msi a niche agit Stes Oa a 216 
AGUUSNICUN: 0. cc andacuseankudechs..daguniee ele 
HEMOIGUIB sod ceed amon’ cba tkob ae aae eee Ue 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 

trachyrincus, Lepidolepsus-----....----..... 203 | tridentatus, Entosphenus-_-_.........---....-- 10 
trachyurus, Trachipterus So See 216 PetromyzZon=.--- == ~~~ jipnccseo See 10 
tractus; Acanthuris. . 5-2 22-2./2 eee 363 | tridentiger, Allogambusia__..---.-----.-....- 188 
trahira, Erythrinus 99 Gambosid=s2_ 2-52. 5-225 se aa 188 
Macrodon=2 22-2 2. 5-2 99 | tridigitatus, Dactyloscopus 454 
tranquebar, Aspidophoroides- -- = 397 |: Prifarcius 2s 2s2-25-..25<-2525- 180 
translucens, Gobius. ...-.-=-2.=52----2caeee5 440 felinianue.-<>- ss 5. sse5 as 181 
transmonta,:Columbia.- 2-0. 2.25. See eee 215 riverenG@ico.c5- =. 2222 2225525. eee 181 
transmontanus Asipenser_.......-.---------- 34 | trifasciata, Hydrargyra 176 
Rhinichthysss.s. 222 --a02 5 Reece see 139 Bepomis::-02_:..22.353 eee 298 
transversalis, Synbranchus--....-..-.---.--- 16. | Ctrifurca, Perca.2o--5-6.-s-.--=-5- 2 eee 318 
transversum, Poecilosoma---....--.---------- 201-"|" Urigis caroling...2.--2-2-.-ss--s2—- oes 407, 408 
traski, rysteracarpus-- 2-282 S22 eee 412 evolans. -scco2es tees eee 407 
SPromatOpsiss---anen sass os seeeee aeeeeeeeerae 503 faselate. 2. = 323.5525 50S 5 eee eee 409 
Willughbei. 2]. 2s52c32e eee eee 503 Palmipes) = 2u2-s2cs5-snee—5  eaal eee eee 407 
willoghbeiic 222. 222 Sos 2 ee ee 503 Strigata: 220525 oe se ee eee 407 
tremebundus, Elassodiscus--_--..-.---------- 402 tentabunda:-:..=2.2=25..52 22-3 eee 409 
Trincanthids.) 2-2 2 = oso eS 491 volitans 408, 409 
triacanthus, Argyriosus 275) | Priglide...- ..so2.-s22-nee--5 45-52 eee 406 
Naucleras- 252. 325. B78 | “Priglops: 2. 22 nes easen=senansHSeee eee eee 379 
Poronotus..-.s..6--s=<< 267 beani_. 2p. 380 
Stromatenss = eae Je eee aera 267 metopias: 2: 2.o222-222535.. 2 eee 380 
Keneretmus: <2. cs a5c. 2: 6. eee 396 ommiatistius. 2-22.22. 85-- ee eee 379 
Xenochiris: = ses soso ce ee 396 terree-nOV.2. .2 225-5. 2 eee ee 380 
Mriadiss Seo ee. eke Seek Seana eee 14 Pingell:.>--. soos soso ee eee ee 379 
tniacis; Orthonopiss=_.2-2-<c8s-o-e eee 391, 392 pleurostictus= ..--.2-<.--222-. ee eee 379 
Tri snOdOnScescaee eee teen eee eee 14 SC@pticUS =  -=222.055 hence ent eee ee 380 
obeSase2 22. 2-2 see Se ees 14 terrse-Nov2.....-.=-=-----5252 = eee 380 
iniagramma; (Heros) ease ~ as oe noeee eo aseeeee 418 senostethus2.c.2- 2 so-so oe ae 380 
Wrigkis dace eee eee or oneness 14 3) Psi gl6psis so ooo cen eae oe oesees aaa 389 
SCYHUM oso eae oe eee ee eee 14 ontariensiS: 2-==2--02.-2n-eeoen eee ee 389 
semifasciattim- s25. 2-28. eco sees 14 stinipsoni 20ee eS ece San eee 389 
triangularis, Balistes#=-o. 2-582 oa eee 492\*| "Triglopsis thompsoni-_-..--.-.022-525-- eee 389 
triangulum, Cheetodon 359:»1 ‘Erigonobatus.....---.-.-.-=- 2. eee 28 
Lutjands2 ce Sela 348 SPATS sees see 28 
TribranGhus = co soo cee eee eee 77 | Trigonophallus-.---.- 187 
fibnias; Prionotussss2s-s=25--> see oe eee 408 punctifer 2. ..-..2. 29s. 5 eee 187 
Wrichidion2>.2.-- ose ee eee 256 | Trigonorhinus alveata......---...-..---.-.-- 24 
OCLORLS S22 2. eee eect ae eee 256 | trigonus, Dbactophrys.—--------ec eon eee 497 
opercularis= 5-=22-25- sae e ee ae e200 = Ostracion.. ..--<-----isenccncecucnteoees 497 
trichipterus, Pteraclise2co2osces-s==- eee ee 266 || trigrammtus, Chirus....--......2-- 225 ee 374 
Prichigxridee Ss = ass. econo ee enne 262 | trilineatum, Pristipoma........-...-.--.-... 332 
Trichiurus___... ee) ers ne Serer ks 262 | trilobatus, Lutjanus JcnseeseeTersseee eee 317 
ATPENLCUS. jcc eeee swe we ene ee mew ss neeces 262 CAIUS 5. ncn -Sacoe esa ewee ena ee 434 

Je NENTS Sos 2 aero c te co teoae cee eee 262..\ Triloburus:..-t.---...... 22S 318 
nitens2=224~S. e+ sede ee eee 262 philadelphicus:..-..22--22-22<-sessen ones 318 
trichocephalus, Cheilichthys_--_--.-.-------- 499 | trilobus, Blepsias___.-.-..~.-.2--2-- =e see 382 
Tetraodon!=2 <2 eee ee .. 499 | trimaculata, Parapetenia 420 
Wrichoty clas... sscocaeacecest -- 4501 | trimaculatum, Heros-- 420 
CrinAcels: c2s6 nes cece ht eee 501 -|\ Wrinectes..22-—2o=-~ 229 
Trichoderma. .....2-sawasectw eet wakes sees 494 SCADIA..<-- 2-2 oe ect oe See 229 
PrichodiodOns=2s.s222 42582 se eee 601 | trinitatis, Anchovia-—---.=.--- 5222 2eeee ee 50 
pilosus $= 2222- 22- coo ee 501 Anchoviellaz.. =. --22<0css-.cwastoceneeeee 50 
Trichodon!= 3 - osa an see wee eee eee 357 | ‘triostegus, Acanthurus. —s-..----2-e ee ee eee 362 
JAPONICUS... dec ewan 2 eee eee 357 Chestodon-. 3s. -.20cn-- sn. eee 362 
linestus: < 202222326 de one 357. | ‘triourus, Bodianus---..-.82)2522-2= eee 323 
trichOdOn = sade cece aoa eee 2a. 357 +] tripes, Nealotus-.2--..--22-~-e-aoaeee eee 261 
trichodon, Mucil-<_-=...-:: 32 eee 254, | “Eripteronotus:2=--22.--2 5 - ae cee eee 64 
Qperimank. 22252222 eee oe eee 254 BlUtin = .2s22ce sce essa ote 64 
Trachinusicocscesi coos tee sateen eee 357 | Tripterygium carminale_.-.......-...--.---. 458 | 
Trichodon.--. 357. | tripterygius, ‘Cottus.—------- eee 393 
Trichodontids_ 357 | tripunctulatus, Maurolicus 73 
‘Trichonotus 2. 2-c-5.0.5- ee 39 Valenciennellus_-_-.----------- 73 
‘Trichopsetta=. s.2at see S aso eete sean 220 | triqueter, Ostracion----.------ 496 
ventralis .- 2.2.02 eee weatatnee 220 Rhinesomus-..-2----.--s-5—5 496 
trichroistia, Codoma 22 2-2-nee ee ee ae = . 130 | triserialis, Mursenophis._- - ooo eae ce nae 88 
Brogan 2 cece ew owen eee eeeee 130 Ophichthus-....-...--.. S222 oet ae 88 
trichnrus, Macrourus-2.~222--2---2seseeaeee 206 | triseriata, Platyrhina_.-.....-5- 2s e ee 24 
Macruras: 22-222. eee 206 | triseriatus, Platyrhinoidis.-...........-..--. 24 
tricolor; ‘Chotodon----.2322-. eee os “861 | trisignatum, Moxostoma-.-...-- <2 eee 105 
Wneravlis:2.32 = Se eee 48 || Drisotropis ..c.2.-~-<.-222-cee eee 313 
Holacanthus2i.. 22252 5os aint one 361 EQUA)... 25.202 52 oa eee 314 
Thymaius 22 -2i6-s one boaadeeee eee 66 DOR. 5. scene ce ces ee eee ses 314 

TP TICKOPLETUS = 222 doe ee ne ban eeedteeeee 273 houlengeris=.2...2...c2-esie-sene eee 313 
fricornis, Ostracitim =» -= 2-0 2. cosnsan ce ene eA chlorostomus.....22222252202 22 eee 314 
tricuspidatus, Hyporhamphus_ 198 dimidiatus: - 9222--=2.5 2b 35 eee 314 
tricuspis;Cotiis:2-22-- 222... 389 interstitialis 314 
Gymnocanthus 389 jordani-_---- 314 
tridecemlinestus; sox. 22) 2. os. eee 173 microlepis- - 314 
tridecemspinosa, Metzelaaria__....---------- 370 T6ticulatusss.oocsce anon 315 
tridecimspinosa, Scorpzena--_---..----------- 370 StOMIAS: ooo soe cee ee <o sn eresas- ee 314 
iridens, utjanus2!2 Soessscogenscssse ween 318 V@NGNOSUSs soocsee 5 -<ccs pen eee 313 
Peecilia. 205. sa ec aeceadeaddene 190 BPUR_ 2 Jocwecccecete teeta eee 313 
(Acropmcilia) 22 .252s222sa25S-soeecoe 190 xanthostictusS 22.22. cconsnka tesa 314 

Salema 232255222 a eee 338 XON@FCHUS-. —s22- se c002 ee 3i4 
Sargus= 2 oseis 2222545 ease eee $38 .| ‘trispinosa, Corving-2212--2-222- fe 2seaeeee= 346 


List of scientific names—Continued 

trivittatus, Grammistes 
PE TORUCRER YS) on oe ae ee aus benne le 

f yvered ote Cli sk eee ae eee ne es OM, Eanes ee ese 
pattersons 22 ns ie eee 
UNE) i: eee gn le ea ea ope ae ee Me ees Se 
iroosii,; Lepidasteus— 2-322 222 5225s shea eS 
Srepice, Weneneis.- = © 2 Soe Fe eee 
iropicas. Atractocteus=_ 325.228 ee ee 
Phtherichthys< 2). ee ee 
Pinte pects. 25. eo eee 
SPrOpi cen ys. * => 25> 2 oe Pe 
(ELSIE |; paces ales Rane gies ne SS 
I GTILAG ES aie #2 Se ae 
Hpi es i cere a 

PTs 2 ee ee eee <2: Ses 

Sein Ginn vis Se a ED 
gage 1 ag Co ae ee eee 

trown teat EIGIOCONOLNS. .- 0 ao Chee ee 409 
trowbridgii, Homalopomus-----.....-----.-- 214 
truculentus, Chlorophthalmus--_-........--- 165 
Lg 0 a ee an eae ee 196 


corpore # Sapa tate 2 eS eS 55 

Ok banat Corpediness 526. c shoaceek, 
awytscha, Oncorhynchus__-_............ 

1 eS SS Cee ee oo Pe 
tschawytschiformis, Salmo__............---. 
Wendt, DINCOPYRO.- <5 225k oa ae 
tsilcoosensis, Catostomus: -- 522s et 
ey tre Lys ee a eis pee a 

roe 1 8000) © SS Se Nee SOS te 
tuberculatus, Catostomus-........-.......-. 
Piissitionicnthys 2st oc. 552 sheets 
CL eee a ae 
tabercule, le Sphéroide. . ..............-.2... 
tuberculée, le Sphéroide_.................... 
CORNET, OIOOITIS 5 = a seta aiceaeane 

tudes, Gobiesox__.......-. 

tuditanus, Hybopsis. 
tullibee, Argyrosomus 

Salmo (Coregottus) oon nos 64 
Bamidis, Carplodes +. 2c cc seanna dees 103 
CHICO CCEOS coins ennectewnceinaneteeanneen 5A 

tumifrons tes is aiialataiance etry Gis og we 101 

tunicata, L' _— Sees dijinavaivaginasdeandiae 400 
fo wer Gteliparis.. ...csswseissiasseewenad 400 


turgidus; ‘Tetrodon_2-—..-= 2825342354 498 
BUNTICD IS eV COdeS: 2. 8.2 2 = 2 Aas oe 476 
turrubarensis, Gambusia___ 189 
Poeciliopsis_-_----.---. 189 
tuscumbia, Etheostoma___________ 293 
iPsyenromasters ---9". 293 
atyReusis: ASLACHELOS =. oe oe nae 421 
WeRIAsonia —~ ee ences So- ao Pa 421 
UUOrICArig sae 22 ee eee 162 
tweedliei, Syngnathus- .--_..-...=...--c22. 242 
pL VIGSHYUS 2 2a ee ee eee 196 
WOU Soa acne n mane ne nbba onan aeeee eee 197 

CLE gir) eee AS eee Set 197 
Ganibitens so. 2 ee ee 197 

eh Lay) a ee aE eee eS Ses 196 
TAMER EA Ving se 2 Se ma ee a 196 
PHIDHEUS pes ee i ee 197 
aC eae ee ee ee eee 196 
BUIBNENSIO oe soe ac SS ae 196 
AGN ee eee ee Se Se 197 
DURES oe oo ee Lo i ee 196 
TARMIGOM A eee oh Se ees 196 
NAS ill eae ie eat a ees St SS 195 
Scorisrises o2 25a! oe 2 Fe eee 195 
BIGiNIGR Ss te eaters ek ns eee 196 
PPyINMANOMIUNTS 2 a ose ee a 503 
DUST oe ee eee a 
SeribinStas. oS pe ae ys ea a 448 
BUS Wi Nees cococtonae a tees ee ae 448 

BHO ere 2 ee fan Ae eee 448 

vA TEL LTC Tn 0 a te oP aR SET 194 
ORI oe ee eee 195 
subterraneus 195 
WYRTUOb so tenn ee 195 
iiigelily 2) 9) 1 Coie is ce Sareea Sze 447 
californiensis 447 
POSED oo one co cnctimin'aaemoee. = 508 
shufeldti_-_--..--- 508 
typicus, Ophioscion 347 
ol! TTL 1h ee nee. ea eee 2. SES Ogee 128 
PAT 5% |) el eee eee ee 18 
typhus, oa meme SRS SSO bn. = oar ae 89 
Carnmgininyts 6.2852. a eee 273 
tyranuns ‘Anpiilla.2.~ eo ee 77 
brevicaudata, Brevoortia__.............. 44 
PYSVOORUH <7 oe) 8 A et | ae 44 

ClempeGien >= sce eae tees, 44 
uhleri, Merichurgs.- -2.20 ot 322 eee 219 
PG ere, a eee aa See we EES 341 
WOOF se a ee ae 341 
GAR oe Shia lc dae ee 341 
PrOmutia. ox. 9-h Joc causes ease 341 

ee as een e eee wie eC ree 393 
RUBIINGIHSA = Bont concen aoe ce eben cee eee 393 
CT ees ages aie cence ao eee memes 7 397 
i); ee A cee eee a aE» (BL Te SPs 397 

ta! @ {ee SRE ime eae CP ley SS 397 
SOG Ss So aacwoS oan on wae eee ee ee 286 
EC a ee aS ee Sask BS Ei yo! 287 
Rg tng eas aaa et ae 286 

MONO 5 ace tene tno n nunawat denne eae 286 




















ee eae on Dale oi hyd ain a a 174 
hts RPO Sais on ca ncaa kn onan 174 

Ten ee AL DUP > 52--- 35. 25252 ee 125 
UiUBOMD. 22s avedanccssonsspacanwamens 190 
PRONG acdc ade ods Soi daa ee 125 
ROMO IS 25 2c chee Serene nd saan 190 

WU INGN eVawacidabatataaweede ss ovane das sa 174 



List of scientific names—Continued 


umbrifer, .Cichlaurus..=--=3.. < .-22 ss 417 
NGtropiS. aoe sen se senc eco. cee ee 131 
Urobatis2as-<- <3... eee ee ee 30 
Urolophus:3_: -<2:- .<<-<-t22.0-2 ee 30 
umbriferum, Cichlasoma--_-_...-..----------- 417 
Um bring = 2<-26224 550.62 -he ee = eee 350 
analis. 32 ce =~ =. 5 BE eee 350 
ATe@DALG... Boo 2 55k ce ee 351 
broussonnetili =.= >= =. == 5 ee 350 
COroides==<—5 ===. <>..45 8 ee 350 
dorsalis... 352 se See = ck cco teceeene 350 
elongata -<-<-hn tcc c cn note bet 351 
furmMieni=- ss 222 eee eco 349 
PracuichrhUS <= 22225-5962 e eee ee 350 
pracilis<. == 22 ese tern ecemeee eee 351 
Janwvanie -. -- = 522 S22 2 ee one see 351 
lifforaslis.. — oss = SS hen eee 351 
MOrliNiCeNSiS..- = =— aon ee nee ee 351 
MANUS = == Sse hee nee on wee Eee 351 
PanaAMensisS._<- 2s <2 ooo es ce eee 351 
phalsena--2 2 ne3< ance Seen sense 350 
TONCAGON=- == oe oa ee ee ee 350 
Singlo 2 sss. sao tes wan oa 350 
undulata: 22 22 ee ee 350 
NANG: 22 ona cee eas oe eee 350 
tumpbrosa, Cyprinella--__ ==-=-=--= = eee 130 
Narcine- Sees Rinalatewns kee 27 
umbrosus, Eques abil paiity goles Peet oe 353 
EISOS= oa. 32 = ee a eee 173 
Gymmnothoras =~ 2-= 2 = eas See eee $0 
SPAT OQUeCS Se a2 eas ee ee 353 
Blatichthiys.2.2: 22 3 = aes ee ee ee 226 
Psattichthiys. =.) 245". ic eS ees ee 226 
Sebastichthyss so o2=)- -s-- 2 enone eee 367 
Sebastomus.. 2-02 set hee ces 367 
Gmbrula-.. 2-226 6S ee eee 351 
elonratace= 20 on a: = 3 ae eee uae neee 351 
HIULORALIS == ~ 22-2 ne ee 351 
nmpque, Ptychocheilus—__—-- -seatet eee 114 
bbibarana= 22 225 ee tae eee 39 
emndinglis, Ieelus. 3. <-2-- 3. 20 es eee 379 
tincinatus, Artediellus-.-252S02 see 377 
Cots ==. = 2. od est ee 377 
uncomphagre, Xyrauchen-_.-..-...---------- 108 
wundecimale, Hsemulon= 22522922 - Sea eee 330 
undecimalis, Centropomus_-__----_---__-_-- 305, 306 
Centropomus lucioperca-__--------------- 305 
Scisena ___--- Se SE 05 
undecim- radiatus, ic entropomus ee 305 
underwoodi, Herich bhivS a2 so s oaeee eee 423 
Rhamdia eae ee tee eee rane 158 
Pomocichia-. 22. =. 2-5). 22s eee 423 

ps 62 COND UES Yc WA ed'2| of; PR Nope i RE 349 
Uimbring = 2= ce eee 350 
undulatus, Menticirrhus_____.....-...--..-- 350 
Micropopon-.--=-=2-=---225- 230 eee 349 
Ostracion:—--——.-=)--- Se eee 497 

naa hh eto) ofc} 9 51.) eee ae ae Ee a 23 
Scomper = 8 cn aces aw he ee 258 
THOGUIOSUS, SeITANOSs.. Aw ns cook nee eee 315 
nnerak, Ophidium™ ~~ 2". Sa eee 477 
Unibranchaptura25..2 5. oes coeeere 76 
ag ss i ee ee aE See Es BeOS es 76 
mms ata 25 oo ee eS ea 76 
lineata. oo. eno Se ote 76 
MATINOTRLA <2 eae aoe ao ee esa eee 76 
unicolor aberrans, Hypoplectrus___..-_-.---- 321 
accensus, Hypoplectrus-..._____...._.---- 321 
afinis, Hypoplectrus-—- 2.7 Sessa. 321 
ATT CDOS 5 ee wa epee Seer eee 9 
Balistes Monoceros. =~. Se) ee see 496 
bovinus, Hypoplectrus__-........--.---- 321 
IBTVPLUS 2 ob oe See eee 299 
Cheetodon__ oS Sees oS O380 
chlorurus, Hy poplec trUs.2225 ee 321 
crocotus, Hy poplectrus_ Bree es | 
gemma, ‘Hypoplectrus__- Ba ek ao! 
gummigutta, Hypoplectrus____....-.---- 321 
guttavarius, Hypoplectrus_____....-.---- 321 

Hy poplectrus. 23-23 ask aol aeeee 321 
indigo; Hypoplectxis=___ -.-... ... eee 321 
WMurrena. 3 - <== = eee eee eee 90 
nigricans, Hypoplectrus__........-..--.- 321 
PTGS... 2 = ee 321 
pinnivarius, Hypoplectrus___....--..-... 321 
puella, Hypoplectris=----_--) sateen sees 321 

unicolor ;Reighardina#=-==2-2 222). 2 Ae 
Soleotalps--—-=-"=_==---. 2). ----- =e 
vitulinus, Hypoplectrus___........._____ 
danicornis, Cithaniehthys:___ 2) ae ees 
Unicornis piscis bahamensis 
unicormu,, Balistes--.-=--<2.522-. = ee 
unifasciatus, Hemirhamphus_-_________-____- 
Hyporbamphus:_:-- .---=- 22-22 eee 
unilineatus, Hemigrammus-_-_---_-_-_-----_-- 
Poocilurichthys:-.=--2=2--2- 2-2. eee 
tinimaculata, Perca--=.--2ee-= 82 
unimaculatus, Argyreiosus --__-____________= 
Clinus.<2.i2- nee nents aoc eee 
@yminelis: viridis. = ----225 eee 
uninotatus.Ctenolabritsi= === 56s se eee 
Girardinus =. 222222222 2cee eee 
Mesoprion=.- -2-cece note cnne oe eee 
unionensis, Centropomus 
Universitabis, INOtODISs=+---222--=-—5 ee 
univittatus, Apodichthys:o2--2.2- =. - = eee 
Wipeneus....2---: 2 cee eee eee 

STANGISquamiss 2 25-22 eee 
mactlatus- ---- 2 setae 

PaLVUS.52--V222.-22 eee eee 
punctatus... 362 2 ee eee 
rathbunis.-=2.---.- = eee 
totraspilus?: 2-2-2223" - = a 
xanthogrammus 2. 22-2 epee a ee 

uracantha, Loricaria__--2_222 2 eee 

UraleptuSs..--- 2.22.22 =:: 8 eee 

Wranichthys--=-.--- =: eee 
brachy cephalus ices: 2-2-5 e a= eee 

Uranidea _- 

marcinata.. 2. -6-6ec soe eee 
MUCKOStOMS--.. aan aoseaseees cee ee 
pollicaris:-.s222-2-23 = eee 
Quiescens-. 2. 5222¢52- 22S eee 

uranidea, Cottogaster_-...--2..=-- 222-2 eese 
Etheostoma (Cottogaster)_____._________ 
wranops, Eb henacobius 2224 ee ee 
Wranoscopidwess2222 225252 /2-henes ae ee 
Uranoscopus)/anoploss223)2"= = =e eee 
Y-STeCUM 2. Socsecnionl else eee 
uranoscopus, Ceratius=-- eee 
Maas Wop o ease ces nan ee 

Uriphatton..2:.2.25-4--2222522 eee 
Urobatis Licconaslsaoe aes a ee ee ee 

Urocentrus . 2-4. 532..2342 323-2 eee 
U rocong (a See Ey ere dy Oe fe 

VICINUS 25. 25243..222. 2 aSeeeee 
Urolophus aspiduras 38..252: ae 
asterias Doomuad su des coset eee 

Urophy tis. 2.242523 Bee ae 
ebesteril 3. 35a eae eee 



List of scientific names—Continued 

Bropothsalsivs;- Feros === ese eee 
Miropsctia: 5) 6 ae 
Wroplerypius ass — 
necturus-— 4 a 
uropthalma, Parapetenis 
HOLE 20 Me asa eee =o ees a 
SUMP Sos ergy rs rs ene ee 
POOU EL. c=. casemate ee ee 
REN OU es ee oe eee eae eens o> eee 
RELOTIS: Wy) See e eae ee eee 
MICSUMTS) OSURIO so. 5 oes 3 oe ee 
urus, Bubalichthys Pot Soe er ebe s ore 8 2 S$ 
Carpiodes SO ie a ee 
Tehighusss. een. oe = eee 
SUN eal SOGDT a= one oe aoe ane tee 
Cremtotanins oo 2 a eee 
(ETERS ir a ee EE eee 
Weawana, Catostomus= 22. ---.. 2. - Sen 
Rie MORES ee ce eae 
Popunioseyiian- 222-2) 22) Bees 
Wwaeca, Carpindes” - - - “seeseeet pre teueeS 103 
DSTI NL YS: 2” 92 Se SET eee ay aie 412 
Becogtia ee eee er eal 345 
eT ESC 5 0: eee ea ane Ee ee eae = oe 845 
Sur ueoie 2) Seed ee ee a 245 
Rigline et 8 eee es 345 
Setter Cts Se Se op ates 346 
Ren NACRREN TILES ot tant eae yi - 83 | 
wagons atsiwonus..—=_-2 52} setae 258 
PTO TG se Ee Sere eels 258 
weeranss CMirpstoma.—. 2 ee es 248 
ear neh: ee eS a Ok Oe 248 
Mactan: Menidine. 9-2-0 8s wes 4. 248 
VU Ee ya Ee eS SS ETE SSS 474 
RI CIOMNIS | NCALUG 2.0 22) 2 eee 431 
vaillanti, Pteroplatea 29 
Vaillantia_..._..___ 288 
etal a Cys Sie 2 Sle Nas ene ee eceaay 2.1.2! 288 
chlorosoma 288 
valenciennei, Pteraplatea___............_._-- 29 
walenciennes!, Mrotelis._.....2:-_.22229--2..- 437 
LEN) Oo Tf0 Tt tr ane se Rn Aye eee Saran 109 
LIDS 00 nT eee ate eee Ree ee ores - 441 
MBIPMCIOTMNEUEA oo occas nae n eee 73 
CUOMN (Ol SoS a ie Se eee ee SESE 73 
vampyrus, Cephalopterus.__...........-.... 32 
TE aid CES ea Pes eee 262 
vandepolli arubensis, Poecilia__........-.-... 193 
Mollinesia sphenops_.__...........--...- 193 
PR ee ee oe La ee 193 
vandoisulus, Clinostomus________- eee: | 
PGC CT, Ea oe, Pi Pee) | 
vanhyningi, Signalosa atchafalay@_____.____- 47 
LL To es AN 5 mee 317 
variavius, Dioplites.__.._...--- sae - 2 298 
(40 kes 5 Seer ee eee £65 
LAO TTI ith 9 |: lg eee aS Le Se eee 413 
Marini, TouMOBLOMAl 2 U8. 2 te aii 289 
yariatus, Characodon.._.........-..-.--2-2s2 183 
PInEOROS. 2.5. eee te Se 193 
AAC. ¢ a oe Resa SaaS ages SS 289 
REMeninE WSOCONRET =~ 2 eet ee 81 
variegata, Batrachoides_........------------ 487 
RCE ae ea eee 161 
sah iF Ae les le pie ehaocnae roe BT are ce 93 
Pee ty WUT PRCOUS os ons daccacadotboasoe 327 
PEP a a Sei a i oa 183 
variegatus, Cyprinodon 181 
aR es a Salas ee Sel ote 182 
ERC ee a ee 499 
ACB DTOR Sao we aie Le 411 
nS alinetil a 5 ite gent Rp IME IS « PES 338 
Satin, BARIBCOCLAUNG. «on sti eect ae 459 
MEU MACHIIEIEIN« 0-025 Sa'nncrcsse sce alee Nee 494 
Mey SIME Cees ono Se ot ae ae 459 
Tap: 5 a RO ae 7 fap! 310 
velatus, Ptychostomus--_.-._..-.------- dah es wh REDO 
MOMCHAIN, A.UUCTIIH 0052.2... deh reo anon ne 246 
velifer, Carpiodes pee. Sees tess 103 
Cy ln es OR aa pA Se RRS 35 led 103 
Re a, 2 cal ies 86 
Rhinichthys (Apocope)_....------------- 141 
Use a ak lS eS Sa oo ‘ou 140 
RUN eet ccacntadneveevdee ee | 

veliger, Histioclinus 
velox, Carcharhinus 

Nolaeta ets es 
Sandee tee eee 
venadorum, Mycteroperca 
WWenehGd. 55 25 3 a ee = eee 
OCR AR eee na eee ae sae eee 
DIORGTA = Sans esa een ae 
tentacuiates 242 Sse 2 te eee 
wenenoss,, Peres: -= > 362 Sere a eae 
wenosa wMeletta 225 <2 Peis eer ae 
WENOSUS! -AIUUBEUS! 32. eee ee 
-DRISOLEGDIS 2206.20. eo See ee 
Wenizalis Bathyptervis.. eee eee ae 
BrOcMODUY. CIS ~~ 2ee eee es 
Githarichthys > 3-20 oa eae 
Coligny ee ae 
irenonass oo eee 
Aoyrichthys. c= ee ee eee 
ventricosus, Aptocyclus 
Bippsing se 2k et eee ae R 
Gerslichthys22- oases = iat aS ees 
Cyclontanis: «==. eet ein eee 
Mennsie. MO vprinelia. =" 2 se ee eo ee 
Aobtrres (12 | aes oa oe = eee NE ee 428 
TORR eS 20 ea 130 
Dain eo er eee seo: Ses 175 
WMENURNIN- DLE. - ooo ee eee 234 
RISSDeIO Ibn CNS S= — S) se ee ee 122 
IPAGUORIS sen ee = 22 es ee 428 
Pre an(en e Ae  eeeie eerT EES 430 
vere-crucis, Bairdiella 346 
IN GOIN oe 346 
verany, Cybium__- 256 
«eT i aaa SE Ee ia PG So a 223 
THDSBE | 0 5 oan niwacaap ane sane ae nedobe S 223 
CUE Sp Fa VEY 2 (2 a Cea ee oe Te aa TS 426 
Megat bets Om Uf (elas ts ¢: Sn i aes te = eS 287 
verecundum, Etheostoma---__.......-.....-- 287 
Pepidians- a=. 5- ones. ws 211 
PR Se eee ee 2 eee 328 
MCIEA oo sok ee eae 328 
BOTOIDUB So 8s concen sae l- cuca eee 328 
VC: eS Ee ae eee ee 84 
kendalli 85 
vermelho, Pudiano 425 
vermicularis, Corvina 328 
SISTMNTOG! oo ea oe eae a eee 348 
Sparus.- --- 327 
vermiculatus, Esox_- 173 
Exoccetus 202 
Urobatis 29 
sloani 29 
AE VNICOUUYS:* = 2 eo ee eee 430 
vermiformis, Neoconger.-—...-. ==. dee-2- 81 
OX VUNG: |W on - o- oeeae ee 79 
Wernelis, Clupes...__.. = 25-5. Ce eae 42 
(6.0) 2 (eae seer See ae Bat”! .”. 137 
BIVOTareyid 262.5 5-50 U ee 176 
JR YOO0U S230 23 cae noe ee eee 40 
Scoomber_-.. 2... es eee 257 
vernullas, Batrachoides_.............-....x.. 487 
Werrenuxt, Conger. - 02.5.2 222 2 ee 79 
WEETCR, RUSHES oc ee ian ook 22 = ee 492 
pity Ln) a SS ee eee er ee So a 425 
Sufflamen---__--_-_- 492 
verrilli, Gymnothorax - 93 
Sidera i a EAE Ee TE aE RS I 93 
Werrlin, TOStIODUY CIS... 5.--eihe oe aee aan 480 
Lycenchelys ata digs witcha Sere tice abe ate ae 475 
COUCH: ot - oa aasnuterene sis a8 aCe aaa 475 
(51400: ae RS ap SS ee RRS ONS 480 
Werrucosa, OCCA... lose sas soos o eae renee 394 
verrucosus, Antennarius..-._-..-..--..--.... £06 
Brachy ODSIS. 022 fo2- sd. 2c. 2 eeneeee 394 
COUUUS Sys J2. Suaas sas eae pre ranean 387 
15 (ots) a a Re Sp RT Ie SE Se ne 502 
Biyozocephsltae: foo 2 ose. esc deedneen 387 
WETUBNGO | «occu. duce ccounaaaun ateeeeaa tame 323 
HRUCUB Loca canccdeoaaedede de me wena ook 
EMER MICONUD 22 cos d7sed toss sea danke Pal ote 492 
DUIS JOD Naas de deduadeaaccsqackys ianaues 492 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Pags 
Wersicolor, Abrams. 2) cc. eo se eee eee 1G | Wwirginss; Brachiostoms-o----sccsse-ceeneeees 7 
Girardinus—* 2-20. S22 3 eee 191 2:1) GVAreinalis Salmon sees 2a ore to eens 57 
abrus 2-2 ene see eee 336 Scars 232 32 eee ee coe eee 433 
imia. tJ ee ee oa 191 | virginicus, Anisotremus---........--..-_--.. 332 
Malacoctenus 2 oon. cae ee ene 460 Polynemus:"--2.-_-.-0. ee ae 256 
Myxo0dés_ 2. =>...) 3 eS 460 SDALUS. = so25-= = oe Sac oa ence eee 322 
Phytichilivs = =s!- . 23 ee 469! “viride; |Sparisoma..-.--..2-c--camcneeeeeee eee 432 
Poecilichthiysio sos ee eee 291) | :viridensis; Sphyrzna-...-.---.- -255 2 eae 255 
Stenotomus® 22.2.2 == eee 336:-|- swiridescens; ‘A:therina .....---<. se non eee 247 
SRD HISUGS one oe eee 469 Wundulus.= 3.322200 ss. enone een 176 
versipunctatus, Gymnothorax 92 
yertagus; Gadus)=9- == 210 
verticalis, Echeneis_--_---.----- 449 
Plaironichthys: 3-2 ee eee 225 
Werls, Conger: so 52o2 sess eens cere 79 
Vespertilio;, LiODHIUS 5222) Ane eee eee 507 Certropomus:-=..=222=2.2.- See 306 
Ogeocephalus.222~ 326 Ss ease 507 Disdcope-- 2 2cccen ee es soonest ee eee 324 
Rhinoptera._2s. 2 552 = Sessa See 31 Gymnelis. ~~ 2222-24... 4s 477 
yerus, Carcharod0ns2. css se- 252 eaeeeeeee 20 Lutianus 2. os eascn ce scat ewonn ane 324 
Votlla, Balistes 2-2 228 22-95 ee ee eee 491 Ophidium... 3 eee 477 
Scars eS ok ee a Soe 433, 434 Sears: 2. 223s S23 ee eee 432 
vetulus, Parophrys=2---.e2-022-- eee ee seeee es 226 unimaculatus, Gymnelis___............-. 477 
Vexillare, BoleosoMa- os. ssessesce nonce 288: || ‘viscosus, (Cottus-2=--25- 22. ono eae ree eee 385 
Vexillaris, Pteropoduss = --ssese cu eee ee 369 POLLO TS Seen ae eee ee so. 155 
Sebastichthys=—22-— =" =-2s- °c 369° |] ‘Witres, Toa so. 22.5. none Sennen cee ee nee 
vexillarium, Holocentrum----.--.-...------. 236 Perea sooo aceon 
vexillarius, Holocentrus_-__-----.--.--..---.. 236 | vitreum, Stizostedion--- 
Wiexillifer? 3722 et are en ee ene 486 | vitreus, Poecilichthys_-.--.---.-----------.-- 
wicina, IMorsnophisss- =< 2222-522 oS ee eneas, 92; ||| (Witte, ocyrinichthys=-——- = 9222 ---5 ses aeenne ee 
Wicinalis, [celts -Sess2. 2e 5 = 378) | vittata, Aztecula2=.--=--- -- 2 eee 
vicinus, G:ymnothorax.=-----------------sees 92 Channomurzona - =. 72-552 e neces eon eneeee 
Uroconger--- =~ n= asec eee eee ease 
Victorise, ILOxOSLOMaes= oes so-so an ean eee 
AAC) ne ee SS ES Ss ees ee ee 
Wipil ie So co oacc nese eee eaanene cast an eeeenee 
CLE: 1s te ie ee SBS 2 epee a a 
LU AUIS Se eect ete 

WAV ARS sono coc onc acenaoeeee See eee 
ses A 
vigilax, Ceratichthys-_---- 
Willaritis soe occ sateen cannes ee eee eee 
DTICO rs sce wane rem acane eee nanos 
Villosa, Clupea= +. 2-o o.oo see se sae an emcee 
Bistularia = soos oosee cn aec ae eae 
Villosus, (Cottus:— 02-22 se eacane ewe one 
INGMIMIDLCLUS 5. < oace ee eee eee 
Moallotus-2 2-2. ote See eee 66 Deuciscus 222 52. 225s2n ccc ee ee 
vincenté, Sicydilm: 522-322 aoe eee seas 447 ProCer0S...c.csse-=- =e ee ee eee 
vinciguerrse, Exoccetus_-...-.---.-.---.---.- 200 SarchirUs= ~~ ..-.o2ccscsecc en eee estes eee 
Exonautes 200 Siphateles-... .--2.ic25_ 2a 
Winciguerria.. 2. co ss20 2 senso ese oe ees eeeeee 73 Spars 2222-2 ennce eee enone eee 
attenuata. 73 Symobranchuse soso see sen eae. eee 
luicétiacs2sssce anne na Sees esos eee 3: | witola, Sargusoo5.-32-- ese. seeeeues 
Ti PADI Sena eo eee eee eee 73 | vitulinum, Plectropoma---_-_---__-- 
WITICLA, RUN pt roe coe 272 | vitulinus, Hypoplectrus unicolor 
vinctipes, Nonostoma 289 | vitulus, Carpiodes Pepe ae Me pee | a he 
Willctis,, DiOnniNS = —).2-. 2 ssecnossasee eee ee AG). |} “vivanet, Bodianus. s-uc~22ce nese eee eee 
Osranxen! tse soe eee eee 272) |} ‘vivanus, Anthias oc ooncecuas souase a eee 
Bungolus: 222 2 Ces a Hemianthiaso= co sccen sean sea eee Cee 
vinolentus, Lethotremus---_-....-...--.---.. 398 JGutianus_~ 2-2 dso s22 eee ee eee 
Viola, Antimota=—5-~- =~ so ssoncesee ee eeeaawe 211 Mesoprion. <5 2 -sesonsceeSne seep eee eee 
LO) on nen eee a 353.4] Vivax; Almmocryptalscsccos-cceee seep eeeee 
Haloporliyrus =~. <2ccc see eae cae oeee ee 211 Cliola= o2. 22 scanccseewswo asco 
PATO QUGS <— 6 asses ses eee ee sooo come 353 Vigil sooo sc scence cenceen enone eee 
violaceus, Apodichthys_._..-.--------------- 466 || Vivero: =~. seein cee ben eee eee 
Cebidichthys 466 || ‘vivipara, Poecilia_....-o]sensneeneeePeoaenene 
Escolar. ..-.---- 260 | viviparus, Lophius 
Thyrsitops...---- 260 Sebastes. os. c02cescaes<ceeeee 
Virens, Gadus=2 sseccoclescteesoe oo eee 209 | vlamingii, Coryphzena------_.-- if. 
Pollachius: 22. .22scsesc sosece cee eee 200° | “Vogmarus....-2--2) 235. oS eee 
Scasrus:. = 2 isc8- enc esee ee See 433 .| ‘vogmarus, ‘Trachypterus._- 2-=-2- see een eee 216 
Thalassoms--->-. -.222-caceuen ee eae 429. | ‘volador, HMxocoetus... = ==<cccenclsseeereaeoee 200 
virescens, Apodichthys.._....--.---.--.-...- 467 Istiophorus--< 3-.-2-3s2--5--5 eee 263 
0) (0 0). ME ee eer ee ee ee es aed 42 Rubloss-sssscsssasee @azdtaccspeeoe eee 407 
Hipenmannige ss ooo 3222252 5sro2oscce one 101 || "volitans, Dactylopterusie. 225 o5ee-e eee oen se 409 
ut’): eee ee Se eee een I 356 EX0CQQUIS == .22sss<5snsdsce8se eee Eee 200 
Gymrothorsxe-2-235-- =~ 5-5 2<2- 5 ae 92 Tighe 22cc2-22sssecsecccsncsess- sae 409 
Otoliths 2223 seseesn cnet ce ee oases 256: | ‘volucella, Hybopsis-- - ---.-.-o os. Sicslce 133 
(Pantosieus 2 secescedoeraecssc lees oadees 105 | volucellus, Hybognathus----_--..---.------- 133 
Sternarchnws 22 soso aeeeee ee nesan-snwnsgene 101 274 
virgata, Corypheena..........------- 265 275 
Nivicois 232225252 etna ana 292 275 
virgatus, Delolepis----.....-------- 472 275 
Poeecilichthys 2222235352220 eee ee 275 
Vireatulus, 'Goblesox 2222 2522-2 eee 489 275 


List of scientific names—Continued 


Momer. curtisee 355620 eee 275 
declipiirgns-—o oe eS eee 275 
Gomiimivensis- 2s = | es see 275 
Morals 5. Sian ae 275 
SAbOMaIISise: - yo 57 ee ee eee 275 
BORUSTSIS = 5 ss a ee Se 275 
Marlies ss oT es 2 ee 275 

TO Vss-DOTHCOnSIS 20s 275 
Sarieice-martie. 2 ee on 275 
Anncise-pourl so 2 6 = ee sl ee ee 275 
Seneealensis== = 3-20-0232 3 2 eee 275 
BOLRISINIS) aco ao oo Soc cc a os ee 275 
gnbennisss eee 275 

DC Les eee ieee eo Bs! Bs 275 
TL SSE ee Se ee 2 aon erie) 275 
MRUCMEO OA CNOA. S. S24 = coe e et eet ee oe oe 250 
el a oe eee Tee 250 

vomerinus, Anarrhichas-_--_..-____-- 472 
AP Re ope ee nares 464 
Vvarns, Mesoprion--- 53S. 328 
Pseudorhombus 224 
a oC ee ee eS 114 
uenns sana thas oss. ona ee 21 
VET yh ene ae I oe Tani 5 153 
SP Sen Sie a See eee ae 79 
ore UST US ee eae eee tee Bea OR ee 467 
pT. Ce Se Cee eee es 4 398 
1 or 0 ot aa ey aS. | ae 212 
US oe a ae oe aces eae Sie 337 
CTE. "Th ae ee ena © IS SITE eS 153 
OT St Se renee. a) 302 
jg 5 a ae ee eee 255 
SRI os go Stata eee eet 239 
DD Se eee eee te a es 22 
Li, a ee ere ee aS 28 
MERPERT A DOOUDE. - 1. 2 oce smu eee 141 
vulneratus, Nothonotus--.-.....-.--.------.- 290 
PROS OH ocho een ewat oy cuemenenion 290 
LSE ee eee ee ee © Psa PE 18 
Li Se 2 eS ee Oe oe ek. 18 
MEL INOHNES CAR IONIR 2, Oo. ea anee 18 
vulpeculus, Pimelodus. -..............-..... 14 
Mapes PENSINeNING sess sce eee 39 
RON TIS ter Sie. 5550 ol. on oto bae 39 
Eso 39 
wabashensis, Anguilla..............22-2.---- 77 
NE | Eee eee ae ae thy Ra Ea 210 
SYGRNGELy e MUCIONGS 221) ick cen eokdocenne 157 
Re ese? fore 157 
Wekerl, Selanonius). 2.2.20... 22 cose S. 19 
warreni, 6 cassie diab talenami sae Seles erin dees 204 
ii esleaela ates athatae eficlie inalczmnShysiatre cot ahetes a wii 55 
watauia, Paeksieiax aS ee es eee eee ee Lab 138 
1 SEES Eee ee Seas Sno e ey 138 
webbi. CS Ni ee Sees Se eeare 234 
webbii, aS ORE a eG) 464 
Embiotoca fee ree SOO os ead fo eek 411 
ET ee eae ee ste ELT 464 
weberi, Xenogobius--........--.-.--....-...- 442 
welaka, IUOUDIIGE- cavckwin tit ecue desde 124 
PROMI *OPODNICINEN 2 Ucn enc ccobinciewcoue 486 
wheatlandi a oe 1 bn ee © 238 
wheeleri, Uranidea.............-.-.-..-.--.. 384 
whipplel ere ont Etheostoma...-.-..-.--- 292 
whipplii alabama, Etheostoma._-.-......... 292 
Olden C98 s2 in cen cee nt iwewaciecaees 292 
Soeaiaction noni eee 3 

PPRMOGs 65s bidiecvencwecanenneerype eee 
RONG «50 xthi<canewoersewneutecwensddee 129 
whitei, 1 a. See iT, 183 
NFOCGORec ewe wain ccnwncestisncews dteeeses 183 
Oe eee | Y 59 
wilderi, Lampetra...........-.....--.-21 9 

williamsoni cismontanus, Coregonus___--_-__ 65 
(PLOSOPIUIS = 2 2s oe eee ee ee een 65 
Woilliawisonn (Corezonus.<. 2285 c0~asacueaeese 65 
Clenndaxs == nee aa eee ee eee 
GaSferpstels a= a te neneo eo ae 237, 238 
Prosopis = eee s. acu See 
Willoughbyi, A crotus: oo o2e ese co ee 269 
wiluphbel, drematopsises---- ss sas sarees 503 
MAUNA BAlistes se sccee nee one eae 493 
Canthidermis-- 5. oe ae eee 493 
"Trematopsis=2 ~~... as one esses 503 
wilsoni, Acutomentum---_-.--.----.----.--.. 366 
Cottus. 52 22 5sanas aes a ses seas 385 
Geeanoniyzon——-5- seo 8 
Phoensgoniates.- -2- =~ -2-s- eeseaas 95 
SE) 3 as CS a ET ee BR 366 
wanohelli El ybopsis.. 6365s ee eae eas 133 
wonlmani; Paralichthys 2-0-2 eos. ces 224 
wrayi, Gambusias_=5- <2. a2 sae 
wrighti, Etheostoma---.......-------- 
Istianhortig=-= == 2s £2 Soca 
wurdemanni, Gobius-_--------- 
wyandotte, Typhlichthys 
xsenocephalus, Hybopsis-----.--.-...-.---..- 127 
Bigcropnor: 252223 eae ee 127 
Se SB rat 2 a OOS cies me a oS ee 130 
XSMUNS, MEMS. ono cannes ureecns 130 
XHLSCONG, SCNENAUM 25.25. soos eee 184 
antirie: CoAL OS = ee ee a Be 12 
Dep i gt ede ee ee ee ny 12 
Ra En ONC Oss oe bt ee on es 493 
MIGD DUMOCUR BIS = = nce ss tee 493 
yy tlt ESS ee eee So eee 493 
xanthocephalus, Silurus------...._..-......- 154 
xanthogrammus, Upeneus--.--.-.----..----- 343 
mantuomelas, Anguilla. 9-3. 25--aseanon eee 77 
xanthops, Oudatosdlon..- 6s ee 344 
xanthopteron, Hwmulon---_-----.-.-.------- 330 
xanthopus, Catostomus-----.------------.-- 107 ° 
xanthosticta, Mycteroperca bonaci-_-_-----.-- 314 
xanthostictus, Trisotropis bonaci-_-.---.---.-- 314 
xanthostigma, Citharichthys-_-_-.........-.. 218 
xanthostigmus, Citharichthys-_-..-...-.-.--.- 218 
xanthulum, Cynoscion---...........-...--... 356 
xanthulus, SS REE 356 
pr, a SE eee See Ne ee OS 349 
SONS 6 estes sinc ata cnn Qa Cees 
xanti, Labrisomus 
antocles ------ 
frenatus : 
Zantons, Odaontosolon:—.8 i 255. eee 334 
S00, Uepigopus: 5. . nose eenpen nbdees 262 
xenarcha, BAF CURODELCH 2226 sa2o5. eee ence 314 
ETON artes oe oats Soe ee CE 215 
Seharchns; ‘Trinotrops. -2.5-.- caeeecee, 314 
Brenathiering sos 5552s. aes 249 
MNS et ewerk he eneewcnacinawencensteee 249 
xenauchen, Galeichthys--..-........----....- 150 
2 Te Oe ae ee oS aoe Prat 183 
ES ee ee ere es 184 
TOMS ONCCALNINN ane cn ca encawaclaup wees 183 
RRRINGIOID $< redesaae Sian ne a eee 184 
Siaeeterins. SP ane ee Saas ieee eer ee OTS 396 
PRILBSIMAGUG s 2 ocean c ko cmwanaukhenanlamme be 396 
WONG) be eecniwa in swccnnneBebeusae 396 
FIGIOES ork Sun cakincesnsunnia aoe bdoaniees 396 
polo Ss Se eee fe ee oe 5 Bee 396 
PR PONIBUE TONS ecclesia ae SUR eee awe 324 
PRTG DOIUB ES 2p ooo oi apiece aban eee 324 
GADIOMNIGHAIS- os ees ane -- Ak eueheukow 324 



List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
EXONODCLY COS! asew sd te ee a See Ree 232) |\goxurel melampyeus--2)-.----.-=-- =e 272 
SX eOnGGaras 2-22) 5. Seba ee a se oa ee 160 Stellatus"20 2-2. 5. =... eee 273 
Chagrest 22.2255 L528 ee ee ee ae 160 tenebrosusi2s2)....- 2.2.2 522 ae Jy 278 
XCenochiriis:=-==- 2.2) ee 396 WinCta =: = ae5- -.- 2 5 el 272 
alascanus:.. s-=2-----2=2 2h eee eee 3967 || exyosterna;Stellerina-:-.._2-__ 5) eee 394 
Jatifrons: 25222228" a eee 396‘ | “xyosternus, Brachyopsis_-.==.----- =) ee 394 
pentacan thus: 2222.2 2s) See ee ee 396 =|) ;oxsyrauchen=-< 2. -. .2_ 222 ee 108 
tacanthis:) <5. == 2) see eee 396 fexanus..-___-.=.-- =. 5:) ae ee 108 
53 uncomphagre se 108 
bee yrichthyss-". =<. --. - == 52 eee 430 
53 binghami._-<.:..5.....2-4. 32a 430 
xenodon, Caloiomus=-22-= 22 eee ee 431 INfirMuUS:=~. 2202255425 25555555 ee 430 
eeptoscaruss=>.2 52528 -)-5 3 2s i = eee 431 jessise.=-2 2" ee. ee eee 429 
Xenopnalhyse ss eS eee 52 martinicensis: -222-2. 2 23232 ee 430 
protundorum: 8s ee ee 52 modestus:)>=_-.::2-2 -2: 2 ees 430 
PRONOLNDINS 5 ee > ee el ee tee 442 mundicbps'-'- ...-+=-ss5-5ene ae 430 
WIG DRT a se nee a oe ee 442 PAVODINUS: =< 225. 5--s20see ane eee 430 
NeNOMI Ss 2 ods 2 Se a ee 172 Dpsittacus: 222"-=-. 22-5 eee 430 
XONOMY Sta. een eee 81 TOSIPOS.-.> cas oon acs sn ee 430 
ALTALLUS eee oo ee eee ee eee 81 ventralis. + 2. 522-2 - 2 2: eee 430 
Michisss5 eS a eee 81 VeONUSLUS 25s. - 222 255- 52 eee 430 
190 Vermiculatus: =. > ==> eee 430 
190 Vittass ee eowes ee 430 
324 | xyris, Scorpzenoides 370 
Xenopterus; Cy pselunus- soe se ee 202 Sebastopsis...=-.<" __- > 30s eee 370 
WS XOCCOLMS 22 et eee eee 202'.| Pax ymula=s 2 32S. 22 = en 429 
Xenapteryeil ss es ee. Le 488 jessise. 20st ut ot ee 429 
<Xenophihalmichthys- 222") eee 69) | eekcysteema 42.222 ote eee 341 
Ganses = See eee 69 havana==s- 2524-2 Soe Se ee 342 
Kenopy xis Ls 2 eae ee es ee ere ee 306} | -axkyster. 22223 es eee 339 
latiinons 2 Soe eee oo ae eee 396), xyster,,Zapteryx-- 222-0 255225225 See 24 
MELO DS eee ee a ean ee ee re 396) |poxcysterus==.--. 32). 5. ee ee eee 339 
Titer See ee ee eee 396 },| 22eyStess se eso = fs 32 ee 395 
Kenoriiynchichthiysseos-cene esos = a es 254 @XINOPDIYS 2522 2=-s 2-65 se eo 395 
Xenostethus, Sternlase=—-- sess see = eee 380) |aexcystophorus-—-.<=-.2-2- = seta eee 278 
Mriglops 22.0. 2c. ee See 380) | sex ystramia—.--..-52. 5-2 5 eee 296 
Menotisha sets Sass ee 9 eae 300 pandionis...-~°2-!- 5222-5 = = ee 296 
AULCOMIS 6 58h. 28s eee ae 300) | ak ystreurys: 2 22...) 22" ee 223 
lythrochloriss2222 22 Sse es ae 300 liolepis......-.. ..-2-.65.-2.5 = eee 223 
MOePAlOtISIS- oe Soest 300). xystrodon; Sparisomas=—2-- 95 s5 22 sess eee 431 
O¢cidentaliss224 ie wep an eas te 301° || <Xystroperca. 2-2. = 20) 52.2 ee ee eee 315 
AMQTOLDOS Ecce. eee vie eer ee ee ay eee 467 pardalis= 2 :2-22-222.5:-5.-s-e9o"ses see 315 
fuUcorumy 2 oe eee oe ee 467.'|\( <ystroplites:=-=.-=. 25 - = See eee 301 
SKESUNUIS22 Hoot ee ee I 2 Fae eee 363 @illit= =. . 322-528 302 
ClATIONIS Heo SSF. Pee SE SC RS ECE sieeve eee 363 longimanus: -=--2=2-.--. 53 -- ee 302 
MUNCtatUSee =e Sse ne ee eee 363 pallidus: — 2. - =. eee 302 
EXCLU AS cee eee ee ee ee 264 || | Xystrosus: =<. 322-- 8-522 142 
pladitis= eck ee 2 aa 264 popoche-= =. =.=. _--.-s2.2-22--- eee 142 
LIN DOLATOD le eee see ee eee 264.) | SXVSCUDUS, Miyrichthyse a= ===] ==—e=—= ene 85 
TOHGS Cubase se ee ee eee 264 Ophisurus: =... -=-=-- <2. -s22e5o- eee 85 

XD CIO Hens eee ee oe ee eee em 369 
mu COstims o> eee eee 469) |\pyaito, Huthynnus’.2-- 22-22-22 ne eee 259 
Xiphidium cruoreum 469) | syalei, Ostracion= 2. =.==-.=--=-=-= eee 497 
SMiphiid ses So oce ee ee eS ee eee 264 1\|\ssMarrella=-- --—~ = 2222- 322.2522) 1 
Miphiiformess--.- 2-226 SS SS eee 263 blackfordi- =.= -=-.--.-sassee6e eee 72 
iphisterss.22 0-2 2:22 eee 469i). -yarrowi, Agosla==. 22225-5252 ee— = =e 141 
Chins: 3.3222 52 222 5 ee ee 469 POCOPC: =. === -225--- <5 bea ee 141 
TUCOSUS 22; 2-2 -2eeo eee 269° | oy-cauda,, Gillichthys! =. 222-225 -e eee eee 444 
TILpeStris. 2.422 eS eee 469 Quictula__.---__-..-25:_2 eee 444 
iphisteridse:_ {2 =" 52 eee 469 || y-grecum, Astroscopus------.-3- 2222s 454 
MIpHIstes: cone oak oe cee eee eee 469 Uranoscopus.-- >. 220 -.-. 8s ee 454 
WV 58 eee eee 469''| -yucatana, Gambusia_=.---- sees eee ene 186 
469 | yuma, Gobiesox 490 
1935 | MeXeUILIn gees a 137 
187 gta. seca. cs soesce smo ne neeeee eee 137 

gracilis: --.6. 32322 32 oS eee 185 || acentrus, Hispanicus—: - 2-2-2 sceeeeeeeeeeeese 368 
guintheri_2s 2st. 2 sree 193 Sebastichthys-—.~----2:--=d---e=seaeeeee 368 
helleri.:s2.. 2-2 SSS 193))|' wachirus, rrex.-..-=....-..-22 hoe eee 228 
Dr6éyis:. 422) eee ee 194 Glyptocephalus.... == ===-5=- ease 228 
guntheri:-- =. 22-2 223 eee 193'4| ZaclemuS.=. 2-2 -225-ss-co25--5- eee 351 
TachoVil-—. =.=... eee 193 goodel_..-2--=----— 22a =: wae eee 351 
SILIRStuS.-- =: = eS eee 193 | -zadockii, Cylindrosteus- == 2:.2--5-----s-=se— 37 
jalapre._-.. 2. = eee eee 103): |' pHalarpess- +... 2. 2 a oe 73 
montezuma 194 73 
rachovii 193 410 
Sirigatlis,.—-262.=.- 2. anee ee eee 193 410 
Xiphostomidx___ 100 507 
Xiphotheca 262 507 
Xurel 272 277 
fasciatus 272 277 
lata O72 S7alopyiea= ce sees eens scence ceases ee 365 
luguibtis? 252 s64— 2 325). eee 273 alentianus.- 52. 22--225 27 ses eeeee 365 
MACeNALOS ene eS 272 atroriibens: -..---=.--------22== ae 365 
mMegusicola: <2) 2---.2.255.. see 272 atrovirens. 22-50: --5-=-a,3=42 sp aeeseeee 365 


List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 

Maly DTS a ee 443 | zonale arcansanum, Etheostoma_-___.......-- 289 
Pectin ee ee ee 8 wae. 362 PREAINSGOII eee es ya 
TET) ce, Sa ee 263 | zonalis, Poecilichthys___................. See a 
Vo bse ade S| co a a a ea Se Sua | SODALR SolssOMip§ oo 7 oe ENS See pce ny UU 
Gpiibropeiapes oe ee 362 GterHMariIn: - 92 keene oe ee ae OL 

er itis) = Lapa bes siete 1S 5 J) Ae esl pai aig mena 362 SE GLC tte ee wie Sere a a ee ee 279 
zanclus, Dermatolepis_............-.-------- 313 | zonatum, Cichlasoma- 2. ----------_ no. 417 
ganemus, Ceratichtiys=._................... 138 DOANE Sst tell «ated aie Sele Oe RO Bll 305 
CO Gt aes Sate LS Se ae ane Ste, | PORSe, Aline. os 2 eo ee 128 
VN hy ae aS ls De ee eae see 375 Giirstoeinbartige seo ne 2k, 358 
Jig ti! 7, Biwane 2-5 A eigatte See ae ee 375 Costin) ye es NS 128 

WAR TPRITINS. go at Bo so ee 375 Lijeiite, tia Nope ss Sane eee SCS 358 
OSES at (7 pe) 0 Se ls Se a ea 76 (Le SECS Re i IC Oe 176 
PN on ee i eye ee 72 PT LT ESE SSCS OCR ED OTS Bae 178 
CLES ee ee 72 aE ee oe ee ee es 
OS Ne eet: ala ie RE ae iy Tae 452 Le) oe SS ae Rae Sr See 417 
pt Oe SR Es eae ee ee 452 PONE of 2k Ae ees Je Te ee 177 
Ce ae ea ee ey Cee tes MA LMG Cate oo ee se een 279 
OD a a ee 24 PRS oe a RE ee ie a 8, 280 
He ag 4 SS a ee 4 PCUNINI O e e ee S ee 279 

1 et A SL OS Sea eee 24 cn” ie a Se at 

raps, "Heacstiepldotin {da eae 381 CEL a Se ae SESE 280 
Sab SER ae ew EE Uy jn I STN ae ee 
saintitians aed Lee a eee 70 Cl Ae eee ae ae ee 373 
gatropis, Siphostoma..-...................... 243 Sea Te 373 
0 OSS ee ee a ae 362 Zygonectes_____ PES Ae OREN by. 
in nek Oat ee eS 491 | zonipectus, Pomacanthodes___--------...... 361 

ei ae ais 5 SESS 1S AST Ranh 1h) SEAR: WODODDENS 5. oo, oe came 128 
Ct Sa SIODNGET SE SFIS EY 342 itil) Se Oa pied eae 128 
Gobiesox_-_....... 1A SE ALORS. ON aa ea ae se 441 
oo: aA eee ees 441 A ee Se ee eer esos 441 
Cu SS aaa eee Ri OS OTOMIIO soe on Sau senaiay “BEE 
1 Oe Se ae eee i ior eS Ee Se Se eee Ty 
| a ES ee 283 rathbuni_ fT ait Sat Die Cae, 
oS ESC ey ee 179 | zonurus, Malacocottus_.........-........... 388 
NN (oe kk ee |) sage DD 5 ao RE er aie Cee tet a oS 182 
0S Sr Se et ee 441 Oe EES OEE PEERS US 182 
UI, MICA So os cc cacneseupooenn 179 CL | Ea SESS ES GERSE ae Ee 182 
2 Se ee a ee eee 232 SR ear es SS 182 
zelotes ping MR 455 Oo re cae a area 182 
Esioscop fe end 2 LS ES aes 455 aa ee 182 
outicaran: 2 RRL SE Se &7 robustus_........ Ee Tag Nhe ee Ee: 182 
ES ee SE a Eee 232 a BE OE EES Sea ae 140 
AE See ee tN ee ae a eer ee 116 
venithicus, Argyrosomus_................... 4 | zopherus, Potamioontios ee staat atin ee 385 
Leucichthys ee 64 | zophochir, Ophichthus.._................... &8 

| a a oat eae 22 rb sage roe 1 ES ee 88 
a eS 232 | zosterm, Hi eae tL Re i i a al 244 
a I a ae a 232 | gzosterura, Evermannia._.................... 445 
ee (ais ae eas 454 | zosterurum, Gobiosoma__.............. 445 
es ps ER eae ieee 2% | zunnensis, Leuciscus__................. 114 
OS a ee eee OAs Sey ES iis hvac tptinn cho hadanoe 18 
fundorum........- Boreaaieis 392 oe ET EC REE 18 

| CSE Sa eee ae 347 AT eS ee ee ere 18 
| re eee 3A7 Cohn pi Ra eae REE RG ene anne RE 18 
I on iw eccacrees- eine kes 347 tt Re eee Pa RA Ee eee 18 

I ho Mh een wigs oes Sere wevieshek nance of7 || egpens, Spliyinas... 3. cco 18 
ere 47 SOTRRS Jon onsce ew sadnnenees 18 

_ Say ee aes ae Cade | PORTIS 2, or an abo duicethinenw meee 31 
| a eC CA. ECE OUBE Sou om eccmsidigs tant ene eee 177 
zestocarus, Stellicarens....___.._._._-.---.-- ?47 py EO a RM ER ES 184 
"a i eR RN i A 247 SUroguttaws . . nee a eee 177 
I ae 354 SO LLL ai, iS cel ESR, 177 
i Ray Ea 275 lit tt Ee eg “thee 2 171 
he rr ee aera 274 | RE eT Be I: 174 
ET a isc aa 17§ 

Ca eo ee ea” 178 

> ae a are 178 

Pt | ee a ae eee, 178 

ORNs ok code cpa eae wealeee 179 

pp UU a) Cee RE PP 176 

i CS RE ee 178 

| ES "ee Sy a 177 

INOPORLY PRICUS. deca wc anne dnp e se 178 

or ee AN HRs naps Sane, * 185 

C3 | ree eee 178 

NINN sp Secs eatatate Seek ances doe wooo 177 

1 IEE AEE a RS I aa Se SL 178 

NCTE i sea deli las ood aha 177 







List of scientific names—Continued 

Page Page 
Zygonectes melapleurus- --_...._------------- 178 | Zygonectes scartes__...........-.....-=.----- 177 
(Micristius) brachypterus__------------- 185 SCIAGICUSD == a amanae nen = ae eens 177 
NOtatgs $282 22S aan ees eee ee, 177 Seminolis 2228s 228 eee 178 
nottiles 2523 2) 42d52 2225 ae ee ence 178 LOUSTUS! Sse see meee 22-1. eae eee 177 
pulchellus2-32225255s== 8151s Seer 177 wonifor==< se seers) 5 io: <= 4s See 178 
DULVGrOUS. 224 244) ora ss ces ee 178 | zygopterus, Galeorhinus____................. 14 
Tatbpumnie 22252 «45232572 ee ee eee 179)*|| (-Sypothy casssss-= 2352555022 5252 2 eee 261 
TubrurOnSs 42" 22225225 6 os ee ae 177 

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