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Full text of "The Argentine ant : distribution and control in the United States"

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| BULLETIN Nol 3 377 

Contribution from the Bureau of Eatomolodyo 
L. O. HOWARD, Chief 

Washington, D. C. PROFESSIONAL PAPER rome i8, 1916 


By Ernest R. Barser, Scientific Assistant, Southern Field Crop Insect Investi- 


Page. | Page. 
Present known distribution in the ETA GS yee ee See ee a eee ee 6 
Southern States] 222 =) Ss 22) bite history 2222s se Se eae a G 
DISPERSION sae Ae ee a Si NEG Uae CONG Oise eee 9 
HE conomicmmporrance 22 oss eee ee 5) 1 Repression. = 2. 2 s2 2 ee Sa 10 


The Argentine ant? is one of the most serious of household pests. 
Any exposed food or food refuse in the infested sections attracts the 
workers of this species in abundance, and residents and keepers of 
grocery stores, meat markets, confectioneries, etc., must either suffer 
considerably or almost constantly use poison or barriers of various 
kinds. If its activities were confined to the household only, the prob- 
lem of controlling the Argentine ant would be sufficiently difficult, 
but in common with some other ants it has the habit of protecting 
mealybugs and aphids and thus indirectly becomes a pest of crops. 

The problem is more serious from the fact that the species is 
steadily spreading in all directions throughout the Southern States. 
It is practically certain that it was introduced into this country at 
New Orleans, in ships which brought coffee from ports in Brazil, 
although the exact date of this introduction will always remain 
in doubt. 

The Argentine ant was first observed in New Orlane 4 in 1891 by 
Mr. Edward Foster. At that time he records it in small numbers: 

1 The work of the Bureau of Entomology on the Argentine ant is divided into two parts. 
One part deals with the ant as a general pest, its distribution, and relation to the cultiva- 
tion of sugar cane. The other part relates to the special problem of control in citrus 
groves. This phase will be treated in another publication. The work reported in this ~ 
paper does not include reference to conditions in California, parts of which State are alsa 
infested by the Argentine ant. 

2Tridomyrmez humilis Mayr. 

$Foster, E. The introduction of Iridomyrmex humilis (Mayr) into New Orleans. Jour. 
Heon. Ent., v. 1, no. 5, p. 289-293. 1908. 

41860°—Bull. 377—16——-1 


nine blocks east of the wharves at which the coffee ships usually dis- 
charged their cargoes. It may be surmised, from the knowledge we 
have since gained from studying the natural dispersion of this insect, 
that it has been in the country for about 45 years. During that period 
it has expanded from the original colony to myriads of colonies, 
extending its area of distribution into nine Southern States, the 
many infestations covering a total area of considerably more than a 
thousand square miles. 

Newell and Barber,’ writing in 1913, recorded the known distri- 
bution in the Southern States as confined to Louisiana, Mississippi, 

Fic. 1—Map showing the distribution of the Argentine ant in 1913 (inner line of small 
dashes) and at the end of 1915 (outer line of longer dashes). (Original.) The outer 
line has been drawn merely to connect the outlying points. It incloses some territory in 
which the ant is not known to occur, as, for instance, western Florida. 

and Alabama, and established the limits of this dispersion from 

Montgomery, Ala., on the east, to Lake Charles, La., on the west, a 

distance of 380 miles, and from Delta, La., on the north, to the 

mouth of the Mississippi River, a distance of 250 miles. At the 
present time the limits of the distribution are from Houston, Tex., 
on the west, to Wilmington, N. C., on the east, and from Nashville, 

Tenn., to the mouth of the Mississippi River, a distance of 1,100 miles 

east and west and 500 miles north and south (map, fig. 1). Among 

the cities known to be infested are Houston, Tex., Shreveport, La., 

1 Newell, Wilmon, and Barber, T. C. The Argentine Ant. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent, 
Bille pola. OLS, 




PT oe 1 eh a 


Texarkana, Ark.. Nashville, Tenn., Memphis, Tenn., Augusta, Ga., 
Atlanta, Ga., Charleston, S. C., and Wilmington, N.C. | 


Under natural conditions the Argentine ant spreads very slowly, and 
this spread is controlled to a large degree by the available food supply. 
Like most other species of ants, the Argentine ant is a very indus- 
trious forager, and a shortage of food tends to hasten its dispersion. 
In October, 1914, a small infestation covering the most of two city 
blocks was found in Memphis, Tenn. The ant numbers could not 
have increased to any appreciable extent during the rather long 
and cold winter of 1914-15, and yet in the early part of the following 
June the infestation was found to involve nearly the whole of five 
blocks. In October, 1915, it developed that the boundaries had not 
been extended, though the ant numbers had greatly increased. The 
food supply must have increased as fast as did the numbers of ants. 

In several instances frequent observations made at points on the 
frontier of the infestation developed the fact that the normal ad- 
vance will average from 300 to 400 feet a year. The abundance of 
native ants has some influence on this advance, since the Argentine 
ant will not tolerate any of the native species, and in sos sence a 
continuous fight is waged all along the frontier. 

Heavy, flooding rains are undoubtedly a factor in the natural dis- 
tribution of this ant, and in the vast region drained by the Mississippi 
River and its tributaries it will be remembered that there are at least 
two dangerous flood seasons and sometimes more, which contribute to 
and accelerate the distribution of this species. Lumber, rotting trees, 
uprooted shrubs, cane growth, fruit, vegetables, and all manner of 
refuse contribute to the mass of matter borne on the crest of flood 
water, and in this the ants seek refuge and are involuntarily trans- 
ported. Nature has endowed this species with a remarkable habit of 
self-preservation from drowning in times of floods, for when rising 
water floods their nests and no other means of escape are presented 
they cluster together and form a compact ball. The immature stages 
form the center of this ball, with the queens and workers as the outer 
portion. As the ball enlarges from the addition of other workers 
which had been struggling alone in the water it gradually revolves. 
It is kept revolving slowly by the outside workers continually striv- 
ing to reach the top of the ball, thus permitting air to reach the 
interior. The writer has had only one opportunity of witnessing the 
formation of a ball of this kind. After a 5-inch rainfall several 
balls, none more than 2 inches in diameter, were observed. According 
to reliable authorities, such balls have been observed on many oc- 
casions, some of them from 6 to 8 inches in diameter. The ants in 


these balls disperse when they come into contact with a secure resting 
place, such as a floating piece of timber or land, but they have been 
seen to float around for hours on still water. Mr. Smith, at Daisy, 
La., states that he destroyed a large number of these balls by pouring 
some coal oil on the water. The balls quickly broke up when in con- 
tact with the oil and the ants died in a very short time. 

Driftwood is another important carrier of this pest. A fallen 
decayed log is an ideal nesting place. Such a log will usually decay 
from the underside upward, the upperside or top making a roof for 
the nest, with the rotted wood below drawing and retaining ample 
moisture, thus affording excellent material in which to make galleries. 
Logs of this kind are hght and easily floated and are important 
factors in spreading infestations. Especially is this the case in those 
parts of the country where heavy, flooding rains occur. In this 
manner practically all the land along the Mississippi River below 
New Orleans has been infested. 

However, it is to the vehicles of man that the greatest distribution 
must be credited. The most important are steamboats and rail- 
roads. Commodities are carried from infested territory to uninfested 
places and ant colonies are often to be found in shipping boxes, feed- 
ing on sugar and other grocery supplies. Practically every one of 
nearly a hundred steamboats landing between New Orleans and 
Baton Rouge is infested with the Argentine ant. Further, it seems 
likely that this ant was carried by boat. from Charleston, S. C., to 

Wilmington, N. C., as the ant is to be found around the wharves and 

shipping in both places. So gross is the infestation in both these 
cities that it is possible that the species may have been introduced 
into Charleston many years ago on coffee ships, as it 1s supposed to 
have been introduced into New Orleans, the slightly colder winters 
holding it more in check. 

When inspecting cities far removed from New Orleans it has been 
found that in the great majority of instances the infestations start 
immediately around the wholesale-grocery and commission-merchant 
establishments. ‘This indicates that when carried long distances the 
ants are more likely to be taken through in solid carload lots of mer- 
chandise which are rushed to their destination than in smaller con- 
signments. ‘This is especially the case with perishable goods such 
as fruit and vegetables. Cars containing broken shipments are side- 
tracked at the first town to which goods are consigned, and the ants 
present are likely to leave.the car at the first or second stop, which 
fact is verified in that nearly all the small towns for a distance of 
150 miles from New Orleans are infested. A serious feature of the 
infestation of inland cities such as Texarkana, Memphis, Atlanta, 
and others, is that the ants, having become established in the whole- 
sale district, are readily distributed to surrounding smaller towns 



which are tributary to these centers. A point where such a distribu- 
tion has occurred is Summerville, a little town 24 miles north of 
Charleston, S. C., which has become infested, presumably, from the 
latter place. 

In a complete colony in the spring of the year three distinct forms 
of adults are to be found—queens, males (drones), and workers, the 
workers greatly outnumbering both the queens and the males. The 
workers, foragers of the colony, are imperfect females with no re- 
productive functions. The queens, which are the reproducing fe- 
males, remain within the nest nearly all the time, and are fed and 
tended by the workers. The males have apparently but one fune- 
tion—that of fertilizing the queens. It will be readily understood 
that, as in the social economy of ant communities of other species, 
it is absolutely necessary that a fertilized queen be taken along with 
a number of workers before a new colony can be started. It is quite 
possible that almost every town and city in the Southern States has 
had a number of workers introduced at one time or another, but 
owing to the absence of a queen a noticeable infestation has not 
become established. Workers alone carried in this manner would die 
out. Such may be the case at Nashville, Tenn., where only a few 
workers have been found. Later observations will be necessary to 
decide this question. 


As a pest in cities the Argentine ant has no equal. Owing to its 

small size and unobtrusive color, it is able to invade practically every 
part of ordinary dwellings, stores, etc. It is almost omnivorous, 
eating most cooked foods and a considerable percentage of the raw 
foods that are to be found in the average pantry. It exhibits a 
marked preference for some foods, such as sugar, sirup, honey, jams, 
cakes, candies, pies, fruit, and meats of all kinds. The temperature 
of refrigerators or ice boxes seems to have no deterrent effect, and 
ants will readily invade them. 
_ It is a common occurrence for Argentine ants to invade bed- 
chambers, and while they do not possess a sting, they can cause 
considerable pain with their mandibles. There have been many — 
reports of babies being attacked by them in such numbers as to 
cause serious results, and several of these reports have been verified. © 
In August, 1915, the writer located such a case in Augusta, Ga. 
A reputable citizen of that city, residing in a heavy infestation of 
the Argentine ants, gave the following account of such an attack on 
his 4-weeks-old baby: 

We were awakened in the night by a weak cry from the baby, and when 

the light was turned on the baby’s face was black with ants. They were in the 
baby’s nose, ears, and mouth. We hurriedly carried the baby to the bathtub 



and started to wash off the ants. It took us nearly an hour and a half to get 
the last ant off the baby. I feel sure that if we had not heard the ery, in a few 
hours the child would have perished. 

With conditions made almost intolerable in badly infested places, 
it is not uncommon to find empty, unrentable houses. Realty values 
accordingly drop. 

The nurseryman ana truck grower are greatly molested by this 
pest, owing to the ant’s fondness for the honeydew of aphids and 
scale insects. The ants take the best possible care of these honey- 
yielding species, and protect them from their natural enemies, fre- 
quently building mud shelters over them, and as the host plants 
grow, carry the young scales and aphids and place them on the 
young tender growth, where they may more easily sap the juices 
of the plants. 
~ Newell and Barber? give a very graphic account of the manner 
in which the Argentine ant has invaded the orange orchards of 

In corn, cotton, and sugar-cane fields the Argentine ant when 
present is constantly attending the aphids and mealy bugs, increasing 
the numbers of these species to an alarming degree, much to the 
detriment of the plants. The writer has determined that a consider- 
able loss of sugar results from the attendance of the Argentine ant 
on the sugar-cane mealy bug. 


Argentine ants are extremely social among their own kind, the 
individuals never having been observed to quarrel with one another, 
nor one colony with another. Workers may be carried for miles and 
placed with others of their kind and no apparent demonstrations 
of like or dislike are exhibited. The newcomers appear to enter 
into the colony spirit and are soon lost to the view of an observer. 
Any small nest will contain several queens which live together 

The summer nest may be located anywhere—under sidewalks, 
under the sills of houses, in brick piles, stone piles, under a piece of 
board or a piece of tin, in an old tin can—in fact, in any place con- 
venient to the food supply. In the winter months there is a tendency 
to concentrate into larger colonies, and they seek warm, dry, secure 
nesting places in which to hibernate. These desirable places are not 
plentiful, and where one is located the ants from some distance will 
seek its shelter. The winter is the most hazardous period of the year, 
for should a nest by any chance be flooded during a cold spell, when 
the ants are dormant, the chances of survival of the colony would be 
extremely slight. Usually throughout the latter part of December, 

1 Op. cit., p. 24. 



January, and February (at New Orleans) these large colonies are. 
found. They sometimes reach very extensive proportions and may 
contain several hundred queens and countless workers and immature 
stages. These colonies are usually located at the base of large trees 
en high, well-drained spots of ground, in manure piles, or in any other. 
piles of decomposing rubbish where heat is generated. A warm day 
will make them particularly active, and they will form trails in all 
directions from these winter nests to food supplies. They may be 
observed traversing the trunks of trees every warm winter day, and 
from the trees trails are made to nearby houses, where ey cause 
considerable annoyance. 

With the advent of warm spring weather the breaking up of the 
large colonies occurs. This is the time of the year that food is very 
scarce, and at this season the ants are particularly aggressive and 

troublesome in the houses. Z'his ts the best time to use poisoned sirup, 
which will be described later, for controlling this pest. 


There are three adult forms to be found within a complete nest in 
the spring months of the year—the queen, the male, and the worker. 
A colony may be complete, however, with a queen and workers. 
Three immature forms are also present—the egg, larva, and pupa. 


In an artificial formicary a fertilized queen lays from 3 to 30 eggs 
per day when ample food is supplied. Itis very probable that under 
natural conditions the egg production is considerably more. Only a 
few seconds are occupied for the laying of each egg. A worker, 
apparently awaiting the arrival of the egg, picks it up and transfers 
it to a pile of eggs already in the nest. The surface of the egg is 
somewhat mucilaginous and readily sticks to other eggs. This per- 
mits the workers to handle the eggs en masse and also permits of 
their being deposited in desirable locations on the walls and ceilings 
of the galleries. 

The ege when first laid is about 0.3 mm. long and 0.2 mm. wide. 
It is elliptical, pearly white, lustrous, and without markings. As the 
time for hatching approaches the luster disappears. It is extremely 
difficult to detect the exact time of hatching. The average summer 
incubation period is about 15 days, but this, of course, is subject to 
the variations of temperature and humidity during this period. 


The larva, when first hatched, is creamy white. Its body is very 
curved, but it gradually straightens as the larval growth continues. 
It is entirely helpless and is practically motionless. 


The workers feed and cleanse the larve, moving them about with 
the fluctuations of temperature and humidity to the most desirable 
places within the nest. The full-grown worker larva is about 1.5 
mm. long by 0.65 mm. wide. The average larval period throughout 
the summer months under normal conditions is about 13 days. 


When the pupal stage is reached the sex of the individual is 
readily distinguishable. The pupa is white, with the exception of 
two distinct black eyespots on the sides of the head. The worker 
pupa is about 2 mm. long, the head and thorax being the larger part 
of it. The male pupa is about 50 per cent larger than the worker 
pupa, and the queen is still larger. The two latter forms may be 
readily distinguished from the worker pupa. The male pupa has 
a very large thorax and a small, closely coupled abdomen, while the 
queen pupa is much more symmetrical, the thorax is not so large, 
and the abdomen much larger than that of the male. The pedicel 
between the thorax and abdomen of the queen pupa is more con- 
stricted and elongated than in the male pupa. 

After the first few days the color of the pupa gradually changes 
to creamy yellow and continues to darken until a light-brown color is 
reached just previous to emergence. 

The duration of the pupal stage of the worker throughout the 
summer months averages about 13 days, while that of the male is 
about 22 days. No records have been established of the duration of 
the pupal period of the queen. | 

The pupe of all the stages are aided in transformation by the work- 
ers. Upon first emerging the adult is of a light-brown color which 
gradually grows darker until the second day, when it becomes indis- 
tinguishable from other adults. 


By compounding the average periods of development of the egg, 
larva, and pupa, a general average of 40 days results, which repre- 
sents the complete development from egg to adult in the case of 
the worker and a somewhat longer period for the males and queens. 


The worker is about 2.5 mm. in length and of a dark-brown color, 
and there is only one caste. The workers forage for food, attend the 
queen and the young, and fight to protect the colony. A large per- 
centage of the workers stay within the nest at all times and are 
always ready for any emergency, whether it be to fight invaders or 
to hurriedly seize the immature stages and retreat to securer locations 
upon the slightest indications of rain or flood. 



The workers are able to carry considerable liquid food in their 
abdomens, which become distended and transparent. This food is 
regurgitated when the nest is reached, and fed to the immature forms 
and other workers and queens in the nest. They are quite long lived 
and have been kept in artificial formicaries for many months at a 
time. It is quite possible that they may live a year under natural 

The male is always winged. It is readily distinguished by its mas- 
sive thorax, small head, and abdomen. It is about 3 mm. in length, 
and the body color is of a dark brown, the same shade as the worker. 
Males appear in the nest in the spring months of the year and 
gradually lessen in numbers as the summer advances. 

When the queen first emerges she is winged, but at the time of 
copulation, or about that time, she loses her wings, and her activities 
from that time are devoted to egg producing. The dedlated queen 
is about 6 mm. long and of the same color as males and workers. It 
is seldom that the queens leave the nest unless disturbed, but occa- 
sionally they may be seen crawling along an ant trail in company 
with the workers. At rare intervals they travel alone and may be 
observed wandering about aimlessly. 

The queens have frequently been kept within artificial formicaries 
for more than a year, and it is reasonable to suppose that they will 
live much longer. 


It would appear that heavy rains and resulting flood are the only 
factors of natural control of any great importance. They are espe- 
cially effective if occurring during cold weather, for at this time the 
ants are sluggish and unable to exert themselves. Moderately cold 
weather does not appear to check their activities. 

- On November 18, 1911, a heavy infestation of this ant was discov- 
ered at Kosciusko, Miss., about half the town being infested. Resi- 
dents stated that they had been troubled for about 7 years; several 
of them, owing to the great annoyance, had moved to parts of the 
town which were not then infested. On revisiting Kosciusko in 
April, 1912, the infestation had decreased to such an extent that it? 
was quite difficult to find any of the ants. The meteorological | 
records of the winter months revealed the following striking facts: © 
The mean average temperature of the 6 months from November to 
April, inclusive, was 49.5°, but the rainfall for this period was exces- 
sive, reaching the total of 41.1 inches, whereas the average 10 years’ 
precipitation for these months had been only 27 inches. This con- 
trol was, however, only temporary. In June, 1915, Kosciusko was 
again visited and the ants were found to be very numerous and 
causing great annoyance to residents. The infestation had spread 

41860°—Bull. 8377--16——2 


over practically the whole town, as well as near-by corn and cotton 

During the same winter (1911-12) similar conditions were expe- 
rienced at New Orleans, the winter months being accompanied by a 
rainfall of 41.56 inches, as compared to the 10-year average of but 
26.1 inches. The numbers of ants were greatly reduced, the mortality 
probably being at least 70 per cent. The ability of this species to 
overcome such a catastrophe was well illustrated, for by September, 
1912, the ants had apparently reached their maximum numbers. 


A number of experiments have been conducted to discover, if 
possible, an efficient outdoor barrier. 

The sticky substance which is used in coating flypaper and is also 
sold in bulk for banding trees was effective for only a few days. The 
ants would carry particles of dirt and build a bridge over it. This 
substance, made much thinner than usual, as suggested by Mr. D. M. 
Rogers for use in the gipsy-moth work, was tried and with more 
successful results. Heavy bands 4 inches wide spread on two mag- 
nolia trees were effective for two months in the summer without 
having to be replenished or combed. 

In the cooler parts of the year these bands require frequent atten- 
tion on account of the growth of mold on the surface. During wet 
weather in the winter in Louisiana this mold will form in a very 
few days, and the efficiency of the sticky band will be entirely 

It was found that 5 per cent of a carbolized oil added to the thinner 
preparation increased the effectiveness of the bands considerably 
and entirely prevented the growth of mold. The bands were also 
rendered more repellent and more resistant to winter conditions. <A 
thin crust forms over the surface of the bands in the winter, but this 
is readily combed into the band in the spring and the band is as 
effective as ever. The crust on bands of the thinner preparation | 
‘without the carbolized oil becomes too hard during the winter, and 
it 1s necessary to use fresh material in the spring. These bands 
were used on fig, magnolia, pecan, and orange trees and no injury to 
the trees was apparent. There is a possibility that the substance 
may be harmful to trees with a more tender bark, however. 

To the thinner preparation were added in different tests 1 per 
cent of bichlorid of mercury, 2 per cent of nicotine sulphate, 10 per 

1 A wooden comb is supplied by the manufacturers for the purpose of combing the bands 
when a coating of dirt, insects, or any other foreign matter collects on the band. This 

foreign material is mixed in with a clean sticky substance, immediately under the surface 
of the band, and the band is as efficient as ever. 



cent of naphthalene, and several other repellents. While bands con-. 
taining bichlorid of mercury and nicotine sulphate were effective 
_ for slightly longer periods than the sticky substance alone, their use 
is hardly to be recommended. 


Perhaps the most effective and durable barrier which can be used 
indoors is a bichlorid-of-mercury tape or band. Tape is soaked in a 
saturated solution of bichlorid of mercury and then hung up to dry. 
It is then placed around the legs of tables, safes, etc., and if it is kept 
dry will last from six months to a year. Common lampwick one-half 
an inch wide is ideal for this purpose. After it has been treated in a 
saturated solution of bichlorid of mercury and dried, pieces are 
wrapped around the leg of the piece of furniture to be isolated and 
ends lapped over tightly and pinned. The tape can be readily re- 
newed by another soaking in bichlorid of mercury and repinned in 
place. | 

Twenty-five per cent of bichlorid of mercury mixed in shellac may 
be paintéd around the legs of furniture, and when dry it will be quite 
-as satisfactory as the tape. 

Eatreme caution is advised in handling bichlorid of mercury, as 
there is always an element of danger in using this poison. In recent 
years the sale of this drug to the layman has been practically tee 

A simple and efficient, though perhaps unsightly, barrier may be 
made by placing the legs of furniture in saucers and putting a gen- 
erous supply of moth balls in each saucer. The moth balls will 
slowly volatilize, and it is necessary to add more from time to time, 
but the ants will not cross the barrier thus formed. 

Coal oil placed in saucers in which the legs of furniture rest will 
repel the ant, but the odor of the oil is disagreeable to most persons. 


Many and varied experiments have proved that it is futile to try 
to exterminate Argentine ants with a poison which kills rapidly. A 

, few workers may be killed, but the masses of ants will quickly recog- _ 
~ nize the source of fatality hd avoid the * doctored” food. The few 
workers killed in this way will have no effect in reducing the numbers. © 
None of this poison will reach the queens in the nest, and it has been © 
found that it is essential to kill off the queens in order to prevent - 
further multiplication of the pest. 

Soon after the writer took up the work on the Racontane ant Mr. 
LL. J. Nickels? published an article on the control of the Argentine 
ant in California, in which a rather successful poisoned sirup was 
described. It was decided to give this poisoned sirup a thorough trial 

1 Nickels, L. J. Field Work in the Control of the Argentine Ant. Jour. Econ. Ent., 
y. 4, no. 4, pp. 353-358. 1911. 



in the Southern States. The following eapEEnnen is based on Mr. 
Nickels’s recommendations: 


At Hattiesburg, Miss., an infestation of 8 blocks was found to be 
an ideal place for this PR i sa 

The following buildings were located within the infestation: 
Thirty-eight residences, 7 stores, 2 meat markets, 2 small hotels, 2 
restaurants, 2 bottling neilt lisinnens (which will be designated here- 
after as establishment A and establishment B), a laundry, a marble 
factory, a sawmill and office, and a church. 

Thirty dozen 1-pint fruit jars were prepared in the manner out- 
lined by Mr. Nickels. The porcelain was broken out of the metal 
tops and five holes about three-eighths inch in diameter were punched 
near the center of each top. Sponges were cut up into pieces and a 
piece inserted in each jar. The piece of sponge filled about a third of 
the space in the jar. 

A gill of the poisoned sirup was put into each jar. On each jar 
was pasted a poison label. 

On September 28, 25 dozen of these jars were distributed—about 
six Jars placed in each house and store. Two vacant blocks were 
not covered at this time, but on November 16, 3 dozen jars were dis- 
tributed on these blocks. As the j jars had to Be placed outdoors, they 
were laid on one side to prevent rain from entering. The residents 
of the other blocks were questioned as to results, and they reported 
very favorably. In most cases the ants had become much less abun- 
dant. The two meat markets had fewer ants than before, but the 
sirup rooms of both bottling establishments were as badly infested as 
ever, the ants evidently preferring the flavored sirups to the poisoned 
sirup. > 

In the latter part of April, 1912, the infestation was again deter- 
mined. This was immediately after the winter previously referred ta, 
when the infestation had been so reduced at Kosciusko and New 
Orleans. Though the numbers of ants had certainly been reduced in 
Hattiesburg, they were still present in proportionately greater num- 
bers than in New Orleans. It is likely that the better wintering 
facilities at Hattiesburg were due particularly to excellent drainage 
and the presence of numerous trees. 

On June 18 another inspection was made. The numbers of ants 
were at this'time about 60 per cent of what they were during the 
previous November. The eastern line of infestation had not been 
extended and the ants were giving little trouble in the houses, though 
they had apparently concentrated around the sirup rooms of both 
bottling establishments. The stores and meat markets had not been 
troubled to any extent, but there were many trails of ants on the 
trees. Many of the jars were examined, and it was found that a de- 

de in a ES i a i 


composition had taken place in the sirup in the jars, a very disagree- 
able odor being given off. As many of the jars as could be found were 
collected. These were thoroughly cleaned, especially the sponges, 
which were washed in boiling water. Fresh sirup was prepared and 
the jars recharged and again distributed. 

The jars were again recharged in October. At this time, though 
the infestation had not spread, the ants were more numerous. They 
were very numerous in the sirup rooms of both bottling establish- 
ments, and in both meat markets. 

Observations were made in December, and at this time conditions 
were fairly satisfactory. Ants had troubled only two of the houses, 
in each instance only for a day or so, and had then left. The bottling 
establishments were closed for the winter. The intention was to 
recharge the jars at this time, but the status was so satisfactory that 
it was decided to leave them until the following spring. 

In the beginning of April the ants were not very plentiful. Only 
three houses had been invaded during the winter. The sirup rooms 
of both bottling works were again besieged. 

By the latter part of May the ants were more numerous all over 
the infested area, though none of the residents or storekeepers had 
so far been troubled. The proprietor of bottling establishment A 
now had his sirups isolated and the ants were noticeably fewer 
around this building, but they were in increased numbers around the 
other plant. The ants were now very numerous on one block, and as 
the jars had not been satisfactory outdoors, special paraffin-covered 
rainproof paper bags were prepared to place on the trees near the 
houses and along the streets throughout the infested area. The 

“experiment had been conducted for 20 months and the results had 

not been entirely satisfactory. The ants had been almost completely 
kept out of the houses and stores, except the sirup rooms of the 
bottling works, but large numbers were still present outdoors. 

It is fairly conclusive that the sirup within the houses repelled the 
ants, for even in the spring the ants gave little trouble to the resi- 

On July 9, 50 paper bags’ containing this sirup were placed on 
trees throughout the infested area. About half of these bags were 
placed on trees in one block. All the bags were tacked about 15 feet 

_ above the ground to keep them out of reach of children and to arrest. 

evaporation as much as possible, bags at this height being in the 

On August 13 a status inspection was made, and very remarkable 
results were observed. There were not at this time more than 20 
per cent of the ants on the trees as compared with July, and all of 
the houses without exception situated anywhere near the trees had 

1A description of the preparation of this bag is given on pages 20 and 21. 


been invaded. None of the stores along Bay Street, near which were 
no trees, had been bothered by the ants. All the jars were recharged. 

In November conditions were very satisfactory. Comparatively 
few ants were to be seen, and these were mostly on the trees. No 
ants were to be found in the sirup room of bottling establishment A, 
and there were very few in the vicinity of the building. There were 
very few ants on the trees in one block. By far the largest number 
of ants were to be found around the building in which bottling estab- 
lishment B had been located. People in the house next to this build- 
ing were being considerably troubled. 

In January, 1914, all the jars were recharged and 150 paper bags 
containing the poisoned sirup were distributed over the infested area. 

On April 7 a thorough inspection was made, and the numbers of 
ants were found to be greatly reduced. Nowhere had the ants caused 
any annoyance. There were very few ants on any of the trees. In 
several places native ants had again taken up their abode within the 
infested area, indicating that the Argentine species was dying out. 

In the latter part of May the jars were recharged and 300 poison 
bags placed in suitable locations. An inspection at that date proved 
that the experiment was continuing very satisfactorily. 

Native ant nests could be found dotted over the whole area. The 
largest number of Argentine ants was found around the abandoned 
building of bottling establishment B; in fact, this was the only place 
where the ant could be found in large numbers. 

An inspection on June 29 indicated that the experiment was pro- 
gressing favorably. The numbers of Argentine ants around bot- 
tling establishment B had greatly decreased, it being actually diffi- 
cult to find them on these premises. Not a vestige of the infestation 
could be found on three of the blocks. 

In mid-September the territory was again inspected. The condi- 
tions were found to be excellent. Scarcely an Argentine ant could 
be seen in any part of the once-infested territory. 

Everyone living in the formerly infested area was of the opinion 
that the Ae ccntine ants had been completely eradicated, but the 
writer found a few workers. However, he decided to concen the 
experiment concluded, for the time at least. It was possible that 
the queens were all destroyed and that just a few workers remained. 
There was also the possibility of the native ants finally exterminating 
the Argentine species. 

The poisoned sirup had finally proved efficient, though it must be 
stated that it was necessary to expose it both indoors and out. 


In the tests with the Nickels sirup a number of objectionable 
features were encountered which finally led to the preparation of a 


greatly modified sirup. In all the experiments the sirup proved very 
attractive and palatable to the ants at first, but their visits gradually 
decreased until the sirup was avoided, although in some instances the 
trails continued to pass by the poison jars. The period of attendance 
at the sirup varied somewhat with the seasons, being longer in winter. 
Even in the winter, however, a repellent action was apparent. In 
preparing the solution it had been noticed that the sirup turned 
brown, becoming darker the longer it was boiled, although it was 
made in a pail which in turn was placed in a bath to prevent burning. 

Another objection was the crystallization of the sirup to a greater 
or less extent upon cooling. On the advice of a sugar chemist the 
proportion of water was increased to make a saturated sugar solu- 
tion ; 10 pounds of water to 20 pounds of sugar and 1 ounce of sodium 
arsenite were used. The Nickels sirup contained one-fourth per cent 
arsenic, while this more dilute sirup contained one-fifth per cent, 
but the dilute sirup was quite effective. With the exception of the 
first application, the dilute sirup was used throughout the length 
of the Hattiesburg experiment. Crystallization of from 5 to 15 
per cent of the weight of sirup still occurred in short periods, but 
as high as 50 per cent when the sirup had been in the jars for several 
months. This of course had the effect of proportionally increasing 
the percentage of poison in the liquid and consequently its repellent 
power. Newly made sirup appeared to be less repellent than that 
which had stood for several weeks. 

The repellent action of the sirup is illustrated by an experiment 
conducted in a private residence, which was badly overrun with ants. 
The ants were abundant in the refrigerator, safe, and sink, and literally 
covered the floors. Six fruit jars containing the Nickels sirup and 
sponges were placed in different rooms in the house, and 6 paraffined 
paper bags containing the same sirup and a sponge were placed 
around the house outdoors on trees, fence, and back porch. ‘The 
sirup was about a month old. The experiment was begun at 1 p. m. 
At 5 p.m. hardly an ant was to be seen in the house, although a few 
were to be found at each jar and many were visiting the bags. Two 
days later not an ant could be found in the house and only three of 
the bags were attended by ants. As it seemed impossible that the 
colonies could have been exterminated so quickly, the adjacent vacant | 
lot was inspected. This lot was overgrown with weeds, and in a 
corner near the house there was a pile of old lumber. Ants were 
found in abundance nesting in the lumber, and many were present 
wherever they could find dry quarters in the lot. It was quite evident 
that the ants had been repelled by the poison. 

A series of experiments to obtain definite data on the repellent 
properties of the sirup were conducted in the Horticultural Hall, 


Audubon Park, New Orleans, with the Nickels sirup in the strength 
as recommended originally, and also double, half, and quarter 
strengths. One gill of sirup was used to a jar, each jar being 
placed on its side to give free access to the ants, to prevent the 
entrance of water, and to prevent mold. The “ Hall” furnished 
ideal conditions for the experiment, the temperature throughout the 
year being kept high and uniform. The abundance of various 
species of scale insects and aphids attracted the ants in great num- 
bers at all seasons, but especially in cold and wet weather. Three 
jars of each strength were used and observations were made fre- 
quently for a period of 32 days. At the time of this experiment 
the ants were very numerous, due to the extremely wet summer of 
1912. The rate of attendance and relative repellent value of the 
four strengths of the poison are shown graphically in the first part of 
Table I. 

TaB_E I.—LHeperiments with sodium arsenite (NaAsO,) added (in four strengths?) _ 

to sugar sirup solution, 1912. 

[Symbols: A= Heavily visited by ants. B=Only attended by afew ants. C=Not attended by ants.] 


Double strength. | Nickels solution. Half strength. Quarter strength 

BOT AS UR OUR At I SRA AT Ori Sa ened | enna an 
Ay OB le ABB OL Ae AeA ares RT AUS ATs ATS ara ana eat 
Be SBS Be Ba I A igs PS Yate |e aN 
yea Pitas ews beens aa fae a Pei Fe Wao (Re Neeclie Ween ge PN Ij oe 
Boh. CB Bel ea i Are SAE tle pe NS eed ace 
13 QU Orne ee Want| Wan) at WO ieee ae Gee eee UI Ve ge hoy 
T3h| each ae (oar | ie ane EO eee (are. e Ws coNE\. |p on. 
OMe Vane Us al C8 Pl ne Wes Wa PRU genre) en Gate hos 
Be. Bea AAS APE a Eg STS Sa 09 Bt a haat 
TSI A Oe nee Cate aaa Wa Ce) (ape ence) ceed ele ie Sf s 
Ae!) SB Beal 6 Fes al a ie er lene eee 
Cola Mew OG es! WE) bai Gitte Wan ibn sien! SMO Wan Gly UU Woot Lips 
Be AC Be Tay, ie A a el Gale RR ee a ae 

Bebe Ce GAO ai As VAD oN hn calle ve ee 

Te Olam (ELC laal ACG) Ea (a) Nabi (Wass easy PIS tak cctlth her <8 o 

COHn mK Glen cM Mm Ot Wed God We Canoes Celle! Mrgheler A | TA, 

GM ENE Ge be Age Ads I BN ERT eee cas al 


Dniliyg 26M eerie 5 eae ee ciec A A C A A B A A A A C A 
ly posuere mene ves B B C B B B A A B A A A 
ARG 29s ree lee apt tainlaie iatesnieiatn A | A B B A A A A A A A A 
Afni CUE eee at aear een ipie. A B C C A A A A B A A A 
ADU Rea as Ai ES eae C B C B A B A A A A A A 
PAUISTISIAbe sachs oe Lone kee C A C B B A A A A A A A 
AI SUSHI Se eet ace nae Cc C C ¢ B A A A A A A A 
NIT CUISH OFA ee or tease sae ee B Cc C A A A A A A A A A 
PAITORISTO seers eine ne ewe icter. A A Cc A B B A B A A A A 
TRUSTS EO is sa ae i A A C A A A A A A A B A 
MISUSE ee alc 3 B B C A A A A A A A A A 
VIC TISE MG aE ae ake Meee B Cc A A A B A A A A A A 
EANIOUIS GPO serves ees hentai ee B B ¢€ A B B A A A A IX A 
IN CG TTS BPA Ney eR ee a (e Cc B B A Cc A A B A A A 
ATTA D IRCA ete ase aa erese B C © A A B A B A A B A 
INS TVG US 7G a lic eh a A © B A A A A B A A A A 
IAL OMS UO Bee cacao aaa A B CG A B Cc A A B A A A 
PA USUI Ol eise ee elise scenic A A C A B B A B A A A A 
Lpouble strength= {222 "224 10 pounds granulated sugar + 5 pounds H,0+ 1 ounce NaAsOnz. 
Nickels solution______-___ 10 pounds grarulated sugar +5 pounds He0+ 4 ounce NaAsOs. 
Eraittstreno bhi ss ioe Sos OL 10 pounds granulated sugar +5 pounds H.O0+ 4 ounce NaAsOs. 

Quarter strength___.______ 10 pounds granulated sugar +5 pounds H20+ 4 ounce NaAsOs. 



_ The experiment was duplicated, except that the sirups were placed 
in waxed paper bags tacked on fig trees. These bags each held a 
gill of sirup, and sponges were placed in the sirup to allow easy 
access of the ants. At the time of conducting the experiment the 
figs were ripening and the ants were visiting the trees in immense 
numbers. It will be seen from the second part of Table I that the 
results were substantially the same as in the indoor experiments. 
The two experiments may be summarized as follows: : 

The most concentrated sirup (2 ounces sodium arsenite) at- 
tracted great numbers of ants in only 382 counts, few ants in 34 
counts, and no ants whatever in 39 counts. 

The standard Nickels sirup (1 ounce sodium arsenite) attracted 
great numbers in 62 counts, few ants in 25 counts, and no ants in 
18 counts. 

The half-strength solution (4 ounce sodium arsenite) attracted 
great numbers in 88 counts, few ants in 12 counts, and no ants in 5 
counts. j 

The quarter-strength solution (4 ounce sodium arsenite) attracted 
great numbers in 92 counts, few ants in 4 counts, and no ants in 9 

The experiments prove, therefore, that the excessive quantities of 
the arsenic in a sirup will cause it to become repellent. The observa- 
tions also indicate that the sirup decomposed more rapidly as the 
amount of the sodium arsenite increased. 

Dr. W. E. Cross, research chemist of the sugar experiment station 
at Audubon Park, was consulted with regard to the various defects 
in the Nickels sirup. His explanations and suggestions, which were 
of great importance in the further conduct of the investigations, are 
given below. 

When granulated sugar (or sucrose) is heated, it is partially 
changed to invert sugar (or glucose), and if to this is added sodium 
arsenite, which has an alkaline reaction, chemical decomposition 
takes places When heated this reaction is hastened and the com- 
pound becomes darker and darker. On account of the instability of 
the sirup, it will further decompose on standing and the final prod- 
uct will be a substance with an unpleasant odor and taste. The . 
addition of a small quantity of tartaric acid to the sugar sirup. 
before adding the sodium arsenite will produce a greater inversion 
of the sucrose, thus lessening the danger of crystallization, and will 
neutralize the alkalinity of the sodium arsenite, preventing decom- 
position. If a slight acid reaction is obtained the sirup will keep 
indefinitely. The inversion of the sucrose reduces the sweetness of 
the sirup, and to balance this 7 per cent of pure honey is added. 


The preparation finally proposed by Dr. Cross is made as follows: 

Prepare a sirup: 

Granulatedyoucar 962 a4 see see ae Es Pee ee pounds__ 15 
AWW a ber ses ate Ry dee ee ee SIE area pints2--447) 
Partinic acid: (crystallized. 22 22s 2 Nee ea ee _ounce_- 4 
Boil for 30 minutes. Allow to cool. 

Pussoive, sodium arsenite: (CO: be) ee ee eee ounce. #32 
Tn HOE Water 22 Se feel) Bee Te ae ae ae eee pint st 

Cool. Add poison solution to sirup and stir well. Add to the 
poisoned sirup: 

ET Ta Gy Sg a ee a ee pounds__ 1 

Mix thoroughly. 


& : 

On April 23, 1914, Dr. Cross and the writer prepared two sirups of 
the above formula (exclusive of the honey, which only makes the 
sirup more palatable), except that one lacked the tartaric acid. After 
cooling, they were tested in a refractometer, with the following 

Sirup with tartaric acid, specific gravity 1.339, Brix (sugar content) 68.8. 
Sirup without tartartic acid (Nickels sirup), specific gravity 1.343, Brix 68.95. 

The Nickels sirup had lost 0.75 per cent of its sugar content and 
was of a very dark brown color. The new sirup was bright yellow 
(amber color), clear, and transparent. Equal samples of each were 
placed in quart exhibit jars with ground-glass stoppers, labeled, and 
set aside. A second reading was made on June 20, 1914, as follows: 
Sirup with tartaric acid, specific gravity 1.340, Brix 68.40. 

Nickels sirup, specific gravity 1.3321, Brix 67.01. 

The new sirup had lost 0.4 per cent of its total solids and had not 
noticeably changed in color or sweetness. The Nickels sirup had lost 
1.04 per cent of its total solids, was nearly black, partly crystallized, 
and had lost much of its sweetness. In the beginning of August the 
stoppers were removed and cheesecloth tied over the mouths of both 
jars, to find how evaporation would affect these sirups. The jars 
were placed on a shelf in the laboratory. In the beginning of 
January, five months after the jars were first left open, they were 
examined. Figure 2 shows the conditions. The difference in the 
quantity of the sirups, in color, and in the crystallization that had 
taken place within the jar containing the Nickels sirup may readily 
be noted. A reading was taken of these sirups, as follows: 

Sirup with tartaric acid, specific gravity 1.385, Brix 75.48. 
Nickels sirup, 1.367, Brix 72.68. 

1In the first experiments one-half ounce of tartaric acid was used, but this is found 

2In earlier experiments the sirup was boiled 30 minutes after addition of the poison, 
but boiling will raise the ** Brix’ (total solids), which is to the disadvantage of the sirup 
as an ant bait. 


The Nickels sirup! was then drained from its jar and was found 
to weigh 160 grams. The jar and crystals were then weighed, the 
crystals dissolved out of the jar, and the weight of the jar subtracted 
from the total weight. of the jar and crystals. It was found that 333 
grams of sugar crystals were present. . 


Weicht ob sirup, when first made. 22)ue) 3 ea hue GEO 23 
Weight of sirup remaining > SUSE CLyStals 12 Was ie Cea ab Ate 493. 00 
Water passed off by evaporation. _______-- _-+_-~_____-_ 167. 23 

The 660.23 grams of sirup contained 1.333 grams of sodium arsenite with a 

poison content of 0.202 per cent. 
The 160 grams of sirup remaining contained 1.333 grams of sodium arsenite. 
The poison content was now 0.836 per cent. 

The sirup with tartaric acid had a small precipitation. As the 
Brix had been raised 7.4 per cent through evaporation, the poison 
content was very slightly 
raised. This sirup now 
weighed 648.35 grams, the 
color and sweetness being still 
quite stable. 

Immediately after prepar- 
ing these two sirups, April 
23, 1914, 2 fruit jars of each, 
containing 1} gills of sirup. 
apiece (without honey), were 
set out along heavy ant trails 
in the Horticultural Hall. 
Absolutely clean and odorless 
sponges were used. 

For the first 4 days the ants 
showed a preference for the 
old type of sirup (without 
the tartaric acid) but for the 

Fie. 2.—Comparison of the improved sirup (right) 
next 21 days they showed no with the Nickels sirup (left), showing the amount 
preference. Then one jar of of sirup left a each and the amount of sugar in 

5 the Nickels sirup. (Original.) 

the old sirup was abandoned. 
This proved to be partially decomposed. On moving to another spot 
it was attended for 10 days more, then abandoned completely. Thus 
for a total of 35 days this jar attracted the ants. Seven days later 
the other jar of this sirup was abandoned and no matter where placed 
neither jar had any attraction for the ants. 





1 Figure 3 shows the small quantity of sirup that still remained, as well as the large 
bulk of Sugar crystals which had formed in the jar. The jar containing the acidified 
sirup is placed at the side for comparison. 



The jars with the new type of sirup were visited constantly for 
62 days, or to the conclusion of the experiment. The small amount 
of sirup left was still clean and as sweet as at first. 

Tests of the poisonous qualities of both liquids were made with 
colonies in Janet cages, under control as to food. There was prac- 
. tically no difference in toxicity. Workers in 
both cages began to die in 4 days, the queens 
stopped ovipositing in 14 days, and winged 
males died very quickly, the queens in 17 days, 
and the whole colony in each case was extermi- 
nated on the thirty-second day. 


The new sirup, made exactly as in the for- 
mula given above, is very palatable to the ants 
at any season of the year. It was found that 
containers charged with it placed at selected 
points outside a residence would attract the 
ants and they would cease to invade the house. 
A private residence in a large plot of ground 
on a street corner with a row of large oak trees 
along each street was heavily infested with 
ta ants, which were to be found in the sink, the 
Fic. 3.—Comparison of the Tetrigerator, all over the floors, etc. On June 

improved sirup (left) 18, 6 cans each containing this sirup and 

ee ee sponge were hung on the brick pillars which 
evaporation. The im- supported.the house. The following morning 
proved sirup is sti there was scarcely an ant to be seen in the 

clear and sweet, while ‘ : 

the Nickels sirup is house and the ants were attending the sirup 

dark and full of erys- .- Ene ¢ 

tals and decayed mat. INlargenumbers. The same-conditions existed 

ter. (Originak) throughout the length of the experiment, which 
was terminated on August 10. Many such small experiments have 

been conducted, the results being equally successful. 


The paraflin-covered paper bag? shown in figure 4 is undoubtedly the 
cheapest container. It can be made in large quantities at a cost of about 
$5 per thousand. Small 1-pound bags used in grocery stores are ob- 
tained, and two or three holes about one-fourth inch in diameter are cut 
through each folded bag with a leather-punch or similar instrument. 
This provides each bag with two holes on each side for the entrance 
of the ants. Being opened, the bags are dipped in a pan of molten 

1 The writer is indebted to Mr. R. W. Moreland, Bureau of Entomology, for his sugges- 
tions in the preparation of this ae container. 



paraffin and set aside todry. The paraflin, forming a waterproof sur-. 
face, materially lengthens the life of the bag, which is protected from 

the entrance of water through the holes 
by part of another (2-pound) paraflined 
bag which covers the first one like a can- 
opy. Inuse,each bag is provided witha 
small quantity of poisoned sirup and a 
piece of sponge, the protecting outer 
piece of bag is drawn up over it, and 
the ends of both are folded over at the 
top and tacked to a tree. On account 
of the bag coming together at the top 
it ig very narrow at the point where 
the entrance holes are made; conse- 
quently very small pieces of sponge are 
required. The bags have been known 
to last for long periods, but the larger MY, 
percentage of them last only about 2 or LS MLA 

8 months. They can not be recharged. ric. 4.—Paraffined paper bags ar- 

The tin can ranged as a container for ant 

: poison sirup. The apron has been 

shown in figure cut away to show the ant en- 

wins, us trance holes. Such bags are nailed 
5 is the most 

to trees, (Original.) 

container. Any sized can may be used, but 
the handiest size is the one-half pound bak- 
ing-powder can. The can must have a fric- 
tion cover, and of course it must hold water. 
If the can is indented deeply on the two op- 
posite sides (as illustrated in the drawing, 
fig. 5) and the cover replaced, it will be ob- 
servable that there is ample space between 
the top of the can and the cover for the en- 
trance of the ants, and the can, if kept in an 
upright position, will be weatherproof. 
About a gill of the sirup will be sufficient for 
several months, but in heavy infestations it is 
better to put 2 gills in each can. It is very 
advisable to place a fairly large piece of 

for ant-poison sirups used SPONnge in the can. The sponge will float on 

in outdoor experiments. the sirup and allow the ants to feed in large 

oe numbers. A piece of wire about 6 inches 
long may be bent for a handle, a hook inward at each end being made. 
‘The hooks may be attached under the lid of the can where it projects 
over the part that has been indented. This forms a handle by which 

IY ‘ 
ANN \ ° 



YY 4 


Fie. 5.—Tin can container 



the cans may be hung on trees, fences, walls of houses, etc. The ants 
prefer to climb for their food, and it is well to hang the cans near ant 
trails going up trees, walls, etc. It is advisable to hang the cans in 
the shade to prevent the evaporation of the sirup, for though it has 
been proved that evaporation does not affect this sirup to a marked 
extent, it is well to avoid raising the.solid contents of the liquid. 
Eight to ten of these cans should be sufficient to place around an 
ordinary city house and lot. If the grounds are large and if as, 
trees are present, more cans should be placed out. 

From the results so far obtained, the careful preparation of the 
poisoned sirup can not be too highly emphasized. Very accurate 
balances are necessary for the weighing out of the poison and the 
tartaric acid. ‘This is especially true when small quantities of the 
sirup are prepared. 


In effecting control in towns and cities it is first necessary to ascer- 
tain the extent of the infestation. This should be mapped out so that 
workmen in distributing the cans will be able to refer to the map to 
insure the covering of the entire territory. Cans may be obtained at 
wholesale at about $16 per thousand. About 10 pounds of “ grass” 
sponges will be required per 1,000 cans. These will cost about 75 
cents per pound. Thesponges should be thoroughly washed and dried 
before use. When wet they may easily be torn into pieces about 
2 by 2 inches. Using 1 gill of sirup per can, 200 pounds of granu- 
lated sugar will be required per 1,000 cans. The cost of the sodium 
arsenite is about 80 cents per pound, and 1 pound will be sufficient 
for 1,500 cans. Tartaric acid (crystallized) costs about 70 cents a 
pound, which will be enough for 4,500 cans. From 60 to 100 cans 
will be required per block, depending on the size of the block. The 
late fall, winter, and spring are the most desirable times in which to 
do this work, as in these seasons the natural food is least plentiful 
and the ants most hungry. Two men should be able to prepare the 
sirup, wash and tear up the sponges, and charge about 2,000 cans per 
day and distribute about 1,000 cans per day. 


By taking advantage of their winter colonizing habit the ants may 
be attracted in large numbers to specially prepared trap boxes, which 
may be fumigated when large numbers have gathered in these boxes 
for winter nesting. Newell and Barber, who originated this method 
of control, describe in Bureau of Entomology Bulletin 122 some very 
interesting and successful trap-box experiments. The boxes were 
filled with decaying vegetation, the heat generated making them very 
attractive as hibernating quarters. Carbon bisulphid was found to 

> oe 

—_— . ivy “~_ SS, ee ot) ee. as ee Daly 4 ox — Parla ltr ad \_ ert Pe 


be the best and most economical fumigant for use in the trap boxes. 
Tt is hardly necessary to state that this method of control is not ap- 
plicable to city conditions, where dry nesting quarters are very 
plentiful and the ants do not colonize to any great extent. 



In grossly infested houses much relief may be secured by isolating 
tables, refrigerators, safes, beds, etc., with bichlorid-of-mercury tape, 
or by placing the legs of articles of furniture in saucers filled with 
moth balls or coal oil. Trees, beehive stands, and other outdoor ob- 
jects may be isolated with the sticky substance used on fly paper but 
made thinner than usual. If 5 per cent of carbolized oil be added, 
the durability of the bands will be considerably increased. 


Repellents are much used to keep the ants from buildings. Strong 
antimony or arsenical sirups, a number of which are sold by drug- 
gists in infested territory, are used for this purpose. They give 
quick relief for short periods, but they are not a factor in the reduc- 
tion of the infestation. 


The only effective poisons yet known for permanent control are 
poisoned sirups. The improved arsenical sirup recommended on 
page 18 will not spoil and is superior to any other formula yet tested 
on account of its stability at high temperatures, freedom from crys- 
tallization, and continued attractiveness. 


Trapping ants may be accomplished in rural locations by provid- 
ing boxes of decaying vegetation in the winter. The colonies will 
move into these boxes and the ants may then be killed with carbon 