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Ayn Rand 


by Ayn Rand (1905-1982) 

puey uAy 

Ayn Rand’s dystopic science fiction novella 
takes place at some unspecified future date. 
Mankind has entered another dark age as a 
result of what Rand saw as the weaknesses of 
socialistic thinking and economics. 
Technological advancement is now carefully 
planned -- when it is allowed to occur at all -- 
and the concept of individuality has been 
eliminated. As is common in her work, Rand 
draws a clear distinction between the 
“socialist/communal” values of equality and 
brotherhood and the “productive/capitalist” 
values of achievement and individuality. 

Total running time: 2:11:57 

Read by Chere Theriot 


Cover design by Kathryn Delaney acoustical liberation of books 
Painting by Luigi Russolo, Music, (1911) in the public domain