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a r s D i g i t a 


Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs 

October 2000 

Quiz 2 

Scheme Data Structures 

Before starting, please write your name in the first blank below, and optionally a guess as to how well you 
think you will do in the second. Start the quiz only when instructed to do so. You may use any written 
resources you wish, but you may not consult another student, nor use a computer, nor a calculator. You 
will have two hours to finish this quiz, at which point please close the document, and optionally re-assess 
your anticipated grade in the third blank below. Please give your tests to the staff as you leave. Your actual 
grade will not be affected by your self-assessment, nor by opting out of self-assessment. 



Optional, expected grade (percent correct) before taking quiz: 

Optional, expected grade (percent correct) after taking quiz: 









October 2000 

Quiz 2 



Problem 1: 25 points A local bookstore has contracted aD University to provide an inventory system 
for their web site. We can create a database of books using Scheme. The constructor for a single book will 
be called make-book and takes the name of a book and its price as parameters. 

(define (make-book name price) 
(cons name price)) 

Write the selectors book-name and book-price. 

(define (bock -name b) (car b)) 
(define (book-price b) (cdr b)) 

The inventory of books will be stored in a list. The selectors for our inventory data structure are first-book 
and rest-books, defined as follows: 

(define first-book car) 
(define rest-books cdr) 

Write the constructor make- inventory. 
Any of 

(define make- inventory list) 

(define (maie-inventory . books) books) 

(define make- inventory (lambda books books)) 

would work. 

Draw the box-and-pointer diagram that results from the evaluation of 

(define store-inventory 

(make- inventory (make-book 'sicp 60) 

(make-book ' collecting-pez 15) 

(make-book 'the-little-schemer 35))) 



sicp collecting-pez 



Quiz 2 

October 2000 



Problem 1 (continued) Write a procedure called find-book which takes the name of a book and an 
inventory as parameters and returns the book's data structure (name and price) if the book is in the store's 
inventory, and [nil] otherwise. 

(define (find-book name inventory) 
(if ((null? inventory) nil) 

((eqv? (book-name (first-book inventory)) name) 

(first-book inventory)) 

(find-book name (rest-books inventory))))) 

Points were commonly lost here for breaking the abstraction barriers and for passing a book instead of the 
book's name. 

The bookstore has asked us to change our system to include a count of the number of copies of each book 
the store has on hand. We redefine our book constructor as follows: 

(define (make-book name price num- in-stock) 
(list name price num-in-stock) ) 

Write the selectors book-name, book-price, and book-stock for our new constructor. 

(define book-name car) 
(define book-price cadr) 
(define book-stock caddr) 

? no (unless barriers were broken above) 

Will f ind-book need to be changed to accommodate our new representation 
October 2000 Quiz 2 



Problem 1 (continued) Now that we are storing the number of copies in stock, write a procedure called 
in-stock? that takes a book name and an inventory as the parameters, and returns #t if at least one copy 
of the book is in stock, or #f otherwise. If the book is not listed in the inventory at all, in-stock? should 
also return #f . You may want to use your find-book procedure from above. 

(define (in-stock? name inventory) 

(let ((book (find-book name inventory))) 
(and book 

(> 0 (book-stock book))))) 

Notice the use of and instead of if; remember that and evaluates its arguments in left-to-right order, each 
in turn, and only until the first evaluated argument is false (or it runs out of arguments). If all arguments 
evaluate non-false, then the value returned is the value of the last argument. If you used if, that would have 
been just fine. 

Quiz 2 

October 2000 



Problem 2: 20 points Write a function add-n of one argument n that returns a procedure. The returned 
procedure takes one argument x and returns the sum of x and n. 

(define (add-n n) 

(lambda (x) (+ x n))) 

Using add-n, and without using the built-in Scheme procedure *, write mult which takes two integer argu- 
ments a and b and returns their product. 

There were three kinds of answers to this question. The first was along the lines of the formulation of new-add 
from the first quiz; the second used repeated (which worked only for positive values for the variable chosen 
for iteration, and thus lost points); the third was a very nice recursive formulation to deal with negative 
numbers. The three approaches are shown below. 

(define (mult a b) 

(let ((op-b (add-n b)) 

(op-i (if (< a 0) dec inc))) 
(define (m-helper i prod) 
(if (= i a) 

(m-help (op-i i) (op-b prod)))) 
(m-helper 0 0))) 

save the operator for b 

same for the iterator 

the helper function to iterate 

are we done? 

yes, return the answer 

no, advance counter and result 

start out at zero 

(define (mult a b) 

((repeated (add-n a) b) 0)) 

works only for non-negative a 
add b to 0 a times 

(define (mult a b) 
(cond ((= a 0) 0) 
(« a 0) 

(- (mult (- a) b))) 
((add-n b) (mult (dec a) 



if negative a 

then flip and continue 


October 2000 

Quiz 2 



Problem 3: 10 points Assume the following expressions have been evaluated in the order they appear. 

(define a (list (list 'q) 'r 's)) 

(define b (list (list 'q) 'r 's)) 

(define c a) 

(define d (cons 'p a)) 

(define e (list 'p (list 'q) 'r 's)) 

Complete the table below with the result of applying the functions eq?, eqv?, and equal? to the two 
expressions on the left of each row. For example, the elements of the top row will represent the result from 
evaluating (eq? a c) , (eqv? a c) , and (equal? a c) . Your result should be written as #t, #f or undefined 
[or unspecified]. 


(operand 2 ) 















(cdr d) 









(car a) 

(car e) 




(car a) 

(cadr e) 




(caar a) 

(caadr e) 




Quiz 2 

October 2000 



Problem 4: 15 points Write occurrences, a procedure of two arguments s and tree that returns the 
number of times the first argument (an atom) appears in the second (a tree). You may find accumulate-tree, 
shown below, to be helpful. 

(define (accumulate-tree tree term combiner null-value) 
(cond ((null? tree) null-value) 

((not (pair? tree)) (term tree)) 

(else (combiner (accumulate-tree (car tree) term combiner null-value) 

(accumulate-tree (cdr tree) term combiner null-value))))) 

Many, but not all of the students used accumulate-tree in their answer, as suggested by the hint. 

(define (occurrences s tree) 
(accumulate-tree tree 

(lambda (x) (if (eqv? x s) 1 0)) 


Those who did not use accumulate-tree ended up writing a procedure with the same functionality. 

October 2000 

Quiz 2 



Problem 5: 15 points Two images are shown in Figure 1. On the left is Happy Stick Man, waving at 
us. On the right is a composite image created with the Henderson Picture Language from Problem Set 4. 

(a) (b) 
Figure 1: (a) Image of happy-stick-man. (b) Image of (spiral happy-stick-man 4) 

Assume that happy- stick-man contains a painter to generate the left hand image above in Figure 1. Finish 
the definition of spiral below so that evaluating 

(paint graphics-window (spiral happy-stick-man 4)) 

will generate the right hand image in Figure 1. You may use any of the procedures from the problem set, 
including beside, below and the rotation procedures. 

(define (spiral painter n) 
(if (= n 0) 

(beside (below (rotatel80 (spiral painter (- n 1))) 
(rotate90 painter) ) 
painter) ) ) 

Answers which caused Happy Stick Man to appear at all (modulo minor syntactic corrections) were worth 5 
points, those which appeared to have a recursive nature were worth 10 points, and those which were correct 
were worth 15 points. Examples which fell between these signposts received interpolated scores. 

Quiz 2 

October 2000 



Problem 6: 15 points Draw the box and pointer diagrams for the following structures. 

— -mz 



12 3 4 



'((1 . 2) (3 . 4)) 

— -CD— DZ 

12 3 4 

'(1 (2 3) (4 (5) (6 7))) 

5 6 7 

October 2000 

Quiz 2 



Problem 7: OPTIONAL BONUS POINTS This problem is optional. You do not need to complete 
this problem, and you should work on it only after completeing the rest of the quiz. 

This problem examines template matching, a technique that appears often in digital signal processing. The 
idea is to search a very long list of integers (the signal) for all occurrences of a much shorter list of integers 
(the template), declaring a match to be found at a particular point in the signal when all elements from the 
template are found in order. 

Write a procedure template-match that takes two arguments sig (the signal) and tpl (the template) and 
returns a list of indexes into sig where tpl is found exactly. For example, with inputs sig: '(9 1 2 5 3 2 
5 7 9 2 5 5) and tpl: '(2 5) , your function should return the list (3 6 10). Be sure that your procedure 
works for arbitrary length sig and tpl. 

(define (template-match sig tpl) 
(define (match? long short) 
(cond ((null? long) #f) 
((null? short) #t) 

(and (= (car long) (car short)) 

(match? (cdr long) (cdr short)))))) 
(define (tm sig tpl ctr) 
(cond ((null? sig) nil) 
((match? sig tpl) 
(cons ctr 

(tm (cdr sig) tpl (inc ctr)))) 


(tm (cdr sig) tpl (inc ctr))))) 
(tm sig tpl 1)) 

This function performs a task that is fundamentally like filter, in that it collects only elements of a list 
that match certain criteria. However, unlike filter, the criteria here depend on many elements of the list, 
not just a single isolated one. Further, the returned value (containing position information) is not directly 
associated with the list, but must be constructed on its own. These two aspects are orthogonal, and have been 
separated out into the two helper functions above. The first, match?, determines if there is a match for the 
sequence tpl at the current position in the signal sig. The second, tm, is an iterative helper function to loop 
through all elements of sig, keeping track of which element (through ctr), testing for matches at each, and 
possibly consing the current position on to the returned list. 

Quiz 2 

October 2000