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Full text of "A playne and godly exposytion or declaration of the commune crede : (which in the Latin tonge is called Symbolum apostolorum) : and of the .x. commaundementes of Goddes law"

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Sentre for Reformation 
Renaissance Studies 

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2 HEAR) cod 
lp expoſptton oz decla 
ratiõ ofthe comune Trede 
(which in the Latin tonge is 
called SDymbolum Apoſtola⸗ 
rum) and of the. x. cõmaunde 
mentes of goddes lam / newip 
made and put forth by the faz 
mouſe clarke / Mapſter.Erat⸗ 
mus ok Roterdame / at the r⸗⸗ 
gucſte 0 of the moe honozable 
loꝛde / Mhamas Cele of wylt⸗ 
fh pre: kather to she moſte gras 
ons and Kersusus C7 

ee de, Na eee — . 

E. lit, Leal 2 as cae wg oS 
tt . Sela oo 

Cum priuilegio > 
fe , f 

1 ä ne, „„ 
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ac yell basis ease ae 55 : 


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| ö 
The ecpotperon : 

¶ To the ryght excettent moſt 

bonoꝛable loꝛde Thomas Eric of wyl 
ſhpꝛe: and of Ozmande / ee 

Catan TO is See ee ae 1 
— we 
A 485 ————— Sy Pt 2 
% eee 9 
en: * 2 ee — Pg 

Aer. W eee a 
of a act 

Oawe and petceuch 
full wel motte bonozable 
Erle / that of ſome perfor 
nes Ichold be acculcd of 
| icwde boldnelle and pꝛe⸗ 
ſumptpon: pf J wold tas 
he vpon 1110 make anp cõömentarp of 
woꝛke vpon the Crede named the Spin 
bole of the Apoſtels / after ſo many / and 
fo kamouſe doctoures of the churche ae 
monge whome Cipziane takpnge this 
mater in bande kpꝛſt of anp Latpu man 
hath in luehe wyle handeled it: that no 
man / that cuer hathe folowed hym pes 
vntpll this dap / hath ben able to ouerge 
te hym / oꝛ to come anp thynge nere vn⸗ 
to hym. Agayn on the other parte / me 
thoughte J Hold be accuſed of impꝛoby 
it and lewdenelle / xa wold not ey 

ok the cOmutn Crede. a 

and accomplyſhe pour requeſte / namely 

deſpꝛynge lo holy e fo bertuoſe a thyng 
with a goode and godly affect pon ſſpecp 

allp / ſeyugoe hat pou haue Co well accep 
ted e taken in goode worth that my fore 

mer ſeruyte rather than benckpgbte Dos 
ne to pon / in expoüdyng and declarpng 
the. rxru.pſalme. And J do knowe allo 

wel enough / that pou do not tequpꝛe of 

me / to takethis lptle labourc / for pour 
owne cauſe: whiche do not nede anp in⸗ 
ſtructpon oꝛ infoꝛmacpð of me. But pow 
do deſpꝛe it foꝛ other moꝛe ignoꝛauntce € 
vnlerned perſones, And therkoze Jha⸗ 
ue ſo handeled the thpuge / that Jhaue 
ſhaped and oꝛbꝛed al mpne oꝛatyon and 

ſpeche / after ſuche koꝛme and maner as 

mpghlbe mote mete and agrepuge to 

the capacpte of thoſe that are ſym ple. 

Nether do J {ce oꝛ percepuc onp whitte 
at all / what laude oꝛ praple J Mall gete 
bp this my labouresercept it be peradué 
tute becauſe that J haus {pokcu certap 
ne thynges ſomwhat artet a plapn / and 
bomelp percepucable kacpon / bow be it 
as for praple/ I pale not vpon it. Buß 
wolde god / that the ponge Soldyers of 
tbe Chꝛyſtpan cheualrp / map take as 

much krute g; pꝛofpghte bereoß as bothe 
a A. u out 


— ae cpos 

pour dꝛulie honourabie loꝛdeſhpppt 10 
pour ercellente Charpte and goodues / 

Doth delp ze: und as J allo / accopwpuge 

to ſuche lytle power as god hath lente 
moe haue endeuored mp lelke / and geuen 

Vie ae aa 

dylpgence / that they ſholde do. In the 
meane leaſon / our loꝛde is to be pꝛaped 
vnto / that he of his bountt s goodneſſe 

yyll ſupply that / where my power both 

waͤnte and faple / that he / Ghiche bath 
inſppꝛed into pou this deuoute and god 

ly affectpon towarde his relpgpon and 
fapth / wyll vouche late to lende pꝛolpe⸗ 
“cous lucke good ende / not in this thyn 
ge onelp / but alſo in all other thynges / 

whiche of loue and zele lowardz the has. 

noure of god / and kurtheraunce of vertu 
and good Thiiſlen lpupage:pou Halt 

ent erpꝛyſe oz begpnne: well 
moughte pour honoza⸗ 
ble loꝛdeſhpppe 
fare peuen at 
Friburge / 
the pere of our loꝛde 


: ye 
g mY 
4 * 14 
. e é 5 5 „ U * * * ‘§ 
* A * 
* by” Ly an 
y 8 ** 
ar . 
4 ae Le: : 
67 ’ 
a 5 4, 

ve 0 

5 ae 

of the cõmun Creve. 9 
TA Dialoge called the Spmbo, 
le oꝛ inſtructpon in the chatklen fapth oz 
delyue / made bp My apiece Eralmus of © 
Koterdame. The perſoncs {peakpy 
ge are the Mapſter / and the Dis 

ſciple / the one is marked by 
M the other by D. 

the fpꝛtte inſtructlon. Gr 


aN <¥ ben a great wht / 
50 * „eile beep betpsecia 
EE, |} and fore Loo pug 
N N in dip mpndets 
de eſcrpbcb cud 
6 7 N ej tecciusdinte the 

ae, | cCompenp and fe 
ee ae lowihppe of the 
| to ee 4 oe eo thatholpke chur 

q Am and haue 

Ot of the 

che / whiche is the hobwſe ok god / out of churche / viht 
the wiche churche no man ought to ho⸗ che is the hon 
pe the obtapnpnge of cucrlaſtpng heith look god ts 

and faluatpon. Aud therkoze J bckeche no hobe ok fas 

pou / that of pour chatpte pou wpll hel⸗ 
pe myn inkancpe: that J map be ſpedde 
of this mp deſpꝛe and purpoſe. MA. J 2 
thou haue ben waſhed in the holy bathe, 

* * 
1 5 4, 


; Tht erpolpcpon 
ol baptp line after due koꝛme and maner 
khan arte thou bp the reaſon ther ot / eu 
alredy aumptted and recepucd into the 
hobwſcholde oz company of the catholp⸗ 
3 ke chutche. DIS. pe but this thynge 
was don vnknowpug to me / by mp god 
fathers and godmother. But nowe / in 
as muche as god of his goodnelle hath 
graũted me to come vnto this age/ whe 
che as it map be caſplp coꝛrupted to vp⸗ 
ce and vngracpoulnes and erroure ſo is 
it (as J ſuppoſc) apte to recepue inſtru⸗ 
ctyon to vertu and good lpupug erpghe 
beleffe / Itbynke it to be rpghte and ac⸗ 
coꝛdpnge / both that J chuld fulfplle the 
pꝛumpſlſe / that my ſurtes haue made vp 
on my hede: and allo that Imp ſelfe do 
pꝛoupde &lcefor2 myne owne helth and 
lauegardt / x do myn owne befpnes alſo 
in myn oblynce perſonc / z not all by other 
kolke / wherkoꝛe J beſeche and pꝛap vou / 
that pou twpll euen ſo deale with inc / as 
pl pou dpb teache and inkoꝛzme a perfor 
haupnge no mance learnpnge o2 know 
4 lege at all. MAG. Meare fone / that 
loꝛde / whiche bath inſpyꝛed this mynde 
into the:the lame / ot his goodnelſe / ſhal 
promote and carpe the foꝛ warde vnto 
5 dhis / that thou dot = 45. nf 

ok the cöoͤmun Crede. 4 

I not nede than to haue an inſtructer e 
teacher: MAS. If ther wer no nede 
ok an tukourmer oz teacher: than ſholde 
chꝛpſt hauc lapde all in vapn theſe woꝛ⸗ 
des / to his apoſtles. r Go pougteache 
all natpons. But though thou haddock 
gotten (pe hundzeth teachers / to inſtru⸗ 
cte the / pet is it the loꝛde / that Doth true 
ly & eſfectuoſlp teache this phploſaphpe 
and wyſdom. Foꝛ ſo it hath pleaſed god 
aud hath lyked hym to geue his benefice 
tes and gyftes to one man: bp another 
man. DJ. why hath it lpked hym to 
do for AA. Jyꝛſt / te thentent / that 
all pꝛyde e atrogancpe mpght be exclu⸗ 
bed: whiche / that ſpyꝛpte the louer of 
moeke and myld mpudes: doth hate and 
abhoꝛte / and ſecoundarply / that thiugh 
dopng bencfptes and good dedes / eche 
to other charpte aud loue myght be pur 
chaced / encreaced / and nourpſhed amon 
ge chꝛyſten kolke. And pet neuer the les 
neither map the doctour oꝛ teacher here 
chalenge onp whitte pꝛapſe to hymſel⸗ 
le / pk he doth his offpce c ductp nepther 
the dyſcyple oꝛ learner to hymlelk pk he 
both pꝛofpght and go koꝛ warde. All the 
apſe / euerp whitte of it:is due to god / 
biche inwardlp by his ſpyꝛpte / bothe 


Mar. t 6. 


shy lt beth 

pleſed god to 
geue bis bene 
kyght to ona 
man Op anos 

ther. li.cauſa. 

A. um. dot 

The ſexpoſpcpon 
Doth temper the ozgane / e inſtrumenke 
ol the teacher: and alfo doth trauſkoꝛme 
and chaunge (he mypnde of the learner. 

Act vs therefore both together beſeche 





1 a 
8 . 
Debz eit 

Oebz. 11. 

80177 is the 
oꝛe / wherbp 
te entre into 
the howle of 
Vod: that is 
the churche. 

the loꝛde ok his merey / that by bis inſpt 

tation / both thou mapelte wilelp allie & 
demaunde: & J alſo map krutefully and 
holſomelp make aunſwere vnto the. D. 
So beit. TM. Soto now thã / x demand. 
D. That vulpedkcable beaute c fapznes 
of the houle of god / both(as J ſapd) mer 
uaplouſtp mouc & ſtyꝛte mp mpnde: and 
cauleth me to be enamoured on tt. But 
J pray you which is the wap foꝛ a man 
to entte into it AIA, who ſo cuer wyll 
entre into a howle: gotheto the gate. 
DJ. Shew methe gate, M. Sapnee- 
Paule (elveth it / that heuenly doctour 
A Dc that cometh to god (ſaythe he) 
muſt belpue. And in the. v. chapptre to 

the Komancs. * Wy whome: we haue 

wape and entraunce thzugh fapth:into. 
this grace. Agapu to the Oebzues: he 
ſapth. * without fapth itis vnpoſſpble 
to pleaſe god. The doꝛe o2 the gate ot. 
fapthas a beep lob doꝛe oꝛ gate / but af 
ter that one is entred ones with in it / it 
ſheweth to hym the vnſpe akable maie 
ſte of the power / or the wyldomc / and + 
ae . the 

ofthecdmun rede. 5 

the goodneſſe of god. Stoupe therefore 
and bowe downc thpn heade / that thou 
mapſt be woꝛthp to entre / and go in. 
DJ. what is this / that pou do lapc? 5 _ 
MAS. I mcane Lape from the / and 18. 
ſette a parte all carnall witte oꝛ iudge⸗ 
mente / and the ſubtple argumentes of 
mannes natural reaſon / that thou map 
te lymply and vndowtedly beleuc / and 
getie rredence / vnto what lo cuer thyng 
the authozpte of god Hath taught vs lo 
our helthe and ſaluacion / althaugh to 
mannes reafon und iudgemente / it doo 
ſeme neuer fo muche ſallc / folpche: vnrea 
ſonablc / and vnpollpblc. Mannes rea⸗ 
fonpnge and argumentatpon: mape dps 
ſcepue / the bodylyc ſenſes oꝛ wittes of 
man mape dylcepuc / onelp god / as he 
can not but be goo: ſo can he nepther „„ 
dyſteput / nether be dyſcepued. DJS. 17 
what is fapthe: AAG J. Koocipne ? 
Fapthe ſomewhat plapne and famplpa The te pwn⸗ 
rly / to the that arte vnlcarned: There BY find Aah : 
are two pꝛyncypall powers of mannes ſe/vnderſlon⸗ 
ſoule: that is to Witte: the underſton⸗ dyng z wyll. 
dynge / and the topll. Bp the power of 12 
vnderſtondynge: we do iugde Whats ' 
to be choſen / and by the wytt:wedodelp 
te that thynge / whiche vnderſtondyenge 

oe A. b. oꝛ tca⸗ 


‘ tae be 

Thzu gh the 
oftence of B- 
da and uc 
both mannes 
vnder ſtõödpn⸗ 
geꝛ allo his 
wpll are vicp 
ated and co 

Wwo reme⸗ 
dies ag apnſte 
the aforclays 
de cuplt faith 
whiche purs 
geth the bert 
— - echarite whe 
che ſtraighte 
neth the tro⸗ 
hed wpll a ap 

¶ Faypth. 

The expoſpepou | 
oꝛ rłaſon( which ace both one) bath he 

wed vs for tobe deſpꝛed. Botb 

partes bath ben cozrupted thrugh the 
ctime & offence of them / which were the 
fpꝛſt parentes of all mankpndc / that is 
to wilte / dam and Eue. The contagp 
on okthis eupllhath pitucd from them / 
into all thep2 poſterpte and oflpꝛpuge. 
And by the reaſon here ot it is brought 
to palle / that both with our realon / as 
with a coꝛtupte ipe / we do wene e wdae 
thynges to be / which are not / oz cls not 
to be luche maner thynges / as thep are 
in verp dede / and alfo that with our coz⸗ 
rupted wpllec which thynge chaunceth 
oftcntpmesto ſpcke men) we do delpꝛe 
nopſome and deadly thynges / in the tte 
de ok pꝛofptable and hollome thynges. 
Agapuſt theſe. ii. cuylls / the goodnes of 
god hath pꝛoupdced for vs / two remedz / 
that is to witte / Tapth / whiche purpkp⸗ 
ctl) and clenleth the bert that is to ſap / 
the mynde and reaſon / as beyng the foũ 
tapne of the ſoule / and charpte / whiche 
ſtrapghteneth æx amendeth our croked a 
coꝛtupte wpl. Fapth as it were a lpght 
chpupnge before vs in the darke dꝛp⸗ 
ucth away all erroute /in thoſe thpnges 
ſpecpallp: whiche do apettapne 115 be⸗ 


ol the cßõmun rede, 6 

longe to helth and ſaluacpon. Tharpte Chatyte. 
putteth awap croked and elude atfcctps add 
re and folowe onelp thole thynges / whe 
ae god hath pꝛelcrpbed oꝛ cömanded. Charpte ia 
fi be don Tharpte crecuteth the lame ot kapth. 
in woꝛzke / as bepnge the mynpſter z ſer⸗ 
uaunt oł lapth. But the ipe of fapth ig 
pred lette faſt papucppallp vpon god. 
tharpte bath as it were two ipes / with 
the ryght ipe it loketh ſtedfaſtſp on god 
and the left ipe it boweth oꝛ tourncth a 
ſpde to warde typ nepghboute / whils it 
loueth god / as bepng the mot hyghe e 
perfpghte goodnes / abouc all thynges / 
and loucth the nepghboure / as depnge 
hatucall cofen:fo2 goddeg lake. Fapthe what 7 
therefoꝛe / where of we doo ſpeale / is a is. 
gykte inkuſeb e putte into manues mpu⸗ 
de / of god / hzugh whiche man without 
aup dowtefulnes doth beleue all thoſe 
thynges to be moſt truc / whiche ſo tuer 
god bath taughte and pꝛompled to vs / 
by the bokes of both teſtamẽ tes / the old. 
and the newe. This fapth ſtretcheth it 
lelk to thre mance tymes / that is / to the 
tpme / that is paſſed / to the time / that is 
debut / and to the tpme that is to come 

A. vi. that 

Fapthe hath 
one ipe. Cha. 
cite hath. ii. 

„ fbhaͤt is foꝛ to lape / kyꝛſte it beleueth that 
the woꝛlde was made bp god / and what 
ſo cucr thpnge the holp diuine ſcripture. 
makcth met pon to haue ben don in olbe 
ktymec pad. Sccondarelp: that the. 
woꝛlde: and the churche 18 goucrned ok 
the ſamc: god cucn this dape allo. Aud 
late of alt᷑ / that all thoſethynges ſhall 
come to paſſe tbe fulfplled: what ſo euer 
Ihe ſayde ſcrpptures Doth epther prꝛomp 
{eto good c vertuoſe men: oz els doth 
thielten to wicked and vngodlpe perſo⸗ 
ucs. All thele thynges / we doo thoꝛow 
the gykte of fapth/ farre moꝛc certapnlp 
Fayth is the beleue:than we dothoſe thyngz / whiche 
inot Cure we do gather bp arguinctacpon ¢ reaſo 
komledge / nynge oꝛ els of which we haue ſure pees 
that is i this ccpuyngte and konwleg bp all our owt⸗ 
wonlde. i warde ſeuces. DFM, But in as muche : 
~ as thebobes of holp Ccrppture haue coz. 
me to bs by men: where ofthan cometh 
that ſtedlaſt and ſure perluaſpon oꝛ bes. 
leffe. Thete is no man fo wycked: as to 
thynke oꝛ iudge / that god map beſulpe⸗ 
cted of kalſched and vntruth / but it may 
he enuſes be dowted / whether all tholc bokes has. 
woulg vs to ut ben wꝛyten by the iuſpitatiö of god. 
ce fat and AS. Acryl this ccttaynte ryleth 
20 of manp cauſes: but pꝛyncppally 3 ee 
5 oe ae 5 4 0s. 

ofthe chinun dribe, 7 
Ap of ones fpꝛſte of all:it rpſeth ołkuatur⸗ ko the holy 
all conlente / koꝛ thoſe thyuges: whiche 5 of 
ate taughte in thole bokes: are a great 2°" 
parte ot them / ag reble to the naturall 
Judgement of realſon / a cextapne ſparke Naturall. 
whcerok remapncth pet ſtyll cuen in men Conlente⸗ 
alter the falle. Scecondaryly of the mers 
uaplouſe wondꝛes oꝛ mpꝛacles / by whi⸗ giracles. 
ehe both the olde and allo the new teſta Miracles. 
ment hath ben geuen and taught. Joꝛ 
nepther haue luche wondzes ben done 
euer at oup other tyme / oz in onp other 
thynge: nepther euer onp man epther 
durſtc / oꝛ caulde haue fapned lyke thyn⸗ 
ges vnto them beſpdes this ok the mer⸗ 
uaplouſe and wondꝛekull conſente and eae pern 
zagremente ot all the ihpnges amonge okthe kygur⸗ 
zt them {elite and of eche with other. DJ. eg pꝛophecp : 
azOeivbiche thyngesr Mel. Okthe es ol the olde 
kpgures: and the pꝛophecpes: whiche teſtamet both 
pꝛopzelp do appertapnt and belongeto among pie 
the olde teſtamente . Adde hereunto 5110 b 5 
the truthe and cupdente in the perfoz⸗ teſtamente. 
mpynge and kulkpllynge of (hole thyng z 
whiche the olde teftaméte epther hadde 
ſhadowed ge ſignykyed by figures: oꝛels 
had pꝛompled bp the mouthe of the pra 
+ fetes. In the sacl A beetle e 5 
Cea et ee ere eae | ttt)! Lae oe 



The expolpepon 
‘i KuoWwent well / that the confente ¢ 
agremente of the recozdes amonge thé 
ſclues / is of great wapghte and greatly 

to be regarded. Tompare that Thꝛyſte / 

whiche bp many Darke redles and fpgu 
res is ſlygupfped e ſhadowed in the law 
of Moiſes / s whome ſo manp Prophets 
dpd pꝛomplc / and that at dpuerle s fons 
dꝛy tymes / with hym / whome the hyſto 
tp of the Golpell doth (cette koꝛth plapn 
ip afore oure ipes / as it were in a ſca⸗ 
fold: and thou Malt (ce allives thpnges 
peripghtlp agree to gether. Ouer e be 
ſydes this / Pꝛophetes do meruaplouſly 
conlente and agree amonge themfclucs 
one with another / Where as among the 
phyloſofers of the world / there eis great 
ſtryfe and contrarpete of dpucrle & fous 
dip oppnypons. Adde allo tothele thpus 
ges afore reherced / the conſtante and 

. Ocdfatke conſente and agremente ok all 

tymes and ofall natpons /& the faſte cd 
ſppꝛation okthem vnto this phplolofpe 
Dole with one mynde and arcoꝛde / for 
who eucr wrote onp thynge / were hene 

uer of ſo hyghe d excellente witte / whi⸗ 

che the whole woꝛld dyd lo recepue / wht 

ehe the world dpd with lo great citar 

cepe and ſtedtaſtnes retapue ¢ cleue puto 
1 tha} 

of the cOmun rede, 8 
that fo manp thoufands of men / ok chpl 
dꝛen / ok women / and of vyꝛgyns / neither 
with dpuerſe z lond2p kyndes ok death / 
— nether with tozmentes / more fearefull 
175 ene be plucked ey 10 
it / whole myndes the lpghte of Fapth „ 
had purpiped: Aud this tbpuge 1s bp 0 Bue wonder 
much the moze meruraploule and won⸗ mrgbrokthe 
Derfulls for that this phulolofpe/asit we Chuiſtiane 
re a certay ne fonne/dpdfodepuip pune phdolophie, 
and geuc lpghte thꝛugh out the whole 
woꝛlde / and dyd ouercome and gete the 
bpclorp / nether by the helpe of mpghte 
and power / nether of ryches / noꝛ of op 
mannes cralte oꝛ palpcpe/ nether kpnal 
lp by onp woꝛldly helpe 02 apde / e allo 
foꝛ that it bath hetherto agapnuſte the 
power ofkpngz / agapuſte worldlp wyl⸗ 
dome / agaynſt heretykes beyng a thow 
land mauer wapes inſtructed x armed . 
to imppete / and to be hort agapuſte all i 
the N af the ray ee 5 0 ss | 
and fure/wot able to be (hake/accozdpns 
ge to the prompie of Chꝛpſt. And tbe . 
gates of helle Hal not pꝛeuaple agapuſt 
it. DIC, J percepue now / lome lpght 23 
to ſhyne eut᷑ to mpn ipes alfo though be 
png hall blynd⸗ But whiche is that chee 
aah prencepall then ser 4 Ter, 8 



2 The e 
j thou haſt touched it allredy of thyne 
onc accoꝛde. DJS. Howe lor haue 1 

26 louched it vnwarcs : HAG. jor thou 

fealeſt and percepucſt (as thou fayette) 
lome (pghte to haue (chpned in to the 
pes ok thyn harte. This is doutles the 

sant is cau ſpyꝛyte ot Chꝛyfte:whiche hath now be 

ipe by 
1 SE 
15 holy gho⸗ 

Wenk ku, gonnc tochewe his eſtpcacpte ¢ ſerkgthe 

in thy harte: and as J hope and trnuſte: 
hey fpupſche and make perkpghte thas 

whiche it bath begonnc. Foꝛ this is the 
carneſt peny oꝛ pledge ofthe pupae (pp 

- tpte: whiche by his ſecrete inſypꝛatyon ) 

Doth fo conkyꝛme ſtrengthen: and eſtab⸗ 
leſhe mannes mynde: that nepther the 
power ol the deuplls:ucpther aungells: 
nepther unp creature at all:is able to de 
parte it: and plucke it awape from the 
the fapth and hope: whiche are ul orp 
ſte Jcſu. Suche an atkectpon: can no ps 
ſuaſpon ot men gendꝛe in our myndes: 
whicheeis a verp fure and vndowted 
toler: that all thelſe thynges are don? 
Loughe fed abouc / bp god. Foꝛ no ma 
ner thyug doth ſette the mynde of man 
at quyetneſſe and reſte: ſaue onelp this 

27 Aa DID. O happy are theps 

home it bathe chaunced to haue this. 

28 gelte. AAG. Let vs pꝛapc / ay 


ofthe cOmiun Crede. 9 
ſure truſte:and we Mall haue it. ID. pe 25 
but whau pou doo name the bokes “ 
both teſtamentes:pou do name s ſpeake 
of a greatte(bc cauſe J wpyll not faye of 
an vnmcalurable) ſce / but what thynge 
do pou aduyle me to lcatnc:that am pes 
very ignoꝛãũte / and moe than an infa 
te oꝛ babe in Chꝛyſt r A. The wozld⸗ 30 
ip (cpences inuented by men: haue (as 
thou knoweſt)thepꝛ rudpmetes pꝛyn⸗ 
typles. So lpkewile this beuenlp phyla 
ſophie alfo / bath certapne rudpmentes 
and papucpples oꝛ rules and inſtructp⸗ 
ons whiche are fpꝛſte taughte to hym / 
that is a ponge beginner and learner in 3 | 
it. DFS, whence Hall J fetche theſe wh 
fapde rudymenkes : M AO. pou mape mie pec 
kynde them in the Spmbole oꝛ Ctede / called the cine 
whiche partelp for the auctozpte of it/ a bole of thea 
partelp for a dyfference from other ſym poſtles. 
boles: is called the Spmbole oꝛ Ttebde 
of the apoſtles / aud the olde authoꝛes 
doo otherwples calle it the Kule of the 
fapth oꝛ beleffe. This is a ſpeche bꝛeſlpe 
compꝛeheudpnge in kewe woꝛdes / the 
ſumme of thofe thpuges:whiche are ne⸗ 
ceſlarelp to be. beleued of all men bute 
cternallfaluacpon. This Spmbole oz 
Crede / in the olde tyme / they that were 

B. baptuzed 

The expoſpepon 

baptpꝛed when they were growne in as 
ge: dyd recyte openlp / cuerp man wily 
His olune mouth and ware than called 
Cathecumen afore that thep were Oop 
33 ped in the hollome water, DFS. whp 

tohp the crede Ig it called the role of fapth oz belecke. 
is called she 37. A. Vecauſe chat accozdyngetothis 
rule ot kapth n pffe and Aronge inflerphle (qupcte oz 
tule of vetpte and troutts: albthe oppup 
ons of men ate dpꝛected and toꝛztected / 
q by it alſo all the exroures fwarupug x 
gopnge alwape from the ltouthe / boibe 
ol hethẽ papnymces / ok Jehes / and of he 
tetikeg:art üraightened and amended / 
forthe lrouth ok god is lingle / xalwap⸗ 
Math. eri, Cs contapuncth one / and vumoucable / 
zg whiche Capt) A cucn and ceihe Hall 
che ty ee patte awape/ but mp worde (yall abpde 
: else Seite and nol pale awape, DID But what 
grelle woꝛde Meanelh this worde Symbolc: LY. 
ipmbolum. 35 Ombolum is a Oꝛcke wordt / whiche 
cometh of the verbe Dymuallo:whiche 
ſigmifieth the ſame that confero doth in 
the latvne tonge / that eis / lo bꝛynge to 
sf fig gether. This woꝛde fpmbotis: the Bꝛe⸗ 
this wonde kes haue vſed manp maner Wapes/ and 
fymbola, in diuerſe figuifications. Fo2 othcrwhs 
les / they do culle ſpmbolum / the feale oz 
marke: which is empꝛputed on lettres / 

55 * beſlels 

of the commun Trede ‘to 

beMels:tothentéc that they Hold not be 
opened ot ſuche as were not mete e töne 
nyent. Sometpme agapn / thep do calle 
ſymbolũ a gage( whether it were mon 
oꝛ a tyng / oꝛ onp other thpug that they 
gauc ſrom thẽ / as maup as were appoi⸗ 

ted / x bad made ꝓmpſe to haue a cõmu⸗ 
ne baͤkette o2 keaſt together: to the adue 
aunce / that cuerp onc of thé hold kepe 
his appopntemét / x no man withdꝛaw: 
oꝛ abſcute hym (clffe. Belpdz this alſo / 

they do calle ſymbelũ / the token / that is 

geuen betwen the ſpouſc and the ſpou⸗ 

The ſetonde 

The. lit, 

leſſc / of thepꝛ conſente cee of them to 

other: to tht eude / that nepther of them 
mape ſchzynke from theyz pꝛompllc and 
bargapn. And latt of all / they calle ſom⸗ 
bolum / that token oz cegupfaunce: wh 
che was geuen to the ſoldyers / as manp 
as foughte vnder one and the lame tar 
derde and bannerc / whiche lometpme 
was a watchewoꝛde / ſometyme it was 
without woꝛdes / and therfoꝛc of them 
it is called Spmbolon Aphonon / id eſt / 
dumbe toliẽ / without ony voyce oꝛ fours 
Be, And this was don to thende / that 
the ſoldpers whiche were all vnder one 
taptapnc: olde knowe cche other / and 
rae pe onpe wolde attcmpte oz goo a⸗ 

V. li. bout 

The. iii. 

How all she, 
llii.ſigniłic a⸗ 
tions ot᷑ ſpm⸗ 
bolii:to agre 
dunto thecrede 
The ſealpng 
ok a veſſell op 
ok an eppftel. 

li. Co. iii. 
fi. Cozi. ilii. 


The expoſpepon 

about to Woke ony gple oꝛ dyſceyte: by 
this marke and token / thep myght bas 
nie percepupng and knowlebge of hym. 
D. Theſe thpngs haue pou ſpoken very 
plainip ¢ clerelp. But J deſpꝛe æ long to 
here the conuenpence and agremente of 
the namzethat is to ſap) why the Crede 
is called by this name ſymbolũ oꝛ how 
this name agreeth to it. MAG. Thou 
ſceſt / that in baptiſme / the foꝛchede of 
hym that is regencrat is merked oꝛ {ea 
led with the fygure of the croſſe. And 
ſapnct 39 aule calleth the Cozinthianes 
whiche had pꝛofelled the golpell: his 
eppſtle / not wꝛpte foꝛſoth with ynke in 
patchemente: but in thepꝛ hartes / with 
the lppꝛyte / wiche ſppꝛpte is called the 
lynger of god. The mynde that is ones 
thus ſealed and marked to god it is not 
la wenll to bꝛeake vp / oꝛ to open / to the 
deupll. And the fame Paule ſpeaketh in 
this tile to the Coꝛinthpans. we baz 
ue this treaſure in earthen veſſelz. The 
mynde therfore of man / thꝛugh baptpſ⸗ 
me: is made the veſſell of the holy gholt 
whiche veſlell is ſealed oꝛ marked with 
the ſygnete of 2 0 pe moꝛteouer Crp 
ſte hath ſealed it with his one bloode. 

And in the goſpell , & our lozbe 3 

ofthe cõmun Crede. 11 

reth the kyngdome of heuen / that is to The gage be 

wytte / the grace of the golpell / vnto a longyng to a 
featte royall / vnto whiche / all men of all i 
nations are called. Mob who lo euer“ 

bath pꝛokeſled Chꝛpſte in baptyſme: he 

Hath geuen a gage / to come to this nos The tone ges 

uen betwen 
ble feaſt / ſo that it is not lawful fo2 hym the Cpoute 6 

now to garte backe. Belped this / nie vo peor 

rede oltentpmes / that Chꝛpſte is called 
by the name of a ſpoule as the churche 
likewyſe is called by the name of a ſpou 
ſe / as in the myſtpcall cantpcle / and in 

the thyꝛde chapptour of Johan / pe moꝛe „ 

ouer / the ſoule of eehe man in the pꝛofel 
(pon of the Fapthe: is wedded bute 
Chꝛpſte her ſpouſe / ſapnct Paule des 
clareth this / Post ee to the Cazins 
thpancs. aue marped pou to : 
one hulbande / that pou hold Hew pour oop tle 
ſelues a chaſt birgine/to Chꝛpſt. Ther⸗ 
fore a token is geuen of bothe part pes / 
that it can not be lawful koꝛ either other 
at onp tyme to go about a dpuorcement 
Chꝛpſte geueth the earneſt oꝛ pledge of 
bis ſpirite. Man beleupnge wich his 
barte to his iuſtificatpon / and conleſun 
ge or khnowledgyng with his mouth / to 
dis hell h and 1 oth “sere of 
: 19 



) The erpolpcpon 
His part / geue a tokt᷑ oꝛ pledge / to Chay 
fe. x Bꝛeat is the miſterie (as lapncte 
Paulc ſaith) of this marrage whiche is 
made / e nytte wah a Caley c alure vn 
loulable bonde / betwen Chzpſte and the 
cChurche. DJ. Z verelp dpd wene euer 
„ bukpllthis tpme) that onelp bpragins yp 
„kellynge the religious lyfe / had ben wed 
dod to Chꝛyſte. JA. Foꝛſoth they ace 
agapn matied: rather than maried / F 
In the oꝛdꝛe of ſpouſes:they are cheſte in 
prceminence/bepuge fo muche the more 
nere to the ſpouſe: by howe muche (hep 
ate moꝛe lyhe vnto hym / but in baptiſl⸗ 
me: the ſoules euen of mariners allo / € 
It to all one of carters / and ok ſhomakers / arc made 
Girt that is the llpouleſics of Cyste. Andit te all 
geuen to all ONC and the lame token / that is geuen 
tem that be⸗ to all men / as well to the vileſte beggar 
lcue in Chieſt as tothe minhteſtkynge o2 pace thas 
of what eſtat 18. And of (his thynge doutles/ oughte 
ener tcp (co thofe / that ate abtectes and cuicattcs/ 
Poore a epel in the fighte of fhe woꝛlde: to take acer 
dygh z lowe / tapnc godly pudckoꝛ that in luch thyn⸗ 
all are one in ges whrche ouclp Doth geuc the verie 
Chziſte. tue kelicite / and whiche do make men 
oF ttuelp excellte/truip cishe/ttulp migh⸗ 
| pandttuly noble: thep are egall and 
mtches' to kyngz and prynces / be oe 
| | neuer 

Rice * — 
es 2 
Ephe. v. 
2% 2 „ 

sed 1 2 Rae 


ofthe cõmun Creede. 12 
ntuer fo ryche and great of power. DJ. 
pou ſhewe here the meruailouſe and wõ 
derfull beniguite and goodnelle of god. 
Q AG. whomc can that mote meke 
and gentpl Lambe ſrclulc o2 reiecte / whi 
che: whan the thelffe hangynge on the 
croſſe Opo profelic: forth wit dpd bpade 
hym to the bꝛpdall fcatte/and of a {pune 
full perfou and blaphemoule agapnſte 
hymſelfe: made hym parte taker with 
hym of his khpugdomer DJ SO. Foꝛſoth 
all thpuges agtecth meruailoullp well 
hetherto. MA. Finallp and laſte of 
all / they whiche ate newe boꝛne agapn 
by the bolp bathe of baptilme: thep da 
pꝛo keſſe the Euangclycall cheualric oꝛ 
warre / and do become Ceruauntes and 
foldices vuder theimmoꝛtall captapue 
Icſu Chꝛpſte / and are boͤüden with his 
mplptare ſacramentes / and do cccepuc 
the gyfte oz rewarde ok the ſpirite. Do 
that it is a poynte of extreme vnfaithe⸗ 
kullnes / aud alſo vnkyndenelle:to foꝛſa⸗ 
ke this capitapuc / and runne from hym 
to the tyꝛaunte the deuille. Mowe all y, 

uc. xxlit. 

The wateche⸗ 

woꝛde o2 the 
badgeok fol 

diers in war⸗ 


do fora 

they do koꝛſake hym / not onclp whiche i Thust thie 

do denpe Chꝛpſte / and doo runne vata 

ad türke oz to the Jeu es: 
B. iiii. but 




| The expoſpepon 

But allo which with thepz hole derte e 
mynde art geuen to the woꝛlde / a wozld 
lp comodptes and pleaſures. & oꝛ the 
tyghtuole man allo falleth cuen ſeuen 
tymes in a dape. But he tpleth anone 
agapn bp the qupcknes and ſtreugth of 
fapth/ whiche / lpbe fpere doth alwapes 
laboute vpwarde vnto beuculp tbpngs. 
DFID. wolde god that ſppꝛpte wolde 
bouchelaffe to wrple in mp herte / e to 
ſeale faſte that / whiche be bath wꝛpten: 
with a lure and an inupolable Spmbor 
le oꝛ ſeale.M.wold god hewold vouche 
ſaſſe to cõmptte to thy harte and myne 
that ineſtpmable treaſure:and that wht 
che he hath put z lapde vp in our hertz: 
to make ſure and dekende with his leale 
oꝛ marke. DJS. But we mult than ok⸗ 
fre and geue to hym cleane parchemẽ te 
and a cleane veliell. MAG. pes euen 
this thinge allo all he hymlelfe graue 
onto vs / howe be it not without our 
one helpe and woꝛkynge there vnto. 

DJH. O how happp and blelled a fea 
ſte is that / whiche both in this woꝛlde 
bath the iope of a good and clerre conſci 
ence: and from hence Doth ſende vs Bula 
the teleſtpall keaſte: MA. pe moꝛc⸗ 
auer how happy and bow 8 

ol the cõmun Crede. 17 

cyadge is that: whiche maketh vs one 
with god / whome to cleue ¢ ſtycke fake 
vnto:is moe hyghe e ſyngulare kelpcp 
te: D. But cheualep oꝛ watre is a name 
ol laboure & trauaple. A. * Mo man 
is crouned ſaue onelpe he whiche hath 
foughte lawfullp. But the papnes thas 
are to be taken in this woꝛlde: are trans 
ſytoꝛpt / and laſte but a ſhoꝛte while. 5 
The crowne oꝛ tewarde is cuerlaſtyn il. Timo. ii. 
ge / and Mall neuer coꝛrupte oꝛ fade. fur⸗ li. C oꝛt. iii. 
thermoze that laboure 02 trauaple that i. Petri. v. 
is herc / the (pprpte doth make dulcete a 
ſwete with fo manp folacpes and cours 
fortes: that all the refpdue map be (ufs 
fred and endured not onelp pacpentlp/ 
but alfo gladly ¢ cheretullp. This lpfe Job. vit. 
is abattaple: whether we wyll oꝛ not / 
we can not choſe / but we muſte warte 
cpther on goddes parte oꝛ cls on the des | 
uplles . Thep that warre on the deupllf oe 
parte / x whiche is called the pꝛince ok Joan. rl. 
this woꝛld / do ſuffre more harde € more 
papnfull thpuges / than do thep / thas 

arre on goddes parte. And Chꝛyſtes | 
ſoldpers do iope Eretopce no leſſe / than The cSparps 
t hep do / which do ſeche and hunte after rap 4 the eſta 
cwete aud plefaunte tbynges / bothe by Coty rand 
londe aud water: but ther iope atter au tie deny leg 

The erpoſpepon f 
other maner oz faction. Map rather thep 
onelp are trulp gladde and iopfull ! beſop 

de this the (tppende oꝛ wages / whiche 
theſe. u. captapnes do pape tothep2 Cols 
dyers: are cxcedpugly karre vnlykc / and 
contrarp the one tothe other: thatts to 
witte totriüphe eternallp un heuc with 
thepz capitapue Chꝛpſte:and to be geue 
to the cucrlaſtpnge fperc of helle with 
the tpꝛaunte the deuille. DJS. pt is a 
micruailoure thynge than / that the com 
mune forte ok men do lede they lyke afs 
ter ſuche mauer / as they do. A. The 
cauſe thereof is / becauſe manye men do 
pꝛonounce the Spmbole oz Crede with 
thepꝛmouthe: and few doo beicue with 
thepꝛ harte / or pfthey doo beleuc : thep 
belcue but coldelp and kaputlp. D. But 
J haue a greatte whple deſpꝛed to here 
the rudpmentes and pꝛyncppleg of the 
i. Coꝛintio.i. heuenly philoſophic. BJAG. KAudimen“ 
. tes they are in dede / but that whiche is 
loweſt thynge here: palleth and lurmoũ 
teth / farre all the hygheſte poyntes of 
woꝛldiy wildome. But becaufe we do be 
ter and ſooner perccpue thole thynges / 
which we are gredy a very deſpꝛouſe to 
learne: therfoꝛe thep that do teache bus 
mapne diſciplints / are wonte 1 

ok the cimun Trede. 14 
de the layde diſciplines vnt o thepꝛ dilct 
ples æ hearers by dpuerſe meancs / bub 
pꝛiucipally becaufe of the authoure / ot 
the matter: of the fourme / a of the ende. 
D. do not well percepue that whiche 
pou do ſape. &. As foꝛ example / the ſcis The authoye 
ence of phyſtke hath foꝛ the authol re ok of Philieke. 
it: Mippocrates / x( pf we belcue pectes) 
Appollo / it treateth 19 occupied about The matter 
thynges / whiche do helpe o2 hurte the bade 
helthe of the body. This is the mater 02 3 
material cauſe of it / it ſtõdeth by kuow 
ledge of naturall thynges / & bp erperp⸗ 
mentes. Thynke this to be the kourme / The kourme. 
the ende ofit is the helth ok the body as The kinall 
farre forth as is graunted to man fo2 to ee o ende 
haue helth in this woꝛlde. D. Thouma Theauthous 
Ket here no mention oflutre. &II. That ot the ſtoike 
peraducture is the ende oꝛ pꝛyck where philofophic, 
tito certaine phyliciõs do laboute / but The mater. 
pet the ende of the arte oꝛ Ccpencesis the 2 5 
pꝛoſperouſe helth of the bodp / lpkewpſe H : 
the Stopke phplofophre bath koꝛ the au 
thoure of it:zeno / it treateth: what is be 
tc € what is vertuc / it gathereth 02 cots 
cludeth with Dialecticall reaſons / it ps 
mileth traquillite æ quietnes of mynde: 
but in this lyfe onelp / æ it alſo falle oꝛ di 
ſeytfull / foꝛ nothyng doth berilpdetce 
fet at reſte the mpude ol man: laue oncly 

: The expoſpepon 
Nothig qute the grace of Chꝛyſte / Which they dyd ne 
teth the myn uer ſo much as ones dreame ok. But ol 
de or man: ca this philoſophpe / ol whiche thou begps | 
ue onelpe the net now to be a learner:the authoure is 
grace of Chi god / the matt: is vertuole lpfe / the four⸗ 
a e authoy me: ts the mfppratponof the acternall 
The matters Jod / the ende: is the beucnip lyfe / nape 
The kourme / ral her to (peake better: all thele thyngz 
and the ende is god hym ſelf. And zeno verplp in ma; 
ol the chꝛyſtẽ ny thynges both doth dyſcepue and is 
philolophie. dyſcepued. And becaule he is dplcepued 
in the ende: it coulde not be cholen / bub 
that he muſt nedes be dyſcepued allo in 
the meanes to the ende. But here where 
god is alin al:there tau be none errour / 
no clowde / none ambpgupte oꝛ dowtkul 
nes. Heis the begpnunpngthe is the pro 
greſſe oꝛ myddle courſe / e he is the ende 
Oeyng than / that we do kynd men / w yr 
che do deſpꝛe and go about to learne hu 
mapne dplepplpncs / withe ercedpnge 
a great laboures / and great coſtes beſto⸗ 
wed a longe tpme: with bowe great fers 
uoure ot᷑ mynde is it mete to learne this 
ene which came from god / and 
hiche by pure & cleane lpłe / with mere 

Pe 970 5 110 blel⸗ 
, ſed immoꝛtalpter DS. Fozſoth pow 
} Qatb . xu. ‘Speake of a beep . ae 

bk the coömun Trede. iv 

perle / wiche ought( and not vnwoꝛthp⸗ 
lp) to be purchaled and bought: though 
a man olde make fale of all the goods 
that euer he hath / to bye it withall. M. 
pe moꝛeouer it is well bought: though 
a man purchaſe il with the loſſe of hig 
lpfe / pe though it dpd coſte bpm a thou⸗ 
lant tymes his lyfe the purchaſe of it: 
pet ſholde it be bought good chepe / and 
nothynge accozdpug to the valure of it. 
But Athpnukc / it doth not nede me to re 
herce thoſe thynges here / which mpght 
make the beneuolence and wellwpllyn⸗ 
ge / attente and docple oꝛ apte to take in 
ſtruction / it is a great ſpooʒe to pꝛyche @ 
pꝛouoke a man to pꝛokpght and go foze 
ward in ony (cpence oꝛ crafte: the loue 
ok the teacher. But what thyng is moze 
ampable oꝛ louelp:than is godrnap tap 
ther / what thynge ts onp whitte ampa⸗ 
ble at all:beſides hymr And who canbe 
ſlepp / and not geue qupcke attention:to 
bere hym ſurelp and vndowtedly promt 

ſynge the eternall topes r And heis 

eaſply and ſone made docile and apte to 
take inſtructiõ: who fo euer both loueth 
god aboue all thyng / and geueth ceed? 
ce to bpm alone in all thynges / withous 

onp diſtruſte oz doutfulnes. DA. Mp 

Beneuolece f 

The erpolycpon. 
mpynde is kendled e enflaͤmed more and 


moꝛe. AIA. But let ihis cõmunication 

had hethertocpf thou iyſt)be the kyꝛſt in 

ſtructiõ op leſſon / which wha thou als 
haue well recoꝛded and laboured ouer a 
gapn to thp llt / by diligente confideras 
tion / deſpꝛyng a callyng forthe helpe of 
the diuine ſpitite / tbaͤrctourne agapue 
to mc / and thou ſhalie be taught the res 
ſidue. DJS It hell be don. 

The ſeconde Inſtruction. 
N 5 VS i auc don / as pou bad me /e 

72 5 J am moꝛe delirouſe: ths J 
bis wasꝛto here the reüdue. . 
eke y Ehanke be therefore: tothe 
motte bounteouſec and benigne ſpirite of 
Thꝛpſte. Nowe it reſteth or ramaincth: 
fpꝛſt of all to tecyte the ſymbole oz crede 
buto the: whichethou Malt Co much the 
ſoner beare awap / pf thou ſhalt vnder⸗ 
ſtonde it: € Halt know both the ſumme 
o2rcifecte:¢ alſo the oꝛdꝛe of the thynge. 
D. Therfoꝛe J longe. M. Merken than 

Eeedo in deſi and take hede. D. Thercupon is all my 
patrẽ oĩpotè⸗ mynde let. M. W belcue on god the 
tem . father almightie: treatoure of heut and 

reli s tert 

. And on Felu Chꝛyſt his onely 


ofthe romun Trede. 16. 
fore: our loꝛde which was cõceiued by 
the holp ghoſt:and bozuc of the birgine 

Maric. Aud lufired vnder Ponce Pilat 

Was crucpned:dede:a butied. went dow 
ne to helle thethprve dap role agapne 
from death to lpfe. Aſcended to heuens: 

and littethonthe righte had of god the 

father almighty. From thencc Hall he 
comic / to tudge both the qupck tthe der 
J bclcue ou the holy ghoſt. J beleve the 
holy chucche Latbolpke: the cõömunton 
ot lapnctꝭ. The forgpucns oflynnes:the 
rpſynge agapn ot the fleſche: athe lpfe 
cuctlaſtpuge. Amen. DJ here ofpou a 
bꝛeffe woꝛde. A. And thou (cele a mu⸗ 
ſtarde ſede. Now thou perciueſt: J trow 
that there eis but once god: whiche name 
foꝛ all that cöpꝛehendeth thre perſones: 
that is to witte:the father: which onelp 
is ok none other / the lone which was be 
gotten ofthe father / afoze al lyme. The 
holp ghoſte:whiche peedeth krom them 
both. DJS. J perccpue. MN. Let not 
mannes witte tmagine here onp tranſp 
fore oꝛ bodyplp thpng/ all thynges here 
are eternall / vulpcakable / and incompꝛe 
benſpble / to the vnderſtondpuge of Whe 
che / mannes realon is obfcure and blyn 
de / and (hep are percepucde . 
8 : : 4 

Et in Jelum 
Chꝛiſtu Elie 
eius vnicũ do 

ming noſtrũ 

qué cõceptus 
eſt de ſplritu 
ſctõ / natus ex 
Maria virge 
nc / paflus 
ſub Moncio 
Pilato / truck 
tixus / moꝛtu⸗ 
us / ct ſepuitꝰ 
delce dit ad in 
kerna / tertia 

die relurrexkiß 

a moztuis. 
Alcedit ad ta 
los Ccdct ad 
dextrã dei pa 
tris oĩpoten⸗ 
tis. Inde ven 
tutus eſt iudi 
care viuos et 
moztuos. Tre 
do. ic. 

Roma. ix. 

Math . xii. 

— es Linn 

, The expolpeponm 
Op kapth. Thep are thꝛe diſtincte in pꝛo⸗ 
pꝛetes / but thep are al.ini.oł one and the 
fame lubſtance o2 nature / oꝛ of one eſſen 
ce( which ſome men do ſuppoſe to be the 
moꝛe apte and mete woꝛde) They are ot 
Cheer is an Ole almpghtines / otone maieſte / of one 
order in the wildomce / and or one goodnes. There is 

diuine trinite in dede an oꝛdze in this trinite / but ine⸗ 

but none (nes gualpte there is vttetly in it none at all 

aualpte. For none of them is poſterioure to the 

5 Che dluytys other / in tpme. Neyther is one of them 

ete plang inferpoure to annother / in dignite. The 

deite ofthem all thꝛe: is one / æ thep.iu. 

ate one god. Hereol tyleth the moſt gee 

Che fathers nerall and moſt perfpghte diſtinction of 

ve R the Symbole into pattes The father 

dp the holpe hach the lyꝛſte place / the ſone hath the 

gbolke. feconde / the hoiy ghoſte hath the thyꝛde 

whiche is the charpte oꝛ louc/ and a cer 

tapne vnſpeakable bonde oz knotte of 

the bothe. The father maketh all thyn 

ges / the lonne reſtoꝛeth thynges fallen 

and dDecapde/ the holy gholt woꝛketh to 

gether with them bothe. D. A vnderſtõ 

de pou beep well. MA. But iu the ſonne 

becauſe he alone toke vnto hym the nas 

ture of man his diuine nature depng in 

no popnte mpnpſhed oꝛ chãged / though 

de be one ꝑſone / pet is there manp Cubs 


| of the tõömun Crede. 1 5 
ſtaunces / that is to witte / the diuine (ub In Chit ss 
dance, which he hath all one g the lame but onepton 
with the father and the holy ghoſte / the and pet tine 
foulc ot man / and the body of man / whe ſubſtaunccs. 
the lpkewyſle as he was boꝛne very god 
Of god his father: fo was he boꝛne a ves 
ty mã / of a womã his mother. To bpm 
doth he church cleuc: as the body of ma 
doth cleue to the heed. Aud lykewyſe as : 
that diuine ſpitite dothe ioyne and knyt Whe churche 
together thc father z the fone: cuca lo an fe mitts 
Both the ſame (pirite glue the churche Chziſt 3 
buto Chziſte / with a ſcercte and kaſte to hym as to 

bondc / not able to be lowſed. The mpſtp her hede / bs 

call body therfoꝛe of Chꝛiſte / occupicry the diuin ſpi⸗ 
the. un. parte ofthe ſpmbole oꝛ trede. ite. 
Where are other diuiſpons ofibe rede 

but this diulſpon (hall (oc lome lyght 

to hym / that is a begyuncr. Row there | 
koꝛe reherce thon the ſymbole agapn ok i 
thy parte. DJS. J Mall with a good 

wyll. Qredo in Deum patrem 
ommpotentem conditoꝛem celt er terte- 

J beleuc ou god the father almpghty Eye kyꝛſte 
maker ok heuen and okerth MA Here parte of the 
thou haſte the fpatte poꝛtion. DS. Lrede. f 
ct in Jeſum 1 0 kilium Se 

bnicum dominũ nol. Aud on Jeſu 
Thnſte his onelp ſonc / our loꝛde. MA. 5 
. . owe 

. The ſexpoſpepon 
Now arte thou eutred into the. li, parte 
of the ſymbol which teacheth the diuine 
nature of Chrutt/ wherof J tolde the be 
foꝛe. D. x Qui conceptus eſt de ſpiritu 
ſctõ/natus ex Maria virgint . whiche 
was cocepucd by the holy ghoſt / a boꝛne 
of Marie the virgine. A. Mere thor 
heareſt the verp & pfyght nature of man 
in Chꝛiſt / & ſhalt by by bere the redép⸗ 
tion ok mankpude. D. Paus lub 
Poucio Pilato crucifirus moꝛtuus le 
pultus eſt. M Dpod ſuſtre vnder z once 
Ptlatc / was crucificd / deade / se burped. 
M. Thou hcareſt here / beſpde lo many 
bvndouted tokcus declarpug bpm to bea 
verp man: the mcruaploule battaple se 
fygth of Chꝛpſt / with the tyꝛaũt the deo 
upll. D. x Deſcendit ad inferna. A We 
deſcended to the helle. BIA. cre thou 
htareſt / what that bleſſed ſoulle of Chꝛt 
ſte dpd: at what tyme his deed bodp dpd 
teſte in the ſepulchze. DJ. Meira die 
reſurrexit a moꝛtuis. The thpꝛde day 
be vole from the deed. M. Thou hereſte 
here the viet oꝛie of the heed / € the hope 
ofthe mébꝛes. D. A ſcendit ad celos. 
He aſcẽded to the beu€s. M. Here thou 
hereſte the teiliphe of the bictoztoule cde 
3 edet ad dexter der pee | 

ofthe tdmun Trede. 13 
omnipotétig. * He ſytteth at the ryght 
hande of god the father almightp. M. . 
Here thou hereſt the cucrlafipng eine Mat, win 
perable monarchp o2 kpugdom of Thi 
lc / to whome is geuen al power ¢ aucto 
tite / both in heuen d earth. D. Inde 
ventur“ ck tudtcare viuos cf moztuos. 
A tom thence ſhall he come agapn / to 
iudge the qupckhc ae the decd. AI A. Here 
thou hereſt hisſeconde tompnug. Ko at 
kbc 8 095 tyme / fie inthe Pate 
lytt t lowucs of fhe fiche to be the ſaup 3 
our of all mẽ. At the latter tyme / he Hal 9 1 
come in the glorp ofthe father / to uudge two lödzy 
both good men / az wicked men / Flo geue manners. 
to cuery man a reward accoꝛding to his 
deſcruingꝭ. D. ¶ redo in ſpititũ ſctũm. Math. xvt. 
J belcut on the holy ghoſt. M. Bere Thie. uu. 
thou haſt the. iit.parte of the ſymbolc o2 
trede. DJ STC. Sanctam ecciefiant 
tatholicam. M belcue the holp chur 
the. c. MA O. Here thou haſte the. iini. 
parte of the Symbole / which deſcribeth 
the miſticall body of Chꝛiſte / that is the 
church. Nowe if thou take Chak whol 
there are but thꝛe poꝛtiõs. And the holy 
church / very well a cõueniently is ans 
ered e iopntd to the holp ghoſt. Foꝛ by 
the gylte and benekpghte or this ghoſte 
is holy: What lo cuct creaturt is berply 

he. litt: 

. Nom. i. 


The tömuni 

The expolpepon 
and truelpe holp / where fore of lapucte 
Paule it is called the ſpirite of ſanctifp⸗ 
cation. This is that ſpirite of the ſpou⸗ 
le: whiche neuer departeth o2 gocth as 
Wwape from the boſome of the ſpouleſſe. 
And becaule Eccleſia in the Gꝛck / doth 
betoken a congregation: by this ſpprite 
Doll cleauc togpther: what ſo cuer ts 
well a happelp topucd oꝛ kuptte to ge⸗ 
ther. This is that vnſpcakable cyꝛclc / 
whiche iopneth oz coupleth to gether / 
the. ui, perfones amonge them lelues / & 
whiche with them alſo glueth good aũ⸗ 
gels and good men / all together in one, 
Foꝛ the name of the churche mape com 
pꝛehende alſo the bletled ſpirites / all be 
it that god came not lo redeme thé wht 
che contpnued Gable mthat good and 
bleſſed ſtate / in whiche thep were crea— 
ted. But mankpnd / becaule it was falls 
fromthe brate / in which it was madc / in 
the fpꝛſt parentes Adam ¢ Eue:it neded 
to haue a redemer. But now go forth 
on wirbethe reſydue of the Crede. DF. 
Hanctoꝛum cdmumonem. * The 

on ot Caictces cõmunion of ſapnctes. MAS. This 

thre mance 

parcell / certapne men do fo vnderttõde / 

wapes tal en that it dotb bp appolption expound the 
and expoũded nexte parcell g oynge before / whiche is 


ofthe tdmun rede, 19 
fanctain ecclefiam catholicam u The 
holp catholike churche. Foz this woꝛde 
Eccleſia( id eſt) L hurche: is a name of 
ſocietie and felowihippe / and it is a con 
tpnuall¢ a faſte vnlowleable iopnpnge 
to gether ot all the membꝛes of Chꝛilt / 
amonge themſelues / eche with other. 
Mob be it certapne other men do thyn⸗ 
ke rather / that the. bu. ſacramentes of 
the churche are be tokened by theſe woe 
des. And certapne other agapn do thyn 
ke / by theſe woꝛdes to be ſpgnyfyed the 
comune felowMyppe o2 parte takpnge 
eche with other of all good wozhes. D. 
Hemiſſionem peccatoꝛum. I bes 
leue remiſſton ¢ koꝛgpuenelle of ſpnnes. 
MAS. Here thou doſt here / what is 
the policie and good oꝛdꝛe ok this cptie 
oꝛ cõmunaltie / in this woꝛlde / in which 
woꝛlde as there is no perkyghte kelicyte 
tuen ſois there init neither perkyghte 
purpte and clennes / neither kull laturp⸗ 
te and ſatilkyeng ok mannes mpnde. 
And therkoꝛe / it happeneth often tymes 
that they whiche haue greuoully fallen 
in to ſpnne: haue nede ok a remedic / and 
that thep whiche are weake and keble: 
haue nede of ſtrength and hartenynge. 
Mow cit her ot theſe.ii.thyngz / dotb the 

. iu. grace 


— =v — 

The ſexpolpepon 
grace of god geue lufficientlpt / vnto bs 
doth bp other meancs: but pꝛpucppallp 
and eſpecpallp bp the Sucramentes of 
the churchec . Aud therfore whan 
thou heareſt remiffion and koꝛgeuenelle 
of ſpnnes: thou hearecſt a double medi⸗ 
cine oꝛ falue the one by the holp and blel 

Memilllon of (cd bath of baptilme (andthe other by 
kynnes thozw khe lacrament ok penaunce. DJ L. 
Gapsitme and CTarnis teſurrectionem. * J Ocleue the 


rfpngeagapmofthcbodp. AJA. Here 
Is opened ¢ ſhewed vato the / the ende of 
our warre / and the conſummation and 
perfection of the church / aud either the 
eternall felicite: og els the eternall calas 
mite à⁊ miſcric of the whole man / that 
is to witte / both in body and foule. DJ. 
Mt vitam cternam. And cucrla⸗ 
ſtynge lpfe. AAS. Here thou heareſte 
the vncomparable hiere oz wagt / and 
tewarde / whiche our capitapne bathe 
piepapꝛed and ozdapucd for his ſoldp⸗ 
ers: pfthep warrpnge fapthefullp accor 
dpng tothe cufauinple of thep2 capitap 
ne / vnder his ſtanderde oz banner / Hall 
baue behaued them Celucs manfullp/ es 
ucu vntpll theyꝛ drath. Thou haſt now 
all the pzyncppalle and gentrall partes 

| C̃äömedie 


ofthe tömun Trede. 10 
ol this bolſome tale oꝛ Comedp / thor 
haſt alſo all the actes and ſtenes of that 
beuenlp ozder and letter forthe of this 
cõ medie lette in oꝛdꝛe bp a wondꝛe kulle 
and buſpekable difpenfation. DJ. 
Are there ouy that make a more ſubtile 
diuiſion ok the Trede: thau this: Md. 
pe there are tettapne men of later tpme: 
whiche in ſtede of. ru. artpcles / do make 
xi. Some there are agapn / whiche 
make. xu. not accozdpuge tothe oꝛdꝛe 
of thetheterte. But kolowpnge this 
conlideration / that all the artpeles doo 
belonge either tothe diuine nature of 
all the perſones: oz els to the bumayne 
nature ok Chk: orels tothe miſticall 
body Of Thuſtt / to tuerp one ok theſe / 
the p do appipe certapne artpcles oꝛ par 
celles æ ſo are thtre made. rint. articles. 
But this diſtinction oꝛ diuiſton helpeth 
but ſmallp / and ig of litic wapghie o2 
value to the purpoſe: that we haue in 
hand. Foꝛ akt er this maner myght men 
vymagyne alfo ot her diuiſions / accoꝛdpn 
ge to the diuerſite of meunes lwittes/ 
and tothe diuerſe conſiderations thaé 
map be made OF the lame thynges. 
1⁰.Niit. Bat 

Foz what in⸗ 
tente it was 
deuiled / that 
the zpoſtles 
made ech one 
of them one 
articule of 

iht Crede. 

The expolpcpor 
But that eis the pꝛincppall e heed popnt 
of all:that he ſapth here the woꝛld to ha 
ue ben myghtyip created of god / and ok 
the lame god / bp his fone / to haue ben 
wylclpe mercpfulip redemed / the begpn 
npug z decourſc of the ſchurche the holp 
ghoſt goucrnyng it by his ſecret inſpira 
tpons àbꝛeathpuges / the cöſummation 
and perfection of the churche whan the 
foune Hall delyuer his kyng dome hole / 
perlyghte and qulete to his father. DJ. 
Ccttapne men doo aſſpgne and geucto 
cucty one of the Apoſtles:one actpele ct 
this Crede. LAG. pfthey that ſo do 
lape truc / than ate they difcepucd: whe 
che had leuer make. cit, artpcles. But 
yet neuer the leſſe this was pꝛokyghta⸗ 
bly beupſed & kowude out: to thentente 
doutleſſe that fuche as were vulettred: 
myghte at ones with one laboure / as it 
were bp pmages (ctte in oꝛdze:empꝛput 
and graue faſte tn thp2 remembꝛauntc / 
both the names of the Apoſteles / a alſo 
cuctp one of the articles. For it ſhold be 
berp conuenicute and accoꝛdpnge / that 
all the parlers and cloſettes of Charter 
men were decked r adourned with luch 
maner tables / as theſe. DJS. O good 
ſozde / how copyoule philolophie 9 twits 

ok the cömun Trede. 21 
dome is compꝛehended in this ſo lytle / 
and Co ſhoꝛte a ſymbole: d. But it 
is beep probable a lpkelp / thut amonge 
the in olde tyme the crede was pet hors 
ter / than this. Fort ſholde ſemt / that 
they made an ende of the crede with this 
clauſe. Inde venturus ct iudicare 
biuos et moztuos. xe From thence Hall 
he tome to iudge the qupcke t the decd. 
This map we gather of the ſpmbolc of 
Athanalius / whiche / though be doth 
declare this lpmbolc:pet doth he touche 
none of theſe tbyngz. Neither doth the 
lymbolc / whiche is reherted in the cana 
nes / foꝛ the ſymbole made in the caũcell 
holden at Nice: go onp further than the 
afoꝛeſapde claulſe / ſaue onclp / that it ads 
deth theſe woꝛdes. e Ct in ſpititum 
fanctum. And in the holy ghofte/ whi 
che ſame ſymbole belpte this / diffreth in 
maup woꝛdes / bothe from this fpmbos 
t / and alſo from that ſymbole oz credc / 
whiche is ſongen in the maſſe / whiche 
ſemeth to haue ben made in the ſpnode 
holde at Cöſtantinople. The ſame alſo 
is gathered of Tertulliã / as of his boke 
made agapnite Pꝛarca. Agapu ok the 
boke de birgimibus velandis / in the bes 
gpunpug. Alſo in the boke de prelcriptte 

5 L. b. onibus 


The expoſpeyon 
onibus hereticozum. DAD. Js ony of 
thofe thynges than ſuperſluole: whiche 
are abbed afterwardes: QIAG. Bod 
forbpdde. But theſe thynges haue ben 
added and put to becauſe of cötentidule 
and groſſe perfones / that the ſpeche 
cholde be moꝛe expꝛeſſe and eurdentescat 
ther than kuller a perlighter. Foz whan 
thou beareſt thele wozdes. ui con 
eeptus eſt de ſpiritu ſancto.whiche was 
ccep ued by the holy ghoſt: thou heren 
the pꝛokeſſĩion and knowledgynge of the 
thirds perſone. Agapn whan thou hereſt 
paſſus eſt:that Cort bath (ured: thou 
vnderſtondeſt alfo forth with the chur⸗ 
che / for wyiche he dpd Cuifre. Foz our 
loꝛde dpd nother Cuffre for aungelles/ 
whiche nebed it not / neyther far the dee 
uille z: whiche were fallne neuer to be te 
papꝛed oz reſtoꝛed / agapn muche lelle 
tha bpd he ſuffre koꝛ beast. Thou hereſt 
alſo the kount apne of all remilſiou / for 
neither baptilme / neither the ſatramet 
ok penaunce / bath thep2 efficacie and 
ſtrength trom onp where els:than from 
the precpoule death of Chꝛiſt. A iſo wha 
thou hereſt . Tertia die reſurrerit a 
moꝛtuis aſcedit in celos. That he cole 
gan from death / allen ded into heut 



ofthe cOmun Crede. 22 

tbou ſeeſte the ryſpnge agaps ofthc bos 
dyes to be ſhewed / which we do all loke 
for with fure and ſtedfaſte hope. Foz the 

ö fre his membꝛes to be vnperkpghte and 
lackpng theyꝛonc halite. He vole ag ayy 
wpole and perkyghte: and ſo ch all we al 
lo ryſe agapn whole and perfighte. Lak 
of all / whan thou heareſt. A Tude ven 
ttus eſt iudicare VINOD ei moꝛtos. 
Ftom thence Hall he come to iudgetbe 
gupcke and the deadeithis woꝛde iudica 
re lo iudge doth ſignifie x ewe the dps 
uerle rewardes of good meé / & of wicked 
ſonners / whiche akter warde was fapbe 
moe planlp by theſe woꝛdeg. * At vita 
eternam. And the cucrlaſtpuge lyfe. 
D. whpis this Ctede called the ſpmool 
of the apoſtlesr AI. That bhp this tptle 
it mighte be diſtincte and knowne from 
the other Spmboles / that is from the 
Symbol made in the counccll holden at 
Nice. From the ſymbol made in the con 
cell holden at Conſtantinoplc / lrom the 
ſymbol of Athanaſiꝰ/æx manp other {pn 
vol / ok many other menes makpug eu 
is verp probable ꝭ lpkelp / that this was 
the kyꝛſte ſymbole of all / that euer was 
made. And lykewiſe as in the olde tyme 
amõg thoſe batbaroulc / ſpymple s truel 


heade raigupnge in heuen / wpll not luke 

why the com 
me Crede is 
called the lim 
bole of tke 

Hheerpofpepon, | 
knowynge no fraud oꝛ gple/cucnin the | 
teateſte bargapns of all / either there | 


ere no mance oblpgatious oꝛ enden⸗ 

tutes at all / oꝛ els they were very Morte | 

wꝛptyngß / and it was ſufficiente to ma⸗ 

kt a note in a paper / J do krely geue op | 

bequethe fo maup acres ok londe / to ſu⸗ 

che oꝛ ſuche a churche: euen ſo as longe 

as the puryte and ſyncerpte of the kapth 

was qupchke and ſtronge in the mpndes 

ok men: either there was no nede at all 

of this wrptynge oꝛ oblpgacpon / oꝛels 

it was ger e it to be eo i | 

ded in verp few Wordes. The wicked cu 

0 e ryolyte of phuolopbers / and the peruer 
phers: ¢ the lite of heretikes / was the occafian of fo 
. of many woꝛdes and lo manp ſymboles to 

eretik es / ga be bꝛought in / and euen lpykewile as the 
e cratte and ſubtyle kallehed of men / bath 

ge lo man e ben the cauſe: that inbargapus nowea 
lo lõg Credes dayes there is nede of Co manp & ſo lous 
| ge inſtrumentes and wiptpngs. But in 
none ok all the churches dyd the feruent 

loue of holynes and vertue / and the ſyn⸗ 
cerpte of the fapthe longer contpnuc in 
vigoure r ſtrength / neither haue fewer 
herelpes: noꝛ moꝛe ſlowlpe cropen in to 
ony congregation oꝛ churche:than into 
the church of Rome: wold ged that the 

of the cOmun Trede. 23 
0 pleaſures of this World had no more ple 
tuoſiy flowen vnto it / pe moꝛcouer euen 
this (cle lame Crede / whiche lapncte 
Tipi ane hath expounded and declared 
15 ſomwhat ſhoꝛter:thãſthis is of owers 
as we do ſape it. DZD. J beſeche pou 
rcherce it to me / vf it Mali be no papne 
; 10 oꝛ greſte to you. AG. Herlien than. 
A ZFbheleue in god the father almpgh 
1 And in Jeſu Chiiſte his onely loune 
our loꝛdc / whiche was borne bp the ho⸗ 
l ghoſte of the virgine Maric: was cru 
j tykped vnder Ponce ulate: e burped. 

i De role agayn the thyꝛde dape:he alck⸗ ¥ 

ed to the heucus:æ ſytteth on the ryght 
N hande of the father. From thence Hall 
he come to iudge the quypcke e (he dede. 
And in the holy gboſte. J belcue the ho 
ly churche. The rempllpon of lpunes. 
Aud the rpſynge agapu of this bodp. 
DJS. J perceput here manp thynges 
to be lefte out: aud lomewhat alfo to be 
added. MAG. And ſapncte Cipzian 
toth not diſſemble oꝛ hyde that / foꝛ forth 
with in the kyꝛſte artycle / he doth ſhewe 
that ſpecpallp & cheflp in the churches 
ok the eaſte is added. J belcue in god 
the father almpſthty vnupſpble and vn 
paſlpblc. Agapn he ſapth that 8 
& he 


Credo in den 
pte oipotcte. 
Et in Jeſu 
Chziſto tilio 
clus vnico do 
m ino noſtro 
qui natus eſt 
w ſpiritu Cas 
cto / e'x Maria 
vir gine. Cru: 
ciłixus ſub 
oncio Pi⸗ 
to / et fepult® 
eſt.Tertia die 
Alctdit in ces 
los ſedet ad 
dextrã pattis 
Inde ventu⸗ 
rus iudicate 
vluos ct 


Et in lpirite 
ct / ſctũm ce 
tleſiã / rem iſſi 
onem peccato 
tum. ulus 
carnig refuda 

7 he wente downe into helle: not to be 

hadde in the Spmbole oꝛ Crede vled in 
the churche of ome / lphewilc agapn 
in that percelle ge the riſpuge agayn of; 
this fiche: he conte ſſet he and knowled⸗ 4 
gethe the pronowne this to be added in 

the churche of Cartbago. There don! 

The txpoſycyxon | 

wante ſomthyuges / nay raither they do ö 

not wante: Out are vnderſtonden of | 
other thpnges / whiche are expꝛelled 

ſcinethe not to adde this ſentence. 
The creature and maker of heuen 

and of carthe. * But he gathereth this 

88 8tocrato; . 

ben created and made of another. 

tyles oʒ papnpmes / by the 1 
P | 

und ſelte out alredy. Sapnt Cipnane i 

ok the Beke wore Pautocratoz. , 
Foꝛ thts woꝛde dothe not fomuche (pgs | 
upfieonethatis almpghtp: as it dothe i 
ſpanpfie one that holdeth all thynges / ä 
ande that culethe all thpnges / whiche 
worde dothe not expꝛelle and chewe / 
that the woꝛlde was created and made 
bp god: but it dothe telle vs and putte 
vs in knowledge and remembꝛaunct / 
that it is gouerned of god. Nowe wolde 
be not goucrne the wonlde / that had 

3 1 

And for as muche as cucn the very gen 

ee Oe SS ee 

4 ol the cõmun Trede. atk 
and feachpnuge of poctes / dno belcuc / 
that the woꝛld was created by god / and 
ſeynge that allo the boke of Benelis 
dothe inculcate and reberee the fame 
thynge by fo manye woꝛdes: thep ude 
9 gcd this partpcle to be moze eupdente 
than that it neded to be expꝛelſled. 

dconceptus eſt: becaule in the Golpell 
it is ſapde. Natum et for concep⸗ 
0 tum ett / foꝛ thus (peaketh the aungell 
to Joſeph / KF quod enum in eauatum 
elt de ſpiritu ſancto eſt. id eft: 
Fo that whiche eis cencepued in 
: persis ofthc holp ghoſte. Therfoze this 
woꝛde / natum cſt / whiche is comune 
| hothe tothe chylde that eis conccpucd/ 

— 7 

aud tothe chyldethat eis brought loꝛth 
into this woꝛlde: ſemed tothe olde fas 
thers a moze propre and a more mete 
and conuenpente woꝛdc / to hgnifie and 

betoken / that thynge to haue ben bon 
by the woꝛkynge of the diuine ſpiritt / 
in as muche as neither in the concepe 
uynge was there onp concupplcence of 
man: neither in the deliueralce oꝛ byꝛth 
was there onp violation of the virg!⸗ 

Rall diguyte oz integryte and clenucs/ 

Thele woꝛdes alfo Were lefte out / qui 


The expoſpepon 

Welpoes this / this worde conceptus 

founderh o2fpgnpfpeth acertapne thyn 
gc without facpon and vnperkpghte. 
Foꝛ by lytle & lytle doth the (cde crudde 
oꝛ grow together in the mattpte of the 
woman: and afterwarde taketh lpffe e 
ſoulc. Theſe thynges to ſaye of the cons 
ception oł our loꝛde: we axe afrapd. 
Agapn in th article kolowpng / be doth 
not ſap & he ſufired vnder Ponce Pilate 

fo as we do lape:but he ſapde /e was cru 

I r EME PE in, Oe a ne 

cified:that be myghte not onelp expꝛeſle 
the death of bpm: but alfo the mauer x 

kpnde of his death: neither doth he adde 


was deed:but onelp lapeth was burped. 
FJoꝛ to that entente are men hanged on 
the croſle:that thep ſhold there dye nci⸗ 
ther are men butied:ercepte thep be bus | 
dowtedip decd. And alfo whan he ad⸗ 
deth and roſe agapn: that is to lape: he 

reuiued agapn: info lapenge he both o⸗ 
penlp and plapnly enough pꝛokelle / that 
he was decd. And lapnct Auguſtin doth 
not dylagree oꝛ varpe in this poynt frõ 
Cipꝛan / which repeteth it in this wile. 
* Thberfoze we do beleue bps hym: wht 
che was crucpfped: and burped vnder 
Poͤnce Pilate. Reither dpd Cipꝛiane 
tape. He role agayn from decd 555 

ofthe chmun Crede. 27 

but onelp / he roſe agapu the thyꝛd day. 
Foꝛ no man rcumeth agapn: but from 
death. And whan he lapth. That he ſot⸗ 
keth on the rpgbte hande ol the father: 

he addeth not of god / neither almpghtp 
which two woꝛdes do ſeme to haue ben 
added and put to / out of the ſpmbole of 
Athanaſius. Foz what dpd it nede to er 
pꝛeſſe theſe woꝛdes here in this placc / 
ſepnge that it bath before called the fas 
ther ok Jelu: godalinightps Neither 
both he rede thus. Credo in ſpiritũ fane 
ttum. J belcut on the holp gdoſte: leſte 
he mighte ſeme to begynne a newe ſpm⸗ 
bole oꝛ crede / but haupnge reſpecte / and 
tekoꝛmynge his ſpeche vnto thoſe thpn⸗ 
ges that wente bekoꝛe / he had leuer vn⸗ 
derſtande the verbe Credo: whiche was 
alſo vnderſtonded whan he fpake of the 
ſonne. I belcucin god the lather / and in 
his onelp ſonne / and in the holp ghoſte. 
Foꝛitis all one faith: by whiche we do 
beleue the. iii. perfones ot one eſſente. 
And anone akter in the nerte article / be 
fayth not in fanctd eccleſtam:but leueth 
out the pꝛepoſitiõ in ſhewypng the caule 
with manp woꝛdes / why that prepofitts 
on is not to be added. Acither doth be 
adde this wozde catholicã / nomoꝛe dotd 
D. fapus 

The expoſpcpon 

fapnt Aucune neither adde it in the ſym 

volc:but he addeth it in his interpꝛetati 
on / ſapenge vtiq; catholicam that is to 
wit te catholique. And what neped it to 
adde this woꝛde catholique: lepng chat 
there is no churche holp / but onelp the 
catholique churche / which churche this 
Epitheton oz adiectiue ſctaͤm holy diſle 
ucreth from allthe churche of heretikes 
of the Jewes:and of the papnyms / and 
whan he lapth. and in the holy gholt / 
by t by after doth put theſe woꝛdes / the 
Holy churches leupug out alſo the pꝛepo 
lition in: itis cuideutethat Cipan dyd 
not rede in ſctam eccleſtã. And to make 
an ende:that laſte claulc / xcucrlaſtpnge 
lykt is alfo lekte out. But this was lutkt⸗ 
cicntlp vnderſtonded of the woꝛde reſur 
rection oꝛ rilpug agapn that wee nerte 
befoꝛe / in which is cõpꝛehended the Cons 
dꝛy ſt diuerſe rewardes of good men and 
wicked men. And allo of that clauſe 

gone befoꝛe:to iudge the qupcke and the | 

deade / as we haue ſayd bcforc.Audthae 
Cipziane dpd rede the Spmbole none 
other wife than J haue recyted / it is es 
updente and cafpe to percepuc / not ones 
lp by his tuterprctation and declarati⸗ 
on made bpon the fame: but allo by the 


bee the cömun Leede. 26 
i yéptloge o2 recapptulatpon whtche be 
putteth to akterwarde in the ende. Foz 
: rycre ſhewynge that oncly to the father 
ſonne / and holy ghoſte is added this pre 
: pofiticnin, and not in onp wyleto the 
bothet articles: he reciteth in this wile. 
ic iS> Sequitur nano poſt hunc ſermo⸗ 
‘ i nem. Sanctam ececleftam. Kemilſionéé 
peccatozum Dutus carnis reſurrectio⸗ 
1 nem. Non dirit in lanctum eccleſtam. 
, Fee in remiſſionem peecatarunt. Fee 
uncaring relurrectionem-which ts thus 
muche to lape in Englyſhe. M Foztit 
foloweth akter theſe woꝛdes. The os 
. iva churche. The rempllſpon of ſpnnes,. 
The rpſynge agapn ofthis fleche. 
It leyde not in the holy churche. Noꝛ 
in the rempſſpon of ſpunes. MNoꝛ in the 
tylynge agapn of the fleche. Moꝛcouer 
bepuge abowt warde to expounde and 
declare this article. W The rpſpuge 
agapn ok the flehe: he makceth this pres 
facc. * Sed vltimus iſte ſermo qui reſur 
krccttonem pꝛonunciat / ſummam kotius 
perkectiouis luctincta bꝛeuitate conclu- 
dit ( whiche is thus muehe to lape) But 
thele latte wordes and lpeche / whiche 
dothe pronunce and ſhewe the reſuͤrre⸗ 
ztion / Doth conclude & compꝛehende the 
A D. u. ſumme 

R See ee 


The ſerpoſpepon 

leumme and ellecte of al the hole perfects 
on / with cõpendiouſe bꝛeffnes / dothe he 


not hete opelp call this clauſe the latter | | 
And thelc. u. woꝛdes vitd eternà Euer⸗ 
laſtpnge lyke: cine to haue ben added of 

lome man either out of the fpinbole ok 
Athanaſtus: oz cls out of that Crede / 
whichets ſonge in the malle. Neither 
Doth (aint Auguſtin rede ony other wile | 
in his lytle boke made of the Symbole / 
ſaue onelp / that koꝛ de ſpiritu lancto: he 


kebeth per ſpititum ſanctum / and whe⸗ 
khet he dpd adde this clauſc vitam eter⸗ 
nam oz no it is not verp eupdente:but it 
ts verp probable gs lpkelp / that he dothe 

agree with Cipꝛiauc / dowtles he tou⸗ 

cheth not this perceille he wente downe 
to helle: neither doth he adde this pros 
noune huius catnis ok this Ache. And 

Cipꝛiane / ſepnge that he bath ſhewed in 

other popntes / pf there were onp diſcres 
pdunce oꝛ variaunce: he wolde alfo no 
doute of it haue geuen knowledge in 
other thyngz / pf it hadde ben onp other⸗ 
whiſe in the Romane Symbole / than 
bypmſelte doth recpte. DIS. Sepnge 
that there is ſo greatte diuerſite and va 

ticte in fo fewe woꝛdes: what ſhame is 

there in themes ſuche there be certaync) 
, which 

E ˙ ae ee ee ee re 

Fr ok the cdmun Trede. 27 
a whlche do faſtlp affirme with alſeucratt 
a on / that this ſpmbole was made and ge 
5 | uen of the Apoſtles by cõmunc aſſente / 
i and tbat alfoin wiitpuge: F02 Who dur 
‘ fic be fo bolde to adde vnto oꝛcls totake 
awape cucn but one tptle from the wꝛi⸗ 
| tynge ofonp Apoſtie: whiche fo cuer he 
. were; MAG. A certapn kynge ofthe 
N Lacedemoniancs / whan he was afked 
0 bol a certapne perſone / why the officers 
called Ephoꝛi dyd not ryle vp and geue 
rcuerence tothe kynge: made aunſwere 
: and ſapde / cuen koꝛ this cauſe: becauſe 
g thep are Ephoꝛt. Dolpkewple map F 
nowe mahe the / aunſwerc / they do affire 
me this after Cuche maner / euen for this 
| caufe: becaufe they are men / pf they hae 
ue redde onp thynge in thepꝛe woꝛkes / 
whiche hauc wꝛiten ok late tyme: that 
do they holde faſte / and cleue vnto with 
kothe and naple / but pf a man do allcdg 
oꝛ bꝛypnge forthe vnto them ony thpnge 
ol the olde authoures / whiche thep do 
not tede( ſuch ist he ſcrupulouſe feare of 
them) thep do ſuſpecte and miſtruſtecas 
it is in the pꝛouerbe) that vnder euerpe 
| ftone doth Mepe a ſcoꝛpion. DAD. Js 
not this than the ſymbole of the à poſt⸗ 
ics r Md. ves weru / for what foa 
D. ul. Cure 

The comune 
vlage of the 
ſcripture in 
ſpcahpnge ot 
the perfoncs 
ok the god 

Zyau. xi. 

The erpolpcyon 

euer is tkaughte here in this Trede / the. 
Apoſtles dyd learne of Chꝛiſt / and that 
which they had learned of bpuurhepha | 
ue truelp and faythefullp taught to vs. 
A fewe woꝛdes / do not chaunge the vn⸗ 

changcable veryte. But thelethpnges 
now let a parte ( pfthow thynze it bet) 
make recourfe agapu from the begpn⸗ 

nyng to the endyng / a demain of cucrp 4 

thyug pacticulartp/ in luch wple as the 
ſpirite (ball put into thpmpynde. DFS. 
vou haur ſhewed and taughte vnto me / 
1 8 kyꝛſt place oꝛbegpunpng ts ges 

ved the father / that is to witte / toꝛ that 

bers the foũtapue oꝛ ſpꝛyng of the hole 

godhede / x all creatures. But why doth 
it call the father onely god / the lonne 
onely loꝛdc / and the ghoſte nothyng els 
but holp: ſepuge that the deite of them 
thꝛeis all one - BJAG. This is the 
couſtome and vlage of the bolp feriptus 

re/that otherwhiles whan it doth (peas | 

ke of the perfoucs: it dothe ſpgupfie the 
father bp this name god / as foꝛ craume- 
plc / our loꝛde hymſelfe Capth in the Hos 
ſpell. pt᷑ pou do beleue in god belcue al 
ſo in me / and ſapnt Paule lapth. * Bod 
was in Chute reconcilpuge the woꝛlde 
to ee . batbe not 


of the cömun Trede. 28 
ſpared his owne ſonne. But of innume⸗ 
table places in the ſcripture it is mant⸗ 
fe and euidente: that it is one and the 
fame godhed okthem all thꝛe / whan our 
loꝛde lapth in the goſpell theſe woꝛdes. 
KF Baptisinge Chem in the uameokthe Math. ag, 
father and of the konne and of the holpe 
ghoſtc. e Mone of all the. ui. petlones is 
called by this name god: to thentente / 
* that we fholde vnderſtonde aud perceps , 
ue them all thꝛe to be one god. Foꝛ one⸗ ae 
ly god doth thozolv fapth and baptilne 
foꝛgeue lpnnes. Other whiles alfo the 
ſame ſcriptures do fignifiethefonnebp - 
the name ok god / as whan we do ape / 
that god was made man koꝛ the Caiuatet 
on ok mankynde / was borne ok a vir⸗ 
gine / was deade / and roſe agapufrom 
death to lpfe. Foꝛ neither dpd the father 
neither the holp ghatte/take vpon them 
the nature of man / oꝛ ſuſſre death. D. 
Mape it by onpe ſenlible argumente oz 
token be declared and ſhewed / howe the 
thre perſones are fapde to be dyſtpucte 
and ſondꝛye one from another: and pet 
are one god AAS. There is nothyng 
amonge creatures: whiche pꝛopꝛelpe ö 
maye be layde to be lpke to the nature 

of god. | 3 

‘ The cxpoſpepon 

Kcither are there onp woꝛdes ok men / 

with whiche we maye pꝛopꝛelpe ſpeahe 

ok it / neither are there onp images oꝛ {te 

militudes ofinducs mynde / which nap 

perfightlp agree vnto the diuine ellen⸗ 

cc. And iniurte is don to that incompa⸗ 

rable maieſte alwapes to be had in bos 

noute: pt it be raſhelp and ouer boldlpe 

cöpated witb naturall € wosldlp thyn⸗ 

ges. Howe beit pet / Ich all ſhewe the a 

certane ſimilitude / but karre vnlpke to 

eee it. Beholde and conlidꝛe the ſonnc / and 
the lonne and the beanies that come from it / and than 
the lonne bea Che Weate) that cometh forth aud is cau 
mes / and the (cdofthepmbothe. As thefonneis the 
heate cauled kountapnc / out of whiche cometh bothe 
of be fonne: thelpghte/ethcheate: fors the father 
his beames. the kountayne out of Which pllucth the 
ſonnc / whiche is lyghte of lpghte. And 

as of the ſonne and of the bealmes both 
together / cometh the heate oz warmnes 
lo kromthe father and the lonne bothe 
together / pꝛocedeth and comethe forthe 
thc holp ghoſte Row imagine me / that 
there were a lonne / whiche neuer hadds 
begpunpuge / neither euer Hall haue cus 
dyng: ſhold there nor than of this ſonne 
come forth eternall bealmes: and ſholde 
allo there not front them bothe eats 

—ů— — — 
ee — N : 

— ree res | aa 


ofthe cömun Crede. 29 
; heate egallp ctarnall with them bother 
‘DID. pes dowtles. RIAD. This 
‘ collation æ ſimilitude alfo pleaſeth ſome 
: men / Qpndc / Kcaſon / and wpll / are all 
lit. but one ę the lame ſoule. The mynde 
is the fountapne and oꝛygpnall / reaſon 
that cometh of tt doth iudge / zthe wplle 
that pꝛocedeth and iſſuethe from them 
both! doth louc. So lpkewiſle the father 
is the foittapne:the ſonne is logos / tbat 
) is to ſape / reaſon. The holp ghoſt is cha 
i ryte oꝛ loue. The thyꝛde ſimilitude: and 
wbhiche is moſt alowed of learned men: 
ö is of the mynde / and of the woꝛde concer 
ued in the mynde. Now pk tbere were a 
b mynd / that were increated:dowtles the 
woꝛde of that mynd allo old be increa 
ted. But that we map compꝛehende the 
holp ghoſte alſo in this ſimilitubc / lette 

vs imagine fpꝛſt a mpnde / and ſecödary 

ly a woꝛde bꝛougbte forth and gendꝛed 
ö ok it / and in ſuche wple ſtrpekpnge the 
ares of other men: that pet ncuer the 
| Icifettdpd remapne andabpde ſtylle in 
the herte / than thyꝛdly the bꝛeath / with 
out whiche the mynde dothe not vtter 
| 02 pronounce the woꝛde. The fathers 
the munde/ the ſonne:is the woꝛde cons 
| ARH in the mynde / the holy gholle: is 
D. b tbe 

— ed 

Che. ii.cimili 
tude ok the 
mynde / reald 
t wpylle. 

The. iii.imt⸗ 
litude mosi 

The expoſpepon 5 
the pꝛonuneiation and vtteraunce The 
„ father alſo after a certayne mauer may 
be lykened to the kountapne oꝛ ſpꝛyuge / 
the fone to the rpuer / that cometh forth | 
ol the ſpꝛyuge. The holy ghoſtetothe 
kertilite and plenteouſnes ol the keldes / 
which the ſpꝛyng geucth oꝛ cauleth bo 

There can be gz thoꝛow the rpuer. But in theſe craits | 

no perkigt 
d ples/ there are ercedynge many thyug; 

taken ok onp dylagteyng t bulyke tothe perlones in 
creatures / to COC godhede., Foꝛ the beame is not the 





declare the lame thynge that is the lonne: admyt⸗ 
ehe ode of ted that it be a lubſtaũce. And the heate 
he godhed ig but an acepdente: and not a ſubſtaun 


ce / lo farre is it awape krom bepnge all 

oue with the lonne / & with the beancs. 
And our woꝛde is an accidẽte and aträ⸗ 
ſitoꝛy thyngt / and thebreath wherwith 
we doo vtter and pronounce the wozde / 
is an accidéte( for thatitis the moupng 

ok the apere) lykewiſe as the fertilite als 
fo of the keldes is no ſubſtaunce: neither 
is it allone the fame thynge with the 
fountapuc the rpuer / wherkoze let vs 
lape a parte theſe ſymplitudes and lyke 
neſles. And that thynge / whiche maͤnes 
reaſon can not att apne buto noꝛ pceput / 
let fapth holde e ſtedkaſtly beleuc. That 

thpug which bol (cripture doth teakhe 

ofthe cömun Crede. 30 
bwhiche Thꝛyſte beynge coꝛpoꝛallpe in 
catth dyd teacht / whiche hath ben con⸗ 
firmed with lo many mitacles / whiche 
the ſpitite of Chꝛpſie deth teach by the 
churche:that thpnge (J lape ) is to be ac 
compted aud taken for more certapne 

vndowwted / than is that thyngt / whiche 

Hath ben pꝛoued bp a thouland curdens 
and plapne demonſtrations / oꝛ whiche 
thou doſte percepue by. bi. C. bodply ſen 
ſes:pt thou haddeſt fo manp. DJ O. Js 
it not law full than to inqupete / and ma 
ke ferche of the diuine thynges r A. 
pes verply it ig lawfull namely to thoſe 
whiche haue thepz wittes well exerciſed 
but it muſte be done with dꝛede / it mut 
be donc ſobꝛelpe / it multe be donc / atter 
that they haue ſette a ſure fundation oꝛ 
grounde warke of fapthe/fpnallp as lar 
re foꝛthc / and no farder: than is graun⸗ 
led eto man in this moꝛtall lyfe / in whi⸗ 
che we do ſce god by fapthe: v But as is 
were in a glaſſc / and in a ryddle and obe 
ſcure maner. Foꝛ cls to ſpeke of the diut 
ne naturc / euen fo as it is in verp dede/ 
not the very mynds of aũgelz are able to 
cũõpꝛehendit / ſo that there is place cuen 
there vnto diay ll doth beleue that 

_ , bbpnge 

To twhomes 
how karre 
koꝛthe it is 
law full to en 
ſerche of god 

lp thynges. 


who onelp 
doth verelpe 
Beleue in god 

dcathes wer thꝛettened vnto hym / and 

The expolpcpon 

khynge / whiche paſleth all reaſon z bn⸗ 
derſtondpuge ok onp creature created. 
Thertoꝛe by good epght the fyꝛſt woꝛde 
ofthis philolophie is Credo Jbcleue. 
DD. Two lpllablesy MM. pe / but 
who ſo cuer lpeaketh thee two ſyllabes 
from his very herte / vnkapnedlp: he is 
bleſled. Foꝛ no man Doth beleuc verplpe 
and trulp in god: but onelp he / whiche 

dothe take for certayne and vndoubted 

thynges / what ſo euer thynges are wits 

ten in the bokes of the holy lerypture / 

hoppng without onp doutfullnes oz dp 

ſtruſte all (uch thpngt/as the layd lctip⸗ 

tures do prꝛomple. And whiche tn this 
lpfe doth put hymſelfe / and his / and all 
bis goodes / vnto the wpll of gob: fo2fas 
kynge and renouncpnge his owne wpll 
in allthpuges. Although athouſande 

thoughe all the hole power of the de⸗ 
uplles wolde go about to do hym mpl⸗ 
clycfles he is verp ſure and ſaffe From all 
daungere / who fo euer hath lettled hpi 
ſelt fate on this rocke / pk this kaithe do 
wante oꝛ faple: neither Doth baptilme / 
neither onp ſacramentes of the churche 
proufightc ony whitte oꝛ auaple:nether 
both oup good wozkes helpe . 


. TT Ai i ä ²— r Se Se 


ofthe comuan sfrede 3? 

to eternal aluation. Foz Paule doth 

pꝛouounce it to be ſpnnc: what fo cuer 
ie Without fapth. This fapthe coupleth 
did iopnethe vs to god the father / this 
lame dothe allocate vs to Chziſte our 
hede / this ſame fapthe / by the lpitite of 
Ihiſte / doth make vs to be choſen and 

tuken into the noumbze of the ſounes of 

god. This fame fapthe / dot he graffe vs 
into thecternall cöpanp e felowhypppe 
of Aungells / and of all holp ſapntes. 

This fapth doth ſhyuc before vs / y gcue 
be lyghte in the darknes ok this lpfe: 
ſheweng what is verily to be cſchewed / 
and what to be folowed z deſpꝛed. This 
kapth doth arme vs / and make vs bolde 
wirhout onp fearc / x inuincible agapnſt 
all the engyncs / and all the oꝛdinaunte 
of the World a of the deuille. This fapth 
Doty mightelp and effectuollp coumkozt 
vs in trybulation € aducrhte: with the 
hope ofthe beuculp good 02 kelicitc / ba⸗ 
upug this faping alwapes in her mouth 
pf god be on our ſped: who can be 
agapnſt vs: And that lapenge alſo. 
Tht afflictions and tribulatrds ok this 
woꝛlde / are not woꝛthy of the glozpe to 
comt / which Hall be ſhewed in vs. This 

layth doth truly quiete and ſctte at oo 

The chineme 
dation of 


Theerpotpepon | 

themynde of man. Of this fapthe akter | 

the mpnde of fapnte jd aule dothe come: 

+ and butoitts tobe wihted oz imputed / 

what cuplles 
do ſpꝛinge ol 

what ſo euer thynge at ony fpme hathe 
ben don ſtrongelp / vertuoſly / and tem- 
peratelp / ofſluche as haue beu excellente 
in holpucſſe. By this fayth we do lpue 
well Deloucd of God: bp ryrs kapthe / 
We doo dpe cherefullpe / and with good 
truſte towaꝛde god / by this fapthe we 
are ercated vp vnto blelledimmoꝛtalpte 
Igapnu of the defaulte t wantc of fapth 
ſpzingeth ſuperſtition /forcecie/dolatrp 

and couetoulnes colen to it / Ambition / 

Blaſphemp / heuynes / deſperation / pzide 
fe arc of death / deſyꝛe of vengeauncc / fp⸗ 
nally what ſo ener vices 02 lynnes doo 
rapgneeinthe hole woꝛrlde. DJS. Ucrt 
lp $ do here many men oltentpmes wp 
ſhynge to themlelues / pꝛoſperoule heal⸗ 
the / longe lyte / and ryches. But J do 
here very few men / that do deſpere this 
ſo ertellentelp a good gyfte of god. 
Mad. No mcruaple thercof / for ves 
rilp there are but felve: that doo knowe 
what thpnge/ and after what mance 
1s to be deſpꝛed and pꝛaped for. Foꝛ this 
gpfte of kapthe:it were mete and conue⸗ 

ok the coͤmun Crede. 

ſyug to knocke at the cares of god / that 
be wolde bouchclafic to geue bs fapthe: 

dape moze and moꝛe. DJS. pet ne⸗ 
uer the leſſe the comune loꝛte and motte 
parte of men do calle thoſe that are not 
verp wyfe: Tredulos / that is to ſape res 
dye to geuc credence. Anda certapne 
wple man of the Hebzucs dothe name 
hole perfones leues coꝛdce:lpghte myn⸗ 
weds whiche doo calplpe and loon geue 
credtuce. AAG. Fpeſte it is no popnte 
ricither oflyghtunes / neither of tredulite 
10 gcuc credente to thoſe thynges: wht⸗ 
che thyuges:it hath bp fu maupt argu⸗ 
mentcs and eupdente tokens ben decla 
red: to come not krom men: but from 
god. Paule lapth: that he wolde not 
ö gcue credence:no not euen to an dügell 
pl he dyd feache onpthynge dillonaunk 

o' Dpfagrepnge from the Soſpelle ok 

CThniſte. But rather it is a poynte of ars 
rogance and pꝛeſumptuole kolyſhenes: 
to dowte of theſe thynges: whiche haue 
ben taughte and geuen to vs withe foo 

Ircatte authozite: and therefore: 

ee. ae. eee 

} nyente / contpnuallp and without cecal 

and to cucreace his gpfte in vs cuerpe 

Nute. xt. 


The expoſpepon 
mom.. ſapnte Paule wzlleth / that the toliche 
berte ok the philoſophers was blynded: 
bccauſe the lyghte of fathe was abſente 
pk oup mau bepug vnlettred / wold bable 
and ſtriue agapnſt ſuche a pbiloſapher/ 
as was Aryſtotcle 02 Pypthagoꝛas / oz pt 
there haue ben onp other conpnger tha 
eit der of thé both / whan he dyd dyſpute 
de materia puma / ok the principles and 
cauſes of thynges / de inkinito / oꝛ of the 
largenes / the moupnge: and the vertue 
ofthe heuenlp ſperes / aud wolde dowte 
of euerp thyng / that hymſelke could not 
by bis one Witte attapne vnto / and per⸗ 
cexue: Hold he not be called an arrogat 
and madde fooler But how much greats 
ter madnes 18 it / there koꝛe not to geue 
credence to the diuine philoſophie: bes 
cauſe mannes vunderſtandpnge tan not 
attapne to the percepupnge of manpe 
thyuges 1 And thete is bp a thouſand 
partes moze difference betwen god and 
man / be he neuer fo greatly learned:thã 
is betwen the wileſte man that is, a the 
moſte folpſhe ſwyncherde that is. DF, 
It is euen very ſo in dede. NA. Among 
philoſophers / bets accompted a perſon 
ſhamcles: pt ony man wold reiecte and 
tot rescpuc the authoꝛite of an 9 

7 of the commun Weede, 17 

und a goodapproucdauthoure( forthe 
dplcpples of pthagozas thoughte ie 
enoughe to cauſe perſuaſion and belelfe 1 5 
ok onp thynge to fap(iple bixit our mat Ipſe dixit. f 
ſter Pythagoꝛas Capde it) And dothe he . ; 
that is a Chʒiſten man: dꝛawe backe / x 
be harde to geue credence: whan he hea⸗ 
reth thele woꝛdes. Bod hath layd this. 
Bod hathe done this: Ok the kpuges 
wꝛitte no man dothe dowte / pf it be lo / 
that he kuowe the kynges leale at it / 
how great kolpſhenes and pꝛelumption 
is it thau / to dowte of the diuine thyngz 
which are ſo many mance wapes (calcd 
as we haue ſhewde bekozer DJ. whils 
pou do reaſone æ diſpute thele thpuges 
do percepue aud kele the (ede of fayth 
to encrcace euen in me alſo. But why 
dothe this fourme and mance ok ſpea⸗ 
5 kynge pleaſe them / x Tredo in deũ: wt 

che good and pure Latin meu do ſcaſelp 
acknowledge and alotver AA. Maup 
phlloſophers alſo crediderũt deum: that Credere deũ. 
Is:dpd belcue:that there is god. And the 
deuplles alſo x credũt deo: that is to ſay Credere deo. 
| one pea to hel they bnolve/ 
that be can not lpe. But onelpe goods 
vertuoſe men x ctedunt in deum / oꝛ in 11 9 f 50 
deo: which haue let theyꝛ hole truſt and n o in deo. 
ay E. cöflidence 

Onelpe good 

and vertuoſe 

men Credunt 

in deũ: do be⸗ 

leue oz truſte 
in god. 

Luce. xiill. 

The expoſpcpon 
cõfibence / and thepꝛ hole hope ſtedkaſtly 
in god. wherkoꝛe lapnt Cipnane bepug 
a man both learned / and alſo holp:doth 
not thynke / that we ſholde rede in this 
wiles Credo in ſanctam eccleſiam:but 
credo lanctam eccleſtam. And verply J 
do knowledge and graunt this ſenle of 
Hhis:to be a holp e a godlp lence / for the 
greatteſt and the Hotcancre of our cons 
fidence and hope / is not to be faſtelp (ets 
but onelpe in god / but in very dede this 
figure o2 mance ofſpeakpnge / was tale 
of the pꝛopꝛetie of (he Hebzue tonge. 
which oktentpmes doth vle to adde and 
put to / the pꝛepoſition in: where the las 
tyne tonge dothe not ſulfre it. And the 
Apoſtles / although thep wzote in grcke 
pct fo2 all that do otherwhiles expꝛeſſe 
and folowe the pꝛopꝛiete of thep2 natps 
Uc language / as fo2 exaũple / in there. 
chapitoute of Luke. & Si poteſt in decd 
milibus occurrere. whether he beable 
with. x. thouſande to withſtande bpm. 
Nowe pk it were in no wile lawfulle to 
adde this pꝛepolition in / Coo ofte as we 
do ſpeke of humane thynges: how hall 
we excule that / whiehe fapnte Luke the 
Eu angelpſte wzitheth in the · xu. chapi⸗ 
toute. ee 

ö Qui 


ee ke Oe ee eee a ae 
— 2 . orc 

5 ok the toͤmun Trede. 34 
Shut in me conkeſſus lucrit toꝛam homt 
nibus: et filius hominis contitebitur in 
ilo coꝛam angcelis(id eft)» who fo cuer 
fhall conkelle and knowledge me akoze 
menithefoune of man allo al acknow 
ledge hym afore the Aungels of god: 

But pet the pꝛepolption dothe leme to 

adde lome ſtreugthe o2 puhe tothe oꝛa⸗ 
tion oꝛ ſpeche. To ſape Confido in te: 
can not telle / whether it be good e pure 
Latyue. But fiduciam habco in te (id 
eft) I hane truſte in the. And ein te ſpes 
nica (ita cit( id eſt)my hope is ſet in the: 
ig well layde / though Spero in te / thole 
men dare not (ape: Which do lomewhat 
telpgiouſipe and pꝛecilelpe obſerue the 
elegauncie of the Latpne ſpeche- where 
foꝛc lette vs now palle ouer the dyſpu⸗ 
tation ofthe fourine and maner of (peas 
kynge / how it map be excuſed / and lette 
vs embzace the thyngeit felfe with our 
bole harte and myndce / lapenge vp all 
our hole hopc / neither in Aungells / nei⸗ 

kher in holp men:but oncly in god. 

DJS. why doth it not ſape. Credo in 
vnum deum (that is tho ſape) J beleue 
in one god : MAS IJSTZTCEN. 

Wells doth 

WUC, xis 

Vecaule he that dothe nowe ſpeake ſo / 

The ſtrede 
which is fon 
ge at maſſc: 
was made in 

den at Moa 

why this 
worde vnum 
was added. 

The expoſptpon 
Hoth more ſtronglpe and cffeckuallp ers 
clude the pluralpte and multitude ok god 
des. Foz no man dothe ſpeake in this 
wpſe (vidi vnum ſolend eft: Jhaue ſene 
one ſonne. Exoꝛtus eſt vnus ſoli:id et: 
one ſonneis tyſen / vidi vnam lunam: id 

ct: Jhaue ſene one moone) For as 
muche as neuer ſo muche as this ima⸗ 
gination Dothe.come in tothe mpnde of 
onp man:that there is:oꝛ can be mo ſon 

nes 02 mo moones (ha one. But ve thas 
ſapth J haue ſene one ſonne rilpng doth 
put the hearers in dowte / as though he 
dyd thyntke / that there were manpe fons 
nes oꝛ manpe mooncs / and who fo euer 
wold ble that mance of lpeukpng: Hold 
be accompted foꝛ afoole/ and laughed 
to lcoꝛne. for that thynge / that is abſo⸗ 
lutelp and ſpmplycpter hygheſt: can be 
but one thynge. DID. whp eis it than 
lay de in this ſymbolc( whiche as certap 

N [XK — 

ne men do wence / was made in the coun⸗ 
cell holden at Nice. But as thou doſte 
the toũtelluol luppoſc / was made in the councell holde 
at Conftantinople) that J here ſongen 

in the male. Credo in vnũ deum:id eſt: 
J belcue in one godr Md. This woꝛde 
vnum was added and put to afterwar⸗ 
des / not ſa muchte agapnſte the hethen 

ad apnpmes 



of the cOnrun Trede. 37 

Mapnpmes / which dpd woꝛchppe manp 

oddes as agapuſt heretpͤes. Amonge 

home: ſome dyd dꝛeame:that there are 
duo pzincipia (id eſt) two punciples o2 
cheffe tauſes the one of good:æ the other 
ofeuplit. Other Come agapn dpd diuide 
one god into two goddes the one of the: 
whome they called rpghtuole god: they 
dpd affirme to be the authoure of the 
olde teſtamente / and the other of them 
they fapd to be the authoure of the new 
teſtamente: whome they dpd pꝛokeſſe to 
be a good god / but not tightuofe: where 
as in verp dede: there is but onelpe one 
god / the maker ok all good creatures. 
Fo of cupllthpnges:godis not the aus 
thoure. oꝛ he conſidꝛed all thynges / Senelis. i. 
whiche he had made and created ¢ thep 

were verp good. The lame god is epghs 

kuoſe ¢ good. The fame is the authoure 

of the olde lawe: and alſo the authoute 

ok the new teſtamente. And the lame is 

the vumutable gouernont of alltpmes. 
But whan ZF doo lape / that god is not 
the Authoure of euplles: I meane of 
ſynnes / and not of afflictions o2 tribula 
tions. Foz the affliction oz tribulation / Acfliction is 
whiche god doth ſende to menus good / good / oz ut 
either becauſe it is rightuoſe / as whan ckyues. 

—.. . . w ̃ ae 

The erpolpcpor 
it is lapde vpon vs for our (punes: oꝛels 
becauſe it ig a medicine to make bs ces 
pente and ware wiſc: oꝛels becauſe it is 
the mater and occafion of greater glozie 
which kynde of cuylles koꝛ al that / hold 
neuer haue ben amonge men: pk there 
bad neuer ben ſpune / and lynne came of 
the dDeupll & of the toztupted contupiſcẽ 
tc ok man. DJ. tobp doth it adde patrẽ 
fathers LIA. Foz a diſtinction okhym 
from the other perlones / fo it koloweth 
anouc after. Et in Jeſum Chziſtũ Cele 
um eiue vnicũ. And in Fela Chae his 
olicly ſonuc / he alone ig called father: be 

cauſe he alone begate the fonne. Howe 

beit pfthis woꝛde god be ſſo tahen / that 
it do declare the hole trinite / and do cos 
pꝛehende allthe. un, perloncs together / 
thanis god well called a father / becauſe 

bois the begpunpnge e ozigmall cauſe 

ok all thpuges created. And pfthou vn-⸗ 
derſtonde this word kather in a gencrall 
ſencc / foꝛ that / of which onp thynge tas 
kRethozigmallbegpnnynge / than is the 
fpf perlone father ſimpliciter of all tht 
ges / he bath not begottẽ the holy ghoſt 
but no more hathe he begotten neither 
man / noz aungell of his one lubſtaunce. 
But becauſe after a peculiare mance be 



ol the cOmun Trede. 36 
is lapd to be the father of thoſc / that do 
dꝛede oꝛ fcate hym: after the ſame mas 
ner he is ſapde to be the god of them in 

the. xxxii. Pfalme. Blelledis the natt 
on oꝛ poeple: whiche haue the loꝛde to 
theyꝛ god. And like wpſe in the. crlui. pl. 
But that god hath begotté a ſonne of 
bis oune ſubſtaũce this is proprelp beld 
gyng to the fpr perſonc / he created the 
woꝛlde: but not he alone / he begetteth 
good men thoꝛow the woꝛde oflyfc:but 
he doth it bp the ſonne: aud by the holy 
ghoſte. But the onclpe foune: none ſaue 
the father alone hath begott k. D.what: 
Ipkelwife as one man begetteth auother 
man d. pe lylewile foꝛſoth in theſe 
poyntes that he begatte a ſonnt / a that 
he begatte god of god . But as J haue 
ſayde bekoꝛe in cucryp collation oꝛ copa 
rifone ſimilitude / whichers trantlated 
from creatures bHtO god: there are ma⸗ 
nypthynges dilagrepnge and karre vn⸗ 
lpkc. Foꝛ neither the father dothe trank 
kuſe oꝛ geue from hym onp parte ef his 
ſubſtaũce into the foune: but he hath cõ 
mũicated the Caine hole ſubſtaũce to his 
ſonne: neither do he that begetteth: be 
that is begottè make two goddes: ſo as 
the father beyng ama ¢ the (oie beyng 
a ma do Mabe tt. men) Neither 

Ja tobi, i. 

} The expolpepon | 
either is the perſonne that begetteth: 
in tyme ony whit afore the pfonne/ that 
1s begottg:but the etcrnite of {hens both 
is all one. J pale ouerforcherce other 
ibypnges / wiche are innumerable. DJ. 
whan one man adopteth / oz of fauoure. 
talicth another man vnto his ſonne: he 

Doth not verelp begette hom. But wh 

he bath a ſonne by his wyke: than he is 
lapde to haue berplpe begotten a ſonnc / 
betauſe he bath don it accozdpngeto ng 
tute:pfit be ſo than / as pou do ſapt / that 
the father dothe begette the ſlonne / loo 
many maner wapes vnlypke to the faciõ 
that a man begetteth a ſonne:howe can 
he be lapde verplpᷣto begette hyme M. 
pes verilp / he Both bp Co much the more 
truely begette:in that he doth begette in 
bnlpke nance vnto man: that is to ſap / 
he dothe lo muche the more perfightlye 
begette. Foꝛ the gencration of man / cõ⸗ 
pared onto that vnſpcakable gencrati⸗ 
on / it is but only a cert apue ſhadowe of 
generation. Foꝛ pk it be called amonge 
vs true gencration / becauſeit is accoz⸗ 
dpnge to the nature of man: muche 
moe cpghtefullp that is called true ges 
netation / which is accoꝛding tothe nas 

ture of god. Exceptt pcraduenture thou 


ofthecdmun Crede. 27 
Wylte fape/ that god bathe not verplya 
truelp made the woꝛlde / becauſe he baty 
made it karte otherwiſe tha a man doth 
make a citie oꝛ a howſe. Neither is god 
‘therefore not ſapde to be verelp lyghte / 
ye / wildome / power / mpnde / becauſe 
theſe words are other wiſe ſayde of thẽ / 
than of god, D. Js it lawkull to call god 
a lubſtaunce: M AG. pfbp aſubſtaüce 
ö thou doſte ſpgnikie e betoken a perſone 
whiche hath bepngeꝛit is not wickedlpe 

be in thꝛe ſubſtaunces. Hob be it pet 
it is better to refrapne from theſe wore 
ö des which certapne holy mé haue vled 

in the olde tpmesat the leaſte wifebecau 

le of the ſtrauugenes of them / yf by Cubs 
ſtaũce / thou do vnderſtande that to wht 
che accidentes are inherente: than is 18 
erroure to geue this name to god / whi⸗ 
| che is moſt lymple: neither bepng made 
ok matere and fourme: neither mengled 
with accidentes: but what ſo euer is in 

hym / is one and a ſingule ſubſtaunce. 
And yk onp luche maner woꝛdes be ge⸗ 
uen to god in the holpe ſcripturc / as koʒ 
eraumpleyf we do rede / that god is ans 
i grp / that god is pacified/ that god doth 
. ccpenteſ that god Doth foꝛgete / that god 
E. b. dothe 



thy god is 
onelpe called 
almighty in 
the Crede. 

Tbt expoſptpon 
Goth remebꝛe: know tho that in all ſu 
che places / the ſcripture dothe attèpꝛe c 

ſhape cher language accoꝛdynge to our 

wittes x capatite / euen lpkewiſe as a lo⸗ 
upng mother dothe lyſpe efpeake vnper 
lightelp / whan he ſpeaketh to her pong 
babe. But yf thou calle a ſubſtaunce / a 
thynge ſubſtaunciallp bepnge of it lelfe: 
than is there nothpuge/ wherunto this 
woꝛde ſubſtaũce doth better agre: than 
Vata god. Foꝛ by hym it hathe bepnge/ 
what fo euer bath verply beynge / nowe 
than he hym lelke muſte nedes haue mo 
te perfightlpe bepnge: whiche geuethe 
to all thpnges theprbepuge. DT. 
Thele thpugts / me ſemeth / haue ben ho 
Iplp x plapnly diſputed of pou. But ſepn 
ge that there are manp other woꝛdes / 
which be agreyng / 1 ben attributed vn⸗ 
to god / as wuldomc / goodnes / eternite / 
vnchaſgcablenes trouth /iuſtite / mereie 
€ many other ſuth innumerable: why is 
god here expꝛellelp called otpotete/t no⸗ 
thyng elsr QJ. Foꝛſoth thou dof alke ¢ 
demaũd ful wiſelp / foꝛ who lo euer doth 
trulp ꝓteſie god / i ſo doyng / he Doth als 

lo ꝓfkelle all thyngs which be agrepng & 

belongynge to the nature of god. But 
for as muche as in this Spmbole the 
thynges ave taught to beg puners / wh 


Ar . . . ng a 

ofthe cõmun rede, 53 
the are to be beleued raither than tobe 
diſcuſled:æ becauſe there are berp manp 
thyngs not onelp in the creation of the 
woꝛld / but alſo in the redẽption a the cõ 
lummation of the ſame / whiche de ſeme 
vn pollible to mäncs reafon à indgemet 
therefoꝛe to exclude all ſuche mance rea 
lonpnge / is added here this woꝛde ale 
mightp. whan Ariſtotel doth reaſonc / ck 
pꝛoue by inſoluble arguinets / that this 
worlde Hath ben eternallp without onp 
begpunpnge / becauſe that of nothynge 
nought ca be made: we do aüſwere:that 
be is almighty which created the woꝛld 
ofnought. Philoſophers do lape / that 
ther can be no retourninge o2recourle 
from the pꝛpuation to the habite and 
therfo2 that neither Thiiſte was bone 
ok a virgine: neither bathe riſen from 
death to lyfe / but we do make aunkwere 
vnto them / that god is almightp / whi⸗ 
che woꝛketh thele thynges. The icwes 

do denpt / that a man can be borne of a 

womäã whitout mänes helpe but we do 
make aũſwer / yt it is god / which wplled 
this to be don / which was boꝛne / which 
dyd prepare the wombe of the virgine. 
Thertoꝛ to cõ firme the fapth æ beleffe of 
weake perlones no word dothe malic oz. 

helpe moꝛ thã doth this woꝛd almighty 

The erpoſpepon 
But we oughte to Cape with the kapth⸗ 
full maker of the Plalmeg. The loꝛ de 
Sdal.cxxiiii. hathe made all thynges / what fo euer it 
bath lpked hym / in heuen and in carthe: 
in the ſee / and in all depe waters. D. 
& teatoꝛem celi et terre( id eft the crea 

toute of heuen and of carthe.whpis the 
father onelpe called the creatoure of the 
Walder HA. Foꝛſoth the creation 

Of the woꝛlde is cOmune to all the thre 
perſones. Foz the father hath made all 
creatures by the ſonnc / the holp ghoſte 
Wworkpnge together with them bothe. 
But pet in ſuche wyle:that thou mapſte 
not imagine here neither onp inſtrumet 
neither pet onp mpnpſter. But it was 
tonucntenke and accoꝛdpnge / that the 
begpnnpuge ok the cuangclpcall pꝛokel⸗ 
ſion ſholde be conſonaunte and agreable 
withthebegynnynge of the olde teftas 
mentc / that we myghte at the leaſte cue 
hereby pertepue and vnherſtonde / thas 
the authoure of both lawes is all one. 
Thus begynneth the boke ok Scnelis. 
Seuelis.i. & Ju the begpunpnge God dpd create 
both heuen and erthe. Now the Jewes 
(IJ ſpehe of the cõmune Corte ⁊ the mok 
parte okthem)knewe nothynge at all of 
the lonne / and ok the holy . aie 

ee oe a 

“a ofthecdmun Crede. oe 
Ancbe onelpe the father / not becaute he 
hath begotten the ſonne bepng alſo god 
but becaule he was the maker aud the 
a) gouctnoure of mankpude / and the four 
*| fapuceozginall caule ok all creatures. 
‘| Forthisworde Father is a woꝛde beto Fathee, 
kenpnge begynnpugc / and it is cupdenk 
aqand vndowted / that the moſte perfighte 
nature and mancr ot a begynupnge oꝛ 
doſigimall cauſe / is in the father. Joꝛ as 
muche as he alone (as laynt Cipztane 
fſapthe ) is without ony authoure oꝛ fae 

ther: whiche onelp ig the authoure of al 
thyngz without exception. DJS. wb 
doth ſome other call hym Creatoꝛem / & 
ſomc agapne call bpm Fact ozé: whome 
he doth here calle Conditoꝛem? Ma. 
The Gꝛekes haue but onelp one woꝛde 
Poutin which is comune to fignifie au 
thoꝛem / creatoꝛem / and kactoꝛemeid eſt) 
an authoure / acreatoure/ and a maker / 
after what ſo euer maner it be: that he 
doth mak bow be it the Katpne tonge 
doth refuſe this word Factor, Certapne 
men / foz cauſe of a diſtinction and differ. 
ence to be hadde: haue taughte: that he 
Doth create: whiche doth bꝛynge forthe 
and make ſome what of nothpnge / whi⸗ 

. belongeth onclp to god / and 991 5 

The expoſpcpon 
dothe make whiche frameth oꝛ chapeth 
ony ihynge of ſome matere oz ſtuffe / as 

for exauple/ nature gendꝛethbungeth 
foꝛth the lte / ok the ſede / xe goldelmpth 

dothe make u pece oꝛ a goblet / ok ſpluer. 
It cometh therfore i to diſputatid / whe 
tber goo had ercated heuen & earth / for 
as muehe as there lemeth to haue bens 
Chaos afoꝛe he made the woꝛlde (that 
ig to lap a matter oꝛ tute without ony 
ſhape oꝛ faſſiõ ) he dyd not therfoze treat 
the woꝛlde of noughte / howe be it pet it 
mape be well lapde / that he made it of 
noughte: ſeynge that he made the faine 
thyng / wherof althpngs haue ben made 
To thenttt therfore / that all ſuche fubs 
tile argumentations ſcholde be excluded: 
certapne men hade leuer vfe this worde 

cöditozem. DJS. why dpd he raither 

calle hym e conditoꝛem cel et terre (id 
cl) the maker of heuen and ok carthe / 
than e conditoꝛem vmuerſe creaturec id 
eſt) the maker of all crcatures: HA. 
Becaule (as J ſapde rpyghte nowe) he 
had leuer coũttekapte æ folowe the wots 

des of the begynupnge ok the bone Ge⸗ 

nelis. Heuen cõpzehendeth and con 
tapneth allthpuges. About the carthe / 
all the other elementes do moue tounde. 


a eer 

of the céimun rede. 40 
Theſe two partes of the world are moll 

fet forth vnto our lenſes. And the ſerip⸗ 

| gure(as Itolde pou tpghte nowe) doth 
| oftentpmes attempire and ſhape her ſpe 
che: accoꝛdynge to mannes wittes and 
capacite. He that hath made heuen and 

carth: hathe dowtles made allthynges 
whiche are contapnch in them. DJ. 
But the ſymbole callpd Spmbola Mis 
cenum / ioꝛ ſombolum Conſtantinopoli⸗ 
tanum: doth adde thele woꝛdes y viſibt 
hum omutum e inuiſibillum(that is to 
ſap)the maker of all thynges both viſib 
le and vnupſpble. MA. That ſame 
Trede ſayth the (ame thynge / that dotb 
this crede / but it ſpeaketh morc plapue 
lp and cupdentlp: leſte oup man (holbe 
thpnkc / that Aungelles / oꝛ the ſoulces ot 
men were not created of god. That thi⸗ 
ge whiche is lapde here couertlp: lapnd 
Paule the Apoſtle Doth erpꝛeſllpe pꝛo⸗ 
nouncc / in the kpꝛſte Chapitour to the 

Tolloſſtanes. oz Op hpm all thyn⸗ 
ges were madc / in heuen and in earthe: 
voth vilible thypngs e vnuiſible thynges 
whether they be thrones / oꝛ dominatt⸗ 
ons / oꝛ pucipates / oꝛ poteſtates / all thie 

ges haue ben made bp hym and in hym 
what ſo cuer thig had neuer beginpnge 

is god / bul 

. Colot t. 

| The erpofycpor 3 
But the aungelles are the mintſters ol 
god / whomce they do contpnuallp with⸗ ® 
out ccallyng / reuerently with dꝛede / glo 
tific aud woꝛchpppe: as there maker x 
lozde. And what ſo euer thyug hath had 
begpunpnge: it bath had his orginal | 
begpunpnge of god onelp / whiche alone 4 
neither bath had begpnnpnge / neither 
cuer ſhall haue endpuge / neither is cous | 
tapnued i place: neither is moued i tpme. 
DH. what cemaincth nowbut that 
wt mape go vnto the ſecounde articles | 
CYA, I thynke it better to tarpe Comes | 
what alſo abowt this article. DID. | | 
am redy to doꝛas Mall pleate pou. AA. 
The kozſte degre than vnto helthe: is 
Ctedere deum eſſelid eſt)to beleuc/ that 
there eis god. The lecond is Ercdete deo 
that ig / to geue credence vntogoddes 
woꝛdes. The thyꝛde is / to caſte all our 
thoughte and mynde vpon hpm with 
full confidence and truſte. He that Doty 
not: beleue / that god is: he profelleth no 
thynge to be at all / in as muche as all 
thynges that are: are of god. He that 
beleueth god / whiche is Credere deo: he 
doth pꝛokeſſe bpm to be true in all thyn 
ges. Bt that putteth al his truſt in god / 
pꝛokellethe that all thynges are ne 
eG n 


— bkthe communt rede 1 
ned of hym / and that there is nothynge 
nepther better noꝛ wyler than he. who 
ſo euer douteth of theſe latter thynges: 
he dothe nat trulp beleue / that fprte 
thynge that is to wete that god is. Foꝛʒ 
no man dothe truly beleue that god is: 
whiche dothe fapne oz p magine hym 
to be otherwpſe than heis / pe mozcouer 
thep do the more chamckullp erte of 
bothe / whiche whan they do pꝛokelle 
that there eis god / pet fo2 all that do de⸗ 
nye that heis almighty / oꝛ alknowypng 
oꝛels do deny that the world was made 
by hym/ aut it were made of him: pet do 
deny / that it is gouerned ot hym. Euen 
lpkhewyſe as thou thp felfe (if J be nat 
begpled) wolde be lelle diſcontkted with 
him / which ſolde ſuppoſe oꝛ went / that 
thou arte nat boꝛne: tban with hym / 
whiche dpd beleuc / that thou hake no 
ſenſes oꝛ manues reœaſon / a ſuche other 
thynges / without whiche a man leſeth 
the name of a man. D. Joꝛ ſothe it is 
euen very ſo:as vou do ſape. M. He 
that nameth a kynge: dothe in this one 
woꝛde comprchende manpe excellente 
thynges / he that nameth god: in thps 
one Wor dothe cõpꝛehende an infinite 
lum of all good thynges. Manp men 

F. i. (ape 

It is all one 

thyng in cfs 

kege, to Cape 
that ther are 
manp goddes 

and to ſape, 

that there is 
uo god at all. 



The expoſpcypon 
faye with they: mouthe. Lredo in 
Deum. J bcleue in god / but he whiche 
with a chziſten mynde dothe faye Jbe⸗ 
leue in godꝛkyꝛſte he dothe hate and de⸗ 
fie tertapue paganes / whiche do nat be 
leue / that there is anp god at al. And he 
dothe no leſſe hate them / which do num 
ber and rechen vp onto vs mänpe and 
maupfolde goddes: where as in lo Laps 
enge / they do graunte that there is no 
god at al. Foꝛ if there be manp goddes: 
than is there lame what / where in one 
ok them dothe diſter krom another / now 
ik thut be any good thyng:he is no god / 
that lacketh oz wanteth anp thpuge 
that good is. And if it beancull thing: 
than can he nat be god / that bathe anp 
cuillin bpm. Lpkhewple he dothe hate 
them / whiche do thynke nothpng tobe 
at all / ſa ue only ſuche thynges, wherok 
they haue perceiupnge bp thep2 bodplp 
ſenſes, Towhome the Anthropomoz⸗ 
phites are nat muche bnlyke / whiche / 
becauſe they do rede in the ſcriptures / 
of the eyes / the face / the mouthe / the 
haͤdes / the harte / the arme / the wombc / 
and the bꝛeſte ot god: thep dyd wene / 
that god is a bodilp thpuge made ok 

manes ſhape ¢ manes . 
| | \ 

otthecominuneditedes 4: 
in bery dede nothynge is koꝛther frome 
all ſenlible matter / thaͤ god is / & Johan 
alfa dothe wrytt. v That god is a ſpi⸗ 
tite. A Moꝛtcouer he dothe abhoꝛte the 
Epicurcis / which do ſo graũte one god / 
oꝛ mo than one to be: that pet thep do 
deny hym oꝛ them to care anp whitte 
what is done in the woꝛzlde. Theſe that 
be of {his opinion / do make god cpther 
impotentc / oꝛels foliſhe / in that they do 
recken hym epther nat able to goucrne 
that / whiche he hathe created / oꝛels lo 
cucll wyll / that he wpll nat do it / oꝛels 
fo folyMe and dꝛonken: that he dothe 
nat retche therfore. Thele thynges / ik 
thep were fapde agapnſte anp mortal! 
pꝛyncc:thep were wordes fullof blal⸗ 
phemp. How moche more than / ikthep 
be ſpoken agapnſt god: But our lozde 


Johänis. (its 

The opinton 
okthe pts 

in the goſpell lapeth plapulp. That Math. e. 

there dothe nat ſo muche as a litle ſpa⸗ 
rowe fall vpon the ground / without the 
wpll ofthe father. And alſo / that all the 
heares of his digcipies hedes are noum⸗ 
bꝛed. % So that nat fo moche as one 
lplle heate dothe perpſhe / excepte it be 
by his wyll. And lapncte Peter agrea⸗ 
bly vnto theſe woꝛdes of his mapſter / 

8 CLaſtynge all pour care and i. Betsy 

File thought 

The erroure 
ol the Jewes. 

The ſub⸗ 
Rance ok the 
godhed / is al 
one and the 
lame i all the 
ili perlones. 

Math. xvit. 
et Luce. iii. 

Johclis. ii. 


The patril s 
pafianes , ‘ „ wy 

The erpoſpepon 
khought vpon hpm: tor he bathe care 
and mpnd of pou. The ſamc doth als 
fo deteſtate pè blaſphemp of the JItues / 
whiche do pokelle ont god: but they do 
deny the lonne z the holy ghoſte / whan 
in verp dede the lubſtaunce oz ellence of 
god is ſo one: thatitis cuen the fame 
und (to ſprakc atter the mance of logi⸗ 
ciong) * cadem numero the lame in 
noumbꝛe. Bothe in the lonne / whiche 
was begotten of the kather / and alla in 
the holy gheke/procedpuge from them 

bothe. The father cepesh from the clous 

des. fe This ig mp welbeloued fone « 
and the Jewe ſcrieth agapnſt it that he 
hathe no ſonne. The lame father crieth 
bp the mouthe of bis prophete Fovel. 
ge ZF Mall poute out of my ſpirite vpon 
all fleche. And the Jewe crieth there a 
gaynſtc / god hathe no holy ghoſte / but 
ig ſolitarp. Agrepng vnto this madness 
was kolpſhe and ignozant Poctus / and 
the wicked herelike Gabelli? / of whom 
ſpꝛong the herelp a fecte ołthem / which 
wert called Patriſpaſſtani: whiche dpd 
deuide the ſubſtaũce of god nat into thre 

plones . but into thre bopecs of names. 

The father (ſapne thep ) created the 
wonld / the ſame in pe name of the see 

ok the cõmun Lredes 43 
foke vbpon hym the nature of man / and 
ſuſtred paſſion. The lame agapn / oncly 
his name changed / and nowe called the 
holpghoſte: cam down vpon the diſcip⸗ 
leg. Here wittyngly and gladly / J pale 
ouer the dꝛemes more than blaſphemou 
fc: of Baſilides and Mercio. The Orts Satuldes 
geniſtes alfo doo come verpe nere vnto Marcio. 
the impiete and wicked crroure of the Ozigeniſtes. 
Icwes / which do make the lonnc ok god 
a creature / and the holp ghoſte the mim 
ſter of that creature / Colen to theſc / alſo 
is Arrius / whiche graunted that the fka⸗ Arrius. 
ther bath a ſonne / but onclp of wyll and 
ipkeres: and not ol nature. Howe beit 
he wpll alſo this ſimilitude tobe vuper⸗ 
fighte / alter fuche kation / as the ſhadow 
is lpke to the bodye: becauſc he dothe 
thynke / that betwen the ereatoure z the 
creature ther tan not be but a ſlendꝛe 
au obſcure ſimilitube. But Eunomius Eyromius, 
Hoth karre excede the hereſp ok this lapd 
Atrpus / whiche taughte that the ſonne 
ts in all popntes vnlyke to the father:be 
cauſe that there is noue affinite oꝛ lpke⸗ 
nelle and agreméte betwen the creatou 
re and the creature: nomoꝛe than is bec’ 
«then athypng that is inkinite / x a thyng 
that is finite. From this Eunomius / 
wile F. ut. Ma 





The ſerpoſpcpon 
Macedonius doth fo dpllente: that pet 
he doth not aſſeute vnto the doctrpue of 
the church. Foꝛ he graunteth the fonne 
to be in all popntes lyke vnto the lather 
but he ſapth / that the holp ghoſte bathe 
no popnte comune with the father e che 
lonue. Ofthe Manicheis we haus tous 
ched lomewhat all redyc / whiche whus 
they doo make duo puncipiacid ch twa 
principles cöõtrarpe / the one to the other 
of the onc ot whrch , viltbleſthpngts(as 
they ſapc) were created / as cupilthpugz 
ol an cupl pᷣntyplc / æ of the other / inuili⸗ 
blethpng; / were created as good thiges 
ok a good puciple) without dowt they do 
of one god make two godd / ye one good 
@ ye other cucl / cut like wile as do pe here 
tikes called Gnoſtici / Spnecus/ whils 
he mahceth tria pꝛinctpia. in. pꝛincyples 
he maketh as manp goddz / agayn thole 
that do ſcperate & departe the ſonne oz 
the boly ghot from god / where as in ve 
ty dew they do cleuc vnto bpm Op natur 
they doo go abowtetothzuſte vnto bs a 
maimcd op an vuperkight god. Allo ther 
are Conte which in ſtede of god: do recke 
nature to be the cauſe of al thpngs: wht 
che pf it be cternall / s almightp:foꝛſoth 
chan it is god / pt it be not ſuch one Hr 

a a ! 16 

ok the cõmun Trede. 4. 4. 
s it ye miniſter of god / x a treatur made 
of god. The ſame thyng is to be tudged 
(as J ſupoſc) of the lecond cauſes / how 
he it i my iudgemtt it is moꝛe ag reing to 
the Charité Pipe what fo 9155 either 
nature/ oꝛ cls the ſecondarp cauſes doo cxue fe 
worke: all that to aſcribe æ geuc vnto pe i 
elftcacy x mighty woꝛkpug of god onelp 
which pf it Hold cealle: neither the Cone 
{hold geue lyghte: neither the fyꝛe Mold 
be hot / but all thyngz Hold be ſodaynly 
bꝛought to nought / he doth alſo exccrat 
Selencus / which doth graũte that god 
made the woꝛlder but he layth / that the Belencus. 
matter oꝛ ſtuſfe wherof he made it / was 
cternal ¢ without begpunpng / makpng 
athpng without ſhape oz facton t vnp⸗ 
fight egal vuto god he doth alſo erecrat 
chath the opintö of Menander / which Menaudet. 
folowig Plato / dyd teach/p* tie woꝛlde 
was not made of god: but of aũgeles cal 
lyng aũgels / thoſe whom ylato calleth 
fprptes the fines of the cheffe a pucipal 
god des. And he hateth alfo Saturnius Saturn 
which is moꝛehametul out of the right rurntus. 
optuton tha thefe afore reherced / whiche 
dꝛeamed the world to haue ben made of 
ſcuen aũgels / & alſo he hateth Wahliks Balilides. 
moſt ſhamekullp errig of al other: which 
ſapd yt the woꝛld was created of heuen. 

The ſexpoſycpon 

But nowe Jam werpe to ſpeake onpe 
more of Crrourcs & bereſies: whiche are 
innumerable and Without ende. Bꝛelfly 
and generallp who lo cucrithpuketh of 
god otherwiſc / than he is in verp dede / 
02 cls dothe not thynke hym to be ſuche 
onc / as the auctozite of the diuine ſcrip⸗ 
ture hathe delcribed hym vnto vs: that 
perloue doth not belcue and truſt in god 

but heputteth his hope in an idole. 
Thou feet here / hou great philoſophie 
and wildome this one lo ſhoꝛte an arti⸗ 
cle hath taught vs: and frö howe great 
darknes € monſtruoſe crrourcs it bathe 
deliuerd vs. DJS. Foꝛſoth now J per 
It is no tmal cepue and fee well / that it is a greatte 
Chynge to lay thynge to Cap vntapnedlp and with the. 
derte 280 harte. x Credo in deumud eft: ZF Ocleue 
in dum. and truſte in god. Ad. pe tyou wol 
delt cuen muche mare fape this: pfibou 
dpdeſt recken and conlidꝛe / hou greate a 
multitude of men there is / vpon whome 
fapute Paules lapeng map be verified. 
Tit. i. They pꝛokeſſe themſclues to knowe 
god: but in thepꝛ dedes they doo denpe 
Kota. hym. what ſo euer thynge man doth pre 
keerre afoꝛe god / and moze fet bp / than by 
god: that lame thynge he maketh a god 
to hymſelke. DJ. . 

at 9 | | 5 

F 4 
— is alle 

ofthe tömun Frede. 45 
Hod lapthc / thou Malte not doo none 
adulterp / no fornication, The concupi⸗ 
ſcence and luſte of the fleſhe bpddeth the 

to cõmit adulterp / here who fo euer not 

regardpnge god / Doth obape his concu⸗ 
pilcence and luſte / doth he not akter a cer 
taine mauer foꝛſake god ei his place {ct 
vp his owne concupiſcence: DJS. Fo 
appereth fo. MA. Bod ſapth / & Do 
not foꝛſ weate the / oꝛ do no periurp / and 
ITouetouſnes bpödeth a man to do pers 
jurpe / dothe not the couetouſe man here 
in the ſted ol the verp and true god wo} 
hippe Mammon: The lcripture teas 
cheth vs / that god is lente cueriwhcre 
and that there is nothynge hydde front 
his tpes. But do thoſe men beleue this: 
whiche daylp do cömitte that thyng vn 
der the ipes of god / which they durſt nok 
be bold to cõmite in the pꝛeſence e lpght 
of many DJ. It appercthi that no. N. 
Thep: which koꝛ the death of thepꝛ chil⸗ 
bꝛen / oꝛ for thepꝛ wares oz goodes take 

froin them / doo hangt themſelues / oꝛ o⸗ 

therwiſe foꝛdo themſclues / do thoſe per 
fones beleue / that all the Woꝛld ¢ world 
ly thpuges are wiſelp and mercikullp go 
uerned of god: DAS. It is mecuaple: 
yfthey do veryly beleue lo. MAG. 

what lo euer 
thpnge man 

doth loue te 
garde moze 

thã god: that 
thynge he mas 
eth his god. 

' Pꝛouer. ii. 

The expoſpepon 

Thep that with thep2 hole hert & mynd 
all theyꝛ lyfe tpme do ſerue the woꝛlde. 

KF Beyuge merp whan they haue done 
cupll / and reiopſpuge in (pune and bus 
gratiouſnes: doo theſe men beleuc / that 
god doth luffte none cupll dede vnponp 
ſhed / but that thep / which wold not here 
make amendes for thyꝛ ſpnnes by repẽ⸗ 
kauncc / are ſente into euerlaſtpng kpꝛe: 
DAS. In mp iudgemeutc / either they 
do not beleuc it: oꝛ els it is but u verpe 
cold and kaput beleffe / that they bauc of 
lt. MAS. Agaynthep that tonſider⸗ 
ynge the greatnelle and graupte other 
ofleces / do deſpeyꝛe of foꝛgeuenß / do thoſe 
perſones beleue / that god is of tufpupte 
mercper DJS. Itis not verp lykelp / 
that they do. Md S. It is therfoꝛc a 
thpnge of nolytle wapghte / and no ly⸗ 
tle heippuge vnto a godlye and bleſled 
lpfe: a man with a quycke and lpuclpe 
fapthe to knobe the verpe god. who ſo 
euer vnfapnedlpe / and fromthe herte 
dothe beleuc / that he is motte perkyghte 
lye good / and moſte perfpghtipe fapze: 
howe can he loue onpe thynge aboue 
hym: Aud who fo euer beleueth that he 
is almyghtpe: wyll not goo abowte too 
xeſyſte hym / that can not be hadi duets 


ok the cõmun Trede. 4.6 
ho fo euer beleueth / that he is of uot 
hyghe and perfpgahte wpMome : that 
perfone wyll neuer grudge agapnſt god 
in abuct(pte and trpböͤulatpon. Foꝛ as 
that man myghte ſeme and be accomp⸗ 
ted lewede by the iudgement of all men 
whiche beyng hymſelfe vnlerned / wold 
fpnde faughte with the phiſicion / and 
wolde rebuke hym / foꝛ that he doth pꝛe⸗ 
ſcribe ſondꝛy thynges to londꝛy bodies: 
fo lykewyſt he ſholde be vtterlye folpſhe 
and without witte / whiche woldt tudge 
god in lpke maner as though he knewe 
not / what is bette fo2 cuerp man. The 
phiſicion doth anopnte and bathe one 
man / another man he ſeareth and cuts 
teth / another / he dothe lette bloodce / to 
another he mpnpſtrethe a clpſter / oꝛ ges 
ucth a laxatpue medycync / too another 
he geucth a bpndpuge medpepne. 

To ſome man he comaundeth abſtpnen 
ce. To a another he pꝛelcrpbeth certap⸗ 
ne kpudes ol meattes / he counlaplethe 
one man to reſte and ficpe/ another he 
dothe foꝛbydde to ſlepe / and we do ſape: 
he is a phyſpcpon / he knoweth what is 
cxpedpente foꝛ the perſon bepnge ſpcke 
and dpſeaſed. And whan god geucth 
19 one man ryches: and dothe 8 

The expoſpepon 
ſame a wap from another / doth ſende to 
lome mau chyldzen: and to another fens 
Deth none at all / and to one man geueth 
profpcroule helth / to another lendethe 
a bodp full ot ſickneſſes and dilcaſes:do 
we ſap / why doth god handle men after 
this lacionraud do we not rapther lape: 
bets god / and knoweth what is expedp 
ente foꝛ cucrp inane Hethat belcucthe 
god to be moſt rpghtuolſe:he wyll neuer 
pꝛomiſe hymlelke to elcape vnponiſhed 
for his mildedes. And who fo euer bele⸗ 
uethe / that he dothe knowe allthpuges: 
that man wpl not lyghtly do that thyn 
ge in the ſyghte of god / whiche he wolde 
be aſhamed to do in the lyght of a good 
and an honeſt man. wh ſo euer beleueth 
that hers moſte ſothekaſt and truc:wpll 
dꝛede the papnes oꝛ poniſhemẽtes / that 
are thꝛetened to wycked men / and Wy ll 

haue lout and deſiere Onto that eternal 

blplle / whtche is pꝛomiled to good and 
vertuoſe men. who ſo euer Doth beleuc / 
that this worlde was created foꝛ man⸗ 
nes cauſc:that perſon whiche wape foo 
euer warde he ſhal tourne hym (elfe Mal 
be ſtirred and pꝛouoked to honourt and 
woꝛſlpppe the great goodnes and lpber 
alpte of god / and he Mall . 


ok the tcödmun Trede. 47 
ble the thynges / whiche god hath gral 
ted to hym:otherwiſt / tha to his honou 
re and gloꝛpe. But let here be the ende 
of this cõmunication. After that thou 
haſt made thy pꝛapet to god / x and that 
thou chalte haue chowed thpe coode / 
lyke a cleane beaſt( that is to ſape) after 
that thou halte haue dylpgentlp retoꝛ⸗ 
ded theſe thynges / and called them well 
to remembꝛaunce: than haue recourſe 

hether agapn vuto me. 

¶ The thyꝛde inſtruction. 

Do kele and percciue / that 
e multarde ſede / whiche thou 
A haſte ſowed in mp mpnbe: to 
Se Utter and ſhew forth his ver 
tuc and ſtrengthe more and more, MA. 
J pꝛape god / that e whun J baue plan⸗ 
ted and watred it the loꝛde mape vous 
chelaffe to geue it increacpugc / s grow⸗ 
pnge cuen bnto lawful and full tipenes. 
DJS TC. But as J conſidꝛed and cals 
led to remembꝛaunte / what had ben coͤ⸗ 
muned & ſapde bet wen vs:this one ſcru⸗ 

pule oꝛ dowte troubled my mpnde / fo2 

Leuitici. xt, 

Mat. xlit. 

i. Coꝛin. tit, 


| The crpolpepor 
what cauſe it ſholde be / that where as in 
all other dpicpplynes and ſcpences thep 
do beg punc with the motte eaſp & lyght 
thpnges / and ſuche as are famplparlpe 
knowne to our ſenſes: this heuculp php 
loſophpe dothe fozthwith ar the begpn⸗ 
nyng ſpeke of god / which eis the hpgbeſt 
thpugc/ that can be / and moſte kartheſte 
from all mannes ſeuſes? AA. Ciceplp 
becauſe this phploſophpeis a diſcpplpne 
of beleſfe: and not of diſputation and rea 
ſonpngce / for dilquilition oz realonpuge 
Doth (cde maͤnes mpude facee above by 
mauy compalpng and wyndpug wapes 
and often tymes alfo doth begyie it / and 
lede it out of the rpghte way, But fapth 
compendpoullp and ſpedilpe doth carpe 
and conuape vp to the hygheſt / and let⸗ 
teth oute mynde as it were / in ahpghe 
totpngehpll:frõ which it may moze cer⸗ 
tapnlpe and perkpghtelpe dylcerne aud 
tudge thele inferpoure thynges / reker⸗ 
tynge allthpnges to god / in whomeis 
the begpunpnge: the increace / and the 
The bodylpe perfection and full ende of all thynges. 
fetes wolher The knowledge / which rileth or the len 
whiles decei⸗ les / otherwhiles is vncertapnc / becauſe 
ue vs. the bodylp ſenſes do oktètpmes deccpue 
vs / as for exaũple / Wha the fone nene 

ofthe tcömun Trede. 48 

ko vs two foote bꝛode: where as in very 

dede it is greatter / than the hole casthes 

and whan we ſce the lpghtenpng: afore 

that we here the thundꝛe / and pet for all 

that / the ſyghte / and the hearpnge / are 

the cheffe and puncipall among the oub 
warde ſeuſes oꝛ wittes . No noꝛ pet the 
knowledg / which is gathered of the care 
{es 02 principles of demonſtrations: 18 
alwapes certapne / for as muche as we 
to (ce the pꝛokeſſoures of wildome / other 
whiles to dowte euen of the pꝛinciples 
alſo. But in as muche as fapth compng 
krom Randt 10 15 certapnte i 

of the ſenſes and alſo of all pꝛpncpples: g 
there is no more ſute knowledge / than se 189 55 
is by kayth / and none alſo moꝛe compen gutc: ¢ ealieſt 
diouſe and moze eaſpe / wylte thou haue knowledg / 1c 
a ſure token here of: Howe many wes had by kapth 
uers are there nowe a duyes / both men geuen ol god 
and women / which do talke aud cömune , 
more wpfelp af god / and godly thpuges 
thã dyd the chettett of the phplofophers 
Plato and Ariftotely of the whiche two 
the foꝛmer / that is to witte Plato: how 
many mad opinions Hath be ofthe prin 
cipal o2 heed goddes / x of the ſpꝛytes the 
fones of the gods / z of World made of pe 
Sprets/e of the Coulls falé tolpn fcd an 


Joan. xvit. 

The erpolpepon 
Aud the letter of the two / that is to wit 
te Ariſtotell / becauſe he gocth abowte to 
come vp from the lowest thynges tothe 
higheſte: by how many longe ambages 
aud coumpaſſes doth he lede the witter 
bow longe doth he tarpe them and kepe 
them backe in maters of Logike/ of Po 
étric/of Rethoꝛikt / of Maturall Philo- 
ſophie / o highe and celeſtiall thynges / 
akoꝛe that he do come vuto the ſuperna 
turalthpuges: And pet for al this doth 
he not come tothe knowledg of god / for 
whole cauſe he hadde lapde theſe lo mas 

np ſteppes oz ſtapꝛes / vnto which know 

ledge now by fapthe/pongemen arc pro 
moted both ſhoꝛtely a calilp: pebcpnee 
inſtructed with no mance humapne dps 
ſciplines. V The chelfeſte philolophpe 
whiche purchaleth true beatitude vnto 
mantis to hnowe god / and Jeſus Lh 
ſte lente ofhpym. To the learning of rhs 
philoſophp / becauſe it is mot agreable 
and accoꝛdynge to naturc / euerp ſexc / x 
eucry age / is apte and docylc / dut that 
age incſpecpall and moſte chefflp:which 
is not pct infected with croked and lew⸗ 
ed affcctions and deſpers . And verplye 
relygyon is info muche atcoꝛdynge / to 
natute: that ſome certapne Miah 
7 an 

of the commune Trede 49. 
and fealynge therof / is belcued ko be in Plinius in 
Clephautrs / and other bute beaſtes natural hi⸗ 
D. But who lo euer dothe ſympely be ſtozia 
leue thoſe thynges / which are wꝛiten oz 
taught concernpug god:that man Mall 
nat be ableto match with philoſophers 
and heretikes in diſputacion. LIQ. 
Trouthe it is, Foz this philoſophie is , cnsin far 
nat learned for to helpe to diſputation: a pute ela 
but lo good and godlp lpupnge, Nowe, re 1775 vit. Ae 
what more pꝛelumption can there beter, arrogunti 
than is in tbem / wbiche wih worldly /$'"5 7 7 he 
reafons do biſpute of the nature of god: ase dips me 
Whan there is none of them all / whiche gut nuſſiisſſit illos 
ig able fullp and perkightelp to knowe ) caters “quit 7 
but euen the nature of a gnatte oꝛ of a 11 i“ 
lytle ſppeder / all thougheſthep do daplp, ite quot inlic Ae 
le thele. who fo cucr is an enlercher ao Terututor in 
of goddes maichty : is oppꝛeſled of the! 1 e 
glozp. None other wyſc / than they / Cate Joler 4 
which do flare one whple on the bꝛygb 775 vip, 87 7 
fonne with theyꝛ eyes ſtedfaſtly fet and e hice 
vnmoued:do go awaye daled and balfCve san miter Jum? 
blynde / in ſo muche / that otherwhyics zz a da 177 
they do ſtomble / and ſtryke themſeltes x / er cofimbinn 
bpon a ſtake beyng in thepꝛ wape. But The epe ok 
the eye of faythe is a ſpmple douts eyc / kaythe is a 
reuerently beholdynge god that way / 1 0 4 
whiche wape it is bys pleafure to be % %s hac re 

B. t. knowne renter sca 

Denn | ua nobis 
litt note ſcere 


to enferche 
ſuch thynges 
as god wolde 
to be hydde : 
vnunoweé to 
vs, whils we 
lpue in this 

The expoſicion | 
knobne of vs: butnatcurtoufly enters 
chynge tholethynges/ whiche it is his 
wyll to haue hyd krom vs inthe meane 
ſeaſon / vntyll we Hall come to that hes 
ucnlp theatreun whiche he Mall gpue 
hymſelſe to be ſeen moze nerc / and more 
clerelp / to our epes bepnge than moze 
purged g clcanc. In thys lyffe it is ſuk⸗ 
ficiente / that thou kno welt / thathere 
1g god / and that heis one mnaturt / and 
thꝛiebp diſtinction of perfones. Thou 
pcrceineſt and knoweſt / that the ſonne 
is begotten and cometh of the kather / 
and that the holy ghoſte peedetl from 
them bothe. Thou knoweſt that god is 
nat abodpꝛbut a mynde ok ifinite vertu 
aud power / moſte ſymple / eutrlaſtpng / 
as whiche bathe ben afore all tymes: 
and is uat chaungedintpme. Ofthys 
all mpgbtp mynde thou knoweſt the 
whole woꝛide to haue ben created / and 
created fo2 manncs cauſe / for god ney⸗ 

ther hath new of the world / noꝛ of man / 

no? yet ok any creature. Heis in hym 
ſelte / and ot hym ſelke / motte perkpghte. 
But becaule be is moſte hyghly and 
perkyghtly good: he wold nat be blelled 
hymſelfe alone / but bathe diſtributed of 
bis beatitude and felicite vnto b 


ok the communt Trede fo 
ind men / e te all crcaturcs:ſo karfoꝛthe 
As euerp thyng is apte to recciue of the 
bountuolnes and liberalite of god, It how manpe 
was his Wyland pleaſute to geue man ways god 
knowledge of hypmſelke: ſpcakpnge to bathe ſpoken 
6 to mau to 

him in dmerſe maners or facions. pit 8 
ofall he ſpake after a certapne mance Aa Ue 
to mankynd: whan by his lonnc / which hym kelke. 
is the woꝛde or the father / he dpd create 
of nought thys meruailouſe frame of 
the wozldc: tothe entente / that of tie 
Wworke we Molde gelle and make comc⸗ 
ture of the woꝛker. Foz ſuche a work: the kyꝛſt lpea⸗ 
coulde nepther man / neyther pet aügel / kyug by trea⸗ 
h auc ben able to perfourme and kiniche. tion ok the 
This was the foꝛſte degre oꝛ ſtep to the N 
knowledge of god. erte after cam the cpckynge by 
lawe: whiche dyd lome what helpe the the law wit 
darkues and blindnes of maues mpnd / ten.e the pros 
but it beiydes that it was geuen to one phetes. 
nacion onelp of the Jewes:it dyd by fie 
gures and darke ridles ſhadowe god br 
to vs pꝛeparpng the treudes of men ko 
the lyghte of the goſpell:whiche bp the 
ſonne bathe Hpucd to vs. The philoſo⸗ 
phers abuſed the lyghte of nature / to 
pꝛyde. And thelawe tothe mote parte 
of the Jewes: was an occaſion of grea 
ter impiety and ſpune. Tuc wozlide was 

ii. full 

Plal. 144. 

Thie thyzde 
ſpeakynge by 
his owne fon 
in the nature 
ot maukpnd. 

8 The expoſicion 
ful of pdolatry. The Jewes were puffed 
vp with pꝛpde:thiughe a vayne perſua— 
ſion of rpghtuolncs. Synne did rapgne 
at large vnponpched in pe woꝛld / whils 
the moſte parte of men dpd folowe the 
fyꝛſte patentes of mankpnde: but here 
the mercy of god dyd ſhewe forthe te 
ſelfe. Fr whiche palleth q furmounterl 
all his wozkes. He dyd vouchelatcto 
ware more nere and more kamilterlp 
knowue buto vs / by the lame lönc:that 
at the leaſte wyſe by the reaſon hercot / 
weſholde be dꝛawne tothe loupnge of 
him aͤgapnc / being pꝛouoked therunto / 
Op fo maup and fo maruailouſebene— 
kightes. He had created vs / whan we 
were nothpnge. He wolde alſo reſtoze 
vs. whan we were foꝛloꝛne / koꝛ it had 
ben better neuer to hauc ben created: 
tha after our crcacion lo haut periſhed 
t ben vtterly forlozne. deter ihc worlde 
meruagiloullp created / after the lawe 
geuen by god / akter the pꝛophetes inſpi 
red with the ſpirite ot god / he ſente bys 
onclp ſoune bepnge made mantthat at 
the lcaſte wyſe we men Molde loue hym 
beynge allo aman. Aud he ſente hym / 
nat to be a reuenger oꝛ ponpſher / but to 
be a ſauioure / bp Whole death he . 

ofthe comut rede. fr 

call vs agapu tolpfe/what could the vn 
moelurable charite and loue of god:haue 
done more than this; He hathe ſhewed 
hymlelfe palpable after a certapne mas 
ner: vnto vs / he hath allo geucn hym⸗ 
ſelle to deth / as karre forth as he mpght 
to thende / that he mpghte reſtoꝛe vs to 
true helthe E ſaluation. He declared his 
almighty power chelfly: in the creation 
of the worlde Nowe he hathe declared 
his vnmeſurable mercp / and his inſcru 
table wiſdome / his mercps in that he fre 
ly / without ony deletupnge of our parte 
Hath redemed vs. His wildome in that 
He hath after Cuche koꝛme and mance re 
demed vs. Wherefore whyatecculers 
there nowe lekte / or what cauyllation 
can onp man lap forthe for hymſelffc:pk 
he do not regarde but do delpiſe this fo 
wonderfull goodues of Godr This parte 
Doth the Cecde now teaches Et in Fez 
ſum Chriſtum kilium cius vnicü domi. 
num noſtrum(id eſt) And in Jeſu Chit⸗ 
fie his onely ſoune our loꝛde. DJS T. 
whp hath it ſygupfyed ⁊ marked foꝛth / 
the perſone of our redemer / by theſe naz 
mes: MA. Tlerylp foz thententeto 
declare / that the ſeconde perſone / which 
toke fleſhe bpon hym: is verye mau of 

B. iii. his 

God ſhewed 
his almtghtp 
power: in the 
creatiõ of the 
tworlde/ ¢ his 
wil dome i the 
redeͤption of 


Joan. i. 

The expoſpcpon 
his mother and very god of god. 
DIS. Howe ſor AAG. Thete are 
ſoinc / which do wenc / that Jeſus is the 
name of the godhed / a Thziſte aname 
of the humane nature / and they leme to 
be moucb and bioughic fo this opinion 
bp thercafon7thatin tbe Hebzue tonge 
Jeſus is as muche to lap:as afaupoure 
And Chueh? as muche to ſap:as auoyn 
ted. Pow no man can geuc eucrlaſtyng 
Helthe aud ſaluation: Cauc oncipe god. 
And aunoputpnge doth ſygnplie ſpiritu⸗ 
all grace:whichechaunceth not but one 
ly to man / but in very dedtc / bothe thele 
woꝛdces o2 names do belonge to the bus 
mapne nature. Foꝛ Jeſus is apropre 
name ofa fingilace perfone / that is to 
loutteof (hat man / whiche alone of all 
nc / was boꝛne of a bitgine/ Whame lait 
Johan ſhewed s popnted with his kyn⸗ 
ger: that they Molde not tecepuc 02 ents 
bꝛace ony other man / forthe verp rede⸗ 
mer. L Bcholdelſapth he)the lambe 
of god. Thꝛiſtus ig a name either of 
kyngdome / oꝛ of pꝛeſtchode. Foꝛ amon⸗ 
ge the Jewes bothe pꝛeſtes and kynges 
were anopnted with hosp opntemente / 
aud they of bothe fortes / becauſe of hoo 
nourc: were called Chꝛiſti. 

of the cõmun Tꝛede. 5 

Nowe bothe thefe tytles oꝛ names are 

agrepugeto Chziſte / whiche is called e 

a pꝛeſte accozdpuge tothe o2d2¢ of el Plal.c. ix. 
chiſedech / and whiche as a pꝛeſte dyd Chziſte is 
offre hym ſelte a verp uſpotted lambe / 1 pacts 
vpon the aultare of the croſſe / foꝛ the hel a0 en e 
the and faluation of the wozide: and with outwae 
whiche alſo as a kynge / apperpnge to de cozpoꝛall 
his dilciples alter his reſurtection / lap⸗ oile:but with 
de lyke a kynge vnto them. e Tome the kullnes ot 
ig geuen all power and auctoꝛite in he⸗ N 

uen aud in earth. Neither dyd he rekuſe gat. xxvtil. 

t dilallow the ſpeche of thetheffe know 5 

ledgynge and conkeſſpuge hym to be a 

kynge by thele woꝛdes. e Lordercs Aute.xxiit. 
membꝛe me: whan thou ſhalte be coin 

men into thy kyngdome. How be it our 

loꝛdwas ucuce anopntcd with outward 

and bodplpeople: foo as Aaron was in 

the. rxir.cha.of rod / oꝛ as kyng Saule 

wus in the fyꝛſte booke of kynges the. x. 

chapitoure But this was he / whome 

god hathe fingulatlye anopnted with 

the fullneſle of his ſpirite. Howebe tt 

bp this worde oꝛ name of Jelu / beſydes Jetuo. 

that it doth betoken a ſingulare perſone 
G. iii. is alſo cal 

Joſut kigu⸗ 
red Chziſte. 



Joan. x. 

Thi expoſptpon 

called to remèbꝛaunce the figure of the 
olde teſtamente . Foz that Jeſus name 
dyd figure and tepꝛeſcute zeſu the rede⸗ 
mer. Moyſes / bp whome is figured and 
betokened cetemonies: was not able to 
bꝛynge the people of JIlrael into the lon 
de of pꝛomiſſc o2 beheſte. But Jelus the 
capitapne that ſucceded hym: bꝛoughte 
them into the lapde londe. Foz therc is 
none entrie o2 compnge to true felpcpte 
but bp fapthe and graces whiche Jclus 
the ſonne of a birgine hathe broughtes 
oltred to all men. In this wozde o2 naz 
mee Chiiſt / which in the goſpelles and 
in the cpiftcies ok the Apoſteles is often 
tymes repeted and inculked: thereis vp 
bꝛäpded tothe Jewes thepz folyſhe and 
obſtinate incredulpte and vnbeletke / wht 
che pet vntyll this daye do loke & wapte 
after theyꝛ Melſtas. Foꝛ hym whome 
the latyn men do call unctum: anopnted 
the grekes do call Chziſtũ / the Hebzucs 
do cal Meſſiam. And they do wapte ak⸗ 
ter a kynge plentuollp appopnuted with 
tiches / with armies oꝛ hoſtes of men / 
and with other Worldly apdes / whiche 
map reſtoꝛe the nation o2 people of the 
Jewes bepuge nowe reiected e rekuſed 
cuery where / € outlawed / into lyberty & 


of the commun Creede. 77 
kyngdome. And with this vapne hope: 
that wꝛetched nation doth cofurte thep2 
calamite that thep are i. But the cchziſte 
fapthe doth teache vs / that this is trulp 
that onely Melſias in the olde tpme pro 
miled of the pꝛophetes: bp whome not 
onclp one nation / but thrꝛough out the 
hole woꝛlde as many as be true Felves 
that is to ſape / as many as do pꝛokeſſe 
the name of Chꝛiſte / æ be cyꝛcuucyled in 
herte:ſholde be / not bp bodplp Weapons 
but by his olvue blode / delpucred fro the 
tpꝛannic of the deupll / and all thepꝛ n= 
nes cleane foꝛgeuen: Molde be reſtoꝛed 
vnto truc lybertp / x in cõcluſion bp hym 
holde be cholen ¢ made coinherptoures 
and partetakers with hymokthe beuce 
lp kpngdome. This word Jelus is ther Felus, 
foꝛc expꝛeſſed:that there ſholde be none 
ctroure oꝛ miſtalipuge in the perſone / x 
this name chat is added x put to: leſt 
ony man folowynge the Jewes: holde Chziſte. 
looke foz another eſſias o: another 
tedemer. He Hathe comen ones foꝛ all. 
We hathe oncs for all perkourmed and 
finiſhed that ſingulare and wonderfull 
ſactyfice: with the miſticall cõmemoꝛa⸗ 
tion and memoꝛtall of whiche lacrikpce 
he wolde vs to be nouryſhed e ſtreng⸗ 
B. v. thed 

The erpofycpott 
thed: vntpll he come agapn the ſeconde 
tymc / not to be than a redemer / but a 
iudge and a rewarder. Fypreitctherfore 
it hathe ſhewed to vs that verpe man lo 
wondcerkull: whiche was eternalle ap- 
popnted for this purvofe / that by hym 
the woꝛlde ſholde be redemed. none ak⸗ 
ter it chewethe to vs in the fame verpe 
god / in theſe woꝛdes ye filium eius vincũ 
dominum noſtrum (that is to fape) his 
oncly ſonne our loꝛde. Foꝛ ok god / nos 
thyngets pꝛopꝛelpe begotten but god / 
lpkcwiſe as of man / accoꝛdpuge tothe 
courte of nature / nothynge is begotten 
but ouelp man. OJ S. But the lcrip⸗ 
ture Doth oktentpmes call good and ver 
tuoſe meu / the ſonnes of god. A. 
And for that caufeis added here this 
woꝛde vmcum 62 vnigenitü (thats te 
fap) oncly oꝛ onelp begotten: to ſeparat 
this lonne or god by nature / frö the fons 
nes / whiche are called to the honoure of 
this name / by the grace ot adoption. 
DJS. Js it not lawfull to call Chꝛiſt 
as touchpug the nature whiche he bath 
taken vpon hym: the (one of adoption: 
MAS. Itisa moꝛe religioule à god 
lp thynge to abſtapne from ſuche tytles 
leſte we mighte geue lome holde to the 

ol the tõmun Crede. 54 
Arrianes. Heis adopted: whiche was 
not ſonne befoꝛe / lykewiſe as we / which 
bp nature are boꝛne the chyldꝛẽ of wꝛa⸗ 
the and diſpleaſure: by fapthe in Chat 
Jeſu are made thefounes of god. But 
Thiſte was eternally the ſonne of god / 
but after that he was conccpued bp the 
holy ahote: his blelled loule was forthe 
with created full of all heuenly grace. 
But all thoughe our Lorde was twies 
bozue / ones of his Father withouk 
tymc / and afoꝛe all tpme / aud agapn ot 
his mother a virgine in the tpine afore 
appoputed of god: pet are there not two 
ſonnes / but onelp one ſon / and not ano⸗ 
ther ſõuc:but the lame other wiſe borne. 
He was concepued of the ſubſtaunce of 
the birgine: that we Molde acknowled⸗ 
ge the verpte ofthe humane nature. 
But he was concepucd without mate 
nes woꝛke o2 helpe / by the holp gholtẽ / 
and that he was bone / his mothers 
birginite not violated oz appapꝛed / ib 
was the pꝛerogatyuc of dygupte. 
DSE. why is here added * Domi⸗ 
num noſtrü (that is to ſape) our loꝛde: 


——— alaanatt 

whp Chritke 
is called out 


Joan. 8. 

The expoſpcpon 
with this name Loꝛde / the holy Cerips 
tutes do oktentym s honoure hym / and 
namelp the leriptures of the newe teſta 
mente In that he was god of god: he 
was loꝛde ok all the woꝛld / and that not 
another fond2p loꝛde from the father / 
lpkewiſe as heis not a ſoudzy god from 
the father. But after a certaync ſpecpal 
and peculiar maner he is called the loꝛde 
ok the clecte and cholen / whom he bathe 
wonnc and delyuered from the dominmd 
of Satan and hathe made them to bps 
Ka people of acquiſition. x Aoꝛ who ſo 
cuer cõßmitteth lpnnethe makethe hpm— 
fclfe ſeruaunte o2 dondeman to ſpunc / a 
bp ſpnne Satan obtapuecth tyꝛannp. 
Therkoꝛc the (Fyinbole admoneſheth and 
tcacheth vs / that the domimon oz loꝛde⸗ 
hippe is tranſlated fra this motte cruell 
tpꝛaunte: vnto Jeſus Chait karre moſt 
gentle and merep full loꝛde. And by this 
title the ſeriptures ofthe newe teſtamtet 
do oftentpmes betoken and fignific the 
ſonuc of god: hewenge to whome they 
doo dedycate them ſelues Hole / whiche 
do recepue baptilme / and to whole com⸗ 
maundementes thep oughte akterwar— 
des to obap all theyꝛ lpfe tyme / without 
onp reliſtence oꝛ grudgpngc / and vnder 

of thecomnu Trede. 17 
whole defence and pꝛotection thep map 
be Cure & lpue quictlp without onp keare 
KF For nomäis able to take from hym 
onythpuge: that he polſelleth oꝛ bathe 
in his kepynge. DJS. The name ot a 
loꝛde / how is it agrepngeto TChꝛiſtc:as 
fouchpnge to his Dlupne nature: oz as 
touchpnge to his humapne nature: 02 
as touchynge to bothe natures LY A. 
Fozſoth as touchpuge to both natures 
but not after one mance. As touchpnge 
to bis diuine nature: he was loꝛde of all 
thynges / from the begpnnynge of the 
world / but as touchynge to the humap⸗ 
ne nature: whiche be toke vnto hym: he 
deſerued by deathe / and rebuke a2 dycho 
noure: to entre into gloꝛp. And ana 
me was geuen to hpm:whicheis aboue 
all names:that in the name of Jeſu cue 
ry knee Molde bowe it ſelfe:bothe of he⸗ 
uenly thynges / of cart help thpuges / € 
okthynges vuder eartb. DID, Js he 
than:as bets man:the lode ok Aungel⸗ 
les: MAS. pt verylp:and ofdcupls 
alſo. DJS. To whether ſubſtantine 
is this nowne adiectiue vnicum (.d eft) 
onelpꝛreferredrto the woꝛde filium loͤne 
that gocth before oꝛ els to the woꝛd Dos 

minum loꝛde that folowetbey eo 
| 18 

Joan. x. 

The erpoſpepon 

This adiectiue is lete doutfullp betwen 
bothe thole ſubſtaͤtiues: becauſe it map 
agree with bothe. Foꝛ as he eis the onlp 
ſaune by nature: fois he the onlp loꝛde 
of all thynges created. Howe be it pet / 
it is better to rekerte thys adiectiue to 
the woꝛde Filium / id ct lonne: becauſe 
this diſtinction dothe eurdenclp erpretle 
his diuine nature / whiche nature / in 
that he is begotten of the father / he 
hathe commune with the father. D 
whpis it nat than lapde. * In vnico fi⸗ 
lio eius / id eſt in hig onlp founes Foꝛ Co 
there Molde haue ben none ambiguite 
oꝛ doubte at all. M. It was moſte con 
ueniente / tbat the worde / whiche is ads 
bed becauſc of difference: holde be pus 
after. Foꝛ it he Molde haue lapde. Clits 
cum filium cius: it myghte haue ben fo 
taken and under ſtanded / that the name 
ofthe tonne of god / dyb agree o2 belong 
tononc/faue only tothat one man Bee 
ſus / but nowe / whan he addeth thys 
woꝛde / Unicum akterwardes: he dothe 
nat diuide the name filium / but he Hew 
cto a diſtincte and fond2p mance of ge⸗ 
neracion / that we ſholde vnderſtande 
the ſeconde perlon / whiche of god his 
kather is bone very god without * 

: 0 

ofthe commune Trede $6 

the ſelfe lame in tpme conueniente ok 
god appopnted / to haue ben Oerne of a. 
virginc / verp man of woman. Sapncte 
Auguſtine in hys lytle booke made ok 
pe Crxede / foꝛ one woꝛd putteth twapne / 
ſayinge. Et in Itſum Thiſtum fi⸗ 
lium eius vnigenitum vnicum dominũ 
noſttum / id ch. And in Jeſu Chuſte his 
only begotten fone our onlp loꝛde. But 
foꝛ as muche astt is nat euidente bp 
his declaration / whether hymlelfe dyd 
fo rede 02 nat:it is probable and lykelp / 
that the woꝛde vnigenitum / id eſt onlp 
begotten was added bp ſome man: 
whiche wente about to declare / why he 
had ſapde vnicum / id eſt onlp. for the 
fone of god is other whples in the lerip 
tures called pimogenitus i. the fpꝛſte 
begotten lönc / as tonchyng his nature 
humapnc:and vnigenit? / as touchyng 
to his diuine nattiuitc / as koꝛ exaumple 
in the. vnn. chapiter tothe Momancse 
Alt ſit ipſe pimogenitus in mul⸗ 
tis fratribus / id eſt. That he ſholde be 
the kpꝛſte begotten lonne among many 
bꝛot herne. And inthe {pre chapiter 
of Johan. Aidimus gloztam eius glo⸗ 
tiam quali vnigeniti a patre id eſt. we 
haue Cone the gloꝛp okit / as the glory = 


The expoſycyon 

the onelp begotten fonnc ofthe father. 

Alſo in the thyꝛde chapit oure. V Sie 
deus dilexit mundü: pt filium ſuum vun 
genitum darct (that is to lapc) & Bod 
dyd fo loue the woꝛlde: that he wolde ge 
uc his onclpe begotten lonne. As tou— 
chyng to his former gencration: neither 
is he our bꝛother: neither is he pe hepꝛc 
of god: neither hath be bꝛotherne / noz 
coinherptoutes As fouchpage his lats 
ter moze generation: he bath bothe bic 
therne and toinheritoures. DID, Js 
there no dpfference betwen vnicum / and 
vulgenitum( d ekt) onelp and onelp bez 
gotten: Md O. He map be called vars 
cus (id eſt)the onely ſonne: which alone 
is temapnpuge and lekte alpue of manp 
chyldꝛen / but a man ſholde not call hym 
arpahe vulgemtumed eſt)oncly begot⸗ 
teu ſonnce / howe be it the interpꝛetourcs 
ok the holpe fcripture doo tranflate this 
one greke worde monogenis:otherwhi⸗ 
les vnicum onclpiotherwhiles vnigem⸗ 
tum onclybegotten. As inthe. vu. cha⸗ 

pitoure of Luke: he is called e vidue fili⸗ 

us vnicus(that is to fap) the onelp fone 
of the widowe: whome the Cuangelifte 
called Monogent. And ptotokos (that 
is to ſap)pꝛimogcuitus the kyzſte begot 


of the commune rede, o 7 
ten lon:is other whpies calicd Onigents 
tus id eſt ye only begotten fon/ foꝛ thus 
ſpeketh Mathewe ſok the mother of Je 
ſu. V Peperit filium ſuum pumogeni- Math. t. 
tum. i. She bꝛoughte forthe her tyꝛſte Luce. i. 
begotten fon. Fo2 other whyles that Vow ue to 
thpugts called fyꝛſte / nat that gocth az eng on⸗ 
foꝛe other thynges: but whiche was nee grit is the 
uct befoze/as foꝛ cxaumple when we do kpꝛſte legotté 
ſape. This day is the fprfietpme/ that lon ot arp 
cuer Jſawe the emperoute it is well 
ſayde and arpghle:allthougb Jncuer 
ſe hym ag aync here akter. So lphewile 
he mape be called prmogenitus.tuthe 
fyꝛſte be gotten ſon: which is the fyꝛſte / 
that cuer his mother bꝛoughte forthe: 
althoughe (oe neuer do bꝛyng forth anp 
mo agapne after bpm, Fo; els thoſe 
thpnges / whiche the lawe dothe coms 
maunde to be donc / in / oꝛ about the 
kyꝛſt be gotten / ſholde nat haue ben to 
be perfourmed ¢ kulkylled / excepte there 
had folowed two chylde bearigces / foꝛ he 
is nat called pꝛimus.i. fyꝛſte:but which 
is the foꝛmoſte at the leaſte / of thꝛe. D. 
But if Thuſte / euen as touchyng to his 
humane nature alfo/ is the loꝛde of all 
thynges: how is it thã / that bets fapde 
to haue bꝛotherner M „ Albeit that 

Dole Thulte 

— —„V — — —— 

Johan. xv. 

Johan. xiii. 

The erpoſpcpon 
Chꝛtſt were nat the loꝛd of al lhynges / 
as touchpnge to hys humanc natute / 
ptt that natwithſlandynge he ſholde be 
called arpghte the loꝛde of all thynges / 
becauſe of the bute of bys hypoſtale oꝛ 
perlonage / contenynge oz compꝛehen⸗ 
dypnge in it ſelfe thꝛe ſubſtaunces: cues 
lpkewiſe / as it is well ſayde: that god 
Hathe ſuffred and hath died for vs. But 
here this woꝛde brother is nat a name 
betokenpngeequalite: but betokenynge 
lyͤcnes / kyndꝛed / and charpte. Alter 
the fame maner he vouchelaſted of His 
goodnes to call bys dilciples / nat fers 
unaunteg: but frendes / nat that he dpd 
trenountc or fozſake his tyghte and auc 
tozite / wbiche in another place he ace 
znowledgeth and taketh to hymlelke / 
whan be fapthe. KF Pou do call me 
mayſter and loꝛde / and pou fape well / 

ko in dede ſo am Jibut for theutenteto 

Johan. xiii. 

declare his excellente ci)arite and louc / 
which refuſethnothpng:ſo that it map 
do pꝛokighte. And what noueltp o2 mers 
uaple is it / ik he dyd vouchclafe fo call 
them bꝛotherne: towardes whome he 
dyd nat dildapne to plape the miniſter: 
The Jewes dyd cal all thole that were 
of thepꝛ owne nation / bꝛotherne: but 
ſpeciallp thepꝛ coſens oꝛ kynſmen / now 

bok the commune Crede. ogg 

wag cure lozde a Fewe borne of the 
JIcwes / which hyng the Euangeliſtes 
Maathue and Luke haue cuidentlp exe 
pꝛeſſed in the gencalogie of hym. But 
in very dede / all men are bꝛotherne eche 
one to other: bp the reaſon / that they ar 
all ot one and the fame natures whiche 
nature tam koꝛthe of one and the fame 
pꝛiogenitourcs:and in cuerp man is (uo 
dued and in daunger to lpke a 5 
and miſcrics / laue anlp in CThuſte J d 

ercepec ſynne / and what fo cuer is nue 
upugtofpune. D .Darginall(puneis 
nat propzclp aup fpnne. M. No bul 
yet it letteth oꝛ hindzeth the fulncs of 
gracc:whiche was in Chat as lapncte 
Johan witnelleth / but it inclincth a 
man to ſpunc: though it doth nat mouc 
and due a man perkightip tow. This 
thynge eis repugnauute fo the dignte 
of TChuſte. Foz it was nat conucnicute/ 
that he / whiche was tom to purge and 
cleuſe the woꝛlde From al ſynnce:cholde 
be any maner wape agreyng o2 in cly⸗ 
nyng to lynne. D. But to be hgric / 
to be thzuſty / to be werp / to be ãguiſhed / 
to lothe / to dye / all theſe are buddes of 
oꝛiginall ſpnnc:and pet they ate geucu 

fe Chꝛiſte in the ſcriptures. QI . 

29. li. There 

Math. l. 


Johan. t. 

Hectatum is 
takè in diuer 
Ce fignificaté 
ons / in the 

uu. Cozt. v. 

excepted:whiche either are not cöõuenikt 

| The crpolpcport : 
There is greate difference bet lve the na 
ture of man as it was kpꝛſt created: and 
the lame nature as it is after the fall of 
Adam. Adam afore that he dpd ſpnnc / 
was a very maͤ / and pet for all that was 
he free from theſe incödõmodities and mi⸗ 
ſeties / wherwith we all are now oppꝛel⸗ 
ſed: Conte of vs moꝛc / & Lome of vs lelle / 
peccatumſid eft) ſpune / in the keripture 
ig otherwhples called the paync / that ts 
due to lynnes / and otherwhiles it is tas 
ken koꝛ the latrikict / wherwith thep doo 
clenfe theyꝛ (prise and offence, And ther 
foꝛe it was layd tothe pꝛeſtes of the olde 
lawe. e Peccata populicömedetis(id 
ci) pou ſhall cate the lynnes of the peo⸗ 
ple / meanynge the lacrikices: which the 
people ſholde offre for theyꝛ ſynnes / and 
ſaynte Paule in the leconde epiſtle the 
v. chapitoure tothe Coꝛithiancs lapth 
um qui non nouerat peccatũ: pꝛo 
nobis peccatũ fecit. «pin that knewe 
no ſynne at al: bath he made to be lynnc 
foꝛ vs. Our loꝛde recepued and tooke on 
hymlelfe not oncly the verpte of maͤncs 
nature: but alſo the inc modities ck mits 
ſcries whiche don accompanpe the naz 
ture of man fallen / thoſe thynges onelp 


of the cümun rede. 79 
oꝛ agrepuge to the dignite of that perſo 
nc / which was both god and man: oꝛcls 

which doercludc(as Jlapde befozc)the 

fullueſſe of grace. Foꝛ neither bpd he res 
ceiue pꝛoclpupte or rebynes to do ſpune: 
uo neither yet fo much as power to ſyn⸗ 
ne: neither dpd he recepue o2 take vnto 
hym erroure oz ignoꝛaunce. And thoſe 
incõmodptes / whiche he dpd reccpue x 
take bpou hym: he foke them on hym / 
not of the necellite of naturc:but volun⸗ 
tarelp foꝛ our Cake/ to make ſatiſfaction 
fo2 our offences / to fuffce for that whi⸗ 
che we hadde treſpaled. DJS. whp 
dyd he chaunge the pꝛepolition here lap 
enge sede ſpititu ſancto / er Marta virgi 
ner MAS. The Bꝛehcs haue but one 
and the lame prcpofition ex in both pla 
ces: but the fignification of this pꝛepoſi 
tion is diuerbe. Allthynges are tx ipſo 
ct per ipſum( id eſt) ok hym / and bp Hy: 
as of thepꝛ authoure àbegynner. A pece 
oꝛ goblete is made ex auro(id eft of gol⸗ 
de: as ok the matter oꝛ tutte / ex arboꝛe 
nalcitur arboz( id eſt) of one tree comet) 
another tree: by propagation of kpnde. 
So er homine gignitur honro( id ett of 
à man is gendꝛed a man. DJS. why 
8 Lt here expꝛelle the holy ghoſte cue 
Io. Iii. pe: 


Thſderpſpepon | 
lpꝛſeyng that the hole trunte dpd Worke 
together / this wondzekull miſterie: An. 

Aute.i. Becauſe in the goſpell of Luc / the aun 
10 layde to the virgine. <> Spiritus 
aͤnctus ſupetucniet in the(id elt) The 
ak pale holy ghoſte ſhall come vpon the. Foz ofs 
to echo one of tentymes the (cripture dothe attribute 
the. iii.perlõs and geue to eche onc of the perſones / cer 
pial godhed tapne thynges as pꝛopꝛe toit: which foz 
chigen as pez All that are comune to all thꝛe / as for er 
culiare oz pꝛo aumple: whan it geucthe tothe fathers 
pꝛe / whiche eternite and almightines / to the lounc: 
koꝛ all that / wildomce: tothe holpe ghofte: charite 
axe e and goodnelc / aud whan the kather is 
all thze. ſaydſto haue made the woꝛld by his lon 
and to diſtribute and geuc his gifics bp 
the holy ghoͤſte. The ſymbole therkoꝛe / 
and Babꝛicl in this miſtery / hath erpl⸗ 

ſed the woꝛkypuge of the. in. perloncs. 
ute, i. The holp ghot(layly he)ſhal come 
1 vpon the / aud the power of the hygheſte 
all ouerſhadowe the / whan thou hea⸗ 
reſt ſpeale of the higheſt:thou vndeſton 
deſt and percepueſt the father to be pꝛe⸗ 
fente / as the fountapne € authoure/ as 
of whomc the ſoue is ſente with the bas 
ly ghoſſ / whan thou hearſt theſe woꝛdes 
& birtus altiſſimt / the vertue oꝛ power 
ol ye higbeſt: thou vnderſtõ deſt ye lonc / 


ofthe tömun rede, 60 
whiche onely tone vpon hym maͤnes na 
nature, Foꝛ ncther the father / neither 
the holy ghoſte dyd take our nature and 
become man. Foꝛ the holy gboſt is coue 
niently lapd to come vpon / oꝛ as it is in 
the latyne lupuenire / that all the world 
Ip cogitation of man Molde be excluded: 
which wha tt bereth the worde o2 name 
of cõception o2 birthe:doth imagine the 
ſede of man receiuctin the wombe of a 
woman / oꝛ whã it is tolde and warned / 
that a ma was boꝛue of a birgine: doth 
dꝛeamt and imagpnc alfa ſome fowler 
thynge than theſe / conſyderpug and rec 
kenpnge what thynges are ſpꝛed abꝛo 
de bp menncs tales of certayne woman 
whiche are repoꝛted aud lapde to haue 
conccpued chylde bp (cbe of man that 
bath ben lwymmynge in the bath / and 
of Alares contepupnge by ofthe wynde 
and ok kendes oꝛ wicked ſpꝛetes that ha 
ue gotten women with chylde. Jpaſle 
ouer here the fapned tales of poetes/ bp 
whiche the gentiles oꝛ hethen peoples 
were pluaded ¢ bꝛoughte in beleffe / that 
of goddes € womẽ / x of goddelles a men / 
were géd2cd r bꝛoughtlozth heroes The 
euàgeliſt therfoꝛe to exclud al hel porte 
cane imaginatiös / doth ꝓtelle / p* there 

H. uni. wag 

The expoſpepon 
was here in ſtede of a hulbonde / the hes 
uculp father: which after a certapue ma 
ner dothe begette his lonne agapnc he 
pꝛofellcth thatthe begpunpuge of this 
chylde was not of a deuplle oz wicked 
ſpꝛitc / that hadde medled oz hadderto 
do with the mother: neither of onp illu⸗ 
fion of wicked lpꝛite: but of the holpe 
ghoſte. And that it ig cucn thus = none 
other wiſle:the very tenoure and pꝛoceſle 
Aute. i. of the Euangelpſtes woꝛdes doth decla 
te opculp / whã vntothe birgine bepnge 
diſmapd z indowt at the mention made 
Of concepuynge and bearpnge chpldce / & 
demaundpnge hob and after what mas 
ner this thinge Molde be donc:t he aͤun⸗ 
gell cafpnge her mpnde of Chis lcrupule 
oꝛ dowte / made aunſ were in this wiſe. 
** Thc holy ghoſte thall come vpon the. 
DJS. why doth the fpmbole oꝛ Lrede 
cxpꝛeſſe the virgines name r MAG. 
Foꝛ the more fapth and credence of the 
hiſtoꝛp. So lykewile and loꝛ the lame cõ 
ideration dyd eit expꝛelle the name of 
Sclu Chaiſtc / ſo dyd it expꝛelle the name 
and ſyꝛnamce of the deputp ek ruler under 
théperourc: Ponce Pilate. And foz the 
fame purpofe dpd Luke here diligentlp 
1 oe the names / okthe 08 


ok the cõmun Trede. Gt 
god / that ſente the aligett/ofthe aligelis 
that was leute of embaſlage / of the regt 
on / of the cite / of the hulbãde / or the tribe 
oz kyudꝛed:and of the virginc: whan he 
lapyde thelc woꝛdes. D And in the ſixte 
moneth / the aungell Gabꝛiell was ſent 
from god / vnto a citie of Gallilc / whiche 
was named MNalarcth j to a virginc bes 
inge ſpouſed to a mã / whole name was 
Joſeph / of the howſe of Daud, And the 
virgins name was Maric. Tboſe men 
do not make narration after this kozme 
and maner: whiche do kapne lpes / & are 
afraped to be elpied & percepued. Clare 
inſpired with the holy ghoſte / in olde ty 
me pꝛophecied in this wiſe. V Webold 
& virgine Hal concepue and bꝛpng forth 
à ſonne / and his name hall be called E⸗ 
manuel / whiche by interpꝛetation is as 
muche to ſaye / as god with vs, That 
birgine / the Euangelliſte inſpired with 
the ſame ghoſte:doth here ſhew vnto vs 
as it were with a fynger. And the aügel 
as it were expoundpnge and declarpng 
the pꝛophecie of Clare: ſapde. And 
that holp thpnge whiche ſhall be bone 
of the Hal be called pe fon of god. This 
is that Marp / at whole name / al ye foul 
les ol good men are recreated / chered / = 
: 70. b. tom 

Luce. t. 

Elaie. vii. 
Math .i. 

Luce. fl 

The trpoſpepon | 
comloꝛted / whã we do here Eue named: 
we do ware mwardlp ſoꝛowfull / and do 
mourne: whan we do here the name of 
Marte / we do plucke vp our hartes / and 
arelifte bp into good hope. By Euc / we 
ate borne the chyldꝛen of wrath and diſ⸗ 
pleafure: by Matic we are bozne ugapn 
the chyldꝛen of grate and fauoure. J. 
Scholde hebe accompted and taken koz 

Ot the perpe an hetetine: whiche wolde belcuc / tbat 
tual virgini⸗ Marie the virgine after the bpꝛthe of 
te ot᷑ our biel Chꝛiſte hadde brought forth other chyl 

ſed lady. 

dꝛen by her huſbander AdG. pe veri⸗ 
lpnot onclpe for un heretike: but fora 
blaſphemouſe perfon alſo. DIS, And 
yet they ſap / that this thynge is not ex⸗ 
pꝛeſled in the holy lcripture. AA. 

That is verp trouth / but thoughe it be 
not erpꝛeſſed: pet is it cupdently gathes 
red and concluded of holy ſcripturc / and 
that it holde be otherwise: es mauikeſtly 
repugnaunte to the dpgnpte bothe of 
the lonne / and ok the mother. Finally 
the catholpke church hath with fo great 
ronſente beleued / taughte / x faſtly affyꝛ⸗ 
med it / from the begpunynge of the gol⸗ 
pell / euen vntyllthis dap: that it ought 
no whitte leſle to be beleued / than pF it 
were expꝛelled ty pe holp lcriptures. D. 

ä 7 IJlonge 

ofthe cdmun Trede. 62 
J longe to here the ſctiptutes. Aq. The 
pꝛophete Ezechiel dpd ſignikie the perpe 
tual integrite of the virgine bp a darcke 
pꝛophecic. e uowhan he bepnuge 
tourned towardes the wap ofthe gate 
ofthe vttermoꝛe lanctuarp / which gate 
loked to warde the Caſte / herde the lame 
ſpirite / which dpd conlecrat the chahite 
of Al arp / lapeng thele Words vnlo hym 
This gate ſhall beſhitte / & hall not be 
opened / and no mau Mal paſſe t haugh it 
koꝛ the loꝛde god o Jlracll hath entered 
in by it e it ſhall be hitte to the prince. « 
Dpd not the pꝛophet in thele woꝛdes ve 
ty pꝛopꝛerly c aptelp enough delerpbe k 
paintekoꝛth the lacred wombe ok the vir 
ginc:out of whiche wombce / that laue of 
tigh tuolues hathe rilen to vs v whiche 
Doth lighté euerp man that comelh into 
this woꝛde : of whiche ſon zacharic allo 
lap th in the goſpell of Luke / he bathe 
viſited vs / ſpꝛpugpugt oz riſpuge from 
an high to geue lyghte vuto them whi⸗ 
che ſitte in darknes a in the hadowe of 
death. This gate was ſhitte afore the 
tyme ok her deliueraũce of chyld / t was 
ſhttte in the tyme of dellueraũce / & it cos 
tynued allo ſtille hitte after the tyme ol 
ber delpuerãcc / it was open onely tothe 

pince Chiſte: whiche by his entrenge 

Eʒech. xlilit. 



: The expoſpepon 
tu / dyd lauctilie it / and bp his gopnge 

. . dul dpd conſecrate it / foꝛ it dyd not loke 

but onclp towazdz the caſte / fröwhence 

the moſte pure lonue dothe vpꝛiſe / that 
ſonne(Jmeanc ) which ucuer ſetteth o2 

gocth downuc / and which reneweth and 

chereth all thynges. At lohed to the 

wap ok the outward lanctuare: for this 

nat iuite was without the cOmune mas 

ner ok natiuites of men: hauing no whit 

of humane concupilcence o2 lutte meug 

led oꝛ iopued vnto it. Finallp whau whe 

Luce. t. herlelke ſpeketh thus to the aungell Y 
quia vitrũ no cognoſco.i. for J know no 
man:ſheſheweth plainely her perpetual 

purpoſe of virginite. DIO, But ſeyng 

that wedlocke is an bouorable thynge 

ok it ſelfe / aud that company of man and 

Wyfe together is without blame oꝛ (pn: 

what indignite oz vnwoꝛthines Molde it 

haue ben / pfthe lozde hadde ben borne 

alld et maner / a other ed Oe: 

ere boꝛne / and as Johan Baptiſt was 

Wolde Ale boꝛnc / which was moꝛe excellẽt than al 
begotten bes prophecies 2 A. In dede wedlacke 
twen man ts an honourable thyngc / pk it be chaſte 
woman / as ly kepte / but ppctuall virginiteis a fars 
e re more honourable thynge / yfit be ſo / 
f that it be wylkullp take/ x for the loue of 
2 godip⸗ 

ok the cõmun Trede. 6 3 
godlypnes and vertuc / thꝛough tyncupi⸗ 
ſcence without whiche man is not con⸗ 
cciued. The contagion c intection of oꝛʒi 
ginal ſynne gocth from one to another. 
But more than aũgclicall purite dyd be 
ſeme this heuenlp chyldebpzthe. Jpꝛap 
the tell me now / pf ony man dpd toͤurne 
ateple made of ſtonc / after it hadde ben 
ones halowed and lacred to god bps 
moꝛtal byſhop / ito aſhowemakerg Hope 
wolde not all men crye out / that it were 
ſhamcfullp and vnactozdpuglpdonr 
DFID. pes verplp/ and they wolhe alſo 
oucrwhelme hym with ſtones. IAS. 
Aud yet is not the ſhowemahkers cratte 
ony filthp occupation. And pf ond man 
wolde put a vellell / that hadde ben cons 
ſccrated and dedpeated to baptilme: 02 
holp oyle / oꝛ to other holp vles / vnto pro 
phane vſes of the kechen: Molde it not 
leme an intolerable contumelp and del⸗ 
piter DJS. pes dowtles. MA. Aud 
yet is there no faughte oꝛ ſynne in the 
cokes crakte. D. It is trouth. M. what 
is thã to be ſayde of the moſt lacred € ho 
ly téple of pe bleſſed virgines bodyrwhl 
che not euery maner biſhop hath dedica 
ted with bodilp oyle: but the holy ghoſt 
bymfelfe bath cõlecrated it wi heuenlp 

ae anopu⸗ 

— Kheerpolpepor 

that diuine chylde reſted fo manpe mo⸗ 
nethes / asin abzp̃echaumbzeun whi⸗ 
che alſo / as in a woꝛkehowſc / the hole 
trinite dpd woꝛke and kiniche that imiſte 
xp / Bhiche is to be Honoured & worships 
ped cuen ok the aungelpcall mpndes : 

SOholde it not ſeme a verpe vnmete and 
vnſemeip thpnge: pt it had ben open / J 
wyll not lap to man: but euen to an aun 

gell D. pes J percepue it very plapnu⸗ 


why Chziſte 
wolde be 
bone of a vit 
gine bepnge 
maryed to an 


ip. M. Now relicn zcöſidze this wl typ 
lelte / whether we ſholde rather geue cre⸗ 
dece to the church / ſo cofcutig & agreing 
to gether: oꝛels to the JIcwes bepuge 
not onclpe in this popnte madde / oꝛels 
to vile aud vnlerncd Heluidins / Whole 
crroute taken of the ſcriptures mpſun⸗ 
derſtonded / is lo maͤnikeſte:that ſcalclp 
he hathe ko wude ony difciples of his ers 
rourc / and alſo of the olde doctoures ot 
the churcd haͤth ben ſcalelp iudged wor 
thp os confutattonr DJS. I ce and 
percepuc / how greatly perpetuall virgi⸗ 
nite dyd beſeme that byꝛthe. But why 
wolde the loꝛd be boꝛne ol a marped wo 
manr MA. It was pꝛouided by that 
mcanc / foꝛ the ionge virgine / that he 
holde haue a keper / an intẽder / a noury 
cher / and a miniſter: without ony pie 


ofthe cõmun Trede. 6 4. 
ſter luſppytion of the wycked and myſde⸗ 
mynge cõmun people / and alſo that he 
olde haue her ſpouſe and hulbande a 
waightie and ſubſtancpall wptnellc ok 
her virginite / it was lemely and conue⸗ 
nient / that ſuche avirgine as he was: 
ſholde be in moſte highe and perfpghte 
tranquillpte and qupetnes / and it was 
conuenient and metc / that the mother 
of god ſhulde be not onclp pure krom all 
ſynne: but it was allo accozdpnge that 
ſhe ſhold be not ſo much as touched onpe 
whitte with the falle tales of men. Foz 
{je onelp is excellently chaſte:of whome 
the fame is aſchamed to ſpeake cupll. 
And therkoꝛe this myſterp was hydde e 
keptt ſecrete a longe ſeaſon. Foꝛ il is lp⸗ 
kcly / that Marie and Fofephe dpd kepe 
theſe miſteries in thepꝛ hertc:vntpll ſu⸗ 
che tyme yt after the ſeudyng of ye holy 
ghoſt trõ heuen / the goſpell dpd ſpꝛeade 
abꝛode his lyghte thaugh out the hole 
woꝛlde. Conſidꝛe therfore now how ma 
uy thpnas we haue learned by this arti⸗ 
cle cõpꝛeheded in few woꝛdes fyꝛſte that 
sue Chꝛiſte is verp god of god / ei the 
ame to haue ben boꝛne very ma of a wo 
mau a virgine / without pe helpe oꝛ woꝛ 
kynge of man. Wut bp the e 

Zhe caules 
ok Chziſtes 
tcompng into 
the woꝛlde. 

amolat en⸗ 

The expoſpepon 
diuint ſpirite. And that he hathe come 
in to this woꝛlde nat only to redeme the 
Wworldesbut allo to teache and inſtructe 
vs with moſte full auctoꝛzite / x to kendle 
ecuflame vs with diuerſe argumẽtes / 
vuto the loue ofthe heueuly lpfe. Mow 
conlidꝛe me / J pꝛape the howe manp 
hozrible hereſies x ertoures the lpghte 
ofthis berite bathe dziuen away / ptis 
verp loꝛe agapnſt my wyl to rcherce the 
deteſtable and abominable blaſphemes / 
wich tye vnhappp names of the au⸗ 
thoures of them:but pet thys thynge 
(hal profpghte and healpe wel hercunto 
that we map bothe moꝛc kaſtly hold and 
kept our belede: and alſo geue thankes 
the moze abundantly fo god / whiche 
hathe vauchefaucdto open and (ewe 
fo greatte lpghte vnto vs. That manp 
dyd erte and holde wꝛonge opinions as 
boute his diuine nattuite of his father: 
it is leffe ko be ineruapled. But it is a 
popnte of more madneſle / that his bus 
inane natiuite which bathe ben proucd 
and declared by fo many and fo cuident 
argumentes / hathe ben aſſailed with fo 
manp monſtres of opinions / Tarpocra 
tes / Cetintpus Ebion / p aulus Samo 
latenſis / and Photine in name but 
5 Scotine 

bkthe commune Crede 6 
‘cotine in verp dede / do graunte/ that 
Chiſt was a verp man. But thep ſape / 
tbat he was a pure e a mere man / bozne 
betwene man and woman / alter the 
maner ok other men. albeit he had the 
fouic of a pꝛophete. Theſe men do mus 
tilate and mapme the perfone of hk 
of moze than the once halffe. The lame 
men do faye that Chziſteůis called the 
fon of god / but by free adoption: lpke⸗ 
wife as other good vertuole men are 
And that he was nat at all: afozc that 
he was boꝛne ok the virgine. Theſe hes 
retikes / ſapnete Johan cuägclitte dothe 
openlp reelle and cöfute / pronouncpng 
a * That the ſelfe lame woꝛde / Johan. t. 
hich in the begynnyng was with god 
and was god: to be made fleſhe. And in 
the lame cuangceliſte our lore hymſelte 
ſpcaketh openly in this Wyle se Afore Johan, vite, 
y; Abꝛaham was made: J am. Agapune 
Paule in the. ix chapiter tothe wos... 
mapnes fapthe.<G DE whome CThꝛiſte Roma. ix. 
tam as touchyng his body: whiche is 
god ouer all thpuges/ bleſſed for euer | 
moꝛe. either are the Manicheis anp Manicheis. 
whitte leſſe madde / than theſe afore ree 
herced / which do gyue vnto Chik fons 
parte of the diuine nature: but they do 
Ale. ſtiſfly 


The erxpolpcpon 
ſtykly alfpꝛme / that he toke vpon hym 
mannes bodp / nat a very bodp in deve: 
but only a phantaſticall bodp / lpkewiſe 
as we do rede / that aungels and fendes 
haue otherwhiles apered i bodilyſchape 
and lpkeneſſe vuto men. Thele perſons 
do make Thꝛiſtc atugicre oz a trogeter 
and a wonderkull decciuer of men. But 
a phaͤntalme is nat borne of a woman. 
Necyther can aphantaſme oz ſpitite do 
thole thynges: whiche gur loꝛde dyd lo 
manp peres (pace throughout all pps 
lpfe tymt / eatpng / dꝛynkpug / ſlepynge / 
warpng werp / hungrieng / thurſtynge / 
fpeakpng / bepng conuctfaunte among 
men at none dapes / geupnge bpmfclfe 
tobe touched and handled / to be cruci⸗ 
lied / a ſlapne. He hymlelſe alſo layde to 
his diſcitples in the laſte chapiter ok 
Lukewhä thep were aſtonied c abaths 
ed / becauſe thep thought that they had 
ſcue a ſpitite oꝛ a ghoſte. <> wherkoꝛe 
are pou troubledeſapthe he) and why do 
thoughtes and muſpuges aſcende into 
pour hertes: Bcholde mp handes and 
mp fete:for it is ceuen mpue owne lelke. 
Handle inc / k ſe / foꝛ a ſpirite hathe ney⸗ 
ther fleſhe / ne bones / ſo as you do ſe that 
3 haue. Mexte alter theſe om Was 

or the tommunt Crede 6 

lentine the framer z foꝛger of woꝛldes / 

whiche imagined / Chꝛiſte nat to haue 

ben gendzed of the ſubſtaũce of the vir⸗ 

ginc:but to haue bzoughte with hym a 

ccleſttall body from heuen / oꝛels (which; 

thyng madde Appelles tothe wene cats, gypetteg, 

ther to be true) a body taken ot the ele-. 

mentes / in the apr; and fo to haue pals: 

ſed thꝛugh the body ofthe virginc / lpke. 

wplc as liquoure and lpghte pallethe 

through a pppe of lede / oꝛthꝛoughe a 

ctranch oz hole. But this is nat pꝛoprelp 

to be borne: but to palſe thꝛoughe / foꝛ 

neyther dothe the cranel oz hole gendꝛe 

oꝛ bipnge forthe the ſonne bealme: but 

the lonne itſelfe / nepther dothe he pype. 

gendꝛe the liguourt: but the fountapne. 

oꝛ ſpꝛynge dothe tt Wut whan pdraule. 

the apoſtle fapthe vnto the Komapnes 

theſe woꝛdes. x Qui kactus eſt cx ſemi⸗ No. i. 

ne Dawid ſecundum carnem. t whiche 

as touchyng fithe was made ofthe lede 

of Dauid / and in then chapiter tothe | 

Halahancs Ajrtit deus filium ſuum Sala. tilt. 

factum ex mulicre.1i. God ſente his fon 

made oꝛ gendꝛed pf a woman. Wy theſe 

woꝛdes he dothe opentp pꝛokeſſe / that 

Chꝛiſte dyd take the ſubſtaunce of his 

bod / ol pe ſubſtaũce of e virgins bodys, - 
J. u. Ney⸗ 



i The ſexpoſpepon 
Neither euery thpnge/ whiche onp nas 
ner way is bꝛedde oz gendꝛed OF mantis 
koꝛthwith a matn( for els lyfe Molde be 
called men) But that thynge/whiehe is 
concepued in the mattice oz wombe ok 
a woman / ok the very ſubſtaũce of man: 
and in due and lawkulle tyme is bozne e 
bꝛoughte forth by naturall membres in 
all markes and tokcus lyke a man / and 
whiche is called a ſonne / that thynge 
bverplpis a man. Mertetometh Arrius 
by foo muche the moze wietched and 
madde in oppnpon / by howe muche he 
dothe moꝛe fubtelp & craftilp geue onto 
Chirk the bodp of a man / a taketh from 
hym the ſowle of man / lapnge that the 
godhed was in ede of ſoulc / ſoo that in 
hut after his opinion there were but 
two natures / that is to witte the bodpe 
of man / and verbum( d ef ) the woꝛde / 
whiche ſame woꝛde for all that / Arrius 
willeth to be a creature /in dede more ex 
cellent than all other creatures: but pet 

d creature. But with what face do thep 

confeſſe æ graut hym to be a man: from 
whome they doo take awape the better 
parte of many F oꝛ who doth not know 
that man is made ot. u. ſoparable ſubſtã 

cts / that is to witte of the body as ol the 


ofthe cömun Trede. 8 7 
materiall ſubſtaũce / and of the loule as 
ok the kourme r wherkoze pk any ſptrite 
Doth moue the bodp of a deade man: no 
man wyll calle it a man / that he leeth: 
but a wondꝛe oꝛ monſtre. But lepnge pt 
our loꝛde hymlelfe in fo manp places of 
ſcripture doth mate méͤtiou ok his koule 
and doth call hymſelfe the fonne of man 
as whan he ſapth. L/ Mp ſoule is heuy 

Mat. ex bi. 

cuen vnto the death. And whä he ſapthl / 

c Father into thy handes J do tömen⸗ 
de inp ſoule. And / A oman doth tale 
mp ſoule oꝛ lyfe fcom me: but J do lape 
it krõ inc / pou do ſeche to fice me bepnge 
a man whiche haue ſpoken the trouthe 
vnto pou. And (epnge that Paule wit⸗ 
neſleth the lame ſapinge. The media⸗ 
toure betwen god e men ſthe man Chat⸗ 
ſte Jeſus: pt they do qcue credece tothe 
ſcriptures: how oꝛ with what kace dare 
they deny that thynge / whiche the ſcrip 
tures donc ſo manpkeltlp expꝛelle æ pros 
nuncer pk they do not belcuc the leriptu 
res: howe map they for ſhame delpꝛe to 
be accompted z taken for Charité men ¢ 
pk they wolde leme to be philoſophers: 
who euer ones dꝛeamed that / yt thpuge 
myghte be called a man whiche lacketh 

the kourme of man whiche kourme (1 
1 J. ui. meaue 

Luce. xxiit. 
Johan. x. 

i. Timot.ii. 

The expolpcpon 

meant the ſoule)whaͤ it is pꝛelente / cau⸗ 
lcth one to be a maͤ/ e whaͤ it gocth awap 
cauſed that thyngc / whiche was before 
a mau / than to leſe the name of a man. 
Thole men / whiche haue fo wondzekull 
madde opintons: they ſtonde in daunger 
them ſelues (and not uvnwoꝛthply) leſte 
they map ſeme not to be meu. Mcither 

. Bpolling was the opinion / whrche Apollinarius 
tis, dꝛemed muche wiſer than theſe akozere 
herced / whiche dothe fuffre a ſoule to be 
geuen to Chnſte:but ſo / that he dothe 
take {rd pè fapd ſoule / he mpnd oꝛ vnder 
ſtondpnge / for in quicke plantes there 
is accetapuelpfe:fo2 els they Molde not 
growe / neither Molde they cls be ſapde 
to dyc: han they do widder o2 dꝛye vp. 
And in bꝛute beaſtes alſo there is a lpfe 
and. foutesfor cis they Hold haue no fea⸗ 
lynge o2 perccpupug. But mpnde 02 rea 

ſon and onderſtondpuge / amongeallen 

ſyble creatures / is onely to man. This 
mpnde is the prncppall power ok the 
ſoulc / bp whiche it dothe dplcerne and 
iudge euety thynge from other / bp whi⸗ 
che it dothe iopne op knytte together / oꝛ 
els diuide and departe thpngs in londꝛe: 
and by whiche it gathereth oz conclu⸗ 
deth one thynge of another / by argume 


ofthe commun Trede. 68 
tation aud realonpuge. But Holve map 
thep fo2 ſhame pꝛokelle Chziſte to bea 
man: whiche do take awape froin hym 
that thynge / by whiche man dothe chefs 
lpe and pzincipallpe dpffre from other 
beaſtes r DJS. Dyd than the mpnde 
ol Chꝛiſtc / by reaſonpnge / okthynges 
knowne gather and conclude / fuche 
thynges / as were vnknowue to hyme 
NN. There was nothpnge vnknow⸗ 
netto Chuſte / and pet as concernpuge 
the condition and ſtate of nature:he had 
de a reaſonable ſoulc. Foꝛ not aungelles 
neither / do underſtonde by reaſonyngce / 
fo as we do / nether Gall we our felffes 
vnderſtonde m the general relurrection 
fo as we do nowe. But perfection added 
to nature / Doth not take awape the ve⸗ 
ryte of nature( Foꝛ els the bodpes gloꝛy 
fped ſholde be no bodies) And pet is it 
none herelyc oꝛ erroure to ſaye / that the 
foule of Chuſte begannt to know cers 
tapne thynges / whiche by the pꝛeſence 
of the godhede it dyd afore perkoghtelpe 
et and percepue. # ſape begane to kuo⸗ 
we the ſame thynges other wiſe / akter 
the maner of men / not koꝛ that he knew 
| ther m not beloze . But becauſe the, 
Fit. = Maney 


Johan. i. 


Johan. i. 

The erpoſpepon 
maner of his knowynge nov / was fone 
Dep and diuerſe from the maner ok his 
khnowpuge before. & He had ſcen as 
thauael / whau he was under the Figge 
trec / becauſe he dyd knowe it more cers 
tapnlp / ban we do thoſe thynges / whi⸗ 
cic We do (ce with our pes. But after⸗ 
wardes whan he law hym with his bos 
dply cyts / in dede he Opd not learne onp 
newethypng / whiche he knew not bekoze 
but he lawe other wie / the fame thynge 
that he hadde fence before. Apollinarius 
addeth another madde oppupon / that 
the woꝛde dyd not take vntoit flefhe oz 
bodp but that ſomewhat of the worde 
was tournecb into fleſhe / mylunderſton⸗ 

Dpuge the woꝛdes of ſapncte Johan. x 

Et betbum caro factũ eſt(id eſt)and 
the woꝛde was made fleſhe / that is to fap 

_affer his kalle interpꝛetatton / the woꝛde 

was chaunged into fiche: lpkewyle as 
the aper condenlated and made thycke 
oꝛ groſic / is tourned into water / and as 
the water rarpfied / and made fyne and 
ſubtyle / is tkourned into aper. But a 
man is not made ok a countecfapte woꝛ 
de kourned into au humapue bodpe: but 
man is made of a reaſonable ſoule and 
a moꝛtall body. yl by the woꝛde th ve 

oe „ vonder 




ok the comun Trede. 69 
vnderſtonde the foune of god:god as he 
is made or nothynge: loo can he not be 
tourned into onpthynge / noꝛ ony thpus 
ge into it / pf we wyll ſpeke pꝛopꝛely. — 
Aud pf philolophers do denp/ that tiere 
mape be tourncd into water which are 
both creatures: how much more agapn 
Teall reaſou is it / a thynge intreated to 
be tourned into athynge created: But 
pon wyll Cape thep make the worde a 
creaturc:bul a moze excellente creature 
than all aungelles. But pet cuen betwe 
ann aungell and the body ok man there 
is moꝛe dyfferente: than is detwen (par 
and water. But this erroure concepued 
folphelp of the cuãgelpſtes woꝛdes: the 
woꝛdes immediately kolowpnge do tes Johan. 
felle and conkute. Et habitauit in 8 
nobis(that is to ſap) and he bathe dwel 
led amonge vs., Foꝛ that thynge is not 
lapde to be conuerlaunte in bodp / Whi⸗ 
che is tranſfoꝛmed into body. But the 
bodpis welle arpghte called the dwel⸗ 
lyuge place ok the loule. And man is 
well and aryghte called the temple of 
god. And nowhitte wiler is the errone⸗ Cutpehes in 
oufe opimon ot falſenamed Eutyches / grebe is as 
whiche dyd putte in Chꝛiſte to be but 1 805 to fap 
onely one nature / compoſt and made of happie / 

whiche is no 
wightc name: 
for that vn⸗ 

bappp i wet 
shed heretike 

The expoſpcpon 
diuine and humane nature bothe to ge⸗ 
ther. yk he hadde fapde/ that one ſyngu 
late perſone hadde ben vned of two na⸗ 
tures/ and that cuen one perſone tudinal 
duale(as the terme oklogicions is) ſome 
what he hadde beu to be herde and bele 
ued / loꝛ it is certapue and vndowted / 
that there was in Chuſte / two oꝛ alfo 
thꝛe londꝛpe naturcs aud diſtincte eche 
of them krom other. Man is compoſte 
and made ok a loule and abodpe. Wut 
the diuine nature / becauſe it is motte 

ſyngle: it rekuſeth all names oꝛ woꝛdes 



ok compoſition. It vned oꝛ dpd knytteit 
lelfe into one hypoſtale oz perſonc / bp 
the meanes of the loulc / bepnge iopned: 
and cleuynge to the bodpe / but it was 
not conkuled oz mengled into the Caine 
nature. Meſtonus whiles he dothe dylp 
gentlp elchewe this lymehplle:he felle 
into the colekplne / pꝛokellynge in Chu⸗ 
{te to be two perfighte natures / the nas 
ture of god / and the nature of man: but 
he maketh than as manpe perſones / de 
nyenge the woꝛde to haue ben vned and 
knptte to man into one perſonc:but one 

lp to baue inhabited mã by grace / wher 


ok the chinun Creve, 70 
fore he gatheteth and concludeth / that 
in one Thziſte there is one perſone of 
man / and another perfor of god) and p 
Matic is not well called the mother of 
god / but onely the mother ok man: all 
be it that the anngell in Lukes Solpel guee. t. 
dothe laye to the virg ine. 

For that holye thynge / whiche Halt 
be boꝛne ok the: qhall be called the ſonne 
Of god. * forthe vnite ofthe perfonas 
ge / cauſeth / yt by a certapne idiomatũ.i. 
communmtone of proprtetes of ſpcakpn⸗ 
ge / euen thoſe thpuges / whiche do nob 
agrec but onelp vnto the humane natu: 
re: mape alſo be lapde arpghte of god: 
but onelp in the vopces concrete. 

Bod was borne of a virginc / but not 
the godhed. G Bod luffted / bul not 
the godhede / and Manis god / but not 
the Nature of man is the godhed. 
But becauſe there is none ende of errou 
rcs; J wyll make an ende of this reher⸗ 
fall / and Jkeare / leſte J haue allrcdpe 
made the werpe with rehercpnge loo 
manpe crtoures. DJS CJ PI. E. 
Uerplye J haue pitie on thele heritikes 
* Dowe beit pet there madnes hathe 
Doone me good: bp reaſon of it 

: The expolptpon 
(tis cauſed / that bothe J do more clere⸗ 
Ip pertepue and ſee the trouthe / and allo 
do moꝛec faſtly beleue it. M AG. The 
heretikes are wozthp no thake herckoze 
but god is verp greatlye to be thanked / 
whole goodues Hath tourned the maly 
ce and wickedues of other men / Onto 
his ſeruauntes / in to the lucre and en⸗ 
creace of godlynelle. DJS. why ts not 
than the fpmbole oꝛ Crede made in the 

ſpnode holden at Conſtantinople / cous 

tented to ſape natnus er Maria virgi⸗ 
ne (id eſt) boꝛne of the virgine Matie / 
hut addeth e et homo factus eſt(that is 
to ſap)and was made manr MA. 
Foꝛ they which wold diſpute onpethyn⸗ 
ge ſubtply of Chiiſte / allthough they be 
Holden with diuerſe z londzp ercourcs: 
pet in this one thynge they do al agrec / 
that they do deny hym to be man / in as 
muche as they do take from hym Come 
thynge / whiche pk we haue noi: none of 
vs Molde be called truely a beep man. 

Therekoꝛe is this erpꝛeſſed. x Et homo 
lactus eſt( that is to ſape) And he was 
made man: that no man ſholde come to 
baptifine bcpnge infected with the pops 
fon of them. Foꝛels what man is ſo far 
re without cõmune iudgemẽte and 


ofthe comun Creve. 77 
lon / tbat whan he hereth lape / that the 
two Gꝛacches were boꝛne of Coꝛnelia: 
wyll affie the qucſtion / whether the two 
Bꝛacches were men: DAH, whereot 
come it than / that thele men were foo 
meruaplouſlp blynder MAG. Uerplp 
becauſe they had leuer make ſerche and 
diſpute of the diuine matters / than (pus 
plelp to beleue thé. The ſlctipture lapth: 
that we ſhal e haue none underſtondpu 
ge oꝛ percepupnge / excepte we wyll bele 
ue. But thep wold percepue and vnder⸗ 
ſtonde by the pꝛowde philoſophie of the 

wonꝛlde / afore that thep wolde beleue. 
Bette here therfore be the ende ot 
this cõmunicattion / that after 
thou hatte recorded theſe 
thynges with thy ſelte 
in thp mpnde and 
haſte geuen thankes to 
the diuine ſpirit: thou 
mapſte rctourne 
the more chercfull 
and luſtp / to learne 
the reſidue that 
is behynde. 


ye etpolicpot 
The kourth in ſtruction. 

et ye Se Gui Co OLnttn 
0 fy BS N under Ponce ptlate : was 
0 K ecrucified de ade x buried. . 
1 Key Thole men / that geuc vuto 

. „ Thuſte an imagmarpe and 
phantalticall bodp: the lame men do 
lat / that all ſuche thynges as it is red 
that Chziſte dpd ſutfte in hys humane 
nature / he dyd nat ſuſkre them in verp 
Ded: but onlp phantaſticallp and appa⸗ 
rently. But we / whiche taughte by god 
do belcuc / that he was a verp man: do 
alſo belcue / that he did ſuſtre verilp and 
mater in dede / both in mynd kz in bodp / 
and that he was verilp crucified / deadc / 
and buried. The deathe ok a naturall 
man is the ſeparation of the loule from 
the bodp / whiche leparation whan it is 
ones made:all we do knowe / what mas 
ner athpng the deade body ts than:but 
the loule / be cauſt it is imoꝛtal / though 
the bodp be decaped and fallen alwape: 
pet bathe it ſtyll beynge / lyupuge with 
Thziſte(if it departed frõ the body with 
fapthe) and lokpnge after the relurrec⸗ 
tion and riſpnge agapne of her owne 
body. D. what difference is there be⸗ 

of the commune Creede, 72 
kewne an aungell / and a ſoule that is Thedifferkte 
ſeparated fromthe body: AJ. Tlerily betwene an 
this / that a ſoule is in dede a mynde: aungell, and 
lpkhewiſe as aungels are / but ſo created a ſoule ſcpa⸗ 
ok nought / whau it is putte into the bo⸗ rated krome 
dyꝛthat it is naturallp apte to geuc like- the bobp. 
to goucrne/and to moue nat cuerp mas 
ner body: but that body onlp/to whiche 
it is ſpictlallp appopnted and ozdapned 
bp god. This bickerẽte is there betwene Thedifferẽte 
the deathe of Chꝛiſtt / and the deathe of betwene 
oue of vs:that our ſoule by the violence Chziſtes 
of lickneſſe and dileaſe / oꝛels thoꝛowe ae 
Defaulte and wante cf humoures/is da rs. 
uen out from our bodp. But cur lorde 
willyngly lapde from hym his {cule and 
Ipfe/cucn lpkewiſe as he dpd wylkullp 
com tothe croſſe and pation. A token 
hercof aud an cuidente argumente is / 

* that he gaue bp the ghoſte vpon the Math. xxvit. 
croſſe immediatelp after a greate and a 

ſtrong crpe. Pc moꝛcouet his owue (elle 

alſo ſapthe in the gofpell of Johan. 

A Noman taketh awap mp lpfe from Johan. x. 
me:but J do laye it frõ mine owne ſelfe. 

D. But where was in the meane ſcaſon 

the woꝛd oꝛ the ſeconde pfone of the god 

Hed: whiche thou lapdeſt to be ſo vned a 

knptte to man: that both together a 

The expolpepon 

one petlone r wag it in the kou le depat⸗ 

ted from the bodp rs oꝛels was it in the 
de ade bobpre AI. Sait duguſtine deuote⸗ 
Ip dyd belcuc k ſuppolc / that the godhed 
was neither ſeparat fro pe bodp neither 
fro ye ſoule / but was plente wi thè both 
But it is bett not to entre thtothe cöbze 
ſome maſe of ſuch mauer queſtions: out 
of whiche it is harde to fpnde onp ware 
to gete out. Now we do teache onclp ru 
dimentes and puncpples: and not the 
moſte hyghe popntes: we do caſte a fun— 
dation o2 grounde ok our warke: we doo 
not kiniſhe and make it full perkighte / 
for we do inſtructe a noupte newelp con 
uerted / and not a diu ine: and to make an 
ende / we doo inkoꝛme a ionge ſoldier to 
fapthe æ beleffe: not an olde woꝛue chait 
pion to battaple and ſpghte. DJS. 
whp do we adde thele woꝛdes „ paſſus 
eſt (that is to lap) He ſuffred:ſcyng that 
the fapte woꝛdes arc not ocd oF them 
in the olde tyme: Dothe he not lufkre 
who ſo euer is crucitied : GM AO. It 
appertth / that this particle alfo was 
added agapnſte certapue men / whiche 
dpd imagine / that the woꝛde dyd as it 
were lwalowe vp the body / that it toke 
vnto it ſelfe: and tranffourming it after 
a ter⸗ 

ofthe commune Crede, 73 
f certapne mauer into it ſelfe:dpd make 
it ſuche a maner bodp. that it could nat 
felt any papne oꝛ grefic. They ſap / that 
Balanus was the authourc of this o⸗ 
pinion. But the ſcripture on euerp (pde Galanus. 
ſpeaketh openlp agapuſte this. Fyiſte 5 
Ware the pꝛophete ſapthe. V Hehath late ltt, 
verilp taken bpon hym our ſycknelles / 
and our ſozowes and grefics he hathe 
borne. And leſte any man myghte fpnde 
à cauillation and ſap / that the proptecp 
is Darke / and that it myghle be / that 
fom other plone is meante in the ſapde 
pꝛophecie than Chorale: Sapucte Luke Ictuũ. vit 
in the. vun chapiter of the actes telleth / 
how Philippe / which bepng warned of 
the holy ghoſte had iopned hymſelfe to 
the chariote of the gelded man: dyb bp 
the inkoꝛmation of the fame ſpitite / ers 
pounde and declare this whole plact / to 
hun / ok the pation of Chuſte. Ind holy 
and godly men do apply that onto tbe 
paſſion of Thiſte:whiche is red in the 
lamentacions of Jheremic- Y Dail 
pou that do paſſe by / in the wape: take 
hede and ſe whether there be ſoꝛowe 02 
paync / lpke vnto my loꝛowe and payne. 
And in the gofpell of Luke / our loꝛde Une. xxiiil. 
fapthe / Dughte nat Chuſte to haue 
5 B. i. fſulkred 


os The exrpoſpepon 
fuffered theſe thpuges: and fo ko entre 
into his gloꝛzpr allo in the fyzſte epiſtle 
ok Peter / and the ſeconde chapiter: it is 
wiiten thus. whiche whan he ſuffred: 
dyd nat manace oꝛ thꝛetten. Agapne in 
the ſame place. Chꝛiſt bathe (ullred fo2 
bs:leaupng pou an enſamplc / that pou 
(hold folo we his ſteppes. But how Hall 
we folowe hym in luffryng papnes and 
greffes: it he hymſelſe laffred 02 felte no 
papuc oꝛ gtefe at ally And ſaicte Paule 
in the. vun chapitertothe Nomancs 
ſapthe. & Pf it ſo be that we do ſuſfre to 
gether with hym:that we mape be gla⸗ 
rificd alſo with bpm. Sapnucte Paule 
calleth here fuffrpnge together with 
bym / nat to haue compaſlion and to be 
forp for another mannes cuilles / 02 
hurtes / and grefics: but accozdpngeſ to 
the example okhym / to ſuſfre and abpde 
patientlp the perſccucion of cupll and 
wicked men. And that Chak luftred in 
ſoule alſo:cuen his owne felfe Doth wits 
Math. xxvi. neſſe lapeng. x Mp ſoule is heup cuen 
bntothe deathe. Adde hercunto / that 
our loꝛde cuen al his lpfe long dyd ſufkre 
manp thpnges for our fakes: bepuge 
hungry / bepnge thurſty / waxpng weep 
and fapnte / bepng reuiled / and ats 
| WOU | 

ofthecuminune Crede. 74 
tuollp handled / dꝛiucout / taken / boũdẽ / 
belpetted / and bulfeted. To thele thigs/ 
and to other lpke: map this woꝛde par 
ſus eſt( id eſt) he ſuffred / belonge and be 
referred. D. whp dothe the ſpmbole 
02 Trede lo diligently expꝛeſſe the kynde 
and maner of bis Deather GY . sor 
the fame conſideration ¢ ſkpl / foꝛ which 
it dpd erpꝛeſſe the name a the forename 
ok plate / that is to witte for the moze 
cuidence of the hiſtoꝛy . D. why wold 
god redeme the woꝛlde with the deathe 
of his owne fonne: and that with ſuche 
maner Deather M. But do thou kpꝛſt 
make me aunflwere to one thynge . FE 
any philicion beyng excellently ckylled 
in his kacultp / dpd take vnto his cure a 
man / that were ſicke ok a perilouſe and 
deadly diſeaſe:æ onc / that were nothing 
ſkylled in the crafte at all / wolde alke 
hym the qucſtion whp dock thou cure 
this man akter this maner: Sholde he 
nat ſeme lewde / and very woꝛthily: 
Howe moche moꝛe lewde thynge is it 
than to requpꝛc an accompte oꝛ a cauſe 
of god: wherckoze he wolde redeme 
the wozlde after thps manner 

Ni. This 

The expoſpepon 
This thynge thou muſt lurelp and ſted 
kalſllp beleue / that nothpug plealeth god 
but that / that is beſte / whether it (cme 

ſo to vs / oꝛ not ſeme ſo. DJ. The fun⸗ 

dation aud groͤundewarke of mp kapthe 
> Gandcthe fate and vnſhaken: but pet J 
ſuppole it is lawfull / religiouſly c with 
reuerente fo enquiere of theſe thynges. 
MAG. pe verply / and lawful for vs 
alſo to make aũſ were / but with ye fame 
religion and reuerence. But (hele thpn 
ges doo require a peculpare and propre 
treatiſe: howe be it pet J wyll touches 
lewe thynges / as it were bp the wape. 
Death came into the woꝛlde by an cate 
thelp man:it was conuentente / that the 
lame ſholde be tak awaye by an beucns 
ly man. By vnlawkull pleſurc / crope in 
the death and deſtruction of mankpnde: 
by papnes and doloures / helthe and fal- 

uation was repapꝛed. By a virgine dil⸗ 
ctyued with the inſppꝛation of the ſerpk 

te / tame calamite and miſerie: by a vir⸗ 
gine made greate with chylde by the in⸗ 
ſpiration of the holy ghoſte / came agap 

ne welth and felicite. And that god beyn 

ge olfended and dyſpleled / is reconciled 

and pacified by the bloud e ſlaughter of 

bꝛute beaſtes / not oncly the lalwe 9 
3 es 


ofthe cõmun Trede. owe 
ſes dyd pluadit / but allo Abel eue koꝛth 
with in the very beg inyng of the woꝛlde 
dyd oltre of the fp2t begoité of his ſhepe 
In ſo much that the very papnpmes al⸗ 
ſo / which neuer had knowledg cf the ve 
ty lpuyng god / pet were perluaded & dyd 
beleue lurelp / that mͤnes olfences were 
clenſed and wached awape with deathe 
and bloude. In certapne coũtrpes / and 
amonge certapne people it was a cõmu 
ne mauer and cuſtomc / al the pere longe 
dplygently to kepe and nourpſhe u man 
whiche had wyllpyngly and of his owne 
accoꝛde olffred hymlelle to death / r hpm The maner 
in the meane ſealſon they dyd haue in re⸗ ok certapn 
uerence and wourchyppe / as an holp ob panemes. 
lation and facrifice dedicated to god. 
And at the peres ende they dyd cate 
hym into the ſee / thyukpuge z iudgpng 
that by the death of that one man / what 
fo euer cuyiles and miltoꝛtunes were to 
wardes the cpte: myghte be tourncd 
awape and kepte krom it. And Codzus . 
and Curtius / & the two pecit are hpgh Mal. max. lib. 
ly and ſtudiouſly pꝛapled of authoures: b. titulo. vi. 
whiche wyllynglpe gauc themlelucs to 83 Aap 
Death for the helthe and faluation ofthe 8 Patriam. 
cõmune Wrale. pt Was cöucniente there 

Benitiel, vi. 


whi Chiſte 

| wolde dpe 

| Onacroffe, 

The erplocyon 

foreand accoꝛdynge / that a true and au 

effectuall hoſte and Careifice (olde be of 
fred vp / not for the incolumite and pres 

ſcruation of one cpte) o2 of one nations 

but for the helthe and faluation of the 
Hole woꝛlde / whiche mighte take away 
the other hoſtes and Caccifices of all ma 
bepnge epther ſuperſtytpouſe oz cls of 
ſmalle efficacie and ſtrengthe. Foꝛ foo 
grcate was the ſcharite of Chziſte / foo 
greate was his purite: that he bepnge 
ones offtcd bp in lacrifice / mighte and 
ſhulde ſuffice to aboliſhe and take awap 
all the ſpunes ok mankpude:althoughe 
there hadde ben moo wozldes than one. 
For this dowtleſſe was that very whole 
bꝛẽte lacrifice / which whole dyd bꝛenne 
and was on fiere with the louc of mans 

bpnde. This was that mofte pure 

bloude of the vnſpotted lambe/ whiche 
ſpꝛincled on the poſtes / putte by the des 
ſtropuge aungell. Nowethe kynde and 

mance of deathe / belpdes that it was 

moſte papnkull: it was alſo motte vyle c 
ſhamcekull maner ok death that coulde be 
namelp among the Jewes. to whome 
he was erecrable and hadde in abomi⸗ 

nation: who fo euer dyd hange on a 146 i 

of the tömun Crede. 76 
It muſte nedes be an ercedpnge greate 
payne: whiche ſholde foꝛ all men pape & 
bpe out the cuerlaſtpnge papnes: and 

that was an happpe and bleſſed hame .. 

and diſhonourc: whlche had to all men 

opened the wape to euerlaſtpnge gloꝛzp. 
Nowis there nothpuge moze exctrable 
and odible to god:than is (pune. This 
gnompnp æ curſe he dpd tranſlate vnto 
hymlelke fora ſcalon: that he myghte 
purchace and obtapne the bleſſpnge ok 
god fo2 vs. It dpd alſo pertapne and be 
lounge tothe kapthe and credence of the 
hiſtozte: that he cholde dpe condem⸗ 
nedebp open iudgemente / and that he 
cholde geue vp the ghoſte a hyghe ppon 
the croſſe: leſte onpe man myghte cls ſu 
ſpecte and myldeme / either that it was 
no verp deathe: oꝛels that another man 
hade ben putte in Chutes ſtede, Latte 
of all / it was conueniente / that he Holt 
dye on hyghe with his armes ſtretched 
out abꝛode whiche kor his vnſpeakable 
chacite dpd coucte to embꝛace all men 
and wylled all men to be ſaued / lpñewp⸗ 
ſe as he ſygupfienge the kynde € nance 
of his death to his diſclples / ſapde. wha 
Iqhal be lytied bp fred carth: 4 tpl dꝛa⸗ 
R. ui. we all 

Joan. xi. 


Foz what 
tcauſes our 

loꝛde came in 

to the wozlee 

who foo euer 

doth cömitte 
thole lynnes / 
from whiche 
Ichzyſte dyed 
to make vs 

free: doth af- 
ter a certapne 
maner cruci⸗ 
fie Chꝛiſte 


The expoſptpon 

all thprigs vnto myne owWnelelke. And 1 

tolde the c gauc the kuowledg alfo here 
to foꝛe / yt the loꝛde came into the worde 

not onelp to clenſe vs / from our ſpunes: 
but allo bothe to ſhewe vs the wape by 

which we muſt come to et eruall gloꝛpt / 
and alfo to geut ſtrͤgth fo our weaknes 

by rcaſon of Which we are pꝛonc e redp 

to fall agapne into ſpnnes / & allo ate to 
cble to bearc either ꝓlperite oꝛ aduerſite 

but with the one / that is to witte with 
pꝛoſperite we are toꝛrupted / made wan 

ton / and pꝛoude / and with the other we 

ate dilmaide / mated / and ſtricken into 
heumeſſe and deſpapꝛe. Foꝛ who ſo cuer 

with ful kapth and truſt ſetteth his ipes 

ſtedfaſtlye vpon Chute faſtened on the 

croſſe: that perſone as he is atrayde ſoo 
ofte in a certapne mance to crucifp Chꝛi 
fe agapn / as he doth cömitte thoſethyn 

ges / foꝛ the waſhynge awape of whiche 

he ſuffzed death: cuen fo lcaſely is there 

ony man Co feble x weake mynded / but 
that he doth more paciétly æ with more, 

quicte mynde ſuffre the afflrcti6s of this 
woꝛlde / whau he doth conſidꝛe k recken 

in his mynde / howe manp thynges he 
bathe ſuſtred fo2 vs: which was free frõ 
all inflection of fpune . And who can be 


of the cinun Trede. 4 
foundefo vngentle vnkpnde / that he 
wyl not loue hym agapu: whiche bpd ſo 
fp2 ſte loue hym / and with fo great bene⸗ 
kyghtes pꝛouoke hym to loue agapn: 
Bꝛekllye all the philoſop hie æ wilhome: 
all the ſolace æ cõfoꝛth / æ al the ſtrength 
of a chuſtẽ mynd is ĩ the croſſe of Thꝛſt. 
But the conſpderation ot theſe matters 
belongeth not to this buſinellc: whiche 
we nowe purpole and haue in hande. 
DJ O. wohp Wold he hange in the mids 
des betwen two thcues⸗ MA. To 
ſhewe / that euen to malefactours and 
lynnekull perſones / there is hope of ſal⸗ 
uation / in the mpoͤdes of (hep? vere pos 
niſhementes: yt they wyll beſeche « deſi 
re ſoꝛowfullp the mercy of Chꝛiſt. DJ. 
why wolde he not / that his legges Hold 
be bꝛokend: MAS. Becaule it was 
fo darkelp pꝛophecied bekoꝛt / spo Hall 
bꝛeake no bone of it. D J. pe but theſe 
thynges were not lo don / becauſe it was 

Num. ix. 

prophecicd and ſayde before, that theßy 

{h old be don after ſuch mance: bul there 

fore were thep ſapde befoꝛe:becauſe god 

had fe cternallp oꝛdapned and perfired: 

that they ſholde be don in ſuche wple. 

M A. Thou doeſt very well e a righte / 

o thynke that there was nothynge 3 
3 t 


How 1915 cd 

taken other 
whiles in the 

The expoſpepon 
in Chꝛiſte without chylle / oꝛ by foꝛtune 
and chaunce:but that allthpuges were 
done bp the decre x oꝛdinaunce of eter⸗ 
nall god. But pet the ſcripture dothe 
otherwhiles ſpeake after this maner . 
N bt implerentur ſcripture (id eſt)that 
the ſcriptures Molde be kulkplled. But 

tunctiõ vt is in this mance ok ſpeakyng / the comune 

tion vt id eſt that dothe nat betoken the 
ende and finall cauſe:but that / that fos 
loweth € cometh to pale / and the pꝛolle 
of the thpng. The lcripture wentebe 
fore: the proffe o2 perkourmaunte dpd 
folowe and cain after. And it was very 
ſemelp and conueniẽt / that / that moſte 
facred and blelled body of Chꝛiſte chold 
haue no maner kaughte oꝛ defoꝛ mite / 
that is to witte none vnperlighte mens 
bꝛe/ lame / oꝛ croked / lykewiſe as it is be 
leued / that our bodies (hall nat haue in 
the generall reſurreetton. To cauſe be⸗ 
leffe of his relurrection:the pꝛintes and 

kokens of the tpue woundes were luffi⸗ 

Loannis. xix. 

ciente / whiche / as it were certapnt pres 
tiouſe ſtones / do nat diffigure that blel⸗ 
fed bodpꝛbut do beautikp and anoꝛne it. 
And foꝛ the ſame purpolſe he wolde nat 
that his body ſholde coꝛrupte æ puterfp 
in the graue. He dped and qgauc vp the 

ghoſte / aloꝛe it cam to the bꝛeakyng ol 

ok the commune Crede. 798 
the legges / and he role agapne: afore 
that the deade body was corrupted, 
hele thugs do fo cõmende the dignite 
of hym: that they do not let oz hyndꝛe 
the pete of his nature. 5 why wold 
he be lap de vp into a newe graue / in ix. 
which neuer onp man had ben layde as te. fie 
pet: and beſpdes that cutte oꝛ hewde out N 
ofthe naturall € ſtronge roche of toner ts Hass : 
A. This thynge dpdmake partelp ria in a new 
foꝛ the dignite of Lh pte: and partelpe cepulchze. 
forthe fapth and credence of the hiſtozp 
But in euerp one of theſe thpynges are 
hydde greate mpſterpes / whiche thou 
ſhalte than here: whan thou halt lapde 
awape thyne inkauncic. ob we do t. Coz.iii. 
offre mylke vnto the as to an inkaũte oz : 
pougcbabe.D. HSepnge that this hiſto 
ry is cõłirmed & eſtableſhed bp fo many 
arguinétes:bauc there ben onp mẽ whe 
che dyd dowte of the trouthr QI. The | 
Jewes do grauntee cõ felt / that Fetus The Jewes. 
was crucitied verpe matter in dee: but 
they do denpe / that he was cruci lied foz 
the ſaluatiõ of the woꝛlde. There haue 
ben alſo cert apne chꝛiſtẽ men / which do 
ꝓkeſſc / pt Chꝛiſte dyd verily ſuffre in his 
humanitc / æ yt for the helth ot pe woꝛlde 
but pe fame did ſupolt raither tha faſtip 
alftrine / pt lpkewiſe as he lufften in his 

«OS Saag 



Rom. vi. 

The expoſpepon ö 
body here vpon earth for lpue mè:cuen 
fo his loule dyd ſuffte i helle for the fouls! 
that were kepte a holds there / agapne f 
that alter his relurrection he was cruci 
lied 02 Mal be crucified in ye aper fo2 the 
ſpꝛetes of the aper Balilides a maͤ full 
of pptpe(god knoweth doth deny / that 
Chziſte hymlelfe was fattencd on the 
croſſe: but he ſapth that one Simon of | 
Cpꝛene was hanged vp in his ſtede / whi 
che was compelled to be Chuſtes vicare ö 
in bearpng of his crolle. But pk it were 
ſoo / that an other man was crucified in 
his ſtede: than dpd he hymſelke neither 
dye / neither ryle agapne / neither dyd he 
redeme bs with his owne deathe, But 
theſe are but the dꝛeames and konde kan g 
taſies of mancs mynde. The lcripture 
dothe moſte manikeſtlye teache vs / that 
Thꝛiſte ath not ſufkred but ones fo? all 
e that he died vpõ ye croffe vnder Põce 
Pllatc / æ that he died not foꝛ ony other 
creatures / ſaue onelp for the redẽptiõ of 
maukpude. Sapnte Paule lapth plapn 
ly S Chꝛiſte riſpnge ones from deathe: 
diethe no moꝛe deathe hathe power no 
longer ouer hym. And that he diede as 
touchynge to ſpunc:he died but ones for 
1 as fouchpng to that he weir 


of the cõmun crete. 79 

dyed ones foz our ſpnnes. Thou hereſte 
here expꝛellelpe / that he died ones «Ges 
Thou hereſie / that he role agapne / and 
tbat he hal dye no moꝛc / and doeſt thou 
ap that he died not hymlelke: but that 
i another mã was brought in / in his tere 
and was his bicare in ſuſfrynge deathe: 
Ipkewile as it is redde in poetes fables / 
that in the ilonde called Multis a whight 
hynde was conuapde in / in the ſtede ot 

in lacrpfyce: And dothe another of pou 
crucifie his ſoule agapne in helle? And 
another agapne of pou crucpfpe whele 
| Chale agapn / in the aper: Thou hea, 

ly Chiiſt ſuffred foꝛ vs: and wylt thou 
o Jeue / that his death dothe / not pꝛou⸗ 
fighte oꝛ auaple onpe man 2 Lette os 
no we pꝛocede to other thynges. DJ. 
It foloweth / he wente downe to helle. 
AG. This is the articic / which( as 

I ſapde before) Cipꝛiane fapth not to be 

hade in ye Romane lymbole / no neither 
pet to be added in the churches ok the 
Cate / pe and moꝛeouer / although the 
ſymbolc of the ſpnode holden at Mice / 

oz of the Spnode holden at Conſtanti⸗ 

reſt the prince of Apofties cryenge open 

It lpueth to god. Peter cryeth x Chute hatt. A. | 

Iphigenia which ſholde haue ben llayn 


The artiste 
delcendit ad 
inferna was 
no percelle of 
the Crede / at 
the fkpꝛſte mas 
üenge ob it. 

The erpoſpcpon 10 
nople / is none other thyng than a detla⸗ 
ration of this ſymbolc / pet is there not 
there neither / lo much as onp thige that 
is coꝛreſpondẽt to this particle. Finally; 
pe very incõciunite ¢ buhãdſome topui⸗ 
ge op hangpnge kogeder ok the ſpeche a 
oꝛation / is an cuidente argument / that 
itis a percell thꝛuſte in amõge the other 
articles / by ſome other man. Ahele wor | 
des æ ſcpultus tſt(id ch) was buried / do 
belonge to the bodp / which lapde ala 
by death / doth rple agapn / that is / doth 
as it were waken from llepe. But thele 
woꝛdes ge delcedit ad tufcros. 1. he went 
downe to helle / they do rekerre vnto the 
ſoule / which neither was buried / neither 


— F< 


Sai Se: 3 Shee 

— a 


dyd tiſe a gapn but beyng departed a ſö⸗ 

died for a tpme / choꝛtlp after retourned 

a gapn into the deade bodp. whether (ais | 
Thomas ok Aquine dpd adde this partt 
cle J am ſomewhat in doute. There is a 

certapnc ſuſpitid / that it hold be added 

ok ſome ol here man: at the leaſte by this 
argument / koꝛ that it is not in the mete 
place. 02 wha he doth make the thyꝛde 

article of y© reſurrectid:he maketh the 4 

article of the gopnge dolwne to hellc:ex⸗ 
eepte peraduttute he meante this / that 


ofthe coͤmun rede, 80 

Thꝛiſte arter that he was tylen agapne 

from death to lpfe / went downe in body 
and ſoule to hell. Another litle woꝛke / 
whiche goeth abꝛode bearpnge the title 
ol lapnt Thomas vp the fpmbole doth 
interpꝛete and declare the contrarp bere 
of / and Doth ble alſo a cõtrarp oꝛder / tog 
there the gopnge down to hell goeth bes 

kfoꝛe the reſurrectis / how beit this ſapde 

opuſcle / although it be a clarkelp and an 
holp woꝛke: pet it ſemeth not to bethe 
woꝛke of Thomas of Aquinc. DJ. wohy 
was not this particle added 02 put tor 
AA. Becaule the fathers of olde tyme 
dpd with great telpgpon and feare take 
hede and bewarc / that thep wold not af 
firme on thpnge / namelp in the crede / 

whiche were not cxpꝛelled in the holpe 

ſctiptures of both teſtamentes, Powe 
fuche mance articleg axe all the others 
onclp this one ercepted. DF, Howe tha 
durſte thep / that came after / be Co bolde 

to adde it: M A. Becauſec thep lemeb to 

themſelfes / that they hadde gathered 
this cuidently enough of the holp ſcrip⸗ 
tures Diligentlp boulted and eramined / 
to the which they do adde ſome reaſones 
alſo / not thoſe berilp motte ſtronge and 
. but pet not bttcrly nt en 


why ieee 
ticle was le@ 

The expoſpepün 

haſt brought me into the due of death 
Mal. xxix. A nd / Que vtilitas in ſanguine meo di 

delcendo in cozruptionem. i. wh 

at pꝛou⸗ 
fighte is there in my bloude: whils J to 

„ Lo dowue into cozruption And agapn 
Hlal.lxviſi. Delcendi in lind pꝛotundi et non ek lub 

ſtautia. And that alſo. Domine cduxiſtt.! 

ab interuo anmmam meam faluatti me a 

delcendentibus in lacume(thati 

§ to ſap) 

Loꝛde thou hale broughte forzthe mp 

foule fro hell thou bak laued m 

c krõ the 

Blal. xv. noumbre of them that go downe into 

the pitte. And that alſo Mon 


Ques animad meam in inferno. 1. Thou 
chalte nat leue my ſoule in hell. whiche 

Actes. il, teſtimonp / Peter / in the Actes / dothe 

teache to haue ben pꝛophecicd 

ſoule from the nether more hell 

Ptal. xx. Thep do aledge and bapnge forth theſe 
„ gutbogites of the plalmes. & Et in pul⸗ 
uerem moꝛtis deduxiſſi me. 1. And thou 

a TE ——— 



| afore of 
MCalizretit, Chr æ nat of Daud:fo as the Jewes 
dpd interpzete it. The alledge alſo this 
terte x Eruilte animam meam ex infer⸗ 
no inkerioꝛt.i. Thou haſte delyuered my 


this texte / x eſtunatus lum cum deſcen 
dentibus in lacum / factus lum licut bos 
mo fine adiutoꝛio / inter moꝛtos liber id 

est) I was reputed amonge me 

n goyn⸗ 
ge dow⸗ 

, ofthe coͤmun Leede, Sr 

gedoWne into a pptte. A was made as 
a man without helpe / among deade me 
free and at lpbertie. Alſo that texte of 
Olee the prophets O mors ero mors 
tuaectmozlus tuus inferne (that is to 
ſap) O death J wyll be thp deathe / and 
A h ail be thy bytte:o helle. They bꝛyn 
ge foꝛth allo of the goſpell of Mathue 
the woꝛdes of lapncte Johan Baptiſt / 

Kall we wapte after another: for this 
ſpeche ſome ine do interpꝛete of Chiſtes 
goyng dowue to hell. Thep aledge alſo 
that terte of the Epiſtle of Peter. 
CThꝛiſt was mortified and killed in ede 
as kouchpnge to hts fleche:but was quic 
kecncd in ſpirte / in which ſpirite he wem 
alſo e preached to the ſpirites that were 
in puts. They alledge alfo of the. rx. 
chapitoure ot Eccleſiaſtict / that whiche 
was [pol and ſapde vnder the perſone 
ok wildome. Penetrado mkeriozes 
partes terre / et intpiciam omnes doꝛmi 
entes / et ulummado omnes (pcrantes 
in domino (id eſt) Ichall entre into tbe 
lower partes of the carth: e J wyll lone 
vpon all them that ſlepe / 2 J wyl lygh⸗ 
ten all them that hope and truſte in the 
loꝛde. And manp other lyke places of 
5 E ſcripture 

Olce.xiii 0 

AF Arte thou he / which ſhalte comer 02 gQpath se. 

i. et. iii. 


what this 
woꝛde inferp 
doth fignifie 
in the letip⸗ 


Fhe expotpepott 

lctipture. But thercis none of all theſe 
aut hozites / that may conſtrapuc hym / 
that lyſte to thwarte and kpnde cauplla 
tions: to belcuc / that the loule of Liais | 

ſte wente down bp it ſelſe perſonalipe. 
to helle / oꝛ( as they call it) to lpmbum. 
J oꝛ the ſcripture dothe oftenipmes call 
deathe / and the grauc / by this name 
t inleros whiche fame woꝛdeis englyl⸗ 
Hed othetwhiles helle / as for cxaumple 
in the. xn. chapitoute of Oenchs. 

A Moretur ct deducend famuli tur 

canos eius cum doloꝛt ad inkeroscthat 
18 lo ſapt ) He ſhall dye aud thy leruau⸗ 

‘eo! tes Hall bzynge his hoze heares with 
ſoꝛowe to his graue. He called here the 

aged bodpe of Jacob: & Horeheares > 
audbyp this woꝛde z inferos / he meante 

the lepulture oꝛ graue. And this thynge 
dothe fapnte Cipuene in fclve wozdes 

in a mauer ſhewe / whau after that he 

hadde lay de before (hat this partycle is 
not hadde neypther in the churches ok 

the weſt / no in the churches of the caſt / 
he addeth afterwardes cycle woꝛdes. 

N Cis tamè verbi videtur cadem ele 
in co quod ſepultus dicitur (that is too 
ſapc) Hobe be it there lemeth tobe the 



fame ſtrengthe of the woꝛde: in ve / | 

ofthe coͤmun Crede. 82 
that he is ſapde to haue ben buried. As 
who ſholde lape / that /e delcendere ad in 
ferna / were noughte eis: x but to be bu⸗ 
tped in the graut / which our loꝛde (peas 
kynge of his owne burpall called to be 

in the hert of the earth. Ju lhelcteſtimo 

nics which they alledge of the leript ure 
there art certaync / whiche are well nere 
of no wapghteh but there is none olthẽ / 
but cyther it is Darke with the myſte ok 
allegozic: oꝛels it dothe retepue dpucrle 
and mamkolde uterpꝛetations. 
Neither arc the reaſons / whiche they 
do bꝛypuge: of muche moꝛc wapghte. 
Amonge whicheoneis plapulp aud ves 
ter lye reiected and refuſed. JSC. 
wh iche eis that: MAB. Becaule oꝛp⸗ 
gynall ſynne dpd nor onelp baynge the 
drathe or body / but alfo thetourmente 
and paync of ſoules / that by the reas 

ſlonc of it they Molde wante the vylpon 

and ſyghte ot godes face:therctoze they 
do ſuppoſc it to be conuenpente and ac⸗ 
coꝛdynge ß that lpkewyſe as Chꝛiſte bp 
thodeathe of his bodpe / dpd abolpſhe 
find take awape bodply payne: cuen foo 
by luffrynge in his foule/ he Molde tale 
awape the 1 okthe loules. DJS. 

N. ii. Arc we 



The expoſpepon 

are we than at lpbertie / whether we 
Ipſtt / to beleue oꝛ not to belcue this pars 

ticle? MAG. pf the vniucrlall churche 

Hath now receiued it:it is not lawkul fo2 

Kota. the not to beleue it. It is Cuffictente foz 
the / to pꝛofeſle that Chꝛiſte dyd fo deſcẽ 
de ad inkeros: as the {ccipture and the 
churche dothe thynke and cane. But 
pet as it is a popnte of Chꝛiſtianc wpl⸗ 
dome not to beleue verpe lyghtlipe that 
thynge koꝛ certapne and vndowted / whi 
che is not erpꝛelled in the holp lcriptu⸗ 
tes: euen fools it a popute of Chuſtian 
mekenes not to refuſe pꝛowdly and fro⸗ 
wardly that thynge / whiche the relpgy 
oule tontemplacpon of good and godlp 
men hathetaughte / either to the ſolace 
and comkoꝛthe / oz cls to the erudition 
of them that do beleuc / of whiche forte 
are theſe thynges alfa. That the holpe 
gholte toke one of the motte puteſt drop 
pes of bloude out of the birgine Ma⸗ 
ries herte / and layde it Downe into her 
| matrice: and that hereof ſodepulp was 
made the perfighte body of a man / foo 
malle as is a lytle ſppder whiche is bus 
cuct nowe cropen koꝛthe from theegge: 

Wut pet with all the membꝛes fulle fyos⸗ 

nyſh ed and perkyghte: and that in the 

ok the coͤmun Crede. 83 
fame momente a foule was inkuſed and 
putte into it / bepuge euen verpe thaw 
foꝛthewith as pertpghte in all powers 
and qualptpes / as it is mowe in heuen / 
lpkewyſe / that they doo teache / that 
Chꝛiſt by the reaſon of the complexion 
of his humane bodp (whiche thep wyll 
to haue beu in bpm farre moſte ſubf ple / 
and ſo therfore of motte quicke and (har 
pckelynge)dyd luffre more greuoulc and 
bpfter papues than onp man map polſt 
bly ſuffre / the payne of them onelp ercep 
ted / whiche are perpetuallye damned in 
Helles Theſe thynges and fuche other 
lyke vuto theſe / lette them be foo herde 
as Deuoute and holy contemplatious ot 
men concerupuge Thuſte: but not as 
articles of the kapthe. Many luche ma⸗ 
ner thynges haue certaine men pmagp⸗ 
ned allo about this particle / whiche we 
baue ſhewed to be an addptpon to the 
Trede / tellpnge what perſones Chiiſte 
dyd bꝛynge out krom helle / and whoame 
he dpd leue there ſtylle / and what thpn⸗ 
ges with what woꝛdes he dyd ſpeake to]“ 
cuery one ot the cyꝛcles. But this is 
ſufficiente for vs / that he was ones in 
fleſhe borne a verp man / that he dyd ve 
rplp ſuſfre paſſpon / that be hathe verply| 

The expoſpepon 
died / and ben burped. And that he hath 
verylpe reupued agapne / the verp lame 
foule returned agapne into the owne na 
turall body. It kolowethe / He cole 
agapne the thyꝛde day / vnlelle Chziſte 
had rpſen agapne: all hope of immoꝛta⸗ 

vg. But he roſe agapne accozdpnge to 
the ſcriptures / for this hathe the ſymble 
redde in the malle / added: lykewplt as 
the bleed Apoſtle Paule Capde, 

bs. had ben quite and cleuc taken from 

t. Coʒ xv. J auc taughte to pou punctpallpe 

Math. xꝛi. 
Jone. v. 


that whiche Jreceiued and leatued of 
the loꝛde that Thziſte hathe died ones 
for our ſonnes accoꝛdpnge to the lerips 
lutes / and that be hath ben buried / and 
that he batherplen agapne the thyꝛde 
Dape accoꝛdpnge to the ſcriptures. But 
though the relurrectiõ of our lord hath 
ben Haw wed before by lo many figuecs 
ok whiche our loꝛde hymlelfe dpd erpoũ 
de and declare once / that in to witte of 
Jonas / whiche was tthe belp of a whal 
lit. dapes and. in. upghits/ and though 
it haue ben pꝛomiled by ſoo manp oꝛa⸗ 
cles and pꝛopheſies of lo many ꝛophe 
tes / and alſo ſo ottẽtpmes ſhewed before 
of Chute hymſelfe with curdente woꝛ⸗ 
des nothpuge darkened with ony 55 

ofthe cdmun Crede. 84 
of Tropc oꝛ Aucgoꝛp. And kinallp hath - Math 
ben conkyzmed With lo many cupdente 5 5 
teſtimonies ofthe Apoſtles: pet allthis f 
not withſtandonge / there haue not lac⸗ 
ked lone men whiche in verp dede(ag it 
is wante to be ſapde in the pꝛouerbe) in 
the verp bꝛyght lyght of the ſonne were 
cbipude and could not lee. Foꝛ Cerinths Cerinthus, 
fayde / that Chuſt is not pet riſen agapu 
e but that he ſhall in tyme to come longe 
herafter / rile agapn. Other fome agayn 
dpd faync / that Chruke hymſelke ig in 
dede riſen agapuc / but pet that our bos 
dyes ſhall neuer teupuc noꝛ tiſc agapne 
whom laynte Paule dothe openlp cows 
kute /gatherpnuge that it dothe neccſſa Co. xv. 
tyly folowe / PE Chute dyd not pte 
agapue: that neither Hal we riſe agayn 
and pf we chall riſe agapne:that Chiiſte 
muſte nedes than haue riſen agapne. 
FJoꝛ lykewple as he dyd ſullre for our (a 
kes / that we holde be delpuered by Hpi 
from eternall deathe / cucn fo hathe he 
alſo ryſen agapne for our ſakes / that by 
hym we ſholde gete and obtapne eternal . Coꝛ. xv 
lyke. & He role beynge the fyꝛſte frute ok . 
them that llepe. But he that is the fyꝛſt 
can not be alone / neither wyll the hede 
leue OR foꝛlake ay incisbees,. ? 
| T. it, Merlapne 


‘hella. iii. 


The expoſptpon 

the teſurrection ot the lpitrite and of the 
ſoule:but the teſurtection ofthe bodpes 
they do denpe / not wühſtondynge / that 
in Chae was ſhewed the example and 
paterue ot our reſurrection. Mowee he 
tole agapne whole / that is to ſape both 
in body and loule. But what ſholde a 

Certapnt men folowyng Ualentine ko: | 
thep2 authoure / do graunte and confeſle 

man ſtryut agapnſte them / that doo 

deupe the euidente ſccipture / and agte⸗ 

pnge witb it ſelfe in ſo manp places: 

Foz nothynge hathe ben taughte moꝛe 

Diligentlp of the Euangelpſtes: than 
the argumentes and protics of the reſur 
rection. And lapnte Paule dothe not 
onclp confirme the reſurrection in euerp 
placc:but he dothe alſo deſcribe the mas 
ner of the reſurtection tothe Coꝛunthia 
nes / and to the Theſlalonianes. Foz as 
foꝛ the opinion of them / that were cals 
led Chiltaſte ( whiche dpd dꝛeamc / that 
by the ſpace of a thouſand peres / after 
the riſpnge agapn of our bodypes / we 
ſhall eniope plentuoſip in this world all 
ſuche maner pleafurcs / wherewith the 
bobdply ſenſes are delpted and pleaſed) it 
is not woꝛthp to be called an opinion / 

but raither a pꝛodigioule aud A | 

ofthe tõmun Crede. 35 
full madde erroure. And as fo2 ail the 

tauillations whiche mänes witte dothe 

— 2 1 ̃ tee ů ———ů Pn 


engendꝛe / howe oꝛ by what meanes the 
lame bodpe / whiche hath ben fo manpe 
mance waͤpes chaunged from one thyn 
ge into another / can be reſtoꝛed agapne 
the beep lame in noumbze: thele cauplla 
tions (J ape) are ſhaken of and putt? 
awape bp fapthe and bcelelfe / bp whiche 
we do beleuc / that bets god / and that he 

ls almpghtp / whiche Woꝛrketh all thcle 

thynges / x that he ig not ſubiecte vonder 
the lawes of nature: whiche dpd create 
and make nature. And what meruaple 
is it / pk he dothe reſtoꝛe the body of that 
thynge / that is: whiche dpd kpꝛſte at the 
begpunpnge make heuen and carth and 
aungelles all of nothpnge. Aud ſcynge 
that we do daply fee foo many miracles 
in the woꝛkes of nature / as koꝛ exaũple / 
ok a verp lytle (ete to rpſe a great ſtrong 
tree: and of a greſſehoper nowe bepuge 
olde / by caſtpnge of his kynne to ftlpe 
forthe a ponge one: ¢ of a Eruoacid eſt) 
cankerwoꝛme redp to dye / to lepekozthe 
a luſtp and a ſwykte Papilionem.i.but⸗ 
terflp: why ſholde oup thynge ſeme bis 
belcueable / which / god that is almighiy 
metus wozke contrary tothe lawes and 

Gib, courte ' 

he expoſpepon 

courte of naturer It foloweth / x he atcé 
ded into heus / and ſptteth on the rpghte 
Joan.iii. haude of god the father. x Romä(ſapth 
fapute Johan) gocth vp into heut: ſaue 
he whiche bathe come dolwne troin bes 
uen / the fore of man that is in heuen. 
The woꝛde oꝛ ſone of god came downe 
from heuen / not that he departed krom 
the kather or chaunged his place(for as 
muche as the dium nature is lo im ene 
ty place that pet that notwithſtandpug 
it is cõtapned in uo place) but the lame 
woꝛdc / whiche bp dyſpelation dyd come 
into the wombe of the bleed virgine / 
after that he hadde fiuiched the myſterp 
of our rebemption:bepnuge than incar⸗ 
Actuuin, i. nate dyd in verye dede alcende vp ito 
heuen / wihdꝛawynge the ſyghte of his 
body krom his diſciples / and carpeng or 
conuapenge Bp the mpndes of them to 
Heuculp thpuges / that they Molde geue 
themſelues mete vellells and apte to re 

cepue the ſpirite that was to come. 
Neither bpd he lape from hymlelle the 
body: whiche he hadde taken vnta hym 
and leue it in the ſonnc / ſoo as wretcycd 
Salcucus. Salencus dyd fondlpe pmagme. So he 
whiche as toucheng his diuine p 

; 4 „ 6 7 30 

7 ( 

— = 


— —— — 

SN) Se — — 

of the cöͤmun Trede. SG 
was alwapes in the Came glozpe with 
his father is nowe with his humane 
nature alſo ſette in the gloꝛpe of his faz 
ther / bepnge made lozde of allthpuges 

whiche are in heuen and in carthe. 5. 

It ſemeth not vnrealonable / noꝛ vnmet 

to aſſygue oꝛ geue vnto Thuſte a rpaht 

parte oralefte parte / as conternpnge 
his bodp. But in the father to pmagpne 
on y ſuche maner thpuge: it ſemeth too 

come nere and to be agreynge vnto the 

crroure of the Anthꝛiopomozphites. 

MAS. To lytte on the ryghte hande 

of the father is ſpoken not without a 

tropc oꝛ fygurc / ſo that thou motte ins 
derſtande by this mance of lpeakynge / 
that he is egal in honourc / and kelow in 

rapgnpuge with the father. DJS. 
But why dyd thep not rapther expꝛeſle 
this ſentente and meanpnge bp plapne 
and propre oꝛ mete woꝛdes / ſapenge / he 
wente vp into heuen / where he rayg⸗ 

J haue tolde the alredyc / that the ſcrip⸗ 
ture dothe oftentpmes (hape and apply 
her language vnto our affectiõs. Nowe 


what is meãt 
whan it in 
ſapde / that 
Lh rit litteth 
on the faz 

nethe egall to the father MASS. thi righte 


the crede doth here cötrefait the worm ot 


the holy leripture / foꝛ thus ſpeaketh the 

The expoſpcpon 
Pal. c f holp ghoſte in the plalmes of god the ka 
a ther ol Chꝛiſte glozilied. The lowe 
lapbe fo mp loꝛde ſytte thou on my tight 
bande. And our loꝛde hymſelfe Cape in 
Math. rede. the Solpell. But pet for all that A 
ſap to you / hereatter pou ſhal fcc the Core 
of man ſyttynge on the ryghte hande ok 
god. TLpkewyle Peter the Apoſtle (peas 
t Pet. l i. ppuge uf Chꝛiſte lapthe. A whiche is 
ſyttyng in heuen at the rpghte bande of 
god. In lpke mance ſapnte Paule warts 
Ephe. . ethtothe Ephelpanes. to Accozdpnge 
tothe wozkynge of his myghty power / 
whiche he wꝛoughte in Chꝛiſt Jelu / ſet 
tpnge hym on his owner rpghte haude 
in heuenly thyugz aboue all rulc / power 
myghte / and dominatiens / and aboue 
cuerp name whiche is named not oncly 
in this woꝛlde / but alſo in the woꝛlde to 
come. Moꝛcouer ſapnte Steucn in the 
Tctuum. vu. Actes lawe / the heucs open / and Jelu 
ſtandynge on therpghte bande of god. 
DF 10 C. 1 dyd ſapnte ath {ce 
hpm ſtande: whiche in other places ts 
1755 80 155 layde to (ptter MAS. Here allo know 
and howe to thou to be a trope. To ſptte is a popnte 
ftande on the of one that reſteth / of one that raigneth 
e and of a iudge. To ſtande belongeth to 
one that ſuccurreth oʒ belpeth · He 100 

| of the chyna Ceede, 97 
keth:whiche without care gouerneth all 
thynges. He ſtandeth bepnge tedp to 
helpe al thoſe that deſpꝛe helpe ok hym. 
An that he is a iudge: he is ſapde to (ps 
g in that he is an aduocate. Lets (apd to 
ſtande n we haue( ſapthe ſapnte Paule) 
an aduocate in heuen, DJ O. But Chiti 
b ſte as concerupnge his humane nature 
ö is not egall to the father, M AG. How 
toulde that / that is but a creature: be 
egall to the creatoꝛꝛ: Wut for caule ot 
the bnpte ofthe perſon / all thole thpngs 
are well and a ryghte geuen to Chꝛilke: 
whiche are agrepuge to hpm as tous 
i chynge his humane naturc / ſoo that we 
doo bfe the names oz votables of the 
petionc/o2 vocabulis ſuppoſiti / as forme 

other men do tall it. BJC. In as 

moche as e Tbꝛiſte dothe promple that 
a bymſelfe wyl contynue and abpde wih 
vs vnto the ende of the world: why wers 
he lpfted vp into heuen bodplp in the 

ſpghte of al his biſciples r M. Tothis 

queſtion dothe the apoſtle make aun⸗ 
were in the thyꝛde chapiter to the Co⸗ 
| lolſianes K Oeche pou thole thynges 
that are aboue where Chꝛiſte is littpng 
on the tyghte bande of god. This ſpghi 
was ſhewed to the bodylp epes of them: 


i. Joan.ii. 1 

Mat. . 
Actuum. l. 

whereok we 

be allured by 
Chziſtes pat: 
fion : Abe 

whereo? by 
his relurrecti 

whrrof by 
his alcenlion 



| Theexpoſptyon 
to thende that he wolde kendle and cits 
flame our myndes from carthely tares / 
vnto the delpac of the bcucly lpfe. Ther 
foꝛe that god hathe fozcauſc of our ſal⸗ 
nacion leut his owuc lonne into this 
woꝛlde / and hathe delpuered hym vnto 

the deathe of the crolle: it maketh vs 

certapne and out ot doubte / that by hun 
We are delpucred from the kyugdomceok 
the deupll / and from the bond of ſpunes. 
And in that he roſe agapuethere is ges 
nen ſure Crude and hope to vs that we 
Hall reutue agapue at that dapc / which 
he bathe wplicd to be vnänowneto vs: 
cuen With the lame bodypes whiche we 
do nowe beare about, And in that he 

hathe alceuded into heucu:he bathe bp 
an cuidente argument taughte / that we 

holde nat ſeche true felicite here inthis 

woꝛld / but that we chold vle this wonde 
as it were a thoꝛobockarc / as though we 

dyd nat vleit / xthat we (hold tranſlate 

tubcrof by 
that le liteth 
onthe righte 
hande of the 

all our cares and thoughies vnto that 

heuculp and cternali Ipfe. And in that 
he liteth on the rpghte pande of the fas— 
ther: it dothe engendze and caule in vs 

agreate ſecurite / ſo that we do nat feare 

any ok all the difpleatures oz fearfull 

thenges / that are in the woꝛlde / for as 


. a i Sema eee — — 

ok the tommune Trede 98 
moche as we haue ſo ſrendlp and alſo ſo 
myghtp an aduocate in heuen. But leſte 
this fo great goodnes of the loꝛd myght 
pꝛouohe bs to ſynnc pe moze boldlp and 
moze largely: it is added ſlrapghte⸗ 
wapes after, æ From thenſe ſhal he com 
to iudge the quiche and the deade: that 
we Hold haue uvnderſtonding and know 
ledge / that luche perſones oughte there 
to lone foꝛ a ſharpe ſentente of the indge 
without anp mercp oz fauoure: whithe 
here haue deſpiſed & wolde nat regarde 
the goodnes of pe redemer. E The more 

that bathe ben geuen to vs: ſo moche 
the moꝛe (hall be requited ok vs / and the 

—̃ — 


ſtrapghter accompte ſhall we geue. Foz 
he Hatl tome than nat in the foꝛme and 

ance of a ſeruaute:but in the maitſty 
bob his father / ſo as he himſelle ſpcaheth 
euldentlp ein tie goipell of Mathuc. 

whau the fon of man ſhall come in 

his maieſtp / and all the aungels with 
bym:than al he ſitte vpon the ſcate of: 

hig maicſtp / and all peoples ſhall be gas 

+ thered together afore hym: There Hall 
| be made an cuidente and one euer⸗ 
laſtyng (cparation and diſſcuerpnge of 

Ruce xi. 

Math) xt d. 

We ff Math. xtit, 

vn godlp 

Actuum. x. 

Math. xxv. 
Joannis. v. 

why god 
wold the dap 
ok gencrall 
iudgemente F 
the dape of 
teuerp mancs 
deathe to be 
vnhnoweẽ to 

The exrpoſpepon 

915 odlp people: whun the traͤmell net 
Mall be full dꝛawne to the ſee banke. 

The lame thynges doth Peter pꝛeache 
in the. x. chapitoure of the Actes. This 
is he / which is oꝛdained of god ye iudge 
of the guicke and of the deade. De whi⸗ 
che here dyd ſuſtre / x was coͤtented to be 
tudged bntuſtlp for our fakes: ſhal there 
iudge lhc whole woꝛld / and ſhall rendꝛe 
oꝛ geue to cuerp man accoꝛdynge to his 
woꝛkes / whether they be good / oꝛ badde 
DIS. whp wolde god / that the dape 
of iudgemẽ te ſholde be vncertapne and 
vuhknobonc to all mene Md. Uerilp 
forthe lame cauſc / for whiche he wolde 
that eche one of vs ſholde be moſte cers 
tapne of his owne dinge dape: and pet 
for al that be vncerteyne of the faire’ for 
there is no mã / that dowteth / that hym. 
ſelfe hail ones dye: but no man doth pet 
fo? all that kuowe certapulp / whan he 
(hall dye) to ther; ente that we ſholde 

tuerp houte be redp tko departe and dpe/ 

what is mẽte 
in the Crede 
bp the qupcke 
the deade. 

yk god ſhall call vs krom hence. DIO. 
why is it added here the . quicke c the 
deade r Foꝛ howe can deade bodpes be 
iudged z M. The ſpmbolc / i as much as 
it is whole taken out of the ſeriptures:it 
dothe berp couuenientlp e accoꝛdpngly 


ofthecommune Ctede. 99 
countrefapre and expꝛelſe the woꝛdes of 

the {criptuce. Cettapne men do inter- 
pꝛete here by the quicke godly perſones D/ 

and by the deade vngodlp perſones: but 
this interpretation is lomwhat to karre 
fetched. To the ſymbole whiche was or 
dapned foꝛ ſymple perſones:ſymple and 
plapne thinges are mete and cöuenient. 
Itis moꝛe probable by the deade to vn⸗ 
derſtonde thole that haue departed krom 
thep2 bodies afore the daye of iudge⸗ 
mente ( for as fone as they Mall be reui⸗ 
ucd erifenagapne:thep Hall be iudged) 
andbpthe quycke / thoſe / whome that 
dape hall fynde lyupug in bodp / whiche 
petfoncs certapne men dobeleue / that 
in the verp takyng vp and pallage into 
the ayer / they (hail dye / and koꝛthwith 
lpuc / agapne. Other fome agarne do 
thynkc / that they ſhall nat dpe: but pet 
that thep Hall be chaunged ko immoꝛ⸗ 
talite. Nepther of theſe. u, ſentences 02 
opinions doth the auctoꝛite of the ſchur⸗ 
che reiecte oꝛ diſalowe / albert pet that 
opinion whiche thynketh / that they / 
whiche ſhall than be kounde lyuynge in 
bodp / ſhall nat dye / but ſhall be tranilas 
ked to immoꝛtalpteus more agreyng to 
the wordes of lapucte Paule in the. rv. 

LAY i. chapi⸗ 

The deade. 

Tht quiche, 

cw o apinis 
ons concers 
nyng them / 
whiche alt, 
be lpupng at 
the dape of 
dome. a 

3 notable 


It is an hert 
ſp cõdemned 
by the chur⸗ 
che, that no 
ſoule ſhall 
nepther be in 
heuen, noz 
hell afore the 
dap of dome 

The erpolpcpon : 
chaplter of the kpꝛſte epiſtle to the ors 
inthiänes / and in the. uu. chapiter of the 
kyꝛſt epiſtle to the Thellalomtancs. But 
deuoute fapty doth nat loue cötencion. 
D. what nede aup iudgement tobe 
made than: ſcpug that the ſoules koꝛth⸗ 
with after that they ate departed from 
the body / are iudged alredy: fo pt eyt her 
if thep haue departed frombeuce bepng 
pure and clene / thep do goto the heuen⸗ 
lp lpke / ozels if thep do departe in bons 
dage of line / they are dꝛawuc ſtrayghte 
to belle. Oꝛels it they be defiled we anp 
ſmalle ſpottes / they are bowne into the 
clenſpnge kpete of purgatozp What to 
euer oz what mance one fo cuer thak 
fpere of purgatoꝛzy be: AA There 
were certapne men / whichetaught that 
nepther the wicked ſpirites / nepther the 
wicked ſoules / hall be geuen to etetnall 
poniſhementes and papnes afore that 
laſte dape of the woꝛld:nepther that the 
foules of good and godlp men hail ens 
tope the heueuly ly fe afore the ſapd dap. 
But the opinion oftheſe men the aucto⸗ 
rite of the churche bathe reiccted and 
bdiſalowed. But this thyng is pꝛonablp 
beleuecd that to the wicked ſpitites after 

that geucrall iudgement the tourmétes 

an d 

ofthe tommune Trede. 90 

and paynes Hall be augmented and ene 
creaſed: and that wicked meu (hall than 
fully ſuftre papnes tu ſoule c bodpbothe 
together / ly kewyſe as alſo the felicite ot 
good men (hat than be full and pfighte / 
wh fthep Hai haue recciued thepꝛ body 
than bepuge glouficd: that the lame 
body / whiche they haue had a miniſter 
of good woꝛkes / and a partener of axle 
tions / the lame they mape haue alſo a 
felowe x pacecnee with them okrewarde 
and iope. D. Ikall themen x women 
which haue ben by the ſpace of fo manp 
thouſand peres ſyus the creation of the 
ozlve/Hall ſtande afore Chꝛiſtes ſeate 
ok iudgemente: J beſeche pou / what 
coutte Hall that be / able to receiue and 
cõtapne ſo gecat a multituder Oz what 
tyme ſhal be ſuffitiente to the dilcuſſyng 
and exampuynge of fo manp mennes 
dedes M. The ſcripturc foꝛſothecas 
J haue tolde the herctokozc) dothe at» 
tempꝛe and ſhape her ſpeche accoꝛdpug 
to the aſfectious of men / applpinge her 
ſelfe to our dull ¢ owe vnderſtondyng: 
whan che Capthe that x all men hall be 
pꝛelented and bꝛoughte forthe vnto the 
iudgemente ſeate of Chꝛiſte. Lpketwile 
and after the lame mance as it lapthe / 

“es RTs thas 

Ro . ciitd, 

| The expolycpon 
Mar. v. (hatte fone men Hall be in daunger of 
iudgemente and other ſome in daunger 
of a coũſnyle and other agapne in daun 
ct ok hel fperc. And allo whan it ſaith / 
Math. xi, that of cuery idle wozde au accompte is 
to be geuen at the dape of iudgement . 
(hall tape to them that all ſtande on 
. the rpghte hande aud what thep Hail. 
aũlwere to hym agapne / lpkewile what 
thep Mall aunſlwere / o: what chall be 
layde to them / whiche Hall ſtand onthe 
lefte hande. Theſiudgemente of god / is 
done farre after another maner / thäſthe 
iudgemente of men is Done. And pet 
ſhall it nat therkoze nat be verilp done: 
becauſe it Mall nat be done akter the 
maner of men. This is verp true that, 
Thiſt Mall appere in his body glozificd 
vnto all men / to good men vntothepz. 
ſolace and coumkoꝛthe / to wicked men 
fo thepꝛ fare and diſcöfoꝛthe. 402 this 
thynge do the aungelles expꝛeſtlp ſape 
Ackuum.i. in the actes / whiche dpd appere foꝛthe⸗ 
with after that our loꝛde was alcended 
into heuen. This Jeſus which is taken 
vp fro pou into heut: cuen after pe ſame 
mance Gall he com / as pou haue ſeen 
hym gopng. He ſſhall com euen the ae 55 

ofthe comun Trede. 91 

lame / he ſhall be iene in the chape of ma / 
but than chynynge with the gloꝛy of im i 
moꝛtalyte. But allthis bufpnes Hallbe Che generall 
done in a momẽte and as pou wolde lay ladgemente 
inthe twynclpnge ok au epe. Neither 19 95 Repti (ts 
hall there thau nede onp longeor dylp⸗ ora, cke. 18 
gente erammation o trpall: whan all 
the ſecretes of meucs hertes ſhall be 
open / and whan cuerp mänes owe con 
ſcience (hall condemne bpm. And the 
bodpes bepnge than chaunged tout, 
moꝛtalyte ſhal not thaͤl as they do now) 
occuppefpace of place / as touchpynge to 
the thie mauer dymenſions / that is to 
witte lengthe / bꝛedthe / and depthe: but 
innumerable bodpes Mall map than be 
contapued in a very lytle ſpace. Foꝛels 
mines witte myghte greatlp meruaple 
ho we it may bt / that helle / whichethey 

do pꝛouably putte too be in the loweſte 

partes of the carthe: Mall be able to rez 

cepue ſo many bodpes. DJ SC. why 

dothe the quiere / in Che Crede that they 

do lyuge:adde here thele woꝛdes Cutus 

regim non erit fits (that is to ſape) ot 

wyoſe kyngdome there hal be none ende 

MAG. This particle was added oul 

ol the woꝛdes of the aungell / which(as N 

we rede in Lube) ſpake in this wiſe to 5 

Lu = tHe 

why in the 
rede ok the 
inaſſe / it is ab 
bed. CTuius 
regni nõ crit 

The expoſpepon 

the bleſled virgine. F And the loꝛde 
god ſhall geue too hym the ſcatte ot his 
kat her / and he ih all rapg ne in the howſe 
of Jacob fo2 cuermoze. And of his kpug 
dome there ſhall be none ende. Ind this 
particle was added and put te to becaule 
of cettapne men / whiche drꝛeamed ͤcertat 
ne wonderfull blaſphemies of the perio 
des and reuolutions of peres / whiche 
Plato dpd put / of whiche Ozigtne coke 
his eroute( pf it be ſo / that he dyd thyn⸗ 
ke that thpuge in very dede: whiche he 
hathe retcpted z rehertced / rapther than 
affirmed with allcuerattö in his bokes) 
thatis to witte / that after certapn thou 
ſaudes ok peres / ok fendes ſhall be made 
aungells / and of aungells be made fens 
des. And that thep wWhiche arc damned 
in the kpere of helle: hal ones be delpucr 
de kromtheyꝛ papues / and beynge putz 
ged / Hall retourne agapuc to felpepte 
and blyſſc / and finallp that Chace ſhal 
be crucified agapne. And ſo that the 
kyngdome / whiche Thuſte hathe pur⸗ 
chaced and gotten too hymſelfe bp his 
deathe:ſholde ones haue an ende. This 
is a moe fonde and folphe blalphempe 
than that it is woꝛthp to be confuted. 
But pet becauſc there were ſome ar 


ofthe cõmun Crede. 92 
the Bꝛekes / whiche oyd ſomewhat cas 
ſteme and reg arde this dꝛeame oꝛ trpf⸗ 
lyuge opinion: the churches of the cate 
bpd adde this particle, And of his 
kyngdome there ſhall be none ende G 
The kpugdome ok the Deupllis diſlem⸗ 
bled foꝛ a ſcaſon: whiche euen nowe allo 
dothe tebell x warre agapuſt the kypug⸗ 
dome of Chute. Lykewile the rapgne 
of Antichꝛiſte Hall laſte but a whilc / but 
the kyngdome of Che / after that it 
hall be cienfed and ridde clene krom all 
rebellion of the cupll perfones: it (all 
continue and endure kot cuer / ſoo as the 
Pꝛophete Daniell hat curvetlp pꝛophe 

cied in the. vu. chapitoure. Foꝛ after pt 

he hathe fprte defcribed his compnge 
with matcte/ and with many thoulan⸗ 
des ok aungels / and by e bp / alter bathe 
deſcribed the Bredefull uubgsemente he 
addeth confequeitly thele wordes. 
And he bathe geuen to hym polvee: 
honoure / and kyngdome / and all peo? 
ples / and tribes) and languages / ſhal do 
ſeruice to him The power of him ſhalbe 
an cternall power: which Mal not be ta⸗ 
ken awap frõ bpm / and his kpngdome 
ſhalbe a kyngdom / which Hal not be coz 
rupled oꝛ deſtroped / thus farkoꝛthe this 
: ä M. iti. rede 

Dani, vil, 

The erpoſptpon 
Trede was ſutficicute:pf the woꝛlde had 
by lymple fapthe holden and kepte fat 
that / whiche was taughte them. But 
foꝛ as muche as the peruerlite of herett 
kes dyd bꝛynge in certapne wicked here 
fics Terromuſe opunons of the thpꝛde 
perfone/ whiche is the holp ghoſte: and 
becauſe it ſemed to haue ben lomewhat 
to darkelp ſpoken aud to oblcure ſignifi 

cation to haue ben geucu ok the dilpen - 

ſation of the churche in this woꝛlde: 
therckoꝛc was this parte added / whiche 

vothe dothe more clerelp and culdently 

chaͤlenge aud mapntapue fo the holpe 
ghoſte the diuine nature / which be path 
comune to hym with the father and the 
fone: and alſo doth plapnuly and lpghte⸗ 
ſomly erpꝛelſe and declarc / what gouer 
naunce is in Thziſtes mpſticall bodpc / 
by the holy ghoſtc / it dothe therefore ree 
pete agapnc the thprde perfone ſapinge 
CAF belcue in the holy ghoſte: that by 
the lame woꝛdes pꝛokellpug hym inthe 
thyꝛde place / it myght declare the diſtin 
ction of the. tu, perfoucs as kouchynge 
to theyꝛ ꝓpꝛeties c the egalpte  cucnes 
of thé as touching to thepꝛ naturc:lyke 
wife as no ma doth beleue with ach zſtẽ 

beleftc/noman doth lette hismoſte cofts . 


ok the comun rede. 93 
dente and truſt ) in a creature / but in the 
onelp god alone. He that pieleth hym⸗ 
(clfe to beleue in the holp ghoſt: do wtles 
he pꝛokeſſleth hym tobe god / € that nos 
another god / but the lame god. Certapn 
men haue lapde that the holp ghoſte ts 
not a ſubſtauce: but that he is noughte 
cls but the concitation o2 ſtpꝛrynge ok a 
godlp mynde But this motion oz kprs 
rpuge of our mpnde is in dede cauled 
and cometb of the holy ſpirite: but it is 
not the berpe holpe goſte ſelfe(lpkewiſe 
as imagination cometh ok yè foulc/ but 
yet is it not the verp foule ſel fe) Foꝛ the 
fapde motion oz ſtpꝛrynge of the mpnde 
in bs ig an accidente: but that thynge 
that is god / is neyder accident / nepther 
is it meugled to on p accidente. Other 
lome agapne haue ſapde / that the holpe 
ghoſte is a creature added as a miniſter 
oꝛ leruaunte to the ſont / whome alſo 
thep do make a creature. And thele men 
do openlye deupe the holpe ghoſte to be 
god. But our loꝛde whan in the koꝛme 
aud mauer of baptifpng he dothe iopne 
the father / the ſone / and the holy ghoſte: 
all. iii. together / he dothe not mengle oz 
lopne a creature wi the creatoꝛ / neither 
aͤn accidente with a ſubſtaunce / but be 
Gyo, bath 


Opinions con 
cerupnge the 
hol ghoſte. 

Mat. xxviil. 

5 The expoſpepon 
hathe erpꝛelled the perfoucs all okone— 
eſſence. But becaule the erroures cõter⸗ 
The etroꝛes nvng the holy ghoſt haue not verp gre⸗ 
cöcernynge actly trobled and encombꝛed oꝛ febled pe 
the holy gho⸗ churche ok Nome / but haue moſte ſpeci⸗ 
18 gue allp and chellp raged amonge the Gꝛc⸗ 
e kes:therkoꝛ hath pe lymbole which was 
made in the councell holden at Conds 
tinople / added put to / certapue Works. 
of the holp ghoſt / callpnge hym donnie 
why tue holy loꝛde aud viuktcatoꝛem . qulckener oF 
ghoſte is 1215 maker alpue. Ju that it doth call hym 
led lozde loꝛdte:it Doth make hym egal to the fane 
ercludpug the name of a miniſter 02 fer 
uauntc / for there are not many loꝛdes / 
koꝛ the ſane is not called loꝛde of the ho⸗ 
lp goſte: but the loꝛde of all thynges cre 
ated / whiche dominum or loꝛdſchippe is 
cõmunc to all. ui. perſones. Howe beit 
pzlos. this greke word Rpnos is not alwares 
a woꝛde of dommton or lozdchpppe: but 
other whiles it is a worde betokenpnge 
uthonte / nowe is the holp gbolte aus 
thour of all thofe ſcriptures:whiche the 
churehe accopteth for diuine ſcriptures 
and of which the authonteeis inuiolable 
„but becauſe the father hath in pe gofpel 
Math. lil. teſtified s w rneſled of the lone. This is 
my welbeloued fone herken do hym / ges. 
upnge to hym i wot loucraigne r highe 

ofthe cmmun Trede. 94 
Authoꝛite:leſte onp man hold lhynke oꝛ 
ſuppoſe that the authozite of the holp 
ſpitite were Ice than the authozite of 
the ſonc / thep dyd adde e put to / Pucu⸗ 
ma kyꝛion.i.the ſpitite the aut hour / k in 
that it doth cal hym viuificatoꝛc.1. ques 
gener o2 lpfegeuer:it Doth agapne make 
hym egall to the fone t to the father / loꝛ 
our loꝛde ſaith in the goſpell of Johan. 
As the father doth raiſe quicken vp / und 
make alyue thoſe that arc deade:ſo both 
the ſone alfo quicken x make alpue H hõ 
ie ſlpſte. Leſte ony man therfore holde 
thpnke / that the holy ghoſte were hire 
excluded: thep added ct viulficant k.. € 
guickupng o2 mahpug alpuc. And lykc⸗ 
wile as this difference there eis / that the 
lone bathe ſpoken openly in fleſht / ethe 
holy ghoſt hath (poke by the propheres 
the ſame daply dothe ſpeke lecretlp bp 
the churche: euen lo dyd the fone bodilp 
raife vp deade men beynge both the au⸗ 
thour e allo p© fpꝛſt frut of reſurrection: 
but the holp ghoſt bp patdonynge & for 
geupng ſpñes / doth ſpitituallp quické € 
make alpue / foꝛ ſpune is the death of the 
ſoule / frõ which to reuoke € call agapne 

onp man / is a great thpug than it was 

to taiſe bp Laʒarꝰ beig. uu. dapes Wak 
out ot his graue laue onelp p* al thyngz 

Et ſpũm do⸗ 

whythe lame 
ghoſte is cals 
led quichener 

Joannis. v. 

The difcréce 
betwen the 

ſpeahpnge of 
the lone the 
ſpcakpnge of 
the holp gho⸗ 

ſte v the ditfe⸗ 

téce betwen 
the qͤckenyng 

Oz railpng vp 

deade men ok 
the one / 1 of 
the other. 

Joannis. xl. 

The expoſpcpon 
arc lyke muche oꝛ egallp eaſp tobe done 
of god. But becauſe this outward ſpirit 
oꝛ bꝛeathe is à thynge incouſtante / was 
ucrpng / x vnſtable: leſte onp man Molde 
vmagpne onp ſemblable andlpke top ug 
of the holy ghoſte / thep called hym yp 

_ thom: that is tofape: oł ſubſtanciail and 

Jod n. xb. 


why he is cal 
led the holye 

ſtronge inuiolable authonte. And inthe 
goſpell of Johau our loꝛde hymſelfe cal 
leth hym the lpirite of trouthe. Thus 
muche as touchynge difference. Nowe 
on the other (poe becaule by the fen 
dpnge forthe and recepupnge in agapne 
of bꝛeath oꝛ aper by courle / we do lpue 
bodplp:the holy ghoſte verpconuenient 
lp and accoꝛdynglyis called spiritus 
viuificatoz. i. a quickenpnge ſpirite whe 
che Doth geue vnto vs / tauſeth that we 
do lpue as touchpnge the better parte 
of vs / that is to witte the ſoule. Ag ayne 
becauſe this bꝛeathe n2 wynde ſeameth 
a cert apue crucl and vnmercikullthyng: 
whan it dothe rapyſe o2 ſtpꝛre vp wauss 
in the ſee / x Wha it Doth taufe the earthe 
to (ake oꝛ quakes and whan it tearethe 
trees in londꝛe: they do geue tothe holy 
ghoſte goodnelle. DJ. why is he called 
holpr MA. Foꝛ a difference from other 
ſpieites/ o: we do rede in the 8 

ofthe tũõmun Creve. 97 
that Haul had au cupll ſpirite ſente of 
the loꝛde / and that a lyin ge ſpitite was 
in the mouthe ofthe pꝛophetes. we rede 
alfo of the ſpirite vertigins:of the ſpirit 
of ſothelapers / ot pe ſpirite of geloſp / we 
rede thele woꝛdes / ſpiritũ peſſimuͤ. i. the 
moſte cupll ſpirite / the ſpirite of foznicas 
tion / M ſpititum nequam.i.the wicked 
ſplrite / the vnclene ſpirite / the ſpitrilc of 
this woꝛlde / the ſpirite of Satan / a we 
tedc alſo the pꝛoude and highe ſpirites 
ol man / as in the. xi. chapttoure of the 
pꝛouerbes Ante ruinam exaltabitut ſpi 
titus. i. Afoꝛe his Becape and fall his (pr 
rite ſhall be lyfted bp tu paride, J rom all 
theſe ſpitrites is the holp ghoſte ſepara⸗ 
ted and diſſcuered / whiche maketh mien 
fo2 pꝛoude and highmpuded / meke und 
mylde / whiche ryddeth and delpucreth 

men from all companic and kelowſhippe. 

of Satan / whiche inſpireth to men the 
vety deſpiſpnge of this woꝛlde / whiche 
by faythe purifieth and clenfeth the her 

tes of men / whiche dꝛiuethe awapc ail 
malice and wickedueſſe / whiche geueth 

true charite / that ig not mildempng nep 
ther thynket oup cupll / which openeth 

i. Negum. xx. 
and. x vi. 

Leuit. xx. 

A ctuum. xix. 

what mernat 
loule chages 
the holp got 
wozheth in 

niducs loule, 

i. Coꝝ ii. 

pe ſetreth miſteries of ye ſcriptures Wht: Johan. 
che ledeth into euery berite ¢ trouth. Ds. Johan. xvt. 


„ ty 


Joh an, ſiii. 

Tht erpoſpcyon 
Arenal aungelles alſo called ſpiritus 
ſancti id et holy ſpirites r MA, pes 

verilp / and lo are they in very dede. So 
alfo the ſpitite of man is well called 
holp: but there is but onc ſpirite alone / 

whiche is by nature holp / aud which of 
it ſelke dothe ſanctifie and make holp all 
thynges / that are verilp holp. what fo 

euer ihynge is without body: by a gene⸗ 
rall name is called ſpiritus a ſpirite og 

ghoſte. Sots god in the goſpell called a 
ſpirite whiche name is commune to all 
the thre perſones as concerupnge the 

diuine natuce / but whan we do ꝓpꝛelp 

Bp what na 
mes the holp 
ghoſte is cal⸗ 
led in the 

and ſpectallp meane zliguifte the thyꝛde 
perſon: we do call hym the bolp ſpitite 
oꝛ ghoſte / the ſpitite of god / the ſpirite 
of Chziſtc / ſpiritum patacletum. t. the 
ſpirite that is cõtoꝛter oꝛ abuocate/ and 
the ſpirite of trouth. And agapnſt them 
whiche denped that the prophetes made 
thepꝛ pꝛophecies bp the inſpiration of 
the holy ghoſte / but bp a phanaticall oz 
madde and vapnc lpirite: the Spuode 
of Mice oꝛ of Conſtantinople bathe ads 
ded this particle * Qui lotutus eſt per 

pꝛophetas(that is to ſapt) which ſpake 

by the pꝛophetes:that we ſholde vnder⸗ 

ſtonde a haue in knowledge / that bothe 


ok tht tommune Crede 93 
keſtaméetes were taughrr and geucn bp 
one and p* (ante ſpit uc / and that ici was 
none other ſpirite whiche pale bp cye 
mouthe of the holp pꝛophetes:tha enen 
the verp felfe lame A whiche delcended 
vpon our loꝛd in ihe ly kenclle of a dowe 
And inthe lpkencllc of fyete cam vpon 
the diſciples / and which cuen this dape 
reſteth beirwene the bꝛeſtes of the ſpou⸗ 
ſeſle the churche . 3 Dpd the holp 
ghoſt take vpon by mthe body in which 
he appered: ſo as Chziſte tehe his bubp 
vnto bpm, M. No verilp / for Thiiſt 
folie au humane body inco the vuite of 
perſonage: but the holp ghoſte dyd lo 
take vnto hym abodp / as aungels do 
oftentpmes appere in the lpkenellc of a 
inan. Thoſe ate but bodpes allumptc / 
and nat naturall bodpes. The lame 
ſpnode dyd adde thele woꝛdes allo. 
Au cum patre ct filio mul adoꝛa⸗ 
tut ſci conglonficatur. i. whiche is wor 
ſhipped and gloꝛified together with the 
father and the lon:to thentkte that they 
myghte the moꝛe exclude theblaſphemp 
of them / which de make the holp ghoſte 
inkeriour to the fon. Joꝛ creatures ate 
gloꝛified æ honouted: but wi the father 

8 tue fon nothig is honoured / laue ei 

Luce. iii. 

Actuum. ii. 


Tunſ were, 

It was no. 
natural body 
that the goip 
ghoſte appe⸗ 
red in. 

The expoſpcyon 

that / thal is god. Under god and koꝛ 
godes lake / holp men allo are honoured 
but with god / nothpuge is honoured oz 
gloꝛitird / but that which is all one with 
hym. And kozthe kame purpole alſo is 
added this clauſe. W Qui er patre 
filioq; pꝛocedit( that is to lape) whiche 
pꝛocedethe ot the father and the lone e 
FJoꝛ asthe ſonne is argucd and proucd 
to be ot᷑ the lame ſubſtaunce with the fa 
ther / becauſe he is begotté of the father: 
cuen ſo is it concluded & gathered that 
the holp ghoſte alfo bath the fame natu 
re with them bothe / for as muche as he 
pꝛoſedeth & cometh forrh of them bothe: 
how beit thele woꝛdes e filtog.t.and of 
the ſone / ſemethto haue ben added ok 
the Latyne men / lpkhewile as in the ſym 
bole of Atanalius: foꝛ as muche as this 
particle neither is hadde in the Becke 
lymbole / whiche we hadde let aforethe 
newe teſtamente in our leconde edition 
ok it / neither pet in ouy lymbole whiche 
is recited in the canon lawe / foꝛ J fuppa 
fc it was not than pet receiued / namelpe 
in the churches ok the caſte / that the hoz 
ly ghoſte dothe pꝛocede from bothe / nei⸗ 
ther was the conkeſſion ¢ knowlegynge 
here of exacted of Chꝛiſten men / Me it 


ok the commune Crede. 97 

was lutficient to pꝛokellc / that he procte 

ded frome the kather / and that he dpd 

contpnue and abpde in the ſon / as it is 
erpꝛelled in the Ipfe of lapncte Andauc 

the apoſtle. Nat for that they dyd denp 

hym to pꝛocede alſo from the fon:but for 

that they durſte nat laſtlp affpꝛme this 
thyngc / vntpllthat our lozde dpd reucle 

and ſhewe it alſo buto them. Foꝛ nates 

uerp thyng thatis {tute of aup petlone / 
dothe koꝛthwith pꝛocede frome the ſub⸗ 

ſtance of hym / of whome it is ſente . A 

tempoꝛall ſendpuge / is one thynge: and 

an ctetnall pꝛoceſſion oꝛ compng foꝛth / 

is another thynge, D. Sepnuge that 

the fathers with fomanp woꝛdes dpd 

ſtudp and go about to exclude incqualite 

whp dyd thep nat backlp and expꝛelllp 
pꝛonouncc / that the holp ghoſte bpd pra 

tede beyng god of god: in as moche as 

they haue diligentlp expꝛeſled of ye ſou / 

that he is god ok god / lpghte of lyghte / eum de deo / 
berp god of very god: Foꝛ fo ſholde all lumen de 
cauillatious vtterlp haue ben excluded, lumtne / deum 
HY, To this / J can nat tell what auns Perum devo 
were I olde make / laue onlp / tbat the Ch ; aia 
metuqiloule tcligton and keare / Whicbe died hat 
the olde fathers hadde to ſptahe of the eye olde ka⸗ 
diutne matters / and — 8 e had to 
. ol an 

av 71 

Cpeakbe of dis 
cael Eres 

The etpolpepon 
aud talkatincnes of certayne perſones / 
was ye caulc / why they had leuer ſhewe 
and demonſtrate by circumlocution the 
name ot god / than to expꝛeſſe it:to then 
tente that both the godlp myndes hold: 
vnderſtonde and perceiue the mpſterie / 

and wicked perfoucs Molde nat be pꝛo⸗ 

> Gobygoodnes 

+ charste arc. 
attributed to 
the lolp 

uoked to blaſphemp. But that thynge / 
which that Synode dyd btter by circü⸗ 
locution:ſapucte Athauaſe doth erpꝛel⸗ 
flp pronounce / ſaping. The father 

ig god / the ſon is god / the holp gholte 

ig god. Ind pet are nat ther thꝛe godes / 
but there is but one god. D .iwbhyp do 
thep attribute and aſſigne to the holp 
ghoſte / goodnes and chariter . Be⸗ 
caule vnto goodnes o2 benignite two 

thynges do belong / that is to wytte for 
gcucnes of ſynnes / x geupng of gpftes: 

bitte charite appertaineth conglutina⸗ 
tion 02 topupug together. Lykewile as 

the membzes and lpmmes of our body / 

Lut. i. 

Math ii. 

do clcue together whole by pe bencfighe 
okthe ſpirite: euen ſo the miſticall body 
of Thꝛiſte is topned and knpt together 

by the holy ghoſte / Thꝛiſte in the ſpirite 

of god dyd caſte out deuils And he cals 

leth the holp ghoſte the ſpirite of god. 
But bp ſpune wicked ſpirites do raigne 
in a 

ok the commune Crede. 92 

in a man / as our lowe dpd mantkeſtiy 3 
teache in the parable ce ofthe ſpitite / Ant. xi. 
that was dꝛiuen out / wbiche returned Watz. dog 
agapn into bis empty boule with ſeuen : 
ſpirites moze wicked than hpmſelfe . 36 
Therfoze the good {pirite is conucnts 1 
cully ſapde / Op aboliſhyng and puttyng 
abap ſpnunes to dꝛpuc out cupl ſpitites. 
which whan it is done:it doth nat ſuffte 
the houſe to be empte oꝛ voyde / but dot h 
garniſhe and adourne it with diuerle 
gyffces oꝛ graces / that the vices dziuen 
vlt ſhold haue none ent raũce in agape i 

And therkoꝛcæ that blaſphemy whiche Math. xi 
ig committed agapuſt the holp ghoſte / 2 
is fapdemthe gofpel tobe itremiſiblc / 
and ſuche as can nat be fozgeucn. Foz 
what hope of remntfron dothe that man 
leue to bpmfelfc: whiche dothe pꝛouohe 
the authour of remiſſion ¢ foꝛgeucne g: 
& oꝛ charite( as ſayth Cay ncte Peter) 
Dothe couer o2 hyde the multitude of „ ctti. fil. 
Apuncs. And to that ſpufull woman / of 
whome mentiou ts made in the golpel / 
man ſynnes were foꝛgeuen / becaule Rue. vit. 
he loued moche. Wehde this / our loꝛde 

geupng auctoꝛite to his apoſtles of fors 
geupug li ſines / bꝛeathed vpon the lapig. 

N. u. Take 


oan. xx. 
200 b 0} 

i. Coz.xii. 
Nom. xti. 
i. Co ·xii. 

. The expoſpcpon 
ake pou the holp ghoſte. Benignite og 
liberalpte is declared in this ( that the 
gpftes whiche lapncte Paule rcherceth 
verp manp and diuerſc: are called the 
benchightes of one ſpirite / whiche diltri 
buteth at his owue pleafureto cuerpe 
man / accoꝛbpnge to the meaſute æ quan 

tite of his kaythe / tis the maner of thé 

AY tal. lxiii. 

that do triüphe:to ſcatter caſte from a 
hyghe place / monape oꝛ ol her gyktes az 
monge the people. So lphewile Chziſte 
aft er that he was alcended into heuen / 
there to make a triumphe:accoꝛdyng to 
the pꝛophecie of the x fale wꝛpter iA 
Le ledde captiuite captive leding awap 
wt hym thoſe whome he had taken out 
fro hel / neither cõtẽted wi this: he gaue 
giftes to men lefte behynd bpm tcarthe 
that is to witte / ye gyktes of ꝓphecie / pe 
gyftes of tongz / the gyftes of knowlege 
the gpftes of cutpuge maladies oz diſea 
{es / the gyktes of expulſions agapnite 
popſons t wicked ſpiritz. Bꝛellphhegaue 

the bole company of all vertuces / which 

¶ what this 
wo de bonus 
doth ligmkie 

gyftes euecp one Lyrae hath diſtribu⸗ 
ted to his ſeruaũles / x dayly doth diſtri⸗ 
bute by his ſpirite. Foz this woꝛde bo⸗ 
nus. i. good to latyne men dothe lowne 
and figuitte otherwhiles mylde e gentel 


| of the comnn rede, 99 

oꝛ ttercifull/ and otherwiles bountuole’ 
and liberall. Therekoꝛ ſapnte Paule pro 
uokpng the Balathrans from vengean 
ce to humanite and gentpinellc / doth in 
culke ¢ oft repete the uamce ofthe ſpirite 
ſapenge . pk we lyue in the ſpirite o Salat. vi. 
bꝛetherè: let vs walke alſo in the lpitite 
pt ony man ſhall be pꝛeucted oꝛ taken in 
onp ſynne:pou that are ſpitituall inſtru 
cte aud amende hym that is ſuche once / 
in the ſpirite of mildnes. Dauid ſapthe. 10 cal. c. xlil 
Thy good ſpirite Hall cöducte and 5 
lede me in to the righte londe. A And 
fapute Paule layth. The charite of god Nom. v. 
is ſpꝛedde 02 poured abzode in our her⸗ 
tes:by the holp ſpirite / whiche is geuen 5 
to vs. And watpnge to the Komaneß / Nom. vil. 
he calleth that the ſpirite of adoption / 
by whiche we do crye father kather. 
Lphke thynges doth he waite tothe Ga⸗ 
lathians Betauſe pou are the ſones of 
god: god hathe ſente the ſpirite of his 
ſone in our hertes crpinge father father 
hele two woꝛdes fone and father are 
names of loue / whiche no man can trus 
ly pronounce and ſpchc / but by the benc⸗ 
kighte of the holp ghofte:Ipbelwife as ac 
coꝛdynge ta the teſtimonie of Sapnucte 
Paule. * Noman doth call Fels loꝛbe / i. Coꝛ . xit. 

Re N. ii. but 

Galat. iii. 

Rom. ditt, 

: The expoſpcpon 
but in the holp ghote. hole men that 
haue the ſpirite of this woꝛlde:do falllp 
cric lather father. Thep do kallclp Cape 
to Chꝛiſt loꝛde loꝛde / whole ſpirite they 
do Wate. a> For wbo ſo eucr bathe 

not the ſpirite of Chꝛiſt: yt man is none 

ok Thuſtes. And lykewiſle as the holpe 
ghoiters that incffable bonde oꝛ knotte: 
by whiche the thꝛe perſones are inſepar 
able io pned among them ſelues echt to 
other with eternall cõcoꝛde: cuen lothe 
ſame ſpirite with an vnlowlcable bonde 
dot he ioyne the ſpouſelſle of Chziſtc to 
her ſpouſc / and alfo dothe couple and 
Bryptteto gether all the mébzes of Lets 
ies miſticall bodp with a ppetull bonde 
oflone amonge themlelues / euerp one 
with other. DJ S. yf the holy ghoſte 
doth pꝛocede of the ſubſtance of god the 
father € of the ſonc / what dothe let / that 
he map not be called lone: M AJ. 
Saynte Cyprian / hilarp / x Anguſtinc / 
thoughte it Cufficiente to aunſ were / in 
this wiſle to this queſtion / betauſe the 
ſcripture dothe call the ſeconde perfor 
lone / and fapth that he is begotten and 
boꝛne of the father / but it Doth in no pla 
ce ſape / neither that the holpe ghoſte is 
begotten oꝛ boꝛne: neit her dathe gia 
3 : | pis 

of the cõmun Crede. oo 
hym onp where fone. Thjs aunſwere / = 
whiche lo ercellente men thoughie lur / 
kiciente: it is conueniente and mete for a 
theto be contented withall / pk out. ok 
two fountapues oz (papuges one ryvuer . 
dpd illue: that riuer mighte well be Carte 
to come foꝛthe oꝛ to be Cente from bothe 
thoſe ſapde kpzingeg / but pet cholde it 
be called the ſone of neither nouther of 
them bothe. DJ H. Fs it Cuffictente 
than / to belcue this pe pou haue taught 
me:as touchpuge to the holp ghoſte r, 
MA. Mo verilp / but pou muſte alſo 
belcuc / pt this ſpirite which was a fare 
fapde of the pꝛophetes / and pꝛomiſed of Actum. it, 
Thꝛiſte / dyd on whitſond ay come down 
bpon the Apoſtles and Dilciples foo as 
ſapnte Luke reherleth: becaulc ok the 
wicked and blaſphemouſe arrogance o€ 
certapu perlones / whiche haue not ben 
aft apde to ſapc / J am that comfoꝛter / 
A Whome Chuſte pꝛomiled to pou / Joan ill. 
foꝛ to lede pou in to all verite and truthe 
whether he were Maniche / oꝛ whether 
he were Balillides / oꝛ Montanc / oꝛ ony 
other ol thoſe execrable names. J. 
That / whiche came downe vnon the di Jetes. ii. 
leiples and whiche was geuen to them Jetuum. vil, 
a a3 N. uu. that a 

eo) i 

I queſtion 


The expoſptpon 
that were baptised, bp lapeng on ofthe 
Apoſtles handes / whether was it the 
Herp ſubſtance of the holp ghoſter oꝛels 
was it ſome gykte € cficacie ofthe holp 

ghoſter: MAG. It is moꝛe pꝛouable 2 

lpkelp / that the holp ſpitite / whiche as 
touchpnge to his diuine nature fpllpng 
allthpnges dothe tontpnue and abpde 
vncompꝛehended: was there alter a cer 
tapne tpetiall and peculiare maner / vn⸗ 
der a bilible ſygnc / as touchynge to the 
pꝛopꝛetie ok his perlone. But to entre⸗ 
medle with thele matters nowe at this 
tpmens (as it is wonte to be lapd in the 
pꝛouerbc )to lepe ouer the hedge / ¢ pale 
bepond the boundes. Thou hatte nowe 

gotteu knowledge of the ſpirite / that 

fanctifietl all thönges: nowe herken 
ſomewhat of thechurche/ tha is Cancte 
lied of tht layde ſpirite. DJS. yk there 
haue ben a ſocictie and felowihlppe ok 
all holy men fro the begpnupuge of the 
woꝛlde / and pfthat all godly men haue 
hadde the holp ghoſte prefent with thé 
why was there no name tothis fecrete 
ſotcietie afore the tyme of the lawer Foꝛ 
after the lawe geuen / it was called the 
fpnagoge/ and after the Boſpel geuen / 
the name beenge chaunged / it was he 

ofthe cétttiun Trede. 10 · 
led the churche. LIAB. what name it 
hadde afore the olde lawe geuen: it is 
not cuidẽtly knowne ol vg / but pet thas 
it hadde forme name: is verp pꝛouable a 
lphkelpe / ſepnge that the thynge was all 
one. Thꝛiſte hathe at all tpmes knowne 
and acknowledged his ſpouſeſſe / nep⸗ 
ther hathe he at ony tyme wanted the 
ſpitite of Chꝛiſt. But in the begpnnpug 
lpkcwiſe as fev emen hadde knowledge 
ofthe dyſtpnction ok the perlones / but 
they dyd pꝛokeſſe one god( which ſpeche 
doth compꝛehende Cecretlp and clofelpe 
thꝛe perſones ) and kewe men dyd knowe 
the perſone of the ſone / and fewer dyd 
knowe the holp ghoſt:euen lo was this 
ſocyete o2 felowihpppe amonge a fewe 
perſones / and it was coarcted and con⸗ 
tapned within narowe mcares 02 bows 
des / euen vntpll the lyghte of the goſpel 
came. But after that Chziſt(the nature 
of man takẽ vpon hym) was coucefante 
amonge men / e that after he hadde rede 
med his ſpouleſſe with his owne deathe 
and hadde euidently iopned her bepnge 
made cleane with his owne bloud / vnto 
hymſelte / and hadde euidently and abũ⸗ 

The churehe 
ſtode in a vez 
rie kewe per⸗ 
Cones at the 


dauntly poured forth his ſpirite / a after 

that the Brae of the goſpell was plen⸗ 
N. b. tuolly 

—— — 

She expolpcpor 

tuollp flowe i / not into one wattd alone / 

but tuto the whole woꝛlde:the Apottier 
chaũged the name ofthe ſonagoge into 
the name othe church. And it is not to 
be dowted / but that it was done bye the 
ſuggeſtiũ ⁊ inſpiratiõ of the holy ghoſt. 
D. A lounge to here the cauſe bercof. Al. 
1 che Abo Although there where no luch differkce 
e in pe Words as there is:pet dpa pe chaũg 
lpnagoge:in⸗ OF the name make ko; pe glory ofthe gol 
to the name pell. The name of ſpnagoge was recey⸗ 
ok the church ucd & cõmunely vled among all men ko 
od tögregatiò the cõgregatiõ of the Jewes / whith pra 
felled the la we of Moyſes now like wile 
as p® lawe of Moyles was hateful to al 
bother natiõs: cut lo was the name of ſy 
nagoge buplealaũte & miſlpkyng tothe 
gar. xvi. cares of the gẽ̃tiles, but the apoſtlz / whã 
Auce.xxiiii. they were comand of our lord to pᷣche 
Ittuum. i. =the Bolpell to cuerp crcature / not onelp 
with the termes r limitesok Jewzy k 
lamarr / but eu vnto ye pttermoſt parts 
ot pe world: alſo beig taught by poole 
ghoſt / dyd now / pt there ſhold certayne 
Jcwes atterwardes ſpunge vp or ryſe / 
which wold fare abowt to oblcure x bes | 
fact the grace of the golpell the kaythe 
ctuum xv. in our loꝛde Jeſu / caching yr there was 
no hope ot laluatiõ to onp mã onleſſe he 
were circumciled / v lo b this ſymb ole & 


of the cömun feds, 102 

s it were / by an earueſt penp geuẽ dpd. 
preffe the hole lawe of Moples:vè apo⸗ 

ſtles J (ape therfore wolde declare / that 

the ceremonies of pè labwe frd théſckoꝛth 

hold be aboliſhed ¢ put awap / x wold al 

fo declare the newnelle ol grace / by cha⸗ 

ungynge the olde vocabules oꝛ names / 

in the ſtede ofthe lawe callynge the gol⸗ 

pel / that is to witte a glad tydpng / k in 

ſtede of fpnagog now nampng the chur 

che oꝛ congregation. Foꝛ the lawe bpd The lawe. 
Ne r manace nee cractpug 

of men by copulfion the obſeruatton oz e 
kulkillyng of (he cömaundemetes The The golp 1 
golpel by pe grace of pe ſpirit / & by Fath 

in Chalke Jelu / without the woꝛkes of 

the lawe / oth ꝓmiſe cternal lyke / now ik 

the ſtiffnes E froward ſtoburnelle of tle 

Jeues was ſo great / pt the apoſtlꝭ were 

(cafclp able we much bulines to exclune 

thepꝛ ſupſtitiõ: bow muche more harde 

thyng wold it haue ben to do the ſame it 

in ſtede of the churche the ſynagoge bad 

ben pꝛeached beating (tpl the olde name 

they wolde haue wende luppolcd / that 

there had ithe thyng alfo nowhit at all 

ben chaũged. D. Js there tha alſo tthe 
words come differkce e diuerliter CA. Synagoga. 
Bothe woꝛdes / that is to witte Hyna⸗ Eceletia. 
goga and Eccleſia are Gꝛeke wozdes 

— —————— s ee 

The expoſpcpon 
and Opnagoga is ſapde ot the greke 
verbe ſpnagein: whiche fignifiethe as 
muche as cogere . i. dꝛpue together in 

Eccletia. one Eccleſia is ſapde of the greke verbe 

Ekkalein: whiche ſignikieth as muche 
as cuocare to call out oꝛ to call forthe, 
The foꝛzmoꝛe woꝛde therckoꝛ / that is to 

Hpnagoga. witte ſpnagogais moze mete and agre⸗ 



Rom. x. 

puge tothe grollce / carnall / harde / aud 
ſtoburne rebellpouſe natio of the Jcues 
whiche with feare of poniſhemente / oꝛ 
with hope of carthelp comodites : were 
Uepte in / oꝛ holden backe by the lawe as 
it were within hedges oz raples / that 
they Molde not rũne oꝛ kalle into all wie 
kebnelſe and lynne. And the lattermoze 
woꝛdc / that is to witte Eccleſia is more 
mete and conueniente to the cuties: 
whiche dyd lightely and calily obap the 
golſpell / bepuge allured by thep2 cares / 
whichethpuge belongeth to mene not 
dꝛawuc by the noſethzules / after the ma 
ner ok bugles oꝛ other bꝛute beaſtes. 

A flocke of beaſtes is gatherd together: 
but men are called foꝛth into an aſſemb⸗ 
le / not to woꝛke accozdynge tothe cere⸗ 

The obedien tronics of the lawe: but to geue care & 
he the gen⸗ Hecke. J oꝛ fapth(as (apth (aut Paulc) 


is bp.beatpuge, The Gentiles were 
„ called 


ofthe tömun Trede. 109 
called forth from deade idoles / to the ip 
uynge god / from the darkneſle ol igno⸗ 
raunce / to the lpghte of the Euangelp⸗ 
call verite oz trouthe: e (hep dpd obape 

and folowe. The Jewes were lpkewiſe 

called out from ceremonies / to true holp 
nes / from ſhadowes / to lyghte / from the 
lettre / to the ſpirite: and thep dpd refule 
to come. And therekoꝛ it is come to patie 
that amonge the Bothes and Ciandas 
leg the name ok the loꝛde ts called on e 
woꝛſhypped: and on the other ſyde the 
Jewes do contrap wile euen vntpll this 
dape reuile and blaſpheme the woꝛchpp 
full name of Jeſu in thepꝛ ſpnagoges / & 
do pet (crue the lettre / ald do reſiſte the 
bolp ghote. But where the ſpirite is: 
there is lybertie. It belongeth to ſeruä⸗ 
tes to be tompelled:but it appertapneth 
to ſones to be called forth wherfo2 ſaint 
Paule alfo is wonte to name thoſe that 
pꝛokeſſe the grace of (he goſpellʒ voca⸗ 
tos lanctog (that is to ſape)ſapntes cal, 
led / oꝛ ſaintes bp vocation and callpng. 
DID. what doth this woꝛde n San⸗ 
ctus pꝛopꝛelp / declare and ſignitie to la 
tyne men r MAS T. That thynge is 

The obſtina⸗ 
tie of the 

The Cigntfs 
cations of 
this wo de 

pꝛopꝛely called x Sanctum whiche it is fanctus holy. 

not lawful to violate defple oz cae 


The. expolpepon 
As the lawes / e the walles / c — 
of a cytie are therefore Sctatd eſt)holp 
oꝛ inuiolable: becauſe thep are publpke 

do cõömune. And certapne ihynges are 

therefore ſaucta that is to Cape inuiolat 
becaule thep are ſacred and dedicated to 

god / Wherfore that thyugeis called fan 

Math. xvi. 

Joan. x. 

Ephce. v. 

By Spottes 

is betokened 

hereſies and 


ctum domino (id eff ) holy to the loꝛde: 
whiche is lacred oꝛ dedicated to hym. 
But the vle of this woꝛde is otherwhi⸗ 
les trauſlated to ſpgnyfie alfo clennes xk 
purite. Nowe the holy churche is fons 
ulolable aud not able to be hurte: that 
(accoꝛdpuge to the fapinge of our loꝛde) 
not the g bet pates of hel can pꝛeuaple 
agapnufteit. Noz nonc other caule ts it 
muiolable: but onely becauſe it is dedy⸗ 
cated and ſacred to Thuſte / e From 
whome noman is able to plucke awape 
that / which his kather bath geuen hym 
The chutche is alſo pure and clene: bes 
caule Chute bathe G Purified her 
and mad her clene with his owne bloud 
that be wolde make her a ſpouſelle to 
hym ſelle haupng neither ſpotte neither 
wꝛincle. This woꝛde ſpotte ptapneth vp 
pꝛelp to heretpkes / whiche go abowt to 
dekple ¢ make fowle the pure verite: we 


ofthe commune Crebe. 104 
ſpꝛinklyng to of Githpcreourts . This 
wozde wpucle appettapneth to them / wepnclesdo 
whiche in Dede do belcue ryghte:but pet Aguile upces 
do lede a Ipfe Defpled with the fülthe of and leuneg. 
bices and ſpuncs. wꝛyncles do betoken 
age. Suche one verilp is that olde mau / 
whiche we haue receiued of Adam / and 
whome Paule doth broͤde vs LH to do Ephe.liu. 
pol / and to lape fro vs with all the actes 
dedes that do belonge to hym / that we 
myghte do on vs the newe man / and 
being renewed in pe ſenles of our mind / 
we myghte folowe the ſteppes of CHAU Roma. vt. 
and walke in newnes oklyfe. CThiiſte is Chpiſte is a 
aà delicate and a deynty louer / he tau nat delicate louer 
kynde in his harte to loue the ſynagoge 5 
bepnge waincled with olde ceremonies 
and with theloue e exetciſe cf the olde 
law. Meyther can he ſuffte oꝛ abpde the 
churches of heretikes bepng dilligured 
and made foule and cuplkauoured with 
the lepꝛie ⁊ diuerſe ſpottes of falſe doc⸗ 
[rines and erroures. D Ik the olde 
ſapng be ſtruc / that no man lpucth faut 
les and without (pune: where is than i 
that ſpouſelle / which in the cantteles is 91 
pꝛayled / and is ſapde x to be all ſapze cg anna mea 
and beautpfull and without all mance et macula 
ſpotte oꝛ wemme: LY 5 uon eſt in te. 
5 E 

b The expolpepon. : 
It is graũted to verp.telve men ko lpue 
without the lpghter / oꝛ ſmaller vpces 

on venall ſpunes which bp rechelelnes 
and oucrſpght doo crepe and ſtele apon 

Howe greate 
Hynners are 
of the church 
and how not. 

the nature ok man. But theſc mall 

kaughtes / are rather mall ſpeckes:thã 

greate ſpottes / and lypkewiſe as they do 
daply (pring of riſc:cuẽ fo be thep daply 
walhed awape cither with prayers oz 
with dedes of almoplc / oꝛ with the recd 
pence aud ſatilkaction of ſome good woz 
ke / c ſpeciallp and pꝛincipallp with the 
receiuinge of the hodp of our loꝛde / but 
krom greate ſynnes 02 deadlpe crimes / 
they whiche haue pꝛokelſed Chꝛiſt / both 
owghte and alſo mape abſtaync / with 
the helpe and aide of the lpirite of Chꝛi⸗ 
ſte. DS. Do not they than / whiche 
are detiled with great ſyunes oꝛ crpmes 
appertapne æ belonge to holp churches 
AG. They do belonge / and they do 
not belonge. In fo muche / and as karre⸗ 
forthe as fapthe dothe remapne hole in 
them: they do belonge to the churche / 
neither are they kepte fd the contunia 

and partetakynge of the ſfacramentes / 

crecpte it be foo / that foꝛ ſome euidente 
cnoꝛmite of crimes thep be by the pubs 
lpke and open iudgemente cut oe 
| rom 

ok the tommune Crede. toy 
fromthe companp and kelowſhpp of the 
chuthe. But becauſe this woꝛd Eccleſia 
id cl Churche (apd in his moe propre 
figutfication dothe betoken the pꝛeup 02 
ſccrete ſocietp and feloweſhpp of them 
that ace pꝛedeſtinated to cternall lpfe / 
of the whiche company a greate parte 
lpueth alecdp with Chꝛiſte / and pe other 
parte that remapneth alpue in this 
Worlds called for this entente and pur 
poſc / that they Molde laboure and ende⸗ 
uoute themſciſtes bnto moſt hyghe and 
Plyghte purite:therckoꝛe is it wel ſayde / 
that the church bath no ſpot o2 wilucle / 
cyt her by the figure ſynecdoche / (that 
is to witte / ſapinge that of the whalc / 
whiche is verified of the parte) oꝛels foz 
cauſe ofthe marke oꝛ ende entended / of 
whiche ende the logicions alſo do cons 

what is the 
churche in 
his moſte pre 
pre Cignificac 

How the 
churche hath 
nepther pot 
ne wzpncle. 

keſſe and graunte a denominacton oz 

name to be taken. But pet otherwhiles 

this woꝛd oꝛ name churche is ſo dilated 
and ſtretched out fo karre: that it dothe 
compꝛehende and contapne as manp as 
haue receiued the lacramente of baptil⸗ 
me / whether they do lpuc vertuoſtp oz 
other wyſe. Somcetpmc the miniſters 02 
iudges of the church are called the chur 
9 whome we oughte to obape / alle 

O. i. thoughe 

Palme. xxv. 

antic. ii. 

Mate. xili. 


The expoſpcypon 
thoughe thep do openly and in lpghte 
lpue au eupll lpfe: as longe as il is ſo / 
that thep do nat commaunde o2 teache 
ſuche thynges / as are contrarp to god⸗ 
des lawe / and may nat ſtande with his 
c maundementes / namely if there Hold 
folowe moze trouble and onqupetnes 
of thc kakynge awape to the commune 
wealc of Mache thynges / than ok the tole 
ratyng and ſullrüng okthem. Therc are 
alſo æ churches oꝛ tõgregacions of wic 
ked men / whiche the ſpouſe dothe hate. 
But wholocuer pꝛokeſſeth the bolp chuc 
che: doth erecrate and abiure all ſchil⸗ 
maticall conſpiration agapuſt the trans 
quillite of the eccieſiaſticall hierarchic / 
lypkewyſe all conucnticles æ aſlemblecs 
of heretikes / with whatſocuer glotioule 
title they do let them ſelucs foꝛtheto the 
fale / for they are innumerable: but the 
dDoucisbutonly one.  .Fntheolde 

tymt the heretikes alſo bad churches / 

in luche fate of thynges / whan cuerp 
one of them dothe crpess Thiſte is nat 
there / but here is Chziſt: bp what marke 
oꝛ token maye we dilcerne and knowe 
that only doue of Thziſte from other x 
QA. That / which doth fwacue and go 
awꝛpe from the holy ſcriptures:is 8 

of khe tommune Trede. ree 

ol Thꝛiſtes. D-. But heretikes do tuen 
with the verp weapons ol ſcripture op⸗ 
ae andfpghte ggapynſt the churche. 
. And no meruapleok it / for thep do 
folowe that diſcerupnge ſpirite / whiche 
dyd e allayle and tempte the loꝛde hym⸗ 
ſelfe alfo vnto wickednes / with the teſti 
monies of feripturt wrecked x wzenchen 
to a wronge ſenſe / but the falfe interpre 
tation of ſcriptutres is to be cofuted ann 
diſpꝛoued and put by with the true im⸗ 
terpꝛetation and declaration of pe fame. 
D. In dede it was no mapſtrp for Chuſt 
to do ſo: but it is nat lphewile fo eaſp a 
thyuge for va wietched men to do the 
fame. M. It is uat a parte belongyng 
and fitte for cucrp inan / to fpghte oꝛ di⸗ 
ſpute wi heretikes: but it appertainteh 
only to them / whiche are iuſtructed and 
well appopnted with that hole armurc / 
whiche the apoſtle Paule dothe * in 
certapne places otherwhiles reherte t 
recken vpꝛbut ko the / and to ſuche other 
as thou artet / it is ſufficiente to kepe and 
bolde faſte by ſtedkaſte and ſure beic#e 
thofe thynges / whiche the churche hath 
erpacilp & openlp taughte for thpynges 
neteſſarp vnte ſaluacion . D. what 
chan he do / whiche hathe receined bap⸗ 

Dit, tilmc / 

Mat, tity 

Ephe. di 

| The expoſpepon 
lilme / and bath taken instruction of bes 
lelte / in the churche oꝛ congregation of 
heretikesrM AG. Let bpm not chaüge 

the baptilme / which he ath receiued in 

the name ok the father und tye fone and 
the holp ghoſte: but let hym purge and 

clen ſe his doct eine / let hom withdꝛawe 

bymſelſe from vnclene cögregations oz 
alſemhlees / and let hym reconcile hym⸗ 

lelfe to the holy churche DJ. But thas 

is it / whiche J deliered to knowe of you 

by what tobe o2 marke the holp church 

map be dilcerned a knowue from other. 

Howe / oz by AA. Tbere are manp coniectures 3 
what tokens gelles by which gatherd together i one 
the true La- it is caſilp and ſon perceiued and cfpicd 
1 5 15 325 where the douue is. The fyꝛſt is the au⸗ 
knowe from tbonte ofthe olde Opnodes / namelp ap 
other, pꝛoucd t alowed bp the ppctuall ¢ cotps 
nuall cõſente a agremẽte of fo manp fox 

Dip ages / oꝛ tymes / æ of fo manp diuetſe 
natiõs / nerte afther this is pè authozite 

of the interpꝛetoutes oz expolitoures / 

How the olde Whome for theyꝛ holpnefle the churche 
holpe expoli⸗- hat h cauouized / x whole bokes the lame 
tours ot the church bath appucde¢ allowed not fo p. 
leripture are it is not lawfull in lome poyntes to difs 
e , cute and dilagree from them( for theps 
ſleluts do ſometpmes dilagree not onclp 



ofthe ciimun Creve, rey 
one of them from another / bul alſo doo 
bvarp from thép2 owne lelues) but that 
thepꝛ bokes are to be redde with reue⸗ 
rence. And that which they do teach not 
raſhelp and vndiſcretelp to be reiected x 
retuled. The lame ;( J ſuppolc is to be 
thoughte and iudged ok the good ¢ aps 
pꝛoued companpes of diuines / whole co 
tynuall laboure ¢ ſtudie is to kpnde out / 
and to bꝛynge forthe to bs the ſecrete 3 
hydde trouthe / out of the diuine ſeriptu⸗ 
tes. Thpꝛdlpy the bꝛedthe o2 largenelle 
is to be conſpdered / loꝛ neuer hathe onp 
berefp ſpꝛedde ſo large / as bath the Ta 
tholike doctrine. Laſte of all the mance 
ol lpupnge is to be well adurfed/ a fame 
what nere loked on. DJ. But heretikes 
alſo haue Chꝛiſte muche in theyꝛ mous 
thes / and ſpeke muche of hym. And alſo 
the Manicheis are repoꝛted and faped 
to haue ben of wonderfull abſtinence 3 
allo continentic / the Ebiomtes do beſpt 
ſe and ſette at nought riches. The pPlal 
llancs doo pꝛape contpnuallp without 
ceaſſpnge. The Antropomoꝛphites dyd 
lpuè in deſerte / æ wilderneſſe / they were 
couerde € cladde in courſe hͤpen clothes 
thep poniſched and kepte vnder theyꝛ fle 
fhe with kactyngz / laboures « fleppnges 
Sunn, OFF 

howe theps 

wozkes ars. 
to he tedde. 



D lalltani oz 


The expoſpcponun 
on the bare Nane ſuche maner 
men aſſembled and flocked together / de 
spats ill. trpe c here is Chuſte: Molde not a man 
(and not with goode cauſe ) as it were 
one ſtandpuge in a place Where manpe 
wapes do mete / doute and be in ama⸗ 
merpnge / whiche wapt he nape take / x 
whether he map gor MAS. pe moꝛco 
uet the verp theatte ot the goſpell dothe 
ſhewe unte the Pharilcis wozſhppkull 
Math. xxlit. with theyz Philateries (et out at large 
Math. vii. made thynne and bare wüh kaſtynges / 
Math. xxiii makynge longe pꝛapers / dealyng forth. 
Math. vi. thepꝛ goodes in a moyſe to pooꝛe kolkes 
ö But theſe outwarde thynges / thoughe 
they haue the apperaunce and lykenelle 
| of godlyneſſe and vertuc: pet are they ok 
lentymes kapned for cauſe of ſome tem- 
poꝛall and tranfprozte profighte oꝛ com 
modꝛite / namelp of lucre / oꝛ gloꝛie x prat 
le / and that made me adde Here before / 
that thep lyfe ſholde be looked on Come 
what nere: whiche thpnge pf ony man 
wyll do / he Mall kynde k pertetue / yt the 
faite thpuges arc done in dede bothe ok 
: good men a alfa of cuil men / but aftcr a 
The dite: Biuerfe mance x a ſondzy fashion. 000 - 
rence betwen and vertuoſe men in they: abſtinentes 
the outwarde and kaͤſtes are cherefull: the other 2 | 

— —ä2—ä— . 

3 7 — TEC TOMO — 
— — — 
— —— aman 


bk the cõmun Trede. 108 
are ladde / heup / x out ot al chere / neither 
do vertuole men make thepz auaunc oz 
boſte af theie thynges: but rather doo 
kepetthele thynges lecret / nepther doo 
they auaunce aud maͤgnikie thelothyn⸗ 
ges as great and bpgy chpnges:but do 
mate lyghte of them / and do ertennate 
them / neither do thep deſpiſe & dildapne 
other men / which do not the fame thyn⸗ 
ges: but thep do beutgnelp and charita⸗ 
blp interpꝛete & iudge cither that khey 
wolde do greatter thyuges pf the wepk 
nelle feblenelle of thyeꝛ bodꝛe Wold qeuc 
them leue:oꝛels that they haue thep?2 fle 
fhe leſſe redellioſe to the lpitite / ſoo that 
they haue no nede to tame it with ſuche 
maner meaues: oꝛels that they do with 
other good dedes offre to god a moꝛe ple 
ſaunte ſacrifice and oblation. The reli⸗ 
gion aud holpues of godly men / is (pis 
ple: and without crafte oꝛ diſceite. The 
diſciples of Johã dyd kaſt: but they dyd 
backbyte the dilciples of Chat k pale 
cupllofthent: for that they bpd moꝛe Cel 
dome faſt. The Manichceis dyd abſtapn 
& foꝛbeare from all maner beaſtes oꝛ ſen 
ſible creatures: but they dyd dfpraple 
t cõdempne the creature of god: e ſecre⸗ 
tclp & in coꝛnes dyd Fpl themlelues with 
. O. lin, delici⸗ 

wozkes of 

good mc and 
ok cupll men, 
bepng all one 
in aperquce. 

ritable men 
doo iudge all 
thynges to 
the beſte. 

ute. v. 
Gath, ix. 


Math. vi. 
Math. xxiii, 


Ephe. iii. 
i. Theſſa.iiii. 

Ebionite oz 

Hol pneſſe ſtõ 
deth in the at 

he very per 
fight holpne. 

The expoſpepon 
delycyouſe meattes bothe moꝛe dapnty 
and alſo more coſtlp. The Pharpſeis 
dpd pꝛape: but thep dpd it in the hedes 
of manp wapyes / where they myghte be 
moſte ſenc / in thepꝛ chaumbꝛces / epther 
they dpd occupie themſelues about trig 
les / oꝛels dyd counte and tell monape. 
The (alliances dpd prape: bul 
ſuperſtitiouſlp / and vnder this pꝛeterte 
Or pꝛetꝭce (hep dyd lyue of other méues 
coſte æ charge / a dyd not actoꝛdynge ta 
the doctrine of lapnte Paule) Gar Las 
boure with thepꝛ oluuc handes / to gete 
where of they myghte both kynde thers 
(clucs thepꝛ necellaries / and alfo might 
geue ſomewhat to pooꝛe folles. The 
schionttes had nothpnge ſcuerall o2 in 
pꝛopꝛc / and they were falſely called apo 
ſtolici. i. folowets of the apoſtles: but 
they dpd tondemne and dilpꝛapſc other) 
that were pollellioners / and had oughs 
ot thepꝛ one / chalengynge proudly ek 
pꝛeſlumptuollp to themſelues the pꝛaile 
of godlpuelle e true vertuc oꝛ holpnelle: 
whiche ſtondeth not in londes oꝛ in mo⸗ 
nap but in the affections. They Apoks 
dyd ſpende thepꝛ owneſelues whole and 
altogether / to thende that they mighte 
allure ¢ 3 verp manp vnto Chꝛſte 


bk the cõmun Trete. ToD 
nepther coulde thep by onp iniuries o2 of the Spoke 
Difplefurcs be compelled and cauled to jeg. 
lape awap this affection to wardes onp 
man. They purpoſed not / noz wente a⸗ 
bout to da vengeance to onp man: bub 
whan they were caſte into pꝛyſon / they 
dyd ſynge pſalmes / and gaue thankes Actes. v 
to the loꝛde / whan they wer beaten with 3 
roddes / and bepugt ouerwhelmed with 
ſtones / thep were gladde and reiopted Letes. vit. 
pꝛapnge for them / of whome thep dyd 
ſuſtre all theſe thynges / whan they dpd 
raiſe vp deade men / whan they dyd er⸗ Actes. u. 
pulſe æ dꝛiue out deuilles / * whan they 
dpd with thep2 ſhadowe heale men / that 
were ſpckea difcaled:thep neuer ſpake 
one woꝛde of boſtynge oꝛ vapne gloꝛie / 
but pꝛokeſſpng themſelues to be nought 1 attie 
ells but moꝛtall men:they dyd alcribe g Jctes. x 
rekerre all the whole pꝛaile vnto god. 
who fo euer dothe fulfpll and ſhewe in Actes.iit. 
berp dede this charite / and this pactéce 
continuallp with chetekullneſſe: pt man 
e bꝛpngeth forth ſuche frutes whercby goa, vil, 
he mape be dylcerned and Browne to be 
& goode tree. DID. F here fape/ that 
vnneth there is ony one of the olde wrt Math . xti. 
ters oꝛ authoꝛs / in whome there are nob 
founde ſome thynges dillonante e dila⸗ 

O · b. greyng 

The cxpoſpcpou 

. greynge krom the rule of the catholphe | 

fapthe: why than that the chyrch recep⸗ 
ucd and alowed theyzbokesr HA 75. 
Howe the The churche hath abmptted and recep⸗ 
thurche hath ued theyz bones not as cauonptal lcrip⸗ 
Saree can ture / that is to fay ſeripture of vnduted 
olde kathers and lure auctozite not able to be dilpꝛo⸗ 
to be tcobe led:but they ate receyued as the coͤmen 
| taries and woꝛkes of men bepnge bothe 
Icärned and allo good and vertuolc / nep 
Eucrye maz ther doth euerye mauer erroure make a 
ner crroure man koꝛthwith an heretpkt / and in the 
makcth not olde tyme thole that dyd erpoune and de 
au heretxne . clare the Ceripture / Were pardoned and 
bold ercuſed / il thep did doute of certapn 
thing; / ht whrch it is not lawkul to tout 
any longer after the ſentence of (he chue 
che püblyſhed and openly pꝛongunced / 
or cis lf they dpd interpꝛetate and cx 
poune anpthyng ithe leriptures / other 
n Wpieſthaän the authoꝛite of che churche 
Doth teache nowe. Foꝛ nepther were al 
the Orctes / Heretpkes / which dpd pros 
f fefle that the holy ghoſte dyd pꝛotede / 
& come koꝛthe krom the father alonc:noꝛ 
Origen, NO Dror peradueture was Origen ups 
2 ther an herctpze therfore becauſe that 
ok deſpꝛe to ſerche out the trouth / he dyd 
diſpute whether the lonne and 1 

3 ‘ gt) 

of the commune Crede. 1 o- 

ghoſte had all onc / and the lame diupne 
ellence with the kather / oꝛ els were crca⸗ 

tures moꝛe excellent than all other crca 

tures. It was lawrul alfo more than. 
CCL. petes after the tucarnation of 
hꝛiſte / to doute whether there were 
anp clenſynge tper oz fper purgatorpes 

whiche certapne meu Oph tudge io be 

charite. But it is a very popni ot an he⸗ 
tetyke / pꝛoudly and obſtinatly to rehell 
and ſtryue agapnſte the eupdent verpte 
oz trouth / and whiche hath ben taught 

with the publypke aad commune autyoe 

titc, DIS. The name at cauonp⸗ 
call ſcripture / howe manp bokcs dothe 
ir compꝛehend aud contapner A A . 
This thpnge bathe lapucte Cip ane 
very plapulp and bꝛekly taught. Sprite 
the hole ſcripture is diupded into two 
partes / that is to wptte / the olde teſta⸗ 
nent / and the newe. In the olde tes 
ſtament are accompted and rekened fhe 
fpucbokes of Mopſes / that is to wytte / 
Beuelis / Exodus / Leuiticus / Numeri / 
Deuteronomiũ / alſo the. u. bokes of Je⸗ 
fu Mauc / ok Judges / and of Kuth. Be⸗ 
lydes thele / the koure bokes of kynges / 
whiche the Hebꝛues do make but oncly 
two bokes / furthermoꝛze the boke so 

Re ipo⸗ 

“Che bokes 
of the canom 
cal ſcripture. 

The bokes 
of the oll te⸗ 





Reguns. tif, 


Tht trpolpepon 
lpomenon / that is to tape / ot thynges 
oucrhipped oz lekte out / whiche of the 
Debzucs is called the boke ok Mapes 
oꝛ tpmes. Than the. u. kpꝛſte bokes of 
£2fd2¢ which the bebzues do reckẽ both / 

elde. ii. but foꝛ ouc / for the thyꝛd e the. un. boke 

of Eldꝛe are accopted amonge the Apo⸗ 

criphe lcriptures. Nexte after theſec are 

the. uil.pꝛincipal oꝛ greater ꝛophetes 

Elaiag / Iheremias / Ezechiel / and pas 

5 nicl. To theſe is added one boke of the. 

51 . ru. (mallee Pꝛophetes . Belides this 

manic, onc bokc of Job / € one boke of the pals 

The. xii.cnal mes. iii. bokes of Salomon / that is to 
lit pꝛophetes Witte / the boke of Pꝛouecrbes / Eccleſia⸗ 

Job / plalmes (ies and Canticum canticozum / within 
nan ies this nombꝛc / the Authoꝛite of olde men 
urum cãtico⸗ OPO Conclude the wolumes o2 bokes ok 
rum. the olde teſtamente bepuge of trouthe 
wherok it was not lawfull Co dout: but 

now the boke allo of Dapꝛenceis recep 

ued into the ble of the churche (whiche 

Hapience. certapne men do iudge to be the boke of 
Philo a Jcwe) and another boke which 

is called Eccleſiaſticus( whiche men do 

topnke to be the boke of Jeſu the Corr at 
Gecleliatic? Sirach) there is retepued alfo the boke 
of Tobic / and the boke of Judith / and 
the boke of Heer / and the two a 

| 5 


thet a wien In : 
of the M achabeis. There are retepue 
alſo the two Miſtones which arc anner N al 

ed to the boke of Daniel / that is co wit / Machabcis. 

the biltozie of Suſanna / and the hiſtozp 

Of Bel and the dꝛagon / whiche hiſtozies 

the Bebzues hadde not: but lapute Foe 

rome witnelleth that hymlelie dpd traͤl⸗ 

late them out at the ebition of Theodo⸗ 

tio. But whether the churche bach recen 

ued theſe boks with the ſame uuthozite 

with tbe whiche they haue recciued the 

other bobs atfoꝛercherſed:that knowelh 

the ſpirite of the cburche. Under the tp: 

tle and name of the newe teſtaͤment the ye bob es 

cheffe and pꝛincipal place haue the. un., of tue nrw te 

Bolpelles of Mathuc / Marke / dukes ſtamente. 

and Johan / and with thele the Actes 25 8 4 ' 

ok the Apoſtles. erte to thelc are the 40970 15 

Epiſtles of the Apoſtles. ru. offapme Epiſſies. 

Paules. Two of Peters. One of Ja- zpaulc. riiti. 

mes the Apoſtle. One of Jude. Thie Peter. i 

of Johan. And lak of all in oꝛdze is the James. i. 

Apocalipſc ot ſapute Johan. The Hes. e 

bruce do diuide all lcipturc into. iu. Ryn 3, ocalipie. 

des oꝛ ſoꝛtes. The canonicall ſcripiute / Che hebꝛute 

thep call that ſctipture / which wiehout sabe but. iii. 

onp controuerſie oꝛ doute was weyten Bene ok feria 

by the inſpiration of the holy ghoſte / in . 4 

whiche pf oup thynge be kounde / which 

. femety at the pate lyghte folptye / vn⸗ 

The erpoſpepou 

mncte / and agapnſtc realon: it is not 
lawlull to indge that witches wpten / 

but the myſterp is teligpouflp and de⸗ 




troutlp tobe ferched fozthe / and the dul⸗ 
nelle oꝛ lowneſſe of our wytte ts tobe 
kounde faughre With all / and not the 
lcripture. Another fort of ſeripture they 
do call hagiographam / as wꝛpten by ho 
lp men of holpethynges This mauer 
ſcriptures they did fo karre forth eſteme 
and reg arde: that they were in dede tes 
uerently red unthe congregations o2 afs 
ſemblees / but not that the authozptcok 
them Molde conſtrapne / oz compell in 
matters carneſt and ok wapghte. Apo⸗ 
criphe lcriptures they called ſuche as it 
was latvfull forcucepe man to redde at 

home / accoꝛdynge to his owue mynde 

and pleaſure: but in open oz comen afs 
ſemblees thep ſholde not be recpted 02 

redde / no aup man be ſtrapned with the 

auctoꝛite ofthem / nepther to cuerp Cerip 
ture koꝛthwith canonicall:whiche is red 
oꝛ ſongen in the churches: and wolde 
god that it were amonge all men obſer⸗ 
ued and kept / which was decreed in the 
counſell W at Carthago / that no⸗ 


ofthe commune Crede. 112. 
ihpnge at all Molde be reettcd oz redde 
in the churthes laue onelpe the canonts 
call ſcriptutt / the interpꝛetation and bez 
claration / wherok was done inthe olde 
tyme of pꝛeſtes and bplhopes by woꝛde 
ok mouthe. DJS LJ PN E. Now 
a dayes we are kept aud put awape fo 
the redpnge of the holp feripture, 

But this thynge was in the olde tyme a 
poynte ot not gteate and bygheſt relp⸗ 
gtd and holpnes. But the vudpleretues 
and pꝛelumption of the reders cauſed 
and bꝛought to paſſe / that it was nede⸗ 
full to ſhewe a ſtalte / who fo euer redeth 
the ſcriptutres reuerentlp / honourpnge 
that thynge / whiche he doth not vnder⸗ 
ſtonde oꝛ attapne the knowlege of. And 
who ſo cuer is fo moche the more gladde 

to learue of a tconnyng man / foꝛ that he 

is lomewhat pꝛepapꝛed afore bp redyng 
and who ſo euer redeth / not to the ens 
tent foꝛ to be armed / and made tedy to 
contention of ſtrpupng / but to take fons 
what therof / wyerby he map be inſtruc⸗ 
led to lyue holply and vertuoullp / that 

tonſtituti ſtryketh not hym / noꝛ apper 

tpneth anp whyt to ſuch a reder / which 

tonſtitutiö was ozdepned & ſet agaynſt 

he Oeckee 
made in the 
coũlel of Cae 
thage concce 
npnge what 
thinges (holy 
be red in the 

dow the doe 
lp ſcriptutes 
are to be red, 
and Foy what 

. The expoſpepon 

kemerite and vndilerete pꝛeſumption / ¢ 

not agapnſt the loue and exerciſe of ver⸗ 

tue and godlynelle. DJ S. In as much 

as of both teſtamentes there is all one ¢ 

the lame god the father / the lame Thi 

ſte / the lame holy ghoſt: why is the one 

called the newe teſtamente / a the other 

the olde teſtamenter for diuine oz godly 

topnacs knowe not ok onp age oz elder⸗ 

why the one lp nelle. AIG. The godhedcas thou 
is called the lapſtc)khnoweth neither oldenelle oz age 
olde / and the neither newncellc / but it was expediente 
other tge faꝛ vs / that certapne popntes olde be 
new teſtamet nic wed and chaunged in the extetioure & 
out warde thynges / CThꝛiſt conſccratpng 

bꝛede and wine / x called it the new tes 

Math. xx vi. mente. Mowykthou to alke of me what 
what thyn⸗ thyngz are newed oz chaunged: J could 
ges are inthe recken vp berp many thynges. Fpꝛſt in 

and ee ſtede ok the chadowes of the la we: is fue 

the olde, ctoed and cOmenin place the cuidente & 

open berite / and that thpng / whiche the 
lawe dpd pꝛomiſle by Darke rpdles and ki 
gures: bathe ben perfourmed / and thes 
wed forth to the bodply ſenſes of men. 
11. Cos. ii * The ſleynge lettre hathe ben opened 
| or difclotcd:and the quickenpnge (pts 
rite bath appered. Furthermoꝛe the out 
warde ceremonies haue certapne of sed 
| | en 

ok the commune Crede. 113 
ben btterlp and clene taken awap: and 
certapne of them ben chaũged into anos 
ther moze meld and conuentent thynge. 
The Judaicall chople of meates is 
qupte and clene taben awape / we map 
lawkullp weare garmentes of lpnſape— 
wollapt / we may plow oꝛ tyll the grottd 
with Dre æ Alle / becauſe J wyll not 
kcherce other thynges innumerable. 
In ſtede of foo manpe dyuerſe kyndes of 
hoſtes and lactifites: we haue but onclp 
one mpſticall hoſte oꝛ Caccifice. In ſtede 
ofthe onclpe temple of Jherulalé (forte 
was not lawkullto make lacrifice onp⸗ 
where ellps) we haue a churche ſpꝛedde 
thꝛugh out the whole woꝛlde / in which 
is now offred a cleane ſacrifice / x pure 
handeg are likted vp in euerp place / and 
in the ſtede of imiuriouſe ¢ papntul ceca 
ciſion ig bꝛoughte in the cafpe bathe of 
babtyme. The Sabbote dape is chaun⸗ 
ged into the Sondape. In the ſtede ok 
M oyſeg the ſeruaũte of god is ſucceded 
Chuſt the fone of god. The grace of the 
ſpixite / which before was diſpenſed and 
dealed vnto a fewe perloncs fand ſcrace 
lpꝛhath nowe ben opelp and plentuollp 
pobwꝛed out vpon al nations / which are 
vnder the ſkpe. Jinallp / heuen / whiche 
| P. before 


Malach. f. 
i. Timoth 

Jewes ok the 
olde tpme, in 
the new teſta 
ment chziſten 
men ok thefe 
dapes, in the 
olde teſtamet 

this churche let vs walke accoꝛdpng 
„ | the 

The expoſpepon 
before was hype euen to godly men alſoꝛ 

is lette open by the gofpell. Foꝛ thele 

tbpnges d manp other that are newed 

and chaunged:it is well called the newe 
teſtamente / nat foꝛ that it is btterlp ans 

other teſtamente than was before: but 

for that it is ot het wiſe geuẽ oz taught. 

The Jewes:ſuch ok the as thzugb bope 
of the beuély lyfe did liue in the alacrite 
and cherefulnes ok the lpirite: were in 
the newe teſtamente. Agapne thoſe men 
nowe a dapes / whiche do meaſure and 
iudge holpnes by out ward ceremonies / 
and which do gape gredilp akter earthly 
thynges / bepnge colde in charite / a hote 
to do veugeaunce:ſuche pfones ZF ſape) 
do cuen pet cleue and contpnuc ſtyll in 
the olde teſtamente / for that they haue 
not pet donc ot / noꝛ laped from them» 
ſelues the olde man. PJ H. All theſe 
thynges hptherto for forhe are ſpoken 
ot you very plapulp and cler elp. MA. 
we are comen now to the holp churche/ 
in whiche we do woꝛchpp the father / the 
maker of all thyuges / the ſonne / the res 
Demet of the world / and the holp gholt / 
the lanctifter of all thpuges. Let vs con 
tynue and abyde in this church. And in 



ol the tommune Crede. 114. 
the ſpitite / a not accoꝛdyng tothe fleſhe. 
In this church let vs warre a good 1. Timot. vt. 
warre and kyghte a good felde: that we i. Timo.iuti. 
mapye come Unto the wage and rewarde. 
of the eternall lyfe. But ik thou thynke 
eſte: let here be an ende of this come 
¶ The fpfth inſtruction. 
Dat meancthit / that to the chure 
che is annexed and added the com 
munion of fapnetes - 27 1D + : 
This particle + Sanctoꝛũ communios Sanckoꝛũ ed 
nem is not added in Capucte Cipnanc munionem. 
nepther in lapncte Auguſtime / nepther 
doo they ſo muche as by occaſion make 
anp ment lon of theſe woꝛdes / wherkoꝛe 
it is very lpkelp / that this particle bath 
ben added of lome man / whiche wente 
aboute to declare / what thynge was to 
be vnderſtonden bp the bolp churche. 
Eccleſia / that is to ſap / the churche / is a Ecclelia. 
ſociete / felowſhpp / oꝛ company not of all 
mance men / but of holp men oꝛ lainctes 
lpkewyſe as this word concio to latyne Concio. 
men doth lignifp and betoken an aſſem⸗ 
blee oz congregation / not of what ſo 
euer maner men pou lypſte:but of the cis 
tizens all of one commune weale / als. 
P. ui. lembled 

Jewes of the 
olde tpme, in 
the new teſta 
ment chziſten 
men of thele 
dapes, in the 
olde teſtamẽt 

The expoſpeyon 

before yas ſhyt euen to godlp men alſo: 
is lette open by the goſpell . Forthele | 
tbynges a manp other that are newed 
and chaunged:it is well called the newe 

teſtamente / nat for that it is vtterlp ane 
other teſtamente than was bekoze: but 
for that it is othetwile geus a2 taughte. 
The Jewes:ſuch ofthe as thzugb hope 
of the beuélyp lpfe did liur in the alacrite 
and cherekulnes ok the lpirite: were in 
the newe teſtamentc. Agapne thoſe men 
nowe a dapes / whiche do meaſure and 
iudge holpnes by outward ceremonies / 
and which do gape gredilp alter earthly 

thynges / bepnge coilde in charite / a vote | 

to do veugcaunce:ſuche plones ( J faye) 
do euen pet cleue and contpnue ſtyll in 
the olde teſtamente / for that they haue 
not pet done ok / noꝛ laped from thems 
ſelues the olde man. DJ H. All theſe 

thynges hptherto foz lothe are (poken | 

ok you very plapnly and clerelp. MA. 
we are tomen now to the holp churches 
in whiche we do woꝛchyp the father / the 
maker of all thyuges / the lonne / the ree 
demer of the woꝛld / and the holp ghoſt / 
the fanctifter of all thpnges. Let vs con 
tynue and abyde in this church. And in 
this churche let vs walke accoꝛdpng 
| the 

5 ae 

ol the commune Creede. 114. 
the ſpitite / a not accoꝛdyng to the fleſhe. 
Inthis church let vs warre a good 
warre and fyghte a good felde: that we 

mape come vnto the wage and rewarde. 

of the eternall lpfe. But il thou thynke 
it beſte: let here be an ende of this coms 
¶ The fyfth inſtruction. 
Dat meancthit / that tothe chur⸗ 
che is annexed and added the com 
Amunion of fapnetes - MA 
This particle + Sanctozũ communin⸗ 
nem is not added in lapncte Cipztiane 
nepther in lapncte Auguſtine / nepther 
doo they ſo muche as by occaſion maße 

anp mention of thele woꝛdes / wherkoꝛe 

it is very lpkelp / that this particle hath 
ben added of fome man / whiche wente 
aboute to declare / what thynge was to 
be vnderſtonden bp the holp churche. 
Eccleſia / that is to ſap / the churche / is a 
ſocicte / felowſehpp / oꝛ company not of all 
mance men / but of holp men o2 lainctes 
lpkewyſe as this woꝛd concio to latpne 
men doth ſignifp and betoken an allein⸗ 
blee oz congregation / not of what lo 

euer mance men pou lpſte:but of the ci⸗ 
tizens all of one commune wealc / als. 

I. Cimot. vt. 
ii. Timo.iui. 

Sandor 68 



P. ii. ſembled 

The diuines 
ok later tpme 
do Diuerllp ex 
pounde ſanc⸗ 
to zum cõmu⸗ 


The erpolptpon 
lembled and gathered to gether in one 
to take counfapll concerupnge the com⸗ 
mune profptes. And as ro the diupnes 
ok later tyme / amonge vihome fome doo 
interpꝛiete the holp .burche to be the 
ſocietie of men milptaüte and warryng 
in carthe under Chziſte thep2 capitapne 
and the communton ok ſapnctes to be 
the ſocietie of ſapnctes triumphynge in 
heuen / and other ſome agapne doo ex⸗ 
pounde bp & ſauctozum communione 
the ſuffrages of the churche pꝛokptable 
and auaplable to all men / whiche are in 
the bodye ofthe churche. Other ſome do 
expounde it to fignifpe the ſlacramentes 
of the church / which do not pꝛofpte / but 
onelp to thole/ which do aggregate and 
iopne themſelues to the churche. Other 
ſome agapne do thynke by the name of 
c communton to bebetokencd the faz 
crament of the autre / which of the Gre 
kes ts called Spnaxis / that is to ſape / a 
conciliation oꝛ iopnynge to gether / foꝛ 
that by this myſterie is kigured and cõ⸗ 
firmed the motte ſtrapght coniunctiõ oꝛ 
iopnyng to gether of the myſticall body 
with the hede / and ſuche a myſticall foo 
ciette oꝛ felowſhyp of all them that doo 
truelꝑ pꝛołeſſe the name ot Chziſte / 

is the 

ofthe comune Creede. 175. 
is the naturall ſocietie of all / the mem⸗ 
bꝛes / amõg them ſelues eche with other 
in the body of one and the lame lpupng 
fcnfible creature . Thoſe diuines J fape | 
which haue pmagined and wupled thele 
thynges in dede thep doo ſpeake thyn⸗ 
ges that are true / but verilp in my ing⸗ 
gement thep do not erpꝛeſſe that / which 
is pꝛopꝛelp declared by thele woꝛzdes: 
ſaue only yt in the name ok bolp church 
all Khele thynges ate couertip and ſe⸗ 
cretly compꝛehended. But this thynge 
is true Without controuerſpe oꝛ doutc / Atl ceaces ¢ 
that thercis no gyttes in the catbolpbe gykten illuen 
churche: but they do come to it from the From the hede 
hede / that is to wptte Chꝛiſte / although hziſte. 
dpucrſe membres haue dpuerſe olkpces 
and operations, DJS LIP LE. 
Tyhereis not in al the world any thypng 
that good is: but it dothe come from 
Chꝛiſte. M AIDS T ER. 
Trouth it is / but we do nowe ſpeake of 
thoſe thynges / which by kapth in Chꝛiſt 
and by the ſacramentes ok the churche 
do gpue true holpnes and vertue, Foz 
els god dothe gpue manp commodptes 
and good gyktes cuen ro wpcked men / 
pe and to affes and oxen alſo. 

DIS Capi. It they be not of the 

P. ili. compa⸗ 

4 —— * 

8 notable 


The expoſpepon 
tompanp 02 felowehyp of the churche/ 
whiche doo lpue wyckedlp: and agapne 
we do not know ſurelp of the moſt part 
of men / whether they be good 02 cupll: 
what maner a ſociete is that of men / 
which do not know eche other: AA. 
Noꝛ we doo not knowe any of the aun⸗ 
gelles / althoughe they do wapte on vs / 
nepther dooſt thou knowe thyne owne 
foulc/and pet okit is it longe / that thou 
doſt lpuc / that thou dof moue o2 pry 

and that thou haſte wptte and percep⸗ 

upng. Nomanis compelled oꝛ conſtrap 
ned to knowe certapnly / whether this 
man o: that man be a lpue membꝛe of 
the churche. It is ſuſficpent to belcuc / 
that in the carth there is (uch a certapn 
ſocietpe and felowſihpp of them / that are 
pꝛedeſtinated to tpfe/ whiche companp 
Thziſt hath glewed oz iopned to gether 
with his ſpitite / whether they be amõg 
the Indiancs / oꝛ els amonge the Gadi⸗ 
tanes / oꝛels amongethe Ypperboꝛca⸗ 
nes / oꝛels among the people of Affrpke. 
And it map be ſo / that i the world there 
are fome landes / other Jlandes / 02 els 
dꝛye landes / which are not pet found of 

matpners 02 geographers:in which koz 

all that the Chꝛiſten fapthe is ſtronge 


bol the commun Cree. 116. 
guycke. To beholde the ſecrete partes 
of mannes harte / belongeth onclp to 
god / by reaſon wherok it cometh to palſe 
that the iudgemẽtes of men verp okten⸗ 
tymes are vncertapne. DJS. why tha 
are certapn men caſte out from the chur 
thes: MAS. N Thete are certapn ma 

nykeſte and open crpmes / whiche (as 
Paule ſapthe) do goo afore vnto iudge⸗ 
mente. Ok theſe crymes men do iudge / 
as thep mape / foꝛ the conſeruatiõ of the 
publpke oꝛdꝛe. And pet fo2 all that it 
happeneth otherwhples / that the theke 
whiche is hanged on the galowes is 
fauteles / and that the iudge which hath 

The tudges 
mentes of 
men ate vn⸗ 

i, Tim. v. a 

1 a 

condemned hym / is woꝛthp an haulter / 

and it map be alſo / that the perſon, that 
is excommunicated / is in the kelowiehpp 
and commanion ok the churche / and 
that he which dyd exrcõmuntcate hym / 
is cut awap and departed from the chur 
cht. Alſo it is poſlpble / that he / which is 
dꝛawne to the kper for an heretpke / is a 
verp pleaſaunte ſacrifpce to god / and 
that thep whiche bꝛought bpm to the 
fper / are worthy to be bꝛente. DFM. 
what euen than alſo / whan a man is ex 

communicated and caſte out ot the chur 

che / lo knowne and eupdente murthere 
: P. uiii. 03 fas 

The expoſpcpon 
oꝛ lacriledge: MA. pe verilp / foꝛ is 
mape be / that afore that the bpſhop doo 
thꝛobwe forth theipahrenpug oꝛ lentenſe 
of cx communication agapuſt the males 
factourc/ he be allrcdy Sp truc contri⸗ 
tion of harte / retourned agapne into the 
fauoure of almpghty god. Aud pet this 
thyuge becauſe it is vnhnowneto men: 
Doth not auaple o2 help hym any whpt. 

why god but that he chall be kepte from the cus 
wold it to be tryng i tothe chyꝛch. DIS. why wold 
vn nowne to god haue this in the meane ſealon tobe 
men / who are vnknowue who are verilp good and pre 
pꝛedeſtinated deſtinated to eternall lyfe: MAG. Lek 
and who not. cuyll men deſpattyng / hold ſynne more 
hapghnoullp:and that good men Molde. 
Ipue moze wareip and mekelp. Sepuge 
that there are cucu nowe fo manp and 
| fo greate Debates and (trpucs: what ma 
net a battaple wold be thã / if there were 
| a manifette dpfference / wherbp the ane 
| forte 57 be known from dhe others 
. Our lozd Wold not ſo muche as otter 02 

Aha dpfclofe aud ſhewe to his other oplct = 

| ples / who it was that Molve betrape 




bpm. Nowe for aſmuche as it is vn⸗ 
hnowne / whome god hath clected vnto 
blelled immoꝛtalyte both they that do 
ſtande / are carckull leſt they doo 8 
. ep 

ofthecdmune Crede. 117. 
hep that are falne and doo lpe on the 
grounde / do laboure and enfoꝛce them: 
lelues to ryſe and gete vp agapn. finals 
ly thole perſones / whiche are feruente a 
hote in charite: do ſtudp and gpue thepz 
mpude to doo good bothe to good men 
and eupll meu / to thoſe that are openlp 
cuyll / to the entent that thep Hold ware 

wpſle agapne and amend / to thoſe ot 

whome thep doute whether thep be 
good oꝛ cupl:to the ende that they hold 
be made better i they be good all redy. 

And albeit that charite dothe here leſe 

her offp ce oꝛ woꝛke / per foꝛ all that doth 

Che not leſe her rewarde. DJS. which 

are thoſe lacramentes of the churche / ot 
whiche pou made mention incident lpe 
and by the waye / not longe agor And 
what meaneth o2 ſignifpeth this woꝛbe 
ſacramẽtrM A. Thole men which haue 
ſpoken moe exactelp and perkptelp / doo 
call ſacramentum an othe / 02 an obli⸗ 
gacion oꝛ bonde confitmed e ſtrengthed 
by the compng betwen of god oz of reli⸗ 
gion. But our forefathers haue applied 
& bed the ſapd word to lignifp pi ehpng 

whiche the Srekes doo call a myſtery /o 

what this 
worde ſacra⸗ 
ment doth lig 

thou mapſt call it a religiouſe oꝛ holp tes. 

crete oꝛ pꝛiupte. D. why is it called a ſe⸗ 

(erete oꝛ pꝛiupter 


The expolpepon 

aS. Weeaule the commune forte of 
the people was ſecluded and kept a part 
fromthe medlyng with thoſe thynges. 
Albeit nowe a dapes manp thynges are 
done openlp / as whan the water of bap⸗ 
tyme is conſecrated and halowed, But 
thefe ceremonpes and allo the wordes 
wherwith they are done / were hyd and 
hepte lecrete from the people / and were 
taughte amonge the bpchopes from one 
to another / to the entent that men old 
haue the lacramentes in moe reucréce 
and woꝛſhpp . As ſoon as euer the byl⸗ 
ſhop made redp and was aboutward to 
conſecrate the bꝛede and the wyne : it 
was not laukull for anp lap men to re⸗ 
mapne and abyde within the grates o2 
chauncelle. And a certapne Pope of 
Nome / whan he had aunfwered ſome⸗ 
what to a certapne bpſhope (as J wene 
of Englande) demaundpnge a certapne 
queſtion concernyng the rptes and cere⸗ 
monpes of the mpſteries / he durſte not 

put in wꝛptyng the woꝛdes / with which 

the ople is tõſecrated and halowed / leſte 

peraduenkure if the lettres had ben tas 

ken by the wape( which thyng chaũceth 

oltentymes) the fecret mpght happe 
o haue ben bttered and dylcloſed. ae 

: ¢ 

Ok the commune Trede, 118. 
tauſe in dede is fome mance cauſe. Buß 
pet the moꝛe true c moze alowed cauſe 
is this. Foꝛ that in the lacramentes / bp 
certapn viſpble and lenſpble tokens and 
ſygnes: there is inkuſed an infenfpble 
grace coꝛreſpondente and agrepnge to 
the erteriour and out warde tokens and 
ſpgnes. D9. Howe manp facramens 
tes be there of this loꝛte and kynde: . 
Ok the old fathers they are taughte vue 
to bs to be. vn. in nombre / that is ta 
wpte / matrimonp o2 wedlochke / bp whi⸗ 
che we are boꝛue tothis wozlde. Bap⸗ 
tyme / by which we are boꝛne agapne to 
Chꝛpſte / to which lacrament is topned. 
Penaunce / which is as it were another 
baptpmc / bp which we are reconcpled to 
god / but not nowe krelp and all out fo2 
nought / neyther are the woundes hea⸗ 
led without ſtarres. Holpe anopntpng / 
by which the pong chziſten ſoldyer is cd 
firmed and ſtrengthed againſt the temp 
tattons of the dpuell with this facramét 
were they wonte to be fenced oꝛ armed / 
whiche were of age inclynpng and leas 
nynge towardes the icoperdye and pa⸗ 
tepll of ſpnnpnge / that is to wyte after 
they were ſeuen peres olde. A none alter 
as waxpng ponge men / they were = 

| | 5 

The. vii. fas 

ii. Baptpme. 

iii. Penaũce. 

tit. Conkie⸗ 
ma tion. 

Thep were F 
olde tymes. 
vii. peres old, 
afore they 
were conkir⸗ 

The expoſpcpon 
tated and made ſtronge vnto greate bas | 
taples with the ſacramẽt of the aultare 

v. catrament bp whiche is qupckened and ſtyꝛred vß 
Of the aultre. in vs the vertue and lyuelynes of fapth/ / 
and we are thoꝛow the commemozatid | 

of that holy and bleſled death / enrpched 

with plenteoule grace: renewpnge in a 

myſticall mance (as farre forthe as is 
lawkull / that onely ſacrifice / bp whiche 

| we haue obtapned ſaluation. Agayn bes | 
di. Extreme cauſe in the tyme ok deathe is the latte 
ion. wꝛeſtlpuge: therfore ts put to the er⸗ 
treme oz laſte vnction / bp whichdepther 

the ſpke man may recouer his helthe / ik 

it ſo pleaſe gad / oꝛ els he may with kaith 

and good hope llepe in the loꝛde / with 

theſe / as it were with rewardes oꝛ gyl⸗ 

kes the large benignite and liberal pte 

of Jelu dothe in the meane ſeaſon com⸗ 

forte / and entoꝛage and harten his ſol⸗ 

Dpers / vntpll the teme that the bataple 

oꝛ ſtryfe bepng fullp ended / they map be 

Bani 8 the e oꝛ wage of the 

pcuculp lpfe. Where reſteth o2 remap⸗ 

ie Holy be neth behpnde holp oꝛdꝛe / bp whiche is 
: gpuct auctoꝛite to beare holy offyces / € 
: : to mpniſter holy thpnges. This ſacra⸗ 
ment maketh for the dignite and alfa 

the tranquillpte of the eccleſpaſticall 

5 bierar⸗ 

ofthe commune Trede. 119. 

hierarchie / fo it is lemelp and accoꝛ⸗ 
dyng that in the chziften comune weale 
the eccleſpaſtical offyces Mold not be al⸗ 
ſpgned and appoputed to anp maner 
men / what ſo cuce they be / but that cers 
fapne able and mete perlones therfore 
(old be choſen and pyked out to exccute 
them / nepther can there be anp concoꝛd / 
where no man doth obepe another / but 
euerpe man dothe clapme and chalenge 
vita his owne Aethe auctozite to doo 
what helpſte. & Foz lapncte Paule az 
mong the gpftes of the holp ghoſt / doch 
recken the gptte of gouernaunce. 
DJS. what gracets gpuen by euerp 
one of the lacramentes: M A. FF 
any man Mall recepue thele ſacramen⸗ 
tes lo as thep ought to be recepucd in 
duc maner:bp the facramente of matti⸗ 
monpe / the pꝛaper ok the pꝛeſte bepnge 
put to / is gyuen the gyfte of the lpirite / 
by which the bufbonde mape loue the 
wplfe with chaſte loue / lpkewyſe as 
Chꝛiſte loued the churche / and that the 
woman agapue of her parte may loue 
and reucrence her hulbonde as her 
loꝛde / foꝛ Chꝛiſtes ſake / and that bot he 
ol them mare teache / and bꝛynge 
by theyꝛ 

Noma.xii. | 
l. Coz. xii. a 

Dy the Caceg 
mentes are 
graces gpuen 
as is here par 
ticularly de⸗ 
clared of eche 
one of them. 
Ephe. v. 

Bom. vi. 

Sala. vi. 
li. Col. v. 

fi. Met. ii. 



The expoſpcpon 
bp thep2 chyldꝛen (it it pleaſe god ko 
ſende them anp) with veep greate dilp⸗ 
gence in the chziſten fapthe e bertuoule 


lpfe. Okt baptpme it is no nede to 

ſpeake. There is noma but he knoweth 

that in yt ſacrament the old man doth 
perpſh / all ſpune bepng vtterlp deſtropd 
and kylled / whether pou call it ozigimall 

oꝛ perſonall ſynne / and that a newe 
man doth ryſe bepnge purged and cleu⸗ 
(cd from all ſpottes of lpnnes thoꝛowe 
faith in Chꝛiſt Jeſu / whome Paule cals 
leth a newe creature. It was mete and 

conuenient / that he whiche was ones 

boone agapne in Chꝛiſte / and clenſed 
with the bloude of Chzſte:ſhold not tes 
tourne * agapnue in to the ſople of mpre 
and durte: but foꝛ almuche as in manp 
men charters colde and kapth ts kapute 
the goodnes of god Hath graunted the 

remedye of penauncc / of which we hall 

a none haut occaſion and mete place to 
ſpeake. Ind becauſe pong tendꝛe age is 
moe inclpnpnge and redp to vpce and 
vnthzpftynes than to vertue and godlp⸗ 
nes / by holp confirmation that pꝛoclp⸗ 
upte is minyſhed and docilite o2 aptenes 
vito vertue is enereaced and augmen⸗ 

ted (that it holde not be infected with 

vpces / 

of (he commun Trede. 120 
vbyces / aloꝛe that it Doth plapulp kno do / 
what vyce 1s. Furthermoꝛtc / becauſe afs 
ter the age of. xbi, peres the dpuell dolh 
lape all bis oꝛdenaunce / and vle all his 
engpnes agapnſt the ſoldper of Chziſte. 
Fpꝛſte of fleſhelp luſte / of glotonpe / and 
other pleafures/tha afterwardes of am g 
bition and wꝛathe. He is than oktentp⸗ e 
mes amg rekreſhed with ſtrong meate / or the aultor 
and with heuenlp depube / (hat he map 
be able with a ſtronge and bolde bꝛeſt to 
ret epue all the alſlaultes of the dpuell / 
bearpng Chziſt bpmlelfe and his ſpirite 
in his bꝛeſte. In the old tymt / they gaue In the olde 
the bodpe and bloude of the lozde euen tyme inkãtes 
i onto ponge inkantes / kozthwith after recerued er 
thepꝛ baptpime. That cuſtomeis chaun an oe 
ged / and peraduenture it were expedikt / foztchwith ar 
that allo the cuſtome of certapne regihs ter theyz bap 
bere chaunged / in which confirmation tyme. 

Is gpuen to infantes. Foꝛ almuche as 
thele two ſacramentes are not of abfos 

lute necellpte / fo as baptyme is. And 
thertoze the mothers doo well to make 
bade vnto the ſacrament of baptpme: 

but thoſe ether two are gpuen more con 
uenientlp in thepꝛ mete tyme / and they 
are gpuen moꝛe pꝛokpt ablp: if to the las & » 
crament be added alſo Come lptle ate 

: nition 

The expoſpcyon 

dl opdze initton oꝛ counfapll. And to thoſe which 


ate cholen out to the myſtical ollices / by 

the lacrament of oꝛdze eis augmented ¢ 

encrcaceb the gpfte of the holy ghoſte / 

Ages. pill, 

t. Timot.iiii. 


thyng euen in the olde tpme was obſer⸗ 
ured and kept by an out ward ryte and ce, 

to admpniſtre and execute woꝛthilp and 
accopdpuglp the offpce aſſpgned x put 
vnto them. Tpkewple as we rede / that 
X the handes ofthe Apoltles were lapd 
on Paule and Barnabas / that thep 
myght go forth to the ſpꝛedynge abꝛode 
ef the goſpell. And vpon Timothe han⸗ 
des was put on by the pꝛeſtes / as lapnct 
Paule wplnclſeth wzptpntze to hym 
This much to hauc touched ſomewhat 
by the wape / concernpug the ſacramen⸗ 
tes (itis ſufficient at this tpme. It fo, 
loweth in the Crede. The ſremiſlion 
02 forgeucnes of fpnnes. Moman dare 
entre into the Bpuges court bepug rag⸗ 
gen and ſpꝛyncled with mpꝛe and durte: 
much leſſe than it is conuenict that any 
man ſhold entre into holp church / bepng 
defpled with ſynnes. And therfore forth 
with at the very thꝛechold and kpꝛſte en 
trye ot the church is gyuen a bath / that 
he map eutre in pure and clene / whiche 

remonpc / ſoꝛ the lexten ol the churche 


ſtandpng afore the churche doze / dyd 
ſpꝛincle and caſt holp water vpon them 
that entred in to the churche. And the 
olde doctoures do referre this article vn 
to the grace ofbaptifine / by whiche all 
ſpnnes are krelp kozgeuen . And in the 
Crede whiche is ſongen at maſſe / there 
is mencion made of baptilme and none 
at all ot penaunce & J knowledge and Conkiteoꝛ be 
confeſſe one baptyme in tothe forgeucs num bapeits 
nes of ſpnnes. In the ſymbole of Atha⸗ ma i remiſſio 
naſius there ts no mencion made nep⸗ nem peccato⸗ 
ther ol baptyme neyther ok penaunce / um. 
foꝛ(as J haue tolde the before he dothe 
nat expounc this parte of the ſymbole. 
The diuincs of moꝛe late tpme do verp 
well vnder the name of baptpme coms 
pꝛehende alfo penaunce / whiche ſholde 
ſcaſely haue lounde aup plate o2 haue 
ben retciued in the churche / ik lapucte 
Paule had nat commaunded / that i. Coz. d. 
he which had maried his fathers wpfe / 
Molde be delyueted to Satan / and anon i. Coꝛto. it. 
after had cõmaunded the Came agapue 
to be receiued into the grace à compaup 
of holy men. Amonge the people ok Ak⸗ * 
trike there was graunted but only ones e 
tekoutnpnge agapne into the churche: chprches ok 
leſte the ſeucrite and ſharpenes of the Ickrine. 
a Q.i. eccleliaſti⸗ 

qa a 

981 8 

The expoſptpon 

biel ſiaſtitall diſciplpùe & oꝛdꝛe / myghte 
ware fainte. And bp the ſpate of certays 
ne hundꝛeth pers / thole that were falen 
into aup greuouſe oz bapnoulſe crpme: 
were cake out / and kepte from entrpnge 
into the thurche / nepther were thep re⸗ 
tcepued in agapne but bp open cõkelſion / 

and allo harpe a longe ſatilkaction and 

penauncee. Afterwardes becaule ok the 
frowardues of rych men / which had le⸗ 

uer ſtpꝛre and rayſe bp a ſcyſme oꝛ diui⸗ 

ſion / than to lubmptte themſelues to 
the churche / the remedpe of penaunce 
was tempered and modified by the byl⸗ 
ſhops / ſo that nov the pꝛeſte onelp Hold 
here that thynge / whiche before all the 
people was wont to here / whiche pꝛeſte 
alſo Hold remedye and heale the woun⸗ 
des with farre moze mplde and gentle 
medicines, This myldenes was not onz 
lp oꝛdapned to be vſed for caulſe of the 

imbecillite and weakenes ok men / but 


alſo for the cuſtodie of fpmple and inno⸗ 
tente perſons / to whome is is expedient 
not to know the names of many vices. 

DJS. Hauc there ben none erroures 

ryſen about this article: MAS. Pela⸗ 
gius and Jouiniane dyd teache that in⸗ 

kfauntes neded not to be baptized / for 


5 of the tommune rede. 122. 
khat (as they thought) infantes had no 

ſpotte of ſpnne which myght be wached 

a wap / foꝛ they fapd that oziginal ſpnne 
was in none / ſaue onelp in Adam aud 
Euc / but that all other men and boas 
men were bone pure and clene from all 
maner ſynnc / and therfore that in them 
baptpme was nothynge els / but an ho⸗ 
nourable ligne and toké / by which they 
mpght be recepued into the adoption of 
ſonnes / and myght be commẽded to the 
affections and myndes of chziſten men. 
But the erroncouſe opinion of theſe 
twapne the church doth refuſe and con 
demne / kolowpuge the faping of Chak 
in the thyꝛd chapitre of Johan / x vn⸗ 
leſle a man be borne agapne bp water 
the holp ghoſte / he can not entre in the 
ipngdoine of god. And ſaynt Paule in 
the thyꝛde chapitour to the Komanecs. 
r All men haue ſynned: and do nede the 
gloꝛie of god. Amonge the people of A= 
phꝛike there (prong vp tertapn / whiche 
dyd not recepue them into the commu⸗ 
nion x fclowhpp of the church / whiche 
bad ben baptised of heretikes / vnlelle 

Joannis. iii. 

oma. f. 

that they were baptised ag apne ok the 

catholpgs. And this doctrine alfo hath 
the church reiected and condemned / and 
Q. uu. Hath 

ephe. lis. 



The expoſpepon 

path taug bt / accoꝛdyng to the ſaping ot 

ſapucte Paule / & chat there is but one 
baptymte / wherof any maner man mape 
be a minpſtet / all be it that he be an hes 
retyke oꝛ an cupll man / fo that accozs 
dyng tothe mynde ok the churche he do 
baptpze bp theimuocation and callpnge 
on of the holp tcinite / howe be tt pet 
where as is no neceſſpte to the cõtrarp / 
it is tonucniét and accoꝛdpng / that bap 
tyme be gpu by a pꝛeſte oꝛ bp Macones 
and it is a moꝛe ſure wape to wache as 
gapne thoſe which haue ben baptised ok 
hethen men oz ok Icwes / but with this 
crccption / ik thou be not duelp and in 
tight mance baptpzed J do bapttze ther 
In the lame Affrpke( which accoꝛdpnge 
to the pꝛouerbe ofthe Grckes / alwaps 
bꝛpngeth kozthe ſome newe monte) 
ſpꝛäg vp the Donatianes / which bowed 
that in all churches the grace of bap⸗ 
tyme was fapled / ſaue onelp inthe chur⸗ 
che and congregation of themſclues / 
therfoꝛe thep pꝛeched openlp / ihat bap⸗ 
tyme dpd nothyng auaple anp man / ex⸗ 
cepte it were recepued agapne amonge 
tbem. But the churche accoꝛdpng tothe 
teftimony of Jhoñ Vaptiſte / vßõ whom 
thou (halt ſce the bolp ghoſte lpghipng 
¢ abpdynge bpd hym / this is be whiche 



ofthecdimume Crebe. 123. 
baptpsedy bath taught that mais no e 
other thpuge than the minpſter ok bap⸗ 
typme / that it is Chiſte / whiche is the 
true authour of baptpme the vertue and 
ſtrͤgth wherokis of the blond of yack 
s the capacite x aptnes ta recepuc it is 
by fapth / z that nepther can it be coꝛrup 
ted thꝛough faute of the miniſter / which 
god doth gpue by fapthe / neyther tan pt 
grace be cõlumed / foꝛ almuch as it is in 
finite / æ ſufficient pnough lo ubolpche 2 
put awape all the ſynnes of the woꝛlde / 
althoughe there were. x. Worlues farce 
mare fylthy x ſynnetull than this. Afoze 
thig there were the Selencianecs / which 
dpd nat recepuc the water of baptpme: 
but onelp the baptpm of che ſpitite. And 
there were ſome alſo / which dpd put to / 
¢ dyd vlethe baptpme ok fpꝛc: becauſe 
that i the thyꝛd of Matheu Jhon Bap⸗ 
tiſte Doth fap. % He Hal baptize pou in 
ſpirite 2ᷣ kyꝛe: where as by the ſpirite he 
dothe vnderſtand z meane the prupe oz 
lecrete grace of fapthe / which onelp the 
holy ghoſt doth inkule oꝛ powre into wi 
nes ſoule / æ X Op prc he vnderſtondeth 
charite / without which fapthers decade. 
Ok all other ye Jewes were kyꝛſt / uhich 
falſly Caught that baptpme s fapth are 
not ſuſiciet to the obtapnpng ol helth & 


GD) atl) iit. 

The ſpirite. 

The Jewes. 

ieee 7 

Actuum. xv. 
Gala. v. 

Montanus , 

The expolpepon 
faluation vnles circumtciſion were put 
to / whoſe erroure was condemned of ihe 
Apoltles ſelues / and ſpectallp of Paule: 
fo that now there is no nede ok onp con 
fut ation therof / Mouatus and Monta⸗ 
nus dyd not retepue into the companpe 
and felowehpp of the churche thoſe pers 
foncs / whiche after theyꝛ baptyme had 
dyſhoneſted and made heup the churche 
with ſome hapnouſe and manikeſte cris 
me / not (as Jwene) foꝛ that they dyd 
take awape from ſuche maner men all 
hope of ſaluation / but that thep mpgbe 
berput them the honoute of the felow⸗ 
pp oꝛ cõpanp / to the puttpnge of other 
men in keare of doynge the lyke / whiche 
thpngc ſapnct Auguſtine doth wpt nelle 
and recoꝛde euidently of thoſe perſones / 
whiche after bepnge ones reconciled to 
the church bp penaũte / had falne agapu 
into the lame / oꝛ cls into lpke crpmee 
treſpaſle. Man map Hptte to man the 
doꝛes of the churche:but heuen no man 
map Hpttebut onclp god. So in the old 
tyme thoſe perſones / which beynge pꝛe⸗ 
ſtes oꝛ deacons / had committed an cuts 
dent and mauifeſte cryme / were put out 

ofthe clergy without anp hope of coms 

myng in agapnc. The ſame thong was 


of thecdmun Crede. 124. 
done to thebphhopes. Wut this Ccucrite 
oz charpen eſſe of coꝛrection allo was mi 
tigated ot them that came after, Mons 

cernyng cofefion and Catiffaction bathe 

there bathe ben greate ſtrpfe in tymes 
pated / and allo now thele dapes is vez 
newed agapne. But J doo thynke and 
iudge it both moſt ſureſt wape / aud allo 
moſt mete to the laupng and keppng ok 
the communt concoꝛde / with (pinple obe 
dience to folowe that thyng / which the 
auctoꝛite of the church bath taught vs / 
that is to fap accoꝛding to the pꝛouerbe 
of the Brckes / to bow and lene towar 


des the better lyde:; and to abſtapne aud 

forbere from luchthynges / wherokthou 
doſte ſtande in doubte. Mob reſteth and 
is behynd the lat part of the Spmboie 
oꝛ crede. The riſpng agapn of the Ache, 
Mere thau heateſte the endyuge of the 
woꝛld / whan good men ſhalbe dillcue⸗ 
red and lundꝛed from eupll men / ſo that 
the wycked and ungodly perfones Mall 
haue no hope to haue an ende ones of 

Math.. rite, 
Math. xxv. 

Apo. xxi, 

thepꝛ papne and tourmentes / nepther 

the good and godly perlones Hall haue 
aup ſoꝛow oꝛ greſte / no noꝛ pet haue aup 
feare of eupl / x whan alſo the veep crea 
ture 99 8 now mourne with . 
„„ 2 ui. ; ch all 

oma. viii. 

ay 5 op 2 

How al thyn 
ges Mall te 
new after the 


Mplpnge a⸗ 

The article 
ok reſutrectiõ 
ok all other, 
is moſt kirme 
ly to be Beles 

The trpoſpepon 
chalbe delyuered and fet free from all ma 
ner incommodptes oꝛ diſpleaſures. All 
thynges than ſhalbe newe / not by chak 

gyng of theyꝛ ſubſtaunce:but by the rea 
ſon that they qualite alee chaunged. 

By the name of Methe here in this pars 
ticle is vnderſtanded and mente the bo⸗ 





dy ol man / bp rpſpng agapn is mente 
teuiupug and warpng lpuc agapne. All 
the articles of the rede in very dede 
are to be holde and kept by faſte and ſta 
ble belcke: but this article mot {pecallp | 
of all other is firmelp to be belcued / 
which doth bꝛynge make cheflp ſolace x 
comkoꝛte to good & vertuoſe men beyng 

in tribulation and aductſite here urhis 
world / and allo on the other leyd agapn 
dothe putte wycked men moſte in feare 
and dꝛede / which cls wolde fall without 
mealute oꝛ ende into all maner abomi⸗ 
nations and lpnncs / ik after this Ipfe 
both good men and badde / holde not be 
the one rewarded / the other ponpſhed ac 
coꝛdinglp to thep2 deſerupnges. This 
isthe fundation and grounde of all our 
whole faythe / whiche ought to be moſte 
ſtronge and ſtable / whiche it it be loole 
and vnſtable:al other thynges wel nere 
art beleued in bap. Let the wietched 


bk the commune Trede. 1257. 
Oadduteis therfore goo thepz Wape/ Hadduter. 
which in ſo muche do not beleue the ry⸗ 

ſpng agayn of the bobpes: that they do ggath. xxil. 
neyther & belcue that there are aungel⸗ Actuum. xxl 
les / no no; yet anp ſpirit; / as who Holo 

lape / that there were nothpnge verilp 

bepng in the nature of thpyuges / but one 

ly that / which is open and percepucahle 

to the bodyly ſenſes / from which ſenſes 

nothing is more farre awap / than is the 

beep godhed. Fare wel thep alſo whiche 

do pꝛokelſc / that the loules tall eple oz 

reutue agapnc / but the bodpes in na 

wyſle: where as in beep dede the fouled 

as much as it is immoꝛtal) can no moze 

reuius and ware alpuc agapnes than it 

can dpe. But they do call it the reſuttec⸗ 

tion ot ſoules: whan they Hall be called 

foꝛth to blyſſe / out of the lecrete placos / 

in whiche (after thep2 madde dꝛeames) 

they had foꝛ a certapne tpme and fealots 

(pen hydde. Fare well thep alſo / wbiche 

do denpe / that this felfe lame bodpe / 

whiche we do beare about with bs ſhall 

reuiue and lpue ag apnc / but do ſay thas 

to euerp man ſhall be gyuen another bo 

dy much moꝛe excellent and better than 
this is. But we Hal not be the lame mel 

Q., b. it we 





oma. viii. 

The erpoſptpon 

itive Mall not recepue agapne the lame 
bodpes. And FJ pray pou what nede rs 
it to create newe bodpes: whan god bp 

bis almpghty power is able to reſtoze 

theſe lame bodpes / to moſt perkyght cla 
tite and bꝛyghtuelle / and alſo to bleſſcn 
immoꝛtalite: not chaungpnge the ſub⸗ 
ſtance of the body: but chaungynge the 
qualites of the body tuto muche beter: 
Fate well alſo the Chiliaſtes / whiche of 
the reuelation of fapucte Jhon mifcans 
ſtrued and wzonge vnderſtonded / dpd 
dꝛeame / that we hall ones reuiue and 
lpue agapnc / and that by the ſpace of 4 
thowland peres / we hall vfe and eniope 
plentuoſſip all the dclicies and voluptes 
okthis woꝛdle. But we gpucng credence 
to the woꝛdes of bleed Job. X And A 
halbe coumpaſed azapuc rounde about 
with mync owne Chpune/ and in mynt 

obne kleche F all lee mp god / whomt 

euen Impu owne (elfe Hall fee and not 
another perſon and alfo herkenpug and 
beleupng fapnct pd aule / which wrote in 
this wyle. ce He that hath repſed vp 
Jelu: hall rapſe vp vs alfo with Jeſu. 
we (J fape) vpon the kaſte credence and 
beleke of thele afoꝛercherced auctozites/ 
do recken our Celfe moſte ſure and out rs 

* 7 3 ae 
5 as } 

ofthecoinmune Trede. 126. 

doutc / that all men hall reurde and lpue 
agapne in the ende of the woꝛlde / wu 
the lame bodpes / whiche thep doo beate 
about in earth / and that they Hall none 
other wyſe rpſe agapn / than Chꝛiſt hym 
ſelte dyd ryſe agapne / whiche Mall con. 
foꝛme and make [phe our bodpes to his 
ownebodp glozified, The immoꝛtalite 
ok the bodpes / halbe tommune bothe to 

good men and badde men. Wut to the 
wpcked pſones / immoꝛtalite Gall bꝛyng 
702 caule euerlaſtynge tourmentes / and 

to the good and godly perſones / it hall 
bꝛynge o2 caule eternal iope and blpie. 
How be it pet tt ought rapther e more 
truclp to be called the eternall deathe ok 
wycked men: than the immoꝛtalite of 
them. And therkoꝛe that particle cuer⸗ 
laſtyng Ipfe (whiche certapne perlontes 
haue added and put to out ok the maſſe 
trede)appertapneth oncly to the gooh e 
godlp men / where as the woꝛd of relur⸗ 
tection doth egallp appertapn bothe to 

the good and to the badde. Howe beit 
pet this woꝛde reſurrectiõ alſo is ſo vſed 

otherwhples: that it dothe appertapne 

onelp to good men / as for example wha - 

our loꝛd lapth in the goſpell of Jhoñ / J 
am relurrection and lpte. And owen : 
| : . f f 5 es 




Howe this 
woꝛd reCurre 
dion is takét 
other whples 
in the ſcriptu 

Johan. xi, 

The erpoſpepon. 
lpkewyſe ſeldome dothe vſe this Wode 
anp where / but in the good parte, And 
out loꝛde maketh a diſhinction and diſke⸗ 
cence of relurrections in the. v. chapi⸗ 

tour ok Jhoſt: ſapng. And thoſe / which 
haue done good workes:ſh all come forth. 

Joho. v. 

vnto the reſurrectian of lpfe. And tholc / 
bhat haue done cupll wozkes / vntothe 
relurrection of iudgement / for tudges 
mente here he calleth condemnation , 
This thyngets moꝛec expꝛellp ſapd and 
ſpoken in the ſombolt of Athanaſius. 
At whole compnge all men maſt eple 

agapne with thep2 owne hodpes / and 

ch ill rendꝛe and gpuc-accompt oz rece⸗ 
upnge of thep2 owe dedes. And thole 

which hauc wrought well / hall go into 

Noma. vi. 

eternall lpfe / x thole that haue wiought 
eupll:ſhall gu into eteruall per. Do allo 
capth Paule in the. vi. chapitour tothe 
Komanes. The wage oꝛ here of ſpnne / 
is deathe / bit eternall lpłe is the beni⸗ 
fpte and gpficof god by Chꝛiſte Jeſu 

bur loꝛde. He added here eternall op cuer 

ARS goad ' 

laſtyng / becauſe th it lpkewyſe as vnto 
thoſe that are dam ied / there Hall be uo 
hope of releaſe / fo on the other parte as 
gapnethe godlp perſones Maul haue no 
mauer keare / leit theyz felicitpe and iope 

oy gu 

ol the tommune Lrede. 127. 
mpght ve at anp tpme epther ended / oz 
sis minpſhed the pleaſauntnes and ips 
fulnes / wherok Mail greatly be augmen 
ted and encreaſed bp that communios 
and kelowſhpp ok all bolp men. Foꝛ cha⸗ 
H tite / whiche neuer falleth awape : Hall 
there be move ferucnte and hotc. Holde 
charite is no leſſe gladde of otber men⸗ 
nes welthe and weldopnge: than of her 
owne. Nepther is there any cauſe / why 
be do nede here to pmagine pleaſures of 
the bodp which do ſtand i meat / dꝛynk / 
} 02 the fleſhelp company of man r worn 
foꝛ there ſhalbe than none ble oz pꝛokpte 
of theſe thynges / but the bodpes lhalbe 
ſpirituall / in which we ſhall lyue as the 
auugelles of god done. Rob the felicite 
of aungels is to fee the face of the father 
whiche is in heuen. And our loꝛde lapth 
the lame in the goſpel of Thott. + This 
is the cuerlaſtynge lpfe / that thep tape 
knowe the alone / whiche are the very 
god: and Jeſu Chꝛiſt / whome thou hak 
ſent. That knowlege begynneih bere by 
kapthe. And there it ſhalbe fynyſt ed and 
made full i pettyic / whan we Hall bes 
hold e ſee the gloꝛie of hym / his face be⸗ 
png clerely chewed a diſcouered. DJ. 
Are theſe thpuges ſufficpente to the 

. purcha⸗ 

i. Cos. iii. 

Mat. xxii. 

Jo. xvii. 



The erpolptpon 

purchalyng Fobtapnpng of faluations | | 
Mag. For the obtapuyng ¢ gettyng 
of baptpme/thele thynges are lutficient | 
to a lap man foꝛ to beleuc: but alſo that 
are learned x ſomewhat growne in age / 

bught to belcue all thynges / that are ex 
pꝛelled in the holy ſcriptures / oz whiche 

are ot the (apd ſcriptutes euidently ga⸗ 

thered oz concluded / beſpdes this what 
ſo euer thpug the catholpk church bath | 
with vniuerlall and contpuuall couſent 

appꝛoued and allowed / which churche / 

ik it haue oꝛdapned oꝛ decreed aup thing 

after ſuch fallhponnit was probable and 

8 * 

very lpkelp / that eyther it was begonne 
ok the Apoſtles / and lo bath contpnued 

„as it were gyuen by hande from the ele 

ders to the põgers / oꝛels it was brought 

koꝛth to vs out ot the pꝛeupe and ſecrete 

ſtoꝛchouſe of p* ſcriptures / oꝛ cls it path 
ben ſhewed and put in theyz mpndes by 
the inſpiration of the holp ghoſte accoꝛ⸗ 
dinglp as pe (tate of tymes dpd requpꝛe. 
And as touchpnge to contentioule and 
Darke Doctrine o2 opinions: in all ſuche 
tbynges it ſhall be lufficient for the and 
luche as thou arte to profeite with this 
ware and Wyle circumſpection. Contet 
nynge thele 8 J beleue as the 


of the tommune Trede. 128. 
churche beleupth. This is a more (are 
wape and moze karre rom all daunger: 
than boldlp to aſfirme that thyng / wher 
ok tbou arte in doute / oz which thou wee 
not perccpue oz vnderſtonde. DJS. 
But in ixtreme icoperdpe / whether it is J notable 
ſulficient to kepe and holde kaſte the he. queſtion 
lefe in harte aud mynde / oz tis are we 
bound alſo to pꝛofeſſe with our mouth: 
AB. Tothis popute ſapntte Paule Santer. 
H halt make aunk were to the for me. „ 
with the harte(fapthe he)we belcue Roma. x. 
vnto rpghtuolncs:and with the mouth 
dconkellion is made vnto helthe and lal⸗ 
uation. And our loꝛde hymlelfe thaete⸗ 
neth in the golſpell / X that he wyll not 
be ſ acknowne of hpm for bis ſoldptr 8 
afoꝛc his father: who lo euer ſhall haue 
ben akrapde oꝛ achamed to pꝛokelle hym 
afore men. But it is one thynge not to 
pꝛofeſſe / and another thynge to denpe. 
where there is no bope of frute 02 good 
to be done / and pet the ieoperdpe is ves⸗ 
ry greatent is not neteſſarp oꝛ requiſite 
that thou ſholdeſte vtter oꝛ bewꝛap thp⸗ 
ſelfe in ſuch wyſt / as we do rede that cer 
tapne men haue vnpꝛouoked and vncal⸗ 
led / euen of they? ownc accoꝛde runne 
fozth into the market / that they myght 

be flapne 

The expoſpcyon. 
be llapne and put to deathe with other 

Chiiſten men / oꝛ cis that they haue ra⸗ 

ged agapnſte the ſolemne keſtiuptes of 
Pagancs / not foꝛ the entente that they 

wolde brynge any man to Thiiſte: but 

to thende that alter they were Mlapne.of 

cee. fkhem / they mpght be accompted and tec 
kened amonge martpꝛes / Chꝛiſt dyd ly⸗ 

cence oꝛ graunt to his apoſtles no mas 

ner biolcut dekente of theſelues / agapnſt 

Vvyched men: but he onelp gaue the lcue 

Aces. rit, to flec. ;; eter fledde out of pꝛiſon / Paule 
Aces. ix. fledde out of Damalke bepng let downe 

: bpabalkette of the walles. But fo often 
tpmes / as the thyng Gall come to ſuche 

an erigente or ppnche / that the name ok 

our loꝛde Jeſuis to be glozified both as | 
monge good men and badde men / the 
chꝛiſten / and the hethen: than ought toe | 

all the entytementes oꝛ pleaſures / z eke 
the feares and diſpleaſures of the world 
vtterlpe delppled & (ct at nought) chere⸗ 
fully and boldlp to pꝛofeſſe that / whiche 
the chyꝛche bath taughte. The boctrine 

Eletlaite. and opinion of the Elcclaites is rekuſcd 

and condemned / whiche taught / that in 
the tyme of perſecutiõ / men myght law⸗ 
fully denye Chꝛiſt with woꝛdes: ſo thut 
they hept dll the ſyncerite of the fapthe 

in ther 


of the commune Trede. 129. 
in theyꝛ harte and mpnde / which faptng 
if it were true / tha dpd Peter theapoſtle 
in vapne wepe fo manp teares / for that Math. cent. 
be bepuge troubled with feare of dethe / 
had denped his loꝛd and mapſter thiies: 
whan he had not pet ſo muche ſpirituall 
knowledge of hym / asthelpghtcofthe | 
gofpell bath opened vnto vs. Tertulliä Tertullian, 
agapn to much leanpng and inclpnpng 
to the tontratp parte / doth not fo much i 
as graunt leaue to fice in perlecution / 
ſaping that than to llec / is a kynd of de⸗ 
npinge Thuſte. And his ſapinge in cece 
gapne circumſtancies mape be true / but 
doutleſſe thep doo leſſe offende / whiche 
ſtricken with worldlp feare doo denpe 
Chart onelp with thepꝛ mouthes: than 
do they / whiche for tempoꝛalli profpres 
ſake / do fozſake thepꝛ capt apne Chꝛiſte / 
whole ſwoꝛne ſoldpers thep became in 
baptpme both with harte and alſo with 
tonge. DJS. whan toutmentes are 
thietened more greuouſe and papnfull 
than any death: what ſhall thã the frapl 
tpeof man dor M AO. Our loꝛde hym⸗ 
felfe hath pꝛelcribed a fourme and hath matte ee 
let vs an eraumple / whã that ercedyng greatte toss 
fcate / yꝛkeſomnes / E agonpe Hall come mes ok perte⸗ 
ſo ſoze vpon vs: we (hall acknowlege the cutton. 
3 | B. weykneſſe 

Thc expolpcpon 

weoknelle of our ouwe might e ſregth 

c whollp myſtruſtyng our owne power 

Fapth is tne 
ulincible in al 
mancr bac 

li. Tim 0, iii. 

and apde / we hall caſte our ſelues flatte 
vpon the grounde / and with greate con 
fidente and true ſhall with weppnge / 

deſpze and call for the helpe ok the di⸗ 

upne power / nothyng conſiderpng how 
greuouſe oꝛ how cruell the thpuges be / 
that are manacpd o2 thꝛetened to vg / 
oꝛ howe fraple our condition and tate 
is: but conſiderpng and remembꝛpuge / 
howe myghtp / and howe merepfuli the 
loꝛd is / vnder whole defence and gouce 
naunce we do kyght / which is not denke 
whau bets called on with faith x truſſ / 
but epther dothe delpuer from euplles / 
oꝛ els dothe adde and encreace ſtrength 
to vs / that we map ſtrongly and mans 
fullp endute and ſuffre. Foꝛ fapt he is a 
thyng verilp imuincible in all kyndes ok 
bat ayles / foꝛ there do not lacke bataps 
les and ſtrpues cucn amonge chꝛiſten 
men alſo / to ſuch perſones / as do ſtudpe 
ct labonte to lpue godly in Jeſu Chꝛiſt. 
Node who fo euer done exercyſe theme 
ſelues daplp in theſe lpghter æ ſmallet 

dtonflictes oꝛ ſkirmpſhes:are at that bas 

taple founde vnafrapde / wherfoꝛe it is 
couuenient and mete / that the chelfeſt g 



ol the commune Frede. 


pꝛincipall ſtudy of a chꝛziſten ſoldper be / J chgiſten tos 

to qupcken oꝛ ſtpꝛre vp / and alſo to en⸗ 
creace daply the bigoure and lpuelpues 
of fapth. DJS. By what meanes map 
onc attapne thisr£LY Th fpꝛſt poynte 
ig that / whiche the loꝛdr dothe tcache. 
cP athe t pou Hall haue. But that the 
pꝛaper mape not be pdle: lette almopſe 
helpe / not onelp outwarde almople / 
which rekreſheth k comforteth the boop 
but alſo ſpir:tuall almopſe: by monpl⸗ 
ſhynge loupngly hym that is out ef the 
ryght wape/bp tcachpng geutpl lp bpm 
that eis vnlcarned / bp mercpfullp forges 
upnge hym that bath offended oz hurte 
the. To thele adde alſo offen hearpnge 
ol ſermones / and holp readpuge / ſome⸗ 
tpme the one / ſometpme the other / by 
courle / often callpng to remembꝛauuce 
ok the deathe of cur loꝛde / namely whã 
thou haſte recepued his body e bloudc / 
finallp often cöõmemozation e rehettall 
of thoſe men & women / whiche in tours 
mentes e diuerſe kpndes of death / haue 
fought a good bataple oꝛ feld foꝛ Chꝛiſt 
fake by theſe nouryſhemẽtes the ſparke 
of fapth is nouryſhed / quyckened / z ens 

cteaſed. D. Good ſyꝛ / J do gpue thaͤmecs 
to > ſpirite of Chꝛiſte / whiche Op the 

N · li. unſtru⸗ 

dper ſholde 
ſtudp to qupe 
RE ¢encrcace 
this fapth. 
The meanes 
wherbp he 
map do it. 
bothe cozpo⸗ 
tall and ſpi⸗ 

Hearing ofte 
Readpnge of 
holy wzptte. 
of Chziſtes 

cf ſapnacs. 
i. Timo.i. 

„ The expoſpepon 
inffrument ok pour tonge / hath vouche⸗ 
ſated to t᷑ache me fo meruaplouſe phils 
ſophye and wyldome:er cept there be pet 
agaunp whpt more remapnpnge behpnde. 
AA O. There remapneth not much 
bebynde that J map teache:but perad⸗ 
uenture there reſteth behynd lome what 
wherok J may admonyſh tbe / thou be 
not pet ward wer / how be it this thyng 
haue J done all redp hertokoꝛe / bp the 
wap. DJ H. J verilp bp hearpng a tps | 
tle and a lptle do Ware moꝛe thꝛuſtp and 
delpꝛouſe to here. AAS. Than that 
that reſteth behynde: we all put to / at 
our nerte tommpnge to gether. 
The. vi. inſtruction. 

Am comen agapne now / lo⸗ 
kynge and longpnge koꝛthe 
e laſte meffe of this moſte delis 
cate and lwete feaſte. M N. 

— This teſteth o2 temapucth 
behpnde to confirme echethpng coutap 
tapned in the Crede / with diuerle teſti⸗ 
monies of bothe teſtamentes. Foꝛ there 
is nothynge taught herein / which was 
not manp thoufand peres agoo diuerſip. 
ſhadowed bp the figures of the lawe of 
Mopſes / and alſo ſhewed oz told sped 


of the commun Crede. 131. 
by the oꝛacles ofthe pꝛophetes / pe and 
certapn thpuges alfo were euidently ers 
pꝛelled. As foꝛ exaumple / that there are 
not manpe goddes / and that ok one god 
this world was created / loꝛ who fo euer 
cucn afoꝛe the lawe gpuen / dpd lpue ver 
tuoſip à godly / dod woꝛchpp onelp one 
god the creature of all the woꝛlde. Now 
the gykte of prophecte reſteth # ccalled 
in Johoñ Baptiſte / as in thetopnupuge 
to gether of bothe lawes / whole fortune 
ik was / that whome other pꝛophetes as 
it were thꝛough a mpſt dyd ſhew a farre 
of koꝛ to come: hym he Mewed pꝛelent / 
popntyng hym with his rpuger But of 
all pꝛophetes the moſte Cure and vudow 
tedly true pꝛophete was our loꝛde to his 
o wuc lelte / fullfpllpnge with his dedes / 
c declarpuge that which was ſhadowed 
by the obfcure ſapinges and figures ok 
of the olde lawe / amonge the people / in 
parables / aud among his dilciples font 
tyme covertly ſometpme openly. His di 
uine nature he ſhewed with woꝛkes and 
dedes / rapther than erpꝛelſeb it with 
woꝛdes. And who hold euer haue vnder 
ſtonde / that bp the bꝛalen ſerpente / 

whiche was banged vp on a abe was 

9 and figured Chꝛiſt crucified: 
K. ui, ik our 

Math. xt. 
Pꝛophecie en 
ded in Johan 

Rumeri. ie 

ohau. ii. 


Math git. 
Math. xx. 

Johan. xxvi. 

Luce. xxiiii. 

Math. riff, 
Luce. xiii. 

5 The expoſpepon 
it our loꝛte hymſelke hab not vouchela⸗ 

fed to expounde a declare itr That ſay⸗ 

inge of his louſe pou a ſondꝛe this tem⸗ 
ple / and within u. dapes J wpll raphe 
it àgapnt / was not bnderſtanden not of 
bis owne dilciples: vutpll after his tex 
ſurrection. Mozcouer who wolde haue 

demed / that Jonas which was deu 

red of a whalce / x was caſt forth agapne 

alput on the thyꝛde dape dpd pꝛefigure 

the burpalc the relurréction of Chat. 

And whan the tpme of bis death dꝛiewe 
ſomewhat nere: he gaue his diſciples 
opeulp monition and knowlege akoꝛc / 
that he ſhold be delpuered to the Bente 
les / to be mocked / 3 napled on a crolſle: 

but he comfozteth the lame agapn / peo 

myſingc / that he wolde rpſe agapne on 
the thyꝛde dape. So lphewpſe afore his 
death / he tolde them ſomewhat darkelp 
of his aſcenſion: but after his reſurrec⸗ 
tion he tolde them agapne of the fame 
moꝛe cuidentlp. In lpke maner he tolde 
them before X that the muſtarde lede / 
that is to ſapc / the fapth of the gofpell/ 
from berp (niall begpuupnges ſhold be 
ſpꝛedde abꝛode thꝛoughe out the whole 

Johan. xv. : woꝛldc / e alſo ſhewed them bekoꝛe / that 


Bold anne & betpde the . of 
the got 




of the commune Crede. 1z2: 
the goſpell. This thpnge allo he tolde 
Them before that the religion of the 
Jewes (olde be taken awape and del⸗ 
kroped / and the religion ok the golpell 
kranſlated / e conuaped tothe Gentiles 
the Jewes ſtyll contpnupugen remap⸗ 
png in thepꝛ darke blpndenellc / untpll 
that at mete a conucntient tpme (actoꝛ⸗ 
dyng to the pꝛophecie of ſapnct yd aule) 
Ke ok the Jewes a Scutiles ſholde be 
made onc kolde vnder the onelp hedepa⸗ 
paſtour Chiiſt. Neither dyd helo much 
às hyde this krom them that the chyꝛch 
ſholde in tpme akterward to come be ale 
ſapled with dpuerſe herelles: but not 
ouerthꝛowne / what nede me to make 
manp wordes : ſepnge that all thynges 
hytherto haue fo chaunced ¢ comento 
pale / as thep were prophecicd & foꝛc⸗ 
ſaid / to doute now than anpwhptoktbe 
laſte iudgemente / and ofthe rewardes 
of good men and of wpcked men / (es 
meth to be a popnte of extremoblpnde⸗ 
neffe / we do gyue credence to a diupner 
oꝛ ſotheſaper / it he haue tolde vo. u. o:. 
iu. tymes before the trouthe as it bath 
after folowed: and to hym that in Co 
manp thpuges and ſo vndeleueable ak⸗ 
ker . of man / bathe all 

N. iu i, wapes 

Math xl 

Boma. xi. 
Johan. x. 

| The exrpoſptpon 
wapes ben kounde truc ot his ſapinges / 

Mall we not nowe gyue credente in one 
thpnge that is behpnde: But this part / 

foꝛ almuch as it belõgeth to the Jewes 

and Paganes moze than to chziſtè men 

and bath allo ben dilpgentlp wapten z 

taughte ot Tertullian and Cipꝛian:at 

this tpme J wyll pale ouer it / bepnge 

cot ent as it were with a fynger to haue 

chewed and poputed to the fountapnes / 
dut of which thou mapſt dꝛaw vp theſe 
thynges / ikit pleaſe the. Nowe reſteth 
bebpud the admonitton and coũſapllc / 
that we map lyue well and a rpght acs 
Tapthe is ot toꝛdyng to the rpght fapth. Faythis a 
albayeg doe khyngeok afperp nature/ where ſo euer 
enge. t ia / it is not ydie / but lpkcwyle as in a 
Bimilituy, laumpe the oyle fedeth and norpheth 
the flammc / leit it be quenched and go 

out / lo doo the woꝛkes of chatite fede ẽ 

nourylhe fapthe / that it do not faple oz 
68 Bi Dye. Fapth geͤdꝛeth and bꝛyngeth fort . 
Hepsi good woꝛkes / but they agapne of theyꝛ 
and is now. barte da nourpche they parente oꝛ mos 
ryſhed agapn ther. And therfoꝛe dyd the lyghte faple 
ok them. and goo out in the laumpes of the foos 
lyche virgines:becauſe there wãted the 
Math. xxv. ople ol good workes. And all beit the 
rule g fourme of good lpupnge is nage 

: ae 9 

of the commune Crede. 133. 

fo be fet out of al the bokes of holy ſccip 

ture / pet foz all that in this ſymbolc oz 
Crede / howe ſo euer ſhoꝛte it is / there. 
is contapned the hole philoſophic of lps 
upng well e vertuollp / nepther is there 

the mynd of man. Ff oꝛ the dpuel wal⸗ 

eth about through the fold of the chur 

che / as it were a roꝛpnug lyon ſechpnge 
whome he myghte deuoure / whome 

lapucte Peter bypdieth vs reſpſtebepng 

ſtronge and bolde / not with confidence 
and truſte ok wozkes o2 of our owne 
ſtrength:but in kapth. DS. pou haue 
armed me with fapth:now pou do cha⸗ 
titably / whan pou teache a ponge Cols 

In this Bore 

Trede is cons 
hate the 

anp vertue / vnto which it dothe not in⸗ 
ſtructe vs / nepther is there anp vycc / 
agapnſt which it doth not arme o2 fence 

ole philo⸗ 
fophie of lps 
upnge wells 
i. Pet. v. 

dyer to vſe his armoure. M AS. Our 

loꝛd hymlelte taughte vs / that all the 

pꝛeceptes of the lawe are ſummarplp ¢ 
generallp contapned in this one. 
Thou ſhalte loue thy loꝛd god with 

all thyne harte / with all thy ſoule / and 

with all thy powers: and thy nepgb⸗ 
bour as thyne owne ſelke. But no man 
can loue god aboue all thpnges: except 
that he do beleue / that thereis nothyng 

ae 1 02 fapꝛer / nothyng bet⸗ 

B. v. ter / no⸗ 

Matty Nil. 

Math. vt. 
— Luce.xiiii. 

Ephe. v. 

The expoſptyon 

ter / nothpng moꝛe truc / nothpng mow 

amiable oz louclp / than he. Foꝛ who ſa 
cuer beleueth that aup other thyng be! 
ſyde hym / is epther better / oz els egal} 

to hpym: that man doth not beleues tha 

bers god. Hetherfore that halbe cad: 
bpmlelfe whole vpon god: can loue nos 
thyng / but that which he doth loue ko; 
goddes lake / nepther can feare anpe 
thynge / but that whiche he fearethe for 
goddes lake. And euen foꝛthwith with 
this begpunpnge * Credo in deum. J 

beltue in god: are tutte awapc / oꝛ at the. 

leaſte wpſe are mitigated c afwaged all 
the deſpꝛes ofthe fleſhe:to any of which 

ik thou Dott obey / delyiſpng and not ves 
gatrdyng the commaundemeétes ok god / 
it is eupdet e plapue / that thou mabelt 
to thyſelfe another god / what fo cuce 
thpnge this isthat thou pꝛekerreſte a⸗ 

koꝛe god. Our loꝛde whan he dothe 2 | 

god / x mammon o2 rpches / two lode: 

contrarpe the one the other: he dothe as 
it were compare à matche two goddeg 
to gether / r lapncte Paule calleth coucs 
toulenes / that is to ape loue ¢ deſyꝛe of 
moneßp / idolatrye. The Came Paule no⸗ 
teth z rebuketh them / that are gpuc to 
lucre of money ¢ to the pleaſutes 15 


of thevomimmune Crede. 134. 
fptes of the body with a llaunderous re 
poꝛtt / whoſe belpe (ſapthe he) is thepꝛ 
god. The ſame agapne w2ptpng to the 
Copnthtans calleth the dyuel / he god 
of this woꝛlde / noꝛ koꝛ that he is in verp 
dede a god oꝛ a ſoꝛde: but foꝛ that he is 
both a loꝛd z a god to them / which vets 
piſyng the very loꝛd god do gpue them 
lelues to hym into ſeruitute ¢ bondage. 
And that / which bath ben lay de of aua⸗ 
rice æ pè deſpꝛe of moncp oꝛ rpches:the 
ſame is to be thought € tudged of al vi⸗ 
ces / namelp capitale c deadlp. Apoſta⸗ 
ſic / that is to ſap fozſahpnge o2 gopnge 
awap / is a launderous ꝶ a rebubefull 
woꝛde amonge chziſten men / and not 
without a cauſe douklelle ( for it among 
them / which are nought els but mẽ / the 
name ok a rebel oꝛ a runne awap oꝛ trat 
toure be abominable:howe much more 
ſhame €tcbuke ts tt/willinglp w thout 
caufe/to go away from (uch a capitapts 
to whome we are bounden with fo mas 
np faccamétes/with lo many gpftes/fo 
manp bondes / not vnto bis better / oꝛ to 
his egall oz perc / but tro the bet capp⸗ 
tapn of all / to the verp woꝛſt of alrs the 
rates of al chꝛiſtꝭ me wel nere do abhoz⸗ 
Hf the name of Apoſtata / but wolde god 

the mynde 

Philip.ii i. 


Thie maner 
of ozdinaũce 
the dpuell 
gocth aboute 
and vapn⸗ 
queſhe vs. 

apthe and 
te truſte in 
god: putteth 
bp all maner 

Philip. i. 


The expoſpepon 
the mpnde of them dpd lpkelgpſe abs 
hoꝛre and hate the thynge ſelte. Mowe 
the dpuell fo2 the moſte parte fpghtech 
àgapnſt vs / x goeth about to ouercome 
vs / with the mance engpnes oz oꝛdp⸗ 
naͤuncc / that is to wyt / ignoꝛance / hope 

of commodites) and keare ok the contra 

types. But pure fapthe (as it hathe ben 
{apd heretofore) putteth awap all dach 
nelle oꝛ blpndeneſſe of the mpnde / but 
nepther flatterynge hope dothe begple/ 
nepther gaſtfull feare dothe cauſe bps 
to ſhꝛpnke / oꝛ moue a kote from his 
good pucpole: whiche hath fet all his 



whole truſte in god. Howe ſoze dothik 

bere and trouble ſome mennes mpndes 

the louc and delper to knowe thynges 
after to come: One man wylheth oꝛ de⸗ 

lyꝛeth longe lyke / and hateth deathe / he 
counſapleth with aſtronomers and cal 
kers ok mennes natiuttes . But be 
that dothe verilp belcue and truſte in 
god / bepug careleſle and without fearc / 
fapthe with lapncte Paule. x To me 
Ch ꝛiſt is lpfe: and deatheis auaunt age. 
Another man bath achop frapgbted o 
laden with coſtly merchaundple / he al⸗ 
keth counſapll of aſtronomers: but the 

godly man lapth. God ſend this ait 


| of the commune Crede. 135. 
to be pꝛoſperouſe and luckpe ) if he lhall 
ludge it to be expedient forme: if not: 
that which be ſhal gpue me foꝛ this dã⸗ 
mage and lolle:is better than all wares 
Another man is papned and oppꝛeſled 
with ſpcknes: and ſendeth for an in⸗ 
chaunter:the vertuole man ſapthe. De 
is mp loꝛde / he is mp father / let bpm 
ſcourge me euen as it Hall plcaſe hynts 
ſelle:ſo that he wyll acknowlege tut for 
one of his fonnes: and mheritoures of 
cternall felicite. Bꝛeſlpe that man feas 
reth but ſmallp / what ſo euer fearfull 
thyng is in this lpke / which doth truelp 
feare hym / that mape whan heis olfens 
ted and diſpleaſed e end both body and ghath . jo 
foule into hellfpꝛe. He doth but lyghtly 
and ſmally hope for the commodites of 
this wozlde: whiche doth conſpdꝛe and 
re membꝛc / that god after this ttauſito⸗ 
rpe and bꝛeke lpfe doth pꝛompſe lyke eter 
nall. And who is ſo madd / that he wpll 
deſpyſe oꝛ pꝛoudelp dildapne any man: 
ik he do conſidꝛe that bpmfeife whole is 
leſſe in compatiſon onto that vnſpea⸗ 
keable mageſtp of god than is a gnatte 
in compariſon to an elephant: Oꝛ how 
can he deſppſe that man as vylc: whom 
bine no foolphe merchaunt / hathe 


| The ex poſpcyvon 
vouchelafed to raunſome e bpe agapne 

with his owne blonde: It it be a gape 

Apo. xx. 

aud an excellent thpng / to haue the bts 
neuolence and fauoure of a pꝛynce: this 
is the pꝛynte of princes. Feit be a daũ⸗ 
geroulſe thyng to runne into the diſplea 
ſure ¢ Wrath of a kyng:this isthe kpng 
ok kynges and loꝛd of all loꝛdes. Alaup 

men are fadde and heuyc: foꝛ that they 
are tommen of a lowe x a pore ſtocke o 
kyndbzed:but fapth comfozteth them a⸗ 

gapn / tellpug them / that thoſe men are 
truelp noble & gentlemen: whome god 
dothe acknowledge fo2 his ſonnes and 
heyzes / Kok whomc he is gladde to be 
called father. Other agapne are made 
proudcebpghmpuded bp the reaſon o€ 
thepa noble & worHppfull aunceſters: 
but fapthe ſhewethe them that theres 
one commune kather of all men / afoze 
whome there is no dyllerence betwen a 
pꝛynte ea page / betwen a pore mane a 
rycb man / bet wen a bonde man ¢ a free 
man. The moꝛe that euerye man is for 
vertuole lpupnge accepted a in fauoure 
with hym: the more noble: the more 

myghtpsethemorceyehe heis This 

oncly loꝛd doth Chute hewe vnto vs: 

Wyone We Molde wozthup keare. This 


ol the tommune Crede. 116. 

bnelp father be doth hel to bosobome 

we ſholde loue / wyome without any ces 
ſyſtence & gpueng many woꝛdes agapn 
we ſholbe obep / whome as lonnes / not 
baſtarde / oꝛ gopnge out of kpnde / we 
ſholde countrefapte and folowe. Be pou 

(auh Thiiſt)pertpte / lpkhewyſc as pour Math. u. 

heuenlp father eis peefptes whiche caus 
ſeth his founctorple vpon bothe good 
and badde foike:e (cudeth Downe rapne 
both bpon the rpahtnoſe ¢ vnrightuoſe 
Z bole men that haue abundaunce and 
plentpe of the comodites of this woꝛld / 
as rpches: honours: nobilite: power: 
beaultp:¢@ ſuche other thpuges: whiche 
ate wonte to cauſe the mpnde to well 
and ware pꝛoude: to them thepꝛ pppoe 
is anone tourned into fearec / tf they do 
conſydꝛe to what loꝛde thep are detters 
fo2 all theſe thpuges un whole handes 5 
power it lpeth whan ſo euer he lpſte to 
take awap frd vnkpnd perſoncs: what 
fo euer thynge be bath gyuen to kynde 
perfons:¢ to whome they do know that 
uccdptes mult de gpuen of euctp partis 
culare thyng / and of whome thep mape 
bere fozthwith theſe wozdes wh oz 
wherok art thou pꝛoudc / thou that arte 
noughte / but earthe aud aſches | 5 
1 wp 

6£0}. til, 


The expoſpepon 

why art thou ſo iolp / and makett thou 

it ſo gape with other bpꝛdes fethers : 
whp dareſte thou deſppſe thy ͤnepgh⸗ 
boure as a vple captpfe: which bath the 
lame father / and the fame loꝛd / that thy 
ſelfe haſt ; why dot thou dildapne bpm 
as a bondeman:ſepnge that bets rede⸗ 
med and boughte with the lame pꝛpce / 
for whiche thpſelfe was raunſomed: 
why letteſt thou lyght bp bpm and del⸗ 
pyleſt bpm as pore/of whom the kather 
hath care and mynde / which is the loꝛd 
ok all thynges z werte they pore men: to 
whomc the Apoſtle wꝛpteth. * Al thyn 
ges are pours / x pou are Chziſtes owue 
why doeſte thou let hpm at nought as 

pore which is alcribed and called tothe 
inheritaunce of the eternali lpte:as wei 
as thyſelfe / pea and which peradukture 
ſhall in this popute be pꝛekerred / haue 
pꝛeeminence atoze the: Foꝛ in the gol? 
pell it is lapd agapnſt ryche men / of the 
pore men / xthat thep map recepue pou 

into thepz cucrlattpnge tabernacles 02 
dwellpnge places. He whome thou kes 
peſte vndꝛe as a bondemã / is thy Felow 

ſeruaunt. He whome thou deſppſeſt as 
vple boꝛne / is thy bꝛother / he whome 

ede tegardeſt not / as beynge poꝛe and 


ol the tommune Leche, 117. 
frendelcs:hath aungelles minpſtrynge 
and doyng Cerutce to hym. Thou beyng 
pꝛoude of the palace / dolte mocke and 
ckoꝛne the vyle z homelpe cotage of the 
pore man: but fo2 that poꝛe man / the cůö⸗ 
| mute father of pou both / hath buplded 
the palace of the whole worlde / for his 
cauſe do the ſtartes ſhyne / fo: his cauſe 
do the celeſttal ſpheres oz circles moue 
and tourne rounde / for his cauſe dothe 
the earth bꝛyng forth her krutes / as wel 
as foꝛ the. After this maner bath one # 
the lame kaythe cauſed and bꝛoughte to 
pallc / that neyther the pꝛoſperite of this 
woꝛlde cau cauſe vs to be Wanton and 
| proude: nepther e ucefite can make vs 
to deſpapꝛe. And who ſo euer dot he bes 
leue / that there is a god gouernpnge all 
thpnges: that man beleucth that hes 
moze pꝛelent to eche one of vs / than any 
man is pꝛeſent to hpmlelke / and that he 
doth more exactelp and perkytly fee and 
bcholde the ſecrete coꝛners of our harte / 
than we do at none dapes (ce anp body 
| bepng (ct afore our eyes: Howthan can 
it be / but that man / whether he be in 
darkenesꝛoꝛ els in lpght / oꝛ whether he 
be alonc / oꝛ els with manp in companp / 
Hall with much dꝛede and muche reue⸗ 

— rcuce 

The whole 
wonld / io the 
le ot god. 


Mom. xii. 

The erpoſpcpon 
rente fo oꝛdꝛe his wozkes 9 dedes / leſie 
there myght be any thpngce / that cholde 
offende and dyſpleaſe the eyes of his fas 
ther / and loꝛd / aud alſo his iu dger This 
whole Wozrldets thetemple of god / in 
whiche heelytteth as hede and ruler. FE 
than it be ſo / that we ate aſthhamed in a 
temple of ſtone to do any thynge vnho⸗ 
neſt oz vnſemelp / with how much moze 
teuerence and dꝛede oughte we to occu⸗ 
ppr our ſelfe in this temple? Where ate 
dpucrle and ſondzpe dartes and wea⸗ 
pons / wherwith that tpꝛaunte the dps 
ucll gocth about to wounde vs: but as 

rr ee ae: 

gaynſt them all (his onclp ſhelde is ſuk⸗ 
ficients Credo in deum. J belcue in 

god. Ik he do ſtryke at pe with the darte 

Of pꝛyde: caſte forth agaputte hym the : 
elde ps beleue in god / whiche howe 

greatlp he dothe hate pꝛoude mpndes / 
he hath declared in Lucifer. It he doth 
pꝛyche the with wꝛathe to bengeaunce: 
make auuſwere & J belcue in god / 
whiche hath relcrued and kept to hym⸗ 
(clfe the auctoꝛite and rpghte of dopnge 
vengcaunce laping. Ciengeaunce 02 po⸗ 
npſchement is mpn / and J wpll ecquypic/ 
If enupe dothe bꝛeune thy mpnde:ſape 

A bes 

A e 


Of (he commune Trede. 133. 
J bcleue in god / which diſtrihuteth 
his giftes to cuerp man as he [pte hym 
ſelf / why ſhold J cnupe mp brother and 
kelowe leruaunt the luberalpte a bounty 
of our tommune father and loꝛde : How 
inuche moze ryght and realonis it that 
J hold gpucthankes to mp kather and 
lozde for two cauſes: bothe for that he 
hathe gyuen fo manpe thynges to me 
, abouc mp delerupnge / and alſo foz that 
he dothe gpuc thele thynges to me bp 
my bꝛother / foꝛ what lo cuer thpnge is 
gyuen ko anp onc ofthe membzes / that 
lame thpuge is both the vauntage / and 
allo the auouramèt of the whole body. 

Ik auarite dothe tempte and prouotic 
the to dpleeptc aud rauinc oz extozſton 
lapinge / onleſſe thou Dot malic hatte to 
gather goodes by Hootie o2 crooke/b 
ryghte oꝛ wzonge/ thou (halt becppꝛel⸗ 
fed with pouerty in thyne age / thy chyl⸗ 
dien (all begge: make auntwere / J 
wyll not do it fot % belcuc and truſte 
in god that he the which ſedeth the (pax 
towes / whiche clotheth and cowercth 
the lplyes of the feldes: all not Cuffce 
bis owuc ſouldper to ſtarue and pe⸗ 
tyſhe kloꝛ bungee. Il concupiſcence Hall 

H. il. proudke 


Math. vi. 
Luce. xii. 



The expolpepon. 

pꝛouoke the to erceſſe and ſuperlluite of 
meate oꝛ dꝛpuke and ſuche other: ſayc / 
god foꝛbede that J Mold do bis / foꝛ 
I ttuſte oz beleue in god / whofe lybera⸗ 
lite and bounty bath graunted metheſe 
thynges / not to glotoup and intempe⸗ 
trance: but to ſobꝛe and mealurable vle/ 
what ſo cuce parte hereof eis beſtowed 
vpon the fulltpllpng and latiſtyenge of 
concupilcence: it is thefte / it is raupnc / 
pea moꝛcouer it is ſacrilege / it is Wola: 
tryc / what fo euer temapned abeue my 
necellaries it was the goodes of pore 
mẽ / it was due to the mebꝛes of Chꝛiſt / 
and that it is beſtowed on Daunkennes 
and furfeptens in the contempte e dpf⸗ 
honoure of god offred in faccifice to des 
uplles. If fleſhely lutte toth pꝛouoke the 
to foꝛnication and adultetp: refule and 
defpe it: laping. Y ZF belcue in god the 
father / to whole eyes theſe thynges are 
diſplelaunte. J wyll neuer do fo lewedly 
that foꝛ folprie a pleaſute J wyll leſe 
the inberitaunte of the heuenlp topes / 4 
the ſecutite and quiet neſſe of a good and 
clere confcience. Heis a foolyſhe mer⸗ 
chaunte / which wyll alowe fuch mance 
erchaunge. If J wolde be aſhamed to 
commptte anp ſuch ſynne / iH my carthly 

fat hes 

ofthecommune Trede 19. 
father were pꝛelent to loke on me:howe 
much moze ought Jto fcate the epes a 
ſyght of that heuenly father Rowe ik 
we do come to Chats which hath moze 
kamiliacly (ct forth afoꝛe vs the enlaum 
ple ok vertuole æ godly lpfe: what parte 
is thete ok the chziſtiaue philolophie / 
whiche we mape not ſufficientlp learne 
her cot who wolde not be kendled tothe 
louc of virginte and chaſtite: whan ye 
heareth that Chk was borne of a vir⸗ 
ginc / which alſo in his owne bodp hath 
commended virgunte to vs: who Wold 
not be aſhamed to dekple wedlocke with 
adulteries / oꝛ in wedlocke to (eruc the 
ficihelp lutte: whan he confidercth and 
calleth to mpynde the wedlocke of Marp 
and Joſeph more chaſte than all birgts 
niter Belpdes this / whan he Hall contts 
dꝛe and thynke / that ſo muche honoure 
hath ben gpuen to the nature ok man / 
that it hath ben rececpued to the compas 
ny and fclowhpp ok the diate perſone 
in Chniſte / and that it doth ſytte on the 
ryght bande of the father: Molde he not 
be akrapde to cafe dDolwne hypmlelke to 
beaftlp pleaſures of glotonp & lecherper 
The aungelles do acknowledge and do 

woꝛchyp the myſtery / as dapncte Peter 

Sui, doth 

The hyghe 
dignite or the 
nature of 

li. et.i. 

The expoſpcpon 

doth wptuellein the kyzſte chapitour of 

the fpꝛſt epiſtle. And therfore in the. vir. 
chapitoure of the Apocalipſe / whan S. 
Johan fell Downe on bus kneſe to Wor? 
fyyppe the aungell: the aungell foꝛbad 
hyin laping. See that thou do not ſo / 
J am thy fclowe leruaiute / and ok thy 
bꝛothern haupng the ſteſtimonie of Fes 
ſu / but afoꝛe the incarnation of Chiſte / 
the lame was not ſapde lpkcwyſe to As 

bꝛaham oz to Dauicll: whan they woz⸗ 

ppped an aungell. In as muche than 
as aungelles do conkeſſe and acknowle⸗ 
ge the diguite of the nature ok maͤ: how 

buworthy and howe vilapnoulc a dede 

18 it / to cfowle re wich the moſte vple 
tplthe of vyces and fpnucs r why do we 

not rayther heriicn to lapucte Peter er⸗ 

hoꝛtyngce vs in this wple. „ By whore 
hehath gpuen to ys precioule and moſt 
gteate pꝛomplles / that dp reaſon herok 
we cholde be made pacttakers of the dts 
tune naturenfthat we wyl flee from the 
coꝛtuptiõ / that is in the world through 
concupifcence and luſt. Furthermoꝛe he 

ig OE Gee A 

that wih pure whole fapth . 

fclic hym to be loꝛd a owner: howe dare 
he be bold to ſteale aup part of hymſelke 
tom hym / x gyue it to the dpuell / in ag 

ofthecommune Credo. 140. 
much as he eis whole his owuc / to whöe 
he dedicated x gaue hymſelke whole in 
baptymer He that pꝛokeſleth hym to be 

Jelu: why doth he ſeche for ſaluation o: 

velth ok anp other thyng / than of hym: 
Bc that proteteth Chziſte moſte loue⸗ 
rapng kyng e pꝛeſt: with what face doth 
he deſpple c make lyghte ok his lawes: 
with what face doth he ſuffre that blef- 
{cd and honourable ſacrifice to be offred 
for hymſelf in vapn: which Chu wold 
to be frutcfull a belthfallto all mr The 
ſonne of god for thy loue was maix mã / 
to the entent that he wold make the of a 
mã a god /e doiſt thou in deſppte olhym 
make thyſelke of a man a creature more 
vyle æ Worle than aup bꝛute beaſter Be⸗ 

ſpde this what other thynge is allthe 

ſpfe / ye death / z the reſurrectiõ of Chꝛiſt 
than a moſte pure and clere mpꝛrour 02 
glaſle of the eudgeltcal philoſophy. Obe 
diente is hyghly cõömended € pꝛapled / 
not without good caufe:this without ex 
ceptiö is fpꝛſte a puncipallp due to god. 
Crt was obediente to his father euen 
bnto dcath / that pe death ofthe traſſe. 
Nert after god it is due to pe par tz. Be 
was made obedient e ſubiect to thé: whe 
be was not pceiued a vnderſtöden of the, 

Sin. (Luke the,. cha. 

The Ipte of 

TThziſt is the 
mpꝛzroure of 
all vertues. 

Philip. it. 

Luce. ii. 

The expoſptpon. 

Oome obediẽce alſo is due to them thats 
beate any comune ollice / although they 
be euyll men: he bpd not withdꝛaw ppm 
gp ath . peel felfe from iudgement / but r whan Lats 
ne phas demaunded a queſtion of hym / re⸗ 
: qupꝛyng aunſwere therofin goddes bes 
balfe: he made aunſerc / and certapne 
Johan. xviii. auuſwers * he made alfo to Pilate. 
And. xix. erode he dpd not greatly reg arde to 

1 ili. 
uc. x aunlwere / for almuche as he dyd not 
there beare anp commune offpce 02 au⸗ 
thoꝛite / but dpb onclp for his pleaſure æ 
myndes fake goo about to haue gotten 
Math. ttt, ſome miracle wrought of hpm. Satan 
the tempter he dpd reiecte in al popntes 
Auce. iii. Wok the vucleue ſpitites he dyd not lo 
| muche as (ulitcto be prapled. It is a 
dene grcate vertue to dyſpile humane and 
Sara icine woꝛldly glozic:he although be was god 
pet bare the perfon/and plapde the part 
of a ſeruaunte o2 bondeman in carthe / 
Johan. vi. whan a kyngdome was offred to hym 
* he retuſed it / the gloꝛte of his doctrine F 
of his miracles he referred whole to his 
Charite, father. The vertue of charite is to hurk 
no man / and to do good to all men. All 
bis doctrine/ his dopnge of miracles all 
to gether / to be ſhoꝛte / his whole lyfe / 
was nought ellys but benctpcécie æ wel 
| „ dong 

— — 

ont a ee? PR + same 

of the tommune Crede. 141. 
| topng toward all men: he neuer foughs 
thoſe thpnges that were koz his owne 
pꝛokpt oꝛ pleaſurc:but he ſpet his owne 
ſelke whole / vpon the profpte of other 
men. This was that onelp whole brens 
lacrikice and moſt pleafaunt and accep⸗ 
table to god. How ferucnt a ſapinge of 
charite was that whan he fapd. Y F 
am come to ſend fyꝛe into the carth and 
what cls doo J wyll oꝛ deſpꝛe than that 
it ſhold be kendled and bꝛenner J haue a 
baptyme wherwith J mult be baptised: 
and howe am J troubled and vexed im 
mp mynde to haue it finphed brought 
to an ende o mand łapth he)hath grea 
ter charite oꝛ loue than to ſpend his lyfe 
foꝛ his frendes : he not onelp ſpente his 
lyfe / but alſo Cuffecd the ignominie and 
ſhame of the croſſc / and that foz his ene⸗ 
mpes alſo / with his lake woꝛdes K pꝛap 
ing foꝛ them / by whome he was put on 
the croſſe / æ with whofe blafybemoule 
woꝛdes he was (corned & reupled / euen 
iu tbe tyme of his papnfull ſuffrynge. 
And pet koꝛ all that dyd not the loꝛd fap 
vntruelp / for whan he ſapde * no man 
Hath greater charite he ſpake of the cha 

tite und loue that is in man. There are 

kolde sie recited in bokes / raither than 
S. b. are be⸗ 

Lute.xii e 

Joh. xd. 


Luce xxlit, 

Math. viit. 
Math. xxii. 

Johan. xix. 

The expolptyon 
are beleued tertapn eraumples ok ertel⸗ 
lent louc and frendſchyp that bathe ben 
detwen men as of one krende that hath 
put hymſelfe in daügper and ieoperdpe 
ok his lyfe for another frend / but the cha 
site and loue that CThꝛiſte had / paſſeth 
all mance charite ot men / for that was 
an heuenlye: and not an carthlpe kpꝛe / 
which ye holp ghoſt dpd kendle and not 
naturall affection:and are not we aſha⸗ 
med tobe called Chziſten men / whiche 
not onelp doo ſpende our lpke for the fas 
upng of our frendes: but alſo foꝛ a ſmall 
profpte oz auauntage / with diſceptes / 
lyes / & periutpes / do begple our nepgh⸗ 
boure/ with violence doo ſpople ¢ robbe 
hym / with kalſe accuſations do bꝛpnge 
hym into daunger of his lpke ? Coue⸗ 
toufnes oꝛ loue of rpcheſſe is a cömune 
vyce / as the contempte and deſpiſynge 
ok ryches is an excellet aud a fpngulare 
vertue. But who was more naked and 
moꝛe poꝛc inthis woꝛld:than he / which 
had not where he myght ſo muche as 

reſte and lape Downe his hede sr whtche 

kuewe not the copne of the emperourc: 

(J ſpeake as touchynge his manhede) 

whofe clothes (which ſpople was onely 

let) was diſtributed and parted among 

the ſol⸗ 



of thetommune Crede. 142. 
the ſoldyers J do not Cape theſe thon⸗ 
ges / loꝛ that meu Molde ſeche for paps 
full and greuouſe pouertp: but koz that 
it is a ſhame and a fowle thpng to hym 
that bath pꝛokelled Chꝛiſte / to take po? 

uertp ſo vnpatieutly / that be Molde crpe 

out and call hymſelke therfore manp tps 
mes a wꝛetch and a captpfc. why Hols 
de ſte thou be aſhamed of pouerty / rohich 
ig commune to the with Chꝛiſt the loꝛd 
ok allthynges: D2 whp dothe anp man 
icfie eſteme oz regarde his nepghbour 
koꝛ pouertpes lakc / and dothe not caps 
ther wozſhyppe in hym the lykeneſſe of 
the loꝛde r wrath oz deſpꝛe of bengeaiice 
is d tyꝛzannicall affection. It is an harde 
thynge to wpll well to bpm / whiche 
Pathe minpſhed thy ſubſtaunce / whiche 
ath gone about to take awap thy good 
name o2 thy lyke. But this thynge Hall 
be made moꝛe calpe tothe / if thou haue 
relpecte and do lone vnto that pure vn⸗ 
ſpotted lambe / whiche was fo rapled on 
wit b fo manp reuplpug woꝛdes / ſo mas 
ny wapes lapde in wapte for / to make 
ſhoꝛt / was boundẽ / beſpptted / buffeted / x 
vered with all mance mockes € ſcoꝛnes / 
t hãged on a croſſe betwen, u. theues:9 
pet neither with anp Word neither with 
aup coun⸗ 


Chiſte after 
his reſurrec⸗ 
tion appered 
oncip to his 
dilciplrs and 

The erpoſptpvxon 
any countenaunce oz Cygne ener gare 
anp lignification oz betokenpnge of an 

angrp mpnde / nepther ſpake aup other 

thyng than woꝛdes of mot keruent chas 

tite and wyldencie. After his relurrec⸗ 


tion alſo he appered onelpto bis dilci⸗ 

vies and frendes / to the entente that he 

wolde bothe take awap thep2 heupnes / 
and alſo con firme and eftablpihe they: 

fapth / he ſhewed bpinfelfe to none of the 
other / vpbꝛapding and cakpng in theps 
tethe the purpoles aud enkoꝛcementes 
of thep2 wyckco myndes diſapoputpug 
and laping. Jamhe / whome pou haue 
wꝛongekullp condemned / whome pow 
haue ccupled/ whome pou haue toucted 
in luche wple to be deſtroped / that there 
old not temapne lo much as anp e ſpg—⸗ 
ne oꝛ token of an honeſt remembrance. 
J am now alpuc in ſppte of all pour tes 
thes. ut what dpd he: He charged ck 
commaunded his apoſtles / that euen to 
thofe lame / ok whome he bad ben cruel⸗ 
lp and vngoodlp handled / they ſholde 
pꝛeache the grace of the goſpell / that is 
to ſap / by fapth in Chuſte free koꝛgeuc⸗ 
nelle of all ſpnnes / aud cuerlaſtpng lpfe 

in the woꝛlde to come. This lpke bꝛpn⸗ 

Sey With it many grekes and i 





er, ge I — 


ok the cbmune Crede. 142. 
dites. It we do ſultre them pattentip foz To Caffce 
thelozocs lake: we doo fulitc together wich Chi 

with hym / but much moꝛe / ik we do fufe 
fre affliction vnwozthilp for rpghtoul⸗ 
neſſe and vertue. If we do pꝛactpſe this 
daply / that the deipꝛes of the fleche may | 
without rebellion obep the ſpitite / we To dye with 
do learne to dye with Chuſte. Fi bepng Seite. 

departed from this world / not fo much 

in body as in alfection / we doo come at 
that perfection / we are buried together To be bury⸗ 
with Chꝛiſt. If by baptyme from deade ed with chu 
b workes (that J mape vle Paules woꝛ⸗ 

des) we beyng ones clenſed from al [pot 
tes doo walke from hence forwarde in 
ne wenelle of lpfe / not onelp not rollpng 
àgapue into the mper / from whiche we 
were made clenc / but alſo haſtpng to per 
kection by all degrees of vertues / than To alcende 
do we ryle agapne with Chriſte / whiche with Kir 

btapſed from deathe dothe / no more dpe / 

| Dhan bp theſe meanes daplpe in bs the 
contempte and deſpiſynge ok carthlye 
thynges doth encreace / and therwith al 
ſo doth encreace the deſpꝛe of the heuen 

lplpfe / than do we with bpm aſcende ins 
to heuen / with the fete of our bodyes 
treadpng on the carth / but with the afs 

lections and deſpꝛes of the harte beyng 

The expoſpceyon — 

tonuerſaunt in heuen / in uche Wyte ois 
3 derpng all our thoughtes / ¢ attcr ſuche 
2999 maner temperpuge and diſpoſpnge all 
| our dedes a wozkes / as though we dpd 
Ipue in the ſyght * prctence of god /in 

the company of all lapnctes / as in veep 
dede we doo. Nowe are we come tothe 
bolp ghoſt / whiche alter the doctrine of 
ſapucte Paule is the geſte and inhabi⸗ 
ter ok godlpmpndes / whiche bath cons 
ſecrated fo2 a temple vnto his owucſelfe 
That man / that doth belcue this: howe 

is it poilible / that he Hold not be akrapd 

to pollute the temple of god: ( fo2 it is 

polluted cuen with vnclene thoughtes: 

alfo alt houh the dede be away) and ſuch 

an amtable and louclp tenaunt o2 geſte 

tpucn out / to make of the temple of 

1 god a ſtable oꝛ lodgpnge of the dpuctly 

Without con Chꝛiſten concoꝛdeis grcatlp tommen⸗ 

cope here {8 ded / without which there is no religion 
8 eae e, oz holpneſſe / no felteite oꝛ Welthe. OF 
this concoꝛde haſte thou a perfpte er⸗ 
aumple in the father / the ſonne / and the 
holp ghoſte Another cxaumple nexteto 
it / haſte thou in the name of the church: 
whiche is knyt to gether with fo mary 
bondes / hauyng but one god / one father 
all one lawes / oue baptyme / all wr 12 

rr e e ee em 

Of the commune Crede. 144. 
fame ſacrameutes / the lame ſpituc / and 
waptyng & lokpug alter all one / and the 
ſame inhetitaũce. In this church if any 
man cötpnuc:although he haue kallcu / 
be bath manp of whom he map be bole 
pen vp agapne) nepther caubelpgbtly 

a milcarp oꝛ peryſhje / haupuge fo manpe 

thoufands ok intercelloures praping Foz 

| pps Tholc chepe that bepe themfelues 
within the walles o2 cöpaſſe of the fold: 
are in lelſe daunger of the Wolf, But bee 

cauſe here in this world we hauc contis 
nuall ſtryffe æ batapi with our aductla⸗ 
rye: we muſt walke warcly & wpfelp acs 
coꝛdyug to the lawes pꝛelcribed ¢ fet of 
our capitapue æ loꝛd / to the obſetupng 4 
kepyng ok which / koꝛ almuch as our im 
becillite x weakenelle is nothpng luffp⸗ 
cient ot it ſelte / we muſt with cõötpnuall 
Wine belcche & deſpꝛe heuenlp helpe / 
hich is redy to all men / i a maͤ do alle 

E delpꝛe it feructlpꝛif cõtinuallp / ik with 
a tremblyng e a reucrent kapth e kruſte. 
To bothe theſe we hall be moꝛe mete / 
fyꝛſte it we do rekerre all that belongeth 
to vs vnto god / as the fountapne and 
authour.Secõdarelp it we do accuſtome 
and wonte our {clues to haue reſpecte 
uot to pe particular petſones / but ee 

The expoſpcpon 

whole dniuerſall company oz congrega 
tion ot tbe churche. Il we wpll do the 
foꝛmer of theſe two thynges / in al profs 
perouſe thynges / and ſuche as come to 
paſſe accoꝛdyng to our mpndes / we Hall 
gyuc thankes to god / and if anp aduer⸗ 

ſyte ſhall chaũce vs (whples wi do tage 
it pacieutlp / as a thyng (cure of god / ep⸗ 
ther to amende vs / oꝛ els to trye a pꝛoue 
vs) the outwarde cupll o2 greke (hall be 
toutned to vs into verp good oz profpte 
IJchall gyuc the an cuident craumple. — 
Thy come cometh vp profpccoullp iim 
the feldes / here the pagane wyll pꝛayſe 
bis owne policic and laboure / he wpll 
pꝛayſe the temperate and ſeſonable wes 
ther of that lomer. But a chziſten man / 
lpkewpſe as ik he had recepuecd all thele 
thynges ok the bande of god / he gpucth 

thanncs to his bountuole father / which 

with fo greate largencſle and liberalite 
both pꝛoupde for his ſonncs x ſeruaun⸗ 
tes. And if anp good thyng be gyuen 02 
done to vs by men / we hall acknowlege 
the goodneſſe of the loꝛde whiche hath 
gyuen to this man that bers both wyl⸗ 
lynge / and alſo able to do it. A gayne ik 
anp grefc oꝛ diſpleaſute and hurte haue 
chaunced to vs by men / and as we do 


ol the tommune Crede. v4. 
thpnke of wake o2 vengeaunce / it doth 
come to our mynde and remembꝛaunte / 
it is better to ſuffre this inturpe pacient 
ly / leſt if he be pꝛouoked he do me grea⸗ 
ter hurte oꝛ diſpleaſure / he map bepuge 
mp frende recompence mie this harme ¢ 
damage with much encreace and auan⸗ 
tage:petaduenture we do lo deſerue lom 
pꝛapſe of wozldlp wyldome / but no 
pꝛapſe at all ot godlyneſſe / but if we do 
thynke thus to our ſelues / the loꝛd dolh 
by this mannes malpte ſcourge me / foz 
his loue J lupl ſuffre this veratiöb whut 
ſo euer it ve: bp this meane bothe hall 
we be leſle angry with our nepghboure: 
and alſo we ſhall be made more redy to 
the amendement of our lpłe / than tores 
uengpnge of the tnturpe donc to vs. 
Bꝛeflp worldly and carnall afiections 
oz delpres ſhall haue the ele tpꝛannpe 
in vs / the violence of whiche is wont to 
plucke vs and carpe vs awape from the 
obſeruation and fulfpllynge of goddes 
lawes / to ſynnefulſand wꝛetched dedegs. 
Our myndis therfore to be accuſtomed 
and wonted / that in allthynges / whe⸗ 
ther it be pꝛoſperite oꝛ aduerſite: it may 
koꝛthwith ſette her epes faſte towardes 
god. Nexte thyng to this is / that in our 


Tht expoſptyon ä 
uipnde we doo conſidze and beholde the 

vntuerlall churche / as onebobp vnder 

one Hed hake. By this meane it Hall 
be brought to pale / that bothe we Mall 
be the lelle greued with our harmes kx 
incommodites / it we Mall call to cement 
bꝛaunce & reken / that we do lutte them 
fo2 manp and with manp. And alfo we 
(Hall reiopce moze of other mennes good 
fortune and welthe / than of our ownc / 
neyther Hall we haue enupe at anp ma: 
it we (hall conlidꝛe / that it is our olpne/ 
what ſo cuer good thyng the kelowehpp 
oꝛ company ot the church bath. Finallp 

god Mall here our prayers the more 

i. Loz.xtit, 

gladlp and wplipnglp sw we Yall not 
cuctp man doo pꝛopzelpe and (cucrallpe 
bis owne bulpnelle / but Mall alke and 
deſpꝛe cõömunt pꝛokpte and furlhraunce 
to his honourc and glozic, Foz charite 
is the thyngt / that ts mot acceptable a 
pleaſaſit to god but (he doth not ſechs 
thoſe thynges that ate her owne: but 
thoſe thynges that are Jeſu Thuſtes / 
new the churche is the body of Thaiſte. 
By this mcane fall it come o pallc / 
that our loꝛde bepuge delpted with thy 
chatite / (hall gpue the euenthe ſame 
thpng which thou woldeſt haue delpꝛed 

5 properly 

ofthe commune Crede. 146. 
popꝛelp ¢ particulatelp for thyne owne 
ſelke / moꝛe largelp and pieutuolſly / than 
ii Chou haddeſte alked it oncip foꝛ thy⸗ 
ſelfe. This conſideration ik it challbte 
4 ftourncd bp often vle and cuſtome into 
an habpte: it chall ſo enlarge and com⸗ 
| forte our mynde / that it hall not be ol⸗ 
fended with euerp mance thynge / neve 
ther ſhall it ſtond itpilat mall offenſes / 
ncpther whan it Molde doo a benefpte 
hall it npagardly counte and recken / he 
is a krench mau: and Jam an almapne 
be is a vyle raſcalle: and Jam a noble 
man / he ſapd this oz that not long agoo 
bp me: but Mall cherefullp and gladly 
gyue a benefpre / ag tothe memtye of 
Thuſte / as to one that is chꝛiſten / as o 

one that is a man. DAS Cc JL. 
It it cholde not be any paync oꝛ grefe to 
pou: J wolde very gladlp learne this 
alſo of you / which are the pꝛincipal and 
checke lawes / accoꝛdpng to which (as vn 

to the rule oꝛ lpne) a man ought to dis 
rocte and oꝛdze his woꝛkes / and allo 
which is the beſte koueme aud maner ok 
pꝛapinge. AG. The. x. pꝛeceptes of The. 8 e 
goddes law are knowne to euery man / teste 8 
neyther can any man teache anp better 
e than thoſe whiche god bym⸗ 

N T. u. belke 

The expoſpepon 
ſelfe hath gpuen oz taught / nepther can 
there ſanp better kourme and tance of 

pꝛaper be pꝛeſcribed than that whiche 

out loꝛde hpmſelke hath voucheſaked to 
pꝛeleribe & teach / foꝛ the ſonne knoweth 

beſte / with what kourme and maner ok 

pꝛaper his father moſt (pecially is delp⸗ 
ted and pleated. DJS. Wut thole pres 
ceptes and commaundemcutes were gp 

uen by Alopſes to the JItwes. Rowe 

our loꝛde bath delpuerpd vs krom that 
lawe. MAG. God toꝛbyd it my deare 

ſonne / the whole lawe is owers / and az \ 

greith with the goſpell / ſaue that we do 
now pꝛokelle c knowlege that thyng to 
be donc & fulfplled/ which thep dpd loke 
koꝛ afterwarde to come / und alſo ſaue 
that the ſame thong which was ſpoken 
and put koꝛth to them as bepnge rude ¢ 
begpnners / in rpdles and darke fpgures 
to vs is ſapd e ſpoken in a moe plapne 
and clere maner. Onelp certapue outs 
ward ccremonies are partelp put qupte 
and clene awap / and partelp are thaun⸗ 

F — a —˙ ¹ ˙ m ee eee 


* TA a — — 

ged and applyed to the cuangelttall ven 

tue and holpnes. But as for kde othes 
pꝛieceptes 02 eee, 
pell dothe none otherwyle delpuce aud 

make vs free from them / faue that Gp 
the teae 


N ok the commune Crede. 147. 
the realon that charite is augmentcd 
in vs / we do thole thynges wpllpnglp 
and gladlp of our owne accoꝛdc / whiche 
the commune forte and motte parte of 
the Jewes dyd foꝛ feare of papne o2 pas 
npſhement / foꝛ els what alpbertp( J bes 
N ſeche pou) ſholde that be: it we mpyzhe 
koꝛſweare our lelues / do adulterp / oꝛ cis 
mptte thektr pd Chziſt therefore come 
into the woꝛlde / that we Molde haue lps 
bertp tolpane vnponpſhed r No verilp / 
but that we Molde not ſpnuc at all / as 
beynge bone agapne into hym / wbiche 
knoweth no whytte of ſyune / we do hos 
noure and woꝛſhyp the ſame god whom 
‘the Jewes dyd honoure:all beit as tou 
chynge totherptes oz teremonpes and 
maner of immolatians and faccifices/ 
we do woꝛchpp hym after another kale 
ſhpon. Aud the fountaync ok all the com 
maundemeuntes is that kyꝛſte / that 15 to 
faye the greateſt of all: Y to loue god 
with all our harte / and our nepghboure 
as our ownclelke / for this ſpeche dothe 
ſummatilp and breflp compꝛehende all 
the pꝛeceptes of lpupuge / & who lo cuce 
dath want thele two poyntes / although 
he doth perkourme & fulfpll that thyng / 

use e the woꝛdes of the lawe do pres 
I T. ul. (ctibe 


The expoſpepon 
keribe and commaunde and though he 
doth auopde and eſtewe that / which the 
lawe both foꝛbydde: pet foꝛ all that doth 
he not oblerue and fulfpll the lawe / as 
foꝛ cxaumple / if a man doth nat kyll his 

enempt / not koꝛ that he dothe not owe 

hym eupl wpl / but for that he doth feare 

the ponyſhement thꝛetened by the lawe: 

this man is a manqueller akoze god. 

But that man / whomt in the heate of 
angre / the loue of god and of bts neygh⸗ 

boure doth reuoke and call backe from 
ypng myſchefe / x which thinketh thus 
to hymſelf / god foꝛbyd that koꝛ caule of 
anp man bepnacencury to me. af Molde 
fall out from the kreudſchpp and louc ok 
god / x hurte mp neyghboure to whome 
althoughe he be an cupll man / pet J 
ought to wpll well for goddes lake / to 
whomc it is motte pleaſauute and accep 
table / if foꝛ au iniuric and Bifpleafuce/ 

we doo a good toutne agapne / nepther 

foꝛceth it to me / though man doth make 
but cupll recompence to me for my bene 
ſytes / I haue a truſtp aud a Cure fapth⸗ 
full detter / to whome J lende this ſtock 
to haue enertate / he wyll pap me agapn 
with ineſtimable lucre oꝛ gapnes: that 
man(IJ Cap)that thus dith thynk oat 


ok the tommune Trede. 14s. 
Hath obſerued a kulkplled the tcommaun 
dement ok the law. D. Now J long to 
here thoſe.x.lawes wꝛyten with the fpr 
ger ol god. M A. They are recited in the 
rr.chapitour of Cxodti / ucpther do hep 
nede any declaration (for the wordes of 

a lawe ought to be playne and clete) ett 

any thyng in them doth nede o2 requpꝛe 
an interpꝛetout o2 expolitour: there are 
very maup men / whiche haue done this 
allredy ſufficientlp. Oncly Fallin few 
woꝛdes admonpſhe aud gpue warnpng / 
that euery one ot theſe pꝛeceptes dothe 

ſtretch lurther / and are ertended more 

largelp / namelp amonge chuſten men: 
than the commune forte and the molte 
parte of men doth iudge or thpnke. The 

fyꝛſt pꝛecepte thertoꝛe is this. Thou 

ſhalt not haue any trae goddes in my 
ſyght / thou Halt not make the anp gras 
uen pmage / noꝛ aup mance ſimilitudc / 
oꝛ lpktues / whiche is in the kirmament 
aboue / and whiche is in the earthe be⸗ 

nethe / nepther of thoſe thynges whiche 
are in the waters vnder the carth. This 

pꝛecepte agreith with the fp2tte artycle 
of the Crede: lo that it nedeth not here 

to make manp woꝛdes / and F bau all⸗ 
redpe tolde the / that this pꝛecepte ts 

T. tiii. wolas 

The ſpiſt eõ⸗ 

oe The expoſpcpon. 
violated and broken / not onelp of them / 
which do woꝛchpp the lonue / the monc / 

and the ſtertes / oz cls a man / a ſerpente / 

Sil euriouſe 
artes appcr⸗ 
tape to ido⸗ 

an ort / oꝛ a kobe / oꝛ a dogge / oz els do 
woꝛſchy ppe the pages of thele reberced 
thyngegs / oꝛ cls ok fendes in ede of god: 
but alſo to idolatrp do enclyne & apper⸗ 
t apne all curiouſe artes and crafies / ot 
diupuing and ſotheſaping / of inglyng / 
ok dopng cures bp charmes oꝛ withcraft 

in whiche althoughe there be none crs 

pace conſpiration with deuplles oz 
wycked ſpitites pet neuertheles is there 
ſome ſecrete dcealpng with them / aud fo 
therefore a ſecrele denpinge of god. Fe 
thou deſpꝛeſt an cuident argument and 
token hero / it is redy and not to ſeche / 
whan the tuchauntoure gocth about to 
take out of (hp bodp the hede of a darte 
oꝛ ok au arob / ſap this wilh good fapth 
to thpſelke / if this thynge be done with 
the wyll and plealure of god / J prape 
god it map do me Helpe o2 caſe / ik not / J 
had leuer ſuffre the wound of mp bodp / 
thau the wyckednes of my mpnd: thou 
ſhalt ſce the iuchauutour to laboure all 
in vapn. Meptheris it vnknowne to me 
what they are wont tolaye foz thems 
lelues / which do ſette greate ſtoꝛe bo the | 

abe Cals 

ee ee: 

| ofthecimune Crede. 14.9 ¢ 

art called magia naturalis / and whiche 

do greatlp eſleme and regarde the tudts 
ciall aſtronompe. Itbclongethe kothe 
chziſttan religion and holpnes / to fice 
tuen from thoſe thynges alſo / whiche 
haue the parell aud daunger / oz cls the 

; appcrautnce of unpretpe oz mylbcle fe. 


That man rekuſcth and kozſakcth all 
thele thpynges / who ſo euer he be / that 
truclp pꝛoteſſpng one very god hath abs 

iured all kalle goddes, Moz we ougytk 

not lo much as to retepue anp benefpte 
ok aup man / which is gpucn with the of 
kendpnge and diſpleaſpnge of god. To 
make ſhozte. Laucrp crpme appertap⸗ 
neih towWolatrp. He that for his wpucs 

plcaſure bath offended god:hath renped 
god / and bath honoured his wre foz a 


goddeſſe. He that for the kynges pleas 
fure doth ſpople wardes and katherleſle 
chyldzẽ that ucuer delſetued tt/o2 which 
Doth commptte anpother lpke crcpme: 
he dothe honoure the pꝛynce in Rede ok 
god / let them flatter and dpſceyue them 
felues as much as they lyſtc / let them re 
herce this precept cuerp dap a thouſimd 
tymes pꝛofeſſpng god with (hep2 mous 
thes: pet Paule crpcth agaynſte them / 
laping: they denpe god with thep2 des 
T. v. des oz 

Euerp tryme 
io a ſpycs of 


. The cepotpepote 

des o wozkes. DAS. why are they 
not than ponpched as wWolatersy O14, 
Bccauſe partelp the fraplte and wea⸗ 
kenes belongpnge to the nature ok man 

doth ercule them / and partelp the greate 


multitude of them that do oflende: but 

eſpeciallye becauſe it is a verpe harde 
thynge for vs to iudge ol the mynde or 
mã. But who fo euer all thepꝛ ly fe tyme 

ok a ſct purpoſe doo goo aboute to gete 

ryches by rpghte oꝛ wꝛonge / bp Hoke oꝛ 
by crokc / do hunte after pleaſures / lapy⸗ 
inge a parte both the dꝛede and alſo the 
loue of god:let them knowe and vnder⸗ 
ſtande ſurelp / that thep are no whptte 
better than thy are / whiche doo bꝛenne 
frankpn ſence in the honoure ok Juppt⸗ 
ter / oꝛ whiche doo fice alambe in lacrt⸗ 
fice to Genus / oꝛ cls a gotte in the ho⸗ 
noure of the god Bacchus. DAD. | 

Spthe in the fame cominaundemente | 

pmages are with fo greate diligence fo 
boden ta be made: Howe fortuncth ib 
that nokoe a dapes the churches of chzts 
Cendome are fullofpmages. M A. 
The peaple of the Jewes was verre 
groſſe and meruaplouſlp inclpynyng and 
tedy to the ſuperſtition of the Gentti⸗ 

5 i les:ſo 

a eo eg 

of the commune rede, 150. 
les: ſothat ſcantly they dyd beleue an 
thynge tobe / whiche thep dpd not ſee 
with theyz epes: and therfore the lawe 
with fo many woꝛdes fearpd them keas 
pynge them karre awap from the moſte 
parplouſe and daungerkul ppt oꝛ dpche. 
Nobe after that all papnnpmrpe is bp 
the lyghte ok the goſpell extincte and de⸗ 
ſtropde:there is not the lame ieopardpe 
and daunger that was than: and il aup 
popute of ſuperſtition dothe rem azpne 
ſtyll in the mpudes of certapne bnlear⸗ 
ned men / it may caſely be put awape by 
good admonition and Holpe doctrines 
Untpll ſapnct Hieronpmes tpinerbhere 
were holy and deuout men (and fo were 
they taken and alowed) whiche dpd not 
ſuffre anp pmage to be in the churches / 
nepther papnted / noꝛ grauen / nepther 
wouen / no not lo muche as of Thiiſte / 
(as Itrowe / becauſe of the Anthꝛopo⸗ 
moꝛphites:) but bp lyptle and lyptie the 
ble of pmages hathe cropen in / into the 
churches. And peraduenture it (holde 
not be verye unlemelp oz vnſpttyngce / 
ik in thole places / in whiche god is ſo⸗ 
lemnelpe and communelpe honoured / 
none pmages at all were ſette / beſpde 

the page 

th a tebe 1 — But 

e mage ot Chꝛiſte crucified. But pet 

a ata papntpug ik it be metelp and cöuenient 
doth come: sf bp vſed and put to / beſydes the houeſte 
it be aptelp = pleaſute that it bꝛzpugeth oz raulcth / id 

f N Doth alfo helpe verpe muche to remem⸗ 

d. bꝛaunce / and to the vnderſtondpuge of 
the hiſtoꝛie / wherkoꝛe it was lapde nod 

Pictures are vnwyſcly no unpꝛopꝛelp of ouc / A 
tic bokes or wote not how / but paputyng is to vn⸗ 

5 learned inen the fame thynge / that bo: 

kes are lo learned meu / pe moꝛcoucr 
cuen a learned man alfo dothe other⸗ 
whyles in paputpnge (ce moꝛe / than he 
doth in bokes o2 wzptyng / and is more 
vehementlp moued oꝛ ſtyꝛred to affec⸗ 
tions: as we Mol. e more moued and 
ſtyꝛreb / it we dyd lee hare hangyng 
on the croſſe / than if we dpd rede / that 
he was crucified. And papntpng letteth 
tbe thing forth to the eye / as karre foꝛth 
as is poſlible and perkourmeth that en 
dencie / makpnge the thpnge manfekes 
which many men with craktp ſpech and 
narration do coucte to attaync / and pet 
can not / but the lpfe of Chꝛiſte and of 
the apoſtles / namely that whiche ts 
chewed and wipten in the canonicall 
ſcriptures:ſhold da verp well to be ſet in 
te 0) ee in the porches / and us 

fA ILS ar arash rsa eg 


of the commune Ctede. 151. 
tlopſtres. Foꝛ fuche maner pmages ba 

put into our mpndes certapn holp and 

godlp thoughtes:euen whan we are oc⸗ 
cupped about other thpnges. And ly⸗ 
kewyſe as of the olde fathers it was ve⸗ 

cp well conſtituted and oꝛdapned / that 

nothpnge olde be recited o2 red in the 

churches beſpbe the canonicall {crip 
ture / ſo were it conuentent / and wold do 
verp well / if in holp places there were 
nothyng fet forth in picture oꝛ carupng 
which is not had in the holp leriptutes. 
Watt of all / M oyſes by the commaun 
dement of god / dpd fet in the tabernacle 
two cherubims of golde / in the hygheſt 
partes ofthe Pꝛopitiatozte. And in the 
veſlels of the temple whiche Salomon 
dpd buplDdesthere Were grauen pmages 
ok oxen / of lyons/and ofthe cherubims. 
Agapne in the thyꝛde chapitoure of the 
ſecond boke of Paralipomenon / the che 
rubims are grauen on the walles. In 
the mytre of the biſhop / was the pmage 
of the mone in his garmẽt / the pmages 
and ſimili tudes of pomes granates. Fe 
is not lpkely therfoꝛc / that to pe Jewes 
was bttcrlp fozboden all kyndes ¢ ſoꝛ⸗ 
tes of pmages:but it was foꝛfended thé 
that tber Molde haue pmages after the 


Exo di. xxh. 

(tt, Neg. bit 

Exodi. xx viu 

Dente, v. 


oo, The erpoſpcepon 
maner ok the paynymes / that is to layt / 
which Holde be let foꝛth to be adourned 
and woꝛchppped. The boke of Deutero⸗ 
nomium as it were expoundpuge and 
declarpng this lame whan it dothe res 
herce this pꝛecepte / it addeth. v Non 
adozabis ca neq; coles: thou Malt not 
honoure noz woꝛchpp them. And foz the 
lame purpole and entent was added in 
the. xx. chapitoure cf Exodictheſe wos 
des & coꝛam me. i. in my ſyght / oꝛ pres 
ſeuce / oꝛ afore me. That pmage is ſet in 
the ſpght of god: which is made egall to 
god for nothyng / that wanteth reaſon: 
is apte to recepue adoꝛation / that ig to 
fap outward vencration € woꝛchpp / noz 
cultum / that is to wyt / inwarde benera⸗ 
cion and honoute. A chziſten man / ikhe 
dothe bolwe bis hede to the pmage ok 
Chꝛiſte cruciſied / he knoweth that none 
bonourcis due to the wodde oz tree / but 
through the occaſiõ of pꝰ pmage be doth 
woꝛſhpp that thynge / which the pmage 

Ddoth repactent. Mob ik anp man for the 

louc of Thꝛiſte both loue the pmage of 
Chiſt / i ſo much that he doth otherwyy 
les kylſe it / x dothe lape it vp in a clene 
place( ſo that ſuperſtition be awap) d 
ſuppole that this affection ¢ b 5 wie 

not VTS 


ofthecominane rede. 172. 
not vnplealaunt to god. Foꝛ els wban 
we do i the chpach kylle tye goſpel boke 
we do not Woxhpp the parchemente / oꝛ 
pè gold / oꝛ the puctp/but we do woꝛchpp 
the doctrine of Chart. And pecaducture 

it ſhall not be vnpꝛokptable / i the byl⸗ 

hopes / tuetpe one ok them in his owne 
dioceſc / do oꝛdapne & Beceee concernpug 
this matter accoꝛding to the pꝛeſent bee 

lte ot thepꝛ flocke / but pet ſo / that it be 
done without diſtutbaũcc / ſedition a in⸗ 

iuric / foꝛ that there Molde be pmages in 

the churches / there is not lo muche as 

cuen any conſtitution made by mã / that 
doth cõömaunde it. And as it is a more 
dkalſp thyng e ſoner brought about / euen 
ſo it is alſo a moꝛe ſueret wap & further 
trom deoperdpe / to put out all pmages 

from the churches / than to obtapne o2 

byꝛpng about / that nepther mealure hal 
be paſſed in them / noꝛ ſuperſtition mens 
gled oꝛ put to in pꝭ vſyng of them. Row 
although the mynd de pure from all ſu⸗ 

perſtitid / pet it is not without the appe⸗ 

kräũce of luperſtitiõ / whã one pt maketh 
his pꝛapers / dothe knele oꝛ fall downe 
Aat afore a treen pmage / and hathe his 

epes kaſte ſette and lokpnge vpon it / 

ſpeakethe to it / gꝑuethe kyſſes to it / 
no Doty 


8 The expoſptpon 
noꝛ doth neuer pꝛap at all / but afoꝛe an 
pmage. This wpll J adde mozeouer 
To imagine who lo euer doth fapne and pmagine to 
god to be ano themlelues god to be another maner 

(Ghee maner onc / than heis: thep do contratpe wple 

e to this pꝛeccpte woꝛſhyppe pmages ok 

dede:is ola thepꝛ owue makpng. The Jewes haue 
geit. none pmages in thepztemples:but theßp 
haue in thepꝛ myndes motte kowle ido⸗ 
les / whyles thep do pmaginc the father 
to be without a ſonuc / whã in verp dede 
He bath afonne/ whples they do pma⸗ 
gint hym to be alone whan he bath in 
His felowſhpppe the ſonnc / and the holp 
; ghoſt. They do not therckoꝛe worhpp e 
hon oure god / ſo as thep do boſte x make 
auaunt that thep do: but in the ſtede ok 
god thep doo woꝛchpp anidole: whiche 
thbep haut framed and made to them⸗ 
ſelues in thepꝛowne mpndes Thus 
muche to haut lapd for caule of cxaum⸗ 
ple / let it ſuffiſe at this tymc / the reſidue 
thou alt geſle of thpne owuelclke. But 
for as much as the dignite of that moſt 
ygbe and ſouerapgne mageſtie requi⸗ 
reth this / that not onclp thou ſholdeſte 
baue a meruaplouſe good opinion of te 
in thy mynde / noꝛ onclp that thou Hols | 
deſt abſtapne from the wamrppf ge 

2 ol the tommune Crede. 153. 
idoles] but alſo that thou ſholdeſtt not 
diſhon dure it amonge men / ſo mucbe as 
with anp vnreucrent 02 vnlittpng word 
it is therfoꝛe added. . Thou ſhalt not The tetound 
take the name ok god in vaync / foꝛ cuſto precept, 
mable blage oflpght woꝛdes / dothe by 
lptle and lptle mpmiſhe in the mpudes 
both of the lpeakcrs and alfo of the hea 
kers / the reuerente that is duc to god. 
Vut ſuche was the maner of the Sen⸗ 
tilcs oꝛ papnpmes / which i euerpeihyng 
weelnerc / were it neuer fo ttpfipng and 
kolpſhe / pe oꝛ cls neuer ſo fſylthp and ry⸗ 
baldouſe communication: vſed oftentys 
mes to repete theſe woꝛdes by Juppiter 
Edepoll / Ecaſtoꝛ / Medius / Fidius:and 
Wolde god that there were no chuſten 
men now a dapes / which of a lewed and 
vugrattouſe cuſtomce / at cuerpe thyꝛde 
woꝛd do put to au othe / by god / by god⸗ 
des deathe / namely whan they playe at 
diele oꝛ carves / or els whan bepng well 
wette thep do make Cacrifice to the god 
Bacchus / we do rede that certapne cms 
pceroures of the Komapues / althougbe 
thep were papuymes / dyd commaunde 
thoſe mt to be chaſtened with wypppes 
which hadde lwoꝛne per gentum pzinti⸗ 
pig. And amonge the Jewes the name 
T ol god 

5 The expoſpepon 
ok god Was had en lo greate reuereute 
and honoure: that (hep opd wpte that 
myſticall and pꝛiuie name / whiche they 
do call tetragrammatan / with letters 
not to be expꝛelled oz pronounced: but 
lerthis be geucn tothe grolle mpudes 
ok the Jewes ( for god ig as much inno⸗ 
minabic:as Hews inpmagimable aud ts 
uiſible) it belongeth eto thecuangelicall 
holpnes / neuer to name god oz Thultc / 
oꝛ the holy ghoſte / without greate caule 
oꝛ vnrcucrently:leſt the woꝛdes oz com⸗ 
munications be tourned and do go into 
atkections / and affections betourned 
do go into operations and dedes. Thig 
thpugets to be noted and marked / that 
he dyd not lape / thou ſhalte not name 
god: but he lapd thou Maite not tale 
the name of god. Foꝛ that thynge is ta⸗ 

ken: whiche he applped and puto fone. 

ble / and that thyngeis taken in vapne 
and vudilcretly: whiche is taken to a 
propbane and a vple vle / as whan a 
man kwercih bp god in a matter offinal 

wapghte oz valoure/for thofemen that 

doo lwerc / to the entent that by the rea⸗ 

fou okt hepꝛ othe they myghte the ſoner 

and moꝛe eaſilp diſcepue / oꝛ whiche doo 
Qweare by the rcaſon of dzonkenes / 02 
wath / 


—— —_ + 



of the commune Crede. 154. 
wꝛathce / oz for thepꝛ pleaſure:thoſe men 
(IJ ſape) are very nere to blaſphempe. 
At the leafle wyſe let vs gpue that reue 
tence to god the prince aud lozde of all 
creatures / whiche the kreuche men doo 
gyuc to thep2 bpuge / whiche doo utuer 
name thepꝛ kpugc / but puttpng to woꝛ⸗ 
des of good lucke / and touchpuge thepz 
bonctte. Act bs tbercfozc / whan we doo 
name god / oꝛ Thiſte / epther bowe our 

kuces / oꝛ do ok our cappes / oꝛ it it be ſo / 

that we mapt do neyther of thele. u. at 
the leaſt wyle with fone lytle bolwpuge 
ok the hed / and with Come countenaunce 
let vs chewe outwardlp ſome token ok 
reucrente. DJS CJ. 
Bp this communication of pours, uit 
doutes do pꝛyclie and trouble wy mpud 
The fpꝛſteis / becauſe this pꝛecepte tts 
methe to belonge vntothe louc ok our 
nepghbourc / in as much as we arc for 
bydden by this name to begyle oꝛ dil⸗ 
cepue our nepghboure. The lecounde 
10 / foꝛ that by this ſecound precept thas 
thynge ſemeth tobe permptted / whiche 
vy the fpꝛſte tommaundement was ſoꝛ⸗ 
boden: foꝛ the name of god is acrcature 
and lyke to au pmage. 

cl. ii. The thyꝛd 

The mant 
ot kranch me, 

illi. dontes. 

5 The expoſpepon | 

The thyꝛde is / becauſe the fame thynge 
ſemeth tobe fozboden by this pꝛecepte / 
wich was forbode by the kpeſt precept! 
fo2 no man dothe wytlpngly fozſweare 
hymſelke bp god / whiche Path good opr« 

nion and iudgeth well ok god / foꝛ eyther 

Eccleliaſtes i 

Junk were to 
the kpzſt dout 

he iudgeth that god doth not kuo the 
myndes of men oz cls that he eis not ok⸗ 
founded with ſpunes. The fourth is / that 
they / which do now a dapes ſwearc / koꝛ 
the moſte parte doo ſeme to violate and 
bꝛeake this commauntdement : for (ats 
coꝛdyng to the lapnge ok the wyſe pꝛea⸗ 
cher) in wozidlpthynges pertapnpuge 
to men sets vanite of vanites / and all is 
but vanite, Inthele thynges therfore 
it (Molde neuer be lawkull to [weare » 
A. To make the aunl were in few 
woꝛdes to cuerpe one ok thefe thpnges. 
The. ut. (prt pꝛeceptes ate in a cettapn 
maner onc / and do chefelp appertapne 
to Latriam whichis the greateſt à dps 
gheſt woꝛſhyp / which is due to god one 
ly / as vnto hym that is beſte of all / and 
whoſe hyghnes dothe not cecepue the, 
felowſhyp of any treature. Wut as farre 
foꝛth as the contempte and deſppſynge 
ok god doth redounde to the hurte of the 
nepghboureiſo karre fozthe this 3 

of the commune Trede. ter. 
Doth alfo appertapne to the loue of our 
neyghboure / lpkcwpſe as alſo euerp tus 
tucte done againſt our nepahboure tolh 
appertapne to the contumelie and dil⸗ 
honoure of god / koꝛ as muche as in bpm 
is / hat mau doth hurte god / which (ets 
kyng at nought his commaundement / 
dot he hurte his nepghbourc / but hers 
moꝛe nere to blaſphemic / which doth bes 
gyle his nepghboure / lwearpnge bp the 
name of god:than vets that diſccpucth 
hpm with ſpmple and plapne woꝛrdes 
without an othe / for he abuſeth to his 
owe lewed affection and delpze / bothe 
the honoure of goddes name: and alfo 
the teligion and deuotion of his nepgh-⸗ 
boure / whiche bp reaſon ofthe name ok 


god beyng put to / ioth beleue hom bpon 

his othe / and wolde not haue belcupd 
hym without an othe. To the ſecounde 
doute J make this aülwere. Theuame 

Of god ſpoken oꝛ pꝛonounced ok man / is 

a creature / nepther to that woꝛde is the 
knee bowed: but to hom whome that 
boyte oꝛ woꝛde dothe lignifye and beto⸗ 
ken. Mow itis nothyng lyke of an pma 
ge / foꝛ there is no peryl leſt the voyce oꝛ 
word of a man ſhold be woꝛchypped:but 

in pmages there is no icopardpe / bes 
U- ui, caule 

To the tes 

. he expoſpcpon 
caufe certain philoſophers haue taught 

that lpkewyle as into a body beyng aps 

tely made of natute / a ſowle Doth cutre: 
cuen ſo into an pmage pꝛopꝛely and cou 
nyngly made deuplles oz wpcked ſpiri⸗ 
teg,do entre in. And it is nccellarp that 

god by lome ſpgne oꝛ token be'declared 

To the thyꝛd 

and ſygulfped / for and vuto whiche vle 
the ſpeche ok nan was chekelp and pane 
cipally inſtituted and ozdapucd. To (he 
thpꝛde boute this aunlwere take thou / 
that (alter my mpnd) thoſc men / which 
done were eim theyꝛ dꝛonkeunellc / 02 in 

thepꝛ angre / oꝛ whiche for the ſentent to 

dyſcepue oꝛ tohutt / done wyttyngly loz 
ſweatc thepzſelues: are rapther bꝛea⸗ 
fers of the kpꝛſt pꝛecept and commaun⸗ 
dement / than of the ſecond / koꝛ (uch maz 
ner perloncs(as thou doſte faye) cyther 
Do not beleue (hat god is / oꝛ cls they do 
belcue that he is dull and koolpſhe / that 
he dothe not knowe what men donc / or 
cls they beleuen / that hers ſlepp and ret 
cheles / that he dolh not care what they 
donc / oꝛ thut he is cupll / ſo that he doth 

fauour vices / oꝛ cls vurpghtuoulc / that 

he dothe not ponpihe noughtynes. Bub 
thoſe perſous / which eyther of cuſtomt / 

oz els without great cauſe / do willfully 
. , (were / 


of the commune Crede. 15. 
cwere / they do ſynne z tteſpaſe agaynſte 
this leconde cömaundement. And that 
I mape aunftvere fomewhat alſo vato 
the fourth doute. Our loꝛde among his 
aduertiſementes and counſaylles of per 
fection putteth this alſo / that weſholde 
viterly abſtayne krom wearpnge anp 
maner othe, The lame thynge bathe ſe⸗ 

To the „iii. 

Math. v. 

med beſt to certapu appꝛoued toctoures 

of the churches But with what coloure 
the cuſtome may be ercuſed of thé / that 
nowe euery Where done were well nere 
in euery matter oꝛ buſyneſſc / let other 

men lohke / but veryly me fenreth that an 
othe can (cantly be ertuſed / but eyther 

by neceſlpte / oꝛ els by the grauite and 
wayghtpneſle of the matter. Wy often 
othes / we doo learne to koꝛſwearc gur 
ſelues x to make falſe othes. J can not 
tell whether aup man doo Cloere well / 
which wereth Willingly. S Paule do:) 
ſweare / but not foꝛ a cloke oꝛ garment / 
1102 fo2 money / but foꝛ che honoure and 
gloꝛie of ye gofpell. How be it yet J wpl 
not ſape / that cuery cuſtome oꝛ raſhenes 
of (wearynge is dealp lynne / but dout⸗ 
leſſe it is verp couſen aad nere to ſynnc / 
and it is no good truſtyng to this daun 
geroule waterbanke. 


A. ilii. Therkoze | 

che thyyꝛd ed 

The expoſpcpon 
Irherkoꝛe the more Cure wap is to foloty 
the counſayll of our loꝛd / and ok ſapncte 
James. The thpꝛd precept hath diuerſe 
reſpectes / foꝛ it appertapneth to the ho 
nourpug of god / pꝛeſcrihpng & appopn⸗ 
tyng euerp. vil. dap / in which man hold 
altogether / that is to ſay / both in mynde 
and bodp gpuc hymlelfe to the wozkes 

oe belongyng to the honoure of god / whi⸗ 

che is called Latria / that is to wptte / to 

hymues / to pꝛapers / to holy doctrine / 
to ſacrifices / and to almopſe dedes / and 
to other exercyles & paſſetpmes / whiche 
do qupcken and ſtyꝛte vp fapth and loue 
towardes god:leſte anp man myght ex⸗ 
cuſe hymlelte / and lape that he had no 
lapſour foꝛ his neceſſary occupations € 
bulpneſſes / to gather his mynd to thole 
thynges / whiche are appertapupnge to 
deuotton and honourpug of god. It ap 
pertapneth alſo to humanite and gents 
lence towardes our nepghbour / fo2 fo 
grcate was bothe the vumercypfulues & 
alſo the couctoufnes of pe Jewes in the 
olde tyme(and cuen fo is it now a dapes 
of fome chziſten men (a lacke the more 
pitye it ig) that they wold graunt no res 
creation oꝛ reſte at all from labourc / to 
thepꝛ bondemen / to they: n 
5 an 




of the commune Lrede, 117. 
and to thep2 hyꝛed labourers oꝛ ſeruaũ⸗ 
tes bepng aliencs and ſtraungers. And 
this caufedothe not the lawe dpllemble 
oꝛ hyde / whan it addeth in the. b. chapi⸗ 
tour ok Dcuteronomium „ Kemembze 
that thpfelfe alſo haſt ben bonde & haſte 
ſerued in Egppte / and that thp loꝛd god 
hath brought the out ktom thente: to 
thende that the cemembratice of goddes 
myldenes and gentlenes (holo he an er⸗ 
aumple to them of humanite and gentle 
nes to ve vſed towardes thep2 nepgha 
bour. Foꝛ Ipke cauſe was the Zubile in 
ſtituted / that is to lap / the pere of lpber. 
tie and fredom / euerp ſeuenth pere. And 
as foꝛ that which 1s added in the. v. cha 
pitour of Deute ronomium of the ore als 
lo and ive affeveptherit was (et againſt 
the vnſattable couctouſnes of certapne 
men / whiche / whan it is not lawkull for 
themſelues to exerepſe any ſeruple woꝛk 
pet doo let forthe thep2 btaſtes to other 
men / vpon the labbot daye / for lucre of 
monep / oꝛ els is it an bpperbole 02 exces 
added to the entent / that we hold be rez 
moued further awape feom inhumanite 
and vnmercpkulnes towardes men / ſyth 
we are bidden to ſpare euen our beaſtes 

allo i this vnmercplulnes oz crueltp 

U. b, toward 

Deute, v. 

The Jubile. 
Deutt.x v. 




i. Cox. 

Math. x. 

wha. worke 
as called ſer⸗ 

for what en 
tent the bodi 
ip iahoureis 
foxbodé to be 
wfed on the 

The erpolpcpon 

towarde bꝛute bealtes / is a degree and 
ſteppe to vnmercpkulnes and crucltpe 

towardes thoſe men / that are ſubiectes 

vnto vs / for the oxeꝶ the alle allo done 

vs ſeruice. And as for this lapnge ok 

Paule. F Hath god anp care oꝛ mynd 

ot oxenr He meaneth not by it that god 

Hath no care at all of oxen(foz as muche 
as accordpng to the wytneſſe of our lors 
des ownelelke in the goſpell / there dothe 
not fo much as atpile (parol tall to the 
grounde without hym) but he denpeth 
that goddes onelp and chefe care is ot 
oten / foꝛ lykewyſfe as he bathe treated 
the helppngebeackes for mannes caufe/ 
tuen fo dothe he care and prꝛoupde fo2 
them / for mannes caufes . 
whatis a ſeruple worker N A. For 
fothe all mauer outwarde wozke/ which 
is Wont to be excrcypſed for cauſe of lus 
cre and getynge of monep / as hulban⸗ 
dꝛie / carpentrie / ping and ſellynge / and 
ſuche other lyne. DAI OM JP AE. 
Whpis that kozboden / that is an holp 
Worker d. This outwarde worke 
is not fozboden as bepnge vitiouſe and 
noughtp / but therfoꝛe is it pꝛohibited / 
that the woꝛke which is of it ſelte good / 

Cabbote dap. Holde gyue place to that woꝛke whiche 

is belt / 

of the tommune Crede. 160. 
ig beſte / aud to that woꝛke / for whole 
cauſe man was puncipallp and chelfelp 
created and made / that is to wpte / that 
he Hold know / hold woꝛchpp / hold ho⸗ 
noutc / and Hold loue god aboue althpu 

ges. DJS. May not god be Honoured 

but by bodilp reſte and abſtapnynge fra 
labourc A G. pes verily / he bothe 
mapye and ought to be honoured alfo in 
pè myddes of dur laboureg. But vnneth 
imap a man lpfte vp his mpude towar⸗ 
bes god / ſo as is mete x accozdpng that 
He Molde do / except he be free from ſuch 
mauer laboures / which both do cöſume 
t lpende awap the tpme/ and alſo done 
challenge to themſelues a greate parte 
of the ynde / and done call aw aye from 
the beautte and comelpnes of the open 

oe cõ muut allemble. €hcrfore this lawe 

was chetely æ pꝛicipallp gpus to weake 
men trol groſſe mynd / to the entent thas 
by outward reſte of the body they hold 
lcarue to haue thepꝛ mpnd alfo idle ¢ at 
reſte krõ all troublouſe affections &€ de⸗ 
ſyꝛes / that is to wpte / trõ hatred / from 
wꝛath / frõ ambition & deſpꝛe of honoure 
0} pꝛomotiõ / from all fleſhelp luſt / ſuch 
other carnal aſfectiõg. They therfore pt 
dyd lo reſte on the Cabbot dar es / y yee 


Foz what 

wozke man 

was created 



> € oll 


The expolpepon 
ſpeude thoſe dayes eyt ber in depe/ oꝛ in 
trpflpng tales / oz in lluggechnes 02 idle: 
Ne nes: they dpd in no lwple obfcrucé fuls 
Fp this commaundement / oz as much 
as thep dyd not that thynge / for whole 
dcaule this precept was gpuen. And ther 
foꝛe the lawe fpcketh thus. Kemembze 
thou / that thou do lauctifie the day ok 
reſte / koꝛ to lanctifie:is to ſpende in holp 
woꝛrkes / and not to pꝛophanc o2 pollute 
it with anp operations vnlemelp oz vn⸗ 
mete fo2 god. DJ S. vohp was the. vit. 
dap appopnted to this r M A S. The 
“eee lelfe ee erpꝛelled the oe 
apng. The ſcucuth dap ts the fabs 
Babbatum. bote of {hp loꝛde god. Now labbatan in 
the Heblue tongc / is as much te ſay / as 
teſte. This lame thing was move plapn 
ly ſpoken in the. xrxi.chapitour of Ero⸗ 
di. Ju ſyr dapes the loꝛde made heucn e 
earth and in the. vnn. day he cealed o2 re⸗ 
ſted fro al woꝛke / Do not here unagine 
a frame orbupldpnge wrought and fps 
niſhed with the labour ok. vi. dayes / and 
than the mapſter worknran beyng wes 
The entent ry on the ſyxte daye to haue recreated & 
of the whole refreſhed hymſelfe of his werpnes in the 
bok: of Gis feuenth day with rev and idlenes. The 
nelis-. whole myſticall leripture ol Beneſis en 
: tendeth 


the labbote of god alone / without vs. 
The ſecounde fabbote ts owers bpohis 

of the tõmune Trede. 1795 
tendeth this / that the Jewes Molde ves 

membzc / that this world was creatch g 

made ol god / not to thende that we hold 
reſte in thoſe thpnges which are of this 
Wor2lde:but that we by the thynges crea 
ted / haupug knowledacof the creato? e 
maker / hold according to his craumple 
reſte from the loue of viſpble thynges / x 
by fapthe and innotencie oflpfec(whithe 

is the truc peace and reſte of the mynd) 

malic bate unto that cternall cette , 
Thou heareſt here after a certapne mae 

Thie mance 

net thre ſond ne labbots. The fpr was cabbotes. 

benektcence and goodnes ‘but bnperfpte 

gctkull people Molde haue in remem⸗ 

bere in this lyfe. The thpꝛde labbote is 

perkyte in the woꝛlde to tome. Beſpdes 

this he wold / that the bnkpnde and fors 

bꝛaũte the mercp of god / bp which they 
had ben delpucred from the moſt harde 
and crucl ſeruitude otf Pharao / which fr? 
gure Doth alſo teache va / that we ſholde 
haue in memoꝛie / that we haue ben rede 
med by the bloud of pe bnfpotted lainbe 
from the moſt fo wle tyꝛannpe of the dp⸗ 
uell:leſt thoꝛow vnkpndnes we doo fall 

agapn into greater bondage and thꝛal⸗ 


why the. vit, 
dape was 
chaunged ins 
to the, viii. 


The expoſpepon. 
dome. D HD, pou lapd ones that the 
law of £4} ofes/as concernpng ceremo⸗ 

mes / was abꝛogated and taken awape. 

But this commaundement for the mok 
parte lemeth to appertapne to the 18 
oꝛ forte of ceremonies. MAG. J fapd 
that certayne ceremomes were abꝛoga 
led / but not all / foꝛ it is not abꝛogated 
to pꝛap vnto god knelyng on our knees 
neyther is kaſtyng noꝛ lermons abꝛoga 
ted / x J ſayd that certapne were chaun⸗ 
ged and applped to the euangelical hoz 
lpnes and honourpng of god ok whiche 
ſoꝛte is the obleruation and keppnge of 
the labbote dape. D S. o hy thanis 
the, vn. dap tourned to bs into the. vin. 
dape r YA. Clerilp rt is crediblc / 
that it was donc by the auctozile cf the 
Apoſtles. The day was chaunged leſte. 
§ we haddc agreed with the Jewes in. 
this popute / we myghte (cine to agree: 
with them in the reſidue alſo / lpkewyſe 
as Chꝛploſtome (and pet not he alone). 
Both with meruaplous dilygence and ak. 
fection kcare always chuſten men trons, 
kaſtpug vpon the fame dapes / on whieh 
the Icwes dpd communelpe cuſtoma⸗ 
bly faſt. J S. Than was not the. vn. 
dape without greate ſkplle g fo2 dog 5 


of the commune Crede. 162. 
conſideration chaunged into the. vit. why moze in 
day tayther than into the. x. oz into the to the. vill, 

ee Dap / than ins 
ru. dap: HAG. Zhou ſapeſt very wel, eee 0. 

To god alter a cettapne mance bathe pi os any o: 
twyſe created or made the worlde / and ther daye. 
man in it / for fpꝛſte he created tt of God alter a 

nought / doutleſſe by his lonne. Hecon- certapne ma⸗ 

8 ner hath ma⸗ 
darilp by the fame ſonne beynge incar⸗ de the wold 

nate /he reſtozed that which was perple parce. 

ſhed and foꝛloꝛne. There he is ſayde to 
haue reſted from the woꝛke ok creation. 

| Bere Chiiſte reſtynge from the workes 

of dilpenlation whples be reſteth with 
his body in the graue: he dotbe as it 

werte abrogate and put awap the iudat⸗ 
call oblerupng of the labbote dap / and 


whples be rplethe agapne immoꝛtall 

carly in the bꝛeake of the. vul. day / he co 
mended to vs the euangelicall ſabbote. 
Aud therloꝛe is this dap called dies do⸗ 
minicus.i. the dap ok the loꝛde / and in it 

dothe the qupere in the churche ſpuge. 

Hic dies quem fecit dominus id elt. Pal. C. x vit, 
This is the dap / whiche the loꝛde Hath 
made / and it is called Dies Paſche. i. 

the dapc of paflpnge ouer / by the verpe 

name puttynge vs in remembꝛaunce ot 

the olde figure. V The Jewes / after Exodi qu. 

that they hadde ben rekrelhed and kedde 
wit ha 


agkter what 



The. ecpolpcyon- 
with a lambe / they pated ouer th 
ſee. we beyng rekreſhed and wedde 



the bloude of Lhzruitt/do go to the heuen 
ip lande. The bloude of a lambe ſpꝛyu⸗ 
from the deſtropnge aungell / the bloude 

i. cled on the lydes of the doꝛc / laued 

of Lut hath delpuered vs frome 

he tps 

rannpe of ſpnnc. DAISD.Ahelethpnges — 
fonxlothe done meruaploullp well 
to gether in euerpe popute. But is it 
pnough/if a man do woꝛſhpppe and hos 
noure god on the ſondapes : M A. 
o godly mẽ To thole that are verply vertuous and 
cuery dape io godlp / cuery day is londay / oꝛ the lores 
fondape and dapye / not fox that he dothe alwapes aba 
ſtapne from outwarde laboures 02 woꝛ⸗ 

kes / but for that he dothe cuery da 
ofte as he hath opoꝛtunite / oktent 
lpfte bp his mynde towardes god 


p / as 

rynge vp fapthe/ pꝛouokpuge chacite / 

kendlpnge hope / pꝛapſpnge bpm 

hymnces:delpꝛpug ſome holſome thpug’ 


ol hym / gyuenge thankes to bpm foꝛz all 
thynges. But lphewpſe as it is apopnt 
ok godlpnes to pꝛactile this thpuge daß 
Ip / lo is it au extceding greate and an hoz 
rible offencc / not to do it on pe fondares 

whan the institution and ozdinauncc of 
e com 

Chꝛiſte and of the apoſtles / and ih 



of (hecomimune Ciede. 161. 
mune allemble and compnge to gether 
of the chꝛiſten ptoplc / beſpdes this to ho 
Ip tedpug / the pꝛechpng of the wozde of 
god / and holp und deuoute ceremomes 
inſtituted of good holp kathers / done 
pꝛouoke and call vs hereunto. DO. 
Do thep than ſpnne deadlp: which done 
anp wozke onthe holpdapesr NA . 
pe foꝛſothe that they do / ercepte epther 
great ueceſſpte/oꝛ cls great vtilite do er 
cuſe them: which thpug our lozde hym⸗ 
felle hathe euidentlp taughte vs inthe 
golpell / whan he excuſeth his dilciples / 
for that thep dpd plucke the cares of 
coꝛnc on the fabbotedape/and alledgeth 
the Leuites / which wꝛought in the tem 
ple on the ſabbotedapes / and whau he 
lapeth agapnſt the pharileis fpudpuge 
faute that he dyd heale men on the lab⸗ 
botedayc / lapeth agapuſt them (J Cape) 
that thep2 ſelues dpd on the ſabbotedap 
lede theyꝛ ore to the water / and if thepꝛ 
alle were kallne into a dyche / thep wolde 
not lette to dꝛawe bpm out cuen on the 
ſabbotedap. Finallp whan he pꝛonoun⸗ 
ced that man was not madre koꝛ cauſe of 
the ſabbotedap / but that the fabbotdap 
was iuſtituted and oꝛdayncd foꝛ tances 

1 that thou mapſte percepue and 

vnder s 

whether they 
do lynne dead 
ipsthat wozk 
on the fons 
d apes. 

Math. il. 

Math rit, 

Mat. ii. 

Che kepyng 
of the holpe 
Daye multe 

5 gpue place to 

Teuittel. xvi. 

Math. ix. 
dolal. xvii 

The erpoſpepon 

nder de that this piecepte le not of 

that forte that it oughte ncuer to gpue 
place vnto charite. D 1 J E. 
Howe doth this agree / that it ſholbe be 
ralleb the dape of ree: whan we do rede 
otherwhylcs / inthat dape hall pou pos 
nyſhe and vere pour ſoules : QIAB. 
Thig ſonge was fougen tothe Jewes / 
to whome it belongelh to wepe/becaule 
thep haue not the ſpouſe. The chꝛiſten 
men haue a karre other ſonge / which ers 
hoꝛten eche other lapnge. Exultemus 
ef letemur in ca: let vs reiopce and be 
mery in this daye In the olde tyme in 
many congregations thep kaſted on the 
laterdapes / to thende that they mpght 
come with moꝛe clene mpndes vnto the 

dclebꝛite of the ſondapy 02 the loꝛdes day. 

5 ache 
hath his nac 
ol reconti⸗ 


No be it it be ſo that any man pet be of 
tudatcall affections / let hym bp confels 
fion and penaunce ponpihe his loulc / 
that bepnge reconciled to god / he maye 
with a quicte oꝛ reſtekull mynde ble and 
cniopte the iopes of the dap. Joꝛ hercot 
is it called in the tommune touge of the 
germanes ſoendach / not ok the ſonne / 
as certayne men done interpꝛete / but of 
reconcilynge / that it in the other weke⸗ 
dapes anp ſpotte oz fylthe of (pune be 



| of the tommune crete. 162. 
gathered by the reaſon of worldly bu⸗ 

lynelle and ofcupations / he ſholde ep⸗ 
ther on the laterbape in the cuentyde / 
OD: els on ſondape in the moꝛnpngc / re⸗ 
tontile hymſelfc / and make an onement 
with ged / aud furthermoꝛe that ik he be 
at varinunce and debate with anp man / 
he ſholde caſte it elcane out of hig mynd / 
that botherhepnge pure from hatredc / 
and alſo beyng quicte trom allllpnnt / he 
map entre in to the temple ok the loꝛde. 
Thole men thetetoze FT whiche accoz⸗ 
dpnge to the lapnge of our loꝛde. 

»carne pou of mc / for Jam mplde 
and lowip in harte / and pou tall fpnde 
teſte to pout ſoules / as it were chyldꝛen 
ne wlye boꝛne haue lapde awap all mas 
lpcc / and bepng aboue all worldly thpnz 
ges / are with allthepꝛ mynde carped 
vp vntothe contemplation of that euer 
laſtpngc reſte / thoſe men J ſape onclp 
do kele and percepue bowe great a felis 
tite / and athpnge ot howe gteate iope / 
and ok howe greate quietneſle it is / to 

Math. xl. 

f, E ct. ii. 


cclebrate and kepe the cuangelicall favs what it is to 

botedape / that is to wyte after the imi⸗ lepe the cud: 

tation and kolowpnge of our loꝛdeg bu⸗ 9 5 lab⸗ 
1 i bd es and 5 

ae ch } F. ul. bis re⸗ 

. } 

; The expoſpcyon 5 
his reſurrectton / foꝛ this is the very la 
bote of god / foꝛ the woꝛlde hath certaynt 
labbotes / that is to ſape certapne rete: 
oz quietneſſes outwardlp / but inwardly. 

tit hath laboures farre moze ſeruple / th 
Exodi. i, the Hebꝛues dyd lufkre / whan they dyd 
ſerue the Egpptianes in carping daube 

and bzyckhe. DJS. Theſe thynges ford. 

ſothe haue pou ſpoken a declared plapu⸗ 

Ip and euidentlp pnoughe/fo2 my capa⸗ 

cite. M A. The greateite wyckednes 

ok all is that / whiche is done and com⸗ 

nutted directlp and immedtatly againſk 

god. Nexte vnto tis that by which god 

ts oftended in that we do hurt our neygh 

boure. Godis to be honoured and loued 

foꝛ hymſelfe: and man for godbes lake. 

Nertt after god the chefeſte honoure is 

due to our parètes / bp whome god hath 

gyut᷑ to vs the benefpte of lyke by whole 

care and dilpgence he hathe foſterd and 
bꝛought vs bp / where els we Hold haue 
perpſhed / bp whome he bathe inſtructed 

and taughte vs vnto the knowledge or 

god the hygheſte and ſlouerapgne father 
5 of all men / and hath auaunced vs vuto 
a ole the touc of hym. Therfoꝛe he Capt. Hos 
FINES + noure thy father and thy mother / that - 
thou mapſt be longlpucd vpon toi gh b 

ol the commune Crede. 163. 
phiche thy loꝛde god Mall gpue fo the. 

This word rhonos in the Latpnetong 

goth oftentpmes figuifie rewarde: as in 

bat fapng ofthe commedie. Bic tibi ab 
llo habitus eſt honos. 1. This rewarde 

‘is gpucn to toe Of bym / ein that ſapnge 
honos alit artes. i. rewarde nourpſheth 
artes oꝛ ferences. Therkoꝛe leruice and 

zyndneſſe towarde our parentes is a cer 
‘tape cecompenfatron of the coſtes / and 
ofthe papnes aud laboutes / which thep 
haue beſtowed vpon vs in our infancpe 
“snd ponge age / whples the mother luk⸗ 

eth æ abpdeth the irklomneſſe of bea⸗ 
png vs in her Wombe / of trauaplynge 
n the bpꝛthe ok bs / and the laboures of 
cuyng lucke and nourichynge vs / aud 
lo of the long cares / which the father 
loth ſuffre in minpſtrpug and fondyong 

o vs all coſtes and charges / and dopng 
15 bitermoſt diligence to proupde that 
ns chylderne mapebe taught and in⸗ 
ructed to the true fapthe and godly Ips 
png, Mowee ſit happencth oktentymes 
hat the father and mother epther fore 
noken a febled with age / oꝛels by ſome 
ther caſualte and chaunce kallen into 
zouertie and miſerte: doo nede agapne 

. the helpe e apde of theyꝛ 

K. iu. chyldzen / 

what is mea 
ned by honoy 
re othetwhp⸗ 

les. . 
Cicero. v. 




Tale max. li. 
Dit de pic 
tate erga pas 

Pictas e 

what this 
wozd pictas 
doth propre: 
lp tignikpe. 

The etpolpepon 1 5 

chyldꝛen. Here in this caſe we ate 14 

bounde ONO our parentes, The Gres . 

kes do call ris recompeufation of log 

and kpnducs to our patentes / anupelag 
gotin: becauſe the 11 87 called in the 
g5tcke pelargti / inthe Latpue cicome / 
art ſayde to beate on thepz backes / aud 
to fcdc à cheriſhe thep2 parentes bepuge 
feble æ fapnte forage. And amonge the 
Bcutiles / Eucas is cõmended: whiche 
folic his father anchiles vp on bis owne 

ſholders / x caryed hym out krom the cy⸗ 

tie beyng all on a fpꝛe. Among the ſame 
Bentiles / the pouge woman alfo batty. 
not ben without pꝛapſe:whiche nourpl⸗ 
ſhed her mother pꝛiuelp with her owne 
pappes / wherkoꝛc tothe loue of gov q ta 
the loue of our parcntes / is gpucn one 
communc name in the Latpue / that 18. 
to wyte pictag. Foz pictas pꝛopꝛelp is 
called the affection oz loue towardes 
god and towardes our parentes / tow⸗ 
ardes out couutre / which is as it were: 
& commune parcnte of many men / lpke⸗, 
wyſe as godis the father of all men. To 
make recompecuce to thole perſones / by; 
whome eyther we haue reccpued / 02 tes, 
coueted our lyfe:is a popnte belongyng 
to pictic 05 na turall loue. To do oO 

ä — Secenitenie 

ofthe commune Crede. 164. 

5 kourne to them / whiche hauc afore done 
. good to vs:is a popnte of kyndnes. And 

do our mapſters oꝛ teachers alſo we owe 
excellent & ſingulare loue and honourc / 

10 becaulethat lpkewyſe as of our parctes 

it is longe that we lyuc / euen lo ok our 

teachers it is longe that we lyue well / 

and lyke wyle as we map thanke our pa 
krentes / and are detters to them koz the 
lpyfe of our bodp / euen ſo map we thanke 

our teachers / and are detters to them 

for tlie lpte ot our mynde. we are borne 

bꝛutyſhe and beaſtlp ( for what els can 
we male ok it) by teachyng and inkoꝛma 
tion we are made men. Clery much hoz 
noure therfoꝛe is due to thoſe parentes: 
which haue gput vnto vs all theſe thyn 
ges to gether. DAS. what if both the 

mother doo rekuſe the pꝛkelomneſſe of 
gpucng her chyldern ſucke: and nepther 
father noꝛ mother doth teache and noue 
toute them to good manets / but do ble 
thep2 chyldꝛen / as if thep were bonde 
llaues / and do requpꝛe obedience and ler 
uice ot them / to honeſt dedes. 

MAS JS TVK. Zhe leſſe that 
they haue ben denefitiall and haue done 

the office of parentes to theyꝛ chyldꝛen: 

me leſſe honoure ts due to them / and 
X. uli. pet for 

Greate hos 
nour /loue/ ꝛ 
thanke ts o? 
ductie to be 
gpucn to our 
mapſters and 

The expoſpcpon. 
1 8 pet foꝛ all that they allo are to be obapd 
2 and plcaled for goddes fake (accozdpng 
. to that ſaynge ofthe tragedie. It thou 
were not my father) eccepte peraduen⸗ 
ture they doo commaunde oꝛ appoyutel 
thynges to be done / whiche are diſplea⸗ 1 
ſaunte to almpghty god / koꝛ than it is 
mele and accoꝛdpnge to ſap vnto them / 
Ictuum. v. we oughte to obey god rather than 
men. Nowe that whiche Hath ben lapd ie 
ofthe parcutes:appertapneth alſo to al 
thoſe / whiche arctopned to vs by nere⸗ 
nelle of bloud / oꝛ which haue done thoſe 
bencfptes to vs / which naturall and lo⸗ 
uynge parcntes are wont to dotothepz: 
Kota. owuc chyldzen / koꝛ to haue begotten the 
body is the lcaſte parte of the offpces be 
longyng to parentes. It doth no doute 
of it / be come vs to be bencficrall towar 
des all men: but pet (herets an oꝛdꝛeto 
be vſed in dopng of bencfptes. Merte ak 
There is an ter our kather and mother / as euery one 
age bene 1s nerte of blonde to vn /o ts he fpafte fo 
tes. be holpen and releued / leſt our liberalile 
bepuge conſumed and ſpent vpon other 
fremmed perſones / we haue not whet⸗ 
with to ſuccurre ¢ helpe our owe kynl⸗ 
folke. Sapnt Paule pronounceth that 
l. Cimo. v. woma fo be mente tha an müsele = 

a Fie 

| a 


of the commute Trede. 167. 
lakethe no care noꝛ pꝛoupdethe for her 

pzwne houſeholde / not foꝛ pt it is amore 
zreuous ſpnne not to haue mynde and 
are ot our kynſkolke / than itis / not to 
ppue credence to the golpell:but for that 
uch a maner woman doth not fo much 

s that benckpte to her kpulkolke which 

tuen the verp hethen women are wont 
o do to thoſe that are of thepꝛkynne) al 
bc it that the fapthe and religion ot the 
golpell dothe not abꝛog ate oꝛ put awap 

the naturall akfections:but dothe make 

them full and perfpte. And in the gol⸗ 

pell our loꝛde Doth diſalowthem / which 
tarpug no whptte for thep2 fathers aud 
mothers dpd gpuethep2 goodes i oſtryn 

ges into the treaſure of the temple. J 

wyll adde this moꝛcoucr. This pꝛecept 

doth not onely appertapnc to fathers 4 

mothers: bul alſo it appertapnucth to 

bylhopes / to teachers / y to offycers and 

rulers / whiche aftera certapne maner 

done beare the roume and ſtede of paren 
es / foꝛ to whome ſo euer honoure is cos 

maͤunded to be gpuen: thep are agapne 

euen by the fame commaundement bpd⸗ 

den to do thole benekptes and wozhes/ 

Kev, the. bi. 

The religion 
of the goſpell 
doth not ab⸗ 
rogate / but 
dothe make 
perkyte the af 
fectiõs of nas 

Maret. vit, 

buto which greate thanke and honoure 
10 due And therefore faynete Paule in 

Eyght. vi. 

— Wheerpofprpor, — | 
the. bt. chapitourcot his Epiſtle to thes 
phellanes / x in other places repetyug 
this pꝛeccpt ek cödmaundemsét:dothe put, 
both parties in remèbꝛaũcc of thepꝛ ol⸗ 
ficc ductie. And pou kathers(lapth he 
do nor ꝓuoke pour choldꝛé to augret 
wꝛath / but bꝛyuge thé vp in the inſtrut⸗ 
tion e the correction o2 the chaſtiſemenz 
ok the loꝛd / whã he koꝛbpddeth the chyl⸗ 
dꝛen to be moued o2 ſtpꝛred vnto wꝛath:“ 
he dothe exclude lozdelp rule o: gouer⸗ 
naũcc / æ Wha he addeth in the cozreptiß, 
oꝛ.chaſtiſemtt of the loꝛd:he doth coms 
mend mplde € gentyll teachpng z infors | 
matiò to vertuous c godlp lpupng that 
we ſholde be ſuch mance ones towardes 
the that are vnder our rule ¢ gouernaͤcc: 
ag ye loꝛd hath ben toward vs / foꝛ with 
what face / x howe for ſhame they do cha 
plapne of thep2 chyldꝛt / pt thep are nok 
thꝛyftie x vertuolc:whan thep2 one {cl 
ues haue taught them brought them 
bp to rpote / wantonnes /a vnthzͤftines r 
D. Are tha all thoſe longelpued / which 

done loupnglp Vauoure ¢ Cuccurce thepz 

partes: &. This thyng hath l. Paule 
noted z marked out / that to this fyzſte 

pꝛetept is added a rewarde cucn tn this. 

lpte allo / dut it was nedeful to ea = : 

a 2 
4 7 





bol the commune Crede. 1667 
ſuch wfc to the grolle a tatnall Jewes 

wohichlpae inkaũtes oꝛbabes were tobe 

atllured tcntpfed to woꝛkes of vertu & 
godlyncg with the prompie e hope of té 

i pozall comoditcs. They bepng hardly a 
truellp handled in Egyppte x alſo be pig 
. Wweeyed with long toznapes through p 

deſertes c wpldꝛenelles / were meruap⸗ 

loufe gredy a delpꝛous to come ones into 
the lande of pꝛomiſſion flowynge with 
mylke c honcp:g therefore it was added 
that it map be wel with the / that thou 

mapſtbe long lpued bpd the land which 


the loꝛd hall gyue tothe. And it is verp 

lyhkelp / that manp perfones of that pco⸗ 
ple to whom that lawe was gyuen / dyd 
ncuer come to the land pr was pꝛomiſed 

to thẽ / which pet for all yr had vſed due 

honoure s loue toward thepꝛ parentese 
But thoſe me which done ſpiritually wd 

ward ok vertue c keping of goddes peepe 

ge ſpititual thinges do not lolte for p* re 

here in this world: but they wapte after 
thepꝛ reward in that land oflpuing peo 

ple / foꝛ it can not be wel with hm / that 
lpueth eupllk vngraciouſlp / this lyfe 

although it be cötinuedæ plonged euen 

vuto extreme age: pet is it not for all yt 

alpfe of loug tyme / but rather a inomet 
and a 

Deutero. v. 

who bath be 
verilpe longe 

The expoſpcpon 

aud a popnte of tyme / lit be compared 
to chat cucrlaapuge lpke. That man 

Hath lpued a longe ſealon / who lo cuer 

hath with well doyng here / delerued the 
cternall Ipte / and who ſo euer bepuge 
brought to an ende in Mort ſeaſon / hath 
fultplicd many tymes / howe be it cuen 
in this lpfe alfo god oktentymes dothe 
paye the rewarde of loupnge obediente 
and honoure vled towardes the paten? 
les / it is ſome part of reward / an honcſt 
lame oz name. Foz euen the commune 
forte and moſt parte of hethen kolke al⸗ 
fo Doth hate and abhoꝛre them / whiehe 

do not regard thepꝛ pꝛogenitoures / aud 

which done caſt them into heupnes and 
diſcomfoꝛt. And it is tommunelp ſcen to 

come palle that as cuerp man bath bien 

and behaued hymlelke towardes his ka⸗ 
ther and mother / euen fo do his chyldie 
vle aud demcaue thepzſelues towardes 
bym / nerther is there anp greater o: 

moꝛe greuous calamite / that may haps 

pen to a man:than to haue wycked and 
vnnaturall oꝛ vnkynd chyldꝛen. And vn 
kpndues deſeruethe / that the thyngt / 
Which ama hath receyued vndeſerupng 
he (halllofe and forgo agapne not wyl⸗ 

lynge. we are betters for our lpłe to our 


— — 

| ofthecdmune Errde. 167. 
piogemtoures and pareutes / towardes a 
whome it we be kynde: it is rpahte and 
tecalon / that we Molde longe cutop that / 1 
which we haue taken oꝛ reccpued. And 3 
pet are not thole men diſcepued of the 
thypuge here pꝛomiſed them / to whome 
it chauncetbe not to lput longe here in 
this wozlde. Foz epther this thpnge is 
gpuen / Whiche is here pꝛompfed actoz⸗ 
dynge to thelettte / oz cls ſome thynge 
much moꝛe ertellent and better thanit / 
lo that man doth not diſcepue e bꝛeake 
pꝛompfe / which pꝛomilypng glalle dothe 
gyut a pꝛetiouſe fone. Bp theſe. iii. pre 
ceptes we are warned and taught / that 
we holde be kynde towardes them that 
haue done bs good / x alſo that we ſholde 
do good vnto them / towardes whome 
we do akter a certapne maner repꝛeſente 
the perſon of god. Nowe to repꝛeſſe the 
groſſe malice of the Jcwes/thole thyn⸗ 
ges are expꝛeſip foꝛbyden / by which one 
man hurteth another man. Of all iniu⸗ The. v. pres 
tics the moſte hapnous and greuous is cepte, 
manſlaughtet / how be it in the name ot 
manſlaughter are contapued and under 
ſtonded all affections oꝛ paſſions / by 
which we do go towardes manllaughj⸗ 
ker / of the which the tpꝛſt grece oꝛ ſtcppe 
| is Wrath 

zoe wrath 

ie Enuit. 

Math. v. 

oe Tbererpoſpeyvon 

is Wat concepued in the mynde / x Has! 
tred. wꝛalhe ns a loꝛo we oz grcke defy: 
tpug greatly wꝛicke o2 bengeaunce. Ha 

tredis olde roted wꝛath / an affcction oz 

pafiton at cuerp occaſion redy to hurtt. 

wathls the moe vehement pallion oz 1 

grelc as beyng ok a kreihe rawe wound: 
but hatred is be moe incurable of the. 
two. Enuie is worſe than they bothe // 

whiche Doty interpꝛete æ indge another? 

mãncs kelicite aud welth to be her owne: 
iniutit e hurt. The next degre oz (teppei. 
is wꝛathe bꝛeakpng out into a vopce oz: 
ſounde of indignation / which vopce our? 
loꝛd in the goſpell calleih Kacha. The? 
thyꝛd degrees grele bꝛeakpng out into 
n mantfeſt c open rapipnge o2 reutlpuge: | 
woꝛd: as wid we ſay. Thou tole / A mög! 
men / that man is accultd ofmanſlaugh ? 
ter / which Hath taken awap the lyfe fra) | 
bis neyghboure. Afoꝛe god / he is a man. 

queller: who ſo cucr hateth his neygh⸗⸗ 

boure / that is to ſapc / bearetb cuplt wpll. 
towardes hym / x told bpm harme / for 
we are augtp oꝛ miſcõtcuted euen with? 
thofe perſons alſo / to Whom we owe ber 
ncuoleuce c good wyll:not totheentent⸗ 

that we wolde hurte them / but that we 

myght ame d these we do Hate in a mand? 
not that thynge which god hath made: 

) ol the tommune Crede. 1608. 
bub that thyug which he hymſelke hath 
made. Whe kalle accuſer æ p“ ppkequarcl 
ui ſtede of a l werd / ol a darte / x of popſon 
bleth his tong to kyll men with al. The 
touctous mau / whyles he doth not luc⸗ 
tut re æł rcicue his ucdp x hungry nepgh 
boure: kplleth bpm with kamen / fo; he 
dolttles doth kpll: wholocuer dothe not 
laue / whan he may laue. Peraducnture 

pet almuch as in hymis: which dyd not 
help hym in his necellite / x whã he was 
in icoperdp:heis kylled æ Maw. witches 
do kyll men with enchauntemétes. the 
bachbpter € flaunderour dziucth men ta 
deathce / it foꝛceth not / howe oꝛ by what 
meanes one taketh awape bie nepah⸗ 
bours lpfe. where fo cuer ig a troward £ 
malicioule mynd to hurt / there is mans 

laughter. roomé which with medicines 
pꝛouokc caltpng of thepꝛ chylde afore pe 
due tpme:donc committe mfautflaughtee 
Thoſe pſons which with ſtaũdꝛoulr bo 
kes done taple on anp mã / apparpng his 
good kame: Done kplle & ſlee with tyerz 

penne. D. If it be no mance wap law ful 

to kyll oꝛ ſlee / what chall we Cap of wars 
tes / ol opt iudgeméètegr . In lawtul 
e ryghttul iudgemetz / it is pe law ſelk pe 
uullcth / x not po ludge. Now pe law is ot 

bis nepghbour doth not dpe: what thar 

A ſimilptude 
betwen a iud 
ge oz a pzinte 
va furgcone, 

‘ 8 

A notable (cn 

Ok warte. 


The erpoſpepon 


garde ok the whole bodp / but pet lur⸗ 

geones and leches doo not fall to cut? 
tyng / as longe as there is bp any other 
wapt hope to recouer helth / ſo lphewpſe 
it belongeth toa chziſtẽ iudge oꝛ prance 
and tuler / not to come uvnto the ponyl⸗ 
chement of deathe / ercept he haue fpꝛſte 
— allapd all otber wapes / and whan none 
otherwap wyll helpe be compelled ther⸗ 
unto. He that iudgeth coztuptelpe /o: 
whiche myluſeth the lawes applpenge 
them and makpnge them ſerue to his 
olone prpuate hatrede 02 aduauntage: 
aͤlthougheſ the malefactoure be worth 
drath / pet doth the iudge commpt man⸗ 
laughter. As touchpuge warre / what 
all J ſapr wolde god that all men bpd» 
fo abhoꝛre warres / as thoughe it were 
harrytidpye there to kyll aup man / in as 

muche as euerp chulten man is brother 


god / which commaundeth one membꝛe 
to be taken away forthe helth and ſaus 

to other. But in a bat aple rpght fully de 

gonue and lawkully made / the law doth 

begypnncthe warre not of necefiite / nos 

foꝛ the loue and kauoure of the comune 

weale / but for his owne pꝛyuate affec⸗ 
tions / be doth tommitte ſo manp mur 



of the commune Trede. 169. 
dcs oꝛ manſlaughters / as there be men 
that ept ber done dpe in that bataple / oꝛ 
cls dꝛyuen to ſtarue for hunger. Adde 
this mozeouer / who fo euer epther koz 
ogkerd e fo2 hope of pꝛapc / doth runne 
to bataple / although he doth ſlee no bo⸗ 
dp / pet is he a maͤqueller / foꝛ there wan⸗ 
ted not wyll: but there wanted to the 
wl power oꝛ occaſion. D FH. what ik 
a pꝛinate perfone bearynge! none offpce/ 
‘Poth kyll one that inuadeth hpm / in his 

obne dekencer MA G. If ſure and vn⸗ 

douted deathe be thꝛettened bpm / and 

there de no wape to auopde oꝛ elcapt:4 

wolde counfaple bpm / that is a peripte 
man hartelp to deſyꝛe and call koꝛ belpe 

ok god / which is oktentpmes more nerer 

at handt / than we do beleuc / ſepug thas 

we doo rede / that euen a dꝛagon bepnge 
wahkened with the crye of him of whom 

(he hab in tymes afore palled ben kedde 

and nourpſhed / hath runne vnto hym /e 
delpucrpd hym feo theues. In this cale 

i he had leuer to be kylled / than to kyll: 

J wolde iudge that he hath done the of 
«fice and duet pe of a chziſten man. But 
to that / that it myghte be lawefull foꝛ a 
man to ſaue his owne lpfe / by kyllpnge 

PB his aduerſarie / that cls wolde flee 
v. pit: 

2 notable 


cas ~-Mheerpolpepott..: >. i: 

Upm: maup thpuges are cequypred/Whta ‘ 

che to purſue and fpcake of here / it ig 

no poput ok our pꝛeleut purpole. W 5 
what Cape pou of them that kozdong 
thepiſclucs: A. Af thep be not menz 
tcp do not commit manſlaughter. + 
ertept onclp ſuche diſcaſe ok the mynde / 
Whiche taketh away reaſon and all iud⸗ 
gement. DJS. uohat ok them whiche 
dont eyther Kyll themſelues / oz Morten.» 
thepz owne lpfe with kaſtpnges / wat⸗ 
chynges / colde / nakednelle / x luch other 
ponpchpnges of the body rA G. J4 
ppoctiſie be iopuch therto: thep ate 
manquellers. If thepz mpnde be pures 

thepz offence is the lyghter / namely ik 

thep doo ercede meaſure / for delpre ta 

so belpetpeprnepghboure. Foz charite tre 
Charite ere cuſcth maup e tbpuges. The moſte hap⸗ 
cloth mant nous and crucll mince agapnſte our 
cbuges-. neyghboure is manſlaughter. Hexte ta 
The pl com⸗ itis abultetic / foꝛ as vnto the hulbonde 
MANO E+ eHerers no thyng iopned moꝛe nere / nos 
moꝛe dearly beloued / than is his lateful 
lupfesfois there none iniurie moze into? 

lcrable / than the dekplynge of his wylg 

by adultcrie. End all be it that adulte? 

rare in the Latyne tonge / and lykcwyſ⸗ 

moichcuein in the Sekte ton de 5 


ay i, 


ofthe commune Trede. 179 

worde generallto all maner of coreups 
bpugeto: both he ig lapd / adulterare mo 

nctam / which coꝛrupteth the copne / and 

q allo tycp ate fapde adultcrace verbum 

dee / which donc handle the word of god 
not ſpncerip but with corrupt mpnde € 

alfection) pet koꝛ all tbat the morc ofen 

and comune ble hath applied this word 
to thebzeakpug and violatpuge of wed⸗ 

. locke / by the vnawkull flechelp dealong 

ok man and woman to gether. Mepther 

dane tbey Cape anne / Which do topic 

bp this commaundement to be foꝛboden 
all maner vnlawkall vſc of flechelp piea⸗ 
ſure / ok which fore are inceſtc / both outs 
warde and ſpirituall / bug geric / fleſhelp 

medlpug with ſpirites oꝛ bꝛute beaſſes / 
all vnclcuneſfe oz pollution / finally tne 

gle foꝛuication / which is ſo the lpahteſt 
and ſmalleſt oſtence in this kpnde: that 
yet otherwhyles by the realon of the civ 
cumſtances / its made mor greate and 
greuous otfeucetba aduoutrie / pe more 

ouer euen in lawfull matrimonie alſo is 
tommitted adulterie i thep do vumea⸗ 

lurably ſerue thep2 fleſhelp appetite and 
luſte / oꝛ if they deale together after ſuch 
faſhpon / that of that acre there be no 
bort ol chylde to be begotten. 

Ba tle Thep 

Hingte koꝛm 
catia is other 
whpyles by 
reaſon ok the 
ces moi gre⸗ 
tious offtnecs 
than aduous 

he bulbsd 
map coinptee 
with his 
owue wpke. 

50 N 1 ; E 1 a 

4rhey adde a creunto ſpirituall ade 
abn. ulterie / whiche is committed in euere 
dieadlp ſpnnc / but moſt ſpeciallp in apo? 
ſtaſp / whan anp man gothe away krom 
the woꝛſchppppng of verp god / vnto the 
honourpnge ok the deuplles / wherol we 
haue ſpoken in the kpꝛſte pꝛetepte. Mow 
conlidꝛe me the conuuement and comelß 
MThecoucnice oꝛdze. The. iu. fyꝛſte pꝛeceptes done ap⸗ 
oꝛdie ok 95 pertayneto god:thau whome nothypng 
mente. s better / o: moꝛe to be loued. The. . 
5 pꝛecept appertapneth to the parentes / 
to whome moſt honoure is due next ak⸗ 
ter god. The. v. uppertapueth to the 
lyfe and body / whiche is the dearel and 
belte beloued pollellion / that cuerp man 
hath. The ſyrte precept concernpth the 
wyfe / whiche is one fleſhe with her huſ⸗ 
bond. The. bn. appertapncth to the out 
warde goodes / but pet without whiche 
we can not lpuc / whertoꝛe he that fpops | 
leth oꝛ robbeth a poꝛe mã of his neceſſa 
ries: as muche as in hymis / he taketh 
awape his lyke from hym / fo2 of thole 
Hetioduo. dpd a tertapne hethen pocte ſape very 
Furtũ in la- krucly“ that moncy 13 ehe lple vnto ſelx 
iyne / thett in wꝛetched men. And the name ot tbelte / 
Englpch: are whiche in Latpne is called lurtum / is 4 
generall wozde buto tbem / tat Ke | 

— 22 — 

5 | 
5 of the cdinune rete. 170. 
ji out of tho cõmune tecafurebouli/Inyich general wes 
are called peculatoꝛes / and unto them des and com 
that conutte lacrilege / bo takyng away 1 to 155 
balowed or holy thynges /to them that v thhenges. 
ſtcalen awap other mennes ſhepe oꝛ cas 
i klarie, whiche in the Watpne tonge are 
called Abiget / vnto thoſe that ftealen 
. 0 en other menes Ceruauntes o2 chpl! 
{Dien which are called plagiarn / vnto tos 
uers on the lee / a thoſe that robbe men 
2 biolence / and akt er a tertapn kourme 
ol bataple / whiche are called pirate and 
pꝛedones / aud to them that doue puue⸗ 
lp take away other menes goodes / and 
thele kyndes of thefte are knowne to 
dcucty man: but thele that fololwé art in 
dede more clofe ¢ ſecrete / but pet as myl⸗ 
theuouſe and as ſynnekull as the other 
decauſe J wyll not fay moꝛe mylcheuo 
and moe ſpunckull. DJ S. whiche be „ 
thole: M AGO. De that defraudeth his eee 
hiered ſeruaunt ok his due rewarde / in co named. 
dede he is not called a theffe / but Heisa 
thele in very Dede. Me that boꝛoweth Nota. 
any thpuge / oz retepueth aup thyng des 
liuerid to hym ok truſt / to kepe oꝛ kepeth 
it with ſuch mynde and purpolc / that ik 
be mpght / he wolde neuer reſtoꝛe it he 
1 no leſte a thele / than is be which 3 
/ 8 p. iu. keth 


The expolpepott 15 
keth bp another mannes corres. / and la 
taketh away anoiher mannes goodes. 
Zibelwple the wozkeman / which eyther 
doth not perkourme that whiah he bath © 
pꝛomiſed / oz whiche is. x. dapes of ſy⸗ 
nilhpug that thynge / whiche he mygyt 
haut fpuiſhed and made an ende ok in. v. 1 
dapes:ik he doth take his whole reward |: 
be is a thete. As foꝛ ſuch perlons / which 
by crafte donc appapꝛe and woꝛlen the 
comune copne:whar nedeth it to ſpeake 
ot them: D2 what nedeth it ta ſpcake of 
dilcepuers / whrch done fell countrekapte 
ones in ſtede ok verp naturall pꝛecious 
ſrones / oꝛ whiche with ſome other lpke ‘ 
bifcepte done begger theyꝛ neyghbourer 
Oz what ok merchaunt men / whiche do 
Ccll theyꝛ Wares not for fo much as they ö 
ought / but as dere as they can: They 
call it lucte oz gaputs: but in verp dede 
iu is thefte. The ſame thynge is tobe 

lapd of them / that done engrolle? bye 
vp anp kynde of wares whole ito they: 
owne handes to thende that they maße 
lell it as they lpſte. Neylher can it er⸗ 
cuſe tauetners oꝛ wyneſellers and car⸗ 

ters / becauſe it is gone into a commune 

cuſtome / that they dco fell water men⸗ 
gled With bzymſtone / oꝛ lee in 9 of 

* 0 

lates prea 2 

of the tommune Trede. 172. 

| Supe. Neyther are myllers / bakero / 

and taplers / whiche done epther ſte ale / 
oꝛ coꝛtrupte aud ſtrope another mannes 

thynugc / therfoꝛe no theucs:Occaulc it ts 
|) athpng cuſtomably donc of very man)? 
men. Ccrtapne men do topne hevcuata 
oy clarkes and pꝛeſtes / which done recepus 

and take the ſtipendes and rentes sti | 

churche: and doo not fare aboutetabon 

thoſe thynges / foꝛ whiche ſuche lyupn⸗ 
ges were inſtituted and ozdapned. 2 
cls (uch as take the frutes and profpics 
ofa benckpce: and haue no myndes Co 
be pꝛeſtes. Bꝛelflpit is thekte / what lo 
euer thou ſhalt be compelled to reſtoꝛt / 

tf thou be ok habilite and power / for he 

is a thefe allo / which robbeth aup man 
ol his good name / and alſo who fo euer 
with crafte and lubtelte Doth coꝛrupte 
the ſomple mpude ok a pong damoplell. 
There reſteth behpude thie pieceptes / 

ok which the kpzſte reſtrapneth and hol⸗ 

deth backe the tongt / the other two the 

22 <_<" — 

¥ ~~ 
— ty x 

concupilcente aud luſte oꝛ delpꝛe of the 

mynde / they are rather declaratious 

ok certapne of them that are heretafoze 

rcherted:than nel pꝛeceptes / foa ik he 
that 8 wa ner ghboute with kalſe 

, ee vrtnelte 

The. wt. cbs 

The expolpepon 15 
wytnelle / weh it foꝛ lowe ot lutre and ag 
uauntage: it appertapucth than to the 
vit. pꝛetepte of thefte. If he dothe it fop 
haͤtred / than appertapneth it to the. v. 
pꝛecept of manſlaughter. Now ſo graaa 
was the grolſnes of that people of the 
Jewes / that they dyd beleue / that there 
was no manſlaughter / but that whicbhe 
was done with an iron weapon oz a 

i ſtaffe / and yet is the tong moꝛe nopſom 
he tong is and hurtfull than any weapon of perne 
tod any wen, and ſtelr. Mepthcrisit much amplle oz 
pon. E wea⸗ ag aynſte teaſon / lpkewyſe as vnder the 

name ok of manſlaughter is compꝛehen 
Hrd all maner hurtpnge of the nepgh⸗ 
bourc:cuen lo vnder the name and tptle 
of falſe Wptneſſe all maner hutte € dam 
mage to be tontapned / which we doto 
our nepghboute bp the meanc of our 
tonge/ but M opſes dyd put a notable i 
a greate craũple / loꝛ falſe wytuclle doth 
compꝛcehende alfo periuric / foꝛ in the old 
tyme both the iudges wert kwonne that — 
dyd examine and take knowlege of ang 
matter / and the wptneffes alſo were 
ſwoꝛne / that made aun were And he 
doth no leſſe kyll a ma / which oppꝛeſletg 
an innocent perſon with falſe wytueſſez: 
than doth he that Aceth with al werde. 


of the commune rede. © 
epther is be anp Whyere lelle a rob⸗ 
ror à thelc / which putteth his neogh 
bone froin his goodes by coꝛrupte iuds 
gement kalſe wytnelſe: than is helps 
ſpopleth hym by open tobberpe. The 
mypnde and purpofe is al one. The wyll 
is all one / ouely theinſtrumkt is chaun, 
„ged., Upon this tocke done all thole 
ſtryke thepꝛ pp which epthet by backe 
bptypng oz flaterpng / oꝛ by cratty coun - 
laplles / oꝛ els Gp coꝛtupt docttinc / lune 
burte his nepghbourc / which thynges 
khe moze that they are contracie vuto 
chziſtiane charite:by fo muche they doo. 
tome nerer vnto Dcadlp (pune. The The. tx. and 
bther two precepts are put ioputlp both the. x. pꝛecept 
lo gether. In Exodi in this wple. 5 
A Thou ſh alt not deſpꝛe the houle of 
5 khr nepghbourc / neyther Halt thou de⸗ 
lpꝛe his wpke / nor his leruaunt / uoꝛ bis. 
Handemapde / noꝛ his oxc / noꝛ his alſe / 
no: anp of all the thynges that are his. 
In Seuterono. they arc putte in this. 
wle. Thou (alee not deſpꝛe the wyke 
ok thy neyghbourc / not bis houſe / not 
his land / not his bondman not his haͤd⸗ 
mappde / not bis oxc / not his alle / noꝛ any 
ol all the thynges pt do belong ko hym / 
: Adden do ſeparate e departe the concu 
„ p.v. piſcente 

PPG ary yan — p 
* — — ee 
283s 3 

The expolpc pon 

pilcenet e deſpꝛe of the wpte / from the 
concupiſcente of the other polleſſions: 
than Mall thep betwo commaundemen 
tes / ok the whiche the fozemoze apper⸗ 
tapneth to adulterie / the laͤttermoꝛc vn⸗ 
to thekte. D. what nedeth theſe two töÿ⸗ 
maundemenkes : Doth not he that fo ⸗ 
bpd the an cupildede: info dopnge ko: 
“bpd alfo an cupll wyll e an cupll deſpꝛee⸗ 
el A. This thyng was done becaule ok 
the rudenelle e groſnelle ofthat people / 
whiche becauſe there was no penaltpe 

ſetteoꝛ appopnted bp the lawe vuto a 

lewde and ungtatious deſpꝛe:wolde els 

bauc belcued / that that thyng had ben 

no ſpnne afore god which is vnponiſhed 

among men / nor for that it is no ſynne: 

but for that mannes thought is mouea 

ble te okte tournpnge (Ethe Dede map be 

p proucd but the wyll eis knowen onelsx 

why the des to god. D. But why was not concupil⸗ 
(pre of periu- cente oꝛ deſpꝛe crpꝛellp mentioned and 
ric dot mur ſpoken of in the pꝛetept oꝛ tommaunde 
die were not ment that koꝛbyddeth periurie and man 
ſlaughter : N A. There ate ſome men 
that doo make aunſwere in this wyſe / 
that the affection x the deſpꝛe of Achelp - 
He lure /æ the delyꝛe of . 10 
to lapt / lecherye x couetauſnucs ar 5 
5 5 r inwardlyx 

exprefip foz⸗ 


— ae 

a ea a ae . — 
— — Se — 
ep eg 

of the commune Ctede. 

inwardlp roted in all men bp natures 
than are the delpꝛe of periuxic and man 
Aaughter / loꝛ trom theſe we do abboꝛte 

rather vnlelle it be la / that a violent des 
kpie e pallion bothe oppꝛelle the tudges 
ment of nature. But the uation of he 

Jewes was moꝛe enclpned to veͤgeaũte 

tha vnto Acthelp luſte / xtherkoze it was 

permitted them lo gpue a lettre ok di⸗ 
uoꝛcement, But as me ſemeth(that J 
map lape emp mpnde without auy mana 

Deute. xxlill. 

nes grefe oꝛ diſpleaſure) Concupiſcente how concu⸗ 
here in this place doth not ſo much lig⸗ pilcence is ta 
nitye what fo cuer mance iefpre of anos ben in chete. 

ment oꝛ endeuaure ce gopng about fo do 
an gupll dede( Lykewyle as we arc ſapd 

inthe Latpne tonge appetcre aliquem 
inſidus / not foꝛ that we haue burt hym / 
but foz that bp woꝛkpugce trapnes and 
lpeng in wapet / we haue gone about to 
burte hym) but that groſſe people weld 

haue iudged it to be no ſpunc / the attéps 

tpng of auouttrie / tbe goynge about to 

BH thette / vnleſle it were alſo bꝛought to 

pallt / and donc in very Dede / fo2 cls not 
cuerpe deſpꝛe is ſtrapghtwapes ſynne / 
nàs foz exaumple / it a man doo deſpꝛe to 

ther mannes wyke oꝛ of another mancs U. Pieceptes. 

polleſſion / as it doth betoken the cnforce 

ik ree ben 

The erpolpepan. 

wedde a Woman to his Wpte / it it holde 
chaunce het hulbonde to deceaſe / oꝛ ika. 
man dpd couete and delpꝛe anotber mds: | 

nes polſeſſion to be made his owne / by 

gpkte oꝛ by purchace. Mepther is cuerv 
„thekte ponpſhed with deathe / nepther 
cuctp endeuburment and attemptpnge | 
ok adulterie / foꝛ men ate not ponyched / 5 
except they be taken in the dede doyng. . 
ine, But manflaughter committed ts pos 

nyſhed with Death/anvd the attemptyng 

oOkit / oꝛ pe gopng about to wo it / dzaweth 
a man into daunger and perpll of iudge 

ment. Sor this cauſe is concupiſcence 

Trpꝛellp fozbyden in thoſe thynges / in 

which the onelp attemptpng is not po⸗ 

upſhed . Deve do fee certapne men to 
haue laboured about this pt he mpghte } 

reduce all pꝛeceptes epther bpddyng oz 
kozhyddyng any thynge ko be done unto i 
thele. r. commapndementes afore reher“; 

ted / and they do refered euerp one of the. 
kyndes ok deadly ſynnes(whiche are ac⸗ 

compted. vii. in noumbꝛe)to ſome one ok 

thele pꝛeteptes / but with diligence very \ 
lp moze duſpe than earneſt. Sor alter a 
Ibis mance there ts made a cankuſton e 

mengiyng to sete of allthepreccptcs . 
(whpis oiperwünes 





of the commune Ceedes 171. 
all are compꝛehended vnder one precept 
and otherwhples agapue oute and the 

ſame are compꝛehended onder Dpuerfe 

pꝛeceptꝭ. Welpdes this fepng that theſe 
lawes were gpuen tothe vplandpſhe ¢€ 

tude vnlearned people (and a law ough 
bo be plapnc / clere / and open) how could 
the Zewes ſuſpecte o2 deme that under 

tbe name of adulterie is foꝛbyden all ma 
ner ſtupꝛe and koꝛniention / though it be 
neuer lo lingleroꝛ cls that vnder thety / 

tle and name ok manſlaughter is kozken 
ded all maner malice oꝛ eupll wpll r It 
is therfoꝛe after mp mynd the moze lim 
ple and plapne way / to ſap / that the ſe. x. 
commaundementes were gpuen tothe 
intractable and ſtourdp people / as fpꝛit 
tkudimttes o; punciples / that they (hold 
not fall into all vices and ſpnnes / but 
that krom theſe fp2t pꝛinciples and bes 
gpunpnges thep Molde pꝛofpte and goo 
koꝛcward vnto the other precepts which 

aͤre innumerable bothe in the lawe / and 

allo in the pphetes / and alſo in the pros 

ucrbes of Salomon / untpll thep mpgbt 
come vnto the cuangelicall perkection / 

wherok certapne both ergumples ¢ alfo 

counſaples and commaundementes are 
contayned alſo cucn in the bokes 185 


| Wath, rip, 

| maundementes of thelawe are the be⸗ 
gpnnypirge and fpr cutrpuge in vnto 
godlynes / but not poerfpte religton and 
Holpnes . But for as mucbe as thou im 
this communication plapeſt the parte 
of one that is ignoꝛaunt and an inkaüt: 
it is ryght and realon that thou be con⸗ 

The pater 
noſter ry 

Math, viii. 
Math. xvi, 

„The ſerpoſpepon 
olbe teſtament. Aud therkoze our loꝛde 

She beſte interpꝛetour and trpoſitour of 
the lawe / aunlwerelh to the pong man 
in this wyſe. Ik thou wyll entre vata: 

lpfe:obſerue thou and kepe the commaßß 

dementes / chewynge that the. x. tom⸗ 

kent in the meane ſeaſon with kheſe ru⸗ 

dimentes and kpꝛſt inſtructious. There 
reſteth nowe behpnde pꝛaper / whereok 
the beſt koꝛme and maner is that / which 
our loꝛde hpymlelke bath pꝛelctibed and 
taught to vs. And lykewyle as Peter 
whan he dyd pꝛofclle hare to be the 
ſonne of the lyupnge god / ſpake in the 

name ok all tye apoſtles:euen fo he that: 

doth lape the crede / doth pronounce and 
ſpeake it ĩ the voyte of the whole church 
Foꝛitis one and the fame fapthe oꝛ be⸗ 
leuc ofall chuſten men. Tpkewple wyo 
ſo cuer maketh bia pꝛaper accoꝛdynge 
to the kozme and mance taught of . 

* SS 

* lami 
e 14 






* \ 

+See te" 1 

— —— 
a — 
a ee 

okthe tommune Crede. 174. 

loꝛdei he dothe pꝛape in the vopte at the 

whole church. This thpng is beep. well 

pp Demet and betokened bp thoſe pꝛonow 
nes. Hobis / nos et noſtra.i. ws / we and Paper with 
oheccs. And pꝛaper is unkrutcfull and but kapthe e 
in vapne:it fapth and charite be not pre 55 ee 
ent. Faythe gpucth boldeneſſe z kruſle. eee 
CThatite gpucth heate and feruourt / fo Fayth. 

i who lo cuer douteth oꝛ diberuſteth:doth Tharite, 

not beleue hym that ſayde / what fo cuce 

thyng pou Mall afte of mp father in iny 

A Names he wyll gyue it pou. And who fo 

euer is without charite:pt man praperh 
ktfapntly / and he pꝛapeth more fo2 hym⸗ 

4 lälke / than foꝛ other men. But as there 
ts but oue ſpirite of al the ſonnes of god 
lo do thep all pꝛaye with onc vopec for 

0 echt one particuler perſon / and eche par 

kitular perſon pꝛapeth foꝛ all the whole 
multitudc / callyng vpon thepꝛ yeucnip 
father / to whome thep ate bp Thuſte 
newe borne agapne / that bis name 
mpyghte be gloufied and honoured tho⸗ 

roughe out the whole wonlde / that all 

men mpghte retopce and boſte of they: 
tommune kather / and no man of hym⸗ 
elfe / that the tyꝛannpe of ſpnne bepnge 

1 zhis ſpirite myght rapgne in 

I Cte myndes ot all men / 

tg Sait 


5 The expoſpcypon 

that lyke wyſe as in that heuenly tytye 
there is no rebelllon ngapnſte god:euen 
ſo in this citpe oz communaitpe labou⸗ 

rxplige and enfoꝛcyng it lelke vnto the ts: 

militude and lykenelſe of it / and bepnge 
oꝛbapned and appopnted to the inheri⸗ 

tuaunte ot it / all operations and wozkes 
map be diſpoſed and oꝛdꝛed accoꝛdpuge 

to the wyll and pleafure of that moſte 

hyghe and louerayne father and ruler / 
in which particle and percepll is ſhewed 
both he rewarde aud alſo an eraumple / 
for who ſo cuer doth in carthe repꝛelle g 
ſubdue his owne wyll / and dothe obep | 
the wyll or god / gorth ſtrapght wap to 
the beuenlp tafe / where is no ſtryfcoꝛ 
hat uyle at all/noꝛ aup sebellto. And the 
chploꝛen done tu the meaue feafon here 
in this lyfec which eis a continual warre 
fare) deſpꝛe none other wages oz vittapl 

than that theyꝛ capita one wyll gpuc vn 
to them the meate and nourpſhement o:. 
fobe both of the mynde and of the body / 
dae bey nap be ſtrouge and able to do 
hep? ob tes and ductpes Moutlp and. 
manlullp.Thep do not deſpꝛe honoures 
not ryches / not pleaſures of this woꝛld / 
not treaſures / thep do onelp deſpꝛe thyn 
ges ueceſlarte ba the lpte of the — 5 

] i 

of thecommune Trede. 175. 
fo the helth and fauegarde of the loule / 
foꝛ thelethpnges are compꝛebended tuys 

der the name of Daplp bꝛede. And to the 

ende lhat there myght be full and pees 
ple concorde bothe betwen the father a 
ſonncs / and alſo betwen the bꝛethern 

ſelucs one with another of them / they 

do pꝛap and delpꝛe / that be wpll foꝛgpue 
the humapn trelpaſles / without which 

men do not lpue in this woꝛlde / wiche 

tkhypng they are not wpllyng to obtapne 
excepte thepꝛſelues / bp koꝛgpuenge eche 
~ other the offences and treſpaſſes coms 

mitted amonge them / ſhall haue pꝛauo⸗ 

Red the mercp and gentplnes of thepz 
tather towardes themſelues / koꝛ it is as» 
Japnſt all rpght e reaſon to deſpꝛe that 

god bepng offended and diſple aſed (holo 

foꝛgpue man / if one man beyng mache 

leſſe and moze llepgbtip offended / wyll 
not foꝛgpue another man. J iuallp and 
laſte of all / whples thep do conſidꝛe aud 
ems bꝛe howe benigne a loꝛd thep haue 
aud howe loupng a father whiche bath 
hpuen bis owne onelp begotten ſonne 

onto the death to thende that be mpght 

kaunſome and delpuer them from the 

tyꝛannp of the deupll/ they do pꝛap that 

: bad map not bp his ſuſfrãce bc bꝛought 


Tie. v. 

The. vi. 
and. vii. 

OR The erpolpepyoa s 
agapne into the potocr of that wycked 
fende / and ſo be dꝛawne into temprand: 

that they Molde deſerue to be dicherited 


of theyz good father, D H. who do 


why inthe they not deſpie euerlatyng pics LY A.“ 



pater holler / Becaule it Vetongyth CO Good ſoldperg / 
there is not oneclp to do the ohpces and bulynelles“ 
delpꝛed cuer⸗ which thepz capitapnc Hach commaun-⸗ 

latpnge ipl, ded and appoputed them: takynge no 

thought oꝛ care for thepꝛ rewarde / and 
it is thepꝛopꝛetie of good chyldꝛen lola 
boure and endeugute theypzſclucs here 
unto ouelp / that they mape haue iheyr 

father well contented & fauourable aud 
louyng to them: takpnge no mauer cace 
for thepz inheritaunce namelp lepuge. 

whan that they haue ſache maner a fas 
ther / than whome there is none more. 
tych / none more good and liberall / none 

moꝛcetruc of promiile. DF ihe pater 
noſter J wyll make no longer pꝛoccſie 

That para: at this tyme. Chere ate commentaxies, 
phate vpon and erpoſitions vpon it made bp rpaye 

the pater no- holp and well learned men redp and, 

{Ter ig tranc⸗ 

2 0 555 Lppnan FF thou wplt take the labous 

of 29. Wor Cf to cedcthe pacaplrafe which J made 

cibe to come by and ſpectallp of ſapntie 

doughters, vpon it manpe peres ago: thou halt io 

} A 


. gether boch pꝛaͤßt / and alſo in pꝛaßenge 
ie 5 leacuc | 

ofthe commune Creede, 176 4 
beet the fourme & mance of pꝛapeng / 
at the leaſt wyſe this pꝛokpte thou ſhale 
altayne and gette thercbp (except J be 
begpled) that thou map ſte come ſome⸗ 
what the moꝛe inſtructe and pꝛepapꝛed 
vynto the readynge of thoſe commentas 

rico gbokes / biche Hlpahe o€ elope, | 


t KS Thus endeth the dialoge /callep 
; the inſtruction of the chuſten kapthe, 
made bp the motte famous Clarke M. 
Eralmus of Koterdame. Ly | 

C Impꝛynted at London in 
Jleteſtrete: by me Robert 
Redman / dwellynge at 
the lygne of d Geoꝛge / 
next to Sapnt Dun⸗ 
ſtones churche. 


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