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Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, [HI] (2008) Printed 1 July 2008 (MN JAT^ style file v2.2) 

Point spread function tails and the measurements of 
diffuse stellar halo light around edge-on disc galaxies 











Roelof S. de Jong 

Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA 

Accepted 2008 May 28. Received 2008 May 15; in original form 2008 April 3 


Measuring the integrated stellar halo light around galaxies is very challenging. The 
surface brightness of these haloes are expected to be many magnitudes below dark 
sky and the central brightness of the galaxy. Here I show that in some of the recent 
literature the effect of very extended Point Spread Function (PSF) tails on the mea- 
surements of halo light has been underestimated; especially in the case of edge-on disc 
galaxies. The detection of a halo along the minor axis of an edge-on galaxy in the 
Hubble Ultra Deep Field can largely be explained by scattered galaxy light. Similarly, 
depending on filter and the shape one assumes for the uncertain extended PSF, 20 
to 80 per cent of the halo light found along the minor axis of scaled and stacked 
Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) edge-on galaxy images can be explained by scat- 
tered galaxy light. Scattered light also significantly contributes to the anomalous halo 
colours of stacked SDSS images. The scattered light fraction decreases when looking in 
the quadrants away from the minor axis. The remaining excess light is well modelled 
with a Sersic profile halo with shape parameters based on star count halo detections 
of nearby galaxies. Even though the contribution from PSF scattered light does not 
fully remove the need for extended components around these edge-on galaxies, it will 
be very challenging to make accurate halo light shape and colour measurements from 
integrated light without very careful PSF measurements and scattered light modelling. 

Key words: methods: data analysis — galaxies: fundamental parameters — galaxies: 
halos — galaxies: spiral — galaxies: structure. 


In recent years we have begun to appreciate the impor- 
tance of galaxy stellar envelopes as tracers of the hierar- 
chical galaxy formation process. Hierarchical models in a 
ACDM context predict that the stellar envelopes around 
galaxies are created from many disrupted satellites, where 
size, shape, amount of substructure, and metallicity of the 
envelope principally depend on the primordial power spec- 
trum, the reionisation epoch, the star formation history of 
accreted dw arfs, and the total dark matter mass of the host 
galaxy fc.g..'Bckki fc Chiba"2005': 'Bul lock fc Johnstonl2005l : 
[Abadi ct al. 2006; PurccU et al. 2007). The discovery of the 
Sagit tarius Dwarf curr ently being disrupted by the Milky 
Way lllbata et al.lll994|) and the highly structured envelope 
around M31 (e.g.. [Ferguson et all l20o3 : llbata et all |2007| ) 
has given much credence to the hierarchical model. While 
these observations were performed using resolved stars, 
many measurements of gala xy haloes have been attempted 
using integrated light (e.g., Morri son et <^ 1994: Frv et al.l 
1999l:IWu et al.ll2002l: [Zibetti et al. 2004; Z ibetti fc FergusonI 

200J). These observations are very difficult, as the halo light 

is typically at least a factor of 10* below sky level, and there- 
fore careful attention has to be paid to flat fielding and sky 
subtraction. Here I investigate another effect that has some- 
times been underestimated in integrated light studies: the 
effect of scattered light in extreme PSF tails when examin- 
ing edge-on galaxies. 

The effect of convolving a PSF with a spherical light 
distribution can be fairly well estimated. For instance, with 
an elliptical galaxy the light in the central region will be 
dispersed by the generally broader PSF shape. Further out, 
the fight distribution is nearly unaffected as the PSF shape 
is steeper than the slowly declining galaxy profile. By over- 
plotting the PSF on the measured light distribution nor- 
malised to the same central brightness, one gets a fairly good 
impression of which radii are affected by light convolution 
as modelled by the PSF. 

For edge-on galaxies the procedure is not as simple 
as the luminosity profile perpendicular to the disc can be 
steeper than the outer tails of the PSF. Close to the mid- 
plane of the galaxy the vertical light distribution will still be 
modified by a point-source-like convolution; however, farther 
away we are less dominated by the local light. Instead the 

2 Roelof S. de Jong 

light scattered from the whole disc — not just the central 
core — significantly contributes to the measured distribu- 
tion at large scale heights. To estimate this contribution at 
more than 2 scale lengths above the disc (about 6-15 scale 
heights) one should not use a PSF profile normalised to the 
central surface brightness of the edge-on galaxy, but instead 
normalised to the total brightness of the galaxy. Calculat- 
ing the actual scattered light contribution at any point is 
obviously best determined by convolving a 2D model of the 
intrinsic light distribution with a full 2D PSF. 

Another problem arises when studying galaxy haloes 
from stacked galaxy images, scaled to a common size, in 
order to reach fainter levels. One can estimate the PSF of 
the stack by combining appropriate stellar images from each 
field, scaled by the same factor as the galaxy in the frame. 
However, for a typical sample selection the distribution of 
scaling is not symmetric and highly biased toward the scales 
near the selection limit of the sample. The distribution of 
scaled PSF images is therefore strongly skewed, meaning 
that combining the PSFs using median or mean values gives 
very different results. Assuming that the galaxies are very 
similar after scaling, no such skewed distribution is present 
and median and mean combining should give very similar 

In this research note I investigate a few cases in the 
literature where the effects of PSF convolution with edge- 
on galaxies has been underestimated. I will also show that 
the colour measurements of the envelopes around galaxies 
can be strongly affected by scattered light. In particular, in 
Section [2] I will show the effect of PSF convolution on the 
light distribution around an edge-on galaxy i n the Hubble 
Ult ra Deep field (HUDF:lBeckwith et al.ll2006h as measured 
by (jZibetti fc FergusonI |2004 ). In Section |3] I estimate the 
scattered light effec t on the stacked SDSS image analysis of 
IZibetti et al.l (|200J). Finally, in Section |4] I summarise my 
conclusions and give a few recommendations. 


Comparing the PSF and minor-axis galaxy profile nor- 
malised to the same central brightness leads to an underesti- 
mate of the contribution from PSF scattered light. However, 
this method has appeared in the literature and been used 
to argue that scattered light will not contribute to the halo 
light r neasurement (e.g . , iFrv et al.lll999l : IZibetti fc FergusonI 
I2OO4I ') . iFrv et ahl l|l999l ') were unable to detect a halo around 
NGC4244 to their limiting surface brightness and there- 
fore their discussion of scattered light was rather moot. 
(The NGC4244 halo has now been detect e d by resolved 
star c ount measurements ; ISeth et al.l l2007l : Ide Jong et al.l 
l2007l '). [zrbetti fc FergusonI l|2004l ') do however detect an extra 
component around a disc galaxy in the HUDF and report 

anomalous colours for this extended co mponent. 

The HUDF galaxy studied by IZibetti fc FergusonI 

(I2OOJ) is a highly inclined disc gala xy at a redshift of 
about 0.32 with at best a small bulge. IZibetti fc FergusonI 
(|200J) carefully removed the contribution from contaminat- 
ing (mainly background) sources around the galaxy and ex- 
tracted the luminosity profiles in wedges along the major 
and minor axes. They determined profiles for all HUDF 
HST/ACS passbands (F435W, F606W, F775W, F850LP, 

termed B, V, i, and z hereafter for simplicity) and these 
data points are reproduced in Fig.[T] 

To estimate the contribution from scattered light at 
lar ge radii I use a stan dard disc galaxy model (e.g. as used 
by Ivan der Kruid Il988l ) . I represent the radial distribution 
with an exponential disc projected edge-on, which accu- 
rately matches the inner profile. However, the observed dis- 
tribution shows a clear break in exponential scale length 
at 2.9 arcsec independent of waveleng th. Such breaks have 
been seen many time s before (e.g., Ivan der KruitI Il979l : 
IPohlen fc Truiilldbood '). The light beyond the break I model 
with another exponential distribution, but with shorter scale 
length. The inner scale length varies from ~2.3 arcsec in 
B to 0.9 arcsec in i and z. The scale lengths beyond the 
break do not vary with wavelength within the uncertainties. 
I model the vertical distribution with a sech light distribu- 
tion, which is a reasonable compromise between the theoret- 
ical sech^ distribution and the more centrally concentrated 
exponential-like dist ribution observed in the near-infrared 
(jde Griis et al.lll997l ). Choosing a different vertical profile 
does not significantly change the results. Major and minor 
axis profiles of this model before PSF convolution are shown 
as dashed lines in Fig.[T] 

To calculate the observed distribution from the model 
distribution the PSF needs to be determined out to a radius 
of about 10 arcsec. Such an extended PSF cannot be accu- 
rately measured from the HUDF itself as there are too few 
bright stars. I therefore used the Tiny Tim HST PSF mod- 
elling software to create artificial PSFs for each passband. 
These model PSFs were checked against some bright stars 
in a number of unrelated F606W and F814W images and 
found to match the outer profiles accurately to at least 5 
arcsec. The model galaxy was rotated with respect to the 
model PSFs by approximately the same amount as the real 
galaxy. Cross-cuts through the centre of the Tiny Tim PSFs 
in the direction of the galaxy major and minor axes are 
shown for the F435W and F850LP fiffers in Fig.[T] Compar- 
ison between the two filter profiles shows that the PSFs are 
quite similar within 0.8 arcsec, but at larger radii they begin 
to diverge. This disparity can lead to artificial colour gra- 
dients when the convolved light distribution is significantly 
contaminated or dominated by scattered light. 

Finally, I show in Fig.[T] the model galaxy convolved 
with the PSFs for all passband as thick solid lines. The ex- 
tended minor-axis profile seen at heights greater than 1 arc- 
sec from the midplane in the i and z-bands can be fully 
explained by scattered light from the inner disc. On the 
southeast (negative z) side there is a small excess in the V- 
band that might be real, for instance due to small blue back- 
ground galaxies seen here, but this component would have 
very remarkable colour properties (e.g., V-i<0). It could 
also be due to the asymmetry in the main disc light distri- 
bution not modelled here or to some imperfections in the 
PSF models at that scale. The B-band shows excess light 
beyond my model on both sides of the disc that could be 
a real halo detection, but these data points are very close 
to the sky background limit and would again result in some 
remarkable colours, this time mainly on the northwest side. 
Clearly, a large fraction of the light seen on the minor axis 
in excess of the sech distribution is due to scattered light 
from the extended PSF. 

The major axis profiles tell a different story. There 

PSF tails and galaxy halo light 3 


I 25 


, 30 



- W J \ m- 

^''/f / \ vf-^ 

'M^ Xv^ 

r arcscc 

Figure 1. Minor (left) an d major (right) axis surface brightness profiles of the edge-on HUDF galaxy. The data points are derived from 
IZibetti fc FergusonI l|2004h . The profiles for the different bands are coded in different colours and symbols and are offset in order to avoid 
confusion, as indicated by the legend. The input galaxy model is shown by black dashed lines for the different passbands. Thin solid lines 
indicate crosscuts through the B and ^-band PSFs (arbitrarily normalised), whilst thick lines show the convolved galaxy model using 
the same colours for the different passbands as used for the data points. 

seems to be a clear excess of light beyond 6 arcsec radius 
compared to the truncated disc model. The PSF models 
would need to be significantly wrong to explain this excess. 
The points beyond 6 arcsec radius have large uncertainties, 
but assuming they are correct, we cannot tell from these 
measurements whether this light is due to a more spherical 
halo, or due to the disc changing scale length yet again. It 
does however show that, in cases where scattered light may 
be significant, the best place to look for a (flattened) halo 
is, maybe counter-intuitively, not along the minor axis, but 
in the four quadrants away from the major and minor axes. 
These are the areas where the contribution from the main 
disc and from scattered light will be smallest. 

Zibetti fc Ferguson (2004 ) also presented colour profiles 
of this HUDF galaxy and argued that the halo had anoma- 
lous colours starting at 1 arcsec above the disc, i.e., the 
radius where the scattered light contribution starts to be- 
come significant. While the observed colour profiles could in 
principle be checked against the convolved model, it turns 
out that the expected colour profiles depend critically on 
the details of the calculated PSFs (especially the diffraction 
spikes that are hard to model) and the assumed galaxy light 
and colour distribution. The galaxy has clear small scale 
colour variations due to dust extinction and local star forma- 
tion that is not incorporated into the model. Therefore, the 
colour gradients observed in the main disc are not predicted, 
even though the PSF can induce some colour gradients at 
scale height less than 1 arcsec. Additionally, the observed i- 
z colour gradient cannot be explained in detail here, as the 
PSFs only deviate significantly beyond 2 arcsec. Unfortu- 
nately, both the galaxy and PSF models lack enough detail 
to make firm colour predictions on such small scales, espe- 
cially because I do not have the background galaxy mask 
to select exactly the same halo areas. Because the light at 
large radii is so much dominated by scattered light, even 
small changes in PSFs, galaxy model, or masks can lead to 

large changes in derived halo colour. The models are, how- 
ever, consistent with the data, given the (large) errors of the 
observations and taking these limitations into account. Scat- 
tered light most likely contributes to the observed anoma- 
lous colours. 


IZibetti et al.l l|2004l ) combined 1047 images of edge-on galax- 
ies to reach /i~31 r-mag arcsec"'^, with similar depths in the 
g and i-band. The SDSS images were scaled, using a char- 
acteristic scale size for the galaxies, and combined using an 
approximation for the mode of the pixel values in the image 
stack. The resulting galaxy light distribution was modelled 
by a double exponential disc (exponential in radial and ver- 
tical direction) convolved with the effective PSF, derived 
from similarly stacked star images. An extra component in 
addition to the convolved galaxy model was clearly detected 
that followed a power-law radial l ight distribut i on wi th an 
axial ratio of about 0.6. However, IZibetti et al.l (|2004l ) may 
have underestimated the effective PSF at large radii, prob- 
ably due to the procedure used to stack the stellar images 
and due to the way they extrapolated the PSF profile to 

larg e radii. 

IZibetti et al.l (|2004l ) selected their edge-on galaxy sam- 
ple from the "Large-Scale Structu re Sample 10" of galaxies 
compiled by iBlanton et all l|2005l ) from the SDSS in April 
2002 (about the size of SDSS DR2). Their sample selection 
was based on cuts by minimum luminosity and isophotal 
diameter as well as an isophotal flattening criterion. Visual 
inspection removed further unsuitable candidates, reducing 
the flrst cut sample of 1221 galaxies to a final sample of 1047. 
After removal of contaminating sources the galaxy frames 
were rotated to align the major axis and scaled radially to 
a common characteristic size in the j-band. The final halo 

4 Roelof S. de Jong 

results were nearly independent of whether Petrosian, half- 
light, isophotal radii or exponential scale lengths were used 
as reference, and I will use Petrosian r adii from her e on. 
As a common reference for radial scaling IZibetti et alj used 
the median scale size of the sample as expressed in pixels, 
where each pixel is 0.396 arcsec in the SDSS. The images 
were combined using an approximation of the mode of all 
pixel values in the stack at a given position: 

approximate mode = 3 x median — 2 x average. 


where the median and average images were created from 
the median and (sigma clipped) average values of the stack 


IZibetti et al.l (|200J) followed the same procedure to cal- 
culate an effective PSF for the image stacks. They present 
their final stacked PSFs for 4 passbands as modelled by a 
Gaussian core and an exponential tail. However, their PSF 
models are presented out to only 15-22 pixels (depending 
on filter), while their observations stretch to about 100 pix- 
els. The raw PSF profiles are not shown and we cannot be 
sure whether the exponential tail is a good approximation 
at radii larger than 20 pixels. I have therefore recreated the 
stacked PSFs in order to calculate galaxy models out to the 
last measured point. 

3.1 Determining SDSS PSFs 

The largest galaxies in the sample are several times larger 
than the median value used for scaling reference and so both 
the galaxy and associated PSF will be shrunk by a large fac- 
tor before stacking. Thus, to create a stacked PSF out to 100 
pixels, as used in the galaxy stacks, we need to determine 
the PSF on the individual frames to even larger radii. To 
accomplish this, we need to combine the profiles of both 
saturated an d unsa turated stars. From the sample used by 
IZibetti et al.l (|200J) I selected at random 20 galaxies and 
downloaded their full SDSS frames in all passbands. From 
these frames I extracted the azimuthal median radial lu- 
minosity profiles of a bright but unsaturated star and the 
brightest isolated star, which was always saturated at the 
core. By matching these profiles in the high signal-to-noise 
overlap region I reproduced one very extended PSF profile, 
often reaching 200 pixels in radius and 16 magnitudes below 
peak brightness. 

Comparing all 20 stellar profiles by normalising the fiux 
within 10 pixel radius, I find they are well described by a 
central, Gaussian-like core surrounded by a faint envelope 
(Fig.[21l . The width of the core depends on camera column 
and time, i.e. the camera optics and the blurring by atmo- 
spheric seeing. The surrounding envelope is very similar in 
shape across all frames, with a brightness that depends only 
on the total brightness of the star. This halo is most likely 
caused by scattering off of dust particles on the telescope 
optics. The shape and brightness of the halo is the same 
in all filters with a near power law profile of slope about 
-2.6. The only exception is the i-band filter, which shows 
an additional exponential component dominating between 
35 and 180 pixels. This feature is typical for backside illu- 
minated thinned CCD s as de scribed in more detail in for 
instance ISirianni et al.l (|2005r ). This extra PSF component 
in the i-band filter explains the red haloes seen around all 
bright stars in SDSS colour images, irrespective of the star's 








\ ^ 

^ 6 

\ \ 



\ ^ 

'-•■.■. \ * 

S 8 


J^ , 

•- \*.v"> 


<i 10 




-, \. > 







3 10 30 

r [pixel] 


Figure 2. SDSS Point Spread Functions colour coded for the g, r, 
and j-bands as indicated by the legend. Solid lines show typical 
SDSS PSFs derived from faint and bright stars as described in 
the text. Dashes lines show the average PSFs after scaling and 
stacking. The dotte d lines show the stacked PSFs as presented by 
IZibetti et"al] l l2004h . 

intrinsic colour. The additional i-band scattered light is, as 
I will show below, important when measuring colours of dif- 
fuse haloes around edge-on galaxies. 

I determine the final radial PSF profile for each filter by 
taking the weighted mean of all star profiles (irrespective of 
central core variations) . The weights were set by the square 
root of the relative brightness of the bright stars used to 
determine the outer halo of the PSF. This results in PSF 
profiles with S/N>2 out to about 180 pixels. This radial ex- 
tent is still not enough, as the scale sizes of some galaxies are 
6 times larger than the median value and for these galaxies 
the PSF will be scaled down to approximately 30 pixels ra- 
dius. I chose to extend the profiles beyond 180 pixels with 
a power law of slope -2.6 as seen between 40 and 180 pixel 
radius. Choosing for instance an exponential profile with a 
sharper cut off does not make a significant difference to the 
final stacked PSF. 

3.2 PSF stacking and effective PSFs 

As far as p o ssible I have reproduced the procedure of 
IZibetti et"al] (|2004h to create effective PSFs. I applied the 
same selection criteria to the Large-Scale Structure Sample 
10 (minus eye inspection), used the Petrosian radii to scale 
the ID PSFs radially, and used the central galaxy luminosi- 
ties to scale the PSFs in intensity. The radial scaling was 
done so as to conserve surface brightness, not total luminos- 
ity of the stellar PSF profile, as was done for the galaxies. 

When I combine these scaled PSFs with the mode ap- 
proximation of Eq.[T] I get negative values at most radii. 
The empirically derived mode approximation of Eq.[T] only 
produces reasonable results if the value distribution is not 

PSF tails and galaxy halo light 5 

z [pixel] 

z [pixel] 

z [pixel] 

Figure 3. Light profiles parallel to the minor axis at four dist ances from the ga laxy centre for the g-band (left), r-band (middle), and 
i-band (right). Symbols represent the data as presented by iZibetti et alj 1120041) with distances from the centre and offsets in surface 
brightness indicated by the legends. The dashed line shows the minor axis light profile of the galaxy model before convolution. The 
dotted line shows the average stacked SDSS PSF. The thick coloured solid lines show the vertical cuts at the four different radii through 
the convolved disk only model, the thin lines have an added Sersic profile halo as described in the text. 

too skewed teen dall fc StuartlHoTTJ ') . While this is probably 
true for the scaled galaxy stack (assuming that the galaxies 
are self-similar), this is not true for the scaled stars in the 
absence of noise. The apparent scale size distribution of the 
galaxies is strongly skewed to small angular sizes, and hence 
the scaled stellar profile intensities will be strongly skewed, 
exacerbated by the steep profile shape. PSFs stacked with 
mode approximation are clearly a poor representation of the 
true effective PSF. Using the median intensity at each ra- 
dius instead results in a profile nearly identical to the input 
PSF. This is to be expected as everything is scaled to the 
median characteristic galaxy scale size and just as many 
PSFs are scaled smaller as are scaled larger. The intensity 
scaling is a small effect compared to the radial scaling due to 
the steepness of the PSF profile. Using the average value at 
each radius results in a profile that is a smoothed version of 
the original PSF, with some of the central light distributed 
to larger radii. 

Figure[2] shows typical SDSS PSFs for the g, r, and i- 
bands (which are, as mentioned before, virtually identical to 
the median stacked PSFs), together with the av erage stacked 
PSFs and the stacked PSFs as determined bv lZibetti et al.l 
(I2OOJ) using the mode approximation. The average stacked 
PSFs are clearly more extended than th e original (an d hence 
median stacked) PSFs. However, the IZibetti et ahl (|2004l ) 
stacked PSFs are much more compact than the typical PSFs 
of SDSS images, especially between 3 and 10 pixels and at 
radii larger than 20 pixels. This is unlikely to happen when 
stacking radially scaled PSFs with conservation of surface 
brightness. The compactness of their PSFs at small radii 
therefore seems to be the result of the mode approximation 
that is incorrect for such skewed intensity distributions. The 
sharper cutoffs of their PSFs at larger radii is due to the ex- 
ponential extrapolation where a power law seems more ap- 
propriate. It is not entirely clear which effective stacked PSF 
method is most representative of the final galaxy stack. The 
only correct way of doing this is to create models of each 

individual galaxy, convolved with the image PSF, and stack 
these models. This is beyond the scope of this paper and 
I will use the averaged stacked PSFs as the best represen- 
tation of the final galaxy stack PSF. In the analysis in the 
next section I will indicate how galaxy halo measurements 
are affecte d by using a d ifferent choice of PSF (i.e., median 
stacking or lZibetti et al.i (,2004. ) stacking). 

3.3 Modelling SDSS stacked galaxy profiles 

In Fig.Ol show the data from figure 6 of lZibetti et"aLl l|2004 ). 
which shows the luminosity profiles of the stacked galaxy 
images parallel to the minor axis at four distances from the 
centre. I model these light distributions with a similar model 
galaxy as used for the HUDF case, with an exponential ra- 
dial distribution and a sech vertical distribution. In this case 
I do not include a break in the radial luminosity distribu- 
tion, even though I will show it is necessary to explain the 
light profiles. For simplicity I use the same scale length and 
height for all filters, even though the fit could be somewhat 
improved by varying the scale lengths with wavelength. The 
minor axis input light profile is shown, as well as the effective 
PSFs used to convolve the models. Finally, I show profiles 
of the convolved 2D model at each of the four vertical cuts. 
The models show that significant amounts of light are 
found at large radii due to PSF scattering. This is especially 
true for the i-band, where a large fraction of the light at 
heights greater than 15 pixels above the midplane could be 
due to scattered light. The cuts farther away from the centre 
and profiles in the g and r-passbands have more light in ex- 
cess of the scattered light profiles, but are still often within 
a magnitude (a factor ~2) of the model profile. Between 15 
and 40 pixels above the midplane, where the data are most 
reliable, about 50% of the light comes from scattered in g 
and r, increasing to about 80% in i. Clearly, any accurate 
modelling of this excess light requires a thorough under- 
standing of the scattered light profile. The most successful 

6 Roelof S. de Jong 

Figure 4. The minor axis colour profiles. The symbols with error- 
bars show the q — r (orange diamonds ) and r-i (red circles) data 
as presented by IZibetti et "aD l|2004l ). The PSF convolved disk 
only models are represented by thick orange dotted {g—r) and red 
solid (r— i) lines, thin lines have an added Sersic profile halo as 
described in the text. 

detection is most likely to occur in the four quadrants away 
from the major and minor axes. The model over-predicts the 
luminosity near the midplane of the profile farthest from the 
centre, whilst matching the data near the midplane for the 
other three radii. A break in the radial profile is necessary 
between the third and the fourth profiles to explain the hght 
distribution. Such a break will somewhat increase the sig- 
nificance of the halo detection in the outer most profile. 

Using the median effective PSFs, the model profiles 
are still within 1 mag of the data. The median stacked 
PSF yields a slightly larger dip between 10 and 30 pixels, 
which is smo othed out when using average stacking. The 
IZibetti et al] (2004) model PSFs do not explain the hght 
at radii larger than 30 pixels as they cut off exponentially, 
but at these larger radii their effective PSF is unlikely to be 

The remaining difference between the observations and 
the convolved disk model can be explained by adding a halo 
of a for m that is typical of what is found by the GHOSTS 
survey l|de Jong et al.ll2007l . de Jong et al., in preparation). 
The GHOSTS survey measures halo shapes from HST star 
counts not effected by PSF convol ution. The ty pical halo 
envelope can be parameterised by a lSersid (|l968l ) profile: 

EB(r) = Ecffe' 



with n=5.5, the effective radius enclosing half the luminos- 
ity ('"eft) equal to a third of the disk scale length, and the 
effective surface brightness at this radius (Ecff) equal to a 
tenth of the central surface brightness of the disk. The halo 
has a fiattening of vertical-over-major axis of 0.65. The re- 
sult of adding this additional halo component to the model 
is shown by the thin solid lines in Fig.|3] This shows that 
the remaining excess can indeed be explained by a halo pro- 
file that is typical for nearby massive disk galaxies. However, 
due to the uncertainty in the PSF convolution it will be very 
challenging to invert this process and derive halo parameters 
fro m the integrat e d ligh t measurements. 

IZibetti etld] (|2004 ) found that the detected halo hght 

showed very anomalous colours, especially in r-i. In Fig.|4] 
I reproduce their minor axis colour profiles with my PSF 
convolved model. The colour gradient seen in ) — i can be 
fully ascribed to the difference in PSF between r and i, as 
the intrinsic light distribution has no colour gradient at all. 
The anomalous extra scattered light component in the i- 
band PSF causes the strong colour gradient. The very good 
agreement between r-i model and data strongly suggests 
that the average stacked PSF is a fair approximation for the 
effective PSF. The model also predicts a colour gradient in 
g-r between 10 and 35 pixels. No clear trend is seen in the 
data, but the errorbars at these radii are so large that the 
model is consistent with the data. On the other hand, only 
about 50% of the hght is due to scattering in these passbands 
according the model, therefore the observed colour gradient 
is expected to be less than the model prediction if there is 
no intrinsic colour in the galaxy. Indeed, adding the typi- 
cal GHOSTS Sersic halo to the models as described above 
reduces the colour gradients, relatively more in g-r than in 
1 — i. This shows that the scattered light still dominates the 
colours in i — i for a reasonable halo profile. 

Using the median stacked PSFs instead of the average 
stacked PSFs yields model colour gradients on the minor 
axis that are much steeper beyond 10 pixels than observed. 
Such a steep gradient would need to be compensated by 
a significa nt real halo component with no colour gradient. 
The Zib ctti et al.l ((2004) PSFs produce a very steep colour 
gradient starting at 5 pixels and a real halo would need to 
dominate at these radii to reduce the scattered hght colour 


Measuring the exact halo hght distribution around edge-on 
disc light from the integrated light distribution is very chal- 
lenging. In addition to careful fiat fielding and removal of 
fore- and background sources, particular attention has to be 
paid to the effect of scattered light from the central disc. 
Specifically, for edge-on galaxies it is not sufficient to com- 
pare the galaxy minor axis light profile with the PSF profile; 
at large heights above the disc scattered light is contributed 
from the whole galaxy, not just the centre, and a full convo- 
lution of a 2D model is needed to assess the scattered hght 
contamination. Basic modelling suggests that the minor axis 
may not be the optimum place to detect a halo, but for a 
fiattened halo one should look in the quadrants away from 
the major and minor axis where scattered light contribution 
from the disc is smaller relative to the halo. 

I find that the extended component seen along the 
minor axis of an HUDF edge-on galaxy can almost 
fully be explained by scattered light. The observations of 
Zibet ti fc Ferg uson (,200.4|) for this galaxy do show an ex- 
tended component along the major axis that cannot be 
explained by scattered light. Similarly, the halo detec- 
tion around stacke d SDSS edge-on galaxies reported by 
IZibetti et al.l l|2004l ) has a significant scattered light contam- 
ination, especially along the minor axis and in the i-band. 
Depending on the assumed best method to create a stacked 
PSF the contamination along the minor axis in the i-band 
can amount to 80% of the light, in the g and r-bands 50%. 
The contamination decreases with other PSF assumptions 

PSF tails and galaxy halo light 7 

and going to one of the quadrants, but the PSF uncertain- 
ties make it hard to derive accurate stellar halo properties. 
The excess light seen on top of the disk only model is consis- 
tent with a Sersic law halo wit h parameters typical of those 
found by the GHOSTS survey l|de Jong et al.ll2007l . de Jong 
at al., in preparation). 

The anomalou s min or a xis halo colours rep orted by 
IZibetti fc FergusonI (|2004 ) and'Zibct ti et all (|2004 ) are con- 
sistent with originating from scattered light c ontamination. 
In par ticular, the colour gradients reported bv lZibetti et al.l 
i|2004l) can be modelled by an extended PSF as calculated 
from the average of the observed scaled SDSS PSFs. There 
seems to be no need to invoke extreme s tellar population 
to exp lain these colours as proposed by IZackrisson et al.l 
l|2006l ). The expected contribution from a typical GHOSTS 
halo is so small in the i-band that it has only a small effect 
on the predicted colour gradient. 

There have b een other reports of anomalo us galaxy stel- 
lar halo colours. iLequeux et al.l (|l996l , Il998l ) report thick 
disk or halo _BV7-band colours of edge-on galaxy NGC5907 
that are only consistent with colours of elliptical galaxies, 
i.e. an old, metal rich stellar population. In this case the er- 
rors are unlikely to be due to scattered light; the thick disk 
is detected at about a factor 10^ below the central bright- 
ness at about 80 arcsec above the midplane, while the PSF 
is already lO'^ below peak brightness at 16 arcsec radius. 
Not even a factor 10 enhancement of the scattered light 
effect due to the edge-on disc configuration can make up 
that difference. Similarly, the red haloes reported around 
Blue Compact Galaxies (see e.g., IZackrisson et al.l |2006| . 
and references therein) are not caused by scattered light. 
The galaxies are too large compared to the PSF and the 
haloes show substructure different from the central galaxy 
that is unlikely to be due to the substr ucture in the PSF. 

Unfort unately, the examples of IZibetti fc FergusonI 

(|2004l ') and IZibetti et all (|2004l ') are close to the limit where 
scattered light is no longer significant and slightly larger 
objects would have avoided problems. The HUDF does not 
contain a larger edge-on galaxy that would render scattered 
light unimportant. However, the SDSS study could now be 
repeated on a sample of larger galaxies as the area surveyed 
by SDSS has nearly tripled since the IZibetti et al] (|2004l ') 
study. Ideally, such a study would use only a small range 
of scale sizes to avoid large spatial scaling corrections and 
uncertainties in the effective PSF. Taking about a two times 
as large an isophotal selection limit would probably suffice, 
especially in the g and r-bands. 

While measuring halo properties from integrated light 
remains plagued with large uncertainties, we do have a tech- 
nique that allows us to accurately measure the stellar en- 
velopes around galaxies. By performing star counts of re- 
solved stellar populations we can measure equivalent sur- 
face brightnesses to very faint li mits as spectacul arly demon- 
strated for M31 and M33 (e.g.. Ilbata etal .1120071 '). These ob- 
servations are not affected by scattered light and only min- 
imally by fiat fielding errors. The main limitations of this 
method lie in fore- and background contaminating objects 
and low number statistics (too few brights stars at very low 
surface brightnesses/densities). Very few massive, highly in- 
clined galaxies can be studied with ground-based resolution, 
but HST allows a much larger sample of galaxies to be stud- 
ied. Indeed, preliminary results from the GHOSTS survey 

show conclusively that most large galaxies do have very ex- 
tended stellar envelopes, with envelope size likely depending 
on galaxy mass and bulge-to-disc ratio (Ide Jong et al.ll2007l , 
de Jong et al., in preparation). 


I thank Stefano Zibetti, Annette Ferguson, and Simon White 
for very constructive comments on an earlier version of this 
manuscript that improved its final quality. I am grateful to 
Michael Blanton for providing a machine readable version of 
the SDSS Large-Scale Structure Sample 10. I thank David 
Radburn-Smith for a critical reading of a previous version 
of this manuscript. Eric Zackrisson provided feedback that 
improved my appreciation of the intricacies of the red halo 
phenomenon. I acknowledge Eric Bell for making this paper 
see the light of day. 

Funding for the SDSS and SDSS-II has been provided 
by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Participating In- 
stitutions, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. De- 
partment of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration, the Japanese Monbukagakusho, the Max 
Planck Society, and the Higher Education Funding Council 
for England. The SDSS Web Site is 

The SDSS is managed by the Astrophysical Research 
Consortium for the Participating Institutions. The Partic- 
ipating Institutions are the American Museum of Natu- 
ral History, Astrophysical Institute Potsdam, University of 
Basel, University of Cambridge, Case Western Reserve Uni- 
versity, University of Chicago, Drexel University, Fermilab, 
the Institute for Advanced Study, the Japan Participation 
Group, Johns Hopkins University, the Joint Institute for 
Nuclear Astrophysics, the Kavli Institute for Particle As- 
trophysics and Cosmology, the Korean Scientist Group, the 
Chinese Academy of Sciences (LAMOST) , Los Alamos Na- 
tional Laboratory, the Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy 
(MPIA), the Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics (MPA), 
New Mexico State University, Ohio State University, Uni- 
versity of Pittsburgh, University of Portsmouth, Princeton 
University, the United States Naval Observatory, and the 
University of Washington. 


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