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Full text of "Autobiographical Letter to Students of the Great School of Natural Science (October 22, 1912) [Miscellaneous Works]"

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215  S4  K«d2MKrth  Kf% 
Oak  fcxk,  HI*  U»  S.  A* 
Oetob«r  22,  im* 

X  X 

X  'T^idotibs  6r  Kadraredk  fh^&no;  *                       X 

X  Dinclf)loo  of  the  Groat  Sohool|          'I 

X  DenrotCKia  of  tho  Haxtnoole  I4illo8^phy^           X 

I  Frlciida  of  B»  Qaroat  Worl^              '               X 

X  Noophitoo  In  "Ihf  Ordecr  of  TackB",               X             BeCLoyoti  FrJandot 

X  Fddbcrc  of  th«  LM^M  df  Tlaiblo  nalp«rs>  X 

X  —and-*                               X 

X  FqUonq  of  "Hm  Odd  Qrotm"!                          X 

X  X 


1  m  writing  thit  latter,  jQOt  b«ettiM  I  bellanre  its  fiubjoct  mttor  ie  of 
ny  r<eal  inqportcmo^  but  beosoee  eoas  oi  yoti  hecro  repeatedly  asked  rae.  and  u-rnontly 
lolieited  no  to  do  so  «•  vniwr  the  evident  iiqpi^otdon  onl  oarr»trb  oorrdetion  that 

feidentitr  will  mam  day^  in  tho  far-«gray  f attire,  be  a  matter  of  Vdiy  norl.0113  and 
ostvrtai  inpoortanoe  to  the  suocesa  of  ]I^  ^^^i^,  ^o^H  *  ^  ^^  ndndo  of  futuro 
puftrCitlano «. 

For  thlrtor  (30)  jmn  -  lacking  a  t^  jnonfha  •»  X  hare  labored  incoooantly, 
nder  gagnnod  nmmi  ^  ^  obeourlty,  as  the  afl(Le,  llting,  "AoPwiaitad  Ropreeontatl-yQW 
•f  ^  Great  Schoola  in  this  oomtry* 

Dtirltx;  all  that  tliae  it  would  hvre  bem  easily  poeslblo  for  no  to  ha've  talcon 
he  p^iblic  into  eqt  oonfldfftee,  and  thus  to  hare  eetabDAshed  s^  pergonal  identity 
«yorvi  all  posaiblt  'iuostion|  bat  I  did  not  do  it  *-  amJ  tho  caoatiorii  "VilQr?"  naturally 
lzIsos  in  tlio  ninds  of  a  nod  nai^  of  those  who  hare  not,  as  yet,  boon  in  pooition  to 
tudy  the  oubjoot  in  all  Its  vazlad  phases  and  froa  all  5.te  diffonnt  an^oe. 

1  alret^T  l!kttvt  anfwered  the  qudiiti<tti  *  good  rxu^  tiaoa  erallyt  and  to 
jidlvidual  5tud«it»  and  Friends  who,  from  tljae  to  tljoe,  hairs  auload  it;  but  1  do  not 
■ocoll  haring  dror  pat  ny  ancvrar  in  wrltingi  nor  in  euoh  Tonn  that  it  nicht  b3  aocenolblo 
or  r>itiire  ref  erenee  tgr  those  who  ni^t  deen  it  b  nattcrr  of  some  Irportonoe*    Fco*  this 
■eocon  I  an.  eoing  to  t4LkB  thi«  occasion  to  eaqireso  it  in  writing  as  brlnf  ly  and  con> 
lisely  as  possibKi-* 

1«    Tlh«B't  hivi  iMtti»  irtto'dbnrtiiMf  itntflh  wj!%h  the  Qroet  School  and  wns 
idknlttod  to  the-  radoi  of  iti  Students,  I  was  a  praotiedn^  Attomecr  on  tho  padfio 
loast*    As  such,  I  ims  the  le^  rcq;>resentative  of  a  nooBer  of  the  laost  Jnportont 
usiness  and  flnonoiil  instl^ioos  and  JAtereete  on  the  Ooacti    m  that  oapaolty 
:  was  brought  into  deee  poroonal  totxih  azd  btuiness  r«l4tion8,  02  noil  ao  intlT.ate 
»ciQl  accuaintanM^  with  the  iiifiortant  nan  of  the  politiloal  as  woU  as  tho  business 

md  flnancl^  weilda      .  s»Ai'  * 

■     ■•  •  ■  •*"^- 

2»    As  A  tKibllfi  leeturor  along  edusailehel>  od£sntifle>  pldlosorddo,  roll- 
^ouo,  ooonoclc,  sodLoiloglo,  dvio  and  politieal  lines  of  ^oo^t.  I  was  A  fanoliar 
:iCuro  and  poreonalit|r  from  CQympia  to  CCLd  Ueodoo;  and  ^gfollpv^  that  I  ha^nary  loyal 
Lod  wsin  personal  friittda  in  almoet  «?ery  tiUago  and  hcmctt  on  the  Qo&rrtm 



-  2  - 

3»    In  a^Witlon  to  thoco  avcnuos  c£  approach  to  and  touch  with  tho 
pubGLiC;,  r^r  a:bitionL;  luid  token,  nc  activoly  ^uid  aeErcosively  into  tho  current 
of  politiu'vi  USo  lAifU'Of  oltioudi  younc  in  yoara^  I  hod  booooo  a  conapiououa 

It  ^JUJ  in  tho  Eidct  or  these  conditions  that  I  found  iqytaLf  in  the 
city  oi"  rcockton,  :Axa  Joaquiii  Cuuiity,  CaLifomiaj  in  tho  suMaoi'  of  18S3j  ct  tiic 
0.Z0  of  30  years* 

Tii^xi  it  TiU;-;  tl^at  tho  CTQp,t  I.Uintort  H--!i-.K~,  oano  to  rae  and  iduntifiod 
liiniiDciLi'  tiu  a  "i.!ri  ri.c.:^'  and  Iraior  Mantor  "o/  iiio  tfrcnt  School.    IIo  had  coiud  Trua 
tho  Coriti'oL  TaiixLo  ii;  tlio  foauioe  coo  of  the  Hioalayae,  in  far-off  India. 

Uo  orfcroi  to  inyti-uct  iiui  in  tho  Icnovilodgo  of  Natural  Science,  rnxJ 
onablo  r.;o  to  da.ionatrate  tiie  contindty  of  intiivi'lu^vl  life  boyond  tho  indLJcnt 
of  piiyclaa  "do^tli"  -  vjrod.doc:  I  coiJLd,  to  Ids  oatiaf action,  pixivo  tliat  I 
poaaoGwod  tho  Diccrotlon  to  m^'.^  a  vdao  U£o  of  that  IaKWla>liP>  the  Try^dty  to 
dovoto  Kjy  life  to  tl-io  Cauao  or  Ti-'jth,  -ar^Tio  Hirdlity  of  Soul'  to  nini:  i-y 

poi-soiir'ill^^  c.itii-oly  fra-n 'pu^;lj..r  vlcTr,  and  thoi-o,  in  obacurit^,  cari-y  oA  '[im 
Gixiat  'Vi/drk,  ai'on©  and  luidiar  iziioti,  tho  bala::ice  of  iny  oaiiiily  llTOj  if  the  iiitci-oiiLc 
of  tJiQ  Call 30  doi;ia:ido(J  this  6<3li,'-^abiioGation» 

To  n&i:j  a  very  lai^j  a;*i  esccotxlin^ly  Intorosting  and  faadjiatin;^  nuLjoct 
as  bidcf  and  to  tlie  point  as  ^iuiulblo,   I  accontod  ld.'j  offer,  pi'oved  oysclf  qma- 
lif lod  for  tho  or  loaJ.,  to  hhi  c  .ilaf action,  took  up  tiio  V.'ork  and,  under  his 
porsoiial  inatructJ.on  for  Uiii'-oofi  (13)  nonthe,  oado  liio  sciaitific  daiojiutratlon, 
rotii'od  froM  tlio  practice  of  1,^;-.;,  want  "into  tlio  nllunco''  cand  obccurity  as  co;>^ 
plotely  ac  j>oa^i:ae  v.horo  I  lu-v^  rcvaiiiod  for  tlilrty  t30;  years  -  and  here  I  cti^ 
tolling  you  about  it, 

fjnl  norr  let  u>  Qo  bad:  to  ti\o  boginninc  of  the  otory  of  ay  idontity 
anJ,  a.T  bc::;i  I  am,  ttjll  it  iii  ofi..'u'iolof;ical  and  i;e:uontial  order.     Ilio  bcfpai- 
nhiQ  ix)ijit  of  tliu  stoi-y  ou^?.t  to  be  v^y  bla^h,  but  that  iiuportant  event  falls 
outcido  tJio  llr;iit3  oi.'  ty  avfii  iiaxo-j,  ixrd  I  must,   tliereforo,  /p  to  the  oaly 
avallablo  source  of  inaOiriation,  vfliidi  is  tho  fandZy  Diblo. 

Tlaoroiii  it  ia  aola.uily  recoixloi  that  I  va^i  born  July  -'Qt-h.  1^53 » 
lly  n>iao  io  tiicru-Li  caid  to  bo  " Jciux  rdcha;v!lnon" ;  an!  by  that  naae  I  uau  known 
t:ir-.u/5hout  ;.y  ddl^ihood  iU'id  youtb,  ajid  until  I  \ma  old  enou£ji  to  develop  a  diij- 
Uko  of  a.>  .liiort  a  narij  aa  "Jdm".     '.Tlioii  about  el^itoen  (18)  years  oW  I  took 
unto  riyciclf  a  miL^uIo  acjao  "niaott"  v;'iich  I  conceived  to  bo  an  ouiJioniour;  coobi- 
nation,  and  tlioroaftor,  and  to  u\iu  day,  I  h^ivo  d.-jiiod  r<y  nano  to  all  Ic^aL 
docuj.ionts  as  'ITolin  'iZ,  I'J.chaidfsoa";  :j^l  by  that  naao  an  I  kncxm  oaong  all  iqy 
people  (brothoixi  a*k3  ^iotoiO «  '  ' 

.Vccoi*dinc  to  tiio  lUblo  .Joc^ird^^i^y  Tathor's  nana  was  "Anaon  Tdchai-dson" 
azid  tx;  riOuIioa-'c  uaa  "U-.Ila  M.  :acliJi-oaon"j  and  her  ru-ddon  name  tja's  "T^eller".      "' 

'ilio  recoixtdiscloaeii  tho  infortiation  tiaat  ny Father  vraa  bom  in  ISnh, 
and  riy  wthoi-  i:i  1818,  c&aotly  4  yoai-o  later  to  tho  day,  end  they  rorc  oftrilocf 
in  1834  viion  ho  vao  20  and  alio  l6» 

Tha  rocord  furtlioi^  dior/a  that  they  reared  15  children  -  7  boyo  and 
8  cii-lc  ~  of  wliicii  fanUy  I  vian  tho  liJtli  child  in  i-egular  order,  and  the  6th 
oon,  -  cold  vao  bora  on  July  20,  1353. 

If  HQT  Fathor  and  Uothor  oorrootljr  uod^rvtood  tl^dr  linMeo^  8h«  voa 
a  mixture  of  Gegrafln  and  Wolcdi,  and  ho  of  3ooic|||  dw)  ahgli^VMLth  a  vtraln  of 
JvQprlcan  Xrailari  on  agr  Uofthttns  oliU* 

At  tho  tine  of  tholr  laorriags  thi^  aonr^d  ct  oooa  troa  Indlazui  to  Zova  «• 
thon  a  Torrltory,  and  Infcahitod  olmost  ontlx^tly  tor  Indians  -  and  o^rttloi  on  a 
sectlcei  of  Go7«rrsaant  Land  and  iuDodlat^iXy  bagin  the  r«ardii£  «f  th«dLr  laz^go 
f ocdJjr^  tho  aultlvati^>n  of  a  fam  and  tb«  ndatoft  of  *tMk» 

llhieff  looatod  In  Ceokuk  County,  noar  the  yillA5o.of  lAnoaatoi'  -  (then 
tho  County  c;oat)  <-  utioro  my  Father  autoi*ad  i^poQ  his  jhqto  than  alxt^r  Toara  of 
niaainnaiy  labors  'aa  a  "Hard-Q^ol^^Ky'  Bapj^^  Mlnlatjqoc*  ••  "H^jXr-Hnadfl^  in  ovary 
eoDso  of  tho  t«nu  .        > ,     . 

As  a  mttor  of  pflndplo  hid  wlnlatiy  was  a  ■Qljt'*  to  hi*  people,  in 
tJiat'  ho  rocoived  not  so  axax  aa  a  poinj  Xw  bll  rtllflotaijSbors  diudiig  hia  ontiro 

lifo,  -  tiiua  <»c«,aifydfle  thf  ,32^of  tu  ft^Ttet^ 

IIo  vos  a  can  of  indacdtabld  tdll  and  nnfl  1,n<ii1  ng '  ooareea,  •  and  livad 
as  doQu  and  oonedotont  a  lif  o  aa  any  naa  I  havo  wnr  knonu  Bo  aon,  noiaan  or 
chUd  0vor  vreot  f ron  hlM  door  hungjy  or  oold^  U  b*  oouU  jprvftnt  It* 


IntoULoctually  ho  was  a  "giant  anocg  ahUdreo"  aa  wall  aa  acxtng  nm,- 
of  tho  uneraotloml  typo,  a  jpoirarful  dibator^  qad  tiia  HMt  thoroq^  «tud«at  o3; 
tho  BlbSo  I  hare  over  kncMU^ 

^  Itother  mo  a  itholoaocao  nato,  coopanlon  and  ooaoxkOTi  •■  full  of  lif e^ 
aa.«cs7  and  denrotlon  to  hor  fandly,  Jol3jr'flnl  fiood  natux«d|  hoocat  and  slnooro^ 
a  hard  vorkor  and  a  good  Quljitlan 

Ijy  Father  llTod  to  tho  ripe  aeo  of  66  jobxb,  rotalndngMs  oloar  cdn! 
to  the  laot,  and  oarrlod  vith  hin  ii^  tho  lljfo  bsircod  tb«  Icnro  and  racpoot  of 
all  y4io  knew  hljn;    To  tho  cntiro  vozld  in  itxioh  bo  UgnA  and  aortd  ht  «a«  knosa 
as  "UnoLo  Anaon"* 

Uy  Uother  paosod  tho  allottod  "throo  Sooro  and  Ttal*  and  3uff erod  miik 
frcsa  riiounatljaci  and  indicaotion  diulng  tho  laat  tsrantgr  yoara  of  her  life*     But 
che  faced  the  transition  ^thdxit  foar|  and  I«ft  a  noaozy  rid)  in  th#  f rs^anco 
of  a  sweet  and  beautiful  life* 


Today  there  reoain  Itrlns  bat  aix  (6)  of  th«dLr  tit%9m  (13)  Ghlldron, 

Drt  J*  F«  Rlchardaoni  ago  76  yra*  -roaLdLng  at  Keotai  Xoaicuk  County.  lorn* 

-    —    -  fl         a  Bigf^avlILi,  »      «  •• 

a  a         a       .  ^  a      il  n 

H  a         a      ■'*     •      •'!        •  n 

•        ■  OaJi  Pftrk|  ODOk    "    nu  - 

'  "  Hiy»avllU|I»|M6  County^  Zom 

If  the  atataaonts  of  tho  older  iaflobera  of  tho  fatally  aro  true,  (and 
I  ham  no  i^saaon  i^tevor  to  doUbt  thn).  I  v&s  born  in  a  HUdo  log  oabin  on 
tho  South  bank  of  the  north  brangh  of'  ^Stoait  SlTBr"|  about  ont  nUt;  north  of  the 
vllla^  of  %Qnia&otQr<*g  Kaokuk  Ccmztjyi  2fWW 

But  bef oro  the  tine  Halt  of  jqr  asnozyi  tiho  f anl]y  had  rannrod  frcn 

Joel  .Ichordoon 


looao    " 

GoorBO   ■ 

■  65 

John  (nyself) 

n     59 

mth*  Katlo  L*  Hsyoe 

"  53 

thoro  to  a  f&rm^  cnoo  thr»«  niloo  South  of  tho  "South  8kunlc<*  Etverj  and  £boat 
jftTCr-ni)AT:'-':6rth  Eaai  of  tho  tonn  of  UtaiXBfibuy^  MOA  iSowH^  t»S  n«U* 

Hoi-o  It  naa  that  tho  oxporlMiooo  of  m  llfo  CLnt  Iflprooood  then-  ' 
sqlLvos  apcai  xagr  Oon3d.ou«nos«  with  oufflolant  ophaitl.t  to  fix  thoBi  iji  s^  aoocoyt 
It  wac  lioi'o  ihat  iq;y  oon^c^om^  Ufa  bogeu^  and  vmuaj  firo^  msSLatoarodt 

FroQ  cOjdox*  iaenbero  of  Uxo  tmLfy  X  loom  that  X  «lr^«l  threo  (3) 
pounds  at  tho  ticto  of  cqt  birth|  that  Z  vaa  a  yesy  ursmloono  arirtitulon  to  tho 
f ocdl^jT}  tiiat  Z  hcxf ored  botMoor  llfo  ond  dootli  for  over  a  yoar.  and  oriod  Ia^ 
oouaanU/;  that  I  thon  began  to  Iroprove  and  troci'tho  a^  of  toxvo  (3)  b«oiBio 
a  fairX;^  ttroqg  ••  thou^  oUIX  and«!>«l|Mit  <mX4« 

At  tho  ago  of  four  (A)  Z  booano  tho  our^-^akfir  of  iqy  yoaaeor  b2t)tb.or 
and  it  ma  thc|^  and  in  that  oapaoJUqr#  that  I  btflan  to  reallao  tho  noaoisg  of 
PuiraoBifCL  noaponsJLbllltyf 

Yiivmx  amoa  (7)  Toars  old  tho  fSondJly  raoioirod  to  a  "nLvozHDottoa  La»j" 
farm  botmaon  the  tiw)  '*SkunIi^*Iiivor8''  and  agr  Fltthor  (ihooe  Uinlstry  brou^t  hini 
no  income)  hod  to  dopoiu}  on  othacr  linoo  of  labor  tttjr  th«  UtIas  of  himoaU!  onl 
fandXy*     As  ropixOy  aa  tlie  chUditn  boooa^  old  flnpu^*  fads jMa  flttod  into  oono 
ocQupatlon  md  booooQ  a  "ooj^  in  tho  fnmlly  "Hhotf^^  of  'MfflMif^i^-** 

At  ooTon  (7)  it  f ciLl  to  r;ir  lot  to  baoooo  ■^Bcrop"  In  a  littlo  atoom 
soixiLIl  ORnod  by  ay  ?athor  -  ohiafly  for  tho  aoccBsaodatioaa  of  his  nol^borc  •• 
^o  brou^t  their  lo^a  froci  a  didtonco  of  3  to  5  xoiloo  in  «foi7  direotioni '  to 
havo  them  8a»ed  into  Ixmiber  of  all" kind i  for  tho  building  of  houooS|  bams* 
buildings  of  all  Idtidsf  and  fonooQ|  in  tho  hoart  of  a.  {xLoDoor  fansL^g  oount|y» 

For  rdjje  (9)  yoar«  Z  aljaoot  livod  in"  tho  little  "fovtr-^oot-ptta"  that 
ccrmtitutod  tho  station  or  **post"  of  oaiQror  andj|  booauso  of  the  neooseitioB  of 
tho  coneral  situatioiu  Z'naa  denendtd  up^\  »  am  laa  ahla  to  perfoxs  -  tho  duties 
of  a  grcwn  mn,  ami  that^  too.  in  a  poidtioa  of  roapcniilhiltty  nucb  groator  than 
that  of  tho  avorago  imx  of  zsgtura  1m>rcJ,Mgii>0Oi 

I'ftion  Z  vaa  aixtoen  (16)  yoars  old  -  the  oldor  bosro  of  tho  family  •» 
Ydth  but  am  ecccaption  -  had  cdthor  narrlod  and  assuiaod  tho  xtx^iocudbilltloo  of 
fcuoilles  of  tholr  cmi,  or  had  3>m  "for  th«iuiap.T08"  into  tho  tali;  round  world  to 
fitiit  their  aim  battlao  and  mka  for  thvasolvoo  plKoo  of  liiolr  am  dioosing« 

Ihis  x3ado  it  poosihlo  for  xao  to  "cooapo"  froa  c^  "nmy^B  four-foot 
prioon'*  and  rondor  a  Moro  ir.^;>Qrtant  aoz^vioo  in  ohargo  of  tho  faxm,  irfiare  Z  labored 
for  tho  noxt  tMD  years  vLth  a^  oldor  brothos^  Qtorgo^  noLU  Z  «ui  «ich^O«^  (IS) 
yoara  old^ 

Pscthor  «ta3  a  Beptlyt^  nlnlfltor  «  a^'Z  hovo  boforo  stated  **  and  as  such 
a  fim  boliovor  in  tho  "  Doetrlno  of  lajytlon** «  *dLdi  hold  -that  tho  dootiiiy  of 
evoiy  individwil  has  bocsi  dotaxiixLnod  in  advfinoo  <•  "beforo  tho  foundationo  of 
tho  wDxtLd"  ~  by  SLection*  -  Soiae  eire  "eHoctod"  to  gp  to  fitosrw  and  *sLt  at  tho  ' 
richt  hanl  of  God"  forovor^'ond  all  the  othorf  lopo  ^tfjsotod*  to  0O  to  HaOUl  and^ 
undor  tho  dondnion  of  Satax\|  bum  forvvenaqnto 

"""'■  But  under  a  oooowhat  aar«  gorarouo  "doctrla©"  he  percdttgd  hla  boyo 

to  "QXect"  Trh^thor  tliey  wouXd  loavo  the  pwmtal  roof  at  the  «co  of  IB,  or  ro- 
malxi  until  21,    If  thqy  oleoted  to  go  at  IS,  thflgr  did  eo  «BBpti3^-handadj  but  if 
thoy  rer.uined  until  21,  theQT  reoeivod  fJ^aa  him  c.  horae^  eoltilo  andbridlo  and 
a  euit  of  dothoe*    Cveae  war^  the  r«irard  of  tho  three  ymn  }Abor^  fran  K^  to  21* 

For  the  foIlovUs  reoaoM  X  cLectod  li?  XiMr«  «t  W 

!•    BocQuee  of  ngr  uaofVilnose  in  the  eOBnoain  eyatepi  of  tho  hccae,  Z 
bod  no  tlDo  nor  opportux^iV  to  obt&ln  tho  kUad  uf  eduoatioa  Z  decdxed* 

2«    During  the  9  Teare  in  the  eori^dll  and  tw>  ox  the  fanB,  Z  had  a 
novei^-enlin^  da7-<lro«a  that  aooe  tiae  I  would  0p  to  OdU^eOi  eh^alA  «a  education 
and  bocoae  a  writer,  «  Journallfft,  a  niwyiHiir  vlMi> 

3«    But  OS  CQT  I^th  birthd&jT  drew  aeaiv  I  reallsied  that  Father  ood 

l^Uvsr  MQi-o  groiTit^  old  az^  that  in  a  fev  year*  looro  thccir  would  need  tho  oore 
of  5one  one  of  us«    About  tam  nan^he  bofoa'o  nj  ISth  l)lrthda7  Z  Mcfc  to  eqt  hrotlior 
Goorge  and  oonf id«l  to'  hla  my  drooa}  but  re&llalng  Ihat  he  had  a  tear  batter  ii>> 
t«aii^eroe  than  rt^BOJg  I  propoeed  that  ^  6^  to  ooUoge  orti  flniflh  bis  oduoation 
and  that  I  vfould  ronxOn  oi^  run  the  fam  and  h«Lp  hiA  thxou^  aqd  at  tho  sane  tline 
oare  fbr  ttie  told  f oaJse  at  baaex^ 

But  if  ho  did  not  witii  t»  do  that^  thcD  Z  propoeed  Ui«t  ho  ronain  and 
let  a£  fip  unaided«  '\\ 

ATter  iae  oonalderatiou  it  was  dooLded  that  X  ahould  (ffh 

Sio  dajr  of  n^  «aanaipatiMX  oaq|  •  JuQIgr  20f  1^73^  '<»  idthoab  a  word  to 
aay  one  but  Bro«  Oaorgo* 

vfith  C2«50  in  cff  pod&et  *  and  a  borrowd  lukree  <-  Z  rode  62  rallee  due 
North  into  the  uheat  fielde  \tiQro  thero  waa  a  great  dmtoA  for  hanreat  hands. 
It  mo  tho  hAPpioat  dei^  of  n^r  lite*    I'vaa  free  •  fre«  to  earn  aaaof  and  go  to 
coUego  £uvi  make  agr  plaoe  ia  the  «UEft4a 

Z  found  a  zuan  liio  needed  help  and  th^  n«act  jsmndng  went  to  vniic  * 
binding  tiioat  for  llortit^  liUia  -  in  lom  QaaoX^  ^  «tl  I3«  P«r  4^« 

I  worbod  17  daws.  rocolTed  C51»  oaA  -  ny  flret  ooniy  as  a  «»ain'»  - 
3x>d«  back  hotm',  rront  to  dlBtriot  school  a  tern,  aifliod  for  a  tcadherfa  cortJU.  ' 
ilcatoj  cot  it,  taurfit  echool  a  year,  took  the  aonty  earned  (at  940*  pear  oonrth), 
•nont  to  lam  City,  loHa,  and  in  S«pt,  3B73^  cataixid  the  State  rSaXrwd^  m  a 

Uy  collage  work  waa  aloag  the  lima  of  on  Iniepaadant  oourse  and  wae 
finiohed  in  1878  vdthoiA  degreoa  of  any  idnd,  but  wllii  a  certificate  froci  Uw 
Prosidont  giving  m  full  credit  for  all  the  voyk  den^  « ihiqh  eioiverad  most  of 
tho  ourricolum  of  Lai^  Wadlnlwi  and  an  X»  A^ 

'  paasing  over  a  period  of  tme  y^^an  desultory  i»rfc,  Z  w^  narriod  la 
sigoumcy,  Iowa,  Hay  19th,  1S80,  to  Mlae  Paulino  ntqvoiia^'  (dau^t«r  of  qwmi  find 
Ann  ntcvenc  -  old  and  rospoctod  citlscma  of  loiva)  «-  a  young  «d  ohanaing 
yta-^an  of  rare  nusical  ability  «-  a  pianiet,  vooaliat  and  teacher  of  cuoio  * 
and  a  vjoman  of  oKcollcsxt  oental  and  aoral  tii>er  «  a  Frstabgrtarian  9f  tiio 

•  6- 

Scotch  bloocJ  -  \A\Of  I  thinlc,  luid  hopod,  in  time,  to  load  no  liito  tlio  "fold"  - 
but  fcvilod. 

In  .'jopta.ihoi-'  of  that  yoai'  I  bado  hor  a  tcnporary  o^xA-hyo  end  v;ont 
to  Sin  Fx'c^vAccof  \j'ho:'v),  in  tho  ]jolitlc<il  intorostG  of  Gcsi^  ItOoeci'Qno,  I  dii'octod 
tliu  u'liioi'iij^  policy  of  tlia  "H-at'^inor'  "  -  Da-:ocrr.tlc  orc^ii  -•  for  ono  yoi.v  - 
12Q0  rjid  l-ill  a)U  '.aatll  IloiiccT'or*.;  t.lthdj'ovf  Ai-aa  the  raco  ior  tho  nonin^itiori, 

1  tiion  roai.i-jiod  r^jr  jx>nition  on  Hiv  "Bisaplnor"  -  djatcndinc  to  (it; 
dii'oct  to  11,  y.  City  and  accept  liio  poaltloa  of  l^wcinc  B:iitor  for  tlio  y:.^  Y,^^ 
[firioo  -  wJiich  position  van  offoi'od  no» 

On  ):y  IT-:,:''  I  otoppod  at  Ptoclcton.  S n r.  Joa "i tin  C ount;r .   Ceil,  to  visit 
a  fa<"  duya  vitli  iiaj,  P,  V y  ]3attp >  -  Uicn  bu^'-oi'  for  iixo'  loi'^o  xlm  of  grain  ;,io*^ 
ci;uutc  ~  .•i;o/jart  ■-.ind  Si.tltli,  ofwat  toTJa» 

(lillo  tiioro  I  hsA  occacior.  to  lock  up  a  point  of  1-a/,  concor:-d:n2  tlxo 
probuLir;":  rf  an  o.';t.^to  onJl  anpolntr:cnt  of  a  c^iardion  for  ninor  liolro  -  to  accaa- 
modate  a  poor  folio/  tjioso  vdLf  o  had  juut  died,  loavine  hira  tho  care  of  iiureo 
little  diildraa. 

I  otoppa^  into  a  proj'povoua;'"law  offico",  introducoti  rayoolf, 
a: id  asl:od  a  fino  ai.poiU'irif,  raatlor.uxn  of  A5  yoars,  or  ao,  If  I  id^jit  oacai-iino  hie 
copy  of  tlao  iioviood  Statutoo  of  Calif onila, 

IIo  coai-trtj'Ji}]^  liandgd  no  tho  Vciucic  and  went  on  >dth  his  work  ^iiilo 
I  lYos  loolcinc  up  t2io  point  of  laiv  I  had  in  oind* 

:<liai  I  had  finichod  I  rotui-nod  tlie  book  to  hiti,  tJiaokod'hijn  and  timiod 
to  loavo  hit;  office,  viion  ho  aslosd  if  I  imtj  a  otrcrGor  to  C*3^ili:ton,  to  viiich  I 
ropliod  in  tlio  affimiativo.    IIo  aolcod  if  I  vias  a  loivyor,  axU  I  rciiliod  tliut  I 
luid  fitudi-i,-*!  la'.r,  but  had  novo:*  ra-actioovi.     liii:  na:ct' (luootion  vrcuj  ^Thotlior  I  v^-'l;] 
cai-o  to  praculcu  if  a  \^oqi\  opcnlns  pi'oaentod  itaclf,   ai.<l  I  rox)lled  that  it  v/ould 
"depend" • 

\U  tl;ou  -f^'ld  no  uitii  tho  ixtnioat  franIaioc3j  that  ho  ivanto^d  a  partner, 
a  "J^j^  i^w  of  intolliGonoo  and  QiMtioni  UkVo  ho  lilaod  fiiy  appoaranco  and  vuc 
aatlaSod  that  I  T;ao  the  :.iaii  for  Uio  place,  if  I  tttouIi}  occ^t  itj  tiiat  -altb.jid: 
fnrtj-ior  rcrio:j:!;iid,\tion  tiian  1.7  I'Oi-oonal  appoca'cncc,  ho  wpaW  off  at*  ao  an'c::uai. 
p^-tuoi-aliip  v.ltli  hrlni  iri  on  coLd^Udiod  praci-ico  tl^at  nettod  hin  crvor  i;2i3,000, 
ai.:uxalli';  :uid  d.ooal  by'aoki'x  ^^  t^  corridor  liie  oattor  and  call  on  liia  a£pin 
bofot'c  louvii"iC  the  city» 

I  t^lu  iii.i  I  had  neve-'  conta-^Tlatod  practicinc  1^^%  that  his  offor  v.  0 
so  uii.-ir^)caLc;d,  .-'3  \;cll  an  00  unpi-ocuiontod,  that  I  vna;:  not  proparod  to  ana^ror  iiia 
off-lioiid;  buu  that  I  ap-precLatod' deeply  tho  cncij:jlii:Tcsat  ho  had  paid  :ao,  aa  troll  ja 
iiie  confidonco  1^  offor  inpliod,  and  wouU  ^Ivo  tho  laattor  careful  ooncidoratian 
arxl  soo  hii  ajain  b^J.'oro  loavin^j  Stockton. 

Durinc  tho  next  f ou  dc^ra  I  dv .11  gent  iir:;iiiiy  an-  to  this  rof-iarlcablc 
nan,  only  to  fl«i  that  heirao  a  wai  oi'  unifr4>3achablo  diaractor,  aixJ  ono  of  tho 
bout  Iraiyoro  on  tlio  Coaatt 

'./itliin  a-v/ook  I  coliod  at  hia  office  zn\  '.vao  cordially  ez-ootod  vdth 
tlio  in  oiiiy:     "iJoll,  yciinc  i^^an,  have  you  coi.i«ii  to  accept  qy  offor?"     I  rqiliod; 


"Yec,  ix  it  is  otdll  open*"     IIu  vvlu  it  v/aoj  and  aalsod  tiion  I  wuld  bo  ready 
to  beglr'«  'I  told  hin  ri/jit  away.   If  tliat  waa  o^oocblc  to  hln»     He  ropliodj 
"/lU  ri^iitj  i;o'nuGh  tho  bottoi*;  thoiti  is  your  dcalc  rjxi  diair,  oonsidor  yoiu>- 
GGlf  instiLlod,  and  toiaorix*/  I  iriU  Jraii  up  foniol  artdcloo  of  copartnorylxip"  ~ 
Tdiidi  he  did}  and  thuc  I  bocitio  a  practicli.\;i  Attomt(y,  -  eocujthine  I  had  ndvor 
contc  -plited  for  oiw  norien t  until  y^  first  laootlng  tdth  hijo,  a  weds  bof oro» 

Cur  rclatloiiti_y  both  baoinoos  and  poroohal,  mgto  of  tho  inoot  corclial 
avif!  plo'u3.'.nt  natuiv.  iuid  \d,tlioub  a  Jar  of  any  ldnd»     Two  yoai'o  later,  lf2C3,  ho 
vdthdrcn:  ivon  tho  fim,  rotirod  froa  active  businoas  lif Oj,  and  left  ne  Ln  full 
poosoaoion  and  or.rrk3i"QliLp  of  a  profoeaional  practico  vdiich  ho  had  spent  nany  yoa^'a 
in  bitlldinc  up  oncJ  viiich  nottod  mo  ovor  v30,000«  annually. 

1  continuod  in  tlio  activo  practico  until  tlio  auturan  of  1866,  at  \Aiicii 
tiae,  for  rcacona  I'i;ill  a;qjlain  iator,  I  rcxiovod  ••  uitli  n^  Ydfo  and  t\jo  little 
■?.rls  -  tc-  Blciard:,  llortli  Dakota,  -  tho  Capitol  of  tho  tlion  Toriitoiy,  ^nd 
joinod  a  fOiTJor  Jnivcroity  claso-uato  in  tiio  practico  of  tho  law. 

But  tb3  prospect  \iaa  not  a'  pleasing  one  to  no,  and  at  tho  end  of  a 
yoar  in  ICG?  I  rc«ov'od  to  liinnoapolis,  Llinnesota,  and  tliore  fomod  a  law  part- 
nurshlp  ■  .lith  anothei*  collojo  claauaatc  and  did  a  £pod  bur.inoaa  until  tho  autur.oi 
of  lIS^Oj  v.-lion  I  cajaa  to  fliicaco  ami,  \dth  tliroo  of  tlio  good  buoineos  i.uja  of 
Chieaco.  xoiiiod  a  boainooa  ao20ciation  vdth  riiich  I  rouoainod  conngitod  untiL' 
1900;   trxiico  viiich  tinio  I  Itavo  dovotod  iny  ^ihole  lifo  and  onercios  to  Iho  ivritin^; 
and  puULication  of  books  tavl  other  litci-uturo  along  tho  lincQ  of  Natural  .Gcionco 
i'Xid  tlic  "Ilamonic  rhiloBOfil.>y"  -  and  to  tho  W)i*k  of  Poroonul  Inatinction  in  tho 
Gaxjat  sdiool  and  Uork» 

I  havo,  tliuo  far,  ci-von  but  a  vciy  briof  and  proBaio  account  of  tho 
purcl;'-  caai^-ictiCi  aiid  uatorialiatic  sldo  uf  ty  lifo»     It  VKia,  hovfevor,  a  llfo  as 
fai'  rc:x.vcd  fror.i  tho  dull  or  prosy  as  that  of  any  run  of  all  ny  actjiaintanco, 
Cn  tho  contrary,  it  hac  boon  a  lifo  full  of  tho  inost  intonoo  activity  and  in- 
terest all  alone  tlio'wa/,  fi-cia  tho  day  I  Idt  tho  paixx^tal  honie  and  rodo  ai/ay 
ij-ito  U\(j-  hxr,,  bi'iijit,  fctoinatint;  world,  ao  I  oaw  it  the  nomine  of  wy  Ifith, 
blrtiiuc^',  doi'/n  to  tlio  pi'ooent  j.iooont* 

For  inatancot     I  liavo  r.aid  nothing  of  tho  yoaj'o  of  political  actl~  • 
vitioc  and  ai±)itiona  on  tho  Paciiic  Coast,  \ihoro  I  bccacio  a  conspicuous  f.^'^ui'e, 
and  ;4ici'o  I  urtdoiibtodly  could  and  v*Diild  hcvc  boccno  Covornor  of  tho  grout  Cor>» 
j:ioni/u<aw.  cf  California,  had  I  yiaLdod  to  tho  oolicitations  of  ny  nany  firLondc  - 
uvU  hr-;i  I  net  obaej-TTod  tho  "Fingor  of  Dostiny"  pointing  Eastvfardj  and  had  nob 
tlio  G^'c-.t  llaotor  lod  no  up  out  of  tiioso  v/iin-glorious  conditions  by  tho'hnnd 
of  L<JVc  anrl  tal:oi"i  no  to  tho  uountaiiitop    \dienco  I  could  lool:  back,  dorm,  upon 
tho  litLloncoa,  tho  pottineae,  tiio  solJPiahiiosa  and  unwortliintjao  of  it  all, 

:;or  havo  I  told  cf  tho  fascintitiiig  oc:porioncos  of  tho  locturo  field 
and  platfou^  xjJicrein  Luad  ;iiu'a)n  I  cpont  csich  tiiis  and  effort  along  educational 
line^  uarix:  tltc  yoarn  of  c^  "!±fo  on  t!iy  Pacific  Goaatj  nor  of  tho  i-dde  rango  of 
intorooting  ac<  uaintancoa  aticiig  tho  great  lHucators  of  that  tiao. 

TJor  yot  havo  I  ;a(aitionod  cjy  touch  vdth  tlio  Ilusdcal  V/orld,  viioroin 
I  raado  for  roy^efl-C  a  ixLace  and  a  naao  as  a  drnnatlc  Tenor  of  unusual  rango, 

«  s  - 

quality  of  tonband  cariyinfj  power j  nor  of  tho  toaptatlonn  tlilch  load  ricn  to 
sook  upon  tlio  grand  opora  ctaca;  nor  of  my  exporioxiOn  aa  a.  eolo  violiiiiat, 

Thoco  end  r-iany  othor  osqjorioncos,  oil  of  yiiich  added  color  and  irt- 
ioxedt  to  an  iritcaaso  lifo  of  activity  mvi  vavloty,  havo  boen  aalttod  bocauao 
of  thu  tiue,  oXforb  and  apaco  nocoocary  to  tiioii*  jjuUTatlon* 

But  of  ijif  littlu  fci..-dly  I  uust  cpoal:  in  ordor  that  tho  uiioln  of  i'.en- 
tiflcatlon  nay  bo  conploto: 

1.  Vy  v;ifo,  v;!io  I'on.'d.nod  bolilnd  with  hor  Fathor  and'H^thor  rtovon;i 
vrfion  I  first  wont  to  tlto  Oouar^t,   joined  ks  iu  UiO  Oprlnc  of  1B81, 

2.  On  IIov,  13,  1C83>  oui-  oldect  diild  -  a  daurfitor  -  "VomaK  -  was 
bo:.T-«    She  vac  a  i.ioat  bca.utiful  and  brl^lat  baby,  cliild  and  younc  lady  riio  in- 
herit c/I  il.o  dftc  of  a  nuaical  coniuc  froa  both  paronto.    She  wao  glvtiri  tmcJi 
{xluoivtion  and  rmaical  ti-aininc  ar  to  could  affordj  bocaco  a  £Lro  pianiat  and 

a  d:^cjiit5.c  aopraiio  of  raro  brilliancy  and  a/ootnossj  r>ac  horeolf  rtirried  to 
W.  N.  Broyton  in  PasodonU;,   Cul,  Juno  6th»  1910,  and  on  ?cj)t.  9,  1912,  bocarae 
tJio  oDtiiGr  of  a  oplondid  baby  boy  vAiich  -  in  honor  of  nyoolf  -  bears  the  m;:o 
of  "Johia  itichardoon~Bi'ayton"  -  and  today  iho  and  hor  little  futaily  aro  ;tith 
mc  find  stio  a.iouiios  tho  caro  mii  Liana^jQcaait  of  ray  honoj  and  dbo  is  a  |)erpotuol 
joy  to  no  and  holds  ij^  eonfidonc«j,  adairatlon  aiid  love  iidthout  ohadow  or  flaw 
of  any  Idi"td» 

3.  Cn  Copt*  9»  l£o5,  our  Oi^cond  dau^^itor  "Hina"  was  bom  in  Stockton, 
Gal,  -  one  of  tho  riost  bt^utiftQ.  children  I  have  over  laidwn,    5iho  livod  a  year 
iuid  a  day,  L^nd-cliod  in  tlio  horuo  of  hor  crandparonta  (r.iatei*nal)  in  sisoumcy, 
lovm,  nopt.lO,  1806,  aftor  Ui  illnoan  of  but  a  foi7  drya  -  and  thile  I  vias  in 
Bisnarck,  ;i»  D,  preparing  a  horao  for  cy  faidJy  to  join  r»« 

.+,     Cn  Aiiiiust  5>  1BC9>  oxu"  youn^oat  cliild  and  only  son,   "grpott 
LaT^pno'^  -    wa:;  bom,  in  )iiiuiQapo?_i3,  Hiniu     IIo  vnc  tlio  acjiio  of  all  layHopoG 
rm2  dorda*oc  -  a  diii.i  vdtliout  flaw  of  any  Idnd*     Ho  iivoa  but  3  nonthu  and  15 
dayc,  anci  ciiod  in  tho  hojjo  of  hij  birth,  Ilovorabar  23,  ISis^f  aftor  an  iUncoo 
of  loan  tlian  i;iD  houro,    Villii  Ida  wont  out  one  of  tho  Gi'eat  hopoa  of  qy  pro- 
sont  life* 

5.    In  tJio  sunccr  of  1907  -  aftor  a  ccrroro  epoll  of  plcurl-iy,  it 
Via'.;  dincuvoi'cd  thr.t  tiio  littlo  .liother  v;ao  afflicted  tuborculx>ais#    /iftor 
oauo  rrwnthe  of  tho  iooot  careful  ti*oatr.K>ut  un'lor  our  ovaj  bolovod  "Dr.  iVobstor" 
a  chaxv^o  of  cl.^juito  v/aa  rocorar.iondod  and  cho  xvertt  to  Arizona  ^ere  edio  \\ai  tho 
voiy  boat  of  oaro  -  and  ir^arovod  sooeviiat.    But  on  tho  advice  of  her  physician 
cho  wcxrb  a:  to  tiio  Pacific  Coaot  and  stopped  noaa*  pasadaiia,  at  a  araall  pri- 
vate Sanitai'irjcw 

In  Iho  facQ  of  hor  ovm  letters  tollinc  rao  of  atoady  iriiprovoraant  I 
bccarae  iaprecDal  ^titri  the  conviction  tlaat  cho'vjas  not  in  a  good' onvironiicnt^ 
and  \i\cXi  I  Cfjuld  rocist  the  fcolinc  no  longer,  I  took  tho  train,  mii  in  Aug, 
1908,  I  Mont  to  her,    I  found  ry  oonviction  fuUy  vertfiod  and  althou^i  lu- 
provod  ovor  her  <iondition  \/hon  ;;ho  loft  hone  -  I  took  hor  at  once  to  the  notod 
rpod..:OJ^t  *•  Dr.  Iloruan  Bridfje  -  In  Loo  An^olen,  viio  -  after  a  moat  carofui 
eDcar.djiation,  -  found  only  about  ono-fourth  of  the  left  lung  only  af footed. 
Ho  unhGc;itatincly  sixid  "She  oUy^ht  to  got  well"* 

I  plicod  her  in  "the  llm  PasadoiV?.  Ilocpital  under  his  poroonal  caro  •- 

-9  - 

f  xx»n  v/iaich  dato  cho  ioproved  rapidly  and  stoadUjr* 

Cn  Jcui,  1,  1909  2i-,  li'ld^o  roportod  tliat  slio  was  virtually  moH  -- 
so  f ar  ac  ho  could  dotoirroirw.     Sho  had  coaaod  ontlroly  to  oou^  or  CDq:>oc- 
torato,  JiaJ  i:ainod  In  wolijit  until  iio  \vxo  heavier  than  d\o  had  boon  sljxco 
■.•;o  Viero  .:ari.-lol,  folb  woU  oiid  at;^iUi  ami  bollnvoJ  horsolf  ontlroly  rostorod 
to  IiocO-tli.     i:ho  wus  plaiininG  to  couo  huao  -  to  uo  in  Oalc  Park,  HI,  -  tho^  <^un6» 

On  thio  ©voniiic  f  r  Ja.i.  15,  1909>   rho  went  to  bod  Ln  tiao  bout  of  • 
spirits  ari  v/aa  foeLinf^  ivoli  oixl  liai^ui'*     j'vrtor  aooing  Iwr  carefully  in  bod,  • 
the  nurno  left  hor  to  tP  to  tho  aljacoiit  ixoa,    Dofoi'o  aho  roacliod  ita  door, 
ho-.'ovor,   dm  lioai\l  tli.'oo  uliar^)  rin^a  o-f  i^t"  c.tll  boll,     'Jae  (tlio  nuroo)  hui'riod 
back  and  found  hor  in  tlio  cUiiat  of  a  terrific  horaorrliafio.     In  lose  than  ono 
miriuto  uhe  Y/ao  doad. 

Dr,  Brldco>  'tiritinii  rao  tlio  noxt  day  oald  1     "It  is  ono  of  tho  puthotlc 
plivi:-:o;j  oi'  oiiT  pi-oi'ocjsian  tliat  '.^c  notfor  can  toll,  vrlth  ubo^'luto  cortuinty  vdioa 
th  .-•  r^x::i3  of  thio  dread  diaoaso  liavo  all  boen  dielodeod.     In  hor  cayo,  I  tliou/^t 
fho  was  rrall.     She  thoufjit  so.     Wo  all  thoii^t  bo.    But  it  00  happened  tha-o  tJioi-o 
yet  i-a.iainod  a  ariall  aroa  ivj  larjjoi'  than  tlio'  surfooo  of  a  fln£oi>-nall  \/hoi'o  tho 
Cc;tiS  v;crG  atill  active,     -'aid  otrani:cr  btlll,  it  co  ha^jpaiiod  tliat  tliia  activo 
ai'ea  ivas  dii^ctly  ovor  tiio  ViBll  of  tho  "/.oi'ta",  or  larcioat  ax-Lorj-  of  tho  luns  - 
and  vJian  U\oy  liad  oaten  arwy  Uivtil  Uie  wall  of  tliat  lorco  vooscl  Could  no  iontioi- 
stand  tho  pix>s3uro  of  blood  froa  tho  hooi't,  it  g^vo  wjy  at  that  ono  littlo  upoc 
a«i  in  a  nJji-to  dxo  was  gouo*    Kothlng  could  savo  her." 

lliiV  bot^  waa  bi*ou£^t  to  Sicourncy, '  I«va,  and  laf.d  to  roat  beside 
tliooo  of  her  t\To  bloocod  and  boauLiful  babieo,  in  tlio  faally  vault* 

^nd  here  enda  another  chapter  In  toy  cnsx  life* 

Go  vrlth  ]3o  nov;  back  to  tho  days  of  ny  chilAhooJ  oixd  let  us  ti'i.vol 
ovut'  tliu  puthv/uy  of  v-v  Spiidtucl  ovolution  tocethor*    Froa  this  journey  you 
\;ill  loom  tho  unbrokun  road'ovur  and  alon^j  vhich  I  found  ay  way  to  tho  door 
of  tho  Groat  Scliool,  knocked,  wiis  adnittod  and  finally  bocaoc  the  aolo  acca^o- 
dited  roprooontativo  of  the  School  in  this  country^ 

Liy  Fatlior'3  indOiX3«lenco  of  wind  and  UberaJ  attitude  of  aoul  on 
tho  Eubjoct  of.  re]i-i(p.on  ::iay  bo  apiirociatod  sonua^'diat  fron  tlw  fact  that  not  oho 
of  Iiin  chil'lrrin  avor  bolonccd  to  hxa  Qiurch  -  nor  any  othor,  for  tloat  oattor. 

All  of  us  \i\o  crov/  to  yoarc  of  disci'etion  uero  natural  olcepticG'  - 
Oiljiootico,     /j^xl  yot,  wo  all  v/oi-o  intcreetod,  and  desdrod  to  laiavi  tlio  truUi, 
but  f  oimd  ouruolvoa  unable  to  accept  tho  Chriotiarx  do^jaaa  as  thea  tau^t, 

Froa  tlic  tiioo  I  vas  9  yoaa's  old  I  lovod  to  listen  to  Pathor  and  tho 

"Sldcro"  of  Ids  Churd'i  diaoua;;  abatruuo  UiOoloGical  doctrinoo,   and  nany  ti.?.c<3 
'.Tliea  alono  v;ith  Fatlaer  I  oaloid  quoatione  and  diaputed  iim  correctnoas  of  Ida 

l^'  icipi^osoion  ifl  that  tlioro  wore  tiraeo  wlion  ho  was  stroxtc^  of  tho 
conviction  tJiat  I  was  a  »aiild  oX  tlio  I>ovil«  -  du!!^  "SLoctod"  to  go  to  HcU 


fcy  tJio  '•air-lino'*  vhanavor  the  "Trurapefc  should  sound" j  but  ho  was  £pod  ©nou^ 
not  to  say  eo  spedfloally* 

At  tlio  aco  of  16  a  moat  interooting  oveat  in  hqt  spiritual  life  oo- 
cur2>3d»    A  Geiinan  frniUy  by  tho  nana  of  "Follnian"  -  froch  fron  the  old  country  - 
consicting  of  Fatlier  and  liothor  (about  if5  yoars  old)  evnd  one  dau£^tor  (about 
IB  yoai-a)  novod  into  tlio  vlllaco  of  L«aicaatcr,  soao  4  nilec  fix)n  our  hoiua,  aid 
openod  a  littlo  ^cnoraL  fitoro*    Nobody  knocr  tiiori,  and  they  woi^  accoptod  at 
thqlr  own  voluatioaf 

They  had  not  boon  thoro  long  until  word  bocatao  quite  generally  cir- 
colated  thirouf^iout  tho  cuaiiuialty  to  the  offoct  that  tliqy  v^ere  vory  strange 
pooplo,  vnd  v;oro  called  "SiJirituolista",    It  v»ao- tho  firat  I  had  over  hoard 
tiio  narao,  and  I  knar  notliing  about  viiat  it  noant^  but  fron  the  ejcprosolons  on 
tho  facos  of  tJiouo  viao  did  know,  (or  thou^t  tiiey  Imow),  I  infeirod  that  it 
nuflt  havG  rof  oronco  to  aofoethinc  quite  "out  of  the  ordinaiy"  and  ootaovdiat 
bolgy    tho  ordinary  in  point  of  Morality* 

But  all  Dorts  of  tircdrd  and  uncanny  stories  woro  soon  ooinc  the  rouxKla 
c;  ncorninc  tlio  ati'an/je  and  unbelievable  things  that  were  constantly  occuriring 
in  tholr  horjo*    Spiritual  phcnouona  of  unusual  ranfio  and  character  were  reported 
by  liioae  viho  had  been  tiiero  and  witnassod  thaou 

It  WIG  not  strungo  under  theao  conditional  that  tlio  spirit  of 
"curiosity"  soon  toolc  possooeion  of  tho  coranunity,    lly  two  ncDct  older  brothers 
tund  I  caurfit  iho  iiipuloo  of  invootication  and  one  Sunday  afternoon  cot  on  our 
horoon  anrJ  rodo  dovm  to  Lancastorj  v«int  to  tlie  Follr.ian  howej  in-uirod  vrtiothor 
tho  tJiln^^n  v:o  had  hoard  Vfere  true;  wore  told  tiiat  sojoe  of  tiioa  v;ero  undoubtedly 
truoj  inquired  if  vra  could  oit  vdtli  thou  that  ovoningi'  woi'o  heartily  invited 
to  do  soj  and  v/e  oagorly  accepted* 

Vrtien  other  thlncs  were  out  of  the  way  for  tiie  evening  wo  three  boye 
found  ourcolvoa  alone  vdth  the  throe  naobei's  of  the  fanily  with  tihom  we  tried 
to  talk  -  but  soon  found  that  tiio  daughter  was  tho  only  ono  of  thoa  \tio  could 
spoak  onouch  JSiTfiLinh  to  give  us  any  informatioxi,  and  che  found  it  nost  diffi- 
cult.    In  a  labored  effoi^,  h<»ovor,  ohe'raade  us  understand  the  mothod  of  pro- 
coduro  and  our  o;vn  part  in  tiie  "sitting"* 

An  oixlinary  wooden  table  was  brou^t  in  and  wo  all  took  our  eeato 
around  it  in  such  r.anner  ao  to  balanoe    the  sex  influence  as  evenly  as  pooaible, 
I  romaaber  very  distijuctly  that  they  clairaad  to  be  f ollo\irLne  the  directions  of 
t:ioir  "Spiritual  Guidea"  -  and  that  1  aat    between  the  Father  and  dauc^tor  - 
he  on  riy  rif^t  and'  ahe'  '<»  ny  left*    "^ 

A  large  ooalroil  Lamp  sat  in  the  center  of  the  table,  and  vjhen  all 
v/are  coated  vdth  our  hands  tou(iiing  -  "loft  hand  under  and  rirfit  on  top"  -  tho 
light  was  turned  dwn  till  tlio  rooci  was  a  deep  diadovr,  but  not  quite  dark« 

Wo  sat  quietly  for  a  few  Eioc^jnte  and  then  the  Father  began  hutnoing 
an  air  of  seme  song  in  viiich  all  Joined*    Before  v/o  woi^e  throu^Ji  the  first 
stcmzii  I  could  hoar  distinctly  p^t  maiy^  volcoo  in  addition  to  our  ov«i,   sing- 
ing tdtli  us  in  perfect  hanaony* 

Aa  yio  proceeded,  tiio  Fatl-ior»  s  hando  began  vibrating  and  tho  farther 
wo  wont  tlie  nore  intez^e  bocauo  tho  vibrations  until  auddenly  his  Ixanda  wore 

torn  Troxa  (xira  on  either  sido  anJ  ho  Toll  back  In  hie  cliair  in  a  rodining 
position  and  cvoiythinfi  beccaae  otiU* 

Iho  dau£^tor  turned  on  tho  lit^t  untU.  vro  could  gqo  distinctly* 
Tho  "Llodiin"  -  Ji-*  F,  -  l;jy  tlioro  broathinc  hoavHy,  for  coiao  ti^no,  ^" 
lAa  cyoo  i3hut,  and  his  faco  an  asha^  liiito  and  entii-oly  ejqii'ocriioniaGe* 

Thcai  clwfly  lie  ai'oao,  novod  fonrrcu'd  till  tho  tiiJi-  of  hio  finccro 
re3ta<i  on  ti-ie  tal:lo,  in  tlio  attitude  of  a  jxiblic  spoalcor  »  hie  gc^oc  still 
closed.     Thai  Ills  llpa  oponod  and,  in  a  calni,  dioiiriod  voico  Oiid  nvoiinor,  bo-  to  rpoik  -  in  pcrfoct  Qri{'J.irii,  and  ontiroly  froo  frcd  C«iT.uin  accent  oa' 
dialoct»IIo  bocan  ^onuthii^i;  lil:o  tJiiaj 

"Fricndo,  -  I  an  fjLai  to  ooet  tdth  you  tonit^it,  and  throucli  tho 
vocal  orcano  of  tliio  Llodiuu  toll  you  aomothinc  of  tho  Spirit  rddo  of  life  viioro 
I  noiv  livo«     When  I  xrac  on  your  sido  of  tho  divide  i-y  moo  wao  f.cott*    I  vclo 
iTeabyterian  Minister*    l^  laat  pastoral  charco  v;as  in  .':7i'acuoo^  N,  Y.  v<tu3i"0  I 
diod  in  — —  civini;  tlao  date,"  i.c» 

Ho  wont  cti  and  told  uc  tiion  of  tho  transition  and  of  tho  r.iany  eur- 
nrisoG  that  aftYaitcd  liia  ani  Liany  Q:q:>arioncos  of  intoroct*     Ho  opolco  posidbly 
tiall'-.'inr+iour  and  tJion  politoli'  oixusod  hlnficlf  on  tho  cround  that  thoi'o  v.'oro 
sovoral  otlier  "Spiritual  Friaide"  v:lio  T/isliod  to  speak  to  us,  and  thoy  nuut  not 
Iceop  the  Ilcdluci  umlor  controL  too  lonr>  lost  it  injure  loin.     Then  ho  said  cood 
nij:jit  and  tho  fivjrw  of  tho  riaiiiri  undeivent  a  sovero  shock  and  etraichtoned 
up  acaln  and  boc'in  to  apoak, 

Kiis  tdxie  tho  voico  \vaD  bruoque,  cuicl:,  sliort  and  eciphatic  wd  at 
loant  tifo  full  tcnos  hi^jior  ~  but  still  in  cood  Sigliali.     It  wao  a  auifiloto 
dianro  of  iTcrsonality*    Ho  r/j±d  hio  name  on  earth  was  "".Vilkins",  that  ho  \raB 
Q  bunino.';o  nan,  c^vo  ur;  Ivliilast  oai'tlily  arldi'eus,  and  the  naraos  cf  friondo  who 
nad  kn&itn  hin,  and  tho,  place  and  nanner  of  hia  doath  -  aH  of  v/iiich  wo 
fully  voririod  by  lottor. 

After  tollinc  iia  coractliinc  of  his  life  on  tho  Spirit  sido  ho  ro- 
tiixKi  -  as  tl;o  foimor  Control  had  done* 

Than.  follovKxi  a  littlo  cirl^s  poroonality,   and  in  rapid  cuocood.on 
uorioti . inij  lila  15  diffoi'ent  pci'Lonalitlos  o]xjko  to  us  during  that  first  sitting 
ono  of  v/licin  roprociontod  itsolf  as  our  Cousin  vdio  had  been  drownod  but  a  short 
th'Xi  bei'oro.     llo  told  uy  ninutoly  of  tho  naiinor  of  hie  doath  -  and  •vhor'o  v/o 
could  find  his  pot  doc  that  luid  disappeared  after  liis  death*     This  also  wo 
vcrifiod,  to  oui"  ontii'o  aatisfaction* 

1!ii3"jx^3  tho  bo^^inninc  of  our  iiivootiiyition  of  "Cpirituallaa"  -  or 
nore  accuratoly,  "Hodi-.^vJilp"  • 

/iftor  thic  flrci  c:<poricnce,  viliich  Intoi^entod  us  intonooly,  v/c  at- 
tondod  a  nurobor  of  aittincs  -  until  v*o  bocoao  aj»'aro  that  tho  r.wral  atrwspiacr© 
of  til o  place  and  the  pooplo  xitxa  not  cood* 

It  ocGui'ixDd  to  us  til  at  wo  had  a  sufficient  nurjbor  at  hoao  to  fpna 
a  "Devolopinc  Cirtio"*     Tlxis  we  finally  accaaplishod  -  over  tho  protests  of 
Father  cmI  Ijothor,  vriio  Boer.iod  to  fooL  that  it  was  only  tho  vcrlc  of  tlio  Dcfvil 
and  laocrt  uanccroua  to  us  tvll*    Ihqy  consistently  hold  tiiat  po3itJ.oo  and  ro- 
fusod  to  have  any  part  in  our  aittincs. 

-12  - 

Vio  ::icloctod  SunJair  ovoiunga  ao  tlic  tiiao  aiid  Mother's  Icitdion  aa  tho 
placo,  vjliore  wo  3at  around  tho  Idtchon  toblo* 

ViQ  v.oi'c  In  ooi-iouo  caniojt  and  ToUovjod  the  ruloa  laid  do\<n  for  uo  - 
and  lb  mob  not  many  wceka  until  v/o  boC'^n  to  cot  reculto. 

I^  yoiu-i/>yit  ciotoi'^  Katio,  vfiia  tiae  Tlrst  to  ahaci  aieno  of  balii^  con- 
troUod,   i<jx\  ijoon  dofvolopod  ao  aix  "autor.iatic  writer",  as  v;q  thOiTi  supposed • 

Cno  after  tho  othor  tlio  ncrnbers  of  our  f^roup  -  or  "circlo"  ~  yloldod 
until  v;o  had  i:ojx  five  or  six.  partially  dovclopcxi  Modlujna. 

I  thiiil-;  the  phonomG^xa  tliore  dovolopod  v;cro  nuch  as  to  convince  every 
one  of  uc  Uiat  Mo  woi'o  in  tho  laidet  of  Spiadtual  influoncoa* 

Cno  of  the  noot  conviiwlii^  ran  tho  dovolopcmnt  of  ":'pii'itual  Tattoo" 
vrxutinc  on  the  body  of  xny  oistor'o  little  girl  baby  -  a  £aii  years  later. 

But  ao  foi-  Eiyoelf,  I  so>nod  to  bo  eiitirely  iramuno,     I  did  ciy  boot 
to  ue'/olop  into  a  Uociima,   durin<3  tho  firct  yearn  of  our  olttinc-,  but  never 
for  an  iii»timt  v/ac  I  couo'cioua  of  any  outside  influonco  upon  ne«     Tlie  eaiaOj,  I 
believe,  VKxa  equally  true  of  cy  three  brothers* 

•But  in  due  coui':;u  of  tine  I  began  to  have  a  diatinct  foellr.^'^  or 
0  .-^iivic  l^lon J  that  there  vaa  srxiotldjnii  involved  in  tho  j^cc.tb  of  Control  tiiat 
vfa^  nou  rl^it,  was  uixv^iolc-onej  aivl  even  deatructdvo  and  dan^oi'ouo  to  tho 

I4y  oir/tcr  becaino  ner/ousj  her  littlo  sirl'  did  ncrt  groiTj  a  niece  was 
ojsor.sod;  a  cou:dn  v/oJit  inoono^  and  all  were  nadiunc,  developed  in  our  ovm 
circle*    V^-^'  other  thiri^s  occu.-rod  to  l^prcso  no  that  tiioro  viae  " ciooothin/^ 
vft'0112  in  tlie  l^x'ocaca", 

i''rou  tiiat  tirxi  for.iaivl_,   altliouch  I  cat  in  circle  raaiv  tiinoc^  I  did 
not  try  to  ourrondo;'  rycelf  to  outside  Control,  nor  iicvclop  aa  a  "L'odiua''» 

After  I  v<ai:  10  yoar«  old  and  loft  ho:;K3  I  \Tc.r.  vdth  the  hc^ae  circlo 
only  at  lorii^  into^'vala  anl  kjiavx  but  little  jxirconolly  of  vhat  occurred  -  eoc- 
copt  in  a  ccnoiul  \vay,  by  i'cports  fix)n  those  vho  v/ere  thoro* 

But  othci^  continued,  irreGulor]^,  to  meet  for  several  yoarsj  but 
ceaaod  to  obtuin  ai-^  vciy  c^od  or  satiofactory  rocults  and  gratlually  tho  ij>- 
tcroot  v;anod  and  tliey  virtually  dial-ATi-Klodj  and  I  believe  tho  feeling  Mas  quite 
gonoa'al  tJiat  tho  prccooo  vrar;  not  a  T^doRomo  one  for  tho  nodiuiao  thonsolvos. 

/vfter  I  loft  hoiic  and  ente^^3d  tho  State  Univcrcity  I  v/as  oo  bent  on 
my  ntiiiCi'io  for  an  education  that  I  had  little  tino  or  opportunity  to  continue 
iiy  invoeti^^ition  of  p'^ddc  pliencoena,  except  during  vacation  tixaes  viion  visits 
Inc  at» 

But  durinc  tho  yorirs  1070-9-00  I  enjoyed  sxccptional  opporbunitioa 
duianc  vdiich  tiiuo  I  vid-ted  raany  me<llunis,  botii  i)rofo3nioiiQl  and  private,  and 
vdtnoasod  virtually  evoiy  ptiaso  of  peychic  xxsnife station,  toGother  v/ith  lauch 
doliboiate  fraud. 

-13  - 

I  catiafiod  isycdlf  on  a  nurl)cr  of  pcintc,  oisonz  Tvhich  aro:- 

!•    That  I  novor  oaiv  an  hone  at  public  ciadluta  during  that  tlxw. 

2«     That  niaiy  of  thaa,  hoiiovoi",  I'oall^  wore  raDdluraistio,  and  thoir 
controls-  could  -  vrfidi  cc>rUitlOiio  v/ai'o  f  avorublo  -  produce  a  v/ide  ran^o  of 
pjjycliio  phoncuona  throu^  thaa# 

3»    But  tlic  desii'o  of  tho  nadluns  to  tuJca  noncy,  ovortaxod  thalr 
^•sychlc  capacitloij  and  to  guard  ajoinst  poor  iittirc-  and  dicsutlsficd  patrons, 
thqy  loamod  a  lot  of  triclce  vhidi  thoy  cdxod  in  vhcn  tlioy  found  tliat  tlioir 
oontroli;  \;oro  unablo  to  v/oii:  thrcu£}"i  thoci  aiil  produce  tho  gonuino  pho;;a'aona, 

/(.,     Itiat  evciy  ;rlvato  uodlun  I  0vor  vicltod  confepGod  that  tho 
procoas  v/a..  hrimfUlt 

5,     That'  af 'or  tho  fii*ct  period  of  oKxiltation  and  fervor  (cov9a>- 
Inc  vaiyinc  periodOj  f  xxjn  a  fovr  r/ookc  to  covoral  raontha)  thoro  wao  a  ci*^dual 
lettiii^  doirm  of  U^o  uoraL  tone  Oi  tlio  payoliio  atr.TDsphcro  and  influaico,  free: 
which  tho  pxogi'Qca  was  oixj  of  steady  retrocr63Bion# 

6»    That  in  ovoi-y  inotrmco  tho  dootructivo  nature  of  tl^.o  rubjoo- 
tivo  pnyaiio  Procoso  nron  tho  '-k^diuri  iaanif  oct  itsolf  in  oithor  phydLcaQ,  ,7.<intal 
or  noral  decenoracy,  -  orvJ  often  in  all  throo  directlona. 

In  1B80  ^vllen  I  v;cnt  to  tlio  Pacific  Coaat,  I  Ivid  aa-rivc3d  at  a  point 
vfhoi'o  I  v/.is  fully  satiafiod  that  tiao  "Subjoctivo  Pi'ychic  Procosa"  -  involved 
in  botii  !I;-pnobiEn  and  LlCvJiu-ichip  -  ia  dnntructlyo  •  and  that,  theroforo,  tlio 
linos  alaic  \i\±di  I  had  booi  studying  and  invo.-.tirotlnE>  up  to  that  tixio,  v;tarG 
yfronif,  in  ave*7.  toiao  of  tliu  '..oixi,     ]fodiunship  was  "tho  wronc  way", 

.\nJ  I  liad  rooolvod  to  havo  ncthlnc  further  to  do  with  'Spirit.ialiaji"  - 
nor  kdth  "J^odlua^hl^",  nor  vdth  '•?:;i'cliic  Roooarcli"  alone  thoso  linoo. 

It  30  happonoi,  hoi.'ovor,  tliat  on  .-ay  arx-ival  ai^  location  at  Stockton, 
CaL»  -  T  soon  disoovorod  a  nost  imosual  and' unojqxjctod  situation  and  oocial 
coniition.     Tho  loadins  pl\yoicianOj,  lawyoro,   Judcoo  tmi  ncn  and  wonon  in  the 
very  best  cf.dctyj  wcro  alD-  r»abero  of  a  "Pf.ydilcal  ^'.esoni'ch  Socloty"  and  \i\no 
ncotins  ro/;;alarly,  and  uore  oai\-wntly  invcstl^^atirig  tlie  fjubjoct  of  "Ppycluc 
Phonaaonfl"  aloixg  tho  lineu  viiich  I  liad  but  rcoontly  abandoned. 

It  van  inovitablo  that  I  ahould  meet  thoGO  good  poopla  and  boconvo 
kncsm  to  then  ao  a  Studoi^it  alone  those  voiV  llneo  in  viiich  they  were  onsaeed, 

I  was  liwitod  to  join  then  and  did  so,  and  soon  bocarao  ono  of  thoir 
active  and  prooinont  niaabora. 

At  tliQ  I  Jollied  then,  tliay  wore  Juot  ontoring  upon  a  oorlos  of 
sittings  for  tho  "dovclopuant"  of  a  younj  and  handoone  wonon  -  a  lirs,  L-  the  wifo 
of  cno  of  tho  Icadinc  riowcpapx)r  lilitorlal  vn?ltcra«    Sho  wao  a  woman  of  i^;fln&-" 
nont  and  brilliant  noritality  and  poosossod  a  fp^acious  and  diamine  peraonality. 

In  orko  abort  yoar  this  diarnlns  and  brilliant  wnan  becaao  a  cctt- 
ploto  va-ock  Li  ovory  sonse  of  tho  term  -  physioal3y,  mentally,  aoriJLly  and 
r.>lidtually.     :iio  dovoloped  into  ono  oi!  tho  moat  ronarlcahlo  nodluma  I  have 
ever  kna/jijibut  at  tho  ojq^ense  of  all  timt  undo  hor  lifo  v^orth  liviiig. 

This  v;ci£  the  I'inuL  tinath  that  cauaod  ne  to  tumforovor  away  fron 
over/tliiAf/  of  a  Gubjoctivo  r*aturo  in  psychical  dovolopfaont^ 

I  notified  t2io  Socioty  of  i:jy  intontion  to  roaign,  but  at  the  saiae 
tLue  a~tod  foi*  tlic  pilvilese  of  oscplainlns  i»^  cpun  mooting  niy  reaiions  for  so 
doing,  viiich  roquost  wȣ,  ^yiuntod. 

'fho  ovaninfi  Ciuno  :aKi  I  took  two  h^iuro  and  forty  rainutoa  to  teLl  tliaa 
the  stoi7  of  EQT  psychic  invoutisation  and  Uio  reaulto  of  *-qy  o^m  oboorvationa 
and  conclusio^iot 

The  rbsult  was  tliat  tho  ^ocisty  thon  und  thero  disbundod  and  novor 

lield  coiotlior  ueatlng* 

I  told  thoa  I  lad  pruvon  boyond  all  quoetion  that  tho  Uodluaiotic 
I'rocoos  vfaa  liypnotic,  aaibjuotivo  and  doBtruotive  and  callod  attention  to  tho 
condition  of  Uioir  wm  i^iua» 

I  Gaid  I  wau  absolutoly  certain  that  wo  wore  on  tho  v/rong  way;  that 
I  conviiicod,  howevor,   that  there  ia  a  i>id:tt  IVay  if  w©  only  knorf  it,  but  I 
did  act  liiVJ^r  tlio  aot/iod  ol'  nroccdui^o  and  I'dTd'not  knovf  any  caio  vtio  did  Iuicjvt 
It  J  but  until  I  found  socio  ono  yixo  loiow  tho  id^t  Way  -  ilio  v/ay  of  Indopendont 
Pcychic  Ujifoldr.ioiit,  I  was  dono  with  paychic  roaearch  end  stut^  ond  iiivoatica-  ' 
tion'onU  abovo  all  "6CiCpoi'i;!.;{i".     If  I  nevar  found  an  InstxAictor  in  this" 
life,  tlioTi  I  v/ould  vifait  until  I  paaaod  to  the  other  lifo  a;vl  loam  it  tlioro. 

.'Old  f  A'oru  that  day  I  put  it  all  bohind  no  and  tui-nod  to  i-:^  loBfxL  xiorh 
vdtli  umivided  attention  and  onthuoiaara.    I  tJiougbt  but  little  of  those  past 
expeiTiencoa,  cave,  new  and  tli9>,  to  lao  the  conviction  that  Nature  nust 
surely  Ivivo  rruiuo  pi\>vijion  for  donionctratin^  tho  continuity  of  Lifo  by 
Conr^tnictivo  .'.[othode,  and  Uvxz  there  uuct  bo  those  soraotsfaere  on  liarth  who 
linew  all  about  it,  if  I  but  knew  how  and  Wtero  to  find  thooi* 

This  was  tiio  General  attitude  of  ay  Soul  oi'.  tho  subject  up  to  tho 
r:'.itnc.ior  of  1BQ3  wen  tliore  oano  t«  rae  an  oiiqiorionce,  entirely  unsolicitod,  Uio 
lils.c  of  viiich  I  lia^  never  bofore  hoaixt  of,  jiid  which  dian^od  the  entire  coiunio 
of  r^-  lifo  and  all  ay  piano,  purpooea,  aspirations  and  oahitiona  aa  fully  and 
coiuplotcly  oa  it  \.o\il<i  bo  possible  to  conceive.     It  ia  of  this  that  I  now  will 
try  to  toll  you,  voiy  briefly  from  nocessikyi— 

For  coi.i&  four  wookc  continuously,  iCTnodiatoly  pilor  to  July  21st » 
18S3,  I  had  boccr.  intensely  mgOGod  in  tlio  trial  of  an  iiaportant  will  contest 
involving  an  estate  valued  at  about  vl|0(X),000« 

>iO  tho  Attcmoy  a."or  tlie  contesiini:  hoire,  I  was  pitted  against 
t}iu  ihroo  ableot  Attcxnocis  on-  tJio  Coast,  (with  tho  exception  of  Hon,  Daviii 
s,  Tv^ixy)  uiid  I  realized  that,  uccordix^  to  all  tiio  jnilea  of  logic  ani  cca- 
raon  fionnc,  I  oui;;ht  to  be  beaten,  thorouglily* 

-15  - 

Hut  thoro  wan  oor.iotiiirt;  Uiat  filled  uo  vdth  m  abiding  convicticwi 
thai  I  v;ould  bo  fJ-Ven  ihc  vci-vlict  \iion  tho  Jury  vmn  thr.--iiij-i  vdth  ti.oir  do- 
libor.'.itio;:i;i,     I  v/a'i  nbijolutely  certain  tlxoi'o  haxl  boor,  "unduo  iiiCluoaCQ"  en 
ilio  tGCt;.\toi'  tjir.t  lod  hi:.i,  lit  Uiu  clooinc  houro  of  his  lifej  to  diaiiihGrit  hia 
clu  .';  r.-.otl;cr  94  yor,-^  old,  ^.nd  t\<o  c^Gcn  sic  tore  pcist  65  years » 

•/'sTlcr  thi'oe  days  01'  arguraont  tho  coeu  wont  to  tJie  jmy  about  IC  a..r., 
of  July  21,  li3C3. 

»\t  2  p,ia»  I  rooaLvofi  VADi\i  tlv^t  tho  Jmv  waj  roact^  to  ixjport    uvi  I 
v.Tiab  ot  .winco  to  tho  Court  x-owi  \ti±ch  was  fJJLlu*-!  Tidth  tho  pai'tloan  fadoutuj 
of  Ijoth  pai'tio.3« 

I  Uiink  if  a  voto  h:id  been  takoi  of  tlie  spoctatorc  and  AttoiTi^ycj,  1 
v;oiTlci  lava  stood  alono*    i^ut  I  "way  aboolutoly  oortoin  tliat  tho  Jury  waa  witi.  ...c. 

To  UiQ  atiaaaiicnt  of  Uiu  /attorneys  ag:dnst  ew,  tliu  vardict  \tos  in 

uy  fc.vo;-, 

IL  Won  a- ci'oat  triiripi^,  for  so  younc  on  />tty«  -  urtier  ."ill  the  corf- 
ditiona  of  tho  oaoo,  and  I  vras  tcr^aerod  quito  an  ovatio/i  by  Uio  :£ir.>-'crs  of  tho 
Bar  procont. 

.iftor  tho  ^uxy  wa'j  diocliai'tjod  cuiwl  tlie  pi-opor  orders  and  records  o" 
tlio  ccv'i  rjado  :uT(:i  cnitcnKl,   it  wui  about  lu  LUJiutoa  to  3  pWii#  v-lion  I  rojclvd 
r,iy  ofi'ioo,  foolinc  ^vcll  oluiijuu  wxUi  Uio  world  in  toucroj.,  and  i^yoeiLf  ixi 

I  opoixed  r:5y  docik  .-md  found  a  lai'tio  voliimo  or  liidl  and  ioc^'il  r-iattord 
av.'oitinc  ay  attention.     I  toofv/  I  wao  nox'vouaLy  v/oary  and  noedod  root, 

A.v  tl.o  day  Tivay  well  opcnt  I  did  not  fool  liko  taldji^  up  anytliin^r;  nov;, 
aijd  Vcu;  L: . ii-Jdnc  cix>at  cjulttiitj^  \.hon  I  su'iuuiily  ooor.ujd  to  rocoll  having  an 
appointiaoht  to  i.ret  r.oi;iocne  ct  the  Gi'anrl   Conti"al  liotol,  a  diatonco  of  four 
b].awCG  r.-ja  !^f  ofrico.    \.'itiiout  tii.i;ildJTC  viio  tho  p£U"ty  mzc  I  c:'-poctQd  to  roo 
uo  4  p.^'<  -  I  f on^:.1.udod  to  (j;  taijc;  a  lon^  \ioJaZ  in  tlie  ;,'orUi  pai-t  of  to^vn  anc! 
retara  by  yroy  of  tiic  Hotel  and  koop  ii^y  tupposod  appointnent* 

I  cloood  wy  dcak,  ii-ustructtBd  c^  clarkn  t<    be  on  haiii  oai'3y  mact 
Jay,  tcok  py  hat  and  oano  z,x\  atai-ted  for  r.^  \tzdk» 

At  tho  foot  of  the  .stiiiT;  horfovor,  I  u?.t  a  fella-f  Atty,  \iio  otoppod 
to  coni^i'atalatc  no  and  diocica  Iho  V/ill  Qcijot     Soon  other  frlondj  joined  ua  and 
in  a  f  o-'  iu-nu«cc  roiLo  a  Q'oup  had  feathered  and  I  was  in  tho  laidot  of  an  ir.- 
proiipta  ovati<'jn,  thoro  on  the  nain  Street. 

Tinio  ixi3Sod  rapidly,  a:iii  tho  hear  war;  conr>uaod  Li  clrittln^  ovov 
tI;o  o-'UG«     /2.1  tho  viiilo,  hov.ovar,  I  had  in  niind  lay  appolntr-iont  at  h*  and  e.bout 
10  .rJ-u-ilc.;;  to  4,  I  «;xusod  tj^'aolf,  anfl  started  for  tlio  Hotel. 

to  tho  vniy  up  I'  St.  I  stopped  a  inoLijiit  at  the  "roecvAto  ilouao" 
orri    uJion  continuod  to  the  crowtuni;  of  iijdn  ai-jd   California  Sta.  froni  viiilch 
point  I  could  ooo  tho  Orazicj  Gontral  IIotoL,  tv.-©  blocko  North  on  Galiforrdo  St, 

-  16  - 

I  turtiod  Nortli  on  Galirornla  St,  and  VKilkod  about  half-e-block 
!;ortl:_,  vtitia  it  sudrloiily  occiui-u-l  to  zc  to  ar;k  tiyaelf  viio  it  viae  I  oq/cctc-':: 
tv  r.JGot  at  iho  Hotel,     I  \rc.a  ac;tonldiod  to  Tina  tl^at  I  uaa  unablo  to  i'oca.ll 
havinfj  r.-:'.uo  ari  ripi.-ointacnt  vdth  ciny  ona» 

I  \-(C:j  cznr}l:\o^ci.>li'  ■Urjti.u-'bod,  becnuac  it  nn.,  the  ^i;^^t  tir.o  in  r.:y 
lifo  Uiat  ncriox-y  over  plvoJ  :.ui  -uch  c.  ti'ick^  and  I  tlioii^jht.  it  luuat  bo  tho 
roiault  Q-.'  Uiu  lonj  norvouj  a.-id  ixatol  ctrain  cf  tho  trial, 

I  iuxnoJ  buck  ■  i.itoiidin£;  to  go  ha;ic  und  rojt  a. 3  cu.'^>iotcl/  a.s  j)oo~ 
i^HjIo  until  tlio  iici>ct  day# 

I  Iia-I  i^'.-o  l«it  a  fui;  Mtopa,  {Kavovor^  vdica  a  still  raoa-o  unur.ual  thiii^ 
ocolU'v-ou.  thoro  ex- j  tho  di'jtinot  l..p-'*oauioii  ~  "Thcro  5.n  ,""'yo^;^^^5J7  at 
ilio  ilotol  'iho.  )jci,it3  to  poe  ypt\»" 

I  yocuoj  to  licoi.'  tlit-so  ;vDrd3  porfoct  dictinctnoso,     I  could 
^^  tliC"!  aa  tho/  ivci'o  ir.-ii>roouc.d  upon  ry  cor^ciouar^oo. 

I  utcp.-a'l^   ta:'::-;d  ^vrain  and  looked  tci.xird  tho  Ilotol,     I  yraa  pu'^r.lod, 
I  c;uiLlu  lijt  iUi.-oi':;t-.j:il  it.     It  ;i;:s  a  Tiacljy  r.aiv  oxr/jrianco  to  no.     It  troublod 
;.io  dov^viy,     I  t2.(  .■.:jit  it  nint  nc.:ji  Uiat  I  v/aa  on  liie  v.;rco  .r  a  nci'voiw  :i'ul 
uc-.tiL  Cu?_;ia.pc-e,     Xlio  thoojit  Vi:a  hoi-'iVO.o,     Ihcn  I  nantally  folt  of  ivsolf 
and  jt'ound  tliat  I  00  nod  to  bo  in  c^<i^  coniitlon. 

All  tho  v;IrLlc,  ho-.;oivoj;',  I  could  fed  tiiose  vordo  boating  upon  xi^r 
Laviiij     ■'Thovo  ±c  na.'jaboL-'-  -^l-.  j^tj  liotcl  vilto  vvtuitn  to  300  you,"  ~  jul.o  c-'.a  :lf 
Ciu.*;  r.)OixciI'ral  iJxxd  'rcpoatini":  "tlia-  over  and  cvci',"  \dtia  such  f<^-^.3  ^i-'^  to 
ii^jx-oao  thua  upon  ;.y  conccloLiunosc. 

I  stoo^l  tli-ro  for  xjOiXi  tlau  tr^fii^  to  nsanon  out  vhat  it  ell 

i.iOiUit,     xno-1  I  rcXLyA  Uiat  Uio  ;:ua'c;t  and   -uiclcoat  ivaj'  to  pixjvc  v.liov.liu;.' 
OX'  not  it  './ac  only  a  ;.L::itcl  hi^ll urination  v.a:.  to  £p  en  over  to  tho  flotal  ond 
jl;oo  ii  tiioi-o  Mac,  miyoody  tliwo  v/aiitii^c  to  if^*j  ia»-  vdtli  cr»ouijU  intuaaity  to 
llSEo  uucli  ar;  iioproscion,. 

I  :;tu:'\.wii  ..t  i-ii:;ir  \v,iwaiM    Uio  IIoti:l_,  rdi;;  k;j  I  appi'oncihod  tlio  iapro3- 
1,1  on  boc:i..o    o  iiLi'<:r<^  tliai  tiio  IvidLA-idunl  \!ii.r,  in  tho  laflicc'  parlor,  that  I 
poecod   wio  :;.-d.!i  cfxioc  Oiitx-anco  Oiw  wo.;t  to  Uij  hcllvvj^  loa.llni;  to  tiie  Laaios' 

i  ^'luj.', 

I  Ojjpx'oaaii'jd  tho  parlor  doox-  viiioli  oponod  imvciid  iuiu  v-ae  partly  ajar, 
I  pudicd  it  opi;n  .'u-J  ^t<;ppod  ;'nr.iiLlo,     I  t.-ol:  a  Lacty  i^iirux;  of  tho  roou  -ti\  cayr 
at  onco  tiiat  thoixs  i;ac  but  0:10  poi'uon  iii  Uio  roon,     '/ids  v^h  a  /.vin  iTiiOci  I  Imd 
tic.'vjr  Lioon  bcToro,  to  cy  I;:iai7ladg0i,   axKi  I  ob3o:.rod  a-  a  i^laiioo'tliat  ho  v/afi  a 
Xo;-'uii5icrj  bat  of  "irtiat  nationality  I  couU  *iot  have  dotoAi.ui"iv,»J, 

IIi^  wao  di-GJ3ad  in  i\a3rican  oootuj&o,  axil  r^t  quiotj;>-  on  a  .v^l  di- 
van Hvjiar  'iilio  'uiauov/, 

:ioalizinc  i-iy  ovidar±  jxLjtalaj,  I  tomod  to  loavo  tho  roon.  Au  I  did 
;xj  tlio  ;.;an  called  ao  by  aj  coi-roct  rioiuo,  -  "Li",  iiclmixlaon"  -  I  tiirnoJ  ruiokly 
and  ac;  I  did  co  lie,  ctopi-cxl  acroaa  Uio  roon  to  jue^  oxtoiidcd  hia  ha:id  and 
naid  -  "I»a  r^d  yuu  caao", 

I  took  Ilia  QKtoiyiod  hard  in  a  iaocliai^cal  acart  01  vray^  lookod  hia 

-  17  - 

stroAtjit  ii^  tho  cjo3  ainj  rupliuU:     "You  Iiiivo  bho  ailvaritafjo  of  joo,     I  Co  rj^ot 
raMoiiuor  lijvinc  loot  you  boforo," 

He  ruuixijvlod  at  onoo  mid  vd.Ui  aaaoin^;  frarilawKini     "No,  you  hacvo 
not;  cathou^i  I  havo  uoon  ;^  imay,  j:iany  tiiaoo." 

I  TOjrooiJod  LIS'  aui'pi'ijo  at  hij  rufja^'k^  to  vdiitii  he  ixjup-crJolj 
"liJixicrvo-";,  I  h.wu  Ivaowa  :,'-a  iutijjaloli'  -^rtf-i  yoii^  L.-jfa.icy,  ai'l  UiVo  oaao  ova' 
OcosJiC!  CJid  contiiiontij  to  too  y^a  horo  and  y^u  cilu..';;," 

Suduail^  it  flaahod  iiitocy  rdndi     "lliiu  iu  a  Coiifidoaco  r.iaii  -  a 
tbur.eq  *i-^rJ  vdicji  I  havo  r.x^t  at  l.iat,  aftoi*  all  Uicce  yoa-^j  o£  MonCc.'-LnQ  v;hat 
a''^M"nco-i'uan"  .to  iii>*(« 

"'Jo,  i;o,"  -  he  x^upLLod  to  my  oontal  Uiouf^t  -  "I  hope  you  Vflll  not 
tliink  ?o  poorly  of  :ic,  I  ei-i  ^cA  a  cotJUdoaGO  mj.i,  und  if  you  vdll  but.  puiTtit 
r.x;  I  v.'.i  '.'Ufo  I  c^i  pi'ovu  to  y^or  cntu-i-o  oatlcractloxx  thut  all  I  luivo  i.aid  1:3  tt'uo**' 

•T.ut  you  nuat  iuku-i"  -  I  iyjpliod  -  "tliat  it  io  noet  Uiia.junl  to  noot  a 
tct"^3.  ^iti-arijor  vaio^  ■.o.uiicuL  a^i  i.itroductiaii,,   cala.a  you  by  Uc'jUO  aiid  tcH3  you  ho 
ha-J  i"i'jcn  you  i.iviy  ca.;^o,  ia  f^iuL  Icno^u*  you  xruii  youx'  liua;v^,  ujid  caiia  .-xll  tliio 
by  uojurlos  you  lisi  liac  ooay  ovcj.-  Ov-Ocltiu  and  Goiitiaciitj  to  t-oo  you  alone.     You 
:^u3u  ucVilLo  tliat  UU^i  i..  '■iciy  i^^ii  aftor  tlio  i:u3t!ioi  of  a  CoaTideioo  Lru-.," 

o-x^in,-:  c-''^"'^-^.  -ut:piclon,  he  ixuiaod  an  iiiutunt,  loi/l:(jd  rao  etraidit 
i.n  xho,  ^^y^xn■€^  vath  a  r.oijt  xa^•.0i^^3tir)^  caqvrcx3aion,  r.djcod  wltli  a  u':dlo^   c:dili 
"P:'-thc^-ij"x\.  I'duit,  bi-"oujJ:il,  i'oa  to  Uiio  Hotol?" 

/Lftci-  uii  irujtunl  or  oiioncc  -  diU-iiiij  v.liicli  I  hctd  liio  dictiact  iri- 

prv:njlo.-i  of  "j:al.^_ui,Koatli^:'0"  -  11"  I  h-d  u.lj  lu*i  uolu,  t(.   "falj."  ~  I  rcpUcKl- 

"You  have  cnkijd  n£i  a  tiixfl^ulL.  t;iiu3uLon.     Fraritlyj  I  do  not  Iaio\/  viiaL  cr  vho 
brou;:Jit  Hi)  hero*" 

IIo  'diOii  odd  J     "You  huvo  boon  ajca^d  Hov  uoad  tiijo  in  aii  1  ioui-tarib 
lOT-^uit,  h'-n'o  yiiu  nut?" 

I  :..idxi  Uiat  I  li;id» 

"/..rl  ai;  about  2  p^;.,  tJia  .^uiy  a  vcrJic':  in  yotir  ruvc:"?" 

AfviJii  I  ao.'jontoi, 

"At  a  To.i  )i;iut(j3  oyroixJ  3  y<-'U  v^oat  tu  jOur  oiTico?" 

I  did. 

Afl  you  aat  at  ycua-  uofjk  you  tlioucht  you  rccallod  havir.£  n.:\  app-jint- 
EK:nt  to  raoet  ofjunoorio  at  tliio  ilotol  at  4  o'cloclc?" 

Very  true* 

"/uid  you  tool;  yooi"  hat  call  onme,  intendinc  to  talce  a  v/alk  in  iiio 
IJortli  pai't  of  tcv.v.'." 

I  fUd. 


"But  you  {Udn»t  do  it?" 

No*  . 

'f\t  tho  foot  of  iho  stair  to  yotir  off loe  yon  ost  a  f ollocr  Attorn^ 
vtio  ntcppod  you,  ani  you  woa-o  Join&d  by  others*    lou  paaood  tho  tlmo  at  your 
ooi.irva;\cl  in  tolldrif;  witii  thoo*    A  fen*  alxBxtes  to  U*  you  l«ft  than,  and  walkod 
dov/n  tho  ntroot  loading  thlt;  way,    Tcu  stopped  at  a  hotol  on  tho  way*    i\ftor  tho  oti'uot  loading  to  tills  hotal  you  turned  thio  way  aod  walked  half- 
a-lilock  rnoro  -  vhar.  yuu  ti'lod  to  recall  the  person  with  nhcsa  you  had  on  ap- 
pointnontj   ani  yni  could  not.    You  stopped,  and  bocaae  troubled  loet  this  brooch 
oT  r:\w.1017  nxiiit  indicate  an  tUnoBs  frcja  cver-^ork*    Tcu  tumcri  baolj  intending 
to  go  bono.    You  had  jjono  but  a  fo«f  ctopa  urtion  you  roceivod  on  Imp^'ooelou, 
strong  and  docir,  that  thoro  waa  cooeono'at  ttxis  Hotd  ttio  wajitod  to  coo  you: 
aivi,  after  furthor  doubtu  and  cii«j£:ivlxige,  you  oane  on  to  eeo  if  your  iiiprocaionfl 
woro  true  or  uorely  halluoinatioaB»" 

With  mucii  creator  dotiiil  than  I  have  given  It,  ho  doncrlbed  ny  aon- 
tal  procosuoe  and  conduct  tdth  pei'foot  proolGion^  roqiuirinc  ao  to  cionfiisi  hio 
oorrectnoea  at  ovdz7  0toi>  of  the  wsj^ 

When  ho  had  fininhofJ  hio  narration  and  1  had  odniitted  its  accuratcr, 
he  looke<j  Kia  strai^t  in  tlio  eyes  and  oaldi  "Can  ycu  dotbt  no  vtfien  X  toll  you 
that  it  waa  I  who  brcuf^it  you  hero?" 

I  admitted  that  he  had- node  out  a  protty  otrong  case,  and  that  ho 
cort-inly  hod  tho  advnntaeo  of  no,  althouf^  I  tw^a  still  oonailiat  olcoptical, 
aa  it  v;a»  t^u)  flrot  o:q>arlonco  of  the  IdLnd  of  vhioh  I  had  mei"  been  CDnooioua* 

Ho  aoloDd  ro  if  I  did  not  think  hs  had  gone  flftr  cnouijli  to  entitle 
hlra  to  an  opportunity  to  provo  to  mo  the  truth  of  the  otatoniGnta  ho  had  nado 
ooncomlng  his  Icnor^odce  of  my  life  and  tho  parpoee  of  hio  vlcit* 

I  oold  I  tliouf^t  ho  had  oamod  Ihat  rifjit,  and  he  aakud  zae  If  I 
v/ould  go  to  hla  roan*    I  as.'  entod,  and  wo  prooeodod  at  onof  to  hia  room* 

As  wo  approached  the  door  I  observed  that  the  nunber  vma  "13"  - 
aid  mentally  said  to  cQrsflQLf  1    "Unluclgr  nonber"* 

Instantly  ho  replied  to  ray  thought  -  *Ho,  it  la  the  "Saci'ed  Numbor" 
Tdth  U8,  and  the  oost  fortunate  of  all^  and  that  la  riij  I  aeloctod  it* 

-    He  unlocked  tho  door  and  uehored  me  in*    Tbaa  ho  turned  and  Ix^ckol 
the  door^  took  tho  kqor  And  put  it  in  hla  podstt* 

Afl  he  did  tills  tho  thou^t  flajshed  into  ny  rind  acaint     "Surely  hq 
nuat  bo  a  "bunco-nan"  and  ia  proparln,-  to  Bpring  ooae  oonfldenoe  c^ao  on  xnoi" 

Irij-taritly  \\o  repliod  to  ajy  thou^ti  "I  am  aony  you  havo  ao  poor 
an  opinion  of  raej  for  I  am  not  a  confldeDoe  mon*  ISy  only  purposo  in  locddng 
tlie  door  \Kia  to  eavo  interruptiona  fron  the  intrusion  of  tho  chaobor-oaidt" 


I  ropl-Lod  that  It  waa  a  rathor  unuaual  procoJuro  to  bo  Invited  to 
tho  rooa  of  •  an  ontiro  etronfior  and  then  looked  Inj  and  furthoxisore,  if  his 
purpose  \i''xr,    indood,  to  provont  tha  nald  trom  oitoring*  then  ho  had  bettor  put 
tho  kqy  b;ick  into  tho  lock,  for  oth«r«d»«  thero  was  nothing  to  provant  her 
fi^Mi  ir^ycc'-tlix;  har  key  fixa  tho  outaida,  opmitB  tha  docur  and  wilking  in  at  onco, 

IIo  eaid  tliat  had  not  ooourrad  to  h5ja,  thanked  oe  for  tolling  him, 
put  tlic  l:cy  ba>3k  into  tho  Lack,  and  than  aekod  ao  to  be  ooatodi     I  did  so  and 
ho  took  a  aoaii  i'aciiifi  no  and  not  over  2  oa?  3  f©flit  anny  Xron  mo,  itiara  ho  could 
luck  n^  in  Uxo  o/oa  vitlioub  9a|)«ciAL  •ffoH* 

After  a  mco«it  of  thouf^tful  ailonoo  he  bogan  sonotliing  as  followei- 
"I  have  iaado  a  nuuboi*  of  statoiaonta  vhioh  appear  to  you  very  reraarkable,  and 
yoa  hav  J  klivily  filvon  oo  tho  dianoo  to  prijve  the  trothfulnoas  of  ny  utatomento^ 
if  I  can«     X  thank  you  for  tho  oomtogy  and  Kill  ppooaad  at  ance* 

"I  havo  said  that  I  have  atnn  Ton  irflny,  nany  tdx»aj  that  I  have 
known  yoa  inLljaac.ely  ^ixcx  your  infanqyj  that  I  liavo  can»  over  OooanB  «aTd  Oon- 
tiivuits  to  000  you  and  you  alont* 

"I  o/in  tliink  of  no  bettor  way  to  proceed  tloan  to  begin  at  the  b«- 
eirttiinc  3ind  tell  you  the  hietory  of  your  cwn  life,    I  am  coins  to  adc  you, 
hoivovcTj  not  to  interrupt  wo  till  I  havo  finished.    Thon  I  will  be  (Jlad  to 
ancr.vor  aiy  c.u^dstiona  or  nake  any  e3q;)lanatlos)B  you  r.\ay  deair**" 

Uo  tlion  boeon,  and  his  firpt  amtonoo  waBj  as  nearly  ao  I  can  recall 

it,  o£  follocrot 

•You  woro  born  into  thia  preo«nt  lifo  in  a  little  log  oabin  on  the 
south  bank  of  a  little  atroof;.  of  water  in  tha  Stat«  oal3.od  Iowa,  on  tho  20th» 
day  of  J^al;/,  (as  you  count  tlxw)  1B53^  at  2?  winutea  past  12  o»olock  (noon)^" 

ITiifl  t/ao  the  firet  timo  I  bad  eRror  hoaard  any  living  peroon  toll 
rat',  tile  hoiu*  of  laj'  bii-th,  and  aloo  tlui  fact  that  I  was  bora  in  a  "j-Og  cabin". 

fj^ta,  that  point  ho  ri\)coodod  with  hln  story  of  raj^  Hf e«     Tcr  foui' 
hoiu'n,  vdthout  interruption,  ho  told  oe  the  aJt'oiy  of  my  llXe,    Many  things 
dmli-ic  ^'"Iw  yoara  of  ny  infancy  I  had-  nenrer  before  heard,  and  of  these  I  waa 
alcopticalj  but|  to  ay  great  Burpriie,  I  vaa  able  to  verify  ovary  incident  by 
tho  oldor  aofjborc  of  the  fanl3y. 

Fixaa  tho  tino  Mhon  my  own  mcnory  was  active,  ho  related  tho  liv- 
cidonto  of  r,g  cl^clhood,  youth  aiwi  mature  Ufo  cope  oorroctly  and  aoquentliaUy 
tl:ian  Z  oouLI  have  don«» 

Ho  told  of  tho  yoaro  epait  In  tho  little  aid  aaw-nlll  and  of  n^r 
di>y-<lreann  of  how  I  would  go  to  CoUeca,  got  an  education  and  boooiao  a  writer* 
ile  followal  me  into  tlio  haivo?t  fiolda  of  tho  Norbhj  to  public  achoolj  then 
an  a  toacliorj  thenco  to  tho  State  Univercity,  and  throuj[^  it;  then  back  into 
the  nouDpaper  wrld;  thenco'to  Calif orola)  to  Sax  Fttmoiaoo;  and  finoUy  to 
ntoclrtoni  nhero  ho  found  cie« 


Hut  It  was  the  inner^  aoul-^ft^  that  h«  related  with  auch  a  woo- 
derful  and  cactravagant  vaaJLth  of  datail  a«  t«  atartlo  ma  with  his  knowladga 
of  ay  whole  internal  life. 

Fie  told  of  qy  natural  skeptldem  oonoemlng  tha  rdllgioua  teach- 
ings oi'  ra^  h'ati;ar;  huti  agaiii  an'J  again  I  had  aaicad  FaUiar  to  explain  to  oa  his 
"Doctrinos  of  "Foroordination","Prede8tination''^  "KLaction"f  The  "Tm  seed", 
"Salvation",   "I'he  Atcneiawit",   and  thoir  relation  to  "Perronal  Rseponaibllity"} 
and  oi'  n\y  iriability  to  harinoniiie  thoa  with  li^  own  ideas  of  Con«ietenO[y« 

Ho  told  of  ray  first  meeting  with  the  German  faailj  of  apiritual- 
isti:;  o'i"  r::/  deop  into^oct  in  ti^ie  eld  Qaitoun  Medium;  of  how  the  low  moral  plane 
of  the  Medium,  and  finally  tho  coarse  familiarity  and  oocaslenal  Tulgar  su^ 
gontione  of  tho  Spiritual  "Controls"  th«nselTes,  had  finally  so  hurt  and  dis- 
gusted us  that  viQ  CQOsed  attoiocling  tlic^r  eittingsj  'then  of  our  decision  to 
form  a  circle  of  our  own}  of  the  ioany  interesting  events  that  followed  froa 
our  "novelopins  Circle" j  then  of  ay  drifting  awtgr  from  tho  hcvme  circle}  and  of 
the  ycarc  of  ti^avel  and  invoa titration  that  foUowad  the  tnd  of  my  Ccllegs  Course* 

He  followed  with  the  utmost  oare  and  detail  the  experlenoes  and  tha 
©videncon  fivjin  vihich   I  finally  ifJantified  Hypnotism  and  llediumship  aa  the  re- 
sults of  the  same  Procesa,  and  how  I  dat;armined  that  the  Frocaso  was  pgyohi- 
call^  Subjective  and  'l^esiruotive  to  the  Subject.    , 

Step  by  st^  he  followed  the  path  of  ey  psychic  unfoldmeafit  until  I 
final' y  resir.nod  from  tii9  Society  in  Stockton  on  the  ground  that  we  were  tra- 
veliii'  "Tha  Wrung  x'^iy",  aiii  ho  b^d  >*Xou  were  rifijiitl     Madiuraahip  l8_  destructive 
and  it  is  the  wrong  w«^«** 

Thon  he  told  of  hov<  I  had  coma  to  the  oonolusion  that  "There  ou;^ 
to  be  a  Hif^t  Way  that  would  be  "Constructive"  and  he  said  "In  this  also  you 
were  right,     Ihore  is  a  llirht  IVay  and  it  la  Construotive  axvl  also  Independent, 
And  it  is  be  causa  o?~tlvi«  tiiat  I  ."ai  here*        "" 

"It  is  for  thi£  reason  that  I  havs  traveled  over  Oceans  and  Oonti- 
naitc,  froa  iar-otl  IiiJiu  -  the  Haae  of  Ancient  ijyetery,  -  to  sea  you  and  you 

"I  hs.vo  caoe  to  offer  you  the  p«raonal  Inatruotion  that  will  enahlo 
you  constnactivaly  and  independently,  to  deaonstrate  the  continuity  of  Life 
beyond  tiio  Grave  -  pro^  you  are  in  position  to  recoive  tho  Instruction 
and  con  satisfy  ne  that  ycii  vdll  mxi-^  a  ri^t  use  of  the  knowledge,  end  can 
meet  all  the  terns  and  ccnditicms"* 

For  four  houro  I  had  listened  to  the  smooth,  eteady  flow  of  his  words 
and  to  nifl  voice  of  wonJei^Xul  rldmeas  and   sympathetic  powori   until  he  said, 
"And  now  I  un  throuf^  and  yuu  know  vihy  I  am  hare*  HaTd  you  any  quastione  to  ask? 

I  had.     In  trutli,  I  was  almost  bursting  vdth  questions*     I  a&ked 
him  about  the  School  f  .om  whioii  ho  had  ocioa,  -  whore  it  was  -  How  old  It  was  - 
Ito  manner  of  initiation,  -  >hat  were  the  ^d^tloos  of  toy  own  adoittanoe 


and  instruotion  to  vhlch  h«  had  ref«rr«d*    AH  of  utilah  ha  mapigMwl  fully  and 

Aaang  tho  oonctLtloni  ««r«i 

!•    That  I  ffluflt  arrang*  to  glT«  hin  at  j^aatt  6  houra  avery  d^,  fr«a 
A  to  10  p«a»  Old  aa  much  mora  aa  I  oould* 

2«    Ihat  I  rauat  pladge  nQTealf  to  davata  qy  lit*  ia  tha  IVoric* 

3«     That  I  aeoapt  tha  Inotruotion  aa  a  Qlft  from  him  abaolutaly  and 
in  aveiy  8«i«a* 

A.     That  I  oontinua  tha  Work  undar  his  Instruotion  until  I  had  mad  a 
tha  personal  domonatration,  whathar  that  ba  3  yaara  ^r  20« 

5*  That  I  naver  daviata  from  tha  pathway  and  Ihat  Z  •xmaplily  tha 
Spirit  of  tha  Work  in  ay  daily  lifa  and  oanduot  *  to  tha  Taiy  bast  of  n^  ahl- 
litias  th«noaforth« 

6.     That  I  davoto  cgrsalf  to  tha  fenaulation  of  tha  Soienca  and  phi«> 
lOBoph^  of  tha  Qreat  School  into  deflnlta  statamsnt  in  tha  Shglish  Languaga 
in  tho  ol.{)lo8t  and  moat  dafinito  and  axaot  form  possibla  and  publish  tha  soma 
in  book  fora  to  bo  uaad  aa  the  modem  Taxt-^ooks  of  tha  Sohoal* 

7«     That  I  do  all  in  hqt  power  to  olroulata  tha  books  so  formulated 
and  published  and  with  these  ad  a  basis  that  I  inau£;urate  a  work  of  personal 
instruction  of  such  applioants  as  oould  prove  th«aaiQ.ve8  raadly  far  tha  work* 

8.    That  in  all  niy  work  I  should  sqploy  tha  Mathoda  of  tha  School 
and  go  as  far  as  oonditiMis  and  iny  abilities  and  int aUiganoa  would  permit  to 
inaugurate  and  establish  an  Sduoational  Uovemaot  of  tha  Sdhool  in  this  Wes^ 
em  World* 

On  one  point  X  protested^  and  that  was  that  I  wanted  to  pay  him 
for  his  time  and  ecxponsa*  He  told  ma.  however,  in  tenos  that  couljd  not  ba 
mistaken,  that  ho  oould  not  admit  ma  to  tho  inatruotion  on  a^y  otJier  oondi- 
tions]  that  tho  Knowledge  was  a  Gift  to  him  and  that  it  must  ever  and  always 
be  gjlven  in  the  same  way  and  the'e^raT  ^lETt|  that  argr  variation  from  that 
rula  would  be  a  violation  of  a  fundamental  principle  of  tha  Work|  that  "^ 
an  endless  chain  of  Gifts  shall  tha  C^^sat  Wark  ba  Establi^ad*" 

Ha  told  me  to  go  home,  think  the  matter  over  carefully  until  the 
next  clay,  and  ocae  back  to  him  at  U  the  natxt  day  and  give  him  my  decision* 

I  went  home  and  did  my  boat  to   sleep,  but  made  little  headway  un> 
til  almost  doyli^t,  i^«n  I  fell  into  a  deep  sleep  and  slept  a  perfect  slesp 
until  almost  9  a*  m«    I  arose  at  once,  ate  a  bite  of  breakfast,  and  started 
to  my  office*    So  skeptioal  was  X,  however,  that  X  was,  by  that  time,  won- 
dering if  tha  li^ole  exper lance  of  maating  tha  Uastar  wasnH  a  draam*    So  I 
oondluded  to  ga  lay  tha  Hotel  and  oaa  if  ha  waa  still  thara* 

•  22  « 

I  wont  Bortly  up  ttairs  and  along  tfaa  hallMjr  to  Ho*  13«    I  rapp«d 
gently  on  the  door  and  olAost  inetantljr  It  opanad  and  thora  etood  tha  aama 
strangely  fascinating  flgura  and  faoa^  half  aolllng*    Ha  graotad  me  with  "laa* 
I  am  ctlll  hera  and  it  la  npt  a  draaca*    Qo  on  to  your  work  and  ratum  to  am 
at  4  p*  m*    I  will  atlH  baEtra*" 

I  aald  not  a  word  but  saluted  him,  tumad  and  went  etralg^t  to  qy 
office  and  work*     At  4  p*  m*  I  was  again  at  his  door*    On  being  admitted  he 
asked  me  to  be  seated  and  his  first  quaetlon  waat     "Rall^  idiat  la  your  decision?** 

X  replied  that  I  presumed  ha  alraadj  knanr^  as  ha  e^woad  to  know 
about  all  that  waa  passing  In  ngr  nlnd* 

He  admitted  that  ha  knew  ay  dedslon^  but  said  at  onoai     "I  want  you 
to  know  that  I  have  not  in  the  least  degree  Influaioed  you  in  that  regard,  for 
to  have  dona  oo  would  have  be<n  a  direot  Tlolatlon  of  tha  Constructive  principle* " 

I  them  told  him  that  I  had  detenninad  to  aooept  his  offer,  provided 
I  could  know  that  in  so  doing  I  could  diacharga  tha  dutiaa  I  <wed  to  my  little 
family.     Ha  a08tu*ed  me  on  that  point,  and  aaked  ma  hew  eoon  I  would  be  ready 
to  begin  the  Work*    I  told  him  I  was  ready  at  ary  noiaant« 

Ha  seemed  greatly  pleased,  and  oaidi    "Ihwi  we  will  enter  upon  your 
first  leason  toni^t*** 

That  was  the  beginning  of  the  most  wonderful  Inatruotion,  Work,  and 
Exporienoo  of  hqt  entire  previous  life*    Hia  personal  Instruction  continued  frtza- 
that  evening,  for  wcaotly  13  months;  during  which  time  he  took  oa,  atep  by  step, 
over  the  ontiro  field  of  paychology  covered  in  "The  Qfeat  Wory  and  taught  me 
hovf  to  dorcnstrato  every  point,  until  I  had  developed  aH  my  ^iritual  Senses 
perfectly  -  could  see,  heai^,   sense  and  talk  with  those  of  the  Great  Frionda 
on  tha  Spiritual  side  of  life* 

And  ny  final  and  crowning  achievenent,  under  his  direction,  was  to 
withdraw  at  will  from  tha  physical  body  and  travel  with  hin  out  into  the 
Spiritual  realma* 

He  had  told  me  of  the  School,  its  Wark,  and  of  its  Headrjuarters  in 
India,  and  that  when  I  was  able  independently  to  0D  with  him  he  would  take 
ma  to  the  Control  T«apla  in  India,  liiara  I  would  foznally  ba  initiated. 

Ohore  were  then  32  Mmbers  living  on  tha  physical  plana*     Ihe  full 
roster  called  for  33*    Therefore  one  vaoanogr  was  to  ba  filled* 

Before  the  end  of  his  work  with  mo  I  withdrew  fr«a  the  physical 
body  and  with  hira  as  iny  gidde  went  to  tha  Central  T«aple  (an  earthly  Tenple 
in  the  province  of  Thibet)  and  was  there  formally  Initiated  as  the  33rd* 
and  youngoat  member  of  the  Order*    Uy  initiation  occurred  August  Ifi,  1B84* 

Ihe  Qreat  Uastor  renalned  with  me  In  Stodcton  from  July  21,  1683 
to  August  21,  188A,  during  v^lch  time  I  was  with  him  in  hia  rooa  No*  13 
every  day  from  U  p*  m*  until  late  into  the  night  •  uauAlly  botwoen  1  and  2 
the  next  morning*     As  nearly  as  I  can  estimate,  I  spent  9  houre  out  of  eveiy 

•  23  * 

2A  -  cai  the  Average  •  with  hla-  receiving  insiruotlon  and  deijig  the  work  he 
ladxl  out  Tor  me* 

To  tell  li^t  those  15  ioonthe  of  instruoilm  and  Work  were  In  de- 
tail, and  ^&t  thtii/  meant  to  tm,  would  be  In^eslblo*    It  would  mean  to  give 
you  the  detailed  exposition  of  the  Scienne  of  Constructive^  Independent. 
Spiritual  Unfoldnient  and  the  HUlosophy  of  Life  baaed  thereon,  and  the  indi- 
vidual stops  by  which  I  domonstrated  every  propositien  in  sgr  own  personal  ex> 


For  the  porpooos  of  this  historic  narrativCf  it  is  sufficient  te 
state  the  facts  that  I  took  Ihe  instruction  &s  the  Qreat  Uaster  gave  it  me> 
did  the  personal  work  required,  and  made  the  demonstrations;  that  I  was  then 
induotod  into  the  active  membership;  was  appointed  to  represent  the  School 
and  work  in  this  country;  that  I  accepted  the  reeponsibilities  and  have  done 
nff  best  to  discharge  thfloi* 

But  I  must  tell  you  of  one  eoperienoe  ^at  meant  more  to  me  thm 
any  other  during  the  yaster*s  stay  tdth  net 

Tbward  the  doee  of  the  tenn  of  jpj  Instruction  the  G*  y«  -  during 
one  of  our  "Travels  in  the  Spiritual"  -  took  me  to  a  hone  sooeihere  in  the 
liorthwestem  part  of  our  own  Country*     Ttmrm  was  but  one  person  there  -  a 
young  and  nu)st  beautiful  woman*     She  sat  at  a  little  table  and  had  been  writ- 
ing*   She  was  resting  her  head  on  her  hand  and  was  thinking  intently*     I  knew 
she  was  troubled  and  I  Icngod  to  help  her* 

He  said  to  oe  i    "Study  her  face  and  «gr  ee  until  you  will  know  her 
when  you- meet  her  in  the  phjisicalj  for  you  wll3^  mset  her  inside  of  ^  yrs. 
fraa  now,  and  she  will  beoone  your  Studwit  ana  first  real  Helper* 

He  took  me  to  her  twioe  thereafter  before  he  left  me|  and  on  one 
occasion  she  was  in  a  groat  Hall  with  maiv  gaj  aixl  brilliant  people,  and 
she  was  the  center  of  attention  and  Interest;  but  I  knew  her  heart  was  not 
in  the  occasion*    She  was  etiU  troufcOLedi  bat  v%b  ooverli^  that  fact  from 
all  about  her* 

I  studied  her  carefully*    Z  knew  that  I  could  identli^  her  If  I 

should  ever  meet  her* 

Two  years  later  -  U!^  7,  ISfft  «*  I  Q*t  her  for  the  first  tine  in 
1^7  e^rihly  fona*     It  was  in  Dismarok,  K*'  Dakota,  in  the  offloe  cf  my  friend 
Dr*  Winiamsoni  in  the  First  Ktl*  Dank  Bldg* 

The  Dr*  came  to  my  Law  Office,  ooroee  the  hall  from  his  own  office, 
and  called  as*    He  saidt     "Came  to  loy  office,  I  want  you  to  ffle«t  a  Lady- 
Friend  of  ours  it)o  ia  visiting  Kith  ue  for  a  few  wveki** 

I  followed  him  to  his  office  and  there  I  nst  "WLorenoeHjai^ylL^ 
the  same  beautiful  woraon  I  had  come  to  know  in  the  spirltuSTT'TrKSo^ftea 
her  at  once;  and  told  her  I  bad  met  her  before,  but  would  toll  her  later  the 

Ihe  next  day  I  net  her  again  and  dtoilng  an  hour's  conversation 
I  told  her  a  little  of  ay  life  and  studies  and  how  and  where  I  had  seen 

her  on  three  different  occasions,  each  of  which  she  recognised  a»l  verified* 


Thla  was  the  beginning  oT  ngr  aoquadntance  with  off  first  real 
^'tudent  and  the  moat  wonierful  wcaaan  I  have  ever  knowu 

In  a  few  raonUis  thereafter  I  removed  to  Uinneapolis^  Uinn.  and  she 
soon  took  a  position  ob  acsietant  ijlitor  of  the  Pieney  ff^^.  ^"^  during  the 
next  two  years  we  met  often  at  the  home  oX  Dr»  Ilaineej  with  ihoa  and  hia  wife 
she  lived* 

Here  she  began  her  work  as  a  Student  and  during  the  two  years 
1837-1888  made  splendid  progress  and  ioade  a  nunber  of  verifioationa* 

But  a  better  position  was  offered  her  on  the  Washington  Post  and 
she  went  to  Wash.,  D.  G*  -  where  she  worked  under  Frank  Hatton  for  3  yeare^ 
uc  his  aerdstant  liiditor  of  the  Poet* 

About  the  %ul  of  that  time  1891  I  removed  to  Chioagpj  where  she  aloo 
rontoved  in  Jan*  1894* 

Here  oho  began  her  first  writing  on  the  US*  of  "Hamonics  of  Svolur- 
tion"  in  her  Room  130  of  the  Leland  Hotel  -  (now  The  Stratford)  at  the  comer 
oi'  laichigan  Ave*  and  Jaokson  Blvd* 

From  that  tine  -  Jan*  1894,  we  wei^  never  s^)arated,  but  contin- 
ued to  raeot  almost  every  day  and  work  together  for  the  estahliahmont  of  the 
Cause  of  the  Groat  Sohool  and  Work  in  Aioarloa* 

Hot  KS.  was  finally  completed  and  in  1899  was  published,     vdth  the 
publication  of  Kev  book  "H£^^•lonica  of  Byolutipn"  be^an  the  integi^tion  of  a     - 
littlo  Group  of  interested  Students  -  among  whota  was  Dr*"Sigar  M*  iiVebster  who, 
later  on,  became  nor  first  regular  Student  of  the  "Techrdcal  VJork'<* 

■  As  our  little  group  grew  in  numlaere,  it  became  neooasary  for  uo  to 
moot  often,  and  this  we  did  at  Urs*  Suntliiyis  roams* 

But  we  begem  to  attract  attention  and  to  enable  ua  to  answer  ques- 
tions of  the  "curious"  witliout  betraying  our  real,  serious  work,  -  we  or- 
ganizod  tho  "Sublimo  arxi  rU-Hluminated  Order  of  TaOks", 

This  is,  perhaps,  the  most  unique  "Oilier"  ever  organized* 

It  grew  out  of  a  comical  little  incident,  around  which  grew  one 
of  tlio  niost  reiuirkable  rituals  of  initiation  ever  formulated.     In  the  evolu- 
tion of  tho  cora:iony  of  iioitiation  into  this,  the  most  remarkable  order  on 
earth,  tho  fun-loving  natures  of  the  blessed  "RA"  and  ngraelf  found  full  vent* 

In  this  Order  each  maaber  was  given  a  "Taok^-name  suitable  to  his 
or  her  station  and  cfaaractor* 

floronco  Huntley  wae  i.ady  Tactful"-  tho  "Recording  Angel"  -  from 
wi;ich  last  designation  her  f bbreyi»tod  "name  of  ••i^A"  developed* 

I  wa.-^  V.r,  Tact,  also  The  Tack-Hanraer,  and  my  abbreviation  of  "W 
grow  out  of  "Tad:"  -  being  tiie  first  and  last  letters  -  T^ 

The  "Order  of  Tacks"  formed  tho  ycoteric  side  of  our  Group  meet- 
ings, and  served  a  splendid  purpose* 

-  25  - 

BocauQo  of  my  doaire  to  work  quietly  and  avoid  oboervation,   I 
found  it  advlBablo  to  use  son^e  nom-deplumo  wlion  publishing  wy  ovm  contri- 
butionc  to  tlio  Literatoi-o  of  tlio  Groat  richool  and  V/ork,  -  I  'iioao  tho  "Tack" 
n.ina  tlict  had  bocc«uo  attached  to  aa  -  and  hence  Vols,  n  and  m  of  the 
HaruOiiic  jox'ioQ  v*oro  puixLiLhod  in  the  naao  of  "TK". 

no  alao  my  naao  aa  iiiitor  of  "Lii'e  and  Action"  is  "TK"» 

In  tile  oouroe  of  our  /:iutual  acyii^ntanceo,  llr,  John  K,  liLLholland, 
of  M»Y«  City,   one  to  knonv  v\e»     Ho  gave  mo  the  name  "St,  John"  from  knowing 
that  iiy  firat  name  ic  "John", 

Later  on,  whan  Dr,  '.Vebatcv  hud  booorao  intot^stod  actively  in  tho 
treatment  nnd   euro  of  oubjoctive,   psychic  insanity  -  olonf,  the  linos  cug- 
Coatei]  in  "Ihc  Grcat^  PrrydiolorjuCnl  Crlr.Ki",  it  of  ton  occurred  that  ha  dooirod 
to  call  nc  into  consul ta-JL on  Ibr  tiio  Bpocial  purpceo  of  havinc  Qo  C^-ve  him 
rny  oT/n  independent  peychic  cHaenoaia  of  scmo  now  caae  of  ineanity. 

In  all  mch   cuao.',   I  doaiivjd  to  avoid,  on  far  as  possiblo,  attract- 
inc  attention  to    ysalf  porucnally,  or  aroueiiiii  curionit/   in  the  niinds  of  tho 
rolativoa  and   attonciijntfl  of  such  patients,   or  projudices  in  the  minlB  of  ary 
of  the  "  r.eqular"  motabors  of  the  iledical  Profession, 

To  c.cco;aplirJi  th-j  de.'lred  ren'olta  'Jr,  V<ebater  simply  "tacked"  onto 
cy  nou  of  "'t..  John"  tho  title  of  "Dr."  and  in  all" 'such  cases  introduced" 
me  to^patlGnt.-;,  thoii'  rolativoa  and  frierffo,  and  ewch  Drs,  aa  wore  intoreatod,- 
ac  "Pr,  St.  John", 

Tho  disguiae  worked  lilce  a  charm,  and  saved  me  all  manner  of  em- 
barrassnonts,  and  at  the  name  time  nado  it  possible  for  me  to  be  of  some  help 
to  tho  Beloved  Dr,  V/ebctei',  during  Uio  early  years  of  his  exporienco  and  viork 
as    :r.  alic2ilr:tj   and  lintj.l  he  hid  become  able  to  .Majco  his  cmn  "poychic  diag- 
nosofl"  without  r^'  aid  and  vdtliout  having  to  call  mo  into  tho  casea  at  all, 

Hiis,  therefore,   sivas  you,  very  briefly  and  iraperfectly,   the 
iiiannor  in  rdiich  tlio  name  "^r.  St,  John"  boca'ne  attached  to  me,  and  tiie  woy 
in  \Jhich  tho  name  was  naturally  ovolv'od  from  Kff  firot  name  -  "John", 

ThuD,  tho  name  bocajno  attacliod  to  mo,  and  has  served  a  nost  &c- 
cellont  purpose,  all  thcr>o  y^arsj  i:!  that  it  haa  enabled  i,io  to  v/ork  freely 
Ln  tho  Ca'ose  of  suiforinj  h'Jiia'Aty,  and  without  idontifyinf;  mo  in  the  public 
mind,  with  tho  Groat  School,  with  tho  autliorship  of  Vole,  2  and  3  of  the 
Ilamonic  Sfjrie",  nor  with  tho  Groat  T^ori:  in  /jaorica. 

During  the  last  ferw  yoars,  however,  in  iny  work  of  Inatruction, 
an'.I  ar  t!io  rea/onsible  he..uJ  of  tho  "Ma-^*  a  L'opai'ti.iont",  I  have  rjignod  my 
letters  to  Students  and  "Filonds  of  tiio  U'ork",  aa  well  as  to  inquirers,  - 

indiscriminatoly  aa  "J^"  and  as  "]?r.,,  .  rv,i.ighn« 

Socio  of  thom  -  enpocially  tho  ye  I  have  written  personally,  on 
0  typov/rito:'  -  I  have  sisnod  sL-iply  TK  -  in  typ^»    Others  I  have  cignod 
a  same  and  then  with  pon  and  ink  have  added  "^  J.  St.  John  and  occasion- 

Ly  "rr.  ::.  J.  rt.  John", 

But,  during  the  laot  three  yoars  -  prior  to  this  22nd.  day  of 


Nov.  1912  -  I  have  inotructod  r.ioGt  of  ny  correspondents  to  addreas  me  aa 
"Dr,  K.  J,  St,  John  -  23/^  r.  Kenilworth  Ave.  Oal<^  park.  HI."  -  and  tide  too, 
Twhilo  oigning  raoet  of  iny  ovm  iattero  as  "TK", 

And  thus,  you  will  observe  that  it  has  become  aliaoat  generally 
loTo^m  that  "TK"  and  "Dr«  E«  J.  St,  John"  ai'o  one  and  the  came  person.     This 
has  boon  pronoditated  on  n^  ovm  part,  for  tho  purpoco  of  tlie  moro  easily 
irl ontlfy inc^pth  of  thoce  nanos  with  qy  roal  narao  of  "J,  E.  iiichardson"  or 
I' John  E,  .iipi'^|t|noa'<  -  trtion  tho  timo  cones,   If  «vor,  that  it  would  ceaa  wise 
for  the  JPmrflWkfiLic  to  know  ay  real  name. 

On  J.:inu.  ry  30,  1910,  -  Florence  Huntley  -  viith  whom  I  had  worked 
for  al^riost  25  years  ~  and  I  wero  married,   in  the  hono  of  our  beloved  Friend 
arx]  Brother  -  Horniann  Hillo  -  at  iJo,  4l6  Hort^  Konllworth  Ave.  in  the  Villafio 
of  Oak  Park,   nilnolB. 

This  was  the  consummation  of  all  our  dreams  of  Earthly  Happiness. 

V.o  wor<^  by  tho  gracious  Benediction  of  the  "Illfijier  Destiny",  per- 
rriittod  to  roallzo  t\vo  full  years  of  "The  Fulfilling;  of  The  Law^  -  in  tho  sweet- 
oat  and  aoot  blar^ood  and  beautiful  Life  of  The  Soul,  and  in  the  moat  perfect 
CX>rnpanioncldp  and   Cojnradeship  -  in  tho  Groat  Work  -  before  hor  tasks  were  fi- 
nished art!  olio  responded  to  tho  call  fron  above f     "V/ell  done,  good  and  faith- 
ful r.ervant"  -  and  loft  we  hei^  to  carry  the  double  burdon  aa  far  as  I  can 
bofore  I,  too,   shall  hear  tho  call  to  "cofna  up  hirfier". 

V^ioti  that  tijTW  shall  cctie  I  pray  that  I  may  qd  as  calmly,  sweetly 
and  peacof«i!^as  she  did,  and  that  I  may  leave  bdaind  me,  in  the  Conscious-' 
no3G  of  our  many  mutual  Frierds  and  Students,   oorao  aaall  measure  of  tho  Love, 
the  Friondahlp,  Gratitude  and  Confidence  they  cherish  fbr  her. 

.\B  one  more  link  in  the  Chain  of  Indentification,  lot  mo  say  that 
un  tho  occasion  of  our  oartlily  union  and  legal  man'iagOj   Jan,  30,  1910,-  thoro 
v/Gi'o  proaont  in  the  homo  of  Hon.iann  ilille  -  416  N,  Konllworth  Ave,,   Oak  park  - 
in  a<'ntLtlun  to  nr,  and  lira.  Ilille^,  tho  follovdng  named  guests,  among  othors, 
who  vdtnosaod  tho  raarriago  ceremony  and  participated  in  the  Joys  of  tho  occasion: 

I'ev.  Cmar  W,  Butler,  -  the  officiating  Clergyman  1 

Dr,  Edgar  Morgan  iVebstqr, 

Lura  BaacHVoboter, 

Wm,  J.  Candlieh,  Atty.- 

Henry  W,  Schimpf, 

Alma  il,  Schimpf, 

Laura  fl.  SLdrldge 

Charles  J.  Dorrano«, 

0.  B,  Moore, 

Harlo  Behrena, 

Inaa  Behrens, 

'.v.  H,  Caldwell, 

Dr.  J.  Llayd  Haninondi 

Urs*  iiose  Hodgos-Gay, 

Mrs.  Alice  Idchardson,  of  North  Adama,  llass. 

There  wei-e,  howevor,  3c«ao  others,  I  am  quite  ouro,  but  just  now 
I  am  not  entirely  certain  ac  to  tlioir  names,     I  do  recall,  hcwever,  two 

-27  - 

others,  vlzi-  Lo/ioy  F»  rpurlln  and  I  bellova  also,  Dr#  H«  Lindlahr,  Mrs, 
Anna  Lindlahr,  Lira,  Cecilia  Gemar,  and  ^r»  J.  D,  Buck  and  Dr,  Ihoe,  U,  and 
Allle  .'^towart  of  Cincinnati,  Ohio. 

Viith  only  ono  or  two  axoeptiona,  those  personal  Frlonds  were  also 
regularly  adnitted  Students  of  the  Groat  school  and  moot  of  there  were  nambers 
of  our  Central  Groiqj  of  Students  known  and  designated  as  "The  Old  Group",  « 
who  had  been  /loeting  vfith  ua  rocularly,  as  our  ^tudonta  as  well  as  Friends; 
and  they  ajj^  knew  at  that  tiriw,  that  "Dr,  E»  J.  St.  John"  and  "TK"  and  'vjohn 
E.  J ioharoaon"  were  all  one  and  the  same  Individual  and  that  I  was  that  in- 

Another  point,  -  and  that  has  reference  to  the  authorship  and  the 
writing  and  publication  of  "Hamonica  of  Evolution",  -  Vol.  I  of  the  Ha]>- 
oonio  Sozdest 

I  have,  trom  time  to  time,   received  letters  from  men  at  a  distance 
from  the  Center,  who  have  e^qjreesad  their  conviction  that  Florence  Huntlty 
never  wrote  the  W'".  of  that  Book,  -  in  fact,   that  no  woman  ever  had  written 
such  a  work  of  profound  Science  and  philosophy,   or  over  cculd  or  wojld  wi-lte 
a  book  of  such  depth  of  thoui;ht,   such  a  knowledce  of  Science,  both  physical 
and  spiritual,  such  perfect  Logic,  such  analytical  pcwer  and  depths  of  wisdom 
and  brilliancy  of  intellleenoe. 

Uany  of  the  .students  of  the  "Old  Group**  know  personally^  that 
Florence  Iluntlgy  is  tho  Author  of  that  book.     They  know  all  the  (arcumstances 
under  ;?tiicli  it  was  written.     But  for  tJioee  hereafter  t«ho  may  ever  question 
tho  authorship  of  that  V/ork,  let  me  sayi 

1,  Ihat  no  raoro  conacientiouo  Woman  than  Florence  Huntley  evor 
lived.     She  viould  no  mors  think  of  allowing  her  name  to  bo  used  as  tho  Author 
of  ajny  work  not  her  own,  tlmn  she  would  deliberately  stoa^,  or  maliciously 

2,  She  wrote  evory  page  and  para/3raph  of  the  book  -  as  truly  as 
I  wote  evory  page  and  paragraph  of  "The  Great  Work^  and  "The  Great  psycho- 
logical Crimo". 

/Old  tlois  means  that  her  authorship  of  "Harmonics  of  2yolution" 
is  absolute  and  complete  and  perfect. 

3,  She  the  writing  of  that  V/ork  in  1894,  in  roaa  130  of  the 
Leland  Hotel.   Chicafp.    She  was  four  years  in  the  task  of  receiving  the  in- 
otruction'  and  completing  the  US. 

A.     During  all  that  time  I  was  her  Instructor  and  CrLtic,     I  gave 
hor  the  knovdedge  of  Natural  scLenoo  from  which  die  formulated  her  own  con- 
cepts and  understanding,  and  I  criticised  her  MS.  wlicrever  I  found  that  she 
liad  either  not  understood  my  instructions  or  had  failed  to  ejq^ress  the  sub- 
ject fully  or  accurately}  and  in  all  r<uch  cases  she  rewrote  or  revised  her 
IS.  until  I  could  approve  it  as  an  autiiorltative  expression  of  the  Great  School. 

But  Florence  Huntley  wrote  and  formulated  the  MS.  of  "Hanaonics  of 
Evolution"  -  as  truly  as  any  writer  ever  wrote  any^  book.    She  is  as  tmly  and 

-28  - 

conplotoly  the  Author  of  that  book  aa  she  la  the  Author  of  "The  Dream 
Child"-  which  latter  she  wrote  and  completed  while  ohe  waa  in  Waalilngton, 
D,  C,  on  "The  poat"  -  and  the  MS,  of  which  I  never  saw  until  after  she  had 
it  co/ipletod  and  ready  for  the  Publidiera* 

5.     It  seoos  impossible  for  the  averag^  pian  to  give  the  credit 
due  Women  for  their  native  intellicenco* 

But  nKtst  man  have  never  had  the  privilege  or  the  honor  of  knowing 
a  waiian  of  auch  Intelligence  aa  that  of  Florence  Huntloiy* 

I  have  come  into  personal  contact  and  aocuaintanoe  with  oar^  of  the 
jTjoat  brilliant  and  intelligent  woraon  of  the  World  during  the  laat  35  years, 
and  ajuong  thoa  all  Florence  Huntley  stands  alone  and  unique,  as  the  moat  won- 
■ioL'ful,  powerful,  Vei'iatllli,'  1aaLHy«^lded,  beautiful  and  capable  woman  I  have 
ever  known,     A3  compared  with  her,  the  rest  of  womankind  are  but  child rerij 
In  :.ental  gi-asp  and  maturity,  and  Liliputlana  in  point  of  Intellectual  Sta- 
ture  and  power* 

Docause  of  hor  Intellectual  hel^-^t,  breadth,  d^th,  pcwer,  bril- 
liancy, beauty  and  vor:;atility,  by  compariaon  with  her  iVoraan  Contemporaries, 
as  v/ell  aa  the  noted  '.Vomen  of  Illartory,  It  is  not  strange  that  there  are  so 
few  rion  today  wl:io  are  able  to  give  her  the  credit  due  her;  nor  is  it  reciark- 
able  that  so  Lviny  raen  have  questioned  her  authorship  of  the  "Harmonics  of 
Evolution" • 

But  I  want  the  World  today,  and  in  the  years  and  csnturiea  to  cone, 
to  niyo  her  the  credit  duo  her]   and  I  ask  of  the  Students  and  Friends  of  the 
dreat  School  and  Work  everywhere,   (and  nore  especial  1y  of  those  who  have  known 
her  Life  of  noblo  renunciation  and  consecration),  to  make  it  a  part  of  tlielr 
l^sponslbility,   to  soe  tliat  hor  Authorship  of  "Hamonica  of  Evolution"  is  fully 
oatablishsd  an.   recognized. 

They  can,  at  loaat,  do  that  much  In  return  for  the  Defl:wflts  they 
have  received  from  her  without  "Fee  or  lieward", 

Florence  Huntley,  to  my  personal  knowledge,  is  the  sols  and  exr 
clualve  Author  of  x- 

1,     "The  Droag  Child"-  her  first  published  "occult"  book; 

2»     "Harmonics  of  Evolutiorf'  -  her  first  published  work  cf  Sclenoe 

ard  rhllooopliy; 

3,     "The  Gay  Onani  of  Gln^alee"  -  her  first  published  book  of  non- 
sense ord  fun* 

S]»  has  collaborated  with  me  Int- 

1,  "Who  jifiemare  Prj^yer" j 

2,  I  did  write  the  one  serious  chapter  in  "Ihe  Gay  Gnanl  of  Gln/'jalee;" 

3,  'Life  and  Aotion"] 

^v.     "Harmonic  Birthday  Dook^t 

5,  "Rituql  of  The  Order  of  1hckn"| 

6,  "iKe  "Tost  Course"  and  "Iiovlaed  Tost  Course  (T«C.) 

7,  "Pl£in.q,  ^'onns  ant^  Form  Lettero  for  parrying'  on  the  Yioxk  of 
Instmctlon  In  G*  S* 


8,  "Inotjruotlons  to  Student-InstructorB" 

9,  "lluch  other  Literature  connected  with  the  Dctension  Work  of 

the  G.  S» 

She  acted  aa  my  "^itor"  and  "Literary  Critic"  oft 

1,  "The  Graat  l'8voholo;d.oal  Crline"  Vol.  II  of  tho  Harmonic  serieo 

2,  "The  Great  Work"  "     III  "       " 

3,  B-ilie  Ideality  of  I'atter" 

J^,    «ThQ  }:eality  of  SpinT*  -  not  yet  puhli«h«d. 

I  ajtt  the  eoccluaive  autlior  oft 

Vols.  II  and  III  of  the  Harmonic  Series ♦ 

Fhe  io  the  Author  of  nunerous  unpublished  1133.  and  I  am  hoping 
that  it  r.iay  yot  be  poeE^blc  to  collect  togethor  anl  publish  in  Book  form  some 
of  hor  almost  countless  personal  letters  to  her  Students  and  Helpers  in  the 
\Vork  of  Personal  Instruction,     Those  letters  breathe  the  real  Spirit  of  the 
Vtoian  in  all  her  Womanly  tendernosE,  sympathy,  kindness,  generosity,  sweetness, 
loyalty,  Eraciousness,  wisdon,  power  and  personal  cham,  -  as,   perhaps,  nothing 
else  she  left  beliind  when  she  wait  away  from  us  out  into  the  other  life. 

There  are  enourfi  of  them  to  make  many  Volumes,  if  publldied;   and 
they  could  not  fail  to  be  of  tho  utnoet  value  to  the  wmen  »ho  are  to  have  the 
renponsibility  of  carryinc  on  the  Work  of  Personal  Instuuotion  in  the  Wonwn's 
nepart<->ent  hereafter  -  and  especially  after  I  shaU  have  finished  wy  earthly 
labors  and  gone  to  join  her  in  that  Life. 

This  also  Euccests  the  fact  that  in  rry  own  Letter  Files  covering 
my  correspondence  with  Students,   Instructors,   Applicants  and  Inquirers,  dui- 
inr  the  last  12  to  15  years,  will  be  found  letters  from  me,  Tdierein  I  have 
answered  huixirods  of  ouesUom  that  are  nowhere  else,  thus  far,  answered,  or 

It  has  occurred  to  nn  that,   after  I  have  rendered  my  final  account 
to  the  Great  School  and  Friends  a«i  left  with  you  who  remain,  the  responsibi- 
lities of  carryinc  on  the  Work,  -  you  nifiht  find  it  of  sane  real  help  to  you 
to  have  some  of  tho  best  and  most  irr.portant  of  ay  letters,  carefully  edited 
by  a  Conmdttee  con^)osed  of  Vema  (my  beloved  Daughter  who  knows- me  better  than 
anybody  else  on  earth),  Ur.  Hermann  Hille,  Mrs.  Lura  B.  Webster,  Dr.  E.  U. 
Wc^Bter,  Mayta  Turner  arei  Charles  Crane,  -  and  publish  them  as  a  series  of 
companion  Volumes  with  those  of  Florence  HunUcy,  aa  above  suggested. 

Suppose  the  Seriso  were  krown  as  "Letters  from  The  TK  a^id  llh,» 
and  the  Volumes  alternated'  as  follows! 

Vol.  I  by  The  IK. 
Vol.  n  "     "    RA. 

Vol!  IV  "     "     KA*  and  so  on,  ao  far  as  thoy  would  gp.     And  all  of 
these  shoiad  be  "Biited  by  the  Committee  -  giving  their  names  and  fact  that 
they  v^re  appointed  by  "The  TK«  -  othei^se  "John  E.  Richardson",  during  hia 
lifetime,  with  instructions  to  edit  each  and  evoiy  letter  in  such  manner 

-30  - 

that  itn  pubGLloation  will  not^  in  any  case,  disolos*  the  naoM  nor  th«  ldei>> 
tlt^  of  angr  recipient^  or  corroflpondant* 

Another  item  in  the  line  of  identification! 

In  Au;3uet  1908  I  wont  to  California  via  Salt  Liike  City,  Utah  and 
visited  nff  then  Student,   (Jharleo  Crane,  929  E»  South  Temple  St.     VMle  there 
l!r»  Crane  inslotod  that  ho  and  I  sit  for  our  pictureo  together.     V'/e  did  80, 
and  Ut»  Crane  had  the  photographs  of  the  two  of  us  taken  together  authen- 
ticated by  the  svrom  affidavits  of  himself  and  the  photographer. 

All  this  seemed  to  no  then  and  seems  to  me  now  unnecessary,  for 
tho  reason  that  the  thing  of  importance  to  the  Viforld  now  and  in  the  years 
to  come  is  not  who  wi-ote  the  Books,  but  are  their  teachings  and  findings 
true?     And  that  1r  sonething  that  every  honest  and  earnest  Student  axri 
Search  oi'  canverl^  for  himself,  if  he  has  the  Intolliganoe,  Courage  and 
Perseverance,  the  Time,  Place  and  Opportunity,  and  the  ri^t  caotive  and 
attitude  of  Soul* 

I  have  Labored  in  obscurity  for  29  years  and  the  Work  is  at  last 
Gotablished «    liy  personality  is  of  no  importance  whatever,  as  the  matter 
prooents  itself  to  me.     Those  who  have  accepted  the  findingn  of  NaturcCL 
J^cionce  and  the  Teachings  of  the  "Harmonic  Philosophy"  based  thereon,  have 
dtne  no  not  because  I  wrote  the  text-Books,  nor  becaufle  Floi'once  Huntlec' 
wrote  "IlarnonicH  of  Solution";  but  because  the  Truths  we  have  foinulated 
into  Engiiflh  in'  tKo  Books  have  appealed  to  thorn  and  have  eatisfied  the  d*- 
Djanda  of  their  lieaaon  and  Conscience. 

But  I  have  made  the  foregoing  statenent  of  Facts  to  satisfy  those 
of  ray  students  end  Prienis  wl»  tliinlc  the  time  will  cony  when  the  World  will 
want  to  know  yiho  wrote  tho  booka  arri  who  oatabUshod  ihe  School  and  Work  in 

It  may  bo  po.ssible  that  they  ore  correct  and  that  I  am  wrong,  -  in 
which  event  this  statenent  may  be  given  to  the  V/orld  in  whatever  way  seoos 
best,  and  for  v*iat  it  may  be  worth  to  thooe  who  read  it. 

Had  I  told  the  story  in  detail  it  would  have  required  several 
volumes,  and  would  have  contained  raapyj  r^ny^  incidents  of  the  most  fas- 
cinating and  absorbing  interest  to  those  who  are  interested  in  the  "Qocult". 
tho  "Lf/gtical^t  the  "Psychic"  and  tho  " Phenomenal" » 

But  I  have  told  only  the  bare  and  unvamiahsd  facts  and  only  such 
of  those  as  have  seemed  to  ne  to  have  any  bearing  upon  the  question  of  my 
identity  as  tho  Author  of  Voifl,  2  and  3  of  the  "Harmonic  Series"  and  the 
Instructor  of  Florence  Huntlciy,  the  Author  of  Vol.  1. 

With  a  I'rcyer  for  tjio  ever-increacing  success  of  the  Great  School 
arti  the  Viork  in  America,  and  a  Bleeslng  for  each  and  all  who  liave  in  the 
past,  contributed  to  tiioj,!"  ,§»*SPe8s,  and  Uioce  who  are  now  contributing  or 


Vfho  naj'  harecCtor  contributo  to  the  succoso  of  tho  Liovonent,  -  I  harounto 
eubscxdbe  ay  aesiuasd  nacme  of 

,\nd  niy  true,  lec^'-il  and  coiroct  naraa  of 

Finished  and  Sir>ned  in  ray  Work-RDom  • 
at  No,  215  Kaxiilworth  Ave.,   Oak  Park, 
HI,- this  23.  day  of  November,  A.  D. 
1912,   at  oxaotly  11  o'clock  ?X,  aiA 
delivorod  to  my  Bleased  and  Beloved 
Daughter,  Voma  It-  Brayton,   to  be 
by  hor  kept  In  safety  until  she 
sliall  deem  its  publication  wise  and 

li'powrltten  Coplee  may  be  mcde 
at  onco,  and  ouch  Copies  I  will  sign 
as  I  have  signed  this  original, 

Jolin  £.  Idchardson, 





I  J •  St  % 

,  John" 




J,  St. 



John  E, 


