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The   Belief  Elenent    in   Jiidf;;ment 

Thoma.?.   Al"!':ert  Lev/ is 

A  Dii>sfert,aticn 
Sn1->nitted    to    t'l-    Beard    cf  University  Studie; 
of      the 
Johni>  Hopkins   Unlverr^itty 
In   conformity  v/ith   the   requirements 
for    trie    de£;ree    cf 
Doctor    cf  P^'iilciicphy 

June,      1910. 

ir<f.i  v-i 

?,   (5. 

Go::  tent  a . 
CliCiP t e r  ,      3v.oj  e c t . 

I.  Inti'od'jctory :    The   Prcllera  a,nd  Method 

II.  ilistorical 

.     .  Secti';n      i:    Belief   a.c    vivCccity   of    idei 

1-  4. 

"      i:  "  "  inseparc^lle  is-ssccio-tion 

of  ideas  10-13. 

"        iii:           "          "   uluir'iL.te   c-ssent  15-17. 

"             - :           "           "   action  17-LO. 

III.               P^-cliologicci:!.:  21-49. 

Secticn        i:   Descriptive:  21-38. 

A)    Belief  with  Jeelinf  paramoiint  21-2''. 

2)         "  "      Co,^nitiori   as   an 

indispensaole   element  26-38. 

Sectior.      ii:    Patholofiical  39-45. 

"           iii:   Experi'-iental  43-49. 

lY.               Criticicri  50-53. 

Y.               Quasi -Belief   and  AssnTipLion :  58-'=^''". 

YI.  Belief  and  Ji-idgment : 

Section      i:    Direct   evider.'ce,    Dtje.ctive  •  59-76. 

"           ii:           "                  "             subjective  76-78. 
"        iii:    Indirect        "             Interpireta- 

tion   rf    the  ITepative  ''B-BO. 
"           jv:    Indirect    evidence:    Ar.fument 

fro-  Pr--   atis-  80-84. 

Conclv.L'icn  85-86. 

Biopraphical   STcetc'i  87. 

The   Belief  Elernent    in   JTidgrnerit . 

Chapter   I. 

Introductory:   The  Proble;?!  and  Method. 


■Whether  '■■elief  ia   contained  intrinsically  i-,  every  ,jUu>  ::.:n  ^ ,  is 
a  salient  qrestion  in  present  lorical  and  epistemo logical  discussion. 
There  is  a  rro^vinr  suspicion  and  conseqi-ently  a  rrovwin-^-  i.avestiration 
o:f  the  loric  that  i.ransc,ends  the  individual  and  his  e:-cperience ,  and 
forms  a  closed  sj'-stem  of  thoup-ht  Vkrhich  s\:>stains  itself  or;  a  priori 
principles.   It  is  arpued  arainst  this  type  of  lorical  theory  that 
it  detaches  itself  cor.pletely  fro?n  the  life  of  feelinr,  conation, 
and  int-arest.   To  lock  further  into  the  frrounds  of  this  suspicion 
and  argutnent,  and  see  if  there  may  he  mors  evidence  for  transplanting 
judgment  from  the  arid  plain  of  fcrnal  lopic  to  the  fertile  fields 
of  experience,  is  the  aiTi  of  this  study. 

The  in-"-estigation  thu.s  ^notived  is  that  of  linding  v/he ther  a 
judgment  (or  a  proposi  tion--v\/hich  is  hut  a  judgment  in  ccn-nunication ) 
may  he  merely-  a  matter  of  content,  which  initiates  cr  has  inherently 
its  o\k'n  worth  and  reality,  and  does  not  have  to  draw  them  from  more 
ultima.te  sources  or  controls;  or  v/hether  every  judfraient  must  necess- 
arily, at  least,  implicate  existence  as  a  presupposed  control;  must 
he  always  the  deliverance  of  a  subjective  interest  v/hich  it  serves; 
must,  in  s'lort,  emhody  ^■'elief.   If  judment  and  "^elief  should  be 
found  alv/ays  leagiied  togefner.,  this  fact  v/ould  furnish  stronf'  evid- 
ence that  thought,  no  less  than  perception  ai-^d  desire,  is  indigenous 
to  experience;  it  would  show  that  thought  has  its  stimulus  in  an  oh- 
jecti"e  situation  tha-  arouses  the  interest  to  knov»---not  at  large, 
either,  "but  to  some  particular  end,  f^at  of  enlarging  the  objective 
world  of  experience  and  reality. 


But  v.-e  cannot  trace  a  frieaninr  liefore  we  h-ive  oriented  it*  If, 
therefore,  we  are  to  -malce  an  intellirent  pearch  for  T-ielief  in  ,1ndg- 
ment,  v/e  rniist  first  fix  upon  what  is  f'eneral''y  conceived  to  he  its 
nature,   'moreover,  should  heTief  he   found  in  .ludpnent;  if  it  doss  for 
judfment  what  we  have  a-suj'ned;  if,  that  is,  it  shows  that  thinking 
hiis  for  its  whole  hiu-inei^s  the  "illunininr  of  the  particulc-.r  phenome- 
non of  investigation ; "°  then,  it  inplies  a  reference  to  reality,  and 
Tn.ear)S  a.t  the  sane  tinie  the  satisfaction  of  some  inner  demand--GOme 
demand  of  the  Ero .   How,  indeed,  would  it  alter  ahstract,  harren 
thouc"ht  to  find  it  contained  'relief,  if  heliex  had  its  whole  meaning 
in  an  immediate  experience?   It  v>?ould  afford  no  proof  that  thcup;ht 
accomm.odates  itself  to  rrowinr  e^rperience,  and  is  not  made  up  of 
static  universals  that  ■"■-esp  al'-of  from  developing  nature.   Were  it 
all  told  v/hen  we  say  that  helief  is  a  feelinr  or  sensation,  then, 
helief  would  have  no  sirnific&nce  in  .-Jvidrment  one  wty  cr  the  other, 
either  ratlonall;:^  or  empirically. 

The  fact  that  the  investigation  whether  helief  is  an  element 
in  judrment,  had  thus  to  v/ait  upon  an  investigation  into  the  real 
nature  and  conditions  of  helief,  demanded  a  certain  method  of  pro- 
cedure.  It  was  necessary  first  to  pro  throtigh  the  literature  on  the 
suh.lect  (■'■^oth  the  historical  and  psyclioloci  cal--lncludinr  under  the 
lotter,  general,  pathological, and  experlmentyl)  and  to  search  with 
unwear2/-ing  scrutiny  for  the  marks  that  most  "oersistently  identified 
themselves  Vi^ith  helief;  to  search,  indeed,  for  the  marks  that  escaped 
m.ost  sieves  cif  criticism,  and  that  Cc*me  ultimately  to  he  held  hy  a 
majority  of  writers.   The  n9::t  thing  to  do,  in  accordi-nce  wit:-i  our 
m.ef^od,  was  to  take  account  of  the  qualities  or  conditions  which 
history  and  psvcholory  had  decided  to  he  indispensahle  to  helief, 

Hihhen,  "The  ^hilosop'-jical  Aspects  of  ^'volution; 

Philosophical  Review,  ^^arch,  1910, 


and  see  if  these  were  such  as  wou.ld  na>:e  helief  any  vital  hear- 
inc;  upon  judgriient,   A  criticism  and  comparison  of  the  results  ob- 
tained in'  this  review  of  f^eories,  revealed  ainple  reasons  for  con- 
tinuing our  investip-ation ;  the  hurden  of  evidence  indicated  that 
helief--whatever  other  attributes  it  nip-ht  have-~has  t}i.epe  two:  an 
objective  reference  to  rea.lity,  and  a  subjective  reference  to  self. 

An  epistenoloffj  col  study  of  the  de'^'elopnent  of  the  belief-con- 
sciousness further  corroborated  the  doiO^'le  nature  of  belief,  and  at 
the  BS'-ne    tine  led  up  to  a  leadinp:  argunent  for  the  conjtmction  of 
.jud-ment  and  belief.   In  its  first  mode,  ''^elief  appears  as  reality- 
■feelinp";  consciousness  is  here  a-dualistic,  and  flows  on  in  unthink- 
ing presumption  that  all  is  a.s  it  seems.   But  after  a  time  contrary 
conditions  bring  disaprjointment  and  doubt,  and  reality-feeling  is 
displaced  by  u.nreality-f eelir.p.   Conscicusne;:s  breaks  ut)  into  a 
dualism  of  the  inner  and  outer,  and  objects,  being  no  longer  immedi- 
ate, as  they  were  in  the  earlier  a-duc-ilistic  experience,  the  indi- 
vidual must  seek  a  new  criterion  of  reality,   'i'o  do  this,  he  r  sorts 
to  experimentation  or  schen.atism,  a  process  of  the  imagination  which 
makes  it  possible  for  consciousness  to  rive  to  an  object  a  meaning 
bejrond  what  it  already  has.   In  this  power  of  the  psychic  to  release 
objects  from,  their  sense-control,  and  thus  to  develop  their  possi- 
bilities, is  seen,  in  emphatic  distinctness,  th'.t  inner  active  nature 
which  an  object  'nur^.t  satisfy  "^efore  there  is  an  expression  of  belief. 
And  true  to  its  dou.ble  nature,  belief  does  not  yet  apT)ear  in  this 
mode,  where  the  object  is  only  assumed;  instead,  v/e  have  quasi-belief 

Having  found  that  reality-feelinp  is  conjoined  with  presumption 
and  quasi-be''.ief  with  assTJmption,  it  v;:ie  next  a  question  of  belief 
and  jud'n'ient :  Are  they  joined  toget^^er?   To  ansv/er  this  question  in 
the  affirmative,  there  would  have  to  appear  in  judgment  both  an  ob- 


jecti-^e   and    a    siJ''"i,1scti-ve    c^iaranter .      In    o"f^ier  words,    it  was   necessary 
to    investi^n-ate    judp^ient   'hof'^   ar?   to   un   e-i  stence-f  actor   and  as    to   a 
personal  factor. 

That   .iudgment  has   an  existenti;il  reference,   was   found   to   ''oe   at- 
tested hy  increasinp-   arp;iiment ;    ar(=;i;.rnent ,    too,    that   represents    several 
points   of  view.      It    is    supported   hy  Baldwin  frcTi  f^e   p-enetic  and 
epistei^olorical  point    of  visv/;    hy  Meinonp,    fron  a   seni-renetic   and 
epistenolorical ;    hy  Bradley,    from  f'^e   lop;ical;    and  hy  I'rent^no,    frorn 
the  psycholorical .      That    the  personal   factor   oh^ains    in   .iudproent, 
as   it   does   in  ''■•^elief,    and.   appears    in   .judnrient   as  personal    indorse^.ent 
and    is   never    suh-'ner^-ed    into    content    th;  t   is  without    conation   or    inter»« 
est,    is    evidenced  ^or.t    e^iph-.ti  cally  hy  the  pra~natic   "love'^ient ,    which 
tends   throurhout    to  nap-nify   the  personal  ele^^.ent  in  judpr-^-ent;    and 
also,    >y  recent   v/orth-theory ,    which    finds   a  residue   of   an   evaluating 
nature   fhat   the    concept   cannot   render. 

As   a  final   argu^nent    that   .iudgrnent   ernhodies    in   overt   expression 
the   dual  nature    of  helief ,    a   s^ort    criticis'n  is   "lade   of  hare   negation, 
the   e"iptiness   of  which   is   easily  explained   upon   this    theory;   and   s. 
lor.rer    criticisn   cf  ■nra,r"iatis'''!,   whio>"   especially  supports   f-^e  view 
of   this   raper ;    for,    in  failing-   to   reach  ''^elief,    the   pragraatist   also 
fails    to   reac2a  .iudrment,    thus   stopping  at  what  Meinong,   Urhan  and 
Baldwin   call   assu'nwtion . 

#5.  Chapter  II. 

;-^ection  I:   Belief  as  Vivacity  of  Idea.. 

V^,,at  is  meorit  "by  H'-.^ne's  theory,  f'--at  ""belief  is  a  lively  idea 
related  to  or  anrcciated  with  a  present  inpre:  sion , "  v/ill  he  most 
quickly,  as  well  as  most  clearly  hrougl?it  out  if  we  hegin  hy  set'. ing 
forth  the  author's  point  of  view.   Perhaps  t:- e  leadinr  cr'.aracteristic 
of  Hiime's  p'-^ilosophy  is  his  skepticism;  ;t  any  rate,  v\fe  rtir  y   he  cer- 
tain t^-'at  in  '"is  treatnent  of  helief,  this  rictlve  leads.   Heason  is 
declared  to  he  impotent  as  scon  as  it  presumes  upon  its  reputed 
authority;  it  is  then  no  lonrer  ahle  to  produce  conviction.   Outside 
of  denorstrative  ind   intuitive  proporitionn ,  there  is  no  sucli  thing 
as  certain  knowledge.   As  soon  as  we  at  .empt  to  rain  truth  inductive- 
ly, we  land  in  the  hog  of  "natter  of  faGt,"°  where  knowledge  can 
find  no  footing,  and  helief  goes  dov;n  in  dcuht.   Keason  is  c/a.ined 
to  skepticisra,  e.nd  in  spite  of  jierself ,  she  ~ust  give  aid  to  her 
rival.   The  relation  hetween  helief  and  rea-son,  as  Hujne  regarded  it, 
is  vu-ell  put  in  th.e  following  passage:   "V.hen  I  reflect  on  tl'.e  natural 
f all ihili t^y  of  ny  ,1udgnent,  I  have  lees  ccnficence  in  my   opinions 
than  v/^en  I  only  consider  f-e  oh.^'ects  concerning  which  I  rea.r,cn;  and 
when  I  proceed  still  further  tc  turn  the  scrutiny  aga.inst  every  suc- 
cessive estimate  I  nuke   of  my   faculties,  all  the  riiles  of  logic  re- 
quire a  continual  dinlnution,  and  at  last,  a  total  extinction  of 
helief  i-nd   evidence.  "  (+) 

This  hrlef  considercitior  of  t'.e  fvndamertal  assumption  of  Kune 's 
system  of  philosophy  hrings  us  withoi't  su.rpriee,  —  in  fact,  pretty 
m'jch  as  a  natter  of  course,  to  the  statement  that  helief  is  not  de- 
TTxOnstrahle ,  is  not  a  state  of  mind  "grcimded  in  evidence."   The 
more  thoug'ttt  strives  after  judfTnents  that  give  conviction  of  truth, 
the  less  the  conviction  grows.   Por  ahstruse  and  tortuous  thinking 

°  Kvme:    "A  Treatise  on  Kuma,n  liature:  t).477.   (  +  )  ihid.  t).474. 


serves  only  to  drain  away  assurance.   "It  is  net  in  ''''e  peculiar 
natvre  of  oi:r  ideas  or  in  t'~eir  order  th.-t  we  find  l-ielief."   T:-e 
imapinetion  v^'itli  all  its  rer.o";rces  is  net  a"hle  so  to  join  ideas 
that  the  fnind  will  "he  moved,    to  ar5fert  foe  reality  f'^e;^  pretend.   Ko- 
thinp  l3Ut  arti-'^icial  e'-'ptiner>s  can  c'er  result  fron  the  vain  ahstrac- 
ticns  of  f-e  dogmatist.   If  v/e  ':ave  conviction  al'cvt  natters  of  faCt, 
they  are  to  he  credited  to  the  natural  v.orkinp  of  experience;  to 
ha'i'it.   The  writer  is  quite  explicit  on  this  point.   "All  reasonings 
concerning  caiises  and  ef'^'eots,"  he  asserts,  "ere  derived  from  nothing 
hut  cnstoT.,  fend  helief  is  jxf  piore  ^n  act  of  f  e  sensitive  than  of  the- 
corniti-'e  part  of  cur  n:ti;re.""'  And  arain:  "If  >ielief  v.ere  a  simple 
act  of  tho-'ap;]"t,  without  any  peculiar  rneirner   of  conception  or  tne  ad- 
dition of  a  force  and  vivacity,  it  must  infalli'':)ly  destroy  itself, 
and  in  every  case,  terninate  in  a  total  suspense  of  judrnieni;. "  (  +  ) 
The  fselint  of  conviction  is,  accordingly,  a  "sort  of  automatic 
fTOvernor','  with  which  nature  has  provided  the  human  mind  to  save  iz 
from,  the  despair  of  utter  douht.   The  n;-tu.ral  flow  of  life's  happen- 
infrs  hreeds  in  us  unavoidahly  the  lively  concept  of  an  unquestioning 
judgrrnent . 

We  h  ve  thus  far  found  the  pioneer  student  of  t'-^e  "nature  of 
tliat  c<ct  of  mind  v/hich  persuades  of  the  truth  of  v;h£,t  v.e  conceive," 
to  he  quite  consistent  in  his  conclu.sions .   Belief  is  simple  and 
spontaneous,  like  sensition,  and  it  is  r;o  more  to  he  had  hy  a  quest 
into  f- e   land  of  ahstract  tliinkirr  than  is  se^-isation.   It  is  the 
"superior  force  or  vivacity  or  solidity  or  firmness  or  steadiner-s" 
an  idea  h^s  fro'n  'ei'-if  connected  v/ith  the  present  impression;  in 
fi'-'e,  T-'Clief  is,  for  Hume,  a  prscipitate  of  cu.stcm. 

**  Ihime :  "A  Treatise  on  Hunan  Ni.ture:  p.  475. 
(  +  )  i-  id. 


When,   liowever,  undertt^kes  to  dir^cover  the  causes  of  Tr;elief, 
he  seeiri!:;.  forced  to  enlarpre  on  his  earlier  conception  of  it.   In  ohis 
cornecticn,  Carve t'l  Read  ohaerves  that  "Hirne'e  next  remark  takes  us 
deeper;  an  impression  of  the  senses  co->nunicates  itr.  vivacity  and 
force  to  all  t;  e  ideas  related  to  it.  Hence,  memory  is  distinguished 
from  ioiapination  hy  its  greater  vivacity  and  also  hj'-  the  fixity  c-nd 
order  cf  its  ideas,  derived  from  the  oi'der  of  the  oripinal  impress 
sions.   Further,  t!-e  vifror  and  vivacity  of  jnental  processes,  t.nd 
t'erefors  of  -elief,  is  fcvored  hy  the  attention;  hy  the  associative 
principles  of  reseirf^lanoe  and  contiguity;  and  :-:icre  especially,  "by 
causation  and  hy  repetition  ::j.:\d    custoiii.   Even  ^n  idea  of  which  we 
liave  forgotten  the  correspondent  ii-.apressicn  may  itself  heccrie  the 
ground  of  "belief  and  inference;  hecause  whatever  firmness  or  vivacity 
it  has  it  he  ahle  to  ";)estow  on  whatever  is  related  to  it.   'Of 
these  ripressicns  or  ideas  of  memory,  -we  for^n  a.   kind  cf  system,  cot.ii- 
prehending  whatever  we  retuemher  to  oeen  present,  either  to  our 
internal  p£;rception  or  senses;  and  every  particular  of  thit  sj/stem, 
joined  to  t!ie  pre'sent  im'oressions ,  we  are  pleased  to  ca"_:l  reality. 
But  the  mind  stops  not  here.   Por,  finding  that  with  this  system  of 
perceptions,  there  is  another  connected  'ny   custo^i,  or  if  you  will, 
hy  fhe  relation  of  c^use  and  effect,  it  proceeds  to  the  consideration 
of  their  ideas;  and  as  it  feels  th.t  it  is  in  a  ma,nner  necessarily 
determined  to  view  these  pcrticr.lar  ideas,  and  thict  the  custom  or 
relation  hy  wl.ich  it  is  determined,  admits  not  of  the  least  change, 
it  fori'is  them  into  a  new  S3"stem,  v/hicii  it  like\;ise  dignifies  Virith 
the  title  cf  realities .   The  first  cf  the  systems  is  the  ohject 
of  m.emory  and  f- e  senses;  the  iL.ecc"'d,  of  the  judgment.   'Tia  the 
latter  principle  which  peoples  the  world,  and  hrings  us  acquainted 
with  such  existences  as,  'Dy  their  removal  in  time  and  place,  lie 


l:'eyond  t'  e  reach  of  ;-.en3es  and  menory.   Hence,  y'lthcvr-'L  ...-.e  :_ubt;iciia 
and  excitenent  of  poetry  una  oratory,  1)y  ii:creasing  the  force  and 
vivacity  of  ideas,  inflr.ence  our  "beXiefs,  "  '^  ,  " :'  reflection  and 
general  rules,  t^  e  understanding  corrects  .■  e  ap.'^earances  of  the 
senses,'  and  determines  the  judgLient ,  'even  contrary  to  preserit 
ohserviation  and  experience.'   Thus,  in  reviev;ing  the  causes  of  ;-jxic; 
Hu'ie ,  starting  I'rom  sensution  as  its  oririn,  has  effected  a  transi- 
tion to  science  as  still  -lore  coercive."** 

T^cit  Carveth  Read  is  justified  in  t/;is  criticism  of  Kujne ,  is 
quite  manifest.   Hurae  could  not  cive  a  full  exposition  of  'nelief 
\iuithout  incorporatino-  in  it,  c.n  ele^'ient  of  cognition.   And,  :iiGreover, 
there  is  yst  further  evide-ce  that  "oelief  functions  only  in  cognitive 
situations.   We  have  refei'ence  to  t>:e  way  Hume  accounts  for  t'r?e  be- 
lief in  the  physical  world.   By  a  ^propensi ty  of  the  imagination,  lie 
exiolair.s ,  perceptions  that  are  cont-tant  and  perceptions  thab  are  co- 
herent are  rn&de  a  sufficient  excuse  for  setting  up  extra-mental  ex- 
istence.  We  nay  turn  our  hacks  upon  a.  tree  or  a  house  or  the  sin, 
cut  th^t  does  not  destroy  these  oh.jects,  for,  turning  ahout,  v»e  find 
them  still.   They  are  constant.   Or  again,  if  our  experience  has  to 
do  with  oh.iects  that  sufl'er  .change  in  a  short  lapse  of  time,  v/e  find 
tT'.at  such  ohjects  vary  as  v;e  corjie  hack  to  therp,  as  in  the  case  of  a 
fire  burning  in  t/ie  grate;  hut  that  the  change  is  coherent.   Froiii  zlie 
constancy  of  the  perception  of  the  sun,  and  the  coherence  in  the 
perceptions  of  "C'^e  fire,  it  is  hut  a  step  to  t]' e  positing  of  inde- 
pendent existence;  a.nd  the  imagination  takes  thit  step — the  unautlaor- 
iaed  3tep--which  gains  "a  soul  and  self  and  suhstance. " (+)   But  this 
i-T.agi nation,  this  galley  v/hich  after  t?e  oars  cf  constancy  and  co- 
herence have  ceased  to  j?ly ,    carries  on  its  course  without  any  new' 

°   Carveth  Read:  Metaphysics  of  Nature:  pp.  9-lO.  (+)  ioid.  p.4&4. 


impulse--Vir'!iut  is  it  "but  re&aon,  'uakitig  infe^'ence  heyond   what  is 
directly  experienced;  and  what  is  the  result  but  l:;eliel  is  u 
conviction  of  active  thought,  and  r;ot  of  passive  senaation?   T.H.- 
Green at  this  point  criticises  Kume  as  follov/s:   "7/?iat  ■  then  is  the 
impression  and  vmat  the  associated  idea?   'As  the  propensity  to 
feifn  tlie  continued  existence  of  r. ensi'ile  objects  s.rises  from  some 
lively  impressions  of  the  memory,  it  hestov/s  a  vivacity  on  that 
fiction;  or,  in  other  words,  'nakes  us  ; elieve  a  continued  existence 
of  body.'   V/ell  and  good,  but  this  onl5^  answers  the  first  part  of 
our  question;  it  :;ells  us  w  i.t  are  the  iuroressions  in  the  supposed 
cause  of  belief,  but  not  \r  :-,z    is  the  associated  idea  to  which  their 
liveliness  is  communicated.   To  say  the t  it  arises  from  &    propensity 
to  feign,  strong  in  proportion  to  the  liveliness  of  ohe  supposed 
im.rressions  of  memory,  does  not  tell  us  of  vv"' at  impression  it  is  a 
copy.   Sucb  a  propensity  indeed  would  be  an  impreEsicn  of  reflection, 
but  tb.e  fiction  itself  is  neitber  t"-.e  prcpentuty  nor  a  copy  of  it. 
T'^^e  only  possible  supposition  left  for  Hiune  VLfOuld  be  that  it  is  a 
'compound  idea;'  but  v.'hat  combinhition  of  'p- rceptions '  can  amount  to 
-he  existence  of  perceptions  when  they  are  not  perceived?"° 

In  explaining  t'  e  cause  of  cur  belief  in  independent  existence, 
Hume  plainly  resorts  to  mental  processes  that  are  more  than  mere 
sensations  or  feelings;  the  "propensity  of  the  imagino tion"  is  not  a 
passive  inference,  but  an  active  one.   Tvvo  "perceptions"  in  memory 
may  resemble  each  ofi  ^r  so  closely  that  the  second  "fits  v;ith  ease 
into  tbe  mold  of  the  first;"  or  agt^in,  two  perceptions  may  rest  ujion 
each  ot''-;er  in  a  dependence  that  makes  the  second  &eem  a  continuation 
of  the  first;  bi't  nothing  short  of  thinking  can  relate  the  sinrle 
perceptions,  and  by  processes  of  discrimin  ticn,  comparison  tnd  asso- 
ciative integration,  identify  theia  r-.s  being  of  one  ob.iect.  Wjien 


tc.lcen  o.""!,iectiye].3'',  not  bs   nerely  psycholorical  Drcceay,  'iielief  is 
found  really  to  have  neant  for  fli-'ie,  rot  simply  ti  i;entitiient ,  Lut  v/hat 
Carve  th  B-eud   calls  "the  sifoj  ectii'^e  anoepti^nce  of  reality." 

Section  II:   Belief  as  an  InyepcLrcMe  Association  of  Ide=s. 

Atip.ociation ,  wiacli  in  Hu-iie  modestly  su^rested  i^yelf  as  rnerely 
one  of  the  ff^ctors  in  helief ,  prcclai'-is  itself  in  James  Mill  to  be 
bhe  sole  cause  of  all  human  convictions.   Belief  is  redr.ced  to  mere 
mechanisTji,  is  ultra-rational,  and  het'-ides,  lacking  attention,  vi'hich 
alone  gives  an  outlet  for  psychic  control,  is  harren  of  a"l  sponta- 
neity of  feelinr,  of  e-nction  or  of  action.   This  theory  in  the  hcuds 
of  Mill  is  made  to  explain  Vi/it'-i  ease  and  admira'ole  simplicity  all 
cases  of  helief  from  that  in  sensation  to  that  in  jud^Tnent.   For 
these  plienonena  .  re  each  a  comhination  of  parts.   A  sensatiori  indeed 
is  sOTTiewhere  and  for  sc:-neone.   A  present  sensation,  of  its  very 
nature,  i^iahes  the  mind  v^rhich  Vas  it  sbcy ,    "I  have  it;  it'.s  there;  and 
it's  one."  V^ithin  this  complex  of  ele-ients  (the  ideas  of  position,  of 
unity. and  of  nj'-self)  there  ohtain  indissoluhle  rel^:-ticns,  and  chere, 
ex  hypothesi,  helief.   Thvis,  t'^e  a'athor  remarks,  "v^rhen  I  say,  'I  have 
a   sensation,'  and  say,    'I  helieve  that  I  have  it,'  I  do  net  express 
tv.'o  stater  of  conrxicusness ,  hut  one  and  the  same  styte."° 

So  much  for  simple  cases,  ""where  helief  consists  of  sensation 
alone  or  idea.s  alone,"  "but  v;hat  of  helief  in  the  ricre  ccnpliccted  (+) 
cases,  where  "sensaticnL': ,  ideas  and  associations  are  comhined?"   How 
for  exaraple  is  our  helief  in  the  existence  of  o"h,1ectE  presert  to  the 
•senses,  accounted  for  ty  the  irresis  title  connection  cl'  ideas?  H:re, 
c^2   vve  Siu^ll  find,  the  theory  of  inseparanle  association  completely 

°   Ja'ries  uili:  Analysis  of  the  Human  Mind:  vol.  i,  p.  o42. 
(  +  )  i'.id.  p. 377. 


expands  itt^elf.   In  goinp  from  loelief  in  the  iscli^ted  senscvticn  cr 
idea  to  'belief  in  the  o''\iect  cf  tr  is  ;;ensation  or  idea,  consciousneas 
finds  the  v/ay  lonf.   Bu'c  che  disto.nce  is  aade  less  hy  heinp 
"broken  up  into  parts.   The  first  pirt  of  this  course  through  experi- 
ence serves  to  orinf  the  different  serise  activities  top:ether,  and 
thu.B  to  ?nake  possible  tiiat  coalescence  which  incorporates  into  one 
sensation  (usually,  that  of  sipht)  the  con.v-equences  of  the  rest;  and 
Vv'ith  the  concrete  result  that  in  subsequent  ti^ie,  when  the  eye 
catches  sifrht  of  a  "rose,"  it  is  not  T^erely  a  sensation  of  color  that 
is  had  in  conr.ciousness ,  hut  also  an  anticipcttion,  hy  instanecus  in- 
ference, of  tlie  feel  of  the  rose;  of  its  disi...nce  away;  of  its 
sr;iell  or  Laste,  etc., --all  t"-- ese  correlated  experiences  sprinpinp  up 
with  the  color  experience  hjr  association.   In  t}i.e  larfruage  of  tbe 
author,  "v/e  believe  we  should  have  these  /other/  sensations.  ■  That 
is,  we  liave  the  idea  of  tbese  sensaticis  inseparably  united  one  Vvith 
the  other,  and  inseparably  u.nited  v;ith  ourselves  as  ha-"inft  them."*' 

At  t/e  end  of  cur  first  advance  toward  the  realization  oi  a 
belief  in  the  "existence  of  external  objects  present  to  the  senses," 
we  have  the  "co::-viction  th;.it,  in  such  and  such  circumstances,  we 
should  h^ave  such  and  c"Jch  sensations."   But.  the  mind  does  not  stop 
here.   TV.e  sensation  tbat,  under  certain  co-c;itions,  I  believe  I 
may  have,  is  an  effect  that  owes  its  existence  to  a  still  acre  funda- 
mental existence  actinf-  as  its  cause.   And  by  association  which  ob- 
tains irresistibly  between  cause  and  effect,  v,e  are  carried  beyond 
tbe  sensations  th'-t  fiAse  to  mike  the  rose  of  cur  ideas,  to  the  cor- 
responding qualities  t:  .t  cause  these  sensations,  and  that  inhere  in 
a  sinrle  ob.iect  or  substrattim  th- t  unites  tbem  as  tb  e  nind  did  tbe 
sever-.l  sensations,  but  v;ith/ the  result  that  we  have  a  real  objective 
rose.   That  this  is  the  e-enesis  and  essence  of  a  sense  object,  and  a 

n-r      f-Vc.  T^Tii^-v,   r,; 


siiff  i  cient  apology  for  oi-r  urdent  'belief  in  it,  Mill  £;t.,nds  ready 
to  prove  wi !..;!.  t'.:.e  1:est  of  illustrations. 

Belief  in  r^.ernory  or  testiraony ,  in  f"L'ti"'e  ever:tc:,  cirid  in  a 
proposition,  Mill  "ba^es  li!:ev/:Ee  on  u   r.iech>i,nical  linking  together 
of  ideas.  °  And  it  nay  ^e  said  "both  of  these  phenonena  and  of  those 
of  the  external  senue,  thut  the  conviction  they  elr'cit  is  explained 
hy  this  theor-'',  not  erroneously,  'oii'.  rather  insufficiently.  M\  scv.lar 
resistance  and  uncontrollableness  are  of  ccu.rse  the  chief  factors  in 
our  belief  in  external  reality.   And*E  "lively  idea  relcited  to 
or  acsociated  with  a  present  impression"  explains  "better  our  belief 
in  nerncry.   Mill  in  fact  bags  the  q^iestion,  as  Adarason  charges,  when 
jie  states  that  t.he  idea  of  a  past  e::perienc8  and  of  myself  as  h^vVing 
had  the  experience,  r;ives  r^ie-niory  its  certainty;  for  that  contains  in 
itself  the  very  element  which  is  supposed  to  "•:^e  gotten  out  cf  their 
conjunction.   Of  expectation,  Ada!nscn  remarks  that  ideas  irresist- 
ibly £\it;:;ested  by  present  experience  are  not  necessarily  helieved, 
and  that  ixianj''  of  our  heliefs  do  not  arise  from  such  asscciation.® 
Again,  belief  in  testimony  is  in  reality  belief  in  an  event  which 
is  inseparably  associated  as  consequent  to  the  testimony  as  antecedr- 
ent.   J.  S.  ".Till  takes  issue  with  his  father'  at  this  poir.t,  touching 
both  testiTr.on3''  and  prox'osition,  the  latter  "being  for  Jeunes  Kill  hut 
the  automatic  coupling  of  two  clusters  of  ideas  V'v-t   stand  for  the 
shTie  thing;  us  for  example,  "man  and  rational  animal."  Every  asser- 
tion concerning  tilings,  vrtiether  in  concrete  or  in  abstract  language," 
r^ns  the  criticism,  "is  an  assertion  that  some  fact,  or  group  of 
facts,  has  "been,  is,  or  may  fee  expected  to  he,  found  wherever  a 
cer-tain  other  fact,  or  group  of  facts  is  found. "(+) 

o  Analysis  of  the  Human  Mind;  pn.  3r2-9.  .  @  Encyclopedia 
Britannica,  9th  edition:  Article  "Of  Belief."   '(+)  J. S. Mill: 
Critical  notes  to  James  Mill's  Analysis — :  vol.  ',  :.  41''. 

ifl7> . 

In  oonclup-ion,  it  suffices  to  repeat  that  the  "aasoci  i.  tion 
theory"  is  toe  narrov.-  for  the  faous;  that  hellef  in  physical  objects 
vvould  Boarcely  come  if  tTere  v«ere  only  the  intimate  conjunction  of 
ideas  "in  our  heads,"  a?id  no  £;tuhhorn,  involuntary,  obatructinp; 
nature  to  hrinp  it;  that  h^elief  in  pbst  or  future  events  scarcely 
derives  itt;  feeling-force  from  such,  a  nech^anictl  operation  j  and  that 
to  consider  helief  in  an  a.nsertion  as  h:  lief  that  two  names  are  natnes 
of  the  nanie  thing,  is,  e.s  J.  S.  Mill  r^rotests,  to  rive  an  inadequate 
explanation  of  t^ie  imriort  cf  any   asMerticn  except  those  that  are 
classed  as  merely  ver'^^al.*'  Thoup-h  helief  is,  as  we  are  endeavcrine: 
to  estcihlish.,  always  cognitive,  it  ir  not  to  h-;  considered  as  only 
cognitive;  assccistion  is  harren  unles.s  rooted  in  arperceptiO'-^  or  a 
c;..u.sal  activity  on  the  part  of  t?ie  psj'-chological  su.h,iect. 
Section  III:   Belief  as  ultimate  assent. 

What  is  to  he  said  of  John  Stuart  Mill's  conception  cf  the 
nature  and  cause  of  helief,  is  bJ.l   iriplied  in  V- e   following  short 
hit  of  criticism,  which  is  suhstantially  his:   "We  do  not  helieve 
whatever  iistc  cur  head.--. ."(  +  )   "Tliat  all  cases  of  helief  are 
simply  casas  of  indissoluhle  association;  that  there  is  no  generic 
diffe>'ence,  hut  only  a  difference  in  the  strength  of  the  association, 
hetvveen  a  case  of  hslief  and  a  case  of  mere  iino.gination ;  that  to  "be- 
lieve a  succession  or  co-existence  between  two  facts  is  only  to  hi.-ve 
the  ideas  of  z''-:e    two  facts  so  strongly  and  closely  associated,  th^-t 
we  cannot  help  having  the  one  idea  when  we  have  the  other;"©  these 
were  the  claims  of  f- e  "association  psychology"  Vir/:ich  Joh.n  Stuart 
-.^ill  had  to  face  when  he  came  to  consider  the  suhiect  cf  helief,  and 

°  Critical  Notes  to  James  Mill's  "tnalysis--"  vol.  i  p.  417. 
(+)  ihid.  TD.  40','.   ©  ihjd.  v.    402. 


to  them  it   war.  fiv  t  he  opposed  tlie  pointed  objection  the  t  we  do  not 
attach  reality-cirnif  3  cance  to  v/h.  tever  ideas  h:-ve  an  attraction 
between  them.   "Assuredly,  an  association,  however  close,  betv/een 
two  ideas,  is  not  a  sufficient  ground  of  >'elief ;  is  not  evidence  that 
the  corresponding  facts  are  united  in  external  nature.   The  tlieory 
seems  to  annihilate  all  distinction  '  etween  the  lelief  of  the  ^vise, 
and  the  "  eli"f  of  fools."'' 

In  sense-experience  "insep  -ralole  associations  do  not  s.l./ays 
generate  belief,  nor  does  belief  clvvays  reqixire  as  one  of  i':S  condi- 
tions, an  inseparable  association;  we  can  lielieve  th:,t  to  be  true 
whic}i  v.e  tre  c  pable  of  conceivi  r  or  representing  to  ourselves  ccS 
false;  and  false,  what  we  are  capa^'ile  of  representing  to  ourselves 
as  true."(+)   To  explain  and  at  the  sar,.e  time  to  enforce  this  argu- 
ment, the  writer  calls  attention  to  t~'e  ccrrr-.ion  cbserv--tion,  that  when 
one  rail\i.'ay  train  in  motion  is  passing  another  at  rest,  we  are  able, 
by  witholdir.g  our  vision  from  any  third  object,  to  imagine  the  motion 
in  either  train.   That  of  two  contradictory  associations,  v/e  may  be- 
lieve either,  is  also  attested,  Mill  thinks,  by  the  fact  that  astro- 
ncmsrs  and  edi.icaied  persons,  though  convinced  that  the  earth  moves  about 
the  sun,  are  able  to  see  "sunset  either  as  the  earth  tilting  i^bove 
th.e  sun,  or  the  sun  diprdng  belov  the  earth."  Again,  men  v/ho  have 
studied  Berkeley  do  not  believe  they  .see  the  magnitude  of  an  object.® 

If  association  fails  to  prove  its  claim  as  being  th'e  source  of 
our  Rense  assurance,  it  is  next  a  (luet-tion'  of  hov.'  it  vindicates 
itself  in  memory  and  in  judgment.   That  consciousness  distinguishes 
betv^een  the  ideas  of  meocry  and  the  ideas  of  imagin£ction,  Jairies  Mill 

°   Critical  Hotes  co  Ju.mes  Ilill's  "AualvBife--"  p.  '1-07. 
(+)  ibid.  418.  @  icid  40^-11. 


thinks  to  oe  explicable  on  tv.c  n-i'ouncit; .   In  the  I'irat  r.lace,  r.e 
says  it  may  "be  Justly  su:ipose(l  t)-it.t  the  distinction  wliich  is  orif/in- 
ally  made  oetvyeen  t'-^e  sen.sittion  £-.rd  the  idea  V;Ci.ild  carry  en  into 
memory;  and  in  the  second  place,  the  idea  of  t^elf,  which  in  all 
memory .  forms  part  of  ore  complex:  idea,  Deta    in  contrast  the  memory 
of  sensation  und  the  memory  of  a  mere  idea  hy  entering  into  the 
former  as  a  "sentient  self;"  and  into  the  latter  as  a  "conceptive 
self;"  and  "myself  percipient,  and  myself  imarinin,-;  or  conceivinf-, 
are  tv^o  very  different  states  of  consciousness. "°   J.  S.  Mill  ti;clces 
exception  to  this,  and  protests  that  he  can  form,  hy  force  cf  crec-.- 
tive  ti"ouf-ht,  O.S  vivid  an  idea  of  '..imBelf  en  the  field  of  Shrevvshury, 
listeninf:  to  Pals^aff  in  his  "cliaracteriGtic  soliloquy  over  the  hody 
of  Kotsp-J-r,  cts  he  can  of  himself  in  the  presence  of  General  LaPayette, 
v.hcm  he  once  met.   And  as  to  rdemory  and  iiiic,f ination  oeing  distingu- 
ished, so  to  speak,  hefore  ffiey  ■'orn,  i.e.,  in  their  protot;>'pal 
sensations  a,nd  ideas,  such  a  hut  passes  the  dif f icLd-Gy  to 
the  other  hand;  there  is  no  scluticn  to  he  found  in  the  distinccion 
hetween  the  oririnal  sensation  and  th.e  idea  (mere  fiction  of  t— e  mint} 
-nless  it  he  that  the  distinction  between  memory  and  imaf-ination  is 
also  primordial.  (-♦-)   But  such  an  explanation  reduces  association 
to  a  vu'ork  of  supereroc-ation. 

In  tlie  case  of  the  jud^rment,  of  helief  in  the  validity  of  evi- 
dence, the  younrsr  i'ill  comes  at  once  into  close  quarters  with  the 
elder  ^-.y   conveying  his  criticiHm  of  association  throug/i  the  very 
example  \vhich  his  father  used  tc  corroborate  association;  the  exaTiple, 
numely,  of  t]ie  sailors,  s"  ipwrechvd  on  a  remote  isl-.nd,  trying  to 

"  Critical  Notes  to  James  Mill's  "Analysis--"  p.  -^20. 
(+)  ibid.  p.  422-3. 


decide  virhethsr  the  foot-step  in  t]\e    sar.d  were  thtt  of  a.   men  or  a 
monkey.   Tj-.eir  decision  would  T.e  nade,  said  Janes  Mill,  only  when 
t;  e  evidence  v/as  stronr  eno^inh  one  way  or  the  other  to  resist  all 
contradictory  evidence,  and  to  clinch  its  complex  of  idear.  in  an 
indisscluhle  union.   But  uhis  irresist.irle  co:'.lescer:ce  of  ideas  is 
not  ..nsolircely  efn'.er v.i,.l  for  a  judp-ment,  says  J.  S.  Mill  in  reply, 
hecause,  even  after  p:aining  concli;.si\''e  evidence  th:,t  the  footprint 
was  that  of  a  laonkey,  it  would  "be  possit.'le  for  the  sailors  to  asso- 
ciate it  with  a  man  as  having  :rxade  i'-.°  Accordinprly ,  the  question 
still  reinains ,  Wliat  is  "belief?   "'7'rhat  is  the  difference  to  our  miiids 
■fcetween  "cliinlcinp-  of  reality,  and  representing  to  ourselves  an  imagin- 
ary picture?"   And  this  question  Jo'-'n  Stuart  I'.'ill  does  not  attempt 
to,  if  to  answer  !aeans  to  explain  in  terras  of  so~nethinr  else. 
He  sinply  sa^z-s :  "I  confess  that  I  can  ■■  erceive  no  esc&pe  fron  the 
opinion  that  the  distiricticn  is  ultima.te  and  primorditl . "  (  +  ) 

Of  John  Stuart  Mill  .  e  na;^  concli.'ide,  as  we  heran,  hy  saying  that 
"oelief  (at  least,  of  the  educated)  is  not  "ta"i^:en  in"  ''oy   every   acci- 
dent:! union  of  ideas  in  the  mind,  however  close  th  t  i.mion  ra&y  he. 
ITot  t"!^at  we  are  never  influenced  in  .-•lakinr  up  our  convictions  and 
"ivinr  cur  assent,  hy  the  mechanic^;!  of  cur  thought,  hut 
that  the  po\.er  of  these  associations  is  not  ahcolute ;  helief  is 
l&.rr^er  t>'a.n   association.   "We  pin  our  faith,  not  to  association,  he 
would  say,  for  it  maj''  he  nade  to  fluctuate;  hut  to  the  uncerlying 
uniformity  of  nature;"  and  to  it  we  risk  our  all,  h-elieving  that 
consequent  will  invariably  follow  c^ntecedent .© 

°   Critical  Hotes  to  Janies  Twill's  "Analysis--"  p.  454. 
(+)  ihid.  412. 
®  ihid.  436. 


Section  IV:   I^elief  cS  Action. 

T'Tiether  it  is  that  new  facts  are  ever  cominft  abo^^e  the  horizon 
of   hiisian  experience,  and  indeed,  of  reality,  and  ccnfoundinjf  old 
tf^eories;  or  simply  t?'.at  t]'e  fbcte  existing  are  of  too  vast  a  number 
(even  t^ie  representative  ones)  to  he  hrought  v.'ithin  the  ken  of  a 
single  lii'e,  is  a  question  tlut  is  again  in  mind  as  we  come  to  the 
study  of  Alexander  Bain.   Phenomena  that  ought  to  he  classed  under 
helief  were  ru.nning  v.ild  he;/ond  the  confines  of  "sentir]ent  or  feel- 
ing," or  of  "inseparal-le  association,"  or  even  of  "ultimate  assent." 
It  v;as  Sain's  cJihiticn  to  project  a  theory  th&.t  would  he  thoroughly 
comprehensive.   He  accordingly  declared  that  at  hottom,  helief  is 
action;  "action  is  the  hasis  and  ultinate  criterion  of  r^aliti' ."^ 

To  say  with  Jajaes  --ill  that  conviction  is  an  association  of 
ideas,  is  to  reduce  helief,  Bain  argued,  to  a  mental  state  that  is 
ultra-rational  and  static;  it  is  to  forget  that  "■^eli^f  is  a  motor 
phenomenon,  and  tl^^t  it  expresses  i'-self  in  attitude  or  T.over.ient ;  it 
is  to  make  the  mistake  of  thinking  to  find  a  true  resultant  v/hen  one 
component,  and  th^^t,  the  main  one,  is  left  out.   The  correct  view 
of  the  question  Is  to  he  hL,d  from  the  ride,  not  of  £tntecedent,  hut 
of  consequent.   We  h-,.ve  the  clue  to  the  real  character  of  helief  in 
the  connection  het-.veon  faith  and  v;ork£.   "The  practical  test  applied 
to  a  man's  helief  in  a  certain  matter  is  ?:is  acting  vipon  it."'(+) 
This  conc^-ption  of  t;  e  nati^re  and  origin  of  hvma.n  assurance,  explainst?. 
as  it  is  hy  the  working  of  our  own  experience,  had  likewise  no  need 
for  an  a  priori  principle,  vvhether  tijA-t  principle  he  a.  .lively   idea 
or  an  ultimate  assent, 

o  Bain:  The  ^notions  and  the  Will:  4th  edition, 'p.  506. 
(+)  ihid.  505. 


Bain's  position  nieana  more  than  tliat  a.  cor.viction  tenas  to-- 
or  doeS'-manif est  itself  in  an  ciit\/ard  action,  if  the  exciting  situa- 
tion per'uits;  it  is  no  such  tempered  view  as  that;  it  means  that 
there  is  no  conviction  hut  has  its  essence  in  an  accorapanying  thought 
of  possible  or  i'mneditte  acticr. ,  hovv^ever  reracte  or  indirect  the  lat- 
ter may  "be.   "If  I  an  thirsty,  I  may  say  tiiat  I  helieve  myself  to  be 
thirsty,  because  I  act  accordingly;  I  cannot  assure  myself  or  any 
other  person  thb.t  I  am  not  under  a  dreara,  an  ima,?;ination,  or  a  hallu- 
cination, in  any  other  way  than  hy  a  course  of  voluntary  exertion 
corresponding  to  the  supposed  sensation."*"   The  author's  determina-' 
tion  to  prove  action  indispensable  to  belief  dppears  still  more  bold- 
ly in  a  second  case.   Fe  believes  that  he  yesterday  ran  up  against 
a  Vifall  to  Iceep  out  of  the  way  of  a  carriage.   There  is  no  disposition 
to  do  anytJiing  in  consequence  of  this  memory,  3^et,  it  is  a  conviction. 
And  this  because,  says  Bain,  "I  feel  that  if  th'^re  were  any  likeli- 
hood of  i^'eing  jaiTimed  nvj    in  that  spot  again,  I  should  not  go  that  way 
if  I  could  help  it,"(+)   It  is  a  readiness  to  act  that  makes  belief 
"something  more  than  fancy,"   Jlven  t>ie  conviction  that  obtains  in 
the  highest  theoretical  knowledge  is  amenable  to  the  action-theory. 
T"-e  reason  that  such  knowledge  is  seldom  redt..ced  to  action  is  "not 
Vifant  of  fc..ith,  but  want  of  opportunity.  "<p^ 

Such  stress  as  we  have  found  Bain  laying  upon  the  action  element 
in  belief  is  almost  enough  to  eclipse  from  view  any  other  ele-^'ent 
(or  elements)  it  may  have;  as^-surance  attaches  to  voluntary  activity; 
it  attaches  also  to  spontaneous  activity.   "Our  natural  state  of 
mind;  our  prim.itive  start,  is  tantamount  to  full  confidence;"  "in  its 

°   Emotions  and  the  V'ill:  4th  edition,  p.  508.   (+)  i'id. 
@  ibid.  p.  507 


essential  character,  "!;elief  is  ct  p.iase  of  cut  uct.jve  nut'ire.""   But 
we  are  lucfeily  saved  from   siich  a  raicunder^^tandin^  of  the  author  by 
coming  upon  3tate?nents  that  definitely  disr-lain  place  for  experience 
in  a  primordial  impulse;  mtre   persistence  in  action  t}'at  is  hrin^^ing 
pleasure  or  alleviating  pain,  has  no  accompanying  state  of  confidence 
Activio^/  that  is  itself  its  ov/n  end,  gives  no  "basis  for  the  expecta- 
tion of  cittaini'ig  something  remote,  l)}'  t  certain  mean-s;  and  for  Bain 
the  only  kind  of  confidence  posaihle  is  confidence  in  'neans  to  an 
end.  (  +  )   It  is  "a  fiction  or  a  to  speak  of  ":  i  lief  in  a 
present  reality,  "(f? .  The  author  accordingly  remarks  that  "vvhile, 
therefore,  acion  is  the  hasis  and  ultimate  criterion  of  "belief, 
f^ere  enters  irfto  it  as  a  necessary  ele'ent  some  cognizance  of  the 
order  of  nati.vre,  of  the  co-rse  of  the  vvorld.  (#) 

By  the  cognitive  constituents  necessarily  present  in  all  Velief , 
is  not  meant,  hov/ever,  a  reasoning  state  of  ?aind;  i.e.,  not  this 
alone.   Fe  do  not  wbtit  for  the  reflections  of  experii-nce  and  the 
consequent  inseparable  association  before  vve  launch  our  trust;  ""be- 
lief fellows  the  absence  o:;'  contra.diction. "   "The  natural  mind  has 
a  predetermined  bias  to  action,"  bu.t  let  thoiAght  open  ever  so  sm.all 
an  outlet,  action  breaks  forth  into  belief.'   Belief  at  its  maximum, 
too,  for  larger  experience  brit  sets  u.p  checks  and  indicates  the 
dir^sction  of  safe  travel.   Thus,  althougli  convictions  function  only 
where  there  is  some  knowledge,  the  amount  required  at  the  beginning 
is  remarkabl2;-  meager--juDt  a  mere  observation  of  some  sequence  in,  such  as  is  seen,  for  example,  in  a  young  child  which,  given 
sv;cltmeats  at  one  time,  expects  the  same  again  upon  the  second  ap- 

*>  ITotes  to  Mill's  "Analysis:"  pp.  394-96.   (  +  )  Emotions  and 
Will:  pp.  505-G.   <?)  Notes  to  Mill's  Analysis:  p.  342.   (#)  Emo- 
tion and  Vill:  p.  SO-.  . 


peararice  of  the  doner.   This  nice  "b^^lunce  lor  cctiori,  for  motor 
response,  seen  in  its  siiaplicit.y  in  animals,  children  r -^d  savagea, 
Pain  considers:  the  leading  f  ct  in  "belief;  a  fact  vvhich  he  tcrins 
"Primitive  Credulity,"  or  "^n  impotence  of  thou.f^^lib ; "  the  latter, 
because,  "without  some  positive  interference  from  without,  there'  is 
no  oti^er  v/ay  of  doing  or  thinking ."° 

There  is  no  need  for  words  concerning  thq  importance  of  the 
"action  theory."   Itr,  is  attested  hy  th«  ploce  it  occupies, 
more   or  less  modified,  in  the  theories  of  today.   This  conception 
of  belief  ^ives  a  jvist  and  needed  emphasis  to  the  practical  aspect 
or  human  experience.   It  suggests  the  "p^.ssional  n:.  t\re"  of  .Taraes , 
and  the  "notor  attitude  or  ■.■.ccommodation"  of  Baldvidn.   Moreover,  the 
cognitive  element  which  attaches  to  helief  justifies  the  statement 
that  for  !Bain  h.elief  was  of  reality.   To  have  helief  in  water  as 
"being  of  a  certain  compound  neans ,  he  says,  that  I  helieve  I  should, 
if  I  analyzed  water,  find  those  elements. 

°  Emotions  and  "^.^i^l:  p.  537. 


Chaptei-    III. 
Psyci'olo;  ical . 

In   this   division,    we   shall  pursi-e    the    came  Tnethod  as    in    the 
precedinr  one;    ^he   dif::'erent  writers    tc   "be    treated   v.  ill   be  presented 
hcth   constrv.c'oively  and   critically.      TaxI  v-hereas    in   the  foregoing 
chapter,   vve   liave   heen   ccnridsring   theory  as   at  Lacliing    Lc   a  particular 
individLial,   \ve   shall   now   cO!isider    t-e   vario^'S    theories    of  V;elief   ah 
represefted  'oy  a  numher   of   i-idividiuils .      This    ■^as    its   advantiares, 
and    c:..n   really  "be   done    in  a  t-;eneral  way;    for   yres^ent    tr^eories    of 
i-.elief   can   scarcely  resis;    clascif  ication  under   feelinr,    inosllec  iion 
or  will.      A  second  variation   on    i.he  procedure   of   the   first   division  _ 
wi'.l    "be    the    suppleinenting   of    the   mere   general  psychological    treatment 
of   "oelief  with  hrief   reports    of    t'  e   liruited   dbta  vvhich.  h.ave  "been 
p-athered    :".n  patholorical   and   experimental    investigations. 
F-ecticn   I:   Descrip'-ive  Psychology. 

A)  .Belief  with  Peeling  ■J)aramount, 

Falter   Bage>'ct   and  Professor  William  James  nu.y  he   looked  upon 
as    continuing   in   a  .'Modified  and   developed   form   the   theory  of  Kuu-ie, 
with   t ■  e    important   di^'ference,    l"cv;ever,    that  while   assigning   to    the 
intellect   and   the   active   nature   a  sh_are   in   th.e   determination   of   'oe- 
lief,   they  nevertheless   assign   the    leading   role    tc   feeling. 

Ealief   is    recognised  hy  Bagehot   as   having   an   intellectual  a.o 
well   as   an   emotional  element ;°   hut   not   having   such  a  preponderating 
intellectva,!   eler.ent  as    the   "quiet,    careful  people  who  have  v.ritten 
our    treatises"    give    it.      And   it    is    to    hring   forward    the   enctional 
sice    of    the   s^'hj  ect    that    the   v/riter   expresses  himself   so   etnphc=.tically 
in  defining;   belief   as    "e?notional   conviction."      "Pr';"-ahly , "   he    fore- 

**   Bageho^  :    The  Emotion   of   Conviction;   Literary  Studies. 


casts,  "when  the  suh.ject  is  thorouftkly  eyamined,  'ccnvi  cticn '  »vill 
he  proved  to  he  one  of  t'^e  iritensest  of  human  einotions."   Indeed, 
sone  such  viev/  of  assurance  see'is  necessary  to  e:':plain  the  tenacity 
or  "burning  certainty  of  thcr.e  convictions  that  assert  themselves 
after  the  intellec  t^.a!  incentive  has  rone,  or  that  transcend  that 
incentive.   Only  tVi^s  could  t^^e  author  himself  account  for  the--  f:  ct 
that  he  ?till  remained  susceptihle  to  the  conviction  that  he  should 
he  "sien-iher  for  Kridgewater , "  v/hen  years  "-"ad  passed  sir:ce  "^'is  defeat. 
And  only  thus  can  v/e  account  for  pvch  conduct  a?  that  of  Calif  Omar, 
v/ho  hx.irnt  the  Alexandrian  lihrarj^  upon  the  flimsy  pretext  t.iat,  "All 
hooks  which  contain  v\?hi. t  is  net  in  the  Koran  are  dangerous;  all 
those  which  contain  wV'at  is  in  the  Korean  are  ur.eless." 

The  -.-riter  thinks  his  position,  that  helief  is  not  "a  purely 
intellectual  matter,"  further  estahlished  hy  our  experience  in  dreams 
"where  v/e  are  always  helieving,  hut  scarcely  ever  arguing;"  and  hy 
the  ahnormal  helief  that  the  insane  suffer  as  fixed  illusions,  a 
helief  that  has  a  degren  of  intensity  never  reali:;:ed  h^''  the  sane, 
But  the  argujnent  he  makes  the  most  of  in  thic  connection  is  f^^at  h^'" 
v.'h-ch  he  endeavors  to  shov/  that  certain  ideas  possess  of  themselves 
the  pov/er  to  generate  assurance  without  the  exercise  of  t!e  intel- 
lectual process;  the  ideas,  namel;/,  that  are  clear,  or  intense,  or 
const,  nt,  or  interesting.   These  ideas  are  designated  ar>  tendencies 
to  irrational  conviction  and  'adhesive  states  of  consciousness. 

Theee  four  groups  of  ic^eas,  moreover,  -"ive  Ba^-ehot  a  hasis  of 
attack  on  Bain's  sweeping  assertion  that  helief  is  identical  v.-ith 
cur  "activity  or  active  dis^posit  ion , "  and  support  his  assumption 
that  children  are  horn  helieving,  an'-  hecome  skeptical  onl;*  .vith  the 
checks  and  disappointments  of  hard,  non-acquiescing  experience. 
Dou-'^t  is  defined  .'.s  "hesitation  (in  these  ideas/  produced  h;  colli- 


sion."   This  collision,  hovk'ever,  never  pi'.ts  us  fully  on  our  guard 
againct  tl-.ece  insidious  idear. ,  and  thus,  v/e  retain  ever  in  our  adult, 
hesitating  stape ,  "vestifes  of  our  primitive,  all-^elievinp-  st.v,te." 

Mirs  Fttie  Stetthei-ner ,  in  "A  Crit^'cul  Study,"  entitled,  "The 
V'ill  to  Believe  a.e    a  Basis  for  a  Defense  of  Religious  raith,"«»  quot- 
ing from  Hans  Corneiiui:,  says:   "There  are  two  pccsitle  inethcds  for 
a  research  into  the  conditions  of  helief.   One  rii^y   start  with  a 
fixed  definition  of  the  real,  and  then  deduce  from  it  v/h..t  marks  our 
ideas  '^ust  show  in  order  to  he  characterized  as  real;  or,  one  inay 
proceed  inductively,  and  search  for  the  co^n^^on  qr;alities  of  those 
idea^  v/hich  are  generally''  "'relieved,  and  thus  deter^iine  the  r.c  ture  of 
reality."   She  then  roes  on  to  say  that  Janiet:.'  attempts  to  carry 
through  the  second  of  these  Tnethods.   And  her  chservation  is  as  ser- 
viceahle  as  it  is  true.   Por  to  gain  any  comprehension  of  Professor 
James'  treatment  of  helief  v/ithout  first  placing  one's  self  on  the 
side  of  the  Ego  (the  common-sense  Egc),  so  one  can  see  v/hat  ideas  it 
chooses  as  real,  would  he  a  thing  as  impossihle  as  undertaking  to 
make  the  cart  pull  f^e  horse;  hecciuse  the  force  that  deoides  reality 
is  not  external,  hut  internal. 

Bi;.t  even  this  suggestion  to  guide,  the  reader  through  the 
chapter  on  the  "Perception  of  Piealit;/, "  ( +)  he  yet  neets  with  diffi- 
culties.  One  such  perplexity  is  as  to  the  way  the  exp-^rience  of 
douht  coi'ld  ever  arise  to  vex  the  Ego,  if  the  Ego  decided  the  truth 
of  things  v/holly  'oy   the  postulate  of  its  own  inner  nature.   It  is 
quite  natural  for  the  nev^-horn  m.ind  to  tr-'.rn  the  hallucinatory  c-ndle 
into  a  realitj',  since  there  is  no  other  ohject  present  in  conscious- 

°   Archives  of  Pl'.ilosophy ,  edited  hy   Frederick  J.  E.  Woodhridge, 

No.  2,  Decemher,  I'r'C ;  p.  64 

(+)  Janes:  Principles  of  Psychology:  vol.  ii ,  p.  315. 


ness  to  protest.   But  it  is  quite  different  w'-.en  the  v;orld  ha.s  grown 
hard  and  stern,  ar.d  cqiiarely  contri.dicts  the  child  in  las  natvra.1 
conceit;  the  tahlee  are  then  turned.   And  it  is  in  such  and  only  such 
a  situation  that  the  conrenital  tendency  to  accept  without  question 
anything  and  everything,  heccnes  tempered  with  ci'rhir-j';  dcubtt;.   Hav- 
ing found  the  di.nfer  of  a  passive  acquiescence  in  t?'.e  lead  of  the 
emotions  or  active  nature,  t:'-:.e  child  no  longer  trusts  everything; 
ahout  sone  things  he  takes  a  second  thought.   Vithout  recognizing 
stuhhorn  controlling  facto  over  against  us,  it  is  a  mysterj'"  why   the 
hoy  with  his  winged  horse  should  ever  neet  v/ith  contradicting  con- 
ditions.  Indeed,  Professor  James,  as  T'-'iss  Stettheimer  asserts,  does 
seeTi  almost  forced  to  declare  for  space-reality,  a  v/orld  extra  Tnentem^ 
simply  to  have  something  for  helief  to  go  out  upon.   She  refers  to 
the  passage  in  the  Principles  of  Ps;:'-chology  vvhere  he  speaks  of  the 

candle  existing  "over  there /in/cp^ce,  related  to  other 

reals. "°  And  follovi'ing  this  out  logicall;^  one  could  say  of  the 
illusory  candle  that  it  "became  u.nre:,l  for  the  experience  having  it, 
onl-y   v/hen  it  was  found  not  to  exist  in  real  space  alongside  of  other 
reals  . 

If,  however,  there  are  times  when  the  a'i.ithor's  presentation  of 
belief  as  tlie  "mental  stcite,  or  function  of  reality,"  (+)  ^ries  com- 
prehension even  "beyond  its  capacity,  there  are  times,  and  many 
of  them,  when  the  understanding  moves  along  v/ith  facility.   The  con- 
sideration of  "belief  as  an  emotion  furnishes  an  example  of  the  lat- 
ter.  In  this.,  James  agrees  with  Bagehot,  and  says  that  "in  its  inner 
nature,  helief,  or  the  sense  of  reality,  is  a  sort  of  feeling  allied 
to  t}'e  emotion  more  tht,n  to  anything  else."©  But  it  is  concerning 

o  p.  69.   (+)  ihid.  283.  <^   ihid. 


the  circumstc-.nces  "in  wliich  v/e  think  things  real,"  that  Profeueor 
Jamec  carries  on  •nest  of  his  investigation;  for  t-hout  all  f"al  can 
he  said  of  ""lelief  as  the  "sense  of  reality,"  is  that  it  is  a  state 
of  consciousness  sui  peneris,  a  feeling  that  feels  like  itself.   How 
i^nportant  a  part  is  accorded  the  emr^tions  in  t"'-e  matter  of  conviction 
may  "be  seen  from  tv.o  or  three  quotations.   "Everv  exciting  thoup;ht 
in  the  natural  man  carries  credence  v^ith  it.°   "The  vvlLcle  history  of 
v;itchcraft  and  medicine  is  a  coT-ientary  en  the  facility  i/.ith  '»vhich 
anythinp;  which  chances  to  be  conceived  is  believed  the  nonent  the 
helief  chimes  in  -with  the  emotional  mood."   ".Belief  consists  in  the 
emotional  reaction  of  V:e    entire  nan  upon  an  chject."  Mere  appear- 
ance, hare  appeal  to  the  intellect,  is  not  enouf-h  to  "stine-"^us  with 
assurance.   In  order  to  move  us  to  T^elief,  an  object  must  he  inter- 
esting and  important;  it  must  cone  to  the  mind,  as  Hume  said,  as  a 
lively  and  active  idea.   This  is  attested  hy  "oi?r  everlasting  par*' 
tialit;/  to  the  sense-world ,  or  the  vv'orld  of  ov^r  practical  life."(  +  ) 
"^"ren,    at  their  height,  emotion>?  lead  us  *o  ''^elieve  the  first  thing 
that  comes  to  mind,  we  have  a  fact  instanced  hy  the  unreasoned  con- 
viction of  th'j-  moh. 

In  the  first  paragraph  of  this  hrief  review  of  Janes'  theory  of 
belief,  it  was  said  that  the  onl;'  way  to  compass  the  author's  meaning 
is  by  way  of  the  Egc.   Let  us  then  adopt  that  course.   We  are  immedi- 
ately met  with  the  assertion  that  the  "fens  et  origo  of  all  reality 
is  the  Self."  ^.Q-.ile  Stout  and  Bo.ldv»'in  posit  tv/o  controls,  inner  c.ct*- 
ivity  -nd  ou^ter  limitation,  James  would  place  the  v;hole  matter  in 
the  hands  of  one  control--the  Self.   He  might  be  considered  c.s  say- 
ing in  Shakesperian  style,  "It  is  not  in  our  objects,  but  in  ourselves 

®  Principles  of  Psychology,  p.  285  ff. 
(+)  ibid   294  f 

t?x  t  vve  are  "-".elievery. "   "  postr-latis  ^re  given  in  our  nature; 
and  whiatever  satisfies  thoise  postulates  is  treated  as  if  real."" 
This  prero^i^tive  of  t;'  e  Ego  reac-  es  its  climax  at  the  end  of  the 
chapter  or.  "Perception  of  Reility,"  and  "belief  and  v;ill  are  said  to 
he  exactly'-  the  same  states  of  mind.   "Will  end  Belief,  in  short, 
meaning  a  certain  relation  hetv.-een  o'b.lectL:  and  the  Self,  tv/o 
n:.r.:es  for   one  and  the  si. me  psychological  phenomenon. "  (+)   The  only 
difference  between  them  is  physiological;  \v'  ich  seems  to  mean  thi  t 
in  hoth  these  phenomena  there  is  a  "consent"  to  the  existence  of  the 
object,  a  tnrning  to  it  in  an  interested,  actiYe,  emotional  way,  but 
that  in  V'ill  there  is  added  a  nev/  physiologicc'l  ele.ment,  that  of 

Professor  James  svynmarizes  his  v/l-<ole  position  in  one  short 
sentence,  as  follows:   "TV'e  most  compendioiJs  possible  formula,  psr- 
hatjs,  -vvould  be  that  our  belief  and  attention  are  the  same  fact."@ 
Ke  off ■  rs  t"-is  definition  vfith  the  hope  of  incorporating  into  a 
single  view  all  the  earlier  Yiev\s  that  persist  each  hy   virtue  of  a 
certain  truth,  but  a  partial  truth;  the  view  of  Ja  les  Mill,  of  Bain 
and  of  Sully.   "Por  the  moment,  what  we  attend  to  is  reality;  atten- 
tion is  a  motor  reaction,  and  we  are  so  made  t'"at  sensations  force 
attention  from  us." 

B)  -i^elief  with  Cognition  as  an  indispensable 

As  representative  of  those  w'^-o  consider  that  belief  can  exist 
cnlj'  on  so.iie  kind  of  cognitive  basis,  we  sh-till  examine  the  views  of 
Sully,  Stout  i.nd  Baldwin  alone.   These  v.riters,  coming  s.t  the  problem 
from,  tv/c  different  directions,  hringing  evidence  from  both  the  ana- 

°   Principles  of  Ps'-chology:  vol.  ii,  n.  317.   (  +  )  ibid.  p.  321. 
®.  ibid.  p.  322. 


lytic  and  the  f-er^ex-ic   sources,  and  findirf:  in  it  all  a  unit-sirnif ic- 
ation,  are  a'le  to  present  argument  of  dovi'ble  v/eirht.   And  for  them, 
"belief  has  emphatically  a  reference  to  an  extra-T^ental  reality,  to  a 
reality  heyond  the  mere  idea;-  th  t  are  in  consciousness;  helief  for 
them  has  its  roots,  at  least  its  m&in  roots,  in  the  representb.tive- 
ness  of  Icnovvledf'ie.   They  do  net  say,  however,  that  belief  is  Tcnov*- 
ledpe  and  nothinf-  else;  that  it  has  no  intrinsic  nature  of  its  own, 
hii :  is  wholly  a  reflicticn  of  "knov/ledge ;  they  contend  only  th:  t^  be- 
lief ...nd  cognition  cperi^te  always  in  conjunction.  vie:Vv  does 
not  underrate  conviction  in  its  ir.-er  active  nature;  its  impulse, 
its  propelling;  spontaneity,  its  character  as  the  foc-  1  expression  of 
all  that  is  creative  in  ccnscicais  life;  it  simply  pives  ground  upon 
which  ccnvicticn  c-.n  suprort  itself.   If  belief  spun  its  object  out 
cf  its  own  nature,  then  there  would  be  neither  object  nor  belief,  for 
all  vvou.ld  be  an  objectless  immediacy. 

Sully's  point  of  vie\-  toward  belief  is  best  set  forth  in  his 
work,  "Senr-ation  and  Intuition,"  in  the  chapter,  "Belief:  Its  Varia- 
tions and  its  Conditions."   In  this  chapter  he  takes  up  trie  subject 
in  an  acute  and  exhaustive  m.anner ,  working  out,  perhaps,  the  most 
complete  psycholoric^^l  research  yet  made  in  this  field.   His  prim.arj'' 
assum.pticn  is  that  "every  idea  involves  a  mental  impulse  to  realize 
the  cor>"espondinf^  sensation,"  and  that  this  psychic  fact  is  the  last 
"inaccessyble  stage"  in  the  history  of  'relief.  °   33y  notable  skill  at 
choosing  pertinent  illustrations,  he  is  .hie  to  marshal  8.n  array  of 
evidence  sufficient  to  turn  his  assumption  into  a  vei-y  credible  the- 
ory.  The  experience  ^f  certainty  has  thus,  even  in  its  germ  form,  an 
objecti'"-e  mark  or  condition.   Assurance  when  in  its  erabryo- state  gives 

o  Sully:  Sensation  and  Intuitjcn;  p.  Bl . 


pro'^ise  of  that  o"'"','' ective  deyelopment  expressed  "by  the  v/riter  in 
these  words:   "To  "believe  •neans  to  Relieve  in  so^^ething;  ard  in  orde 
to  do  t-'-is,  a  definite  ideei  of  the  thinr  >^elieved  in  is  necessary."® 
Or  ajTcin,  "^^y  sayinc  th..t  "the  r'^f ::'rence  of  thought  heyond  itself  to 
a  real  chject  is  u.   part,  and  a  ver^-  important  part,  of  •Ai^at  is  n^ant 
M'  "belief."  (-4-) 

That  the  exercir;e  of  cognition  is  a  prerequisite  condition  of 
any  and  ever;'"  experience  of  conviction,  "beccnes  niore  and  more  mani- 
fest as  helief,  risnnj^  our  of  nere  ohjective  tendency,  i.e.,  unv/it- 
tinr  acceptance,  develops  from  simple  expectation  and  refl'frctive 
anticipation  to  logical  conviction.   As  experience  unfolds  in  growt?., 
it  defines,  differentiates  and  mac'ifies  itself;  features  that  v/ere 
at  first  vjit-^ue  and  indistinct  hscome  inarked  and  positive.   If  we 
trace  "briefly  t}-.e  genetic  investigation  Sully  Tn-'.kes  of  helief  in  the 
chapter  referred  to,  we  shall  meet  results  that  show  the  relation 
"betv/een  knov/ing  and  h-lieving  to  he  ver;'"  intimeite. 

Fe  rememher  an  earlier  statement  of  the  author's  assumption  with 
respect  to  f-e  origin  of  hujnan  cer'ar'nty  and  confidence:   "Ev-ry  idea 
involves  a  mental  impul?-, e  to  realise  the  corresponding  sensaticn." 
But  it  may  he  v/ell  to  emphc^sise  another:   "belief  arises,"  we  read, 
"from  the  inJierent  tendency  of  the  idea  to  approximate  in  character 
and  intensity  to  t'-^^e  sensation  of  v/hich  it  is  the  of f t^pring.  "©  "In 
the  instinctive  transitions  of  mind  from  a  recurring  idea  to  the 
acti'.al  senoation  typified  ''oy   it,  there  seem  to  present  them.selves 
the  first  awlcif:  rd ,  hut  necessary,  trials  of  hujian  faith.  "(#)   A 
simple  and  unique  mental  force  is  here  posited,  bi't  it  is  attached 
to  the  idea  as  a  sort  of  craving  for  the  "real"  which  the  idea  Icnov/s 
ahcu.t,  hut  confesses  not  to  have.   And  that  this  is  not  a  fancy  "::"ut 
a  f..ct  is  strikingly  attested,  as  Sully  points  out,  hy  the  conduct 

O     Stv^c,      u-nn      Ti^fn-ifirun*      -n. 

(=^)  ) }]\}r.Vc.n  M^nd,    p«6'  . 

'■<-'.  ( +)     V(Mr,^.■.r^    "J.finrl_     T..APA.     <P>    ih.      83. 


of  hjp-Ve-  ani;n::l5,  of  children,  of  uncliitured  -nen  i'.nd   of  savage 
races.   The  .yoiinp;  mind  easily  yieldr  to  illrsicn;  it  in  constantly 
talcing  Yivid  ideas  for  JnpresBions.   And  the  sav&ce  cannot  resist 
attri>^v'tinf;  personal  life  to  stvmps  ^.nd  recks  and  logs  of  human 
fern.   Conditions  of  nind  th..t  in  the  mc.ture  life  can  he  hrovght 
about  only  hy  i.rtificiL,!  means,  >y  sone  drp.g;,  siich  as  an  opiate, 
occur  in  ear^y  life  quite  ncturally,  and  for  the  reason  the t  sensa- 
tion und  idea  are  net  far  fron  each  ot'-'er  in  intensity.   At  this  iTn- 
:7iati)re  stage,  we  are  told,  cor-'sciousness  has  not  yet  really  ohlecti- 
fied  its  experiences;  not  divided  r.pace  and  time  into  segments  or' 
points  cf  refei^ence;  not  even  ~iade  the  grand  divisions  of  Icnov/n  and 
unknown;  past  and  present;  actual  and  possi"'"Ie. 

To  this  first  level  of  i-^elief,  Bain  oh,:ected,  and  criticise'd 
Sully  for  not  taking  account  of  ths  order  and  sequence  in  n&ture-- 
facts  which  the  fomer  thinks  essentials,  and  correlates  of  all  as- 
surance.  It  is  true  that  to  think  of  an  experience  having  none  of 
those  large  orienting  categories,  is  to  t:!-Link  of  an  experience  set 
afloat,  so  to  speak,  v/ithout  any  hearings.   But  that  nay   he  for  the 
reason  that  ..'e  are  looking  hack  froni  the  high  ground  of  logical  or- 
ganization.  At  any  rate,  Sully  rr.aintained  tl-st  these  "hearings"  take 
on  definite  c'-aracter  onl;;-  v/ith  the  further  development  of  experi- 
ence; only,  th  t  is,  v/ith  the  arrival  of  anticipation  and  its  conse- 
quent disappointment.   And  certainly  that  argument  is  difficult  of 
refutation  which  holds  that  disappointed  expectation  precedes  and 
provokes  reflection  upon  f^^e,  upon  the  r-'rltion  cf  antecedent 
to  cons'^quent .   As  long  as  the  child  is  not  deceived  in  his  expecta- 
tions, hut  always  finds  an  orange  the  tv^ing  "•-is  idea  pictured,  j"ust 
so  long  is  he  going  to  he  ignorant  of  sequence  in  nature,  and  happy 
in  his  ignorance.   It  is  onljr  wh.en  the  orange  proves  to  he,  not  an 
orc^.nge,  hut  a  painted  hall,  which  is  not  constituted  of  j'^icy  hites, 



that  the  child  hegins  to  ccnitinice  its  chape,  colcr,  texture  a-nd 
other  attrihutes.   Nothinr  hut  tVe  thwartjnf^  of  credv;.loitE  erpectatior! 
will  driAT-e  the  yor'ng-  mind  to  consider  the  hasis  of  his  definite  an- 
ticipation, and  f^ive  h-.m  incentive  to  lock  into  the  deeper  sicnifi- 
cance  of  antecedent  and  conceqvent,  'whicl::  Bain  calls  the  correlate 
of  assurance. °   It  alone  will  awaken  this  "conceptive  faculty  or 
imapin^tion ,"  whicj-  is  the  other  f';rand  ini'luence  (hesid^is  disappoint- 
5ient)  in  trann forming  our  first  over-^eening  trust  into  deliberate 
conclusions  of  reason,  and  which  transforms  an  indettr^iini. te,  form- 
less "world  into  a  world  having  all  the  form  and  meaning  given  hy  the 
great  categories  of  co-existence,  sequence  and  perma.'e^.t  er/istence. 
Our  st'-'dy  of  Jc^mes  Sully  thus  far  may' he  sujnj-'i:.-,.ri2ed  hy  saying 
that  helief  dem.snds  as  the  necessary  condition  of  its  advent  into 
life,  some  rudim.entary  experience,  "more  especially  some  sensation," 
(  +  )  and  that  this  meager  experience  heccmes  in  m:',  helief ,  defin- 
ite, ohjective  f:ct,  existing  for  presentation  as  permanent,  inde- 
pendent oh^iect-.   This  in  psychological  helief  is  the  same  as  in 
logical.   "Belief  in  a  proposition,"  he  sa3'-s,  "is  a  helief  in  its 
truth;  th:.,t  is,  in  its  correspondence  vv-j.f-'  the  actual  rels.tion  of 
things.*®  Bu.t  the  question  we  virarit  to  raise  -now  is,  '?/  of  incepara- 
h-le  as<^>ociaticns ,  em.otion,  actlon--does  Sully  count  them  as  condi- 
ticis  of  helief?   The  answer  is  short;  he  does,  hut  not  as  indispens- 
ahle  conditions.   He  accept?  J.  S.  Mills'  criticism  of  inseparahle 
association  (it  does  not  account  for  our  choosing  hetv/een  m.em.ory  .^  nd 
imagination)  .  against  identifying  helief  with  em.otion.   He  r-.asons 
thus:   "The  mode  o"'  its  /^^elie^'s/  origin,  the  impartial  range  of 

o  Human  Mind:  p.  93.   .:^  Outlines  of  Psychology,  p.  39c 
(  +  )  Hiiman  Mind,,  p.  81.       ^ 

its  objects,  cind  the  fact  ti^at  it  holds  ccmnion  relation  to  all  the 
emotions  pro-''ierl-'-  so  called,  renders  it  very  v.nder. irahle  to  classil'y 
them'^er . "°  Fi  th  respect  to  t/ie  claim  of  the  action-theory  to 
accoimt  for  i=ill  hiirian  conviction,  he  remonstrates  t^at  there  in 
our  experience  neliefs  thi..t  cannot  posr:ihly  he  explained  on  the  hasis 
of  action;  as  for  example,  the  case  when  the  expectation  of  coming 
harm  heco'ies  paralyzing  terror.   The  raw  material  of  helief  is  not 
to  he  found  in  feelinjr,  er'otion  or  action;  belief  is  ultim&te.   Feel- 
ing and  action,  however,  have  an  effect  on  asrurance,  hi't  not  direct- 
13'-;  only  mediately,  through  ideas,  v^^hich  alone  "•  ave  a  direct  hearing 
upon  conx'iction.   Comprehensively  and  comi'actly  put,  helief  at  its 
full  includes  for  this  author  intellectual  representav.ion ,  feeling 
and  active  impulse,  and  if  it  he  of  the  ideal  kind,  also  a  certain 
amount  of  restraining  Vvill. 

Stou.t  undertalres  an  explanation  of  i^elief  from  an  analj/tical 
point  of  view,  e^nd  v/or*""?!  out  a  tlieory  of  inuch  I'^readth,   This  theory 
is  siif f  icien  tly  compreher.'-ive  to  include  hoth  the  a.ction-tr.eorj''  of 
Bain  and  the  association  theory  of  Janes  Mill.   Bain  held  that  the 
"relation  of  helief  to  activity  is  expressed  oy   saying  that  w"''at  we 
helieve,  '-e  act  upon."   This  Stout  approves.   There  is  no  question 
that  a  confident  state  of  mind  tends  to  express  itself  in  action; 
conviction  and  activity  are  really  correlated  to  each  other.   Bain's 
mistake  was  not  that  he  made  his  theorj^  too  sweeping,  hu.t  that  he  did 
not  make  it  sweeping  enough.   Limiting  action  to  phenomena  extrinsic 
to  the  mind,v;as  where  he  made  his  mistake.   "Ke  considers  only  trdns 
of  muscvilar  movements,  producing  a  corresponding  train  of  effects  in 
the  material  environment.   But  even  where  such  trains  exist,  the 

°   Sensation  and  Inti'ition:  p.  100. 


cental  action  v/ith  v/'  ich  ■"  elief  ir>  connected,  does  not  conL^ist  in 
th-eee  o-""ert  nove-nentt ,    "i^iit  in  the  prior  procers  of  franinf^  a  plan. 
But  there  is  no  essential  differr-nce  hetween  this  inv/ard  process, 
and  that  "by   v/hich  we  work  oT'.t  a  theoretical  resrilt  without  r^;ference 
to  external  action. "°   And  so,  w'''^eti:er  t^-^e  experience  hf-  theoretical 
or  practical,  it  rit.kes  no  difference;  the  same  principle  appli'-r'  in 
one  case  as  v.'ell  as  in  the  ot'ner;  confidence  and  action  are  corre-- 
lat  =  s.   In  eit/ier  case,  'we  act  onl-'-  hecaiise  we  are  thp.s  triJcting  the 
means  to  the  end.   The  actj  o  n- theory,  --nade  thus  thoroufh-co3  njr,  he- 
comes  iririune  to  a  l-.rt^^e  part  of  the  criticism  that  proved  t}:e  posi- 
tion of  Bain  vulnerahle;  siich  criticism,  for  example,  as  that  "psych- 
ical cictivity  seems  physiologically''  to  consist  in  muscular  c:ctivity," 
and  "that  it  will  ra3  n  trmorrow  /seems  almcst/  the  sam.e  as  tuying 
an  umhrella  today. "(  +  )   In  t'.e  opinion  of  Stout,  "it  is  needless  to 
say  that  the  theoretical  series  must  he  through  and  through  constit- 
uted hy  h°liefs;  and  t'at  oi^r  confidence  in  the  result  depends  on 

cur  confidence  in  the  antecedent  steps The  vi^hole  hody 

of  heliefs  forms  a  system  of  interdependent  parts;  it  is  the  coher- 
ence of  the  system  whic-:  cc-nst  i  ti;  hes  the  poscJ '^i  li  t;/  of  its  com'pcnent 
elements. "@ 

It  is,  of  cc'jrse,  plainly  to  >-■  seen  that  t^is  active  aspect 
of  helief  is  in  intimate  relation  wj  t?:  the  author's  "Conative  and 
Cognitive  Synthesis."  We  see  it  in  the  follov/ing  st.r.tem.ents :   "A 
practical  need  is  one  x.-hich  demands  for  its  ultimate  satisfaction  an 
actual  change  produced  in  the  environm.ent ,  or  in  the  relation  of  the 
organism  to  the  environment;  or  at  least,  in  the  consciousness  of  the 

°   Stou.t :  Analytical  Psychology:  vol.  ii,  p.  237. 
(+)  Bradley:  Logic:  pp.  IS,  20.   ©  Stout:  Analytical  Psychology: 

vol   ii,  p   23'^. 


power  to  prod 'ce  bvcIi  change.   Thecretica.1  needs,-  on  the  contr&r;'-, 
require  for  their  ultJTn:..te  satisfe^ct ion  only  an  extension  of  know^ 
ledge  c:!\d   reniovctl  cf  doubt  v;ithout  alteration  in  the  things  kricwn." 
And  ^f^ain:      "In  the  "beginning  of  mer.i'^1   life,  prL.ctical  needs 
para:7iount.   Purely  intellecti;ul  c^iriosity  disengages  itself  from 
•these  hy  a  prucees  of  gradual  evolution."**   The  fact  that  "the  grov;th 
of  our  nature  consists  in  the  groviring  definiteness  and 
determinateness:  of  our  'active'  nature, "(  +  )  is  a  presupr^osi  t  :^"  on  of 
all  helief ,  is  quite  manifest  fro^.  the  criticism  which  Stout  prefers 
against  Bain  when  he,  perhaps  in  an  attempt  to  take  account  cf  posi- 
tive convictions,  modifies  his  original  .theorj;-  of  the  nature  of 
"belief,  and  declc.res  the  correct  viev;  to  he  "t}-:at  helief  is  a  primi- 
tive disposition  to  follow  out  any  seni^ence  that  has  once  heen  ex- 
perienced, and  to  expect  results,"®  Stout's  ohjection  is  that  this 
state-nent  implies  "a  theoretical  interest  which  has  no    existence  in 
the  rudim-ertarj--  stages  of  mental  life."   The  h:  sic  fact  that  we  have 
to  rememher  as  v.e  cross  over  to  the  "passive  aspect"  of  the  theory  in 
hand,  is  that  hoth  tlie  practical  ^rid   th^eoretical  activity'-  is  dirticted 
to  an  end,  and  upon  the  condition  of  confidence  in  the  intervening 
steps  or  m.eans;  that  as  practical  conation  is  solely  directed  to  the 
effecting  of  an  unchstructed  course  for  trains  of  extrixisic  changes, 
mediating  a  desired  ohject,  just  so  theoretical  conation  is  solely 
directed  to  the  attainment  of  an  unohstructed  course  for  trains  of 
thought,  likewise  mediating  a  desired  end. 

Belief  as  limitation  of  activity,  and  helief  as  a  condition  of 
activity,  m.t,  intained  hy  Stout  to  he  co-extensive  and  interdepend- 

o  Analytical  Psychology:  vol.  ii,  <  r> .  93  f.   (  +  )  ivid.  n.  237. 
@  ihid.  238. 


ent.   They  are  the  two  sides  of  the  sa>ne  shield.   Indeec  , 
wonld  he  an  irnpossihility  hut  for  the  restraining  circiinstc.nces  set 
up  hy  n:iti'.re,  reqiiirin^;  definite  means  to  reach  a  definite  end.   It 
is  as  rnrich  a  truth  that  we  cannot  experience  conviction  ''oy   force  of 
IrTiiting  conditions  as  it  is  t^.at  \je    cannot  walk  without  Vi/alking 
upon  scnethinr.   "The  steps  of  a  rirocesb,  issuing  in  a  given  result, 
are  fixed  independently '  cf  us.   In  disvising  meanr-  to  an  end,  there- 
fore, v/e  are  not  free  to  nake  what  ?nental  comhinations  v/e  v/ill."" 

Limitation  of  suhjective  activity,  t];en,  as  v.e  c^re  distinctly 
told,  is  an  iridispensahle  factor  in  assurance.   But  vvhat  does  this 
impl^y-?  Hov;  helief  leads  to  action,  v/e  know,  hut  here  the  situation 
is  reversed,  and  helief  follows  action.   Tl-ie  ansv/er,  hov/ever,  is  not   By  the  li'riitative ,  or  passive  aspect  of  truth,  is  meant 
si'nply  t"  e  recognition  of  an  ohjectlve  control.   The  control  ty   which 
vie   lay  hold  of  the  raeans,  and  hring  ourselves  to  a  desired  end  is  an 
inner  control;  '^m.t    the  control  v^^hich  makes  us  consider  means,  hring- 
ing  i.'s  up  with  a  tug  when  we  neglect  such  consideration,  and  w'l^iich 
early  convinces  credulous  ntitures  that  "wishing  is  rot  '-.^ving,"  that 
control  is  outer.   But  outer  does  not  mean  something  th^t  is  foreign 
to  our  su.hjectjve  eyperjence;  on  ■tl'.e  contrary,  it  is  c.   very  present 
fact,  which  asserts  its  rights  both  t o  presentat ion  and  representa- 
tion, directly,  as  sense  oh.iects,  or  indirectly,  as  determining  ideas 

"The  limitation  of  suhjective  activity,"  the  autlnor  writes, 
"may  take  two  distinct  forms.   We  find  ourselves  forced  to  think  in 
a  given  manner,  in  spite  of  an  at'.empt  to  think  otherv/ise.   In  this 
case,  the  limitation  is  an  actual  opposition  or  ohstruction.   This 

o  Analytical  Psycholocy:  vol.  ii,  p.  239. 


happens  v/■^^enever  ''-Vie  mind  entertciins  ti-e  posBil'ility  of  iin  alter- 
native which  it  is  ultimately  driven  to  reject.   On  f^  e  other  hand, 
there  nay  he  no  ytLempt  to  think  otherwise. °  As  a  typical  example 
of  the  latter,  we  nay  think  of  a  r^c^r,   feeling  the  noon-day  si^n  heating 
upon  his  head.   T'  e  mind  }''ere  entertains  no  possihility  of  an  alter- 
native.  "There  is  no  question  that  the  sun  is  shining."   The  forr/ier 
type  of  limitation — that  of  opposition  or   ohstruction  to  suhjective 
activit;/,  is  instanced  hy  the  child  sucking  at  an  empty  hottle,  or 
hy  the  inability  of  the  schoolhoy  to  "tJiink  '5  +  6  =  12*  if  he 
separates  the  '6'  into  its  units,  and  a^^^ds  trem,  one  hy  one,  tc  '5'." 
(  +  )   In  hroad  outline  the  fiyldi^  represented  hj^  theye  three:  illus- 
trations (which-  shov/  the  signif :■  cance  of  t'le  passive  ride  of  helief) 
are  as  fellows:   "Impressional  Experience,"  "Physical  Resistance," 
"In;:eparahle  Association,"  and  indirtrjctlj^,  "Desire"  and  "Imagination." 

A  striking  feature  of  Bi^,ldwin's  treatment  of  helief,  is  Ids  en- 
dea\'"cr  tc  give  the  phenomenon  full  cognitive  standing  hy  eliminating 
its  unde""eloped  or  gem-forms,  and  segregating  them  under  a  separate 
name:  "Reality-Peeling."  ±^^Ab    represents;  a  distinction  in  helief 
phenomena  th^t  for  a  long  time  has  heen  coming.   And  the  distinction 
is  an  important  one.   For,  as  long  as  the  term  Belief  v^-as  allowed 
to  continue  its  old  significance,  and  tc  include  a  range  and  divers- 
ity of  meaning  that  no  single  word  could  ccmpiss,  there  was  no  hope 
of  keeping  ^ ny  fences  in  the  field;  destri  ctive  criticism  had  too 
much  license. 

Definite  treatment  of  the  "Reality-Feeling"  is  deferred  to  a 
later  chapter,  v;here  it  v/ill  he  taken  up  more  specifically.   The 
treatm.ent  here  vvill  he  f^eneral,  onlj-  so  much  as  is  required  to  make 

°   Analytical  Ps:'chology :  vol.  ii,  p.  239. 
(+)  ihid.  "43. 


the  a\.ithor's  t'^.eory  cleur  in  its  other  parts.   There  is  a  similarity 
■■!etv«een  the  inport  of  r"ality-f eelini:  :.rid  f;e  import  of  an  earlier 
expression  v/e  cane  iipon  ir.  cf  "Primitive  Cred\;ll  t;;,- . "   I:: 
Sully,  also,  v.-e  found  belief-phenomena  of  a  nature  resemhling  thisj 
it  is  the  p''eno"-iena  that  appear  in  the  r.iental  life  of  the  child 
"before  he  has  heccne,  through  disapooir.ted  anticipations,  skeptical 
and  reflective;  it  mif^ht  >e  called  the  p'^enomena  of  the  pre-helief 
period,  the  stase  of  natural  -tnipt   and  of  unthinking  confidence. 
But  real it:''--f eel ing,  thouf-h  it  has  protot^'pes,  is  not  v/ithout  v£tria- 
ticn  upon  these  prototj'pes.   The  phrases-,  "prr'Tni  tive  start ,  ""cvir- 
weeninp:  confidence,"  "pristine  assi'.rance,"  used  as  synonwis  for 
"pri'^itive  credulity,"  are  Goarcel;--  synoncmous  with  the  sense  cf  the 
follcwirg:   "T'^-e  p":rac8,  reality  feelinf^,  denotes  the  fundamental 
\iodif  ica ''ion  of  corBciou^jnesj:  which  s^ttaches  to  the  prerent-i  tive 
side  of  r-ensational  sta.tes;  the  feeling'  which  neans,  as  the  child 
af  terwr-rds  learns,  that  an  ohject  ir;  really  there ....  th.e  idea  v/hich 
has  the  reality  feelinr  Tiay  h"  said  to  hhve  its  own  guarantee  of  its 
reality;  it  is  a  'j-,-iven'  and  ny   feeling  of  i'  is  direct  acquaintance 
with  it."®   There  is  here  so'^ething  hesides  Bain's  restless  impulse 
toward  the  rea.1;  there  is  also  a  passive  ss  of  the  real. 
"Realit2^-f e'jling  at  this  early  stage  is  sinioly  the  fact  of  feeling.. 
...Existerce  is  siinply  Prese-'ce;  hut  Presence  is  Existence,*  and 
whatever  is   in  ocnscic'sness  is  real.  (  +  )   Physiolcg:' cally  explained, 
reality-feeling  (and  also,  unr ■ ality-f esling,  or  ahsence-f eeling, 
■which  is  the  negative  pole)  neans  that  "any  sensory  process  has  its 
feeling  of  reality/  eler.ent;  and  c<.v.y   tendency  to  Tricvement  has  its  un- 
reality-f eelinr  in  the  sensory  process  which  sa.ti.sfies  it."® 

o  B^adwi-:  Feeling  and  V.'ill ,  p.  149.   (+)  Und.  p.  150. 
<^  V^id.    p   lo3 


A  second  ca'ient  ch^^rccterirtic ,  perhaps  t  e  most  fu.ndamsnt-.l 
in  B^lciv/in'G  system,  ic   liic  "Co-efficient  cf  Rec^lity."   The  ~;eaning, 
taken  in  its  f;eneral  signif  ic.r.ce ,  denc-^.es  any  oTojectlve  ctimulvs, 
in  Vv' atever  realn,  ';  :-it,  ocmlnfr  in  conjunction  v/ith  Bcme    impulre  cr 
desire  or  erpectation,  fives  to  cor.scimisnesD  a  feeli;.^^'-  of  catisfi-^c- 
tion  and  conviction  cf  reality;  wliile,  in  pcrticul-  r  tpplicatnon, 
it  neans  &.  real,  sensory  o'bject,  a?id  net  a  phantom;  an  honest  act, 
a.nd  not  a  h^'-pocrii-i  cal  one  \   a  picture  thct  proves  to  he  heautjful, 
as  anticipated,  and  not  unattractive;  or,  it  rneans  that  mark  hy  v/hich 
I  reco;:"nize  an  imaf.e  as  i^epresenting  a  former  stivte  of  consciousness, 
or  belief, in  a  thought  th^t  has  "consistyncy ,  or  the  ahsence  cf  pre- 
sentational or  concept ional  contradiction," 

Through  the  memory  co-efficient  of  reality  (also,  that  of 
thOT-'pht,  ac  we  shall  see  l:-ter),  Baldwin  has  teen  a.hle  to  free  him- 
self fro'i.  f'-ie  sense-vi'orld ,  v^hich  ''".:£  alv;aye  lorded  it  over  those  who 
would  not  forsaice  t'-'e  particular.   Contri-ry  to  Stout,  he  holds  that 
it  is  through  meriory ,    and  not  through  the  direct  impression  of  the 
senses,  th^t  we  ohtain  our  knowledge  of  ricre  than  the  ^<ere   resistance 
cf  an  chject;  that  is  to  '.-ay,  of  its  independent  persistence.   "To 
a  cri='at;  re  without  neraory,  reality  v/ould  he-  sirriply  successive  re- 
sistances; hi.^t  with  memory  as  recognition,  comes  also  p  rsistence."*" 
Baldwin  v/ould  include  in  his  "co-efficient  of  externality,"  more  than 
Stout's  sensational  test,  and  more  also  then  the  possihilitj'  (memcrj'-) 
test  cf  .T.  S.  T.iill.   Either  of  these  positions  taken  alorie  is  inade- 
quate.  He  writes:   "An  adequate  formula,  tc  do  justice  to  "'oth, 
v»ould  }-ave  to  run  soaiewhat  like  thic.  :   '"elief  in  e>:ternal  reality 
is  a  feeling  of  the  necessary  character  of  censaticns  cf  resict&nne, 
and  of  my  ahility  to  get  such  sensations  z^gain  at  any  time."(  +  )  Bald- 

*»  Peeling  and  Will,  p.  166.     (  +  )  Mind:  O.S.,  vol.  xvi  . 


v.'in  thus  o'bta.ins  tv/o  kir.dc-;  of  pres-ent  reality:  "Preirent  external 
reality,  guaranteed  "hy  its  independence  of  my   Vy'i""!;  and  present 
ruenory  reality,  p;Uoiranteed  "by  suToj  erticn  to  my   Vv'i^l.'"* 

IFor  the  theory'-  now  "before  us,  "belief  prop'.-rly  so  called,  is 
l"^receded  "by  disappointment  and  doiii  i.   It  cnrrerponds  to  those 
"later  '^.odes  of  conviction"  Vv'?-ich  Sully  found  to  come  into  con- 
sciousness only  with  chaf;rined  expectation,  and  with  the  development 
of  the  conceptive  fctculty  or  iaaf^ir.ation.   To  saj''  that  helief  follow 
doul:t--f  cllc'vvs ,  that  is,  upon  its  resolution,  is  to  &ay  that  the 
"feeling  of  "belief  is  a  feeling;  the^t  attaches  to  the  representative 
faci'.lty  primaril:'. "  (+)   The  naive  faith  that  once  trusted  everything 
and  every"body,  having  "been  deceived  once  too  often,  has  turned  skep- 
tical, and  nere  impressions  and  ideac;  are  no  longer  ctraightwa;''  ac- 
cepted as  havinr  sufficient  credentia^ls  in  their  ovm  ir'Tmediate  pres- 
ence; they  nust  support  t-'eir  claim  "by  a  relia"ble  escort,  or  "by 
directl^'^  convincing  the  senses.   And  if  they  can  satisfy  the  rer'uire- 
ments ,  ccruciousness  at  once  consents,  and  the  nev;  candidate  enters 
the  world  of  reality.   To  represent  exactly  what  goes  on  in  experi- 
ence in  the  interval  "betvjeen  the  arising  of  dcu"bt  i^nd  its  solution, 
this  figure  would  have  to  "oe  extended.   We  .Vvould  l-;  to  ccnt.ider 
consciousr-ess,  not  cnly  as  passing  upon  the  eligiT-dlity  of  irapressiors 
and  ideas,  l~ut  as  oeing  in  want  of  Just  such  "real  as  these 
promise  of  supplying.   How  near  such  a  fjgure  comes  to  giving  the 
meaning  of  Dr.  Baldwin's  theory  may  he  ceen  "liy  comparison  with  his 
most  complete  definition  of  helief:   "Belief  in  anything. ...  is  the 
consciousness  of  the  presence  of  th:  t  tiling  1.6  fit  to  satisfy  a 
need. "@ 

o  Peeling  and  VMll,  :;.  165.  (  +  )  ihid.  p.  155.   ©  ihid.  p.  171. 


Section  II:  Putholofi cal . 

It  seo!^r.  fair  to  ?a:'  of  t'-e  pathological  investip"&ticn  of  "belief 
or  of  tiie  "feeling  of  reality,"  that  it  has  not  adv:;.nced  far  e-^oii.rh 
in  experiment  and  oh^servation  to  find  a  hasis  s\af  :'ic3  ertly  hroad  to 
support  a  theory.   T'-e  acquisition  of  fc.cts  haa  not  reached  f^at 
derree  of  accivrmilstion  -v/here  the  c}i.ief  demcind  is  for  a  theory  to 
interpret  f'-:eir  significance.   Per  this  rear  en,  Janet  ic  found  urging 
that  most  stress  he  laid,  not  on  hy-^otheses ,  hut  on  tine  ohservation 
of  facts.**  But  though  the  results  arrived  at  in  pathological  study 
of  the  n-t'ore  and  cause  of  hi.'nian  certainty  fall  short  of  the  amount 
necesst:ry  to  justify  more  than  tentative  conclutjions ,  these  conclu- 
sions t re ,  nevertheless,  not  to  he  disregarded;  and  for  the  old 
reason  that  a  mental  function  which  resists  comprehension  when  in 
normal  conditio;:,  may  v;hen  an  abnormal  state  hecome  amenacle  to  the 

To  the  question  as  to  v/hat  new  fact  the  pathologicd  investiga- 
tion has  dircovered,  th.e  onl;-'  safe  reply  would  seem  to  he  that  path.o- 
logy  has  discox^ered  no  new  fact,  hut  only  emphasized  an  old  one: 
namely,  that  helief  is  intimately  cor.nected  with  the  actii'-ity-sources 
in  our  nature.   The  feeling  of  certainty,  ae  also  the  feeling  of 
reality,  ]ias  no  a  p^-iori  guarantee  to  fall  hack  upjon,  h^xt  like  health 
or  disease,  m.unt  depend  upon  hiological  conditions.   Confidence 
springs  from  all  parts  of  f^ie  self.   It  is  not  something  which  has 
its  origin  in  a  corner  of  our  n:  ture ;  say,  t'- e  intellectual  corner. 
As  professor  -Tames  says,  "the  mere  fact  of  appearing  as  an  ohject  at 
all  is  not  enough  to  constitute  reality. " (+) 

°   Prom  Dr.  Hoch's  paper,  helo\'.'. 

(+)  James:  Principles  of  Psychclcgy:  vol.  ii,  p.  293. 


V/hat  thoce  who  h-^ve  L-tudied  the  patholcc3'"  of  helief,  cr  of  tlae 
feeling;  of  reality,  think  c.hout  the  two  Buhj^cts,  is  '"^riefly  l.i  t 
representatively  given  in  two  articles:  one,  a  revievv,  and  tr:e  ot^er, 
a  Carefully  argn.ed  theory.   The  former  ie  hy   Dr.  August  Hoch  ("A 
review  of  some  recent  pa^ners  upon  the  loss  of  the  feeling;  of  reality, 
and  Tcindred  p;nnp  tonti" )  ** .   T>!.  e  latter  is  hy  C,  Bos  ( "  de  la 
Croyance .")(  +  )  .   Dr  Iloch  reports  thtit  t>  e  loss  of  the  feeliric  of 
reality  is  con^'-only  for.nd  in  one  or  another  of  three  sp?ieres  of  ex- 
istence: that  relating  to  the  individu&,l.'s  ovm  activities  or  thoughts 
or  the,  t  relating  to  the  outside  Vv'or-ld  or  to  t?ie  hod:-.   A  patient  '.vill 
say  t>iat  vision  is  cut  off,  that  the  e.-^es  do  not  rei-ch  out;  that  food 
has  no  taste;  that  hearing  is  not  clear;  or  complain  of  inaliility  to 
feel  the  various  pi.rts  of  '.he  hod:,-;  or  say  that  he  has  "no  thoughts," 
asserting  that  the  mind  is  v»rithout  content,  except  as  it  comes  from 
the  conversation  of  another.   In  attempting  an  explanation  of  the 
loss  of  tjie  sense  of  value  or  appreciation  of  the  facts  of  experience, 
it  has  hoen  found  that  these  s,".-mptor:is  :;.re  present  v^-hen  it  is  impcssi- 
hle  to  demonstrate  onjectively  any  sensory  disorders,  except,  per- 
haps,  fleeting  chc.nges  v/hi  ch  may  ohtain  "in  grave  cases,  where  the 
somc'to-psycriic  alterations  are  most  marked.",  Dr.  Hoch  thinks  more 
studies  are  needed  to  decide  this  point.   Janet  is  inclined  to  oppose 
the  idea  that  the  loss  of  th     feeling  of  reality  has  any  connection 
with  disorders  of  organic  sent'ation,  and  to  regard  the  common  factors 
in  these  cases  as  heing  a  peculiar  sense  of  incomplei.eness  in  regard 
to  perceptions,  emotions  and  actions.   "The  mind  does  not  carry  out 
its  processes  to  their  completion."   He  therefore  ventures  to 
relats  the  "unreality"  experience  to  "a  lo.ering  of  cerebral  activ- 
ity."'^ Storch  and  his    f:llo./ers,  hov;ev-r,  /icld  to  :i  thecr*/  of  e>.- 

°   Psychological  Bulletin,  1?0.^, .   (  +  )  Revue  Philosophic,  Iviii 
<n)   iQc.     cAt.     ?,"';-. 

planation  wh.ic?i  contrasts  v/ith  V'-'at  of  Janet.   I!,  is  'oased  upon  the 
claim  that  the  "feelinf  cf  the  reality  ci"  external  cojects,  and  the 
O  projection  into  space,  depend  upon  the  aBSociation  of  rnii.sele  senya- 
tions  v.ith  space  perceptions.""   This  viev/  asserts  tfi^.t  the  change 
which  causes  the  feeling  of  unreality  is  to  he  found  "pri'ny.ri  ly  in  a 
disorder  of  tlie  consciousness  of  the  "'^ody,  and  inBu.fficlent  valuation 
of  organic  sensations;  and  secondtrily,  in  a  dif;order  of  the  con- 
scioiisness  of  tlie  external  world."   The  qiiestion  at;  to  the  unr.;ality 
of  ideas  is  explained  ty   the  f^^-ct  that  they  consist  of  memories  of 
ssnse-i~ipresEions  and  organic  sensations.   This  theory  agrees  with 
that  of  Janet  in  not  ■m...,king  unreality-feeling  depend  upon  disorders 
of  organic  sensations;  its  changes  may  "be  regarded  like  the  agnosia, 
as  association-disorders,  and  not  as  anaesthesia.  ( +  )   Bvrt  it  ih   also 
to  he  noted  that  in  ":is  reviev;,  T>r ,    Hoc'"  mentions  the  fact  that  the 
symptoms  attending  the  loss  of  the  feeling  of  reality  present  a  close 
relation  to  e^-iotional  changes,  v/hich  may  both  succeed  and  precede 
tliem.   And  the  fac'.  thot  tl^ese  changes  are  of  Vie   depressive  kind, 
suggests  t'-e  fact  that  even  in  the  "assccic-vtion-explanation, "  mental 
'-veaknesa  may  have  a  part. 

C.  Bos  in  ""is  paper,  "Pathologie  de  la  .Croj-ance , "  traces  every 
irregularity  of  oelief  to  a  common  cause.  If^'.ether,  he  says,  the 
alteration  he  hallucination,  credulity,  incredulity  or  doubt,  the 
caiise  is  the  same:  a  pov/erlessness  or  vvea.k.neBS  of  the  mental  activ- 
ity.  Hallucination,  "the  simplest  kind  of  illusory  oelief,"  is  for 
Bos  a  case  where  the  vveakneas  of  the  mind  is  over-run  "oy   the  image. 
And  credulity,  vvhich  parallels  hallu.cination,  differs  from  it  only 
in  the  fact  that  t?:e  illusion  is  hrought  aoout,  not  hy  an  image,  hut 

°   Psychological  Bulletin,  190  5:  r.  237.   (+)  i'oid.  p.  238. 
®  iiiid. 


by  an  idea;  the  credulouE  vifelco-iie  t..n  idea  as  the.  cne  suffering  hallu- 
cirid-tion  v.elcome  tin  imctce .   These  tv.'o  illusory  states  of    conscious- 
ness, hc'i/ever,  fall  pi'ey  to  deception  from  the  satne  incapacity:  they 
laclc  v;hat  the  v/riter  calls  "the  second  moment."  V.laen  the  iiiidge  or 
idea  first  comes  into  the  range  of  attentio.-i  ("the  first  moraent")  the 
atl:itude  toward  it  is  the  same  in  the  mind  silject  to  hallucination 
or  credulity,  as  in  the  r-crmal  or  mature  mir.d;  at  this  stage,  the 
presentation  is  before  the  mind  simply  as  a  certain  content.   But 
this  period  of  agreement  is  of  short  duration.   The  "second  moment" 
comes  quickly,  and  in  that  the  sane  and  tempered  individual  considers 
(unconsciously,  most  often)  the  escort  of  the  presented  iTiage  or 
idea--the  time  and  place  asccciates,  etc.,  and  It.ter,  comes  to  a 
conclusion.   Bi,t  into  the  mind  open  to  hallucination  or  credulity, 
this  jcrutinizing,  saving,  "second  momerit"  dees  not  enter.   It  is 
this  inability  to  overhaul  his  ideas  that  makes  the  creduloris  person 
helieve  suc"*^  unreasonable  things  as  that  the  President  (of  Prance)  is 
to  he  prej-ent  at  a  village  fsJte,  or  that  a  certain  neighbor  is  four 
hundred  old.   The  mind  of  such  an  individual  is  able  only  to 
svggest  the  bare  idea;  for  t'-ie  rest,  aill  is  passiveness  and  ps3'"chic 
poverty.   There  is  no  energy  left  from  the  '"first  moment"  to  give  to 
the  "second  moment." 

With  the  incredulous  or  negative-minded,  there  is  the  same 
falling  off  of  mental  H^ctivity;  t:ne  same  lack  or  insufficient  buoy- 
ancy of  thought.   In  the  case  of  the  "negator,"  there  is,  though, 
more  effort  required  t>'an  in  the  case  of  the  credulous,  for  only  in 
the  second  moment  can  there  be  denial.   But  this  denial  is  forced 
03'-  fixed  ideas  that  play  the  role  of  Cerebr.s,  and  reprslse  before  ex- 
amination any  idea?  not  like  themselves.   This  f ac '  explains  such 
condu.ct  as  thcit  displa:.'ed  by  a  person  v/ho  refuses  +0  go  to  bed  be- 
cause thei'e  is  no  nirbt;  or  '^-v  the  3::ck  "•'^'rson  who  refuses  to  believe 


that  there  is  cannoneidinf  in  t're   city,  l'.ect.Tse  -e  frdnks  it  a  preteyt 
■1   to  keep  hi'n  shut  p.p.   Incredihility,  or  -egativity  cf  nind,  if; 
plainly  an  ohstinncj'",  a  contradiction,  an  &rrest  frcr-v   cramp  or 
i::i-^iohility . 

Dor^>t  ib  dvo    a  ■^•.cult  oT   diminis-ed  mental  activ':.  .  ^  .e 
illusions  cf  hallucination  and  credrlity  are  traced  only  indi  ^^ectly 
to  niental  weakness,  hut  douht  is  traced  directly.   Though  there  is  a 
hlind  automatis":  in  credulity,  and  ir  dor<ht  great  intellectual 
development,  yet  there  is  ultiinatel3v'-  no  difference  in  the  Uw   for.mB 
cf  illusion.   The  douhter  cannot  triu'nph  over  his  distr'  st  and  in- 
hihit  the    impulse  to  dishei.ieve,  any  more  than  the  individual  at  the 
plo.y  of  credulity  or  ha"' lucination  can  master  his  overvveening  trust, 
and  inhihit  the  im.pulse  to  helisve.   Belief  and  will  ^.re  hoth  trouh- 
led  03/-  douht.   This  fact  is  seen  in  c:,ses  where  :"esitation  reaches 
the  stare  of  deliriam,  as  for  example  in  the  case  that  wou.ld  not  eat, 
for  tryinf^  to  decide  wheth-r  "one  ea-tv.    to  live,"  and  who  died  v.ith 
the  question  -unsolved.   The  vvill  cannot  cut  the  Gordian  knov/.   Since, 
therefore,  will  and  he-lief  are  identified  even  in  doubt,  C.  Bos  is 
per-^itted  to  draw  f!  e  {general  conclusion  that  all  alteratiors  of 
helief  have  a  common  character,  "which  is  a  powerlessness  or  weakness 
of  the  merital  activity  under  its  higher  form." 
Section  III:   Experimental, 
Professor  Titchener,  in  his  recent  hook  of  lectures  en  "Experi- 
mental Psychology  of  the  Thoi-ght  Processes,"  remarks  that  "the  experi- 
mental technique  for  '.j^e  study  of  judcment  in  particular,  has  not 
yet  V'een  perfected.""   And  of  the  "feeling  of  reality,"  he  says  that 

"Titchener,  E.  B.:  Experimental  Psychology  of  the  Thought  Pro- 
cesses: "^j .  51. 

#44 . 

he  hrts  "not  yet  carr'ied  Lhe  qiiestjon  into  the  Ic^horatcry.  "^  Hor 
does  he  in  hie  criticism  of  the  different  explanations  of  tliia  feel- 
ing;; TTiention  anyone  who  has  made  any  Ichoratory  inveoti gaticn  direct- 
ly "bearinfi:  en  the  sv'bject.   Indeed,  thic  field  of  research  se-^ns  to 
awa-'t  the  coming  of  the  experimentdlist ;  and  accordingly,  any  inyight 
into  the  nature  or  origin  of  helief  or  kindred  phenomena  thtt  coTiea 
from  this  scarce,  may  he  expected  to  co^ie  onlj""  indirectly--that  is 
to  say,  h;--  a  stv.dy  of  the  lahoratcry  work  on  jiidcment,  which  is  at 
present  heinf  car>-ied  on  hj*-  the  "method  of  examination"  (ansfrage- 
experimente)  ,  and  pur tici'larly ,  that  dene  hy  the  experimentalists  of 
t h  e   Wf  r  z ""  ■ '. r ::  school. 

The  qiiestjon  for  the  psycholcnists  to  decide  in  the  matter  of 
relief  is  w}iat  particular  mental  content  the  individual  has  at  the 
time  he  is  experiencing  the  feelinr  of  certainty.   Or,  to  state  the 
sa"ie  thing  fr-om  a  poi.-t  of  view  strictly  Jud;;;mental,  the  question  is 
as  to  the  nature  of  "]3evvusstseinlace  , "  which  Professor  i'itchener 
trfc-r:slates  as  "meaning  something  like  posture,  or  of  con- 
sciousness."  (+)   The  latter  question  is  t? e  one  dealt  with  in  the 
experimentation  on  the  thought-processes.   To  find  v/hat  interpreta- 
tion t'-e  experimentalists  give  the  "attitude"  (Eewusstseinlage)  shall 
accordingly  he  the  chiect  of  this  section.  Bvi   hefcre  vie   turn  cur- 
selves  to  that  question,  it  will  he  necessary  to  give  attention  to 
another  v/hich  naturi'.lly  takes  precedence:  the  question  of  the  prohlem 
or  Au.f  frahe . 

By  Aufgahe  is  meant  an  influence  that  determines  the  covrse 
of  conscioi's  experience.   Titchener  is  speaking  of  the  Atif-rahe  (in 
its  general  signification)  v.hen  he  says  that  "this  notion  of  the 

*'  Experimental  Psychology  of  t-  e  Thor.ght  Processes*,  p.  255. 
(+)  ihid.  p.  100. 


exterr:al  and.  precedent  ion  cf  conscioi.i.enesi; ,  cc^.es  into 
experiTiertul  psycVolony  ^W   hints  and  partial  recof:nitions  in  the  lat=:' 
'P.O's  of  f .Q  ?. ast  cen+^;ry."*'  And  cltjo,  when  If  says  t^at  "experiment- 
•.:il  results  in  general  are  seer,  to  ''-'e  fvncticr.s  '■.      '  nctrnct  :i  ens 
£i-:en."  {+)      T.ze    enplo:.c-.ient  of  hypnotism  in  the  peycholosical  lalDora- 
tor;'  is  a  of  t"i  e  "problem"  at  iti3  .Tiaximuni.©  On  this  suDject, 
Watt  is  quoted  a^   follows:  "Vfnat  tr-rr'sf orns  into  judf?nents  the  mere 
seoj^-erce  of  experiencen  that  \r/e  discover  #hen  we  analj'"2e  the  process 
es  of  judrnient,  and  what  distinguishes  a  j-odgment  frcn  a  nere  frequence 
of  e:"p  rieroes ,  is  the  pro^ilem. "  (-■^)   It  is  a  further  opinion  of  Watt 
that  tlie  prchlen  need  not  alwa^rs  he  in  consciousness,  hut  may  some- 
ti-nes  have  what  Messer  ca"'l.s  the  'character  of  the  chvious.'   The 
adji'stinentn  cf  the  hody  to  a  stimulus,  though  at  fr'rst  conr-ciously 
made,  na;.',  as  the  reacting  :mind  hecomes  Ticre  accustomed  to  the  condi- 
tions, lapse  into  a.n  nnconscioi'S  procedure;  paralleling  in  the  sphere 
of  thought  v/hat  we  find  in  the  sphere  of  action,  in  the  case  of  the 
skilled  pianist  v/ho  plays  automatically  notes  t?'.at  he  once  pla^/ed 
calci^latinglj'-.   A  proolem  of  this  kind  is  th  t  of  the  "cognition  of 
real  thinrs--that  is,  of  giving  such  a  form  to  our  perception, 
ti-'ougyt  and  speech  that  tliey   are  eideqi-ate  tO'  real  th:ngs,  whether  we 
are  concerned  v/ith  the  persistence,  properties,  rtates,  changes, 
relations  or  value  of  the  r'-al."(-)   VJith  this  last  re'iiark  in  ex- 
planation of  t;.e  Auf gahe ,  .,e  come  naturally  to  the  question  of  the 
attitude  (Bevmsstseinla-e )  and  the  feeling  of  realness  or  oelicf. 

The  "proolem"  may  he  con;;idered  the  drive-wheel,  which  starts 
conscio'snese  off,  and  the  attitude  or  postures,  the  accompanying 

°   Experimental  Psj'-chology  of  fie  Thought  Processes:  p.  163. 

(  +  )  ihid.  p.  1^2.   ^  ihid.  p.  120.   (f)  i-id.   (  =  )  i^rid.  p.  124. 


phenc""iena  or  necininc.      In  ^Tesser 's    thought,    a.t:   Titchener   £ti;.tes  him, 
"the    ohcerver    i-   ir;iver   a   certain  proTilem.      The  prchlem  finds    repres- 
entation   in   conscioi'S'-ie'-'S ,    verhal   or;    the   observer   underct:  rids 
it,    has    t'^^'e   attitude    or   Bewi.n'steeinlare ,    of  neanin;::;    and  has    the   i',006. 
will    to   fellow   irstructior 3. "°      It   will   save   going   into   useless   de- 
tail   if  \;e    q^ote   an-ajn  at   this  point   from  Titchener.      He   says    that 
"Messer''3    intellectual   attitudes   correspond   to  Ach's   awareness   of 
neaning,    ajid  T.Iesser's   encticnal   attitudes,    to  Ac)  's   awareness    of   re- 
lation;   anc^    f'Mj.s ,    to    f' e    oripiinal   Bev;uj--Etseinlar;en   of  I'arhe   and 
Ort"i."(  +  )      !Tov/,   ]'e:-ser'c    ir.tellectual   attitudes   and  Ach's   awc'.reness 
of  meaning   are   "raat'ers   of  ■'rderstandinf,   pure   and   simple,"®  and   so, 
need   not   detain   i-s.      It    is    the   others v/ith  which  we   are    co^'cerned. 
They  "^rinfi;   into   experience   affective   and  volitioiial   elements,   v;hich 
are   reported    ny   the    suh.jects  most   frequ.ently  as   si^rprise,    perplexity, 
hesitation,    u»-certainty ,    douht ;    or   their   cpposites:    Sii.ti5fccCticrx, 
certaint}.-,    relief,    assert,    convictior.      It    is   si.rnificant    that    the 
Bevmsstseinlar:e    is   found  V'  Titchener    to   resemhle   James*    "fringes," 
H?;ffdin.^'s    "quality   of   fariiliarity , "   and  nany   of  Wundt's    feelings, 
especially,    f-at    "feelinf:  which  is   the  pioneer   of  lcncv;ledg5 . "  (#) 
This    talces   us   hack   to   helief  as  Vi^e   saw   it    in   Jajnes,   v/ho    said   tliat   the 
"real"    is   a   "fr-'n.  -r?."     We   r'-ne'":iher   th  e  criticism  against    this   posi- 
tion;   it  wa?;   declined   to   lack  the   ohjective   factor   of,  outer    control; 
to  have   the   active  principle   of  ^elief,    hut   not    its    counterpart;    and 
to   he    inconprehensi-'^le ,   how   the   fringe    could  >e    the    ohjective   meaning 
of   the  psvc'^^ic   ohject    of  which   it   is    the   fringe. 

The    (iuestion   of   a'ttitude    (Bewu-stseinlage )    thus   narrowing    itself 

®  JSxperinental   fsyclolory   of   the    ihought  Prccesse;^;   p.    I'lO. 
(+)    10,  .      m  ihid.   p.    10(..       (#)    iV,id.   pp.    102   f. 


down  to  a  natter  of  hov*  one  idea,  (friage)  can  "be- the  jieu..Ji:g  of 
another,  presents  us  oiir  pro'Mem  in  V'cld  simplicity.   Titchener, 
linitiDg  the  inentc.l  elements  to  tvvo--seriSc<.ticn  o.nd  feelinf;,  finds 
thc^t  one  idea,  (lilce  Junies '  fringe)  muy   £:ive  meaning  to  e-r.other  idea; 
the  fon.ier  idea  heing  the  context  of  t^ie  lw,tter.   Of  the  context  he 
writes:   "I  understand  ^y  context  simply  the  mental  prccesG  or  com- 
plex of  T'lentdl  processes,  v/hic'':  accrues  to  the  cri^'inal  idea  t;TOU£'h 
the  situation  in  v/hi  ch  the  organism  finds  itself."°   And  hy  'situa.-' 
lion'  he  means  "any  forn  of  AufcaY)e  that  is  nomal  to  the  particular 
crranisr^.,"  and  not  "a  tciek  or  prohlem  /whicli/ may  Tje  set  to  any 
organism  prepared  or  unprepured."  Ws  inay  now  cOTnprehend  the  cause 
and  'meaning  of  his  opinion  on  the  su"^^ject  of  Vjelief,  or  the  feeling 
of  certainty:   "The  feelings  of  realit,y  /seem  to  he/  alvvays  of  an 
er.otive  character,  inplyinrr  affective  process  in  connection  with 
kinaesthetic  or  other  orroiuic  sensations,  and  running  their  course 
under  the  influence  of  an  Auf  gabe ,  or  Einst  ellun.r  (predisposition)". 
(+)   We  have  these  feelings  of  reality,  Titchener  indicat-s,  "v^hen 
we  find  that  the  hrccch  we  have  piched  up  is  real  gold,  and  tliat 
the  ta'le  we  h.:ve  spied  in  the  second-hand  store,  real  mahogany;  /or/ 
when,  t-fter  plowing  throvigh  fne  intrcdiictorv  pages ,  "»ve  cc -.e  to  the 
real  point  in  a  scientific  paper."®  Likewise,  an  unexpected  meeting 
vi^ith  a  friend  is  said  to  ;-ive  us  the  saT'e  feeling.   That  the  feeling 
ofi  reality  does  coae  into  our  experie'-.ce  just  as  Titchener  portrays 
it,  ou.r  "flesh  and  hlocd"  stard  readj'-  to  witness;  v^e  are  h:~ving  just 
such  feelings  e\rerj    day.   It  is  a  question,  however,  whether  ?iis  con- 
ceptio?!  of  the  nature  of  helief  is  suffici^eif  tly  comprehensive; 
Vi'hether  his  feelings  of  reality,  though  having  .'".arks  of  helief,  • 

°   Exp.  Psych,  of  the  Tho-^ght  Processes:  ■: .  l"^?.   (  +  )  ihid.  p. 
2  55.  @  p.  2~4 

all  the  nic^rks.   Por  Mitio  Calki'is,  l.-eliel'  is  ";\i  idea  distiriguislied 
Tooth  "by  the  feeling  of  realnens,  and  "by  the  /'relcit icnul/  feelinc 
cf  coHt^ruence , "°   The  Wf'.rshiirg  sohcc.l  {a&   we  have  c-.lready  set^n)  mean 
"!ore  h;'-  their  BewusLitseinlaf^e  (attitudes,  includinj^  certainty  and 
conviction)  than  just  sensation  and  feeling.   Messer,  in  fact,  goes 
t'le  length  of  maintain inj'  for  .liidfTrient  (helief)  the  "chjective  re- 
ference of  the  Aii.strian  scli.ool."   "In  the  everyday  life  of  mind," 
he  a.scerts,  "our  ej-perience  is  i'.tentional ,  directed  upon  cljects." 
And  "the  ps^'chologist  Vk'ho  should  sv.ppoDe  that  perception  and  thought 
may  "be  adequately  characterized  "by  the  simple  ascertaininent  of  th^e 
sensations  and  ideas  present  in  consciousness  v;ould  hie  lihe  a  man 
who  shoi'ld  se^k  to  apjirehend  the  real  nature  of  money,  hy  simply  in- 
vest if;;>a,ting  the  materials  ov.t  of  which  m.oney  is  m.ade."(  +  ) 

.  Without  fiirther  review  of  t^'e  matter,  it  is  clear  that  the 
center  around  which  diccr-ssion  gathers,  is  thct  cf  deciding  v/hat  are 
the  component  parts  of  the  meaning  that  constitutes  z.   "belief-situa- 
tion.  Is  this  meaning  exhausted  hy  reading  off  an  "emotive  charac- 
ter," "affective  processes,"  "kinaesthetic  and  other  cr,;anic  sensa- 
tions," and  an  "Auffc;ahe"  to  give  direction  and  motive?©  Or  will  it 
he  found  that  "lelief  is  represented  in  consciousness  primarily  hy  a 
relatio>-al  character;  the  relation  hetvj-een  idea  and  object?  (#)   With 
f^ese  questions  holding  the  field  t^.ere  Js  u.ot  much  chance  for  posi- 
tive concl-'^sions .   This  much,  hcv^ever,  may  he  said:   the  experiment- 
alists consider  1  he  eyiste'ce  of  feelings  of  reality  (or  helief)  to 
he  hej'-ond  q'estion;  and  also  consider  it   c.   possi^ilit^r  that  they  may 
"include  an  unanalyza'hle  core  or  residuum,  a  non-sensational  and 

°   Ce.lkins:  Introd'.icticn  to  Psychology:  p.  124.   (+)  Titfherer 
Experimental  Psychology  cf  the-  Thought  Processes:  p.  133. 
<®  i-id.  p.  25?.   (#)  ihid.  p.  253. 


non-affective   eler.entary  proceDf.;    and  /thut/  this    core    or   reBidu.-aa  "be    their   ecceritial   un   reality-f  eelijif,^ . "°     rintilly,   we   maj-   say 
that,    though   i;r.decided   ahovt   the   nati;re   of  ''■elief,    e::periToental 
psycholocy   is   net  withor'.t    eves   for   ar;   epis temological   study  of   the 
ciihjsct,    and  nay  he   fov.nd   tr    ^ixe    cv-ppcrt    to    the  viev/  nairita,ined 
lute,r    jr.    this    na^er. 

Experir.isnlal  Pc^-'cholOKy  of   tho£:ht  PrcceL^sec:   p,    256. 


Chapter  IV:  Cri'. icicin. 

As,  at  the  snd  of  cur  coerce,  we  Icck  T)aclc  voov    ^.Le  sinuob-S 
Pw'       . ^'■e  In  trying  to  follow  f  roiigh  the  diverse  interpreta- 
tions of  l^elief  some  thread  (or  'hreads)  of  meaning  iin>'roken,  v/e 
cannot  dcu'h't  thftt  interpretation  often  misled  vs\    that  is  was  fre- 
quently nisinterpretation ,   A:;d  3"et,  the  light"  of  theory/  v«hich  we 
chose  as  j-uide  in  our  search  for  the  neanirig  of  helief,  was  not  a 
will  c'  the  wisp;  it  alY/a;'-s -hroi;ght  us--in  ti;ne--to  ccie  frviitful 
end.   Of  the  theories  of  belief  thut  have  passed  hefcre  ns  in  reviev/, 
none  was  whollj?-  without  sif^nifj  canoe ;  ec-.cli  of  t;  em  had  at  leant  one 
of  those  feati:res  v;e  ha'^'e  seon  standing  oiit  hcldiy  and  recurring  in 
following  theories.   That  is  tc  .^ay,  we  found  no  t"  eery  "but  related 
>elief  to  feelin.f':,  or  to  cognition  (v\Aith  reference  to  reali.ty)  ,  or 
to  a.ct"ion;  and  sonetines,  "belief  v/as  rel&ted  to  all  three  p-enoniena. 

Belief  seems  "both  to  he  and  to  h?  ir:f I'^enced  >y  feeling;  it 
appears  to  he  dependent  upion  the  cognition  of  reality, 
and  it  hiis  intinate  relhticn  to  cur  active  disposition.   The  e^.rliest 
explanation  of  hslief,  as  has  heen  einphasized,  an  attempt  to 
identif;''  conviction  with  feeling;  with  the  vivacit;/  of  ideas.   Hi^iae 
ccni^idered  that  in  the  last  analysis,  the  only  qualit;^  of  mind  essen- 
tially necensary  to  constitute  hu.rian  confidence,  v/as  feeling;  just 
that  feeling  which  is  intrinsic  to  helief ,  and  not  any  extra,neous 
feeling.   Bain  h.ter  identified  helief  v/ith  the  active  phase  of  cur 
nature,  and  SuJly,  with  the  cognitive.   Baldv/i:",  and  Stoi't  have  so  far 
corrohorated  Sully  as  to  assert  that  helief  necessarily  implies  the 
cof-nition  of  reahity;  and  pathologj""  has  taken  its  stand  v;ith  Bain, 
holding  that  helief  has  its  roots  in  th_e  activity-soi-rces  of  our 
--^eing,   Hiime  at  Vr_e   same  time  has  his  st^ppcrters.   Bagehct  and  Ja:::eE 
have  strongly  advocated  t'-e  view  that  conviction  is  feeling  or  emo- 
tion.  Belief,  they  say,  is  more  like  a  feeling  than  anything  else. 


Pinally,  I've  have  the  v/itness  of  experimental  ps^'^cholog;-  a?  EDAreh  in 
the  thoiTght  proGSSsec.   The  evidence  liere  is  rather  incomplete,  hi^t 
what  there  is,  fa.v^rs  the  viev/  that  helJef  requires  over  und  ahove 
:"'.3  inherent  f eelin^-natvre,  h.   certain  attitiide  of  relation,  perhaps 
including  that  hetvveen  idea  and  its  object. 

Manifestly,  "'belief  y.s  thus  defined,  lins   ^neaning  to  confusion; 
it  neans  everything;  it  incli-des  in  so  e  v.ay  the  whole  of  conscious- 
ness.  But  how  can  helief  "^^e  feeling,  cof.nition  and  action,  all 
three?   This  question  presents  an  insurmountahle  difficult;/-  if  we 
turn  f-e  v;ay  of  the  psychology  which  reduces  all  tc  content.   Por, 
considered  mainly  as  content,  how  represented  in  consciousness, 
whether  with  a  quality  that  is  simple,  or  one  that  is  co-iplex,  helief 
refuses  to  comprehend  tl:e  entire  riind;  it  prefers  tc  he  thought  of  tis 
a  feeling  that  feels  like  itself;  that  must  he  felt  to  "'■.■>e  knov/n;  or 
as  a  feeling  that  cosihines  tv*ro  qualities:  tliat  of  realness  and  that 
of  congru.ity;  or  ;''et,  as  a  feeling  having  an  emotive  c^'-aracter,  and 
implying  affecti'^re  processes  in  connection  with  certain  organic 
sensations.   If,  hov;ever ,  we  approach  helief  hy  another  wa;r,  looking 
upon  it  '.s  the  mental  state  or  function  of  cognizing  reality,  or  as 
heing  the  consciousness  of  the  fersonal  indorsement  of  reality;  that 
is,  looking  upon  it  as  a  pheno?.ienon  arising  out  of  the  acconmcdation 
of  V.1Q   Self  to  its  environment,  then,  the  difficulty  is  no  longer 
i  nsurmounta'iile.   Por,  from,  this  point  of  view,  ^^elief  is  not  emhar- 
assed  hy  its  manifold  interpretation;  feeling,  cognition  of  realr'ty, 
action  —  all  -lay  he  considered  as  influences  in  hring  helief  ahout ; 
they  fijrnish,  indeed,  the  necessarv  and  only  conditions  of  its  genera- 

In  speaking  of  feeling  and  cognition  (or  repre:-ent:.tive  knov/- 
ledre)  and.  action  as  the  onl;-  factors  that  will  produce  "  u."ian  corifi- 
de>ice,  it  v/as  not  said  th.t  each  factor  was  indispensahle  to  the 


prodTi.ct.   The  najori'y  of  V'->e   leading  theorJea  of-  be-lief  renurd   it 
■^Q    insepara'ily  lel&ted  to  representative  Icr.ovl'sdf^e ;  cer- tairity  is 
certainty  only  with  regard  to  the    tri;th  of  some  obj  ct  or  event  t,r_at 
iius  been,  is  or  may  be  in  experience  as  a  fact.   It  was  held  a{..ainst 
Hume  that  he  Was  unable  ^o  carry  his  theorj-  through  until  he  had  set 
lip  (by  a  "propensity  of  tlie  imacinaticr'"  —  thai  it?,  by  reflectiori)  an 
objective  v;orld  for  belief  to  believe  in.   Bagehot  ar.d  James  as  suc- 
cessors of  Hiine,  in  advocating  the  view  that  co::viction  is  of  the 
feelinrs (emc ticnc)  enlarfe  upon  Hume  at  this  point.   Bagehot  is  posi- 
tively of  t"-e  opinion  that  primitive,  naive  trust  is  transformed  by 
the  hccrdships  of  experience  into  a  trust  that  waits  upon  delibera- 
tion, and  that  is  anchored  in  objective  reality.   Professor  James  is 
less  positiA'-e,  but  he  does  seem  to  saj^,  certainly,  at  times,  that 
assurance  is  of  an  object  that  exists  as  a  "real"  and  that  is  repre- 
sented to  us  as  an  idea.   That  conviction  depends  upon  thought  to 
bring  it  to  its  object,  and  thns,  for  its  being,  is  so  manifestly 
the  viev/  of  Ja"'es  Mill,  his  son,  J.  S.  Mil],  Siaiy,  Stoi-t  and  Bddwin 
that  merelj-  to  mention  tlie  foict  is  enough.   And  ao  for  Bain,  v/e  re- 
membt^r  that  he  declared  belief  to  be  an  incident  of  cognitJon.   With 
this  ari'ciy  of  evidence  we  can  scarcely.'  restrain  ourselves  from  Join- 
ing Sully  in  his  st&,terrient  that  the  "primal  source  of  belief  lies  in 
t]e  relation,  of  representative  ideation  to  actual  presentation." 

We  •lay  nov  tr,rn  to  the  question  whether  feeling  or  action  is  a 
necessar;/  condition  for  tn.e  experience  of  conviction.   It  has  been 
K-aid  already- that  belief  in  itself  is  perhaps  of  the  es^^ence  of  feel- 
ing, bi,it  of  the  other  sorts  of  feelin.g — such  as  emotional  excitement, 
it  is  generally  agreed  to  have  no  vital  relevance.   Wyien  Bain  a-d- 
var:ced  the  idea  that  action  is  the  bcisis  and  ultimate  criterion  of 
belief,  it  was  argued  rigainst  hi?d  that  in  jaany  cases,  as,  for  ex=.mple 


thvt  of  fri  e  highest  theoretical  icriovvledge ,  frere  is  no  ©ctive  dis- 
position aroused.   Bv't  Stout  disams  this  criticism  hy  countinr:  act- 
ion in  thought  as  a  condii.ioh  of  'lelief  in  theoretical  ends.  T-a.t 
there  is  activity  of  scrie  ki  d,  physical  or  mental,  x-^'^sent  in 
appreciation  of  reality  or  of  truth,  is  attested  hy  the  pathologists 
when  they  talk  of  mental  weakness  cai-sirig  "i  allucination,  credulity, 
incredulity  and ;  and  of  the   Ichs  of  reality-feeling  depending 
upor  the  lovvering  of  cerehral  activity.   We  fi'd  the  saiue  meaning 
expressed  hy  Royce.   "IDefinite  helief  in  external  reality  is  pcssi-L. 
hie,"  he  writes,  "only  triroiigh  this  active  /modiiyir:-g  and  construct- 
ing/ addition  of  something  of  cur  ov/n  to  the  ir-pressions  thc.t  are 
actually'"  given  to  us."   There  is  no  question  hi.\t  v/ithin  us  an 
activity'-,  an  a^-preciation,  a  conscio-s  purpose,  a  psychonomic  con- 
trol, a  sort  of  ■"■^0  tor-conticiousness ,  that  takes  a  hand  in  shaping 
the  v.orld  o*"  experience,  and  "by   virtue  of  that  act,  feels  that  world 
to  he  r'   This  fact  will  receive  e?:phasis  in  the  chapter  on 
A:?  sumption. 



Chctpter  V. 
Reality-Peelin--:  -cad   Presumption. 

It  Was  no'ced  on  page  35  t?Lcvt  fiie  raeanlng;  iTiplie.d  ""oy  Vie    tervi 
reality-f eellnc  'las  r.iore  or  less  prevalence  in  most  theories  of 
>eli2f .   Tii.e  references  given  there  «vere  few,  and  they  were   given 
v;i!:j:/  the  proniiee  of  raore   when  we  should  coc.e  to  this  chapter.   This 
pro  lise  we  shall  now  endeavor  to  fulfil,  ard  for  a  doi-hle  reason: 
na'''iely,  to  impress  the  fact  that  this  emhryo  type  of  helief  is  re- 
cognized '^y  a-.thorities,  and  to  e^-plain  its  neanin^. 

Frorn  Bain,  v/ho  hlazed  the  v/ay  into  this  new  territory,  we  have 
the  follo./ing:   "The  "belief  in  teBtimonj'-  is  derived  from  the  primary 
credulity  of  the  mind  in  certain  instances  left  intact  under  the 

wear  -.-nd  tear  of  adverse  experience It  never  occurs  to  the  crtild 

to  question  any  statement  rnade  to  it,  until  scie  rjositive  force  on 
the  side  of  skepticism  has  heon  developed."   This  statenent  hy  Eain 
is  fcllo>/fcd  v-p  "i;/  Bagehot,  who  giA'^es  it  yet  rnore  emphatic  form.   He 
writes:   "Bu.-t  though  it  is  certain  that  a  child  '''■elieves  all  o.r-ser- 
tions  nade  to  it,  it:is  not  certain  that  the  child  so  Relieves  in 
conseqier;ce  of  a  special  intu.itive  disposition,  restricted  to  such- 
assertions;  it  iuay  he  tha'^  this  indiscriminate  helief  in  all  sa^'ings 
is  hut  a  relic  of  an  omnivorous  acquiescence  in  all  states  of  con- 
sciovjsnes- ,  v/hich  is  only  just  extinct  when  childhood  is  X'^^^in  enough 
to  he  understood,  or  old  enough  to  he  rememhered."   Bagehot  in  arioth- 
er  place  in  his  essay  expresses  the  view  that  we  are  horn  believing 
and  would  continu.e  responding  to  the  "strong  rush  of  confidence" 
(his  emotional  helief)  just  as  we  do  in  dreariic,  if  we  we  -e  not  there- 
by brought  into  contention  v/ith  the  world.   Sully  does  net  sa.y    that 
we  are  horn  believing;  in  fact,  he  3a;^s  v/e  are  not;  and  that  a  cer- 
tain amount  of  experience  .-.-lUst  precede  ccr.lidence;  hut  he  reckons  low 


tine  length  of  tine  that  elapses  l-;ei"ot"e  a  sijfficient  e>;rjerience  h&.s 
co-ne  to  set  up  the  earliest  forLi  of  l"el:'ef:  "'■."■.e    tri^nsition  from 
densation  to  idea."°   Of  :his  early  ccnl'idence ,  he  speaks  as  fcllov.'s: 
"Fnen  t.-.e  infant  mind,  in  drean-like  thought,  had  not  yet  learnt  to 
mark  off  the  present  and  the  past,  it  might  not  iraprohahly  even  then 
have  vaguely  felt  the  strange  likeness  and  unlikeness  be'tv/een  the 
f -int  f'igitive  idea  aiu"      '  tense  ahsorhing  sensation.   Now,  in 
this  curious  .rientt.l  event,  the  partial  rejiroduction  of  the  past 
sensation  hy  the  medium  of  a  present  Idea  felt  to  ''•■;e  one  like  it, 
one  se";rris  to  find  the  origin  of  the  oldest  and  nest  simple  form  of 
lelief ."(+)   "If  the  Infant  cculd  fully  describe  to  us  its  state  of 
mind,  it  would  do  so  cy  saying,  'there  is  something  in  my  mind  that 
carries  thought  away  to  anof'-^er  thing  "brighter  and  "better  than  itself 
which  thinf"  is  not  exactly''  in  my  mind  ncv.',  "Hut  seems  ready  to  enter 
it.*"   As  to  this  early,  or  germ  form  of  ">^eli  ef  or  reality-f  e'^ling, 
James  expresses  himself  throi;gh  the  illustration  of  fne  child  and  the 
hallucinatory''  ca,ndle.   To  the  onlcoking  psj^chologist ,  this  candle 
exists  only  in  the  individual  m.iri.d ;  has  no  statu.s  among  other  facts, 
etc.   But  the  new  horn  mind,  entirely  "'-'lank,  a^i.d  viraitin.--  for  evrperi- 
erce  to  hegin,  reacts  dif f erentl^,"-  to  it,   "It  oar  spin  no  such  con- 
siderations as  these  /the  ahove/  ahout  it,  for  of  ct}-er  facts,  actual 
or  poscihle,  it  has  no  inkling  whatever.   The  candle  is  its  all,  its 
Ahsolute.   Its  entire  faculty  of  attention  is  ahsor'bed  "by   it;  it  is  j 
it  is  th^t ;  it  is  t'-.ere.   No  other  possihle  candle  cr  quality  of  this 
c-:-''dle;  no  of'-'er  place  or  possihle  o"'ject  in  this  place;  no  alter- 
native, in  shorti,  surgests  itself  as  even  conct^ivahle ;  so,  hcv.  can 
the  mind  help  "Relieving  the  candle  real?"   Professor  J"  has  the 

°   Sully:  Scr-.-ation  and  Intuition:  n.  82.   (+)  i^id. 

feeling   of   reality   excited  y^y  Vr^e  \rery  first    ol)ject   that    enters   the 
nind,   "w^-'ile   Si.-ll;.-  ccsiderri    tT'at   a   se'-ir.ation  and    its   idea  must  have 
paesed    throiir-    --'^-e  nind  often   enox'f^h   to   Vie    noticea'ly  distinruished 
■before    trere   Cc^n  he   anjr  reali t^'^-f  eelinf;.      This    contradictiorj ,   hcvv- 
ever,    ir   hi;t   a   qrestion   ct  v/hen  pri-'^itive    trrist   starts;    each  writer 
eovally  corro'''Orating   such  an   emhryo   faith,    or   i-mdiff erantiated   suh- 
st.nce    cf   "  elief .      As   fvr'her   evidence    for    tris   i.inreasoninc;;  naturbl 
cO'-f  j  de^^'ce ,    vi/e  may  tnrn   to  Stout,   v/hc   speahB    of   it    in    these  Viiords: 
"A  pre-f orr-ied   anticipation  rnay  he   destroyed  ^r,y   collision  v/ith   fb.cts. 
It    ie    f^'rouph   such    experiences   tha.t    the   'anquesticninf   credence    of 
primitive   lielief   rradually  fives  place    to   a  coraparativelj-^   tentative 
and   skeptical   ?ia"  i  t    of   'nind," 

This    series    of   quotations,    thoujrh  representing   a  variety  of 
points   of  viev'/,    reveals   a  marhed  unity  of   rifjnif ication.      They  are 
all   of   one   accord   in   recoj-nizing   that    childhood   he,;  ins  v.i  t?io\it    skep- 
ticism,   and  v\rith  utmost   confidence;   without   douht,    and  v^rith  r>erfect 
cerlainty;   without   distrust,    itnd  vvil.h  simple   reliance.      The   first 
feelin,<;^   is   not    of   i-Uiretility,    hu.t   of   reality.      We  have   hy   instirjct 
enough    confidence    in   t^^ings    to    start   us   off   on    t"' e   long  road   of 
acconimodciti  on   to    the    environment,   vjithout    tlie   least   uncertainty   or 
"visgiving.      This   wholej-ale  way  the  young   life   h-  s   of   conferring  real- 
ity upon   everything   that    touc^'es   it,   has    suggested   a  motor   explana- 
tion.     Baldvifin  relates    t]:e   reality-feeling   to   grose   attention;    the 
attehticn  v;ith    the   large   open  rnav/  ready  to   devour  vvVatever    in 
reach.      According   to   this    conception,   we   apprecis.te   as   real  whatever, 
eif-er   hy  force    of  external   ccnditioris    or  ''ny  force    cf   inner   organic 
\fvants,    we    tc^l-e    into    our   experience  hy  acconmcdatior .      It    is   not   a 
Ccise    of .  recognitive  "helief,    "l^ut   of  ass^'milative    incorporation;   w.e 
live  here   "hy  faitl'. ,    and   not   >.y  sight. 

Realit^'-f eeli:-:;:  'nay  "be  fvrt.her  desicna'^ed.  as  thc.t  sta^e  in  tl\e 
genetic  p'^of  rers  J  on  of  cor.''cicv£:n'='SS  that  precede^'  c^iJ-:  p'  oirtnent 
and  doi;"t't;  it  is  the  eta^e  cf  pre:;uinpticn  cr  the  taking  of  thinc^s 
as  heinc  what  they  first  appe^i^"  to  >ie .   It  is  vv^ell  reprerented  hy 

^  dreams,  for  in  them  we  jro  alone,  accepting  one  thir.^  after  another, 
in  v,'"'ateY3r  order  th.e  thin^B  co^ne  and  3"C',  ever  disparate  and  discon- 
nected they  are,  a  .d  r.'^ver  experience  a  single  lapse  in  cur  ren^'e 
thst  all  is  real.   This  i;.ndisti-rhed  flov«  cf  simple  credi'lit;'-  that 
runs  t' rcu^li  orir  dreaTis  with  never  a  rift  in  its  course,  does  cc, 
dou'i^tless,  >>ecc-use  neither  external  facts  nor  internal  associations 
are  there  to  contradict.  Ve  presume  on  t}  e  realit}'-  of  what  we  dream, 
just  as  the  child  presr^ines  upon  what  it  exp  riences.   In  "hoth  cases, 
there  is  the   pri'-mrj^,  undistn.rhed  presumption  cf  r-ality  th&.t  Ur>an 
spe;ihs  cf  biS  r"vin£  a  realitj;-  in  v;hich  the  mere  specific  e:  istence- 

j   meaning;*'  has  not  3-et  been  difl'e^-entist^c  ,  and  as  meaning  the  mere 
act  of  acceptance,  tahing  for  granted,  prior  to  fi- e  explicit  tiking 
up  of  the  ch,iect  into  a  predetermined  sphere  cf  reality  through  the 
existence  predicate.   "I",  contrast  with  any  meaning  cf  reality  la'^er 
to  arise  and  attach  to  an  ohject,"  v/rites  Baldwin,  "we  may  say  that 
it  is  here  simpljr  presum.ed,  taken  for  grajited  that  the  oV^iect  is 
real.   T'ere  is  a  presumption  of  the  dependahleness  of  the  thing." (+) 

<*  Ur'^an:  Valu:-tion:  Its  Uature  and  Laws:  p.  4o. 
(+)   Baldwin:  Genetic  Logic:  vol.  ii,  p.  22. 

#5  8.  VI. 
Q,na8i-Belief  and  Aasi'.mption . 
In  t::at  period  of  childhood  which  v;e  have  designuted  hy  the 
term,  "retility-f  eeling , "  conscionsneEG  proceeds  on  its  v;ay  of  cer- 
tainty and  confidence  vifith  an  even  tenor.   "Pi^re  experience,"  or  im- 
'rediacy  of  feeling,  or  simple  expectaticr,  had  net  as  yet  "been  so 
seriously  dist-iu-hed  th:.t  it  sought  support  in  memory,  and  thu.s  tranc- 
foiTied  itself  into  ref lec":ive  anticipation.   "Collision  with  fact" 
(collision  with  the  ph;^si-cul  and  socif.l  ta>l'?s  that  for  Bagehot  girec 
do'j'rt,  had  not  occurred,  or  at  least  had  net  prcd-.ced  a  ,%=.r  sufii- 
cient  to  av;?>er  childhood  out  of  its  conatose  co-dition  of  irpmediate 
assurance.   Brt  disturhinr  circumsta.nceB  were  destined  sooner  or 
later  to  "break  down  t?ois  original  eQuillhrium,  and  to  provolce  unwary 
confidence  into  doi.'ht  and  alert  incviry.   That  this  second  stage  in 
the  progression  of  relief-conscici'sress  does  arire,  b.-d  is  a  real 
fact  in  the  frowth  of   experience,  is  clearly  the  oj^inion  of  many 
writers.   Bagehot  refers  to  this  period  as  a  time  in  which  ""born- 
helief"  crosses  over  to  the  helj ef  of  deli  Deration  and  evidence, ° 
Bain  is  evidently  speaking  of  it  when  he  sa2'S  that  "many  of  our  pri'n- 
itive  er.'pectaticns  suffer  shipwreck  in  the  contradictions  that  they 
enconntsr .  "  (  +  )   Sulli'-  refers 'to  this  period  in  the  life  of  ccvjEcious- 
ness  as  tVat  in  which  the  inind  locks  hack  upon  the  past  before  it 
acts;  that  is,  looks  into  memory  to  see  what  hasis  anticipation  has. 
It  is  distinctly  the  sr''^~Ject  of  the  following  passage  from  Stort:   "A 
pre-formed  anticipation  may  ■'•^-  destroj-ed  hy  collision  with  facts.   I 
is  tnroiigh  such  experience  th^t  tZie  unqu.estioned  credence  of  'ori"!i- 
tive  "belief  gradually  gives  place  to  a  comparatively'-  tentative  and 

o  Emotion  a:id  Will:  p.  51'.   (  +  )  Analytical  P;.ychology:  vol.  ii, 
T-..  240. 

siceptical  ha  "hit  of  nind.""   Bt^ldwin  reco^-nizeE  Birch  a  stafe  and  dC- 
coiints  for  it  Vy  the  failure  of  Uia    "co-efficients  of  reality"  to 
satisfy.   "I  doulit  an  image,  a  statemert ,  a  law,  becai'se  it  doey  not 
meet  f^e  demands  trat  I  have  a  rlrht  to  infilce  of  it,  if  its  claim  "be 
trr.e.  (  +  ) 

further  references  are  not  r.eeded  to  sl.ow  that  there  is  strong 
support  for  the  viev/  that  the  naive  faith  of  earliest  experience  is 
turned  ^o  disappointment  and  uou-'bt.   Tl^e  protlem  that  chiefly  ccncernj 
us  is  not  whether  the  individual  comes  into  this  stage  of  erabarass- 
ment  and  skepticism,  hut  rather,  v-.s  to  the  v/ay  he  gets  out  of  it;  it 
heing  admitted  that  he  dceE--if  of  normal  energy,  so'-iehow  r-^et    cut  of 
his  particular  douhts,  and  deep   not  accept  his  lot  in  careless  uncon- 
cern.  This  prchiem  leads  us  into  epi3temolo'''-y--intc  a  study  of  the 
"development  of  knowledge  as  controlled  hy  facts.  "@  Havinr:  lo&t  its 
first  grasp  on  reality,  hov:  new  does  f  e   mind  regain  its  hold?   Thes-; 
are  the  questions  which  most  of  all  lay  claim  to  ci;r  attention.   But 
the:.'-  have  a  rolution,  surjrested  hy  the  term,  Assu-mpticn,  as  that  ter- 
is  employed  in  current  discussion  of  the  fi,eory  of  hnov/ledre  and 
helief . 

Assumption  denotes  active  disposition,  participation,  on  f' e 
part  of  t>-e  inner;  it  denotes  si;"' j  ective  control;  ny  assumption,  the 
psj^chic  experience  functions  as  a  selective  agenc3%  and,  equally  vvith 
oV.jective  fact,  sets  vt>   certain  requirements  for  the  acceptance  of 
the  new  materials  into  experience.   T]\e  individual,  v;}iatever  interest 
im.pels  him,  v/hether  practical,  theoretical  or  aesthetic,  is  ever 
striving':  to  enlarge  upon  the  present;  at  one  tim.e,  he  is  iinknotting 
a  practicEl  predicament;  at  :;<.nof"_er  time,  in  a  sort  of  spciitaneous 

o  Stc-'t:  Analytical  Psychology:  vol.  ii,  p.  240.   (  +  )  Feelin. 
and  Will,  p.  153.   @  Genetic  Loric:  vol.  ii,  p.  331. 


striving,  he  is  nakinf:  conquest  of  tho   fi'tnre  'b;'-  vi'eavinf  i-ntiges  of 
farcy  or  "'i;/  action  in  play  or  art;  and  at  yet  anot};.er  time,  he  is 
strivinf;  to  encompass  externc,!  fact,  to  find  the  that  is  hidden 
in  things;  to  penetrate  into  ohject-'ve  existence  an  a  seeker  for  the 
worthful,  the  fulfilling,  the  real. 

Baldwin's  own  view  of  assumption  is  given  in  the  stateinent  that 
by  assumption,  "an  established  recognitive  context,  accepted  for  what 
it  io,  ic_  -dip  0  read,  for  what  it  mav,  be  c_oi!;e  . "  °     Assujnption  ifi  for  him 
the  only  way  the  mind  has  of  rn.aking  anj''  advance  upon  its  present 
status,  of  gaining  an;/  new  tri.ith,  of  enlarging  the  world  of  reality. 
T'^is  schematisT'i  furnishes  the  moving  princix)le  that  enaVles  cognition 
to  go  in  and  possess  the  land.  (+)   It  is  this  principle  that  gives 
ri.nity  to  the  v/hole  of  his  genetic  logic.   Urban  corroborates  tL.e 
position  of  Baldwin,  and  says  that  "in  the  making  of  assumption,  the 
act  is  detf- rmined  by  a  subjective  factor,  a  deniand  arising  from  al- 
ready existing  dispositions  and  interest s."P  Royce  also  reg-^rds 
ccssumption  as  the  inner  asserting  its  rights  as  a  joint  owner  in  the 
world  of  experience.   T-'^at  the  mind  thus  actively  tctkes  a  hand  in 
the  v,/eavi^g  of  life  and  its  objects,  is  strongly  argued  in  his  book, 
"T"' e  Religious  Aspect  of  Philoso^h:'. "   In  the  chapter  on  "Postulates" 
(v;hich,  as  we  shall  see  later,  are  a  species  of  assvunption)  Profest^or 
Ro:'ce  says  that'  "Postulutes  are  voluntary  a.ssumptions  of  a  risk,  for 
the  sake  of  a  higher  end T};ey  are  deliberate  and  courageo'j.s  voli- 
tions."  "The  postulate  says'.  'I  dare  be  responsible  for  ass'iming.'" 
"We  all  post\ilate  that  our  lives  cire  worth  the  trouble,  yet  we  all 
know  perfectly  woll  that  manjr  just  such  postu.latep  must  in  'the  nature 

°   Genetic  Logic,  vol.  ii,  p.  11.   @  ibid.  p.  44. 
{+)    cf.  C.  H.  Williams:  The  Sche^iatism  in  Baldvvin's  Logic:  Ph. 

Review,  January,  1?10. 

of   thinrs   "be   "blv-nders,    K't    they   inirly,    not    irlind   fuith,   >.ut   t^ctive 
faith.      Blind   ft^ith   is    the   ostrich  "behind   the   Ijvich;    the  postvl-.te 
stu.\dG    li"'.ce    the    lion   a^r^ainst   the  hunters.      The  "^ise   s'^ll    live   hy 
postiilatep . "°      T'-e   pran^atists,    likev/ire,    emphasize    (indeed,    over- 
e'lphasi^e)    the   ftict    that   c^spi'mption    is   a   svihjective  demand.      In 
r.C.S  .Sch.iller 's    essay  on    "Axic.:r.s   a?.   Pcytulotes , "    there   are  many 
passages   like   the   following::    "Theoretic   truths   are   the   children   cf 

poEt\-.lates Wiohoxjt  pvtrposive   activity  there  v.'ould  "be  no  know- 

lid^e,    no    order,    no   rational   e:-perience,    nothinf   to   explain,    and  nc 
means    of   explciining  an^rfHing. "      "For,    ever  v.eiore    the   eyes,  of  }:im 
whose    vvisdc'i  dares   to  postulate,    vviM   float    ir.   clearer    or    ohcc^-rer 
O'jtline   the  "beatific  vision   of    that   perfect   harmon;''  of   all   experience 
»vhich  he   in  all  his   stren.ucus   stru'-rles    is    .striving    to   attain.      And 
instead    cf   iTnclctting  his  v«h-'le   life    to   the  enerv&tinr   sophisn   that 
it    is    all   an    'appearance   to   he    transcended  h;,'  tn   unattaina'^le   real- 
ity, '    let   him  hold  rather    that    there    can   he   for   him  no   reality  hut 
t>'at    to  v/hich  he   wins  his   wa?/   thrciif/i  and  hy  ''neans    of   the   appearances 
v.hich  sre    its  presage. "(  +  )      The    saiie   a^'gressiveness   of   spirit    is    see^.. 
in  tlaTies  •    essaj''  on   "T'e  Will    to   Believe."      It   is   /;ere    paid   thc^t    "f-e 
intellect,    even  wit^    truf'    directly   in   its   grasp,   rnay  have   no    infalli- 
ble  signal  for   knowing  wheth-r    it  he    truth   or   no."'^     And   so  he   I'rings 
in   the    "v.'illing   nature"--Dy  \<ih.ich   is   ncant   not    only   tv.cii  deliherate 
volitions   as  may  have    set   up   hahits    of  >'elief   that  we    cannot   now 
escape ,(/  -11   such  factors   of  lelief   as   fear   and  hope,    pre- 
judice  and  passion,    iiiiitaticn  and  partisanship,    the   circu'ir-tc-iices   of 
cur    cast   and   set."(#)      T!:en    in  natural   sequence    to    these   staterr'ents 

o   Reyes:    The   Religious   Aspects    of  F:iloscT-~y :    p.    29", 
(+)    Sch.iller,   F.C.S.:   Personal   Idealisrn:    -.    121. 
<^  Ja'nes:    The  Will    to   Believe,    etc.:   p.    I'i, 
(#)    i'^^id.    p.    9. 


V.8   have    the   1  ollov/ir-fj   one:      "lb  niait'rs   net    to   cin   ernpiriciat   fror. 
at    q\iarter   a  hypotheris   may  ccne   to  him;   he  mt-.y  have   acquired    it, 
hj''  fair  means    or  "by  fo'.il;   passion  ■.na;.''  have  whispered,    or   .iccident 
si':-;':ested   it;    Tmt    if    tl:8   total  drift    cf   thinlcinf;  continues    to    confirm 
it,    thut    is  what  he   'neans    hy   its   "being   true."°      Plainly   the  pracniat- 
ist    is    ready  to   af;;ree   t-:,<.t    the   suhjec'^ive    is   a  potent   factor    in   de- 
cidlnc  what    tliincE   shall  "be    true.      Bn.t    still   there    is    evidence   for   a 
positive,    af-grescive,    inner   control,   which  dem£i.nd2   satisfaction  for 
our   interests,   whet}ier   those    interests  he    the   undifferentiated  inter- 
ests  of   the   pre-lorical    sta^e,   when   the    individi^al    is    tryinri;   to    find 
so'ue   /ground    that    is   safe   frc^i   the  flood   cf   dcvnt,    or  v/hether    they  he 
t'-e    individual    interests    (the  practical,    intellectual   or   aesthetic) 
of    the   logical  '•node.      This   further   evidence    is   found    in  Meinong.      In 
his    tv;o   hcolcs    on   assujnption    ("Anua^j:ien"    and   "Ueher   annahjnen")    and   in 
Bertrand  Ruifsell's   revievi/  e^nd   interpretation   cf   them,    there  are  pass- 
ages  t},j.t    support   the   viev/   t'  ;nption  niedii.tes   a.  goal    in  hehalf 
of   the   subjective.      Take   for   example    the  followinr'    (^   translation  hy 
Russell   from  the    3d   chapter   of   "UcVm-.t  anr,ahjnen"--a   chapter   enumerci.t- 
ing    t>ie  most   fainiliar    instances   of  assumption):      "The  hypothesis   cf 
matheraaiiical  proposii-icns ,    literary  v/crks   of   art,    children's   prepens- 
es,   lies,    and    the   theories   of   philosophers,    can   none    cf   them  he 
understood   without   assumptions.      Vr^en  &n   arpument  "begins  v»ith    'Let   a 
right-angled    oriangle   he   given,    having   one    of    its   sides    dcuhle    the 
other,'    we   have    uo   do   with  a  proposition  vriich   is   net   asserted;   nence, 
we  have   an  as.s'.imption ,    and  not   a   Judgment.      Scientific  hypotheses 
again,    at   least;    in    Lheir    inception,    are   unasserted,    and  afi'ord   in- 
stanres   of   assumption.      ''1'hen   children  preter;d,    it    is    quite    :;lain    that 

°   The  Vill   to   Believe:    p.    1':. 


they  cue   not   taken    in   'oy   i-ireir    Ov/n  fancies;    o>i.e'i;e   fconciess   constitute 

a.savjiiptions ;    and    the   stjne   applies;    to   reading  a  r.ovel.      A  liar  vvishes 

to  produce  in  another  belief  in  a  propcsii-ion  which  he  hinself  does 

not  'believe;  if  he  is  to  he  successful,  he  v.ill  have  to  entertain 
the  asaiiription  of  the  proposition  in  question.   And  thitj  is  why  liars 

tend  to  helieve  their  ov/n  lies A  qi;fcstion  expresses,  if  the 

ansv/er  to  it  is  yes  or  riO,  the  deuire  to  huve  an  i;.ssur?ipticn  turned 
into  t>.e  corresponding  iudpnent  or  Its  opposite.   Ar.d  in  all  desirt, 
since  the  op/'osition  of  yes  or  no  occurs  in  -the  ohject  of  desire, 
we  are  necessarily  concerned  with  an  assunption;  for  mere  presenta- 
tion iG  inadequate,  a^  d  the  truth  of  Vifhat  is  desired  is  obviously  no 
part  of  desire. "°  Again,  in  the  fifth  chapter,  which  treats  of  the 
ps;rchic  ar.d  its  nature,  as  having  objects  (GegenstSndlichkeit )  ,  as- 
sumption ap-  ears  ¥;ith  the  savie  peculiar  power  to  project  objects  and 
withold  belief;  with  the  sarne  privilege  of  transcending  presentation; 
of  transcending  the  thing  of  present  knowledge.   This  ch.;.pter  focus- 
es on  the  question  as  to  how  presentation  that  is  pure,  and  judgment 
that  is  negative,  can  have  an  object.   A  judrrnent  tht.t  is  true  pro- 
vokes no  question  as  to  i^-s  object;  because  the  very  fact  that  it  is 
a  true  judf^ment,  settles  the  natter;  it  }>.as  an  object,  eith-.r  an  ex- 
istinr  or  a  subsisting  object.   But  v/heth-r  tlie  judgment  is  a  true 
negative  or  a  false  affirmative,  we  co:ue  upon  a  difficulty.   These 
judgments  cannot  have  the  objects  they  would  have  if  true  and  affirm- 
ative.  Suc/i  judgments,  it  would  se-j.m,  must  then  fall  bc<,ck  upon 
presentaiion  for  their  objects.   But  presentation  usually  does  not 
have  an  object;  in  fact,  pure  presentation  has  only  tr^.e  capacity  for 
an  object,  as  in  the  case  of  the  memory  of  a  melody,  one  does  not 
have  the  laelody.  ""^r^en   /t/ierefore/  ..e  seem  to  perceive  direction  to 

°  T'lind:  Hew  Serie;-:,  vol.  xiii,  p.  340. 

an  ol)ject,  this  i^risec  through  the  preserice  of  an  affirmative  acsump- 
tion;  the  oloject  is  prer.en  ted  'as  if  i '>-  were  realt'"   Still  a-ain, 
this  sane  interpretation  cf  arsunption  is  implied  ty  Meinong  in  his 
"Annahinen,"  u'here  he  co'-siders  tVie  dif f fcTf.-ice  between  assiimption  and 
jv.demsnt  to  he  a  ma'vter  only  of  attitude  tov/ard  the  "coiective . "   In 
this  connection,  Rvsaell  trarislates  '^''einonf;  as  pointing  out  that 
"Judgment  h.c  b  two  elements:  (l)  conviction  and  (2)  affirmation,  or 
denial;  and  ~hat  in  a  large  class  of  conimon  facte,  which  are  called 
assu-nptions ,  t'  e  second  witho'.'.t  the  first. "°  V/e  find  this 
same  thought  in  "Ueher  Annal'Tnen,"  it  heirtg  there  arrived  that  aseurap- 
tion  is  more  t].an  mere  presentation  and  less  than  judpnient;  it 
holds  a  sort  of  middle  ground  Detv/een  judgment  and  presentation .  (+) 
In  the  lig}:.t  of  the  foregoing  views,  assumption  may  he  sii!r',"it.r- 
ized  somewhat  as  follo.-s:   Ic  is  the  intrinsic  power  che  tuind  has  of 
leading  experience  into  loxger  fields  ol  .iieariing,  hy  expanding  liic 
'is'  into  the  'may-he';  of  discounting  the  future  to  meet  present 
'«*ants  and  interests.   Bu.t  it  is  important  to  go  yet  farther  into  the 
suh.iect  of  assumption,  to  take  account  indeed  of  distinctions  made 
within  the  meaning  itself--distinctic!is  discovt-red  hy  the  application 
of  the  genetic  method  to  coi.sciousness .   In  rocent  psychological 
literature  on  z'/ie   cognitive  consciousness,  one  is  frequently  meeting 
with  such  terms  as  "pre-discursive"  and  "post-discursive;"  "pre- 
judgaiental"  arid  "post- judgmental ; "  "pre-logical"  and  "post-"  or 
"l.yper-lcgiccAl. "   It  is  upon  this  division  as  a  hasis  that  the  dis- 
tinction in  assumption  rests.   W'e  hay^   seen  that  credulous  reality- 
feeling  and  unthinking  presu-mption  were  saved  from  destroying  douht 
and  led  away  toward  the  high  ground  cf  logical  convic  ion  and  judg- 

°  loc.  cit.  aViove,  p.  20  ■ , 

(  +  )  'Meinong:  Uehsr  Ar.nahmen:   .  .'1. 


nient.   Bi't  with  .iiidrrnent  re^xhed,  all  dc;;>;t  does  r:ot  ceciue.   Co.v- 
scioV'Sness  ne.y?^r   attains  such  e.  derreo  of  present  sv^f i'iciencj'-  that 
it  has  no  need  cf  assiV'T  ticn  to  bridge  it  over  some  irxtorcepting' 
douht  or  'want.   According  to  this  view,  Vifhich  is  !. 'e  one  maintained 
";:y  Baldv/ir.  in  his  Genetic  Lo^iic,  and  hy  T.  M.  Urban  in  Ids  hook  on 
Valuation,  there  are  two  kinds  of  assujnption,  najaed  in  order  of 
appearance,  louer  assiimption  and  higher  i..ssiimption ;  or,  just  assump- 
tion and  postu.l--.tion.   B:,ldwin  explains  the  tvvo  meanings  as  fcllovis: 
"Over  against  this  /presu^.ption/,  also  in  the  pr-j-logical  modes, 
there  is,  '^c'er-Hr,  the  contra,sted  attitude  toward  what  is  not  pre- 
sumed hut  assumed — ^.ade  scherootic  for  further  determination.   The 
•assumption '■ is  the  use  of  a  meaning  in  a  control  or  with  a  reference 
thcit  is  not  yet  established,  not  yet  presum-otion.   Wv.en  a  child,  for 
example,  cries  for  an  ohicct  in  the  next  rcorn,  he  'presumes'  its 
existence  and  availability  in  the  world  cf  his  practical  interests; 
but  when  he  goes  through  the  process  ol"  'feeding  i~is  toy  dog,  '  he 
'assumes'  a  sphere  that  he  does  not  r-gularly  'presume.'"   "In  the 
logical  --  ■"lode,  t"--f^  existence-marks  harden  jnto  a  dualism  of  spl'.eres 
/mind   and  body/  and  the  intent  of  existence  or  con':rcl  becomes  itself 
a  separable  or  predicable  meaning.   And  this  Qxis^snce,  or  rsality- 
meaning,  may  bs  again  ent-^rtained  in  tv/o  ways:  it  may  be  specilicall:' 
asserted  in  a  Judgment  of  existence,  or  taken  for  granted  as  some- 
thing capable  cf  such  assertion;  or  it  may  be  set  up  h;;^othetically 
and  schematically.   These  two  attitudes  are  for  the  logical  iiode 
what  the  'presumption'  and  the  'assiijaption '  are  for  the  pre-logic- 
al."°  Urban  writes  corroborating  Baldwin,  as  follows:  "Assumption  as 
a  cop-nitive  attit'.;de  hss  two  meanings.   According  to  its  first  mean- 

°   Baldvvin :  Genetic  Logic:  vol.  ii,  p.  12. 


ing,  it  is  an  acceptance,  a  takinr  as  existent  of  em  object  when 
there  is  an  underlying  sense  of  ti.e  poycil^ility  of  its  "being  non- 
existent.  In  this  sense,  it  is  a  hall-v/ay  stare  he^v/een  the  primi- 
tive presumption  of  reality,  and  t?.e  existential  judgment.   In  t? 
sense  also  it  is  a  secondary  novement  or  act  of  ccgniLicn,  v;ithin  a 
developing  sphere  of  r-  ality,  hounded  hy  the  primitive  presi'mption 
of  reality,  and  the  existential  Judgment,  affir:mative  or  negative. 
From  the  point  of  viev/  of  conation,  it  is  an  act  determined  hy  the 
momenbi.«n  of  t?).e  suhjectivt  disposition  cr  interest.   In  its  second 
meaning,  it  is  net  pre- Judgmental,  hut  post- Juagmental ;  that  is,  a 
permanent  assumption  is  created  hy  hahitual  Judg):nent;  it  pre-suppcses 
dispositions  created  hy  acts  of  Judg:r;ent,  and  is  derived  froin  the 
Judgmentratti  ti'.de . "" 

Such  a  distinction  v/ithin  assuniptiori  ■ac.kes  it  all  the  more  evi- 
dent that  this  c'ctivity  is  the  fioving  principle  in  mental  development 
and  in  the  growth  of  e>.perience;  it  is  the  fi!nctior!  of  growt":'.  iri  dl 
modes  of  cognition.   Assumption  is  the  active  nature  or  inner  control 
vvhich  helief  must  satisfy  v/hen  it  comes.   Until  then,  assumption 
remains  quasi-be  lief--i.  e.  ,  it  acts  tcvvard  the  object  as  if  it  were 
real . 

°  Urban:  Valuation:  Its  T'lature  and  Laws:  p.  46. 


Chapter  VI. 
Belief  and  Ji.dgncii  o . 

In  the  liis  ucrical  aj^id  psyclioloeical  diviaions  oi  this  discussion 
it  was  found  that  belief  is  in  intimate  and  esciential  relation  tc 
the  cognition  of  reality,  and  to  the  active  disposition.   Th:^.t  its  oo 
say,  celief,  whether  considered  from  a  philosophical  or  a  ps;,  cholo^;- 
ical  point  of  view,  always  appears  to  be  recti d  in  a  reference  tc 
reality,  arid  at  the  sa'ie  ti;:ie,  to  take  its  lire  from  the  inner  acco:'!- 
modatinr:  and  asserting  po'.<ers  of  our  nature.   Thus  at  the  end  of 
Chapters  i  and  ii,  our  investip;ation  hroufht  us  to  this  conclusion: 
objectively  taken,  belief  raeans  belief  in  something--sc!nething  that 
is  real;  siibjectively  taken,  it  'neans  ar;  activity/  that  expresses  and 
satisfies  the  whole  self.   And  nov;,  since  in  the  genetic  study  we 
have  arain  come  to  this  subject,  v/e  must   enter  af-:ain  upon  its  con- 
sideratio!'.   It  is  a  qi-esticn  this  tine  of  finding  whether  belief, 
when   regarded  from  a  genetic  cind  epistemological  point  cf  view,  has 
the  sane  character  as  tlnat  when  regarded  from  a  logical  or  psycho- 
logical point  of  view;  whether,  that  is,  vre  shall  continue  to  iind 
belief  in  essential  conjunction  with  the  cognitive  and  the  active 
phases  of  our  nature. 

AssumiJtion  is,  as  \Je   hive  seen,  c.  vital  factor  in  the  growth  of 
consciousness;  in  fi-^ct,  it  is  a  question  whether,  without  it,  life 
would  not  be  static  and  stagnant.   It  seems  that  without  assi-mption 
thought  would  be  shut  in  by  an  impassable  wall-- the  wall  cf  h..,bit; 
with  it,  thought  can  push  out  into  new  e>T-erience,  and  thus  satisfy 
the  de;riands  of  positive  interests--interests  t}i;-^.t  cf  their  own  n  .ture 
seek  satisfaction  in  objects  or  ends.   Assumption  is  the  genetic 
interpretation  of  Professor  Royce's  statement  that  "at  every   moment, 
we  are  not  merely  receiving,  at^endinr,  recognising,  but  we  are 


constri'.ctinp."^   Assumption  is  the  indiv j.diial  in  taction;  productive, 
cognitive  ac~ion;  the,  peeking  a  clearer  insight  into 
nature,  clinhing  to  a  hir' er  f:round  ol  outlo-^l:,  infusing  nev;  meaning 
into  life.   Assuiiiption  Ic    the  spontaneous,  initiative  energy  of 
ccnscioi'.s  life,  expressing  itself  through  cognition.   But  in  addition 
to  this,  it  should  ht-  noted  that  its  oh,;'ect  is  tentative.   When  uiak- 
ing  an  assunption,  the  is  v;ell  aware  that  the  assumed  ob- 
ject na;/  fail  to  fit  the  conditions  thi^t  test  its  reality;  that  he 
may  have  chosen  the  v/rong  alternative.   There  is  no  taking  for  grant- 
ed here  as  t}ere  was  in  "presu.rnption , "  i-.nd  as  there  is  in  "presuppos- 
ition," in  rerlective  experience.   Belief  is  suspended.   But  sii.spend- 
ed  for  w'^at  reason?  T'or  the  reason  simpl;'  that  it  has  not  found  a 
co-efficient  that  will  satisfy  the  demands  of  reality.   And  v/henevar, 
through  the  creative  function  cf  ^.ssujnption ,  consciousness  succeeds 
in  setting  up  an  ©"^.lect  that  gains  objective  sanction,  all  vv'ill  he 
well,  and  helief  will  no  longer  hold  hack,  hut  go  forth  m  unreserved 
and  final  indorsement  of  t>-;..t  c'-TJect  as  real;  the  two  controls--thc. t 
of  the  inner  and  that  of  zhe   outer,  will  be  satisfied  in  a  mutual 

Bti.t  v*-his,t  is  neam;  hy  saying  that  quasi-.helief  passes  into  hu- 
lief  proper  when   the  schematic  object  of  assumption  v.'ins  the  approval 
of  the  objective?  Does  it  mean  that  assumption  has  become  judgment? 
If  judgment  has  reference  to  existence  or  r  ality,  and  is  not  mere 
ideas  that  have  Lheir  truth  in  a  sort  of  a  priori  consistency,  and  if 
it  is  a  construction  that  mediatss  the  Self,  then  the  cominr  of  be-, 
lief  does  mean  the  cominr  of  judgment;  and  from  this  conclusion,  it 
follows  thci'. ,  if  all  judgment  is  existential,  and  at  the  sa'ne  time 
incorporates  our  evaluating  personal  nature,  chen  all  judgment  has  a 

*•  Royce:  Religious  Aspects  of  Philosophy:  p.  321. 

"belief  element;  w'""ic'''''  iv    cur  ■^'eris. 

Section  I:  Direct  Evidence--fron  cT\jective  point  cf  view. 

Frcm  a  frenetic  and  epistemolor^ical  point  of  view,  Bdldv^iin  finds 
thi.  t  judfient  in  every  instance  takes  ccrnizance,  explicitly  or  im- 
plicitly, of  existence;  and  Urbcm  in  las  Viook,  "Ve-luation:  its  Nature 
and  LavAS,"  accepts  and  utilises  B;ld\vin's;  reneral  conclusions.   Mein- 
onr,  "by  a ene tic  and  episternological  investin;ation  cf  exper'i- 
ence,  copies  likewise  to  the  concl'anicn  that  "Judfment  is  transcend- 
ent."  Bradley,  thongh  approaching^  the  subject  from  a  yet  different 
side--the  lof^ical--cor.ies  to  maintain  that  all  judgment  is  in  the 
end  sxistentio.l.   And  arain,  from  the  psychologic£-l  point  of  view, 
•v^e  h^ve  Brentano  strongly  declarinr  the  same  fact. 

To  appreciate  fuller  the  force  of  Bddwin's  argvjjnent  (Genetic 
Loric,  vols,  i  and  ii)  for  "she  existential  nature  of  Jud^Tnent,  it  is 
necessary  to  ta.^-ce  account  cf  assumption  .at  its  tv/c  different  levels 
of  ccp-nitive  progression;  to  take  account  ho'.h  of  assumption  and 
posti.ilaticn  (these  terns  heinp  understood  as  meaning  respectively 
lovier  and  higher  assumption).   Sc}iem.atisra  is  the  general  term  which 
includes  hoth  meanings.   Assumption  as  serious  experimentation  v^ith 
psychic  o"'.\iects--that  is,  &s  instri'm.ental  knowledge,  grows  cut  of 
the  seml'lant  or  play  consciousness.   "In  experimentation,  play  merges 
into  earnest,  and  throtir'h  i  ;s  demand  for  control,  issues  in  ad.just- 
icent  and  discovery."**  Play,  or  semhlance  (or  rather,  earliest  sem- 
blance, for  art  too  is  sem'^lance)  is  described  as  a  "mode  cf  recon- 
ciliation and  merjring  of  two  sorts  of  contrcl."   It,  is  nei'^her  ir.r^er 
nor  outer  control  exclusively;  that  is,  the  play  object  is  neither  a 
£ense-o'''^j  ect  nor  a  f  ctncy-object ,  but  an  object  swinging  between  and 
partaking  of  the  rsture  of  both.   It  is  in  this  pc'-,er  cf  the  mind  to 

**  i^rene tic  Logic:  vol.  ii,  rni,  119  fi'. 


semlsle,  to  conbtruct  an  oTcject  partly  free  fro'-i  tie    old  controls  of 
cense  and  fincy,    that  Baldwin  finds  tl'ie  firpt  movements  cf  t}.i^t  pro- 
cess w]iicli  is  to  prove  cf  s'jcli  vdde-reachinf  importance"  to  the  mind 
in  its  career;  the  procee.s,  na:iely,  of  experimentation.   Experi::ienta- , 
tion  at  this  stage,  hovvever,  does  not  issne  in  anything  that  the  in- 
divi'ducil  can  indorse  and  believe;  it  here  reaches  no  I'inal  conclusion. 
The  serahlant  ohject  wheii  tested  »i??:ply  becoLies  either  a,  fcexjse-ohject 
or  a  f  ancy-oh,1ect ;  v/ith  the  result,  though,  that  "the  ftreat  distinc- 
tion between  the  inner  and  outer  realm  is  extended  and  made  more  de- 
finite."  consciousne;-s  has  a  long  coirse  to  run  before  reaching 
that  stars  in  cognitive  development  in  v;hich  exr.eriment<a.tion  eventu- 
ates in  the  exrerience  cf  an  ordered  system  of  objects  individuated 
as  particulars  under  a  general,  ar.d  riven  «ieanir'.gs  "necessary"  and 
" v.'i  thou  0  excep  t  i on  .  " 

To  attain  such  e::po;-ience  or  objective  content,  semblance  oper- 
ates in  yet  way  by  actual  experimentation;  that  is,  by 
the  process  called  "sem"'-ling ;  "  v;hat  Li^rps  ca^ls  "I.inf  ulung. " 
charac  car  of  tlie  semblant  object,  which  is  i.apiica"ced  in  c-.e  inner 
nature  of  the  entire  construction,  is  especially  germinal  to  reflec- 
tion.  B;^  this  "innocent  loolcing  process,"  an  object  has  a  greater 
or  1-^ss  degree  of  subjective  control  attributed  to  it.  T:r..iis   process 
"implies  tliat  all  tb^e  objects  so  tr-.ated  are  alread;-  materials  of  the 

i  jner  life  as  sizcli. It  i-.iplifes  that  any  material  of  the  inner 

life  nny   be  so  treated It  vaeans  finally  that  any  such  bit  of 

'sembled'  or-  'semblable'  p3:-chic  stuff  has  its  two  opposed  meanings; 
on  the  one  hand,  that  of  the  object  pure  and  simple,  existing  under 
the  co-efficient  reinstated  by  the  semblance;  and  on  the  other,  that 
of  a  pelf-detcrr^ined  v»hole,  free  from.  tVese  co-efficients  so  long  ci.s 
it  itself  doet^  not  terminate  its  fre^  dcm,  and  fulfilli'-r  its  role 

c-imply  "by  "oeing   in   this  vi prating  ceml^lant  r>iode This  ;.iode   cf 

co'ifrtri'ction,    'noreoyer,    constM.^'tec   any   content    in    t'lrn,  .either    su}?- 

Ject  cr    Ql'.iectt In  so  far  as  it  /the  content/  it;  itself  held  in 

control  hy  'oi'/^er'  co-ef ricierts  of  thic  sort  or  that,  in  so  far  it 
is  set  up  £;B  a  psychic  o"bj  ect  i  hut  whenever  in  turn  it  is  used  as 
inner  means  of  cont:-ol  to  other  contents,  it  has  a  semhled  inner  life 
of  its  own  and  hecorri'i^s  suhiect*   This  is  the  rudiment,  or  first  sug- 
g-esticn,  of  that  hig'ier  rnode--Reflection. "°   Thus  v.e  see  the  import- 
ance of  seT'i'^ling.   In  reflectio-i ,  the  ir.rer  life  of  the-  different 
ccitents  that  are  their  ov;n  siihjects,  is  pooled  in  one  inner  control-^ 
the  Sulg  ect ,  or  |V--£«   And  that  part  of  the  content  which  was  held  in 
control  Vy  outer  co- : ff icients  of  "this  sort  or  that"  is  still  under 
cc-ef f iclents  of  control,  novv  existence  control,  as  ps3/chic  objects. 
But  all  th^se  objects  are  of  inner  e •perience--are  objects  of  thought 
--in  short,  are  ideas. 

This  exa"iination  of  t?/.  outer  .  (experimental)  and  inner  (sembl- 
ing)  nature  of  the  pla;''  mode  reveals  clearl\^  the  chari.cter  and  si^:- 
nificL-ince  of  assumption,  and,  at  the  same  time,  opens  the  way  for  a 
rapid  advance  to  the  judgment  mode.   Play  experimentation,  developing 
into  serious  experimentation  (under  the  motive  fiirnished  by  the 
problems  set  '••'y   the  ■'■-ody  in  taking  an  ambiguous  position  in  experi- 
ence and  refusing-  to  be  permanently  either  inner  or  outer,  either 
internal  or  external)  comes  soon,  through  the  pressure  of  nerative 
experience — through  unreality-feeling,  which  is  the  "renetic  impulse" 
to  further  ':?etermination--to  the  stape  of  disjunctive  cr  alter>^ative 
meanin'~s--this  or  t>^:it.(  +  )  '±><e   early  distinction  of  the  hypothetical 

°  Ge'^etic  Lor-ic:  vol.  ii,  v.    124.   (+)  ibid.  p.  21". 

or  assumpti-"-e  neaninr'  thus  approac^hes  the  true  rener&l,  for  the  alter:- 
native  T^eaninr  ir,  a  stajre  in  the  passing  cf  a  semhlant  schema  into 
a  ren  eral  concept.   "The  alternative  epec'ation  has  so  c^eteriiined 
experience  that  the  issue  will  i.t;  one  of  f^-e    tvvo."   The  nep-ative 
^.eaninr  Vias  thus  parsed  froin  the  privation  of  all  ot?'.er  to  t'  e  exper- 
iiiental  inclusion  cf  this  other.  With  the  next  novement  of  cognitive 
grovi/'th,  the  ohject  ceases  to  '^-e  a  mere  make-up  that  only  EuhsistB;° 
it  instead  a  real,  self-sufficient  ol'.iect.  hy   individuation 
t>^e  oh.iect  is  transferred  from  the  rroup  that  says  other  cases  mirht 
have  done,  to  t'-^e  class  that  says  w'''at  other  cases  Kiijp'ht  have  done; 
(  +  )   fhe  se'n'-lc.nt  object,  in  s''''ort,  hardens  into  a  meaning  that  is 
necessary  and  without  exception,  and  is  "passed  T.'ack  into  f'e  sphere 
of  existence  of  f^e    co-efficients  of  fact  and  external  con- 
trol."  Of  t>as  oiitco"ie  of  asf'UTnption ,  Baldwin  writes  as  folTovs: 
"T'-e  uncertainty  which  nade  its  /the  assr^nptive  ohj  ect 's/  meaninp- 
h.j'pothetical,  now  disappears,  f' eref ore ,  and  a  positive  construction 
stands  firn,  no  longer  open  to  question.   The  msaninf  of  definiteness 
and  relation  attac^eG  to  the  fir;ished,  Tnade-up  t>  j  np ,  cf  vi'hich  there 
is  no  further  event.   T'le  control,  now  external,  has  issued  once 
for  all,  In  this  neaning  and  no  other.   The 'note  has  heen  converted 
into  the  r  old  coin  of  existence,  v.'hich  is  to  he  circi-lsted  wit"!:  a 
valve  t'lrt  is  C'ce  for  all  estahlished.  "@ 

With  the  di~covery  of  existence  and  Tudr:'nent,  the  rrcwing  world 
of  experience  te'-^is    to  end  in  a  fixed  and  final  reality;  hut  this  is 
onlj?"  in  seeTninr,  for  th-e  schematic  development  of  existence  (ncv/  of 
Ticre  existence)  still  roes  on.   Vith  the  ccninr  of  judgment,  assump- 
tion did  not  disappear  hy  heing  extinguished,  hut  hy  heing  trans- 
formed into  a  ^rocesT:;  of  a  hirher  nature;  f-ft  is,  i-^to  nostulaticn . 

°   Genetic  Loric:  vol.  ii,  o.  l'^'^.   (  +  )  i>ud.  p.  221.  <^   ih.  p. 22,4. 

In  postnli.tion,  t]ieoretical  ir'terer.t  firds  ittself ,  and  corscionsly 
see'ks  satisfaction  "hy  enlarging  the  "boundaries  of  experience.   Ae 
it  wa  the  function  rf  assumption  to  "brinr  determirp tion  into  an 
inrleterninate  world,  so  it  is  f^.e   function  of  pcetulation,  usinr  the 
chart  thus  drafted  >y  assumption,  to  nake  definite,  forepTanned 
proopectinp  trips  "beyond  f^-e  hounds  of  "known  experience.   Postulation 
that  proA'"er>  true,  ends  in  presupposed  exietence--exiptence  v/''^ich  may 
then  "'^e  '^ade  explicit  in  an  existential  .iudfrment .   That  postulation 
thus  eve'tuates  if  it  enters  the  sphere  of  judrment  is  shcwTi  "■•  y  the 
following  example:   "T.'hen  Gol'xmhT-'s  sailed  weptWrird,  he  postulated 
a  world  in  which  certai-^!  astronomical  and  pecj^'raphical  relations 
''.eld.  Lvclzily,    he  found  a  putron  Vifillinr  to  nostuli-.te  it  with  him. 
Since  he  disco^'^ered  it,  ho  ever,  all  sailors  presuppc  e  the  world  -he 

"einonr"'s  s'^stem  of  ej)iste"iolopy,  while  verj""  difficult  of  ccm- 
pre''"ension  in  detail,  dees  st:nd  cut  in  sone  of  its  larper  features 
rather  clearl;/",   Judf^ient,  he  evidentl;''  holds,  means  more  than  the 
m.ere  ideas  of  which  it  is  composed;  it  has  not  simpler  an  ooject 
(using  t"'-e  author's  tf^rminolory)  ;  it  includes  also  an  'G"b.iective ;  ' 
that  is,  a  transcende^ital  reference  to  something  which  is  'k:r!0wn--this 
of  course,  provided  the  judrment  he  true.   In  Chapter  vi.  Section  34, 
which  treats  of  the  "thetic  and   synthetic"  function  of  judgTaer.t  and 
assumption,  Meinonr  criticises  Srentano's  effort  to  reduce  all  .ludg- 
ment  to  the  existential,  and  argues  that  "besides  the  "f'-ietic"  jvidgmeit 
there  is  also  a  "s3'nt?ietic"  .ju.dpment.   But  in  this  criticism.,  he 
does  not  deny  V' e   existential  import  of  judp'^en  t.   On  the  contrary, 
he  refers  transcendence  to  hoth  tjTies ;  f^^e  transcendence  of  the 
former,  he  ca''-ls  ahsolvite  trarscenc'ence ;  a'-id  that  of  f- e  latter,  re- - 

°   Paldv/in:  Genetic  Lofic:  vol.  ii,  p.  110. 


latix'^e  transcendence,  .'^.eaPxinf  'bj'-  the  ad.iective  rela'ive,  th.:.t  through 
such  a  recornition,  neithe--  ter'n  of  a    syntJ'etio  jrdr'nent  is  ta,"!cen 
for  itself  alone,  "hut  each  om'^y   rel^.ti-'re  to  t^-e  other.   "Thut  sorrow 
is  a  feelinp-"  has  as  rmich  V-.e   ohjective  reference  ( Clerichtetsein)  as 
does  "there  is  sorrow."® 

Th.Kt  'leinonr  holds  to  t"'e  exi.-tence-inpcrt  of  ,1udr'~ient ,  seems 
to  he  the  opinion  also  of  I^ertrand  Ri'sc^ell  (in  the  articles  already 
Tientioned)  and  of  Urnan  (Valuation).   Russell  interprets  h.einon'  as 
follows:   "In  fact,  relations,  cittrihutes  and  all  coinple>es  require 
Ohiectives,  which,  occur  everAnivliere  except  in  the  simple,  or  speaking 
not  quite  "orecisely,  in  cases  of  complete  intt'itiveness  and  mere 
presentation.   It  is  always  Ohjec tiy es--i  . e .  ,  that  so'iethinp  should 
exist  or  should  net  exist,  that  v;e  dosire,  and  to  which  we  attach 
value. "(+)   Ur'an's  interpretation  is,  of  course,  from  the  side  of 
worth,  hut  it  is  especially  in  point  on  account  of  the  fact  that  '-e 
finds  Meinonp  standing  on  ahout  the  same  jud'"mental  has  is  v/ith  him- 
self; v/hich  is,  as  was  indicated  aVove,  an  existential  hasis.   Worth 
for  hoth  rests  upon  some  universe  of  reality,  which  is  presupposed 
in  .iudpmients  that  assert  existence-;,  either  catercricall;-',  hypothetic- 
allj'-,  or  disjunctively.® 

i'he  positicr:s  cf  Sri-.dley  and  Brentano  v/ith  regard  to  t--e  exist- 
ence-import of  Judfment,  ere  too  v.ell  Icnovm  to  need  more  trian  mere 
mention.   Por  Bradley,  the  corainr  of  ideas  th^t  eyist  only  as  they 
mean  something  else,  marks  rathe'^  a  decline  in  extierience  than  a 
rise.   Thor,e  ideas,  in  fact,  signify  that  consciousness  lic-.s  ft!.l':en 
from  its  first  estate  of  immediate  intuition  of  reality'-,  and  is  at- 

°   Meinong:  Ueher  Annahjien :  p.  14^.   (  +  )  Urhan:  Valuation--: 
p.  352.  ^,   ihid.  p.  42. 


temptinff  to  nain  w' tit  it  lost.   Idea? ,  iVc^dley  declares,  are  them- 
selves no  Pert  ol  rei-ility;  they  hut  q'.'alify,  siean,  tsymholize ,  real- 
ity; and  to  e>;i:ect  to  find  reality  in  them  or  i.hrouFli  them  is  to  r-ieet 
the  pane  disarnointnent  that  x&.ntalue  'let  in  the  ancient  fa'nle ,  for 
reality  recedes  hefore  cur  ide; s,  just  as  the  water  from  his  touch. 
The  si.ih.iect  of  everv-  judrrner t  is  reality,  v/hicl'  is  individual  &nd 
ti-^eless,  &nd  v/hich,  accordinf^lj/,  no  jud-^ient  ever  exprescet:,  Vut 
only  qualifies. 

This  notion,  thtit  judr^'.ent  cannot  ret  down  to  true  heing,  that 
it  is  neither  ima^e  nor  fact,  hut  mutilated  content,  receives  further 
emphasis  frcrn  his  trecitnert  of  these  peculiar  ideas,  the  "real"  and 
the  "thif?."   "The  idea  of  reality,  lil<e  ohe  reality  of  'this'  is  not," 
Brccdley  states,  "an  ordinary  sjinholic  consent,  to  "^e  iised  \vithout 
any  regard  to  its  existence. "°   Th.ese  ideas  are  of  facts  imrediately 
present  to  sense;  they  elenents  in  aotu.i.l  existence,  which  we 
encoumter  directly,  and  car;not  in  .iudpment  he  removed  from  this  and 
transferred  to  another  rea.lity.   In  these  instances,  the  "particuli.r" 
is  pre-ent  in  I'aot,  and  it  is  idle  to  have  an  idea  of  it.   This 
"particular"  of  presentsiticn-- trie  "real','  ,iudi:nnent,  heinf  discursive, 
cannot  contain,  and  it  must  therefore  look  heyond  itself  for  the 
existence  it  af'.f>erts. 

Brentano  decls. res  for  the  existential  reference  of  judr^nent  on 
the  pirounds  of  a    fundamential  distinction  'Detv/een  ■■resentation  and 
judrment.   They  are,  he  says,  intrinsically  dil'ferent  classes  of 
psychic  phenonena.   "nothinp,  indeed,  is  judped,  which  is  not  pree- 
e'lted,  hut  v/e  maintain  that,  v/hile  the  oh.iect  of  a  presentation  he- 
ccnes  oh.iect  of  an  acknov/ledring  or  re.jectinr  iudprnent,  consciousnes.- 
steps  into  a  completely  new  feind  of  reltition  to  it.   It  is  then 

°   En^dley:  Lo-^ic :  p.  80. 

#'^6.   taken   up    in   consciovisness    iS   presented  and.  fa-r:   '"^eld   for    trvie 

or   as   denied. "° 

This   n  evv   relation    tht'.  t  cons^scionsnesE-    taker,    to    tT\e   ol\iect    of 
presentation  v/hen   it   lieccnies    t>i  e  cl^iect   cf  judrnent,    Brentano   explaire 
as   "beinp  a  matter   of    the   existence   or   non-existence   of   an   ohject. 
All    ji7dr"'ent  hi<s   just    this   difference   from  presentation,    for    in  no 
ot>^er   rRspect--nei '.her    in   intensity  nor  kind    of   ©"bject,    is    there   any 
differejice   in   these    tv/o  phencznena.      Jx.idninent    is  not    distinruished 
from  presentation   ^y  a\  relatior'al   cliaracter;    it    is   an   £,s£;ertion   or 
denial   cf   exii^tence.      In  anreeirent  v/ith  Bradley,   he    cays   that   ,n;.dg- 
rnent   is   a   sinrle    idea.      This  position  argued   thronf-lr  for    the   existen- 
tial proposition,   holds    in  natural   ccurr^.e   for   the   catercrical   and 
hj'-pothetical  propositions,    for    the   latter   are    reducihle   to    the   former. 

Section   II:   T)irect   eYi:-,ence--frcm  the   suhjective  point    cf  vi 

Erom  t'-'e   oh.iective    siff-e,    there   is   rrowinr   evidence    that   helief 
is   an   element    in   judprr'ent,      ]  what    of   the   evidence   from   the    suh.iect- 
ive    side?      Does    it  also    shovir  that   .iudrrnent    is   -nore    than  mere    consent; 
that  ,it    is   also    control?      That    there    is    nc    "that"   v/h.ich   is   not   also 
a    "what ;  "    tha t    "is"    a Iwa ys   '^  e an s    " ex i s  t s ?  "      If   a   th i nr ,    to    ex i s  t , 
must   exist    somevv'here,    necer-sarily  it   m\ist   exist   for    scmehody.      Ex- 
istence   im.plies   a,n   inner   control.      But    the    question   here    is   v/hether 
there    is   direct   evidence    that   judfrnent   conta.ins    that    inrer  force 
v/hich   seems    to   he    ore    of   the   er-sential    conditions   of  heinf. 

T'-'-'at   the   inner   active   nature   of  the    individual  m-ust   net    he 
counted   a  cero,    hut   a   real  factor,    in   the  production   cf   reality,   has 
hecome  in  recent   literati.ire   a  m.ost   patent   fact.      To   dissuade    the   mind 
of    itn    old    'i^.e  hias   for   a''^stract,    c?ianrelese    reality,    and    to    implant 
instead  a   conception   of  reality  that    is    concrete,    livinr,    frov^inr:; 
that    includes   the  purposes,    in-,ererts   and   activities    of  ^^ersons,    is 

the  central  motive  in  the  pragmatic  reri-e.      Kcality,  the  prai'^natiotij 
sav,  is  in  us,  and  we  are  in  it,  ind.  all  is  a  flux  of  experience. 
"thinrs  are  si'r charged  valuations,  and  consciousnec:s  is  ways  and  ends 
of  "believinr  and  dishelievinr .  "^   J-^rute  fact  could  not  "be  real  with- 
out conscioiisnesB ,  any  more  than  consciousness  could  he  real  without 
hrute  fact.   "The  world  has  meaninc  only  as  soTTiehodj'^ 's ,  just  as  a 
ca!<eds  -ad  only  hy  the  eating  of  it."   Reality  is  net  sornethinf  in  a,  fixed  and  finished  form,  which  mind  must  keep  "h^-.ds  off" 
and  .iudre  only  at  a  distance;  hut  reality  is  a  flux  and  "specific 

conscious  heings exerc'se  influence  upon  its  character  and 

existence ."  (  +  )   Tlie  flux  '^as  a.n  imer  life  with  which  concepts  quite 
fiai"".  to  co-'T-ect  US.  © 

Wcrf-i-f'ieory  vif^s  with  prai^^riatisra  in  putting  emphasis  upon  the 
potenc}''  of  the  conatiYe  in  determining  reality.   Consider  for  a 
mc"ent  \/h:it  Ur"''"an  says  in  Vis  chapter  on  "Valuation  and  Eval'aation" 
in  comparing  the  meanings  of  truth  and  value,  or  of  existence  smd 
reality.   These  meanings,  he  concludes,  have  a  "relative  indifference' 
to  each  other;  there  is  "merely  a  partial  identity  of  normative  with 
factual,  and  truth  ohji  ectivity. "   Truth  and  value  seem,  to  ne  not 
identical;  v;  lue  jt'd^ments  do  not  throughout  have  presuppositions 
that  can  "ce  expressed  in  retrospective  and  logical  term.s.   Just 
on  the  plane  of  scientific  thourht  the  principle  of  psycho-physical 
parallelism  forhids  the  redT'ction  of  the  psychical  to  t>^e  physical 
or  the  physical  to  the  psi'chical,  so  elIso  on  the  plan^  of  the  axic- 
lo&ical,  the  principle  of  relative  indifference  forhids  cur  reducing 
all  values  to  factual  .nd  trutJi-oh.iectivity ;  all  worth  experiences 
to  mev'e  effects  of  social  processes  or  means  to  social  ends.Cfr) 

°  Deive:^:  Seliefs  and  Realities:  Presidential  Address,  1895:  p. 
114.   (+)  Ihid.   @  James :  Pluralistic  Universe:  p.  246.   Urhan : 
V.-.luation — :  p.  424, 




T'-e  insuff iciercy  of  the  concept  of  e?;ister!ce  and  truth,  to 
exhaust  all  worth  experience,  indicates  an  intrinsic  nnture  that  will 
not  h~  ^.  ftered  hy  thowpht  as  content,  hut  laaters  thoup:ht  ufj  con- 
trol.  In  this  nati're  orifinate  the  ever-v/idening  circles  cf  growth 
f^st  expand  into  increased  experience  and  r-^ality;  and  thcurh  it 
■-.    t  i^ccrportite  this  ohjective  expanse  into  itself,  yet  it  is  not 
lest  in  the  expanse,  '-v.t   rernair.s  the  sovrce  of  the  creative  interests 
that  make  irapossihle  a  stagnant  v.orld;  it  is  the  "alcrical,"  the 
"center  of  activity,"  and  the  source  of  experi?nentatinn.   This  is  the 
principle  that  even  in  the  mcst  ahstract  at'd  formal  reasoning,  sus- 
tair.s  reflection  .as  its  prepuppcsit ion.  ° 

V,']-.ether,  t'len,  v.'e  a^"roach  judg'-ient  from  the  oh^ective  side  or 
the  svh.iective,  it  is  found  to  he  more  than  mere  co"tent--it  has  con- 
trols in  reality  to  v/hich  it  is  anchored  as  a  nedii.ting  context. 
Judrraent  mediates  the  real  hoth  as  ohjective  reference  and  as  per- 
sonal satisfaction,   liiit  these  are  the  rnarl-cs  we  found  attachiag  to 
belief  af^  its  accepted  criteria.   If,  therefore,  'we  correctly  inter- 
pret the  dif:>r9nt  v^rrlters  to  v/hc^n  we  refer,  a-nd  make  correct  deduct- 
ior.s  fro>-'  these  different  interpretations,  then,  it  must  he  conclvded 
as  a  matter  of  course,  that  judgment,  whatever  else  it  may  m.ean, 
means  heliaf .   But  there  are  two  facts  that  have  a  special  significa- 
tion in  cuhstantiating  this  view  of  judgment.   There  is  first,  the 
qu'^'stion  of  hare  denieil;  and  secondly,  there  ir  the  question  of 
whether  prarmatism,  denyir.^-  retrospective  thought,  and  allovving 
only  prospective  or  instrumenti-^l  thought,  ever  ohtains  real  helief. 

Section  III:  Indirect  evidence:  Interpretation  of  iv'egative. 

Bradley  declares  that  a  judgment  which  is  merely  a  negation  of 
an  affirmative,  is  a  judgment  without  a  qiialitj^;  it  in  no  wa^''  quali- 

°  Bald'vvin:  Genetic  Logic:  vol.  ii,  p.  328. 


fies  reality.   P-iit  Ke^'nes  and  Sirwart  take  nn  opposite  viev/,  and 
maintain  ti^e  ultility  of  such  a  ,1ud/?;rieri  t .   A  judp;ment  of  "bare  nera- 
ticn  in,  accordjnr  to  thsir  ezplar&tion,  a  judgment  that  has  itc 
pround  of  denial,  net  ir  opposition,  "hr't  ir  a  deficiencjr.   But  hov; 
can  t'-ere  he   denial  except  throurh  the  contrary?   This  is  an  old 
question,  with  a  "hip;   history.   Ovr  interest,  hov.'ever ,  is  siriply  to 
contrast  in  a  hrief  way  the  nature  of  denial  that  is  "based  upon 
judrnent-helief  with  hare  denial,  w^'-n.c''''  is  hased  on  formcl  iurlrTnf^nt . 
Several  examples  of  a  nerative  ,iudrrient  of  efficienc3'"  are  offered 
hy  thes'e  writers.   It  si'.f^Dces  to  critici^-e  hut  one  of  thern---th;-,t  of 
Keynes,  where  he  i^a"jnes  a  search  for  a  nan  supncsed  to  ^'e  en  a 
certain  train  to  ha^''e  ended  finall;''  with  f'-e  discovery  that  he  was 
Ijot  there.   "I  ha"^e  arrived  at  the  conclusion  that  a  man  did  net 
start  hy  a  rri^^en  train  hecau^e  I  searched  the  train  through  hefcre 
its  departure,"  he  saA''s ,  "and  did  not  find  him  ther^. "   "I  have 
grained  no  positi^-e  Icncwledre  cf  the  v/here£.''nouts  of  the  man  in  ques- 
tioTi  /hj/  the  case  of  Vare  denial/  "i-ut  surely  it  cannot  he  seriously 
maintained  that  the  denial  is  meaninrless  or  useless,  say  to  a 
detective.""   But  wo^Jld  not  a  detectiA'e,  it  may  he  asked,  in  search- 
inr  for  a  man,  set  up  som.e  ^jounds  to  his  searc''"?   He  surely  would  not 
search  without  some  alternative  or  alternatives  in  inind,  which  would 
profit  "^y  the  denial.   If  the  man  is  not  en  that  train,  he  has  taken 
to  the  woods,  is  heing  -i&.rhored  hy  some  friend,  etc.   This  is  ahci">t 
what  would  he  the  thourhts  of  a  real  detective  in  such  circumstances. 
He  would,  in  ether  words,  presuppose  a  larper  sphere  of  he  lief ,  and 
the  nerative  would  issue  only  as  it  took  impulse  from  a  positive 
amhition  to  find  which  of  the  possihle  alternatives  in  the  sphere 
which  they  altopef'jer  exhaust,  is  true.   V'ith  helief  as  an  element 

**  Keynes:  Logic:  p.  123. 


in  .ludrnent,  the  "bare  nepative  v/ould  he  meaninplesc ,  a,nd  that  because 
such  ,nidr''ien t  v/ould  refer  to  univerceri  of  reality  that  are  real  ex- 
istence-spheres, and  would  he  necessarily  an  expression  of  s one  in- 
terest.  H.v^B. -Joseph,  in  "An  introduction  to  Lor;ic  (p.  161),"  main- 
taininr  the  existential  viev/  of  judrnent,  states  there  is  al- 
ways a  positive  character  as  the  pround  of  nepation. 

Section  I^:  Indirect  evidence:  Arrument  froin  Pra.rmatic^.. 
To  cone  nov;  to  f-e  prohlen  whether  prarTiatis:a  is  equally  imma- 
ture in  ■'"elief  and  judprnent.   It  is  a  fact  of  commcn  Icnov/ledpe  that 
the  prarmtitists  do  net  limit  the  helief-function  to  acquiescence. 
Take  for  example  James  in  his  "Will  to  Believe,"  and  Dev/ey,  in  his 
Presidsrtiul  address  (1905),  "Beliefs  and  Realities."   In  the  first, 
we  read  that  there  are  "passional  tendencies  and  volitions  which  r^m 
hefore,  and  others  v/hic'i  come  after  '  elief ,  and  it  is  only^  the  latter 
that  are  too  l?'te  for  the  fair;  ana  they  are  not  too  late  when  the 
previous  passional  v/orlc  has  heen  i-.lready  in  their  own  direction." 
An  h^nsothesis  th^at  is  living,  forced  and  inomentcus,  we  read  ^.rain, 
means  "v/illinpness  to  act,"  and  this  Jc^mes  declares  to  mean  belief, 
for  "there  is  always  helisvinr  tendenc:/  where  there  is  willingness  to 
act."   Belief  is,  in  'act,  hut  the  "haclcing  of  an  hypothesis  arainst 
t'le  field,"  hecause  "no  hell  in  rs  tolls  to  tell  us  for  certain  what 
■truths  are  in  our  prasp."  Dewey  is  in  apreem.ent  with  these  expres- 
sions of  Ja'-^es,  and  sa-.'s  that  "helisfs  are  willful;  are  "adventurous J' 
are  "worhinp  h'.'potheses  .  " 

If  we  t'-irn  to  the  pragmatic  theory  of  judgment,  do  we  not  find 
thi?  sai'ie  hypothetical  chciracter?   Judgment  is  prospective;  instru- 
mental.  It  is  i;  quiry.      Thought  as  logical  process  las  truth  and. 
validity  only  as  a  medit-.ting  function;  only,  that  is,  as  it  stretch- 
es forv\fard  to  som.e  poal.   And  this  means  that  truth  arid  validity 


never  are,  ''out  are  to  "be,  realised.   Indeed,  what  place  for  the  "will 
to  "believe"  is  there  in  thourht  nnleES  the  thoi-irht  he   schematic  and 
experiTiental ;  unless,  thc<.t  is,  it  las  its  ch.iect  still  anena^'le  to 
f'.'.rther  manipulation  hy  suhjective  clioice?   If  thoug'it  should  pass 
from  tl-e  plastic  state  of  "tentative,  prospective  plan  the 
crystallized  state  of  oT\iective,  retrospective  fact,  "it  vyould  '"e 
with  the  result,  certainly,  of  faa&inr  t]:e  will  to  helieve  a  "fifth 
wheel  to  the  coach,"  for  in  that  event,  h&lief  would  he  no  longer  a 
matter  of  taste  and  privative  choice,  hut  of  acquiescinf:  in  what 
has  heen  found  to  hold  finally  in  :.'ie  nature  of  thinf^s,  and  what  has 
taken  a  set  heyond  tVie  power  of  will  or  v/ish  to  change.   The  praginat- 
ist  will  concede  no  world  of  o'jjective  existence  that  is  mediated  in 
a  context  of  thought,  and  t}  forms  a  dualism  with  the  suhjective 
which  is  mediated  in  the  sane  context.  for  him  never  neans 
a  finished  experience;  it  cones  to  no  end  after  its  ov/n  kind,  cut 
only  a  practical  end.   That  is  to  say,  thought  is  p^lways  instrumental 
and  never  acts  for  itself.   He  denies  that  it  ever  exercises  itself 
within  a  sphere  of  estahlisl.ed  and  universalized  meanings,  hy  making 
new   arrangements  in  co-ordination,  suhcrdinaticn,  etc.,  as  it  is  said 
to  do  in  hiG-her  mathematics  and  in  logic.  'He  denies  that  by  t/ie  use 
cf  the  syllorisn  vife  rain  insipit  into  experience  3'e  t  unknown,  hy 
takin.r:  stock  of  v*rhc  t  we  have,  and  ~'ciy   'weighing  its  significance.   The 
pragn.atist  will  not  permit  thought  to  o  e  iijs  own  guarantee.   "Triith" 
must  at)ply  to  "rood"  for  its  credentials;  the  only  worth  is  practical 

Purti'.er,  if  all  thought  is  only  inquiry,  instr',.'''mental  to  an  end 
it  never  reaches  as  thourht,  f^.en,  it  is  T)ut  assumption.   It  has 
not  yet  cone  to  maturity  in  the  logicrtl  mode,  where,  as  jiudg?nent, 
it  reduces,  ^-y  a  redistrihuticn  of  all  earlier  meanings,  a  world  of 


experience  fr.ut  ic.  undifferentiated  and  uncer'-.ciin,  to.  a.  v/crld  tliw.t  is 
systenatized  and  held  under  definite  controls.   It  is  not  thought 
that  by  an  intent  of  hc-lief  has  referred  its  ohjects  to  existence- 
spheres  in  which  o-'M'ects  once  universcilized  ttnd  classified  are  held 
secure  aainst  inpulse  and  desire,  ari.d  in  v;hich  chanfe  is  allov.ed 
only  vv'-^en  new  facts  arise  that  demand  a  resetting  of  old  concepts  — 
a  of  extension  and  intension — in  order  to  incorport-te 
thern.°   The  prag^natist ,  in  his  attempt  to  escape  the  dualism  of 

.3r.t  and  its  ohject  steps  tZ-iought  tefore  it  gets  to  judgment, 
and  disperses  it  in  t'le  feeling  of  practical  satir.f action  th^  t  comes 
with  a  redintegration  of  Experience , 

That  the  pragmatic  theory  tiius  dv/arfs  thought  in  its  growth 
is  evident  from  the  illustration  which  such  theory  holds  to  "be  t^q)- 
ical  of  all  thoug?it,  and  which  is  intended  to  shovv  how  judgment  is 
instru-iental  to  life---the  illustration,  ncTiely,  of  the  man  lost  in 
the  woods  and  trying  to  find  his  way  hone.   The  prohlera  is  to  de- 
termine the  natu-e  of  the  cognitive  processes  that  ret  the  nan  home, 
and  to  deter'^ine  alpo  how  these  processes  terminate,  i.e.,  what  makes 
t'"'em  true.   The  pratnaatist 'c  solution  is  as  follov/s:   Thought,  if  it 
is  to  mean  more  than  "facts  qua  pre.:;entation  or  existences,"  'nust 
look  f orvvard--never  haclavard.   Per  the  lost  man,  thoug'it  has  hut  one 
r-?f er8r"ce--t'-^3  fcrv.'ard  reference;  it  is  a  "plan,"  a  wcrlcir-  h-^j-pct/.e- 
sis.   Thus  far,  the  solution  is  qu.ite  acceptal:le,  for  until  the  man 
finds  his  way  out  of  the  woods,  thought  is  certainly  schematic- -that 
is  to  say,  it  is  an  assi  rapticr; .   But  v;hat  of  tl-'-.e  solution  given  the 

°   Biildwin:  Ge-e'ic  Lo'-ic:  vcl,.  ii,  p.  194.   Hihten;  The  Philo- 
sop/iical  Aspects  of  Evolution:  Philccophical  Keviev/:  March,  '10. 


second  pl:.a;-ie  of  tlie  prolile:'n--the  truth  of  the  plan;  hov/  do  the  facts 
t'-at  are  "novir  dc'-''-tfTil  qua  neaniiig"  la.ter  eecvre  position  and  rela- 
tionship in  experience?   In  ansv.erirf^  this  question,  praprnatisra  roes 
awry;  for  it  hcldB  o'-:  t  it  is  .::e  practical  recrranizacion  of  dis- 
rupted experience  t'-..^  gives  tn;!th  to  thought,  and  not  that  it  it;    uhe 
truth  of  thought  (plan)  that  makes  such  reorgani::ation  ijossihle. 
lAOien  the  man  finds  his  way. home,  the  ideac  th^t  rneant--thct  -r.ediuted 
--something,  have  found  triat  something,  declcires  the  prag^'iatist ,  in 
a  r:ended  and  enriched  whole  of  experience.   But  thought  cannot  live 
to  enjoy  its  ov/n -fruits,  for  t""e  redintegrated  exicrience  is  an  im- 
mediacy—  a  w'^-ole  of  experience  that  Icnows  no  dualism;  "thought  must 
lose  its  life  to  find  it."o   Just  as  thought  would  •',css  over  into 
the  lorical  ricde  ..and  come  to  full  realization  in  an  ob.iect  that  is 
no  longer  schematic,  hut  universal,  the  pragmatist  springs  a  trap, 
and  thoi.ight  drops  into  an  immediacy  of  feeling.   Of  judgment  it 
must  oe  said  that  it  can  never  have  more  titan  a  tentative  meaning, 
and  that  hslief  remains  alv;a:/G  in  suspense.   In  such  judgment  the 
individual  v/ould  never  reach'  t'ne  point  where  personal  satisfaction 
goes  out  upon  an  ohject  as  having  found  admission  into  ohjective 
experience  ar  &  real,  exictinr-  fact~-a  fact  that  has  v;ithin  its  very 
make-up  f-e  categories  of  identity  and  non-contradiction. 

i"'b.t  pra^-T;iatism  stops  s^'crt  of  judgment,  and  ct.lso  of  '-alief,  is 
riven  fu.rt>:er  empliasis  hy  maldng  a  turn  upon  the  aoove  illustration. 
Let  us  supoose  the  person  lost  in  the  vvoods  is  a  child,  c.nd  not 
a  man,  a  i^  too  cloudy  to  see  the  sun.   After  repeated 

failure  to  get  his         .  he  happens  to  notice        e  trees 
have  moss  on  one  side,  and  tentativel:'-  concli:.des  th^t  tl'^is  side  of 

°   Mocre :  Psychological  Buhletir.:   vol.    ,  p.  415. 


the    tre;:s    is   opposite    ti'e   sun.      He   proc'^'eds  upori    r.\iAt-    .  .  i  ■:  .^i , 

and   reuc'-iiti  hone.      It    certainly   cannc  .       ■  ^  si   reac.]^^   .." 

ho'ne  /lade   iL    true    that  noss   frov;s   rr:  yide    of   trees,    but 

en    t"  e   ot/ier  hcxnd,    iz    certainly   can   he   said   th   t    the  sclief^ia'cic   judf- 
ment,    "Moso   rrows   on    the   norf;    ride    cl'   trees,"    though  held   only  l.s 
an   ass'jraption--a   tentc-tive  hclief,   v/as   even    then   true    in    the   sense 

It  was   destined  not    to    contradict,    hut    to   agree  Virith,    and  at 
the   sane    tijie,    extend   earlier   oh;;ectJ  lied,    estahlished   experience    or 
realitj^,    hy  heing   classifiahle   as   u.niversalized  n^eanirj^ ,    and   reler- 
ahie   hy  helief-intent   to   an   existence-sphere. 

A  further   ar^uwerit    s/iowing   that    though.t,   which   is    instruinenial, 
has   not   reached    i':s    culmination,    is   furnis/.'.ed  liy   science.      It    is   a 
f ar-f etc};ed   conclusion   f- at  holds    the  prohlems    in    the   lahcratory   to 
"l-e    set   for    science  v/'-iolly  by  practical   exifericy.      Sucb   a   conclusion 
is    too  '3uch   like    sayinp    that    the  mind t   th^nk  until   it   has   iir&t 
Bet   for    itself  practical   altern^.tives .      Evidently  there   is    in   sci- 
ence  a   theoretical   interest.      The   end   and   aim  of   science--unless    it 
is   an   experinerto:l   sta':.ion--is    the   ohject    itself--the   huildinr   up   of 
an   oh,iective   sphere    of   truth. 



The  ain  of  this  essay,  as  indicated  in  the  i:.'^i  .u..u--^.i ,  v/as 
to  investicate  the  phenomena  of  helief  and  of  judf^jment,  for  the  pur- 
pose of  finding  whether  the  relation  "netv.-een  these  two  series  of 
psychic  facts  is  as  intimate  as  one  night  infer  from  reading  ceriain 
vi/rit'srs  on  lof^ical  theory.   Should  helief  (in  its  most  generally 
accepted  senr>e,  as  rneani  ir  ohjective  reference  to  reality  and  suh- 
.iective  reference  to  person)  he  found  to  be  in   jjerpetual  lean;^--e  v/ith 
,iudp-Tner;t,  it  would  afford  sup-port  to  the  view  that  judfTnent  operates 
in  and  for  experience,  and  not  hej'-ond  experience  as  a  play  of  empty 
and  irresponsi'i^le 'forms . 

IP'^eV'er   our  investi'^acion  has  contri  nuT.ea  si.^ch  support,  it  is 
noz   for  us  ^o  decide,  hut  v/e  niay  at  least  state  our  case  as  it  stands. 
^Briefly  put,  tl.e  evidence  that  '-.lahes  for  'an  insepar^r/le  relation 
betvveen  belief  and  judrnenL  is  as  lollov/s:  (l)  That  judr^ient  agrees 
with  belief  in  referrir^g  to  objective  reality,  is  attested  by  the  • 
increasing  inves tiration  of  "existential  theory."   (2)  That  it  agrees 
with  btlief  in  involving  an  inner  control,  is  shown  oy   prannatism 
and  certain  worth- theories ,  in  tb-e  f&ct  that  both  maintain  the 
presence  snd  operation  of  an  appraising,  evaluating  Self.   (3)  In- 
direct testimony,  corroborating  the  view  that  judgment  embodies 
belief,  presents  itself  in  t?:e  Tery  fact  that  a  belief-view  of  judg- 
ment gives  significance  to  the  negative.   (4)  Finally,  there  is  the 
indirect  but  valuable  evidence  that  grcvv's  cut  of  the  prevailing 
criticism  of  the  pr-igi.iatic  theory  of  judgment,  and  of  thie  pragma  L^ist's 
conception  of  belief:  the  criticism  that  the  pr£.gmatist  atcempts  to 
make  judgment  subser"':ient  as  m.eans  to  the  practical  as  er^d,  and  the 
criticis)!!  that  belief  is  not  a  matter  of  v/ill  or  '.vish.   Turned  into 
argument  for  the  point  of  view  here  urged,  "this  criticism  would  read 

thuo :      In  .';  jurbT-ment    insti'unental   and   r.chena.tic,    a  nsre   inquiry, 
the  pramatist   linits    '-^elief    to  what   are   here   and   elsewhere    called 
ass'imption.      But    t'-^is   procedure    of    identifyinf-  >;elief  and  asfiiimption 
only  shows    t]iat   judrnent   n'?""-er  withoiAt   helief,    and   that    it    is 
through   the  presence   of    t-. e  element   of   "bftlief   that   jiidrnen"c    is    ahle 
to  provide    the   ohjects  with  which   it   operates. 

#57.  Bioj:rap?:ical  Sketch. 

The  v.'riter  of  this  dis;  ertcitiori ,  Thcmas  Albert  Lev.i?,  i.vas 
"borri  M:.,roh  17,  1578,  in  Livingston  Cov'.nty,  in  the  state  of  M:' bsou- 
ci  .   He  received  his  preliminary  education  in  the  piihlic  schools 
o!  his  Tc  ■  i-"e  cou.nty  and  in  a  private  normal  school.   After  a  year's 
teaching  in  district  schools,  he  matricvlated  at  Wjlliar-!  Jewell 
Coll'jge,  Liherty,  Misaouri,  in  1899,  where  he  graduated  v;ith  the 
degree  Bac/.elor  rf  Arts  Jn  1-0?. 

At  the  conclusion  of  his  college  coiiriie  t^e  aixthor  resumed- 
teaching,  as  princiral  of  the  pu'blic  schools  at  Polo,  Miscouri.   He 
resirr.ed  this  position  at  the  close  of  the  first  year  in  order  to 
take  up  worK  in  the  Johns  Hopkins  University  as  a  fraduate  student. 
He  chose  Philosophy  as  his  principal,  and  Experimental  Ps^rchology 
and  Biolofy  as  his  suVtordinit  te  suhjects.   He  held  the  Pellov/ship  in 
Philosophy  and  Psyc^-iolor-y ,  1909-10. 

The  vvriter  has  attended  t'-^.e   lectures  of  Professors  Baldwin, 
Stratton,  Grif:'"in,  Buc>^ne-r  and  Andrev/s,  and  Doctors  Dunlap  and  Furry, 
to  all  of  v'^o^   he  is  deenly  indehted  for  the  inspiration  of  their 
teaching  and  for  their  helpful  interest.   He  v/ould  express  an 
especial  indebtedness  to  Professor  Buchner  and  Doctor  Purry  for  the 
sncourareraent  and  sj^nipathetic  criticism  they   have  given  hira  in  the 
writing  of  this  dissertation. 






\f-      .y. 
