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3  0343  oT9U63. 

GREENSBORO.  N.C.  27411 



GREENSBORO.  N.C.  27411 

IlilllClLTIKIL  m 

T^;('ll\l(ltL  COLLEliE  OF 

(irpruNboro,  !\'orlli  ('aiiiliiia 



A  star  in  thr  crown  of  the  state  of  North  Carolina  .  .  .  thus,  let  his  clccds  be  kno\Nn. 
Seldom  in  tlie  history  of  any  state  lias  a  goxernor  been  so  well  identilied  with  tiie 
best  interests  and  lutiirc  welfare  of  the  innumerable  groups  over  whom  he  exerts 
his  guiding  influence.  Because  of  his  efforts  to  understand  the  necessity  of  an  equal 
educational  system  and  his  efibrts  to  promote  it  throughout  the  state  .  .  .  because 
of  his  efibrts  to  build  better  roads  for  traveling  throughout  the  state  .  .  .  because  of 
his  efibrts  to  promote  the  general  welfare  of  the  citizens  of  the  state,  we  dedicate 
this,  our  1952  annual,  to  His  Excellency,  W.  Kerr  Scott,  Governor  of  the  State 
of  North  Carolina. 


TO  Oil  l'RESII)E\T 


More  than  t\scnt\-li\e  years  ago.  Dr.  Ferdinand  D.  Bluford  dedicated  his  Hfc 
to  the  .service  of  this  institution  of  higher  learning.  The  cumulati\e  length  of  his 
tenure  and  devotion  as  president  of  the  Agricultural  and  Technical  College  and 
the  advances  made  by  the  college  during  this  period  are  truly  testimonies  of  his 
greatness.  The  enormous  construction  which  is  now  under  way  is  a  visible  tribute 
to  the  predominant  character  of  Dr.  Bluford.  As  the  immortal  William  .Shakespeare 
once  said.  "".Some  men  are  born  great,  some  achieve  greatness,  and  some  ha\e  great- 
ness thrust  upon  them."  Dr.  Bluford  is  lixing  evidence  of  the  median  of  this  quo- 
tation: Dr.  Bluford  has  achiexed  greatness. 

The  story  that  will  unfold  in  this  book  is  one  of  progress,  and  it  is  only  fitting  that 
its  foremost  character  should  be  acclaimed  here,  for  Dr.  Bluford  is  not  only  an 
educator,  but  a  leader  of  remarkable  ability.  He  is  a  son  of  this  institution  who 
has  been  endowed  with  the  dream  of  its  founding  fathers.  Moreover,  he  possesses  a 
determined  desire  to  play  a  part  in  the  culmination  of  that  dream.  His  success  is 
recorded  in  the  hearts  of  all  students,  alumni,  and  friends  of  the  college.  To  the  love 
and  accord  that  is  already  his.  the  stafi'  of  this  1952  .Av.antee  Ye.\rbook  humbly 
and  inadequately  adds  it  tribute. 


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Dedication 2 

To  Our  President 3 

Forew  ord " 

College  Deans 8 

Administration 9 

Distinguished  \'isitor 11 

Outstanding  Seniors 12 

Seniors 13 

Juniors 23 

Sophomores 24 

Freshmen 25 

The  Military 26 

Student  Activities 29 

Music 36 

Dramatics 38 

Social  Organizations J9 

"Miss  A.  and  T." 41 

Homecoming 53 

Sports ^^ 

''Green  and  Silver"  Staffs 63 

Student  Life 66 

Senior  Roster '4 

F  (I  II  E  )l  II  It  II 

Wc  present  for  your  cnjoyincnl  this  hook  of  memories,  the  1051-52 


It  is  our  hope  that  this  edition  of  tlie  A^•ANTEE  will  help  ycni  to 
remember  ail  of  the  little  things  vvhieli  go  to  make  up  life  here  at 
the  Agricultural  and  Technicaf  College.  We  ha\c  tried  to  sho\\'  you 
as  you  see  yourselves  as  you  dash  to  classes,  play  on  the  athletic  field, 
participate  in  the  school  activities,  or  work  with  enthusiasm  on  social 

Stones  and  mortar  do  not  make  an  institution  (jf  learning;  it  is 
(he  older  faces  that  have  lingered  for  years  to  guide  and  inspire 
students,  and  how  the  new  faces  have  come  quietly  and  dedicated 
themselves  to  the  maintenance  of  the  high  principles  of  a  college  that 
make  it  worthy  of  what  we  boast. 

Of  course,  all  of  us  will  remember  special  events  and  friendships 
not  pictured  in  these  pages,  but  in  the  years  ahead  we  hope  that 
you  may  glance  through  this  annual  and  .say  with  significance,  "This 
is  A.  and  T.  as  I  knew  it  in  1052." 

MW  lll'ILIIL\li.S 

New  Science  Buildins; 

New  Girls'  Dormitor\ 

Here  are  a  iew  of  the  New  Buildings  at  A.  and  T.  College 

Kiclund   B.   H.irrisun  Audiluriuiii 

i^iTsicicm  s   RcsKlt-ncr 

II  }i  I » s 

Dean  Warmoth  T.  CiiBus 
D:an.  Sclwul  of  Educatwii  and  Science 

Dean  Jerald  M.  Marteena 

Dean,  Sclhiol  oj  Mechanic  Arts 

Dr.  William  E.  Reed 

Dean,  Schmil  iif  Agricultitre 

Dr.  Frederick  A.  Williams 
Dean,  Graduate  Sc/ionl 


E.  Ra\-  Hodgix 
Secretarr-Trcasurn-  and  Staff 

Nathaniel  C.  Webster 

C.  R.  A.  Cunningham 

Registrar  and  Staff 

William  H.  Gamble 
Dean  of  Men 


Jkan  VV.  Spinner 
Dt'dii  of  \  I  iimen 

Samuel  CI.  Smith 

Dtan  iif  Tiadr  Schniil 

Reverend  CIleo  M.  Mc:Cov 

Diitrliir  (ij  Riliouius  Ad/vilirs 

Edward  VV.  VVaddell 

Dirccld)  (if  Hiiu.\iiiu  Project  ami  Siipnin- 
li'iulcnl  oj  Butl<ling-\  and  Clrounds 




Dr.  Ralph  J.  Bundle  witli  Picsidcnt   F.  U.  Blulurd  .iiid  Dean  W.  1.  Gibbs  ac   T'dI   t  uiiuiiciiccimiu  Exi-rcisfs. 

Dr.  Ralph  Johnson  Bundle,  Director,  Department  of  I'rusteesliip,  United  Nations, 
addressed  some  6,000  persons,  465  of  whom  were  receiving  \arious  degrees  and 
certificates  in  the  Commencement  Exercises  of  the  school  year  1950-51. 

Dr.  Bunchc,  A.B..  University  of  California,  A.M.,  Ph.D.,  Harvard  University, 
even  though  of  humble  birth,  possessing  an  insatiable  thirst  lor  knowledge,  and 
consccjuently  made  his  own  way  through  the  University  of  California,  winning  the 
Phi  Beta  Kappa  Key.  He  attended  Harvard  University,  earning  the  degrees  of 
Master  of  Arts  and  Doctor  of  Philo.sophy  with  distinction.  Continuing  his  formal 
education.  Dr.  Bunche  then  engaged  in  further  study  in  some  of  the  leading  uni- 
versities abroad.  For  several  years,  he  was  an  inspiring  teacher  of  Political  Science 
at  Howard  University,  and  actively  engaged  in  the  study  of  inter-racial  problems 
of  this  country. 

During  World  War  II,  when  the  State  Department  needed  a  man  who  under- 
stood the  problems  of  minority  groups.  Dr.  Bunche  was  the  appointed  mediator  to 
Palestine  where  the  same  high  intelligence,  faithfulness  and  courage  which  served 
him  in  such  good  stead  previously,  once  again  characterized  his  world-renowned 

C^on.sequently,  when  Dr.  Ralph  Bunche  addressed  these  6,0()0  persons  at  com- 
mencement exercises,  each  attentive  listener  could  visualize  the  indomitable  character 
of  this  world-traveler,  his  great  contribution  to  the  solution  of  the  problems  of  human 
relations,  and  his  leadership  in  the  effective  use  of  arbitration  as  an  instrument  for 
settling  the  differences  between  races  and  nations,  his  most  significant  contribution 
to  world  peace.  Most  of  all,  the  fact  that  Dr.  Bimche  has  walked  with  and  close  y 
associated  with  the  leaders  in  government  throughout  the  world,  he  has  not  lost 
the  common  touch. 




Sampson  Bi  ie 
Preuileiil  iij  l/ir  Sliu/rnl  (jiuniil 

It  is  only  natural  that  sonic  nienibers  of  our  class 
would  ha\c  distinmiishcd  thcmscKcs  in  achievement 
and  ser\ice  to  the  institution  and  fellow-students.  We 
pi<  turc  below  our  nominations  for  the  high  position  of 
"Outstanding  Seniors."  Their  contributions  to  the 
welfare  and  happiness  of  the  student  body  have  been 
many,  but  their  honors  have  been  few.  We  arc  happy 
to  .set  them  aside  as  those  most  deserving. 

Toj)  rutv,  left  III  ;;!,'/(/.■      Willi. un  Bliiklc\,  Bcrlcn.i  ( :,im|)l  nil,  Edward  A.  CarU-r,  (llarcncc  CuUs,  Jcrrv  Clrawford,  X't-ni- 
estinr  JoNiicr. 

Bottom  row,  Irfl  la  imlil:      Baincy   Putnam,  McKiii  M.   Rittcr,   Ruhcrt   I'.  Sniilh,  ^^•()nlll■  Wuotcii,  .Xilhur  B.  Woid. 
Howard  L.  W  ard. 


SE\ioi{  (im  {)n'\uu 

Left  to  right,  silting:  Robert  Paul  Smith.  \icc-Prcsidcnt;  icnirr:  C^larencc  C'olcs.  President;  Sara  Smith.  Secretar\ ; 
Melvin  M.  Ritter.  Editor-in-Chief  of  Vearljook.  and  Robert  L.  Little.  Parhamcntarian  and  .Student  Council  Repre- 


riu-  Frcslinian  Cllass  of  l'M8  (the  Senior  CUass  of  1932)  has  based  its  tour  years' 
work  on  three  sayings  of  Theodore  Rooscvch: 

"All  daring  and  courage,   all   iron  endurance  of  misfortune,  make  for  a 
finer,  noble  type  of  manhood." 

"Courage,  hard  \\ork.  self-mastery,  and  intelligent  effort  are  all  essential  to 
a  successful  life." 

"Only  those  are  fit  to  li\e  who  do  not  fear  to  die,  and  none  are  fit  to  li\T  who 
have  shrunk  from  the  joy  of  life  and  the  duty  of  life."" 

The  work  has  been  hard  and  the  competition  keen.  For  four  years  you  have 
made  endless  sacrifices  in  order  that  you  would  realize  this  day.  Already  you  see 
the  results  of  hard  work.  The  real  payoff  will  come  to  those  of  you  who  will  be 
better  able  to  face  the  hardships  of  life,  and  who  will  recei\e  a  lasting  joy  out  of 
ser\ing  mankind  as  a  trustee  for  God  and  Humanity. 

May  you  remain  loyal,  sincere  and  efficient,  and  may  you  carrv  with  \ou  into 
the  waiting  world  a  proven  message  and  much  needed  leadership. 


N  K  \  I  II  K  !j 


Tnp  riiif,  Irfl  In  nghl: 

Gluii.i  Y.  ACJER,  Willi.-  H.  ALLKX,  B<rnicc  ALSTON, 
Miiric  A.  ALSTON.  William  D.  ALSTON,  )<)siu-  E. 

Snonil  row: 

Bobhs  Lcc  ANDERSON.  Fifd  ARDREV.  All.unvcr  L. 
ARRLNGTON.  Luther  ARRLNGTON.  Rudolph  D. 
ARTIS,    AIIkti    a.     .^SKEW,     RoIkti    J.     BAILED'. 

I  hull  row: 

Coolidge  BALLON,  Euiuient  BA.NKS,  John  H.  BAR- 
BER, John  y.  BARNER,  Leon  A  BARNETT,  Rov  L. 
BASS,"  William  M.  BASS. 

Fourth  rnw: 

John  S.  BE.■\TT^■,  Samuel  L.  BLSHOP,  Wi  liam 
BLAKELV,  Perlini'  BLACK.  John  R,  BL.\NK.S,  Joe! 
BONDS,  Willie  J.  BOO.NE. 

Fifth  row: 

James  E.  BORDERS.  Silas  BOL'LDLN,  John  M.  BOW- 
DEN,  Cranston  BOYD,  Chailes  W.  BREWLNGTON, 
Elmer   I.     BREWINGTON,   Martecna   BROADNAX. 

.S'/-\7//  row: 

Charles  L.  BROOKS,  Laur.i  B.  BROOKS,  Herbert  H. 
BROWDER,  Alonza  C:.  BROWN,  Geneva  B.  BROWN, 
Junius  BROWN.  Elizabeth  B.  BRYANT. 


Finl  row,  left  to  right: 

Arthur  E,  BULLARD.  Odessa  I.  BLRRIS,  Ariluir  W 
BURSON,  Odoll  BUSH,  George  E.  BUTLER,  James 

Second  row: 

C:harles  E.  CAIN,  Bcrlcna  CAMPBELL,  Waller  H. 
CAXXADY,  Willie  M.  CANTY,  Julius  R.  ClARNEV, 
Wrnon  M.  CARSON,  Edward  A.'c:ARTER. 

Third  row: 

Albert  L  C:ARTER,  Luvenia  C.  CARTER,  \V,  D, 
C:HAMBER,  Storlin  NL  CHESTON,  Clarence  L. 
C:LARKE,  Emma  W.  C:LARK,  Samuel  M,  CLEMONS. 

Fourth  roll': 

Dan  A.  C:LAVBURX,  C:harles  E.  C:OFl-E^•,  Clar- 
ence VV.  COLES,  Ycphvr  B.  ClOLES,  Burnett  C:OL- 
LLNS,  Lonnie  COOK,  JR.,  Joseph  L.  COOPER. 

Fifth  row: 

Jessie  Mae  COOPER,  Thedore  C:OPELAND.  E.  Ger- 
trude CORBETl",  Charles  COTTINGHAM,  David 
C:OUNC:iL,  C:alvin  S.  C:0\VPER,, James  \V.  C:OX. 

Stxtli  row: 

Marjorie  CRAFT,  Jerrv  C:RA\VFORD,  Lacv  L. 
CRAWFORD,  Geonje  T.  CURRY,  Ressie  CURRY, 
Archie  W.  DABNEY,  William  W.  DANIELS. 

S  E  I  I  II  II  N 


S  }/.  \  I  II  l{  N 

Fi}\l  loic,  Irfl  III  iiglil: 

Hazrl  \".  DARGAN,  Hcrl>crt  J.  DAVIS,  Louise  DA\'IS, 
Vcrs^us  J.  DAN'IS.  Doris  (J.  DILAN,  Rico  R.  DELOA'I  - 
CHE,  Srth  A.  DOWNING. 

Second  row: 

CJladvs  G.  DRAKE,  S.iui  DL'I.A,  JR.,  Alice  R.  ED- 
WARDS, Essie  Mae  EDWARDS.'  Elli,-  El.I.lOir, 
Rex  ELLIS,  Mamie  ENGLISH, 

Fitmt/i  row: 

Bol)l)ie  J.  FOSTER,  John  E.  FOUNTAIN,  Johnnie  A. 
FREEMAN,  Abram'  FRLNK,  JR.,  Ola  Mac  FRYE, 
Jean  Fl'LC:HER,   Eula  J.   FLLLER. 

Fiflh  riiw: 

Ralph  E.  GALLO\VA^■,  Willelte  E.  GAXTN,  Hasjene 
GERALD,  Doiiis  J.  CiERRINGER,  Jack  H.  GIBSON, 
Lonnie  E.  C;OOE)E,  Alice  GORE. 

Third  rniv: 

Preston  FAIR.  James  I.  FARMER,  John  F.  FARRISH, 
James  FARROW,  Josi-ph  W.  FE.\NELL,  Macev 
FERGUSON,  .^clele  ( !.  FOARD. 

Sixth  row: 

FWton    I.    CJRAINGER,    Gcorijia    Mae    GRAH.\M, 

Katve  CiRAHAME,   Winston    J.   GRAHAM.   William 

(;ra\'es,  Urii  cjREENE,  Joseph  w.  (;reenli:e. 


First  row: 

Gwendolyn  GUV,  John  M.  HAILE,  Ellis  HALL, 
\ance  E.  HALL,  James  D.  HAMMONDS,  Dorothv 

Second  row: 

Reva  M.  HARPER,  Nancv  G.  HARRELL,  Pearl  E. 
HARRELL,  John  H.  HARRIS.  Melvin  HARRIS, 
Mary  L.  HARRIS,  Tucker  M.  HARRIS, 

Third  row: 

Warren  S.  HARRIS,  Therese  HART,  William  T. 
HATCH,  William  T.  HAWKINS,  Corina  HEADEX, 
Fredrick  HECH.STALL,  Norm.i  R,  HEILIG. 

Fourth  row: 

Lerov  HENDERSON,  James  O.  HESTER,  Gladys 
HICK,  Leroy  HILL,  JR.,  Rudolph  V.  HINNANT, 
Alene  F.  HOLLAND,  Alfon!,n-r  HOLMES. 

Fifth  row: 

Elbert  H.  HOLMES,  Luella  \'.  HOLMES,  Guy 
HOLMAN,  JR.,  Ruth  M.  HOOKER,  Samuel  J. 
HOSEY,  Elbert  H.  HOUGH,  Ernest  HOWELL. 

Sixth  row: 

Willie  J.  HOWELL,  Frizell  HUNT,  James  H.  HUNT, 
Lionel'  G.  JACKSON,  Wilhelmina  \'.  JACOBS,  Lu- 
cille JAMES,  James  F.  fEIFRIES. 

S  K  i\  I  U  H  S 


N  K  \  I  II  I!  N 

Fust  row,  left  In  riiihl: 

Nancev  J.  JEFFRIES,  H.-niv  JOHNS,  Clordiii  Mao  F. 
JOHNSON,  Ethfl  |.  JOHNSON.  C:harlcs  M.  JONES, 
Maude  K.  JONES,  Wendell  \V.  JONES. 

Sfinnii  rule: 

Willie  JONES,  Winston  S.  JONES,  Herijeri  E.  JOR- 
DAN, Juanita  M.  JORDAN,  Vernestine  IO^•'NER, 
William  C:.  KEEN,  Anius  E,  KEEEV. 

Fourth  ritw: 

Clarence  B.  EEE.  Vernette  EEE,  Daniel  LEJETTE, 
Matthew  T.  LEGRAND,  Elizaheth  LENNON, 
Helen  C.   EENNON,  Savannah  J.   EESL'EUR. 

h'iftli  loir: 

EiHiis  A.  LINDSAY,  Robert  E,  LITTLE,  K.  H. 
MAC:RAE,  Frank  C.  MAHON,  Mars  H.  MALLOY, 
Rachel  \'.  MANLY,  Marv  M.  NfARABLE. 

Third  row: 

Bertha  KENT,  James  E.  KINC;,  Juanita  B.  KING, 
Sylvia  KNIGHT,  Qiieenie  LAMBERT,  Frances  LAN- 
CiASTER,  Leonard  \'.  EASSITER. 

Sixth  row: 

Charles  E.  MAYO,  Ernest  McC:OLLUM,  James  M. 
McCOLLLIM,  Letember  McDOWELL,  Roger  Mc- 
KEE,  Clinton  McKOY,  Willie  B.  McLAWHORN. 


Fnsf  roi(\  left  to  right: 

[immie  W.  McLEAN,  Willarcl  McLEAN,  Duroths 
McNEIL,  Owen  S.  McPHERSON,  James  S.  Mf:- 
I\'ER,  James  MEACHEX,  Hrllniin  MEADOWS. 

Srtonfl  rnic: 

Rohert  A.  MIKEI.L.  John  A.  MILLER,  Beulah  C:. 
MITCHELL,  Carolvn  MITCHELL,  MiMaid  C:.  MIT- 
CHELL, Irene  G.  MOORE,  Florence  K.  S.  MOORE. 

Third  row: 

Leacha  R.  MOORE,  Alfred  \V.  MORGAN,  VVinford  L. 
MORGAN,  Gloria  MOSS,  Thomas  MOSS,  Madison  P. 
MULLEN,  James  T.  MYERS. 

Fourth  row: 

Ollie  B.  XORNLAN,  Simon  OLDEN,  Thomas  FACIE, 
John  W.  PATTERSON,  Clora  A.  PATILLO,  Dclbert  S. 
PAYNE,  Graften  S.  PAN'NE. 

Fifth  row: 

Edith  M.  PEARSON,  John  E.  PELLAM,  Marv  M. 
PENDERGRAFT,  C:harlcs  F.  PERRY,  Larn  A. 
PERRY.  Flossie  S.  PHELPS,  Martha  O.  PHELPS. 

.SV.v//(  row: 

Ann  C.  PHILLIPS,  Stanley  PORTER,  Jo.seph  PO- 
TE.\T,  Curtis  L.  POW  ELL,  Rosa  Mae  PRICE,  Walter 
PRK:E.  Barney  R.  PUTNAM 

S  E  n  II  K  s 


N  K  .\  I  II  II  N 

First  rmv,  left  la  right: 

Joseph  A.  RAINES,  Morris  W,  RANDAI.K,  Louis 
REED.  Rohcit  F.  REID,  Eitusi  r.  REVELLS,  Wil- 
li.iin  H.  RICE.  William  I^  RICE. 

.Sirnnd  row: 

Eariie  RICHARDS.  Amos  (;.  RICHARDSON,  Les- 
Bennu-  B.  RIDDICK,  Melvin  M.  RITTER.  Colman  T. 

1  hnd  row: 

Avidrcv  M.  ROBIN.SO.\,  EvcImi  ROBINSON,  Mau- 
rice ROBINSON,  Mildred  B.  R()BINSf)N,  flicero  A. 
ROLANDS,    M;n\    L.    ROLKSE,    Waved    RLIFFIN. 

Fourth  row: 

Alfred  E.  RUSSELL,  Preston  SAMPSON,  Fred  D. 
SANDERS,  Flossie  SAWYER,  Xirt^inia  SCIALES, 
Eugene  SCOTT,  Mildred  J.  SCOTT. 

Fifth  row: 

Rov  L.  SHIPMAN,  David  SIMMONS,  Margaret  T. 
SIMMONS,  William  L.  SIMMONS,  C:larence  R. 
SKINNER,  James  N.  SLADE,  John  D.  SL.'\DE. 

.SV.v//i  row: 

Roger  SMALL,  William  D.  SMART,  Doroth\-  SMITH, 
Harrison  SMITH,  James  H.  SMIFH,  James  W. 
SMITH,  Roliert  P.  SMITH. 



First  roll:  left  to  right: 

Sara  L.  SMITH.  \"elina  SMITH.  \ivi.,n  Morris 
SMITH.  Ira  SXELL.  .\rthur  SOUTHF.RLAXD, 
Jacob  A.  SPEASE.  Charles  \V.  SPRI.XG. 

Second  row: 

Cornelius  S.  STEPHE.XS.  Major  B.  SPRIXGFIELD. 
William  SUTTOX.  James  E.  IXIZ.  Jerrv  \V.  T\\- 
LOR,  Mary  F.  TAYLOR,  Shepard  TAYLOR. 

Third  row: 

Franklin    M.     THOMAS.     David    Thomas    JAMES. 

Leslie    \V.    TREXT.    Ralph   Stanlev   TURXER,    Eva 

UMSTEAD.     Wendell     R.     O.     \AULS.     Cleveland 


Fourth  row: 

Petj!?%-  W.ADDELL.  Lessie  M.  WALRER.  Lula  L. 
W.VlKER.  Eselvn  O.  WALLACT.  Howard  E.  WARD. 
Zennic J.  WARD.  Lcroy  T.  WASHINGTOX. 

Fifth  row: 

Alexander  WATSOX.  Pairicia  L.  WATSOX.  \ernell 
WATSO.X.  William  J.  WATSOX.  Ann  WATTS. 
C:lineJ.  WARREX,  Eugene  WEBBER. 

Sixth  row: 

Eugene  WHITE.  .Xathan  X.  WHITEHURST.  Fred  W. 

WHITFIELD.     Georsje     WHITLEY.     Ravmond     C. 

WILKIXS.       Doris       WILLIA.MS.       Dorris      .Asjnes 



S  E  \  I  II  K  N 


N  K  \  I  II  II  N 

Flcniint;    WILLIAMSON,   James 
well  C:.  WILSON. 

j.    WILSON,    Sea- 

Willii-  G.  WILSON,  Sicrliiiff  WINN,  Pearl  WOOD. 

Beatrice  M.  WOODAKD.  Bryant  WOOLEN,  Yvonne 

Arthur  B.  WCJRD,  Daniel  M.   W  RIGHI,  William  H. 
WRI(;H1  . 

Rudolph   GADSON.    Harold    GILBERT.    Johnnie   C. 

Olivia     HUNTLEY,     Lawrence     JOHNSON,     Gradv 

Roscoc    L.     LASSITER,     Robert     E.     MILLS,    Annie 


Thomas  E.  SINGLAIR,  Henr\  P.  WILLIAMS,  Charles 





Jl\llll!   (LINN   IIFFIintS 

David  M.  McElveen 

Charles  Lett 

Mary  \".  Jones 


Ruby  Edwards 
Assistant  Secretary 

EvANDER  Cherry 

James  E.  Bridgett 
Student   Aid  Rep. 

RuFis  Kelly 

Student  Council  Rep. 

Dolores  Jagcers 

Miss  Junior  Class 

LiNwoOD  Smith 
Student  Council  Rep. 

.ir\l()R   fLlSS 


sopiiiiiiiiu;  fim  iiFrirniN 

Harold  West 


Ann  Boone 
I  'ne-Pirsii/enl 

C:i.YDE  Marshall 

James  Franks 

Kenneth  Taylor 

N II  ni  II  )i  II  It  i;  i;  1 1  n  n 





Charles  E.  Cofer 
I  ice-Presnient 

Jackie  Still 

Assistant  Secretary 

Effie  Gray 

Ruth  Hames 

Sludenl  Ciiunii!  Rep. 

nu\\]\\\  cLiss 


Li.  CloL.  Henry  R.  Sandridge 

nFil\Tlll    R.  II.  T.  (!. 


/.(//  lu  right:  Maj.  Raymond  A. 
Xiontgonicry,  Lt.  Co\.  Henry  R. 
Sandridge,  Alaj.  Thomas  H.  Wright, 
C:apt.  Harold  Jenkins,  WOSG  Fred 
A.  Maddox.  Second  row:  Sgt.  Ree 
Hvitchine,  Sgt.  Silas  Christian, 
M  Sgt.  David  Vann,  Sgt.  Howard  J. 
Maxwell.  Sgt.  Hubert  L.  Rich. 




AIR  R.  0.  T.  f. 

Major  Elmore  M.  Kenned\ 


Left  to  right,  frunt  row:  Maj.  El- 
more M.  Kennedy,  Maj.  James  P. 
Goss,  Jr.,  Capt.  Robert  J.  Friend, 
1st.  Lt.  Walter  R.  Harlev.  Back  row: 
H  Sgt.  John  D.  Crau'ford,  T  Sgt. 
Franklin  M.  Brown,  S  Sgt.  \'cr- 
non  E.  Johnson,  T  .Sgt.  Nelson  L. 
Barnett.  Jr..  and  S  Sgt.  John  L.Jones. 


Left  to  right:  2nd  Lieutenants  J.  W. 
Mitchell.  VV.  VV.  Jones,  C:.  Dees, 
T.  Terrell,  H.  Jones,  C.  Howell. 
D.  M.  McElveen.  G.  E.  Fitzgerald. 
D.  Cromartie,  T.  P.  Brown,  .S.  Leg- 
ette,  and  G.  Dennis. 

AIR    R.O.T.C.    DRILL    TEAM 



The  National  Society  of  the  Scabbard  and  Blade  was  founded  in  1905  at  the  University  of  Wis- 
consin. The  purpose  of  the  society  is  to  promote  unity  and  close  relationship,  to  encourage  and 
foster  the  essential  qualities  of  good  and  efhcient  army  officers. 

Through  the  ardent  support  of  Major  Thomas  H.  Wright,  who  made  possible  the  organization  of 
the  first  chapter  of  the  .society,  here  on  our  campus  May  19,  1951,  the  organization  moves  forward 
with  the  following  brothers  participating  actively.  From  lijt  t<i  right,  first  row:  Willie  Wilson, 
2nd  Lt.:  C^harles  Mayo,  Marshall  Cbllins,  C^aptain:  William  Rice,  Vance  Hall.  Second  row: 
Norman  Heilig,  R.  Bishop,  C^harlie  Brcwington,  W.  Jones,  Ernest  McCollum.  Third  row: 
William  Wright,   Robert   Mills,   Leon  Barnett,   Ernest   Ross,   Richard   Peace. 

I'tLI^T  WW 

The  Valiants  are  ever  striv- 
ing to  follow  in  the  foot-steps 
of  their  big  brothers.  They 
are,  from  Irjl  In  right,  first  nnv: 
William  Anderson,  Robert 
Powell.  Second  row:  James 
FaLson,  Clharles  Cloflfey,  Uril 


Left  to  right,  sitting:     Robert  L.  Little,  Senior  Class  Representative;  Otealia  Hayes,  Sophomore  Class  Representative; 
Katye  Grahame,  Secretary ;  James  E.  Matthew,  Sophomore  Class  Representative;  center:  Sampson  Buie,  President 
of  Student  Council:  Charles  Bussey.  Freshman  Class  Representative;  Ruth  Haines.  Freshman  CHass  Representative 
and  Linwood  Smith,  Treasurer  and  Junior  Class  Representative. 

TIIK  STII)E\T  i'(ir\riL 

Through  the  splendid  direction  of  the  Student  Council,  student  activities  at  A.  and  T.  have 
continued  to  multiply  and  improve.  This  section,  therefore,  aims  to  present  a  cross  section  of 
life  on  the  campus,  includina;  some  of  the  highlights  \vhich  all  of  us  will,  undoubtly  remember 
and  cherish  for  years  to  come.  At  the  same  time  it  gives  a  record  of  the  outstanding  events  of  the 
year  and  presents  a  panoramic  \iew  of  the  actions  that  constitute  and  exemplifv  the  pattern  of 
life  at  the  Agricultural  and  Technical  College. 

Student  activities  have  grown  steadily  in  scope  and  number  since  the  early  historv  of  the  college 
until  there  are  now  over  twenty-five  prominent  organizations  on   the  campus. 

This  division  of  clubs  and  activities  is  presented  as  a  commendation  to  those  students  who 
made  an  effort  to  attain  a  broader  outlook  and  a  more  complete  education  through  campus  activi- 
ties. Moreover,  this  is  a  record  of  college  life  outside  the  classrooms  during  1951-52. 




4-H  CLUB 























NATIONAL  geographic:  SOGIETY 

First  row,  left  In  right:  J.  C:.  Goodlett,  R. 
Harper,  VV.  Rice,  L.  M.  Perry,  J.  W.  Smith. 
Srcuiiil  riiiv:  J.  D.  Brooks,  L.  H.  Richardson,  L. 
Blount.  Third  row:  A.  Baker,  j.  W.  De- 
graflenrcidt,  B.  Putnam. 


h'  row,  left  to  right:  J.  Mickens,  K.  Gra- 
hame,  H.  West.  Second  row:  B.  Putnam, 
|.  Marrow,  E.  Glark,  G.  Gatlin  and  C.  Brooks, 
Goach   of  the   Freshman   Team. 


First  row,  left  to  right:  D.  N.  McElvcen,  E. 
Flowers,  M.  V.Jones,  M.  Trisxan,  D.  G. 
Second  row:  R.  Ellis,  President;  j.  J.  Davis, 
V.  Speight,  j.  W.  Mitchell.  .\ot  shown:  Ethel 
Johnson,  and  Dorothy  Miller. 


Stinidiiig,    left    to    right:  Geneva    B.    Brown, 

C:.  Little,  (i.  Floiirnoy,  L.  Staplefoot,  Pro- 
fessor H.  G.  Taylor.  Kneeling:  J.  Pettit, 
John  Beatty.     Sitting:     \V.  Hatcii. 





Ft  (III/  raw:  J.  C'rawford,  President.  Sccund 
row:  Dr.  I.  H.  Miller  and  D.  C.  Deese.  Third 
row:  D.  M.  McEheen,  H.  Hyman  and 
R.  Ellis. 


Seated,  lefl  to  right:  Margaret  Tris\-an,  Sara 
Smith,  Berlena  C'ampbell.  Stauding.  left  to 
right:  James  E.  Bridgett,  William  Blakely, 
President;  Barney  Putnam,  Mclvin  Barclifl  and 
Linwood  Blount. 


First  row:  D.  C.,  President.  Second 
row:  D.  H.  McEheen,  and  L.  Barnes.  Third 
row:  R.  Ellis  and  J.  VV.  Mitchell.  Fourth  row: 
D.  S.  Morrisey  and  E.  VV.  Artis.  Fifth  row: 
J.  Co.x  and  J.  M.  Haile.  Sixth  row:  W.  W. 
Jones  and  H.  Waters.  Seventh  row:  J.  Slade. 
Eighth  rtjw:  C.  Cain  and  H.  E.  Frye.  Top: 
J.  Goodlett. 


First  ro!(\  left  to  right:  V.  Scales,  G.  Guy, 
G.  Agar,  L.  McArthur,  M.  \'.  Jones, 
V.  Speight,  Y.  Wooten,  W.  Gavin,  B.  Wood- 
ard,  B.  Campbell,  S.  Moore,  L.  M.  Walker. 
Second  row,  standing:  O.  Frye,  P.  Harrel, 
B.  Jackson,  M.  Jackson,  R.  C'.urry,  V,  .Smith, 
L.  Harris,  D.  Jaggers,  S.  Coleman.  V.  Joyner, 
P.  Robinson,  F.  Andrews,  L.  C^olston.  Center, 
sitting:     E.  Arringlon. 

GREEN.SBORO.  N.C.  27411 


PRoi-Essiik  HdWARU  T.  Pearsai  I 

The  Department  of  Music  has  had  its  share  of  the  year's  acti\ities.  Cilee  Club  rehearsals,  piano 
and  \-oice  students  practicing  their  exercises,  and  music  appreciation  classes  listening  to  records, 
were  only  a  few  of  the  acti\ities  that  kept  the  building  "buzzing." 

Professor  Howard  T.  Pearsall,  Chairman  of  the  Department  of  Music,  assisted  by  Miss  Rosc- 
niond  J.  Satterwhite  led  the  Cbllegc  choir  to  stardom,  according  to  the  many  critics  throughout 
the  nation. 

Choral  dirt-itur  ni\  inu  tin-  ciownhiMl  as  ihe  clitiir  goes  into  a   niusiial  rnnz\   al   its  .uiiuial  C.hiisunas  Carol  Scrsicc. 


M  II N 1 1 

Walter  F.  Carlson 

Walter  F.  Clarlson,  director  of  the  symphony  and  college  band,  was  always  on  hand  to  play  for 

Starting  off  the  year  as  a  marching  band,  the  band  was  an  indispensable  part  of  the  football 
season.  The  one-hundrcd-and-sixteen  piece  organization  entertained  the  fans  with  good  fight 
music  and  diversified  half-time  antics.  Appearing  at  the  home  games  and  most  out-of-town  games, 
the  Band  was  put  thrtjugh  its  routines  by  Mr.  \V.  Penn.  .Assistant  band  director. 

The  .Aggies  pride  and  jov. 


\{m\u  I  iiiKRiNO\  nwun 

"Song  of  My  Heart"  was  the 
first  production  of  the  Richard  B. 
Harrison  Players  for  the  1951-52 
school  year.  Playing  before  ca- 
pacity audiences  in  a  two-day 
stand,  it  was  a  fine  tribute  to  our 
dramatics  director.  Prof.  Syl- 
vester F.  Glarke.  Those  persons 
who  portrayed  the  leading  char- 
acters of  the  play,  Odessa  Burris 
and  Millard  C:.  Mitchell,  turned 
in  superb  performances  in  ad- 
dition to  the  marvelous  work  of 
the  supporting  cast.  The  student 
iiody  contemplates  an  entertain- 
ing season  of  productions  of  the 
same  high  caliber  as  that  ex- 
hibited by  "Song  of  My  Heart." 


SdlllL  OII(Jl\IZlTI(l\S 


Sitting  left  to  right:     B.  Williams.  Jerrv  Crawford.  M.  Trisvan.  Secretary;  M.  Jackson,  Treasurer;  M.  M.  Ritter,  Presi. 
dent:  H.  Stafford.  S.  Smith.  R.  Little.  R.  O.  Kellv.  L.  Smith. 


From  Alpha  to  Omega,  the  Greek  organizaticns  at  the  Agricultural  and  Technical  College  have 
joined  in  the  progress  of  the  college  in  the  past  year  by  increasing  their  memberships  and  admitting 
new  pledgees.  The  Greeks  on  the  campus  ha\e  contributed,  not  only  to  the  college's  social  progress, 
but  also  to  the  extra-curricular  acti\ities  of  the  student  body.  Progress  at  The  Agricultural  and 
Technical  College  is  a  group  project,  and  the  Greeks  are  bearing  their  share  of  the  load,  in  leader- 
ship, intra-mural  sports,  and  college-wide  activites. 


tLPIIt   kllMM    ILPIII   NllllllltlTY 






Alpha  Kappa  Alpha  SorurilN,  the  lirst  of  the  suiurities  to  be  urbanized  at  A.  and  T.,  was  set  up  here  in  1932.  The 
chapter  has  sought  to  encourage  high  scholastic  standards  and  to  improve  the  social  status  of  the  race.  They  are  froin 
lejt  lo  right,  Icneeling:  Marjorie  Holmes,  La  Forest  Bryant,  Ernestine  C:umbcr,  Queenie  Lambert,  Willette  Gavin, 
Dorothy  McNeil,  Kat\e  Grahame,  Assist.  Dean  of  Pledgees.  .Scaind  row:  Nena  Faulcon,  Sara  Smith,  Magalene 
Lee,  Pearl  Harrell,  Louise  Dodd,  Anne  Brooks,  Sgt.-at-Arms.  Third  row:  Berlena  C:ampbell,  Anti-Basileus;  Mar- 
teena  Broadnax,  Lannie  McArthur,  X'elma  Smith,  Margaret  Trisvan  and  Virginia  Scales.  Standing:  Effie  Flowers, 
Gramateus;  Ethel  Johnson,  Basileus:  \'elraa  Speight,  Epsitoleus  and  Gwendolyn  Guy,  Tamiochus. 



The  "Ivies"  are  on  their  vva\    ...  it  won't  be  long  before  Alpha  Kappa  .\Ipha  will  claim  the  following  persons: 
Left   to   right:      Shirley   Taylor,    Lucille    Piggott,   Shirley   Gobbs,    Delores   Shaw,    (iertrude    Morrow,    Betlve    Lewis. 
Ruth  Stephens,  Juanita  Moore  and  Marian  Breedlowe. 

iin/ri  N 1 11 11 1  Tiirn  siiiiiiiiiTV 

The  Alpha  Nu  Chapter  of  Delta  Sigma  Thcta  Sorority  presented  its  annual  jabherwock,  an  Hour  of  Clharm,  a 
freshman  tea,  and  a  party  for  the  freshmen  during  the  past  year. 

Seated  in  front  of  desk  is  Nellie  Brown,  "'Miss  Delta."  Others  are:  First  row,  left  to  right  (seated):  Eddie  L.  Jones, 
Anne  Boone,  Hazel  Arnold,  .Shirk's  Moore,  Louise  Harris,  Corresponding  Secretary;  Anne  Watts,  Recording  Secre- 
tary; Lessie  Walker,  \'ice-Prcsident  and  Dean  of  Pledges;  \'ernestine  Joyner.  President;  Rcssic  Curry,  Treasurer; 
Edna  Kennedy,  Chaplain;  Beatrice  Woodard,  Reporter;  Ollie  Norman,  Rosa  Price,  Cardea  Johnson.  Second  row, 
standing:  Gloria  Moss,  Dorothy  Dozier,  Cora  Patillo,  Louise  Dayis,  Mazie  Hairston.  Temple  Jackson,  Otelia  Hayes, 
Dorothy  Miller,  Irene  Long,  Peggy  Waddell  and  .Sara  Gladden. 

The  Pyramid  Club  aims  for  the  point  of  the  pyramid.  Those  contemplating  the  achiexement  of  Delta's  high  aim 
are,  lejt  to  right:     Billie  Bland,  Clyde  Marshall,  Augustine  Rodgers,  Larna  Perry,  Mattie  Craft,  center.  Dean  of  pledges 
Lessie  Walker,  Mary  Hines,  Thclma  Palmer  and  Blanche  Campbell.  "    ' 

IIITI   nil   Lllllllll  NlllillltlTY 

The  Delta  Ihcta  Chaplc-r  of  Iota  Phi  Lamlida  Sorority  was  organized  on  the  campus  May  23,  l'M6.  The  Sorority 
l)C£;an  in  Clhicago,  June,  1929,  with  seven  persons  taking  the  initiative  to  organize  a  sorority.  The  sorors  have  worked 
conscientiously  to  be  of  service  to  humanity.  They  are,  from  left  to  right:  Yvonne  VVooten,  Vertie  Ethridge,  Gloria 
[(•iinins,'s.  l.uvenia  Charter  and  P.  McAllister. 




These  youn',;,  inspiniiL;  Loiiu  pas  ( 
They  are,  jivm  Irfl  In  riglil,  ullniii: 
Burton  and  center,  Irene  Burton. 


the  Blue  and  \Vhile  are  forever  striving  to  uphold  the  standards  of  "Dear  Iota." 
Luella  Holmes,  P'annie  VVorley,  DoUie  Chapman,  Christine  Robinson,  Sue  A. 


Sllifll  lillllll  KHII  Niiitiiitirv 

With  their  torches  burning  bright  to  guide  them,  the  members  of  Sigma  Gamma  Rho  strive  to  promote  the  high 
ideals  of  sisterhood.  The  members  of  the  local  chapter  of  Sigma  Gamma  Rho  Sorority,  which  was  estaljlished  on  the 
campus  last  year,  are:  First  row.  left  to  right:  Mildred  Jackson,  Treasurer;  \ivian  Pasco.  Frances  Andrews.  \'ice- 
President  and  Dean  of  Pledgees;  Barbara  Jackson,  President:  Beulah  Mitchell,  Secretar\ ;  Ethel  Williams,  Ella  .\r- 
rington.     Second  row:      Rosa  Gay,   Reporter:  John  Ora   Pipkin,   Miss  Sigma:   Lottie  Massenburg,   Parliamentarian. 


Fhose  who  will  keep  the  torch  of  "Sigma  Rho  .Sigma""  burning  bright,  are: 
\  .  Massenburg,  E.  Taylor,  G.  Judge  and  M.  Coble.     Standing:     NL  Booth. 

First  row,  left  to  right:     X.  Florence, 



/i<;ti  phi  itrn  siiiiiiiiity 

"Zcta  Phi  Beta,  uc  lu\r  \iju  so,"  arc  words  often  echoed  by  the  sorors  of  Zela  Phi  Beta.  The  Zctas,  sistcis  to  the  Phi 
Beta  Sigma  Fraternity,  concentrate  on  their  annual  "Finer  Womanhood"  acti\ities.  They  are,  Icfl  to  riglil:  Dorothy 
N'alcntine,  Anti-Basileus;  Mar\   Pals\   Watson,  Basiicus  and  Alcan  Davis,  Sccrctar\ . 




arc;H()Man  pledce  c.ia'b 

The  Archonians  are  the  hllle  sisters  of  the  Zetas.  The\ ,  loo,  art-  following  the  Zctas  in  Iheir  "Finer  Womanhood" 
activities.  Hoping  to  reach  the  portals  of  Zeta  are:  .Sitlini;,  left  to  right:  Jackie  Lee,  Virginia  Dewar,  Velina  Gibson, 
Barbara  Shadden  and  .-Xmaza  Cowan.  Standing:  Margaret  Cleveland,  Clharley  Hancock  and  Ruth  Dobey.  Seated 
un  flnm:      Doroth)'  Greene. 

I  LI' II I   I'll  I    ILI'lll   FIMTLIIVirV 

Alpha  Phi  Alpha  Fraternity.  Inc..  the  oldest  Xegro  and  inter-racial  fraternity  of  its  kind,  was  founded  on  scholarship, 
brotherhood,  and  leadership  in  1906,  at  Cornell  University.  Ithaca.  Xew  York.  Yes.  "".Alpha  Phi  .\lpha"  the  Pride 
of  Their  Hearts  shall  e\er  Ije  high  in  the  hearts  of  the  folloxving  brothers:  First  row.  left  to  right:  .-Xbram  Mack,  Eygm 
Campbell.  Clarence  Skinner.  Jern.  Crawford,  \"ice-President:  .\rthur  Word.  President;  Joseph  Fennell.  .Albert  .Askew. 
Recording  .Secretary  and  Lonnie  Cook.  Second  rozc:  .Stanley  Cook.  William  .Aldrich.  Clair  Davidson.  Rudolph 
Gadson.  Treasurer;  George  Geiger.  Charles  Dees.'Robert  Little  and  Mel\  in  Ritter.  Chaplain.  Third  row:  Charles 
Brooks,  James  Tate,  John  Farrish.  James  Evans.  Maurice  .Mston.  Rudolph  .Artis.  Marian  Blair  and  Roljert  P.  Smith. 


On  the  proving  grounds,  the  .Alphas  have  their  ever-striving  "little  brothers,""  the  Sphinxmen,  who  anticipate 
"crossing  the  burning  sands  "  into  .Alphadom.  With  the  high  standards  of  the  fraternity  as  their  objective,  are  from 
left  to  right,  first  row:  Samuel  Michaux.  .Abram  DeX'aughn.  President;  James  .Smith,  and  Roman  Massenburg.  Second 
row:  Steven  Howard,  Spencer  White,  James  Harmon,  and  James  Logan.  Third  row:  Samuel  Starnes,  Louis 
Dunlap.  Robert  Butts  and  Wiley  Bowling.     Fourth  row:     Joseph  Poteat. 


Kappa  Alpha  Psi  was  founded  at  Indiana  University,  January  5,  1911.  It  aims  to  motivate  higher  scholastic  achieve- 
ment and  to  mal;c  college  life  fruitful  and  happy.  Keeping  in  mind  their  motto,  '"Achie\ement'"  they  are  from  lower 
point  oj  diamnnil:  William  Smart,  Polemarch.  Second  row,  lejl  lo  right:  Alexander  Watson,  Keeper  of  Records  and 
Charles  Weljher.  Third  row:  Bernie  Leggette,  Linwood  Smith,  Reporter  and  David  McElveen,  Lt.  Strategus. 
Fourth  row:  Madison  P.  Mullens,  Letember  McDowell,  Albert  Baker,  Henry  Frye,  Historian;  Alfred  Ru.ssell,  Keeper 
of  Exchequer.  Fifth  row:  Willie  Allen,  Asa  .'\nderson,  William  Gibson,  Roger  McKee  and  Bernis  Williams,  Vicc- 
Polemarch.  Sixth  rmv:  Stanley  Porter,  Edward  darter  and  C^oleman  Roberts,  Lt.  Strategus.  Tup  of  Diamond: 
Frank  CI.  Mahon. 


Keeping  in  mind  the  prim.uA  aim  (jl  Kappa  Alpha  Psi,  (lie  «n>llers  are  forever  attempting  to  achie\e  their  highest 
ambition,  "lo  reach  Kappa  Land."     Standing  from  left  to  right,  air:      James  Matthew,  James  Franks,  Charles  Bynum. 
Second  row:      William   Matthews,    Ru.ssell   Scott,  .John   Slade,    Bernie   Grooms,      Third  row:     James   Wcrtz,    Norris 
Phillips,  Raymond  Lambert,  Willie  Da\is  and  Chester  Hammond. 


Mu  Psi  Chapter  of  the  Oine^a  Psi  Phi  Fraternity  was  the  second  of  the  fraternities  to  be  estahhshed  on  the  campus. 
The  fraternity  has  four  cardinal  principles;  Manhood,  scholarship,  perseverance,  and  uplift.  The  men  ol  Omega  here 
at  .\.  and  T.  strive  to  uphold  these  ideals.  Thev  are  from  left  to  right,  kneeling:  Cornelius  Stephens.  \  ice-Basileus: 
Winford  Morgan.  .\sst.  Dean  of  Pledgees:  Charles  Murphv.  Dean  of  Pledgees;  Wendell  Jones,  Basileus.  Standing: 
Xorman  Heilig.  Keeper  of  Finance;  Frank  Sinmis,  Walter  Herrington.  J.  Wade  Dcgraflfenreidt,  William  Rice,  Saul 
Dula,  Ernest  Johnson,  James  .\.  Wright.  Second  roic:  Charles  Jones.  William  C  Tavlor.  .Albert  B.  Hunter,  Eugene 
White.  Owen  S.  McPherson,  Jaster  Horton.  Lawrence  Smith.  Samuel  Bishop.  Bernard  R.  .\lston,  Handford  Stafford. 
Third  row:  Samuel  Hoscy,  Keeper  of  Records  and  Seals;  Ernest  Ross.  Chaplain;  William  W.  Farmer.  .\be  Williams, 
Leonard  Barnes,  John  Thomas,  Samuel  Goodson,  and  Warren  Harris. 


The  Lampodos  Club  is  the  development  stage  for  future  Omega  men.  It  strives  to  set  a  stage  that  is  typical  of  the 
stage  that  has  been  set  by  great  Omegas  of  the  past.  Those  looking  forward  to  joining  the  ranks  of  the  Omegas  soon 
are  kneeling, /mm  left  to  right:  James  Dalaney.  Lewis  White.  William  Darden.  Calvin  C:handler,  .Aldon  Carson,  Lester 
Richardson,  James  Campbell,  Clifton  Matthew,  St.  Matthew  Edwards.  Standing:  Bruce  Pagans.  Willie  Kilgore. 
Xeapolean  Trusdale,  Benjamin  Shaw.  Graven  Givens.  Isaac  McCarty,  Haywood  Waters,  James  Beans,  .\lphonzo 
Drummond,  Charles  Jones,  Larry  H.  Hyman,  Rufus  Mayo,  S.  Conclaves. 

I'lll  BKTI   Mlilll   PI!ITI<]I!,\ITV 

I'hi  Beta  Sigma  Fratcrnil\ ,  the  first  iratcrnily  to  establish  a  chapter  on  the  campus  of  A.  and  T.  College,  was  founded 
in  I'MS  and  has  worked  earnesiK  since  then  to  uphold  its  motto,  "Culture  for  Service  and  SERVICE  to  Humanity." 
The  Sigmas  take  interest  in  their  annual  project,  "Bigger  and  Better  Business  Among  Negroes."  The  group  is  com- 
posed of  the  following  brothers:  h'neeling,  (ram  left  In  nghl:  Ray  E\  cri'tli.  Treasurer;  Ellis  Hall.  \'ice-President; 
Curtis  Powell,  President;  Charles  Parker,  Recording  Secretary;  Richard  Killins.  Standing:  Frederick  Heckstall, 
Reporter;  Willie  Alston,  Otha  Sherrill,  Harry  L.  Williams,  Linwood  Blount,  Dean  of  Pledgees;  Curtis  C^oates,  Shepard 
Taylor,  C^haplain;  John  Barlier,  ,\sst.  Dean  of  Pledgees. 


These  are  the  members  of  Crescent  Club  of  Eta  C:hapter  of  the  Phi  Beta  Sigma  Fraternity.  Symbolizing  the  culti- 
vating ground  to  Sigmadom  are,  /rom  /rfl  In  nghl:  William  Scales,  James  Floyd,  Secretary  and  Treasurer;  Norman 
Hayes,  Vice-President;  W'illiam  Hardy,  Alfred  Di.xon,   Elijah   Haddo.x,   Reginald   Lee,   President. 

MISS   I.  &  T.   fOLLEfiE 

Miss  Wonne  Wooten 

Dignin-.  poise,  and  charm  go  to  contribute  to  a  good  description  of  the  first  lady 
of  Aggie-Land.  Miss  V\onne  Wooten.  This  lovely  young  lady,  who  hails  from  Mays- 
ville.  X.  C.  reigns  over  our  beautiful  campus  and  its  subjects,  who  number  3.000 
or  more.  She  is  a  major  in  commercial  education  and  is  a  member  of  the  Iota  Phi 
Lambda  .Sorority. 

\Vorshiped  by  her  many  subjects,  she  has  carried  herself  in  a  manner  which 
makes  all  loyal  .\ggies  look  up  to  her  and  exclaim,  saying,  "There  is  our  Queen, 
The  .Supreme  Lady  of  Aggie-Land."" 


FULL    HOUSE  .   .   . 


PAIR    O'    JACKS 




EARLA  McDonald 


r  f 





m^-^ti  ^. 

'"  .^UttLii 

^omecomut^  195J 

The  day  was  October  20,  1931.  The  place,  Greensboro  Memorial  Stadium.  The  occasion,  the 
annual  homecoming  festivities. 

Elaborate  plans  for  this  gala  aflair  had  begun  weeks  in  advance.  Floats  of  di\ergent  designs 
were  constructed;  posters  were  disseminated  over  the  entire  campus;  welcome  mats  were  laid  out; 
the  entire  student  body  tensely  awaited  the  colorful  event. 

On  to  the  stadium!!  The  band  sounded  out  the  last  notes  of  the  ".Star-Spangled  Banner;" 
the  whistle  blew;  the  kickofl;  and  one  of  the  greatest  homecoming  games  e\'er  witnessed  bv  this 
record  crowd  of  some  20.000  fans  was  under  way. 

For  four  thrilling  quarters,  a  l)ruising  battle  ensued  and  when  the  final  whistle  blew  the  score 
stood,  the  A.  and  T.  College  Aggies  7,  the  Florida  .\.  and  M.  College  Rattlers  7. 

These  two  teams,  meeting  for  the  third  time  in  as  many  years,  were  coached  by  two  renowned 
grid  mentors:  William  ""Big  Bill"  Bell  and  Jake  Gaither.  The  series  score  reads:  The  A.  and  T. 
Aggies  one.  the  Florida  A.  and  M.  Rattlers  one.  and  one  tie. 

The  indestructible  force  had  met  the  immo\ablc  object;  two  conference  champions  had  clashed 
and  proved  to  be  an  equal  match  for  each  other. 







~,3n   n 



1  he  XjUuiuil  1  ujlljall  t  ;lkuu[Jlull^  ul   l'.i51-5_! 


"lggi(«" .  .  .  'Iliillddgs" . . .  "Clia 

These  words  will  long  be  remembered  in  the  hearts  and 
minds  of  three  thousand  loyal  aggies,  not  including  alumni, 
well-wishers  and  friends.  They  were  echoed  loud  and 
strong  at  the  Agricultural  and  Technical  Cbll^ge,  in 
Greensboro,  North  C^arolina.  and  throughout,  as  the  sports 
writers  proclaimed  the  Aggies  the  1951  Football  Champ- 
ions; although  they  were  denied  a  C.I. A. A.  title  by  being 
the  victims  of  an  up.set  at  the  hands  of  the  Virginia  State 
C'oUege  Trojans  in  the  C'apitol  Classics  in  Washington, 
D.  C. 



Thi'v  are  molders  of  chaiii|)iuns;  the 
coaches  of  Aggie  athletic  teams.  From 
left  to  right  are:  Matthew  Brown,  Mur- 
ray L.  Neely,  William  M.  Bell,  Director 
of  -Athletics  and  Head  C!oach:  Bert  Pig- 
gott  and   L.    Felix   Harris. 

THE  bk;  four 

Left  to  right:     Jack  Gibson  (22)  HB:  Red  Jack.son  (41)  QB;  Lerus  Washington  (.il)  FB:  and  Donald  Qtiarles  (10)  HB. 

Little,  but  powerful  Al  Morgan  (\o.  16). 
"The  Toast  of  Aggie-Land,"  moves  in  for  a 


-  i\H 

Helburn  L.  Meadows  iXo.  33)  is  off  on 
another  of  his  sprints  against  X.  C. 
College  in  the  Carolina-Thanksgiving 

'Tn  Jackson  we  trusted"" — William  ""Red""  Jackson  .\ll 
.American.  .-Ml-C.L.A.-A.  quarterback  for   1951-,^2. 


Left  III  >i«lil:  i\Lir\in  Haiiston,  Theodore  HaU,  Emanuel  Teixeira,  Hey- 
ward  Minis,  Mantley  Dorsey,  John  Flowers,  Lawrence  McClenney,  VVyatt 
Minton,  Frank  Mahon,  George  Thomas,  James  Williams,  Raymond  Lam- 
bert, Earle  Kegler,  and  David  Hurdle,  tun'eliii!;:  Cloach  Felix  Harris 
and  Manager  Isaiah  Walker. 

The  l')52  edition  of  the  A.  and  T.  Aggies  Basketball  Team  started  the  season  with  a  talent-packed 
aggregation,  luider  the  able  coaching  of  Felix  Harris.  After  a  somewhat  uncertain  start,  the  Aggies 
at  mid-sea.son  pulled  a  startling  upset  over  their  arch  rivals.  North  Carolina  College,  by  a  .score 
of  86-85.  The  deciding  point  was  annexed  by  Da\id  Hurdle  in  the  fading  seconds  of  the  contest. 
Frank  Mahon  was  high  scorer  for  the  game  with  28  points,  followed  closely  by  Lawrence  Mc- 
C:lenney  with  22  points.  McClenney  is  expected  to  become  the  mainstay  of  the  basketball  team 
in  r'.T.I.  This  iip.set,  along  with  suhsecjuent  victories,  label  the  Aggies  as  dark-horse  contenders 
in  the  C.I..\..\.  Championship  race. 

Adding  two  points  to  the  .\ggies'  triumph 
over  North  Carolina  College  Eagles,  is  for- 
ward Ceorge  Thomas,  while  his  team-mates 
look  on. 

JlMMIK    \\  II  I  I  \MS 

.\ggie   hoopster 

U  \\  lU    lit  KlJl  h 

in   action   against    formidable   conference   foes. 








The  A.  and  T.  College  netmcn  were  runner-up 
in  the  C'.I.A.A.  Tennis  tournament  which  was 
held  at  Hampton  Institute,  Hampton,  Virginia. 
Participants  Julius  Martin,  Asa  Anderson,  and 
X'incent  Moore.  Julius  Martin  was  a  semi-finalist 
in  the  singles,  gaining  three  (3)  points.  Asa  Andcr- 
,son  was  also  a  rated  high  in  the  doubles  semi- 
finals along  with  Vincent  Moore,  racking  up  a 
gain  of  three  (3)  points.  The  teams  totaled  six  (6) 
points.  The  winning  teams  made  a  total  of  eight  (8) 

I  i:.\.\is    I  i:.\.\i 

/.(■//  /"  (((;/(/.      Julius  Martin,   DcWiii    Willis,   and 
John  Lockell. 


Arthur  Statum 
Whenever  there's  boxing,  there's  .'Krt 
Statum,  1951  C.I.-^.A.  Heavyweight 

William  Stewart 
William  "Fly"  Stewart, 
with  a  lighting  left  and  an 
atomic  right,  rules  the 
C.L.'X..^.  Bantamweight  Di- 

William  R.  WRiuirr 
Rockv  Wright,  Lightweight  threat 
of  the  C.I.A..\. 



The  \'arsit\   B;iM-l),ill  "J, ■.,,,,       /,///„„"«/■       \li,v,l   \l,„-,,  ,,,      i     i  ..    , 

Tapscott,  p;  Raymond   Johnson,  p;  Lionel   lack  1    n    H  |k'  rn'^u'^  "^  'V''"'''  ^^^''^^  ^"^i^^^-  ^  Eu^a-nc 

game  and  a  fittinTclh°ax  to  a '  utti^.tsSSH  .T     h'f°  ™"-^«"'-!;  y^'^-'  "Phc  most  thrillin, 

University,  ,1-0.  Lnada  c:::i:nt':^::^TrCJt;:T:^:^t^-st''  '"'^ ""  ""^^■^■■^ 



niiinii;  I  p  l-,,r  Another  Atfgie  Win 

They're  off  to  a  winning  finish.  These  four  Aeeic 
c.ndermen  pictured  here  are  diligentlv  practicing  for 
he  final  pavoff^.  Thev  are:  Edward  Carter  C  I  A  A 
low  hurdle  champion:  Delljert  Pavne.  anchor  man  for 
the  mtle  relas ;  Archie  Dabney,  C.I.A.A.  hic;h  jump 
champion:  and  Pete  Echols.  C.I.A.A.  pole  vault 
champion.    Coach    Bert   Piggott   is   the  starter 


The  A.  and  T.  C'oUcgc  track  team  departed  for 
the  Alabama  relays  where  they  experienced  cnor- 
nujns  success  in  the  indi\idual  e\ents  and  relays. 
Even  though  they  placed  second  to  Florida  A.  and 
M.  College,  the  following  cindermen  captured  high 
honors  in  their  respective  e\ents:  Ernie  Nimmons, 
the  running  broad  jtnnp;  Archie  Dabney,  the  liigh 
jump;  Pete  Echols,  the  pole  \ault;  Delbert  Payne, 
anchor  man  for  the  mile  relay  team;  Tony  Wicks, 
(he  mile  run;  Edward  Carter,  the  high  and  low- 
hurdles.  The  latter  recently  participated  in  the 
Inc|uircr  Meet  in  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania,  cap- 
turing third  place  with  a  time  of  6.4  .seconds  in  the 
,SO-yard  high  hurdles  behind  the  co-holders  of  the 
world's  record  in  this  event,  Harrison  Dillard  and 
Meredith  Gourdine. 

.•\s  tlic  wind  ROCS,  so  goes  Edward  ("Hucklebuck") 

i         # 

****      -fllCMov./ 


C,7  'Rif  "«»?'<  ^««..^''J^ 

"                                RsT 

1          ^m 

^fl      ^ 

PT'  ^^ 



First  row,  left  lo  rii^hl:  Hfnr\  Jones,  Marsin  Wilson,  Roljert  Tallcs,  Ocic  Bovers,  Melbourne  Bailey,  Robert  Lea. 
Second  rou:-'  John  Ginvard,  Edward  Carter,  Reginald  \'ictor,  .SyKester  Williams,  .Anthony  Wicks,  .Archie  Dabney, 
Oswald   I.Nons.      lliinf  mif:      Kenneth   H.ill.   Don   Fairlev,  Juan  McMurtrv.  John  Bradlev,  .Alexander  Turner. 


au\  m  smiR 


AvANTEE  Editorial  Staff 

Standing,  left  lo  iiglil:  Ellis  F.  Corbett,  Advisor; 
George  G.  Geiger,  Student  Adviser;  Jerry  Crawford, 
Business  Manager;  Barney  Putnam,  ,'\ssociate  Editor. 
Sealed:     Melvin  M.  Ritter,  Editor-in-Chief. 

Register  Stafl~ 

Standing,  left  to  right:  James  A.  Long,  .Ad\isor;  Marion 
Blair,  Business  Manager;  Seated:  .Arthiu-  B.  Word. 

The  1952  Av.JiNTee  and  Register  Staffs  ha\-e  toiled  endlessly  to  bring  to  the  reader  of  this  Year- 
book, a  reflective  pleasure  in  scanning  the  year,  1951-52,  at  the  Agricultural  and  Technical  Clollege. 

This  production  is  intended  to  provide  the  picture  story  of  all  phases  of  life  at  the  college. 

Briefly,  let  us  sur\-ey  the  Ayantee  and  Register  Staffs  individually.  The  Ayantee  Yearbook 
Staff  was  capably  ad\ised  by  Mr.  Ellis  F.  Corbett,  whose  assistance  and  guidance  were  instru- 
mental in  the  final  culmination  of  this  publication.  Under  the  expert  guidance  of  Editor-in-C:hief 
Melvin  M.  Ritter,  the  steadying  influence  of  Senior  CJass  ,-\d\iser  George  G.  Geiger,  and  the 
staunch  support  of  Associate'  Editor  Barne\'  R.  Putnam,  the  Yearbook  staff  enjoyed  the  work 
resulting  in  its  eventual  compilation. 

The  Business  Manager  of  the  Yearbook  was  Jerry  Crawford.  Literary  Editor  Leon  A.  Barnett 
produced  some  exceedingly  representati\e  work  in  doing  the  bulk  of  the  writing  contained  herein. 
Assisting  in  assembling  this  material  were  stafl'  members  \'elma  Speight,  Stanley  M.  Cook,  James 
E.   Bridgett,   Da\id   McEheen,  Josue   .\maro,   and   Barney  R.    Putnam. 

Art  Editor  John  S.  Beatty  must  be  complimented  for  his  cflorts  in  beautifying  this  publication. 
In  this  he  was  aided  by  his  staff"  members  William  T.  Hatch  and  Geneva  B.  Brown. 

Copy  Editor,  Lannie  McArthur  and  her  assistants,  Mary  Marable  and  Marteena  Broadnax 
deserve  unlimited  tribute  in  preparing  the  final  draft  of  this  publication  for  the  printers.  They 
received  no  less  assistance  from  the  copy  staff  composed  of  Laura  Brooks,  Charles  Brooks,  and 
Charles  Gay. 

Working  hand  in  hand  with  the  Business  Manager,  Charles  Nesbit.  rendered  invaluable  ser\-ices. 
Working  right  at  the  side  of  Charles  Nesbit  was  Assistant  Publicity  Manager,  Hanford  Stafford  . 

Concluding  the  Ay.antee  Yearbook  Staff",  we  have  a  person  of  no  less  importance.  Photographer 
Howard  L.  Ward,  whose  diversified  talents  are  plainly  visible  in  this  publication. 

"The  Cream  of  College  News"  is  still  the  slogan  propagated  by  our  college  newspaper,  the 
Register.  It  was  just  "that"  this  year  in  a  most  admirable  way.  Lhider  the  conscientious  guidance 
of  .Ad\'iser,  Mr.  James  A.  Long  and  Editor-in-Chief,  Arthur  B.  Word,  the  paper  enjoyed  incom- 
parable popularity. 

The  editorials  were  one  of  the  most  remarkable  features  of  what  was  generally  an  exceptiona 


1952   niHEE  STIFF 


t  StafT 


Icfl  1 







:  \V 












Pul.licity  Staff 
Standing,    left    In   iialil:      Hanford   Stafford,    Howard    L. 
Ward,   Student  Photographer;   Samuel  Starns.     Sealed: 
C^harles  E.   Xesbit,   PubUcitv  Manager. 

collegiate  new.spaper.  Several  timely  editorials  concerninji  publir  opinion  and  other  .student  attairs 
were  a  distinguishing  mark  of  the  paper.  Largely  responsible  for  tiie  afore-mentioned  features  were 
Ollie  Norman,  A.ssociate  Editor;   Hanford  Stafibrd,  Managing  Editor;  and  Stanley  M.  Cook. 

The  Business  Manager  of  the  sheet  was  Marion  Blair,  Jr.;  who  performed  magnificently  in 
this   capacity,    particularly   in    securing   ad\ertisements   for   the   paper. 

The  large  sports  section  was  edited  by  Sports  Editor  Richard  Moore  with  the  capable  a.ssistance 
of  Josue  Amaro  and  James  Bridgett. 

The  person  who  kept  up  with  happenings  of  other  schools  was  Exchange  Editor  Rudolph  Gadson. 
This  coverage  aided  greatly  in  the  final  productions  of  the  paper. 

The  actual  collection  and  preparation  of  the  news  was  accomplished  by  Feature  Writer  Jerry 
Crawford,  and  Reporters  Shirley  Taylor  and  Charles  Gay. 

Production  Manager  Lannie  McArthur  must  be  commended  for  her  dependability  and  cf- 
ficiencv  in  sending  the  Rcgisln  ofT  to  press.  Ably  assisting  Miss  McArthtir  were  members  of  the 

Copy  Staff 
Slanding,    lefl    la    right:      Marteena    Broadnax,    Editor: 
Oharles    H.    Oav;    Lannie    McArthur,    Mary    Marablo, 
Assistant    Cops'    Editors.     .\o/    sliincn:      Laina    Brool<s, 
Charles  Brooks. 

Literary  Staff 
Seated,  left  to  right:     David  McElveen,  Barney  Putnam, 
Leon  A.  Barnett,  Editor;  Stanley  M.  Cook;     Standing: 
\'r!nia  Speight. 



Editorial  Staff 
Seated:      Hanford    Stafford,    Managing   Editor;    Stanley 
Cook.      Editorial     Writer:     James     Bridgett,      Feature 

Production  .Staff 
Standing,    left   to   right:      Lannie    Mc.\rthur,    Production 
Manager.     Seated:     Marteena   Broadna.x,    Beulah   Mit- 
chell, Mary  Maraljle. 

Production  StaH  Mary  Marablc.  Marteena  Broadnax.  Beiilah  Mitrhell.  Mary  \'.  Jones,  and 
Sylvia  C'oleman. 

Finally,  the  individual  responsible  for  disseminating  the  Rfgislir  to  all  parts  of  the  United  States 
and  performing  efficiently  in  this  capacity  was  Circulation  Manager  Willie  L.  Ballard. 

The  staff  recognizes  the  inadequaces  of  the  Annual  and  yet  take  pride  in  the  result  attained  by 
hard  work.  The  finished  product  may  not  seem  too  impressive  now.  but  we  trust  that  in  future 
years,  you  may  take  this  Yearbook  from  the  shelf,  brush  away  a  decade  of  dust  and  use  it  to  re- 
call, vividly,  your  days  at  the  .Agricultural  and  Technical  College.  We  are  quite  aware  of  the  in- 
ability of  cold  words  and  pictures  to  capture  the  warmth  and  feeling  that  are  truly  attributes 
of  human  experience,  but  we  have  made  an  earnest  effort  to  furnish  you  with  a  guide  to  memories. 

So.  with  humility,  born  of  the  immense  responsibility  which  has  been  ours  and  with  the  innate 
pride  that  comes  with  a  job  well  done,  we  humbly  present  the  product  of  our  efforts  for  your 
enjoyment — the  1952  Av.antee. 

Circulation  Staff 
Standing,    left    to    right:      Charles    H.    Ga\.    Charles    E. 
Nesbit,    .\r\n    Watts.    George    Fitzgerald.     E.    Shirlev 
Taylor.     Sealed:     Marion   Blair.   Circulation   Manager. 

.\rt  Staff 
Standing,  left  to  right:     John  S.   Beattv. 
Geneva  B.  Brown,  William  T.  Hatch. 

Editor.     Sealed: 


(!'.      r. 

niiDE\T  LIFE 


Distinguished  Military  Students 


Chucklini;  over  the  al)surdity  of  the  script 
is  ureal  luii  for  "Bobby"  Debnaiii.  Admirers, 
Rulh  Parker  and  X'ehna  Gibson. 

Students    at    wurtc    in    the    Auto    Mechanics 


Capt.  H.  A.  Jenkins,  Instructor  in  Military  Science 
and  Tactics  of  the  Infantry  R.O.T.C.  receives  the 
Army's  Silver  Star  for  gallantry  in  action  in  the  Korean 
conflict.  Col.  R.  F.  Perry,  then  Chief,  X.  C.  Military 
District  pins  on  the  medal  as  Maj.  Gen.  William  A. 
Beiderlinden  looks  on  from  right  and  Dr.  F.  D.  Bluford 
from  left. 

William  C'Red")  Jackson,  .AU-.^mcrican  Quarterback 
of  the  .\.  and  T.  .\ggies  for  two  consecutive  years 
receives  congratulations  from  Coach  Bill  Bell,  .Aggie 
Mentor,  for  having  been  named  '"Most  \  aluable 
Player"  at  the  .Annual  Dinner  of  the  Pigskin  Club  of 
Washington,  D.  C.  Bell  also  holds  the  trophy  which 
was  given  him  for  having  been  selected  "'Coach  of  the 

Ralph  Johns,  local  business  man,  presents  the  trophy 
emblematic  of  the  national  mvthical  football  champion- 
ship to  Dr.  F.  D.  Bluford,  as  William  "Bill"  Bell,  Di- 
rector of  .Athletics  looks  on. 

Ellis  Hall,  Senior,  is  presented  the  Sears  Scholarship 
by  R.  E.  Jones,  .State  .Agent,  .A.  and  T.  College  E.x- 
tension  Service.  Miss  Mabel  Powell  and  Mr.  Samuel  J. 
Whitaker  look  on. 


't*      \-      y.l 


The  top  pliutu  shows  some  lourteen  representatives  honi  A.  and  T.  Clolk'Se  who  attended  the  15th  Annual  Student 
Legislative  Assembly  in  Raleigh  this  fall.  Expert  riflemen  of  the  Infantry  R.O.T.C.  Rifle  Team  (middle  photo)  are 
coached  by  C'apt.  Harold  A.  Jenkins,  one  of  the  military  science  instructors.  They  made  an  excellent  record  this  year. 
The  lower  photo  shows  members  of  the  Kappa  Phi  Kappa  Debating  Society  of  the  college.  Coach  Roy  H.  Brown 
appears  in  center.  The  Debating  Societ\  is  contemplating  permanently  retiring  the  Tri-.Statc  League  Trophy  which 
it  has  won  for  two  consecutive  years  in  addition  to  two  major  debates  with  Howard  University  and  Hampton  Institute. 


THIS  m  THiT 

Right:      Could    it    be   that    these   students   are    thinking 
about  using  these  pups  for  biology  experiments? 

Right:  No!  This  isn't  just  another  congregation.  It's 
the  Aggie  spirit  that  every  student  has  especially  when 
we  defeat  our  rivals,  N.  C.  State. 


Left:     Crowning  the   King,   it's   a   good    thing   for   him 
that  it's  onlv  an  act. 

<f4ViJ(  BtnYnf 

Li-ft:     .Students,    are    there    any    questions?    Huh! 


»;.'     ^i      m,-.     m-       i«;^ 



Radio  and  Television 


C:abinct  Making 

Machine  Shop 



Numerical  Gvmnastics 

Burning  the  Midnight  Oil  .  .  .  That  hap- 
pened quite  often,  but  was  much  easier  when 
friends  would  get  together. 

Let's  ha\e  a  party ! 

It  takes  all  kinds  of  living  to  make  a  person 
.  .  .  but  it  only  took  two  kinds  after  9:00 
p.m.  in  new  girls"  dormitory  .  .  .  study  or 
talk  with  vour  friends. 

The  Ebony  Jokers  having  their  onnual  Chrbtmos  boll. 

Estfmoting  the  sifuotion  »  a  doily  totk  for  Hiesc  glomaur 


S^mtngly  it*!  on  oH-doy  for  fan 

Pnibobly  HiU  is  tfis  reown  why  Johany  doesn't  do  kit  liome-iroffc. 

Long  Dntonce!  calliiig  Tom,  Dick,  and  Horry,  Men's  Dormitory. 

Caught  in  the  act. 





l^K   ^MrJH 


^w"^  Tit 

■  1 

i^W.  ^mMi 


^^hf  '^^^Ul^m 


W  '-^^M 

He's  n  tTMibIc  again,  got  his  dotes  raized-ap. 

Rain  ot  snow  won't  stop  ttiij  couple  from  taking  their  afternoon  stroll 
on  the  campus. 

GJomoroos  Delores  Joggers  is  "Sitting  on  top  of  the  world." 

Giving  o  lesson  on  compusology. 

N  E  II II  It     I!  II N  T  K  It 

N.    C,   Snci<il  Sn. 


N.  C, 





Agkr,   Gloria  V.,  208  Buffalo  St.,  Shelby,  N.   C:.,  Commrma/  Ed. 

Band,  Sunday  School,  \'.\'V.C;.A.,  Bus.  Asst.  Senior  Counselor. 
Allen,  Willie  H.,  308  North  St..  High  Point,  N.  C,  .SV/W  Scu-nc, 

H/slnry,  Rappa  Alpha  Psi. 
Alston,  Bernice,    1122  Gill  St.,   Raleigh,  N.   C.,  Elemenlary  Ed., 

History.   Usher  Bd.  Y.W.C.A.,  Future  Teachers  of  America. 
Alston,  Marie  A.,  172  Fishburne  St.,  Charleston,  S.  C.,  Elfuientmy 

Ed.,  Hntuiy. 
Alston,  William  D.,  P.  O.  Box  12,  Littleton,  N.  C,  Ai^ncii/tiira/ 

Ed.   V.M.C.A.,   N.F.A.,   Agricultural   Assoc. 
A\tARo,  Josi'E  E.,  P.  O-  Box  215,  Guayama,  Puerto  Rico,  Physual 

Ed.,    Math.    Track    and    Field,    V.M.C.A.,    P.E.M.    Club,"   Tlu- 

Register,  Officers  Club,   International  Relations  Club, 
Anderson,  Asa  W.  Jr.,  3920  Germantown  Ave.,  Phila.  40,  Penna., 

Biolos,ical  Sciencf.  Kappa  Alpha  Psi,  Varsity  Tennis,  R.O.T.C:. 

Officers  Club. 
Anderson,  Bnhli\    L.  (tOl    Monroe  St.  Lynchburg,  \'a.,  Hus.  Adm. 

Omega  Psi  Phi. 
Ardrev,  Fred,  Rt.  9,  Box  657,   Charlotte, 

History,  Geographical  Society. 
Arrincton,  Albunyer  L.,  Rt.  2,  Box  254, 

Economit s.    ^'.W.C.A.    Agricultural   Assoc, 
Artis,  Rudolph  Douglas,  Rt.  357,  Box  175,  Fremont,  N.  C, 

cultural   Ed.,    Ai^roriomy.    Agricultural    Association,    N.F.A., 

Club,  Alpha  Phi  Alpha  Frat.,  Y.M.C.A. 
Askew,  Albert  A.,  Jr.,  P.  O.  Box  110,  WilUamston,  N.  C,  C/trm- 

istry.  Military  Science.   Cheering  Squad,   Alpha  Phi  Alpha  Frat.. 

Officers  Club,  French  Cllub,  Choir,  Y.M.C.A. 
Baker,  Albert  F.,  Rt.  2,  Box  K-6,  Rocky  Mount,  N.  C.,  Biological 

ScietKf,  Military  Science.  Y.M.C.A.,  School  Band,  Officers  Club, 

Kappa  .Mpha  Psi  F'rat. 
Banks.    Emmett    L.,    P.   O.    Box   93,   Cihatham,   \'a..   Physual  Ed., 

Military   Siinu-e.    Officers    Club,    P.E.M.    C:iub,    Sphinx    Pledge 

Club.  ' 
iUQ>%  Barber,   Jolui  IL,   Rt.  2.  Box  501,  Trenton,  N.   C:.,  Social  Studies, 

"^  History.     Football,     Soltball,     Baseball,     Basketball,     Phi     Beta 

Sigma  Frat. 
Barner,  John    \'.,    Rt.    1,   Lawndale,    N.    C:..   Agnciiltioe,   Military 

Scieiue,      /iialagical     Si  mice.      Agriculture     Association;      N.F.A. , 

Cresent  C^lub,  Officers  Club. 
Bass,    Roy   L.,    Rt.    5,   Box   5,   Oxford,    N.    C,    liwhgical  Science, 

Cliennslry,  Mathematics. 
Bass,    William    McDuffy.    343    Branch    St.,    Reidsville,    N.    C, 

Horticulture,   Agionomy.   Agricultural   Association,  N.F.A.,   Horti- 
culture Cllub. 
Bauldin,  Silas.  Rt.  3,  Box  16,  Maxlon.  N.  C.,  Radio  and   IV. 
Beattv,  John  S.,  Rt.  1.  Box  157,  Willard,  N.  C..  Einc  Ait,  Militaiy 

Science.  Art  Club  Register  Staff. 
Bishop,  Samuel  L.,  410  W.  37th  PI.,  Birmingham,  Ala..  Huuncss 

Administration.  Omega  Psi  Phi  Frat.,  Business  Association. 
Black,    Pcarline,    1506    Ashe   Street,    Greensboro,    N.    C.,    Home 

Blakelv,   William  H.,   105    Fulton   St.,   War 

.Sociology.     Sigma     Rho     Sigma,     Lcttcrmen's     CI 

Baseball,  Omega  Psi  Phi. 
Blanks,  John  A.,  Rt.  2,  Box  210,  Clarkton.  N.  C:. 

Phi  Beta  Sigma  Frat.  Ind.  Arts.  Association. 
Px^^^-^^V     Bonds,  Joel,   P.   O.   Box  65,  Shannon,   N.   C...    I'licatmnal  Indiistnal 

Ed.   Forthnightly   Club,   Crescent   Club,   .\uto   Mech.    CUub. 
Boone,  Will  J..   142  Roseboro,  N.  C.,  Social  Studies,  History.  Geo- 
graphic Society. 
Borders,  James   Edward,  Jr.,   338   Hudson   St.,   Shelby.   N.   C)., 

Social  Studies,   History.   Geographic  Society. 
BowDEN,  John  Moseley,  Jr..  P.  O.  Box  295,  Faison,  N,  C:..  Cahinet- 

BovD,  Cranston  W.,  427   Wicklow.  Pittsburgh   Pa.,  International 

Relations    Club,    Geographical    Club,    Sigma    Rho    Sigma. 
Brewinoton,   Charles   W.,    Rt.    4,   Box    124,    Mt.   Olive,    N.    C., 

Biological  Science,  Military  Science.  Basketball,  National  Society  of 

Scabbard  and  Blade;  Officers  Club. 
Brewington,  Elmer  L.,  Rt.  1,  Dudley,  N.  C.,  Business  .-{dminntia- 

tion.  Business  Association. 
Brodnax,  Martcena  E.,  407  Banks  St.  Greensboro,  N.  C.,  Com- 
mercial   Ed..     Registers    Staff,    Yearbook    Staff,     Association    of 

Business  Students,  Alpha  Kappa  Alpha  .Sorority. 
Brooks,  C^harles  L.,  921  Main  St..  Tampa  7,  Florida,  .Mat hematics, 

Military    Science.    R.O.T.C.    Band,    Alpha    Phi    Alpha    Frat., 

Ohio,    History, 
Hub,     Football, 

Indiistmil  Aits. 

Kappa  Phi  Kappa.  Debating  Society,  Yearbook  Staff,  Floridian 

Club,  Officers  C:hib. 
Brooks,    Laura   Belle,    Rt.    2.    Box    112-A,    Kernersville.    N.    C, 

Commercial   Ed.   Register's  Staff,   "^'earbook   Staff,   Association  of 

Business  Students,  Y.W.G.A. 
Brown,  Alonza  Cassie,  Rt.  1,  Box  162,  Roanoke  Rapids,  N.  C, 

Vocational   .■ioricullure.    Military  Science.    Agricultural   Association, 

N.F.A.,  R.O.T.C.  Club. 
Brown,  Geneva  Bland,  302  S.  \'irginia  Street,  Goldsboro,  N.  C, 

Fine    .-irts.    History.    Basketball-Cheering    Squad,    Alpha    Kappa 

.Alpha   Sorority,    Usher,   Art    Editor,   Register's  Staff,    Yearbook 

Brown,  Junius,  Seaboard,  N.  C,   Tailoring. 
Bryant,    Elizabeth    B.,   4200   S.    Vincennes   .\ve.,    Chicago,    III., 

Secretarial  Science,  Dramatic  CUub. 
BuiE,  Sampson,  Jr.,  Rt.  2,  Box  126,  Fairmont,  N.  C..  .igricultiiie. 

Military    Science.    Debating    Society,    Sunday    School,    Student 

Council,   President;   N.F.A.   Agricultural  Association. 
Bullard,    .Arthur    Edward,    1154   Duke   St.,    Waycross,    Georgia, 

Physical  Ed., History.  P.E.M.  Club. 
Burris,   Ho  Odessa,    Rt.    I,   Box   194-.A,   Kingston,   N.    C:.,  Social 

Studies,  English.  Richard  B.  Harrison  Players,  The  Shakespearean 

Club,  Sunday  School,  Y.W.C.A.,  Fornightly  Club. 
BuRSON,    Arthur    Paul,    812    Fairview    St.,    High    Point,    N.    C, 

Biological  Science,  Chemistry. 
Bush,   Odel,    Rt.    1,    Box    150,   Wintcrville,    N.    C,    Physical   Ed., 

Social  Science.  Y.M.C.A.,  P.E.NL  Cllub. 
Butler,    George    E.,    1022    West    Herah    St.,    Salisbury,    N.    C, 

Butler,   James    Luther,    1409    Fifth    St..    Lvnchburt^,    \'irginia, 

.Agriculture    Ed.,    I'otatiomil    .igitculture.    Agriculture    .Association, 

Butler,   Nathan,    539    Crow  St.,   Greensboro,    N.    C:.,    Mechanical 

Campbell,    Berlina,    Box    161-B    Lillin.^ton.    N.    C..   Social  Science, 

History.     .A.K..A.     Scjrority.    .Sigma     Phi    Sigina,     Geographical 

Cannadv,   Walter  Harold,   Eneas   Rural  Station,   Wilson,   N.    C;., 

Commeicial  Ed.    Business   Association,   Y.M.C.,A. 
Canty,  Willie  Marion,  329  Bower  St.,  Greenville,  S.  C.,    Pailnnng. 

Y.M.C.A.  Tailoring  Club. 
Carney,  Julius    Rcddiek,    Rt.    5.    Box    315,    Greenville,    N.    C, 

Agriculture  Ed.  .Agiiculture  Association. 
Cl.ARSON,    Vernon    McKinly,    1900    Pansy    St.,    Lynch Ijurg,    \'a., 

Biological     Science,      Military     Science.      Intramuial      Basketl>all. 

R.0!T.C.   Softball  Team,   R.O.T.C.   Officers  Club. 
Carter.  .Albert  Issac,  703  Patterson  A\e.,  Winston-Saletn,  N.  C., 

Business  .Administration. 
Carter,   Edward  .\shton,   Rt.   2,  Bridgeton,   New  Jersey,  Physical 

Ed.,    History.    Track    Team,    Kappa    Alpha    Psi,    Lettermen's 

Club,  Yearbook  Clommtttee,  P.E.M.  Club. 
Carter,  Luvenia  Carolyn,  P.  O.  Box  C,  Finchley,  Va.,  English, 

French.    Dance    Group.    Iota    Phi    Lambda.    Virginia    Club. 
Cheston,  Sterling  NL,  Rt.  2,  Box  274,  Trenton,  N.  C,   I'ncational 

Industrial  Ed.,    R.O.T.C).    Basketball  Team. 
Clark.   Clarence    L.,    Rt.    3,   Box   3-.A,   Ahoskie,   N.   C.   Cabinet- 
Clark.  Eniina  W,,  409  W.  Pantego  St.,  Belhaven,  N.  C,.  Home 

Economics,   .Agiiculture   .\ssociation,   4-H   Club. 
C;lemmons,   Samuel    Melvin.    Rt.    2,    Box    127.    Zebulon,    N.    C:., 

Automobile  Mechanic.  Y.M.CI..A. 
Clvburn,    Dan    .A.,    P.    O.    Box    184,    Lancaster,    S.    C.    Electric 

Coffey,  C;harles  E.,  492  Billingsley  Rd.,  Charlotte,  N.  C,  Labor 

and  Industnal  Relatuoi.  Military  Science.   R.O.T.C.  Officers  Club, 

Y.M.C.A.,  R.O.T.C:.  Softball  Teaml 
Coles,  Clarence  W.,  Soil  Science,  Chemistry.  Dramatics,  Internation- 
al Relations  Club,  Boxing.  R-gister  Staff,  .Ayantee  Staff,  Alpha 

Phi  .Alpha  Frat.,  Agricultural  .Association,  .Vmerican  Chemical 

C:oLES,  Zephyr  B.,  511  Bradley  Rd.,  Danville,  Va.,  Electric   Wiring. 
CoLiNS.  Burnett,  Armour,  N.  C.,   Voc.  .Agriculture,  Biological  Science. 

N.F.A.,  Agricultural  .Association,  Scroller's  Club. 
C;ooK,  Lonnie,   Rt.    1,  Box  208- A,  Leaksville,  N.   C,  Agiiculture, 

Biological  Science.   Yearbook  Staff,   N.F..A..   Agricultural   Assoc., 

Alpha  Phi  Alpha  Frat,.  4-H  Club,  Y.M.C.A. 
Coolidge,  Bolton,  Rt.  1.  Box  98,  Semora,  N.  C,  Radio.  Y.M.C.A. 

Cooper,  Joseph  L.,  19  Hastings  PI.,  Long  Island,  X.  Y.,  Vocational 

Industrial  Ed.,  Business. 
ClooPER,  Jessie  M.,  Rt.  1,  Box  106,  Como,  "S.C.^  Home  Economics. 

Home  Eckcr's  C'lub,  Agricultural  Association. 
CoPELAND,  Theodore,   1305  Linsay  St.,  Greensboro,  N.  C,  Auto- 

mobtU  Mechanic. 
Corbet,  Ella  G.,  Rt.  2,  Hillsboro,  X.  C,  Elementary  Ed.,  History. 

Geographic    Society,    Future    Teachers    of    America,    Baptist 

Student  Union. 
CoTTiNGHAM,  Charles,  106  Luther  St.,  Greensboro,  X'.  C,  Agron- 
omy^  Education.   AgricuUural   Association,   X'.F.A.,   4-H   Club. 
Council,  David  J.,  Rt.  2.  Box  43,  St.  Pauls,  X.  C,  Applied  Sociology, 

CovvPER,  Calvin  S.,  Rt.  1,  Box  29.  Como,  X.  C,  .Agricultural  Ed. 

X.F.A.  Agricultural  Association. 
Cox,  James  W.,  Rt.  5.  Box  319,  C:linton,  X.  C,  Chemistry,  Bio- 
logical Science.   American   Chemical  Societv,   R.O.T.C.  Officers 

Club,  V.M.C.A. 
Craft,    Marjorie,    310    Rome   St.,    Hartwell    Ga.,    Social  Science, 

History.  Choral  Society,  Usher  Board. 
Cr.a\vford,    Jerry,     14    Elm    Court,    Great    Barrin^ton.    Mass., 

Chemistry,    Military  SiieTice.    Register    Staff,    A-iANTEE    Staff.    Beta 

Kappa   Chi,   Alpha   Phi  Alpha  Fraternity,   Alpha   Kappa   Mu, 

Pan-Hellenic    Council,     R.O.T.Cl.    Officers    Club,    American 

C:hemistry  Society. 
C:r a wford,   Lacy  L. ,   61    U nion   Rd. ,   Gaslonia    X'.   C. ,   Business 

Administration.  Y.M.C.A.,  T.A.B.S. 
Curry,  George  T.,  P.  O.  Box  328,  C'hadbourn,  X'.  C;  Vocational 

Agriculture.  X.F.A.,  Agricultural  .\ssociation. 
Curry,  Ressie  Z.,  1214  Gill  St.,  Raleigh.  X.  C,  English,  History. 

Dramatic  Club,  Debating  Society,  Geographic  Society,  Senior 

Counselor,    Delta    Sigma   Theta   Sorority,    Shakcsperean    Club. 
Dabney,   Archie  \V.,    107   Mike  St.,   Leesburg,   Florida,   Physical 

Ed.,  History,  \arsiiv  Track,  Omega  Psi  Phi.  Lettermen's  Club, 

P.E.M.  Club. 
Daniels.  William  W'..  Rt.  1.  Box  182-B,  Warrenton.  X.  C,  Electric 

'D  ARC  AN,   Hazel    \'ivian,    1417    Gorrell   St.,   Greensboro,    X'.    C, 

Biological  Science,  Mathematics,  Chemistry. 
Darris,  Herbert  J.,  509  Live  Oak  St.,  Beaufort,  X.  C,  Biological 

Science,  Mathematics.  Choir,  Rhythm  \'ets,  V.M.C.A. 
D.AVTS,   Louise,   C.,    18   Morgan   St..    .\sheville,   N.    C,   Commercial 

Ed.,   Delta  Sigma  Theta  Sorority,   Business   Club. 
Davis,  \'ergus  J.,  402  Oak  St.,  Shelby.  X.  C,   Vocational  Industrial 

Ed.   Trade  leacher,    Intermediate   Band,    Masonry   Club,    \'o- 

cational   Industrial   Ed.   and   Industrial   Arts   Club. 
Dean,  Doris  G.,   1803  E.   Market  St.,  Greensboro,  X.   C,  Com- 
mercial Ed. 
Delo.\tch,  Rice  R.,   Rt.    1,  Box    73,  Jackson  X.  C,  Agriculture. 

Downing,  Seth  A.,   106  E.  Gale  St.,  Edenton,  X.  C.   Vocational 

Agriculture.  Agricultural  .-Association. 
Dr.'SiKE,  Gladys  G.,  414  Banks  St.,  Greensboro,  X.  C,  Commercial 

Ed.  Business  .Association, 

Dula,  Saul,  Rt.  7,  Box  21.  Lenair,  X.  C,  Physical  Ed.,  Social 
Science.  Track  Team  \arsitv.  Omega  Psi  Phi  Fraternity,  Physical 
Education  Club,  X.A.A.C.'P. 

Elliott,  Effie  J.,  314  Pine  St.,  Fayctteville,  X.  C,  Commercial 
Ed.  College  Ushei-s,  Choral  Society,  Business  Association, 
Pyramid  Club. 

Ellis,  Rex,  Rt.  1,  Box  312,  Whiteville,  X.  C,  Chemistry,  Mathe- 
matics. .\lpha  Kappa  Mu  Honor  Society,  Beta  Kappa  Chi 
Honor  Society,  .\merican  Chemical  Society. 

Edwards,  Alice  R.,  420-lOih  St.  X.  E.,  Washington,  D.  C, 
Tailoring.  Tailoring  Club. 

Edwards,  Essie  M.,  911  Jackson  St.,  Badin,  .X.  C,  Commercial 
Ed.  Business  Club,  Sunday  School. 

English,  Mamie  O.,  Box  13.  Tasker,  X.  C.,  Elementary  Ed.,  Physical 
Ed.  Intramural  Basketball,  P.E.M.  Club,  \'irginia  Club. 

Fair,  Preston,  1404  Baxter  St.,  Charlotte,  X.  C,  Biological  Science, 

Military    Science.     R.O.T.C.     Basketball     Team.     Intermediate 

Band,  V.M.C.V,  R.O.T.C.  Officers  Club. 
Farmer,  James  L.,   516  Bradley  St.,   Dan\ille,   \'a..   Business  .-id- 

Farrish.  John   F..    Rt.    3,   Box   5"6,    Roxboro,   X.    C,   Agriculture, 

Agricultural    .Association,    Alpha    Phi    .-\lpha   Fraternity. 

F.\rrow,  James  E..   Pantego,   X^,   C,   Eme  .irts.  History. 

Fennell,  Joseph  W.,  618  Campbell  St.,  Bainbridge,  Georgia, 
Chemistry,  Mathematics.  Boxing,  Track,  Glee  Club,  Choral 
Society,  .\lpha  Phi  .\lpha  Fraternity,  R.O.T.C.  Officers  Club. 

Ferguson,  Macey,  P.  O.  Box  31.  Wakulla,  X.  C,  History,  Social 
Science.  Geographic  Society. 

Foard,  .\dele  C,  1708  Kivett  Dr.,  Hi^h  Point,  X.  C,  Elementary 
Ed.,  History.  Dramatics. 

Fountain.  John  E..  331  E.  Hampton  St.,  Staunton.  \'a.,  Masonry. 
\*a.  Club.  R.O.T.C.  Drill  Team. 

Freeman,  Johnnie  .A..  Rt.  1,  Box  14"".  Tarboro,  X*.  C,  Biological 
Science,  Military  Science. 

Frink,  Abram,  Box  21,  Southport,  X.  C.,  Vocational  Industrial  Ed., 

Frye,  Ola  NL,  P.  O.  EUerbe.  X'.  C,  Commercial  Ed.  Dramatics. 
T..\.B.S.,  Fellowship  Council.  Sunday  School.  Y.W.C.V. 

FuLCHER.  Jean  L..  2425  Masi  St..  Xorfolk.  \'a.,  .Music,  History, 
Band,  Sunday  School,  \'a.  Club,  Y.W.C.A..  College  Usher, 
Baptist  Student  L'nion. 

Fuller,  Eula  J.,  Rt.  1,  Mebane.  X'.  C,  Tailoring,  Tailoring  Club. 

Gadson,  Rudolph.  Rt.  1,  Box  19,  Maysville,  X.  C,  Mathematics, 
General  Science,  .\lpha  Phi  .\lpha  Fraternity. 

G.\LLowAY,  Ralph  B.,  608  JuUan  St..  Greensboro,  X\  C,  Com- 
mercial Ed.,  T.A.B.S. 

Gavin,  WiUette  E.,  624  Poplar  St..  Goldsboro,  .X.  C,  Home 
Economics.  Senior  Counselor.  College  L'sher,  Y.W.C.A..  .Agri- 
cultural -Association,  .Alpha  Kappa  Alpha  Sorority. 

Ger.ald,  Hugene.  Rt.  2.  Box  63,  MuUins.  S.  C,  .Agricultuie, 

Gerringer,  Doris  J.,  212  Obermcycr  St.,  Greensboro,  X'.  C)., 
History,  French.  Band.  French  Club. 

Gibson,  Jack  H.,  1269  Marcy  St..  .Akron  I,  Ohio,  Physical  Ed., 
Military  Science.  Varsity  Football.  Track,  R.O.T.C.  Officers 
Club,  Letterman's  Club,  Sphinx  Club. 

Gilbert.  Harold  J..  328  Percy  St.,  Greensboro,  X.  C..  Business 

GooDE,  Lonnie  E.,  Rt.  1.  Box  64,  Margarettsville,  X.  C.  Agricul- 
ture, .Agricultural  .Association,  X.F..A. 

Goodlett,  Johnie  C,  137  Forest  St.,  Greer,  S.  C.,  General  .Science, 
History,  Chemistry.  Y.M.G..A..  Geographical  Societv,  Baptist 
Student  Union,  R.O.T.C.  Officers  Club. 

Gore,  .Atlee,  Star  Rt.  1,  Box  17.  Supply,  X.  C,  Vocational  Agri- 
culture, Science.  X.F.A.,  .Agricultural  Association. 

Grainger,  Felton  I.,  Chadburn.  X.  C.,  A^nruiture,  S-ien:e.  X.F..A. 
Agricultural  .Association,  R.O.T.C.  Officers  Club. 

Graham,  Georgia  M.,  P.  O.  Box  12^,  Fair  Bluff.  X.  C,  Commercial 
EA.    Business   .Association.   V.W.C.A.,    Ivy   Leaf  Club. 

Gr.ahame.  Katye  B.,  Rt.  2,  Box  24,  Raeford.  X.  C,  Home  Economics. 
Kappa  Phi  Kappa  Debating  Society.  Student  Council,  .Alpha 
Kappa  .Alpha  Sorority.  Who's  Who  in  .American  Colleges  and 
Universities,  1951. 

Graham,  W'inston  J.,  Box  48,  Proctorville.  X.  C,  Ch'mistry, 
Biological  Science.  Cresent  Club,  Student  Chapter  of  .American 
Chemical  Society. 

Graves,  William  \'..  227  Durham  St.,  Greesnboro.  X.  C.  Business 
Administration.  T.A.B.S.,  R.O.T.C.  Officers  Club. 

Greene,  Uril  L.,  Rt.  2,  Box  303  ,Trenton,  N.  C.  Animal  Hus- 
bandry. Agricultural  .Association,  N.F..A.,  R.O.T.C.  Officers 

Greenlee,  Joseph  W..  442  S.  French  Broad  .Ave.,  Asheville, 
X.  C,  Poultry  Husbandry,  .Animal  Husbandry.  .X  F..A.,  .Agricul- 
tural .Association. 

Guy,  Gwendolyn,  266  S.  Clinton  St.,  E.  Orange,  X.  J.,  Social 
Science,  English.  Alpha  Kappa  .Alpha  Sorority.  Junior  and 
Senior  Counselor. 

Haile.  John    M..    P.    O.    Box   334,    .Alachua.    Florida,    Biological 
Science,  Chemistry. 
>     Hall.  Ellis  M..  Rt.   1.  Box  219,  Orrum.  X.  C.  .Agriculture,  Bio- 
)^      logical  Science.   4-H   Club.   X.F.A.,    Phi   Beta  Sigma  Fraternity, 
^     Usher  Board,  .Agricultural  Association.  Y.M.C..A. 

H.\LL.  \'ance  E..  Rt.  1,  Box  3,  Cofield,  X.  C,  Chemistry,  Math^- 
matic.  R.O.T.C.  Officers  Club,  Y.M.C.A.,  Scabbard  and  Blade 

Hammonds,  James  C,  1406  Marion  Ave.,  HartsviUe,  S.  C,  .Ma- 
sonry. Y.M.C.A.,  Masonry  Club,  Sunday  School,  T..A.B.S. 

Harden,  Charles.  Rt.  1.  Staunton,  \'a..  Physical  Ed.,  History. 
Va.  Club.  Omega  Psi  Phi  Fraternity. 

Harding,  Dorothy  O.,  Pleasant  Hill,  X.  C,  Tailoring.  Y.W.C..A., 
Tailoring  Club. 

Hardrick,  James  B.,  "26  W.  39ih  St.,  Savannah.  Ga..  Industrial 
Arts,  Military  Science.  R.O.T.C.  Officers  Club,  Industrial  .Arts 

Harper,  Reva  M.,  529  Patton  Ave.  X.  W.,  Roanoke,  \'a..  Social 
Science,  Physical  Ed.  Usher  Board,  P.E.M.  Club,  Va.  Club, 
Register  Staff,  Choral  Club. 


^"i-^-^-!^  -.»'■-'' 

I   ! 

Harrell.  Pearl  E.,  Commercial  Ed.,  BusitifSi  Administration.  Regiitn 

Staff,  St-nior  Counselor.  Sunday  School,  V.W.C.A.,  T.A.B.S., 

Alpha  Kappa  Alpha  Sorority. 

Harrell.  Nancy  E.,  Murfreesboro,  N.  C,  Social  Scinice,  English- 

Harris.  John   H.,    303   Regan   St.,   Greensboro.   N.   C,   Busimss 

Admimstralion.  Register  Staff.  T.A.B.S. 
Harris,  Mary  L.,  Ill  Luther  St..  Greensboro,  N.  C,    Tailoring. 
Harris,    Melvin  L.,   Box  663.   Kimball.   W.   \'a.,   .\fusic,   Htstury. 

Harris.    Tucker    M..    Colored    Orphanage,    Oxford.    N.    C^..    In- 
dustrial Arts,  Mtlifary  Science.  R.O.T.C.  Officers  Cllub,  N'ocalional 
Ed.  Club. 
Harris.  Wirren  S..  2317  Oak  St.,  Portsmouth,  \'a..  Mathanalics. 

History.  Omega  Psi  Phi. 
Hart,  Theresa,  000  Benbow  Road,  Greensborn,  N.  C.,  Elenientaiy 

Ed.  Richard  B.  Harrison  Players. 
Hatch,  William  T..    1006  William  St.,   New  Bern.   N.   C.,   Fine 
Arts,  M Hilary  Science.  Art  C:iub,  R.O.T.C:.  Officers  Cllub,  Register 
Staff.  AvANTEE  StafT. 
Hawkins.  William  E..  P.  O.  Box  483,  Henderson,  N.  C:.,  Phyuca/ 
Ed.,   Military  Science.    R.O.T.C.   Basketball,    R.O.T.C;.   Officers 
Headen,   Corina,   701    N.   5th  Ave.,   Siler  City,   N.   C,   English, 
History.  Dramatics  Club,  Fortnightly  Club. 
ip        Hec:kstai,l,  Frederick  A.,  421   Middlesex  St..  Norfolk,  Va..  Social 
Q>  Science,     History.     Pan-Hellenic     Clouncil,     Geographic     Society, 

■4>       Phi  Beta  Sigma  Fraternity,  N'irginia  Cllub. 

Heilig,    Norman    R..    Box    517,    Kimball,    W.    Va.,    .Architectural 
English,    Mathematics,   Military  Science.    R.O.T.CI.   Officers   Club, 
Omega   Psi   Phi   Fraternity,   Scabbard   and   Blade. 
Henderson,  Leroy.  P.  O.  Box  244.   Manson,   N.   C.,  Commercial 

Ed.  Y.M.C.A.,  T.A.B.S. 
Hester,  James    O.,    215  Johnson    St..    Ruxboro,    N.    C:.,    Social 

Science,  Physical  Ed. 
Hicks,    Gladys   F.,    3533-lOth   St.    N.    W.,    Washington,    D.    C, 

Commercial  Ed.  Y.W.C.A.,  T.A.B.S.,   Baptist  Student   Union. 
Hill,   Leroy,   829   Gary's   St.,    Rocky    Mount,    N.    C..    I'ocational 
Agriculture,    Social    .Science.    College    Band,    N.F.A.,    Agricultural 
HiNNANT,  Rudolph  v.,  Rt.  313  Kenly,  N.  C.,  Mathematics,  Business. 
R.O.T.C.  Officers  Club,  Mathematics  Club,  Alpha  Phi  Alpha 
Holland,    .Mene    F.,    201    W.    Bradley    Ave,    C;ast(jnia,    N.    C., 

Tailoring.  Tailoring  CUub. 
Holman,    Guy,   Jr.,    Box    215,    Mocksville.    N.    C.,    Social   Srirnce, 

Sociology.  Intramural  Basketball. 
Holmes,    .Mfonger,    P.    O.    Box    181.    Batsburg,    S.    C.,    Agritulture. 

Agricultural  .Association,  N.F.A. 
Holmes,  Elbert  H.,   Rt.   3,  Box  202,  Ocala,  Florida,  Agiuulinral 

Ed.   N.F.A.   Organization,   .Agricultural   Association. 
Holmes,    Lurlla    \\,    611    Crow   St.,   Thomasville.    N.    C,   Home 
Economic \.    Dramatic    Club,    Pledgee,    Iota    Phi    Lambda,    Agri- 
cultural .\ssociation. 
Ho(jKER.  Ruth  Mae,  General  Delivery.  Sanford,  N.  CI.,  Elementary 

luL,  History.  Basketball. 
HosEV,  Samuel  J.,   98   Railroad   St.,   Wheatland,    Pa.,   Biological 
Scieru-e,    Chemistry.    C^horal    Society,    Male    Glee    Club,    Omega 
Psi  Phi  Fraternity. 
HoucH,  E.  Haskell,  2317  Booker  Ave.,  Charlotte.  N.  C:.,  Business 

Administration.  Business  Club. 
Howell,  Ernest  R.,  508  Booker  St..  CJoldsboro.  N.  C:.,  Pie-Med, 
English.   Intramural  Sports,  Omega  Psi  Phi  Fraternitv.  Officers 
Howell.   WilU-  Jean,    Rt.    2,    Box    163.   Taylorsville.   N.    C,   Ele- 
mentary  Ed.,    Histoiy.    Future   Teachers   of   America,    Y.W.CI.A. 
Geographical  Society. 
Hunt,     FrizcU,    Chatham.    \"a..    Social    Studies,     Military    Science. 

Officers  Club 
Hunt.  James  H.,   Rt.   2,  Box   135,  Macon,  N.   C.,   Electrical  Engi- 
neering, Mathematics.  Engineering  Association. 
Huntley,  Olivia  S.   Wadesboro,  N.   C,  Elementary  /://.,   History. 

Geographic  Society. 
Jackson,    Lionel   G.,    627    6th   St.,    West    Palm   Beach,    Florida, 
Physical  Ed.,  History.  Baseball,  Lettermen's  Club,  Florida  Club. 
Jacobs,  Vivian  W.,  967  Denhart  St.,  Norfolk,  \'a.,  Home  Economics. 

Y.W.Cl.A.,  Home  Ec.  Club,  Virginia  C:iub. 
James,  I3avid  Thomas,  Jr.,  Sneads  Ferry,  N.  C:..  Indu\ttial  .Arts. 
Industrial  Arts  .Association,  Scabbard  and  Blade,  Officers  CHub 
(ames,  Lucille  B.,  Box  57.  Sandy  Level,  Va.,  Elementary  Ed. 
Basketball,  Volleyball,  Soccer,  PM  Club,  French  CUub,'  Oo- 
graphic  Society. 

Jeffries,  James   F..    152   W.   Stokes  St.,   Danville.   Va.,    Business 

.Administration.   Business   Association,   N'irginia   CUub. 
Jeffries.  Nancy  J.,  808   Douglas  St.,  Greensboro,   N.   C,   Elem- 
rnenlary  Ed.,  History.  Geographic  Society. 

Johns,  Henry  W.,   30  \'inc  St.,   Watersbury.   C!onn.,   .Mechanical 

Engineering.  Engineering  .Association. 
Johnson,  Clordia  Mae.   1604  E.  Market  St.,  Greensboro,  N.  C, 

Elementary  Ed.,  History.  Delta  Sigma  Theta  Sorority. 
Johnson.  Ethel  Jorinda.  323  Buffalo  St.,  Shelby  .N.  C,  English, 
Erench.  French  CMub,  Y.W.C;..A..  Band,  C^ampus  Sunday  School, 
.Alpha  Kappa  Mu  Honor  Society,  .Alpha  Kappa  .Alpha  Sorority, 
Who's  Who  -51. 

Johnson,  Lawrence  L,  607  Style  St..  Reidsville,  N.  C.,  Music, 
Military  Science.  Officers  CUub,  Band.  R.O.T.C.  Band  Student 
Director,  Choir,  Rhythm  Vets  Orchestra,  Valent  CMub. 

Jones,  Charles  M.,  1100  Albemarle  Ave.,  Waynesboro.  Va., 
Physical  Ed.,  Social  Scierwe.  Varsity  Track,  Intramural  Sports, 
Omega  Psi  Phi  Fraternity,  X'irginia  Club,  P.E.M.  Club, 
Greensboro  Health  CUub. 

Jones.  Maude  K.,  201  Shepard  St.,  Elizabeth  City,  N.  C,  Home 
Economics.  Y.W.C.A.,  Home  Eckers  Club,  Agricultural  Associa- 

Jones,  Wendell  W.,  201  Shepard  St..  Elizabeth  City,  N.  C, 
Commercial  Ed.  Business  Club,  Omega  Psi  Phi. 

Jones,  Willie,  612  Lodge  St.,  Wilson.  N.  C,  Electrical  Engineering, 
Mathematics.  Engineering  .Association. 

Jones,  Winston  S.,  Rt.  Box  48  ,Waverly,  Va.,  Vocational  Agriculture. 
N.F,.A.,  A'.M.C.A..  .Agricultural  .Association. 

Jordan,  Herbert  E..  845  \'ance  St.,  Greensboro,  N.  C,  Radio, 

JoRDON,  Juanita  M..  Rt.  2,  Box  160,  Brown  Summit,  N.  C, 
Commercial  Ed.  T.A.B.S. 

JovNER,  \ernestene,  Rt.  1,  Box  15.  Franklin,  Va.,  Home  Economics. 
Women  Athletic  Association,  Student  Aid  Fund  Committee, 
Deha  Sigma  Theta  Sorority,  Who's  Who  1951. 

Keen,  William  C,  519  High  St.,  Thomasville,  N.  C,  Music, 
Physical  Ed.  College  Band. 

Kelly,  Amos  L..  315  Conell  St.,  East  Spencer,  N.  C:.,  Physical 
Ed.,  Military  Science.  Basketball,  Track,  Scabbard  and  lilade. 
Sphinx  Club. 

Kent,  Bertha  B..  1707  We:iver  St.,  Selma,  .Ala..  Commercial  Ed. 
T.A.B.S.,  Basketball. 

King,  James  E.,  Box  76,  Ruthrrfordton,  N.  C:.,  Business  Admin- 
isfiation.  Y.M.C.A.,  T.A.B.S,,  Fellowship  Council. 

King,  Juanita  B.,  710  Sevier  St,,  Greensboro,  N.  C,  Elem.-ntary 
Ed.,  History.  Dramatics. 

Knight,  Sylvia,  537  Whitten  .Ave,  Henderson,  N.  C,  Commercial 
Ed.  Y.W.C.A.,  T.A.B.S. 

Lambert.  Queenie  C.,  1435  Bolton  St.,  Norfolk,  Va.,  Elementary 
Ed.,  History.  Virginia  Club,  Usher  Board.  V.W.C.A..  -Alpha 
Kappa  -Alpha  Sorority.  F.T..A. 

Lancaster,  Frances  M.,  Box  66,  Farmville,  Va.,  Afusic,  History. 
Music  Club.  \"irginia  Club,  C^ollege  Band,  Choral  Society. 

Lassiter,  Grady,  Coficld,  N.  C,  .Machine  Shop  Practice. 

L.\ssiTER,  Leonard  V.,  Rt.  2,  Box  218,  .Ahoskie.  N.  C,  Business 
.Administration.  Library  Assistant. 

Lassiter,  Roscoe  L.,  Clofield,  N.  C:.,  .Automobile  Mechanics. 
Y.M.C.A.,  Scabbard  and  Blade.  Automobile  Mechanics  Club. 

Lee,  CUarence  B.,  Rt.  1,  Box  9,  Snow  Hill,  Ala.,  Electrical  Engi- 
neering,  Mathematics.   Senior  Band,    Engineering   Association. 

Lee,  Vernetta  L.,  2516  CUiapel  St,,  Norfolk,  Va.,  Music,  History. 
N'irginia  CMub,  Band. 

Legette,  David,  Rt.  3,  Box  148,  Mullins,  S.  C,  I'ocational  Agri- 
culture, Science. 

LeGrand.  Mathew  T.,  702  Sevier  St.,  Greensboro,  N.  C,  Chem- 
istry, Mathematics,  Military  Science.  R.O.T.C.  Officers  Club, 
CMiemistry  Society. 

Lennon,  Elizabeth,  Rt.  2,  Box  161,  Chadburn,  N.  C,  Commercial 
Ed.  T.A.B.S.,  Y.W.C.A.,  Sunday  School. 

Lennon,  Helen  C.,  Rt.  2,  Box  161,  Chadburn,  N.  C:.,  Commercial 
Ed.  Y.W.C.A.,  T.A.B.S. 

LeSueur,  Savannah  J.,  2601  E.  Market  St.,  Greensboro,  N.  C, 
Home  Economics. 

Lindsay,  Louis  .A.,  Rt.  1.  Box  155,  Wliitsctt,  N.  C,  English, 
Sociology.  Fortnightly  CUub. 

Little,  Robert  L.,  42  Doe  St.,  Greenville,  S.  C..  .Applied  Sociology, 
Military  Science.  Student  Council.  Student  Legislative  As- 
sembly, .Alpha  Phi  Alpha  Fraternity,  Scabbard  and  Blade, 
R.O.T.C.  Officers  CUub. 

Mac  Bae,  Kenneth  H.,  1209  Wright  St.,  Wilmington,  N.  C, 
Electrical  Engineering,  Mathematics.   Engineering  Association. 


Mahon.  Frank  C,  785  Home  St.,  Bronx  56.  X.  V.,  Physical  Ed., 

Social  Scitncr.  X'arsity  Basketball,  Kappa  Alpha  Psi  Fraternity, 

Lettermen"s  Club, 
Mallov.  Mar>-  H.,  P.  O.,  McCain,  N.  C,  P/iystcal  Ed.,  Biological 

Science.   V.W.C.A.,   Women  Athletic  .\ssociation.   Physical  Ed. 

Manlv.  Rachel  \'..  Rt.  3,  Box  77,  Ahoskie.  N.  C.  Home  Economics. 

V.\V.C..\.,  L'sher  Board,  Agricultural  Association. 
Marable,  Man.-  M.,  500  Boyd  St.,  Greensboro,  N.  C.  Commercial 

Ed.  Register  Staff. 
Mayo.  Charlie  E..  130  W.  Freemason  St..  Edenton,  X.  C.  Social 

Science,  Military  Science.  Scabbard  and  Blade. 
McCalllm.   Ernest,   Rt.    1.  Box   13,   Rowland.   Xorth   Carolina. 

.Mathematics.  Military  Science.   Mathematics  Club.  Scabbard  and 

Blade.  R.O.T.C.  Officers  Club. 
McC.ALLOLM,  James  M.,   1508  Fitch  St..  Winston-Salem,  X.  C, 

Industrial    Ed.,     Military    Science.     Omega     Psi     Phi     Fratemit\-, 

Industrial  Ed.  .\ssociation,  V.M.C..\. 
McDowell,      Letember.      Agronomy.      Plant      Physiology.      X.F.A., 

V.M.C.A..  4-H  Club,  .\gricultural  .\ssociation.  Kappa  Alpha 

Psi  Fraternity. 
McKee.  Roger.  1050  Armstrong  St..  Greensboro,  X.  C.  Business 

Adminstration.   Militan   Science.    R.O.T.C.  Officers  Club,   Letter- 
men's  Club,  Kappa  .\lpha  Psi  Fraternity. 
McKoY,  Clinton  L..  P.  O.  Box  386,  Red  Springs,  X.  C.  --1^'^'- 

culture.  X.F..\..  Agricultural  .\ssociation. 
McL.^NHORN.   Willie  B..   Rt.    1.  Box  297,  Grifton,  X.   C,   Home 

Economics.  Fellowship  Council 
McLe.a.v,  Jimmie  W.,  Rt.  2,  Box  !61,  Lillington.  X.  C,  History, 

Military  Science.  R.O.T.C.  Officers  Club. 
McLean.    Williard  J.,    P.    O.    Erwin.    X.    C'.,    Biological  Science^ 

Military  Science.  R.O.T.C.  Officers  Club. 
McNeill,   Dorothy   M.,    Rt.    3,   Box   290,    Red   Springs,   X.    C, 

Social   Science.    History.    Geographic   Society,    Y.W.C.A.,    .\ipha 

Kappa  -\lpha  Sorority. 
McPherson.  Owen  S.,  633  Pittman  .St.,  Waycross,  Ga..  Electrical 

Engineering,      Mathematics.      Dormiton."      Council,      Engineering 

.-\ssociation.  Omega  Psi  Phi  Fraternity. 
McIvER,   James    S.,    R.F.D.    343.    Sanford.    X.    C,    Agriculture. 

V.M.C..\.,  4-H  Club,  Agricultural  .\ssocialion. 
Meachem.  James,  2601  E.  Market  St.,  Greensboro,  X'.  C,  Business 

Meadows,  Helburn.  P.  O.  Box  88.  Creswell.  X.  C:..  Physical  Ed., 

Military  Science.   X'arsity   Football.   Baseball,    R.O.T.C.  Officers 

Club,  Lettermen's  Club. 
MiKELL,   Robert  A.,   428  Jefferson   .\ve..   Anderson,   S.   C,   .\fe- 

chamcal  Engineering,  Mathematics.  Engineering  .\ssociation. 
Miller,  John  ,\.,  1605  Pittsburgh  .\ve.,  Winston -Salem,  X.  C, 

Mitchell,   Beula  G..  302  Currie  St ,  FayetteWUe,  X.   C,  Com- 
mercial Ed.,  Business  Administration.  Register  Staff.  Sunday  School, 

T.A.B.S.,  Sigma  Gamma  Rho  Sorority. 

Mitchell.  Carolyn  .\.,  Chestnut  Hill  Rd.,  Wilton,  Conn.,  Sociology, 
History.  International  Relations  Club. 

Mitchell.  Millard,  Rt.  2.  Gar\sburg,  X.  C,  Mathematics,  Generaf 
Science.  Dramatics,  R.O.T.C.  Officers  Club,  Mathematics  Club. 

Moore,  Irene  G.,  Rt.  5,  Box  129,  ReidsviUe,  X.  C,  Physual  Ed., 
Social  Science. 

Moore.  Leacha  R..  Star  Rt..  Box  40.  Harrellsville,  X.  C,  Com- 
mercial Ed.  V.W.C..\.,  T.A.B.S. 

MoRGA.N,  Alfred  W.,  88  Park  .\ve..  Manasquan,  X.  J.,  Physical 
Ed.,  Military  Science.  Football,  Baseball,  Officers  Club,  Letter- 
men's  Club. 

Morgan,  Winford  L..  611  Spring  St..  Wilson.  X.  C,  Vocation 
Industrial  Ed.  Glee  Club.  Omega  Psi  Phi  Fraternitv.  Pan- 
Hellenic  Council. 

Moss,  Gloria  T.,  2601  E.  Market  St.,  Greensboro.  X.  C.  Com- 
mercial Ed.  Choral  Society',  Business  .\ssociation.  Delta  .Sigma 

Moss,  Thomas,  107  Brown  St.,  Thomasville,  X.  C,  Business 
Administration.   Senior  Band,   ,\ssociation  of  Business  Student. 

Mlllen.  Madison  P..  106  Lewis  St.,  Roanoke  Rapids.  X.  C. 
I'ocatwnal  Agriculture.  Kappa  Alpha  Psi  Fraternity,  .Agricultural 
Association.  X.F.A. 

NKtirs,  James  T.,  High  Point.  X'.  C,  .Masonry.  Sunday  School. 
.Automobile  Mechanics  Club.  Pyramid  Masonr)'  Club. 

Norman.  Ollie  B..  Box  1"'2.  Piseah  Forest,  X.  C,  Commercial  Ed- 
business  .Association.  L'sher  Board,  Y.W.C.A.,  Register  Staff, 
Delta  Sigma  Theta  Sorority. 

Olden,  Simon  J.,  2367  E.   15th  St.,  Brooklyn,  X.  V.,  Industrial 

.irts.  Education  and  .Military  Science.  Track,   I.E. .A.   .Association 
Officers'  Club. 

P.\CE,  Thomas  J..   Rt.    1.   Box  5.   Henry,   \'irginia.  Cahinetma!:ing. 
Patillo.    Cx)ra    .A..    403    Hall    St.,    Franklin.    \'a..    Physical   Ed., 

Biological    Science.     VV.A.A..     Physical    Ed.     C;lub,     Fellowship 

Council,  Who's  Who  in  .American  Colleges  and  Universities, 

Delta    Sigma    Theta    Sorority,    Y.W.C.A.,    Women's    Athletic 

Patterson,  John    W,    1304    Lindsay    St.,    Greensboro.    X.    C, 

Agriculture,  Science.  X.F.A.,  .Aericultural  Association,  4-H  Club. 
Payne,  Grafton  S..  202  Dyce  St..  Charlottes\ille,  X.  C,  Sociology, 

History.  Intramural  Basketball.  Geographic  Society. 
Pa\-ne.  Delbert  S.,  4914  Brown  St.,  Philadelpha.  Pa.,  Chemistry, 

Military   Science.  Football,  Track.    Officer's    Club,   Lettermen's 

Club.  ' 
Pearson,    Edith    %L,    Box    531.    .A.    and    T.    College,    Elementary 

Ed.,  Social  Science.   Basketball.   Softball.   Soccer,   French   Club, 

Geographic  Society,  Cheering  Squad. 
yjl^pENDERGRAFT.   Man."  M..   P.   O.   Box  662,   Chapel  Hill.   X.   C, 

Elementary    Ed.,    Physical    FJ.    Future    Teachers    of    America 


Perry,  Charles  F.,  19  Clay  .Ave..  Xorwich.  Clonn..  .Mechanical 
Engineering.  Engineering  .Association. 

Perry,  Larn  A.,  851  Camel  St..  Winston-Salem,  X.  C.  Social 
Science.  Physical  Ed.  W..A..A.,  P.E.M.  Club.  Geographic  Society. 
Pyramid  Club. 

Pellam,  John  E.,  Box  306.  Rich  Square.  X.  C.  Agriculture  Ed. 
Intramural  Sports.    .Agricultural   -Association,   Officers   Club. 

Phelps.  Flossie  S.,  216  Johnson  St..  Roxboro,  X.  C,  English, 
Secretarial  Science.  Switchboard  Operator,  Secreiar\-,  Ed.  De- 
partment, Secretan.-,  Agriculture  Department,  Secretary,  Dean 
of  W'omen. 

Phelps,  Matcha  O..  503  Bennett  -St..  Greensboro,  X.   C,  Com- 
mercial Ed. 
A^  Phillips,    .Ann   G..   903    Dillian    PL,    Reidsviile,    X.    C,   History, 
Social  Studies.  Choir.  Zeta  Phi  Beta  Pledgee. 

Porter,  Stanley  C.  5431  Westminster  Ave.,  Philadelpha.  Pa., 
Mathematics.  .Military  .Science.  Football.  Kappa  .Alpha  Psi, 
Scabbard  and  Blade.  Lettermen's  Club,  Officers'  Club.,  Joseph  M..  1446  Corcoray  St.,  X.  W.  Washington.  D.  C, 

Business  Administration.  Y.M.C.A.,  Business  .Association,  Sphinx 


(^  Powell.  Curtis  L.,  1207  Dawson  St.,  Wilmington,  X.  C,  Industrial 

^      Arts.  Phi  Beta  Sigma  Fraternity  Officers'  Club.  Choral  Socier>', 

^    Men's    Glee    Club,     Industrial    Ed.     .Association.     Dormiton,- 


Price,  Rosa  M..  406^2  X.  Gilmerst.  Greensboro.  X.  C,  Physical 
Ed.,  English.  Modern  Dance  Group,  Physical  Ed.  Major  and 
Minor  Club,  Women's  Athletic  .Association. 

Price.  Walter.  Rt.  1.  Box  26.  Littleton.  X.  C.  Agriculture,  Agri- 
culture Ed.  .Agricultural  Association.  X'.F.A.,  Y.NLC.A. 

Pl-tnam.  Barney  R..  \18^  2  Cherr>-  St.  .AsheviUe,  X.  C,  Social 
Studies,  English.  Kappa  Phi  Kappa  Debating  Society,  Sigma 
Rho  Sigma  Recognition  Society.  Alpha  Kappa  Mu  Honor 
Societ\'.  Geographical  .Society,  Fortnightly  Club.  International 
Relations  Club.  Officers'  Club,  Sphinx  Club. 

R.aines,  Joseph  A.,  Jr.,  2708  Old  Lexington  Rd.,  Winston-Salem, 
X.  C,  Business  Administration.  Business  .Association. 

R.AND.ALL,  Morris  W..  502  Benbow  Rd.,  Greensboro,  X.  C, 
Vocational  Industrial  Education. 

Reed,  Louis.  63"'5  Park  Ave..  \Varren.  Ohio,  Physical  Ed.,  Ele- 
mentary Ed.    Football.   Baseball.   Track.    Lettermen's   Club. 

Reid,  Robert  F..  P.  O.  Box  321,  Jefferson.  S.  C,  Vocational  .Agri- 
culture. X'.F.A.,  Agricultural  .Association. 

Revells,  Ernest  T.,  Rt.  2,  Box  44.  Selma.  X.  C,  Agriculture. 
X.F..A.,  .Agricultural  .Association,  4-H  Club,  Y.M.C.A. 

Rice.  William  H.,  Box  1952  X.  Main  St.,  Anderson,  S.  C,  Social 
Science,  History.  Geographic  Societ\'. 

Rice,  William  J.,  917  E.  9th  St.,  Winston-Salem.  X.  C,  Social 
Studies,  .Military  Science.  Spanish  Club.  Omega  Psi  Phi  Fratemit\', 
Y.M.C.A.  Officers  Club.  Scabbard  and  Blade. 

RiDDiCK,  Bennie  B.,  400  Maple  St..  .Ahoskie,  X.  C,  Vocational 
Agriculture,  Biological  Science.  Y.M.C.A.,  Officers'  Club,  Agricul- 
tural .Association. 

Rjch-ards,  Earlie  X.,  328  Pearl  St.,  Henderson,  X.  C,  Business 
Administration,  Military  Science.  Business  Association  Officers' 
Club,  Y.M.C.A. 

Richardson,  Amos  G..  Rt.  2.  Box  18",  Wadesboro,  X.  C,  Agri- 
cultural Ed.  .Agricultural  Association,  Y.M.C.A..  X'.F..A. 

Richardson,  Lester  H.,  Rt.  1.  Waxhaw.  X.  C,  Vocational  .-igri- 
culture.  Military  Science.  Lampados  Club.  Y  M.C.A.,  Agricultural 
Association  X.F..A. 


•  -■  .^■-^-  *.v  »■»• 

Richardson,  Norris  C,  1735  Rice  St.,  Hartsvillc.  S.  C  Vocational 

Imluilrial  Ed.,   Tailoring.  Tailor's  Club,  Campus  Sunday  School. 
RiDDicK,   Annie  T.,    Rt.   2,    Box   86,   Bclvidcrc,   N.    C,   English. 

Hriloiy.   Cheering  Squad,  V.\V.C..\.,  Shakesperian  Club. 
RiTTER,  Melvin  Mid.,  447  W.  Codorus  St.,  York,  Pa.,  .ieriiiiltiiral 

ErI.,  .Military  Safme.  Yearbook  Staff  (Editorl,  .Mpha  Phi  .\lpha 

Fraternitv,'  Pan-Hellenic    Council,    N.F..\.,    .Xsricultural    .As- 
sociation,'   Officers'    Club,    Who's    Who    .Xrnone    Students    in 

.\[nerican  Lfniversities  and  C^olleges  ( 1050-51 -52 K 
RoBtRTS,  C:oleman  Thomas,  Box  22,  Ellenboro,  N.  C.,  .igruilltiiral 

Ell.    Kappa    .Mpha    Psi    Fraternity,    .\i;riciilttiral    .Association. 

Sunday  .School,  Y.M.C.A.,  N.F.A. 
Robinson,  Aubrey  Mildred.  1635  Marion  St.  N.  VV.,  Washington, 

D.  C.,  Home  Economics,  Biological  .Scicncr.  Home  Economics  Club, 

.Agricultural  .Association. 
Robinson,  Evelyn,  871  F  .Avenue,  Hickory,  N.  C,,  Elrmnilary  E,l., 

Physical  Ed.  Y.   M.C..A.,4-H  Club,   Usher  Board,   Choir. 
Robinson,  Maurice  Matthew.  Rt.  1,  Box  156,  Lynch  Station  Va., 

.Agricultural  Ed.,  X'irginia  C:lub. 
Robinson.   Mildred  Blue,   812   Benhow    Ril  ,   Creensboro,   N.   C, 

Elementary  Ed.,  Physical  Ed.  Majorette,  Choir,  P.E.M.  Club. 
Roland,   Cicero  .Alexander,   P.   O.   Box    126,   .Aurora,   N.   C.,    I'o- 

cationat  .Agriculture. 
Rouse,  Mary  Lois,  Box  450  LaGrange,   N.   C.,  Home  Economics. 

.Agricultural  .Association  ,Y.W.C.A.,  Fellowship  Council. 
RuFFiN,  Waved,  Star  Rt.,  Windsor,  N.  C;.,  Physical  Ed.  Basketball, 

Baseball,  Individual  Sports,  Sphinx  Club. 
RussEl.L,  .Alfred  Earl.  P.  O.  Box  147.  Munson.  N.  C:.,  .Agricultural 

Ed.,  .Military  .Science.  Kappa  .Alpha  Psi.  .Agricultural  .Association, 

4-H  C:lub.  Pan-Hellenic  Coimcil,  .N.F.A..  ^'.M.C.A. 
Sampson,  Preston,  493  Cole  Street,  Greensboro,  N.  C.,  Conimeicial 

Ed.  Business  .Association. 
Sanders.  Fred  D.,  815  East  Market  St.,  Smithfiekl.  .N.  C.,  .Agri- 
culture. .Agricultural  Association. 
Sawyer,   Flossie   Katherine,    Rt.    2,    Box    114,    Edenton,   N.    C., 

Home  Economics.   .Agricultural   .Association.   I'ellowship   Council. 

.Sunday  .School. 
Scales,  Virginia  .Ann,  730  Harrison  St..  Reidsville,  N,  C,  .Music 

English.  Band,  Senior  Counselor,  .Alpha  Kappa  .Alpha  Sorority. 
Scott,    Eugene,    P.    O.    Box.    Clover,    \'a..    Physical    Ed.,    Histoiy. 

Intramural  Softball,  Y.M.C.A. 
Scott,  Mildred  .Joyce,  Rt.  2,  Fuquay  Springs,  N.  C,    lailoimg. 

Tailoring  Club. 
SniPMAN,  Roy  Lee,  P.  O.  Box  391,  Forest  City,  N.  C,  Mechanical 

Eng.    Y.M.C.A.,    Engineers'    Association,    Scabbard   and    Blade 

Fellowship  Council,  Officers'  Club. 
Simmons.  David  L.,  94-08  56th  .Ave.,  Elmhurst,  N.  Y..  .Agicmomy. 

4-H  Clliib,  .Agricultural  .Association.  N.F..\. 
Simmons,  Margaret  J.,  906  Julian  St.,  Greensboro,  N.  C,  .Social 

Science,  General  .Science.  Register  Staff. 
Simmons,  William  L.,  719  South  Main  St.,  Marion,  S.  C,  .Agn- 

cultmal  Ed.,  Science.  Y.M.C.A.,  N.F.A. 
Sinclair.   Thomas   Edward.  .Jr.,    Vocational   Ed.,    .Military  Science. 

N'irginia   CMub.    Industrial   Arts  Club.   R.O.T.C.   Club,  Track 

Skinner.  Clarence  Roosevelt,  Urail-Road  .Ave,  Hertford,  N.  C, 

Chemistry,    .Mathematics.    Sphinx    Club,    .Alpha    Phi    .Alpha    Fra- 
Slade,    James    Norfleet,    125    W.    Carteret   St.,    Etlenton,    N.    C:.. 

Biological  Science,  Chemistry.  A'.M.C.A.,  Simday  Scliool.  Student 

.Affiliate  Clhapter  of  .A.C.S..  College  Cliapel.   Received  .Alpha 

Phi  Alpha  Award  for  1949-50. 
Slade,  John   Daniel.   430    Church   St..    Williamslon.    N.    C.    Vo- 
cational Industrial  Ed.,  Mathematics.  .Automobile  Mechanics  Club. 
Small,  Rodger  Lee,  Rt.   4,  Box  209  Windsor,   N.   C:..  Industrial 

.Arts,    Military  Science.    Senior   Band.    Y.M.C.A.,   Track   Team, 

Lampoda  Ciub,  Industrial  .Arts  Club,  R.O.T.C.  Officers'  Club. 
Smart.  William  David,  84  Peak  Ave,  Milford,  Conn.,  .Mathematics, 

English.     Intramural     Sports,     Kappa     .Alpha     Psi     Fraternity, 

Smith,  Doiothy,  810  Thomas  St.,  .Albemarle,  N.  C,  Commercial 

Ed.  Y.W.C..A.,  Sunday  School  .Association  of  Business  Club. 
Smith,  Harrison,  115  Speed  St.,  Elizabeth  C:ity,  N.  C.,  Indiutiial 

.Arts  Ed.,  .Mechanical  Drawing.  Industrial  .Arts  Club. 
Smith,  James  Hilton,  421   Pollock  St.,  Beaufort,  N,  C,  I'ocational 

Industrial  Ed.,  .Military  .Science. 
Smith.  James   Wesley.    Box   231,    Dry   Fork,    Va.,   Social   Science, 

.Military  Science.   Sphinx   Club,   Y.M.C..A.,   Geographic   Society, 

Officers'  Club. 
Smith,  Robert  Paul,  A.  and  T.  College 
Smith,  Sara  Louise,  Kings  Mountain,  N,  C.,  English,  Social  .Science. 

.Alpha    Kappa    .Alpha    .Sorority,    Y.W.C.A.    Interracial    Club, 

English  .Association,  Dramatics,   Richard  B.  Harrison  Players, 

Fellowship  Council. 
Smith,  N'elma  L.,   P.  O.  Box  32,  Leechville,  N.  C,  Erench,  English 

French  Club,   English   Major  and   Minor  Club,   Internationa. 

Relations    Club,    Y.W.C..A.,    .Senior    Council,    .Alpha    Kappal 

-Alpha  .Sorority. 
Smith.  X'irginia  Morris.  Rt.  3,  Box  24,  Franklin,  Va.,  Mathematics, 

General  .Science.  Intramural  Basketball,  Choir.  Virginia  Club. 
Snell,  Ira,  Jr,,  1240  2nd  St.,  S.  E.,  Canton,  Ohio,  Social  .Science, 

.Military  .Science.  Football,  Lettermen's  C:lub,  R.O.T.C.  Officers' 

Club.  ■ 

Southerland,  .Arthur,  Jr.,  ()01  Forker,  Laurinburg,  N.  C, 
.Mechanical  Engineering,  .Mathematics.  C)ollege  Band,  Officers'  Club, 
Engineering  .Association. 

Spease,  Jacob  .A.,  1343 12  Underwood  -Ave.,  Winston-Salem, 
N.  C).,  Business  .Administration.  T.A.B..S. 

Springs,  Charles  W.,  815  W.  25th  St.,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C, 

Stephens,  Cornelius  S.,  2604  Wharton  St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Phy- 
sical Ed.,  Military  .Science.  Varsity  Football,  R.O.T.C!.  Officers' 
Club,  Lettermen's  Club,  P.E.M.  Club,  Who's  Who  (1950), 
Omega  Psi  Phi  Fraternity,  Scabbard  and  Blade. 

Stringfield,  Major  B.,  Rt.  1,  Willard,  N.  C,  I'ocational  Industrial 

■Sutton,  William,  .Armour,  N.  C.,  Vocational  .Agriculture,  Science. 
N.F..A.,  4-H  Club,   Y.M.C:..A.,   .Agricultural  .Association. 

T.\TE,  James  E.,  408  N.  Pugh  St.,  Lexington,  N.  C,  Radio,  .Military 
.Science.  \'arsity  Track,  R.O.T.C.  Officers'  Club,  Alpha  Phi 
.Alpha  Fraternity, 

Taylor,  Jerry  W.,  Rt.  2,  Box  56,  Pilot  Mountain,  N.  C,  In- 
dustrial  .Arts,    Military  .Science.    Y.M.C  .A.,    Industrial    Ed.    Club, 

Taylor,  Mary  F.,  Waverly  Va.,  .Sociology.  English.  Y.W.C.A,, 
N'irginia  Club. 

Taylor,  .Shepard.  Rt.  1.  Gresham,  .S.  C,  Vocational  Industrial  Ed.^ 
.Mechanical  Ihau'ing.  Industrial  Ed.  .Association.  Phi  Beta  .Sigma 

Thomas,  Franklin  M.,  Rt.  2,  East  Bend,  N.  C,  .Automobile  Me- 

Trent.  Leslie  W.,  P.  O.  Box  323,  Parksley.  Va.,  I'ocational  Industrial 
Ed.,  Military  .Science.  Virginia  Club,  .\utomobile  Mechanics 
Club,  Industrial  Arts  Club. 

TtiRNER,  Ralpli  S.,  427  Spooner  .Ave.,  Plainfield,  N.  J.,  .Mathe- 
matics, English.  Penn-Jersey  Club,  Engineering  Club,  Omega  Psi 
Phi  Frat. 

Vauls,  Wendell  R.,  127  Chester  .Ave.,  .Annapolis,  Md.,  Tailoring, 
Choral  Society. 

Vines,  Cleveland,  Rt.  2,  Farmville,  N.  C,  .Agricultural  Ed.  N.F.A., 
4-H  Club,  Y.M.C.A.,  Agricultural  .Association. 

Waddell.  Peggy  J.,  P.  O.  783,  Spindale,  N,  C,  English,  Mathe- 
matics. Clollege  Ciroir,  Y.W.C.A.,  College  Ushers,  Shakespearian 
Club,  Delta  .Sigma  Theta  .Sorority. 

Walker,  Leasie  M.,  149  C  St..  Lake  Wales,  Fla.,  Commercial  Ed. 
Debating  .Society,  .Senior  Counselor,  T..A.B..S.,  Delta  Sigma 
Theta  .Sorority. 

Walker.  Lula  L.,  Box  55,  Ruffin,  N.  C.,  English,  History. 

Wallace,  Evelyn  O.,  Rt.  2,  Box  231,  Williamsburg,  Va.,  Com- 
mercial Ed.  T.A.B.S.,  Virginia  Club,  Y.W.C.A.,  Fellowship 

Ward,  Howard  L.,  1625  N.  Trade  St.,  Winston-Salem  5,  N.  C, 
I'ocational  Industrial  Ed.,  .Automobile  Mechanics.  Register  Staff, 
.Ay'Antee  .Staff,  Industrial  .Arts  Club,  .Automobile  Mechanics 
Association.  /Mpha  Piii  .Alpha  Fraterniey. 

Ward,  Zenie  J.,  P.  O.  B^x  227,  M^ysville,  N.  C,  Butiivss  A 1- 
mintstration.  T.A.B..S. 

Warren,  CUne  J.,  Box  371,  Rt.  1,  Belew  Clreck,  N.  C,  .Agricultural 
Economics.   4-H   Club,   .Agricultural   .Association. 

Washington,  Leroy  T.,  125  W.  Lincoln  St.,  Carlisle,  Pa.,  Physical 
Ed.,  Military  Science.  \'arsity  Football,  R.O.T.C  Ofticer.s'  Club, 
Lettermens'  Club. 

Watson,  .Alexander,  .Music.  IIi\loiy.  Band,  Rhytlim  \'ets.  Kappa 
.Alpha  Psi  Fraternity. 

Watson,  Patricia  L.,  408  Leonard  St.  High,  Point,  N.  C,  English, 
Sociology.  Dramatic  C:hit>,  Shakespeaiian  Club,  Delta  Sigma 
Theta  Sorority. 

Watson,  \'ernell,   .Music,   Ilistury.   Band,  Orchestra. 

Watson,  William  J.,  Box  133,  State  I'caehers  College,  Fayetteville, 
N.  C,  Industrial  .Arts.  Industrial  Ed.  .Association,  Y.M.C.A., 
Lampodas  Club. 

Watts.  .Ann,  446  Byrd  .St.,  Greenwood,  .S.  C,  Cornmerciat  Ed. 
Register  Staff,  T.A.B.S.,  Delta  Sigma  Theta  Sorority. 




Webber,  Eugene,  313  Jcnning  St.,  Shelby,  N.  C,  Vocaltonal  In- 
dustrial Ed.  Industrial  Ed.  Association,  r^Iasonry  Club. 

White,  Eugene,  2834  LaSallc  St.,  New  Orleans,  La.,  Architectural 
Engineerings  Mathematics,  General  Science.  Engineering  Association, 
Omega  Psi  Phi. 

Whitehurst,  Nathan.  3205  McKinlcy  Ave.  S.,  Norfolk  6,  Va., 
Tailoring.  \'irginia  Club,  Tailoring  Club,  R.O.T.C.  Officers' 
Club,  Veterans  Association. 

Whitfield,  Fred  W.,  P.  O.  Box  274.  Farmville,  N.  C,  Vocalionnl 
AgricuUuTc,    Music.    Band,    N.F.A..    Agricultural    Association. 

Whitley,  George,  811  Respass  St.,  Washington,  N.  C.,  Music, 
History.  Band. 

Wicks,  Anthony  B..  4051  Spring  Garden  St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa., 
Biological  Science,  Chewntry.  Track. 

WiLKiNs,  Raymond  C,  1205  Wallace  Street,  Winston-Salem, 
N.  C,  Tailoring. 

Williams,  Dorris  Agnes,  Box  283,  Welcome,  Maryland,  Biological 

Williams,  Dorris  Agnes,  Box  283,  Welcome,  Maryland,  Biological 
Science,  History.  Y.W.C.A.,  Newman  Club. 

Williams,  Henry  Plummer,  715  Prospect  -Ave.,  Bronx,  N.  ^'.j 
Biological  Science,  Chemistry.  American  Chemical  Society. 

Williams,  Charles  Pershing,  Ellenboro,  N.  C,  Physical  Education, 
Hnlory    Intramural  Basketball. 

Williamson,  Fleming  Theodore,  A.  and  T.  CloUege,  Hnlory, 
Social  Science. 

Wilson,  James  J.,  Box  258,  Magnolia,  N.  C.,  Vocational  Agriculture, 
Biological  Science.  Intramural  Sports,  ^".M.C.A.,  N.F.A.,  Agri- 
cultural Association. 

Wilson,  Seawell,  C,  Rt.  4,  Box  65,  Burlington,  N.  C,  Cabinet- 
Ala  king. 

Wilson,  Willie  G.,  Rt.  2,  Lawndale,  N.  C,  Tailoring,  Military 
Science.  R.O.T.C..  Officers  Club,  National  Society  of  Scabboard 
and  Blade,  V.M.C.A. 

Winn,  Sterling,  717  10th  St.  S.  £.,  C^anton,  Ohio,  Social  Science, 
History.  Football,  Lettermen's  Club. 

Wood,  Pearl  Celestinc,  Rt.  1,  Box  93,  Conway,  N.  C).,  Elementary 
Education,  History. 

WooDARD,  Beatrice,  M.,  517  N.  W.  8th  St.,  Gainesville,  Florida, 
Physical  Ed.,  English.  Modern  Dance  Group,  Physical  Ed., 
Majors  and  Minors  Club,  Delta  Sigma  Theta  Sorority,  Women's 
Athletic  Association,  Floridian  Club, 

WooTEN,   Bryant,   Rt.    1,   Box   54,    Macclesfield,   N.    C,   History, 
Social    Science.     Intramural     Basketball,     Geographic     Society, 
International    Relations    Club,    Sigma    Rho   Sigma    Honorary 
WooTEN,  Deliah  Y.,  Star  Rt.,  Box  12-A,  Maysville,  N.  C,  Com- 
mercial Ed.  Miss  A.  and  T.,  Fellowship  Council,  Student  Coun- 
cil, Business  Club,  Iota  Phi  Lambda  Sorority,  Senior  Council. 
Word,   Arthur  B,,   407   Nowlin  Street,   Roxboro,   N.   C,   Business 
Administration,    Mili/aiy    Science.    The    Association    of    Business, 
R.O.T.C.   Officers  Club,   Alpha   Phi  .Alpha  Fraternity.  Register 
Staff,   AvANTEE  Staff,   Student   Representative  on   the  Lycem 
Committee  for  the  College. 
Wright,  Daniel  M.,  03  Congress  St.,  Charleston,  S.  C).,  Electrical 
Engineering,  Mathematics.  Engineering  Association. 

Wright,  William  H.,  2101  Miller  .Ave,  Richmond,  Va..  Agri- 
culture,   Biological    Science.    School    Band,    Scabbard    and    Blade, 

Virginia  Club,  Agricultural  .Association. 
/^    Blount,  Linwood  Dallas,  1106  Moreland  Ave.,  Durham,  N.  C. 
^       Biological    Science,    History,    Military    Science.    R.O.T.C.    Officers 

Club,    National    Society    of   Scabbard    and    Blade,    Geographic 

Society,    Sigma    Rho    Sigma    Honorary    Society,    International 

Relations  Club,  Phi  Beta  Sigma  Fraternity. 
DoLPHUs,   Sarah   Adelaide,   2210   Celia   .Ave.,   Charlotte,    N.    C, 
^  English,   History.   English   Club  Organization. 

^^DuREN,   Obie  W.,    143  W.   McCuUoch  St.,   Greensboro,   N.    C.. 

Vocational  Industrial  Ed.  Automotive  .Association,  Phi  Beta  Sigma. 
Edwards,   Elnora  P..  Rt.   3,  Box  224,  Snow  Hill,  N.  C,  Dress- 

maknifi.  Home  Ecker  Club,  \'.W.C)..A.,  .\gricultural  /\ssociation. 
Etheridge.    Vertie   M.,    Gen.    Del..    Murfreesboro,    N.    C,   Social 

Studies,    History.    Pep    Squad,    Geographic    Society,    Iota    Phi 

Lambda  Sorority,   Pan-Hellenic  Council. 
Foster,   Bobbie    }..   823    Moore   St.,    ReidsviUe,    N.    C,    English, 

History.  V.W.C.A. 
Gadson,  Rudolph,   Rt.   1.  Box  24,  Maysville,  N.   C,   Mathematics, 

General    Science.    Register    Staff,    Alpha     Phi    .Alpha    Fraternity, 

Geographic  Society. 
Haile,  John  M.,  P.  O.  Box  334,  Alachua,  Fla.,  Biological  Science, 

Chemistry.   Alpha   Kappa   Mu,   American   Chemical   Society. 

Hammonds.  James  C,  1406  Marion  .Ave.,  Hartsville.  S.  C, 
Vocational  Indtistnal  Ed.  Business  Administration  Club,  Y.M.C.A., 
Masonry  Club. 

Kearney,  Mattie  B..  Rt.  2,  Box  42,  Macon,  N.  C,  Di'ssmaking. 
Home  Eckers. 

Lee,  Clarence  B.,  Rt.  1,  Box  9,  Snow  Hill,  .Alabama.  Electrical 
Engineering,  Mathematics.  Senior  Band,  Engineering  Association, 

LiNNEY,  Chauncey  A.,  Rt.  1,  Box  51,  Hiddenite,  N.  C,  Business 
Administration,    Machine    Shop    Practice.    Association    of   Business. 

Mills,  Robert  E.,  Rt.  3,  High  Point,  N.  C,  Mathematics,  History. 

R.O.T.C.  Club,  Scabbard  and  Blade,  Y.M.C.A, 
Moffitt,  Jacqueline  Ethelda,  611   Law  St.,  Greensboro.  N.  C, 

Physical   Education,   English.    Modern   Dance,   Basketabll   Team, 

W.A.A,,    Ivy    Leaf  Pledge    Club,    Physical    Education    Majors 

and  Minors  CUub. 

Moore,  Florence  L.,  5931  Summer  St..  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Com- 
mercial Ed.  Business  Club,  Senior  Clounselor,  Delta  Sigma  Theta 
Sorority,  Usher  Club,  Y.W.C.A.,  Pan-Hellenic  Council,  Who's 


S.   c 

Rice,   William   Harold,   Box    1953   N.    Mail 
.Social  Science,  History.  Geographic  Society. 

Slade,  James  N.,  125  W.  Carteret  St.,  Edenton,  N.  C,  Biological 
Science,  Chemistry.  Sunday  School,  College  Chapel.  Student 
.\ffiliate  Chapter  of  .American  Chemistry  Society.  Alpha  Kappa 
Mu  Honor  Society. 

Williams,  Minnie  B..  Rt.  1.  Box  274.  Snow  Hill,  N.  C.,  Ihess- 
making.  Home  Eckers  Club,  Agricultural  .Association,  \'.W.C.A,, 
College  Usher. 

Nines,  Otis  B.,  602  \'ance  St.,  Greenville,  N.  C,  Business  Ad- 
ministration, Military  Science.  Officers  Club,  Y.M.C.A.,  Business 






RALEIGH,     N.    C. 




