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Full text of "The appellation of Iohn Knoxe from the cruell and most iniust sentence pronounced against him by the false bishopes and cledgie of Scotland : with his supplication and exhortation to the nobilitie, estates, and comunaltie of the same realme"

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THE    A  P- 


JOHN        K.K    0   X   E      F   \0    M 

the  cruell  and  mo  ft  iniuft  fentence 
pronounced  againft  him  by  the 
falfe  bifhoppes  and  clergie  of  Scot 
land,withhis  fupplication  and  ex- 
hortation to  the  nobilitie3e- 
ftates,and  comunaltie 
of  the  fame  re- 

Printed  at  GENEVA, 
M.  D.   LVIIL 


TO    THE    NOB  I* 

LITIS        ^i   N   T)        £    S    T   *A- 

tes  ofScotlid  lohn  Kjwxcxijheih  grace yrwcie, 

and  peace  from  Godthe father  of  our 

Lord  It  fa  Chrift  with  the 

fyirit  of  righteous 


If^v^iSfS  ^ 1S  not  onty  f^e  ^oue  °^^e 
&^\  \S7li temporal l(right honorable) 
f|2  neither  yet  the  fear  of  corpo 
f£~)  ral^  Geath,  l^at  moueth  me  ac 
!§jbJtliisprefent  to  expone vnto 
you  the  imurics  done  againft  me,  and  to 
craueofyou,  asof  Iaufull  powers  by  God 
appointed;redreife  of  the  fame,  but  partly 
it  procedeth  from  that  reuerence  whiche 
cuerie  man  oweth  to  Godds  eternal  trueth,  Euety  ma 
and  partly  from  a  loue  which  I  beare  tooo-btto 
your  faluation,  and  to  the  faluarion  of  my  confffe 
brethren  abufed  in  that  realme  by  fuch,as  andreue* 
haueno  fear  of  "God  before  rece  god- 
hath  plcafcd  God  of  his  inrinite  mercie,  des  trteth, 
notonliefo  to  illuminate  the  eyes  of  my 
mindc,andfoto  tuchemydull  hart, that 
clearly  Ife,and  by  his  grace  vnfeanedly 
beleue,  that  their  is  no  other  namegeuen 
to  men  vnder  the  hcauen,  in  whiche  falua-  *Att.\i 
tion  confifteth,  faue  the  name  of  Iefusa- 

A  x 

THE      sAP  P  ELL-4T  ION  Who  by  that  facrifice  which  he 
did  once  ofFcrvpon  the  crofTe,hath 
fanctitied  foreuerthofe  thatfliall 
enherite  the  kingdom  promifed: 

but  alfo  it  hath  pleafed  him  of  his  fuper- 
aboundant  grace,  to  make  and  appoin- 
teme  moft  wretched  of  many  thoufandes 
a  witnes,  minifter  and- preacher  of  the 
fame  doctrine:  the  fomme  whereof  I  did 
notfparc  to  communicate  withe  my  bre- 
thren being  with  them  in  the  realmc  of 
Scotland  in  the  yeare  1556,  becaufe  I 
I  Cor-1'   know  my  felfetobeaftewardand  thatac- 
*Mat.z^.  compts  of  the  talte  comitted  to  my  charge 
fhal  be  required  by  himwho  willadmitno 
vaineexcufe  which  fearfullmen  pretend. 
I  did  therefore  (as  God  did  minifter )  du- 
ring the  tyme  I  was  conuerfant  with  them 
(God  is  record  and  witnefle)  truely  and 
fynccrly  according  to  the  gift  grated  vn- 
tome,deuidethewordeof  faluation,  tea- 
chinge  all  men  to  hate  Syn,whiche  before 
God  was  and  is  fo  odious  that  none  other 
facrifice  coulde  fatifHe  his  iuftice  except 
the  death  of  his  onlie  fonne,and  to  magni 
fie  the  greate  mercies  of  our  heuenlieFa- 
the^whodidnotfparethefubftaceof  his 
lohni.     own glorie  but  did  giuehym  to  the  world 
^jwi.5,8.  to  fufFer  the  ignominious  andcruell  de- 
z.^V.f.  atbofchecrofIe,bythatmeanes  to  recon- 

OF       JOHN       J^N  OX  S.        5 

cilehischofcn  children  to  hym  felfe:  tea- 
ching further  what  is  the  duetie  of  fuch  as 
do  beleue  them  fcluespurged  by  fuch  a  pri- 
ce from  their  former  filthines.To  wit,that  \om.G. 
they  are  bound  to  walke  in  the  newnes  of  Ephc.q.f 
life  fighting  againit  the  luftesof  the fleflie 
andftudyingeatall  tymestoglorifieGod  Sphe.i. 
by  fuch  good  woorkes  as  he  hath  prepared 
his  children  to  walke  in. 

In  do&rine  I  did  further  afTirme ,  Co 
taught  by  my  mafter  Chriit.  Iefus ,   that  jHat.iO. 
whofoeuer  denieth  hym,y  ea  or  is  afhamed 
of  hym  before  this  wicked  generation, 
hym  mall  Chrifl  Iefus  denie,  and  of  hym 
mail  he  be  afhamed  whe  he  mail  appearein 
his  maieftie.And  therefore  I  feared  not  to 
afTirme  that  of  necefiitie  it  is,  that  fuche  as 
hope  for  life  cuerlafting  auoide  all  fuper- 
ftition,vaine  religion,and  idolatrie.  Vai-  Vainere- 
ne  religion  and  idolatrie  I  call,  what  foe-  ligionor 
ueris  done  in  Goddes  feruice  or  honour  ijolatrit. 
without  theexpreffe  commaundementof 

This  do&rine  did  I  beleue  to  be  fo  co- 
formable  to  Goddes  holie  fcriptures  that 
I  thoght,  no  creature  could  haue  benefo 
impudent  as  to  haue  daned  any  point  or 
article  of  the  fame.  Yetneuerthelefifeme, 
as  an  heritike,and  this  do&rine  as  heriti- 
call,  haue  your  falsbifhoppes  and  vngod-  ^ifentece 
lie clergie  damnedj pronouncing  againft  pronuced' 
A  3 

rue      ~4P  PELL^iTION 
me  a  fcntence  of  death,  in  te  unification 
lApftella-  wherofthcy  haue  burned  a  picture.  From 
tiou  from  which  fals  and  crueii  fcntence,  and  from 
the  fame,  all  Judgement  of  that  wicked  generation 
I  make  it  knowentoyour  honours,that  I 
appeal  to  a  laufull  and  generall  counfil, 
to  fuchc  I  mean,as  the  molt  auncient  lawes 
andcanonesdo  approuetobe  holden,  by 
fucheaswhofemanifeil  impietie  is  not  to 
The  re-    be  reformed  in  the  fame:  moil  humbly  re- 
aueji  of  quiring  of  your  honours,that,asGod  hath 
John        appointed  you  princes  in  that  people,  and 
J^jtoxe.   by  reafon  thcrof  requireth  of  your  handes 
the  defence  of  innocetes  troubled  in  your 
dominion,  in  the  meane  tyme,  and  till 
the controuerfies, that  this  day  be  in  re- 
ligion, be  laufully  decided,  ye  recealie 
meandfuche  others,  as  moll  vniultlieby 
defence  and  protection. 

Your  honours  are  not  ignorat  that  it  is 
n6tIalone,who  doth  fuftain  this  caufea- 
gainft  the  peftilet  generation  of  Papiftes, 
The  peti-  but  that  the  raoft  part  of  Germanie  ,the 
tionofPro  countrie  of  Heluetia,  the  kinge  of  Den 
Uflantes.  marke,thcnobilitieof  Polonia,togither 
with  many  other  Cities  and  Churches  re- 
formed, appeall  from  the  tyrannic  of  that 
Antichrifl,andmoflearne{lIy  do  call  for  a 
laufuli  and  general  coufiljwherin  may  all 
cotrouerfiesin  religion  be  decided  by  the 


OF       10HN       K^NOXE.         4 

auctoritie  of  Goddesmoft  facred  worde. 
And  vnto  this  fame,asfaid  is,  do  I  appeal 
yet  once  againe,requirlg  of  your  honours 
to  hold  my  iimple  and  playn  appellation 
of  no  Jeffe  value  nor  effe&.then  if  it  had 
bene  made  with  greater  circunftace,folem 
nitic,  andceremonie,and  that  yereceaue 
me  calinge  vnto  you  ,  as  to  the  powers  o£ 
God  ordained,  in  your  protection  and  de- 
fence againft  the  rage  of  tyrantes  , not  to 
mentaineme  in  any  iniquitie,errour  ,  or 
fals  opinion,  but  to  let  me  haue  fuch  cqui- 
tie,as  God  by  hisworde,auncient  lawes, 
and determinationsof  molt  Godliecoun- 
fils,  grauntc  to  men  accufed  or  infamed. 

The  word  of  God  will  that  no  man 
worthie  of  death  for  offence  committed,  Bmf.ij, 
of  thewhichehemuft  bemanifeflly  con- 
ui&cd  by  two  or  three  witneiTes.  Ancient 
lawes  do  permitt  iuit  defences  to  fuch  as 
beaccufed  (be  their crimesneuerfo  horri 
blejand  godliecounfilles  will  that  ne- 
ther Byfliopp  nor  Perfon  eccleiiafticall 
whatfoeuer  accufed  of  any  crime  fhali  fit 
in  Judgement,  confultation,  or  counfil, 
where  the  caufeoffuchmen,as  do  accufc 
them,istobetried.  The  pet U 

Thcfe  thinges  require  I  of  your  ho-  ttom  of 
nours  to  be  graunted  vnto  me:  to  wit,  Iolm 
That  the  doctrine  which  our  aducrfaries  Knoxe, 
A  4  ' 

run    sApp  e  ll^t  ion 

condemn  for  he/efie  may  be  tried  by  the 
fimpleand  playnword  of  God, that  iuft 
defenfes  be  admitted  to  vs  that  fuftain  the 
battaile  againft  this  peftilent  generation 
of  Antichnft  ,  and  that  they  be  remoued 
fromiudgement  in  our  caufe,feingc  that 
our  accufation  is  not  intended  againft  any 
one  particular  perfo,  but  againft  that  hole 
kingdome  whiche  we  doubt  not  toproue 
Note  tobe  a  power  vfurped  againftGod,againft 
yaffil,  his  comaundement  and  againft  the  orde 
nance  of  Chrift  Iefus  eftablifhed  in  his 
Church  by  his  chefc  Apoftlcs:  lea  we 
doubt  not  to  proue  thekingdome  of  the 
Pope  to  be  the  kingdome  and  power  of  An 
tichrift.  And  therefore  my  Lordeslcan 
not  ceafe  in  the  name  of  Chrift  Iefus  to 
require  of  you  that  the  matter  may  come 
in  examination  ,  and  that  ye  theeftates  of 
the  realme  by  your  au&oritie  compell 
fuchaswill  be  called  bifhoppes,  not  only 
to  defift  from  their  cruell  murthering  of 
filch  as  do  ftudie  to  promote  goddes  glo- 
rie  in  detecting  and  difclofingthe  dam- 
nableimpietieofthatmanof  fyntheRo- 
mane  Antechrift,  butalfo  thatyecopell 
them  to  anfwer  to  fuche  crimes  as  fhall  be 
laid  to  their  charge  for  not  righteoufly 
inftrufting  the  flock  committed  to  their 
Unfaet  But  here  I  know  two  thinges  flialbe 


OF      lOtiN       K^NOXE.  f 

doubted.    The  former :  whether  that  my  i.  to  ohic- 
appellationis  lawful  1  and  to  be  admitted  CHons. 
feing  that  I  am  damned  as  an  heritike: 
and  fecondarely  whether  your  honours  2. 
be  bound  to  defed  fuch  as  call  for  your  fup 
port  in  that  cafe,  feing  that  your  bifhop- 
pes(  who  in  matters  ofreligionclaimeall 
au&oritieto  appertaineto  them)haue  by 
their  fentence  allredy  condemned  me. 
The  one  and  the  other  I  nothing  doubt 
moftclerelyto  proue.    Fyrft  that  my  ap- 
pellation is  moft  Lawfull  andiuil:  and 
fecondarely  that  your  honours  can  not 
refufe  to  defend  me  thus  calling  for  your 
aid,  but  that  info  doing  ye  declare  your  NOTE. 
felues  rebellious  to  God,mentainers  of 
murtherers  and    {hedders  of  innocent 

How  iuft  caufe  I  haue  by  the  ciuile  law 
(as  fortheircanon  it  is  accurfedof  God)  Theappd 
to  appeale  from  their  vniuft  fentence  my  l^tonis 
purpofe  is  not  to  make  long  difcourfe.  iuft  and 
Onlie  I  will  touche  the  poyntes  which  all  UvrfttU. 
menconfeflfetobeiuft  caufes  of  appella- 
tion.  Fyrtt.  laufully  could  I  not  be  fom- 
rnonedby  them  being  for  thattyme  ab- 
fent  from  their  iurifdiction, charged  with 
thepreachig  of  ChriftesEuagill  in  a  free 
citienotfubiectto  their  tyrannie. 
Secondarely  to  me  was  no  intimation  ma- 
de of  their  fommondesjbut  fofecretewas 

TrfB,      UPP  £  ILLATION 

their  furmifed  malice  that  the  copie  of  the 
fommondes  being  required  was  denyed. 

Thirdlicto  thcrcalme  of  Scotland 
could  T  hauehadnofree  nor  furc  acccfle 
being  before  exiled  fro  the  fame  by  their 
vniuft  tyrannie.  And  laft  to  me  they  ne- 
ther could  nor  can  be  competent  and  in- 
different iudges,  for  that ,  before  any 
fommondes  were  raifed  againft  me,  I  had 
accufed  them  by  my  Ires  publifhed  to 
the  cjucne  dowsgier,  and  had  intended 
againft  them  all  crimes,  orfring  my  felfe 
with  hafardof  life  to  proue  the  fame,  for 
the  which  they  are  not  onlie  vnworthie  of 
eccletiafticallau£toritie,butalfoofany  fuf 
ferance  with  i  n  a  commune  welthe  p rofef- 
fing  Chrift.  This  my  accufatio  preceding 
their  fomodes, neither  by  the  lawof  God, 
neither  yet  by  the  law  of  man  can  they  be 
to  me  competent  iudges  till  place  be  gra- 
ted vnto  me  opclic  to  proue  my  accufatio 
intended  againft  them,  and  they  be  com- 
pel led  to  make  anfwer  as  criminalls.For  I 
will plainelieprouethat not  onlie  bifhop 
pesjbut alfo  Popes haue  bene remoued  fro 
all  auftoritieand  pronouncing  of  Judge- 
ment till  they  haue  purged  them  feluesof 
accufations  layd  againft  them.  Yea  fur- 
ther I  will  proue  that  bifhoppes  and  Po- 
pes moft  iuftly  haue  bene  depriued  fro  all 
honours  and  adminiftration  for  fmaller 


OF       I  OHM       F^NOXR.  6 

crimes  then  I  haue  to  charge  the  holera- 
bleof  your  bifhoppes. 

Butbecaufe  this  is  not  my  chefe  grounde  Goddes 
I  wil  ftand  cotent  for  this  prefent  to  llnw,  m  fingers 
thatlawfull  it  is  to  Goddes  Prophctcs  and  may  ap- 
to  preachers  ofChnft  Iefus  to  appeall  fro  peall  from 
the  fentence  and  Judgement  of  the  vihble  mtmfifen 
churcheto  the  knoliedgeof  thetemporall  tencesjmd 
Magistrate,  who  bv  Goddes  law  is  bound  cutUe 
to  hear  their  caufes,  and  to  defend  them  powers  are 
from  tyrannic.  bound 

The  Prophete  leremie  was  comma-  to  admit 
ded  by  God  to  ftand  in  the  courte  of  the  them. 
houfeofthe  Lord  and  to  preach  this  fcr- 
monineffecT:.    That  lerufalem  mould  be  Ier.16. 
diftroyed  and  be  exponed  in  opprobrie 
to  ai  1  nations  of  the  earth ,  and  that  alfo 
that  famous  teple  of  God  mould  be  made 
defolate  like  vntoSylo,  becaufe  thepree- 
ftes,theProphetes,  and  the  people  did  not 
walk  in  the  Law,  which  God  had  yppofed 
vnto  the,  neither  wold  they  obey  the  voy- 
ces  of  the  Prophetes,whomeGod  fentto 
call  them  to  repentance. 

For  this  fermon  was  Teremie  appre- 
hended and  a  fentence  of  death  was  pro- 
nounced againft  hym  and  that  by  the  pree>  by  the  Prophetes,  and  by  the  people, 
which  thinges  being  bruted  in  the  eares 
of  the  Princes  of  Iuda  they  pailed  vp  fro 
thekingeshoufe  to  the  teple  of  the  Lord, 


THF    ^iPP  ELLsAT  I  07^ 

and  fat  down  in  Judgement  for  further 
knowledge  ofthe  caufe.  But  the  preeftes 
and  Prophetes  continued  in  theyre  cruell 
fcntece,which  before  they  had  pronouced 
faying,Thismanisworthie  of  the  death: 
for  he  hath  prophefied  againft  this  citic 
as  your  eares  haue  hard.    But  Ieremy  Co 
mouedby  theholie  Ghoft,  began  his  de- 
fence againft  that  their  tyrannous  fentcn- 
cein  thefe  wordes.  The  Lord  (faieth  he) 
hath  fent  me  to  prophetie  againft  this 
houfe,and  againft  this  citie  all  the  wordes 
which  you  haue  hard.    Now  therefore 
make  good  yourwayes,  ad  hear  the  voyce 
of  the  Lord  your  God,  and  then  fhallhe 
repent  of  the  euill  whichehe  hath  fpoken 
againft  you.  As  for  me  behold  I  am  in 
.Adttcrt.    your  handes(fo  doth  he  fpeak  to  the  Prin- 
ces )do  to  me  as  you  think  good  and  rig h 
teous.   Ncuertheles  know  you  this  moft 
aflurcdly,that  if  ye  murther  or  fley  me,  ye 
fliall  make  your  felues,  this  citie, and  the 
inhabitants   ofthe  fame  criminall    and 
gyltieof  innocent  blood.  Forof  atrueth 
The  prin   the  Lord  hath  fent  me  to  fpeak  in  your 
ces  did  .tip-  eares  all  thofi-  wordes. 
(olue  the        Then  the  princes  and  the  pcople(  faieth 
Prophet     the  text)  fa  icL  this  man  is  not  worthieof 
yelvmethe  death, for  he  hath  fpoken  to  vs  in  the  name 
prc:(l>  hud  ofthe  Lord  our  God. And  fo  afrcr  fomme 
rondaml.^  cotcntion  was  the  Prophete  dcliuered  fro 


OF      10H N      K^NOX  £.  7 

that  d  agcr.This  fact  and  hiftorie  manefeft 
ly  proucth  whatfoeuer  before  I  haue  aftir 
med-  To  wit,that  it  is  Laufull  for  the  fer- 
uantes  of  God  to  call  for  the  help  ofthc 
ciuile  magiftrateagaiit  the  fetece  of  death 
if  jtbevniuuSbywhomefocueritbejpno- 
uncedadalfo  that  theciuile  fwordhathpo 
wer  to  reprefTe  the  furie  of  the  preetts  and 
to  abfolue  whome  thei  haue  codened.  For 
the  prophete  of  God  was  damned  by  thofe 
who  then  only  in  earthe  were  knowe  to  be 
the  vifible  churche,  to  wit  precftes  &  pro- 
pheteswho  the  were  in  Ierufalc  the  fuccef-  Deute.ij 
fours  of  Aaro  to  whome  was  geue  a  charge 
to  fpeak  to  thepeople  in  the  nameof  God, 
ad  a  precept  geue  to  the  people  toheare  the 
lawe  fro  their  mouthes,to  thewhich  if  any 
fhould  be  rebelliousoriobediet  hefhould 
die  the  death  without  mercie.Thefemen  I 
fay  thus  au&orifed  by  God,  firft  did  exco 
municatlerimieforthathedid  preacheo- 
ther  wife  then  did  thecomunefortofpro- 
phetes  in  Ierufalem,and  laft  apprehended 
him,asyou  haue  hardJfpnouncing  againfl 
hymthis  fetece  afore writen  fro  thewhich 
neuertheles  the  prophete  appealed,  that  is 
fought  help  and  defence  againft  the  fame 
and  that  moft  earneftly  did  he  craue  of 
the  princes.  For  albeit  he  faieth,  I  am  in 
your  handes  do  with  me  as  ye  rhink  righ- 
teous, he  doth  not  contemnenor  neglect 


his  life  as  thoghc  he  regarded  not,  what 
fhould  become  of  hym,  but  i  thofe  his  wof 
des  mod  vehementlie  did  he  admonifhe 
the  princes,  and  rulers  of  the  people  ge- 
uing  them  to  vndcrftad  what  God  mould  > 
The  mw- require  of  the.  As  he  mould  fay,  You  prill 
nyKg  °f  ces  of  luda,  and  rulers  of  the  peoplc,to 
tbeje        whom  appcrtaineth  indifferent  lie  to  iud- 
■mrdes      gc  betwixt  partie  and  partie,  to  iuftifie  the 
lamin     iuft  manand  tocodemncthcmalefa&our, 
ycurban-  you  haue  hard  a  fentencc  of  death  prono- 
des^c.    unced  againfr.  me  by  thofe,  whofe  lippes 
Dcut.  17.  oght  to  fpeakno  decept,  becaufe  they  arc 
Jererrku    fan&ihed  and  appointed  by  God  hym  fel 
Deu.1.10  fcto  fpcake  his  law  and  to  pronounce  Jud- 
gement with  equitie3but  as  they  haue  left 
theliuing  God,  and  haue  taught  the  peo- 
ple to  follow  vanitie,  fo  are  they  becomed 
mortall  ennemies  to  all  Gods  true  fcruan 
tes,ofwhom  I  am  one  rebuking  theireini- 
c]uitic,apoftafieand  defection  from  God 
which  is  the  onliccaufethcy  fcke  my  life. 
But  a  thin^  moil  contrarie  to  ail  cquitic, 
law  ad  iufticc  it  is, that  I  a  ma  fent  of  God 
to  call  them,  this  people,  and  youagaine 
to  the  true  feruiceofGod,from  the  which 
you  are  all  declined,  mail  fufFcr  the  death 
becaufe  that  my  ennemies  do  fo  pronoun- 
ce fentencc.  I  ftad  inyourprefece,  whome 
God  hath  made  princes,  your  power  is  a- 
bouc  their  tyrannie,bcfore  you  dolcxpo- 


OF    JOHN      K^KOXE.  8 

ne  my  caufc  I  am  in  your  handes  aud  can 
notrelift  to  fufferwhat  ye  think  iuft. But 
left  that  my  lenitie  and  patiece  mould  ci^ 
thermakeyou  negligent  in  the  defence  of 
me  in  my  iuft  caufe  appealig  to  your  iud- 
gemet,ehhcryet  encorragemy  ennemies 
in  feakinge  my  blood,  this  one  thingel 
dar  not  confile:  That  if  you  murtherme, 
(which  thing  ye  do  ifycdcfed  me  not)ye 
make  not  only  my  ennemies  gvlnc  ofmv 
blood,but  alfo  your  felues  and  this  hole  ci 
tie.By  thefe  wordes  I  fay,it  is  uiidcm,that 
thepropheteof  God  belgdanedto  death 
by  the  preeftes  ad  by.the  prophetes  of  the 
viable  Church  e5  did  feke  aid  fupport  and 
defenceatthe  princes  and  temporall  ma- 
giftrates,threatnyng  his  blood  to  ^c  requi 
red  of  theyre  handes,  if  they  by  thcyre  au- 
clorite  did  not  defend  hym  from  thefurie 
of  his  ennemies:  alledging  alio  iuft  cau- 
fesof  his  appellation,  and  vchy  he  oght 
to  haue  bene  defended  :  to  wit,  that  he  was 
fent  of  God  to  rebuke  theire  vices  and  dc-  The  cm- 
fe&ion  from  God  :  that  he  taught  nodo-y^  oflns 
c"trine  which  God  before  had  not  pronoun  appella- 
ced  in  his  La\v:that  hedeiircd.theyrecon- 
uerfionto God,conunuallie calling -vpon  whjbe 
them  to  walk  in  the  way  es  which  God  had  cgfotoha 
approued  and  therefore  doth  he  boldiiewe  bene 
crauc  of  the  princes, as  of  Goddcslieutena  defended. 
testo  be  defended  from  the  blynd  rage& 

TH£  *AP  P  ELL^iT  I  ON 
tyrannie  ofthe  preefts,  notwithstanding 
thatthey  claimed  to  themfcluesau&ontie 
to  iudge  in  all  matters  of  religion.  And 
the  fame  did  he  what  tymehewas  caft  in 
pry  Ton  and  thereafter  was  brought  to  the 
prefece  of  king  Zedechias,  after  I  fay  that 
he  had  defended  his  innocetic,  afFirmyng 
that  he  neither  had  offended  againft  the 
king,  againft  his  feruantes  nor  againft  the 
people,  at  laft  he  made  interceflion  to  the 
king  for  his  lifejfaying, 

/fr  g  But  now  my  lord  the  king  take 
*hedc,Ibefechethee  let  my  prayer 
fall  in  to  thy  prefence  commaund 
me  not  to  be  caried  againe  in  to 
the  houfe  of  Ionathan  the  fcribe, 
that  I  dye  not  there. 

And  the  text  witnefTeth  that  the  king 
commatinded  the  place  of  his  impryfon- 
ment  tobechaunged.  Whereof  it  iseui- 
dent,thatthe  prophet  did  ofter  then  onee 
feke  help  at  the  ciuile  power  and  that  fyrft 
the  princes,and  thereafter  the  king  did  a- 
cknowledge,thatir  appertained  to  their 
v  office  to  deliuer  him  from  the  iniuft  fen- 

tence,wh  ich  was  pronounced  againft  him. 
becaus  he  onely  declared  the  wronge 
done  vnto  him,  and  did  but  craue  defence 


OF    10HN      KiNOX  Er  9 

according  to  his  innoccncie  Jet  the  fame 
man  vndcrftand, that  none  otherwifedol 
appeale  from  that  fals  and  cruell  fentence, 
which  your  Byfhoppes  haue  pronounced  Iuflcaufe 
againftme.  Neither  yet  can  there  be  any  of  appeU4 
other  iuft  caufe  of  appellation  butinno-f>o». 
cecie  hurt,or  fufpected  to  behurt,whether 
it  be  by  ignorance  of  a  iudge,  or  by  mali- 
ce and  corruption  ofthofe3whovnderthe 
titleofiufticedoexercifetyranie.  if  I  we-» 
re  a  thefe,  murtherer,  blafphemer,  open  a- 
dulterer,or  any  offender  whome  Gods 
worde  commaundeth  tofufferfor  a  crime 
committed,  my  appellation  were  vaine 
and  to  be  reiected;but  I  being  innocet,yea 
thedo&rine  which  your  Byfhoppes  haue 
condemned  in  me,  being  Gods  eternall 
ver itie,  haue  no  leffe  libertic  to  craue  your 
defence  againft  that  crueltie,  then  had  the 
Prophet  Ieremie  to  fcke  the  aydeofthe 
Princes  and  King  of  Iuda .  But  this  fhall 
more  plainly  appear  in  the  fade  of  fainct 
Paule,  who  after  that  he  was  apprehen-     .« 
ded  inlerufalem,did  fyrftclaime  to  the     L  '     * 
libertie  of  Romaynecitczesforauoiding    *'  ^ 
tormetjwhattyme that  the  captayn  would    ** 
haue  examined  hym  by  queftions.-rhere  af- 
ter in  the  coucile, where  no  rightious  Jud- 
gement was  to  be  hoped  for,  he  affirmed 
that  he  was  aPharifie,and  that  hewasac- 
cufed  of  the  rcfurreftionofthe  dead,  and 


T  H  £  ^tPP  EL  LOTION 
laft  in  thcprefcnceof  Fcftus  he  appealed 
from  all  knowledge  and  judgement  of  the 
Preeftes  at  Ierufalem  to  the  Hmperour :  of 
which  laft  point,  becaufe  it  dothchefelie 
appertaine  to  this  my  caufe,  I  will  fom- 
what  fpeak. 

After  that  Paule  had  diucrfe  tyrne* 
bene  accufed,as  in  the  Acles  of  the  apo- 
ftles  ismanifeft,  at  the  laft  the  chefe  Pree- 
ftes and  theyre  fa<5tion  came  to  Cefarea 
with  Feftus  the  prefidet,  who  prefented  to 
them  Paule  in  iudgement,whome  they  ac- 
cufed  of  horrible  crimes:  which  neuerthe- 
les  they  could  not  proue,  the  Apoftle  de- 
fending that  he  had  not  offended  neither 
againft  the  Law,neitheragainft  theTem- 
ple,neither  yet  againft  the  Emperour. 
*Acl.t$.  gut  Fcfius  willing  to  gratifie  the 
lewes,  faid  to  Paule:  Wilt  thou 
go  yp  to  Ierufalem,ad  there  be  iud 
gcd  ofthefe  thinges  inmyprefen 
ce?But  Paule  faid:  I  ftand  at  the  iu 
fticefeatofthe  Emperour,  where 
it  behoucth  me  to  be  iudged,I  ha- 
uedonenoiniurie  to  the  Iewesas 
thou  better  knoweft.  Yf  Ihaue  do 
ncany  thing  iniuftly,  or  yet  com- 
mitted crime  worthieof  death,  I 


CF      10HN       X^NOXE.        ip 

refufe  not  to  die.  But  if  there  be 
nothing  of  thcfe  thinges  tine,  whe 
re  of  they  accufe  me,  no  man  may 
geue  me  to  them:  I  appeall  to 

It  may  appear  at  the  firft  fight  that  Paule 
did  great  iniurie  to  Feftustheiudge,and 
to  the  hole  order  of  the  preefthode3wha 
did  hope  greater  cquitie  in  a  cruell  tyrant 
then  in  all  that  ferTion  and  learned  compa 
nie.Which  thingeno  dout  Feftus  did  vn- 
derftad,  pronouncing  thefe  wordes:  Haft 
thou  appealed  to  Cefar?  thou  (halt  goto 
Cefar.  As  he  would  fay,  I  as  a  man  willing 
to  vnderftad  the  truth  before  I  jpnouce  (e 
tence,  haue  required  of  thee  to  go  to  leru- 
falem,where  the  learned  of  thyneowne  na 
tion  may  heare  thy  caufeand  decerncin 
the  fame.  The  controuerfie  ftandith  in 
matters  of  religion.  Thou  artaceufedas 
an  apoftatat  from  the  Law,  as  a  violator 
of  the  temple,  and  tranfgreffbr  of  thetra- 
ditiosoftheyrc  fathers:  in  which  matters 
I  am  ignorant,  and  therefore  defire  infor- 
mation by  thofe,that  be  learned  in  the 
fame  religion,  wherof  the  queftion  is. 
And  yet  doeft  thou  refufe  fo  many  god- 
ly fathers  to  hear  thy  caufe,anddoeftappe 
ale  to  theEmperourrprefernng  hym  to  all 



our  iudgements,  of  no  purpofe  belike,but 
todelay  tyme.  Thus  I  fay  it  myghthaue 
appeared  that  Pauledidnot  onlyiniurie 
to  the  iudgeand  to  thePreeftes,butalfo 
that  his  caufe  was  greatly  to  be  fufpe&ed; 
partly  for  that  he  did  refufe  the  Judge- 
ment of  thofe  that  had  molte  knowledge 
(as  ail  menfuppoledjof  Gods  will  and  re 
ligion :  and  partly  becaufe  he  appealed  to 
the  Emperour,who  then  was  at  Rome  farr 
abfent  from  Ierufalenija  man  alfo  ignorat 
of  God  and  ennemie  to  all  venue. But  the 
Apoftle  colidering  the  nature  of  his  enne- 
mics,and  what  thinges  they  had  intended 
againfthym,euen  from  the  fyrftday  that 
he  began  freelic  to  fpeakinthe  name  of 
*hy  Pan-  Chrift,did  not  fear  to  appeale  from  them, 
hwoldad  and  from  the  iudge :that  would  hauegra- 
myttnone  tified  them.  They  had  profelTed  the  felues 
oftbe  Le-  plain  ennemies  to  Chrift  Icfus  and  to  his 
Wticallor-  blefled  Euangill,andhad  foght  the  death 
drttoiud-  of  Paule,yeaeuenby  faetiosandtrealona- 
geinhu     blecofpiracie:and  therefore  by  nomea- 
cavfe.        nes  would  he  admit  them  either  iudges  in 
his  caufe,either  auditoursofthe  fame  as 
Vpowhat  Feftus  required:  but  grounding  him  felfc 
reafons     vpon  ftrong  reafons ,  to  wit ,  that  he  had 
tl?e'appel-  not  offeded  thelewes,ncither  yet  theLaw, 
lotion  of    but  that  he  was  innocet,and  therefore  that 
Patikvas  no  iudge  oght  togeue  hym  in  the  hadesof 
grounded,  his  ennemies:  grounding, I  fay,  his  appel- 

OF     JOHN      t^NOXE.  i| 

lation  vponthcfe  reafons,  he  neither  re- 
garded thedifplcafure  of  Fertus,  neither 
yet  the  brute  of  the  ignorat  multitudc,,but 
boldely  did  appeal  from  all  cognition  of 
them  to  theiudgement  of  the  Empcrour, 
as  faid  is.  By  thefe  two  examples  I  dout 
not  but  your  honours  do  vnderftand,  that 
lawfull  it  istotheferuantes  of  God  op- 
preifedby  tyranietofekercmedie  againft 
the  fame,  be  it  by  appellation  from  theire 
fentece,or  by  imploring  the  helpc  of  ciui 
le  Magiftrates.For  what  God  hath  appro- 
ued  in  Iercmie  and  Paul,hecan  condemne 
in  none  that  likewife  be  entreated. I  might 
alledge  fome  hiftories  of'the  primatiue 
Church  feruing  to  the  fame  purpofe :  as  of 
Wouldnotbeiudgedbutat  Millan,where 
and  receaucd  and  approued  by  many:  and 
the  other  would  in  no  wife  geue  place  to 
thofe  couciles,where  he  knew  that  mc  con 
fpired  againft  thetrueth  of  God  mould 
fir  in  Judgement  and  cofultatione.  But  be- 
caufe  the  Scriptures  of  God  are  my  only 
fundation  and  aflurance  in  all  matters  of 
weight  andimportace,I  hauethoght  the 
two  former  teitimoniesiurVicicnt,afwell 
to  proue  my  appellation  reafonable  and 
iuft,as  to  declare  to  your  honours  that 
with  fafe  confcicnceye  can  notrefufetb 



*dmit  the  fame.  Yf  any  thinke  it  arrogacie 
orfooliflines  in  me  to  compare  my  felfc 
with  Icremie  and  Paule,  let  the  fame  man 
vnderftad  that  as  God  is  immutable,  fo  is 
Thtcaufe  the  veritie  of  his  glorious  Euangill  of  £- 
iito  he  re-  quail  dignitie,  whenfoeuer  it  is  impu- 
eanled     gnedjbethe  mcmbres  fuffering  ncuerfo 
and  not     weak.What  I  think  touching  mvne  owne 
thefcrfon.  perfon,God  mall  reueale  when  the  fecrets 
ofallhartes  (hall  be  difclofed,  and  fuel* 
as  with  whomel  haue  bene  conuerfant, 
can  partly  witnefTe,what  arrogacie  or  pry 
de  they  efpie  in  me.  But  touching  the  do- 
ctrine and  caufe  which  that  adulterous  ad 
peililent  generatioof  Antichrifts  feruats 
(who  wilbe  called  Byftioppes  amongft 
you  )hauecondcncd  in  me,  I  neither  fear 
nor  mame  to  cofefle  and  auow  before  man 
andAngell  to  be  the  ^ternall  trueth  of  the 
^ternall  God.  And  in  that  cafe  I  doutnot 
to  copare  my  felfe  with  any  menbre  in  w- 
home  the  trucrhhath  bene  impugned  fece 
the  begynnyng. For  as  it  was  the  trueth  w- 
hichlercmie  did  preach  in  thefewordes, 

t~^  9  The  Precftes  hauc  not  knowen 
me  (faieth  the  Lord)  but  the  pa- 
llors haue  traiteroufly  declined 
and  fallen  back  from  me.The  Pro 

?mm.u  Pn^tes  haue  prophefied  in  Baal, 


OF      JOHN       K^NOXE.        it 

andhaue  gone  after  thofe  things, 
which  can  not  hclpe.  My  people 
haue  left  the  fontaine  of  Hiring 
waters ,  and  haue  digged  to  them 
felues  pits  ,  which  can  containe 
no  water: 

As  it  was  a  trueth  that  the  paftors  and 
watchmen  in  the  daies  of  Ifaie  were  be-  3lM* 
corned  dome  dogs, blyndJgnorat,  proud 
and  auaricious.'And  finally  as  it  was  a 
trueth, that  the  Princes  and  the  Preeftes 
weremurtherersofChrift  Iefus,adcruell  "«'•!• 
perfecutors  of  his  Apoftlcs:  fo  likewyfe  it  &  4« 
is  a  trueth  (  and  that  mode  infallible) 
that  thofe  that  haue  condemned  me(the 
declyned  from  the  true  faith,  haue  geucn     , 
eareto  deceauable  fpiritsand  tododtrine  r'"M» 
ofdeuils,are  thefterres  fallen  from  the 
heauento  the  earth.are fontaines  without  ludeu 
water:  and  tinally  are  ennemiesto  Chrift  *•*««■ 
Icfus,deniersof  his  vertue,and  horrible 
blafphemours  of  his  death  and  paiTio.  And 
further  as  t  hat  viable  Churche  had  no  cri 
me  ,  where  of  iuftly  they  could  accufe  ei- 
ther theProphetes,either  the  Apoftles,cx- 
cept  they  rdodrine  only. fo  haue  not  fuch 
as  feke  mv  blood  other  crime  to  lay  to  my 

THE    iAPPELL>AT10?l 

fer  to  proue,  that  the  religion,  whichno^ 
Let  the  is  maintained  by  fier  and  fword,is  no  lefle 
cat+febe  contrarious  to  the  true  religion  taught 
noted.  and  eftabliflied  by  the  Apoftles,then  is 
darknes  to  light,or  the  Deuill  to  God:and 
alfothat  fuchas  now  do  claime  the  title 
and  name  of  theChurche  arno  more  the 
elect  fpoufe  of  Chriftlefus,  then  was  the 
Synagoge  of  the  Iewcs  the  true  Church 
of  God  what  tymc  it  crucified  Chrift  IcP, 
damned  hisdocltrine  and  perfecuted  his  A- 
poftles .  And  therefore  feing  that  m  y  bat- 
tail  is  againft  the  proude  andcruell  hy- 
pochrites  of  this  age,  as  that  battaillof 
thofe  moft  excellent  inftrumentes  was  a- 
gainft  thefals  Prophetes  and  malignant 
Church  of  they  rages:  neither  ought  any 
man  think  it  Grange  that  I  copare'  my  felf 
with  therewith whorne  I  fuftaine a  comon 
caufe,neither  ought  you  my  Lordesiudge 
your  felues  lefle  addetted  and  bound  to 
me  calling  for  your  fupport,  then  did  the 
Princesof  luda  thinkthe  feluesboudeto 
Ieremie,  whomc  for  that  tyme  they  deliue 
red  notwithftading  the  fetece  of  death  fi  - 
noticed  againft  him  by  the  vifibleChurch. 
Andthusmuchfortherightofmy  appel- 
latio,whichinthebowellesof  Chriftlefus 
Irequieryour  honours  not  to  eftemeasa 
th  ing  fuperfluous  ad  vaine,but  that  ye  ad- 
piittitjad  alio  accept  me  in  your  fpte&ion 


OF      lOHN       K^NOXE.         ij 

3d  defence,that  by  you  afl'ured  I  may  haue 
accefic  to  my  natiue coutrie,which I  neucr 
offcded  to  the  end: that  freely  and  opely  in 
the  prefece  of  the  hole  reaime  I  may  geue 
my  confeffion  of  all  fuch  pointesasthis 
day  be  in  controuerfie ,  and  al  fo  that  you 
byyourau&oritiewhichyehaueof  God, 
compellfuch,asoflong  tyme  haueblyn- 
ded  and  deccaued  both  your  felues  and  *Anf*er 
the  people,  to  anfwer  to  fuch  thinges  as  to  an  oh- 
{balbe  laide  to  theire charge.  But  lcit  that  tecUonor 
fomme  dout  remayne,that  I  require  more  c/o«f. 
of  you  then  you  of  confcience  ar  bound 
tograunt,infew  wordes  I  hope  to  proue 
my  petitio  to  be  fuch, as  withoutGods  hea 
uy  difpleafureyecannocdeny.  Mypeti-  The  peti- 
tion is,that  yc,whorne  God  hath  apointed  tiooflofo 
heades  in  your  comune  welth,  with  tingle  Kjioxe. 
eye  do  ftudie  to  promote  the  gloric  of 
God,  to  prouide  that  your  fubie&es  be 
rightly  inflru&ed  in  his  true  religio,  that 
they  be  defended  from  all  opprerfion  and 
tirannie ,  that  true  teachers  may  be  main- 
tained,and  fuch  as  blynde  and  deceaue  the 
people,togyther  alfo  withallidlebellies 
which  do  robbe  and  oppreffe  the  flock, 
may  be  remoued  and  punimed  as  Gods 
Law  prefcribeth.And  to  the  perfurmance 
ofeuery  oneofthefe,doyour  offices  and 
Names.The  honours  andbenefitcs,which 
yercceue,the  Law  of  God  vniucrfally  ge 

uen  to  all  men,  and  the  examples  of  mofte 
godlie  Princes  bynde  and  oblifb  you. 

Mypurpofeis  not  greatly  to  labour  t© 

proue,that  your  hole  ftudie  oghttobeto 

promote  the  glorie  of  God, neither  yet 

will  I  ftudie  to  alledge  all  reafons  that 

iuftly  may  be  broght  to  proue  that  ye  are 

not  exalted  toreigneaboue  yourhrethrc 

as  men  without  care  and  folicitude.  For 

thefe  be  principals  fo  grafted  in  nature, 

-   r       that  vcrie  Ethnicks  haue  confoiTed  the 

Tf"&  fame.    For  feing  that  God  only  hath  pla- 

r  J0"      ced  you  in  his  chaire,  hath  appointed  you 

mursv-   tODe  ^js  ljeutenantcs  j  gn^  by  fy$  owne 

bub  Ma-  feaJ1  hafh  marI.ed  you  tobe  Magiftrars, 

pj  rats     ^j  to  rule  aboue  your  brethren,to  whom 

nceaue  £/naturencucrtheles  hath  made  you  lyke  in 

Cod  ogbt  ajj  p0jm$  ^  for  ]n  conception,  birth,  life, 

tomoue     and  £cat^  ye  jj£fcr  nothing  from  the 

,,f?,]""i  'commune  fort  of  men,  but  God  only,  ai 
alldtkgece  ^  {%  ?  hath  promoted  you  >  and  Qf  his 

t°  promote  c£pecjai  fauoUr  hath  geuen  vnto    you 

bh.     Sethis  prerogatiue  to  be  called  Gods:) 

how  horrible  ingratitude  were  it  then, 

thatyoufliouldbe  founde  vnfaithful  to 

hym, that  thus  hath  honored  you?   And 

further  what  a  monfter  were  it  that  you 

fhould  be  proued  vnmerciful  to  them, 

aboucwhomeyeare  appointed  toreignc 

as  fathers  aboue  they  re  children  3becaufe 

I  fay  that  verie  Ethnicks  haue  graunted, 


OF       10  UN       I^NOXS.        14 
that  the  checfe  and  fyrft  care  of  Prices,ad 
of  fuch  as  be  appointed  to  rule  abouc 
others,  oght  to  be  to  promote  the  glorie 
and  honour  of  they  r  goddes,and  to  main- 
taine  that  religion,whiche  they  fuppofed 
to  haue  bene  true.  And  that  theyre  fe- 
codcarewastomaintaineand  defend  the 
fubie&s  committed  to  theyre  charge  in 
all  equine  and  iuftice.  I  will  not  labour 
to  mew  vnto  you  what  oght  to  be  your 
ftudiein  maitainyng  Gods  true  honour: 
left  that  in  fo  doing  I  fhouM  feme  to 
make  you  lefle  careful  ouer  Gods  true 
religion  ,  then  were  the  Ethnickes  ouer 
theireidolatrie.   Butbecaufe  other  peti- 
tions may  apperemore  hard  and  difficile 
to  be  graunted,  I  purpofe  brefely,  but  yet  The  <"*-- 
freely, to  fpeak  what  God  by  his  wordef^°M-« 
dothafrure  me  to  be  true.  To  wit.fyrft #/&*'• 
that  in  confeience  you  are  bounde to  pu- 
ny fh  malefactors,  and  to  defende  inno- 
cents imploringe  your  hclpe:  feconda- 
rely  thatGod  requireth  of  you  to  prouidc 
that  your  fubiects  be  rightly  inftruCted  in 
his  true  religion,and  that  the  fame  by  you 
be  reformed  whenfoeuerabufes  do  crepe 
in  by  malice  of  Satan  and  negligence  of 
men/and  lafte  that  ye  are  bounde  to  remo- 
ue  from  honour,and  to  punifli  with  death 
(  if  the  crime  fo  require  )  fuch  as  deceaue 
the  people,ordefraudc  them  of  that  foode 

of  theyre  foules,!  meane  Gods  liucly 
worde.  The  fyrltandfecondc  arcmoitc 
Hem.ll-   playne  by  the  wordes  of  S.  Paulc  thus 
/peaking  of  lawfull  powers. 

Letcueriefoule(faieth  he)  fub- 
mithymfclfe  vntothe  livelier  po- 
wers, for  there  is  no  power  but  of 
god. The  po  wersthat  be,are  ordai 
ned  of  God.Whofoeuer  therefore 
refifteth  power,  refifteth  the  ordi- 
nance of  God,  and  they  that  refi ft 
fhall  receaue  to  them  felues  damna 
tion. For  rulers  ar  not  to  be  feared 
riftjhofe  that  do  wel'l,but  of  thofe 
that  do  euill.  Wilt  thou  then  be 
without  fear  of  the  power?dothat 
which  is  good,  and  fo  fhalt  thou 
be  praifed  of  the  fame.  For  he  is 
the  minifter  ofG  od  for  thy  welth. 
But  if  thou  do  that  which  is  cuil, 
fear.  For  he  beareth  not  the  fwor- 
de  for  noght.-for  he  is  the  minifter 
ofGodtotake  vengance  on  them 

As  the  Apoftlein  thefe  Wordes  mofte 
ftraytly  commaundeth  obedience  to  be 


OP      IOHN      K^NOXC.        15 

geuen  to  lawfull   powers, pronouncing 
Gods  wrathc  and  vengance  againftfuch 
as  fliallrefift  the  ordoruunce  of  God ,  fo 
dothe  he  aifigne  to  the  powers  theyre  ofti 
ces,  which  be  to  take  vengance  vponeuit 
doers,  to  maintainc  the  well  doers, and  Co 
tominiftreand  rule  in  theyre  office,  that 
the  fubieSes  by  them  may  haue  a  benefite 
and  be praifed  in  well  doing.  Nowif  you 
be  powers  ordcined  by  God  (and  that  I 
hope  all  men  will  graunte  )then  by  the 
plainewordes  of  the  Apoftle  is  the  fworde 
geuen  vnto  you  by  God  for  maintenance 
of  the  innocent,and  for  punyfliement  of 
malefactors.  But  I  and  my  brethren  with 
me  accufed,do  offrenot  only  to  proue  our 
felues  innocents  in  all  thing es  laid  to  our 
charge,but  alfo  we  offre  moft  euidently  to 
proue  your  Byfhoppes  to  be  theveriepe- 
ftilence,who  haueinfe&edallchriftiani- 
tie.  And  therefore  by  the  plaine  doctrine 
of  the  Apoftle  you  are  boude  to  maitaine 
vs,and  to  puny  fh  the  other  being  euident- 
ly couicf  and  proued criminall.  Moreouer  *      » 
the  former  words  of  the  Apoftle  do  teach,  *  -wr     1 
how  far  hie  powers  be  bounde  to  theyre  p9<WTJ 
fubiectes  :  to  wit, that  becaufe  they  are  ymm{e  t(t 
Gods  mi  in  iters  by  hym  ordained  for  the  f;re/-^ 
profitt  and  vtilitie  of  others,  moftc  dili- .^ 
gently  oght  they  to  inted  vpon  the  fame. 
Vox  that  caufeaffigneth  theholie  Ghoft 

eommaunding  fubieftcs  to  obey, and  to 
pay  tribute.faing, 

For  this  do  you  pay  tribute  and 

That  is  becaufe  they  are  Gods  mi- 
niftersjbearing  rhefwordefor  yourvnlr- 
tic.Whcrof  it  is  plaine,that  there  is  no  ho- 
nour without  a  charge  annexed.  And  this 
one  point  I  wifheyour  wifdomes  dipely 
to  confider  :  that  God  hath  not  placed 
youaboue  your  brethren  to  reigneasty- 
rantes  without  refpeft  of  theyre  protite 
and  commoditie.    You  heare  the  holie 
Ghoft  witnefTe  the  contrarie,-,  affirmyng 
that  all  Jawfull  powers  be  Gods  mini- 
sters ordened  for  the  welth,profitt  and  fal- 
uatio  of  their  fubie&es,  and  not  for  theyre 
Zetthefi-  thatMagiftrates,inclofing  theyre  fubiects 
militude     in  a citie  without  all  victuales,orgeuing 
benoted.    vntothemno  other  vicluales  but  fuchas 
were  poifoned  ,  did  rule  for  the  profitt  of 
theyrfubiettes  ?  Itruft  that  none  would 
be  fofooliflieasfotoafFirme.but  that  ra- 
ther euerie  difcrete  perfon  would  bold- 
ly affirme,  that  fucrTas  fo  did, were  ty- 
rantes  vnworthie  of  all  regiment.  Yf  we 
will  not  deny  that,whiche  Chriftlefus  af- 
firmeth  to  be  a  trucrh  infallible,  to  wit, 
That  the  foule  isgreater  and  more  pre- 


€F       10HN       M^NOXR.  ii 

tious,then  is  the  bodie-.then  (hall  we  eafe- 
lyefpyehow  vnworthie  of  au&oritiebe 
thofe,  that  this  day  debarretheyre  fub- 
ie&es  from  the  hearing  of  Gods  worde, 
and  by  fier  and  fworde  compel!  them  to 
fecde  vponthe  veriepoifonoftheyrefou 
Jes,  the  damnable  dodrine  of  Antichrift. 
And  therefore  in  this  poit  I  fay,  I  can  not 
ceafe  to  admonilh  your  honours  dili- 
gently to  take  heede  ouer  your  charge, 
which  is  greater  then  the  moft  parte  of 
men  fuppofe.  It  is  not  ynough  that  you 
abftainefrom  violete  wrong,  and  oppref- 
fion  which  vngodlic  men  exercifeagainft  ititnot 
they  r  fubie&es:  but  ye  are  further  boude,  inough 
to  witt,that  ye  rule  aboue  them  for  they  re  that  m- 
welth.  Vhich  ye  can  not  do,if  that  ye  ei-  Ursop- 
ther  by  negligence  not  prouiding  true prejft not 
paflors,  or  yet  by  yourmaintainancc  of  tbeyrefub 
fuch  as  be  rauening  wolues,  fuffer  theyre  ietts. 
foules  to  fterue  and  perifheforlackof  the 
true  foode,  which  is  Chriftes  Euangill  wilnotexcufeyou 
inhisprefence,who  will  require  accom- 
pte  of  euerie  talent  committed  to  your 
charge,  to  fay  that  ye  fuppofedthat  the 
charge  of  the  foules  had  bene  committed 
to  your  Byfhoppes.  No  no,  my  Lordes> 
fo  ye  can  not  efcape  Gods  ludgement.For 
if  your  Byfhoppes  be  proued  to  be  no 
Byfhoppes,  but  deceauable  theues  and 


rauenyng  wolues  (  which  I  offer  my  fclfe 
The  offer  to  proue  by  Gods  word  ,  by  law,  and  cou- 
oflohn  cils,yea  by  the  iudgcment  of  all  the  godly 
\mxeanl  learned  fro  the  primatiue  Church  to  this 
hti  accufa  day)  then  mail  your  permiffionand  de- 
taw  in-  fence  of  them  be  reputed  before  God  a 
tended  participation  with  theyr  theftc  and  mur- 
aga'mft^  ther.  For  thus  accufed  the  Prophete  Efaie 
thepapi-   the  Princes  of  Ierufalem. 

(kotpe*.     IhypnceSjfaieth  he,ar apoftatats: 

'  £f<tiei.     thatisobftinatrefufersofGodjandthey 

ar  companions  of  theues. 

This  greuous  accufation  was  laid  a- 

gainft  them,  albeit  that  they  ruled  in  that 

citie  which  fometyme  was  called  holy,whe 

re  then  were  the  temple,  rites  and  ordo- 

nances  of  God :  becaufe  that  not  onlie 

they  were  wicked  them  felues,  butchefe- 

Jy  becaufe  they  maintained  wiked  men 

theyr  Preeftes  ad  fals  jpphctes  in  honours 

and  auctoritie-  yf they  did  not  efcapc  this 

acufatio  of  the  holie  Ghoft  1  that  age,loo- 

ke  ye  neither  to  efcape  the  accufation  nor 

the  iudgemet  which  is  pronoiiced  againft 

the  maitainersofwhickedmenrto  wit  that 

Jtrem.12.  c^e  onc  anc^  tnc  ot^er  ma^  dr»nck  the  cup- 

C>-Z7.      Pe  °^  Gods  wrathe  and  vengance  togi- 

£Vf/,#I?.  ther.  and  left  ye  mould  deceauc  yourlel- 

Hofa  4.    ues>  cftcming  your  Byflioppes  to  be  ver- 


Of       10HH       KNOXE.         ij 
tuous  and  godlic,  this  do  I  affirme  and  of 
fermy  felfeto  prouethe  fame,thar  more 
wicked  men,  then  he  the  hole  rabble  of 
your  clcrgie,  were  neuer  from  the  bcgyn- 
ning  vniuerfally  knowen  in  any  age,  yea 
SodomeandGomorra  may  beiuftiriedin 
theyre  refpeft.  For  they  permitted  iuft 
Lot,to  dwell  amongeft  them  without  any 
violecedonetohis  bodie,  which  that  pe- 
not, but  mofte  cruelly  perfecute  by  her 
andfworde  the  true  membres  ofChriftes 
bodie  for  no  other  caufe,  but  for  the  true 
feruice  ad  honoring  of  God.  And  therefo- 
re I  fear  not  to  affirme  that,  which  God 
{hall  one  day  iuftifie:  That  by  youroffi- 
ces  ye  be  bound, not  only  to  reprcfTe  they r 
tyranie,but  alfo  to  punifhe  them, as  theues 
and  murtherers ,  as  idolators  and  blafphe- 
mersofGod,adintheirroumesyearebou  N  OT  E. 
de  to  place  true  preachers  ofChrrftsEua-  rfpo-werr 
gile  for  the  inftruction,comfort,and  falua  prouide 
tionof  your  firbie&es,  aboue  whome  ehnotfirin- 
mall  neuer  the  holy  Ghoft  acJmol]edge,yrrwc7/o  of 
thatyou  rule  in  iuftice  fortheir  proffit.Yf  theyrefuh 
yeepretedtopoiTefTethe  kingdomewithrVcfr,  they 
Chrift  Iefus,  y  ce  may  not  take  exaple  nei  do  never 
therby  the  ignorat  multitude  of  Princes,  rule  a- 
neither  by  the  vngodlyaud  cruell  rulers  Louethem 
of  the  earth, of  whome  fome  paffe  theyrefor  theyre 
tymeinflouthjinfoletie,andryore  with-pro/r. 
C.    i. 

out  refpcd  had  to  goddes  honour  or  to  the 
faluatiobftheyrcbrethre:and  other  mofte 
cruelly  opprofle  with  proudc  NIrod  fuch 
as  be  fubiect  to  thcm.But  your  pattern  and 
example  muft  be  the  pradife  of thofe,  w- 
home  God  hath  approued  by  theteitimo- 
nie  of  his  worde  as  after  Ihal  be  declared. 

Of  the  premilfes  it  is  euident  that  to- 
lawfull  powers  is  geuen  the  fworde  for 
punymement  of  malefactors,  for  mainte- 
nance of  innocents,  and  for  rhe  prohtt 
and  vtilitieoftheyrfubie&s;  Now  let  vs 
con(ider,whether  the  reformation  of  reli- 
gion fallen  in  decay,and  punyfhemene  of 
falfe  teachers  do  appertaine  to  the  ci- 
uile  Magiltrate  andnobiIitie:of  any  re- 
alme.tam  not  ignorant  that  Satan  of  old 
tyme  for  mentainance  of  his  darknes  hath 
obtained  of  theblynd  world  two  chefe 
,  points. Former,hehathpcrfuaded  to  Prin 

l  #*"  ces>  rulers,  and  magiftrates,that  the  fce- 
ta,  )  ding  of  Chnftes  flock  appertained  no- 
obtamea  fofa-  to  trieyre  charge,  bur  that  it  is  re- 
Jj.  }j        iected  vpon  the  By  lhoppes,  snxi  cftate  ec- 


clefialticall.andfecondarelie  that  there*- 

formation  of  relig  ion,  be  it  neuer  fo  cor- 
rupt and  the  punifhementof  fuch, as  be 
fworne  fouldicrs  in  theyrekingdome,  are 
exempted  from  all  ciuile  power  and  are 
cognition.  But  that  no  offender  can  iuftly 


6t     ion  a     Knoxz.      it 

be  exempted  from  punyfheme  nt,  and  that 
the  ordering  and  reformation  of  religion 
with  the  innrudion  of  fubieds,  doth  ef- 
pcciaHy  appertaine  to  the  ciuile  Magi- 
strate, (hall  goddes  perfed  ordenaunce, 
his  plaine  worde,and  the  fades  and  exam 
pies  of  thofe  that  of  God  are  highly  prai» 
fed,mofteeuidently  declare. 

When  God  did  eftablifh  his  Law,fta-  The  mat* 
tutes  and  ceremonies  in  the  middeft  of  If-  tersand 
raci,  he  did  not  exempt  the  matters  of  re-  reformatio 
ligion  from  the  power  of  Mofes,butashe  ofrdinion 
gaue  hym  charge  ouer  the  ciuile yolitiQ,  afpertamt 
fo  he  put  in  his  mouth  and  in  his  hand:    tothe  care 
Thatis,hefyrftreuealed  tohym,and  the-  oftbeci- 
reaftercommaunded  to  put  in  pradife  w-  M'lepovet 
hatfoeuer  was  to  be  taught  or  done  in  mat  Exod.zi. 
tersofreligio.Nothing  did  God reueale  24.1^ 
particularely  to  Aaron,  but  altogither  &c. 
was  he  commaunded  to  depend  from  the 
mouth  of  Mofes:Yca  nothing  was  he  per- 
mitted to  do  to  hym  feffor  to  hischildren 
either  in  his  or  tfieyr  inauguration  and  NtUl 
fandiHcation  to  the  preefthode,  but  all 
was  committed  to  thecare  ofMofes,and 
therefore  were  thefe  wordes  fo  frequetly 
repeted  to  Mofes, 

Thou  (halt  feperate  Aaron  and  Exolrt. 
his  fonnes  from  the  middeft  of  the 
people  of  Ifrael,  that  they  may 

C.     2, 

THS       *AP  PE  LL^iT  ION 

execute  the  office  of  the  Preeftho- 
de,thou  fhalt  make  vnto  them  gar 
ments,  thou  ftialt  annoynte  them, 
thou  ftialt  wafh  the,  thou fhalt  fill 
theyr  handes  with  the  facrificc. 

And  Co  furth  of  euerie  rite  and  ceremo 
nic3that  was  to  be  done  vnto  thc,efpeciall 
commaundcment  was  geuen  vnto  Mofes, 
that  he  fhould  do  it  NowifAaroand  his 
fonnes  were  Co  fubiect  to  Mofes,  that  they 
did  nothing  but  at  his  commaundement, 
whodarbe  fobold  as  to  affirme  that  the 
ciuile  Magiftrate  hath  nothing  to  do  in 
matters  of  religio^  For  feing  that  the  God 
did  fo  itraytly  reouire,  that  euen  thofe, 
who  did  beare  the  hgure  of  Chrift,  fhould 
receauefrom  the  ciuile  power  as  it  were 
theyrefonctification,  and  entraceto  theyr 
office, and  feing  alfo  that  Mofes  was  Co 
far  preferred  to  Aaron,  that  the  one  com- 
maunded  andtheotherdid  obey,  who  dar 
etteme  that  theciuile power isnow  beco- 
medfoprophanein  Gods  eyes,  that  it  is 
fequeftred  from  all  imromiffion  with  the 
matters  of  religion  The  holie  ghoft  in 
diuers  places  declarethe  the  contrarie. 
For  one  of  thechefe  prexepts  commaun- 
dedtothc  king,  whenrhat  he  fhould  be 
placed  in  his  throne,  was  to  write  the  ex- 
amp  I  o 

OF     JOHN      K,NOX&  i9 

ampleofthebokeofthe  Lordcs  law,  that 
it  mould  be  with  hym,  that  he  might 
read  in  it  all  thedaiesof  his  life,  that  he 
might  learn  to  fear  the  Lord  his  God, and 
to  kepe  all  the  wordes  of  his  law,  and 
hisilatutestodo  them.  This  precept re- 
quireth  not  onlye,that  the  king  fliould 
hym  felfe  fear  God,kcpe  his  L.iw,and  fla- 
tutcs, but  that  alfo  he  as  the  chefe  ruler, 
fhould  prouidethatgoddestrue  religion 
{hould  be  kept  inuiolated  of  the  people 
and  flock,  which  by  God  was  committed 
tohischarge.  And  thisdidnotonlieDa- 
uid  and  Salomon  perfe&ly  vnderftad,  but 
alfo  fomme  godlie  kinges  in  Iuda  after 
theapoftafieand  idolatrie,  that  infected  Thefacfes 
Ifrael  by  the  meanes  of  Ieroboam,  did  pra  of  Godlie 
&ifc  theyre  vnderftanding  and  execute  \ingsare 
theyre  power  in  fomme  notable  reforma-  aninter- 
tions.  For  Afa  and  Iofap hat  kinges  in  lu-  pretation 
da,  fynding  the  religion  altogither  cor-  oftbelaw 
rupt,  did  applic  theyre  hearts  (  faieth  the  and  dccU 
holieghoftjto  feructheLord,and  to  walk  ration  of 
in  hiswaies  :  and  thereafter  doth  witnes  theyrepo- 
that  Afa  remoucd  from  honours  hismo-iv^r. 
ther,  fomme  fay  gradmother,  becaufe  fliee 
had   committed  and  laboured  to  men-  z.  Parol. 
taine  horribleidolatrie.And  Iofaphatdid  14.(^17. 
not  only  refufeftrangegoddes  hym  felfe, 
but  alfo  diftroying  the  chefe  monuments 
of  idolatrie,  did  fend  furth  the.  Leuices  Note. 

c.  i 

Tltt      \APP  €  LIGATION 

jto  inftrud:  thepeople,whereof  it  is  playnf 
that  the  one  and  the  other  did  vnderftand 
fuche  reformations  to  appertaine  to  theire 
dueties.But  the  fades  of  Ezechias,  and  of 
Iofias  do  more  clerely  proue  the  power 
andduetieof  the  cfuile  Magiftrate  in  the 
reformation  of  rel  igion.  Before  the  reign 
of  Ezechias  fo  corrupt  was  the  religion 
that  the  dores  of  the  houfe  of  the  Lord 
^.prfjvt/ijj^'erefhutvpp,  thelampes  were  extingui- 
s>g#  flied,  no  facrifice  was  orderly  made,  but 

in  the  firft  yeare  of  his  reigne  the  firft 
moneth  of  the  fame,did  the  king  operi 
the  dores  of  the  temple,  bring  in  the  Prce 
•Acluert  ftesand  Leuitesand  afTembling  themto- 
that  the  gather  did  fpeak  vnto  them  as  folloeth. 
ktn*e  to-  Hear  me  o  yce  Leuitcs  and  be  fan&ificd 
tetbypon  n°w>  and  fan&ifie  alfo  the  houfe  of  the 
himto  co-  Lord  God  of  your  fathers  and  cariefurth 
tnandthe  from  thefanciuarieall  filthynesfhemea- 
nethallmonumetsand  vcflellesof  idola- 
trie )  for  our  fathers  haue  tranfgreifed  and 
haue  committed  wickednes  in  thee  eyes  of 
the  eternall  our  God,  they  haue  lefthym 
and  haue  turned  they  re  faces  from  the  ta- 
bernacle of  the  Lord. and  therefore  is  the 
wrath  of  the  Lord  corned  vponludaand 
Ierufalcm  .Behold  our  fathers  haue  fallen 
by  the  fworde ,  our  formes ,  daughters  54 
wifesare  led  incaptiuitie,  but  now  haue 
I  purpofediumy  heart  to  makeacouenan 



OF  10HN  I^NOXr.  10 
le  with  the  Lord  God  of  Ifrael5that  he 
may  turnethe  wrath  of  his  furiefrom  vs. 
And  therefore  my  formes  (he  fwetely  ex- 
fen  you  to  {land  in  hisprcfenceand  to  fer- 
ue  hym.  Such  as  be  not  more  thenblynd 
clerely  mayperceaue  that  the  kingdothc 
aknolledge,  that  it  appertained  to  his  char 
ge  to  reforme  the  religion,  to  appoint  the 
Lcuites  to  theyre  charges  and  to  admo- 
niflithe  of  theyre  duetieand  office,wIiich 
thing  he  more  euidently  declarcth ,  wri- 
ting hislettresto  all  Ifrael,to  Ephfaim, 
an  Manafles,  and  fent  the  fame  by  the  han 
des  of  meflmgershauing  thistenour. 

You  formes  of  Ifrael  return  to  z'Pa'  I0' 
the  Lord  God  of  Abraham  Ifaac, 
ad  Ifrael,  and  he  fhall  return  to  the 
refidue  that  reftcthfrom  the  han- 
des  of  Affur.  Be  not  as  your  fathers 
and  as  your  brethren  were  who 
haue  trafgrefled  againft  the  Lord 
God  of  theyre  fathers,  who  hath 
made  them  defolate  as  you  fee, 
Holde  not  your  heart  therefore, 
but  giue  your  handvnto  the  Lord, 
return  vino  his  fan&uarie,  feruc 



hym  and  he  fhall  fhe w  mercie  vnto 
you,  to  your  formes,  and  dough- 
ters  that  be  in  bondage,  for  he  is 
pitifull  and  eafie  to  be  intreatcd. 

Thus  far  did  Ezechias  by  lettres  and 
meffingers  prouoke  the  people,  declined 
fromGodtorepentance,notonly  inluda, 

NOTE,  wkere  he  reigned  laufull  king,  but  alfo  in 
Ifrael,  fubie&then  to  an  other  king.  And 
albeit  that  by  fomme  wicked  men  his  mef 
fingers  were  mocked,  yet  as  they  lacked 
not  theyre  iufl  punifhmet(fbr within  fixe 
yeares  after  Samaria  was  deftroyed  and  If 
racl  led  captiue  by  Salmanazar  )fo  did  not 
the  zelous  king  Ezechias  defiilto  profe- 
cute  his  duetie  in  reftoring  the  religion  to 
Gods  perfectc  ordenance,  remouing  all 

The  fame  is  to  be  red  of  Iofias,who  did 
not  only  reftore  the  religion,  but  did  fur- 

fc.jwr.34.  therdiftroy  all  monumentes  of  idolatrie, 
which  ofU5gtyme  had  remained.  For  it  is 
written  of  him,that  after  that  the  bokeof 
the  law  was  found,  and  that  hehadafked 
counfil  at  the  propheteflfe  Hulda ,  he  feme 
ad  gathered  all  the  elders  of  iuda  and  Ieru 

^»\eSr    falcm,and  (landing  in  the  temple  of  the 

2-5.  Lord  he  made  aconuenantjthat  all  the  peo 

plefrothegreatto  the  fmall  fliould  walk 
after  the  Loru.fhould  obferac  his  law,  fta- 


OF    10HN     J^NOXE.  it 

tutes  and  teilimonies  with  all  they  re  heart, 
and  all  theyre  foulc, and  that  they  mould 
ratifie  and  conhrme,  what  foeuer  was  writ-  The  \imr 
ten  in  the  bokc  of  God.  He  further  comaun  commaun 
ded  Hclkias  the  hie  preeft,and  the  preeftcs  ded the 
of  the  inferiour  order,  that  they  fliould  cupreeTles. 
riefurthofthe  temple  of  the  Lord  all  the 
veflels,  that  were  made  to  Baal,which  he 
burnt  and  did  carie  thcire  potider  to  Beth 
el.  He  did  further  diftroy  all  monuments 
ofidolatrie,  yea  euenthofe  that  had  remai 
nedfro  thedayes  ofSalomo.  He  did  burn 
part  he  fcattered  in  the  broke  Kidron  and 
the  other  vpon  the  fepulcrcs  and  graucs 
of  the  idolaters  ,whofe  bones  he  did  burn 
vpo  the  altars,  where  before  they  made  fa - 
crifice  not  only  in  Iuda,butalfo  in  Beth 
el,whereIeroboamhad  erected  hisidola- 
trie:  yea  he  further  proceded,  and  did  ky II 
the  preeftes  of  the  hie  places,  who  were 
didkyll  them,  I  fay,  and  did  burn  theyre 
bones  vpon  theyre  owne  altars,  and  Co  re- 
turned to  Ierufalem.  This  reformatio  ma 
de  Iofias,  and  for  the  fame  obtained  this  te 
ftimonie  oftheholie  Ghofl,that  neither 
before  hym  neither  after  hymwas  there 
any  fuche  kig,  who  returned  to  God  with 
his  hole  foule,  and  with  all  his  ftrengthe 
according  to  all  the  law  of  Mofes. 


Of  which  hiftoriesitiseuidentthat 
thereformationofreligioninall  points, 
togither  with  the  punifhement  of  falfe 
teachers  doth  appcrtaine  to  the  power  of 
thechiileMagiftrate.  For  what  God  re- 
quired of  them,his  iuftice  muft  require  of 
others  hauing  the  like  charge  andau&o- 
ritie:  what  he  did  apprque  in  them, he  can 
not  but  approue  in  all  others,  who  with 
like  tealeand  fynceritiedo  interprife  to 
purge  the  Lordes  temple  and  fanctuarie. 
what  God  required  of  them  ,  it  is  before. 
declared,towit:thatmoft  diligently  they 
fliould  obferue  his  Law,ftatutes  and  cere- 
monies. And  how  acceptable  were  they  re 
factes  to  God ,  doth  he  him  felfe  witneflfe. 
For  to  fomme  he  gaue  moft  notable  vi&a 
ries  without  the  hande  of  man,  and  in 
i.  ^-S1,  theyremoftdefpcratdaungers  diddecla- 
rc  hisefpeciall  fauours  towcrdes  them  by 
figncs  fupcrnaturall:  to  otherhcfoefta- 
blilhcd  the  kingdome,that  they  re  enne- 
rnies  were  compelled  to  ftoupe  vnder 
theyre  fectc.  And  the  names  of  all  he  hath 
rc^eftred  not  only  intheboke  of  life,  but 
alfo  in  the  bleflfed  remembrance  of  all  po- 
fteritics  fence  theyre  daies  ,  which  alfo 
{hall  continue  till  the  commyng  of  the 
Lord  Iefus,who  (hall  rewarde  with  the 
crowneofimmortalitienot  only  the,but 
alfofuch^asvnfaynedly  ftudie  to  do  the 


OF      IOtfN       KiXOXE.         zz 

will  and  to  promote  the  glorie  of  his  he- 
uenlie  father  in  the  middeft  of  this  corru* 
pted  generation. In  cofideration  whereof 
ougiit  you,  my  Lordes,all  delay  fee  apart, 
to  prouide  for  the  reformation  of  reli- 
gion in  your  dominions  and  boundes, 
which  now  is  fo  corrupt  that  no  part  of 
Chriiles    inftitution  remaineth  in  the 
original  puritie,and  therefore  of  nccef- 
fitieitis,thatfpedelyye  prouide  for  re- 
formationeor  clsye  declare  yourfelues, 
not  only  voyde  of  louc  towcrdes  your 
fubiectes, but  alfo  toliucwithoutcareof 
your  owne  faluation,  yea  without  all 
fearc  and  truereuerence  of  God.    Two 
fhinges  perchance  may  moue  you  to  efte- 
methefe  hiftories  before  briuely  tuched 
to  appertaine  nothing  to  you.  Fyrft  be- 
cause you  are  no  Iewes  but  Gcntiles:and 
fecondarely  becaufe  you  arc  no  kinges,  Thefacres 
but  nobiles  in  your  realm.  But  be  not  ofthegod- 
deceaued.  For  neither  of  both  canexcufe  tiefyngs 
you  in  goddes   prefence  from   doing  i>iit*U 
yourduetie,  for  it  is  a  thing  more  then  do  apper- 
certein,that  whatfoeuer  God  required  taintothe 
oftheciuileMagjftrate  in  Ifrael  orludzpowers 
concernyng  the  obferuation  of  true  re-  among 
ligion  during  the  tyme  of  the  Law,the  the  genu- 
fame  doth  he  require  of  IawfuIlMagiftra-  In  proQf- 
the  Gofpell ,  as  tiic  holie  Ghoft   hath 


taught  vs  by  the  mouth  of  Dauid,  faying 

Be  learned  you  that  iudge  the 
earth,  kyfTe  the  fonne,  left  that  the 
Lord  waxeangrie,ad  thatyeepe- 
rifh  from  the  way  • 

This  admonition  did  not  extend  to 
theiudges  vnder  the  law  only  ,  but  doth 
alfo  include  all  fuch  as  be  promoted  to 
honours  in  the  tyme  of  the  Gofpe,ll,when 
Chrifllcfusdoth  reignead  feight  in  his 
fpirituajl  kyngdome,whofeennemiesm 
thatpfalme  be  fyrft  moft  {harply  taxed, 
&  then  are  kings  and  iudges,  who  think 
them  felues  free  from  all  law  and  obedie- 
ce,rommaundedto  repent  theyre  former 
blynd  rage,  and  iudgesarechargedro  be 
Icarned:and  laft  are  all  comaunded  to  fer- 
ue  the  eternal  1  in  feare,  to  reioyce  before 
hym  in  tremblyng,to  kyfl'e  the  fonne, 
thatis,togeuevnto  hym  mofthumbleo- 
bedience,  whereof  it  is  euident  that  the 
rulers  ,  Magiftrats  and  Judges  now  in 
Chriftes  kingdome  are  no  lefTe  bound  to 
obediece  vnto  God,  the  were  thofe  vnder 
the  Law.  And  howisitpofllble  that  any 
fliallbcobediet,whodifpifehis  religion, 
in  which  ftandeth  the  chefe  glorie,that 
man  can  geue  to  God, and  is  a  fcruice, 


OF      JOHN       K^NOXe.        25 

which  God  e/pccially  requireth  of  kings 
and  rulers  ?  Which  thing  faint  Auguftine  Epift.jO. 
plaineJy  did  note,  writing  tooneBoni- 
faciusaman  ofwarr,  according  to  the  fa- 
me argument  and  purpofe,which  I  labour 
toperfuadeyour  Honours.  For  afrer that 
he  hath  in  that  his  epiftle  declared  the  dif 
ference  betwixt  the  herefieof  the  Dona- 
tifts  and  Arrians,  and  hath  fomwhae  fpo- 
ken  of  theyr  crueltie>he  fheweth  the  way- 
how  theyr  furie  mould  and  oght  to  be 
reprefled,and  that  it  is  lawfullforthein- 
iuitly  afflicted  to  fekefuppoft  and  defen- 
ce at  godlie  Magiftrates.  For  thus  he 

Either  muft  theveritiebekept  Mmt, 
clofe,or  els  muft  theyf  crueltie  be 

But  iftheveritie  mould  be  concealed, 
not  only  mould  none  be  faued  nordely- 
uered  by  fuchfilece^but  alfo-flioulde  many 
be  loft  through  theyr  decept.,  But  if  by 
preachingoftheveritie  theyr  furie  mould 
be  prouoked  more  to  rage ,  and  by  that 
meanes  yet  fomme  were  delynered,and 
made  ftronge,yer  mould  feare hinder  ma- 
ny weakligs  to  folowe  the  veritie,  if  theyr 
ragebenotftayed.  In  thefe  fyrft  wordes 
Auguftine  fheweth  three  reafons,why  the 
afflicted  Church  in  thofe  daies  called  for 


the  help  of  the  Emperour  andofgodli 
Magistrates  againft  the  furie  of  the  perfc 

ewe  '      Theveritie  muftbe  fpoken  o 
ells  mankind  fhall  perifri  in  errour 

The  fecond,  theveritie  being  plarnli< 
fpoken  proUbketh  theaduerfar«ss*o  rage 
And  becaufe  that  f6me  did  alleJge  that  ra- 
ther we bght to  fufter  all  iniurie,  theiirc 
iekefiipport  by  man,  he  addeth  thethirc 
reafon  J  to  witt  that  many  wcalconev  be 
not  able  to  furTer  perfection  and  death 
for  the  truerhes-  fake,  to  whome  not  the  le< 
ferefped  oght  to  be  had ,  that  they  may 
be  won  from  errour  and  fo  be  brought  to 
grater  ftrength. 

O  that  the  rulers  of  tms  age  mould 
jxmderandwev  thereafons  of  this  godly 
writer,  and  p'tWid  the  rerrttdie,  which 
he  re^uyreth  in'thefe  wordes  folo!g,No^ 
w^rfthe  Church  was  thus  afflicted  y f any 
think  that  rather  they  mould  haue  fuftay- 
^tugiili-  ncd  all  -calamine  ,  then  that  the  helpeof 
»esvords.  God  fhould  haue  bene  afked  by  Chriftian 
Empcroursyhe  doth  not  well  aduert,that 
or  fuch  negligence  no  good  coptes  »r  rea- 
fon could  be  gcuen.  For  where  Cuch,z9 
would  that  no  iuftlawes  mould  be  mato* 
gain{ttheyreimpietie5allcdge  that  the  A- 
poftles  fog  he  no  fuch  thigesof  the  kinges 

OF      1  OtfN       KNOXE.        24 

of  the'earth,they  do  not  confider  that  then 
the  tyme  was  other  then  it  is  now,  and 
that  all  thinges  are  done  in  theyrownc? 
tyme.  What  Emperour  then  bcleued  in 
Chrift,  thadhouid  ierue  hymjn making 
lawes  for  godlinesagainft  impietie? 
whill  yet  that  hyibg  of  the  jpphct  was  co 
plete,why  hath  nations  raged,  and  people 
haue  imagined  vanitie^Thekingesof  the? 
earth  haueftand  vp,&  princes  hauecon- 
uented  together  againft  the  Lord,  and  a- 
gainfthis  annoynted.    That  which  is«f- 
rerfaidin  the  fame  pfalme,  was  not  yet 
<omme  to  paiTe.  And  now  vnderftand,d 
youkinges,be  learned  you  that  iudgethe 
earth, ferue  the  Lord  .in  fear,  and  rcioyce 
to  hym  with  tremlinge.    How  do  kings  ^Juert 
ferue  the  Lord  in  fear  ?  but  in  punifhing  the  myui 
and  by  a  godlie  feueritie  forbidding  ofU»*- 
thofe  thinges  which  are  done  againft  £«/?«<•. 
the  commaundement  of  the  Lord.    For 
otherwife  doth  he  ferue  in  fo  far  as  he 
is  man,other  wife  in  fo  far  as  he  is  king. 
In  fo  far  as  he  is  man,  he  ferueth  hym  Jntvofor 
by  liuing  faithfully,  but  becaule  he  ii  tes oght 
alfo  king  he  ferueth  eitablifhing  lawes,  fyugesto 
thatcommaund  the  thinges  thatbeiuit,  (crue  Gel 
and  that  with  a  conuenicnt  rigour  for- ' 
bydthinges  contrarie.    As  Ezechias  fer- 
ued  diftroying  the  groues, the  temples 
of  idols  and  theplaces,  which  wcrebuyl- 

<jed  againftgoddes  commaundemcnt.So 
ierued  alfo  Iqfus  doing  the  fame :  fo  fer- 
ved  the  king  ofNiniuites  compelling  the 
hoi ecitie  to  mitigate  the  Lord  .-fofcnied 
Danusgeuing  inthe power ofDaniel  the 
Jdol  to  be  broken,  and  his  ennemies  to  be 
by  aterrible  law  forbidding  all,that  were* 
Jn  his  realme,  to  blafpheme  God.  Herein 
therefore  do  kinges  feruethe  Lord  info 
faras  they,  are  kings,  when  they  do  thofe 
things. to  ferue  hym,  which  none  except 
kings  be  aMero  do.  He  further  proccdesh 
and  cocludeth,thatas,  when  wicked  kings 
.do  reign,  impietiecan  not  be  brideied  by 
O  that  the  lawesjbut  rather  is  tyrannie  exercifed  vn- 
vorlde      ^rtnetitleofthefame,foisitathingwi- 
{hoM  y» thout  *U  reafon,  that  kinges  profcifing 
Jerftand.  tneknolledgeand  honour  of  God,fhould 
not  regard  nor  care^who  did  defend,  nor 
who  did  oppugne  the  Church  of  God  in 
thcyr  dominions.  By  thefe  wordes  of  this 
auncict  and  godlie  writer  your  'Honours 
may  perceaue,  what  I.  require  of  you, 
to  wit,  to  repreffe  the  tyrannie  of  yonr  By 
fhoppes,and  to  defend  the  innocents  pro- 
fcifing the  trueth.  He  did  require  of  the 
Emperour  and  kings  of  his  daiesprofef- 
(ing  Chrift,  and  manifestly  concludeth, 
that  they  can  not  ferueChrift,  except  that 
fo  they  do.Letnot  yourByflioppes  thinkc 


OP      JOHN       K^NOXE.         if 

that  Auguftine  fpeaketh  for  them,  bccau- 
fehenameth  the  Church.  Let  them  read 
and  vnderftand,  that  Auguftine  writeth 
for  that  Church  ,  which  profefTeth  the 
trueth  and  dothfufFer  pcrfecutionforthe 
defeceofthe  fame,  which  your  by fhoppes 
do  not,but  rather  with  the  Donauftes  and 
Arrians  do  cruelly  perfecute  all  fuch,as 
boldly  fpeak  Chriftes  eternall  veritie  to 
manifeft  theyre  impietie  and  abomina- 
tion. But  thus  much  we  haue  of  Augu- 
ftine, that  it  appertained  to  the  obedi- 
ence and  feruice,  which  kinges  owe  to  N  OTS, 
God  afwel  now  in  the  tymeof  the  Gof- 
pell,  as  before  vnder the  Law,todefende 
the  affli&ed  for  mattersof  religion,and  to 
reprefTe  the  furie  of  the  perfecuters  by 
the  rigourand  feueritieof  godlie  lawes. 
For  which  caufeno  doubt  doth  Efaiethef/rfw^?* 
prophete  fay, that  kinges  mould  be  no- 
rimers  to  the  Church  of  God,  that  they 
mould  abbafe  their heades, and  louingly 
embrafe  the  children  of  God.  And  thus  I 
fay  your  Honours  may  euidently  fee,  that 
the  fame  obedience  doth  God  require  of 
rulers  and  princes  in  the  ty  me  of  the  Gof- 
pcll,  that  he  required  in  the  tyme  of  the 
Law.  *>*»  anfi- 

Yfyou  do  think, that  the  reformation  vertothe 
of  religion  and  defence  of  the  afflide Afecond  oh 
doth  not  appertaine  toyou,becaufe  youKtfw*. 
D  i 


are  no  kings,but  nobils  ad  eftates  of  a  real 
me,in  two  thinges  you  are  deceaued:  for- 
mer,in  that  you  do  not  aduert,  that  Dauid 
requircth  afwell,  that  the  princes  and  iud- 
gesofthe  earth  be  learned  and  that  they 
feme  and  fear  God,  as  that  herequireth, 
that  the  kings  repent. Yf  you  therefore  be 
iudges  and  princes,  as  no  man  can  deny 
you  to  be,  then  by  the  playn  words  of  Da- 
uid you  are  charged  to  be  learned,  to  fer- 
ue  and  fear  God,which  ye  can  not  do,  if 
you  defpifc  the  reformation  of  his  reli- 
gion. And  thy  s  is  your  fyrft  errour.  The 
iecod  is,that  ye  neither  know  your  duetie, 
which  ye  owe  toGod,neither  yet  your  auc 
torit  je,which  of  hy  m  ye  haue  receaued,  y  f 
ye  for  pleafure  or  fear  of  any  earthliemari 
defpifc  goddes  true  religion,  and  contene 
your  brethre,that  in  his  name  cal  for  your 
fupport.Your  dutie  is  to  hear  the  voyce  of 
the  Eternal  your  God, and  unfainedly  to 
ftudie  to  folow  his  preceptes:who,as  is  be- 
fore faid,of  efpeciall  mercie  hath  promo- 
ted you  to  honours  and  dignitie.  His  che- 
feand  principall  precept  is,  that  with  re- 
uerence  ye  receaue  and  embrace  his  on- 
liebelouedfonnelcfus.that  ye  promote 
to  the  vrtermoft  of  yourpovcers  his  true 
religion:  ad  that  ye  defend  your  brethren 
and'fubiectes,whomehe  hath  putt  vnder 
your  charge  ad  care.  Now  if  your  king  be 

a  man 

OF     10HN      K^XOXE.  li 

amanignoratof  God,cnnemietohistrue: 
religion,  blinded  by  fuperftition,and  a 
perfecuterofjChriltesmembreSjfhall  yet 
be  excufed,if  with  filcnce  yeepaffe  oucr 
his  iniquities  Be  not  deceaued  my  Lor- 
des,ye  are  placed  in  au&oritie  for  an  6- 
ther  purpofe  then  to  flatter  your  king  in 
his  folie  and  blind  rage:  to  witt,  that  as 
with  your  bodies,  ftrength,  riches, and 
wifdomeyeare  bound  to  afTift  and  defend 
him  in  all  things,which  by  your  aduifehc 
(hall  take  in  hand  for  Gods  glorie  arid 
for  the  preferuationof  his  commune  we- 
alth and  fubiectes,fo  by  your  grauities, 
counfil  and  admonition  yee  are  bound  to 
correct  and  reprefle  whatfocuer  ye  know 
him  to  attempt  exprefTedly  repugning  to 
Goddes  word,  honour,  and  glorie,  or 
what  ye  fhall  efpie  him  to  do,be  it  by  igno 
ranee  or  be  it  by  malice,  againft  his  fubie- 
ctes  great,  or  fmall.  Of  which  laft  part  of" 
your  obediece  y  f  y  e  defraud  your  king,  ye 
comit  againft  him  no  lefle  treafon,  then  y f 
ye  did  extract  fro  him  your  dueand^pmi- 
fedfupport,whattime  by  his  ennemiesin- 
iuftly  he  wer  purfued.But  this  parr  of  their 
duetie  I  fear  do  a  fmall  nomber  of  the  no- 
bilitieofthis  age  rightly  confider.neither 
yet  will  they  vnderftand,  that  for  that 
purpofe  hath  God  ypmoted  them. For  now 
the  comune  fong  of  al  men  is,  We  muft  0- 

THS      <AP  P  ELL*AT10N 

bey  our  kinges  be  they  good,  or  be  they 
bad, for  God  hath  fo  comaunded.  But  hor 
rible  mall  the  vengeance  be,  that  fhalbe 
powred  furth  vpon  fuch  blafphemers  of 
God  his  holie name, and  ordinaunce. For 
it  is  no  Ieflc  blafphemie  to  fay,  that  God 
hath  commaunded  kinges  to  be  obeyed, 
when  they  comaund  impietie,  then  to  fay, 
that  God  by  his  precept  isau&ourad  men- 
tainer  of  all  iniquitie.True  it  is,God  hath 
comaunded  kinges  to  be  obeyed,  but  like 
true  it  is,  that  in  things,  which  they  comit 
againft  his  glorie,  or  when  cruelly  wi- 
thout caufe  they  rage  agalft  theirebrethre 
the  members  of  Chriftes  body,he  hath  co- 
maunded no  obediece,  but  rather  he  hath 
approued,  yea  and  greatlie  rewarded  fuch 
as  haue  opponed  them  felues  to  they  re  vn- 
godly  commaundementes  and  bl  ind  rage: 
as  in  the  exampls  of  the  three  children,  of 
Daniel,and  Abdemelech  it  is  euident.  The 
three  children  wold  nether  bowe  nor  ftou- 
pe  before  the  golden  image  at  the  comaun 
dement  of  the  great  kingNabuchadnezar. 
Daniel  did  opely  pray,his  windoes  being 
open,againft  the  eftablifhed  law  of  Darius 
and  of  his  counfil :  and  Abdemelech  fea- 
red not  to  enter  in  before  the  prefenceof 
Zedechias  ad  boldly  to  defed  the  caufe  ad 
Ieremieifi  innocetieof  Ieremie  the  prophet,  whome 
tht  king  and  his  couniil  had  codemned  to 


OF    JOHN    K^NOXE.  z7 

deth.Euerie  one  of  thcfe  fades  (hould  this 
day  be  iudged  foolifhc  by  fuch,as  will  not 
vnderftad  what  cofeifion  God  dothrequi 
re  of  his  children3when  his  veritie  is  oppu 
gned,orhis  glorie  called  in  doubt:  fuchc 
men,I  fay,as  prefer  man  to  God,and  thin- 
ges  present  to  theheauenlie  inheritaunce, 
fhould  haue  iudged  euerie  one  of  thefc  fa- 
des itubb urn  inobedience,foolifhe  pre- 
fumptionand  iingularitie,  or  elles  bold 
cotrolinge  of  the  king  and  his  wifecoun- 
fil.  But  how  acceptable  in  Gods  prefence 
was  this  refiftance  to  the  vngodlie  com- 
maundemcntes  and  determinations  of 
they  r  king  theed  did  witnes.For  the  three 
children  were  deliuered  from  the  fornace 
of  fyer,and  Daniel  from  the  den  of  lios  to 
the  confulion  of  their  ennemies,  to  the 
better  inftrudion  of  the  ignorant  kinges, 
and  to  the  perpetuall  comfort  of  goddes 
afflided  children .  And  Abdemclech  in 
the  day  of  the  Lordesvifitation,  when  the 
kingc  and  his  counfil  did  drink  thebitter 
cuppofgoddes  vengeance, did fynde  his  ierem.2) 
life  for  a  pray  c,  and  did  not  fall  in  the 
edge  of  the  fword,whenmaniethoufan- 
des  did  perilhe.  And  this  was  (ignified 
vntohim  by  the  prophet  him  felf  at  the 
comaundemet  of  God  before  that  Ierufa- 
lcm  was  deftroyed.  The  promeffe  and  cau 
fe  were  recited  vnto  him  in  thcfe  wordes, 

I  will  bring  my  wordes  vpon  this  citie  vn 
to  euill  and  not  vnto  good:  but  moft  affii- 
redly  I  fhaldeliuer  thee  becaufe  thou  haft 
trufted  in  me,  fayeth  the  Lord.  The 
truftad  hope,  which  Abdemelech  had  in 
being  but  a  man,to  the  ki ng  and  to  his  ho- 
le coufill,who  had  codemnedto  death  the 
Prophet,whomehis  cofciencedid  acknol 
in  the  pretence  of  the  king  fitting  in  the 
portofBeniami:My  Lord  the  kinge,faith 
thinges,  that  they  haue  done  to  Ieremie 
the  Prophet.  Aduert  and  take  hedemy 
Lordes,that  the  meH,who  had  condemned 
the  Prophet,were  the  king,  his  prices,  and 
counfill,  and  yet  did  one  man  accufe  them 
allof  iniquitie,5d  did  boldly  fpeak  in  the 
defefeof  hlof  whofeinnocetiehewasper 
fuaded.  And  the  fame,I  fay,is  the  duetie  of 
euery  man  in  his  vocation,  but  chefelyof 
the  nobilitie,  which  is  ioynedwith  theyr 
fcinges  to  bfidel  and  reprefTe  that  folie 
and  blind  rage.  Which  thing  if  the  nobili 
tie  do  not,neither  y  ct  labour  to  do, as  they 
are  traitours  to  their  kings,fo  do  they  pro 
iioke  the  wrath  of  God  agaift  them  felues 
and  againft  the  realme,in  which  they  abu 
fethe  au&oritie,  which  they  haue  recea- 
iied  of  God  to  mentaine  vcrtueandtore- 
preffe  vice.  For  hereof  I  would  your  Ho- 

OF  IONH  K^KOXE.  i* 
nours  were  moft  certainlyperfuaded,  that 
God  will  neither  excufenobilitienorpco 
pie,  butthenobilitie  leaftofal,that  obey 
ad  folow  they  r  kinges  inmanifeft  iniqui- 
tie,  but  with  the  fame  vengcace  will  God 
punifhe  the  Prince,  people ,  and  nobilitie 
confpiring  togither  againft  him  and  his 
holie  ordenances:  as  in  the  punifhment 
taken vpon  Pharao>Ifrael,Iudaand  Babyr 
Ion  is  euidently  to  be  fene.For  Pharao  was 
not  drowned  alone,but  his  captayns,  cha- 
retes,  and  greate  armie  drank  the  fame 
cup  with  him.  The  kinges  of  Ifrael,  and 
Iudawere  not  puniflied  whitout  copagny, 
but  with  them  were  murthered  the  counfi- 
lers3theyre  Princes  imprifoned  and  thei- 
re  people  leddcaptiue.And  why?becaufe 
none  was  found  Co  faithful  toGod,that  he 
durft  enterprife  to  refift  nor  againftand 
the  manifeft  impietie  of  theyr  Princes. 
And  therefore  was  Gods  wrath  powred 
furthvpon  the  one  and  the  other.  But  the 
more  ample  difcource  of  this  argument  I 
differ  to  better  opportunitie:oneIy  at  this 
that  before  God  it  (hall  not  excufe  you  to 
alledge,  We  are  no  kinges  and  therefore 
neither  can  wcreforme  religion,  nor  yet 
defend  fuch  as  be  perfecuted .  Confider 
my  Lordes  thatyee  are  powers  ordencd 
by  God(  as  before  is  declared)ad  therefore 
D  4 

THE       UPP  ELL^tT  I  ON 

doth  the  reformation  of  religion,  and  the 
defenfe  of  fuch,as  iniufty  areopprefled, 
appertaine  to  your  charge  and  care,w  h  ich 
thinge  (hall  the  lawof  God,  vniuerfally 
geuentobekeptofall  men,moft  euident- 
ly  declare :  which  is  my  laft  and  moft  af-  fured  reafon,why  I  fay  yeeoght  to  remo- 
ue  from  honours  and  to  punilh  with  death 
fuck  as  God  hath  condemned  by  his  owne 
mouth.  After  that  Mofes  had  declared 
what  was  true  religio,to  wit,to  honorGod 
as  he  commaunded,adding  nothing  to  his 
worde,neitheryet  diminilhingc  anythig 
from  it,and  after  alfo  that  vehemently  he 
had  exhorted  the  fame  law  to  be  obferued, 
he  denounceth  the  punifhment  againit  the 
trafgrcffours  inthefewordes,  Yf  rhy  bro- 
ther, fonne,  doghter  wife  orneghbour, 
whome  thou  loueftas  thyne  own  life,foli- 
citate  thee  fecretiy,  faying,  Let  vs  go  fer- 
Deut.  2,3.  ue  other  goddes,whome  neither  thou,  nor 
ty^l*  thy  fathers  haue  knowen,confentnot  to 
hym,hearhymnot,letnot  thyne  eye  fpa- 
re  hym,  (hew  hym  no  indulgentie  or 
fauour,hide  him  not,but  vtterly  kill  hym, 
let  thy  had  bethefirft  vponhym,  that  he 
may  be  flaine,and  after  the  hade  of  the  ho 
le  people.  Of  thefe  wordes  of  Mofes  are- 
two  things,apperteanig  to  our  purpofe,  to 
be  noted. Former,  that  fuch,as  folicitateon 
Jy  to  tdolatrie  og ht  to  be  punifhed  to  death 


OF       JOHK       J^NOXE.        19 

without  fauour  or  refpcct  of  perfon .  For  Ictolatrit 
hcthatwillnotfufrermatofparehis  fone,  oght  tobe- 
maundcth  puniflimct  to  be  taken  vpon  the  without 
1  idolatours  (^haue  they  neuer  fo  nie  coiunc  refyeft  of 
;  tion  with  vs  )will  not  wink  at  the  idolatric perfon. 
of  others  ,of  what  cftate  or  condition  fo  e- 
!uerthcy  be. 

It  is  not  vnknowen.that  the  prophetes  if  ante 
'had  reuelationsof  God,  which  were  not  estate 
1  commune  to  the  pcoplc,as  Samuel  had  the  might 
reuelation  ,  that  Eli  and  his   pofteritietaw*? 
fhouldbe  deftroyed,that  Saul  mould  firft  clihned 
beking  and  thereafter  that  he  mould  bsrepriuiled- 
ieded,that  Dauidfhould  reign  for  him.  gejtvae 
Micheas  vnderftodeby  vifTonthat  Achabtheproplx 
fhouldbe  killed  in  batcaile  againfttheSi-  te$. 
rians.Elias  faw  that  dogges  m>u!d  cat 
Iefabelithefortrcsof  lelrael.  ElieTus  did^, 
fee  hunger  come  vpon  Ifrael  by  the  fpa-  i.Sam,  9. 
ce  of  fcuen  yeares .  Ieremie  did  forefee  i$- 
the  deftruction  of  Ierufalem  and  the  tyme  t.\eg.zi. 
of  their  captiuitie,  and  fo  diuerfe  other  i-\'g* 
prophetes  had  diuerfereuelationsofGod,  it. 
which  the  people  did  not  otherwifevndcr  i.\^.8. 
{lid,  but  by  their  aflfirmatio,and  therefore 
inthofe  dayeswere  theprophetes  named 
Seears,becaufe  that  God  did  ope  vnto  th5 
that,  which  was  hid  from  the  multitude. 
Nowifaniema-n  might  haueclaimed  anie 


priuiledge  from  the  rigour  of  the  Law, 
or  might  haueiuftified  his  fad,  it  mould 
haue  bene  the  Prophete.  For  he  might 
haue  alledged  for  hym  felfe  his  fingular 
prerogatiue,thathehadaboue  other  men 
to  haue  goddes  will  reuealed  vnto  hym 
by  vifio  or  by  dream,  or  that  God  had  de- 
clared particularly  vnto  hym,  that  his 
pleafure  was  to  be  honoured  i  thatmaner, 
in  fuch  a  place,ad  by  fuch  mcanes.  But  all 
fuch  excufesdoth  God  remoue,comaudig 
that  the  Prophete,  that  fhal  I  folicitate  the 
people  to  ferueftrangegoddes,fhall  die 
for  hym  felfe  dream,  vilion,  or  reuela- 
tion.  Yea  althoghhe  promiflfe  miracles, 
andalfo  that  fuch  thinges  as  he  promi- 
feth  come  to  pafTe,yct  I  fay  commaun- 
dcth  God>that  no  credit  begeuen  to  hym, 
but  that  he  die  the  death  ,becaufe  he  tea- 
cheth  apofta(ie>5d  defeftion  fro  God  He- 
reof your  Honours  may  eafelyefpie,  that 
none  prouoldng  the  people  to  idolatrie 
•ght  to  be  exempted  from  the  puniflimet 
ofdeath.For  if  neither  that  infeparableco 
junction,  which  God  hym  felfe  hath  fan- 
ctified  betwixt  man  and  wife,neithcr  that 
vnfpeakable  loue grafted  in  na{ijre,which 
isbetwixt  the  father  and  the' fonne,nei- 
ther  yet  that  rcuerence,  which  goddes 
people  oght  to  bear  to  the  Prophetes3  can 

OF       !OHN       K^NOXE.      30 

excufe  anic  man  to  fpare  the  offendour  or 
to  conceale  his  oflfenfe,  what  excufe  can 
man  pretend,which  God  will  accept>Eui- 
dent  it  is  that  no  eftate,  condition  nor 
honour  can  exempt  the  idolatour  from 
the  handes  of  God,  when  he  fhal  call  him 
toaccomptes,or{hall  inflid  punifliment 
vpo  him  for  his  offence :  how  (hall  it  then 
cxcufethe  people,  that  they  according  to 
goddes  comaundemet  punilh  not  to  death 
fuch,as  (rial  folicitateorvioletly  draw  the 
people  to  idolatrie?  And  this  is  the  fyrifc, 
which  I  would  yourHonours  mould  note 
of  the  former  wordes.To  witt,that  no  per 
fon  is  exepted  fro  punifhmet ,  if  hecan  be 
manifcftly  coiiicied  to  haue  prouoked  or 
led  the  people  to  idolatrie:  ad  this  is  mod 
cuidently  declared  in  that  folemned  othe 
and  couenante,  which  Afa  made  with  the 
people  to  ferue  God  ad  to  mctaine  his  re- 
ligio,adding  this  penaltieto  thetrafgref 
fours  ofit: To  wit,thatwhofoeuer  mould 
not  feke  the  Lord  God  of  Ifrael,mould  i.**u$- 
were  it  man  or  were  it  woman.  And  of  this 
oth  was  the  Lorde  copleafed,he  was  foud 
oftheadgauethe  refioneuerie  parte,be- 
caufe  they  foghr.  hi  with  their  hole  heart, 
ad  did  fwear  to  punime  the  offeders  accor 
ding  to  the  precept  of  his  Law  without 
refpect  of  p  er fons.  And  this  is  it ,  which 

THE      sAPP  €  LLUT10N 

I  fay  I  would  your  Honours  mould  note 
for  the  fyritjthatno  idolatourcan  be  ex- 
empted fro  punifhement  by  goddes  Law. 
The  feconde  is, that  the  punifliment  of 
fuch  crimes  as  areidolatrie,blafphemie, 
adothers,thattuchetherhaieftieof  God, 
dothenotappertaine  to  kingesandchefc 
rulers  only,  but  alfotothe  holebodieof 
that  people,  and  to  eucric  membreofthe 
fame  accordig  to  thevocatio  of  euerie  ma, 
and  according  to  that  poffibilitie  andoc- 
cafton,  which  God  doth  minifter  to  re- 
uenge  the  iniurie  done  againft  hisglorie, 
what  time  that  impietic  is  manifeftly  kno 
wen.  And  that  doth  Mofes  moreplainely 
fpeak  in  thefe  wordes, 
2>«tf.i$-       Yf  in  anie  of  thy  cities,  fa'ieth  he, 
which  the  Lord  thy  God  geueth 
vnto  the  to  dwell  in  them,  thou 
fhalt  hear  this  brute,There  are  To- 
me men  the  Tonnes  of  Beli a  1  paf- 
fed  Turthe  from  thee,  ad  haue  ToK- 
cited  the  citizens  of  theyr  cities 
by  thefe  wordes,  L  et  vs  go  ad  feme 
ftrange  goddes,  which  you  haue 
not  kno  wen  ,  fearch  and  inquire 
diligently,  and  if  it  be  true,  that 
fuch  abomination  is  done  in  the 


OF      10HN       f^NOXE.        $i 

middeft.  ofthee,thoufhaltvtterly 
ftryke  the  inhabitants  of  that  ci- 
tic  with  the  fworde,  thou  (halt 
deftroy  it  and  whatfoeuer  is  wi- 
thin it ,  thou  fhalt  gather  the 
fpoileofit  in  the  middeft  of  the 
marketplace,thou  fhalt  burnethat 
citie  with  fier,  and  the  fpoile  of  it 
to  the  Lord  thy  God,  that  it  may 
be  a  heap  of  ftones  for  euer,  nei- 
ther (hall  it  be  any  more  buylded. 
Let  nothing  of  that  execration 
cleaueto  thy  hand,  that  the  Lord 
may  turne  from  the  furie  of  his 
wrath,ad  be  moued  towerdesthee 
with  inward  affection. 

Plaineit  is  that  Mofes  fpeaketh  nor 
geueth  not  charge  to  kinges  rulers  and 
judges  only,  but  hecommaudeth  the  hole 
bodieofthe  people,  yea  and  euerie  mem-  w^  eue^ 
bre  of  the  fame  according  to  their  poiTibi-  neman 
litic.-andwho  dar  be  fo  impudent  as  to  de-  in  jCra<i 
nie  this  to  be  moft  reafonable  and  iuft*      ^itf  i0^ 
For  feing  that  God  had  delyuered  the  ho- 10  ^ 
lebodie  from  bondage, and  to  the  hole ^oddestu' 
multitude  had  geuenhis  law,  and  to  the  ma^^ 
twelue  tribes  had  he  fo  diftributed  the  in-  ment. 


neritanceofthe  Ian  d  of  Canaan,  that  no 
familie  could  complaine,that  it  was  rte- 

fJeded.  Was  not  the  hole  ad  euerie  mem- 
re  addettcd  to  cofeffe  ad  acknolledge  the 
benetitesofGod?ycahad  it  not  bene  the' 
part  of  eucric  man  to  haue  ftudicd  to  kepe 
the  pofTefTion,  which  he  had  receaued?  w- 
hichthig  God  did  plainely  jpnouce  they 
r&etit.  28.  {hould  not  do,  except  that  in  their  heartes 
audio,    they  did  fan&ifie  the  lord  God,  that  they 
embrafedj  and  inuiolably  kept  his  religio 
eftablifhedrand  finally  except  they  did 
cuttouteiniquitie  from  amongeft  them, 
declaring  them  felues  earned  ennemies  to 
thofe  abominations,  which  God  declared 
hym  felfe  Co  vehemently  to  hate,that  fyrft 
hecommaunded  the  hole  inhabitants  of 
thatcountreetobediftroyed  and  allmo- 
&cut.j*    numents  of  their  idolatrie  to  be  broken 
doune,and  thereafter  he  alfo  ftreatly  com- 
maudeth,that  aciticdccliningeto  idola- 
•  jtr^cftou^  fall  in  the  edge  of  the  fworde, 
Goddsind  5d  that  the ho]e  fpoi je  of  the  fame,fhould 
gements    fce  burned,no  portio  of  it  referucd.To  the 
tothecar-  carna[  man  t},js  mav  appearea  rigorous 
nalLman   and  feuere  judgement, yea  it  may  rather 
appear  rt-  femetODe  pronounced  in  a  rage,  then  in 
gorou*.      wifdome.  For  what  citiewas  eueryet,in 
which  to  mannes  iudgement  were  not  to 
be  found  manie  innocent  perfons ,  as  in- 
fantsjchildrenj  and  fomme  fimple  and  i- 

g  no  rant 

OF      tOHbt      t^NOXE.  $i 

gnorat  foules,  who  neither  did  nor  could 
confent  to  fuch  impietie^And  yet  we  fynd 
no  exception,  but  all  are  appointed  to 
the  cruel  death.  And  as  concernyng  the 
citieand  the  fpoile  of  the  fame,manne$ 
reafon  can  not  think,  but  that  it  might 
haue  bene  better  beftowed,  then  to  be  con 
fumed  with  Her,  and  fo  to  profitt  no  man- 
But  in  fuch  cafes  will  God  that  all  crea- 
tures ftoupe,  couer  their  faces ,  and  defift 
from  reafonyng,whencommaundemenc 
is  geuen  to  execute  his  iudgement.  Al- 
beit I  could  adduce  diuerfecaufes  of  fuch 
feueritie  ,  yet  will  I  fearch  none  other 
then  the  holie  Ghoft  hath  afligned.Fyrft, 
that  all  Ifrael  hearing  the  iudgement 
fhouldfearto  commit  the  like  abomina- 
tion: and  fecondarely ,  that  the  Lord 
might  turn  from  the  furieof  his  anger, 
might  be  moued  towerds  the  people  with 
inward  affection,  be  mcrcifull  vnto  them, 
and  multiplie  them  according  to  hisoth 
made  vnto  theire  fathers.  Which  rea- 
fonsasthey  are fufficient  in  goddeschil- 
dren  to  correct  the  murmuring  of  the 
grudging  rlelhe ,  fo  oght  they  to  prouoke 
euerie  man ,  as  before  I  haue  faid ,  to  de- 
clare hym  felfe  ennemie  tothat,whichfo 
highly  prouokeththe  wrath  of  God  a- 
gainft  the  hole  people.  For  where  Mofes 

Let  the  citie  be  burned,  and  let 
no  part  of  the  fpoile  cleaue  to  thy 
hand,  that  the  Lord  may  return 
from  the  furie  of  his  wrath,&c. 
Tor  the  He  plainely  doth  fignifie,  that  by  the 

idolatne    defection  and  idolatric  of  a  few  goddes 
cfajmale  wrath  is  kyndled  againftthe  hole,  which 
number  is  isneuer  quenched  till  fuch  punifhement 
goddes      be  taken  vpon  the  offenders  :  that  what 
•wrath       foeuer  ferued  them  in  their  idolatrie,  be 
fyndled a- broght  to  destruction  ,becaufe  that  it  is 
gainft  the  execrable  an^  accurfed  before  God.  And 
multitude  therefore  he  will  not,  that  it  be  referued' 
not  punt-  for  anie  vfe  of  his  people.I  am  not  igno- 
fhingthe  rant  that  this  law  was  not  put  in  execu- 
ojfedoM's.  tion  as  God  commaunded.  But  what  did 
thereof  infue  and  folow  hiftories  declare: 
to  witr, plage  after  plage  till  Ifrael,and 
Itida  were  led  in  captiuitic,  as  the  bokes 
of  kings  do  witnefTe.  The  consideration 
whereof  maketh  me  more  bold  to  affirm, 
that  it  is  the  ductie  of  eucrie  man, that 
lift  to  efcapethe  plage  and  punifhement 
of  God, to  declare  hym  felfeennemieto 
idolatrie  not  only  in  heart,  hating  the 
fame, but  a!fo  in  cxternall  gefture,  de- 
claring that  he  lamenteth,yf  he  can  do 
E7u!  9    no  morc^or^l,criaDomm2tions.  Which 
^  thing  was  Hiewed  to  the (PpheteEzechiel, 

what  ty  me  hegaue  hym  to  vnderftad,why 


OF      10  HN       K^NOXe.        ft 

he  would  dcftroy  Iudawith  Ifracl,ad  that 
he  would  remoue  his  g loric  from  the  tem-  Exfdt.  S. 
pleandplace,thathebadchofen,idfopo-  and 9. 
werfurtn  his  wrathe  and  indignationv- 
pon  the  citie,that  was  full  of  biood  arid  a~ 
p  oft  afie,  which  became  fo  impudent,  that 
itdurft  be  bold  to  fay,thc  Lord  hath  left 
the  earth,and  feerh  not.  At  this  tyme,I  Ciyt 
the  Lord  reuealed  in  vifion  to  his  prophe- 
te,who  they  were,that  mould  fynd  fauour 
in  that  miserable  deftruction.  To  witt, 
thofethat  did  murne  ahd  lament  for  all 
the  abominations  done  in  the  citie,  in 
whofeforeheadesdidGod  commaund  to 
print  and  feal  Tau,to  the  end  that  the  de- 
ftroyer,whowas  commaunded  to  ftryke 
the  reft  without  mercic,  mould  not  hurt 
them, in  whome  that  figne  was  found.  Of 
thefe  premifles  I  fuppofe  it  be  euidenr, 
that  the  punifhment  of  idolatrie  doth  not 
appertainetokinges  only,  but  alfo  to  the 
hole  people,yeatoeuerie  membreofthc 
fame  according  to  his  poffibilitie.  For 
that  is  a  thing  moft  allured,  that  no  man 
can  murne,  lament,  and  bewaile  for  thofe 
thinges,  which  he  will  not  remoue  to  the 
vttermoftofhis  power.  Yfthisberequi-  N  OT  J§, 
red  of  the  hole  people,  and  of  euerie  man 
in  his  vocation  ,  whatfhall  be  required  of 
you, my  Lordes,  whome  God  hathraifed 
vpp  to  be  Princes  and  rulers  aboue  your 
E   1 

THE      viWELL^AT  ION 
brethren ,  whofe  handes  he  hath  armed 
with  the  fword  of  his  iufticc5  yea  whome 
he  hath  appointed  to  be  as  brideis  to  re- 
preffe  the  rage  and  infolencie  of  your 
kinges,  when  foctier  they  pretend  mani- 
feftly  totranfgrefTc  goddes  blelfedorde- 
«An  <tnf-  nance?  Yfany  think  that  this  my  affirma- 
tpertoan   tion,tuchinge  the  p'unifhmet  of  idolaters, 
olieSHon.  be  contrarie  to  the  praclife  of  the  Apo* 
ftles,Whofyndingthe  Gentiles  inidola- 
trie  did  call  them  to  repentance, requi- 
ring no  fuch  punifhmct,Iettthe  fame  man 
■why  no     Vnder{tand,that  the  Gentilcs,before  the 
law  vas    preaching  ofChrift,liued,  as  the  Apoftle 
executed    fpCakethjWit|iout  God  in  the  world,drow 
agatnjt     necj  jn  iJolafrie,  according  to  the  blind- 
xbtGem-  nes  -j  ignoracc,  in  which  then  they  were 
ksbnng    \^0\^t^  as  a  prophane  natio,wh«me  God 
Idol*        had  neueropely  auowed  to  be  his  people, 
'""'•  had  ncuer  rcccaued  this  houfhol  ^neither 

geuen  vnto  them  lawes  to  be  kept  in  re- 
ligion norpolitie:  arid  therefore  did  not 
hisholie  Ghoit.calling  them  to  repentanr 
ce,rcquireof  themanie  eorporallpunifh- 
ment  according  to  the  rigour  of  the  law, 
vnto  the  which  they  were  neuerfubieds, 
,  as  they  that  were  ftrangers  from  the  com- 

£*e*z*  munc  wclthof  Ifracl .  But  if  anie  think, 
that,after  that  the  Gentiles  w^re  called 
from  theyr  vaine  conuerfation;  and  by 
«rhb  rating  Chrift  IcThs  wcrereceau^d  1  the 

OF      10 UN       K.M  OXE.        34 

libmbre  of  Abrahams  children,and  fo  ma- 
de one  people  with  the  Iewes  beleuing, 
yfanithinkjl  fay,  that  then  they  were  not 
bounde  to  the  fame  obedience  ,  which 
God  required  of  his  people  Ifracl,  what 
tyrrje  he  confirmed  his  leage  and  conue- 
nante  with  them,  the  fame  man  appea- 
feth  to  make  Chnft  inferiour  toMofes, 
and  contrarious  to  the  law  of  his  heauen- 
lie  father.  For  if  the  contempt  or  tranf- 
greifron  of  was  worth ie  of 
deathjwhat  fhould  we  iudgerhe  contempt 
of  Chriftes  ordenance  to  beJ(  I  mean  after 
they  be  oncereceaued.)  And  if  Chriflbc 
notcommedto  dilTolue:  but  to  fulfill  the 
Jaw  of  his  heauenlie  Father,  mall  the  \i- 
tertieofhis  Gofpell  beanoccafion,  that 
the  efpeciall  glorie  of  his  Father  be  troden 
vnder  foote  and  regarded  of  no  manJGod 
forbid.ThecfpecialglorieofGodis,that  r,  ~ \ 
fuch,  as  proferte  them  to  be  his  people,  -Vf- 
fhould  harken  to  his  voice,  and  amongeft  * 

all  the  voices  of  God  reuealed  to  the  m^\ 
worlde,tuching  punifhement  of  vices,  is  *  J*f 
none  more  euident  neither  more  feuere,      ,  Zj 
thenis  that,which  is  pronounced  againft        f 
rdolatricjtlie  teachers  and  mentaincrs  of**0/ 
the  fame.  And  therefore    I  fear  not  to  af-  uSafrkli* 
firm, that  the;Gentiles(  Tmean  cueriecitie, 
realme,prouince  ,  or  nation   amongeft 
the  Gehtiles  ,  embrafing  Chrift   Icfus 


and  his  truereligio)  be  bound  to  the  fame 
leageand  couenant,that  God  made  with 
his  people  Ifrael,  what  tymehe  promifcd 
to  roote  owt  the  nations  before  them  in 

*°  &•  Beware  that  thou  make  aniecoue 
nante  with  the  inhabitantes  of 
the  land,  to  the  which  thou  com- 
me(t,lefte  perchace  that  this  com- 
me  in  ruin,  that  is,bedeftruc*tion 
to  thcrbut  thou  (halt  dcftroy  theyr 
altars,  break  their  idols  and  cutt 
doune  their  groues.  Fear  no  ftran- 
ge  goddes,worfhipthemnot,nei- 
ther  yet  make  you  facrificc  to 
them.  But  the  Lord, who  in  his 
great   power,  and  owtftrctched 

/  armc  hath  broght  you  owt  of  the 
land  of  Egypt,  mall  you  fear,  hy  m 
(hall  you  honour,  hym  fhall  you 
worfhip ,  to  hym  fhall  you  make 
facrifice,his  Itatutesjiudgcments, 
Lawes  ,  and  commaundementes 
you  fhall  kepe  and  obferue.  This 
is  the  connenante,  which  I  haue 


OF      10HN       K^XOXE.  gj 

made  withyou,faieth  the  Eternall, 
forget  it  not,  neither  yet  fear  ye  o- 
ther  goddes:  but  fear  you  the  Lord 
your  God,and  he  fhall  deliuer  you 
fro  the  hade  J  of  all  your  ennemies. 
To  this  fame  Law,  I  fay ,  and  couenante 
are  the  Getiles  no  leife  bounde,thcn  fom- 
tymc  were  the  Iewes,  when  foeuer  God 
doth  illuminatetheeyes  of  aniemultitu- 
de,prouince,  people  orcitie,and  putteth 
thefworde  in  their  own  hand  to  rcmoue 
fuch  enormities  fromamongeft  them, as 
before  God  they  know  to  be  abominable. 
Then,  I  fay, are  they  no  lefTcboud  to  pur- 
ge theyr  dominionsxities  and  countries 
from  idolatrie,  then  were  the  Ifraelites, 
what  tyme  they  receaued  the  pofTeffion  of 
the  land  of  Canaan.And  moreouer  I  fay, 
jf  any  go  about  to  ere&and  fetvp  ido- 
latrie or  to  teach  defection  from  God,  af- 
ter that  the  veritie  hath  bene  receaued  and 
approued,that  the  not  only  the  Mag  Htra- 
tcs,to  whom  the  fword  is  comitted,but  al 
fo  the  people  are  boud  by  that  oth,  which 
they  haue  made  to  God,torcuenge  to  the  , 
vttermoft  of  their  power  the  iniurie  done 
againit  his  Maieftic.In  vniuerfal  defecti- 
ons, and  in  a  general  reuolt,  fuch  as  was 
in  Ifrael  after  Ieroboam,rhere  is  a  diucrfe 
confideration  .  Forthenbecaufethehoie  , 

Ttf£      sAPPELL^iTION 

people  weretogithercofpiredagaiftGo  d, 
there  could  none  be  foud,that  wouldeexe 
cute  the  punifhcmcnt,  which  God  had  co- 
maunded,till  God  raifed  vpp  Ichu,whom 
he  had  appoited  for  that  purpofe.  And  the 
fame  is  to  becofidered  in  all  other  general 
defe&ios,  fucheas  this  day  be  in  the  papi- 
ftrie,  vc  here  all  are  blinded,  and  all  are  de- 
clined from  God  and  that  of  loge  cotinu- 
ance,  fo  that  no  ordinarie  iuliice  ca  be  exe 
cuted,  but  the  punifhmet  muft  be  referued 
toGod  ad  vnto  fuch  meanes,as  he  (hall  ap 
point.But  I  do  fpeakof  fuch  a  nobre,as  af- 
ter they  haue  receaucd  goddes  perfect  reli 
gio,  do  boldly  profeife  the  fame,notwith- 
ftadig  that  fome  or  the  moft  part  fai  back: 
fasoflate  daieswasl  Englad^vntofucha 
nobre,  I  fay,it  is  Laufull  to  punifh  the  ido 
latoursvfithdeath,ifby  aniemeanes  God 
geue  them  the  povcer.For  fo  did  Iofua  and 
Ifrael  determine  to  haue  done  againft  the 
childreofRube,Gad  ad  Manaffes  for  their 
fufpc<5ted  apoftafie  ad  defefrio  from  God. 
And  the  hole  tribes  did  in  veriedcde  exe- 
cute that  fharpe  iudgemet  agalft  the  tribe 
of  Beiamin  for  a  lefle  offcce  then  for  idoU 
trie.  And  the  fameoghtto  be  donewher- 
foeuer  Chrifl  Iefus  ad  his  Euagill  is  fo  re- 
cpaued  1  any  realmCjpui'nce^r  citie,  that 
«fie  Magiftrates  ad  people  haue  folemncly 
Mowed  ad  promifed  to  dcfed  the  fame,a$ 
< vnder 

OF    10HK    K,NOXE.  ;f 

vnder  king  Edward  of  late  dayes  was  done 
inEnglad.In  fuch  places, I  fay, it  is  not  on- 
ly lawful  to  punifh  to  the  death  fuch,as  la- 
bour to  fubuert  thetrue  religio,but  the  ma 
giftratesad  people  are  boudfo  to  do,onles 
they  wilprouoke  the  wrath  of  God  again; 
the  felues.  And  therfor  I  fear  not  to  affirm, 
that  it  had  bene  the  duetie  of  the  nobilitie, 
iudgcs,rulers,adpeopleof  Englad  not  on- 
ly to  haue  refifted  and  againftanded  Marie 
that  Iefabcl,whome  they  call  their quene, 
butalfotohauepuwifhed  her  to  the  death 
withallthe  fort  of  her  idolatrous  Pree- 
ftes,  together  with  all  fuch,  as  mould  haue 
afTifted  her,  what  tyme  that  fhee  and  they 
openly  began  to  fupprcfle  Cbriftes  Euan- 
gil,tofhedd  the  blood  ofthefai&sofGod, 
papiftical  abominatiof,  5d  his  vfurped  ty- 
rannic, which  ones  moft  iuftly  by  comune 
oth  was baniftied  from  that  rcalme  But  be- 
caus  lea  not  at  this  prefent  difcufle  tiiisar 
gument,  as  it  appertained),  I  am  copelled 
toomittitto  better  opportunitie,and  fo 
returning  to  your  Honours, I  fay>  that  if 
ye  confefle  your  felues  baptifed  in  the 
Lord  Iefus,  ofneccflitie  ye  mu ft  confefle, 
thatthe  careof  his  religiondoth  apper- 
tained your  charge.  And  if  ye  know  that 
in  your  hades  God  hath  put  the  fworde  fot* 
the  caufes  aboue  expreflcd,the  ca  y  c  not  de 
E   4 

TtfT.       +4PP  SUCTION 

Xiie,butthatthepunifhementof  obftinate 
and  maleperc  idolatours  (fuch  as  all  youc 
bifhoppes  be)  doth  appertaine  to  your  of- 
fice, yt  after  admonition  they  cotinewob- 
ftinat.Iam  not  ignorat,whatbcthevaine 
defefes  ofyourproude  prelates.  They  clai 
me  firft  a  prerogatiue  and  priuiledge,that 
.they  are  exempted,  and  that  by  corifentof 
Councils  and  Emperours  from  all  iurifdi- 
ftionofthetemporaltie  And  fecodarely, 
when  they  arecoui&ed  of  manifeftimpie- 
ties,  abufes,  and  enormities  afwell  in  their 
manersas  inreligion,neitherfear,norfha- 
me  they  to  afFirme,  that  thinges  fo  longe 
eftablifhedcannot  fuddenly  be  reformed, 
althogh  they  becorrupred,  but  with  pro- 
ceiTeoftymethey  promifl'eto  take  order. 
But  in  few  wordes  I  anfwer,  that  no  priui- 
ledge,grauntcd  ag*inft  the  ordenance and 
ftatutes  of  God,  is  to  beobferued  althogh 
all  Councils  and  men  in  the  earth  haue  ap 
pointed  the  fame.Butagainftgoddesorde 
.nance  it  is,thac  idolatours, murtherours, 
fals  teachers, and  blafphemcrs  (hall  be  exe- 
pred  from  puni(hement,as  before  is  decla- 
red, and  therefore  invaine  it  is,  that  they 
claym  for  priuiledge,  when  that  God  fay- 
cth:  The  murthercr  fhaltthou  riue  from 
my  altar,  that  he  may  die  the  death.  And 
as  to  the  order  and  reformati6,which  they 
promiife,  that  is  to  be  lolled  of  hoped  for, 


OF      10HK    KjHOXE.  27 

vhen  Satan,  whofc  children  and  flaues 
they  are,can  chage  hisnature.This  anfwcr 
I  doubt  not  mail  fuffice  the  fober  ad  god- 
lie  reader-But  yet  to  the  end  that  they  may 
further  fee  their  own  confufion,  and  that 
your  Honours  may  better  vnderiUd,what 
ye  oght  to  do  in  Co  manifeft  a  corruption 
anddefe&io  from  Godjlafkeofthemfel- 
ues,whara(Turancethey  haue  for  this  their 
istheauctourof  itf>  and  what  frute  it  hath 
produced  ?  And  fyrft  I  fay  that  of  God  Godtinot 
they  haue  no  affurance,  neither  yet  can  he  nttctohref 
be  proucd  to  be  au&our  of  anie  fuchc  ante  print 
priuiledge.  Butthecontrarie  iseafieto  be  hdgegra- 
feen.  For  God  in  efhbli filing  his  orders  anted  to 
in  Ifracl  did  fo  fubicft  Aaron(in  his pree- papiflical 
fthodebeing  thefigureof  Chrift)  to  Mo-  bifhoppef9 
fesjthat  hefearcd  nottocall  him  in  iud-  that  they 
gement,andtoconftrain  hymto  giueac-  he  exnn- 
comptesof  his  wicked  dede  in  consenting  ptedfrum 
to  idolatrie,as  the  hiftorie  doth  plaine-  the  povsr 
ly  witneffe.  For  thus  it  is  written,  oftheciui 

Then  Mofes  toke  the  calf,  which  k^^' 
they  had  made,and  burned  it  with 
fier,  and  did  grind  it  to  powder, 
and  fcattering  it  in  the  water,  ga- 
ue  it  to  drink  to  the  children  of  If- 
jrael«<kclaring  herebie  the  vanitie  of  their 

idol  and  the  abomination  of  the  fame,  and 
thereafter  Mofes  faid  to  Aaron,  what 
hath  this  people  done  to  the,  that 
thou  fhouldefl:  bring  vpon  it  foi 

Thus,l  fay,doth  Mofes  call  and  accufe 
Aaron  of  the  deftruclion  of  the  hole  peo- 
ple, and  yet  heperfe&Iy  vnderftode,that 
God  had  appointed  hymto  be  the  high 
Preeft,that  he  mould  bear  vpon  his  moul- 
ders ad  vpo  his  breafl  the  names  of  the  u. 
.  tribes  of  Ifrael,for  whome  he  was  appoin- 
^  ted  to  make  facrifice,  praiers,ad  fupplica- 
TMi£tti'tions.Heknewhis  dignitiewas.  fo  great, 
tieof^ia-  that  only  he  might  entre  within  themoft 
rodidmt  holie  place: but  neither  could  his  office 
exempt     nor  dignitie  exempt  hym  from  iudgemet, 
him  from  when  he  had  offended.  Yf  any  ohieft,  Aa- 
wdgemei.  ron  at  that  tyme  was  not  anointed  ad  the- 
refore was  he  fubieS  to  Mofes,  I  haue  anf- 
wered,  that  Mofes,being  taught  by  the 
mouth  of  God, did  perfectly  vndcrftadjtq 
what  dignitie  A^ro  wasappointed,andyet 
he  feared  not  to  call  hym  in  judgement, 
and  to  copell  hym  to  make  anfwer  for  his 
wicked  fad.  But  if  this  anfwer  doth  not  fuf 
h*ce,y  et  fliall  the  holie  Ghoftwitnefle  fur- 
ther in  the  matter.  Salomo  remoued  from 
honour  Abiathar  being  the  high  precfte, 
and  comaunded  him  to  ceafe  from  all  fun- 

OF      JOHN       K^MOXE.       38 

&ion,'and  to  liue  as  a  priuate  man.Now  if 
the  vndiondid  exempt  the  precft  from 
Iurifdi&ionof  the  ciuile  M3giftrate,Sa- 
lomon  did  offend, and  iniured  Abiathar. 
For  he  was  anoynted,  and  had  caried 
thearkbefore  Dauid.  But  God  doth  not 
reproue  the  fact  of  Salomon,  neither  yet 
doth  Abiathar  claime  anie  prerogatiue 
by  the  reafon  of  his  ojf ice,but  rather  doth 
the  holie  Ghoft appfoue  the  faft of  Salo- 

Salomo  elected  furth  Abiathar,  i.\eg»z. 
that  he  fhould  not  be  the  Preeft  oh  Sarn-l- 
the  Lord,  that  the   word  of  the 
Lord  might  be  performed,  which 
he  fpake  vpon  the  houfe  of  Eli. 

And  Abiathar  did  think  that  he  obtai- 
ned great  fauour,in  that  he  did  cfcape  the 
prefent  death, which  by  his  confpiracie 
he  had  deferued.  Yf  anie  yet  reafon,  that 
Abiathar  was  no  otherwife  fubicdtto  the 
iudgement  of  the  king,  but  as  he  was  ap- 
pointed to  be  the  executour  of  that  Cen- 
tencc,  which  God  before  had  pronoun- 
ced, as  I  will  not  greatly  denie  that  rea-  Note-well. 
fon,fo  require  I  that  euerie  man  confi- 
der,  that  the  fame  God,  who  pronoun- 
ced feptence  againft  Eli,and  his  houfe, 
hath  pronounced  aIfo,that  idolaters, hoo-  Gal.4. 
remongersjmurthcrcrs,  and  blafphemers  i.Tim.^. 

fliall  neither  haue  portion  in  the  king- 
dome  of  God  ,  neither  oght  to  be  per- 
mitted to  bear  anie  rule  in  his  Church 
and  congregation.  Now  if  the  vnction 
and  office  faued  not  Abiathar,  becaufc 
that  goddes  fentencemuftnedes  be  per- 
formed, can  anie  priuiledgc  graunted 
by  man  be  a  buckler  to  malera&ours,thac 
they  fliall  not  be  fubied  to  the  punifh- 
mentes pronounced  by  God? I  think  no 
man  will  be  Co  fooliflie  as  fo  to  afFirm.For 
a  thing  more  then  euident  it  is,  that  the 
holepreefthode  in  the  tymeof  the  Law 
was  bound  to  g  iue  obedience  to  the  ciuile 
powers.  And  if  anicmembreofthe  fame 
wasfoude  criminal,  the  fame  was  fubieft 
tothepunifliemcnt  of  the  fworde,  which 
God  had  put  in  the  hand  of  thc/Magiftra- 
te.  Andthisordenancc  of  his  father  did 
JHat.17.  not  Chriftdifanul,  but  rather  did  cofirme 
thefame,c6maunding  tribute  to  be  payed 
forhym  felfe  and  for  Peter.  Who  per- 
fectly knowing  the  myndof  his  maifter, 
thus  writcth  in  his  epiftle, 
t.  Pet. t.  Submit  your  felues  to  all  maner 
-*M»  ordenance  of  man^heexcepteth  fuch 
^*  as  be  cxprcffely  repugnyng  to  goddes 
conmaundement)  for  the  Loides 
fake,  wlicthcr  it  be  to  king  as  to 
the  chefe  head3or  vnto  rulers  as 


OF      10HN       K^NQXE.         ;> 

vnto  them ,  that  are  fent  by  hym 
for  punifhement  of  euill  doers, 
and  for  the  praife  of  them,that  do 

The  fame  doth  the  apoft le  faint  Paule 

Let  euerie  foulebc  fubied  to 
thefuperiourpowers.  \    ly 

Which  places  make  euident  that  net* 
ther  (Thrift  neither  his  Apoftles  hath  ge- 
uen  any  afTuracc  of  this  immunitiead  pri 
ui  ledge  ,  which  men  of  Church  (  as  they 
wilbe  termed )  do  this  day  claime.  Yea  it 
was  a  thing  vnknowen  to  the  primitiue 
Churche  many  yeares  after  the  daies  of   ,     - 
the  Apoftles.  For  Chryfoftome,  whofer-  /p7^      - 
ved  in  the  Churche  at  Constantinople  V^  y^° 
foure  hundreth  years  after  Chhftes  afcen  ,     *'  ° 
fion,  and  after  that  corruptio  was  great! ie   ;    ^•onu 
increafed  ,  dorh  yet  thus  write  vpon  the 
forfayd  wordes  of  the  Apoft  le, 

This  precept/aiethhe,doth  not  LetP^ 
appertaine  to  fuch  as  be  called  fe-/kr*»- 
culars  onlie,but  eue  to  thofe,  that/^ **ry 
be  Preeftes  and  religious  men.     ^ 
And  after  he  addeth:  Whether  thou  be 
Apofrle,Euangelift,  Prophete,or 
whofoeuer  thou  be,  thou  cart  not 


THE      sAPP  S  iLsATlOX 

be  exempted  from  this  fubiec"liorr« 

Hereof  it  isplayn  that  Chryfoftbme 
did  not  vnderftand  that  God  had  exepted 
any  pcrfon  from  obedience  and  fubie&io 
ofthc  ciuile  power,  neither  yet  that  he 
was  auclourof  fuch  cxemptio  and  priui-r 
ledgc,as  Papiftes  do  this  day  claime.  And 
the  fame  was  the  iudgemet  and  vniforme 
do&rincof  the  primatiue  Church  many 
yeares  after  Chrifte.  Your  Honours  do 
woder,  I  doubt  not,  fro  what  fotaine  then 
did  this  theyr  immunitie,as  they  terme  ity 
adfingularpriuiledge  fprig.  I  fhallfhort- 
ly  tuch  that,which  is  euident  in  their  own 
law  andhiftories.  Whenthe  Byfhoppes 
of  Rome,the  verie  Antichrifts  had  partly 
by  fraud ,  and  partly  by  violence  vfurped 
thefuperioriticoffome  places  in  Italie, 
andmoft  iniuftly'had  fpoiledtheEmpe- 
Lmtheyr  rours  of  their  reres  andpofleiTi6s,and  had 
vnnehh-  alfo  murthered  fomme  of  their  offjcers,as 
porics-wit-  hiftorics  do  witncfle>the  beganPope  after 
neffe.  Pope  to  pra&ifc  and  deuifejiow  they 
fhouldbe  exempted  from  iudgement  of 
Princes  and  from  the  cquitie  of  Iawes, 
and  in  this  poynt  they  were  moft  vigi- 
lant,t>ll  at  length  iniquitie  did  To  preuai- 
lein  theyr  handes,  according  as  Daniel 
had  before  prophelied  of  them,  that  this 
fentence  was  pronounced, 


OF      10HN       K,NOXE.      40 

"Neither  by  the  Emperour,nei- 
ther  by  the clcrgie,  neither  yet  ^  iheoflhe 
the  people  fhall  the  iudgebe  iud-  yeaji  fpea 
ged  .G  od  w  ilJ,faieth  S)  mmachusjthat  King 
the  caufes  of  others  be  determi-^^ 
ned  bv  men,  but  without  all  quc-f^/n>  $m 
ftion  fie  hath  refcrued  the  Byfhop  ^/f.j. 
of  this  feat,  vnderftanding  Rome,to  Tbeyre 
1  .  .1  laioes  do 

hisowniudgcmcnt.  w,„#. 

And  hereof  diuerie  Popes,and  expoh- 
tours  of  their  Iawes  would  feme  to  geuc 
reafons.Forfaktli  Agatho,  vift.19. 

All  the  preceptes  of  the  apo-   - 
ftolik  feat  are  affured,  as  by  the 
voice  of  God  him  fclf. 

The  auctour  of  the  glofe  vpo  their  ca- 
non arTirmcth;that  if  all  the  world  (hould 
pronounce  fentence  againft  the  Pope-yet 
fliould  his  fentece  preuailc.  For  faieth  he,         % 

ThePopehathaheauclic  will,^^* 
ad  therefore  he  may  chauge  the  na  tiontutul 
ture  of  thinges,he  may  apply  the  7- 
fubftace  of  one  thing  to  another, 
and  of  nothing  he  may  make  fom- 
what,and  that  fentece,  which  was 
nothing(that  is)  by  his  mynd  fals 

THZ      *APP  tLL^iTlOH 

and  iniufte,  he  may  make  fomew- 
hatthatis  tmeadiuft.Fonfaicrhhc, 
in  all  thinges ,  that  pleafe  hym,his 
will  is  for  reafon.  Neither  is  there 
any  roan,  that  may.  afke  of  hym, 
why  doefr.  thou  fo .  For  he  may 
difpens  aboue  the  Law,  and  of 
.  iniuftice  he  may  make  iuftice.  For 
he  hath  the  fulnes  of  all  power. 

And  manic  other  moft  blafphemous 
feteces  did  they  pronouce  euery  one  after 
other,which  for  fhortnesfake  I  omitt,  till 
at  the  end  they  obtained  this  moft  hor- 
rible decrie;  thatalbeit  in  life  and  con- 
2?'/?'  #   uwfation  they  were-fo  wicked,  and  detc- 
■*    1   '  ftable,that  not  only  they  codemncd  them 
feluesjbut  that  alfo  they  drew  to  hell  and 
^      j     perdition  manie  thoufandes  with  them, 
.  . ;    ,-yet  that  none  fhould  prcfume  to  repre- 
iqmte  °y  hed or rdyulce the.T^his being  eftablifhed 
i   "  for  the  head  (albeit  not  without  fomme 
■•  y  *~  contradi<ftion,forfommcF.mpero\irsdid 
require  due  obedience  of  them,  as  goddei 
word  commaunded,  and  auncicr  Byfhop- 
pes  had  geuen  before  to  Emperours ,  and 
ro their  lawcs,but  Satan  fo  preuailed  in 
his  fuete  before  the  blynd  world,thatthe 
former  fentences  were  confirmed,  which 


OP      10HN       t^NOXE.      ^t 

power  being  graunted  to  the  head  )  then 
began  promfion  to  be  made  for  the  reft 
or"  the  membres  in  all  realmes  and  con- 
tries,  where  they  made  rcfidence.  The 
#ute  whereof  we  fee  to  be  this ,  that 
none  of  that  peftilent  generation  (I  mean 
the  vcrmine  of  the  Papiftical  order  )  will 
normiousthateuer  hjs  crime  be,  but  will 
be  refcrued  to  their  own  ordenarie,as  they 
terme  it.  And  what  frutes  haue  hereof 
enfued,  be  the  world  neuer  fo  blynd,it 
can  not  but  witneffe.  For  how  their  head 
that  Romane  Antichrift  hath  bene  occu- 
pied euer  fece  the  grauting  of  fuch  priui- 
iedges,  hiftoriesdo  witnefTe,and  of  late 
the  moft  part  of  Europa  fubied  to  the 
plage  of  God ,  to  fier  and  fworde ,  by  his 
procurement  hath  felt  and  this  day  doth 
fcle.  The  pride,ambirion,  enuie,  excelTe, 
fraude ,  fpoile ,  oppreiTion ,  murthcr ,  fil- 
thie  life,  and  inceft,  that  is  v fed  and  men- 
tained  amongeft  that  rabble  of  Preeftes, 
freers,  monkcs,channons,byfhoppes  and 
Cardinallcs,cannotbe  exprefTed.  I  fear 
nottoaffirme,  neither  doubt  I  to  proue, 
that  the  papifticall  Church  is  further  de- 
generate from  the  puretie  of  Chriftes  The  mtt- 
do&rine,  from  the  footefteppes  of  the  A-  terk  more 
potties  and  from  the  maners  ofthepri-  thmtui- 
matfuc  Churchjthe  was  theChurch  of  the  dm» 
F   i 


tewes  from  goddes  holie  ftatutes,what  ti- 
me it  did  crucihe  Chrift  Iefus  the  onlie 
Me{fias,and  moil  cruelly  pcrfecutehis  A- 
poftles.   And  yet  will  our  Papiftes  claims 
theyr  priuiledgcs  and  auncient  liberti^k, 
which  if  you  graunt  vnto  the,  my  Lords, 
ithofieuer  ye  (nail  alfuredly  drink  thecuppofgod- 
metaineth  des  vengeance  with  them,  and  fhalbere- 
the  print-  puted  before  his  prefcnce  compagnions 
ledges  of  oftheucs  and  metainers  of  murtherers,as 
Papifts,    is  before  declared.For  theyr  immunitiead 
fhall  dri{  priuilcdge,  whereof  Co  greatly  theyboft, 
thecupp     is  nothing  <ls,but  as  if  theues,  murtherers 
ofgodsve  or  briggandes  mould  confpire  amongeft 
geance      them  felues,that  they  would  neuer  anfwer 
■*i;b them  in  iudgement  before  anie  laufull  Magi- 
ftrate,to  the  end  that  their  theft  and  mur- 
ther  mould  not  be  punimed,euen  fuchl 
fay  istheirwicked  priuiledge,  which  nei- 
ther they  haue  of  God  the  father,  neither: 
of  Chrift  Iefus,  who  hathe  reuealed  his 
fathers  will  to  the  world  .neither  yet  of 
the  Apoftlesnor  primatiueChurche,as 
before  is  declared.     But  it  is  a  thinge 
.    confpired  amongeii  them  felues,to  the 
end  that  their  iniquitie,  deteftable  life, 
and  tyrannie  mail  neither  be  reprefTed 
nor  reformed.    And  if  they  obie&,that 
godlie  Emperours  did  graunt  and  con- 
firmethe  fame,  I  anfwer  that  the  godli- 
ftes  of  no  man  is,  or  can  be  of  fufficicnt 


(5>  lOtfH  K^NOXE.  4* 
audoritie  to  iuftifie  a  foolifhe  and  vn- 
godlie  fad,  fuch  I  mean,as  God  hath  noc 
alowcdby  his  worde.  For  Abrahamwas 
a  godlie  man,  but  the  dcniall  of  his  wife 
was  fuch  a  fad,  as  no  godlie  man  oghtto 
imitate.  The  fame  might  I  (hew  of  Da- 
uid,Ezechias  and  Iofias,  vnto  whom  I 
think  no  man  of  Judgement  will  prefer 
anie  Emperour  fence  Chnft,in  holines  ad 
wifdome,andyet  are  not  all  they  r  fade*, 
no  euen  fuch,  as  they  appeared  t©  haue 
done  for  good  caufes,  to  be  approued  nor 
folowed.  And  therefore,I  fay,  as  errour 
and  ignorance  remayn  ailwaie?  with  the 
moft  perfed  man  in  this  life,fo  roiifr  their 
workes be  examined  by  another  rule, the 
by  their  own  holines ,  if  they  mall  be  ap- 
proued.But  if  this  anfwer  doth  not  fnffice, 
then  Willi  anfwer  more  fhortly  ,  that  no 
godlie  Emperour  fence  C  hriftes  afcenfio 
hathgraunted  anie  fuch  priuiledgetoa- 
nicfuch  Churche  or pcrfon,asthey(the 
holegeneratioof  Papiftes)beatthisday. 
I  am  not  ignorat,that  fome  Emperours  of 
acertainezealeandfor  fomecofideraxios 
graumed  liberties  to  the  true  Church  af- 
flided  for  they  r  mentainanceagainft  ty* 
rants,  but  what  ferueth  this  for  the  defen- 
ce oftheyrtyrannie3  Yfthelawmuft  be 
vnderftaded  arcordlg  to  the  myndofthe 
lawgeuer,  then  mult  they  fyrft  prouethe 


fclucs  Chriftes  true  ad  afflicted  Churche, 
before  they  can  claime  anie  priuiledge 
to  appertaine  to  them.  For  only  to  that 
Churche  were  the  priuiledges  graunted. 
It  will  not  be  their  glorious  titles, nei- 
ther yet  the  longe  polieffion  of  the  name, 
that  can  preuaile  in  this  fo  weg  htie  a  cau- 
fe.  For  all  thofe  had  the  Churche  of  Ie- 
rufalem, which  did  crucifie  Chrift,and 
did  condemnehis  do&rine.  We  offer  to 
proueby  theyrfrutes  andtyrannie,by  the 
Prophetes,  and  play n  fcriptures  of  God, 
what  trees  and  generation  they  be,  to  witt 
vnfrutefull  and  rotten ,  apt  for  nothing, 
but  to  be  cutt  and  caft  in  hell  Her,  yea 
that  they  are  the  very  king  dome  of  Anti- 
chrift,of  whome  we  are  comaunded  to  be- 
ware. And  therefore,my  Lordes,  to  return 
to  you,  feing  that  God  hath  armed  your 
handeswith  the  fworde  of  iuft  ice,  feing 
that  his  Law  moft  ftreatly  commaundeth 
idolaters  and  fals  prophetes  to  bepunif- 
flied  with  death,  and  that  you  be  placed 
aboue  your  fubiects  to  reigne  as  fathers 
ouer  theyr  children:  and  further  feing 
that  not  only  I,  but  with  me  manie  thou- 
fand  famous,  godlieand  learned  perfons, 
accufc  your  Byfhoppesad  the  hole  rabble 
of  the  Papiftical  clergie  of  idolatrie,of 
munher  and  of  blafphemieagainft  God 
ommit  ted :  it  appertained  to  your  Ho- 

OF      10HN      K^NOXM.  4j 

nours  to  be  vigilant  and  careful  1  in  fo 
wcghtie  a  matter?  Thequeition  is  not  of 
earthly  fubitice,butoftheglorie  of  God, 
and  of  the  faiuation  of  your  felues,  and  of 
your  brethren  fubied  to  your  charge,  in 
which  if  you  after  this  playneadmonitio 
be  negligent, there  refteth  no  excufe  by 
reafon  of  ignorance.  For  in  the  name  of 
God  I  require  of  you,  that  the  caufe  of  re- 
ligiomay  be  tried  inyourpre(ecebythc 
playne  ad  fimple  worde  of  God:that  your 
Byflioppes  be  compelled  to  defift  from 
theyr  tyrannic- that  they  be  compelled  to 
make  anfwer  for  the  neg  Acting  of  their 
office,  for  the  fubftace  ofthc  poore,which 
vniuftly  they  vfurpe  and  prodigally  they 
dofpend,but  principally  for  the  falsand 
deceauiblcdoctrine,whichis  taught  and 
defended  by  theyr  fals  prophetes,  flatte- 
ring freers,  and  other  fuch  venemous  lo- 
cuftrs.  Which  thing  if  with  (ingle  eyes 
ye  do( preferring  goddes  glorie  and  the 
faiuation  of  your  brethren  to  all  world- 
lie  commoditie^then  (hall  the  fame  God, 
who  folemnely  doth  pronounce  to  ho- 
nour thofe ,  that  do  honour  hym ,  powre 
his  benedictions  plentifully  vpon  you, 
he  (hall  be  your  buckler,  protection  and 
captayne,and  (hall  repreife  by  his  ftrc- 
ngthand  wifdome,whatfoeuer  Satan  by 
his  fuppofles  (hall  imagine  againft  you. 
F   5 

lam  not  ignorant,  that  great  troubles 
(hall  enfue  your  cntcrprife.  For  Satan 
will  not  be  expelled  from  the  poflfefTion 
ofhisvfurpcdkingdome  without  refiftan 
ce.  But  if  you,as  is  [&d ,  preferring  god- 
des  glorie  to  your  own  liues ,  vnfeaned- 
ly  feke  and  ftudie  to  obey  his  bleiTed 
will, then  fliali  your  dcliuerance  be  fuch,- 
as  euidently  it  fhall  be  knowen,  that  the 
angels  of  the  eternal  I  do  watche,  make 
warr ,  and  feght  for  thofe,thtt  vnfeyned- 
lyfearthe  Lorde.  But  if  you  refufe  this 
my  moft  reafonable  and  iuft  petition, 
what  defece  that  euer  you  appeare  to  haue 
before  men, then  fhall  God(  whome  in 
meyoucontcmne)  refufe  you.  Ke  fhall 
Deu.iS.  pourcfurthe  contempt  vpon  you  ,  and 
~L?uit.i6.  vpon  your  pofteritie  after  you .  The  Spi- 
rit of  boldncs  and  wlfdome  (hall  be  ta- 
ken from  you, your  ennemies  {hall  reign, 
and  you  fhall  die  in  bondage, yea  God 
fhall  cutt  doune  the  vnfrutefull  trees, 
_,  when  thev  do  appeare  moft  beautifully 

e£?a  to  florifh, and  fhall  fo  burn  the  roote,that 
after  of  you  fhall  neither  twigge,  nor 
branch  againe  fpring  to  glorie.  Hereof 
trede  not  to  adduce  vnto  you  examples 
from  the  former  ages,  and  auncient  hi- 
ftories.  Foryour  brethren  the  nobilitie 
of  England  are  a  mirrour  and  glafle,  in 
the  which  ye  may  beholde  goddes  iuft. 


OF  IOHN  K^NOXe.  44 
pun i foment. For  as  they  haue  rcfufed  him, 
and  rns  Euagil,  which  ones  in  mouth  they 
did  profcfle, fo  hath  he  refufed  them,  and 
hath  taken  from  them  the  fpirit  of  wif- 
domc,boldenes,  and  of  counfil.  They  fee 
andfeletheyrownemifcrie,and  yet  they 
haue  no  grace  to  auoid  it.  They  hate  the 
bondage  of  ftrangers,theprideof  prec- 
ftes,  and  the  moftriferous  empire  of  a  wic- 
ked woma3and  yet  are  they  copeilcd  to  bo- 
we  their  ncckes  to  the  yock  of  the  Deuill, 
to  obey  whatfocuer  the  proude  Spaniards, 
and  wicked  Iefabel  lilt  to  commaund,  and 
finally  to  ftand  like  flaues  with  capp  in 
hand  till  the  fcruantes  of  Satan  the  fhauen 
fort  call  them  to  counfil.  This  frute  do 
they  reapead  gather  of  theirformer  rebel- 
lion, and  vnfaithfi'lnes  towardes  God. 
They  are  left  cofufed  in  their  owne  coun- 
cils.He,whomc  in  his  mebres  fortheplea- 
fureof  a  wicked  woman  they  haue  exiled, 
perfecuted  ad  blafphemed,dothnowlaugh 
them  to  fkornjfuffercth  the  to  be  pyned  in 
bondage  of  moft  wicked  men, ad  finally 
{hall  adiudgethe  to  the  fiereuerlaftig,  ex- 
cept that  fpedcly,adopely  they  repet  theyr 
horrible  treafo.which  againft  Gad,agai{r. 
his  fonneChrift  Iefus,  andagainft  theli- 
bertie  of  their  ownc  natiue  realme  they 
hauecomitted.  The  fame  plages  (hall  fall 
vponyoujbeyouaflurcdjif  ye  rcfufc  the 
F  4 


defence  of  his  fcruantes,  that  call  for  your 
fupport.  My  words  are  fharpe, but  cofider, 
my  Lords,that  they  are  not  mine,but  that 
they  are  the  threatnynges  of  the  omnipo- 
tent,who  afluredly  will  perfurme  the  voi- 
ces  of  his  Prophetes,  how  that  euer  car- 
Em  En-   nail  men  defpife  his  admonitions.  The 
gladand  fwordc  of  Goddes  wrath  is  aired ie  dra- 
Scotland  wc,  which  of  neceffitie  muft  nedes  ilryke, 
both  ad-    when  grace  oft'red  is  obftinatly  refufed. 
Htrt.         You  haue  bene  long  in  bondage  of  the  De 
uil>blyndnes,errour  and  idolatrie,prcuai- 
ling  againftthcfimplc  tructhof  God  in 
that  your  realme,  in  which  God  hath  ma- 
de you  princes  and  rulers.  But  now  doth 
Godofhisgreatmerciecall  you  to  repen- 
Godcal-    tancc,bcforehcpowrefurththevttcrmoft 
Uih  tore-  of  his  vengeance.he  crieth  to  your  eares, 
fentance  tfoatyourreligio  isnothing  but  idolatrie. 
before  fa    he  accufeth  you  of  the  blood  of  his  fainds, 
Jlrifc  in  which  hath  bene  died  by  your  permiffion, 
hishote     afl'iftance,and  powers.  For  the  tyrannieof 
dijl'lea-     thofe  raging  bealtes  fhould  haue  no  force, 
(urc.         if  by  your  ftrength  they  werenot  men- 
Tapislcs  tained. Of  thofe  horrible  crimes  doth  now 
b-idnofvr  God  accufe  you,  not  of  purpofe  to  con- 
cc,yfPrin  demneyou,but  mercifully  to  abfolue,and 
ces  did  not  pardo  you,as  fomtyme  he  did  thofe,whom 
tmntain    Peter  accuftd  to  haue  killed  the  fonnc 
them.       of  <5od,fo  that  ye  be  not  of  mind  nor  pur- 
wl&*.     pofeto  iuftiHe  your  former  iniquitie. 


OF       10NH       I^NOXJt.        45 
Iniquitie  I  call  not  only  the  crimes  and 
ofFcnfes,which  haue  bene  and  yet  remaint 
in  your  maners  and  liues,  but  that  alfo, 
which  appeareth  before  men  moft  holie, 
withhaflardof  my  lifelofFreto  prouea-  No  truef 
bomination  before  God:that  is,your  hole  [eruant  & 
religion  tobefo  corrupt  and  vaine,  that  God  may 
no  true  feruante  of  God  can  communicate  comtm- 
with  it,  becaufc  that  in  fo  doing  he  mould  mcate 
manifeftly  denie  Chritt  I<;fus  and  his  c-  vithtbe 
ternal  veritie.  I  know  that  your  byflroppes  papistical 
accompained  with  the  fwarmeof  thepapi  religion* 
itical  verminefhalcric,  A  damned  here- 
tikoghtnottobehard.Butremembrejmy  *^»  anf* 
.Lords,  what  in  the  beginnig  I  haue  protc  vrto  the 
fted,vpo  which  ground  Icotinually  Had,  oldobie- 
to  witt,that  I  am  no  heretike  nor  deceaua-  clion,tbat 
ble  teacher,  but  the  feruante  of  Chriftle-  anhtwi{ 
fus,a  preacher  of  his  lfallible  veritie,inno  ogtonoc 
cent  in  all  that  they  can  lay  to  my  charge  to  be  bard 
cocerning  my  do&rine,  and  that  therefo- 
re1 by  them,being  ennemies  to  Chrift,  I 
am  iniuftly  damned.  From  which  crucll 
fentence  I  haue  appealed  and  do  appeal, 
as  before  mention  is  the  mean  ty- 
memoft  hubly  requiring  your  Honours 
to  take  me  in  your  protection,  to  be  audi- 
toursof  my  iuft  defefes,grauting  vnto  me 
the  fame  libertie, which  Achab  a  wicked 
king  and  I  frael  at  that  tyme  a  biynded  peo 
ple,grated  to  Helias  in  the  like  cafe.  That 


is,thatyourbyflioppes,  and  the  hole  fab- 
i.\cg*  ble  of  your  clergie  may  be  called  before 
i%.  you  and  before  that  people,  whome  they 

haue  deccaued:  that  I  be  not  condemned 
by  multitude, by  cuflome,  by  auctontie 
or  law  d  iui  fed  by  man,  but  that  God  hym 
felf  may  be  iudge  berVixt  me  and  my 
aducrfaries.  Let  God, I  fay,  fpeak  by  his 
law,  by  his  prophetes,  by  Chrift  Ie£js 
or  by  his  Apoftles,and  fo  let  hym  pro- 
nounce, what  religion  he  approueth,and 
then  be  my  ennemies  neuer  fo  manie,  and 
appeare  they  neuer  fo  ftrongc  and  fo  leaf 
ned,nomore  dolfeare  vi&orie,  then  did 
Helias,being  but  one  man  againft  the  mul 
titude  of  Baales  preeftes.  And  if  they 
Titdmg  think  to  haueaduantage  bytheyre  coun- 
courncils  cils  and  doclours,this  I  further  ofFer,to 
and  dj-  admitt  the  one  and  the  other,  aswitnef- 
ttottrs.  fesin  all  matters  debateable,  three  thin- 
ges  (which  iuftly  can  not  be  denied) 
being  granted  vnto  me.Firft,thatthe  moft 
auncient  Councils  nighefttothe  primi- 
tiue  Church ,  in  which  the  learned  and 
;odIie fathers  did  examine  all  matters 
>ygoddes  word, may  beholden  of  moft 
audoritie.  Secondarely ,  that  no  deter- 
mination of  Councils  nor  man  be  admit- 
ted againft  the  plaine  veritie  of  god- 
des  word,nor  againft  the  determination 
ofthofe  fourechefe  Councils, whofe  ?.u- 



OF  10KN  \,XOXZ.  4$ 
Aoritie  hath  bene  and  is  holden  by  them 
equal  with  the  auttoritie  of  the  foure  E- 
uangehfles.  And  laft,rhat  to  no  doctour  be 
geuen greater  auiftoritie,then  Auguftine  inp^t* 
requireth  to  be  geuen  to  his  writinges:  <vetraftm 
to  witt  ,  if  he  plainely  proue  not  his 
affirmation  by  Gods  infallible  worde, 
thatthenhis  fentencebereie&ed  and  im- 
puted to  the  errour  of  a  n  a-Thcfe  thinges 
graunted  and  admitted,  I  fliall  no  more  re 
Ttife  thctellimonies  of  Councils  and  do- 
rtours, then  fhall  my  aduerfaries.  But  and 
ifthey  will  iuftifiethofe  Councils,whicfi 
mentainetheyr  pride,  ad  vfurped  auctori- 
tie,  and  will  reieel  thofe,  which  plainly 
Jiauecondemnedall  fuchtyrannie,  negli- 
gence, and  wicked  life,as  byftioppes  now 
dovfe:  and  if  further  thev  will  fnatchea. 
doubtfull  fentence  of  ado&our,  and  refu- 
fe  his  mynd,  when  he  fpeaketh  plainly, 
then  will  Ifay,thatall  man  is  a  lyer,that 
credit  oght  not  to  be  geuen  roan  vncon- 
ftantwitnes,  and  that  no  Coucils  oght  to 
preuaile,  nor  beadmitted  againft  the  Con- 
tence,  which  God  hath  pronounced.  And 
thus,mv  Lordes,in  few  wordesrococlude 
Ihaue  ortredvnto  you  a  trial  1  of  mie  in- 
nocencie:  I  haue  declared  vnto  vou,  whac 
God  requireth  of  you,being  placed  aboue 
his  people,  as  rulers  and  princes :  I  ha- 
ue offred  vnto  you;  and  to  the  inhabitates 


of  therealme,thc  veritieof  Chrift  Icfus* 

and  with  the  hafard  of  my  life  I  prefently 

offer  to  prouethe  religion,  which  amon- 

geftyouis  mentained  by  fier  and  fworde, 

to  be  fals,danable  and  diabolicall.Which 

thinges  if  yerefufe,defending  tyrantes  in 

their  tyranie,then  dar  I  not  flatter,but  as  it 

Etfll*    was  commaunded  to  Ezechiel  boldly  to 

proclaime,  fo  muft  I  crie  to  you,  that  you. 

jfhall  perilhe  in  your  iniquitie,  that  the 

Lord  Iefus  (hall  refufe  fo  manie  of  you,a§ 

malicioufly  withftand  hiseternall  veritie, 

juat.14  and  in  the  day  of  his  apparition,  when  all 

&.z6.      flemlhallappcarbeforehym,thathefhall 

repcll  you  from  his  compagnie  andfhall 

commaund  you  to  therier,whiche  neuer   flialbec]ueched,and  then  neither  mail  the 

*M>tt.z<i.  multitude  be  able  to  refift,  neither  yet  the 

counfilsof  man  be  able  to  preuaile  againft 

that  fentence,which  he  (hall  pronounce. 

God  the  father  of  our  Lord  Icfus  Chrift 
by  the  power  of  his  holie  fpirit  fo  rule  and 
difpofe  your  hearts,  that  with  fimplicitie 
ye  may  colider  the  thinges,that  be  ofFrcd, 
ad  that  ye  may  take  fuch  order  in  the  fame, 
as  God  in  you  may  be  glorified,and  Chri- 
ftcs  flock  by  you  may  be  edified  and  com- 
forted to  the  praife  ad  glorie  of  our  Lord 
Icfus  Chrift,whofcomnipotent  fpirit  rule 
your  hearts  in  his  true  feare  to  the  end. 


TO      MIS      BELO- 

corarmnaltic  of  Scotland  lohn  Kjnoxt 
•vifhctbgrace,mercie  and  peace 
ftith  tbejfrrit  of 
righteous  jud- 

Vhat  I  haue  required  of  the 
Quene  Reget,eftates  ad  no- 
bilitieasof  thechifeheades 
(for  this  prefent)  of  the  re* 
alme,I  can  notceafe  to  re- 
quire of  yoi'  dearli  beloued  Brethre,which 
be  the  comunaltieandbodie  of  the  fame- 
To  wit,  that  it  (notwithftanding  that  fals 
and  cruel  fentence,  which  your  difgifed 
byftioppes  haue  pronounced  againft  me) 
would  pleafe  you  to  be  fo  fauorable  vnto 
me,  as  to  be  indifTeret  auditours  of  my  iuft 
purgation.  Which  to  do  if  Godearneftly 
moue  your  heartes,as  I  nothig  doubt,  but 
that  your  entreprife  (hall  redoundetothe 
praifeofhis  holie  name,  foam  I  allured, 
that  ye  and  your  pofteritie  fhall  by  that 
meanes  receaue  moft  fingular  comfort,  e- 
diricati6,adprofit.For  when  ye  mall  hcare 
the  matter  debated,  ye  (hall  eafelie  percea- 
ue  and  vnderftand,vpon  what  grounde  ad 

lOtfN     K^NOXE 

amongeft  you  is  this  day  defended  by  ficr 
and  (word.  As  for  my  own  confciencc  lam 
moft  afluredly  pcrfuaded,that,whacfoeuer 
is  vfed  in  thepapiftical  Churche  is  al  to- 
gither  repugning  to  Chnftes  blerTed  ordi 
nacc,  and  is  nothing  but  mortal  vercm,of 
which  whofoeuer  drinkethj  am  afluredly 
perfuaded  that  therewith  he  driLcth  death 
and  damnation,  except  by  true  conuerfion 
vnto  God  he  be  pureed  from  the  fame.But 
becaufethat  long  ulenceof  goddes  worde 
hath  begotten  ignorance  almoft  inal  for- 
tes of  men,  and  ignorance,  ioyned  with 
long  cuftome,  hath  cofirmed  fuperftition 
in  the  heartesof  many,  I  therefore  in  the 
name  of  the  Lord  Iefus  defire  audience  a£- 
well  of  you  the  communaltie,my  Brerhre, 
as  of  the  eftares  and  nobilitie  of  the  real- 
ty y  me,  that  in  publikeprcaching  I  may  haue 
'  place  amongeft  you  at  large  to  vtrer  my 
mind  in  allmattcrs of  cotrouerfie  this  day 
in  relig ion.  And  further  I  defire,that  y  e  co 
curring  with  your  nobilitie  would  com- 
pell  yourbyflioppes  andclergie  to  ceafc 
their  tyrannie,  and  alfo  that, for  the  bet- 
ter affurance  and  instruction  of  your  con- 
fciece,  ye  would  compell  your  faid  bilhop 
pes  and  fals  teachers  to  anfwer  by  thefcri- 
pturesof  God  to  fuch  obic&ios  ad  crimes, 
as  malbe laid againittheir  vaine religion, 
fals  doctrine,  wicked  life,  and  fclande- 


TOT/*e  COMMfH^ETlS.    48 
torn  conuerfation .  Here  I  know,  that  it 
fhalbe  objected ,  that  I  require  of  you  a 
thin*  moft  vnreafonable.To  witt,  that  yc 
ihould  call  your  religion  in  doubt,  which 
hath  bene  approued  and  eftabl  lflicd  by  Co 
long  continuance,and  by  theconfent  of  fo 
manie  men  before  you.  Butlfhortly  anf-  yAnfiter 
weTjthat  neither  is  the  log  procefle  of  ty-  toaiiobie 
me.neither  yet  the  multitude  of  men  a  fuf  {Hon. 
hciet  approbation,  which  God  will  alow  lafcuUt, 
for  our  religip.  Forasfommeofthcmoft  Firmian. 
aunncient  writers  do  witnefle,ncither  can  Tertulia. 
long  procefle  of  tyme  iuftjfie'an  errour,  Cyprian. 
neither  can  the  multitude  of  fuch,as  folow 
ir,chaug  fhe  nature  of  the  fame.   Eut  if  it 
was  an  errour  in  the  begynnyng,  fo  is  it  in 
the  end,and  the  longer  that  it  be  folowed, 
and  the  mo  that  do  receaue  it,  it  is  the 
more  peftilent,  and  more  to  be  auoided. 
For  ifantiquitie  or  multitude  of  me  could 
iuitifie  any  religion,  then  was  the  idola- 
trie  of  the  Gennles,  and  now  is  the  abo- 
mination of  the  Turkes  good  religio.For 
antiquitie  approued  the  one,  and  a  mul- 
titude hath  receaue*d  and  doth  defende 
the  other.But  otherwife  to  anfwcr,god!ie 
men  may  wonder,  from  what  fontaine 
fuch  a  fentece  doth  flow,that  no  man  oght 
to  trie  his  faith  and  religion  by  goddes 
worde,  but  that  he  fafely  may  beleue  and 
folow  euerie  thing  ,  which  antiquitie 

IOHH       K^NOXE. 

andamultuudehaue  approucd.  Thefpi* 
John*;,  rit  of  God  doth  otherwife  teach  vs.  For 
&j.  thcwifdomeof  God  Chrift  Iefushymfel- 
fe  remitted  his  aduerfancs  to  Motes,  and 
the  fcriptures,to  trie  by  them,whether  his 
dodnne  was  of  God  or  not.The  Apoftles 
*Jfksxj.  Paulcand  Peter  commaundemen  to  trie 
X.Pct.i.  thereligion,which  they  profeiTejby  god- 
des  plaine  fcriptures,  and  do  praife  men 
\J0bn4.  for  fo  doing.  S.Iohn  ftraytly  commaun- 
deth,that  webeleue  not  cueriefpirit3but 
willeth  vs  to  trie  the  fpirits, whether  they 
be  of  God  or  not.Now  feyng  thatthefc 
euident  teftimonies  of  the  holie  Ghofte 
will  vsto  trieour  faith  and  religion  by 
the  plaine  wprde  of  God,wonder  it  isjthac 
the  papiftes  will  not  be  contentjthat  theyr 
religion  and  do&rinccomme  vnder  the 
triall  ofthe  fame.  If  this  fentcce  of  Chrift 
betrue(asit  ismoft  true,  feing  it  fprin- 
geth  from  the  veritie  it  fclf)who  fo  e- 
lotmi  u'^  doeth,hateththelighf,neitherwjl]he 
come  to  the  light  left  that  his  euill  workes 
be  manifefted  and  rcbuked,thcn  do  our 
papiftes  by  their  ownrfentence  condemne 
them  felues  and  theyrreligion.  For  in  fo 
far  as  they  refufe  examination  and  trial, 
they  dcc!arc,that  they  know  fomme  fault, 
which  the  light  will  vtter.  which  is  a caufe 
of  theyr  why  thev  claime  fothat 
priuiledge,that  no  man  difpure  of  theyr 


TO    THE    COMMVN^iLTlE    49 

religion.  The  veritie  and  trueth,  being  of 
the  nature  of  fyne  purified  gold,  dorh  not  Tfhy  Fa- 
fear  thetrial  of  the  fornace,but  the  ftu-  ptTksvtili 
ble  andchaf  ofmanncs  inuentions  (  fuch  notdifp* 
is  theyr    religion)  may  not  abyde  the  u ofthe 
flame  ofthe  tier.   True  ic  is,  that  Maho-  ground 
met  pronounced  this  fentence,  that  no  oftheyr 
man  mould  in  paine  of  death  difpute  or  religion. 
reafon  of  the  grounde  of  his  religion.  Mahomet 
Which  law  to  this  day  by  the  art  of  Satais  andthe 
yet  obferucdamogeft  the  Turkcs  to  theyr  Popedo 
mortal  blindnes  and  horrible  blafphe- agree 
myngof  Chrift  Iefus,  and  of  his  true  reli- 
gion. And  from  Mahomet  (or  rather  from 
Satan  father  of  all  lies)  hath  the  Pope 
and  his  rabble  learned  this  former  leflon- 
To  witt,that  theyr  religion  mould  not  be 
difputed  vpon,  but  what  the  fathers  ha- 
uebelcued,thatoghtand  muft  thechildre 
approue.  And  in  fo  diuifing  Satan  lac- 
ked not  his  foresight.  For  no  one  thing 
hath  more  eftabliflied  the  kingdome  of 
that  Romane  Antichrift ,then  this  moft 
wicked  decrie.  To  witt,  that  no  man  was 
permitted  to  reafon  of  his  power,or  to  cal  L 
his  lawes  in  doubt. This  thing  is  moft  aflu 
red, that  whenfoeuer  the  papifticall  re- 
ligion (hall   comme  to  examination,  it 
fhalbe  founde  to  haucno  other  grounde, 
then  hath  the  religion  of  Mahomet.  To 
witt  manncs  inuention,  deuife  anddrea- 

G  1 

JOHN        flNOXE. 

mes  ouerfhadowed  with  fomme  colour  of 
goddes  wordc.  And  therefore  Brethren 
feing  that  the  religion  is,  as  the  ftomake 
fo  the  bodie,which,if  it  be  corrupted, doth 
infeel  the  hole  membres,it  is  neccrTarie 
that  the  fame  be  examined,  and  if  it  be  fo- 
unde  replcnilhed  with  peitilent  humors 
( I  mean  with  the  fantalies  of  men)then  of 
ncceiTitieitisjthatthofe  be  purged, els  dial 
NOTE,  your  bodies  and  foules  perifhe  for  euer. 
For  of  this  I  would  yeweremoft  certaily 
perfuaded,that  a  corrupt  religion  defileth 
the  hole  life  of  man, appear  it  neucr  fo  ho- 
\efirma  lic.Ncithcr  would  I  that  ye  mould  efteme 
ttonofrc-  the  reformation  and  care  of  religion  lef- 
ligion  be-  fc  to  appcrtai  to  you,  becaufe  ye  are  no  kin 
longetbto  ges,  rulers,  iudges,  nobils,  nor  in  au&ori- 
all,tbatbo  tie.  Bcloucd  Brethren,  ye  are goddes  crea- 
te for  life  tures ,  created  and  formed  to  his  own  ima- 
etKrlasim  ge  and  fimilitude,  for  whofe  redemption 
ge.  was  fhed  the  molt  pretious  blood  of  the 

onlic  bcloued  fonne  of  God, to  whome  he 
hathcommaunded  hisGhofpellandglad- 
tidinges  to  be  preached,  ad  for  whome  he 
hath  prepared  the  heauenlie  inheritance, 
fo  thatycwill  notobitinately  rcfufe,and 
difdainefully  cotemne  themeuties,  which 
he  hath  appointed  to  obtaine  the  fame:  to 
witt,his  blcfled  Euangile,  which  now  he 
ofFercthvntoyou,tothe  end  that  ye  may 
bcfaued.FortheGhofpelland  gladtidin- 

TO    Ttfi     CO  UMV  tf^lLTI  S.  50 

ges  ofthekigdometruelie  preached  is  the 
power  of  God  to  the  faluation  of  cuene  \onui, 
beieucr,  which  to  credit  and  receaueyou 
the  communaltie  are  no    leffe  addetted, 
then  be  your  rulers  and  princes. For  albeit  The  fuh- 
God  hath  put  and  ordened  diftinctionad  kit  h  ti9 
differece  betwixt  the  king  and  fubie&es,  leffe  bcud 
betwixt  the  rulers  and  the  commune peo-  to  btLue 
plcintheregimentand  adminiftration  of  in  Cbrijl, 
ciuile  policies, yet  in  thchopeof  the  life  thtmtha 
to  comme  he  hath  made  all  equal  1  .  Vor  tytigc. 
asinChrift  Iefus  the  lew  hath  no  grea-  <jaLat.$t 
terprerogatiue,thcn  hath  the  Gennie,the 
man  ,  then  hath  the  woman,  the  lear- 
ned,then  the  vnlearned  ,the  Lord, then 
the  feruante,  but  all  are  one  in  him,  fo  is 
there  but  oneway  and  meanes  to  attaine 
to  the  participation  of  his  benefites  and 
fpirituall  graces,  which  is  a  liuclie  faith 
wurking  bycharitie.  And  therefore  I  fay 
that  it  doth  no  lefle  appertaine  to  you, 
beloued  Brethren,  to  be  allured  that  your 
faith  and  religion  be  grounded  andefta- 
bliihed  vpon  the  true  and  vndoubtedwor- 
de  of  God,  then  to  your  princes,  or  ru- 
lers.For  as  your  bodies  can  not  cfcapecor 
poral  depth,  if  with  your  princes  ye  eat 
or  drink  deadlic  poifon(althoghc  it  be  by 
ignorance  or  negligence)  fo  (hall  ye  not 
efcape  the  death  euerlsfting,if  with  them 
ye  profefic  a  corrupt  religion.  Yea  except 
G  z 

1  OH  N     J^A'  0  X  E 

In  heart  yc  beleue,  and  with  mouth  ye  con 
feflc  the  Lord  Icfus  to  be  the  onlie  Sal- 
uiourofthe  world  (which  ye  cannot  do, 
except  ye  embrace  his  Euangile  offered) 
^Abacx.  ye  can  not  efcapc  death  and  damnatio.  For 
M<trc.i6.  as  theiuft  liueth  by  his  own  faith,  fo  doth 
loh».$.     the  vnfaithfull  perifhe  by  his  jnHdelitie. 
And  as  true  faith  is  engendred  ,nori{hed, 
and  mentained  in  the  heartes  of  goddes  e- 
]cc~tby  ChriftesEuagile  truelie preached, 
foisinfideiitie  and  vnbeiefe  foftercdby 
concealing  and  reprefTing  the  fame.  And 
thus  if  ye  lokefor  the  life  euerlafting,ye 
muft  trie  if  ye  ftand  in  faith,  and  if  yc 
would  be  allured  of  a  true  ad  liuelie  faith, 
ye  muft  nedes  haue  Chrift  Iefus  truely 
preached  vnro  you.    And  this  is  thccau- 
f?(dearBrerhren)that  fooft  I  repeat,  and 
foconftantly  I  affirm,  that  to  you  it  doth 
no  lcffe  appertaine,  then  to  your  Idnge  or 
princes,  to  prouidethat  Chrift  [cfu!>  be 
truely  pivached  amongeft  you^feing  that 
.without  his  true  knolledgecan  neither  of 
you  both  attaine  to  faluation.   And  this 
is  thepoynt,  wherein,  I  fay,al  man  is  £- 
<Wherw        That  as  all  be  defcended  from 
allwaiiH  Adam,  by  whofe  fvn  and  inobedi- 
equal.      cnce  ^-j    de:Llh   enter  into  the 
V"""*'    world>  fo  it  behoucd  all,that  fhall 


TO  T  H  E   C  OJIMV  N~4  LT  IE     ^ 

obtainc  life,  to  be  ingrafted  ino- 
ne,  that  is,  in  the  Lord  Iefus,  who  (£•?*• 
being  the  iuit  feruant,  doth  by  his  ioh* ** 
knolJedge  iuftifiemanyrto  wit,  all 
that  vnfeanedly  beleue  in  hym. 

Of  this  equalitie,and  that  God  requi- 
red no  lefleof  the  fubiect  ,be  he  neuer  Co 
poore,then  of  the  prince  and  riche  man  in 
matters  of  religion,  he  hath  geuenan  eui- 
dent  declaration  in  the  lawofMofcs.  For 
when  the  tabernacle wasbuylded,erec"ted, 
and  fet  in  order, God  did  prouide.howit, 
and  the  thinges  appertaining  to  the  fame, 
mould  be  ft>fhjned,fo  that  they  mould 
not  fall  indecay.  And  this prouifion  (al- 
beit heaue  ad  earth  obey  his  empire  )would 
he  not  take  from  the  fecrete  and  hid  treafu 
res,which  lie  difperfed  1  thevainesof  the 
carthe;ncither  yet  would  he  take  it  fro  the  Evod.jO. 
richeand  potentofhispeoplc,buthe  did 
commaund,  that  eueric  man  of  the  fonnes 
of  Ifrael  (were  he  rich  or  were  he  poore) 
that  came  in  compt  from  twentie  yeares 
and  vpvcard,fhouldycarely  pay  half  a  fi- 
de for  an  oblation  to  the  Lorde  in  the 
remembrance  of  their  redemption,  and 
for  an  expiation  or  clenfing  to  their  fou- 
lcs,which  money  God  comaunded  fljould 
be  bellowed  vpon  the  ornamentes  and 
G  5 

10HN     K^NOXE. 

necefTaries  of  the  tabernacle  oftcflimonie. 
He  furthermore  added  a  precept,  that  the 
riche  Paould  giue  no  more  for  that  vfe, 
and  in  that  behalf,  then  mould  the  poore, 
neither  yet  that  the  poore  (ljouldgiue  any 
le(Tc,then  mould  the  riche  in  thatconfi- 
deration.This  lawtomannes  reafonand 
judgement  may  appear  verie  vnreafona- 
ble.  For  fomme  riche  man  might  haue 
gcucn  athoufand  faleswith  leflehurtof 
his  fubltacc,  then  fome  poore  man  might 
haue  payed  the  half  licle.  And  yet  God 
makcth  all  cquall,  and  will  that  the  one 
fhall  pay  no  more  then  the  other,  nei- 
ther yet  the  poore  any  lefle  then  the  ri- 
che .  This  law  I  fay  may  appeare  verie 
vnequall.  But  ifthecaufe,  which  Godad- 
dcth-,beobfcrucd,wclhallfynde  in  the  fa- 
me the  great  mercie  and  incftimable  wif- 
domc  of  God  to  appear,  which  caufe  is  ex 
prefled  in  thefc  wordes, 
Z\'iJ.$c.  This  money  rcceaucd  from  the 
children  of  Tfrael  thou  fhalt  gcue 
in  the  feruice  of  the  tabernacle, 
that  it  may  be  to  the  children  of  If 
racl  for  a  remembrance  before  the 
Lord,  that  he  may  be  mercifullto 

Thiscaufcjl  fay,  doth  euidently  decla- 

JO  TtfL  CO  M  MV  N*A  LT1L.     }i 
rc,thatasthc  hole  multitude  was  deliuc- 
red  from  the  bondage  of  Egypt  by  the  mi 
ghtie  powcrof  God  alone, fo  was  euerie 
mebrc  of  the  fame  without  refpect  of  per- 
fon  fadiricd  by  his  grace,  the  riche  in  that 
behalf  nothing  preferred  to  the  pooreft. 
For  by  no  ment,nor  worthynes  of  ma  was 
hemouedtochofe,ad  to  eftablifhe  his  ha- 
bitation and  dwellingc  amongeft  them. 
But  their  felicitie,prerogatiue  ad  honour, 
which  they  had  aboueallothcrnatios,pro 
ceded  only  fro  the  fontaine  of  his  eternal 
goodncs,who  loued  the  freely,  as  that  he 
freely  had  chofen  them  to  be  his  prceftlie 
kingdome  ad  holie  people  from  all  natios 
of  the  carth.Thus  to  honour  them,that  he  txod,  i?« 
would  dwell  in  the  midden1  of  them,  he 
neither wasmoued( I  fay)by  thewifdome 
ofthewife,bythe  riches  of  the  potent,nei 
ther  yet  by  the  venue  a  nd  holynes  of  any 
eftate  amongeft  them,  but  of  mere  good- 
nes  djd  he  loue  them,and  with  his  prcfen- 
ce  did  he  honour  that  hole  people,  5d  the- 
refore topaynto*tthe  fame  his  comune 
loue  to  the  hole  multitude,  and  to  curt 
of  occafions  of  contention,  and  doubtes  Thepre-] 
ofconfeience, he  would  rcceaueno  more  fenceof 
from  the  riche, then  from  the  poore,for  GUrtpu 
themaintenaceof  that histabernacle,  by  fintedim 
the  which  was  rcprcfentcd  his  p  re  fence,  tbetabcr- 
and  habitation  amongeft  them .  Yf  the  ri-  nask. 


10  UN       K^NOXE. 

The  pre-  che  had  bene  preferred  to  the  poorc,then 
fence  of  as  the  one  mould  hauc  bene  puffed  vp  with 
Go^rtpr*  pride,  as  that  he  had  bene  more  acceptable 
fenced  in  to  God  by  reafon  of  his  greater  gift,fo 
thetab*r  niould  the  cofcience  of  the  other  haucbe- 
myfAg,  ne troubled  and  wouded,  thinking  that  his 
pouertiewas  an  impedimec,  that  he  could 
not  ftand  in  fo  pcrfe<5tc  fauour  with  God> 
as  did  the  othcr,bccauie  he  was  not  able  to 
geue  fomuch.asdid  the  richjtothe  men- 
tenancc  of  his  tabernacle.  But  he,  who  of 
niercie  (as  faid  is)  did  chofehis  habita- 
tion among  tit  them,  and  alfo  that  beft 
knoweth,what  hcth  within  man^  did  pro- 
uidethe  remediefor  the  one,  and  for  the 
other,  making  them  equal  in  that  behalfc, 
who  in  other  thinges  wercmoft  vnequaL 
Yf  the  poore  mould  haue  founde  hym 
felfe  greyed  by  rcafon  of  that  taxe,and 
that  afmuch  was  impofed  vpon  hym,  as  v- 
pon  the  richc,y et  had  he  no  fmall  caufe  of 
ioy,tbac  God  him felfe  would  pleafe  to  c<$ 
pare  hym,  and  to  make  hym  equal  in  the 
mentcnace  of  h  is  tabernacle  to  the  mod  ri 
the  and  potent  in  Ifrael.Yfthisequalitie 
wascommaunded  by  God  for  mentcnace 
of  that  tranfrtorie  tabernacle,  which  was 
ifebr.s.  but  a  fhadocof  a  better  to  come,  is  not  the 
fame  required  of  vs,who  now  hath  the  ve- 
ritie,which  isChrift  lefus'who  being  clad 
with  our  nature  is  made  Immanuel,that 


TO    THE    COJUJAV  KULT1U      o 

is,  God  with  vs. 

Whofe  natural  bodic  albeit  it  ifat. 
be  receaued  in  the  heauens,  where  "^M- 
he  mutt  abyde  till  all  be  complete,  Mat'x*' 
that  is  forefpoken  by  the  Prophe- 
tes,yet  hath  he  promifcd  to  be  prc- 
fet  with  vs  to  the  ed  of  the  world. 

And  for  that  purpo(e,and  forthc  more  af 
furance  of  hispromitfe  he  hath  created  a- 
mongeft.  vs  here  in  earthe  the  figncs  of  his 
owne  prcfence  with  vs ,  his  fpiritnal  ta- 
bernacle, the  true  preaching  ofhisworde, 
and  right  adminifh-ation  of  his  facra- 
mentes .   To  the  memenance  whereof  is 
no  lefle  bounde  the  fubieft,  then  the  prin-  Theftm- 
ce,thepoorejthentheriche.Foras  thepri    tualrabar 
ce,  which  was  gene  for  mannes  retention, >tM^-  '7;;i^ 
isone,forequirerh  God  of  all,thaf  malbe/';:7^'0/* 
partakers  of  the  benchtes  of  the  fame,  a  chfMet 
like  duetie,  which  is  a  plaine  confciTion>Pr'fi"<e 
thatbyChrift  Iefusalome  wehauerecea   *A£wfc. 
ucd, what  foeuer  was  loftin  Adam.  Of 
the  prince  doth  God  require, thar  here- 
fufchym  felfe,and  that  he  folow  Chrift 
Of  the  kinges  and  Judges  it  is  required, 
that  they  kyfTe  the  fonne,  that  is  ,    «:tie 
honour,fubie<ftion,and  obedience  ro  hym. 
And  from  fuch  reucrcce  doth  not  God  ex- 
empcthe  fubie<3,thatlhaibcfaued.   And 

JOHN       K^NOXZ 

this  is  that  £ qualirie,  which  is  betwixt  the 
kinges  and  fubic&es,  the  moft  riche  or 
noble,  and  betwixt  the  pooreft,and  men 
of  lowefl  eftate:  to  wit,  that  as  the  one  is 
oblifhed  to  beleue  in    heart,  and  with 
mouth  to  cofeffe  the  Lord  Iefus  to  be  the 
onlic  fauiour  of  the  world, fo  al  fo  is  the  o- 
ther.Neither  is  there  anie of goddcs  chil- 
dre(whohath  attained  to  theyeares  of  dif 
cretionjfo  poore,but  that  he  hath  thus 
much  to  beftow  vpon  the  ornamentesand 
N  OT  E.  maintenance  of  tlieir  fpiritual  tabernacle, 
when  neceflfitie  requircth:  neither  yet  is 
there  anie  fo  riche,  of  whofe  hande  God 
requireth  anymore.  For  albeit  that  Dauid 
gathered  greate  fuMUce  for  the  buylding 
of  the  temple:  that  Salomon  withearneft 
i  Tar-ty-  diligence  and   incredible  expenfes  ere- 
s-p-*r,*'i-  cled  and  fini flicd  the  fame:  that  Ezeehias 
4-0*5«     and  Iofias  purged  the  religion,  which  be- 
i.Psra.     rore  was  corrupted  ,yet  to  them  was  God 
29->°*     no  further  dcttour  in  that  refpec~t,thcn 
€^•35*      he  was  to  the  moft  fimple  of  the  faithfull 
poftcritie  of  faithfull  Abraham. For  thcyr 
diligence,  zeal  ,and  workes  gaue  rather 
tcftimonie  and  confefTion  before  men, 
what  honourthey  didbearto  God,what 
Iouetohisworde,and  reucreceto  his  reli- 
g  i.Ojthen  that  any  worke  proccading  from 
them  did  cither  eftabliftie,oryet  encrea- 
fe  goddcs  fauoure  towardes  the,  who  free- 

TO     THE     COMMV  N^tLT  IE    54 

ly  did  loue  the  in  Chrift  his  fonnc  before 
the  foundation  of  the  world  was  laied.  So 
that  thefe  fofenamed  by  thcyr  notable 
faith,  and  the  fame  doth  the  pooreft,that 
vnfeanedly  and  openly  profeiTcth  Chrift 
Icfus,  that'doth  embrafe  his  giadty dinges 
orTredjthat  doth  abhorre  fuperftition,and 
flie  from  idolatrie.  The  pooreft,  I  fay, 
and  moft  fimplc  ,  that  this  day  in  earth  in 
the  daies  of  this  cruel  perfecution  fer- 
mely  beleucth  in  Chrift,  and  boldly  doth 
confeflehym  before  this  wicked  genera- 
tion, is  no  lefife acceptable  before  God, 
neither  is  iudged  in  hisprefence  to  haue 
done  any  lefle  in  promoting  Chrift  his 
caufe,  then  is  the  king,  that  by  the  fwor- 
dc  andpower,whichhe  hathreceaued  of 
God,wrooteth  owt  idolatrie,  and  foad- 
uanceth  Chnftes  glorie.  But  to  return 
to  our  former  purpofe,  it  is  no  leffe re- 
quired,! fay,  of  the  fubied  to  beleuc  in 
Chrift, and  to profefle  his  true  religion, 
then  of  the  prince  and  king.  And  there- 
for^ I  affirme,  that  in  goddes  prefence 
it -{hall  not  excufe  you  to  allcdge,  that 
ye  were  no  chefe  rulers  ,  and  therefore 
that  the  care  and  reformation  of  reli- 
gion did  not  appertainc  vnto  you. 
Ye  dear  Brethren  (  asbeforc  is  faid  )  arc 
the  creatures  of  God  created  to  his  owne 

JOHN       K^NOXE. 

image  and  fimilitude:to  whomc  it  is  conr 
Mat.17.  maundcd  to  hear  the  voycc  ofyourhea" 
uenlie  Father,to  embrafc  his  fonne  Chrift 
Icfus,toflie  from  all  doctrine  and  reli- 
gibn,whichhehath  not  approucd  by  his 
own  will  reuealed  to  vs  in  his  moltc  blef- 
fed  worde.  To  which  preceptes  and  char- 
ges if  ye  be  founde  inobcdient,ye  (hall 
pcrilh  in  your  iniquitie  as  rcbclles  and 
ftubborn  feruantes,thathaueno  pleafure 
to  obey  the  good  will  of  their  foueraigne 
Lord, who  mofl  louingLy  doth  call  for 
y  our  obedience.  And  therefore,  Brethren, 
in  this  behalf  it  is  your  part  to  be  carefull 
Note,        and  diligent.    For  the  queft ion  is  not  of 
th inges  temporal*,  which  al Ithoghc  they 
be  endaungered,  yet  by  diligece  and  pro- 
cefleof  tymemay  after  be  red rciTcd,but  it 
is  oft  he  danat  ion  of  your  bodies  and  fou- 
lcsand  of  the  loiTe  of  the  life  cuerlafting, 
which  once  loft  can  neucr  be  recoucred. 
And  therefore,  I  fay,  that  it  behoucth  you 
to  be  carefu  1  and  dil  igct  in  th  is  fo  weghtie 
a  matter,  left  that  y e.eontcmnyng  this  oc- 
cafion,  which  God  nowoffereth,fyndno,t 
the  like,altho^  he  that  after  with  gronyng 
The  nffir  and  fobbes  ye  laguy  fhe  for  the  fame.  And 
ofiohn      that  ye  be  not  ignorant  of  occafion 
K^noxcto  I  mean, in  few  words  I  fhallcxpreiTeit. 
hu  ttatine       Nor  only  I, but  with  me  alio  diuers  o- 
realtne.     ther  godlie  and  learned  men  do  offer 


TO  TtfE  CO  M*MVN*ALT1Z.  tf 
vntoyou  our  labours  faithfully  to  inftruS 
you  in  the  waies  of  the  Etecnal  our  God, 
and  in  the  fynceritie  of  Chriltes  Euangil, 
which  this  day  by  the  peftilemgeneratio 
of  Antichnft(Imean  by  thepope,andby 
his  moft  vngodlie clergie)are  almoft  hyd 
from  the  eies  of  men.We  offer  to  ieopard 
our  liucsforthefaluation  of  your  foules, 
and  by  raanifelt  fcriptiwes  to  prouethat 
religion,  which  amongeityou  is  mentai- 
ned  by  tier  and  fworde,to  be  vaine,  fals  ad 
diabolical.  We  require  nothing  of  you, 
but  that  paciently  ye  will  heare  our  do- 
ctrine, which  is  not  oures,but  is  the  do- 
ctrine of  faluation  reuealed  to  the  world 
by  theonliefonneofGod:adthatyewill  ^^y 
examine  ourreafons,  by  the  which  we  of-  Uqumth 
fertoprouethepapiftical  religion  to  be 
abominable  before  God.  And  lalt  we  re- 
quire, that  by  your  power  the  tyrannie  of 
thofc  cruel  beaftes(I  mean  ofpreeftsand 
frecrs)may  bebrideled  till  wehaue  vtte- 
red  our  mindes  in  all  matters  this  day  de- 
bateablein  religion.  Yf  thefe  thinges  in 
the  fear  of  God  yegraunttome,and  vnto 
others, that  vnfeanedly  for  your  faluation. 
and  forgoddes  glorie  require  the  fame, 
I  am  allured,  that  of  God  ye  (hall  be  blef- 
fed,whatfoeuer  Satan  fhall  deuife  againlt 
you.Butand  if  yeconteneor  refufe  God, 
who  thus  iouingly  offerethvnto  you  fal- 

10HN       K^KOXE. 

nation  and  life,  ye  fhall  neither  cfcape 
plages  temporal!  ,  whiche  fhortJy  fhall 
apprehend  you,  neither  yet  the  torment 
prepared  for  the  deuil  ,  and  for  his  an- 
gels, except  by  fpedie  repentance  ye  re- 
turneto  the  Lord,whome  now  ye  rcfu- 
fe,  if  that  ye  refufc  the  meffingers  of  his 
worde.  , 
lAnan-  But  yet  I  think  ye  doubt,  what  ye 

fwerto      oght,and  may  do  in  this  fo  wcghtie  a 
twoquc-   matter.   In  few  wordes  I  will  declare  my 
fiions.       confeiencein  the  one  and  intheother.Yc 
oghtto  prefer  theglorieof  God, the  pro- 
moting of  Chriit  his  Euangil,  and  the 
Valuation  of  your  foules  to  all  thinges, 
that  be  in  earth;and  ye,aIthoghe  yc  be  but 
fubiedes,  may  lawfully  require  of  your 
fuperiours,be  it  of  your  king,be  it  of  your 
lordes ,  rulers  and  powers,  that  they  pro- 
Suhi.ttet  uide  for  you  true  preachers,  and  that  they 
mayli-w-  expellfuch,  as  vnder  the  names  of  pa- 
fuliy  re-     flours  deuoure  and  deftroy  the  flock,  not 
quire  true  feeding  the  fame  as  Chrift  Icfus  hath  com 
preachers  maunded.    And  if  in  this  point  your  fu- 
ofthyr     periour  be  negligent,  or  yet  pretend  to 
ruhrs.       maitaine  tyrantes  in  their  tyrannie,molt 
iuitly  ye  may  prouide  true  teachers  for 
your  felues,be  it  in  your  cities,  townes 
or    villages    :      them  ye  may  maitaine 
and  defend  againft  all,  that  fhall  pcrfe- 
cutc  them,  and  by  that  meancs  fhall  la- 

TO    THE     C  OJA  MV  N *A  IT  IE.   jG  n 

bour  to  defraude  you  of  that  moft  confor 
table  foode  of  your  foules,Chriftes  Euan- 
g il  truely  preached .     Ye  may  moi  eouer 
withhold  thefrutes,and  profetts,which 
your  fals  Bymoppcs  and  ciergie  moft  in- 
iuftly  rcce}Hieof  you,  vntofuch  tyme  af 
they  be  compelled  faithfully  to  dotheyr 
chargeand  dueties^which  is  to  preach  vn- 
to  you  Chrift  Iefus  truely,ryghtly  to  mi- 
nifter  his  facramentes  according  to  his 
own  infticution ,  and  fo  to  watche  for  the 
faluationofyour  foules,asis  commaun- 
ded  by  Chrift  Iefus  hym  felfc  and  by  his  Ioa»'zr' 
apoftles  Paule,and  Peter.   YfGodfhalHc7-ao* 
mouc  your  heartes  in  his  true  fear  to  be- 
gynne  to  pra&ife  thefe  th  iges ,  and  to  de- 
maund  and  craue  the  fame  of  your  fupe- 
riours  which  moft  lawfully  ye  may  do,the 
I  doubt  notjbut  of  his  greate  mercie ,  and 
free  grace  he  fhall  illuminate  the  eyes  of 
your  myndes,  that  his  vndoubted  veritie 
malbe  a  lantern  to  your  feete  toguyde  ad 
lead  you  in  all  the  waves,  which  his  god- 
licwifdome  doth  approue.  He  fhall  make  Tti;igesy 
your  ennemies  tremble  before  your  faces,  that  may 
hefhalleftablifh  his  blelTed  Euagilamo-  dravmtn 
geft  you  to  the  faluation  and  perpetual  co  bac\  from 
fort  ofyour  felues,  and  of  your  pofteritie  the(yn<e- 
after  you.  But  and  iffasGod  forbyd  )the  ritie  of 
loueoffrendes,the  fear  of  your  princes,  chriTkt 
and  thewifdomcofthe  world  draw  you  twtngL 

IOHN       F^NOXE. 

back  from  God,  and  from  hisfoncChrift 
Icfus,bcye  certainly  perfuaded  , that  ye 
ihall  drink  thecnppof  liis  vengeance,  fo 
many  I  mean  as  {hall  conremne  and  difpi- 
fe this  louing  calling  of  your  hcauenlie 
father.    It  wil  notexcufcyou  (  dear  Bre- 
thren jin  the  prefence  of  God,  neither  yet 
willitauaileyou  in  the  day  ofbisvifita- 
tion,tofay  ,  We  Were  but  (imp  Iefubi eels, 
wecould  notredreflcthc  faultes  andcri- 
mesofour  rulers,Byihoppes,and  clergie: 
we  called  for  reformation,and  wifhed  for 
the  fame,  but  Lords brethre  were  Byftiop- 
pes,theyr  fonnes  were  abbottes,and  the 
frendesofgreatemen  had  thepoflefTion 
of  the  Churche,and  fo  were  we  compel- 
led to  giuc  obedience  to  all,  that  they  de- 
maunded.Thefevaineexcufes,I  fay,  will 
nothing  auaile  you  in  the  prefence  of 
God,  whorequireth  no  lefleof  the  fub- 
iecles,then  of  the  rulers,  that  they  decline 
from  euil  ,ad  thatthey  do  good, that  they 
phemic,  mtirthcr  and  other  fuch  horrible 
crimes, which  his  law  forbiddeth,  and  yet 
nottheles  are  openly  committed  and  ma- 
licioufly  defended  in  thatmiferablc  rcal- 
me.  And  if  ye  think  that  ye  are  innocent 
becaiife  ye  arc  not  the  chefe  auctours  of 
fuch  iniquitie,  ye  are  vtrcrly  deceaued. 
For  God  doth  not  only  punifhe  the  chefe 


TO    THE    CO  MJHV  X~4LT  IE      tf 

offenders  ,  but  with  them  doth  hedamne 
the  confenters  to  iniquitie:  and  all  are  T^om.J. 
iudged  to  confentjthat  knowing  impietie 
committed  giue  no  teftjmonie,that  the 
fame  difplcafeth  them.    To  fpeak  this  Note, 
matter  more  playne  ,  as  your  princes  and 
rulers  are  criminal  with  your  Byfhoppes  Princes, 
of  all  idolatrie  committed,  and  of  all  the  and  Bjy/*- 
innocent  blood,  that  is  (bed  for  the  tefti-  boppesare 
monie  of  Chrift  es  tructh,and  that  becaufc  a  ly{e cri- 
they  maintainethem  in  they r  tyrannie,ib  mind. 
are  you  ( I  mean  fo  many  of  you,  as  giue 
no  pi  ay  n  confeflj  onto  the  contrari  e  )  cri- 
mmaland  gyltie  with  your  princes  and 
rulers  of  the  fame  crimes,  becaus  yeaffift 
ad  maintaine  your  prices  in  they r  blynde 
rage,  and  giue  no  declaration ,  that  theyr 
tyrannie  difpleafeth  you.  This  do&rine  Mov  fuhn 
I  know  is  ftrange  to  the  blynde  world,  iettesof- 
but  the  veritieofit  hath  bene  declared  in  fend  iiitb 
all  notable  puniihments  from  the begyn-f^r 
nyng.Whcn  the  original  world  pcrifhed  Princes. 
by  water,whe  Sodom  ad  Gomorrha  were  Gen.-j.O3- 
confumed  by  tier,  and  finally  when  Ieru-  *9- 
falcm  was  horribly  deftroyed,  doth  any  loftfhttf. 
man  think,that  all  were  a  lykc  wicked  be-  *s£gefif~ 
fore  the  world?Euidct  it  is,that  they  were  />«*. 
not,ifthey  {hall  be  iudged  accoraing  to 
thcyr  external  fades,  for  fomme  were 
yongc, andouldnot  beopDreflours,nei- 
her  yet  could  defile  them  felues  withvn- 
H   i 

10H  X       K^N  OXE. 

natural  and  beaft  lie  Iufte$:fome  were  pi- 
tiful and  gentle  of  narure,ad  did  not  thr- 
ift for  the  blood  of  Chrift,nor  of  his  Apo 
flics.  But  did  any  cfcape  the  plages  and 
vengeance,  which  did  apprehend  the  mul 
titude:  Letthefcriptures  witneilcand  the 
hiftories  bcconfidered,which  plainely  do 
teititic  ,  that  by  the  waters  all  flefhe  in 
earth  at  that  ryme  did  periflic,(Noah  and 
his  familie  referucd  jthat  none  efcaped  in 
Sodom  and  in  the  othercities  adiacenr, 
except  Lot  and  his  two  daughters.   And 
€uidentitis,thatin  that  famous  citie  Ie- 
rufalemin  that,laft  and  horrible  destru- 
ction of  the  fame  none  efcaped  goddes 
vengeance,except  fo  many  as  before  were 
difperfcd.And  what  is  the  caufe  ofthis  fe- 
ueritie,feing  that  al  1  were  not  a  like  ofFcn 
and  let  all  manbythefe  examples  learne 
bctymestotiieandauoid  thefocietieand 
compagnic  of  the  proude  contemners 
of  God,  if  that  they  lift  not  to  be  parta- 
kers of  theyr  plages.    The  caufe  is  cui- 
dent.ifwecanbe  fubicd  without  grud- 
vjjyallpe  ging  to  goddes  iudgementes,  which  in 
rifhtdin    them  felues  are  moft  holie  and  iuil.  For  in 
the  flood,  theoriginal  world  nonewas  foundcthat 
jn  Sodom,  either  did  refift  tyrannie  andoppreffion, 
and  Go-    thatvniuerfally  was  vfed,  either  yet  that 
monhu    earncftly  reprehended  the  fame.    In  So- 

TO    THE    CO  MMVN~4LT IE.    58 

dom  was  none  founde,  that  did  againftai 
that  furious  and  beaftlie  mulmude,thac 
didcompaife  about  and  bcfiegc  the  hou- 
feofLot.None  would  beleucLot.that  the 
citiefhould  bedeftroycd.  And  finally  in 
Icrufalem  was  none  found, that  ftudied  to 
repreflethc  tyrannieof  thePreeftes,who 
were  coniurcd  againft  Chrift  and  his  E- 
uangil,but  all  fainted,  (  I  except  euer 
i"uch,as  gaue  witnefle  with  theyr  blood, 
or  theyr  Hying,that  fuch  impietie difplea- 
fedthem^ali  kept  filence,by  the  which  all 
approued  iniquitie,and  ioyned  hads  with 
the  tyrates,and  fo  were  all  arrayed  and  fer, 
as  ithad  bene  inone  battayle  againftthe 
omnipotent  ,and  againft  his  fonne  Chrift 
Iefus.  For  whofoeuergathereth  not  with 
Chrift  in  the  day  of  his  harucft,  is  judged 
to  fcarter.And  therefore  of  one  vegeacete 
poral  were  they  all  partakers.  Which  thig 
as  before  I  haue  touched, oght  tomouC 
you  to  the  depe  cofideratio  cf  your  duties 
in  thefe  laft  and  moft  perilous  ty mes.The 
iniquitie  of  your  Byftioppes  is  more  then 
manifeft:rheyr  fcilrbieliues  infe&theaier, 
thcinnocetblood,which  they  (hed,crieth 
vegcacein  the  cares  of  our  God:theidola- 
trie  and  abominatio,  which  opely  they  co 
mit,ad  without  pur. ifhmctmaitaine,  dorh 
cormptad  defyle  theholeladrand  nonea- 
mongeft  vcu  doth  vnfainedlvftudie  for 
H  z 

JOHN       J^NOXE 

any  redrcfle  of fuch  enormities.Wil  God 

in  this  behalf  hold  you  as  innocences  >Be 

not  deccaued  dear  Brethren. God  hath  pu- 

niftied  not  only  the  proude  tyrantes,  Hl- 

thic  perfos,and  cruel  murtherers,  but  alfo 

fuch,  as  with  them  did  draw  the  yoke  of 

whatfttb-  iniquitie,was  it  by  flattering  theyr  ofFcn- 

iettesfball  fes,obey ing  theyr  iniuit  comaundemctes, 

Godpu-    orinwynkingattheyrmanifeftiniquitie. 

nifhe-with  All  fuch,  I  fay,  hath  God  once  puniflied 

theyre       with  thechefcorVedcrs.Beyeaflurcd,  Bre 

Princes.     thren,thatas  he  is  immutable  of  nature,fo 

will  he  not  pardon  in  you  that,  which  Co 

feucrely  he  hath  puniflied  in  others, and 

now  the  lefre,becaufe  he  hath  plainely  ad- 

monifhed  youlof  thedaungcrs  to  come, 

and  hath  ofiYed  you  his  mercie  before  he 

pourcfurth  his  w>ath  anddifplcafurevpo 

the  inobediet.  God  the  father  of  our  Lord 

lefusChnftjWhois  father  of  glorie,and 

God  of  all  confolation,  gcue  you  the  fpi- 

rit  of  wifdome,and  open  vnto  you  the 

Imolledgeof  hym  fclf  by  the  mcancs  of 

his  dear  fonne,  by  the  which  ye  may  at- 

taine  to  the  efperance  and  hope,  that  after 

/      thetrublesof  thistrafitorious  life  ye  may 

be  partakers  of  the  riches  ofrliatglorious 

inheritancc,which  is  prepared  for  fuch,  as 

refufe  them  fclues,  andfeght  vnder  the 

baner  of  (Thrift  Iefus  in  the  day  of  this  his 

battaile :  that  in  depe  conhderation  of  the 


TO    THE     C0MMVN^4LTll     53 

fame  ye  mav  learn  to  prefer  the  inuifible 
and  eternal  ioyes  to  the  vainepleafures, 
that  are  prefent.  God  further  grauntyou 
hisholie  fpirit,righteoufly  to  consider, 
what  I  in  his  name  haue  required  of  your 
nobilitie,and  of  you  the  fubie«ftSjand  mo- 
ueyou  alltogither  fo  to  anfwcr,thatmy 
petition  be  not  a  tcftimonieof  your  iuft 
condemnation,  when  the  Lord  lefusfhal 
appear  toreuenge  the  blood  of  his  fain- 
c1es,andthe  contempt  of  his  moft  helic 
worde.    Amen. 

Slcap  not  in  fyn,for  vengeance 
is  prepared  againft  allinobediet. 
Flie  from  Babylon,  if  ye  will  not 
be  partakers  of  her  plages. 

Bewitnefletomy  appellation. 

Grace  be  with  you. 

From  Gencua 




•Your  hrolhtr  to commauviein go&linti 
JOHN       K^KOXE. 

H   l 


TO      ENGLAND     AND 

Scotlattdto  call  them  to  repentant- 

ce^ritten  by  ~i,doni 


/SjkRSJS^  Vhcrc  as  many  hauc  writte 
\3$J*M*£)  many  profitable   admoni- 
\V$S£  tios  to  you  twaine,  (  O  En- 
(  ^5  -iv/C^  V3  gland  and  Scot  lad, both  ma- 
'-^' :  ■\</^J%  kingc  one  Hand  mo  ft  hap- 
pie,  if  you  could  know  yourown  happi- 
nes  jfornme  againft  the  regimet  of  wome, 
wherewith  ye  are  bothe  plaged,fomme 
againft  vnlauful  obedioce,and  the  admit- 
ting of  ftrangerstobe  your  kinges,  ibm- 
me  declaring  the  vile  nature  of  theSpa- 
niards,whomethou,o  Englad,  to  thy  de- 
ftru&iomaintcineft,  fomme  the pryde  of 
the  Frenchmen,  whome  thou,  o  Scotland, 
to  thy  ruincrcccaueft:  and  many  hundre- 
thes  with  penne,  with  tongewich  worde, 
with  writing,  with  ieopardieand  Ioffeof 
landes, goods , and  lyucs,  hane  admoni- 
fhed  you  bothe  twaine  of  that  cakred  poy 
ion  of  papiftrie,that  ye  fofter  and  pamper 
to  your  own  perdition,  and  vttcr  deftru- 
clionof  foulcsand  bodies,  of  your  felues 
id  vou rs  for  nowandcuer.  Ithoght  it  my 
duetiXfcingyourdcftru&i°t°mans  jud- 

U  N  D       SC  OT  L*AND.  60 

gemct  to  draw  fo  ncarc  Jhow  much  or  Iitlc 
ioeuer  they  haue  prcuaiied, yet  once  agai- 
ncto  admonifheyou  both,togiuetcftimo 
nic  to  that  tructh,  which  my  brethren  ha- 
ue writtc,ldfpccially  to  ftirrcyour  hearts 
to  repentance,  or  at  the  lcaftto  ofFre  my 
felfe  a  witneffe  againft  you  :  for  the  iufti- 
ccofGodandhisrightcous  iudgementcs, 
which  doubtlcs  (if  your  hearts  be  hard- 
ned)againit  you  both  are  at  hand  to  be  vt- 
tered-Thus  by  ourwritigs,whome  it  plea 
feth  God  to  ftyrrc  vp  of  your  nations,  all 
men.thatnow  liuc,  and  that  mallcomme 
after  vs,  {hall  haue  caufe  alfo  to  praife  the 
mercie  of  God,that  fo  oft  admonifheth  be 
foie  he  do  itn  ke,and  to  cofider  his  iuft  pu 
nyfhmcnt,  when  he  fiiall  pourcfurth  his 
vengeance.  Giueeare  therefore  betymes, 
O  Britanie  (  for  of  that  name  both  reioy- 
admonifheth,  that  is  the  acceptable  tymc, 
whenhewill  befounde  .  Yfye  refufethe 
tyme  offrcd,  ye  can  not  haue  it  after  ward 
thoghwith  teares  (as  did  Efau)yedofc- 
metofekeit.  Yet  once  againe  in  goddes 
behalfe  I  dooffre  you  the  vcrie  meancs, 
which  if  God  of  his  mercies  grauntcyou 
gracctofolow,Idoubt nothing  butthatof 
alyourcnncmiesfpedely  ye  flnllbe  deliue 
red.Yereioyce  at  this  word, lam  furcifye 
haue  atli  hope  of  the  perfourmSccThc  har 
ive  to  the  mattcrjWhich  Ido  write  vn:o  vou 

TO  EN  G  l^AND 
ttotfurth  of  mcnnes  dreamesno*  fables, 
not  furtli  of  prophanc  hiftorics  painted 
vcith  mannes  wifdome,vaine  eloquence,or 
fubtile  rcafonsjbut  furth  of  the  infallible 
trueth  of  goddes  vcorde,and  by  fuch  plai- 
ne  demonftrations,  as  (hall  be  ableto  con- 
uince  euerieone  of  your  owne  confeien- 
ces ,  be  he  neuer  fo  oblti  nate.  I  wi  1 1  afke  no 
further  liidges.  Is  not  this  goddes  curfe, 
and  threatninge  amongeft  many  other  pro 
nounced  againft  the  finfull  land  and  difo- 
bedient  people? 

T>en.i%.  That  ftr  angers  fhould  deuoure 
the  frutc  of  thy  lad,that  the  ftr  an- 
ger fhould  clymc  aboue  the,  and 
thou  fhould  comme  do  wne  and  be 
his  inferiour,  he  (hall  be  the  head 
and  thou  the  taile.The  Lord  fhall 
bring  vpon  the  a  people  farr  of, 
whofe  tongue  thou  canfte  not  vn- 
derftand,  thy  ftrong  wales,wherin 
thou  trufted,fhall  be  deftroied  &c. 
And  doth  not  F.faierecke  thisalfoas  the 
cxtrcmitieof  all  plages  for  the  wicked- 

$fa.*.       ncsofthe  people  to  haue  womeraifed 

vp  to  rule  ouer  y  ou?  But  what  faieth 

the  fame  jpphetc  in  the  begynnyng  of  his 

prophetic  foraremedie  againftthefcand 


*A  N  D       SCOT  L^iN  D.  C\ 

all  other  euilles11 

Your  handes  arc  full  of  blood, 
faieth"he>0  you  princes  of  Sodom, 
and  you  people  ofGomorrha,but 
wafhe  you, makeyou  clcanc,  take 
away  your  wicked  thoghts  furth 
of  my  fight.Ccafetodo  cuil, learn 
to  do  well,feke  iudgemet,hclp  the 
oppreffed  &c.  Then  will  I  turn  my 
hand  to  the,  and  trie  owt  all  thv 
drofl'e,and  take  away  thy  tynne,ad 
I  will  reftorethy  iudges,  as  afore 
tyme,andcouniilours,as  of  old. 

AndMofesfaid  beforeinthc  place  al- 
That  if  thou  wilt  heare  the  voice  D^jg 
of  theLordcthy  God, and  do  his 
eommaundementes ,  thou  fhalt  be 
blefledinthe  townc,  and  blefTed 
inthefeclde. The  Lord  (riallcau 
fe  thyne  enncmies ,  that  rife  vp  a- 
gainft  the,to  fall  before  thc.&c. 

Lo  the  "ocav  in  few  wordcs,0  Bnranic/o 
winne  go  Jdes  fauour,  and  therefore  to  o- 
uercome  thyne  ennemies.  But  to  prynt 
this  more  deeply  into  your  heanes,  o>e 

TO  6N  gt^AND 
princes  and  people  of  that  Iland,whonu 
God  hath  begone  to  punifhe,  feke  I  warne 
younofhifting  holes  to  excufeyourfaul- 
tes,  no  political  praftifes  to  rehft  goddes 
vengeance.  And  firft  I  fpeak  to  you  (  6  Ru 
lers  and  Princes  of  both  therealmes)rcpct 
your  treafon,and  bewaile  your  vnthank- 
iulnes.  For  by  no  other  meanes  can  you  ef- 
capegoddes  ludgementcs.  You  ftomack  I 
know  to  be  called  traitours,  but  what  {hall 
it  auaile  to  fpare  the  name,where  the  fads 
arc  more  then  euident.You  hath  God  ere- 
&ed  amogeft  your  brethre,to  the  end  that 
by  your  wifdome  and  godlic  regiment 
your  fubicclesfhould  be  kept  afwcll  from 
domeftical  opprcfTion,  as  from  bondage 
and  flauerie  of  ftrangers.But  ye  al  as  decli- 
ninge  from  God  arc  made  the  inftrumetcs 
to  betray  and  fell  thclibertie  ofthofe,for 
whome  yeoght  tohaue  fpent  your  liues. 
For  your  eonfent  and  afTiftanceis  thecau- 
fe3that  ftran»ers  now  oppreffe  ad  deuourc 
the  poore  within  your  reaImes:who  fhort- 
ly,if  God  call  you  not  to  repetance,  ihall 
recompenccvou,asyehauedeferued.  For 
the  cupp,  which  your  brethren  do  now 
/hall  drink  the  dreggsof  yt  to  your  de- 
duction. And  wader  it  is  if  yebe  become 
fo  fooliflie  Id  Co  blynd,  that  ye  think  your 
fclucsablc  long  tocontinue,andtobe  fa- 
fejwhen  your  brethren  rounde  about  you 

UND       SCOT  LsAX  D.  £z 

flull  per iilic:  that  you  can  pack  your  mat- 
ters well  enough  with  the  princes,  thac 
ye  can  make  youftronge  with  manages, 
with  tiatcries,and  other  fonde  practifes, 
or  that  with  your  multitude  or  ftrengthc 
ye  canefcape  the  daies  of  vengeance,  or 
that  you  can  hide  your  felues  in  holes  or 
corners. Nay  thogheyou  mould  hyde  you 
inthchels,God  candrawe  youthence,if 
you  hadthecgles  wynges  to  flic  beyode 
the eaftfcas,you  cannot  auoid  goddes  pre- 
fence.  Submitt  your  felues  therefore  vnto 
hym,  which  holdcth  your  breath  in  your 
nollrclsjwho  with  oncblaft  of  his  mouth 
cj  deftroy  all  his  ennemies.Embrafc  hisfo 
neChrift,Icftyeperime,ad  for  your  obfti 
nacie  agaift  hym  ad  his  worde  repent  be- 
tymes,asweall  do  admonilhe. Repent  for 
your  crueltie  againlt  hisferuantsandthc 
contempt  of  his  worde  fo  plainely  oflfred, 
as  itwasneuer  fence  the begynnyngof  the 
world.  Repent  we  cry  repent.  For  repen- 
tance is  the  onlie  way  of  your  redreffe  and 
deliuerance-  Did  God  euer  longe  fpare 
any  people,  whome  he  hath  taught  by  his 
Prophetes,  without  fomme  euident  re- 
pentance? orvfeth  any  father  to  pardon 
his  childe,  whome  he  hathebegonncto 
chaftice,  without  fomme  token  of  repen- 
tance:Conf!der  how  the  Lord  hath  intrea- 
ted  Ifrael  and  Iuda his  owne 
oft  they  trefpafled,  and  how  he  gaue  them 

TO      ENG  Lv4N& 

ower  into  the  hand  of  their  ennemies.  But 
whenfoeuer  they  repented  and  turned  a- 
gaine  to  God  vnfeanedly,he  fent  them 
iudges  and  deliuerers,  kinges  ad  Sauiours. 
This  way  then  of  repentance  and  vnfea- 
ned  turning  to  God  by  obedience  is  the 
onlie  way  before  God  accepted  and  alo- 
wed.  Therefore  was  Noah  fent  to  the  old 
world  to  bring  this  doctrine  of  repentan- 
ce, and  all  the  old  prophctes,as  Elias,  Eli- 
f^us,Efaias,  IeremiasandMalachias,and 
he,  who  excelled  all  the  prophetes,  Iohn 
Baptifl.  Any  of  whofe  ftiles,and  fliarpe  re- 
bukes of  fynners  if  I  (hould  now  vfe,  it 
woflldbe  thoght  full  ftrange  and  harde- 
ly  would  be  fufferediyet  were  any  of  their 
lefTbns,  wherebie  they  called  to  repentan- 
c.e,moit  mete  for  our  ty  me  and  age,and  no 
thingcd.fagreinge  from  thismy  prefent 
ptirpofe.Forthe  fame  fpiritftill  ftriueth 
againft  the  malice  of  our  tymesjthoghe  in 
d  mcrfe  inftrumetcs  and  fundne  fortes  and 
fafnions-Noah  pronounceth,  that  within 
anhundrethand  twentie  yeares  all  fleflie 
mould  be  deltroyed."We  haue  many  No- 
hacs,  that  fo  cricth  in  our  tymes,  yet  no 
marepetcth.AHthetyme,  that  Noah  was 
preparing  for  the  arketo  auoide  goddes 
vengeancc,the  multitude  derided  this  ho- 
lie  prophete,  as  thcmultitude  of  you  two 
rcalmcsdothat  this  day  deride  all  them, 


>AUD      SCOTLAND  tf$ 

that  by  obedience  to  goddes  worde  feke 
themeanes  appointed  to  auoid  gods  Jud- 
gements. Then  the  people  would  notre- 
pent,  but  as  they  fhould  liue  for  euer,  they 
maried,rhey  banketed,  they  builded,  they 
planted,  deriding  gods  meileger.  Do  not 
you  the  likc^Iappeale  to  your  own  con- 
fciences.You  marie,but  not  in  God,but  to 
betray  your  countries,  you  baket  and  buil- 
de  with  the  blood  of  the  poore. 

The  Lorde  calleth  to  failing 
(faieththeprophete  Efaiejtomortifiethe 
felues,  and  to  kill  their  luftes,  but  they 
kill  Ihepe  and   bullockes.Ieremie 
cneth  for  teares  and  lamentation,  they 
Jaughe  and  mock.  Malachie  criethtothe 
people  of  his  ty  me,Turne  vnto  me  ad 
I  will  turne  to  you,faieth  the  Lor- 
de of  hofles  j  and  they  proudly  anfwer, 
wherein  fhall  we  returne?  Are  yenot 
fuche-Do  not  ye  afke  wherein  (hall  we  re- 
turne,  when  ye  will  not  know  your  finnes3 
when  ye  can  not  confeffe,noracknol  ledge 
your  faitltcs,thogheyego  a  hooringein 
eucrie(treet,towneand  village  with  your 
idols^rhoghethe  blood  of  the  oppreffed 
ce-So  that  feyng  no  token  of  repentance  I 
cannotcrie  vnto  you  with  Iohn  Baptift, 
Oyegeneratia  of  vipers  who  hath 

TO       ENgL^tND     , 

taught  you  to  flic  from  the  wrathe 

O  that  I  mighr  fee  Co  good  tokens,  that 
ye  would  fear  goddes  wrathe  and  venge- 
ance. But  this  mull  I  fay  to  you  bothe  to 
your  confu(ion,and  fl)ame,t  hat  y  c  arc  fuch 
vipers  and  fcrpcntes,vntillfee  better  to- 
kens. You  do  what  ye  can  to  deftroy  your 
parentes,  you  caftof  God  yourheauenlie 
father,ye  will  not  fear  hym  calling  you  to 
repentance, you  deitroy  and  baniflic  your 
fpiritual  fathers,  which  once  had  begot- 
ten  you  as  fpiritual  children  by  the  worde 
of  tructh  ,you  confume  your  countree, 
which  hath  geuenyou  corporal  life,  you 
ftlge  with  tounges  ad  taylcs  all, that  would 
draw  you  from  your  wickednes.  Finally 
man,woma,and  childe  are  cither  vencmed 
with  your  poyfons  or  ftingged  with  your 
tayles.In  you  are  fulfilled  thewordes  of 

Their  throtc  is  an  open  fepul- 
chre,  with  theyrtciiges  thcyhauc 
decciucd,thcpoyfonof  afpis  is  vn- 
der  their  lippes,  their  mouthes  are 
full  of  curfe  ad  bitterncs5thcir  fete 
are  fwift  to  iTiedd  blood,  deftru- 
ction  and  wretchednes  are  in  their 
waves,  and  the  way  of  peace  they 

\AND      SCOTLAND  *4 

haucnot  knowen,the  fearc  ofGod 
is  not  before  there  eyes3&c. 

I  do  know  your  tendre  eares,  you  can 
not  be  grated  with  fuch  (harpe  fentecesof 
condenation,rhat  thus  prick  you  to  the  he- 
arts:  ho  wbeit  thus  it  behoueth,thatye  be 
yebe  not  daned  with  the  wicked  world.But 
I  willwounde  you  no  more  with  the  words 
of  the  Prophctes,with  the  fay  inges  of  Da- 
uid>or  of  this  holy  fainct  of  Godlohnthe 
Baptift,  but  with  our  fauiour  Chrifts  two 
moft  fwete  parables  of  the  two  fonnes  and 
of  the  tilme,to  whomc  he  fet  his  vineyard, 
I  will  labour  to  fet  before  your  eyes  your 
rebe]lion,hypocriGe,and  crueltie,if  fo  IcS 
bring  any  of  you  to  repentance .  Our  fa- 
uiour Chriftc  putteth  furth  this  parable, 

A  certainc  man  had  two  fonnes, 
ad  he  came  to  the  firft,and  faid  lo- 
ne go  ad  worke  to  day  in  my  vine- 
yard.  Who  anfwcredj  willnot,but 
afterward  repeted  andwent.Then 
came  he  to  the  fecond,  and  faid  li- 
kewife,and  he  anfweredj  will  fyr, 

but  went  not. 

Wherein  a  wonderful  comforrefirftis 

tobecofideredhovc'thcLord  our  God  ma 
ker  of  heaue  ad  earth  doth  huble  him  felfe 

TO  ENG  L^iN  D 
not  otily  to  be  cal  led  a  ma,a  hufbad  man,a 
Jioulholdcr,  ad  fuch  like,  but  he abafeth  h* 
feifeof  mercieto  vs  vile  earth  andaflhes, 
that  his  fonne  becometh  ma  to  make  man- 
kynd  glorious  in  his  fight,fo  make  ail  tho 
fc,tha:  do  not  rcfufc  his  grace  ofFrcd,of  the 
ilaues  of  Satan  his  fonnes  by  adoption. 
You  are  his  fonnes,  you  are«his  vineyard, 
you  are  as  dear  vnto  hym,  as  the  apple  of 
his  eye,as  Mofes  fpcakcth  ,if  you  can  be- 
leue  it:  he  fweareth  that  you  fhall  be  his 
inheritace,andhewilIbeyours,  if  ye  will 
only  receiue  his  grace  and  beleuc  hym, 
when  he  fweareth.  Will  ye  call  histrueth 
into  doubt?  hisglorie  into fhame  by  your 
miO)elefc: Better  it  were,  that  all  creatures 
{hould  perim,  heauen,  man  and  angels, 
then  that  God  mould  not  haue  creditor 
that  his  glorie  in  the  lealtiote  mould  be 
diminished.  He  hath  called  you  by  his 
wordenow  manyatyme  toworkein  his 
vineyard, I  afke  what  you  haue  anfwered. 
your  confcience  can  witnefle  and  all  the 
world  fceth  it.  Some  of  you  haue  faid  piai 
nc  lyke rebellious  childre,  thatye  would 
not  doit,thatyewould  notworke  in  your 
fathers  vineyarde.Shall  I  applie  this  part 
to  Scotland.3 1  may  rig  ht  well  do  it,and  al- 
fo  to  a  grcatc  parte  in  England.  But  Scot- 
land in  dedecalled  molt plainely  and  eui- 
dently  through  the  mercies  of  God  both 


+AND       SCOTLAND  6$ 

by  their  own  faithfull  countrie  men,  and 
alfoby  earneft  trauail  of  our  Englifh na- 
tion tocomme  to  the  Lords  vineyard  in 
the  tyme  of  king  Edward,  hath  to  the  do- 
mage  of  both  cotinually  refufed,  as  the  co 
fcience  of  many  this  day  beareth  witnefle. 
That  tyme,  as  ye  know,  the  vineyarde  in 
Eng  lad  by  the  children  of  God  was  not  all 
togither  neglected, and  themoft  earneftly 
to  ioyne  hades  with  vs I  the  Lords  worke, 
but  Satan  alas  would  not  fuffer  it.  His  old 
foftred  malice, and  Antichrifthis  fonne 
could  not  abyde,  that  Chrifl  mould  grow 
foftrongby  ioynyngethatile  togitherin 
perfed  religio^whome  God  hath  fo  many 
waiescoupledadftrcgthened  by  his  worke 
innature:the  papiftes  practifed  alltheyr 
fyne  craftes  in  Eng  land ,  Scotland,  and  in 
France, that  the  Ghofpellcrs  fhould  not 
with  fo  ftrong  walles  be  defenfedjeft  this 
oneiland  fhould  become  a  fafefanctuarie, 
as  it  began  to  be,  to  all  the  perfecuted  in 
all  places.  They  mouefturdie  ftomackes, 
they  difpens  with  periuries,they  worke  by 
theyr  craftie  c6ferTions,they  raife  vp  war- 
re  in  the  end,  whereby  ye(deare  Brethren 
of  Scotland  )  were  fore  plag  cd.  Of  all  the- 
fetraiteroufefleghtes  ye  can  not  be  igno- 
rant. For  yet  it  is  not  palfed  the  memo* 
rieofman3thatyour  king  made  promiflc 

TO       ENC  L^iND 

to  haue  mett  kig  Herie  theeght  att  Yorke: 
whofe  purpofe  ( albeit  in  other  things  I  do 
not  alow  him)  in  that  cafe  was  moil  god- 
Jieand  praifeworthie.  For  it  was  to  make 
an  end  of  that  vngodliewarre,  and  cruell 
murther,which  logc  had  cotinued  betwixt 
the  two  realms.Your  king, I  fay,  made  pro 
mifleto  me:e  himrthebrechc  whereof  as 
it  was  the  occafion  of  much  trouble,  fo  is 
iteuidently  knowcn,  that  your  Cardinal, 
and  his  clerg k  laboured  and  procured  the 
fame.  For  it  is  not  vnknowen  to  fommea- 
mongeft  you,  how  many  thoufandcrow- 
J  fupffofe  nes  the  churchmen  did  promiffe  for  main- 
top.*)*- tenance  of  the  warre,  which  king  Henrie 
tdlitle.  did  dcnouce  by  the  reafon  of  that  breche. 
Superfluous  it  were  to  me,  to  recite  all  the 
caufes  mouing  your  peftilent  preeftes  to 
folicitat  your  king  to  that  infidelitie.  But 
thisismofte  euidcnt,rhat  they  feared  no- 
thing, but  the  fall  of  their  glorie,and  the 
trouble  of  their  kingdome,  which  then  in 
England  beganne  to  be  fhaken  by  fupprcf- 
fing  of  the  abbaies.This  moued  your  pree 
ftes  erneftly  to  labour,  that  your  kinge 
fhould  fallly  breake  his  promiffe.  But 
what  affliction  ye  fuftained  by  that  and  o- 
fher  their  pra<5tjfes,your  feluescanwitnef- 
fe.For  your  borderrs  were  dcftroyed^your 
nobilitie  for  the  moft  parte  were  take  pri- 
foners3and  your  king  for  forowe  fodenly 
»  died 

Jl  N I)       S  COT  t^tND.  66 

died.  But  thefe  your  miferies  did  nothing 
moue  your  precftcs  to  repentance,  but  ra- 
ther did  inflame  them  againft  God,and  a- 
gainft  the  jpHt  of  their  natiuerealme.  For 
when  againe  after  the  death  ofyourkige, 
your  fredfhip  and  fauours  were  foght,hrit 
by  king  Herie,and  after  his  death  by  king 
Edward  his  fonne,ad  by  him,who  the  was 
chofen  Protec~tour,how  craftely,I  fay,  did 
the  your  preeftesvndcrmine  all,yeatenot 
ignorat.When  your  Gouernoure  with  the 
confent  of  themoft.  part  of  the  nobilitic 
hadfolenely  fworncitheabbay  ofHaliro- 
ode  houfe,fyr  Raphe  Sadler  the  being  em- 
bafladourforEngladto  pcrfurm  the  ma- 
nage cotrac~ted  betwixt  king  Edward  and 
your  yonge  quene,  and  faithfully  to  ftand 
toeuerie  point  cocluded  and  agreed  for 
perfurmace  of  that  vni6,when  feales  were 
interchanged, and  thcembaffadourdimif- 
fed,what  fturr,  tumult,  and  fedicionraifed 
your  Cardinal  in  that  your  realme,it  is 
not  vnknowen.  To  witt,  how  that  by  his 
craft  and  malice  the  realme  was  deuided, 
the  Goucrnour  compelled  to  feke  his  fa- 
uour,to  violate  his  oth.and  fo  to  becomme 
ifamous  for  euer.  And  finally  by  the  pride 
of  thepapifteswas  that  leage  broken. But 
what  did  thereof  enfue:Edirburgh,Leirb, 
Dudie,  yea  themoft  part  of  the  reaJme  did 
fele.Your  mippes  were  flayed,  your  good- 
I  i 

TO      ENgL^iND 

des  were  loft,  your  chefetowneswere  bur- 
ned, and  at  the  end  the  beautie  of  your  real 
medidfallin  the  edge  of  the  fworde,the 
hand  of  God  manifeiUy  feg hting  againft 
you,bccaufe  againft  your  folemne  oth  ye 
did  feght  againft  them,  who  foght  your 
fauoursby  thatgodlie  coiun&ion, which 
before  was  promifed.  But  ftill  proceeded 
your  ennemiesthe  clergie,andtheire  ad- 
heretes  in  theyr  purpofed  malice.  Woder 
not  that  I  termethem  yourennemies,For 
albeit  they  be  your  countriemen,yet  be- 
caufe  they  feke  nothing  more,  then  the 
maitainace  of  their  ownekIgdome,which 
is  the  power  of  darckns ,  ad  the  kingdome 
of  Antichrift,they  are  becommecoiured 
ennemies  to  euerie  citie,  nation  or  man, 
that  labour  to  comme  to  the  knolledge  of 
the  tructh.  That  peftilent  generation,  I 
fay,didnotceafe,ti!l  they  obteined  their 
purpofe,  by  deliueringe  your  yonge  que- 
ne  to  the  handcs  of  the  French  king,  aflu- 
redly  mindinge  by  that  meanes  to  cutt  for 
cuer  the  knot  of  the  frendfliip,  that  might 
haueenfued  betwixte  England  and  Scot- 
land by  thatgodlie  conjunction .  What 
the  papiftes  feared  is  manifcil.  For  then 
Chrifte  Iefus  being  more  purely  prea- 
ched in  England,  then  at  any  tyme  before, 
would  fhortlyhauefupprefled  their  pride 
and  vaine  glorieiand  therefore  thev  ra- 

<A  N  D       SCOT  L^iN  D.  £7 

ged,that  he  mould  not  reignc  aboue  them 
alfo.But  what  is  like  to  apprehend  you, for 
becaufe  ye  did  not  betvmes  withftad  their 
molt  wicked  coufils,  wife  mendocofidcr. 
How  heauie  and  vnpleafant  (hall  the  bur- 
then and  yock  of  a  Frenchman  be  to  your 
moulders  ad  necks,  God  graunt  that  expe 
rience  do  not  teach  you.  But  to  rcturne  to 
my  former  purpofe,by  all  thofe  means  re- 
herfed,by  his  meflegers,  by  the  blood  of 
his  fain&sfhed  amogeft  you, by  fauours  ad 
frendfnip,by  warre  and  the  fword,  yea  by 
famin,ad  peftilece,ad  all  other  meas,  hath 
God  your  mercifull  father  called  you  to 
labour  in  his  vineyard,but  to  this  day,ala$, 
we  heare  not  of  your  huble  obedience,  but 
ftil  ye  fay  with  ftubburn  faces,we  will  not 
labour,wewilinotbeboiidetofuch  thrai- 
dome,to  abide  the  burthens  of  the  viney- 
arcLYe  think  perchace  I  am  to  fharpe,  and 
thatlaccufeyou  more  then  you  deferue. 
For  amogeft  you  many  do  know  the  will 
of  your  father,  and  many  make  profeffion 
ofhisGhofpel,butcofider,  Brethre,that  it 
is  not  enoughe  to  know  the  comaudemet, 
and  to  jpfcifc  the  fame  inmouthe,but  it  is 
neccflarie,  that  ye  rcfufe  your  felues,your 
owne  pleafurcs, appetites,  and  yourowne 
wifdome,ifyeflul!  beiudged  fairhfull  la- 
bourers in  the  Lordes  vineyard, ad  that  ye 
beare  the  burthens  togiter  with  your  brc- 

TO       ENG  L^iND 

thren,  and  fuffreheate,  and  fwcate,before 
ye  tafte  the  frutcs  with  them. God  will 
not  (land  content, that  ye  loke  ouer  the 
hedge,  and  beholde  the  labours  of  your 
brethre,but  he  requirethjthat  ye  put  your 
hades  alfo  to  your  labours,  thatyetrauail 
continually  to  pluck  vpp  all   vnprofi- 
table  wedes, albeit  in  Co  doing  the  th6rnes 
pricke  you  to  the  hard  bones:  that  yeaf- 
fift  your  brcthre  in  theyr  labours,  thoghc 
it  be  with  the  icopardieof  your  lifes,  the 
lofTeofyourfubftance3and  difpleafureof 
the  hole  earthe.  Except  that  thus  ye  be 
minded  to  labour,the  Lord  of  the  viney- 
ardewil  nor  acknolledgeyou  for  his  faith 
full  feruantes.  And  becaufe  this  matter  is 
of  weight  and  greate  importance,  I  will 
fpeake  fowhat  more  plainely  for  your  in- 
#ruclion.It  is  brutcd  (to  thegreate  com- 
fort of  all  godlie,  that  hcare  it)  that  fom- 
meof  you(deare  Brethren  of  Scotland) 
do  defireChrift  Iefusto  be  faithful lyprea 
ched  amogeft  you,  which  thing  if  fro  the 
heart  you  defyrc  and  with  godlie  wifdo- 
me  and  ftowtcourragefolow your purpo- 
feandemerprife,yemall  bcbleflTed  of  the 
Lord  foreuer.  But  in  thebegynnyng  ye 
mull  beware  that  ye  folownottheexaple 
ofyourbrethrcof  Englad,  in  whofehan- 
des  albeitthe  worke  of  the  Lord  appeared 
to  profpcrforatime,yet  becaufe  the  eye 
was  not  fingle,we  fee  to  our  grief  the  ouer 

aNT>       SCOTLAND  68 

throw  of  the  fame.  They  began  toplante 
Chriftlcfus  in  the  heartes  of  the  people, 
Sd  to  banift  that  Romifh  Amichrift,  they 
denncs  and  holes  ( I  mean  the  monkes  and 
other  fuch  papifticall  vermine  from  their 
cloifters  ad  abbayes.  This  was  a  good  be- 
oinning,butalas  intheone  and  the  other 
fherc  was  great  faultc.  For  the  bamfflug  of 
that  Romim  Antichnit  was  rather  by  the 
feareofthelawes  pronouced  againithim 

achie  of  Chrift  Icfuss5d  by  the  difcoueng 

the  abbaics  did  rather  fmcll  of  auarice,  the 

fterSjwere  then  fet  abrodc  to  deftroy  all 
eood  ad  erene  herbes.For  fuperft -tious  fre 
crs,igno?at  moks,  ad  idle  abots  were  made 
archbifhoppes,  bimoppes,  pcrfon$,Vicars, 
5d  fuch  as  oghttofedethe  foulesof  men: 
who  thus  fet  at  libertic  did  cotinually  wro- 
otup  the  Lords  vineyard.  And  one  crafty 
(bed  many  wcedes  to  deface  the  vineyard. 
And  his  maid  Marie,who  after  was  his  ma 
ftres,nowmaricd  toPhilip,wa«g  no  w,l  to 

I   4 

TO       EN  G  LUND, 

make  to  do  euill,when  flic  gatt  the  maftric 

did  cheriftie  many  weedes.Thofe  two  Ifay 

haue  Co  broken  the  hedges  of  the  fame  vi- 

ney arde,  (  God  Co  punifliing  the  finnes  of 

thofe,  that  oght  to  haue  made  better  pro- 

uifionforthe  fame)  that  the  hufbandmen 

are  hanged  vp,the  diggars,  dreflours,  and 

planters  are  banifhed,prifoned  and  bur- 

ned.Such  hauock  is  made,that  all  wild  bea 

fteshaue  power  to  pollute  the  fan&uarie 

of  the  Lorde.O  heauensbeholde  hercru- 

eltie,oearthe  cry  for  vengeance,  o  feas, 

and  deferte  mountains  witneffes  of  her 

wickednes,breakfurtheagainft  this  mon- 

fler  of  England.  But  whether  do  I  runne 

by  the  bitternesof  my  grefe?Imuftnedes 

leaue  the  o  Scotland,  after  that  I  haue  ad- 

ucrtifed  the  of  this,  that  thou  folow  not 

the example,as  I  haue  faid,of  Englad:buc 

in  the  bowels  of  Chrift  Iefus  I  exhorre 

the,that  if  thou  pretcdeft  any  reformatio 

in  religion,  which  is  thechefe  labour  of 

the  vineyarde,that  thou  do  it  at  the  flrft 

with  afingleeye,  and  all  fimplicitie,thac 

from  yeare  to  ycare  thou  be  not  compel  - 

led  to  change,  as  was  England,  but  let  thy 

reformation  be  full  and  plaine, according 

togoddes  holie  will  and  wordc  without 

addition.  Let  all  the  plates,which  thy  hea- 

ucnly  father  hath  not  planted,  be  rooted 

owt  at  once,  let  not  auarice  blind  thc,nei- 

ther  yet  wordlie  wifdome  difcourage  thy 

iA  N  D       SCOTLAND.  69 

h  carte,  lee  none  bearc  the  name  of  a  tea- 
cher, that  is  knowen  to  be  a  foftcrer  of  fu- 
perllitio,  or  any  kynde  of  wickcdnes.And 
thou  fo  doing  (halt  mouc  God  of  his  grea 
temercietofend  vnto  thefaithfull  worke 
men  in  abundIce,to  blefle  the  worke,  that 
thou  pretedeft  in  the  vineyarde,  ad  to  pre- 
feruethe  to  the  glorie  of  his  own  name, 
and  to  thy  euerlatting  comfcrtc.  Thus 
muft  thou  Scotland  repent  thy  former  ino 
bedience,ifthat  thou  wilt  be  approued  of 
the  Lord. And  now  do  I  return  to  the  (O 
Englad)Idolikentheto  thefecode  fonne 
in  the  parable  which  anfwered  his  father 
with  flattering  wordes5faying, 

I  go  father,but  yet  he  went  not 
at  all. For  fence  the  time,that  I  had  any  re 
membrance,  our  heauc  1  ie  father  of  his  gre 
at  mercies  hath  not  ceafed  to  call  the  in  to 
his  vineyard,  and  to  thefe  latedaies  thou 
haft  faid  alwayes,  that  thou  woldeft  enter 
and  be  obedient. In  the  tyme  of  king  Hen- 
rietheeght,whenby  Tyndale,Frith,ByI- 
nay,and  other  his  faithful  1  feruantcs  God 
calledEngladto  drefTe  his  vineyard, many 
promifed  full  faire,whome  I  could  name- 
But  what  frutefolowed3  nothing  but  bit- 
ter grapes, yea  breeres  and  brambles,  the 
wormewood  of  auarice,  the  gall  ofcruel- 
tie,thepoifo  of  filthiefornicatio,  flox/ing 
from  head  to  foote,thecontemptof  God 

and  open  defenfe  of  the  Cake  Idol  byo- 
pe  proclamatio  to  be  red  in  the  Churches 
in  the  Head  orgoddes  fcripturcs.Thus  was 
there  no  reformation,  but  a  deformation 
inthetyme  of  that  tyrant  and  lecherous 
mofter.  The  bore  I  grate  was  bufie  wroo- 
ting  ad  digging  in  theearth,ad  all  his  pig 
ees,that  folowed  hy m.Buc  they  foght  on- 
ly for  the  pleafac  frutes,  that  they  winded 
with  their  longe  fnowtes.  And  for  their 
own  bellies  fake  they  wrooted  vp  many 
weedsjbut  they  turned  thegroude  fo3mig 
ling  good  ad  baddtogither,  fweteand  fo 
Kjngt     wre?  medecine,  ad  poyfon,  they  made,  I-  ■ 
Henry hh  (ayt(Uch  cofufio  ofreligio  and  lawes,that 
bo\e  a-    no  good  thing  could  grow,  but  by  great 
gainfl       miracle,vnderfuchGurdners.Andnomer 
Lu.t\TTtt  Uail,ifit  be  rig  htlyco(idered:for  this  bore 
noted*       raged  againit  God,againftDeuill,againfl 
Chrift  and  againft  Antichrift,as  the  fome 
thathecaftowtagainft  Luther.the  racing 
furthofthename  ofthcPope,and  yetalo 
wig  his  lawsj5d  his  murtherof  many  Chri 
itianfouldiours,and  of  many  papiftes,  do 
clearly  ad  cuidetly  teftifie  vnto  vs.Efpeci- 
ally  the  burnig  of  Barnes,  Ierome,ad  Gar 
rat  three  faithfulpreachersof  the  trueth,& 
PopePowel,  Abel,andFether(lone,  doth 
clearly  paynr  h is  beafllynes,that  he  cared 
for  no  manerof  rcligio.This  moftrousbo 
re  for  al  this  muft  nedes  be  called  the  head 

^AND       S  COT  L^i  NT)         70 

of  the  Churche  inpaine  of  treafon,  dif- 
placingChrift  our  onlie  head,  who  oghc 
alone  to  haue  this  title.Whereforc  inthis 
pointe(oEngland)yewere  no  better  then 
the  Romiflie  Antichrift,  who  by  the  fame 
title  maketh  hym  felfea  God,fittcth  in 
God,as  did  your  king  Herie,whome  ye  fo 
magnifie.Forinhis  belt  time  nothing  was 
hard,  but  the  kings  booke,ad  the  kings  sp- 
eedings,thekinges  homelies  in  the  Chur- 
ches,wheregoddes  word  fhouldonely  ha- 
ue bene  preached. So  made  you  your  kig  a 
God  beleuing  nothig,but  that  he  alowed. 
But  how  he  died,  I  will  not  write  for  fha- 
me.  I  will  not  name  how  he  turned  to  his 
vomet.I  wi  1 1  not  write  your  other  wicked 
nesofthofetimes,yourmurthers  without 
meafure,  adulteries  and  inceftcs  of  your 
kinge,his  Lordes,aud  greueth 
mctowritethofe  euilsof  my  coutrie,faue 
onlie  that  I  muft  ncdes  declare ,  what  fru- 
teswere  foude  inthe  vineyarde  after  you 
promifed  to  worke  therin,to  mouc  you  to 
repentance,  and  to  iufti  fie  Godds  iudge- 
ments,howgreuou  fly  fo  euer  he  (nail  pla- 
ge you  hereafter.  Wherefore  I  dedre  you 
to  call  to  remebrance y our  beft  ftate  v  nder  • 
king  Edward,  when  all  men  with  gen erall 
cofet  promifed  to  worke  in  the  vineyarde, 
and  ye  (hall  haue  caufe  I  doubte  not  to  la- 
met  your  wickednes,  that  fo  contened  th* 


voice  of  God  for  your  owne  luftes,for 
your  crueltic ,  for  your  couetoufnes,  that 
the  name  of  God  was  by  your  vanities  e- 
uillfpoken  of  in  other  nations.  I  will  na- 
me no  particulare  thinges,  becaus  I  reue- 
rence  thofe  tymes,  faue  only  the  killing 
of  both  the  kinges  vncles,and  the  prifon- 
God  graunt  you  all  repentant  heartcs,  for 
no  order  nor  ftate  did  any  part  of  his  due- 
tie  in  thofe  dayes.  But  to  fpeak  of  the  beft, 
whereof  ye  vfe  to  boafl,  your  religion 
was  but  an  Engliflimatyns,  patched  fur- 
the  of  the  popes  portcflc,many  thinges 
were  in  your  great  booke  fuperfticious  ad 
fool ifhe,  all  Were  driuen  to  a  prefcripte 
feruice  lykc  thepapiftes,  that  they  mould 
thinke  theyr  dueties  difcharged,if  theno- 
bre  were  faid  of  pfalmes  and  chapters.  Fi- 
nally there  could  no  difcipiine  be  broght 
into  the  Churche,nor  correction  of  ma- 
ners.  I  will  touche  no  further  abufes,yet 
willing  and  defiering  you  to  confider  the 
in  your  heartes,that  knowing  your  negli- 
gence ye  may  bring  furth  frutes  of  repen- 
tance.ForthisIadmonifheyou  (oyepeo- 
pleof  England)wherefoeueryou  be  fcat- 
tered  or  placed,that  onles  ye  do  right  fpe- 
dcly  repent  of  your  former  negligence,  it 
is  not  the  Spanyardes  only,  that  ychauc 
to  feare,as  roddes  of  goddes  wrath,but  all 


iAND  SCOT  L^iN D.  71 

other  nations,  France ,  Turkie,  and  Den- 
marke,  yea  all  creatures  fhall  be  armed  a- 
gainft  you  for  the  contempt  of  thofety- 
mes,when  your  heauenlie  father  fo  merci- 
fullie  called  you.  To  what  contempt  was 
goddeswordeand  the  admonition  of  his 
prophetei  comme  in  all  eftates,  before 
God  did  ftryke,fomme  men  are  not  igno- 
rant. The  preachers  them  felues  for  the 
moft  part  could  fynd  no  fault  in  religion, 
but  that  theChurche  was  poore  and  lac- 
ked liuing.Trueth  it  is,  that  theabbay  la- 
des and  other  fuch  reuenues,  as  afore  ap- 
pertained to  the  papiftical  Churche,  were 
moft  wickedly  and  vngodly  fpentjbut  yet 
many  thinges  would  haue bene  reformed, 
before  that  the  kitching  had  bene  better 
guided  for  to  our  prelates  in  England.  It 
was  mofte  euidet,  that  many  of  you  vnder 
theclokeof  religion  ferued  your  own  bel 
lies-.fommewerefobufieto  heap  benefice 
vpon  benefice,fome  to  labourin  parlamet 
for  purchefing  of  lands, that  the  tymc  was 
fmall,which  coulde  be  founde  for  there- 
formation  of  abufes,  and  very  litle,  which 
was  fpent  vpon  the  feeding  of  your  floc- 
kes.  I  nedc  not  now  to  examine  particular 
crimes  of  preachers.  Only  I  fay,that  the 
Ghofpell  was  fo  lightly  eftemed  ,that  the 
moft  part  of  men  thoght  rather,  that  God 
mould  bow  and  obey  to  theyr  appetites. 

Td      ENGLAND 

then  that  they  fhould  be  fubied  to  his  h^ 
lie  commaundementes.  For  the  commu- 
nes did  continew  inmalice,and  rebellion, 
incraft  and  fubtikic,  notwithstanding  all 
lawes,  that  could  be  deuifed  for  reforma- 
tionof  abufes.  Themerchants  had  their 
own  foules  to  fell  for  gaines,  the  gentle- 
men were  becomme  Nerods  and  Gyants, 
andthenobilitieand  coufile  would  fuffer 
no  rebukes  of  Gods  meflegers  thogh  theyr 
offenfeswere  neuer  fo  manifeft.  Lettho- 
fe  3  that  preached  in  the  court,  the  lent  be- 
fore king  Edward  deceafed,ipeak  theyr 
confeience,  and  accufc  me,  if  I  lie,  yea  let 
*  writing  written  by  that  miferablc  man, 
then  duke  of  Northumberland  to  mafter 
Harlow  for  that  time  Byfhoppeof  Har- 
ford,be  broght  to  lighte,  and  it  fhall  tefti- 
£e,thathe  alhamednot  to  fay,  that  the  li- 
bertie  of  the  preachers  tonges  would 
caufc  the  counfile  and  nobilitie  to  ryfe 
vppe  againft  them:for  they  could  not  fuf- 
fer fo  to  be  intreated.  Thefe  were  the  fru- 
teseueninthetymeof  harueft  a  litle  be- 
fore the  winter  came.  And  of  the  tyme  of 
Marie  what  fhould  I  write?  England  is 
now  fo  miferable,that  no  pennecan  paynt 
it.  Itceafcth  to  be  in  thenombcr  of  chil- 
dren, becaufe  it  openly  difpiteth  God  the 
father.  It  hathcaft  of  thetructh  knowen 
and  confeffed,and  folowcthlies  and  er- 


^HT>       SCOTLAND.  jz 

rours,  which  once  it  detefted.  Itbuyldeth 
the  buy  lding,  which  it  once  deftroyedrit 
raifethvp  the  idolsjwhich  once  we're  the- 
re confounded:it  murthereth  the  fain&es, 
it  maintcineth  Baals  propheresby  theco- 
maundementof  Iefabel.  Such  are  the  cuil 
hufbandes,  that  now  hauntc  the  vineyard, 
fo  that  this  is  true3that  ourSauiour  Chrift 

The  Lord  hymfelfe  hath  plan- 
ted a  faire  vineyard ,  he  hedged  it 
round  about,  and  buylded  a  tou- 
re,&c.And  when  the  tymeof  the 
frute  drew  nere,  he  fent  his  fer- 
uantsto  thetilmento  receyue  the 
frutes  thereof ,  but  they  caught 
his  fcruantes,  they bctt one, they 
killed  an  other,  and  ftoned  o- 
thers.  Againe  he  fent  other  fer- 
uantes  mo, and  theyferued  them 

"What  nede  any  expofition  to  ap- 
plic  this  vnto  England  ?  Ail  is  fulfilled, 
that  isfpokenin  that  parable,  onles  they 
dowaite  for  the  fonnc  hym  felfe,  for  to 
comme,  that  they  may  handle  hym  lyke- 
wife,  asthey  haue  done  his  feruantes.  But 
all  is  onejfaieth  our  Sauiour  Chrift, 


Thatjwhichyedotooneofthe-  fe  i jtje  on$5  tjlc  ^ame  ye  ^0  tQ  me^ 

be  it  good  or  bad.VVhy  doeft  thou  per 
fecutcmc,  faiethChrift  to  Saul,  when 
hcwas,as  he  now  is,  at  the  right  hand  of 
God  his  father  in  the  heauens.  Therefore 
they  perfecutc ,  they  banifhe ,  they  burne 
Chrift  the  fonne  of  God  in  his  mem- 
bres.  The  iudgement  therefore  now  re- 
maineth,  which  the  wicked  then  gaue  a- 

That  the  Lord  of  the  vineyar- 
de  will  cruelly  deftroy  thofe  euill 
perfons ,  and  will  let  furth  his  vi- 
neyarde  vnto  other  hufbandes. 

And  the  confirmation  of  the  fame  by 
the  fentence  of  the  chefe  judge ,  that 
The  kingdomeofGodfhall  be 
taken  from  fuch ,  and  geuen  to  a 
people,  that  fhall  bringe  furth 
the  frutes  thereof. 

The  which  iudgement  is  begonne  in 
Englande,  and  fhortly  alas  will  be  fully 
executed  and  finifhed  without  right  fpe- 
die  repentance.  Somme  hope  is  in  Scot- 
land, which  hath  not  (hewed  furth  any 
fuch  crueltie,  and  hath  not  contemned  the 
knowen  trcafures:but  lykewanton  chil- 

>AND      SCOTLAND.  ?j 

dren  haue  contemned  the  commaunde- 
mentoftheyr  father,  pattely  of  frailtic, 
partcly  of  ignorance.  But  Englad  the  fer- 
uante,  that  knew  the  will  of  his  Lord  and 
rnaifter,  which  was  once  lightened  with 
moft  clere  beames,  which  hath  tafted  of 
the  fwetcnes  of  the  worde  of  God,  and  of 
theioyesofthe  worlde  to  comme,  which 
hath  abiured  Antichrift,  and  all  idolatrie, 
which  hath  boafled  to  proferfc  Chrift 
with  greate  boldnes  before  all  the  worl- 
de,muft  be  beaten  with  many  ftripes,it 

But  to  be  fhorte  this  only  remaineth 
forbothe  thefe  nations,  that  they  repent 
and  returne  into  the  vineyarde  with  the 
fyrft  fonne.  For  neither  fliall  ignorance 
excufe  any  land  or  nation,  as  is  playniri 
the  fyrft  to  the  Romanes,  neither  can  any 
people  be  receyued  without  thefrutesof 
repentance,as  lohn  Baptiftproclaimeth. 
The  frutes  of  repentance  I  call  not  only 
to  know  your  fynnes,and  to  lament  them, 
but  to  amend  your  liues,  and  to  make 
i^rcg ht  the  Lordes  pat hes  by  refitting  Sa- 
tan and  fynne,and  obeying  God  in  doing 
the  workes  of  righteoufnes,  and  execu- 
ting g  oddes precepts. and  iudgementes,fb 
longe  amongeft  you  contemned. 

Forcuen  now  is  the  axe  put  to  Mat. 
K    i 


the  f  oote  of  the  trec,fo  that  eueritf 
tree  ,  that  bringeth  not  furthc 
goode  frute ,  (Vialbe  hewe  downe, 
and  caft  into  the  ficr.  The  Lord 
hath  nOw  his  fahnein  hishande, 
and  will  purge  his  flore,  ad  gather 
the  wheate  into  his  garner,  but 
will  burne  the  chaffe  with  vnque- 

Repent  therefore,  whiles  ye  haue ty- 
me,  before  ye  be  fanned,  hewe  downe  and 
fiercd.  When  I  do  behold  both  your  two 
rcalmes,!  fccthefanne,I  fee  the  axe.  But 
this  I  am  fuer  is  the  begynnyng  of  your 
ruine,that  ye  do  mary  with  Grangers,  and 
giueyour  power  to  forraine  nations, fuch 
as  fcarc  not  God,  but  are  open  idolaters, 
blafphemers,  perfecuters  of  the  fain&s  of 
God, that  careth  neither  for  hcauennor 
hell,  God  nor  dcuill,fo  that  they  may 
wynne  landes,townes  and  countries. God 
Jhall  hew  you  downe  by  the  therefore ,  a* 
he  hath  done  other  nations  by  likemea- 
nesand  caufes,and  they  (hall  fanne  you 
furtheofyourownhufkes  and  homes,  to 
make  you  vagaboundes  and  beggars,  and 
after  poflefle  your  land  cs  and  goods,  as 
God  threatned  by  Mofes,as  was  before 


^iND  SCOTLAND.  7^ 

alledgcd.  Truftnotto  thy  ftrengthe  af-j 
terwarde,when  thy  enncmy  is  fetled,  if  ( 
thou  haue  no  ftrengthe  to  reiift  hisbegyn- 
nynges,no  more  the  thou  canft  ouercomc 
acanker,thathath  oucrrunncmany  mem- 
bres.   That  God  would  not  haue  you  to 
trufte  to  your  force  of  men,townes,  orca- 
ftels, there  is  enough  exaples,  that  you  bo- 
the  haue  felt  toyourgrefe.  And  I  waAnot 
write  without  murnyng.For  how  litle  a- 
uayled  the  multitude,  and  ftowt  courtage 
of  you  ( dear  Brethre  of  Scotlad)  att  Muf- 
many  thoufandsj  who  that  day  fell  in  the 
edge  of  the  fworde,  may  teach  you.  And 
how  vaine  be  all  ftrcngthes,  (be  they  iud- 
ed  neuer  fo  ftronge,or  inexpugnable} 
ettCalice  lately  taken  admonifli  you. 
But  I  do  leaue  fuch  exaples  to  your  confe- 
derations to  tcacheyou  to  call  to  the  li- 
uinge  Lord,  whooffereth  hym  felfe,  as  a 
mercifull  father  vnto  you  ,ftill  calling 
you  to  repentance  by  wordes,  by  writin- 
ges,and  moft  gentle  corrections,  if  ye 
will  not  be  harde  harted* 

Yet  here  haue  we  to  lamet  the  mifera- 
ble  ftate  of  makynde,  which  is  fo  feduced 
bv  the  fubtileferpct,that  he  can  not  know 
his  miferie,when  he  is  admonifhed,  nor 
perccauchis  perdition,  when  it  draweth 
fo  ncre.  ^'hen  the  feruantes  of  God  fet 
K     1 



furthe  his  trueth,they  arecharged  to  trou 
ble  realmcs, and  countries, as  was  Elias; 
when  they  warnemennot  to  ioync  han- 
des  with  wicked  kinges  and  princes,  they 
ace  counted  traitours,  as  was  Efaias  and 
Icremias.  Such  is  mannes  malice.  But 
if  there  be  a  God,  that  is  fyrft  of  all  to  be 
foght,and  without  whome  nothing  can 
be  profitable  vnto  vs,but  without  h)  m  all 
thinges  are  vnhappie  and  accurfed  :  if 
thekingdomeofGodand  the  righteouf- 
nes  thereof  muft  fyrit  be  foght,and  then 
all  thinges  fhal  I  be  miniftred.ifourhea- 
uenlie  kinge  muft  before  man  be  obeyed, 
then  all  fuch  doctrine,  as  calleth  vs  from 
man  to  God,  is  eafie  to  be  perceaued,  and 
oght  not  to  be  rcfifted.  Wherefore  I  do 
admonifh  and  exhorte  you  bothe  in  the 
name  oftbeIiuingeGod,that  how  foeuer 
you  haue  hitherto  {hewed  yourfelues  the 
feruants  of  men  to  beare  and  to  flatter 
with  the  worlde,that  now  ye  Jearne  in 
goddes  caufet^defpifethc  faces  of  men, 
to  bend  your  felues  againft  this  wicked 
world,  neither  regarding  the  vifars  of 
honours,  vaine  titles  nor  dignities  any 
further,thcnthcyfeke  Godhisonelieglo 
rie.  For  his  gforie  will  he  not  fufter  to 
be  contemned  for  any  caufe.  No  he  will 
powre  contempt  on  thofe  princes,  that 
Oriuc  againft  histrueth:  but  thofe,  that 


*AVD       SCOT  L^iNH.  7* 

gIoriiiehym,willhe  gloririe.  And  what 
kingdome,  realme  or  nation  Co  euer  it  be, 
that  will  not  fckc  to  fun&iric  his  name, 
they  fliall  in  the  day  of  goddcs  greuous 
visitation ,  which  is  now  at  hand  ,  be  vtter 
]yc6founded,theyrftregth  flialbeftraw, 
tneyr  honours  (hall  be  {hame,and  all  their 
idolatrous  preeftes,  in  whofe  lies  they 
delyte,  togither  with  their  idols,  with 
whome  they  are  bewitched, fliall  beftub- 
bleand  brymftone  to  burne  togither,whe 
the  wratheof  the  Lordeof  hoftcs  fliall  fee 
themonrier.  The preeftes  (hall not faue 
theyr  goddes,northe  goddes  their  wor- 
shippers,but  both  alike  accurfed  fhallthe 
perifliforeuer.And  thogheourmercifull 
father  hathelonge  fuffred  heretofore  in 
the  tymeof  ignorace,  yet  now  in  the  endc 
oftheworldhecalleth  all  people  foplai- 
nelybyhis  worde  to  repentance,  that  he 
muft  nedes  take  fpedie  vengeance,  if  his 
callinge  be  contemned:  efpccially  becau- 
fe  the  day  can  not  longe  be  delayed,  whe- 
rein he  h^ath  determined  to  iudge  all  peo- 
ple and  nations  of  the  whole  world,  and 
to  put  a*n  end  to  wickednes. 

Wherefore  to  concludo,behold,your 
onlieremedie  remaintth  to  repent  your 
tyme  of  ignorace,of  ltubburnnes,of  cruel 
tie,  ofidolatrie,  wherein  ye  haue  fo  long 
continued.  And  now  with  all  diligence 
K  j 

TO      ENgi^tND 

to  feke  for  fcnolledge  of  the  worde  of 
God,and  opely  to  profeffe  the  Ghofpell, 
which  is  the  power  of  God,  whereof  ye 
oght  not  to  be  afhamed.Ceafe  at  the  laft 
from  your  oldeftubburnnes,wherbie  ye 
haue  deferucd  vengeance, and  labour  in 
the  vineyarde  with  all  mekenes,that  ye 
may  receaue  mercie  and  gracerceafe  from 
your  crueltie  againft  Chriftes  membres, 
and  learne  to  fuffer  for  Chriftes  fake,  if 
ye  willbetrueChriftians.-banifheallido- 
latrie  and  popifhe  fuperftition  from  a- 
mongefl  you, els  can yc  haue  no  parte  in 
Chriftes  king  dome,  no  more  then  Chrift 
can  be  partaker  with  Antichrift.  Pray  to 
the  Lorde  of  hoftes  and  armies  to  giue 
you  thccourrage,  ftrengthe,  and  meancs. 
The  Lords  arme  is  not  (hortencd  now,  no 
the  Lord  for  the  defence  of  the  trueth, 
thogh  all  the  wo  ride  ry  fe  agaift  itt.  Now 
when  the  battaileis  fierce  againft  the  li- 
uinge  God  for  dead  idols,  (  euen  for  the 
vile  wafercake  ,the  moft  vaine  idol, that 
cucrwas)  againft  the  Ghofpcl  of  Chrifte 
fortheinuentions  of  Antichrift  ,  againft 
Chriftes  mebres  for  Popifhe  ceremonies, 
can  any  of  you  ,  that  wilbecompted  gods 
children,ftyll  halt  of  bothehandes?If  that 
cake  baked  in yron  tonges,not  able  to  a- 
by de  a blaflfbf  winde^be  (he  eternal  God, 


>AND       SCOT  LsAN  Z>  jt 

folow  it :  but  if  he  only  be  God,  that  hath 
created  theheauens,abhorre  fuchevilei- 
dols,  that  haue  no  force  to  faue  the  felues: 
ifChriftes  Ghofpel  anddo&rine  befuf- 
ficientto  faluation,and  by  receauing  of  it 
ye  arecailed  Chriftians,away  with  all  An 
tichriftcs  inuentions  brog lit  into  your  Ro 
mifli  churches: if  you  hope  to  haue  any 
parte  with  Chri{t,cherime  his  rhebres  and 
maintaine  the  againft  theireennemies  the 
papiftes,ad  thebifhoppe  of  Rome  the  vcric 
Antichrifte.  What  ftrengthe,  what  force, 
what  power,  whatcoufil  fo  cuer  ye  haue  of 
yewyll  make  anfwere  to  your  heauelykig 
for  the  talent  receaued.  If  you  haue  no  re- 
y,  or  chiefly  mould  be  before  your  eyes, 
go  to  with  your  forraine  manages,  ioyne 
Frace  to  Scotlad,  and  Spayne  to  Eng land, 
if  it  bepoiTible,  yet  (hall  ye  all  beconfoun 
ded.  The  Lord  mall  plage  you  one  with 
an  other,  vntill  you  be  confumed,your 
{tregth,  wherein  ye  truft,  mall  be  make  to 
naught,  yourcourragefhalbecowardifc, 
yourwifdomfliallbcfoIie,adthe  Lord  of 
hoftes  by  your  rufnead  deftruclio  will  be 
renowmedadpraifed,adhisiurt  iudgemets 
through  owt  the  earth  malbe  honoured  ad 
feared.  Vhere  of  the  contraric  if  you  will 
maintaine  Gods  trueth  in  the  cart  he,  he' 
K   4 


TO  sn  qtun D 
will  receaueyou  as  his  children  into  the 
heauens,  if  you  confefife  his  Chrifte  befo- 
re this  wicked  generation,Chrift  fhall  con 
feflfe  you  before  his  father  in  the  heauen$, 
jn  the  prefeceof  his  angels.But  if  you  per- 
{lfteilubburnly  tobaniflie  goddes  wordc, 
and  his  fonne  Chrift  in  his  membres  furth 
ke  for  any  parte  in  his  heauelie  kingdome? 
muchemore  if  yecontinuetomurtherhis 
meflfigersjwhat  ca  ye  Ioke  for  emogftyour 
felues,but  that  ye  fhoulde  diggeonel  ano- 
thers  bellieto  be  your  own  murtherers?So 
monitios  in  your  murthers  and  idolatries, 
befucr,that  in  this  worldc  yc  fhall  haue 
enogheof  your  idolatries,  and  you  fhalbc 
filled  vcith  blooddy  murthers  aud  in  the 
end  yefhallbe  iudged  without  the 
%  eueUu  gates  of  the  hcuenlie  Icrufalem  a- 
mongeft  the  dogges,  enchaunters, 
hoorem5gers  and  murtherers  and 
idolaters  with  all  thofe,that  lo- 
ueth  lies. But  he, that  ouercom- 
meth  all  thefc,fhall  inherit  all  thin 
%es>  and  I  will  be  his  God,faieth 
the  Lord,  and  he  fhall  be  my  fon- 
ne. Where  as  the  fe  are  full  in  gods 


*4ND       SCOTLAND.  77 

caufe,the  vnbeleuing,the  abomi- 
nable, the  murtherers,  hooremon- 
fers,  forcerers  and  idolaters  inall 
aue  their  parte  in  the  lake,  that 
burncth  with fier  and  brymftone. 

Lo  here  is  the  choife  of  life  and  deache,  of 
miferie  and  welthe  offred  vnco  you  by 
gods  mercies,  and  the  meanes  how  yow 
may  winne  goddes  fauour  opened,wherc~ 
bieonely  ye  may  preuaile  againftyouren 
nemies.Godgrauteyou  heartes  toanf^er 
as  the  people  did  to  Iofua  offering  the  ly- 
kechoyfe.  Godforbyd  (  fay  they)  tojkzq, 
that  wefhoulde  forfakeGod,  we 
will  feme  the  LordeourGodand 
obey  hisvoice,  for  he  his  our  God. 
And  we  your  banifhed  brethren  by  the 
power  of  God  to  prouoke  you  forward, 
will  thus  pronounce  wi  th  Iofua. 

That  we  and  our  families  will 
ferue  the  Lorde  God,  thogheall 
natios  runne  to  Idols, thogheall  peo 
le  do  perfecute  vs.  We  knowe  that  Satan 
athebuta  fhorte  tyme  to  rage,  and  that^ 
Chrifte  our  captainc  right  fpedely  will" 
crownehisfouldiours,  towhome,  as  he  is 
theeternal  God  with  his father,be all  ho- 
nour and  gloric  for  euer  and  euer.  So  be  it. 


iOHN    K^NOXZ   TO    THe 


Ecaufe  many  are  offended 

at  the  rlrft  blaft  of  the  trompett, 
in  whiche  Iafr*irme,thatto  pro- 
mote a  woman  to  beare  rule,  or  empire  a- 
boueany  realme,  nation  or  citie,  is  repu- 
gnant to  nature,contumelic  to  God,and  a 
thing  mofte  contrarioufe  tohisreuealed 
and  approued  ordenacc.and  becaufe  alfo, 
a  confutation  of  the  fame,  I  haue  delayed 
the  fccond  blaft,  till  fuche  tyme  as  their 
reafons  appere,  by  the  which  I  either  may 
be  reformed  in  opinion,  or  els  ftiall  haue 
further  occafion  more  fimply  and  plainly 
to  vtter  my  Judgement.  Yet  in  the  mcane 
tyme  for  the  difcharge  of  my  confeienee, 
and  for  auoy ding  fufpitio,  whiche  might 
be  in^endred  by  reafon  of  my  filence,  I 
could  not  ceafe  to  notifie  thefe  fubfequent 
propo(itios,which  by  Gods  grace  I  purpo 
fe  to  entreate  in  the  fecod  blaft  promifed. 

1  It  is  not  birth  oncly  nor  propin 
.  quitieofblood,that  maketh  a  kige  lawful 
ly  to  reign  aboue  a  people  profefTing 
Chrifte  Ieius,  and  his eternall  vcritie, but 
in  his  ele&ion mnft  the  ordenancc,which 
God  hath  eftablifhcd,  in  the  elc&ion  of 



inferiour  iudges  be  obferued. 

i  No  manifcft  idolater  nor  noto- 

rioufe  tranfgrefTor  of  gods  holie  preceptes 
ogh  t  to  be  promoted  to  any  publike  rcgi- 
metjhonour  or  dignitie  in  any  realme,pro 
uinceor  citie,thathath  fubiectcd  thefelf 
to  Chrifte  Iefus  and  to  his  bleffed  Euagil. 

3  Neither  can  othenor  promefle 
bynd  any  fuch  people  to  obey  and  main- 
teintyrantes  againft  God  and  againft  his 
trueth  knowen. 

4  But  if  either  rafhely  theyhaue 
promoted  any  manifeft  wicked  perfonne, 
or  yet  ignorantly  haue  chofen  fuche  a  one, 
as  after  declarethhifelf  vnworthieofregi 
ment  aboue  the  people  of  God  (and  fuche 
be  ail  idolaters  and  cruel  perfecuters)  mo- 
fteiuftelymay  the  fame  men  depofe  and 
punifhehi,that  vnaduyfedly  before  they 
did  nominate,  appoint  and  elette- 

JVL^i  T  T  H.       VI. 

If  the  eye  be  (ingle,the  whole 
body  fhalbe  dere. 


X  C 1 1 1 1,  turned  in  to  metre, 

by  W.  Kethe. 

OLorde  fith  vengeance  doth  to  thee, 
and  to  none  els  belonge: 
Nowftiowethy  feif(oLordeoureGod) 
with  fpede  reuenge  oure  wronge. 

Arifethow  great  iudgeof  the  worlde, 

and  haue  at  length  regarde, 
Thatastheprowdedeferueand  do, 

thow  wilt  them  fo  rewarde. 


How  longe  (o  Lorde)  flial  I  wicked  men 

triumphe  thy  flock  to  flea? 
Yea  Lorde,how  Ionge3For  they  triumphe 

as  thoghe,who  now  but  they. 

Ho w  longe  (ball  wicked  doers  fpcake? 

their  great  difdaine  we  fe, 
Whofe  boaftig  prowd  doth  feem  to  threat 

no  fpeach  but  theirs  to  be. 

O  Lorde  they  fmite  thy  people  downe, 

not  fparingeyonge  oroide: 
Thine  heritage  they  fo  torment, 

as  Grange  is  to  beholde. 

The  widdowe  and  the  ftranger  both 
they  murthcr  cruelly: 
T  lie  fatherlcfTe  they  put  to  death 
and  caufc  they  know  none  why. 

And  vet  faye  they:tuflie,tuflie,  the  Lords 

(hall  not  beholde  this  dedc, 
Ne  yet  will  Iacobs  God  reuolue 

thethinges  by  vs  decreed. 

But  now  take  hede  ye  men  vnwife, 

amonge  the  folke  that  dwell: 
Yefooles(Ifaye)when  willyewaye 

or  vnderftand  this  well? 

He  that  the  eare  did  plante  and  place, 

(hall  he  be  flowe  to  hcarc? 
Or  he  that  made  the  eye  to  fee, 

fhall  he  not  feemoft  clere? 

Or  he  that  whipte  the  hethen  folke, 

and  knolledgeteacheth  men, 
To  nurture  fuch,  as  went  aftrayc, 

fhall  he  not  punilhe  then? 

The  Lorde  oure  God,who  ma  did  frame-, 
his  very  thoghts  dothknowe, 

And  that  they  are  but  vile  and  vaineB 
to  him  is  knowne  alfo. 

Butblcfled  is  thatman(o  Lorde) 
whom  thou  doelt  bringe  in  awe* 

And  teacbefte  him  by  this  thy  rodd 
to  louc  and  feare  thy  lawe. 

That  patience  thou  mayfte  him  geue 

in  tyme  of  troubles  great, 
Vntill  the  put  be  digged  vp 

th'ungodly  for  to  eate. 

For  why,the  Lorde  will  neuer  fay  le 

his  people,whiche  him  loue; 
Ne  yet  forfakehis  hcritauncc, 

whiche  he  doth  ftill  approue, 

Till  righteoufnes  to  iudgement  turne, 

as  itmuftbeindede, 
And  fuch  as  be  full  true  in  hearte 

to  folowe  it  with  fpede. 

Who  now  will  vp  and  rife  with  me 

againft  this  wycked  bande? 
Or  who  againft  thefe  workers  ill 
on  my  parte  ftowte  will  ftande? 

Yf  that  the  Lorde  had  not  me  holpt, 

Dowteleflc  it  had  bene  done, 
To  witt,my  foule  in  filence  broght, 

and  fomy  foes  had  wonne. 

Butthogh  my  foote  did  fwiftly  Aide, 

Yet  when  I  did  it  tell, 
Thy  mercie(  Lorde)  fo  heldeme  vp, 

that  I  therewith  not  fell. 

For  in  theheapes  of  forrowes  fharpe, 

that  did  my  hearte  opprefle, 
Thy  comfortes  were  to  me  fo  greatc, 

they  did  my  foule  refrefhe. 

Wilte  thow( vaine  man  )haue  ought  to  do 
with  that  moft  wicked  chaire, 

with  out  remorfe  orfeare? 


Againft  thefoulcs  of  righteous  men 

they  all  with  fpedc  conuent, 
And  there  the  giltlefle  blood  condemned  ] 

with  one  moll  vileconfent. 

But  my  refuge  is  to  the  Lordc 
in  all  thefe  daungers  deepe, 
And  God  the  flrength  is  of  my  trade, 
who  allwaies  dothe  me  keepe. 

Hefhall  rewarde  their  wickednefTe, 

and  in  their  wrathe  them  kill, 
Yea,them  deftroye  fhall  God  oureLordes 

tor  he  borhc  can  and  will. 

JF  /  fi  I S . 




m  v. 


KNOX  (John).  The  Appellation 
most  uniust  sentence  pronoune 
and  clergie  of  Scotland,  with 
the  nobilitie,  estates,  and  com 
at  Geneua,  M.D.LVIII. 

Sm.  8vo.,  chiefly  Roman  le 
uncut ;  dark  blue  levant  moroc 

The  book  was  possibly  pri 


f  Iohn  Knoxe  From  the  cruell  and 

against  him  by  the  false  bishoppes 

is  supplication  and  exhortation  to 

i  altie  of  the  same  realme.     Printed 

r,  a  fine  copy  with  some  lower  edges 
extra,  gilt  edges,  by  Bedford 

Geneva,  1558 
lid  by  J.  Pullain  and  A.  Reboul. 

^A^lifl^il^.     .  kWAAJk.