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Being Part I and Chapter XII of 
The Foundations of Chemical 'Theory 


R. M. CAVltt 

D.Sc.(Lomton), F.I.C 

Professor of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry 
in the Royal Technical College, Glasgow 




Printed in Great Britain by 
Blackie & Son, Limited, Glasgow 


Tliis work is a separate issue of Part I ami 
Chapter XTI of my work, The Foundations of 
Chemical Theory. 

It is issued in this form in response to a request 
for an elementary account of the subjects with 
which it deals. 

R. M. a 

March, 1937. 


CHAP Fane 


Composition of Matter The Elements Laws of Chemical Com- 
bination The Atomic, Theory The Molecular Theory La\s ut 
Volumes Avogadro's Theory. 


Equivalent and Atomic Weights -Standard for Equivalent and 
Atomic \\eights -Determination of Equivalent Weights 
Methods of Determining Atomic Weights: (a) Method ot 
Vapour Density and Avogadro's Theory Vapour Densities 
by the Methods of Dumas, Hofmann, Victor Meyer; 
(h) Method ot Chemical Displacement; (r) Method ot Speeilie 
Heats (Dulong and Pet it's Law); (</) Method of Isomorphism 
(Mitscheiiich's Law); (t) Method of the Periodic-, Li\\ - Jllu^tia- 
tion : The Atomic Weight of Carbon Molecular Weights in 
Solution: Cryoscopie and Ebulliscopic Methods Molecular 
Complexity Molecular Compositions of (Compound Cases. 


Historical Definition of Valency Bonds and Graphic FurmuLe 
Variability of Valency Double Bond in Carbon Compounds 
"Chemistry in Space " Criterion of Valency Nature of Valency. 


The Periodic Law according to Mendelecff Law of Octaves 
Development of the Periodic Law Periodicity of Physical 
Properties Periodicity of Chemical Properties Periodicity 
of Valency Uses of the Periodic Law Correction of Atomic 
Weight Values Suggestiveness of the Periodic Law Objec- 
tions to the Periodic Law. 


Electrolysis and the Electron Radioactivity The Electron 
and Valency Effect of Radioactive Change Isobares and 
Isotopes Atomic Number The Modern Statement of the 
Periodic Law- Positive Ray Analysis and Mass Spectra Iso- 
topes of Lead Atomic S true Jure Valency Theories of Lewis 
and Langmuir Theory of Bohr. 



CHAP Page 


Electrochemical Theory of Ber/elms Dualistic and Unitary 
Systems --- Electrolytic Dissociation Theory of Arrhenius 
Eleetrovalenc} and Co valency The Octet Theory Molecular 
Structures 1 Space Lattices Crystal Units and Molecules of 
Solids FormuLe, Old and New. 


Solution and Suspension Crystalloids and Colloids Hydrosol 
and Hydrogel Typical Colloids -The Ultra-microscope Size 
of Colloidal Particles (Gradations between Suspension and 
Solution Coagulation of CollouU Cataphoresis Peptization 
Protective Colloids Phases and Media Uungo oi Colloidal 




i. The Composition of Matter 

The term matter at first suggests to the unsophisticated mind 
such qualities as bulk, shape, colour, hardness, weight. It is quickly 
recognized, however, that some of these qualities belong only to 
some kinds of matter, and are absent from others. Consider, for 
example, a log of wood floating on water. It will be admitted that 
the wood but riot the water possesses hardness, though both possess 
weight; that the log but not the water has a permanent shape, 
though both have bulk. Above the water is the air, and the air 
is something, for it blows in a man's face, and raises ripples on 
water. By a proper instrument it can be shown that air possesses 
weight. So air is matter, though it is without form, permanent 
bulk, apparent colour, or hardness. 

At the conclusions suggested by these thoughts the Ancients 
arrived after their own fashion. Their fundamental classification 
of natural things included the three categories: earth, water, air, 
together with a fourth fire. These four were the dements, accord- 
ing to Aristotle, but their names really stood for qualities rather 
than separate species of matter. For instance, earth meant dryness 
and coldness, water wetness and coldness, and so on. Nevertheless, 

first three terms at least suggest an outlook on the world which 
Essentially true, since they stand for the three fundamental 
forms of matter: solid, liquid, gas. 

( D tX) ) 1 2 


This conclusion as to the threefold constitution of the world 
is reached by an extensive outlook upon nature; an intensive, an 
introspective view, such as the following illustration furnishes, 
leads to another conclusion. 

Sea-water is distinguished from fresh water by its saltness, that 
is, by its special taste. What proportion of salt water mixed with 
fresh water could be BO distinguished depends upon the sensitive- 
ness of the human palate; but such a test would assuredly fail 
when the salt water was highly diluted. The addition of silver 
nitrate to the much diluted salt water would, however, serve to 
detect the presence of salt after the test of taste had failed, because 
of the turbidity or opalescence which the silver nitrate produces 
with even very small quantities of chlorides in solution. Would 
this test fail in its turn when the utmost delicacy was required, or 
would it detect the minutest quantity of salt? It might fail by 
reason of defective human vision, were it not that an instrument 
has been made on purpose to detect the slightest cloudiness in 
a liquid; but it must fail at last for quite another reason. For the 
test depends on the insolubility of silver chloride in water; but 
silver chloride is not quite insoluble in water, and on this account 
will not be precipitated when the salt solution is excessively 

So salt may perhaps be present in, and diffused through, water 
in quantity too minute to be detected by any test whatsoever. 
How far, then, may the dilution be carried; will salt still be present 
after infinite dilution? Or, more generally, is matter infinitely 
divisible? This is the question which arises directly out of an 
experiment which any novice in chemistry can perform. The 
same question presented itself to the alert minds of the ancient 
peoples of the East; not, it is true, by reason of experimental 
investigation, but because of meditation on the nature of the 
material world. Thus the question was: Is matter infinitely divis- 
ible or not ? To believe the latter is the easier and more satisfying 
philosophy; this was the philosophy of Plato and Democritus. So 
matter was supposed to consist ultimately of hard, indivisible, and 
indestructible particles separated by vacuous interspaces; that is, of 

Of the two theories of the Ancients, to which the Greeks gave 
finished expression the theory of Elements and the theory of 
Atoms the former passed through strange vicissitudes, which 


need not here be traced; whilst the latter remained latent until 
modern times, when it was found to be in accord with the con- 
clusions derived by Dalton from experimental data. 

2. The Elements 

A theory of the elements should precede a theory of atoms. 
So, dismissing the ancient theory of the elements, it may be said 
quite briefly that an element, as generally understood, is an ultimate 
species of matter; or, to adopt the more usual and explicit definition: 

An element is a substance which hitherto has not been resolved 
into two or more dissimilar kinds of matter. 

We owe this idea of an element first of all to Boyle (1678); it 
was Lavoisier (1789), however, who realized its provisional nature; 
and, indeed, some of Lavoisier's elements, such ^ lime and the 
alkalis, are now proved to be compounds. If this definition merely 
marked the present state of progressive human achievement it 
would not be a scientific definition. An assurance is necessary that 
some kind of finality has been or may be reached in the decom- 
position of substances; that at least the "elements" are equally 
elementary; this assurance may be given with every confidence. 
That the elements are absolutely undecoinposable has, however, never 
been a settled belief of the chemist; on the contrary, he has held the 
opinion from time to time that they are derived from, and so are 
resolvable into, a common primordial substance. The phenomena 
of radioactivity now furnish evidence of the spontaneous and 
perpetual disintegration, into simpler forms of matter, of the atoms 
of certain of the elements; and new theories of matter which are now 
taking firm root in chemistry represent the atom as a complex struc- 
ture; further, the fact has now been established that the elements 
are not truly homogeneous, but consist of atoms of differing relative 
weights, which, however, are indistinguishable and inseparable by 
ordinary chemical means. 

These considerations, however, do not affect the chemist's working 
theory of the elements. He knows that the nearly ninety different 
kinds of matter into which he has resolved the rrymy substances 
found in nature, and out of which he can elaborate a vast number 
of Compounds to which nature has no counterpart, pass unchanged 
through the crucible of his everyday operations. So he habitu- 
ally regards the catalogue of the elements that hangs in his 


laboratory as a permanent record, not only of human skill, but 
of Nature's handiwork as well. 

3. The Atomic Theory 

The atoms of Greek philosophy were indestructible; indeed, the 
indestructibility of matter has probably always been an axiom 
of science, notwithstanding the surprising and fantastic changes 
matter was supposed to undergo in the hands of the alchemists 
of the Middle Ages. This principle was first clearly illustrated, 
however, by Lavoisier in his application of quantitative methods to 
chemistry, and was subsequently demonstrated, within the limits of 
the most accurate experimental research, by Stas, Landolt, and 
others. 1 In 1770 Lavoisier gave an account of experiments he had 
performed to test the supposition that water is transformed into 
earth by boiling. A weighed quantity of water was boiled for 
101 days in a weighed and sealed glass vessel; and at the end 
of that time it was found that while "earth" appeared in the 
vessel the water weighed the same as at first, and the weight 
of the "earth" was equal to the loss in weight which the glass 
vessel had incurred. Thus it was shown that the "earth" came 
from the glass and not from the water, and that water is not 
transformed into earth by boiling. In these experiments the use 
of the balance played an essential part; but this was a novelty in 
chemistry. The scientific achievements of such men as Boyle, 
Black, Cavendish, Priestley, Scheele, notwithstanding their great 
value, were chiefly of a qualitative nature. Henceforth, however, 
chemistry was concerned with weighing things, and a new era 

It was now but a step to the quantitative analysis of chemical 
substances. Lavoisier took this step in his investigation of mer- 
curic oxide, or the calx of mercury, which Priestley and Scheele 
had decomposed into mercury and oxygen. Soon there arose an 
important question, the answer to which could be found only by 
quantitative analysis. This was the question: Is a chemical com- 
pound necessarily constant in composition, or may its composition 
vary within certain limits according to the way in which it is 
prepared ? c 

It may appear to be a truism that the same compound 4 " mu^t 

1 For an account of these researches see The StJidy of Chemical Composition, by I. Freun._ 


always have the same composition, so that it is better to state the 
problem in this way: Can the products of different chemical re- 
actions, designed to produce the same compound, really differ 
slightly in composition? Berthollet was of opinion that they 
could; that the composition of a compound might vary within 
certain limits according to the way in which it was prepared; 
indeed, that the conditions of its genesis are the overruling factors 
of its composition. Barium sulphate was cited as an example. All 
known specimens of this compound were found to be identical in 
composition, but this identity was due, not to any inherent pro- 
perty of the constituent elements of the compound, but to the fact 
that by uniting in such proportions these elements produced a 
compound of maximum insolubility in water. -It was fair to suppose, 
therefore, that if the salt could be precipitated from some other 
medium than water it would have a different composition accom- 
modated to a new requirement of maximum insolubility. Such an 
idea was gravely erroneous, and was quite foreign to the principles 
on which the atomic theory was soon to be founded. Yet the idea 
appeared to have experimental support; and, indeed, it contained 
the germ of an important truth. In support of his belief, Berthollet 
showed that when nitric acid reacted with mercury or with tin the 
composition of the nitrate of mercury or oxide of tin produced 
varied within certain limits according to the concentration of the 
acid employed. Proust, on the other hand, maintained that " be- 
tween pole and pole compounds are identical in composition; their 
appearance may vary owing to their manner of aggregation, but 
their properties never". After a controversy carried on with 
Berthollet over a period of eight years (1800-8), Proust fully 
established his proposition, and showed that the variable products 
obtained by Berthollet were variable mixtures of invariable com- 
pounds. Thus was established the first law of chemical combina- 
tion the law of definite or fixed proportions: 

The same chemical compound always contains the same elements 
united together in the same proportions; or the proportions between 
the constituent elements of a chemical compound bear an unalter- 
able relation to each other, and to the proportion of compound 
" This was the first foundation of the atomic theory. 

Nevertheless, it was a pity that the truth in Berthollet's view 
was entirely overlooked in the victory of Proust: the truth that 


the proportions or concentrations in which reacting substances are 
present may determine the proportions subsisting between the 
products of a reaction, although the proportions in which elements 
or compounds actually react to form these products are quite be- 
yond the influence of external and variable conditions. Thus, in 
the case of the action of nitric acid on mercury, studied by Ber- 
thollet, the concentration of the acid determines whether mercurous 
or mercuric nitrate or a mixture of these two salts is produced, 
although it can have no influence on the unalterable chemical 
composition of either of the two salts. 

The existence of two nitrates of mercury is, however, a note- 
worthy fact, which appears the more striking when it is discovered 
that in one compound the proportion of mercury to nitrate is 
exactly twice what it is in the other. Further examples of this 
phenomenon were observed by Dalton, who showed that the pro- 
portion of hydrogen to a fixed quantity of carbon is twice as 
great in methane as in ethylene, and of oxygen to a fixed quan- 
tity of carbon, twice as great in carbonic acid gas as in carbonic 

Other examples of compounds showing analogous relations are 
two of the oxides of lead, one of which contains twice as much 
oxygen compared with lead as the other, and the five oxides of 
nitrogen, in which the quantities of oxygen combined with a fixed 
amount of nitrogen are as 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5. Here was an important 
generalization, which was formulated by Dalton as the law of 
multiple proportions: 

When one element combines with another in more than one pro- 
portion, these proportions bear a simple relation to one another. 

The foregoing facts furnish material enough for the atomic 
theory. It is usual, however, to add to the laws of definite and* 
multiple proportions a third law, the law of reciprocal proportions, 
which, however, follows logically from the other two laws. 

It was shown by Richter, about 1780, that the ratio between 
the quantities of two acids which neutralize a fixed amount of 
alkali is the same whatever the alkali may be; and by Berzelius, in 
1810-2, that 38 4 l parts of lead combine separately with 58-73 parts 
of sulphur and 29-6 parts of oxygen, whilst 58-73 parts of sulphur 
combine in turn with 57 45 parts of oxygen. Now, 57 45 = 29 6 J< 2 
within the limits of the experimental error of the time; and thes 
facts may be expressed diagrammatically thus: 


Sulphur -< >- Oxygen 

So is illustrated the law of reciprocal proportions: 

The proportions of two elements which separately combine with 
a fixed proportion of a third element are also the proportions of 
these elements which combine with each other, or else in accord- 
ance with the law of multiple proportions they bear a simple ratio 
to these proportions. 

This law has within it, especially in the way in which it was 
illustrated by Richter, the idea of chemical equivalents; and so it 
may be stated in this axiomatic way: 

Quantities of substances which are chemically equivalent to the 
same quantity of a third substance, are chemically equivalent to one 

Thus it appears that, granted the validity of the idea of chemical 
equivalents, which will be examined later, the law of reciprocal 
proportions requires no experimental justification. 

Although we owe the essence of the modern atomic theory to 
Dalton alone, the precise way in which the theory took shape in 
the mind of its author has been rather problematical. At the 
close of a paper on the absorption of gases by water, Dalton wroto 
as follows: 

"An inquiry into the relative weights of the ultimate particles of 
oodies is a subject, as far as I know, entirely new. I have lately been 
prosecuting this inquiry with remarkable success." 

No hint is given in the context of the way in which the atomic 
values, which follow, were estimated, nor of the precise reason why 
such values were believed to exist. The idea that matter consists 
of discrete particles was, however, in the air. Apart from the 
ancient theory of atoms, a theory of particles had oeen held more 
or^less firmly by F. Bacon, Boyle, Higgins, and others; whilst 
NewiJbn made the following explicit statement: 

" It seems probable to me, that God in the beginning formed matter 


in solid, massy, hard, impenetrable, movable particles, of such sizes and 
figures, and with such other properties, and in such proportion to space, 
as most conduced to the end for which He formed them; and that these 
primitive particles, being solids, are incomparably harder than any porous 
body compounded of them, even so very hard as never to wear or break 
in pieces; no ordinary power being able to divide what God Himself 
made one in the first creation. . . . The changes of corporeal things are 
to be traced only in the various separations and new associations and 
motions of these permanent particles." 

It would almost appear from such a pronouncement that 
Newton and not Dalton was the author of the atomic theory. 
Yet this statement is not a chemical theory: it is a cosmic theory 
intimately related to Newton's great discovery of universal gravi- 
tation. Dalton, however, was greatly indebted to Newton and 
the idea of ubiquitous particles which the theory of gravita- 
tion involved; and it appears that he conveyed this idea into 
chemistry and employed it to explain the laws of chemical com- 

To understand the atomic theory, therefore, is simply to under- 
stand how the theory of particles fits the chemical laws. This is 
quite easy. 

Let there be three elements, A, B, C, and let the areas of the 


represent the combining 

weights of these elements on any arbitrary scale, 

being; the 

quantity of B which is found to combine separately with A 

parts of A and 

proportions; whilst 

parts of C, according to the law of definite 

parts of C also combine with 

parts of A, according to the law of reciprocal proportions, so that 
the following compounds are formed: 



Then, according to the law of multiple proportions, compounds 
such as these may be formed: 



















&c. How else can these experimental facts be interpreted than by 
the idea of " permanent particles " ? The elements combine accord- 
ing to the laws of definite and multiple proportions because they 
combine atom by atom: 1 atom of A with 1 atom of B; 1 atom 
of A with 2 atoms of B; 2 atoms of A with 1 atom of B; and 
so on. That is Dalton's atomic theory, and the theory is expressed 
succinctly in the following statements: * 

1. All matter consists of discrete particles called atoms, which 
remain unbroken throughout chemical change. 

2. Atoms of the same element are ordinarily supposed to be 
similar in all respects. 

3. Chemical compounds are formed by the union of the atoms of 
different elements in simple numerical proportions. 

4. The proportions in which elements combine to form compounds 
are determined by the atomic weights of the elements. 

The transition from the laws to the theory is quickly made: it 
is taken, so to speak, in a stride; but the boundary line between 
them must not be obliterated. The laws of chemical combination 
are statements of experimental facts; the theory is an explanation 
of these facts which is very probably true, but it does not stand 
Vn the same category as the facts. In science, facts and theory 
must always be distinguished as clearly as possible. 

When the atomic theory is accepted it at once appears that 
the combining weights of the elements represent the combining 
weights of their atoms. The atomic theory involves the atomic 
weights. No atomic theory previous to that of Dalton involved 
atomic weights; these were a novelty, and their introduction 
constitutes Dalton's great contribution to chemical science. The 
following atomic weights are selected from a list published by 
Dalton, the atomic weight of hydrogen being 1. 







An atom of water or steam, 



composed of 1 of oxygen 

Carbon or Charcoal 


+ 1 of hydrogen 







An atom of ammonia, com- 
posed of 1 of azote + 1 
of hydrogen 



1 I'ATI 



An atom of carbonic oxide, 
composed of 1 of carbon 

JL1 Ull . . 



+ 1 of oxygen 




A 4-^ f rt Vi 'A 



xi.n ai/om OL caroonic acid, 
1 carbon + 2 oxygen 






An atom of sulphuric acid, 



1 sulphur + 3 oxygen 


If the student compares these atomic weights with those in 
use at the present day, he will see that they differ widely from 
the modern figures. Inaccuracies in Dalton's values are to be 
expected, but it is not experimental error which attributes, for 
example, an atomic weight of 7 to oxygen, instead of 16. As a 
matter of fact these combining weights are not atomic weights at 
all, but are approximately what we now recognize as equivalent 

For, in Druth, Dalton had no means of determining atomic 
weights. The value 7 (or 8) for oxygen is derived from the 
analysis of water: 8 parts by weight of oxygen combine with 
1 part by weight of hydrogen to form 9 parts by weight of water. 
Who shall say from this that the atomic weight of oxygen is 8? 
That depends on the number of atoms of each element which., 
combine together to form a unit of water, a fact clearly recognize? 
by Dalton. 

Thus, we have the ratio O : H = 8 : 1 or 16 : 2 or 24 : 3, &e., 
and if 1 atom of oxygen combines with 1 atom of hydrogen, 
then the atomic weight of oxygen is 8; if 1 atom of oxygen 
combines with 2 of hydrogen, the atomic weight of oxygen is 16; 
if 1 combines % with 3, it is 24; if 2 combine with 1, it is 4; and 
so on. There was, however, no evidence on which to base a 
decision between these alternatives. Just at this point Dalton 
made a regrettable mistake. Instead of recognizing the limits, 
tions of his experimental knowledge, he made the assumption 


that since only one compound of hydrogen and oxygen was 
known, it necessarily had the simplest possible composition, and 
so was formed from 1 atom of each of its constituent elements. 
Consequently, the atomic weight of oxygen was thought to be 
7 (or 8); and for a similar reason the atomic weight of nitrogen 
(azote) was supposed to be 5, and that of carbon also 5. 

It is worth while to notice, however, that Dalton applied the 
term atom to the ultimate particles of substances known to be 
compounds as well as to those of elements; it is noteworthy 
also that his numerical values furnish examples of the law of 
multiple proportions; for instance, the composition of the two 
oxides of carbon. 

Dal ton's system of atomic symbols was ingenious: C^ stood 
for oxygen, Qj for hydrogen, (j| for carbon, &c.; whilst for 

compounds such formulae as yK_ t which stands for sulphuric 

acid (S0 3 ), had to be constructed. In these formulae, however, 
picturesqueness did not compensate for practical inconvenience; 
and the suggestion of Berzelius (1811), that initial letters should 
replace Dalton's hieroglyphics, found general acceptance. 

4. The Molecular Theory 

Dalton made no further advance along the road that he had 
traversed. His assumption that the simplest formulae for a com- 
pound is the right one was a subterfuge which marked the end 
of the road. Advance must therefore be sought in another 
.ejection; and it is found in the study of gases; for gases are 
the simplest form of matter, and, if atoms exist, the properties of 
gases will best elucidate their existence. 

In 1805 Gay-Lussac and Humboldt studied the volume pro- 
portions in which oxygen and hydrogen combine to form water; 
and announced that " 100 volumes of oxygen required for com- 
plete saturation 199-89 volumes of hydrogen, for which 200 may 
be put without error ". This is a single example of a law, Oay- 
Lu&ac's law of volumes, which is thus expressed: 
^ The* volumes in which gases combine are simply related to each 
other, and to the volume of the compound gas which is formed. 


For example: 

2 volumes of hydrogen combine with 1 volume of oxygen to form 

2 volumes of steam. 

1 volume of hydrogen combines with 1 volume of chlorine to form 
2 volumes of hydrogen chloride. 

3 volumes of hydrogen combine with 1 volume of nitrogen to form 

2 volumes of ammonia. 

A necessary corollary of this law is the statement that: the 
densities, i.e. the masses of unit volumes, of the elementary gases 
are simply related to their combining weights. 

Thus, since 1 volume of hydrogen combines with 1 volume 
of chlorine, and also 1 grm. of hydrogen combines with about 
35-5 grm. of chlorine, the density of chlorine compared with 
that of hydrogen as unity is about 35-5. 

It further follows, if gases combine volume by volume, accord- 
ing to the law of Gay-Lussac, and also atom by atom, according 
to the theory of Dalton, that there is a simple connection between 
the volume and the atom; and, indeed, that equal volumes of 
hydrogen and chlorine, for example, contain equal numbers of 
atoms. This conclusion, which was quite valid so far as it went, 
was reached by Gay-Lussac, but was denied by Dalton, on account 
of a difficulty which arose when the volume of the product was 

Now when two separate and different elementary atoms com- 
bine to form a compound atom, or whatever it may be called, 
it is one entity they form, not two. It is impossible, for instance, 
that 1 atom of hydrogen combining with 1 atom of chlorine can 
produce two compound atoms of hydrogen chloride. And yet 1 
volume of hydrogen combining with 1 volume of chlorine forms 
2 volumes of hydrogen chloride. That was a dilemma; and it 
was met by Dalton by a spirited denial of the law of Gay-Lussac. 
"The truth is", said Dalton, "that gases do not combine in simple 
proportions by volume; when they appear to do so, it is due to 
an error in our experiments" ! 

Now, Dalton was wrong; and yet what other solution can 
be found, unless indeed the "atoms" are torn in pieces in the 
process of chemical synthesis, and the pieces are afterwards joined 
together again in a different way? " ^ 

That is precisely the solution of the difficulty suggested by 



Avogadro, in his celebrated hypothesis. In this hypothesis, which 
will now be expounded, two orders of particles were distinguished, 
which we now call atoms and molecules. Atoms are indivisible 
in ordinary chemical changes; molecules are aggregates of atoms 
with a few exceptions which maintain their integrity in 
ordinary physical changes, but suffer disruption in the course 
of chemical change, so that their constituent atoms may be re- 
arranged to form fresh molecules. 

Now, when hydrogen chloride is formed from its elements 
the volume of the product is twice the volume of the hydrogen 
or of the chlorine; therefore it is sufficient to assume that the 
molecules of hydrogen and chlorine consist of pairs of atoms, 
which break into single atoms, and recombine, thus: 



so that 1 volume of hydrogen plus 1 volume of chlorine gives 
2 volumes of hydrogen chloride, instead of 1 volume, according 
to the scheme: 

It might be objected, however, that if the molecules of hydrogen 
chloride are intrinsically twice the size of the atoms of hydrogen 
and chlorine, out of which they are formed, the volume of the 
compound gas might be expected in any case to be twice that of 
either of the simple gases. Such an objection, however, is invalid, 
since the actual size of the molecules of a gas is very small com- 
pared with the molecular interspaces, and consequently the question 
of a molecule of hydrogen chloride being intrinsically larger than 
an atom of hydrogen or of chlorine does not arise. 

The formation of 2 molecules of steam from 2 molecules of 
hydrogen and 1 molecule of oxygen is thus represented: 







The above processes of combination may be set forth in terms 
of volumes, by using Dalton's symbols, thus: 

1 vol. hydrogen. 1 vol. chlorine. 

2 vois. hydrogen chloride. 

2 vola. hydrogen. 

1 vol. oxygen. 

2 vols. steam. 

Or by means of chemical equations: 

H 2 + C1 2 = 2 HC1. 
2H 2 + O 2 = 2H 2 O. 

Thus the ipolecular formula H 2 O for water makes its appear- 
ance. The proof of this formula is contained in the preceding 
argument, ^vvhich may be thus epitomized: 

Hydrogen and chlorine gases consist of diatomic molecules, 
since the volume of hydrogen chloride they produce is twice the 
volume of either single gas. 

Similarly, oxygen gas consists of diatomic molecules, since the 
volume of the steam is twice the volume of the oxygen it contains. 
The only formula for steam which agrees with the diatomicity 
of hydrogen and oxygen, as well as with the volumetric com- 
position of steam, is H 2 O. That the density of steam (H 1) 
is 9 furnishes no additional evidence, since it is deducible from 
the densities of hydrogen and oxygen, and the volume of the 
steam. That the atomic weight of oxygen is 16 follows from 
the fact that its density is 16, and that, like hydrogen, it is 
diatomic. The argument would, however, be invalidated if ft 
were shown that these gases are not diatomic, that in the mole- 
cules HX and O x , & is greater than 2. Underlying the whole of 
this argument is Avogadro's hypothesis, which is stated thus: 

Equal volumes of all gases and vapours, under the same conditions 
of temperature and pressure, contain equal numbers of molecules. 

But why hypothesis 1 This statement is not a law, any more 
khan Dalton's atomic theory is a law. When first put forward 
it was properly regarded as a hypothesis, which, indeed, suffered 
much at the hands of its friends. Now, however, it is firmly 
established, and is of fundamental Importance. It ought, therefore, 



to be dignified with the name of theory. Henceforward we shall 
speak of Avogadros theory. 

It will be seen that this theory is in accord with Gay-Lussac's 
law of volumes, and satisfactorily explains the phenomena of 
the combination of gases. Thus, 1 volume of hydrogen combines 
with 1 volume of chlorine to form 2 volumes of hydrogen chloride, 
because 1 molecule of hydrogen reacts with 1 molecule of chlorine 
to form 2 molecules of hydrogen chloride. The language of 
volumes may be exchanged for the language of molecules; that 
is the significance of Avogadro's theory. 

That equal volumes of different gases contain equal numbers 
of atoms is true only when the molecules of these gases contain 
equal numbers of atoms. It is a statement of limited truth, and 
of no permanent importance. The same may be said of the state- 
ment that the densities of elementary gases are in the same ratio 
as their atomic weights. The important fact is that the densities 
of all gases are in the same ratio as their molecular weights; 
and further, that since the molecular weight of hydrogen is 2, 
and its density, which is taken as the standard, is 1, therefore 
the molecular weights of all gases are twice their densities. Thus, 
the molecular weight of a gas or vapour is revealed by its density, 
as the following approximate figures show: 

Elementary Gas or Vapour. 









H 2 
















* Phosphorus 














It may be remarked, incidentally, that the magnitude of the 
atomic weight of an element cannot be deduced from its gas or 
vapour density unless the number of atoms confined within 
the molecule of the element, i.e. its atomicity , is known indepenV- 
dentty. As a rule, however, the atomic weight of the element 
is kno^fn independently, and then the atomicity is deduced from 
the density. 


The breadth of Avogadro's generalization was not realized in 
the time of its originator; and, owing to the persistence of the 
volume-atom theory of Gay-Lussac, and its unwarrantable exten- 
sion by Berzelius, 1 there was much confusion on the subject until 
Cannizzaro, in 1858, reinstated Avogadro's theory on a permanent 

It should be added that Avogadro's theory applies strictly 
only to an ideal gas. When a gas deviates from Boyle's law it 
deviates to the same extent from Avogadro's theory. 

A useful fact to remember in connection with gas densities is 
that a litre of hydrogen at C and 760 mm. pressure, i.e. normal 
temperature and pressure (N.T.P.), weighs almost exactly 009 grm. r 
or that 1 grin, measures 11 125 litres. Thus a gram-molecule (i.e. 
the molecular weight in grams) of hydrogen at N.T.P. measures 
22-25 litres ; and from Avogadro's theory it follows that the 
volume of a gram-molecule of any gas or vapour, reduced to 
normal temperature and pressure, is 22-25 litres. To determine 
the weight in grams of 22 25 litres of any gas or vapour, reduced 
to and 760 mm., is therefore to discover its molecular weight 


AN ELEMENT is a substance which hitherto has not been resolved 
chemically into two or more dissimilar kinds of matter. 

LAWS OF CHEMICAL COMBINATION. 1. Law of definite or fixed 
proportions. The same chemical compound always contains the 
same elements united together in the same proportions; or, the 
proportions between the constituent elements of a chemical com- 
pound are always the same. 

2. Law of Multiple Proportions. When one element combines 
with another in more than one proportion, these proportions bear 
a simple ratio to one another. 

3. Laiv of Reciprocal Proportions. The proportions of two 
elements which separately combine with a fixed proportion of a 
third element are also the proportions of these elements which 
combine with each other, or else in accordance with the law of 
multiple proportions th&y bear a simple ratio to these proportions. 

1 The practice of referring all gaseous molecules to 2 volumes, which was a per.dciou& 
outcome of the theorizing of Berzelius, appears now, fortunately, to be dying f ut. Why, 
indeed, should every molecule be regarded as a microcosm of 2 volumes, as if it cw.ld> 
necessarily be dichotomized? fc 


THE ATOMIC THEORY. 1. All matter consists of discrete 
particles called atoms, which remain unbroken throughout chemical 
change. * 

2. Atoms of the same element are ordinarily supposed to be 
similar in all respects. 

3. Chemical compounds are formed by the union of the atoms 
of different elements in simple numerical proportions. 

4. The proportions in which elements combine to form com- 
pounds are determined by the atomic weights of the elements. 

GAY-LUSSAC'S LAW OF VOLUMES. The volumes in which gases 
combine are simply related to each other, and to the volume 
of the compound gas which is formed. 

Corollary. The densities of the elementary gases are simply 
related to their combining weights. 1 

AVOGADRO'S THEORY. Equal volumes of all gases and vapours 
under the same conditions of temperature and pressure contain 
equal numbers of molecules. 

Corollary. Since the molecule of hydrogen contains 2 atoms, 
the molecular weight of any gas or vapour is twice its density 
compared with that of hydrogen as unity. 

A litre of hydrogen at N.T.P. weighs 0-09 grrn., and 1 gram- 
molecule of hydrogen (2 grm.) measures 2225 litres. It follows 
from Avogadro's theory that this is also the volume at N.T.P. 
of 1 gram-molecule of any gas or vapour. 

AN ATOM of an element is the smallest particle of matter 
which takes part in a chemical change; it is the unit of chemical 

A MOLECULE is the smallest particle of matter which exists 
independently; it is the physical unit. The molecule of an element 
contains similar, that of a compound dissimilar atoms. 

The number of atoms contained within the molecule of an 
element is called the atomicity of the element. 

J The term " combining weight" has sometimes signified equivalent weight, and some- 
times atomic weight. Since the term is ambiguous, a use is found for it during the 
development of the molecular theory when non-committal language is employed. After- 
wards the term should be dropped. 



i. Equivalent and Atomic Weights 

It was shown in the last chapter that Dalton's "atomic weights" 
were really equivalent weights, and that the equivalent weight of 
an element, when not identical with its atomic weight, is a sub- 
multiple of the latter. Thus, whilst the equivalent weight of 
oxygen referred to that of hydrogen as unity is approximately 8, 
the atomic weight of this element, referred to the same standard, is 
approximately 16. In general 

Atomic weight = n x equivalent weight, 

where n is a small whole number, which indicates the valency of 
the element. Valency, or atomic value, is a new idea, necessary to 
connect together the ideas of atomic weight and equivalent weight. 
It will be more fully developed later. 

It will now be useful to define equivalent and atomic weights. 

EQUIVALENT WEIGHT. The equivalent weight of an element is 
that weight of it which combines with, or displaces from combina- 
tion, unit weight of a standard element. 

ATOMIC WEIGHT. The atomic weight of an element is the ratio 
between the weight of its atom and that of the atom of a standard 

When these definitions are considered, it appears that the 
equivalent weight of an element is an experimental value, inde- 
pendent of theory, whilst the atomic weight is connected with 
the atomic theory. 

It further appears that since equivalent and atomic weights 
are ratios, they are not really weights at all, nor masses, but pure 
numbers. That the atomic weight of an element is not the weight 
of one of its atoms appears plainly enough when it is considered 
that the standard of atomic weights has varied from time to time. 



Farther, since equivalent weights are values to be determined 
experimentally, their determination may well form the starting- 
point in the estimation of atomic weights. As a matter of fact the 
accuracy with which the atomic weight of an element is known 
depends as a rule on the accuracy with which the quantitative 
observation of some chemical transformation has been carried out, 
so as to determine its equivalent weight. 

In some cases, however, atomic weights have been estimated 
accurately by the determination of gas density. 

For determining equivalents, comparison between reacting 
quantities may be made by combination as well as by displace- 
ment, because an element combines with, as well as displaces, what 
is equivalent to itself. Thus, if there are two elements, A and B, 
the chemical equivalent of B referred to A as standard is found by 
estimating the amount of B which combines with a ^nown weight 
of A, as well as by causing B to displace A, or A to displace B from 
combination with another element or group of elements. 

When the equivalent weight of an element is known, it is 
necessary to determine the value of n in the above equation before 
the atomic weight can be fixed. What multiple of the equivalent 
weight the atomic weight may be, has to be decided by reference to 
one or more of several distinct principles, which lie chiefly in the 
domain of physical chemistry, and will shortly be discussed in 

Standard for Equivalent and Atomic Weights. 

The question of a standard needs first to be considered; and, 
since hydrogen has the least atomic weight of all the elements, and 
as small an atomic value (valency) as any element, it is natural to 
^choose hydrogen as the standard both of atomic and equivalent 
weights, and so to make its equivalent and its atomic weight both 
equal to 1. 

Now, although hydrogen combines with non-metals, and a few 
metals, and is displaced from its combination in acids by some 
metals, its chemical activity is too limited to permit its use as 
a general standard of comparison. Oxygen, howevej;, with very 
few exceptions, combines with all the elements, metals and non- 
rnetefls alike; on this account it was called by Berzelius the "pole 
of chenftstry". As a matter of practical experience, therefore, 
equivalent and atomic weights 'are more often estimated with 


reference to oxygen than to hydrogen; the hydrogen equivalent 
may then be calculated from the oxygen equivalent by multiplying 
the latter by the equivalent weight of oxygen, and thence the 
corresponding atomic weight may be found. 

Now, although Dalion (1808) chose hydrogen = 1 as the atomic 
weight standard, oxygen was soon adopted in preference, so that 
Wollaston (1814) used oxygen 10, Thomson (1825) oxygen 
= I, Berzelius (1830) oxygen = 100, and Stas (1860-5) oxygen 
- 16. 

Until recently the two standards H = 1 and O = 16 were in 
use, but the latter is now the standard adopted by the International 
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Although unity as the 
standard is sacrificed by this procedure, the O = 16 hap, at least 
two advantages over tho, 11 = 1 standard. 

It was pointed out by Stas that the standard atomic weight 
should, as far as possible, be directly connected with the atomic 
weight to be determined, and this is the case when oxygen rather 
than hydrogen furnishes the standard. Otherwise the ratio H : 
is involved in the calculation when the data are derived from the 
composition of an oxide; and whilst this ratio lias been determined 
with great accuracy to be 1 : 15*88, any future modification of the 
ratio would involve the recalculation of all atomic weights de- 
pendent upon it. If, however, the ratio is written 1*008 : 16, the 
atomic weight of oxygen being fixed at 16, any future alteration 
will involve only the atomic weight of hydrogen. The advantage 
of this is plain. 

Another advantage of the modern system is the fact that 
when = 16 several other important atomic weights approximate 
very closely to whole numbers; e.g. C = 12*00, N = 14*01, 
Na = 22*997. The reason for this approximation will appear 
later when modern views of the atom are considered. 

It is unlikely that any further modification of the standard 
will now be made, but an unfortunate confusion even now remains 
in the minds of those who have employed several standards. For 
example, the atomic weight of chlorine has been variously given as 
35*37, 35*1, 35*46; and these differences are due not to different 
estimations of the atomic weight of this element but to the adop- 
tion of three different standards for oxygen, viz. O = T5*9G 
(Dumas), 15*88, and 16*00. * 


2. Determination of Equivalent Weights 

The following are the more important methods ordinarily 
employed in the laboratory to determine the equivalent weights of 

i. The measurement of the volume of hydrogen displaced from 
dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid by a weighed amount of 
a metal. 

ii. The conversion of a weighed quantity of a metal into its 
oxide which is weighed, or the reduction of a weighed quantity of 
oxide to metal. 

iii. The displacement of a metal from a solution of one of its 
salts by a weighed quantity of a more chemically powerful metal. 

iv. The separation of elements at the electrodes during the 
passage of an electric current through a series of electrolytes. 
This method yields the electro-chemical equivalent t)f an element; 
but this value is numerically identical with the chemical equivalent. 

i. The chemical equivalent of magnesium, zinc, or aluminium 
may be easily determined by dissolving a weighed quantity of the 
metal in the dilute acid contained in a piece of apparatus designed 
for collecting the evolved hydrogen. The gas is measured over 
water at atmospheric temperature and pressure; it will consequently 
be moist, and the pressure of water vapour at the observed tempera- 
ture must be subtracted from the atmospheric pressure, before the 
volume of the gas is corrected to normal temperature and pressure. 

The weight of metal divided by the weight of the evolved 
hydrogen gives the hydrogen equivalent of the metal. This must 
be multiplied by 1*008 if the equivalent on the modern atomic 
weight basis is desired; though in view of the likely experimental 
error such a correction is superfluous. 

The experiment may easily be carried out on the lecture-table or 
by students. The following result has been obtained by a student: 

\Veightof magnesium taken = 0*033 grin. 

Volume of moist hydrogen measured at) __ . v> r _ 
12 J C. and 756 mm. j - J--i>c.c. 

Pressure of water vapour at 12 = 10-5 mm. 

Volume of dry hydrogen at N.T.P. = l** 

= 30-6 c. c. 
of hydrogen = 30*6 X 0-00009 = 0-002754 


Equivalent of magnesium = * ' = 12*0. 

U'vOii/t.) * 


ii. Magnesium may be converted quantitatively into oxide by 
the ignition of the metal in the air under suitable conditions, or 
by dissolving it m dilute nitric acid, evaporating the solution, and 
igniting the nitrate until brown fumes cease to be evolved. These 
methods are not without sources of error, but it may be shown that 
0-30 grrn. of magnesium yields almost exactly 0-50 grm. of oxide, so 
that the equivalent weight of magnesium is 

-3x8 = 12 

The method of conversion into oxide through the nitrate is 
applicable to such metals as zinc and copper, which dissolve in 
nitric acid and yield stable oxides by the decomposition of their 
nitrates. The equivalent of tin may be determined by the con- 
version of the metal into hydrated dioxide by means of nitric acid, 
since the ignition of the product yields the pure dioxide. 

It would be possible to determine the equivalent of carbon by 
burning a weighed quantity of the element in a stream of dry air 
or oxygen, and collecting and weighing the carbon dioxide formed; 
but the great difficulty of obtaining pure carbon free from hydrogen 
under ordinary conditions stands in the way of this determination. 

For the determination of an equivalent by the reduction of an 
oxide to metal, copper furnishes the usual example, since the 
reduction is easily carried out by passing a stream of hydrogen 
over oxide of copper contained in a boat in a heated tube. Thus 
1-00 grm. of black oxide of copper leaves a residue of 0-799 grm. of 
copper; whence the equivalent of copper in this oxide is 

x 8 - 31<8 ' 

There is another oxide of copper, however, the red oxide, whose 
equivalent weight is 31*8 x 2 = 63 6. This fact is connected with 
the exhibition of a dual valency by copper, which again furnishes 
an example of the law of multiple proportions. This phenomenon 
will be further dealt with under the subject of valency. 

iii. A well-known example of the displacement of a metal 
from the solution of one of its salts by another metal is the action 
of zinc upon a solution of copper sulphate, when the zinc is sup- 
posed to displace from combination its equivalent of copper wfiich 
may be collected and weighed. This takes place almost quantita- 
tively when a cold concentrated solution of copper sulphate is 


employed; but the method is generally unreliable, because other 
reactions occur between the displacing metal and the solution 
simultaneously with the main reaction, and these vitiate the results. 
The method is not therefore to be recommended. 

iv. When a suitable electric current is passed through acidified 
water contained in a "voltameter", hydrogen and oxygen are 

evolved in the proportion of two 
volumes of hydrogen to one 
volume of oxygen. Provided the 
densities of hydrogen arid oxygen 
are known, and the conditions 
of temperature under which the 
gases were measured have been 
observed, the hydrogen equiva- 
lent of oxygen i^ight be calcu- 
lated from the volume relations 

0*08 s 

01008 g 

Fig. 1 

of the gases. The estimation would not, however, be very accurate, 
owing to several sources of experimental error. 

If, however, the same current passes in succession through 
several salt solutions for example, copper sulphate, silver nitrate, 
gold chloride solutions it will liberate at the cathodes or negative 
electrodes amounts of the metals chemically equivalent to the 
hyclro^en which is liberated in the voltameter. Thus, whilst 
0-01008 grm. of hydrogen gas is being evolved, and 0-08 grin, of 
oxygen, 0-318 grm. of copper, { 079 grm. of silver, and 0-657 grm. 


of gold will be deposited in the successive electrolytic cells. The 
necessary arrangement is shown in fig. 1. Thus the equivalent 
weights of these metals are determined. 

3. Determination of Atomic Weights 

It has been suggested in the previous pages that two distinct 
considerations have to be taken into account in the problem of 
atomic weight determination. These are: 

i. An exact estimation of the chemical equivalent of the 
element must be made, generally by carrying out some suitable 
chemical transformation, occasionally by other means. 

ii. A decision must be arrived at as to the order of magnitude 
of the atomic weight, so as to discover the small whole number by 
which the equivalent weight must be multiplied to give the atomic 

The order in which the two parts of the problem are here 
placed is that which would naturally occur to the mind. Never- 
theless it is not the order of historic sequence in relation to modern 
atomic weights. The approximate magnitude of the atomic weights 
of all the elements has long since been settled and is not discussed 
in modern research upon atomic weights; but the determination of 
the exact values of all these atomic weights is a laborious task 
which is not yet completed. 

The methods for determining chemical equivalents which have 
been described above are suitable for demonstration purposes, but 
not all of them are equally useful in the actual determination of 
atomic weights. Illustrations of the methods that have been 
employed in accurate atomic-weight determinations will be given 
in the sequel. 

The principles which have led to decisions upon the order of 
magnitude of the atomic weights of the elements will now be 
dealt with. 

It has already been seen that Dal ton was in need of some 
guiding principle to enable him to fix the magnitude of his atomic 
weights; andtthat such a principle came to light in the discovery 
by Gay-Lussac of the law of gaseous volumes, and the proper 
interpretation of this law by Avogadro. Thus, by means 4 of 
Avogadro's theory it was shown that the atomic weight of oxygen 
is very probably 16 and not 8; but? clearly this theory is limited in 


its application, since it can only be of use in the case of gaseous 
or gasifiable substances. Here may be mentioned the method of 
chemical displacement, which is of some value in deciding the 
magnitude of atomic weights. 

In 1819 two other and quite distinct principles became avail- 
able in the law of specific heats of Dulong and Petit, and the law 
of isomorphism discovered by Mitscherlich. These laws are espe- 
cially valuable in furnishing guidance as to the magnitude of 
atomic weights, because they are applicable to solid elements and 
their solid compounds. 

The former of these two laws is the more important, and has 
the wider application. Finally, the periodic law, established by 
Mendel^eff in 1869, has been of distinct value in several ways in 
fixing the approximate magnitude of atomic weights. 

So the five guiding principles that aid in settling the order of 
magnitude of atomic weights are: 

i. Avogadro's theory, 
ii. Chemical displacement, 
iii. Dulong and Petit's law of specific heats, 
iv. Mitscherlich's law of isomorphism. 
v. MendeleefTs periodic law. 

i, The Method of Avogadro's Theory. 

It will be remembered that according to Avogadro's theory the 
molecular weights, not the atomic weights, of gases and vapours are 
proportional to their densities. It follows, therefore, that the rela- 
tive magnitudes of molecular weights, and not of atomic weights, 
are directly deducible from Avogadro's theory. So the question 
arises how far a knowledge of the relative weights of molecules 
can be of use in fixing the relative weights of any of their con- 
stituent atoms. Such knowledge may be employed in two ways. 

Consider the following volatile hydrocarbons: 






Approximate Density \ 

i i\ ^ s*\ f 






(0 = 16) ( 

Approximate Molecular \ 
Wejght / 






Molecular Proportion of \ 
Carbon J 







Approximate estimations of gas or vapour density yield ap- 
proximate molecular weights; whilst quantitative analysis shows 
the proportion of carbon within the molecular proportion of each 
compound. Now, it is evident that all these hydrocarbons, except 
the first, contain more than 1 atom of carbon in their molecules. 
The molecule of methane might indeed contain more than 1 atom, 
though the fact than no submultiple of 12 appears in the pro- 
portions of carbon in the other molecules is evidence, so far as it 
goes, that the figure 12 represents an indivisible unit, or in other 
words that 12 is approximately the atomic weight of carbon. And 
since by the examination of the very large number of hydrocarbons 
that exist, every molecular proportion has been found to contain 
12, or a multiple of 12 parts of carbon, the probability that 12 is 
the atomic weight of carbon reaches a practical certainty. 

The principle thus illustrated may be put in the following words: 

The least proportion of an element found within the molecular propor- 
tion of any of its volatile compounds is likely to be the atomic weight of 
the element; and if the number of compounds which have been examined 
is large, the value indicated is very probably the atomic weight. 

The question may be asked, however, whether atomic weights 
can be determined exactly by the method of Avogadro's theory, i.e. 
by the determination of gas density, and the answer is in the 
affirmative, provided an ideal gas density can be determined and 
the molecular composition of the gas is known. 

The density of a gas is determined by weighing a large glass 
globe of about 10 litres capacity, first evacuated, and then filled 
with the gas, at known temperature and pressure, corrections 
being applied for the air displaced by the globe, and for the 
slight shrinkage which the glass undergoes when the globe is 
evacuated. Thus it has been found, as the mean result of the 
experiments of Rayleigh, Morley, and Leduc, that 1 litre of 
oxygen at and 760 mm. at the latitude of Paris weighs 1*42895 
grm., whilst 1 litre of hydrogen, under similar conditions, accord- 
ing to the experiments of Morley and Leduc, weighs 0-08985 gnu. 

To conclude, however, that the atomic weights of oxygen and 

hydrogen are in the ratio ' ^, although we know that the 


molecules of both gases are diatomic, would be erroneous, becau'se it 
would be to assume that the gases are ideal gases which behave 
in perfect accord with the gas laws (q.v.), and so with Avogadro's 


theory. Such, however, is not the case, and the deviation of these 
gases from the ideal must be discovered, and allowed for. This 
may best be done, in the present case, by determining the effect 
of the deviation upon the volume relations in which oxygen and 
hydrogen combine to form water. 

Now it has been estimated that 2-00268 litres of hydrogen 
combine with 1 litre of oxygen, at and 760 mm. at the latitude 
of Paris. This complex ratio is due, not to any discrepancy 
between the simple proportions in which the molecules of these 
two gases interact, but to the fact that equal volumes do not 
contain quite equal numbers of molecules because oxygen is a 
little more compressible than hydrogen. But since the densities 
relate to equal volumes it may be concluded that 

2-00268 x 0-08985 grin. 

of hydrogen combine with 1*42895 grm. of oxygen, and therefore 
that the hydrogen equivalent of oxygen is 


2-00268 x 0-08985 

= 7-9412; 

and its atomic weight 15-88 when H = 1; so that H = 1-0076 
when O = 16. A similar method may be applied to determine 
the atomic weight of a constituent element of a compound gas. 
Thus, by the calculation of the ideal densities of carbon monoxide, 
carbon dioxide, methane, and acetylene, by applying a correction 
for compressibility to the estimated densities, several observers 
have accurately determined the molecular weights of these gases, 
and thence the atomic weight of carbon. 


The determination of gas density always consists in weighing a 
certain volume of the gas; but for determining the vapour density 
of a volatile liquid or solid, an alternative procedure may be 
adopted: the volume of the vapour produced by a weighed quantity 
of the liquid or solid may be measured under known conditions. 

There are three well -recognized methods of vapour density 
determination: the methods of Dumas, Hoftnann^ and Victor 
Meyer. In the first of these three methods the weight of a 
knflwn volume of the vapour is ascertained; in the two latter the 
volume* of a weighed quantity of the substance is measured. The 
method of Victor Meyer is the easiest and most often employed. 


(a) Dumas s Method of Vapour-density Determination 

A glass globe of the shape shown in fig. 2, and capable of 
holding from 50 to 100 c. c. or more, is weighed, and then filled 
with the vapour of the substance in the following manner. 

A few cubic centimetres of the liquid are introduced into the 
globe, which is then immersed in a bath of another liquid whose 
temperature is kept constant, and from 20 to 30 above the 
boiling-point of the liquid in the globe. As the latter liquid 
boils it displaces the air from the globe, and vapour issues from 
the neck as long as any liquid remains within the globe. When 
the stream of vapour ceases, the globe is filled with 
the vapour at atmospheric pressure, and at the tem- 
perature of the bath in which it is immersed. The 
neck is then sealed by means of a blowpipe; and 
the temperature of the bath, and the pressure of 
the atmosphere at the time of sealing are recorded. 
After being cleansed, the sealed globe is weighed, 
and the temperature and pressure of the air in the 
vicinity of the balance are also observed. 
Since the true weight of the sealed globe with its contents 
is equal to its apparent weight plus the weight of the air which 
it displaces whilst it is being weighed, the weight of this air must 
be calculated and added to the apparent weight. For this calcu- 
lation, as well as to ascertain the volume of the vapour at the 
time of sealing, the cubical capacity of the globe must be de- 
termined. This is done by breaking off the end of the neck of 
the globe under water, which should then enter and fill the globe. 
The quantity of water in the globe is determined by another 
weighing, the weight of the air displaced being in this case 
negligible; then the weight of the water in grams shows the 
volume of the globe in cubic centimetres with sufficient accuracy. 
From these data the weight of the known volume of the vapour 
contained by the globe at the temperature and pressure at which 
it was sealed is calculated. The volume is then reduced to N.T.P., 
and the weight of hydrogen or air corresponding to it is calculated. 
The ratio of the weight of the vapour to that of the hydrogen 
is the vapour density of the substance. * 

EXAMPLE. Calculate the density of ether vapour fiftm the 
following data: 


Weight of open globe in air = 22-549 grm. 

Temperature of bath at time of sealing = 60 C. 
Atmospheric pressure at times of sealing and weighing -'-= 760 mm. 

Apparent weight of sealed globe + vapour in air = 22-662 grm. 

Temperature of air at time of weighing =15 

Capacity of globe, indicated by weight of water itl _ * r 

can contain J ~ *'* c ' " 

Weight of 1 c, c. of air at C. and 760 mm. = 0-001293 grm. 

Weight of 1 c. c. of hydrogen at C. and 760 mm. = 0-0000899 grin. 

Weight of air displaced when sealed globe is weighed 

= O '1293 X 75 X 273 = 


Weight of vapour in globe = 22-662 + 0-092 22-549 = 205 grm 
Weight of an equal volume of hydrogen at 60 C. and 760 mm. 

=- Q ' QQQQ899 X 75 X 273 _ 

So density of ether ((C 2 H 6 ) 2 O) vapour = 


= 37-1. 

(6) Hofmanns Method of Vapour-density Determination 

A weighed quantity (about 
005 grm.) of the liquid con- 
tained in a small, drawn-out 
bulb or stoppered bottle is in- 
troduced into the Toricellian 
vacuum of a graduated barom- 
eter tube surrounded by the 
vapour of a liquid boiling at 
a suitable temperature, which 
may be below the boiling-point 
of the liquid whose vapour den- 
sity is being determined. As 
the liquid is vaporized it de- 
presses the mercury in the 
barometer tube; and when the 
volume has become constant it 
is read off, and the temperature 
of the vapour jacket is observed. 
The pressure of the vapour is 
equal to atftiospheric pressure 
less the height of the mercury 
in the tube above its level in lg * 

the vessel in which the tube stands. Strictly speaking, the height of 



the mercury column should be corrected for expansion by heat; but 
this need not be considered. From these data the vapour density 
of the liquid can be calculated; as the following example shows: 

Weight of stannic chloride (B. P. 114') 1 taken = 0-0445 grm. 

Volume of vapour 

Temperature of vapour jacket 

Barometric pressure 

Height of morcury column 

Whence pressure of vapour 

Volume of vapour reduced to N.T.P. 
Weight of 3-75 c.c. of hydrogen at N.T.P. 

= 162c. c. 

752 mm. 
512 mm. 
240 mm. 

3-75 X 0-00009 
0-0003375 grin. 

Vapour density of stannic chloride (SnCl 4 ) = - 


'_ = 131-8. 

Fig. 4 


(c) Victor Meyers Method of Vapour-density 

In this method a weighed quantity of the 
substance is made to evaporate into a space sur- 
rounded with the vapour of a boiling liquid whose 
lx)iling-point is at least 2*5 higher than that of 
the substance. The volume of the vapour is not 
directly measured, but the air displaced by it is 
collected and measured at atmospheric tempera- 
ture and pressure; while all the displacing vapour 
remains in the locality of its production. The 
\\ eight of an equal volume of hydrogen is then 
calculated, and the weight of substance taken 
divided by this weight of hydrogen gives the 
vapour density of the substance, since the vapour 
of the substance, if it could be obtained at atmo- 
spheric temperature and pressure without conden- 
sation, would occupy the same volume as the air. 
The tube A (tig. 4) is closed at the lower end, and 
is furnished with a bent delivery tube B which 
dips under water in the dish C. The upper end 
of A is closed by a rubber stopper. The lower 
part of the tube is heated by the vapour of a 
' D liquid, e.g. water, boiling in the outer jacket D, 
and, owing to expansion, air escapes by the side 

1 Since the compound ^is vaporized into a vacuum the temperature 
of its vapour may be lower than the B.P. of the compound. 


tube through the water. When no more bubbles of air are seen, 
the graduated tube E is placed over the end of B, and a little tube 
or loosely-stoppered bottle, containing a weighed quantity of the 
substance under investigation, is dropped to the bottom of A, being- 
received on a pad of asbestos or glass wool, which prevents frac- 
ture. For the introduction of the little vessel containing the sub- 


stance the rubber stopper is removed, and quickly replaced, or the 
vessel may be held by a mechanical contrivance at the top of the 
tube A, where the air is nearly cold, 1 and then allowed to fall at 
the right moment, without opening the tube. 

EXAMPLE. 0-144 grm. of chloroform displaced 28-6 cu. cm. of 
moist air measured at 14 and 756 mm. pressure. Pressure of 
water vapour at 14 = 12 mm. 

Vol. of air at N.T.P. = 286 X 273 X (750~JL2) = ^ . Q 

287 X 760 

Weight of an equal vol. of hydrogen = 26-6 X 0-0000899 grm. 

= 0-00239 grm. 

Vapour density of chloroform \_ Ovl44 _ rn o 
CHC1 3 J ~ 6-00239 ~ -^ 

The method of Victor Meyer is more easily carried out than 
either of the other methods. It employs very little of the substance 
and is sufficiently accurate for most purposes. Consequently, it 
is the method usually employed. 

] It might be supposed that since the air is colder in the upper part of the tube, 
which extends beyond the vapour jacket, than in the lower part, which is within it, too 
much air will be displaced, and a high result obtained. This, however, is not the case, 
because of the contraction of the air that rises in the body of the tube to take the place 
of the air driven out. The following proof of this statement has been given by Dr. E. B. K. 

First, suppose temperature constant in the V. Meyer tube, so that the heated vapour 
immediately displaces its own volume of heated air, which is then cooled. Let T = abs. 
temperature of vapour and air when first expelled, and T abs. temperature of cooled air 
leaving the end of delivery tube under water ; let V = vol. of vapour formed and therefore 

of air expelled, and V vol. of air collected. Then V = -- 

Second, let there be two temperatures T and Tj within the tube, with corresponding 
volumes of equal masses of air V and V^ 

T V 

Then let V be expelled into the T x region, and thereby become V^ so that V t = 11. 

Vj, not V, will now displace its own volume of air, which will be cooled so as to become, 


say, V t at the end of the delivery tube. Then V 2 = *Jfl = 4il- = H- = V ; and 

LI lil 1 

similarly w~"h any number of temperature zones. 

Thus a temperature gradient within the V. Meyer tube docs not affect the volume of 
air displaced from the end of the delivery tube. 


ii. The Method of Chemical Displacement. 

Somewhat related to the above principle is another by which 
the molecular formula of a compound may be determined, and so 
the atomic weight of a constituent element. 

Consider methane. The hydrogen in this compound can be 
displaced by chlorine in four distinct stages, the following sub- 
stitution products being formed : methyl chloride, methylenc 
chloride, chloroform, and carbon tetrachloride. The carbon, how- 
ever, cannot be displaced fractionally. From these facts the 
inference is drawn that the molecule of methane contains 4 
atoms of hydrogen and only 1 atom of carbon; but if methane 
is CH 4 , Dalton's problem of the number of atoms in the molecule 
is solved, and the atomic weight of carbon is 12. 

A similar argument may be applied to water. The composition 
of sodium hydroxide proves that half the hydrogen of the water 
molecule has been displaced by sodium. By no means, however, 
can any fraction of the oxygen of the water molecule be displaced. 
Thence it is concluded that water is H 2 0, and that the atomic 
weight of oxygen is 16. 

The principle of this method of fixing the magnitude of atomic 
weights may be stated thus: 

When th of the proportion of a constituent element in a chemical 

compound can be displaced by another element, a molecule of the 
compound contains at least n atoms of that element. 

iii. The Method of Dulong and Petit's Law. 

The specific heat of a substance is the ratio of the amount of 
heat required to raise unit weight of it through one degree of 
temperature to the amount of heat required to raise unit weight 
of a standard substance through the same temperature interval. 
The standard substance is water. 

In 1819 Dulong and Petit published the specific heats of 
thirteen elements, and showed that the product of specific heat 
into atomic weight is approximately a constant quantity, the 
average of which, on our modern atomic weight basis, i 64. 
In the following table, containing the elements studied by Dulong 
and Petit, modern values are given throughout. 



Specific Heat. 

Atomic Weight. 

Atomic Weight 
x Specific Heat 
= Atomic Heat. 





Lead . . . 




Gold ... 








Tin ... 




Silver ... 












Copper . . . 




Nickel ... 








Cobalt ... 








The law of Dido ng and Petit may therefore bo stated thus: 

The specific heats of the solid elements are in the inverse ratio 
of their atomic weights. 

The product of specific heat and atomic weight, which is ap- 
proximately a constant, is called the atomic heat because it is 
the heat capacity of a quantity of an element proportional to 
its atomic weight. Thus, for example, 55*84 parts by weight 
of iron require the same amount of heat to raise them through 
one degree of temperature as, say, 208-0 parts of bismuth. But 
these quantities of the elements contain equal numbers of atoms. 
So, in the words of Dulong and Petit, " the atoms of all substances 
have exactly the same capacity for heat". 

In order to reach this result, however, Dulong and Petit made 
some drastic changes in the accepted atomic weight values, which 
aroused the opposition of Berzelius, their author. Thus, taking 
the atomic weight of sulphur as a true magnitude, they halved 
the atomic weights of the metals in relation thereto. This pro- 
cedure was, however, justified, even in the opinion of Berzelius, 
after Mitscherlich, his pupil, had arrived at similar conclusions 
by an application of the law of isomorphism. 

Now, since 

Specific heat X atomic weight = 6-4 (approx.) 

or atomic weight = ^^ T (approx.), 

* specific heat 

here is a valuable method for fixing the magnitude of the atomic 

(D60) 4 


weight of an element. All that it is necessary to do is to deter- 
mine the specific heat of the element, and divide 6-4 by this value. 

It must be clearly understood, however, that the value thus 
obtained is only approximate, for the atomic heat value, 6-4, is 
only approximate, since it is a mean value, even if the specific heat 
is accurately known. The method serves to indicate what multiple 
of an accurately determined equivalent weight is the atomic weight. 
To divide 6-4 by the given specific heat of an element, and report 
the quotient as its atomic weight, is a gross error. 

The following illustration will make plain the use of Dulong 
and Petit's law: Marignac 1 found that 100 grm. of lead yielded 
134*201. grm. of the chloride. The specific heat of the metal is 
0-0315; find its atomic weight; Cl = 35-46. 

The equivalent weight of lead is found from the proportion: 

Wt. of chlorine : wt. of lead : : equivalent Cl : equivalent Pb, 
so 34-201 : 100 :: 35-46 : 103-68. 

The approximate atomic weight of lead, as indicated by its 

specific heat, is: A - 6 ^ - 203-2. 

Therefore the atomic weight of lead ivS twice its equivalent weight ; 
so Pb = 103-68 X 2 = 207-36. 

Dulong and Petit's law applies strictly only to solid elements, 
generally metals, whose atomic weights exceed 30. The specific 
heats of other solid elements vary with temperature, but become 
approximately constant at high temperatures, when they give an 
atomic heat value of about 5-5. 

iv. The Method of the Law of Isomorphism. 

Isomorphism is similarity of crystalline form. It was supposed 
by the earlier mineralogists that identity of crystalline form 
generally indicated identity of chemical composition; but it was 
shown by Mitscherlich in 1819 that compounds of analogous as 
well as identical composition crystallize in similar forms belonging 
to the same crystal systems. Thus di-sodium hydrogen phosphate 
and di-sodi\im hydrogen arsenate, which are now represented by 
the formulae Na 2 HPO 4 -12H 2 O and Na 2 HAsO 4 -12H 2 O, were found 
to be isomorphous. Careful measurements of the crystal angles 
of isomorphous salts show that these angles are not quite equal, 

* Marignac, (Euvrt* Gamplite*, 1846, I, 186. 


but the following criteria of isomorphism have been established: 
(i) great similarity of crystalline form, (ii) analogous composition, 
(iii) power to form mixed crystals by simultaneous* crystallization, 
(iv) power of crystal overgrowth, so that a crystal of one com- 
pound may form the matrix on which the growth of the crystal 
may be continued by the deposition of another substance. 

With regard to the second criterion, it must be noted that 
isomorphism is sometimes observed in pairs of compounds which 
are not chemically analogous, but have the same numbers of atoms 
within their molecules. Thus calc-spar (CaCO 3 ) is isomorphous 
with Chili saltpetre (NaNO 3 ), and aragonite (CaCO 3 ) with nitre 
(KN0 3 ). 

Mitscherlich stated the law of isomoiy hism as follows: 

4 'The same number of atoms combined in the same manner 
produce the same crystalline form; the crystalline form is independent 
of the chemical nature of the atoms, and is determined solely by 
their number and mode of combination." 

Nevertheless isomorphism such as that illustrated by the case 
of sodium phosphate and arsenate is the rule; that is to say, not 
only do the molecules of isomorphous compounds contain the same 
number of atoms similarly combined, but these atoms themselves 
are analogous, as, for instance, are phosphorus and arsenic. Indeed, 
isomorphism is taken to be a sign of chemical analogy. 

Therefore, for practical purposes, the law of isomorphism may 
be stated more briefly: 

The molecules of isomorphous substances contain equal numbers 
of atoms, which when not of identical are of analogous elements. 

The consequence of this law, when applied to the case already 
mentioned, is that the atomic weights of phosphorus and arsenic 
can be directly compared, and if one atomic weight is known the 
other is derivable from the results of chemical analysis. 

A simple numerical example is furnished by the following 
results of the analysis of the isomorphous salts potassium sulphate 
and potassium selenate, carried out by Mitscherlich: 

K 2 SO 4 K 2 Se0 4 

100 parts contain 100 parts contain. 127*01 pSrts contain 

K 44-83 K 35-29 44-83 

* O 36-78 O 28-96 36-78 

SV 1 ^!^ Se 35 ' 75 45-40 

100-00 ICfe-OO 127-01 


In the third column is shown the proportion of selenium in an 
amount of the selenate which contains the same amounts of potas- 
sium and oxygen as are shown in the percentage analysis of the 
sulphate. Whence it follows that 4540 parts of selenium take 
the place of 18*39 parts of sulphur. 

Now, the law of isomorphism declares that the ratio between 
these quantities is the ratio between the atomic weights of the two 
elements. Therefore, if the atomic weight of sulphur is 32-0 that 

of selenium is * = 79-0. 

The phenomena of isomorphism are somewhat confused by those 
of dimorphism and polymorphism. Thus calcium carbonate, as 
shown above, is dimorphous in calc-spar and aragonite; ammonium 
nitrate, NH 4 NO 3 , is tetramorphous, crystallizing in four distinct 
forms; arsenious and antimonious oxides, As 4 O 6 and Sb 4 O 6 are 
isodimorphous, that is to say, they are both similarly dimorphous. 
Nevertheless, the phenomena of isomorphism have been of value, 
not only in confirming atomic -weight magnitudes derived from 
other considerations, but in correcting erroneous magnitudes. 

For example, previous to the recognition of isomorphism, 
Berzelius regarded various metallic monoxides MO as dioxides 
M0 2 ; similarly, Fe 2 O 3 was written FeO 3 , Cr 2 O 3 was CrO 3 , and CrO 3 
was Cr0 6 . But when this chemist recognized the isomorphism of 
chromates with sulphates he altered Cr0 6 to Cr0 3 to agree with 
S0 8 , the oxide known to be present in sulphates. Consequently, 
the former CrO 8 became Cr 2 O 3 ; and since chromic and ferric alums 
were isomorphous, what was formerly FeO 3 became Fe 2 3 , and so 
Fe0 2 became FeO. But compounds of copper, nickel, cobalt, man- 
ganese, zinc, and magnesium are isomorphous with corresponding 
iron compounds, and so if FeO 2 should be FeO the corresponding 
dioxides of all these metals should really be monoxides. 

This sweeping change would involve the halving of a number 
of accepted atomic weights; nevertheless, the change was made 
by Berzelius in accordance with the principles of isomorphism; and 
it was at once ratified by the law of specific heat, which required 
the same atomic weight magnitudes for the elements concerned. 

The alums which conform to the general formula 

M 2 S0 4 .X 2 (S0 4 ) 3 -24H 3 
are amongst the best -known isomorphous compounds; and the 


atomic weight of the element X can be determined by an analysis 
of its alum. For this purpose it is best to ignite the ammonium 
alum, which leaves a residue of the oxide X 2 O 3 . 

Thus, if a grm. of the alum leaves b grm. of oxide, the value of 
X is calculated from the expression: 

a : b = (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 .X 2 (S0 4 ) 3 -24H,O : X 2 O 3 

= [132 + 2 X + 288 + 432] : [2 X + 48]. 

By this means Lecoq de Boisbaudran, who discovered gallium, 
found that 3-1044 grm. of its ammonium alum left on ignition a 
residue of 0-5885 grm. of the sesquioxide; whence Ga = 70-1. 

v. The Method of the Periodic Law. * 

An adequate account of the periodic law is necessary to an 
appreciation of its value as a guide to the magnitudes of the 
atomic weights of the elements; but this must be deferred to a 
later chapter. 

It will be sufficient to state here that a natural connection 
exists between the properties of an element and its atomic weight, 
and therefore that the order of magnitude of the atomic weight of 
an element may be judged from a study of the properties of the 
element and its compounds. Examples of this use of the periodic 
law will be given later. 

The application of the foregoing methods of atomic - weight 
determination is well illustrated by the case of carbon. 

4. The Atomic Weight of Carbon 

The determination of the atomic weight of carbon has consisted 
of two parts: 

i. The determination of the order of magnitude, 
ii. The determination of the exact value. 

i. Determination of the Order of Magnitude of the Atomic Weight. 

Dalton and his contemporaries attributed the value 6 to the 
atomic weight of carbon, but this was really only an equivalent 
weight. The following is the evidence that the atomic weight is 
about 12: 

(a) Avogadro's Theory. Never fewer than 12 parts by weight of 
carbon are present in a molecular proportion of any of the gaseous 
or volatile compounds of this element. 

(b) Chemical Displacement. Use might be made of the argu- 


inent that, for example, hydrogen is displaceable from methane in 
four equal fractions, but carbon not fractionally; whence it follows 
that the formula for methane is CH 4 and the atomic weight of 
carbon 12. 

(c) The Law of Specific Heat. Although Dulong and Petit's law 
does not apply strictly to an element whose atomic weight is less 
than 30, and the specific heats of diamond and graphite differ 
widely from each other at ordinary temperatures, at 600 the 
specific heats of these two allotropic forms of carbon, which vary 
with temperature, become almost constant and equal, and give an 
atomic heat of 5-5, if G = 12, a value which is comparable witli 
the atomic heats"of analogous elements. 

(d) The Law of Isomorphism. The iodides of carbon and 
silicon are isomorphous; therefore they are similarly composed, and 
the atomic weights of carbon and silicon are in the ratio 12 : 28. 

(e) The Periodic Law. With an atomic weight of 12, carbon is 
appropriately placed in the periodic table between boron (10-82) 
and nitrogen (1401); and is thus the first or " typical" element of 
the fourth group. If carbon forfeited its place owing to an altera- 
tion in the magnitude of its atomic weight, there is no vacant place 
in the periodic table which this element could fill, nor is any element 
known which could occupy the place of carbon. 

ii. Determination of the Exact Value of the Atomic Weight. 

There are two ways in which the atomic weight of carbon has 
been determined exactly: 

(a) By estimating the densities of its gaseous compounds. 

(b) By the combustion of carbon or the analysis of its compounds. 

(a) It has already been pointed out that gas or vapour density 
is simply related to molecular weight only when Avogadro's theory 
is rigidly true. This, however, is never the case; but an "ideal" 
density can sometimes be calculated from carefully ascertained 
data. This has been done 1 for the three gases: carbon monoxide 
(CO), carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), and acetylene (C 2 H 2 ). 

CO C0 2 C 2 H 2 

Experimental density (O 2 = 1) 0-87495 1-38324 0-8194 

" Ideal" density 0-87516 1-37516 0-81331 

Molecular weight 28-005 44-005 26-026* 

Atomic weight of carbon ... 12-005 12-005 li-005 

'Leduc, Ann. Cktm. Phys., 1898'[vii.], 15, 5; 1910 [viii.], 19, 441. 


It appears from these figures that the method leaves nothing to 
be desired from the point of view of accuracy. 

(6) The atomic weight of carbon has been 'determined by 
several chemists by burning diamond or carefully purified graphite, 
weighing the carbon dioxide produced, and then calculating the 
result from the proportion: 
Weight of CO 2 : weight of C : : 32 + atomic weight C : atomic weight C. 

The following are the results, as originally given, and as cor- 
rected by Scott: 

Uncorrected. Corrected by Scott. 6 

Dumas and Stas 1 11-9975 11-9938 

Erdmann and Marchand 2 12- 0093 12 - 0054 

Roscoe 3 12-0029 11-9973 

Friedel 4 12-0112 12-0056 

VanderPlaats 5 12-0031 12-0017 

The ignition of organic silver salts, such as the acetate and 
tartrate, which leave a residue of pure silver, serves as a means 
of estimating the atomic weight of carbon; or the silver may be 
estimated electrolytically, as was done by Hardin, 7 with the follow- 
ing results, obtained with silver acetate and benzoate respectively: 

(1) C 2 H 3 O 2 Ag : Ag - 100 : 64-637 
whence atomic weight of carbon 12-000. 

(2) C 7 H 6 O 2 Ag : Ag = 100 : 47-125 
whence atomic weight of carbon = 12-001. 

[Ag = 107-880, H = 1-00762,0 = 16-00.] 

The above results are selected from amongst others as typical; 
they serve to show the degree of Accuracy which has been attained 
in the determination of the atomic weight of carbon. This value 
lies between 12-000 and 12-005, and may be taken to be 12-003. 

5. Determination of Molecular Weights (in Solution) 

The establishment of molecular weights by the determination 
of gas and vapour densities has been fully considered in the pre- 
ceding pages. By the study, however, of the influence of dissolved 

1 Dumas, Pogg. Annalen, 1838, 44, 110. 

* Erdmann and Marchand, /. prakl. Chem., 1841, S3, 159. 
Roscoe, Compt. rend., 1882, 94, 1180. 

* Friedel, Bull. Soc. Ckim., 1884 [ii.], 41, 100. 
8 Van der Floats, Compt. rend., 1885, 100, 52. 
6 Scott, Trans. Chem. 804., 1897, 71, 550. 
'Hardin, J., Amer. Chem. Soc., 1896, 18, 990. 


substances on the solidifying- and boiling-points of liquids, the 
molecular weights of substances in solution in these liquids may be 
determined; and it will be appropriate to consider here these newer 
methods of molecular- weight determination. 

It is well known that salt water freezes at a lower temperature 
than fresh water, and that sea ice when melted yields fresh water. 
Thus, when a dilute solution of salt in water is cooled, crystals of 
pure ice begin to separate from the solution at a temperature a 
little below 0. Blagden, in 1788, showed that the depression of the 
freezing-point of water by a dissolved salt is directly proportional 
to the amount of salt present. The boiling-point of water, on the 
other hand, is raised by salt in solution, and the elevation of boiling- 
point is directly proportional to the amount of salt dissolved. In 
1883-4 F. M. Raoult discovered that not only are the depression 
of freezing-point and rise of boiling-point of a solvent proportional 
to the number of molecules of a particular substance in solution, 
but that equimolecular proportions of different substances have the 
same influence on the freezing- and boiling-points. 

Raoult's law, which applies equally to freezing- and to boiling- 
points of solvents, may be stated thus: 

The depression of freezing-point and elevation of boiling-point of 
a solvent by a quantity of dissolved substance are directly proportional 
to the number of molecules of the substance in solution, and con- 
sequently inversely proportional to its molecular weight. 

Or, otherwise: 

Equimolecular solutions, with the same solvent, have the same 
freezing- and boiling-points. 

Evidently these facts provide a means of comparing molecular 
weights, or of determining them if a substance of known molecular 
weight is chosen as a standard of comparison. It should be added 
that the extent to which a freezing- or boiling-point is affected 
depends also upon the solvent; consequently the first procedure 
is to determine the freezing- or boiling -constant (K) for a particular 
solvent by the use of a substance of known molecular weight. This 
jconstant is tjie number of degrees the freezing-point is lowered or 
(boiling-point raised by 1 grm.-molecule of the substance dissolved 
in 100 grm. of the solvent. 

For instance, 2 grm. of cane sugar dissolved in 100 grm. of 
water cause a depression of the freezing-point, A = 011. Since 


the molecular weight of cane sugar (C 12 H 22 11 ) is 342, the freezing- 
constant, K, for water, sometimes called the molecular depression, is 

0-11 X 342 _ 19 


The same quantity of sugar dissolved in the same amount of 
water raises the boiling-point of the water 0-030. Therefore 
the boiling-constant or molecular elevation, K, for water is: 

0-030 X 342 __ R o 
2 5 ^- 

When the freezing- or boiling -constant K for a solvent is 
known, an unknown molecular weight is calculated from observed 
data as follows: 

Let K = depression or rise caused by 1 grm.-mol. of a substance 

in 100 grm. of solvent (known constant). 
S = weight of substance taken. 
L = weight of solvent taken. 
A = observed depression or rise. 
M = required molecular weight. 

Then, since the observed depression of freezing-point or rise of 

boiling-point is directly proportional to the amount of substance 

taken, and inversely proportional to the amount of solvent, 

A K X S X 100 ,, 100 K8 

A = M "XL- r M = "Air" 

Practical Methods. 

The prime necessity for the experimental determination of 
molecular weights of substances in solution is a thermometer which 
will indicate accurately hundredth^ of a degree. If this ther- 
mometer is to be used both for freezing- and boiling-points, it 
would appear necessary for it to have a long range in addition. 
Real temperatures, however, have not to be read; only temperature 
differences. Consequently a thermometer has been devised by 
Beckmann with a range of about six degrees, the scale being 
divided into hundredths of a degree, and furnished with a reser- 
voir of mercury from which mercury can be added if low tem- 
peratures are to be recorded, and into which mercury can be 
driven when the instrument is to be used for higher temperatures. 
By* the use of this device the same thermometer can be employed 
for temperatures near the freezing- as well as the boiling-point 
of water or other solvent. 



The Cryoscopic Method, 

The determination of molecular weights by the cryoseopic 
method, that is, by observing the depression of freezing-point, is 
carried out in the apparatus of Beckmann shown in the figure. 
The tube (A), furnished with a side limb for the introduction of 

the substance, is fitted with a cork through 
which the thermometer (T) and platinum 
stirrer (S) pass. The lower part of this tube 
is surrounded by a wider tube (B) which 
provides an air jacket between the tube (A) 
and the freezing-mixture contained in the 
outer vessel (C). This freezing - mixture, 
whose temperature should be about 5 below 
the freezing-point of the solvent employed, is 
also furnished with a stirrer (S 1 ). A weighed 
quantity of water, or other solvent, is placed 
in the tube (A) and then frozen. Owing to 
under-cooling the temperature indicated by 
the thermometer falls below the freezing- 
point, and then quickly rises again, and be- 
comes stationary at that point as soon as ice 
separates. When the freezing-point of the 
solvent has been indicated on the arbitrary 
scale of the thermometer, a weighed quantity 
of the substance is introduced and the freez- 
ing-point of the solution determined. The 
amount of substance added should produce a 
depression of about 0-5. The determination 
may be repeated after the addition of a 
further quantity of substance. The reading 
should, however, be taken when a minimum 
quantity of the pure solid solvent has separated, so that the 
concentration of the solution may not be appreciably increased. 
The following are important freezing-constants (K): 

Water 18 6; acetic acid 39 ; benzene 50; phenol 73. 


EXAMPLE. Successive quantities of 0*317, 0-394, and 0-5152 
grm. of a substance were dissolved in 18-054 grm. of benzene, 
the depressions of freezing-point being 0-278, 0-348, and 0-452 
respectively; what is the molecular weight of the substance? The 

Fig. 6 


molecular lowering of the freezing-point of benzene (K) is 50. 
(Institute of Chemistry, July, 1902.) 

100 KS 

M = 

i. M 
ii. M 

iii. M 

= 1QQ X 50 X 0-317 = 
0-278 X 18-054 

= 100 X 50 X 0-394 _ 
0-348 X 18-054 

= 10Q X 5Q X ' 5152 
0-452 X 18-054 


The Ebulliscopic Method Beckmann's Apparatus. 

The tube (A) (fig. 6) em- 
ployed in the Beckmann appa- 
ratus for determining elevation 
of boiling-point resembles that 
in which freezing-point deter- 
minations are carried out; but, 
in addition to the side tube 
for the introduction of the sub- 
stance, it is provided with an- 
other tube (B) fitted with a 
reflux condenser for the con- 
densation of the vapour arising 
from the boiling liquid. In 
order to prevent super-heating 
of the liquid, and consequent 
irregular boiling, a short piece 
of stout platinum wire (C) is 
fused into the bottom of the 
tube, which also contains some 
small beads which surround the 
lower part of the thermometer 
bulb, and serve to break and 
distribute the bubbles of vapour 
as they rise. In addition to 
this, the boiling-tube is sur- 
rounded with a wider vessel (D) 
packed with some non-conduct- 
ing material to prevent loss of 
heat by radiation, or sometimes Fig. e 


with a glass envelope containing the vapour of the boiling solvent 
The whole apparatus stands upon a sheet of asbestos (E), below 
which the burner for heating is placed. 

In carrying out an experiment a weighed quantity of the 
solvent is heated until it boils briskly, and its temperature has 
become constant. If the condenser is acting efficiently the solvent 
should not lose in weight; but about 0-3 grm. should be subtracted 
from its weight to allow for the quantity required to wet the 
internal walls of the tube and condenser. After the boiling-point 
of the solvent has been recorded, the weighed quantity of the 
substance is introduced, and a reading again taken when the 
temperature has become constant. As in the case of freezing-point 
determinations, successive quantities of substance may be added to 
the same quantity of solvent, and corresponding readings taken. 
If much time elapses between the observations of the boiling-points 
of solvent and solution, it is necessary to read the barometer, and 
make a correction for change of atmospheric pressure during the 

The Modified Landsberger Apparatus. 

A method of determining elevation of boiling-point, introduced 
by Sakurai, 1 modified by Landsberger, 2 Walker and Lumsden, 3 and 
others, ancl more recently by Turner and Pollard, 4 consists in raising 
the solvent to its boiling-point by passing into it the vapour of the 
same liquid boiling in another vessel. The vapour condenses, and 
its latent heat eventually causes the solvent to boil, although the 
boiling-point after the addition of the substance is above that of 
the pure solvent. As the amount of the solvent continuously in- 
creases by condensation of vapour, it is estimated by weighing 
or measuring after condensation has been arrested instead of 
before heating is begun. 

By this method all possibility of superheating is avoided, and 
accurate results are rapidly obtained. 

The construction of the apparatus is shown in fig. 7. The vessel 
(A), about 16 cm. high and 3 cm. in diameter, is fitted with a two- 
holed cork through which pass the thermometer (T) and the delivery 

tube (B) by which vapour is conveyed to the bottom of the vessel 


i Trans. Chem. Soc., 1802, 61, 994. 2 Btr., 1898, 31, 461. 

3 Tram. Chem. Soc., 1898, 73, 502. 

* Trans. Chtm. Soc. y 1910, 97, 1184, Proc. Chem. Soc., 1913, 29, 349. 


from the liquid boiling in the flask (F). 
upper part of the vessel 
allows uncondensed va- 
pour to pass into the 
outer vessel (D), where 
it forms a vapour jacket 
and is then condensed, 
either here or by sub- 
sequent cooling after 
escaping by the side 
tube (E). 

The boiling-constants 
(K) of important liquids 
are: Water 5-2; ethyl 
alcohol 11-7; chloroform 
39; benzene 27. 

EXAMPLE. Turner 
found that 1-150 grm. 
of diphenylamine 
(C 6 H 6 ) 2 NH, dissolved in 
42-82 grm. of chloro- 
form caused the boiling- 
point of the solvent to rise 0-618. 
weight of diphenylamine. 

A small hole (C) in tho 

Fig. 7 

K = 39. Find the molecular 

M = !2 = 

100 X 39 X 1-160 _. 

J y. = 169-5. 

0-618 X 42-82" 
Theory for (C 6 H 5 ) 2 NH = 169-1. 

6. Molecular Complexity 

The methods and results of determining the molecular weights 
of gases and vapours and of substances in solution have been 
reviewed in the preceding pages; and it appears that the molecules 
of substances in solution are often of the same order of magnitude 
as those of the same substances in the state of vapour. For example, 
ferric chloride in a state of vapour at about 750 consists of mole- 
cules represented by the formula FeCl 3 , and the elevation of the 
bofiing-point of ether or alcohol by dissolved ferric chloride points 
to the same molecular formula. The reason for this identity of 
molecular state is to be found in the fact that the vaporous state 


and the state of solution are analogous to each other, and that the 
process of vaporization of a solid or liquid, with the consequent 
distribution of its molecules through space, resembles the process of 
solution of the same substance, and the distribution of its molecules 
throughout the solvent. 

Yet the molecular state of a dissolved substance depends some- 
times upon the liquid in which it is dissolved. Hydrogen chloride, 
"for example, forms molecules when dissolved in benzene and nitro- 
benzene which may be as much as five times as great as the gaseous 
molecule; its molecules are then said to be associated. With regard 
to liquids themselves, there is good reason to believe that their 
molecules are often associated. Consider water, for example. 
Water is the first of the series of four hydrides: H 2 O, H 2 S, H 2 Se, 
H 2 Te; three of these are gases; why, therefore, is water a liquid? 
Since the atomic w r eight of oxygen is the least of the atomic weights 
of the four elements combined with hydrogen in this series, and 
volatility diminishes from H 2 S to H 2 Te, water would be expected 
to be the most instead of the least volatile of the four hydrides. 
The reason water is a liquid at atmospheric temperature must be 
that it forms complex molecules (H 2 O) n . Steam even appears to 
contain a very small proportion of molecules, which are regarded as 
double, since its density is a little greater near the point of con- 
densation than corresponds with the simple formula H 2 0. Liquid 
water undoubtedly consists of associated molecules, e.g. (H 2 0) 2 and 
(H 2 O) 3 , whilst ice is believed to be (H 2 O) 3 only. It is noteworthy 
that hydrogen fluoride, which follows water in the periodic classifi- 
cation, also contains associated molecules, and has an anomalous 

Regarding benzene, C 6 H 6 , there is evidence that near its point of 
condensation the saturated vapour begins to contain double mole- 
cules, (C 6 H 6 ) 2 , and that liquid benzene consists entirely of these 
molecules, until near its freezing-point, when (C 6 H 6 ) 4 molecules 
begin to appear, and increase in number until solid separates, 
which consists wholly of (C 6 H 6 ) 4 molecules. 

It is remarkable that the association of various molecules is 
promoted by- the entire absence of water. Thus benzene, which 
usually boils at 80, was found by H. B. Baker 1 to boil at 106 after 
being dried over phosphoric oxide for eight years. This rLse of 
boiling-point must, no doubt, be attributed to molecular association. 

1 Chcm. Soc. Trans., 1922, ll t 570. 


Concerning the molecular state of solids little or nothing has 
been known until recently; but the examination of the X-ray 
spectra produced by solids is throwing much lighi on their mole- 
cular structure. The nature of the problem presented by solids 
may be realized by considering a simple example. Carbon and 
silicon are related elements; yet carbon when it burns forms a gas 
and silicon a solid. Thus the molecules of C0 2 are not associated, 
but those of SiO 2 are, if indeed Si0 2 molecules can be said to exist 
at all. What is the reason for this difference? The difference 
nuiy be expressed, [though not explained, by saying that any field 
of influence outside the C0 2 molecule, by which other molecules of 
the same kind might be attracted, and associated, is very limited, 
or else the attractive force exerted therein is very small; whereas 
in the case of the Si0 2 molecule the external field of attractive 
force is considerable in extent or strength or both. 

The difference between the two cases is referable to the difference 
between the carbon and silicon atoms, and must depend ultimately 
upon the different structures of these atoms. Meanwhile it may be 
stated that the " crystal unit ", i.e. the smallest unit that takes part 
in crystal growth of silica, is (SiO 2 ) 3 . 

With regard to the formula) to be applied to liquid and solid 
compounds there is much difficulty if real molecules are to be 
represented. Indeed it can hardly be asserted that molecules, 
NaCl, of common salt exist either in the solid state or in solution. 
It is not necessary, however, to have molecular formulae in order to 
represent chemical reactions, since the simplest formulas represent- 
ing the inherent properties of compounds are sufficient for all 
ordinary purposes. The formula CaC0 3l for example, serves for 
chalk; it would be interesting to know what is the molecular or 
crystal unit of this compound, but such knowledge is not necessary 
for the representation of its common reactions. 

In some cases, however, the smallest empirical formula would 
be untrue; e.g. hyponitrous acid is H 2 N 2 O 2 and not HNO; and 
benzene is C 6 H 6 and not CH nor C 2 H 2 . 

7. The Molecular Compositions of Compound Gases 

The evidence on which the molecular formula H 2 for water is 
based has already been considered. There are a number of com- 
pound gases whose molecular formulae may be established by the 


application of the principles set forth in this chapter; and these 
will now be dealt with. 

It has already been shown that the molecules of hydrogen, 
chlorine, and oxygen are diatomic. This follows, it will be re- 
membered, from the fact that the hydrogen chloride formed from 
equal volumes of hydrogen and chlorine occupies twice the volume 
of each separate gas, and that steam occupies twice the volume of 
its constituent oxygen at the same temperature and pressure. By 
an extension of the principle here employed the number of atoms 
of a gaseous element within the molecule of a compound gas may 
always be determined. 

Thus, since it can be shown that 2 volumes of ammonia gas 
yield when decomposed 3 volumes of hydrogen and 1 volume 
of nitrogen, it follows, provided the nitrogen molecule is diatomic, 
that ammonia must be represented by the formula NH 3 ; for the 
molecular change on the decomposition of ammonia is: 

2 niols. ammonia yield 3 H 2 + N.j, 
consequently 2 NH 3 = 3 H.> + N 2 . 

The argument may be put in another way. Since the volume 
of the ammonia is to that of the hydrogen as 2 : 3, the atomic con- 
centration of hydrogen in ammonia is to that in free hydrogen as 
3:2; and since the volume of ammonia is to that of nitrogen as 
2:1, the atomic concentration of nitrogen in ammonia is to that 
in free nitrogen as 1:2; whence the formula NH 3 follows. 

In the case of a gas containing a solid element, such as sul- 
phurous anhydride, the additional estimation of the density of the 
gas suffices to show how many atoms of the solid element it 
contains, provided the atomic weight of this element is known. 
Thus, (a) the gas produced by burning sulphur in oxygen measures 
the same volume as the oxygen; therefore the molecule of this gas 
contains 2 atoms of oxygen; (6) the density of the gas is 32, and 
its molecular weight consequently 04, whilst the weight of oxygen 
within its molecule is 32, and the atomic weight of sulphur is 32; 
therefore it follows that the molecule of the gas contains 1 atom 
of sulphur, and that its molecular formula is SO 2 . 

The follchving statements epitomize the evidence for the mole- 
cular formula of a number of the best-known gases: 

Hydrogen Chloride. 

That 1 volume hydrogen + i volume chlorine give 2 volumes 


hydrogen chloride is fundamental to the molecular theory. The 
following facts suffice to prove this relation: 

(a) Electrolysis of an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride 
under suitable conditions yields equal volumes of hydrogen and 

(6) Sodium amalgam removes the chlorine from hydrogen 
chloride gas, and the remaining hydrogen occupies half the volume 
of the hydrogen chloride. 

Water and Steam. 

(a) Electrolysis of acidified water yields hydrogen and oxygen 
in the proportion of 2 volumes of the former to 1 of the latter. 

(6) When a volume of electrolytic gas, i.e. a mixture of 2 
volumes of hydrogen with 1 volume of oxygen is exploded in 
a eudiometer kept at a temperature above the boiling-point of 
water, the volume of the resulting steam is two-thirds the volume 
of the mixed gases. Therefore 

2 vol hydrogen + 1 vol. oxygen yield 2 vol. steam. 
Carbonic Anhydride. 

When carbon is burnt in oxygen gas the volume of the gas 
remains unaltered. Therefore a molecule of the gaseous product 
contains 2 atoms of oxygen (O 2 = 32). 

The density of carbonic anhydride is 22 ; therefore its molecular 
weight is 44. Within this molecular proportion are 32 parts 
(O 2 ) of oxygen, and therefore 12 of carbon. But 12 is the atomic 
weight of carbon. Therefore carbonic anhydride is CO 2 , and is 
rightly called carbon dioxide. 

Sulphurous Anhydride. 

When sulphur is burnt in oxygen the volume of the gaseous 
product is the same as that of the oxygen. The density of sul- 
phurous anhydride is 32, and its molecular weight 64. The atomic 
weight of sulphur is 32; therefore, by the same argument as applies 
to carbon dioxide, sulphurous anhydride is sulphur dioxide, SO 2 . 

Hydrogen Sulphide. 

When hydrogen sulphide gas, confined over mercury, is decom- 
posed by electric sparks, or when its sulphur is removed by means 
of tin heated in the gas and so converted into sulphide, the volume 

(D60) 5 


of the remaining hydrogen is equal to the volume of the original 
hydrogen sulphide, whose formula is consequently H 2 S n . That 
n = 1 is proved by the fact that the gas density is 17 and 
molecular weight 34; for of this 32 parts must be sulphur, and 32 
is the atomic weight of sulphur. Thus the formula for hydrogen 
sulphide is proved to be ILS. 

Nitrous Oxide. 

Potassium, sodium, copper, and other metals remove the oxygen 
from nitrous oxide when heated in the gas, leaving nitrogen. 
Thero is some risk of nitrite being produced if the two former 
metals are heated too strongly in the gas, but strongly heated 
copper removes only the oxygen, and loaves all the nitrogen in a 
pure state. By this means it may be shown that nitrous oxide 
contains its own volume of nitrogen, and therefore that its mole- 
cule contains 2 atoms of this element. The density of nitrous 
oxide is 22, and its molecular weight is 44, and this weight contains 
28 parts (Nj) of nitrogen, and therefore 16 parts of oxygen. Since 
16 is the atomic weight of oxygen the molecule of nitrous oxide 
contains 1 atom of this element, and therefore the molecular 
formula for the gas is N 2 0. 

The same conclusion is reached by mixing nitrous oxide with 
its own volume of hydrogen and exploding the mixture. After 
condensation of the steam pure nitrogen remains equal in volume 
to the nitrous oxide. Thus it is shown, not only that nitrous 
oxide contains its own volume of nitrogen, but that the oxygen it 
contains would occupy half that volume, since it combines with 
a volume of hydrogen equal to that of the nitrous oxide. These 
facts are sufficient to establish the formula N 2 for nitrous oxide. 

Nitric Oxide. 

If potassium is heated in nitric oxide the vigorous combustion 
which takes place results in the formation of nitrite and nitrate; 
but a spiral of iron wire heated electrically removes all the oxygen 
from the gas without combining with the nitrogen, and the residual 
nitrogen then occupies half the volume of the original nitric oxide. 
This proves that a molecule of nitric oxide contains 1 atom o 
nitrogen (N = 14). The density of nitric oxide is 15, and, Miice 
its molecular weight is 30, the molecule contains 1 atom of 
oxygen (O = 16), and the molecular formula is NO. 



When ammonia solution is dropped into chlorine gas, hydrogen 
chloride is formed, and nitrogen set free. The experiment may be 
carried out in a long graduated tube, sealed at one end and pro- 
vided at the other end with a cork furnished with a tap funnel. 
Ammonia solution is passed through the funnel into the chlorine, 
and the reaction is accompanied by a greenish flame and fumes 
of ammonium chloride. After the ammonia has been added in 
excess, dilute sulphuric acid is introduced to combine with the 
excess of ammonia, after which water is allowed to enter until 
the gas in the tube is at atmospheric pressure, when the flow of 
water ceases. Then it is found that the gas, which is nitrogen, 
fills one-third of the tube. Since hydrogen and chlorine combine 
in equal volumes to form hydrogen chloride, the hydrogen of the 
ammonia from which the hydrogen has been liberated would have 
occupied three times the volume of this nitrogen. This shows 
that ammonia, when decomposed, yields 1 volume of nitrogen 
to 3 of hydrogen; but since the volume of ammonia gas which 
is thus decomposed is unknown, all that this experiment reveals 
is that the molecule of ammonia is (NH 3 ) n . 

The relation between the volume of ammonia and the volumes 
of its decomposition products may be determined by confining a 
measured volume of the gas over mercury and passing electric 
sparks through it until expansion ceases. The gas will then 
have been decomposed into a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen 
which will occupy twice the volume of the ammonia. That this 
mixture consists of 3 volumes of hydrogen and 1 volume of 
nitrogen may be shown by adding excess of oxygen and ex- 
ploding the mixture. 

Thus for example: 

Volume of ammonia = 10*0 c. c. 

Volume of nitrogen + hydrogen after sparking = 20-0 

Volume after addition of oxygen = 75 

Volume after explosion =52-5 

Thus 22-5 c. c. of gas have disappeared, of which 15*0 c. c. must 
have been hydrogen. So it follows that 10-0 c. c. of ammonia were 
decomposed by electric sparks into 15 c. c. of hydrogen and 5 c. c. 
of nitrogen; and, as shown before, this proves the molecular 
formula NH 3 for ammonia. 



The case of phosphine (.litters from that of ammonia because, 
when the gas is decomposed by electric sparks, the liberated phos- 
phorus remains as a solid whose volume is negligible. Conse- 
quently, the proportion of phosphorus in the molecule must be 
discovered by density determination as in the case of sulphur 
dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, &c. 

Two volumes of phosphine, decomposed by electric sparks, 
yield 3 volumes of hydrogen. Therefore a molecule of the gas 
contains 3 atoms of hydrogen. 

The density of phosphine is 17, and its molecular weight 34. 
Consequently, the proportion of phosphorus within the molecular 
proportion of phosphine is 31. But 31 is the atomic weight of 
phosphorus. Therefore the molecule of phosphine contains 1 
atom of phosphorus, and so its formula is PH 3 . 

Carbon Monoxide. 

Carbon monoxide can be converted into carbon dioxide by 
exploding it with oxygen, when it is found that 2 volumes of the 
gas combine with 1 volume of oxygen to form 2 volumes of carbon 
dioxide; or, since the molecular formula) C0 2 and O 2 are known, in 
the equation, 

2 C x O y + O 2 = 2 C0 2 , 

x and y both = 1, so that the molecular formula CO is proved. 
This conclusion is confirmed by the density of the gas, which is 
14, whence the molecular weight is 28; and C = 12, O = 16, so 
that CO = 28. 

Methane, Ethylene, and other Hydrocarbons. 

Tf a certain volume of a hydrocarbon is exploded with a 
known volume of oxygen used in excess, the resulting moist gas, 
measured at atmospheric temperature and pressure, consists of 
carbon dioxide mixed with unused oxygen. The volume of 
carbon dioxide formed is estimated by absorbing this gas in 
sodium hydroxide solution, and the total volume of oxygen used, 
part of which has produced carbon dioxide, and part water, is 
shown by the difference between the original and the remaining 
volume of oxygen. These data are sufficient to establish the 
molecular formula of the hydrocarbon. 


For, consider the gaseous hydrocarbon C x Hj. The result of 
its explosion with oxygen is represented by the equation 

C,H 7 + (x + f )0 2 = xCO. + ?H 2 0. 

N 4 / ^ 

The volume of steam formed and condensed is not measured; 
but when the volume of carbon dioxide, referred to that of the 
hydrocarbon as unity, which is x 9 has been ascertained, the value 
of y is found by subtracting this from the total volume of oxygen 
used, referred to the same standard, and multiplying the remainder 
by 4. 

When x and y are found, the formula of the hydrocarbon 
is settled. Vapour density will confirm the formula, but is not 
necessary to establish it. 


When a mixture of 10 c. c. of methane with 30 c. c. of oxygen 
is exploded, the resulting gas, measured at the same temperature 
and pressure, is a mixture of 10 c. c. of carbon dioxide and 10 c. c. 
oi* oxygen. 

Thus 1 volume methane requires for combustion 2 volumes 
oxygen, and yields 1 volume carbon dioxide. 

So in the equation 

C x H y + (x + 1)0 2 = arC0 2 + |H,O, x = 1 and | = 1 ; 

therefore the formula for methane is CH 4 ; or otherwise, because 
the volume of the carbon dioxide produced is equal to the volume 
of the methane, a moleculQ of the latter contains 1 atom of carbon; 
and, because the volume of the oxygen required to burn the 
'hydrogen of methane is equal to the volume of the methane, 
the atomic concentration of hydrogen in the methane molecule 
is twice what it is in the free hydrogen molecule; i.e. there are 
4 atoms of hydrogen in methane. Thus the molecular formula 
for methane is CH 4 . 

Ethylene. t 

When a mixture of 10 c. c. of ethylene with 40 c. c. of oxygen 
is exploded, the resulting gas, measured at the same temperature 
and pressure, is a mixture of 20 c. c. of carbon dioxide and 10 c. c. 
of oxygen. 


Thus 1 volume ethylene requires for combustion 3 volumes 
oxygen and yields 2 volumes carbon dioxide. 
So in the equation 

C\H, + (* + ^)0 2 = *C0 2 + |H 2 0, x = 2 and J = 1 ; 

consequently the formula for ethylene is C 2 H 4 . 

Or, to employ the alternative argument, since the volume of 
the carbon dioxide produced is twice the volume of the ethylene, 
a molecule of this hydrocarbon contains 2 atoms of carbon; and 
since the volume of oxygen required to burn the hydrogen of 
ethylene is equal to the volume of the ethylene, this hydrocarbon 
contains 4 atoms of hydrogen. Thus, again, the molecular formula 
for ethylene is C, 2 H 4 . 

In a similar way the molecular formula of any gaseous hydro- 
carbon may be established. 


EQUIVALENT WEIGHT. The equivalent weight of an element 
is that weight of it which combines with, or displaces from com- 
bination, unit weight of a standard element. 

ATOMIC WEIGHT. The atomic weight of an element is the 
ratio between the weight of its atom and that of the atom of 
a standard element. The standard is: = 1600. 


(a) Exact estimation of chemical equivalent. 

(b) Decision as to order of magnitude. 

Guiding principles: i. Avogadro's theory. 

ii. Chemical displacement, 
iii. Law of specific heats, 
iv. Law of isomorphism. 
v. Periodic law. 

proportion 6f a constituent element in a chemical compound can 
be displaced by another element, a molecule of the compound 
contains at least n atoms of that element. 

specific heats of the solid elements are in the inverse ratio of 


their atomic weights; or the atoms of the solid elements have 
the same capacity for heat. 

Specific heat X atomic weight = 6-4(approx.) 

or atomic weight = * . -. 
specific heat 

of isomorphous substances contain equal numbers of atoms, which 
when not identical are analogous. 

The depression of freezing-point, and elevation of boiling-point of a 
solvent caused by any dissolved substance are directly proportional 
to the number of molecules of the substance in solution, and 
consequently, inversely proportional to its molecular weight; or 
equimolecular solutions, with the same solvent, have the same 
freezing- and boiling-points. 



In the preceding pages the experimental foundations of the 
atomic and molecular theories, as these were laid by the chemists 
and physicists of the nineteenth century, have been considered; 
and it has been found possible to exhibit and expound these 
without reference to modern conceptions of the atom; this is 
because the phenomena concerned have been superficial and have 
not dealt with the inter-relations of the atoms themselves in 
chemical compounds. 

When, however, the subjects of valency and chemical constitu- 
tion are approached the case is otherwise. It is impossible at the 
present time to consider these subjects adequately without bringing 
into view the atom as it appears in the light of to-day's knowledge. 
Moreover, the tide of this new knowledge is so powerful that 
much that was considered sound and stable has been broken by its 
flood; so that the first task of the chemical philosopher is to 
strengthen what remains of the harbour of his thought, whilst the 
flotsam disappears. 

Consequently this chapter on " Older Views of Valency and 
Chemical Constitution" is historical; touching lightly the great 
subjects with which it deals, it brings chemical knowledge up to 
the boundary of the new domain, and leaves for a further chapter 
the task of exploration. It will be enough for the present purpose 
if what was temporary and must disappear can be distinguished 
from what is permanently useful. If this purpose is achieved, if 
impedimenta are dropped, and only useful tools and weapons are 
retained, there is hope that in the new field valuable possessions 
may be acquired. 

It has already been seen, with regard to an element, that 
Atomic weight = n X equivalent weight ; 

and that n is the valency or atomic value of the element. 


The doctrine of valency, in the form in which it was held during 
the latter part of the nineteenth century, was a matter of slow 
development. It arose during the growth of organic chemistry, 
because of the need of a theory of structure in systematizing this 
branch of the science. Chemists developed the habit of referring 
various organic compounds to a few simple inorganic types, and this 
idea proved fertile, for it stimulated research, and led to important 
discoveries. These simple types were: 

H H H) U H 


Hf 01 f Hf v ttr H 

O.J H 


It cannot be said that the conception of valency was definitely 
contained in these types, yet it was not far off. 

The chief exponent of the theory of types was Gerhardt; but 
it was E. Frankland who first introduced the idea of saturation 
capacity or valency. Frankland showed that whilst 1 atom of tin 
was capable of combining with two atoms of oxygen to form the 
dioxide Sn(X> a molecule of the compound tin diethyl, Sn(C 2 H 5 ) 2 , 
or SnEt. 2 , could combine with only 1 oxygen atom forming the 
compound SnEt^O. Thus it appeared that the tin atom had a 
certain saturation capacity, that it could combine with not more 
than 2 atoms of oxygen or their equivalent; and that its power of 
combining with oxygen was diminished by the extent to which it 
was already combined with other atoms or groups of atoms. 

The principle was further illustrated by Frankland by reference 
to such compounds as 

in which tho atoms of nitrogen and phosphorus combined with 
.3 atoms of hydrogen or halogen; and by Kekule, who showed that 
the carbon atom could combine with four other atoms, as in the 
compounds CH CHC 

The phenomenon here illustrated is now called valency, about 
which the following statement may be made: 

The valency of an element indicates the number of other atoms 
with which one of its atoms can directly combine. 

. An atom may be uni-, bi-, ter-, quadri-, quinque-, sex-, sept-, 
or even octa-valent; 1 equivalent terms are monad, dyad, triad, 

1 The Greek prefixes mono-, di-, tri>, &c.j which, when attached to valent, make hybrid 
words, are now being abandoned. 


tetrad, &c. In the compounds cited above the nitrogen and phos- 
phorus atoms are tervalent, and the carbon atom is quadrivalent; 
whilst the hydrogen, chlorine, and iodine atoms are univalent. 
Hydrogen is never more than univalent, and therefore its atom 
is chosen as the standard of valency; chlorine is univalent with 
regard to hydrogen and metals, and, indeed, probably to all ele- 
ments except oxygen; it may therefore replace hydrogen as a 

The following hydrides exhibit the valency of a number of 

Valency 1 





OH 2 

NH 3 

CH 4 


SH 2 

PH 3 

SiH 4 


AsH 3 


SbH 3 

and the following halides 1 illustrate valency more extensively: 

Valency 1 







OC1 2 



PF 5 



Zn01 2 

PC1 3 

SiCl 4 

AsF 6 

TeF e 


HgCl 2 

A1C1 3 

SnCl 4 

SbF 6 



Oxygen is here shown to be bivalent. It is seldom other than 
this; and if oxygen is bivalent, the large number of oxides that 
exist may be classified to show valency, on the assumption that the 
valency of an element is equal to twice the number of oxygen 
atoms with which one of its atoms combines. 

T 1 










B 2 3 

CO 2 

N 2 6 


C1 2 O 7 

OsO 4 



A1 2 3 

SiO 2 

P 2 6 

Cr0 3 


RuO 4 

Ag a O 


Fe a O s 

PbO 2 

Bi 2 6 

UO 3 

Mn 2 O r 

These oxides are in a different category from that of the 
foregoing hydrides and halides. In those the molecular formulae 
have in all cases been established by vapour density or other 
measurements, and the valency of the element concerned is directly 
indicated by the number of attached hydrogen or halogen atoms. 
The formulae for these oxides, however, are seldom truly molecular. 
Phosphoric oxide, for example, is (P 2 O 6 ) 2 even as vapour, and the 
crystal unit of silica is (SiO 2 ) 3 ; but little, as a rule, can be said 
about the molecules of solids. Moreover, according to the above 
statement, valency as a property cannot strictly be judged from 
oxides at all, for these compounds do not exhibit, attached to a nuclear 

1 Halite = fluoride, chloride, bronVide, or iodide. 


atom, a number of peripheral atoms corresponding to its valency. 
Nevertheless, there is good reason to regard the valencies indicated 
by oxides such as those in the table to be correct. 

The establishment of the idea of valency was soon followed by 
a device by which the facts of atomic union were represented 

Bonds were introduced by Couper to show the joining together 
of the atoms in the following way: 

H H H 

Cl H, H-O H, N^ H-C-H. 

I I 

H H 

Thus graphic or constitutional formulae were constructed, with 
bonds to show units of valency, or units of affinity, which they 
might be called, if they are thought of as standing for the forces 
by which the atoms are united. 

Oxides containing bivalent oxygen have been represented by 
graphic formulae, such as the following: 

Mg=O, B O~F>, OCO, ^N-O-Nrf , O *S= O, 

\ n / 0^ N ^O || 



00 O 

O-C1- 0-Cl=0, O=0s=0. 

II II li 


Formulae such as these are chiefly of historic interest, for they 
have to be reconsidered carefully in the light of modern knowledge 
and theory concerning the atom. It will appear later that Couper's 
bonds ought not to be used indiscriminately or similarly for all 
these compounds; e.g. while they are appropriate in the case of 
carbon dioxide they are hardly proper in the case of magnesium 
oxide, since the mode of chemical union in this case seems to be 
different from that in the case of the gaseous oxide* 

When bonds were first employed it was thought that the atoms 
in all compounds were united together in a similar way; and all 
that has been done in constructing these formulae has been to 
arrange the atomic symbols in relation to one another so as to 


represent known or supposed i'acts of chemical constitution, and 
then to join these symbols by bonds to represent the supposed 
acting valencies of each atom. How artificial such formula) are is 
seen by comparing the two formulas given for B 2 O 3 . Each satisfies 
the requirement that boron be tervalent and oxygen bivalent, 
yet both cannot truly represent the constitution of this oxide. 

Is, then, the writing of graphic formulae merely an interesting 
geometrical exercise based on the facts of valency alone? Con- 
sider, for example, a substance with the formula C 3 H 6 0. Since 
carbon is quadrivalent, oxygen bivalent, and hydrogen univalent, 
two graphic formula) are possible for this substance: 

H O H H H H 

H C-C-C-H and H-C-C-O-O. 


H (i) H H H (ii) 

Does it matter which formula is adopted? The answer is that 
two quite different substances are known, both of which are 
C 3 H 6 O; and one of which, acetone, certainly has the constitution 
(i), whilst the other, propaldehyde, as certainly possesses the con- 
stitution represented by (ii). 

Thus graphic formulae are constitutional formulae, and only so 
far as they represent the ascertained constitution of compounds are 
they valid; therefore the construction of graphic formulae for com- 
pounds which have not been definitely proved to have a certain 
constitution is to be deprecated. 

A fundamental question connected with this subject was raised 
by comparing magnesium oxide with carbon dioxide. This question 
has lately assumed great prominence, and may be illustrated more 
clearly by considering the two chlorides NaCl and CC1 4 . Until 
recently these compounds have been formulated thus: 


Na Cl; Cl C Cl; 

there are, however, great differences between the two chlorides, 
both in physical and chemical properties, which suggest different 
modes of union of their constituent atoms. Sodium chloride is a 
solid whose separate atoms 1 of sodium and chlorine are arranged 

1 Or, more accurately, ions. 



Fig. 8 

like cubes 1 packed close together (fig. 8), 
until cubic crystals of various sizes are 
produced; whilst carbon tetrachloride con- 
sists of self-contained CC1 4 molecules which 
easily separate from one another, and exist 
apart in the state of vapour. Further, 
when sodium chloride dissolves in water 
its chlorine becomes reactive in a manner 
in which the chlorine of carbon tetrachloride 
never becomes reactive; i.e. it shows the reaction of chloride with 
silver nitrate which carbon tetrachloride fails to show. Can it 
reasonably be maintained that the same kind of bond unites chlorine 
with sodium as unites this element with carbon? It cannot; and 
consequently there appear to be two kinds of valency; the kind of 
valency which exists in carbon tetrachloride can be properly repre- 
sented by "bonds", whilst the kind which unites sodium with 
chlorine cannot. Therefore the use of Couper's bonds in expressing 
the constitution of many inorganic compounds is being discontinued. 
The modern view regarding the mode of union of the elements in 
these compounds will appear later. 

Variability of Valency. 

Early in the development of the theory of valency the question 
arose whether valency is a fixed and inherent property of an atom, 
like its mass, or whether it can vary under varying circumstances. 
Kekul^, who showed the quadrivalency of carbon, believed valency 
to be unalterable; and the study of carbon compounds alone ap- 
peared to justify Kekule's opinion. The following compounds were 
cited by Kekule to illustrate the constant quadrivalency of carbon: 

H H Cl Cl 

'III Cl 

H C-TT, H-C Cl, Cl C Cl, II C Cl, 

i ! I I 

H H Cl Cl 

O=C=O, S=0=S, H-C-N. 

Frarikland, on the other hand, observed that nitrogen formed not 
only NH 3 , in which the element is evidently tervalent, but also 
NH 4 C1, in which it was apparently quinquevalenb Thus was 
expressed the idea of a maximum potential valency, and an actual 
valency, exercised in specific compounds, which might be less than 
this. And it was observed that the actual valency frequently fell 

1 It must not, however, be supposed that the atoms are cubical in shape. 



short of the potential valency by two units, as, for example, in the 
pairs of compounds 

NH 3 , NH 4 Ci; P 2 O 3 , P 2 O 6 ; SO 2 , SO 3 ; SnCl* SnCl 4 ; 

so it was supposed that when valency decreased from the maximum 
it was always by two units, and that consequently the valency 
of an element remained either odd or even. Then it was thought 
that the two valencies which remained disengaged in the lower 
compounds satisfied each other, so that no valencies remained free. 

There are, however, some notable exceptions to this supposed 
rule, and it cannot be regarded as a natural law. Examples of 
these exceptions are shown in the sets of compounds 

NO, N 2 3 , N0 2 , N 2 6 ; CIO* C1 2 O 7 ; IO 2 , I 2 O 6 ; FeCl 25 FeCl 3 ; 
InCl, InCL, lnC! 3 ; WC1 5 , WC1 6 . 

The lower compounds are unsaturated, and combine with oxygen, 
chlorine, &c., to form higher compounds. 

When rise of temperature causes dissociation it thereby causes 
the acting valency of the nuclear atom or atoms of a compound 
to diminish. Thus when ammonium chloride, NH 4 C1, in which the 
nitrogen atom is regarded as quinquevalent, dissociates into ammonia 
and hydrogen chloride, the nitrogen atom becomes in consequence 
tervalent. Similarly tungsten hexachloride, WC1 6 , dissociates at high 
temperature into the pentachloride WC1 6 and chlorine. Occasion- 
ally dissociation involves the halving of molecules, as the following 

examples show : 

N 2 4 N0 2 + N0 2 

Fe 2 Cl 4 FeCL + FeClo 

A1 2 C1 6 A1C1 3 + A1C1 3 . 

Presumably this dissociation involves a reduction in operative 
valency, since such valency is necessary to hold together the two 
parts of the double molecule, but becomes inoperative on dissociation. 
It may be added that, unless there is reason to the contrary, 
association into double molecules, such as those represented above, 
is supposed to be effected by means of 1 unit of valency. Mole- 
cular association in liquids and solids must also be accounted for 
by the exercise of additional valencies. Thus liquid water contains 
double moledules, or molecules of even higher complexity; and the 
existence of these complex molecules is accounted for by assuming 
oxygen to be quadrivalent, thus: 




since oxygen is known to be quadrivalent in some other compounds. 
The existence of double salts / and salts with water of crystal- 
lization cannot be explained by the narrower conceptions of valency. 
Consider, for example, potassium alum, K 2 S0 4 'A1 2 (S0 4 ) 3 24H 2 O. 
The constitutional formulae for potassium and aluminium sulphates 
have been constructed thus: 

/O SOj-C 

Al 0-S0 2 -O- 

A1 ; 


but it is difficult to see how these formula are to be united together, 
and 24 molecules of water to be incorporated in the scheme as well. 

At one time it was customary to describe such compounds as 
" molecular " rather than " atomic ", but such a distinction is no 
longer regarded as valid, and several theories have been proposed 
to account for the constitution of these compounds on the ground 
that auxiliary or latent valencies come into play in their formation. 
These theories cannot, however, be considered here. 

The variation of valency with the kind of compound formed 
has been illustrated in the lists of hydrides, halides, and oxides 
already given. Thus it appears that whilst the valency of an 
element towards oxygen and the halogens 1 may rise as high as 
8, valency towards hydrogen is never greater than 4; no single 
atom is known to combine with more than 4 hydrogen atoms. 
Now hydrogen and oxygen are reciprocally related, and it is a 
noteworthy fact that as the valency for hydrogen diminishes in 
a series of elements with increasing atomic weight, the valency 
for oxygen correspondingly increases, and the sum of the oxygen 
and hydrogen valencies remains equal to 8. This is shown in the 
following compounds, although fluorine and bromine fail to form 
oxides, and iodine is not known to form the oxide I 2 O r ; moreover, 
tin has recently been shown to form an unstable hydride, though 
this has not been proved to be SnH 4 . 

CH 4 CO, 
NH 3 NA 
OH 2 
FH - 

SiH 4 SiO 2 
PH S P,0 6 
SH. SO 3 
01 H CIA 

OeH 4 GeO 2 
AsH 3 As 2 O 6 
SeH, ScO 3 

8nHt SnO, 
SbH 3 Sb 2 O 5 
TeH, TeO, 
IH (1,0,) 

These phenomena have a deep significance, which will appear later. 
With regard to valency for the halogens, it must be noted that 

i The halogen elements are fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine. 


as a rule halides are not so stable as the corresponding oxides. For 
example, NC1 3 is so unstable as to be highly explosive, whilst N 2 O S 
does not split off oxygen; PC1 6 dissociates into PC1 3 and C1 2 , whilst 
P 2 O 6 is stable; S0 2 may be united with oxygen to form S0 3 , whilst 
SC1 4 , formed below C., easily loses chlorine. 

Fluorides, however, are much more stable than the other halides: 
PF 6 and SF 6 are stable gases, and the existence of OsFg, 1 in addition 
to OsF 6 and OsF 4 , shows a valency of 8 towards a halogen. 

The Double Bond in Carbon Compounds. 

Consider the two hydrocarbons ethane, C 2 H 6 , and ethylene, C 2 H 4 . 
The former is saturated, the latter is unsaturated; that is to say, it 
is capable of combining with 2 more hydrogen atoms or their 
equivalent. This state of unsaturation of ethylene is represented 
by a double bond, the graphic formulae for the two compounds 

Ethane. Ethylene. 

H H H H 

H C C H and H-C=C H. 

The question may be asked whether the double bond is simply 
employed to keep up the appearance of the quadrivalency of carbon, 
or whether it has any real meaning; whether, indeed, carbon is not 
really tervalent in ethylene, so that the formula might as well be 

H H 

H-C C H. 

This question may be answered in the negative for several reasons. 

First, no such compound as CH 3 CH 2 is known, in which 
one atom of carbon is quadrivalent, whilst the other is tervalent; so 
that both atoms must be either saturated or unsaturated. Here, at 
least, the idea that the two unsaturated atoms in ethylene satisfy 
one another appears justified; and the double bond expresses their 
mutual dependence. 

Further, the double bond between carbon atoms, the ethylene 
linkage, as ft is called, expresses something more than unsaturation; 
for the nature of this union differs from that represented by the 
single linkage. It is weaker than the single linkage, for when 

Tschirch, Jfer., 1913, 46, 929. 


a compound contains a chain of carbon atoms in which there is 
a double linkage, this is the point at which the chain breaks when 
the compound comes under disruptive influence. The fact that 
the double is weaker than the single linkage shows that no 
mechanical significance must be attached to bonds. 

There is still a third characteristic of the double bond, which, 
however, can only be made clear by the study of the stereo- 
chemistry of carbon compounds. 

" Chemistry in Space. 1 * 

How far, it may be asked, is the graphic formula 


H C H 

supposed to represent the real configuration of the molecule of this 
simple hydrocarbon, methane? The answer may at once be given 
that it is probably an imperfect representation of the truth, because 
it is a flat formula, a formula in two dimensions, whereas matter 
exists in three dimensions; the formula has length and breadth, 
but the molecule of methane has thickness as well as length and 
breadth. Moreover, the adequacy of the formula may be tested 
in a very 'simple way. The formula suggests that there might be 
two methylene chlorides, CH 2 C1 2 , 

Cl Cl 

I I 

H C II and H C Cl, 

A A 

in which the two chlorine atoms are respectively opposite and 

adjacent to each other. Two such chlorides 

do not, however, exist; therefore a method 

of formulation must be found which does 

not suggest their existence. Only when 

the valencies of the carbon atom are 

equally distributed in tridimensional space 

is this ^requirement met; that is to say, , 

when they are directed from the centre to 

the angular points of a regular tetrahedron, 

thus: ' 



Since this figure is symmetrical, the positions of the 2 hydrogen 
and 2 chlorine atoms in methylene chloride shown upon it may 
be interchanged in any way without causing a difference in the 
relative positions of these 4 atoms. This conception of the 
disposition in space of the valencies of the carbon atom, which 
is due chiefly to van 't Hoff, has been very fruitful in organic 
chemistry. The aspect of the science thus suggested has been 
called "chemistry in apace", or stereochemistry. Space-formulae 
should, of course, be applied to all chemical compounds, and some 
progress has been made with elements other than carbon; but these 
formulae are mainly of use in elucidating the structures of carbon 
compounds, where the question of constitution is of such vital 

It may be added that double and triple bonds are represented 
stereocheraically by the joining of two tetrahedra along their 
edges and adjacent surfaces respectively. For example, ethylerie, 
CH 2 CH 2 , and acetylene, CH~~~CH, are thus represented: 

Fig. 10 

The Criterion of Valency. 

The facts recorded in the foregoing pages suggest that valency 
might furnish a means of chemical classification of the elements, 
were it not that the exercise of this property varies somewhat 
irregularly. On the other hand, an independent classification of 
the elements might be expected to furnish information regarding 
valency. Such information is supplied by the Periodic Classifica- 
tion, which will shortly be studied. It will be sufficient to state 
here that in this classification the elements fall into nine groups 
Groups O to VIII; and that the maximum valency of each element 
appears to be identical with the number of the group which 
contains it. Thus, the no-valency elements of the argon family 
are in Group O, the univalent metals of the alkalis in Group I, the 
bivalent metals of the alkaline earths in Group II, and so on. 


Very seldom does the acting valency of an element exceed that 
indicated by the group to which it belongs; nevertheless in 
Group IB copper forms CuCl 2 and gold AuCl 3 ; more often, how- 
ever, it falls below it. For example, the halogens belong to the 
seventh group, and should therefore have a maximum valency of 
seven. This is realized by chlorine in C1 2 7 , and by iodine in 
H 6 I0 6 ; but not by fluorine or bromine. Iron, nickel and cobalt, 
as well as osmium, ruthenium, &c., belong to the eighth group; but 
whilst the two latter metals realize octa valency in OsO 4 and RuO 4 , 
tho three former metals appear never to be octavalent. 

Nevertheless the Periodic Law is the true criterion of the 
valency of an element. This will appear later when atomic struc- 
ture is considered. 

The Nature of Valency. 

A study of the operation of valency, however detailed, or the 
graphic representation of the union of elements in chemical com- 
pounds by the use of bonds or solid geometrical figures, leaves the 
nature of valency itself quite unexplained. It may be said that 
the force which binds the atoms together is chemical affinity; but 
this explains nothing, arid, moreover, the term " chemical affinity " 
has received a meaning in physical chemistry which is not closely 
associated with the idea of units of valency acting in specific 
directions through space. 

More than a century ago H. Davy l expressed the opinion that 
" electrical effects are exhibited by the same bodies, when acting on 
masses, which produce chemical phenomena when acting by their 
particles". Berzelius extended this idea in his electro-chemical 
theory, whence is derived the method of classifying the elements 
as electro-positive and electro-negative. Faraday, later, showed 
that during electrolysis a definite quantity of matter is always 
associated with a definite quantity of electricity, a fact which 
suggests that electricity as well as matter is atomic. This sug- 
gestion starts a trail which might be followed into all the intri- 
cacies of modern knowledge and theory concerning the structure of 
the atom. The purpose of this chapter, however, has now been 
fulfilled; but when the earlier development of the periodic law 

has been considered in the next chapter the way will have been 

i H. Davy, Phil. Trans., 1807, 1. 


fully prepared for an excursion into this new domain; and the 
promise may be made that in the course of this adventure the 
" nature of valency " will become illuminated in such a remarkable 
way that an entirely new and impressive conception will be gained 
concerning it. 


VALENCY. The valency of an element indicates the number of 
other atoms with which one of its atoms can directly combine. 


The Periodic Law according to Mendeteeff 

When the elements are regarded collectively, and in view of 
their ascertained atomic weights and properties, two considera- 
tions present themselves: (i) How may the elements be classified? 
(ii) What is their origin? These considerations are related, for the 
classification of material species is likely to lead to questions 
regarding the origin of such species. 

Probably the first systematic classification of the elements was 
derived from the electro-chemical theory of Berzelius, to which 
reference has already been made. This theory grew out of the 
facts of electrolysis. Thus, if, for example, an electric current 
passes through an aqueous solution of sodium chloride, the sodium 
appears at the cathode or negative electrode, and the chlorine at 
the anode or positive electrode. Consequently sodium was regarded 
as electro-positive, being attracted to the electrode of opposite sign, 
while chlorine was, for a similar reason, electro-negative. Or, more 
generally, metals were considered to be electro-positive and non- 
metals electro-negative. Further, it was recognized that some 
rnetals are more electro-positive than others, power of metallic 
replacement being regarded as a criterion of electro-positiveness. 
For example, since zinc displaces copper from copper sulphate in 
solution, zinc is more electro-positive than copper; and, conversely, 
since chlorine displaces iodine from potassium iodide in solution, 
chlorine is more electro-negative than iodine. 

So this method of classification served not only for the distinc- 
tion of metals from non-metals, but also for the recognition of 
metallic and non-metallic intensity. 

When the atomic weights of a sufficient number of the elements 
had been established with some degree of accuracy, it was perhaps 
inevitable that numerical relationships should be sought for between 



them, and that attempts should be made to discover a connection 
between the properties of an element and its atomic weight. 

The first attempt to establish numerical relations between the 
atomic weights was made in 1815-6 by an Edinburgh physician 
named Prout, who tried to prove that all the elements are con- 
densations of hydrogen as the primordial substance, by affirming 
that all the atomic weights are whole numbers when that of 
hydrogen is unity. This affirmation was unjustified at the time, 
for Berzelius subsequently showed that a number of atomic weights, 
determined with accuracy by the use of material ordinarily avail- 
able, were far removed from whole numbers. Nevertheless the 
fact remained that when the atomic weight of oxygen is made 
equal to 16*00 " the atomic weights tend to approximate to whole 
numbers far more closely than can reasonably be accounted for by 
any accidental coincidence''; 1 and therefore it appeared, even a 
quarter of a century ago, that the complete rejection of Prout's 
hypothesis was unwarranted. Kecent work, of which an account 
will be given in the sequel, has gone far to re-establish Prout's 
hypothesis; which, however, considering the time of its promul- 
gation, must be regarded as a philosophic guess rather than a 
conclusion of inductive science. 

Another attempt was made by Dobereiner, in 181 V and 1829, 
who showed that in various triads of related elements the central 
member of each group possesses properties and an atomic weight 
which are approximately the mean of the properties and atomic 
weights of the extreme members of the triad. These triads are: 
lithium, sodium, potassium; calcium, strontium, barium; phosphorus, 
arsenic, antimony; sulphur, selenium, tellurium; chlorine, bromine, 

It will be sufficient to give numerical details for the first and 
last of these triads. 

-P..^ Mean of Extreme 

Differences. 4 , . , ir . , , 

Atomic Weights. 

' 23-02 


Atomic Weight. 













47-or ...:.: 8i - 19 

It will be observed that the atomic weight of sodium is almost 

1 K. J. fctrutt, Phil. May. [vi], 1, 311 (1901). 


exactly the mean of the atomic weights of lithium and potassium, 
but that the atomic weight of bromine is considerably leas than the 
mean of the atomic weights of chlorine and iodine. The relations 
suggested by these triads are therefore approximate only. It has 
been objected, moreover, that triads should not be made up to the 
exclusion of other related elements; thai, for example, there are 
four halogens, and that it is arbitrary to exclude fluorine by form- 
ing a triad with the other three. But when it is recognized that 
fluorine differs from the other halogens, not only in atomic weight 
relationship, but also widely in the properties of its compounds, 
this objection loses force. So that without doubt the relationships 
shown by Dobereiner's triads are remarkable; nevertheless their 
value is historic only, for they are now merged in the generalization 
known as the periodic law. 

Another kind of triad was, however, observed by Dobereiner, 
in which the three related elements have nearly identical atomic 

weights. These triads are: 

Iron 55*84 
Cobalt 58-94 
Nickel 58-69 

Ruthenium 101-7 
Rhodium 10:2 -9 
Palladium 100 -7 

Osmium 190-8 
Iridium 193-1 
Platinum 195-2 

They also find a place in the periodic classification. Dobereiner's 
observations were limited to the elements cited above. These 
observations could not give rise to a generalization, since they were 
concerned with only a minority of the elements; the majority did 
not form triads; and therefore it is difficult to see what significance 
could have been attached at the time to the existence of these 

Strecker, in 1859, initiated the idea of seeking relations between 
the elements placed in atomic weight sequence; whilst de Chan- 
courtois, in 1862, placed the elements in sequence in a spiral round 
a cylinder divided into sixteen equal sectors to represent atomic 
weight magnitudes. Thus analogous elements of low atomic weights 
fell into places in vertical columns because properties recur in such 
elements after atomic weight differences of 16. 

In 1863-6 J. A. R. Newlands arranged the elements in ascend- 
ing order of their atomic weights, commencing witli hydrogen, 

H Li Be B C N O 

F Na Mg Al Si P S 

01 K Ca Cr Ti Mn Fe, &c. 


In this way he discovered that the eighth element is " a kind of 
repetition of the first ", the ninth a repetition of the second, and so 
on; Na, for example, is a repetition of Li, Si of C, Cl of F. This 
discovery he called the 

Law of Octaves. " Members of the same group of elements 
stand to each other in the same relation as the extremities of 
one or more octaves in music." 

This simple "law" did not apply to the elements of higher atomic 
weight; even in the above table manganese is wrongly classified 
with phosphorus; and it was suggested by a contemporary of 
Newlands that it would be as useful to arrange the elements in 
alphabetical order as in the order of their atomic weights! Never- 
theless, the law of octaves is valid as an introduction to the 
periodic law. In the year 1869 Mendeleeft* arranged all the 
elements in the order of their atomic weights, and discovered 
a periodicity in their properties. The fact of this periodicity he 
enunciated in the following statements: 

1. The elements arranged according to the magnitudes of their 
atomic weights show a periodic change of properties. 

2. Chemically analogous elements have atomic weights either in 
agreement (Pt, Ir, ()s), or increasing by equal amounts (K, Kb, Cs). 
(Of. Dobereiner's triads.) 

3. The arrangement according to atomic weights corresponds 
with the valencies of the elements, and to a certain extent the 
difference in chemical behaviour, for example: Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F. 

4. The elements most widely distributed in nature have small 
atomic weights, and all such elements are distinguished by their 
characteristic behaviour. They are thus typical elements, and the 
lightest element, hydrogen, is therefore rightly chosen as the typical 
unit of mass. 

5. The magnitude of the atomic weight determines the properties 
of the element, whence in the study of compounds regard is to be 
paid not only to the number and properties of the elements and 
their mutual action, but to the atomic weights of the elements. 
Hence the compounds of S and Te, Cl and I, show, beside many 
analogies, y et striking differences. 

6. It allows the discovery of many new elements to be foreseen; 
for example, analogues of Si and Al, with atomic weights between 
65 and 75. 

7. Some atomic weights will presumably experience a correction; 


for example, Te cannot have the atomic weight 128, but 123 to 126. 

8. From the table new analogies between elements become 
apparent. . . . 

Some of these statements are open to criticism or require modi- 
fication. Thus regarding statement 4, lithium and beryllium are 
not so widely distributed as the heavier metals sodium and potas- 
sium, and magnesium and calcium respectively, and conversely 
among the heavier metals tin and lead are more widely distributed 
than is the lighter germanium. Also the difficulty in statement 7 
lias been overcome recently, but not in the way suggested by 

Nevertheless these generalizations marked a great advance on the 
position of earlier chemists, and Mendeleeff, whilst acknowledging 
the work of his predecessors, rightly claimed that he was the 
first " to foretell the properties of undiscovered elements, or to alter 
the accepted atomic weights ". 

The Periodic Law, according to Mendeleeff, may therefore be 
stated thus: 

The physical and chemical properties of the elements and their 
compounds are periodic functions of the atomic weights; or 

If the elements are arranged in the order of increasing atomic 
weight, their properties vary definitely from member to member of 
the series, but return to a more or less similar value at fixed points 
in the series. 

The periodic system, according to Mendeleeff, may now be 

Hydrogen, the element of lowest atomic weight, became the 
sole member of Series 1 in Mendel^efTs system. Series (2) and (3) 
were the same as in the octaves of Newlands, thus: 

(2) Li Be B C N O V 

(3) Na Mg Al Si P S 01. 

The next two series were: 

(4) K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn F Co Ni 

(5) Cu Zn Ga Go As Se Br, 

being linked together by the triad Fe, Co, Ni; for to place these 
three elements in the consecutive positions occupied by Cu, Zn, Ga, 
thus displacing all that follow them, would have been not only to 
obliterate periodicity from the scheme, but also to ignore the 



c5 1 1 


^ ^ 1 1 

w - 1 M 
< (/) 1 W 

_J CO 

< o 


'* " 

C 1 *f> 
O CO ' i^ 


H 0. 

o 5 1 H 


I 1 

u. u 

C -O I bO 

N U 1 E 


o </> 



2 CU 

2 1 



,. __j 

U OJ 1 A 



j < 

& OS O 

4) bo 
CQ g 

1 1 1 1 


.-, nj 

*J 2 

U | 1 D 


^ o 


> 1 1 fh 1 









nf | 



















peculiar relations these three elements bear to one other as members 
of a triad. 

Series (6) and (7) connected by another triad were: 










Te I. 

Ru Rk Pd. 

Now it will be seen that Series (4) and (6) begin with the alkali 
metals K and Rb, whilst Series (5) and (7) begin with the metals 
Cu and Ag, which, whilst allied to each other, differ widely from 
the alkali metals. Similar differences exist between subsequent 
members of odd and even scries. Elements in vertical columns 
constitute groups; of which, according to Mendeldeff, there 
were eight: seven groups corresponding with Newlands's 
octaves, and an eighth group in which Dobereiner's triads of 
nearly equal atomic weight were placed. When the inert gases 
were discovered, these were placed in a group by themselves: 
Group O, which preceded the other groups. Except with regard 
to the elements of Series (2) and (3), Groups I to VII were sub- 
divided into A and B Sub-groups, to show the above-mentioned 
differences between consecutive members of the same group. Thus 
the complete periodic system took the following form. 











A B 

A 15 

A B 

A 13 

A B 

A B 

A B 


Series 1 



























Cr Mn KeCONi 

















I! 11 IMi Pd 

' ' 7 










Cs Ba 









Os Ir Pt 














X 2 



XO 2 


X0 3 



The above arrangement was improved upon, and a clearer 
view obtained, by recognizing the existence of short and long 
periods. Thus Series (2) and (3^ constituted short periods; Series 


(4) and (5), with the linking elements of the eighth group, formed 
one long period. Other long periods followed, and the whole scheme 
shown iii the chart on p. 74 resulted. 

The great advantage of this mode of presenting the Periodic 
System was that the A and B Sub-groups were separated, so that 
elements which have little resemblance to one another were not 
classified together. For instance, it may well be objected that 
Cu, Ag, and Au, being very unlike the alkali metals, should not 
be placed with them in Group I. This objection is sufficiently 
answered when it is shown that these metals occupy positions 
near the centres of the long periods, whilst the alkali metals 
are quite differently situated at the beginning of these periods. 
Similar remarks apply to the relation between manganese and 
the halogens. 

The arrangement of elements in any group now takes this 
form, illustrated by Group [: 


(A) Na (B) 

K Cu 

Kb Ag 



The table on p. 74 represents the final and most useful form of 
the Periodic System according to Mendel^eff, but before proceeding 
further it is desirable to point out some of its shortcomings, ami 
thus to give a hint of the modification the system has necessarily 
undergone on account of recent knowledge. 

Mendeleett* did not classify the metals of the rare earths. For 
one reason the number of these was unknown, and for another their 
properties did not progress from member to member as did the 
properties of elements in the recognized periods. Therefore the 
position of the rare-earth metals in the scheme could not be given 
in detail; but it was indicated that they intervened between Ce in 
Group IV and Ta in Group V. 

Whilst the rare-earth metals could not be spaced, there remained, 
nevertheless a large number of blank spaces following these elements; 
and in course of time it became increasingly improbable that these 
spaces ought to be reserved for elements hitherto undiscovered. It 
was scarcely credible that if 18 elements indicated by blank spaces 
existed not one of these should have been discovered. So it was 


proposed to fill these blank spaces with Ta and the elements that 
follow it, moved up from the series below, so making one very lon<^ 
period including the rare-earth elements. 

Thus A. Werner 1 suggested a long period of 33 elements from 
caesium to the higher analogue of xenon, now know as radon; and 
except that his estimate of the number of existing rare-earth 
metals was one too many, time has proved that Werner was 

It must be observed, however, that on account of the rare-earth 
metals, progression of properties from member to member is not 
shown throughout this long period; but that these metals may be 
regarded as functioning as a single element in the same sense as 
the individual members of the triads in the eighth group function 
together as a single element. 

Atomic Weight Differences in the Periodic System. 

Attention may now be drawn to atomic-weight differences 
between analogous elements in consecutive short and long periods. 
These differences are shown for a number of the elements in the 
following tables: 


He Li Be B NO F 

Ne Na Mg Al Si P 8 Cl 

Differences 16-2 16-06 15-30 16-15 16-06 17-02 16-06 16-46 


Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe 

Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Cb Mo llu 

Differences 42-99 46-34 47-56 43-8 42-9 42-14 43-99 45-80 

Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br 
llh Pd Ag Cd Tu Sn Sb Te 1 
Differences 43-97 48-01 44-31 47-03 45-08 46-1 46-81 48-3 47-02 

It will be observed that the differences in the short periods 
are approximately 16, and in the long periods about 45; in the 
short periods 8 elements intervene before a recurrence ^f properties, 
and in the long periods 18 elements. The differences are by no 
means constant, for no mathematical relations exist between the 
atomic weights; but anomalies are seen in the differences between 

i Ber.. 1905. 3S. 914. 


krypton and argon, palladium and nickel, tellurium and selenium, 
in accordance with the anomalies in the atomic weights of argon, 
nickel and tellurium, to which attention will be drawn. It must 
be confessed, however, that there are other anomalies which are 
not pronounced enough to affect the order of the atomic weights 
of the elements. 

Stress, however, must not be laid upon atomic- weight differences, 
because atomic-weight values themselves are now known to be of 
only secondary importance in matters of theory and classification of 
the elements. Indeed all the anomalies in atomic-weight relations, 
whether they affect the relative positions of the elements in series 
or not, are now removed, because the conception of atomic number 
(q.v.) has displaced that of atomic weight as of primary impor- 

The elements of the short, or so-called typical periods, may be 
allied to those either of the A or the B Sub-groups. In the case of 
Group I, Li and Na are plainly related to the other alkali metals 
K, Rb, Cs, in the A Sub-group, rather than to Cu, Ag, and Au 
in the B Sub-group, but in Group VII, F and Cl are related to 
Br and I in the B Sub-group, rather than to Mu in the A Sub- 
group. This latter relationship obtains in all groups from II to 

The periodic law, according to Mendeleoff, states that the physical 
and chemical properties of the elements and their compounds are 
periodic functions of their atomic weights. This statement must 
now be illustrated. 

Periodicity of Physical Properties. 

Perhaps the most obvious property of a solid element is its 
density. It was shown by Lothar Meyer, in 1870, that the 
densities of the elements vary periodically. Instead, however, 
of using the densities of the elements directly, L. Meyer calculated 
from them the atomic volumes, and plotted these values on a curve 
as ordinates, together with the atomic weights as abscissae. The 
atomic volivne of an element is related to its density in the 
following manner. 

The reciprocal of the density is the specific volume, 

Specific volume = ^ -, ' = volume of unit mass : 





S 3 VM 

pi (At 


the atomic volume is this value multiplied by the atomic weight 

Atomic volume = atomicweight 

For example, the atomic weight of copper is 63*6, and its 
density 8-9; consequently 

Atomic volume Cu = 63 ~ = 7-15. 

O 7 

This figure stands for the relative volume of a mass of copper 
proportional to the atomic weight of the element; it does not 
express the relative size of the copper atoms themselves; it could 
only do this if the atoms were packed without interspaces, or if 
the interspaces were constantly related in volume to the atomic 
material of the elements. What it does express is the relative 
volume of the atom plus its share of atomic interspace. The 
atomic volume curve shows a remarkable periodicity; for it is 
like a series of waves consisting of crests and hollows; moreover, 
the crests of successive waves increase in height with increasing 
atomic weight. The most important fact connected with the curve, 
however, is that related elements occupy analogous positions upon 
it. For example, the alkali metals, potassium, rubidium, and 
caesium, are at the apices of successive curves, the halogens, 
chlorine, bromine, and iodine, are on ascending, and the alkaline 
earth metals, calcium, strontium and barium, on descending parts 
of the curves. 

The following other physical properties of the elements and 
their compounds are periodic. 

Melting-point, malleability, coefficient of expansion, atomic 
refraction, conductivity for heat and electricity, colours of salts 
in solution. Consequently there are certain regions, which are 
similar on successive curves, where these properties are manifested, 
or reach their maxima. The student may test this statement with 
reference to the melting-points of the elements. 

The periodic occurrence of colour in compounds is very striking. 
Thus all the metals whose salts give coloured solutions are included 
in the following series: 

Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu 

Mo Ru Rh Pd 

W Os Ir Pt Au 


These series consist of metals in atomic weight sequence, arid 
they occupy the lowest portions of successive parts of the atomic 
volume curve. There are other coloured compounds, however, 
which do not give coloured solutions; e.g. various sulphides and 
iodides. In the case of these compounds there is generally a 
deepening of colour with rise of atomic weight in a group, as in 
the sulphides of zinc, cadmium, and mercury. It is noteworthy 
that the colours of these compounds belong only to the solids; 
for when scarlet mercuric iodide is dissolved in alcohol, and 
yellow lead iodide in water, colourless solutions are obtained. 
This is to be expected, since colour is not associated with mercuric, 
lead, or iodide ions; thus the nitrates of mercury and lead are 
colourless, and so are the iodides of the alkali and alkaline earth 

Periodicity of Chemical Properties. 

The fundamental chemical division of the elements is into 
metals and non-metals; and, according to the classification of 
Berzelius, metals are electro - positive, and non-metals electro- 

As the elements are traversed in the order of ascending atomic 
weights the variation of metallic and electro -chemical properties 
is periodic. Thus in the two short periods from lithium to 
fluorine, and from sodium to chlorine, there is continuous and 
regular transition from great metallic and electro - positive to 
extreme non-metallic and electro - negative characters. In the 
long periods which follow, for example the period from potassium 
to bromine, there are two phases; the first phase is from potassium 
through manganese to the eighth-group metals iron, cobalt, arid 
nictfel; the second phase is from copper to bromine. The transition 
from potassium to bromine is similar in degree to that from sodium 
to chlorine, but the period contains more than twice as many 
elements; and the stages of this transition present an interesting 

The elements of the first phase (K to Fe, Co, Ni) are all 
metals, but there is a continuous diminution of electro-positiveness 
throughout them; the elements of the second phase begin with 
the comparatively inert and electro-negative metal, copper, and 
there is actually a rise in metallic strength to zinc, followed by 
a regular fall to the non-metallic and electro-negative bromine. 

(D60) 7 


Similar relations exist in the subsequent long periods; but the 
inertness of the central elements, i.e. those of the eighth group 
and of Group IB, becomes more pronounced with elements of 
higher atomic weight. 

When the transition of properties within the separate groups, 
i.e. the elements in vertical columns, is considered, an increase of 
metallic nature or decrease of non-metallic nature is found to be 
the rule. Thus, for example, the alkali metals increase in electro- 
positiveness with rise of atomic weight; and the halogens similarly 
show a diminution of electro-negativeness with rise of atomic 
weight. Within the region of chemical inertness and metallic 
electro-negativeness, i.e. the eighth group, Group IB, and to a less 
extent Group II B, an opposite state of things, however, exists; 
there'is a diminution of electro-positiveness and chemical reactivity 
with rise of atomic weight. Thus the inert metals, platinum, 
gold, and mercury, occur consecutively as the last members of 
Groups VIII, IB, and II B. 

From all this it follows that the most powerful metals are to 
be found at the extreme left of the periodic diagram; caesium, 
the most electro-positive metal, being in the lower left-hand corner; 
whilst the non-metals occupy the upper right-hand portion of 
the diagram; fluorine, the most powerful non-metal, being in the 
upper right-hand corner. The dotted line in the diagram on p. 74 
delimits the region of non-metals. 

Periodicity of Valency. 

The following statement is generally true. 

The maximum valency of an element corresponds with the 
number of the periodic group to which it belongs. The statement 
is illustrated by the formulae of the typical oxides appended to the 
table on p. 75. In Chapter III valency was illustrated by lists of 
hydrides, halides, and oxides, and in most of the formulae for 
the halides and oxides, but not the hydrides, the numerical 
value of the valency indicates the group to which the element 
belongs. A valency of seven is not always realized in the seventh 
group; lean often is a valency of eight seen in the eighth group. 
On the other hand, copper and gold in Group IB show bi- and 
ter-valency respectively in CuCl 2 and AuCl s , but the elements 
of this group are in any case somewhat anomalous in their 
relationships. A more striking exception is shown in the case of 


boron, which forms the hydride B 2 H 6 and other hydrides, in which 
the element can hardly be less than quadrivalent. 

It was seen in the chapter on valency that the sum of the 
oxygen valencies and hydrogen valencies in volatile hydrides of 
an element is equal to eight; and this is true irrespective of the 
periodic group to which the element belongs. The elements of 
Groups I, II, and III, however, excepting boron, form no volatile 
hydrides, and exhibit only the lower valencies in the oxides. Thus 
in the first and second short periods the oxides and hydrides show 
valencies as follows: 


LLO ?>eO B 2 O 3 CO 2 NA Oxides. 

- B 2 H C , &c. CH 4 NH 3 OH 2 FH Hydrides. 

Na,,O MgO Al a O s SiO 2 P 2 O 6 SO 3 Cl 2 O r Oxides. 
- - SiH 4 PH 3 SH 2 C1H Hydrides. 

Metals which form non-volatile hydrides exhibit the same 
valencies in these compounds as in the oxides; for example, 
K 2 O ? KH; CaO, CaH 2 . 

The periodic law constitutes a valuable criterion of valency, 
because the periodic group to which an element belongs indicates 
almost invariably the valency of the element in the highest oxide 
which it can form. The existence of super-oxides, such as NaoO. 2 
and Ba0 2 , constitutes no real exception to this rule, because these 
compounds are constituted thus: 

Na-O-O-Na, Ba/ | , or ^OrO, Ba=O:O; 

and so the valencies of the metals are the same as in the corre- 
sponding basic oxides. The elements of Groups VI, VII, and VIII 
often fail to realize their maximum valency; and indeed some, 
e.g. iron, never exhibit the group valency. Since the chemical 
character of a compound depends largely upon the active valency 
of its nuclear element, the elements of these higher groups show 
great variety in the properties of their compounds, because they 
exhibit highly variable valency. The highest oxide is to be 
regarded as the typical oxide, provided it exhibits tiie valency 
of the group to which the element belongs; it is then found 
that lower oxides and their derivatives show relationships to 
oxides and their derivatives of similar type, but belonging to 
elements in other groups. 


For example: 

Derivatives of 

Mn 2 O 7 in Group VII are isomorphous with those of C1 2 O 7 in Group VII. 

MnO, VII S0 3 VI. 

Mn a 8 VII Fe 2 8 VIII, 

andA! 2 O 3 III. 


and ZnO II. 

Other examples might be given, all of which show that poly- 
valent elements, forming several classes of compounds, exhibit 
several relationships corresponding to these classes, and therefore 
that the type is the determining factor in chemical relationship. 
Consequently manganese, which can be septavalent, is not dis- 
qualified from appearing in Group VII by reason of relationships 
to metals in Groups VIII, VI, III, and II. 

Uses of the Periodic Law. 

Prediction of Unknown Elements. In the periodic scheme, 
as first formulated by Mendel^eff, there were some significant 
omissions. The positions now occupied by scandium, gallium, 
and germanium were left blank, since no elements were known 
qualified to fill them. If every available space had been filled 
with the known elements, placed in the order of their atomic 
weights, there would have been no periodic system, or but a 
distorted one, because every element which now follows a 
space that should have been left unoccupied would thereby have 
been moved one space forward, and the arrangement of analogous 
elements in groups would have been interfered with. On the 
other hand, deliberately to leave certain spaces blank, so as to 
preserve the desirod periodicity, was to suggest that elements 
remained to be discovered to fill these spaces, arid so to provoke 
a severe test of the truth of the periodic law. 

The latter alternative was chosen by Mendel^eff, and in par- 
ticular the existence of three elements was foretold, which were 
named provisionally eka-boron, 1 eka-aluminium, and eka-silicon. 
The first o these lay between calcium and titanium in the periodic 
table; the other two were placed consecutively to fill two blank 
spaces between zinc and arsenic. Moreover, by reference to the 
properties of neighbouring elements in series and in group, it 

1 Eka is Sanskrit for one. 



was possible to foretell with considerable accuracy the properties 
of these undiscovered elements. 

This prophetic use of the periodic system by its discoverer 
has been rightly compared with the employment by Adams and 
Le Verrier of mathematical calculation to foretell the existence of 
the planet Neptune from observed irregularities in the movements 
of Uranus, and it has had an equally satisfactory vindication. For 
the elements scandium, gallium, and germanium, subsequently dis- 
covered, have been found to possess properties closely agreeing 
with those foretold by Mendeteeff. This is illustrated in the follow- 
ing comparison of eka-aluminium with gallium. 



Atomic weight, dr. (58. 

Metal of density 59 and low 
melting -point; not volatile; un- 
affected by air ; should decompose 
steam at a red heat and dissolve 
slowly in acids and alkalis. 

Oxide should have formula E1 2 O 3 , 
density 5 5, and dissolve in acids to 
form salts of the type E1X 3 . The 
hydroxide should dissolve in acids 
and alkalis. 

There should be a tendency 
towards the formation of basic salts. 
The sulphate should form alums. 
The sulpnide should be precipitated 
by H ? S or (NHAjS. The anhydrous 
chloride snoula be more volatile 
than zinc chloride. 

The element will probably be dis- 
covered by spectrum analysis. 

Atomic weight, 69-9. 

Metal of density 5-94; melting at 
30-15; not volatile; unchanged in 
air; action on steam not known; 
dissolves slowly in acids and alkalis. 

Oxide, Ga 2 O 3 ; density not known; 
dissolves in acids, forming salts 
GaX 3 . The hydroxide dissolves in 
acids and alkalis. 

Salts readily hydrolyze and form 
basic salts. Alums are known. The 
sulphide can be precipitated by 
H 2 S or (NH 4 ) 2 S, but only under 
special circumstances. The anhy- 
drous chloride is more volatile than 
zinc chloride. 

Was discovered by spectrum 

There are other blank spaces in the periodic system which pre- 
sumably correspond with hitherto undiscovered elements. Modern 
research, however, has shown that probably only three spaces 
remain unfilled, since most of the spaces shown in the table on 
p. 74 are obliterated when the talkie is rearranged according to 
recent knowledge. 

The three elements required to fill these spaces *y*e: another 
alkali metal to precede radium, one rare-earth metal, and a halogen 
element to precede radon. A fruitless search has been made for 
the analogue of caesium, but the discovery of the two missing 
analogues of manganese has recently been announced. 


Correction of Atomic Weight Values. 

Since the periodic law requires sequence of atomic weight 
values and sequence of properties to be in accord, grossly erroneous 
atomic weight value placed in sequence must disturb the sequence 
of properties; or, conversely, if sequence of properties is maintained 
it will necessitate a departure from atomic-weight sequence. In 
cither case the erroneous value is revealed when the element in 
question is considered in the light of the periodic law. Indeed 
the erroneous atomic -weight value must cause a position to be 
claimed for the element, which, according to its properties, should 
be occupied by another element, and must consequently leave 
vacant a place suited to the element and in accord with its true 
atomic weight. Therefore the periodic law is of value, not only 
for detecting false atomic- weight values, bat also for suggesting 
true ones. For example, the atomic weight of caesium was at 
first erroneously thought to be 123-4. This value would place 
caesium after antimony, and, of course, cause the displacement 
of tellurium, iodine, and other elements one place to the right. 
Such a condition cannot be thought of; therefore the value 
123-4 is condemned. On the other hand, since caesium is an alknli 
metal it should follow rubidium in group, and consequently have an 
atomic weight of about 131*8, so that Cs Rb = Rb K = 45-35. 
The atomic weight of crosium is now known to be 132-81, and so 
this metal occupies its proper place in the scheme. In the cases 
of beryllium, indium, and uranium the periodic law has furnished 
the means of deciding what multiple of the equivalent is the atomic 
weight. The equivalent weight of beryllium is 4-55, and the 
atomic weight of this element was at first thought to be 4-55 x 3 
= 13-65. This value would place beryllium in an impossible posi- 
tion between carbon and nitrogen, whereas 4^55 X 2 = 9-1 weuld 
give it a place in harmony with the periodic law. Subsequent 
considerations have confirmed the value Be(Gl) = 9-1. 

Indium with the equivalent weight 38-27 was thought to have 
an oxide InO, and atomic weight 76-54, which would place this 
element between arsenic and selenium, where it cannot stand. An 
atomic weight of 38-27 x 3 = 114-8, with the corresponding 
oxide In 2 O 3 , would satisfy the periodic law; and this value has 
subsequently been accepted on the grounds of specific heat. 

The atomic weight of uranium was originally thought to be 
about 60, or else 120; but neither of these values enables the 


element to be placed suitably in the periodic scheme. The value 
240 was required by Mendeleeff, so that the element might become 
the last member of the sixth group, following tungsten. This high 
value, or more accurately 238 2, has been supported by the vapour- 
density method applied to the halides, and by the fact that 
uranium is radio-active, since radio-activity is characteristic of the 
heaviest atoms. 

The criticism of the atomic weights of the elements by means 
of the periodic law may be carried further. The accepted atomic 
weight of argon is greater than that of potassium, that of cobalt is 
greater than that of nickel, and that of tellurium is greater than 
that of iodine; yet the individual members of these three pairs of 
elements are placed in the reverse order of their atomic weights 
in the periodic scheme, because their properties do not permit of 
any other arrangement. Repeated attempts were made in the case 
of tellurium to reduce the value of its atomic weight below that of 
iodine, but without avail, and it was supposed that the relationships 
of these three pairs of elements constituted exceptions to the periodic 
law. Such a conclusion was unsatisfactory; but the difficulty has 
been removed by the recognition of atomic number as the criterion 
which decides the position of an element in the periodic scheme; 
and the atomic numbers of the elements in question place them in 
a sequence which accords with their properties. 

The Suggestiveness of the Periodic Law. 

In spite of the apparent imperfections and anomalies it contains, 
the periodic law is true in principle. Indeed it cannot be doubted 
that the truth, beauty, and value of this law as an index to the 
material world have been enhanced by the discoveries of recent 
yeurs. This fact is a challenge to the scientitic imagination; it 
must provoke questionings and research. For example, in a group 
of allied elements, such as the alkali mrtals, Li, Na, K, Eb, Cs, 
there are series of compounds such as oxides, hydroxides, 
chlorides, sulphates, carbonates, and so forth, which may be ex- 
pected to be related to one another somewhat as the metals 
themselves are related. The. examination of the pjiysical and 
chemical properties of these compounds may therefore be under- 
taken with a view to discovering the gradations which exist 
between them. Interesting relations will thus be established^ 
and this fact will become apparent: that there is a break in the 


gradation of properties between Na and K; in other words, that 
K, Rb, and Cs and their compounds are closely related, while Na 
and its compounds, as well as Li and its compounds, stand apart 
from them. The periodic classification affords an explanation of 
this phenomenon; it is that Na is situated in the second short 
period, whilst K occupies a different kind of position near the 
beginning of the first long period, and Rb and Cs follow K in 
quite analogous positions in subsequent long periods. Having 
observed this, the student may then remember that although 
caustic soda and caustic potash are thought of as very similar 
substances, sodium salts are after all not very similar to potassium 
salts, for they do not crystallize with the same amounts of water 
of crystallization as the latter, and frequently they are not iso- 
morphous with them, while their solubilities in water are so 
different from those of potassium compounds that solutions of 
sodium salts are used to precipitate potassium, and vice versa. 

At the other extremity of the periodic table the halogens pre- 
sent another interesting subject for study. The fact that the 
affinity for hydrogen diminishes from F to I in the hydrides H F, 
HC1, HBr, HI is well known, and is quite in accord with what occurs 
in other groups; e.g. in the hydrides OH 2 , SH, 2 , SeH.,, TeH, 2 in 
Group VI, or NH 3 , PH 3 AsH 3 , SbH 8 , (BiH 8 ) in Group V; but fluorine 
is widely different from the other halogens. Why is this' 

This is a sort of question that must be answered ultimately by 
reference to the constitution of the atom; but consideration elicits 
this remarkable fact: that all the elements of the first short period 
are unique, being widely separated in properties from those in the 
same groups which follow them. It suffices to draw attention to 
carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, which cannot be properly classified 
with the elements succeeding them. Again, hydrogen fluoride differs 
remarkably in condensibility from the other halogen hydrides; is 
there any analogy to this phenomenon in neighbouring groups? 
Assuredly there is; if water were no more condensible than hydro- 
gen sulphide, the world would be a very different place to live in! 

In the region of the periodic chart where volatile hydrides 
occur the fallowing compounds are found: 


NH 3 



GeH 4 

PH :? J 




(SnH 4 ) 

SUH 3 




The periodic law suggests a comparison between them in series 
and in group; and thus the following gradations of properties are 

The hydrides diminish in stability with rise of atomic weight in 
every group. Thus, for example, in the fifth group ammonia is very 
stable, and is decomposed only slowly by the passage of electric 
sparks: phosphine, PH 3 , is less stable than ammonia, and is rapidly 
decomposed by the same agency; AsH 3 is broken up into its 
elements when passed through a tube heated to 230, SblI 3 is 
similarly decomposed at 150, and BiH 3 is too unstable to be 

In series, i.e. in the hydrides standing in horizontal lines, there 
is an increase of stability with rise of atomic weight, corresponding 
with the increase of non-metallic characters, and also the diminution 
of hydrogen valency, so that there is less hydrogen to be retained. 
Thus hydrogen fluoride is the most stable volatile hydride, and ger- 
manium and bismuth hydrides the least stable. It may be observed 
that Ge, As, Sb, and Bi are metalloids, that is, almost metals. No 
true metal forms a volatile hydride. The power to form alkyl 
compounds, i.e. compounds with radicles, such as methyl, 'CH 3 , arid 
ethyl, *C 2 H 5 , is more extensive than that to form hydrides; so that 
some metals in the B sub-groups preceding in series the above non- 
metals form these so-called organo-metallic compounds. Perhaps 
the best known of these substances is zinc ethyl, Zn(C 2 H 5 ) 2 ; but, 
in addition to zinc, cadmium, mercury, tin, lead, and bismuth form 
them, and thus come into line with the above non-metals, all of 
which form alkyl compounds as well as volatile hydrides. 

Another interesting but rather difficult question is that of the 
relative acidic or base-producing power of these volatile hydrides. 
Consider the four hydrides: 

CH 4 , NH 3 , OH 2 , FH. 

Methane is inert; ammonia is base-producing, for its solution in 
water is alkaline owing to the reaction: NH 3 -f H" + OH' ^-^ 
NH 4 " + OH'; water is neutral, and hydrogen fluoride is'acid. Why 
is not methane, CH 4 , more base-producing than NH 3 ? the grada- 
tion of properties seems to require it to be. The answer is that in 
CII 4 carbon is already saturated .with hydrogen, so that this sub- 
stance cannot form an additive compound with water or an acid as 


ammonia does; for the peculiar base-producing power of ammonia 
is an additive property, viz.: NH 3 + H* = NH 4 V 
Consider again the hydrides: 

NH 3 OH 2 
PH3 SrI 2 . 

There is a loss of base -producing power from NH 3 to PH 3 , and 
an apparently analogous increase in acidity from OH 2 to SH 2 ; but 
it is difficult to generalize here, for ammonia is unique in base- 
producing power, just as nitrogen is unique as an element; aud 
water, again, like oxygen, is unique in its properties. Moreover, 
it must not be concluded that increase in acidity of hydrides with 
rise of atomic weight in a group is general, for C1H, BrH, and IH 
are acids of about equal strength. 

The comparison of properties of the oxides of elements in the 
various groups of the periodic system is a simpler and more satis- 
factory exercise. For there is in general a loss of acidic and a 
corresponding gain of basic properties with rise of atomic weight 
in a group. This is shown, for example, in the oxides 

N 2 O 3 P 2 O 3 As 2 O 3 Sb a Os Bi 2 O 3 , 
and N 2 O 6 P 2 6 AsA Sb 2 O 6 Bi 2 O 6 . 

In the trioxides there is a gradual transition from wholly 
acidic, through amphoteric 2 to purely basic properties, and in the 
pentoxides from powerfully to very feebly acidic properties. 

Again, the trioxides of Group VI A, 

CrO 3 , MoO 3 , WO 3 , UO 3 , 

form an interesting series; for, in accordance with the above 
generalization, basic properties actually appear, together \YJth 
acidic properties, in the oxide UO 8 , which is basic with regard to 
one oxygen atom only, forming basic salts, such as UO 2 (NO 3 ) 2 , the 
uranyl salts. 

Objections to the Periodic Law. 

A consideration of the criticisms to which the periodic system 
has been submitted is valuable. If the criticisms are baseless, as 
some of them are, the process of their refutation will be illumi- 
nating; if they are valid, their consideration may exhibit the 

1 The meaning of this will appear when the subject of ionization is considered. 
3 Both basic and acidic, a/m^orepo? = both. 


relations of the elements from a new point of view, and so 
increase our knowledge concerning them. 

The most sweeping accusation which has been brought against 
the periodic system is that it places together dissimilar elements, 
whilst separating similar ones. It brings together the alkali metals 
and copper, silver, and gold in Group I, it is said a most unnatural 
alliance. This objection has already been met by a denial of the 
statement that these dissimilar metals are brought together. It is 
further objected that the periodic classification separates copper 
from mercury and barium from lead. But it may be maintained 
that such separation is proper; for the similarities between the 
metals in these several pairs are superficial rather than funda- 
mental, for copper and mercury are widely different in physical 
properties and in oxidizability; and, in spite of the fact that both 
metals form two series of salts, and that their lower chlorides 
are insoluble in water, there is little further resemblance between 
their corresponding salts. The differences between barium and 
lead are even more fundamental, so that to regard the elements 
as similar on account of the insolubilities of their sulphates, and 
the isomorphism of some other salts, is a grave error of judgment. 

The discovery of argon, and the determination of its atomic 
weight, furnished material for adverse criticism of the periodic law. 
For not only was it supposed that no room could be found in the 
scheme for an element with such extraordinary properties as argon 
possessed, but the atomic weight of argon was found to be greater 
than that of potassium; and it was manifestly impossible to place 
this element between potassium and calcium. Then other inert 
elements were discovered helium, neon, krypton, xenon, the 
companions of argon; and these have atomic weights less than 
tho^e of the neighbouring alkali metals. Thus the atomic weight 
of argon is recognized as anomalous, like that of tellurium, and the 
inert gases therefore form a new group, which is like a buffer 
between the extremely different halogen elements and alkali metals; 
just as the metals of the eighth group intervene between manganese 
in Group VIlA and copper, silver, and gold in Group IB. So it 
is recognized that the elements of the argon family ere properly 
placed as Group O, the periodic law is vindicated, and, in recog- 
tion of their analogy with the noble metals, the elements concerned 
are sometimes called the noble gases. 

The periodic law, however,' needs no vindication. Modern 


research, it is true, has modified it by causing the conception of 
atomic number to displace that of atomic weight; but this has 
served only to strengthen the law by removing its anomalies, so 
that it has now become the supreme generalization concerning the 
origin and constitution of matter as revealed by the inter-relations 
of the elements. 


chemical properties of the elements and their compounds are 
periodic functions of the atomic weights; or 

If the elements are arranged in the order of increasing atomic 
weight, their properties vary definitely from member to member 
of the series, but return to a more or less similar value at fixed 
points in the series. 

USES OF THE PERIODIC LAW. Prediction of unknown elements. 
Correction of atomic weight values. Stimulation of thought and 
research regarding the elements. 


When the atom was introduced into science by Daltori it 
appeared in a theory brought forward to account for the laws of 
chemical combination; and since it was supposed to be an ultimate 
particle of matter the question of its structure did not arise, for 
structure involves parts. Newton had supposed that matter con- 
sisted of "solid, hard, impenetrable particles"; and although the 
atoms of different elements differed in weight, and presumably 
therefore in size, the reason for this was no more an active question 
than is the reason for the difference in size of the marbles in a 
bag to the boy who plays with them. 

The question what the atoms were made of was, nevertheless, 
soon raised by Prout; and if it had been conceded that the atoms 
were made of hydrogen the great diversity of properties between 
the elements must have caused inquiry as to how one primordial 
material could give rise to such diversity. This inquiry might 
have become more urgent when periodicity of properties amongst 
the elements was discovered; but, owing to the suppression of 
Prout's idea, no inquiry regarding atomic constitution appears to 
have been made until recently. The generalization of Mendeldeff, 
however, that the properties of the elements are periodic functions 
of their atomic weights, appears inadequate apart from some idea 
regarding atomic constitution. For, consider the two short periods: 

Li Be B C N F Ne 

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar. 

Continuous increase of atomic weight is connected with progressive 
change of properties from Li to Ne; but why should .ibis progres- 
sive change stop at Ne; why should the addition of about 3 units 
of atomic weight to Ne produce an element (Na) which with some 
modification reproduces the properties of Li? This fact was long- 
ago represented by de Chancourtois by means of the " telluric 



screw ", a spiral curve on which the elements were marked; but 
the representation of a fact is a very different thing from its 
explanation. There is no explanation, unless the elucidation of 
atomic constitution can provide it. So the periodic system 
demands a theory of atomic constitution to give it meaning. 

The facts of electrolysis investigated by Davy, the electro- 
chemical theory of Berzelius, and the laws of electrolysis estab- 
lished by Faraday, have some bearing on the constitution of 
the atom, though this was not realized by these chemists. 
Metals were elements whose atoms could carry positive charges 
and travel to the negative electrode or cathode during electro- 
lysis; non-metals were elements whose atoms carried negative 
charges and in electrolysis travelled to the positive electrode or 
anode. Thus elements were distinguished as electropositive or 
electronegative, and electricity and chemical affinity were seen to 
be closely allied; but these were forms or components of energy 
rather than of matter; and that electricity itself could form part 
of a material atom was an idea not entertained. 

Nevertheless Faraday showed that an ion during electrolysis 
was always associated with a fixed quantity of electricity, a 
bivalent ion being associated with twice as much electricity as a 
univalent ion. This fact is now interpreted as signifying that 
electricity, like matter, is atomic, but such a conclusion was not 
reached by Faraday. The smallest quantity of electricity associated 
with an atom of matter in electrolysis was called by Johnstone 
Stoney, in 1874, an electron, and so at that date was recognized as 
an atom of electricity. 

No real beginning, however, was made towards any knowledge 
regarding the constitution of the atoms of matter until these atoms 
themselves furnished evidence regarding their internal contents 
and structure. The first evidence of this kind was the outcome of 
the work of Crookes on high vacua. Crookes found that when an 
electric discharge took place through a high vacuum rays travelled 
from the cathode in straight lines, that these rays caused the o-lass 
of the containing vessel to fluoresce, but that they were intercepted 
by a material object which thus caused a shadow. These rays were 
considered by Crookes to consist of matter in an ultra-gaseous 
state, and they were subsequently called " cathode rays " or 
"cathode particles". Sir J. J. Thomson, in 1897, investigated 
these particles, found that they travelled with a velocity about 


one-tenth that of light, and proved that their mass was l/1850th 
part of the mass of a hydrogen atom. The most significant dis- 
covery concerning them, however, was that their nature was in- 
dependent of the gas originally present in the vacuum tube, and 
of the metal used as cathode. Consequently they were judged to 
be not only disintegration products of material atoms, but in- 
variable constituents of those atoms. This was the first piece of 
evidence regarding the constitution of the atoms of matter. 

The next evidence was furnished by the facts of radioactivity, 
which began to be discovered after attention had been dtawn by 
Kontgen to the fluorescence of the glass of the Crookes tube as the 
source of those peculiar rays called X-rays. 

The radioactivity of uranium, radium, and thorium was found 
to be caused by the emission of two kinds of particles known 
respectively as a- and /3-particles; and after a time these particles 
were recognized to be actually disintegration products of the atoms 
of those heavy metals, and were likewise identified. Thus an 
a-particle was found to be an atom of helium carrying a double 
charge of positive electricity, and a /3-particle to be the same as a 
cathode particle which was now also identified with the electron, 
the atom of negative electricity. 

Yet a-particles, i.e. positively charged atoms of helium, are not 
the smallest known particles of matter, for there are ions of 
hydrogen, or hydrogen nuclei, i.e. positively charged atoms of 
hydrogen which o\ve their charge to the loss of an electron. It 
has been inferred, without direct experimental evidence it is true, 
that the atom of helium has been formed by the condensation of 
four hydrogen atoms; i.e. four hydrogen nuclei plus four electrons 
have produced one helium atom; and further, that two of the 
electrons in the helium atom are detachable from that atom so as 
to leave a helium ion or doubly charged helium atom, which is the 
a-particle derived from radioactive matter. Incidentally it must 
be noted, however, that helium ions are unknown in chemistry, 
although they have been recognized in work upon positive rays; 
we have no power of removing two electrons by chemical means 
from the helium atom so as to produce a helium ion <jr a-particle. 
Moreover, a-particles, ejected from the atoms of radioactive ele- 
ments, soon take to themselves electrons, and become helium atoms, 
as was show r n by Ramsay and Soddy. 

A helium atom or ion has never been known to yield hydrogen 


atoms or ions by disruption, and hydrogen atoms or ions have 
never been observed as the products of spontaneous .radioactive 
change. Nevertheless there is direct evidence that some of the 
lighter atoms of matter contain hydrogen nuclei as integral parts 
of their structure. This evidence has been furnished by the ex- 
periments of Sir Ernest Rutherford, 1 who has shown that hydrogen 
nuclei are discharged from the atoms of boron, nitrogen, fluorine, 
sodium, aluminium, and phosphorus under bombardment by 
a-particles; and it is significant that elements whose atomic 
weights are multiples of four, i.e. carbon and oxygen, do not 
yield hydrogen nuclei under such treatment. Therefore it is 
concluded that the massive parts of those atoms which contain 
hydrogen nuclei contain them as such in addition to the requisite 
number of helium nuclei. For example: N = 14 = 3 He + 2H; 
and F = 19 = 4 He + 3H. 

Thus a clear idea has been reached concerning the different 
parts of which all atoms are composed. They are composed of 
hydrogen nuclei, helium nuclei (a-particles), and electrons (/3-par- 
tides); and if each helium nucleus is regarded as reducible to four 
hydrogen nuclei, then the atoms of matter consist of hydrogen 
nuclei and electrons alone. 

Now the electrons are atoms of negative electricity, and in an 
electrically neutral atom these must be balanced, whatever their 
number, by an equal number of atoms of positive electricity. These 
atoms of positive electricity must be the hydrogen nuclei, which 
are the only other constituents of a material atom; they are called 
protons] so that every neutral atom is composed of protons and 
electrons in equal numbers. 

It is now desirable to discover something concerning the manner 
of distribution of the protons and electrons in an atom; and*. the 
tirst insight into this manner of distribution is gained by consider- 
ing and placing in contrast two kinds of change which some atoms 
can undergo: chemical change, and radioactive change. 

The main characteristic of chemical change in general is that it 
can be initiated by man and is reversible, whilst radioactive change 
is beyond ijian's control and, as far as we know, is irreversible. It 
is concluded from this and the conclusion is now supported by 
strong evidence that chemical change touches only the surface of 
the atom, whilst radioactive change affects its internal parts. 
1 Trans. CJiem. Soc., 1922, 121, 400. 


That chemical change affects even the surface of an atom is an 
idea which would not have been acceptable to Newton or Dalton, 
who regarded the atoms of matter as unchangeable. Indeed, a 
generation ago this idea would have been thought revolutionary. 
Chemical affinity, manifested through valency, was a force exerted 
by atoms, but exerted outside themselves; the atoms came un- 
scathed through chemical change; they bore no superficial wounds 
to show that they had been in action. That chemical change 
actually affects and alters the surface of an atom is the idea which 
underlies the present-day electronic theory of valency; and in 
developing this theory it is well to begin with electrolysis. 

It will be remembered that the electric charges upon the ions in 
an electrolytic solution are due to definite quantities of electricity 
which are the electrons. The question may be asked: whence do 
the electrons come which are associated with the atoms of matter in 
electrolysis? They are not brought into existence by the current; 
they must therefore be derived from the compounds in solution. 
Sodium chloride, for example, must contain electrons, which become 
available as electric charges when this compound is dissolved in 
water. Such a view is consistent with the theory of Arrhenius, 
which supposes that when a salt or other electrolyte dissolves in 
water it breaks up spontaneously into charged ions, which are 
ready to carry or be carried by the current when it comes. 

The late Sir William Ramsay represented the electron in a 
sodium chloride molecule, and the behaviour of the molecule when 
it dissolved in water, in the following manner: 

NaECl ^ Na' + ECl'. 

Thus an electron, as an atom of the chemical element electricity, 
was*the binding material between the atoms of Na and Cl, but 
when the salt was dissolved in water this electron which was previ- 
ously shared in common by both atoms became attached solely to 
the chlorine atom, with the consequence that the sodium atom by 
the loss of negative electricity became positively charged and 
functioned as a cation, whilst the chlorine atom, by the gain of 
negative electricity consequent on having the electrorf to itself, 
became negatively charged and was the chloride ion. This idea 
has now been developed so that the neutral sodium atom is believed 
to have on its surface one loosely .attached electron which it easily 
parts with so as to become a univalent positive ion, whilst the 



neutral chlorine atom is believed to receive easily and accommodate 
an electron, thus becoming a univalent negative ion, the chloride 
ion. So the chemical union between sodium and chlorine is believed 
to consist in the transfer of an electron from each sodium atom to 
each chlorine atom. 

Such a view, however, necessarily modifies the electrolytic dis- 
sociation theory of Arrhenius. Ions are formed, according to the 
most recent view, when the compound is produced; for the transfer 
of electrons converts neutral atoms into ions. Sodium chloride is 
thus always ionized, it would not otherwise be sodium chloride; 
but in the solid state the positive and negative ions are held together 
by electrostatic attraction, just as two oppositely charged pith balls 
are attracted together. When, however, the salt is dissolved in 
water, the electrostatic attraction gradually gives way, and the 
ions become dissociated. We must not now speak of ionization as 
a consequence of solution, for that has occurred already in the 
formation of the salt; but electrolytic or ionic dissociation is a suit- 
able term to describe the separation, through the medium of the 
solvent, of the already existing ions. 

The idea of chemical change thus briefly outlined, by which a 
salt is produced by the transfer of electrons from metal to non- 
metal, clearly suggests that in the act of union the metallic atom 
loses part of its substance and the non-metallic atom receives an 
addition to its substance; that is to say, the atoms themselves 
suffer change in their substance. Thus in contrast with the old 
doctrine of the uiichangeableness of the atoms of matter we have 
the new doctrine that in every chemical change the atoms suffer 
change. Nevertheless this change is superficial, and its reversi- 
bility depends upon its superficiality. 

It is quite different with regard to radioactive change. 'This 
change is believed to affect the innermost recesses of the atom; 
that is to say, the nucleus where are situated the protons which, 
being hydrogen nuclei, constitute its effective mass. Such a change 
is profound; it has not been initiated by man; and when it occurs 
it is irrevocable, and so radically alters the properties of the atom 
that elemental transmutation is said to take place. Sometimes 
only electrons, or /3-particles, are ejected from the atoms of an 
element by radioactive change; then the mass of an atom is un- 
affected though the properties of the element are altered. If, 
however, an a-particle, i.e. a helium nucleus, with an atomic weight 


of 4, is cast forth, the atom changes not only its chemical properties 
but also its mass, for it becomes an atom having an atomic weight 
4 units less. 

It is possible, however, to show a little more clearly what is 
the effect of the loss of a- and /3-particles by the atoms of an 
element through radioactive change. 

When a /3-particle is ejected from the nucleus of an element the 
predominating positive charge there is increased by one unit, and 
the atom as a whole will consequently carry one positive charge 
if it was previously neutral; it would therefore become a univalent 
positive ion if it did not at once take to itself an electron from 
outside. When such an electron is assimilated it does not enter 
the nucleus, or the radioactive change would be reversed; it remains 
on the exterior of the atom as a valency electron. The negative 
valency of the neutral atom, i.e. its power of appropriating electrons, 
will consequently be reduced by one. With regard to the periodic 
system, then, the loss of an electron from the nucleus of an atom 
transfers that atom one place to the right in the table. Examples 
of such change, with a corresponding effect on chemical properties, 
are known; e.g. radium-B in Group IVB, by losing a /3-particle 
from the nucleus of its atom, becomes radium-C in Group VB. 
The fact, however, must be emphasized that there is no loss of 
mass in this radioactive change, for even the loss of an electron 
from the nucleus is compensated for by the gain of an electron at 
the exterior. Therefore it appears that two separate elements, as 
radium-B and radium-C, judging from the chemical properties, 
seem to be, may have the same atomic weights. Such elements 
are called isobares. Stress, however, must be laid upon the differ- 
ence between the loss of an electron from the nucleus and from the 
exterior or sheath of an atom. The latter is the accompaniment 
of any change by which a neutral atom becomes a univalent posi- 
tive ion; and it has no further significance. 

When an a-particle is ejected from the nucleus of an atom two 
kinds of loss are sustained by the atom. The first kind of loss is 
that the atom loses two units of positive charge, since the a-particle 
is a helium atom carrying two units of positive charge, #ris particle 
being composed ultimately of four protons and two electrons, which 
are associated together inseparably, so far as experience goes. Such 
a change, when it has been compensated for by the eventual escape 
of two electrons from the ^atomic surface, transfers an element two 


places to the left in the periodic system, because the positive 
valency of the neutral atom, i.e. its power of losing electrons, has 
thereby been reduced by two. Various examples of such radio- 
active change are known; e.g. the atom of radium in Group HA, 
by losing an a-particle, becomes an atom of radium-emanation or 
radon in Group O. The second kind of loss sustained by an atom 
which ejects an a-particle is a loss of mass. Since an a-particle 
is a helium nucleus with atomic weight of 4, 4 units of mass dis- 
appear. So whilst the atomic weight of radium is 225*95, that of 
radon is 222. 

Now the atoms of the heaviest elements are capable of suc- 
cessive radioactive changes in which both a- and ^-particles are 
ejected. Suppose that an atom loses first an a-particle and then 
successively two /3-particles. The loss of an a-particle moves the 
element two places to the left in the periodic table, and the loss 
of two /3-particles brings it back again two places to the right, 
leaving it in the same group it occupied originally. This is the 
kind of change uranium, for example, undergoes. Ui in Group VlB- 
loses an a-particle, with 4 units of mass, and becomes UXj^ in 
Group IVfi; UX 3 loses a /3-particle, becoming UX 2 in Group VB; 
and then UX 2 also loses a /3-particle, becoming Un, which again is 
in Group Vlfi. Thus Ui and Un are both in Group V!B, having 
atoms which differ by 4 units of mass, but are chemically indis- 
tinguishable. Such elements have been called by Soddy isotopes. 

The following conclusion regarding the manner of distribution 
of the protons and electrons in an atom has now been reached. 

All the protons with some of the electrons are situated in the 
nucleus of the atom; the remainder of the electrons are external 
to the nucleus, and some of them are at the extreme superficial 
limit of the atom in its sheath, that is to say. These external 
electrons are removable by chemical change, but the nucleus remains 
intact in all chemical changes, and is affected only in radioactive 
change or when submitted to intense bombardment by a-particles 
(Rutherford). In a neutral atom the number of protons must be 
equal to the number of electrons; therefore the number of electrons 
external tothe nucleus must be equal to the excess of protons over 
electrons in the nucleus. 

It thus appears that there is a number which is both the excess 
of protons over electrons in the nucleus of an atom and the number 
of electrons external to the nucleus when the atom is uncharged. 


This number characterizes the atom as regards its chemical pro- 
per ties; it is called the atomic member. It does not depend upon 
the number of protons in the nucleus; for the loss from the nucleus 
of four protons and two electrons, constituting an u-particle, together 
with two more electrons, leaves the atomic number the same and 
the chemical properties the same, as, for example, was shown in the 
case of the uraniums cited above. Nevertheless diminution in the 
number of protons involves diminution in atomic weight. Since, 
therefore, atomic weight may alter while chemical properties remain 
identical, the generalization that the properties of the elements are 
periodic functions of their atomic weights no longer appears strictly 
true; for it is apparent the atomic number takes precedence over 
atomic weight so far as chemical properties are concerned. 

Now it has already been seen, in the discussion of the periodic 
law according to Mendeleeff, that the question of atomic weight is 
not paramount in deciding the position which an element is to 
occupy in the system. The cases of argon and potassium, cobalt 
and nickel, and tellurium and iodine will be recalled. In each of 
these pairs of elements the first-named member has a greater atomic 
weight than the second. Yet it was agreed to place the elements 
in the order named because their properties demanded this in spite 
of their atomic weights. 

If every element is to have an atomic number, these numbers 
cannot all be decided without reference to the total number of 
existing elements from hydrogen to uranium. The idea of number- 
ing the elements is not new; it was entertained by Newlands, who, 
however, could not carry his law of octaves very far because he did 
not recognize gaps in the procession of the elements. Mendeleeflf 
recognized the gaps but did not lay stress upon atomic number. 
NoMifficulty now arises in numbering the elements until the rare- 
earth metals are reached; for the only vacant place previous to 
these metals is that following molybdenum, where an undiscovered 
analogue of manganese should be. Decision as to the number of 
rare-earth metals existing, however, has always been a difficulty. 

This difficulty has now been overcome by the discovery of an 
experimental method of determining the atomic number of an 
element. This method is the result of the work of Moseley on 
X-ray spectra. 1 It was discovered by Moseley that these spectra 

1 For an account of this work a special tt&tbook should be consulted, e.g. The Structure 
of Matter, by Dr. J. A. Cranston. ^ 


are much simpler and more regular than the luminous radiation 
spectra of the elements, since the principal lines of the X-ray 
spectra of successive elements follow one another in regular grada- 
tion like a flight of steps, so that a missing element would be 
revealed by a gap in the series of spectra. Moreover, the vibration 
frequency V of the principal line in the X-ray spectrum of an 
element is connected with the atomic number N by the following 
formula, where A is a constant: 

V = A(N - I) 2 . 

Moseley's results may be summarized thus: 

1. Every element is characterized by an integer N, which 
determines its X-ray spectrum. 

2. This integer N, the atomic number of the element, is 
identified with the numerical value of the charge of positive 
electricity on the atomic nucleus. 

3. The order of the atomic numbers is the same as that of the 
atomic weights, except where the latter disagrees with the order 
of the chemical properties. 

It is interesting to report that the atomic number of uranium, 
the last of the elements, is 92; thus there are 92 elements in all, 
from hydrogen to uranium. Of these 87 have already been dis- 
covered, and five remain to be discovered; these are two analogues 
of manganese, numbers 43 and 75 ;* a rare-earth, number 61; a 
halogen to follow iodine in group, number 85; and an alkali metal 
to follow caesium in group, number 87. With regard to element 
number 72, it is not yet quite decided whether this should be called 
celtium or hafnium. 

Further, the placing of argon and potassium, cobalt and nickel, 
tellurium and iodine in their accepted order according to cherqjical 
properties rather than atomic weights has been justified; for the 
atomic numbers of these elements are: 18 and 19, 27 and 28, 52 and 
53 respectively. 

Since the atomic weight of an element must now be subordinated 
to its atomic number, it follows that the statement of the periodic 
law according to Mendel^efF must be modified. 

Thus the statement that the properties of the elements are 
periodic functions of their atomic weights becomes: 

1 These appear recently to have been discovered, and it is proposed to name them 
masurium (Ma) and rhenium (Re) respectively. 


The properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic 

This is the periodic law in its modern form. 

Further, since the order o sequence and total number of the 
elements are now definitely known, it is possible to develop the 
periodic system itself in a form likely to be permanent. These are 
the questions to be decided: (i) how many periods are there; (ii) 
how many elements are there in each period? 

Already a partial answer has been given to these questions; for 
Mendeleeff showed short and long periods containing, if the inert 
gases are included, 8 and 18 elements respectively; and, as was 
stated on p. 77, Werner, in 1905, proposed a long period of 
33 elements to include the rare earths. Rydberg, in 1897, 1 had at- 
tempted a classification of the elements according to numbers derived 
from their atomic weights, and Rydberg's system, corrected by means 
of Moseley's atomic numbers, now furnishes a very simple formula 
to express the numbers of the elements in successive periods. 

The atomic numbers of the inert gases are these: 

He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rd 

2 10 18 36 54 86; 

therefore the successive periods, which are completed by these 
elements, contain the following numbers of elements: 

2, 8, 8, 18, 18, 32 
= 2 [I 2 , 2 2 , 2 2 , 3 2 , 3 2 , 4 2 ]. 

The successive periods or series represented by these numbers 
are called the Rydberg series; and although no ultimate explana- 
tion of these numerical relationships has yet been given, they are 
tak^n to express the manner of arrangement of the elements in 
series in the periodic system. There are thus six series or periods, 
with the beginning of a seventh, containing the elements from 
87 to 92. So the modern periodic system, according to the 
Rydberg series, takes the form on p. 104. 

If a clear idea of atomic number has now been gained, this will 
furnish a more complete conception of the nature of isotopes. It 
will be remembered that isotopes, according to the observations 
and definition of Soddy, were elements which, having made 

excursions into different groups of the periodic system, on account 

*Zeit.jhy*. Chern., 1897, 14, 66. 











I S5 


nS Sc3 


i I 






ST 1 















of radioactive changes in their atoms, were accommodated in the 
same place in the system, either permanently, or else only tem- 
porarily because further radioactive changes removed them from 
that place. It will now be seen that since isotopy relates to 
elements having the same atomic number irrespective of their 
atomic weights, it is not necessarily limited to radioactive elements. 
Indeed there is no a priori reason why the phenomenon should not 
occur widely throughout the whole range of the elements. If, how- 
ever, it did so occur, the phenomenon would result from different 
atoms of what is chemically the same element with the same 
atomic number having different atomic weights because of different 
numbers of protons in their nuclei. 

The idea that different atoms of the same element may have 
slightly differing relative weights is not new. It was put forward 
by Crookes in 1888, with reference to yttrium, in the following 
words: "The atomic weight which we ascribe to yttrium therefore 
merely represents a mean value around which the actual weights 
of the individual atoms of the 'element 7 range within certain limits. 
But if my conjecture is tenable, could we separate atom from atom, 
we should find them varying within narrow limits on each side of 
the mean." 

If this possibility is admitted for yttrium, we cannot refuse to 
consider it for other elements, as indeed Crookes realized. That 
the atomic weight of any of the elements represents not the weight 
of every atom of that element, but the mean weight of an un- 
numbered host of those atoms, is an idea which evidently has some 
connection with the subject of isotopes; but how can such an idea 
be put to the test, and how can it be regarded as any other than 
an unprofitable speculation? A banker in pre-war days would 
weigh a hundred sovereigns instead of counting them, because he 
knew the average weight of such a number to be constant. Yet 
the sovereigns might have been weighed one by one on a delicate 
balance, and differences in their weights detected. So the chemist 
weighs many atoms of an element together, and finds the average 
weight of the same number always the same. To detect differences 
in individual weights, however, he would need to weigh the atoms 
separately; but that he cannot do. 

Yet an instrument called a mass-spectrograph has been devised 
by which the atoms of an element are separated in such a manner, 
when charged electrically, that tfiey register themselves on a photo- 


graphic plate in positions which depend only on their individual 

Sir J. J. Thomson began work upon this subject in 1912, carry- 
ing out what was called positive-ray-analysis, because the " rays ", 
now called " mass rays ", which produced the effects were positively 
charged particles or ions. Thus Thomson separated gaseous neon, 
with an atomic weight of 20-2, into atoms, most of which were 
shown to have a relative weight of 20, and a much smaller number 
a relative weight of 22. So it was demonstrated that the element 
neon is a mixture of isotopes, its accepted atomic weight being the 
mean of the atomic weights of the separate isotopes present in 
the requisite numerical proportions, viz. 90 per cent of Ne 20 and 
10 per cent of Ne 22 . 

After the war Dr. F. W. Aston developed the method of 
Thomson and elaborated the instrument, and thus has been able 
to show by means of " mass spectra " that a large proportion of the 
chemical elements are mixtures of isotopes. Up to the end of 1924, 
56 elements had been examined by Aston and others, and of these 
25 were found to consist of identical atoms, and 31 of mixtures 
of isotopes. 

Now the elements, all of whose atoms are identical in weight, 
are also elements whose accepted atomic weights approximate very 
closely to whole numbers, whilst among the elements which are 
mixtures of isotopes are those whose atomic weights are far 
removed from whole numbers. Examples of the former are: 
= 12-00, N = 14-01, O = 16, S = 32-06, P = 31-02, Cr = 52-00; 
and of the latter: Mg = 24-32, 01 = 35-46, Cu = 63-57, Zn = 65-38, 
Se = 79-20, Kr = 82-92, Hg = 200-60. 

It is obvious, however, that the possession by an element of an 
atomic weight which is approximately a whole number is no proof 
that the element does not consist of isotopes; for the mean of a 
number of isotopes might happen to be nearly or exactly a whole 
number. Such is the case not only with Kr = 82-92 but 
also with Br = 79-92, which is a mixture of the isotopes Br rr> 
and Br 81 . 

The question here arises how many isotopes of an element may 
there be, and what range of atomic weight, or mass number as it is 
now called, is possible. The answer seems to be that 8 is the maxi- 
mum difference in mass number, and therefore 9 the maximum 
number of isotopes possessed by any element. Thus the following 



data for tin and xenon, as well as for potassium and copper, are 
given by Aston (Cliem. Soc. Ann. Report, 1924): 




of Isotopes. 

Mass Numbers of 
Isotopes in order 
of Intensity. 





(120, 118, 116, 124, 119, 
\ 117, 122, (121) 





(129, 132, 131, 134, 136, 
\ 128, 130, (126), (124) 



3D -10 


39, 41 





63, 65 

The greatest numbers of isotopes are possessed by elements of 
even atomic number; indeed elements of odd atomic number, e.g. 
potassium and copper, seem to consist of not more than two isotopes 
whose mass numbers differ by two units. 

It appears that isobares are present amongst the above isotopes; 
e.g. Sn 124 and Xe 124 , provided the latter value is substantiated. Yet 
although some of their atoms have equal masses, tin and xenon are 
entirely distinct elements; for whilst the number of protons in the 
nuclei of their atoms may be the same, the numbers of electrons, 
and hence of electric charges therein, must differ. Other examples 
of isobares are furnished by Ar 40 , Ca 40 and Ge 74 , Se 74 . A striking 
fact in connection with the subject of isobares is that tellurium 
with mass numbers 120, 130, 126, and atomic weight 12*7-5, or 
more probably 127-8, shares all those numbers with xenon, with 
which it is thus trebly isobaric. Iodine, however, with atomic 
weight estimated to be 126-92, consists of I 127 only. 

The mass numbers of atomic isotopes are always given as whole 
numbers, whilst the estimated atomic weights of the elements are 
oft&i fractional. Thus is raised a question which it is necessary to 
discuss. The mass of an atom is due to its protons, and a proton is 
a hydrogen atom minus an electron, which thus has a mass of 
1-008 when = 16-00. 

The oxygen atom contains 16 protons, yet its mass is not quite 
16 times the mass of a proton. This loss of mass is attributed to 
a " packing effect " in the nucleus, where the additive J$iw of mass 
is not obeyed. On the basis of O = 16-00, however, the atomic 
masses of the isotopes are known to conform to the whole number 
rule except for a few small variations. 

Thus since the masses of the individual atoms of all the elements 


are, within a close approximation, whole numbers when O = 16*00, 
it is clear that the fractional atomic weights with which we have 
been long familiar, and which we are still compelled to employ in 
accurate analytical work, are averages due to mixtures of isotopic 
atoms; and so we understand why the atomic weight of an element 
which does not exhibit isotopy is very nearly, if not precisely, a 
whole number. 

A further question connected with isotopy is this: If the same 
element is found in different parts of the world, will it always 
have the same estimated atomic weight? The idea that the same 
element, obtained from different sources, may have differing atomic 
weights is a disturbing one which strikes at the foundation of all 
accurate chemical work. For example, a redetermination of the 
atomic weight of antimony has resulted in a drastic change from 
120-2 to 121-76. Can it be that different isotopic mixtures of 
antimony atoms have yielded those discordant results? This is 
believed not to be the case; but it is thought, rather, that the new 
figure is a correction of the old. Indeed there is abundant evidence 
that the atomic weights of naturally occurring elements which 
are not of radioactive origin are always constant whatever the 
sources of the elements. Thus cobalt and nickel of meteoric origin 
have the same atomic weights as the terrestrial elements, and the 
same is true of silicons from cosmic and terrestrial sources. Never- 
theless it is highly desirable for those who undertake the redeter- 
mination of atomic weights to state the source of their material. 

So far as present knowledge goes, the experimental atomic 
weights of normal inactive elements are still to be regarded as 
constants of nature, since nature lias effectively mixed her isotopes, 
and never sorts them out again. Nevertheless the proved existence 
of isotopes is a challenge to man to separate them. Chemical 
methods of separation are unavailing, since isotopes do not differ 
in chemical properties; but physical methods, such as fractional 
diffusion and distillation, have been attempted with some success 
in the case of chlorine, mercury, and perhaps zinc (Cliem. Soc. 
Ann. Report, 1922). 

The ca$e is very different with an element which is the residue 
of radioactive change. The uranium atom, for example, with atomic 
weight 238-17, passes through a succession of radioactive changes, 
in which it loses eight a-particles as well as /3-particles, the final 
product being lead. This lead, therefore, should have an atomic 


weight of 238-17 32 = 206-17. Now uranium minerals arc 
found to contain a small proportion of lead, and the lead extracted 
from such minerals has been estimated to have an atomic weight 
of 206*46, whilst that of ordinary lead, not associated with radio- 
active material, is invariably found to be 207*20. 

Again, the thorium atom, with atomic weight 232*15, loses six 
a-particles in the series of radioactive changes which end in lead; 
therefore the lead derived from thorium would be expected to have 
an atomic weight of 232*15 24 = 208-15. Lead obtained from 
thorite has been found experimentally to have an atomic weight 
of 207*77; which, although a little lower than that it would be if 
the lead were derived from thorium alone, is considerably higher 
than the atomic weight of ordinary lead. 

Uranium-lead and thorium-lead are indistinguishable from 
ordinary lead in chemical properties and in all physical properties 
except density. Thus three leads have been named which, chemi- 
cally speaking, are one lead. These, with their experimental 
atomic weights and densities, are: 



Ordinary Lead. 

Atomic weight 
Atomic volume 





It is seen, moreover, that the densities of these leads vary as their 
atomic weights, so that their atomic volumes are constant. 

There is more to tell about the internal structure of an atom. 
Since an atom consists of a nucleus and surrounding electrons, it is 
desirable to gain some idea of the size of the nucleus as compared 
with that of the atom as a whole. The experiments of Rutherford 
on the scattering of a-particles yield the desired information. These 
experiments have already been referred to because they furnish 
information regarding the description of the atoms of some of the 
lighter elements; but if attention is concentrated on the tracks of 
the a-particles themselves rather than on the havoc they work by 
their bombardment, some quite different information is obtained. 

When the a-particles from a radioactive source traverse a gas, 
their tracks can be made visible by the condensation of super- 
saturated aqueous vapour which occurs along them. Thus it is 
discovered that whilst some of the a-particles undergo sharp 


deflections, these deflections are many times fewer than they would 
be if collision with an atom as a whole caused deflection. So it is 
concluded that a large proportion of the a-particles pass through 
the atoms as through empty space, and that only when an a- 
particle collides with or comes very near to a nucleus is it deflected. 
Thus it has been calculated, owing to the rarity of these collisions, 
that the diameter of the nucleus of an atom is about one ten- 
thousandth part of the diameter of the entire atom. 

On account of this relation of the nucleus to the surrounding 
electrons, an atom of matter has been compared with the solar 
system, the nucleus being analogous to the sun, and the electrons to 
the planets. 

The different planets of the solar system have different orbits, 
and they revolve round the sun. Have the planetary electrons of 
an atom different orbits, and do they revolve round the nucleus in 
their several orbits? This is a question to which some answer 
must now be given, though the details of the answer are not yet 
beyond the region of controversy. 

The number of electrons external to the nucleus of an atom of 
an element is the same as the atomic number of the element; and 
thus with elements of high atomic number these electrons are 
numerous. In the atom of uranium there are 92 electrons external 
to the nucleus, and it is not to be supposed that these are all 
situated or revolve on the surface of a single shell or envelope. 
Rather must it be supposed that the electrons are distributed in a 
number of shells which succeed one another like the layers of an 
onion. How many electrons are present in each layer is a question 
on which in some cases there is difference of opinion. It must be 
remembered, however, that since the electrons on the outer layer 
of the atom, which is called the sheath, are the valency elections, 
their number will be related to the valency of the element; and 
further, that since the atom of an inert gas has no valency, the 
sheath of such an atom will presumably consist of a completed 
layer of electrons, to or from which no electron can be added or 

To form a mental picture of the structure of the atoms of 
matter it will be best to begin at the beginning, with hydrogen. 
The neutral hydrogen atom consists of 1 proton + 1 electron, and 
the helium atom of 4 protons + 4 electrons, 2 of these electrons 
being bound up in the nucleus with the 4 protons, and the other 



two being in a sheath which is complete since the helium atom 
manifests no valency, although it can exist momentarily without 
these two electrons as an a-particle ejected from a heavy atom 
during radioactive change. A consideration of the hydrogen atom 
under different circumstances will illuminate the subject of valency. 
When a hydrogen atom becomes a cation, i.e. the hydrion, as in the 
formation, say, of an acid in aqueous solution, this atom parts 
with its solitary electron and becomes reduced to a naked proton. 
It is possible, however, for the hydrogen atom to assimilate 
a second electron and so become an anion. This is shown by the 
fact that lithium hydride, LiH, yields on electrolysis hydrogen at 
the cinode. Thus the hydrogen atom shows a tendency either to 
lose its single valency electron, or more rarely to gain another, by 
which means it would assume an external configuration character- 
istic of the uncharged helium atom. 

Now consider the short period Li to Ne. 







Atomic number 








Number of electrons in) 
sheath of neutral atom/ 









Valency \ normal 
(Abegg) /contra 



+ 2 





+ 6 



The atomic number of each atom in this period exceeds the number 
of electrons in the sheath of the neutral atom by two, because there 
are two electrons in the under layer which correspond with the 
two electrons in the complete sheath of the helium atom. Now 
when the significance of the numbers in the above table is under- 
stood, the nature of valency will stand revealed. 

It is the great merit of Abegg 1 to have drawn attention to the 
fact that the sum of the hydrogen and oxygen valencies of a 
number of elements is equal to 8, e.g. 

SiH 4 PH 3 SH 2 C1H 
SiO 2 P 2 O 6 SO 3 C1 2 O 7 , 

and to have derived therefrom the theory of normal #nd contra- 
valencies, an example of which is given in the table above. Ac- 
cording to Abegg, the normal valencies of an element are the more 
usual and characteristic; the contravalencies are more seldom 

i Z. anorg. Chem. (1904), $9, 330. 


exercised, at any rate with the more extreme members of a period. 
Now if, in addition to this, valencies are regarded as positive or 
negative according to whether they are exercised towards electro- 
negative or electropositive elements respectively, and it is supposed 
that the actual exercise of valency implies the loss or gain of 
electrons by the sheath of an atom, and further, that every atom 
undergoing chemical combination tends to assume the condition of 
an inert gas as regards its sheath, then the following ideas regard- 
ing the valencies of the elements of the first short period follow. 

Lithium, with 1 electron in its sheath, can assume the external 
condition of an inert gas either by losing 1 electron, so as to 
simulate the helium atom which precedes it, or by gaining 7 
electrons, so as to have a sheath identical with that of a neon atom. 
It is, however, much easier for an atom to lose 1 electron than gain 
7; hence lithium invariably manifests a valency of +1 by becoming 
a cation carrying one positive charge, rather than a valency of 7, 
that is, an anion carrying seven negative charges. 

Similarly beryllium loses 2 electrons on ionization, becoming a 
bivalent cation, rather than gaining 6 electrons to become a sexa- 
valent anion. 

With carbon, however, the chances of losing or gaining electrons 
are about equal; and with nitrogen the alternative of the loss or 
gain of electrons also exists. Oxygen and fluorine, however, are 
too electronegative ever to become cations by losing electrons, the 
contravalencies, at any rate in the case of fluorine, being entirely 

The same considerations apply to the next short period from 
sodium to argon, the only difference being that the atoms of both 
the inert gases, neon and argon, to the external configuration of 
which the intervening elements tend to conform when they enter 
into chemical union, are both alike in having 8 electrons in their 

So far it appears that valency depends on the number of 
electrons in the sheath of an atom; and whether that atom exercises 
positive or negative valency depends upon whether it more easily 
loses or gains electrons, so as to present a completed sheath on its 
outer surface. 

Langmuir, who, following G. N. Lewis, has developed this idea, 1 
carried it further, and applied it to the whole of the periodic 

1 J. Anier. Chem. Su., 1919, 41 868. 



system, so that whilst neon and argon at the end of the two short 
periods have each 8 electrons in their sheaths, krypton and xenon 
have each 18, and radon has 32. Thus Langmuir postulates 1 that 
" the electrons in atoms tend to surround the nucleus in successive 
layers containing 2, 8, 8, 18, 18, and 32 electrons respectively*'. 

In the long periods, however, it is not possible to connect valency 
with the electronic content of the atomic sheath in the same simple 
fashion as in the short periods. Consider the period of 18 elements 
from K to Kr. This period begins and ends like the preceding 
short period; i.e. K, Ca, Sc resemble Na, Mg, Al in valency, and 
As, Se, Br similarly resemble P, S, 01; but with the intermediate 
elements, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, more compli- 
cated relations appear. In one sense the elements K to Mn resemble 
a short period ; e.g. with regard to the oxides 

K 2 O, CaO, Sc 2 3 , Ti0 2 , V 2 O 6 , CrO 3 , Mn 2 O 7 . 

Thus Mn 2 O 7 resembles C1 2 O 7 , permanganates being isomorphous 

with perchlorates, so that a similar arrangement of electrons on 

the atomic sheaths of Cl and Mn may be inferred. The oxides 

Cu 2 O, ZnO, Ga 2 O 3 , GeO 2 , As 2 O 5 , SeO 3 , , 

again, less perfectly reproduce the relations of the oxides of the 
first short period. Moreover, a new phenomenon occurs in the 
centre of this long period; this is reducibility of the higher com- 
pounds with the loss of single units of valency, and the simul- 
taneous appearance of coloured ions. 

Thus salts corresponding with the following oxides have coloured 













Fe 2 3 


(Ti0 2 ) 




(Cu 2 O) 

VA - - 

CrO, MnO, FeO, 

In view of these considerations, MendeleefTs division of the long 
periods into the elements of the A and B sub-groups may be brought 
forward again, thus: 

Elements of A Sub-groups 



Sc ' Ti 




Fe Co Ni 

Elements of B Sub-groups 



Ga Ge 






* Science, July, 1921. 



and so it may be pointed out that the triad (Fe Co Ni) appears to 
function like a single element, i.e. like an inert gas at the end of a 
period; and although Ni cannot bo compared with an inert gas, 
Pt may, because it is so inert. Thus if the non-valent, inert gases 
are regarded as " standards of atomic stability ", Ni, Pd, Pt, or more 
accurately, imaginary inert forms of these elements, are sometimes 
regarded as " sub-standards of atomic stability ". 

Now if Langmuir's postulate is examined in the light of all 
these considerations, it will appear difficult to account for valency 
by reference to the electrons supposed to be contained in the atomic 
sheaths of the neutral atoms. Nickel, for example, would have 
10 electrons, and require 8 to complete the sheath; copper would 
have 11 electrons, and require 7 to complete the sheath, and so on. 
And whilst the existence of Ni(CO) 4 would seem to justify a valency 
of 8 for nickel, there are no properties of copper or the succeeding 
elements to show such high valencies as would thus be attributed 
to them. 

Consequently attention may be drawn to other views regarding 
the distribution of the electrons in an atom. 

In 1921 Bury 1 modified Langmuir's theory by assuming that 
the number of electrons in a completed sheath of an atom never 
exceeds 8; and in the same year Bohr, from a consideration of the 
spectra of the elements (see later), adopted a similar view. 

The following table sets forth the atomic structures of the nou- 
valent gases according to Bohr. The numbers in brackets are the 
atomic numbers of the elements, and therefore the numbers of 
electrons external to the nucleus. 

Orbits, numbered outwards 
from Nucleus. 







Helium (2) 


Neon (10) 



Argon (18) 




Krypton (36) 





Xenon (54) 
Kadon (86) 







Aii advantage of this view is that it provides for the addition 
of electrons either in the sheath of an atom or in an orbit or shell 
below it. When the latter occurs there need be no change of 

i/. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1921, #, 1602. 


valency in passing from one element to the next, as is shown, for 
example, in the chlorides 

VC1 2 , CrCla, MnCljj, FeCl., CoCl 2 , NiCl 2 , CuCL 2 , ZnCl 2 . 
The idea is specially helpful, however, in accounting for the 14 
elements of the rare earths, all of which have the same valency. 
Successive additions of electrons are here supposed to be made to 
the electrons in the fourth orbit, so increasing these from 18 to 32. 

A final question, so far as the present study of atomic structure 
is concerned, is that of the activities of the electrons within the 
atom. Regarding these activities the views of the physicist and 
the chemist appear to be at variance. The physicist believes the 
electrons to be revolving round the nucleus in their several orbits 
as the planets revolve round the sun. To him an electron at rest 
is as unthinkable as a planet in such a condition. The chemist, 
however, is well content to think of a stationary electron; indeed 
he seems to demand it by his ideas of valency and the constitution 
of compounds. How can chemical compounds be formed without 
points of attachment between the atoms, and how can points of 
attachment be provided by swiftly revolving electrons? It is true 
that an electrolyte like sodium chloride might exist; for the chemist 
has learned to regard its atoms as held together not by bonds, but 
by electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions. But 
what is to be said about such compounds as methane and the host 
of organic substances, concerning whose structure and stereo- 
chemistry the chemist has such elaborate and satisfying ideas, 
based upon the doctrine of bonds? 

The physicist, however, needs to account for those beautiful 
phenomena, the luminous spectra of the elements. It used to be 
asked: how can the atom of iron vibrate in hundreds of ways at 
once so as to give rise to the hundreds of lines in its luminous 
spectrum? It is sufficient now to ask how the hydrogen atom, 
consisting of one proton and one electron, can vibrate in various 
ways so as to produce the various lines in its spectrum. We are 
indebted to Bohr 1 for an explanation of this phenomenon, based 
on Planck's Quantum Theory of Energy, which now finds general 

Imagine an atom with revolving electrons which are radiating 
energy into space. If this radiation were continuous, the electrons 

1 Vide The Theory of Spectra and Atomic Cdnstitution, by Niels Bohr : Cambridge University 
Press, 1924, 


would be continually losing energy, and in consequence continually 
approaching the nucleus in a spiral path. Moreover, such continu- 
ous radiation could not produce a discontinuous line spectrum. To 
avoid the nemesis of the atom by the collision of planetary electrons 
and nucleus, it is assumed that a revolving electron loses no energy 
so long as it remains in a single orbit; that it is only change of 
orbit which is accompanied by change of energy; a loss of a definite 
amount of energy, the so-called quantum, will thus accompany the 
fall of an electron from one orbit to that beneath it, i.e. nearer to 
the nucleus; and a corresponding gain of energy will accompany 
the restoration of the fallen electron to its former state. It is now 
easy to understand, if there are numerous possible orbits, that each 
kind of fall gives rise to a particular radiation which produces its 
own line in the spectrum; and that the several lines occurring 
simultaneously in the hydrogen spectrum are produced by corre- 
sponding simultaneous falls from several different orbits in the 
peripheries of hydrogen atoms with their electrons in several 
different states, although each atom contains only one electron. 

The apparently irreconcilable views of the physicist and chemist 
may be expressed thus: to the physicist an atom is a hive of 
activity, a home of swarming electrons; to the chemist it is an 
abode, if not of rest, then of nothing more than vibratory motion of 
electrons about their mean positions. Can these views be recon- 
ciled? It is possible that they may be if a revolving electron can 
be considered to be more in one place than any other, if there is 
any point through which it passes very frequently whilst other- 
wise tracing out divergent paths. This is impossible if an electron 
describes circles in the same plane round the nucleus as centre, or 
if its path is a simple ellipse, like the path of a planet, with the 
nucleus at one of the foci of the ellipse. 

If, however, the motion of an electron is compounded of a cir- 
cular or elliptical motion, and a circular motion at right angles to 
it, the path travelled will be precessional upon the surface of an 
ellipsoid, 1 i.e. it will be represented by a series of curved lines 
whose directions are constantly altering so as to cover the whole 
surface of tfre ellipsoid very much as the coloured and twisted lines 
on an ornamental glass marble cover its surface. The consequence 
of such a motion will be that the rotating electron will pass, during 

1 An ellipsoid is the solid figure formed by rotating an ellipse about its major axis, just as 
a sphere is the solid figure formed by rotating a circle about its diameter. 


one cycle, many times through two points, which are at the ex- 
tremities of the major axis of the ellipsoid, but only once through 
every other point. 

Such a conception, which is due to J. D. Main Smith, provides 
for the localization of an electron, as well as satisfying some re- 
quirements of the physicist. Whether, however, it will suffice to 
account for both the physical and the chemical properties of the 
atom cannot yet be said. Meanwhile the idea of stationary elec- 
trons within or upon the surface of an atom is so very valuable 
a contribution to the theory of chemical structure that it will be 
adopted and developed in the next chapter, which deals with the 
joodern view of the molecule. 


The student of chemical history is aware that two views have 
been held regarding the structure of chemical compounds. The 
first view was expressed in the electrochemical theory of Berzelius, 
which postulated electricity as the binding force between atoms, so 
that a molecule consisted of atoms held in electrical equilibrium by 
mutual attractions. 

There were two kinds of electricity, and each atom in a com- 
pound possessed some of both kinds, but in unequal quantities, so 
that a positive or negative charge preponderated, according to 
whether the atom was metallic and electropositive, with a larger 
positive than negative charge, or non-metallic and electronegative, 
with a larger negative than positive charge. Thus it followed that 
every molecule consisted of two parts, a positive and a negative 
part; and these parts in turn might consist each of two smaller 
positive and negative parts, and so on, down to the individual 
atoms. For example, the double salt potassium-alum, apart from 
its water of crystallization, would be accounted for somewhat in 

this way: 

KOS0 3 A1 2 O 3 3SO 3 

+ + 

KO SO 3 A1A 3S0 3 

+ - + - + - f + - 1 

K O S 3 A1 2 3 3[S Oj. 

This was the dualistic system] and it was successful in account- 
ing for the structure of electrolytes, which are polar compounds, 
but failed when applied to organic compounds, which are non~ 
electrolytes or non-polar compounds. Thus if every compound is 
composed of positive and negative parts, in equilibrium, what, it 
may be asked, are these parts in such a compound as CH 4 ; and 
again, if + and parts are balanced in CH 3 COOH, how is it 



possible for electropositive hydrogen to be replaced by electro- 
negative chlorine, so as to produce CC1 3 COOH? 

In view of questions like these, Dumas propounded a second 
view in his unitary system of chemical compounds, in which every 
compound formed a complete whole, and did not therefore consist 
of two opposite and balanced parts. He thus referred the pro- 
perties of a compound to its type rather than to the properties of 
its constituent atoms. The consequence was that unitary views 
prevailed and dualism was discredited. When, therefore, the 
doctrine of valency was developed, graphic formulae with " bonds " 
were employed indiscriminately to represent the structure both 
of electrolytes and non-electrolytes. 

The electrolytic dissociation theory of Arrhenius, however, 
marked a return in part to dualism; and that theory, together with 
the properties of solutions to which it was related, emphasized the 
real difference which exists between electrolytes such as sodium 
chloride, and non-electrolytos such as chloroform. Since, however, 
" bonds " were supposed equally to join the atoms of sodium and 
chlorine in sodium chloride, and carbon, hydrogen, and chlorine in 
chloroform, simple solution in water involved the breaking of bonds 
in one case, but not in the other; and it was difficult to find a valid 
reason for such an extraordinary difference of behaviour of differ- 
ent compounds as they dissolved in water. 

Now it has been seen that the electronic theory of valency, so 
far as it was developed in the last chapter, appears to deal with 
valency in electrolytes alone. This is true of Ramsay's idea of 
valency, and also of the theory of transference of electrons during 
the combination, say, of sodium and chlorine to form sodium 
chloride; so that a conception of the molecule is reached resembling 
thAt of Berzelius, because it represents atoms, or, more strictly, 
charged ions, as held together by electrostatic attraction. There is 
difficulty, however, in applying this simple theory to all molecules; 
and to realize the difficulty it is only necessary to consider the 
molecule C1 2 . Sodium and chlorine combine because of an electro- 
chemical difference between these elements; the sodium atom loses 
an electron which the chlorine atom, because of its different 
chemical nature, readily takes up. No such reason can account 
for the union of two chemically identical chlorine atoms to form 
a molecule, so that there cannot be transfer of electrons in such 
a case. 



This difficulty is met by a conception due to G. N. Lewis and 
developed by Langmuir: the conception of covalency, as distinct 
from electrovalency, which is the kind of valency hitherto con- 
sidered. Now an atom of chlorine has 7 electrons in its sheath, 
and requires 1 to complete the octet characteristic of the sheath of 
an inert gas. Such an atom, however, cannot gain its required 
electron from a similar neighbouring atom, and even if it did it 
would become a chloride ion such as does not exist in chlorine gas. 
It is possible, however, for two chlorine atoms, with identical 
requirements to satisfy these requirements, mutually, by the sharing 
of a pair of electrons, each chlorine atom providing one electron of 
the pair. The accompanying figure makes this plain. 

Thus two octets containing only 14 electrons between them, are 
possible because two of these electrons are common to both octets. 
The shared electrons held in common by both chlorine atoms, 
which are shown in the figure within the rectangle, constitute a 
duplet. This duplet is a unit of covalency, and is equivalent to a 
single valency bond. According to Langmuir, it is the only sort of 
bond, and it represents the kind of union which exists between 
the atoms of compounds which are not electrolytes. 

Thus, by this view, there are two kinds of valency: electro- 
valency and covalency. The theory of electrovalency is the 
modern equivalent of the dualistic theory of Berzelius; that of 
covalency corresponds with the unitary theory of Dumas. 

Covalency may now be further illustrated. The molecule O 2 
consists of a pair of atoms, each of which separately has six 
electrons in its sheath, and therefore requires two electrons to 
complete the octet. Two oxygen atoms can combine together to 
produce a pair of octets if each atom shares two electrons with its 
neighbour, producing a pair of duplets representing a double bond, 
O = O, thus: 



Similarly, carbon dioxide, = C = O, can be represented by 



showing the carbon atom sharing two duplets with each oxygen 
atom thus: 



The combination of hydrogen with oxygen, and with chlorine, to 
form water and hydrogen chloride respectively, may now be con- 
sidered. Since water is a non-electrolyte, the two hydrogen atoms 
in each molecule are supposed to unite with the oxygen atom by 
covalency, in a manner which may be represented thus: 



O + II 


Thus each hydrogen atom completes its sheath of two electrons, 
and the oxygen atom its sheath of eight. 

As regards hydrogen chloride, since in the anhydrous state this 
compound is a non-electrolyte, its molecule may be represented 
thus, the atoms of hydrogen and chlorine being united by covalency : 

In presence of water, however, the covalency bond is broken, and 
the hydrogen chloride is ionized, becoming hydrochloric acid. It is 
now believed, however, that the hydrogen ion of hydrochloric acid 
is hydrated, that, indeed, it is an unstable oxonium ion (OH 3 )" 
analogous to the ammonium ion (NH 4 )', and formed thus: 1 

OH 2 + HCI = (OH 3 )' + or. 

This change would be represented structurally thus: 





The explanation of this change of hydrogen chloride from a 
neutral, non-electrolytic substance to a powerful acid through the 
assimilation of water is to be found in the principle of symmetry. 


1 Vide Lowry, Chemistry and Industry, 1923, 46. 



The inolecuiar condition of non-ionized hydrogen chloride is an 
unsymmetrical and therefore relatively unstable one, whilst the water 
molecule requires two hydrogen nuclei to be attached to the four 
remaining electrons to create perfect symmetry. Having attached 
one hydrogen nucleus, however, the water molecule, which has now 
become a positive [OH 3 ]' ion, is unable to take up another because, 
being positively charged, it repels similarly charged hydrogen nuclei. 
Hence the condition of things shown in the figure is arrived at. 

Now when hydrogen chloride solution is mixed with ammonia, 
neutralization takes place thus: 

[OHJ- + [01]' + NH 3 [NHJ- + [C1J + H 2 0, 


the neutralization being due to the fact that the ammonia molecule 
appropriates another hydrogen nucleus to form the highly sym- 
metrical ammonium ion with greater force than the water molecule 
retains it. Nevertheless, just as [OH 3 ]' is unstable, easily losing a 
hydrogen nucleus in presence of the hydroxidion of an alkali to 
leave a stable OH 2 molecule, so [NHJ* is also unstable, and in 
presence of much hydroxidion similarly loses a hydrogen nucleus 
to provide hydrion and form water. That is why ammonium salts 
evolve ammonia in presence of alkalis. 

The student of organic chemistry is conversant with the theory 
that the four valencies of the carbon atom are directed towards the 
angular points of a regular tetrahedron; and he knows that this 
theory has been most fruitful in elucidating the structure and 
stereochemistry of carbon compounds. It is therefore necessary to 
inquire how the stereochernical theory is related to the electronic 
theory of valency, so far as this applies to the carbon atom. 

In the preceding figures the atoms of all the elements except 
hydrogen have been represented as having a cubical structure, or 
rather, the eight electrons in the completed sheath of an atom have 
been placet! at the angular points of a cube. Now a regular tetra- 
hedron is the heinihedral form of the cube; if, therefore, the eight 
electrons draw together into four pairs, two pairs being produced 
by movements at right angles to the movements of the other two, 
a tetrahedral figure will be produced (see fig., p. 123). Thus it is 



believed that whilst the cubical form of the atom as regards the 

distribution of its electrons is preserved when chemical union is by 
electrovalency as in sodium chloride, union by 
covalency involves the distortion of the cubical 
form into the tetrahedral So the structure of 
carbon dioxide is represented by the following 
figure. Thus the tetrahedral model of the 
carbon atom is preserved, and union by single, 
double, and triple bonds becomes union at an 

angle, a side, and a face of the tetrahedron respectively, by one, 

two, or three pairs of electrons. 

It is troublesome though picturesque to represent atoms by 
cubes, and molecules by numbers of united cubes. A simpler plan 
is to use the ordinary atomic symbol surrounded by dots to re- 
present electrons. Thus the molecule of chlorine, instead of being 
represented as in fig. on p. 120, becomes 

and other formulao are: 
H 2 NaCl 

H:H Na :C1: 

O 2 



which are equivalent to 

H H Na- 01' O=O 

0=0=0 H 0==C H. 

So it appears that a pair of electrons, acting as a unit of covalency, 
is equivalent to a single chemical bond. It is to be noted, more- 
over, that with the exception of H, which has two electrons, and 
Na, which is an ion with eight electrons in a lower layer, every 
atom is represented as having or sharing eight electron^, since all 
the electrons which bind two atoms together are shared by both 
atoms concerned. 

The question may be asked whether there is an absolute 
distinction between electrovalency and covalency, or otherwise 


between polar and non-polar compounds; or whether one kind of 
valency merges into the other in a series of compounds, which thus 
show transition from polarity to non-polarity. Thus, while electro- 
valency is the mode of union in sodium chloride, it may be asked 
whether all chlorides, metallic and non- metallic, are constituted 
similarly. Now electrovalency must be the mode of union in the 
case of the chloride of a univalent atom, for such an atom, e.g. Na, 
cannot share the two electrons which are necessary to a covalent 
bond; and covalency must be the mode of union when two similar 
atoms unite, as in the case of C1 , for there is no reason for 
electronic transfer. 

It may be questioned, however, whether electrovalency is the 
mode of union of the atoms in CC1 4 . Rather may it be supposed 
that this compound, which resembles methane in inertness, is simi- 
larly constituted, in which case the two molecules may be repre- 
sented thus: 

TI :C1: 

H:C:H :C1:C:C1:. 

H ":<JI:" 

With SiCl 4 , however, the case is different, for this compound is 
distinguished from CC1 4 by its reactivity towards water. Possibly, 
therefore, the state of union between the silicon and chlorine atoms 
may be represented as something intermediate between covalency 
iind electrovalency, thus: 


:Ci: JSi :C1: , 

the eight electrons which in covalency the silicon atom would Share 
with the chlorine atoms being drawn towards these atoms, so that 
the .silicon atom becomes charged positively and the chlorine atoms 
negatively, though these charges are not sufficiently free to consti- 
tute the compound an electrolyte. This can be understood if it 
is remembered that the electrons in the sheath of a silicon atom 
are fartheH* from the positively charged nucleus than those in the 
sheath of a carbon atom, and so would be held less tenaciously by 
the nucleus; or in other words, that the silicon atom is more electro- 
positive than the carbon atom, and more ready to shed the electrons 
of its sheath. 

The accompanying photograph is of a chart which 
was exhibited in the British Empire Exhibition 
(Wembley, 1924), and is included here by courtesy 
of the Royal Society and the National Physical 

Where the crystalline structure of an element has 
been determined by the X-ray method, a model of 
the space lattice is shown in the appropriate place 
in the periodic table. It will be noted that the 
majority of these lattices are cubic. The atomic 
weight and the atomic number are given for each 
element, the latter being in brackets. 

D6o A andM. 


The stability of CC1 4 , as well as of CH 4 , as compared with SiCJ 
and SiH 4 , is probably to be referred eventually, however, to the 
inner structures of the atoms of the two elements. Between the 
sheath of the carbon atom and its nucleus there is only the shell 
of two electrons which constitute the sheath of the helium atom, 
whilst in the case of the silicon atom the completed octet which 
constitutes the sheath of the neon atom intervenes. Consequently 
tliQ eight electrons of the completed sheath of the carbon atom in 
a compound such as CC1 4 can assume the tetrahedral position 
without strain, whereas the neon octet in the case of the silicon 
atom makes tetrahedral symmetry and resulting stability more 
difficult of attainment. 

The idea of gradations between polar and non-polar molecules 
is due to G. N. Lewis. Thus Lewis accounts for the properties of 
hjftirogen chloride by supposing that the two electrons which are 
shared between the hydrogen and chlorine atoms in the anhydrous 
molecule may be displaced in the direction of the chlorine atom so 
as to cause this to become negatively charged, whilst the hydrogen 
atom becomes positively charged to the same degree, but that when 
displacement is complete hydrion and chloridion result thus: 

H:C1: H :C1: - 

Langmuir, on the other hand, believes that the electrolytic pro- 
perties of hydrogen chloride solution are due to the hydrogen 
nucleus uniting with the water molecule to form a hydrated hydro- 
gen ion, or oxonium ion, according to the theory already given. 

The octet theory that is, the theory that the completed sheath 
of an atom contains eight electrons accounts for the frequency 
with which four atoms are joined to a central atom, to form a 
molecule if the product is electrically neutral, or an ion if it is not. 

Examples are the molecules CH 4 and OsO 4 , the cation NH 4 ', and 
the anions Si0 4 "", P0 4 '", S0 4 ", Mn0 4 ", MnO/, CIO/, which are 
formulated thus: 



~ :0: " 


~ :6: 










: -- : 

_ : - : _ 

: - : 

: - : 

:( -- : 

: - : 

the valencies of the separate atoms, and of the ions, their algebraic 
sum, being: 


Mn = +7 Cl = +7 

= 8 

= -4 PO 4 =-3 S0 4 = -2 

= 8 

4 = -:2 MnO 4 = -1 C1O 4 = -1 

It is noteworthy that the covalent bond, i.e. the duplet, is the 
same whether the uniting element is univalent like H or bivalent 
like O. Consequently the practice of representing O as united 
with other elements by means of double bonds, unless these are 
double covalent bonds, disappears. * 

The way in which the ions represented above are built up may, 
however, be elucidated a little further. Consider the S0 4 ion. 
The sulphur atom, when neutral, had a valency of +6 with six: 
electrons in its sheath, and needed two more to complete its octet; 
the four oxygen atoms, when neutral, similarly possessed six 
electrons in their sheaths, so that each also required two more 
electrons to complete its octet, eight in all being required, of which 
the sulphur atom was ready to provide six for covalent union. 
Two more electrons were therefore necessary, and these were pro- 
vided by two neutral hydrogen atoms, which so became ions. 
Thus H 2 SO 4 consists of two hydrogen ions each with one + charge, 
because of the loss of an electron, and the S0 4 ion having two 
negative charges owing to the gain of two electrons. 

Actually, of course, H 2 SO 4 is produced by the union of H 2 O 
and S0 3 , both of which are neutral molecules because their com- 
ponent atoms mutually satisfy each other in covalent union. In 
order that the sulphur octet in SO 3 may be completed, however, 
one oxygen atom is represented as united with the sulphur atom 

by a double covalent bond, thus: O=S<Vx, so that the reaction 

H 2 O + S0 3 -> H a S0 4 
becomes: ~ 


H:O:H + 8:O: 





It is thus plainly seen that the two extra electrons provided by 
the hydrogen are necessary because, owing to the opening out 
of the double bond, an oxygen atom fully furnished with an octet 
of electrons must be available to convert the molecule S0 3 into 
the ion SO 4 . 

It has been usual to show the constitution of sulphuric acid by 
its derivation from sulphuryl chloride thus: 


. O- S () + 


O-IS-0 + 



this reaction now becomes: 
:C1: 11:6:11 




II 4 

Thus the connection between the old and the new way in chemistry 
is perceived. In this new way, or something like it, chemical com- 
pounds will be formulated in the textbooks of the future. 

The methods of representing the constitutions of inorganic salts 
according to the older ideas of valency sometimes led to difficulty 
on account of the isomorphism of compounds not related chemically. 
Thus sodium nitrate, NaN0 3 , and calcspar, CaCO 3 , are isomorphous; 
yet they are chemically unrelated, and were given constitutional 
formulae to accord with their chemical properties, thus: 

Na O 


in which nitrogen was shown to be quinquevalent and carbon quadri- 

Now in the modern method of formulation the valencies of the 
individual atoms in a compound radicle disappear when the octets 
of the constituent atoms are completed. Thus the nitrate and 
carbonate ions are similar in constitution though they differ in the 
electric charges they carry, the two salts being formulated thus: 





It is thus an argument in favour*of the electronic theory of valency 


these formulae accord with the fact of isomorphism, which is 
obscured by the older formulas. 

Moreover, it now becomes clear that Mitscherlich, who enunci- 
ated the law of isomorphism, was right when he stated that 
isomorphism depended primarily on the number and mode of 
arrangement of the atoms in the molecule of a compound rather 
than upon the chemical nature of those atoms. 

This chapter on the modern view of the molecule would bo 
incomplete without reference to the question of the existence of 
the molecule in the solid state, although this subject has already 
been dealt with briefly under the subject of molecular association 
(p. 46). 

Molecular formulae have long been used in expressing the 
reactions of solids without consideration whether they stand for 
realities. There is no harm in their use, provided it is understood 
that they represent, on an atomic basis, only the quantitative 
relations of reacting substances. Formula) such as NaCl and 
CaCCX, &c., suggest no more in their common use than the atomic 
relations within the compounds they represent; and it is immaterial 
for general purposes whether the true molecular formulae of these 
compounds should be simple, or, say, (NaCl) m and (CaC0 3 ) n . Never- 
theless it is desirable to form a mental picture of a solid, and if 
possible obtain a true conception of its molecular state. When 
a chemical compound is truly solid it is crystalline, for the amor- 
phous state is really the state of super-cooled liquid. The arrange- 
ment of the atoms in a crystal is revealed by X-ray spectrography, 
according to the researches of Sir W. H. and W. L. Bragg 1 ; and 
the method can be applied not only to obvious crystals, but also to 
powders, 2 such as precipitated calcium carbonate, which are thus 
shown to be essentially crystalline. 

In connection with the arrangement of the atoms within the 
crystal, the idea of a space-lattice has been introduced. Consider a 
piece of wooden trellis-work, which can be opened to show a pattern 
of diamond-shaped spaces. Such a pattern, indefinite in extent, but 
with units which are similar parallelograms, is a lattice, i.e. a plane 
lattice, a lattice in two dimensions; and all that is essential to form 
it is two sets of parallel lines, the lines in each set being equi- 
distant Now extend the idea to three dimensions, and let there 

Crystal Structure (G. Bell & Sons). 
2 Hull, /. A our. Chtm. Soc. (1910), 41, 1168. 



be three sets of parallel planes which intersect. Thus a series of 
identical units or cells is produced, each cell being a paralleloprped 
This is a space-lattice. Moreover, the pattern is preserved, whether 
in two or three dimensions, if the lines or pianos are obliterated, 
provided the points of intersection of these lines or planes are 
preserved. Such a pattern in three dimensions is a picture of the 
disposition of the atoms in. a crystal; for the lines, of course, are 
only imaginary, and the atoms may be regarded as points in space. 
Further, a lattice unit, whether in two or three dimensions, is 
a single parallelogram or parallelepiped; similarly there is a crystal 
unit or crystal cell, which is the smallest unit in which the essential 
properties of the crystal, as regards the space disposition of the 
atoms of the substance, are expressed without repetition. 

Tin 1 ligure below depicts a crystal unit of sodium chloride as 

revealed by X-ray speetrography, white 
spheres representing sodium atoms, arid 
black spheres chlorine atoms. The space- 
lattice, of which this is the smallest es- 
sential part, is called the face-centred 
cube lattice, because an atom in this 
ease a chlorine atom is at the centre 
of each face of the cube. Jt is imma- 
terial whether a sodium or a chlorine 
atom forms the face centre, for by 
bisecting the cube parallel to a face 
and adding to one of the halves another half cube a sodium face- 
centred cube would be formed. 

It is to be observed, however, that each sodium atom in such 
a structure is surrounded by six equidistant chlorine atoms, as is 
seen to be the case with the central atom in the figure; and 
similarly, that each chlorine atom is surrounded by six equidistant 
sodium atoms. The question may therefore be asked: what has 
become of the molecule of sodium chloride? and the answer is that 
no such molecule exists in the solid salt. Such an answer, more- 
over, is quite in accordance with the electronic theory of valency 
as applied to sodium chloride. It is ions, however, and not neutral 
atoms of sodium and chlorine, which are packed together in solid 
salt; and when the salt disintegrates in water these ions wander 
freely in the solvent without existing as NaCl molecules. 

It is therefore quite impossible to write a molecular formula for 

(D60) 10* 


solid sodium chloride, and therefore the simple formula NaCl for 
the *salt serves every useful purpose. 

The electrostatic attraction which binds the ions of sodium and 
chlorine together in sodium chloride is the cause why this com- 
pound is a solid at ordinary temperature and not a gas. 

There are no molecular boundaries, and all the ions in a mass 
of the salt are fastened together in one bundle by a pervasive 
force or field of electric attraction, which hitherto has been called 
cohesion. When, however, such a mass is fused, and so strongly 
heated as to be converted into vapour, ions of sodium and chlorine 
pair oft' and exist as NaCl molecules. It could hardly be otherwise. 
Oppositely charged ions of sodium and chlorine could remain 
separate in the state of vapour only if they possessed such high 
velocities on account of elevated temperature that the attractive 
force between them was rendered ineffective. That would ,^he 
thermal dissociation, such as occurs even when pairs of identical 
atoms have been united by covalency, as with I 2 . 

In view of the conception of the crystal unit as the smallest 
portion of the solid necessary to represent completely the properties 
of the crystal, it may be asked whether this unit is identical with 
the chemical molecule. It has been seen that in the case of 
crystallized sodium chloride no chemical molecule can be said to 
exist; yet molecules of organic compounds, that is, compounds 
whose atoms are united by covalent bonds, are believed to be 
present even when those compounds are solid. Nevertheless, ac- 
cording to Sir William Bragg, 1 there is 110 reason why the crystal 
unit should be identical with the chemical molecule; and X-ray 
analysis has shown that this unit generally consists of two, three, 
or four molecules; e.g. the crystal unit of naphthalene consists of 
(C 10 H 8 ),,, and that of a-naphthol, where the symmetry is reduced by 
the introduction of an OH group, of (C 10 H 7 OH) 4 . Similarly two 
molecules of benzene, C C H 6 , constitute a crystal unit, but four of 
benzoic acid, C 6 H 5 COOH. 

Consider the two solid and related elements carbon and silicon. 
When carbon burns it forms an oxide which is a gas, but when 
silicon burns the oxide formed is a solid. What is the reason for 
this difference? The answer is that carbon dioxide consists of 
molecules of three atoms compactly joined together by covalency, 
each forming a self-satisfied system with very little outside in- 

* "The Signiticance of Crystal Structure", Vraiu. Ckem. Soc., 1922, Itl, 2766. 


fluence, so that only at low temperature and high pressure do the 
separate molecules unite to produce liquid and then solid carbon 
dioxide; but that it is otherwise with silica. Silica has long been 
recognized to. consist of polymerized molecules, and it is now 
known that as quartz its crystal unit is (Si(X) 3 . It may well be 
doubted, however, whether Si 3 O 6 molecules, existing side by side 
with little attractive force between them, would be competent to 
produce an inert and non-volatile solid like quartz. Bather it 
would seem that a cohesive force of great strength exists between 
the Si 3 6 molecules, to overcome which very high temperature 
is necessary; or otherwise that the mode of union pertaining 
between silicon and oxygen in silica is analogous to that between 
the elements in TiO 2 > Sn0 2 , and other related oxides. Indeed, 
as compared with other dioxides it is carbon dioxide which has 
exceptional properties, not silica; and, as was said earlier in this 
chapter, it is the inner structure of the carbon atom that fits it 
for covalent union, which then confers volatility on the compounds 
carbon forms with other elements. 

Nevertheless, it is remarkable that silicon tetrachloride (B.P. 57) 
is so volatile compared with silica. This may be because the 
silicon atom in the tetrachloride is unable to exercise much attrac- 
tive influence on its similar neighbours'Owing to the cordon of four 
chlorine atoms with which it is surrounded; whereas the oxygen 
atoms of silica are not numerous enough to exercise this influence. 
It may be noted, moreover, that S0 3 , C1 2 O 7 , and even OsO 4 are 

Compounds such as PC1 5 and SF 6 call for comment. If it is 
believed that the halogen atoms are attached to the other atom 
in these molecules by covalency, then ten and twelve electrons 
respectively are concerned in the process; but it seems unlikely 
that the octet of electrons is exceeded in the sheaths of atoms of 
such low atomic number as phosphorus and sulphur. The alterna- 
tive is to regard the halogen atoms as united by electrovalency, in 
which case the five and six electrons originally present in the 
sheaths of phosphorus and sulphur atoms respectively will have 
left these atoms to become attached severally to the halogen atoms. 
In this case the stability and volatility of SF 6 , as of other poly- 
fluorides, is to be attributed to the simplicity of internal structure 
of the fluorine atoms which allows them to come very close to a 
sulphur atom; whilst the dissociation of PCl^ vapour into PC1 3 and 


C1 2 , with subsequent oxidation of PC1 3 , may be represented as 
takiiig place in the following way: 

:C1: :(fl: :6'l: :O .:C1: 

:1 1: ' + :P:Cl:,and :P:(5l: -" :6:P:C1:; 

which shows two chlorine atoms returning an electron each to the 
phosphorus atom, and then forming a chlorine molecule by co- 
valent union; whilst the other three chlorine atoms also enter into 
union with the phosphorus atom, so that PCI ^ becomes a covale^it 
compound, which may be subsequently oxidized to phosphoryl 
chloride in the manner shown. 

These illustrations suffice to show the trend of the modern 
theory of the molecule; and they leave no doubt that the kinds of 
formula) which have embellished our textbooks for a generation 
must soon give place to formula) of another kind. The present 
position of the theory, however, must be regarded as a phase, for 
many of the ideas are speculative, but so long as chemical vscience 
remains alive and active, so long must its theories continue to 
undergo modification. 


When a finely -divided solid is mixed with water or other 
solvent, either it may dissolve completely or some or all of it 
may remain undissolved. These two conditions are easily distin- 
guished. If the solid dissolves completely the resulting liquid, 
whether coloured or not, is clear or transparent. If the solid does 
not dissolve completely, the liquid when shaken will appear turbid 
or opaque, and if the mixture is allowed to stand undisturbed 
the solid in suspension will in time settle, leaving the supernatant 
liquid clear. 

Tho distinction between a substance in solution and one in 
suspension appears fundamental; for a liquid containing suspended 
matter may be filtered to be made clear, but it is necdloss to filter a 
solution. Yet suspended solids differ in the fineness of their sub- 
division, and in the ease with which they are removed by subsidence 
or filtration. Sand, for example, will settle more quickly than pre- 
cipitated chalk, and both of these can be filtered more easily than 
precipitated barium sulphate or calcium oxalate. And the student 
is familiar with substances even more diflioult to filter than the last 
named. The sulphur which separates when hydrogen sulphide gas 
is passed through an oxidizing solution, or when acid is added to a 
polysulphide, cannot be removed completely by means of ordinary 
filter-paper, the pores of which are evidently too large to retain the 
minute particles of which the precipitate consists. 

Indeed, although the solution may become practically trans- 
parent, yet the presence of suspended sulphur is revealed by a slight 
opalescence. Precipitated silver chloride presents a similar pheno- 
menon; whilst copper sulphide, imperfectly precipitated from cold 
solution, may yield a brown filtrate, which, although transparent, 
contains the sulphide in a very fipe state of subdivision. It appears, 
therefore, that a liquid iay contain suspended matter so finely 



divicbd as not to produce opacity or to be removable by subsidence 
or ordinary filtration. It is pertinent to ask, therefore, how such a 
suspension differs from a true solution. 

Meanwhile the subject may be approached from a different point 
of view. 

When an aqueous solution of sodium silicate, or soluble glass, is 
acidified with dilute hydrochloric acid, silicic acid is liberated, and, 
if the solution is in a concentrated state, will separate from it ; n 
the form of " gelatinous silica". If, however, the solution is suffi- 
ciently dilute, there is no precipitate, the liquid remaining clear. It 
might be supposed that the difference between these two conditions 
depended simply on the amount of water present, there being enough 
water to hold the silicic acid in solution in the one case, but not in 
the other. If this were so, the gelatinous silica separated in the 
former case would be in equilibrium with a saturated solution of tne 
same substance. This, however, is not so; the phenomenon here 
exhibited is indeed quite different from an ordinary case of precipi- 
tation, as will appear in the sequel. 

This and kindred phenomena were first investigated by Graham 
in 1849 in connection with experiments on liquid diffusion. Graham 
found that the rates of diffusion into pure water of different sub- 
stances in aqueous solution were various, and that simple salts and 
acids passed rapidly through an animal membrane or parchment 
paper, whilst complex substances like gelatine or glue in aqueous 
solution did not penetrate these membranes. These latter substances 
Graham called colloids (/coXXa, glue), whilst acids and salts, being 
crystallizable or related to crystallizable substances, he called crystal- 
loids. So crystalloids and colloids can be separated from one 
another by aqueous diffusion through a parchment or other suitable 
membrane, fixed on a frame like a drum and floating on water, 
crystalloids passing through the membrane into the external water, 
whilst colloids remain behind in the drum. The process is called 
dialysis, because it involves separation of one substance from 
another by passing it through a membrane, through which crystal- 
loids in solution, but not colloids, can pass. 

A diluted acidified solution of sodium silicate may be submitted 
to dialysis. The sodium chloride formed in the reaction, 

Na,SiO 3 
and excess of hydrochloric acid pass through the membrane of the 


dialyser, leaving the silicic acid behind in pure aqueous solution. 
Such a solution may be concentrated by evaporation to a strength 
of about 14 per cent. After this it changes to a jelly, similar to 
that obtained by acidifying a concentrated solution of soluble glass. 
Not only does concentration cause dialysed silicic acid to coagulate, 
but a trace of hydrochloric acid, or some simple salt, acting 
fcatalytically, produces the same effect. It thus appears that there 
awe two forms of aqueous colloidal silicic acid; the clear form, which 
seems to be a solution, and the gelatinous form, which evidently 
is not. These two forms, in which colloids in general may occur, 
are called respectively the kydrosol and hydroyel, or simply sol 
and gel. 

Besides silicic acid and organic substances such as gums and 
resins, glue and gelatine, various inorganic substances occur or can 
be obtained in the colloidal state. 

Graham prepared the sols of ferric, chromic, and aluminium 
hydroxides by dialysis ; the sols of arsenious and antimonious 
sulphides may be prepared by boiling arsenious oxide and tartar 
emetic respectively with water, and adding hydrogen sulphide to 
the solutions: the liquids become yellow and red respectively 
because of the formation of the sulphides in the sol condition. A 
drop of hydrochloric acid added to either solution precipitates the 
yellow arsenious or orange-red antimonious sulphide, the sulphides 
thus assuming the gel condition. 

It will now be understood that the above -mentioned brown 
liquid obtained in precipitating copper sulphide contained the sol of 
this sulphide, whilst the opalescent liquid containing sulphur held 
this element also in the colloidal state. 

The sols of certain metals are interesting, and often display 
remarkable colours. Thus gold and silver may be separated from 
their salts by hydrazine, formaldehyde, &c. Faraday produced 
blue, violet, and rose-coloured liquids by reducing gold chloride by 
means of an ethereal solution of phosphorus floating on the surface 
of the solution; and Bredig obtained sols of gold, silver, platinum, 
&c., by an electric discharge through water between poles of the 

It is easy to understand that colloids have been regarded by 
chemists with much interest from the time of their discovery to the 
present day. They are of practical importance because they embrace 
many common non-cryst&llizable organic substances such as gum, 


resin,, glue, starch paste, egg-albumin, casein, and gelatine; but 
they are particularly interesting from the physico-chemical stand- 
point because they present a fresh phase of the great subject of 
molecular physics. Indeed, a transparent dialysed liquid, consisting 
of silicic acid and water for example, which on the addition of a 
suitable catalyst becomes a jelly that can be inverted without flow- 
ing, presents to the scientific mind a subject for investigation full of 
an interest that can scarcely be surpassed. i 

What is this transparent liquid? Is it a solution like a mixture 
of sodium chloride and water? If it is, why does the silicic acid 
remain in the dialyser whilst the sodium chloride passes through it? 
It has already been suggested that the process of dialysis is a kind 
of filtration, i.e. that the silicic acid molecules are too large to pass 
through the pores of the parchment paper. But filtration is applied 
to something in suspension. Is the silicic acid in this apparently 
clear liquid really in suspension? 

An answer to this question as regards colloids in general has 
been gained by the use of the ultra - microscope invented by 
Siedentopf and Zsigmondy in 1903. The principle underlying 
the use of this instrument is that illustrated by the vision of tho 
"mote in the sunbeam". It is well known that the moving dust 
of the air, which cannot ordinarily be seen, is made visible in a 
beam of sunlight entering a darkened room through a chink 
in a shutter. At the same time the track of the beam itself is 
clearly outlined; but if the air is free from dust the sunbeam dis- 

This effect, studied by Professor Tyndall, is applicable also to 
liquids, and will reveal the presence of suspended particles within 
them in the same way that it shows aerial dust. 

Moreover, the lesson to be learned is that very intense and 
localized light, bv increasing the intensity of reflection, greatly en- 
hances our powers of vision, And if the dust of the air, otherwise 
quite invisible, thus becomes apparent to the naked eye, particles 
too small for microscopic vision under ordinary illumination may be 
seen under illumination analogous to that of the sunbeam. This is 
the principle of the ultra-microscope, in which a beam of sunlight, 
or from the electric arc, passes through a slit horizontally, or is 
focused into a liquid which is examined by the microscope verti- 
cally. Any light which enters the .microscope must then have been 
reflected from the surface of particles ^suspended in the liquid. 


Particles having a diameter only one -hundredth that of f the 
smallest particles visible under ordinary illumination can then bo 
seen as spots of light like planets in the darkness. And so colloidal 
liquids have * been seen to be suspensions, and the size of the 
suspended particles has been evstimated by counting the number of 
them in a volume of the liquid containing a known weight of 
riiaterial. Thus the particles of platinum, gold, and silver seen 
UP colloidal suspensions of these metals have been discovered 
to"* have diameters ranging from 2xlO~ 4 to 6xlO~ 4 mm. The 
smallest particles detectable by this method, when illuminated 
by bright sunlight, have a diameter of 4xlO~ 6 nun., whilst the 
individual molecules of substances like chloroform and alcohol 
have diameters of 0-4 X 10" 6 to O'SxlO" 6 mm., and of hydrogen 
0-lxlO- 6 mm. 

Thus the particles of colloidal metals in aqueous suspension 
have diameters about a thousand times as great as those of mole- 
cules which form mixtures with water regarded as true solutions; 
whilst the smallest particles that can be rendered visible have 
only about ten times the diameter of gaseous and other simple 

These metallic suspended particles are not, however, molecules, 
but rather minute fragments of solid metal; since molecules of 
solid metals, consisting of definite aggregates of atoms, can scarcely 
be said to exist. Thus, they differ from silicic acid and complex 
organic substances which are known to consist of very large mole- 
cules. The molecule of egg-albumin is estimated to have a mole- 
cular weight of 17,000, and the molecules of the enzymes emulsin 
and invertin have molecular weights of about 45,000 and 54,000 
respectively, with molecular diameters of about 6 x 10~ 6 mm. 
Such molecules can be seen by the ultra-microscope, but there 
seems no hope that the simpler inorganic molecules will ever be 
revealed to the eye of man, although they lie but a little way 
below his range of vision aided by this powerful instrument. 

Finally, although colloids cannot ordinarily be filtered, the fact 
that parchment paper retains them suggests that special methods 
of filtration might effect their separation as parchment paper does. 
Special filters have in fact been prepared by treating ordinary 
filter- paper with collodion or gelatine, which have pores varying 
in diameter between 930 X 1>~ 6 mm. and 21 X 10~ 6 mm. By 
means of these filters various colloids have been differentiated and 


classified according to the sizes of their particles, with the following 


Suspensions of non-colloids. 

Colloidal platinum. 
Colloidal ferric hydroxide. 
Colloidal arsenious sulphide 
Colloidal gold. 
1 per cent gelatin. 
Colloidal silicic acid. 

Solutions of crystalloids. 

Thus it is seen that colloids afford a gradation between what 
are commonly regarded as suspensions and solutions; and so it is 
evident that the idea of a colloid as a glue-like substance has been 
extended so as to include all kinds of matter in a state between 
that of molecules and that of gross particles which arc ordinarily 
perceptible. Therefore such natural products as clay and lime are 
regarded as colloids, and many precipitates formed in analysis are 
believed also to pass through the colloidal state before separating 
as particles that can be filtered. Indeed it appears that there are 
two ways in which a precipitate may be formed and pass into a 
state of equilibrium with the liquid phase with which it is in 
contact. These are either by direct crystallization, as in the case 
of magnesium ammonium phosphate, as well as calcium carbonate 
at elevated temperature; or the formation and coagulation of a 
colloid, as in the case of many sulphide and hydroxide precipitates. 
Silver chloride and calcium oxalate are also examples of this kind 
of precipitate, and barium sulphate is probably a limiting case 
between the two kinds. 

The coagulation of colloids is a subject which has received much 
attention. It has already been pointed out that a colloidal sub- 
stance such as silicic acid can exist in two conditions, those of "sol" 
and " gel " ; and that an electrolyte has the power of coagulating a 
sol, thus converting it into a gel. It is now recognized that the 
particles of a sol are electrically charged; in some cases such as 
metallic hydroxides positively, in others such as metallic sulphides, 
silver chloride, and silicic acid, negatively. Consequently a col- 
loidal sol is capable of a kind of electrolysis, the colloidal matter 
travelling either to the cathode or the fcnode when a current is 


passed through the liquid. This motion of colloidal particles in an 
electric field is called cataphoresis. 

The coagulation of a sol by means of an electrolyte, as, for 
instance, that* of arsenious sulphide sol by means of hydrochloric 
acid, with formation of a flocculent precipitate, is probably an 
electrical phenomenon, in which the particles lose their charges and 
Consequently coalesce. The reverse process may, however, take place 
ii* too concentrated solution. For example, precipitated basic ferric 
"ST&tate is prone to pass into the sol condition, chiefly as hydroxide 
owing to hydrolysis, and so form a slimy mass impossible to filter. 
The formation of a sol from a gel, which is the opposite of coagu- 
lation, is called peptization. 

Connected with peptization is the subject of protective colloids. 
Certain organic colloids have the power of hindering the coagula- 
tion of inorganic colloids with which they are associated. The 
persistence of the sol condition is the result of the mutual repul- 
sions of similarly charged particles; and when from any cause 
these repulsions cease to operate coalescence of particles may take 
place with coagulation of the colloid. If, however, the individual 
particles of the sol are protected by an envelope of any material 
which hinders their electric discharge, the sol condition will persist 
even in presence of an electrolyte which would otherwise cause 
coagulation. Thus, as was found by Faraday, gold sol, formed by 
the reduction of auric chloride solution by phosphorus, is stabilized 
by gelatin, and the precipitation of silver chloride is prevented 
by the same colloid, the less stable silver chloride sol being pro- 
tected against the electrolyte present by the more stable gelatin sol. 

So far the study of colloids in this chapter has been restricted 
to phenomena of the liquid state. In the original and narrower 
sense in which the term was employed colloids necessarily contained 
a liquid phase, but just as the term " solution ", which is generally 
applied to liquid mixtures, may be extended to include gaseous 
and solid mixtures, so the term colloid is now extended to include 
certain phenomena of the gaseous and solid states. 

The distinctive property, however, of the colloidal state, which 
differentiates it from the state of solution, is heterogeneity; that is 
to say, the colloid is dispersed through the medium, there is a 
disperse phase and a dispersion medium. So far the disperse 
phase has been regarded as sqlid, and the dispersion medium as 
liquid. When, however,, the conception is extended to gaseous and 



solid systems, a comprehensive scheme results in which a variety 
of interesting phenomena are included. Thus Wo. Ostwald has 
proposed the following classification of colloids: 






Carbon particles in iron. Gold in ruby glass. 



Colloidal solutions of metals, 

gelatin, starch, &c. 



Smoke. Fine dust. Fumes. 



Certain minerals. 






Fog. Mist. Clouds. 



Soliditied froths, e.g. pumice. 



Froths and foams. 

The only system excluded from this scheme is that of a gas 
dispersed in a gas. This system, however, is homogeneous, like 
a true solution, there being no distinction as regards molecular 
dimensions between its different components; therefore it is not 

It is evident from a consideration of the table that a very large 
number of phenomena encountered in nature and employed in the 
arts come under the category of colloids. Indeed, as Ostwald has 
said: " It is simply a fact that colloids constitute the most universal 
and the commonest of all things we know. We need only to look 
at the sky, at the earth, or at ourselves to discover colloids or sub- 
stances closely allied to them. . . . We have only recently come 
to learn that every structure assumes special properties and a 
special behaviour when its particles are so small that they can no 
longer be recognized microscopically, while they are still too large 
to be called molecules. Only now has the true significance of Jhis 
region of the colloid dimensions The World of Neglected Dimen- 
sions become manifest to us." 


DIALYSIS is the separation of substances in solution by the use 
of a membrane, through which crystalloids in solution will pass 
but not colloids. 

COLLOIDS, e.g. silicic acid, can exist in two states, the hydroaol 
(or sol) state, and the hydrogel (or gel) state. 

Sols are converted into gels by catalysv?. 


By means of the ultra-microscope colloidal liquids have been 
seen to be suspensions. > 

Colloids have been separated by the use of special filters, and 
a gradation Jias been established between colloids in suspension 
and crystalloids in solution. 

Colloids consist of electrically charged particles which can be 
separated by an electric current, the process being called c.ata- 

A sol passes into a gel by coagulation, a gel into a sol by 

More stable colloids can act as protective colloids to less stable 
colloids, thus preventing their coagulation by electrolytes. 

A colloidal system includes a disperse phase and a dispersion 
medium. The system may bo gaseous, liquid, or solid.