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PAPER  NO.  1437 

Asymmetric  Information,  "Interim" 
Equilibrium  and  Mechanism  Design 

Bhaskar  Chakravorti 

NO.  9 

College  of  Commerce  and  Business  Administration 
Bureau  of  Economic  and  Business  Research 
University  of  Illinois,  Urbana-Champaign 



College  of  Commerce  and  Business  Administration 

University  of  Illinois  at  Urbana- Champaign 

March  1988 


Asymmetric  Information,  "Interim"  Equilibrium  and 
Mechanism  Design 

Bhaskar  Chakravorti,  Assistant  Professor 
Department  of  Economics 



Bhaskar  Chakravorti 

Department  of  Economics 

University  of  Illinois 

330  Commerce  West 

1206  S.  Sixth  Street 

Champaign,  IL  61820 

August  1987 


In  this  paper,  we  present  a  new  equilibrium  concept— "Interim"  equilibrium—for  games  played 
by  agents  who  have  observed  noisy  private  information  and  can,  conceivably,  acquire  new 
information  through  communication  and  other  means.  We  demonstrate  its  application  in  pro- 
viding a  complete  characterization  of  "interim"-implementability  of  performance  standards  by 
an  uninformed  social  planner  in  economies  with  asymmetrically  informed  agents.  We  highlight 
the  shortcomings  of  the  concept  of  Bayesian  equilibrium  and  its  application  to  the  mechanism 
design  problem.  It  is  shown  that  an  analogous  Revelation  Principle  does  not  hold  and  self- 
selection  need  not  be  a  necessary  condition  for  interim-implementability.  Instead  of  the  usual 
direct  revelation  mechanisms,  wc.  suggest  that  mechanisms  should  be  of  a  "Tweed  ring" 

I  am  grateful  to  Jeff  Banks  and  William  Thomson  for  their  guidance  and  support  and  to  Dimitrios  Diamantaras, 
Laurence  Kranich,  Larry  Samuelson,  Sanjay  Srivastava  and  Steve  Turnbull  for  their  comments.  I  have  also  benefited 
greatly  from  comments  and  discussions  at  seminars  where  an  early  version  of  this  paper  was  presented.  I  thank  all 
the  participants.    I  am  solely  responsible  for  any  errors. 



1.   Motivation 

This  paper  presents  an  alternative  theory  of  games  and  mechanism  design  for 
economies  with  informational  asymmetries.  We  provide  a  critique  of  the  available 
models  and  present  a  new  equilibrium  concept  for  games  played  by  agents  who  have 
observed  noisy  private  information  and  can,  conceivably,  acquire  new  information 
through  communication  and  other  means.  We  demonstrate  its  application  in  com- 
pletely characterizing  the  implementability  of  performance  standards  by  an  uninformed 
social  planner  in  economies  with  asymmetrically  informed  agents.  Thus  far,  all  avail- 
able characterizations  of  implementability  have  been  partial  and  extremely  restrictive. 
A  performance  standard  embodies  the  aspirations  and  objectives  of  a  social  planner  or 
of  the  economy  as  a  whole.  Analytically,  it  is  a  mapping,  say  ip,  that  specifies  the  set 
of  feasible  "(^-optimal"  allocations  for  every  state  of  the  world.  By  implementation  of 
if,  we  mean  that  there  exists  a  game  (or  mechanism)  such  that,  for  every  state  of  the 
world,  the  set  of  equilibrium  allocations  of  the  game  exactly  coincides  with  the  set  of 
(^-optimal  allocations. 

The  literature  on  implementation,  or  the  "theory  of  mechanism  design,"  has 
branched  in  two  directions.  One  direction  is  exemplified  by  the  work  of  Hurwicz 
C  I  I  i  '2.  J,  Maskin  £  /  &},  Groves  and  Ledyard  ([  "7  }  and  Schmeidler  (_  23~). 
This  school  of  thought  implicitly  interprets  Nash  equilibrium  as  a  solution  concept  for 
games  played  by  agents  with  incomplete  information.  This  is  the  "privacy-preserving" 

property  of  Nash-implementation  mechanisms  (see  Hurwicz  (_  I  4-3)-  A  Nash  equilib- 
rium is  modelled  as  a  stationary  point  in  an  iterative  process  of  strategy  proposals. 
Do  justify  Nash-type  behavior,  it  is  assumed  that  the  agents  are  somewhat  myopic: 
they  do  not  learn  from  the  past  and  each  one  of  them  believes  that  the  others  will  not 
deviate  from  their  components  of  the  current  round  of  strategy  proposals  (see  Laffont 
and  Maskin  £  1 5  ~}  and  Maskin  Q  \  7~)  for  a  discussion  of  these  assumptions). 

The  two  principal  shortcomings  of  this  paradigm  are:  (i)  the  uncertainty  in  the 
environment  and  the  asymmetry  of  information  is  not  explicitly  modelled,  and  (ii) 
since  we  assume  myopic  behavior  on  the  part  of  the  agents,  this  interpretation  is  not 
entirely  satisfactory  from  a  game-theoretic  viewpoint.  The  strength  of  this  paradigm 
is  that  it  gives  us  a  complete  characterization  of  Nash-implementable  performance 
standards  by  isolating  a  single  property  of  standards  -  that  of  monotonicity,  due  to 
Maskin  ^  \  to  J  -  which  is  both  necessary  and  sufficient  for  Nash-implementation  in 
economic  environments  with  at  least  three  agents. 

The  alternative  school  takes  a  Bayesian  approach  a  la  Savage  C^J  Based 
on  the  contributions  of  Harsanyi  £  <3  J,  it  interprets  Nash  equilibrium  as  a  solution 
concept  only  for  games  of  complete  information.  To  take  account  of  incompleteness 
of  information,  the  agents  are  endowed  with  prior  probability  distributions  on  the 
set  of  states  of  the  world.  This  school  (exemplified  by  the  work  of  Myerson  (jXCQ, 
D'Aspremont  and  Gerard- Varet  £  /\  J,  Harris  and  Townsend  [  <g  ],  Holmstrom  and 
Myerson  £  \0  ],  Postlcwaite  and  Schmeidler  [l5],  Palfrey  and  Srivastava  (_1~3^ 
and  others)  invokes  Harsanyi's  extension  of  Nash  equilibrium  for  asymmetric  infor- 
mation games  -  Bayesian  equilibrium.  The  rationale  underlying  such  an  equilibrium 
concept  (see  Myerson  £1t  j)  is  that  before  playing  the  game,  and  before  observing 

any  private  information,  each  agent  utilizes  the  common  knowledge  elements  of  the 
environment  to  predict  the  strategy  that  the  other  agents  would  play  at  an  equilib- 
rium. Given  that  all  agents  make  accurate  calculations,  each  one  of  them  arrives  at  an 
equilibrium  in  one  shot.  Alternatively,  an  unbiased  and  uninformed  outsider,  who  has 
access  to  the  same  common  knowledge  elements,  could  perform  the  same  calculations 
and  suggest  an  equilibrium  to  the  agents. 

Despite  the  appeal  and  elegance  of  this  paradigm,  we  shall  argue  that  this  paradigm 
has  two  major  shortcomings:  (i)  the  Bayesian  equilibrium  concept  (or  any  of  its  refine- 
ments) does  not  always  adequately  predict  the  strategic  behavior  when  play  of  a  game 
begins  after  private  information  is  observed,  and  (ii)  it  has  very  restricted  use  in  one 
of  its  most  fundamental  applications  -  mechanism  design  and  implementation.  Our 
arguments  for  (i)  are  given  with  the  help  of  Example  1  in  Section  III  below  and  may  be 
summarized  as  follows.  We  shall  argue  that  a  Bayesian  equilibrium  has  several  implicit 
assumptions  which  are  unrealistic,  given  that  our  objective  is  to  model  decentralized 
decision-making:  (a)  agents  cannot  communicate,  (b)  it  is  the  one-shot  outcome  of  a 
calculation  made  from  the  perspective  of  an  uninformed  outsider,  i.e.  decisions  are 
made  ex  ante  (corresponding  to  the  stage  when  no  agent  has  received  any  private 
information),  and  (c)  from  a  practical  viewpoint,  to  attain  a  Bayesian  equilibrium, 
typically,  the  aid  of  an  unbiased,  uninformed  outsider  is  required.  A  Bayesian  equi- 
librium may  be  unanimously  renegotiated  by  agents  at  the  interim  stage  (i.e.  when 
all  agents  have  received  some  noisy  private  information).  This  can  occur  either  in  a 
situation  of  open  communication  with  recontracting  and  strategy  revision  permitted 
at  the  interim  stage,  or  when  the  play  of  the  game  begins  only  when  agents  have  re- 
ceived private  information.  There  are  many  situations  where  there  is  a  clear  incentive 

for  some  form  of  communication  and,  therefore,  a  "zero-communication"  assumption 
is  somewhat  artificial.  Moreover,  since  we  wish  to  model  agents  who  already  have  pri 
vate  information  when  they  make  their  economic  plans  and  decisions,  a  "no  revision  of 
strategies  in  the  interim  stage"  assumption  is  equally  artificial.  Finally,  we  need  a  gen- 
eral model  for  a  vaxiety  of  realistic  situations  of  decentralized  decision-making,  where 
play  of  a  game  begins  iteratively  after  private  information  is  observed  and  attains  an 
equilibrium  without  the  aid  of  an  outsider.  Such  a  model  must  take  into  account  infor- 
mation acquisition  during  play  of  the  game,  either  through  communication  or  through 
other  means. 

This  points  to  a  lack  of  stability  of  Bayesian  equilibria,  with  respect  to  the  ob- 
servation and  acquisition  of  information  by  the  agents  in  the  interim  stage.  Similar 
issues  have  been  raised  in  Holmstrom  and  Myerson's  (  1  0  J  discussion  of  the  design  of 
efficient  decision  rules  under  asymmetric  information.  We  shall  argue  that  the  prob- 
lem that  they  refer  to  as  lack  of  durability  -  i.e.  the  lack  of  coincidence  between  the 
recommendations  from  an  outsider's  perspective  and  the  decisions  taken  by  privately 
informed  agents  -  has  much  more  general  implications;  it  is  as  much  of  an  issue  in  the 
primary  task  of  defining  an  equilibrium  concept  itself. 

The  second  limitation  with  the  Bayesian  approach,  i.e.  (ii)  above,  relates  to  the 
application  of  Bayesian  equilibrium  to  implementation.  A  necessary  condition  for 
Bayesian-implementation  is  that  a  performance  standard  must  satisfy  a  self-selection 
property.  This  means  that,  for  a  given  (/?,  there  is  a  direct  game,  i.e.  one  where 
each  agent  reports  his/her  information,  which  has  a  Bayesian  equilibrium  satisfying 
the  following:  (a)  the  equilibrium  allocation  rule  picks  a  (^-optimal  allocation  in  each 
state,  and  (b)  truthful  reporting  by  all  agents  is  an  equilibrium  strategy.  This  severely 

restricts  the  scope  of  Bayesian-implementability  since  many  performance  standards 
would  not  satisfy  this  property  unless  we  impose  strong  restrictions  on  the  structure  of 
private  information.  Furthermore,  such  a  restriction  ("non-exclusivity  of  information", 
i.e.  if  all  agents  but  one  pool  their  information,  they  should  be  able  to  deduce  the 
information  of  the  remaining  agent)  has  been  used  to  isolate  sufficient  conditions  on 
standards  for  Bayesian-implementability  (see  Postlewaite  and  Schmeidler  £  15  )).  This 
restriction  excludes  most  of  the  situations  with  asymmetric  information  that  are  of 
interest  to  economists.  Typically,  private  information  is  truly  exclusive  and  relates 
to  preferences,  reservation  wages,  "insider"  information  etc.  Ideally,  we  would  like  to 
have  a  characterization  of  implementability  independent  of  such  restrictions. 

To  summarize,  there  are  several  difficulties  with  implementation  theory  as  it 
stands.  On  the  one  hand,  the  theory  based  on  the  Nash  equilibrium  concept  does 
not  explicitly  model  informational  asymmetry  and  assumes  that  agents  are  myopic. 
Yet  we  have  a  complete  characterization  of  Nash-implementability  in  terms  of  a  single 
property  of  monotonicity  which  is  satisfied  by  several  familiar  economic  performance 
standards.  On  the  other  hand,  the  theory  based  on  Bayesian  equilibrium  provides  an 
explicit  model  of  asymmetric  information.  However,  as  we  shall  argue,  the  Bayesian 
equilibrium  model  is  not  representative  of  decision-making  in  the  interim  stage.  More- 
over, since  we  cannot  Bayesian-implement  any  performance  standard  that  does  not 
satisfy  self-selection,  this  rules  out  many  desirable  standards.  Since  we  do  not  have 
a  complete  characterization  of  implementability  in  general  asymmetric  information 
environments  we  know  of  no  way  to  implement  standards  without  making  strong  in- 
formational restrictions. 

Our  objective,  in  this  paper,  will  be  to  propose  a  new  paradigm  which  does  away 

with  the  shortcomings  discussed  above.  A  new  equilibrium  concept  is  presented  - 
rim  equilibrium.  The  basic  model  is  still  Bayesian;  thus,  the  informational  asym- 
metry is  explicitly  modelled.  A  game  is  played  through  an  iterative  process  of  strategy 
adjustments  that  begins  after  private  information  is  observed.  An  equilibrium  is  de- 
fined for  each  state  and  is  durable  in  the  sense  that  it  is  stable  with  respect  to  any 
information  acquisition  (through  communication  or  by  other  means)  in  the  given  state 
and  to  any  mistakes  or  "trembles"  in  the  agents'  learning  process  while  acquiring  the 
information.  The  objective  is  to  develop  a  model  which  is  broad  enough  to  tackle  the 
complicated  nature  of  the  problem  at  hand. 

Though  existence  of  Interim  equilibria  is  not  guaranteed  for  a  general  class  of 
games,  for  the  purposes  of  its  application  to  mechanism  design,  Interim  equilibria  can 
be  shown  to  exist.  A  counterpart  ©}. the  Revelation  Principle .  which  is  a  cornerstone 
of  the  mechanism  design  literature,  breaks  down.  We  present  a  complete  characteri- 
zation of  the  mechanism  design  problem  in  terms  of  interim-implementability  using  a 
single  property  of  performance  standards.  It  is  shown  that  it  is  possible  to  interim- 
implement  standards  without  the  restraint  of  a  self-selection  property  or  some  restric- 
tion on  the  structure  of  private  information  such  as  non-exclusivity  of  information. 
We  demonstrate  an  algorithm  with  which  mechanisms  for  interim-implementation  can 
be  generated.  This  uses  the  concept  of  a  "Tweed  ring"  (see  McKelvey  ^  18  J)  and 
requires  each  agent  to  report  his/her  own  information  and  the  information  of  one  other 
person.  Given  the  inadequacy  of  direct  mechanisms,  due  to  the  failure  of  the  Revela- 
tion Principle,  the  presence  of  such  an  alternative  has  important  applications  to  the 
ign  of  optimal  contracts  and  other  mechanisms. 
A  related  set  of  issues  is  studied  in  Green  and  Laffont  £  £    j.   They  analyze  the 

behavior  of  agents  who  communicate  with  no  binding  commitments  in  a  preliminary 
stage  and  make  binding  commitments  in  a  final  stage.  A  much  more  specialized  ques- 
tion is  addressed  in  their  paper.  Though  our  framework  and  motivation  is  different, 
the  implications  of  our  study  are  more  general. 

The  following  section  introduces  the  basic  environment  -  a  general  equilibrium 
model  of  pure  exchange  with  privately  held  assets,  in  the  footsteps  of  Postlewaite  and 
Schmeidler  £25}.  Given  the  nature  of  the  problem,  we  anticipate  an  abundance  of 
notation.  The  term  "asset"  is  used  to  denote  any  commodity  whose  value  to  an  agent 
is  uncertain.  The  initial  endowments  of  assets  is  common  knowledge;  to  this  extent, 
informational  decentralization  is  partial.  Each  agent  has  access  to  exogenously  spec- 
ified signals  which  help  him/her  to  partition  the  set  of  possible  states  in  a  particular 
manner.  Each  event  in  an  agent's  partition  contains  a  collection  of  states  among  which 
the  agent  cannot  distinguish.  Once  a  particular  state  of  the  world  is  realized,  each 
agent  observes  a  particular  event  in  his/her  partition  which  defines  his/her  initial  in- 
formation set.  This  is  the  interim  stage  of  decision-making.  It  is  conceivable  that  more 
information  can  be  acquired  during  the  play  of  the  game  which  leads  to  a  refinement 
of  this  initial  information  set.  Following  the  next  section  are  the  three  main  sections 
which  present  our  findings.  The  final  section  provides  a  brief  conclusion. 

2.   Preliminaries 

We  consider  a  class  of  exchange  economies  with  £  privately  consumable  assets  and 
n  asymmetrically  informed  agents  with  n  >  1.  TV  is  the  set  of  agents  and  $  is  the 
set  of  states  of  the  world,  with  i  and  xp  denoting  the  respective  generic  elements.  \I>  is 
assumed  to  be  non-empty  and  finite. 


For  any  set  X ,  p(X)  is  the  set  of  subsets  of  X.  Each  agent  i  £  N  is  characterized 
by  a  list  {C,  Ui,u>i,  IT,, 7*}  where  C,  =  R+  is  agent  i's  consumption  set,  u,  :  C,  x 
*I'  — >  R  is  agent  i's  von  Neumann- M org enstern  utility  function,  cot  £  R+  is  agent 
i's  initial  endowment  of  assets,  II,-  C  p(^)  is  agent  i's  partition  of  the  set  of  states 
and  q*  :  $  — ►  (0, 1]  is  agent  i's  prior  probability  distribution  on  the  set  of  states.  Let 
2,  denote  a  generic  element  of  C,  and  let  7Tj  denote  a  generic  element  of  II, .  Also, 
let  C  =  Xi£wd,  II  =  x,e/vn,-  and  £1  =  YlitN^*-  Unless  specified  otherwise,  let 
x  =  (x{)i£N  and  x_,-  =  (xj)jeN\{i)-  For  all  i  E  iST,  C,-,u,-,  u;,-,nt-  and  9*  are  assumed 
to  be  given  exogenously,  independent  of  the  element  of  ^  that  is  realized,  and  are 
common  knowledge  in  the  sense  of  Aumann  (I     J. 

To  summarize,  an  economy  is  completely  characterized  by  the  realization  of  a 
state  of  the  world  xp  and  the  class  of  economies  under  consideration  is  correspondingly 
characterized  by  ty.  We  are  interested  in  economies  in  a  class  where  the  following 
condition  is  met:  for  all  i  £  N  and  xp  £  ^,it,(., .)  is  strictly  increasing  in  z,\ 

The  aggregate  endowment  of  the  entire  population  of  agents  determines  the  set 
of  attainable  allocations,  A  =  {z  £  C  :  YliGN  Zi  —  ^)-  ^n  a^oca^lon  TU^e  is  a  function 
/  :  ^  — >  A  with  F  as  the  set  of  all  such  rules.  A  performance  standard  is  a  mapping 
<p  :  ^  — ►  p(A)\0.  We  are  interested  in  performance  standards  that  satisfy  the  following 
weak  condition:  for  all  xp  £  ^  for  all  z  £  <p(xp),  z  /0.  By  a  slight  abuse  of  notation, 
we  shall  use  /  £  </?  to  denote  the  case  where  for  all  xp  £  ^,f{xp)  £  <p(xp). 

A  <7<i7tte  /orm  or  simply  game  or  mechanism,  F,  is  a  triple  {TV,  M,£}.  Given  that 
M,  is  agent  i's  message  (or  action)  space,  M  =  x,G/vA/,-  £  :  A-/  — ►  C  is  an  outcome 
function.  Agent  i's  strategy,  is  a  function  .s,  :  FI,  — ►  M,,  with  Si  denoting  agent  i's 
strategy  space  and  S  =  X.^/vS,. 


Let  the  function  /,-  :  #  -*  Hi  be  defined  by  U(yb)  =  {</>'  E  *  :  3",  E  11;  such 
that  ip,yj'  E  7Tt}  E  IIj.  /,(?/>)  is  agent  i's  initial  information  set  given  xp.  Note  that 
the  set  Ii{4>)  specifies  the  largest  collection  of  states  of  the  world  which  agent  i  cannot 
distinguish  from  the  realized  state,  xp.  If  information  were  complete,  then  for  all  i  E  N 
and  all  t/>  E  ^,  we  would  have  U(xp)  =  {ip}-  We  shall  need  to  consider  any  new 
information  that  the  agents  can  acquire  during  play  of  the  game.  This  corresponds  to 
refinements  of  the  initial  information  set.  R{(xp))  =  p(/,(i/>))\0  is  the  set  of  all  non- 
empty refinements  of  agent  i's  initial  information  set  given  xp,  whose  generic  element 
is  denoted  />,-.  Note  that  this  allows  for  the  possibility  of  acquisition  of  misleading 
information,  i.e.  there  exist  pi  E  Ri(xJ>)  with  xp  £  p{.  Agent  i's  posterior  probability 
distribution  is  the  function  g,  :  \I>  x  £>($)\0  —>  [0, 1]  defined  by  Bayes'  Law,  i.e.  for  all 
xp  6  #,  for  all  H  E  p(*)\0, 

{  0,  otherwise. 

Agent  i's  expected  utility  from  f  E  F,  given  pi  is  given  by 

J2xp'epi  3*(V,')P*)ui(/i(V'')>V'')  and  is  written  more  compactly  as  EUx(f  |  /?,);  agent  i's 
expected  pi-lower  contour  set  at  /is  denoted  ELt(f  |  p,)  =  {g  E  F  :  EU,(f  |  /?,)  > 
EUi(g  |  Pl)}. 

We  shall  maintain  an  important  assumption  in  the  rest  of  the  paper.  It  is  generally 
maintained  in  the  existing  literature  on  asymmetric  information  and  implies  that  all 
sources  of  uncertainty  are  within  the  given  economy.  To  see  how  this  assumption  can 
be  relaxed,  see  (iii)  in  the  concluding  section  of  this  paper. 

Non- Redundancy  of  States  Assumption  (NRS):  \/xp  E  <£,  nteNIl(xp)  —  {xp}. 

3.   "Interim"  Game  Theory 


In  this  section,  we  shall  introduce  and  motivate  a  new  concept  of  equilibrium  for 
games  with  asymmetric  information.  For  the  purposes  of  this  paper  we  shall  simply 
consider  games  with  pure  strategies.  We  shall  first  define  Harsanyi's  £  9  )  notion  of 
an  equilibrium. 

Given  a  game  T  =  { N,  M,  £}  and  given  /  =  (oso/,  the  pair  (5,  /)  G  S  x  F  is  a 
Dayesian  equilibrium,  of  F  if 

W>  G  tf,Vi  G  iV,V5;.  G  S„£  o  (5;  o  Ii,s-i  o  /_,•)  G  ££,(/  1  /.(</>))■ 

Let  ^(T)  C  S  x  F  denote  the  set  of  Bayesian  equilibria  of  T  and  let  Es(F)  C  S  and 
£f(T)  denote,  respectively,  the  projections  of  the  set  E(F)  on  S  and  F. 

This  definition  is  a  little  different  from  the  standard  definition.  It  saves  on  notation 
in  the  sequel.  To  illustrate  the  shortcomings  of  Bayesian  equilibrium  and  to  motivate 
the  alternative  equilibrium  concept  that  we  shall  subsequently  introduce,  consider  the 
following  example. 

Example  1:  Two  thieves  are  arrested  and  the  following  day  they  are  simulta- 
neously asked  to  plead  either  "guilty"  or  "not  guilty"  or  sign  an  agreement  to  leave 
town.  A  few  hours  before  they  decide,  one  of  the  two  lawyers  in  town  is  supposed 
to  walk  into  prisoner  2's  cell  and  inform  her  that  he  will  handling  their  case.  One  of 
the  lawyers  (the  good  lawyer)  has  an  excellent  reputation  for  representing  his  clients 
and  the  other  (the  bad  lawyer)  has  lost  all  the  cases  he  has  ever  handled.  Prisoner  2 
finds  out  which  one  of  the  lawyers  will  be  representing  them  at  the  time  of  making  her 
decision  and  is,  therefore,  completely  informed.  Prisoner  1  is  completely  uninformed 
about  the  quality  of  the  lawyer.  Given  the  payoffs  associated  with  the  decisions  of  the 
prisoners,  we  have  a  game  with  asymmetric  information. 

Supp<>:-<-  that  the  set  of  prisoners  is  iV  =  {1,2}  and  the  set  of  states  is  $  —  {G,B} 


where  G  is  the  state  where  prisoner  2  meets  the  good  lawyer  and  B  is  the  state  where 
she  meets  the  bad  lawyer.  The  information  structure  is  as  follows:  111  ==  {(G,B)} 
and  n2  =  {(G), (B)}.  For  i  =  1,2,  suppose  that  q*(G)  =  0.25  and  q*(B)  =  0.75  are 
prisoner  z's  prior  probabilities  on  {G,  B}.  Let  m;  correspond  to  pleading  "guilty",  let 
mj  correspond  to  pleading  "not  guilty"  and  let  m"  correspond  to  signing  the  agreement 
to  leave  town.  Finally,  let  £  be  such  that  the  final  payoffs  to  the  prisoners  in  terms 
of  VNM  utilities  are  given  by  the  bi-matrices  in  Figure  1.  This  defines  the  game, 
denoted  Ti .  All  of  this  information  is  common  knowledge  among  the  prisoners  and  is 
a  description  of  the  ex  ante  stage,  when  no  private  information  has  been  observed.  At 
the  interim  stage  each  prisoner  observes  an  event  in  his/her  partition. 

[Insert  Figure  1  here] 

There  are  two  (pure  strategy)  Bayesian  equilibria  of  this  game,  i.e.  Es(Ti)  = 
{5,5'}  which  are  given  by: 

*i((G,  J3))  =  ml-s2((G))  =  m2,s2((B))  =  m2 


5i((G,£))  =  m";s'2({G))  =  m'i,s'2{(B))  =  m". 

Two  crucial  asumptions  are  implicit  in  the  concept  of  Bayesian  equilibrium:  (i) 
there  is  no  possibility  of  communication  among  the  agents  and  (ii)  that  the  equilib- 
rium is  reached  in  a  one-shot  calculation  made  from  the  perspective  of  an  uninformed 
outsider.  The  common  knowledge  elements  of  the  game  are  sufficient  to  calculate  a 
Bayesian  equilibrium.  Hence,  an  equilibrium  can  be  predicted  by  each  one  of  the  pris- 
oners before  playing  the  game  and  before  observing  any  private  information.  There  is 


a  danger  with  the  prisoners  independently  making  these  predictions.  One  of  them  may 
predict  s  and  the  other  may  predict  s'  and  the  resulting  outcome  would  be  disastrous  - 
(0,  0).  Therefore,  to  actually  attain  an  equilibrium  in  one  shot,  the  help  ot  an  unbiased 
and  uninformed  third-person  may  be  required.  Such  a  person  can  perform  the  same 
calculations  using  the  common  knowledge  elements  and  suggest  an  equilibrium  to  the 
prisoners.  Thus,  from  a  practical  viewpoint,  there  is  a  third  assumption  underlying 
Bayesian  equilibrium:  (iii)  an  unbiased  and  uninformed  outsider  exists. 

Our  objective  is  to  develop  models  of  decentralized  decision-making  (i)  is  a  rather 
artificial  restriction  when  there  is  a  clear  gain  from  communication,  (ii)  fails  to  account 
for  several  realistic  situations  where  an  iterative  process  of  strategy  adjustments  begins 
after  private  information  is  observed,  (iii)  is  not  a  desirable  assumption  in  models 
where  decision-making  is  decentralized.  When  these  conditions  are  relaxed,  a  Bayesian 
equilibrium  is,  in  general,  not  durable  in  the  sense  that  it  is  not  stable  with  respect 
to  the  private  information  that  agents  can  independently  observe  and  acquire  during 
play  of  the  game  in  the  interim  stage. 

To  see  this  in  our  example,  suppose  that  (sj,^)  is  the  chosen  Bayesian  equilib- 
rium. Recall  that  5  is  an  "equilibrium"  list  because  it  has  a  self-enforcing  property. 
However,  it  is  self-enforcing  at  the  ex  ante  stage.  In  the  interim  stage,  i.e.  once  a  state 
of  the  world  occurs,  and  the  prisoners  observe  an  information  set,  the  self-enforcing 
nature  of  5  is  jeopardized  by  the  fact  that  at  least  one  of  the  prisoners  has  an  incentive 
to  communicate  with  the  other.  Regardless  of  whether  prisoner  2  observes  state  G  or 
state  B,  she  will  always  prefer  to  convey  her  information  to  prisoner  1  in  some  credible 
way.  By  conveying  her  information,  2  ensures  that  1  is  completely  informed  too.  Thus, 
the  prisoners  would  end  up  playing  a  complete  information  Nash  equilibrium  message 


(m\,m'2)  in  state  G  or  {mum2)  or  (m",m2)  in  state  B.  The  corresponding  outcomes 
Pareto-dominate  the  Bayesian  equilibrium  outcomes.  The  outcome  in  state  G  would 
not  have  been  possible  if  the  prisoners  were  committed  to  their  strategies  decided  ex 

As  Holmstrom  and  Myerson  (1^1  have  pointed  out  "we  are  assuming  that  the 
individuals  already  have  their  private  information... when  they  meet  to  make  their 
economic  plans  and  decisions.  That  is,  we  are  studying  economies  in  which  the  ex  ante 
stage...  has  already  passed  (if  it  ever  indeed  existed)  so  that  'ex  ante'  commitments 
are  impossible."  (pp.  1810)  Ideally,  we  would  like  to  have  predictions  from  a  general 
model,  where  the  play  of  the  game  begins  at  the  interim  stage,  where  the  equilibrium 
concept  is  stable  with  respect  to  any  information  acquisition  (through  communication 
or  otherwise)  and  which  does  not  require  the  aid  of  an  outsider  to  attain  an  equilibrium. 

Though  there  can  be  several  ways  of  modelling  this  complex  situation,  we  shall 
adopt  the  following  one,  which,  we  believe,  is  fairly  general.  A  strategy  will  still  be 
interpreted  as  a  plan  for  an  agent  which  specifies  a  message  for  every  initial  informa- 
tion set.  A  state  of  the  world  occurs,  initial  information  is  observed  and  play  begins. 
Strategies  are  proposed  by  agents  and  subsequently  revised  if  they  feel  they  can  do 
better.  We  shall  suppress  the  dynamics  of  the  iterative  process  of  proposals  and  con- 
centrate on  characterizing  the  equilibrium  itself.  An  equilibrium  is  reached  when  there 
is  a  strategy  list  such  that  no  player  wishes  to  unilaterally  revise  his/her  component  of 

the  list.  Once  an  equilibrium  is  reached,  messages  are  computed  using  the  equilibrium 



When  an  agent  checks  if  his/her  component  of  a  given  strategy  list  is  a  best 
response  to  the  remaining  components,  he/she  must  keep  in  mind  the  information 


that  is  publicly  and  privately  available,  and  any  information  that  can  be  acquired.. 
Suppose  tp  is  the  realized  state  of  the  world.  Agent  i  observes  the  event  Ii(xp)  and  knows 
that  any  state  which  is  not  in  /,-(r/>)  could  not  have  occurred.  At  any  given  point  in 
the  process  of  strategy  proposals,  i  must  take  into  account  a  number  of  factors:  (i)  the 
history  of  past  proposals  and  revisions  conveys  information;  (ii)  the  currently  proposed 
strategy  list  would  convey  information  if  i  were  to  believe  that  the  remaining  agents 
do  not  deviate  from  it;  (hi)  information  could  be  communicated  by  other  agents  in 
the  past,  present  and  in  future  and  some  of  that  information  could  be  misleading; 
(iv)  exceptionally  clever  agents  would  propose  and  revise  strategies  in  a  manner  such 
that  other  agents  are  misled;  (v)  i  could  make  small  mistakes  in  acquiring  information 
since  it  may  require  complex  calculations  and  a  precise  knowledge  of  all  the  common 
knowledge  elements;  (vi)  i  may  have  imperfect  recall  of  past  play;  (vii)  i  may  not 
want  to  have  any  regrets  in  case  there  is  some  information  that  may  be  released  in 
future;  (viii)  i  may  have  to  program  a  computer  to  play  a  best  response  strategy  at 
the  start  of  the  game  and  he/she  may  not  be  able  to  revise  the  program  once  the  game 
is  in  progress.  To  summarize,  for  every  state  rft,  we  are  looking  for  a  definition  of  an 
equilibrium  of  a  game  played  in  tp  which  is  stable  no  matter  what  information  agents 
may  acquire  in  xp. 

In  other  words,  given  a  proposal  s,  every  agent  i  must  check  that  5,  is  a  best 
response  to  5_t  for  every  non-empty  subset  of  i's  initial  information  set  in  state,  xp. 
Our  interest  in  such  a  strong  definition  can  be  likened  to  the  widespread  interest  in 
studying  dominant  strategy  equilibria.  The  conceptual  difference  here  is  that  instead 
of  checking  for  dominance  over  the  entire  strategy  space  S,  for  each  i,  we  check  for 
dominance  over  the  subspace  of  strategies  that  are  z's  best  responses  for  alternative 


refinements  of  the  initial  information  /,(t/>),  to  a  given  s_,.  This  intuition  is  formalized 
in  the  concept  of  equilibrium  defined  below. 

Given  that  a  game  T  =  {TV,  M,  £}  is  played  in  an  economy  rp  G  ^  and  given 
z  =  £(s(I(ift))),  the  pair  (s,  z)  G  5  x  A  is  an  Interim  equilibrium  of  T  in  0  if 

Vi  G  iV,Vp,  G  fliW0,V4  G  S,-,£  o  (5',  o  /,,5_t  o  /_,)  G  ELi(£  osoI\  Pi). 

Let  jE(r,  ip)  C  SxA  denote  the  set  of  Interim  equilibria  ofT  inxj)  and  let  Es(T,  xp)  C  S 
and  -E^r,^)  C  A  denote,  respectively,  the  projections  of  the  set  £,(r,t/>)  on  5  and  A. 
To  see  the  kind  of  predictions  this  equilibrium  concept  yields,  consider  the  situa- 
tion in  Example  1.  For  instance,  suppose  the  state  G  had  occurred.  Then  no  prisoner 
would  change  strategy  if  they  are  confronted  with  a  list  5*  such  that  for  i  =  l,2,s* 
is  a  best  response  to  s*_{  for  any  refinement  of  i's  initial  information  in  state  G.  This 
property  is  met  if  s*  is  defined  by: 

s\({G,B))  =  mi;s£((C7))  =  m'2,s*2{(B))  =  m'2. 

Thus,  s*  G  Es(Fi,G).  Observe  that  s*  £  ^s(Ti)  because  S2  is  not  a  best  response  to 
s^  in  case  agent  2  had  observed  the  state  B.  The  payoff  pair  (2,6),  which  would  have 
eluded  the  prisoners  had  they  played  Bayesian  equilibrium  strategies,  are  available  as 
Interim  equilibrium  outcomes  in  the  state  G.  Also,  check  that  s  £  Es(Fi,G). 

The  agents  could  behave  naively  and  check  that  a  strategy  is  a  best  response,  for 
their  respective  initial  information  sets,  to  the  other's  strategy.  In  this  particular  case, 
however,  there  are  at  least  two  possible  ways  in  which  the  uninformed  agent  can  refine 
his  initial  information  {G,B}  upon  observing  s*.  Prisoner  2  may  try  to  communicate 
her  information  that  G  has  occurred  by  telling  prisoner  1,  "the  good  lawyer  will  be 
representing  us  and  I  am  willing  to  sign  a  contract  which  says  that  if  you  play  5J  then 


I  will  play  5o" .  The  credibility  of  this  communication  depends  on  which  one  of  the 
two  rationales  prisoner  1  believes. 

Rationale  1:  Prisoner  1  checks  that  the  message  m^,  specified  by  S2,  is  dominated 
in  state  B.  Thus,  he  could  use  the  following  argument:  prisoner  2  will  not  deviate  from 
5*  only  if  it  is  the  case  that  state  G  has  occurred.  Thus,  prisoner  1  could  conceivably 
refine  his  information  set  {G,B}  to  {G}. 

Rationale  2:  Prisoner  1  knows  that  prisoner  2  realizes  that  in  state  J3,  she  cannot 
achieve  the  outcome  that  is  the  best  one  for  her  -  (0,4)  -  since  prisoner  1  will  never 
play  m\  if  prisoner  2  plays  vn-i  in  state  B.  However,  prisoner  2  can  hope  to  achieve 
the  outcome  which  is  second-best  for  her  -  (1,3)  -  by  playing  m'2  and  hoping  that 
prisoner  1  plays  m\ .  So  it  is  conceivable  that  state  B  has  occurred  and  prisoner  2  is  a 
sophisticated  player  who  will  not  deviate  from  s* .  Using  such  an  argument,  prisoner 
1  could  refine  his  initial  information  {G,B}  to  {B}. 

Thus,  even  if  2  communicates  her  information  to  1,  her  credibility  depends  on 
the  kind  of  player  that  1  thinks  2  is.  If  prisoner  1  is  not  sure,  he  will  not  gain  any 
information.  To  make  sure  that  s \  is  a  best  response  to  s%  no  matter  what  prisoner  1 
may  have  deduced,  every  conceivable  information  set  must  be  considered  -  {G,B},  {G} 
and  {B}.  On  the  other  hand,  prisoner  2  takes  advantage  of  the  fact  that  her  observed 
information  helps  to  eliminate  one  of  the  states  of  the  world.  She  does  not  care  that 
Sj  is  not  a  best  response  to  s*  in  state  B.  Given  that  the  good  lawyer  appears,  both 
prisoners  plead  "not  guilty"  and  achieve  the  best  possible  outcome  (2,6).  Moreover, 
no  matter  how  information  is  refined,  in  the  state  G,s*  Pareto-dominates  both  5  and 


This,  of  course,  does  not  imply  that  Interim  equilibria  always  Pareto-dominate 


Bayesian  equilibria.  Given  the  impossibility  of  ex  ante  commitments,  and  the  tendency 
of  real-world  agents  to  communicate,  and  the  fact  that  we  assume  that  iterative  play 
begins  at  the  interim  stage,  the  former  concept  seems  more  natural  than  the  latter. 
There  is  no  logical  relationship  between  Bayesian  equilibria  and  Interim  equilibria. 
An  Interim  equilibrium  allocation  of  a  game  in  a  given  state  is  a  complete  information 
(Bayesian)  Nash  equilibrium  allocation  of  the  game  in  that  state.  This  follows  from 
the  definitions. 

It  may  appear  that  in  our  zeal  to  define  a  stable  equilibrium  concept,  we  may 
have  gone  too  far.  The  set  of  Interim  equilibria  may  be  empty  for  a  large  class  of 
games.  However,  the  equilibrium  concept  is  still  a  meaningful  one  because  it  has 
several  useful  applications.  In  this  paper,  our  objective  is  to  apply  this  concept  to 
the  general  problem  of  mechanism  design  in  asymmetric  information  economies.  For 
any  game  we  consider  in  this  application,  we  shall  demonstrate  existence  of  Interim 

The  problem  of  mechanism  design  can  be  motivated  as  follows.  Unfortunately, 
the  Pareto-dominant  outcome  (2, 6)  in  Example  1  is  not  the  only  Interim  equilibrium 
outcome  in  state  G.  In  general,  given  some  set  of  desired  social  objectives  (specified 
by  a  performance  standard),  we  would  like  to  have  a  game  or  mechanism  so  that 
for  every  state  of  the  world  all  its  equilibrium  outcomes  are  thus  "desirable".  Thus, 
our  objective  is  to  design  a  game  or  mechanism  for  the  implementation  of  a  given 
performance  standard  using  the  equilibrium  notion  that  we  have  just  motivated.  This 
subject  is  addressed  in  the  following  sections. 

4.   Further  Revelations  on  the  Revelation  Principle 


In  this  section,  we  shall  give  an  appropriate  definition  of  the  notion  of  "imple- 
mentability"  of  a  performance  standard.  We  shall  argue  that  a  self-selection  property 
is  not  necessary  for  a  standard  to  be  implementable  in  our  sense.  We  begin  with  a  few 

A  direct  game  is  a  game  Td  =  {N,  M,  £}  such  that  Vt  G  N,Mi  =  Hi. 
Let  Qd  denote  the  class  of  all  direct  games. 

Revelation  Principle  (Rosenthal  02-1%  Myerson  (.2.CTJ,  Dasgupta,  Hammond 
and  Maskin  £3  3?  Harris  and  Townsend  C  £  3):  ^  with  /  G  Ef(T) 
^=>   3  Td  G  Qd  and  s  G  S  such  that  (sj)  G  E(Td)  with  Vi  G  ^Vtt,-  g  Hi, «,•(«-,-)  =  tt,. 

A  performance  standard  </?  satisfies  self -selection  (SS)  if  V/  G  </>>  3Td  G  ^  and 
s  G  5  such  that  (5,/)  €  E(rd)  with  Vt  €  iV,V7rt-  G  Ilf,  5t(7rf)  =  tt,. 

The  Revelation  Principle  has  been  the  fundamental  result  which  has  been  used  to 
characterize  the  choice  of  a  mechanism  in  both  the  theoretical  and  the  applied  liter- 
ature on  auctions,  optimal  contracts,  optimal  taxation,  principal-agent  conflicts,  etc. 
However,  the  principle  simply  says  that  any  allocation  rule  that  can  be  realized  in  a 
Bayesian  equilibrium  of  any  arbitrary  game  can  be  realized  in  a  Bayesian  equilibrium 
of  a  direct  game,  whose  corresponding  equilibrium  strategy  induces  truthful  revelation. 
This  places  no  restriction  on  the  remaining  portion  of  the  equilibrium  set  of  the  direct 
game.  It  is  possible  that  there  are  other  equilibrium  strategies  which  involve  untruthful 
reporting.  Thus,  if  a  particular  direct  game  is  the  chosen  mechanism  simply  on  the  ba- 
sis of  the  properties  it  satisfies  in  case  the  "truthful"  equilibrium  occurs,  it  may  not  be 
sufficient  to  ensure  that  the  same  properties  are  met  in  case  the  "untruthful"  ones  are 
realized.  In  fact  the  "untruthful"  equilibria  may  Pareto-dominate  the  "truthful"  one. 
This  loophole  with  the  reliance  on  "truthful  implementability"  has  been  pointed  out 


by  several  authors  recently  (Milgrom  £  |  9  J,  Repullo  £Z6j),  Demski  and  Sappington 
£  5  "J,  and  Postlewaite  and  Schmeidler  £X5"J).  Postlewaite  and  Schmeidler  present 
an  argument  for  approaching  the  mechanism  design  problem  from  the  viewpoint  of 
Maskin  Q  f  (y^.  A  game  is  said  to  (fully)  implement  a  given  performance  standard,  </?, 
if  for  every  state,  its  set  of  equilibrium  allocations  coincides  with  the  set  of  (^-optimal 
allocations.  This  ensures  that  all  equilibria  have  the  desirable  properties.  The  crucial 
implication  of  the  Revelation  Principle  is  that  even  though  SS  is  not  sufficient  for 
Bayesian-implementability  of  a  standard,  it  is  a  necessary  condition. 

In  this  section,  we  shall  replace  the  Bayesian  equilibrium  concept  with  that  of  In- 
terim equilibrium.  The  concept  of  implementation  underlying  our  approach  to  mech- 
anism design  is  given  by  the  following  definition: 

A  performance  standard  </?  is  interim-implementable  if 
3r  such  that  Vt/>  6  *,  EA(T,  tp)  =  ip{xp). 

An  analogous  re-definition  of  the  SS  condition  would  be: 

A  performance  standard  tp  satisfies  interim  self-selection  (SS')  if  V/  G  ip,  3Td  G  Qd 

+*;  e  71}, 

and  5  G  S  such  that  Vt/>  G  $,(s, /(</>))  G  E(Td,ip)  with  Vi  €  iV,st-(7rf-)  =  tt,. 


The  following  theorem  shows  that  an  analogous  Revelation  Principle  does  not 
hold  if  the  equilibrium  concept  is  changed  from  Bayesian  to  Interim.  The  result  is 
proved  using  an  example  where  we  show  interim-implementability  of  a  performance 
standard  which  does  not  satisfy  either  SS  or  SS'. 

Theorem  1:    There  exists  T  and  f  £  F  with  the  following  properties: 
(i)forallrpe  *,/ty)  €  EA(T^) 
(n)  there  exists  no  Td  G  Qd  that  satisfies  for  all  xp  G  $,/(»  G  EA(Td,xp). 

Proof:  The  proof  is  by  way  of  the  following  example. 


Example  2:  Consider  the  problem  of  a  giant  firm  which  markets  two  products 
from  two  divisions.  Division  2  has  a  better  market  research  department  and  is  fully 
informed  about  the  demand  characteristics  for  the  two  products.  Since  the  divisions 
compete  for  the  firm's  limited  resources,  the  manager  of  Division  2  may  not  have 
the  incentive  to  let  either  the  manager  of  Division  1  or  the  firm's  general  manager 
know  about  the  information  gathered  by  the  market  survey.  The  job  of  the  general 
manager  of  the  firm  is  to  allocate  resources  such  that  the  firm's  total  profits  are 
maximized.  Let  N  =  {1,2}  be  the  set  of  managers  of  the  divisions,  let  ^  =  {r/>',i/>*} 
be  the  set  of  demand  characteristics,  let  III  =  {(;/>',  t/>*)},  II2  =  {{ip'),  (0*)}  De  the 
information  partitions  of  the  two  managers,  let  ql(ip')  =  0.75, ql(xp*)  ==  0.25  be  the 
prior  probabilities  of  Division  l's  manager  and  let  {a,  6,  c,  d,  e,r}  —  A  be  the  set  of 
feasible  allocations  of  the  available  resources.  Consider  a  game  1^2  =  {N,M,£}  where 
the  manager  of  Division  1  has  two  possible  messages  and  the  manager  of  Division  2 
has  three  possible  messages,  i.e.  Mi  =  {mi^Tn^}  and  M2  =  {m2,m2,m2}.  The  bi- 
matrices  in  Figure  2  give  the  information  relating  to  the  resource  allocation  rule  used 
by  the  general  manager,  i.e.  the  function  £  :  M  — »  C  and  the  profit  functions  for  the 
two  divisions,  i.e.  for  i  =  1,2,  u,  :  C,  x  $  — ►  R+.  The  letters  in  parentheses  represent 
the  allocation,  £(m)  and  the  pair  of  numbers  represent  the  profits  to  the  two  divisions, 

[Insert  Figure  2  here] 

It  (;,ii  be  checked  that 

{(5,e),(s',C)}  =£(r2,r//) 


where5l((^^TA*))  =  m;;62((V''))=m^52((^*))-m^and6'1((V'^tA,<))-m'1;4((V',)) 
m2,s2((V'*))  =  rn'2  Also,  it  can  be  checked  that 

where  *i(Wi#*))  =  mi;s2((^'))  =  m2,  s2((</>*))  =  m2.  Let  /  :  #  —  A  defined  by 
/(*/>')  =  e  and  f(tp*)  =  a.  /is  realized  as  an  Interim  equilibrium  of  T2.  To  prove  the 
theorem,  we  need  to  show  that  there  cannot  exist  any  direct  game  which  realizes  /  as 
either  Interim  or  Bayesian  equilibria.  To  see  this,  we  shall  try  constructing  a  direct 
game  and  show  that  no  such  construction  will  succeed. 

For  the  problem  at  hand,  a  direct  game,  say  Fd  =  {N,  Md,£d},  must  be  such  that 
Md  =  {(t/>',t/>*)}  and  Md  =  {(*/>'),  (V'*)}-  In  addition,  for  /  to  be  realized  as  Interim 
equilibria  of  this  direct  game,  we  must  have  {e, a}  C  [z  £  t,d(jnd)  '■  "^  G  Md). 
Moreover,  since  |  Md  |=  2,  we  have  {e,a}  =  {z  G  £d(md)  '  rnd  G  Md}.  Thus,  we  can 
have  only  two  possible  direct  games  satisfying  these  requirements.  These  are  given  in 
Figures  3  and  4.  As  in  Figure  2,  the  letters  in  parentheses  denote  allocations  and  the 
pairs  of  numbers  denote  the  associated  profits  to  the  divisions.  Let  these  games  be 
denoted  Td  and  Td. 

[Insert  Figures  3  and  4  here] 

It  can  be  checked  that 

{e}  =  EA(rd3,  t//)  u  EA(rd,  r)  u  EA{vt  v')  u  EA(ri,i>*). 

Thus,  we  have  shown  that  there  is  no  Fd  G  Qd  satisfying  either  (a)  for  all  ^  €  {*/>',  0* }, 
fW  G  EA{Td,il>)  or  (b)  /  G  EF{Td).  Q.E.D. 


The  divisional  managers'  private  interests  do  not  coincide  with  the  firm's  over- 
all objective,  and  the  role  of  the  general  manager  is  that  of  a  social  planner.  'I  he 
performance  standard  for  this  firm  is  the  profit-maximizing  allocation  rule  /.  By  con- 
struction, T2  interim-implements  /.  In  the  games  T^  and  T^,  since  truth-telling  is  not 
a  best  response  in  both  states  for  Manager  2,  /  does  not  satisfy  either  SS  or  SS\ 

This  raises  a  broader  question:  how  can  we  tell  whether  or  not  a  performance 
standard  is  interim-implementable  in  general?  A  complete  characterization  of  interim- 
implementability  is  given  in  the  following  section. 

5.  Interim-Implementation 

This  section  is  divided  into  three  sub-sections.  In  the  first  one,  a  crucial  property 
of  performance  standards  is  introduced.  The  second  sub-section  presents  an  algorithm 
for  generating  mechanisms.  The  third  sub-section 
presents  a  general  characterization  of  interim-implementability. 

Manipulation  and  Monotonicity 

Consider  a  state  of  the  world  tft.  We  can  derive  another  state  t/>'  which  has  a 
special  relationship  with  ifr,  in  the  sense  that  by  manipulating  their  private  information 
observed  in  stale  r/>,  agents  can  credibly  pretend  to  an  uninformed  coordinator  that 
the  state  is  rp' .  In  other  words,  consider  some  mechanism  in  which  each  agent  i  is 
asked  to  report  his/her  information  set  as  part  of  a  message.  Suppose  agent  i  observes 
/,(t/>).  The  individual  reports  can  be  manipulated  in  a  manner  consistent  with  the 
common  knowledge  information,  i.e.  the  given  information  structure  II  and  the  NRS 
assumption.  These  ideas  can  be  formalized  in  a  manner  similar  to  Postlewaitc  and 
Schmeidler  {25}  and  Palfrey  and  Srivastava  C  2-2.  ] 


A  collection  of  compatible  manipulation  operators  for  U  (CCMO),  denoted  a  = 
(at)l€/v,  is  defined  by 

(i)Vi€N,ai  :  Hi  -*  n,-, 

(«')v?r  g  n,  {nteN7rt  ^  0}  ==>  {ntGNa,(7rt)  ^  0}. 

By  NRS,  if  Cii€N^i  ^  $>  tnen  I  ^ieN^i(^i)  \=  1-  Therefore,  for  any  CCMO  a,  we 
have  a  well-defined  function  t/,a  :  ^  — ►  ^  which  is  defined  by  ipa(tp)  =  rWe/va^/.-^)). 

Next,  we  define  an  important  property  of  monotonicity  of  performance  standards. 
It  is  a  generalization  of  a  property  devised  by  Maskin  (|  £>  )  in  the  context  of  Nash- 
implementation.  In  the  Bayesian-implementation  context,  alternative  generalizations 
have  been  given  by  Postlewaite  and  Schmeidler  (  2*5)  and  Palfrey  and  Srivastava 

(  MO- 

A  performance  standard  cp  satisfies  Interim  Monotonicity  (I-MON)  if  V/  £  F,Vxp  £ 
#,V  CCMO's  a,  given  t/>'  =  r/>a(»,  the  following  holds: 

(0/W)  ^W'), 

(u)Vi£  Ar,Vy  £  F, 
{V/>;  £  Ri(tl>'),9  £  ££»(/  |  />;■)}  ==»  {V/>,  £  ^),?o  0"  £  EL,-(/  o  ^°  I  /?.)}, 



The  importance  of  this,  rather  complicated  and  yet  crucial,  property  will  become 
clearer  later  on. 

For  the  special  case  of  complete  information,  for  all  i  £  N,  for  all  xp  £  $,  It(ip)  = 
{tA}.   If  each  agent  manipulates  his/her  report  of  the  true  information  set,  then  each 


agent  i  reports  /,(t//)  =  a,(/,(^)).  Thus,  ntG/vW)  =  W)-  Next,  pick  /(*//)  G 
<p{tp').  Complete  information  among  the  agents  ensures  that  the  state  agreed  upon 
will  be  xf>'.  Part  (ii)  of  the  definition  of  I-MON  ensures  that  for  all  g  6  F,  if  g  satisfies 
the  following  for  all  i  €  iV, 

then  the  following  is  true  for  all  z  E  iV: 


For  </?  to  satisfy  I-MON,  we  must  have  f{ip')  G  <£>(V0-  Given  that  tjja(ip)  —  tp' ,  it 
can  be  seen  that  this  simply  corresponds  to  Maskin's  (  '  £  )  monotonicity  condition 
when  interpreted  in  a  complete  information  context.  The  definitions  do  not  suggest  a 
logical  relationship  between  I-MON  and  the  properties  developed  in  Postlewaite  and 
Schmeidler  £.2-5]  and  Palfrey  and  Srivastava  ('2.'2.    .,    2~\  ). 

A  "Tweed  Ring"  Algorithm 

Since  we  are  unable  to  solve  the  implementation  problem  by  simply  construct- 
ing direct  revelation  mechanisms,  we  need  to  devise  a  method  by  which  alternative 
mechanisms  for  interim-implementation  can  be  constructed.  In  this  sub-section,  we 
introduce  a  "Tweed  ring"  algorithm,  Q.  When  a  particular  performance  standard,  </?  is 
inserted  in  the  definition  below,  we  have  a  game  or  mechanism,  G(y>)-  Observe  that  the 
rules  of  a  game  Q{<p)  is  not  dependent  on  t/>,  so  it  can  be  operated  by  an  uninformed 
planner.  This  algorithm  will  be  used  to  prove  the  results  in  the  following  sub-section. 
In  the  description  below,  all  indices  used  to  denote  agents  are  to  be  read  "modulo  n". 
Q  is  defined  as  follows: 

(I)  |  N  |>3. 


(II)  Vz  G  N,Mi  =  {mi  =  (7r;(0,7ri+1(0,/(0^(0)  €  11;  xILi+1xFx  (5,10]} 
Remark  1:  The  index  in  parentheses  denotes  the  name  of  the  agent  who  is  transmitting 
the  message.  7r,(z)  should  read,  "agent  z's  announcement  of  an  event  in  his/her  own 
partition"  and  7^4.1  (z)  should  read,  "agent  i's  announcement  of  an  event  in  his/her 
neighbor  i  +  l's  partition",  f(i)  should  read,  "agent  i's  announcement  of  an  allocation 
rule"  and  6(i)  should  read,  "agent  z's  announcement  of  a  number  in  the  interval  (5, 10]" . 

The  following  notation  will  be  used: 
(Dl)  Vi  G  N,  define  6t  :  M_,  ->  p(¥)  by  0f(m_.)  =  {r^e/vu^O')}  n  {ir,-(t  -  1)}. 
(D2)  Define  6*  :  M  -*  p($)  by  0*(m)  =  nieNXi(i). 
Remark  2:  Note  that  by  the  NRS  assumption,  (i)  Vz  G  7V,Vm_t  G  M_,-, 

{ni€2v\{,-}*j(j)}  n{T,<i  - 1)}  ^  0  =»  I  {n;GN\{t}^0')}  n  {x,-(i  -  i)}  |=  1  and  (ii) 

nzG/vTr^z)  7^  0  =^  I  ntG/V7rt(z)  |=  1. 

(D3)  Vz  G  N,m-i  satisfies  Property  7  |  z  if  the  following  conditions  hold: 

(i)  0i(m-i)  ?  0. 

(ii)  3/  €  if  such  that  Vj  G  N\{i}J(j)  =  /. 

(iii)  Vj  G  A^\{z},<5(j)  =  10. 
(D4)  Vm  G  M,/v(m)  =  {i  6  N  :  <5(z)  G  (5,10]  with  6(i)  <  6(j),Vj  G  N\{i}}. 

(III)  £  :  M  — ►  C,  is  given  by  the  schematic  diagram  in  Figure  5. 

[Insert  Figure  5  here] 

Remark  3:  The  term  "Tweed  ring"  comes  from  a  political  cartoon  by  Thomas  Nast 

in  Harper's  Weekly  in  the  1870's,  which  exposed  the  corruption  and  misappropriation 

of  public  funds  by  William  Marcy  Tweed,  an  infamous  New  York  politician  and  his 

ring".    The  cartoon  depicts  Tweed  and  his  cronies  arranged  in  a  circle  with  each 


person  pointing  to  the  person  to  the  right  of  him  when  asked  who  had  stolen  the  public 
funds.  Likewise,  the  games  derived  from  Q  are  not  direct  revelation  mechanisms.  The 
players  are  arranged  in  a  circle  and  each  one  of  them  transmits  a  message  regarding 
both  himself  and  a  neighbor  (to  the  right  perhaps).  Moreover,  they  are  also  asked  to 
suggest  an  allocation  rule  and  a  number  in  the  interval  (5, 10].  The  choice  of  these 
particular  end-points,  i.e.  5  and  10  is  purely  arbitrary.  (5, 10]  could  be  interpreted 
as  a  time-interval,  with  an  agent's  announcement  of  a  number  being  interpreted  as  a 
point  in  time  when  the  agent  intends  to  join  the  queue. 

Characterization  of  Interim-Implemeriability 

In  this  sub-section,  we  shall  show  that  in  economies  with  more  than  two  agents, 
the  I-MON  condition  is  both  necessary  and  sufficient  for  interim-implementability.  We 
shall  first  prove  a  series  of  lemmata  using  the  Tweed  ring  method  introduced  earlier. 
The  proofs  of  these  lemmata  are  relegated  to  the  appendix. 

Lemma  1:  Let  <p  be  a  performance  standard. 

Lemma  2:  Let  </?,  ip  and  s(/(?/>))  =  m  be  given.  If  s  £  Es{G{^p)-> V0>  then  m  must 
be  such  that  Case  1  is  applicable. 

Lemma3:  Let  <p  be  a  performance  standard  satisfying  I-MON.Vip  E  ^,  £,4 (£(</>),  t/>)  C 

Given  the  assumption  that  for  all  xp  £  ^^(ip)  ^  0,  Lemma  1  gurantees  existence 
of  Interim  equilibria  for  any  game  G(ip)-  Now  we  can  provide  a  complete  characteriza- 
tion of  interim-implementation  in  asymmetric  information  environments  with  privately 
held  assets. 

Theorem  2:   Let  <p  be  a  performance  standard. 


If  <p  is  interun-implementable,  then  (p  satisfies  I-MON. 

Proof:  Choose  rp,xp'  G  #  such  that  there  exists  a  CCMO,  a  with  xp'  =  ipa(ip).  By 
definition  of  interim-implementation,  there  exists  a  game  T  =  {TV,  M,  £}  such  that  for 

By  definition  of  interim-implementation,  there  exist  s'  G  S  and  f  =  £o  s'  o  I  such 
that  (s',f(if>'))  G  E(r,i/>')  and  /(i/>')  G  ¥>(V>')-  Thus,  for  all  i  G  TV,  for  all  pj  €  Ri(ip'), 
for  all  5"  G  Si,  the  following  is  true: 

£o(5>/t,y_to/_0e£L,(/|p;).  [1] 

Next,  suppose  that  for  all  i  G  TV,  for  all  pi  G  Ri(ip),  for  all  </  G  EL,(f  |  It(ip')),  the 
following  holds: 

^o^G^L,(/o^a|^)-  [2] 

Given  [1]  and  [2],  for  all  z  G  TV,  for  all  />;  G  Ri{tp)  and  all  5"  G  5,,  the  following  holds: 
€  °  W  o  /„5'_,  o  /_,-)  o  0°  G  BL,-(/  o  rpQ  I  Pi).  [3] 

By  definition  of  a,  for  all  i  G  TV,  for  all  ip*  G  7,(0),  It{ipQ{*P*))  =  a,-(/,-(V>*)).  For  all 
i  G  TV,  let  5{  =  5'j  o  cti.  By  definition  of  Interim  equilibrium,  we  conclude  from  [3]  that 
(s,f(4>a(ip))  G  E(T,tp).  By  definition  of  interim-implementation,  f(ipa(ip)  G  ^(V7)- 
By  construction,  f(tp°(tp))  =  /(*/>').  This  proves  that  y>  satisfies  I-MON.  Q.E.D. 

Theorem  3:  Let  ip  be  a  performance  standard  and  let  |  TV  |>  3. 
If  ip  satisfies  I-MON,  then  cp  is  interun-implementable. 

Proof:  The  conclusions  of  this  theorem  follow  from  Lemma  1  and  Lemma  3. 

Corollary  to  Theorems  2  and  3:  Let  ip  be  a  performance  standard  and  let 
I  TV  |>  3.  <p  is  interun-implementable  if  and  only  if  <p  satisfies  I-MON. 

6.  Concluding  Remarks 

(i)  In  this  paper,  we  have  concentrated  on  an  application  of  Interim  equilibria  to 
the  problem  of  implementation  of  economic  performance  standards  by  an  uninformed 
social  planner.  The  class  of  games  we  have  studied  are  such  that  existence  of  Interim 
equilibria  is  ensured.  The  question  of  whether  there  is  a  general  list  of  conditions 
under  which  the  set  of  Interim  equilibria  is  non-empty  is  open.  An  investigation  of 
this  question  will  shed  light  on  the  other  applications  of  this  concept. 

(ii)  I-MON  is  clearly  a  fairly  complicated  condition.  The  catch  is  that  not  only  is 
it  sufficient  for  interim-implementability,  it  is  also  necessary.  In  Chakravorti  Q  2_  }, 
I  discuss  the  limits  of  implementability  using  this  condition.  An  interesting  question 
would  be  to  study  circumstances  under  which  there  are  standards  which  do  satisfy  this 

(iii)  To  a  certain  extent,  the  NRS  assumption  can  be  relaxed.  Instead  of  using 
t/>  to  denote  a  single  state,  let  it  be  a  class  of  states  such  that  a  social  planner  who 
has  access  to  everybody's  private  information  cannot  distinguish  between  any  of  the 
states  in  xp.  A  performance  standard  9  would  then  specify  a  non-empty  subset  of 
A  for  every  xp  6  *£  such  that  every  allocation  in  <p{xp)  is  (/'-optimal  no  matter  which 
state  in  xp  is  realized.  Given  this  formulation,  the  rest  of  our  analysis  would  follow. 
Obviously,  this  makes  the  assumption  of  non-emptiness  of  f(xp)  an  even  stronger  one. 
The  strength  of  this  formulation  is  that  it  provides  us  with  a  model  of  mechanism 
design  for  environments  with  external  sources  of  uncertainty. 

(iv)  A  significant  strength  of  our  results  is  that  they  do  not  use  the  restrictive  as- 
sumption of  Non-exclusivity  of  Information:  for  all  0  e  *£,  for  all  1  €  N,  r\}<=N\{i)  Ij(7P)  = 
\ip}.  This  makes  the  previous  attempts  at  characterizing  implementability  inapplica- 


ble  to  most  situations  that  are  of  interest  to  economists.  (Palfrey  and  Srivastava  (  2-4 ) 
have  weakened  this  assumption  to  some  extent.)  Thus,  by  using  this  new  concept  of 
equilibrium,  together  with  the  formulation  suggested  in  (ii)  above,  the  issue  of  mecha- 
nism design  can  be  discussed  in  a  truly  general  framework  of  asymmetric  information. 

Appendix  (Proofs  of  Lemmata) 

The  following  notational  convention  will  be  used:  Vi  G  N,\/si  G  .S,-,V7r,  G  II,-,  let 
s*(7r,),  sf(7rt),  s?(7r,),  s*(7Tt)  denote,  respectively,  the  projection  of  5, (x;)  on  II,-,  II,-+i,  F 
and  (5, 10].  Also,  Vi  G  JV,  let  a,  =  s,  o  /,. 

Proof  of  Lemma  1:  Choose  ip  G  $  and  f  £  <p.  To  show  that  f{xp)  G  EA(Q((f),fp), 
we  need  to  show  that  there  exists  5  such  that  (s,f(tp))  G 
E(Q((p),ip).  Construct  s  as  follows  (see  Remark  4  below): 
For  all  i  G  TV,  for  all  tt;  G  II;, 

(a)-si(7rf)  =  JT,-. 

(&)*?(*,■)  =  JI+1(^),5J(7r,)  =  /,*}(*,)  =  10. 

For  all  i  G  JV,  let  m,  =  cr  ,(*/>)).  It  may  be  checked  that  for  all  i  G  N,m-t  satisfies 
Property  7  |  t.  Also,  for  all  i  G  iV,  f(i)  =  f  and  0*(m)  =  0,(m_,)  =  {V'}.  Therefore, 
Case  1  applies  and  £(m)  =  f(tp).  Next,  we  shall  establish  that  for  all  i  G  iV,  for  all 
</>'  G  /,(</>),  ^-.('/'')  satisfies  Property  7  |  i  and  0t(a_t(r/;'))  =  0*(<r(^'))  =  {xp'}. 

Given  that  agent  i  —  l's  strategy  is  5,_i,  agent  z  knows  that  for  all  7T,-!  G  IIt-i, 
agent  i  -  l's  message  contains  s^^n^i)  =  /<(*/>)•  Choose  rp'  G  /,(0).  Agent  1 
knows  that  for  all  ;  G  iV\{z},  aJ-OW))  =  Ij(tj)').  Thus,  given  (a)  and  (b)  above, 
agent  i  can  conclude  that  for  all  xp'  G  lt{ip),0-t{tp')  satisfies  Property  7  |  i  with 
0,(<7_,(t/>'))  =  0*(a(i>'))  =   {0'}.  Given  that  s]{It(xP))   =  /  and  sJ(/i(t/>))   =   10,  for 


all  xp'  E  Ii(xp),s(I(xp'))  is  such  that  Case  1  is  applicable.   Thus,  for  all  i  E  N,  for  all 

Consider  unilateral  deviation  by  some  z  £  iV,  to  an  arbitrary  m\  E  M,  with 
s\{Ii{xp))  =  ra(-  =  (7!"!(z),7rj-+1(i),/'(z),6'(z)).  We  shall  consider  the  possible  outcomes 
that  agent  i  can  expect  given  that  for  all  xp'  E  Ii(xp),a-i(xp')  satisfies  Property  7  |  t. 
Choose  xp1  E  Ii{xp).  We  need  to  consider  the  following  possibilities: 

(i)  f'(i)  =  f,  in  which  case  either  Case  1  applies  or  Case  2  applies  and  £,-(mj-,  cr_j(0'))  E 
{fi(xp'),  0}-  Note  that  Case  4  does  not  apply  since  <7_,(t/>')  satisfies  Property  7  |  z. 

(ii)  f'(i)  ^  f-  Then  Case  3  applies  and  &(m{,<r_t-(^'))  E  {/-(O(^')i  0}. 

To  check  whether  (s,f(xp))  E  E(Q(ip),xp),  we  would  need  to  show  that  for  all 
P«  E  Ri(ip),  f°r  all  s(-  E  S,,  the  following  holds: 

to(s,ioIu<T-i)eELi(f\pi).  [4] 

Given  the  construction  of  s,  for  all  xp'  E  /l(V,)5  f°r  aU  J  €  7V\{z},  ^(/y^'))  =  /• 
Therefore,  given  that  z  knows  that  all  j  E  iV\{z}  are  playing  strategy  s_;,  i  knows  that 
(i)  and  (ii)  are  mutually  exclusive. 

Let  g  :  $  — ►  A  be  a  function  defined  such  that  for  all  xp'  E  Ix(xp),g(xp')  =  0.  Given 
strict  monotonicity  of  preferences,  any  linear  combination  of  utilities  obtainable  from 
the  rules  /  and  g  is  weakly  dominated  by  the  expected  utility  to  agent  i  from  the  rule 
/.  Thus,  in  the  case  of  possibility  (i),  regardless  of  his/her  probability  distribution  on 
*£,  agent  i  is  no  better  off. 

By  definition  of  /;,  for  all  xp'  E  U{xp),  Rt{ip)  —  -^i(V,/)-  Agent  i  can  determine  with 
certainty  whether  Case  3A  or  3B  is  applicable  in  the  case  of  possibility  (ii)  by  choosing 
/'(*)  and  S'(i)  appropriately.  If  agent  1  chooses  Case  3B,  by  strict  monotonicity  of 
preferences  he/she  is  no  better  off.    If  1  chooses  3A,  by  definition,  for  all  xp'  E  U{xp), 


for  all  pi  £  Ri(tp)  =  Ri(rj>'),  f'(i)  G  ELt{f  |  pt).  Again  i  is  no  better  off. 

Since  this  argument  holds  for  all  i  £  N,  we  have  f(ip)  £  E A{Q {<p) ,  xp) .         Q.E.D. 

Remark  J,:  It  should  be  noted  that  the  when  the  strategy  5  is  played  it  does 
not  mean  that  agents  know  the  "true"  information  sets  of  their  neighbors.  In  the 
equilibrium  constructed  in  the  proof  above,  each  agent  picks  an  event  from  his/her 
neighbor's  partition  at  some  point  in  the  iterative  process.  The  event  that  each  agent 
picks  happens  to  be  the  true  information  set  for  the  neighbor.  Secondly,  note  that  s,- 
is  II,- measurable  for  all  i.  Corresponding  to  each  state  xp  we  have  a  different  Interim 
equilibrium  list  of  strategies.  The  construction  of  5  in  Lemma  1  clearly  requires  that 
for  all  xp'  £  xp,  if  s  G  Es(Q{ip),xp)  then  s  £  Es(G(<p),rp').  Observe  that  such  a 
construction  was  possible  since  our  equilibrium  concept  is  Interim  equilibrium  and  not 
Bayesian  equilibrium.  A  Bayesian  equilibrium  strategy  list  is  state-independent  since 
it  is  the  result  of  an  ex  ante  calculation. 

Proof  of  Lemma  2:  By  Lemma  1,  given  that  for  all  xp  £  ty,(p(xp)  ^  0,  there  exists 
m  £  M  satisfying  the  hypotheses  of  Lemma  2  such  that  Case  1  is  applicable.  We  need 
to  show,  therefore,  that  there  cannot  be  an  m  satisfying  the  hypotheses  of  Lemma  2 
such  that  either  of  the  Cases  2,  3  or  4  are  applicable. 

For  all  i  £  N,  let  m,  =  (7rt(i),7Ti+1(i),/(i),^(z)).   Consider  an  alternative  strategy 
for  agent  i,  *J(^W)  =  ™>\  such  that  m\  =  «(t),  7rJ+1(t),  /'^),  S'(i))  with  (x{(0,  *'t  +  l(t),  /'(0) 
(7rt(i),7rt+1(z), /(;)).  S'(i)  is  such  that  for  all  j  <=  N\{i},  for  all*,-  G  ttj,S'(i)  <  *j(*j)- 
This  choice  of  strategy  guarantees  that  for  all  xp'  £  Ix(xp),K{m'i,a-l(xl)'))  =  {{}. 

We  shall  establish  that  if  Case  1  is  not  met  by  m,  then  for  at  least  one  i  G  N,  the 
following  strict  inequality  holds: 

£,('»>_,(</•))  >6KV0)  [5]. 


Consider  the  different  possibilities  in  case  there  is  m  is  such  that  either  Case  2  or  3  or 
•1  applies: 

(i)  m  is  such  that  Case  2  is  applicable  for  j .  Consider  the  two  possibilities: 

(i)a.  If  Case  2A  is  applicable,  then  there  exists  j  £  N  such  that  A'(rn)  =  {]}. 
Therefore,  for  all  i  £  N\{j},m-i  does  not  satisfy  Property  7  |  i.  Choose  i  £  N\{j}. 
By  construction  of  mj,  Property  7  |  j  is  not  satisfied  either  by  replacing  m;  with  m^- 
in  the  list  m_7.  By  Rule  4A,  £;(m[-,<7_,(i/>))  =  Q..  Since  |  N\{j]  |>  2,  there  exists 
i  £  N\{j}  such  that  £,(m)  <  ft.  Thus,  [5]  holds. 

(i)b.  If  Case  2B  is  applicable,  £(m)  =  0.  There  exists  i  £  N  with  (m(-,m_t)  such 
that  Case  2A  applies.  By  assumption,  for  all  /£(/?,  for  all  xj)'  £  ty,f(xp')  ^  0.  Thus, 
we  conclude  that  [5]  holds. 

(ii)  m  is  such  that  Case  3  is  applicable.  Then  for  some  A:  £  N,f(k)  ^  f(k  —  1). 
Therefore,  for  all  i  £  N\{k},  m_{  does  not  satisfy  Property  7  |  z.  The  arguments  given 
in  part  (ii)a.  would  then  apply. 

(iii)  m  is  such  that  Case  4  is  applicable.  Consider  the  two  possibilities: 

(iii)a.  If  Case  4A  is  applicable,  then  there  exists  j  £  A^  such  that  K(m)  =  {j}. 
Therefore,  for  all  i  £  N\{j},m-i  does  not  satisfy  Property  7  |  i.  Choose  i  £  N\{j}. 
By  construction  of  m\,  Property  7  |  j  is  not  satisfied  either  by  replacing  m,  with  m[ 
in  the  list  m_;.  By  Rule  4A,  £,(m;,<7_,(0))  =  SI.  Given  that  K{m)  /  {i}  we  have 
Zi(m)  <  ft.  Thus,  [5]  holds. 

(iii)b.  If  Case  4B  is  applicable,  £(m)  =  0,  and  given  that  K{m'i,0-l{\l)))  =  {j}, 
[5]  would  hold. 

Thus,  we  have  shown  that  if  there  is  m  such  that  Case  1  does  not  apply,  then, 
given  strict  monotonicity  of  preferences,  for  at  least  one  1  £  N ,  there  exists  s't  £  5, 


such  that  for  pt  =  {0}  G  Ri{xl>),  EUt{i  o  {s\  o  /t,s_,  o  /_,-)  |  Pl)  >  EU{{i  osoI\  pt). 
This  contradicts  the  hypothesis  that  s  G  Es(Q{^>),^)-  Q.E.D. 

Proof  of  Lemma  3:  Choose  ip  G  $ .  Let  s  G  Es{Q{^>)^)  with  s(I(ip))  =  m  = 
(irt(i),7Ti+l(i),f(i),6(i)).  For  all  i  £  N,  let  a;  =  st-.  By  Lemma  2,  m  is  such  that  Case 
1  is  applicable.  Thus,  d*(m)  ^  0  and  a  is  a  CCMO  with  0m(m)  =  ^{rp).  Since  Case 
1  applies,  there  exists  f  £  <p  such  that  for  all  i  G  N,f(i)  =  f  and  f(m)  =  f(xpa(xp)). 
We  need  to  show  that  /(^(VO)  €  vKVO- 

Let  V'  =  </>a(V0-  We  shall  show  that  for  all  i  G  N,  if  for  all  pj-  G  iW),  2  G 
£Li(/  |  p\),  then  for  all  p{  G  #,(</>),  $r  o  ^a  G  ££,-(/  o  V>Q  |  /?,)•  Choose  i  G  N  and 
let  <7  G  EL{(f  |  p^)  for  all  p\  G  Ri(tp')  such  that  g  ^  f.  Suppose  agent  i  were  to 
switch  to  m'i  =  (irt(i),Trt+1(i),g,8'(i)),  where  £'(i)  is  such  that  for  all  j  G  N\{i},  for 
allTr,  G  II,-,£'(i)  <^(ttj). 

By  the  definition  of  Case  1,  6*(rn)  —  0,(m_;)  =  {tp1}.  By  Case  3A,  given  that  for 
all  xp"  G  #,tf(m'.,<7_,-(V>"))  =  {i}  and  g  G  ££,-(/  |  ^J)  for  all  p\  G  fl^'UK,™-.') 
=  g(ip').  Agent  i's  initial  information  set  is  Ii(ip).  By  definition  of  a,  for  all  xp"  G 
UW,ELx{f  |  Ii(il>a(rl>")))=ELi(f  |  /.(</>')).  Thus,  for  all  tf"  G  /,(</>),  6(m„a_t(^")) 
fi(rpa(ip"))  and  ^roj,  a_f(</>"))  -  gi(1>a(ip")).  Given  that  s  G  Es{G{s>\rl>),  we  con- 
clude that  for  all  pt  G  R,{ip),  g  o  t/>a  G  ££,(/  o  z/>a  |  />,)•  This  holds  for  all  i  G  Ar.  By 
I-MON,  we  conclude  that  f{xpa{xp))  G  <p(xp).  Q.E.D. 



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1.  It  is  common  knowledge  that  once  an  equilibrium  is  reached,  every  agent  is  committed 
to  computing  a  message  using  his/her  component  of  the  equilibrium  list  of  strategies.  It 
is  assumed  that  such  a  commitment  can  be  enforced. 

State  G  (0.25) 

State  B  (0  75) 

rri2      m?       m2 

rri2      nri2 



0,  4 

0,  2 

0,  0 

1,  4 

2,  6 

0,  0 

0,  0 

0,  0 

1.  2 


1,  2 

0,   1 

0,  0 

0,  4 

1,  3 

0,  0 

0,  C 

0,  0 

1.  2 

Figure  1 


F    .7- 

State  4>'  (0.75) 

State  i>*  (0.25) 


m2      t»2'      rri2" 


m2      m2       1T12" 

1.  1 

0,  3 

0,  4 

8,  3 

0,  2 

0,  0 


0,  2 


2,  3 

3,  0 

0,  10 


1.  4 


0,  0 






State  \p'  (0. 

75)                                                           State  ty*  (0.25) 

(V.  i>*) 

1,  1 

2,  3 

w.  r) 

8,  3 


1,  4 

Figure  3 


State  V  (0.75) 

State  i)*  (0.25) 

m   (**) 

(40      (**) 

W.  i>*) 

2.  3 

1,  1 

(*'.  **) 

1.  4 

8,  3 




Let  m  =  (TTj(i),  TT(  +  1(i),  f(i).  6(i)),eN 

Case  1: 

Vi  6  N,  (i)  3f  6  <|>  f(i)  =  f,  (ii)  6(i)  =  10  and  (iii)  0j(m_j)  =  0*(m)  *  0. 

C(m)  =  f(6*(m)) 


Case  2: 

(i)  3f  6  4>  such  that  Vj  6  N,  f(j)  =  f,  (ii)  3i  6  N  such  that  m_j  satisfies  Property  y\\  and  (iii)  the 
conditions  for  Case  1  are  not  all  met 

Case  2A 

K(m)  =  {i} 

Case  2B 



5(m)  =  f(ei(m_i)) 

C(m)  =  0 

Case  3: 

3i  6  N  such  that  (i)  f(i)  f  f(i-l)  6  4>  and  (ii)  m_j  satisfies  Property  y|i. 

Case  3A 

(i)  VPi  6  RjOjtm-j)), 
f(i)  6  ELj(f(i-1)  I  Pi)   and 
(ii)  K(m)  =  {i} 


5(m)  =  f(i)(91(m_i)) 

Case  3B 


£(m)  =  0 

Case  4: 


Case  4A 

3i  6  N  with  K(m)  =  {i} 

(Cj(m),  £_j(m))  =  (fl.  0) 

Case  4B 


£(m)  =  0. 

Papers  in  the  Political  Economy  of  Institutions  Series 

No.   1     Susan  I.  Cohen.   "Pareto  Optimality  and  Bidding  for  Contracts." 
Working  Paper  #  1411 

No.   2     Jan  K.  Brueckner  and  Kangoh  Lee.   "Spatially-Limited  Altruism, 
Mixed  Clubs,  and  Local  Income  Redistribution."   Working  Paper 

No.   3     George  E.  Monahan  and  Vijay  K.  Vemuri.   "Monotonicity  of 
Second-Best  Optimal  Contracts."   Working  Paper  #1417 

No.   4     Charles  D.  Kolstad,  Gary  V.  Johnson,  and  Thomas  S.  Ulen.   "Ex 
Post  Liability  for  Harm  vs.  Ex  Ante  Safety  Regulation: 
Substitutes  or  Complements?"   Working  Paper  #1419 

No.   5     Lanny  Arvan  and  Hadi  S.  Esfahani.   "A  Model  of  Efficiency  Wages 
as  a  Signal  of  Firm  Value."   Working  Paper  #1424 

No.   6    Kalyan  Chatterjee  and  Larry  Samuelson.   "Perfect  Equilibria  in 
Simultaneous-Offers  Bargaining."   Working  Paper  #1425 

No.   7     Jan  K.  Brueckner  and  Kangoh  Lee.   "Economies  of  Scope  and 
Multiproduct  Clubs."   Working  Paper  #1428 

No.   8    Pablo  T.  Spiller.   "Politicians,  Interest  Groups,  and 

Regulators:   A  Multiple- Principals  Agency  Theory  of  Regulation 
(or  "Let  Them  Be  Bribed."   Working  Paper  #1436 

No.   9    Bhaskar  Chakravorti.   "Asymmetric  Information,  'Interim' 
Equilibrium  and  Mechanism  Design."   Working  Paper  #1437 

No.  10     Bhaskar  Chakravorti.   "Mechanisms  with  No  Regret:   Welfare 

Economics  and  Information  Reconsidered."   Working  Paper  #1438 

No.  11     Bhaskar  Chakravorti.   "Communication  Requirements  and  Strategic 
Mechanisms  for  Market  Organization."   Working  Paper  #1439 




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