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^irmmmimi/mf/ j^ . /// * ////#/ 

Its Another lUfeelC of great Beat writing, and 
another great Beat to get off our computers and out into 
the world. And the world is demanding more and more. 

Last iveek. The Beat ivent to Neiv Mexico at their 
invitation, and we were a great hit. For our New Mexico 
juvenile hall writers, being in The Beat is a great 
accomplishment, and we agree with them, it is a great 
accomplishment (one which those who appear in our pages 
eyier^ week sometimes take for granted, not realizing what 
a great opportunity at self-expression this is). 

This week. The Beat has accepted ^n invitation from 
the juvenile probation department in the nation's capital, 
Washington, D.C. We'll only be there for one day (and we'll 
tell you how it went next week), but we'll be doing some 
Beat workshops there, ^% we have done in so many places, 
and we're sure young writers there will respond with their 
best efforts. 

(Because we have so few staff this week, this issue of 
The Beat is somewhat condensed. There wte no ^^n Jose or 
^^nt^ Cruz submissions in this issue, but they will resume 
next week. Also, for the second week in a row, there is no 
ivriting from Camp ^^ieene^ in Alameda.) 

Sometimes, doing this work is hard because we get to 
knoiMf our virriters, and ivatching them struggle virith life's 
great difficulties hurts, especially when there's nothing we 
can do to make things easier for them. But, when we look 
around this office and see so many of those same young 
people — young men and women well on their way to 
becoming responsible adults, but who once struggled in 
the halls — it's like getting paid, it let's u% come here eMet^ 
day and leave with smiles on our faces. 

As this editor sits here early in the week typing this, 
across the desk from me is a young man who met The Beat 
when he was fighting his drug addiction at San Francisco's 
Y-Tech. He became their first graduate to work for us, and 
he's been here doing his work ever since, in addition to 
the work he does for us every week — he leads workshops 
in several county lock-ups and does most of the Spanish 
translations — he also goes to school, has a family, and 
continues to stay out of trouble as he builds a foundation 
for a future that does not include jail or prison. 

At the next desk, another youngster who once sat in 
Beat workshops in San Mateo County. He wanted something 
better in his life than the gang activity that led to lock-up 
and to gunshot wounds, and asked if there was a spot for 
him here. That was five years ago, and he's been doing it 
here ever since. He types Beat pieces, prepares the Beat 
Without section, prints and folds Beats, and does so many 
other tasks on daily basis, it's hard for us to imagine getting 
through a week without him at our side. 

At the desk behind where this editor sits, another 
young man who started as a Beat writer in YGC has taken 
on the role of supervising the many interns who come out 
of the Beat workshops to work here for several hours a 
week. This is no easy job because he has to keep account of 
all the units, and who is typing them. When a piece turns 
up missing (which happens), he is the one we turn to, and 
then he has to shake the place down to locate the missing 
piece (usually left on a desk somewhere else in the office 
and forgotten about... until he starts searching). He also is 
a workshop facilitator. 

Across the desk from him sits a young viroman virho has 
just come to us from her lock-up, determined to make a 
difference in her life and in the Beat's life. She's made our 
life easier by the typing she does, but it is what she writes 
that is truly inspiring. She has dedicated herself to living a 
different life than the one that sent her to the hall, and we 
see her keeping that promise every day. 

And there are many other examples of Beat interns and 
staff that come in at different times during the week, and 
many more who have passed through this place on their 
way to college, to jobs, to families and to a decent life. 

Of course, it's not always smooth sailing. Life remains 
a challenge, whether you're committed to change or not. 
So, sometimes we see those who are trying their best to 
make a difference in their lives paying the price for some 
bad decision of the past, or slipping back into old habits 
that weren't good for their lives in the past and are still not 
good for them now. When that happens, we do what we 

can to help them get back on track. Sometimes we can 
help; sometimes we can't. When we can't, we feel like 
we're part of a family who wants to help a son or daughter 
escape a bad situation without success, and it makes us sad. 
When we can, we feel like we're doing something good to 
help to pay back those who have helped us and themselves 
until they slipped. 

in the end, like with everything else, it's in their hands 
whether they can stay out of the system or not. The Beat 
is just an opportunity, a place where they can feel safe 
(both in the office and in what is written inside), but the 
challenge is up to each individual to take or to ignore. We 
can help with questions about work, but once the young 
person walks out the office doors, then it's up to him or 
to her. it's hard enough for us to monitor our own lives, 
and that becomes each person's job, whether they were 
ever in the hall or not. Which is another yvay of saying 
you who are reading this may one day be sitting at one of 
these desks typing Beats, but you will still have to be the 
captain of your own lives, the person responsible for your 
own choices. 

So, as much as we'd like to take credit for those who 
come out of the system and pass through The Beat office, 
it's not our accomplishment, but theirs that we celebrate. 
Whether you ever work with The Beat or not, you'll have 
the same need to take advantage of what's offered to you 
and face the consequences of your choices. We'd love to 
part of those choices, but that's not in our hands, it's in 
yours. All we can tell you is that many young people who 
— maybe like you — never thought they had a future and 
never knew how much they could accomplish, are doing it. 
Don't wait too long... You can do it, too! 

Our topics this week produced another batch of super 
writing, starting with our first topic, "Saying No" — it's 
easy to say no to people we don't like or to offers that don't 
interest us. But have you ever had to say no to something 
you wanted, but knew you shouldn't have, or to someone 
you admire and love that was asking you to do something 
you kneiMf yvas ivrong? ^Ne're talking about those really 
difficult situations, when the only thing you have to back 
you up is your character, your integrity, your confidence 
in doing yvhat is right — like saying no to a homie ivho 
wants you to do something that will get you into trouble, 
or saying no to a family member who is up to no good, or 
saying no to that temptation you really desire, but know 
is wrong. Have you ever summoned the courage and inner 
strength it takes to stand up in those situations and say 
no? Give us the details — the who, what, where, when and 

Our second topic is always a difficult one to write 
about, "Grief" — What have you grieved over? When you 
lose someone you love — a family member, a homie, even 
a pet — how do you handle the pain? is it a physical thing 
inside your body as well as something in your heart and 
head? How does loss affect you? Does the pain ever go 
away? Does it fade with time? Do you ever completely heal, 
or is it a ivound you have forever? Have you found any 
effective ways of reducing the grief you feel when it comes? 
if so, how would you advise others who are grieving to 
help them get beyond it? 

Remembering that The Beat is not the place to threaten 
revenge, tell us of a time when you experienced grief, and 
how it played out in your life. 

And last, we asked our writers to tell us the "Best 
story ever" — We want you to tell us a story, your best 
story! We all have stories. Some are stupid or lame, some 
are incredibly courageous, some are fascinating, and others 
are absolutely funny. Of course, some are so sad they make 
you cry. Maybe one day you think of one story as "the best 
ever" and a different day — and a different mood — you 
think of another story as "the best ever." We want you to 
give it your best shot, and tell us your best story ever. And 
tell it right, with details that we can appreciate. }Ne're all 

Those are the topics we presented, but there's more 
than just those topics in another first-class issue of this 
first-class magazine. There's the hearts of our writers and 
the hearts of our staff that keep The Beat moving. We 
thank you all. 

mam ffff/rr/frs 

The Beat Within, a weekly newsletter of writing and art b 
incarcerated youth, is published by Pacific News Service. 

At The Beat Within, we go through a lot of trouble to censor inappn 
sexual remarks, foul language, and gang references. There is enough ten: 
our commuities already-we don't aim to bolster it. It is in The Beat's inte 
promote peace and unity. Our goal is to educate one another. 

ishes the opinions and views expressed by the participants 
lis is simply the pure voice of the youth. The views you 
ly reflect those of the publisher, editor or staff. All rights 

are reserved. Nothing 1 

To our writers: What you write could be hazardous to you. Your words havt 
consequences, and could be used to incriminate you. Try to illuminate youi 
feelings and viewpoints without running the risk of providing ammunition foi 
those who might use your words against you. 

Co-founders: Sam 

Senior Editors: Da 

Assistant Editors: Micl 

Graphics/Layout Editor: 

Kroll, Omar' 

Staff: Brenda D. Navarro, Pauline Craig, Jill Wolfson, Allan Tinker, Patri- 
cia Johnson, Amanda Abies, Dennis Morton, Sheerly Avni, Brittany Bernard, 
Perry Jones, Brenda Navarro, Elizabeth Crawford, Morghan Velez Young, 
Siliva Mortenson, Andrew Barba, Estella Cisneros, Allen Huang, Nic Reiner, 
Angelica Zabanal, Charles Labanowski, Kolby Hanson, Chelsea Sprick, Akima 
Edwards, Justine Palefsky, Laura Vitaro, Alfred Dersidan and Neela Banerjee. 

The Maricopa County, Phoenix, Arizona, Juvenile Probation Department 
Beat Staff: Joe Szulecewski, M.A., Lisa Donsker, M.C., Hillary Shluker, M.C., 
Lisa Karczewski, M.A. The detention staff are: Tammie Utter, Shannon Lech- 
ner, D. Scott Herrmann, Ph.D. Clinical Director. 

Bernalillio County Juvenile Detention & Youth Services Center Beat Staff: 

Steve Serna 

Art: Much props to everyone for the great art this week. 

Spiritual Advisor: Jac 
Special Volunteer: Na 

Book Donor: Marisela Norte 

Beat Supporters: The Beat Within greatefully acknowledges the generous sup- 
port of funders of Pacific News Service's Youth Communications Programs 
- California Arts Council, California Wellness Foundation, Christensen Fund, 
Community Foundation of Silicon Valley, Community Technology Foundation 
of California, Compton Foundation, Creative Work Fund, Cricket Island Foun- 
dation, Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund, Ford Foundation, James Irvine Foun- 
dation, Marguerite Casey Foundation, Marin Community Foundation, Morris 
Stulsaft Foundation, Nathan Cummings Foundation, Oakland Fund for Children 
and Youth, Open Society Institute, Peninsula Community Foundation, Phil- 
anthropic Ventures Foundation, S. H. Cowell Foundation, San Francisco Arts 
Commission, San Francisco Foundation, Shinnyo-en Foundation, W. Clement 
and Jessie V. Stone Foundation, Stone Circles Foundation, Stuart Foundation, 
Surdna Foundation, The California Endowment, Tides Foundation, Van Loben 
Sels/Rembe Rock Foundation, Vanguard Public Foundation, Wallace Alexan- 
der Gerbode Foundation, Walter S. Johnson Foundation, Youth Justice Funding 
Collaborative, the Zellerbach Family Fund and individual donors. 

Writers: Thanks to all the participants in our workshops in the San Francis- 
co, Maricopa County Arizona, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Alameda, Bernalillio 
County New Mexico, Santa Cruz and Marin County Juvenile Halls. If you have 
any questions or comments about The Beat Within, or if you would like to 

any questions or commei 
become a subscriber, con 
503-4170 or check us out 

275 Ninth St. SFCA. 94103 or call (415) 

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jpi/ifimm^^wMB/ jy / ' #/// 

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Mi Historia 

Mi historia es asi. Recuerdo cuando estaba en Honduras 
y alusinaba a todos los que Uegaban de los Estados Unidos 
porque yo era un vato pobre y tambien el lugar donde 
vivia. Yo decia que algiin dia iba a estar en los Estados 
Unidos para que vean que onda. 

Cuando no tienes nada, todos te humillan, y se pasan 
contigo. Recuerdo que algunas veces yo iba a otras casas 
a ver la television o a dar un vuelta y me decia que me 
fuera. Yo me sentia bien triste y me daban ganas de Uorar. 
Yo decia, "a la mierda con todo esto. Algiin dia voy a estar 
mejor que ellos." Mi vida ha sido asi. Era un vato que 
me valia madre. Me iba con mis homies a beber y fumar 

Mi mama me decia, "mijo no hagas eso." Yo no tube 
a un pinche padre para que me mandara porque mi padre 
me negaba. Cuando mi madre me Uebaba a la casa de el, 
el decia, "este muchacho no es hijo mio. Mi madre se 
ponia a llorar. Yo decia, "deseara estar grande para darle 
una palisa." 

Yo decidi venirme a los Estados Unidos aiin sabiendo 
que no iba a ser algo facil. Yo dije, "a la madre con esto, 
yo me voy para la USA. Ahora estoy aca. Me ha ido bien 
nomas que ahora estoy en la carcel. Tengo fe que pronto 
voy a salir de aqui para hacer lo que quiero. Esto si Dios 
me ayuda. Esta es mi historia. 

From The Beat: Sola date cuenta de la cosas que ^sk%sk%te% cuando eras 
pequeno. Ahora '^sk eres mayor y tienes que pensar como unsk persona 
adulta. Vsk%sk%te% por muchas humillasiones para que hayas llegado a 
terminar en este lugar. Tienes a tu madre viva, la quien ha sido padre y 
madre el mismo tiempo. Deberia de tener eso en consideracion cada vez 
que pienses en la loquera o en vender algo. No dejes que solo porque 
to tubistes unsk gia de padre, que arruine tu vida. Tii madre se merece 
mucho mas que eso! Ella te necesita mucho, no le dejes abajo. 

My Story 

My story goes like this. I remember when I was in 
Honduras, I would envy all those who would come back 
to Honduras from the US because I was a poor guy so as 
the town I live in. I would say to myself that one day I was 
going to be in the US. 

When you don't have nothing, everybody wants to 
humiliate you and punk you up. I remember I would go 
to my neirborhood's houses to watch TV and they would 
ask me to leave. I would feel very sad and made me cry. I 
would say, "the hell this, someday Fm going to be a in a 
better shape than them." My life has been like this. I was 
a guy who didn't care about anything. I would just go with 
my homies to drink and smoke. 

My mom would say to me, "don't do that." I didn't have 
a father who would guide me because he didn't recognize 
I was his son. When my mom would take me to his house, 
he would deny me by saying, "this is not a son of mine." 
My mom would cry. I would say, "I wish I was bigger to 
kick his ass." 

I decided to come to the US even though I did know it 
was very hard to do. I said, "the hell with this, I'm going 
to the US." Now I am here. Things have gone well for me, 
but the thing is that I am here. I have faith that soon I will 
get out from here to do what I want to do, if God help me. 
This is my story. 

-Luis, San Francisco 

From The Beat: Just realize the things you've gone through since very 
young. Now, you are older and you need to start thinking like stn adult. 
You went though a lot of humiliation in your life to end up in this place. 
You still have your mother alive who have been a mother and a father in 
one. You should have that sk% consideration every time you think about 
drinking, getting high or selling drugs. Don't ruin your life because you 
didn't have the guidance of a father. You and your mother deserves more 
than this. She needs you so much, don't let her down. 

I Should've Said No 

I should've said no to cigarettes that led to smoking 

I should've said no to drinking that led to losing my 

I should've said no to slangin' and went and got a job 
I should've said no to bangin' and gave my life to God 

I should've said no to ditching that led to dropping out 
I should've said no and listened and made my momma 


I should've said no I don't steal I know it's not right 

I should've said no I don't pop pill's they'll mess up my 


I should've said no to running away and stayed with my 

I should've said no to leaving the bay here's not where I 


I should've said no to committing a crime now I'm in jail 

Now I'm doing do'in time I should've knew they would 


I should've said no to running from that treatment 


I should've know it would've made my life worse not 


To a whole lot of things I should've said no 

But I think sayin' yes help me know to say no 

- Da Bay Girl, Land Of Enchantment 

From the Beat: It's hard to believe that one simple word could have 
made such stn impact on skn^ one person's life. Now that you know about 
all the things you should have said no to, it's time to say yes to all the 
good that could be in your life. 

Saying No and Saying Yes 

I remember when I had to say no to school, but I said 
yes to smoke and drink I said no not to clean my room, 
but I said yes to gangbanging. I said no to listening to my 
mom, but I said yes to disrespect my mom. I said no to 
stay home, but I said yes to be in the system by the things 
I did. Only if I said no to all the bad things I wonder where 
I be? 

-Grimy, San Francisco 

From The Beat: Wondering about the past is the beginning of thinking 
about the future. This is a fine piece of self-examination, and it will 
be even finer if that leads to different conclusions about the things 
you want to achieve in life, and the way you want to achieve them. It's 
pretty obvious that you know where one road leads, so we're hoping 
that knowledge will take you down a different road that leads away 
from where you are. Then we wonder where you'll be... 


I wasted it all just to watch you grow into a fiend 

Supported your addiction I regret doin' but I hope you're free 

With no more struggles that you got to go through 

In the middle of the night crying at my window 

For another sack just to get high 

Off that crack Nakisha why'd you have to die 

I remember I shed a tear when my PO said 

I couldn't go to your funeral when you were laying dead 

Safe and sound surrounded by friends and family 

My respect is shown to Shawn and Kapoloni 

Who always showed their love. 

-Crazy, Santa Clara 

From The Beat: Wow. You managed to say more about your love than we 
knew was possible for skn^one to do. You can regret specifics, but you're 
right to never regret that kind of love. We wish you the best sk% you and 
everyone around you recover from this loss. RIP to your loved ones. 


jpi/ifimm^^wMB/ jy / ' #/// 

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My heart still beats! 

All the days of my life I seen people get hurt 

I was a very young teen trying to sell/ work 

My Mama getting pimped treated like dirt 

150 dollar she'll take off her skirt 

My big brother died in a fatal car crash, 

He was supposed to be a Laker, I was supposed to be a 


Now the only memory I have is seeing him in a coffin 

I never really had a home so I turned to the streets 

I started selling drugs screaming forget the police 

Poured some liquor on the curb saying RIP 

I had nobody in this world, nobody but me 

I remember when I slept on a park bench 

Police caught me smoking so I hid in a ditch 

My grandma taken medicine so she can live 

My aunt is 24 but got four kids 

My grandpa is 62, and never meet his real mother 

His daughter 16 with a thrity-two-year-old lover 

All Fm trying to say is I've been through struggles 

Hurt to the point of carrying a gun, but 

Left it down on the ground kept in mind it could have 

been worse 

I could have lost my life at birth lived on the streets with 

out cash 

But here I am refusing to accept defeat 

I'm locked up in jail now but my heart still beats. 

-Reggie, Land Of Enchantmentr 

From The Beat: You have not had stn easy life thus far, we acknowledge, 
but from what you know and who you are, this should not stop you from 
bettering your life! Step up today and make this the moment where you 
begin to taice charge in bettering your life and living free of the system! 
You can do it Reggie!! We appreciate the piece, and the courage you had 
to read this to the whole facility, particularly your peers! Stay in touch! 


I'm grieving every day but the person I grieve for is still 
alive, but is dying every day and it's the hardest thing 
watching you own dad dying a little every day. 

Now that I'm locked up it's like a hundred times worse, 
because I can't even see him and hug him every day. 

I'm gonna do a year, and I know there won't be a 
second that goes by that I won't think about him. It hurts 
so badly because my dad don't have a lot of people that 
are there every day for him. 

When I'm out before I leave the house I make him food, 
tell him I love him, and always come back to him. With 
him still alive is what's gonna get me through my time 
because I know I will be laying with him again watching 
"Law and Order." We will forget about every thing bad in 
my life, because my dad is the best thing in my life. 

- Jonathan, Land Of Enchantment 

From The Beat: We at the Beat are sorry to hear about your father, keep 
u% posted on how he is doing. He will be in our thoughts and prayers 
for better health. 

Sayino No 

One day I was with my boyfriend and his friends and 
my friends and we were hang out and it was late. They 
were smoking and they asked me if I wanted to smoke. I 
said now, and they said "just smoke, come on", and my 
boyfriend was like, "hit the weed". I said no because I 
don't like to smoke, and they just kept sayin' "smoke one 
time, just for us please?" and I kept saying hell naaw. 
That night they were mad. But so what, I didn't care. 

-Shaney, Alameda 

From The Beat: Shaney, this is a great story about resisting peer pressure 
and saying no. Good for you! 


This Drew, back up in here once again. Today I been 
thinking about how people don't pay attention. When I 
was up in here during the Beat, my ninja "P" was talking 
about some real life shhh, and it seemed like none of 
these ninjas was paying attention. That's why so many 
people come up in here, 'cause they don't pay attention 
to what people be talking 'bout. 

I can't say I was never like that before, but all that was 
in the past. Now I be listening to everything people got to 
say. My mans came up here speaking the truth and you 
could tell some of these people be up in here not knowing 

Some of these ninjas be talking about some clown-ass 
shhh, but don't ever take the time out to listen to some 
real shhh. I'm just sayin', take time out and listen to what 
people got to say instead of running your mouth and not 
even soaking up none of the game that some of these 
ninjas that been through this shhh is trying to provide. 

I'm just sayin', though, that's real. You have to open 
your mind, but at the same time open your ears. 

-Drew, San Francisco 

From The Beat: What we love about this piece is that you are listening 
to what others have to zsky. We agree with you: too many people (young 
and old) think they already know everything they need to know, and 
don't need to learn what others have learned the hard way. What we 
hate about this piece is that you are here, again! Is this the last time? If 
you're really listening, the answer will be, "Yes!" 

Cryin' Tears 

Momma cryin' tears 

Daddy not hear 

That crazy life to me is real 


And never showing fear 

Pray for me till I go 

To mother Guadelupe for better days for me bro 

Writin' my thoughts in The Beat 

Sheddin' blood, sweat an' tears every week 

Too many fallen casualties and blood flowing on 


Bloom like a rose, but my life is part of the thorns 

My heart no longer feels emotion... 

They were badly ripped out an' torn 

The devil say I'm goin down to him 

'Cause I live the life of sin 

Too many dark days and nightmares that I hold within 

My bloody life I live through 

Scars and tattoos 

Kinda of quiet, kinda of rude 

But what can this cholo do 

Mi nombre is Gangsta Shadow so that's why I accept 


Might end up six feet 'cause I'm a walking target 

Cuete to my dome, I yell out I'll rest in peace 

Tears from my homies and family and they watch my 

blood leak 

-G Shadow, San Francisco 

From The Beat: We wish we could protect you, GS, from your "enemies," 
from the streets, from your own past, and from yourself. There have 
been many young men that have come through these workshops who 
want to write their stories sk% books, but who don't really have the 
skills — or the patience — that it takes to do the hard work of writing, 
of editing, of thinking. You have those skills, and yours would be a 
book we would read. So, find the time (and the self-protection) to give 
u% what we want. Your experiences, how you analyze them and draw 
conclusions from them, could benefit a whole lot of people, turning 
you from Gangsta Shadow into a true teacher. We will miss you. (We 
could not end this piece with your RIP. You are too alive in our hearts 
for that.) 


jpi/ifimm^^wMB/ jy / ' #/// 

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He Is A Him— Who Is I? 

Who is he? 

Is he him? Or is he I? 

He is a 17-year-old guy 

He is 17, going on to 18 in the halls 

He is locked up in the box of four block walls 

He is a him who remembers lots of memories 

He remembers when he first started smoking trees 

His first experience was in a car in Santa Venetia 

Rolling in the streets 

Hot boxing and bumping (our group's) beats 

He remembers when he first got arrested 

For possession of a deadly weapon 

It wasn't dark yet—there was still sun 

He didn't try to run 

He got one of his first felonies 

He was trying to put it down with the homies 

Kicking it with the OGs 

Sipping on the 40s 

He remembers trying crystal meth for the first 

He is a him who liked it, but it was the worst 

He was drunk and tired 

But after he hit the glass crystal pipe 

He got wired 

He is a him who remembers getting his second felony 

For assault with a deadly weapon 

He heard the sirens, so he tried to run 

He is a him who remembers getting his first tatt 

He got the tatt on his back 

He was on the bracelet when he got that 

He is a him who remembers drinking every day 

From Coronas, Mickey's, OEs, 211s, to hard alcohol 

Kicking it at the park with a homie 

It was bright and sunny 

He is a him who remembers having to keep trucha 

(strong) for other gangbangers 

He hung with drug addicts and slangers 

He has a lot more memories 

He remembers when he was younger 

'Til this day, sometimes people say 

He looks like a youngster 

This he that's a him is now a gangster 

He remembers when he didn't have to worry 'bout 

another gang 

But now he goes to people and ask what they bang 

He remembers when he was a sober little boy 

He used to play with a gun toy 

His mother used to always yell at him 

"Ya metate" (get in), and he would yell, "Okay, ya voy." 

(I'm coming) 

He remembers when he didn't have any worries 'bout 

gangs or drugs 

He played in the dirt, stepping on worms and slugs 

But now every time this him walks in the streets 

He gives mean mugs 

Who is this he or him? 

He or him is I 

-Shy Boy, Marin 

From The Beat: You've written a real but sad poem about how you've 
evolved so far, but the insights in your poem show that now you've 
grown into this gangster, it hasn't made you very happy, if not, do 
think you can maneuver your life around so you won't have to represent 
sknyone else but yourself and you won't have to care who anybody else 
represents? How would it be to walk the streets and forget having to 
mean mug anybody else and even be able to smile at strangers? 

Drugs Make You Dumb 

If you are a kid that is less then 18, and you are thinking 
about doing drugs, you shouldn't. Doing drugs is one of 
the most dumbest things you can do in your life. The only 
reason drugs are used is to fit in, but people who use 
drugs all the time will end up being dumb. Even if you 
don't think it's true, but it is. 

Even people who are having a hard time as being a 
teen shouldn't turn to doing drugs because, in the long 
run, it would affect you majorly. 

-Reese, San Francisco 

From The Beat: We totally agree with you, Reese. We've %een too many 
smart young people hurt their lives for years and years because they 
thought they could control their drug habits. But in the end, their 
drug habits controlled them. In fact, we think your advice is not just 
for teens, but for anyone who messes up their minds and bodies with 
chemical cocktails. 

A Little Dit About Me 

By the time I was in my mid teens I had been in many 
programs, and had been on probation three times. I blew 
out of most of these, and did my own thing. Sometimes 
I was required to go to school and be compliant, but 
usually I hung out, got high, and lived the street life. 

Street life has an addictive quality all of it's own. No 
one is there to tell you what to do. Drugs are everywhere 
and other kids become like brothers and sisters. 

Once you are caught up into that way of life it's 
hard to pull away from it. Many times the state of New 
Mexico stepped in and said I was having way too much 
fun, and needed a little more structure. I disagreed and 
this basic difference in opinion resulted in my numerous 
incarcerations. Three to thirty days was the normal length 
of my stay; between these visits I would try to do good. 

The last time I even got my GED and had a good job, 
but like all the other times I ended up back on the streets. 
I was caught; I always got caught, and was hauled back to 

-Julian, Land Of Enchantment 

From The Beat: Now that you know the way of life you were living will 
only get you back in jail, maybe it's time to change and live a life off the 
streets and away from crime and drugs. You have one of two choices live 
the good life or go back to the street life. 

Grandpa Genu 

Something I grieved dearly over was the loss of my 
grandfather. He was the closet person I had in life except 
for my mother. My grandpa got cancer and fell real sick. 
He didn't want a funeral, he just wanted to be cremated 
and have his ashes tossed in the Bay. 

His last wish was to watch the 49ers beat the Packers 
at Candlestick. Sad to say, he died the day they were gonna 
play. But with me loving my grandfather so much, when 
he died, we kept him in his room. I locked the door and 
put my grandfather in an upward position. I sat through 
the whole game with my dead grandfather, and some 
place, somewhere , someone answered my grandfather's 
wish 'cause in 2004 at Candlestick that night the Niners 
won that game. 

The loss of my grandfather was too much to bear, and 
from that day on, I haven't believed there's a god. 

-Fed-up Gloss, San Francisco 

From The Beat: This is one of the most moving tributes we've ever read. 
Of course, death is the natural end for u% all, so it is not so much your 
grandfather's passing, but the effect it's had on you that we feel so 
strongly. We can't imagine what you were feeling sk% you sat next to him 
in that locked room watching the Niners beat the Packers. Can we ask 
you if your loss of faith in the existence of god has changed anything 
about how you live your life? 


jpi/ifimm^^wMB/ jy / ' #/// 

///////#/////,/// ////#///,// 

Losing My Grandma 

I lost my grandma-slash-mom a couple weeks ago. 

I lived with her 15 of my 17 years of age. I called her 
mom and called my mother by her name. Anyways one 
thing that made me feel so bad is I don't cry or nothing 
and that made me feel awkward... but later I found out 
that it probably didn't hit me yet because I'm in jail. 

-Lil' Dj, Alameda 

From The Beat: Grief is a funn^ thing - it happens at its own pace. 
You've been going through the pain of this loss in different ways since 
it happened, right? Writing about it, feeiin' it, getting angry, taiicing 
about it... this is all part of how we cope with loss. But we bet your 
grandma would be really proud if she could see how much love you 
show her, and how much respect. 

Takin' One For The Team 

The day my brotha died was 

the worst day of my life 

seeing my brother in the casket killed me inside 

I was never the same 

And never will be the same again 

I wish I could have took his take his place 

In that casket but either way my dad 

Would have lost a son but sometimes 

You gotta take one for the team 

I changed sometimes I think I probably wouldn't 

Be in this situation if I hadn't lost him 

Losing him made me say screw the world 

But even though killin' happens so much 

You would think it ain't a thang... but it ain't 

That's my brother! 

Wendell Stevenson I miss you big bra and I 

Know you missin' me Rest in Peace 

-Jamil, Alameda 

From The Beat: You know, sk% tragic sk% it is that you lost your brother, it 
would be even more tragic if you DID think "It ain't a thang", because 
there's one thing worse than a broken heart: A person that has no 
heart left. From all you've written and shared, we know that will never 
happen to you. 

Nnthing Bnt Pain 

Growing up mayne, it was nothing but pain. 

When I first opened my eyes 

I was caught up in the game. 

As a kid I had a pet mouse. 

'Cause moms was an addict and she never cleaned the 

house. Slowly but surly I was heading down a route as a 

bad kid. 

But that nothing compared to what dad did. 

He would leave to the bars late night and just have a 


Moms was too drunk so she couldn't really think. 

Pops was a liar and a cheater 

on top of that he was a wife and kid beater. 

Growing up I met some partners wit' the same pain that 

I felt. 

But they weren't on the side of my dad's belt. 

So I couldn't run to them for help. 

And I couldn't leave my brothers. 

And I couldn't leave my mother. 

Even though she was drunk I still had to love her. 

So I took force. 

And started robbing people with no remorse. 

Later mom and pops had a divorce. 

Which set my course. 

And that's bound to the block for life. 

-Chris, Alameda 

From The Beat: Of all the terrible things you describe in this incredible 
poem, the most tragic is the last two lines, where you talk sk% if there's 
no way to change your future. Go back over your own words and read 
hoiAf much skill and insight went into the rhymes you write. Are those 
the words of a person doomed to the jailhouse or the cemetery? No 
way - you have way too much intelligence, and awareness to be a victim 
of the block. Just the opposite, you could be the sort of leader who 
helps young people in your position find ways of using their talents in 
a positive way. But first Chris, you have to %xyie yourself. How are you 
going to do that? 

Best Stnrir Ever 

This my best story ever. 

It's about making myself better. 

Me bein' me, yeah everybody see! 

But what else can I be. 

I know what I see. 

Me runnin' the streets doin' what I'm not 'posed to do! 

Runnin' behind my friends sayin', "I wanna go too." 

I know I was wrong; I know I should've been home! 

But naw, not me! I was out late night 

Comin' in the house three and four in the morning high 

is a kite! 

"I told you, stop comin' in my house so late!" 

" Mom, I was with my friends. We was on a double date! 

I'm sorry. Mom," that's what I'll say! 

But yet, the next day I make the same mistake! 

It took me a while to ask myself how! 

Putting my mama down, I had to make a big turn around. 

Well, that's what I said. Yet, take a look at me now! 

But it's cool. When I touch down I'ma go to school. I 

promise! Yeah, it's me Kia, I'ma do this! 

-Kia, San Francisco 

From The Beat: If you keep the promise you make in this fine poem, it 
will be the best story ever. It's important to do this for your mom, of 
course. But it^ even more important for you to do it for yourself. School 
is the key to the life you want to live. Don't hand over another day of 
your freedom to these cages! 

Living My Life Parf 2 

Imagine how some pills 

Will make you feel ready to kill for any will 

Not even for a cause just to do it 

Don't that make you ruthless 

Robbing and selling dope that's how it go 

I don't know about u but that's all I know 

Like I told y'all the first time living my life ain't easy as 

you think it is 

Some times your water get turned out your family 

struggles but that's ok 

I tell my momma some day we gone make it out the 


But I'm just a paper chaser 

So some nights I stay out trying to get money 

But momma I'm sorry tliat I worry you the way I do 

Doing things I know I shouldn't do 

Living life like there's no tomorrow 

Showing no sympathy 

What's gotten into me 

Some times I be wishing God won't wake me up the next 


Some people tell me I'm crazy but that's just how it be 

That's all I gotta say holla at y'all next week. 

-Lil' Damani, Alameda 

From The Beat: Why do you feel like it has to be that way? Cause in 
reality it doesn't have to be that way. You make your life the way you 
want to make it. Of course we can understand if you're living in poverty 
but there's several ways out. There's several ways to get money without 
selling drugs, or taking chances with your freedom. If you take the 
quick route, you'll quickly come back to jail. And you won't be living 
at home you would be living in a cell, without any kind of hustle and 
no funds. 


jpi/ifimm^^wMB/ jy / ' #/// 

///////#/////,/// ////#///,// 



When my uncle died, I grieved for months. So this is the 

I'm at school waitin' for my mom to come and pick 
me up, and she told me that we needed to pick up my 
younger cousins. So we in the car, and we pull up to my 
grandma's house and we see hella recognizable cars. So 
we walk into the house and we see my grandma sittin' in 
the chair crying. All the adults came into the living room, 
and my grandma stops crying. She tells us that my uncle 
drowned in Lake Berryesa trying to retrieve his boat that 
got lost in the current. 

After I heard that my uncle drowned, I walked out 
of the house and broke down. So we got home and all I 
did was go into my room and cried. So, when the funeral 
came around, everybody just cried the whole time. My 
cousin got up to speak upon my uncle, and he couldn't 
even finish because he broke down and started crying. 

Even now, I still think about my uncle. The pain will 
never go away. I loved my uncle to death. When grief 
comes, I just listen to music and cry myself to sleep. 

-KNHWJ, San Francisco 

From The Beat: Thank you for writing so beautifully about your uncle's 
passing, and the pain you still feel whenever you think about him. It 
reminds u% that not all the RIPs we read are related to violence and 
street wars. We like your method of dealing with your pain, which is 
to listen to music and to cry. We know you will always feel some pain 
when you think of your uncle, but we also knoiw that time will help to 
make the pain bearable. We hope you find a way to keep yourself free 
and to live a long life so that you can pass the memory of your uncle on 
to the next generation. 

The New Joann 

Well, I'm back up in here Beat, and I'm stressin' hella 
much. I'm here for a warrant, and its my 6TH time here. 
I haven't caught no new case in two years, though, and 
I'm not gone be here for that long. But being here, period, 
is stressful. 

I have a warrant because I got terminated from this 
one transitional home, and I've been on the run since. I 
should be getting out soon to go to another transitional 
home, and this time I'm stayin'. I'ma do my best to not 
get kicked out. 

It's about that time, and partying and having fun 
needs to stop. I'm 17 now and in no time soon I'ma be 18. 
Once I hit 18, I'm on my own and I'd rather get my shhh 
together now before I become an adult and use everything 
the system is offering to make my life better. 

I finally realized that I'm too talented and smart to 
just throw my life away. I want to be something — not that 
I ain't now — but I wanna finish school, become a lawyer, 
and start a family with my boyfriend Rob. This childish 
shhh, running them streets, sellin' these drugs, and doin' 
it ain't makin' my life better, but makin' it worse. It also is 
makin' it harder for me to achieve my goals and is keeping 
me away from who I love. 

From this day on I'm a new Joann. I mean it too. 
Because I'm changing because I want to change. I'm 
changing for me and my future. 

I'm out Beat! Y'all will be seeing me when I get out 
because I'ma come visit and, plus, I need a JOB! 

-Joann, San Francisco 

From The Beat: Wow, Girl, this is one of the most inspiring pieces we've 
read in a long, long time — your own Declaration of Independence from 
a life that you don't want and isn't getting you anywhere. And we know 
you mean it because you're now sitting at a desk right here at The Beat 
doing what you said you were going to do. Oh yes, indeed, you are 
much too smart and much too talented to be taking orders from a bunch 
of strangers who can't possibly appreciate just what you have to offer. 
Yes, finish school (and finish with the life that leads you to lock up), 
and you can achieve anything you set your mind to — lawyer, doctor. 
President! This is a great piece, and it gives us great pleasure knowing 
that you're now working at The Beat! 

Saying No 

I need to say no to getting in trouble, because every time 
I say yes I end up getting caught by the police. And then I 
get locked up. I don't like going through this, and putting 
my family under stress. 

I been locked up for nine months. It was the worst 
time of my life. I just think back what I should do. I should 
stop and think before I do anything. I miss my family so 
much. I cry most of the time tiiat I am in here. 

I would say no to drugs, gangs and violence. It all 
leads up to jail where you can't see your family. You are 
told what to do and when to do it. I want to get a job and 
earn money the right way and be with my family again. 

-Lil' Jon, San Francisco 

From The Beat: When you lose your freedom and are taken away from the 
family that you love, and that loves you, then crying is skn appropriate 
response. We admire your courage for saying so, because most boys 
in your situation also cry, they just don't admit it. So we can see that 
you have a strength to be honest with yourself, and that strength is 
something to u%e for your future. When you walk out of here, cut this 
piece out and tape it to your bedroom wall so that you will never forget 
how you felt, and never give in to the many temptations that will come 
your way. If you follow your own fine advice and keep the promises you 
make in this piece, your life will change for the better. 

Hard To Say No 

Some people find it easy to say no, but also to some 
people, it can be very hard to say no. Some people are 
accustomed to doing what's right, so saying no is very 
normal. But some people's mind mentality is very weak. 
Plus the amount of peer pressure adds on to the weak- 
minded so they fall into the trap with their peers. 

But the fact is that the weak-minded need to find a 
way to boost your mentality so you can find a way to do 
the right thing or you'll end up in here like me! 

I'm ghost, ya heard. (This betta be in piece of the 

-Yung Skippah, San Francisco 

From The Beat: We think you've put your finger on something very 
important, which is that different people grow up with different 
realities. As children, we all follow the models we see around u%, and 
that means when our models are doing "bad" then we tend to follow 
them, and when our models are doing "good," we tend to follow those 
models. But, because there are consequences for everything, we all have 
to pay the price for our actions. (Of course this is a piece of the week 
because you thought about the topic and wrote seriously.) 


7 nn 

My Loss 


When my homeboy died I was really sad because we was 
kicking it with him that same day. 

Everything was fine until I went home. He left to go 
and kick it with his boy then something bad happen to 
me after people came there and shot at him. Six bullets 
came thru his back and he dropped but they didn't stop. 
They got out of the car and shot him three more times in 
the face. 

When I heard about that I was really sad because I was 
with him that same day and we were just talking about 
what we was about to do with our tree. 

I was really sad when that happen, so I went out and 
did bad things to cope over his death. But I knew I did 
wrong and at his funeral I wanted to change because I 
didn't want to get shot at and killed at a young age. My 
partner was only 17 and he will always be remembered. 
RIP White Joe 

-Lil' Tn, Alameda 

From The Beat: It^ unfortunate that you had to lose a friend in such a 
horrible way. Sometimes it is those closes to u% that we are forced to 
learn from their mistakes. We are blessed that you have matured from 
such a troubling encounter. 

Baby Mama 

Being a "baby mama", and having a "baby daddy" is so 
overrated. All of these young "adults" go around talking 
about 'my baby mama this and my baby daddy that'. But 
half of them don't know anything about those few words. 

I am someone's baby mama and trust me it ain't 
anything special. And I got a baby daddy, and he ain't 
anything special. I was 15 and pregnant, he was 23. I am 
now almost 18 and he is almost 26. My daughter is almost 
2. He doesn't do anything for my daughter. My baby daddy 
ain't nothing but a broken down wannabe "pimp". 

And he thinks that since I'm the baby mama he can 
get anything he wants from me. He is always saying "yo 
my baby mama, so why can't I get some of that cream?" 
or "you're my baby mama so you should always have my 

-The King's Wife, Alameda 

From the Beat: He sounds like a piece of work. At least he's not your 
boyfriend or husband, that would likely be even worse. What^ important 
now is your future and your daughter^ future. Focus on that. Thanks 
for being real about baby mamas and baby daddies. 


M) Pail 


My grandma Frankie has just past away on the nineteenth 
of March of 2008. Her death hasn't hit me yet, 'cause 
there so much going on during this period in my life. 

The day after I found out my grandma past I got 
arrested and taken to Juvenile Hall. Everything was 
happening at once. My court date was on my birthday 
March 24, 2008; I got detained on that day, that didn't feel 
good. It was the worst present I ever got. 

After enduring all that, my grandma was still gone. 
I hadn't seen my grandma in like five months or talked 
to her. And getting that phone call from my dad that my 
grandma was dead made me feel bad that I hadn't made an 
effort to talk to her or see her. Those chances are gone 
now. And being in Juvenile Hall made it all worse. My dad 
the son of my grandma was coming up to my pretrial. 

-Romero, Alameda 

From The Beat: No one knoivs what tomorroiv brings. It kind of creeps 
up on you. The most important thing in life is life itself. The fact of 
the matter you're still here is your daily reward and gift from a higher 
power. There are going to be obstacles in this life in the pursuit of your 
advancement what determines your fate is how you react to it. 

1 I 

1 I 


le Said "Well Eel leadj" 


It's hard to say no sometimes because I remember one 
time back when I was 12 I was with my friend and she 
wanted to go to her boyfriend's house. 

I couldn't say no because she was my best friend so 
I went with her and she didn't tell me her boyfriend's 
brother was going to be there. 

So I will admit he was cute but I just wasn't ready to 
do what all my friends were doing. She told me to go in the 
room with him. I didn't want to, but I did 'cause I didn't 
know what my friends would think of me if I didn't. 

So I went in the room, and he was like "You ready?" I 
said "No." 

"Well," he said, "Get ready." 

I said "No," but he kept talking to me saying it's going 
to be ok and my friend came in and said go head girl don't 
be scared, so I said ok... and next thing you know the 
"yadidamaean" happened. 

It was really hard for me to say no. 

-Ericka, Alameda 

From The Beat: Thanks for sharing this story, Ericka. We're sorry that 
your "friend" put you in this situation. TWelve years old is way too 
young to be alone with a group of young people who don't know how 
to show respect, and we can see how it would have been hard to say no 
with that kind of pressure all around you. You deserved better treatment I 
then, and you deserve better treatment now! I 

,,, /^^ hahif's mom acciden- 
tallif gets shot and loses 
mif child. 1 



Just Say No 

Put down that 

Blunt. You know you got court. 

Just say no! 

Put down the glock 

25 to life it aint worth it. 

Just say no! 

See the keys in that whip? You know you going to get 


Just say no! 

If you know you gonna get caught up... 

Just say no!!! 

-David, Alameda 

From The Beat: it% obvious! You couldn't ssKy "no." Right? 

Some Things In Life Are Hard To Get Over 

I been going through pain since my closest goon got 
killed. If only that bullet would've never went through, 
my young goon would still be getting on beanies. 

Then, before I can try to get over that, my baby's mom 
accidentally gets shot and loses my child. Then I go down 
for the gun being mine. So now a ninja really hot. 

Now my little teenage brother tryna be wit' it, and 
to make it worse, I might not get out no time soon. But 
things are hard yo get over. 

-TP, San Francisco 

From The Beat: These things would be hard for stnyone to get over. One 
thing you should icnow, though, and that is that if you had been stn 
adult and the gun you should not have had killed someone, they could 
charge you with murder, and you could be facing the death penalty! This 
won't help you with your grief (we don't Icnow how to help you with 
that), but it will give you something to think about. 



7 nn 

//// // 

Cuando Era Pequeiio 

Cuando yo era pequefio, me lebantaban a las cinco a 
traer un caballo, despues me mandaban a darles agua a 
las vacas. Despues me llebaban a trabajar. Yo trabajaba 
sembrando maiz y en las tardes me iba para el campo. 

En el campo nos poniamnos a jugar soccer con mis 
amigos. Despues de jugar, me bafiaba y me iba a ver a las 
nenas. En la noche me iba a jugar billar. 

Cuando tenia 10 afios, me vine para los EEUU, estuve 
22 dias en camino para llegar aca. Me acuerdo el hambre 
que aguantaba. Cuando Uovia, aguantaba frio. Donde 
llegaba la noche, dormia. Cuando ya no teniamos dinero, 
le tenia que pedir a la gente y veces me daban y aveces 
no. Una vez, estabamos esperando el tren en la tardes, y 
llegaron unos vatos y nos robaron con armas. Me quitaron 
los zapatos, la faja, la feria y la chamarra. 

Me acuerdo cuando venia descalzo y me toco pedir 
zapato porque me dolian los pieces. Traia zapatos, pero me 
asaltaron. Luego llegamos a la frontera, tome al coyote y 
pasamos dos dias y dos noches dormiendo en el decierto. 
Desde ahi, Uegue a Fitness, Arizona. Me tenian castigado 
porque trate de escaparme y a los 7 dias me llegaron a 
recoger mi familia. Ahi, me dieron trabajo desde los 10 
afios. Trabaje en pintura. 

From The Beat: Se nota que ^sk%sk%te% por muchas cosas en tu trajecto hacia 
aca. Lo bueno de todo esto fue que lograstes venir aca, pero no te sirvio 
de mucho. Tienes que buscar la forma de tomar en cuenta las cosas que 
se te hicieron dificil de obtener. Hay otros que no lograron hacerlo como 
tu lo hicistes. Si MSk% a luchar por algo, hazlo pero tambien mantenlo. 

When I Was Younoer 

When I was younger, I would get up at 5 in morning to pick 
up a horse and feed cows with water. Later, I would go to 
work. I used to work planting corn and in the afternoon, I 
would go to the camp. 

In campo, we would play soccer with my friends. After 
playing, I would take a shower and then go see the girls. 
At night, I would go play billiard. 

When I was 10 years old, I came to the US, and I 
spent 22 days on the road coming here. I remember when 
I suffer from hunger. When it rained, I suffered from 
coldness. When the night would hit, I'll stay and sleep. 
When we didn't have money, I would ask the people. And 
sometimes they would give me and sometimes they won't. 
One time, we were waiting for the train at night, and a few 
guys came over with guns. They took my shoes, my belt 
and my jacket. 

I remember that when I came without shoes, I had 
to ask for shoes because my feet started to hurt. Later, 
we ended up in the border; I met the Coyote, and spend 
two days and nights in the desert. Then, I ended up in 
Fitness, Arizona. They had me punished because I tried 
to run away from the Coyote. My family came to pick me 
up. And there, I worked as the age of 10. I worked as a 

-Juan San Francisco 

it's noticeable that you went through a lot to come here. Good things 
about this is that you made it, but not for long. You need to find a way 
to take care of the things that were hard for you to get. There are others 
who didn't make it sk% far sk% you did. If you are going to fight hard for 
something, do it, but also keep it. 

When I was 10 if ears old, I cawe to 
the 14 B, aHdlspeHt 22 daifs oh the 
road com/ft^ here. 

1 1 


Cold Eyes 


Now I done shed a few tears through these bloodshot eyes 

My minds playin tricks it's like the devil in disguise 

Tryin' to get on and move forward in my life 

Now who the hell said a real g don't cry 

Hugging on my son through this thick glass 

Tryin' to do some good but I'm feeling like I'm trapped 

Thinking 'bout a casket while I'm laying on my back 

Feeling like I'm headed towards Quentin and that's that 

We all getting wrapped up in this ruthless lil' game 
Thinking that we playin' but we the ones that's getting played 

By this cold hearted system 

They thinking I'm a suspect but I really feel like a victim 

But screw it I'm gonna brush it off my shoulder 

'Cause what don't kill me can only make me stronger 

Feelin' sorry for myself no longer 

Still gon' be me through this thick and this thin 

Put it down for my homies and my kin 

I gets it how I live they call me Noey 

Posted on the block wit a short pack of 'pots 

Or posted on the porch with them flamed up homies 

Blowin' on this purple while we sippin' on them 40's 

Thinking 'bout the days we was running from the police 

Now I'm solo on this watch 

Posted on the block 

Running from them boys with them bundles in my socks 

If I see an enemy it's in my nature to get 'em 

So I stay on my toes it's just how I be living 

I don't be slappin' females but I swear I be pimping 

So I'm gonna set it off on this last lil' note 
Reppin' for my baby you know who you can toast 

-Lil Noey 
From The Beat: You got an angel in yo' song and a devil on yo' shoulda/ 
with every act of violence this world it gets colda/if you have a talent 
for rhymes that mesmerize/and a baby looking up in a daddy's eyes/why 
waste it on this life that^ no life at all/it's yo' choice: You stand on your 
own true feet - or fall. 

Modern-Day Slavery 

What's up with The Beat? This that ninja Mike writing again 
this week. I ain't feeling none of these topics this week, so 
I'ma come of the head with something. I'm go write about 
once you get caught up in the system, 

Man, once you get caught up, it's ugly. This shhh is 
modern-day slavery. Uncle Sam is our masters. He just 
holdin' us here waiting for the next highest bidder (group 
homes) to buy and come get us. 

They treat us like damn animals once they get us. So we 
do the same thing Harriet Tubman did, which is run. That's 
all I got to say this week. 

-Mike, San Francisco 
From The Beat: There are many similarities between how the slaves iwere 
treated and how you are treated once you're in these cages. But there are 
also many differences which you need to acknowledge. For one thing, 
you're here for something you did, and not for something you are. You 
weren't born into the system, you made some choices that put you here. 
As for Harriet Tiibman, she risiced her life to end slavery and better the 
lives of all black people in this country. That makes her a hero. What 
have you done or do you plan to do that is heroic? We would like you to 
spell that out for us, because heroes are exactly what% needed. 

I I I I I I I I I I 

My Gift 

I wake up and realize something is wrong, 

my body's feeling different. 

I wake up at night to find myself sicker then ever. 

Before I know it the test is coming out positive. 

All I can think of is what's he gonna say? 

Will he stay with me or will he leave out of fear? 

My life strikes cold and I feel one single tear. 

The truth is out he knows, his face gets a big bright smile 

and says I have a family now. Tears of joy flood my face, and 

now I am finally happy. 

- Shay, Land Of Enchantment 
From The Beat: It is hard to hear about our children having children, 
but now that you are having a child change your ways and live for your 
unborn child. Your child needs his/her parents, so now it's time to step 
up and stay out of detention. 



7 nn 


My Real Friend 

What's good with it, Beat? Me, Ant still here living in this 
hellhole! I'm dedicating this one to my moms. 

You want to know about a real friend, I'm gone tell 
you. The only true friend and homie that me and a lot 
of ninjas locked up on the outs got is their mother! Just 
think about this: who there for you when you feeling 
down? Moms who there for you when you sick and not 
capable to go get you some medicine. Moms, this one 
right here, is the top one. Who the first person you call 
when you get locked up? Moms! 

All through your life when you mad and sad, what's 
the main line you here ninjas say when shhh is bad... "I 
want my mama!" 

-Lil' Ant, San Francisco 

From The Beat: You are so right. Ant. And you know what, it never 
changes not matter how old you get. And when your mom is no longer 
around, that's when you're really going to know what a true friend she 
was because you're never going to stop missing her. So now^ the time 
to give back some of what she's sacrificed for you, and what she's going 
to continue to sacrifice for you. Now's the time to start thinking of how 
you can pay back, by not doing the things that let "them" take you 
away from her. She loves you very much. 

We In Hell 

I'm stressin' in this shady place, but not just for me but 
for all my ninjas that went down with me, especially my 
baby. I mean, damn, do these jerks actually think us kids 
that come in and out the system wanna do what we do? 
Hell no we don't. 

Damn! Every day I look around I see a pretty-ass girl 
that wear a smile, but really underneath that smile is worry 
and stress. We good-ass kids caught up in the system. I 
mean, damn, it ain't our fault some of our momma was on 
crack and showed us the wrong way. 

But man, we live to survive and survive to die. And 
while we live, we struggle. I hope after life on earth is 
paradise because we in hell. 

-Demetrius, San Francisco' i 

From The Beat: Of course you can't be blamed for the life you were ' 
born into, or the "wrong" things you learned coming up. But there 
comes a time when you have to take control of your own life and take 

L responsibility for your own decisions. The child can be forgiven; the 
adult pays the price. So, examine those values you learned sk% a child 
and figure out what you want in life. If it doesn't include being at the 
mercy of strangers, then make a real plan to achieve what you hope to i 
achieve in a way that protects your freedom and your future. I 

Getting' Piaired 

Man, this shhh is bullshhh. My PO is tryin' to play me. 
The judge already said that the PO has the right to release 
me, and he still don't want to let me out. He keep tryin to 
find any excuse to not let me out, like he said my mom 
don't got insurance to pay for my sleepin' meds. I told 
him I don't need that to go to sleep on the outs. 

The reason I can't sleep in here is because I keep 
thinkin' about my family — Mom is okay or not or how 
long I'ma be down for, and that's all I think about all night. 
My PO needs to stop BSin' and let me out 'cause im 18 
already, and I got plans for when I get out, long term and 
short goals. 

Well, that's all now. 

-Kizzer One, San Francisco 

From The Beat: Are the meds the only reason your PO isn't recommending 
release? If so, it's one of those Catch-22 situations: Since you're locked 
up, you need help falling asleep; but since you need help falling asleep, 
they won't let you get out! (In the book, "Catch-22," the main character 
said he wanted to get out of the military because the war was making 
him crazy. But there was a rule that said, "If you want to get out of the 
military, that proves you aren't crazy.") We'd love to read what some of 
your short and long-term goals are, and how you plan to achieve them. 
We hope your PO relents, and that you get out soon. 

Pain And Grief 


\ I 

What's good with it. Beat? It's ya boy Lil' G coming out 
of that max unit. Anyways, I just want to start by sayin' 
that there's all types of different pain that people such as 
myself experience every day. Man, does it hurt. 

I've experienced pain by losing loved ones, being 
vulnerable to females, getting shot, and many other ways. 
And trust me, pain hurts, as we all know. Me, myself, can't 
stand pain. I hate it. Especially mental pain, meaning 
being hurt inside, in my heart. 

Physical pain hurts, but feel me... like I said, I been 
shot before, and it didn't hurt, not because I'm trying to 
be big and bad, but because I was thizzing hard as hell. 
And the one thing the big homies say is, "Don't get caught 
slippin'". Man I should've listened. But forget it, it's 
nothin', this lil' wake-up call for when I'm on the outs! 

Anyways, to all locked up in this place, keep ya head 
up and keep it trucha. I'm outtie. 

-TRL, San Francisco 

From The Beat: After experiencing so much pain, what do you do to 
protect yourself from further pain? If thizzing kept you from feeling 
pain, did it also keep you from acting responsibility, putting you in 
danger of being hurt? Can you think of ways that would make your life 
less dangerous, whether you're doing those things or not? (We had to 
change your Beat name 

M]f Life Cliose Me 

What's up with The Beat? It you boy Grimy still up in 
here. But what I got to say is my life chose me when I was 
just a little kid. Pops was in and out of my life. I lived with 
drug dealers, seeing people fight. My house was getting 
shot up, so I seen that and I got into it. 

Started selling drugs, smoking weed and getting 
locked up, but really I didn't care 'cause I was living that 
gangbanging life and that's what was making my life so 
difficult. But I was crazy in the head, so when I did the 
things that I did, that means that my life was chosen for 

-Grimy, San Francisco 

From The Beat: The truth is that nobody can choose their childhood. 
We're all born into certain circumstances, and we all have to play the 
cards that are dealt us sk% children. So, we agree with you that you 
only did what you saw being done all around you. But the difference 
between being a child and being stn adult is that the adult can make 
choices, can decide either to live or not to live the kind of life that was 
handed to him sk% a child. Yes, life chose you sk% a child; but now that 
you're a young adult, what life will you choose for yourself? 



1 I 


Yo, yo, yo! What's up with The Beat? This yo' boy Na- 
Na. Most of y'all know me, but yeah, I'm talking 'bout my 
ninja... well, actually my favorite big homie R.B. 

Man, I miss my ninja. He was like a father figure to 
me. He put me on when I didn't have nothin' but a couple 
dollars in my pockets so I could stay out of trouble and 
above waters and don't get drowned fo' real. Brah was a 
role model and now he gone. 

But you know Na-Na gone hold it down for the crown. 
I'm sayin' this to say that's my grief and that I don't want 
to see nobody die, even if they my enemies. So I'm out. 

-Na Na, San Francisco 

From The Beat: We don't know how iwe would deal ivith the grief that 
comes with the life. But we admire you for understanding that you are 
the one feeling the pain, not R.B., and that revenge only creates pain 
in those left behind, whether they're your homies or your enemies. And, 
when you look honestly at the situation, those feelings of grief are just 
another reminder that what connects u% as human beings is greater 
than what separates us. We're sorry you have to bear the pain of your 



7 nn 

//// // 

Finding Inner Peace 

What's up Beat? It's another week and I'm that much 
older, wiser, stronger and happier. I'm able to deal with 
my shhh a lil' better because I have to learn from my 
thoughts or situation that I have been through throughout 
the week. 

I've almost achieved that inner happiness that I have 
been searching for. Once my eyes have opened to the 
situations or predicaments, or say the world around me 
— once I opened my eyes — dealing with problems or 
difficulties becomes easy. 

I am able to find the joy in any situation. There is 
good to everything that happens in this world, no matter 
how dark it may appear. If you search, you may find, I 
believe. So that is why no matter how long this time I'm 
serving becomes, every week makes me that much better, 
I am able to grasp the goodness. 

Anyways, times up Beat. Hope you enjoyed. 

-Bakgwai, San Francisco 

From The Beat: We always enjoy reading you, Bakgwai. You are a thinker 
and that is what we want all our writers to be. Next time, maybe you 
can spell out some of the wisdom you've added to your arsenal, and give 
u% some examples of how you are better today than you were yesterday. 
Better yet, tell u% how you will be even stronger, happier and better 

Wkat I See 


Everybody was born with choice and opportunity. The 
stuff that's going on in the streets is nothing new to me. 
They supply us guns and drugs in our community. They 
like seeing us battle, but what we need is unity. 

I'm in jail and I want to get released. I see a lot of 
violence but I'm trying to find peace. People getting 
killed in these Oakland streets. Ninjas don't feel safe 
that's why they holding heat. If you from the wrong street 
you'll be knocked in your teeth or maybe blown off your 
feet. You hear about someone getting killed about every 
other week. Every year the killing rate in Oakland is 

-Kwame, Alameda 

From The Beat: it make one iwonder, iwhat has this ivorld come to? What 
are we living for if killing each other is our reality? When will all of 
this madness stop? Or is it too late to change this thing we know sk% 
the game? 

Best StDP) Ever 


My best story ever is my life. Even though many people 
say they have no story, that's not true. 

My life started from the point I remember, back when 
I was really young, maybe about five or six. I was really a 
shy person. From then, I have changed in a way I never 
imagined. I remember when I started middle school. I 
was in a private school. Besides that I was also in a after- 
school program and I was a really unhappy. Later on my 
mom finally realized that I really didn't need it. 

Throughout my middle school years, I maintained a 
3.83 GPA. Once I hit high school, I started screwing up. I 
made a bad mistake and I ended up in juvey. I wish I didn't 
mess up, but since I did, I guess I gotta live with it. After 
this lesson, I am never coming back again. That is my 
best story ever! 

-Dischick, San Francisco 

From The Beat: Without needing to go into the details of how you 
"messed up," we wish you had given a few more specifics about what 
you're going to change when you get out to keep the promise that 
you're never coming back. It's obvious that you have the intellectual 
skills you need to succeed, but only you know if you have the strength 
of character to honor your determination that this is your last trip into 
slavery. Get your diploma and go to college. You could be anything you 
choose to be. 


Where Am I? 


Since as long as I can remember 
My mom ain't never been there 

She broke my pockets 

And took everything I ever had 

But despite all this 

I love her to death 

After all this 

I thought she'd even take my last breath 

Still, to this day, I'm still standing tall 

About to walk the stage like it ain't nothing at all 

Tomorrow's my birthday 

Which means I become a man 

I'm turnin' eighteen 

To the law and government 

I'm still a kid 

In my eyes I'm already 21 

'Cause of the things I been through 

In my head 

I feel I've seen too many things to be in juvy 

I should really be in the county jail 

That's why I'm glad I'm still young 

An' I should stay in a child's place 

But my mind is tellin' me it can't be done 

I'm lost in my own tragedy 

-Chris, Marin 
From The Beat: Beautiful, sad, even tragic poem. Is your mom still in 
your life on the outs? How is she dealing with you being in juvy? You 
may need the comfort and protection a child has to have, and it^ good 
that you realize it. Do you have any adults in your life you can go to for 
understanding, fun, advice, someone you can talk to? If not, can you 
tell you tell a counselor or mental health in? If you have someone you 
trust to confide in, maybe you can work with what's messing with you, 
so you'll never have to go to country jail. Please get whatever help you 
need now! 

Cocaine: RIP Tiger 

Cocaine is the drug of heavenly powers 

A white chemical that should be snorted 

It is so strong it can't be aborted 

Once used there is no stop 

It makes you so stupid you can't see the cop 

He pulled out his gun and told you not to move 

But you did not stop so now you lose 

It was your life, the one you choose 

I remember you were young and lazy 

You were on the news they said you were crazy 

I went to the cemetery where your body lie 

I didn't even get a chance to say good-bye 

I knew you were a good guy one that was kind and shy 

-Peanut, San Francisco 
From The Beat: Thank you for this poetic reminder that some things 
that feel good today can mean there will be no tomorrow. The problem 
with drugs is that they can quickly addict you, make you their prisoners, 
so that you think you're in control of your life, but you're really just a 
slave. And that kind of slavery can lead to other, more direct kinds of 
slavery where strangers order your every move. We hope some readers 
with habits will absorb the wisdom of what you've ivritten, and make 
some changes in their lives while they still can. 

Best Story Ever 

I'm going to tell you my best story ever. First off, the only 
best story I think that I can have is freedom. Freedom is 
the only thing that matters to me while I'm in here. 

The path I chose ain't the best one, but if I make the 
right choices, I can make something of myself. 

When people make the wrong choices, the only thing 
that happens is that you end up in here. So if you're 
readin', don't make the same mistake twice. What I'm 
tryin' to say is my best story is getting out of here. 

-Korff, San Francisco 

From The Beat: If every story has a beginning, middle and end, then 
getting out of here is only the beginning of your best story. How do you 
imagine the middle... the part that comes after you walk out, and the 
part that will determine what the ending will be. 


7 nn 

//// // 

One Positive Scliooi Experience 

Before I started the lifestyle I am living now, I was 
actually a very good student. It might not seem like it 
now, considering I've only attended probably a week of 
high school altogether, and Fm now 18 and a senior. 

Before I took the wrong road, I loved school. As a child, 
I worked hard, got good grades, and attended everyday. 
From about 2nd grade to 7th, I was on Honor Roll and I 
was a GATE student. I would be so proud walking up to 
that stage in front of the school and my grandparents, 
receiving that award. 

It was a really good feeling making my grandparents 
proud of me and seeing my award on the fridge. 
I wish I could have stayed on that path. 

Life now would be so different. But like a lot of others, 
I chose drugs and crime over school, which was one of 
my biggest mistakes. 

But that's one of my proudest moments in life, and 
one of my positive school experiences. Late Beat. 

-Geneuieve, Santa Clara 

From The Beat: OK, so you messed up, but you're still breathing. 
You're one of the luclcy ones. So get with it. If you need help, if you 
have addiction problems to deal with, asic for help. Remember your 
capabilities. Accept responsibility. Don't beat yourself up. Get on with 
things. Get back to school. You have some catching up to do. On with 

Happy Birtliila]!, Mom 


I love you. Mom, and I'm sorry I had to be in here fo' yo' 
birthday. I wish I was with you fo' yo' birthday. 

When I get out, I'ma do good fo' you. I knew I should've 
done better when I was on the outs, but it was hard. But 
since I came in here and seen you came visit me with 
tears in yo' eyes, it hurt me, and I'm sorry. 

I love you. Mom. Happy 40th birthday. 

-Chris, San Francisco 

From The Beat: You know, Chris, if you keep the promise you make in 
this birthday tribute to "do good" when you get out, that will be the 
best birthday present you could possible give to your mother... and to 

No To Colie 


I got people all around me asking me if I wanna do some 
coke. But in be like, what should I do? I stopped doing it, 
and everywhere I go there's coke and people asking me if 
I want some. But I be like, "No," because I ain't tryna do 
that no more. 

-Cholo, San Francisco 

From The Beat: This piece is too short, and you could have added a lot 
more about your experiences and why you have quit. But the message 
you are giving is so important — and we're so proud of you for having 
the courage to say no — that we had to give you a co-pow. Don't fall for 
those who will always try to tempt you to go back to a lifestyle that 
leads nowhere good. Built on the foundation of sobriety you've got 
going. Good for you! 

TliG DuGl( Lool(ino Girl 


Sitting here at this table these three girls — one with 
blonde and black hair, one with bangs and the black girl 
with a pony tail. The girl with the pony tail told me that I 
looked like a duck. As I sit here and talk to them, I learned 
more about them. They really cool people to talk to. So 
no matter how people look, you should know them first 
before you judge them. 

-Jerrell, San Francisco 

From The Beat: Prejudice means to judge things before you know them, 
and that's what we do when we judge people by the surface. As for 
looking like a "duck," we can't agree with that. But even if it's accurate, 
do you know the story of the "Ugly Duckling"? If not, you should try 
to find it in the library or on the Internet and read it. We think you'll 

I Waot My Freedom 


Being locked up is not the way to go 

I'm surrounded by dumb kids that 

Don't go to school no mo'. 

Why do people always shoot up the corner store. 

Why can't we go back to old school Nintendo 64? 

The whole situation I'm enduring is fo' sho' pissin' me 

off though. 

I don't like it the dope game I quit that 

If not I'll probably be right back in jail. 

Thinking in my mind that I failed. 

Dreaming that I can sail away from the world. 

My money is as sweet as honey, 

I want my freedom, screw stardom. 

I like to fly I also like to get high sip syrup, drink patron 

While I'm smoking purple at home 

And talking to a bob on the phone. 

Now I feel like I'm grown 

but it's kinda messed up that I'm going to be gone 

-- for a very long time. 

-Ice Mayne, Alameda 

From The Beat: It is messed up. But at the same time, they can't take 
your mental freedom right? And you keep that, so long si% you keep 
reading, keep writing, keep pushing yourself to stay up and above 
the negativity around you, whether its behind the walls or out on the 

he I 

To My Mofl) 

Dear Momma, 

It's your son Momo 

Sayin' how much I miss you 

And I love the way you were there in my thoughts. 

Even though you weren't alive past 29 

And couldn't see me grow up. 

I know you didn't really know me. 

But you were the one I knew. 

So can't say I hate you., so moms I love you. 

RIP Luanna Jane Taylor 

-Lil' Momo, Alameda 

From The Beat: We turned this piece into a poem, we hope you don't 
mind: It's just that it had so much emotion in it, it felt like a poem when 
we read it. It made u% wish we knew more about your mother too, and 
about what kind of a person she was. What have you heard about her 
from your other family members? I 


Watiig Id lit In 

1 I 


What's up Beat? This is the first story that I have wrote, 
dude, to the time that I've been here at YGC. The topic I 
have chosen is simply saying no. 

It's been a lot of events in my life so far that I should 
have just said no. My first time smoking weed is the 
perfect example. 

One day it was a block party in my 'hood. I'm outside 
with all the people my age. My friend started rolling up 
some weed. They told me I should try it. I didn't want 
to look like a punk, so hit it a couple of times. Then got 
caught by moms hella high. 

I learned that to think before I do and to also just say 

-Israel, San Francisco 

From The Beat: Unfortunately, the way you started smoking is the way 
too many young people start doing things that aren't good for them. 
Being afraid to "look like a punk" is something all of u% have felt at a 
certain age. So sometimes, it takes a lot more courage to be the only 
one to turn down those offers, whether it's weed, drink or pulling a lick. 
If you've really learned the lesson you say you have, then maybe it was 
worth it. Thank you for iwriting in The Beat. We look fonward to more of 
your thinking and iwriting. 


Somethin' I Didn't Even Dn 


Well, the reason why I'm here in this dump is because I 
messed up by hanging out with the wrong people. I think 
that I'm here on some straight BS. I'm doing all this for 
some shhh I didn't even do and the thing about it is the 
person who actually did the crime didn't go to the hall at 

This really makes me angry because I am being 
charged for robbery when I didn't rob anyone, and I'm 
doing time for someone who's on the outs. 

Now I can understand that I can run from the police 
and I had involvement in the crime (on a very low level 
if you ask me) but the thing about it is that the court 
system really don't care. 

Honestly I am not the type of person who would 
ever even think about robbing someone because it's just 
not something I would do. But just because I chose to 
hang out with my friends on this day I now suffer the 
consequences of a bad choice. 

-Young E 

From The Beat: It sounds like your so-called friends don't Icnoiv hoiw 
to be positive with their time. You can't change the past, but you can 
change the future, right? So what's the next move? Maybe it's time to 
find new friends, because like you say you're not the type of person 
lAfho lAfould be doing wrong. 


I loll Hi! Nit To (I 


When I was about 12 years old, I went to my patna's 
house and he was about to leave with some people. I told 
him not to go and he ended up dead. I was grieving for like 
two months. 


From The Beat: We wish he'd listened to you - if he had, he might still be 
alive. Have you ever been on the opposite side, when you were about to 
head into danger, and someone told you to stay home, but you weren't 
trying to hear them? 

Best Friends 


Do you got a best friend? Well I do, her name is Tayana 
J. We know each other from school, her and I have a song 
for you that's if you're reading this? "If I was your best 
friend I'll want you around all the time. Can I be your best 
friend girl if you promise you'll be mine." 

-Lil' Charles 

From The Beat: That's great that you have a best friend! Do y'all support 
each other and try to stay outta of trouble? 



This is Marcus live from the Hall and I am very angry 
right now. I'm still trying to get over the fact that I lost my 
mom and they move me from my unit. It just don't make 
no sense that I'm in a m£ix unit, and I ran from camp. 
They say I got to be in here till my next court date, which 
June 16. 

But the good news is that when I go over to the court 
I'm going to be able to go home. Plus I'm going to miss 
my birthday again, just like last year on April 16. With 
all that stuff on my mind, its hard for me to be happy in 
here. I'm going to get through it though, just spend most 
of my time in my room sleeping, 'cause when I get back 
to the house I know I'm not going to get that much sleep. 
Well this is some of the stuff that gets me angry. I'm out 

-Lil' Marcus 

From The Beat: Why won't you get much sleep? We only ask you this 
because we REALLY hope you are planning on taking it easy when you 
get out. You've been through so much already! Getting caught up is the 
last thing you need. 

Who Are We To Blame 


We stuck in the game 

Just tryin' to make a name 

Drug dealing 'cause we gotta maintain 

Doing all this 'cause we feel like we in pain 

But there's one question 

Who are we to blame 


From The Beat: it's a good question. What do you think? Is there 
someone to blame? Does having someone to blame help? Is blaming 
even the ansiwer? 

The Best Day Ever: Tomorrow! 

I think that I might get out tomorrow, I really want to. 
I think that if I do get out that will be the best day ever 
that has happened to me this year. I been doing good too. 
I have been handling my business too. I've been in the 
hall for too long, and I've spent my birthday here. I don't 
wanna be here on another special day and I'm going to be 
driving when I get out to so I really can't wait. 

I What will top it all off is I'm gone see family, that I 

miss very much. I just wanna leave out of court with my 
family tomorrow on our way home for good. I'm just go 
keep praying and I'm gone hope that tomorrow is my final 
day in jail. Well alright, wish me luck. 


From The Beat: Good luck! And more importantly, we hope you never 
get out: Like you say, there's no reason to miss another special day. 

Jodge Tryiog Give Me A Hoodred Years P.O.W. 

What's good with The Beat man? 

Judge trying to give me a hundred years 

Keep on going back and forth to count 

Mama want me to live a long time 

She don't want me to go to but I chose the wrong things 

And made some mistakes that I wish I never did 

Smoke some weed now bra a new kid 

Went to court I cant get a chance 

Trying to change my life and be a new man people say I 


Bra I think I can 

Screw it bee that's what I am 

Imagine being in a bathroom sleeping every night 

I bet judge don't know 

But if he did he'd still try to give a ninja a hundred 


-Lil' Co 

From The Beat: You can't place the fate of your life on the judge 
anymore. You did what you did. You can't turn back the hands of time. 
All you can do is learn from your mistakes instead of keep committing 
the same ones over and over. If you wanna change your life it starts 
with the decisions you make now. 

Trapped In A War Zone 

Every which way I look they trying to put bullets in my 


I see to many lost souls roaming around the hood 

Cause everybody I know is off that good 

What the hood has to offer 

Gun's drugs and warfare 

When is the violence gon' stop 

When hollow tip bullets gone hit that's when is another 

body drop. 


From The Beat: Trapped in war zone you need to get up outta of there. 
Unless you wanna be a victim or a just another body on that cold 
hearted battle field. 

Like, Wow 

It was a nice day upon us on a Sunday morning. It was 
about ll:23ani when me and my cousins was heading 
out to go see they sick father at the hospital. We was 
approximately five minutes away from leaving out the 

When my Auntie Nicole was fishing for her keys to 
the car, a call came in on the house phone and asked to 
speak with Nicole. When she took the phone I heard 

her respond speaking to whoever asked her was it her. 
After at east the thirty seconds on the phone she took to 
her room and yelled after she close the door. 

Automatically we assumed something was wrong so 
we all headed into her room. She asked my cousins to 
stay clam before she announced that the' father died. 
After that the whole room went into silence for a moment, 
until my uncle's youngest daughter broke out in tears 
and was saying "No, no, not my daddy," repeatedly, and 
then everybody broke out crying. 

Even I did, because Uncle Carl used to treat me 
like one his own children. He use to let me come over 
whenever I wanted to and let me work for him for money 
since he owned two security jobs. 

But I just couldn't get over that he died right before 
we was leaving out the door to visit him. I spent a couple 
days in my room crying... I couldn't even try to get over it 
to release the pain. 

Honestly I went to the street to buy bags of weed and 
blow them with one of my loyal friend, named David that 
is like a brother to me to help ease the pain. It worked for 
a while... but still ain't completely got over it. 


From The Beat: You painted such a vivid picture of that horrible day 
that we felt iiice we were right there with you. We can see how you'd 
be tempted to cover the pain up with smoice, but pain iiice that never 
actually "goes away" does it. What would your Uncle Carl be wanting 
you to do? How can you honor his memory? 

The Hood 

I come from the streets of Oakland. The hood is like 
a home to me. On these streets I get into trouble. I'm 
always in juvenile hall and I hate it. The hood is so bad 
but at the same time it's good. I love the hood but bullets 
be flying like birds out there and its hard to stay alive. 

Ninjas out here selling dope to people tryin' to make 
the fast money. Some just try to get something on 24's 
just so they can stunt cause stunting is a habit. The 
streets is my home so all you fake ninjas need to leave it 

-Baby Whoody 

From The Beat: You gotta hate it or love it. We aint trying to Icnocic 
your hood or anything but why do people risic their lives and freedom 
just for something on 24^. is the chrome on those wheels more precious 
than your freedom or life itself? 


ke I 


I lost my grandma and I couldn't handle the pain. 

It seemed like I had a lot to lose and nothing to gain. 

Because the decisions I made could have had put me in 

a grave. 

But I'm stuck in this place and nowhere to go 

Damn I wish I could die and have God take away my 



From The Beat: it^ heartbreaking to read the sadness in this poem, 
especially because your grandma would never have wanted you to feel 
this pain. She would want you to make different decisions from now 
on, though, because of her love for you. Does the memory of that love 
give you strength? 

Still Here 

Q-vo Beat? This Chikillo, well I'm still here. Waiting 
until they come pick me but I'm happy 'cause today April 
1, 2008 I make two years with my girl friend. And that 
makes me hella happy. 

But the bad thing is that I'm in the hall, but it's good 
I'm just ready to get out and start my life again and kick 
it with my homies. Well Beat this vato is out. 

- ChikiUo 

From The Beat: You're always talking about how you can't wait to Icicle 
it lAfith your homies. That's only gonna bring you right back to the halls. 
You never talk about how you wanna change your habits like getting in 
trouble, or your kid, and you never talk about your girl. If you wanna 
start a new life then you're gonna have to stop getting in trouble. You 
can't expect to chill with the homies and not get into some trouble. 

I I 

i I 


ou I 


When I grieve, it's not a great thing because I've lost a lot 
of the people I love. It's like losing your whole life. I think 
about all the people I lost, and that I'll never completely 
heal because those people were part of my family. I can 
never see them again and it's sad. It's life 'cause everybody 
got to go someday. 

But sometime it be the wrong people that be taken 
away from us. But God has a better place for my family 
and I pray every night for my family because I love them 
with all my heart and soul. I'm losing my family to stupid 
stuff and that's not worth it. I hope my whole family turns 
their life around. 

-Lil' Ree 

From The Beat: We are sorry for your loss, but this is what will happen 
when being stuck into a type of lifestyle that^ tied to the streets. Why 
don't you set the example first? if they see a member who is playing the 
same game, getting out of the gang life, accomplishing many positive 
goals for a good future, they can learn from you and follow your foot 
steps? At least you can safe one or more of those lives that are being 
misguided by negative influence. It's sounds hard, but you won't loose 
anything by trying. Remember, in order to help them, you need to help 
yourself out first. Then others. 

rm Mad 

I am mad that I'm in here. I'm mad because I didn't think 
I would get caught doing what I did, because I had already 
did the same thing two times before and got away with it. 
But the third time it wasn't working. 

Another reason why I'm mad is because I walked right 
into going to jail. I went to court two times already and 
got detained. I have two more weeks until I go to court. 
That's why I'm mad. 


From The Beat: You can't get away with it every time. Sooner or later 
you're bound to get caught. We hope you don't be thinking that you can 
get away with it every time cause you can't. You should be mad because 
you're doing what you're doing. You need stop before you keep coming 
in and out of jail for the rest of your life. 

Dear Mom 

Dear mom I'm sorry for all the pain I put you through 

Now I'm locked up and all it's doing is stressing you 

Not just me but my brother too 

We thought we was coo' 
Robbing houses skipping schoo' 

Doing shhh we shouldn't do 

And in the end it only hurt you 

How we sitting in our cells crying because we miss you 

Mom I wrote you poem to tell you that I love you... 


From The Beat: Make sure you send a copy of this beautiful poem to 
your mom, but also, is saying sorry enough? Or is it time for you AND 
your brother to switch up your game? 


//// // 

What's up with it Beat? Shhh Fm still in this thang waiting 
for my group home to come get me. I was supposed to be 
gone two weeks ago to my group home but I don't know 
why they taking hella long to come get me. I've been in 
here fo' too long. 

I'm ready to get released this week to my group home 
at San Jose. Shhh I don't know why I'm still here, I'm 
been doing really good in here. I could see if I'm doing bad 
in here for them to keep me in here, but I've been good. 

-Young A 

From The Beat: Well all you can do is stay patient. Stay doing your 
program, stay positive and good things will come. Keep ya' head up. 

Driving My Moma Crazy 


My mama tells me when I run the streets, she can't . 
sleep. Her phone rings late at night and she thinks | 
something happen to me. She turns her head every time 
police come. She scared to look 'cause it might be me in 
the back seat. Her blood pressure go straight through the 
roof all because the only time she have peace is when I'm 
in the house asleep. 

Man, I think I'm speaking for every street nigga around 
the world 'cause we don't never have enough time to 
think about what we're taking, or puttin' mama through. 
And for all that's said, just pray to God she doesn't wipe 
her hands off me. i 

Her favorite word is dope. Ain't the only way to eat. | 
She heard the feds in the town and her knees got weak. 

-Lil' Domo 

From The Beat: Have you had the time to thinic the pain you have been 
giving to the person who loves you the most? You are being selfish with 

I her and yourself. She doesn't deserve the type of preoccupations you've 
been given her. If she has a drug problem, the least you can do is to help 
her get her feet back where they should belong. She's your mother not a 
stranger. She carried you for months just for you to be here, is this the 
way you are going to pay her back? Do something! 

I fell ■ 

Bilnded By "Love" 

This Weezy, I'ma tell ya a story about two females 
in love with. Check it out, one day, I was at the Mosque (a 
place where Muslims worship God), and I seen this fine 
Afghan female. I knew I had to talk to her, so I started 
talking to her, but not in a flirty way, because it was at J 
the mosque. * 

I didn't know if she was that type of girl. I started 
talkin' to her, then one day she asked me for my phone 
and she called her friend blocked, and gave me the phone 
and told me to holla at her. 

So, I started talking to her and stuff, but I didn't really 
want to get with her friend, I wanted to get with her! I told 
her that and she said, "you know I'm not like that." 

I guess she was just too religious. She told her friend 
that I was her cousin, and that I wanted to get with her. 
She got me and her friend talking to each other, so I was 
like, ok, it's coo'. I'll just use her friend to get to her. 
Me and her friend started going out, and after about a 
month or two she started feelin' me and wanted to get 
with me, but it was too late, I started having feelings for 
her friend. 

Then after 9 months I cheated on her friend with her 
and I told her, and we broke up, and then I broke up with 
her friend too. 


From The Beat: What a shame! This is what to expect when we do not do 
things right. Next time, try to be faithful and think about your partner's 
feeling before doing something like that. What did you learn from this? 
For one, cheating don't pay! 

She's Exactiy Wiiat I Need 

She's my sunshine in the rain 

My Tylenol when I'm in pain 

Like tall glass of lemonade 

That's burnin' hot on summer days 

She's exactly what I need 

She soothes like the ocean rushing on the sand 

She takes care of me 

She's exactly what I need 

She's so beautiful 

Sometimes I start to close my eyes 

She's exactly what I need 


From the Beat: Then, what the heck are you doing here? Go get her and 
be with her. You're wasting time! Yet, now you have a ton of work to do 
to stay out of such a place. Handle your business!! 

I Wanna Be Free 

do I 


Man, I wanna get out. Being in Juvenile Hall is crazy. I 
hate being in these small rooms. I hate being locked up. 
This shhh is torture. They only let you out sometimes. 
The food is the nastiest shhh in the world. They only let 
you take a shower for 5 minutes. 

When I'm at home, I take one hour showers. I feel 
so sick. When I first got locked up I was dizzy and was 
throwing up in my room. I didn't know how much I cared 
about my family until I got in this place. 


From The Beat: What next? Would you be back after experiencing such 
as nasty and horrible experience? It's better to be home. Get out and 
stay out. What's your lesson from this? 

Hoping I Get But 


What's up Beat? Man, this shhh is boring, but I'm gonna 
be in the outs mane. I can't wait to get out maybe I'm 
gonna be out tomorrow but I'm happy cause mane I'm 
gonna be out wit my ninja in the hood. 

Then I'm gonna be wit my family in the house. My 
lil' brother and my homies. Well first I got to make some 
thing up with my family especially my mom. I got to tell 
her I'm sorry cause I told her that I hate her and when 
she'd die I wont be there and I will make a party. But when 

I I'm on the outs I'm gonna tell her I'm sorry. 

From The Beat: Man, homie you shouldn't be saying those kind of things 

to your mom. She gave you birth and you owe her more than that. If she 

I tells you stuff it's cause she don't want you to go down the wrong path J 

I and end up in jail or in a coffin! I 

Sayiny No INahl 

J L 

I remember one time I was messing with this boy and we 
were getting high, drinking and the whole nine... and dude 
was hella cute, but when I get high I be like backup! 

So we go to his house or whatever, and I guess he 
thought I was about to give him some sex and it was 
funny because I knew that's what he wanted, and I knew 
he wasn't getting any. 

So when he tried to make his move I was like "nah, 
I'm good." 

He was like, "all right. I'm about to take you home." 

I was like, "fast" 'cause I was high, and it was about 
the time my boyfriend was going to be on his way to my 
house anyway... 


From the Beat: What about saying no to drugs and alcohol? Are you ever 
able to do that? 

stupid Mistake! 

rm looking stupid because Fm in here for shooting a 
school window with a bb gun. I've been in here for six 
days and I'm already ready to leave. 

When you're in here you're thinking a lot. Mostly 
about when you're getting out or why you're in here and 
why was I acting stupid. 


From The Beat: That's cool that you recognized that you've made a 
mistake. Learn from it. There's nothing you can do now, but learn from 
it and don't make it again. 'Cause next time you're gonna be sitting in 
there for an even longer period of time. Part of maturing is recognizing 
when you're acting stupid, or recognizing your mistakes and correcting 
them. You have a good head on your shoulders don't lose it. 

Colors EvGrpiiere 

Use to see in black and white 

Never any in between 
Waitin' on the love of my life 

To come in to my dream 

Everything is shades of Gray 

Never any greens 

All the beauty that was waitin' for me' 

Lou, you put the color back in the sky' 

You put the rainbow in my eyes 

A silver lining in my prayers 

And now there are colors everywhere 

My life is so predictable 

Never any mystery 

But now I have a hand to hold 

All of that is history 

Needing someone else to turn to 

Someone who can help me learn and see 

All the beauty that was waitin' for me 

You, you put the color back in the sky 

You put the rainbow in my eyes 

A silver lining in my prayers 

And now there are colors everywhere. 


From The Beat: Who is this girl who brought all the colors back to your 
view? It^ a shame you got it all outside with this girl, but you can't 
enjoy it. Are you working hard in getting back your freedom to be with 
this girl? The way you described her, make us think that she's one of 
the best. Don 't loose her, because girls like that one aren't found very 



I have grief over being in juvenile hall again because 
of a stupid mistake I made. I'm gonna learn from this 
mistake and never come back here again because this 
isn't where I belong. 

I belong riding my bike with my friends having fun 
like a normal kid. This is a place for criminals and I'm not 
a criminal and a lot of these other kids aren't either they 
just made a mistake. 


From The Beat: You're right y'all ain't criminals. You just made a mistake. 
That's great that your recognized it all on your own. Learn from it. Stick 
with this mentality and you'll be good. 

I Miss My Froedoni 

I miss my mom and my dad. I should never even did what 
I did to get in here. When I go home I am never coming 
back I don't like the food here. I miss my mom cooking. 
I'm mad. 


From The Beat: We all don't appreciate the small things like our mom% 
cooking when we're on the outs. But we're glad to hear you say you ain't 
never coming back we hope that's a promise and not just jail talk. 

I feel grief about the situation I am going through right 

Now that I'm in juvenile hall doing my time I think to 
myself "one day I will be out of this place so just live the 
way I have to live right now and I will be out soon." 

I There is no reason for me to cry and regret the things 

I did to end up in this place because it happened already. 
I just need to know the next time I'm out don't make 
another wrong choice or mistake to end up here again. 


From The Beat: That's good advice to give yourself, Christine, if you 
stick to that, you will be okay. 

I I I I I I 


Taiiiiflo To My Brotiior 

Well today I was talking to my brother on the phone. It 
was the first time I didn't cry while on the phone with him 
in here. Talking to him makes my day even if it makes me 
cry. Today when I was talking to my brother he told me 
my grandma is finally going to let me come home. 

I'm so happy 'cause I have court on my 17th birthday. 
So I get to go home on my birthday. I'm so exited I can't 
wait till my birthday. I only have two more weeks in 


From The Beat: That's great news Amber. Tell us more about your brothei^ 
have you always been close? Who's older? What's his personality like? 
What do you plan to do together when you get out? 

The Haii 

The hall is the worst place to be at. I rather be anywhere 
in the Bay than to be up in here. You lose control over 
your life. The staff can be cool when they want to be 
or they can be punks, most of the time they are punks. 
We always gotta be quiet, they raid your room almost 
everyday, throw your stuff around in your room, then 
make you clean it up. You gotta eat this nasty food that 
comes from Santa Rita, and you gotta be in your room for 
most of the day. 

I know jail is not supposed to be fun but damn, jail is 
hella weak. I try to stay out, but in the streets you gotta 
do what you gotta do, everybody know that. 

But if you are one of those cats that have parents able 
to give you everything you need, don't try to live the street 
life 'cause the consequences ain't cool. Be safe if you out 
there in the streets, you know. 

-Young Foul 

From The Beat: That, "you gotta do what you gotta do," is what brings 
you back here? What do you have to do? is there someone holding and 
pointing a gun at you be on the streets doing the things you gotta 
do? Be realistic! What^ the point? What are you trying to prove? Good 
advice! We hope they fallow it through! But, you don't need the support 
of parents to succeed in life. We have known guys who have made it 

with a father, a mother or both. You can be another one on the list. 
T^ust us, we are no laying! 

W Beat! 


What's up Beat? Well I'm still here waiting to get out. 

Well today I got some good news that I'm going to a 
group home in the bay because last time she send me 
to Chino Hills. So I'm happy 'cause I'm going to a group 
home in the bay, so yeah. I'm not coming back here if 
they send me to the bay and I'm not coming back here. 


From The Beat: Congratulations and not getting sent hella far. But if 
you go to the group home out here in the bay you better finish it so you 
can get out this system and move on with your life. 

//// // 

Everything is on me. I'm the one who determines if Fm 
come back to jail or if Fm stay in the streets. Fm the one 
who determines if I move on or if I wallow in grief. Fm 
the one who determines if Fm let my peers or the streets 
influence me. 

It's a time when everyone has to make up and take 
responsibility. This is where it comes down on you and 
on me, and since I call myself a "G" it's only right that I 
"man up" for mistakes made in my history. 

I don't know about you, but I know from this day 
forward I'm not going to try to be nothing other than me, 
and the best I can be. Now that's what you call a real man, 
and a real "G." 

-Lil' William 

LFrom The Beat: Show it with actions not just words! What are your 
plans? Are you going bade to school? What makes a man? And what 
makes a G? It's time for you to become a man, a responsible man who 
can start acting like one. Your childish games are over. And it's time for 
you to start focusing in your future. 

The Best Story 

The best story I have is when I turned myself in because 
I was pregnant then got off. Then I got myself in school 
and got a job. But.... I'm back. 

-Ladi Lee 

From the Beat: So the story has had some major ups and downs so far. 
Luckily though, it's only just begun. 

Another Chance 

Man, what's good with it Beat? Me? Same old stuff. 
Coming back and forth to this joint. 

Well anyways, this Bra Bra, I'm about be getting 
a released tiiis week to go to LA. My PO is giving me a 
chance to do right. I'm going to L.A. for two months and 
will leave on good behavior, and come back to the town 
for a month so. I'm juiced. I really think I can do this. 

I've been writing in this Beat Within for a minute and 
I'm tired of writing in here. I know I've been writing in this 
Beat saying that I'm not going to come back, but I'm really 
not about to come back. This is my chance to change. I 
know I've had hella chances and messed up but I'm about 
to take advantage of this chance and run with it. 

-Bra Bra 

From The Beat: Bra Bra, we wish you all the best, and we hope you stay 
free and proud . You are a great writer with a lot of heart and brains, 
and we know you will better on the outside with these skills in hand. 

Running Away 

Hey, what's good Beat? This is the homie Yoyo coming 
from the inside of these struggling wall in unit 9. I don't 
know what to write about. Well, I cut from this group 
home like almost 500 miles away and made it home. I left 
my clothes in the back of a house by the group home. I 
had hella new clothes and all my clothes from the hut 
was in that shhh too. 

I guess I lost all was 5 or 6 bills worth and all I got 
is some boots, and clothes. When I get out or sent to a 
placement, I'm 'bout to be looking grimey 'till I get my 
grind on. 

So 'till next week Beat. Please pray for me 


From The Beat: Honestly, if you keep thinking like this, you iwon't have 
a future. The way you are running your life will only bring you back to 
this place or another place worst. Getting your grind on is what will 
make this happen. Use this time to reflect on the things you are saying. 
One last question: Was it worth it? 

The Person Who Changed My Life 

The person that changed my life I would have to say, is 
my boyfriend B. You're probably wondering why I would 
say he changed my life out of all people, but he helped 
me realize that I didn't have to wear makeup or wear sexy 
clothes just to keep him because he likes me for me. 


From The Beat: What do you like about him? And what do you like 
I about yourself? You've started writing an interesting piece, and we 1 
I want to hear more! I 


I'm disappointed because they taking to long to send me 
up to camp. Then they transferred me from my regular 
unit 3 to unit 12. I've been here for about two weeks. 

I wish I wouldn't have shot that girl with that BB gun. 
Then I wouldn't be in this situation after all. I never got the 
chance to tell her I was sorry but it wasn't intentional. 


From The Beat: We can understand your frustration because you wanna 
go to camp and get your time over with. But don't stress over things you 
have no control of. You'll get there soon. Once you get there knock 
out so you can get out of here and move on with your life. 

ou I 



! I 

My grief is mental and physical. I have a lot of grief right 
now because I'm being taken away from the people I love 
the most. 

The way I handle my pain is actually very easy. If you 
believe and have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. He put 
everything into his hands, and it all works out. 


From the Beat: It's wonderful you have faith. But what about the power 
you have to make change? What can you DO to make your own situation 

Life Is A Hell 

Life could be a hell in so many ways. First of all, by my 
girl. She went bad on me by going clubbing and stuff. I did 
not like it so I had to cut her lose by not paying her no 
attention to make her mad. 

Second, life is a hell when my cousin Tony passed 
away. In loving memory of Tony aka Lilo. When he 
went down, my life went round. It's like he had passed 
everything he had to me by passing over all. The respect 
that he had, passed over. So that way life is a hell. So keep 
your head up! 


From The Beat: Sorry for your loss! Life isn't always how we plan for it 
to be and no one knows exactly what tomorrow brings. That's why you 
must always stay improving in life to make life the best it can be, and 

I not some much of the other word you portray it to be. How are you 

I planning to live yours? The same? 


I M\ 

np ' 


My Sweet Love 

My sweet love is someone that I really love because he 
made a lot of things change for me. He also took me in 
when no one else did. The love that he has for me I never 
had from a man. His love is sweet. Age is a difference but 
it wasn't my eyes, it wasn't my body, it was my love and 
my speech that attracted him. 


From Beat: We are glad to hear he^ made you feel loved. But what has 
he really changed for you? Lets remember, you are writing this from jail. 
Tell us more about him, and how your relationship connects to this stint 
you are doing in jail. 

RIP Derial 

It was April 18, 2007, a day that I will never forget. I 
was at home and I got a phone call from my sister saying 
that our patna just told her that my boyfriend Derial was 
killed early that morning. 

I couldn't believe what I heard. I immediately called 
one of his close friends to see if what I've just heard was 
true. He told me. Dang. Ever since then my life has become 
a blur. Me and his mommy grieve for him everyday. 

I can't believe how detailed his mommy described it 
to me! My life will never be the same. I'm gonna mourn 
Derial 'till I join him. 

-Sad friend 

From the Beat: We are always so saddened to hear about the needless 
deaths of young men in our community. What do you think we need to 
do to keep the peace? What can you as an individual do? 

What's up Beat, this your boy Marcos. Yep I'm back here 
in the hall. I ran from camp once again. I thought I was 
going to pimp it but I didn't. My stupid self got caught up 
in the west. But its cool though. Well I probably won't be 
here long, aright then. 


From The Beat: Why do we put our lives in the hands of strangers for 
them to do with us as we please? Why do we get out and forget the 
pain of the inside? 

Horrific Street Trutii 

In the street life 

Anything goes 

From pimps & hoes 

To murder cases never closed. 

It's a hard life, with a horrific truth 

Many can't face, what really takes place 

They try to cover it up 

But how does it help? 

Police walk around, with a 9 in their belt. 

Can't handle the cards we were dealt. 

So we try to hide & we get criticized 

But no one knows what we feel inside. 


From The Beat: People NEED to know, need to hear. That's why your 
work as a poet is so important: Speaking your mind, putting your words 
in verse, that's one way to stop hiding. And maybe if enough people 
speak, the world will listen up. 

Tougii Taii( 


I'm like a shark in the sea 

I'm a gangsta from the streets 

Ninja don't you see 

That's why I keep telling this ninja 

It's hard being a G 

They got me in this cage 

Full of anger and pain 

But I gotta hold it down 

Purple in my veins 

Ninjas acting the fool 

Thinking this shhh is cool 

Trying to play wit' the game 

They gone end up in a T-shirt 

Or a picture frame. 

-Nacho Cheese 

From The Beat: Why is it common for many to prove to the ivorld that 
they're hard and ignorant? Why can't people fight with their minds, 
ideas and thought instead of always with a weapon which doesn't get 
one far in life? When will people see the light? 

larl liie Sijiig Ni 

X r 

Saying no is something teenagers have a hard time 
saying. Peer pressure is common and it's hard to choose 
to say no! I have had so many times where I had to think 
through something in order to say no, when no should 
have been my answer off tops. Like when it comes to 


From the Beat: What are the challenges to saying no? And what has 
helped you to say no in the past? 


Five Montlis Tooetlier 

At night I think of him, the one I gave my heart to. 

I try not to cry. I lay in my bed and face the wall and 


Pray that when I get out I will see him and he will be ok. 

I cry because I remember all of the good times that we 


I think about when he holds me and I get all warm 


I think about how he always kisses me 

on my forehead and calls me his princess. 

I admire his beautiful smile and his cute dimples! 

I love those dimples, they remind me of diamonds. 

I think of his swagga look, 
the way he wore his dreads under his hat and black 


with his jungle jeans and his fresh black Air Force 


And I remember always feeling comfortable standing by 

him 'cause he's 5'2 just like me. 

I miss my boyfriend, my right hand, and best friend! 

On the 5lJi of May we will be together for five months! 

The longest relationship we both ever had. 

I can't wait to get out and see my love! 

Can't wait to be his again. 


From the Beat: When you think of the two of you together in the future, 
what do you think about? When you think of your own future, what do 
you think about? 


A Month After 

My grandfather died about a month after I got locked up. 
I felt so bad because I couldn't even go to his funeral. 

I wasn't able to see him and tell him I love him before 
he died. After he died, I felt like there was a big hole in my 
chest, like I felt empty and depressed. 


From The Beat: We're sorry for such a sad experience. We are sure that 
even though you didn't get the chance to express your last words to 
him, he knew about your feelings towards him. Would thing had been 
different, if he had asked you to make him happy by asking you to 
change? When something is apart of your garden it's never the same 
when it is removed. The constant challenge in life is adjusting to 

Stay Fitted 

What It Do Beat. It's yo' girl Quilla, writing once again. 
Man I'm tired of sittin' in this messed up place. I need to 
go home on da real. People on da outs always hatin' on 
me cause I'm hella fly. I stay fltted. I stay with my hair 
done and I ain't bald headed. 


From The Beat: What iwe iwonder is - if you're so confident in yourself, 
why do you even waste your energy writing about other people who 
'hate' on you? We'd much rather here about YOU - your plans for the 
future, your dreams, your life. Peace. 




My birthday 

For my birthday I was supposed to have a party at the 
center in the Park, but later on that day I found out my 
mom had cancelled my party. I did not know why she 
canceled so I got mad and flashed, and I hit her in the 
head with a mirror. 

I did not know that my mom bought me an outfit, set 
me up a hair appointment, and got me backstage passes 
to the Chris Brown concert. When I found out what she 
did I apologized and felt so bad about what I did. I cried 
and I couldn't even enjoy my birthday. 

-Lady New 

From the Beat: That^ a sad story. Do you often flash like that? What are 
some healthier ways you can deal with disappointment and anger in the 
future? if you could have taken a deep breath instead, it would have 
been a totally different night... 


My Release 

I went to court on Tuesday of last week, so exactly a week 
ago. I got and E.M release. I found out today that I've had 
my release. They just haven't gotten in touch with my PO, 
That's scandalous! I should been out. She just doesn't 
want me to go home. It's her fault I'm still in here!!! 


From the Beat: That's terrible that you had to spend more time in jail 
than you were supposed to. But don't blame it al on your P.O. if you 
are going to make sure that you don't come back, you have to take 
responsibility for your actions too. 

An Escape 

This once time I saw a dog. The dog was big with a spiky 

The yard he was in had a small gate and it looked 
like he could get high enough to jump to hop the fence. 
I guessed right because he jumped over the fence and 
started running real fast. I looked real hard for a second 
and I noticed he was running towards me so I ran away 
real fast back up the street. 


From The Beat: It^ a good thing your instincts had you paying attention, 
otherwise you might have ended up with that dog^ teeth sunk in you. 
Have there been other times where being extra-aware have saved you 
from trouble? 


Whafs Up Beat 

This Juvenile Hall is getting old. I've been coming here 
for five years straight, back and forth. 

For years I haven't been home. I've either been on the 
run —meaning in the street -- or here in Juvenile Hall. 
I've been in the game for seven about to be 8 years. I've 
been told to walk away from the street life but they don't 
understand I'm in a position where I'm too deep in the 
game... its easier said than done. 

But I'll still be a man and take care of my 
responsibilities, as a brother, a son and an adult. Even 
though I'm still gang-banging I'll take care of my family 
like a man supposed to ...but I'll also do my part in the 
street cause it's in my blood. The streets raised me since 
10 years old and since then my life changed in a big way. 

The streets never turned their back on me so I'll never 
turn my back on the streets. 


From The Beat: The streets never turned your back on you, but that's 
cause they're hungry. They feed off the blood of young men like you 
- who are brave, loyal, hurt, and angry. Who signed on the dotted 
line when they were too young to know what they were signing. We 
understand that it's really hard to get out, so we're not going to try and 
push you to do that. But we will say this: The streets don't love you. 



I have a male friend that's older than me. I've been 
hanging out with him for a while. He taught me a lot in 
life. He's been in and out of jail and he told me that I 
don't have to cry or anything when I'm in jail or feel sorry 
for myself 'cause there will be a day that I will be out. I 
look up to him and I call him my O.G. because he talks 
to me and teaches me about staying away from drugs and 
troubles. If I wanna do drugs, he says just smoke weed 
because it will keep you happy and keep your mind off 
stress but be sure you have a good life. Have a family a I 
job and everything. ' 


From The Beat: This OG sounds like he wants your best interest. How _ 
did you meet him? What else has he taught you? Do you think you'll I 
give youngsters similar advice in the future? I 

T/fe streets raised me since 10 
If ears old and since then mtf life 
changed In a hig waif, j 


A Dollar And A Dream! 

My momma always told me that a dollar can make a 
dream come true. 

I asked her how can a dollar make anyone's dream 
come true? She told me that a dollar is just like a life. 
That you take chances being something that you're not 
and it's gone in a blink of a eye. 

-Lil' Shadow 

From The Beat: Your mother sounds like a ivise iwoman - did she have 
other sayings that you think about a lot? 

\ I DIP Duroer: Pain to My Deart \ 

Well I lost someone I loved. His name was Anthony aka 
Burger. I couldn't believe what I heard. I didn't know how 
to take that. It felt like somebody was stabbing me over 
and over again. It was hella pain coming to my heart. I 
didn't know how to go on, it was some crazy shhh. 

So basically RIP Burger. I was just with him the day 
he got shot and we went our ways. 

I Separate way and later that night.... R.I.P. Burger 


From The Beat: That's a good way to describe the pain, like being 
stabbed over and over again. Violence isn't just about the people who 
get killed, it's about the agony of the loved ones who survive. Has the 
pain gotten easier to deal with sk% time passes.! 

The Life I'm Living 


This life I'm living is hell. It's all about sitting here 
locked up in a cell. I wish there was a way I can get out, 
but ain't old enough to make bail. I hate the way my life 
is, but the money is good. 

I wish I can change it if I could, but I can't help it. 
One way to survive in this life you gotta be a G and know 
one thing in life it's militant on these streets. There are 
people that will kill you in order for them to eat, so to my 
people who died because of that, RIP. 

-Lil' D 

From The Beat: Are you one of those people who are willing to kill 
another human-being to eat? Your circumstances change when your way 
of thinking changes. You stated that you hate the way you are living, 
but it seems to u% that your love for the streets is greater than your 


I'm a gangsta. Fm too solid to break. 

The life Fm living is real so I can never be fake. 

I treat the gcime like some pearl. I got in deep cind I love it. 

It's always hot on the block, but still post in the oven 

And I'm a tell you its nothing! go ahead and ask me 

what is it? This block living is grimey but we be feeling 


The shhh I spit is explicit, at times these people be sccired 

If you don't like what I'm saying I guess I'll Ccill you a square. 

I don't got time for the cops because I ain't telling or 


That's why I cut on the cops like coke that's cooked in 

the kitchen 

I put in work for the set, that's why I get my respect. 

I mess with youngsters cind vets who take flight like a jet. 

That's why I'm keeping it gangsta they don't like what I 

say because I'm doper than hop and I be doper than yay. 

I'm so hood for this world that's why I carry a glock and 

if you looking for me I'll probably be on the block. 


From The Beat: What block? A block that the police can chase you off 
anytime they get ready. The block that has someone else's name on all 
it's street signs. A block that's own by the government but you are ready 
to kill someone over it. Don't play the role of a lost boy in a confusing 

BIP Wichi 


I can't believe you really gone. 

I remember when I was kickin' it with you 

Three days before I got locked up. We was 

Posted with the homies, 

Ridin' around in them G-thangs, 

with the homies. 

It's good though, Fm gonna see you one day. 

-Young Slips 

From The Beat: Too many people keep dying. Do you see any way to end 
this terrible cycle of violence? 

A True Friend 


I think a true friend will never lead you into danger and 
would always try lead you down the right path. But a true 
friend will also help you when you are in danger and will 
face the danger with you head on if he's a real friend. 

'Cause sometimes it's no way around the danger... 
but a real friend won't run away when danger is there but 
well be there for you. 

A true friend would do anything to hurt you in any 
way but will help you get around it or face the danger 
head on. 

For example I remember when I was younger and I 
was playing baseball with a couple of friends from the 
hood. Some old dude ended up hitting me in the face with 
a hard ball. At the time I was like 11, and the dude was 

So when the dude hit me with the ball, my brother ran 
over there and was about to put a beating on bra. But bra 
ended saying sorry and I said it was good. I just used that 
as an example 'cause my brother had my back and that's 
what a true friend does ...and that my brother really loved 

-King Dave 

From The Beat: That^ a good story about your brother, especially because 
you weren't doing anything wrong when that older guy tried to mess 
lAfith you. When it gets more confusing is ivhen the danger comes from 
dirt you're doing - like a true friend might back you up on a mission, 
but an even truer friend 

I I 


Trying to Stay Out 


Yo Beat! This is Lil' Toro just another day. Trying to 
stay out of trouble but just can't say off the block, so I 
keep coming back and that's wack but where I'm at keeps 
bringing me back and I hate that, so when I get out I will 
try to move so I can improve on not coming back and 
that's that. 

- Toro 

From The Beat: Remember, you have choices, and if living the gangsta 
mentality is what you are about, then, well, be prepared for further 

Saying No 

Well I'm going to talk about how hard it is for me to say 

Well maybe it's because I'm only a young teen, but it's 
really hard for me to say no. 

Like one time when my friend told me to run from my 
group home, I did because she wanted to see me do it. 
Well, it was my choice. I could've said no, but she asked 
and she was gonna pick me up so might as well just go 
right? Well later I decided not to go back 'cause we were 
having too much fun. Then I knew there were gonna be 


From the Beat: It's an important first step that you can recognize your 
weakness when it comes to saying no. Next, you have to start saying it. 
Especially when you know it's the best thing for you and your future. 

Rest in Paradise 

RIP Gabe, Daddy, Dame, Tall Kev, Lil Bob, Jeremy 

What's up with y'all. I hope all you ninja's res tin' in 
paradise. Man It ain't been the same without y'all man, 
and y'all already know we keeping it lit fo' y'all. 

I see y'all when I get up there bras -- RIP all ma ninjas 
and Daddy I love you. I'll see you when I get up there 


From The Beat: You don't need to be in a rush to get up there. Von. if 
you truly want to 'keep it lit" for all the young men who were cut down 
before their time, do it by getting your own life together and helping 
end the violence for the new youngsters coming up. 

"Dnn't Live-iife Scared," 

I live by my initials (aka the title of this piece) 

'cause that's how I was raised 

God is something that I wished that I praised 

My daddy told me to live by initials: Don't live life scared 

He told me 5-0 and life will never be fair 

People think they knew my daddy but they don't shhh 

Swoll wasn't my daddy wife he didn't love that b**** 

My daddy didn't care about his family now I wish he did 

All he really loved and cared about 

Was his money and his three kids 

My dad tried to give us the best 

But me and Nee-Nee wanted to be like him 

When I was chubby he would joke and tell me hit the 


My daddy said forget his family and sold 

Weed and coke with his friends 

Not knowing his friends would put his life to a end. 


From The Beat: It^ a hard weight to bear - knowing that on the one 
hand, you loved your dad and he loved you, on the other he was too 
caught up to see that his friends weren't his friends at all, and that the 
life he'd picked was hurting the children he loved. Have you learned 

lessons from his mistakes 

about how to choose friends, or how to 


The Life In The Hall 

Life in the hall really sucks. 

There's bad food, 

It's cold in the cells. 

Fights happen every day, 

people get pepper sprayed. 

School in the hall is boring. 

I pray everyday hoping on my next court date that I'll get out. 

In the hall you start missing your family more. 

I've been to the hall six times. 

The court now is trying to send me to a group home. 

When I get out I'm going stop smoking marijuana. 


From The Beat: The halls is designed the way it is for a reason. It could 
be a cold reality check or it can be your preparation for the big house. 
The choice is yours. 


RIP to my niece Jada. 

I will never forget you and I will always miss you... 

I love you with all my heart. 

Victory is yours and it will always be. 

Love always, your uncle J J. 

You're my baby girl 

And no one can take that from you 

Every time I look up in the sky 

I know that tliere's a star with your name on it. 

Shine brighter than ever! RIP Jada 

-Lir Miami 

From The Beat: Even with the sorrow of your loss, this poem left us 
picturing your love shining in the sky like the stars you write about. 
Thanks for sharing your heart ytrith The Beat! 

Saying No, Easy! 

No is my favorite word. There was hardly a time when 
it was tough for me to say no. But if I had to choose, it 
was up in Oakland with my partners smoking blunts and 
thizzin' when this dude around 17 tried to spit game at 

When he was done spitting game I was checking him 
out and he was hella fine, with long dreads, around 6'5 
and muscular. I was going to start using my mouth piece 
until I saw my ex boo with him and found out they were 
partners so of course I was mad, but I don't funk wit my 
exes patnas so I just said no, I'm straight and kept it lit. 

-Young H 

From the Beat: This is a great example of saying no. But do you ever 
feel peer pressured to do things you don't want to do? If so, what helps 
you stay strong? 


"Sacrifice" My Child 

I'm sacrificing my every move 

My every breath 

My every word 

And anything left 

I have a child in 

My stomach, so God 

Won't let anything 

But my best. 

Giving up the game. 

The life of tears and pain 

To be a mother. 

Like no other. 

I wouldn't change 

Before, but now 

I have to. 

Have to let go 

Of the partying 

The drugs, the life 

Of a young thug. 

I have to sacrifice 

Things that aren't right 

So I can sleep at night. 

And so I know baby 

Will have a good life. 

Take time to mend my 

Pain, take time to learn 

New things 

'Cause I've never knew 

Anything else. 

I was a wild child 

Because no one knew 

What or how I felt. 

So now I'm sacrificing 

That life & that pain 

For a new life & a new gain 

A love that will remain. 

It comes with an innocence. 

An unpriceable gift. 

I will sacrifice till 

I have nothing left. 

To promise my child 

The best of the best 

Never to see the 

Life I have lived. 

Never to cry the tears 

I will cry. 
It's the hardest change 

I'm going to make 
But I know for a certain 

It's no mistake 

I take each day to make 

A lil' more change 

'Cause in late November my 

Life will never be the same. 

So I sacrifice my life 

And anything left to be 

A mother that loves her 

Child more than anything else 

And to guarantee my child 
Loves the life they were dealt. 


From The Beat: This poem speaks with true music and grace about a 
mother^ love. We can picture the day, years from now, when your child 
has the opportunity to read what you wrote - and the beauty of it is 
that you are "sacrificing" things that were hurting you, so the things 
you are giving up are things you can do ivithout! 

Juvenile Hall Ain't The Shlih 

Juvenile Hall really got 

My balls sitting here staring 

At these four blank walls 

Try to play staff for a 

Straight through call. The devil 

Trying break me but I aint 

Gone fall. I grew up too 

Fast I tried to walk before 

I crawled gotta get a 

Real job so I can 

Ball till I fall. 


From The Beat: That's the way to go is through this corporate field. 
People with jobs are making more money then dudes that are out 
there hustling illegally now a days. Why not make the job field your 
new hustle. Something you don't have to worry about going to jail for 


As I sit in my cell man I really want to yell 
'Cause I want to free and be with my family 
As they sit there and wait for me over there on my 


Got to get out and go back to school got to get an 


Ain't gonna be no fool. 

Got a goal in my life that's all I got to do 

Got to stay off the streets 

Pray to God to help me be the best 

I can be and stop my rob, ask for job 

Till I'm 18 and when I'm on my own 

Getting my career started 

Get my mamma off coach 

And put her on a throne. 

But still as I sit in my cell 

The only thing I can do is sit there and grow my hair. 

As I'm in jail, gotta make use of my time 

Gotta go to school get some credit 

'Cause only God knows where I'm headed 

So as I sit there all I'm gonna do is think about my life 

And have to change it when I'm free. 

The End. 


From The Beat: Funny - you write the end, but the way this flow ends 
up it feels like the beginning - the beginning of a new life, and a new 
way of being in the ivorld, being free not only in body but in mind. 
What's the first step you plan to take to make this new life happen? 

Kill nr Be Kiiled: An Interview 

TBW: The only way to survive is to kill, is this true? 

It depends what kind of life you live, but where I live 

that's how it be. 'Cause we funkin' all over Oakland. So 

that makes it true in my area. But what I mean by the only 

key to survive is kill is if you don't kill who you funkin' 

with, they gon' kill you, and how you gonna survive if you 


TBW: Is there a way to walk away from the "funkin"'? 

No because if somebody gonna wanna kill you, they ain't 

gonna stop looking for you until they kill you. 

TBW: So does that mean you're trapped? 



From The Beat: The way you describe it here, it's like being caught up 
and on the outs is almost as much of a prison as it is being in a jail. 
There are no choices... and outside factors still decide what a person can 
do. What about leaving? Getting out of town? Do you know people who 
were in this situation who figured out a non-violent way out of it? 

The Life 

Bed sink, toilet, desk, chair, and window 

M£iximum security turning me to a weirdo 

Walking up in the morning you can't do whatever you 


What ever on you tray that's what you got to eat 

Going to school attending these boring classes 

No sunlight, I think I going blind I need glasses 

"Time up, times up get out" 5 minutes of shower 

Dirty socks, shirt, underwear and dirty towel 

I got a Lexus S400 on twenty-two 

But now brown khaki ugly shoe shirt away blue 

Raise your hand before you get up and move 

I use to get a sidekick, hit me three way 

No phone no TV no music got to do what the staff say 

But I'm a soldier so it don't matter to me 

I'm gon' get mine regardless no matter where I be 

Is me against the world and that a fact G 

All I can do is pray every night 

Oh well screw it that just the life. 

- Lil' T 

From The Beat: Getting yours, at this point, is partly about knowing 
how to be true to yourself, how to make the best of a situation, how to 
grow inside and stay mentally free no matter what the system decides. 
And you get a little more free with every poem you put your heart into 
- keep the flows coming, they'll keep your blood "flowing" 



e». I 
■to I 

Be Careful Who You Haug With 

Dear rookies. 

This Nell. I just want to put something out there. If 
you messing with ninjas who ain't solid, you ain't solid 
so step your game up. 

It's a new year and on these streets ninjas ain't playing 
no games for real. Shhh getting real militant. So if you 
ain't on your shhh, you will get hit. This goes for all you 
who want to be thugs and think y'all hard. 

Just play your cards smart 'cause I'm tired of hearing 
so many family member crying. So be smart and hang 
with ninjas who are solid and stick with your family 
'cause blood is always gone be thicker than water. I'm 

I -NeU I 

From The Beat: Good point! What do you mean with "ninjas that are 

solid? Why not advise them not to hang with people who can get them 

I in trouble, and find friends who can pass them a book instead of bottle i 

I of beer or a blunt? I 

The Real 

My finger up to the system 

And all respect to those 

Who fall victim to no lead-way 

But in the world living life free play 

And much peace to the victims 

Of that he say she say 

Thousands of hours steady thugging 

And just block hugging 

Get free live it up 

Pass me freedom and I 

Promise I won't give it up 

Anxious for a release date 

Ready for the next step 

And I'm ready to do right... 

As sure as Jesus wept. 


From The Beat: We believe you - now it's about convincing that judge. 
And also, have you convinced yourself that you can leave the negative 
behind? Do you have people that are positive whom you can count on? 


ziMi'UiMkd^ mmsmmm J! ^ /^ / ^ ^ ff 


Back In The Halls 

What's good Beat? This yo' boy Lil' Curt, hit you with 
the no braina. Yo boy boy back on some funny shhh. I 
went down for a warrant. I ran from Anglin. I know some 
of y'all, like, "Where the hell that's at?" 

It's a hour away from Napa. I should've waited for my 
PO, but shhh happens. I enjoyed the little time I was on 
the run, but now it's time to look at where they about to 
send me off to next. 

I want to go to the loft but they not messin' with me. 
They talking bout somewhere far, but I just gone keep 
denying them till I get what's best for me and what's not. 

But anyways, I'ma holla at The Beat next week. Until 
then, stay up 

-Lil' Curt 

From The Beat: When you get out and turn right around and come back, 
we have to ask if that "no braina" is you! You say you icnow what's best 
for you, but the fact that you do the things that allow the system to 
lock you in a cage tells u% that you may not be the best judge of what's 
in your best interest. Yes, sometimes "shhh happens," but more often, 
someone makes it happen. 

Maybe Baby 

Twenty minutes of pleasure 

Eight months I've been in pain 

my baby daddy left me 

And my baby has no name 

May 8, 2008, is the day my son is due 

I hope I get up outta here 

But if not, what can retrieve 'im 

He could've went with his daddy 

But he don't even want to see 'im 

Twenty minutes of some damn buUshhh 

This ninja thought I was out tryna trick 

Eight months up in my stomach 

Now he talkin' 'bout he don't want it 

(To be continued...) 


From The Beat: We wish we could say that this is the first time we've read 
a story like this, but, unfortunately, it's all too common. When children 
have children, expecting them to act responsibly may be expecting more 
than they can deliver. This is not to let your baby's daddy off the hook, 
but only to say that we are not surprised. Far too many grown men act 
like little boys in relation to women and children, so it's no surprise 
when little boys act like little boys. The lesson we hope you learn is that 
you must be the responsible one, not just for your unborn child, but to 
protect yourself from stny further examples like this one. After all, there 
are many ways to protect yourself from pregnancy {ik% well si% from STDs 
wfhich are now epidemic among teenage girls). 

I Work For Mioes 

It ain't always perfect and for sure damn sure, standin' 
steady don't get you nowhere. As for, me I get mines. And 
I get it on my own, with my ass on the line to get where I 
wanna get. It means much mo' to me that way. 

I like workin' my ass off. That way nobody got shhh to 
tell me. I'm grateful for all my folks that I can count on. I 
know I got the best of the best. And no doubt that when I 
do need em' they gone be there for me, and I can most def 
count on 'em. 

But unless I'm near death, I won't do it. My pride is 
high and my independence provides me self-power to get 
it together. Life is hard, dependin' how you dress her. 

-Get Guap 

From The Beat: It's hard to know where your "self-power" and "getting 
it on your own" means when all that has put you behind these walls, 
if those things get you where you want to get, like you say, then does 
that mean you wanted to get here? We think you may have to look at 
yourself more critically, because something about your life isn't working 
for you. Independence is good. Pride is good. Work is good. But if all 
that together can't keep you free, then something isn't good. We'd like 
a little of your insight on that. 

Stay Up 


Wha's up with the homies 

I heard y'all be talking ish 

And actin' phony. 

On some straight-ass boloney 

Lil' Payasa getting out soon, 

Y'all gone see I'ma be shinin' and stayin' tycoon. 

Cause in here I'ma butterfly stuck in a cocoon 

Shaoooo! (Ha Ha) 

So yeah, y'all wanna know where I'm from? 

California, San Francisco, Baby. 

The city of the classics where the youngsta's crazy. 

To my peeps, stay coo' and be safe 

Aim high, lay low 

So the 5-0 won't have to mess up yo' flow 

And get back locked up behind the YGC doors! 

-Lil' Payasa 

From The Beat: If you're a butterfly locked here in a cocoon, it's because 
you've put yourself here. It^ hard to take advice about how to stay free 
when the person giving the advice hasn't figured out how to do that in 
her own life! If your goal is to "stay tycoon," then your freedom won't 
last long, and the butterfly you claim to be will, once again, be shorn of 
its wings. Slow and steady wins the race. The rest is a child^ fantasy. 


Prayiny To Stay Out 

J L 

My name is Deontae, and I came to juvenile. The first 
time I was here for 31 days, a month. I thought I learned 
my lesson, but I thought I didn't. But like three months 
ago, me and my friend went up to a school called Gate 
Way, and they took a I-pod from this boy. Then I was there 
and the boy said I punched him. I did but, I said I didn't 
but I don't think I deserve to be in here. 

I hang with the wrong people. I do things I shouldn't 
do. But you know, I pray to God every day that I be safe 
£md I do good but this one thing, I mean though, fo' real. I 
really want to stay out of here fo' real and I pray that I get 
the heck out of here and I stay out of here fo' real. 


From The Beat: Okay, Deontae, if you did what you %xy you did, then 
why do you think you don't deserve to be here. What do you deserve? Do 
you think prayer is a one-way street, that all you have to do is pray to 
God and He will answer your prayers? Is it possible that God is praying 
to you, too, and waiting for you to answer His prayers? We know what 
you want from God, but what do you think God wants from you? 

Respect My Mind, Dawo! 

What's good lil' round? You know how this young ninja 
stay rockin', dawg. I'm still in this hole keeping it gutta 
like no otha. Ya heard me. Check it out though, dawg. I'm 
finna give you publishers a piece of my mind. 

Y'all be talkin' that straight-up BS in y'all response 
fo' real. All bull to the side, though dawg, somebody go 
mess y'all up fo' real. No lie. Ninja's don't be feelin' diem 
responses my ninja, straight up. I ain't tryna get on ya 
helmet, I'm just givin' it to you straight up. I ain't go sugar 
coat shhh, dawg. I'ma keep it all the way 100%, dawg. Just 
get at a ninja how you would want a ninja to get at chu, 
bruh. Respect a ninja mind. This goes for everybody. 

Ha ha ha! That's all folks. 

-Young Iggs 

From The Beat: Well here's the deal. Young Iggs. We respect any mind 
that teaches, that taices a subject seriously and gets below the surface 
so that we can learn from it. We respect that you're keeping it real with 
us here, but that's a two-way street, dawg! It sounds like you want to 
hear only fake answers instead of u% keeping it real with you! We're 
looking for you to give u% "a piece of your mind" that has value to 
others, because it's based on some deeper thought. When that happens, 
then you can expect to get responses you like better than this. But 
always know that we're going to keep it real with you, just like you say 
you're going to keep it real with us. Like the old saying goes, "If you 
can't stand the heat, then get out of the icitchen!" 


.-/rA/v#>^v mffwmmmj! ^/^/.^^ff 


My Rap 

You already know from the town all 'bout the 'hood 

Hustlas on the block tryna come up 

Girls on the track tryna give it up 

Dope dealer youngstas sellin' 

My young ones tryna to fade up 

From the street raised up on the block 

Smokin', just chillin', not thinkin' 

Black people wanted cops lookin', searchin' 

Gang bangin' young ninjas shootin' heat fully loaded 

People ready to flash, talk behind your back 

Even yo' best friends is your enemies 

Fighting, drinking 

Next minute yo' homey flat out on his back 

Bullet in his head, blood on your hands 

Askin' the Lord who's next 


Everybody know 'bout ya boy, Lil' Rome on the mic 


Coming at you quick 

Can you hear the fear in yo' lungs, son 

Quit feeling yourself 

My shhh going platinum 

This how they describe me: s-e-x-y 

Got the females on my arm 

Got that one million dollar smile drive them wild 

Got nine lives 


From The Beat: You're rap got a little too nasty at the end. Safe that 
childish stuff for a bathroom wall, and respect The Beat enough to be 
serious. What you really have on your arm is a bunch of people telling 
you what to do day and night, so it really doesn't matter how sexy you 
are. Nobody wants to be a %eiic^ slave... 

Wish I Knew My Grandparents 

I want to talk about me never getting a chance to meet 
my grandparents, my grandma or grandpa, because the 
ones on mom's side, my grandma had died before I was 
born and grandpa had passed when I was like flve. The 
ones on my dad side I don't know never before, period. 
Ain't seen him in hella long, and I got a lil' sister that I 
never met before. 

That's all I got to say. 

(P.S. Mike, if you don't put this in The Beat, I'm gone 
get in yo' ass!) 


From The Beat: You were cheated out of knowing them, and they were 
cheated out of knowing you. We hope you are doing what you need to 
do to live long, so that you will at least have the joy of knowing your 
own grandchildren, and they will have the joy of knowing you. We have 
no comment about Mike's sk%%\\ 

Tired Of Suckas 

You know what I am tired of? I am tired of these people 
actin' hella sneaky, thinking they a bad ass. They remind 
me of the show with Snoopy. . . and all y'all know who you 
are. Man, they thinkin' that they are sick, but when the 
beef comes down, they acting hella scared. 

These people ain't nothing but 100% fakes. All they 
know is to talk behind the vent of door. You ain't shhh 
and you know who you are. You a bunch of suckas! 

-Lil' Ryder 

From The Beat: And do you know what we're tired of? Boys who get 
themselves locked behind walls who still think they're better, meaner, 
stronger, realer than other boys who get themselves locked behind 
walls. Focus on yourself, and not on others. When you gain control over 
your own life and stop handing your freedom over to strangers, then 
you might have valuable advice to give to others. Until then, you don't 
have a foundation to preach from. 




* I 

* I 


DnYnu, rma Dn Me 


I can't do what everybody else doing 

I can only do me 

I can only do what's best for me 

I can't do what's best for you 

I can't be me 

I can't pretend to be anything else 

I'ma do me! 


From The Beat: Did you mean to write, "I can't be me?" if so, what did 
you mean? We'd like to read your description of what it means to do 
you and to be you? 




One time, I was in a group home. My friend and my cousin, 
they were running from the police on a motorcycle. They 
got away from the police and crashed, and my cousin 
flipped over the car and hit his head on the cement and 

My friend broke his leg and the doctor said he'd never 
walk again, and he might drool and not be able to talk 
again. They tried to give him hecka surgeries because he 
was in a coma, but his mom said no because she didn't 
want him to be retarded, and all that. But now he all the 
way back. He walkin', he can run — not all the way run — 
but he run with a limp. He play basketball with us. 

In my grief, I felt like running away from my group 
home, but I got a home pass. I was smokin' and drinkin', 
and I was messed up. I felt like killin' somebody, but I 
didn't and now I'm all right. 

-Ray Bay Bay 

From The Beat: We're sorry your cousin died in this situation, especially 
because it didn't have to happen. Your friend is much luckier, but he also 
paid a price. We wonder whether he is more careful with his life now 
than he was then. And we also wonder about your anger, and wanting 
to "kill somebody." Who would you have killed? Who was responsible? 
Who do you blame? Does this tragic event make you more careful when 
you are driving? Do you use your seat belt and drive within the speed 

Hard Tn Say Nn 


Man, to me I think it's hard to say no because, say, like 
your homies like to hit this blunt. Of course you gonna hit 
it, because you don't want to be a sucker. You shouldn't 
care what other people thinking about you, 'cause it 
really don't matter. 

-Gilly Rad 

From The Beat: Yes, it is hard to say no. You say you shouldn't care what 
others think about you, but then you %x^ you're gonna hit that blunt 
if your homies do 'cause you don't want to be a sucker. So, do you care 
what your homies think about you? 

1 i i i i ill \ \ 

Lost And Not Found 

Have you finally found the one you given your heart to 
only to find that one wont give their heart to you? I know 
I'm young, but I can't help who I love. To give love and feel 
like you're not getting it back... does that mean give up 
on love, or just that person? 

I don't wanna give up on him. I just hope one day he 
can feel the same. Have you ever had someone steal your 
heart away? Do just about anything to make them feel the 


From The Beat: No one can really %xy what love is. But we do know that 
when love is not returned, it hurts. We don't know whether you should 
give up on him or not, but you are young, and we feel certain that you 
will have other loves in your life, and that the feelings you have for him 
now won't always be there. When you're feeling what you're feeling, it% 
hard to believe that, but we believe you'll look back on this love from a 
different place in your life and not be so bothered by it. 


ziMi'UiMkd^ mmsmmm J! ^ /^ / ^ ^ ff 


light Niikt 

X f 

Man, this one time we was at the bowlin' alley, right. 
We was all with like some females, and then this one guy 
walks up to us saying that he was Anna pull off on ninjas. 
So then me and my ninjas took off on him and stomped 
him out. So then we had to scoot before the police came. 
Afta that we went and chilled with them females, and 
that's what happened that night. 


From The Beat: Something is missing from this story because it doesn't 
maice %en%e that one person would come and challenge a table full of 
y'all. So you piled on and beat him up. How brave of you! (We wish you 
would use The Beat to say something of value, to teach something of 
importance, or just to ask yourself questions about a way of living that 
so easily leads to your temporary slavery...) 

To Christian 


The first time I met somebody that loves me on some real 
type stuff, I take it for granted. Why? I don't know. But 
now that I'm in this same predicament, I see how much I 
love you when at first I thought you was only good for sex. 
But after three years, that young kid shhh let up. 

I hope my ninja's don't think I'ma punk for expressin' 
the real, but why should I care because what kinda ninja 
is you judging me on how I feel. But I been in this room 
thinkin' all this over. I know what we got is real, but I do 
so much outta pocket stuff I know it's gone be hard for 
you to heal. 

But the reason for this stuff is to let you know I'm 
ready for something that's real. 

Dedicated to Christian with all the love in the world. 


From The Beat: If stnyone thinks less of you because you express love 
for another person, then they're thinking like a child, because, believe 
VL%, every adult wants the kind of love you believe you have found. So 
it's what you feel that counts, and you should never have to apologize 
to sknyone for expressing love. (We wish more people would apologize 
for expressing hate, but never for expressing love.) 

No More 

What's good with The Beat? Well, as you know, I'm still 
this weak-ass juvenile hall! Forget it! Can't complain now 
'cause I'm the reason y I'm in here doin' what I'm doin'... 

But yeah, when I get out everything is gone be much 
more of living my life than living the street life... 

(To be continued...) 


From The Beat: Well, at last you're beginning to tell us a little about 
what you hope to accomplish when this experience is behind you. We're 
all ears. Put it down for us. 

Pottiog Ofl A Tougli Exterior 


Once upon a time I came to YGC. I got put in the room 
with a guy that lied and smoked rocks. He used to tell all 
these wild stories. When I left his room I found out they 
where lies because be said people's names that I knew, 
and when I asked them, they said they didn't know him. 
He used to cry every night, but when I was there he 
didn't. He pissed in the bed and always had to change his 
sheets every morning. 

-Money The Don 

From The Beat: What you write is sad. It reminds u% that we are putting 
children into cages and hoping, foolishly, that it solves some problem. 
Boys, especially, find it very hard to be completely honest with other 
boys about their fears, about their loneliness, about anything they 
perceive sk% weakness, so they front and build a tough exterior for the 
world to see. It's only after we grow up and look back that we realize 
that all human beings have fears, experience pain and share similar 
emotions. We're glad that he didn't cry when you were with him. That 
%«y% something good about you. 

i I 




When somebody dies, the feeling is very painful. When 
you lose someone that you really loved, you can't get them 
out of yo' heart. I tried to think about the good times we 
used to have, the times we argued. 

Just think the positive stuff that the person taught 
me or told me to do. What the stuff I mean positive is 
that he wanted me to finish high school, get a job, be 
successful in life. 

-Mike O 

From The Beat: We like the way you focus on the positive, even in your 
grief over losing someone you love. We think that the best way to honor 
the dead is to do good in their name, and to live long and carry their 
memory with you. 


Could make you or break you. It's all about how you deal 
with it. Everybody deals with grief in their own way. Some 
cry, some kill, others kill themselves. 

Me, I hold it inside and try to let it out in a positive 
way. But it's hard when you lose people back-to-back and 
don't know when you gone be next and people gonna 
grieve over you... It's a ongoing process. I 

-MB I 

From The Beat: Yes, life always leads to death, and that makes grief stn 
ongoing process. We wish you could give u% some details, maybe some 
examples, of how you try to deal with grief in a positive way. When has i 
it worked for you? When has it failed? I 

Td M) Daghter 


It doesn't matter what they say 

'Cause I'm gonna love you anyway 

It doesn't matter what they do 

'Cause I'm always gonna be with you 

To my daughter Angelic 


From The Beat: We hope you can keep this promise that you're "always 
gonna be with" Angelic. She needs your beautiful self, not just your 
beautiful words! 

Fufl And Games 

Man, a'ight, I'ma tell y'all about this one time I went to 
this party, and that party was hella boosie, so me and my 
brush cut to this other party. It was me and my ninjas. So 
we up in the party dancing with hella females for about 
30 mins. until my ninja took off on this ninja because he 
was talking hella shhh. So he called all us to get on him, 
so we got on that ninjas. The boys came, so we wiggled 
hella fast. 

Went to downtown Oakland, blew two fat-ass chops, 
was on like shhh. That ninja must've said something 
to me, I don't remember what it was, but I got on him 
gave that ninja grief. So then my other ninja broke it up 
because the bus had came. 

So we hopped on. I went to the house, ate, took a 
shower, watched TV, then fell asleep. I had a crazy-ass 
dream that I was goin' to jail and about two weeks later, 
guess where I'm... at YGC. Damn! That's something, ain't 
it. Karma is hell. 


From The Beat: We had to take out a fair amount of this piece because 
we don't allow place names, street names — or the names of your 
homies, unless they want to put their business out there, but that's 
up to them.) As for what you wrote, was the dream of going to jail 
connected to all the fighting you did, or were there other things that 
led you here? When your reality is jail, and your dreams of also of jail, 
it^ probably time to examine your life a little more closely than you've 
done up to now... 


mnnnME Mswmmm^4 ^ ^ / s ^ ^ 

f/ief ^/ 

Saying No 

X f 

Sometime it's hard to say no to people you know, love, 
or care about. But the best thing to do is do what you 
believe in and what you think is best for your problem, 
and that don't always mean sayin' no. It just mean to do 
what's best. 

I learn by watching and being around older people 
that give good advice and not people that will set a bad 


From The Beat: We appreciate this piece, Felisha, because in order to 
learn from people giving good advice, we have to be prepared to hear 
"No" from time to time. If children are not told no, they never learn not 
to run into the street or to play with fire. Sometimes, no is the most 
important word we can hear to keep u% safe. 

I I 

Feelini Ite Vduii Diii) 


What's modulatin' with The Beat? This the young dunny 
Cam, live and on site, trying to get up out this thang. But 
I ain't doin' too bad. I know people out there thinkin' bout 
a ninja. I didn't even write her or even try to get in contact 
with her, but she feeling the young dunny. All I did was go 
to her house a couple of times with my lil' bra. But damn, 
I'm already committed to another female off top. 


From The Beat: Well, if this female wants to get with you after only a 
couple of visits to her house, you must be putting off some powerful 
pheromones (you'll have to look it up...). But tell u% about the other 
female you're committed to? 

Best Story Ever 

Yo, what's good with The Beat, man? Yeah, I'm still in 
this damn place, maybe. But I gotta story for you. 

One day, I saw this ninja walkin' in the 'jets with the 
toast. He wasn't worried about no boys or nothin'. He 
hopped in his whip, picked his young ninja up, and was 
roUin' around. 

He let his enemies have it. I was like, "Damn, bra don't 
be playing like bra sick." I heard he didn't even care. He 
just drove off smooth, lit up a blunt of some grapes, and 
drove to his girl house, had his young ninja in the living 
room playin' the 360 Saints Row, and that was it. 


From The Beat: When we read a piece like this, we wonder how the same 
people that do this can also pretend that they pray to god for anything. 
How could a person so disrespect what god has created (there's no 
greater disrespect than deliberate killing), then talk about going to 
paradise? It doesn't make %en%e. Can you explain it to u%l 

I *o I 




What's up with The Beat? This ya boy Davey-D up in 
here holding it down. Well, I am going to tell you about 
a time when I lost somebody real close that I lost on the 

Well, my homie Slim Thugga was killed a few years 
ago on the block 'cause somebody didn't like the way he 
did things. This is something that will never leave me, 
that will stay with me forever. This is something you 
cannot let go if you love the person to death. I feel pain 
every time somebody says his name. 

All I got to say to the people that done lost somebody, 
just take your mind off all the grief and stress that's going 
on. Just get on with your life and what you do 'cause grief 
is not a good thing. 


From The Beat: Sometimes, though, you can't escape grief even when 
you want to. How do you take your mind off it? Do you read? Listen to 
music? Drink? What? 




What's up with The Beat. This ya boy Goo Troop. Yeah, 
though, I'm pretty sure everybody knows what grief is. If 
you don't know, that's good... 

I done lost almost all my thugs to this shhh, man, and 
that shhh hurt. Recently, I just lost my grandmother and 
that hit me the hardest. 

But to all people in here, hold yo' head up. They can't 
hold a real ninja down fo'eva. Amerikkka, the land of the 

-Goo Troop 

From The Beat: It's tragic how many young people lose everything for 
games that they didn't invent, and can't even remember how or where 
they started, over things sk% meaningless sk% a block or a piece of real 
estate they don't even own. We're sorry about your grandmother, too, 
but at least she lived a full life. By the way, if they can't hold 'a real 
ninja" down forever, we wonder if those 2,000 teenagers serving life 
without the possibility of parole were all fake? 

Midget With Tourettes 

There was a dog, a midget, and a green kangaroo. The 
dog had three legs, the midget has tourettes and the 
kangaroo can talk. One day as the midget was riding the 
three-legged dog and shouting obscenities, he met the 
green kangaroo. 

"Forget you," yelled the midget. So the kangaroo 
kicked him off the dog. Now the midget has broken 
neck to go with his tourettes. The green kangaroo was 
green because the midget colored him with a hi-liter. 
After coloring him with the hi-liter, the midget and his 
dog killed the kangaroo and slow roasted it over a fire. 
The moral of the story is don't mess with a midget with 


From The Beat: For the life of us, we don't get this joke! But we'll try to 
remember the moral, so if we ever meet a midget with tourettes, we'll 
be very careful what we sxy,,. 

I'm Gone Per Vida 

Now, it's time for so long. Beat. I'm out of here by Friday 
to do a group home in el valle (valley) Visalia for eight 
months till I'm 18. It feels like I just woke up emotionally. 
I felt like I was hibernating. I can't come back 'cause if I 
do it's a wrap — the pen or to YA. And I got a strike and 
two felonies. 

I've been down since last year from Alameda to here 
to take care of a warrant and another charge that got 
dropped. I've been to all the units starting in Bl through 
B4 to unit 2, 4, 7 then to 6. So I got to give thanks to 
Kurt, Chen, Untie, Coogler, Coob Tanner, Sully, Sidey, Ms. 
Jacobs, Ms. M, Cooks, Morris... all the staff that watched 
me grow from a boy to a teen, from a teen into a man. 

To my first PO, Tony Hurley, thank you. You never gave 
up on me. Howey Chares, Lorena de Haras and Derrick 
Hom, my next POs. Much love an' respecto. 

To my homies, keep ya heads up and never let it drop. 
When y'all get out., I got chu. I been down for too long. We 
still striving for the cause. 

-G Shadow 

From The Beat: Oh, how we wish you would redefine "the cause" and 
begin to see the treasure that you are. Like all the POs you give thanks 
to for watching you grow, and especially those who would not give up 
on you. The Beat also %ee% something very special about you, something 
that makes u% cry if it is lost because you don't see it in yourself. Even 
when we hate the message you sometimes try to express, we always love 
the way you express it, and we will miss having you in our workshops. 
(You might deny it because you think of it sk% a weakness, but we 
recognize a deep sweetness buried within your heart, a loving boy who 
has built stn armor of protection that has not protected you very well.) 
Take very good care, Gangsta Shadow, and write u% from wherever you 
are. We want to know that you are safe and well. 



ziMi'UiMkd^ mmsmmm J! ^ /^ / ^ ^ ff 



Stop Thinking About It 

Wha's up with The Beat? Man, grief huh. 

Grief could be hard depending on what happens. Me 
personally, I get over something by just stop thinking 
'bout it. But if it's personal loss, like my thugs or family 
members, then that stick with me my whole life because 
all people I really associate with me, tiien part of me gone, 

The pain come and go but I just be coo', like smoke a 
blunt or something, get my mind off it. Never heal when 
my thugs gone. 


From The Beat: What do you do when you can't stop thinking about 
it? Do you ever allow yourself to feel the pain without putting up a 
chemical barrier, like drink or smoke? Do you ever just sit and cry? 

Aimost Home 

I'm almost home, and I'm happy as hell. Got two more 
weeks 'til court, then I'm 'bout to do my time. Do my time 
get out the system. Get a job, finish high school and do 
better. Be with my family and my girl, and I'm going to 
still be kicking with my ninjas, but just keep shhh cool 
and not come back. 


From The Beat: Be very careful, EB. Sometimes, we can't have all that 
we want. Sometimes, we have to make hard choices. Finishing school 
and getting a job is your ticket to a better life, a life without cages. But 
kicking it with your homies is a ticket back to lock-up, even though you 
believe you can do both. When you keep a foot in two worlds, you're 
likely to split yourself right up the middle — and sooner or later, you're 
going to have to put your feet down together on one path. Good luck. 

My Cousin Was KillGd 

What's up with The Beat? This that ninja Tray. Man, I'ma 
talk about grief. When I was not even 15, my big cousin 
was killed and I was really heated. My aunty was going 
bad. That was her only son and her grandson was too. 

I was really close to him. TIP Lil' Mitch. So I tried to 
be smooth but I couldn't. That's my fam bam, and I'ma 
always love you cousin till the day I get up there wit 

But my word getting short. I'ma talk to y'all later. 


From The Beat: Every week, we have to read about the violent and 
VLnnece%%skf^ death of young people who should still be alive. And every 
week we have to %x^ that our hearts go out to the survivors. And every 
week we have to remind our writers that everyone has people who feel 
sk% much love for their people sk% you feel for yours. As long sk% our hearts 
go out only to "our" loved ones but to no one else's, the madness will 
not stop. But, like we said, our hearts go out to you. 

I I I K 

God And Family In My Cnrner ^ 

Man, I can't wait to I get out of this jail. This time it 
was different. I didn't really take this shhh to the heart 
because it was going to make things so much harder. 
I just thought about my family and how they are in my 
corner, even when I let them down. 

All I can think about is when my mom called me her 
"jail bird daughter." That made me feel hella bad. That's 
not what kind of rep I want. At night I just pray and say." 
God, would take care of me?" So I leave it in His hands. I 
know He got me. 


From The Beat: it's easy to think about how much you miss your family 
when you're locked up, and easy to forget when you're free and back 
with them. We hope you remember how much they have sacrificed for 
you, and how much they support you, because they want what's best for 
you. God is praying to you, too. Do you hear His prayer? Can you give 
Him what he^ praying for? 

me. ■ 


Tlie Beautifol Corse 


OK, I say I'm peepin' at it from a distance 

Reminiscin' an' driftin', tryna replenish and diminish 


Leaf twisted, I'm tryna figure the difference 

From when we toured each other's worlds, numb 

considerin' interest 

You can remember attention and how I made ya toes curl 

with my articulate sentence 

Chea, we was makin' relations, that underrated invention 

Meanin' we was the occasion 'cause we created the tension 

Couldn't break it, so those who hate it slowly faded the vision 

Wouldn't waste after we made it, ya know, prayed and 


But now we datin' to replace it, just erasin' the feelin's 

Separatin', our exploration must have come to a finish 

Support ain't givin', but I'm dealin' when confrontin' 


Dedicate to no other women as long as somethin' is 


In my stomach no other woman beat the sum of what's 


Shhh, I'm goin' through the motions 

Struttin' single but still devoted 

Miss lady wanna elect me, I ain't tryna be promoted 

My emotions is so explosive, but I ain't tryna be noticed 

I'm tryna focus, "ya know," smokin' and copin' 

No feelin' hopeless, 'cause it was worth it, though the shhh 

didn't work 

Chea, love hurts, but it's a beautiful curse 

This for my Dream Girl, my Baby Mama and my daughter 

Papa love his two ladies 

This also for the rest of you chicks, man, 

Y'all need to make these ninjas wake up and start showin' 

y'all they care 

Get some love from a ninja before y'all miss 

Y'all too simple-minded these days, wake the hell up 

Ninja don't want no dumb, weak-ass broad 

That shhh ain't attractive at all 

A ninja ain't a real goon if he gotta be super touch all the 

time and can't accept his emotions 

A ninja ain't a man unless he takin' care of real 

responsibility, real shhh 

Y'all gotta start makin' these ninjas give some real love out 

Y'all degradin' y'all self, man 

That shhh is sad 

I love my baby mama and my daughter more than I love myself 

It's more real ninjas like myself out there, you just ghott6a 

stop being scared of commitment 

Take pride in yourself 

I know love hurt, but it's a beautiful curse 

-P. Crooks 
From The Beat: We don't icnow whether any of the girls you're addressing 
this poem to will taice your advice, but respecting yourself is good 
advice for everyone. As far sk% love is concerned, by a certain age, nearly 
everyone has felt both the euphoria that comes with love, and the pain 
that also comes with it. When it hurts, it^ hard to remember what a 
"beautiful curse" it can be, but when it^ good, there^ absolutely nothing 
better. We're glad you love your two ladies more than yourself — which 
means you're ready to stop doing the things that have taken you out 
of their lives temporarily so that you can be where you belong, with 

Always Sayino Nn 




Man, I always say no! Like if a brother say, "Shut up," Fm 
like, "No brother, you shut up." Staff be like, "Talk dead." 
Fm like, "No ninja." Police be like, "You saw anything?" 
I be like, "No ninja. You see something?" So, Fm always 
saying, "No," ya dig! 

-Money Rey 

From The Beat: These are the easy examples of saying no. How about 
the hard ones — the times when your homies want you to do something 
that you think is wrong, but you go along skny'way because you don't 
want to seem like a square or punk? Have you ever had the courage to 
%«y no in those situations? 

ziMi'UiMkd^ mmsmmm J! ^ /^ / ^ ^ ff 


Martin Luther King Jr 

The Beat Within: Martin Luther King, Jr. was murdered forty 

years ago this week. There have been beautiful tributes 

to him, replays of his speeches, and speculations about 

who all killed him in documentaries on television all week 

long. We at The Beat were just wondering, what have you 

learned about Martin King in school, from your family, your 

community, your reading? What did his life mean to all of 

us and why did he die, do you think? 

Panchito: I respect that guy (Martin Luther King, Jr.) He's a 

very influential dude. 

Texas: He's a very motivational speaker. He was determined 

to make a change. 

Anonymous: He was makin' a change. 

T: He went from being determined to make a change to 

makin' a change. 

TBW: He made brilliant, beautiful speeches about racism, 

poverty, civil rights and about the Vietnam War, which 

America was very involved in, in the sixties, while King was 

alive. He talked about how any war is really a war on the 

poor, because it's mostly the sons of poor families who end 

up getting drafted and sent to war. From what Martin Luther 

King said in his speech about the Vietnam War, apparently 

there were proportionally a lot more Blacks in the service, 

during the Vietnam War, than are represented in the about 

12% that are in the US population as a whole. 

T: Yeah, and it was mostly blacks that were on the front 


P: That's wrong, man. They put the minorities up front. The 

white soldiers were way in the back lines. 

T: Then, later, they did the Million Man March. 

TBW: That's right. The Million Man March was an outgrowth 

of King's protests. The March, which was organized by Louis 

Farrakhan, was to show that Black men deserved respect, 

good jobs, and they need to take responsibility to support 

and protect their families and raise their children. 

T: They (Blacks in Birmingham, Alabama) boycotted the 

bus system for a year because Black people had to sit in the 

back of the busses. (During the boycott) people wouldn't 

ride the bus. They walked (to work and home again,) unless 

they got rides. Some white people helped them and gave 

them rides. 

TBW: How else did Martin Luther King affect your 

generation? What did you learn from him? 

P: Barack Obama's running for President of the US. But did 

you notice that they (the media) keep saying that Barack's 

name is Barack Hussein Obama? His middle name is 

Hussein? The CIA's trying to make him look like he's a 

hard-core Muslim, so he won't be elected President, or if he 

wins, he'll be assassinated. They ain't gonna let him get 

elected, 'cause of the Muslims the US is at war against. 

TBW: What's up with being a Muslim? What if Barack were 

a Muslim? Could he still get elected President of the US if 

he were a Muslim? 

P: Muslims be cool. My cousins say, "Never rob a cousin's 

store in the TL — Tenderloin, unless you got two or three 

behind you." My Arab folks and I go to all the (Arab) stores 

and ask, "Ya got the new swishers?" I go to one store, "Hey, 

Cousin!" Then I go to another store, "Hey, Cousin!" like we 


TBW: Are you Arab? 

P: Hell, no, I'm Filipino. 

TBW: But you live with your family in the Tenderloin? 

P: Yeah. 

TBW: And a lot of your neighbors and local store owners 

are Arab? 

P: Yeah. 

TBW: And you're cool with them? 

P: Hell, yeah. They my cousins. 

TBW: Like your "play" cousins? 

P: Yeah. 

TBW: How else did Martin Luther King affect you all? 

Texas: That's (Martin Luther King) where Tupac learned to 

rap. Police killed Tupac. LAPD went to Vegas. Tupac was a 

movement. Thug Life. 

TBW: What about Shug Knight? He was driving away from 

the casino after the Tyson flght with Tupac in his car, when 

someone shot Tupac. Shot Shug Knight in the head, too. 

Why doesn't Shug Knight tell who shot Tupac? He was 


Texas: Shug Knight can't snitch. He still went to jail after 

that, for a minute. 

TBW: So you think the LAPD killed Tupac? Who do you 

think killed Martin Luther King? In a lot of specials they're 

having on television to commemorate the 40th anniversary 

of King's death, they talk a lot about who killed him. There 

are a whole lot of theories about who was his murderer. 

Who do you think killed King? 

P: The KKK (Ku Klux Klan) and the white guy. 

TBW: James Earl Ray? 

A: I think the CIA. 

P: Maybe the FBI and the CIA. 

TBW: Well, there are a whole lot of theories out there about 

who killed him. 

-Rob, Texas and Anonymous 

From The Beat: You've obviously given a lot of thought about what 
Martin Luther King Jr.'s life and death has meant to civil rights, war, the 
poor, to the courage to speak your mind about what you think is right and 
wrong, to all of u%. is there stn^one alive now who has the same courage, 
heart and stature, and %en%e of purpose and destiny he had? Who has 
earned your respect? 


Is Anybody There? 


Hello!? Is anybody there? Ha, ha. Naw, ain't nobody 
there. What? Wait, I hear 'em hello!? Is anybody there? 
Naw, they ain't out there. It's just you... 

But they said they would be there; they said they'll 
wait for me. They said that they were gonna be here no 
matter what... I guess it was just me saying that, not 
them. They said they loved me. They told me they would 
never leave. 

Wait... I hear 'em. Hello? Hello? Is anybody there? Ha, 
ha . Ain't nobody there. It's just you. 

-Money Rey 

From The Beat: We ivish ive understood ivho you are iwriting to — if 
you're writing to stnyone at all. We can't tell if this is all happening in 
your mind, or whether there^ some event behind your words. Can you 
give us skn explanation of this mysterious piece? 


II II il ! 

ziMi'UiMkd^ mmsmmm J! ^ /^ / ^ ^ ff 

//// // 

Ain't No Jail Type 

^ Me And My Steins Frem Tlie OaJdand Airpert \ 

Man, being up in this thang is ugly for the first time. I 
ain't no jail type of guy. I like to be outside networking 
with people 'cause that's what it is. I rap with the Hustle 
Boy. Our album just came out, so that's a good thang. The 
bad part about it, though, is I ain't got my freedom right 
'bout now. But I'ma be out. 

It's good. Real people do real thangs, and I'm one of 
then dudes. I'ma do my time like a man, feel me. 

-Young Heat 

From The Beat: We're glad to hear that you're "no jail type of guy," but 
we'd like some more details about why that is. What makes "a jail type 
of guy," and what makes you different? What's your plan for when you 
get out of here... the plan that will keep you out of here? 



Anntiier Day At Tlie Rancli 


Yeah, man, it's ya boy Rob G, chillin' here at the Ranch. 
Man, I've been here at orientation level, about to hit Level 
One, and that means another forty weeks! But, yeah, I'm 
here, trying to stay focused, and keep my weeks. 

It's hella canned over here. It's different from the 
halls, when we get phone calls once a week and we got 
to wake up early and go to school on weekdays, because 
it's mandatory, but there is some positives. You can wear 
your own shoes, white tees, beanies, and the only thing 
we wear that is their uniform is dickies, pants and jackets, 
and the food is a little better and we get commissary. 

Well, Beat I'm gonna cut this off. Until I shut down. 

-Rob Gs 

From The Beat: Sounds like you're doing all right and iwill make it off 
the Ranch on time! You have a good attitude — to learn all you can from 
any situation, including and maybe especially the Ranch, for now. What 
programs do you wish the Ranch would offer, that would help the other 
guys and you on the outs? 

My best story is--it was a summer day. I was sittin' on this 
block. I was talkin' to my friend and he said, "Let's go get a 
car." I said, "Where we gonna get a car from?" and he said, 
"We are to the (Oakland) airport." 

So we arrived at the airport, (and got into the cars we 
chose from the rental lot) To steal rental cars, you just get 
in (the driver's seat,) lean back and when no one is looking, 
lean back, pull down the visor and the keys just drop in your 
lap. You gotta be bumper to bumper against the person's car 
in front of you, (and when he) puts the ticket in the machine 
(to get out of the lot) you go right out after him. There's no 
guy in the toUbooth checking, and the machine thinks only 
one car got out of the lot. 

I got a PT cruiser and my homie got a Mustang out of the 
parking lot. Sometimes I get in a high-speed chase against 
the cops, the highway patrol (when we steal cars from the 
Oakland airport lot,) but this time (we had no trouble.) We 
drove both cars back to the city, goin' 150 (MPH) with no 
seatbelts. We got back to (our neighborhood,) picked up 
some more thugs. We went on a driving spree. We went to 
Oakland to get some toast (bread, money) then we went back 
to the city and got our sideshow crackin' and started bustin' 
doughnuts. Then the police came and busted it up and we 
went home. We just left the cars on the block when they ran 
out of gas. 

I did get caught for a little Dodge Magnum thing (once.) 

They (the police) let me go home. I had to go to court for 

it, though. They tried to make me pay a $1000 fine, but I 

didn't have no $1000. I probably got a warrant for it, but I 

don't know. Maybe my mom got it in the mail, I don't know. I 

just went to court that one time. They said I had to pay that 

$1000, but I never heard from them. 

From The Beat: That is a good story, and you're a beautiful storyteller, 
but it doesn't sound like you're too far from it to be able to %x^ you'd 
never do it again. You don't say if your homie and you had any close 
calls on the highway from Oakland to your neighborhood, but what if 
you'd smashed into another car or over the exit wall? Even if you came 
out all right, you'd never forgive yourself if someone got hurt or killed 
because of you. 

Family = Support 

J L 

What's good with The Beat? It's ya boy. Young Chink, 
holdin' it down as the usual. Today's topic, I am going to 
spit and acknowledge y'all on how family will support you 
even through the circumstances. 

Family. . .very supporting and will help you through all 
the bad situations. If you look past the block, the thugs 
and the streets, your family will always be there when 
everyone is gone. When you're ill, locked up, or zoned 
out, your family will be there to guide you to the light. As 
for me, my mom is holdin' me down. I got some uncles 
and aunties holdin' me down, but my mom is the main 
source in holdin' me down. She brings me all the items I 
need, visits me faithfully when she's in the area, and gives 
me good conversation when we communicate. Well, that's 
about it. Just know even through the circumstances, your 
family is going to be there when you down and out. To my 
mom and my family, I love y'all more than life itself. 

Keep yo' head up and never let the system see you 
sweat. Keep it solid and remain true. 


From The Beat: You're really fortunate to have such a beautiful family, 
who is so good to you. Your mother probably appreciates your gratitude 
toward her. But if your mom seriously wanted to influence you to stop 
whatever you do to get arrested and brought into juvy, what should she 
do? Stop indulging you, bringing you whatever you need? Talk to you? 
Threaten to ask you to leave her house if you don't stop? Doesn't being 
a good parent include knowing when to discipline your child when s/ 
he keeps messing up? What advice would you give your mother to help 
you, or will you listen to your own advice to her and stop by yourself? 

r/r A/v#>^v mmwrnjUM, /-//// 

//// // 

I'm Changing 

^' f 

What's crackin' Beat? Well, I don't really have a topic for 
today, but I'm doing good! I'm second on the ranch list, so 
hopefully I'll leave soon. I just turned 18 on Feb. 25th, 

so I need to get out and start my life fresh with my 
family. I'm graduating soon and quitting all drugs! I'm 
changing my life for my best interest and so I don't end 
up in the adult system. Stay up Beat! 


From The Beat: Good for you, and we'll do our best to stay up. 

Gning Fur The Jewels 


If my house was on fire and I can save one thing it would 
be my mom's jewelry box. Because I know she keeps 
a lot of things that are important to her besides jewelry 
like pictures of my dad before he passed away and all our 
important documents. 


From The Beat: That jewelry box sounds like something important in 
every %en%e. You seem to have your priorities right. 

Atout Some Stuff 


What's up Beat! It's Mario! 

I got some stupid crap going on in my life right now. 
Well some punk is messing with my family. I think they're 
punks because they smash my mom's window as soon as 
they find out I'm locked up. 

Let me put out a question out there if you get locked 
up and some fool messes with your house/cars, that 
makes your parents spend more money that they don't 
have, if you didn't understand it read it again and think 
about it. But in the meanwhile forget those fakes! 

Today I found out they burned my homies' mom's 
house down with torches wit his little brother and mom 
in it. 


From the Beat: This is horrible. We too would be very hurt and angry. 
Remember, wrong does exist, people do horrible things. But you're 
shoiAfing exactly iwhy \t'% ivrong. If striking back, ivhich ive took out 
of your piece, means you're not there to protect your family, then what 
good does it do? It just means they have one less person to stand 
between them and doing something horrible. Stand up for what^ right, 
don't let them drag you down with them. 

This Mind, My Mind 


My mind is gone in the zone, 

but tell me have you ever seen a savage cry in his sleep 

because dreams are trying to creep 

damn this is a cold world 

so cold that when you kill it's sad to say it 

nine to the mind you got your going crazy inside 

But I'm like a blind man going crazy 

'cause I can't see the light 

So hold that to your mind and think of me 

I'm ride 'till the day I die 

a savage is what I am, 

the gang life what I live 

So growin up on these streets was so hard on me 

that I couldn't see the end of me 

my life is crazy so don't mistake me for a punk 


From The Beat: Everyone goes crazy sometimes, when the world 
seems to swirl around and nothing makes %en%e. And people may not 
understand it, but it's real. But there is skn end to it. Sometimes if you 
just take a step back, and think about things, it'll make more %en%e, and 
maybe you'll be a little better off. 

Messed Up 

You guys are messed up because you guys told me I was 
bull. Oh yea - what about you guys? I bet you won't put 
this in The Beat. I'M SMART. The End. 


From The Beat: Hey, we do make mistakes, but are you sure we made 
one with you. We don't doubt that you're smart. But being smart can get 
you in a heap of trouble if you don't use your brains for good things. 
What did you say that caused u% to make the comment that obviously 
hurt your feelings? Talk ivith us about it ivhen we meet again. 

J L 

TIlis Rnad 


I hate going down this road and not knowing where it's 

going to end. 

I can't even think without remembering my boyfriend. 

Being in here makes me stop and realize 

all the things in my life that I have jeopardized. 

Why can't my life be normal? 

I'm just sitting in here having to be formal. 

God, please send me to Heaven already because I'm 

living a life of hell. 

Been in here so long startin' to look pale. 

People say life is a game - the way you live is the way 

you play - 

just like playing a life of poker. Get the wrong card and 

your life is over. 


From The Beat: Forget those cards. They limit you. Life is complicated. 
Yes, there^ skn element of chance. But much depends on the conscious 
choices you make. Don't be a cop-out. Don't blame fate for situations 
you could have avoided. Start today to create a vision of the life you'd 
like to live. To u%e your own metaphor, choose a road that will lead you 
to the destination you want to reach. And never forget that the trip 
itself IS your life, sk% you live it, day by day. 

Tlie Item and Persnns I Wnnld Save 

Whatt up Beat, it's your boy up in here writing from 
the. Well the topic today is about what would I save from 
a burning house. The thing that I would save from a 
burning house would be my birth certificate because I 
would really need that paper. The other thing that I would 
save from a burning house would be my family because 
I really have feelings for them and I love them. My little 
niece would be the first one out because she is only one 
year old and she has more years to go. 

Well Beat stay up and I will see you next time, late. 


From The Beat: It sounds like your priorities are in the right place. We 
wish you and your family all the best, and hope you will stay with them 
sk% much sk% you can. 

;m I 

Good News 

Well Beat, today I got new good news. The first is that 
my sentence WAS the ranch and now I'm looking at four 
months life skills. I just have to wait for my next court 
date, so now I'll be getting out earlier than I was even 
planning on. 

Second, I just found out that my sister is one month 
pregnant, and now I'm excited for her. Anyways - I'm 
excited for my sister and I hope for the best for her. I also 
hope to get out soon so I can stay by my sister's side 
through her pregnancy. 


From The Beat: And we hope so, too. Spend those four months wisely 


r/r A/v#>^v mmwrnjUM, /-//// 

//// // 

Growing Up 

X f 

I believe it does take a squad to raise a child, because the 
hood has a major impact on your seed. I know mine does. 
If I wasn't raised in the hood and exposed to outlaws, 
then I would be good. It took me a while to finally get it 
right, and make the right choices, because I don't have 
too many chances in this boosie county. 

When I get out I'm skatin' back to my county. But 
yea, I'm glad that my whole case is over because I've been 
sitting in here for dumb long - doin' dead time. So, I got 
court next week, and hopefully in four months I could 
finally touchdown - home. Well, 'til next week Beat, I'm 


From The Beat: So now you know. You've had to learn it 'the hard way', 
but you've learned it - we hope. Use that lovely brain of yours wisely. 

The Begging of my Soffering 


When I die I would be grateful if you put on my tomb 

two bottles of Mezcal. 

Because I know I'm going to die over a hangover 

And you know it's your fault because I can't forget you. 

Every night when I hit the bottle I see you inside of it 

And I start to speak to you 

In a while I feel that you're hugging me tight as 

Though it was true I love you I love you and it's not true 

When I get sober off my crazy thoughts it's the 

Beginning of my suffering because I look for you and 

You're not there 

From my eyes I shed tears because I love you 

So much I can't help 


From the Beat: Grief is the hardest process a person can ever go through. 
It's ubearable for a while, and never fully goes away. But it gets better, 
so long sk% you try to face it rather than drowning it. All that fear, all 
that pain, becomes a part of you, and you can accept it. Good luck. 

Wlien Tilings Go Wrong 

What's up Beat? I hate being in here. I can't even drink 
a beer. I refuse to lose, beg, and pick and choose. When 
my mom comes to visit me I hate saying goodbye. But 
as the days go by I confide, and decide I don't want to be 
here any longer. But my heart grows stronger. So now I 
wait for the day I will walk out of the gate, hopefully, with 
no more hate. Well, to - stay up. THINGS GO WRONG BUT 


From The Beat: Your last line is true, true, true. Some say that the real 
measure of u% is how we deal iwith life iwhen things do go wrong. What 
do you think? 

What I \m\ 


I7P ■ 

Well what's up Beat? I am very disappointed because we 
did not receive The Beat this week but hopefully we will 
get them next week. Well my time is almost coming for 
me to get out. 

I pray to God to forgive me for my sins and pray that 
everything goes well. I have a job planned out to work 
with my Step-Dad. From 5:30 AM to 7:00 PM. So I'm 
gonna be busy all day so that's good. 

Well the unit is doing good for right now. Of course 
you never know what happens. Well I ran out of words. 
So with this I am out till pencil meets paper, alratos. 


From The Beat: You seem to have a good plan for the future. Good luck 
on the outs, and good luck with your faith. 

Tliani(s Beat! 


Thank you to all Beat staff for being here for the whole 
Santa Clara County. Well I'm going to be getting out soon, 
thanks for letting me express my feelings on paper, I will 
miss you all... And to Morgan the staff thanks for all the 
help. Bye. 

-Lil' Tim 

From The Beat: We appreciate the thanks, and we wish you all the best. 
We have faith you'll make it good. 


What's good with my peeps and The Beat? Me, I'm just 

waiting. Well I'm not feeling these topics so I am gonna 

get on with my own. 

I'm waiting to get sentenced. 

I'm waiting to do my time and get out. 

I'm waiting to reunite with my family. 

I'm waiting to get back with the squad. 

I'm waiting to get out and be with my girl. 

All this waiting I'm doing ain't cool, but I'll tell you one 

thing - 

I did the crime so I'm gonna do the time. 

I'm out. 


From The Beat: While you're doing all that ivaiting, ivhy not begin 
to prepare for the life you really want to life. We've known you long 
enough to have discovered that you are a very bright human being. But 
even the brightest of u% have to have our priorities straight, and have 
to use our talents on what's really important. For instance - what^ really 
more important - getting "back with the squad", or getting ready to 
further your education. There are dozens of questions we could ask, but 
you're plenty bright enough to ask them on your own. Use your gifts 
Sephina. You have a fine mind and a good heart. Set your sights high. 


f I 

What's up Beat, well today we could write about anything. 
Today I am writing about JH, this place that is dirty and 
don't have respect for us minors. 

For once in my life I want to get noticed and respected 
by some of these staff. Well some of these people or 
counselors are all cool, not all, put some people down 
in here but they lock us kids in here. I am mad at these 
places or prisons that how they make their money. I wish 
I never get locked up again. 


From The Beat: We know things seem harsh sometimes, and not everyone 
is perfect, but it is usually intended to help, even if the communication 
isn't so great, it^ good that you can let out the frustration, and can say 
what you mean. 


Rigiit Tn Learn 


When I went to regular high school that stuff was hella 
boosie. Classes were two hours each. Nobody wants to 
sit listen to a whole bunch of non-sense for that long. 
Regular high school is good only if you wanna be social. 
If they cut back on 5 billion dollars from regular 
school, it shouldn't phase them because ain't nobody 
going to learn anyways. But if it's community school, 
then that's a whole different story, because what more 
could they take from there? 


From The Beat: Yes fAe%%sk, community schools would feel the cuts too. 
And by the way, we don't buy that business about not being able to 
learn anything in high school. You get out of stn experience what you're 
willing to put into it. You obviously didn't put much into it. Maybe there 
were good reasons why you didn't. Maybe not. But it sounds to u% as 
if you aren't yet willing to take your fair share of the responsibility for 
lAfhat lAfent ivrong. Not much ivill change until you do. 


.-/rA/V#>^V mufwmMMj^i 

//// // 

I Watch The Moon 

rm sorry for the pain que te di (I caused you) 

Cosas que no debian haber sido asi (Things that were 

not supposed to be like that) 

Coming home 'til like, two or three 

I was drinking and doing drugs like a foo' 

All the shhh I made you go through 

Now I'm locked up and you're out there 

I guess life just isn't fair 

Now I'm paying my consequences 

Doing time 'til the day of Mexican Independence 

I guess God gave me another chance 

I could have got sent away 

Thank God I'm not, so I pray every day 

From my window, I look out and watch the moon 

Jeflta, I can't want to come home 

I'll be home soon 

Jeflta, te quiero 

-Shy Boy 

From The Beat: You've written a beautiful poem to your mother. It may 
really help her to know you're thinking about how your messing up 
affects her, and maybe she can stop worrying and grieving that you're 
in juvy and not home. 

I Caonot Trust You 

You've once asked me if I would ever take you serious 
How do you expect me to answer, when you make me so 


In my mind my answer is a "no," so I cannot say "yes" 

Every time you tell me something, you look me in the eye 

But I still can't tell if you're telling me the truth 

Or just another lie 

Why can't you be honest with me? 

I just don't know why 

You tell me that you trust me, but I cannot trust you 

At least not yet, until I flgure out if you're true 

Sometimes I wonder if you're just a fake 

Maybe getting to know you was just a mistake 

But when I flrst saw you, I took another glance 

Baby, you let me know if you really want to give it a real chance 

-Shy Boy 

From The Beat: It is often hard to get to know if someone's playing 
you or not. Is this young lady doing something specific you suspect is 
phony, or do you doubt the sincerity of ladies in general? All you can 
really do is hang with her and watch her. Regardless of what she says 
about herself, slowly she'll reveal who she is. 

My UuGle's Silent About The Salvadorean \ 
^ I Civil War 

My mother told me her brother, my uncle, was in the 
(civil) war (in El Salvador, where our family is from.) He 
ran away because he was scared of dying. He was in the 
(Salvadorean) military/paramilitary, the death squads, but 
I never asked him (about it.) We just made fun of him 
because he was scared and ran away. 

My uncle was here (in the US) for a couple years. 
He paid for the coyote (someone who smuggles people 
across the Mexican/US border into the US.) He went back 
to Salvador because he didn't like it here (in the US) that 
much — it was too expensive. He couldn't flnd that many 
jobs. He now works on the farms, growing crops, raising 
his family. It's peaceful, but there's parts that are rough 
in Ahuajapan (the province of El Salvador where he lives.) 
It's poor. I'm gonna go visit him when I turn eighteen. 


From The Beat: Have you learned stn^ more about the civil war in El 
Salvador, from 1980-1992, during which 75,000 were killed, from 
anyone else or from reading histories about Salvador? Sometimes the 
death squads disappeared all the young men from entire towns, and 
their families often found their bodies in the "Valley of the Dogs" a 
dry riverbed running along ^stn Salvador, El Salvador^ capital, or they 
never saw their sons/brothers again. Why don't you listen to people 
who survived all sides of the civil war? Maybe you'd develop some 
real respect for your uncle who may have left his unit because he was 
afraid or maybe because he couldn't stand the duties the death squads 
demanded of him. 

My Dream 

Going 'round the world is my dream 

Showing off this bling 

I'm not gon' stop 

You know it 

Be you know I go so heard 

Drop ten, then eighteen bars 

All gas, no brakes 

Got stashes of yay 

You do not want to fight 

Because I'm all in the paint 

My dream is that my rap group go pro 

All gas, no brakes 

Peace, Beat 

We don't' say "yeah", we say "yee" 

-Lil' Hus 

From The Beat: Okay, we've read about your dreams, but what do 
you have to teach anyone who reads this? Next week, why don't you 
concentrate on writing a poem about your rap group? Do you write 
raps yourself? Do you have stny serious raps that come out of your 
experiences? That we'd love to hear/read/learn about. 


Dumb One 


Man, we go so hard 

Drop eighteen bars 

Going dumb on cars 

So I am so dumb 

Get kicked out the club 

Even though I'm not old enough 

You know what it is 

We gone thizz 

Pop my collar 

Then spit at this one girl 

Do the drop 

'Cause I'm doin' the for real 

Get back up 

Get to the counter 

So I can fill my cup 

These drugs taking over 

It ain't my fault 

Go so hard, go harder 

Than a block 

To all 

Stay up 

Peace out 

-Lil' Hus 

From The Beat: This thizz/hyphy rap may be what's in your imagination, 
but what's really going on in your heart? If, sk% you write, drugs are 
really taking you over, what are they doing to your mind/body? What 
is your life really like? How can anyone get to know you beyond your 
hyphy self? 

I Was So Oi Last Niikt! 


Stunnas on no lenses 

Eyes bigger than half dollars 

Yee! I go. 

I'm still on. Yee. 


From The Beat: Are you still "on"? What are you like when you're "off"? 
Who are you under the hyphy persona you present? 



r/r A/v#>^v mmMHmm j^ / ^ ^ 

//// // 

The Best 

This person is the best 

Even when he's at rest 

He takes care of me 

But why can't my PO see? 

That he's not a bad person 

That every situation will never worsen 

This person is my street dad 

We both know he ain't bad 

This is for you daddy 

I know you be ridin' in your caddy 

I can't wait to get out and see you there's no doubt 

You tell me not to be blazin' 

'Cause I'm your baby J'son 

I'll listen to you 'cause you ain't no fool 

- Shenee 

From the Beat: If this person you call dad means so much to you then 
you should take his advise, and not be "blazin"' all that will do is keep 
you jail and away from your dad. 


Me as I have lived my life living life as a thug 

I have grieved three different people all family. 

I will recover some, but as I lost my sister Kiara in 

Hurricane Katrina 

who was only four years old 

now that is not right at all. 

Next my great grandmother Dorothy 

who had a heart attack 

she helped me and my mom when we were struggling. 

Then my stepbrother Chris died, 

he killed himself, and he didn't have his mind right at 

the time. 

But living life 

my life as a thug 

it is hell. 

This is what my family and I have to remember. 

RIP Kiara, RIP Dorohy, RIP big brother 

-Lil' Toes 

From The Beat: Your life is not easy. When we met you, you informed 
u% of your troubles, we do hope life has settled down some. Best to you 
in making good choices sk% you work towards staying out of the system 
for good. 

What Is An Older Brother? 


Somebody who's there when you need to listen when 
you want, to get something of your chest, or some one 
who's there to give you a hand when you find yourself in 
a bad situation. Or is it just somebody who you can have 
fun, and relcix with? 

Maybe that's what an older brother is but me... me; 
I'm none of those things. I get mad. I get violent. All the 
things in me that could make me a potential role model, 
a smile on my face every now and then could help, but 
when I smile at my moms last child. I can see the fear 
in his eyes, and for me my older brother was so great at 
doing what I can't. I want to do for my lil' bro what my 
older brother did for me. 

But when my mom asked me "Why aren't you like 
Sam." I begin to crush under the pressure, but maybe one 
day when I'm not in any kind of a locked down facility I'll 
be what my older brother was for me to my lil' bro. 

-Anthony, Land Of Enchantment 

From The Beat: With time you will be just that a 'role model' for not just 
your little bro, but for any young person that looks up to you. Get the 
help you need for your anger now, so you can be the role model you 
want to be. 



It's early yet the month is one 

Although you can't see me I've just begun 

I'm a little seed growing inside of you 

It's early yet the month is two 

Even through you cant see me I'm apart of you 

Wait and see mommy will be so very proud of me 

It's early yet the month is five 

Mommy killed me 

I'm no longer alive, abortion 

Is its name taking a life before it's alive? 

We'll time has been passing 

I would have been born right on time 

Even thought I'm in heaven I must cry 

Because of mommy I had to DIE. 

-Baby Bashful 

From The Beat: The choice of abortion is not one that stny one person 
should have, to make. However, This is a choice a person will have to 
live with for the rest of their life. Remember there are people you can 
talk to about things like this, don't let this build up inside before it is 
too late. Reach out a hand for help and advise. 


My Sadness, My Loss 


I have this beef 

From my grief 

For you grandpa I cried 

When I heard you died 

For the fool who killed you 

I wish there was something I could do 

The law said, "let us handle it" 

But I said no that's bull 

After I felt like dying 

Then grab my nine 

Wishing I could find the fool 

So I could put his in a blood pool 

Before the fool got popped, I stopped 

Then just dripped to my knees 

Begged God please to bring me back to you 

Then I thought of what you'd say, so to this day I pray 

For you I still cry each and everyday. 

Wishing you'd come back today 

Like they say, "what comes around goes back around" 

For the fool who killed you 

I pray that he'll get his payback too 

I love you grandpa 

- Shenee, Land Of Enchantment 

From The Beat: Many people believe that, "What goes around comes 
around" but you must remember one thing your grandfather's words of 
wisdom. Use his wisdom to better your life not destroy it; he wanted 
you to have a long happy life prove this can happen. 





Troubles leaving the front door 

With this crap on my ankle 

Trouble with my mom 

I can't even talk with out her getting pissed 

Trouble with life 

Where should I be at? 

Trouble spiritually' 

What should I believe? 

Maybe next time around there won't be any trouble 

Maybe everything will just chill out? 

Till then 


From The Beat: Not to bear you with bad news, but life gets so much 
harder sk% we get older. Bottom-line, more responsibilities! Good luck! 


.-/rA/v#>^v mmM/wmM^M /^ 

Lo Que Ha Sido De Ml 


Q ondas raza Catracha. Mi nombre e s Ernesto. Les 
quiero contar algo de mi vida. Antes de todo les mando 
saludes a todos. 

Yo Uegue a los Estados Unidos cuando tenia 16 
afios y ahorita tengo 17 afios. Todo ese tiempo, me la 
he pasado trabajando de Uantero, o sea reparando Uantas 
de carro. Me ha ido bien mal, pero le doy gracias a Dios 
porque fue el oflcio que aprendo aunque pagaban muy 
poco. Por esa razon fue que tome la decision de ir a la 
calle a vender drogas. Les quiero dar un consejo, que si 
les salen oportunidades que no las desaprovechen y si 
pueden trabajar legar, haganlo. 

Esta es el dibujo de la mariguana, si tienen este vicio 
dejenlo porque es malo para su salud. Todo tipo de droga 
es dafiina. 

Andar en la calle no es bueno porque es muy peligroso 
y demasiado arriesgado. A los que quieran vender drogas, 
cuidensen. Se que nosotros los hacemos por necesidad. 
Les deseo suerte. 

From The Beat: No hay cosa tan bella que sentirse orgulloso al ganar el 
dinero trabajando legarlmente y honradamente. Cualquier penny que 
venga de cualquier tipo de trabajo honrado es un dinero bendecido. 
Nos alegra que te hayas dado cuenta del dano que csku%skn las droga 
y la venta de droga. Al vender no solo estas matando gente, sino que 
destruyendote tu propia vida y perdiendo tu libertad. Siempre recuerda 
que el dinero mal habido, mal habido se va. Esperamos que esos 
pensamientos positivos se queden en ti siempre. 

What I Gone Through 

What's up my Honduran people. My name is Ernesto. I 
want to share something about my life. Before all, I want 
to send my greetings to all. 

I came to The US, when I had 16 years old and now I 
am 17. All this time, I've been my time working in a tire 
shop, fixing tires. Things have gone bad for me, but I still 
thank God because that's the career I learned to do even 
though I was getting paid very little 

. That's the reason I decided to sell drugs on the streets. I 
want to give you an advice, if you get opportunities in life, 
don't miss them and if you can work legally, do it. 

If you have the bad habit of smocking marijuana, quit 
it because it's really bad for your health. All type of drugs 
is bad. 

To be on the streets is dangerous and very risky. To 
those who want to sell drugs, take care. I know we do it 
because have needs. I wish you good luck. 

-Catracho, San Francisco 

From The Beat: There isn't such sk% thing that feeling proud by gaining 
money legally and honesty. Every single penny that comes from hard 
working and legal is blessed. We are happy to know that you found out 
that harm drugs does to people. By selling you're not just killing people, 
but also destroying your life and giving away your freedom. Always 
remember that esksy money comes and easy goes. We hope you keep 
your positive thoughts aliways active. 


En Mi Gamine 

Hola yo me vine de Honduras con unos amigos que nos 
llebabamos muy bien desde que teniamos 5 afios. 

Cuando ellos me dijeron qu si me venia con ellos, 
yo les pude decir que no. No me arrepieto de tomar esa 
decision. Cuando veniamos, mi amigo no se pudo subir 
al tren porque era su primera vez. Se aguito y se puso 
a gritar que me tirara del tren para que me quedara 
haciendole compafiia. El tren iba muy recio, pero me daba 
pesar dejarlo solo. Entonces me tire del tren y casi me 
quiebro los pieces. Estuve en casa de una sefiora quien 
me dio quebrada porque me habia lastimado el piez de la 
cahida que me di. Me dolian mucho y no podia seguir en 
el camion con un piez medio quebrada. Le doy gracias a 
Dios que llegue a los Estados Unidos con mis amigos. 

From The Beat: Hicistes lo correcto en haberte quedado con el. Esto 
demuestra el tipo de amigo que eres. £Que te paso? £Por que estas aqui 
sabiendo que te salistes de tu pais para unsk vida mejor? £Es este lugar 
la razon por la cual venistes? Tienes que empezar a estimar las cosas que 
son dificil de obtener como estar en este pais y la libertad. 

On Tiie Road 

Hi, I came here with some friends who I've known since I 
was 5 years old. When they told me that they were coming, 
I couldn't say no. I don't regret taking that decision. 

When we were coming, my friend couldn't get into the 
train because it was his first time. He gave up and asked 
me to jump off the train so I can be his companion. The 
train was going fast, so I jumped off and I almost break 
my feet. I spend a few days in a lady's house because I 
hurt my feet from the accident. It hurt me so much and 
I couldn't continue with my journey with a feet almost 
broken. I thank God I came to the US with my friends. 

-Ernesto San Francisco 

From The Beat: You did the right thing in staying with him. This shows 
the type of friend you are. But, what happened? Why are you here after 
leaving your country for a better future? Is this place the reason why 
you came? You need to start appreciating the things that are hard to get 
like the privilege of being in this country and freedom. 


///////#/////,/// ////#/ //,////// // 


''T¥L,Bff ^H^, T-^BX' 

Milleniul Hip Hop: "Ghettoism", our oofloratiofl? 

Part 7: Hip-Hop 

The issue of Hip-Hop are rap, which I will just generalize as 
Hip-Hop, is a major concern, I believe, for our generation. 
The power it wields is impressive. 

Hip-Hop radiates from speakers in all walks of life. 
The people who listen to Hip-Hop hears the words and 
gain understanding to lives outside of theirs. They feel the 
struggles being portrayed on tape. Hip-Hop has the power 
to entrance people and take them on a journey to places 
they've never been. The influence to be gained by Hip-Hop 
cab radiate further than any advertisement campaigning 
equipment imaginable. It has the power to reach all walks of 
life and portray the realities unknown to the majority of the 

Hip-Hop also has the power to influence choices, to 
change lives and to create new social movements whether they 
are positive or negative. Just look at the "hyphy" movement 
which radiated out of a couple small city neighborhoods. 
Needless to say, the power behind Hip-Hop is very influential 
and widely accepted. 

The image that a lot of Hip-Hop music portrays is not 
a positive image. So, with its powerful life influencing 
possibilities, is this the type of image we want entering the 
nation's sound waves? The songs glorify block livin', gang 
bangin', thuggin', hustlin', and everything else that comes 
from the street. Yes, these are the sad realities of people 
across the nation and Hip-Hop is a way to show our struggles, 
but if music it is done in a glorifying manner it will only lead 
to more gloriflcation. 

The power of influence or suggestion can transform lives. 
If all we hear about is drug dealin' and hood livin' these life- 
altering attributes will start getting played out by listeners. 
This is a problem when people take the lyrics and try to act 
them out in life. I am not saying we should stop explaining 
the situation of the street, but I believe we should show our 
struggle in an un-glorifled way and offer solutions to our 
problems instead of more crime. 

Our tapes are heard by more than just us. The "ghetto" 
generationers and Hip-Hop listeners. If our music does not 
better its image it is portraying, it will continue to lose the 
influence it has in society, like what is currently happening. 
Less people are listening to Hip-Hop in general because of 
the repetitive themes being played on the records. For too 
long have we been hearing about "icy don flgas" and so much 
cash that they can throw it around. The music is losing 
it's meaning quickly by addressing nothing but the vain 
pleasures of money. What happened to the earlier messages 
of Dre, Snoop, DMX, 50 cent, Eminem? 

I'm not saying these are all positive messages, but they at 
least held the truth out for people and gave them something 
that was real in the community. Tupac and Biggie Smalls 
were notorious for the way they could address issues of the 
day with their lyrical abilities. They let the mass media hear 
it. These two would spit rhymes about the blocks, jobs or 
lack of job opportunities, the realities of people just getting 
out of prison, teen pregnancy, drugs and the effect they had 
on society. They were not afraid to address problems. It was 
not always done in a positive way, but even with the negatives 
they portrayed they proved enough to become the voices of a 
generation split between East and West. 

With the Hip-Hop industry today a lot of people with 
messages are not being heard, because of either lack of 
popularity due to the "hype" or for the simply fact that 
many morally just Hip-Hop fans are not standing up and 
supporting them. "Common" and "KRS-one" are just two 
rappers in a whole movement of rappers trying to save Hip- 
Hop. "Chamillionare" just released his last album without 
cursing. We do have artists who are trying to change and 
positively influence Hip-Hop. But, these people are not being 

Our first writer we got for y'aii is writing to u% from Solano County 
Jail in Fairfield, Ca. lyier is a great writer that comes with some 
very potent material for y'all to inhale. He^ talking about the young 
generation and the future of America, lyier is preaching about Hip Hop 
and how most rappers are just talking about money but aren't talking 
about the issues that the people face in the community every day, just 
like 2pac and Biggie used to do. So peep this article out and soak up 
some knowledge. 

heard as much as the glorifled cash hungry rappers that 
flood the airwaves and top charts. If we could get the voice 
of a few artist who want to use the influential power of Hip- 
Hop for good to the top of the charts the rap industry could 
change. It will let society know we are people with struggles, 
not just lost souls floundering around in money with drugs. 

Our struggles need to be heard. Hip-Hop produces an 
opportunity for us to voice ourselves in a style we have 
adapted to generate support for all of us. Hip-Hop can and 
will make a positive turn if we continue to approach it in 
a positive manner to show our true selves and not just 
continue to use it to portray our debauchery and degrading 

Hip-Hop is the way for our people to easily penetrate 
places we normally would not be able to. Politicians are 
people with children. I'd bet some of them listen to Hip-Hip 
and that would mean the parents, politicians, will hear the 
voice of the artists. This being just one possible example of 
how our music can reach out to all people. 

Now, if we as a whole would come together and hold 
Hip-Hop accountable for the image it is projecting we can 
influence a change. Hip -Hop is basically the face of our 
generation. People hear it and think the words in the song 
describes its listeners, or summarizes the general attitude 
and way of living for those who are embracing it's culture. 
So, with this negative image of Hip-Hop combined with the 
negative social image some of us portray, it continues to 
make our culture more of a burden than a blessing. Thus 
making our struggle to be heard harder than it already is. 

Hip - Hop holds the key to opening a major door for 
change in our generation. If used correctly it can help 
influence it's listeners to pursue careers, socially acceptable 
living, change peoples direction away from crime. Yet, we can 
still use it to show the realities of the gang and street life, to 
show the all consuming power of drugs, relay the problems 
centering around sexual relationships, voice the lack of 
opportunities for personal advancement and give possible 
solutions to these problems. This will prove we are not just 
reveling in our horrible situation. 

Hip-Hop can bring conscience awareness to our issues 
and this will help shine truthful light on our situation. Hip- 
Hop must change its direction for the potential that lies 
within Hip-Hop is far to valuable to be wasted. Like Tupac 
said " still I see no changes" 




Herein lies the potential of our generation. I believe with the 
tools we have available we can unite to create a powerful 
change. But, like I have been emphasizing throughout these 
papers our image, our demeanor, our way of life must change. 
For like Emerson said "What you are shouts so loudly in my 
ears I can't hear what you say". 

We must start with changing ourselves before our 
communities, states and nation. William George Jordan 
said, " Into the hands of every individual is given a marvelous 
power for good or evil- the silent unconscious unseen 
influence of his life. This is simply the constant radiation of 
what man really is, not what he pretends to be." So before we 
can gain power for our generation we must change ourselves 
for the better. We are all actors in this play. 

This does not mean necessarily that we must change our 

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^7/?7wn7mmm mMu / ; | : / // / / / 

'T¥L,B/? f7Hf7. T-^BX canr' 

culture, but it does mean embracing the positive side and 
shunning the negative. " No one can persuade another to 
change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only 
be opened from the inside. We can not open the gate of 
another either by argument or by emotional appeal," Marilyn 

We will always have the struggle of the street. With 
this knowledge we must help bring attention to the street 
struggle. We can portray the realities properly to people in 
order to get the proper facilities or programs to help improve 
the struggle we endure living in the harsh world. People can 
not read our minds. We must voice ourselves openly and 
properly to be heard. We have the outlets to make a voice if 
we just utilize them properly. Hip-Hop, a common culture, 
common struggles, the potential for no race within our grasp 
to use and make our generation heard. 

What we've been through, what we know and who we are 
can bring solutions to some of the nations biggest problems. 
Murder, drugs, sex, gangs, robbery, rape. This is what all too 
many of us know. We have experience in our generation's 
struggles. Many of us are stuck in the struggles not seeing a 
way out or escape route any time soon. But, this can all turn 
out for the good if we just utilize what we know to influence a 
change. We can have a voice people in learning about who we 
are. For those who aren't numbers, we can help them avoid 
becoming one by teaching them, they are our voice. 

If we change the negative image of our generation people 
will listen. We must not be afraid of this challenge. " No man 
should judge unless he asks himself in absolute honesty, 
whether in a similar situation he might not have done the 
same... we had to learn ourselves, furthermore we had to 
teach despairing men, that it did not really matter what we 
expected from life, but rather what life expected from us... 
for what then matters is to bear witness to the uniquely 
human potential at it's best, which is to transform personal 
tragedy into a triumph, tot urn one's predicament into a 
human achievement... (Dr. Viktor Frank) " Man's search for 
meaning. We can achieve a change for our generation. We 
must not give up on the betterment of our people and future 

This "ghetto" culture can bring unique unity to those 
who embrace this lifestyle. We can use it to our advantage 
if we can see past our differences along with the destructive 
"hype" that comes along with the "ghetto" nation and look at 
the realities that can accompany this cultural movement. If 
we do not do it for us, then we should at least do it for those 
who might possibly follow in our footsteps and the next 
generation to come along which will consist of our kids. 

We can bring change, we do not have to let our 
environments control us and let what society labels us as 
stop us from changing those environments and the ingrained 
views of society. "Never feel shame for trying and failing. For 
he who has never failed is he who has never tried... let us 
act now even though our actions may not bring happiness 
or success, for it is better to act and fail than not to act and 
flounder. "Ogmandino. 

With all this said the potential we hold, as a united 
culture with common goals and lifestyles, is the key to our 
future success in my opinion. There is a lot I did not cover 
in these brief papers, but I believe I got my point across. We 
must use our "ghetto" culture to unite us as a whole. We 
must embrace the positive side to the "ghetto" movement 
and try to change the negative. Knowing who we are and 
where we're from will help us to work a change. We must 
further the work of passed generations and overlook socio- 
economical standings, race and sex boundaries and consider 
everyone as equals. We must get active in politics to help 
save our culture. We can bring about change for the street 
with the knowledge we have. Knowing we can not eradicate 
completely all of the crime, drug and prison problems we can 
help them improve by giving more options to those who want 
a way out to flnd one. Lastly, We must use the power of hip- 
hop to our advantage. No one can stop the potential within 
our culture as I perceive it. But, then again these are just my 
thoughts, opinions and views. What they amount to is up to 

"Each generation out of relative obscurity, must discover 
their mission, fulflll it or betray it." Anonymous 


Romans 8:28 


"Ike Trail" 

My big brother and I grew up riding the Metro Rail; some 
people call it the train, watching the city of Miami pass by 
without a cent to our name. From our apartment porch on 
11 St and 3rd Ave, I saw little kids with ringworms, "Florida 
Sores" and dirty diapers hanging down, heavy with urine 
and feces - some tore and fell to the ground. 

And that butt-naked baby is still walking around. Now 
he's looking for dirt. Doesn't the truth hurt? He sits down 
and does what all kids do when they don't have toys: He/ 
they use the ground as a plate when they bake a dirt cake 
and get mud in their eyes while they make mud pies. 

This homemade playground is heaven on earth to small 
children whose sandlot is the same color as the dark, and 
this is their public park. Some of the most successful of 
their parents have been brought to their lowest by the 
stranglehold of a monster named crack cocaine. I've seen 
the feet swollen and cracked around the heels of those 
whose bodies and minds have been arrested by the craving 
and the search for the next hit. They strive - to stay high; 
and will walk through hell with gasoline drawe's on to keep 
their lighters lit. 

The scene at the corner store consists of the following: 

Our next writer is writing to us from Dade Correctional Institution 
in Florida City, Fl. Eric is a wonderful storyteller and doesn't leave 
out any details. The upcoming piece is a personal story that Eric would 
love to share with y'all. Enjoy! 

former bus-drivers, tap dancers, and schoolteachers. (One 
of which was my substitute teacher who maintained his 
job and his life of getting high and spending a few dollars 
on prostitutes); how winos and crack addicts, all party 
together and on Friday and Saturday nights, turning the 
side of the store into a make shift nightclub. The "drunk 
and high" come and go at random, each chanting their 
anthem. There's no sleep on these streets, because they're 
flooded with phantoms. 

This are, (overtown) formerly nicknamed "Baby 
Harlem" by the stars, used to be loaded, used to be loaded 
with motels, clubs, restaurants, and such in the 50's, 60's 
and early 70's era; before crack came and you can see 
everything I saw when you ride by on the train... forgive me 
y'all for such dark writing, but my heart can't hide what it 
sees. There are two America's: the one you see on those 
superficial urban YMCA commercials, and the one down 
the street form it; the one I grew up in. Besides, it's easier 
to write from experience than imagination. Peace, love, and 
more love. 


amam// • #////// 

'unnn ^/<^ /<utt¥' 


Real Talk 

In a world where evil lurks on every street corner and 
peace without oneself is a hard thing to come by, we must 
travel beyond mere existence and live our lives to the 
fullest, the best we can. Things have been so hard for 
a race of misused and rejected people that are African 
American, really with all race today people are still 
suffering. The streets can make you and the streets can 
break you. 

To those caught in the trap of temporary pleasures, 
let me tell you this: The root of all evil, which is the 
love of money and the next man's pain, will surely come 
back to haunt you. We have a choice. I believe everyone 
has a heart, and within our hearts is a conscious. And I 
know the inner peace we are lacking in ourselves can be 

I know all the burdens we carry can be lifted. I also 
know our perseverance, our will to survive. Love yourself 
and love thy neighbor. Give yourself time to grow and open 
your minds to education because it is a key to the way 
out. Whatever you do, make it worth something. All your 
consequences in life are dependent upon your behavior. 
If you know what the consequences are, why do you still 
exhibit detrimental behavior? 

To prove something? Or you just staying true to the 

Be Determineil! 

One must have self-determination, to reach all or most 
of your goals. There will be many, many complications 
along your way, but don't let those complications be the 
excuse that made you fold. If we always rely on others to 
hold us up. 

We will never learn to stand on your own. A child can 
learn this trait, and that same bad habit until carry on 
when he's or she's grown. Besides yourself, there's so 
many others that will always try to keep you down. But 
if you keep your mind and eye's on the bigger pictures, 
eventually your goods and destination will be found. 

Yeah, haters are going to keep on hating regardless of 
how you live. So ignore them and their words and stares, 
because you are doing you and they have nothing to give. 
Embrace all of your hearts, pains and hardships, because 
they will only make you wiser and stronger. If not, you 
will be a part of the many, many, many who's dreams will 
last no longer. 

Ca. John aica Kutty opens up his piece with some real taiic. He^ not 
trying to preach to anybody but you can recognize real taiic when 
somebody is tailcing. He's offering some advice and it's there for anyone 
to talce it. 

I have learned that when /am 
angrif, I have the right to he 
angrtf hut that don't mean 
that I have to take it out on 

What I Have Learned 

It's easy for us to write people off once they have made 
some significant mistakes. We find it easier to punish 
people than to forgive them, easier to throw them away, 
than to restore them. I have learned that you can't make 
someone love you, all you can do is be someone that can 
be loved! The rest is up to them. 

I have learned that no matter how much I care some 
people won't care back. I have learned that it takes 
years to build up trust, but only seconds to destroy it! 
I have learned that it is not what-you-have-in-your-life, 
but whom-you-have-in-your-life! I have learned that you 
shouldn't not compare yourself to the best that others 
can do, but by the best that you can do! 

I have learned that it is not what happens to people, 
it is what they do about it. I have learned that you should 
always have loved one's with loving words, because 
it might be the last time you see them. I have learned 
that heroes are people who does what has to get done, 
regardless of the consequences. I have learned that there 
are people who love you dearly; they just don't know how 
to show it! 

I have learned that when I am angry, I have the right 
to be angry but that don't mean that I have to take it out 
on people. I have learned that true friendship continues 
to grow, even over the longest distance! 

I have learned that no matter how good a friend is, they 
are going to hurt you every once awhile, and you must 
forgive them for that. I have learned that just because two 
people argue, it don't mean they do not have on another! 
And just because they don't argue, don't mean they do! I 
have learned that you have to put the individual ahead of 
their actions! 

I have learned that no matter the consequences, 
those who are honest with themselves get farther in life! 
I have learned that life can change in a matter of hours, 
by people that don't know you. I learned when you think 
you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, 
you will find strength from God to help! 

I learned that writing as well as talking, can ease 
emotional pain. I have learned that the people you care 
most about in life are taken from you too soon! I've 
learned that it is hard to determine where to draw the line 
between being nice, and not hurting peoples feelings, and 
standing up for what you believe. I have learned that no 
matter how thin you slice it, there are always two sides. 

///////#/////,/// ////#/ //,////// // 

^I^I^^^^^^ ^^WLU., l£LU/JJ. 

'MXnHf^BL, Mn/<xnnB¥' 

Learnino The Rioht Way 

And while being incarcerated for almost 20 years, I had 
to learn the hard way and the right way, so I could give 
myself a chance. Because this was something I have 
never done, giving myself a chance. Because I always 
made things harder for myself then they had to be. 

Instead of doing time I was letting time do me and 
there was a lot I had to learn because I was making my 
timework against me. When I could have been making 
my timework for me. So I went giving myself a chance, by 
struggling to change my situation, for the better because 
for years I was driving myself up a wall. 

I Must Free Myself 

I must free myself, from the way I think, because I am 
locked up in liie mind and I am the only one who has the 
keys to my freedom because true freedom starts in the 
mind and the soul. This is what has control. So I must 
seek the truth to free myself. I need to take the chains off 
my mind. So I can stop running with the blind. The white 
man is no longer the one to blame, for the chains we are 
keeping on our mind because true freedom comes within 
and most people think, being released from behind these 
prison gates make them a free person, which it don'. 

The way they think is what keeps them incarcerated 
in the minds because for a long time I was not free when I 
was in the so call free world because I did not know what 
true freedom was. I did not know myself. I did not follow 
my own mind. I was a follower and I did not have much to 
think with. I stayed going in and out of jail. I spent most 
of my young life in prison. No matter if I was in prison 
are on the streets I was not free. As the years went flying 
by and I went to getting up in age, and my will went to 
growing stronger for me to free myself. So I could humble 
myself, and stop living a life of self-destruction. 

Our next writer is writing from Union Correctional Institution in 
Raiford, Fla. Michael has always brought some insightful writing for 
everybody to read. Read his pieces and you might learn something 
about yourselves. 

Being Reliable 

Being reliable is something we all need to learn to be, 
because here in prison there are not many people I can 
count on as being a reliable source. We need someone 
in our corner who we can count on. Someone I can trust 
and that's hard to flnd here in Florida prison system. The 
world just needs more reliable people in it. Now days, we 
are living up under new wave system, along with the new 
wave mindset and don't know what being reliable mean. 

They have many faces. They fake many moves. They 
are not real with themselves or anyone else. They are into 
misleading you to think they are reliable, and that they is 
all good. When they intentions is all bad. Many of them 
cannot be counted on for nothing. It's hard living around 
so many unreliable people and they are being taught 
everything. But how to be reliable because people need 
someone they can depend on, they need more reliable 
leaders in prison and in the world. 

I as myself and we as the people need reliable 
sources. When I was growing up it was not hard to flnd 
reliable people they was everywhere and being reliable is 
something special, so let someone be able to count on 
you as a reliable source. 

Doing Evil Leads to Greater Evil 

I do have some evil ways about myself, that I have picked 
up in this world and I struggle very hard to change them 
ways because doing evil only leads to greater evil and I 
learned the hard way about doing evil to others, it only 
comes back in a greater way. The more I did evil the more 
them evil forces came at me and every which way turned 
evil was there. 

This world is full of evil doing, form stealing, killing, 
robbing, cheating, hating, turning on each for worldly 
things. This is not the way things should be, and I like 
reading the bible because it is full of knowledge and 
wisdom that tells you all about evil doing and the more 
true insight I get on evil doing, makes me want to turn 
away from evil doing. When I did some that was evil even 
greater evil would come back on me. So no one can do evil 
things, and get away with it because doing evil only lead 
to greater evil. 

Being Friendly 

I am somewhat friendly guy. I don't see anything wrong 
with being friendly. Right here in prison most people 
think being friendly is a weakness and most inmates look 
down on people who are friendly cause there has been a 
lot of times where I would here dude right here in prison 
say to other inmates that they are mot friendly. In close 
management lock down this is a saying I hear all the time. 
I am not friendly. I am a very low-key kind of person. By 
most I am considered to be a friendly person because I 
want to get along with everybody. Being friendly is being 
wise and smart and not making my time hard. Friendly 
people are the ones who has good hearts and they make 
doing time around them easy. 


amam// • #////// 

'SHMU/n MnnTnnMB/7¥' 


No Better Than Slavery 

If it is true that the progress of a society must be 
measured not simply by the best of us, but also by the 
worst of us, then why can be said about certain people 
and about some of the horrible things they do? Take for 
instance the following story. 

Her name shall remain anonymous. But what she has 
done — though none but she and God were witnesses 
to her deed — will remain as fresh and as ugly as the 
first day it was discovered. In an alley, she recounts how 
her water broke... how she staggered over to the side of 
the street among the garbage cans and trash bags... how 
there, in the midst of rats and filth she brought forth a 
blameless little body and cut the umbilical cord, perhaps 
with her teeth, and left her little one in the gutter to die. 

Was she black? The woman who did this reprehensible 
thing against God and humanity? Does it matter? Perhaps 
it does not matter to say that the woman who had her 
child just inches away from a dumpster was black. But 
she was black. Not only was she black, but being so, she 
was all at once, the sum-total of all that was fought for and 
died for during a war that was waged to grant humanity to 
people who had been raped of the right to call themselves 
human. And here, one of their offspring had just dropped 
a baby like a cat guts kittens. 

Indeed, we human beings are too complex a 
people. Consequently, no one can speak for everyone. 
Nevertheless, when we see our own wallowing in the filth 
and confusion that so many lives have been sacrificed 
to overcome, it pains us. We want to go outside, roll up 
our sleeves and become better keepers of our brothers 
and sisters. We become ashamed that we have not 
evolved beyond ourselves. A black woman had a baby and 
abandoned it in an alley. She could have been anyone. 
But she was one of our own. Brothers and sisters, as we 
seek to progress, perhaps you would agree that we must 
do better, at least for our own. Pass it on! 

Cofise^^efit/tf, m one can speak 
for everifom, Nevertheless, 
when we see oMr own wallowing 
IH the filth and coMfMsioM that 
so mafftf lives have heen sacri- 
ficed to overcome, it pains ms, 

I'm Thankful 

Fm thankful for a lot of things, especially life itself 

Fm thankful for friends and family and even good health 

Fm th£inkful to have wisdom £ind faith throughout my life 

Fm also thankful to be blessed with strength through 

stress and strife 

Some things that Fm thankful for 

Can be taken away, even things I adore 

But what I have shall never depart 

Fm thankful to have God and Glenda in my heart 

The next writer is writing to u% from Union Correctional Institution 
in Raiford, Fl. Shawn is no stranger to The Beat Within ^% he always 
writes u% mindful and thoughtful pieces. His writing topics vary from 
issue to issue but always stick with the basic writing about life in 
general. In the next few pieces you'll find skn array of great detailed 
writing from Shawn. He talks about Love, life, and his dreams. So listen 
up and enjoy the next few pieces 

I Had A Dream 

This dream was so peaceful and serene 

We were living though the visions 

Of Dr. Martin Luther King 

I had a dream 

I visualize that every boy and girl 

Was taught to be friends 

And race is what they run for fun 

Not the color of skin 

I had a dream 

That man had never created deadly diseases 

There was no crying or dying 

From cancer, AIDS or Hepatitis C 

There was no hunger and starvation 

From the USA to Africa 

And Africa wasn't stripped 

Of gold diamonds and oil 

By no good scavengers 

I dreamed.... 

That there were no wars 

Love and peace was the plan 

We destroyed nuclear plants 

And purified our lands 

I dreamed.... 

Osama Bin Laden came out 

Of hiding like a real man 

He knew Allah would justify 

His evil commands 

I had a dream.... 

We didn't have currency 

T£ixis or inflation 

No armies only schools 

And colleges for higher education 

We didn't lie or cheat 

We made our own clothes 

Grew our own food 

You had to work to eat 

I had a dream.... 

We were all rich but 

In our hearts not our pockets 

There were no such things 

As computers lasers or rockets 

I had a dream... 

That this world had 

Forgotten about color 

We all loved one another 

As sisters and brothers 

I had a dream.... 

We came together as one 

From the USA, Iraq, Cuba 

And Afghanistan 

And George Bush 

Saddam Hussein and 

Fidel Castro 

Hugged and shook hands. 

I had a dream. 

///////#/////,/// ////#///,//////// 

^I^I^^^^ ^^?f{t i J , 'i.^^lLii / 

'SH^wn MnnTnnMB/?¥ canr. ' 

A Love Manifesto 

It is the music that gets you the most. It doesn't matter 
if you're in prison or on the streets. Songs have a way of 
triggering memories like nothing else. All it takes is that 
certain love ballad to send you tumbling back through time, 
while experiencing the most blissful feeling of nostalgia. 
Before you know it, you're reminiscing about that one 
mind blowing sexual liaison. The one you can never forget 
regardless of how many years have passed or how many 
lovers you've shared intimacy with. 

Personally, I can't listen to a single slow jam from Keith 
Sweat first LP without reflecting on the precious time I 
shared with my sweetheart. Until this day, songs like Make 
It Last Forever, How Deep Is Your Love, In The Rain, and 
Young And Ready, conjure up feelings of euphoria I haven't 
experienced in years. 

And to be honest, even though the marathon of 
copulation I enjoyed while listening to those musical 
selections was unforgettable, I believe that the real pleasure 
of that memory stems from the person I was with. 

What I've learned over time is that the physical 
sensations felt through intercourse are only climatic 
extensions of a connection that was previously made 
mentally and spiritually. It is rare occasion when the three 
come together perfectly. But when they do, the end result 
is almost magical and explosive. 

As a young man, I was influenced by my peers to never 
show outward displays of affection toward females lest I'd 
be ridiculed for being "whipped." As a consequence, the 
young lady who blessed me with the such a soul stirring 
encounter, never truly knew how caught up I was in her 

Ultimately this quest machismo, along with my 
insistence on achieving "playa" status, cost me what I 
would later discover was my flrst real brush with true love. 
And while the elders around me insisted that the emotion 
I felt would soon manifest itself in another, a decade would 
pass before I discovered anything similar. 

For this reason I tell you young brothers who may 
be on the same path toward making the same mistakes 
I committed, to never allow their pride to stand in the way 
of achieving true happiness. There is nothing wrong with 
being in love with a woman and expressing to her how she 
makes you feel. 

The greatest joy a man can achieve on Earth is in the love 
he flnds for a woman he loves him back in return. If you're 
currently involved with in a relationship but not quite sure 
if what you're feeling is real, perform this experiment. Take 
her on an unannounced trip to a remote location at lease a 
four-hour drive from where you live. Find a bland hotel and 
rent a room for two nights. Make sure there is absolutely 
nothing else to do, so that the two of you are forced to 
entertain each other. Converse and make love for the entire 
time you're in the room. If it feels as good at the end of the 
day number two as it did at the beginning of day number 
one, that's a good sign. It doesn't answer your question but 
it does conflrm that you're where you're supposed to be 

The real test though comes on the way home. If after 
spending all of that time and receiving all of the sex you can 
stand, you can't think of anything else but how much you 
enjoy her presence in your life, consider yourself sprung. 
And when you flnally arrive at her place, if she is reluctant 
to get out of the car for fear of entering a home that doesn't 
include you, you're a lucky man because she probably feels 
the same way. 

At that moment while your heart is racing and your 
palms are sweating, don't hesitate. This is not the time to 
worry about being smooth, cool, or hip. Declare your love 
and secure her a place in your life forever. 

Do not dare let her get away, or you'll spend the next 
twenty years thinking about who she's with, where she is 
and what could have been. The regret that comes with that, I 
wouldn't wish on any man. Embrace love and show her how 
much she means to you. It could make all the difference in 
your future. 

///////#/////,/// ////#/ //,////// // 

^T^^WT^^mmMmffM a r '^//^JJ/ 

'SH^wn MnnTnnMB/?¥ canr. ' 

Is The World Better Because flf Me? 

Ask yourself this question: Is the world better because 
of me? No! Ask yourself, is the world better off because I 
lived? Ask that question and give it some thought. Do some 
serious soul searching before coming up with an answer. 
Whatever you do, don't lie to yourself. 

No one can dispute the fact that we live in a world that 
is fraught with problems. Every living soul should be aware 
of many of the problems that exist. A female friend has 
advised me for years that either I am a part of the problem 
or I am part of the solution. 

No, many of us did not create the existing problems. 
Many of then existed before we were born. We cannot take 
the attitude that we did not create the problems; they do 
not affect us, so therefore we should make no effort to solve 

We have a duty to make something good happen in this 
world or to solve some problems during our lifetime. No 
one has to solve all of the problems and no one has to solve 
problems all by themselves. It is perfectly all right to work 
with others to solve one or more community problems. 

I have talked to a number of people who are dedicated 
to solving problems and making their community and their 

world a better place to live. All of those people tell me 
that it is a soul tingling good feeling. 

If you are a person and have made no contributions 
or have not attempted to make a contribution, then you 
should immediately get to work on becoming involved. If 
you are an older person and find yourself in a situation, 
then you should be concerned. 

It would be a shame to have lived on this earth and have 
not made one single contribution to making this a better 
world. There is no excuse for not being a warrior in the 
cause if making your community and your nation better. 
There is plenty of room and need for those who are willing 
to work to make life better. 

What these causes need are people who are willing to 
do more than just talk. What the world needs now is fewer 
takers and more doers. Ask yourself: Am I just a talker, or 
am I an agent of change? I can imagine it is a wonderful 
thinks to pass on to the great beyond and have people say 
the world is better because you lived. 

I know the feeling is greater to have the people say the 
world is better because you lived and still live. What do you 
want the world to say about you? Your deeds will determine 

The Journey 

The journey begins the day you're born. Before you 
can comprehend anything going on around you, you're 
amazed at sounds and colors. You can't speak yet, but 
you already know how to appreciate being here. 

As you enter grade school, the experience becomes 
one you'll never forget. You'll discover falling in love, 
being jealous, and getting angry because someone either 
stole your girlfriend or she's shown attention to someone 

Now the teenage years begin, and this is the sweetest 
part of the journey. This is your growing period where you 
mature and decide what you're going to do with the rest of 
your life. That's when you decide how you're going to take 
care of yourself so your family will not longer have to take 
care of you. 

The journey continues into your 20 's and if the Lord 
willing, far beyond. In today's society, young adults try 
very hard not to enjoy that journey. As a matter of fact, 
most of them don't expect to enjoy it or don't know how. 
They're too busy trying to survive the dungeon they've 
cast themselves into. 

It's a shame that many of them will miss the journey. 
They will miss the many people you meet along the way, the 
beautiful music you hear, the amazing accomplishments 
man will make, and just watching your children and 
grandchildren grow up. 

The journey is full of fun and sadness. You will 
probably lose some loved ones along the way, both family 
and friends. Even when they leave, you'll still enjoy they 
journey, because new doors will open for you, and there 
are so many amazing things that are ahead just waiting 
for us to discover. 

Please don't cut your journey short. If you do, you're 
cheating yourself. Even more important, don't cut 
someone else's journey short. You don't have the right 
to make that decision, and no one deserves to miss the 
splendor and glory of God's creation. 

A Universal Secret Of Human Nature! 

"Nobody wants to be wrong!" 

There. I've said it. It looms in our minds and in our 
lives like a mountain higher than Mt. Everest! It is a truth 
in every facet of our existence. And it has become even 
more so now, than it has been in the past two hundred 

Think about it. America has forgotten to say, "I'm 
sorry" and mean it. Instead what most of us say is, "if 
I have done anything to make you angry (which I know 
I have) then I apologize." Either that or, "Mistakes were 
made, but not by me!" but I cant claim credit. Instead, 
credit goes to authors Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson, 
who co-wrote the book Mistakes Were Made (but not by 
me) : Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions and 
Hurtful Acts! 

According to Tavris and Aronson, "As fallible human 
beings, all of us share the impulse to justify ourselves 
and to avoid taking responsibility for any actions that 
turn out to be harmful, immoral, or stupid." I wonder. 
Would that justify the actions of an Adolf Hitler, Sadaam 
Hussein or a George W. Bush? Would such a statement on 
the universality of self-justification successfully explain 
the actions of millions of US who've ended up in jails and 
prisons because we had refused to take responsibility 
for our villainous actions or inactions? Indeed, shall the 
human race become exstinct because it will have doggedly 
refused to accept its own wretched responsibility? 

And what about us black folks? What's to be said 
about our collective unwillingness to let slavery go... to 
forgive and forget, yet retain the fact that the destiny of 
our of our people is written in the destiny of our nation? 
For we too need to say, "I'm sorry" if to no one else but 

As I said at the beginning of our conversations, I have 
discovered one of the greatest secrets of human nature! It 
is called "The ability to take responsibility" and unless I 
miss my guess, it contains enough truth and power to set 
us all free! 

///////#/////,/// ////#/ //,////// // 

^^^^■HI^JHOKIK / /i#>^A//// 

'D^/?/?nn nf7;?nTf7' 

A Love Story 

Once upon a time, stranded upon an island in the middle 
of nowhere, lived all the characteristics of mankind. Greed, 
Misery, Hope, Knowledge, Faith, and Love, to name a few. 
After years of despair, Hope decided to approach Knowledge 
with an idea. 

"Mr. Knowledge, you are so clever and smart. You have 
knowledge of all things. Why don't you build us a boat so 
that we can save ourselves?" 

"I suppose I could; I don't know why I didn't think of 
that; I guess I had already given up." 

So in the weeks and months to follow. Knowledge did in 
fact construct several rafts. Everyone was jumping for joy 
at the possibility of finally being rescued! 

One by one the rafts set sail as everyone waved goodbye. 
But then, suddenly, a thought occurred to Knowledge... 
there were not enough rafts for everyone. 

"One of us will have to remain." 

With nervous, frightened glares at one another. Greed 
immediately took action. He started to load up all his 
worldly possessions upon one of the remaining rafts. 

"Mr. Greed, you have so many possessions. Couldn't 
you leave a few things behind to make room for me?" 

"I'm sorry. Love, but I couldn't dream of leaving anything 
behind. I only wish I could take even more! Besides, you of 
all people should know... where there is Greed, there can 
certainly be no Love. You'll have to ask one of the others." 

With her head hung low. Love approached Misery. 

"Pardon me. Misery, but have you room for one more?" 

"One more? Is it not plain to see that I am already 
burdened with Pain and Sorrow? You have no place here. 
Love. Please leave us be." 

Feeling dejected and heartbroken. Love started to come 
to the realization that she would be the one left behind. In 
a last ditch effort, she pleaded with Knowledge. 

"Mr. Knowledge, you are the last one, my last chance. 

Our next writer is writing to u% from a Correctional Facility in T^acy, 
Ca. Darron has become somewhat of a weekly contributor, much to 
our pleasure. His writing is creative, clever, and powerful, so it would 
do you good to become familiar with him! Thanks again, Darron! 

for all others have forsaken me. Surely you have room for 

"Had I not run out of materials, I would have built a 
raft for you. Love, but as it stands now, I have far too many 
charts and maps that I must use to navigate my way home. 
I simply have no room." 

Saddened and left completely alone. Love knew her 
outlook was not good at all. For what seemed like an 
eternity, she waited patiently for her would-be rescuers. 
Then one day, out on the horizon. Love spotted a ship 
heading in her direction. 

"I'm saved! I'm saved! Somebody came back for me. But 
who? All had forsaken me." 

As the ship pulled up off the shore tears of joy streamed 
down her face as she realized who it was; it was Hope and 
Faith, her two closest friends. 

"I thought you had abandoned me. Left me to..." 

With an apologetic smile, Hope replied, "1st Corinthians 
13 tells us that the three of us are very special in God's eyes. 
But of us three, you. Love, are the most special. We could 
not have possibly survived as you did, for it is written that 
you. Love, are patient and kind, never envious or boastful. 
You have the unlimited capacity to bear all things., believe 
all things, hope all things, endure all things. Love never 
fails! We didn't leave you behind. Love. We, Hope and Faith, 
were with you all the time." 

With that said, the three of them embraced one another 
in tears of happiness the way sisters would. While holding 
hands with one another, they all looked up into the 
beautiful blue sky and thanked God, knowing that He, too, 
was smiling down upon them. 

As the ship pi^lled Mp off the shore tears of Jot/ streamed down her face as 
she realized who it was; it was Hope and faith, her two closest friends. 


It's My Life at Stake! 

I'm going insane 

With my mind frame 

Absorbing this pain 

That never remains the same 

Preventing immunity from being gained 

This tension is great 

I leave nothing but destruction in my wake 

Dragging these chains 

That once held me to my fate 

Searching for my only escape 

Because I know it's far too late 

To sit around and wait 

So I must clean my slate 

By doing whatever it takes 

Though every move I make 

Is based on the morals I create; 

Now as I shed this weight 

I can be on my way 

After all, it's my life at stake! 

Our next writer is writing to u% from Washington State Penitentiary 
in Walla Walla, ^sk. His writing expresses his sentiments very clearly. 
So kick back, and flip through, and put some thought to these next 
couple of poems. 

Look at the Time aod Life Yoo Live 

Look at the time and life you live and what you plan to 

do next 
Look at what you didn't do but you could've done that 

you now regret 

Nothing to lose but all to gain, still stuck in the same 

Mind frame of what everybody thinks 

Overwhelming sympathy that nobody seems to 


Dwelling on what you did that's done bringing 



Trapped in emotions you're never going to reveal, and 

Experiencing the things you thought you could never 


///////#/////,/// ////#/ //,////// // 

^7/^7FI ^^^ ™™* t ^.iSLLiifJ. 


A Chance 

He came to this earth 

To give He died on the 


He gave you a gift 

He suffered when He died 

You could see it in His 


By giving up His life 

He's giving you a place 

He's with you in the 

He's with you in the night 

He wants you in His 


So He can hold you tight 

So no matter what you've 


Things might look dim 

But He's giving you a 


A chance to be with Him 

Our next writer is writing to u% from Cameron, MO. Herbert is a 
very eloquent and prolific writer from Crossroads Correction Center 
in Cameron, MO, has much to %x^ to us. Give him a read! 

God's Own Way 

When the sun is rising 

At the beginning of each day 

That's God greeting us 

In his own special way 

And when the sun is setting 

That's His work of art 

Writing the day off 

Saying good night from His heart 

ioht the Way 

Let my good works shine before me 

For everyone to see 

Glorifying God in Heaven 

As the one who set us free 

Lord, let me be a shining light 

In all I say and do 

That Your great love displayed in me 

May lead someone to You. 


Sometimes I think the world has stopped 
But I open my eyes and God picks me up 

When I look to the stars and the sky above 
I then feel the power of God's love 

No one else can make me feel this way 
So I give my thanks to God every day 

I Am a Prisofl 


Jesus always holds His children 

He makes sure that we're safe 

No matter where we are 

No matter what we face 

His hand will surely lead us 

His strength will guide us through 

You can rest with His assurance 

Of His love for me and you 

In times of tribulations 

In heartache and in fears 

His wings will overtake us 

And He'll wipe away our tears 

His mercy we do lean to 

Enduring in His grace 

Till one day we stand before Him 

And look upon His face. 

I am a prison; I'm damp and I'm cold 
I hold men and women who are young and ones who are old 
I'm surrounded by fence, cell doors, and gates that have locks 
My walls are all made of steel, iron, and concrete blocks 

I am a prison and I'm feared by all 

I'll give you a chill when you hear me call 

Your name becomes a number, your face just another 

I'll show you no pity, I am not your mother 

I am a prison, designed to be rough 

I am where society houses its tough 

Nobody has beat me, though they may have tried 

But mostly they all still remain inside 

I have no answers, so don't ask me why 

I put those tears in your loved ones' eyes 

I am a prison where nobody wants to be 

I confine men and women who once were free 

I control their pace, I slow down their stride 

I strip them of dignity, I take their pride 

Like animals that you might put in a cage 

I contain these men and women and watch them age 

I am a prison, I am full of despair 

I can be a person's worst nightmare 

I've been here many years and will be many more 

You'll recognize me by my loud slamming door 

I am a prison, a place you don't really want to live 

I've so much to take but nothing to give 

But there is one who does and He hears all your pleas 

So pray to the Lord Jesus, for He has the Keys 

At Close Of Day 

Oh, what joy to see the 


At the close of life's long 


After all the toilsome 


With its suffering by the 

What delight to hear Him 


In His loving, gentle tone, 

"Well done, good and 

faithful servant. 

Enter thou thy heavenly 


Oh, what joy to see our 

loved ones 

Who long since have 

entered there! 

God forbid that one be 


Through neglect or want of 


May our love for one 


As we tarry here below 

Yield a rich, abundant 


In that home to which 
we go 

We shall find the lost and 


Whom we brought to Him 

ere now 

In a crown of great rejoicing 

That He places on our brow 

While "the suffering's of the 


Often seem too hard to bear 

They were meant for our 


That His glory we might 


Child of God, be ever 


Seek to know the Father's 


Heed His voice and do His 


Trust Him fully and "be 


Strength sufficient He will 

give thee 

Go, rejoicing on thy way. 

And the joy of seeing Jesus 

Will be thine at close of day 

///////#/////,/// ////#/ //,////// // 

^^y^gz^g^JEM^// . #///// / 

'HB/?IIB/?T SHHU/BTHB^T canr '. 

The Set Of the Sail 

I stood on the shore beside the sea 

The wind from the west blew fresh and free 

While past the rocks at the harbor's mouth 

The ships went north and the ships went south 

And some sailed out on an unknown quest 

And some sailed into the harbor's rest 

Yet ever the wind blew out of the west 

I said to one who sailed the sea 

That this was a marvel unto me 

For how can the ships go safely forth 

Some to the south and some to tiie north 

Far out to sea on their golden quest 

Or in the harbor's calm and rest 

And ever the wind blew out of the west? 

The sailor smiled as he answered me 
"Go where you will when you're on the sea 
Though head winds baffle and squalls delay 

You can keep the course from day to day 
Drive with the breeze or against the gale 
It will not matter what winds prevail 
For all depends on the set of the sail." 

Voyager soul on the sea of life 

Over waves of sorrow and sin and strife 

When fogs bewilder and foes betray 

Steer straight on your course from day to day 

Though unseen currents run deep and swift 

Where rocks are hidden and sandbars shift 

All helpless and aimless, you need not drift 

Oh, set your sail to the heavenly gale 

And then, no matter what winds prevail 

No reef shall wreck you, no calm delay 

No mist shall hinder, no storm shall stay 

Though far you wander and long you roam 

Through salt sea-spray and over white sea-foam 

No wind that can blow but shall speed you home. 

Unless We Go 

Unless we go to all mankind 

According to the plan 

That God conceived in His own mind 

Before the world began; 

Unless the finished work of Christ 

Is told to every man. 

Salvation's plan for sinful man 

Will still unfinished be. 

Unless the ears of every man 

Has heard the joyful sound. 

That true forgiveness for their sins 

Within God's Word is found; 

And that the prayer of faith in Christ 

Will start them heaven bound. 

Salvation's plan for every man 

Will still unfinished be. 

Unless each tribe and ev'ry tongue 

Can read God's written Word 

Unless the story of God's grace 

By ev'ryone is heard 

Unless God's Spirit through His Word 

In ev'ry heart has stirred. 

Salvation's plan for sinful man 

Will still unfinished be. 

Board Yoor Mind 

Be careful what you think 

Shun every evil strife 

Because one thing is certain 

Your thoughts can run your life 

Wherever dwells the mind 

The eyes and ears go, too 

What you see and hear 

Affects the work you do 

Keep your thought life pure 

Take captive each wrong done 

In the name of Jesus 

The victory is won! 

Prisooer's Prayer 

Though it is hard day in and day out 

Sometimes we read, pray and workout 

Like anxious dogs we wait for our food 

Pray to God to be in a good mood 

I don't blame anyone for where now I call home 

It was part of God's plan and mistakes of my own 

With faith I sit in my prison cell twenty-three hours a day 

But with the help of the Lord, I'll be molded like clay 

Into what God has planned~a soldier of the Lord 
But when I get out will I have the strength of a sword 

To never bend and to stand firm in my beliefs 

I know the answer is always, as the Lord protects me 

This walk with God has been hard, but yet I know 

There are two sets of footprints and only one was my own. 

He Was Me 

He mocked Him with the 


Cutting jokes at every 


The man was just too busy 

To see His forgiving glance 

He joked, spat, and 


As the beaten Man trods 

He tried to make Him 


Throwing rocks of 

hardened sod 

As blood trickled from the 


Where the thorn crown sat 

upon His head 

"Hail the King of Jews!" 

The man so boldly said 

He held the hammer high 

And drove in the 

sharpened nails 

He did not even shudder 

As this Man called Jesus 


He pulled the ropes with 

the others 

Proudly raising up the 


The man was never 


About what he had really 


He had the spear in hand 

And stabbed the bloody 

Man's side 

He stood and held it there 

As the Man called Jesus 


The bloody Man asked for 


To quench His awful thirst 

In the line for the vinegar 


He battled to be first 

Jesus died an ugly death 
Upon Calvary's cruel tree 
And I will not forget the 
man who put Him there 
For you see, he was me!! 

///////#/////,/// ////#/ //,////// // 

^I^I^^^^^^ ^^iLL'J^JJJIIJ. 

'MXHH^XL, Mf7ffHHf7SBi^' 

A Letter 

Myself a letter I have sent 

Before my thoughts grow cold 

Ask for the grace to be content 

And if you fall into a ditch 

Don't dig for gold 

But just climb out and repent. 

"Stupid is as stupid does", said one of my favorite philosophers, 
Forrest Gump. I've had plenty of chances to test that the theory 
to validate it as fact. Unlike many people in prison, I wasn't 
socially predisposed to a life of crime, and prior coming to 
America no one in my immediate family had any experience 
with crime, drugs or gangs. Sadly, I was a 'pioneer' in all three, 
and was fortunate enough to end up in the joint, and not the 
graveyard. Life in prison isn't the end of the world (in fact, 
for me it was a new beginning), while death is our personal 
apocalypse, catapulting us into judgment before the only True 
and Righteous Judge Who takes into account everything except 
for our lame excuses and justifications. 

There is an ancient account of a slave ship docking 
somewhere in the old Roman Empire. In that city lived a virgin 
nun, who upon hearing of the ship hurried to find the owner, in 
order to buy herself a little girl, thinking, "I will take this child, 
and deliver her from the evils of this world. I will raise her as 
my daughter, teaching her about God's love and virtuous life." 
The owner of the ship brought two little girls to the nun, who 
ended up taking one of them. On his way back to the ship, the 
captain ran into a 'madam' of the local whorehouse. Who when 
seeing the little munchkin desired to have her, to raise her in 
the tricks of the trade. She bought the child, and took her to 
the brothel. 

Now the man who was relating this story says, "Do you see 
the unsearchable mystery of God's wisdom? The holy woman 
took the child and taught her everything good, teaching her 
the fear of God and the monastic life. The madam, on the other 
hand, having taking that poor little girl made her into a vessel 
and instrument of Satan. And what other trade could she have 
taught her, other than how to damn her soul and all sort of 

And what can we say of such a dreadful situation? Both 
of the girls were tiny, both were sold, not knowing where they 
went. One ended up in God's hands, the other in the Devil's. 
Can we say that God will equally judge them, the one just 
as the other? How is this possible! If both will fall into the 
same sin, is it fair to say that they'll be judged with the same 
judgment? Is this possible? One girl knew of God, of judgment, 
day and night being taught God's word and of His kingdom; the 
other poor soul, meanwhile, did not see or hear anything good, 
but on the contrary, was only abused diabolically & taught evil. 
How is it possible that they should be judged with the same 

If I apply this simple story to my life, I know that the 
remainder of my life is given me to "make straight what is 
crooked" in my own soul, in my own life, and try to be a positive 
influence in my community - even in prison. My family brought 

The next writer is writing to u% from Corcoran State Prison in 
Corcoran, Ca. Mihicaii doesn't need ^n intro ^% he^ been submitting 
incredible writing for u% for the past countless \%%ue%. Mihicaii is a 
talented writer that's been through his own fair of trials and tribulations 
that he would like to share with you readers, with hopes that y'all 
can learn something. Learn from his mistakes, listen to his story, and 
embrace these pieces. 

me to America to try to give me a better life, a better future 
than what was possible in the USSR. I've abused my freedom 
by taking the life of another, and by destroying another family's 
future, as well as my own. 

Can I complain against America? Will I answer for America 
before God? No, I'll answer only for myself, and - in His grace 

- God has given me the rest of my life to know Him, to prepare 
for death and eternity, to be faithful in the little that I have, on 
this side of the fence. 

A recent workshop topic was "achievements" (see 13/09). 
It's so easy to fool ourselves into believing that to achieve 
means to gain, to acquire, to heap up, to be popular, accepted, 
and all that other nonsense. If that's the case, then Hitler and 
Stalin were two "overachievers", whom we should emulate. But 
that's nonsense. The greatest achievement in life is to KNOW 
THE TRUTH of what we are doing in this world, and to humbly 
accept its' consequences. It is to know God, to know yourself, 
and to love those around us who are made in his image. 

I often fail living the TRUTH, though, I know it, but I try 
daily to unite my knowledge and practice. This achievement, 
for me, means "losing" and shedding all the b. s. that I picked 
up in my youth, that's still attached to my soul. It means being 
a servant, and not worrying so much about what others think, 
as much as what god thinks. At the end. He is the One I will 
face. His love is what drives me today, and the desire to be with 
Him is what pales everything else in comparison. 

In our Soviet schools, we were taught that there is no God 

- that He was an invention of the rich. At least that's what 
my teacher told me. But now, having found out for myself that 
HE IS, and more so, that HE IS LOVE (not out of a book, but 
personally), all of my past failures and mistakes are forgiven - 
though not forgotten. They are a reminder of what I used to be 

- the fool I was - and what I hope to avoid from becoming again. 
In my teens, I did much taking: from God, from my family, from 
the country that adopted me. Now, as a Christian, I'm able to 
give - first myself to the Lord Who has given Himself to me, and 
to others in my prison community. 

For me, my repentance is my achievement - not because 
it's easy or pleasant, but because it extends beyond the tangible 
& temporary things of this life. Fact is if this brief existence 
is "all there is to it", then who cares about "achievements" 
and all that other rhetoric about "doing right" - it's all about 
"getting mine", right? But, because this life is a brief journey 
with the eternal consequences, I'm able to use even my so- 
called "lost years" as a platform to turn away from myself in 
turning to God, to lose a little, in order to gain much. 

May the Lord be with everyone on their own particular 
journey, and in their own trials, many of which by far outweigh 
anything that I've experienced. 


Without redemption on Calvary's Hill 
Life's a fleeting mirage always ending in loss 

It's a valley no shovel or effort can fill 
Where death is a desert that no one can cross 

We don't preach propaganda from somewhere above 
Where Paradise reigns, but on earth it's concealed 

Jesus Christ is the Image of our Father's love 
With our death He died, with His life we are healed. 

Real evil He faced & bearing our strife 
World's agony defeating in his final breath 
By death He trampled upon sin & death 
He rose, while to the dead bestowing life 

The Truth itself was crucified & killed 

And still today it's often buried in the grave 

But even in the tomb His love revealed 

And hardened hearts like mine He came to save. 

///////#/////,/// ////#///,//////// 

^l^^wjEimmM/i^mu r-^/rjjff/ 

'^Bffff¥ n/?^H^M' 

In Just A Dream 

I had another dream about her again last night. I don't most 
nights anymore, It's like a dream that just will not go away. 
Her standing a top of the hill in the moonlight and all you 
can see is the dark outline of her beautiful body. I always 
dream about one day getting back with her, to show her a 
fantasy filled love life. 

I loved her and she just didn't know how much, but 
I couldn't for some reason stop thinking about her. It's 
becoming an every night occurrence, but when I awake 
from my sleep I start to cry. I miss her and wish I could hold 
her tight and tell her how much I'm sorry and that things 
are different now. Though words could never express that 
emotion or could never amount to how sorry I really feel. 

It's hard to describe, to put into words and hard to 
swallow a lot of the time. It's hard to not have the love in 
your, well, loved one's life. What use to be comfort is now 
discomfort. I always dream of one day, her forgiving me and 
seeing how much I've changed my life and how much I've 
let God instead of my self, and that he's made me a better 
person in the making. 

I long to show her a change in me and to prove my love 
for her steadfast. Though the way I treated her wasn't right 
and though I had some questing about the things she did, 
that I believe she wasn't truthful with me and I don't believe 
she would ever tell me, but she would have to know that 
what ever happened. I'd forgive her because it just doesn't 
matter any longer. 

There's a part of me that says no, no for the simple fact 
of not ever really getting back with her, because so much 
pain and heartache between the two of us. In a way there 
were so much differences and it was unbearable to realize 
that. But it will only be that dream until the day I go. 

I had always truly believed that she was the only true 
love I've ever known in my life. She filled an empty spot 

Our next writer is writing to u% from a correctional facility in 
Snyder, Texas. Jerry is a great writer with no fear on expressing 
his feelings. Listen to his next couple pieces and hear Jerry pour his 
heart out. 

that no one at the time could ever fill. She has take ninety- 
nine percent of my heart and no one could ever fill the one 
percent that's left behind. 

So, I leave it, hoping one day she could complete what 
she started. Then and only then when it's complete it will 
be a life that is unexplainable and out of this world. 

When we were together it always seemed that something 
was missing or wrong, but now to come to think of it when 
we were together, I always wanted to tell her about the 
feeling she gave me when we were together and holding 
one another close. For some reason every time I went to 
open my mouth I couldn't find the right words to describe 
the uncontainable feelings I was so longing, and wanting 
to get out. It's like something trapped in a room without no 
windows or a door, and trying rapidly to find a way out, but 
instead to find no way out at all. 

To capture her smile on her face," Oh how it lit up the 
darkest spots in my life and brought out the hardcore to 
soft and tenderness". The beauty that another holds will 
never amount to the beauty in her. The love one can give is 
like a romance novel that you couldn't put down, more and 
more as you search to see what's going to take place next. 
Though that dream still lies ahead and yet she's far away, 
but every time I dream it's as close as I'll probably ever 

So, as I dream just a dream, I long to see her in every 
moment, every silhouette, every dream come true in every 
step she makes, to have that chance to hold her as I sleep, 
just one more time, so it be. I see two in a life that was 
meant to be, but as I fade away in this dream and come to 
the reality of me, then once again you fade from my reach 
and I'm lying where I started... 

Walking Alone 

When you've walked a lonely road 

For so long you've walked alone 

Where your going, I don't know 

Where you've been, it only shows 

Only when you get there will you go 

Then can you only know 

While you there you may not know 

But when you're leaving then 

You'll know 

So while your walking all alone 

Only then you should think about 

Where you go 

While your thinking about where to go. 

Find out why you started all alone 

So that way when you walk again 

Maybe you won't go through 

The things that you went through to 

Walk where you've walked and 

When you walked alone 

So while you've walked a lonely road 

Only then have you walked down 

My lonely road on the walk 

When you've 

Walked alone. 

'L,UnB/?n HBffffB;?f7' 


Walking in a pile of glass 

My heart broken 

Love never last 

So much tears and pain 

I'm sadder 

I feel like I'm going insane 

This strong hand holding me 

Can't get out of the grip 

Man, would I ever slip 

I'm like a puppet 

Being controlled 

Tired of being locked up 

And being in the 'hood 

Tired of this orange 

Feel other people's pain 

I feel strange 

Life is a mirror 

You could relate 

But I need help 

And regulate my evil addiction 

It's like a story I'm in 

A movie 

An actor 

I'm playin' in. 


Only if I could hold you 

Tell you my problems 

Wish you was here 

To take the role as a mother 

Miss you so much 

I wish I could be with you in heaven 

I miss walking to school with you 

And the love you gave me 

But you my angel from God 

I miss your hugs 

And the toys you bought me 

Grandma, I love you so much 

I have to fight me 

I'm stuck in a shhh hole 

Can you save me? 

Please take the frozen heart that I own 

And the devil gave me 

Cutie, come back, 'cause I'm alone 

Wish I could change and be somebody 

Have things I own 

RIP, Grandma 

We first met Lucero Herrera in the girls' unit in Sskn Francisco's Youth 
Guidance Center, where she wrote her heart out into her poems for 
The Beat. Now she is in 850 (Bryant, the ^skn Francisco County Jail) 
awaiting trial. Here are some of her newest poems, expressing the 
loneliness and sorrow of hanging in 850 for months. 


Tired of being here 

Silent, confused 

I'm alone 

I have fear 

Feeling cold 

My heart's frozen 

Can I take this role? 

When am I going to 

bounce out of this earth? 

Accomplish a lot, but still 

feel pain 

That's all I gain 

Scared to change 

Don't know my outcome 

So what do I face? 

Would it last long? 

Enemies, a color, a block I 

don't own 

Why? Why ain't I fighting 

for my own? 

Got respect, love, and 

pride from the 'hood 

But they never 


A young girl full of things 

Can't speak or change 

Confused of what 

She going to fear 

And don't know love and 

what it means 

Spray paint, graffiti 

That's the way 

She express her heart 

Can't shed a tear 

She built a brick wall 

Pride and anger 

Scared to tell the world 

How she feel 

Rage, and ready to take 

this role 

Stuck in a cage with 


Abusive past relationship 

and family 

No love, so that's why I 


December 10, 2007 

Today I woke up tired but happy — a blessing for another 
day... to see breath, hear everything, but today so far is 
okay. It's morning. I'm in school. It's loud, but I ain't 
gonna to let it get to me. The drama, the noise and family 
issues I ain't going to let it affect me. I'm in situations 
right now with my family ... and with myself, trying to 
refiect, build my goals, extend my mind... 

My Mama Prays 

My mama prays that I quit the life I'm in 

That I gotta change my ways 

But the streets is calling me 

I can't stop this game 

I was raised a soldier 

So it's hard to get it over 


I sit here, think of you 

I dream of you and all the things we do 

You been there through thick and 


I wonder every day 

If you meant to be 

You love me 

And was there for me 

Do you mean the words 

Or you just playin' with me? 

Ride with and been through a lot 

You just don't understand 

My heart is unlocked 

You my first love and I just experience 
Did things that somebody else 

Wouldn't did it 

Do you understand what I feel? 

I love you so much 

Step Dad 

You raised me since I was a baby 

I'm your princess 

Love, that's what you gave me 

Why did you go 

I was only twelve years old 

I need you 

Look at me 

I'm not a little girl 

I needed you, a father 

Somebody would call "Dad" 

To come home and have a family 

I guess you are too far 

You, my mom, and brother 

Left me stranded alone 

This anger I can't hold 

I miss you a lot 'til this day 

Don't know 

I wish I could have you 

And say, "Dad, Come on" 

So why did you go? 

///////#/////,/// ////#/ //,////// // 

^I^I^^^^^^^^ ^M L: ,Lim (J. 

'^nSB^H MXLfLfX^MS' 

The next writer is coming from Arizona State Prison in Tiiscan, 
Az. Josheph would iiice to share a couple pieces. One of them is 
dedicated to his Grandma. 

Short Bio 

Growing up in Brooklyn, New York. Life is wonderful. My 
parents taught me the value of life and giving. My poems 
and other writings reflected this life in the big city. It can 
even have its ups and downs. 

The summer and going to the beaches in '02. Coney 
island brings back memories. The spring and fall sing 
like today past. As I get older I can reflect on this while in 

The Old Castle 

The old castle seems distance, must be the strong 
feeling must be that old building on the mountain yellow 
as it look. The number don't look right. The book shows 
something else. Getting closer to the castle, I smile, I 
smell myself must be the fries I ate. The sky is yellow 
with a mist of blue. 

A call came to me. Joe Henry blue, Joe Henry blue, 
must be mom's sweet voice, she bring my reflection to an 
attention. Good you made it today, gave her a kiss and a 
hug, thank for the invitation you sure a friend, tears come 
down memories lane. 

Have you eaten lunch yet? You look hungry. Have 
you eaten lately? The old eyes sure look blue cover with 
snow. The winter winds light came on. The night of the 
castle bring black the old days. The old stuff came back. 

Yoo Protected Me 

My love for you is like the trigger attraction to the bullet 

I'm attracted to you, but I'm afraid to pull it 

To pull the trigger would mean love but also pain 

So give me my love, your love shall ease my pain 

Your love would bring about change and strengthen me as a man 

I'm available for your foresight, so lay out your intellectual plan 

I await your plan and think volumes of what is yet to come 

What will be your proposition, will it bring about change? 

Or will it bring heartache, pain, and all sorts of malice 

Will it be so tragic as the fall of an acrobat? 

As I fall you spread your net to catch me 

I found comfort in your arms, you protected me. 

A Hope for ToDiorrow 

Power to those who seek knowledge 

From the cradle to the grave 

Power to those who stand up 

For what is right 

Power to those who are 

Fearless in their very heart 

Power to you for reading 

These words of power 

Power to you for being true 

To yourself and others 

There's power for everyone 

A hope for tomorrow. 

Graodflia Voice 

I was awaking by a voice footsteps seem to be right there 

The dream seems to be right there 

Must be grandma coming to wake me up 

Her dream came to me 

I hear her voice before she came into the room 

Her middle name (nickname) Sweet Susan 

Us grandchildren call her this wonderful 

Since we was little 

"Wake up son you'll sure a nice boy this morning" 

Sweet Susan sure a wonderful mother 

Her smile keep waking me up 

She always brighten the day my clothes stand at a attention 

When she came in the air was press 

I thought she was cin iron but she didn't, it was her smile 

Laughing was an all day job for us 

She sure and ideal person when I was born, my 

grandmother gave the home: Joe Henry Blue 

She an ideal person 

Ma come in with her sweet singing voice 

"Midnight Train To Georgia." By G. Knight and The Pips 

We start singing some old Jazz song 

They was really in tune with me 

We dance to the beat 

Grandma sure sounds good 

The night went on 

I wonder where am I? 

'HU^TTS nnnH' 

AL, has not only been contributing lots of great writing, but he's also 
been introducing The Beat to lots of his friends. Thanics, Curtis! 

I'D) The Best 

To and from the twilight hour 

I shine 


I don't have time for childish 


I'm on a mission 

For fortune 

And endless fame 

I'm history in the making at its 


Your children, children will read 

My poetry 

They will know I'm the best! 

The Toogoe Twister 

Silver snakes sliver sideways 
As the hazy highway highlights Heaven 

Tall timber takeover the terrain 

Small sparrows swoop showing swagger 

The music the muse makes merry 

The love, the life, the lungs, the liver 

Teach thou the way of the tongue twister. 

///////#/////,/// ////#/ //,////// // 

^I^I^^^^^^^^ ^M L 'LLiULL 

'Mf7UffTB MXLfLfX^MS' 

"Slight Fill Of It" 

Liquor stores on every corner advertising malt liquor 
and cancer in a pack, Section 8 apartments and homes... 
youngstas on bikes, hoodlums on corners, fiends crowed 
these streets, neighborhood bums looking for cans to 
get hit and a bit to eat, baby crying, daddy gone, momma 
leaving, there's always somebody on these streets 

Kids playing without worry or care, out of five of those 
kids, four of them going to become a part of this cycle 
right here... 

People got many names, the 'hood, the 'jets, the 
projects. Just to name a few... it's a community of poverty 
stricken people who are look down on ain't treated like 

To make it to 25 oh boy that's a blessing, 'cause the 
youth is ruthless while packing Smith and Wesson, while 
prison yards ain't teaching lessons... 

It's a war in the Middle East, crap it's a war here but 
nobody donating money or shedding tears for the mothers 
who lost they child to this war here... 

Good heaven's, good grief, lines around the block like 
a Hollywood Club, just to get a simple box of commodities, 
can beef, can chicken, powder milk, and Kix cereal... 

It's a series of things that go on here every day. . . 

Some try to find a way but most get stuck and stay, it 
made me who I am today, a part of the cycle, a statistic, 
a number, it made me strong and independent... you just 
took a walk with me and got a "slight fill of it". 

"Can you Last One Day" 

Make believe, a dream, fiction, I wish it was, its not, 
it's reality.... poverty living monthly off state help and 
community commodity, violent tragedies, bullets flying, 
innocent bystanders dying, teen pregnancy's, boy a lot of 
mommas is crying. 

Every day somebody ship to a box either it's two cots 
and three cots, or wool, linen, or a cotton cot, and every 
day somebody turning over state evidence to the cops, 
and every day that single parents turns into a dope fiend 
some call 'em tips and some call 'em knocks. 

While some hustle to get by, while some hustle to 
get high, while some hustle to secure them a new life of 
staying alive, a war zone... where it's better to be caught 
with it than without, without you might get white lined in 
chalk, and the newspapers headline "Another Hoodlum 
Shot" babies found in trash cans, mama cared more about 
dope than being the best mother she can, daddy ship to 
the pen, or it 98.91% chance the streets got him, another 
bastard child... it's got a lot of us knocking at hell's door, 
we at hell on earth, so pain, sorrow, and darkness we 
prepared for, what's behind the door. . . 

While I smoke cannabis to the face and think, wow we 
live in a messed up place, I still wake up every day, with a 
smile on my face, 'cause I made it through another day, I 
got a question for you, "can you last one day"? 

3omet/mes t/off get stMcK in some- 
thlug thicker than molasses won- 
dering where if on went wrong with 
If onr actions, then ifonr np again free 
front the struggles... 

Our next writer is writing to u% from Corcoran State Prison in 
Corcoran, Ca. Maurie shares with u% a few deep poems. First he 
speaics about soul searching and being strong no matter what. His 
writings paint a vivid picture of what goes on in the 'hood and in real 
life. Give him a moment of your time and let him paint you a picture of 
his thoughts. 

'Soul Searciiino" 

Try one thing you fall so you try another, wondering 
what's your forte, if you'll find your purpose day, one 
heartbreak, one let down or another, wishing you could 
go back to a child depending on your mother. . . 

But you gotta be strong and independent, that's why 
you keep fighting to get to the finish, the finish is when 
you find yourself, grow to your full potential, knowing 
your wealth and knowing yourself. . . 

Sometimes you get stuck in something thicker than 
molasses wondering where you went wrong with your 
actions, then your up again free from the struggles and 
distractions, it's a roUercoaster of feeling and thoughts, 
up again, down again, turns, and loops, tired of going 
through the hoops... 

The emancipation of self wills soon come that's when 
you will become yourself and become one, spiritually, 
physically, and mentally, it'll be a great feeling like being 
relief of a heavy capacity, but just know your journey will 
soon end to your "soul searchin'." 

///////#/////,/// ////#///,//////// 

^^^^"^^^^'^^ ^/Z /. IJ/JilJ. 

'XTnMf7fff7 nnn^^LfBS' 


Friends are there 

When they need you 

But when you're lost 

No one care to gave directions 

Fm tired of going through the same shit 

When I'm locked up no one seems to be found! 

Nothing is needed because I'll make it through all on my own 

It isn't easy but it can be done 

Trust me life in jail is no fun 

Friends are there 

When they need you 

But when you're lost no one care to give directions 

Tired of going through 

The same shit over and over again 

But yet I do nothing about it 

When will I live to learn from my mistakes? 

It seems like never to me! 

Xiomara aica Muneca is writing from a correctional facility in 
Niantic, Ct. Muneca is a veteran writer in The Beat Within. She shares 
with us a few deep poems that reflect her feelings and thoughts while 
being incarcerated, including the "relief" cutting on herself provides! 
Her writings reflect life's struggles, love, and learning. Please welcome 
Muneca back, and give her a read! 


Love will sting 

But it shouldn't hurt 

If it does it will never work 

Love is blind 

But to an extent 

You don't head into something 

That you'll regret 

Love is protective 

But never obsessive 

Or even possessive 

If so that person is bound to be aggressive 

Love should be playful 

But not to the point of abuse 

If so honey please at that person loses 

Love is suppose to set you free 

But not sending your body six feet deep 

If so lil' mama love was never found 

Hope's In His Laughter 

How can I live the audacity to take it? 

How can I mend my heart? 

If people continue to break it 

I try to present myself as happy 

But most of the time I fake it 

It's hard when you have a child 

That you don't even know 

Feelings you have inside 

And are scared to show 

I want to climb on board 

And sail away 

Where there's peace in my mind 

And a sense of stillness in my soul 

I can hear laughter 

But can't really make out who it is 

I look at my son's picture 

Gosh he's getting so big 

An image of me 

It's almost shocking to see 

This was my life 
Before they took it from me. 


I'm dying inside 

As the razor cuts through my skin 

I feel a sense of relief in me 

As I begin to bleed 

My heart gives into the plead 

For someone to let me loose 

For a soul who can set me free 

I'm dying inside 

Yet no one knows a thing 

Suicide crosses my mind daily 

But like every other day 

I hide pain with a big fake smile 

And a convincing laugh 

Cutting is my way to vent 

A lot of people don't know what it does 

Or how powerful it can be 

Its like taking daily med's 

Only cutting is as needed 

I don't need it much 

But when I do I'm usually dying inside 

As the razor cut's through my skin 

I feel a relief within me 

As I watch my skin split open 

My thin blood, rushes out 

And then my heart gives in 

And I'm back to me. 

I afpf a prison where aohodif wants to he 

I coHpne men and women who once were free 

I control their pace, I slow down their stride 

I strip them ofdignlttf, I take their pride 

LiKe animals that if on might pnt In a cage 

I contain these men and women and watch them age 

read the rest of Herbert Bchwelgert's 3W0 piece on page 44