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Full text of "Bat survey along the Norris-Madison Junction Road corridor, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, 1999"

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Bat  Survey  Along  the 

Norris-Madison  Junction 

Road  Corridor* 

Yellowstone  National  Park, 

Wyoming,  1999 

A  Report  to: 

National  Park  Service 

P.O.  Box  168 

Yellowstone  National  Park,  Wyoming  82190 

Submitted  by: 
Paul  Hendricks 

May,  2000 

/  YrT~         MONTANA 

\y%    Natural  Heritage 

^ub Program 

Montana  State  Library 

3  0864  1004  3985  3 

CcW     * 




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2000  Montana  Natural  Heritage  Program 

This  document  should  be  cited  as  follows: 

Hendricks.  P.  2UU0.Bat  survey  along  the  Noms-Madison  Junction  Road  corridor.  Yellowstone  National  Park. 
Wyoming.  1999.  Montana  Natural  Heritage  Program    Helena.  MT.   15  pp. 


An  assessment  of  bat  presence  was  conducted  along  the  Norris-Madison  Junction  Road 
corridor  in  Yellowstone  National  Park,  Wyoming  during  20-25  September  1999    Twenty-three 
sites  were  monitored  for  bat  activity,  21  sites  were  monitored  overnight  with  electronic  bat 
detectors,  and  two  sites  were  mist-netted  for  2.0-2.5  hr  after  sunset.  Five  bridges  (including  one 
just  outside  of  the  primary  road  corridor  study  area)  were  inspected  for  evidence  of  use  by  bats 
(droppings  or  roosting  individuals),  and  one  additional  elevated  wooden  road  structure  spanning 
the  outflow  at  a  thermal  feature  was  inspected  for  similar  bat  spoor    One  undeveloped  thermal 
area  uas  checked  for  bat  spoor  around  boulders  because  the  area  is  a  known  maternity  site  by  an 
unidentified  bat  species 

Bats  were  recorded  at  17  of  21  sites  monitored  with  bat  detectors,  equipment  malfunction 
occurred  at  one  site    Species  tentatively  identified  included  Western  Long-eared  Myotis  (Myotis 
evotis)  at  3  sites.  Big  Brown  Bat  (Eptesicusfuscus)  at  3  sites,  and  Silver-haired  Bat 
(Lasionycteris  noctivagans)  at  5  sites    Unknown  bat  species  were  recorded  at  1 1  sites, 
unidentified  Myotis  at  10  sites,  and  indistinguishable  Big  Brown/Silver-haired  bat  at  1 1  sites. 
The  amount  of  bat  activity  (number  of  recorded  passes)  was  relatively  low  at  the  majority  of  sites 
where  bats  were  detected,  ranging  from  1-40  passes    Twelve  or  fewer  passes  were  recorded  at 
1 2  of  1 7  sites.  20  or  more  passes  were  recorded  at  the  remaining  5  sites  where  bats  were 

Two  species  of  unidentified  bats  (one  Myotis  and  one  larger  species)  were  observed 
foraging  at  crown  level  among  lodgepole  pines  at  the  Norris  Campground  (B  Loop  and  entrance 
area)  between  19  40-21  15  MDT    A  few  bats  were  observed  at  the  two  mist-netting  sites,  but 
only  one  bat  was  captured,  a  male  Little  Brown  Myotis  (A/,  lucifugus)  along  the  Gibbon  Ri\ci 
below  the  Tuff  Cliffs  picnic  area    Bats  observed  at  the  second  netting  site  (a  small  pond)  were 
either  Big  Brown  or  Silver-haired  bats 

Three  of  six  bridges  or  bridge-like  structures  had  evidence  of  bat  use    Three  of  four 
bridges  with  steel  beams  and  concrete  or  stone  pilings  had  concentrations  of  bat  droppings  on 
their  undersides    The  wooden  structure  at  Beryl  Springs  and  the  concrete  bridge  spanning  the 
Gibbon  River  at  Madison  Junction  are  probably  used  little  if  at  all  as  a  roost  site  by  bats. 


This  project  was  conceived  and  promoted  by  Roy  Renken  (Yellowstone  National 
Park)  to  supplement  the  scant  information  on  bats  in  the  park,  especially  along  the  highway 
corridors.    Roy  supported  the  current  effort  in  all  aspects,  and  his  interest,  foresight  and 
enthusiasm  are  greatly  appreciated.  Thanks  also  to  Roy  Renken  and  Bob  Proctor  (Royal  Society 
for  the  Protection  of  Birds;  Nethybridge,  Scotland)  for  participating  in  the  most  productive 
evening  of  mist-netting  bats    The  study  presented  in  this  report  was  conducted  under  Research 
Authorization  Permit  Number  5024. 


Little  information  is  currently  available  on  the  bats  inhabiting  Yellowstone  National  Park 
(YNP)    The  most  recent  comprehensive  account  of  the  mammals  of  Wyoming  (Clark  and 
Stromberg  1987)  provides  records  of  only  three  bat  species  in  the  park  Western  Long-eared 
Myotis  {Myotis  evotis),  Little  Brown  Myotis  (Myotis  lucifugus),  and  Townsend's  Big-eared  Bat 
(( 'orynorhinus  townsendii)    Six  additional  species  were  predicted  to  occur  in  YNP    To  date,  at 
least  one  of  these,  the  Silver-haired  Bat  {Lasionycteris  noctivagatis),  has  now  been  confirmed 
with  specimen  documentation  (R  Renken  personal  communication) 

In  the  last  five  years  at  least  two  investigations  of  bats  have  occurred  within  limited  areas 
of  YNP    Bogan  and  Geluso  (1999)  studied  summer  roosts  (especially  maternity  roosts)  of  bats  in 
human-made  structures  at  several  sites    Little  Brown  Myotis  was  the  only  bat  species  thev 
documented  in  YNP  during  their  study    An  inventory  of  bat  use  of  the  Mammoth-Norris  Grand 
Loop  road  corridor  by  Martinez  ( 1999),  using  electronic  bat  detectors  and  mist-nets,  reported  six 
bat  species  including  Fringed  Myotis  (A/,  thysanodes),  Big  Brown  Bat  (Eptesicus  fuscus),  and 
Hoary  Bat  (Lasiurus  cinereus )    With  the  exception  of  Townsend's  Big-eared  Bat,  none  of  these 
species  were  captured  or  identified  visually,  so  species  identifications  should  be  considered 
tentative  (see  Study  Area  and  Methods  for  a  discussion  of  using  bat  vocalizations  for  species 

As  pan  of  a  prelimmarv  inventory  and  assessment  of  bat  distribution  in  YNP  the  survey 
reported  here  compliments  previous  inventory  efforts    In  the  current  survey  the  focus  of  the 
inventory  was  the  section  of  highway  and  adjacent  landscape  between  Norris  and  Madison 
Junction  in  the  northwest  portion  of  the  park,  a  continuation  to  the  south  of  the  previous  road 
corridor  survey  of  Martinez  (1999)    Primary  objectives  were  to  identify  areas  of  bat  activitv  and 
provide  species  determinations  where  possible 


The  portion  of  highway  in  YNP  covered  by  the  bat  survey  reported  here  (Norris  to 
Madison  Junction,  see  Fig   1-4)  falls  within  the  Yellowstone  Volcanic  Plateau  of  the 
Yellowstone  Highlands  Section  (Nesser  et  al   1997),  and  is  characterized  by  a  cold  continental 
climate  with  warm  dry  summers  and  cold  dry  winters    There  are  a  number  of  thermal  features  in 
the  area,  adding  to  the  diversity  of  habitats  dominated  by  extensive  stands  of  conifers    Sites 
Mirveved  during  the  inventory  ranged  in  elevation  from  6800-7600  ft  (2073-23  16  m)    Most  sites 
were  in  terrain  dominated  by  lodgepole  pine  [Pinus  contorta) 

Fieldwork  was  conducted  from  20-25  September  1999    Overnight  low  ambient 
temperatures  were  measured  with  a  Taylor  maximum-minimum  thermometer    Daily  minimum 
temperatures  ranged  from  26°F  on  21  and  22  September  to  39°F  on  24  September    Dailv 
temperature  maxima  were  about  65-75°F 

Bat  detectors  (AN  \B  \  I  II.  Titley  Electronics.  Ballina.  Australia)  or  mist  nets  were 
deployed  near  water,  cliffs  or  other  outcrops,  open  corridors  in  forest,  forest-meadow  edges,  and 
bridges  where  bats  might  be  likely  to  forage    Multiple  survey  techniques  are  recommended  for 
more  complete  and  accurate  inventory  (O'Farrell  and  Gannon  1999)    Detector  units  (consisting 
of  an  ultrasound  detector,  timer  tape-driver,  and  a  voice-activated  cassette  tape  recorder)  were  set 

Figure  1.  Sites  1-7  along  the  Norris-Madison  Junction  Road  corridor,  Yellowstone  National 
Park,  surveyed  for  bats  in  September  1999.  Base  Map  from  USGS  7.5'  topographic  quadrangle 
"Norris  Junction,  Wyoming"  1986  Provisional  Edition 

Figure  2.  Sites  8-12  along  the  Norris-Madison  Junction  Road  corridor,  Yellowstone  National 
Park,  surveyed  for  bats  in  September  1999    B1-B3  are  bridges  inspected  for  bat  sign.  The  "X" 
is  the  site  in  the  Geyser  Springs  Group  of  the  Gibbon  Geyser  Basin  where  bat  sign  was  found. 
Base  Map  from  USGS  7.5'  topographic  quadrangle  "Norris  Junction,  Wyoming"  1986 
Provisional  Edition. 

Figure  3.  Sites  13-16  along  the  Norns-Madison  Junction  Road  corridor,  Yellowstone  National 
Park,  surveyed  for  bats  in  September  1999.  Base  Map  from  USGS  7.5'  topographic  quadrangle 
"Madison  Junction,  Wyoming"  1986  Provisional  Edition. 

Figure  4.  Sites  17-23  along  the  Norris-Madison  Junction  Road  corridor,  Yellowstone  National 
Park,  surveyed  for  bats  in  September  1999.  B4  is  a  bridge  inspected  for  bat  sign.  Base  Map 
from  USGS  7.5'  topographic  quadrangle  "Madison  Junction,  Wyoming"  1986  Provisional 

v  %    i 
1.  .°- 

■5  i 

before  dusk  facing  over  water  bodies  or  meadows,  out  over  cliff  faces,  under  or  near  bridges,  or 
down  forest  corridors  and  left  in  place  overnight.  An  attempt  was  made  to  set  out  four  or  five 
detector  units  each  night.  Recorded  calls  were  analyzed  on  an  IBM  compatible  PC  using 
ANABAT  II  zero-crossings  analysis  interface  module  (ZCAIM)  and  software. 

Assignment  of  vocalizations  to  a  particular  species  of  bat  was  achieved  by  matching 
time-frequency  structure  of  field  recordings  with  a  reference  set  of  calls  obtained  from  captured 
individuals  and  published  descriptions  of  vocalizations  (e.g.,  Fenton  et  al.  1983,  O'Farrell  1997). 
However,  bat  species  can  show  significant  variation  in  call  structure  (Betts  1998,  Barclay  1999), 
and  we  did  not  actively  track  and  record  flying  bats  (O'Farrell  et  al.  1999)  to  maximize  quality 
and  quantity  of  diagnostic  sequences.  Furthermore,  some  units  recorded  bats  flying  near 
potential  roosts,  such  as  cliffs  or  bridge  structures.  Roost-exit  calls  and  calls  in  high 
environmental  clutter  tend  to  be  fragmentary,  lacking  diagnostic  features  necessary  for  species 
identification  (O'Farrell  1999).  Therefore,  all  species-level  identifications  based  on  recorded 
vocalizations  are  considered  tentative  where  made  in  this  study 

Mvotis  designations  (as  a  group)  were  assigned  to  recordings  with  vocalizations  of  short 
duration  (<  3  msec)  with  a  relatively  linear,  perpendicular  call  pattern.  Where  call  sequences 
were  assigned  toM  evotis  the  sweep  pattern  ranged  from  a  maximum  75  kFIz  to  a  minimum  of 
30  kHz.  Otherwise  all  were  classified  Myotis  species.  Calls  with  a  bilinear  (extreme  curvilinear) 
pattern  were  tentatively  assigned  to  a  non-Myotis  species  or  classified  as  unknown  bat.  Passes 
with  call  fragments  were  also  designated  unknown  bat  if  no  associated  calls  allowed  finer 
resolution.  Bilinear  call  sequences  were  assigned  to  Eptesicusfuscus  if  a  continuous  frequency 
tail  fell  within  the  range  of  33-28  kHz  with  duration  of  the  narrow  band  component  of  1-3  msec, 
and  the  maximum  frequency  extended  to  45-50  kHz    This  could  result  in  confusion  with 
Lasionycteris  noctivagans  (Betts  1998)  because  of  significant  overlap  in  call  structure. 
Maximum  frequency  of  the  latter  species  is  about  40  kHz  with  a  narrow  band  component  lasting 
3-5  msec,  and  calls  with  these  characteristics  were  assigned  to  this  species.  However,  in  the 
majority  of  cases  these  two  species  were  not  distinguished  by  the  recorded  calls. 

Number  of  "passes"  (defined  here  as  a  distinct  vocalization  with  at  least  a  1  sec  gap 
between  prior  and  following  vocalizations)  was  recorded  as  a  measure  of  relative  activity  at  each 
site.  At  one  site  equipment  malfunctioned  prematurely,  and  at  another  site  with  recorded  activity 
the  recorder  malfunctioned  during  the  night    Therefore,  relative  activity  as  presented  here  is 
useful  primarily  as  an  index  with  variable  degrees  of  error. 

Capture  of  bats  was  attempted  using  50-denier  mist  nets  of  various  lengths  (most  often 
2.8  and  6  m)  and  set  in  a  variety  of  arrays  across  and  along  water  bodies  at  two  sites    Nets 
typically  were  operated  for  2.0-2.5  hours  (dusk  until  21:30).  Captured  bats  were  identified  with 
aid  of  keys  in  van  Zyll  de  Jong  (1985)  or  Nagorsen  and  Brigham  (1993).  Individuals  were 
sexed,  aged,  measured  (forearm,  weight),  reproductive  status  noted,  then  released. 

The  undersides  of  all  bridges  spanning  the  Gibbon  River  (n  =  5,  including  one  just 
outside  the  primary  study  area)  and  a  section  of  elevated  road  on  a  wooden  structure  at  a  thermal 
site  were  inspected  for  evidence  of  use  by  bats.  Areas  most  likely  to  provide  roosting  sites 
included  steel  I-beam  girders  near  any  cross  structure,  and  the  spaces  between  longitudinal  spans 
and  pilings.  Bat  sign  most  often  included  accumulated  droppings  (easily  distinguishable  from 
rodent  droppings)  and  sometimes  staining  of  surfaces  above  potential  roosting  sites. 

A  visit  was  made  to  one  thermal  area  off  of  the  highway  to  inspect  the  undersides  of 
boulders  for  roosting  bats  or  evidence  of  roosting  activity  (presence  of  bat  droppings).  This 


thermal  area  (the  Geyser  Springs  Group  of  the  Gibbon  Geyser  Basin)  has  been  a  maternity  site 
for  an  unidentified  species  of Myotis  in  previous  years  (S  Martinez  personal  communication) 


Twenty-three  sites  (Figs  1-4,  Table  1 )  were  surveyed  for  bats  using  bat  detectors  (n  =  21 ) 
or  mist-nets  (n  =  2)    In  addition,  five  bridges  (one  near  Norris  Campground  outside  the  stud) 
area)  crossing  the  Gibbon  River  and  one  elevated  wooded  road  structure  crossing  a  thermal 
feature  were  inspected  for  bat  use,  and  one  thermal  area  was  checked  for  sign  of  roosting  bats 
(see  Figs  2  and  4) 

Bat  detector  Survey  Sites  Bats  were  recorded  at  17  (81°o)  of  21  sites  where  bat  detectors 
were  deployed  (Table  1 )    Of  the  four  sites  with  no  detected  activity,  equipment  failed  at  one.  At 
the  sites  where  bats  were  detected,  the  majority  ( 12  of  17)  recorded  low  levels  of  activity  ( 12  or 
fewer  passes)    Activity  at  the  remaining  five  sites  ranged  from  20-40  passes    The  vast  majority 
(>  90°o)  of  recorded  passes  occurred  between  19:30-22  30  MDT  at  all  sites 

Bats  of  unknown  identity  were  detected  at  1 1  sites  and  undifferentiated  Myotis  were 
detected  at  10  sites    These  two  categories  represented  151  (72  6°  o)  of  208  total  passes  recorded 
The  remaining  57  passes  were  identified  as  Western  Long-eared  Myotis  (A/,  evotis):  8  passes  at 
three  sites.  Big  Brown  Bat  {Eptesicusfuscus)    1 1  passes  at  three  sites.  Silver-haired  Bat 
[Lasionycteris  noctivagans)   13  passes  at  five  sites,  undifferentiated  Big  Browa'Silver-haired 
bat  25  passes  at  1 1  sites    Four  of  five  sites  with  the  most  activity  (20  or  more  passes)  were 
down  river  from  Gibbon  Falls,  bat  activity  in  the  Norris  area  was  relatively  widespread  but  at 
low  intensity    Not  surprisingly,  greatest  activity  was  at  water  sources 

Mtst-net  Survey  Sites  Bat  activity  at  the  two  sites  where  mist-nets  were  deployed  was 
low     No  bats  were  captured  at  the  first  site  (*6,  see  Table  1 ),  a  small  pond  near  a  service  road  at 
Gibbon  Meadows    However,  a  bat  was  observed  flying  along  the  road  corridor  nearby  at  crown 
height,  first  at  19  45  with  the  last  often  passes  at  20  35  (the  nets  were  folded  at  21  30)    This 
species  was  either  a  Big  Brown  or  Silver-haired  bat,  based  on  size  and  the  sound  of  the  converted 

At  the  second  netting  site  (#19.  bank  of  Gibbon  River  with  a  small  backwater  of  calm 
water  below  Tuff  Cliffs),  bats  were  first  detected  at  19:52  and  continued  activity  at  very  low 
levels  nearby  until  nets  were  folded  (21  30)    Thirteen  total  passes  were  noted  in  two  hours  of 
netting    One  Little  Brown  Myotis  (A/,  lucifugus)  was  captured  at  20  05  when  it  came  down  to 
drink  from  the  pocket  of  calm  water    It  was  a  mature  scrotal  male  (right  forearm  length  =  38  2 
mm.  weight  =8.5g) 

Bridges  Four  bridges  spanning  the  Gibbon  River  in  the  Norris-Madison  Junction  road 
corridor  were  checked  for  sign  of  bat  use    The  first  three  bridges  are  built  with  steel  I-beams 
across  stone  or  concrete  pilings,  the  bridge  at  Madison  Junction  is  solid  concrete    A  fifth  bridge. 
near  \orns  Campground,  was  essentially  constructed  like  bridges  B1-B3    An  elevated  section  o\' 
road  on  wooden  ties  and  pilings  at  Beryl  Springs  was  also  inspected 

No  bat  droppings  were  noted  under  the  span  of  the  first  bridge  ( B 1 )  south  o\~  Norris. 
although  this  bridge  appears  to  offer  some  suitable  roosting  sites    Scattered  bat  droppings  were 
noted  on  stone/concrete  pilings  and  the  steel  beams  of  bridges  B2  and  B3  at  the  upstream  ends 
Two  sizes  of  droppings  were  found  at  bridge  B3.  indicating  that  more  than  one  bat  species  has 
roosted  under  this  span    The  concrete  span  ( B4 )  at  Madison  Junction  offers  no  roost  sites  for 


TABLE  1.  Sites  surveyed  for  bat  activity,  20-25  September  1999  along  the  Norris-Madison 
Junction  Road  corridor  in  Yellowstone  National  Park,  Wyoming.  Primary  survey  methods  used 
at  these  sites  were  bat  detectors  (D)  or  mist-nets  (N). 



Site  Name                          Date       Method 

Bats  Detected1  (#  passes) 


Tantalus  Creek  (S  of  highway) 

24  Sept 




Slope  above  Gray  Lakes 

24  Sept 




SW  end  of  Elk  Park 

24  Sept 




Gibbon  River  Rapids 

24  Sept 




Gibbon  Meadows  service  road 

20  Sept 




Gibbon  Meadows  service  road  pond 

2 1  Sept 


EPFU/LANO  (10  distant  passes;  no  captures) 


Gibbon  Meadows.  N  end  on  nver 

20  Sept 


UNKN(2).  MYSP(10) 


Gibbon  Meadows.  S  end  cliffs 

20  Sept 


MYSP  (2).  LANO  ( 1 ).  EPFU/LANO  (3) 


Near  Bridge  B 1  (Gibbon  Canyon)      !  2 1  Sept 


MYSP  ( 1 ).  EPFU/LANO  ( 1 ) 


Beryl  Springs                                    >  24  Sept 


None  (equipment  malfunction) 


Near  Bridge  B2  (Gibbon  Canyon) 

21  Sept 


UNKN  ( 1 ).  MYSP  (2).  EPFU/LANO  (1) 


Near  Bridge  B3  (Gibbon  Canyon) 

21  Sept 


UNKN  (14).  MYSP  (4).  EPFU  (4).  LANO  (1) 


Secret  Vallev  Creek,  near  mouth 

21  Sept 




N  of  Gibbon  Falls,  W  side  cliff 

22  Sept 


LANO  (9) 


Gibbon  Falls  picnic  area  (W  end) 

22  Sept 


UNKN  (4) 


Gibbon  River  bottom  .  at  stone  wall 

23  Sept 


UNKN  (5).  MYSP  (29).  EPFU/LANO  (2) 


Base  of  Tuff  Cliffs 

23  Sept 


UNKN  (2).  MYSP  (5).  MYEV  (1). 


Gibbon  River  at  Tuff  Cliffs 

22  Sept. 


UNKN  (15).  MYSP  ( 14).  MYEV  (6).  EPFU 
(2).  LANO  (1).  EPFU/LANO  (2) 


Gibbon  River  at  Tuff  Cliffs 

24  Sept 


MYLU  (1  male).  12  passes  by  at  least  2  species 


Terrace  Spring 

23  Sept. 




Purple  Mountain  trailhead 

22  Sept 


UNKN  (2).  MYEV  ( 1 ).  EPFU/LANO  (2) 


Madison  Junction  marshes/ponds 

23  Sept. 


UNKN  (2).  MYSP  (4).  EPFU  (5).  LANO  (1). 


Madison  Junction  sewage  ponds           23  Sept            D 

UNKN  (31).  EPFU/LANO  (3);  equip  problems 

1  UNKN  (unknown  bat  species).  MYSP  (Myotis  species).  MYEV  (Myotis  evotis).  MYLU  {Myotis  lucifugus).  EPFU 
(Eptesicus  fuscus).  LANO  (Lasionyteris  noctivagans).  EPFU/LANO  (either  E.  fuscus  or  L.  noctivagans). 


bats,  and  no  sign  of  bat  use  was  found    The  largest  quantity  of  bat  guano  was  found  under  the 
downstream  end  of  the  bridge  near  Norris  Campground    No  sign  was  found  on  or  under  the 
wooden  road  structure  at  Beryl  Springs,  a  thermal  area  that  passes  under  the  road  span 

Undeveloped  thermal  areas  The  Geyser  Springs  Group  of  the  Norris  Geyser  Basin  is  a 
known  maternity  site  for  an  undetermined  species  of  Myotis  (S  Martinez  personal 
communication)    This  site  was  visited  to  search  for  roosting  bats  or  signs  of  use  under  the 
boulders  in  the  thermal  area  (where  the  roost  is  located)    Numerous  boulders  or  exposed  rocks 
imbedded  in  the  area  were  checked  for  bats  and  bat  sign    Scattered  droppings  were  found 
beneath  2-3  boulders  near  the  site  marked  "X"  in  Fig.  2. 

Nun  is  Campground  Bat  activity  in  the  campground  (B  Loop  and  entrance  area)  was 
observed  during  the  evening  of  23  September    The  first  pass  by  a  bat  was  noted  at  19  40    At 
least  three  individuals  of  two  species  were  observed  foraging  near  treetop  and  lower  crown 
height  (10-13  m):  a  species  of  Myotis  and  the  larger  Big-Brown  or  Silver-haired  bat    Foraging 
rate  was  about  3  passes/min  from  20: 10-20:43,  about  1  pass/min  from  20:45-21  00,  and  about 
0.5  pass/min  from  21  00-21  15,  when  observations  terminated 


At  least  four  species  of  bats  were  recorded  during  the  survey  in  the  Norns-Madison 
Junction  area  Western  Long-eared  Myotis,  Little  Brown  Myotis,  Big  Brown  Bat.  Silver-haired 
bat    Activity  levels  were  relatively  low  at  all  sites,  but  this  could  be  partly  a  result  of  the  late 
date  of  the  surveys.   Activity  in  the  Norris  and  Gibbon  Meadows  area  was  lower  than  that 
recorded  at  the  lower-elevation  area  below  Gibbon  Falls  to  Madison  Junction    This  did  not  seem 
to  be  related  entirely  to  differences  in  over-night  temperatures. 

Foraging  activity  by  bats  at  and  over  thermal  features  was  low.  as  Martinez  (1999)  also 
noted    Perhaps  thermal  areas  are  not  as  attractive  to  the  variety  and  abundance  of  aerial  insects 
that  are  fed  upon  by  bats  as  are  some  non-thermal  sites    Nevertheless,  maternity  colonies  of  at 
least  two  bat  species  (Townsend's  Big-eared  Bat.  and  a  species  of Myotis)  have  been 
documented  in  thermal  areas  in  YNP  (Martinez  1999,  personal  communication)    Similar 
maternity  sites  have  been  reported  elsewhere  in  western  North  America  (eg  Nagorsen  and 
Bngham  1993,  West  and  Swain  1999)    The  thermal  areas  of  YNP  could  support  matermtv 
colonies  of  several  bat  species  and  merit  closer  survey  effort  by  qualified  biologists  and  park 

Bats  use  a  number  of  man-made  structures  in  YNP  for  maternity  roosts  (Bogan  and 
Geluso  1999)    Bridges  may  also  be  used  for  this  purpose,  but  are  more  likely  to  be  used  as  night 
roosts    Bridges  throughout  YNP  deserve  closer  monitoring  to  determine  when  thev  are  being 
used,  by  bow  many  individuals  and  species,  and  for  what  purposes    Bridges  could  provide 
important  roosting  habitat  to  some  species  in  areas  receiving  considerable  human  impact    As 
bridges  are  repaired  or  replaced,  they  could  be  designed  to  be  "bat  friendly"  by  providing  the 
undersides  with  tight  or  secure  spaces  for  roosting,  usually  on  exposed  steel  I-beams  or  where 
these  are  secured  close  to  the  pilings  supporting  the  bridge    The  bridge  design  at  Madison 
Junction  is  distinctlv  unsuitable  for  bats,  and  the  elevated  road  span  at  Beryl  Springs  is  perhaps 
too  low  and  accessible  to  predator  attack  to  be  very  attractive  to  bats 

\n  is  already  obvious,  more  inventory  effort  is  needed  in  YNP  to  determine  which 
species  of  bats  are  present  and  when,  what  habitat  features  are  especially  attractive  to  them,  and 


what  human  activities  within  the  park  are  most  likely  to  have  the  greatest  impact  on  the  bat 
populations  present.   Sites  in  most  need  of  identification  are  maternity  roosts  and  hibernacula,  as 
these  are  very  sensitive  to  human  disturbance.  Future  systematic  inventories  should  make  use  of 
multiple  survey  techniques  (see  Thomas  and  West  1989,  O'Farrell  and  Gannon  1999)  to  assure 
the  most  complete  assessment  of  the  bat  fauna. 


Barclay,  R.  M.  R.    1999.  Bats  are  not  birds — a  cautionary  note  on  using  echolocation  calls  to 
identify  bats:  a  comment.  Journal  of  Mammalogy  80:290-296. 

Betts,  B.  J.   1998.  Effects  of  interindividual  variation  in  echolocation  calls  on  identification  of 
Big  Brown  and  Silver-haired  bats.  Journal  of  Wildlife  Management  62:1003-1010. 

Bogan,  M.  A.,  and  K.  Geluso.  1999  Bat  roosts  and  historic  structures  on  National  Park  Service 
lands  in  the  Rocky  Mountain  region.  US  G  S  Midcontinent  Ecological  Science  Center, 
Albuquerque,  NM.  Unpublished  report.  25  pp 

Clark,  T.  W.,  and  M.  R.  Stromberg.   1987.  Mammals  in  Wyoming.  University  of  Kansas 

Museum  of  Natural  History,  Public  Education  Series  No.  10.  Lawrence,  KS.  3 14  pp 

Fenton,  M.  B.,  H.  G  Merriam,  and  G  L  Holroyd.    1983.  Bats  of  Kootenay,  Glacier,  and  Mount 
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and  biology.  Canadian  Journal  of  Zoology  61 :2503-2508 

Martinez,  S.   1999.  Evaluation  of  selected  bat  habitat  sites  along  the  Mammoth-Norris  Grand 

Loop  road  corridor,  Yellowstone  National  Park,  Wyoming,  1997-1998.  Montana  Natural 
Heritage  Program,  Helena,  MT    Unpublished  report.   16  pp. 

Nagorsen,  D.  W  ,  and  R.  M.  Brigham.   1993.  The  bats  of  British  Columbia    University  of 
British  Columbia  Press,  Vancouver,  British  Columbia.    164  pp. 

Nesser,  J.  A.,  G  L.  Ford,  C.  L.  Maynard,  and  D.  S.  Page-Dumroese.    1997.  Ecological  units  of 
the  Northern  Region:  subsections.  General  Technical  Report  INT-GTR-369.  Ogden, 
UT:  USDA  Forest  Service,  Intermountain  Research  Station.  88  pp. 

O'Farrell,  M.  J.   1997.  Use  of  echolocation  calls  for  the  identification  c       e-flying  bats 
Transactions  of  the  Western  Section  of  The  Wildlife  Society  33. 

O'Farrell,  M.  J.  1999.  Blind  test  for  ability  to  discriminate  vocal  signatures  of  the  Little  Brown 
Bat  Myotis  lucifugus  and  the  Indiana  Bat  Myotis  sodahs.  Bat  Research  News  40:44-48. 

O'Farrell,  M.  J.,  and  W  L  Gannon  1999.  A  comparison  of  acoustic  versus  capture  techniques 
for  the  inventory  of  bats.  Journal  of  Mammalogy  80:24-30. 


O'Farrell,  M  J,B  VV  Miller,  and  W  L  Gannon    1999    Qualitative  identification  of  free-flying 
bats  using  the  Anabat  detector    Journal  of  Mammalogy  80  1 1-23 

Thomas.  D  W  ,  and  S.  D  West    1989    Sampling  methods  for  bats    Gen  Tech  Rep  PNW- 
GTR-243    Portland,  OR  U.S.  Dept  Agn  .  Forest  Serv  ,  Pacific  Northwest  Research 
Station    20  pp    (Ruggiero,  L  F  ,  and  A  B  Carey,  tech  eds.  Wildlife-habitat 
relationships  sampling  procedures  for  Pacific  Northwest  vertebrates). 

van  Zyll  de  Jong,  C.  G.    1985.  Handbook  of  Canadian  mammals    2    Bats    National  Museum  of 
Natural  Sciences    Ottawa,  Ontario    212  pp 

West.  E  W  .  and  U.  Swain    1999    Surface  activity  and  structure  of  a  hydrothermally-heated 
maternity  colony  of  the  Little  Brown  Bat,  Myotic  lucifugus,  in  Alaska    Canadian  Field- 
Naturalist  113  425-429.