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Copyright,   1913, 



.  August,  I93a 

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Editor's  Preface 

OF  all  the  foLk-literature  adapted  for  children, 
none  is  more  richly  imaginative,  warm  in 
colour,  and  full  of  varied  adventures  than 
the  "Arabian  Nights'  Entertainments,"  for 
which  reason  a  volume  of  selections  from  the  same 
should  be  in  every  child's  own  library. 

This  edition  of  selected  tales  edited  for  young  people 
is  based  on  the  version  of  the  Oriental  scholar,  Edward 
William  Lane.  His  translation  from  the  Cairo  text, 
although  it  is  the  standard,  classic  household  version 
for  adults,  may  not  be  given  unexpurgated  to  children 
as  it  contains  much  that  is  unfit  for  them  to  read.  It 
has,  however,  great  educational  values,  the  chief  of 
which  lie  in  its  epic  treatment,  so  characteristic  of 
primitive  people;  in  its  thrilling  adventures,  related  with 
convincing  details:  and  in  its  d'gnified  style,  resembling 
that  of  Bible  narrative.  Its  educational  values  are  in- 
creased by  Lane's  pair-iing,  as  with  a  large,  free  brush, 
desert  scenes,  and  life  in  the  great  Oriental  cities;  and 
in  his  depicting  Eastern  oUstoros  and  religious  beliefs 
which  control  the  "faithful"  Mohammedan's  daily 

The  tales  abound  in  Genii  with  their  heads  in  the 
clouds,  their  feet  resting  upon  the  earth,  their  heads 
like  domes,  their  hands  like  winnowing-forks,  their  legs 
like  masts,  their  mouths  like  caverns,  their  nostrils  like 
trumpets,  their  eyes  resembling  lamps,  and  hair  dust- 

iv  Editor's   Preface 

coloured  and  dishevelled ;  and  with  damsels  as  beautiful 
as  the  shining  moon,  with  eyes  like  those  of  gazelles, 
cheeks  like  anemonies,  mouths  like  the  seal  of  Solomon, 
and  figures  like  the  waving  branch.  The  stories  also 
describe  Oriental  cities  crowned  with  domes  and  mina- 
rets, subterranean  abodes,  flying  Genii;  and  verdant 
gardens  in  which  are  flowing  rivers,  blossoming  flowers, 
and  trees  full  of  birds  proclaiming  the  praises  of  Allah 
the  One,  the  Omnipotent. 

The  pages  of  the  original  Lane  edition  are  illustrated 
with  the  delicate  drawings  of  William  Harvey,  who  in 
true  Oriental  spirit  depicts  the  buildings,  costumes  and 
life  of  Mohammedans.  As  it  is  almost  impossible  to 
reproduce  satisfactorily  these  old  engravings,  coloured 
illustrations  are  here  substituted  for  the  Harvey  draw- 

Several  of  the  stories  included  will  be  new  to  most 
children.  Of  these  are  "The  Story  of  the  City  of 
Brass,"  which  relates  the  search  for  bottled  Genii;  "The 
Adventures  of  Hassan  of  Balsora,"  which  describes  the 
wonders  of  the  enchanted  Islands  of  Wak  Wak,  and 
the  humorous  stcry  oi  "Caliph  the  Fisherman." 

Two  stories,  *'Aldddin"  and  "All  3aba,"  are  not  in- 
cluded in  the  Cairo  text,  and  as  an  edition  for  children 
of  the  Arabian  Nighty  would  be  incomplete  without 
these  tales  I  have  added  tbe^ro,  editing  the  versions  of 
Jonathan  Scott,  translated  from  the  French  of  Galland. 

In  rendering  these  stories  I  have  retained  the  original 
language  as  far  as  possible.  The  familiar  forms  of 
proper  names  are  given  instead  of  Lane's  more  accurate 
but  uninteresting  transliterations,  and  English  equiv- 
alents have  been  substituted  for  some  Arabic  words. 
Long  sentences  are  shortened,  tedious  conversations 

Editor's   Preface  v 

condensed,  and  lengthy  stories  broken  into  chapters. 
Those  parts  of  the  stories  unsuitable  for  children  are 
removed,  which  in  a  few  cases  necessitates  slight  changes 
in  the  plots.  I  have,  however,  conscientiously  tried  to 
preserve  the  original  matter,  and  the  genius  and  customs 
of  the  Arabians,  making  only  such  alterations  as  the 
interests  of  the  children  demand. 

Frances  Jenkins  Olcott. 
July,  1913. 




Chapter  I 





Chapter  II 





DICANTS      63 




viii  Contents 


CANTS      76 

Chapter  III 

Chapter  IV 






THE  SEA 125 


HUNT 140 


Chapter  V 



Contents  ix 

Chapter  VI 







Chapter  VII 





Chapter  VIII 

Chapter  IX 


List  of  Illustrations 

THE  MAGIC  CARPET Frontispiece 






















In  the  name  of  Allah ^  the  Compassionate,  the  Merciful 

Shahriar  and  Sheherazade 


HERE  was  in  ancient  times  a  King  of  India 
and  China,  possessing  numerous  troops  and 
■  guards  and  servants,  and  he  had  two  sons. 

M  Both  of  these  princes  were  brave  horsemen, 

but  especially  the  elder,  who  inherited  the  kingdom  of 
his  father,  and  governed  his  subjects  with  such  justice 
that  the  inhabitants  of  his  country  and  whole  empire 
loved  him.  He  was  called  King  Shahriar.  His  younger 
brother  was  named  Shahzeman,  and  was  King  of 
Samarcand.  Each  of  them  ruled  over  his  subjects 
with  justice  for  the  period  of  twenty  years  with  the 
utmost  enjoyment  and  happiness. 

At  the  end  of  twenty  years  the  elder  King  felt  a 
strong  desire  to  see  his  brother  and  ordered  his  Vizier 
to  repair  to  him,  and  bring  him.  He  prepared  for  his 
brother  handsome  presents,  such  as  horses  adorned  with 
gold  and  costly  jewels,  and  also  memlooks,  and  female 
slaves  and  expensive  stuffs.  He  then  wrote  a  letter  to 
King  Shahzeman,  expressing  his  great  desire  to  see  him, 
and  having  sealed  it,  and  given  it  to  the  Vizier,  together 
with  the  presents,  he  ordered  him  to  strain  his  nerves, 
and  tuck  up  his  skirts,  and  make  haste  to  go  and  re- 

The  Vizier  answered:  "I  hear  and  obey,"  and  forth- 
with prepared  for  the  journey.  He  proceeded  night 
and  day  over  deserts  and  wastes,  until  he  drew  near  to 

2  The  Arabian   Nights 

the  city  of  Samarcand,  when  he  sent  forth  a  messenger 
to  inform  King  Shahzeman  of  his  approach.  Where- 
upon the  King  ordered  the  chief  officers  of  his  court, 
and  the  great  men  of  his  kingdom,  to  go  forth  a  day's 
journey  to  meet  him,  and  they  did  so,  and  walked  by 
his  stirrups  until  they  returned  to  the  city.  The  Vizier 
presented  himself  before  King  Shahzeman,  greeted  him 
with  a  prayer  for  the  continuance  of  his  power  and 
blessing,  kissed  the  ground  before  him,  and  handed  him 
the  letter.  The  King  took  it,  and  read  it,  and  said  to 
the  Vizier:  "I  will  not  go  until  I  have  entertained  thee 
three  days."  Accordingly  he  lodged  him  in  a  palace 
befitting  his  rank,  accommodated  his  troops  in  tents, 
and  so  they  remained  three  days. 

On  the  fourth  day  the  King  equipped  himself  for  the 
journey,  made  ready  his  baggage,  and  collected  costly 
presents  for  his  brother.  He  then  sent  forth  his  tents, 
camels  and  mules  and  servants,  appointed  his  Vizier  to 
be  governor  of  the  country  during  his  absence,  and  set 
out  towards  his  brother's  dominion.  King  Shahriar, 
rejoicing  at  the  tidings  of  his  approach,  went  forth  to 
meet  him,  saluted  him,  and  welcomed  him  with  the 
utmost  delight.  He  ordered  that  the  houses  and  shops 
should  be  decorated  on  the  occasion,  and,  escorting  his 
brother  into  the  city,  entertained  him  with  sports, 
mirth  and  hunting. 

Now  it  happened  one  day  that  the  two  Kings  went 
forth  alone,  from  a  private  door  of  the  palace  to  walk  by 
the  sea.  They  walked  until  they  arrived  at  a  tree  in  the 
midst  of  a  meadow,  by  a  spring  of  water,  on  the  sea 
shore.  They  drank  of  this  spring,  and  sat  down  to 
rest,  and,  lo,  the  sea  became  troubled,  and  there  arose 
from  it  a  black  pillar,  ascending  towards  the  sky,  and 

The  Arabian   Nights  3 

approaching  the  meadow.  Struck  with  fear  at  the 
sight,  they  cHmbed  up  into  the  tree,  which  was  lofty; 
and,  behold,  the  black  pillar  was  a  Genie  of  gigantic 
stature,  broad-fronted  and  bulky,  bearing  on  his  head 
a  chest. 

The  Genie  landed,  and  came  to  the  tree  into  which 
the  two  Kings  had  climbed,  and  having  seated  himself 
beneath  it,  opened  the  chest,  and  took  out  of  it  another 
box,  which  he  also  opened.  There  came  forth  from  it  a 
young  woman  fair  and  beautiful  hke  the  shining  sun. 
When  the  Genie  cast  his  eye  upon  her  he  said:  "O  Lady 
of  noble  race,  whom  I  carried  off  on  thy  wedding-night, 
I  desire  to  sleep  a  httle."  And  he  placed  his  head 
upon  her  knee  and  slept. 

The  damsel  raised  her  head  and  saw  the  two  Kings 
in  the  tree.  She  removed  the  head  of  the  Genie  from 
her  knee,  and,  having  placed  it  on  the  ground,  stood 
under  the  tree,  and  made  signs  to  the  two  men,  saying: 
"Come  down,  fear  not  this  Afrite.  But  if  ye  do  not 
come  down  I  will  rouse  him,  and  he  shall  put  you  to  a 
cruel  death!"  So,  being  afraid,  the  Kings  came  down 
to  her.  She  then  took  from  her  pocket  a  purse,  and  drew 
from  this  a  string  upon  which  were  ninety-eight  seal 
rings.  "Know,"  said  she,  "that  the  owners  of  these 
rings,  unknown  to  this  foolish  Afrite,  gave  me  all 
these,  therefore  give  me  your  two  rings,  ye  brothers!" 
So  they  gave  her  their  two  rings  from  their  fingers. 
Then  said  she  to  them,  "This  evil  Afrite  whom  I  hate, 
carried  me  off  on  my  wedding-night,  and  put  me  in  this 
box,  and  placed  the  box  in  the  chest,  and  affixed  to  the 
chest  seven  locks,  and  deposited  me,  thus  imprisoned, 
in  the  bottom  of  the  roaring  sea,  beneath  the  dashing 
waves,  not  knowing  that  some  day,  while  he  sleeps,  I 

4  The  Arabian   Nights 

shall  surely  slay  him!    In  accordance  with  this  says  one 
of  the  poets : 

*  Never  trust  in  women,  nor  rely  upon  their  vows. 

They  offer  a  false  affection,  for  perfidy  lurks  within  their 

For  greatly  indeed  to  be  wondered  at  is  he  who  hath  kept 

himself  safe  from  woman's  artifice!'" 

"When  the  two  Kings  heard  these  words  from  her 
lips  they  said  one  to  the  other:  "If  this  Afrite  hath  so 
great  a  calamity,  what  will  befall  us  if  we  have  aught 
to  do  with  women.''  From  now  on  let  us  keep  ourselves 
safe  from  the  artifice  of  women!"  And  immediately 
they  departed  and  returned  to  the  city. 

As  soon  as  they  had  entered  the  palace,  King  Shahriar 
caused  his  wife  to  be  beheaded.  And  henceforth  he  took 
a  new  wife  every  day  and  he  ordered  her  to  be  killed 
the  morning  after  the  marriage  festivities.  Thus  he 
continued  to  do  for  three  years,  and  the  people  raised 
an  outcry  against  him,  and  fled  with  their  daughters. 
Such  was  the  case  when  one  day  the  King  ordered  the 
Vizier  to  bring  him  a  bride  according  to  custom.  The 
Vizier  went  forth,  and  searched,  and  found  none,  and 
went  back  to  his  house  in  great  fear  of  what  the  King 
might  do  to  him. 

Now  the  Vizier  had  two  daughters,  the  elder  of  whom 
was  called  Sheherazade,  and  the  younger  Dinarzade. 
The  elder  daughter,  seeing  her  father  sorrowful,  said: 
"Why  do  I  see  thee  thus  changed  and  oppressed  with 
solicitude.'^"  When  the  Vizier  heard  these  words  from 
his  daughter  he  related  to  her  all  that  had  happened. 
*'0  my  father,"  said  Sheherazade,  "give  me  in  marriage 
to  this  King,  and  either  I  shall  die,  and  be  a  ransom 

•nil':  rhoi'i.K  hj-.d  w  i  i  m    imiii;  d  \l  f.irn-RS 

The   Arabian   Nights  5 

for  one  of  the  daughters  of  my  people,  or  I  shall  live 
and  be  the  cause  of  their  deliverance  from  him."  "I 
conjure  thee,"  exclaimed  her  father,  "that  thou  expose 
not  thyself  to  such  peril!"  But  Sheherazade  persisted 
in  her  determination  and  persuaded  him  until  he  ar- 
rayed her  and  took  her  in  to  King  Shahriar. 

Now  Sheherazade  had  read  many  histories  of  ancient 
Kings  and  works  of  poets,  and  before  going  to  King 
Shahriar  she  gave  directions  to  her  younger  sister  saying 
to  her:  "When  I  have  gone  to  the  King  I  will  send 
to  request  thee  to  come.  When  thou  comest  do  thou 
say:  'O  my  sister,  relate  to  me  some  strange  story  to 
beguile  our  waking  hours,'  and  I  will  relate  a  story  that 
shall,  if  it  be  the  will  of  Allah,  deliver  me  from  death." 

So  her  father  the  Vizier  took  Sheherazade  to  the 
King,  who,  when  he  saw  her,  rejoiced  because  of  her 
goodness  and  beauty.  But  Sheherazade  wept  and 
said:  "O  King,  I  have  a  young  sister,  and  I  wish  to  take 
leave  of  her."  So  the  King  sent  for  Dinarzade  and  she 
came  to  her  sister  and  embraced  her,  and  after  she  had 
waited  for  a  proper  opportunity,  she  said:  "O  my  sister, 
relate  to  us  a  story  to  beguile  the  waking  hours  of  our 
night."  "Most  willingly,"  answered  Sheherazade: 
"if  this  virtuous  King  permit  me."  The  King  hearing 
these  words  and  being  restless  was  pleased  with  the 
idea  of  listening  to  a  story,  and  thus  on  the  first  night 
of  the  thousand  and  one,  Sheherazade  commenced  her 

Chapter  I 


THERE  was  a  certain  poor  fisherman,  who  had 
a  wife  and  three  children.  It  was  his  custom 
to  cast  his  net  every  day  no  more  than  four 
times.  One  day  he  went  forth  at  the  hour  of 
noon  to  the  shore  of  the  sea,  and  put  down  his  basket, 
and  cast  his  net,  and  waited  until  it  was  motionless  in 
the  water,  when  he  drew  together  the  strings,  and  found 
it  to  be  heavy.  He  pulled  but  could  not  draw  it  up. 
He  then  stripped  himself,  and  dived  around  the  net,  and 
pulled  until  he  drew  it  out.  But  when  he  came  to  ex- 
amine the  net  he  found  in  it  the  carcass  of  an  ass. 

He  then  disencumbered  his  net  of  the  dead  ass,  and 
descending  into  the  sea,  cast  the  net  again,  and  waited 
until  it  had  sunk  and  was  still,  when  he  pulled  it,  and 
found  it  more  heavy  than  before.  He  therefore  con- 
cluded that  it  was  full  of  fish,  so  he  stripped,  and 
plunged,  and  dived,  and  pulled  until  he  raised  it,  and 
drew  it  upon  the  shore,  when  he  found  in  it  only  a 
large  jar  full  of  sand  and  mud. 

He  threw  the  jar  aside,  cleansed  his  net,  and  begging 
the  forgiveness  of  Allah  for  his  impatience,  returned  to 
the  sea  the  third  time,  and  threw  his  net.    He  waited 


The   Arabian   Nights  7 

until  it  had  sunk  and  was  motionless,  he  then  drew  it 
out,  and  found  in  it  only  a  quantity  of  broken  jars  and 

Upon  this  he  raised  his  head  towards  Heaven,  ancj 
said:  "0  Allah,  thou  knowest  that  I  cast  my  net  not 
more  than  four  times,  and  I  have  now  cast  it  three 
times!"  Then  exclaiming,  "In  the  name  of  Allah!" 
he  cast  the  net  again  into  the  sea,  and  waited  until  it 
was  still.  When  he  attempted  to  draw  it  up  he  could 
not,  for  it  clung  to  the  bottom,  so  he  dived  again  and 
raised  it  to  the  shore.  When  he  opened  it  he  found  in  it 
a  bottle  of  brass,  filled  with  something,  and  having  its 
mouth  closed  with  a  stopper  of  lead,  bearing  the  im- 
pression of  the  seal  of  our  lord  Solomon. 

At  the  sight  of  this,  the  fisherman  was  rejoiced.  He 
shook  the  bottle  and  found  it  to  be  heavy,  and  said: 
"I  must  open  it,  and  see  what  is  in  it,  and  then  I  will 
sell  the  bottle  in  the  copper-market  for  it  is  worth  ten 
pieces  of  gold!"  So  he  took  out  a  knife,  and  picked  at 
the  lead  until  he  extracted  it  from  the  bottle.  He  then 
laid  the  bottle  on  the  ground  and  shook  it,  but  there 
came  forth  from  it  nothing  but  smoke,  which  ascended 
to  the  sky,  and  spread  over  the  face  of  the  earth.  And 
after  a  little  while  the  smoke  collected,  and  became  an 
Afrite  whose  head  was  in  the  clouds,  while  his  feet 
rested  upon  the  earth.  His  head  was  like  a  dome,  his 
hands  were  like  winnowing-forks,  his  legs  like  masts, 
his  mouth  resembled  a  cavern,  his  teeth  were  like  stones, 
his  nostrils  like  trumpets,  and  his  eyes  like  lamps,  and 
he  had  dishevelled  and  dust-coloured  hair. 

When  the  fisherman  beheld  this  Afrite,  the  muscles 
of  his  side  quivered,  his  teeth  were  locked  together,  his 
spittle  dried  up,  and  he  saw  not  his  way.    But  the  Afrite, 

8  The  Arabian   Nights 

as  soon  as  he  perceived  him,  exclaimed:  "There  is  no 
deity  but  Allah!  Solomon  is  the  Prophet  of  Allah!  O 
Prophet  of  Allah,  slay  me  not,  for  I  will  never  again 
oppose  thee  in  word,  or  rebel  against  thee  in  deed!" 
**0  evil  Genie,"  said  the  fisherman,  "Solomon  hath 
been  dead  a  thousand  and  eight  hundred  years.  What 
is  thy  history,  and  what  is  thy  tale,  and  what  was  the 
cause  of  thy  entering  this  bottle?" 

When  the  Afrite  heard  these  words  of  the  fisherman 
he  said:  "There  is  no  deity  but  Allah!  Receive  news, 
O  fisherman,  of  thy  being  instantly  put  to  a  most 
cruel  death."  "Wherefore,"  exclaimed  the  fisherman, 
"wouldst  thou  kill  me,  when  I  have  liberated  thee  from 
the  bottle,  rescued  thee  from  the  bottom  of  the  sea,  and 
brought  thee  up  on  dry  land.'^"  The  Afrite  answered: 
"  Choose  what  kind  of  death  thou  wilt  die,  and  in  what 
manner  thou  shalt  be  killed."  "What  is  my  offence," 
said  the  fisherman,  "that  this  should  be  my  reward 
from  thee.''"  "Hear  my  story,  O  fisherman,"  the 
Afrite  replied.  "Tell  it  then,"  said  the  fisherman,  "and 
short  be  thy  words,  for  my  soul  hath  sunk  to  my  feet." 

"Know  then,"  said  the  Afrite,  "that  I  am  one  of  the 
heretical  Genii.  I  rebelled  against  Solomon  the  son  of 
David,  and  he  sent  to  me  his  Vizier,  who  came  upon  me 
forcibly,  and  took  me  to  him  in  bonds,  and  placed  me 
before  him.  When  Solomon  saw  me  he  offered  up  a 
prayer  for  protection  against  me,  and  exhorted  me  to 
embrace  the  faith,  but  I  refused.  Upon  which  he  called 
for  this  bottle  and  confined  me  in  it,  and  closed  it  with 
a  leaden  stopper,  which  he  stamped  with  the  Most 
Great  Name.  He  then  gave  orders  to  a  Genie,  who 
carried  me  away,  and  threw  me  into  the  midst  of  the 
sea.    There  I  remained  a  hundred  years,  and  I  said  in 


The  Arabian   Nights  9 

my  heart,  Whosoever  shall  liberate  me,  I  will  enrich 
him  for  ever!  But  the  hundred  years  passed  over, 
and  no  one  hberated  me.  I  entered  upon  another  hun- 
dred years,  and  I  said:  Whosoever  shall  liberate  me, 
I  will  open  to  him  the  treasures  of  the  earth!  But  no 
one  did  so.  And  four  hundred  years  passed  over  me,  and 
I  said,  Whosoever  shall  liberate  me,  I  will  perform 
for  him  three  wishes!  But  still  no  one  hberated  me. 
I  then  fell  in  a  rage  and  said  within  myself:  Whosoever 
shall  liberate  me  now,  I  will  kill  him.  I  will  only  suffer 
him  to  choose  in  what  manner  he  shall  die!  And,  lo, 
now  thou  hast  liberated  me,  and  I  have  given  thee  thy 
choice  of  the  manner  in  which  thou  shalt  die." 

When  the  fisherman  heard  the  story  of  the  Afrite  he 
said  within  himself:  "This  is  a  Genie,  and  I  am  a  man, 
and  Allah  hath  given  me  sound  reason,  therefore  I  will 
now  plot  the  destruction  of  this  evil  one  with  my  reason 
and  my  art."  So  he  said  to  the  Afrite,  "By  the  Most 
Great  Name  engraved  upon  the  seal  of  Solomon,  I  will 
ask  thee  one  question,  and  wilt  thou  answer  it  to  me 
truly?"  On  hearing  the  mention  of  the  Most  Great 
Name,  the  Afrite  trembled  and  replied:  "Yes,  ask  and 
be  brief."  The  fisherman  then  said:  "How  wast  thou 
in  this  bottle?  It  will  not  contain  thy  hand  or  thy  foot, 
how  then  can  it  contain  thy  whole  body?"  "Dost  thou 
not  believe  that  I  was  in  it?"  exclaimed  the  Afrite, 
and  he  shook  and  became  converted  again  into  smoke, 
which  rose  to  the  sky,  and  then  became  condensed,  and 
entered  the  bottle  little  by  little,  until  it  was  all  en- 
closed. The  fisherman  hastily  snatched  the  leaden 
stopper,  and  having  replaced  it  in  the  mouth  of  the 
bottle,  called  out  to  the  Afrite:  "Choose  what  manner  of 
death  thou  wilt  die!" 

lo  The  Arabian  Nights 

On  hearing  these  words  of  the  fisherman,  the  Afrlte 
endeavoured  to  escape,  but  could  not.  The  fisherman 
then  took  the  bottle  to  the  brink  of  the  sea,  saying: 
"I  will  assuredly  throw  thee  here  into  the  sea."  The 
Af rite  exclaimed :  "Nay,  nay ! "  To  which  the  fisherman 
answered,  "Yea,  without  fail.  I  will  throw  thee  into 
the  sea,  and  if  thou  hast  been  there  a  thousand  and 
eight  hundred  years,  I  will  make  thee  to  remain  there 
until  the  hour  of  judgment!"  "Open  to  me,"  said  the 
Afrite,  "that  I  may  confer  benefits  upon  thee."  The 
fisherman  replied,  "Thou  liest,  thou  accursed.  I  and 
thou  are  like  the  Vizier  of  the  Grecian  King  and  the 
sage  Douban."  "What,"  said  the  Afrite,  "was  the 
case  of  the  Vizier  of  the  Grecian  King,  and  the  sage 
Douban,  and  what  is  their  story?"  The  fisherman 
answered  as  follows: 


KNOW,  O  Afrite,  there  was  in  former  times,  a  mon- 
arch who  was  King  of  the  Grecians,  possessing 
great  treasure,  and  numerous  and  valiant  forces,  and 
troops  of  every  description.  But  he  was  afflicted  with 
leprosy,  which  the  physicians  and  sages  had  failed  to 
cure,  neither  their  potions  nor  powders,  nor  ointments 
were  of  any  benefit  to  him. 

At  length  there  arrived  at  the  city  of  this  King  a 
great  sage,  stricken  in  years,  called  the  sage  Douban. 
He  was  acquainted  with  languages,  medicine  and 
astrology,  as  well  as  with  the  properties  of  plants,  dried 

The   Arabian   Nights  1 1 

and  fresh,  and  he  was  versed  in  the  wisdom  of  the 

After  the  sage  had  arrived  in  the  city  he  heard  of  the 
King,  and  of  the  leprosy  which  aflflicted  him.  So  one 
morning  he  attired  himseK  in  the  richest  of  his  apparel, 
and  presented  himself  before  the  King.  He  kissed  the 
ground  before  him  and  said,  *'0  King,  I  have  heard  of 
the  disease  which  hath  attacked  thee,  and  I  will  cure 
thee  without  giving  thee  to  drink  any  potion,  or  anoint- 
ing thee  with  ointment." 

When  the  King  heard  his  words  he  said:  "Verily, 
if  thou  cure  me,  I  will  enrich  thee  and  thy  children's 
children!  I  will  heap  favours  upon  thee,  and  what- 
soever thou  shalt  desire  shall  be  thine,  and  thou 
shalt  be  my  companion  and  friend."  He  then  be- 
stowed upon  the  sage  a  robe  of  honour  and  other 

The  sage  went  out  from  the  presence  of  the  King  and 
returned  to  his  abode.  He  selected  certain  medicines 
and  drugs,  and  made  a  golf-stick,  with  a  hollow  handle, 
into  which  he  put  the  medicines  and  drugs.  He  then 
made  a  ball,  skilfully  formed.  The  following  day  he 
went  again  to  the  King,  and  kissed  the  ground  before 
him  and  directed  him  to  repair  to  the  horse-course,  and 
to  play  with  ball  and  goK-stick.  The  King  attended  by 
his  Emirs,  and  Viziers,  went  thither.  As  soon  as  he 
arrived  there  the  sage  Douban  handed  him  the  golf- 
stick  saying:  "Take  this  golf -stick,  grasp  it  thus,  and 
ride  along  the  horse-course,  and  strike  the  ball  with  all 
thy  force,  until  the  palm  of  thy  hand  becomes  moist, 
when  the  medicines  will  penetrate  into  thy  hand,  and 
pervade  thy  whole  body,  then  shalt  thou  find  thyself 
cured,  and  peace  be  on  thee."    So  the  King  did  as  the 

12  The   Arabian   Nights 

sage  directed,  and  the  leprosy  left  him,  and  his  skin 
was  clear  as  white  silver. 

On  the  following  morning  the  King  entered  the  council- 
chamber,  and  sat  upon  his  throne,  and  the  chamber- 
lains and  other  great  officers  of  his  court  came  before 
him.  The  sage  Douban  also  presented  himself,  and 
when  the  King  saw  him  he  rose  in  haste,  and  seated  him 
by  his  side.  And  food  was  set  before  them,  and  the 
sage  ate  with  the  King,  and  remained  as  his  guest  all 
day.  And  the  King  made  him  his  companion  and 
familiar  friend,  and  gave  him  two  thousand  pieces  of 
gold,  besides  dresses  of  honour  and  other  presents,  and 
mounted  him  on  his  own  horse,  and  so  the  sage  returned 
to  his  house. 

Now  there  was  among  the  King's  Viziers,  one  of  ill 
aspect,  and  of  evil  star,  sordid,  avaricious,  and  of  an 
envious  and  malicious  disposition.  When  he  saw  that 
the  King  had  made  the  sage  Douban  his  friend,  he 
envied  him,  and  meditated  evil  against  him.  So  he 
approached  the  King,  and  kissed  the  ground  before 
him,  and  said:  "O  glorious  King!  It  hath  been  said  by 
the  ancients: 

*He  who  looketh  not  to  results, 
Fortune  will  not  attend  him.' 

Now  I  have  seen  that  the  King  is  in  a  way  that  is  not 
right  since  he  hath  bestowed  favours  upon  his  enemy, 
and  upon  him  who  desireth  the  downfall  of  his  dominion. 
He  hath  treated  him  with  kindness,  and  made  him  his 
friend.  I  fear  therefore  for  the  Kjng,  the  consequence 
of  this  conduct." 

At  this  the  King  was  troubled:  "Who,"  a?ked  he,  "is 
mine  enemy,  to  whom  I  show  kindness.^*"    "0  King," 


The   Arabian   Nights  13 

replied  the  Vizier,  "if  thou  hast  been  asleep,  awake! 
I  allude  to  the  sage  Douban.  If  thou  trust  in  this 
sage,  he  will  kill  thee  in  the  foulest  manner.  He  cured 
thee  by  the  means  of  a  thing  thou  heldest  in  thy  hand. 
What  will  prevent  him  from  killing  thee  by  a  thing  that 
thou  shalt  hold  in  the  like  manner?"  The  King  an- 
swered: "Thou  hast  spoken  the  truth!  It  is  probable 
that  this  sage  came  as  a  spy  to  accomplish  my  death. 
What  then,  O  Vizier,  shall  be  done  to  him?"  The 
Vizier  answered:  "Send  for  him  immediately,  and 
strike  off  his  head.  Betray  him,  before  he  betray 

The  King  immediately  sent  for  the  sage,  who  came 
full  of  joy,  not  knowing  what  was  decreed  to  befall 
him.  "Knowest  thou,"  said  the  King,  "wherefore  I 
have  summoned  thee?"  The  sage  answered:  "None 
knoweth  what  is  secret  but  Allah,  whose  name  be 
exalted!"  Then  said  the  King,  "I  have  summoned 
thee  that  I  might  take  thy  life  away.  It  hath  been  told 
me  that  thou  art  a  spy,  and  that  thou  hast  come  hither 
to  kill  me,  but  I  will  prevent  thee,  by  killing  thee  first!" 
and  so  saying,  he  called  out  to  the  executioner:  "Strike 
off  the  head  of  this  traitor,  and  relieve  me  from  his 
wickedness."  The  executioner  then  advanced,  and 
bandaged  the  eyes  of  the  sage,  and  having  drawn  his 
sword  waited  for  the  signal  of  the  King. 

"Spare  me!"  said  the  sage,  "spare  me,  and  so  may 
Allah  spare  thee,  and  destroy  me  not  lest  Allah  destroy 
thee !  Wherefore  wouldst  thou  kill  me,  and  what  offence 
hath  been  committed  by  me?  Wouldst  thou  return 
me  the  recompense  of  the  crocodile?"  "What,"  said 
the  King,  "is  the  story  of  the  crocodile?"  "I  cannot 
relate  it  while  in  this  condition,"  the  sage  answered. 

14  The   Arabian   Nights 

"but  I  conjure  thee  by  Allah  to  spare  me,  and  so  may 
He  spare  thee!"  And  he  wept  bitterly.  Then  one  of 
the  chief  officers  of  the  King  arose,  and  said:  "O  King, 
give  up  to  me  the  blood  of  this  sage.  We  have  not 
seen  him  commit  any  offence  against  thee,  but  he  cured 
thee  of  thy  disease."  "He  is  a  spy,"  the  King  answered, 
"that  hath  come  hither  to  kill  me.  I  must  therefore 
kill  him,  and  then  I  shall  feel  myself  safe." 

Now  when  the  sage  Douban  heard  these  words  he 
knew  there  was  no  escape  for  him,  so  he  said:  "O  King, 
grant  me  some  respite  so  that  I  may  return  to  my  house, 
and  give  directions  to  my  family  and  neighbours  to  bury 
me,  and  dispose  of  my  medical  books.  Among  my 
books  is  one  of  especial  value  which  I  offer  as  a  present 
to  thee.  When  thou  hast  cut  off  my  head,  if  thou  open 
this  book,  and  count  three  leaves,  and  then  read  three 
lines  on  the  page  to  the  left,  the  head  will  speak  to 
thee,  and  answer  whatever  thou  shalt  ask." 

At  this  the  King  was  excessively  astonished  and 
shook  with  delight,  and  he  sent  the  sage  in  the  custody 
of  guards,  bidding  him  descend  to  his  house,  to  settle 
with  all  speed  his  affairs.  On  the  following  day  he 
went  up  to  the  court,  and  the  Emirs,  and  Viziers  and 
all  the  great  officers  of  the  state  went  thither  also,  and 
the  court  resembled  a  flower-garden. 

When  the  sage  had  entered  he  presented  himself 
before  the  King  bearing  an  old  book,  and  a  small  pot 
containing  a  powder.  He  sat  down,  and  said,  "Bring 
me  a  tray."  So  they  brought  one,  and  he  poured  out 
the  powder  in  it,  and  spread  it.  Then  said  he:  "O 
King,  take  this  book  and  when  thou  hast  cut  off  my 
head,  place  it  upon  this  tray,  and  press  it  down  upon 
the  powder,  then  open  the  book."    As  soon  as  the  sage 

The  Arabian   Nights  15 

had  said  that  the  King  gave  orders  to  strike  off  his 
head,  and  it  was  done. 

The  King  then  took  the  sage's  head,  placed  it  on  a 
tray,  opened  the  book,  and  found  that  its  pages  were 
stuck  together,  so  he  put  his  finger  to  his  mouth,  and 
moistened  it,  and  opened  the  first  leaf  and  the  second 
and  the  third.  He  opened  six  leaves,  and  looked  at 
them,  but  found  on  them  no  writing.  So  he  said:  "0 
sage,  there  is  nothing  written  in  it."  The  head  of  the 
sage  answered,  "Turn  over  more  pages."  The  King 
did  so,  and  in  a  little  while  poison  from  the  leaves  pene- 
trated his  body,  for  the  book  was  poisoned,  and  the 
King  fell  back  and  cried  out.  Upon  this  the  head  of 
the  sage  said : 

"Thou  madest  use  of  thy  power,  and  used  It  tyrannically. 
Soon  it  became  as  though  it  never  had  existed ! 

This  is  the  reward  of  thy  conduct,  and  Fortune  is  blame- 

When  the  head  of  the  sage  Douban  had  uttered  these 
words,  the  King  immediately  fell  down  dead. 

Here  Sheherazade  perceived  the  light  of  day,  and  dis- 
continued her  story.  "How  excellent,  how  pleasant  is 
thy  story!"  said  Dinarzade  her  sister.  "It  is  nothing," 
answered  Sheherazade,  "compared  to  the  story  I  will 
tell  to-night,  if  I  live  and  the  King  spare  me ! "  "  Verily," 
exclaimed  the  King,  "I  will  not  kill  thee  until  I  hear  the 
remainder  of  thy  story ! " 

When  the  King  went  forth  to  the  hall  of  judgment, 
the  Vizier  went  thither  with  his  daughter's  grave-clothes 
under  his  arm.  But  the  King  gave  judgment,  and 
transacted  the  business  of  his  empire,  without  ordering 

1 6  The  Arabian   Nights 

Sheherazade  to  be  put  to  death,  and  the  Vizier  was 
much  astonished.  The  court  then  dissolved,  and  the 
King  returned  to  the  privacy  of  his  palace. 

When  night  was  come,  Sheherazade  again  commenced 
her  story- telling,  and  related  as  follows: 


NOW,  O  Afrite,"  continued  the  fisherman,  "know 
that  if  the  King  of  the  Grecians  had  spared  the 
sage  Douban,  Allah  had  spared  him.  But  he  refused 
to  spare  the  sage,  therefore  Allah  destroyed  him,  and 
thou  Afrite,  if  thou  hadst  spared  me,  Allah  had  spared 
thee,  and  I  had  spared  thee.  But  thou  desiredst  my 
death,  therefore  will  I  put  thee  to  death,  imprisoned  in 
this  bottle,  and  will  throw  thee  here  into  the  sea." 

The  Afrite,  upon  this,  cried  out:  "I  conjure  thee  by 
Allah,  O  fisherman,  that  thou  do  it  not!  Spare  me  in 
generosity,  and  be  not  angry  with  me  for  what  I  did) 
Display  humanity  and  liberate  me,  and  I  vow  to  thee 
that  I  will  never  do  thee  harm,  but,  on  the  contrary, 
I  will  enrich  thee  forever!" 

Upon  this  the  fisherman  bound  the  Afrite  by  oaths 
and  vows,  and  made  him  swear  by  the  Most  Great 
Name  of  Allah,  that  he  would  do  him  no  harm.  Then 
the  fisherman  opened  the  bottle  and  the  smoke  ascended 
and  collected,  and  became  as  before  an  Afrite  of  hideous 
form,  and  the  Afrite  kicked  the  bottle  into  the  sea. 
When  the  fisherman  saw  this  he  was  filled  with  fear, 
but  the  Afrite  laughed,  and  walking  on  before  him^ 

The   Arabian   Nights  17 

said:  "0  fisherman,  follow  me."  The  fisherman  did  so, 
not  believing  in  his  escape.  They  quitted  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  the  city,  and  ascended  a  mountain,  and 
descended  into  a  wide  desert  tract,  in  the  midst  of 
which  was  a  lake  of  water.  Here  the  Af  rite  stopped  and 
ordered  the  fisherman  to  cast  his  net  and  take  some  fish. 

And  the  fisherman  looking  into  the  lake  saw  in  it 
fish  of  different  colours,  white  and  red  and  blue  and 
yellow.  He  cast  his  net,  and  drew  it  in,  and  found  in 
it  four  fish,  each  of  a  different  colour.  The  Afrite  then 
said:  "Take  them  to  the  Sultan,  and  present  them  to 
him,  and  he  will  give  thee  what  will  enrich  thee.  At 
present  I  know  of  no  other  way  of  rewarding  thee, 
having  been  in  the  sea  a  thousand  and  eight  hundred 
years,  and  not  having  seen  the  surface  of  the  earth 
until  now.  Take  not  the  fish  from  the  lake  more  than 
once  each  day,  and  now  I  commend  thee  to  the  care 
of  Allah."  Having  said  thus  he  struck  the  earth  with 
his  foot,  and  it  clove  asunder,  and  swallowed  him. 

The  fisherman  then  went  back  to  the  city,  and  going 
up  unto  the  King  he  presented  him  with  the  fish.  The 
King  in  return  gave  him  four  hundred  pieces  of  gold, 
and  the  fisherman  took  them  in  his  lap,  and  returned 
to  his  wife  joyful  and  happy.  The  King  was  excessively 
astonished  at  the  fish,  for  he  had  never  seen  any  like 
them  in  the  course  of  his  life,  and  he  said:  "Give  these 
to  the  slave  cook-maid  and  bid  her  prepare  them  for 
me."  Now  this  maid  had  been  sent  as  a  present  to  him 
by  the  Kjng  of  the  Grecians,  three  days  before,  and  he 
had  not  yet  tried  her  skill.  The  Vizier  therefore  gave 
her  the  fish  and  ordered  her  to  fry  them. 

The  cook-maid  took  the  fish,  cleaned  them,  and 
arranged  them  in  the  frying-pan,  and  left  them  until 

1 8  The   Arabian   Nights 

one  side  was  cooked,  and  turned  them  over  on  the  other 
side.  And,  lo,  the  wall  of  the  kitchen  clove  asunder, 
and  there  came  forth  from  it  a  tall  damsel,  smooth- 
cheeked  and  beautiful  in  countenance,  wearing  on  her 
head  a  blue  handkerchief,  and  rings  in  her  ears,  and 
bracelets  on  her  wrists,  and  rings  set  with  precious 
jewels  on  her  fingers.  She  dipped  the  end  of  a  rod  in  the 
frying-pan  and  said:  "O  fish,  O  fish,  are  ye  remaining 
faithful  to  your  covenant?"  The  fish  raised  their 
heads  from  the  frying-pan  and  answered: 

"Yes,  yes!    If  thou  return,  we  return.    If  thou  come,  we 
If  thou  forsake,  we  verily  do  the  same." 

Then  the  damsel  overturned  the  frying-pan  and  de- 
parted by  the  way  she  had  entered,  and  the  wall  of  the 
kitchen  closed  up  again. 

The  cook-maid,  terrified,  arose,  and,  behold,  the 
four  fish  were  burnt  like  charcoal!  As  she  sat  reproach- 
ing herself,  the  Vizier  approached  and  said  to  her: 
"Bring  the  fish  to  the  Sultan."  And  the  maid  wept  and 
told  him  what  had  happened.  The  Vizier  was  aston- 
ished, and  sending  for  the  fisherman  ordered  him  to 
bring  four  more  fish  like  the  others. 

The  fisherman  accordingly  went  to  the  lake,  and 
threw  his  net,  and,  when  he  had  drawn  it,  found  in  it 
four  fish  as  before.  He  took  them  to  the  Vizier  who 
went  with  them  to  the  maid,  and  bade  her  fry  them  in 
his  presence.  The  maid  prepared  the  fish,  and  put 
them  in  the  frying-pan,  left  them  until  one  side  was 
cooked,  then  turned  them  over .  In  a  little  while  the 
wall  clove  asunder,  and  the  damsel  appeared,  clad  as 
before,  and  holding  the  rod.  She  dipped  the  end  of  the 
rod  into  the  frying-pan,  and  said:  "O  fish,  O  fish,  are 

The  Arabian   Nights  19 

ye  remaining  faithful  to  your  convenant?"  The  fish 
raised  their  heads  and  answered  as  before: 

"Yes,  yes!    If  thou  return,  we  return.     If  thou  come,  we 
If  thou  forsake,  we  verily  do  the  same.'* 

And  the  damsel  overturned  the  frying-pan  with  the 
rod  and  returned  by  the  way  she  had  entered,  and 
the  wall  closed  up  again. 

The  Vizier  astonished  went  to  the  King,  and  informed 
him  of  what  had  happened.  The  King  said:  "I  must 
see  with  mine  own  eyes."  He  sent  therefore  to  the 
fisherman  commanding  him  to  bring  four  fish  like  the 
former.  The  next  day  the  fisherman  repaired  to  the 
lake,  and  brought  the  fish  hence  to  the  King,  who  gave 
him  again  four  hundred  pieces  of  gold.  The  King  then 
ordered  the  Vizier  to  cook  the  fish  in  his  presence,  and 
he  replied:  "I  hear  and  obey." 

The  Vizier  brought  the  frying-pan,  and,  after  he  had 
cleaned  the  fish,  he  threw  them  into  it.  As  soon  as  he 
had  turned  them  over,  the  wall  clove  asunder,  and  there 
came  forth  from  it  a  negro,  as  big  as  a  bull,  holding  in 
his  hand  a  branch  of  a  green  tree,  and  he  said  in  a 
terrible  voice:  "O  fish,  O  fish,  are  ye  remaining  faithful 
to  your  covenant.? "  And  the  fish  raised  their  heads  and 
answered : 

"Yes,  yes!    If  thou  return,  we  return.    If  thou  come,  we 
If  thou  forsake,  we  verily  do  the  same." 

The  black  then  approached  the  frying-pan  and  over- 
turned it,  and  the  fish  became  like  charcoal,  and  he 
went  away  through  the  wall,  which  closed  again  as 

2  0  The   Arabian   Nights 

Then  said  the  Ejng:  "There  must  be  some  strange 
tale  connected  with  these  fish."  So  he  sent  for  the 
fisherman  and  asked  him  whence  the  fish  came.  "From 
a  lake  between  four  mountains,"  the  fisherman  an- 
swered, "about  half  an  hour's  journey  from  this  city." 
At  this  the  King  was  astonished,  and  ordering  his 
troops,  he  set  out  immediately  with  them  and  the  fisher- 
man. They  ascended  the  mountain  and  descended  into 
a  wide  valley  tract,  which  they  had  never  seen  before  in 
all  their  lives.  And  between  four  mountains  was  a 
lake,  and  in  it  fish  red  and  white  and  yellow  and  blue. 
The  King  paused  in  astonishment,  and  said  to  his 
troops:  "Have  any  of  you  seen  this  lake  before.? "  They 
all  answered:  "No."  Then  said  the  King:  "Verily,  I  will 
not  enter  my  city,  nor  will  I  sit  upon  my  throne,  until  I 
know  the  true  history  of  this  lake  and  of  its  fish." 

And  having  called  for  his  Vizier,  the  King  gave  him 
charge  of  all  the  troops.  He  then  disguised  himself, 
and  slung  on  his  sword,  and  departed  secretly  by  night. 
He  journeyed  night  and  day  for  the  space  of  two  days, 
when  there  appeared  in  the  distance  a  black  object. 
He  approached,  and  found  it  to  be  a  palace  built  of 
black  stone,  overlaid  with  iron.  One  of  the  leaves  of  its 
door  was  open,  the  other  shut. 

The  King  knocked  gently,  but  heard  no  answer. 
He  knocked  a  second  and  a  third  time,  but  again  heard 
no  answer.  He  knocked  a  fourth  time  with  violence, 
but  no  one  answered.  Thinking  the  palace  was  empty, 
he  took  courage,  and  entered  the  passage,  and  passed 
into  the  court  which  was  in  the  midst  of  the  palace, 
and  he  found  no  one  there.  The  court  was  magnifi- 
cently furnished,  and  in  the  centre  was  a  fountain  with 
four  lions  of  red  gold,  which  poured  forth  water  from 

The   Arabian   Nights  2  i 

their  mouths,  hke  pearls  and  jewels.  Around  the  foun- 
tain were  birds  and  over  the  top  of  the  court  was  ex- 
tended a  net,  which  prevented  their  flying  out.  But  he 
saw  no  person  whom  he  could  ask  about  the  lake,  and 
the  fish,  and  the  mountain,  and  the  palace. 

While  he  was  reflecting  upon  these  things,  he  heard 
a  voice  of  lamentation,  and  sorrow,  which  proceeded 
from  the  direction  of  a  curtain  suspended  before  the 
door  of  a  chamber.  He  raised  the  curtain  and  beheld 
a  young  man  sitting  on  a  sofa.  He  was  a  handsome 
youth,  of  pleasant  voice  and  rosy  cheeks,  and  was  clad 
in  a  vest  of  silk  embroidered  with  gold.  The  King 
saluted  him,  and  the  young  man  returned  the  saluta- 
tion, saying:  "O  my  master,  excuse  my  not  rising!" 
"0  youth,"  answered  the  King,  "tell  me  the  meaning 
of  the  lake,  and  of  its  fish  of  various  colours,  and  of 
this  palace,  and  of  the  reason  of  thy  being  alone,  and 
of  thy  lamentation!" 

When  the  young  man  heard  these  words  he  wept 
bitterly.  He  stretched  forth  his  hand,  and  lifted  up  the 
skirts  of  his  clothes,  and,  lo,  half  of  him,  from  his  waist 
to  the  soles  of  his  feet,  was  stone.  He  then  said :  "  Know, 
O  King,  that  the  story  of  the  fish  is  extraordinary!" 
and  he  related  as  follows: 


MY  father  was  king  of  the  city  which  was  situated 
here.  His  name  was  Mahmoud,  and  he  was  lord 
of  the  Black  Isles,  and  of  the  four  mountains.  After 
a  reign  of  seventy  years  he  died,  and  I  succeeded  to  hia 

2  2  The  Arabian  Nights 

throne.  Whereupon  I  took  as  my  wife  the  daughter  of 
my  uncle,  and  we  hved  together  happily  for  five  years. 

One  day  my  wife  went  to  the  bath.  I  commanded 
the  cook  to  prepare  the  supper,  and  entered  this  palace 
and  lay  down  to  sleep.  I  had  ordered  two  maids  to 
fan  me,  and  one  of  them  sat  at  my  head  and  the  other 
at  my  feet.  But  I  was  restless  and  could  not  sleep,  my 
eyes  were  closed,  but  my  spirit  was  awake,  and  I  heard 
the  maid  at  my  head  say  to  her  at  my  feet:  "Verily  our 
lord  is  unfortunate,  and  what  a  pity  it  is  that  he  should 
have  such  a  wicked  wife!  For  every  night  when  he 
drinketh  his  cup  of  wine,  she  putteth  a  sleeping  potion 
into  it,  in  consequence  he  sleepeth  so  soundly  that  he 
knoweth  not  what  happeneth.  After  she  hath  given 
him  the  wine  to  drink,  she  dresseth  herself,  and  goeth 
out,  and  is  absent  until  daybreak.  When  she  returneth, 
she  burneth  a  perfume  under  his  nose,  and  he  waketh 
from  his  sleep." 

When  I  heard  these  words,  the  light  became  darkness 
before  my  face,  and  I  was  overcome  with  horror.  My 
wife  returned  from  the  bath,  the  table  was  prepared, 
and  we  ate  and  drank  as  usual.  I  then  called  for  the 
wine  which  I  was  accustomed  to  drink  before  I  lay 
down  to  sleep.  She  handed  me  the  cup,  but  I  turned 
away,  and,  pretending  to  drink  it,  poured  it  into  my 
bosom,  and  immediately  lay  down,  and  closed  my 
eyes.  Then  said  she:  "Sleep  on!  I  wish  that  thou 
wouldst  never  wake  again!  I  abhor  thee,  and  abhor 
thy  person,  and  my  soul  is  weary  of  thy  company!** 

She  then  arose  and  attired  herself  in  her  most  mag- 
nificent apparel,  and  having  perfumed  herself,  and 
fllung  on  her  sword,  opened  the  door  of  the  palace  and 
went  out.     I  got  up  immediately,  and  followed  her 

The   Arabian   Nights  23 

through  the  streets  to  the  city  gates.  She  pronounced 
some  words  which  I  understood  not,  and  the  locks 
fell  off,  and  the  gates  opened.  She  went  out,  I  still 
following  her  without  her  knowledge.  She  proceeded 
until  she  came  to  a  building,  made  of  mud,  and  having 
a  dome.  She  entered  and  I  climbed  upon  the  roof  of  the 
building,  and,  looking  down  through  an  aperture, 
I  beheld  there  a  black  slave,  whose  large  lips,  one  of 
which  overlapped  the  other,  gathered  up  the  sand  from 
the  pebbly  floor,  while  he  lay  upon  a  few  stalks  of  sugar- 

My  wife  entered,  and  kissed  the  ground  before  this 
slave,  and  he  raised  his  head  towards  her  and  said: 
"Woe  unto  thee,  thou  miserable  woman!  Wherefore 
hast  thou  remained  away  until  this  hour?  Prepare  me 
something  to  eat.  Uncover  the  dough-pan.  It  con- 
tains some  cooked  rats'  bones.  Bring  to  me  then  the 
earthen  pot  of  barley-beer." 

So  she  arose,  and  uncovered  the  dough-pan,  and  gave 
him  to  eat  of  the  cooked  rats'  bones,  and  brought  to 
him  the  earthen  pot  of  barley-beer,  and  she  waited  on 
him  like  a  slave.  When  I  saw  her  do  this  I  became  filled 
with  rage.  I  descended  from  the  roof  of  the  building, 
entered,  concealed  my  face  in  my  cloak,  and  lifting  my 
sword,  I  struck  the  slave  a  blow  upon  his  neck.  I 
thought  I  had  killed  him,  but  the  blow  instead  of  sever- 
ing his  neck,  only  cut  the  gullet  and  skin  and  flesh. 
When  I  thought  that  I  had  disposed  of  him  I  returned 
to  my  palace,  and  lay  down  upon  my  bed. 

On  the  following  day,  I  observed  that  my  wife  had 
cut  off  her  hair  and  put  on  mourning  apparel,  and  she 
said  to  me:  "O  my  husband,  blame  me  not  for  what  I 
do,  for  I  have  received  news  that  my  mother  is  dead. 

2  4  The  Arabian   Nights 

and  that  my  father  hath  been  slain,  and  that  one  of  my 
two  brothers  hath  died  of  a  poisonous  sting,  and  the 
other  by  the  fall  of  a  house.  It  is  natural,  therefore,  that 
I  should  weep  and  mourn ! "  Accordingly  she  continued 
mourning  and  weeping  and  wailing  a  whole  year.  After 
which  she  said  to  me:  "I  wish  to  build  in  thy  palace 
a  tomb,  that  I  may  repair  thither  to  mourn  alone." 
I  replied:  "Do  what  thou  seest  fit." 

So  she  built  a  tomb,  after  which  she  removed  thither 
the  slave,  and  there  she  lodged  him.  He  was  exces- 
sively weak,  for  from  the  day  on  which  I  had  wounded 
him,  he  had  never  spoken.  My  wife  visited  him  every 
day,  to  weep  and  mourn  over  him,  and  took  him  wine 
to  drink  and  boiled  meats.  When  I  discovered  this  I 
entered  her  apartment  with  a  drawn  sword  in  my  hand, 
and  I  was  about  to  strike  off  her  head,  but  she  arose  and 
standing  before  me,  pronounced  some  words  which  I 
understood  not,  and  said:  "May  Allah  by  means  of  my 
enchantment  make  thee  to  be  half  of  stone  and  half  of 
flesh."  Whereupon  I  became  as  thou  seest,  unable  to 
move,  neither  dead  nor  alive!  She  enchanted  the  city 
and  its  markets  and  fields.  The  inhabitants  of  our 
city  were  Mohammetans,  and  Christians,  and  Jews,  and 
Magians,  and  she  transformed  them  into  fish.  The 
white  are  Mohammetans,  the  red  the  Magians,  the  blue 
the  Christians,  and  the  yellow  the  Jews.  She  also  trans- 
formed the  four  islands  into  four  mountains  and  placed 
them  around  the  lake.  Every  day  she  tortures  me, 
inflicting  upon  me  a  hundred  lashes  with  a  leather  whip, 
until  the  blood  flows  from  my  wounds.  Having  said 
thus  the  young  man  wept  and  lamented  aloud. 

The  King  on  hearing  this  story  was  filled  with  rage. 
He  arose  and  slung  on  his  sword,  and  went  to  the  place 

The  Arabian   Nights  25 

where  the  slave  lay.  After  remarking  the  candles  and 
lamps  and  perfumes  and  ointments,  he  approached  the 
slave,  and  with  a  blow  of  his  sword  slew  him.  He  then 
carried  him  on  his  back,  and  threw  him  into  a  well, 
which  he  found  in  the  palace.  Returning  to  the  tomb, 
he  clad  himself  in  the  slave's  clothes,  and  lay  down  with 
the  drawn  sword  by  his  side. 

Soon  after  the  vile  enchantress  came  to  her  husband, 
and  having  pulled  off  his  clothes,  took  the  whip  and 
regardless  of  his  cries  beat  him.  She  then  put  on  his 
garments,  and  repaired  to  the  slave  with  a  cup  of  wine 
and  a  bowl  of  boiled  meat.  Entering  the  tomb  she 
wept  and  wailed,  exclaiming:  "O  my  master,  answer  me! 
O  my  master,  speak  to  me ! "  Upon  this  the  King  speak- 
ing in  a  low  voice  ejaculated:  "Ah,  ah,  there  is  no 
strength  nor  power  but  in  Allah!"  On  hearing  these 
words  she  screamed  with  joy,  exclaiming:  "Possibly 
my  master  is  restored  to  health!"  The  King  again 
lowering  his  voice,  replied:  "Thou  wretched  woman! 
Thou  deservest  not  that  I  should  address  thee  because 
all  day  long  thou  tormentest  thy  husband,  while  he 
calleth  out  and  imploreth  the  aid  of  Allah."  "Then, 
with  thy  permission,"  she  replied,  "I  will  liberate  him 
from  his  sufferings."  "Liberate  him,"  said  the  King, 
**and  return  here  to  me." 

She  replied:  "I  hear  and  obey,"  and  immediately 
arose,  and,  taking  a  cup  of  water,  pronounced  certain 
words  over  it,  upon  which  it  began  to  boil  like  a  caul- 
dron. She  then  went  to  her  husband,  sprinkled  some 
of  it  upon  him,  saying:  "By  virtue  of  what  I  have 
uttered,  be  changed  from  stone  to  flesh!"  And  in- 
stantly he  shook,  and  stood  upon  his  feet  rejoicing  in 
his  liberation.     And  she  cried  out  in  his  face:  "D^ 

2  6  The   Arabian   Nights 

part,  and  return  not  hither,  or  I  will  kill  thee!"  And 
he  departed. 

She  returned  to  the  tomb  and  said:  "O  my  master, 
I  have  accomplished  thy  desire.  Come  forth  to  me 
that  I  may  see  thee."  "The  people  of  this  city,"  the 
King  replied,  "are  still  enchanted.  Every  night,  at  the 
middle  hour,  the  fish  raise  their  heads,  and  imprecate 
vengeance  upon  thee.  Liberate  them,  then  come  and 
take  my  hand  and  raise  me."  On  hearing  these  words 
she  sprang  up  full  of  happiness,  and  hastened  to  the 
lake,  where  taking  a  little  of  the  water  she  pronounced 
some  words  over  it,  whereupon  the  fish  raised  their 
heads,  and  immediately  became  men  again.  The 
enchantment  was  removed  from  the  city,  and  the 
mountains  also  became  changed  into  islands  as  they 
were  at  first. 

The  enchantress  returned  to  the  King,  whom  she 
still  imagined  to  be  the  slave,  and  said  to  him:  "O  my 
beloved,  stretch  forth  thy  honoured  hand  that  I  may 
kiss  it!"  But  the  King  having  his  keen-edged  sword 
ready  in  his  hand,  thrust  it  into  her  bosom,  and  clove 
her  in  twain. 

He  then  went  forth,  and  found  the  young  man  who 
had  been  enchanted,  waiting  for  his  return.  The  young 
Prince  kissed  his  hand  and  thanked  him,  then  said  the 
King,  "  Wilt  thou  remain  in  thy  city  or  come  with  me  to 
my  capital  V  "  O  King  of  the  age,"  answered  the  young 
man,  "  dost  thou  know  that  between  thee  and  thy  city 
is  a  distance  of  a  year's  journey.?  Thou  camest  in  two 
days  and  a  half  only  because  the  city  was  enchanted. 
But,  O  King,  I  will  never  quit  thee  for  the  twinkling  of 
an  eye!" 

The  King  rejoiced  at  his  words  and  said,  "Praise  be 

The  Arabian   Nights  27 

to  Allah,  who  hath  given  thee  to  me!  Thou  art  my  son, 
for  I  have  never  been  blessed  with  a  son!"  And  they 
embraced  each  other.  The  young  Prince,  who  had  been 
enchanted,  then  went  to  his  palace,  arranged  the  affairs 
of  his  kingdom  and  prepared  everything  needful  for  a 
journey,  and  he  departed  with  the  King,  whose  heart 
burned  with  desire  to  see  again  his  own  country. 

They  continued  their  journey  night  and  day  for  a 
whole  year  until  they  drew  near  to  the  city  of  the  Bang. 
The  Vizier  and  the  troops,  who  had  lost  all  hopes  of  his 
return,  came  forth  joyfully  to  meet  him,  and  he  en- 
tered his  city  and  sat  upon  his  throne. 

And  when  all  things  were  restored  to  order,  the 
King  said  to  his  Vizier:  "Bring  hither  the  fisherman  who 
presented  to  me  the  fish."  So  the  fisherman  came,  and 
the  King  invested  him  with  a  dress  of  honour,  and  asked 
if  he  had  any  children.  The  fisherman  informed  him 
that  he  had  a  son  and  two  daughters.  The  King  on 
hearing  this  took  as  his  wife  one  of  the  daughters,  and 
the  young  Prince  married  the  other.  The  King  also 
conferred  upon  the  son  the  oflBce  of  treasurer.  He  then 
sent  the  Vizier  to  the  city  of  the  young  prince,  the 
capital  of  the  Black  Isles,  and  invested  him  with  its 
sovereignty.  As  to  the  fisherman  he  became  the  wealth- 
iest of  the  people  of  his  age,  and  his  daughters  continued 
to  be  the  wives  of  the  King  and  the  Prince  until  they 

"But  this,"  added  Sheherazade,  "is  not  more  won- 
derful than  what  happened  to  the  porter." 

Chapter  II 




THERE  was  in  the  days  of  the  Caliph  Haroun 
Er  Raschid  a  man  who  was  a  porter  of  the 
city  of  Bagdad,  and  one  day  as  he  sat  in 
the  market,  rechning  against  his  crate,  there 
came  to  him  a  lady  wrapped  in  a  mantle  of  gold  em- 
broidered silk,  with  a  border  of  gold  lace.  She  raised 
her  face-veil  and  displayed  beneath  it  a  pair  of  black 
eyes  with  long  lashes,  and  features  of  perfect  beauty. 
She  said,  with  a  sweet  voice:  "Bring  thy  crate  and  fol- 
low me." 

The  porter  took  up  his  crate  and  followed  her  to  a 
shop,  where  she  bought  for  a  piece  of  gold  a  quantity  of 
olives  and  two  large  vessels  of  wine,  which  she  placed 
in  the  crate,  saying  to  the  porter:  "Take  it  up  and 
follow  me."  He  took  up  the  crate  and  followed  her  to 
the  shop  of  a  fruiterer  where  she  bought  Syrian  apples, 
and  Othmanee  quinces,  and  peaches  of  Oman,  and 
jasmine  of  Aleppo,  and  water-lilies  of  Damascus,  and 
Sultanee  citrons,  and  cucumbers  and  limes  of  the  Nile. 
She  bought  also  sweet-scented  myrtle,  and  sprigs  of  the 
henna-tree,   and   chamomile,   anemonies,   violets,   and 

The  Arabian   Nights  29 

pomegranate-flowers  and  eglantine.  All  these  she  put 
into  the  porter's  crate,  and  said  to  him:  "Take  it  up, 
and  follow  me." 

So  he  took  it  up  and  followed  her  until  she  stopped 
at  the  shop  of  a  butcher,  to  whom  she  said:  "Cut  oflf 
ten  pounds  of  meat."  The  butcher  cut  it  ofT  for  her, 
and  she  wrapped  it  in  a  banana  leaf,  and  put  it  in  the 
crate,  and  said  again:  "Take  it  up,  O  porter."  He  did 
so,  and  followed  her  to  the  shop  of  a  confectioner,  where 
she  bought  a  dish  and  filled  it  with  sweets  of  every 
kind,  and  put  it  into  the  crate.  Then  said  the  porter, 
"If  thou  hadst  told  me  beforehand  I  would  hav? 
brought  a  mule  to  carry  all  these  things!"  The  ladj- 
smiled  at  this  remark,  and  next  stopped  at  a  perfumer's, 
where  she  bought  ten  kinds  of  scented  waters,  rose-water, 
orange-flower-water,  willow-flower-water,  together  with 
sugar,  and  a  sprinkling-bottle  of  rose-water  infused  with 
musk.  She  bought  also  frankincense,  aloes-wood,  am- 
bergris, and  musk,  and  wax  candles,  and  placing  these  in 
the  crate  she  said:  "Take  up  thy  crate,  and  follow  me." 

The  porter,  therefore,  took  up  his  crate,  and  followed 
her  until  she  came  to  a  handsome  and  lofty  house,  with 
an  ebony  door,  overlaid  with  plates  of  red  gold.  The 
lady  knocked,  whereupon  the  door  was  opened  by  a 
portress,  who  was  a  damsel  tall  and  fair  and  beautiful 
and  of  elegant  form,  with  a  forehead  like  the  bright 
new  moon,  eyes  like  those  of  gazelles,  cheeks  like 
anemonies,  and  a  mouth  like  the  seal  of  Solomon. 
When  the  porter  beheld  her  he  was  overcome  by  her 
beauty,  and  the  crate  nearly  fell  from  his  head. 

The  portress,  standing  within  the  door  said  to  the 
cateress  and  the  porter:  "Ye  are  welcome."  And  they 
entered,  and  followed  her  into  a  spacious  saloon,  dec- 

30  The  Arabian   Nights 

orated  with  various  colours,  and  carved  wood-work, 
and  fountains,  and  benches,  and  closets  with  curtains 
hanging  before  them.  At  the  upper  end  of  the  saloon 
was  a  sofa  of  alabaster,  inlaid  with  large  pearls  and 
jewels,  with  a  curtain  of  red  satin  suspended  over  it, 
and  on  this  sofa  was  seated  a  young  lady  of  the  most 
extraordinary  beauty. 

This  third  lady,  rising  from  the  sofa,  advanced  with 
a  slow  and  elegant  gait  to  the  middle  of  the  saloon. 
"0  my  sisters,"  said  she,  "why  stand  ye  still.'*  Lift 
down  the  burden  from  the  head  of  this  poor  porter." 
Then  the  cateress  placed  herself  before  him,  and  the 
portress  behind  him,  and  the  third  lady  assisting  them, 
they  lifted  the  crate  down  from  his  head.  They  then 
took  the  things  out  of  the  crate  and  gave  the  porter  two 
pieces  of  gold,  saying,  "Depart,  O  porter." 

But  the  porter  stood  looking  at  the  ladies  and  ad- 
miring their  beauty,  for  he  had  never  seen  any  more 
handsome.  When  he  saw  that  they  had  not  a  man 
among  them,  and  when  he  gazed  on  the  wine  and 
fruits  and  sweet-scented  flowers,  he  was  full  of  astonish- 
ment, and  hesitated  to  go  out.  Then  said  one  of  the 
ladies  to  him:  "Why  dost  thou  not  go.'*  Is  thy  hire  too 
httle?"  "Verily,  O  my  mistress,"  exclaimed  the 
porter,  "I  am  satisfied  with  my  hire,  but  I  wonder  at 
seeing  no  man  among  you,  to  amuse  you  with  his 
company.  Ye  are  three  only  and  have  need  of  a  fourth, 
who  should  be  a  man  of  sense,  discreet,  and  a  concealer 
of  secrets."  "  We  are  maidens,"  they  replied,  "  who  fear 
to  impart  our  secret  to  him  who  will  not  keep  it,  for  we 
have  read  in  a  certain  book  this  verse : 

*  Guard  thy  secret  from  another,  intrust  it  not. 
For  he  who  intrusteth  a  secret  hath  lost  it.'  " 

The  Arabian   Nights  31 

"By  your  existence,"  said  the  porter,  "I  am  a  man  of 
sense  and  act  in  accordance  with  the  saying  of  the  poet : 

*  A  secret  is  with  me  as  a  house  with  a  lock. 
Whose  key  is  lost  and  whose  door  is  sealed.' " 

When  the  ladies  heard  these  words  they  consulted 
together  and  then  said  to  the  porter:  "Stay,  thou  art 
welcome,  but  first  read  what  is  inscribed  upon  the 
door."  Accordingly  he  went  to  the  door  and  found 
written  upon  it  in  letters  of  gold. 

Speak  not  of  that  which  concerns  thee  not! 
Lest  thou  hear  that  which  will  not  please  thee! 

Then  said  the  porter:  "Bear  witness  to  my  promise 
that  I  will  not  speak  of  that  which  does  not  concern 

The  cateress  arose,  and  prepared  the  table  by  the 
pool  of  the  fountain.  She  strained  the  wine  and  ar- 
ranged the  bottles,  and  lighted  the  candles  and  burned 
some  aloes-wood.  She  made  ready  the  feast  and  they 
sat  down  to  the  table,  the  porter,  sitting  with  them, 
thinking  that  he  was  in  a  dream ! 

While  they  were  eating  and  drinking  they  heard  a 
knock  at  the  door,  and,  lo,  there  stood  without  three 
foreigners,  each  blind  of  the  left  eye,  and  they  begged  a 
night's  lodging.  The  ladies  consulted  together,  then 
the  mistress  of  the  house  said:  "Let  them  enter  on  con- 
dition that  they  speak  not  of  that  which  concerns  them 
not,  lest  they  hear  that  which  will  not  please  them." 

So  the  portress  brought  in  the  three  men,  each  blind 
of  one  eye,  and  being  mendicants  they  drew  back  and 
saluted,  but  the  ladies  arose,  and  seated  them,  and 
handed  to  them  food  and  drink.    When  they  were  satis- 

32  The  Arabian   Nights 

fied  the  portress  brought  a  tambourine,  a  lute  and  a 
Persian  harp,  and  the  mendicants  arose,  one  took  the 
tambourine,  another  the  lute  and  the  third  the  harp, 
and  they  played,  while  the  ladies  accompanied  them 
with  songs.  While  they  were  thus  amusing  themselves 
somebody  knocked  at  the  door,  and  the  portress  went 
to  see  who  was  there.  Now  the  cause  of  the  knocking 
was  this. 

The  Caliph  Haroun  Er  Raschid  had  gone  forth  this 
night  in  search  of  adventure,  accompanied  by  Jaafar 
his  Vizier  and  Mesrour  his  chief  executioner.  He  was 
disguised  as  a  merchant,  and  as  he  went  through  the 
city  he  happened  to  pass  the  house  of  these  ladies  and 
hearing  the  sound  of  music  and  jollity  he  said  to  Jaafar, 
"I  wish  to  enter  this  house,  and  to  see  who  is  giving  this 
concert."  Jaafar  therefore  knocked  at  the  door,  and 
when  the  portress  opened  it,  he  begged  for  food  and  a 
night's  lodging.  The  portress  seeing  them  dressed  like 
merchants  and  that  they  had  a  respectable  air,  re- 
turned, and  consulted  her  sisters,  and  they  said:  "Admit 

So  the  Caliph  entered,  with  Jaafar  and  Mesrour,  and 
the  ladies  saluted  them  saying:  "Welcome  are  our 
guests,  but  we  have  a  condition  to  impose  upon  you, 
that  ye  speak  not  of  that  which  concerns  you  not,  lest 
ye  hear  that  which  will  not  please  you."  "Good," 
they  answered,  "we  accept  the  condition." 

And  they  all  sat  down  to  feast  and  make  merry. 
And  the  ladies  brought  wine  to  the  Caliph,  but  he  drew 
back  and  refused  it,  saying:  "I  drink  not  wine  for  I 
have  a  vow."  Whereupon  the  portress  spread  before 
him  an  embroidered  cloth,  and  placed  upon  it  a  china 
bottle  of  willow-flower-water.    She  added  to  it  a  lump 

The   Arabian   Nights  33 

of  ice,  and  sweetened  it  with  sugar.  The  Caliph  thanked 
her,  and  said  to  himself:  "To-morrow  I  will  reward 
her  for  this  kind  act." 

After  a  while  the  mistress  of  the  house  arose,  and  said 
to  the  cateress:  "Arise,  O  my  sister,  and  let  us  fulfil  our 
debt."  The  cateress  left  the  saloon,  and  soon  returned 
leading  two  black  hounds,  with  chains  around  their 
necks.  She  dragged  them  into  the  midst  of  the  saloon, 
and  the  mistress  of  the  house  tucked  up  her  sleeves 
above  her  wrist,  and  taking  a  whip,  fell  to  beating  one 
of  the  hounds  who  whined,  and  howled  and  shed  tears. 
Then  the  lady  threw  down  the  whip,  and  pressed  the 
hound  to  her  bosom,  and  wiped  away  its  tears,  and 
kissed  its  head.  She  then  said  to  the  cateress:  "Take 
her  back,  and  give  me  the  other."  And  she  whipped  it 
even  as  she  had  whipped  the  first. 

The  mistress  of  the  house  then  seated  herself  upon  a 
sofa  of  alabaster,  overlaid  with  gold  and  silver,  and  said 
to  the  portress  and  cateress:  "Now  perform  your  parts." 
The  portress  seated  herself  upon  the  sofa,  and  the  cater- 
ess brought  from  a  closet  a  bag  of  satin,  with  green 
fringe,  and  took  from  it  a  lute.  She  tuned  the  lute,  and 
played  upon  it  a  plaintive  air  accompanying  it  with  a 
song,  and  as  soon  as  the  portress  heard  the  song,  she 
cried  out,  rent  her  clothes,  and  fell  fainting  on  the 
floor,  and  the  Caliph  perceived  upon  her  bosom  marks 
of  beatings.  The  cateress  sprinkled  rose-water  on  her 
face  and  she  recovered. 

The  Caliph  was  filled  with  astonishment  at  all  he 
saw,  and  said  to  Jaafar:  "Seest  thou  this  woman,  and 
the  marks  of  beatings  upon  her.?  Verily  I  cannot 
keep  silence,  nor  rest,  until  I  know  the  history  of  this 
damsel  and  of  the  two  hounds."    But  Jaafar  replied: 

34  The  Arabian   Nights 

"O  my  lord,  these  damsels  have  made  us  vow  that  we 
would  not  speak  of  that  which  concerned  us  not,  lest 
we  should  hear  that  which  would  not  please  us!"  The 
Caliph  then  turned  to  the  mendicants  and  said:  "Are 
ye  of  this  house?"  "No,"  they  answered,  "we  thought 
that  this  house  belonged  to  the  man  who  is  sitting  with 
thee."  But  at  this  the  porter  exclaimed:  "Verily,  I 
have  never  seen  this  place  before  to-night!  I  wish 
that  I  had  passed  the  night  among  the  mounds,  rather 
than  here!"  Then  the  men  all  consulted  together  and 
said :  "  We  are  seven  men,  and  they  are  but  three  women, 
therefore  we  will  force  them  to  tell  us  their  history." 
And  they  all  agreed  to  this  except  Jaafar.  "This  is  not 
right  or  honourable,"  he  said,  "for  we  are  their  guests, 
and  they  made  a  covenant  with  us  that  we  should  not 
ask  concerning  what  we  saw."  Words  followed  words, 
at  last  it  was  decided  that  the  porter  should  question 
the  ladies. 

The  porter  approached  the  mistress  of  the  house  and 
said:  "O  my  mistress,  I  ask  thee  and  conjure  thee,  by 
Allah,  that  thou  tellest  us  the  story  of  these  two  hounds, 
and  why  thy  sister  bears  the  scars  of  beatings."  The 
lady  turned  to  the  other  men,  and  inquired:  "Did  ye 
bid  him  ask  this?"  They  answered:  "Yes,"  excepting 
Jaafar,  who  was  silent.  Then  the  mistress  of  the  house 
became  filled  with  anger,  and  she  tucked  up  her  sleeve 
above  her  wrist,  and  struck  the  floor  three  times,  and 
immediately  a  door  opened  and  there  rushed  forth  from 
it  seven  black  slaves,  each  having  in  his  hand  a  drawn 
sword.  The  lady  said  to  them:  "Tie  behind  them  the 
hands  of  these  men  of  many  words.  But  give  them  a 
short  respite,  until  I  have  inquired  of  them  their  his- 
tories, before  ye  behead  them."    And  the  black  slaves 

The  Arabian   Nights  35 

threw  the  men  to  the  ground  and  bound  their  hands 
behind  them. 

"By  Allah,  O  my  mistress,"  exclaimed  the  porter,  "kill 
me  not  for  the  offence  of  others !  Verily  our  night  would 
have  been  pleasant,  if  it  had  not  been  for  these  men- 
dicants, whose  presence  is  enough  to  convert  a  well- 
peopled  city  into  a  heap  of  ruins !   And  as  the  poet  says : 

*  How  good  it  is  to  pardon  one  able  to  resist! 
How  much  better  to  pardon  one  who  is  helpless!'  " 

On  hearing  these  words  the  lady's  anger  changed  to 
laughter,  and  turning  to  the  Caliph  and  Jaafar  she 
said:  "Were  ye  not  persons  of  high  distinction,  I  would 
behead  you  immediately.  But  each  of  the  others  shall 
relate  his  story,  and  the  cause  of  his  coming  to  our 
abode,  and  then  go  his  way  in  peace  and  safety!" 
The  first  to  advance  was  the  porter,  who  said:  "O  my 
mistress,  I  am  a  porter.  This  cateress  loaded  me  and 
brought  me  here.  This  is  my  story,  and  peace  be  on 
thee."  Then  said  the  lady:  "Go  in  peace!"  "Nay," 
answered  the  porter,  "I  will  not  go  until  I  have  heard 
the  stories  of  my  companions."  The  first  mendicant 
then  advanced  and  related  as  follows : 


17' NOW,  O  my  mistress,  that  the  cause  of  my  hav- 
AV  ing  lost  my  eye  is  this:  My  father  was  a  King, 
and  he  had  a  brother  who  was  also  a  King.  It  happened 
that  I  was  bom  on  the  same  day  that  the  son  of  my 
uncle  was  born,  and  years  and  days  passed  away  until 
we  attained  to  manhood. 

36  The   Arabian   Nights 

Now  it  was  my  custom  to  visit  my  uncle  yearly,  and 
to  remain  with  him  several  months.  On  one  of  these 
occasions  my  uncle  was  absent,  and  my  cousin  paid  me 
great  honour.  He  slaughtered  sheep  for  me,  and  strained 
the  wine,  and  we  sat  down  to  feast.  Then  said  my 
cousin:  "O  son  of  my  uncle,  wilt  thou  assist  me  in 
a  great  afiFair?  I  beg  that  thou  wilt  not  oppose  me  in 
that  which  I  desire  to  do!"  and  he  made  me  swear 
to  him  with  great  oaths  that  I  would  aid  him  to  at- 
tain his  desire.  Rising  immediately  he  absented  him- 
self for  a  while,  and  then  returned,  followed  by  a 
woman  veiled  and  magnificently  dressed.  He  said  to 
me:  "Take  this  woman  to  the  burial-ground,  and  wait 
there  for  me." 

I  could  not  oppose  him,  or  refuse  to  comply  with  his 
request,  on  account  of  the  oaths  I  had  sworn,  so  I 
took  the  woman,  and  went  with  her  to  the  burial- 
ground.  When  we  had  sat  there  a  short  time,  my 
cousin  came,  bearing  a  basin  of  water,  and  a  bag  of 
plaster,  and  a  small  adze.  Going  to  a  tomb  in  the  midst 
of  the  burial-ground,  he  pried  apart  the  stones  and  dug 
up  the  earth  with  the  adze,  and  uncovered  a  flat  stone, 
under  which  was  a  vaulted  staircase.  He  then  looked 
towards  me  and  said:  "O  son  of  my  uncle,  when  I  have 
descended  into  this  place,  replace  the  trap-door  and  the 
earth  above  it  as  they  were  before.  Do  thou  then 
knead  together  the  plaster  in  this  bag  and  the  water  in 
this  basin,  and  plaster  the  stones  of  the  tomb,  so  that 
no  man  may  know  that  it  hath  been  opened.  For  a 
whole  year  I  have  been  preparing  this  place,  and  no  one 
knew  of  it  but  Allah!  May  Allah  never  deprive  thy 
friends  of  thy  presence!  Farewell,  O  son  of  mine 
uncle!"    And  having  uttered  these  words,  he  took  the 

The   Arabian    Nights  37 

woman  by  the  hand,  and  together  they  descended  the 

When  they  had  disappeared,  I  replaced  the  trap-door, 
doing  as  my  cousin  had  ordered  me,  until  the  tomb  was 
restored  to  the  state  in  which  it  was  at  first.  After 
which  I  returned  to  the  palace  of  mine  uncle,  who  was 
still  absent  on  a  hunting  excursion.  I  slept  that  night, 
and  when  morning  came  I  repented  of  what  I  had  done 
for  my  cousin,  but  repentance  was  of  no  avail.  I  went 
out  to  the  burial-ground,  and  searched  for  the  tomb, 
but  could  not  discover  it.  I  ceased  not  my  search  until 
the  approach  of  night,  but  not  finding  the  place,  re- 
turned to  the  palace.  I  neither  ate  nor  drank.  My 
heart  was  troubled  respecting  my  cousin,  since  I  knew 
not  what  had  become  of  him,  and  I  fell  into  excessive 
grief,  I  passed  the  night  sorrowful  until  morning,  and 
went  again  to  the  burial-ground,  where  I  searched 
among  all  the  tombs,  but  I  could  not  find  the  one  for 
which  I  looked.  My  grief  increased  until  I  almost 
went  mad,  so  I  departed  and  returned  to  my  father's 

On  my  arrival  at  his  capital,  a  party  of  men  at  the 
city-gate,  sprang  upon  me,  and  bound  me.  I  was 
struck  with  utmost  astonishment  and  excessive  fear 
for  I  was  the  son  of  the  Sultan  of  that  city,  and  the 
men  who  bound  me  were  the  servants  of  my  father. 
I  asked  the  cause  of  this  conduct,  and  one  of  them  who 
had  been  my  servant  said:  "Fortune  hath  betrayed  thy 
father!  The  troops  have  been  false  to  him,  and  his 
Vizier  hath  killed  him,  and  we  were  lying  in  wait  to 
take  thee."  And  the  men  took  me  bound  before  the 

Now  the  Vizier  hated  me,  and  the  cause  of  his  enmity 

38  The  Arabian   Nights 

was  this:  as  a  boy  I  was  fond  of  shooting  with  the  cross- 
bow. It  happened  one  day  that  as  I  was  standing  on 
the  roof  of  my  palace,  a  bird  ahghted  on  the  roof  of  the 
palace  of  the  Vizier  who  was  standing  there  at  that 
time.  I  aimed  at  the  bird,  but  the  bullet  missed  it  and 
struck  the  eye  of  the  Vizier,  and  knocked  it  out.  When 
I  had  thus  put  out  his  eye  he  could  say  nothing,  because 
my  father  was  King  of  the  city.  This  was  the  cause  of 
the  enmity  between  him  and  me. 

I  stood  before  the  Vizier  with  my  hands  bound,  and 
he  pointed  to  the  place  where  his  eye  had  been,  and  said: 
"If  thou  didst  this  unintentionally,  I  will  do  the  same 
to  thee  purposely!"  And  he  thrust  hi^  finger  into  my 
left  eye,  and  pulled  it  out.  He  then  placed  me  bound  in 
a  chest,  and  said  to  the  executioner,  "Take  this  fellow, 
and  convey  him  without  the  city,  and  put  him  to 
death  with  thy  sword,  and  let  the  wild  beasts  devour 

Accordingly  the  executioner  went  forth  with  me  from 
the  city,  and  having  taken  me  from  the  chest,  bound 
hand  and  foot,  was  about  to  bandage  my  eye,  and  kill 
me.  Whereupon  I  wept  and  besought  him  to  save  me. 
He  had  served  my  father,  and  I  had  shown  kindness  to 
him,  so  he  said:  "Depart  with  thy  life,  and  return  not 
to  this  country,  lest  thou  perish,  and  cause  me  to  perish 
with  thee."  As  soon  as  he  had  said  this  I  kissed  his 
hands,  and  fled  from  his  presence. 

I  journeyed  to  my  uncle's  capital,  and  presenting 
myself  before  him,  informed  him  of  the  death  of  my 
father,  and  of  the  manner  in  which  I  had  lost  my  eye. 
Upon  this  he  wept  bitterly,  saying:  "Thou  hast  added 
to  my  trouble  and  grief,  for  thy  cousin  has  been  lost 
for  some  days,  and  I  know  not  what  hath  happened 

The  Arabian   Nights  39 

to  him!"  Seeing  his  grief  I  could  no  longer  keep  silence 
respecting  my  cousin,  so  I  informed  him  of  all  that  had 

My  uncle  on  hearing  this  news  rejoiced  exceedingly. 
"Show  me  the  tomb,"  he  said.  "By  Allah,  O  my 
uncle,"  I  replied,  "I  know  not  where  it  is.  I  searched 
for  it  several  times,  but  could  not  recognize  its  place." 
Whereupon  my  uncle  and  I  went  together  to  the  burial- 
ground,  and  looking  to  the  right  and  left,  lo,  I  dis- 
covered it. 

When  we  had  removed  the  earth,  and  lifted  up 
the  trap-door,  we  entered  the  tomb.  We  descended 
fifty  steps,  and  arriving  at  the  bottom  of  the  stairs, 
there  issued  a  smoke  from  the  tomb  that  nearly  blinded 
our  eyes,  whereupon  my  uncle  exclaimed:  "There  is 
no  strength,  nor  power  but  in  Allah,  the  High,  the 
Great!"  and  we  proceeded  further,  and  found  ourselves 
in  a  saloon,  filled  with  flour  and  grain  and  different 
kinds  of  food.  A  curtain  was  suspended  over  a  couch, 
my  uncle  lifted  the  curtain,  and  found  there  his  son, 
and  the  woman  who  had  descended  with  him,  con- 
verted into  black  charcoal,  as  if  they  had  been  thrown 
into  a  pit  of  fire. 

When  my  uncle  saw  this  spectacle,  he  spat  in  his 
son's  face  and  exclaimed:  "This  is  what  thou  deservest, 
O  wretch!"  and  struck  him  with  his  shoes.  Astonished 
at  this  action,  and  grieved  for  my  cousin,  I  said:  "O  my 
uncle,  what  is  this  that  hath  happened  to  thy  son? 
And  why  are  he  and  the  damsel  converted  into  black 
charcoal.'*"  "O  son  of  my  brother,"  he  replied,  "know 
that  this  my  son  loved  an  evil  enchantress,  and  wished 
to  marry  her,  and  I  forbade  the  marriage.  But  the 
Devil  got  possession  of  him,  and  he  made  this  place 

40  The   Arabian   Nights 

beneath  the  ground,  and  stocked  it  with  the  provisions 
thou  seest  here.  He  then  took  advantage  of  my  absence 
and  married  the  evil  woman,  and  brought  her  here. 
But  the  fire  of  truth  hath  consumed  them,  and  con- 
verted them  into  charcoal,  and  the  punishment  of  the 
world  to  come  will  be  more  severe  and  lasting!" 

We  then  ascended,  and,  having  replaced  the  trap- 
door, and  the  earth  above  it,  returned  to  our  abode. 
Scarcely  had  we  seated  ourselves  in  the  palace,  when  we 
heard  the  sound  of  drums  and  trumpets.  Warriors 
galloped  about,  and  the  air  was  filled  with  dust,  and, 
lo,  the  Vizi^er  who  had  slain  my  father,  had  come  with 
his  army  to  assault  the  city  unawares.  The  inhabitants 
not  being  able  to  withstand,  submitted  to  him. 

Knowing  that  if  the  Vizier  should  see  me  he  would 
kill  and  destroy  me,  I  shaved  off  my  beard,  and  put 
on  the  garments  of  a  mendicant,  and  came  hither,  to 
this  Abode  of  Peace,  in  the  hope  that  some  one  would 
introduce  me  to  the  Prince  of  the  Faithful,  the  Caliph 
of  the  Lord  of  all  creatures,  that  I  might  relate  to  him 
my  story.  I  arrived  in  this  city  to-night,  and  as  I 
stood  perplexed,  not  knowing  where  to  turn,  I  saw  this 
mendicant  and  joined  him.  So  we  walked  on  together, 
and  darkness  overtook  us,  and  Destiny  directed  us  to 
thy  abode. 

The  lady,  having  heard  the  story  ot  the  first  royal 
mendicant,  said  to  him:  "Depart  and  go  thy  way  in 
peace!"  But  he  rephed:  "I  will  not  depart  until  I 
have  heard  the  stories  of  the  others." 

The  second  mendicant  then  advanced,  and  having 
kissed  the  ground,  began  his  story. 

The  Arabian   Nights  41 


I  WAS  not  born  with  only  one  eye.  I  am  a  King 
and  the  son  of  a  King.  I  studied  the  science  of 
the  stars,  and  the  writings  of  the  poets,  and,  under  the 
tuition  of  learned  professors,  I  made  myself  proficient 
in  all  the  sciences.  I  surpassed  the  people  of  my  age! 
My  handwriting  was  extolled  by  all  scribes,  and  my 
fame  spread  among  all  countries,  and  my  history  among 
all  Kings. 

The  King  of  India,  hearing  of  me,  sent  gifts  and 
curious  presents,  and  requested  my  father  to  allow 
me  to  visit  him.  My  father  therefore  prepared  for  me 
six  ships,  and  I  embarked  with  my  attendants.  We 
sailed  for  six  months,  after  which  we  came  to  land,  and, 
having  disembarked,  we  loaded  ten  camels  with  presents 
and  commenced  our  journey.  Soon  there  appeared  a 
cloud  of  dust,  which  rose  and  spread  until  it  filled  the 
air.  When  it  cleared  we  saw  approaching  us  rapidly 
sixty  horsemen,  like  fierce  lions,  whom  we  perceived 
to  be  Arab  highwaymen.  When  they  saw  that  we  were 
a  small  company,  and  that  we  had  ten  loads  of  presents 
for  the  King  of  India,  they  galloped  towards  us,  pointing 
their  weapons  at  us.  They  attacked  us,  and  slew  some 
of  the  young  men,  and  the  rest  fled.  I  also  fled  after 
receiving  a  severe  wound,  while  the  Arabs  remained 
and  took  possession  of  the  treasure  and  presents. 

I  proceeded  not  knowing  whither  to  direct  my  steps, 
until  I  arrived  at  the  summit  of  a  mountain,  where  I 
took  refuge  in  a  cavern  until  the  next  morning.    I  then 

42  The   Arabian   Nights 

resumed  my  journey  and  arrived  at  a  flourishing  city. 
I  entered  and  saw  a  tailor  sitting  in  his  shop.  I  saluted 
him  and  he  returned  my  salutation,  and  welcomed  me, 
and  asked  me  the  reason  of  my  having  come  hither. 
I  acquainted  him  with  all  that  had  befallen  me  from 
first  to  last,  and  he  was  grieved  for  me,  and  said:  "O 
young  man,  reveal  not  thy  case  to  any  one,  for  I  fear 
what  the  King  of  this  city  might  do  to  thee,  since  he  is 
the  greatest  of  thy  father's  enemies." 

The  tailor  then  placed  food  and  drink  before  me,  and 
we  ate  together.  I  remained  with  him  for  three  days. 
Then  as  I  knew  no  trade  or  occupation,  by  which  to 
earn  my  bread,  the  tailor  bought  for  me  an  axe  and  a 
rope,  and  sent  me  with  a  party  of  wood-cutters  to  cut 
firewood  in  the  desert.  Accordingly  I  went  forth  with 
them,  and  cut  some  wood,  and  brought  back  a  load 
upon  my  head,  and  sold  it  for  half  a  piece  of  gold. 

Thus  I  continued  to  do  for  the  space  of  a  year.  One 
day  I  went  into  the  desert,  according  to  my  custom. 
I  came  to  a  tree  around  which  I  dug.  As  I  was  remov- 
ing the  earth  from  its  roots,  the  axe  struck  against  a 
ring  of  brass,  and  I  cleared  away  the  earth  from  it,  and 
found  that  it  was  fastened  to  a  trap-door  of  wood.  I 
lifted  the  trap-door,  and  beneath  it  was  a  staircase. 
I  descended,  and  at  the  bottom  I  passed  through  a 
door  into  a  palace,  strongly  constructed,  where  I  found 
a  lady  as  beautiful  as  a  pearl  of  great  price. 

When  the  lady  saw  me  she  exclaimed:  "Art  thou  a 
man  or  a  Genie.''"  I  answered  her:  "I  am  a  man." 
"And  who,"  she  asked,  "hath  brought  thee  to  this 
place,  in  which  I  have  lived  for  five  and  twenty  years 
without  ever  seeing  a  human  being.'*"  Her  words 
sounded  sweetly  to  me  and  I  related  to  her  my  story 

The  Arabian   Nights  43 

from  beginning  to  end.  She  was  grieved  at  my  case  and 
wept  and  said:  "I  also  will  acquaint  thee  with  my  story." 

"Know  then,"  said  the  lady,  "that  I  am  the  daughter 
of  the  King  of  India,  the  Lord  of  the  Ebony  Island.  My 
father  married  me  to  the  son  of  my  uncle,  and  on  my 
wedding  night,  the  Afrite,  Jarjarees,  a  descendant  of  the 
accursed  Eblis,  carried  me  off,  and  soaring  with  me 
through  the  air,  alighted  in  this  place,  to  which  he 
conveyed  ornaments,  garments,  linen,  furniture  and 
food  and  drink.  Once  in  every  ten  days  he  visiteth  me. 
If  I  desire  to  see  him  at  any  other  time,  I  touch  with 
my  hand  the  lines  inscribed  on  this  cabinet,  and  as 
soon  as  I  remove  my  hand  he  is  before  me." 

After  this  the  lady  took  me  by  the  hand  and  con- 
ducted me  through  an  arched  door  into  a  small  and 
elegant  apartment.  Here  she  seated  me  by  her  side 
upon  a  mattress,  and  served  sherbet  of  sugar  infused 
with  musk,  and  she  then  placed  food  before  me,  and  we 
ate  and  drank  together.  I  had  never  seen  the  like  of 
her  in  my  whole  life,  and  I  was  filled  with  joy,  and  said 
to  her:  "Shall  I  take  thee  up  from  this  subterranean 
palace?  Shall  I  release  thee  from  this  Genie?  Verily 
I  will  instantly  demolish  this  cabinet  upon  which  is  the 
inscription,  and  let  the  Afrite  come,  that  I  may  kill 
him!"  The  lady  entreated  me  to  refrain,  but  paying 
no  attention  to  her  words,  I  kicked  the  cabinet  with 
violence,  and  immediately  the  lady  exclaimed:  "The 
Afrite  has  come!  Save  thyself!  Ascend  by  the  way 
that  thou  camest!" 

In  great  fear  I  forgot  my  sandals  and  my  axe,  and 
ascended  the  stairs,  and  turning  around  to  look  I  saw 
the  ground  open,  and  there  arose  from  it  an  Afrite  of 
hideous  aspect,  who  said:  "Wherefore  is  this  disturb- 

44  The  Arabian   Nights 

ance?  What  misfortune  has  befallen  thee?"  Then 
looking  about  the  palace  to  the  right  and  left,  he  saw 
the  sandals  and  the  axe.  "Accursed  woman,"  he 
exclaimed  in  great  rage,  "these  are  the  property  of  a 
human  being,  who  hath  visited  thee!  Verily,  I  will 
punish  thee  for  thy  disobedience!"  So  saying  he  began 
to  beat  her  with  violence,  after  which  he  cut  off  her 
head  with  his  sword. 

Not  being  able  to  endure  her  cries  nor  the  sight  of 
her  death,  I  ascended  the  stairs,  overpowered  with 
fear,  and  arriving  at  the  top,  replaced  the  trap-door  as 
it  was  at  first,  and  covered  it  over  with  earth.  Re- 
turning to  my  companion  the  tailor,  I  found  him  await- 
ing me  with  great  anxiety  caused  by  my  long  absence. 
I  thanked  him  for  his  tender  concern  for  me,  and  en- 
tered my  apartment.  As  I  sat  meditating  upon  what 
had  befallen  me,  and  blaming  myself  for  having  kicked 
the  cabinet,  the  tailor  came  to  me  and  said:  "In  the 
shop  is  a  foreigner  who  asks  for  thee,  he  has  thine  axe 
and  sandals."  On  hearing  these  words  I  turned  pale 
and  trembled,  but  immediately  the  floor  of  my  chamber 
clove  asunder,  and  there  arose  from  it  the  stranger,  and, 
lo,  he  was  the  Afrite!  He  seized  me,  and  soared  with 
me  through  the  sky,  to  such  a  height  that  I  beheld 
the  world  beneath  me  as  though  it  were  a  bowl  of  water. 
Alighting  upon  a  mountain,  he  took  up  a  little  dust, 
and  having  muttered  and  pronounced  certain  words 
over  it,  sprinkled  me  with  it,  saying:  "Quit  this  form, 
and  take  the  form  of  an  ape!"  And  instantly  I  became 
an  ape  of  a  hundred  years  of  age.  And  the  Genie  flew 
away  and  left  me. 

When  I  saw  myself  changed  to  this  form,  I  wept, 
but  determined  to  be  patient  under  the  tyranny  of 

The   Arabian   Nights  45 

fortune.  I  descended  from  the  summit  of  the  mountain, 
and  after  having  journeyed  for  the  space  of  a  month, 
arrived  at  the  sea  shore,  and  I  saw  a  vessel  in  the  midst 
of  the  sea,  with  a  favourable  wind,  approaching  the  land. 
I  hid  myself  behind  a  rock  on  the  beach,  and  when  the 
ship  came  close  by  I  sprang  into  the  midst  of  it.  But 
as  soon  as  the  sailors  and  merchants  on  board  saw  me 
they  cried  out:  "Turn  out  this  unlucky  brute  from  the 
ship!  Kill  him  with  the  sword!"  At  this  tears  flowed 
from  my  eyes,  at  the  sight  of  which  the  captain  took 
compassion  on  me,  and  said  to  the  passengers:  "O 
merchants,  this  ape  hath  sought  my  aid,  and  I  will 
give  it  to  him.  He  is  under  my  protection,  let  no  one 
therefore  trouble  him."  The  captain  then  treated  me 
with  kindness  and  I  became  his  servant. 

We  continued  our  journey  for  fifty  days  with  a  fair 
wind,  and  cast  anchor  under  a  large  city.  When  we 
had  moored  our  vessel  there  came  to  us  some  mem- 
looks  from  the  King  of  the  city.  They  complimented 
the  merchants  on  their  safe  arrival,  saying:  "Our  King 
greeteth  you,  rejoicing  in  your  safety.  He  hath  sent 
to  you  this  roll  of  paper,  desiring  that  each  of  you  shall 
write  a  fine  upon  it,  for  the  King's  Vizier,  who  was  a 
great  scribe,  is  dead,  and  the  King  hath  sworn  that  he 
will  not  appoint  any  one  to  his  office  who  cannot  write 
equally  well." 

Though  I  was  in  the  form  of  an  ape,  I  arose  and 
snatched  the  paper  from  their  hands.  Fearing  that 
I  would  tear  it  or  throw  it  into  the  sea,  they  cried  out 
against  me,  and  would  have  killed  me,  but  the  captain 
said:  "Suffer  him  to  write,  and  if  he  write  well  I  will 
adopt  him  as  my  son,  for  I  never  saw  a  more  intelligent 
ape."     So  I  took  the  pen  and  ink,  and  wrote  in  an 

46  The   Arabian   Nights 

epistolary  hand,  and  in  a  more  formal,  large  hand,  and 
in  two  different  and  smaller  hands,  and  returned  the 
paper  to  the  memlooks.  They  took  it  back  to  the 
King,  and  the  hand  of  no  one  pleased  him  except  mine. 
The  memlooks  then  explained  to  him  that  I  was  an 
ape,  and  the  King  was  astonished  at  their  words.  He 
shook  with  delight,  and  sent  messengers  to  the  ship  with 
a  mule  and  a  dress  of  honour,  saying:  "Purchase  this 
ape,  and  clothe  him  with  this  dress,  and  mount  him 
upon  the  mule  and  bring  him  hither." 

So  they  brought  me  to  the  King,  and  I  kissed  the 
ground  before  him  three  times,  and  the  persons  present 
were  astonished  at  my  polite  manners,  especially  the 
King  who  presently  ordered  his  people  to  retire.  They 
did  so,  none  remaining  but  the  Kjng,  and  a  eunuch, 
and  a  young  memlook  and  myself.  The  King  then 
commanded  that  a  repast  should  be  brought,  and  they 
placed  before  him  delicious  viands,  and  the  King  made 
a  sign  to  me  that  I  should  eat,  whereupon  I  arose  and, 
having  kissed  the  ground  before  him  seven  times,  sat 
down  to  eat  with  him.  After  the  table  was  removed  I 
washed  my  hands,  and  taking  the  ink-case  and  the  pen 
and  paper,  I  wrote  two  verses.  The  King  looking  at 
what  I  had  written  was  filled  with  astonishment.  He 
then  sent  for  a  chess-table.  I  advanced  and  arranged 
the  pieces,  and  I  played  with  him  twice,  and  beat  him, 
and  the  King  was  filled  with  wonder  at  my  skill. 

The  King  then  said  to  the  eunuch:  "Go  to  thy  mis- 
tress, and  tell  her  to  come  and  see  this  wonderful  ape !  '* 
The  eunuch  went  and  returned  with  his  mistress,  the 
King's  daughter,  who  as  soon  as  she  saw  me,  veiled 
her  face,  and  said:  "O  my  father,  how  is  it  that  thou  art 
pleased  to  send  for  me,  and  suffer  a  strange  man  to  see 

The  Arabian   Nights  47 

me!"  "0  my  daughter,"  answered  the  King,  "there 
is  no  one  here  but  the  young  memlook,  and  the  eunuch 
who  brought  thee  up,  and  this  ape,  with  myself,  thy 
father.  From  whom  then  dost  thou  veil  thy  face?" 
"This  ape,"  she  said,  "is  the  son  of  a  King  whom  the 
Afrite,  Jarjarees,  the  descendant  of  the  accursed  Eblis, 
hath  enchanted.  This  whom  thou  supposedst  to  be  an 
ape,  is  a  learned  and  wise  man." 

The  King  was  amazed  at  his  daughter's  words,  and 
said  to  her:  "By  what  means  didst  thou  discover  that 
he  was  enchanted?"  "O  my  father,"  she  answered, 
"an  old  woman  who  was  a  cunning  enchantress  taught 
me  the  art  of  enchantment.  I  know  a  hundred  and 
seventy  modes  of  performing  it,  by  the  least  of  which  I 
could  transport  the  stones  of  thy  city  beyond  Mount 
Kaf,  which  is  at  the  end  of  the  world,  and  make  its 
site  to  be  an  abyss  of  the  sea,  and  convert  its  inhab- 
itants into  fish  in  the  midst  of  it!"  "I  conjure  thee, 
then,  in  the  name  of  Allah,"  said  her  father,  "to  restore 
this  young  man  that  I  may  make  him  my  Vizier." 
"With  pleasure,  O  my  father!"  replied  the  King's 
daughter,  and  taking  a  knife  upon  which  were  en- 
graved some  Hebrew  names,  she  marked  with  it  a  circle 
on  the  floor.  Within  this  she  wrote  names  and  talis- 
mans, and  soon  the  palace  became  immersed  in  a 
fearful  gloom,  and,  lo,  the  Afrite  appeared  before  us  in  a 
most  hideous  shape,  with  hands  like  winnowing-forks, 
and  legs  like  masts,  and  eyes  like  burning  torches,  so 
that  we  were  terrified  at  him. 

The  Afrite  instantly  assumed  the  form  of  a  lion,  and^ 
opening  his  mouth,  rushed  upon  the  lady.  But  she 
plucked  a  hair  from  her  head,  and  muttered  with  her 
lips,  and  the  hair  became  a  piercing  sword,  with  which 

48  The   Arabian   Nights 

she  struck  the  Hon,  and  cleft  him  in  twain  by  the  blow, 
but  his  head  was  changed  into  a  scorpion.  The  lady 
immediately  transformed  herself  into  an  enormous 
serpent,  and  crept  after  the  scorpion.  A  sharp  contest 
ensued  between  them,  and  the  scorpion  became  an 
eagle,  and  the  serpent  changing  into  a  vulture  pursued 
the  eagle. 

The  latter  then  transformed  himself  into  a  black 
cat,  and  the  King's  daughter  became  a  wolf,  and  they 
fought  long  and  fiercely  together,  till  the  cat  seeing 
himself  overcome  changed  himself  into  a  large  red 
pomegranate  which  fell  into  a  pool. 

The  wolf  pursued  the  pomegranate  which  flew  into 
the  air,  and  then  fell  upon  the  pavement  of  the  palace, 
and  broke  in  pieces,  and  the  grains  were  scattered  all 
about  the  palace.  The  wolf  seeing  this  transformed 
himself  into  a  cock,  and  picked  up  the  grains,  all  ex- 
cept one  which  remained  hidden  by  the  side  of  the  pool 
of  the  fountain.  The  cock  began  to  cry  and  flap  his 
wings,  but  when  he  saw  the  grain  which  had  lain  hid 
by  the  side  of  the  pool,  he  uttered  a  great  cry  and 
pounced  upon  it,  but  the  grain  fell  into  the  midst  of 
the  water,  and  became  a  fish,  and  sank  into  the  water. 
The  cock  became  a  fish  of  a  larger  size  and  plunged  in 
after  the  other. 

For  a  while  the  fish  were  absent  from  our  sight,  but 
at  length  we  heard  a  terrible  cry,  and  the  Afrite  arose 
as  a  fiame  of  fire,  casting  fire  from  his  mouth,  and  fire 
and  smoke  from  his  eyes  and  his  nostrils.  The  King's 
daughter  also  became  a  vast  body  of  flame,  and  over- 
took the  Afrite,  and  blew  fire  in  his  face.  Some  sparks 
struck  us  from  both  him  and  her;  her  sparks  did  us  no 
harm,  but  one  from  him  struck  me  in  my  eye  and 

The   Arabian    Nights  49 

destroyed  it,  and  a  spark  from  him  reached  the  face  of 
the  King,  and  burned  his  beard  and  mouth,  and  struck 
out  his  lower  teeth;  another  spark  fell  on  the  breast 
of  the  eunuch  who  was  burned  and  died  immediately. 

We  expected  destruction,  and  gave  up  all  hope  of 
preserving  our  lives,  when  we  heard  the  King's  daughter 
exclaim:  "Allah  is  most  great!  Allah  is  most  great!  He 
hath  conquered  and  aided  the  faithful,  but  hath  aban- 
doned the  denier  of  the  faith  of  Mohammed,  the  chief  of 
mankind!"  And  we  looked  towards  the  Afrite,  and,  lo, 
he  had  become  a  heap  of  ashes. 

The  lady  then  said:  "Bring  me  a  cup  of  water," 
and  it  was  brought  to  her.  She  pronounced  over  it 
some  words,  and  sprinkling  me  with  it,  said:  "Be 
restored  by  the  virtue  of  the  name  of  Truth  to  thy 
original  form."  And  immediately  I  became  a  man  as 
I  was  at  first,  except  that  my  eye  was  destroyed. 

After  this  she  cried  out:  "The  fire!  The  fire!  O  my 
father,  I  shall  no  longer  live !  I  picked  up  all  the  grains 
of  the  pomegranate,  excepting  the  one  in  which  was  the 
life  of  the  Genie.  Had  I  picked  up  that  he  had  died 
instantly,  but  I  saw  it  not,  and  suddenly  he  came  upon 
me,  and  a  fierce  contest  ensued  between  us,  under  the 
earth,  and  in  the  air,  and  in  the  water.  Every  time  he 
tried  a  new  mode,  I  employed  against  him  one  more 
potent,  until  he  tried  against  me  the  mode  of  fire. 
Rarely  does  one  escape  against  whom  fire  is  employed. 
Destiny  aided  me  so  that  I  burned  him  first,  but  a 
spark  from  him  entered  my  breast,  and  now  I  die,  and 
may  Allah  supply  my  place  with  thee!" 

And  having  thus  said,  lo,  a  spark  ascended  from 
her  breast  to  her  face,  and  she  wept  and  exclaimed: 
"I  testify  that  there  is  no  deity  but  Allah,  and  Mo- 

50  The  Arabian   Nights 

hammed  is  His  prophet!"    She  then  became  a  heap  of 

The  King  on  beholding  his  daughter  in  this  state, 
plucked  out  the  remainder  of  his  beard  and  slapped 
his  face,  and  rent  his  clothes.  I  also  did  the  same, 
while  we  both  wept  for  her.  Then  came  the  chamber- 
lains and  other  great  officers  of  the  court,  who  finding 
the  King  with  two  heaps  of  ashes  before  him,  were 
astonished.  He  informed  them  what  had  befallen  his 
daughter  with  the  Afrite,  and  great  was  their  grief. 
The  women  shrieked  with  the  female  slaves,  and  con- 
tinued their  mourning  seven  days.  The  King  gave 
orders  to  build,  over  the  ashes  of  his  daughter,  a  great 
tomb  with  a  dome,  and  illuminated  with  candles  and 
lamps.  But  the  ashes  of  the  Afrite  they  scattered  in  the 
wind,  exposing  them  to  the  curse  of  Allah. 

The  King  then  fell  ill,  and  was  near  unto  death.  His 
illness  lasted  a  month,  but  after  this  he  recovered  his 
health,  and,  summoning  me  to  his  presence,  said: 
"O  young  man,  we  passed  our  days  in  the  enjoyment 
of  the  utmost  happiness,  until  thou  camest  to  us. 
Would  that  I  had  never  seen  thee  nor  thy  ugly  form! 
I  have  lost  my  daughter,  who  was  worth  a  hundred 
men,  and  I  have  been  burned,  and  have  lost  my  teeth, 
my  eunuch  also  is  dead !  It  was  not  in  thy  power  to 
prevent  these  afflictions,  but  they  happened  on  thy 
account,  therefore,  O  my  son,  go  forth  from  my  city, 
and  depart  in  peace." 

So  I  departed,  O  my  mistress,  from  his  presence,  but 
before  I  quitted  the  city,  I  entered  a  public  bath  and 
shaved  my  beard.  I  traversed  various  regions,  and 
passed  through  great  cities,  and  bent  my  course  to  the 
Abode  of  Peace,  Bagdad,  in  the  hope  of  obtaining  an 




The  Arabian   Nights  51 

interview  with  the  Prince  of  the  Faithful,  that  I  might 
relate  to  him  all  that  had  befallen  me. 

And  the  third  mendicant  then  advanced  and  thus 
related  his  story: 


r\  ILLUSTRIOUS  lady,  my  story  is  not  hke  those 
^^  of  my  two  companions,  but  more  wonderful!  My 
name  is  Agib.  I  was  a  King  and  the  son  of  a  King, 
and  when  my  father  died,  I  succeeded  to  his  throne,  and 
governed  my  subjects  with  justice  and  beneficence. 
I  took  pleasure  in  sea-voyages,  and  my  capital  was  on 
the  shore  of  an  extensive  sea,  interspersed  with  fortified 
and  garrisoned  islands,  which  I  desired  for  my  amuse- 
ment to  visit.  I  therefore  embarked  with  a  fleet  of 
ten  ships,  and  took  with  me  provisions  suflScient  for  a 
whole  month. 

I  proceeded  twenty  days,  after  which  there  arose 
against  us  a  contrary  wind,  but  at  day-break  it  ceased, 
and  the  sea  became  calm,  and  we  arrived  at  an  island* 
where  we  landed  and  cooked  some  provisions  and  ate. 
We  remained  on  the  island  two  days.  We  then  con-, 
tinued  our  journey,  and  when  twenty  days  more  had 
passed,  we  found  ourselves  in  strange  waters,  unknown 
to  the  captain.  And  behold  we  perceived  something 
looming  in  the  distance  sometimes  black,  and  some- 
times white. 

When  the  captain  perceived  this  strange  object,  he 
threw  his  turban  on  the  deck,  and  plucked  his  beard 
and  said  to  those  who  were  with  him:  "Destruction 

52  The  Arabian   Nights 

awaits  us!  Not  one  will  escape!  Know  that  we  have 
wandered  out  of  our  course  and  that  we  have  no  wind 
to  carry  us  back  from  the  fate  that  awaits  us,  and  to- 
morrow we  shall  arrive  at  a  mountain  of  black  stone, 
called  loadstone.  The  current  is  now  bearing  us 
violently  towards  it,  and  the  ships  will  fall  to  pieces, 
and  every  nail  in  them  will  fly  to  the  mountain,  and 
adhere  to  it,  for  Allah  hath  given  to  the  loadstone  a 
secret  property  by  virtue  of  which  everything  of  iron 
is  attracted  towards  it.  There  is  upon  the  summit  of 
that  mountain  a  cupola  of  brass  supported  by  ten 
columns.  Upon  the  top  of  this  cupola  is  a  horseman  of 
brass,  having  in  his  hand  a  brazen  spear,  and  upon  his 
neck  suspended  a  tablet  of  lead,  upon  which  are  en- 
graved mysterious  names  and  talismans.  As  long  as 
this  horseman  remains  upon  the  horse,  so  long  will 
every  ship  that  approaches  be  destroyed,  with  every 
person  on  board,  and  all  the  iron  contained  in  it  will 
cleave  to  the  mountain,  and  no  one  will  be  safe  until 
the  horseman  shall  have  fallen  from  the  horse."  The 
captain  then  wept  bitterly,  and  we  felt  that  our  destruc- 
tion was  sure,  and  every  one  of  us  bade  adieu  to  his 

On  the  following  morning  we  drew  near  to  the  moun- 
tain. The  current  carried  us  towards  it  with  great 
violence,  and  when  the  ships  were  close  to  it,  they  fell 
asunder,  and  all  the  nails,  and  everything  else  that  was 
of  iron,  flew  from  the  ships  towards  the  loadstone.  It 
was  near  the  close  of  day  when  the  ships  fell  to  pieces. 
Some  of  us  were  drowned  and  some  escaped,  and  I 
know  not  what  became  of  those  that  were  saved.  As 
for  myself,  I  clung  to  a  plank,  and  the  wind  and  waves 
cast  it  upon  the  mountain. 

The   Arabian   Nights  53 

When  I  had  landed  I  found  a  way  to  the  summit, 
rtsembhng  steps  cut  in  the  rock.  So  I  exclaimed: 
*'In  the  name  of  Allah,"  and  ascended,  holding  fast  to 
the  notches,  and  arrived  safely  at  the  summit.  Rejoic- 
ing greatly  at  my  escape,  I  immediately  entered  the 
cupola,  and  performed  my  prayers,  after  which  I  slept. 
I  heard  in  my  dream  a  voice  saying  to  me:  "O  Agib,  son 
of  Elhaseeb,  when  thou  awakest  from  thy  sleep,  dig 
beneath  thy  feet,  and  thou  wilt  find  a  bow  of  brass, 
and  three  arrows  of  lead,  whereon  are  engraved  talis- 
mans. Take  the  bow  and  the  arrows,  and  shoot  at  the 
horseman  that  is  upon  the  top  of  the  cupola.  When 
thou  hast  shot  at  the  horseman,  he  will  fall  into  the 
sea,  the  bow  also  will  fall,  and  do  thou  bury  it  in  its 
place.  As  soon  as  thou  hast  done  this  the  sea  will 
swell  and  rise  until  it  reaches  the  summit  of  the  moun- 
tain, and  there  will  appear  upon  it  a  boat  bearing  a 
man.  He  will  come  to  thee  having  an  oar  in  his  hand. 
Do  thou  embark  with  him,  but  utter  not  the  name  of 
Allah,  and  he  will  convey  thee  in  ten  days  to  a  safe  sea, 
where  on  thy  arrival  thou  wilt  find  one  who  will  take 
thee  to  thy  city.  All  this  shall  be  done  if  thou  utter 
not  the  name  of  Allah." 

Awaking  from  my  sleep,  I  sprang  up,  and  did  as  the 
voice  had  directed.  I  shot  the  horseman,  and  he  fell 
into  the  sea,  and  the  bow  having  fallen  from  my  hand, 
I  buried  it.  The  sea  then  became  troubled  and  rose 
to  the  summit  of  the  mountain.  In  a  little  while  I 
beheld  a  boat  in  the  midst  of  the  sea,  approaching  me. 
When  the  boat  came  to  me  I  found  in  it  a  man  of  brass, 
with  a  tablet  of  lead  upon  his  breast,  engraved  with 
names  and  talismans.  Without  uttering  a  word  1 
embarked  in  the  boat.     The  man  rowed  me  ten  sue- 

54  The  Arabian   Nights 

cessive  days,  after  which  I  beheld  the  islands  where  I 
should  soon  be  in  safety.  In  the  excess  of  my  joy,  I 
exclaimed:  "In  the  name  of  Allah!  There  is  no  deity 
but  Allah!  Allah  is  most  great!"  As  soon  as  I  had 
said  this  the  man  of  brass  cast  me  out  of  the  boat,  and 
sank  into  the  sea. 

Being  able  to  swim,  I  swam  until  night,  and  a  great 
wave  like  a  vast  castle,  threw  me  upon  the  land.  I 
»iscended  the  shore,  and  after  I  had  wrung  out  my 
clothes,  and  spread  them  upon  the  ground  to  dry,  I 
slept.  In  the  morning  I  put  on  my  clothes,  and  looking 
about  me,  found  that  I  was  upon  a  small  island  in  the 
midst  of  the  sea. 

While  I  was  reflecting  upon  my  misfortunes,  I  beheld 
a  vessel  bearing  a  number  of  men.  I  arose  immediately, 
and  climbed  into  a  tree,  and,  lo,  the  vessel  came  to  the 
shore,  and  there  landed  from  it  ten  black  slaves,  bearing 
axes.  They  proceeded  to  the  middle  of  the  island,  and 
digging  up  the  earth,  uncovered  and  lifted  up  a  trap- 
door. After  which  they  returned  to  the  vessel,  and 
brought  from  it  bread  and  flour  and  clarified  butter  and 
sheep  and  every  needful  thing.  There  then  came  from 
the  vessel  an  old  sheikh,  enfeebled  and  wasted  by 
extreme  age,  leading  by  the  hand  a  young  man  of  great 
beauty.  He  was  like  a  fresh  and  tender  twig,  enchant' 
ing  and  captivating  every  heart  with  his  elegant  form. 
The  party  proceeded  to  the  trap-door,  and  entering 
it  became  concealed  from  my  eyes. 

They  remained  beneath  about  two  hours,  after  which 
the  sheikh  and  the  slaves  came  out  but  the  youth  came 
not  with  them.  They  replaced  the  earth,  and  embarked, 
and  set  sail.  Soon  after  I  descended  from  the  tree,  and 
went  to  the  excavation.     I  removed  the  earth,  and 

The   Arabian   Nights  ^^ 

entering,  saw  a  flight  of  wooden  steps,  which  I  de- 
scended. At  the  bottom  I  beheld  a  handsome  dwelhng 
place,  furnished  with  silk  carpets,  and  there  was  the 
youth,  sitting  upon  a  high  mattress,  with  sweet-smelling 
flowers  and  fruits  placed  before  him.  On  seeing  me  he 
became  pale,  but  I  saluted  him  and  said:  "Fear  not, 
O  my  master!  O  delight  of  mine  eye!  I  am  a  man 
like  thyseK  and  the  son  of  a  King.  Fate  hath  impelled 
me  to  thee  that  I  may  cheer  thee  in  thy  solitude." 

The  youth  when  he  heard  me  thus  address  him, 
rejoiced  exceedingly  at  my  arrival,  his  colour  returned, 
and  he  said:  "O  my  brother,  my  story  is  wonderful. 
My  father  is  a  jeweller.  On  the  day  that  I  was  born  the 
astrologers  came  to  him  and  said:  'Thy  son  will  live 
fifteen  years.  There  is  in  the  sea  a  mountain  called  the 
Mountain  of  Loadstone,  whereon  is  a  horseman  oi' 
brass,  and  when  the  horseman  shall  be  thrown  down 
from  his  horse  thy  son  will  be  slain.  The  person  who 
is  to  slay  him  is  he  who  will  throw  down  the  horseman, 
and  his  name  is  King  Agib.' 

"My  father  was  greatly  afflicted  by  this  announce- 
ment, and  when  I  had  nearly  attained  the  age  of  fifteen 
years,  the  astrologers  came  again,  and  informed  him 
that  the  horseman  had  fallen  into  the  sea,  and  that  it 
had  been  thrown  down  by  King  Agib.  On  hearing  this 
my  father  prepared  for  me  this  dwelling,  and  here 
left  me  to  remain  until  the  fateful  period  be  passed,  of 
this  there  now  remaineth  but  ten  days.  All  this  he  did 
from  fear  lest  King  Agib  should  kill  me." 

When  I  heard  this  I  was  filled  with  wonder  and  said 
within  myself:  "I  am  King  Agib,  and  it  was  I  who 
threw  down  the  horseman,  but  verily  I  will  neither 
kill  him  nor  do  him  any  injury!"    Then  I  said  to  the 

56  The   Arabian   Nights 

youth:  "Far  from  thee  be  both  destruction  and  harm! 
Thou  hast  nothing  to  fear.  I  will  remain  with  thee  to 
serve  thee,  and  will  go  forth  with  thee  to  thy  father, 
and  beg  of  him  to  send  me  back  to  my  country."  The 
youth  rejoiced  at  my  words,  and  I  sat  and  conversed 
with  him  until  night,  when  I  spread  his  bed,  and  covered 
him,  and  slept  near  to  his  side.  In  the  morning  I 
brought  him  water  and  he  washed  his  face,  and  said  to 
me:  "May  Allah  requite  thee  with  every  blessing!  If 
I  escape  from  King  Agib,  I  will  make  my  father  reward 
thee  abundantly."  "Never,"  I  replied,  "may  the  day 
arrive  that  would  bring  thee  misfortune!"  I  then 
placed  before  him  refreshments,  and  after  we  had  eaten 
together,  we  passed  the  day  conversing  with  the  utmost 

I  continued  to  serve  him  for  nine  days,  and  on  the 
tenth  the  youth  rejoiced  at  finding  himself  in  safety. 
"O  my  brother,"  he  said,  "I  wish  that  thou  wouldst 
in  thy  kindness  warm  for  me  some  water,  that  I  may 
wash  myself  and  change  my  clothes."  "  With  pleasure," 
I  replied,  and  I  arose  and  warmed  the  water,  after 
which  he  entered  a  place  concealed  from  my  view, 
and,  having  washed  himself  and  changed  his  clothes, 
laid  himself  down  upon  a  mattress  to  rest  after  his 

He  then  said  to  me:  "Cut  up,  O  my  brother,  a  water- 
melon, and  mix  its  juice  with  some  sugar."  So  I  arose, 
and  taking  a  melon  brought  it  upon  a  plate,  and  said 
to  him:  "Knowest  thou,  O  my  master,  where  is  the 
knife?"  "See  here  it  is,"  he  answered,  "upon  the  shelf 
over  my  head."  I  sprang  up  hastily,  and  took  the 
knife  from  its  sheath,  and,  as  I  was  drawing  back,  my 
foot  slipped,  as  Allah  had  decreed,  and  I  fell  upon  the 

The  Arabian   Nights  57 

youth,  grasping  in  my  hand  the  knife,  which  entered 
his  body,  and  he  died  instantly. 

When  I  perceived  that  he  was  dead,  and  that  I  had 
killed  him,  I  uttered  a  loud  shriek,  and  beat  my  face 
and  rent  my  clothes,  saying:  "O  what  a  calamity!  O 
what  a  calamity!  O  Allah,  I  implore  thy  pardon,  and 
declare  to  thee  my  innocence  of  his  death!" 

With  these  reflections  I  ascended  the  steps,  and  hav- 
ing replaced  the  trap-door,  looked  over  the  sea,  where 
I  saw  the  vessel  that  had  come  before,  approaching 
and  cleaving  the  waves  in  its  rapid  course.  So  I  climbed 
into  a  tree,  and,  concealing  myself  among  its  leaves, 
sat  there  until  the  vessel  cast  anchor,  when  the  slaves 
landed  with  the  old  sheikh,  the  father  of  the  youth. 

They  went  to  the  place,  and  were  surprised  at  finding 
the  earth  moist,  and  when  they  descended  the  steps, 
discovered  the  youth  lying  on  his  back,  showing  a 
face  of  beaming  beauty,  though  dead,  and  clad  in  white, 
clean  clothing,  with  the  knife  remaining  in  his  body. 
They  all  wept  at  the  sight,  and  the  father  fell  down  in  a 
swoon,  which  lasted  so  long  that  the  slaves  thought  he 
was  dead.  At  length,  however,  he  recovered,  and  came 
out  with  the  slaves,  who  had  wrapped  the  body  of  the 
youth  in  his  clothes.  They  then  took  back  all  that 
was  in  the  subterranean  dwelling  to  the  vessel,  and 

I  remained  by  day  hiding  myself  in  a  tree,  and  at 
night  walking  about  the  open  part  of  the  island.  Thus 
I  continued  for  the  space  of  two  months,  when  I  per- 
ceived that  on  the  Western  side  of  the  island,  the  water 
of  the  sea  every  day  retired,  until  the  land  that  had  been 
beneath  it  became  dry.  I  crossed  this  dry  tract,  and 
arrived  at  an  expanse  of  sand.    I  then  saw  in  the  dis- 

58  The   Arabian   Nights 

tance  what  appeared  to  be  a  fire,  and  advancing  towards 
it,  found  it  to  be  a  palace,  overlaid  with  plates  of 
copper,  which,  reflecting  the  rays  of  the  sun,  seemed 
from  the  distance  to  be  fire. 

When  I  drew  near  to  the  palace,  there  approached 
me  an  old  sheikh,  accompanied  by  ten  young  men  who 
were  each  blind  of  one  eye.  As  soon  as  they  saw  me  they 
saluted  me,  and  asked  my  story,  which  I  related  from 
first  to  last,  and  they  were  filled  with  wonder.  They 
conducted  me  into  the  palace,  where  I  saw  ten  benches, 
upon  each  of  which  was  a  mattress  covered  with  blue 
stuff,  and  each  of  the  young  men  seated  himself  upon 
one  of  these  benches,  while  the  sheikh  took  his  place  on 
a  smaller  one.  After  which  they  said  to  me:  "Sit  down, 
young  man,  and  ask  no  question  concerning  our  being 
blind  of  one  eye." 

We  ate  and  drank  together,  and  then  the  sheikh 
arose,  and  brought  from  a  closet,  upon  his  head,  ten 
covered  trays.  Placing  these  upon  the  floor,  he  lighted 
ten  candles,  and  stuck  one  of  them  upon  each  tray.  He 
then  removed  the  covers  and,  lo,  each  tray  was  filled 
with  ashes  mixed  with  pounded  charcoal.  The  young 
men  tucked  up  their  sleeves  above  the  elbows,  and 
blackened  their  faces,  and  slapped  their  cheeks,  ex- 
claiming: "We  were  reposing  at  our  ease,  and  our 
impertinent  curiosity  suffered  us  not  to  remain  so!" 
Thus  they  did  until  morning,  when  the  sheikh  brought 
them  some  hot  water,  and  they  washed  their  faces, 
and  put  on  other  clothes. 

I  remained  with  the  young  men  a  whole  month, 
during  which  every  night  they  did  the  same,  and  my 
heart  was  troubled  at  their  strange  behaviour.  At 
length  I  said  to  them:  "I  conjure  you,  by  Allah,  to 

The   Arabian   Nights  59 

remove  this  disquiet  from  my  mind,  and  to  inform  me 
of  the  cause  of  your  exclaiming:  'We  were  reposing  at 
our  ease,  and  our  impertinent  curiosity  suffered  us  not 
to  remain  so.'  If  ye  inform  me  not  I  will  leave  you  and 
go  my  way."  On  hearing  these  words  they  replied: 
"We  have  concealed  this  affair  from  thee,  lest  thou 
shouldst  become  blind  of  one  eye  like  us,  and,  know,  O 
young  man,  if  this  befall  thee,  thou  wilt  be  banished 
from  our  company." 

But  I  still  persisted  in  my  request,  whereupon  they 
all  arose  and  taking  a  ram,  slaughtered  and  skinned  it, 
and  said  to  me:  "Take  this  knife  with  thee,  and  get 
into  the  skin  of  the  ram,  and  we  will  sew  thee  up  in  it, 
and  go  away.  Presently  a  bird  called  a  Roc  will  come, 
and  taking  thee  up  by  its  talons,  will  fly  away,  and 
set  thee  down  upon  a  mountain.  Cut  open  the  skin 
with  this  knife  and  the  bird  will  fly  away.  Thou  must 
arise  as  soon  as  it  hath  gone,  and  journey  for  half  a 
day,  and  thou  wilt  see  before  thee  a  lofty  palace,  en- 
cased with  red  gold,  and  set  with  precious  stones,  such 
as  emeralds  and  rubies.  If  thou  enter  it  thy  misfortune 
will  be  as  ours,  for  our  entrance  into  that  palace  was  the 
cause  of  our  being  blind." 

They  then  sewed  me  up  in  the  skin  and  entered  their 
palace.  Soon  after  came  an  enormous,  white  bird, 
which  seized  me,  and  flew  away,  and  set  me  down  upon 
the  mountain.  Whereupon  I  cut  open  the  skin,  and 
got  out,  and  the  bird  as  soon  as  it  saw  me  flew  away. 
I  rose  up  quickly  and  proceeded  towards  a  palace  en- 
cased in  red  gold.  When  I  entered  it  I  beheld,  at  the 
upper  end  of  a  saloon,  forty  young  damsels,  beautiful 
as  so  many  moons,  and  magnificently  attired.  As  soon 
as  they  saw  me  they  exclaimed:  "Welcome!  Welcome! 

6o  The  Arabian   Nights 

O  our  master  and  our  lord!  We  have  been  a  month 
expecting  thee."  They  then  seated  me  upon  a  mattress, 
and  brought  to  me  some  refreshments,  and,  when  I 
had  eaten,  they  sat  and  conversed  with  me,  full  of  joy 
and  happiness. 

At  the  approach  of  night,  they  all  assembled  around 
me,  and  placed  before  me  a  table  of  dried  and  fresh 
fruits,  with  other  delicacies  that  the  tongue  cannot 
describe,  and  one  began  to  sing,  while  another  played 
upon  the  lute.  And  I  passed  an  evening  of  such  enjoy- 
ment as  I  had  never  before  experienced. 

Thus  I  continued  to  hve  in  the  palace  of  red  gold 
for  the  space  of  a  whole  year.  On  the  first  day  of  the 
new  year,  the  damsels  seated  themselves  around  me  and 
began  to  weep,  and  they  bade  me  adieu,  clinging  to  my 
skirts.  "What  calamity  hath  befallen  you?"  asked  I. 
"Know,"  they  answered,  "that  we  are  the  daughters 
of  Kings.  It  is  our  custom  every  year  to  absent  our- 
selves for  forty  days,  after  which  we  return  for  a  year  of 
feasting  and  joy.  We  are  now  about  to  depart,  and  we 
deliver  to  thee  the  keys  of  the  palace,  which  are  a  hun- 
dred in  number,  belonging  to  a  hundred  closets.  Open 
each  of  these,  and  amuse  thyself,  and  eat  and  drink, 
and  refresh  thyself,  but  do  not  open  the  closet  that 
hath  a  door  of  red  gold.  If  thou  open  this,  the  con- 
sequence will  be  a  separation  between  us  and  thee! 
Our  hearts  whisper  to  us  that  thou  wilt  not  regard  our 
warning,  therefore  we  weep!"  Upon  hearing  this,  I 
swore  to  them  that  I  would  not  open  the  closet,  and  they 
departed  urging  me  to  be  faithful  to  my  promise. 

I  remained  alone  in  the  palace,  and  at  the  approach 
of  evening  I  opened  the  first  closet.  Entering  I  found  a 
mansion  like  a  paradise,  with  a  garden  containing  green 

The  Arabian   Nights  6i 

trees,  loaded  with  ripe  fruit,  abounding  with  singing 
birds,  and  watered  with  copious  streams.  I  wandered 
among  the  trees,  scenting  the  fragrance  of  the  flowers, 
and  Hstening  to  the  warbhng  of  the  birds  as  they  sang 
the  praises  of  Allah,  the  One,  the  Almighty.  After  ad- 
miring the  mingled  colours  of  the  apple,  the  sweet  smell- 
ing quince  diffusing  an  odour  like  musk  and  ambergris, 
and  the  plum  shining  as  the  ruby,  I  retired  from  the 
garden,  and  having  locked  the  door,  opened  that  of  the 
next  closet. 

Within  this  I  beheld  a  spacious  tract  planted  with 
numerous  palm-trees,  and  watered  by  a  river  flowing 
among  roses,  jasmine,  marjoram,  eglantine,  and  nar- 
cissus and  gilliflower,  the  odours  of  which,  diffused  in 
every  direction  by  the  wind,  filled  me  with  utmost 
delight.  I  locked  again  the  door  of  the  second  closet 
and  opened  that  of  the  third. 

Within  this  I  found  a  large  saloon,  paved  with  various 
coloured  marbles,  and  with  costly  minerals  and  pre- 
cious gems,  and  containing  cages  of  sandal  and  aloes- 
wood,  full  of  singing  birds  and  other  birds,  upon  the 
branches  of  the  trees  planted  there.  My  heart  way 
charmed  and  I  slept  there  until  morning. 

When  daylight  came  I  opened  the  door  of  the  fourth 
closet  and  within  I  found  a  great  building  in  which  were 
forty  closets  with  open  doors.  Entering  these  I  beheld 
pearls,  rubies,  chrysolites,  emeralds  and  other  precious 
jewels  such  as  the  tongue  cannot  describe.  I  was 
astonished  at  the  sight  and  said:  "Such  things  as  these 
are  not  to  be  found  in  the  treasury  of  any  King !  I  am 
now  the  King  of  my  age,  and  all  these  riches,  through 
the  goodness  of  Allah,  are  mine,  together  with  the 
forty  damsels ! " 

62  The  Arabian   Nights 

Thus  I  continued  to  amuse  myself,  opening  door  after 
door,  and  passing  from  one  room  to  another,  until 
thirty-nine  days  had  elapsed,  and  I  had  opened  all 
the  doors  excepting  that  which  they  had  forbidden  me 
to  open.  My  heart  was  then  disturbed  by  curiosity  re- 
specting this  hundredth  closet,  and  the  Devil,  in  order 
to  plunge  me  into  misery,  induced  me  to  open  it.  When 
I  had  entered  I  perceived  a  fragant  odour  which  in- 
toxicated me  so  that  I  fell  down  insensible,  and  re- 
mained for  some  time  in  this  state;  but  at  length  recov- 
ering, I  fortified  my  heart  and  proceeded.  I  found  the 
floor  overspread  with  saffron,  and  the  place  illuminated 
with  golden  lamps  and  candles,  which  diffused  the 
odours  of  musk  and  ambergris.  Two  large  perfuming- 
vessels  filled  with  aloes-wood  and  ambergris,  and  a 
perfume  compounded  with  honey,  spread  fragrance 
through  the  whole  place.  And,  lo,  I  saw  a  black  horse, 
of  the  hue  of  the  blackest  night,  before  which  was  a 
manger  of  white  crystal  filled  with  sesame,  and  also 
another  manger  containing  rose-water  infused  with 
musk.  He  was  saddled  and  bridled,  and  his  saddle  was 
of  red  gold. 

Wondering  at  the  sight  of  him  I  said  within  myself: 
"This  must  be  an  animal  of  extraordinary  quality!" 
and  I  led  him  out  and  mounted  him,  but  he  moved  not 
from  his  place.  I  kicked  him  with  my  heel,  but  still  he 
moved  not.  So  I  took  a  cane  and  struck  him  with  it, 
and  as  soon  as  he  felt  the  blow  he  uttered  a  sound  like 
thunder,  and,  expanding  a  pair  of  wings,  soared  with 
me  to  an  immense  height  through  the  air,  and  then 
alighted  upon  the  roof  of  another  palace,  where  he 
threw  me  from  his  back,  and,  by  a  violent  blow  with 
his  tail  upon  my  face,  struck  out  my  eye  and  left  me. 

The  Arabian   Nights  63 

In  this  state  I  descended  from  the  roof,  and  below 
I  found  the  ten  one-eyed  young  men,  who  as  soon  as 
they  beheld  me  exclaimed:  "No  welcome  to  thee!" 
"Receive  me  into  your  company,"  said  I,  but  they  re- 
phed:  "Verily  thou  shalt  not  remain  with  us,  so  get 
thee  hence!"  I  departed  from  them  with  mournful 
heart  and  weeping  eye,  and,  Allah  having  decreed  me  a 
safe  journey  hither,  I  arrived  at  Bagdad,  after  I  had 
shaved  my  beard  and  become  a  mendicant. 


THE  mistress  of  the  house  then  liberated  all  the 
men.  They  accordingly  departed,  and  when  they 
had  gone  out  into  the  street,  the  Caliph  inquired  of 
the  mendicants  whither  they  were  going.  They  an- 
swered that  they  knew  not  whither  to  go.  Whereupon 
the  Caliph  said  to  Jaafar:  "Take  them  home  with 
thee,  and  bring  them  before  me  to-morrow,  and  we  will 
then  see  what  we  can  do  for  them."  Jaafar  did  as  he 
was  commanded,  and  the  Caliph  returned  to  his  palace, 
but  was  unable  to  sleep  during  the  remainder  of  the 

On  the  following  morning  the  Caliph  sat  upon  his 
throne,  and  when  his  courtiers  had  presented  them- 
selves and  gone  away,  excepting  Jaafar,  he  said: 
"Bring  before  me  the  three  ladies,  and  the  two  hounds, 
and  the  mendicants."     So  Jaafar  arose  and  brought 

64  The   Arabian   Nights 

them,  and,  placing  the  ladies  behind  curtains,  said  to 
them:  "Fear  naught  for  ye  are  forgiven  because  of  your 
kindness  to  us,  and  because  ye  knew  us  not.  Know 
that  ye  are  now  in  the  presence  of  the  Prince  of  the 
Faithful,  the  Caliph  Haroun  Er  Raschid,  therefore 
relate  to  him  nothing  but  the  truth."  And  when  the 
ladies  heard  these  words  the  eldest  of  them  advanced 
and  related  her  story. 





PRINCE  of  the  Faithful,  my  story  is  wonderful, 
for  these  two  hounds  are  my  sisters.  After  the 
death  of  my  father,  who  left  us  five  thousand  pieces 
of  gold,  these  my  two  sisters  married.  When  they  had 
resided  some  time  with  their  husbands,  each  of  the 
latter  prepared  a  stock  of  merchandise,  and  received 
from  his  wife  a  thousand  pieces  of  gold,  and  they  all 
set  forth  on  a  journey  together,  leaving  me  here.  After 
they  had  been  absent  four  years,  my  sisters'  husbands 
lost  all  their  property,  and  abandoned  them  in  a  strange 
land,  and  my  sisters  returned  to  me  in  the  garb  of  beg- 

When  I  recognized  them,  I  exclaimed:  "How  is  it 
that  ye  are  in  this  condition.?"  and  they  told  me  all 
that  had  happened.  Thereupon  I  sent  them  to  the 
bath,  and  clad  them  in  new  apparel,  and  said  to  them: 
"O  my  sisters,  ye  are  my  elders,  and  I  am  young,  so  ye 
shall  be  to  me  in  the  place  of  my  father  and  my  mother! 

The  Arabian   Nights  65 

The  inheritance,  which  I  shared  with  you,  Allah  hath 
blessed,  partake  therefore  of  its  increase,  for  my  affairs 
are  prosperous,  and  I  and  ye  shall  fare  alike!" 

They  remained  a  whole  year  with  me  during  which  I 
treated  them  with  the  utmost  kindness.  After  this 
period  they  married  again  without  my  consent,  yet  I 
gave  them  dowries  from  my  own  property.  They  went 
to  their  husbands,  who,  after  they  had  resided  with 
them  for  a  short  time,  defrauded  them  of  all  they 
possessed,  and,  setting  forth  on  a  journey,  left  them 
destitute.  So  my  sisters  again  returned  to  me  in  a 
state  of  beggary.  They  implored  my  forgiveness,  say- 
ing: "Be  not  angry  with  us!  We  promise  thee  that  we 
will  never  again  marry."  I  replied:  "Ye  are  welcome, 
0  my  sisters,  for  I  have  no  one  dearer  to  me  than  your- 
selves." And  I  received  them  and  treated  them  with 
every  kindness,  and  we  remained  happily  together  for 
the  space  of  a  year. 

After  this  I  resolved  to  fit  out  a  vessel  for  a  mercan- 
tile voyage.  Accordingly  I  stocked  a  large  ship  with 
various  goods,  and  necessary  provisions,  and  my  sisters 
desiring  to  accompany  me,  I  took  them,  and  set  sail. 
But  first  I  divided  my  property  in  two  equal  portions, 
one  of  which  I  took  with  me,  and  the  other  I  left  behind 
concealed;  for  I  thought  that  possibly  some  evil  ac- 
cident might  happen  to  our  ship,  and  if  our  lives  were 
saved,  we  should  fiLad  the  concealed  property  of  service 
to  us. 

We  continued  our  voyage  night  and  day,  till  at 
length  the  vessel  lost  its  course,  and  the  captain  knew 
not  whither  to  steer.  For  ten  days  we  had  a  pleasant 
wind,  and  after  that  a  strange  city  loomed  before  us. 
We  asked  the  captain  the  name  of  this  city  but  he  did 

66  The   Arabian   Nights 

not  know  it,  nor  did  he  know  the  sea  which  we  were 
navigating;  he  suggested,  however,  that  we  should  land 
our  goods  and  enter  the  city  and  sell  and  exchange 

So  we  entered  the  port  and  the  captain  landed,  and 
after  a  while  returned  to  us  saying:  "Arise  and  go  up 
into  the  city,  and  see  what  Allah  hath  done  unto  his 
creatures,  and  pray  to  be  preserved  from  his  anger!" 
So  we  entered  the  city,  and  found  all  its  inhabitants 
changed  into  black  stones.  We  were  amazed  at  the 
sight,  and  as  we  walked  through  the  market-streets, 
we  saw  the  merchandise,  and  the  gold,  and  the  silver 
in  their  original  state.  We  then  separated,  each  of  us 
attracted  from  his  companions  by  the  wealth  and  stuffs 
in  the  shops. 

Alone  I  ascended  to  the  citadel,  and  entering  the 
King's  palace,  found  all  the  vessels  of  gold  and  silver 
in  their  places,  and  the  King  himself  changed  into  black 
stone  and  seated  in  the  midst  of  his  chamberlains  and 
viceroys  and  viziers,  and  clad  in  apparel  of  astonishing 
richness.  He  was  sitting  upon  a  throne  adorned  with 
pearls  and  jewels,  every  one  of  the  pearls  shining  like 
a  star.  His  dress  was  embroidered  with  gold,  and 
around  him  stood  fifty  memlooks,  attired  in  divers 
silks,  and  having  in  their  hands  drawn  swords. 

Stupefied  at  this  spectacle,  I  entered  the  saloon  of  the 
women's  apartment,  upon  the  walls  of  which  were 
hung  silken  curtains.  Here  I  beheld  the  Queen,  attired 
in  a  dress  embroidered  with  fresh  pearls,  and  having 
on  her  head  a  jewelled  diadem,  and  necklaces  of  different 
kinds  upon  her  neck.  All  her  clothing  remained  as  they 
were  at  first,  though  she  herself  was  changed  into  black 

The   Arabian   Nights  67 

Here  also  I  found  an  open  door.  Entering  it  I  saw 
a  flight  of  seven  steps,  by  which  I  ascended  to  an 
apartment  paved  with  marble,  furnished  with  gold- 
embroidered  carpets,  and  containing  a  sofa  of  alabaster, 
ornamented  with  pearls  and  jewels,  and  covered  with 
rich  silks.  My  eyes  were  attracted  by  a  gleam  of  light, 
and  when  I  approached  the  spot  whence  it  proceeded, 
I  found  a  brilliant  jewel,  of  the  size  of  an  ostrich  egg, 
placed  upon  a  small  stool,  diffusing  a  light  like  a  candle. 
In  this  apartment  I  likewise  observed  some  lighted 
candles,  and  reflecting  that  there  must  then  have  been 
some  person  to  light  them,  I  passed  thence  to  another 
part  of  the  palace,  and  continued  to  explore  the  dif- 
ferent apartments,  until  the  approach  of  night. 

When  I  would  have  left  the  palace  I  could  not  find 
the  door,  so  I  returned  to  the  place  in  which  there  were 
the  lighted  candles,  and  there  I  laid  myself  upon  the 
sofa,  and  covering  myself  with  a  quilt,  repeated  some 
words  of  the  Koran,  and  composed  myself  to  sleep. 
At  midnight  I  heard  a  recitation  of  the  Koran  per- 
formed by  a  melodious  and  soft  voice.  I  arose  and 
looking  about  saw  a  closet  with  an  open  door.  I  en- 
tered it  and  found  it  to  be  an  oratory,  lighted  lamps 
were  suspended  in  it,  and  upon  a  prayer-carpet  spread 
upon  the  floor  sat  a  young  man  of  handsome  aspect. 

Wondering  that  he  had  escaped  the  fate  of  the  other 
inhabitants  of  the  city,  I  saluted  him,  and  he  raised  his 
eyes,  and  returned  my  salutation.  I  then  said  to  him: 
"I  conjure  thee  by  the  truth  of  the  Koran  which  thou 
art  reading,  that  thou  answer  the  question  which  I  am 
about  to  ask  thee."  Whereupon  he  smiled,  and  replied: 
"Do  thou  first  acquaint  me  with  the  cause  of  thine 
entrance  into  this  palace,  then  I  will  answer  thy  ques- 

68  The  Arabian   Nights 

tion."  So  I  told  him  my  story  and  inquired  of  him  the 
history  of  this  city. 

He  closed  the  Koran  and  having  put  it  in  a  bag  of 
satin,  seated  me  by  his  side,  and  he  thus  addressed  me: 
"Know  that  this  city  belonged  to  my  father,  and  he  is 
the  King  whom  thou  hast  seen  changed  into  stone,  and 
the  Queen  whom  thou  hast  seen  is  my  mother.  They 
were  all  Magians  worshipping  fire  in  the  place  of 
Allah,  the  Almighty.  They  swore  by  the  fire  and 
the  hght  and  the  shade  and  the  heat,  and  the  revolv- 
ing orb. 

"  My  father  had  no  son  until  in  his  declining  years  he 
was  blessed  with  me,  whom  he  reared  until  I  attained 
manhood.  Happily  for  me  there  was  in  my  family  an 
old  woman  who  was  a  Mohammetan.  My  father  com- 
mitted me  to  her  care,  saying:  'Take  him,  and  rear 
him,  and  educate  him,  and  serve  him  in  the  best  man- 
ner.' The  old  woman  received  me,  but  took  care  to 
instruct  me  in  the  faith  of  Mohammet,  and  she  made  me 
commit  to  memory  the  whole  of  the  Koran.  After  a 
few  years  the  old  woman  died. 

"The  inhabitants  of  the  city  now  increased  in  their 
impiety  and  arrogance.  While  they  were  in  this  state 
they  heard  an  invisible  and  mysterious  crier  proclaim 
in  a  voice  like  thunder:  'O  inhabitants  of  this  city, 
abstain  from  the  worship  of  fire,  and  worship  Allah, 
the  Almighty!'  The  people  were  struck  with  conster- 
nation, and  flocking  to  my  father,  the  King  of  the  city, 
said  to  him :  '  What  is  this  alarming  voice  which  hath 
astounded  us  by  its  terrible  sound .'^'  But  he  answered 
them:  'Let  not  the  voice  terrify  you,  nor  let  it  turn 
you  from  your  faith.'  And  their  hearts  inclined  to  his 
words.     So  they  persevered  in  the  worship  of  fire,  and 

The  Arabian   Nights  69 

remained  in  their  impiety  for  another  year.  Then  was 
the  voice  heard  a  second  time,  and  again  in  the  next 
year  they  heard  it  a  third  time,  but  still  they  persisted 
in  their  evil  ways,  drawing  upon  themselves  the  abhor- 
rence and  indignation  of  Heaven. 

"One  morning  shortly  after  daybreak  all  the  inhab- 
itants of  this  city  were  changed  into  black  stones, 
together  with  their  beasts  and  all  their  cattle.  Not 
one  of  the  inhabitants  escaped  excepting  myself.  From 
the  day  on  which  this  catastrophe  happened  I  have 
continued,  as  thou  seest,  in  prayer  and  fasting,  and 
reading  the  Koran,  but  I  have  become  weary  of  this 
solitary  state,  having  no  one  to  cheer  me  with  his  com- 

On  hearing  these  words  I  said  to  the  young  man: 
*'Wilt  thou  go  with  me  to  the  city  of  Bagdad.?  If  so,  I 
have  here  a  ship  laden  with  merchandise  which  will 
carry  thee  thither."  I  continued  to  persuade  him  until 
he  gave  his  consent.  In  the  morning  we  arose  and  enter- 
ing the  treasuries,  took  away  much  wealth.  We  de- 
scended from  the  citadel  into  the  city,  where  we  met 
the  slaves  and  the  captain  of  the  ship,  who  were 
searching  for  me.  They  rejoiced  at  seeing  me,  and 
I  related  to  them  the  history  of  the  young  man,  and 
the  cause  of  the  enchantment  of  the  people  of  the  cityj 
and  of  what  had  befallen  them,  and  they  were  filled 
with  wonder.  But  when  my  two  sisters  saw  the  young 
man,  they  envied  me  on  his  account,  and  plotted  evil 
against  me. 

We  embarked  again,  and  spread  our  sails  and  de- 
parted. We  continued  our  voyage  with  a  favourable 
wind  until  we  drew  near  to  the  city  of  Balsora,  the 
buildings  of  which  loomed  before  us  at  the  approach  of 

70  The  Arabian   Nights 

evening.  As  soon  as  we  had  fallen  asleep  my  sisters 
took  up  both  myself  and  the  young  man  and  threw  us 
into  the  sea.  The  youth  being  unable  to  swim  was 
drowned,  but  I  awoke  and  found  myself  in  the  sea,  and 
the  providence  of  Allah  supplied  me  with  a  piece  of 
timber,  upon  which  I  placed  myself,  and  the  waves  cast 
me  upon  the  shore  of  an  island. 

During  the  remainder  of  the  night  I  walked  along 
this  island,  and  in  the  morning  I  saw  a  neck  of  land, 
bearing  the  marks  of  a  man's  feet,  and  united  with  the 
main  land.  The  sun  having  risen,  I  dried  my  clothes 
in  its  rays,  and  proceeded  along  the  path  across  the 
neck  of  land,  until  I  drew  near  to  the  shore  upon  which 
stands  the  city  of  Balsora.  And,  lo,  I  beheld  a  snake 
approaching  me,  followed  by  a  serpent  which  was  trying 
to  destroy  it.  The  tongue  of  the  snake  was  hanging 
from  its  mouth,  because  of  its  fatigue,  and  I  was  filled 
with  compassion.  So  I  took  up  a  stone  and  threw  it  at 
the  head  of  the  serpent,  which  instantly  died.  The 
snake  then  extended  a  pair  of  wings,  and  soared  aloft 
into  the  sky,  leaving  me  in  wonder  at  the  sight. 

Being  fatigued  I  laid  myself  down  and  slept,  but  I 
woke  after  a  little  while  and  found  a  damsel  seated  at 
my  feet,  and  gently  rubbing  them  with  her  hands. 
I  immediately  sat  up,  feeling  ashamed  that  she  should 
do  this  for  me,  and  said  to  her:  "Who  art  thou.'*  What 
dost  thou  want  ?  "  "  How  soon  thou  hast  forgotten  me ! ' ' 
ishe  exclaimed.  "I  am  she  to  whom  thou  hast  just  done 
a  kindness  by  killing  my  enemy,  for  I  am  a  daughter  of 
the  Genii  and  the  serpent  was  a  Genie  at  enmity  with 
me.  As  soon  as  thou  hadst  rescued  me  I  flew  to  the 
ship,  from  which  thy  sisters  cast  thee,  and  transported 
9\\  that  it  contained  to  thy  house.    I  then  transformed 

The  Arabian   Nights  71 

thy  sisters  by  enchantment  into  two  black  hounds, 
for  I  knew  all  that  they  had  done  to  thee." 

Having  thus  said  she  took  me  up,  and  placed  me 
with  the  two  black  hounds  on  the  roof  of  my  house. 
I  found  all  the  treasures  that  the  ship  had  contained 
in  the  midst  of  my  house,  nothing  was  lost.  Then 
said  the  daughter  of  the  Genii  to  me:  "I  swear  by  that 
which  was  engraved  upon  the  seal  of  Solomon,  that 
if  thou  do  not  inflict  three  hundred  lashes  on  these 
hounds  every  day,  I  will  come  and  transform  thee  in 
like  manner."  So  I  have  continued  ever  since  to  in- 
flict upon  them  these  stripes,  though  pitying  them 
while  I  do  so. 

The  Caliph  heard  this  story  with  astonishment,  and 
then  said  to  the  second  lady:  "  And  what  occasioned  the 
stripes  of  which  thou  bearest  the  marks?"  She  an- 
swered as  follows : 




O  PRINCE  of  the  Faithful,  my  father  at  his  death 
left  considerable  property,  and  soon  after  that 
event  I  married  one  of  the  wealthiest  men  of  the  age, 
who  a  year  after  our  marriage  died,  and  I  inherited 
from  him  eighty  thousand  pieces  of  gold. 

As  I  was  sitting  one  day  there  entered  my  apartment 
an  old  woman,  disgustingly  ugly,  who  saluted  me,  and 
said:  "I  have  an  orphan  whose  marriage  I  am  to  cel- 
ebrate this  night.    Will  you  not  be  present  at  her  nuptial 

72  The   Arabian   Nights 

festival,  as  she  is  broken-hearted,  having  none  to 
befriend  her  but  Allah,  whose  name  be  exalted!"  The 
old  woman  then  wept,  and  being  moved  with  pity  and 
compassion,  I  assented,  upon  which  she  desired  me  to 
prepare  myself,  telling  me  that  she  would  come  at  the 
hour  of  nightfall  and  take  me.  So  saying  she  kissed  my 
hand  and  departed. 

I  arose  immediately  and  attired  myself,  and  when  I 
had  completed  my  preparations,  the  old  woman  re- 
turned. So  I  put  on  my  outer  garments,  and  taking  my 
female  slaves  with  me,  proceeded  until  we  arrived  at  a 
street  in  which  a  soft  wind  was  delightfully  playing, 
where  we  saw  a  gateway  overarched  with  a  marble 
vault,  forming  the  entrance  to  a  palace  which  rose  from 
the  earth  to  the  sky. 

The  old  woman  knocked  at  the  door  of  the  palace, 
and  when  it  was  opened,  we  entered  a  carpeted  passage, 
illuminated  by  lamps  and  candles,  and  decorated  with 
jewels  and  precious  metals.  Through  this  passage 
we  passed  into  a  magnificent  saloon,  furnished  with 
mattresses  covered  with  silk,  lighted  by  hanging  lamps 
and  by  candles,  and  having,  at  its  upper  end,  a  couch  of 
alabaster  decorated  with  pearls  and  jewels,  and  can- 
opied by  curtains  of  satin.  There  arose  from  the  couch 
a  lady  beautiful  as  the  moon,  who  exclaimed:  "Most 
welcome  art  thou,  O  my  sister,  thou  delightest  me  by 
thy  company,  and  refreshest  my  heart!  I  have  a 
brother  who  hath  seen  thee  at  a  fete.  He  is  a  young 
man,  more  handsome  than  myself,  and  his  heart  is 
enchained  by  thy  love,  and  he  hath  bribed  this  old 
woman  to  go  to  thee  and  obtain  for  me  an  interview. 
My  brother  desireth  to  marry  thee  this  night,  according 
to  the  ordinance  of  Allah  and  his  apostle." 

The  Arabian   Nights  73 

When  I  heard  these  words,  and  saw  myself  thus 
confined  in  the  house  so  that  I  could  not  escape,  I 
consented,  and  the  lady  rejoicing  clapped  her  hands, 
and  opened  a  door,  and  there  entered  a  young  man  so 
surpassingly  handsome  that  my  heart  immediately 
inclined  to  him.  No  sooner  had  he  sat  down  than  the 
Cadi  and  four  witnesses  entered.  They  saluted  us, 
and  proceeded  to  perform  the  ceremony  of  the  marriage 
contract  between  me  and  the  young  man,  which  having 
done  they  departed. 

We  lived  together  in  utmost  happiness  for  the  space 
of  a  year,  after  which  I  begged  that  he  would  allow  me 
to  go  to  the  bazaar  in  order  to  purchase  some  stuffs 
for  dresses.  Having  obtained  his  permission  I  went 
thither  in  company  with  the  old  woman,  and  seated 
myself  at  the  shop  of  a  young  merchant  with  whom  she 
was  acquainted.  She  desired  him  to  show  me  his  most 
costly  stuffs.  He  produced  for  us  what  we  wanted,  and 
when  we  handed  him  the  money,  he  refused  to  take  it 
saying:  "It  is  an  offering  of  hospitahty  to  you  for  your 
visit  this  day."  Whereupon  I  said  to  the  old  woman:  "If 
he  will  not  take  money,  return  to  him  his  stuff."  But  he 
would  not  receive  it  again,  and  exclaimed:  "Verily  I  will 
take  nothing  from  thee  save  a  single  kiss,  which  I  shall 
value  more  than  the  entire  contents  of  my  shop!"  "What 
will  a  kiss  profit  thee?"  asked  the  old  woman.  Then 
turning  to  me  she  said :  "  O  my  daughter,  thou  hast  heard 
what  the  youth  hath  said,  no  harm  will  befall  thee  if  he 
give  thee  a  kiss,  and  thou  shalt  take  what  goods  thou 
wantest.  Let  him  kiss  thee  without  thy  speaking,  and 
thou  shalt  take  back  thy  money."  Thus  she  continued 
to  persuade  me,  until  I  consented,  and  held  the  edge  of 
my  veil  in  such  a  manner  as  to  prevent  the  passers-by 

74  The  Arabian   Nights 

from  seeing  me.  Whereupon  the  young  man  put  his 
mouth  to  my  cheek  beneath  the  veil,  but  instead  of  kiss- 
ing me,  he  gave  my  cheek  a  violent  bite.  I  fell  into  a 
swoon  from  the  pain,  and  the  old  woman  laid  me  on  her 
lap  till  I  recovered,  when  I  found  the  shop  closed,  and 
the  old  woman  uttering  expressions  of  grief. 

I  returned  home  in  a  state  of  great  uneasiness  and 
fear.  My  husband  came  in  to  me  and  asked:  "What 
hath  befallen  thee,  O  my  mistress,  during  this  excur- 
sion.?" I  answered:  "I  am  not  well."  "And  what  is 
this  wound,"  said  he,  "that  is  on  thy  cheek?"  I  an- 
swered: "When  I  went  out  to-day,  to  purchase  some 
stuff  for  a  dress,  a  camel  loaded  with  fire-wood  drove 
against  me  in  the  crowded,  narrow  street  and  tore  my 
veil,  and  wounded  my  cheek."  "To-morrow  then," 
he  exclaimed,  "I  will  ask  the  governor  to  hang  every 
seller  of  fire-wood  in  the  city!"  "Verily,"  said  I, 
"burden  not  thyself  by  an  injury  to  any  one.  The 
truth  is  that  I  was  riding  upon  an  ass,  which  took 
fright,  and  I  fell  upon  the  ground,  and  a  stick  lacerated 
my  cheek."  "If  that  be  so,"  he  replied,  "I  will  go 
to-morrow  to  Jaafar  and  ask  him  to  kill  every  ass- 
driver  in  this  city."  "Wilt  thou,"  said  I,  "kill  these 
men  on  my  account,  when  this  which  befell  me  was 
decreed  by  Allah.?" 

Upon  this  my  husband  seized  me  violently,  then 
sprang  up,  and  uttered  a  loud  cry.  A  door  opened  and 
there  came  forth  from  it  seven  black  slaves,  who  dragged 
me,  and  threw  me  down  in  the  middle  of  the  apart- 
ment. Thereupon  my  husband  ordered  one  of  them 
to  hold  me  by  my  shoulders  and  to  sit  upon  my  head, 
and  another  to  sit  upon  my  knees  and  to  hold  my 
feet.    A  third  then  came  with  a  sword  in  his  hand,  and 

The  Arabian   Nights  75 

said:  "0  my  lord,  shall  I  strike  her  with  the  sword, 
and  cleave  her  in  twain,  that  each  of  these  slaves  may 
take  a  half  and  throw  it  into  the  Tigris  for  the  fish  to 
devour?  "  My  husband  answered :  "  Strike  her,  O  Saad ! 
Cleave  her  in  twain!"  So  the  slave  approached  me, 
and  I  now  felt  assured  of  my  death,  but  suddenly  the 
old  woman  threw  herself  at  my  husband's  feet,  and 
kissing  them  exclaimed:  "O  my  son,  by  the  care  with 
which  I  nursed  thee,  I  beg  thee  to  pardon  this  damsel, 
for  she  hath  committed  no  offence  that  deserveth 
such  a  punishment!"  And  she  wept  and  importuned 
him  until  at  length  he  said:  "I  pardon  her,  but  must 
cause  her  to  bear  upon  her  body  such  marks  of  her 
offence  as  shall  last  for  the  remainder  of  her  life!" 
So  saying  he  commanded  the  slaves  to  strip  off  my  vest, 
and,  taking  a  quince-stick,  he  beat  me  upon  my  back 
and  sides  until  I  became  insensible  from  the  violence 
of  the  blows.  He  then  ordered  the  slaves  to  take  me 
away  as  soon  as  it  was  night,  and  to  throw  me  into  my 
house,  in  which  I  formerly  resided. 

The  slaves  accordingly  executed  their  lord's  com- 
mands, and  when  they  had  deposited  me  in  my  house, 
I  applied  myself  to  the  healing  of  my  wounds,  but  after 
I  had  cured  myself  my  sides  still  bore  the  marks  of 
having  been  beaten  with  canes.  I  continued  to  apply 
remedies  for  four  months  before  I  was  restored.  Then 
I  repaired  to  view  the  house  in  which  this  event  had 
happened,  but  I  found  it  reduced  to  ruin,  and  the  whole 
street  pulled  down,  and  the  site  of  the  house  occupied 
by  mounds  of  rubbish. 

Under  these  circumstances  I  went  to  reside  with  my 
sister,  and  I  found  with  her  these  two  hounds.  Having 
saluted  her  I  informed  her  of  all  that  had  happened  to 

76  The   Arabian   Nights 

me.  She  then  related  to  me  her  own  story,  and  that  of 
her  sisters,  and  I  remained  with  her,  and  neither  of  us 
ever  mentioned  the  subject  of  marriage.  Afterwards 
we  were  joined  by  this  our  sister,  the  cateress,  who 
every  day  goes  out  to  purchase  for  us  whatever  we 
happen  to  want. 





THE  Caliph  was  astonished  at  this  story,  and  or- 
dered it  to  be  recorded  in  a  book,  as  history, 
and  to  be  deposited  in  his  library.  He  then  said  to 
the  first  lady:  "Knowest  thou  where  the  daughter  of 
the  Genii,  who  enchanted  thy  sisters,  is  to  be  found?" 
"O  Prince  of  the  Faithful,"  answered  the  lady,  "she 
gave  me  a  lock  of  her  hair,  and  said,  'When  thou  desirest 
my  presence,  burn  a  few  of  these  hairs,  and  I  will  be 
with  thee  quickly,  though  I  should  be  beyond  Mount 

"Bring  then  the  hair,"  said  the  Caliph.  The  lady 
produced  it,  and  the  Cahph  burned  a  portion  of  it. 
Immediately  the  palace  shook,  and  there  was  a  sound 
like  thunder,  and,  lo,  the  daughter  of  the  Genii  appeared 
before  them.  She  was  a  Mohammetan,  therefore  she 
greeted  the  Caliph  by  saying:  "Peace  be  on  thee,  O 
Caliph  of  Allah!"  To  which  he  replied:  "On  thee  be 
peace,  and  the  mercy  of  Allah  and  his  blessings!" 

The  daughter  of  the  Genii  then  said:  "Know  that 

The   Arabian   Nights  77 

this  lady  rescued  me  from  death  by  killing  my  enemy, 
and  I,  having  seen  what  her  sisters  had  done  to  her, 
transformed  them  by  enchantment  into  two  hounds. 
But,  if  now  thou  desire  their  restoration,  O  Prince  of 
the  Faithful,  I  will  restore  them  as  a  favour  to  thee  and 
to  her."  "Do  so,"  said  the  Caliph,  "and  then  we  will 
consider  the  affair  of  this  lady  who  hath  been  beaten. 
If  she  hath  told  the  truth,  I  will  punish  him  who  hath 
oppressed  her."  The  daughter  of  the  Genii  replied: 
"0  Prince  of  the  Faithful,  I  will  guide  thee  to  the  dis- 
covery of  him,  who  oppressed  this  lady,  and  took  her 
property.    He  is  thy  nearest  relative." 

She  took  a  cup  of  water,  and,  having  pronounced  a 
spell  over  it,  sprinkled  the  faces  of  the  two  hounds, 
saying:  "Be  restored  to  your  original  forms."  Where- 
upon the  hounds  became  again  two  young  damsels. 
Having  done  this  the  daughter  of  the  Genii  said: 
"O  Prince  of  the  Faithful,  he  who  beat  the  lady  is  thy 
son  Elemeen,  who  had  heard  of  her  beauty  and  loveli- 
ness." The  Caliph  was  astonished,  and  immediately 
summoned  before  him  his  son  Elemeen,  and  inquired 
of  him  the  history  of  the  lady,  and  the  young  prince 
related  to  him  the  entire  truth. 

The  Caliph  then  sent  for  the  Cadis  and  witnesses, 
and  the  first  lady  and  her  two  sisters,  who  had  been 
transformed  into  hounds,  he  married  to  the  three  men- 
dicants, who  were  sons  of  Kings,  and  these  he  made 
chamberlains  of  his  court.  The  lady  who  had  been 
beaten  he  restored  to  his  son  Elemeen,  giving  her  a 
large  property,  and  ordering  that  the  house  should 
be  rebuilt  in  a  more  handsome  style.  Lastly,  the  lady 
cateress  he  took  as  his  own  wife.  He  appointed  her  a 
separate  lodging  for  herself,  with  female  slaves  to  wait 

78  The  Arabian   Nights 

upon  her.    He  also  allotted  her  a  regular  income,  and 
afterwards  built  for  her  a  palace. 

"And  this,"  said  Sheherazade,  "is  not  as  wonderful  as 
the  story  of  the  Magic  Horse." 

Chapter  III 


THERE  was  in  ancient  times,  in  the  country 
of  the  Persians,  a  mighty  King  who  had  a 
daughter  hke  the  shining  moon  and  a  flower- 
ing garden,  and  a  son  as  beautiful  as  the 
day.  Now  this  King  on  a  certain  time  held  a  festi- 
val, and  opened  his  palace,  and  gave  gifts  to  his  lords 
and  chamberlains  and  to  the  people  of  his  dominion. 
While  he  was  sitting  upon  his  throne,  on  the  second 
day  of  the  festival,  there  came  to  him  a  sage,  leading 
a  horse  of  ivory  and  ebony.  The  sage  advanced,  kissed 
the  ground  before  the  King,  and  said  to  him:  "O  King 
of  the  age,  whenever  I  mount  this  magic  horse,  and 
turn  the  pin  in  his  ear,  he  will  transport  me  through 
the  air  to  the  most  distant  part  of  the  world.  Accept 
thou  this  wonderful  horse,  and  in  return  bestow  upon 
me  thy  daughter." 

The  King's  son  hearing  this  advanced  and  said: 
**0  my  father,  permit  me  first  to  mount  this  horse  and 
make  a  trial  of  it?"  "Do  so,  O  my  son,"  the  King 
replied,  "and  try  it  as  thou  desirest."  The  Prince 
accordingly  arose,  mounted  the  horse,  turned  the  pin 
in  the  horse's  ear,  and,  lo,  the  horse  moved,  and  soared 
with  him  towards  the  upper  regions  of  the  air,  and  con- 


8o  The   Arabian   Nights 

tinued  its  flight  with  hghtning  rapidity  until  it  was  out 
of  sight  of  the  people.  The  horse  continued  to  ascend 
with  terrible  velocity,  until  the  Prince  became  filled 
with  alarm.  But  he  knew  no  way  of  returning  to  the 
earth,  and  he  repented  of  having  mounted  the  horse. 

He  then  examined  the  animal,  and  perceived  on  its 
left  shoulder  a  button  formed  hke  the  head  of  a  cock. 
He  turned  this,  and,  lo,  the  horse  began  to  descend, 
little  by  little,  and  he  ceased  not  to  descend  for  the 
whole  remainder  of  the  day,  until  approaching  the 
earth,  the  Prince  discerned  strange  countries  and  cities, 
and  among  them  a  wonderful  city  in  the  midst  of  a 
land  beautifully  verdant  with  trees  and  rivers.  The 
name  of  that  place  was  Sana. 

The  day  had  nearly  departed,  and  the  sun  was  set 
when  the  Prince  arrived  at  the  city.  He  flew  around  it 
viewing  it  right  and  left,  and  he  said  to  himself:  "I  will 
pass  the  night  here  and  in  the  morning  return  to  my 
father."  And  he  searched  for  a  place  to  descend  in 
safety,  where  no  one  might  see  him.  Now  in  the  midst 
of  the  city  a  palace  rose  high  in  air,  surrounded  with 
walls  and  battlements,  so  he  turned  the  pin  of  descent, 
and  the  horse  flew  steadily  downward  to  the  flat  roof 
of  the  palace,  where  the  Prince  dismounted,  and  sat 
upon  the  roof  until  he  knew  that  the  inmates  had  be- 
taken themselves  to  rest. 

Hunger  and  thirst  pained  him,  for  since  he  had 
parted  from  his  father  he  had  not  eaten  food,  and  he 
said  to  himself:  "Verily  such  a  place  as  this  is  not 
devoid  of  the  necessities  of  life!"  He  then  left  the 
horse  and  finding  a  flight  of  steps,  he  descended  by 
them  to  a  court  paved  with  marble,  in  the  midst  of  the 
building,  but  he  heard  not  any  sound,  nor  the  cheering 

The  Arabian   Nights  8i 

voice  of  an  inhabitant.  So  he  paused  in  perplexity, 
and  looked  right  and  left  not  knowing  whither  to  go. 

While  he  stood  thus,  he  beheld  a  hght  approaching, 
and  he  saw  a  party  of  female  slaves,  among  them  a 
damsel  radiant  like  the  splendid  full  moon.  She  was 
the  daughter  of  the  King  of  the  city,  and  her  father, 
who  loved  her  with  great  affection,  had  built  for  her 
this  palace.  She  came  hither  this  night  to  divert  her- 
self, and  she  walked  among  her  female  slaves,  attended 
by  a  eunuch  armed  with  a  drawn  sword.  They  entered 
the  court  of  the  palace,  and  the  female  slaves  spread 
the  carpets  and  cushions,  scattered  sweet  odours  from 
perfuming  vessels,  and  sported  and  rejoiced  together. 

While  they  were  thus  engaged,  the  King's  son  rushed 
upon  the  eunuch,  struck  him  a  blow  which  laid  him 
prostrate,  and,  taking  the  sword  from  his  hand,  dis- 
persed the  female  slaves  to  the  right  and  left.  And 
when  the  King's  daughter  saw  his  beauty  and  loveliness, 
she  said:  "Perhaps  thou  art  he  who  yesterday  demanded 
me  in  marriage  of  my  father,  and  whom  he  rejected 
saying  that  he  was  of  hideous  aspect.  Verily  my  father 
lied,  for  thou  art  a  handsome  person ! "  For  the  son  of  the 
King  of  India  had  requested  her  of  her  father,  and  he 
had  rejected  him  because  he  was  of  frightful  appearance, 
and  she  imagined  that  the  Prince  now  before  her  was 
he  who  had  asked  her  in  marriage.  So  she  came  to 
him,  embraced,  and  kissed  him,  and  seated  him  beside 

The  eunuch  recovered  from  the  blow,  and  arose,  and 
seeing  the  King's  daughter  sitting  with  the  Prince,  he 
was  filled  with  consternation,  for  the  King  had  charged 
him  with  the  oflBce  of  guarding  her  from  misfortune 
and  evil  accident.    He  ran  shrieking  to  the  King,  and 

82  The  Arabian   Nights 

he  rent  his  clothes,  and  threw  dust  upon  his  head. 
"O  King,"  he  cried,  "go  to  the  assistance  of  thy  daugh- 
ter, for  a  devil  of  a  Genie,  in  human  form,  hath  got- 
ten possession  of  her!" 

When  the  King  heard  these  words  he  rose  hastily, 
and  went  to  the  palace.  He  entered  the  passage  leading 
to  the  court,  and  stationing  himself  at  a  door,  raised  a 
curtain  httle  by  little,  and  beheld  the  Prince  sitting 
with  his  daughter,  conversing,  and  the  young  man  was 
of  the  most  comely  form,  with  a  face  like  the  shining 
full  moon. 

The  King  was  enraged,  and  he  raised  the  curtain, 
and  rushed  in  upon  them  with  a  drawn  sword  in  his 
hand.  The  Prince  sprang  upon  his  feet,  and,  taking 
his  own  sword  in  his  hand,  shouted  at  the  King  with  an 
amazing  cry  which  terrified  him,  and  was  about  to 
attack  him  with  the  sword,  but  the  King  perceiving 
that  the  Prince  was  stronger  than  he  sheathed  his 
weapon,  and  met  him  with  courtesy.  "O  young  man," 
said  he,  "art  thou  a  human  being  or  a  Genie.''"  "How 
is  it  that  thou  takest  me  for  a  devil  .'^"  the  Prince  re- 
plied, "I  am  of  the  sons  of  the  ancient  Persian  Kings, 
who,  if  they  wished  to  take  thy  kingdom,  would  make 
thee  to  totter  from  thy  glory  and  dominion,  and  despoil 
thee  of  thy  goods!" 

The  King  hearing  these  words  feared  him,  and  trem- 
bled, but  answered:  "If  thou  be  of  the  sons  of  Kings, 
how  is  it  that  thou  hast  entered  my  palace,  and  without 
my  permission  visitest  my  daughter?  I  have  killed 
the  Kings  and  the  sons  of  the  Kings  on  their  demanding 
her  of  me  in  marriage!  Who  will  save  thee  from  my 
power  if  I  command  my  slaves  to  kill  thee?  Who  then 
can  deliver  thee  from  my  hand!"    "Verily,"  answered 

The  Arabian   Nights  83 

the  Prince,  "I  wonder  at  thee,  and  at  the  foolishness 
of  thy  judgment!  Dost  thou  wish  for  thy  daughter  a 
better  husband  than  myself?  Hast  thou  seen  anyone 
more  firm  of  heart,  and  more  glorious  in  authority  and 
troops  and  guards  than  I  am?"  "No,  by  Allah," 
answered  the  King,  "but  I  would  that  thou  demand 
her  in  marriage  publicly."  "Thou  hast  said  well," 
rejoined  the  Prince,  "but,  O  King,  if  thy  slaves  and 
servants  and  troops  were  to  assemble  against  me,  and 
slay  me,  thou  wouldst  disgrace  thyself!  Now  what  I 
propose  to  thee  is  this,  either  that  thou  meet  me  in 
single  combat,  and  he  who  killeth  the  other  shall  be 
worthy  of  the  kingdom,  or  else,  when  the  morning 
Cometh,  that  thou  send  forth  to  me  thy  soldiers  and  thy 
troops.  I  will  then  convince  thee  that  I  am  a  Prince 
that  the  King  should  desire  for  a  son-in-law!"  To  this 
last  the  King  consented  and  they  sat  and  conversed 
together  until  morning. 

When  day  dawned,  the  King  sent  for  his  Vizier  and 
commanded  him  to  collect  all  his  troops,  and  equip 
them  with  arms  and  mount  them  on  horses.  The  Vizier 
summoned  the  chiefs  of  the  army,  and  the  grandees  of 
the  empire,  and  ordered  them  to  mount  their  horses, 
and  go  forth,  armed  for  battle,  to  the  plain  in  front  of 
the  palace. 

The  King  then  arose  and  went  to  the  plain,  where  he 
caused  an  excellent  horse,  equipped  with  handsome 
saddle  and  bridle,  to  be  brought  for  the  Prince,  but  he 
refused  it  saying:  "O  King,  none  of  thy  horses  pleaseth 
me.  I  will  mount  none  but  the  horse  on  which  I 
came."  "And  where,"  asked  the  King,  "is  thy  horse?" 
"It  is  on  the  roof  of  thy  palace,"  answered  the  Prince. 
And  when  the  King  heard  these  words  he  was  astonished 

84  The   Arabian   Nights 

beyond  measure,  and  exclaimed:  "Woe  to  thee\  Verily 
thou  liest,  for  how  can  a  horse  be  upon  the  roof?" 

He  then  gave  orders  to  his  chief  officers  to  go  to  the 
roof  and  bring  what  they  might  find.  They  ascended 
and  beheld  the  horse  standing  there.  They  approached 
with  wonder,  and  found  it  to  be  of  ebony  and  ivory. 
They  then  raised  it,  and  carried  it  without  stopping, 
until  they  placed  it  before  the  King,  and  the  people 
gathered  around  it,  amazed  at  the  beauty  of  its  make, 
and  at  the  richness  of  its  saddle  and  bridle. 

The  King  likewise  admired  and  wondered  at  it,  and 
said  to  the  Prince:  "O  young  man,  is  this  thy  horse.''" 
"Yes,  O  King,"  answered  he,  "but  I  will  not  mount  it, 
unless  the  troops  retire  to  a  distance."  So  the  King 
commanded  the  troops  that  were  about  him  to  retire 
as  far  as  an  arrow  might  be  shot. 

The  Prince  then  seated  himself  firmly  upon  his  horse, 
and  turned  the  pin  of  ascent.  Immediately  his  horse 
bestirred  itself,  and  moved  about  with  violent  action, 
and  its  body  became  filled  with  air.  Then  it^arose  and 
ascended  into  the  sky.  When  the  King  saw  that  the 
Prince  had  arisen  and  ascended  aloft,  he  called  out  to 
his  troops:  "Woe  to  you!  Take  him  before  he  can  es- 
cape!" But  his  viziers  and  lieutenants  replied:  "O 
King,  can  anyone  catch  a  flying  bird?  This  is  no  other 
than  a  great  enchanter.  Allah  hath  saved  thee  from 
him,  therefore  praise  Him,  whose  name  be  exalted,  for 
thine  escape!" 

The  King  returned  to  his  palace,  and  acquainted 
his  daughter  with  all  that  which  had  happened,  and 
when  she  heard  that  the  Prince  had  flown  away,  she 
lamented  greatly,  and  fell  into  a  violent  sickness.  And 
when  her  father  saw  her  in  this  state,  he  pressed  her 

The   Arabian   Nights  85 

to  his  bosom,  kissed  her  between  the  eyes,  and  en- 
deavoured to  comfort  her,  but  her  weeping  and  wailing 
increased  in  violence.  Thus  was  the  case  of  the  King's 

Now,  as  to  the  Prince,  when  he  had  ascended  into 
the  air,  he  began  to  reflect  on  the  beauty  of  the  damsel 
and  her  loveliness,  and  his  heart  was  moved  with  love 
for  her.  When  night  came  he  returned  to  the  city  of 
Sana,  and  descended  upon  the  roof  of  the  palace.  He 
left  his  horse,  and  walked  down  stealthily  until  he  came 
to  the  chamber  of  the  King's  daughter.  She  had  taken 
to  her  pillow,  and  around  her  were  her  female  slaves  and 
nurses.  The  Prince  went  in  and  saluted  them,  and  when 
the  damsel  heard  his  voice,  she  rose  up  and  embraced 
him,  saying:  "Thou  hast  rendered  me  desolate,  and 
hadst  thou  been  absent  from  me  any  longer  I  had 
perished!"  "Were  it  not  for  my  love  for  thee,  O  most 
beautiful  of  all  damsels,"  answered  the  Prince,  "I  would 
have  slain  thy  father,  but  I  love  him  for  thy  sake!" 

He  then  persuaded  her  with  many  words,  to  journey 
with  him  to  his  father,  and  his  kingdom,  and  there 
become  his  wife.  She  consented,  and  the  Prince  re- 
joicing took  her  by  the  hand,  and  led  her  to  the  roof 
of  the  palace.  He  mounted  his  horse,  and  placed  her 
behind  him,  turned  the  pin  of  ascent  in  the  shoulder  of 
the  horse,  and  soared  upward  into  the  sky.  He  ceased 
not  to  journey  with  her  in  his  course  through  the  air, 
until  he  arrived  at  the  city  of  his  father. 

He  deposited  the  King's  daughter  in  one  of  the  royal 
gardens,  in  a  pavilion,  and  placed  the  ebony  horse 
before  the  door,  and  charged  the  damsel,  saying: 
"Sit  here  until  I  send  to  thee  my  messenger,  for  I  am 
going  to  my  father  to  ask  him  to  prepare  for  thee  a 

86  The  Arabian   Nights 

palace  and  a  suitable  reception,  so  that  thou  mayest 
enter  the  city  with  all  due  honour." 

So  the  Prince  left  her,  and  proceeded  until  he  arrived 
at  the  royal  palace.  And  when  his  father  saw  him,  he 
rejoiced  at  his  coming  and  met  and  welcomed  him. 
"O  my  father,"  said  the  Prince,  "know  that  I  have 
brought  the  daughter  of  the  King  of  Sana,  and  I  have 
left  her  in  one  of  the  royal  gardens,  so  that  thou  mayest 
prepare  the  procession  of  state,  and  go  forth  to  meet 

The  King,  delighted  at  this  news,  commanded  the 
people  of  the  city  to  decorate  their  shops  and  houses, 
and  rode  forth  magnificently  robed,  with  all  his  soldiers 
and  the  grandees  of  the  empire,  and  all  his  memlooks 
and  servants.  The  Prince  took  forth  from  his  palace, 
ornaments  and  rich  garments  fit  for  kings,  and  pre- 
pared for  the  King's  daughter  a  camel-litter  of  green, 
red  and  yellow  brocade,  in  which  he  seated  Indian  and 
Greek  and  Abyssinian  slave-girls. 

He  accompanied  the  litter  to  the  garden,  and  left 
it  without  while  he  entered  and  sought  the  pavilion 
where  he  had  left  the  King's  daughter.  He  searched 
for  her  but  found  her  not,  nor  did  he  find  the  horse. 
He  slapped  his  face,  and  rent  his  clothes,  and  began  to 
search  throughout  the  garden,  but  he  found  not  the 
damsel.  He  sought  the  keepers  of  the  garden  and 
asked:  "Have  ye  seen  anyone  pass  or  enter  the  garden.'*" 
They  answered:  "We  have  not  seen  anyone  enter  this 
garden,  except  the  Persian  sage.  He  came  to  gather 
herbs."  So  when  the  Prince  heard  their  words  he  knew 
that  the  Persian  sage  had  stolen  the  damsel  and  the 

Now,  it  had  happened,  in  accordance  with  destiny, 


The   Arabian    Nights  87 

that  when  the  Prince  had  left  the  damsel  in  the  pavilion, 
that  the  Persian  sage  entered  the  garden  and  he  smelt 
the  odour  of  musk  and  other  perfumes,  which  sweet 
scent  was  from  the  garments  of  the  King's  daughter. 
The  sage  proceeded  in  the  direction  of  this  odour,  until 
he  came  to  the  pavilion,  where  he  saw  the  horse  that 
he  had  made  standing  at  the  door,  and  his  heart  was 
filled  with  joy  and  gladness,  for  he  had  mourned  after 
it  greatly.  He  entered  the  pavilion,  and  found  the 
damsel  sitting  there,  resembling  in  her  beauty  the  shin- 
ing sun  in  the  clear  sky.  As  soon  as  he  beheld  her,  he 
knew  that  she  was  of  high  birth,  and  that  the  Prince  had 
brought  her  upon  the  horse,  and  had  left  her  in  the 
royal  garden,  while  he  returned  to  the  city  to  prepare 
for  her  a  stately  procession. 

When  the  King's  daughter  raised  her  eyes  she  saw 
the  sage,  and  was  filled  with  fear,  for  he  was  of  most 
hideous  and  foul  aspect.  But  he  kissed  the  ground 
before  her  humbly  and  said:  "O  my  mistress,  I  am  the 
messenger  of  the  Prince,  who  has  sent  me  to  remove 
thee  to  another  garden.  Let  not  the  hideousness  of 
my  face  afTright  thee,  for  the  Prince  chose  to  send  me, 
on  account  of  my  frightful  aspect,  as  he  was  jealous  of 

The  damsel  believed  the  sage's  words,  and  she  arose 
and  went  with  him,  placing  her  hand  in  his.  Then  he 
mounted  the  ebony  horse,  and  placed  the  damsel 
behind  him,  binding  her  tightly.  He  turned  the  pin  of 
ascent  and  the  body  of  the  horse  became  filled  with 
air,  ascended  into  the  sky,  and  with  great  rapidity  bore 
them  out  of  sight  of  the  city.  When  the  damsel  saw 
this  she  was  filled  with  anxiety.  "O  thou,"  she  ex- 
claimed, "what  means  it  that  we  leave  the  city  behind? 

88  The  Arabian   Nights 

Why  dost  thou  disobey  thy  lord?"  "He  is  not  my 
lord!"  replied  the  sage.  "May  Allah  curse  hira  for  he  is 
base  and  vile !  Verily  he  stole  my  horse,  and  made  him- 
self master  of  it,  and  now  I  have  again  obtained  posses- 
sion of  it,  and  of  thee  too,  and  I  will  torture  his  heart 
as  he  has  tortured  mine!  But  be  of  good  courage  and 
cheerful  eye  for  I  shall  be  a  better  husband  unto  thee 
than  he."  When  the  King's  daughter  heard  this  she 
slapped  her  face,  cried  out,  and  wept  violently,  but  the 
sage  continued  his  flight  until  he  arrived  at  the  land 
of  the  Greeks,  where  he  descended  into  a  verdant 
meadow,  with  rivers  and  trees. 

This  meadow  was  near  to  a  city,  in  which  dwelt  a 
King  of  great  dignity,  and  it  happened  on  that  day  he 
went  forth  to  hunt,  accompanied  by  the  grandees  of 
his  empire,  and  passing  by  the  meadow  he  saw  the  sage, 
with  the  ebony  horse  and  the  damsel  by  his  side. 
The  sage  was  not  aware  of  their  approach  until  the 
slaves  of  the  King  rushed  upon  him,  and  took  him  to- 
gether with  the  damsel  and  the  horse.  They  placed  all 
before  the  King,  who  when  he  saw  the  evil  aspect  of  the 
sage,  and  the  beauty  and  loveliness  of  the  damsel, 
said  to  her:  "O  my  mistress,  what  relation  art  thou  to 
this  sheikh?"  The  sage  answered  him  hastily:  "She 
is  my  wife,"  but  the  King's  daughter  hearing  this  was 
indignant.  "  O  King,"  she  said,  "  I  know  him  not !  He  is 
not  my  husband,  but  he  took  me  away  by  force  and 
stratagem."  Then  the  King  commanded  his  attendants 
to  seize  the  sage,  beat  him  and  carry  him  to  the  city, 
and  imprison  him  there,  and  they  did  so.  He  then 
took  the  damsel  and  the  ebony  horse  to  his  palace. 
Thus  did  it  befall  the  sage  and  the  damsel. 

As  for  the  Prince,  he  prepared  for  travel,  and  taking 

The   Arabian   Nights  89 

what  money  he  required,  he  journeyed  forth,  seeking 
the  damsel  and  the  sage  from  town  to  town  and  city 
to  city.  At  length  he  arrived  at  the  country  of  the 
Greeks,  he  alighted  at  an  inn,  and  overheard  a  party  of 
merchants  talking  together.  And  he  heard  one  say: 
"O  my  companions,  I  have  met  with  a  wonderful  thing! 
I  was  in  such  and  such  a  city,  and  the  people  told  me  a 
strange  tale,  how  the  King  of  that  city  went  forth  to 
hunt  attended  by  a  party  of  the  grandees  of  his  empire. 
They  passed  a  verdant  meadow,  and  found  a  man 
standing,  and  by  his  side  a  woman  of  great  beauty  and 
elegance,  and  with  him  a  horse  of  ebony.  The  man 
was  of  hideous  aspect,  and  the  woman  endowed  with 
perfect  grace,  and  the  ebony  horse  was  a  wonderful 

When  the  Prince  heard  this  he  approached  the 
merchant,  and  questioned  him  with  mildness  and 
courtesy,  until  he  learned  the  name  of  the  city  and  the 
name  of  the  King.  He  passed  the  night  happy  and  in 
the  morning  set  forth  on  his  journey.  He  arrived  at 
the  city  at  eventide,  and  the  gate  keepers  took  him 
and  put  him  in  prison,  intending  in  the  morning  to 
present  him  to  the  King.  But  the  jailors  when  they 
saw  how  comely  he  was  could  not  bear  to  imprison  him, 
so  they  seated  him  with  themselves  and  shared  with 
him  their  food,  until  he  was  satisfied. 

"From  what  country  art  thou.?"  they  asked.  He 
answered,  "I  am  from  the  land  of  Persia."  Then 
one  of  the  jailors  said:  "We  have  with  us  in  the  prison  a 
Persian,  who  is  a  great  liar.  He  pretendeth  that  he  is  a 
sage.  The  King  found  him  with  a  woman  of  surpassing 
beauty,  and  a  wonderful  ebony  horse.  The  King  took 
the  woman,  and  desired  to  marry  her,  but  she  went 

90  The   Arabian   Nights 

mad,  and  he  is  now  searching  for  a  remedy  for  hef 
malady."  Now  when  the  Prince  heard  this  he  cast 
about  in  his  mind  for  means  by  which  to  attain  the 
dehverance  of  the  King's  daughter. 

When  the  jailors  desired  to  sleep,  they  put  him  in 
prison,  and  closed  the  doors.  The  morning  came,  and 
the  gate  keepers  took  him,  and  presented  him  to  the 
King  who  questioned  him,  and  said:  "What  is  thy  name, 
and  what  thy  art  or  trade,  and  what  is  the  reason  of 
thy  coming  unto  this  city.''"  "O  great  King,"  the 
Prince  answered,  "my  name  is  Harjeh,  and  I  come  from 
the  land  of  the  Persians."  The  King  rejoicing  exceed- 
ingly, answered,  "O  excellent  sage,  thou  hast  come  at  a 
time  when  we  need  thee  most!"  We  have  in  the  palace 
a  mad  woman,  and  if  thou  canst  cure  her  I  will  heap 
thee  with  riches  and  honours." 

The  King  then  conducted  him  to  the  chamber  in 
which  was  the  damsel.  And  the  Prince  found  her 
beating  herself,  and  falling  down  prostrate.  And  when 
she  saw  the  youth,  and  heard  his  voice,  she  knew  him, 
and  uttered  a  great  cry,  and  fainted  away.  When  she 
was  restored  the  Prince  put  his  mouth  to  her  ear,  and 
whispered:  "O  my  mistress,  keep  silent,  spare  thy  life 
and  mine !  Be  patient  and  firm !  For  we  stand  in  need  of 
patience  and  good  management  in  order  to  escape  from 
this  tyrannical  King." 

Then  the  Prince  arose,  and  went  forth  full  of  joy  and 
happiness.  "O  fortunate  King,"  said  he,  "I  have  dis- 
covered her  remedy  and  cure.  Her  recovery  will  be 
effected  by  the  means  of  the  ebony  horse,  which  thou 
foundest  with  her.  Therefore  go  thou  forth  to  the 
place  where  thou  first  sawest  her  and  take  with  thee 
the  ebony  horse,  and  the  damsel." 

The  Arabian   Nights  91 

Accordingly  the  King  sent  forth  the  horse  which 
he  had  found  with  the  damsel  and  the  Persian  sage,  and 
taking  the  damsel  with  him  he  went  to  the  meadow. 
The  Prince  ordered  that  the  damsel  and  the  horse 
should  be  placed  as  far  from  the  King  and  his  attendants 
as  the  eye  could  reach.  He  then  mounted  the  horse, 
and  placed  the  damsel  behind  him.  He  pressed  her  to 
him  and  bound  her  firmly,  and  turned  the  pin  of  ascent, 
whereupon  the  horse  rose  with  them  into  the  air.  The 
troops  continued  to  gaze  at  him  with  wonder,  until  he 
disappeared  before  their  eyes.  And  the  King  remained 
half  a  day  expecting  his  return.  At  last  in  despair  and 
grief  he  took  his  troops,  and  went  to  his  city. 

As  for  the  Prince  he  bent  his  course  towards  the  city 
of  his  father,  and  ceased  not  his  journey  until  he  de- 
scended upon  the  roof  of  his  palace.  He  then  repaired 
to  his  father  and  his  mother,  and  saluted  them  and 
acquainted  them  with  the  arrival  of  the  damsel,  and 
they  rejoiced  exceedingly.  They  prepared  the  marriage 
festivities  and  the  rejoicings  lasted  a  month,  after  which 
the  King  broke  the  ebony  horse,  and  destroyed  its  power 
so  that  it  could  fly  no  more. 

The  Prince  wrote  a  letter  to  the  King  of  Sana  in- 
forming him  that  he  had  married  his  daughter,  and  that 
she  was  happy  and  well,  and  he  sent  it  by  a  messenger 
bearing  precious  presents  and  rarities.  The  messenger 
transmitted  the  letter  to  the  King  of  Sana,  who  treated 
him  with  honour  and  sent  in  return  a  magnificent  pres- 
ent to  his  son-in-law. 

Thus  the  Prince  and  the  Bang's  daughter  lived 
happily  until  the  King,  the  father  of  the  young  man, 
was  taken  from  the  world,  and  the  Prince  reigned  after 
him  over  his  dominions.     He  ruled  his  subjects  with 

92  The  Arabian   Nights 

justice,  and  the  people  obeyed  him.  Thus  the  King 
and  the  King's  daughter  continued  to  live,  passing  a 
most  agreeable  and  pleasant  life  until  they  were  visited 
by  the  terminator  of  delights  and  the  separator  of  com- 
panions, f 

And  Sheherazade,  having  finished  the  story  of  the 
Magic  Horse,  proceeded  to  relate  the  wonderful  adven- 
tures of  Sindbad  of  the  Sea. 

Chapter  IV 


TEffiRE  was  in  the  time  of  the  Caliph,  the 
Prince  of  the  Faithful,  Haroun  Er  Raschid, 
in  the  city  of  Bagdad,  a  man  called  Sindbad 
the  Porter.  He  was  a  poor  man  and  carried 
burdens  for  hire  upon  his  head.  It  happened  one  day 
that  he  carried  a  heavy  burden,  and  the  day  was  hot, 
so  that  he  was  wearied  by  the  load.  In  this  state  he 
passed  by  the  house  of  a  merchant.  The  ground  before 
it  was  swept  and  sprinkled,  and  the  air  was  cool,  and 
by  the  side  of  the  door  was  a  wide  bench.  There  came 
forth  from  the  door  a  pleasant,  gentle  gale  laden  with 
an  exquisite  odour,  so  that  the  Porter  was  delighted 
and  sat  down  upon  the  bench  and  listened  to  the 
melodious  sounds  of  stringed  instruments,  and  to  joyous 
voices  laughing  and  singing.  He  also  heard  the  voices 
of  black  birds,  nightingales,  turtle  doves  and  ring 
doves,  warbling  and  praising  Allah,  whose  name  be 

The  Porter  was  moved  with  curiosity  and  delight, 
and  he  advanced  to  the  door  and  looked  in  and  saw 
within  the  house  a  great  garden,  wherein  he  beheld 
pages,  slaves  and  servants,  hurrying  to  and  fro,  and 


94  The  Arabian   Nights 

there  blew  upon  him  an  odour  of  deUcious  and  exquisite 
viands,  and  of  dehcate  wine.  Upon  this  he  raised  his 
eyes,  and  said:  "O  Allah!  O  Creator!  Thou  enrichest 
whom  thou  wilt,  and  whom  Thou  wilt  Thou  abasest! 
Thou  hast  bestowed  wealth  upon  the  owner  of  this 
palace,  while  I  am  wretched  and  weary,  and  spend  the 
day  carrying  other  people's  burdens!"  Scarcely  had 
Sindbad  the  Porter  finished  lamenting,  when,  lo,  there 
came  forth  from  the  door  a  handsome  page,  in  magnif- 
icent apparel.  He  took  the  Porter  by  the  hand  and 
said  to  him:  "Enter.  Answer  the  summons  of  my  mas- 
ter, for  he  calleth  for  thee." 

The  Porter  left  his  burden  with  the  door-keeper  in  the 
passage,  and  entered  the  house  with  the  page.  He  found 
himself  in  a  grand  chamber,  in  which  he  beheld  noble- 
men and  great  lords.  A  feast  was  spread  with  all  kinds 
of  flowers  and  sweet  scents,  and  fresh  and  dried  fruits, 
together  with  an  abundance  of  delicious  viands,  and 
beverages  prepared  from  the  fruit  of  the  choicest 
graipe-vines.  On  both  sides  of  the  hall  were  ranged 
beautiful  slave-girls  performing  upon  instruments  of 
music,  and  at  the  upper  end  of  the  chamber  was 
a  great  and  venerable  man.  He  was  handsome  in 
countenance,  with  an  aspect  of  gravity,  dignity,  and 

Sindbad  the  Porter  was  confounded  when  he  saw  all 
this,  and  said  to  himself:  "Verily  this  is  Paradise,  or 
the  palace  of  the  King  or  Sultan ! "  He  then  saluted  the 
assembly,  kissed  the  ground  before  them,  after  which 
he  stood  hanging  his  head  in  humility.  But  the  master 
of  tne  house  requested  him  to  seat  himself,  and  placed 
before  him  delicious  food.  So  Sindbad  the  Porter 
advanced  and  having  said:  "In  the  name  of  Allah,  the 

The  Arabian   Nights  95 

Compassionate,  the  Merciful,"  ate  until  he  was  satisfied, 
and  then  said:  "Praise  be  to  Allah,"  and  washed  his 
hands,  and  thanked  his  host. 

"Thou  art  welcome,"  said  the  master  of  the  house. 
"What  is  thy  name,  and  what  trade  dost  thou  follow?" 
*'0  my  master,"  answered  the  porter,  "my  name  is 
Sindbad  the  Porter,  and  I  carry  burdens  for  hire."  At 
this  the  master  of  the  house  smiled,  and  said:  "Know, 
0  porter,  that  my  name  is  like  thine  for  I  am  Sindbad 
of  the  Sea.  I  heard  thy  lamentation  at  my  door,  and  I 
will  now  inform  thee  of  all  that  happened  to  me,  and 
befell  me  before  I  attained  this  prosperity.  My  story 
is  wonderful,  for  I  have  sufifered  severe  fatigue,  and  great 
troubles  and  many  terrors.  I  have  performed  seven 
voyages,  and  connected  with  each  voyage  is  a  wonder- 
ful tale." 

Thereupon  Sindbad  of  the  Sea  related  as  follows: 


KNOW,  0  masters,  that  my  father  was  a  merchant^ 
of  first  rank,  who  possessed  abundant  wealth  and 
ample  fortune.  He  died  when  I  was  a  young  child, 
leaving  me  wealth  and  buildings  and  fields.  When  I 
grew  up,  I  ate  and  drank  well,  associated  with  young 
men,  and  wore  handsome  apparel.  I  ceased  not  to  live 
in  this  manner  until  I  returned  to  my  reason,  and  found 
that  my  wealth  had  passed  away. 

Repenting  of  my  prodigality,  I  arose  and  sold  my 
apparel,  and  furniture,  and  buildings,  and  all  that  my 

96  The   Arabian   Nights 

hand  possessed,  and  amassed  three  thousand  pieces  of 
silver.     I  remembered  the  saying  of  one  of  the  poets: 

"He  who  diveth  in  the  Sea  seeking  for  pearls, 
Acquireth  lordship,  and  good  fortune!" 

Accordingly  I  decided  to  perform  a  sea-voyage.  I 
bought  commodities  and  merchandise,  and  such  other 
things  as  were  required  for  travel.  I  embarked  in  a 
ship,  with  a  company  of  merchants,  and  we  traversed 
the  seas  for  many  days  and  nights.  We  passed  by  is- 
land after  island,  and  from  sea  to  sea,  and  from  land  to 
land,  and  in  every  place  we  bought  and  .sold,  and  ex- 
changed merchandise. 

We  continued  our  journey  until  we  arrived  at  an 
island  like  one  of  the  gardens  of  Paradise,  and  at  that 
island  the  master  of  the  ship  brought  us  to  anchor. 
All  who  were  on  the  ship  landed,  and  took  with  them 
fire-pots,  and  lighted  fire  in  them.  Some  cooked,  others 
washed,  and  others  amused  themselves.  I  was  among 
those  who  were  amusing  themselves  upon  the  shore  of 
the  sea. 

Suddenly  the  master  of  the  ship  called  out  in  his 
loudest  voice:  "O  ye  passengers!  whom  may  Allah 
preserve!  Come  quickly  into  the  ship.  Hasten  to 
embark  I  Flee  for  your  lives !  This  apparent  island  upon 
which  ye  are,  is  not  really  an  island,  but  it  is  a  great 
fish  that  hath  become  stationary  in  the  midst  of  the 
sea,  and  the  sand  hath  accumulated  upon  it,  and  trees 
have  grown  upon  it,  until  it  looks  like  an  island !  W^hen 
ye  lighted  the  fires,  it  felt  the  heat,  and  put  itself  in 
motion,  and  now  it  will  descend  with  you  to  the  bottom 
of  the  sea!"  The  passengers  hearing  these  words, 
hastened  to  the  vessel,  leaving  their  merchandise  and 

The   Arabian   Nights  97 

their  fire-pots  and  their  copper  cooking  vessels.  Some 
reached  the  ship,  and  others  reached  it  not.  The 
island  moved,  and  descended  to  the  bottom  of  the  sea, 
with  all  that  were  upon  it,  and  the  roaring  sea  closed 
over  it. 

I  was  among  those  who  remained  behind  upon  the 
island,  so  I  sank  into  the  sea  with  the  rest.  But  Allah, 
whose  name  be  exalted,  delivered  me  and  saved  me  from 
drowning.  There  floated  towards  me  a  great  wooden 
bowl,  in  which  the  passengers  had  been  washing,  and 
I  laid  hold  of  it,  and  got  into  it,  and  beat  the  water  with 
my  feet,  like  oars,  while  the  waves  sported  with  me, 
tossing  me  from  right  to  left. 

The  master  of  the  vessel  caused  her  sails  to  be  spread, 
and  pursued  his  voyage  regardless  of  those  who  were 
in  the  sea,  and  I  ceased  not  to  look  at  that  vessel  until 
it  disappeared  from  sight.  When  night  came  I  felt 
sure  of  destruction,  but  I  remained  safe  for  a  day  and  a 
night,  and  the  winds  and  the  waves  aided  me  until  the 
bowl  stopped  under  a  high  island,  whereon  were  trees 
overhanging  the  sea.  I  laid  hold  upon  the  branch  of  a 
lofty  tree,  and  clung  to  it,  and  climbing  up  by  its 
means  I  landed  upon  the  island.  I  found  that  my 
legs  were  benumbed,  and  saw  marks  upon  them  of  the 
nibbling  of  fish,  of  which  I  had  been  insensible  by  reason 
of  the  violence  of  my  anguish  and  fatigue ! 

I  threw  myself  upon  the  island  like  one  dead,  and 
became  unconscious,  and  I  remained  in  this  condition 
until  the  next  day.  The  sun  having  risen,  I  awoke 
and  found  that  my  feet  were  swollen,  and  that  I  was 
reduced  to  a  state  of  excessive  weakness.  I  dragged 
myself  along  in  a  sitting  posture,  and  then  I  crawled 
upon  my  knees.     There  were  in  the  island  fruits  in 

98  The   Arabian   Nights 

abundance,  and  springs  of  sweet  water.  I  ate  some  of 
the  fruits  and  drank  the  water,  and  continued  to  live 
in  this  manner  for  several  days.  My  spirit  then  revived, 
and  my  power  of  motion  returned,  and  having  made 
myself  a  stafiF  to  lean  upon  I  walked  along  the  shore, 
until  there  appeared  a  peculiar  object  in  the  distance. 
I  imagined  that  it  was  a  wild  beast  or  one  of  the  beasts 
of  the  sea,  and  I  walked  towards  it,  and,  lo,  it  was  a 
mare  of  superb  appearance,  picketed  in  a  part  of  the 
island  near  the  sea  shore. 

I  approached  her  but  she  cried  out  with  a  great  cry, 
and  I  trembled  and  was  about  to  retire,  when  behold 
a  man  came  forth  from  a  hole  in  the  earth,  and  called 
to  me,  and  pursued  me  saying:  "Who  art  thou? 
Whence  hast  thou  come?  What  is  the  cause  of  thy 
arrival  in  this  place?"  So  I  answered  him:  "O  my 
master,  I  am  a  stranger,  and  I  was  in  a  ship,  and  was 
submerged  in  the  sea  with  certain  of  the  other  passen- 
gers, but  Allah  supplied  me  with  a  wooden  bowl,  and 
I  got  into  it  and  it  bore  me  along  until  it  cast  me  upon 
this  island." 

The  man  then  laid  hold  of  my  hand  and  said:  "Come 
with  me."  I  therefore  went  with  him,  and  he  descended 
into  a  grotto  beneath  the  earth,  and  conducting  me 
into  a  large  subterranean  chamber,  he  seated  me  and 
brought  food.  I  was  hungry  so  I  ate  until  I  was  satis- 
fied, and  my  soul  was  at  ease.  He  then  asked  me  what 
had  happened  to  me,  and  I  acquainted  him  with  my 
whole  affair  from  beginning  to  end,  and  he  wondered 
at  my  story. 

Then  said  the  man:  "Know  that  we  are  a  party  dis- 
persed in  this  island,  and  we  are  the  grooms  of  the 
King  Mihrage,  having  under  our  care  all  his  horses." 

The   Arabian   Nights  99 

And  even  as  he  spoke  his  companions  came,  each  lead- 
ing a  mare,  and  seeing  me  with  him,  they  inquired 
who  I  might  be,  and  when  they  understood  the  case 
-they  drew  near  and  spread  the  table,  and  ate,  and 
invited  me  to  eat  with  them.  After  which  they  arose, 
and  mounted  the  horses,  taking  me  with  them. 

We  journeyed  until  we  arrived  at  the  city  of  King 
Mihrage,  and  the  grooms  went  in  to  him,  and  related  my 
story.  After  which  they  presented  me  to  him,  and  he 
welcomed  me  in  an  honourable  manner,  saying:  "O  my 
son,  verily  thou  hast  experienced  an  extraordinary 
preservation!  Praise  be  to  Allah  for  thy  safety!" 
He  then  treated  me  with  beneficence,  and  made  me 
keeper  of  the  sea-port.  He  invested  me  with  a  hand- 
some and  costly  dress,  and  I  became  a  person  of  high 

I  remained  in  his  service  for  a  long  time,  and,  when- 
ever I  went  to  the  shore  of  the  sea,  I  used  to  inquire 
of  the  merchants  and  sailors  if  they  knew  the  direction 
of  the  city  of  Bagdad,  but  none  knew  it,  or  knew  any- 
one who  went  there.  I  was  weary  at  the  length  of  my 
absence  from  home,  and  I  longed  to  return  thither. 
In  this  state  I  continued  for  some  time,  during  which  I 
amused  myself  with  the  sight  of  the  islands  belonging 
to  King  Mihrage.  I  saw  there  an  island  called  Kasil, 
in  which  at  night  is  heard  mysterious  beatings  of 
tambourines  and  drums,  and  the  people  told  me  that 
it  is  inhabited  by  that  strange  being  called  Dagial, 
the  false  and  one-eyed.  I  saw  also  in  the  sea,  in  which 
is  that  island,  a  fish  two  hundred  cubits  long,  and  a 
fish  whose  face  is  like  an  owl's.  I  likewise  saw  many 
other  wonderful  and  strange  things,  such  as  if  I  related 
them  to  you,  the  description  would  be  too  long. 

loo  The  Arabian   Nights 

I  continued  to  amuse  myself  with  the  sight  of  those 
islands,  until  I  stood  one  day  on  the  shore  of  the  sea, 
with,  a  staff  in  my  hand,  as  was  my  custom,  and,  lo,  a 
great  vessel  approached  the  harbour  of  the  city.  The 
master  furled  its  sails,  brought  it  tq  anchor,  and  put 
Forth  a  landing  plank,  and  the  sailors  brought  out  every- 
thing that  was  in  the  vessel  to  the  shore.  Then  said  I 
to  the  master:  "Doth  aught  remain  in  thy  vessel.'*" 
"Yes,  my  master,"  he  answered,  "I  have  goods  in  the 
hold,  but  their  owner  was  drowned,  and  we  desire  to 
sell  them,  in  order  to  convey  their  price  to  his  family 
in  the  city  of  Bagdad,  the  Abode  of  Peace."  "And 
what,"  said  I,  "was  the  name  of  this  man,  the  owner  of 
the  goods.'*"  "His  name  was  Sindbad  of  the  Sea," 
answered  the  master,  "and  he  was  drowned  on  his 
voyage  with  us." 

When  I  heard  this  I  looked  attentively  at  the  master, 
and  recognized  him,  and  I  cried  out  with  a  great  cry:  "I 
am  the  owner  of  the  goods !  I  am  Sindbad  of  the  Sea," 
and  I  told  him  all  that  had  happened  to  me.  But  the 
master  said:  "Thou  verily  art  a  deceiver!  Because 
thou  heardest  me  say  that  I  had  goods  whose  owner 
was  drowned,  therefore  thou  desirest  to  take  them 
without  price!  We  saw  Sindbad  when  he  sank,  and 
with  him  were  many  of  the  passengers,  not  one  of 
whom  escaped."  But  I  related  to  the  master  all  that  I 
had  done  from  the  time  that  I  went  forth  with  him  from 
the  city  of  Bagdad,  and  I  related  to  him  some  circum- 
stances that  had  occurred  between  him  and  me,  and  the 
master  and  merchants  were  convinced  of  my  truthful- 
ness and  recognized  me. 

They  then  gave  me  my  goods  and  I  found  nothing 
missing.    So  I  opened  the  bales  and  took  forth  precious 

The   Arabian   Nights  loi 

and  costly  things  and  carried  them  as  a  present  to 
the  King.  When  he  heard  what  had  occurred  he  treated 
me  with  exceeding  honour,  giving  me  a  large  gift  in 
return.  Then  I  sold  my  bales,  and  purchased  other 
goods  and  commodities  of  that  city,  after  which  I 
begged  the  King  to  grant  me  permission  to  depart  to 
my  country  and  my  family.  So  he  bade  me  farewell, 
and  gave  me  an  abundance  of  rich  and  costly  things. 

I  embarked  in  the  vessel,  and  Fortune  aided  us,  so 
that  we  arrived  in  safety  at  the  city  of  Balsora.  There 
we  landed,  and  remained  a  short  time,  and  after  that 
I  repaired  to  the  city  of  Bagdad,  the  Abode  of  Peace. 
I  had  an  abundance  of  bales,  and  goods,  and  mer- 
chandise of  great  value,  and  with  it  I  procured  servants, 
and  memlooks,  and  slave-girls,  and  black  slaves,  so 
that  I  had  a  large  establishment,  and  I  purchased 
houses  and  furniture,  more  than  I  had  at  first.  I  en- 
joyed  the  society  of  my  friends  and  companions,  and 
forgot  the  fatigue  and  difficulty  and  terror  of  travel. 
I  occupied  myself  with  delights  and  pleasures,  and 
delicious  meats  and  exquisite  drinks,  and  continued 
to  live  in  this  manner  for  some  time.  Such  were  the 
events  of  my  first  voyage,  and  to-morrow  if  it  be  the 
will  of  Allah,  whose  name  be  exalted,  I  will  relate  to  you 
the  tale  of  the  second  of  my  seven  voyages. 

Sindbad  of  the  Sea  then  made  Sindbad  the  Porter 
sup  with  him,  after  which  he  presented  him  with  a 
hundred  pieces  of  gold,  and  the  Porter  thanked  him,  and 
went  his  way.  He  slept  that  night  in  his  own  abode» 
and  when  the  morning  came  he  performed  his  morning- 
prayers  and  repaired  to  the  house  of  Sindbad  of  the 
Sea,  who  welcomed  him  with  honour.  After  the  rest 
of  his  companions  had  come,  and  food  and  drink  were 

I02  The   Arabian    Nights 

set  before  them,  and  they  were  merry,  then  Sindbad  of 
the  Sea  began  his  story  thus : 


KNOW,  O  my  brothers,  I  lived  most  comfortably 
as  I  told  ye  yesterday,  imtil  one  day  I  felt  a  long- 
ing to  travel  again  to  lands  of  other  peoples,  and  for  the 
pleasure  of  seeing  the  countries  and  islands  of  the 
world.  I  decided  to  set  forth  at  once,  and  taking  a 
large  sum  of  money  I  purchased  with  it  goods  and 
merchandise  suitable  for  travel,  and  packed  them  up. 
Then  I  went  to  the  banks  of  the  river,  and  found  a 
handsome  new  vessel,  with  sails  of  comely  canvas,  and 
manned  by  a  numerous  crew.  So  I  embarked  my  bales 
in  it,  as  did  also  a  party  of  merchants  and  we  set  sail 
that  day. 

The  voyage  was  pleasant,  and  we  passed  from  sea  to 
sea,  and  from  island  to  island,  and  at  every  place  where 
we  cast  anchor,  we  met  merchants  and  great  men,  and 
we  sold,  bought  and  exchanged  goods.  Thus  we  con- 
tinued to  voyage  until  we  arrived  at  a  beautiful  island, 
abounding  with  trees  of  ripe  fruit,  and  where  flowers 
diffused  their  fragrance,  and  birds  warbled,  and  pure 
rivers  flowed,  but  there  was  not  an  inhabitant  on  the 
whole  island.  The  master  anchored  our  vessel,  and  the 
merchants  and  other  passengers  landed  to  amuse  them- 
selves. I  also  landed  upon  the  island  with  the  rest,  and 
sat  by  a  spring  of  pure  water  among  the  trees.  The 
zephyr  was  sweet,  and  the  time  was  pleasant,  and  I  fell 

The  Arabian   Nights  103 

asleep,  enjoying  that  sweet  zephyr  and  the  fragrant 
gale.  When  I  awoke,  I  found  that  the  master  had  for- 
gotten me,  and  the  vessel  had  sailed  with  the  passengers, 
and  not  one  had  remembered  me,  neither  merchant  nor 
sailor,  so  I  was  left  alone  in  the  island. 

I  had  with  me  neither  food  nor  drink,  nor  worldly 
goods,  and  I  was  desolate,  weary  of  soul,  and  despairing 
of  life.  I  began  to  weep  and  wail,  and  to  blame  myself 
for  having  undertaken  the  voyage  and  fatigue,  when 
I  was  reposing  at  ease  in  my  abode  and  country,  in 
ample  happiness,  enjoying  good  food,  and  good  drink, 
and  good  apparel,  not  being  in  want  of  anything,  either 
of  money  or  goods  or  merchandise.  I  repented  of  having 
gone  forth  from  the  city  of  Bagdad,  and  of  having  set 
out  on  a  voyage  over  sea. 

After  a  while  I  comforted  myself,  and  arose,  and 
walked  about  the  island.  I  climbed  up  a  lofty  tree,  and 
saw  naught  save  sky  and  water,  and  trees  and  birds, 
and  islands  and  sand.  Looking  attentively,  I  saw,  on 
the  island,  an  enormous  white  object,  indistinctly  seen 
in  the  distance.  I  descended  from  the  tree,  and  pro- 
ceeded in  that  direction  without  stopping.  And,  lo,  it 
was  a  huge  white  dome,  of  great  height  and  immense 
circumference.  I  drew  near  to  it,  and  walked  around 
it,  but  found  no  door,  and  I  could  not  climb  it  because 
of  its  excessive  smoothness.  I  made  a  mark  at  the  place 
where  I  stood,  and  went  around  the  dome  measuring 
it,  and,  lo,  it  was  fifty  full  paces! 

Suddenly  the  sky  became  dark,  and  the  sun  was 
hidden.  I  imagined  a  cloud  had  passed  over  it,  and  I 
raised  my  head,  and  saw  a  bird  of  enormous  size, 
bulky  body,  and  wide  wings,  flying  in  the  air,  and  this 
it  was  that  concealed  the  sun,  and  darkened  the  island. 

I04  The   Arabian   Nights 

My  wonder  increased,  and  I  remembered  a  story,  which 
travellers  and  voyagers  had  told  me  long  before.  How 
in  certain  islands  there  is  a  bird  of  enormous  size  called 
the  Roc,  and  it  feedeth  its  young  ones  with  elephants. 
I  was  convinced  therefore  that  the  dome  was  the  egg 
of  a  Roc,  and  I  wondered  at  the  works  of  Allah,  whose 
name  be  exalted ! 

While  I  was  considering  this  wonder,  lo,  the  bird 
alighted  upon  the  dome,  and  brooding  over  it  with  its 
wings,  stretched  out  its  legs  behind  upon  the  ground, 
and  slept  over  it.  Thereupon  I  arose,  and  unwound  my 
turban  from  my  head,  and  twisted  it  into  a  rope.  I 
fastened  it  tightly  about  my  waist,  and  tied  myself  to 
one  of  the  feet  of  the  bird,  saying  to  myself:  "Perhaps 
this  bird  will  convey  me  to  a  land  of  cities  and  inhab- 
itants, and  that  will  be  better  than  my  remaining  on 
this  island." 

I  passed  the  night  sleepless,  and,  when  the  dawn 
came  and  the  morning  appeared,  the  bird  rose  from 
its  egg,  uttered  a  great  cry  and  flew  up  into  the 
sky,  drawing  me  with  it.  It  ascended,  and  soared 
higher  and  higher,  then  it  descended  gradually,  until  it 
alighted  with  me  upon  the  earth.  When  I  reached  the 
ground,  I  hastily  unbound  myself  from  its  foot,  loosed 
my  turban,  shaking  with  fear  as  I  did  so,  and  walked 
away.  The  Roc  took  something  from  the  earth  in  its 
talons,  and  soared  aloft,  and  I  looked  at  the  thing  and 
saw  that  it  was  a  serpent  of  enormous  size,  which  the 
bird  had  taken,  and  was  carrying  off  towards  the  sea. 

I  walked  about  the  place,  and  found  myseK  in  a 
large,  deep,  wide  valley,  and  by  its  side  a  great  moun- 
tain, very  high,  whose  summit  I  could  not  see  because 
of  its  excessive  height,  and  I  could  not  ascend  it  because 

The  Arabian   Nights  105 

of  its  steepness.  Seeing  this,  I  blamed  myself  for  what 
I  had  done:  "Would  that  I  had  remained  on  the  is- 
land," I  said,  "since  it  is  better  than  this  deserted  place! 
For  in  that  island  are  fruits  that  I  might  have  eaten, 
and  I  might  have  drunk  from  its  rivers,  but  in  this  place 
are  neither  trees  nor  fruits  nor  rivers!  Verily  every 
time  I  escape  from  one  calamity  I  fall  into  another  that 
is  greater  and  more  severe!"  Then  I  arose,  and  en- 
couraging myself,  walked  down  the  valley,  and,  lo, 
its  ground  was  composed  of  magnificent  diamonds,  a 
stone  so  hard  that  neither  iron  nor  rock  can  have  any 
effect  upon  it,  nor  can  anyone  cut  it  or  break  it  except 
by  the  means  of  the  lead-stone. 

All  that  valley  was  likewise  occupied  by  venomous 
serpents,  of  enormous  size,  big  enough  to  swallow  an 
elephant.  These  serpents  came  out  of  their  holes  in 
the  night,  and  during  the  day  they  hid  themselves 
fearing  lest  the  Rocs  should  carry  them  off,  and  tear 
them  to  pieces.  The  day  departed,  and  I  began  to 
search  for  a  place  in  which  to  pass  the  night,  fearing 
the  serpents  who  were  beginning  to  come  forth.  I  found 
a  cave  near  by  with  a  narrow  entrance,  I  therefore 
entered,  and  seeing  a  large  stone  I  pushed  it  and  stopped 
up  the  mouth  of  the  cave.  I  said  to  myself  I  am  safe 
in  this  cave,  and,  when  daylight  cometh,  I  will  go  forth, 
and  look  for  some  means  of  escape  from  this  valley. 

I  prepared  to  repose,  when  looking  towards  the  upper 
end  of  the  cave  I  saw  a  huge  serpent  sleeping  over  its 
eggs.  At  this  my  flesh  quaked,  and  I  raised  my  head, 
and  passed  the  night  sleepless,  until  dawn  arose  and 
shone,  then  I  removed  the  stone  with  which  I  had 
closed  the  entrance  to  the  cave,  and  went  forth  from  it, 
giddy  from  sleeplessness  and  hunger  and  fear. 

io6  The  Arabian   Nights 

I  walked  along  the  valley,  and,  lo,  a  great  slaughtered 
animal  fell  before  me.  I  looked  but  could  see  no  one,  so 
I  wondered  extremely,  and  I  remembered  a  story  which 
I  had  heard  long  ago  from  merchants  and  travellers; 
how  in  the  mountains  of  diamonds  are  experienced 
great  horrors,  and  that  no  one  can  gain  access  to  the 
diamonds.  To  obtain  these  stones  the  merchants 
employ  a  stratagem.  They  take  a  sheep  and  slaughter 
it,  and  skin  it,  and  cut  up  its  flesh,  which  they  throw 
down  from  the  mountain  to  the  bottom  of  the  valley, 
and  the  meat  being  fresh  and  moist  some  of  the  dia- 
monds stick  to  it.  The  merchants  leave  it  until  midday, 
when  large  birds  descend  to  the  valley,  and  taking  the 
meat  up  in  their  talons,  carry  it  to  the  top  of  the  moun- 
tain, whereupon  the  merchants  cry  out,  and  frighten 
away  the  birds.  They  then  remove  the  diamonds 
sticking  to  the  meat,  and  carry  them  to  their  own 
country  leaving  the  flesh  for  the  birds  and  wild  beasts. 
No  one  can  procure  the  diamonds  but  by  this  strata- 

Therefore  when  I  beheld  that  slaughtered  animal, 
and  remembered  this  story,  I  arose  and  selected  a 
great  number  of  large  and  beautiful  diamonds,  which  I 
put  into  my  pocket,  and  wrapped  in  my  turban,  and 
within  my  clothes.  While  I  was  doing  this  behold 
another  great  slaughtered  animal  fell  before  me.  I 
bound  myself  to  it  with  my  turban,  and  lying  down  on 
my  back,  placed  the  meat  upon  my  bosom,  and  grasped 
it  firmly.  Immediately  an  enormous  bird  descended 
upon  it,  seized  it  with  its  talons,  and  flew  up  with  it 
into  the  air,  with  me  attached  to  it.  It  soared  to  the 
summit  of  the  mountain  where  it  alighted.  Then  a 
great  and  loud  cry  arose  near  by,  and  a  piece  of  wood 

The   Arabian   Nights  107 

fell  clattering  upon  the  mountain,  and  the  bird  fright- 
ened flew  away. 

I  disengaged  myself  from  the  slaughtered  animal,  and 
stood  up  by  its  side,  when,  lo,  the  merchant,  who  had 
cried  out  at  the  bird,  advanced  and  saw  me  standing 
there.  He  was  very  much  terrified,  and  when  he  saw 
that  there  were  no  diamonds  on  the  meat  he  uttered  a 
cry  of  disappointment.  "Who  art  thou,"  exclaimed  he, 
"who  hath  brought  this  misfortune  upon  me.^*"  "Fear 
not,  nor  be  alarmed,"  answered  I,  "for  I  am  a  human 
being,  a  merchant  like  thyself,  and  my  tale  is  prodigious, 
and  my  story  wonderful !  I  have  with  me  an  abundance 
of  diamonds,  and  I  will  share  them  with  thee  to  repay 
thee  for  those  thou  hast  lost."  The  man  thanked  me 
for  this  and  conversed  with  me,  and,  behold,  the  other 
merchants  heard  me  talking  with  their  companion, 
and  they  came  and  saluted  me.  I  acquainted  them 
with  my  whole  story,  relating  to  them  all  I  had  suffered 
upon  the  voyage.  Then  I  gave  the  owner  of  the  slaugh- 
tered animal  to  which  I  had  attached  myself,  a  number 
of  the  diamonds  that  I  had  brought  with  me  from  the 
valley.  And  I  passed  the  night  with  the  merchants, 
full  of  utmost  joy  at  my  escape  from  the  valley  of 

When  the  next  day  came  we  arose,  and  journeyed 
over  that  great  mountain.  At  length  we  arrived  at  a 
garden  in  a  great  and  beautiful  island,  wherein  were 
camphor  trees,  and  under  the  shade  of  each  a  hun- 
dred men  might  rest.  Camphor  is  obtained  from  a 
tree  by  making  a  perforation  in  the  upper  part.  The 
liquid  camphor  is  the  juice  of  the  tree,  and  floweth 
from  the  perforation  and  hardens  into  gum.  After 
this  operation  the  tree  dries  up  and  dies.    In  the  island 

io8  The   Arabian   Nights 

too  is  a  wild  beast,  called  a  rhinoceros.  It  is  a  huge 
beast,  with  a  single  thick  horn,  in  the  middle  of  its 
head.  It  is  so  strong  that  it  lif  teth  a  great  elephant  upon 
its  horn,  and  pastureth  upon  the  shore  without  being 
conscious  of  the  weight,  and  the  elephant  dieth,  and 
its  fat  melted  by  the  heat  of  the  sun,  flowing  down  the 
horn  of  the  rhinoceros,  entereth  its  eyes,  so  that  it 
becometh  blind.  Then  the  beast  lieth  down  upon  the 
shore,  and  the  Roc  cometh  and  carrieth  it  off  with  the 
elephant  still  on  its  horn,  and  the  bird  feedeth  his 
young  ones  wuth  both  the  rhinoceros  and  the  elephant. 
I  saw  also  in  that  island  an  abundance  of  buffaloes,  the 
like  of  which  existeth  not  among  us. 

We  continued  our  journey  and  soon  arrived  at  a  city, 
where  I  exchanged  a  part  of  my  diamonds  for  mer- 
chandise and  gold  and  silver.  After  which  I  journeyed 
from  country  to  country,  and  from  city  to  city,  selling 
and  buying,  until  I  arrived  at  the  city  of  Bagdad,  the 
Abode  of  Peace.  I  entered  my  house,  bringing  with  me 
a  great  quantity  of  diamonds  and  money  and  goods. 
I  made  presents  to  my  family  and  relations,  and  be- 
stowed alms  and  gifts,  and  feasted  with  my  friends  and 
companions,  and  thus  I  forgot  all  that  I  had  suffered. 
This  is  the  end  of  the  account  of  what  befell  and  hap- 
pened to  me  during  the  second  voyage.  To-morrow, 
if  it  be  the  will  of  Allah,  whose  name  be  exalted,  I  will 
relate  to  you  the  events  of  the  third  of  my  seven 

WTien  Sindbad  of  the  Sea  had  finished  his  story,  all 
the  company  marvelled.  They  supped  with  him,  and 
he  presented  to  Sindbad  the  Porter  a  hundred  pieces  of 
gold;  the  latter  took  them  and  went  his  way  wondering 
at  the  things  that  Sindbad  of  the  Sea  had  suffered. 

The   Arabian   Nights  109 

When  morning  came  the  Porter  arose,  performed  his 
morning  prayers,  and  repaired  to  the  house  of  Sindbad 
of  the  Sea.  When  the  rest  of  the  party  had  come,  and 
after  they  had  eaten  and  drunk,  and  enjoyed  them- 
selves, and  were  merry  and  happy,  Sindbad  of  the  Sea 
began  thus: 


KNOW,  0  my  brothers,  that  my  third  voyage  was 
more  wonderful  than  the  preceding  ones.  When  I 
returned  from  my  second  voyage,  I  resided  in  the  city 
of  Bagdad  for  a  length  of  time,  in  the  most  perfect 
prosperity,  delight,  joy  and  happiness.  Then  my  soul 
became  desirous  of  travel  and  diversion.  So  I  consid- 
ered the  matter,  and  decided  to  set  forth  immediately. 
I  bought  an  abundance  of  goods  suited  to  a  sea- voyage, 
and  packed  them  up,  and  departed  to  the  city  of 
Balsora.  There  I  beheld,  near  the  bank  of  the  river,  a 
great  vessel,  in  which  were  many  merchants  and  other 
passengers.  I  therefore  embarked  in  that  vessel,  and 
we  departed  relying  on  the  blessing  of  Allah,  whose 
name  be  exalted.  We  proceeded  from  sea  to  sea,  and 
from  island  to  island,  and  from  city  to  city,  and  at 
every  place,  we  amused  ourselves,  and  bought  and 

One  day  we  pursued  our  course  in  the  midst  of  a 
raging  sea,  when,  lo,  the  master,  standing  at  the  side 
of  the  vessel,  suddenly  slapped  his  face,  furled  the 
sails,   cast  the  anchors,   plucked  his  beard,   rent  his 

1 1  o  The  Arabian   Nights 

clothes  and  uttered  a  great  cry.  "Know,  O  passengers," 
exclaimed  he,  "that  the  wind  hath  driven  us  out  of  our 
course  in  the  midst  of  the  sea,  and  destiny  hath  cast 
us,  through  our  evil  fortune,  towards  the  Mountain  of 
Apes.  No  one  hath  ever  arrived  at  this  place,  and 

Scarcely  had  the  master  spoken  before  a  band  of 
apes,  numerous  as  locusts,  surrounded  the  ship  on 
every  side.  Their  numbers  were  so  excessive  that  we 
feared  to  kill  one  or  strike  him  or  drive  him  away,  lest 
the  others  should  fall  upon  us  and  destroy  us.  They 
were  the  most  hideous  of  beasts,  and  covered  with 
hair  like  black  felt.  They  had  yellow  eyes,  and  black 
faces,  and  were  of  small  size.  They  climbed  up  the 
cables  and  severed  them  with  their  teeth,  and  they 
severed  all  the  ropes  so  that  the  vessel  inclined  with 
the  wind,  and  stopped  at  the  island.  The  apes  then 
put  all  the  merchants  and  passengers  ashore,  and  taking 
the  ship  sailed  away  in  it,  leaving  us  upon  the  island, 
and  we  knew  not  whither  they  went. 

We  wandered  about  until  we  discovered  a  pavilion, 
with  high  walls,  having  an  entrance  with  folding  doors 
which  were  open,  and  the  doors  were  made  of  ebony. 
We  entered  and  found  a  wide,  large  court,  around 
which  were  many  lofty  doors.  Over  the  fire-pots  hung 
cooking  utensils,  and  on  the  floor  were  many  bones. 
As  we  were  fatigued,  we  sat  down  on  a  great  bench, 
and  fell  asleep.  Suddenly  the  earth  trembled,  and  we 
heard  a  dreadful  noise,  and  there  entered  the  pavilion  a 
creature  of  enormous  size  in  human  form.  He  was 
black,  of  lofty  stature  like  a  great  palm-tree.  He  had 
two  eyes  like  two  flames,  and  tusks  like  the  tusks  of 
swine,  and  a  mouth  of  prodigous  size,  and  lips  like  the 

The   Arabian   Nights  1 1 1 

lips  of  a  camel,  hanging  down  upon  his  bosom.  His 
ears  hung  down  upon  his  shoulders,  and  the  nails  of 
his  hands  were  like  the  claws  of  lions. 

When  we  beheld  him  we  were  so  filled  with  dread 
and  terror  that  we  became  as  dead  men.  The  creature 
came  to  us  and  seized  me  in  his  hand,  lifted  me  from  the 
ground,  and  felt  me  and  turned  me  over,  and  I  was  in 
his  hand  like  a  little  mouthful.  He  continued  to  feel 
me  as  a  butcher  feeleth  the  sheep  that  he  is  about  to 
slaughter,  but  he  found  me  lean  and  having  no  flesh. 
He  therefore  put  me  down,  and  took  another  from 
among  my  companions,  and  turned  him  over,  then  let 
him  go.  In  this  manner  he  felt  us,  and  turned  us  over 
one  by  one,  until  he  came  to  the  master  of  our  ship, 
who  was  a  fat,  broad-shouldered  man.  He  seized  him 
as  does  the  butcher  the  animal  that  he  is  about  to 
slaughter,  and  having  thrown  him  upon  the  ground, 
put  his  foot  upon  his  neck  and  broke  it. 

Then  he  brought  a  long  spit  and  thrust  it  through 
him.  After  which  he  built  a  fierce  fire,  and  placed  over 
it  the  spit,  turning  it  about  over  the  burning  coals, 
until  the  master  was  thoroughly  roasted,  when  he 
took  him  off  the  fire,  and  separated  his  joints  as  a  man 
separates  the  joints  of  a  chicken.  He  ate  his  flesh,  and 
after  gnawing  his  bones,  tossed  them  by  the  side  of  the 
fire-pot.  He  then  threw  himself  down,  and  slept  upon 
the  bench,  making  a  fearful  noise  with  his  throat. 

We  wept  and  said:  "Would  that  we  had  been  drowned 
in  the  sea,  or  that  the  apes  had  eaten  us !  For  it  would 
be  better  than  being  roasted  upon  burning  coals!" 
We  then  arose,  and  went  forth  to  find  a  place  to  hide 
in.  But  we  could  find  no  hiding  place,  and,  when  night 
came,  we  returned  to  the  pavilion  by  reason  of  our 

112  The   Arabian   Nights 

fear.  We  had  sat  there  a  Httle  while,  and,  lo,  the  earth 
trembled  beneath  us,  and  the  black  creature  ap- 
proached us,  and  took  us  one  by  one,  and  turned  us 
over,  until  one  pleased  him,  whereupon  he  seized  him, 
and  killed  and  roasted  him  as  he  had  done  with  the 
master  of  the  ship.  He  then  slept,  making  a  dreadful 
noise  with  his  throat,  as  before.  When  morning  came 
he  arose,  and  went  his  way. 

Then  said  one  of  our  company:  "Verily  we  must 
contrive  some  stratagem  to  kill  him,  and  rid  the  earth 
of  such  a  monster!"  "Hear,  O  my  brothers,"  I  an- 
swered, "if  we  must  kill  him,  let  us  first  make  some 
rafts  of  this  fire-wood,  each  raft  to  bear  three  men, 
after  which  we  will  kill  him,  and  embark  on  our  rafts, 
and  proceed  over  the  sea  to  whatsoever  place  Allah 
shall  desire.  And  if  we  be  not  able  to  kill  him,  we  will 
embark  anyway,  and  if  we  be  drowned  we  shall  be 
preserved  from  being  roasted  over  the  fire!"  We  all 
agreed  upon  this  matter,  and  commenced  the  work.  We 
removed  the  pieces  of  fire-wood  out  of  the  pavilion,  and 
constructed  rafts,  moored  them  to  the  shore,  stowed 
upon  them  some  provisions,  after  which  we  returned  to 
the  pavilion. 

When  it  was  evening,  lo,  the  earth  trembled  beneath 
us,  and  the  black  came  in  like  a  biting  dog !  He  turned 
us  over,  and  felt  us,  one  after  another,  and  having  taken 
one  of  us,  did  with  him  as  he  had  done  with  the  others. 
He  ate  him,  and  slept  upon  the  bench,  and  the  noise  in 
his  throat  was  like  thunder. 

We  then  arose,  and  took  two  iron  spits,  and  put  them 
in  the  fierce  fire  until  they  were  red  hot,  and  became 
like  burning  coals.  We  grasped  them  firmly,  and  went 
to  the  black,  while  he  lay  asleep  snoring,  and  thrust 


The   Arabian   Nights  113 

them  into  his  eyes,  all  of  us  pressing  upon  them  with  our 
united  strength  and  force.  Thus  we  pushed  them  into 
his  eyes  as  he  slept,  and  his  eyes  were  destroyed,  and 
he  uttered  a  terrible  cry.  He  arose,  and  began  to 
search  for  us,  while  we  fled  in  every  direction,  and  he 
saw  us  not  for  his  sight  was  blinded.  Then  he  sought 
the  door,  feeling  for  it,  and  went  forth  crying  out  so 
that  the  earth  trembled. 

We  hastened  to  the  rafts,  and  scarcely  had  we 
reached  them  before  the  black  returned,  accompanied  by 
a  female,  greater  than  he,  and  more  hideous  in  form. 
As  soon  as  we  beheld  the  horrible  female  with  him,  we 
loosed  the  rafts,  and  pushed  them  out  to  sea.  But 
each  of  the  two  blacks  took  masses  of  rock,  and  they 
cast  them  at  us,  until  they  had  destroyed  all  the  rafts 
but  one,  and  the  persons  upon  them  were  drowned. 
There  remained  of  us  only  three,  I  and  two  others, 
and  the  raft  we  were  on  conveyed  us  to  another  island. 

We  landed,  and  walked  about  this  island  until  the 
close  of  day,  when  night  overtook  us,  so  we  slept  a 
little.  We  awoke  from  our  sleep  and,  lo,  a  serpent  of 
enormous  size,  of  large  body  and  wide  belly,  had  sur- 
rounded us.  It  approached  one  of  us,  and  swallowed 
him  to  his  shoulders,  then  it  swallowed  the  rest  of  him, 
and  we  heard  his  ribs  crack.  After  which  the  serpent 
went  away.  We  mourned  for  our  companion,  and  were 
in  the  utmost  fear  for  ourselves,  saying:  "Verily  every 
death  we  witness  is  more  horrible  than  the  preceding 

We  arose,  and  walked  about  the  island,  eating  and 
drinking  of  its  rivers,  and  when  night  came  my  com- 
panion and  myself  found  a  lofty  tree,  so  we  climbed 
up  it,  and  slept.    When  it  was  day,  the  serpent  came, 

114  The   Arabian   Nights 

looking  to  the  right  and  left,  and  advancing  to  the  tree 
upon  which  we  were,  chmbed  to  my  companion,  swal- 
lowed him  to  his  shoulders,  and  then  it  wound  itself 
around  the  tree,  and  I  heard  his  bones  break.  The 
serpent  swallowed  him  entire,  descended  from  the 
tree,  and  went  its  way. 

I  remained  upon  that  tree  the  rest  of  the  night,  and 
when  day  came  I  descended  more  dead  than  alive  from 
excessive  fear  and  terror.  I  desired  to  cast  myself  into 
the  sea,  but  it  was  no  light  matter,  for  to  live  was  sweet, 
so  I  tied  a  wide  piece  of  wood  upon  the  soles  of  my  feet 
crosswise,  and  I  tied  one  like  it  upon  my  left  side,  and  a 
similar  one  on  my  right  side,  and  another  on  the  front 
of  my  body,  and  I  tied  a  long  and  wide  one  on  the  top 
of  my  head,  crosswise,  like  that  which  was  on  the  soles 
of  my  feet.  I  bound  them  tightly,  and  threw  myself 
upon  the  ground.  Thus  I  lay  in  the  midst  of  the  pieces 
of  wood,  and  they  enclosed  me  like  a  box. 

When  evening  arrived,  the  serpent  approached,  but 
could  not  swallow  me,  as  I  had  the  pieces  of  wood  on 
every  side.  It  went  round  me,  then  retired  from  me, 
and  returned  again  to  me.  Every  time  it  tried  to 
swallow  me  the  pieces  of  wood  prevented  it.  It  con- 
tinued to  attack  me  thus,  from  sunset  until  daybreak 
arrived  and  the  light  appeared,  then  the  serpent  went 
its  way  in  the  utmost  vexation  and  rage. 

I  loosed  myself  from  the  pieces  of  wood  in  a  state 
like  that  of  the  dead.  I  arose,  and  walked  along  the 
island,  and  looking  towards  the  sea,  beheld  a  ship  in 
the  distance,  in  the  midst  of  the  deep.  I  took  a  great 
branch  of  a  tree,  and  made  signs  with  it,  calling  out, 
and  the  sailors  saw  me.  They  approached  the  shore, 
and  took  me  with  them  in  the  ship.    They  asked  me  my 

The  Arabian   Nights  115 

story,  and  I  informed  them  of  all  that  had  happened  to 
me  from  beginning  to  end.  They  then  clad  me  in  some 
of  their  garments,  and  put  food  before  me,  and  I  ate 
until  I  was  satisfied,  and  my  soul  was  comforted. 

We  proceeded  on  our  voyage,  until  we  came  in  sight 
of  an  island,  called  the  Isle  of  Selahit,  where  sandal- 
wood is  abundant.  The  master  anchored  the  ship, 
and  the  merchants  and  other  passengers  took  forth 
their  goods  to  sell  and  buy.  Then  said  the  master  to 
me:  "Thou  art  a  stranger  and  poor,  and  hast  suffered 
many  horrors,  and  I  desire  to  aid  thee  to  reach  thy 
country.  Know,  that  there  was  with  us  a  merchant, 
who  was  lost  at  sea,  and  I  will  commit  to  thee  his  bales 
of  goods,  that  thou  mayest  sell  them  in  this  island, 
after  which  we  will  take  the  price  to  his  family.  If 
thou  wilt  take  charge  of  the  sale  we  will  give  thee 
something  for  thy  trouble  and  service."  For  this  kind 
and  beneficent  offer  I  was  full  of  gratitude,  and  readily 
agreed  to  look  after  the  goods. 

The  master  ordered  the  porters  and  sailors  to  land 
the  goods  upon  the  island,  and  to  deliver  them  to  me. 
"Write  upon  them,"  said  he,  "the  name  of  Sindbad  of 
the  Sea,  who  was  left  behind  at  the  island  of  the  Roc, 
and  of  whom  no  tidings  have  come  to  us."  Upon  this 
I  uttered  a  great  cry,  saying:  "O  master,  I  am  Sindbad 
of  the  Sea!  I  was  not  drowned,"  and  I  told  him  all 
that  had  happened  unto  me.  And  when  the  merchants 
and  passengers  heard  my  words,  they  gathered  around 
me,  some  of  them  believed  me,  and  others  disbelieved. 
While  we  were  talking,  lo,  one  of  the  merchants,  on 
hearing  me  mention  the  Valley  of  Diamonds,  advanced 
and  said :  "Hear,  O  company,  my  words.  I  have  already 
related  to  you  the  wonderful  thing  I  saw  on  my  travels. 

1 1 6  The  Arabian   Nights 

I  told  you  that  when  I  cast  my  slaughtered  animal 
into  the  Valley  of  Diamonds,  that  there  came  up  with 
my  beast  a  man  attached  to  it,  and  ye  beheved  me  not, 
but  accused  me  of  lying.  This  is  the  man,  and  he  gave 
me  diamonds  of  high  price,  and  he  informed  me  that 
his  name  was  Sindbad  of  the  Sea,  and  he  told  me  how 
the  ship  had  left  him  in  the  island  of  the  Roc." 

When  the  master  heard  the  words  of  the  merchant, 
he  looked  at  me  a  while  with  a  searching  glance,  then 
said:  "What  is  the  mark  of  thy  goods.?"  "Know," 
I  answered,  "that  the  mark  of  my  goods  is  of  such  and 
such  a  kind."  He  therefore  was  convinced  that  I  was 
Sindbad  of  the  Sea,  and  embraced  and  saluted  me,  and 
congratulated  me  upon  my  safety. 

I  disposed  of  my  merchandise  with  great  gain,  selling 
and  buying  at  the  islands,  until  we  arrived  at  Balsora, 
where  I  remained  a  few  days.  Then  I  came  to  the 
city  of  Bagdad,  and  entered  my  house,  and  saluted  my 
family,  companions  and  friends.  I  rejoiced  at  my 
safety,  and  gave  alms  to  the  poor,  and  clad  the  widows 
and  orphans.  And  I  ceased  not  to  live  thus,  eating  and 
drinking,  and  making  merry  with  my  friends,  and  I 
forgot  all  the  horrors  I  had  suffered.  Such  was  the 
most  wonderful  of  the  things  that  I  beheld  during  that 
voyage,  and  to-morrow,  if  it  be  the  will  of  Allah,  whose 
name  be  exalted,  I  will  relate  to  thee  the  story  of  my 
fourth  voyage,  for  it  is  more  wonderful  than  the  stories 
of  the  preceding  voyages. 

Then  Sindbad  of  the  Sea  gave  the  porter  a  hundred 
pieces  of  gold,  and  commanded  the  attendants  to  spread 
the  table.  So  they  spread  it,  and  the  company  supped 
wondering  at  that  story,  and  at  the  events  described. 
Sindbad  the  Porter  took  the  gold,  and  went  his  way. 

The  Arabian   Nights  117 

and  passed  the  night  in  his  house.  When  the  morning 
came,  and  diffused  its  hght,  he  arose,  and  performed 
the  morning-prayers,  and  walked  to  the  house  of  Sind- 
bad  of  the  Sea,  who  received  him  with  joy.  As  soon  as 
the  rest  of  the  company  came,  the  servants  brought 
forth  food,  and  the  party  ate  and  drank  and  enjoyed 
themselves.  Then  Sindbad  of  the  Sea  related  to  them 
the  fourth  story,  saying: 


KNOW,  O  my  brothers,  that  after  I  returned  to  the 
city  of  Bagdad,  and  met  my  friends  and  com- 
panions, and  was  enjoying  the  utmost  pleasure,  leading 
the  most  delightful  life,  my  wicked  soul  suggested  to  me 
to  travel  again  to  other  countries,  and  I  felt  a  longing  to 
see  different  races,  and  for  selling  and  gains.  So  I 
resolved  upon  this,  and  purchased  precious  goods, 
suitable  to  a  sea-voyage  and,  having  packed  up  my 
merchandise,  I  went  to  the  city  of  Balsora,  where  I 
embarked  my  bales,  and  joined  myseK  to  a  party  of  the 
chief  men  of  that  city,  and  we  set  forth. 

The  vessel  proceeded  with  us  over  the  roaring  sea, 
agitated  with  waves,  but  the  voyage  was  pleasant,  and 
we  went  from  island  to  island,  and  from  sea  to  sea,  until 
a  contrary  wind  arose.  The  master  cast  anchor,  and 
stayed  the  ship  in  the  midst  of  the  sea,  fearing  that  she 
would  sink  in  the  deep.  Suddenly  a  great  tempest 
arose,  which  rent  the  sails,  and  the  merchants  were 
submerged  with  their  commodities  and  wealth.    I  was 

1 1  8  The   Arabian   Nights 

submerged  among  the  rest,  and  swam  in  the  sea  for 
half  a  day.  But  Allah,  whose  name  be  exalted,  enabled 
me  to  lay  hold  of  one  of  the  planks  from  the  ship,  and 
I  and  a  party  of  merchants  got  upon  it.  The  next 
day  a  wind  arose  against  us,  the  sea  became  boisterous, 
and  the  waves  and  wind  violent,  and  the  water  cast 
us  upon  an  island. 

We  walked  along  the  shore  of  the  island,  and  found 
abundant  herbs,  so  we  ate  some,  and  then  passed  the 
night  on  the  shore.  When  morning  came  we  walked 
until  there  appeared  a  building  in  the  distance.  When 
we  reached  its  door,  lo,  there  came  forth  from  it  a  party 
of  naked  black  men.  Without  speaking,  they  seized 
us,  and  carried  us  to  their  Kjng.  He  commanded  us  to 
sit  down,  and  the  blacks  brought  us  disgusting  food, 
which  my  stomach  revolted  against,  therefore  I  ate 
scarcely  any,  but  my  companions  ate  most  ravenously. 
As  soon  as  they  had  eaten  thus  their  minds  became 
stupefied,  and  they  devoured  like  madmen.  Then  the 
blacks  brought  to  them  cocoa-nut-oil,  and  when  my 
companions  drank  it  their  eyes  became  turned  in  their 
faces,  and  they  proceeded  to  consume  more  food  after 
the  manner  of  wild  beasts. 

I  was  filled  with  fear  for  myself  and  my  companions, 
and  I  observed  the  naked  men  attentively,  and,  lo, 
they  were  fire-worshippers,  and  the  King  of  their  land 
was  a  ghoul.  Every  one  who  arrived  at  their  country, 
or  whom  they  met  in  the  valleys  or  roads,  they  caught 
and  they  brought  to  their  King,  and  they  fed  the  cap- 
tive with  strange  food,  and  gave  him  cocoa-nut-oil  to 
drink,  in  consequence  of  which  his  body  became  en- 
larged, and  his  mind  stupefied  so  that  he  became  an 
idiot.    They  fed  him  until  he  became  fat,  when  they 

The   Arabian   Nights  119 

slaughtered  and  roasted  him,  and  served  him  as  meat 
to  their  King.  But  as  to  the  servants  of  the  King,  they 
ate  the  flesh  of  men,  without  roasting  or  otherwise 
cooking  it.  When  I  saw  the  blacks  feed  my  companions 
thus,  I  was  in  utmost  anguish.  As  for  myself  I  became, 
through  hunger  and  fear,  wasted  and  thin,  and  my  flesh 
dried  on  my  bones.  When  the  blacks  saw  me  in  this 
state  they  left  me,  and  forgot  all  about  me. 

One  day  as  I  walked  along  the  island,  I  saw  a  herds- 
man sitting  in  the  distance,  and  he  was  pasturing  my 
companions  like  cattle.  As  soon  as  the  man  beheld 
me  he  called  out:  "Turn  back!  Go  along  the  road  to 
the  right  and  thou  wilt  soon  reach  the  King's  highway." 
Accordingly  I  turned  back,  and  seeing  a  road  on  my 
right  hand,  I  proceeded  along  it  day  and  night  until  I 
came  to  the  other  side  of  the  island. 

I  was  tired  and  hungry,  so  I  began  to  eat  of  the  herbs 
and  vegetables,  and  to  drink  of  the  springs,  after  which 
I  arose  and  walked  on,  whenever  I  was  hungry  eating  of 
the  vegetables.  In  this  manner  I  proceeded  for  seven 
days,  and  on  the  morning  of  the  eighth  day,  I  saw 
a  faint  object  in  the  distance.  I  approached  it,  and,  lo, 
it  was  a  party  of  men  gathering  peppers.  When  they 
saw  me,  they  surrounded  me  on  every  side,  saying: 
"Who  art  thou.'^  Whence  hast  thou  come.?"  I  in- 
formed them  of  my  whole  case,  and  of  the  horrors  and 
distresses  that  I  had  suffered. 

They  made  me  sit  among  them  until  they  had  fin- 
ished their  work,  and  brought  me  good  food,  of  which 
I  ate.  Their  work  being  completed,  they  embarked 
with  me  in  a  ship,  and  went  to  their  island  and  their 
abodes.  They  then  took  me  to  their  King,  who  wel- 
comed me  and  treated  me  with  honour,  and  inquired  of 

I20  The   Arabian   Nights 

me  my  story.  So  I  related  to  him  all  my  experiences 
from  the  day  of  my  going  forth  from  the  city  of  Bagdad, 
until  I  had  come  to  him.  The  King  wondered  at  my 
story,  and  commanded  a  repast  to  be  spread.  After 
I  had  eaten  I  arose,  and  leaving  his  presence,  diverted 
myself  with  a  sight  of  his  city.  It  was  a  flourishing 
place,  abounding  with  inhabitants  and  wealth,  and  with 
food  and  markets  and  goods  and  sellers  and  buyers. 

After  I  had  remained  in  the  city  for  a  few  days,  I 
saw  that  its  great  men  and  little,  rode  excellent,  fine 
horses  without  saddles,  whereat  I  wondered.  On  in- 
quiry I  discovered  that  no  one  in  that  land  had  ever 
seen  a  saddle,  or  knew  of  its  make  or  use.  I  sought 
out  a  clever  carpenter,  and  took  wool,  and  leather, 
and  felt,  and  caused  a  saddle  to  be  made,  I  then  sought 
a  blacksmith,  and  described  to  him  the  form  of  stirrups, 
and  he  forged  an  excellent  pair,  to  which  I  attached  a 
fringe  of  silk. 

Having  done  this,  I  fastened  the  saddle  to  one  of  the 
King's  horses,  attached  to  it  the  stirrups,  bridled  the 
horse,  and  led  him  forward  to  the  King,  who  thanked 
me,  and  seated  himself  upon  it,  and  was  greatly  de- 
lighted with  that  saddle  and  gave  me  a  large  present 
as  a  reward.  When  his  Vizier  saw  that  I  had  made  a 
saddle,  he  desired  one  hke  it,  so  I  made  one  for  him. 
The  grandees  and  great  lords  likewise  desired  saddles, 
and  I  made  them,  with  the  help  of  the  carpenter  and 
blacksmith,  and  for  these  I  received  large  sums.  Thus 
I  collected  abundant  wealth,  and  became  in  high  estima- 
tion with  all  the  people. 

I  sat  one  day  with  the  King  in  the  utmost  happiness 
and  honour,  and  he  said  to  me:  "Know,  O  thou,  that 
thou  art  honoured  among  us,  and  we  cannot  part  with 

The   Arabian   Nights  12  i 

thee,  nor  can  we  suffer  thee  to  depart  from  our  city. 
Therefore  I  desire  to  marry  thee  to  a  beautiful  wife, 
possessed  of  wealth  and  loveliness.  I  will  lodge  thee 
by  me  in  a  palace,  so  do  not  oppose  me  in  this  matter." 
I  could  not  refuse  to  do  as  the  King  commanded  me, 
so  he  sent  immediately  for  the  Cadi  and  witnesses  to 
come,  and  married  me  forthwith  to  a  woman  of  high 
rank  and  surprising  beauty,  possessing  abundant  wealth 
and  fortune.  He  presented  me  with  a  great  and  hand- 
some house,  and  gave  me  servants  and  other  depend- 
ants. I  loved  my  wife,  and  she  loved  me  with  great 
affection,  and  we  lived  together  in  a  most  delightful 

One  day  the  wife  of  my  neighbour  and  companion 
died,  and  I  went  in  to  console  him.  He  was  anxious, 
weary  in  soul  and  body,  and  I  comforted  him  saying: 
"Mourn  not  for  thy  wife,  for  Allah  will  perhaps  give 
thee  one  better  than  she!"  But  he  wept  bitterly  and 
said:  "O  my  companion,  how  can  I  marry  another 
when  I  have  but  one  more  day  to  live!  This  day  they 
will  bury  my  wife,  and  they  will  bury  me  with  her  in  the 
sepulchre,  for  it  is  a  custom  in  our  country,  when  the 
wife  dieth  to  bury  with  her  the  husband  alive,  and  when 
the  husband  dieth  they  bury  with  him  the  wife  alive, 
that  neither  of  them  may  enjoy  life  after  the  other." 

While  he  was  thus  speaking  behold  the  people  of  the 
city  came.  They  prepared  the  body  for  burial,  accord- 
ing to  their  custom,  brought  a  bier  and  carried  the 
woman  on  it,  with  all  her  apparel,  ornaments  and 
wealth.  Taking  the  husband  with  them,  they  went 
forth  from  the  city,  and  came  to  a  mountain  by  the 
sea.  They  advanced  to  a  certain  spot,  and  lifted  up  a 
great  stone  from  the  mouth  of  a  hole  like  a  well,  and 

122  The   Arabian   Nights 

threw  the  woman  into  a  pit  beneath  the  mountain. 
They  brought  the  man,  tied  beneath  his  arms  a  rope  of 
fibres  of  the  palm-tree,  and  lowered  him  into  the  pit. 
They  let  down  to  him  a  great  jug  of  sweet  water,  and 
seven  cakes  of  bread.  When  they  had  let  him  down,  he 
loosed  himself  from  the  rope,  and  they  drew  it  up, 
and  covered  the  mouth  of  the  pit  with  that  great  stone, 
as  it  was  before. 

On  my  return  to  the  city  I  went  to  the  King,  and  said 
to  him:  "O  King  of  the  age,  if  the  wife  of  a  foreigner 
like  myself  die,  do  ye  do  with  him  after  the  manner  of 
the  country!"  "Yea,  verily,"  answered  the  King, 
"we  bury  him  with  her  and  do  with  him  as  thou  hast 
seen."  WTien  I  heard  these  words,  my  mind  was 
stupefied,  and  I  became  fearful  lest  my  wife  should 
die  before  me,  and  they  should  bury  me  alive  with 

But  a  short  time  elapsed  before  my  wife  fell  sick  of  a 
fever,  and  she  remained  ill  for  a  few  days,  and  died. 
Great  numbers  of  people  assembled  to  console  me, 
and  the  King  also  came  to  comfort  me.  They  washed 
my  wife  and  decked  her  with  the  richest  of  her  apparel, 
and  ornaments  of  gold,  and  necklaces  and  jewels. 
They  then  placed  her  on  the  bier,  and  carried  her  to 
the  mountain,  and  lifted  the  stone  from  the  mouth  of 
the  pit,  and  cast  her  in.  The  family  of  my  wife  then 
advanced  to  bid  me  farewell,  but  I  cried  out  that  I  was 
a  foreigner,  and  would  not  submit  to  their  custom. 
They  laid  hold  upon  me,  and  bound  me  by  force,  tying 
to  me  seven  cakes  of  bread  and  a  jug  of  sweet  water, 
and  let  me  down  into  the  pit.  They  commanded  me  to 
loose  myself  from  the  ropes,  but  I  would  not  do  so, 
thereupon  they  threw  down  the  ropes  upon  me,  and 

The   Arabian   Nights  123 

covered  the  mouth  of  the  pit  with  the  great  stone,  and 
went  their  way. 

I  found  that  I  was  in  an  immense  cavern  beneath  the 
mountain,  and  all  about  me  lay  the  dead.  I  walked 
about  feeling  the  sides  of  the  cavern,  and  found  that 
it  was  spacious  and  had  many  cavities  in  its  sides,  and 
in  one  of  these  I  made  a  place  for  myself  and  sat  down. 
"Alas!"  said  I,  "would  that  I  had  not  married  in  this 
country !  Would  that  I  had  been  drowned  at  sea,  or  had 
died  upon  the  mountains!  It  would  have  been  better 
than  this  evil  death!"  I  continued  in  this  manner 
blaming  m.yself,  until  hunger  and  thirst  assailed  me, 
and  I  felt  for  the  bread,  and  ate  a  little,  and  I  drank  a 
little  water.    After  which  I  slept. 

I  remained  in  this  condition  for  several  days,  eating 
and  drinking  a  little  at  a  time,  fearing  to  exhaust  the 
food  and  water.  One  day  I  awoke  from  my  sleep  and 
heard  something  make  a  noise  in  the  cavern.  I  arose 
and  walked  toward  it,  and  when  it  heard  me  coming  it 
fled  from  me,  and,  lo,  it  was  a  wild  beast!  I  followed  it 
to  the  upper  end  of  the  cavern,  where  a  light  appeared 
hke  a  star.  I  advanced  and  the  light  grew  larger,  so 
that  I  was  convinced  that  it  was  a  hole  in  the  cavern, 
communicating  with  open  country.  I  continued  to 
advance  and,  lo,  it  was  an  aperture  in  the  back  of  the 
mountain,  which  wild  beasts  had  made,  and  through 
which  they  entered  the  cavern.  I  managed  to  force 
my  way  through  the  hole,  and  found  myself  on  the 
shore  of  the  sea,  with  a  great  mountain  between  me  and 
the  city  from  whence  I  came. 

I  praised  Allah,  whose  name  be  exalted,  and  rejoiced 
exceedingly,  and  my  heart  was  strengthened.  I  re- 
turned through  the  hole  to  the  cavern,  where  I  collected 

124  The   Arabian   Nights 

an  abundance  of  jewels,  necklaces  of  pearls,  ornaments 
of  gold  and  silver,  which  had  been  buried  with  the  dead, 
and  these  I  carried  forth  to  the  shore  of  the  sea.  Every 
day  I  entered  the  cavern  and  explored  it,  until  I  had 
removed  all  the  ornaments  and  rarities  I  could  find. 
Thus  I  continued  to  do  for  some  time,  when  one  day 
I  was  sitting  upon  the  shore  of  the  sea,  and  I  beheld  a 
vessel  passing  along  through  the  midst  of  the  roaring 
waves.  So  I  took  a  white  cloth  and  tied  it  to  a  staff, 
and  ran  along  the  sea  shore,  signalling  the  sailors  until 
they  saw  me.  They  sent  a  boat  to  me  and  carried  me  to 
the  master,  who  kindly  embarked  me  and  my  goods  in 
his  ship.  I  offered  him  a  considerable  portion  of  my 
property,  but  he  would  not  accept  it  of  me,  saying: 
"We  take  nothing  from  anyone  whom  we  find  stranded 
on  a  lonely  shore,  or  on  an  island;  instead  we  act  to- 
wards him  with  kindness  and  favor  for  the  sake  of 
Allah,  whose  name  be  exalted." 

We  proceeded  on  our  voyage  from  island  to  island, 
and  from  sea  to  sea,  until  at  length  we  reached  the  city 
of  Balsora,  where  I  landed  and  remained  a  few  days, 
after  which  I  departed  for  Bagdad.  I  entered  my  house, 
saluted  my  family  and  companions,  stored  all  my  com- 
modities, gave  alms  and  presents,  and  clad  widows  and 
orphans.  I  then  returned  to  my  former  habits  of  in- 
dulging in  sport  and  merriment  with  mj'^  companions 
and  brothers.  Such  were  the  most  wonderful  events 
that  happened  to  me  in  the  course  of  my  fourth  voyage. 
But,  O  Porter,  if  thou  wilt  sup  with  me  to-morrow,  I 
will  inform  thee  what  befell  me  during  my  fifth  voyage, 
for  it  was  more  wonderful  and  extraordinary  than  the 
preceding  voyage. 

Sindbad  of  the  Sea  then  presented  the  Porter  with  a 

The   Arabian   Nights  125 

hundred  pieces  of  gold,  and  the  table  was  spread  and 
the  party  supped,  after  which  they  went  their  ways 
wondering  extremely.  Sindbad  the  Porter  went  to  his 
house,  and  passed  the  night  in  the  utmost  happiness  and 
joy.  When  the  morning  came  he  arose,  and  performed 
his  morning-prayers,  and  walked  on  until  he  entered 
the  house  of  Sindbad  of  the  Sea,  who  welcomed  him, 
and  sat  with  him  until  the  rest  of  the  companions  came, 
after  which  they  all  ate  and  drank  and  were  merry. 
Then  Sindbad  of  the  Sea  began  his  narrative  saying 


KNOW,  O  my  brothers,  that  when  I  returned  from 
my  fourth  voyage  I  became  immersed  in  sport  and 
merriment,  so  that  I  forgot  all  that  I  had  suffered.  Then 
my  mind  again  suggested  to  me  to  travel,  and  to  divert 
myself  with  the  sight  of  other  countries  and  peoples. 
So  I  arose,  and  bought  precious  goods  suitable  to  a 
sea-voyage.  I  packed  up  the  bales,  and  departed 
from  the  city  of  Bagdad  to  the  city  of  Balsora,  and 
walking  along  the  river  bank  I  saw  a  great,  handsome, 
lofty  ship,  and  it  pleased  me,  so  I  purchased  it.  I 
hired  a  master  and  sailors,  and  bought  black  slaves, 
and  embarked  with  my  bales.  There  came  a  company 
of  merchants  who  embarked  with  me  and  we  set  sail 
in  the  utmost  joy  and  happiness,  and  pursued  our  voy- 
age from  island  to  island,  and  from  sea  to  sea,  buying 
and  selling  goods. 

We  arrived  one  day  at  a  large  island,  deserted  and 

126  The  Arabian   Nights 

desolate,  but  on  it  was  an  enormous  white  dome,  of 
great  bulk,  and,  lo,  it  was  the  egg  of  a  Roc.  When 
the  merchants  had  landed,  to  amuse  themselves,  not 
knowing  that  it  was  the  egg  of  a  Roc, they  struck  it  with 
stones,  so  that  it  broke,  and  there  poured  from  it  a 
great  quantity  of  liquid,  and  the  young  Roc  appeared 
within  the  shell.  The  merchants  pulled  it  out,  killed 
it,  and  cut  from  it  an  abundance  of  meat.  I  was  then 
in  the  ship,  and  knew  not  of  it,  and  looking  forth  I  saw 
the  merchants  striking  the  egg.  I  called  out  to  them: 
"Do  not  this  deed!  It  is  a  Roc's  egg,  and  the  bird 
will  come,  and  demolish  our  ship,  and  destroy  us!" 
But  they  would  not  hear  my  words. 

Suddenly  the  sun  was  veiled,  and  the  day  grew  dark, 
and  we  raised  our  eyes,  and,  lo,  the  wings  of  the  Roc 
darkened  the  sky!  When  the  bird  came,  and  beheld 
its  egg  broken,  it  cried  out  fiercely,  whereupon  its 
mate,  the  female  bird,  came  to  it,  and  they  flew  in 
circles  over  the  ship,  uttering  cries  like  thunder.  So  I 
called  out  to  the  master  and  sailors:  "Push  off  the  ves- 
sel and  seek  safety  before  we  perish!"  The  master 
hastened,  and  the  merchants  having  embarked,  he 
loosed  the  ship,  and  we  departed  from  the  island.  When 
the  Rocs  saw  that  w^e  had  put  out  to  sea,  they  flew  away, 
and  soon  returned,  each  of  them  having  in  its  claws  a 
huge  mass  of  stone  from  a  mountain.  The  male  bird 
threw  upon  us  the  stone  he  had  brought,  but  the  master 
steered  away  the  ship,  and  the  stone  missed  it  and  fell 
into  the  sea.  Then  the  mate  of  the  male  Roc  threw 
upon  us  the  stone  she  had  brought,  and  it  fell  upon  the 
stern  of  the  ship  and  crushed  it,  and  the  vessel  sunk 
with  all  that  was  in  it. 

I  strove  to  save  myself,  and  Allah,  whose  name  be 

The   Arabian   Nights  127 

exalted,  placed  within  my  reach  a  plank  from  the 
ship,  so  I  caught  hold  of  it,  and  got  upon  it,  and  the 
wind  and  the  waves  helped  me  forward  and  cast  me  on 
the  shore  of  an  island.  I  landed,  exhausted  with  hunger 
and  fatigue,  and  threw  myself  down,  and  remained  thus 
for  some  time.  At  last  I  arose,  and  walked  along  the 
island,  and  saw  that  it  resembled  a  garden  of  Paradise. 
There  was  an  abundance  of  trees  and  fruits  and  flowers. 
So  I  ate  of  the  fruits  until  I  was  satisfied,  and  I  drank  of 
the  flowing  rivers.    Then  I  lay  down,  and  slept. 

In  the  morning  I  arose,  and  walked  among  the  trees, 
and  I  beheld  an  old  man  sitting  beside  a  stream,  and 
he  was  clad  from  the  waist  down  in  a  covering  made  of 
the  leaves  of  trees.  I  approached,  and  saluted  him,  but 
he  returned  the  salutation  by  a  sign,  without  speaking. 
"O  sheikh,"  said  I,  "what  is  the  reason  of  thy  sitting 
in  this  place  .f^"  He  shook  his  head  and  sighed,  and 
made  a  sign  as  though  to  say:  "Carry  me  upon  thy 
back,  and  transport  me  across  this  stream." 

I  said  to  myself:  "I  will  act  kindly  to  this  old  man, 
and  perhaps  I  shall  obtain  a  reward  in  Heaven!"  So 
I  stooped,  and  took  him  upon  my  shoulders,  and 
carried  him  over  the  stream  to  the  place  he  had  in- 
dicated. When  I  said,  "Descend  in  peace,"  he  did  not 
descend  from  my  shoulders.  He  had  wound  his  legs 
round  my  neck,  and  I  looked  at  them,  and  saw  that  they 
were  black  and  rough  like  the  hide  of  a  buffalo.  I  was 
frightened  and  tried  to  throw  him  from  my  shoulders, 
but  he  pressed  his  feet  on  my  neck,  and  squeezed  my 
throat,  so  that  the  world  became  black  before  my  face, 
and  I  fell  upon  the  ground  in  a  fit.  He  then  raised  his 
legs,  and  beat  me  upon  my  back  and  shoulders,  and 
caused  me  such  violent  pain  that  I  was  forced  to  rise. 

12  8  The  Arabian   Nights 

He  still  kept  his  seat  upon  my  shoulders,  and,  when 
I  became  fatigued  with  bearing  him,  he  made  a  sign 
that  I  should  go  among  the  trees,  to  the  best  of  the 
fruit.  If  I  disobeyed  him,  he  inflicted  upon  me  with  his 
feet  blows  more  violent  than  those  of  whips,  and  he 
directed  me  with  his  hand  to  every  place  where  he 
desired  to  go,  and  to  that  place  I  went  with  him.  If  I 
loitered  or  went  leisurely,  he  beat  me,  and  I  was  a 
captive  to  him.  He  descended  not  from  my  shoulders 
by  night  nor  by  day,  and  when  he  desired  to  sleep,  he 
would  wind  his  legs  about  my  neck,  and  sleep  a  little, 
and  then  he  would  beat  me  until  I  arose. 

Thus  I  remained  for  some  time,  until  one  day  I  carried 
the  old  man  to  a  place  in  the  island  where  I  found  an 
abundance  of  dried  pumpkins.  I  took  a  large  one,  and 
cleansed  it.  I  then  went  to  a  grape-vine,  and  filled  the 
pumpkin  with  the  juice  of  the  grapes.  I  stopped  up  the 
aperture,  and  put  the  juice  in  the  sun  and  left  it  for 
some  days  until  it  became  pure  wine.  Every  day  I 
used  to  drink  of  it  to  help  me  endure  the  fatigue.  So 
seeing  me  one  day  drinking,  the  old  man  made  a 
sign  with  his  hand  for  me  to  hand  him  the  pumpkin, 
and  fearing  greatly  I  handed  it  to  him  immediately. 
Whereupon  he  drank  all  the  wine  that  remained,  and 
threw  the  pumpkin  upon  the  ground.  He  then  became 
intoxicated,  and  began  to  sway  from  side  to  side  upon 
my  shoulders.  When  I  knew  that  he  was  drunk,  I 
put  my  hand  to  his  feet  and  loosed  them  from  my  neck, 
and  I  stooped  with  him,  and  sat  down,  and  threw  him 
upon  the  ground.  Fearing  lest  he  should  rise  from  his 
intoxication,  and  torment  me,  I  took  a  great  mass  of 
stone  and  struck  him  upon  the  head  until  he  was  dead. 

After  that  I  walked  about  the  island,  with  a  happy 


^"  f 


'I'HE    OLD    MAN    OK   THE    i>tA 

The  Arabian   Nights  129 

mind,  and  came  to  the  place  where  I  was  at  first,  on 
the  shore  of  the  sea,  and,  lo,  a  vessel  approached  from 
the  midst  of  the  roaring  waves,  and  it  ceased  not  its 
course  until  it  anchored  at  the  island.  The  passengers 
landed,  and  when  they  saw  me,  they  approached,  and 
inquired  the  cause  of  my  coming  to  that  place.  I 
therefore  acquainted  them  with  all  that  had  befallen 
me.  Whereat  they  wondered  extremely  and  said: 
*'This  old  man  who  rode  upon  thy  shoulders  is  called 
the  Old  Man  of  the  Sea,  and  no  one  was  ever  beneath  his 
limbs  and  escaped  from  him  excepting  thee." 

They  then  brought  me  food,  and  I  ate  until  I  was 
satisfied,  and  they  gave  me  clothes  which  I  put  on, 
covering  myself  decently.  After  this  they  took  me 
with  them  to  their  ship,  and  proceeded  night  and  day, 
until  destiny  drove  us  to  a  city  of  lofty  buildings,  over- 
looking the  sea.    That  city  is  called  the  City  of  Apes. 

I  landed  to  divert  myself,  and  the  ship  set  sail  without 
my  knowledge.  I  repented  of  having  landed,  and  while 
I  sat  weeping  and  mourning,  a  man  of  the  city  ap- 
proached me.  "O  my  master,"  said  he,  "art  thou  a 
stranger  in  this  country?"  "Yes,"  I  replied,  "I  am  a 
stranger  and  a  poor  man!  I  was  in  a  ship  which  an- 
chored here,  and  I  landed  from  it  to  divert  myself, 
and  the  ship  sailed  without  me."  "Arise,"  said  he, 
"  and  embark  with  us  in  this  boat,  for  if  thou  remain  in 
the  city  during  the  night,  the  apes  will  destroy  thee." 
So  I  immediately  embarked  with  the  people,  and  they 
pushed  the  boat  off  from  the  land,  and  passed  the  night 
on  the  water.  Such  hath  always  been  their  custom 
every  night,  for  if  anyone  remaineth  in  the  city,  the 
apes  come  down  from  the  mountains  and  destroy  him. 
In  the  daytime  the  apes  leave  the  city,  and  eat  the 

130  The   Arabian   Nights 

fruits  of  the  gardens,  and  sleep  in  the  mountains,  until 
evening,  when  they  return  to  the  city. 

The  next  day,  a  person  of  the  party  with  whom  I  had 
passed  the  night,  said  to  me:  "Hast  thou  any  trade  or 
art  whereby  thou  may  est  earn  thy  bread?"  "No, 
my  brother,"  I  answered,  "I  am  acquainted  with  no  art, 
nor  do  I  know  how  to  make  anything."  Upon  this  the 
man  brought  me  a  cotton  bag,  and  said  to  me:  "Take 
this  bag,  and  fill  it  with  pebbles."  He  then  led  me  out 
of  the  city,  and  I  picked  up  small  pebbles,  with  which 
I  filled  my  bag.  And,  lo,  a  party  of  men  came  forth 
from  the  gates,  and  my  companion  said  to  them:  "This 
is  a  stranger,  so  take  him  with  you,  and  teach  him  your 
mode  of  earning  your  livelihood,  perhaps  he  may  in 
this  way  gain  means  of  providing  himself  with  food 
and  drink,  and  ye  will  obtain  a  reward  and  recompense 
from  Allah,  whose  name  be  exalted!" 

The  men  welcomed  me,  and  took  me  with  them,  each 
one  having  a  bag  like  mine,  full  of  pebbles.  We  walked 
until  we  arrived  at  a  wide  valley,  wherein  were  lofty 
trees,  which  no  one  could  climb.  In  that  valley  were 
many  apes,  and  when  they  saw  us  they  fled,  and  as- 
cended the  trees.  Then  the  men  began  to  pelt  the 
apes  with  stones  from  their  bags,  and  the  apes  plucked 
off  the  fruit  of  the  trees,  and  threw  them  at  the  men. 
I  looked  at  the  fruit  which  they  threw  down,  and,  lo, 
they  were  cocoa-nuts. 

I  chose  a  tree  in  which  were  many  apes,  and  pro- 
ceeded to  pelt  them  with  stones,  and  they  broke  off 
the  nuts  from  the  tree,  and  threw  them  at  me.  So  I 
collected  a  great  quantity,  and  when  the  men  returned 
home  I  carried  off  as  many  nuts  as  I  could.  Entering 
the  city  I  went  to  the  man,  my  companion,  and  gave 

The   Arabian   Nights  131 

him  all  the  cocoa-nuts  I  had  collected  and  thanked 
him  for  his  kindness.  "Take  these,"  he  said,  "and 
sell  them  and  make  use  of  the  price."  I  did  as  he  told 
me,  and  continued  every  day  to  go  forth  with  the  men, 
and  do  as  they  did.  I  collected  a  great  quantity  of 
good  cocoa-nuts,  which  I  sold,  and  for  which  I  received 
a  large  sum  of  money.  I  bought  everything  I  saw  that 
pleased  me,  and  my  time  was  pleasant,  and  my  good 
fortune  increased. 

One  day  I  was  standing  by  the  sea-side,  and,  lo,  a 
vessel  arrived  at  the  city,  and  cast  anchor  by  the  shore. 
In  it  were  merchants,  who  proceeded  to  exchange  their 
goods  for  cocoa-nuts  and  other  things.  So  I  bade 
farewell  to  my  companion,  and  embarked  in  that 
vessel  with  my  cocoa-nuts  and  the  other  merchandise 
I  had  collected;  after  which  we  set  sail  the  same  day. 
We  continued  our  course  from  island  to  island,  and 
from  sea  to  sea,  and  at  every  island  where  we  cast 
anchor,  I  sold  cocoa-nuts  and  received  for  them  large 

We  passed  by  an  island  in  which  are  cinnamon  and 
pepper,  and  there  I  exchanged  cocoa-nuts  for  a  great 
quantity  of  each.  We  passed  also  the  island  of  Asirat, 
wherein  is  aloes-wood,  and  after  that  we  passed  by 
another  island,  the  extent  of  which  is  five  days'  journey, 
and  in  it  is  the  Sanfi  aloes-wood,  which  is  superior  to 
that  of  the  island  of  Asirat,  but  the  inhabitants  of  this 
island  love  depravity,  and  the  drinking  of  wines,  and 
know  not  how  to  pray.  After  that  we  came  to  the 
pearl-fisheries,  where  I  gave  the  divers  some  cocoa- 
nuts,  and  said:  "Dive  for  my  luck!"  Accordingly 
they  dived  in  the  bay,  and  brought  up  a  great  number 
of  large  and  valuable  pearls,  so  I  took  them,  and  we 

132  The  Arabian   Nights 

proceeded  on  our  way  relying  upon  the  blessing  of 
Allah,  whose  name  be  exalted ! 

We  continued  our  voyage  until  we  arrived  at  the 
city  of  Balsora,  where  I  landed,  and  stayed  a  short 
time.  I  went  thence  to  the  city  of  Bagdad,  and  entered 
my  house  and  saluted  my  family  and  friends.  I  stored 
all  my  goods  and  commodities,  clothed  the  widows 
and  orphans,  made  presents  to  my  family,  my  com- 
panions, and  my  friends.  Allah  had  compensated  me 
with  four  times  as  much  as  I  had  lost,  and  I  forgot  all 
the  fatigue  and  terror  I  had  suffered,  and  resumed 
my  feasting  and  merrymaking.  Such  were  the  most 
wonderful  things  that  happened  to  me  in  the  course  of 
my  fifth  voyage,  but  sup  ye,  and  to-morrow  come  again, 
and  I  will  relate  to  you  the  events  of  my  sixth  voyage, 
for  it  is  more  wonderful  than  this. 

Then  the  attendants  spread  the  table,  and  the  party 
supped.  When  they  had  finished,  Sindbad  of  the  Sea 
presented  Sindbad  the  Porter,  with  one  hundred  pieces 
of  gold.  He  took  them  and  departed,  wondering  at 
this  affair.  He  passed  the  night  in  his  abode,  and  when 
morning  came,  he  arose  and  performed  his  morning- 
prayers,  after  which  he  walked  to  the  house  of  Sindbad 
of  the  Sea,  who  welcomed  him,  and  conversed  with 
him  until  the  rest  of  his  companions  had  come.  The 
servants  spread  the  table,  and  the  party  ate,  drank,  and 
were  merry.  Then  Sindbad  of  the  Sea  began  to  relate 
to  them  the  story  of  the  sixth  voyage,  saying: 

The  Arabian   Nights  133 


KNOW,  O  my  brothers  and  my  friends  and  my  com- 
panions, that  when  I  returned  from  my  fifth  voy- 
age, I  forgot  what  I  had  suffered,  by  reason  of  sport  and 
merriment,  and  enjoyment.  I  continued  thus  until 
one  day  I  saw  a  party  of  merchants  bearing  marks  of 
travel,  then  I  remembered  the  days  of  my  travel,  and 
my  soul  longed  again  to  see  other  countries.  So  I 
determined  to  set  forth.  I  bought  precious  and  sump- 
tuous goods,  suitable  for  a  sea-voyage,  packed  my 
bales,  and  went  from  the  city  of  Bagdad,  to  the  city 
of  Balsora.  There  I  beheld  a  large  vessel,  in  which 
were  merchants  with  their  precious  goods.  I  therefore 
embarked  my  bales  in  this  ship,  and  we  departed  in 
safety  from  Balsora.  We  continued  our  voyage  from 
place  to  place,  and  from  city  to  city,  selling  and  buying, 
and  diverting  ourselves  with  viewing  different  coun- 
tries, and  Fortune  and  the  voyage  were  pleasant  to  us. 

We  were  proceeding  one  day,  and,  lo,  the  master 
of  the  ship  called  out  in  grief  and  rage,  threw  down  his 
turban,  slapped  his  face,  plucked  his  beard,  and  fell 
in  the  hold  of  the  ship.  The  merchants  and  other 
passengers  gathered  about  him,  saying:  "O  master, 
what  is  the  matter.'^"  "Know,  O  company,"  he  an- 
swered, "that  we  have  wandered  from  our  course,  and 
have  entered  an  unknown  sea!  K  Allah  help  us  not  to 
escape,  we  shall  perish!" 

Then  the  master  arose,  and  ascended  the  mast, 
and  tried  to  loose  the  sails,  but  the  wind  became  violentj 

134  The   Arabian   Nights 

and  drove  back  the  ship,  and  her  rudder  broke  near  a 
lofty  mountain.  The  waves  threw  the  vessel  upon 
rocks  and  it  broke  to  pieces,  its  planks  were  scattered, 
and  the  merchants  fell  into  the  sea.  Some  of  them  were 
drowned,  and  some  were  thrown  upon  the  mountain. 

I  was  of  the  number  of  those  who  landed  upon  this 
mountain.  We  crossed  it  and  on  the  other  side  found  a 
wide  shore,  whereon  were  treasures  thrown  up  by  the 
sea  from  ships  that  had  been  wrecked.  My  reason  was 
confounded  by  the  abundance  of  commodities  and 
wealth  cast  up  on  the  shore.  And  I  beheld  there  a 
river  of  sweet  water,  flowing  forth  from  beneath  the  near- 
est part  of  the  mountain,  and  entering  at  the  furthest 
part  of  it;  and  in  the  bed  of  this  stream  were  various 
kinds  of  jewels,  jacinths  and  large  pearls  suitable  for 
Kings.  They  were  like  gravel  in  the  channel  of  the 
river,  which  flowed  through  the  fields,  and  all  the 
bottom  of  the  stream  glittered  by  reason  of  ornaments 
of  gold  and  silver. 

In  that  land  there  is  an  abundance  of  aloes-wood, 
and  there  gusheth  from  the  ground  a  spring  of  crude 
ambergris,  which  floweth  like  wax,  and  spreadeth  upon 
the  sea  shore.  The  monsters  of  the  deep  come  up  from 
the  sea  and  swallow  the  ambergris,  and  descend  into 
the  sea.  When  it  becometh  hot  in  their  stomachs,  they 
eject  it  and  it  riseth  and  congealeth  on  the  surface  of 
the  water,  and  the  waves  cast  it  upon  the  shore,  so 
travellers  and  merchants  gather  and  sell  it.  As  to  the 
ambergris  which  is  not  swallowed  but  remaineth  near 
the  spring,  it  floweth  over  the  side  of  the  fountain,  and 
congealeth  upon  the  ground,  and  when  the  sun  shineth 
upon  it,  it  melteth,  and  it  filleth  the  land  with  an  odour 
like  musk. 

The   Arabian   Nights  135 

We  continued  to  wander  about  the  island,  and  col- 
lected from  the  wreckage  of  the  ship  a  small  quantity 
of  food,  which  we  used  sparingly,  eating  of  it  every 
day  or  two  days,  only  one  meal.  At  last  our  stock 
became  exhausted,  and  my  companions  died  one  by 
one.  Each  one  who  died,  we  washed,  shrouded  and 
buried  in  the  clothes  and  linen,  which  the  sea  cast  up. 
Thus  it  happened  until  all  my  companions  had  died, 
and  left  me  alone  upon  the  shore.  Then  I  wept  and 
said:  "Would  that  I  had  died  before  my  companions!" 
and  I  blamed  myself  for  leaving  my  country  and  my 
people,  after  all  that  I  had  suffered  during  my  former 

Then  thought  I:  "This  river  must  have  a  beginning 
and  an  end,  and  it  must  have  a  place  of  egress  into  an 
inhabited  country.  I  will  construct  for  myself  a  raft, 
and  I  will  depart  on  it,  and  if  I  find  safety,  I  am  safe, 
and  if  not  it  will  be  better  to  die  in  the  river  than  in  this 
place!"  Accordingly  I  arose,  and  collected  pieces  of 
aloes-wood,  and  bound  them  together  with  ropes  from 
the  ships  that  had  been  wrecked.  I  brought  some 
planks  from  the  shore,  and  fastened  them  upon  those 
pieces  of  wood.  I  made  the  raft  to  suit  the  width  of  the 
river,  and  bound  it  well  and  firmly.  I  piled  it  high  with 
jewels  and  ornaments  of  gold  and  silver,  and  with  the 
pearls  that  were  like  gravel,  and  with  some  of  the  crude 
ambergris.  I  then  launched  the  raft  upon  the  river, 
and  made  for  it  two  pieces  of  wood  like  oars. 

And  so  I  departed  on  the  raft  following  the  current 
towards  the  mountain,  and  entered  a  tunnel  through 
which  the  river  ran.  There  was  intense  darkness  within, 
and  the  raft  continued  to  carry  me  along  to  a  narrow 
place  beneath  tho  mountain,  where  my  head  rubbed  the 

136  The  Arabian   Nights 

roof  of  the  tunnel.  I  was  unable  to  turn  about,  and  I 
blamed  myself  for  the  situation,  saying:  "If  this  place 
becomes  narrower,  the  raft  will  scarcely  pass  through, 
and  it  cannot  return,  so  I  shall  perish  miserably!'* 
I  threw  myself  down  upon  my  face  on  the  raft,  and 
continued  to  proceed  not  knowing  night  from  day,  by 
reason  of  the  darkness  in  which  I  was,  and  my  terror 
and  fear  lest  I  should  perish.  In  this  state  I  continued 
my  course  along  the  river,  which  sometimes  widened 
and  at  other  times  contracted,  but  the  intensity  of  the 
darkness  wearied  me  so  that  I  was  overcome  with 
slumber,  and  the  current  ceased  not  to  bear  me  along 
while  I  slept. 

At  length  I  awoke,  and  found  myself  in  the  light,  and 
opening  my  eyes  beheld  wide  fields  on  either  side  of  the 
river,  and  the  raft  tied  to  the  shore  of  an  island,  and 
around  me  a  company  of  Indians  and  Abyssinians. 
When  they  saw  that  I  had  awakened  they  spoke  to  me 
in  their  language,  but  I  knew  not  what  they  said,  and 
imagined  that  it  was  a  dream,  and  that  this  occurred  in 
sleep.  Then  a  man  from  among  them  advanced,  and 
said  to  me  in  the  Arabic  language:  "Peace  be  on  thee, 
O  our  brother!  Who  art  thou,'*  Whence  hast  thou 
come?  And  what  was  the  cause  of  thy  coming  to  this 
place?  We  are  people  of  the  sown  lands  and  the  fields, 
and  we  came  to  irrigate  our  lands,  and  we  found  thee 
asleep  upon  thy  raft.  We  tied  it  here,  waiting  for  thee 
to  arise  at  thy  leisure.  Now  tell  us  what  is  the  cause 
of  thy  coming  unto  this  place." 

"O  my  master,"  I  replied,  "I  entreat  thee  to  bring 
to  me  some  food,  for  I  am  hungry,  and  after  that  ask 
of  me  concerning  what  thou  wilt!"  Thereupon  he 
hastened,  and  brought  food,  and  I  ate  until  I  was 

The   Arabian   Nights  137 

satiated,  and  was  at  ease,  and  my  fear  subsided,  and 
my  soul  returned  to  me,  and  I  praised  Allah,  whose 
name  be  exalted!  I  then  acquainted  the  people  with 
all  that  had  happened  to  me  from  beginning  to  end, 
and  with  what  I  had  experienced  upon  the  river. 

They  took  me  with  them,  and  conveyed  with  me  the 
raft,  together  with  all  that  was  upon  it  of  riches  and 
goods,  and  jewels  and  minerals,  and  ornaments  of 
gold  and  silver,  and  they  led  me  to  their  King  who  was 
the  King  of  India,  and  acquainted  him  with  my  story. 
He  wondered  at  this  exceedingly,  and  welcomed  me 
with  great  honours,  and  congratulated  me  on  my  safety. 
Then  I  arose  and  took  a  quantity  of  jewels,  and  aloes- 
wood  and  ambergris,  and  presented  them  to  the  King. 
He  accepted  it  all,  treated  me  with  the  greatest  honour, 
and  lodged  me  in  a  place  in  his  abode.  I  associated  with 
the  lords  and  grandees  of  his  empire,  who  paid  me 
high  respect,  and  I  quitted  not  the  abode  of  the  King. 

The  capital  of  that  country  lies  between  a  lofty 
mountain  and  a  deep  valley.  This  mountain  is  seen  at  a 
distance  of  three  days,  and  it  containeth  varieties  of 
jacinths,  and  minerals,  and  trees  of  all  sorts  of  spices. 
Its  surface  is  covered  with  emery,  wherewith  jewels  are 
cut  into  shape.  In  its  rivers  are  diamonds,  and  pearls 
are  in  its  valleys.  I  ascended  to  the  summit  of  the 
mountain,  and  viewed  its  wonders,  which  are  not  to  be 
described ! 

I  remained  in  this  country  for  some  time,  then  begged 
of  the  King  that  I  might  return  to  my  own  land.  He 
gave  me  permission  after  great  pressing,  and  bestowed 
upon  me  abundant  gifts  from  his  treasury.  He  also 
gave  me  a  present  and  a  sealed  letter,  saying:  "Convey 
these  to  the  Caliph  Haroun  Er  Raschid,  and  give  him 

138  The   Arabian    Nights 

many  salutations  from  us."  The  letter  was  on  yellow 
parchment,  and  the  writing  was  ultramarine.  The 
words  that  he  wrote  to  the  Caliph  were  these : 

"Peace  be  on  thee,  from  the  King  of  India, 
before  whom  are  a  thousand  elephants,  and 
on  the  battlements  of  whose  palace  are  a 
thousand  jewels. 

"To  proceed:  we  have  sent  to  thee  a  trifling 
present,  accept  it  then  from  us.  Thou  art  to  us 
a  brother  and  sincere  friend,  and  the  affection 
for  you  that  is  in  our  hearts  is  great;  therefore 
favour  us  by  a  reply.  The  present  is  not  suited 
to  thy  dignity;  but  we  beg  thee,  O  brother,  to 
accept  it  graciously.    And  peace  be  on  thee!" 

And  the  present  was  a  ruby  cup,  a  span  high,  the 
inside  of  which  was  set  with  precious  pearls;  and  a  bed 
covered  with  the  spotted  skin  of  the  serpent  that 
swalloweth  an  elephant;  and  a  hundred  thousand 
mithkals  of  Indian  aloes- wood;  and  a  slave-girl  like  the 
shining  full  moon. 

So  I  embarked,  and  departed  thence,  and  we  con- 
tinued our  voyage  from  island  to  island,  and  from 
country  to  country,  until  we  arrived  at  Bagdad,  where- 
upon I  entered  my  house  and  met  my  family  and  my 
brethren,  after  which  I  took  the  present  of  the  King 
of  India,  to  the  Caliph  the  Prince  of  the  Faithful, 
Haroun  Er  Raschid.  On  entering  his  presence  I  kissed 
his  hand,  and  placed  before  him  the  ruby  cup,  the 
serpent's  skin,  and  the  other  things,  all  of  which  pleased 
the  Caliph  greatly,  and  he  read  the  letter,  and  showed 
me  utmost  honour,  and  said:  "O  Sindbad,  is  that  true 
which  this  King  hath  stated  in  his  letter?  "  And  I  kissed 
the  ground  and  answered:  "O  my  lord,  I  witnessed  in 

The   Arabian   Nights  139 

his  kingdom  much  more  than  he  hath  mentioned. 
On  the  day  of  his  pubhc  appearance  a  throne  is  set 
for  the  King  upon  a  huge  elephant,  eleven  cubits  high, 
and  he  sitteth  upon  it,  with  his  chief  officers  and  pages 
and  guests  standing  in  two  ranks,  on  his  right  and  on 
his  left.  At  his  head  standeth  a  man  holding  a  golden 
javelin  in  his  hand,  and  behind  him  a  man  in  whose 
hand  is  a  mace  of  gold,  at  the  top  of  which  is  an  emerald 
of  the  thickness  of  a  thumb.  And  when  the  King  mount- 
eth  he  is  accompanied  by  a  thousand  horsemen  clad 
in  gold  and  silk.  Moreover  by  reason  of  the  King's 
justice  and  good  government,  there  is  no  need  of  a 
Cadi  in  his  city,  and  all  the  people  of  his  country  know 
the  truth  from  falsity." 

And  the  Caliph  wondered  at  my  words,  and  con- 
ferred favours  upon  me  and  commanded  me  to  depart 
to  my  abode.  I  did  so  and  continued  to  live  in  the  same 
pleasant  manner  as  at  present.  I  forgot  the  arduous 
troubles  that  I  had  experienced,  and  betook  myself 
to  eating  and  drinking,  and  pleasures  and  joy. 

And  when  Sindbad  of  the  Sea  had  finished  his  story, 
every  one  present  wondered  at  the  events  that  had 
happened  to  him.  He  then  ordered  his  treasurer  to 
give  to  Sindbad  the  Porter  a  hundred  pieces  of  gold,  and 
commanded  him  to  depart,  and  to  return  the  next 
day  with  the  boon-companions,  to  hear  the  seventh 
story.  So  the  Porter  went  away  happy  to  his  abode, 
and  on  the  morrow  he  was  present  with  the  rest  of  the 
company,  and  they  sat  and  enjoyed  themselves,  eating 
and  drinking  in  enjoyment  until  the  end  of  the  day, 
when  Sindbad  of  the  Sea  made  a  sign  to  them  that  they 
should  hear  his  seventh  story,  and  said: 

140  The  Arabian   Nights 


A  FTER  my  sixth  voyage  I  determined  to  go  to  sea 
■^^  no  more,  and  my  time  was  spent  in  joy  and  pleas- 
ures. But  one  day,  some  one  knocked  on  the  door  of  my 
house,  and  the  door-keeper  opened,  and  a  page  entered, 
and  summoned  me  to  the  Cahph.  I  immediately  went 
with  him,  and  kissed  the  ground  before  the  Prince  of 
the  Faithful,  who  said:  "O  Sindbad,  I  have  an  affair 
for  thee  to  perform.  I  desire  that  thou  go  to  the  King 
of  India,  and  convey  to  him  our  letter  and  our  present.'* 
I  trembled  thereat,  and  replied,  "O  my  lord,  I  have 
a  horror  of  voyaging,  and  when  it  is  mentioned  to  me 
my  limbs  tremble!  And  this  is  because  of  the  terrors 
and  troubles  I  have  experienced!  Moreover,  I  have 
bound  myself  by  an  oath  not  to  go  forth  from  Bagdad." 
Then  I  informed  the  Caliph  of  all  that  had  befallen  me 
from  first  to  last,  and  he  wondered  exceedingly  thereat 
and  said:  "Verily,  O  Sindbad,  it  hath  not  been  heard 
from  times  of  old  that  such  events  have  befallen  any- 
one as  have  befallen  thee!  But  for  our  sake  thou  wilt 
go  forth  this  time,  and  convey  our  letter  and  our  present 
to  the  King  of  India."  So  I  replied :  "  I  hear  and  obey," 
being  unable  to  oppose  this  command. 

I  went  from  Bagdad  to  the  sea,  and  embarked  in  a 
ship,  and  we  proceeded  nights  and  days,  by  the  aid  of 
Allah,  whose  name  be  exalted,  until  we  arrived  at  the 
capital  of  India.  As  soon  as  I  entered  the  city,  I  took 
the  present  and  the  letter,  and  went  in  with  them  to  the 

The   Arabian   Nights  141 

King,  and  kissed  the  ground  before  him.  "A  friendly 
welcome  to  thee,  O  Sindbad,"  said  he.  "We  have 
longed  to  see  thee,  and  praise  be  to  Allah,  who  hath 
shown  us  thy  face  a  second  time ! "  Then  he  took  me  by 
the  hand,  and  seated  me  by  his  side,  and  treated  me 
with  familiar  kindness.  "O  my  lord,"  I  said,  "I  have 
brought  thee  a  present  and  a  letter  from  the  Caliph 
Haroun  Er  Raschid."  I  then  offered  to  him  the  letter, 
and  the  present  which  consisted  of  a  horse  worth  ten 
thousand  pieces  of  gold,  with  a  saddle  adorned  with 
gold  set  with  jewels;  and  a  book;  and  a  sumptuous 
dress;  and  a  hundred  different  kinds  of  white  cloths  and 
silks  of  Egypt;  and  Greek  carpets;  and  a  wonderful,  ex- 
traordinary cup  of  crystal;  and  also  the  table  of  Sol- 
omon, the  son  of  David,  on  whom  be  peace! 

And   the   contents   of   the   letter   were   as   follows: 

**  Peace  from  the  King  Er  Raschid,  strength- 
ened by  Allah  (who  hath  given  to  him  and  to 
his  ancestors  the  rank  of  nobles  and  wide 
spread  glory),  on  the  fortunate  Sultan! 

"To  proceed:  thy  letter  hath  reached  us,  and 
we  rejoiced  thereat.  And  we  send  thee  the  book 
entitled  'The  Delight  of  the  Intelligent,  and 
the  Rare  Present  for  Friends;'  together  with 
varieties  of  royal  rarities.  Therefore  do  us  the 
honour  to  accept  them,  and  peace  be  on  thee!" 

Then  the  King  bestowed  upon  me  abundant  gifts  and 
treated  me  with  the  utmost  honour.  After  some  days 
I  begged  his  permission  to  depart,  but  he  permitted  me 
not  save  after  great  pressing.  Thereupon  I  took  leave 
of  him,  and  went  forth  from  his  city,  and  set  out  on  my 
journey,  without  any  desire  for  travel  or  commerce. 

142  The   Arabian   Nights 

We  continued  our  voyage  until  we  had  passed  many 
islands.  When  we  were  halfway  over  the  sea,  we  were 
surrounded  by  a  number  of  boats,  and  in  them  were 
men  like  devils,  clad  in  coats  of  mail,  and  having  in 
their  hands  swords,  daggers  and  bows.  They  smote  us, 
and  wounded  and  killed  some,  while  others  they  took 
captive,  and  having  seized  the  ship,  they  conveyed  us 
to  an  island,  where  they  sold  us  as  slaves. 

A  rich  man  purchased  me,  and  took  me  to  his  house, 
fed  me  and  gave  me  to  drink,  and  clad  and  treated  me 
in  a  friendly  manner.  So  my  soul  was  tranquillized, 
and  I  rested  a  little.  One  day  my  master  said  to  me: 
"Dost  thou  know  any  art  or  trade?"  I  answered  him: 
"O  my  lord,  I  am  a  merchant.  I  know  nothing  but 
traffic."  "But  dost  thou  know,"  he  asked,  "the  art  of 
shooting  with  the  bow  and  arrow?"  "Yes,"  I  answered, 
"I  know  that."  Thereupon  he  brought  me  a  bow  and 
arrows,  and  mounted  me  behind  him  upon  an  elephant. 
He  departed  from  the  city  at  the  close  of  night,  and 
conveyed  me  to  a  grove  of  large  trees,  where  selecting 
a  lofty,  firm  tree,  he  made  me  climb  it,  and  gave  me  the 
bow  and  arrows,  saying:  "Sit  here,  and  when  the 
elephants  come  in  the  daytime,  shoot  at  them  with 
the  arrows.  If  thou  kill  one,  come  and  inform  me." 
He  then  left  me  and  departed. 

I  was  terrified  and  frightened.  I  remained  concealed 
in  the  tree  until  the  sun  rose,  when  the  elephants  came 
forth  wandering  through  the  grove.  I  discharged  my 
arrows  until  I  shot  one,  and  then  I  went  to  my  master 
and  informed  him  of  this.  He  was  delighted  with  me, 
and  treated  me  with  honour  and  removed  the  slain 
elephant.  In  this  way  I  continued  every  day  shooting 
one,  and  my  master  coming  and  removing  it,  until 

The   Arabian   Nights  143 

one  day  I  was  sitting  in  the  tree,  concealed,  when 
suddenly  elephants  innumerable  came  towards  me 
roaring  and  growling  so  that  the  earth  trembled  be- 
neath them.  They  surrounded  the  tree  in  which  I  was 
sitting,  and  a  huge  elephant,  enormously  great,  wound 
his  trunk  around  it,  pulled  it  up  by  the  roots,  and  cast 
it  upon  the  ground. 

I  fell  down  senseless  among  the  elephants,  and  the 
great  one  approached  me,  wound  his  trunk  around 
me,  raised  me  on  his  back,  and  went  away  with  me,  the 
other  elephants  following.  He  carried  me  a  long  dis- 
tance, then  threw  me  from  his  back,  and  departed,  the 
other  elephants  accompanying  him.  When  my  terror 
had  subsided,  I  looked  about,  and  found  myself  among 
the  bones  of  elephants,  and  the  ground  was  covered 
with  ivory  tusks.  I  knew  then  that  this  was  the  burial 
place  of  the  elephants,  and  that  the  great  one  had 
brought  me  here  on  account  of  the  tusks. 

I  arose,  and  journeyed  a  night  and  a  day,  until  I 
arrived  at  the  house  of  my  master,  who  saw  that  I  was 
pale  from  fright  and  hunger.  "Verily  thou  hast  pained 
my  heart,"  said  he,  "for  I  went,  and  found  the  tree 
torn  up,  and  I  imagined  that  the  elephants  had  de- 
stroyed thee.  Tell  me  what  happened  to  thee."  So  I 
informed  him  of  all  that  had  occurred,  and  he  took  me 
upon  his  elephant,  and  together  we  journeyed  to  the 
burial  place.  When  my  master  beheld  those  numerous 
ivory  tusks,  he  rejoiced  greatly,  and  carried  away  as 
many  as  he  desired,  and  we  returned  to  his  house. 

He  treated  me  with  increased  favour,  and  said:  "O  my 
son,  thou  hast  directed  me  to  a  means  of  very  great 
gain!  May  Allah  recompense  thee  well!  Thou  art 
freed  for  the  sake  of  Allah,  whose  name  be  exalted! 

144  The   Arabian   Nights 

Those  elephants  used  to  destroy  many  of  us,  but  Allah 
hath  preserved  thee  from  them."  "O  my  master," 
I  replied,  "may  Allah  bless  thee!  And  I  request,  O  my 
master,  that  thou  give  me  permission  to  depart  to 
mine  own  country."  "Verily,"  answered  he,  "thou 
shalt  return  to  thy  home.  We  have  a  fair  at  which 
merchants  come  to  purchase  ivory.  The  time  of  the 
fair  is  now  near.  When  the  merchants  arrive  I  will 
send  thee  with  them,  and  they  will  convey  thee  to  thy 

Some  days  after  this  the  merchants  came  as  he  had 
said,  and  bought,  and  sold,  and  exchanged.  So  I  arose, 
-and  my  master  sent  me  with  them.  He  paid  the  money 
for  my  passage,  and  gave  me  a  large  quantity  of  goods. 
We  embarked  and  pursued  our  voyage  from  island  to 
island,  until  we  had  crossed  the  sea,  and  landed  on  the 
shore.  I  sold  my  goods  at  an  excellent  rate,  and  bought 
rarities  and  sumptuous  merchandise.  I  likewise  bought 
for  myself  a  beast  to  ride,  and  we  went  forth,  and 
crossed  the  deserts,  from  country  to  country,  until  I 
arrived  at  Bagdad. 

I  then  went  in  to  the  Caliph,  and  having  saluted  him, 
I  informed  him  of  all  that  had  befallen  me,  whereupon 
he  rejoiced  at  my  safety,  and  thanked  Allah,  whose 
name  be  exalted!  And  he  caused  my  story  to  be 
written  in  letters  of  gold.  I  then  entered  my  house, 
and  met  my  family  and  my  brethren.  And  this  is  the 
end  of  the  history  of  the  events  that  happened  to  me 
during  my  seven  voyages,  and  praise  be  to  Allah,  the 
One,  the  Creator,  the  Maker! 

The   Arabian    Nights  145 


AND  when  Sindbad  of  the  Sea  had  finished  his  story, 
he  ordered  his  servant  to  give  Sindbad  the  Porter  a 
hundred  pieces  of  gold,  saying:  "How  now,  brother? 
Hast  thou  heard  the  Hke  of  these  afflictions  and  calam- 
ities, and  distresses?  Have  such  troubles  as  these  be- 
fallen anyone  else,  hath  anyone  suffered  such  hard- 
ships as  I  have  suffered?  Know  then  that  my  present 
pleasures  are  a  compensation  for  the  toil  and  humilia- 
tion I  have  endured." 

And  Sindbad  the  Porter  advanced,  and  kissed  the 
hands  of  Sindbad  of  the  Sea,  and  said  to  him:  "O  my 
lord,  thou  hast  undergone  great  horrors,  and  hast 
deserved  these  abundant  blessings!  Continue  then, 
my  lord,  in  joy  and  security !  May  Allah  remove  from 
thee  the  evils  of  fortune,  and  bless  thy  days  forever!" 
And  upon  this  Sindbad  of  the  Sea  bestowed  favours 
on  the  Porter,  and  made  him  his  boon  companion,  and 
he  quitted  him  not  by  day  nor  by  night,  as  long  as  they 
both  lived. 

And  Sheherazade,  having  finished  the  relation  of  the 
seven  wonderful  voyages  of  Sindbad  of  the  Sea,  began 
next  to  relate  the  story  of  the  enchanted  City  of  Brass. 

Chapter  V 


THERE  was  in  olden  time,  in  Damascus  of 
Syria,  a  King  named  Abdelmelik.  He  was 
sitting  one  day  among  the  kings  and  sultans 
of  his  empire,  when  they  began  to  relate  to 
each  other  the  stories  of  ancient  peoples.  They  called 
to  mind  the  stories  of  our  lord  Solomon,  the  son  of 
David  (on  both  of  whom  be  peace),  and  of  his  authority 
and  dominion  over  mankind  and  the  Genii,  and  over 
the  birds  and  wild  beasts  and  other  things,  and  how 
Solomon  used  to  imprison  the  disobedient  Genii,  Marids, 
and  Devils  in  bottles  of  brass,  and  pour  molten  lead  over 
them,  and  seal  them  with  his  signet. 

Then  Talib,  the  son  of  Sahl,  related  how  there  was 
once  a  man  who  embarked  with  others  in  a  ship,  and 
how  during  the  black  darkness  of  the  night  a  wind 
arose,  and  carried  them  to  the  coasts  of  a  strange  land. 
And  when  the  sun  arose  there  came  forth  from  caves 
people  of  black  complexion,  with  naked  bodies  like 
wild  beasts.  They  had  a  King  of  their  own  race,  and  he 
came  attended  by  his  people,  and  saluted  the  ship's 
company,  saying:  "No  harm  shall  befall  you."     He 


The   Arabian   Nights  147 

then  invited  the  people  of  the  ship  to  a  banquet  of 
the  flesh  of  birds  and  wild  beasts. 

When  the  feast  was  over  the  people  of  the  ship  went 
down  to  enjoy  themselves  upon  the  shore  of  the  sea. 
And  they  found  a  fisherman  who  was  casting  his  net, 
and  when  he  drew  it  up,  lo,  in  it  was  a  bottle  of  brass, 
stopped  with  lead,  which  was  sealed  with  the  signet 
of  Solomon  the  son  of  David,  on  both  of  whom  be  peace! 
The  fisherman  broke  the  seal,  and  there  came  forth 
from  the  bottle  a  blue  smoke,  that  reached  the  clouds 
of  Heaven,  and  a  terrible  voice  was  heard  crying: 
"Repentance,  repentance,  O  Prophet  of  Allah!"  Then 
the  smoke  became  a  being  of  terrific  aspect,  and  of 
dreadful  make,  whose  head  reached  as  high  as  a  moun- 
tain, and  he  disappeared  before  their  eyes.  When  the 
people  of  the  ship  saw  this  their  hearts  melted  within 
them  for  fear.  And  the  Ejng  of  that  land  said  to  them : 
"Know  that  this  is  one  of  the  disobedient  Genii,  whom 
Solomon  the  son  of  David  imprisoned  in  bottles,  and 
he  poured  lead  over  them,  and  threw  them  into  the  sea. 
Often  when  the  fishermen  cast  their  nets  they  bring 
up  these  bottles,  and,  when  the  seals  are  broken,  there 
come  forth  Genii  who  think  that  Solomon  is  still  living, 
whereupon  they  cry  out :  '  Repentance,  repentance,  O 
Prophet  of  Allah!'" 

When  Talib  had  finished  his  tale  the  King  Abdel- 
melik  wondered  greatly.  "Verily,"  said  he,  "I  desire 
to  see  some  of  these  bottles!"  "O  Prince  of  the  Faith- 
ful," answered  Talib,  "thou  art  able  to  do  so.  Write 
orders  to  the  Emir  Mousa  to  journey  from  the  Western 
country  to  this  sea  we  have  mentioned,  and  to  bring  to 
thee  some  of  the  bottles." 

And  King  Abdelmelik  approved  of  his  advice,  and 

148  The   Arabian   Nights 

said:  "O  Talib,  thou  hast  spoken  the  truth  in  what 
thou  hast  said,  and  I  desire  that  thou  shalt  be  my 
messenger  to  Mousa,  the  son  of  Nuseir,  and  thou  shalt 
be  equipped  for  thy  journey  with  all  wealth  and  dig- 
nity, and  I  will  watch  over  thy  family  during  thy 
absence.  Therefore  go  in  dependence  on  the  blessing 
of  Allah,  and  his  aid!"  And  the  King  ordered  his 
Vizier  to  write  a  letter  to  Mousa,  his  viceroy  in  the 
Western  country,  commanding  him  to  journey  in 
search  of  the  bottles  of  Solomon,  and  to  leave  his  son 
to  govern  the  Western  country  in  his  stead,  and  to  take 
with  him  guides  and  troops.  And  he  sealed  the  letter 
and  gave  it  to  Talib,  the  son  of  Sahl,  commanding  him 
to  hasten,  and  he  gave  him  riches  and  riders  and  foot- 
men to  help  him  on  his  way. 

So  Talib  set  forth,  and  journeyed  to  the  Western 
country.  And  when  the  Emir  Mousa  knew  of  Talib's 
approach,  he  went  forth,  and  met  him  and  welcomed 
him  with  joy,  and  Talib  handed  to  him  the  letter.  So 
the  Emir  took  it  and  read  it,  and  put  it  upon  his  head, 
saying:  "I  hear  and  obey  the  command  of  the  Prince  of 
the  Faithful." 

And  Mousa  summoned  his  great  men,  and  asked  their 
advice  respecting  the  matter.  "O  Emir,"  they  an- 
swered, "if  thou  desirest  one  who  will  guide  thee  to 
that  place,  have  recourse  to  the  sheikh  Abdelsamad, 
for  he  is  a  knowing  man,  and  hath  travelled  much,  and 
he  is  acquainted  with  the  deserts  and  the  wastes  and 
the  seas,  and  with  their  inhabitants  and  wonders." 

Accordingly  the  Emir  sent  for  the  sheikh,  who  came 
before  him,  and,  lo,  he  was  a  very  old  man,  decrepit 
from  age  and  experience.  The  Emir  Mousa  saluted 
him,  and  said:  "0  sheikh,  our  lord  the  Prince  of  the 


The   Arabian   Nights  149 

Faithful,  Abdelmelik,  hath  commanded  us  thus  and 
thus,  and  I  possess  Httle  knowledge  of  the  land,  and 
it  hath  been  told  me  that  thou  art  acquainted  with 
the  country  and  its  routes.  Art  thou  willing  to  help 
accomplish  the  affair  of  the  Prince  of  the  Faithful?" 

"Know,  O  Emir,"  the  sheikh  replied,  "it  is  a  journey 
of  two  years.  On  the  way  are  difficulties  and  horrors, 
and  extraordinary  and  wonderful  things.  But  Allah 
will  assuredly  make  this  affair  easy  for  us,  through  the 
blessing  attendant  upon  thee,  O  viceroy  of  the  Prince 
of  the  Faithful!"  Then  said  the  Emir  Mousa:  "It  is 
well,  let  us  depart  immediately."  And  he  made  his 
son  Haroun  viceroy  in  his  place,  and  departed  together 
with  Talib,  and  the  sheikh  Abdelsamad,  and  accom^ 
panied  by  troops  of  footmen  and  riders. 

They  proceeded  night  and  day  without  stopping 
until  they  arrived  at  a  silent  palace.  "Enter,"  the 
sheikh  Abdelsamad  said,  "and  be  admonished  by  the 
fate  of  its  inhabitants!"  They  advanced  and  found 
the  door  open,  and  entering  they  saw  a  great  hall,  the 
ceilings  and  walls  of  which  were  decorated  with  gold 
and  silver.  They  went  through  the  palace,  and,  lo,  it 
was  devoid  of  inhabitants,  its  courts  were  desolate,  and 
its  apartments  deserted.  In  the  midst  of  the  building 
was  a  chamber  covered  by  a  lofty  dome,  rising  high 
in  the  air.  The  chamber  had  eight  doors  of  sandal- 
wood, with  nails  of  gold,  ornamented  with  stars  of 
silver  and  set  with  precious  jewels.  Around  about 
this  chamber  were  four  hundred  tombs,  and  in  the 
centre  was  a  tomb  of  terrible  appearance,  whereupon 
was  a  tablet  of  iron,  inscribed  with  words. 

The  sheikh  Abdelsamad  drew  near  to  the  tomb,  and 
read  the  inscription,  and,  lo,  on  it  was  written : 

i^o  The  Arabian   Nights 

"In  the  name  of  Allah,  the  Mighty,  the 
Powerful!  O  thou,  who  arrivest  at  this  place, 
be  admonished  by  our  misfortunes  and  calami- 
ties. Be  not  deceived  by  the  world  and  its 
beauties,  for  it  is  a  flatterer,  a  cheat,  and  a 
traitor!  For  I  possessed  four  thousand  bay 
horses;  and  I  married  a  thousand  damsels  of 
the  daughters  of  Kings;  and  I  was  blessed  with  a 
thousand  children;  and  I  lived  a  thousand 
years;  and  I  amassed  riches  such  as  the  Kings 
of  the  earth  could  not  procure !  I  imagined  that 
my  enjoyments  would  continue  for  ever,  but 
Allah  decreed  otherwise  and  the  thunder  of 
Truth  fell  upon  us,  and  there  died  of  us  every 
day  two,  until  a  great  company  had  perished. 
I  had  an  army  of  a  thousand  thousand  hardy 
men,  having  spears  and  coats  of  mail,  and  sharp 
swords,  and  I  said:  'O  companies  of  soldiers, 
can  ye  prevent  that  which  hath  befallen  us 
from  Allah  the  Almighty?  Bring  to  me  my 
wealth,  a  thousand  hundredweight  of  red  gold, 
the  like  quantity  of  white  silver,  and  varieties 
of  pearls  and  jewels.  Perhaps  by  the  means  of 
these  riches  ye  may  purchase  for  me  one  more 
day  of  life ! '  And  they  brought  the  riches  to  me, 
and  said:  'Alas,  who  can  contend  against  the 
decrees  of  Allah!'  So  they  resigned  them- 
selves to  their  fate,  and  perished,  and  I  sub- 
mitted to  Allah  with  patience,  until  he  took  my 
soul.  And  if  thou  ask  my  name,  I  am  Kosh 
the  son  of  Sheddard,  the  son  of  Ad  the  Greater." 

And  the  Emir  Mousa  wept  when  he  heard  this  in- 
scription, for  he  sorrowed  for  the  fate  of  these  people, 
and  he  passed  on  to  another  apartment  of  the  palace, 
where  he  saw  a  table  upon  four  legs  of  alabaster, 
whereupon  was  inscribed: 
"Upon  this  table  have  eaten  a  thousand  one-eyed  Kings 
Also  a  thousand  Kings  each  sound  in  both  eyes." 

The   Arabian   Nights  151 

The  Emir  read  all  this.  Then  he  went  forth  from  the 
palace  and  took  with  him  naught  save  the  table. 

And  the  party  proceeded,  with  the  sheikh  Abdel- 
samad  before  them  showing  the  way,  until  after  the 
first  day  had  passed,  and  the  second  and  the  third. 
They  then  came  to  a  high  hill,  and,  lo,  upon  it  was  a 
horseman  of  brass,  holding  in  his  hand  a  spear.  On 
it  was  inscribed : 

"  If  thou  wouldst  know  the  way  to  the  City  of  Brass 

Rub  the  hand  of  the  horseman,  and  he  will  point  thither!" 

And  wten  the  Emir  Mousa  had  rubbed  the  hand  of 
the  horseman,  the  figure  turned  and  pointed  with  his 
spear  towards  another  direction  from  that  in  which 
they  were  travelling,  so  the  party  turned  and  journeyed 


AS  they  were  proceeding  one  day  they  came  to  a 
pillar  of  black  stone,  wherein  was  a  being  sunk 
to  his  armpits,  and  he  had  two  huge  wings,  and  four 
arms — two  human  arms  and  two  like  the  forelegs  of  a 
lion  with  claws.  He  had  hair  upon  his  head  like  tails  of 
horses,  and  two  eyes  like  burning  coals,  and  he  had  a 
third  eye  in  his  forehead,  like  the  eye  of  the  lynx,  from 
which  came  sparks  of  fire.  He  was  tall  and  black, 
and  was  continually  crying  out:  "Extolled  be  the  per- 
fection of  Allah,  who  hath  appointed  me  this  affliction 
and  torture,  until  the  day  of  Resurrection!" 

152  The   Arabian   Nights 

When  the  people  of  Emir  Mousa  beheld  this  being 
their  reason  fled,  and  they  retreated  in  flight.  But 
the  Emir  said  to  the  sheikh:  "What  is  this?"  "I  know 
not  what  it  is,"  he  answered.  "Draw  near  to  him,"  the 
Emir  said,  "and  learn  his  history."  So  the  sheikh 
drew  near,  and  said  to  the  creature:  "O  thou,  what  is 
thy  name,  and  what  is  thy  nature,  and  what  hath 
placed  thee  here  in  this  manner .f*"  And  the  being 
answered  and  said:  "I  am  an  Afrite  of  the  disobedient 
Genii  and  my  name  is  Dahish  the  son  of  Elamash. 
Verily  my  story  is  wonderful !    It  is  this : 

There  belonged  to  one  of  the  sons  of  Eblis,  an  idol 
of  red  carnelian,  and  I  was  made  its  guardian.  And 
there  used  to  worship  it  one  of  the  Kings  of  the  sea. 
He  was  a  King  of  illustrious  dignity  and  great  glory, 
and  he  had  among  his  troops  a  million  evil  warrior 
Genii  who  smote  with  swords  before  him.  These 
Genii,  were  under  my  command. 

Now  this  King  had  a  daughter,  who  was  endowed 
with  beauty  and  loveliness,  and  elegance  and  perfec- 
tion, and  I  described  her  to  Solomon,  on  whom  be 
peace.  So  he  sent  to  her  father  saying:  "Marry  me  to 
thy  daughter,  and  break  thy  red  carnelian  idol,  and 
bear  witness  that  there  is  no  other  deity  but  Allah,  and 
that  Solomon  is  his  Prophet.  If  thou  refusest  to  do 
this,  I  will  come  to  thee  with  forces  that  shall  fill  thy 
land,  and  leave  thee  like  yesterday  that  hath  passed ! " 

The  King  was  insolent  to  the  messenger  of  Solomon, 
and  magnified  himself  and  was  proud.  Then  said  he  to 
his  Viziers:  "What  say  ye  respecting  the  affair  of 
Solomon  the  son  of  David?  For  he  hath  sent  demand- 
ing my  daughter,  and  commanding  me  to  break  my 
red  carnehan  idol,  and  to  adopt  his  faith."    "O  great 

The  Arabian   Nights  153 

King,"  answered  his  Viziers,  "can  Solomon  do  unto 
thee  any  injury,  when  thou  art  in  the  midst  of  this 
vast  sea?  If  he  come  unto  thee,  he  cannot  prevail 
against  thee,  since  the  hordes  of  the  Genii  will  fight 
on  thy  side.  But  do  thou  now  consult  thy  red  carnelian 
idol,  and  hear  his  reply." 

Upon  this  the  King  went  immediately  to  his  idol, 
and  after  he  had  offered  a  sacrifice  and  slain  victims, 
he  fell  down  prostrate  before  it,  and  wept.  And  I 
Dahish,  the  son  of  Elamash,  entered  into  the  body  of 
that  idol  and  spake  to  the  King  saying:  "Fear  not. 
If  Solomon  wishes  to  wage  war  against  thee,  go  forth, 
and  I  will  snatch  his  soul  from  him!"  And  when  the 
King  heard  these  words,  his  heart  strengthened,  and  he 
determined  to  wage  war  with  Solomon  the  son  of 
David — on  whom  be  peace!  Accordingly  he  inflicted  a 
painful  beating  on  the  messenger  and  returned  a 
shameful  answer,  saying:  "Dost  thou  threaten  me  with 
false  words  .f^  Either  come  thou  to  me,  or  I  will  go  to 

When  the  Prophet  of  Allah,  Solomon,  heard  these 
words,  his  fury  rose,  and  he  prepared  his  forces,  con- 
sisting of  obedient  Genii,  and  men,  and  wild  beasts  and 
birds  and  reptiles.  He  made  ready  his  weapons,  and  he 
mounted  with  his  forces,  upon  his  magic  carpet,  with  the 
birds  flying  over  his  head,  and  the  wild  beast  marching 
beneath  the  carpet,  and  he  flew  until  he  alighted  upon 
his  enemy's  coast,  and  surrounded  his  island,  having 
filled  the  land  with  the  forces. 

And  Solomon  sent  to  our  King  saying:  "Behold,  I 
have  arrived,  therefore  submit  thyself  to  my  authority, 
and  break  thy  red  carnelian  idol,  and  marry  me  to  thy 
daughter,  and  testify  that  there  is  no  deity  but  Allah, 

154  The   Arabian   Nights 

and  that  Solomon  is  his  Prophet."  But  our  King 
answered  the  messenger:  "There  is  no  way  for  my 
doing  this  thing  that  he  requireth  of  me,  therefore 
inform  him  that  I  am  coming  forth  unto  him."  Ac- 
cordingly the  messenger  returned  to  Solomon  and  gave 
him  the  reply. 

Our  King  then  sent  to  the  people  of  his  country  and 
collected  troops  of  a  million  disobedient  Genii,  to  these 
he  added  Marids  and  Devils  that  were  in  the  islands  of 
the  sea  and  on  the  tops  of  mountains.  After  this  he 
made  ready  his  forces,  and  opened  his  armouries,  and 
distributed  weapons. 

As  to  the  Prophet  of  Allah,  Solomon,  on  whom  be 
peace,  he  disposed  his  troops,  commanding  the  wild 
beasts  to  form  themselves  into  two  divisions,  on  the 
right  of  the  people,  and  on  their  left,  and  commanding 
the  birds  to  be  upon  the  islands.  And  the  wild  beasts 
and  birds  replied:  "We  hear  and  obey,  O  Prophet  of 
Allah!"  Then  Solomon  the  Prophet  of  Allah  set  for 
himself  a  couch  of  alabaster,  adorned  with  jewels,  and 
plated  with  plates  of  red  gold.  He  placed  his  Vizier 
Asaph,  and  the  Kings  of  mankind  on  the  right  side,  and 
his  Vizier  Dimiriat,  and  the  Kings  of  the  obedient  Genii 
on  his  left,  and  the  vipers  and  serpents  before  him. 

And  after  this  the  two  armies  met  upon  a  wide  tract, 
and  contended  together.  I  refrained  my  troops  of 
Marids  and  Devils  from  attacking  Solomon  and  his 
army,  saying:  "Keep  your  places  in  the  battlefield, while 
I  go  forth  and  challenge  Dimiriat."  I  did  so  and,  lo, 
the  King  of  the  obedient  Genii  came  forth  like  a  great 
mountain,  his  smoke  ascending,  and  he  approached, 
and  smote  me  with  a  flaming  fire.  He  cried  out  at  me 
with  a  prodigious  cry,  so  that  I  imagined  the  heavens 

The  Arabian   Nights  155 

had  fallen  and  closed  over  me,  and  the  mountains 
shook  at  his  voice.  Then  he  commanded  his  com- 
panions and  they  charged  upon  us  all  together.  We 
also  charged  upon  them  and  we  cried  out  one  to  another. 
The  fires  rose,  and  the  smoke  ascended,  the  hearts 
of  the  combatants  were  almost  cleft  asunder,  and  the 
battle  raged.  The  birds  fought  in  the  air,  and  the  wild 
beasts  in  the  dust.  And  my  companions  and  troops 
were  overcome,  and  my  tribes  were  routed,  and  defeat 
befell  our  King,  and  we  became  unto  Solomon  a  spoil. 

And  I  contended  with  Dimiriat  until  I  grew  weak, 
and  he  vanquished  me.  And  he  rushed  upon  me  and 
took  me  prisoner  and  led  me  bound  before  Solomon. 
The  King  treated  me  in  a  most  evil  manner,  he  caused 
this  pillar  to  be  brought,  and  put  me  in  it,  and  sealed 
me  with  his  signet,  after  which  he  chained  me,  and 
Dimiriat  conveyed  me  to  this  place,  and  this  pillar  is 
my  prison  until  the  day  of  Resurrection." 

Now  when  the  Afrite  had  finished  his  story,  the  party 
wondered  at  the  terrible  nature  of  his  form.  And  the 
sheikh  Abdelsamad  said  to  the  Afrite:  "Are  there  in 
this  place  any  of  the  disobedient  Genii  confined  in  bottles 
of  brass,  from  the  time  of  Solomon  on  whom  be  peace?" 
"Yes,"  answered  the  Afrite,  "in  the  sea  of  Kakar,  where 
are  a  people  who  are  descendants  of  Noah,  whose  country 
the  deluge  reached  not."  "And  where,"  said  the 
sheikh,  "is  the  City  of  Brass?"  The  Afrite  answered, 
"It  is  near!" 

156  The   Arabian   Nights 


00  the  party  left  him,  and  proceeded  until  there 
*^  appeared  in  the  distance  a  great,  black  object,  near 
which  were  what  seemed  to  be  two  fires.  "O  sheikh," 
said  the  Emir  Mousa,  "what  is  this  we  see?"  "Be 
rejoiced,"  the  sheikh  answered,  "for  this  is  the  City 
of  Brass,  and  thus  is  it  described  in  the  Book  of  Hidden 
Treasures.  Its  wall  is  of  black  stones,  and  it  hath  two 
towers  of  brass,  which  seem  to  the  beholder  like  two 

And  they  approached  the  City  of  Brass,  and,  lo,  it 
was  lofty,  strongly  fortified,  rising  high  in  the  air, 
impenetrable.  The  height  of  its  wall  was  eighty  cubits, 
and  it  had  five  and  twenty  invisible  gates.  The  party 
stopped  before  the  wall,  and  endeavoured  to  discover 
one  of  its  gates  but  they  could  not. 

"And  how,"  said  the  Emir,  "can  we  contrive  to  enter 
this  city,  and  divert  ourselves  with  its  wonders.'*" 
He  then  ordered  one  of  his  young  men  to  mount  a 
camel  and  ride  round  the  city,  in  the  hope  that  he  might 
discover  a  gate.  So  one  of  the  youths  mounted,  and 
proceeded  round  the  city  for  two  days  and  nights,  and 
on  the  third  day  came  in  sight  of  his  companions. 
"O  Emir,"  he  said,  "I  found  no  gates,  and  the  low- 
est part  of  the  whole  wall  is  here  where  ye  have 

Then  the  Emir  Mousa  took  Talib,  the  son  of  Sahl, 
and  the  sheikh  Abdelsamad,  and  they  ascended  a 
mountain  opposite  the  city,  and  overlooking  it,  and 
they  saw  a  city  than  which  eyes  had  not  beheld  a 

The  Arabian   Nights  157 

greater!  Its  pavilions  were  lofty,  and  its  domes  were 
shining,  its  rivers  were  running,  and  its  trees  were 
fruitful.  It  was  a  city  of  impenetrable  gates,  empty 
and  still,  without  the  voice  of  people.  The  owls  hooted 
in  its  gardens,  the  birds  skimmed  above  it  in  circles, 
and  the  ravens  croaked  in  its  streets.  The  Emir,  sorrow- 
ing for  its  lost  inhabitants,  descended  from  the  moun- 
tain and  returned  to  his  troops. 

They  passed  the  day  devising  means  of  entering  the 
city.  At  last  Talib,  the  son  of  Sahl,  said:  "Let  us  make 
a  ladder  and  mount  upon  it,  and  perhaps  we  shall 
gain  access  to  the  gate  from  within."  So  the  Emir 
called  the  carpenters  and  blacksmiths,  and  ordered 
them  to  make  a  ladder  covered  with  plates  of  iron. 
They  did  so,  and  set  it  up,  and  fixed  it  against  the  wall. 
Then  said  the  Emir  to  his  young  men:  "Which  of  you 
will  ascend  this  ladder,  and  mount  upon  the  wall,  and 
walk  along  it,  and  contrive  some  means  of  descending 
into  the  city?"  And  one  of  them  answered:  "I  will 
ascend,  O  Emir,  and  descend  and  open  the  gate." 
"Mount,"   said   the  Emir,   "and  Allah   bless   thee!" 

Accordingly  the  man  ascended  the  ladder  until  he 
reached  the  top.  He  looked  over  the  wall  into  the 
city,  and  clapped  his  hands,  and  cried  out:  "Thou  art 
beautiful!"  Then  he  cast  himself  down  into  the  city, 
and  his  flesh  became  mashed  with  his  bones.  Then  said 
one  of  the  party:  "Perhaps  another  may  be  more 
steady  than  he."  So  a  second  ascended,  and  a  third, 
and  a  fourth,  and  a  fifth,  and  they  ceased  not  to  ascend 
by  that  ladder  to  the  top  of  the  wall,  one  after  another, 
until  twelve  men  had  ascended,  and  like  the  first  they 
cast  themselves  down  into  the  city,  and  their  flesh  was 
mashed  with  their  bones. 


The  Arabian   Nights 

Then  the  sheikh  Abdelsamad  arose  and  having  en- 
couraged himself,  saying:  "In  the  name  of  Allah,  the 
Compassionate,  the  Merciful!"  he  ascended  the  ladder, 
repeating  the  praises  of  Allah,  whose  name  be  exalted, 
until  he  reached  the  top,  when  he  clapped  his  hands, 
and  fixed  his  eyes  on  the  city.  He  then  laughed  im- 
moderately and  called  out  in  a  loud  voice:  "O  Emir, 
no  harm  shall  befall  thee  and  thy  troop!  For  Allah,  to 
whom  be  ascribed  glory  and  might,  hath  averted  from 
me  the  artifice  of  the  Devil!"  "O  sheikh,"  called  the 
Emir,  "what  hast  thou  seen?"  "When  I  reached  the 
top  of  the  wall,"  answered  the  sheikh,  "I  beheld  ten 
damsels  as  beautiful  as  moons,  and  they  stretched  out 
their  hands  to  me  as  though  they  would  say:  'Come  to 
us.'  And  it  seemed  to  me  that  beneath  me  was  a  sea  of 
water,  and  I  desired  to  cast  myself  down  as  our  com- 
panions did,  but  I  beheld  them  dead,  and  I  withheld 
myself  from  the  temptation,  and  recited  a  part  of  the 
Koran,  and  the  damsels  departed  from  me,  therefore 
I  cast  not  myself  down.  This  is  no  doubt  an  enchant- 
ment contrived  to  keep  out  those  wishing  to  enter  the 

The  sheikh  Abdelsamad  then  walked  along  the  wall 
until  he  came  to  the  two  towers  of  brass,  and  between 
them  were  two  gates  of  gold,  without  locks  upon  them, 
or  any  sign  of  the  means  of  opening  them.  And  looking 
attentively  he  saw  in  the  middle  of  one  of  the  gates  a 
figure  of  a  horseman  of  brass,  having  one  hand  extended 
as  though  he  were  pointing  with  it,  and  on  it  was  an 
inscription,  which  the  sheikh  read,  and,  lo,  it  contained 
these  words: 

"In  the  middle  of  the  front  of  the  horseman's  body  is  a  pin. 
Turn  it  twelve  times,  and  then  the  gate  will  open!  " 

The   Arabian   Nights  159 

So  the  sheikh  examined  the  horseman,  and  found  the 
pin,  strong,  firm  and  well  fixed.  He  turned  it  twelve 
times,  and  the  gate  opened  immediately,  with  a  noise 
like  thunder. 

The  sheikh  descended,  and  all  the  troops  hastened 
to  enter  the  city.  But  the  Emir  Mousa  cried  out  to 
them  saying:  "O  people,  if  all  of  us  enter,  and  harm 
come  to  us  within  this  city,  we  shall  all  perish,  therefore 
half  shall  enter,  and  half  remain  behind."  So  the  Emir 
and  half  the  troop  then  entered,  and  found  within  the 
gates,  handsome  benches,  on  which  were  people  dead, 
and  over  their  heads  were  elegant  shields,  and  keen 
swords,  and  strung  bows,  and  notched  arrows.  They 
saw  also  the  gate-keepers,  and  servants,  and  lieutenants, 
lying  upon  beds  of  silk,  all  of  them  dead.  And  the 
party  saw  their  companions  lying  dead,  so  they  buried 

They  then  entered  the  market  of  the  city,  and  beheld 
lofty  buildings,  and  the  shops  open,  full  of  all  kinds  of 
goods  and  wealth.  They  passed  on  to  the  silk-market 
in  which  were  silks  and  brocades  interwoven  with  red 
gold  and  white  silver,  and  the  owners  were  dead,  lying 
upon  skins,  and  appearing  as  though  they  would  speak. 
Leaving  these  they  went  on  to  the  market  of  jewels 
and  pearls  and  jacinths,  and  they  left  it  and  passed  on  to 
the  market  of  the  money-changers,  whom  they  found 
dead,  with  varieties  of  silks  beneath  them,  and  their 
shops  filled  with  gold  and  silver.  They  next  visited  the 
market  of  the  perfumers,  and,  lo,  their  shops  were 
filled  with  varieties  of  perfumes,  bags  of  musk,  and 
ambergris,  and  aloes-wood  and  camphor  and  other 

And  when  they  went  forth  from  the  market  of  the 

i6o  The  Arabian   Nights 

perfumers,  they  found  near  unto  it  a  silent  palace,  and 
they  entered,  and  found  banners  unfurled,  and  drawn 
swords  and  strung  bows,  and  shields  hung  up  by  chains 
of  gold  and  silver,  and  helmets  gilded  with  red  gold. 
And  in  the  passages  of  that  palace  were  benches  of 
ivory,  ornamented  with  plates  of  brilliant  gold,  and 
with  silk. 

They  passed  hence  into  the  interior  of  the  palace. 
There  the  Emir  Mousa  beheld  a  great  hall  and  opening 
out  of  the  hall  were  four  large  and  lofty  chambers, 
decorated  with  gold  and  silver,  and  with  various  colours. 
In  the  midst  of  the  hall  was  a  great  fountain  of  alabaster 
over  which  was  a  canopy  of  brocade,  and  in  the  four 
chambers  were  decorated  fountains,  and  pools  of  water 
in  basins  lined  with  marble,  and  canals  of  water  flowed 
from  the  pools  along  the  floors  of  those  chambers, 
the  four  streams  meeting  in  a  large  basin  in  the  midst 
of  the  great  hall. 

They  entered  the  first  chamber,  and  they  found  it 
filled  with  gold,  and  white  silver,  and  pearls  and  ja- 
cinths and  other  precious  jewels.  They  found  in  it  also 
chests  of  red  and  yellow  and  white  brocades.  And  they 
went  thence  to  the  second  chamber,  and  opened  a 
closet  in  it  and,  lo,  it  was  filled  with  arms  and  weapons 
of  war,  and  in  the  third  chamber  they  found  closets 
filled  with  weapons  inlaid  with  varieties  of  gold,  silver 
and  jewels.  And  passing  thence  they  found  in  the 
fourth  chamber  vessels  of  gold  and  silver,  and  saucers  of 
crystal,  and  cups  set  with  brilliant  pearls,  and  cups  of 
carnelian,  and  other  utensils  for  food  and  drink.  So  they 
began  to  take  what  suited  them  of  these  things,  and  each 
of  the  soldiers  carried  off  what  he  could. 

In  the  large  hall  they  saw  a  door  of  teak-wood  inlaid 

The  Arabian   Nights  i6i 

with  ivory,  and  adorned  with  plates  of  brilliant  gold. 
Over  it  hung  a  silken  curtain,  worked  with  various 
kinds  of  embroidery,  and  upon  the  door  were  locks  of 
white  silver.  The  sheikh  approached  the  locks,  and 
opened  them  by  his  knowledge  and  skill.  The  party 
entered  a  passage  paved  with  marble,  upon  the  walls  of 
which  were  silken  hangings,  whereon  were  figured  wild 
beasts  and  birds,  all  worked  with  red  gold  and  white 
silver,  and  their  eyes  were  of  pearls  and  jacinths. 
Next  they  entered  a  saloon  built  of  polished  marble, 
adorned  with  jewels.  And  they  found  in  the  centre 
of  that  saloon  a  dome-shaped  chamber  constructed  of 
stones  gilded  with  red  gold,  and  within  the  chamber  was 
a  structure  of  alabaster,  with  lattice  windows  adorned 
with  oblong  pearls,  and  within  the  alabaster  structure 
was  a  pavilion  of  brocade,  raised  upon  columns  of  red 
gold,  and  within  the  pavilion  was  a  fountain,  decorated 
with  birds,  the  feet  of  which  were  of  emeralds.  By  the 
brink  of  the  fountain  was  placed  a  couch  adorned  with 
pearls,  jewels  and  jacinths,  whereon  was  a  damsel  as 
beautiful  as  the  shining  sun.  Eyes  have  not  beheld  one 
more  beautiful!  Upon  her  was  a  garment  of  brilliant 
pearls,  on  her  head  was  a  crown  of  red  gold,  on  her  neck 
was  a  necklace  of  refulgent  gems,  and  upon  her  forehead 
were  two  jewels  the  light  of  which  was  like  that  of  the  sun. 
The  couch  upon  which  the  damsel  was  had  steps,  and 
on  the  steps  were  two  slaves,  one  of  them  white,  and  the 
other  black,  and  in  the  hand  of  one  was  a  weapon  of 
steel,  and  in  the  hand  of  the  other  a  jewelled  sword. 
And  upon  a  tablet  of  gold  was  read  this  inscription : 

"In  the  name  of  Allah,  the  Compassionate, 
the  Merciful!  I  am  Tadmor,  the  daughter  of 
the  King  of  the  Amalekites.    I  possessed  what 

1 62  The   Arabian    Nights 

none  of  the  Kings  possessed,  and  ruled  with 
justice,  and  now  I  rest  in  eternal  sleep.  \Mio- 
ever  thou  art  who  arrivest  at  our  city,  take  of 
the  wealth  what  thou  canst,  but  touch  not 
anything  that  is  upon  my  body.  Fear  Allah 
and  seize  naught  of  it!  I  cause  this  to  be  a 
charge  that  I  give  thee  in  confidence.  And 
peace  be  on  thee!" 

The  Emir  Mousa  was  confounded  when  he  read  this 
and  looked  at  the  damsel,  and  he  wondered  at  her 
loveliness,  and  the  redness  of  her  cheeks  and  the  black- 
ness of  her  hair.  Then  said  he  to  his  companions: 
"Bring  the  sacks,  and  fiill  them  with  part  of  these 
riches  and  these  vessels  and  rarities  and  jewels." 
Thereupon  Talib  said:  "O  Emir,  shall  we  leave  this 
damsel  with  the  things  that  are  upon  her.?  They  are 
things  which  have  no  equal!"  But  the  Emir  replied: 
"Heardest  thou  not  that  which  the  damsel  hath  given 
in  charge.?  Moreover  she  hath  given  it  as  a  charge 
offered  in  confidence,  and  we  are  not  people  of  treach- 
ery ! "  "  On  account  of  these  words  wilt  thou  leave  these 
riches  and  these  jewels.? "  said  Talib.  "  What  should  the 
damsel  do  with  these  things.?  With  a  garment  of  cotton 
might  she  be  covered.  We  are  more  worthy  of  these 
things  than  she." 

Then  Talib,  the  son  of  Sahl,  approached  the  steps 
of  the  damsel's  couch  and  ascended  them  until  he 
reached  the  spot  between  the  two  slaves  when,  lo,  one 
of  these  smote  him  on  the  back,  and  the  other  smote 
him  with  a  sword,  and  struck  off  his  head,  and  Talib 
fell  down  dead.  So  the  Emir  Mousa  seeing  the  fate 
which  had  overcome  Talib,  the  covetous,  said:  "May 
Allah  not  show^  mercy  on  thy  resting  place ! "  So  saying 
he  gave  orders  for  the  entry  of  the  troops  and  the 

The  Arabian   Nights  163 

soldiers  who  loaded  the  camels  with  part  of  those 
riches,  rareties  and  gold;  after  which  the  Emir  com- 
manded them  to  leave  the  city  and  to  close  the  gate  as  it 
was  before,  and  they  did  so. 

They  then  proceeded  along  the  sea-coast  until  they 
came  in  sight  of  a  high  mountain  overlooking  the  sea. 
In  it  were  many  caves,  and  in  these  was  a  people  of 
the  blacks  clad  all  in  skins.  And  when  they  saw  the 
troops  they  fled  to  the  caves.  The  Emir  and  the  troops 
alighted,  and  the  tents  were  pitched,  and  the  riches 
were  put  down,  and  the  party  had  not  rested  long  when 
the  King  of  the  blacks  came  down  from  the  mountain 
and  drew  near  to  them.  When  he  came  to  the  Emir 
Mousa  he  saluted  him,  and  asked:  "Are  ye  of  mankind 
or  of  the  Genii?'*  "We  are  of  mankind,'*  the  Emir 
answered.  "We  are  subjects  of  King  Abdelmelik,  and 
we  have  come  on  account  of  the  bottles  of  brass  which 
are  here  in  your  sea,  and  wherein  are  the  Devils  im- 
prisoned from  the  time  of  Solomon,  the  son  of  David, 
on  both  of  whom  be  peace !  Our  King  hath  commanded 
us  to  bring  him  some  bottles  that  he  may  see  the  Genii.'* 
The  King  of  the  blacks  rephed:  "Most  willingly." 

He  then  feasted  the  Emir  Mousa  with  fish  and  or- 
dered the  divers  to  bring  up  from  the  sea  some  of  the 
bottles  of  Solomon,  and  they  brought  up  twelve  bottles 
wherewith  the  Emir  was  delighted.  He  presented  the 
King  of  the  blacks  with  many  presents  and  gave  him 
large  gifts.  In  like  manner  the  King  of  the  blacks  gave 
to  the  Emir  Mousa  a  present  of  wonders  of  the  sea  in 
the  form  of  human  beings. 

Then  they  bade  the  King  of  the  blacks  farewell,  and 
they  journeyed  back  until  they  came  to  the  land  of 
Syria,  and  went  in  to  the  Prince  of  the  Faithful,  to 

164  The  Arabian   Nights 

whom  they  recounted  all  that  they  had  seen  and  done. 
And  the  King  Abdelmelik  said:  "Would  that  I  had 
been  with  you,  that  I  might  have  beheld  all  these 
wonders!"  He  then  took  the  bottles  of  Solomon  and 
opened  them  one  after  another  and  the  Genii  came 
forth  from  them  crying:  "Repentance,  repentance,  O 
Prophet  of  Allah!  We  will  not  return  to  the  like  con- 
duct ever!"  And  at  this  the  King  marvelled  greatly. 
He  then  caused  the  riches  to  be  brought,  and  divided 
among  the  troops,  and  he  said:  "Allah  hath  not 
bestowed  upon  anyone  the  like  of  glory  and  power 
which  he  bestowed  upon  Solomon,  the  son  of  David, 
on  both  of  whom  be  peace!" 

This  is  the  end  of  that  which  hath  come  down  to  us 
of  the  history  of  the  City  of  Brass,  entire.  And  Allah 
is  all-knowing. 

"And   this,"   said   Sheherazade,   "is   not  nearly   as 
wonderful  as  the  adventures  of  Hassan  of  Balsora." 

Chapter  VI 




THERE  was  in  ancient  times  a  certain  mer- 
chant residing  in  Balsora,  and  that  merchant 
had  two  sons  and  great  wealth.  And  it 
happened,  as  Allah  decreed,  that  the  mer- 
chant died,  so  his  two  sons  prepared  him  for  the  grave, 
and  buried  him.  After  which  they  divided  the  wealth 
between  them  equally,  and  each  took  his  portion  and 
opened  a  shop.  One  was  a  dealer  in  copper  wares  and 
the  other  was  a  goldsmith.  The  name  of  the  young 
goldsmith  was  Hassan. 

Now,  while  Hassan  the  goldsmith  was  sitting  in  his 
shop  one  day,  lo,  a  Persian  walked  along  the  market 
street  and  approaching  the  shop  accosted  him  saying: 
"O  my  son,  thou  art  a  comely  young  man.  I  have 
not  a  son  and  I  know  a  wonderful  art,  numbers  of 
people  have  asked  me  to  teach  it  them  and  I  would 
not.  But  my  soul  inclineth  to  thee,  so  that  I  would 
teach  thee,  and  drive  poverty  from  thy  door,  then  thou 
shalt  not  need  any  more  to  labour  with  the  hammer  and 
the  charcoal  and  the  fire."    "O  my  master,"  answered 


i66  The   Arabian   Nights 

Hassan,  "when  wilt  thou  teach  me  this  wonderful  art?** 
The  Persian  replied : "  To-morrow  I  will  come  to  thee  and 
will  make  for  thee,  of  copper,  pure  gold  in  thy  presence." 

Upon  this  Hassan  rejoiced  and  he  bade  farewell  to  the 
Persian,  and  went  to  his  mother.  He  entered,  and 
saluted  her,  and  ate  with  her,  and  told  her  all  that  had 
happened.  But  his  mother  said:  "O  my  son,  beware  of 
listening  to  Persians  for  they  are  great  deceivers,  who 
know  the  art  of  alchemy  and  trick  people,  and  take  their 
wealth,  and  despoil  them."  But  he  replied:  "O  my 
mother,  we  are  poor  people,  we  have  nothing  to  covet 
that  anyone  should  trick  us.  The  Persian  who  came 
to  me  is  a  dignified  sheikh  and  a  virtuous  man,  and 
Allah  hath  inclined  him  towards  me."  Thereupon  his 
mother  kept  silence  in  her  anger. 

When  the  morning  came  Hassan  rose,  took  the  keys, 
and  opened  the  shop,  and,  lo,  the  Persian  approached 
him.  So  he  rose  and  desired  to  kiss  his  hand  but  the 
Persian  refused  and  would  not  permit  his  doing  that. 
"O  Hassan,"  he  said,  "prepare  the  crucible  and  place 
the  bellows."  He  therefore  did  as  the  Persian  ordered 
him,  and  lighted  the  charcoal,  after  which  the  Persian 
said  to  him:  "O  my  son,  hast  thou  any  copper.''"  And 
Hassan  brought  forth  from  a  press  a  broken  copper 
plate.  Then  the  Persian  ordered  him  to  take  the 
shears  and  to  cut  the  plate  into  small  pieces,  and  he 
did  as  he  told  him.  He  cut  it  into  small  pieces,  and 
threw  it  into  the  crucible,  and  blew  upon  it  with  the 
bellows  until  it  became  liquid.  The  Persian  put  his 
hand  to  his  turban  and  took  forth  a  folded  paper.  He 
opened  it  and  sprinkled  some  of  its  contents  into  the 
crucible  and  the  copper  in  the  crucible  became  a  lump 
of  gold. 

The   Arabian   Nights  167 

So  when  Hassan  beheld  this  he  was  overcome  by 
joy.  He  took  the  lump  and  turned  it  over,  and  he  took 
the  file  and  filed  it,  and  saw  it  to  be  of  pure  gold  of  the 
very  best  quality.  Then  he  bent  over  the  hand  of  the 
Persian  to  kiss  it,  and  the  Persian  said  to  him:  "Take 
this  lump  to  the  market  and  sell  it,  and  take  its  price 
quickly,  without  speaking."  Accordingly  Hassan  went 
down  to  the  market  and  gave  the  lump  to  the  broker, 
who  took  it  and  rubbed  it  on  the  touchstone  and  found 
it  to  be  of  pure  gold,  and  he  bought  it  for  fifteen  thou- 
sand pieces  of  silver.  And  Hassan  went  heme  and  re- 
lated to  his  mother  all  that  he  had  done,  and  she  kept 
silence  in  her  anger. 

Now  on  the  next  day,  as  Hassan  was  sitting  in  his 
shop,  he  looked  and,  lo,  the  Persian  approached  and 
entered.  "O  my  son,"  he  said,  "dost  thou  desire  to 
make  gold  this  day,'^  If  so,  let  us  repair  to  thy  house 
and  I  will  teach  thee  there."  So  Hassan  arose,  closed 
his  shop  and  went  with  the  Persian.  He  entered  his 
house,  and  found  his  mother  and  informed  her  that 
the  Persian  stood  at  the  door.  So  she  put  in  order  a 
chamber,  and  spread  the  carpets  and  cushions,  and 
departed  to  a  neighbour's  house. 

Then  Hassan  taking  the  Persian  by  the  hand,  drew 
him  into  the  chamber,  and  placed  food  and  drink 
before  him  saying:  "Eat,  O  my  master,  that  the  bond 
of  bread  and  salt  may  be  established  between  us.  May 
Allah,  whose  name  be  exalted,  execute  vengeance  upon 
him  who  is  unfaithful  to  the  bond  of  bread  and  salt!" 
"Thou  hast  spoken  the  truth,  O  my  son,"  answered  the 
Persian,  "who  knoweth  the  true  value  of  the  bond  of 
bread  and  salt?"  and  he  ate  with  Hassan  until  they 
were  satisfied.     The  Persian  then  took  secretly  forth 

1 68  The   Arabian   Nights 

a  packet  from  his  turban,  unfolded  it  and  wrapped  its 
contents  in  a  piece  of  sweetmeat.  "O  Hassan,"  said 
he,  "thou  art  now  my  son,  and  hast  become  dearer 
to  me  than  my  soul  or  my  wealth,  and  I  have  a  daughter 
to  whom  I  will  marry  thee,"  and  he  handed  to  him  the 
piece  of  sweetmeat.  Hassan  took  it,  kissed  his  hand, 
and  put  the  sweetmeat  into  his  mouth  not  knowing 
what  was  secretly  decreed  to  befall  him.  He  swal- 
lowed the  piece  and  immediately  lost  his  senses  and  his 
head  sank  down  to  his  feet.  When  the  Persian  saw 
Hassan  in  this  state  he  rejoiced  exceedingly.  Rising 
to  his  feet  he  said  to  him:  "Thou  hast  fallen  into  the 
snare,  O  young  wretch!  O  dog  of  the  Arabs!  For 
many  years  have  I  been  searching  for  thee  until  I  have 
now  gotten  thee,  O  Hassan!" 

He  then  tied  Hassan's  hands  behind  his  back,  and 
bound  his  feet  to  his  hands.  After  which  he  took  a 
chest,  emptied  it  of  the  things  that  were  in  it,  put 
Hassan  into  it,  and  locked  it  upon  him.  He  emptied 
also  another  chest  and  put  into  it  all  the  wealth  that 
was  in  Hassan's  abode.  Then  he  went  forth  running  to 
the  market,  and  brought  a  porter,  who  carried  off  the 
two  chests  to  the  river  bank,  where  was  waiting  a 
moored  ship.  That  vessel  was  fitted  out  for  the  Per- 
sian, and  her  master  was  expecting  him,  so  when  her 
crew  saw  the  Persian,  they  came  and  carried  the  two 
chests,  and  put  them  on  board  the  ship.  The  master 
then  cried  out  to  the  sailors:  "Pull  up  the  anchor, 
and  loose  the  sails!"  And  the  ship  proceeded  with  a 
fair  wind. — Such  was  the  case  with  the  Persian  and  Has- 

But  as  to  the  mother  of  Hassan,  when  she  came  to 
the  house,  and  beheld  no  one  in  it,  nor  found  the  chests 

The  Arabian   Nights  169 

nor  the  wealth,  she  knew  her  son  was  lost  and  that 
Fate  had  overtaken  him.  She  slapped  her  face,  and 
rent  her  garments,  and  cried  out,  and  wailed.  And 
she  ceased  not  to  weep  during  the  hours  of  the  night 
and  the  periods  of  the  day,  and  she  built  in  the  midst 
of  the  house  a  tomb,  on  which  she  inscribed  the  name  of 
Hassan,  with  the  date  of  his  loss.  She  quitted  not  the 
tomb,  but  sat  by  it  night  and  day. 

Now,  to  return  to  Hassan  and  the  Persian.  The 
Persian  was  a  Magian,  a  wicked,  vile  alchemist.  The 
name  of  that  accursed  wretch  was  Bahram  the  Magian. 
He  used  every  year  to  take  a  Mohammetan  youth,  and 
to  slaughter  him  over  a  hidden  treasure.  And  having 
now  treacherously  stolen  Hassan  the  goldsmith  he  pro- 
ceeded with  him  that  day  and  night. 

At  sunrise  the  next  morning,  Bahram  the  Magian 
ordered  his  black  slaves  to  bring  to  him  the  chest  in 
which  was  Hassan.  They  brought  the  chest  and 
opened  it  and  took  him  forth.  The  Magian  then  poured 
some  vinegar  into  his  nostrils,  and  blew  a  powder 
into  his  nose,  whereupon  Hassan  sneezed  and  opening 
his  eyes,  looked  right  and  left,  and  found  himself  on 
shipboard  in  the  midst  of  the  sea,  with  the  Persian 
sitting  by  him.  He  knew  then  that  the  cursed  one  had 
done  it,  and  that  he  had  fallen  into  the  calamity  against 
which  his  mother  had  cautioned  him.  So  Hassan 
pronounced  the  words:  "There  is  no  strength  nor  power 
but  in  Allah,  the  High,  the  Great!  Verily  unto  Allah 
we  belong,  and  verily  unto  him  we  return!  O  Allah, 
act  graciously  with  me  and  make  me  to  endure  with 
patience  thine  affliction.  O  Lord  of  all  creatures!" 
Then  looking  towards  the  Persian  he  spoke  to  him  with 
soft  words,  and  said  to  him:  "O  my  father,  what  are 

lyo  The  Arabian   Nights 

these  deeds?  Where  is  thy  respect  for  the  bond  of 
bread  and  salt,  and  the  oath  thou  swarest  to  me?'* 
"O  dog,"  answered  the  Persian,  "doth  such  a  one  as 
myself  know  any  obligation  imposed  by  bread  and 
salt?  I  have  slain  a  thousand  youths  like  thee,  save  one 
youth,  and  thou  shalt  complete  the  thousand." 

Then  Barham  the  Magian  rose  and  ordered  Hassan's 
bonds  to  be  loosed,  saying:  "By  the  fire  and  the  light 
and  the  shade  and  the  heat  I  did  not  imagine  that 
thou  wouldest  fall  so  easily  into  my  net!  But  the  fire 
strengthened  me  against  thee,  and  aided  me  to  seize 
thee,  and  now  I  will  make  thee  a  sacrifice  to  it!"  So 
Hassan  replied:  "Thou  hast  been  unfaithful  to  the  bond 
of  bread  and  salt!"  Upon  this  the  Magian  raised  his 
hand,  and  gave  him  a  blow,  and  he  fell  and  bit  the  deck 
with  his  teeth,  and  fainted,  the  tears  running  down  his 

The  Magian  then  ordered  his  slaves  to  light  for  him  a 
fire,  saying:  "This  is  the  fire  that  emitteth  light  and 
sparks,  and  it  is  what  I  worship.  If  thou  wilt  worship 
it  as  I  do,  I  will  give  thee  half  my  wealth  and  marry 
thee  to  my  daughter."  But  Hassan  cried  out:  "Woe  to 
thee!  Thou  art  surely  an  infidel  Magian,  and  wor- 
shippest  the  fire  instead  of  Allah,  the  Almighty  King, 
the  Creator  of  the  night  and  the  day!"  Thereupon 
the  accursed  Magian  was  enraged,  and  arose,  and 
prostrated  himself  to  the  fire,  and  ordered  his  slaves 
to  throw  Hassan  down  upon  his  face.  So  they  threw 
him  down  and  the  Magian  proceeded  to  beat  him  with  a 
whip  of  plaited  thongs.  Then  he  ordered  the  slaves 
to  bring  Hassan  food  and  drink,  and  they  brought  it, 
but  he  could  not  eat  or  drink.  The  Magian  proceeded 
to  torture  him  night  and  day  during  the  voyage. 

The  Arabian   Nights  171 

And  they  pursued  their  voyage  over  the  sea  for  the 
period  of  three  months,  during  which  time  the  Magian 
continued  to  torture  Hassan.  At  the  end  of  the  three 
months  Allah,  whose  name  be  exalted,  sent  against  the 
ship  a  wind,  and  the  sea  became  black,  and  tossed  the 
ship.  And  the  master  of  the  ship,  and  the  sailors  were 
terrified  and  said:  "Surely  Allah  sends  this  storm  be- 
cause for  three  months  the  young  man  has  been  tor- 
tured by  this  Magian!"  Then  they  rose  against  the 
Magian  to  slay  him,  but  he  spoke  to  them  softly, 
persuading  them,  and  he  loosed  Hassan  from  his  bonds, 
pulled  off  from  him  his  tattered  garments  and  clad  him 
in  fresh  raiment.  And  he  made  his  peace  with  him 
saying:  "0  my  son,  be  not  offended  with  me,  for  I  did 
these  deeds  to  test  thy  patience!  I  am  going  to  the 
Mountain  of  the  Clouds,  on  which  is  an  elixir  which 
I  use  in  my  alchemy,  and  I  swear  to  thee  by  the  fire 
and  the  light  that  I  will  not  harm  thee  in  any  way." 
So  the  heart  of  Hassan  was  comforted,  and  he  rejoiced, 
and  ate,  and  drank,  and  slept,  and  was  content.  Then 
the  sailors  rejoiced  at  Hassan's  release,  and  the  winds 
were  stilled,  and  the  darkness  was  withdrawn,  and  the 
voyage  became  pleasant. 

They  continued  their  voyage  for  three  months  more, 
and,  at  the  end  of  that  time,  the  vessel  cast  anchor 
on  a  long  coast,  beyond  which  was  a  desert  intermina- 
ble. The  pebbles  of  that  coast  were  white  and  yellow 
and  blue  and  black  and  of  every  other  colour.  And  the 
Magian  arose,  and  took  Hassan,  and  descended  from  the 
ship.  They  walked  together  until  they  were  far  from  the 
ship  and  could  no  longer  see  the  ship's  crew.  Whereupon 
the  Magian  seated  himself  and  took  from  his  pocket 
a  drum  of  copper  and  a  drumstick  covered  with  silk. 

172  The   Arabian   Nights 

worked  with  gold,  inscribed  with  tahsmans.  He  beat 
the  drum,  and  instantly  there  appeared  a  dust  from 
the  further  part  of  the  desert.  The  dust  dispersed, 
and,  lo,  there  came  toward  them  three  she-camels. 
The  Magian  mounted  one  of  them  and  Hassan  mounted 
one,  and  they  put  their  provisions  on  the  third,  and  they 
proceeded  for  seven  days.  On  the  eighth  day  they 
beheld  a  cupola  erected  on  four  columns  of  red  gold. 
They  alighted  from  the  she-camels,  entered  the  cupola 
and  ate,  drank,  and  rested.  Hassan  happened  to  look 
about  him,  and  he  saw  in  the  distance  a  lofty  palace. 
"What  is  that,  O  my  uncle?"  he  asked.  The  Magian 
answered:  "That  is  the  palace  of  mine  enemy,  and  it 
is  the  abode  of  Genii,  ghouls,  and  Devils."  Then  he 
beat  the  drum,  and  the  she-camels  approached  and  the 
two  mounted  and  journeyed  on  until  they  arrived  at  a 
great  and  lofty  mountain  called  the  Mountain  of 

Then  Bahram  the  Magian  alighted  from  his  camel, 
and  ordered  Hassan  to  alight  also.  The  Magian  opened 
a  leathern  bag,  and  took  forth  from  it  a  mill  and  a 
quantity  of  wheat.  He  ground  the  wheat  in  the  mill, 
after  which  he  kneaded  the  flour,  and  made  of  it  three 
round  cakes.  He  lighted  a  fire,  and  baked  the  cakes. 
He  then  took  a  camel,  slaughtered  it,  and  stripped 
off  its  skin.  Then  said  he  to  Hassan:  "Enter  this 
skin  and  I  will  sew  it  up  over  thee.  The  Rocs  will 
come,  and  carry  thee  off,  and  fly  with  thee  to  the  sum- 
mit of  this  mountain.  Take  this  knife  with  thee,  and 
when  the  birds  set  thee  down  on  the  mountain  top, 
cut  open  the  skin,  and  look  down  from  the  mountain, 
and  I  will  tell  thee  what  to  do." 

Then  Bahram  the  Magian  gave  Hassan  the  three 

The   Arabian   Nights  173 

cakes  and  a  leathern  bottle  of  water,  and  he  put  him 
in  the  skin,  and  sewed  him  up.  And  the  Rocs  came,  and 
carried  him  off,  and  flew  with  him  to  the  summit  of  the 
mountain,  and  there  put  him  down.  So  Hassan  cut 
open  the  skin,  and  came  forth,  and  spoke  to  the  Magian 
who  on  hearing  his  words  rejoiced,  and  danced  by 
reason  of  the  violence  of  his  joy.  And  he  called  to 
Hassan:  "Behind  thee  thou  wilt  see  many  rotten  bones, 
and  beside  them  much  wood.  Make  of  the  wood  six 
bundles,  and  throw  them  down  to  me,  for  this  wood  I 
use  in  my  alchemy."  So  Hassan  threw  down  six  bun- 
dles. And  when  the  Magian  saw  that  those  bundles 
had  come  down  to  him,  he  cried  out:  "O  young  wretch, 
thou  hast  now  accomplished  all  I  desired!  Remain 
upon  this  mountain  and  perish,  or  cast  thyself  down  to 
the  ground  and  perish  there."  Then  the  Magian 

Now  Hassan  found  himself  alone  on  the  summit  of  the 
steep  and  lofty  mountain,  and  he  was  filled  with  grief 
and  despair.  He  looked  to  the  right  and  left  and  walked 
along  the  summit  until  he  came  to  the  other  side  of 
the  mountain,  and  at  its  foot  he  saw  a  blue  sea,  agitated 
with  foamy  waves,  and  every  wave  like  a  great  moun- 
tain. He  recited  a  portion  of  the  Koran,  and  prayed 
to  Allah  for  deliverance,  and  then  cast  himself  into  the 
sea.  And,  as  Allah  decreed,  the  waves  bore  Hassan 
along  safely,  and  cast  him  up  on  the  shore. 

He  then  arose,  and  walked  along  searching  for  some- 
thing to  eat.  And  he  walked  for  a  while,  and,  lo,  he  saw 
a  great  palace  rising  high  in  the  air,  and  it  was  the  same 
which  Bahram  the  Magian  had  said  belonged  to  his 
enemy,  and  was  the  abode  of  Genii,  ghouls,  and  Devils. 
Hassan  approached,  and  entered  the  palace,  and  saw 

174  -^^^   Arabian   Nights 

a  bench  in  the  entrance-passage,  and  on  the  bench  sat 
two  damsels  Hke  moons,  with  a  chess-table  before  them, 
and  they  were  playing.  And  one  of  the  damsels  raised 
her  head  when  she  saw  him.  "0  my  sister,"  she  cried 
out  with  joy,  "here  is  a  human  being,  and  I  imagine 
he  is  the  youth  whom  Bahram  the  Magian  brought 
this  year!"  And  Hassan  cast  himself  down  before  the 
damsels.  "O  my  mistresses,"  he  entreated,  "I  am 
indeed  that  poor  man ! "  Then  said  the  younger  damsel 
to  her  sister:  "Bear  witness,  0  my  sister,  that  I  take 
this  young  man  for  my  brother  by  a  covenant  and 
compact  before  Allah.  I  will  die  for  his  death,  and  live 
for  his  hfe,  rejoice  for  his  joy,  and  mourn  for  his  mourn- 
ing."  And  the  youngest  damsel  arose,  and  embraced 
Hassan,  and  kissed  him,  and  taking  him  by  the  hand 
led  him  into  the  palace.  She  pulled  off  his  tattered 
clothes,  and  brought  him  a  suit  of  royal  apparel,  with 
which  she  clad  him.  She  prepared  for  him  viands  of 
every  kind  and  served  him,  and  both  she  and  her  sister 
sat  and  ate  with  him. 

Then  said  the  damsels  to  Hassan:  "Relate  to  us  thine 
adventure  with  that  wicked  dog,  the  enchanter." 
And  he  related  to  them  all  that  had  befallen  him.  Then 
said  to  him  the  youngest  damsel:  "I  will  now  relate  to 
thee  in  return  our  whole  story,  so  thou  mayest  know 
what  manner  of  damsels  we  are." 

"Know,  O  my  brother,"  said  the  youngest  damsel, 
"  that  we  are  of  the  daughters  of  the  Kings.  Our  father 
is  one  of  the  Kings  of  the  Genii,  of  great  dignity,  and 
he  hath  troops  and  guards  and  servants.  Allah,  whose 
name  be  exalted,  blessed  him  with  seven  daughters, 
but  our  father  was  filled  with  such  folly,  jealousy  and 
pride,  that  he  would  marry  us  to  no  one,  therefore  he 

The   Arabian   Nights  175 

had  us  conveyed  to  this  palace  which  is  named  the 
Palace  of  the  Mountain  of  Clouds.  It  is  separated  from 
the  rest  of  the  world,  and  none  can  gain  access  to  it, 
neither  of  mankind  nor  of  the  Genii.  Around  it  are 
trees,  and  fruits,  and  rivers  and  running  water  sweeter 
than  honey  and  colder  than  snow.  We  have  five  sisters 
who  have  gone  to  hunt  in  the  desert,  for  in  it  are  wild 
beasts  that  cannot  be  numbered." 

And  even  as  the  damsel  spoke  the  five  sisters  re- 
turned from  the  chase,  and  the  youngest  damsel  ac- 
quainted them  with  the  case  of  Hassan.  Whereupon 
the  damsels  rejoiced  and  congratulated  him  on  his 
safety.  And  he  remained  with  them  a  year,  passing  the 
most  pleasant  life.  And  he  used  to  go  forth  with  them 
to  the  chase,  and  slaughter  the  game.  He  amused  and 
diverted  himself  with  the  damsels  in  that  decorated 
palace,  and  in  the  gardens  and  among  the  flowers, 
while  the  damsels  treated  him  with  courtesy  and 
cheered  him  so  that  his  sadness  ceased. 

Now,  in  the  following  year  Bahram  the  Magian,  the 
accursed,  came  again,  having  with  him  a  comely  young 
man,  a  Mohammetan,  resembling  the  moon  in  its  beauty, 
shackled,  and  tortured  in  the  most  cruel  manner;  and 
he  alighted  with  him  beneath  the  Palace  of  the  Moun- 
tain of  Clouds.  Hassan  was  sitting  by  the  river, 
beneath  the  trees  when  he  beheld  the  Magian.  In 
great  anger  he  struck  his  hands  together  and  said  to 
the  damsels:  "O  my  sisters,  aid  me  to  slay  this  accursed 
wretch !  He  hath  now  fallen  into  your  hands,  and  with 
him  is  a  young  Mohammetan,  a  captive,  whom  he  is 
torturing  with  painful  torture."  And  the  damsels 
replied:  "We  hear  and  obey  Allah  and  thee,  O  Hassan." 
And  they  equipped  themselves  with  armour  and  slung 

176  The   Arabian   Nights 

on  the  swords.  They  brought  to  him  a  courser  richly 
caparisoned,  and  they  armed  him  with  beautiful 

Having  done  this,  they  proceeded  all  together,  and 
they  found  that  the  Magian  had  slaughtered  a  camel, 
and  skinned  it,  and  was  tormenting  the  young  man, 
saying  to  him:  "Enter  this  skin!"  So  Hassan  came 
behind  him,  and  cried  out:  "Withhold  thy  hand,  O 
accursed!  O  enemy  of  Allah!  O  dog!  O  perfidious 
wretch!  O  thou  who  worshippest  fire,  and  swearest 
by  the  shade  and  the  heat!"  The  Magian  looked 
around,  and  seeing  Hassan,  said  to  him:  "O  my  son, 
how  didst  thou  escape.?"  Hassan  answered:  "Allah 
delivered  me!  Thou  hast  been  unfaithful  to  the  bond 
of  bread  and  salt,  therefore  hath  Allah  thrown  thee  into 
my  power."  And  Hassan  advanced  and  quickly  smote 
him  upon  the  shoulders,  so  that  the  sword  came  forth 
glittering  from  his  vitals.  And  Bahram  the  Magian 
fell  down  dead. 

Then  Hassan  took  the  leathern  bag,  opened  it,  and 
drew  forth  the  drum  and  drumstick.  He  beat  the  drum, 
whereupon  the  camels  came  to  him  like  lightning.  He 
loosed  the  young  man  from  his  bonds,  mounted  him 
upon  a  camel,  gave  him  the  remaining  food  and  water, 
and  said  to  him:  "Return  thou  in  peace  to  thy  home." 
And  the  young  man  departed  rejoicing.  Then  the 
damsels,  when  they  had  seen  Hassan  smite  the  neck  of 
the  Magian,  came  around  him  admiring  his  courage, 
and  thanking  him  for  what  he  had  done.  And  he  and 
the  damsels  returned  to  the  Palace  of  the  Mountain 
of  Clouds. 

The   Arabian   Nights  177 


TTASSAN  continued  to  reside  with  the  damsels 
•*■  ■*•  passing  a  most  pleasant  Hfe,  and  he  forgot  his 
mother.  One  morning  there  arose  a  great  dust  from 
the  further  part  of  the  desert,  and  the  sky  was  darkened. 
So  the  damsels  said  to  him:  "Arise,  Hassan,  enter  thy 
private  chamber,  and  conceal  thyself  or,  if  thou  wilt, 
enter  the  garden,  and  hide  thyself  among  the  trees  and 
grape-vines,  and  no  harm  shall  befall  thee."  And  he 
arose  and  went  in  and  concealed  himself  in  his  private 

After  a  while  the  dust  dispersed,  and  there  ap- 
proached numerous  troops  like  the  roaring  sea,  sent 
from  the  King  the  father  of  the  damsels.  When  the 
troops  arrived,  the  damsels  entertained  them  for  three 
days,  after  which  the  commander  of  the  troops  said: 
*' We  have  come  from  the  King  your  father  to  summon 
you  to  him.  One  of  the  Kings  celebrateth  a  marriage- 
festivity,  and  your  father  desireth  that  ye  should  be 
present  that  ye  may  divert  yourselves."  The  damsels 
arose  and  went  in  to  Hassan,  and  told  him  of  the 
summons,  and  they  said  to  him:  "Verily  this  place  is 
thy  place,  and  our  house  is  thy  house.  Be  of  good 
heart  and  cheerful  eye,  and  fear  not  nor  grieve,  for  no 
one  can  come  nigh  unto  thee  in  this  place;  therefore  be 
of  tranquil  heart  and  joyful  mind,  until  we  come  to  thee 
again.  These  keys  of  our  private  chambers  we  leave 
with  thee;  but,  O  our  brother,  we  beg  thee  by  the  bond 
of  brotherhood  that  thou  open  not  yonder  door."  Then 
they  bade  him  farewell,  and  departed  with  the  troops. 

178  The   Arabian   Nights 

So  Hassan  remained  in  the  palace  alone.  And  he  was 
solitary  and  sad,  and  he  mourned  for  the  damsels. 
He  used  to  go  alone  to  hunt  in  the  desert,  and  bring 
back  the  game,  and  slaughter  it,  and  eat  alone.  His 
gloominess  and  loneliness  became  excessive.  So  he 
arose,  and  went  through  the  palace,  and  opened  the 
private  chambers,  and  he  saw  in  them  riches  such  as 
ravished  his  mind.  And  the  fire  of  curiosity  burned 
in  his  heart,  and  made  him  long  to  open  the  secret 
door,  which  the  damsels  had  forbidden  him  to  go  near. 
And  he  said  to  himself:  "I  will  arise,  and  open  this 
door,  and  see  what  is  within,  though  within  be  death!" 

Accordingly  he  took  the  key,  and  opened  the  door, 
and  saw  therein  a  flight  of  steps,  vaulted  with  stones 
of  onyx.  He  ascended  the  steps  to  the  roof  of  the 
palace,  and  he  looked  down  from  one  side  of  the  palace 
upon  a  strange  country  beneath,  where  were  sown 
fields,  gardens,  and  trees  and  flowers,  and  where  wan- 
dered wild  beasts,  while  birds  warbled  and  proclaimed 
the  perfection  of  Allah,  the  One,  the  Omnipotent.  And 
he  gazed  from  the  other  side  of  the  palace  upon  a  roar- 
ing sea,  with  foaming  waves. 

Now  in  the  centre  of  the  roof  of  the  palace  Hassan  saw 
a  pavilion  supported  by  four  columns,  and  built  of 
bricks  of  gold,  silver,  jacinth  and  emerald.  In  the 
midst  of  that  pavilion  was  a  pool  of  water,  over  which 
was  a  trellis  of  sandal-wood  and  aloes-wood,  ornamented 
with  bars  of  red  gold  and  oblong  emeralds,  and  adorned 
with  jewels  and  pearls,  every  bead  of  which  was  as 
large  as  a  pigeon's  egg.  By  the  side  of  the  pool  was  a 
couch  of  aloes-wood,  adorned  with  large  pearls  and 
with  jewels.  And  around  the  pavilion  birds  warbled, 
proclaiming  the  perfection  of  Allah,  whose  name  be  ex- 

The   Arabian   Nights  179 

alted.  So  Hassan  was  amazed  when  he  beheld  it,  and 
he  sat  in  the  pavihon,  looking  at  what  was  around  it. 

And  while  he  sat  wondering  at  the  beauty  of  the 
pavilion,  and  at  the  lustre  of  the  large  pearls,  lo,  he 
beheld  ten  birds  approach  from  the  direction  of  the 
desert,  coming  to  that  pavilion  and  pool.  So  Hassan 
concealed  himself,  fearing  lest  they  would  see  him,  and 
fly  away.  The  birds  alighted  on  a  great  and  beautiful 
tree  which  grew  near  the  pavilion.  And  he  saw  among 
them  a  stately  bird,  the  handsomest  of  them  all.  The 
ten  birds  seated  themselves,  and  each  proceeded  to 
rend  open  its  skin  with  its  talons,  and,  lo,  there  came 
forth  from  the  feathers,  ten  damsels  more  beautiful 
than  the  moon.  They  all  descended  into  the  pool,  and 
washed,  and  played,  and  jested  together.  And,  as 
Hassan  gazed  on  the  most  beautiful  damsel  of  them  all, 
who  had  been  the  handsomest  bird,  he  lost  his  reason, 
and  his  heart  became  entangled  in  the  snare  of  her  love. 
And  he  continued  to  gaze  on  the  loveliness  of  the  chief 
damsel,  sighing  and  weeping,  for  she  had  hair  blacker 
than  night,  a  mouth  like  the  seal  of  Solomon,  eyes  like 
those  of  gazelles,  cheeks  like  anemonies,  lips  like  coral, 
and  a  figure  like  a  willow-branch.  And  while  he  stood 
gazing,  behold  the  damsels  came  up  out  of  the  pool, 
and  each  put  on  her  dress  of  feathers  and  became  a 
bird  again,  and  they  all  flew  away  together. 

And  Hassan  despaired  at  the  disappearance  of  the 
damsel,  and  he  descended  to  the  lower  part  of  the  palace 
and  dragged  himself  to  his  own  chamber,  where  he  lay 
upon  his  side,  sick,  without  eating  or  drinking,  and  thus 
he  remained  for  two  days.  Now,  while  he  was  in  this 
state  of  violent  grief,  lo,  a  dust  arose  from  the  desert, 
and  but  a  little  while  elapsed  when  the  troops  of  the 

i8o  The  Arabian   Nights 

damsels  alighted,  and  encompassed  the  palace.  The 
seven  damsels  also  alighted,  and  entered  the  palace, 
and  took  off  their  arms  and  weapons  of  war,  except  the 
youngest  damsel  his  sister,  for  when  she  saw  not  Hassan 
she  searched  for  him.  She  found  him  in  his  chamber 
languid  and  wasted,  his  complexion  was  sallow  and  his 
eyes  were  sunk  in  his  face  because  of  the  little  food 
and  drink  he  had  taken.  When  his  sister  saw  him  in 
this  state  she  sorrowed,  and  questioned  him  as  to  what 
had  befallen.  So  he  told  her  all  that  had  happened  to 
him.  And  she  wept  with  pity  and  compassion,  and  bade 
him  refrain  from  confiding  his  secret  to  the  other 
damsels,  lest  they  should  slay  him  on  account  of  his 
having  opened  the  secret  door,  and  she  said  to  him: 
"O  my  brother,  be  of  good  heart  and  cheerful  eye,  for 
I  will  expose  myself  to  peril  for  thee  and  will  contrive 
a  stratagem  to  help  thee  to  gain  that  which  thou 
desirest."  So  Hassan  was  comforted,  and  arose,  and 
greeted  the  damsels. 

Now  at  the  end  of  a  month  the  damsels  mounted, 
and  taking  with  them  provisions  for  twenty  days,  went 
forth  to  hunt,  but  the  youngest  damsel  remained  in  the 
palace  with  Hassan.  When  the  sisters  were  far  from 
the  palace,  the  youngest  damsel  said  to  Hassan:  "Arise, 
and  show  me  the  place  where  thou  sawest  the  flying 
damsel."  So  he  arose,  opened  the  secret  door,  and 
went  with  her  to  the  roof  of  the  palace,  where  he  showed 
her  the  pavilion  and  the  pool.  Then  said  his  sister: 
"Know,  O  my  brother,  that  this  damsel  is  the  daughter 
of  the  King  of  all  the  Genii.  Her  father  hath  dominion 
over  men  and  Genii,  enchanters  and  diviners,  tribes  and 
guards,  and  regions  and  cities  in  great  numbers,  and 
hath  vast  riches.     He  hath  an  army  of  damsels  who 


The  Arabian   Nights  i  8  i 

smite  with  swords  and  thrust  with  spears,  five  and 
twenty  thousand  in  number.  He  hath  seven  daughters 
to  whom  he  hath  assigned  a  vast  kingdom,  encompassed 
by  a  great  river,  so  that  no  one  can  gain  access  to  the 
place,  neither  man  nor  Genie.  And  over  this  kingdom 
he  hath  set  to  rule  his  eldest  daughter,  the  chief  of  her 
sisters,  and  she  it  is  whom  thou  lovest.  The  damsels 
who  were  with  her  are  the  favourite  ladies  of  her  empire, 
and  the  feathered  skins  in  which  they  fly  are  the  work 
of  the  enchanters  of  the  Genii.  Now  if  thou  desirest  to 
marry  this  damsel  thou  must  do  all  that  I  tell  thee. 
On  the  first  day  of  every  month  the  Queen  and  her 
damsels  come  here  to  the  pool  to  bathe.  Sit  thou  in  a 
place  so  thou  shalt  see  them,  but  they  shall  not  see  thee. 
When  they  take  off  their  dresses,  seize  thou  the  dress  of 
feathers  belonging  to  the  chief  damsel.  When  she 
imploreth  thee  with  tender  words,  give  not  back  her 
dress,  or  she  will  slay  thee  and  fly  away.  But  do  thou 
grasp  her  by  the  hair,  and  drag  her  to  thee,  and  lift  her 
up,  and  carrying  her  descend  to  thine  apartment.  Take 
care  of  the  dress  of  feathers,  for  as  long  as  thou  pos- 
essest  that  she  is  in  thy  power,  and  cannot  fly  away  to 
her  own  country."  So  when  Hassan  heard  these  words 
of  his  sister  he  was  comforted  and  he  returned  with  her 
to  the  lower  part  of  the  palace  and  waited  with  patience 
for  the  first  day  of  the  following  month. 

Now,  on  the  first  day  of  the  new  moon  Hassan  opened 
the  secret  door,  and  ascended  the  steps  to  the  roof  of 
the  palace.  He  hid  himself  near  the  pavilion  and,  lo, 
he  saw  ten  birds  approach  like  lightning.  The  birds 
alighted,  opened  their  dresses  and  the  damsels  de- 
scended into  the  pool,  where  they  played  and  sported 
together.     And  Hassan  seized  the  feather  dress  of  the 

1 82  The   Arabian   Nights 

chief  damsel  and  hid  it.  When  the  damsels  came  forth 
from  the  pool,  each  put  on  her  dress  of  feathers  except 
his  beloved,  she  found  hers  not.  Upon  this  she  cried 
out,  and  slapped  her  face,  and  tore  her  clothes.  And 
when  the  others  knew  her  dress  was  lost  they  wept, 
and  cried  out,  then  flew  away  and  left  her.  Then 
Hassan  heard  the  chief  damsel  implore:  "O  thou,  who 
hast  taken  my  dress  I  beg  thee  restore  it  to  me!"  But 
he  rose  from  his  place,  and  ran  forward,  and  rushed  upon 
her,  and  laid  hold  of  her.  Then  lifting  her  he  de- 
scended with  her  to  the  lower  part  of  the  palace,  and 
placed  her  in  his  private  chamber.  He  locked  the 
door  upon  her,  and  went  to  his  sister,  and  told  her  how 
he  had  gotten  possession  of  the  chief  damsel,  and  had 
brought  her  down  to  his  private  chamber,  and  said  he: 
"She  is  now  sitting  weeping  and  biting  her  hands." 
His  sister,  when  she  heard  his  words,  arose,  and  going 
into  the  private  chamber,  saw  the  King's  daughter 
weeping  and  mourning.  She  kissed  the  ground  before 
her,  and  saluted  her  and  the  chief  damsel  said:  "Who 
are  ye  that  do  such  evil  deeds  to  the  daughter  of  the 
King?  Thou  knowest  that  my  father  is  a  great  King, 
and  that  the  Kings  of  all  the  Genii  fear  his  awful 
power,  and  that  he  hath  under  his  authority  enchanters, 
sages,  diviners,  Devils  and  Marids  without  number. 
How  is  it  right  for  you,  O  daughter  of  the  Genii,  to 
lodge  a  human  being  in  your  palace,  and  to  acquaint 
him  with  our  customs.'*  K  ye  did  not  so,  how  could 
this  man  have  gained  access  to  us.'*"  So  the  sister  of 
Hassan  answered  her:  "O  daughter  of  the  King,  verily 
this  human  being  is  kindly  and  noble,  and  he  loveth 
you."  And  she  related  to  the  chief  damsel  all  that 
Hassan  had  done. 

The   Arabian    Nights  183 

Then  the  sister  of  Hassan  arose,  and  brought  a 
sumptuous  dress  in  which  she  clad  the  chief  damsel. 
She  also  brought  to  her  some  food  and  drink,  and  ate 
with  her,  and  comforted  her  heart,  and  appeased  her 
terror.  She  ceased  not  to  caress  her  with  gentleness 
and  kindness  until  she  was  content. 

The  sister  of  Hassan  then  went  forth  to  him  and  said : 
"Arise,  go  in  to  her,  and  kiss  her  hands  and  feet." 
He  therefore  entered,  and  kissed  her  between  the  eyes, 
and  said:  "O  mistress  of  beauties,  and  life  of  souls,  be 
tranquil  in  heart.  I  desire  to  marry  thee,  and  to 
journey  to  my  country,  and  I  will  reside  with  thee  in 
the  city  of  Bagdad.  I  will  purchase  for  thee  female 
slaves  and  male  slaves,  and  I  have  a  mother,  the  best 
of  women,  who  will  be  thy  servant." 

But  while  he  was  addressing  her,  lo,  the  damsels, 
the  mistresses  of  the  palace,  returned  from  the  chase. 
They  alighted  from  their  horses  and  entered  the  palace. 
They  brought  with  them  an  abundance  of  gazelles,  and 
wild  oxen  and  hares,  and  lions  and  hyenas,  and  other 
beasts.  Hassan  advanced  to  meet  the  eldest  damsel 
and  kissed  her  hand,  and  the  youngest  damsel  his  sister 
said:  "O  my  sisters,  he  hath  caught  a  bird  of  the  air 
and  he  desireth  ye  to  aid  him  to  make  her  his  wife." 
And  the  eldest  damsel  said  to  Hassan:  "Tell  thy  tale 
and  conceal  naught  of  it."  So  he  related  all  that  had 
happened.  And  she  said:  "Show  her  to  us."  So  he 
conducted  them  to  the  private  chamber  in  which  was 
the  King's  daughter.  When  they  saw  her  they  kissed 
the  ground  before  her,  wondering  at  her  beauty  and  her 
elegance.  And  they  consented  to  the  marriage,  and 
drew  up  the  contract,  after  which  they  celebrated  the 
marriage  festivities  in  a  manner  befitting  the  daughter 

184  The  Arabian   Nights 

of  Kings.  And  for  forty  days  the  festivities  continued 
with  pleasure,  happiness,  delight  and  joy,  and  the  dam- 
sels presented  Hassan  and  his  bride  with  many  gifts 
and  rarities. 

Now,  after  forty  days  Hassan  was  sleeping,  and  he 
saw  his  mother  mourning  for  him.  So  he  woke  from  his 
sleep  weeping  and  lamenting,  the  tears  running  down 
his  cheeks  like  rain.  In  the  morning  he  arose  and  calling 
the  damsels  acquainted  them  with  his  dream  and  im- 
plored them  to  hasten  his  departure.  The  damsels  were 
moved  with  pity  for  his  state,  and  they  arose,  and  pre- 
pared the  provisions.  They  adorned  his  bride  with 
ornaments  and  costly  apparel,  and  gave  to  him  rarities 
without  number.  After  that  they  beat  the  drum,  and 
the  she-camels  came  to  them  from  every  quarter.  They 
mounted  the  damsel  and  Hassan,  and  put  upon  the 
camels  five  and  twenty  chests  full  of  gold  and  fifty  of 
silver.  And  they  bade  him  farewell  with  tears  and 

Hassan  proceeded  night  and  day,  traversing  with 
his  wife  the  deserts  and  wastes  and  the  valleys  and 
rugged  tracts,  during  midday-heat  and  early  dawn,  and 
Allah  decreed  them  safety.  So  they  were  safe,  and 
arrived  at  the  city  of  Balsora,  and  they  ceased  not  to 
pursue  their  way  until  they  made  their  camels  kneel 
at  the  door  of  his  house.  He  dismissed  the  camels  and 
advanced  to  the  door  to  open  it,  and  he  heard  his  mother 
weeping  with  a  soft  voice.  And  Hassan  wept  when 
he  heard  his  mother  weeping  and  lamenting,  and  he 
knocked  at  the  door  with  alarming  violence.  So  his 
mother  said:  "Who  is  at  the  door?"  And  he  replied: 
"Open."  Whereupon  she  opened  the  door  and  looked 
at  him  and  fell  down  in  a  faint.    He  caressed  her  untiJ 

The  Arabian   Nights  185 

she  recovered,  when  he  embraced  her,  and  she  embraced 
him  and  kissed  him. 

He  conveyed  his  goods  and  property  into  the  house, 
while  the  damsel  looked  at  him  and  his  mother.  He 
told  his  mother  all  that  had  happened  to  him  with 
the  Persian  and  with  his  sisters  in  the  Palace  of  the 
Mountain  of  Clouds.  And  when  his  mother  heard  his 
story  she  wondered,  and  gazing  on  the  damsel  she  was 
stupefied  by  her  beauty  and  loveliness.  She  seated 
herseK  beside  the  damsel  to  comfort  and  welcome  her. 

Then  said  his  mother  to  Hassan:  "O  my  son,  with 
this  wealth  we  cannot  live  in  this  city,  for  the  people 
know  that  we  are  poor,  and  they  will  accuse  us  of 
practising  alchemy.  Therefore  let  us  arise  and  go  to 
the  city  of  Bagdad,  the  Abode  of  Peace,  that  we  may 
reside  under  the  protection  of  the  Caliph  Haroun  Er 

When  Hassan  heard  these  words  he  approved  them. 
He  arose  immediately,  sold  his  house,  and  summoned 
the  she-camels,  and  put  upon  them  all  his  riches  and 
goods,  together  with  his  wife  and  his  mother.  He  set 
forth  and  journeyed  until  he  reached  the  city  of  Bagdad. 
He  bought  in  that  city  a  house  ample  and  handsome  for 
a  hundred  thousand  pieces  of  gold.  To  this  he  removed 
his  furniture,  rarities,  and  chests  of  gold  and  silver. 
And  he  resided  in  ease  with  his  wife  for  the  space  of 
three  years  during  which  he  was  blesssed  by  her  with 
two  boys,  named  Nasir  and  Mansour. 

Now,  at  the  end  of  three  years,  Hassan  remembered 
his  sisters,  the  damsels  of  the  Palace  of  the  Mountain  of 
Clouds,  and  he  longed  to  see  them.  He  went  forth  to 
the  markets  of  the  city  and  bought  ornaments  and 
costly  stuffs,  and  dried  fruits,  the  like  of  which  hia 

1 86  The  Arabian   Nights 

sisters  had  never  seen  nor  known.  And  returning  to 
his  house  he  called  his  mother  and  said  unto  her: 
"Ejiow,  O  my  mother,  I  go  on  a  long  journey.  In  this 
closet,  buried  in  the  earth,  is  a  chest  in  which  is  a  dress 
of  feathers  belonging  to  my  wife.  Be  careful  lest  she 
find  it  and  take  it  and  fly  away  with  the  children. 
Know  also  that  she  is  the  daughter  of  the  King  of  the 
Genii.  She  is  the  mistress  of  her  people,  and  the  dearest 
thing  that  her  father  hath.  Allow  her  not  to  go  forth 
from  the  door,  or  to  look  from  a  window,  or  from  over  a 
wall,  for  if  anything  should  befall  her  I  shall  slay  myself 
on  her  account."  And  his  wife  heard  his  words  to  his 
mother,  and  they  knew  it  not. 

Hassan  arose,  went  forth  from  the  city  and  beat  the 
drum  and  immediately  the  she-camels  came  to  him. 
He  laded  twenty  with  rarities,  after  which  he  bade 
farewell  to  his  wife  and  children.  He  then  mounted 
and  journeyed  to  his  sisters.  He  pursued  his  journey 
night  and  day,  traversing  the  valleys  and  the  moun- 
tains, and  the  plains  and  the  rugged  tracts,  for  the 
space  of  ten  da-ys,  and  on  the  eleventh  he  arrived  at  the 
palace  and  went  in  to  his  sisters.  And  when  they  saw 
him  they  rejoiced  at  his  arrival,  and  welcomed  him 
exceedingly.  He  remained  with  them,  entertained  and 
treated  with  honour,  for  three  months,  and  he  passed 
his  time  in  joy  and  happiness  and  in  hunting. 

Now,  after  Hassan  had  set  forth  on  his  journey,  it 
happened  one  day  that  his  wife  longed  to  visit  the 
public  bath.  So  she  entreated  his  mother,  and  gave 
her  no  rest  until  she  arose,  and  prepared  the  things 
required  and  took  the  damsel  and  her  two  children, 
and  went  to  the  bath.  When  they  entered  all  the 
women  looked  at  the  damsel,  wondering  at  her  beauty. 

The  Arabian   Nights  187 

Now,  it  happened  there  came  to  the  bath  that  day  one  of 
the  slave-girls  of  the  Prince  of  the  Faithful,  the  Caliph 
Haroun  Er  Raschid,  called  Tofeh,  the  lute-player. 
She  sat  confounded  at  the  sight  of  the  damsel,  who 
had  made  an  end  of  washing,  and  had  come  forth,  and 
had  put  on  her  clothes,  when  she  appeared  still  more 
beautiful.    The  damsel  then  went  forth  to  her  abode. 

Tofeh,  the  lute-player,  the  slave-girl  of  the  Caliph, 
arose  and  went  forth  with  the  damsel  until  she  knew 
her  house.  She  then  returned  to  the  palace  of  the 
Caliph.  She  went  in  to  the  Lady  Zobeide,  and  kissed 
the  ground  before  her,  and  said:  "O  my  mistress,  I  have 
been  to  the  bath,  where  I  saw  a  wonder!  A  damsel 
having  with  her  two  young  children  like  two  moons. 
None  hath  beheld  the  like  of  her  nor  doth  there  exist 
the  like  of  her  in  the  whole  world!  I  fear,  O  my  mis- 
tress, that  the  Prince  of  the  Faithful  may  hear  of  her 
and  that  he  will  disobey  the  law,  and  slay  her  husband, 
and  marry  her."  "Is  this  damsel  endowed  with  such 
beauty  and  loveliness ! "  said  the  Lady  Zobeide.  "  Verily 
I  must  see  her,  and  if  she  be  not  as  thou  hast  described, 
I  will  give  orders  to  strike  off  thy  head,  O  thou  wicked 

So  the  Lady  Zobeide  summoned  Mesrour,  and  bade 
him  bring  quickly  the  damsel  and  the  two  children. 
And  Mesrour  replied:  "I  hear  and  obey."  He  went 
forth,  and  proceeded  to  the  house  of  Hassan,  and  he 
took  the  wife  and  mother  of  Hassan,  together  with 
the  two  children,  and  brought  them  to  the  Lady 

The  damsel  had  her  face  covered,  and  the  Lady 
Zobeide  commanded  her  to  remove  her  veil.  She  did 
so,  and  displayed  a  face  of  dazzling  beauty,  and  the 

1 88  The   Arabian   Nights 

Lady  Zobeide  was  amazed,  and  pressed  the  damsel 
to  her  bosom,  and  seated  her  with  herself  upon  the 
couch.  And  she  gave  orders  to  bring  a  suit  of  the  most 
magnificent  apparel  and  a  necklace  of  the  most  precious 
jewels,  and  she  decked  the  damsel  with  them,  saying: 
"O  mistress  of  beauties!  Thou  hast  filled  mine  eye 
with  delight!  What  hast  thou  among  thy  treasures?'* 
"I  have  a  dress  of  feathers,"  the  damsel  answered. 
"If  I  were  to  put  it  on,  thou  wouldst  see  a  thing  of 
wonderful  make!"  "And  where,"  said  the  Lady 
Zobeide,  "is  this  thy  dress?"  "It  is  in  the  possession 
of  the  mother  of  my  husband,"  she  answered,"  it  is  in  a 
chest  buried  in  a  closet  in  my  husband's  house,  his 
mother  hath  the  key." 

At  this  the  Lady  Zobeide  cried  out  to  Hassan's 
mother,  and  took  the  key  from  her.  She  then  called 
Mesrour,  and  bade  him  proceed  immediately  to  the 
house  of  Hassan,  to  enter  the  cupboard,  dig  up  the 
chest,  break  it  open,  and  to  bring  to  her  the  dress  of 
feathers.  Mesrour  took  the  key,  and  did  all  that  the 
Lady  Zobeide  commanded,  and,  wrapping  the  dress 
of  feathers  in  a  napkin,  he  brought  it  to  her. 

She  gave  it  to  the  damsel,  who  rising  with  delight, 
took  her  children  in  her  bosom,  and,  wrapping  herself 
in  the  dress  of  feathers,  became  a  bird.  She  expanded 
her  wings,  and  flew  with  her  children  through  the 
window  saying:  "O  mother  of  Hassan,  when  thy  son 
cometh,  and  sorrow  and  despair  oppress  him,  bid  him 
come  to  me  in  the  Islands  of  Wak  Wak."  And  she 
flew  away  with  her  children,  and  sought  her  country. 
And  the  mother  of  Hassan  returned  to  her  home,  and 
would  not  be  comforted. 

The   Arabian   Nights  189 


NOW,  as  to  Hassan,  at  the  end  of  three  months 
he  bade  farewell  to  the  damsels  his  sisters,  and 
setting  forth  he  journeyed  night  and  day  and  arrived  at 
the  city  of  Bagdad,  the  Abode  of  Peace.  He  entered 
his  house,  and  found  his  mother  weeping  and  groaning, 
so  that  she  could  not  speak.  He  went  about  the  house 
searching  for  his  wife  and  children,  and  found  not  any 
trace  of  them.  Then  he  looked  into  the  closet,  and 
found  it  open,  and  the  chest  also  open,  and  the  dress 
gone.  So  he  knew  that  his  wife  had  got  possession  of 
the  dress  of  feathers,  and  taken  it,  and  flown  away, 
taking  her  children  with  her.  He  returned  to  his 
mother,  and  she  told  him  all  that  had  come  to  pass, 
and  how  the  damsel  had  taken  the  children  in  her  bosom, 
and  wrapped  the  dress  of  feathers  about  her,  and,  as  she 
flew  away,  had  said:  "O  mother  of  Hassan,  when  thy 
son  Cometh,  and  sorrow  and  despair  oppress  him,  bid 
him  come  to  me  in  the  Islands  of  Wak  Wak." 

When  Hassan  heard  the  words  of  his  mother  he  ut- 
tered a  great  cry,  and  fell  down  in  a  faint,  and,  when  he 
revived,  he  went  about  the  house  weeping  and  wailing 
for  the  period  of  five  days,  during  which  he  tasted  not 
food  nor  drink.  His  mother  attempted  to  console 
him,  but  he  would  listen  to  naught  she  said,  and  he 
continued  to  mourn  for  the  space  of  a  whole  month. 

When  a  month  had  passed,  it  occurred  to  Hassan 
that  his  sisters,  the  seven  damsels,  might  aid  him  to 
regain  his  wife.  So  he  summoned  the  she-camels, 
loaded  fifty  with  rarities  and  costly  stuffs.    He  bade 

190  The  Arabian   Nights 

farewell  to  his  mother,  mounted,  and  pursued  his  way 
until  he  arrived  at  the  palace  of  the  damsels  by  the 
Mountain  of  Clouds.  He  went  in  and  presented  them 
with  his  gifts,  and  acquainted  them  with  all  that  had 
befallen  during  his  absence  from  home,  and  they  be- 
took themselves  to  soothing  him,  and  exhorting  him 
to  have  patience,  and  to  praying  for  his  reunion  with 
his  wife. 

Now  the  eldest  sister  had  an  uncle,  and  his  name  was 
Abdelcadus,  and  she  could  summon  him  by  means  of  a 
certain  incense  cast  upon  the  fire.  So  the  damsel  said 
to  her  youngest  sister:  "Arise,  strike  the  steel  upon  the 
flint,  and  bring  me  the  box  of  incense."  The  youngest 
damsel  arose  joyfully,  and  brought  the  box  of  incense. 
The  eldest  damsel  took  it,  and  threw  a  small  quantity 
of  the  incense  upon  the  fire,  calling  on  the  name  of  her 
uncle.  The  fumes  of  the  incense  had  not  ceased  before 
a  dust  appeared  from  the  further  part  of  the  desert. 
Then  the  dust  dispersed,  and  there  appeared  beneath 
it  a  sheikh  riding  upon  an  elephant,  which  was  crying 
out  beneath  him.  He  approached  the  palace,  and 
alighted  from  the  elephant,  and  the  damsels  met,  and 
embraced  him,  and  kissed  his  hands,  and  saluted  him. 

And  Abdelcadus  said:  "I  was  just  now  sitting  with 
the  wife  of  your  uncle,  and  I  smelled  the  incense,  so 
I  came  to  thee  upon  this  elephant.  What  dost  thou 
desire,  O  daughter  of  my  brother?"  Then  the  eldest 
damsel  related  to  him  all  the  story  of  Hassan  of  Balsora, 
and  how  his  wife  had  bid  him  come  to  her  in  the  Islands 
of  Wak  Wak.  Upon  this  Abdelcadus  shook  his  head, 
and  hung  his  head  towards  the  ground,  and  began  to 
make  marks  upon  the  ground  with  the  end  of  his  finger. 
Then  he  shook  his  head  again,  and  said  to  Hassan: 

The   Arabian   Nights  191 

**0  my  son,  thou  art  in  great  peril,  for  thou  canst  not 
gain  access  to  the  Islands  of  Wak  Wak,  even  if  the 
Flying  Genii  and  the  wandering  stars  assist  thee,  since 
between  thee  and  those  islands  are  seven  valleys  and 
seven  seas  and  seven  mountains  of  vast  magnitude." 

Now,  when  Hassan  heard  the  words  of  the  sheikh 
Abdelcadus  he  wept  until  he  fainted,  and  the  damsels 
sat  around  him  weeping.  So  when  the  sheikh  saw 
them  in  this  state  of  grief  and  mourning,  he  pitied  them, 
and  said  to  Hassan:  "If  it  be  the  will  of  Allah,  whose 
name  be  exalted,  thine  affair  will  be  accomplished, 
therefore,  O  my  son,  arise,  and  brace  up  thy  nerves, 
and  follow  me." 

The  sheikh  Abdelcadus  then  called  the  elephant  and 
mounted  him,  putting  Hassan  behind  him,  and  pro- 
ceeded with  him  for  the  space  of  three  days  and  three 
nights,  like  blinding  lightning,  until  he  came  to  a  vast 
blue  mountain,  in  the  side  of  which  was  a  cavern  which 
had  a  door  of  iron.  The  sheikh  put  down  Hassan, 
dismounted,  and  dismissed  the  elephant.  He  advanced 
to  the  door  of  the  cavern,  and  knocked.  The  door 
opened,  and  there  came  forth  a  black  slave,  resembling 
an  Afrite,  and  having  in  his  right  hand  a  sword,  and 
in  the  other,  a  shield  of  steel.  When  he  saw  the  sheikh 
Abdelcadus  he  threw  down  the  sword  and  shield,  and 
kissed  the  sheikh's  hand.  Then  Abdelcadus  took  the 
hand  of  Hassan,  and  entered  with  him,  and  the  slave 
shut  the  door  behind  them.  Hassan  found  himself  in  a 
large  and  wide  cave  from  which  led  a  vaulted  passage. 
They  proceeded  down  the  passage  for  a  mile,  until 
they  came  to  two  great  doors  of  cast  brass.  The  sheikh 
Abdelcadus  opened  one  of  the  doors,  entered  and  closed 
it.    He  remained  absent  an  hour.    He  then  came  forth 

192  The  Arabian   Nights 

having  with  him  a  horse  saddled  and  bridled,  which 
when  he  went  along  flew,  and  when  he  flew  the  dust 
overtook  him  not.  The  sheikh  led  him  forward  to 
Hassan  and  said:  "Mount."  And  the  sheikh  opened 
the  other  door  and,  lo,  beyond  was  an  extensive  desert. 
So  Hassan  mounted  the  horse  and  the  two  passed 
through  the  door  into  the  desert. 

Then  said  the  sheikh  to  Hassan:  "O  my  son,  take 
this  letter.  Proceed  upon  this  horse  to  the  place  to 
which  he  will  convey  thee.  When  he  stops  at  a  door 
of  a  cavern  like  this,  descend  from  his  back,  put  his 
rein  upon  the  pommel,  and  dismiss  him,  and  he  will 
enter  the  cavern,  but  enter  not  thou  with  him.  Stay 
at  the  door  of  the  cavern  for  five  days,  and  be  not  weary. 
On  the  sixth  day  there  will  come  forth  a  black  sheikh, 
clad  in  black  apparel,  and  with  a  beard  white  and  long 
descending  to  his  waist.  When  thou  seest  him,  kiss 
his  hands,  and  lay  hold  of  his  skirt,  and  weep  before 
him,  that  he  may  have  pity  on  thee.  He  will  ask  thee 
what  thou  desirest.  Give  him  this  letter,  and,  if  he  will, 
he  can  aid  thee  and  if  he  will  not,  his  young  men  will 
slay  thee.  This  sheikh's  name  is  Aboulruish,  the  son 
of  Balkis,  the  daughter  of  the  accursed  Eblis.  He  is  my 
sheikh  and  my  teacher,  and  all  mankind  and  the  Genii 
humble  themselves  to  him.  Go  in  reliance  upon  the 
blessing  of  Allah." 

Hassan  therefore  departed,  giving  rein  to  the  horse, 
which  fled  with  him  more  rapidly  than  lightning.  He 
sped  along  on  the  horse  for  ten  days  until  he  beheld  a 
huge  object,  blacker  than  night.  When  he  drew  near 
to  it  his  horse  neighed,  and  instantly  he  was  surrounded 
by  horses  numerous  as  the  drops  of  rain,  and  they  began 
to  rub  against  Hassan's  horse.    So  Hassan  feared  them. 

The  Arabian   Nights  193 

and  was  terrified.  He  proceeded  with  the  horses  press- 
ing around  him,  until  he  arrived  at  the  cavern  which 
the  sheikh  Abdelcadus  had  described  to  him.  The 
horse  stopped  at  its  entrance,  and  Hassan  alighted 
from  him,  and  put  his  rein  upon  his  saddle.  The  horse 
then  entered  the  cavern,  but  Hassan  stayed  at  the 
entrance  as  the  sheikh  Abdelcadus  had  ordered  him. 

He  continued  at  the  entrance  of  the  cavern  five  days 
and  nights,  sleepless  and  mournful.  And  on  the  sixth 
day,  lo,  the  sheikh  Aboulruish  came  forth.  He  was  black, 
and  clad  in  black  apparel,  and  when  Hassan  saw  him 
he  threw  himself  upon  him,  and  rubbed  his  cheeks 
upon  his  feet,  and  taking  his  foot  he  placed  it  upon 
his  head,  and  wept  before  him.  And  the  sheikh  said 
to  him:  "What  is  thine  affair,  O  my  son? "  And  Hassan 
handed  the  letter  to  the  sheikh,  who  received  it,  and 
entered  the  cavern  without  returning  him  a  reply. 

And  Hassan  remained  at  the  entrance  of  the  cavern 
for  five  days  more.  And  on  the  sixth  day,  lo,  the  sheikh 
Aboulruish  came  forth  clad  in  white  apparel.  He  took 
Hassan  by  the  hand,  and  led  him  into  the  cavern,  and 
proceeded  with  him  for  half  a  day,  after  which  they 
arrived  at  an  arched  doorway,  with  a  door  of  steel, 
which  the  sheikh  opened,  and  he  and  Hassan  entered  a 
passage  vaulted  over  with  variegated  stones  and  dec- 
orated with  gold.  They  went  down  the  passage  until 
they  came  to  a  great  and  spacious  saloon,  in  the  midst 
of  which  was  a  garden  full  of  all  kinds  of  trees,  flowers 
and  fruits;  and  birds  warbled  on  the  trees  proclaiming 
the  perfection  of  Allah,  the  Omnipotent  King. 

In  the  saloon  were  four  platforms,  and  on  each 
platform  a  chair,  and  a  fountain,  and  at  each  corner  of 
each  fountain  was  a  lion  of  gold.    Upon  each  chair  was 

194  The   Arabian   Nights 

seated  a  sheikh  with  a  great  number  of  books  before 
him,  and  perfuming-vessels  of  gold  containing  fire 
and  incense.  And  before  each  of  these  sheikhs  were 
students  reading  to  him  the  books. 

The  sheikh  Aboulruish  made  a  sign  to  the  four 
sheikhs  that  they  should  dismiss  the  students.  So 
they  dismissed  them,  and  the  four  sheikhs  arose,  and 
seated  themselves  before  the  sheikh  Aboulruish,  who 
related  to  them  all  the  story  of  Hassan  of  Balsora.  Then 
the  four  sheikhs  said  to  Aboulruish:  "O  sheikh  of  the 
sheikhs,  this  young  man  is  to  be  pitied,  and  perhaps 
thou  wilt  assist  him  to  deliver  his  wife  and  his  children. 
Wilt  thou  not  act  kindly  towards  him  for  the  sake  of  thy 
brother  the  sheikh  Abdelcadus.''"  The  sheikh  Aboul- 
ruish answered:  "O  my  brothers,  verily  this  is  a  perilous 
affair.  Ye  know  that  the  Islands  of  Wak  Wak  are 
diflBcult  of  access,  and  that  no  one  ever  arrived  at  them 
without  exposing  himself  to  peril,  and  ye  know  the 
strength  of  their  inhabitants  and  their  guards.  Verily 
this  young  man  is  a  pitiable  person,  and  he  knoweth 
not  what  he  is  undertaking,  but  we  will  assist  him  as 
far  as  possible." 

Thereupon  the  sheikh  Aboulruish  wrote  a  letter,  and 
sealed  it,  and  gave  it  to  Hassan.  He  likewise  gave  him 
a  small  bag  of  leather,  containing  incense  and  instru- 
ments for  striking  fire,  and  said  to  him:  "Take  care  of 
this  bag.  When  thou  fallest  into  a  difficulty  burn  a 
little  of  the  incense  and  call  on  my  name,  and  I  will  be 
present  with  thee  to  deliver  from  the  difficulty."  The 
sheikh  Aboulruish  then  summoned  an  Afrite  of  the 
Flying  Genii,  who  immediately  came.  The  sheikh  put 
his  mouth  to  the  ear  of  the  Afrite,  and  said  to  him 
some  words,  whereat  the  Afrite  shook  his  head.    Then 

The   Arabian   Nights  195 

said  the  sheikh  to  Hassan:  "O  my  son,  arise,  mount 
upon  the  shoulders  of  this  Afrite,  Dahnash  the  Flyer, 
but  when  he  hath  taken  thee  up  to  Heaven,  and  thou 
hearest  the  praises  of  the  Angels  in  the  sky,  utter  not 
thou  any  words  of  praise,  for  if  thou  do  thou  wilt  perish, 
and  so  will  he.  To-morrow  he  will  put  thee  down,  a 
little  before  daybreak,  upon  a  white,  clean  land  like 
camphor.  When  he  hath  put  thee  there,  walk  on  ten 
days,  until  thou  arrivest  at  the  gate  of  a  city.  On  thy 
arrival  enter,  and  ask  for  its  king.  Salute  him,  kiss  his 
hand,  and  give  him  this  letter."  So  Hassan  answered: 
"I  hear  and  obey."  He  arose,  and  mounted  upon  the 
shoulders  of  the  Afrite,  and  the  four  sheikhs  arose, 
and  prayed  for  his  safety. 

Now,  when  Dahnash  the  Afrite  had  taken  Hassan  upon 
his  shoulders,  he  rose  with  him  to  the  clouds  of  Heaven, 
until  he  heard  the  praises  of  the  Angels  in  Heaven,  and 
when  the  dawn  came  he  put  him  down  upon  a  land 
white  like  camphor,  and  left  him,  and  departed.  So 
when  Hassan  saw  he  was  upon  the  earth,  he  went  on 
night  and  day  for  ten  days,  until  he  arrived  at  the  gate 
of  the  city  of  King  Hasoun,  King  of  the  Land  of  Cam- 
phor and  the  Castle  of  Crystal.  He  inquired  for  the 
King  and  went  in  unto  him  and  kissed  the  ground 
before  him,  and  kissed  the  letter,  and  handed  it  to  him. 

The  King  took  the  letter,  and  read  it,  and  shook  his 
head  and  said:  "O  Hassan,  thou  hast  come  unto  me 
desiring  to  enter  the  Islands  of  Wak  Wak,  as  the 
sheikh  of  the  sheikhs  hath  said.  And  for  the  sake  of 
the  sheikh  of  the  sheikhs  Aboulruish,  I  cannot  send 
thee  back  to  him  without  thy  having  accomplished 
thine  affair.  Know,  O  my  son,  I  will  send  thee  to  the 
Islands  of  Wak  Wak,  but  in  thy  way  are  many  dangers, 

196  The  Arabian   Nights 

and  thirsty  deserts  abounding  with  fearful  spots.  Be 
patient,  however,  and  naught  but  good  will  happen,  for 
I  will  employ  a  stratagem  and  cause  thee  to  attain  thy 
will,  if  it  be  the  will  of  Allah,  whose  name  be  exalted! 
Soon  there  will  come  a  ship  to  us  from  the  Islands  of 
Wak  Wak.  I  will  embark  thee  in  it.  When  the  ship 
moors  at  the  Islands  of  Wak  Wak  do  thou  land.  Thou 
wilt  see  many  settees  in  all  quarters  of  the  shore.  Do 
thou  choose  one  of  them,  and  sit  beneath  it,  and  move 
not.  At  night  an  army  of  women  will  come,  and  sur- 
round the  merchandise.  Stretch  forth  thy  hand,  and 
lay  hold  upon  the  owner  of  the  settee  beneath  which 
thou  hast  placed  thyself,  and  beg  protection.  If  she 
protect  thee,  thou  wilt  accomplish  thine  affair,  and 
gain  access  to  thy  wife  and  thy  children.  But,  if  she 
protect  thee  not,  mourn  for  thyself,  and  despair  of 
life,  and  be  sure  of  thy  destruction!" 

The  King  then  commanded  Hassan  to  retire  to  the 
mansion  of  entertainment,  and  ordered  his  attendants 
to  carry  to  him  all  that  he  required  of  food  and  drink 
and  apparel,  fit  for  Kings.  And  after  a  month  had 
passed  a  ship  came  from  the  Islands  of  Wak  Wak. 
Whereupon  the  King  summoned  Hassan  before  him, 
prepared  for  him  what  he  required  for  the  journey, 
and  conferred  upon  him  great  favours.  Then  he 
called  the  master  of  that  ship,  and  said  to  him:  "Take 
this  young  man  secretly  with  thee  into  the  ship. 
Convey  him  to  the  Islands  of  Wak  Wak,  and  leave  him 
there,  and  bring  him  not  back."  And  the  master  said: 
"I  hear  and  obey."  So  he  took  Hassan,  and  put  him 
into  a  chest,  and  embarked  him  in  a  boat;  and  took  him 
to  the  ship  when  the  people  were  occupied  in  removing 
the  goods. 

The  Arabian   Nights  197 

After  that  the  ship  departed  and  pursued  its  course 
for  ten  days,  and  on  the  eleventh  day  it  reached  the 
shore.  The  master  landed  Hassan  from  the  ship,  and 
when  he  went  up  on  the  shore  he  saw  there  settees,  the 
number  of  which  none  knoweth  but  Allah!  And  he 
walked  on  until  he  came  to  a  settee  more  beautiful  than 
the  rest  and  he  hid  himself  beneath  it. 

And  when  night  approached  there  came  a  crowd  of 
women  soldiers,  like  scattered  locusts,  advancing  on 
foot,  with  their  swords  in  their  hands,  and  they  were 
enveloped  in  coats  of  mail,  and  on  seeing  the  ship's 
goods,  they  busied  themselves  with  them.  And  after 
that  they  sat  to  take  rest,  and  one  of  them  seated  her- 
self upon  the  settee  beneath  which  was  Hassan.  He 
therefore  laid  hold  of  the  edge  of  her  skirt,  and  throwing 
himself  down  began  to  kiss  her  hands  and  her  feet, 
weeping.  So  she  said  to  him:  "O  thou,  arise  and  stand 
up  before  anyone  see  thee  and  slay  thee."  And  Hassan 
came  forth  from  beneath  the  settee,  and  rose  upon  his 
feet,  kissed  her  hands,  and  said  to  her:  "O  my  mistress, 
I  throw  myself  upon  thy  protection.  Have  mercy  upon 
me,  who  am  parted  from  my  wife  and  my  children." 
When  the  woman  heard  his  words  she  had  compassion 
upon  him  and  her  heart  was  moved  with  pity  for  him, 
and  she  knew  that  he  had  not  exposed  himself  to  peril, 
and  come  to  this  place  save  for  a  great  affair.  "O  my 
son,"  said  she,  *'be  of  good  heart  and  cheerful  eye, 
comfort  thy  heart  and  thy  soul,  and  return  to  thy  place, 
and  hide  thyself  beneath  the  settee  until  to-morrow 
night,  and  Allah  will  do  as  He  desireth.  Then  she  bade 
him  farewell,  and  Hassan  entered  beneath  the  settee 
as  before.  The  army  passed  the  night  until  morning, 
having  lighted  candles  made  of  aloes-wood  and  amber- 

198  The  Arabian   Nights 

gris.  And  when  daylight  came  the  army  occupied 
itself  with  the  ship's  goods  until  night  approached,  while 
Hassan  remained  beneath  the  settee  with  weeping  eye 
and  mourning  heart. 

Now,  when  night  came  the  woman  soldier,  whose 
protection  he  had  begged,  approached  him,  and  handed 
to  him  a  coat  of  mail  and  a  sword  and  a  gilt  girdle 
and  a  lance;  after  which  she  departed  from  him,  fearing 
the  troops.  Hassan  arose,  clad  himself  in  the  armour, 
and  went  forth  and  mixed  with  the  troops,  and  at 
break  of  day  went  with  them  to  their  camp.  He 
entered  the  tent  of  one  of  the  soldiers,  and,  lo,  it  was 
that  of  his  companion,  whose  protection  he  had  begged. 
When  she  entered,  she  threw  down  her  arms,  and  pulled 
off  the  coat  of  mail  and  the  veil,  and  Hassan  found  her 
to  be  blue-eyed  with  a  large  nose.  She  was  a  calamity 
among  calamities,  of  the  most  hideous  form,  with  a 
face  marked  with  smallpox,  and  hairless  eyebrows,  and 
broken  teeth,  and  puffed  cheeks,  and  grey  hair,  and  a 
mouth  running  with  saliva.  Her  hair  was  falling  off, 
and  she  was  like  a  speckled,  black  and  white  serpent. 
And  she  was  the  chief  of  the  troops,  and  the  person  of 
authority  among  them,  and  their  leader. 

Now,  when  she  looked  at  Hassan,  she  asked  him 
respecting  his  case,  and  wondered  at  his  arrival.  And 
Hassan  related  to  her  all  that  had  happened  to  him  from 
beginning  to  end.  The  woman  wondered  at  his  tale, 
and  said:  "Comfort  thy  heart  and  comfort  thy  soul. 
Now  that  thou  hast  come  unto  me,  no  harm  shall 
befall  thee,  nor  will  I  suffer  any  one  of  all  who  are  in  the 
Islands  of  Wak  Wak  to  do  thee  any  injury,  and  I  will 
aid  thee  to  attain  thy  desire,  if  it  be  the  will  of  Allah, 
whose  name  be  exalted!    Know,  0  my  son,  that  thy 

The   Arabian   Nights  199 

wife  is  in  the  seventh  island  of  the  Islands  of  Wak  Wak, 
and  the  distance  between  us  and  it  is  seven  months' 
journey,  night  and  day.  For  we  proceed  hence  until  we 
arrive  at  a  land  called  the  Land  of  Birds,  and  by  reason 
of  the  vehemence  of  the  cries  of  the  birds,  and  the 
flapping  of  their  wings,  we  shall  hear  nothing  else. 
Then  we  pass  forth  from  it  to  a  land  called  the  Land  of 
the  "Wild  Beasts,  and  by  reason  of  the  vehemence  of 
the  cries  of  the  beasts  of  prey  and  the  hyenas,  and  other 
wild  beasts,  and  the  howling  of  the  wolves  and  the 
roaring  of  the  lions,  we  shall  hear  nothing  else.  We 
then  pass  forth  from  it  to  a  land  called  the  Land  of  the 
Genii,  where  by  the  reason  of  the  vehemence  of  the 
cries  of  the  Genii,  and  the  rising  of  the  flames,  and  the 
flying  about  of  the  sparks,  and  the  smoke  from  their 
mouths,  and  the  harsh  sounds  from  their  throats,  and 
their  insolence,  they  will  obstruct  our  way,  and  our  ears 
will  be  deafened,  and  our  eyes  will  be  covered  with 
darkness,  so  that  we  shall  neither  hear  nor  see,  nor  will 
any  of  us  be  able  to  look  behind  him,  for  by  so  doing  he 
would  perish.  After  which  there  will  be  a  vast  mountain 
and  a  running  river,  which  extend  to  the  Islands  of 
Wak  Wak.  On  the  banks  of  this  river  is  a  tree  called 
Wak  Wak,  whose  branches  resemble  the  heads  of  the 
sons  of  Adam.  When  the  sun  riseth  those  heads  all 
cry  out :  *  Wak  Wak !  Extolled  be  the  perfection  of  the 
King,  the  Excellent  Creator!'  In  like  manner  also 
when  the  sun  setteth  those  beads  cry  out  the  same 
words.  A  queen  ruleth  over  the  land  and  under  her 
authority  are  the  tribes  of  the  Genii,  Marids,  and 
Devils,  also  innumerable  enchanters.  Now,  if  thou 
fear,  I  will  transport  thee  in  a  vessel,  and  convey  thee 
to  thine  own  country,  but,  if  it  be  agreeable  to  thy 

2  00  The  Arabian   Nights 

heart  to  remain  with  us,  I  will  not  prevent  thee."  Then 
said  Hassan:  "O  my  mistress,  I  will  not  quit  thee  until 
I  meet  with  my  wife,  or  my  life  shall  be  lost." 

The  old  woman,  whose  name  was  Shawahi,  gave 
orders  to  beat  the  drum  for  departure,  and  the  army 
proceeded,  Hassan  in  company  with  the  old  woman. 
They  ceased  not  to  journey  until  they  arrived  at  the 
first  of  the  seven  islands,  which  was  the  Island  of  Birds. 
They  entered  it  and,  in  consequence  of  the  vehemence 
of  the  cries,  Hassan's  head  ached  and  his  mind  was 
bewildered,  his  eyes  were  blinded  and  his  ears  stopped 
and  he  feared  violently  and  made  sure  of  death.  But 
they  passed  forth  from  the  Land  of  Birds  and  entered 
the  Land  of  Wild  Beasts,  where  the  roaring  and  the 
raging  of  the  hyenas,  wolves  and  lions  and  other  beasts 
of  prey  made  Hassan  to  quake  with  horror.  Then  they 
passed  forth  to  the  land  of  smoke  and  flying  sparks  and 
flames,  the  Land  of  the  Genii.  And  when  Hassan  be- 
held it  he  feared,  and  repented  of  having  entered  it. 
And  they  escaped  from  the  Land  of  the  Genii,  and 
arrived  at  the  river,  and  alighting  beneath  a  vast  and 
lofty  mountain,  they  pitched  their  tents  upon  the  river 
bank.  The  old  woman  placed  for  Hassan  a  couch 
of  alabaster,  set  with  fine  pearls,  and  with  jewels  and 
bars  of  red  gold,  by  the  side  of  the  river.  They  ate,  and 
drank,  and  slept  in  security,  for  they  had  arrived  at 
their  own  country. 

The  next  morning  Shawahi  said  to  Hassan:  "O 
my  son,  describe  to  me  thy  wife,  for  I  know  every 
damsel  in  the  Islands  of  Wak  Wak,  as  I  am  the  leader 
of  the  damsels  and  their  commander,  and,  if  thou 
describe  her  to  me,  I  shall  know  her,  and  will  contrive 
means  for  thy  taking  her."    Accordingly  he  described 

The   Arabian   Nights  201 

her.  Thereupon  the  old  woman  hung  down  her  head 
towards  the  ground,  then  she  raised  it  and  exclaimed: 
"Verily  I  am  afflicted,  O  Hassan!  Would  that  I  had 
not  known  thee!  Thy  wife  is  the  daughter  of  the 
supreme  King,  his  eldest  daughter  who  ruleth  over  all 
the  Islands  of  Wak  Wak.  It  is  impossible  for  thee  to 
ever  gain  access  to  her.  Return,  O  my  son,  and  cast 
not  thyself  into  destruction,  and  me  with  thee!"  And 
she  feared  for  herself  and  for  him. 

But  Hassan  wept,  and  pleaded  with  her  until  he 
touched  her  heart,  and  the  old  woman  pitied  him,  and 
had  compassion  on  him,  and  said  kindly:  "Let  thy  soul 
be  happy,  and  thine  eye  cheerful,  and  let  thy  mind 
be  free  from  anxiety.  For  with  the  help  of  Allah  I  will 
expose  my  soul  to  peril  with  thee,  until  thou  shalt 
attain  thy  desire,  or  my  death  shall  overtake  me!" 

The  old  woman  conducted  Hassan  into  the  city,  and 
hid  him.  When  she  saw  him  burning  with  desire  to 
meet  with  his  wife  and  his  children,  she  arose,  and 
repaired  to  the  palace  of  the  Queen  Nour  Elhada,  and 
went  in  to  her,  and  kissed  the  ground  before  her.  Now 
Shawahi  was  in  favour  because  she  had  reared  all  the 
daughters  of  the  King,  and  was  held  in  honour  by  them, 
and  was  dear  unto  the  King.  So  when  she  went  in  the 
Queen  rose,  and  embraced  her,  and  seated  her  by  her 
side,  and  asked  her  respecting  her  journey. 

So  the  old  woman  acquainted  the  Queen  with  the 
story  of  Hassan  from  beginning  to  end.  She  trembled 
like  the  reed  in  the  day  of  the  stormy  wind,  until  she 
fell  down  before  the  daughter  of  the  King  imploring 
her  to  aid  Hassan  and  to  give  him  access  to  his  wife  and 
his  children.  When  the  Queen  heard  her  words  she  was 
violently  enraged  and  said:  "O  ill-omened  old  woman. 

2  02  The  Arabian   Nights 

hath  thy  wickedness  occasioned  thee  to  bring  a  man  to 
the  Islands  of  Wak  Wak!  By  the  head  of  the  Bang, 
were  it  not  for  the  claim  thou  hast  upon  me,  I  would 
slay  thee  and  him  this  instant,  in  the  most  abominable 
manner!  Go  forth  and  bring  him  immediately,  that  I 
may  see  him." 

The  old  woman  went  forth  confounded,  and  she 
went  to  Hassan,  and  said  to  him:  "Arise,  answer  the 
summons  of  the  Queen,  O  thou,  whose  last  day  hath 
drawn  near."  So  he  arose,  and  went  with  her,  and 
presented  himself  before  Queen  Nour  Elhada,  and  he 
saw  her  with  a  veil  over  her  face.  And  she  questioned 
him,  and  he  told  her  all  that  had  befallen  him,  and 
implored  her  to  have  compassion  on  him,  and  to  restore 
to  him  his  wife  and  children ;  then  he  wept  and  lamented. 
Then  said  the  Queen  Nour  Elhada:  "I  have  compassion 
on  thee  and  pity  thee,  and  I  will  display  to  thee  every 
damsel  in  the  city  and  in  my  islands,  and,  if  thou  know 
thy  wife,  I  will  deliver  her  to  thee,  but,  if  thou  know 
her  not,  I  will  slay  thee,  and  crucify  thee  on  the  door  of 
the  house  of  the  old  woman." 

The  Queen  therefore  introduced  the  damsels  to 
Hassan,  a  hundred  after  a  hundred,  until  there  remained 
not  a  damsel  in  the  city  whom  she  did  not  display 
to  him.  But  he  saw  not  his  wife  among  them.  Then 
was  the  Queen  enraged,  and  about  to  slay  Hassan,  but 
Shawahi  advanced  to  the  Queen,  and  kissed  the  ground 
before  her  and  said:  "O  Queen,  hasten  not  to  punish 
him,  for  the  poor  man  is  a  stranger.  He  hath  entered 
our  country,  and  eaten  our  food,  so  it  is  expedient  that 
we  give  him  his  due.  Now  there  remaineth  not  any 
of  the  women  to  display  excepting  thee,  therefore  sho\* 
him  thy  face." 

The   Arabian   Nights  203 

At  this  the  Queen  smiled,  and  uncovered  her  face, 
and  when  Hassan  saw  it  he  uttered  a  great  cry  and 
exclaimed:  "Verily  this  Queen  is  either  my  wife  or 
she  is  more  like  her  than  any  other  person!"  And  the 
Queen  laughed  until  she  fell  backwards.  "Verily," 
said  she,  "this  stranger  is  mad,  or  disordered  in  mind!" 
Then  turning  to  Hassan  she  asked:  "What  is  there  in 
thy  wife  that  resembleth  me?"  "O  my  mistress," 
he  answered,  "all  that  thou  hast  of  beauty  and  loveli- 
ness, and  elegance  and  sweetness  of  speech,  resembleth 
her!"  The  Queen  then  looking  towards  Shawahi  said: 
"0  my  mother,  take  him  back  to  his  place  immediately, 
and  return  to  me,  speedily." 

So  the  old  woman  went  forth,  and  took  Hassan  to 
her  house.  She  then  returned  to  the  Queen  with  speed. 
And  the  Queen  ordered  her  to  arm  herself,  and  to  take 
with  her  a  thousand  brave  horsemen,  and  to  go  to  the 
abode  of  her  younger  sister  Menar  Elsena,  the  daughter 
of  the  supreme  King,  and  bid  her  clothe  her  two  sons 
in  two  coats  of  mail,  and  send  them  to  their  aunt  the 
Queen.  "And,  O  my  mother,"  said  Queen  Nour 
Elhada,  "conceal  the  matter  from  Hassan,  and  when 
thou  hast  received  the  two  children,  say  to  my  sister 
that  I  invite  her  to  visit  me,  and  to  come  at  her  leisure." 

So  the  old  woman  set  forth,  and  did  all  that  Queen 
Nour  Elhada  commanded,  and  brought  to  her  the  two 
children.  And  when  the  Queen  saw  them  she  embraced 
them,  and  pressed  them  to  her  bosom,  then  looking 
toward  the  old  woman  she  said:  "Bring  now  Hassan." 
Then  turning  to  her  chamberlain  and  twenty  mem- 
looks,  "Go  with  this  old  woman,"  she  said,  "and  bring 
the  young  man  who  is  in  her  house,  with  speed." 

So  the  old  woman  went  forth,  dragged  along  by  the 

2  04  The  Arabian   Nights 

chamberlain  and  memlooks.  Her  complexion  had 
turned  sallow,  and  the  muscles  of  her  side  quivered. 
She  entered  her  abode  and  said:  "Arise,  and  answer  the 
summons  of  this  wicked,  sinful,  oppressive,  tyrannical 
woman!"  So  Hassan  arose,  broken-spirited,  with 
mourning  heart,  fearing,  and  saying:  "O  Allah  of  peace, 
preserve  me!"  He  repaired  with  the  twenty  mem- 
looks and  the  chamberlain  and  the  old  woman,  and  went 
in  to  the  Queen.  His  sons  Nasir  and  Mansour  were 
sitting  in  her  lap  and  she  was  playing  with  them.  When 
his  eye  fell  upon  them  he  knew  them,  and  uttered  a 
great  cry,  and  the  two  children  knew  him,  and  climbing 
from  the  lap  of  the  Queen  they  exclaimed:  "O  our 
father!"  and  Hassan  embraced  his  children. 

Now  when  the  Queen  knew  that  the  little  ones  were 
the  children  of  Hassan,  and  that  her  sister  Menar 
Elsena  was  his  wife,  she  was  enraged  with  a  violent 
rage.  She  cried  out  to  her  memlooks  to  drag  Hassan 
forth  on  his  face,  and  to  throw  him  out,  and  they  did  so. 

Now,  as  to  his  wife,  Menar  Elsena,  she  began  her 
journey  on  the  second  day  after  that  on  which  the  old 
woman  set  forth  with  the  children.  When  she  arrived 
at  the  city  of  Queen  Nour  Elhada,  she  ascended  to  the 
palace,  and  went  in  to  her,  and  she  heard  her  children 
crying  out:  "O  our  father!"  So  the  tears  flowed  from 
her  eyes,  and  she  wept,  and  pressed  her  children  to  her 
bosom.  But  when  the  Queen  saw  that  she  pressed  her 
children  to  her  bosom  she  said:  "O  wicked  woman, 
whose  children  are  these?  Hast  thou  married  without 
the  knowledge  of  thy  father?  Wherefore  didst  thou 
quit  thy  husband  and  take  thy  children?  Thou  hast 
concealed  thy  children  from  us,  but  we  knew  it,  and 
FK)w  thy  shameful  secret  has  been  exposed." 

The  Arabian   Nights  205 

The  Queen  ordered  her  guards  to  lay  hold  upon 
Menar  Elsena.  So  they  seized  her,  and  bound  her 
hands  behind  her,  and  shackled  her  with  shackles  of 
iron,  and  inflicted  upon  her  a  painful  beating.  Then 
the  Queen  caused  a  ladder  of  wood  to  be  brought  to 
her,  and  extended  her  sister  upon  it,  and  ordered  the 
servants  to  bind  her  on  her  back  on  the  ladder,  and  they 
stretched  forth  her  arms,  and  tied  them  with  cords, 
uncovered  her  head,  and  wound  her  hair  upon  the 
ladder.  Then  the  Queen  ordered  the  pages  to  bring 
her  a  palm-stick,  so  they  brought  it,  and  she  arose,  and 
tucked  up  her  sleeves,  and  fell  to  beating  Menar  Elsena 
from  her  head  to  her  feet,  then  she  called  for  a  plaited 
whip,  such  as  elephants  are  beaten  with,  and  she  fell 
to  beating  her  with  that  until  she  fainted.  Now  when 
the  old  woman,  Shawahi,  saw  this  that  the  Queen  did, 
she  went  forth  fleeing  from  before  her,  weeping  and 
cursing.  But  the  Queen  cried  out  to  her  servants  to 
lay  hold  on  the  old  woman  and  to  drag  her  along  on  her 
face,  and  turn  her  out.  Accordingly  they  dragged  her, 
and  turned  her  out. 

As  to  Hassan,  he  arose  with  firmness,  and  walked 
along  the  bank  of  the  river,  and  turned  his  face  towards 
the  desert.  As  he  was  proceeding  he  came  to  a  lonely 
and  perilous  place,  and,  lo,  on  the  ground  was  a  rod  of 
brass,  engraved  with  talismans,  and  by  the  side  of  the 
rod  was  a  cap  of  leather  whereon  were  worked  in  steel 
names  and  characters  of  seals,  and  with  the  rod  and 
cap  was  a  parchment  on  which  was  inscribed:  "Now  as 
to  the  cap  its  secret  property  is  this,  that  whosoever 
putteth  it  on  his  head  he  will  become  invisible.  And 
as  to  the  rod,  this  is  its  secret  property,  that  whosoever 
possesseth  it  he  hath  authority  over  seven  tribes  of  the 

2o6  The   Arabian   Nights 

Genii,  and  all  of  them  will  serve  this  rod.  When  he 
who  possesseth  it  smiteth  the  ground  its  Kings  will 
humble  themselves  to  him,  and  all  the  Genii  will  be  at 
his  service." 

So  Hassan  rejoiced  and  he  returned  and  entered  the 
city  wearing  the  cap,  and  having  the  rod  in  his  hand, 
and  none  of  the  people  saw  him.  He  entered  the  palace, 
and  ascended  to  the  place  where  was  Shawahi,  and  he 
went  in  still  wearing  the  cap,  and  she  saw  him  not.  And 
he  drew  near  to  a  shelf  which  was  over  her  head,  and  on 
which  were  vessels  of  glass  and  china,  and  he  shook  it 
with  his  hand  so  that  the  things  that  were  upon  it  fell 
to  the  floor.  "I  conjure  thee,  O  devil,"  Shawahi  cried 
out,  "by  the  characters  on  the  seal  of  Solomon,  the 
son  of  David,  (on  both  of  whom  be  peace),  that  thou 
speak  to  me!"  "I  am  not  a  devil,"  Hassan  replied, 
"I  am  Hassan  the  distracted,  the  perplexed!"  and  he 
pulled  off  his  cap,  and  the  old  woman  knew  him. 

Hassan  showed  her  the  rod  and  the  cap,  and  the 
old  woman  rejoiced  exceedingly.  "  O  my  son,"  said  she, 
"now  thou  canst  gain  possession  of  thy  wife  and  thy 
children.  I  can  no  longer  abide  in  the  abode  of  this 
wicked  woman,  so  I  am  about  to  depart  to  the  cavern 
of  the  enchanters,  to  live  with  them  until  I  die.  But 
do  thou,  O  my  son,  put  on  the  cap  and  take  the  rod  in 
thy  hand  and  rescue  thy  wife  and  thy  children." 

Hassan  then  bade  her  farewell,  and  putting  on  the 
cap  and  taking  the  rod,  he  entered  the  place  in  which 
was  his  wife.  He  saw  her  extended  on  the  ladder 
with  her  hair  bound  to  it,  and  with  a  weeping  eye  and  a 
mournful  heart.  Her  children  were  beneath  the  ladder 
playing,  and  when  Hassan  saw  the  torment  and  abase- 
ment and  contempt  she  was  suffering  he  wept,  and 

The   Arabian   Nights  207 

removed  his  cap,  whereupon  the  children  saw  him  and 
cried  out:  "O  our  father!"  And  when  his  wife  saw  him 
she  uttered  a  loud  cry.  *'How  earnest  thou  here?" 
she  exclaimed,  "hast  thou  descended  from  the  sky,  or 
risen  from  the  earth?"  And  her  eyes  filled  with  tears. 
"O  my  mistress,"  Hassan  replied,  "and  mistress  of 
every  queen,  I  have  exposed  my  life  to  peril  and  come 
hither,  and  either  I  will  die  or  I  will  deliver  thee  from 
the  trouble  in  which  thou  art  and  I  and  thou  and  my 
children  will  journey  to  my  country  in  spite  of  this 
wicked  woman,  thy  sister.  I  came  to  deliver  thee  by 
the  means  of  this  rod  and  by  the  means  of  this  cap." 
And  he  related  to  her  the  properties  of  the  cap  and  the 

Then  Hassan  waited  until  night  approached.  He 
loosed  his  wife,  and  kissed  her  head,  pressed  her  to 
his  bosom,  and  kissed  her  between  the  eyes.  He  then 
took  up  the  elder  child,  and  she  took  up  the  younger 
child,  and  they  went  forth  from  the  palace.  Allah  let 
down  the  veil  of  his  protection  over  them  so  they  ar- 
rived in  safety  at  the  outside  of  the  palace.  They 
stopped  at  the  outer  door,  but  found  it  locked.  And 
while  they  were  despairing  of  escape,  they  heard  a 
voice  on  the  other  side  of  the  door  saying:  "I  am 
Shawahi,  I  will  open  the  door  to  thee  if  thou  wilt  swear 
to  take  me  with  thee,  and  not  leave  me  with  this 
wicked  woman ! "  So  they  swore  as  she  desired  and  she 
opened  the  door,  and  they  went  forth,  and  found  her 
riding  upon  a  red  earthen  jar,  upon  the  neck  of  which 
was  a  rope  of  the  fibres  of  the  palm-tree,  and  it  was 
turning  about  beneath  her,  and  moving  with  great 

She  rode  before  them,  and  said  to  them:  "Follow  me. 

2o8  The  Arabian   Nights 

and  be  not  terrified,  for  I  know  forty  modes  of  enchant- 
ment, by  the  least  of  which  I  could  make  this  city  a 
roaring  sea  agitated  with  waves,  and  enchant  every 
damsel  in  it  so  that  she  would  become  a  fish,  but  I  was 
unable  to  do  anything  because  of  my  fear  of  the  King, 
the  father  of  Nour  Elhada.  However  I  will  show  you 
the  wonders  of  my  enchantment.  Follow  me,  relying 
upon  the  blessing  of  Allah,  whose  name  be  exalted!" 
So  Hassan  and  his  wife  rejoiced  and  felt  sure  of  escape. 


THEY  went  forth  from  the  city,  and  Hassan,  tak- 
ing the  rod  in  his  hand,  struck  with  it  the 
ground.  And,  lo,  the  earth  clove  asunder,  and  there 
came  forth  from  it  seven  Airites,  each  of  them  having 
his  feet  on  the  earth  and  his  head  in  the  clouds.  They 
kissed  the  ground  before  Hassan  three  times,  and  said 
with  one  voice:  "At  thy  service,  O  our  master,  and 
ruler  over  us,  what  dost  thou  command.?  If  thou 
desirest  we  will  dry  up  for  thee  the  seas,  and  remove 
for  thee  the  mountains.  Know  we  are  seven  Kings,  and 
each  King  of  us  ruleth  over  seven  tribes  of  the  Genii, 
and  the  Devils  and  the  Marids,  including  Flyers  and 
Divers,  and  dwellers  in  the  mountains  and  the  deserts 
and  the  wastes,  and  the  inhabitants  of  the  sea.  Order 
us  to  do  as  thou  wilt,  for  we  are  the  servants  and  slaves 
of  the  rod." 

Then  said  Hassan:  "Show  me  your  company  and 
your  troops  and  your  guards."  "O  our  master,"  they 
replied,  "if  we  should  show  thee  our  company  we  would 

The   Arabian   Nights  209 

fear  for  thee  and  for  those  with  thee,  for  we  have  numer- 
ous troops,  of  various  forms  and  makes  and  faces  and 
bodies.  Some  of  us  are  heads  without  bodies,  and 
bodies  without  heads,  and  among  us  are  some  Hke  wild 
beasts  and  animals  of  prey.  But,  what  dost  thou 
desire  of  us  now?"  "I  desire,"  said  Hassan,  "that  ye 
carry  me  and  my  wife  and  this  virtuous  woman  im- 
mediately to  Bagdad."  When  they  heard  these  words 
they  hung  their  heads,  "O  master  and  ruler  over  us," 
they  replied,  "Solomon  the  son  of  David  (on  both  of 
whom  be  peace)  made  us  swear  that  we  would  not 
carry  any  of  the  sons  of  Adam  upon  our  backs,  but  we 
will  immediately  saddle  for  thee  horses  of  the  Genii, 
which  will  convey  thee  to  thy  country,  thee  and  those 
that  are  with  thee.  The  distance  between  us  and  Bag- 
dad is  a  seven  years'  journey  to  the  ordinary  horseman. 
But  the  sheikh  Abdelcadus,  who  mounted  thee  upon 
the  elephant,  traversed  with  thee  in  ten  days  a  space 
of  three  years'  journey,  and  the  Afrite  Dahnash  trav- 
ersed with  thee  in  a  night  and  day,  the  space  of  three 
years'  journey.  And  from  Bagdad  to  the  palace  of  the 
damsels  is  a  year's  journey.  So  these  make  up  the 
seven  years.  But  our  horses  will  arrive  with  thee  at 
Bagdad  in  less  than  a  year,  after  thou  shalt  have  en- 
dured diflSculties,  troubles  and  horrors,  and  traversed 
thirsty  valleys,  and  dismal  wastes,  and  deserts  and 
dangerous  places.  Perhaps  the  people  of  these  islands, 
the  enchanters  and  sorcerers,  will  overcome  us  and 
take  thee  from  us.  But  be  thou  resolute,  and  fear  not, 
for  we  are  at  thy  service  until  thou  arrivest  at  thine 
own  country."  And  Hassan  thanked  them  and  said: 
"Hasten  with  the  horses!"  And  they  replied:  "We 
hear  and  obey." 

2  I  o  The   Arabian   Nights 

They  then  struck  the  ground  with  their  feet,  and  it 
clove  asunder,  and  they  descended  into  the  earth. 
And  after  a  while,  lo,  they  came  up  bringing  with  them 
three  horses  saddled  and  bridled.  On  the  front  of  each 
saddle  was  a  pair  of  saddle-bags,  containing  food  and 
a  leather  bottle  of  water.  Hassan  mounted  a  courser, 
taking  a  child  before  him,  and  his  wife  mounted  the 
second  courser,  and  took  a  child  before  her.  Then 
Shawahi,  the  old  woman,  alighted  from  her  red  earthen 
jar  and  mounted  the  third  courser. 

So  they  departed  and  travelled  all  that  night  and  the 
next  day,  until  they  arrived  at  a  mountain.  And,  lo, 
they  beheld  a  phantom-like  form,  resembling  a  pillar, 
and  it  was  lofty,  like  smoke  ascending  to  the  sky. 
When  they  drew  near  to  that  black  object  they  found  it 
to  be  an  Afrite,  whose  head  was  like  a  huge  dome,  and 
his  dog-teeth  were  like  hooks,  and  his  nostrils  like 
ewers,  and  his  ears  like  shields,  and  his  mouth  like  a 
cavern,  and  his  hands  like  winnowing-forks,  and  his 
legs  like  masts,  his  head  was  amid  the  clouds  and  his 
feet  were  upon  the  earth. 

And  the  Afrite  bowed  himself  before  Hassan,  and 
kissed  the  ground  and  said:  "O  Hassan,  fear  me  not 
for  I  am  chief  of  the  inhabitants  of  this  land,  and  this  is 
the  first  island  of  Wak  Wak.  I  am  a  Mohammetan  and 
I  will  be  thy  guide  until  thou  goest  forth  from  these 
islands,  and  I  will  not  appear  save  at  night."  Accord- 
ingly the  Afrite  went  before  them,  and  their  hearts 
became  happy,  and  they  rejoiced  exceedingly,  and 
felt  sure  of  escape. 

They  ceased  not  to  traverse  the  valleys  and  the  wastes 
for  the  space  of  a  whole  month.  On  the  thirty-first 
day  there  arose  a  dust,  and  the  day  was  darkened  by 

The   Arabian   Nights  2  1 1 

it.  So  when  Hassan  beheld  it  he  became  pale  with  fear. 
And  they  heard  alarming  noises,  and  the  old  woman 
said  to  Hassan:  "O  my  son,  these  are  the  troops  of  the 
Islands  of  Wak  Wak.  Strike  the  earth  with  the  rod!" 
Whereupon  he  did  so,  and  the  seven  Kings  came  up, 
and  saluted  him,  and  said  to  him:  "Fear  not  nor  grieve. 
Ascend  with  thy  wife  and  thy  children,  and  her  who  is 
with  thee,  upon  the  mountain,  and  leave  us  with  these 
troops.  We  know  ye  are  in  the  right  and  they  are  in  the 
wrong,  and  Allah  will  defend  us  against  them."  Hassan 
and  his  wife  and  his  children  and  the  old  woman 
alighted,  and  ascended  the  side  of  the  mountain. 

The  seven  Kjngs  called  forth  their  troops  from  the 
earth,  and  the  Queen  Nour  Elhada  approached,  with 
troops  disposed  on  the  right  and  left,  and  the  chiefs 
went  around  them  and  ranged  them  company  by 
company.  The  two  armies  met,  and  the  two  hosts 
dashed  against  each  other,  and  the  fires  raged,  and  the 
heroes  advanced  boldly,  and  the  cowards  fled,  and  the 
Genii  cast  forth  from  their  mouths  burning  sparks, 
and  the  fires  of  war  raged  among  them.  They  ceased 
not  to  fight,  and  contend  until  the  troops  of  Wak  Wak 
were  defeated,  and  the  Queen  Nour  Elhada  taken 
captive,  together  with  the  grandees  of  her  kingdom  and 
her  chief  officers. 

When  the  morning  came  the  seven  Kings  presented 
themselves  before  Hassan,  and  set  for  him  a  couch  of 
alabaster  ornamented  with  fine  pearls  and  jewels,  and 
he  seated  himself  upon  it.  They  also  set  by  it  another 
couch  for  the  Lady  Menar  Elsena,  and  that  couch  was 
of  ivory  overlaid  with  brilliant  gold.  And  they  set 
another  couch  for  the  old  woman  Shawahi.  They  then 
brought  forward  the  prisoners,  among  them  the  Queen 

2  12  The  Arabian   Nights 

Nour  Elhada,  who  had  her  hands  bound  behind  her. 
and  her  feet  shackled.  When  Shawahi  saw  her  she  said: 
*'0  wicked,  tyrannical  woman!  Thou  shalt  be  tied  to 
the  tails  of  horses,  and  driven  to  the  sea,  that  thy  skin 
may  be  lacerated!"  Thereupon  Hassan  gave  orders 
to  slay  all  the  captives,  and  the  old  woman  cried  out: 
"Slay  ye  them !    Let  not  one  of  them  remain ! " 

But,  when  the  Lady  Menar  Elsena  saw  her  sister  in 
this  state,  shackled  and  in  captivity,  she  wept  for  her, 
and  implored  Hassan  to  save  her  alive.  "Her  torture 
of  thee  was  abominable,"  he  replied,  "but  whatever 
thou  desirest  do  it."  Thereupon  the  Lady  Menar 
Elsena  gave  orders  to  loose  all  the  prisoners,  and  they 
loosed  them  for  the  sake  of  her  sister,  and  they  loosed 
her  sister  also,  after  which  Menar  Elsena  advanced  to 
her  and  embraced  her,  and  made  a  reconciliation  be- 
tween her  and  the  old  woman,  and  their  hearts  were 
comforted.  They  then  passed  the  night  conversing 
together  till  morning.  When  the  sun  arose,  they  bade 
each  other  farewell.  Hassan  and  his  wife  journeyed 
to  the  right  and  Queen  Nour  Elhada  together  with 
Shawahi  journeyed  to  the  left,  and  all  went  to  their  own 

Hassan  ceased  not  to  proceed  with  his  wife  and  his 
children  for  the  space  of  a  whole  month,  after  which 
they  came  in  sight  of  a  city  around  which  were  fruits 
and  rivers.  When  they  arrived  at  the  trees,  they 
alighted  from  the  backs  of  their  horses,  and  sat  down 
to  rest,  and,  lo,  many  horses  advanced  towards  them. 
When  Hassan  saw  them  he  arose  to  his  feet,  and  met 
them,  and,  behold,  they  were  King  Hasoun,  the  Lord 
of  the  Land  of  Camphor  and  the  Castle  of  Crystal,  and 
his  attendants.     Hassan  advanced  to  the  King,  and 

The  Arabian   Nights  213 

kissed  his  hands,  and  saluted  him.  The  King  ahghted 
from  the  back  of  his  courser,  and  seated  himself  with 
Hassan  upon  furniture  spread  beneath  the  trees. 
Hassan  acquainted  him  with  all  these  events,  and  the 
King  wondered  at  them.  "O  my  son,"  he  said,  "no 
one  ever  obtained  access  to  the  Islands  of  Wak  Wak, 
and  returned  from  them,  excepting  thee,  and  thy  case 
is  wonderful!  But  praise  be  to  Allah  for  thy  safety!" 
Then  the  King  arose,  and  took  Hassan  and  his  wife 
and  his  children  to  the  mansion  of  entertainment.  They 
remained  with  the  Kjng  three  days  eating,  and  drink- 
ing, and  enjoying  sport  and  mirth. 

Hassan  then  begged  King  Hasoun  that  he  might 
journey  to  his  country,  and  he  gave  him  permission. 
So  he  mounted  with  his  wife  and  children,  and  the  King 
mounted  with  them,  and  they  proceeded  ten  days,  and 
when  the  King  desired  to  return  he  bade  Hassan  fare- 
well, and  Hassan  continued  his  journey. 

And  they  journeyed  on  for  the  space  of  another 
month,  when  they  came  to  a  great  cavern,  the  ground  of 
which  was  of  brass.  And,  lo,  the  sheikh  Aboulruish 
came  forth  from  the  entrance  of  the  cavern.  And  Has- 
san saw  him,  and  alighted  from  his  courser,  and  kissed 
his  hands,  and  the  sheikh  rejoiced  at  his  coming, 
and  conducted  him  into  the  cavern.  Hassan  proceeded 
to  tell  the  sheikh  all  that  had  happened  to  him  in  the 
Islands  of  Wak  Wak. 

Now  while  they  were  talking  some  one  knocked  on  the 
door  of  the  cavern.  The  sheikh  Aboulruish  opened 
the  door,  and  he  found  that  the  sheikh  Abdelcadus 
had  come  riding  upon  the  elephant.  The  sheikh 
Aboulruish  advanced,  and  saluted,  and  embraced  him, 
then  said  to  Hassan:  "Relate  to  the  sheikh  Abdelcadus 

2  14         The  Arabian   Nights 

all  that  hath  happened  to  thee,  O  Hassan."  So  Hassan 
proceeded  to  relate  to  the  sheikh  all  that  had  happened 
to  him  from  the  first  to  the  last,  until  he  came  to  the 
story  of  the  rod  and  cap,  whereupon  he  presented  the 
cap  to  the  sheikh  Aboulruish  and  said  unto  the  sheikh 
Abdelcadus:  "Accompany  me  to  my  country,  and  I 
will  give  thee  the  rod."  And  the  two  sheikhs  rejoiced 
thereat  exceedingly,  and  prepared  for  Hassan  riches 
and  treasures  that  cannot  be  described. 

Hassan  remained  with  them  three  days,  then  he 
mounted  his  beast,  and  his  wife  mounted  another. 
The  sheikh  Abdelcadus  whistled,  and,  lo,  the  huge  ele- 
phant advanced  trotting  from  the  further  part  of  the 
desert.  The  sheikh  Abdelcadus  took  him,  and  mounted, 
and  proceeded  with  Hassan,  his  wife  and  his  children. 
They  pursued  their  journey  traversing  the  land  in  its 
length  and  breadth,  until,  lo,  the  green  cupola  and  the 
pool,  and  the  green  palace,  and  the  Mountain  of  Clouds 
appeared  to  them  in  the  distance. 

They  drew  near  to  the  palace,  and  alighted,  and 
behold  the  damsels  of  the  palace  came  forth  to  meet 
them.  They  saluted  their  uncle,  and  they  embraced 
Hassan,  and  it  was  to  them  as  a  festival-day.  Then 
Hassan  gave  the  rod  to  Abdelcadus,  who  mounted,  and 
returned  to  his  abode. 

Hassan  remained  with  the  damsels  ten  days  eating, 
drinking,  and  in  joy  and  happiness,  and  after  the  ten 
days  he  made  ready  for  his  journey.  His  youngest 
sister  arose,  and  prepared  for  him  wealth  and  rarities 
that  cannot  be  described.  He  bade  the  damsels  fare- 
well, and  mounted,  with  his  wife  and  his  children,  and 
departed  from  the  Palace  of  the  Mountain  of  Clouds. 
He  proceeded  over  a  desert  tract  for  the  space  of  two 

The  Arabian   Nights  215 

months  and  ten  days,  until  he  arrived  at  the  city  of 
Bagdad,  the  Abode  of  Peace.  And  he  came  to  his  house 
and  knocked,  and  his  mother  opened  the  door.  When 
she  saw  Hassan  she  embraced  him,  and  wept,  and  cried 
out  saying:  "Praise  be  to  Allah,  O  my  son,  for  thy 
safety,  and  for  that  of  thy  wife  and  thy  children!" 
When  the  morning  came  Hassan  put  on  a  suit  of  the 
most  beautiful  stuff,  and  went  forth  to  the  market. 
He  bought  male  black  slaves,  and  female  slaves,  and 
stuffs  and  precious  ornaments  and  apparel,  and  furni- 
ture and  costly  vessels,  of  which  the  like  existed  not  in 
the  possession  of  Kings.  He  bought  also  houses  and 
gardens,  and  other  things.  He  resided  with  his  children 
and  his  wife  and  his  mother,  eating,  drinking,  and 
delighting.  And  they  ceased  not  to  pass  a  most  comfort- 
able life,  until  they  were  visited  by  the  exterminator 
V)f  delights  and  the  separator  of  companions. 

"This  story  is  indeed  wonderful,"  said  Sheherazade, 
"but  it  is  not  more  wonderful  than  what  befell  Caliph 
the  fisherman  and  the  beautiful  Koutelkuloub,  the 
slave-girl  of  the  Caliph  Haroun  Er  Raschid,"  and 
Sheherazade  related  as  follows: 

Chapter  VII 


THERE  was  in  ancient  times,  in  the  city  of 
Bagdad,  a  poor  fisherman  named  CaHph. 
Early  one  morning  he  took  his  net,  and  went 
with  it  to  the  River  Tigris.  When  he  arrived 
at  the  river  he  spread  his  net,  and  cast  it  the  first,  and 
the  second  time,  but  nothing  came  up  in  it.  He  ceased 
not  to  cast  until  he  had  done  so  ten  times,  but  nothing 
whatever  came  up.  So  his  heart  was  heavy,  and  he  sat 
upon  the  bank,  hanging  down  his  head  toward  the 
ground.  Then  after  saying  a  prayer  he  thought  to  him- 
self: "I  will  cast  the  net  this  time  also  and  rely  on  the 
goodness  of  Allah!" 

Accordingly  he  advanced,  and  cast  his  net  as  far  as  he 
could  into  the  river,  and  he  folded  his  cord,  and  waited 
a  while.  Then  he  drew  the  net,  and  found  it  heavy. 
He  managed,  it  gently,  and  drew  it  until  it  came  up  on 
the  bank,  and,  lo,in  it  was  a  one-eyed,  lame  apje  who  had 
about  his  waist  a  piece  of  ragged  stuff. 

When  Caliph  saw  him  he  cried  out  with  horror  and 
amazement.  He  seized  the  ape,  and  bound  him  with  a 
rope,  and  tied  him  to  a  tree,  and  began  to  beat  him  with 
a  whip.    But  the  ape  cried  out  with  a  hiiman  tongue; 


The   Arabian   Nights  217 

"0  Caliph,  beat  me  not,  for  I  am  thy  luck  ape!  Leave 
me  tied  to  this  tree,  and  go  to  the  river,  and  cast  thy 
net,  relying  upon  Allah." 

When  Caliph  heard  the  words  of  the  ape  he  wondered, 
but  he  advanced  to  the  river,  and  cast  the  net,  and 
slackened  the  cord,  and  waited.  He  drew,  and  found 
the  net  heavier  than  the  first  time,  and  he  ceased  not 
to  draw  until  it  came  up  on  the  bank.  And,  lo,  in  it  was 
another  ape,  but  this  ape  was  red,  and  around  his 
waist  was  a  blue  garment. 

Then  said  Caliph  to  the  red  ape:  "Verily  this  is  a 
day  of  wonders!  This  day  is  a  day  of  apes!  And  who 
art  thou,  O  thou  unlucky  one?" 

"Dost  thou  not  know  me,  O  Caliph.?"  answered  the 
second  ape,  "I  am  the  Good  Luck  Ape  of  Abussaadat, 
the  money-changer.  I  bring  to  him  in  the  morning 
five  pieces  of  gold,  and  again  five  pieces  of  gold  in  the 

When  Caliph  heard  this  he  looked  angrily  at  the 
first  ape.  "See,"  he  said,  "O  thou  unlucky,  how  gen- 
erous are  the  apes  of  other  people!  Thou  camest  to 
me  this  morning,  lame  and  one-eyed,  with  thine  un- 
lucky face,  and  I  became  a  pauper,  a  bankrupt,  hun- 
gry!" He  then  took  the  whip,  and  whirled  it  round  in 
the  air  three  times,  and  was  about  to  beat  his  luck  ape, 
but  the  ape  of  Abussaadat  called  out:  "Leave  him,  O 
Caliph,  and  come  to  me  and  I  will  make  thee  rich. 
Take  thy  net  and  cast  it  into  the  river,  and  whatever 
Cometh  up,  bring  it  to  me." 

So  Caliph  took  his  net,  recited  a  prayer,  and  cast 
his  net  into  the  river,  and  waited  a  while.  And  he 
drew,  and,  lo,  in  the  net  there  was  a  large  fish,  with  a 
great  head.    Its  tail  was  like  a  ladle,  and  its  eyes  were 

2  1 8  The  Arabian   Nights 

big  like  two  pieces  of  gold.  And  when  Caliph  saw  it  he 
rejoiced  for  he  had  not  caught  the  like  of  it  in  all  his 
life.  He  took  the  fish,  wondering  at  it,  and  brought 
it  to  the  ape  of  Abussaadat,  the  money-changer. 

The  ape  said  to  him:  "O  Caliph,  bring  some  green 
grass,  and  put  half  of  it  into  a  basket,  and  put  the  fish 
upon  it,  and  cover  it  with  the  other  half.  Then  place 
the  basket  upon  thy  shoulder,  and  go  into  the  city  of 
Bagdad  until  thou  enterest  the  market  of  the  money- 
changers. Thou  wilt  find  at  the  upper  end  of  the  market 
the  shop  of  Abussaadat,  the  sheikh  of  the  money- 
changers, and  thou  wilt  see  him  sitting  upon  a  mattress, 
with  a  pillow  behind  him,  and  before  him  two  chests, 
one  of  gold  and  the  other  of  silver,  and  with  him  his 
memlooks  and  black  slaves  and  pages.  Advance  to 
him.  Put  thy  basket  down  before  him  and  say:  'O 
Abussaadat,  I  went  forth  to-day  to  fish,  and  cast  the 
net  in  thy  name,  and  Allah  sent  this  fish.'  Thereupon 
he  will  say:  *  Hast  thou  shown  it  to  anyone  beside  me?* 
and  do  thou  answer,  '  No.'  Then  he  will  take  the  fish 
and  give  thee  a  piece  of  gold  for  it,  but  do  thou  return 
it  to  him.  And  he  will  give  thee  two  pieces  of  gold,  but 
return  them  to  him.  So  he  will  say  to  thee :  '  Tell  me 
what  thou  desirest.'  Then  shalt  thou  tell  him  that  thou 
wilt  not  sell  the  fish  save  for  two  sayings,  and  bid  him 
rise  upon  his  feet,  and  proclaim  these  words :  '  Bear 
witness,  O  ye  who  are  present  in  the  market,  that  I 
have  exchanged  my  ape  for  the  ape  of  Caliph  the 
fisherman,  and  have  exchanged  for  his  lot  my  lot, 
and  for  his  fortune  my  good  fortune.'  And,"  con- 
tinued the  ape,  "If  Abussaadat  pronounce  these  two 
sayings,  then  every  day  will  I  present  myself  to  thee 
in  the  morning  and  evening,  and  will  bestow  on  thee 

The   Arabian   Nights  219 

every  day  ten  pieces  of  gold,  while  this  lame,  one-eyed 
ape  will  present  himself  in  the  morning  to  Abussaadat, 
and  will  inflict  him  every  day  with  a  debt  which  he 
will  be  obliged  to  pay,  until  he  is  reduced  to  poverty, 
and  is  possessed  of  nothing.  Now  unbind  thou  this 
lame  ape  and  let  us  both  go  into  the  water."  And 
CaHph  the  fisherman  replied:  "O  King  of  Apes,  I  hear 
and  obey."  And  he  loosed  the  apes  and  th^y  descended 
into  the  water. 

He  then  took  the  fish,  washed  it,  and  put  beneath  it 
some  green  grass  in  a  basket,  covered  it  also  with  grass, 
and,  placing  it  on  his  shoulder,  proceeded  singing: 

"Commit  thine  affairs  to  Allah,  and  thou  wilt  be  safe; 
Act  kindly  throughout  thy  life,  and  thou  wilt  not  repent; 
Associate  not  with  the  suspected,  for  thou  wouldst  be  sus- 
Keep  thy  tongue  from  reviling,  for  thou  wouldst  be  reviled." 

He  ceased  not  to  walk  until  he  entered  the  city  of 
Bagdad,  and  until  he  came  to  the  market  of  the  money- 
changers, as  the  ape  had  directed  him. 

And  he  found  Abussaadat,  the  sheikh  of  the  money- 
changers, sitting  at  the  upper  end  of  the  market.  And, 
lo,  all  came  to  pass  even  as  the  ape  had  said,  and  Abus- 
saadat rose  to  his  feet  and  proclaimed  the  two  sayings, 
and  took  the  fish,  and  Caliph  departed  rejoicing. 

So  Caliph  the  fisherman  left  the  money  market,  and 
taking  his  basket  and  net,  went  to  the  River  Tigris  and 
cast  the  net.  Then  he  drew  it  and  found  it  heavy,  and 
when  he  pulled  it  forth,  lo,  it  was  full  of  fish  of  all  kinds. 
And  there  came  to  him  a  strange  woman,  having  a 
plate,  and  she  bought  a  fish  for  a  piece  of  gold.  And 
there  came  to  him  a  strange  eunuch  also,  who  bought  of 

2  20  The   Arabian   Nights 

him  for  a  piece  of  gold.  Thus  it  happened  until  he  had 
sold  ten  fish  for  ten  pieces  of  gold.  And  he  ceased  not  to 
sell  every  day  ten  fish  for  ten  pieces  of  gold  until  the 
end  of  ten  days,  so  that  he  amassed  a  hundred  pieces  of 

Now  on  the  eleventh  morning  when  Caliph  arose  from 
sleep,  he  thought  upon  the  hundred  pieces  of  gold  and 
said  to  himself:  "If  I  leave  them  in  the  house  robbers 
will  steal  them,  and  if  I  put  them  in  a  belt  some  one  will 
see  them  and  will  lie  in  wait  to  slay  me."  So  he  arose 
and  sewed  a  pocket  in  the  upper  border  of  his  vest,  and 
tying  the  hundred  pieces  of  gold  in  a  purse,  he  put 
them  in  the  pocket. 

He  then  took  his  net,  his  basket  and  his  staff  and  went 
to  the  River  Tigris,  and  cast  his  net.  He  drew  and 
nothing  came  up  in  it.  He  removed  to  another  place 
and  cast  again  and  nothing  came  up  for  him.  He 
ceased  not  to  remove  from  place  to  place,  casting  the 
net  on  the  way,  but  still  there  came  not  up  for  him 
aught.  So  he  said  to  himself:  "I  will  cast  but  this  once, 
in  the  name  of  Allah."  So  he  cast  with  all  his  force, 
and  with  the  violence  of  rage,  and  the  purse  in  which 
was  the  hundred  pieces  of  gold,  flew  from  his  bosom,  fell 
into  the  river,  and  was  carried  away  by  the  force  of  the 

When  Caliph  saw  this  he  threw  down  his  net,  stripped 
off  his  clothes,  and  leaving  them  upon  the  bank  de- 
scended into  the  river,  and  dived  for  the  purse,  and  he 
dived,  and  came  up  about  a  hundred  times,  until  he 
became  weak,  but  he  found  not  that  purse.  And  he 
returned  to  the  bank  and  sought  his  clothes  but  they 
had  disappeared.  And  filled  with  despair  he  unfolded 
his  net  and  wrapped  himself  in  it,  and,  taking  his  stafiF 

The   Arabian   Nights  221 

in  his  hand,  and  the  basket  upon  his  shoulder,  he  went 
trotting  along  like  a  stray  camel,  running  to  the  right 
and  left,  and  backwards  and  forwards,  with  dishevelled 
hair  and  dust-coloured,  like  a  disobedient  Genie  let  loose 
from  Solomon's  prison. — Such  was  the  case  of  Caliph 
the  fisherman. 


NOW  the  Caliph  Haroun  Er  Raschid  was  sitting 
one  day  in  his  chamber  when  there  came  to  him 
a  jeweller  having  with  him  a  female  slave  who  was 
endowed  with  beauty  and  loveliness  and  fine  stature. 
She  was  versed  in  the  sciences  and  arts,  and  composed 
verses,  and  played  on  all  kinds  of  musical  instruments, 
and  her  name  was  Koutelkuloub.  And  the  Caliph 
gave  orders  to  pay  the  jeweller  ten  thousand  pieces  of 
gold  as  the  price  of  that  slave-girl. 

Then  the  Caliph's  heart  became  engrossed  by 
Koutelkuloub,  so  that  he  forgot  the  Lady  Zobeide, 
and  neglected  the  affairs  of  his  realm.  This  conduct 
was  grievous  to  the  lords  of  the  empire,  and  they  com- 
plained thereof  to  the  Vizier  Jaafar.  So  the  Vizier 
waited  until  the  time  of  Friday-prayers,  when  he  en- 
tered the  mosque  and  met  the  Prince  of  the  Faithful, 
and  related  to  him  many  stories  of  extraordinary  love, 
in  order  that  he  might  draw  forth  a  statement  of  his 

Then  said  the  Caliph:  "O  Jaafar,  my  heart  is  en- 
tangled in  the  snare  of  love,  and  I  know  not  what  is  to 
be  done!"  "Know,  O  Prince  of  the  Faithful,"  the 
Vizier  Jaafar  replied,  "that  the  best  of  the  Kings  and 

222  The  Arabian   Nights 

the  sons  of  the  Kings  glory  in  hunting  and  sports,  if 
thou  doest  Hkewise  thou  wilt  probably  forget  this 
slave-girl,  Koutelkuloub."  "Excellent  is  thy  advice, 
O  Jaafar,"  said  the  Caliph,  "let  us  go  forth  imme- 
diately to  hunt." 

So,  when  the  Friday-prayers  were  over,  they  both 
went  forth  from  the  mosque  and  mounted,  and  went 
to  hunt,  accompanied  by  the  troops.  And  when  they 
came  to  the  desert  the  heat  was  oppressive,  so  Er 
Raschid  said:  "O  Jaafar,  I  am  violently  thirsty." 
"Behold,  O  Prince  of  the  Faithful,"  answered  Jaafar, 
"I  see  a  distant  object  on  a  high  mound.  It  is  either 
the  keeper  of  a  garden,  or  the  keeper  of  a  ground  for 
melons  and  cucumbers.  In  either  case  he  must  have 
water  there.  I  will  go  to  him  and  bring  thee  some." 
But  Er  Raschid  replied:  "My  mule  is  more  swift  than 
thine.  I  will  go  and  drink  and  return.  Stay  thou  here 
with  the  troops." 

So  the  Caliph  urged  his  mule,  which  went  like  the 
wind,  and  bore  him  in  the  twinkling  of  an  eye  to  the 
distant  object,  which  he  found  to  be  no  other  than 
Caliph  the  fisherman,  with  his  naked  body  wrapped  in 
the  net,  and  his  eyes  red  like  burning  lamps.  His 
form  was  horrible,  his  figure  bending,  and  with  dis- 
hevelled hair  and  dust-coloured,  he  resembled  an  Afrite, 
or  a  lion. 

Er  Raschid  saluted  him  and  Caliph  the  fisherman 
returned  his  greeting  with  rage,  his  breath  would  have 
kindled  fires.  And  Er  Raschid  said  to  him:  "O  man, 
hast  thou  by  thee  any  water?"  And  Caliph  replied: 
"0  thou,  art  thou  blind  or  mad?  Go  to  the  River 
Tigris,  for  it  is  behind  this  mound."  So  Er  Raschid 
went  round  behind  the  mound  and  descended  to  the 

The  Arabian   Nights  223 

River  Tigris,  and  drank  and  watered  his  mule.  Then 
he  went  up  and  returning  to  CaHph  the  fisherman  said 
to  him:  "Wherefore,  O  man,  art  thou  standing  here, 
and  what  is  thine  occupation?  "  "  Verily  this  question," 
Caliph  replied,  "is  more  foolish  than  thy  question  re- 
specting water.  Dost  thou  not  see  the  net  and  the  bas- 
ket on  my  shoulder?"  Then  said  Er  Raschid:  "It 
seemeth  that  thou  art  a  fisherman,  but  where  are  thy 
garments?"  Now  when  Caliph  the  fisherman  heard 
Er  Raschid  mention  his  garments  he  imagined  that 
this  was  the  man  who  had  taken  his  clothes  from  the 
banks  of  the  river.  So  he  descended  from  the  top  of  the 
mound,  more  swiftly  than  blinding  lightning,  and 
seizing  the  bridle  of  the  mule  of  the  Caliph,  said:  "O 
man,  give  me  my  things,  and  desist  from  sport  and 
jesting,  or  I'll  beat  thee  with  tliis  staff."  Now,  when 
the  Caliph  saw  the  staff  in  the  hands  of  Caliph  the 
fisherman,  he  thought:  "I  cannot  endure  from  this 
pauper  half  a  blow  with  this  staff!"  and  as  he  wore  a 
long  vest  of  embroidered  satin,  he  pulled  it  off  and  said 
to  the  fisherman:  "O  man,  take  this  vest  instead  of 
thy  clothes."  Caliph  the  fisherman  therefore  took  it, 
and  turned  it  over,  and  said:  "Verily  my  clothes  are 
worth  ten  such  things  as  this  variegated  cloak!"  He 
then  put  the  vest  on,  and,  seeing  it  was  too  long  for 
him,  he  took  his  knife,  and  cut  off  one-third  so  that 
the  garment  reached  but  just  below  his  knees. 

Now  Er  Raschid  had  large  cheeks  and  a  small  mouth, 
wherefore  Caliph  the  fisherman  thought  him  a  singer 
or  a  piper.  He  then  looked  towards  Er  Raschid  and 
said:  "By  Allah,  I  conjure  thee,  O  piper,  that  thou  tell 
me  the  amount  of  thy  wages  that  thou  receivest  every 
month  from  thy  master,  for  the  art  of  piping."    "My 

2  24  The   Arabian   Nights 

wages,"  replied  the  Caliph,  "are  ten  pieces  of  gold.'* 
*'0,  poor  man,'*  said  the  fisherman,  "the  sum  of  ten 
pieces  of  gold  I  gain  every  day!  Wilt  thou  be  my  serv- 
ant? If  so  I  will  teach  thee  the  art  of  fishing,  and  share 
my  gain  with  thee,  and  I  will  protect  thee  from  thy 
master  with  this  staff."  And  Er  Raschid  answered  him : 
"I  consent  to  that." 

So  Caliph  the  fisherman  caused  the  Caliph  Haroun 
Er  Raschid  to  descend  from  the  back  of  his  mule.  He 
made  him  to  tie  his  mule,  to  tuck  up  his  skirts  into 
his  girdle,  and  to  hold  the  net,  and  cast  it  into  the  River 
Tigris.  And  Er  Raschid  did  all  as  the  fisherman  told 
him.  He  cast  the  net  into  the  river,  and  pulled  it,  but 
could  not  draw  it  up.  Caliph  came  to  him  and  pulled 
it  with  him;  but  together  they  could  not  draw  it  up. 
So  the  fisherman  said :  "  O  ill-omened  piper,  if  I  took 
thy  cloak  instead  of  my  clothes  the  first  time,  this 
time  I  will  take  thine  ass,  if  I  see  my  net  mangled,  and 
I  will  beat  thee  until  thou  shalt  be  in  an  abominable 
condition!"  Er  Raschid  replied:  "Let  thee  and  me 
again  pull  together."  And  the  two  together  pulled  the 
net  and  when  they  had  drawn  it  up  with  difficulty, 
they  looked  and,  lo,  it  was  full  of  all  kinds  of  fish.  Then 
said  Caliph  to  Er  Raschid,  "O  piper,  verily  thou  art  an 
ugly  fellow,  but  after  a  while  thou  wilt  become  an  ex- 
cellent fisherman.  Now  mount  thine  ass  and  go  to  the 
market,  and  bring  two  great  baskets,  and  I  will  take 
care  of  the  fish  until  thou  come  again.  Hasten  and  de- 
lay not."    And  the  Caliph  repHed:"!  hear  and  obey." 

Er  Raschid  left  him,  and  left  the  fish,  and  urged  on 
his  mule,  being  in  a  state  of  utmost  joy.  He  ceased 
not  to  laugh  at  what  had  happened  to  him  until  he 
came  to  Jaafar.    When  Jaafar  saw  him,  he  kissed  the 

The  Arabian   Nights  225 

ground  before  him  and  said:  *'0  Prince  of  the  Faithful, 
what  was  the  cause  of  thy  delay,  what  happened  to 
thee?"  "An  extraordinary  event,"  the  Caliph  an- 
swered, "a  mirth-exciting,  w^onderful  thing  hath  hap- 
pened to  me!"  and  he  repeated  the  story  of  Caliph  the 
fisherman,  and  of  his  saying:  "Thou  hast  stolen  my 
clothes,"  and  how  Er  Raschid  had  given  his  vest  and 
how  the  fisherman  had  cut  off  a  third  of  it,  and  entirely 
spoiled  it.  "And,  O  Jaafar,"  said  the  Caliph,  "I  am 
fatigued  by  my  fishing  in  the  river,  for  I  caught  a  great 
quantity  of  fish,  and  they  are  on  the  river  bank  with 
my  teacher  Caliph.  He  is  standing  there  waiting  for 
me  to  return  to  him,  and  to  take  to  him  two  great  bas- 
kets. Then  I  and  he  are  to  go  to  the  market,  and  we  are 
to  sell  the  fish,  and  divide  the  price.  Proclaim  now,  O 
Jaafar,  that  to  every  one  who  bringeth  to  me  a  fish  from 
Caliph  my  teacher,  I  will  give  for  it  a  piece  of  gold." 
The  crier  therefore  proclaimed  among  the  troops: 
"Go  ye  forth  and  purchase  fish  for  the  Prince  of  the 

Accordingly  the  memlooks  went  forth  to  the  river 
bank,  and  while  Caliph  the  fisherman  was  waiting  for  the 
Prince  of  the  Faithful  to  bring  to  him  two  great  baskets, 
lo,  the  memlooks  pounced  upon  him  like  eagles,  and  took 
the  fish,  and  put  them  in  gold-embroidered  handkerchiefs, 
and  proceeded  to  beat  each  other  to  get  at  him.  So 
Caliph  said:  "No  doubt  these  fish  are  fish  of  Paradise!" 
so  seizing  two  of  them  in  his  right  hand  and  two  in  his 
left,  he  descended  into  the  water  to  his  throat.  And 
as  he  stood  thus,  lo,  a  black  slave  advanced  to  him,  and 
that  slave  was  chief  of  all  the  black  slaves  that  were 
in  the  palace  of  the  Caliph  Haroun  Er  Raschid.  And 
he  saw  Caliph  the  fisherman  standing  in  the  water  with 

2  26  The   Arabian   Nights 

the  fish  in  his  hands,  and  he  took  the  fish  from  Caliph, 
and  placed  them  in  a  handkerchief,  and  said:  "O  fisher- 
man, verily  thy  fortune  is  unlucky !  I  have  not  with  me 
any  money.  But  to-morrow  come  thou  to  the  palace 
of  the  Caliph,  and  ask  for  the  eunuch  Sandal.  Where- 
upon the  eunuchs  will  bring  thee  to  me,  and  I  will  pay 
thee  what  I  owe,"  and  the  slave  took  the  fish  and  went 
his  way. 

And  Caliph  seeing  that  his  fish  were  all  sold  put  his 
net  upon  his  shoulder,  and  returned  home.  And  on 
his  way  he  passed  by  the  shop  of  the  tailor  of  the  Prince 
of  the  Faitliful,  and  when  the  tailor  saw  the  fisherman 
wearing  a  cloak  worth  a  thousand  pieces  of  gold,  of  the 
apparel  of  the  Caliph,  he  said,  "O  Caliph,  whence 
obtainedst  thou  this  cloak.'*"  "I  received  it  from  a 
young  man,"  Caliph  replied,  "to  whom  I  taught  the 
art  of  fishing.  He  stole  my  clothes,  and  gave  me  this 
cloak  instead  of  them."  The  tailor  then  knew  that  the 
Caliph  Haroun  Er  Raschid  had  passed  by  while  Caliph 
was  fishing,  and  had  jested  with  him  and  given  him  the 
cloak.    Then  the  fisherman  went  to  his  own  abode. 


NOW  when  the  Lady  Zobeide,  the  wife  of  the 
Prince  of  the  Faithful,  knew  that  her  husband 
was  gone  forth  to  hunt,  she  ordered  the  female  slaves 
to  spread  the  carpets  and  cushions  in  the  palace,  and 
commanded  viands  to  be  prepared,  among  these  a 
China  dish  containing  sweetmeat  of  the  most  dainty 

The   Arabian   Nights  227 

kind,  in  tliis  she  put  a  sleeping  potion.  She  then  ordered 
one  of  the  eunuchs  to  go  to  the  slave-girl  Koutelkuloub 
and  invite  her  to  partake  of  the  feast  of  the  Lady  Zo- 
beide,  and  to  say  to  her:  "The  wife  of  the  Prince  of 
the  Faithful  desireth  to  amuse  herself  with  thy  music  and 
sweet  melody."  And  Koutelkuloub  replied:  "I  hear 
and  obey  Allah  and  the  Lady  Zobeide."  She  then 
arose  and  taking  with  her  musical  instruments,  went 
in  unto  the  Lady  Zobeide  and  kissed  the  ground  before 
her  many  times. 

The  Lady  Zobeide  raised  her  head,  and  contemplated 
the  slave-girl's  beauty  and  loveliness.  She  saw  a  damsel 
with  smooth  cheeks,  a  brilliant  countenance,  and  large 
black  eyes.  Her  face  was  beauteously  bright.  The 
splendour  of  her  countenance  was  like  the  rising  sun,  the 
hair  over  her  forehead  like  the  darkness  of  the  night, 
her  odour  like  the  fragrance  of  musk,  her  forehead  like 
the  moon,  and  her  figure  like  the  waving  branch.  She 
amazed  by  her  beauty  every  one  who  beheld  her. 

And  the  Lady  Zobeide  said  to  her:  "A  friendly  and 
free  and  ample  welcome  to  thee,  O  Koutelkuloub. 
Sit  and  amuse  us  with  thy  music  and  art."  So  she 
replied:  "I  hear  and  obey."  She  sat,  and  took  the 
tambourine,  and  after  that  the  flute,  and  next  the  lute, 
and  she  played  fourteen  times,  and  sang  till  she  moved 
with  delight  her  hearers.  After  that  she  exhibited 
her  skill  in  juggling  and  sleights,  and  every  pleasing 
art.  Then  the  damsel  kissed  the  ground  before  Zobeide, 
and  sat  down.  And  the  slaves  presented  to  her  the 
viands,  and  afterwards  the  sweetmeat  in  which  was 
the  sleeping  potion.  And  Koutelkuloub  ate  of  it  and 
fell  on  the  floor  asleep. 

Then  said  the  Lady  Zobeide:  "Bring  a  chest."    And 

22  8  The  Arabian   Nights 

one  of  the  eunuchs  brought  a  chest,  and  the  Lady  Zo- 
beide  put  the  damsel  in  it  and  said  to  the  eunuch:  "Sell 
the  chest,  and  make  it  a  condition  that  the  purchaser 
buy  the  chest  locked;  then  give  the  price  in  alms." 
And  the  eunuch  took  the  chest,  and  went  forth  to  do 
as  he  was  commanded. 

And,  lo,  the  Caliph  then  came  back  from  the  chase, 
and  his  first  inquiry  was  for  the  damsel  Koutelkuloub. 
And  one  of  his  eunuchs  advanced  to  him  and  kissed 
the  ground  before  him  and  said:  "O  my  lord,  may  thy 
head  long  survive,  know  for  certain  that  Koutelkuloub 
hath  vanished  away."  "May  Allah  not  rejoice  thee 
with  good  tidings,  O  wicked  slave!" answered  the  Caliph; 
and  he  arose  and  entered  the  palace  and  heard  of  the 
mysterious  disappearance  from  every  one  in  it,  and  he 
wept  and  mourned  for  Koutelkuloub.  And  thus  it 
happened  to  the  Caliph  Haroun  Er  Raschid. 

Now,  as  to  Caliph  the  fisherman,  when  the  morning 
came,  and  diffused  its  light,  he  said  to  himself:  "This 
day  will  I  go  to  the  eunuch  who  bought  of  me  the  fish." 
He  then  set  forth  to  the  palace  of  the  Prince  of  the 
Faithful,  and  when  he  arrived  there  he  found  the  mem- 
looks  and  the  black  slaves  and  the  eunuchs  sitting  and 
standing.  And,  lo,  the  eunuch  who  took  from  him  the 
fish  was  sitting  with  the  memlooks  in  attendance  upon 
him.  When  Sandal  the  eunuch  saw  Caliph  the  fisher- 
man, he  laughed,  and  put  his  hand  to  his  pocket.  But 
just  then  a  great  clamour  arose,  and,  lo,  the  Vizier  Jaa- 
far  came  forth  from  the  Caliph's  apartments.  "WTien 
Sandal  saw  him  he  rose  to  meet  him,  and  walked  be- 
fore him,  and  they  conversed  together. 

Cahph  the  fisherman  waited  a  while,  during  which 
the  eunuch  looked  not  towards  him.    So  the  fisherman 

'C;iVK  ME  WHAT  IS  MY   ULh.    1  HA  1    I    .\i  w 

The  Arabian   Nights  229 

became  impatient,  and,  placing  himself  before  the 
Vizier,  he  made  a  sign  with  his  hand,  and  said  to  the 
eunuch:  "O  delayer  of  the  payment  of  thy  debt,  may 
Allah  disgrace  thee!  Give  me  what  is  my  due,  that  I 
may  go !  "  And  the  eunuch  heard  him,  and  was  ashamed 
before  Jaafar.  "O  eunuch,"  said  Jaafar,  frowning, 
"  what  doth  this  poor  beggar  demand  of  thee?  "  Sandal 
the  eunuch  answered:  "Dost  thou  not  know  this  man, 
0  our  lord  the  Vizier?  This  is  the  fisherman  whose  fish 
we  seized  on  the  banks  of  the  Tigris."  Then  said 
Jaafar:  "This  is  the  teacher  of  the  Prince  of  the  Faithful, 
and  his  partner!  Our  lord  the  Caliph  hath  arisen  this 
day  with  a  mourning  heart  and  a  troubled  mind,  and 
perchance  this  fisherman  will  divert  him.  So  let  him 
not  go  until  I  consult  the  Caliph." 

The  Vizier  Jaafar  went  in  to  the  Caliph.  He  saw 
him  sitting,  and  mourning,  and  hanging  down  his  head 
towards  the  ground.  And  Jaafar  standing  before  him 
said:  "Peace  be  on  thee,  O  Prince  of  the  Faithful,  and 
defender  of  the  religion."  The  Caliph  raised  his  head 
and  answered:  "On  thee  be  peace,  and  the  mercy  of 
Allah  and  his  blessings!"  Then  said  Jaafar:  "I  went 
forth,  O  my  lord,  from  thee,  and  I  saw  thy  master  and 
thy  teacher  and  thy  partner.  Caliph  the  fisherman, 
standing  at  the  gate." 

When  the  Caliph  heard  Jaafar's  words  he  smiled 
and  his  trouble  left  him.  "By  my  life,  Jaafar,"  he 
said,  "I  conjure  thee  to  tell  me,  is  it  true  that  the  fisher- 
man is  standing  at  the  gate?"  Jaafar  answered:  "By 
thy  hfe,  O  Prince  of  the  Faithful,  he  is  standing  at  the 
gate."  Then  said  the  Caliph:  "I  will  assuredly  give 
him  whatever  Allah  hath  ordained,  either  misery  or 
prosperity!"     And  he  took  a  piece  of  paper,  and  cut 

230  The   Arabian   Nights 

it  in  pieces.  "  O  Jaafar,"  he  said,"  write  on  these  papers, 
twenty  sums  of  money,  from  a  piece  of  gold  to  a  thousand 
pieces  of  gold;  and  write  also  the  post  of  police  magis- 
trate to  that  of  Vizier,  and  twenty  different  kinds  of 
punishment,  from  the  slightest  chastisement  to  slaugh- 
ter," and  Jaafar  said,  "I  hear  and  obey,  O  Prince  of  the 
Faithful."  He  wrote  the  papers  with  his  own  hand  as 
the  Caliph  commanded  him.  Then  said  the  Caliph: 
"Bring  in  the  fisherman  and  let  him  take  one  of  these 
papers  and  whatever  is  written  upon  it  will  I  do  unto 
him  accordingly." 

Now,  when  Jaafar  heard  these  words,  he  trembled 
at  what  might  befall  the  fisherman.  But  he  went  out, 
and  laid  hold  of  his  hand,  and  brought  him  surrounded 
by  memlooks,  behind  and  before  him,  through  seven 
chambers  to  the  apartment  of  the  Caliph;  then  said  he 
to  Caliph:  "Woe  to  thee,  O  fisherman!  Thou  wilt  now 
stand  before  the  Prince  of  the  Faithful,  and  the  de- 
fender of  the  religion."  He  raised  the  grand  curtain, 
and  the  eye  of  Caliph  the  fisherman  fell  upon  the 
Caliph  Haroun  Er  Raschid  who  was  sitting  upon  his 
couch,  with  the  lords  of  the  empire  standing  in  attend- 
ance upon  him. 

When  the  fisherman  saw  the  Caliph  he  knew  him, 
and  advancing  said:  "A  friendly  and  free  welcome  to 
thee,  O  piper.  It  was  not  right  for  thee  to  leave  me  sit- 
ting to  watch  over  the  fish,  and  go,  and  not  return,  so 
that  the  memlooks  advanced  upon  beasts  of  various 
colours,  and  snatched  the  fish  from  me.  All  this  was 
caused  by  thee,  for  if  thou  hadst  come  with  the  great 
baskets,  we  should  have  sold  the  fish  for  a  hundred  pieces 
of  gold.  When  I  came  to  demand  my  due  they  im- 
prisoned me.    Who  imprisoned  thee  also  in  this  place?" 

The  Arabian   Nights  231 

The  Caliph  smiled,  and  lifting  up  the  edge  of  the 
curtain,  put  forth  his  head  from  beneath  it,  and  said 
to  the  fisherman:  "Advance  and  take  one  of  these 
papers."  And  Jaafar  added,  "Take  the  paper  speedily,, 
without  talking,  and  do  as  the  Prince  of  the  Faithful 
hath  commanded  thee." 

Accordingly  Caliph  the  fisherman  approached,  and 
took  one  of  the  papers,  and  handed  it  to  the  Caliph, 
who  handed  it  to  the  Vizier  Jaafar.  And  Jaafar  looked 
at  it,  and  said:  "O  Prince  of  the  Faithful,  there  is 
written  here  that  the  fisherman  shall  receive  a  hundred 
blows  with  the  staff!"  Thereupon  the  Caliph  ordered 
that  the  fisherman  should  have  a  hundred  blows  with 
the  staff  inflicted  upon  him.  And  the  attendants  did 
as  they  were  commanded  and  they  gave  the  fisherman 
a  gold  piece  and  sent  him  away. 

And  when  Caliph  the  fisherman  came  to  the  gate. 
Sandal  the  eunuch  saw  him.  "Come  hither,  O  fisher- 
man," he  said,"  and  bestow  on  us  a  part  of  the  present 
which  the  Prince  of  the  Faithful  hath  given  thee."^ 
"Dost  thou  desire  to  share  with  me,  O  black-skinned.''" 
Caliph  replied,  "I  have  received  a  hundred  blows  with 
the  staff  and  one  piece  of  gold!"  and  he  threw  down 
the  piece  of  gold,  and  ran  forth,  the  tears  running  down 
his  cheeks.  So  when  the  eunuch  saw  him  in  this  state 
he  pitied  him  and  called  out  to  the  pages,  "Bring  him 
back,"  and  they  brought  him  back.  And  Sandal  put 
his  hand  to  his  pocket,  and  took  forth  a  red  purse,  and, 
lo,  in  it  were  a  hundred  pieces  of  gold.  "O  fisherman, " 
he  said,  "take  this  gold  as  the  price  of  thy  fish  and  go 
thy  way."  So  Caliph  the  fisherman  rejoiced  and  he 
took  the  gold,  and  the  Caliph's  piece  of  gold,  and  went 
forth,  and  he  forgot  his  beating. 

232  The   Arabian   Nights 

Returning  to  his  abode  he  passed  through  the  market 
for  female  slaves.  And  he  saw  a  large  ring  of  people. 
And  he  drew  near  and  looked  and,  lo,  there  was  a 
sheikh,  with  a  chest  before  him,  on  which  was  sitting 
a  eunuch.  The  sheikh  was  crying  out:  "O  merchants, 
who  will  buy  this  chest,  of  which  the  contents  is  un- 
known, from  the  palace  of  the  Lady  Zobeide?"  And 
Caliph  the  fisherman  called:  "Be  it  mine  for  a  hundred 
pieces  of  gold  and  one."  And  the  merchants  thought 
that  Caliph  was  jesting  so  they  laughed  at  him,  and 
said:  "O  eunuch,  sell  it  to  Cahph  for  a  hundred  pieces 
of  gold  and  one!"  And  the  eunuch  said:  "Take  it,  O 
fisherman,  and  give  me  the  gold."  And  Caliph  took 
forth  the  gold  and  gave  it  to  the  eunuch  and  the  con- 
tract was  concluded. 

Caliph  the  fisherman  then  took  the  chest  upon  his 
head,  and  carried  it  to  his  abode.  He  laboured  to  open 
it,  and  was  not  able  to  do  so,  therefore  he  said:  "To- 
morrow I  will  open  it."  And  he  lay  down  upon  the 
chest  and  slept.  After  a  while  something  moved  within 
it  and  Caliph  rose  in  fear,  and  said : "  It  must  be  a  Genie !" 
He  beat  the  lock  with  a  stone,  and  broke  it,  and  opened 
the  chest,  and,  behold,  in  it  was  a  damsel  as  beautiful 
as  the  moon.  She  unclosed  her  eyes,  and  gazing  on 
Caliph  the  fisherman  said:  "I  am  Koutelkuloub  the 
slave-girl  of  the  Caliph  Haroun  Er  Raschid.  The  Lady 
Zobeide  stupefied  me  with  a  sleeping  potion  and  put 
me  in  the  chest.  But  this  has  happened  to  me  for  thy 
good  fortune  for  the  Prince  of  the  Faithful  will  reward 
thee  richly."  "But,"  said  Caliph,  "is  not  this  the  Er 
Raschid  in  whose  palace  I  was  imprisoned?  I  have 
never  beheld  anyone  more  avaricious  than  he,  that 
piper  of  little  goodness  and  intellect!    For  he  caused 


The  Arabian   Nights  233 

me  yesterday  to  receive  a  hundred  blows  with  the  staff, 
and  gave  me  but  one  piece  of  gold,  although  I  had 
taught  him  the  art  of  fisliing!"  "Abstain  from  this 
foul  language,"  answered  Koutelkuloub.  "Open 
thine  eyes  and  behave  respectfully  when  thou  seest 
him,  and  it  will  be  for  thy  good  fortune."  And  when 
Caliph  heard  her  words,  it  was  as  though  his  judgment 
awoke,  and  as  though  scales  had  been  removed  from 
his  eyes. 

Then  Koutelkuloub  arose  from  the  chest,  and  laid 
herself  down  to  sleep  until  morning.  And  when  day 
came  they  proceeded  together  to  the  palace  of  the 
Prince  of  the  Faithful.  And  Koutelkuloub  went  in 
unto  the  Caliph  Haroun  Er  Raschid,  and  she  took 
Caliph  the  fisherman  with  her.  When  the  Caliph  saw 
her  he  greeted  her  with  great  joy  and  amazement, 
and  Koutelkuloub  kissed  the  ground  before  him,  and 
related  all  that  had  happened,  after  which  she  said: 
"0  Prince  of  the  Faithful,  this  poor  fisherman  hath 
told  me  that  he  hath  a  reckoning  to  make  with  our 
lord,  the  Prince  of  the  Faithful,  on  account  of  a  partner- 
ship in  the  trade  of  fishing." 

And  Caliph  the  fisherman  drew  near  and  kissed  the 
ground  before  the  Caliph  Haroun  Er  Raschid,  and 
prayed  for  the  continuance  of  his  glory  and  blessings. 
And  the  fisherman  told  the  story  of  the  eunuch  and  how 
he  had  given  him  the  hundred  gold  pieces.  He  told  also 
of  his  entering  the  market  and  of  his  buying  the  chest 
for  the  hundred  pieces  of  gold  and  one,  not  knowing 
what  was  in  it,  and  he  related  the  story  from  beginning 
to  end. 

Then  the  Caliph  gave  orders  to  present  Caliph  the 
fisherman  with  fifty  thousand  pieces  of  gold,  and  he 

2  34  The   Arabian   Nights 

assigned  him  a  monthly  allowance  of  fifty  gold  pieces. 
And  thus  the  fisherman  acquired  great  dignity,  and 
high  rank,  and  honour  and  respect.  He  purchased  a 
handsome  house  and  took  in  marriage  one  of  the 
daughters  of  the  chief  men  of  the  city,  and  continued 
to  live  henceforth  in  happiness,  glory  and  hilarity,  en- 
joying abundant  wealth,  a  pleasant  and  agreeable  life, 
and  pure  and  grateful  delight  until  he  was  visited  by 
the  exterminator  of  delights  and  the  separator  of  com- 

Sheherazade  having  finished  this  story,  proceeded 
to  relate  the  story  of  Ali  Baba,  and  of  the  forty  thieves 
destroyed  by  a  faithful  slave. 

Chapter  VIII 


THERE  lived  in  ancient  times,  in  Persia,  two 
brothers,  one  named  Cassim,  the  other  Ali 
Baba.    Their  father  left  them  scarcely  any- 
thing, but  he  divided  the  little  property  he 
had  equally  between  them. 

Cassim  married  a  wife,  who  soon  after  became  an 
heiress  to  a  large  sum,  and  a  warehouse  full  of  rich 
goods;  so  that  he  all  at  once  became  one  of  the  wealth- 
iest and  most  considerable  merchants,  and  lived  at  his 

Ali  Baba  on  the  other  hand,  who  had  married  a 
woman  as  poor  as  himself,  lived  in  a  very  wretched 
habitation,  and  maintained  his  wife  and  children  by 
cutting  wood,  which  he  carried  to  town  upon  his  three 
asses,  and  there  sold. 

One  day,  when  Ali  Baba  was  in  the  forest,  and  had 
cut  wood  enough  to  load  his  asses,  he  saw  at  a  distance 
a  great  cloud  of  dust,  and  soon  he  perceived  a  troop 
of  horsemen  coming  towards  him.  Fearing  that  they 
might  be  thieves,  he  climbed  into  a  large  tree,  whose 
branches  were  so  thick  that  he  was  completely  hidden. 


236  The  Arabian   Nights 

He  placed  himself  in  the  middle  of  the  tree,  from  whence 
he  could  see  all  that  passed  without  being  discovered. 
The  tree  stood  at  the  base  of  a  rock,  so  steep  and 
craggy  that  nobody  could  climb  up.  , 

The  troop  of  men,  who  were  all  well  mounted,  came 
to  the  foot  of  this  rock,  and  there  dismounted.  Ali  Baba 
counted  forty  of  them,  and,  from  their  looks,  was 
assured  that  they  were  thieves.  Nor  was  he  mistaken, 
for  they  were  a  band  of  robbers,  who  without  doing  any 
harm  to  the  neighbourhood,  robbed  at  a  distance. 
Every  man  unbridled  his  horse,  tied  him  to  a  shrub, 
and  hung  about  his  neck  a  bag  of  corn.  Then  each  of 
them  took  a  wallet  from  his  horse,  which  from  its  weight 
seemed  to  Ali  Baba  to  be  full  of  gold  and  silver.  One 
who  seemed  to  be  the  captain  of  the  band,  came,  with 
his  wallet  upon  his  back,  under  the  tree  in  which 
Ali  Baba  was  concealed,  and  making  his  way  through 
the  shrubs,  he  stood  before  the  rock,  and  pronounced 
distinctly  these  words:  "Open  Sesame."  As  soon  as 
the  captain  of  the  robbers  had  uttered  these  words 
a  door  opened  in  the  rock,  and  after  he  had  made  all 
his  band  enter  before  him,  the  captain  followed,  and 
the  door  shut  again  of  itself. 

The  robbers  stayed  some  time  within  the  rock,  and 
Ali  Baba,  who  feared  that  one  of  them  might  come 
out  and  catch  him,  if  he  should  endeavour  to  make  his 
escape,  was  obliged  to  sit  patiently  in  the  tree.  At 
last  the  door  opened  again,  and  the  forty  robbers  came 
out.  The  captain  came  first,  and  stood  to  see  the  others 
all  pass  by  him,  then  he  pronounced  these  words: 
"Shut  Sesame,"  and  instantly  the  door  of  the  rock 
closed  again  as  it  was  before.  Every  man  bridled 
his  horse,  fastened  his  wallet,  and  mounted,  and  when 


The   Arabian   Nights  237 

the  captain  saw  them  ready,  he  put  himself  at  their 
head,  and  they  returned  by  the  way  they  had  come. 

AU  Baba  did  not  immediately  quit  his  tree,  but 
followed  the  band  of  robbers  with  his  eyes  as  far  as 
he  could  see  them.  He  then  descended,  and  remember- 
ing the  words  the  robber  captain  had  used  to  cause 
the  door  to  open  and  shut,  he  was  filled  with  curiosity 
to  try  if  his  pronouncing  them  would  have  the  same 
effect.  Accordingly  he  went  among  the  shrubs,  and 
perceiving  the  door  concealed  behind  them,  stood  be- 
fore it,  and  said:  "Open  Sesame."  The  door  instantly 
flew  wide  open. 

Ali  Baba  was  surprised  to  find  a  cavern  well  lighted 
and  spacious,  in  the  form  of  a  vault,  which  received 
the  light  from  an  opening  at  the  top  of  the  rock.  He 
saw  rich  bales  of  silk  stuff,  brocade,  and  valuable 
carpeting,  piled  upon  one  another;  gold  and  silver 
ingots  in  great  heaps,  and  money  in  bags.  The  sight 
of  all  these  riches  made  him  suppose  that  this  cave 
must  have  been  occupied  for  ages  by  bands  of  robbers, 
who  had  succeeded  one  another. 

Ali  Baba  immediately  entered  the  cave,  and  as  soon 
a-s  he  did  so,  the  door  shut  of  itself.  This  did  not 
disturb  him,  because  he  knew  the  secret  with  which  to 
open  it  again.  He  paid  no  attention  to  the  silver,  but 
carried  out  much  of  the  gold  coin,  which  was  in  bags. 
He  collected  his  asses,  which  had  strayed  away,  and 
when  he  had  loaded  them  with  the  bags,  laid  wood 
over  in  such  a  manner,  that  the  bags  could  not  be  seen. 
When  he  had  done  this  he  stood  before  the  door,  and 
pronounced  the  words:  "Shut  Sesame,"  and  the  door 
closed  after  him.  He  then  made  the  best  of  his  way 
to  town. 

238  The  Arabian   Nights 

When  Ali  Baba  reached  home,  he  drove  his  asses 
into  a  Httle  yard,  shut  the  gates  very  carefully,  threw 
off  the  wood  that  covered  the  bags,  and  carried  them 
into  the  house,  and  ranged  them  in  order  before  his 
wife.  He  then  emptied  the  bags,  which  raised  such  a 
heap  of  gold,  as  dazzled  her  eyes,  and  when  he  had 
done  this  he  told  her  the  whole  adventure  from  begin- 
ning to  end,  and,  above  all,  charged  her  to  keep  it  secret. 

Ali  Baba  found  the  heap  of  gold  so  large  that  it 
was  impossible  to  count  so  much  in  one  night;  he 
therefore  sent  his  wife  out  to  borrow  a  small  measure 
in  the  neighbourhood.  Away  she  ran  to  her  brother-in- 
law  Cassim,  who  lived  near  by,  and  asked  his  wife 
to  lend  her  a  measure  for  a  little  while.  The  sister-in- 
law  did  so,  but  as  she  knew  Ali  Baba's  poverty,  she 
was  curious  to  discover  what  sort  of  grain  his  wife 
wanted  to  measure,  and  she  artfully  put  some  suet 
in  the  bottom  of  the  measure. 

Ali  Baba's  wife  went  home,  and  measured  the  heap 
of  gold,  and  carried  the  measure  back  again  to  her 
sister-in-law,  but  without  noticing  that  a  piece  had 
stuck  to  the  bottom.  As  soon  as  she  was  gone,  Cassim's 
wife  examined  the  measure,  and  was  inexpressibly 
surprised  to  find  a  piece  of  gold  stuck  to  it.  Envy 
immediately  possessed  her  breast.  "What!"  said 
she,  "has  Ali  Baba  gold  so  plentiful  as  to  measure  it.'' 
Where  has  that  poor  wretch  got  all  his  wealth?" 
Cassim,  her  husband,  was  not  at  home,  and  she  waited 
for  his  return,  with  great  impatience. 

When  Cassim  came  home,  his  wife  said  to  him: 
"Cassim,  I  know  that  thou  thinkest  thyself  rich,  but 
thou  art  mistaken.  Ali  Baba  is  infinitely  richer  than 
thou.    He  does  not  count  his  money,  but  measures  it!" 

The  Arabian   Nights  239 

Cassim  desired  her  to  explain  the  riddle,  which  she  did, 
by  telling  him  of  the  stratagem  she  had  used  to  make 
the  discovery,  and  she  showed  him  the  piece  of  money, 
which  was  so  old  that  they  could  not  tell  in  what 
prince's  reign  it  had  been  coined. 

Cassim,  instead  of  being  pleased,  conceived  a  base 
envy  of  his  brother's  prosperity.  He  could  not  sleep 
all  that  night,  and  in  the  morning  went  to  him  before 
sunrise.  "Ah  Baba,"  said  he,  showing  him  the  piece 
of  money,  which  his  wife  had  given  him,  "thou  pre- 
tendest  to  be  miserably  poor,  and  yet  thou  measurest 
gold!  How  many  of  these  pieces  hast  thou.^^  My  wife 
found  this  at  the  bottom  of  the  measure  thou  borrowed- 
est  yesterday." 

Ali  Baba,  perceiving  that  Cassim  and  his  wife  knew 
all,  told  his  brother,  without  showing  the  least  surprise 
or  trouble,  by  what  chance  he  had  discovered  this 
retreat  of  thieves.  He  told  him  also  in  what  place  it 
was,  and  offered  him  part  of  his  treasure  to  keep  the 
secret.  "I  expect  as  much,"  replied  Cassim  haughtily, 
"but  I  must  know  exactly  where  this  treasure  is,  and 
how  I  may  visit  it  myself  when  I  choose;  otherwise 
I  will  go  and  inform  the  Cadi,  that  thou  hast  this  gold. 
Thou  wilt  then  lose  all  thou  hast,  and  I  shall  have  a 
share  for  my  information." 

Ali  Baba,  more  out  of  good  nature,  than  because 
he  was  frightened  by  the  insulting  menaces  of  his 
unnatural  brother,  told  him  all  he  desired,  and  taught 
him  the  very  words  he  was  to  use  to  gain  admission 
into  the  cave.  Cassim,  who  wanted  no  more  of  Ali 
Baba,  left  him,  and  immediately  set  out  for  the  forest 
with  ten  mules  bearing  great  chests,  which  he  designed 
to  fill  with  treasure.     He  followed  the  road  which  Ali 

240  The  Arabian   Nights 

Baba  had  pointed  out  to  him,  and  it  was  not  long 
before  he  reached  the  rock,  and  found  out  the  place 
by  the  tree,  and  by  the  other  marks  which  his  brother 
had  described. 

When  he  discovered  the  entrance  to  the  cave  he 
pronounced  the  words:  "Open  Sesame."  The  door 
opened  immediately,  and  when  he  had  entered,  closed 
upon  him.  In  examining  the  cave,  he  found  much 
more  riches  than  he  had  imagined.  He  was  so  covetous, 
and  greedy  of  wealth,  that  he  could  have  spent  the 
whole  day  feasting  his  eyes  upon  so  much  treasure,  if 
the  thought  that  he  had  come  to  carry  away  some  had 
not  hindered  him. 

He  laid  as  many  bags  of  gold  as  he  could  carry  at 
the  door  of  the  cavern,  but  his  thoughts  were  so  full 
of  the  great  riches  he  should  possess,  that  he  could  not 
think  of  the  words  to  make  the  door  open,  but  instead 
of  Sesame,  said:  "Open  Barley,"  and  was  much  amazed 
to  find  that  the  door  remained  fast  shut.  He  named 
several  sorts  of  grains,  but  still  the  door  would  not  open, 
and  the  more  he  endeavoured  to  remember  the  word 
Sesame,  the  more  his  memory  was  confounded.  He 
threw  down  the  bags  he  had  loaded  himself  with,  and 
walked  distractedly  up  and  down  the  cave,  without 
the  least  regard  to  the  riches  that  were  around  him. 

About  noon  the  robbers  chanced  to  visit  their  cave, 
and  at  some  distance  saw  Cassim's  mules  straggling 
about  the  rock,  with  great  chests  upon  their  backs. 
Alarmed  at  this  the  robbers  galloped  at  full  speed  to 
the  cave.  They  dismounted,  and  while  some  of  them 
searched  about  the  rock,  the  captain  and  the  rest  went 
directly  to  the  door,  with  their  naked  sabres  in  their 
hands,  and  pronouncing  the  proper  words  it  opened. 

The  Arabian   Nights  241 

Cassim,  seeing  the  door  open,  rushed  towards  it  in 
order  to  escape,  but  the  robbers  with  their  sabres  soon 
deprived  him  of  his  hfe. 

The  first  care  of  the  robbers,  after  this,  was  to  ex- 
amine the  cave.  They  found  all  the  bags  which  Cassim 
had  brought  to  the  door  to  be  ready  to  load  his  mules, 
and  they  carried  them  again  to  their  places,  without 
missing  what  Ali  Baba  had  taken  before.  Then,  hold- 
ing a  council,  they  deliberated  on  the  occurrence.  They 
could  not  imagine  how  Cassim  had  gained  entrance  into 
the  cave,  for  they  were  all  persuaded  that  nobody 
knew  their  secret,  little  thinking  that  Ali  Baba  had 
watched  them.  It  was  a  matter  of  the  greatest  im- 
portance to  them  to  secure  their  riches.  They  agreed, 
therefore,  to  cut  Cassim's  body  into  four  quarters, 
to  hang  two  on  one  side  and  two  on  the  other,  within 
the  door  of  the  cave,  in  order  to  terrify  any  person, 
who  should  attempt  to  enter.  They  had  no  sooner 
taken  this  resolution  than  they  put  it  into  execution. 
They  then  left  the  place,  closed  the  door,  mounted 
their  horses,  and  departed  to  attack  any  caravans  they 
might  meet. 

In  the  meantime,  Cassim's  wife  was  very  uneasy 
when  darkness  approached,  and  her  husband  had  not 
returned.  She  spent  the  night  in  tears,  and  when 
morning  came  she  ran  to  Ali  Baba  in  alarm.  He  did 
not  wait  for  his  sister-in-law  to  desire  him  to  see  what 
had  become  of  Cassim,  but  departed  immediately  with 
his  three  asses,  begging  her  first  to  moderate  her  anxiety. 

He  went  to  the  forest,  and  when  he  came  near  the 
rock  was  seriously  alarmed  at  finding  some  blood  spilt 
near  the  door,  but  when  he  pronounced  the  words, 
*'Open  Sesame,"  and  the  door  opened,  he  was  struck 

242  The  Arabian   Nights 

with  horror  at  the  dismal  sight  of  his  brother's  quarters. 
He  entered  the  cave,  took  down  the  remains,  and  having 
loaded  one  of  his  asses  with  them,  covered  them  over 
with  wood.  The  other  two  asses  he  loaded  with  bags 
of  gold,  covering  them  with  wood  also  as  before,  then 
bidding  the  door  shut  he  left  the  cave.  When  he  came 
home,  he  drove  the  two  asses  loaded  with  gold  into 
his  little  yard,  and  left  the  care  of  unloading  them  to 
his  wife,  while  he  led  the  other  to  his  sister-in-law's 

Ali  Baba  knocked  at  the  door,  which  was  opened  by 
Morgiana,  an  intelligent  slave,  whom  Ali  Baba  knew 
to  be  faithful  and  resourceful  in  the  most  difficult 
undertakings.  When  he  came  into  the  court,  he  un- 
loaded the  ass,  and  taking  Morgiana  aside,  said  to 
her:  "The  first  thing  I  ask  of  thee  is  inviolable  se- 
crecy, which  thou  wilt  find  is  necessary  both  for  thy 
mistress's  sake  and  mine.  Thy  master's  body  is 
contained  in  these  two  bundles,  and  our  business  is 
to  bury  him  as  though  he  had  died  a  natural  death. 
Go  tell  thy  mistress  that  I  wish  to  speak  to  her,  and 
mind  what  I  have  said  to  thee." 

Morgiana  went  to  her  mistress  and  AH  Baba  followed 
her.  Ali  Baba  then  detailed  the  incidents  of  his  journey, 
and  of  Cassim's  death.  He  endeavoured  to  comfort 
the  widow,  and  said  to  her:  "I  offer  to  add  the  treasures 
which  Allah  hath  sent  me,  to  what  thou  hast,  and 
marry  thee,  assuring  thee  that  my  wife  will  not  be 
jealous,  and  that  we  shall  be  happy  together.  If  this 
proposal  is  agreeable  to  thee,  I  think  that  thou  mayest 
leave  the  management  of  Cassim's  funeral  to  Morgiana, 
the  faithful  slave,  and  I  will  contribute  all  that  lies 
in  my  power  to  thy  consolation." 

The  Arabian   Nights  243 

What  could  Cassim's  widow  do  better  than  accept 
this  proposal?  She  therefore  dried  her  tears,  which 
had  begun  to  flow  abundantly,  and  showed  AH  Baba 
that  she  approved  of  his  proposal.  He  then  left  the 
widow,  recommended  Morgiana  to  care  for  her  master's 
body,  and  returned  home  with  his  ass. 

The  next  morning,  soon  after  day  appeared,  Morgiana, 
knowing  an  old  cobbler  who  opened  his  stall  early, 
went  to  him  and  bidding  him  good-morrow,  put  a 
piece  of  gold  into  his  hand.  "Well,"  said  Baba  Musta- 
pha,  which  was  his  name,  "what  must  I  do  for  it.? 
I  am  ready!"  "Baba  Mustapha,"  said  Morgiana, 
"thou  must  take  thy  sewing  materials,  and  come  with 
me,  and  I  will  blindfold  thee  until  thou  comest  to  a 
certain  place." 

Baba  Mustapha  hesitated  a  little  at  these  words, 
but  after  some  persuasion  he  went  with  Morgiana, 
who,  when  she  had  bound  his  eyes  with  a  handkerchief, 
led  him  to  her  deceased  master's  house,  and  never 
unbandaged  his  eyes  until  he  had  entered  the  room 
where  she  had  put  the  quarters.  "Baba  Mustapha," 
said  she,  "make  haste  and  sew  these  quarters  together, 
and  when  thou  hast  done  so,  I  will  give  thee  another 
piece  of  gold." 

After  Baba  Mustapha  had  finished  his  task,  Morgiana 
blindfolded  him,  gave  him  another  piece  of  gold,  and 
recommending  secrecy,  led  him  to  his  shop,  and  un- 
bandaged his  eyes.  She  then  returned  home,  and  pre- 
pared Cassim's  body  for  the  funeral,  which  was  held 
the  next  day  with  the  usual  pomp  and  ceremony. 

Three  or  four  days  after  the  funeral  Ali  Baba  re- 
moved his  few  goods  openly  to  the  widow's  house,  but 
the  money  he  had  taken  from  the  robbers  he  conveyed 

244  The   Arabian   Nights 

thither  by  night.  Soon  after  his  marriage  with  his 
sister-in-law  was  celebrated,  and  as  these  marriages 
were  customary  in  his  country,  nobody  was  surprised. 
As  for  Cassim's  warehouse  Ali  Baba  gave  it  to  his 
eldest  son. 

Let  us  now  leave  Ali  Baba  to  enjoy  the  beginning  of 
his  fortune,  and  return  to  the  forty  thieves.  They 
came  again  to  their  retreat  in  the  forest,  but  great 
was  their  surprise  to  find  Cassim's  body  taken  away, 
with  some  of  their  bags  of  gold.  "We  are  certainly 
discovered,"  said  the  captain,  "and  if  we  do  not 
speedily  apply  some  remedy,  shall  gradually  lose  all 
the  riches  which  our  ancestors  and  ourselves  have 
been  many  years  amassing  with  so  much  pain  and 
danger.  It  is  evident  that  the  thief  whom  we  surprised, 
has  an  accomplice,  and  now  that  one  of  the  villains 
has  been  caught  we  must  discover  the  other.  One 
of  you  who  is  bold,  artful  and  enterprising  must  go  into 
the  town,  disguised  as  a  traveller.  He  will  thus  be 
able  to  ascertain  whether  any  man  has  lately  died 
a  strange  death.  But  in  case  this  messenger  return 
to  us  with  a  false  report,  I  ask  you  all,  if  ye  do  not 
think  that  he  should  suffer  death.?"  All  the  robbers 
found  the  captain's  proposal  so  advisable  that  they 
unanimously  approved  of  it.  Thereupon  one  of  the 
robbers  started  up  and  requested  to  be  sent  into  the 
town.  He  received  great  commendation  from  the 
captain  and  his  comrades,  disguised  himself  and  taking 
his  leave  of  the  band,  went  into  the  town  just  before 
daybreak.  He  walked  up  and  down  until  accidentally 
he  came  to  Baba  Mustapha's  stall,  which  was  always 
open  before  any  of  the  other  shops. 

Baba  Mustapha  was  seated  with  an  awl  in  his  hand. 

The   Arabian   Nights  245 

The  robber  saluted  him,  and  perceiving  that  he  was 
old,  said:  "Honest  man,  thou  beginnest  work  very 
early.  Is  it  possible  that  one  of  thine  age  can  see 
so  well?"  "Certainly,"  said  Baba  Mustapha,  "thou 
must  be  a  stranger,  and  do  not  know  me.  I  have 
extraordinary  eyes,  and  thou  wilt  not  doubt  it,  when 
I  tell  thee  that  I  sewed  a  dead  body  together,  in  a  place 
where  I  had  not  so  much  light  as  I  have  now." 

The  robber  was  overjoyed  at  this  information,  and 
proceeded  to  question  Baba  Mustapha  until  he  learned 
all  that  had  occurred.  He  then  pulled  out  a  piece  of 
gold  and  putting  it  into  the  cobbler's  hand,  said  to 
him:  "I  can  assure  thee  that  I  will  never  divulge  thy 
secret.  All  that  I  ask  of  thee  is  to  show  me  the  house 
where  thou  stitchedst  up  the  dead  body.  Come,  let 
me  blind  thine  eyes  at  the  same  place,  where  the  slave 
girl  bound  them.  We  will  walk  on  together,  and  per- 
haps thou  mayest  go  direct  to  the  house,  where  occurred 
thy  mysterious  adventure.  As  everybody  ought  to  be 
paid  for  his  trouble,  here  is  a  second  piece  of  gold  for 
thee."  So  saying  he  put  another  piece  of  gold  in  Baba 
Mustapha's  hand. 

The  two  pieces  of  gold  were  a  great  temptation  to 
the  cobbler.  He  looked  at  them  a  long  time,  without 
saying  a  word,  thinking  what  he  should  do,  but  at 
last  he  pulled  out  his  purse,  and  put  them  into  it. 
He  then  rose  up,  to  the  great  joy  of  the  robber,  and 
said:  "I  do  not  assure  thee  that  I  shall  be  able  to  re- 
member the  way,  but  since  thou  desirest  it,  I  will 
try  what  I  can  do." 

The  robber,  who  had  his  handkerchief  ready,  tied 
it  over  Baba  Mustapha's  eyes  and  walked  by  him  until 
he  stopped,  partly  leading  him,  and  partly  guided  by 

246  The   Arabian   Nights 

him.  "I  think,"  said  Baba  Mustapha,  "that  I  went 
no  farther,"  and  he  had  now  stopped  before  Cassim*s 
house,  where  AH  Baba  hved.  The  robber  before  he 
pulled  off  the  bandage  from  the  cobbler's  eyes,  marked 
the  door  with  a  piece  of  chalk,  which  he  had  ready  in 
his  hand,  and  finding  that  he  could  discover  nothing 
more  from  Baba  Mustapha,  he  thanked  him  for  the 
trouble  he  had  taken,  and  let  him  go  back  to  his  stall. 
After  this  the  robber  rejoined  his  band  in  the  forest, 
and  triumphantly  related  his  good  fortune. 

A  little  after  the  robber  and  Baba  Mustapha  had 
departed,  Morgiana  went  out  of  Ali  B aba's  house  upon 
an  errand,  and  upon  her  return,  seeing  the  mark  that 
the  robber  had  made,  stopped  to  observe  it.  "What 
can  be  the  meaning  of  this  mark?"  said  she  to  herself, 
"somebody  means  my  master  no  good!"  Accordingly 
she  fetched  a  piece  of  chalk,  and  marked  two  or  three 
doors  on  each  side,  in  the  same  manner,  without  saying 
a  word  to  her  master  or  mistress. 

Meanwhile  the  robber  captain  had  armed  his  men, 
and  he  said  to  them:  "Comrades,  we  have  no  time  to 
lose,  let  us  set  off  well  armed,  but  without  its  appear- 
ing who  we  are.  That  it  may  not  excite  suspicion,  let 
only  one  or  two  go  into  the  town  together,  and  join 
our  rendezvous,  which  shall  be  the  great  square.  In 
the  meantime  I  will  go  with  our  comrade,  who  brought 
us  the  good  news,  and  find  the  house,  that  we  may 
decide  what  had  best  be  done." 

This  speech  and  plan  were  approved  of  by  all,  and 
soon  they  were  ready.  They  filed  off  in  parties  of  two 
«ach,  and  got  into  the  town  without  being  in  the  least 
suspected.  The  robber  who  had  visited  the  town  in 
the  morning,  led  the  captain  into  the  street  where  he 

The   Arabian   Nights  247 

had  marked  Ali  Baba's  residence,  and  when  they  came 
to  the  first  of  the  houses,  which  Morgiana  had  marked, 
he  pointed  it  out.  But  the  captain  observed  that  the 
next  door  was  marked  in  the  same  manner.  The  robber 
was  so  confounded  that  he  knew  not  what  explanation 
to  make,  but  was  still  more  puzzled  when  he  saw  five 
or  six  houses  similarly  marked. 

The  captain  finding  that  their  expedition  had  failed, 
went  directly  to  the  place  of  rendezvous,  and  told  the 
members  of  the  band  that  all  was  lost,  and  that  they 
must  return  to  their  cave.  He  himself  set  them  the 
example,  and  they  all  returned  secretly  as  they  had 
come.  When  they  were  gathered  together,  the  captain 
told  his  comrades  what  had  occurred,  and  the  robber 
spy  was  declared  by  all  to  be  worthy  of  death.  The 
spy  condemned  himself,  acknowledging  that  he  ought 
to  have  taken  more  precaution  and  he  received  with 
courage  the  stroke  from  him  who  was  appointed  to 
cut  oflF  his  head. 

But  as  the  safety  of  the  band  required  that  an  injury 
should  not  go  unpunished,  another  robber  offered  to 
go  into  the  town  and  see  what  he  could  discover.  His 
offer  being  accepted,  he  went,  and  finding  Baba  Musta- 
pha,  gave  him  a  gold  piece,  and,  being  shown  Ali  Baba's 
house,  marked  it,  in  an  inconspicuous  place,  with  red 
chalk.  Not  long  after  Morgiana,  whose  eye  nothing 
could  escape,  went  out,  and  seeing  the  red  chalk, 
marked  the  other  neighbours'  houses  in  the  same  place 
and  manner. 

The  second  robber  spy,  on  his  return  to  the  cave, 
reported  his  adventure,  and  the  captain  and  all  the 
band  were  overjoyed  at  the  thought  of  immediate 
success.    They  went  into  the  town,  with  the  same  pre- 

248  The   Arabian   Nights 

cautions  as  before,  but  when  the  robber  and  his  captain 
came  to  the  street,  they  found  a  number  of  houses 
marked  aHke  with  red  chalk.  At  this  the  captain  was 
enraged,  and  retired  with  his  band  to  the  cave,  where  the 
robber  spy  was  condemned  to  death,  and  was  immedi- 
ately beheaded. 

The  captain,  having  lost  two  brave  fellows  of  his 
band,  and  being  afraid  lest  he  should  lose  more,  re- 
solved to  take  upon  himself  the  important  commission. 
Accordingly  he  went  and  addressed  himself  to  Baba 
Mustapha  who  did  him  the  same  service  he  had  done 
for  the  other  robbers.  The  captain  did  not  mark  the 
house  with  chalk,  but  examined  it  so  carefully,  that  it 
was  impossible  for  him  to  mistake  it.  Well  satisfied 
with  his  attempt,  he  returned  to  the  forest,  and  when 
he  came  to  the  cave,  where  the  band  awaited  him,  said : 
"Now,  comrades,  nothing  can  prevent  our  full  revenge, 
as  I  am  certain  of  the  house."  He  then  ordered  the 
members  of  the  band  to  go  into  the  villages  round 
about,  and  buy  nineteen  mules,  and  thirty-eight  large 
leathern  jars,  one  full  of  oil,  and  the  others  empty. 

In  two  or  three  days'  time  the  robbers  had  purchased 
the  mules  and  the  jars.  The  captain,  after  putting  one 
of  his  men  into  each  jar,  rubbed  the  outside  of  the 
vessels  with  oil.  Things  being  thus  prepared,  when  the 
nineteen  mules  were  loaded  with  the  thirty-seven  rob- 
bers in  jars,  and  the  jar  of  oil,  the  captain,  as  their 
driver,  set  out  with  them,  and  reached  the  town  by 
the  dusk  of  the  evening,  as  he  had  intended.  He  led 
the  mules  through  the  streets,  until  he  came  to  Ali 
Baba's  house,  at  whose  door  he  stopped.  Ali  Baba  was 
sitting  there  after  supper  to  take  a  little  fresh  air,  and 
the  captain  addressed  him  and  said:  ''I  have  brought 

The  Arabian   Nights  249 

some  oil  a  great  distance,  to  sell  at  to-morrow's  market, 
and  it  is  now  so  late  that  I  do  not  know  where  to  lodge. 
If  I  should  not  be  troublesome  to  thee,  do  me  the  favour 
to  let  me  pass  the  night  in  thy  house."  Though  Ali 
Baba  had  seen  the  robber  captain  in  the  forest,  and  had 
heard  him  speak,  it  was  impossible  to  know  him  in  the 
disguise  of  an  oil  merchant.  He  told  him  that  he  should 
be  welcome,  and  immediately  opened  his  gates  for  the 
mules  to  pass  through  into  the  yard.  At  the  same  time 
he  called  a  slave,  and  ordered  him  to  fodder  the  mules. 
He  then  went  to  Morgiana,  to  bid  her  prepare  a  good 
supper  for  his  guest. 

Supper  was  served,  after  which  the  robber  captain 
withdrew  to  the  yard,  under  pretence  of  looking  after 
his  mules.  Beginning  at  the  first  jar,  and  so  on  to  the 
last,  he  said  to  each  man:  "As  soon  as  I  throw  some 
stones  out  of  my  chamber  window,  cut  the  jar  open 
with  the  knife  thou  hast  for  that  purpose,  and  come 
out,  and  I  will  immediately  join  thee."  After  this  he 
returned  to  the  house,  and  Morgiana,  taking  a  light, 
conducted  him  to  his  chamber,  where  she  left  him. 

Now,  Morgiana,  returning  to  her  kitchen,  found  that 
there  was  no  oil  in  the  house,  and,  as  her  lamp  went 
out,  she  did  not  know  what  to  do,  but  presently  be- 
thinking herself  of  the  oil  jars,  she  went  into  the  yard. 
When  she  came  nigh  to  the  first  jar,  the  robber  within 
said  softly:  "Is  it  time.?"  Though  the  robber  spoke 
low,  Morgiana  heard  him  distinctly,  for  the  captain, 
when  he  unloaded  the  mules,  had  taken  the  lids  off 
the  jars  to  give  air  to  his  men,  who  were  ill  at  ease, 
and  needed  room  to  breathe. 

Morgiana  was  naturally  surprised  at  finding  a  man  in 
a  jar  instead  of  the  oil  she  wanted,  but  she  immediately 

250         The  Arabian   Nights 

comprehended  the  danger  to  Ali  Baba,  and  his  family, 
and  the  necessity  of  applying  a  speedy  remedy  without 
noise.  Collecting  herself,  without  showing  the  least 
emotion,  she  answered:  "Not  yet,  but  presently." 
She  went  in  this  manner  to  all  the  jars,  giving  the  same 
answer,  until  she  came  to  the  jar  of  oil. 

By  this  means,  Morgiana  found  that  her  master, 
Ali  Baba,  who  thought  that  he  was  entertaining  an 
oil-merchant,  had  really  admitted  thirty-eight  robbers 
into  his  house,  including  the  pretended  oil-merchant, 
who  was  their  captain.  She  made  what  haste  she  could 
to  fill  her  oil  pot,  and  returned  to  her  kitchen,  and,  as 
soon  as  she  lighted  her  lamp,  she  took  a  great  kettle, 
went  again  to  the  oil  jar,  filled  the  kettle,  set  it  upon 
a  large  wood  fire,  and  as  soon  as  it  boiled,  went,  and 
poured  enough  into  every  jar  to  stifle  and  destroy  the 
robber  within.  She  then  returned  to  her  kitchen,  put 
out  the  light,  and  resolved  that  she  would  not  go  to 
rest,  until  she  had  observed  what  might  happen, 
through  a  window  which  opened  into  the  yard. 

She  had  not  waited  long  before  the  captain  of  the 
robbers  gave  the  appointed  signal,  by  throwing  little 
stones,  several  of  which  hit  the  jars.  He  then  listened, 
and  not  hearing  or  perceiving  any  movement  among 
his  companions,  became  uneasy  and  descended  softly 
into  the  yard.  Going  to  the  first  jar  he  smelt  the  boiled 
oil,  which  sent  forth  a  steam,  and  examining  the  jars 
one  after  the  other  he  found  all  of  his  band  dead,  and 
by  the  oil  that  he  missed  out  of  the  last  jar,  guessed 
the  means  and  manner  of  their  death.  Hence  he  sus- 
pected that  his  plot  to  murder  Ali  Baba  and  plunder 
his  house  was  discovered.  Enraged  to  despair  at  having 
failed  in  his  design,  he  forced  the  lock  of  a  door  that 

•as  soon  as  a  throw   some  blONES  OLT  OF  MV   LHA.MliKR  WINDOW, 

The  Arabian   Nights  251 

led  from  the  yard  to  the  garden,  and  climbing  over 
the  walls,  he  made  his  escape.  Morgiana  satisfied  and 
pleased  to  have  succeeded  so  well,  in  saving  her  master 
and  his  family,  went  to  bed. 

The  next  morning  Morgiana  took  Ali  Baba  aside 
and  communicated  to  him  the  events  of  the  preceding 
night.  Astonished  beyond  measure  Ali  Baba  exam- 
ined all  the  jars,  in  each  of  which  was  a  dead  robber. 
He  stood  for  some  time  motionless,  now  looking  at  the 
jars,  and  now  at  Morgiana,  without  saying  a  word,  so 
great  was  his  surprise.  At  last,  when  he  had  recovered 
himself,  he  said:  "I  will  not  die  without  rewarding  thee 
as  thou  deservest!  I  owe  my  life  to  thee,  and,  as  the 
first  token  of  my  gratitude,  I  give  thee  thy  liberty 
from  this  moment,  and  later  I  will  complete  thy  recom- 
pense !  I  am  persuaded  with  thee  that  the  forty  robbers 
had  laid  snares  for  my  destruction.  Allah  by  thy 
means  hath  delivered  me  from  their  wicked  designs, 
and  I  hope  he  will  continue  to  do  so,  and  that  he  will 
deliver  the  world  from  their  persecution  and  from  their 
cursed  race.  All  we  now  have  to  do,  is  to  bury  the 
bodies  of  these  pests  of  mankind." 

Ali  Baba  garden's  was  very  long,  and  there  he  and 
his  slaves  dug  a  pit  in  which  they  buried  the  robbers, 
and  levelled  the  ground  again.  After  which  Ali  Baba 
returned  to  his  house  and  hid  the  jars  and  weapons, 
the  mules  he  sold  in  the  market.  While  Ali  Baba  was 
thus  employed,  the  captain  of  the  forty  robbers  re- 
turned to  the  forest,  and  entered  the  cave.  He  there 
sat  down  to  consider  how  he  could  revenge  himself 
upon  Ali  Baba. 

The  loneliness  of  the  gloomy  cavern  became  frightful 
to  him.    "Where  are  ye,  my  brave  comrades,"  cried  he. 

252  The   Arabian   Nights 

"old  companions  of  my  watchings,  and  labours?  What 
can  I  do  without  you?  Did  I  collect  you  only  to  lose 
you  by  so  base  a  fate,  and  so  unworthy  of  your  courage? 
Had  ye  died  with  your  sabres  in  your  hands,  like  brave 
men,  my  regret  had  been  less!  When  shall  I  enlist  so 
gallant  a  band  again?  I  will  truly  revenge  you  upon 
this  miserable  Ah  Baba,  and  will  provide  new  masters 
for  all  this  gold  and  treasure,  who  shall  preserve  and 
augment  it  to  all  posterity!"  This  resolution  being 
taken,  the  captain  feeling  more  easy  in  his  mind,  and  full 
of  hopes,  slept  all  night  very  quietly. 

When  he  awoke  early  next  morning,  he  disguised  him- 
self as  a  merchant,  and  going  into  the  town,  took  a  lodg- 
ing at  an  inn.  He  gradually  conveyed,  from  the  cavern 
to  the  inn,  a  great  many  rich  stuffs,  and  fine  linens.  He 
then  took  a  shop  opposite  to  Cassim's  warehouse,  which 
Ali  Baba's  son  had  occupied  since  the  death  of  his  uncle. 
Within  a  few  days  the  pretended  merchant  had  culti- 
vated a  friendship  with  the  son,  caressed  him  in  the 
most  engaging  manner,  made  him  small  presents,  and 
asked  him  to  dine  and  sup  with  him. 

Ali  Baba's  son  did  not  choose  to  lie  under  such  obliga- 
tions to  the  pretended  merchant,  without  making  the 
like  return;  he  therefore  acquainted  his  father  with  his 
desire  to  return  these  favours.  Ali  Baba,  with  great 
pleasure,  took  the  entertainment  upon  himself,  and 
invited  his  son  to  bring  his  friend  to  supper;  he  then 
gave  orders  to  Morgiana  to  prepare  a  fine  repast. 

The  pretended  merchant  accompanied  the  son  to 
Ah  Baba's  house,  and  after  the  usual  salutations, 
said:  "I  beg  of  thee  not  to  take  it  amiss  that  I  do  not 
remain  for  supper,  for  I  eat  nothing  that  has  salt  in  it, 
therefore  judge  how  I  should  feel  at  thy  table!"     "If 

The   Arabian   Nights  253 

that  be  all,"  replied  Ali  Baba,  "it  ought  not  to  deprive 
me  of  thy  company  at  supper,  for  I  promise  thee  that 
no  salt  shall  be  put  in  any  meat  or  bread  served  this 
night.  Therefore  thou  must  do  me  the  favour  to  re- 

Ali  Baba  then  went  into  the  kitchen,  and  commanded 
Morgiana  to  put  no  salt  in  the  meat  that  was  dressed 
that  night.  Morgiana,  who  was  always  ready  to  obey 
her  master,  was  much  dissatisfied  at  this  peculiar  or- 
der. "Who  is  this  strange  man,"  she  asked,  "who  eats 
no  salt  in  his  meat?  Does  he  not  know  that  the  eating 
of  salt  by  host  and  guest  cements  forever  the  bond  of 
friendship.?"  "Do  not  be  angry,  Morgiana,"  said 
Ali  Baba,  "he  is  an  honest  man,  therefore  do  as  I  bid." 

Morgiana  obeyed,  though  with  reluctance,  and  was 
filled  with  curiosity  to  see  this  man  who  would  eat 
no  salt  with  his  host.  To  this  end  she  helped  Ali  Baba 
to  carry  up  the  dishes,  and  looking  at  the  pretended 
merchant,  she  knew  him  at  first  sight,  notwithstanding 
his  disguise,  to  be  the  captain  of  the  forty  robbers, 
and  examining  him  carefully,  she  perceived  that  he 
had  a  dagger  under  his  garment. 

Thus  having  penetrated  the  wicked  design  of  the 
pretended  merchant,  Morgiana  left  the  hall,  and  re- 
tiring to  her  own  chamber,  dressed  herself  as  a  dancer, 
and  girded  her  waist  with  a  silver  girdle,  to  which  there 
hung  a  poniard.  When  she  had  thus  clad  herself  she 
said  to  a  slave:  "Take  thy  tabour,  and  let  us  go,  and 
divert  our  master  and  his  son's  guest."  The  slave  took 
his  tabour,  and  played  all  the  way  into  the  hall  before 
Morgiana,  who  immediately  began  to  dance  in  such  a 
manner  as  would  have  created  admiration  in  any  com- 

2  54         The  Arabian   Nights 

After  she  had  danced  several  dances  with  equal 
grace,  she  drew  the  poniard,  and  holding  it  in  her  hand, 
began  a  dance  of  light  movements,  and  surprising 
leaps.  Sometimes  she  presented  the  poniard  to  one 
breast,  then  to  another,  and  oftentimes  seemed  to 
strike  her  own.  At  length  Morgiana  presented  the 
poniard  to  the  breast  of  the  pretended  merchant,  and 
with  a  courage  worthy  of  herself,  plunged  it  into  his 

Ali  Baba  and  his  son  shocked  at  this  action,  cried 
out  aloud.  "Unhappy  wretch!"  exclaimed  Ali  Baba, 
"what  hast  thou  done  to  ruin  me  and  my  family!" 
"It  was  to  preserve,  not  to  ruin  thee,"  answered  Mor- 
giana, opening  the  pretended  merchant's  garment, 
and  showing  the  dagger.  "See  what  an  enemy  thou 
hast  entertained!  Look  well  at  him,  and  thou  wilt  find 
both  the  false  oil-merchant,  and  the  captain  of  the  band 
of  forty  robbers.  Remember  too  that  he  would  eat  no 
salt  with  thee,  and  wouldest  thou  have  more  to  per- 
suade thee  of  his  wicked  design?" 

Ali  Baba,  overcome  with  gratitude,  embraced  Mor- 
giana, and  said:  "Morgiana,  I  gave  thee  thy  liberty, 
and  now  I  will  marry  thee  to  my  son,  who  will  consider 
himself  fortunate  to  wed  the  preserver  of  his  family." 
Ali  Baba  then  turned  and  questioned  his  son,  who  far 
from  showing  any  dislike,  readily  consented  to  the 
marriage,  not  only  because  he  wished  to  obey  his  father, 
but  because  it  was  agreeable  to  his  inclinations.  A 
few  days  after,  Ali  Baba  celebrated  the  nuptials  of 
his  son  and  Morgiana,  with  great  solemnity,  a  sumptu- 
ous feast,  and  the  usual  dancing. 

Ali  Baba  and  his  son  buried  the  captain  of  the  robbers 
with  his  comrades,  and  at  the  end  of  a  year,  seeing  that 

The  Arabian   Nights  255 

he  had  not  been  molested  by  any  other  robbers,  Ali 
Baba  mounted  his  horse,  and  set  out  for  the  cave. 
When  he  arrived  there  he  pronounced  the  words: 
"Open  Sesame,"  and  the  door  immediately  opened. 
From  the  condition  of  the  treasures,  he  judged  that 
no  one  had  visited  the  cave  since  the  band  of  forty 
robbers  had  been  destroyed.  He  put  upon  his  horse 
as  much  gold  as  he  could  carry,  and  returned  home. 

Afterwards  Ali  Baba  took  his  son  to  the  cave,  taught 
him  its  secret,  which  they  handed  down  to  their  pos- 
terity, who  ever  after,  using  their  good  fortune  with 
moderation,  lived  in  great  honour  and  splendour. 

"All  the  preceding  tales  are  indeed  wonderful,'* 
said  Sheherazade,  "but  I  will  now  relate  the  most 
wonderful  of  all  my  stories,"  and  she  forthwith  began 
the  story  of  Aladdin  and  the  Princess  Badroulboudour. 

Chapter  IX 


THERE  lived  in  ancient  times,  in  the  capital 
of  China,  a  tailor  named  Mustapha,  who  was 
so  poor  that  he  could  scarcely  support  his 
wife  and  son.  Now,  his  son,  whose  name  was 
Aladdin,  was  idle  and  careless  and  disobedient  to  his 
father  and  mother,  and  he  played  from  morning  till  night 
in  the  streets,  with  other  bad  and  idle  lads.  Mustapha 
chastised  him,  but  Aladdin  remained  incorrigible, 
and  his  father  was  so  much  troubled  that  he  became 
ill  and  died  in  a  few  months.  His  mother  finding  that 
Aladdin  would  not  work  did  all  she  could  by  spinning 
cotton  to  maintain  herself  and  him. 

Now  Aladdin,  who  was  no  longer  restrained  by  fear 
of  a  father,  gave  himself  over  entirely  to  his  idle  habits. 
As  he  was  one  day  playing,  according  to  custom,  with 
his  vagabond  associates,  a  stranger  passing  by  stood 
and  regarded  him  earnestly.  This  stranger  was  a 
sorcerer,  an  African  magician.  By  means  of  his  magic, 
he  saw  in  Aladdin's  face  something  necessary  for  the 
accomplishment  of  a  deed  in  which  he  was  engaged. 
And  the  wily  magician,  taking  Aladdin  aside  from  his 


The  Arabian   Nights  257 

companions,  said:  "Boy,  is  not  thy  father  called 
Mustapha,  the  tailor?"  "Yes,"  answered  the  boy, 
"but  he  has  been  dead  a  long  time." 

At  these  words,  the  African  magician  threw  his  arms 
about  Aladdin's  neck,  and  kissed  him  several  times, 
with  tears  in  his  eyes.  "Alas,  O  my  son,"  he  cried, 
"I  am  thine  uncle.  I  have  been  abroad  for  many  years, 
and  now  I  am  come  home  with  the  hopes  of  seeing 
thy  father,  but  thou  tellest  me  that  he  is  dead!  I 
knew  thee  at  first  sight  because  thou  art  so  like  him, 
and  I  see  that  I  was  not  deceived!"  Then  putting 
his  hand  into  his  pocket,  he  asked  Aladdin  where  his 
mother  lived,  and  gave  him  a  small  handful  of  money, 
saying:  "Go,  O  my  son,  to  thy  mother,  and  give  her 
my  love,  and  tell  her  that  I  will  visit  her  to-morrow.'* 

As  soon  as  the  African  magician  had  departed, 
Aladdin  ran  to  his  mother  overjoyed.  "Mother,"  he 
said,  "  I  have  met  my  uncle ! "  "  No,  my  son,"  answered 
his  mother,  "thou  hast  no  uncle  by  thy  father's  side  or 
mine."  Then  Aladdin  related  to  her  all  that  the  African 
magician  had  told  him. 

The  next  day,  Aladdin's  mother  made  ready  a  re- 
past, and  when  night  came  some  one  knocked  upon 
the  door.  Aladdin  opened  it,  and  the  African  magician 
entered,  laden  with  wine  and  various  fruits.  He  saluted 
Aladdin's  mother,  and  shed  tears,  and  lamented  that 
he  had  not  arrived  in  time  to  see  his  brother  Mustapha. 
"I  have  been  forty  years  absent  from  my  country," 
said  the  wily  magician,  "travelling  in  the  Indies, 
Persia,  Arabia,  Syria,  and  Egypt.  At  last  I  was 
desirous  of  seeing,  and  embracing  my  dear  brother,  so 
I  immediately  prepared  for  the  journey,  and  set  out. 
Reaching  this  city  I  wandered  through  the  streets. 

258  The   Arabian   Nights 

where  I  observed  my  brother's  features  in  the  face  of 
my  nephew,  thy  son." 

The  African  magician  perceiving  that  the  widow 
began  to  weep  at  these  words,  turned  to  Aladdin,  and 
asked  him  what  trade  or  occupation  he  had  chosen. 
At  this  question  Aladdin  hung  down  his  head,  blushing 
and  abashed,  while  his  mother  replied  that  he  was  an 
idle  fellow,  hving  on  the  streets.  "This  is  not  well," 
said  the  magician.  "If  thou  hast  no  desire  to  learn  a 
handicraft,  I  will  take  a  shop  for  thee,  and  furnish  it 
with  fine  hnens  and  rich  stuffs."  This  plan  greatly 
flattered  Aladdin,  for  he  knew  that  the  owners  of  such 
shops  were  much  respected,  so  he  thanked  the  African 
magician,  saying  that  he  preferred  such  a  shop  to  any 
trade  or  handicraft.  Aladdin's  mother,  who  had  not 
till  then  believed  that  the  magician  was  the  brother  of 
her  husband,  now  could  no  longer  doubt.  She  thanked 
him  for  his  kindness  to  Aladdin,  and  exhorted  the 
lad  to  repay  his  uncle  with  good  behaviour. 

The  next  day,  early  in  the  morning,  the  African 
magician  came  again,  and  took  Aladdin  to  a  merchant, 
who  provided  the  lad  with  a  rich  and  handsome  suit, 
after  which  the  magician  took  him  to  visit  the  principal 
shops,  where  they  sold  the  richest  stufiFs  and  linens. 
He  showed  him  also  the  largest  and  finest  mosques, 
and  entertained  him  at  the  most  frequented  inns.' 
Then  the  magician  escorted  Aladdin  to  his  mother,  who, 
when  she  saw  her  son  so  magnificently  attired,  be- 
stowed a  thousand  blessings  upon  his  benefactor. 

Aladdin  rose  early  the  next  morning,  and  dressed 
himself  in  his  elegant,  new  garments.  Soon  after  this  the 
African  magician  approached  the  house,  and  entered  it, 
and,  caressing  him,  said:  "Come,  my  dear  son,  and  I  will 

The   Arabian   Nights  259 

show  thee  fine  things  to-day!"  He  then  led  the  lad 
out  of  the  city,  through  magnificent  parks  and  gardens, 
past  fine  palaces  and  buildings;  enticing  him  beyond 
the  gardens,  across  the  country,  until  they  arrived  at 
some  mountains.  He  amused  Aladdin  all  the  way 
by  relating  to  him  pleasant  stories,  and  feasting  him 
with  cakes  and  fruit. 

When  at  last  they  arrived  at  a  valley,  between  two 
mountains  of  great  height,  the  magician  said  to  Aladdin  : 
*'We  will  go  no  farther.  I  will  now  show  thee  some 
extraordinary  things.  While  I  strike  a  light,  do  thou 
gather  up  loose  sticks  for  a  fire."  Aladdin  collected  a 
pile  of  sticks,  and  the  African  magician  set  fire  to  them, 
and,  when  they  began  to  burn,  he  muttered  several 
magical  words,  and  cast  a  perfume  upon  the  fire. 
Immediately  a  great  smoke  arose,  and  the  earth, 
trembling,  opened,  and  uncovered  a  stone  with  a  brass 
ring  fixed  in  the  middle. 

Aladdin  became  so  frightened  at  what  he  saw  that 
he  would  have  run  away,  but  the  magician  caught  hold 
of  him,  and  gave  him  such  a  box  on  the  ear  that  he 
knocked  him  down.  Aladdin  rose  up  trembling  with 
tears  in  his  eyes,  and  inquired  what  he  had  done  to  merit 
such  a  punishment.  "I  have  my  reasons,"  answered 
the  magician  harshly,  "thou  seest  what  I  have  just 
done!  But,  my  son,"  continued  he  softening,  "know 
that  under  this  stone  is  hidden  a  treasure  destined  to 
be  thine.  It  will  make  thee  richer  than  the  greatest 
monarch  in  the  world.  Fate  decrees  that  no  one  but 
thou  mayest  lift  the  stone,  or  enter  the  cave,  but  to 
do  this  successfully  thou  must  promise  to  obey  my  in- 

Aladdin  was  amazed  at  all  he  saw,  and,  hearing 

2  6o  The  Arabian   Nights 

that  the  treasure  was  to  be  his,  his  anger  was  appeased, 
and  he  said  quickly:  "Command  me,  uncle,  for  I 
promise  to  obey."  The  magician  then  directed  him 
to  take  hold  of  the  ring  and  lift  the  stone,  and  to  pro- 
nounce at  the  same  time  the  names  of  his  father  and 
grandfather.  Aladdin  did  as  he  was  bidden,  and  raised 
the  heavy  stone  with  ease,  and  laid  it  on  one  side. 
When  the  stone  was  pulled  up  there  appeared  a  cave 
several  feet  deep  with  a  Uttle  door,  and  with  steps  to 
go  further  down. 

"Observe,  my  son,"  said  the  African  magician, 
"what  I  direct.  Descend  and  at  the  bottom  of  these 
steps,  thou  wilt  find  a  door  open.  Beyond  the  door  are 
three  great  halls  in  each  of  which  thou  wilt  see  four 
large  brass  cisterns,  full  of  gold  and  silver.  Take  care 
that  thou  dost  not  touch  any  of  the  wealth.  Before 
thou  enterest  the  first  hall,  tuck  up  thy  vest,  and  pass 
through  the  first  and  the  second  and  the  third  hall 
without  stopping.  Above  all  things  do  not  touch  the 
walls,  not  even  with  thy  clothing,  for  if  thou  do  so, 
thou  wilt  die  instantly. 

"At  the  end  of  the  third  hall,  thou  wilt  find  a  door 
which  opens  into  a  garden  planted  with  fine  trees, 
loaded  with  fruits.  Walk  directly  across  the  garden 
by  a  path  that  will  lead  thee  to  five  steps  which  will 
bring  thee  to  a  terrace,  where  thou  wilt  see  a  niche, 
and  in  that  niche  a  lighted  lamp.  Take  down  the  lamp, 
extinguish  the  flame,  throw  away  the  wick,  pour  out 
the  oil,  and  put  the  lamp  into  thy  bosom,  and  bring 
it  to  me.  If  thou  shouldst  wish  for  any  of  the  fruits 
of  the  garden,  thou  mayest  gather  as  much  as  thou 

The  magician  then  took  a  ring  from  his  finger,  and 

The  Arabian   Nights  261 

placed  it  upon  Aladdin's  hand,  telling  him  that  it  would 
preserve  him  from  all  evil.  Aladdin  sprang  into  the 
cave,  descended  the  steps,  and  found  the  three  halls 
just  as  the  African  magician  had  described.  He  passed 
through,  taking  care  not  to  touch  the  walls,  crossed 
the  garden  without  stopping,  took  down  the  lamp 
from  the  niche,  threw  away  the  wick,  poured  out  the 
oil,  and  placed  the  lamp  in  his  bosom. 

But  as  he  came  down  from  the  terrace,  he  stopped 
to  observe  the  fruits.  All  the  trees  were  loaded  with 
extraordinary  fruits,  of  different  colours.  Some  trees 
hore  fruit  entirely  white,  and  some  clear  and  transparent 
as  crystal ;  some  red,  some  green,  blue,  purple  and  others 
yellow,  in  short  there  were  fruits  of  all  colours.  The 
white  were  pearls;  the  clear  and  transparent,  diamonds; 
the  red,  rubies;  the  green,  emeralds;  the  blue,  tur- 
quoises; the  purple,  amethysts;  and  those  that  were 
yellow,  sapphires.  Aladdin  was  altogether  ignorant 
of  their  worth,  and  would  have  preferred  figs  and  grapes, 
or  any  other  fruits.  But  though  he  took  them  for 
coloured  glass  of  little  value,  yet  he  was  so  pleased  with 
the  variety  of  bright  colours,  and  with  the  beauty  and 
extraordinary  size  of  the  seeming  fruits,  that  he  gathered 
some  of  every  sort,  and  filled  the  two  new  purses  his 
ancle  had  given  him,  and  crammed  his  bosom  as  full 
as  it  could  hold. 

Aladdin,  having  thus  loaded  himself  with  riches, 
he  knew  not  the  value  of,  returned,  through  the  three 
halls,  to  the  mouth  of  the  cave,  where  the  magician 
was  expecting  him  with  the  utmost  impatience.  Now 
the  African  magician  intended,  as  soon  as  he  should 
receive  the  lamp  from  Aladdin,  to  push  the  lad  back 
into  the  cave,  so  that  there  should  remain  no  witness  of 

262  The  Arabian  Nights 

the  affair.  But  as  soon  as  Aladdin  saw  him  he  cried 
out:  "Pray,  uncle,  lend  me  thy  hand  to  help  me  out." 
"Give  me  the  lamp  first,"  said  the  magician,  "it  will 
be  troublesome  to  thee."  "Indeed,  uncle,"  answered 
Aladdin,  "I  am  unable  to  give  it  to  thee  now,  but  I 
will  do  so  as  soon  as  I  am  up."  But  the  African  magi- 
cian was  obstinate  and  insisted  on  having  the  lamp,  and 
Aladdin,  whose  bosom  was  so  stuffed  with  the  fruits 
that  he  could  not  well  get  at  it,  refused  to  give  up  the 
lamp  until  he  was  out  of  the  cave.  The  magician  pro- 
voked at  this  refusal,  flew  into  a  rage,  threw  some 
incense  into  the  fire,  pronounced  two  magical  words, 
and  instantly  the  stone,  which  had  covered  the  mouth  of 
the  cave,  moved  back  into  its  place.  Then  the  African 
magician,  having  lost  all  hope  of  obtaining  the  wonder- 
ful lamp,  returned  that  same  day  to  Africa. 

When  Aladdin  found  himself  thus  buried  alive,  he 
cried,  and  called  out  to  his  uncle  that  he  was  ready 
to  give  him  the  lamp,  but  in  vain,  since  his  cries  could 
not  be  heard.  He  descended  to  the  bottom  of  the  steps, 
desiring  to  enter  the  garden,  but  the  door,  which  had 
been  open  before  by  enchantment,  was  now  closed  by 
the  same  means.  He  then  redoubled  his  cries  and  tears, 
and  sat  down  upon  the  steps,  without  any  hopes  of 
ever  seeing  the  light  again. 

Aladdin  remained  in  this  state  for  two  days,  without 
eating  or  drinking.  On  the  third  day,  clasping  his  hands 
in  despair,  he  accidentally  rubbed  the  ring  which  the 
magician  had  placed  upon  his  finger.  Immediately 
a  Genie  of  enormous  size,  and  frightful  aspect,  rose 
out  of  the  earth,  his  head  reaching  the  roof  of  the  cave, 
and  said  to  him:  "What  wouldest  thou  have.?*  I  will 
obey  thee  as  thy  slave,  and  the  slave  of  all  who  may 

;)iATELY  A  c;enie  of  i-.nor.mols  sue  rose  out  of  the  earth 

The  Arabian   Nights  263 

possess  the  ring  on  thy  finger,  I  and  the  other  slaves 
of  that  ring!" 

At  any  other  time  Aladdin  would  have  been  fright- 
ened at  the  sight  of  so  extraordinary  a  figure,  but  the 
danger  that  he  was  in  made  him  answer  without  hesita- 
tion: "Whoever  thou  art,  deliver  me  from  this  place!'* 
He  had  no  sooner  spoken  these  words  than  he  found 
himself  on  the  very  spot,  where  the  magician  had  caused 
the  earth  to  open. 

Thankful  to  find  himself  safe,  he  quickly  made  his 
way  home.  When  he  reached  his  mother's  door,  the 
joy  at  seeing  her,  and  the  weakness  due  to  lack  of  food, 
made  him  faint,  and  he  remained  for  a  long  time  as  dead. 
His  mother  did  all  she  could  to  bring  him  to  himself, 
and  the  first  words  he  spoke  were:  "Pray,  mother, 
give  me  something  to  eat."  His  mother  brought  what 
she  had,  and  set  it  before  him. 

Aladdin  then  related  to  his  mother  all  that  had  hap- 
pened to  him,  and  showed  her  the  transparent  fruits  of 
different  colours,  which  he  had  gathered  in  the  garden. 
But  though  these  fruits  were  precious  stones,  brilliant 
as  the  sun,  the  mother  was  ignorant  of  their  worth,  and 
she  laid  them  carelessly  aside. 

Aladdin  slept  very  soundly  till  the  next  morning, 
but  on  waking  he  found  that  there  was  nothing  to 
eat  in  the  house,  nor  any  money  with  which  to  buy 

"Alas,  my  son,"  said  his  mother,  "I  have  not  a  bit 
of  bread  to  give  thee,  but  I  have  a  little  cotton,  which 
I  have  spun,  and  I  will  go  and  sell  it."  "Mother,'* 
replied  Aladdin,  "keep  thy  cotton  for  another  time, 
and  give  me  the  lamp  I  brought  home  with  me  yesterday. 
I  will  go  and  sell  it,  and  the  money  I  shall  get  for  it 

264  The   Arabian   Nights 

will  serve  both  for  breakfast  and  dinner,  and  perhaps 
for  supper  also." 

Aladdin's  mother  brought  the  lamp,  and  as  it  was 
very  dirty  she  took  some  fine  sand  and  water  to  clean 
it,  but  she  no  sooner  began  to  rub,  than  in  an  instant 
a  hideous  Genie,  of  gigantic  size,  appeared  before  her, 
and  said  in  a  voice  like  thunder:  "What  wouldest  thou 
have?  I  am  ready  to  obey  thee  as  thy  slave,  and  the 
slave  of  all  those  who  hold  the  lamp  in  their  hands,  I 
and  the  other  slaves  of  the  lamp!" 

Aladdin's  mother,  terrified  at  the  sight  of  the  Genie, 
fainted,  but  Aladdin  snatched  the  lamp  out  of  her 
hand,  and  said  to  him:  "I  am  hungry.  Bring  me  some- 
thing to  eat."  The  Genie  disappeared  immediately, 
and  in  an  instant  returned  with  a  large  silver  tray, 
holding  twelve  covered  dishes  of  the  same  metal, 
which  contained  the  most  delicious  viands;  six  large, 
white  bread  cakes,  two  flagons  of  wine,  and  two  silver 
cups.  All  these  he  placed  upon  a  carpet,  and  disap- 
peared. This  was  done  before  Aladdin's  mother  re- 
covered from  her  swoon. 

Aladdin  fetched  some  water  and  sprinkled  it  in  her 
face,  and  she  recovered.  Great  was  her  surprise  to  see 
the  silver  tray,  twelve  dishes,  six  loaves,  the  two 
flagons  and  cups,  and  to  smell  the  savoury  odour  which 
exhaled  from  the  dishes.  When,  however,  Aladdin 
informed  her  that  they  were  brought  by  the  Genie, 
whom  she  had  seen,  she  was  greatly  alarmed  and  urged 
him  to  sell  the  enchanted  lamp  and  have  nothing  to  do 
with  the  Genie.  "With  thy  leave,  mother,"  answered 
Aladdin,  "I  will  keep  the  lamp  as  it  hath  been  of 
service  to  us.  Thou  may  est  be  sure  that  my  false 
and  wicked  uncle  would  not  have  taken  so  much  pains. 

The   Arabian   Nights  265 

and  undertaken  such  a  long  journey,  if  he  had  not  known 
that  this  wonderful  lamp  was  worth  more  than  all  the 
gold  and  silver  which  were  in  those  three  halls.  He 
knew  too  well  the  worth  of  this  lamp  not  to  prefer  it 
to  so  great  a  treasure.  Let  us  make  profitable  use 
of  it,  without  exciting  the  envy  and  jealousy  of  our 
neighbours.  However,  since  the  Genie  frightens  thee 
I  will  take  the  lamp  out  of  thy  sight,  and  put  it  where 
I  may  find  it  when  I  want  it."  His  mother,  convinced 
by  his  arguments,  said  he  might  do  as  he  wished,  but 
for  herself  she  would  have  nothing  to  do  with  Genii. 

The  mother  and  son  then  sat  down  to  breakfast, 
and  when  they  were  satisfied,  they  found  that  they 
had  enough  food  left  for  dinner  and  supper,  and  also 
for  two  meals  for  the  next  day.  By  the  following 
night  they  had  eaten  all  the  provisions  the  Genie  had 
brought,  and  the  next  day,  Aladdin,  putting  one  of 
the  silver  dishes  under  his  vest,  went  to  the  silver- 
market  and  sold  it.  Before  returning  home  he  called 
at  the  baker's  and  bought  bread,  and  on  his  return  gave 
the  rest  of  the  money  to  his  mother,  who  went  and 
purchased  provisions  enough  to  last  for  some  time. 

After  this  manner  they  lived,  till  Aladdin  had  sold  all 
the  dishes  and  the  silver  tray.  When  the  money  was 
spent  he  had  recourse  again  to  the  lamp.  He  took  it  in 
his  hand,  rubbed  it,  and  immediately  the  Genie  ap- 
peared, and  said:  "What  wouldest  thou  have.?  I  am 
ready  to  obey  thee  as  thy  slave,  and  the  slave  of  all 
those  who  hold  that  lamp  in  their  hands,  I  and  the  other 
slaves  of  the  lamp!"  "I  am  hungry,"  said  Aladdin, 
"bring  me  something  to  eat."  The  Genie  immediately 
disappeared,  and  instantly  returned  with  a  tray  con- 
taining the  same  number  of  dishes  as  before,  and  he 

2  66  The  Arabian   Nights 

set  them  down,  and  vanished.  And  when  the  pro- 
visions were  gone,  Aladdin  sold  the  tray  and  dishes  as 
before.  Thus  he  and  his  mother  continued  to  live  for 
some  time,  and,  though  they  had  an  inexhaustible 
treasure  in  their  lamp,  they  dwelt  quietly  with  fru- 

Meanwhile  Aladdin  frequented  the  shops  of  the 
principal  merchants,  where  they  sold  cloth  of  gold, 
and  silver,  Hnens,  silk  stuffs,  and  jewellery,  and  often- 
times joining  in  their  conversation,  he  acquired  a  knowl- 
edge of  the  world,  and  a  polished  manner.  By  his  ac- 
quaintance among  the  jewellers,  he  came  to  know  that 
the  fruits,  which  he  had  gathered  in  the  subterranean 
garden,  instead  of  being  coloured  glass,  were  jewels  of 
inestimable  value. 

One  day  as  Aladdin  was  walking  about  the  town, 
he  heard  an  order  proclaimed,  commanding  the  people 
to  close  their  shops  and  houses,  and  to  keep  within 
doors,  while  the  Princess  Badroulboudour,  the  Sultan's 
daughter,  went  to  the  baths  and  returned.  When 
Aladdin  heard  this  he  became  filled  with  curiosity  to 
see  the  face  of  the  Princess.  So  he  placed  himself 
behind  the  outer  door  of  the  bath,  which  was  so  situ- 
ated that  he  could  not  fail  to  see  her. 

He  had  not  long  to  wait,  before  the  Princess  came, 
and  he  could  see  her  plainly  through  a  chink  in  the  door, 
without  being  discovered.  She  was  attended  by  a  great 
crowd  of  ladies,  and  slaves,  and  eunuchs,  who  walked 
on  each  side,  and  behind  her.  When  she  came  near 
to  the  door  of  the  bath  she  took  off  her  veil,  and  Aladdin 
saw  her  face. 

The  Princess  was  the  most  beautiful  brunette  in 
the  world.    Her  eyes  were  large,  lively  and  sparkling, 

The   Arabian   Nights  267 

her  looks  sweet  and  modest,  her  nose  without  a  fault, 
her  mouth  small,  and  her  lips  vermilion  red.  It  was 
not  surprising  that  Aladdin,  who  had  never  before  seen 
such  a  blaze  of  charms,  was  dazzled,  and  that  his  heart 
became  filled  with  admiration  and  love. 

After  the  Princess  had  passed  by,  Aladdin  returned 
home  in  a  state  of  great  dejection,  which  he  could  not 
conceal  from  his  mother,  who  was  surprised  to  see  him 
thoughtful  and  melancholy.  She  inquired  the  cause 
of  this,  and  Aladdin  told  her  all  that  had  occurred,  say- 
ing: "This,  my  mother,  is  the  cause  of  my  melancholy! 
I  love  the  Princess  more  than  I  can  express,  I  cannot  live 
without  the  beautiful  Badroulboudour,  and  I  am  re- 
solved to  ask  her  in  marriage  of  the  Sultan,  her 

Aladdin's  mother  listened  in  surprise  to  what  her 
son  told  her,  but  when  he  spoke  of  asking  the  Princess 
in  marriage,  she  burst  into  a  loud  laugh.  "Alas,  my 
son,"  she  said,  "what  art  thou  thinking  of?  Thou 
must  be  mad  to  talk  thus!"  "I  assure  thee,  my 
mother,  "  replied  Aladdin,  "that  I  am  not  mad,  but 
I  am  resolved  to  demand  the  Princess  in  marriage, 
and  thy  remonstrances  shall  not  prevent  me,  instead  I 
will  expect  thee  to  use  thy  persuasion  with  the  Sultan." 
"I  go  to  the  Sultan!"  answered  his  mother,  amazed 
and  surprised,  "I  assure  thee  I  cannot  undertake  such 
an  errand.  And  who  art  thou,  my  son,  "  continued  she, 
"to  think  of  the  Sultan's  daughter?  Hast  thou  for- 
gotten that  thy  father  was  one  of  the  poorest  tailors 
in  the  city?  How  can  I  open  my  mouth  to  make  such 
a  proposal  to  the  Sultan?  His  majestic  presence,  and  the 
lustre  of  his  court  would  confound  me !  There  is  another 
reason,  my  son,  which  thou  dost  not  think  of,  which  is 

2  68  The   Arabian   Nights 

that  no  one  ever  asks  a  favour  of  the  Sultan  without 
taking  him  a  fitting  present." 

Aladdin  heard  very  calmly  all  that  his  mother  had 
to  say,  then  he  replied:  "I  love  the  Princess,  or  rather 
I  adore  her,  and  shall  always  persevere  in  my  design 
to  marry  her.  Thou  sayest  that  it  is  not  customary 
to  go  to  the  Sultan  without  a  present.  Would  not  those 
fruits,  that  I  brought  home  from  the  subterranean 
garden,  make  an  acceptable  present.?  For  what  thou 
and  I  took  for  coloured  glass,  are  really  jewels  of  in- 
estimable value,  and  I  am  persuaded  that  they  will 
be  favourably  received  by  the  Sultan,  Thou  hast  a 
large  porcelain  dish  fit  to  hold  them,  fetch  it,  and  let 
us  see  how  the  stones  will  look  when  we  have  arranged 
them  according  to  their  different  colours." 

Aladdin's  mother  brought  the  porcelain  dish,  and  he 
arranged  the  jewels  on  it  according  to  his  fancy.  But 
the  brightness  and  lustre  they  emitted  in  daylight, 
and  the  variety  of  colours,  so  dazzled  the  eyes  of  both 
mother  and  son,  that  they  were  astonished  beyond 
measure.  After  they  had  admired  the  beauty  of  the 
jewels,  Aladdin  said  to  his  mother:  "Now  thou  canst 
not  excuse  thyself  from  going  to  the  Sultan,  under  the 
pretext  of  not  having  a  present  for  him!"  But  his 
mother  did  not  believe  in  the  beauty  and  value  of  the 
stones,  and  she  used  many  arguments  to  make  her  son 
change  his  mind.  Aladdin,  however,  could  not  be 
changed  from  his  purpose,  and  continued  to  persuade 
her  until  out  of  tenderness  she  complied  with  his  re- 

The  next  morning,  Aladdin's  mother  took  the  porce- 
lain dish,  in  which  were  the  jewels,  and,  wrapping  it 
in  two  fine  napkins,  set  out  for  the  Sultan's  palace. 

The   Arabian   Nights  269 

She  entered  the  audience  chamber,  and  placed  herself 
just  before  the  Sultan,  the  Grand  Vizier,  and  the  great 
lords  of  the  court,  who  sat  in  council,  but  she  did  not 
venture  to  declare  her  business,  and  when  the  audience 
chamber  closed  for  the  day  she  returned  home.  The 
next  morning  she  again  repaired  to  the  audience  cham- 
ber and  left  when  it  closed  without  having  dared  to 
address  the  Sultan,  and  she  continued  to  do  thus  daily, 
until  at  last  one  morning  the  chief  officer  of  the  court 
approached  her,  and  at  a  sign  from  him,  she  followed 
him  to  the  Sultan's  throne,  where  he  left  her. 

Aladdin's  mother  saluted  the  Sultan,  and  kissing  the 
ground  before  him,  bowed  her  head  down  to  the  carpet, 
which  covered  the  steps  of  the  throne,  and  remained  in 
that  posture  until  he  bade  her  rise,  which  she  had  no 
sooner  done,  than  he  said  to  her:  "My  good  woman, 
I  have  observed  thee  to  stand  for  a  long  time,  from 
the  opening  to  the  closing  of  the  audience  chamber. 
What  business  brings  thee  hither.?" 

When  Aladdin's  mother  heard  these  words,  she  pros- 
trated herself  a  second  time,  and  when  she  arose  said: 
"O  King  of  Kings,  I  will  indeed  tell  thee  the  incredible 
and  extraordinary  business  that  brings  me,  but  I  pre- 
sume to  beg  of  thee  to  hear  what  I  have  to  say  in  pri- 
vate." The  Sultan  then  ordered  all  but  the  Grand  Vizier 
to  leave  the  audience  chamber,  and  directed  her  to 
proceed  with  her  tale. 

Thus  encouraged  Aladdin's  mother  humbly  en- 
treated the  Sultan's  pardon  for  what  she  was  about  to 
say.  She  then  told  him  faithfully  how  Aladdin  had 
seen  the  Princess  Badroulboudour,  and  of  the  love  that 
the  fatal  sight  had  inspired  him  with,  and  she  ended 
by  formally  demanding  the  Princess  in  marriage  for 

270  The  Arabian   Nights 

her  son.  After  which  she  took  the  porcelain  dish, 
which  she  had  set  down  at  the  foot  of  the  throne,  un- 
wrapped it,  and  presented  it  to  the  Sultan. 

The  Sultan's  amazement  and  surprise  were  inexpres- 
sible, when  he  saw  so  many  large,  beautiful,  and  valu- 
able jewels.  He  remained  for  some  time  motionless 
with  admiration.  At  length,  when  he  had  recovered 
himself,  he  received  the  present  from  the  hand  of  Alad- 
din's mother,  crying  out  in  a  transport  of  joy:  "How 
rich,  how  beautiful!"  After  he  had  admired  and  han- 
dled all  the  jewels,  one  by  one,  he  turned  to  his  Grand 
Vizier,  and  showing  him  the  dish,  said:  "Behold,  ad- 
mire, wonder!  Confess  that  thine  eyes  never  beheld 
precious  stones  so  rich  and  beautiful  before!  What 
sayest  thou  to  such  a  present,  is  it  not  worthy  of  the 
Princess,  my  daughter?" 

These  words  agitated  the  Grand  Vizier,  for  the  Sultan 
had  for  some  time  intended  to  bestow  the  Princess 
his  daughter  upon  the  Vizier's  son.  Therefore  going  to 
the  Sultan  the  Vizier  whispered  in  his  ear  and  said: 
"I  cannot  but  own  that  the  present  is  worthy  of  the 
Princess,  but  I  beg  thee  to  grant  me  three  months* 
delay,  and  before  the  end  of  that  time,  I  hope  that  my 
son  may  be  able  to  make  a  nobler  present  than  Aladdin, 
who  is  an  entire  stranger  to  thy  majesty." 

The  Sultan  granted  his  request,  and  turning  to 
Aladdin's  mother  said  to  her:  "My  good  woman,  go 
home,  and  tell  thy  son  that  I  agree  to  the  proposal  thou 
hast  made  me,  but  that  I  cannot  marry  the  Princess, 
my  daughter,  until  the  end  of  three  months.  At  the 
expiration  of  that  time,  come  again."  Aladdin's 
mother,  overjoyed  at  these  words,  hastened  home  and 
informed  Aladdin  of  all  the  Sultan  had  said.    Aladdin 

The   Arabian   Nights  271 

thought  himself  the  most  happy  of  all  men  at  hearing 
this  news.  He  waited  with  great  impatience  for  the 
expiration  of  the  three  months,  counting  not  only  the 
hours,  days,  and  weeks,  but  every  moment. 

When  two  of  the  three  months  were  passed,  his 
mother,  one  evening,  finding  no  oil  in  the  house,  went 
out  to  purchase  some.  She  found  in  the  city  a  general 
rejoicing.  The  shops  were  decorated  with  foliage,  silks, 
and  gay  carpets;  the  streets  were  crowded  with  officers, 
magnificently  dressed,  mounted  on  horses  richly  capari- 
soned, each  attended  by  numerous  footmen.  Aladdin's 
mother  asked  the  oil-merchant  what  was  the  meaning 
of  all  this  festivity.  "Whence  comest  thou,  my  good 
woman!"  he  answered,  "know  that  to-night  the  Grand 
Vizier's  son  is  to  marry  the  Princess  Badroulboudour, 
the  Sultan's  daughter!" 

Aladdin's  mother  hastened  home,  and  related  all  the 
news  to  Aladdin.  He  was  thunderstruck  on  hearing 
her  words,  and  hastening  to  his  chamber,  closed  the 
door,  took  the  lamp  in  his  hand,  rubbed  it  in  the  same 
place  as  before,  and  immediately  the  Genie  appeared, 
and  said  to  him:  "What  wouldest  thou  have?  I  am 
ready  to  obey  thee  as  thy  slave,  and  the  slave  of  all 
those  who  hold  that  lamp  in  their  hands,  I  and  the 
other  slaves  of  the  lamp!"  "Genie,"  said  Aladdin, 
"  I  have  demanded  the  Princess  Badroulboudour  in  mar- 
riage of  the  Sultan  her  father.  He  promised  her  to  me, 
only  requiring  three  months'  delay.  But  instead  of 
keeping  his  word,  he  has  this  night  married  her  to  the 
Grand  Vizier's  son.  What  I  require  of  thee  is  this, 
as  soon  as  the  bride  and  bridegroom  are  alone,  bring 
them  both  hither." 

"Master,"  said  the  Genie,  "I  hear  and  obey!"    The 

2']2  The   Arabian   Nights 

Genie  then  disappeared,  flew  to  the  palace,  took  up 
the  bed  with  the  bride  and  bridegroom  in  it,  returned, 
and  set  it  down  in  Aladdin's  room.  The  Genie  then 
took  the  bridegroom,  who  was  trembling  with  fear, 
and  shut  him  up  in  a  dark  closet.  Aladdin  then  ap- 
proached the  Princess,  and  said  most  respectfully: 
"Adorable  Princess,  thou  art  here  in  safety!  The 
Sultan  thy  father  promised  thee  in  marriage  to  me, 
and  as  he  has  now  broken  his  word  I  am  thus  forced  to 
carry  thee  away,  in  order  to  prevent  thy  marriage  with 
the  Grand  Vizier's  son.  Sleep  in  peace  until  morning, 
when  I  will  restore  thee  to  the  Sultan  thy  father." 
Having  thus  reassured  the  Princess,  Aladdin  laid  him- 
self down,  and  slept  until  morning. 

Aladdin  had  no  occasion  the  next  morning  to  summon 
the  Genie,  who  appeared  at  the  hour  appointed.  He 
brought  the  bridegroom  from  the  closet,  and  placing 
him  beside  the  Princess,  transported  the  bed  to  the 
royal  palace.  The  bridegroom  pale  and  trembling  with 
fear  sought  the  Sultan,  related  to  him  all  that  had 
happened,  and  implored  him  to  break  off  his  marriage 
with  the  Princess.  The  Sultan  did  so  and  commanded 
all  rejoicings  to  cease. 

Aladdin  waited  until  the  three  months  were  com- 
pleted, and  the  next  day  sent  his  mother  to  the  palace 
to  remind  the  Sultan  of  his  promise.  The  Sultan  no 
sooner  saw  her  than  he  remembered  her  business,  and  as 
he  did  not  wish  to  give  his  daughter  to  a  stranger, 
thought  to  put  her  off  by  a  request  impossible  of  fulfil- 
ment. "My  good  woman,"  he  said,  "it  is  true  that  sul- 
tans should  keep  their  promises,  and  I  am  willing  to  do 
so  as  soon  as  thy  son  shall  send  me  forty  trays  of  massy 
gold,  full  of  the  same  sort  of  jewels,  thou  hast  already 

The   Arabian   Nights  273 

made  me  a  present  of.  The  trays  must  be  carried  by  a 
like  number  of  black  slaves,  who  shall  be  led  by  as 
many  young  and  handsome  white  slaves  magnificently 

Aladdin's  mother  prostrated  herself  a  second  time 
before  the  Sultan's  throne,  and  retired.  She  hastened 
home  laughing  within  herself  at  her  son's  foolish  ambi- 
tion. She  then  gave  him  an  exact  account  of  what  the 
Sultan  had  said  to  her,  and  the  conditions  on  which 
he  consented  to  the  marriage.  Aladdin  immediately 
retired  to  his  room,  took  the  lamp,  and  rubbed  it. 
The  Genie  appeared,  and  with  the  usual  salutation 
offered  his  services.  "Genie,"  said  Aladdin,  "the 
Sultan  gives  me  the  Princess  his  daughter  in  marriage, 
but  demands  first  forty  large  trays  of  massy  gold,  full 
of  the  fruits  of  the  subterranean  garden;  these  he  ex- 
pects to  be  carried  by  as  many  black  slaves,  each 
preceded  by  a  young  and  handsome  white  slave,  richly 
clothed.  Go,  and  fetch  me  this  present  as  soon  as  pos- 
sible." The  Genie  told  him  that  his  command  should 
be  instantly  obeyed,  and  disappeared. 

In  a  short  time  the  Genie  returned  with  forty  black 
slaves,  each  bearing  upon  his  head  a  heavy  tray  of  pure 
gold,  full  of  pearls,  diamonds,  rubies,  emeralds,  and 
every  sort  of  precious  stone,  all  larger  and  more  beauti- 
ful than  those  already  presented  to  the  Sultan.  Each 
tray  was  covered  with  silver  tissue,  richly  embroidered 
with  flowers  of  gold.  These  together  with  the  white 
slaves  quite  filled  the  house,  which  was  but  a  small 
one,  as  well  as  the  little  court  before  it,  and  a  small 
garden  behind.  The  Genie  having  thus  fulfilled  his 
orders,  disappeared. 

Aladdin  found  his  mother  in  great  amazement  at 

2  74  The  Arabian   Nights 

seeing  so  many  people  and  such  vast  riches.  "Mother,** 
he  said,  "I  would  have  you  return  to  the  palace  with 
this  present  as  a  dowry,  that  the  Sultan  may  judge 
by  the  rapidity  with  which  I  fulfil  his  demands  of  the 
ardent  and  sincere  love  I  have  for  the  Princess  his 
daughter."  And  without  waiting  for  his  mother's  reply, 
Aladdin  opened  the  door  into  the  street,  and  made  the 
slaves  walk  out,  each  white  slave  followed  by  a  black 
with  a  tray  upon  his  head.  When  they  were  all  out 
his  mother  followed  the  last  black  slave,  and  Aladdin 
shut  the  door  and  retired  to  his  chamber,  full  of  hopes. 

The  procession  of  slaves  proceeded  through  the  streets, 
and  the  people  ran  together  to  see  so  extraordinary 
and  magnificent  a  spectacle.  The  dress  of  each  slave 
was  rich  in  stuff  and  decorated  with  jewels,  and  the 
noble  air  and  fine  shape  of  each  was  unparalleled.  Their 
grave  walk,  at  an  equal  distance  from  each  other,  the 
lustre  of  the  jewels  curiously  set  in  their  girdles  of  gold, 
the  aigrets  of  precious  stones  in  their  turbans,  all  filled 
the  spectators  with  wonder  and  amazement.  At 
length  they  arrived  at  the  Sultan's  palace,  and  the  first 
slave,  followed  by  the  rest,  advanced  into  the  audience 
chamber,  where  the  Sultan  was  seated  on  his  throne, 
surrounded  by  his  viziers  and  the  chief  officers  of  the 
court.  After  all  the  slaves  were  entered,  they  formed 
a  semicircle  before  the  Sultan's  throne,  the  black  slaves 
laid  the  golden  trays  upon  the  carpet,  and  all  the  slaves 
prostrated  themselves,  touching  the  ground  with  their 
foreheads.  They  then  arose,  the  black  slaves  uncover- 
ing the  trays,  and  stood  with  their  arms  crossed  over 
their  breasts. 

In  the  meantime  Aladdin's  mother  advanced  to  the 
foot  of  the  throne  and  prostrated  herself  before  the 

The  Arabian   Nights  275 

Sultan.  When  he  cast  his  eyes  on  the  forty  trays  filled 
with  the  most  precious  and  brilliant  jewels,  and  gazed 
upon  the  fourscore  slaves  so  richly  attired,  he  no 
longer  hesitated,  as  the  sight  of  such  immense  riches, 
and  Aladdin's  quickness  in  satisfying  his  demand,  easily 
persuaded  him  that  the  young  man  would  make  a  most 
desirable  son-in-law.  Therefore  he  said  to  Aladdin's 
mother:  "Go  and  tell  thy  son,  that  I  wait  with  open 
arms  to  embrace  him,  and  the  more  haste  he  makes  to 
come  and  receive  the  Princess  my  daughter,  the  greater 
pleasure  he  will  do  me." 

Aladdin's  mother  hastened  home,  and  informed  her 
son  of  this  joyful  news.  He,  enraptured  at  the  prospect 
of  his  marriage  with  the  Princess,  retired  to  his  chamber, 
again  rubbed  the  lamp,  and  the  obedient  Genie  appeared 
as  before.  "Genie,"  said  Aladdin,  "provide  me  with 
the  richest  and  most  magnificent  raiment  ever  worn 
by  a  king,  and  with  a  charger,  that  surpasses  in  beauty 
the  best  in  the  Sultan's  stable,  with  a  saddle,  bridle, 
and  other  caparisons  worth  a  million  of  gold  pieces. 
I  want  also  twenty  slaves,  richly  clothed,  to  walk  by 
my  side  and  follow  me,  and  twenty  more  to  go  before 
me  in  two  ranks.  Besides  these,  bring  my  mother 
six  female  slaves  to  attend  her,  as  richly  dressed  as 
any  of  the  Princess  Badroulboudour's,  each  carrying 
a  dress  fit  for  a  sultan's  wife.  I  want  also  ten  thou- 
sand pieces  of  gold,  in  ten  purses.  Go  and  make 

As  soon  as  Aladdin  had  given  these  orders,  the  Genie 
disappeared,  but  returned  instantly  with  the  horse, 
the  forty  slaves,  ten  of  whom  carried  each  a  purse 
containing  ten  thousand  pieces  of  gold,  and  six  female 
slaves,  each  carrying  on  her  head  a  dress  for  Aladdin's 

276  The  Arabian   Nights 

mother,  wrapped  in  silver  tissue.  The  Genie  presented 
all  these  to  Aladdin  and  disappeared. 

Of  the  ten  purses,  Aladdin  took  four,  which  he  gave 
to  his  mother,  the  other  six  he  left  in  the  hands  of  the 
slaves  who  brought  them,  with  an  order  to  throw 
the  gold  by  handfuls  among  the  people,  as  they  went 
to  the  Sultan's  palace.  The  six  slaves  who  carried  the 
purses  he  ordered  likewise  to  march  before  him,  three 
on  the  right  hand,  and  three  on  the  left. 

Aladdin  then  clad  himself  in  his  new  garments,  and 
mounting  his  charger,  began  the  march  to  the  Sultan's 
palace.  The  streets  through  which  he  passed  were 
instantly  filled  with  a  vast  concourse  of  people,  who 
rent  the  air  with  their  acclamations.  When  he  ar- 
rived at  the  palace  everything  was  prepared  for  his 
reception.  He  was  met  at  the  gate  by  the  Grand  Vizier, 
and  the  chief  oflficers  of  the  empire.  The  officers  formed 
themselves  into  two  ranks  at  the  entrance  of  the 
audience  chamber,  and  their  chief  led  Aladdin  to  the 
Sultan's  throne. 

When  the  Sultan  perceived  Aladdin,  he  was  sur- 
prised at  the  elegance  of  his  attire,  and  at  his  fine  shape, 
and  air  of  dignity,  very  different  from  the  meanness 
of  his  mother's  late  appearance.  Rising  quickly  from 
the  throne,  the  Sultan  descended  two  or  three  steps, 
and  prevented  Aladdin  from  throwing  himself  at  his 
feet.  He  embraced  him  with  demonstrations  of  joy, 
held  him  fast  by  the  hand,  and  obliged  him  to  sit  close 
to  the  throne. 

The  marriage  feast  was  begun,  and  the  Sultan  ordered 
that  the  contract  of  marriage  between  the  Princess 
Badroulboudour  and  Aladdin,  should  be  immediately 
drawn  up;  he  then  asked  Aladdin  if  he  wished  the 

The  Arabian   Nights  277 

ceremony  solemnized  that  day.  To  which  Aladdin 
answered:  "Though  great  is  my  impatience,  I  beg 
leave  to  defer  it  until  I  have  built  a  palace  fit  to  re- 
ceive the  Princess,  therefore,  I  pray  thee,  give  me  a 
spot  of  ground  near  thy  palace,  where  I  may  build.** 
"My  son,"  said  the  Sultan,  "take  what  ground  thou 
thinkest  proper,"  and  he  embraced  Aladdin,  who  took 
his  leave  with  as  much  politeness  as  though  he  had 
always  lived  at  a  court. 

As  soon  as  Aladdin  reached  home,  he  dismounted, 
retired  to  his  own  chamber,  took  the  lamp,  and  called 
the  Genie  as  before,  who  in  the  usual  manner  offered 
him  his  services.  "Genie,"  said  Aladdin,  "I  would 
have  thee  build  me,  as  soon  as  possible,  a  palace  near 
the  Sultan's,  fit  to  receive  my  wife,  the  Princess  Bad- 
roulboudour.  Build  it  of  porphyry,  jasper,  lapis  lazuli, 
or  the  finest  marbles  of  various  colours.  On  the  terraced 
roof  build  me  a  large  hall,  crowned  with  a  dome.  Let 
the  walls  be  of  massy  gold  and  silver.  On  each  of  the 
four  sides  of  this  hall  let  there  be  six  windows.  Leave 
one  window  lattice  unfinished,  but  enrich  all  the  others 
with  diamonds,  rubies,  and  emeralds.  I  would  have 
also  a  spacious  garden,  and  a  treasury  full  of  gold  and 
silver.  There  must  be  kitchens,  offices,  storehouses, 
and  stables  full  of  the  finest  horses.  I  want  also  male 
and  female  slaves,  and  equerries  and  grooms.  Come  and 
tell  me  when  all  is  finished." 

The  next  morning  before  break  of  day,  the  Genie 
presented  himself  to  Aladdin  and  said:  "Master,  thy 
palace  is  finished,  come  and  see  if  it  pleaseth  thee." 
Aladdin  had  no  sooner  signified  his  consent,  than  the 
Genie  transported  him  thither  in  an  instant,  and  led 
him  through  richly  furnished  apartments,  and  Aladdin 

278  The  Arabian   Nights 

found  nothing  but  what  was  magnificent.  Officers, 
slaves  and  grooms  were  busy  at  their  tasks,  and  the 
treasury  was  piled  to  the  ceiling  with  purses  of  gold, 
and  the  stables  were  filled  with  the  finest  horses  in  the 
world.  When  Aladdin  had  examined  the  palace  from 
top  to  bottom,  and  particularly  the  hall  with  four  and 
twenty  windows,  he  found  all  beyond  anything  he  had 
imagined.  "Genie,"  he  said,  "there  is  only  one  thing 
wanting,  which  I  forgot  to  mention,  that  is  a  carpet 
of  fine  velvet  for  the  Princess  to  walk  upon,  between 
my  palace  and  the  Sultan's."  The  Genie  disappeared, 
and  instantly  a  carpet  of  fine  velvet  stretched  across 
the  park  to  the  door  of  the  Sultan's  palace. 

When  the  porters  of  the  Sultan's  palace  came  to 
open  the  gates,  they  were  amazed  to  see  a  carpet  of 
velvet  stretching  from  the  grand  entrance  across  the 
park,  to  a  new  and  magnificent  palace.  The  Grand 
Vizier,  who  arrived  soon  after  the  gates  were  opened, 
being  no  less  amazed  than  the  others,  hastened  to 
acquaint  the  Sultan  with  the  wonderful  news.  The 
hour  of  going  to  the  audience  chamber  put  an  end  to 
their  conjectures,  but  scarcely  were  they  seated  before 
Aladdin's  mother  arrived,  dressed  in  her  most  sumptuous 
garments,  and  attended  by  the  six  female  slaves,  who 
were  clad  richly  and  magnificently.  She  was  received 
at  the  palace  with  honour,  and  introduced  into  the 
Princess  Badroulboudour's  apartment,  by  the  chief 
of  the  eunuchs.  As  soon  as  the  Princess  saw  her,  she 
arose,  and  saluted  her,  and  desired  her  to  sit  beside 
her  upon  a  sofa.  A  collation  was  served,  and  then  the 
slaves  finished  dressing  the  Princess,  and  adorning  her 
with  the  jewels  which  Aladdin  had  presented  to  her, 

The  Sultan  immediately  ordered  band«  of  trumpets, 

The  Arabian   Nights  279 

cymbals,  drums,  fifes,  and  hautboys,  placed  in  different 
parts  of  the  palace,  to  play,  so  that  the  air  resounded 
with  concerts  which  inspired  the  city  with  joy.  The 
merchants  began  to  adorn  their  shops  and  houses  with 
fine  carpets,  and  silks,  and  to  prepare  illuminations 
for  the  coming  festival. 

When  night  arrived  the  Princess  took  tender  leave 
of  the  Sultan  her  father,  and,  accompanied  by  Aladdin's 
mother,  set  out  across  the  velvet  carpet,  amid  the 
sound  of  trumpets,  and  lighted  by  a  thousand  torches. 
Aladdin  received  her  with  joy,  and  led  her  into  the  large, 
illuminated  hall,  where  was  spread  a  magnificent  repast. 
The  dishes  were  of  massy  gold,  and  contained  the  most 
delicious  viands,  and  after  the  supper  there  was  a 
concert  of  the  most  ravishing  music,  accompanied  by 
graceful  dancing,  performed  by  a  number  of  female 

The  next  morning  Aladdin  mounted,  and  went  in 
the  midst  of  a  large  troop  of  slaves  to  the  Sultan's 
palace.  The  Sultan  received  him  with  honours,  em- 
braced him,  placed  him  upon  the  throne,  near  him,  and 
ordered  a  collation.  Aladdin  then  said:  "I  entreat  thee 
to  dispense  with  my  eating  with  thee  this  day,  as  I  came 
to  invite  thee  to  partake  of  a  repast  in  the  Princess's 
palace,  attended  by  thy  Grand  Vizier,  and  all  the  lords 
of  thy  court."  The  Sultan  consented  with  pleasure, 
rose  up  immediately,  and,  followed  by  all  the  oflBcers 
of  his  court,  accompanied  Aladdin. 

The  nearer  the  Sultan  approached  Aladdin's  palace 
the  more  he  was  struck  with  its  beauty,  but  he  was  much 
more  amazed  when  he  entered  it,  and  could  not  for- 
bear breaking  out  into  exclamations  of  wonder.  But 
when  he  came  into  the  hall  of  the  four  and  twenty 

2  8o  The  Arabian   Nights 

windows  enriched  with  diamonds,  rubies,  emeralds, 
all  large  and  perfect  stones,  he  was  so  much  surprised 
that  he  remained  for  some  time  motionless.  "This 
palace,"  exclaimed  he  at  length,  "is  surely  one  of  the 
wonders  of  the  world,  for  where  in  all  the  world  besides 
shall  we  find  walls  built  of  massy  gold  and  silver,  and 
diamonds,  pearls,  and  rubies  adorning  the  windows!" 

The  Sultan  examined  and  admired  all  the  windows, 
but  on  counting  them  he  found  that  there  were  but 
three  and  twenty  so  richly  adorned  and  that  the  fourth 
and  twentieth  was  left  imperfect,  and  in  great  astonish- 
ment he  inquired  the  reason  of  tliis.  "It  was  by  my 
orders  that  the  workmen  left  it  thus,"  said  Aladdin, 
"since  I  wished  that  thou  shouldest  have  the  glory 
of  finishing  this  hall."  The  Sultan  was  much  pleased 
with  this  compliment,  and  immediately  ordered  his 
jewellers  and  goldsmiths  to  complete  the  four  and  twen- 
tieth window.  When  the  Sultan  returned  to  his  palace 
he  ordered  his  jewels  to  be  brought  out,  and  the  jewellers 
took  a  great  quantity,  which  they  soon  used  without 
making  any  great  advance  in  their  work.  They  worked 
steadily  for  a  whole  month,  but  could  not  finish  half 
the  window,  although  they  used  all  the  jewels  the  Sultan 
had,  and  borrowed  of  the  Vizier. 

Aladdin,  who  knew  that  all  the  Sultan's  endeavours 
to  complete  the  window  were  in  vain,  sent  for  the 
jewellers  and  goldsmiths,  and  commanded  them  not 
only  to  desist  but  to  undo  the  work  they  had  done,  and 
to  return  the  jewels  to  the  Sultan,  and  to  the  Grand 
Vizier.  They  undid  in  a  few  hours  what  they  had 
accomplished  in  a  month,  and  retired,  leaving  Aladdin 
alone  in  the  hall.  He  took  the  lamp,  which  he  carried 
about  with  him,  rubbed  it,  and  the  Genie  appeared. 

The  Arabian   Nights  281 

"Genie/*  said  Aladdin,  "I  order  thee  to  complete  the 
four  and  twentieth  window."  And  immediately  the 
window  became  perfect  like  the  others. 

Scarcely  was  the  window  completed  when  the  Sultan 
arrived  to  question  Aladdin,  as  to  why  the  jewellers 
and  goldsmiths  had  desisted  from  their  work.  Aladdin 
received  him  at  the  door,  and  conducted  him  directly 
to  the  hall,  where  he  was  amazed  to  see  the  window 
perfect  like  the  rest.  "My  son,"  exclaimed  the  Sultan, 
embracing  him,  "  what  a  man  thou  art  to  do  all  this  in 
the  twinkling  of  an  eye!  Verily,  the  more  I  know  thee 
the  more  I  admire  thee!"  And  the  Sultan  returned  to 
his  palace  content. 

After  this  Aladdin  lived  in  great  state.  He  visited 
mosques,  attended  prayers,  and  returned  the  visits 
of  the  principal  lords  of  the  court.  Every  time  he 
went  out  he  caused  two  slaves,  who  walked  by  the  side 
of  his  horse,  to  throw  handfuls  of  money  among  the 
people,  as  he  passed  through  the  streets  and  the  squares; 
and  no  one  came  to  his  palace  gates  to  ask  alms,  but 
returned  satisfied  with  his  liberality,  which  gained  him 
the  love  and  blessings  of  the  people. 

Aladdin  had  conducted  himself  in  this  manner  for 
several  years,  when  the  African  magician,  who  had 
undesignedly  been  the  instrument  of  Aladdin's  pros- 
perity, became  curious  to  know  whether  he  had  per- 
ished in  the  subterranean  garden.  He  employed  his 
magic  arts  to  discover  the  truth,  and  he  found  that 
Aladdin,  instead  of  having  perished  miserably  in  the 
cave,  had  made  his  escape,  and  was  living  splendidly, 
and  that  he  was  in  possession  of  the  wonderful  lamp, 
and  had  married  a  princess.  The  magician  no  sooner 
learned  this  than  his  face  became  inflamed  with  anger. 

282  The  Arabian   Nights 

and  he  cried  out  in  a  rage:  "This  miserable  tailor's 
son  has  discovered  the  secret  and  the  virtue  of  the 
lamp!    I  will,  however,  prevent  his  enjoying  it  long!" 

The  next  morning  he  mounted  a  horse,  set  forwards, 
and  never  stopped  until  he  arrived  at  the  capital  of 
China,  where  he  alighted,  and  took  up  his  residence  at 
an  inn.  The  next  day  his  first  object  was  to  inquire 
what  people  said  of  Aladdin,  and,  taking  a  walk  through 
the  town,  he  heard  them  talking  of  the  wonderful 
palace  and  of  Aladdin's  marriage  to  the  Princess.  He 
went  instantly  and  viewed  the  palace  from  all  sides, 
and  he  doubted  not  but  that  Aladdin  had  made  use 
of  the  lamp  to  build  it,  for  none  but  Genii,  the  slaves  of 
the  lamp,  could  have  performed  such  wonders.  Piqued 
to  the  quick  at  Aladdin's  happiness  and  splendour,  he 
returned  to  the  inn,  where  he  lodged. 

As  soon  as  he  entered  his  chamber,  he  ascertained 
by  the  means  of  his  magic  arts,  that  Aladdin  was  absent 
on  the  hunt,  and  that  the  lamp  was  in  the  palace. 
He  then  went  to  a  copper-smith's  and  bought  a  dozen 
copper  lamps.  These  he  placed  in  a  basket,  which  he 
bought  for  the  purpose,  and  with  the  basket  on  his  arm, 
went  directly  to  Aladdin's  palace.  As  he  approached 
he  began  crying:  "Who  will  change  old  lamps  for  new 
ones?  Who  will  change  old  lamps  for  new  ones?'* 
And  all  who  passed  by  thought  him  a  madman  or  a 
fool  to  offer  to  change  new  lamps  for  old. 

Now  the  Princess  Badroulboudour  who  was  in  the 
hall  with  the  four  and  twenty  windows,  heard  a  man 
varying:  "Who  will  change  old  lamps  for  new  ones?" 
rind  remembering  the  old  lamp,  which  Aladdin  had  laid 
*ipon  a  shelf  before  he  went  to  the  chase,  the  Princess, 
who  knew  not  the  value  of  the  lamp,  commanded  a 


The  Arabian   Nights  283 

eunuch  to  take  it  and  make  the  exchange.  The  eunuch 
did  so,  and  the  African  magician,  as  soon  as  he  saw 
the  lamp,  snatched  it  eagerly  from  his  hand,  and  gave 
him  a  new  one  in  its  place. 

The  magician  then  hastened  away,  until  he  reached 
a  lonely  spot  in  the  country;  when  he  pulled  the  lamp 
out  of  his  bosom,  and  rubbed  it.  At  that  summons  the 
Genie  appeared,  and  said:  "What  wouldest  thou  have? 
I  am  ready  to  obey  thee  as  thy  slave,  and  the  slave  of 
all  those  who  hold  that  lamp  in  their  hands,  I  and  the 
other  slaves  of  the  lamp!"  "I  command  thee,"  replied 
that  magician,  "to  transport  me  immediately,  and  the 
palace,  which  thou  and  the  other  slaves  of  the  lamp 
have  built  in  this  city,  with  all  the  people  in  it,  to 
Africa."  The  Genie  disappeared,  and  immediately 
the  magician,  and  the  palace,  and  all  its  inhabitants, 
were  lifted  up,  and  transported  from  the  capital  of 
China  and  set  down  in  Africa. 

As  soon  as  the  Sultan  arose  the  next  morning,  he  went 
according  to  his  custom  to  the  window  to  contemplate 
and  admire  Aladdin's  palace.  When  he  looked  that 
way,  instead  of  a  palace,  he  saw  an  empty  space.  He 
thought  that  he  was  mistaken,  and  looked  again  in 
front,  to  the  right  and  left,  and  beheld  only  empty 
space  where  formerly  had  stood  the  palace.  His  amaze- 
ment was  so  great  that  he  remained  for  some  time  turn- 
ing his  eyes  towards  the  spot,  and  at  last  convinced 
that  no  palace  stood  opposite  his  own,  he  returned  to 
his  apartment,  and  ordered  his  Grand  Vizier  to  be  sent 
for  with  expedition. 

The  Grand  Vizier  came  with  much  precipitation. 
**Tell  me,"  said  the  Sultan,  "what  has  become  of 
Aladdin's  palace. "    "His  palace ! ' '  exclaimed  the  Vizier, 

284  The  Arabian   Nights 

"is  it  not  in  its  usual  place?"  "Go  to  my  window," 
answered  the  Sultan,  "and  tell  me  if  thou  canst  see  it." 
The  Grand  Vizier  went  to  the  window,  where  he  was 
struck  with  no  less  amazement  than  the  Sultan  had 
been.  When  he  was  well  assured  that  there  was  not 
the  least  appearance  of  the  palace,  he  returned  to  the 
Sultan.  "Well,"  said  the  Sultan,  "hast  thou  seen 
Aladdin's  palace?"  "Alas,"  answered  the  Grand 
Vizier,  "it  has  vanished  completely!  I  have  always 
thought  that  the  edifice,  which  was  the  object  of  thy 
admiration,  with  all  its  immense  riches,  was  only  the 
work  of  magic  and  a  magician." 

At  these  words  the  Sultan  flew  into  a  passion.  "  Where 
is  that  impostor,  that  wicked  wretch,"  cried  he,  "that 
I  may  have  his  head  taken  off  immediately?  Go  thou, 
bring  him  to  me  loaded  with  chains!"  The  Grand 
Vizier  hastened  to  obey  these  orders,  and  commanded 
a  detachment  of  horse  to  meet  Aladdin  returning  from 
the  chase,  and  to  arrest  him,  and  bring  him  before  the 

The  detachment  pursued  their  orders,  and  about 
five  or  six  leagues  from  the  city  met  Aladdin  returning 
from  the  chase.  Without  explanation,  they  arrested 
him,  and  fastened  a  heavy  chain  about  his  neck,  and 
one  around  his  body,  so  that  both  his  arms  were  pinioned 
to  his  sides.  In  this  state  they  carried  him  before  the 
Sultan,  who  ordered  him  to  be  put  to  death  immediately. 
But  a  multitude  of  people  had  followed  Aladdin,  as 
he  was  led  in  chains  through  the  city,  and  they  threat- 
ened a  riot,  if  any  harm  should  befall  him.  The  Sultan, 
terrified  at  this  menace,  ordered  the  executioner  to 
put  up  his  sabre,  to  unbind  Aladdin,  and  at  the  same 
time  commanded  the  porters  to  declare  unto  the  people 

The   Arabian   Nights  285 

that  the  Sultan  had  pardoned  him,  and  that  they  might 

When  Aladdin  found  himself  at  liberty,  he  turned 
towards  the  Sultan,  and  said:  "I  know  not  what  I 
have  done  to  lose  thy  favour!  Wilt  thou  not  tell  me 
what  crime  I  have  committed?"  "Your  crime,  perfidi- 
ous wretch!"  answered  the  Sultan.  "Dost  thou  not 
know  it?  Where  is  thy  palace?  What  has  become 
of  the  Princess  my  daughter?"  Aladdin  looked  from 
the  window  and  perceiving  the  empty  spot  where  his 
palace  had  stood,  was  thrown  into  such  confusion  and 
amazement,  that  he  could  not  return  one  word  of 
answer.  At  length  breaking  the  silence  he  said:  "I 
know  not  whither  my  palace  has  vanished!  Neither 
can  I  tell  thee  where  it  may  be!  Grant  me  but  forty 
days  in  which  to  make  inquiry,  and  if,  at  the  end  of 
that  time,  I  have  not  the  success  I  wish,  I  will  offer 
my  head  at  the  foot  of  thy  throne,  to  be  disposed  of 
at  thy  pleasure."  "Go,"  said  the  Sultan,  "I  give 
thee  the  forty  days  thou  askest  for,  but  if  thou  dost  not 
find  my  daughter,  thou  shalt  not  escape  my  wrath. 
I  will  find  thee  out  in  whatsoever  part  of  the  world 
thou  mayest  conceal  theyself ,  and  I  will  cause  thy  head 
to  be  struck  off!" 

Aladdin  went  out  of  the  Sultan's  presence  in  great 
humiliation,  and  filled  with  confusion.  For  three  days 
he  wandered  about  the  city  making  inquiries,  but  all 
in  vain,  he  could  find  no  trace  of  the  vanished  palace. 
At  last  he  wandered  into  the  country,  and,  at  the 
approach  of  night,  came  to  the  banks  of  a  river,  where 
he  sat  down  to  rest.  Clasping  his  hands  in  despair 
he  accidentally  rubbed  the  ring,  which  the  African 
magician  had  placed  upon  his  finger,  before  he  went 

2  86  The  Arabian   Nights 

down  into  the  subterranean  abode  to  fetch  the  precious 
lamp.  Immediately  the  same  Genie  appeared,  whom  he 
had  seen  in  the  cave,  where  the  magician  had  left  him. 
"What  wouldest  thou  have?"  said  the  Genie,  "I  am 
ready  to  obey  thee  as  thy  slave,  and  the  slave  of  all 
those  who  have  that  ring  on  their  fingers,  I  and  the 
other  slaves  of  the  ring!" 

Aladdin,  agreeably  surprised  at  an  apparition  he 
so  little  expected,  replied:  "Save  my  life,  Genie,  by 
showing  me  the  place  where  the  palace  I  caused  to  be 
built  now  stands,  or  immediately  transport  it  back 
where  it  first  stood."  "What  thou  commandest  is  not 
in  my  power,"  answered  the  Genie,  "I  am  only  the  slave 
of  the  ring,  thou  must  address  thyself  to  the  slave  of 
the  lamp."  "If  that  be  the  case,"  replied  Aladdin, 
"I  command  thee  by  the  power  of  the  ring,  to  transport 
me  to  the  spot,  where  my  palace  stands,  in  what  part 
of  the  world  soever  it  may  be,  and  set  me  down  under 
the  window  of  the  Princess  Badroulboudour." 

These  words  were  no  sooner  out  of  his  mouth,  than 
the  Genie  transported  him  into  Africa,  to  the  middle 
of  a  large  plain,  where  his  palace  stood,  and  placing 
him  exactly  under  the  window  of  the  Princess  Bad- 
roulboudour's  apartment,  left  him.  The  next  morning 
when  the  Princess  looked  out  of  her  window  she  per- 
ceived Aladdin  sitting  beneath  it.  Scarcely  believing 
her  eyes,  she  opened  the  window,  and  motioned  to  him 
to  come  up.  Aladdin  hastened  to  her  apartment,  and 
it  is  impossible  to  express  the  joy  of  both  at  seeing 
each  other,  after  so  cruel  a  separation. 

After  embracing  and  shedding  tears  of  joy,  they  sat 
down,  and  Aladdin  said:  "I  beg  of  thee.  Princess, 
both  for  thine  own  sake,  and  the  Sultan  thy  father's, 

The   Arabian   Nights  287 

and  mine,  tell  me  what  became  of  an  old  lamp  which 
I  left  upon  a  shelf  in  my  robing-room,  when  I  departed 
for  the  chase?"  "Alas!  dear  husband,"  answered  the 
Princess,  "I  was  afraid  our  misfortune  might  be  ow- 
ing to  that  lamp,  and  what  grieves  me  most  is  that 
I  have  been  the  cause  of  it!"  "Princess,"  replied 
Aladdin,  "do  not  blame  thyself,  but  tell  me  what  has 
happened,  and  into  whose  hands  it  has  fallen." 

The  Princess  then  related  how  she  had  changed  the 
old  lamp  for  a  new,  and  how  the  next  morning  she  had 
found  herself  in  an  unknown  country,  which  she  was 
told  was  Africa,  by  the  traitor,  who  had  transported 
her  hither  by  his  magic  arts.  She  also  told  how  the 
wicked  magician  visited  her  daily,  forcing  upon  her 
his  unwelcome  attentions,  and  how  he  daily  tried  to 
persuade  her  to  take  him  for  a  husband  in  the  place 
of  Aladdin.  "And,"  added  the  Princess,  "he  carries 
the  wonderful  lamp  carefully  wrapped  in  his  bosom, 
and  this  I  can  assure  thee  of,  because  he  pulled  it  out 
before  me,  and  showed  it  to  me  in  triumph." 

"Princess,"  said  Aladdin,  "this  magician  is  a  most 
perfidious  wretch,  and  I  have  here  the  means  to  punish 
him,  and  to  deliver  thee  from  both  thine  enemy  and 
mine.  To  accomplish  this  thou  must  obey  my  direc- 
tions most  carefully.  When  the  African  magician  comes 
to-night,  place  this  powder  in  his  cup  of  wine,  offer  him 
the  cup,  and  he  will  esteem  it  so  great  a  favour  that  he 
will  not  refuse,  but  will  eagerly  quaff  it  off.  No  sooner 
will  he  have  drunk  than  thou  wilt  see  him  fall  back- 
wards." After  the  Princess  had  agreed  to  the  measures 
proposed  by  Aladdin,  he  took  his  leave,  and  spent  the 
rest  of  the  day  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  palace  till  it 
was  night,  and  he  might  safely  return  by  a  private  door. 

2  88  The  Arabian   Nights 

When  the  evening  arrived  the  magician  came  at 
the  usual  hour,  and  as  soon  as  he  was  seated,  the  Prin- 
cess handed  him  a  cup  of  wine,  in  which  the  powder 
had  been  dissolved.  The  magician  reclined  his  head 
back  to  show  his  eagerness,  drank  the  wine  to  the  very 
last  drop,  turned  his  eyes  in  his  head,  and  fell  to  the 
floor  dead.  At  a  signal  from  the  Princess,  Aladdin  en- 
tered the  hall,  and  he  requested  her  to  retire  imme- 
diately to  her  own  apartment. 

When  the  Princess,  her  women,  and  eunuchs,  were 
gone  out  of  the  hall,  Aladdin  shut  the  door,  and  going 
to  the  magician  opened  his  vest,  took  out  the  lamp  which 
was  carefully  wrapped  up,  and  unfolded  and  rubbed  it, 
whereupon  the  Genie  immediately  appeared.  "Genie," 
said  Aladdin,  "transport  this  palace  instantly  to  China, 
to  the  place  from  whence  it  was  brought  hither.'* 
The  Genie  bowed  his  head  in  token  of  obedience,  and 
disappeared.  Immediately  the  palace  was  lifted  up 
and  transported  to  China. 

The  morning  of  the  return  of  Aladdin's  palace, 
the  Sultan  stood  at  his  window  absorbed  in  grief. 
He  cast  his  eyes  towards  the  spot  where  the  palace 
had  once  stood,  and  which  he  now  expected  to  find 
vacant,  but  to  his  surprise  and  amazement,  there 
stood  Aladdin's  palace  in  all  its  former  grandeur. 
He  immediately  ordered  a  horse  to  be  saddled  and 
bridled,  and  brought  to  him  without  delay,  which  he 
mounted  that  instant,  thinking  that  he  could  not  make 
haste  enough  to  reach  the  palace. 

Aladdin  received  the  Sultan  at  the  foot  of  the  great 
staircase,  helped  him  to  dismount,  and  led  him  into 
the  Princess's  apartment.  The  happy  father  embraced 
her  with  his  face  bathed  in  tears  of  joy,  and  the  Princess 

The  Arabian    Nights  289 

related  to  him  all  that  had  happened  to  her  from  the 
time  the  palace  was  transported  to  Africa,  to  the  death 
of  the  African  magician. 

Aladdin  ordered  the  magician's  body  to  be  removed, 
and  in  the  meantime  the  Sultan  commanded  the  drums, 
trumpets,  cymbals,  and  other  instruments  of  music  to 
announce  his  joy  to  the  public,  and  a  festival  of  ten 
days  to  be  proclaimed  for  the  return  of  the  Princess 
and  Aladdin. 

Now  the  African  magician  had  a  younger  brother 
who  was  equally  skilful  in  magic,  and  who  surpassed 
him  in  villainy  and  evil  designs.  Some  time  after 
the  African  magician  had  failed  in  his  enteqDrise  against 
Aladdin,  this  younger  brother,  who  had  heard  no  tidings 
of  him,  resorted  to  his  magic  arts.  He  learned  that 
his  brother  was  no  longer  living,  and  that  the  person 
who  had  caused  his  death  was  Aladdin,  and  he  learned 
also  that  Aladdin  resided  in  the  capital  of  the  Kingdom 
of  China. 

When  the  magician  had  informed  himself  of  his 
brother's  fate,  resolving  to  revenge  his  death,  he  de- 
parted for  China,  where  after  crossing  plains,  rivers, 
mountains,  deserts,  and  a  long  tract  of  country,  with- 
out delay  he  arrived  after  incredible  fatigue.  As 
soon  as  he  came  to  the  capital  of  China,  he  went  to 
the  cell  of  a  holy  woman,  called  Fatima,  murdered  her, 
and  disguised  himself  in  her  habit,  he  then  went  im- 
mediately to  Aladdin's  palace,  and  inquired  for  the 
Princess  Badroulboudour.  The  Princess,  who  had  long 
heard  of  Fatima  but  had  never  seen  her,  was  very 
desirous  to  converse  with  her,  and  sent  four  eunuchs 
to  bring  the  holy  woman.  When  the  magician,  who, 
under  a  holy  garment,  disguised  a  wicked  heart,  was 

290  The  Arabian   Nights 

introduced  into  the  great  hall,  and  perceived  the  Prin- 
cess, he  began  a  prayer  for  her  health  and  prosperity, 
and  that  she  might  have  everything  she  desired.  When 
the  pretended  Fatima  had  finished  his  long  prayer, 
the  Princess  thanked  him  for  his  good  wishes,  and  re- 
quested him  to  sit  beside  her.  After  some  conversation, 
the  Princess  said:  "My  good  mother,  I  am  overjoyed 
to  have  the  company  of  so  holy  a  woman  as  thyself, 
who  will  bestow  a  blessing  upon  this  palace.  And  now 
that  I  am  speaking  of  the  palace,  pray  how  dost  thou 
like  it.''  And  before  I  show  it  to  thee  tell  me  first  what 
thou  thinkest  of  this  hall." 

Upon  this  question  the  counterfeit  Fatima  affected 
to  hang  down  the  head,  and,  at  last  looking  up,  sur- 
veyed the  hall  from  one  end  to  the  other.  When  he 
had  examined  it  well,  he  said  to  the  Princess:  "This 
hall  is  truly  admirable  and  most  beautiful;  there  wants 
but  one  thing!  If  a  Roc's  egg  were  hung  in  the  middle 
of  the  dome,  this  hall  would  have  no  parallel  in  the 
four  quarters  of  the  world,  and  thy  palace  would  be 
the  wonder  of  the  universe."  "My  good  mother," 
said  the  Princess,  "what  bird  is  a  Roc?  And  where 
may  one  find  an  egg?"  "Princess,"  replied  the  pre- 
tended Fatima,  "the  Roc  is  a  bird  of  prodigious  size, 
which  inhabits  the  summit  of  Mount  Caucasus.  The 
architect,  who  built  thy  palace,  can  get  thee  an  egg." 

The  Princess  thanked  the  False  Fatima,  and  con- 
versed with  him  upon  other  matters,  but  could  not 
forget  the  Roc's  egg,  which  she  resolved  to  request  of 
Aladdin,  when  he  returned  from  hunting.  He  had  been 
gone  six  days,  which  the  magician  knew,  therefore 
he  had  taken  advantage  of  his  absence.  The  Princess 
invited  the  false  Fatima  to  remain  for  the  night,  and 

The  Arabian   Nights  291 

scarcely  had  he  retired  to  the  apartment  assigned  to 
him,  when  Aladdin  returned  from  the  chase. 

As  soon  as  he  arrived  he  went  directly  to  the  Princess's 
apartment,  saluted  and  embraced  her,  but  she  seemed 
to  receive  him  coldly.  "My  Princess,"  said  he,  "has 
anything  happened  during  my  absence,  which  has 
displeased  thee,  or  given  thee  trouble.'*"  "I  have 
always  believed,"  answered  the  Princess,  "that  our 
palace  was  the  most  superb,  magnificent,  and  complete 
in  the  world,  but  I  tell  thee  now  what  I  find  fault  with, 
upon  examining  the  hall  of  the  four  and  twenty  windows. 
Dost  thou  not  think  that  it  would  be  complete  if  a 
Roc's  egg  were  hung  up  in  the  midst  of  the  dome?" 
"Princess,"  replied  Aladdin,  "it  is  enough  that  thou 
desirest  such  an  ornament.  I  will  supply  the  deficiency 
immediately,  for  there  is  nothing  which  I  would  not 
do  for  thy  sake." 

Aladdin  left  the  Princess  Badroulboudour  that  mo^. 
ment,  and  went  up  into  the  hall  of  the  four  and  twenty 
windows,  where  pulling  out  of  his  bosom  the  lamp, 
which  he  now  always  carried  with  him,  he  rubbed  it, 
upon  which  the  Genie  immediately  appeared.  "  Genie," 
said  Aladdin,  "this  hall  is  imperfect  without  a  Roc's 
egg  hung  up  in  the  midst  of  the  dome.  I  command 
thee,  in  the  name  of  the  lamp,  to  repair  the  deficiency." 
Aladdin  had  no  sooner  uttered  these  words,  than  the 
Genie  gave  so  loud  and  terrible  a  cry,  that  the  hall 
shook,  and  Aladdin  could  scarcely  stand  upright. 
"What,  wretch!"  said  the  Genie,  in  a  voice  like  thunder, 
"is  it  not  enough  that  I  and  my  companions  have  done 
everything  for  thee,  but  thou,  ungrateful  one,  must 
command  me  to  bring  my  master,  and  hang  him  up 
in  the  midst  of  this  dome?    Well  it  is  that  this  request 

292  The  Arabian   Nights 

does  not  come  from  thee,  or  else  I  would  reduce  thee, 
thy  wife,  and  thy  palace  immediately  to  ashes!  Know 
then  that  the  true  author  is  the  brother  of  the  African 
magician,  thy  enemy.  He  is  now  in  thy  palace,  dis- 
guised in  the  habit  of  the  holy  woman  Fatima,  whom  he 
has  murdered,  and  it  is  he  who  suggested  to  thy  wife 
to  make  this  pernicious  demand.  His  design  is  to  kill 
thee,  therefore  take  care  of  thyself!"  After  these 
words  the  Genie  disappeared. 

Pondering  on  the  words  of  the  Genie,  Aladdin  re- 
turned to  the  Princess's  apartment,  and  without 
mentioning  what  had  happened,  requested  her  to  send 
for  the  false  Fatima.  When  the  pretended  holy  woman 
entered,  he  advanced  towards  Aladdin  with  his  hand 
on  a  dagger,  concealed  in  his  girdle  under  his  gown. 
Aladdin,  observing  this,  seized  his  hand  before  he  could 
draw  his  dagger,  and  pierced  him  to  the  heart  with  a 

"Alas!"  cried  the  Princess  in  horror,  "What  hast 
thou  done!  Thou  hast  killed  the  holy  Fatima!"  "No, 
my  Princess,"  replied  Aladdin,  "I  have  not  killed 
Fatima,  but  a  villain,  who  would  have  assassinated 
me,  if  I  had  not  prevented  him.  This  wicked  wretch," 
he  added,  "is  the  brother  to  the  African  magician!" 
Aladdin  then  ordered  the  body  of  the  false  Fatima  to 
be  removed,  and  related  to  the  Princess  all  that  had 

Thus  was  Aladdin  delivered  from  the  persecution 
of  two  brothers,  who  were  magicians.  Within  a  few 
years  the  Sultan  died  in  a  good  old  age,  and  the  Princess 
Badroulboudour,  and  her  husband  Aladdin  succeeded 
him.  They  reigned  together  many  years,  and  left  a 
numerous  and  illustrious  posterity. 



SHEHERAZADE  during  this  period  of  story- 
telling had  borne  the  King  three  handsome 
sons,  and  when  she  ended  these  tales,  she 
kissed  the  ground  before  the  King,  saying: 
*'0  King  of  the  age,  and  incomparable  one!  Verily  I 
am  thy  slave,  and  during  a  thousand  and  one  nights 
I  have  related  to  thee  many  stories  of  the  people  of 
former  times,  then  have  I  any  claim  upon  thy  majesty, 
that  I  may  request  thee  to  grant  me  a  wish?" 

"Request  what  thou  wishest,  and  thou  wilt  receive 
it,  Sheherazade,"  answered  the  Eling.  So  she  called 
to  the  nurses  and  eunuchs,  and  said:  "Bring  ye  my 
children."  And  they  brought  them  to  her  quickly. 
One  of  them  walked,  one  crept,  and  the  other  was  a 
little  child  in  arms. 

Sheherazade  took  the  little  ones,  and  having  placed 
them  before  the  King,  she  said:  "0  King  of  the  age, 
these  are  thy  children,  and  I  request  thee  that  thou  kill 
me  not  as  a  favour  to  these  infants,  for  if  thou  slay  me, 
these  little  ones  will  be  without  a  mother!"  And  the 
King  wept,  and  pressed  his  children  to  his  bosom,  and 


2  94  The  Arabian   Nights 

said:  "O  Sheherazade,  in  the  name  of  Allah,  whose  name 
be  exalted,  I  pardoned  thee  long  ago,  because  I  saw 
thee  to  be  womanly,  gentle  and  pious.  May  Allah 
bless  thee,  and  thy  father  and  thy  mother  and  thy  root 
and  thy  branch!"  So  Sheherazade  kissed  his  hands, 
and  rejoiced  with  exceeding  happiness. 

Joy  spread  through  the  King's  palace,  and  throughout 
the  city.  And  the  King  conferred  upon  his  Vizier, 
the  father  of  Sheherazade,  a  magnificent  robe  of  honour, 
saying:  "May  Allah  protect  thee,  since  thou  hast 
married  me  to  thy  generous  daughter!  Who  hath 
made  me  to  repent  of  slaying  the  daughters  of  the 
people."  Then  he  conferred  robes  of  honour  upon  all 
his  viziers,  emirs,  and  lords  of  the  empire,  and  gave  or- 
ders to  decorate  the  city  for  thirty  days.  He  bestowed 
alms  upon  the  poor  and  needy,  and  extended  his  gener- 
osity to  all  his  subjects,  and  to  all  the  people  of  his 
dominions.  And  he  and  Sheherazade  continued  in 
prosperity  and  joy,  and  delight  and  happiness  until 
they  were  visited  by  the  exterminator  of  delights  and 
the  separator  of  companions. 

Praise  he  to  Allah,  the  Mighty,  the  Omnipotent,  the 
Strong,  the  Eminent  in  power,  the  Creator  of  Heaven  and 
earth,  and  of  the  land  and  the  sea! 







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