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The Fall and the Rise of X-rays from Dwarf Novae in Outburst: 
RXTE Observations of VW Hydri and WW Ceti 

D. Fertig^ K. Mukai^, T. Nelson^'^, and J.K. Cannizzo^ 

Department of Physics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Circle, 

O ' Baltimore, MD 21250. 

(N ■ 




In a dwarf nova, the accretion disk around the white dwarf is a source of 
pj . ultraviolet, optical, and infrared photons, but is never hot enough to emit X-rays, 

p^ . Observed X-rays instead originate from the boundary layer between the disk and 

^ . the white dwarf. As the disk switches between quiescence and outburst states, 

the 2-10 keV X-ray flux is usually seen to be anti-correlated with the optical 
brightness. Here we present RXTE monitoring observations of two dwarf novae, 
c/3 . VW Hyi and WW Get, confirming the optical/X-ray anti-correlation in these two 

systems. However, we do not detect any episodes of increased hard X-ray flux on 
the rise (out of two possible chances for WW Get) or the decline (two for WW 
^ ! Get and one for VW Hyi) from outburst, attributes that are clearly established 

Tj- ! in SS Gyg. The addition of these data to the existing literature establishes the 

fact that the behavior of SS Gyg is the exception, rather than the archetype as is 
[-^ ! often assumed. We speculate on the origin of the diversity of behaviors exhibited 

O I by dwarf novae, focusing on the role played by the white dwarf mass. 

Subject headings: Stars 

• 1—1 - 

5t 1 ^Present address: Department of Physics & Astronomy, George Mason University, MSN 3F3, Fairfax, VA 


^Also CRESST and X-ray Astrophysics Laboratory, NASA/GSFC, Greenbch, MD 20771 

^Also X-ray Astrophysics Laboratory, NASA/GSFC, Greenbeh, MD 20771 

''Present address: School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota, 116 Church St. SE, Min- 
neapohs, MN 55455 

^Also CRESST and Astroparticle Physics Laboratory, NASA/GSFC, Greenbeh, MD 20771 



The outburst cycles of dwarf novae are understood as due to thermal instability in the 
accretion disk around the white dwarf primary. In the simplest form of the theory, the disk 
traces an S-curve in the surface density (S)-effective temperature (Teff) plane, with two 
stable branches. The mass transfer rate from the Roche-lobe filling secondary is sufficiently 
low in dwarf novae that the disk is usually in the quiescent branch in which Teg is low and 
hydrogen is mostly neutral. The disk is completely out of steady state, with accretion rate 
m at each radius r varying as 7h{r) oc r^, so the accretion rate onto the white dwarf is low 
and S increases over time. When it reaches the end of the quiescent branch, the disk jumps 
to the outburst branch in which the disk is hot, ionized, and efficiently transports matter 
onto the white dwarf. See iLasota I (l200l[ ) for a comprehensive review of the disk instability 

Dwarf novae are well known sources of 2-10 keV X-rays, particularly during quiescence 
but also in outburst. Since the accretion disk surrounding a white dwarf is never hot enough 
to generate X-rays, even during outburst, we must seek th eir origin elsewhere. A widely h eld 
view is that they originate in an equatorial boundary (jPatterson fc Raymond I ll985al Jbl). 
which connects the Keplerian accretion disk to the sl owly rotating white dwa rf surface. 
The detection of a narrow X-ray eclipse in OY Car (e.g. JWheatley fc West II2003I ) and other 
deeply eclipsing dwarf novae in quiescen ce is consistent with this picture, wh ile casting doubt 
on the "coronal siphon flow" model of iMeyer &: Meyer-Hofmeister I ( ll994j ). which posits a 
hot, spatially extended X-ray emitting region around the white dwarf. In the rest of this 
paper, we therefore proceed with the boundary layer model as the basis of our interpretation. 

In this view, the quiescent boundary layer is optically thin and hot {kT ~10 keV) while 
the outburst boundary layer is predominantly optically thick with {kT ~10 eV) but also con- 
tains an optically thin region. Coordinated multi-wavelength observations of dwarf novae 
can therefore reveal the physical states of the accretion disk and the boundary layer, at dif- 
ferent points duri ng the outburst cycle. Previous ca mpaigns during a single outburst include 
those on SS Cyg dwheatlev et al. Iboosh. V W Hyi Jwheatlev et al. Ill996[ iHartmann et al. 

19991 ). and GW Lib ( Byckling et al. II2009I ). These three campaigns in particular had dense 
enough X-ray coverage through the outburst to enable the authors to study the time evolu- 
tion of X-ray flux. Ca mpaigns that covered multiple out burst cycles inc lude those on YZ Cnc 

fIVerbunt et al. 1119991) . V1159 Ori fISzkodv et al. Ill999h . and SU UMa flColhns fc Wheatlev 

2010l ). Here we present our anal ysis of two sets of X-ray observations taken with the PCA 
instrument (jjahoda et al. 1119961 ) on board RXTE ( JBradt et al. Ill993l ). one of a superout- 
burst of VW Hyi, the other of WW Cet obtained over three months and containing two 
outbursts. These data sets are well suited to the study of transitions of the X-ray emissions 


from quiescence to outburst and back. 

Observations and Data Reduction 

VW Hyi is a dwarf nova with a quiescent magnitude of V~14 and an orbital period of 
1.78 hr (ISchoembs fc Vogt Ill98ll ). In addition to the normal outbursts (once every 20-30 
d), it has superoutbursts once every 180 d or so, the defining characteristic of the SU UMa 
subclass. The superoutbursts are brighter (V~8.5 vs. 9.5) and last longer (10-14 d vs. 
3-5 d), and are characterized by superhumps, whic h are photona e tric v ariations at a period 

slightly longer than the orbital period (~1.84 hr). ISmith et al. I ( 120061 ) estimated its white 

dwarf to be O.Tlln'^K M© base d on a refined measur ement of the gravitational redshift in the 


photospheric absorption line. iPringle et al. I ( 119871 ) contains further details of VW Hyi. 

VW Hyi was observed 42 times with RXTE between 1996 May 02 13:08 UT and 1996 
May 16 23:55 UT (obsIDs 10041-02-01-00 through 10041-02-44-00 except 10041-02-31-00 and 
10041-02-36-00), with a typical exposure of 2 ks each and separated by 4-16 hr. According 
to the AAVSO data base, VW Hyi went into an outburst around JD 2450201.0 (1996 Apr 27 
at 12 UT), brightening from magnitude 13.5 to ~9 in about 6 hr, and returned to quiescence 
(V>13) at about 2450216.25 (May 12 at 18 UT). Both the peak magnitude (V<9) and the 
duration establish this as a superoutburst, even though we do not have direct confirmation 
through the detection of superhumps. Thus, the RXTE observations started ~5 d after the 
start of a superoutburst of VW Hyi and continued ~4 d after its return to quiescence. 

WW Get is a dwarf nova with a 4.22 hr orbital period, with an average quiescent mag- 
nitude of V=13.9 a nd reaching V~ll in o utburst, and also show ing occasional low states 

as faint as V=16.2 ( jRingwald et al. Ill996[ ). iHawkins et al. I (Il990[ ) carried out radial veloc- 

ity measurements of the accretion disk and the secondary, and assuming a main-sequence 
companion, estimated t h e whi te dwarf mass to be 0.83±0.16 Mq for this system. Recently, 
Simonsen fc Stubbings I (1201 ll ) have detected a standstill in WW Get for the first time, es- 
tablishing this to be a Z Gam type dwarf nova. However, at the time of our observations, it 
displayed the normal quiescence-outburst behavior of dwarf novae. 

WW Get was observed every day for 90 consecutive days between 2002 Aug 14 and 
2002 Nov 11 (obsIDs 70005-01-01-00 through 70005-01-90-00), with a typical daily exposure 
of 2.5-3.5 ks. On 9 occasions, the observations were split into two sub-exposures (Oct 25, 
26, 27, 29; Nov 1, 2, 3, 10, and 11), and once (Nov 8) into three sub-exposures, which were 
correspondingly shorter. Treating them separately, we therefore have 101 observations of 
WW Get over a 3-month period. According to the AAVSO data base, WW Get went into 


outburst twice during this campaign; we will describe them in more details below. The last 
outburst before 2002 Aug 14 was poorly covered but appears to have ended on or around 
Jul 12; the first outburst after Nov 11 started on Dec 10. 

We analyzed the standard 2 binned mode data (i.e., 129 channel spectra accumulated 
every 16 s) using HEAsoft v6.6.3. We screened the data using the following screening cri- 
teria: angular separation between target and the pointing direction of < 0.05°, elevation 
angle > 5°, time since the last SAA passage of >25 min, and electron contamination low 
(ELECTRON2<0.1). PCA background was estimated using L7 faint model. VW Hyi obser- 
vations were taken with 3 to 5 of the 5 PCUs active. Observations of WW Get, on the other 
hand, were obtained with 2 or 3 active PCUs. This, however, included PCUO, which by 2002 
had lost its propane layer, leading to a larger uncertainty in the background modeling. We 
therefore excluded PCUO data from further analysis for WW Cet (but not for VW Hyi). 

Since the PCA has little sensitivity below 2.5 keV, and these sources are not significantly 
detected above 10 keV, we analyze the background subtracted date in the 2.5-10 keV range. 
Since our main interest is the variability through an outburst or through an interoutburst 
period, our main data products are the average count rates per active PCU per pointing. 
We also performed spectral fitting for completeness, even though the data quality is rather 
limited for this purpose. 

3. Results 

3.1. VW Hyi 

We present the X-ray and visual light curves of VW Hyi in Figured] There is a clear 
dichotomy in the observed RXTE count rates: the first 30 points (taken during the 10 day 
period covering the superoutburst peak and decline) are at 0.25±0.04 cs~^PCU~^ (mean 

and standard deviation) 
0.67±0.08 cs-iPCU-^ 

The last 12 points, taken after the return to quiescence, are at 

W e have fitted the average quiescent spectra of VW Hyi using a single te mperature mekal 

model ( iMewe et al. Ill985l Il986l : iLiedahl et al. Ill995l : iKaastra et al. Ill996l ) with a Gaussian 

emission line at 6.4 keV and a neutral absorber. This gives an acceptable fit (x^=0.74) with 
kT = 6.4±1.3 keV, metallicity 0.44±0.22 solar, and a 240 eV equivalent width line at 6.4 
keV, and a 2-10 keV flux of 7.3x10^^^ ergcm~^s^^. Although multi-temperature models 
are more physical an d known to be required in fitting higher- quality X-ray data on VW Hyi 
(jPandel et al. II2005I ) and result in even lower xl with the RXTE data, they are not required 
due to the modest spectral resolution of the PCA. 


We have also attempted spectral fits to the average superoutburst spectrum of VW Hyi 
for completeness. Although our analysis indicates a nominal 2-10 keV fiux of 2.7xl0~^^ 
ergcm~^s~^, this is below the confusion limit for the PCA data of 4x10^^^ ergcm~^s~^ 

(jJahoda et al. I l2006l ) set by the Poissonian fiuctuation in the cosmic X-ray background 
within the PCA field-of-view in the direction of VW Hyi. Therefore, while we can be con- 
fident that VW Hyi was fainter in superoutburst by 0.42±0.09 cs^^PCU"^ (approximately 
5xl0~^^ ergcm~^s~^) than in quiescence, we cannot determine the actual flux level or the 
spectral shape during superoutburst from our data. 

The X-ray state transition took place in 17 hr. The last superoutburst obsID is 10041- 
02-30-00, with good exposure between 05:09 and 05:37 UT on 1996 May 12. The average 
2.5-10 keV count rate is 0.20 cs~^ and there is no significant change in brightness within 
the exposure. The first quiescence obsID is 10041-02-32-OClj, which started 21:10 UT on the 
same day, by which time it was already at 0.57 cs~^. During this interval, VW Hyi declined 
from V~12.5 (at 07:24 UT) to ~13.3 (at 18:37 UT), close to the quiescent level. 

Our best-fit quiescent model predicts an EXOSAT M E rate of 0.6 cs ^ per hal f 

which is in reasonable agreement with the observations of Ivan der Woerd fc Heise I ( 119871 ). 


It also predicts ~3 c s ^ w ith Ginga LAC, somewhat lower than the observed rate of ~5 c s ^ 

of ( iWheatley et al. Ill996[ ) . This Ginga observation also included the outburst to quiescence 
transition. In this case, the strong variability within each orbit makes it harder to judge the 
exact duration of transition (see their Figure 2), but it was definitely shorter than 0.4 day, 
and was arguably as short as 0.1 day. In the latter interpretation, the last ~0.3 day of Ginga 
data may be interpreted as showing a slight rise from the initial quiescent level of ~4 cs~^ 
to ~7 cs~^ during some orbits. 

3.2. WW Get 

We present the X-ray and visual light curves of WW Cet in Figure[2J Similarly to the 
case of VW Hyi, WW Cet shows a significant decrease in the X-ray fiux level during the two 
outbursts. The average quiescent count rates and standard deviations are 0.65±0.05 on Aug 
14 & 15, 0.70±0.07 during Aug 23-Oct 12, and 0.61±0.12 during Aug 26-Nov 11. During 
outburst, the background-subtracted count rates are consistent with zero (0.00±0.02 on Aug 
17-21 and 0.00±0.03), well within the systematic uncertainty in the background level. 

^It is likely that an obsID 10041-02-31-00 was planned between these exposures, but was canceled due to 
a higher priority observation. 


The quiescent spectrum of WW Get can be described using a single temperature model 
(x^=0.82) with kT = 7.0±0.5 keV, metallicity 0.50±0.10 solar, and a 67 eV equivalent width 
line at 6.4 keV, and a 2-10 keV flux of 8.2x10"^^ ergcm~^s~^. The quiescent flux is clearly 
not constant, but there is a sufficiently high level of point-to-point variability that we cannot 
comment on any systematic trends. Most importantly, we have fitted a constant and a linear 
line to the fully covered interoutburst period between Aug 23 and Oct 12. We obtain a lower 
xl with the constant model: That is, we do not detect a secular trend in the quiescent X-ray 
fiux of WW Get. 

We appear to have resolved the X-ray transitions into and out of outbursts in WW 
Get. The count rates and statistical errors on Aug 16, Aug 22, Oct 13, and Oct 22 are 
0.46±0.04, 0.41±0.04, 0.16±0.04, and 0.14±0.04, intermediate between the quiescent and 
outburst levels. We therefore investigate the relative timing of X-ray and optical transitions 
in more detail. 

The Aug 16 X-ray data were taken between 13:17 and 14:11 UT. In the optical, AAVSO 
reports visible data on Aug 16 at 16:22 UT (V=14.6) and on Aug 17 at 12:30 UT (V=11.2). 
Thus, it appears that X-ray decline began before a significant rise in the optical. The 
intermediate X-ray point at the end of this outburst was taken on Aug 22 between 10:09 and 
10:54 UT, which unfortunately falls in a significant gap in the optical coverage (between Aug 
21 12:34 UT, when WW Get was at V=13.34, and Aug 24 16:13 UT at V=14.96), but was 
in any case close to the return to quiescence. The Oct 13 X-ray data were taken between 
13:27 and 14:21 UT. In the optical, WW Get was already at V=11.5 at 10:15 UT. The Oct 
25 X-ray data were taken between 20:00 and 20:13 UT, which is after it was seen at V=15.3 
at 06:24 UT, therefore it appears that the X-ray recovery took place only after the system 
had already returned to quiescence. 

3.3. Comparisons with Past Campaigns 

In terms of the boundary layer behavior, the single best observed outburst of an y dwarf 

novae may well be the 1996 October outburst of SS Gyg (jWheatley et al. 1120031 ). This 
outburst had the following features: (1) During the rise of the outburst, the >2 ("hard") 
keV fiux initially increases ("enhancement - rise"); (2) The optically thick boundary layer 
develops, as evidenced by the sudden increase in the EUV fiux and a simultaneous drop in the 
hard X-ray fiux is delayed relative to the optical rise ("X-ray delay"); (3) Through the bulk 
of the outburst, the hard X-ray fiux is lower than in quiescence ("X-ray suppression"); (4) 
During this period, the X-ray spectrum is softer than in quiescence ("Spectral softening"); 
(5) The optically thick boundary layer disappears near the end of the optical decay, as 


evidenced by decreased EUV flux and increased hard X-ray flux ( "Recovery at late decline" ) ; 
and (6) The hard X-ray flux remains elevated for a period after the recovery ("Enhancement 
- decline"). 

It is worth examining the body of data accumulated to date to determine if these 
features should be taken as the paradigm in which to interpret observations of outbursts of 
other dwarf novae, for which only lesser quantity and/or quality of data are available. We 
have therefore searched the literature for descriptions of well-observed outbursts, and judged 
how many of these features are shared by other outbursts. 

SU UMa shares 4 of the 6 characteristics with SS Cyg according to lCoUins &: Wheatley 

( 120101 ). but failed to show X-ray enhancements at rise or in decline. In the case of VW 
Hyi, the X-rays are suppressed during outburst and recover at lat e decline. Howev e r, the 
RXTE campaign did not cover the rise, and the ROSA T data of IWheatley et al. I (Il996l ) 

suggest little or no X-ray delay. iHartmann et al. I (119991 ) observed spectral softening in VW 
Hyi in outburst in their BeppoSAX data. However, elevated X-ray flux levels have not 
been definitively detected at rise or late decline, although the Ginga LAC data allow the 
possibility of enhancement at late decline. As for WW Get, we arrive at the same set of 
answers as for VW Hyi bas ed on the RXTE cam paign. As for U Gem, the X-rays are in fact 
enhanced during outburst (JMattei et al. Il2000l ). and the outburst spectral shape is co mplex 

enough to preclude a simple answer to the "softening" question (IGiiver et al. 112006). GW 

Lib is another dwarf nova with a higher X-ray flux during outburst (JByckling et al. 
which was also harder. We summarize these results in Tabledl 


In addition, ISzkody et al. I (119991 ) contains an intriguing report that the hard X-ray flux 
may have recovered during the middle of two superoutbursts of VI 159 Ori. However, the 
quality of the non-imaging RXTE data of VI 159 Ori is rather low, so we have not included 
this object in our table. Similarly, while IVerbunt et al. I (119991 ) shows that the X-ray fluxes 
are suppressed during outburst in YZ Gnc, this campaign is less conclusive regarding other 

4. Discussion and Conclusions 

This paper adds to the literature of X-ray observation of dwarf novae during outbursts. 
Through these observations and analyses, common, if not universal, patterns are emerging. 

In the majority of dwarf novae. X-ray flux is suppressed during outburst. This is true 
of 4 out of 6 systems listed in Tabled! probably also true in YZ Gnc and (largely) in VI 159 
Ori, as well as other dwarf novae for which one or two X-ray spectra have been obtained 

in outburst (e.g., Z Cam; see iBaskill et al. II2OOII ). We interpret this as the consequence 
of an optically thick boundary layer, which radiates most of the boundary layer luminosity 
during outburst. In these majority, the X-ray spectrum also appears to be come softer in 
outburst. We propose Compton cooling as a possible mechanism for this, as iNelson et al. 

( I2OIII ) postulated for the quiescent X-ray emission from RS Oph. 

Standard textbooks such as iFrank et al. I (120021 ) convincingly show that Compton cool- 
ing cannot be important in cataclysmic variables if the seed photons are from the heated 
surface of the white dwarf in a 1-zone accretion. However, the boundary layer in dwarf novae 
in outburst has at least two zones. At the equator, the boundary layer is optically thick, emit- 
ting copious soft photons; at somewhat higher latitude, the boundary layer is optically thi n 
but subject to these external seed photons (see Figure 8 of [Patterson &: Raymond Ill985al ). 
Since the number of soft photons greatly exceeds that of the hot electrons (e.g., by a factor 
of 1,000 if the energy of a 10 keV electron is radiated away by 10 eV photons), each elec- 
tron can experience many Compton scattering events even though each photon scatters once 
at most, thus keeping the soft spectrum largely unchanged (i.e., no hard inverse Compton 
component). Since the density of a cooling flow plasma rapidly increases towards lower tem- 
peratures, the optically thin region of the boundary layer is predominantly Compton cooled 
at high temperatures and predominantly Bremsstrahlung cooled at low te mperatures. The 
observed soft-to-hard X-ray luminosity ratio for SS Cyg in outburst is ~ 40 (IWheatley et al. 

2OO3I ) . which makes it plausible that the optical thin part of the boundary layer is partly 
Compton-cooled, since the two emitting regions lie close to each other within the boundary 

To interpret the X-ray transitions, we must consider the disk instability model in more 
detail. The instability is principally a local property of the disk. However, once a transition 
from the quiescent state to the outburst state happens in one part of the disk, this propagates 
in the form of a heating front, behind which the mass inflow rate becomes much higher. X- 
ray behaviors are altered when the heating front reaches the inner edge of the disk. The 
optical flux, on the other hand, predominantly arises from the outer parts of the disk, which 
have the most emitting area. It is likely that the outburst can start at a variety of radial 
distances from the white dwarf in different systems or in different outbursts, and this is 
described as "outside- in" and "inside-out" outbursts in the studies of UV delay (see, e.g., 
Cannizzo et al. 1119861 ). It is therefore possible to have a range of X-ray delay times among 
systems, and among different outbursts for a single dwarf nova. On the return to quiescence, 
the cooling front is likely to start from near the outer edge of the disk, and so X-ray transition 
happens when it reaches the boundary layer, near the end of optical decline. 

From our own analysis and a survey of the literature, we conclude that the temporary 


enhancement of X-ray flux during the rise and late decline has only been definitively seen in 
SS Cyg so far. There have only been two studies that attempt to incorporate the observa- 
tional constraints imposed by the X-ray observations of dwarf nova e throughout the course 
of an outburst into the disk instability mod el: The calculations of Schreiber et al. I (|2003[ ) 

were specifically for SS Cyg, while those of ISchreiber et al. I ( 12004 ) were tailored for VW 

Hyi. These papers adopt a critical value of Merit = 10^^ g s~^ in the inner disk as the di 
viding line betwee n having an optically th i n or thi ck boundary layer, following the empirical 
determination bv [Patterson fc Ravmond (1985m. A comparison of the t heoretical X-ray 

fluxes shown in Fig. 4 of ISchreiber et al. I ( 120031 ) with those of Fig. 9 of ISchreiber et al 

(120041 ) shows the X-ray enhancements, both during rise and decline, to be common to both 
models. Thus, the mo del can account for the behavior exhibited by SS Cyg (see Fig. 2 of 
WheatlevetaTlbooah . but not those of SU UMa, VW Hyi, or WW Cet (Table 1). 

To investigate this further, we have derived the critical accretion rate observationally 
for the 6 systems listed in Tabled] We assume that the highest luminosity observed for the 
optically thin component reflects (or is close to) this critical value. We have collected the 
information in Table|21 including the adopted values and references for the distances and 
the white dwarf mass. We convert the bolometric X-ray luminosity to accretion rate using 
L = GMi7h/2R, for a range of plausible values of Mi. We also plot the results in Figure[3] 
against Mi. For flve systems, the plots are limited to the range of Mi inferred from the 
reference cited. For SU UMa, we show three parallel lines over the entire mass range of the 
figure, as there are no published estimates for Mi. The objects are color-coded based on the 
presence or otherwise of hard X-ray suppression and temporary rise. For com parison, we 
also plot the theoretical curves from Figure 8(a) of iPopham fc Narayan I (119951 ). 

Unfortunately, we are unable to reach a fi rm conclusion, except t hat th e observationally 
derived values are all much lower than what iPopham fc Narayan I (119951 ) predicted. This 
may not be a huge problem, since the speciflc values depend on the assumptions made in the 
study, including the adopted value for the viscosity parameter, a. The authors themselves 
caution against adopting these precise theoretical values, although the strong dependence 
on Ml is likely to be a more robust conclusion. T he values we derived observation ally are in 
closer agreement with the empirical conclusion of iPatterson &: Raymond I (Il985bl ). 

Nevertheless, we propose that the diversity of behavior shown by these 6 dwarf novae 
reflects the fact that Merit is in fact a function of various system parameters, and not uniform 
among all dwarf novae. In this view, the quiescent accretion rate is already close to this value 
in some systems, in which case any increase during outburst will immediately lead to the 
development of an optically thick boundary layer and hard X-ray suppression. Moreover, 
we propose that the primary mass is likely to be a key parameter, partly because the con- 


version from lu minosity to accretion r a te dep ends on Mi, and partly because the theoretical 

investigation by iPopham &: Narayan I (jl995[ ) indicates that the critical rate depends steeply 
on Ml. 

Looking at individual systems, the inferred critical accretion rate for VW Hyi is ex- 
tremely low, compared with those for other systems as well as theoretical expectations. We 
note, however, that the distance estimate for this system relies on an indirect argument 
without any indication of the size of the error bar, and should be refined. As for the two 
systems that do not show X-ray suppression during o utburst, GW Lib ca n be understood as 

due to the extremely low accretion rate in quiescence (iHilton et al. 1120071 ). Interestingly, the 
inferred accretion rate for U Gem is also low. If the current mass estimate is reliable, it also 
has the most massive white dwarf of the 6 systems, which suggests that the critical accretion 
rate is also highest. However, both these systems are reported to have developed an optically 
thick boundary layer, so the lack of hard X-ray suppression is a puzzle, particularly in light 
of our Compton-cooling interpretation for systems that do show hard X-ray suppression. 

We believe that we should no longer assume a single critical accretion rate for all dwarf 
novae. Rather, we propose that future efforts be focused on determining which system 
parameters determine the critical accretion rate. Specifically, X-ray observations of more 
dwarf novae with well-determined distances and white dwarf masses should be obtained 
through outburst cycles. In particular, systems with extreme masses should be high priority 
targets, given the likely steep dependence of the critical accretion rate on the white dwarf 

This research has made use of data obtained from the High Energy Astrophysics Science 
Archive Research Center (HEASARC), provided by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. 
We acknowledge the planning effort by Drs. E. Schlegel and D. Baskill, who were the original 
Pis of VW Hyi and WW Get observations, respectively. We also acknowledge with thanks the 
variable star observations from the AAVSO International Database contributed by observers 
worldwide and used in this research. 

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This preprint was prepared with the AAS E^TJtjX macros v5.2. 

Table 1. The SS Cygni Paradigm 

Object X-ray Spectral X-ray Recovery at Enhancement Enhancement 

Suppression Softening Delay late Decline - Rise - Decline 






















WW Get 























Table 2. Critical Mass Accretion Rate 



Primary Mass*^ 


T '^ 




m Fiducial Mi 

' M^ 





WW Get 


















n 71 +0-18 

U-' -'--0.26 

8.1 xl030 




1.1 Xl032 




1.4 Xl032 





7.0 xlO^^ 


mm for SU UMa and GW Lib 
for WW Get. 


'^Distances are taken from [Harrison et al. (1200411 for SS Gyg and U Gem, iThorstensen 

"(Il987h for VW Hyi, and ISproats et al. I Jl996l ) 

The white dwar f masses are taken from iBitner et al. I (120071) for SS Gyg. ISmith et al. 

(l2007h for U Gem, and Ivan Spaandonk et al. I J2OI0I ) 

(120061 ) for VW Hyi, lEchevarria et al. 

for GW Lib. There is no estimate in the literature for SU UMa, while the numbers for WW 

Get uses the mass ratio obtained by JHawkins et al. I (jl990l ) and assumes a main-sequence 

The pe ak X-ray luminosities are taken from ? for SS Gyg . JGoUins fc Wheatlev I ( I2OIOI ) for 

SU UMa. IPandel et a 

and (jByckling et al. 

mm for VW Hyi and WW Get, iGiiver et al. I (120061 ) for U Gem 

2OIOI ) for GW Lib. These values are then used by the same authors 

to infer the highest accretion rate through the optically thin boundary layer for the fiducial 
white dwarf mass. 









eg 10.0 

I 12.0 



-| 1 1 T" 

I I 

I I I, I I 

H \ 1 h 



I VII ,1 I, i| I Ii 



H \ \ h 

'|i I,, M I' I 

h |i I I 
I III 'l, I, 
I , 

H \ \ h 

_l L_ 

1 I 

10.0 15.0 

Time [JD-2450200] 


Fig. 1. — The X-ray (top panel) and visual (bottom) light curves of VW Hyi during 1996 
May. The X-ray data were obtained with RXTE PCA while the optical data were collected 
by amateur observers and compiled by AAVSO. Two vertical dashed lines mark the time of 
the last "outburst" and the first "quiescent" X-ray points (see text). 







0.0- |l|li 






"T 1 T" 

"T 1 T" 

"T 1 T" 




I I 

r I 

H h 

H 1 h 

H 1 h 

I I 


_I I , L 

I I I 

M-l: ^ r^^ 



\ 40 

Time [JD-2452500] 


H '-H h 

_i I : L_ 

I 'I Il,|l,l,'ll 

I I I I'l II 



Fig. 2. — The X-ray (top panel) and visual (bottom) light curves of WW Get during 2002 
Aug-Nov. The X-ray data were obtained with RXTE PGA while the optical data were 
collected by amateur observers and compiled by AAVSO. 



0.8 1.0 

White dwarf mass 

Fig. 3. — The inferred accretion rate at the highest flux of the optically thin X-ray emission, 
plotted against the white dwarf mass (see text for object-by-ob ject details). Also shown ar e 
the theoretical curves of optically thin-to-thick transition from iPopham fc Narayan I ( 1l995l ).