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Bengal MS. Records 

Mil. i:mKi* or KKVKM**, t AI.U'11 \ 1782- i Jit.;, \\ 1 1 H A 

H. ^ii! WIL1 IAM V\ Il,SiN HI'S 1' 

k I ,N.i.. < 1 I'. 
M. \, '(IVIul'l., 1,1 ,I t t .!!'/!< t.I 

Vul L'Vlb. Ill, 

\V. H, ALLKN A CO,, i,n 

er tu tl ;e 3lu5i 





JANUARY, 1798. 

7017. Petition from Nayd Rni, widow of the late Rj Rdjballabh, 

requesting payment of her monthly allowance (Mushhar). 
January 16 ; No. 41. 

7018. Letter to Collector of Hehar, transmitting copy of a petition from 

Ilusain Kuli KMn, with directions to report on the allegations 
contained thqvin regarding the Jdgfa lands claimed by him, 
and which are stated to be held in attachment January 5. 

7019. Letter from Collector of Behar, in reply to orders of the $d 

November regarding ground required for cavalry cantonments. 
January 23 ; No. 2. 

7020. Letter from Collector of Behar,- transmitting account sales of three 

elephants received as tribute from the Rdjd of Nepdl. January 
26 ; No. 27. 

7021. Letter to Collector of Benares, directing him to state what 

measures he would propose for the Settlement of the lands 
forfeited to Government January 9. 

7022. Letter from Acting Collector of Bhdgalpur, in reply to orders of 

the nth December regarding compensation proposed to be 
made in consequence of the discontinuance of the cultivation 
of the poppy in the Districts heretofore included in the Bengal 
Contract January 5; No. 18. 

7023. Letter from Collector of HUgalpur, in reply to orders of the ioth 

October, regarding the proposed Settlement of Gidhar, the 
Mukarmri of the late Bahddur Beg Kh&i. Januaiy 9 \ No. 25. 

701*4, Letter to Collector of Bhdgalpur, communicating instructions of 
Government respecting the attachment and destruction of the 
poppy in his District January 26. 

7025 Letter to Collector of BhdgaJpur, transmitting extract of a letter 
from the Vice-President in Council, with directions to confonn 
to the instructions contained in it, respecting the proposed 
voi in* 


Settlement of the holding (Mukarrarf) of the late Bahddur IJeg 
KMn, and to report the result to the Board. January 30. 

7026. Letter from Acting Collector of Bhdgalpur, requesting an answer 

to his address of the a8th ultimo regarding the prohibition of 
the cultivation of the poppy. January 30; No. 15. 

7027. Letter from Collector of Birbhiim, containing propositions from 

persons in confinement for arrears of Police Tax on account of 
1202 and 1203, to liquidate the demands against them by 
instalments. January 5 ; No, 2. 

7028. Letter to Collector of Birbhiim in reply, informing him that all 

demands on account of the Police Tax were to cease from the 
date of the 6th Regulation of 1797, and directing him to apply 
for the release of the said persons. January 5. 

7029. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting an estimate of cm 

bankment repairs for Mandalghdt for 1798. Jan, 2 ; No. 1 1. 

7030. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, with instructions regarding the 

immediate repair of the embankments, and making the neces- 
sary advances. January 2. 

7031. Letter to Collector of Bardwun, directing him to report on the 

measures necessary to be adopted for the repair of the embank- 
ments. January 9. 

7032. Letter to Collector of Bardwiin, transmitting letter from the Vice- 

President, with directions to report on the right of succession 
to the estate of the late frokul Chtfnd Ghoshdl. January r 2. 

7033. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, transmitting account sales of 

lands in Chittagong and Sanclwfp ordered to be disposed of on 
the $th December. January 1 2 ; No. 28. 

7034. Letter to Collector of Chittugong, tmn.smiuing letter from the 

Vice-President in Council, and copy oi petitions from the 
widow of the lute Gokul Chshid (JhoshiiJ, with directions to 
report on the right of the difleront claimants to succeed to the 
estate, and on certain allegations in the petitions, January 12. 

7035. Letter to Collector of Dacca, d faceting him to report on Out claim 

of the widow and grandsons of the late Raja Kitjbzilluhh to 
monthly allowance (Mushahanl). January 16. 

7036. Letter from Collector of Dacca, forwarding proposals respecting 

remittance of the Silhet revenues to Dacca. January 19; No, 
2. Accepted, January 19, 

7037. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, submitting statement of altera- 

tions necessary to bo made in the account Settlement of the 


District, in consequence of the proprietors being entitled to 
execute distinct engagements. January 9; No. 14. Approved. 

7038. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting accounts of 

disbursements for embankment repairs in Hijili and Jaleswar 
for 1204 ; recommends they be passed. January 2 ; No. 16. 

7039. Letter to Governor-General in Council, requesting sanction for 

sale of lands in Midnapur and in Jessor belonging to the 
Zaminddr of Maindchaurd, for the recovery of a sum embezzled 
by the late Tahsflddr of Dihi Hdvilf, etc. January 2 ; No. 35, 

7040. To Governor-General in Council, requesting sanction for sale of 

lands in Tipperah, 24 Pargands, and Jessor. January 5 ; No. 15. 

7041. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting copy of a 

letter from the Collector of Bardwdn, enclosing the measure- 
ment and assessment (Hastobucl) account of Mandalghdt for 
the present year, with observations, etc. respecting the disposal 
of the Mahal at the end of the year, as suggested by the 
Collector. January 5. 

7042. Letter to Governor-General in Council, respecting the proposed 

Settlement of the holding (Mukarrarf) of the lute Bahddur Beg 
JKMn in Bhdgalpur. January 9 ; No. 26. 

7043. letter to Governor-General in Council, submitting a question 

regarding the payment of monthly allowance (Mushdhard) 
claimed by the Zaminddrs of Amrdbitd on account of 1198-99 
antl 1200. January 9; No* 32, 

7044. Letter to Governor-General in Council, requesting sanction for 

sale of lands in Bardwdn, Jessor, Rdjshdhf, and 24 Pargands. 
January 9; No, 41* 

7045. Letter from Governor-General in Council, authorising the pro- 

posed sale of lands of the Rdm' of Bardwdn ; also the proposed 
sales of lands in 24 Pargands, Bardwdn, Chittagong, Murshidd- 
bdd, Rangpur, and Shdhdbdd; instructions lo be hereafter 
furnished respecting separations and annexations proposed 
by the Collector of Bardwdn; directing that the forfeited 
hinds in Benares be retained in the hands of Government, and 
held khds or let in farm as most advisable. January 9 ; No. 43. 

7046. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting information 

received from the Collectors regarding the cultivation of wax 
and potatoes, with propositions, etc., thereon. Januarys; 
No. 14. 

7047. Letter from Governor-General in Council, with orders regarding 


the management, etc., of the estate of the late Gokul Chdnd 
Ghoshdl. January 12 ; No. 47. 

7048. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting proposals 

tendered for farming 12 annas or three-fourths share of Dandrd, 
and 8 annas or one-half of Illdhdbdd for three' years, and 
recommending that Ramjai Datta's proposals be accepted. 
January 16; No. 37. 

7049. Letter to Governor-General in Council, requesting sanction for 

sale of lands in Dacca, Midnapur, Sdran, and 24 Pargands. 
January 19 ; No. 35. 

7050. Letter from Vice-President in Council, approving of estimate for 

the repair of the embankments in Tamluk ; authorizing the 
acceptance of Mr. Turin's proposals for remitting the surplus 
revenues of Silhet to Dacca; approving propositions respecting 
the purchase of unsaleable lands in ShdhdMd ; authorizing the 
Collector of Bardwdn to make disbursements for the repair 
of the embankments in Pargand Mandalghdt, etc. January 19 ; 
No. 38. 

7051. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter and 

enclosure from the Collector of Tirhut, regarding the Settle- 
ment of the holding (Mukarrarf) of the late Mfr Zulfikar All, 
and recommending that the Collector be authorized to conclude 
a Provisional Settlement of Pargands Mulki and Balid with 
the proprietor in perpetuity. January 26 ; No. 26. 

7052. Letter to Governor-General in Council, requesting sanrtion for 

proposed sale of Ldkhirdj lands in Bhifgalpur, and recommend- 
ing that lands which have proved unsaleable be bought in 
on account of Government. January 26 ; No. 34. 

7053. Letter from Governor-General in Council, authorizing sale of 

lands in Midnapur and Jessor ; approving orders for deputing 
officers to attach and destroy the poppy in Bhdgalpur ; directing 
that no undue claims be admitted, and expressing doubts 
whether the opium produced in the present year by persons 
who have cultivated the poppy for the Contractor is liable to 
confiscation ; approving proceedings regarding the disposal of 
Paagand Mandalghdt; approving propositiqns respecting the 
Settlement of the holding (Mukarrarl) of the late Bahddur Beg 
Khdn; authorizing proposed sale of lands in Bardwdn, Jessor, 
Rdjshdhi, and 24 Pargands* January 26 ; No. 44* 

7054. Letter from Governor-General in Council, authorizing sale of 


lands in Tipperah, 24 Pargands, Nadiyd, and Jessor, for arrears 
of revenue. January 30; No. i. 

7055. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting copy of a petition 

on the part of Kdlf Sankar Rdi, late Farmer of Bhtishnd, regard- 
ing a transfer proposed to be made to his son, and requesting 
orders thereon. January 5 ; No. 3. 

7056. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, directing him not to give 

any countenance to the proposed transfer. January 5. 

7057. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting the draft of an 

advertisement for the sale of Pargands Pdikhdti and Kdlfdds- 
pur, ordered to be purchased on account of Government, 
agreeably to instructions of the lath ultimo, and stating that 
measures are being taken for the attachment of Muhammaddbdd, 
and for making the Zaminddr of Yusafpur account for his 
actual Collections. January 5 ; No. 13. Directed to attach 
the lands, and advertise them to be sold on the loth February. 
;o5tS. Letter from Collector of Jessor, stating that he has not been able 
to recover the deficiency payable by the first purchasers of 
Kismat Godlpdrd, January 9 ; No. 12. 

7059. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, directing him to avail him- 

self of the first opportunity of recovering the deficiency payable 
by the first purchasers, but that in the meantime the original 
proprietor is only to receive credit for the amount realized. 
January 9. 

7060. Letter to Collector of Jessor, communicating authority of Govern- 

ment for the proposed sale of lands in his District January 9. 

7061. Letter to Collector of Jessor, directing him to furnish an expla 

nation regarding embankment (Pulbandi) repairs for 1795. 
January 23. 

7062. Letter from Judge at Jaunpur, transmitting copy of a decree in 

the cause of ifchtidr Sinh versus \ )asu Dalip Sinh, for the recovery 
of a share of the Xanu'nddrf of village Kadhdrd. January 5. 

7063. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, transmitting further statement 

of lands of Rdjd Hrajdnand in Maindchaurd proposed for 
sale for the recovery of arrears of revenue due from him. 
January 2 \ No. 31. 

7064 Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, directing him to adver- 
tise the sale to take place on the i8th February, and likewise 
the remaining unsold lands of Rdjd BrajdnanrL January 2* 

7065. Letter from Collector of Hidnapur, transmitting statement ol 


establishment for the management of the estate of Birpras;ui 

Chaudhri, a dissenting Zamfnddr, required by the Board in 
orders of the 28th November. January 2 ; No. 36. 

7066. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, informing him that the Vice* 

President in Council does not think proper to invest Sumitni 
Debi with the estate forfeited by her late huslwmd, Riija 
Ddmodar Bhanj. January 12. 

7067. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, communicating authority of 

Government for the proposed sale of lands in his District. 
January 9. 

7068. Letter to Collector of Murshidtfbdd, with instructions rcppinlmu 

the approj)riation of the proceeds of the tale Rrfjri K;nnkrishmi's 
lands, sold at the Presidency on the 4th instant, and clmrfirij; 
him to submit a further statement of lamb to be sold fur rhr 
recovery of the amount still due on account of the insL-iIiumr 
of 1198. January 16. 

7069. Letter to Collector of Maimansinh, informing him th;it Ciovcrn 

mcnt authorize him to accept the proposals of the l;itr /jinin 
ddrs ofBarakdndi, for the payment in instalment of t lit- U'lLiwv 
due by them. January 9. 

7070. Letter to Collector of Nndiyrf, mithorin proiK>sed wilt- of lands 

in his District for arrears of nssessment. January 30. 

7071. Letter to Collector of the 24 Itogands, directing him to rqiori 

on the right of succession to the estate of the lateCokiti ( 'iulnil 
Ghoshdl. January 12. 

7072. Letter from Collector of the 24 Par^ands, requesting instructions 

respecting the Mahal claimed by Tdrinf Chjinin Rdi etc. j rr 
porting on the balance due from it, nn<l stating that the raynts 
who were bringing their money to the Court were forcibly 
carried off by a party headed by (Joktil Chandm nncl Krflf 
Deis Rdi. January 19 ; No. 9. Instruction* forwarded on the 

7073- Letter from Collector of 24 Pnrgami^tmnsmittingrepresonlations 
from the ftuufwnl dqmtwl to make the collections of Kistnat 
Pargand Mrfgurf, that Rdll IM* Rdi and (Joktil Chandra 
R oppose him in the execution of hi* duty, January aCr 
No. 30, 

7074. Letter to Collector of 24 Parganits in reply, directing him to uli 
mit a statement of a portion of Kismat J^rganit Mdgtirrf, to In- 
sold for the recovery of the anrcars due from the MahaJ f mul to 


proceed against Kii Da's and Gokul Chandra in the manner 
suggested in his letter. January 26. 

7075. Letter from the Collector of Purniah, reporting on the claim 

of Gopi Kdnt Rdi Kdntfngo to Taluk Hulas. January 23 ; 
No. 20. 

7076. Letter to Collector of Purniah in reply, directing him to refer 

the claimant to the Court (Addlat) for redress, and in case he 
should institute a suit, to defend it on the part of Government. 
January 23. 

7077. Letter to Collector of Purniah, sanctioning proposed sale of lands. 

January 26. 

7078. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhf, communicating the authority of 

Government for payment of pensions in his District during the 
lives of the present claimants. January 19. 

7079. Letter from Collector of Kdmgarh, reporting the death of Rdjsi 

JMriijf Sinh, Jagfrddr of Ghdt Kundu, and recommending that his 
Thanildilrf Jiigfr be continued to his family. January 16 ; No. 20. 

7080. Letter to Collector of Ramgarh in reply, sanctioning the* conlinu 

ance of the Jdgfr of the late Hiniji Sinh to his brother Gnjrdj 
Sinh, on condition of his performing the services for which the 
Jdgir was originally granted January 30. 

7081. Letter to Secretary to Government, reporting cm the decease of 

I )urgdpnisa*d, late proprietor of 8 annas or one-half of Pargand 
Kholont in Dinrfjpur, and of his estate having devolved to the 
Court of Wards. J n nuary 2. 

7082. Letter from Sub- Secretary to Government, regarding supply of 

rice for the use of the Commercial Resident at Colombo from 
the Ifctkarganj granaries. January 9 ; No, 3. 

70tS3. Letter from Sub-Secretary to Government, transmitting resolu- 
tion of Government regarding the employment of convicts, 
and directing the Board's attention thereto. January 12 ; 
No. 37. 

7084. Letter from Sub-Secretary to Government, directing the Acting 

Collector of Ittufgalpur to pay tip the Troops at Monghir 
immediately, and to assign his reasons for having deviated from 
the instructions of Government January 23 ; No. 16. 

7085. Letter from iSub-Secretary to Government, transmitting extract 

of a general letter from the Court of Directors, with a copy of 
the pamphlet published by direction of the Hoard of Agriculture, 
to be forwarded to the Collectors, with orders to furnish such 


information as they may be able to obtain on the points 
treated of therein. January 30 ; No. 1 1. 

7086. Letter from Collector of Sifran, representing for the consideration 
of the Hoard the case of two persons in confinement on account 
of arrears due to Government January 5 ; No. 2a. 

70X7. Letter to Collector of Sdran in reply, directing him to apply for 
the release of the persons alluded to in his letter, as all demands 
on account of Police Tax were to usise from the date of Kepju 
lation 6 of 1797. January 5, 

yoS8. Letter from Collector of Sanm, representing (he inronvenie.w.e 
experienced by hint in eonsefjuewv of tin* Paymaster at 
lJuujpur objecting to receive the. amotmt of his draft 1 ., <*x< <-|*t 
in the proportion of one-third of silver. January 5 ; No. if* r; 

*; '<*). Letter to Collector of SUran, forwarding; letter from the Governor 
General in Council, containing instructions regarding the sale 
of lands made by the late Acting (Collector {Mr. Kordytt 4 ) ; 
<lirccting that the sale be annulled, and fur him to report 
upon the adjustment whir!) IK- may make with the pur<'h.*ser. 
January 9, 

7-,i')0. Letter from <'o!krtnr ot Saran. reporting the diMth of K.ij.'i Sn 
Krishna Smb. January 19; No. 4. 

7091, Letter fwm ttolicctor of Tippcrnh, in reply to onlers <** tlu* isth 
r, n 'purling the <'in uinstanrrs under which I'argan.i 
was held mukr Government ni;tnaKe)nnit (khiis). 
January <;, 

7.^^;? Letter from <*ollector of Tipperuh, tMitMitittntg htateiueut of 
Linds for sale for the recovery of arrears of ass*sstu*nt f and 
reporting on the balance diu* front the /aiuiiuUrs of' Uikhmlpur 
staled to have been occasioned by mcroac hmcnts <rf the river 
and rt'i'ouuuending that the s,de of tlunr lamls he tmspcndcti 
until the losses liuve been ascertained January $3 ; No- &i. 

7,*V>< Letter t4i ('<lleiorof Tipper.ih in reply, directing liimtoadvertisi* 
the sale to take place, at his station on the 6th March nrxJ, 
and to attach the lands previous to the actual sale of them, 
January j$. 

7004. Letter from the (*o}lr< tor of Tirhut, in reply to orders of the ;td 
June last, com.timitg information regarding the Alt.imglus 
of the late llas,im Ktnt and Hendpat, and rcqtiestin;; ordei 
thereon, January i a ; No, 39, 

7095* Letter to Collector of Tirhut in reply, directing him to deliver 


over the rent-free lands (Altamghd) of the late Basant Rdm to 
Jai Krishna, the ostensible heir of the deceased. January 12. 

7096. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, in reply to orders of the 28th 

November respecting the tenure of the village of Shukrpur, and 
the claims preferred to the proprietary right thereof. January 
30; No. 14. 

7097. Letter to Collector of Tirhut in reply, directing him to hold the 

lands under Government management (khds) till further orders, 
and to advertise for proposals for fanning them, and also to 
require any persons having claim to the land to appear and 
make good their title. January 30. 

7098. Letter from the Hoard of Trade, requesting information respecting 

the orders issued in consequence of a reference from the 
Collector of Uhdgalpur relative to the discontinuance of the 
cultivation of poppy in the Uengal Districts. January 23 ; 
No, 23. 

7099. Letter to the Hoard of Trade in reply, stating that the reference 

alluded to has been submitted to the Vice-President in Council 
for orders, and that a copy of it will be forwarded to the Board 
of Trade together with the resolutions of Government upon the 
subject January 23. 

FBHRUARY, 1798. 

7100. Petition from the Grain Merchants (Golddiirs) of the Bara- 

bdxdr, Calcutta, complaining of extortion by Subalrdm Pal, 
Ihtimdmddr of the Bdzdr. February 2 ; No. 53. 

7101. Petition from Bhupendra Nardyan, requesting that Pargand 

Pukharid, purchased by him, be held under Government (khds) 
innnnKement, and that he be allowed monthly allowance 
(Musluthard). February *3 ; No. 26. 

7102. Petition from Binditban Chandra, requesting to be put in posses- 

sion of curtain lands in Nadiyd, late the property of Krishna 
< lhamlru Rdi, purchased by him at Sheriffs sale. February 27 ; 
No. 40, 

7103. Petition from Nflmani JIdlddr, requesting that orders be issued to 

the Col lector of Ifcirdwdn to cause the papers of Taraf Jagdispur 
to be delivered up to him. February 23 ; No. 31. 

7104. U'tter to Nflmnni Hdkkir, in reply to the above application, 

informing him that a daily fine has been ordered to be levied 


upon the Rdnf of Bardwdn until she delivers up the papers 
required by him, and stating that there cannot be any objec- 
tions to his making the measurement of the lands bought by 
him. February 23 \ No. 39. 

7105. Petition from Gopfmohan, requesting to be vested with the 

management of the late Rdjd Naba Krishna's estate during tin* 
minority of his son, whom he stales to be under age, anil 
offering to enter into an engagement to be responsible for any 
deficiency that may arise while he shall be in possessiun. 
February 23 ; No. 39. 

7106. Letter from Mr. J. H. Beecher, stating that he has iu\'irly re 

covered from his indisposition, and rec [nesting to IK* furnish**'! 
with a copy of the charges preferred against him by the 
to the Governor-General in Council, in order to enable him to 
reply thereto. February 27 ; Nos. 11-12. 

7107. Letter to Mr. Beecher in reply, directing him to wait upon one of 

the Judges of the Supreme Court, to take an affidavit for the 
purpose mentioned in the orders of Government of Novumliei 
1796, and having done so, to call and inform the Hoard nmml 
ingly. February 27. 

7108. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting a petition from the 

legal agent (Vakfl) of Indyat All Khdn, heir-at-law of the late 
Fazl-ul-nissd Begam, together with a report of the lands ehiiim:d 
by him, furnished by the Kdmingos of Pargand Biswank, and 
also an account of the collections therefrom sinre the period ol 
the resumption. February 13; No, 40. 

7 109. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him lo report on the 

period and circumstances of the resumpt ion of the lands dnimcd 
as rent-free (Altamghd) by Indyat AH Khdn. February 13. 

7110. Letter to Collector of Behar, directing him to remit the (iuy.t 

duties in favour of Rdi Hipat Rds and his followers going on n 
pilgrimage to that place. February 20. 

7111. Letter to Collector of Behar, respecting his irregular rondiu't 

with regard to his correspondence with Captain ( ?n:(rtonden. 
February 23. 

7112. Letter to Collector of Benares, communicating orders of Govern 

ment regarding obtaining a Deed of Relinquishment from (he 
proprietors of the lands held by the followers of the He^nut 
Ruttailluck (Qy.) Sultdn, with directions to report the adjust 
ment which he may make with them. February 2. 


7113. Letter to Collector of Benares, forwarding him a Sanad executed 

by the Governor-General in Council, to be delivered to Sio IA\ 
i>obe. February 6. 

7114. Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting a letter from Govern- 

ment (and a copy of the Board's address to which it refers) for 
his guidance, respecting the further report required by Govern- 
ment regarding Lachhman Sinh and other Sardars of Pargand 
Lakneswar, and the proposed Mufassal Settlement thereof. 
February 23. 

7115. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, reporting on payments made 

to the Monghir garrison, and stating the reason of his not 
having issued the pay of the Troops. February 9 ; No. 37. 

71 1 6. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, in reply to orders of the soth 

June, reporting on the khas division of Kankjol. February 27 ; 
No. 21. 

7117. Letter from Collector of Birbmim, stating that he is preparing a 

statement of the JKdjrt's land to be sold for the liquidation of 
arrears. February 13; No. 26. Statement forwarded. Feb- 
ruary 27 ; Nos. 43 and 44. Approved. 

7118. Letter from Collector of Bfrbhrim, reporting on prisoners in 

mnfmement on account of arrears of revenue, February 16 ; 
No. 14. 

71 1<> Letter from the Collector of Bardwdn, reporting on the balance 
due from the Rdnf. February 2 ; No. 52. 

71 20. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn in reply, directing him to advertise 

the Rdnf s lands, alluded to in the Board's letter of the 9th 
ultimo, for sale at the Presidency on the pth March ; to submit 
a further statement of the Rdni's lands to be sold for the 
recovery of the amount specified in his letter, and to report on 
the fine ordered to be levied upon her. February 2. 

7121. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, recommending that the whole 

of the Rdni's Zaminddri be attached until she has discharged 
the whole of her balances. February 9 ; No. 2%. Directed to 
submit a further statement of the Rdnfs lands for sale, and to 
depute an officer to attach them. February 9. 

7122. letters from Collector of Calcutta, reporting on the age of Rdjd 

Rdj Krishna, son of the late Rdjd Naba Krishna, and sub- 
mitting a list of the estates of the deceased. February 2, No. 
55 ; and February 23, Nos. 41 and 42- 

7123. Circular Orders to the several Collectors, directing them to 

28 BENGAL RECORD^ l* KB - *79- 

furnish such information as may be in their power for com- 
pleting the History of India, as required by the Court of Direc- 
tors. February 9. 

7124. Letters from Collector of Chittagong, in reply to orders of the 

i6th May 1797 and i6th January i79 8 regarding the claims 
of the descendants of the late Gokul Ghoshdl, Zominddr of 
Jainagar, to waste lands in his District February 9 ; Nos. 
i and 4. 

7125. Letter from Commissioner of Kuch Behar, reporting the death 

of Sib N&h Chaudhrf, whose estate had devolved on his son, a 
minor. February 27; No. 34. 

7126. Letter to Commissioner of Kuch Behar in reply, directing him to 

take charge of the estate of the late Sib Ndth Chaudhrf on the 
part of the Court of Wards, and to submit establishment for 
the management of the lands, and for the care of the minor 
proprietor. February 2 7. 

7127. Letter from the Collector of Dacca, respecting annexations anil 

separations proposed by the Collector of Tipperah. February 
6 \ No. 24. 

7128. Letter from Collector of Dacca, in reply to orders of the i6th 

ultimo, reporting on the claims of Nayd Rdnf and others, the 
widow and grandsons of the late Rdjd Rdjballabh, to monthly 
allowance (MusMhard). February 23 ; No. 45. 

7129. Letter to the Vice-President in Council, transmitting a statement 

of collections made in the Bengal and Fasli Districts from May 
to December 1797, on account of balances of revenue for 
1796-97, with observations thereon. February 2 ; No. 7. 

7130. Letter to Vice-President in Council, recommending a disburse 

ment on account of embankment (Pulbandf) repairs in Silhet 
February 2 ; No. 13. 

7 13 1. Letter to Vice-President in Council, recommending that defaulters 
in Sdran be released from confinement, and their leases 
annulled, and that the Collector be directed to report in what 
manner it will be most advisable to dispose of their lands. 
February 2 j No. 27. 

7132- Letter to Vice-President in Council, recommending that the 
Collector of Jessor be authorized to make advances for thi: 
repair of the Bhdshni and Mahmiidshdhf embankments, Feb 
ruary 2 \ No, 29. 

7133. Letter to Vice-President in Council, transmitting a statement 


of balances due from revenue Farmers (Thikdddrs) in Tirhut, 
recommending that their leases be annulled, and that the 
settlement be tendered to the proprietors. February 2 ; No. 4oa. 

7134. Letter from the Vice-President in Council, expressing general 
approval of the grounds on which the Board propose to appeal 
from the decision of the Provincial Court in the cause instituted 
by the Collector of Benares against Mir Amjfd Alf, late Tahsflddr 
of Kopaihat, with observations and instructions relative thereto ; 
transmitting also a Sanad for Sio Ldl Dobe, to be forwarded 
to the Collector of Benares for delivery. February 6 ; No. i. 

7135- Letter to Vice-President in Council, recommending that the 
Collector of Mirlnapur be authorized to make the necessary 
advances for embankment (Pulbandf) repairs in his District. 
February 6 ; No. 16. 

7 136. Letter to Vice-President in Council, recommending the separation 

of Jodr Sutfnasaur (Qy.) from Dacca, and its annexation to 
Tipperuh. February 6 ; No. 25. 

7137. Lt-tler to V ice-President in Council, transmitting an extract of 

proceedings relative to the grant of the waste lands in Chitta- 
tfong lo the family of the kte Gokul Ghoshdl. February 9 ; 
No. 7, 

7138. Letter to Vice-President in Council, transmitting annual statement 

of lands ordered for sale in the year 1203, with observations, 
etc. thereon. February 13 ; No. 38. 

7 139. Letter to Vice-President in Council, regarding a suit by the Rdnf 

of ttardwdn versus Rdmndrdyan Chauclhri, and requesting autho- 
rity for apprehending and conveying the latter to Bardwdn as a 
revenue defaulter. February 1 6 ; No. 23. 

7140. Letter from Vice-President in Council, stating that it does not 

appear that any measures can be taken at present to prevent 
the incursion of wild elephants into Rdmgarh. February 16 ; 
No 39a. 

7141. I x'tter from Vice-President in Council, approving of the proposed 

adjustment of the balance claimed by Nawdb Dildwar Jang on 
account of the Jdgfr of the late Nawdb Muzaffar Jang, and 
authorising payment of the amount; authorizing proposed 
sale of Ldkhirdj lands in Bhdgalpur, and approving of the 
propositions respecting the purchase of the lands alluded to ; 
approving of sentiments expressed by the Board regarding the 
irregular conduct of the Collector of Behar ; authorizing release 


of defaulters in Sdran from confinement, also disbursement 
required for repairing the embankments in Silhet; approving 
of propositions regarding the Settlement of Pargand Laknes- 
war j and forwarding instructions respecting the destruction of 
mud forts in Benares, whenever the contumacious conduct of 
the proprietors may render it necessary, etc, February .33; 
No. 1 6. .,.---" "" 

7143. Letter to the Vi^-Eses*&ttritr Couactf, reporting the death of 
Rdjd NabSlErishna, whose estates have devolved to his son, a 
djsqualified proprietor, and also reporting on the claims of 
"Gopfmohan to an interest in the estate. February 23 ; 
No. 44. 

7 143. Letter to Vice-Prcsident in Council, regarding the claims of 

the widow and grandsons of the late Rdjd Rdjbollnhh for 
monthly allowance (Mushdhard) from the collections of Kdjna- 
gar in Dacca. February 23 ; No. 48. 

7144. Letter from Judge at Jaunpur, with copy of a decree in the 

case of Natifulld Khdn vcrst/s Bahvant Sinh, for recovery of the 
Zamfnddri of village Shauman. February 27 j No. i. 

7145. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting an estimate of 

expense required for repairing the Bhifehnd and MahmtklshdM 
embankments, and requesting authority to commence the* 
work. February 2 ; No. 28. Agreed to, 

7146- Letter to Collector of Jessor, approving of his proposition for 
submitting the whole of Tdlukddrtf lands for .sale in such in- 
stances as they omit to furnish their Mufassal Accounts. 
February 9. 

7x47. Letter from Collector of Jessor, requesting further instructions 
regarding the prosecution ordered to be instituted with a view 
to obtain the forfeiture of the lands of the Tdlukddrs of the 
9 annas or nine-sixteenths division of Pargand Nawdrd. Feb 
ruary 13 ; No. 39. 

7148. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, directing him to withdraw 

the prosecution against the landholders alluded to in his letter, 
and to levy a fine on them, with a view to obtaining the 
delivery of the papers required of them. February 13. 

7149. Letter to Collector of Jessor, communicating to him the orders 

of Government respecting embankment (Pulbandi) repairs re 
; quired in his District. February 23. 

7150. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, transmitting abstract accounts 


of the repair of embankments for 1204. February 6 ; Nos. 13 
and 15. 

7151. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, requesting that compensation 

be allowed him on account of expenses incurred in visiting the 
estates under the management of the Officers of Government. 
February 20 ; No. 32. 

7152. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, stating that the Board 

is precluded on general principles from recommending that any 
extra allowance be granted him on that account February 20. 

7* S3- fitter from Judge of Midnapur, with copy of a decree regarding 
the right of succession to rent-free lands. February 27; No. 13. 

7154- Better from Collector of Murshiddbdd, transmitting a petition 
from Aijas AH Khdn, reporting the decease of his brother 
Nasfr-ud-dfn Ilaiclar Khan, superintendent (I);irog) of the 
Masjid and Makktnl of the late Niiwitb &ujit-ud-daula, and 
requesting the continuance of his allowance on account of 
charity to Kakirs. February 23* 

7155. Lett IT from Collector of Maimansinh, reporting on the petition of 

Blwpendra Niiniyan, Zamimhir of Pukharia, respecting interest 
and fine staled to have been exacted on him, February 16; 
No, 2* Observations and instructions forwarded with regard 
to the above complaint. 

7156. Letter from Collector of Maimansmh, in reply to orders of the 

15th July 1796, regarding suspensions recommended to be 
granted to the purchaser of 1'ukharitf. "February 27 ; No. 26. 

7157. I /utter from Collector of Natliyrf, transmitting a statement of 

lands of Kitjft Iswar Cluind Kili for sale cm account of arrears 
of revenue* February 13 ; No. 48. Approved ; sale ordered 
to take place at the Presidency on the *<;th March/ 

715*'*. Li.'tler from Collector of I'ttrniah, recommending that a suspension 
be allowed to the landholders in his District on account of the 
failure of the crop. February 13 ; No. 34, 

715*;. Letter to ( 'oiler tor of Purniah in reply, directing that particular 
inquiry be made into the injury stated to have been sustained 
previous to adopting his proposition for allowing suspensions. 
I'Vbruary 13. 

7160, Minute by the Acting President on the claims of the descend 

ants of the late (iokul (ihoslull to waste lands in Chitlatfong. 
February 9 ; No. 6. 

7161. letter from Collector of 24 1'urganj'is, ininsuiiiiini; a uf 

3 2 BENGAL RECORDS. fFk. 17 

lands for sale for the recovery of arrears of revenue due from 
Rdjd Tej Chdnd. February 9 ; No. 44- Approved. 

7162. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, recommending the sak- <>i 

grain of Sri Dhar Datta for the recovery of arrears of asKt^siiifut 
due from him. February 13 ; No. 27. Approved. 

7163. Letter from late Collector of 24 Pargands, in reply to < inters <*1 

i7th May 1796, reporting on prisoners in confinement, mi 
account of arrears of revenue. February 16 ; No. 13. 

7164. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, directing him lo report it tin 

person mentioned in the above letter is still in rnnfuirmnit, 
and on the amount of balances due from him. Kehnuiry iO, 

7165. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhi, transmitting nrrnimt'. M! 

Pargand Bhitarid disbursements for repair of embankment*. m 
1797, and also estimates for 1798. Fcbnuuy 6 ; No. s6a. 

7166. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhi, reporting the ckvuh i 

Jugalkisor, Zaminddr of 8 annas or one-half share of T.H,I!' 
Kardi, the claim to which estate is disputed in the <'onri 
(Addlat). February 13 ; No. 32. 

7167. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi in reply, directing him lo fakf tin- 

lands under his charge on the part of the Court of Wunls, tun I 
to aJlow the claimants a maintenance from the surplus pro<lu< 
of the lands. February 13. 

7168. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhi, transmitting u petition pntym^ 

for suspension on account of drought* February 16 ; No. ?, * 

7169. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi in reply, forwarding instnu t ion , 

regarding the above applications. February ib. 

7170. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdlii, communicating u Kr instruf tions 

of Government respecting embankment (J'ulbumlf) rcjiairs in 
his District for the current year. February 23. 

7171- Letter to Collector of Rdmgarh, informing him thai it docs not 
appear to Government that any measures can be at nrewnt 
adopted to prevent the occasional incursions of wild elephants 
and that the inhabitants must take the necessary prcrmitions t 
provide against accidents of this nature. February 1 6. 

7172. Letter from Sub-Secretary to Government, directing that ;m ;,d 
dmonalRs. 100 per month be paid to Mr. Paxtun, ad Assi.stam 
at Patoa, from the * 9 th October last, he having completvci his 
second year's residence in India on that date. February ; 

7173- Letter from Sub-Secretary to Government, transmitting exlnui 



a letter from the Court of Directors, with directions to circulate 
it to those officers of Government who may have it in their 
power to furnish information for completing the History of 
India. February 9 ; No. 26. 

. Letter from Sub-Secretary to Government, communicating the 
resolutions of Government respecting the boundaries of the 
Bardwdn and Hugli Districts. February 16 ; No. n. 

$75. Letter from Collector of Sdran, reporting on the family left by 
the late Rdjd Sri Krishna Sinh, and stating that his eldest son 
Rdjd Gangdprasdd has succeeded to his estates. February 16 ; 
No. 16. 

/ 1 76. letter to Collector of Silhct, transmitting extract of a letter from 
Government regarding disbursements authorized to be made 
on account of embankment (Pulbandi) repairs for the present 
year. February 23. 

. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, transmitting extract of a letter 
from the V ice-President in Council, with directions to furnish 
the necessary information required by Government regarding 
the proposals tendered by Rdmjai Datta for fanning the 
Divisions of Dandrd and Alldhdb*ld February 16. 

7178, Letter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting particulars of 

balances due from revenue fanners (Thikdddrs) on account of 
1204, February a \ No, 38* 

7179, I Better to Collector of Tirhut, directing him to report the measures 

it would be advisable to adopt with regard to the Settlement of 
the late holding (Mukarrari) of Zulfikar Alf, February 16. 

MARCH, 1798. 

7180, Petition from Bhabdni Prasdd Sarmd, complaining of an increased 

rent (Jamil) having been demanded from him on account of 
lands in Dacca 7M purchased by him. March' 13 ; No. 19. 

7181, Petition from Rdjd Milrajit Sinh, praying that the Tahsilddr who 

has been appointed to the Mukarrarf villages of the Kdmingos 
may be recalled, and that he may be allowed to pay his revenues 
us formerly. March 16 ; No. 19. 

7182, Petition from Shaikh Fathi Bakhsh, complaining of the Collector 

of Midnapur having attached certain rent-free lands granted to 
his ancestors under a service (Chdknin) tenure, and praying 
that they be released from attachment March 23 ; No. 17. 
vciu in. c 



7183. Letter to the Acting President, directing him to issue the n 

sary orders for apprehending Rdmndrdyan Chaudhrf, 
conveying him to Bardwdn, agreeably to the orders of Gov*" :n 
ment March 2. * n 

7184. Letter to Collector of Behar, with copy of a petition from R. (/'* 

Mitrajit Sinh, and directing him to permit the Rdjd to pay f ! ls 
revenues into the principal treasury, and to withdraw tP *' 
interference of the Tahsilddr. March 16. 

7185. Letter from Collector of Behar, respecting a practice by the ? 

landholders of mortgaging their most profitable villages, witl ' 
a view to prevent their being sold in liquidation of balance 
March 20 ; No. 18. 

7186* Letter from Collector of JJehar, in reply to orders of the ijtl 
ultimo, reporting that the lands claimed by Indyat Ali Khun 
were resumed in 1194, and transmitting a <x>py of the Finnan 
granted to Fazl-ul-nissd Hcgam. March 23 ; No, 26. Directed,.. 
to submit a further report respecting the above. i t 

7187. Letter from Collector of BMgdpur, stating that Rdjds GopdlSinh 

and Nibhay Sinh have entered into engagements for the per 
petual Settlement of Pargaiid (iidhar. March 2; No. 13. 

7188. Letter to Commissioner of Jlhttahnd, transmitting him instructions 

for putting the purchaser of Mahal Sdlbarat in possession, and 
directing him to carry them into effect. March 13. 

7189. Letters from Collector of Rfrhhdm, transmitting a statement of 

lands of the Zombuldr of Bfrhhtim for sale for the recovery of 
arrears of revenue due from him. March 23 ; Nos. 32 and 33, 

7190. Letter from Collector of Iianlwdn v fonvunling copy of the engage- 

ments executed for the farm of Oijjrfu Month 9 ; No. <;. 

7191. Letter to Collector of Donlwdn, communicating instmctions fur 

the future management of the estate of the late Kdj.i Ksiin 
lochan. March 9. 

7192. Letter to Collector of Banlwdn, directing him to advertise the 

sale of Rdjd Tej Chdnd's and Kdnf IJishnu Kumdri T s lands at 
the Presidency on the 2 rst April. March 13. 

7193. Letter to Collector of Hurdwdn, communicating instriulion 

regarding the appropriation of the proceeds of the *aU* of the 
Rdnf of Bardwdn\s lands, disposed of at the Presitk-ncy on the 
3d instant March 20. 

7194. Letter to Collector of Hoidwdn, communicating tht* orders of 

Government respecting the estate of the late Rdjsl Xaba 


Krishna, with directions to recommend a person to the Court 
of Wards as manager for the portion of the estate in his District 
March 30. The same order to Collectors of Calcutta, Dacca, 
Jessor, and Nadiyd. 

7195. Letter to Collector of Calcutta, transmitting an extract of a 

letter from the Acting Governor - General in Council, with 
directions to furnish such other Collectors as may apply for 
potato seed, with such quantities as they may require to ex- 
tend the cultivation. March 30. Similar letter to Collector 
of JBehar. 

7196. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, informing him the Vice- 

president in Council has confirmed the Settlement of the 
Kdpds Mahal for 1204. March 2. 

7197. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, containing information 

respecting cultivated lands in the Island of Miichkhal, formerly 
granted to Mr. Robert Worlcdge, recommending the measure- 
ment and assessment thereof, and also the resumption of the 
Island of Kutabdid, formerly granted to Mr. H. Sutherland. 
March 23 ; No. 27. 

7i9<S, Letter to Collector of Chittagong, communicating instructions 
regarding thu proposed measurement and assessment of the 
cultivated lands in the Island of Mdchkhzil, and the resumption, 
eta of the Island of Kutabdid. March 23. 

7199, Letter to Commissioner of Kuch Behar, transmitting letter from 
the Vice-Presiclcnt in Council respecting the abolition of the 
office of Sadr Kdmingo of Rdngdrndti, in reply to his letter of 
the 7th January 1794. March 23. 

7500. Circular letter to the several Collectors, transmitting letter from 
the Vice-President in Council, with directions to furnish the 
Board with a statement of the sums paid or payable to the 
Deputies (Ndibs) of the Sadr Kdntingos, who have been 
retained with a view to being employed as native Record 
Keepers, and requiring additional information from the Behar 
Collectors regarding the annual allowance received by them 
under the Sanad granting a percentage upon the revenues of 
Behar. March 23. 

7201. Ixitter to Collector of Dacca, communicating orders of Govern- 
ment for the separation of Jodr Lugnapur (?) from Dacca, and 
its annexation to Tipperah, March 2. 

7202* Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, forwarding a petition from the 


Zamfnd^r praying for suspeijsion on account of drought 
March 13 ; No. 22. 

7203. Letter to Collector of Dinijpur in reply, forwarding copy of a 

letter from the Secretary to Government of nth September 
1795 for his guidance in, furnishing information respecting the 
Zamfnd&'s claims to suspension. March 13. 

7204. Letter to Governor-General in Council, forwarding copy of n 

letter and enclosures from the Collector of Tirhut, and recom- 
mending that the lands therein specified be purchased by him 
for the use of the invalid establishment March 6 \ No. 1 9. 

7205. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending that the 

Settlement of the 12 annas or three-fourths division of I >undni 
in Tipperah be confirmed. March 13 ; No. ro, 

7206. Letter to Governor-General in Council, with recommendations 

regarding the culture of potatoes. March 13 ; No. 1 t* 

7207. Letter from Vice-President in Council, communicating observa 

tions and instructions regarding the management of the stone 
Mahal in Benares; approving of the separation of Jirfr 
Lugnassur (?) from Dacca, and its annexation to Tipprmh ; 
confirming the Settlement of the Kdprfs Mahal in Chitttigon^ 
and the Settlement formed by the Collector of Tirhut of the 
holding (Mukarrarf) of Shaikh Muhammad Raff ; regretting to 
observe that the sales of land in 1203 were so considerable ; 
and authorizing the apprehension of Rdm Ndniyan Chaiuihrf , and 
his being conveyed back to Bardwdn. March 2 ; No. i 2. 

7208. Letter from Vice-President in Council, authorising the Calk-dar 

of Jessor to levy a daily fine upon the proprietor of Teliluftf 
until he shall deliver the papers required of him. March 16 ; 
No. i. 

7209. Letter to Vice-President in Council, recommending that the 

Collector of the 24 Pargands be authorized to buy in certain 
Mahals in his District which have proved unsaleable, provided 
that no tenders be made for them by individuals on his again 
endeavouring to dispose of them by public auction. March 1 6 ; 
No. 130. Similar recommendation regarding unsaleable lands 
in Midnapur. March 20 ; No. & 

7210. Letter to Vice-President in Council, transmitting copy of a letter 

from the Collector of Behar, with observations, etc. on ihv 
Collector's proposition with respect to the holdings (Mukarrarfa) 
situated in Akbar Alf Khdn's forfeited ZamfncUri which may 


hereafter be disposed of for arrears of revenue, and also respect- 
ing lands mortgaged by the landholders with a view to prevent 
their being sold for arrears of assessment March 20 ; No. 19. 

7211. Letter from Vice-President in Council, communicating instructions 

respecting salt-land (Khdldif) rents, in reply to sundry references 
in 1793, 1794, 1795, and 1797. March 20 ; No. 44. 

7212. Letter from the Acting Governor-General in Council, communi- 

cating the resignation of Sir John Shore, and stating that 
Licutenant-General Sir Alured Clark has been appointed to 
take charge of the Government. March 23 ; No. 12. 

7213. Letter from the Vice-President in Council, containing instructions 

regarding the claims of the Mufassal Kdniingos to allowances, 
in reply to sundry references in 1793, 1794, i795> r 79^> anc * 
1797. March 23; No. 52. 

7214. Letter to Vice-President in Council, in reply to a letter of the 

2(1 instant respecting allowances payable to the Deputies 
(Ndfbs) of the late Sadr Kdniingo. March 23 ; No. 53. 
7215* Letter to Acting Governor - General in Council, transmitting 
estimate of expense required for repairing the Hijili and 
Jaleswar embankments for the current year, 1203 B.S,, and 
recommending that the agent be authorised to disburse the 
amount. March 30 ; No. 30. 

7216. Letter from Acting Governor-General in Council, directing that 

the sale of the lands of Ndnak Chdnd Rdi, made by the late 
Collector of the 24 Pargands, be annulled, and indemnification 
paid to the purchaser ; approving of the propositions respectuig 
the late Rdjil Nabakrishna's estate, with instruction regarding 
the management of it \ stating the reports regarding the pro- 
duction of bees-wax and potatoes to be discouraging ; autho- 
rising purchase of lands in Tirhut for Invalid Establishment ; 
and approving proposition respecting purchasing lands in 24 
Pargands should they prove unsaleable. March 30 ; No. 34. 

7217. Letter from Agent at Hijili, transmitting estimates for the repair 

of embankments in Hijili and Jaleswar for the year 1205. 
March 30 ; No. 29. 

7218. letter from Collector of Jessor, in reply to orders of the $th 

April 1796, reporting on the engagements executed by the 
Zamfnddrs of the 12 annas or three-fourth division of Mahmiid- 
shdhf, the partition of the rent (Jamd), etc. March 2 ; No. 30. 

7219. Letter to Collector of Jessor, forwarding letter and enclosures 


from the late Sheriff, and directing him to report if Rddhdmohan 
B&aarji has been put in possession of the portion of Mahmtid- 
shhi purchased by him at Sheriffs sale. March 6. 

7220. Letter to Collector of Jessor, communicating instructions respect- 

ing the future management of the estate of the late Rdjii Rrim- 
lochan. March 9. 

7221. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting copy of a decree in 

the suit instituted by Harf Prasdd and others, Chauclhris of 
Kismat Taraf Taighari, against Government, with his observa- 
tions thereon. March 13 ; No. 4. 

7222. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, directing him to conform to 

the decision of the Court, and call upon the purchaser for ;m 
account of the rayats' collections, submitting an adjustment 
thereof for the Board's approval. March 13. 

7223. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting that a suit has been 

instituted by the Zaminddr of Nadiyd against the Honourable 
Company, laying claim to the Government (khds) Mahal of 
Henckellganj, and requesting instructions thereon* Mnrch j,f ; 
No. 8. 

7224. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, stating that the Hoard nm 

curs in his opinion that the Zamfnddr's claim slum Id be 
referred to the Governor-General in, but direct irijj; him 
to defend the suit in case the Court should file the plaint. 
March 13. 

7225. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, transmitting a petition from 

Lakhmi N&dyan Bhuyst and Dhoranfclhur Ghosh, requesting to 
be excused the revenue due from the lands taught by them, 
during the time they were kept out of possession. March 2 ; 
No. 18. 

7226. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, directing him to grant 

suspensions in favour of the above purchasers to the extent of 
the losses sustained by them from the outrages committed by 
Binodrdm, and to inform the Magistrate of *any further offences 
he may have been guilty of. March 2. 

7227. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, reporting the death of the 

Tdlukd^r of Kismat Rangpur, whose estate has devolved upon 
his son, a minor, and recommending that it be brought under 
the Court of Wards, and that he be authorized to let it in fanu. 
March 9 No. 3. 

7228. Letter to Collector of Midnapur 5n reply, directing him to take 


possession of the above Tdluk on the part of the Court of 
Wards, and to report on the measures which it would be most 
advisable to adopt with regard to the Settlement. March 9. 

7229. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, reporting a robbery of revenue. 

March 9; No. 19. 

7230. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, reporting on a proclamation 

issued by the Judge for the sale of rent-free (Bdzf Zamin) lands 
belonging to Raja Brajdnand, in satisfaction of a decree in 
favour of Rtinf Junakf, and stating that he hopes the Board will 
take steps to prevent the sale till the balance due from the 
Rdjd to Government be realized, for which he will submit a 
statement of his rent-free lands and property for sale for the 
approval of the Hoard. March 20 ; No. 14- 

7231. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, directing him to depute 

an officer to attach the Kiija's hinds, with a view to the sale of 
them for the recovery of arrears of assessment due from the 
proprietor to Covernment, and to move the Court to stay 
the sale ordered to lie muck- in satisfaction of the decree. 
March 20. 

7232. Letter from the Collector of Midnapur, stilting that the men who 

were robbed whilst conveying the treasure belonged to the 
Xaminditr, who had been called upon to make good the amount 
March 23. Approved. 

7233. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, transmitting him extract of a 

letter from the Vice- President in Council, with directions to 
inquire into and report upon the c-laim preferred by the 
Ktlniingos of Orissa to arrears of allowance. March 23. 
Letter from Collector of Aluwhidrfhdcl, in reply to orders of 
the 2^(1 ultimo, stating thai no one liatt been inverted with the 
charge of the Makbrfnt and Masjfd of Nawsib Sujd-ud-daulii 
since the death of the late Nasfr-ud-din Iluidar Khitn, but that 
the duties of the Superintendent of the Religious Institution 
(Matwali) have since been performed by Aryto Alf Khan. 
March 13 ; No. 14, 

7235. Letter to Collector of MurxhiddHd in reply, Mating that the 
Hoard is not aware of any objections to his continuing Arydx 
AH Khan in charge of the Makbard ami Masjidof Nawdb Siyd- 
ud daula, and authori/int* the payment to him of the allowance 
for the support of the Institution. March 13- 
, 73136. Letter from Collector of Miirohiddbad, transmitting account re- 


sale of Kismat Mauzd Gauripur, and reporting the measures 
taken by him for the recovery of the deficiency from the 
former purchaser. March 30 ; No. 31. 

7237. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd in reply, informing him the 

Board approves of the re-sale, but cannot recommend his 
suggestion respecting the restraint proposed to be put upon 
the former purchaser. March 30. 

7238. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, in reply to orders of the 22d 

December regarding sums disbursed to the Kdniingo's Muhar- 
rirs. March 2 ; No. 25. 

7239. Letter from Collector of Nadiya, reporting on balances paid by 

the Zamfnddr, who requested that certain Mahals recommended 
for sale be released. March 2 ; No. 49. 

7240. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, transmitting a statement of Rityi 

Iswar Chdnd's lands for sale for recovery of arrears of assess- 
ment March 16; Nos. 22 and 23. Approved, and sale 
ordered to take place at the Presidency on 25th April. 

7241. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, directing him to dismiss the whole 

of the Kdntingo officers except those, who have been appointed 
to fill the office of native Record Keepers. March 27. 

7242. Letter from Collector of Purniah, in reply to orders of the 8th 

December 1795, reporting on certain pensions included in the 
rent (Jamd) of the Zamfnddrs of his District March 2 ; Na 2%. 

7243. Letter from Collector of Purniah, requesting authority for making 

Takdvf advances. March 27 ; No. 25. Authorised to advance 
Rs. 10,000 on account of Takdvf. 

7244. Letter to Collector of the 24 Pargands, with copy of a petition 

from Gopfnath Bhattdcharjya for report upon the lands pur- 
chased by that person, which are stated to be- retained by 
the late Tdiukddr. March 16. 

7245. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, forwarding a statement of 

lands for sale for recovery of arrears of revenue due from Rdjd 
Tej Chdnd, March 23 ; No. 28. Approved, and sale ordered 
for 3oth April. 

7246. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, communicating orders for 

annulling the sale of the lands of Ndnak Chdnd Kdi, and 
indemnifying the purchaser. March 30. 

7247. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, conveying Government autho- 

rity for purchase of unsaleable lands in his District March 30. 

7248. Letter from Collector of Rdmgarh, in reply to orders, transmitting 


statements of lands for sale for liquidation of Kists due from 
Jldjd Garur Ndrdyan Deo and Anand Sinh. March 13. Ap- 
proved, and sale ordered for ijth April 

7249. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, forwarding petition from the? 

Zamfndars, etc., claiming suspensions on account of drought 
March 13 ; No. 20. 

7250. Letter to Collector of Rangpur in reply, transmitting him copy of 

a letter from the Secretary to Government of nth September 
1795, for his guidance in furnishing the information required 
respecting the above claims to suspension. March 13. 

7231. Letter from Collector of Sdran, reporting the release of certain 
defaulters from confinement, and proposing that the amount of 
balances clue from them be written off as irrecoverable. March 
33 ; No. 30. 

7232* Letter to Collector of Silhet, rescinding the Board's resolutions of 
the i6th ultimo, and directing him to conform to the orders of 
Government of the J7th April 1792, directing that the Silhut 
Establishment be paid in shells (Kauris). March 20. 

7253. Letter to Secretary to Government, with extracts from the Board's 

proceedings respecting the pension of AU Mulki Khdn, to be 
laid before Government. March 6. 

7254. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, communi<;ating the orders of 

Government for the separation of Jodr Lugnasur (?) from 
Dacca, and its annexation to Tipperah. March 2. 

7255. Letter from the Collector of Tipperah, reporting the death of the 

Zamfnddr of 2 annas or one-eighth share of Pargand Bdbupur, 
leaving a son a minor, and recommending that Krishna Chanel 
Rdi be appointed manager and guardian. March 6 ; No. 14. 

7256. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, directing him to take 

the estate under his charge on the part of the Court of Wards. 
March 6. 

7557. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, reporting the sentence passed 
on the persons concerned in the robbery of treasure from the 
Farakhdbdd Treasury. March 27. 

7258. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, informing him that the Acting 
Governor-General in Council has been pleased to confirm the 
Settlement provisionally concluded by him with the proprietors 
of the 12 annas or three-fourths division of Dandrd, and 8 annns 
or onc*lialf division of Alldhdbdd, with directions to report on 
the rent (Jamd), etc, March 30. 


7259. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, transmitting him extract of a letter 

from Government, and a copy of the Hoard's address to which 
it refers, for his information and guidance respecting the holding 
(Mukarrarf) of the late Shaikh Muhammad Rafi. March 2. 

APRIL, 1798. 

7260. Letter from the Accountant, respecting the best mode of remitting 

the revenues paid in specie in Silhel to Dacca, April 3 ; 
No. 31. 

7261. Letter from the Accountant, transmitting the TakiJvf accounts 

for 1796-97. April 13 ; No. i. 

7262. Petition from Gauri Charan Ghosh, requesting permission to 

measure and form a new Jamdbandi of the lands bought by 
him at the Presidency, in the District of Nadiyt April 13 ; 
No, 24. 

7263. Petition from the mother of Rjfjit Rdm Krishna, tendering pay- 

ment of balance due from lands in Dacca advertised to be sold, 
and requesting that the Collector be instructed to stop the NJilr. 
April 27 ; No. 1 8. 

7264. Letter from Collector of Buhar, slating thnt the Tahsfldar of Kkil, 

etc., has received an order from the/iUl Court at Gayji to repair 
to a rent-free village to ascertain the name of the present <*iwl 
the former possessor, and requesting instructions relative to the 
authority of the Court to require the attendance of Revenue 
Officers in judicial investigations. April 6 ; No. 25. 

7265. Letter to Collector of Jtehar in reply, stating that the Board 

concurs in the sentiments expressed in his letter, and directing 
him to apply by motion to the Provincial Court to issue a 
precept to the ZiM Judge to withdraw the order sent by him to 

7266. Letter to Collector of Itehor, transmitting a letter from Govern- 

ment, and the Board's address to which it refers, for his 
information and guidance respecting the claims of the Mukar- 
rarfddrs in his District. April 10. 

7267. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting a petition from the 

Historian, Sayyid Ohuldm Husain Khdn, praying that the 
pension allowed him by Government be transferred to his 
grandsons. April 13 \ No. xo. 

7268. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, informing him the Board 


is of opinion that the petitioner's request should not be com- 
plied with, as his only object appeared to be to secure the 
reversion of his pension to his grandsons. April 13. 

7269. Letter to Collector of Behar, communicating instructions re- 

garding Takdvi balances. April 17. 

7270. Letter from Collector of Benares, reporting on the removal of 

Bdbu Dalip Sinh from the Rdjd's employ by Mr. Duncan, and 
recommending that the village of Pachdgarh granted to him as 
a Jdgir be resumed. April 10 ; No. 26. 

7271. Letter from Collector of Benares, in reply to orders of Govern- 

ment of the 2$d January, respecting the proposed Mufassal 
Settlement of Pargand Lakneswar, stating that he is of 
opinion it cannot be made without opposition. April 10 ; 
No. 36. 

7272. Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting a letter from the 

Acting Governor-General in Council, containing instructions 
regarding the proposed Mufassal Settlement of Pargand Laknes- 
war. April 27. 

7273. Letter from Mr. R Balfour, laying before the Board a statement 

showing the rent (Jamd) of the lands which have been proposed 
for sale by the Collectors of Bardwdn, Dacca, Dindjpur, 
Murshiddbdd, Rdjshdhf, and the Commissioner of Kuch Behar, 
in conformity with the Board's resolution of the loth instant 
April 13 ; No. 31. 

7274. Letter from Collector of Bfrbhiim, transmitting petition from the 

Zamfnddr Muhammad Zamdn Khdn, requesting suspension on 
account of the unfavourableness of the season. April 6 ; No, 
2i. Refused. 

7275. Letter from Collector of Bfrbhiim, transmitting statement of 

lands for sale for recovery of arrears due by Rdjd Muhammad 
Zamdn Khdn. April 24; No. 34. Approved; sale ordered 
for 2<1 June. 

7276. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, in reply to orders of the 9th 

February, stating that he has attached a portion of the Zaniin- 
ddrf lands, and stating the propriety of levying a daily fine on 
the Rdni until she delivers the papers required of her regarding 
the Dewrl Mahals. April 3 ; No. 27* 

7277. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting a draft advertise- 

ment for the re-sale of Pargand Mandalghdt, and reporting on 
the Government (khds) collections thereof. April 10 ; No. 33. 


7278. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, in reply to orders respecting 

the estate of the late Gokul Ghoshdl. April 20. 

7279. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, stating that the purchasers of 

rent-free lands at the Sheriff's sale have never received posses- 
sion of them through the medium of the Collector. April 20 ; 
No. 33. 

7280. Letter to Commissioner of Bhiishnd, communicating instructions 

for the delivery over of the Rdjshdhi estate to the Zamfnddr. 
April 17. 

7281. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, transmitting a letter from 

Government respecting the grant produced by the family of 
the late Gokul Ghoshdl, with directions to furnish his opinion 
respecting the resumption and future Settlement of the lands 
which may have been appropriated by the holders of the grant, 
or other persons under leases from him, eta April 10. 

7282. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, transmitting him copy of a 

letter from the Sub-Secretary to Government, with directions to 
report on the stated over-assessment of lands purchased at public 
sale by Daulat Bahddur. April 17. 

7283. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, in reply to orders of the 

1 2th January last, respecting the estate of the late Gokul 
Ghoshdl. April 20. 

7284. Letter to Collector*of Chittagong in reply, informing him that the 

Board has addressed the Government on the subject of the 
above letter, and directing him to restore the papers, and the 
management of the estate generally, to the person before vested 
with the superintendence of it on the part of the Zamfnddrs. 
April 20. 

7285. Letter to Collector of Dacca, directing him to furnish the 

information required of him on the ipth January, relative to 
the succession to the estate of the late Gokul Chdnd Ghoshdl. 
April 3. 

7286. Letter from Collector of Dacca, respecting annexations and separa- 

tions proposed by the Magistrate at RdjshdhL April 6; No* 40. 

7287. Letter to Collector of Dacca, transmitting proceedings of Govern- 

ment respecting the payment of the allowances to the heirs of 
the late Nawdb Shahr Allah Khdn, with directions to communi- 
cate the resolutions of Government to them. April 13. 

7288. Letter from Collector of Dacca, respecting the estate of the late 

Gokul GhoshdL April 20 \ No, 10. 


7289. Letter to Collector of Dacca, informing him of the amount paid 

into the treasury by the mother of Rdjd Rdm Krishna, in pay- 
ment of his arrears of revenue, and directing him not to proceed 
to the sale of his lands. April 27. 

7290. Letter to Collector of Dacca, communicating orders of Govern- 

ment regarding proposed annexations to Rdjshdhf. April 27. 

7291. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, in reply to orders of the isth 

ultimo, reporting on losses sustained by drought April 24 ; 
No. 25. 

7292. Letter to Acting Governor - General in Council, transmitting 

proceedings respecting proposed annexation of certain Mahals 
to die Rdjshdhi District, referred for the Board's report on 
the 27th January 1797. April 6 ; No. 45. 

7293. Letter to Acting Governor-General in Council, regarding the 

proposed sale of Pargand Mandalghdt in Ifeurdwrfn, with ob- 
servations respecting the Government (khiis) management of 
it April 10 ; No. 35. 

7294. Letter to Acting Governor-General in Council, respecting the 

proposed Settlement of Titrgand lakneswar in Jtenares. April 
10 ; No. 38. 

7295. Letter from Acting Governor-General in Council, approving of 

propositions regarding the leases of the Tutafiddn in Tirhut, 
and the future settlement of the lands; expressing the opinion 
that the grant produced by the family of the late Gokul Ghoshal 
is a forgery, or that it was surreptitiously obtained, and for- 
warding orders relative to the subject ; approving proposition 
for purchasing lands on behalf of Government in Midnapur, 
should they prove unsaleable ; directing the sale of a portion 
of the Zamfnddr of RdjsMhfs estate for the liquidation of 
balances due by him, etc. April 10 ; No. 52. 

7296. letter to Acting Governor-General in Council, transmitting extract 

of proceedings regarding the resumption of the rent-free tenures* 
(Alt-unghii) of the late KazI-ul-Nissa Bcgam, and recommending 
that it be restored to the heirs of the deceased, April 17 ; 
No. 13, 

7297. Letter to Acting Governor-General in Council, forwarding in- 

formation respecting the ostensible right of the different 
members of the family of the late Gokul Ghoshdl to succeed 
to his estate, April 20 ; No. 14. 

7298. Letter to Acting Governor-General in Council, transmitting extract 


of proceedings regarding a reference made by the Collector 
of Silhet relative to issuing orders to Greeks and Armenians 
who may wish to engage in the internal commerce of that 
District, and requesting instructions thereon. April 24; 
No. 31. 

7299, Letter from Acting Governor-General in Council, authorizing the 

Collector of Murshiddbdd to levy a fine at the rate of 8 annas 
per cent per month on the rent (Jamd) of certain estates, 
until the proprietors deliver in the papers required for the 
Quinquennial Register ; forwarding instructions respecting 
the proposed Mufassal Settlement of Pargand Lakneswar in 
Benares ; authorizing the writing off as irrecoverable outstand- 
ing Takdvi balances in Shdhdbdd. April 24 ; No. 44. 

7300. Letter from Collector of Jessor, submitting a statement of fines 

proposed to be levied on the Tdlukddrs of the Nawdrd Mahal, 
for resisting the attachment and partition of their lands. April 
6; No. 13. 

730 r. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, directing him to reduce 
the fines above alluded to. April 6. 

7302. Letter from Collector of Jessor, regarding annexations and separa- 

tions proposed by the Magistrate of Rdjshdhi. April 6 ; No. 42. 

7303. Letter from Collector of Jessor, in reply to orders of the rsth 

September last, transmitting Account Settlement of the Govern- 
ment (khds) Mahals for 1204 Bengal era. April 13 \ No. 29. 

7304. Letter to Collector of Jessor, forwarding instructions for the 

delivery over of the lldjshdhf estate to the Zamfnddr, agreeably 
to the orders of Government April 17. 

7305. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting a statement of lands 

for sale for the recovery of arrears of revenue on account of 
1204, Bengal era. April 17 ; No. 43. Sale approved of. 

7306. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting accounts of the 

disbursements on account of embankment (Pulbandi) repairs 
of Mtilmiddshdhf and Bhdshnd in 1797. April 17 \ No. 57. 

7307. Letter from Collector of Jessor, in reply to orders, containing 

information with regard to rent-free lands situated in Pargand 
Malai, and disposed of by the Sheriff, and stating that no 
instance has occurred within his knowledge of a purchaser 
at the Sheriff's sales having been put in possession of rent-free 
lands, April 20. 


7308. Letter to Collector of Jessor, communicating orders of Govern- 

ment regarding the proposed annexations to Rdjshdhf. April 27. 

7309. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, reporting on the progress 

made in the repair of the embankments of Ndrdjol. April 13 5 
No. 26. 

7310. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, directing him to mak** 

advances to the rayats alluded to in the 3d paragraph of the 
above letter. April 13. 

7311. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, transmitting copy of a petition 

from Saddnand Patndik, requesting to be allowed to farm Kifc't 
Naydbasdn, the Zaminddri of the late Ddmodar Bhanj, an<i 
stating his belief that the petitioner is related to some of the 
late Rdjd's family. April 20; No. 13. 

7312. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, directing him to report 

whether it would appear advisable to let the lands of the latr 
Ddmodar Bhanj out to farm, in preference to continuing them 
under charge of the officers of Government ; and if so, whether 
there arc any objections to accepting the proposals ofSa<Mnan<i. 
April 20. 

7313. Letter from Collector of Murshidabdd, submitting copy of ;l 

petition from Rdni Siddheswarf, claiming subsistence (NdnMr) 
pension. April 6 ; No. 30. Rejected. 

7314. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, transmitting copy of the 

proceedings of Government respecting the payment of the 
allowances receivable by the heirs of the late Nawdb Shahr-ulli 
Khdn. April 13. 

7315. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, communicating the authority 

of Government for levying a fine upon the landholders of his 
District, until they shall deliver up the papers required of 
them. April 27. 

7316. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, in reply to orders of the 

27th January 1797, respecting annexations and separations 
proposed by the Magistrate of Rdjshdhf. April 6 ; No. 43* 

73x7, Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, transmitting copy of a petition 
from Rdjd Iswar Chdnd Rdi, stating that Rddlid Krishna I&bu, 
Farmer of Anwarpur, withholds the revenues of his lands, and 
praying that assistance be rendered him in recovering his dues, 
in order to enable him to pay his arrears due to Government. 
April 3 ; No, xo. 

7318. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, transmitting a statement of lands 


for sale for the recovery of arrears of revenue due by Rdjd 
Iswar Chdnd Rdi. April 13; No. 28. Approved, and sale 
ordered to take place at the Presidency. 

7319. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, communicating instructions of 

Government respecting the Farmer mentioned in the Zamin- 
ddfs petition. April 17. 

7320. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, reporting on an unusual number 

of tigers' heads brought in by a party of huntsmen (Shikdrfs). 
April 20 ; No. 3, 

7321. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, communicating authority of 

Government for buying in certain lands in his District should 
they prove unsaleable. April 10. 

7322. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, transmitting copies of certifi- 

cates granted by Government for pensions on account of acci- 
dents from explosions at powder works. April 24. 

7323. Letter from Collector of Purniah, transmitting copy of an applica- 

tion from Mr. Kellie to be allowed to hold land for Indigo 
Works. April 6 ; No. 28. 

7324. Letter to Collector of Putniah in reply, directing him to call on 

Mr. Kellie for his licence to reside in the country, and to 
forward it for the inspection of Government. April 6. 

7325. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhf, respecting annexations and 

separations proposed by the Magistrate. April 6 ; No. 39. 

7326. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhf, communicating the instructions 

of Government for the delivery over of the Rdjshdhi estate to 
the Zamfnddr. April 7. 

7327. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhf, communicating orders of Govern- 

ment regarding the proposed annexations to his District. 
April 27. 

7328. Letter from Collector of Rdmgarh, regarding the arrears due 

from the Zamfnddr of Ndgpur, and stating his opinion that 
force will be required' to place the purchasers in possession in 
case his lands are sold. April 10 \ No. 29. 

7329. Letter to Collector of Rdmgarh in reply, stating that the Board 

does not think it advisable to proceed to the sale of the 
Zamfnddr of Ndgpur's lands, and directing him to acquaint the 
Zamfnddr that he will incur the displeasure of Government if 
he is not more regular in discharging the public revenue* 
April 10. 

7330. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, transmitting a petition from 


Dhanesnand and others, purchasers of certain lands in his 
District, and reporting on his fruitless attempts to put them in 
possession, owing to the refractory conduct of the Zamindrs. 
April 6 ; No. 6. 

7331. Letter to Collector of Rangpur in reply, directing him to call 

upon the late proprietors of the lands for their reply in writing 
to the above representations. April 6. 

7332. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, respecting the estate of the 

late Gokul Ghoshfl. April' 20; No. 11. 

7333. Letter from the Sub-Secretary to Government, transmitting copy 

of a petition from Gopina*th Chaudhrf, presented through the 
Judge of Midnapur, complaining against the Collector for false 
imprisonment, and claiming arrears of salary as TahsfldaY of 
Huda* Agr^chaur, with directions to report on the allegations 
of the petitioner* April 17 ; No. 5. 

7334. Letter to Secretary to Government, transmitting letter and en- 

closure from the Collector of Purniah, with Mr. Kellie's licence 
to reside in the country, to be laid before Government for 
orders. April 27. 

7335. Letter to Secretary to the Board of Trade, transmitting copy of a 

letter from the Collector of Bhagalpur respecting the destruction 
of the poppy, to be laid before the Board of Trade, and request- 
ing the Board to furnish such remarks and information as may 
occur to them regarding the proposed indemnification of the 
cultivators, etc. etc. April 24. 

7336. Letter to Collector of Shha*bd, authorizing him to write off as 

irrecoverable the outstanding Takvf balances in his District. 
April 27. 

7337. Letter to Collector of SaVan, communicating authority of 

Government for writing off the balances due from two de- 
faulters in his District, and releasing them from confinement. 
April 10. 

7338. Letter from Collector of Silhet, reporting on the state of cultiva- 

tion in the Government (kha*s) Mahals, with his propositions 
relative thereto. April 6 ; No. 15. 

7339. Letter to Collector of Silhet in reply, directing him to advertise 

for proposals for farming the Government (kha"s) Mahals, sub- 
mitting the result to the Board for consideration. April 6. 

7340. Letter from Collector of Silhet, reporting the landholders' neglect 

to attend on him for the purpose of signing the engagement for 



paying instalments of revenue (Kistbandi), and recommending 
that a fine be levied on them. April 10 ; No. 3. 

7341. Letter from Collector of Silhet, in reply to orders of the 23d 

February regarding embankment (Pulbandi) repairs. April 10 ; 
No. 31. 

7342. Letter from Collector of Silhet, requesting authority for granting 

orders to Greeks and Armenians to trade in his District 
April 24 ; No. 20. 

7343. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, in reply to orders of the idth 

February, respecting the proposed Settlement of the Mukarrari 
of Zulfikar Alf. April 6 ; No. 8. 

7344. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, respecting annulling the leases of 

the revenue farmers (Thikdddrs), in continuation of orders of 
the 2d February last April 10. 

7345' Letter from Collector of Tipperah, transmitting copy of a petition 
from the Raj'd, praying for a temporary suspension on account 
of the salt-land (Khalari) rents of Pargand Dakhin Shihpur for 
the past and present year. April 10 ; No. 22. 

7346. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, authorizing him to 
grant for the present the proposed suspension to the Rajd on 
account of salt-land (Khdldrf) rents for 1203 and 1204. 
April 10. 

7347- Letter to Collector of Tipperah, stating that Government autho- 
rize him to give the Tahsflddr of Farakhdbdd credit for the loss 
sustained by the robbery at his court, and to write the amount 
off to profit and loss. April 10. 

7348. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, requesting instructions regard- 
ing the Settlement of the 4 annas or one-fourth division of 
Dandra* ; reporting the offer tendered by Muhammad Rez for 
the farm of the Mahal, but recommending that it be continued 
to Brajalisor for the remaining period of the Decennial Settle- 
ment on the terms of his present lease. April 20 ; No. 29. 

MAY, 1798. 

7349- Letter from Accountant to the Board, in reply to orders of the 
4th July 1797, with a statement of suspensions due to certain 
proprietors in the Districts of Bardwdn, Chittagong, Dacca, 
Jessor, Nadiya*, Tipperah, and the 24 Pargan^s. May 8; 
No. i. 


7350. Letter to Accountant, forwarding copy of orders respecting the 

fine levied on the Collectors of MurshidaMd, Dinajpur, and 
Tipperah, for inattention to orders regarding the formation of 
the Quinquennial Register, May 18. 

7351. Petition from John Baptist, respecting the sale of his lands by 

the Collector of Calcutta, notwithstanding his having tendered 
the arrears due, and praying for redress. May 8 ; No. 14. 

7352. Petition from Krishna Dhan Chaudhrf, praying that the Collector 

of Nadiya* be instructed to withdraw the Punya* order of his 
lands granted to his brothers, and that they be ordered to 
refund the revenues collected by them. May 8 ; No. 34. 

7353. Petition from Rukminf Ra*i Bhuiya* and another, respecting the 

loss of revenue sustained by them, and praying that orders be 
issued to the Collector of Midnapur to stop the sale of their 
lands until further inquiries can be made. May 8 ; No. 43. 

7354. Petition from Krishna Ka*nt Pal and another, praying that orders 

be issued to the Collector of Nadiya* to put them in possession 
of lands purchased by them, which are still retained by the 
late proprietor, Raja" Iswar Ch&id. May n ; No. 18. 

73SS- Letter from Collector of Behar,. forwarding a petition from the 
manager of the late Nawb Manir-ud-dauU's Ja^gi'r, praying 
that he be authorized to take more effectual measures for 
recovering the rents of the Mahal than by suing in the Court. 
May ii \ No. 13. 

7356. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, stating that Regulation 35 
of 1795 provides an easy mode of recovering arrears due from 
under-renters. May n. 

7357- Letter from Collector of Bfrbhiim, with an account sale of the* 
Ra*ja*'s lands, disposed of on the zst instant on account of 
arrears of revenue. May 18 ; No. 53. Approved. 

7358. Letter to Collector of Benares, with instructions regarding censure 

passed by the Acting Governor-General in Council on the legal 
agent (Vakil) of Government in the Provincial Court of Benares. 
May 4 . . 

7359. Letter from Collector of Benares, forwarding precepts received 

from the Judge, directing him to attach the forfeited lands of 
sundry offenders. May 29 \ Nos. 19 and 21. 

7360. Letter from Collector of Bh^galpur, stating that he has completed 

the measurement of the lands possessed by the invalid Jgfr- 
da>s in the Pargana* of Mangalpur, agreeably to the orders of 

5 r? BENGAL RECORDS. [MAY 1798. 

Government, and that he has directed the measurement of the 
remainder of the PargaruL May 15 ; No. 18. 

7361. Letter from Commissioner of Bhtfshna\ forwarding copy of a 

letter addressed by him to the Zamfndr of Rajshalif, tendering 
him the management of his estate, with copy of the ZamfndaVs 
reply thereto. May 29 ; No. 35. 

7362. Letter from Collector of Bardwa^i, respecting the fine authorized 

to be imposed on the R&f, and recommending that effectual 
means be taken for the recovery of the papers required of him. 
May i j No. 10. 

7363. Letter to Collector of Bardw^n, directing him to notify that such 

portion of the R.a"ni's lands as are adequate to defray the 
demands of Government will be sold at the Secretary's Office. 

7364. Letter from Collector of Calcutta, reporting on the petition of 

John Baptist, complaining of the sale of his lands. May 25 ; 
No. 15. 

7365. Letter to Collector of Calcutta in reply, approving of the above 

explanation, and stating that the Board does not consider the 
complaint of the petitioner entitled to any further consideration. 
May 25. 

7366. Circular Orders to all Collectors, requiring the annual accounts 

of the lands of disqualified landholders for 1204. May 4. 

7367. Letter to Commissioner of Kuch Behar, transmitting him copy of 

a petition from Ra"dha* Krishna Misra, respecting certain lands 
purchased by him from the Zaminda*r, and directing him to 
inquire into and report upon the allegations of the petitioner. 
May 8. 

7368. Letter from Commissioner of Kuch Behar, complaining of the 

refractory conduct of the Zamfnda'r. May 8; No. 38. 

7369. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending that daily 

fines be levied on certain Ta*lukdrs in Jessor until they shall 
deliver in the papers required by the Collector to enable him to 
make a division of their estates. May i ; No. 26. 

7370. Letter from Governor-General in Council, forwarding instructions 

regarding the proposed sale of Pargana* Mandalgha*t ; autho- 
rizing sale of lands in Bardw^n, Dacca, Nadiya*, Purniah, 
Rajshahf, Ramgarh, and Saran, for recovery of arrears of 
revenue; directing that Indyat Alf Khan be referred to the 
Court (Adalat) for the adjustment of his claim to the rent-free 


(Altamghd) tenure of the late Fazl-ul-nissa' Begam, and instruct- 
ing the Collector to defend any suit that may be instituted by 
him. May 4; No. ssa. 

7371. Letter from Governor-General in Council, authorizing proposed 
sale of lands in Bfrbhiim, Maimansinh, 24 Parganas, Rangpur, 
and Tipperah, for the recovery of arrears of revenue. May 8 ; 
No. 4- 

'7372. Letter to Governor-General in Council, forwarding copy of a 
minute from the Acting President respecting the irregularity in 
the conduct of the Judge of Ghazfpur in ordering the Col- 
lector of Benares to attach the lands of Bdbu Ausen Sinh, and 
recommending that the attachment be withdrawn. May n; 
No. i2a. 

7373. Letter to Governor-General in Council, submitting extract of 

proceedings regarding the claims preferred by two of the sons 
of the late Raj Raghuna"th of Barabhdm to his estate. May 
ii ; No. i6a, 

7374. Letter to Governor-General in Council, submitting reports received 

from the several Collectors on the progress made in the forma- 
tion of the Quinquennial Register. May 18; No 29. 

7375. Letter from Governor-General in Council, authorizing sale of 

lands in Nadiya, Tirhut, Bardwan, and 24 Parganas ; authorizing 
fine proposed to be levied on landholders in Jessor until such 
time as they shall deliver up the papers required by the Col- 
lector; approving of further sale of the lands of the Rani of 
Bardwan ; and observing that the Government could not with 
propriety stay the proceedings of a Court of Justice with 
regard to the attachment of the Jagfr of Babii Ausen Sinh by 
the Judge of Ghazfpur. May 22; No. i. 

7376. Letter to Governor-General in Council, forwarding copy of a 

letter and enclosure received from the Commissioner at 
Bmishnd regarding the refusal of the Zamfndar of Rajshalif to 
take charge of his estate, with a 'copy of the orders issued to 
the Collectors of Jessor, Nadiya", and Murshidab&I, and sug- 
gesting that, should the Zamfndar persist in his refusal, to 
put the whole of his estate under attachment May 29 ; 
No. 38. 

7377. Letter from Agent at Hijili, respecting the culture of potatoes 

in his District. May 8 ; No. 27. 

7378. Letter to Collector of Jessor, transmitting for report copy of a 


petition from Harish Chandra Datta respecting salt-land 
fthaUrf) rents claimed by him. May i; No. 25. 
-mo LetterfromCollectorofJessor.respectingtheimmediatenecessity 
for repairing the embankments, and requesting orders thereon. 

May ii ; No, 33. . 

7^80 Letter to Collector of Jessor, forwarding copy of a letter received 
from the Sub-Secretary to Government, enclosing a petition 
from the Zaminddr Iswar Chandra R& respecting his claim 
to Henckellganj, and requiring his report thereon. May 18. 

7 .81. Letter from Collector of Jessor, in reply to orders, with explana- 
tion regarding the sale of the village of Yusafpur in lots, contrary 
to order. May 25 ; No. 7- Sale confirmed. 

7382. Letter to Collector of Jessor, directing him to demand the arrears 

of revenue due from the lands of the Zamfndfr of Rdjshahf, 
and should he fail in the payment, to attach such portion of 
his estate as will be sufficient to liquidate the amount May 29. 

7383. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, reporting on the petition 

of the Zamfndar Bhupendr N^niyan, regarding the lands 
claimed by him as a part of his purchase. May 25 ; No. 23. 

7384. Letter to Collector of Maimansinh in reply, directing him to 

inform the Zamfndrfr of the great indulgence which he has 
received, and to call upon him for the payment of his arrears for 
Pukharid, and, in case of failure, to submit a statement of his 
lands for sale on account thereof. May 25. 

7385. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, requiring a reply to previous 

orders regarding loss of revenue sustained by the petitioners 
Rukmini Rai Bhuydand Dharanfdhar Ghosh, and directing him 
not to dispose of their lands without further orders. May 8. 

73 36. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, transmitting a petition from 
Rani Jdnaki regarding the lands of Raj Brajdnand mortgaged 
to her, and now under attachment for arrears of revenue, and 
reporting his having postponed the sale of the lands. May 
II ; Xo 4J. 

7387. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, stating that the lands 
above alluded to are liable to be sold should the Zamfnddrf 
lands not be adequate to the demands of Government, and 
directing him to take measures for the disposal of tjie Rdj^s 
Zazm'ndarf, with instructions respecting Hnf J&aakf's claim. 
May ii. 

738$, Letter from Collector of Midnapur, regarding the claim of two 


of the sons of the late Raja* Raghundth of Bardbhiim to his 
estate. May n ; No. 16. 

7389. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, stating that each of 

the above claimants have an interest in their father's estate, 
and directing that a guardian be appointed to take charge of 
the minors' lands. May n. 

7390. Letter from the Judge of Midnapur, with copies of decrees of 

Court relative to the right of succession to rent-paying (Mal- 
guzdri) lands. May 22 ; No. 12. 

7391. Letter from Collector of Murshida*ba*d, forwarding proceedings 

regarding the claim to certain lands exposed at the Sheriff's sale, 
preferred by Rdjd Lokndth. May 22 ; No. 37. 

7392. Letter to Collector of Murshida*ba*d in reply, approving of the 

above, and directing that measures be taken for the recovery 
of such arrears of revenue as may be due from Raja's Loknath 
and Ra*jballabh, agreeably to the rent (Jamd) of their respec- 
tive shares of lands purchased by them at the Sheriff's sale. 
May 22. 

7393. Letter to Collector of Murshiddb^d, directing him to notify that 

the lands of Rdja RdmkrisKna in Bhitaria* will be sold on the 
3othjune. May 22. 

7394. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, reporting his having paid the 

authorized reward for 22 tigers' heads. May i j No. 3. 

7395. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, reporting that the Zaminddr 

has liquidated the arrears due to Government, and request- 
ing the Board to suspend the sale of his lands. May 4 ; 
No. 30. 

7396. Letter to Collector of Nadiya*, informing him that the proceeds 

of the lands sold at the Secretary's Office for the liquidation 
of arrears of revenue due by Rdja* Iswar Chdnd have been 
carried to the credit of Government May 15. 

7397. Letter from Collector of Nadiya", stating that the purchasers of 

the ZamfndaYs lands have requested that they may be allowed 
a proportion of the amount granted to the Zamindar for repair- 
ing the embankments. May 22 ; No. 20. 

7398. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, directing him to demand the 

amount of the arrears of revenue due from the Zamindar, and 
should he fail in the payment, to submit a statement of his 
lands for sale. May 29. 

7399. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, with copy of a petition 


from K&ina'th Hlda*r, praying that a manager may be ap- 
pointed to manage his estate. May 15 ; No. 26. 

7400. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands in reply, directing him to take 

charge of the petitioner's estate on the part of the Court of 
Wards, and to inform the petitioner that the estate will be 
considered responsible for all arrears previous to a manager 
being put in charge. May 15. 

7401. Letter from Collector of R^mgarh, submitting a statement of 

establishment required for attaching the lands of the Zaminddr 
of Pdnchet on account of arrears of revenue. May i ; No. 43. 

7402. Letter from Collector of Rimgarh, transmitting a petition from 

the ZamindaV of Ndgpur regarding depredations committed 
by the Marhatt^s on his lands, and also regarding arrears of 
revenue due from the Zamfnda*r. May 29 ; No. 59. 

7403. Letter from Secretary to Government, regarding certain proposi- 

tions of the Board of Trade on the adjustment of the accounts 
of salt-land (Khdldrf) rents, and requiring the Board's report 
thereon. May 8 j No. 3. 

7404. Letter from Secretary to Government, directing that the Collector 

of Rdmgarh be instructed to make inquiries respecting some 
persons enlisted in the R^mgarh Battalion, and claimed by the 
Zamfnda*r as his slaves, and to report thereon. May 15 ; 
No. 23. 

7405. Letter to Secretary to Government, forwarding copy of a letter 

from the Commissioner of Kuch Behar, and an enclosure from 
Captain Darrah respecting prisoners apprehended by him, 
armed in the service of the ZamfodaV, Mahendra N^rdyan 
Chaudhrf, for the information of the Governor-General in 
Council. May 18. 

7406. Letter from Collector of Silhet, in reply to orders regarding 

proposals received for farming the whole of the Government 
(khds) Tdluks. May 25 ; No. 20. 

7407. Letter to Collector of Silhet in reply, directing him to divide the 

Government (kha"s) Tdluks into small lots, and advertise them 
for farm. May 25. 

7408. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, infonning him that the Govern- 

ment is willing to give the preference of the lands advertised 
for farm to Braja* Kisor, in the event of his agreeing to take 
the farm on the terms offered by Muhammad Reza*. May 8. 


7409. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, reporting on the increased 

balances in his District, and recommending that some indul- 
gence be granted to the Farmers on account of last year's 
drought May 22 ; No. 53. 

7410. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, directing him to submit an account 

of the losses sustained by the Fanners, and transmitting him 
copy of instructions issued to the Collector of Bardw&i for his 
guidance. May 22. 

JUNE, 1798. 

7411. Letter from Accountant to the Board, transmitting copy of a 

letter from Mr. Hyde respecting his bond to the Honourable 
Company. June 15; No. 37. 

7412. Petition from Krishna Pdl Chaudhrf and Sambhu Charan PL 

Chaudhri, respecting lands purchased by them, lately the 
property of Rdjd Iswar Chdnd in Nadiy, and praying that the 
rent (Jam) be fixed, that they may be enabled to pay their 
revenue (Mdlguz&f). June i ; No. 10. 

7413. Petition from Gauri Charan Chaudhrf, praying that orders be 

issued to put him in possession of lands purchased by him in 
the District of Bardw&v June 12 j No. 43. 

7414. Letter from Collector of Behax, transmitting a petition from the 

sons and daughters of the late NisMn Husain KMn respecting 
the attachment of their lands in consequence of their father's 
death. June 5; No. 10. 

7415. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, requiring the names of the 

persons on whom the Jgfr should be confirmed previous to 
submitting the above petition to Government June 5. 

7416. Letter from Collector of Behar respecting lands held by a Euro- 

pean in his District without the authority of Government, and re- 
garding the amount of arrears due therefrom. June 22; No. 22. 

7417. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him to submit a 

statement of such part of the lands alluded to as may be 
sufficient to meet the demands of Government, and stating . 
that the Board will address the Governor-General in Council 
respecting the other points alluded to in his letter. June 22. 

7418. Letter from Collector of Birbhdm, transmitting account sales of 

the Zaminddr's lands sold on the 2d instant for arrears of 
revenue. June 19; Na 17. 


7419. Letter to Collector of Birbhtim in reply, approving of the account 

sales but requiring a report as to the cause of the lands having 
been sold at so low a figure, and directing him to take measures 
for the recovery of the remaining balance due from the Zamin- 

dar. June 19. 

7420. Letters from Collector of Benares, transmitting copy of a letter 

transmitted by him to the superintendent of the Stone Mahal 
in his District regarding the expense incurred in quarrying 
stones, and also transmitting a statement of the collections 
arising from the Stone Mahal. June 29 ; Nos. 44, 46. 

7421. Letter to Collector of Benares, in reply to the above, directing 

him to call for a more detailed account of the expense in- 
curred in quarrying stone for the past seven years, etc. June 29. 

7422. Letter from Collector of Bhagalpur, requesting authority for 

making advances of TakaVf. June 5 ; No. 3. 

7423. Letter to Collector of Bhagalpur in reply, authorizing advances of 

TakaVi, but not to exceed 5 per cent of the total rent (Jama*) of 
the lands. June 5. 

7424. Letter to Collector of Bhagalpur, stating the amount of compen- 

sation proposed to be made to the cultivators of the poppy for 
the destruction of their crops by order of Government, and 
informing him that Government authorize the compensation to 
be paid accordingly. June 29. 

7425. Letter from Secretary to the Board of Trade, with copy of a letter 

from the Opium Agent at Behar, regarding the indemnification 
to be allowed to the cultivators of the poppy in Bhagalpur. 
June 5 ; 3S T o. 17. 

7426. Letter from Collector of Bardwan, respecting the management of 

the estate of the late Raja* Ramlochan, and suggesting that it 
be let in farm. June i ; No. 27. 

7427. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn in reply, stating that as the above 

estate is no longer under the Court of Wards, the Board does 
not think it proper to interfere with the internal management 
of the lands. June i. 

7428. Letter to Collector of Bardwan, forwarding copy of a letter from 

the Sub-Secretary to Government, approving his proposition 
for dividing Pargana* Mandalghdt into small lots, and directing 
him to allot it into shares from five to twenty thousand rupees 
each. June 22. 

7429. Letter from Collector of Bardwan, regarding practices made use 


of by the Zamfnddr of Bishnupur for the purpose of delaying 
the payment of the revenue due to Government June 32 ; 
No. 57. 

7430. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, respecting the cultivation of 

the poppy in his District. June 19 ; No. 27. 

7431. Circular Orders to the various Collectors, directing them' to pro- 

vide a safe and proper office for their Records, as well as a 
Court, from the allowance which they receive for that purpose. 
June 5, 

7432. Letters from Commissoner at Kuch Behar, transmitting Quin- 

quennial Register from 1202 Bengal era. June i ; No. 5. 
June 26 j No. 3. 

7433- Letter to Governor-General in Council, forwarding extract of 
proceedings respecting compensation to be granted to the 
cultivators of the poppy which was destroyed at Bhagalpur. 
June 5 ; No. i8a. 

7434. Letter from Governor-General in Council, authorizing sale of 
lands in 24 Parganas, Ramgarh, Shahabdd, Murshiddbacl, and 
Kuch Behar, for arrears of revenue ; approving of instructions 
furnished to the Collector of Murshidabad regarding the estate 
of the Zamfndars. June 5 ; No. 49. 

7435* Letter to Governor-General in Council, stating that Pargand 
Mandalgha"t was ineffectually exposed for sale at the Secretary's 
office on the 7th instant, and suggesting that the land be 
divided into such lots as Government shall authorize. June 
8; No. I. 

7436. Letter from Governor-General in Council, forwarding extract of 

proceedings regarding the resumed holding (Mukarrarf) of Mfr 
Zulfikar AH. June 15 ; No. 5. 

7437. Letter to Governor-General in Council, suggesting that the 

Officers of Government be directed to commence the Mufassal 
Collections of the Zami'nda'rf of Rdjshihi, and that Mr. Ernst 
be invested with the management of the estate. June 19; 
No. 52. 

7438. Letter to Governor-General in Council, requesting orders regard- 

ing a European in Behar holding lands without the sanction of 
Government June 22 ; No. 223. 

7439. Letter to Governor-General in Council, forwarding extract of 

proceedings regarding the mortgage of the lands of Rajd, 
Brajahand to Ranf Janakf. June 26 ; No. 75. 


7440. Letter from Governor-General in Council, approving of the orders 

for the attachment of the estate of the Zaminddr of Rdjsh&i, 
but directing that such part only be attached as may be ade- 
quate to meet the actual balance due to Government; ap- 
proving of the compensation proposed to be granted to the 
cultivators of poppy in Benares. June 29 ; No. 52. 

7441. Letter from Agent at Hijili, reporting the inundation of his 

District. June 8 ; No. 2. 

7442. Letter from Collector of Jessor, regarding proprietary allowance 

(Mdlikdnu) claimed by the purchaser of Pargand Malai, lately 
the property of Rdjd Sri Kdnt Rdi. June 5 ; No. 34. 

7443. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting having called on the 

Zarninddr of Bhiishnd to take charge of his estate, and submit- 
ting a copy of his reply. June 5 ; No. 50. 

7444. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, requesting authority to submit 

a statement for the sale of the estates of the absconded Tdluk- 
ddrs, decreed to Government, and also with regard to the 
uncultivated lands. June 8 ; No. 8. Approved. 

7445. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, forwarding copy of a letter 

and enclosure from Government regarding the lands of the 
Zamfnddr of Rdjshdhf, ordered for sale. June 5. 

7446. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, directing him to issue his 

demands on the Zaminddr of Rdjshdhf for the amount of the 
monthly instalments due from him, at the usual periods; and 
in the event of his failing to pay the amount, to submit a 
statement of the arrears to the Commissioner at BhiSshnd, and 
that he is not to interfere in any other way than that laid down 
in the orders. June 29. Ditto to Nadiyd. 

7447. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, in reply to orders respecting 

the repair of the embankments on the lands of the Zamfnddr. 
June 8; No. n. 

7448. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd in reply, directing him to inspect 

the embankments and complete the repairs should the Zarnfnddr 
have neglected this duty, and to provide for the repairs of 
the embankments in all future statements of the Zamfnddrs' 
lands proposed to be sold. June 8, 

7449. Letter from Acting President, informing the Board that, having 

perused the petition of the Zamfnddr of Bishnupur regarding 
the embezzlement of his property, etc., by the Sazdwal, he 
directed a copy of it to be transmitted to the Collector of 


Bardwdn, for him to ascertain if the allegations contained 
therein were well founded; and in case they were, he directed 
him to grant the Zamfnddr a suspension equal to the amount 
of his property embezzled, and only to proceed to the sale 
of such of his lands as might be sufficient to meet the balance. 
June 5. 

7450. Letter to Collector of Purniah, informing him that the Board 

has fined him Rs. 100 for inattention to orders regarding the 
required monthly report on the formation of the Quinquennial 
Register. June 26. 

7451. Letter to Collector of the 24 Parganas, forwarding a petition 

from Gobind Prasa*d Chaudhri and others respecting the 
measurement of their lands, and directing him to assist the 
petitioners in the measurement, agreeably to the Regulations. 
June 15. 

7452. Letter from Collector of Rdjshahf, enclosing a statement of 

repairs required for the embankment. June 5 ; No. 27. 

7453. Letter from Collector of Rdmgarh, transmitting copy of a precept 

from the Judge, directing him to attach the lands of the 
Zamind^r of Baghmuni, forfeited to Government. June 12; 
No. 31. 

7454. Letter from Secretary to Government, directing that the Collector 

of Benares be authorized to disburse a sum for the repairs of 
the house taken for Wazir All Khdn. June i ; No. i. 

7455. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting a petition 

from Rcinf Janaki, ZamindaV of Mahisheidal, and directing the 
Board to ascertain if the petitioner's allegations appear well 
founded. June 26 ; No. 73. 

7456. Letter from Collector of Silhet, reporting that the late heavy 

rains have inundated the District June 19 ; No. i. June 22 ; 
No. 12. 

7457. Letter from Collector of Silhet, reporting the damage done to the 

lands, cattle, etc of the rayats, owing to the overflow of the 
river. June 26 ; No. 65. 

7458. Letter to Collector of Shdha'ba'd, approving of his exertions to 

extend the cultivation of the potato. June 15 \ No. 10. 
7459- Letter to Collector of Sarkar Sdran, transmitting a letter from 

Government declining to authorize the proposed purchase of 

lands for the use of the invalids. June 5. 
7460. Letter from Collector of SarkaY Sdran, reporting that the village 


Gobrdhi in Pargan Andan was bought in on account of Go- 
vernment, and transmitting a statement of the produce as com?* 
pared with the assessment. June 26 ; No. 77, 

7461. Letter to Collector of Sarka> Satan in reply, directing him to 

ascertain and report the great difference between the amount 
of the produce of the above village and the assessed rent 
(Jama). June 26. 

7462. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, transmitting copy of a petition from 

the legal agent (Vakil) of Baklaur Sinh respecting the posses- 
sion of lands farmed out tp-feifij, and directing, hnnjto report on 
the allegations contained therein. June 5. 

JULY, 1798. 

7463. Lej#from Collector of Birbhrfm, in reply to orders of the 

ultimo, stating the reasons which caused the lands that were 
disposed of on the 2d ultimo to sell at so low a rate. July 

24; No. 34- 

7464. Letter from Collector of Benares, transmitting a letter from Rija" 

Udit Ndra"yan, with copy of a deed of grant (Sanad) given by 
the late Rdjd Mahipati Narayan to Dalip Sinh, the former 
manager of the Ra"j's estate, for the villages of Pachagarh and 
Husainpur. July n ; No. 44* 

7465. Letter to Collector of Benares in reply, directing him to report 

what allowances are receivable by the present manager of the 
Raja's estate, before submitting the above report to Govern- 
ment July n. 

7466. Letter from Collector of Benares, respecting the measures 

proposed to be adopted in forming the Mufassal Settlement of 
Pargand Lakneswar. July 11 ; No. 51. 

7467. Letter from Collector of Benares, transmitting correspondence 

with the Judge of Ghazfpur regarding the contumacy and 
disobedience evinced by the Zamindar of Azfmgarh, and also 
respecting the measures adopted for bringing the Zamfndar to 
justice. July 16 ; No. 26. 

7468. Letter to Commissioner of Bhdshna^ transmitting copy of a letter 

from the Collector of Murshidalxld regarding the Zamfndar of 
Rdjshdhf s estate, with copy of the instructions therein issued 
to the Collector, and directing him to consider these orders 


equally applicable to the lands of the Zamfnddr under his 
charge. July 20. 

7469. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, regarding the farm of Digr, 

held as a Mukarrari for life by Manuel Joze and Thuza Gomez, 
and requesting orders thereon. July n ; No. 62. 

7470. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, reporting certain malpractices 

of the Zamind&r of Bishnupur. July 20; No. 33. 

7471. Letter to Collector of Bardwn, transmitting a petition from Raja 

Chaitan Sinh, Zamind&r of Bishnupur, praying that the attach- 
ment on his Zammdrf be withdrawn, and that he be put into 
possession, and directing him to report thereon. July 27. 

7472. Letter from Commissioner of Kuch Behar, transmitting an ab- 

stract statement of the revenue of the Rdjd's independent 
territories, in reply to orders of i3th October last. July 6; 
No. 4. 

7473. Letter to Collector of Dacca, regarding proposed annexations to 

the ZiM of Rdjshdhf. July 27. 

7474. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur, forwarding copy of a letter from 

the Sub-Secretary to Government, enclosing a letter from the 
Magistrate of Rdjshdhi regarding the proposed annexations to 
that Zila, and directing him to report thereon. July 27. 

7475. Petition from Bahu R&ri and the other heirs of the late Mah- 

rjzl lUjballabh Bahddur, praying that the Jgfrs which were 
held by the late Rdj may be continued to them. July n ; 
No. 57. 

7476. Petition from Rljil Chaitan Sinh, Zamfaddr of Bishnupur in 

Bardwn, praying that the Collector be directed to put him in 
possession of his,Zam'indrf, in order that he may be enabled 
to discharge the demands of Government. July 27 ; No. 13. 

7477. Petition from Bljd Iswar Chnd, praying that he be put into 

possession of the lands in the 24 Pargan^s which were adjudged 
by the Governor-General in Council on the 14* July 1795 to 
be his property. July 31 ; No. 15. 

7478. Petition from Kijd Biswanh Rdi, ZamfiuMr of Rjshhf, praying 

that the Collector of Jessor be directed to stay the separation 
of certain Government (khds) lands. July 31 ; No. 34. 

7479. Letter to Collector of Behar, informing him that the Governor- 

General in Council has been pleased to authorize him to 
continue the Jdgirs of the late Nissam Husain Khdn to his 
family, and directing him to inform them that it will not be 


continued beyond the lives of the present members of the 
family. July 11. 

7480. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting orders from the Go- 

vernor-General in Council regarding lands illegally held by Mr. 
M'Farlane, and directing him to attach them as an escheat to 
Government July 11. 

7481. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting copy of a 

letter and enclosure from the Commissioner of Kuch Behar, 
and recommending that the Account Settlement of Th&ia' 
Behar for 1205 Bengal era be approved of. July 6 ; No. 5. 

7482. Letter to Governor-General in Council, with copy of a letter from 

the Collector of ShaTilba'd, stating the amount proposed to be 
issued on account of TakaVf, in Mahals belonging to Govern- 
ment, and recommending that he be authorized to advance the 
amount, as well as to advertise for proposals for farming the 
lands. July n ; No. 33. 

7483. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting copy of a 

report from the Collector of Jessor, on the petition of the 
Zaminddr, RaJ Iswar Cliand, regarding his right to a Mahal 
claimed by him, and recommending that he be referred to the 
Court (Adalat). July ri ; No. 37. 

7484. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting copy of a 

petition from Bahu Eini and others, informing the Board of 
the death of Mahdraj Rdjballabh Bahadur, and praying that 
the Jagirs which were held by the late Raj be continued to 
them as his heirs, with a copy of the orders to the Collectors 
of Rangpur, Dinajpur, and Tirhut in consequence to attach 
the Jdgirs. July n ; No. 58. 

7485. Letter from Governor-General in Council, desiring that the Col- 

lector of Ramgdrh be directed to call on the Zamfndar of 
Nagpur for payment of the balance due by him, and stating 
that the Government does not think proper to admit any claims 
on account of losses stated to have been sustained by the 
Zamfndar in consequence of an incursion of the Marhaftta"s 
into his Zamindari, unless he can adduce satisfactory proof 
thereof; also expressing surprise at the very unsatisfactory 
report made by the Collector of Tirhut regarding the Settle- 
ment of the resumed holding (Mukarrarf) of Mir Zuffikar All, 
and authorizing the Board to conclude the Settlement with 
the proprietors (Mdliks) for the term of five years as proposed 


and directing that the monthly allowance paid to the late- 
leaseholder (Mukarraiida'r) be also resumed ; authorizing pro- 
posed sale of lands in the Districts of Behar, Chittagong, Silhet, 
Saran, Murshida*ba"d, and 24 Pargana*s, for the recovery of 
arrears of revenue ; authorizing the purchase of Mahal Puru- 
shottampur in Midnapur on account of Government July n ; 
No. 6 1. 

7486. Letter from Governor-General in Council, with instructions re- 

garding the rent-free lands in Midnapur mortgaged to Ra*nf 
Ja"naki; approving of instructions issued with regard to the 
Ra"jshhf estate. July 31 ; No. 31. 

7487. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, transmitting a statement of 

the La*khira*j lands of the heirs of the late Zammdar of Tapp 
Barka*ndi, proposed to be sold to make good the conditions of 
the instalments (Kistbandi) decreed to Government. July 6 ; 
No. 21. Approved. 

7488. Letter to Collector of Maimansinh, forwarding copy of a letter 

from the Sub-Secretary to Government, enclosing a letter from 
the Magistrate at Rajsha*hi regarding the proposed annexations 
to that Zila\ July 27. 

7489. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, transmitting a statement of 

lands forfeited to Government, and recommending that they be 
advertised for sale. July 3 ; No. 23. 

7490. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, authorizing him to purchase 

unsaleable lands on account of Government. July 31. 
'7491. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, transmitting copy of the orders 
of the Governor-General in Council regarding the lands of 
the Zamfnda*r of Maina*chaurd mortgaged to Rdnf J&iakf, and 
claimed by her. July 31. 

7492. Letter from Collector of Murshida'ba'd, transmitting copy of a 

petition from the Zamindar of Raj*sha*hf, praying to be allowed 
a further time for the payment of his arrears of revenue, and 
reporting that the Rj has entered into engagements for the 
payment of the revenue of his estate. July 20 ; No. 24. 

7493. Letter to Collector of Murshida'ba'd in reply, directing him to 

inform the Zamfnddr that he is at liberty to take possession of 
his estate, but that the Board does not think proper to comply 
with his request for further time. July 20. 

7494. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, forwarding copy of a letter from 

the Collector of Murshida'ba'd regarding the Zamfnddr of 
VOL. in. E 


Rajshihf s estate, with a copy of the instructions issued to the 
Collector, and directing that those instructions are to be con- 
sidered as applicable to the lands of the Zamindar under his 
charge. July 20. 

7495. Minute by the Acting President, informing the Board that the 

agent of Raja* Harkumar Datta Sen having presented to him a 
copy of an order stated to have been issued by the Collector of 
Sarka*r Sdran, directing him to furnish the amount of the gross 
produce and measurement of his estate, he (the Acting Presi- 
dent) wrote to the Collector, informing him that an order of 
this nature was at variance with the repeated orders of the 
Board, and directing him to recall the order, and to confine his 
demands for accounts to the particulars pointed out in the 
Board's resolutions of the 26th ultimo. July 3. 

7496. Minute by the Acting President, laying before the Board a repre- 

sentation from the family of the late Maharaja" Rajballabh 
Bahadur advising of the Raja's death, and recommending that 
the Collectors of Rangpur, Dinajpur, and Tirhut be directed 
to attach the Jagirs of the late Raja* in their respective Districts. 
July ii. 

7497. Letter to Collector of Purniah, informing him that the Governor- 

General in Council has been pleased to authorize Mr. Kelly 
to retain the ground required by him. July 3. 

7498. Letter from Collector of Purniah, requesting that the Collector of 

Tirhut be directed to attach the Malikana" receivable by Raja* 
Madhu Sinh, proprietor of.Dharmpur, and not to release it until 
the demands of Government are satisfied. July 16 ; No. 25. 

7499. Letter to Collector of 24 Parana's, transmitting him copy of a 

petition from Raja* Iswar Chand regarding lands which were 
adjudged to be his property by the Governor-General in Coun- 
cil, and directing him to report thereon. July 31. 

7500. Letter from Collector of RajshaH, reporting his having invested 

Anand Na*rayan Chaudhrf with the management of his estate, 
agreeably to the Regulations. July 3 \ No. 5. Approved. 
7301- Letter to Collector of Ramgarh, transmitting orders of the Go- 
vernor-General in Council, and directing him to call on the 
Zamkdar of Nagpur for the payment of his arrears due to 
Government, and to inform him that the Government will not 
admit of any claims on account of losses stated to have been 
sustained by him on account of incursions of the Marhattds 


without sufficient proof thereof, and directing him (the Collec- 
tor) to report on the subject. July 1 1. 

7502. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, transmitting him copy of the deed 

of grant (Sanad) of Pargana* Pallad (?) granted to the late Ra> 
ballabh, and directing him to attach the same. July n. 

7503. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting copy of a letter 

from the Adjutant-General regarding waste lands in the District 
of Chittagong proposed for rhe use of the invalids, and direct- 
ing an inquiry to be made as to whether there are any waste 
lands which can be obtained for this purpose. July i r ; No. 15. 

7504. Letter to Secretary to Government, transmitting a copy of a 

letter from the Collector of Behar regarding the want of 
subordination in the Sibandf Corps, and the offences committed 
by them with impunity. July 16. 

7505. Letter to Secretary to Government, forwarding copy of letter and 

enclosures from the Collector of Ramgarh, regarding banditti 
who are plundering the lands lately sold in that District, and also 
respecting the measures adopted for their apprehension. July 24. 

7506. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting copy of a 

letter from the Magistrate at Rajshdhf regarding the proposed 
annexations to that ZM 9 and informing the Board that the 
Governor-General requires a Report thereon. July 27 ; No. 8. 

7507. Letter from Collector of Silhet, transmitting a detailed statement 

of the outstanding balances of revenue for the year 1204 Bengal 
era. July 3 ; No. 17. 

7508. Letter from Collector of Sha'ha'ba'd, transmitting a statement of 

advances for the increase of cultivation, repair of embankments, 
and reclamation of swamps (TakaVi, Gilanda*zi, and Khaiichs- 
sazf), proposed to be expended on the lands belonging to 
Government. July n; No. 31. 

7509. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, transmitting copy of a petition 

from Assad -Ulla" and Khayranissa*, Zamindars of Amrdba'd, 
regarding the payment of the monthly allowances (Mushdhard) 
due to them during the period their lands were held under 
Government management (kh^s). July 24; No. i. 

7510. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, transmitting copy of 

Government orders respecting the monthly allowances (Mushd- 
hara*) above alluded to, in answer to the Board's address of the 
25th April 1794- July 24- 

7511. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting a receipt and disburse- 

68 BENGAL RECORDS. [Aua 1798. 

merit (Jama Kharch) account of the holding (Mukarrarf) of the 
late Shaikh Muhammad Raff, and reporting that the proceeds 
do not afford subsistence to the sons of the deceased, and 
recommending their situation to the consideration of the Board. 
July 6; No. 15. 

7512. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, forwarding him copy of the orders 

of the Governor-General in Council regarding the resumed 
holding (Mukarrarf) of Mir Zulfikar Alf, and directing him to 
report on the measures to be adopted respecting the future 
Settlement of the holding (Mukarrari). July 1 1. 

7513. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, transmitting him a copy of the deed 

of grant (Sanad) of the Jdgir of the late Rdj Rajballabh for 
Nagarbasi, and directing him to attach that Pargand. July n. 

7514. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, directing him to attach the pro- 

prietary allowance (Mahkand) of Raja Madhu Sinh, and not to 
release the same until the arrears due from the Rdjd shall have 
been paid up. July 16. 

AUGUST, 1798. 

7515. Letter from Accountant to the Board, transmitting a statement of 

the demands, receipts, and balances of the Land Revenue of the 
Provinces of Bengal, Orissa, Behar, and Benares, on account of 
the year 1204-5, or 1797-8, and a Statement of the Gross and 
Net Revenues of those Provinces for the same year. August 7 ; 
No. i. 

7516. Letter from Accountant to the Board, transmitting a general 

statement of lands ordered to be put up to sale in Bengal 
during the year 1204 Bengal era; and in Behar, Orissa, and 
Benares during the year 1204 Fasli era. August 10 ; No. 35. 

7517. Petition from Mr. Nicholas Gibb, regarding a Mukarrari farm called 

Mahal Digrd, mortgaged to him; tendering the amount of arrears 
of revenue due therefrom, and praying to be put in possession. 
August 3 ; Nos. 84 and 86. Complied with; August 31. 

7518. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting on the petition of 

Pritam Sinh regarding suspensions claimed by him on account 
of his lands being seized and pillaged by the rayats of Duldpur. 
August 3 ; No. 50. 

7519. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, stating that should Pritam 

Sinh be enabled to provide for the payment of the public 


revenue from his estate, no allowance could be granted, but 
otherwise the Board would recommend that a suspension be 
allowed him adequate to his loss. August 3. 

7520. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting for his information a 

copy of a letter from the Sub-Secretary to Government, stating 
that the Governor-General in Council has resolved that the 
tract of country between Mandr on the Son, and Fatwah on 
the Ganges, be separated from the Behar District, and annexed 
to the jurisdiction of the City of Patna. August 10. 

7521. Letter from the Collector of Behar, transmitting copy of a precept 

from the Judge regarding the claims of Ina*yat Ali Kh&i to the 
estates, etc. of the late Fazl-ul-Nissa Begam. August 17; 
No. 22. 

7522. Letter from Collector of Bfrbhilm, reporting that the farmers of the 

resumed police (Thandddrf) lands have tendered proposals for 
them for the present year. August 7 ; No. 15. Accepted 

7523. Letter to Collector of Birbmim, informing him that the Board has 

resolved that the village of KaTurpur is to be annexed to his 
District from MurshiddMd. August 17. 

7524. Letter to Collector of Benares, informing him that the Govern- 

ment authorize him to postpone the Settlement of Pargand 
Lakneswar until the ensuing season. August 3. 
7325. Letter from Collector of Bha*galpur, transmitting a statement of 
lands of Muhammad Zamdn KLhcLn for sale on account of 
arrears of revenue. August 3; No. -69. Approved. 

7526. Letter from Collector of Bha"galpur, reporting that the sale of 

Hcijei Muhammad Zamn Khan's lands has been rendered un- 
necessary, he having paid up his arrears. August 7 ; No. 2. 

7527. Letter to Collector of Bhgalpur, with instructions regarding the 

mode of buying in unsaleable land. August 17. 

7528. Letter from Collector of Bha*galpur, reporting that the poppy 

cultivators have accepted the compensation allowed them by 
Government, and submitting a statement of the expense incurred 
in destroying the drug. August 17 ; No. 31. 

7529. Letter from Commissioner of Bhiishna^ regarding the measures 

adopted by him in realizing the revenues of the Chakld, and 
reporting that the Zamfnddr has taken charge of this part of his 
estate ; also respecting the suit proposed to be instituted against 
Kalf Sankar by the Zamfnddr. August 7 ; No. 36. 

7530. Letter to Commissioner of Bhiishn in reply, approving of the 

70 BENGAL RECORDS. [Auo. 1798. 

above, and directing him to report on the final determination 
of the Zaminddr regarding the suit proposed to be instituted 
against Kali Sankar. August 7. 

7531. Letter to Commissioner of Bhishnd, directing him to report in 

what mode he would recommend that the sum which the 
Zaminddr was entitled to have carried to his credit on account 
of the excess levied from him in 1202 should be adjusted. 
August 24. 

7532. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, reporting on the petition of 

Rdja Chaitan Sinh regarding his lands remaining under attach- 
ment. August 7 ; No, 14. 

7533* Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting him copy of a 
petition from the widow of the late Rdjd Rdmlochan that a 
division of the lands of her son, jointly with Sio Chdnd Rdi, 
should be made, and directing that the division be made 
accordingly. August 7. 

7534. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, regarding the large amount 
of arrears due from the Zaminddr, and suggesting that the sum 
deposited in the Treasury on account of the Mahirdni should 
be devoted towards the repair of the Zaminddri embankments. 
August 10 ; No. 12. 

7535- Circular orders to Collectors, directing them to report the result 
of any measures they may have adopted in order to extend 
the cultivation of the potato in their respective Districts. 
August 24. 

7536. Letter from Commissioner of Kuch Behar, reporting that Mahendra 

Nardyan Chaudhrf has been restored to the possession of the 
Zaminddri of Pargand Karaibdri, agreeably to orders of the 
Board. August 31 ; No. 3. 

7537. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting that he has delivered 

over to the Collector of Rdjshdhi, Tappds Khelupdrd, Kharanja, 
Gangddid, and Chind-Kard. August 31 ; No. 19. 

7538. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur, transmitting copy of a letter 

and enclosure from the Secretary to Government regarding 
the boundaries of Rangpur and Dindjpur, and requiring his 
report thereon. August 3. 

7539 Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, transmitting a statement of 
arrears due to the Zaminddr on account of proprietary allow- 
ance (Mdlikdnd) on lands in Pargand Apail, in possession of 
Mr. Henckell, and which have been re-annexed to the Zamfn- 


, agreeably to orders of the 20th October last August 10 ; 
No. 26 

7540. Letter to Collector of Din^jpur in reply, approving of the above, 

and directing him to inform Mr. Henckell that the revenue is 
in future to be paid to the Zamfndr. August 10. 

7541. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur, transmitting him copy of Mr. 

Hatch's minute regarding the allotment of the rent (Jamd) on 
the villages of the Zamfnd^r proposed for sale ; and directing 
him to furnish a corrected statement of such portion of the 
ZamfndaYs lands as may be adequate to the amount due 
from him on account of last year, made up from the detailed 
accounts of Mr. Hatch ; also directing him to furnish the 
Board with the necessary explanation regarding the conduct 
of Sio Chand Sinh on the points mentioned in the minute of 
Mr. Hatch. August 21. 

7542. Letter from Governor-General in Council, approving of the 

establishment proposed by the Collector of Rdmgarh for 
attaching lands forfeited to Government ; authorizing sale of 
lands in Jessor, Purniah, Tipperah, Bardwdn, Rdjshdhf, and 
24 Pargans ; rejecting claim of Rj Iswar Chdnd to a Mahal 
in Jessor. August 3 ; No. 83. 

7543. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding remissions 

proposed to be made to the sufferers from the fire at Nator. 
August 7 \ No, I7a. 

7544. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending that the 

Taluk of Nitynand be separated from the District of Jessor, 
and annexed to that of Nadiyl August 7 ; No. 24. 

7545. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting the annual 

statement of lands which were ordered for sale in the year 1204 
Bengal era, with observations thereon. August 10 ; No. 36. 

7546. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding the Settlement 

of Zild Bang-on, and recommending that the lands be made 
over to the present tenants as their actual property. August 
14 ; No. 25. 

7547. Letter from Governor-General in Council, authorizing proposed 

sale of lands in the Districts of Behar, Dacca, 24 Paxganas, 
Bhagalpur, Bardwdn, Murshidbd, lUjsMhf, and Sdran, for 
recovery of arrears of revenue; authorizing the Collector of 
Midnapur to repair the embankments in that District August 
14; No. 40. 

72 BENGAL RECORDS. [Auo. 1798. 

7548. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter from 

the Collector of Shdhbd regarding the management of the for- 
feited estate of HarapSinh, etc., and regarding the depredations 
committed by the original proprietors, and also recommend- 
ing that a chain of Invalid Police Stations (Thnds) be estab- 
lished to protect the inhabitants of that country. August 17 ; 
No. 18. 

7549. Letter from Governor-General in Council, regarding the ex- 

pediency of separating T^luk Amfrbdd from the District of 
Maimansinh; expressing concern at the Government being 
likely to sustain so serious a loss from the Rdjshihi estate 
during the period it was under the Court of Wards, and 
approving of the measures proposed to be adopted for the 
recovery of the outstanding balances. August 24 ; No. 40. 

7550. Letter to Governor-General in Council, in reply to the Sub-Secre- 

tary's letter of the zoth instant, reporting on the petition of 
Bhupendra N&iyan, Zaminddr of Pukhari in Maimansinh, 
regarding the possession of lands claimed by him. August 
28; No. 14. 

7351. Letter from Governor-General in Council, authorizing proposed 
remission of revenue to the Zainfnddr of RijsMhi on account 
of the fire at Nator j approving of propositions respecting the 
purchase of lands in Midnapur on account of Government, 
and respecting the outstanding balances of revenue. August 
31 ; No. 29. 

7552. Minute by Mr, Hatch, respecting the allotment of the rent (Jama) 
on the villages belonging to the Zamfndr of Dinijpur, proposed 
for sale. August 21 \ No. 53. 

7553- Letter to Collector of Jessor, informing him that the Governor- 
General in Council does not think proper to admit the claim 
preferred by Bijd Iswar Chnd to a Mahal in his District, 
and directing him to refer the Rdjd to the Court (Addlat), 
etc. August 3. 

7554. Letter to Collector of Jessor, transmitting him copy of a petition 
from the widow of the kte Blj R&nlochan, praying that 
a partition may be made of the lands held by her son jointly 
with Sib Chnd R, and directing him to make the division 
accordingly. August 7. 

755S- Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting copy of a letter 
from the Superintendent of the embankments, and suggesting 


that measures be adopted for preventing the rayats from 
damaging them. August 14 ; No. 26. 

7556. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, directing him to report 

what embankments should in future be repaired by Govern- 
ment, and what should, be left to be repaired by the land- 
holders. August 14. 

7557. Letter from Collector of Jessor, requesting to be informed whether 

persons holding lands in the names of their children were not 
responsible for arrears of revenue. August 24; No. 14. 

7558. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, stating that persons holding 

lands in the name of their children are responsible for the 
demands of Government, and directing him to proceed 
against such persons for the recovery of arrears of revenue. 
August 24. 

7559. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, regarding the distressed 

situation of Gopi Sinh, who has been in confinement for four 
years for arrears of revenue, and recommending that he be 
released. August 7 ; No. 30. 

7560. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, authorizing him to purchase on 

account of Government such lands as have proved unsaleable. 
August 14. 

7561. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, informing him that the 

Governor - General in Council authorizes him to repair the 
embankments in case the landholders continue to neglect to do 
so, and also authorizing the release of Gopf Sinh, and the writ- 
ing off the arrears due from him as irrecoverable. August 14. 

7562. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, regarding the sale of the 

village of Adampur, lately the property of Anand, and pur- 
chased by Raja* Rdmlochan Ri, and also respecting the 
fraudulent practices of the clerk (Muharrir) an<J the original 
proprietor of the land, and recommending that the purchase 
money be returned to the purchaser, and that another village 
be sold to realize the balance due by the TsHukdaV. August 
24 j No. 18. 

7563. Letter from Collector of Murshiddba'd, transmitting a letter from 

several gentlemen resident at his station, requesting him to 
receive from them, and deposit in his treasury, the amount 
subscribed for the support of the Government in England, and 
requesting orders thereon. August 7 ; No. 9. 

7564. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd in reply, referring him to the 



minutes of Council published in the Calcutta Gazette on tin* 
ad instant, for his guidance on the above subject 7. 
7563. Letter from the Acting Registrar of the Court of Appeal at 
Murshiddbdd, requesting that the Parganiis of the Zamimlur of 
Dindjpur given by him as a Security to his Securities for the 
ultimate satisfaction of a decree that may be passed against 
him by the Sadr Diwdnf Addlat, be not sold for recovery of 
arrears of revenue. August 21 ; No. 14. 

7566. Letter to Collector of Nadiya, directing him to report if the lands 

which were sold in the year 1204 Bengal era, for the recovery 
of arrears of revenue, were bought in, wholly or in part, by the 
original proprietors, or were transferred over to other individuals, 
August 24 ; No, 8. 

7567. Minute by the Acting President, regarding certain diflertim e, 

appearing in the allotment of the rent (Jamd), and number of 
villages, in the statement of lands the property of the X*amfnd.Ir 
of Nadiyd, advertised for sale for the recovery of arrears ol 
revenue. August 24 ; No. 24. 

7568. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, .transmitting a petition 

from Rdjd Iswar Chdnd, explaining the cause of his refusal to 
sign the detailed revenue account (l)aul) of the lands dtiereed 
to him at the stated rent (Jaxnd). August 21 ; No. 34. 

7569. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhf, regarding the amount of 

remission proposed to be made under orders of the Governor 
General in Council on account of the great fire at Nutoj, 
August 7. 

7570. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi in reply, stating that lh Hoard 

will address the Governor-General in Council respecting the re 
missions proposed to be made, and directing him to apply to the 
Collector of Murshiddbdd in order to ascertain the remissions 
necessary to be allowed to the Zamfnddr of Bhitarid. August 7, 

7571. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi, informing him of the Governor 

General in Council having been pleased to authori/e the 
proposed remission of revenue to the Zamfnddr on jwrounl of 
the ground-rent remitted by him to the inhabitants of Nator 
who suffered by the late fire. August 3 1 . 

7572. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, transmitting copy of a letter and 

enclosures from the Sub-Secretary to Government regarding the 
boundaries of theZilds of Dindjpur and Rangpur, and requiring 
his report thereon. August 3. 


7573. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, directing him to report the 

computed produce of the lands held by the late Rdjd, Ra> 
ballabh, and also directing him to furnish an account of the 
family of the deceased for the information of the Governor- 
General in Council. August 3. 

7574. Letter from Secretary to Government, stating that the Right 

Honourable the Governor-General in Council has resolved that 
the tract of country lying between Mandr on the Son, and 
Fatwah on the Ganges, be separated from the Zild of Behar, 
and annexed to the jurisdiction of the city of Patnl August 
10 ; No. 8. 

7575' Letter from Secretary to Government, forwarding copy of a 
petition from Bhupendra Na*ra"yan, Zammddr of Pukharii, in 
Maimansinh, praying to be put in possession of certain lands 
purchased by him at public sale, and requesting a report 
thereon. August 28; No. 12.- 

7576. Letter to Collector of Silhet, informing him that the Governor- 

General in Council approves of the Board's propositions for 
farming the Taluks the immediate property of Government, in 
his District, and transmitting him copy of the Board's address 
to Government on the subject. August 3. 

7577. Letter from Collector of Shhbd, regarding certain waste lands 

in his District proposed to be let out to farm. August 10 ; 
No. 14. 

7578. Letter to Collector of Shhaba*d, authorizing the purchase on 

account of Government of lands in his District ineffectually 
put up to sale. August 14. 

7579. Letter from Collector of SMhba*d, in reply to orders of the 2oth 

ultimo, regarding the management of the forfeited estate of 
Harap Sinh. August 17 ; No. 17. 

7580. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, respecting salt-land (Kh^rf) 

rents claimed by the proprietors of Amfra'ba'd. August 17 \ 
No. 19. 

7 58 1.- Letter from Collector of Tirhut, regarding the measures proposed 
to be adopted for the Settlement of Pargana's Mulkf and Balia*, 
late the Mukarrarf of Mir Zulfikar Alt August 24 ; No. 20. 

7582. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, directing him to make the Settle- 
ment of the lands alluded to in the mode mentioned in the 3d 
paragraph of his letter. August 24. 



7583. Petition from Gauri Charan Ra*i, regarding land in Bardwn 

purchased by him at the Board's sale, part of which the Collec- 
tor has re-advertised to be sold, part of which he cannot obtain 
possession of, and part of which has been destroyed by the 
river. September 4; No. 10. 

7584. Petition from Sali Nissa*, widow of the late GhuMm Sulta*n in 

Dinajpur, praying that she be put into possession of her late 
husband's estate. September 4 ; No. 40. 

7585. Petition from Nflmani Halddr, complaining of a notice having 

been served on him by the Collector of Bardwa*n to quit 
possession of a village purchased by him at public sale. 
September 7 ; No. 19. 

7586. Petition from Bahuranf and Rai Jaganna*th Prasa*d, praying to be 

put into possession of the lands of the late Ra*ja* Ra*jballabh in 
Tirhut as their joint right September ir ; No. 20. 

7587. Petition from Nilmani Haldar, praying to be put in possession of 

certain lands belonging to Taraf Bhdgirathi, late the property 
of the Rdni of Bardwan, and purchased by him at public sale. 
September 28; No. 4. 

7588. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting him copy of a letter 

from the Secretary to Government, with proceedings of Govern- 
ment regarding the permanency of the Decennial Settlement. 
September 7. 

7589. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting orders of the Governor- 

General in Council of the 7th instant, respecting lands in the 
possession of Government claimed by Ina'yat Alf Khdn, for his 
information and guidance. September 14. 

7590. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting draft of a regulation 

regarding the Sibandi Corps required by orders of the nth 
instant September 18; No. 56. 

7591. Letter from Collector of Birbhtim, transmitting annual abstract 

(Jama* Wa'sil Bali and Kharch) accounts of Tappa* Sarh& 
and Deoghar for 1204. September 18 ; No. 38. 

7592. Letter from Collector of Benares, transmitting copy of a letter 

from the Superintendent of the Chanar Quarries relative to the 
mode of employing convicts there. September n - No. 47. 
7593- Letter to Collector of Bhagalpur, authorizing him to charge in his 


accounts the amount expended in destroying poppy. Septem- 
ber 14. 

7594. Letter to Collector of Bhdgalpur, directing him to make every 

exertion in his power for the recovery of the great outstanding 
arrears of revenue in his District. September 25. 

7595. Letter from Commissioner of Bhiishnd, transmitting copy of a letter 

from the Zamfnda*r regarding the suit proposed to be instituted 
against Kali Sankar. September 4; No. 25. 

7596. Letter from Commissioner of Bhiishna^ suggesting that a daily 

fine be levied on the Zamindar until he shall deliver in certain 
papers demanded of him. September 14 ; No. 49. 

7597. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting a statement of the 

Zamindaf s lands sold during the year 1204 for the recovery of 
arrears of revenue. September 1 1 ; No. 5. 

7598. Letter from Collector of Bardwan, reporting having postponed the 

sale of the lands of Rajd Chaitan Sinh till the ist proximo, in 
conformity to the Board's orders, and suggesting that he be 
authorized to attach the whole of the Raja's estate until the 
balances due from him to Government shall have been liqui- 
dated. September 1 1 ; No. 30. 

7599. Letter to Collector of Bardwan in reply, stating that the Board 

does not approve of his proposition for attaching the whole 
of the Rajd's estate, unless it be found necessary to dispose 
of it in discharge of the demands of Government. Septem- 
ber n. 

7600. Letter from Collector of Bardwan, regarding lands made over by 

the Maha*ranf to Raghunth Sinh. September 14; Nos. 29 
and 30. 

7601. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, in reply to orders of the 

loth April regarding the deed of grant (Sanad) held by the 
family of the late Gokul Ghoshal to the waste lands in the 
District September ir ; No. 28. 

7602. Circular Orders to the several Collectors, transmitting them 

extract of a letter from the Governor-General in Council regard- 
ing the division of estates. September 2 1. 

7603. Letter from Commissioner of Kuch Behar, recommending that 

Pargand Kunj Ghoraghdt in the Rangpur District, purchased by 
the Raja" of Kuch Behar, be separated from that District and 
annexed to Kuch Behar. September 4 ; No. 12. 

7604. Letter from Commissioner of Kuch Behar, in reply to orders 


regarding the Settlement of Thdnd Behar for the current year 
1205. September;; No. 21. 

Letter to Collector of Dacca, expressing concern at the large 
amount of balances outstanding in his District September 25. 
Letter to Collector of Dindjpur, transmitting him copy of a peti- 
tion from the widow of the late Ghuldm Sultan, and directing 
him to report in what mode the lands of the deceased are at 
present managed. September 4. 

, Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, transmitting a statement of the 
Zaimnddr's lands proposed for sale on account of arrears of 
revenue, and stating that the detailed accounts alluded to in 
Mr. Hatch'* minute are not to be found in his office. August 
25 ; No. 21. 

, Letter to Governor-General in Council, in reply to orders of 
Government of the syth July regarding the Mufassal Settlement 
of Thana Behar. September 4 ; No. 23. 

. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending that the 
Collector of Tirhut be authorized to purchase certain lands for 
the use of the Invalid Establishment September 7 ; No. 18. 

-. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting copies of 
letters from the Collectors of Murshiddbad, Jessor, Rdjshahi, 
nnd Benares, regarding the mode of employing convicts, in 
re:!y to Government's letter of $th January. September u; 
No. 55. 

. Letter from Governor-General in Council, stating that the Govern- 
ment cannot demand any increase of assessment in consequence 
of the cultivation of waste lands alluded to by the Collector of 
Shdhdbdd ; approving of the Settlement formed by the Collec- 
tor of Silhet for Ziki Bangaon ; stating that the Government 
will re-quest the Commander-in-Chief to make the necessary 
inquiry respecting the expediency of establishing Invalid Police 
Stations (Thands) in the forfeited lands in Shdhdbdd ; authoriz- 
ing proposed sale of lands in the Districts of Rangpur, 24 Par- 
guius, Rdjshahi, and Bardwdn ; directing an inquiry to be made 
in order to ascertain the cause of the disorder and refractory 
spirit manifested in Rdmgarh. September 14 ; No. i. 

-. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a clause 
recommended for insertion in the Regulation under the conside- 
ration of Government for facilitating the collection of the land 
revenue. September 18 ; No. 67. 


7613. Letter to Governor-General in Council, respecting the overflow of 

the rivers in the Districts of Sdran and Murshida'ba'd. Septem- 
ber 25 i No. i7a. 

7614. Letter to Governor-General in Council, respecting lands claimed 

by the Invalid Sepoys in Behar. September 25 ; No. 41. 

7615. Minute by Mr. Hatch, respecting the petition of the widow of 

Ghula*m Sultn in Dina"jpur. September 4 ; No. 41. 

7616. Letter from Collector of Jessor, respecting persons wantonly 

destroying the embankments, and recommending that measures 
be adopted for bringing them to punishment September 4 ; 
No. 2. Approved. 

7617. Letter from Collector of Jessor, regarding the mode of employing 

convicts, in reply to orders. September n ; No. 49. 

7618. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting the overflow of a great 

part of his District by the sudden rise of the river, and 
requesting that he be authorized to prosecute such persons 
who may wantonly destroy the embankments. September 25 ; 
No. 1 8. 

7619. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, regarding the balances stated 

by the Zaminddr of Suj&nuta* to be due to him on account of 
Bhuyari Khaza'na' and Abnekassy (?), in reply to orders of 24th 
July. September 14 ; No. 25. 

7620. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, directing him to pro- 

vide for the discharge of the rents claimed by the Zamfnddr 
from certain lands immediately under his charge, but to refer 
him to the Court (Adalat) for the recovery of the rents above 
alluded to, from lands in the actual occupancy of the land- 
holders. September 14. 

7621. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, directing him to use every 

exertion in his power for the recovery of the great outstanding 
arrears in his District. September 25. 

7622. Letter to Collector of Murshida'ba'd, directing him to report the 

amount advanced by Government on account of the monthly 
allowance (Musha'hara') of Rii Bfaabini September 7. 

7623. Letter from Collector of Murshida'ba'd, transmitting copy of a 

letter from Captain Parlby respecting the mode of employing 
convicts. September n ; No. 50. 

7624. Letter to Collector of Murshida'ba'd, expressing concern at the 

great amount of outstandings in his District. September 25. 

7625. Letter from the Collector of Nadiya", reporting that the Zaminddr 


of RljsMhi has taken charge of that portion of his estate situated 
in the District of Nadiyd, in reply to orders of the 2oth July 
last September 4 ; No. 28, 

7626. Letter from Collector of Nadiy, regarding the produce of the 

lands of the Zamindar proposed for sale for the recovery of 
arrears of revenue. September 7 j No. 27. 

7627. Letter to Collector of Purniah, transmitting him copy of a letter 

from the Sub-Secretary to Government regarding the perma- 
nency of the Decennial Settlement September 7. 

7628. Letter fiom Collector of 24 Pargans, reporting on the petition of 

Gopinath Bdnarji regarding the possession of lands purchased 
by him at public sale, and withheld by the original proprietor 
on the plea of their being rent free. September n ; No. 13. 

7629. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargans in reply, directing him to put 

Gopmath Bdnarji into possession of the lands above alluded to. 
September n. 

7630. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, expressing concern at the 

large amount of arrears in his District, etc. September 25. 

7631. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhi, respecting the mode of 

employing convicts in his District September n ; No. 52. 

7632. Letter to Collector of'R&ngarh, transmitting copy of a letter from 

the Sub-Secretary to Government, regarding the permanency of 
the Decennial Settlement September 7. 

7633. Letter to Collector of Rarngarh, transmitting him copy of the 

orders of the Governor-General in Council, respecting the great 
disorder and the refractory spirit of the inhabitants prevailing 
in various parts of his District September 14. 

7634. Letter from Collector of Ramgarh, respecting the depredations 

of Anand Sinh and his adherents on the property of the in- 
habitants of lands forfeited to Government September 18 ; 
No. 46. 

7635. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, transmitting him copy of a letter 

from the Commissioner of Kuch Behar, and directing him to 
report if there appear any objections to the proposed separation 
of Pargana Kunj Ghoraghat from his District, and its annexation 
to Kuch Behar. September 4. 

7636. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, expressing concern at the large 

amount of outstanding balances in his District Septem- 
ber 25. 

7637. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting proceedings 


of the Governor-General in Council dated 2;th July 1798, and 
directing that the several Collectors in the Province of Behar 
be ordered to circulate throughout their respective Districts, 
copies and translations of the proclamation, which the judicial 
officers have been requested to publish, regarding the perma- 
nency of the Decennial Settlement September 7 ; No. 28. 

7638. Letter to Secretary to Government, transmitting copy of a letter 

from the Collector of Murshida'ba'd, reporting the rapid fall of 
the river, and the very small damage done to the country by 
the floods. September 28. 

7639. Letter to Collector of Sha'ha'ba'd, transmitting copy of the orders 

of the Governor-General in Council of the 7th instant, regard- 
ing the culture of waste lands, alluded to in his letter of the 
25th July last. September 14. 

7640. Letter to Collector of Shdhdbdd, directing him to use every 

possible exertion for the recovery of the large amount of out- 
standing balances in his District. September 25. 

7641. Letter to Collector of Sarkr Saran, transmitting copy of a letter 

from the Sub-Secretary to Government, with an extract of the 
proceedings of the Governor-General in Council regarding the 
permanency of the Decennial Settlement. September 4. 

7642. Letter from Collector of SarkaV Saran, reporting that he has 

postponed the sale of the lands of Raja* Sri Krishna, in con- 
sequence of the inundation of the country. September 25; 
No. 14. 

7643. Letter from Collector of Tirhuf, with a statement of lands offered 

for sale by the proprietors for the use of the Invalid Jgfrda>s. 
September 7 ; No. 17. 

7644. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, transmitting a petition from Bahu- 

ra"nf and Jaganna*th Prasa*d, praying that they may be put in 
possession of the lands of Rj Rdjballabh as their just right, 
and directing him to comply with their request should no 
objection occur. September u. 

7645. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, directing him to make every exer- 

tion in. his power for the recovery of the outstanding arrears of 
revenue in his District, and to report the collections made every 
fifteen days. September 25. 


$2 BENGAL RECORDS. [Ocr. 1798- 

OCTOBER, 1798. 

7646. Letter to Accountant to the Board, transmitting him copy of a 

letter from the Committee of the Native Hospital, and inform- 
ing him that the Board has resolved that the allowance of Rs. 
600 per mensem, granted by Government for the support of the 
Native Hospital, payable from the Gaya* duties, be discharged 
from the Treasury of the Collector of Calcutta. October 23. 

7647. Petition from Mahdraja" Garur Ndrayan, complaining against the 

Collector of Rdmgarh and his Dfwdn, October 5 ; No. 41. 

7648. Petition from Azmat Nissd Begam, widow of Rezd Ali Kha*n, 

praying that the Board will direct the Collector of Purniah to 
take her lands on the part of the Company, and allow her one 
rupee per diem for life, etc. October 9 ; No. 40. 

7649. Petition from Tdz Muhammad Kasab and others, Laskars, praying 

to be put into possession of certain waste lands in Chittagong. 
October 26 ; No. 8. 

7650. Petition from Gangdram Das, stating that he bought a Taluk in 

Kasijord in 1796, of which he has not yet obtained possession, 
and praying for redress. October 26 ; No. 31. 

7651. Letter to Collector of Behar, forwarding copy of a letter from 

the Sub-Secretary to Government, stating that the Governor- 
General in Council has been pleased to grant a remission of 
Gayd duties to Mukund Ras Diwaj'i, and the Rajd of Benares, 
going on a pilgrimage to that place. October 2. . 

7652. Letter from Collector of Birbhtfm, reporting on the balance of 

the District for the year 1203 Bengal era. October 5 ; No. 61. 

7053. Letter to Collector of Benares, directing him to submit an attested 
Account of the Decennial Settlement of the Province of 
Benares, as formed by the late Resident October 16. 

7654. Letter from Collector of Bhagaipur, transmitting a report upon 
the balances of his District for 1203 B,S. October 5 ; No. 63. 

7635. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, reporting upon the out- 
standing balances of the Behar portion of his District for the 
year 1203 Fasli era. October 5 ; No. MI. Answered, 123. 

7656. Letter from Commissioner of Btoishnd, transmitting a statement 
of Pargana* Sdtair, for sale in liquidation of arrears of revenue 
due from the Zamfndar. October 2 ; No. 39. Approved. 

7637. Letter from Commissioner of Bhiishnd, in answer to a letter from 


the Sub-Secretary to Government, respecting the ZamfndaY s 
claim upon Government for excess levied by the sale of a por- 
tion of his lands in 1202. October 12 ; No. 46. 

7658. Letter from Collector of Bardwan, stating that the instalment for 

Aswin, amounting to Rs. 1,35,088, was due on the 29th 
October, and stating that no part thereof had been paid by the 
Mahdrdni, that she and her officers (AmU) were absent from 
Bardwan, and that he had every reason to suppose that the 
Zamfnddr blended withholding the public revenue for that 
month, April 30 ; No. 5. 

7659. Letter to Collector of Bardwan in reply, desiring that the lands 

specified in the statement transmitted by him on the i7th 
ultimo be again advertised for sale, for the recovery of the 
above arrears due from the Rdni. October 30. 

7660. Letter from Collector of Calcutta, reporting that no officers of the 

Kanringos had ever been employed in his Collectorship. Octo- 
ber 26; No. 28. 

7661. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, reporting upon the trade of 

the District, which he states to be inconsiderable, and confined 
to Isla*ma"baU The most advantageous traffic was confined to 
the owners of a number of vessels, who either traded in them 
on their own account or carried freight for others, and these 
persons were invincibly averse to giving information respect- 
ing their trade. Submitting an account of the value and 
quantity of the annual exports and imports. October 5; 
No. 28. 

7662. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, transmitting a report upon 

the balances of his District for 1203 Bengal era. October 5 ; 
No. 73. 

7663. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, reporting that no Kandngo 

officers have ever been entertained by him. October 26; 
No. 29. 

7664. Letter from Collector of Dinajpur, transmitting statements of the 

gross produce of the Jagirs held by the late Raja" Rajballabh, 
and, in reply to orders of the 3d ultimo, stating that the Tahsil- 
ddrs of the late Rajd cannot give him any account of the family 
of the deceased. October 2 j No. 25. 

7665. Letter from Collector of Dinajpur, informing the Board that Par- 

gana* Sdlbaris was separated from his District and annexed to 
that of Ra*jsha"hi in 1793. October 9 ; No. 28. 

84 BENGAL RECORDS. [Ocr. 1798. 

7666. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, reporting that there was no 

land in his District belonging to Government, nor was there any 
procurable at an inconsiderable expense. October 9 ; No. 41. 

7667. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, stating that Rdni Tripurd Sun- 

dari has requested that her uncle may be appointed manager of 
the lands of Jibanpur lately purchased by her. October 19; 
Nos. 20, 21, 22, and 23. 

7668. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur in reply, stating that lands pur- 

chased by females do not fall within the jurisdiction of the 
Court of Wards. October 19. 

7669. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting letter from 

the Collector of Rajshdhf, and recommending that he be 
authorized to levy a fine of three per cent per mensem on 
the rent (Jamd) of the lands of Gauri Prasdd Rdi, until he shall 
furnish the papers required to enable "the Collector to make 
a partition (Batwdrd) of his lands. October g ; No. 23. 

7670. Letter to Governor-General in Council, on the subject of the 

disturbances in Rdmgarh, and transmitting an extract of the 
Board's proceedings upon the petition of Rajd Garur Ndrdyan, 
Zaminddr of Pdnchet October 5 ; No. 43. " 

7671. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a report 

upon the arrears outstanding in the Provinces of Bengal, Behar, 
and Orissa, on account of 1203, amounting to about 2-7-8-3 
per cent October 5 ; No. 144. 

7672. Letter from Governor-General in Council, declining to admit the 

claim of Bhupendrd Ndrdyan, Zaminddr of Pukharid, or to 
allow him any suspension upon the ground of his not having 
got possession of the Pargand, and directing the 'Collector of 
Maimansinh to refer him to a Court of Justice should he be 
desirous of instituting a suit against Government; directing 
that the Commissioner at Bhdshnd be ordered to institute a 
new suit in the name of Government against the late farmer 
of Bhiishnd and the Zaminddr of Rdjshdhi jointly, etc. October 
12; No. i. 

7673. Letter to Governor-General in Council, requesting to be informed 

whether the 23d section of the 8th Regulation of 1793 be 
intended to apply exclusively to the formation of the Settlement 
for the time being, or generally to the management of any 
Mahals that might at a subsequent period be allowed to two 
or more proprietors. October 12. 


7674. Letter to Governor-General in Council, submitting a draft of a 

Regulation proposed to be adopted in lieu of sections 15, 26, 
and 27 of Regulation 28 of 1793. October 16 j No. 14. 

7675. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting copy of a 

letter from the Collector of Tirhut, enclosing an account of the 
computed gross produce of part of the Jagir of the late Raj 
Rajballabh, and recommending that the Collector hold the 
lands under Government management (kha"s) during the cur- 
rent Fasli year, taking engagements from the proprietors as 
soon as he can ascertain the actual ability of their lands, to 
take effect from the commencement of the ensuing year. 
October 23 ; No. 25. 

7676. Letter from Governor-General in Council, authorizing the accept- 

ance of the tenders for farming the Government (khas) Mahals 
. in Jessor. October 26. 

7677. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting an extract 

from the proceedings of the Board, concerning certain elephants 
stated to have been taken from the Zamindar of Karaibari by 
the officer then commanding the troops in that quarter. Octo- 
ber 30. 

7678. Letter from Collector of Jessor, respecting certain ground and 

buildings claimed by Mr. Henckell, in reply to orders of nth 
July last October 2 ; No. 9. 

7679. Letter from Collector of Jessor, submitting annual general account 

statement (Jam Wasil Bakf and Kharch) accounts of the 
Government (khds) Mahals for 1204 B.S. October 2 ; No. 24. 

7680. Letter from Collector of Jessor, respecting the transfer of the 

lands of the Zamfndar of Yusafpur, in reply to orders of i8th 
August October 2 ; No. 30. 

7681. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting proposals for farming 

the Government (kha"s) Mahals of Henckellganj and Chandkhali, 
in reply to orders of i8th August October 2 ; No. 34. 

7682. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting that he has instituted 

a suit against Gauri Prasdd Rdi under the icth section of 
Regulation 3 of 1794, and the i5th and i6th sections of 
Regulation 14 of 1793, for violently opposing the Amin deputed 
to attach his lands. October 5 ; No. 5, 

7683. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, .reporting upon the out- 

standing balances in his District for 1203 Bengal era. October 
5 J No, 95. 


7684. Letter from Collector of Murshic&told, transmitting the following 

five statements viz., isf, Showing the nett collections in Nfj 
Chakld Rajsha*hf, dependent on Zil Murshidba"d ; 2^, Ditto in 
Chakld Bhitaria, dependent on Zitt Rajshalii; $d, Ditto in Sh&u- 
jiffl, dependent on Zil Nadiyd ; 4//J, Ditto in Chakld Bhiishna 1 , 
dependent on ZiM Jessor; and 5/4 A statement showing the 
monthly allowance (Mushhar) due to Kumar Biswa Ndth 
Ra*i from the different parts of his estate. October 12 ; No. 40. 

7685. Letter to Collector of Murshiddba'd in reply, transmitting him 

copy of a letter dated the 5th September from the Commis- 
sioner of Bhtishn4 and directing him to call upon the Collector 
of Nadiya* and the Commissioner for an account showing, ist, 
the amount of nett collections in the Mahals belonging to 
the Zamindar of Rajshahi for the years 1202, 1203, and 1204 
respectively ; 2^, the amount payable to the Zaminddr on 
account of his monthly allowance (Musha"har) for those years ; 
34 the amount paid; and 4//J, the balance still due to the 
Zamindar, etc. etc. October 12 ; No. 47. 

7686. Letter to Collector of Murshida'ba'd, directing him to report to 

the Board what lands the late Rija' Rdjballabh died possessed 
of, and to whom the same legally descends. October 23. 

7687. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, transmitting a report upon 

the outstanding balances in his District for the year 1203 
Bengal era. October 5 ; No. 128. 

7688. Letter to Collector of Nadiya\ directing him to be careful in 

issuing the demands of Government upon the Zamfnddr for the 
payment of his arrears of revenue. October 2. 

7689. Letter to Collector of Nadiya*, transmitting copy of the orders in 

the Board's letter dated i2th instant to the Collector of Murshi- 
dibdd, relative to the monthly allowance (Musha*hard) of the 
Zaminddr of Ra>ha"hf. October 12 ; No. 47. 

7690. Letter from Collector of Puiniah, transmitting Jama* Wasil Bilki 

and Kharch accounts of Pargana* Kdnkjol for 1204 B.S. Octo- 
ber 2 ; No. 7. 

7691. Letter from Collector of Puraiah, reporting the complete realiza- 

tion of the balances of his District for the year 1204 Bengal 
era. October 5; No. 131, Approved. 

7692. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhf, reporting upon the balances 

outstanding in his District for 1204 Bengal era. October 5 ; 
Nos. 107 and 109, 


7693. Letter from Collector of R&ngarh, in reply to Board's letter of 

i4th September, transmitting an extract of a letter from the 
Governor-General in Council respecting the disturbances in his 
District. October 5 \ No. 39. . 

7694. Letter from Collector of R&ngarh, reporting that there are no 

outstanding balances in his District on account of 1203 Bengal 
era, October 5 ; No. 104. 

7695. Letter from Collector of Rdmgarh, transmitting copies of two 

letters received from the TahsildaY at Raghuna*thpur, stating 
that the under-renters (MalguzaVs) and Zamindirs of ChakU 
Pa*nchet declare their inability to pay their revenues on account 
of the disturbances in the District. October 23 ; Nos. 28-9. 

7696. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, stating that there are no 

balances outstanding in his District on account of 1203 Bengal 
era. October 5 ; Nos. 105 and 106. Approved 

7697. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, directing him to inform the 

Board what lands and other property the late Raj Rajbal- 
labh died possessed of, and to whom it legally descends. 
October 23. 

7698. Letter to Secretary to Government, respecting the trade of the 

District of Chittagong. October 5. 

7699. Letter to Secretary to Government, transmitting copy of a letter 

and enclosures from the Collector of Ra*mgarh to be laid before 
the Governor -General in Council for his consideration and 
orders. October 23. 

7700. Letter from Collector of Silhet, transmitting copy of a petition 

from Mirzd Sdak Beg, received through the Government legal 
agent (Vakil), respecting the suit instituted against Government 
by the petitioner for the recovery of the purchase money of 
certain lands bought by him, and adjudged as rent-free by the 
Court. October 2 -, No. 48. 

7701. Letter from Collector of Sha'ha'ba'd, informing the Board of the 

quantity of oats produced by the seed sent to him by the 
Superintendent of the Stud, and requesting orders as to its 
disposal. October 16 ; No. 3, 

7702. Letter to Collector of Sha'ha'ba'd in reply, directing him to furnish 

the Superintendent of the Stud with a sample of the oats, and 
to dispose of them afterwards in the manner he may desire ; 
and also directing him to apply to the Superintendent for his 
opinion respecting the cultivation of this species of grain in the 

88 BENGAL RECORDS. [Ocx. 1798. 

current year, and to inform the Board accordingly. Octo- 
ber 1 6. 

7703. Letter from Collector of ShMbd, transmitting copy of a peti- 

tion from R&nlochan, Zamfnd^r of Mauzd Sranpur, Pargan 
Bhojpur, exhibiting an account of the actual measurement of 
the land, and specifying the nature and value of the crops 
which were standing on the ground when it was taken, and 
were totally destroyed. October 16; Nos. 14, 15, 16. 

7704. Letter from Collector of Sarldr Sdran, reporting the very small 

injury done to his District by the overflow of the river. Octo- 
ber 5 y NO. 10. 

7705. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, reporting upon the balances 

outstanding in his District on account of the year 1203 Bengal 
era. ' October 5 j No. in. 

7706. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, reporting the death of Manorath 

Sinh, Zamfnd^r in Nisakpur Kurd, and recommending that a 
Sarbar&ikdr be appointed to take charge of the estate for the 
benefit of his widow and son. October 5 ; No. 21. 

7707. Letter to Collector of Tirhut in reply, approving of the above, and 

informing him that the estate is to be held responsible for any 
arrears previous to the time of the manager's being actually 
vested with the management. October 5. 

7708. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, reporting upon the outstanding 

balances in his District on account of the year 1203 Faslf era. 
October 5 ; Nos. 142 and 143. 

7709. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, stating that ho has released 

Jangal Tbdkur from jail, upon Dhublrf Thdkur becoming 
security for the payment of the balances due, and stating that 
Jangal Thdkur is desirous of again farming the villages. Octo- 
ber 16 ; No. 27. 

77,10. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, directing him to accept the proposal 
of Jangal Thkur, and approving of the arrangement he pro- 
poses for the collection of the revenues of the farm in 1205 
and 1206, subject to the confirmation of Government Octo- 
ber 1 6. 

7711. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, enclosing an account of the 

' computed gross produce of the Jdgfr of the late Rdjd Rrij- 

ballabh, forwarding his report thereon, and requesting the 

Board's orders respecting the future Settlement of the lands of 

the resumed Jdgfr. October 23 ; Nos. 23 and 24. 


NOVEMBER, 1798. 

7712. Letter from Attorney to the Board, submitting general revenue 

(Hal Tauji) account of Bengal, Orissa, and Benares for 1205 
Fasli era. November 2 ; No. 23. 

7713. Petition from Sri Ballabh Chaudhrf of Pargana* Sibpur in Midna- 

pur, praying for the monthly allowance (Mushaliara) due to him 
when his estate was held under Government management (kha*s) 
from the year 1197 to the end of 1200 Amalf. November 9. 

7714. Petition from Krishna Dhdn Chaudhrf, praying to be put in 

possession of the estate purchased by him in the name of Naba 
Bhabdni. November 18. 

7715. Petition from Bahurdnf and Ra*i Jaganndth, praying that the 

Collectors of Dindjpur and Rangpur be directed to pay the 
amount of the compensation for Sa*yer of Kismat Pargands 
Patalda, Bahirbdndh, and Sarhatd, Jdgirs of the late Rdja* 
Rdjballabh. November 27. 

7716. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting a petition from Rdja* 

Fathi Ndra*yan Sinh, Zarnfnda*r of Pargani Charkawan, praying 
for some abatement from the present assessment of his lands. 
November 2 ; No. 13. 

7717. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him to compare 

the collections when the above estate was held under Govern- 
ment management (kha*s) with the present, and also to report 
whether by proper attention the resources of the estate might 
not be improved and augmented. November 2. 

7718. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting copy of a petition 

from the sons of the late Rdj Ghulm Husaih, requesting a 
division of their estate, and submitting a statement of the 
establishment he deputed for that purpose. November 20; 

No. 4. 

7719. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him to explain the 

grounds upon which he appointed a manager to the estate of 
the late Ghuldm Husain. November 20. Answered, Novem- 
ber 27 ; No. 22. 

7720. Letter to Collector of Bha^galpur, informing him that the Governor- 

General in Council authorize him to write off as irrecoverable 
certain outstanding balances in his District November 20. 

90 BENGAL RECORDS. [Nov. 1798. 

7721. Letter to Commissioner of Bhiishn^ informing him that the Go- 

vernor-General in Council does not think proper to levy the 
fine proposed from the Zaminddr of Ra"jshdhf. Novembei 2. 

7722. Letter to Collector of Benares, regarding the receipts and ex- 

penditure of the public revenue in that province for 1204. 
November 6. 

7723. Letter to Collector of Bardw&n, authorizing levy of fine upon 

Nflmani Halddr. November 2. 

7724. Letter to Collector of Bardwa"n, expressing dissatisfaction at his 

explanation respecting the transfer of the lands of the Ra*ni to 
Raghuna*th. November 2. 

7725. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, reporting that the SazaVal 

who was deputed to attach the lands of Chaitan Sinh had been 
dispossessed of part of them, and reporting the existence of 
disputes amongst th.e individuals of the Ra*ja"'s family. Novem- 
ber 9; No. 12. 

7726. Letter from Collector of Bardw&i, transmitting statements for the 

sale of Pargana" Mandalgha't, agreeably to orders of the 22d 
June last November 9; No. 16. 

7727. Letter to Collector of Bardwa*n, communicating instructions re- 

garding the allotment of the rent (Jama*) of the several Parganis 
in Mandalgha't. November 9. 

7728. Letter from Collector of Bardwa*n, reporting the death of MahaV&if 

Bishnukumri, the Zamfnddr of Bardwn, and staring that no 
agent (Mukht^r) had appeared; requesting orders thereon. 
November 13 ; No. 10. 

7729. Letter to Collector of Bardwi in reply, directing him to attach 

such portion of the estate of the late Ra*nf as might be sufficient 
for the recovery of the arrears at present due, and likewise such 
further portion of the estate as might be sufficient for the 
recovery of any further ajrears that might accrue during the 
current year ; directing him also not to show any preference to 
persons who may advance claims to the estate until the right to 
the succession shall have been established. November 13. 

7730. Circular Letter to the several Collectors, communicating to them 

the substance of a Regulation concerning the Quinquennial 
. Register. November 9. 

7731. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, transmitting general account 

statement (Jama* VWal Brfkf and Jama* Kharch) of the Sazawal 


of the lands the private property of the Company for 1204 
Bengal era, with his observations thereon. November 27 , 
No. 50. Instructions on the above. 

7732. Letter to Collector of Dina'jpur, desiring him to transmit a state- 
ment of the lands of the Zamindr of Dina'jpur, consisting of 
entire Pargans or other compact portions of land bearing a 
revenue (Jama*) orfrom Rs. 6000 to Rs. 10,000. November 6. 

7733- Letter from Collector of Dinajpur, regarding the division of 
villages in the Zamind&i of Dina'jpur. November 20 ; No. 23. 

7734. Letter to Collector of Dina'jpur in reply, informing him that no 

fractions of villages should be admitted into the statements of 
lands which may be advertised for sale for the recovery of 
arrears due from the Zamfndr of Dina'jpur, except in cases 
similar to those alluded to at the end of the above letter, and 
directing him to inform the Zaminda'r accordingly. Novem. 
ber 20. 

7735. Letter from Collector of Dina'jpur, respecting the annexations and 

separations proposed by the Magistrate of Dina'jpur. Novem- 
ber 23 ; No. 2. 

7736. Letter to Collector of Dina'jpur, forwarding copy of a petition 

from Bahura'ni and Ra*i Jaganna'th, with directions for him to 
pay the amount of the Sdyer compensation mentioned therein. 
November 27. 

7737. Letter from Collector of Dina'jpur, respecting the annexation of 

certain Mahals to Ra"jshhL November 30 ; No. 3. 

7738. Letter from Governor-General in Council, declining to authorize 

the fine proposed to be levied upon the Zammda*r of RljshaTif ; 
authorizing sale of lands in Tirhut, BirbMm, Midnapur, Jessor, 
Rdjsha*hi, and Bardwdn; approving of fine proposed to be 
levied on Nilmani Haldar ; stating that the explanation furnished 
by the Collector of Bardwdn respecting the transfer of the lands 
of the Ra*n to Raghundth Sinh does not appear to be satis- 
factory, November 2 ; No. i. 

7739. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending that Col- 

lectors be prohibited from admitting any transfer of certain 
specified parts of an estate without previously reporting the 
circumstances of the case to the Board, with the necessary 
information regarding the accounts from which the rent (Jama*) 
may have been ascertained to have been duly adjusted, and 

92 BENGAL RECORDS. [Nov. 1798. 

also suggesting whether they should not be submitted to the 
Governor-General in Council previous to any entries being 
made in .the Register of Mutations or other public account. 
November 2 ; No. 2. 

7740. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending that the 

expenditure for repairing the embankments at Hijili during the 
past season be authorized November 9 ; No. 15. 

7741. Letter from Governor-General in Council, stating having passed 

the accounts of the Collector of Birbmim, containing the 
receipts and disbursements of Tappd SarMt and Deoghar for 
the year 1204 B.S., and directing that Syam Ram Ra"i be 
directed to the Courts of Justice for redress ; authorizing pro- 
posed sale of lands in Bfrbhiim, Midnapur, Maimansinh, and 
Tipperah, for the recovery of arrears of revenue ; expressing 
satisfaction at the revenues of Saran having been so punctually 
realized, and directing the Board to express to the Collector 
the Government's approbation of his conduct; approving of 
the instructions issued to the Collector of Tirhut respecting the 
farm l^eld by Jangal Thakur; directing the Board to inform the 
Acting Collector of R&ngarh that the Government trust, by his 
exertions, that order and regularity will be re-established in the 
collection of the public revenue. November $ ; No. 25. 

7742. Letter to Governor-General in Council, informing of the death of 

Rial Bishnukumarf, and of the Board's instructions to the 
Collector of Bardwan in consequence. November 13 ; No. u. 

7743. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding the division of 

Gauri Prasdd RaTs lands. November 20; No. 22. 

7744. Letter from Governor-General in Council, directing immediate 

measures to be taken for the recovery of the arrears due from 
lands on account of the year 1203, etc. ; desiring the Board to 
inquire into the circumstances attending the decree of forfeiture 
of Rrippur in ShaMbacl ; approving of the Board's proceedings 
regarding the management of the lands in Tirhut formerly held 
as a Jagfr by Ra*j Rdjballabh. November 20 ; No. 41. 

7745. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding the proposed 

annexations and separations to and from the Districts of 
Rangpur and Dinajpur. November 23. 

7746. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting letters from 

the Collectors of Dacca, Jessor, Dinajpur, and Maimansinh, 


respecting the annexations and separations proposed by the 
Magistrate of Rdjshdhi, which they consider to be in every way 
advisable. November 30 ; No. 5. 

7747. Letter from Agent at Hijili, submitting particulars relative to the 

balances of his District on account of 1205. November 6; 
No. 13. 

7748. Letter from Agent at Hijili, transmitting account of the disburse- 

ments for the repair of the embankments of the Hijili and 
Jessor Districts for 1205. November 9; No. 14. 

7749. Letter from Agent at Hijili, informing the Board that Rdjd Nar 

N&iyan Rdi has completed his eighteenth year, and transmit- 
ting his answer to a Parwdnd (order) desiring to know whether 
he was willing to take the management of his estates into his 
own hands, and to enter into engagements for the discharge of 
the public assessment \ also recommending that the leases of 
the several farmers should be continued to the end of the 
Decennial Settlement made with them. November 30; No. 
26. Approved. 

7750. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting account of the 

expense of repairing the embankments for the present year. 
November 16 ; No. 26. 

7751. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, regarding the annexation 

of certain Mahals to Rdjshdhf. November 30 ; No. 4. 

7752. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, transmitting a petition from 

Rdjd Biswa Nith Rai Bahadur, Zammdar of Pargand Shdhujial. 
November 13; No. 12. Petition refused. 

7 7 S3- Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, transmitting a petition from 
Gopinath Bdnarji, and directing him to give him every assist- 
ance in his power to put him in possession of the land purchased 
by him. November 30. 

7754. Letter to Collector of Rdmgarh, acquainting him that Government 
has thought proper to suspend him from his office, and desiring 
him to deliver over charge to Mr. Cunninghame. Novem- 
ber 9- 

7753. Letter to Collector of Rdmgarh, transmitting him copy of a letter 

from the Governor-General in Council, expressing a hope that, 
by his exertions, order and tranquillity will be re-established in 
the collection of the public revenues. November 9. 
7756. Letter from Collector of Rdmgarh, transmitting a petition from 



Dheon&h SaHi, Zamfndax of Nagpur. November 16 ; 

No. 2. 

7757. Letter from Collector of Ranigarh, enclosing a petition from 

Durjaix Sinh, Zamfndar of Jaipur, complaining of some of his 
villages having been plundered, and stating that he had trans- 
mitted a copy of it to Lieutenant Colonel Marshall ; also 
forwarding a petition from Jagannth Ch&t&ji, purchaser of 
part of Pargand, Barf Muni, complaining of having been dispos- 
sessed of his purchase. November 16. 

7758. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, transmitting a petition from 

the Sazdwal stationed at the Jagfr of Diwanganj, and one from 
the rayats ; likewise regarding the public revenue (Hakikat-i- 
Jamd) of the Jagir during the lifetime of Rdjd Rdjballabh. 
November 16 ; No, 17. 

7759. Letter to Collector of Rangpur in reply, forwarding instructions 

respecting the Jdgir of the late Rdjd Rijballabh. Novem- 
ber 16. 

7760. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, respecting the proposed annexa- 

tion of Kunj Ghoraghdt to Kuch Behar. November 23. 

7761. Letter from Sub-Secretary to Government, informing the Board 

that the Governor-General in Council has thought proper to 
recall Mr. Hunter, and to appoint Mr. Vanderheyden to 
proceed to RamgarlvwiQi the authority of Collector. Novem- 
ber 9 ; No. i. 

7762. Letter from Sub-Secretary to Government, notifying the appoint- 

ment of Mr. Cunninghame as Collector of Ranigarh, and the 
appointment of Mr. Vanderheyden as Commissioner in that 
District, for the express purpose of inquiring into the causes of 
the disturbances there. November 9 ; No. 2. 

7763. Letter to Collector of Shahbdd, transmitting him extract of a 

letter from the Governor-General in Council respecting the 
forfeiture of Riippur Mahal, and directing him to famish the 
required information. 

7764. Letter from Secretary to the Board, forwarding account sales of 

lands lately the property of the Rni of Bardwa^n, disposed of 
on the 1 2th instant. November 23 \ No. 5. 

7765. Letter from Secretary to the Board, forwarding account sales of 

lands lately belonging to the Zamfndaj of Rdjshanl. Novem- 
ber 23. 


7766. Letter to Collector of Sarkdr Sdran, transmitting extract of a 

letter from the Governor-General in Council expressing appro- 
bation of thfe Collector's conduct in the collection of the 
revenues for the past year. November 9. 

7767. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, relative to the proposed 

separation of Taluk Amira'ba'd from the District of Maimansinh. 
November 9 ; No. 10. 

7768. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, transmitting extract of a letter from 

the Governor-General in Cpuncil, and a copy of the Board's 
proposition alluded to therein, regarding the management of 
the lands formerly the Jagir of Ra*j R4jballabh. November 20. 

7769. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, in reply to Board's letter of the 

1 4th September, enclosing a petition from Bahur&ii and Rai 
Jaganna'th, stating that Ra"jd Ra'jballabh was only Mukarrarfddr 
of the villages stated in the petition. November 23 \ No. 37. 

7770. Letter from Agent at Tamluk, transmitting an account of the 

actual expense incurred on account of the canal and embank- 
ment (KMl and Pulbandi) repairs in the Districts of Tamluk 
and Mahfsha'dal for the past year. November 20 ; No 15. 

DECEMBER, 1798. 

7771. Petition from Krishna Chaudhrf, praying that the Collector of 

Dacca be directed to put him in possession of his Taluk and 
Zamind&rf, at present held in farm by Gaur Mohan Samoa*. 
December 4. 

7772. Petition from Sambhu Chand Ra*i, informing the Board that the 

Collector of Bardwa*n's Dfw&r purchased, in the name of his 
grandson,, a portion of his (petitioner's) lands, and that the 
other bidders, knowing the Dfwa*n's intention to purchase, did 
not bid so much as they otherwise would have done. Decem- 
ber ii ; No, 57. 

7773. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting copy of a letter from 

Lieutenant-Colonel Hutchinson, regarding the encroachments 
made by the Zaminda*rs upon the High Road from Dina'pur 
to Patna*. December n ; No. 33. 

7774. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting copy of a second 

precept from the Gaya* Court (Adalat), desiring him to put 

9 6 BENGAL RECORDS. [DEC. 1798. 

Inyat AH KMn in possession of the rent-free (Altamghd) estate 
of the late Fazl-ul-Nissd Begam, which was forbidden by the 
orders of Government communicated to him on the i4th 
September last December 20 ; No. 46. 

7775. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, desiring him to apply 

by motion to the Court of Appeal to issue the necessary 
orders desiring the Judge to withdraw his precept. Decem- 
ber 20. 

7776. Letter to Commissioner of Bhtishnd, desiring him to transmit 

a statement of such of the lands of the Zammddr of Rdjshdhf 
as will be sufficient for the recovery, not only of the sums 
stated to be due from him to the end of Aswfn, but also of 
any arrears which may accrue on account of Krtik or 
AgraMyan for the lands held by him in Nadiyd and MurshidaV 
Md, and in Bhitarid, and BMshnl December . (No date.) 

7777. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting accounts of dis- 

bursements for the repairs of the embankments in Mandalghdt 
for 1798. December n ; No. 26. 

7778. Letter from Collector of Baldwin, transmitting an estimate of 

the expense of the embankments in Mandalght for the ensuing 
year, and stating having already commenced the repairs 
agreeably to instructions in the Board's letter of the i3th. 
December 28; No. 16. 

7779. Letter from Collector of Bardw^n, transmitting statements of 

the Zamindr of Bishnupur's lands, and recommending that 
officers be deputed to make the collections of the estate for 
the current year. December 28 ; No. 50.' 

7780. Letter to Collector of Bardw^n in reply, directing him to depute 

the necessary officers to 'attach the whole of the lands of Eijd 
Chaitan Sinh situated in his District. December 28. 

7781. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, stating that he has not 

yet been able to discover any land eligible for Invalid Thdnis. 
December 1 1 ; No. 36. 

7782. Circular Letter to the several Collectors of the Bengal Mahals, 

directing them to charge all defaulters with interest on arrears 
due from them, exc pt disqualified proprietors. December 18 : 
No. 4. 

7783. Letter from Commissioner of Kuch Behar, recommending that 

the rayats of'Ptgon and Purbhdg be allowed a remission of 


rent of Rs. 4000, in consequence of the low price of grain. 
December 14 ; No. 18. 

7784. Letter to Commissioner of Kuch Behar in reply, informing him 

that the Board cannot acquiesce in his proposition ; but if it 
should be necessary to allow a suspension for a limited time, 
he should furnish a report thereon, and also transmit to the 
Board the representations of the rayats. December 14. 

7785. Letter from Collector of Din4jpur, in reply to orders regarding, 

fractions of villages inserted in the statement of lands for sale. 
December 14; No. 25. 

7786. Letter to Governor-General in Council, forwarding a letter from 

the Collector of Shdhbd enclosing proposals for farming 
the forfeited estate of Harap Sinh, and recommending that 
they be accepted. December 4 j No. 15. 

7787. Letter from Governor-General in Council, approving of instruc- 

tions issued to the Collector of Bardwdn in consequence of 
the ZamindaYs death; authorizing proposed sales of lands 
in Bardw&i, Silhet, and Nadiy ; stating that the Government 
has reason to think the complaints of Rj Dheon&h Sahi 
respecting the incursions of the Marhatt^s are without founda- 
tion. December 1 1 ; No. i. 

7788. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending that the 

disbursements for the repairs of the embankments in Mandalgh<lt 
be authorized. December n j No. 27. 

7789. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending the 

acceptance of the proposals for farming lands in Shhbd, 
the property of Government. December 14. 

7790. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending that the 

Collector of Silhet be authorized to disburse the sum required 
for the repairs of the embankments in his District December 
28 \ No. 33. 

779t. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending that the 
Collector of Tirhut be authorized to entertain the establishment 
required for the management of the resumed Jrfgfr of Rdjd 
Rdjballabh. December 28; No. c " . 

7792. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting copy of a 
letter from the Collector of Murshiddbd enclosing an account 
of the expense incurred in repairing certain Zamind&i em- 
bankments at B&nunghaX etc., and recommending that the 



Collector be authorized to disburse the amount expended on 
the above account, recovering it from the persons on whose 
lands the embankments are situated. December 28 j No. 45. 

7793. Letter from Collector of Jessor, requesting the attention of the 

Board to his letter of soth May last, respecting the application 
of the Talukdax of Malai for the payment of his proprietary 
allowance (Mlikn). December 4; No, 21. 

7794. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, transmitting copy of the 

Board's address to Government of the sth June on the above 
subject, and the reply thereto. December 4. 

7795. Letter from Collector of Jessor, regarding the transfer of lands 

in Yusafpur to the Tdlukd&s. December 14. 

7796. Letter to Collector of Jessor, directing him to make a partition 

of the lands of Ra*j Ndidyan, should no legal obstacle arise. 
December 18. 

7797. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, forwarding a petition from 

Basfr-ud-din, and requesting to be furnished with orders to 
make a regular division of the estate. December 4; Nos. 
12 and 13. Approved. 

7798. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, in reply to letter of the 9th 

ultimo, informing the Board that Sri Ballabh Chaudhri did not 
receive his proprietary allowance (Mlikn) from the year 
1197 to I2 > and stating that two or three other Talukddrs 
were in the same situation. December 4; No. 27. 

7799. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, directing him to pay 

any arrears of monthly allowance (Mushdhari) due to the 
landholders, previously ascertaining that Government has no 
demand upon them, etc. December 4. 

7800. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, reporting having let in farm 

the estate of R&n Krishna Majumda'r, he having refused to 
agree to the Settlement made by Mr. Dowdeswell. December 
28; No. 27. 

7801. Letter to Collector of Murshidibdd, returning a letter written by 

him, the sense of which was obscure, besides being unintelli- 
gible. December 18. 

7802. Letter from Collector of MurshidSbdd, submitting an account 

re-sale of Mauza* Naiyanpur, and an advertisement for its being 
again sold. December 21 ; No. 31. 

7803. Letter to Collector of Murshidbd in reply, directing him to 


endeavour again to dispose of the above lands, and to instruct 
the officer in charge of them to report upon their extent and 
gross produce. December 21. 

7804. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, reporting the Zammd& having 

discharged the whole of the balance for which his lands were 
advertised for sale. December 7 ; No. 5. 

7805. Letter to Collector of Nadiy in reply, directing him to report 

whether the Zamfnddr had met all demands which either had 
or would become due from him up to the date on which his 
lands were advertised. December 7. 

7806. Letter from Collector of Nadiy, in reply to Board's letter of the 

1 6th November, enclosing a petition from Krishna Dhan 
Chaudhrf. December 7 j No. 18. 

7807. Letter to Collector of Nadiya*, in reply, informing him that, as it 

was entirely unnecessary for him to issue any Punyd order in 
regard to the revenue of the Mahal standing in the name of 
Naba Bhawdni Jiban Krishna, and as it appeared to have been 
the cause of throwing the late occupant out of possession, he 
(the Collector) was responsible for the consequences, and the 
Board had directed the complainant to prosecute him for any 
loss he might have suffered. December 7. 

7808. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, stating that the ZamfndaV, since 

his letter of the 3d instant, had paid Rs. 13,000, and promised 
to pay the balance in the course of the month, and also peti- 
tioned that the sale be suspended for a few days. December 
21 ; No. 9. Refused. 

7809. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargans, desiring him to make a 

partition of the lands of Rlj Naxyan under Regulation 25 of 
1793. December 18. 

7810. Letter to Collector of R^jshdhf, communicating to him the 

Board's instructions to the Collector of Murshiddba'd relative 
to ChakH Bhitari, and desiring him to make recovery of the 
Mufassal balances outstanding in it an object of his particular 
attention. December 21. 

7811. Letter from Collector of Ramgarh, transmitting copy of a repre- 

sentation from Jagannth Chdttarjf, and reporting having 
forwarded a copy to Mr. Vanderheyden ; also transmitting 
extract of a letter from lieutenant-Colonel Marshall. Decem- 
ber 4 ; No. 17. 

ioo BENGAL RECORDS. [DEC. 1798. 

7812. Letter to Commissioner at Ramgarh, forwarding extract of a 
tetter from Government regarding the complaint of Rajd 
Dheonlth Sahdi of the incursions of the Marhatta's. Decem- 
ber 7. 

;8i.v Letter from Collector of ShaTibdd, transmitting a statement of 
lands composing the forfeited estate of Harap Sinh, and of 
proposals for farming it, which he recommends may be ac- 
cepted. December 4. 

-St j. Letter to Collector of Shahdbdd, informing him that the Govemor- 
Genenl in Council authorize him to continue such part of 
Guru Bakhsh Da's* pension to him during his life as will be 
sufficient for his maintenance. 

7*15. Letter from Secretaiy to the Board, transmitting account sale of 
lands belonging to Rajd Tej Chdnd, together with the Raja's 
objections to the sale. December 28 ; No. 70. 

t/'jr/j ///>. MS. volumes for this year are iefuKw.W. W. H.) 


JANUARY, 1799. 

7816. Letter to Attorney to the Company, transmitting him copy of a 

petition from the Zarninda'r of Jaldmutd, and desiring him to 
furnish a report upon the balance of monthly allowance (Mushd- 
har) due from him. January 22. 

7817. Petition from Kasindth and Biswan&h, Zamfndars of Taxaf Tung 

Mahal, etc. in Bishnupur, praying to be put in possession of 
lands purchased by them in 1797-8. January 2 ; No. n. 

7818. Petition from Mahara'jd Dhirj Pratdp Chand Bahadur, informing 

the Board that his grandmother, the late Rdni, left the whole of 
the Zaminddri of Bardwdn to him, and praying to be allowed 
to pay the revenues through his agent, and enjoy his estate. 
January 2 ; No. 26. 

7819. Petition from Ganganarayan Mitra, manager (Sarbardhka'r) of 

Mah&4jd Dhirdj Pratdp Chnd, informing the Board that he 
delivered a petition and a voucher (Chalan) for the instalment 
due to the end of Krtik, together with the Radii's will, to the 
Collector of Bardwn, who would not accept it, and praying to 
be allowed to pay the money at the Board's Office. January 2 ; 
No. 27. 

7820. Petition from Pahlwan Sinh, legal agent of Bmipndth SaMi, 

requesting the Board to direct the Collector of Behar to make 
a Settlement of the revenue of Pargard Chapld with his con- 
stituent January 8; No. 27. 

7821. Petition from Kiilsum Begam, praying that the Jagir and monthly 

allowances granted to the late Bhau Begam may be continued 
to her, and that the Collectors of Krishnagar and Jessor be 
directed to pay her the balance of the allowance and of the 
revenues of the Jgfr which was due at Bhau Begam's death. 
January 8 ; No. 28. 

7822. Petition from Nimal Sinh, complaining that the Collector of 

Bardwn has included land belonging to him in the state- 
ment of lands for sale in liquidation of arrears due from Rj 
Chaitan Sinh. January 15 ; No. 37. 

7823. Petition from Gangnarayan Mitra, manager (S&baraTikar) of 

Kumar Prat^p Chajid Bahadur, informing the Board that all 
VOL. in. H 



the Mahals of his constituent's estate have been attached, and 
praying the Board to direct the Collector to assist him in the 
collection of his rent. January 15. 

7824. Petition from Uday Nfciyan Chaudhri, praying that his Zamin- 

ddrf may not be sold in liquidation of arrears of revenue due 
from Pargana" Sibpur in Dacca. January 18 ; No. 10. 

7825. Petition from Rm Sewak Mallik, praying that the land belonging 

to Raja" Tej Chdnd which he has purchased may be delivered 
over to him, and that he may not be obliged to take back the 
purchase money. January 18 ; No. 25. 

7826. Petition from R^msundar Ghosh, requesting the Board to in- 

struct the Collector of the 24 Pargana's to farm to him the khds 
Taluk of the late Zaminddr Gopdl Knt Ral January 22 ; 
No. 29. 

7827. Petition from Kdsina'th and Biswandth Bdnarji, informing the 

Board that the Collector of Bardwn has inserted lands pur- 
chased by them in the statement of lands to be sold for the 
recovery of arrears due from Ra"jd Chaitan Sinh, and requesting 
that the sale may be postponed. January 25 ; No. 16. 

7828. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting petition of Pahlwan for 

his report. January 8. 

7829. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting extract of a letter from 

the Governor-General in Council regarding the continuance of 
pensions in his District. January n. 

7830. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting extract of a letter from 

the Vice-President in Council, and a copy of the Board's address 
to which it refers, concerning the encroachments made by the 
landholders in his District on the High Road. January 5. 

7831. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting letter and enclosure 

from the Sub-Secretary to Government, and desiring him to 
submit an early report upon the subject of the Nawdb Dildwar 
Jang's representation. January 22. 

7832. Letter from Collector of Behar, regarding the appointment of a 

manager to the estate of the late Raja* GhuHm Husain Khdn. 
January 22 j No, 45. 

7833. Letters from Collector of Bfrbmim, transmitting a list of transfers 

of several Mahals which have been entered on the Register of 
Intermediate Mutations. January 2, No. 15 ; and January 29, 
No. 41. 

7834. Letter to Commissioner of Bhiishnd, desiring him to submit a 


Jam KJiarch account of the receipts and disbursements of 
that portion of the Zamindar of Rajshalif s estate under his 
control during the years 1202, 1203, and 1204, made up so as 
to enable the Board to make a final adjustment of the monthly 
allowance (Mushaliara") paid or payable to the Zamfndar. 
January 2. 

7835. Letter from Collector of Benares, informing the Board of his 

intention to proceed to Pargana* Lakneswar to make the 
Mufassal Settlement of it, and transmitting copy of an Ishtak- 
nm which he has published for the information of the 
Zaminda>s, and of an order to the Chaudhrfs. January 15 ; 
No. 31. 

7836. Letter to Collector of Bardwan, transmitting copy of petition from 

Kasina"th and Biswanath Banarji for his report. January 2. 

7837. Letter to Collector of Bardwan, transmitting petition from Maha"- 

rajd Dhirdj Cha"nd and one of his managers (Sarbarahkars), with 
directions to furnish an early report on the circumstances set 
forth by the petitioners, and to receive the money tendered by 
them. January 2. 

7838. Letter from Collector of Bardwan, respecting arrears due from 

Rajd, Tej Chnd. January 15 ; No. 26. 

7839. Letter from Collector of Bardwan, informing the Board that, 

agreeably to orders of the isth November, he had caused the 
demands for the ZamindaVi revenues to be affixed at the chief 
Zamind&f Court January 22 ; No. 40. 

7840. Letter to Collector of Bardwan, desiring him to depute the 

necessary officers to attach the whole of the lands which were 
considered as the property of the late Rdni at the time of her 
death, but stating that the Board do not think it necessary to 
pass any orders regarding the succession to the estate. Janu- 
ary 22. 

7841. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, in reply to orders of nth 

September 1798^ regarding the grant for the land held by the 
family of the late Gokul Ghoshal January 2 ; No. 43. 

7842. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, transmitting extract of a letter 

from the Vice-President in Council respecting his report upon 
the waste lands in his District. January 8. 

7843. Letter to Commissioner of Kuch Behar, transmitting letter and 

enclosures from the Sub-Secretary to Government respecting the 
elephants taken from the Zaminddr of Karaibari. January 1 1. 

104 BENGAL RECORDS. [JAN. 1799. 

7844. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting petition from Nilmani, 

Zamindir of Rdjnagar, and requesting to be informed whether 
he shall transmit a statement of his lands for sale or comply 
with the prayer of the petitioner. January 2 \ No. 1 7. Directed 
to transmit a statement of the petitioner's lands for sale. 

7845. Letter to Collector of Dacca, transmitting petition from Uday 

Ndrayan, with directions to suspend the sale of the peti- 
tioner's land should his representations prove well founded. 
January 18. 

7846. Letter to Collector of Dacca, respecting the provision to be 

made for the maintenance of the Zaminddr of AmrdbddL Janu- 
ary 18. 

7847. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur, transmitting copy of a petition 

from the Zamindir of DincLjpur, praying that certain lands of 
his advertised to be sold at the Presidency may be sold at the 
Collector's Court January 4 ; No. 20. 

7848. Letter to Collector of Din4jpur, informing him that the Vice- 

President in Council has resolved to adopt the propositions of 
the Magistrate of Dinjpur regarding the boundaries of Rangpur, 
and desiring him to submit a general account statement (Jam 
Wgsil Bdki) of the Mahals ordered to be separated from his 
District, January 8. 

7849. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting letter from 

the Collector of Chittagong, and of the resolutions alluded to 
in it, regarding the grant for the land held by the family of the 
late Gokul GhosML January 2 ; No. 44. 

7850. Letter from Vice-President in Council, approving of the proposals 

for letting in farm the forfeited lands in Shdha^bdd. January 
8 i No. 2. 

7851. Letter to Vice-President in Council, submitting copies of letters 

and enclosures from the Collectors of Dindjpur and Rangpur, 
and recommending that the establishment required by the 
Collector of Dinajpur for making an assessment (Jambandf), 
etc. of the resumed Jagfr of the late Rdjd Rijballabh be 
authorized. January 8 \ No. 24. 

7852. Letter from Vice-President in Council, authorizing sale of lands 

in Dacca, 24 Paigana's, Jessor, and Saran ; approving of instruc- 
tions furnished to the Collectors of Bhdgalpur and Behar 
regarding the encroachments made on the High Road; approv- 
ing of proposed sale of lands in Benares, Tipperah, RdjshM, 


24 Pargands, BMgalpur, Bardwan, Murshiddbad, 
and Purniah. January u j No. 40. 

7853. Letter to Vice-President in Council, transmitting the accounts of 

the Stone Mahal for a period of 12 months, with proposals 
concerning the management of it, and recommending that the 
accounts be passed. January 15 ; No. 13. 

7854. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbaxi, informing him that the Vice- 

President in Council has passed the accounts of the expense 
for the repairs of the embankments in his District in the past 
season. January 22. 

7855. Letter to Collector of Maimansinh, informing him that the Vice- 

President in Council has resolved that the annexations proposed 
by the Magistrate of Bljsh^hf be carried into effect, and 
desiring him to submit an account statement (Jamd Wsil 
Bdki) of the revenue of the land ordered to be transferred from 
his District. January 8. 

7856. Letter to Collector of Nadiy, directing him to submit a receipt 

and disbursement (Jam Kharch) account of that portion of 
the Zamind^r of Rdjshdhi's estate which was under his control 
during the years 1202, 1203, and 1204, drawn up to enable the 
Board to make a final adjustment of the monthly allowance 
(Mush^hard) paid or payable to the Zamindax. January 4. 

7857. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, reporting the sums paid by the 

Zammdax on account of balances due from him, and of the 
amount still due. January 15 ; Nos. 22 and 2 2 a. 

7858. Letter to Collector of Purniah, transmitting letter from the Vice- 

President in Council, expressing satisfaction at the punctuality 
with which the Public Revenues of his District have been 
realized. January u. 

7859. Letter to Collector of RijsMhf, informing him that the Gover- 

nor-General in Council has resolved that the annexations pro- 
posed by the Magistrate of Rdjshdhf be carried into effect. 
January 8. 

7860. Letter from Collector of Rdmgarh, transmitting proposed estab- 

lishment for making the collections of Panchet, and reporting 
having committed the management of the collections to a 
Tahsfldaj. January 18; No. 7. 

7861. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting extract from 

the proceedings of Government, and stating that the com- 
manding officer at Jogfgophd has been directed to deliver up 


the elephants alluded to in the letter of the soth October to 
the Commissioner of Kuch Behar, in order that they may be 
restored to the Zarmnddr of Karaibdri. January IT \ No. 7. 
#862. Letter from Secretary to Government* transmitting copy of a 
representation from Nawdb Dildwar Jang, and desiring the 
Board to submit to Government any information which it 
may possess on the subject of the Nawdb's claim. January 22 ; 
No. 8. 

7863. Letter to Secretary to Government, transmitting copy of letter 

and enclosures from the Collector of Bardwdn, together with 
the instructions of the Board regarding the Zammddri of the 
late Rdni. January 25. 

7864. Letter to Collector of Shdhdbdd, authorizing him to accept pro- 

posals for farming the forfeited lands, January 8. 

7865. Letter to Collector of Silhet, transmitting him extract of a letter 

from the Vice-President in Council, expressing satisfaction at 
the punctuality with which the Public Revenues of his District 
have been realized. January 8. 

7866. Letter to Collector of Sarkdr Sdran, transmitting extract of a 

letter from the Vice-President in Council regarding his repre- 
sentation concerning the causes of the landholders withholding 
the payment of their revenues. January 1 1. 

7867. Letter from Collector of Sarkdr Sdran, reporting on disturbances 

in the northern part of his District. January 29 ; No. 20. 

7868. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, recommending that the estate 

of Roshandra Khanam, in consequence of the very great 
mismanagement of it, be taken charge of by Government. 
January 15 \ No. 27. Declined. 

7869. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting copy of a petition 

from Imdm Bakhsh, Kdzi of Darbhdngd, setting forth his right to 
the village of Shikdrpur Kanreh. January 15 ; No. 28. 

7870. Letter to Collector of Tirhut in reply, informing him the Board 

is of opinion the Kdzf has not established his claim, and 
directing him to inform the Board what measures he has taken 
for the settlement of the land agreeably to orders of 3oth 
January 1798. January 15. 

7871. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, transmitting him copy of a petition 

from Bahurdnf and Jagannth Prasdd for his report. January 22. 


FEBRUARY, 1799. 

7872. Petition from Swanip Chandra, requesting the Board to direct the 

Collector of Bardwa'n not to sequester lands belonging to him. 
February 8. 

7873. Petition from the Zaminddr of Bishnupur, praying that the Board 

will investigafe the conduct of the SazaVal of his estate. 
February 26 ; No. 10. 

7874. Petition from Kdsindth and Biswandth Bnarji, stating that they 

have not yet been able to obtain possession of certain lands 
purchased by them, and praying that the commanding officer 
at Bishnupur be directed to furnish them with protection. 
February 26; No. 12. 

7875. Letter from Collector of Behar, in reply to orders of the 22d 

ultimo respecting the property of Rdj Pitambar Sinh. Febru- 
ary 19 ; No. 6. 

7876. Letter from Commissioner of Bhiishnd, informing the Board of 

the amount of the balances outstanding in Bmishnd, and in the 
other divisions of the Rdjshdhi estate. February 5 ; No. 37. 

7877. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, informing him of the appropriation 

of the proceeds of a sale of the Zamfnddr of Bardwdn's lands 
sold at the Presidency, and expressing surprise at his not 
having furnished the statements necessary for the recovery of 
the arrears still due from the Zammdax. February 8. 

7878. Letter from Collector of Bardwa'n, transmitting copy of a petition 

from the Sazdwal of Bishnupur respecting the disturbances 
in that Zammd&f. February 19 ; No. 16. 

7879. Letter to Collector of Bardwan, transmitting copy of a petition 

from the Zamindar of Bishnupur, and desiring him to submit 
the statement of receipts and disbursements (Jamd Kharch and 
Jamd Wdsil Bdki) of the Sazdwal, who was entrusted with the 
collections of the Zammdaii of Bishnupur during the period 
of its attachment, and also directing him to furnish a report 
upon the circumstances set forth in the petition. February 26. 

7880. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, transmitting Account Settle- 

ment of the Kps Mahal for 1205, February 12 ; No. 35. 

7881. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting copy of a letter 

from Nawdb Nasrat Jang, requesting that his monthly allowance 
(Mushdhard) may be paid regularly. February 12. 

io8 BENGAL RECORDS. [FEB. 1799. 

78*82. Letter to Collector of Dina'jpur, communicating instructions 
regarding the balances of his District in consequence of a 
special report from the Accountant. February 12. 

7883. Letter from Collector of Dina'jpur, transmitting a statement of 

the personal property of the Zaminddr of Dina'jpur comprised 
in certain Mahals advertised for sale. February 26. 

7884. Letter from Governor -General in Council, authorizing the 

provisional settlement of lands the property of Government 
in Shdha'ba'd j authorizing proposed sale of lands in Jessor 
and 24 Fergana's. February i ; No. 25. 

7885. Letter from Governor-General in Council, transmitting two letters 

from the Collector of Tirhut respecting the provision to be 
made for the maintenance of the two sons of the late leaseholder 
(Mukarrariddr) of Basdrf. February 5 ; No. . 

7886. Letter to Governor-General in Council, in reply to orders of the' 

1 6th November last, transmitting a copy of the letters received 
from the Collectors, and of the detailed instructions issued 
to them, which the Board hopes will tend to give greater effect 
to the Regulation regarding the distribution of leases (Pattys). 
February 15 j No. 67. 

7887. Letter from Governor-General in Council, approving of the 

re-annexation of Chakla* Bhitaria" to the District of Rjshalif. 
February 19; No. i. 

7888. Letter from Governor-General in Council, transmitting copy of a 

letter from the Acting Collector of Ra*mgarh, in reply to inquiries 
contained in the letter from Government of the 3oth November 
last respecting the reasons of the Ra"ja* of Na*gpur for withholding 
payment of the Public Revenue. February 22 ; No. 19. 

7889. Letter from Collector of Jessor, respecting the transfer of the 

Yusafpur Zamind^ri. February 8 \ No. 36. 

7890. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, respecting outrages committed 

by the Chudrs. February 8. 

7891. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, respecting disturbances in 

his District. February 15 ; No. 8. 

7892. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, stating that the Board will 

address the Vice-President in Council respecting the disturb- 
ances above mentioned. February 15. 

7893. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, transmitting extract of a letter 

from the Vice-President in Council regarding the disturbances 
in his District, for report. February 22. 


7894. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, communicating instructions 

regarding the Zaminda*rf embankments of Bdmungha'ta* and 
KumiaVganj, approved of by Government. February i. 

7895. Letter from Collector of Murshida'ba'd, infprrning the Board of 

his having delivered over charge of Chakli 'BhitarM to the 
Collector of Rajshalif. February 8 ; No. 15. 

7896. Letter from Collector of Murshida'ba'd, in reply to orders respect- 

ing the Zamfnddrf embankments situated in Pargana* AkbarshaTif. 
February 15 ; No. 42. 

7897. Letter to Collector of Murshida'ba'd, desiring him to transmit 

a statement of lands belonging to the Zamfnda'r of Rajshdhf, 
situated in Nfj Chakla* RljshaTif, for sale. February 22. 

7898. Letter from Collector of Murshida'ba'd, regarding the balances 

due from Nij ChakU Rajshdhf, February 22 ; No. 8. 
.7899. Letter from Collector of Nadiya", in reply to circular orders 
respecting the collections of the current year. February 8 ; 
No. 9a. 

7900. Letter to Collector of Nadiya*, desiring him to submit a statement 

of the whole of the lands of the Zamfnd^r of Ra'jshalil situated 
in his District, divided into lots of Rs. 10,000 each, and direct- 
ing him to inform the Board of the measures which guided 
him in the allotment of the rent (Jama"). February 19. 

7901. Letter from Collector of 24 Parana's, transmitting the statement 

required by the Board's orders of the 2ist ultimo, regarding 
the lands adjudged by Government to be the property of the 
Raja* of Nadiyl February 8 j No. 30. 

7902. Letter from Collector of Rajshdhf, regarding the claims to the 

estate of Sayyid Ghula"m Sultan Chaudhri, Zaminddr of 8 annas 
or one-half share of Pargana" Salbaris. February 8 ; No. 29. 

7903. Letter from Collector of RdjshaH, transmitting an estimate of the 

expense required for the repairs of the Bhitarid embankments 
during the cuirent year. February 19 j No. 25. 

7904. Letter from Collector of Ramgarh, stating that the Marhattas 

have not lately disturbed the tranquillity of that part of the 
country. February 22 ; No. 18. 

7905. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, authorizing him to entertain the 

proposed establishment for making the collections of that 
part of the resumed Jagir of the late Raja* Rdjballabh, which 
is situated in his District. February i. 

7906. Letter to Collector of Tamluk, authorizing the disbursement of 


a sum not exceeding the amount of his estimate for repairing 
the embankments. February 2. 

MARCH, 1799. 

7907. Letter to Accountant to the Board, transmitting Board's pro- 

ceedings of the 8th ultimo, and of the present date, regarding 
the salt-land (Khalari) rents claimed by the proprietors of Amird- 
bdd, for his report upon the circumstances set forth in the letters 
from the Collector of Tipperah. March i. 

7908. Petition from Swardp Chdnd Rdi, informing the Board that - 

the Collector of Bardwdn did not pay any attention to a 
petition he presented him, praying him to release his lands 
from attachment March 8 ; No. 27. 

7909. Petition from Gauri Charan Chaudhrf, praying to be put in pos- 

session of lands purchased by him in Bishnupur. March 8 ; 
No. 3. 

7910. Petition from Uday Ndrdyan, Brajd Nardyan, and Lakshmi 

Ndrdyan Rdi, regarding the sale of Pargand Sibpur in Salfmdbdd, 
in the District of Dacca. March 13. 

7911. Petition from RdiKumdr, praying that the Collector of Midnapur be 

instructed not to dispossess her of her house and lands assigned 
for the support of gods (Debottar). March 19 ; No. 2. 

7912. Petition from Rdmsundar Chaudhri, purchaser of Mauzd Sibrdm 

in Rangpur, praying the Board to direct the Collector to put 
him in possession of lands given to him by the former Zamin- 
ddr as rent-free (Ldkhirdj) since the Decennial Settlement 
March 19. 

7913. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting letter and enclosure 

from the Sub-Secretary to Government regarding the payment 
of the invalids, for his information and guidance. March 23. 

7914. Letter from Collector of Bfrbmim, transmitting a statement of 

lands of the Zamfnddr of Bfrbhdm for sale on account of arrears 
of revenue, and stating that, as the Zamfnddr has no more rent- 
paying (Mdlguzdrf) land in the District, he is unable to cany 
out the orders of the i4th December and the 4th January 
relating to the decrees passed against the Zamfnddr. March 
S;No. 37. 

7915. Letter from Collector of Benares, reporting his arrival in Pargand 

Lakneswar, and requesting the assistance of a military force to 


enable him to form a Mufassal Settlement, and to enable him 
to recover the arrears of the Pargand. March i ; No. 3. 

7916. Letter to Collector of Benares, directing him to furnish the Board 

with his opinion respecting the disposal of the lands which 
have been adjudged forfeited to Government March i. 

7917. Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting letter from the Vice- 

President in Council, together with the Board's address to which 
it alludes, regarding the Settlement of Pargan Lakneswar. 
March 8. 

7918. Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting him extract of a letter 

from the Vice-President in Council regarding the management 
of the Stone Mahal. March 23. 

7919. Letter to Collector of Bardw&a, transmitting letter from the Vice- 

President in Council regarding the disturbances in his District. 
March i. 

7920. Letter from Collector of Bardwn, transmitting annual report 

upon the balances outstanding on account of the year 1204. 
March i ; No. 56. 

7921. Letter from Acting Collector of Bardwdn, reporting the death of 

the Collector. March 5 ; No. n. 

7922. Letter from Acting Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting two peti- 

tions from Ksindth and Biswanth Bdnarji and Durg Charan, 
praying to be allowed a suspension of revenue, their estates 
having been plundered by the low people (Chudrs). March 5 ; 
No. 32. Directed to report whether in his opinion the peti- 
tioners are entitled to the suspension asked for. 

7923. Letter to Collector of Bardw^n, directing him to report to the 

Board whether in his opinion any advantage would arise from 
disposing of the large Mahals at the Presidency. March 12. 

7924. Letter to Collector of Baxdw&i, transmitting copy of a letter and 

enclosure from the Sub-Secretary to Government, and desiring 
him to furnish a circumstantial report upon the grants of rent- 
free lands in Bishnupur alluded to in it. March 15. 

7925. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting a statement of 

establishment required for attaching the Bardwn Zamfnddri 
and the lands of Chaitan Sinh, agreeably to orders of 22d and 
15th January last. March 15 ; No. 29. 

7926. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, proposing, as the greater part 

of the Zamind^ri is under attachment, the Government should 
provide for the repair of the embankments. March 23 ; No. 25. 

ii2 BENGAL RECORDS. [MAR. 1799. 

7927. Letter to Collector of Bardw^n in reply, directing him to make 

such repairs as may be immediately required. March 23. 

7928. Letter from Collector of Bardw&i, in reply to orders of the i2th 

instant, staling that he does not conceive any particular advan- 
tage would arise by disposing of the larger Mahals of the 
Bardwdn lands at the Presidency. March 23. 

7929. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, informing him that the Vice- 

President in Council approves of the Settlement of the Kdpds 
Mahal. March i. 

7930. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, respecting complaints of the 

Tlukdrs of Mahal Mujrdi against Masnad KMn, through 
whom they have been accustomed to pay their revenues. 
March 12 ; No. 73. 

7931. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, informing him that the Board 

is of opinion that Masnad KMn should be left in possession 
till the T&ukdrs can establish their right to a separation under 
Regulation 8 of 1793. March 12. 

7932. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, transmitting letter and enclo- 

sure from the Sub-Secretary to Government regarding the 
Settlement of the emigrants from Arkdn, for his information 
and guidance. March 19. 

7933. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, respecting the waste land in his 

District. March 23. 

7934. Letter from Commissioner of Kuch Behar, informing of Rdja 

Harendra Ndiiyan having attained his i8th year, and request- 
ing instructions on the subject March i ; No. 29. 

7935- Letter to Commissioner of Kuch Behar in reply, directing him to 
invest the Rdj with the management of such of his lands as lie 
within the Company's territories, and stating that the Board 
will submit his letter for the orders of Government respecting 
his independent territories. March i. 

7936. Letter from Collector of Dacca, in reply to orders of the rSth 
January regarding the balances of Sibpur. March 15 ; No. 25. 

7937- Letter to Collector of Dacca, in reply to the above, transmitting 
copy of a petition from 'Uday Nfciyan, Brajd Ndrdyan, and 
Lakshmf Ndnlyan IUK, and directing him to state particularly 
on what grounds he has been led to infer that Pargand Sibpur 
has reverted under fictitious names to the original proprietor. 
March 15. 

8- Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, in reply to orders of the 26th 


ultimo regarding buildings or other property belonging to the 
Zammda"r of Dinajpur in the Mahals advertised for sale; 
likewise transmitting a statement of the ZamindaYs property in 
the Districts of Rajsh^hi, Purniah, Rangpur, and Bardwa*n, 
March 19; No. 29. 

7939. Letter from Governor-General in Council, regarding the sale of 

the lands of Raja" Tej Cha"nd ; the balances of the past year, 
1797-98; the purchase of lands in Tirhut for the Invalid 
Establishment ; the Settlement of the Kps Mahal in Chitta- 
gong ; the disturbances in Midnapur and Bardwn, etc. March 
i ; No. i. 

7940. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting copy of a 

letter and enclosure from the Collector of Benares, respecting 
the proposed Mufassal Settlement of Pargana* Lakneswar, and 
recommending that he be furnished with the military force 
required by him. March i \ No. 6. 

7941. Letter to Governor-General in Council, communicating instruc- 

tions regarding the proposed suspensions to the purchasers of 
the lands in Yusafpur, on account of salt-land (desi Khdldri) 
rents, and respecting the Settlement of Pargana" Yusafpur ; also 
authorizing proposed sale of lands in Purniah, 24 Pargands, 
Nadiya\ Saran, and Tirhut. March 8; No. 37. 

7942. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting copy of a 

letter and enclosure from the Collector of Rangpur, regarding 
the cultivation of poppy in his District, and recommending 
that it be destroyed. March 12 ; No. 30. 

7943. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting estimate of 

expense required for embankment repairs in MandalgMt in the 
current year, and recommending that it be authorized. March 
15 ; No. 14. 

7944. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting an estimate 

of the expense required for the repair of the embankments in 
Hijili and Jaleswar in the year 1206, and recommending that 
the amount be authorized. March 23 ; No. 34. 

7945. Letter from Governor-General in Council, forwarding instructions 

regarding waste lands in Chittagong ; authorizing sale of lands, 
etc. March 23 ; No. 59. 

7946. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting proceedings 

relative to the estate of the Raja* of Kuch Behar. March 26 ; 
No. 17. 

1 1 4 BEXGAL RECORDS. [MAR. 1799. 

7^47. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding the resumption 
of the lands held under military tenures (Paikdn) in Midnapur. 
March 26 ; No. 53. 

7948. Letter from Agent at Hijili, transmitting estimate of the expense 

for the repairs of the embankments in the year 1206 Vildyati 
era. March 23 ; No. 33. 

7949. Letter from Collector of Jessor, in reply to orders of the 8th 

ultimo, regarding the allowance to the late Bhau Begam. 
March 5 ; No. 23. 

7^50. Letter from Collector of Jessor, stating that the guardian of the 
Zanifndar of Yusafpur has instituted a suit against Government 
for the recovery of the salt-land (desi Khalari) rents, etc. 
March 19 ; No. 32. 

7951. Letter from Collector of Jessor, acknowledging receipt of Board's 
letter of the iQth directing a suspension to be granted to the 
Zamindar of Yusafpur equivalent to the amount of his claim 
for salt-land (desi Khakiri} rents, and transmitting a petition 
from Talukdars who purchased land from the 2&minddr by 
private sale. March 29 ; No. 18. 

71.52. Letter to Collector of Maimansinh, transmitting letter and 

enclose from the Sub-Secretary to Government regarding the 
land which constituted the Nawdrd Mahal. March 19. 

71.53. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, regarding the disturbances in 

his District March i. 
7954. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, forwarding the report required 

of him on the 22d ultimo regarding Paikan lands. March 8 ; 

No. 28. 
7^55. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, transmitting an estimate of 

the expense of the embankment repairs in his Distiict for the 

Current year. March 19 ; No. 19. 

7956. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, informing the Board that the 

manager of the estate of the late Zamfndar of Birbhiim was 
plundered by the low people (Chudrs), and obliged to make his 
escape to Midnapur. March 23 ; No. 6. 

7957. Letter from Collector of Murshidabdd, transmitting, agreeably to 

orders of 22d February, a statement of the lands comprising 
Nij Chakla Rajshahi for sale, and likewise submitting copy of 
a petition from Raja Biswandth, and of a letter from Nawdb 
Bdbar Jang. March 19; No. 45. 

7958. Letter from Collector of Murshidabdd, transmitting a petition 


from Raj Sionith Ra"i, praying that his Tdluk may be excluded 
from the statement of lands to be sold for balances due from 
Nij ChakM R^jsh^hf. March 23 ; No. 28. 

7959. Letter to Collector of Murshiddba'd in reply, informing him that 

if the lands mentioned in the above petition have not been 
separated from the Zaminddri of Rdjshalii, according to the 
Regulations, they are of course responsible for the arrears due 
from the whole. March 23. 

7960. Letter from Collector of Nadiya*, in reply to orders of the 22d 

February regarding the allowances of the late JBhau Begam. 
March 5 ; No. 25. 

7961. Letter from Collector of Nadiya", transmitting a statement of the 

arrears of revenue due by Raj Iswar Chdnd, likewise a state- 
ment of deductions to be allowed the purchasers of certain 
Mahals on account of the repairs of embankments. March 26. 

7962. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd in reply, directing him to forward a 

more explicit explanation of the above. March 26. 

7963. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhi, regarding the disbursements 

for the repair of the Bhitaria" embankments. March 8 ; No. 20. 
Authorized, March 23. 

7964. Letter from Collector of R&ngarh, reporting having released the 

lands of Anand Sinh from attachment March 5; No. 12. 

7965. Letter from Collector of R&ngarh, transmitting 21 petitions from 

the under-renters (Mdlguzrs), complaining of the extortions of 
R&nsundar Mitra, the late Dfwi. March 8 ; No. 18. 

7966. Letter to Collector of Rdmgarh, communicating instructions for the 

recovery of the balances from the Rajd of Nagpur. March 23. 

7967. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, regarding the cultivation of 

poppy in his District. March 12 ; No. 28. 

7968. Letter from Sub-Secretary to Government, regarding the confine- 

ment of Baniad Sinh, proprietor of Tappd Jamlpur in Tirhut 
March 12; No. 7. 

7969. Letter from Sub-Secretary to Government, regarding the Board's 

reference concerning the balances due from the estate of the 
late Rni of Bardw&i. March 12 ; No. 10. 

7970. Letter from Sub-Secretary to Government, informing the Board 

that the Vice-President in Council approves of the orders issued 
to the Collector of Bardwan on the representation of Rajd Tej 
Chand and Hari Prasad Pathak. March 15 ; No. 10. 


7971. Letter from Sub-Secretary to Government, desiring the Board to 

direct the Acting Collector of Bardw&i to make particular 
inquiry into the grants of rent-free lands supposed to have been 
fraudulently given by the "B&} of Bishnupur. March 15. 

7972. Letter from Sub-Secretary to Government, transmitting a repre- 

sentation from Nawdb Nasfr-ul-Mulk, and directing the Board 
to furnish any information in their power on the subject of it. 
March 19 ; No. 16. 

7973. Letter from Sub-Secretary to Government, transmitting extract 

from proceedings of Government regarding the Settlement of 
the emigrants from Ardkn, and desiring the Board to issue the 
necessary instructions to the Collector of Chittagong. March 
19; No. 37. 

7974. Letter from Secretary to Government, regarding the construction 

of a battery at Makrpat. March 23 j No. 7. 

7975. Letter to Collector of Sarkr Sdran, transmitting copy of a letter 

and enclosure from the Sub-Secretary, with directions to furnish 
the information regarding the rice despatched from his station 
in 1784. March 26. 

7976. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, in reply to the orders of the 

8th instant regarding the adjustment of the salt-land (Khdldrf) 
rents of Amfr&b&l and Bhulul March i j No. 32. 

7977. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, transmitting letter from the Vice- 

President in Council authorizing an allowance to the two sons 
of the late Mukarrarid&r of Pargand Biserl March 8. 

APRIL, 1799. 

7978. Letter from Accountant to the Board, reporting upon the claim 

of Rij Bfandryan, Zamind^r of Jalmut, to the amount of 
surplus revenue said to have been collected from him. April 
12; No. 32. 

7979. Letter to Accountant, informing him of the appropriation of the 

sale of Rja Iswar Chdnd's lands in Nadiyd. April 19. 

7980. Application from Mr. Frushard, requesting that the lands, etc. 

belonging to him may be excluded from lie sale of the Rij of 
Birbhtim's lands. April 5 ; No. 30. 

7981. Letter from Mr. Frushard, informing the Board of the attachment 

of his lands by the Collector of Birbhiim. April 9 ; No. 6. 

7982. Letter to Mr. Frushard in reply, informing him that the Collector 


of Bfrbhiim has been ordered to suspend the sale of his lands. 
April 9. 

7983. Petition from Bahu Rdnf and Ri Jaganndth Prasdd, praying the 

Board to direct the Collectors of Dindjpur, Rangpur, and Tirhut 
to collect the balances outstanding in the Jdgir of the late Rdjd 
Rdjballabh, and to pay the amount to them. April 9 ; No. 9ia. 

7984. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting copy of a petition 

from Mir Indyat Alf Khdn, accompanied with a precept from 
the Court April 26 ; No. 49. 

7985. Letter to Collector of Behar, directing him to ascertain and report 

from what date the establishment for collecting the Gayd dudes 
was entertained, and in whose time it was first employed. 
April 30. 

7986. Letter from Collector of Birbhdm, regarding the Mushhar allowed 

to the widow of the late Zaminddr, Muhammad Asad Zamdn 
Khdn. April 16; No. 35. 

7987. Letter to Collector of Bfrbhiim in reply, desiring him to postpone 

the sale of the land from which the widow received the above 
allowance. April 16. 

7988. Letter to Collector of Bfrbhiim ? transmitting a letter from the 

Vice-President in Council regarding the sale of the land held 
by Mr. Frushard. April 26. 

7989. Letter to Collector of ^Benares, regarding the attachment of the 

lands of Sio Prasanna Sinh. April 9. 

7990. Letter from Collector of Benares, transmitting copies of petitions 

presented to him by the Tahsfldax of Pargand Jaunpur, and of 
his orders thereon, together with the papers received from the 
Court (Adilat) regarding the treasure plundered by Wazfr Alf. 
April i2- 3 No ii. 

7991. Letters (2) to Collector of Benares in reply, regarding the suspen- 

sion to be granted to the Tahsflddr for the treasure plundered 
byWazfrAli. April 26.' 

7992. Letter from Collector of Benares, transmitting copy of a letter 

from the Judge regarding the subsistence to be allowed Bdbu 
Jagat Sinh and his family. April 30 ; No. 37. 

7993. Letter from Collector of Benares, informing of his having discon- 

tinued the establishment entertained by the late superintendent 
of the Stone Mahal, and transmitting copy of advertisement for 
sale of the stones on hand. April 30 ; No. 72. 

7994. Letter from Collector of Baidwdn, regarding the reduction from 



the rent (Jamd) of the Baldwin Zamfnddrf on account of 
embankment repairs, and transmitting a corrected statement of 
the lands ordered to be sold on the 4th and i2th instant. 
April 2 ; No. 2. 

7995. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting a statement of 

lands for sale the property of Rdjd Tej Chdnd, and also a 
statement of lands belonging to the Zamfnddr of Dindjpur. 
April 2 ; No. 54. Instructions forwarded. 

7996. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting petition from 

Rdjd Tej Chdnd, praying the Board to suspend the sale of his 
lands ordered to be disposed of on the 4th and islh instant, 
and proposing to pay the arrears due by him in instalments. 
April 5 ; No, 31. Refused. 

7997. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, authorizing him to disburse 

amount of his estimate for repair of the embankments in 
Mandalghdt. April 5. 

7998. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting a letter from the 

Vice-President in Council, together with the Board's address 
of the i5th ultimo regarding the management of the Jungle 
Mahals, for his report. April 9. 

7999. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, in reply to orders of 2d 

January requiring a report upon the claim of Rdjd Pratdp 
Chdnd to the Zaminddri of Bardwdn, in virtue of a mortgage 
deed (Hebdndmd) said to have been executed in his favour by 
the late Ranf. April 9 ; No. 35. 

8000. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting a statement of 

lands made over from the Zaminddri of Bardwdn to Raja* Tej 
Chdnd, proposed to be sold in liquidation of balances due. 
April 16 ; No. 44. 

8001. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting a letter from the 

Secretary to Government, and of the Board's address to which 
it refers, regarding the mortgage (Hebdndmd) supposed to have 
been executed by the late Rdni of Bardwdn. April 26. 

8002. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, transmitting copies of letters 

from Captain Cox, from the Magistrate of the Zila*, and from 
Mr. Hooper, together with a bill drawn by Captain Cox for 
Rs. 20,000 for purchasing grain for the subsistence of the 
Ardkdn emigrants, and requesting the Board to instruct the 
Collector of 'Dacca to supply him with cash to enable him 
to answer Captain Cox's future demands. April 5 ; No. 43. 


8003. Letter from Collector of Dacca, stating that nearly one half of 

the lands of Pargand Idalpur is held as rent free (Lfthiraj) ; but 
as they have never been registered, they have consequently 
become liable to be assessed. April 5; No. 15. Directed to 
proceed with the assessment of the above lands. 

8004. Letter from Collector of Dinajpur, transmitting copy of a repre- 

sentation from the Zamfnda*r regarding the depredations 
committed by the religious mendicants (Sanya*sfs) on his 
rayats. April 2 \ No. 10. Directed to communicate with the 
Magistrate on the subject. 

8005. Letter from Collector of Dinajpur, transmitting an account 

statement (Jam Wa*sil Bald) of the Mahals separated from his 
District and annexed to RajshaM April 5 ; No. 70. 

8006. Letter to Collector of Dinajpur, transmitting copy of a petition 

from Bahu Rnf and Ri Jaganna*th Prasdd, with directions to 
furnish an account statement (Jama Wasil Bdki) of that part of 
the Jagir of the late Rajd Rajballabh situated in his District, 
made up to the time of his death, and stating the amount of 
the balances realized since. April 9. 

8007. Letter from Governor-General in Council, authorizing proposed' 

sale of lands in Bhagalpur, Bfrbhtim, Midnapur, and 24 
Pargana's; transmitting Mr. Yanderheyden's report on the 
conclusion of his inquiry into the causes of the late disturb- 
ances in Rangpur; and communicating instructions as to 
the measures to be pursued regarding Raja Garur Nardyan 
Deo, and the other landholders, who appear to have suffered 
from the misconduct of the Collector, and the frauds and 
oppressions of his Dfwn. April 2 ; No. i. 

8008. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting letter and 

enclosures from the Acting Collector of Chittagong regarding 
the sums required by Captain Cox for the subsistence of the 
Aralca'n emigrants. April 5. 

8009. Letter from Governor-General in Council, respecting the destruc- 

tion of the poppy plant, stated to have been cultivated in 
Rangpur; respecting the circumstances and situation of the 
Zamfndar of Bishnupur, and the recovery of the balances due 
from his estate \ respecting the settlement of the lands held 
under military tenure (Paildn) in Midnapur, and the lands of 
Sio Prasanna Sinh in Benares, ordered to be attached. April 
9 ; No. i. 


Soio, Letter to Governor-General in Council, respecting a mortgage 
deed (Hebdnamd) stated to have been executed by the late 
Ra"ni of Bardwn in favour of her grandson. April 9 ; No. 37. 

Sou, Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting letter and 
enclosures from the Collector of Benares, relative to a claim 
preferred by the Tahsilddr of Jaunpur to a remission of revenue 
in consequence of a remittance made by him, having been 
plundered by Wazir Ali, and recommending that he be directed 
to apply to the Magistrate for indemnification from the 
proceeds of the sale of Wazfr All's effects. April 12; 
No. 13, 

8012. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding the suspension 

prayed for by the Lakshmfpur Zamindars. April 12. 

8013. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding the disturbances 

in Midnapur. April 16. 

8014. Letter from Governor-General in Council, passing the accounts of 

the expense incurred in repairing the embankments in Mur- 
shidabdd in the year 1796-7. April 16 ; No. 26. 

8015. Letter to Governor-General in Council, enclosing copy of a letter 

from the Collector of Murshida'ba'd, regarding the landholders 
who are responsible for the repairs of the embankments, etc. 
April 19 ; No. 143, 

So 1 6. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter from 
the Collector of Rangpur regarding the opium alluded to in 
the Board's address of the i2th ultimo. April 26; No. 47. 

8017. Letter, to Governor-General in Council, transmitting the Board's 
proceedings regarding certain lands claimed by the descend- 
ants of Raj Rajballabh. April 30 ; No. 68. 

SoiS. Minute by Mr. Hatch, regarding the restoration of the Madras^ 
Mahal to the Zarm'nda*r of Nadiyl April 26 ; No. 44. 

8019. Letter to Collector of Jessor, informing him that the Vice- 

President in Council authorizes him to annul the lease of the 
farm of Mathurapur. April 26. 

8020. Letter to Collector of Jessor, transmitting proceedings of Govern- 

ment regarding certain unadjusted balances, together with an 
extract from the Accountant 5 s Report, and desiring him to 
state whether the widow therein alluded to has recovered the 
amount of her demand against the Zamfndar. April 30. 
Similar letter sent to Murshiddbdd and other Collectorates. 

8021. Letter to Collector of Maimansinh, directing him to furnish his 


sentiments regarding the annexations and separations proposed 
by the Magistrate of Rzijshdhi. April 2. 

8022. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, reporting the death of the 

Security of the Farmer of Hud Nij Thawur and Mdldah, and 
stating that the Farmer is still in confinement. April 2 ; No. 9. 

8023. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, desiring him to report 

whether the Farmer above mentioned has any property that 
can be sold for the recovery of the arrears due from him, and 
whether any advantage is likely to arise from keeping him 
longer in confinement, and directing him to furnish a similar 
report regarding any other persons in the same predicament. 
April 2. 

8024. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, reporting the murder of one 

RasikUi Ghosh by the low people (Churs). April 2 ; No. 25. 

8025. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, transmitting a letter from the 

Secretary to Government, stating that it is the intention . of 
Government to make a particular inquiry into the disturbances 
in his District. April 5. 

8026. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, submitting correspondence re- 

garding the settlement of the lands held under military tenure 
(Pdikn) in his District, for his report April 9. 

8027. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, reporting that the village of 

Anandpur was burnt by the low people (Churs) on the 2d. 
April 9 \ No. 54. 

8028. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, regarding the disturbances in 

his District April 16 ; No. 13. 

8029. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, regarding the settlement of 

the lands held under military tenures (Pdikn) in his District 
April 195 No. 29. 

8030. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, transmitting the report 

required in the orders of i9th October last regarding the pro- 
prietors who are responsible for the repairs of the embankments. 
April 19 ; No. 13. 

8031. Letter from Collector of Nadiy, transmitting village (Dihibandf) 

statements of the whole of the estate of the Zamfnd& of Rlj- 
sMhf situated in his District. April 9 j No. 76. 

8032. Letter from Collector of Nadiyi, in reply to orders of the 26th 

February, regarding deductions from the assessment (Jamd) of 
the Zaxnfnd&'s estate on account of charges for repair of 
embankments. April 16 ; No. 33. 


8033. Minute by the Acting President, regarding the restoration of the 

Madrasa Mahal to the Zammddr of Nadiyd. April 26 ; No. 43. 

8034. Letter from Collector of Purniah, transmitting account sales of 

the lands of Rajd Radhdkant, and proposing that the surplus 
proceeds be applied to the discharge of the arrears due from 
him in Dinajpur. April 23 ; No. 45. 

8035. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, transmitting the statements 

regarding the Madrasa Mahal required by the orders of the 8th 
February. April 26; No. 40. 

3036. Letter to Collector of Rajshahf, authorizing disbursement on 
account of the Bhitarid embankments. April 2. 

8037. Letter from Collector of Rajshdhi, transmitting a statement of 

lands belonging to the Zammddr of Dindjpur. in his District 
for sale. April 2 ; No. 58. 

8038. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi in reply, directing him to submit 

a corrected account dividing the Mahals into lots bearing a 
rent Jama) of about Rs. 7000 each. April 2. 

8039. Letter to Collector of Ramgarh, transmitting a letter from the 

Vice-President in ' Council for his guidance respecting Raja* 
Garur Xarayan Deo, and the other landholders who appear to 
have suffered from the misconduct of the Collector, and the 
frauds and oppressions of his Diwan. April 2. 

8040. Letter from Collector of Rdmgarh, regarding the balances due 

from the Rdja of Xdgpur. April 5 ; No. 68. 

8041. Letter to Collector of Ramgarh in reply, informing him that the 

Board cannot admit the Rdjd's plea for withholding payment 
of the revenue ; and also transmitting a copy of the Board's 
correspondence with Government relative to tie Jungle Mahals, 
with directions for him to state his opinion regarding the future 
management of them. April 9. 

8042. Letter fiorn Collector of Rdmgarh, requesting instructions regard- 

ing the balances due from the lands ordered to be restored to 
Rdja Garur Xarayan Deo. April 19 ; No. 44. 

8043. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, transmitting a letter from the 

Vice-President in Council regarding the poppies cultivated in 
his District. April 9. 

8044. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, in reply to orders of the 9 th 

instant regarding the cultivation of the poppy in his District. 
April 26 j No. 46. 

8045. Letter to Secretary to Government, regarding the prosecution of 


the farmers of the estate of Rdnf Swarnamayf in Midnapur, 
with a copy of Board's instructions issued to the Collector. 
April 2. 

8046. Letter from Secretary to Government, regarding the disturbances 

in Midnapur. April 5 ; No. 40. 

8047. Letter to Secretary to Government, transmitting letter and 

enclosures from the Collectors of Dacca and Tipperah regard- 
ing grain, etc. required for the use of the Ara*ka*n emigrants. 
April 1 6. 

8048. Letter from Secretary to Government, in reply to the letter of 

Government, dated the 9th instant, regarding the mortgage deed 
(Hebdnamd) supposed to have been executed by the late Ranf 
of Bardwa*n. April 26 ; No. 15. 

8049. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, informing him that the Vice- 

President iii Council authorizes him to release Tusaf Ghizi 
from confinement, and does not deem it necessary to sell the 
land on which his house stands (KhdnaT>drf). April 2. 

8050. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, regarding the suspensions 

prayed for by the Zamfnda*rs of Lakshmfpur in consequence of 
the encroachments of the river. April 12 ; No. 20. 

8051. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, in reply to orders of the i$th 

January last regarding the engagements for the village of 
Shika*rpur. April 26 ; No. 34. 

8052. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, in reply to the orders of the 22d 

January regarding the petition of Bahu Rnf and Ra"i Jaganna*th 
PrasaU April 30; No. 67. 

MAY, 1799- 

8053. Letter to Accountant to the Board, informing him of the appro- 

priation of the proceeds of a sale of land formerly belonging 
to the late Eini of Bardw^n. May 17. 

8054. Petition from Sanchi Sawn, requesting that he may be put in 

possession of lands in Chittagong which were granted him as 
compensation for monthly allowance (MushaTiad), and of which 
he has been dispossessed. May 24 ; No. 28. 

8053. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting letters from officers 
with troops, requesting his assistance in supplying them with 
provisions on their march through the District. May 24; 
No. 12. 

i 34 BENGAL RECORDS. [MAY 1799. 

8056. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, informing him that he ought 

to have issued the usual orders to the Zamfnddrs, Tahsflddrs, 
and other officers of Government, to exert themselves in getting 
the markets well supplied with provisions. May 24. 

8057, Lttter from Collector of Birbhum, informing the Board that^he 

has again put up the Rdjd's lands for sale, but without meeting 
M ith any adequate offers, and proposing that the land be dis- 
posed of at the Presidency. May 28; No. 7. Approved. 

Sc5S. Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting extract of a letter 
from the Vice-President in Council regarding the suspension 
claimed by the Tahsilddr of Khirid and Sikandrapur. May 7. 

059. Letter from Collector of Benares, acknowledging receipt of the 
orders of Sth February regarding Pargana Lakneswar, and 
proposing that he be authorized to issue orders to the Tahsfl- 
dars, to assure them that the leases of those who continue to 
adhere to their stipulations will at their expiration be renewed. 
May 10 ; No. 42. 

8060. Circular Letter to the Collectors of the Faslf Mahals, regarding 

the estates that were let in farm at the time of the Decennial 
Settlement, the leases of which for the most part expire with 
the current Fash' year. May 10. 

8061. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, regarding the Settlement of the 

Arakan emigrants. May 3. 

8062. Letter to Commissioner of Kuch Behar, transmitting a letter from 

the Vice-President in Council regarding the lands of the Rdjl 
May 7. 

8063. Letter from Collector of Dacca, regarding the suspension from the 

rent (Jama) of Pargan Chandradwfp. May 7 ; No. 34. 

8064. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, desiring him to ascertain 

through the legal agent (Vakfl) of Government, and report the 
progress made in the inquiry instituted by the Zaminddr of 
Chandradwip. May 7. 

8065. Letter from Collector of Dinajpur, transmitting a statement of the 

land of the Zamfndar of Dimljpur proposed to be sold in 
liquidation of the arrears still due from him. May 3 ; No. loa. 

8066. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, transmitting copies of petitions 

presented by the Zaminddr of Dinajpur and Kharag Sinh 
regarding land mortgaged by the Zamfndar to that person. 
Mays; No. u. 

8067. Letter from Governor-General in Council, regarding the instruc- 


tions issued to the Commissioner of Kuch Behar to invest the 
Raja* with the management of such part of his lands as are 
situated within the Company's territories; regarding the sus- 
pension claimed by the Tahsflda*r of Khirid and Sikandrapur ; 
approving of proposition for destroying the opium alluded to in 
the letter of isth ultimo. May 7 \ No. 38. 

8068. Letter to Governor-General, transmitting copy of a letter from 

the Collector of Chittagong regarding his inability to carry the 
duty of settling the Ardkdn emigrants into execution, and 
proposing that a vessel be freighted from the Presidency with 
grain for their immediate consumption. May 24; No. 22. 

8069. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter 

from the Collector of Rdmgarh, reporting the measures he has 
adopted with respect to the lands of the Raja* sold in satisfaction 
of decrees, and likewise transmitting a petition from Ra*msundar 
Mitra, the late Diwan. May 24. 

8070. Letter from Governor-general in Council, regarding the instruc- 

tions issued to the Collector of Murshiddbid respecting the 
embankments \ regarding the Government (khds) Mahals 
claimed by the Zamfnddr of Nadiya" ; the villages included in 
the holding (Mukarrarf) of the late lUja* JUjballabh. May 24 ; 
No. 1 6. 

8071. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting copy of a 

letter from the Collector of Bardw&i relative to destroying the 
opium cultivated in that District May 31. 

8072. Letters from Collector of Jessor, transmitting corrected accounts 

of the Government (kha"s) Mahals in his 'District May 21 ; 
Nos. 54 and 55. 

8073. Letter from Collector of Midnapui, reporting that a party of 

Sepoys sent out to Sanpatf had been attacked, and that some 
of the insurgent Chuars were killed May 7 ; No. 10. 

8074. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, transmitting a letter from the 

Vice-President in Council, with an extract of the Board's address 
to which it refers, relating to the settlement of the lands held 
under military tenure (Pa'ika'n): May 14. 

8075. Letter from Collector of Murshidba'd, in reply to orders of the 

2d ultimo, regarding -the lands claimed by the Nawdb Nasfr- 
ul-Mulk, and reporting that, in addition to those lands, he also 
claims 12,050 bighds of jungle land. May 30 ; No. 13. 

8076. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, regarding the annexations 


and separations proposed by the Judge of Rjshhf. May 7 j 
No. 40. 

8077. Minutes by the Acting President, Mr. Buller, and Mr. Hatch, 

upon the application of the Collector of Benares for authority 
to issue Parwdns to the Tahsflddrs, assuring them that the 
leases of those who shall adhere to their stipulations will be 
renewed at their expiration. May 10 ; Nos. 43, 44, and 45. 

8078. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, informing him of the appropriation 

of the proceeds of a sale of the lands of Rdji Iswar CMnd, and 
desiring him to submit a further statement of his lands for sale. 
May 3. 

8079. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, transmitting a letter from the 

Collector of Murshidbd, with a statement of the lands claimed 
by Nawdb Nasfr-ul-Mulk, and directing him to submit any 
informatibn which he may be able to procure relative to the 
boundaries of the Nawdb's lands, etc. May 31 ; No. 14. 

8080. Letter from Collector of Rdjshihf, transmitting an Account 

Settlement of Tdlukddrs, separated in the year 1204 (Bengal 
era) from the Mahals composing his Collectorship, that are 
under his charge. May 10 \ No. 52. 

8081. Letter to Collector of Rajshdhf, directing him to transmit a 

statement of the Zamfndir's property for the recovery of the 
demand standing against him on account of the rent (Jamd) of 
resumed police (Thndri) lands. May 31. 

8082. Letter from Collector of Rlmgarh, reporting the measures 

adopted by him with respect to the lands of the Rj sold in 
satisfaction of decrees of Court May 24 j No. 24. 

8083. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, authorizing him to destroy the 

opium mentioned in his letter of the i8th ultimo. May 7. 

8084. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, in reply to orders of the 5th 

April, regarding the lands ordered to be separated from his 
District and annexed to Dinjpur. May 7 ; Nos. 44 and 45. 

8085. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, stating that he does not think 

it practicable to destroy the opium without the support of the 
Magistrate. May 30. 

8086. Letter from Collector of Sarkdr Sdran, transmitting copy of a 

letter to Mr. Graham, member of the Grain Committee. May 
10 ; No. 21. 

8087. Letter from Collector of Silhet, stating that in several cases the 

Amins deputed to put purchasers into possession have dis- 


covered, in the course of measurement, a greater quantity of 
land than what was specified in the statement, and requesting 
orders on the subject. May 24; No. 9. 

8088. Letter from Secretary to Government, stating that a reinforcement 

of troops has been ordered to Midnapur. May 3 ; No. 8. 

8089. Letter to Secretary to Government, transmitting copy of a letter 

from the Collector of Silhet, stating that his District has been 
inundated. May 14. 

8090. Letter to Collector of Tipperah,, informing him that the Vice- 

President in Council authorizes him to grant the suspensions 
proposed by him, till the suit instituted by the Zaminddrs of 
Lashkarpur shall be determined. May 3. 

8091. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, transmitting a petition from 

Klf T&4 Chdttarji, and desiring him to explain the cause ofjriis~' 
not having before given him possession of his land. May 28. 
8092.' Letter to Collector of Tirhut, directing him to report what 
provision the Muhammadan Judge (Kdzi) of Darohdng^, 
receives from Government besides the village of Shdhipur 
Kansi. May lo; No. 38. 

8093. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, transmitting a letter from the 

Vice-President in Council, together with a copy of the Board's 
address to which it refers, regarding certain villages formerly 
included in the holding (Mukarrari) of the late Rjd Rdjballabh. 
May 28. 

JUNE, 1799- 

8094. Letter to Accountant, informing him of the appropriation of the 

proceeds of a re-sale of the Zamind^r of Bardw&a's lands sold 
at the Presidency. June 14. 

8095. Letter from Accountant, relative to the adjustment of the 

suspensions claimed on account of salt-land (Khlldri) rents by 
the proprietors of Bhulud and AmirdMd, in the District of 
Tipperah. June 215 No. 17. 

8096. Letter to Accountant, informing him of the appropriation of the 

proceeds of a sale of the lands of the Zamind^r of Rdjshdhi, 
sold at the Presidency. June 21. 

8097. Petition from Kdlfsankar Sen, complaining of the Collector of 

Dacca having put the purchaser of a fifth share of his Tdluk in 
possession of the whole, June 7 ; No. 10. 


8098. Petition from Sadr-ud-din, regarding lands appropriated to the 

support of the sepulchre of Shh Jalal having been entered 
in the statement of the lands of the Zamindr of Dindjpur 
proposed to be sold. June 7 ; No. 42. 

8099. Petition from R^msewak Mallik, legal agent (Vakil) of the 

Raja* of Bardwan, stating that the lands of the Ra'ja' advertised 
for sale have been mortgaged to, Nimal Charan Mallik. June 
1 8 1 Nos. 35 and 36. Board declined to postpone sale of the 

8 1 oo. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting an account sale of 
the Tribute Elephants from Nepal, and requesting authority to 
charge the amount of the expense of bringing them from that 
country. June 25 ; No. 22. 

or oi. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting a duplicate of the 
orders of the 226. January last, regarding a representation 
made by the Nawib Dildwar Jang for his report June 25. 

8102. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting a statement of the 

farmed Mahals in his District, the leases for which will expire 
with the current Fasli year. June 25 ; No. 60. 

8103. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, approving of the measures 

proposed by him to be taken for the settlement of the above- 
mentioned villages. June 25. 

8104. Letter from Collector of Birbhiim, reporting amount of the 

balances due by R^ja* Muhammad Zamn Kha*n. June 28 ; 
No. 29. 

8105. Letter from Collector of Bhagalpur, reporting the death of Ra*jd 

Roshan Bakht, and stating that his son refuses to interfere with 
the management of his estate whilst rated at the present rent 
(Jama*), and likewise reporting having received twenty-four 
petitions from proprietors for the separation of these Taluks. 
June 21 ; No. 10. Instructions forwarded. 

8106. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting a statement of 

lands belonging to the Raja* for sale. June 14 ; No. 45. 

8107. Letter from Collector of Bardwa'n, reporting that the Ra'ja' has 

sent people to Calcutta to represent that the lands, a statement 
of which was transmitted on the i2th instant, have been 
mortgaged to them, in order to delay the sale. June 18; 
No. 34. 

8108. Circular letter to Collectors, informing them of the appointment 

of Mr. J. -H. Harington as a member of the Board. June 4. 


8109. Letter to Commissioner of Kuch Behar, regarding the Settlement 

of Thdnd Behar for the ensuing year. June 28. 

8 1 10. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting copy of a proposition 

from the Zamfnddr of Chandradwip relative to the realization 
of the revenues of his Zamfnddri. June 4 ; No. 84. Refused. 
Si ii. Letter from Collector of Dacca, informing of his having attached 
Pargand Bandarkhold. June 7 ; No. 22. 

8112. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, desiring him to withdraw 

the Arnin, and demand the arrears from the representatives of 
the family of the late Gokul Ghoshdl. June 7. 

8113. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding the claims of 

the Kdzf of Darbhdnga to the lands of Shahrpur, and transmit- 
ting copy of a letter from the Collector of Tirhut, with proposals 
for the Settlement thereof, and recommending that the proposal 
be accepted. June n ; No. 59. 

8 1 14. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting copy of letter 

and enclosures from the Collector of Rdjshdhf, and recommend- 
ing that the defaulters therein mentioned be released from 
confinement upon their executing the proposed instalment 
engagement (Kistbandfs). June 28; No. 25. 

8115. Letter from Governor-General in Council, regarding lands in 

Pdnchet sold in execution of decrees ; regarding the petition of 
Rdmsundar Mitra, late Dfwdn of Rdmgarh ; the Pdikdn lands 
in Midnapur; the opium grown in Rangpur; the Settlement of 
Thdnd Behar for the ensuing year, etc. etc. June 28 ; No. 46. 

8116. Letter to Collector of Jessor, transmitting copy of letter and 

enclosures from the Sub-Secretary to Government dated rgth 
March, and of the Board's resolutions of the 7th May regarding 
the Nawdrd Mahal, and desiring him to furnish the information 
required in the latter regarding that part of the Mahal which is 
situated in his District. June 14. 

8117. Letter from Collector of Jessor, proposing that the lease of the 

Farmer of Pargand Hogld should be annulled in consequence 
of his being considerably in arrears on account of the past year, 
and his Security having secreted himself. June 25 ; No. 68. 

81 1 & J-etter to Collector of Jessor, confirming the assessment proposed 
by him for Taraf Bhulud. June 28. 

8119. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, submitting account state- 
ment (Jarnd Wdsil Bdki) of Nij Chakld Rdjshdhi for 1204. 
June 18; No. 44. 

i 3 o BENGAL RECORDS. [JUNE 1799. 

Si 20. Letter to Collector of Murshida"ba*d, transmitting extract of a 
letter from the Secretary to Government, regarding the amount 
paid to Zamindars on account of embankment charges, for the 
explanation required. June 21. 

8121. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, transmitting a statement of the 
arrears due from the Zamindar of Rajshalil in his District 
June 7 ; No. 6. 

Si 22. Lettei to Collector of Purniah, regarding the future Settlement of 
the Mahals now let in farm. June 25. 

8123. Letter to Collector of Rajshahi, transmitting copy of a petition 

from Mahdram' Bhabani, and desiring him to transmit a cor- 
rected statement of the lands of Chakla* Rdjshalif, having the 
Tdluks mentioned by her inserted in lots separate from any 
other knds. June 21. 

8124. Letter from Collector of Rmgarh, reporting outrages committed 

by Mukund Lai, uncle to the minor Zaminddr of Pdtkum. June 
14; No. 32. 

8125. Letter to Collector of Ramgarh in reply, approving of the 

measures adopted for suppressing the disturbances. June 


8126. Letter to Collector of Ramgarh, transmitting letter from the Vice- 

President in Council regarding the lands of the Raja, sold in 
satisfaction of decrees. June 28. 

8127. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, informing him that the Magistrate 

has been directed by Government to assist him in seizing the 
opium made in his District. June 28. 

8128. Letter from Secretary to Government, reporting the amount of the 

Investment for 1799. June 4; No. 57. 

8129. Letter from Secretary to Government, regarding the inundation 

in Silhet June 4. 

8130. Letter from Secretary to Government, stating that the Governor- 

General in Council is of opinion that it is unnecessary to send 
a vessel from Calcutta with grain for the use of the Ara*kan 
emigrants, and adding that Mr. Ker, the Register of Dacca, 
has been appointed to superintend the Settlement of these 
people. June 7 ; No. 19. 

8131. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting letter from the 

Collector of Ramgarh, and of the Board's orders regarding the 
outrages in that District June 14. 

8132. Letter from Secretary to Government, forwarding resolutions of 


Government regarding the payment of the Nizdmat stipend. 
June ii ; No. 27. 

8133. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting extract from 

the proceedings of Government, in the Secret Department, re- 
garding the petition of Jaganndh Sinh. June 21 ; No. 8, 

8134. Letter from Collector of Sarkdr Sdran, transmitting the accounts 

of the receipts and disbursements on account of the embank- 
ments for the year 1797. June 14 ; No. 37. Approved. 

8135. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, informing the Board of there 

having been no offer to farm Pargana* Amra*ba*d, the previous 
Farmer's lease of which was annulled. June 7 ; No. 14. 

8136. Letter to Collector of Tipperah hi reply, directing him to hold 

the Farmer and his surety responsible for any balances which 
accrued up to the period when the lease was annulled. June 7. 

8137. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, transmitting two representa- 

tions from the officer appointed to the management of Pargana* 
Gopdlpur and Mirzdnagar, regarding the outrages committed 
by GhuMm Nabf Chaudhri, a sharer of the estate. June 11 ; 
No. 31. 

8138. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, regarding the suspensions claimed 

by the Zaminddrs of Bhulua" and Amrabdd on account of salt- 
land (Khdldri) rents. June 2 1. 

8139. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, informing the Board of the pro- 

vision received by the Muhammadan Judge (Ka*zi) of Darbhdngd, 
in reply to orders of the zoth ultimo. June n ; No. 58. 

8140. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting an account of 

Government (kha*s) villages for the year 1204. June 14; 
No. 50. 

JULY, 1799. 

8141. Petition from Ra*nf Janakf, Zamfnddr of Pargana* Mahishddal, 

requesting that the Collector of Midnapur may be directed 
to proceed to the sale of the lands which he was formerly 
ordered to dispose of in satisfaction of a decree passed in her 
favour. July 9 ; No. 5* 

8142. Petition from the legal agent (Vakil) of Parti Dds, stating that 

the Collector of Tirhut has unjustly confined his constituent 
for arrears of revenue, and praying that orders may be issued 
for his release. July 12 ; No. 37. 


8143. Petition from Muhammad Kuli, stating that he has served the 

Company as a Peon since the time of Mr. Holwell, and being 
now incapable of performing the duty, praying that his salary 
may be continued to him. July 23 ; No. 32. 

8144. Petition from Rdjd Tej Ch&id, regarding the balances due from 

his under-renters (Mustdjirs). July 30 ; No. 68. 

8145. Letter to Rdjd Tej Chind in reply to the above petition, inform- 

ing him that he must have recourse to the Court (Adat). 
July 30. 

8146. Letter from Collector of Behar, regarding the conditional settle- 

ment for villages in Pargand Narhat, Samai, etc., made in 1788. 
July 9 ; No. 26. 

8147. .Letter to Collector of Behar in reply to the above, calling his 

attention to the orders of Government regarding Mukarrari 
tenures, communicated to his predecessor on loth April 1798. 

July 9- 

8148. Letter from Collector of Behar, in reply to orders of 25th 

ultimo regarding the claims of DiMwar Jang and Kalidn Sinh. 
July 12; No. 7. 

8149. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting that a number of pro- 

prietors of the fanned villages are willing to engage perma- 
nently for their lands. July 12 j No. 15. 

8150. Letter from Collector of Behar, stating, in reply to orders of the- 

3oth April, that the establishment for collecting the Gay duties 
appears to have been entertained since the time of Mr. Law. 
July 19; No. 2. 

8151. Letter from Collector of Behar, informing of his having attached 

several villages in Pargand Sanaut, the Mukarrari grant by which 
they were held being illegal, and stating that the proprietors had 
applied to have a settlement concluded with them. July 19; 
No. 25. Directed to furnish a more detailed report regarding 
the tenures by which the above villages were held. July 19. 
8tS2. Letter from Collector of Behar, in continuation of his report 
regarding the claims of DiMwar Jang to arrears of Takdvf. 
July 23 ; No. 3. 

8153. Letter from Commissioner of Bhifehn^, informing of his having 

given over charge of the ChakM* to the Collector of Jessor. 
July 19; No. 53. 

8154. Letter from Collector of Benares, regarding the lands required 

from the Sepoy Cantonments at Sultipur, and stating that the 


proprietors decline receiving a compensation in money. July 
2; No. 51. 

8155. Letter to Collector of Benares, directing him to furnish informa- 

tion respecting the allowances receivable by Rdjd Sukhlatd in 
his capacity of manager of the lands immediately in the occu- 
pancy of the Rdja of Benares. July 2. 

8156. Letter from Collector of Benares, transmitting a letter and en- 

closure from the Magistrate relative to a provision for the 
support of the family of Jagat Sinh. July 12 ; No. 8. 

8157. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, in reply to orders of the loth 

May and 2 5th June, requiring a report regarding Mahals held 
in farm in the Behar portion of his District on the formation 
of the Decennial Settlement, with his opinion regarding the 
future settlement of them. July 16 ; No. 50. 

8158. Letter from Collector of Bardwan, transmitting copy of a letter 

from Nilmani Hdlddr, and stating the circumstances regarding 
the sale and payment of the purchase money of Taraf Muham- 
madpur ; and requesting to be informed from whom he is to 
demand the revenue of it. July 2 ; No. 34. 

8159. Letter to Collector of Bardwkn in reply, informing him that the 

man who bid for the lands should be considered as the pro- 
prietor of them, and directing him to refer the person by whom 
the balance of the purchase money was paid to the Court 
(AcMlat) to establish his claim. July 2. 

8160. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, proposing that the sale of 

Pargand Mandalghdt be postponed until the end of the current 
Bengal year, in order to enable him to ascertain its real 
resources. July 23 ; No. 27. Approved 

8161. Letters from Collector of Bardwan, with a report upon the 

petitions of Kdsindth and Biswandth Bdnarji ; and also trans- 
mitting copy of a petition from Ra*ja" Chaitan Sinh regarding 
the claim of the above-mentioned persons. July 23 ; Nos. 44, 
45, and 47*. 

8162. Letter from Commissioner of Chinsurah, relative to the Settlement 

of the Sayer Mahals of Chinsurah and Baranagar. July 9 ; 

No. 55- 

8163. Letter to Commissioner of Chinsurah, informing him that the 

Vice-President in Council has confirmed the Settlement made 
by him of the above Sdyer Mahals. July 9. 

8164. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, transmitting a statement of 



the expense incurred in opening a canal (Nala*) to enable 
vessels coming from Dacca to avoid the most dangerous part 
of the passage, reporting the estimated expense of building a, 
bridge over it, and requesting permission to charge the amount 
in his accounts. July 2 ; No. 4. Approved, July 1 2. 

8165. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, regarding the succession to 

the estate of the late Gokul Ghoshal July 12 ; No. 16. 

8166. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, transmitting an account 

statement (Jamil Wasil Baki) of the Kapds Mahal for the year 
1205 Bengal era. July 30; No. 65. Approved. 

8167. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a petition from 

Chandra Sekhar, praying to be put in possession of a Taluk 
wrested from his father by the Zamindar. July 2 ; No. 19. 

8168. Letter from Collector of Dacca, proposing that Mauzds Kdndia 

and Hildspur be taken charge of on the part of Government, 
there being no lawful proprietor of them. July 2 ; No. 33. 

8169. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to take 

charge of the above lands, and to report any claims that may 
be adduced to the proprietary right of them, and likewise to 
ascertain their actual resources. July 2. 

*S 1 70. Letter from Collector of 1 )acca, transmitting proposals for farming 
sundry Mahals in his District. July 2 ; No. 45. Approved. 

8171. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, communicating the Board's 

resolutions regarding the above-mentioned Mahals. July 2. 

8172. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting the report required 

of him by the orders of the 7th ultimo, regarding Kdli Sankar 
Sen's petition. July 5 ; No. 12. 

8173. Letter from Collector of Dacca, in reply to orders of the 7th May 

regarding the Nawdnt Mahal July 19 ; No. 47. 
817*1. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting copy of a letter 
from Nawrib Nawdl Jang, regarding the pensioners of the 
Nizamat, etc. July 30; No. 66a. 

8175. T-etter from Collector of Dinajpur, reporting in reply to orders 

of the 7th ultimo regarding the petition of Sadr-ud-din. July 
2 ; No. 32, 

8176. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, transmitting an account 

statement (Jama* Wdsil Mkf) of the Mahals separated from 
his District, agreeably to orders of the 8th January last July 
12; No. 38. 

8177. Letter to Governor-General in Council, in reply to orders of the 


1 9th January last, regarding the provision for the .support of 
the Zamindars of Amralxid, and transmitting a letter and 
enclosure from the Collector of Tipperah on the subject. July 
2; No. 31. 

8178. Letter to Governor-General in Council, in reply to onlers < ou- 

tlined in the letter from Government of the 21*1 ultimo, 
regarding the lands originally appertaining to the e-tute of 
Rdm Debi ffilddr. July 5. 

8179. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding the payment 

of the balances and the collection of the rents of tin; rotate 
of the late Rdjzi of Nagpur. July 5. 

8180. Letter from Govern or-G en eral in Council, regarding the rl.iiin 

of the Muhammndan Judge (KaVi) of !>arhhung;i, and (he salt* 
of the elephants received from the Kzija of Nepal, efr July 9 ; 
No. 40. 

8iSr. Letter to Governor-General in Council, enclosing copy of letters 
from the Collectors of Jessor and Nadiy.-i on sep;irafions and 
annexations proposed by tin* Collator of Jessur. July o; 
No. 43. 

*Sr82. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting tin* Hoard's 
proceedings regarding the Mahals which werv ordered on the 
3d July 1795 to be made over to the ZanifmUr of Na<liya. 
July 9; No. ,19. 

8183. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter from 

the Collector of lihagalpur, and recommending that the pro- 
posals tendered for the permanent settlement of the Mahals 
mentioned in it be accepted. July 16 ; No. 55. 

8184. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding the claim of 

Kitsinath and Biswnnath Banarji and Gauri Charan Rai, pur- 
chasers of the lands of RjJjd Chuitan Sinh, to a compensation 
on account of a deficiency in this assets of the lands piwhast'd 
by them. July 23 ; No, 38. 

8185. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting extract from 

proceedings upon a, minute and proposed Regulation brought 
forward by Mr. Harrington, for enabling proprietors to rcalixt* 
their rents with greater punctuality. July 26 ; No. 35. 

8186. Letter from Governor-General in Council, regarding the release 

of certain defaulters in Rdjshrfhf ; the allowance for the support 
of the Zdznfnddra of Amntb&l ; the settlement of certain Mahals 
in Dacca j the proposals of the religious tenure holders (Aimrf- 


ddrs) of Behar for the support of the family of the late Sadr-ud- 
din ; the separation of Kasbd Mirzdnagar from Nadiyd, and 
its annexation to Jessor, etc. July 26 ; No. 37. 

8187. Letter to Collector of Jessor, transmitting a letter from the 

Vice-President in Council regarding the lease of Kismat 
Pargand Hogld. July 9. 

8188. Letter from Collector of Jessor, regarding separations and 

annexations proposed to be made in his District July 9 ; 
Nos. 41 and 57. 

8189. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting copy of proceedings 

of the Civil (Dfwdnf) Court on the suit instituted by Govern- 
ment against the late Farmer of Bhtishnd and the Zaminddr of 
Rdjshdhi. July 23 ; No. 24. 

8 1 90. Letter to Collector of J essor, approving of the proposed separation 

of Kasbd Mirzdnagar from Nadiyd, and its annexation to his 
District July 26. 

8191. Minute by Mr. Harrington, forwarding a new Regulation for 

enabling proprietors and farmers of land to realize their rents 
with greater punctuality, etc., proposed to be submitted to 
Government July 2 ; No. 74. 

8192. Minutes by Mr. Buller and Mr. Hatch, on the Acting President's 

proposition to recommend to the Governor-General in Council 
that the transfer of the village of Ban Htigli to Gauri Charan 
be confirmed July 9; No. 46. 

8193. Minute by the Acting President, on the representation made by 

the lldjd of Nadiyd alluded to in Mr. Hatch's minute, objecting 
to Gauri Quran's getting possession of the lands of Ban Htfglf. 
July 9- 

8194. Minutes by Mr. Bullet, Mr. Hatch, and the Acting President, on 

the Regulation for enabling proprietors and farmers of lands to 
realize their rents with greater punctuality, proposed by Mr. 
Harrington on the sd instant July 16, No. 72; and July 26, 
Nos. 31 to 34.1. 

8195. Minute by Mr. Harrington, stating his reasons for adhering to his 

original opinion on those parts of the proposed Regulation 
which have not met with the concurrence of the other members 
of the .Board July 19 ; No. 66. 

8196. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, transmitting copy of a petition 

from Ritni Jdnalu for his report July 9. 

8197. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, transmitting Mufassal Settle- 


merit of the Government (khds) Mahals in his District for the 
year 1205. July 23; No. 43. 

8198. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, in reply to orders of the 

2ist ultimo, regarding the allowance paid to the Zaminddrs of 
Rokanpur and Fathi Sinh for the repair of the embankments, 
July 9, No. 32 j and July 23, Nos. 18 and 19. 

8199. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, transmitting a statement of 

lands belonging to the Zaminddr of Rdjshdhf which have proved 
unsaleable at the Presidency, and desiring him to advertise 
them to be sold at his Court July 12. 

8200. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, in reply to orders of the xsth 

ultimo, regarding annexations and separations proposed by the 
Magistrate of Jessor. July 9. Authorized, July 26. 

8201. Letter from the Acting President, laying before the Board an 

abstract measurement and assessment (Jamdbandi) of lands 
forming the Madrasd Mahal; likewise copy of a petition from 
Gaurf Charan regarding the rent (Jama) of lamls assigned to 
him and included in the above. July 9 ; No. 44. 

8202. Letter from Collector of I'urniuh, reporting amount of balances 

due by Rdjd Madhu Sinh, and proposing that the Malikana 
payable to him from the treasury at Tirluit be attached. July 
S ; No. 12. Sanctioned. 

8203. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, reporting upon the petition 

of Gopindth Bdnarji, agreeably to orders of the 4th iiltimo. 
July 9 ; No. 13. 

8204. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhf, transmitting a letter and en- 

closure from the Collector of Jessor regarding the separation 
and annexation of lands in his District, with instructions to 
furnish any information he may possess regarding the circum- 
stances. July 19. 

8205. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhf, informing him that the lands of 

the Znmfnddr of Rdjshdhf had proved unsaleable at the Presi- 
dency, and desiring him to advertise them, with the exception 
of certain lands mentioned in a petition from Rdnf Itatjeswnrf, 
to be sold at the Court of the Collector of MurshtclabM ; and 
transmitting copy of the petition above alluded to for his report. 
July 19. 

8206. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhf, in reply to orders of the 23*1 April 

last, regarding Rdm Oobind Mitra's alleged emhcx/Jcmcni from 
the remittances to the Murshiddbdd Treasury. July i a No, yj. 


8207. Letter to Collector of Rdjshahi, transmitting him copy of a decree 

passed in the Sadr Dfwdni Adalat in the cause of Maharaja 
Ram Krishna, appellant, versus the Government, respondent. 
July 23. 

8208. Letter from Collector of Rdmgarh, regarding the portion of 

Baghmundi ordered to be restored to the proprietor Anand 
Sinh. July 2 ; Nos. 41-2. 

8209. Letter to Collector of Rdingarh in reply, desiring him to report 

what arrangements may ultimately be made by Anand Sinh for 
the payment of the arrears due from him, and for the future 
security of the Public Revenue of his lands. July 2. 
8s 10. Letter to Collector of Kamgarh, transmitting a copy of Mr. 
Vandechcyden's Report upon the state of the District of Rdm- 
garh, July 2. 

8211. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, in reply to orders of the Qth 

April, regarding the claims of the heirs of the late Raja Rdjbal- 
labh to arrears of rent. July 16 ; No. 20. 

8212. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting proceedings of 

Government regarding the revenues of Chinsurah and Chander- 
nagar. July 95 No. 53. 

8213. Letter from Collector of Shuhubad, transmitting copy of a petition 

from Ali Koshdn IChdn, praying that a Settlement may be made 
with him, and that he may receive possession of the estate lately 
the property of Nurul Husain Khdn. July 23 ; No, 29, 

8214. Letter from Collector of ShaMbiul, transmitting a statement of the 

lands let in farm at the formation of the Decennial Settlement, 
the leases of which will expire with the current Fasli year. 
July 26 ; No. 42. 

8215. Letter to Secretary to Government, transmitting a letter from the 

Collector of Silhet reporting the defeat of Aga Muhammad 
Real. July 26. 

8216. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting proceedings 

of Government regarding the revenues of Chinsurah and 
Chamlernngar. July 9 ; No. 33. 

8217. Letter from Secretary to the Board, stating that he has repeatedly 

found diflic.ulty in procuring an accurate Bengal Almanac, 
and suggesting that the Collector of Nadiyd be directed to 
transmit one, properly authenticated by Brdhmanical astrono- 
mers, for the use of the office* July 5. 

8218. Letter to Collector of ShuMbdd, directing him to submit copy 


and translation of leases (Patlds) granted to, and engagements 
(Kabiiliyats) executed by, the farmers of the lands in the estate 
lately the property of Nrfr-ul-Husain Khan, and to report 
whether the declaration of Government, that they should not 
be dispossessed of their lands whilst they continued to dis- 
charge the revenues, was ever formally communicated to them. 
July 23. 

8219. Letter to Collector of Sarkdr Saran, transmitting ropy of a petition 

from Sayyid Kardmat All for his report. July 2. 

8220. Letter from Collector of Sarkar Saran, forwarding his report 

regarding the above petition. July 26 ; Xo. 12. 

8221. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, in reply to orders of the iKth 

January, regarding the provision which should be made for the 
maintenance of the Zamindars of Amrukul. July 2 ; No. 20. 

8222. Letter from Collector of Tippcrah, informing of having published 

the advertisement directed by the orders of the 2ist May 
regarding the new sand-bank (Char) in ('harp;it.-t, awl transmit- 
ting copies of three claims which have been jtfvfcwd. July 
12 ; No. 31. 

8223. Letter from Collector of Tippmh, transmitting \\ copy of the 

Salt Agent of Bhulua and Chittutfon^'s answer to the Rifj;i of 
Tippcrah; application for the amount of the JJarrnk rents of 
Pargand 1 )akshfnsaikh for the years 1203 and 1204 lifii#a! 
era. July 12; No. 45. 

8224. Letter from Collector of Tippemh, in reply to orders of the ytli 

May, relative to the Niiwdri Mahal. July 19; Xo. t \<j. 
Further information required. 

8223. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, transmitting an extract of n 
letter from the Vice-1 Resident in Council, regarding the allow- 
ance to be granted to the Xaminditrs of Ainrtihiftl. July 26. 

8226. Fitter to Collector of Tipperah, desiring him to submit for the* 

"Board's signature a lease (Patt:() in favour of Xain-tuMfn for the 
new sand-bank (Char) in Cluirpdta'. July 30* 

8227. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, transmitting letter from the Collec- 

tor of Pumioh, and desiring him to hold in deposit the monthly 
allowance (Mushuhant) payable to Rtijif Madhu Sinh from 
his Treasury till further orders, July 9* 

8228* Letter to Collector of Tirhut, informing him that the Vi<T- 
President in Council lias registered the daim of the Muhain- 
madan Judges (K&rf) of I)arblulng to the village of Sankipur 

i4o BENGAL RECORDS. [AUG. 1799. 

Karsi, and confirmed the settlement proposed by him for 
the village. July 9. 

8229. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, regarding the robbers of the 

Court of the Tahsilda*r of Pargana Barwdra*. July 19 ; No. 40. 

8230. Letter to Translator to the Board, desiring him to communicate 

to Kalia'n Sinh extract of a letter from the Collector of Behar 
regarding his claim to Sdyer compensation. July 12. 

8231. Letter from Translator to the Board, forwarding a report 

regarding deed of grants (Sanads) applied for by the Judge at 
Htfglf. July 23 ; No. 26. 

8232. Letter from Translator to the Board, forwarding an original 

decree passed in the Sadr Diwdni Addlat in the case of 
Mahdraja Ram Krishna, deceased, appellant, versus Govern- 
ment, respondent. 

AUGUST, 1799. 

8233. Letter from Accountant, transmitting copy of the objections of 

the Dacca native Treasurer (Khazdnchf) to making good the 
deficiency on account of Arcot rupees remitted to the Assay 
Office, alluded to in the Board's orders of 25th June. August 
27 \ No. 23. 

8234. Letter to Accountant in reply, furnishing instructions regarding 

the recovery of the above deficiency. August 27. 

8235. Letter from Mr. Marquard, requesting the Board to suspend their 

determination regarding the Zaminddri which has descended to 
him until he can furnish a statement of his case. August 13 ; 
No. 46. 

8236. Letter from Mr. Marquard, furnishing the statement above alluded 

to. August 13 ; No. 47. 

8237. Letter to Mr. Manjuard in reply, transmitting the Board's orders 

to the Collector of Chittagong regarding the Zaminddru 
August 13. 

8238. Petition from Gangd Prasdd Jldi, praying that the Collector of 

Nadiyd be instructed to give him a possession (Dakhili) order 
for land purchased by him similar to that given to other pur- 
chasers. August 2 \ No* 31. 

8239. Petition from Guru Da's and Gurudayal Sinh, praying the Board 

to direct the Collector of Rdjshdhf to pay them the amount 
of a deposit paid into the Rdjshdhi Treasury in 1205, when 


the proprietary right to their estate was disputed. August 13 ; 
No. 7. 

8240. Petition from Gopimohan Thdkur, praying the Hoard to issue a 

further order to the Collector of Nadiyd to put him in possession 
of the lands transferred to him by the purchaser of them at the 
public sale. August 13 ; No. 37. 

8241. Petition from Panchdnan Datla, stating that the revenues of his 

lands in Dacca which are advertised to be sold were collected 
by the Sazdwal, but not transmitted by him to the Collector ; 
likewise that he has never received any compensation for lands 
of his taken by the late Judge for the use of a jail. August 23 ; 
No. 61. 

8242. Letter from Collector of Debar, in reply to orders of the ifah July, 

regarding the pleas to be opposed to the claims of Iniiyat All 
Khdn. August 2; No. 18. 

8243. Letters from Collector of 13ehar, regarding the Settlement of the 

farms of which the leases will expire at the conclusion of the 
current year. August 2 ; Nos. 23 and 24. 

8244. Letter to Collector of Debar in reply, communicating instructions 

regarding the subject of the above letters. August 2. 
8243. Letters from Collector of ttehar, proposing that a Jim* In* levied 
upon several defaulters whose estates have been ordered to bt* 
attached, and who refuse to deliver in Settlement fj;im;i]i;mdi) 
Accounts of them. August 6; Nos. 25, 26, and 27. 

8246. Letter from Collector of Behar, in reply to Hoard's orders of isth 

July, stating that the infant sons of Inufm IJakhsh Khan have 
no guardian who might vote on their purl for the flection of a 
manager for the estate of the late Kdjii (ihuhim Husain Khiia 
August 13; No. 15. 

8247. Letter from Collector of lieluir, informing of Ins having sent a 

peremptory order to AH Hakhsh KhrJn, the uncle of the above- 
mentioned children, who had seixed them, to deliver them up, 
as he entertained apprehensions for their safety. August 13; 
No. 16. 

8248. Letter to Collector of ttehar, informing him that the Vice- President 

in Council authorises him to farm for ten years the Mahals of 
which he is unable to form a Permanent Settlement August 23, 

8249. Letters from Collector of Behar, transmitting ropy of the repre- 

sentation of the heirs of the late Olutldm Husain Khdn, and 
of the firman upon which they found their claim to Purgaxut 

143 BENGAL RECORDS. [AUG. 1799. 

Chapld Surjan as rent-free (Altamgha). August 22 ; Nos. 62 
and 65. 

8250. Letter from Collector of Behar, recommending that he be autho- 

rized to compromise the suit regarding the claim of Indyat Alf 
Khdn on the most favourable terms he would agree to. August 
30 \ No. 24. 

8251. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him generally to 

deny the validity of the claim, leaving it to the plaintiff to 
establish it. August 30. 

8252. Letter from Collector of Birbhtfm, transmitting report required by 

orders of 23d July upon the petition of Madan Gopal Basu. 
August 16; No. 19. Approved. 

8253. J /otter from Collector of IJirbhtim, reporting proposals made for 

farming police (Thanddarf) lands in his District, and recom- 
mending that they be accepted. August 6 ; No. 6. 
825,1. Jitter to Collector of Bfrbhiim in reply, transmitting authority 
of Vice-President in Council for accepting the proposals for 
fanning the police (Thdnddari) lands. August 23. 

8255. Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting a letter and enclosure 

from Secretary to Government regarding the Fort and Titluk 
of Piprnuli. August 2. 

8256. Letter to Collector of Benares, with letter and enclosure from 

Secretary to Government, regarding the directions given to 
the Magistrate respecting Jngunmith Sinh and his brother. 
August 6. 

8257. Jitter from Collector of Benares, in reply to orders of iQth July, 

regarding the nature of the lease (Patlii) granted for the lands 
of Jaganmith Sinh. August 13; No. 2. 

8258. Letter to Collector of Benares in reply, desiring him to state 

when and by what authority the lands of Jaganndth were given 
in lease to the present lessee. August 13. 

8259. Letter from Collector of Benares, in reply to orders of nth July^ 

regarding losses sustained from the encroachments of the river 
in Piirgami Balid, and the recovery of the balances due from 
it, August 13 ; No. 60. 

8260. Letter from Collector of Benares, in reply to orders of roth July, 

regarding the Stone Mahal. August 13 ; No. 64. 

8261. Letter from Collector of IJenares, in reply to orders of the 2d 

August, regarding the collections from the Taluk of Piprauli. 
August 27. 


8262. Letter from Collector of BMgalpur, regarding the Settlement of 

certain Government (kha*s) and farmed Mahals in his District. 
August 27 j No. 37. 

8263. Letter to Collector of Bhdgalpur in reply, stating that the Board 

will recommend that the proposals made for the Permanent 
Settlement of Pargana* Chandrabuka, and for farming Mauzd 
Alfnagar, be accepted. August 27. 

8264. Letter from Collector of Bardwan, proposing that a Sazawal be 

appointed to collect the revenues of the lands of Raja Chaitan 
Sinh. August 13; No. 6. Approved. 

8265. Letter from Collector of Bardwan, respecting a suspension of 

salt-land rents (Khalari), the proper right of IJhairabchdnd 
Riti and Haikunlh Nath, which by mistake has been allowed 
for five years past to Sainbhuchand and Ifliairabchdnd ; and 
proposing that, as the latter persons refuse to refund what they 
have received, a poition of their lands be sold in liquidation 
of an airear of revenue for the same amount, which bus in 
consequence become due from the estates of the former. 
August 1 6. Approved. 

8266. Letter from Collet 'lor of Calcutta, regarding the purchase 

of the ground required for the new canal. August 9; 
No. 3. 

8267. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, transmitting an nbstrar t 

account of the measurement of the lands brought into cultiva- 
tion upon the island of MaY.hkhill, under the grant to Air. 
Worledge, made conformably to the orders of sad March ijifi ; 
likewise replying to the observations contained in those orders 
regarding the resumption of the island of Kutulx lid. August 2 ; 
No. 56. 

8268. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, acknowledging receipt of the 

orders of 2 2d January last regarding sun-essum 10 the estate of 
the late Aurade JJarros, and stating that Mr. Marquard has 
made a transfer of it to an old servant of the estate named 
Debi Pms&l Rakhit, which he suspe<:ts to be a fictitious one. 
August 13; No. 45. 

8269. Letter to Collector of Chittagong in reply, comnmnirating in- 

structions relative to the above estate. August 13. 

8270. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, authorising the assessment 

proposed by him on the island of HaVMhiil ; likewise the ex- 
pense of measuring the lands ; and stating the Hoard's opinion 

144 BENGAL RECORDS. [AUG. 1799. 

that the grant of the island of Kutabdid is not resumable. 
August 27. 

8271. Circular Orders to Collectors of Bardwdn, Dacca, Dindjpur, 

Jessor, Murshiddbad, Nacliyd, Rdjshdhi, Rangpur, Tipperah, 
and 24 Pargands, desiring them to furnish immediately state- 
ments of such portions of lands as may be required to make 
good the arrears outstanding on account of 1205 ; and likewise, 
as soon afterwards as practicable, the accounts of the officers 
invested with the charge of the estates of dissenting proprietors 
and disqualified landholders, and of estates which are the im- 
mediate property of Government August 30. 

8272. Letter from Commissioner of Kuch "Bchar, agreeably to orders 

of 23d June, transmitting Mufassal Settlement Account of Thdnd 
Uchar for the current year, ancl stating that the Ra'jd objects 
to the insertion of newly cultivated villages in it. August 6 ; 
No. 40. 

8273. Letter to Commissioner of Kuch Behar in reply, desiring him to 

furnish a corrected account, with the villages above alluded to 
included in it. August 6. 

8274. Letter from Collector of Dacca, recommending that a perpetual 

Settlement be made of certain Khuda Mahals the property of 
Government, and requesting instructions respecting the Settle- 
ment of Pargand Sorddbdcl (?), which it is necessary to con- 
clude immediately. August 16; No. 14. 

8275. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to furnish a 

statement of the Mahals above alluded to, ancl to consider 
Pargand Sortldbdd (?) for the present a Government (khds) 
Mahal August 16. 

8276. Letter to Collector of Dacca, transmitting copy of a petition of 

Panchdnan Datta, and desiring him to report upon the allega- 
tions continued in it. August 23. 

8277. Letter from Collector of Dacca, regarding the rent leviable from 

the Gozar Mahals, which has not been collected for several 
years, August 27; No. is. 

8278. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to report 

whether the lands comprising the Mahals are claimed by any 
person. August 27* 

8279. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, transmitting statement of 

interest due on arrears of revenue which accrued from the 
estate of the Rdjd in 1205. August 20; No. 30. 


8280. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, regarding the mode of account- 

ing for the proceeds of the sale of the lands of Rdjd Rddhandth, 
sold at Rdjshdhi on account of arrears due in his District 
August 23; No. 31. 

8281. Letter to Governor-General in Council, requesting to be informed 

for what length of time the farms in Behar should be relet in 
such instances as it may not be practicable to conclude a 
Settlement with the proprietors of them. August 2 ; No. 25. 

8282. Letter from Governor-General in Council, regarding the proposed 

Settlement of certain Mahals in Bhdgalpur, the Takavi claimed 
by Nawdb Dildwdr Jang, and the claims of Rdjd Kalian Sinh. 
August 6 \ No. 4. 

8283. Letter to Governor-General in Council, stating that the whole of 

the ground required for the new Canal has been procured* 
August 13 ; No. 5. 

8284. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting extract from 

Board's proceedings regarding the succession to tlie shun: of 
Jmiim Bakhsh Khun, deceased, in the /uimndiirf /f the late 
Gluildm Husain Khiin, and requesting instruction:; rt^inling 
the appointment of a guardian to his children. Au^ 13; 
No. 17. 

8285. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting cxinirt of 

Board's proceedings regarding the lands proposed by the Raja 
of Benares to be assigned to Uihi Sukh ]/il. August 13; 
No. 28. 

8286. Letter to Governor-General in Council, respecting lands held 

under a Mukurrari tenure by the late RujA kiijbullabh, and 
recommending that they be continued at the same rent (Janift) 
to his family. August 20; No. 18. 

8287. Letter to Governor-General in (, regarding a misappropria- 

tion of the public revenue by the late Collector of JBardwdn. 
August 27 ; No. 3, 

8288. Letter from Governor-General in Council, authorizing the assess- 

ment proposed to be laid upon the cultivated lands in the island 
of MdchkhdL August 27 ; No. 36. 

8289. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending tb'at the 

proposals made for the Settlement of certain Mahals in l>h;igal- 
pur be accepted. August 27 ; No. 28. 

8290. Letter from Governor General in Council, desiring to know by 

what authority the inquiry made into the assets of the hinds 

146 BENGAL RECORDS. [Auo. 1799. 

in Bishnupur by Kdsindth and Biswandth Bdnarjf was instituted. 
August 30 , No. 27, 

8291. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting a statement of estab- 

lishment for attaching Taraf Taighan, which he proposes should 
be considered a joint undivided estate, and responsible for the 
whole of the rent (Jama) assessed upon it. August 16; No. 29. 

8292. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, approving of his consider- 

ing the whole of this Mahal, and of all others where a regular 
partition of the lands has not been made tinder the 25th Regu- 
lation of 1793, responsible for the whole of the rent (Jamd), 
and desiring him to call upon the proprietors to discharge 
the arrears due from it. August rf>. 

8293. Better from Collector of Jessor, respecting the accounts of the 

Government (kbits) Mnluils of his District for 1204 Bengal era. 
August 16; No. 56. 

8294. Letter to Collector of Jessor, desiring him to repeat his call upon 

the Salt Agent for the amount of Ihe salt-lam! (Khdldri) rents, 
stating the amount claimed on account of the different Mahals, 
etc. August 1 6. 

8295. Letter from Collector of Jessor, in reply to orders of ^oth July, 

which direct him to commit the late Fanner of Pargand TIogM 
to prison. August 20; No. 16. 

8296. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, stating that, for the reasons 

stated by him, the Board dispenses with the confinement of the 
late Farmer of Pargand. I login*. August 20. 

8297. Letter to Collector of Jessor, forwarding letter and enclosure from 

Secretary to Government, and desiring him to deliver over the 
lands mentioned therein, together with an account statement 
(Jamd Wasil IMki) of them, to the Collector of Banlwsfa. 
August 23. 

8298. Letter to Collector of MiMnapiir, authorizing him to purchase on 

account of Government the Mahals which have hitherto proved 
unsaleable. August 16". 

8299. tatter from Collector of Midnapur, stating that he is unable to 

confine the defaulters alluded to in the Board's letter of the 
30th July, as they are not to be found; likewise transmitting 
account sales of their estates, and an advertisement for the 
re-sale of two of them, and recommending that they be bought 
in on account of Government should no tenders be made for 
them by individuals, August 26 ; No. 8. 


8300. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, approving of the 

account sales, and directing him to hold the unsaleable lands 
under Government management (khas). August 26. 

8301. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, regarding the adjustment of 

the balances due from the renters and rayats of the Mahals 
which have suffered severely from the depredation of the 
Chudrs. August 27; No. 28. 

8302. Letter from Collector of Murshidaluicl, transmitting account sales 

of lands of the Zaminclur of Rajshahi ; reporting the amount of 
balances still due, and a proposal of the Zamindurs for an 
arrangement. August 2 ; No. 64. 

8303. Letter to Collector of Murshiduhad in reply, approving of the 

account sales, but stating that the proposed arrangement 
cannot be admitted so far us the monthly allowance (Musha- 
hard) of the Rilnf is concerned. August 2. 

8304. Letter from Collector of M nrshidabad, rej orting hrw in,^ despatched 

the Mint utensils to the Presidency agreeably lo orders, ami pro- 
posing that the building used us the Mint Office be disposed of 
by public auction. August 9 ; No. 3. Authori/.ed, August 23. 

8305. Letter from Collector of Nndiyu, transmitting the Ut-n^al Almanac: 

required by the orders of the 5th July. August o ; No. iS. 

8306. Letter lo Collector of Nadiycf, transmitting petition from Gopi- 

mohan Thrtkur, and desiring him to put the petitioner in 
possession of the lands claimed by him, August 13. 

8307. Letter lo Collector of Purniah, transmitting a letter from the 

Collector of Tirhut, with directions to inform him of the 
amount of arrears due by Rdjd Madhu Sinh. August 2. 

8308. Letter from Collector of Purniah, transmitting a statement of the 

lands of Rajif Madhu Sinh in liquidation of the arrears still due 
from him. August 20 ; No. 36, 

8309. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargamfs, transmitting copy of a 

pelition from Mahdnijd Iswar Chanel Rdi regarding the forma- 
tion of a Settlement (Bandobasl) of his estate in this District. 
August 37 ; No. 34. 

8310. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands in reply, desiring him to 

submit a statement of the rent (Jamrf) which he would propose 
should be assessed upon the lands, excepting those which were 
assigned to Gauri Charan Chamlhrf, regarding which the Hoard 
at present wait the result of a reference to Government. 
August 27, 

T.j.8 BENGAL RECORDS. [AUG. 1799. 

8311. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, in continuation of the above, 

stating that the Government has been pleased to direct that the 
lands assigned to Gauri Charan Chaudhri be, in common with 
the lands assigned, made over to the Zaminddr of Nadiyd ; and 
desiring him to report upon the assessment (Jamdbandi) of the 
whole, and likewise to call upon Gauri Charan to point out 
what other lands he will accept instead. August 30. 

8312. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi, transmitting a letter from the 

Collector of Dindjpur respecting the mode of accounting 
for the proceeds of the sale of the lands of Rdjd Rddhdndth, 
sold at Rajshdhi on account of arrears due in Dindjpur. 
August 23. 

8313. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi, informing him of the appropria- 

tion of the proceeds of a sale at the Presidency of lands formerly 
belonging to the Rdjd of Rdjshdhi. August 23. 

8314. Letter to Collector of Rdmgarh, transmitting copy of Board's 

address to Government, together with a copy of the letter from 
the Secretary to Government regarding the proposed deputation 
of a Sazdwal and military force into Ndgpur. August 16. 

8315. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting ropy of the 

proceedings of Government on the subject of obtaining posses- 
sion of the Fort of Piprauli, and desiring the Board to direct 
the Collector of Benares to proceed with the Tdluk of Pipraulf 
in the manner prescribed by the Regulations. August 2 ; N o. 2 1, 

8316. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting copy of a letter 

and enclosure from the Judge of Tirhut, and desiring the 
Board's report upon the claim of Rdjd Madhu Sinh. August 
16; No. 41. 

8317. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting a letter and 

enclosure from the Judge of Hilglf, and stating that the Vice- 
President in Council has determined to place the lands men- 
tioned therein under the jurisdiction of the Hiigli Court, and 
likewise to transfer the management of the revenues of them 
from the Collector of Jessor to the Collector of Bardwan. 
August 23 ; No. 47. 

8318. Letter from Secretary to Government, in reply to Board's letter 

dated Hth June, regarding a proclamation issued by the Acting 
Collector of Midnapun August 30; No. 22. 

8319. Letter to Collector of Shdhdbdd, conveying authority of Govern- 

ment to farm for ten years the Mahals of which he may be 


unable to form a permanent Settlement. August 23. (Similar 
letter to Collectors of Sarkdr Sdran and Tirhut.) 

8320. Letter to Collector of Silhet, transmitting extract of a letter from 

Secretary to Government regarding the pretended prophet 
Muhammad Rezd. August 2. 

8321. letter from Collector of Silhet, reporting offers for the Settlement 

of Pargana Bansikura. August 6; No. 37, Accepted, August 23. 

8322. Letter from Collector of Silhet, reporting the apprehension of Agd 

Muhammad Rezd, and stating that the Tdlukddrs whose lands 
had proved unsaleable had returned and offered to pay up the 
arrears due from them, with interest August 23 ; No. 2. 

8323. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, in reply to the orders of 9th July, 

desiring him to detain in deposit the amount of the monthly 
allowance (MushilliarA) payable to Raja Madhu Sinh. August 
2; No. 13. 

!>324, Letter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting a list of Mahals 
which were let to furm at the period of the Decennial Settle- 
ment, the leases of which will expire during the current year. 
August ft ; No. 45. 

8325. Letter to Collector of Tirhut in reply, conveying instructions 

regarding the above. August 6. 

Letter to Collector of Tirlwt, directing him to report upon the 
application of Rsijsl Miulhu Sinh. August 16. 

#327. I ,etter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting reply of R;ijd Madhu 
Sinh to an order directing him to state whether he intended 
entering into engagements for the payment of the revenue of 
his estate. August 23 ; No. 36. 

.8328. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, desiring him to call upon the Rdjii 
to state explicitly whether he is willing to engage for the 
payment of the revenue of his estate at the rent (Jamd) which 
may be assessed upon it, in conformity to the general rules 
laid down in the iSth Regulation of 1793. August 23. 


8329. Petition from Shaikh Farhat Ali, legal agent (Vakil) of Jagat 
Diis, Fanner of Mau&l Bonjiol in Tirhut, complaining that 
several sums of money have been exacted from his constituent 
by the Collector's ministerial officers (Amid), and of his having 
been unjustly thrown into prison. September 27. 
VOL. nr. L 


8330. Petition from Nilmani Haldar of Napara, praying that he may 

be put in possession of lands in Bardwdn puichased by him, 
and of which he has been dispossessed by Nilmani Hdlddr 
of Calcutta. September 27. 

8331. Letter from Collector of Behar, stating that two persons had 

substantiated their claims to pensions formerly received by 
them from the resumed Jagir of the late Nawdb Manir-ud-daula, 
and requesting instructions whether he is to pay them from the 
General Treasury, or from the proceeds of the Jdgir. Sep- 
tember 6 ; No. 4. 

8332. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, desiring him to ascertain 

from the family of the late Nawab, to whom the receipts of 
the Jdgir are paid, whether they have any objections to pay 
the above pensions \ and if they should have any, to refer the 
claimants to the Court (Addlat). September 6. 

8333. Letter from Collector of Behar, regarding the grant for the 

lands of the late Ghulam Husain Khan. September 10; 
No. 33. 

8334. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, approving of his instituting 

a suit for the recovery of the revenues of the above lands. 
September 10. 

8335. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting decision of the Addlat 

on the suit instituted against him by Rdjd Ram Sinn, and also 
the papers relative to a complaint instituted by the late Acting 
Collector against the Raja, for ejecting the Sarbarahkdrs from 
his estate. September 13 ; No. 48. 

8336. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, approving of the measures 

taken by him for enforcing the appointment of the managers 
(Sarbarahkdrs), and desiring him, as there is a considerable 
balance due from the above estate, to appoint an Amm to 
attach such part of it as may require to be sold for the recovery 
of the amount under Regulation 7 of 1799. September 13. 

8337. Letter from Collector of Behar, forwarding two petitions praying 

for a reduction of rent (Jama) on their estates, or that they 

be allowed to relinquish the Settlement entered into by them. 

September 17 ; No. 24. Refused. 
3338. Letter from Collector of Birbmim, transmitting statement of 

the Jungle Mahal of Birbhiim for sale. September 13 ; No. 

65. Approved. 
8339. Letter from Collector of Benares, reporting the final Settlement 


concluded with the Zaminda*rs of Pargana* Lakneswar. Sep- 
tember 3 ; No. 40. 

8340. Letter from Collector of Benares, furnishing a report on the 

quantity of land held by Europeans in his District. September 
24; Nos. 51 to 56. Returned for correction. 

8341. Letter to Collector of Bhdgalpur, conveying authority of Vice- 

President in Council to accept the proposals for the Settlement 
of Pargana* Chandrabuka*, and for the farming of Mauzd 
Alinagar. September 10. 

8342. Letter from Collector of Bhagalpur, transmitting khas accounts 

of Bdsudebpur, Muhammadpur, and Tdrapur Dewa* for 1204. 
September 20 \ Nos. 39 and 40. Instructions communicated 
on the above. 

8343. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, reporting, in compliance with 

Board's orders of 25th January and i2th July, regarding the 
losses sustained by several Zaminddrs in consequence of the 
encroachment of the river. September 20 \ No. 41. 

8344. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, regarding lands purchased by 

Gauri Charan and others in Bishnupur, and requesting to be 
informed whether he shall immediately proceed to enforce the 
payment of the arrears due from these purchasers. September 
24; No. 37. 

8345. Letter to Collector of Bardwan in reply, directing him to attach 

the above lands, agreeably to Regulation 7 of 1799. Septem- 
ber 24. 

8346. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting copy of a repre- 

sentation from the attaching SazaVal of the estates of Rajd 
Chaitan Sinh, and proposing that all the rent-free (LdkhiraJ) 
lands in that estate, exempted from the payment of revenue 
since the formation of the Decennial Settlement, be attached. 
September 27. 

8347. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn in reply, stating that the rent-free 

(Ldkhirdj) lands above alluded to are liable to be assessed, if 
the grants for them have not been registered under the i9th 
Regulation of 1793. September 27. 

8348. Letter from Collector of Calcutta, transmitting an account of the 

sums paid from his Treasury for the purchase of lands required 
for the proposed canal. September 20 ; No. 19. 

8349. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, informing of Mr. Kefs having 

taken charge of the Ardkdn Settlement, and transmitting a letter 


addressed by him to Government regarding the death of 
Captain Cox and the unhealthiness of the climate. September 
6; No. 9. 

8350. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, regarding the probable 

expense of making a road from Ratnapulin to Ukiagh^t, and 
the propriety of employing the Arkn emigrants on that duty. 
September 27 ; No. 48. 

8351. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a statement of lands 

for sale in liquidation of arrears of revenue due from the 
Zaminddr of Chandradwip. September 6- No. 25. Approved. 

8352. Letter from Collector of Dacca, proposing that the managers 

(SarbardhHrs) be made responsible for the payment of the rent 
(Jamd) fixed upon the estates under their engagement. Sep- 
tember 10 ; No. 65. 

8353. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, stating that the Board 

considers it incompatible with the spirit of the Regulations to 
take any engagement from the managers (Sarbardhk&s) for the 
payment of the rent (Jaind) of the estates entrusted to them ; 
but that should there be advantageous proposals for farming 
them, there would be no objection to that measure. Septem- 
ber 10. 

8354. Letter from Collector of Dacca, in reply to orders, explaining the 

nature of the dispute between the dependent Tukdrs and 
the Zaminddrs of Rdipur. September 17 ; No. 22. 

8355. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, furnishing him with instruc- 

tions on the several points referred to. September 17. 

8356. Letter from Collector of Dacca, submitting applications for 

partition (BatwfeL) from sundry purchasers and proprietors of 
estates. September 24 ; No. 24. 

8357. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, desiring him to act in 

conformity to the 25th Regulation of 1793 k cases of applica- 
tions for partition (Batw&4). September 24. 

8358. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting having discovered 

Tdluk Bishnu CMnd Tewdri, advertised to be sold in liquida- 
tion of a fine, to be the property of a disqualified proprietor, 
and that he had in consequence suspended the sale of it. Sep- 
tember 24 ' 3 No. 30. 

8359. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, approving of his having 

suspended the sale, and directing him to take charge of the 
Tdluk on the part of the Court of Wards. September 24. 


8360. Letter to Mr. Dick, executor to the estate of the late Captain 

Cox, transmitting copy of a letter and enclosure from the 
Collector of Chittagong, and requesting him to transmit to the 
Board any public letter relative to the Aidk&L emigrants which 
he may find among the papers of the late Captain Cox. Sep- 
tember 13. 

8361. Letter from Collector of Dinajpur, transmitting a statement of the 

personal property of the Rdja", to be sold in liquidation of 
arrears of revenue due from him. September 6 ; No. 26. 

8362. Letter to Collector of Dinajpur in reply, directing him, previous 

to authorizing sale of the above property, to state whether or 
not the Raja* is possessed of any description of lands which can 
be sold for the recovery of the arrears. September 6. 

8363. Letter from Mr. A. Fraser, executor to the estate of the late 

Captain Cox, respecting accounts and public letters regarding 
the Settlement of the Ardkan emigrants among the papers of 
Captain Cox. September 27. 

8364. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding the arrangement 

which was ordered to be adopted for the future management of 
the Stone Mahal in Benares. September 3 ; No. 57. 

8365. Letter to Governor-General in Council, in reply to orders of isth 

March, regarding the land claimed by Nawdb Nasfr-ul-Mulk. 
September 10. 

8366. Letter from Governor-General in Council, regarding the assign- 

ment of the village of Pacha*garh in Benares for the support of 
Laid Suk Lai; the amount due to the Zarnfnddrs and Farmers 
of the lands appropriated to the use of the cantonments at 
Chandr; also regarding the lands held by the late Ra"ja* 
Rajballabh. September 13 \ No. 23. 

8367. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter and 

enclosure from the Collector of Bhagalpur, together with a 
former report, alluded to in it, regarding losses sustained by 
several landholders in that District in consequence of encroach- 
ments of the river, and recommending that the abatements in 
the rent (Jama') proposed in it be authorized, and that certain 
arrears be written off as irrecoverable. September 20 ; 
No. 42. 

8368. Letter from Governor-General in Council, communicating instruc- 

tions on the subject of the minor sons of the late Imm Bakhsh 
Khn, and the proposed re-settlement of Niir-ul-Husain Khan's 


lands on the nature of the tenure of the Mukarrariddrs in 
Behar. September 27 ; No. 36. 

8369. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting copy of his replica- 

tions to the defendants' answers in the suit between Govern- 
ment and Kalisankar Rai and the ZamfncMr of Bhiishnl 
September 17; No. 37. 

8370. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting a statement of 

monthly allowance (Mushdhara*), etc., payable to the Zaminddr 
of Rdi Mangal. September 17 ; No. 44. Approved. 

8371. Letter from Collector of Jessor, informing of a decree having 

been passed in favour of Government against Kdlfsankar. 
September 24 \ No. 27. 

8372. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting an unusual rise of the 

river in his District, and of additional repairs to the embank- 
ments having been rendered necessary. July 24 ; No. 28. 

8373. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting on lands held by 

Europeans in his District. September 24; No. 27. 

8374. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, conveying authority from Vice- 

President in Council to purchase lands on behalf of Govern- 
ment that have proved unsaleable. September ro. 

8375. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, reporting upon the petition 

of the Rdni of Mahfshddal. September 10 ; No. 50. 

8376. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, desiring him to 

communicate to the Judge the observations contained in the 
letter from Government transmitted to him on 3ist July 1798, 
and desiring to be informed whether the Rdni is entitled to 
enter in possession of the lands, or whether they should be 
sold pursuant to the decree. September 10. 

8377. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, transmitting copy of a letter 

addressed to him by the Salt Agent at Hijili, with his answer, 
and recommending that he be authorized to repay to that 
gentleman the amount advanced by him to the salt manu- 
facturers (Malangfs) in the Salt (Nimak) Mahal, formerly 
standing in the name of Rdjd Brajdnand. September 27 ; No. 
50. Approved. 

8378* Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, regarding breaches made 
by the river in the Zaminddri embankments. September 6 \ 
No. i. 

8379. Letter to Collector in reply, directing him to apply to the 
Superintendent of embankments to take such measures as may 


be practicable for repairing the breaches, keeping a separate 
account of the expense in order that it may be recovered from 
the landholders. September 6. 

8380. Letter from Collector of Murshidabad, transmitting copy of his 

proceedings on the claim of the Rdjd of Jainagar to Purd 
Manpur. September 13 \ No. 7. 

8381. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbad, transmitting a petition 

from the legal agent (Vakil) of the Raja* of Jainagar to obtain 
possession of the above Pura. September 13 ; No. 9. 

8382. Letter from Collector of Murshidabad, in reply to orders, stating 

that the Zaminddr of Rdjshdhi has no landed property remain- 
ing in this District, and also reporting the amount of arrears 
due from him in it September 27 ; No. 73. 

8383. Letter from Collector of Nadiya, in reply to orders of 3ist May, 

regarding the lands claimed by Nasir-ul-Mulk. September 10 \ 

No. 22. 

8384. Letter from Collector of Nadiya, reporting on the amount of 

balances due from the Rdja of Rdjshahi, and stating that all his 
lands in Nadiyd have been disposed of. September 10; No. 35. 

8385. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, reporting his apprehensions that 

the Collections of the current year will be retarded in conse- 
quence of the unusual rise of the river. September 10 \ No. 44. 

8386. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, informing him of the appropriation 

of the proceeds of a sale of Raja* Iswar Chand's lands, disposed 
of on the 7th instant at the Secretary's Office. September 20. 

8387. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhi, reporting on the petition of 

Gurudaydl Sinh and Guru Da's, regarding deposits belonging to 
them in his treasury. September 6 ; No. 5. 

8388. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi, conveying authority of Vice- 

President for the release of Radhdndth Chaudhrf on the terms 
proposed. September 10. 

8389. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi, directing him to furnish a state- 

ment of the arrears due in his District from the Zaminddr of 
Rdjshdhi, exclusive of those of the current year. September 17. 

8390. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi, transmitting copy of a letter and 

enclosure from the Judge of Jessor, and requiring statements of 
the lands alluded to in it, to be sold in satisfaction of a decree 
passed against Kdli Sankar Rdi, September 27. 

8391. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi, desiring him to transmit state- 

ments of all the remaining land of the Zaminddr of Rdjshdhi in 


liquidation of the arrears due from him as well in his own 
District as in those of Nadiya* and Murshida*baU September 27. 

8392. Letter from Collector of Rdrngarh, requesting instructions regard- 

ing the recovery of arrears due by the Rajd of Nagpur. Sep- 
tember 3 ; No. 53. 

8393. Letter from Collector of Ra*mgarh, regarding prosecutions to be 

instituted against the fictitious purchasers of Pa*nchet Sep- 
tember 6 ; No. 6. 

8394. Letter to Collector of Rdmgarh in reply, approving of his proposal 

for including the Zamindr of Pnchet jointly with Government 
in the above suits. September 6. 

8395. Letter from Collector of Ra*mgarh, reporting having persuaded 

several respectable bankers in his District to open shops for the 
exchange of rupees of sorts for the accommodation of the Zamfn- 
da*rs and their tenantry. September 6 ; No. 15. 

8396. Letter to Collector of Rajngarh in reply, informing him that it is 

not his province to interfere in the exchange of rupees between 
the Zaminddrs and their tenantry. September 6. 

8397. Letter from Collector of Ra*mgarh, in reply to orders of the loth 

May, regarding the Mahals fanned out at the formation of the 
Decennial Settlement whose leases will expire at the dose of 
the current year ; also in reply to orders of 9th August, report- 
ing on the petition of Raghurdm Basu, Farmer of the Khalsd 
Mahals. September 13 ; No. 57. 

8398. Letter to Collector of R&ngarh in reply, forwarding instructions 

on the points alluded to in the above letter. September 13. 

8399. Letter from Collector of Rajngarh, proposing that a Sazawal be 

deputed to collect the revenue payable to Government from 
the estate of Tilak Shall, he having fled from it in consequence 
of an incursion made into it by Barat Sinh of Husll Sep- 
tember 24 ] No. 13. 

8400. Letters from Collector of Raingarh, transmitting copy of a petition 

from Manik Sinh, deputed by the Judge to put Tilak Shall, 
above mentioned, in possession of his estate, and proposing 
that the demands of revenue against it be suspended. Sep- 
tember 24, No. ; and September 24, No. 15. 

8401. Letter to Collector of Rdmgarh, approving of his suspending the 

demands of revenue against Tilak Shall. September 24. 

8402. Letter from Collector of R&ngarh, stating that it has not hitherto 

been customary to demand interest from the Rajd of Nigpur, 


and requesting instructions on the point. September 27 ; 
No. 53. 

8403. Letter to Secretary to Government, transmitting the Board's pro- 

ceedings regarding the sale of Haripur. September 3. 

8404. Letter from Secretary to Government, in reply to Board's letter 

of the 23d February, stating that Government approves of the 
proposed portion of the pensions payable to the widow and 
guardians of the late Elja" Rjballabh. September 13; No. 34. 

8405. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting copy of a 

letter from the Superintendent of the Magh Settlement, and of 
the reply to it, and stating that the Governor-General in Coun- 
cil desires the Board to instruct the Collector of Chittagong 
to receive charge of the public papers relating to the Settlement 
from Mr. Ker. September 20 ; No. 36. 

8406. Letter from Collector of Silhet, explaining an error which occurred 

in the statement of lands transmitted by him on the i2th Sep- 
tember 1798, in consequence of which too large a portion of 
the defaulter's lands was sold. September 6 ; No. 48. 

8407. Letter to Collector of Silhet, informing him that no alteration can 

now be made in the sale above alluded to. September 6. 

8408. Letter to Collector of Silhet, transmitting extract of a letter from 

the Vice-President in Council regarding the interest proposed 
by him to be levied upon the arrears of revenue due by the 
Talukd^rs in consequence of their flight upon the inroads of 
Aga* Muhammad Reza*. September 13. 

8409. Letter from Collector of Silhet, requesting to be informed whether 

Zaminda*rs who have delivered or tendered leases (Pattys) to 
their rayats have the power of distraining their property under 
Regulation 7 of 1799, September 27 ; No. 58. 

8410. Letter to Collector of Silhet in reply, stating that if the Zaminddr 

had not tendered leases (Patta*s), the exercise of the power 
above alluded to would be illegal. September 27. 

8411. Letter to Collector of Sbiha'ba'd, regarding the proposed re-settle- 

ment of NiSr-ul Husain Khan's lands. September 27. 

8412. Letter from Collector of SarkaY Sa*ran, transmitting a statement 

of the Mahals let to farm at the formation of the Decennial Settle- 
ment, the leases for which will expire on the i4th September, 
September 3. 

8413. Letter to Collector of Sarkdr S&an, communicating instructions 

for re-settlement of the above Mahals. _ September 3. 

158 BENGAL RECORDS. [Ocr. 1799. 

8414. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, transmitting a lease (Patta*) of 

the new Char, agreeably to Board's orders of 30th July. Sep- 
tember 5 ; No. 24. 

8415. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, acknowledging receipt of 

orders of 2 6th July regarding the allowances to be granted to 
the Zaminddrs of Amrdbad, and stating that they claim the 
allowances during 1198-99 and 1200. September 24; No. 32. 

8416. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, authorizing him to pay 

the allowances for those years. September 24. 

8417. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, acknowledging receipt of orders 

of the 6th August, regarding the Settlement of the Government 
(kha"s) and fanned Mahals in his District, and transmitting a 
statement of the establishment proposed by him to be deputed 
to attach them, until he shall be able to ascertain their gross 
resources. September 10 ; No. 42. 

8418. Letter to Collector of Tirhut in reply, communicating further 

instructions regarding the Settlement of the above Mahals. 
September 10. 

8419. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, stating that the Vice-President 

in Council authorizes him to lease the land held by the late 
Raja Rajballabh to his family at the old fixed rent (Mukarrari 
Jama). September 13. 

8420. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, reporting on the calamities of 

the season in his District. September 17. 

8421. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, transmitting copy of the petition 

of Shaikh Farhat Ali, with directions to make a full inquiry 
into the particulars set forth therein. September 27. 

OCTOBER, 1799. 

8422. Petition from Mahara*ni Bhabdni, praying that the monthly 

allowance (Mushdhard.) which she received previous to the 
sale of the Zarninddri of Rdjshdhi may be continued to her. 
October i. 

8423. Petition from Gaurhari Sinh, stating that the Pargana* of Chaifc- 

nagar in Silhet belongs to him, and praying that it may be 
newly assessed, and that he may obtain possession of it. 
October 18; No. 5. 

8424. Petition from Sayyid Husain Ali, legal agent (Vakil) of Sayyid 

Ahmad and Inayat Ali, praying the Board to examine his 


constituents' title-deeds (Sanads) for certain rent-free lands 
in Tirhut, and order their release. October 22 ; No. 19. 

8425. Letter to Collector of Behar, conveying authority of Governor- 

General for him to levy a fine proposed by him on certain 
Zaminda*rs of his District, until they shall deliver in the papers 
required of them. October 4. 

8426. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting upon the kha*s collec- 

tions of the estate of Rdjd Fathi Ndrdyan. October 8 ; No. 34. 

8427. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting a petition from 

Ra*ja* Fathi Ndrdyan, praying for a remission of the rent (Jama*) 
assessed upon his estate. October 8 ; No. 35. Rejected. 

8428. Letter from Collector of Behar, acknowledging receipt of orders 

of the 25th September, and requesting further instructions 
relative to the application ordered to be made to the Sadr 
Diwani Adalat regarding the children of Imrn Bakhsh Khdn. 
October 29 j No. 32. Instructions forwarded. 

8429. Letter to Collector of Birbrnim, stating that the Collector of 

Rdmgarh has been instructed to deliver over charge of Panchet 
and Jhdlida to him, agreeably to the orders of Government. 
October 18. 

8430. Letter to Collector of Benares, stating that the Governor-General 

approves of his proposals for the management of the Stone 
Mahal, and desiring him to expedite the draft of a register 
required by Government respecting it. October 4. 

8431. Letter to Collector of Benares, conveying authority of the 

Governor-General to renew the engagements of the TahsildaYs 
of his District on the former terms. October 18. 

8432. Letter from Collector of Benares, in reply to orders of the i3th 

August, respecting the Stone Mahal. October 25 ; No. 27. 

8433. Letter to Collector of Bhdgalpur, notifying that he will be held 

responsible, jointly with his Native Treasurer (Khazdnchi), for 
any loss which may be sustained in consequence of the de- 
ficiency in the Treasury. October 4. 

8434. Letter from Collector of Bh^galpur, reporting a further sum re- 

funded by his Native Treasurer, and stating that he has com- 
menced a prosecution against him for the remainder j also 
reporting having discovered that the amount of the remittance 
plundered last May by gang-robbers (Daldits) was not so great 
as that specified in his voucher (ChaMn), and that the denomi- 
nation of coins was different. October 4; No. 26. 

160 BENGAL RECORDS. [Ocr. 1799. 

8435. Letter to Collector of Bhagalpur in reply, desiring him, after 

calling upon the Treasurer for the whole of the amount mis- 
appropriated, to commit him to jail under Section 16 of Regu- 
lation 3 of 1794, and to transmit a statement of any property 
which he may possess for sale. October 4. 

8436. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, regarding the readjustment 

of the rent (Jama 1 ) of Pargana" Mangalpur. October 8. 

8437. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, reporting that the estate of 

the late Raj Roshan Bakht was exposed to sale agreeably to 
the orders of the Board, but without success, and proposing 
that it be again exposed ; and in the event of no tenders being 
made for it, that it be bought in on account of Government. 
October u; No. 14. 

8438. Letter from Collector of Bhagalpur, reporting having dismissed 

his native Treasurer, and suggesting that he be prosecuted not 
only for the recovery of the difference between the invoice and 
the amount actually remitted of the money plundered by the 
gang-robbers (Dkits), but also for the amount sent in silver 
instead of gold as specified in the invoice. October n. 

8439. Letter to Collector of Bhagalpur, transmitting a letter from 

Government of 4th January and loth October, for his information 
and guidance in regard to the proposed abatement from the 
rent (Jama") of certain lands in the District. October 18. 

8440. Letter to Collector of Bhdgalpur, authorizing the purchase on 

account of Government of the Zamindiri of Roshan Bakht, for 
the use of the Invalid Establishment. October 29. 

8441. Letter to Collector of Bardwan, transmitting letter from Govern- 

ment regarding adjustment of accounts of late Collector. 
October n. 

8442. Letter to Collector of Bardwan, transmitting extract of a letter 

from Government, and copy of the Board's address to which it 
refers, regarding the proposed readjustment of the rent (Jama 1 ) 
of certain lands in Bishnupur. October u. 

8443. Letter to Committee of Stationery, reporting a very unnecessary 

waste of paper by the Collector of Behar in transmitting a 
report regarding pensions. October 29. 

8444. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, respecting the grain accounts 

of the late Commissioner for settling the Ardkdn emigrants. 
October 15 ; No. n. 

8445. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, stating that the Commander-in- 


Chief has been requested by Government to order a survey to 
be made of the road between R&nu and Ut&ghdt, and desiring 
him to furnish an indent for implements required for the use of 
the Ardkdrj emigrants. October 18. 

8446. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, reporting a tender made to 

him to farm the island of M^chkhal, and recommending that it 
be accepted. October 29 ; No. 36, 

8447. Letter to Collector of Chittagong in reply, stating that the Board 

is at a loss to understand on what grounds he proposes to let 
the island, the management of the lands resting exclusively with 
the proprietor. October 29. 

8448. Circular Order to Collectors, transmitting a letter from the 

Governor-General for their guidance in the event of any cala- 
mity of the season which may take place in their Districts. 
October 18. 

8449. Circular Order to Collectors, transmitting a letter from Governor- 

General regarding the office of Kmingo, and desiring them to 
attend particularly to the orders contained in it ; acquainting 
the Kdmingos that, with the exception of the two employed 
as keepers of the native records, their offices are absolutely 
abolished. October 18. 

8450. Letter from Commissioner of Kuch Behar, in reply to orders 

of 23d August, regarding certain newly cultivated villages which 
the R4j is desirous should be omitted in the Settlement of 
Thn Behar. October 1 1 . 

8451. Letter to Commissioner of Kuch Behar, desiring him to submit 

a separate statement of the lands above alluded to. October 1 1. 

8452. Letter to Collector of Dacca, stating that the Governor-General 

approves of the Settlement made by him of the Gzar Mahal. 
October 4. 

8453. Letter from Collector of Dacca, submitting copy and translation 

of a representation from the legal agent (Vakil) of Government 
at Bdkarganj relative to the delay in the decision of the suit 
instituted against the Chaudhris of Idalpur. October 15 ; No. 7. 

8454. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, transmitting a statement of 

the lands of the Zaminddr of Dindjpur, agreeably to the orders 
of the 6th September, and also furnishing a report regarding 
certain shrines (Thdkurb&is). October n ; No. 18. 

8455. Letter to Collector of Dinijpur in reply, furnishing instructions 

respecting the sale of the lands above alluded to. October n. 

162 BENGAL RECORDS. [Ocr. 1799. 

8456. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting copy of 

petition of Mahanlnf Bhabani, praying that her monthly allow- 
ance (Mushahara") may be continued to her, and recommending 
her as an object worthy of the attention and liberality of 
Government October i. 

8457. Letter to Governor-General in Council, reporting having published 

the necessary advertisement for the sale of Pargana Bozar- 
gomedpur, and requesting authority to buy it on account of 
Government should no adequate tenders be made. October i. 

8458. Letter from Governor-General in Council, communicating in- 

structions regarding the suspensions proposed to be granted 
in consequence of the depredations of the low people (Chuars) ; 
regarding the stone Mahal in Benares, and the disturbances 
in Rmgarh, etc. October 4 ; No. 2. 

8459. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending that the 

proposed remission from the rent (Jama) of Pargand Mangalpur 
in Dinajpur be authorized. October 8. 

8460. Letter to Governor-General in Council, submitting Board's report 

upon the balances due from the several Districts in Bengal, 
Behar, and Orissa for 1204, and correspondence with the Col- 
lectors on the subject. October 8 ; No. 128. 

8461. Letter from Governor-General in Council, regarding the adjust- 

ment of the accounts of the late Collector of Bardwan \ also 
regarding the proposed inquiry into the assessment of lands 
in Bishnupur. October u ; No. i. 

8462. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting two letters 

from the Collector of Bhagalpur regarding the robbery of a 
sum of money transmitted by him to Murshiddbdd, with pro- 
positions regarding the amount, for the recovery of which the 
Native Treasurer is to be prosecuted. October n ; No. 30. 

8463. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting copy of 

a letter and enclosures from the Collector of Benares, regarding 
lands belonging to individuals whose property he was directed 
to attach in consequence of their having been accomplices 
in the late disturbances, with proposals regarding the future 
settlement of the lands. October 15 ; No. 32. 

8464. Letter from Governor-General in Council, furnishing instructions 

and orders regarding the office of Ka'mingo; the Settlement 
of Pargana* Lakneswar in Benares ; the claim of the Rdjzi of 
Jainagar to lands in Murshidabad; the petition of Mahardni 


Bhabdni for an allowance from Government, etc. October 18 ; 
No. 28. 

8465. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting statement 

of lands sold by public sale during the Bengal and Fasli year 
1205. October 22; No. 26. 

8466. Letter from Governor-General in Council, authorizing acceptance 

of the proposals of Anandaram Das, and his being invested 
with the Zaminddri of Bansikurd in Silhet; and regarding the 
order passed by the Judge of Bdkarganj in the suit instituted 
against the Zamindars of Idaipur. October 29 ; No. i. 

8467. Letter from Hijili Agent, reporting a failure of the crops in his 

District in consequence of the excessive drought October 18 ; 
No. 19. 

8468. Letter from Hijili Agent, submitting a statement of disbursements 

made for the repair of embankments in Hijili and Jales\var for 
the year 1206, and requesting permission to charge the amount 
in his accounts. October 25 ; No. 7. 

8469. Letter to Collector of Jessor, regarding the inundation stated by 

him to have taken place in his District. October 8. 

8470. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting on outstanding balances 

of his District for the year 1204. October 8 ; No. 14. 

8471. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting that a decree has been 

passed in favour of the plaintiffs in the suit instituted against 
Government by the purchasers of Pargana Dantia, and proposing 
that the decision be appealed from, October 22 ; No. 22. 

8472. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, stating that the Governor- 

General authorizes the remissions proposed by him to be 
granted in consequence of the depredations of the Chudrs in 
his District. October 4. 

8473. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, reporting further outrages 

committed by the Chudrs. October 4 ; No. 8. 

8474. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, reporting outrages by the 

Chua^s and military tenure holders (Paiks). October 18; 
No. 2. 

8475. Letter to Collector of Murshidibdd, transmitting a letter from 

Government regarding the claim of the Rdja of Jainagar to 
lands in his District. October 8. 

8476. Letter to Collector of Murshidabid, authorizing him to pay to 

Mahdra*nf Bhabdni a pension of RS.IOOO a month. October S. 

1 64 BENGAL RECORDS. [Ocx. 1799. 

8477. Minute by Mr. Harrington, recommending that the proposed 

Regulation for extending the period fixed for registering rent- 
free lands be not passed until the several Collectors shall have 
reported respecting the steps taken by them for publishing the 
proclamation directed in the 25th Section of Regulation xix. of 
J 793- October 25 j No. 26. 

8478. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, reporting the decision in 

the suit instituted against Government by Bhupendra Ndrdyan 
Chaudhrf of Pargand Pukharid, and requesting instructions 
regarding the person from whom he is to demand the amount 
of the revenue of the resumed Thdnds of that Pargand. Octo- 
ber 1 1 ; No. 25. 

8479. Letter to Collector of Maimansinh in reply, directing him to 

readjust the rent (Jamd) of the Zaminddr of Pukharitl agreeably 
to the decree. October n. 

8480. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, reporting that the greater part of 

his District has been inundated by the unusual rise of the river, 
and transmitting a petition from Rdjd Jswar Chdnd respecting 
the state of his Zaminddri. October i ; No. 30. 

8481. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, desiring him not to encourage 

expectations of suspensions on account of alleged losses without 
the fullest proof of their having been sustained. October i. 

8482. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, submitting his report upon the 

outstanding balances of 1204. October 8. 

8483. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, transmitting extract of a letter from 

the Governor-General for the further information required in it 
regarding the inundation of his District. October 18. 

8484. Letter from Collector of Purniah, reporting the death of Rddhd- 

kant Rdi, Zaminddr of Pargand Akbarpur, and of his having 
left a son and daughter, minors, as his heirs ; also reporting the 
amount of arrears due from the estate. October 4 ; No. 36. 

8485. Letter to Collector of Purniah in reply, communicating instruc- 

tions upon the several points noticed in the above letter. 
October 4. 

8486. Letter from Collector of Purniah, reporting upon the outstanding 

balances in his District of r204. October 8 \ Nos. 83 and 85, 

8487. Letter from Collector of Purniah, reporting that the balances of 

the Fasli portion of his District for 1205 have been completely 
realized. October 4; No. 115. 

8488. Letter from Collector of Purniah, transmitting petition from Rdjd 


Madhu Sinh, praying for a reduction of the rent (Jamd) of his 
estate, or that it may be held under Government management 
(khs). October 29 ; No. 24. Refused. 

8489. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargans, submitting report upon the 

outstanding balances of his District for 1204. October 8 ; 
No. 100. 

8490. Letter from Collector of RdjsMhf, reporting amount of arrears 

due from the Zaminddr, and of the resources he possesses for 
discharging them. October i ; No. 41. 

8491. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi in reply, desiring him to furnish 

a statement of the whole of the Zaminddfs lands for sale. 
October i. 

8492. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhi, reporting upon the outstand- 

ing balances of his District for 1204. October 8 \ No. 91. 

8493. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhf, reporting on the lands belong- 

ing to Klisankar Rdi, and of the amount of the arrears due 
from him. October 8; No. 12. Approved. 

8494. Letter from Collector of R&ngarh, transmitting copy of the Rdjd 

of Ndgpur*s answer to his order, requiring him to discharge the 
arrears due from him; and requesting further instructions 
regarding the recovery of them. October 4; No. 19. 

8495. Letter to Collector of Rmgarh in reply, stating that the Board 

does not deem it advisable to have recourse to coercive 
measures, but desiring him to repeat his call upon the R4j for 
the arrears, whenever he may have reason to believe that tran- 
quillity is restored, and that the Rdjd has sufficient funds to 
discharge them. October 4. 

8496. Letter to Collector of Rimgarh, expressing satisfaction at the 

complete realization of the revenues of his District for 1204. 
October 8. 

8497. Letter from Collector of Rmgarh, proposing that the rent (Jamd) 

of Ndgpur, fixed in 1789, be continued. October n ; No. 24. 

8498. Letter to Collector of Rmgarh in reply, stating that the rent 

(Jam) of Ngpur was fixed in perpetuity by Regulation i of 
1793. October n. 

8499. Letter to Collector of Rdmgarh, instructing him relative to his 

delivering over Pnchet and JMlidd to the Collector of Bir- 
bhtfm. October 18. 

8500. Letter from Collector of Rdmgarh, reporting the failure of the 

crops in his District, and the excessive price of rice, in con- 


1 66 BENGAL RECORDS. [Ocr. 1799- 

sequence of a combination among the merchants ; proposing 
that a quantity be imported from Nagpur, and the price 
deducted from the amount of the Raj'd's balances. October 
18; No. 17. 

8501. Letter to Collector of Rdmgarh, directing him not to levy any 

interest on the arrears due by the RaJ of Nagpur. Octo- 
ber 1 8. 

8502. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, stating that there are no 

balances outstanding in his District for 1204. October 8; Nos. 
69 and 90. 

8503. Letter from Secretary to Government, stating that the Governor- 

General has resolved to establish a new cavalry cantonment 
near Ghzfpur; and desiring the Board to take immediate 
measures for purchasing the ground. October 6 ; No. 22. 

8504. Letter to Secretary to Government, transmitting the draft of a 

Regulation for extending the period allowed for registering 
lands exempt from the payment of revenue, and copy of Mr. 
Harrington's minute respecting it October 25. 

8505. Letter from Collector of ShaMba'd, reporting upon the outstanding 

balances of his District for the year 1204. October 8; Nos. 
120 and 122. 

8506. Letter from Collector of Shdhdba'd, in reply to orders of 8th inst, 

stating the difficulty experienced by him in forwarding a state- 
ment of Raja" Bikram&jit Sinh's lands for sale, owing to the 
rent (Jamd) never having been separately assessed upon the 
Mahals comprising his estate. October 29 ; No. 33. 

8507. Letter to Collector of ShaTia"bacl in reply, communicating instruc- 

tions on the subject of the above. October 29. 
8308. Letter from Collector of Sarkr Sdran, reporting upon the out- 
standing balances of his District for the year 1204. October 
8; No. 123. 

8509. Letter from Collector of Sarka*r Sa*ran, reporting the complete 

realisation of the land revenue of his District for 1206. 
October 25 ; Nos. 1-2. 

8510. Letters from Collector of Silhet, reporting upon the outstanding 

balances of his District for the year 1204. October 8; Nos. 
94, 95, and 96. 

8511. Letter to Collector of Silhet, transmitting a petition from Gaur 

Hari Sinh, and informing him that if the circumstances set forth 
in it are correct, it will be advisable to let Pargand Chaitnagar, 


instead of disposing of the right of property in it, as proposed 
by him. October 18. 

8512. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, reporting upon the outstanding 

balances of his District for 1204. October 8 ; Nos. 97 and 99. 

8513. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, transmitting an extract of a letter 

from Sub-Secretary to Government, regarding the calamities of 
the season in his District. October i. 

8514. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, reporting upon the outstanding 

balances of his District for 1204. October 8; Nos. 126 
and 127. 

8513. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, in reply to orders of 23d August, 
transmitting a petition from Raja* Madhu Sinh regarding the 
settlement of his Milkiat lands ; with observations upon the 
Ra*ja*'s proposals. October 22; No. 13. 

8516. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, stating that the Board considers 

the Raid's petition as a refusal to engage for the payment of 
the revenue of his estate, and desiring him to proceed to make 
a provisional settlement of it under the instructions issued to 
him on the loth ultimo. October 22. 

NOVEMBER, 1799. 

8517. Petition from Ra*mjay Ra*i, praying that he may be put in posses- 

sion of Pargana* Dhuldi in Ra*jsha*hi, purchased by him in 1204. 
November 29; No. 12. 

8518. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting his apprehensions of a 

scarcity of grain occurring in his District. November i ; 

NO. 22. 

8519. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, stating that the Board has 

at present under consideration the best means of supplying 
Behar and Benares with grain. November i. 

8520. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting copy of a letter and 

enclosure from the Sub-Secretary to Government, and desiring 
him to furnish the report required in it regarding the steps 
taken in consequence of the orders of Government regarding 
the disputes between the Zamindar of Jailpur and the Invalids 
of Bara*i, transmitted to the late Collector on the 4th July 1797. 
November 8. 

8521. Letter to Collector of Birbhiim, informing him of the proceeds 

of a sale of the Rdjd of Birbhim's lands to be carried to the 

168 BENGAL RECORDS. [Nov. 1799. 

credit of Government, in discharge of arrears of revenue due 
by him j with instructions for the sale of certain lots in the 
fisheries (Jalkar) and Jungle Mahals, and the consolidation of 
the rent (Jamd) of them. November i. 

8522. Letter from Collector of Benares, stating that the Zamfnd&s 

whose lands were taken for the use of the cantonments at 
Chandr will not agree to accept a gross sum in lieu of the 
annual sum to which they appear to be entitled. November 
i ; No. 21. 

8523. Letter to Collector of Benares, directing him to submit a general 

settlement account of the Province. November i. 

8524. Letter from Collector of Benares, transmitting a petition from 

Sio Deo Sinh, praying that, in consequence of his acquittal, 
his Zamind&l may be restored to him. November i ; 
No. 34. 

8525. Letter from Collector of Benares, in continuation of his letter of 

the 1 6th August, regarding the Fort and Tdluk of Pipraulf. 
November i ; No. 39. 

8526. Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting the survey of the 

ground required for the new cavalry barracks at Ghdzfpur. 
November 5. 

8527. Letter to Collector of Benares, stating that the Governor-General 

has authorized him to reinstate Sio Deo Sinh in 'possession of 
his lands, on being satisfied that he is the actual proprietor of 
them. November 12. 

8528. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, directing him to inform the 

Board what steps he has taken for repairing the embankments 
of MandaJghdt, and to submit an estimate of the expense 
required \ also to state whether the Zaminddr of Bardw&i has 
repaired the embankments in his estate. November 12. 

8529. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, reporting the bad efiect of 

Ben&ni purchases. November 19; No. 5. 

8530. Letter to Collector of Calcutta, transmitting extract of a letter 

from the Governor-General regarding the ground appropriated 
by the Pdrsfs as a burial-ground \ with directions to submit a 
draft of a rent-free Sanad for it. November i. 

8331. Circular Order to the several Collectors, directing them to 
transmit their annual report upon the balances of their Dis- 
tricts at the expiration of six months (instead of one year, as 
mentioned in the orders of Government of 2oth April 1795) 


after the close of the year for which the balances are due. 
November 8 ; No. 43. 

8532. Letter from Collector of Kuch Behar, submitting a Mufassal 

Settlement Account of Tha"n Behar for 1206. November 
8; No. 23. 

8533. Letter from Collector of Dacca, proposing to confine the 

Zamfnddr of Chandradwip for the recovery of arrears due to 
Government. November 22 ; No. 30, 

8534. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting copy of 

letter from the Collectors of Maimansinh and Tipperah, relative 
to the separation of Taluk AmraMd, and recommending that 
the separation be made accordingly. November i \ No. 33. 

8535. Letter to Governor-General in Council, enclosing a statement 

of lands proposed to be given as compensation to the persons 
whose lands were taken for the new cantonments at Sultdnpur 
in Benares. November 5 ; No. 10. 

8536. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting copy of 

letter from the Collector of Shahdbd in reply to orders of 
Government of 5th September last, relative to the Settlement 
of the Mahals which formerly constituted nine-tenths of the 
estate of Nilrul Husain Kha*n; also transmitting copy of a 
letter from Mr. Brooke, respecting the engagements entered 
into with the present farmers, and the assurances given them 
by him. November 5 \ No. 15. 

8537. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting extract 

from Board's proceedings of ad November 1798 and 8th 
October 1799, together with copy of a letter and enclosure 
from the Collector of Behar, relative to an application from 
Rdjd Fathi N&ayan for an abatement from his rent (Jam) 
for the decision of Government. November 15 3 No- 19. 

8538. Letter to Governor-General in Council, respecting the arrest 

of Raghundth Sinh in Bardwdn, and recommending that 
Us. 500 be granted to the agent employed for that purpose. 
November 19 ; No. 7. 

8539. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting account 

of expenses incurred in 1205 in repairing the embankments 
under the agent at Tamluk, and recommending that an assign- 
ment be granted on the Midnapur Treasury for the discharge 
of the amount ; also transmitting estimate of expenses required 
for 1206-1207. November 26; No. 24. 

1 70 BENGAL RECORDS. [Nov. 1799. 

8540. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending that Darpa 

Ndrdyan, Tahsilddr of Pargana* Agrdchaur, be proscribed ever 
serving Government again in any capacity, in consequence 
of his having embezzled the public revenue. November 29 ; 
No. 2. 

8541. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending that the 

Collector of Midnapur be authorized to advance Rs. 1032 
for raising a dam over the Kdnsal (Cossai) river. November 
29 ; No. 4, 

8542. Letter to Governor-General in Council, forwarding an estimate 

of the expense required by the Collector of Silhet for repair- 
ing the embankments in his District for the present season, 
amounting to Rs. 1861, and recommending that he be autho- 
rized to disburse the amount. November 29 ; No. 9. 

8543. Letter from Hijili Agent, transmitting a petition from certain 

fanners, praying that the communication of the Da*n Gha*ta* 
Coal (what follows is uninfdUgiblJ) and stating that he has 
ordered the necessary dams to be constructed. November 5 ; 
No. 21. Approved. 

8544. Letter to Hijili Agent, stating that the Governor-General has 

passed his account of disbursements made in repairing the 
embankments in his District. November 12. 

8545. Letter to Hijili Agent, transmitting copy of a letter from the 

Register of the Sadr Diwdnf Adalat, and directing him to 
furnish the information required regarding the lands claimed 
by Rdja* Ballabh Bhuya*. November 26. 

8546. Letter from Collector of Jessor, in reply to orders of the 8th 

October, regarding the inundation of the District. Novem- 
ber 12. 

8547. Letter from Collector of Jessor, requesting to be informed 

whether the purchaser of Pargand Malai is entitled to suspen- 
sion on account of salt-land (Desi Khal&i) rents, equally 
with other purchasers. November 15 ; No. 34. 

8548. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, authorizing the suspension. 

November 15. 

8549. Letter from Judge at Jaunpur, transmitting copy of a decree 

respecting village Sultdnpur in Pargand Korakdt. November 
26 ; No. 10. 

8550. Minutes by the Acting President, and Messrs. Harrington, Buller, 

and Hatch, regarding the engagement entered into with the 


farmers of the Tdluk of the late Ndrul Husain Khan. Novem- 
ber 5 and 8. 

8551. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, submitting an account of the 

Settlement proposed by him for all the Mahals that were unen- 
gaged for by the proprietors at the formation of the Decennial 
Settlement, excepting the estate of the revenue of Midnapur 
and sundry villages belonging to Government. November i ; 
No. 16. 

8552. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, transmitting copy of a letter from 

the Sadr Diwdni Addlat, with directions to furnish any informa- 
tion in his power regarding the tenure of the lands alluded to 
in it November i. 

8553. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, transmitting a letter from the 

Secretary to Government regarding the Settlement of the Mahals 
alluded to in his letter of the ist, and expressing the satisfaction 
of Government at his conduct on the occasion. November 12. 
8534. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, requesting that he may be 
authorized to advance the sum of Rs. 1032 to erect a dam 
across the Kdnsdi (Cossai) river. November 29 ; No. 3. 

8555. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, respecting rent-free lands 

claimed by Rdni Jdnakf in satisfaction of a decree passed in 
her favour against Rdjd Brajdnand. November 29 \ No. 25. 

8556. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, submitting accounts of 

Pargand Sibpur for 1203, 1204, and 1205. November 19; 
No. 18. 

8557. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, enclosing reply of Mahdrdjd 

Iswar Chdnd Rdi to the Board's order of 2ist September 1798 
relative to Pargand Muldjor. November 15 ; No. 23. 

8558. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd in reply, communicating Board's 

remarks and resolution on the above. November 15. 

8559. Letter from Collector of Purniah, enclosing a petition from 

Chunid Sinh, Zaminddr of Pargand Dapher, praying for a 
suspension of revenue for the current year, in consequence of 
the failure of his crops. November 26 ; No. 37. 

8560. Letter to Collector of Purniah in reply, directing him to proceed 

in person and ascertain the damage done to the crops. No- 
vember 26. 

8561. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, reporting the theft of his 

Office Seal November 8 ; No. 21. 

8562. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands in reply, authorizing him to 

*72 BENGAL RECORDS. [Nov. 1799. 

offer a reward of Rs. 100 for the apprehension of the thief. 
November 8. 

8563. Letter from Register to the Sadr Diwdni Addlat, regarding the 

tenure of certain lands in the District of Midnapur. November 
5 ; No. 16. 

8564. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi, informing him of the amount and 

appropriation of the proceeds of a sale of lands lately belonging 
to the Zaminddr of Rdjshdhf, and desiring him to transmit a 
statement of all the lands of the Zaminddr which at present 
remain unsold, stating at the same time the amount of the 
balances payable by the Zaminddr on account of the past year, 
and the arrears which accrued during the lifetime of the late 
Rdjd Rdj Krishna. November 5 ; No. 18. 

8565. Letter to Collector of RdjshdM, transmitting for his report copy 

of a petition from Rdmjay Rdi, praying to be put in possession 
of lands bought by him. November 29. 

8566. Letter from Collector of Rdmgarh, regarding the Settlement of the 

Khdlsd Mahals in Kharakdid. November i ; No. 24. 

8567. Letter to Collector of Rdmgarh in reply, approving of the 

measures taken by him, and authorizing him to grant a new 
lease to the lale farmer on the terms proposed for the villages 
not engaged by Ghdlwals. November i. 

8568. Letter from Collector of Rdmgarh, stating that he proposes to 

complete the Settlement of the villages in Kharakdia* with 
separate farmers. November 19 ; No. 8. 

8569. Letter to Collector of Rdmgarh in reply, directing him to report 

on the above Settlement. November 19. 

8570. Letter from Collector of Rdmgarh, reporting having delivered 

over charge of Pdnchet to the Collector of Bfrbhtim, and stating 
that the accounts of Putkum will be transmitted to him in a 
few days. November 26 ; No. 9. 

8571. Letter to Collector of Rdmgarh in reply, directing him to fur- 

nish a statement of the rent (Jamd) of the Mahals that have 
been delivered over to the Collector of Bfrbhiim. Novem- 
ber 26. 

8372. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, transmitting a petition from 
Rdm Bhadra praying for a partition (Batwdrd) of certain lands 
bought by him. November 5 ; No. 29. 

8573. Letter to Collector of Rangpur in reply, stating that the partition 
of the lands above alluded to must be suspended till the dis- 


putes regarding them are decided in the regular course of law. 
November 5. 

8574. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, regarding the calamities of the 

season. November 12 ; No. 9. 

8575. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, enclosing a petition from 

Jaganndth Gosdin for the separation of Taluks Gopindthpur 
and Mukaddampur from Pargand Shaikshir. November 15; 

NO. 22. 

8576. Letter to Collector of Rangpur in reply, directing him to refer 

the petitioner to the Zild Judge. November 15. 

8577. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, reporting having released the 

lands of Rdm Sundar Chaudhri from attachment, agreeably to 
the Board's orders. November 12 ; No. 19. 

8578. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, respecting the rate of exchange 

established in his District between the Arcot and Sikkd rupee. 
November 29 - 9 No. 28. 

8579. Letter to Collector of Rangpur in reply, requiring further informa- 

tion on the above. November 29. 

8580. Letter from Secretary to Government, reporting a remission of 

Gayd duties granted by the Governor-General in Council to the 
Rdjd of Benares and others. November 8 ; No. 14. 

8581. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting a letter from 

Captain Parlby, and desiring that the Collector of Murshiddbdd 
be directed to advance to that gentleman such sums as may be 
required in constructing the sluice between Bishnupur swamp 
and the river. November 8 ; No. 14. 

8582. Letter to Secretary to Government, transmitting copy of Mr. 

Harrington's minute regarding the proposed renewal of the 
leases of the farmers of Niirul Husain Khdn's estate. Novem- 
ber 8. 

8583. Letter from Secretary to Government, conveying the approval of 

Government to the Settlement of the Mahals in Chittagong, 
and respecting the delivery over of the Fort of Pipraulf to the 
Tahsflddrs. November 19 ; No. i. 

8584. Letter from Secretary to Government, respecting lands required 

for the cantonments at Jaunpur. November 19 ; Nos. 2 and 3. 

8385. Letter from Secretary to Government, regarding compensation to 
be given to the natives at Monid for their lands assigned for 
the cavalry cantonments. November 19 ; Nos. 13 and 14. 

8586. Letter from Revenue Department, acknowledging receipt of 

174 BENGAL RECORDS. [Nov. 1799. 

Board's letters of the 5th and 8th instant, and approving the 
mode of adjusting the claim of the persons whose lands have 
been appropriated for the cantonments at Chandr. November 
26 ; No. 44. 

8587. Letter to Collector of Silhet, expressing the Board's satisfaction 

at observing that the revenues of his District have been so 
completely realized. November i. 

8588. Letter from Collector of Silhet, transmitting copy of petition 

from the Deputy (Ndib) of Gaurhari Sinh regarding Pargand 
Chaitnagar. November i ; No. 28. 

8589. Letter from Collector of Silhet, relative to the proposals formerly 

made by Khosalrdm for farming Pargand Bansikurd. Novem- 
ber 5 ; No. 23. 

8590. Letter from Collector of Silhet, stating that he believes the 

circumstances stated in the petition of Gaurhari Sinh, Zammddr 
of Chaitnagar, to be perfectly correct, and stating that he had 
in consequence, recommended to Rdjd Gobind to take the land 
in farm. November 12 ; No. 7. 

8591. Letter to Collector of Silhet, approving of his endeavouring to let 

the lands above mentioned in farm, and desiring him to report 
the result of the measures he may have taken for that purpose. 
November 12. 

8592. Letter from Collector of Silhet, recommending that interest on 

the arrears due from defaulters be not levied until the close of 
the year in which such arrears may accrue. November 29; 
No. 27. Authorized. 

8593. Letter from Collector of Shdhdbdd, reporting that almost the 

whole of the rice crops in his District has been lost in conse- 
quence of the drought, with propositions for preventing such 
calamities in future. November 5 ; No. 38. 

8594. Letter to Collector of Shdhdbdd in reply, communicating in- 

structions on the subject of the above. November 5 ; 
No. 39. 

8595. Letter to Collector of Shdhdbdd, transmitting an extract of a letter 

from the Governor-General in Council, authorizing him to grant 
the proposed compensation to the proprietor of the lands taken 
for the use of the military at Baxar. November 5. 

8596. Letter from Collector of Shdhdbdd, recommending that the offer 

of Kdsi Rdm and others to farm the estate of Parbhu and 
others be accepted, in consequence of the latter having refused 


to renew the terms of assessment agreeably to the Decennial 
Settlement November 26 ; No. 2. 

8597. Letter to Collector of Shdha*ba*d, stating that the Board entirely 

disapproves of his accepting the surrender of the Settlement 
from the farmers, and also directing him to inform the Zamin- 
ddrs in his District that the Decennial Settlement is considered 
as being in perpetuity. November 26. 

8598. Letter from Collector of Shdha'ba'd, submitting a statement of 

lands for sale in liquidation of a decree passed against Rdjd 
Bikramdrjit Sinh. November 29 ; No. 31. 

8599. Letter to Collector of Sha*ha*bdd, approving of the statement of 

lands, and directing him to dispose of them on the 6th January 
1800. November 29. 

8600. Letter to Collector of Sarkdr Sdian, transmitting an extract of a 

letter from the Governor-General in Council, approving of his 
conduct in having effected the complete realization of the 
revenues of his District for the past Fasli year. November 8. 

8601. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, respecting the separation of 

Tdluk AmirdbaU November i ; No. 32. 

8602. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, in reply to orders of the 2ist 

ultimo regarding the salt-land (Khdldri) rents of Bhulud and 
Amirdbdd, and the manner in which the Sadr Jama* of the latter 
Mahal was fixed. November 5 \ No. 37. 

8603. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, informing him that the Governor- 

General in Council has authorized the annexation of Taluk 
Amirdbdd to his District. November 12. 

8604. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, reporting balances outstanding 

against Pargand Dandrd, the proprietor of which has been 
condemned to perpetual imprisonment, and proposing to dispose 
of it as an estate forfeited to Government on the expiration of 
the lease to the present fanner. November 26 ; No. 20. 

8605. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, stating that the Board is 

not aware of any Regulation which confiscates the property of 
persons in consequence of offences committed by them ; but 
stating that should the proprietor have entered into engagements 
for the lands, they are liable to be sold, but that otherwise the 
farmer is to be held responsible, and desiring him to propose 
measures for the security of the revenue. November 26. 
8Co6. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, stating that he has received 
several petitions from sharers of estates, requesting to have their 

i?6 BENGAL RECORDS. [DEC. 1799. 

portions separated, and to be allowed to pay their revenues 
separately \ requesting to be instructed whether or not he is to 
comply with them. November i ; No. 31. 

8607. Letter to Collector of Tirhut in reply, desiring him to direct the 

sharers above alluded to to apply for a separation of their lands 
under Regulation 25 of 1793. November i. 

8608. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting a petition from the 

widow of the late Narendrd Sinh, Zaminddr of Sarkdr Tirhut, 
for arrears of proprietary allowance (Mdlikdna) due her since 
1197. November 8; Nos. 2 and 3. Instructions forwarded 
on the above. 

8609. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, regarding arrears due from Rdja 

Krishna Sinh on account of 1206. November 22 \ No. i. 
86 jo. Letter from Tamluk Agent, transmitting an estimate of the salt 

part of the embankment repairs for 1206 and 1207 ; for 

authority to commence on them. November 26 ; No. 21. 
8611. Letter from Tamluk Agent, enclosing a statement of expenses 

incurred for embankment repairs, etc., in 1805. November 26 \ 

Nos. 22 and 23. 

DECEMBER, 1799. 

8612. Minute by the Acting President, regarding the Madrasd Mahal, 

which is to be made over to the Collector of Nadiyd. Decem- 
ber 20; No. 14. 

8613. Petition from Muhammad Ldl, praying to be put in possession of 

certain lands purchased by him at public auction in the Dis- 
trict of Bardwdn. December 3 j No. 4. 

8614. Petition from Nilmani Hdlddr, praying to be put in possession 

of Tappd Bardd in Bardwdn, bought by him. December 10 ; 
No. 19. 

8615. Petition from Rdm Ratan and Badai Chdnd, complaining of an 

attempt by the officers of the Collector of Silhet to dispossess 
them of their estates. December 13 ; No. 37. 

8616. Petition from Abhay Charan Banaxji and Rdm Dhan Bdnarji, 

praying to be put in possession of lands bought by them in 
Bardwdn. December 31 ; No. 21. 

8617* Letter from Collector of Behar, submitting an account of the rates 
and descriptions of the licences taken out by the Gayd pilgrims, 


together with an estimate of the number required annually. 
December 3 ; No. 8. 

8618. Letter from Collector of Behar, respecting the Settlement of the 

village of Khutangis in Pargana" ArwaL December 10 \ No. 10. 

8619. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, stating that the Board 

considers the Settlement expired, and desiring him to make the 
re-settlement. December 10. 

8630. Letter from Collector of Behar, submitting a petition from several 
persons, praying that his Court may not be removed from 
Patna". December 10; No. 21. 

8621. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him to proceed 

to Gayd immediately. December 10 \ No. 22. 

8622. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting the re-settlement of the 

greatest part of the farmed Mahals up to 1206 F.S. December 
10 ; No. 25. 

8623. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, approving of the progress 

made in the re-settlement. December 10. 

8624. Letter from Collector of Behar, respecting the claim to the title 

of Rajd between the members of the family of the late Ghuldm 
Husain Khdn. December 10. 

8625. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him, in conse- 

quence of the above dispute, not to use the title in any papers 
until the claims shall be decided December 10. 

8626. Letter from Collector of Behar, regarding the compensation 

claimed by the proprietors of the ground and houses taken for 
the cavalry cantonments at Monil December 27 ; No. i. 

8627. Letter to Collector of Behar, respecting the new Settlement of the 

lands of Rajd Fathi Ndrdyan. December 27. 

8628. Letter from Judge of Behar, forwarding a decree passed on the 

15th July in favour of Ajit Sinh versus the late Collector. 
December 10; No. 17. 

8629. Letter from Collector of Benares, respecting the embezzlement 

of the Phdlgun instalment by the absconded Tahsflddrs of 
Muhammaddbdd. December 10; No. 12. 

8630. Letter from Collector of Benares, regarding the irregularity of the 

Judge's proceedings in releasing Tegh AM from confinement, 
and stating that he cannot recover the amount embezzled by 
him in consequence. December 17 ; Nos. 7-11. 

8631. Letter to Collector of Benares, directing him to institute a suit 

against Tegh AH immediately. December 17. 


8632. Letter from Collector of Benares, transmitting information regard- 

ing lands required for the new cantonments at Jaunpur ; and 
also transmitting a letter from Captain Pryor on the subject. 
December 20 ; Nos. 3 and 4. 

8633. Letter from Collector of Benares, transmitting a petition from 

Rdja* Sio Ldl, Tahsflddr of Jaunpur, stating the cause of his 
not being able to realize the revenue. December 20; Nos. 43 
and 44. Instructions forwarded j No. 45. 

8634. Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting an extract of a letter 

from the Secretary to Government, relative to the property of 
the absconded Tahsilddrs Sio Ratan Sinh and Sio Prasanna 
Sinh ; also regarding allowance to be continued to the family 
of the late Jagat Sinh. December 27. 

8635. Letter from Collector of Benares, regarding the forfeited lands in 

his District December 27 ; No. 31. 

8636. Letter from Collector of Benares, transmitting draft of a Regula- 

tion for the future management of the Stone Mahal. December 
31 ; No. 12. 

8637. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, forwarding copy of a letter 

from the Judge regarding the restoration of villages Pahdrpur 
and Rddhdnagar to the proprietors, and proposing to pay 
the surplus collections to them during the time they were 
attached. December 3; Nos. n and 12. 

8638. Letter to Collector of Bhdgalpur in reply, authorizing him to pay 

the surplus collections. December 3. 

8639. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, proposing to go into the 

Mufassal, to ascertain the extent of the losses sustained by 

drought. December 13 ; No. 63. 
86,40. Letter to Collector of Bardwan, directing him to put Nilmam Hdl- 

dar in possession of Tappd "Bardd in his District. December 10. 
864 T. Letter from Collector of Bard wan, reporting having issued orders 

to the Rilja for the repair of the embankments in the current 

year; also forwarding estimate of the expense that will be 

required for repairing the same in Mandalghdt. December 13 ; 

No. 44a. 

8642. Letter lo Collector of IJardwdn, desiring him to advance such 

sum as may be immediately required for the repairs, but to 
explain why the estimate of the expense for the current year is 
greater than that of the preceding year. December 13, 

8643. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, expressing the satisfaction of the 


Board at the collections being so well kept up. Decem- 
ber 24. 

8644. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, stating that Rs. 5000 have 

been advanced for the repair of the embankments, and explain- 
ing the cause of the difference between the present estimate 
and that of the preceding year. December 27. 

8645. Letter from Commissioner at Chandernagar, reporting the con- 

ditional Settlement of the Mahals of Chandernagar. December 
13 ; No. 43- 

8646. Letter to Commissioner at Chandernagar in reply, confirming the 

Settlement December 13. 

8647. Circular Orders to Collectors, transmitting an extract of a letter 

from Secretary to Government, regarding marked rupees. 
December 27. 

8648. Letter to Commissioner of Kuch Behar, transmitting an extract 

of a letter from Secretary to Government, confirming the 
Settlement of Thdnd Behar for 1206 Bengal era. Decem- 
ber 27. 

8649. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting upon the rent, produce, 

and allotment of the rent (Jamd) of the Pargand Sibpur. 
December 3 ; No. 14. Corrected statement called for. 

8650. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending that the 

accounts for the repair of the Lashkarpur embankments in 
Rdjshdhf be passed. December 6 ; No. 34. 

8651. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding the amount 

embezzled by the absconded Tahsilddrs in Benares. December 
10 ; No. 3. 

8652. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending that an 

allowance of Rs, 100 per month be granted to the family of 
Jagat Sinh. December 10 \ No. 7. 

8653. Letter to Governor-General in Council, forwarding information 

regarding the lands claimed by the Zaminddrs of Mangalpur 
in lihdgalpur, as required by orders of Government of 3ist 
October. December 20. 

8654. Letter to Governor-General in Council, relative to the compensa- 

tion claimed by the proprietors of the ground and houses taken 
for the cavalry cantonments at Monid, and submitting pro- 
positions regarding the compensation. December 27 ; No. 2. 

8655. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding the Settlement 

of the forfeited lands in Benares. December 27 ; No. 32. 

i8o BENGAL RECORDS. [DEC. 1799- 

8656. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding the sale of 

lot Haripur in Bardwdn. December 27 ; No. 34. 

8657. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding the final 

adjustment of the claims of the Zamindsirs of Mangalpur in 
Ehdgalpur. December 31 \ No. 13. 

8658. Letter from Hijili Agent, submitting sundry papers relating to 

the Settlement of Chakld Jaleswar and the sale of Dihi Bargiion. 
December 31 ; Nos. 22 and 23. 

8659. Letter from Collector of Jessor, submitting a statement of the 

lands of Kalfsankar RuTs sureties to be sold in satisfaction 
of a decree passed against him in favour of Government; also 
a statement of balances due from the lands; also statement 
of particulars of the lands, and statement of establishment for 
attaching them. December 27; Nos. 17, 18, and 10. 

8660. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, regarding further outrages 

committed by the Chuiirs. December 10 ; No. 15. 

8661. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, submitting a petition of the 

late Tahsflddr of Hogld Agrtichaur, relative to the sum stated 
to be embezzled by him, and proposing to submit a statement 
of the property of his sureties for sale. December 24; Nos. 16 
and 17. 

8662. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, directing him to 

transmit a copy of the security bond, and to give the Tfthsildtir 
every assistance in carrying on prosecutions for the recovery 
of money misappropriated by his Diwdn. December 24. 

8663. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, transmitting copy of tin* 

decree in favour of Rdnf Junakf against Rdjjl Bnijawmd. 
December 24; Nos. 32 and 33. 

866.J. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, directing him to dispose 
of the lands of the Rjtjd, in satisfaction of the decree on ist 
February. December 24. 

8665. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, reporting upon the Settlement 

of the Mahals specified in his letter of the 24th October last, 
December 27 ; No. 24. 

8666. Minutes of Messrs. Harrington and Hatch, relative to the Settle 

ment of the Madras*! lands to be delivered over to the Zumintkir 
of Nadiyd*. I )eceniber so. 

8667. Letter to Collector of Murslwlibdd, informing him that Govern 

ment has confirmed the sale of the building made use of for 
the Mint December 3. 


8668. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbad, directing him to report 

whether any part of the Government (khas) Mahals could be 

placed under the Mufassal Tahsilddrs. December 13. 
X669. Letter from Collector of Murshidabdd, transmitting the accounts 

for repairing the Zamindar's embankments. December 20. 
^670. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, stating that the greater 

part of the balances outstanding at the end of Aswin 1206 have 

been realized. December 31 ; No. 24. 
S67E. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, reporting that Krishna 

Chdnd Basil of Pargana Kdgmdri refuses to enter into a fresh 

engagement with an increase of Rs. in his rent (Jamd). 

December 17 ; No. 29. 
%72. Letter to Collector of Maimansinh in reply, directing him to 

hold Krishna Chdnd Basu responsible for the additional rent 

(Jamd). December 17. 
1*673. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, expressing the Board's concern 

at the heavy arrvnrs outstanding. December 24. 
Sf7 {. Letter from Collector of Purniuh, submitting a petition from 

Khosh ISnkht, claiming his reputed father's rights in Pargana 

Tnlid Gurid. December 3 ; Nos. 18 to 23. 
.''675. Letter from Collector of Ramgorh, transmitting a statement of 

the Mahals which have been annexed to Birbhtim. December 

20 ; Nos. 29 and 30. 
Srtyfi. Letter from Collector of Silhet, relative to the farming of Kisrnat 

Pargnnd Chnitnogor to Rddhdgobind, and giving him possession 
of Parganii Bansikurd. December 3 ; No. 7. 
.Sf77, Letter from Collector of Silhet, regarding the Settlement of 

Pargnnd Chaitnogar. December 24; No. 36. 
S. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, transmitting a petition from 

Sftrfnfm Poclddr, praying that the 2. 2 proportion of the estate 

of Roshan Khdnam may be delivered over to him according 

to Mr. Buller's measurement and assessment (Jamdbandi). 

December 20 5 Nos. 33 and 34. Refused* 

VOL. in. N 


JANUARY, 1800. 

8679. Letter from Accountant, transmitting copy of a letter from thr 

late Assay Master at Dacca regarding a deficiency which h;is 
arisen in the recoinage of rupees of sorts, and recommending 
that it be written off to profit and loss. January TO ; No. 4-'- 

8680. Letter to Accountant, stating that Mahal Chatnd has b,vn 

directed to be separated from Midnapur and annexed in 

Birbhiim. January 10. 
868-1. Petition from the wife of the late Asacl Zamdn Khdn, request in;- 

that the Collector of Birbhtim may be instructed to deliver OVT 

to her the produce of some Mau&fo which have been a Hat h d. 

January 7 ; No. 46. 
8682. Petition from Chintdmani Mitra, requesting that the <!olli*rtir of 

Nadiyd be instructed to make a readjustment of the J.un.i *i 

lands bought by him. January 14 ; No. 9. 
6683. Petition from Gopf Mohan Thdkur, praying that he may In- |WJ 

in possession of lands bought by him in Nadiy.1 January i,\ ; 

No. 17. 

8684. Petition from Nilmani Hdldiir, requesting that the Collet inr <i 

Jcssor be directed to make a transfer of certain lands sold Jiy 
him to Sib Chandra Mukharji, and that the Sub-Tri-aMiivr In- 
directed to receive a deposit fnmi him. January 14 ; No. -*f, 

8685. Petition from Riljd Madhu Siuh, regarding the SetLleu?nl of lii^ 

lands in Tirhut. January 24; No. 70. 

8686. Petition from Chaitan Da's, praying thai the Collector of .Mid 

napur be instructed to exclude his lands from the slaU'iwnt of 
Ka*ja Brajdnand's lands ordered for sale. January *H ; No, 6fi, 

8687. Letter from Collector of Behar, submitting copy of a petition from 

Ghuldm Iluidar, soliciting the continuance of the pension iv 
ceivcd l>y his father, Ghuldm Husain. January 3; Nos. 2^ 
and 24. 

8688. Letter from Collector of Uchor, submitting petitions from scvrntl 

under-renters (Mdlguzdrs) relative to the removal of the (*ol 
lector*s Court (Kachdrl) to (Jayd. January 7; Nos. 17 to ^. 

8689. Letter to Collector of Uohur, directing him to proceed immcdi.iti'ly 

to Gayd, and to transmit no taore petitions on the ,s1*ji'< u 
January 7. 
8690* Letter from Collector of Behar> requesting to be furnished with 


copy of the title-deed (Sanad) by which Ajit Sinh holds his 
lands. January 7 ; No. 40. 

8691. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, transmitting copy of the 

title-deed (Sanad), and desiring him to report regarding the 
Jam of the knds of Ajit Sinh. January 7. 

8692. Letter to Collector of Behar, directing him to report upon the 

decree passed against Government in favour of Sukina* Begam. 
January 7. 

8693. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting a letter from the 

Secretary to Government regarding claims to compensation on 
account of the ground required for the Cantonments at Monia. 
January 14. 

8694. Letter from Collector of Behar, regarding the suit instituted by 

Sukind Begam against Government January 28 ; No. 27. 

8695. Letter to Collector of Behar, directing him to move the Court to 

set aside the decree passed against Government in the above 
case. January 28. 

8696. Letter from Collector of Behar, regarding an establishment pro- 

posed by him on the iSth November last for holding certain 
Mahals under Government -management (kha*s), and which have 
been since engaged for under the Regulations. January 31; 
No. i3a. 

8697. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him 4 to submit a 

statement of lands still held under Government management 
(kha*s), and those that have been engaged for by the proprietors. 
January 31. 

8698. Letter from Judge of Behar, transmitting a statement of lands 

belonging to Faiz Alf Kha"n, and requesting that they be sold 
for the recovery of the amount adjudged against him. January 
7 ; Nos. 9 and to. 

8699. Letter to Judge of Behar in reply, stating that the necessary orders 

have been issued to the Collector. January 7. 

8700. Letter from Judge of Behar, submitting copies of two decrees 

passed in favour of Mirz Umed All and Sukin Begam. 
January 7 \ No. 47. 

8701. Letter to Collector of Birbhdm, transmitting a petition from the 

wife of the late Asad Zam&i Khdn, for his report. January 7. 

8702. Letter to Collector of Bfrbhdm, regarding the annexation of Mahal 

Chatn to his District. January 10. 

8703. Letter to Collector of Birbhiim, directing him to furnish imme- 


diately the information called for on the isth October last 
regarding publication of registries of rent-free lands, according 
to the 1 9th and 37th Regulations of 1793. January 28. 

8704. Letter from Collector of Bfrbhiim, reporting that the Regulations 

regarding the proprietors of lands delivering in a list of Village 
Accountants (Patwans) in their estates, have been duly attended 
1o. January 28 ; No. 10. 

8705. Letter to Collector of Birbhiim, requiring report regarding the 

part taken by Mukund Datta in the late disturbances in 
Rumgarh. January 31. 

8706. Letter from Collector of IVnares, submitting copies of letters from 

Messrs. Auriol and Ramsay regarding the value of their pro- 
perty and land required for Cantonments. January 3. 

8707. Letter to Collector of JJeiuires, requiring him to report ivgiirtling 

the means of subsistence enjoyed by the family of Jagannuth 
Siiih. January 10. 

8708. Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting a letter from the 

Secretary to Government, directing that the forfeited lands in 
Ik-mires be held under direct Government management (kh;is) 
for the present. January 14. 

8709. Letter to Collector of IJenrires, directing him to deliver over to 

Captain Pnyor the lands required for the Cantonments ;il 
Jaunpur. January 14. 

8710. Letter from Collector of Bennruti, in reply to orders of the 27th 

ultimo regarding the debts of Jugannuth Sinh in Henarcs. Janu- 
ary 17 ; No. 1 6. 

871 1. Letter to Collector of Benares in reply, directing him to submit :i 

list of the property of Juganndth Sinh. January 1 7. 

8712. Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting a letter and enclo- 

sures from the Secretary to Government, and desiring him to 
report on the claim of the widow of Rdjd Balwant Sinh. 
January 24, 

8713. Letter from Collector of Henures, regarding the lands standing in 

the name of Ifcflm Sio Pntsanna Sinh, and claimed by Rstin 
Niwste and Krfdhu. January 24. Nos, 17 to ao. 

8714. Letter to Collector of Benares in reply, stating that orders have 

been issued regarding these lands. January 24. 

8715. Letter from Collector of Henarcs, in reply to orders of the 3d 

June 1796, regarding the list of Village Accountants (Patwdris) 
required from proprietors of lands, January 24 ; No. 37* 


8716. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, submitting statements of 

lands to be sold for the recovery of arrears due on account of 
Takdvi balances. January 7 ; No. 42. 

8717. Letter to Collector of Bhdgalpur in reply, directing him to 

furnish a corrected statement of the lands, and submitting 
further orders regarding the recovery of Takavi balances. 
January 7. 

8718. Letter to Collector of Bhdgalpur, with the Board's resolutions 

upon the title-deed (Sanad) of the Jdgir of the lale Rdja 
Roshan Bakht. January 31. 

8719. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, regarding the compensation to 

be given to the officer employed in the apprehension of Raghu 
Ndth Sinh. January 7 ; No. 20. 

8720. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, acknowledging receipt of the 

orders of the i4th instant regarding lot Haripur, and recom- 
mending the money ordered to be paid back lo Nilmani Hdlddr 
be withheld until he discharges arrears due from him. January 
24; No. 1 6. 

8721. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn in reply, directing him to submit 

a statement of arrears due from Nilmani Halddr. January 24. 

8722. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting a petition from 

Mahdrdnf Bishnu Kumari, stating that the Fanners will not 
deliver in a list of Village Accountants (Patwdris). January 
28 ; Nos. 41 and 42. 

8723. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, directing him to report whether 

Village Accountants (Patwdris) have been appointed throughout 
his District January 28 ; No. 66. 

0724. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, authorizing him to charge in 
his account the amount disbursed for transport of grain to 
Rdmu. January 7. 

8725. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, directing him to transmit the 

accounts of the late Captain Cox. January 10. 

8726. Letter from Collector of Chittagong in reply, stating that the 

accounts of the late Captain Cox have been submitted to the 
Accountant. January 24; No. 27. 

8727. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, reporting that the Regulation 

regarding the delivery of a list of Village Accountants (Patwdris) 
has not been complied with in his District January 28; 
No. 44- 

8728. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, regarding the progress made 

f86 BENGAL RECORDS. [JAN. 1800. 

in the Quinquennial Register, and proposing that a fine be 
levied on the landholders. January 31 ; Nos. 54 to 63. 

8729. Letter to Collector of Chittagong in reply, stating that the Board 

will address the Government regarding the fines. January 31. 

8730. Circular Orders to Collectors, communicating instructions regard- 

ing the appointment of Village Accountants (Patwdris). January 
28; No. 66. 

8731. Letter from Collector of Kuch Behar, stating that the land- 

holders have, in a few instances, delivered in the list of Village 
Accountants (Patwdris). January 28; No. 45. 

8732. Letter to Collector of Kuch Bchar, directing him to report 

whether Village Accountants (Patwdris) have been appointed 
throughout his District. January 28; No. 66. 

8733. Tetter to Collector of Dacca, authorizing him to levy a fine on 

the proprietor of Tdluk Muhammad Haiat January 7. 

8734. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a letter and en- 

closure from the Acting Judge at Murshiddbdd, and directing 
him to furnish a statement of the property of Sirdji for sale. 
January TO. 

8735. letter from Collector of Dacca, proposing to levy fines from 

persons who have neglected to furnish papers required of them. 
January 10; Nos, 31-36. 

8736. Letter to Collector of Dacca, directing him tu state the rent 

(Jamd) of lands held by persons above alluded to. January 10. 

8737. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a petition from 

KeJkflfXm Chdttarji, the surveyor (Amin) deputed to attach 
*fdluk Shaikh Muhammad Haiat, reporting his having been 
opposed by one of the sharers. January ro ; No.s. 40 and 41. 

8738. Letter to Collector of Dacca, directing him to institute a suit 

against the sharer in question. January 10. 

8739. -Letter from Collector of Dacca, regarding the resignation of three 

Zildddrs, in consequence of his having confined them, and of 
his having appointed others, January 17 ; No. 23. 

8740. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, approving of measures 

taken against the Zildddrs. January 17* 

8741. Letter from Collector of Dacca, submitting a statement of estab- 

lishment to be required for attaching Pargand Chanclnwlwip. 
January 17 ; No. 38. 

8742. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to submit n 

corrected statement January 17, 


8743. Letter to Collector of Dacca, transmitting letter and enclosure 

from the Secretary to Government, and directing him to furnish 
his report and explanation regarding the pension of the late 
Muhammad Hadi Khdn. January 24. 

8744. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a representation 

from the Sazdwal of Pargand Idalpur, stating that the officers 
under him have been summoned by the Court of Bdkarganj, 
in consequence of some unfounded complaints instituted by the 
rayats, and that he has issued the necessary instructions to 
the pleader on the part of Government, to take cognizance of 
the case agreeably to the Regulations, January 24; Nos. 9 
and 10. 

8745. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, approving of the measures 

taken against the Chaudhris of Idalpur. January 24. 
87 j6. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a petition from the 
mother of the Raja 1 of Chandradwip, proposing to enter into 
engagements for discharge of arrears. January 24; Nos. 32 
and 33. 

8747. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, authorizing him to accept 

the proposals, but to take good security for the performance of 
the engagements. January 24. 

8748. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting that the proprietors 

of estates in his District have not delivered in list of their 
Village Accountants (Patwdrfs). January 31 ; No. 46. 

8749. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to report 

whether Village Accountants (Patwdrfe) have been appointed 
throughout his District. January 31 ; No. 66. 

8750. Letter from Captain Eraser, in reply to letter of the i2th Novem- 

ber, regarding the adjustment of the account of the late Captain 
Cox. January 10; Na 21. 

8751. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding lands required 

for the new Cantonments at Ghdzipur. January 3 ; No. 4. 
S752. Letter to Governor-General in Council, submitting for approval 

the accounts from the superintendent of embankments (Puls) 

in lihitarid for the past season. January 7 ; No. 27. 
#753. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a resolution 

respecting recovery of arrears due from the Zaminddr of Maind- 

chaurd. January 7 ; No. 26. 
8754. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter and 

enclosure from the Acting Collector of Midnapur, regarding the 


proprietors of the Jungle Mahals being the managers of the 
police in their respective estates. January 10 \ No. 6. 

8755. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter from 

the Agent at Tamluk, with an estimate of the expense required 
for the repairs of the general embankments in the current yeai, 
and recommending that the sum be provided for by assignments 
on the Collector of Midnapur. January 14 ; No. 29. 

8756. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting proceedings 

regarding the claim of Atmardm Mohant to a pension of Rs. 
50 for the support of a religious institution, and recommending 
it to be continued. January 17 ; No. 15. 

8757. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting proc*ee< lings 

regarding the expenditure required for the repairs of embank- 
ments in Pargand Mandalghdt, etc., and recommending that UK- 
Collector be authorized to disburse the amount. January 17 ; 
No. 15. 

8758. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding KhiJmar lauds 

in Tirhut, the property of Rdjd Madhu Sink January 17 ; 
No. 43. 

8759. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter from 

the Collector of Jessor, and recommending that he be autho 
rized to receive the revenue in rupees of sorts from the ra>atw 
and others. January 24 ; No. 36. 

8760. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending Unit 

Mauzds Atpur and Panditnagar, in Pargand Snyyulpur, br 
annexed to Nadiyd instead of JJardwan. Januar> z.\ ; 
No. 68. 

8761. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a report from 

the Collector of Sdran regarding the retrenchments made in 
the Tahsildari establishment, and recommend ing that It be 
confirmed. January 28 ; No. 4. 

8762. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting an estimate' 

of expenditure required for the repair of the Bhitarid embank 
ments for the current year. January 31 ; No. 13. 

8763. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending that the 

office of the Collector of Rdmgarh be abolished, and that tin* 
estates (Mahals) composing the District be annexed to Ucliai. 
January 31 ; No. 15. 

8764. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending that ilu* 

Collector of Jessor be authorized to levy a fine of Rs. 3 pci 


diem from RdM Mohan Ds, until he shall deliver in the 
accounts required from him. January 31 ; No. ai. 

8765. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting letters from 

the Collectors of Chittagong and Murshidbaxi, and recom- 
mending that they be authorized to levy fines for the purpose 
of enforcing the delivery of papers. January 3 1. 

8766. Letter to Collector of Jessor, authorizing him to comply with Mr. 

Goad's application for permission to hold ground in Jessor. 
January 7. 

8767. Letter from Collector of Jessor, submitting an account of the 

expense incurred for the repair of embankments (Puls) in the 
past season. January 14 ; No. 24. 

8768. Letter to Collector of Jessor, transmitting a petition from Nilrnani 

Hdldr, praying for a transfer of some of his lands. Janu- 
ary 14. 

8769. Letter to Collector of Jessor, transmitting a letter and enclosures 

from Mr. J. Taylor regarding the state of certain embankments 
(Puls) in Jessor, and desiring him to call on the Superintendent 
of Embankments for his report on the casualties which have 
happened. January 17. 

8770. Letter from Collector of Jessor, requesting that he may be autho- 

rized to receive rupees of sorts from rayats and others. 
January 24 ; No. 55. 

8771. Letter from Collector of Jessor, regarding the mode of assessing 

certain rent-free lands. January 24 ; No. 63. 

8772. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, forwarding instructions on 

the above. January 24 ; No. 64. 

8773. Letter from Collector of Jessor, requesting instructions regarding 

the assessment of villages in Pargana Sayyidpur, ordered to be 
annexed to Bardwaji. January 24 ; Nos. 65 and 66. 

8774. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, communicating instructions. 

January 24 \ No. 67. 

8775. Letter to Collector of Jessor, authorizing him to charge the amount 

disbursed on account of the repairs of the BhtLshnd embank- 
ments in the past season. January 28. 

8776. Letter from Collector of Jessor, stating that the officer (Amin) 

deputed to make the division of 8 annas or one-half share of 
Taraf Rdm Chandrapur, being a Brdhman, objects to taking the 
prescribed oath. January 28 \ No. 16. 

8777. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, stating that the oath cannot 


be dispensed with, and that some other person must be ap- 
pointed. January 28. 

8778. Letter from Collector of Jessor, submitting, a report from the 

Superintendent of Embankments in his District, with an estimate 
of the expenditure required for the current year. January 28 ; 
Nos. 67 to 69. 

8779. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, directing him to report why 

the amount is greater than the past season. January 28. 

8780. Letter from Registrar at Jaunpur, transmitting abstract of decrees 

adjudging a fourth share of Tluk Malkdnpur to JorwiCn Sinh, 
and one half share to Sio Prasanna Sinh and Darsan Sinh. 
January 3 ; Nos. 36 and 8. 

8781. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, proposing to dispose on 

account of Government, of 184 head of cattle taken from the 
Chudrs. January 7 ; No. 13. Approved. 

8782. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, regarding the recovery of 

arrears from the Zaminddr of Maindchaurd. January 7 \ Nos. 
29 to 35. 

8783. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, transmitting a petition from 

the proprietors and managers of Jungle Mahals, and recom- 
mending that they be put in charge of the police in their estates. 
January 10 ; No. 45. 

8784. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, transmitting a letter from 

Secretary to Government, regarding the separation of Chatni 
from his District, and its annexation to Birbhum. Janu- 
ary 10. 

8785. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, transmitting a petition from 

the manager of Rdnf Swamamayi's estate, representing the 
depredations committed by the Chuifrs, and desiring to know 
whether he is to enforce the Regulations against those royals 
who have been plundered January 14; No. 6. 

8786. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, directing him to enforce 

the Regulations against the rayats in question. January 14. 

8787. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, regarding the assessment (Jamil) 

of resumed rent-free (Ifcizl Z&niin) hinds. January 17. 

8788. Letter to Collector of Midnajmr, directing him to instruct Rilf 

Kumitri to depute an agent to the Presidency with the original 
title-deeds (Sanads) for the lands claimed by her as rent-free. 
January 31. 

8789. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, communicating Board's 


resolutions regarding the above-mentioned lands. January 31 ; 
No. 22. 

8790. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, transmitting a petition from 

Chaitan Da's, and directing him to pay attention to the repre- 
sentation in preparing a statement of the land of Rljd Brajdnand. 
January 31. 

8791. Letter to Collector of Murshiddba'd, authorizing him to continue 

to Kamallochan during his life a moiety of the pension claimed 
by him. January 7. 

8792. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, transmitting a letter from 

the Secretary to Government passing the accounts of the 
Superintendent of Embankments (Puls) for the past season. 
January 7. 

8793. Letter from Collector of Murshidabdd, stating that a separate 

establishment is required for the collection of revenue in the 
Government (kha's) Mahals. January 17; No. 31. 

8794. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, transmitting a letter 

from the Superintendent of Embankments (Puls) regarding 
the removal of certain houses. January 24 ; Nos. 5? and 5 s - 

8795. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbad in reply, directing him to 

furnish the Superintendent of Embankments with Rs. 32,788 
for the necessary repairs of the present year. January 28. 

8796. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, regarding the progress 

made in the Register of Landed Property, and proposing a 
fine to be levied on the landholders. January 31 ; No, 53. 

8797. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, reporting having delivered 

over Tdluk Mirza* Imam Bakhsh to the Collector of Tipperah. 
January 3. 

8798. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, regarding the petition presented 

by Sib Chandra Mukharji with respect to arrears of revenue 
demanded from him. January 3 ; No. 20. 

8799. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, transmitting for report a petition 

from Gopi Mohan, praying to be put in possession of lands bought 
by him. January 14. 

8800. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, stating why the Zaminddfs 

officers are required to collect the revenue. January 31; 
No. 29. 

8801. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, in reply, authorizing him to pay 

the allowances due to the ZamfndaYs officers. January 31. 

8802. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, transmitting reply of 

192 BENGAL RECORDS, [JAN. 1800. 

Gauri Charan regarding compensation claimed by him for his 
lands at Dam Dam. January 3 ; Nos. 26 and 27, 

8803. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, submitting a report by the 

officer (Ami'n) deputed to investigate the dispute concerning 
Mallikpur. January 31 ; Nos. 10 and 11. 

8804. Letter from Collector of Purniah, proposing to attach the 

proprietary allowance (Malikdnd) and customary percentage on 
collections (Dasturhat) receivable by the Zamfnddr of Dharni- 
pur at Tirhut, for the recovery of arrears due from him in 
Purniah. January 10 \ Nos. 23 and 24. 

8805. Letter from Collector of Ptirniah, transmitting a title-deed (Sanad) 

for the Jdgi'r of the late Riijd Roshan Bakht January 31 ; 
Nos. 32 and 33. 

8806. Letter to Collector of Purniah, directing him to institute a suit 

for the recovery of the public dues from the lands specified in 
the deed (Sanad). January 31. 

8807. Letter from Collector of Ritjshdhf, submitting the account of the 

Bhitarid embankments for the past season. January 3 ; Nos. 
25 and 26. 

8808. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhf, directing him to leave Rdmjay 

Rdi in possession of Dhulddj unless he should have substantial 
reasons to believe that it belongs to Kalfsankar. January 7. 

8809. Letter to Collector of Kajshahi, transmitting a letter and 

enclosure from the Secretary to Government regarding the 
cultivation of teak timber in his District. January 10. 

8810. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhf, transmitting petitions from 

Himdtulld and Indyctulld, Zamfndars of Pargand Dhdmin, 
praying for the junction of their estates. January 14 ; Nos. 
22 and 23. Approved. 

88 1 1. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhf, authorizing disbursement of Rs, 

17,172 for the repair of the Lashkarpur embankments for the 
present year. Janxiary 1 7. 

8812. Letter from Collector of Kdmgarh, transmitting a petition from the 

Rdjd of Ndgpnr, stating that the Zaminddr of Sirgujd has made 
an incursion into Barwa, and thereby prevents him from paying 
his revenue. January 17 ; No, 18. 

8813. Letter from Collector of Rdmgarh, proposing to depute 11 

Sazdwal to Pdlkot for the security of the public revenue. 
January 28 ; No. 36. Approved. 

8814. Letter from Collector of Rdmgarh, reporting that the Zamindtir 


of Palkot has not delivered in a list of Village Accountants 
(Patwdrfs). January 28 ; No. 57. 

8815. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, recommending that the widow 

of the late Rdjkrishna Rdi be invested with the management of 
his estate. January 24; No. n. Authorized. 

88 1 6. Letter from Collector of Sdran, stating that he has paid to the 

proprietors of Mauzd Sangrdmpur their shares of proprietary 
allowance (Mdlikdnd). January 14; No. 16. 

8817. Letter from Collector of Sdran, stating that only two of the land- 

holders in his District have delivered in lists of their Village 
Accountants (Patwdris). January 28 ; No. 59. 

8818. Letter from Secretary to the Board of Trade in the Salt Depart- 

ment, regarding the adjustment of salt-land (KMldri) rents 
claimed by the Rdjd of Tipperah. January 28 ; No. 9. 

8819. Letter from Secretary to Government, passing the accounts of 

the Collector of Chittagong for transporting grain to Rdinu; 
authorizing the Collector of Dacca to levy a fine on the pro- 
prietors of Tdluk Muhammad Haiat ; requiring copy of Captain 
Payer's letter regarding the ground required for Cantonments 
at Jaunpur ; granting Kamallochan half of the pension claimed 
by him ; passing the accounts of the Superintendent of Em- 
bankments in Murshiddbdd ; complying with Mr. Goad's 
application for permission to hold lands in Jessor. January 
7 ; No, 24. 

8820. Letter to Secretary to Government, transmitting copy of Captain 

Payor's letter above alluded to. January 7. 

8821. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting a letter from 

Mr. Barnett regarding the cultivation of the teak tree in the 
Rdjshdhi District January TO \ Nos. 46 and 47. 

8822. Letter from Secretary to Government, regarding the claims to 

compensation on account of the ground taken for the Cavalry 
Cantonments at Monid. January 7 ; No. 30. 

8833. Letter from Secretary to Government, directing the Collector of 
Benares to deliver over the ground required for the Cantonments 
at Jaunpur to Captain Payor. January 14; No. 30. 

8824. Letter from Secretary to Government, regarding the incursion 

made by the Zaminddr of Sirgujd into Barwd in Rdmgarh. 
January 17. 

8825. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting representations 

from Rdjd Uditndxdyan Sinh and the widow of Rdjd Balwant 

194 BENGAL RECORDS. [JAN. 1800. 

Sinh, with directions to report on the claim of the latter to the 
Zaminddri of GauMsili. January 24 ; Nos. 2 and 2a. 

8826. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting a petition from 

Nawb Nasrat Jang, requesting that the pension of the late 
Muhammad Hadi Khn may be continued to his widow. 
January 24 ; Nos. 3 and 4. 

8827. Letter from Secretary to Government, approving the Regulation 

regarding the stone quarries in Benares. January 24 ; No. 41. 

8828. Letter from Secretary to Government, directing that the Collector 

of in'strttetcd to supply the Judge of Palna with KS. 
22,7.17' for the erection of a new jail. January 28 ; No. 20. 

8829. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting resolutions of 
' Government on a representation from the Rdjil of Nagpur, re- 
garding 'the Marhattds having assembled a force on the Com- 
pany's frontiers. January 31 ; Nos. 25 and 26. 

8830. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting twenty copies 

of a form of prayer to be useS on the 6th February, the day ap- 
pointed for a General Thanksgiving. January 31 ; No. 49. 

8831. Title-deeds (Sanads) issued in favour of Jaikrishna, Sundarn&ayan 

and Rdjd Indrandrdyan for rent-free lands. January 31 ; Nos. 
19, 20, and 21. 

8832. Letter from Collector of Silhet, regarding the difficulty of making 

collections in Bansikuni, and recommending that an officer 
(Amfn) be deputed to ascertain the boundaries. January 17 ; 
No. 17. Approved, if the Zamindor pays the expense. 
3833. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, requesting to be furnished with 
orders on a lease (Pattd) in favour of Zid-ud-dm for a new Char 
in Charpdtl January 3 ; No. 2.5. 

8834. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, requesting further infor- 

mation on the above, January 3. 

8835. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, directing him to furnish a report 

regarding the salt-land (KMIdri) rents claimed by the Zamindurs 
of Bhulu and Amntbdd. January 10. 

8836. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, submitting the results of tlu: 

inquiry with regard to land occupied in the salt manufactory in 
Dakshin Saikh. January 10. 

8837. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, stating that ZMuckUn should 

pay revenue for such part of the Char as may be brought under 
cultivation after three years. January 14 ; No. 14. 

8838. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, requesting to be furnished 


with orders regarding the Settlement -of the quarter share of 
Ilomindbdd, and the Government (khds) Mahals in Phitkdrd 
and Barddkhut. January 28; No. 34. 

Letter to Collector of Tirhut, transmitting a letter from the Col- 
lector of Purniah, and directing him to carry to the account 
of Government such part of thti proprietary allowance and 
perquisites (Mdlikdnd and Dasturfefi^ receivable by Rajd of 
J)hannpur, as may discharge hfe arrears i; Purniah. Janu- 
ary 10, 

Jitter from Collector of Tirhut, regarding the rent (Jamd) to 
he fixed upon the estate of Rdjd Madhu Sinh. January 24 ; 
No. 69. 

8841. I<etUr to Collector of Tirhut in reply, communicating instnictions 

regarding the Settlement with the Rdjd. January 24 ; No. 7 1. 

8842. Jitter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting an Account Settle- 

ment of the Jiigir of the late Rdjd Rdjballabh. January 24 ; 

No, 73. 
88,13. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting a petition from 

Ooiningo Lopez, praying that the Board will take into con- 

sidrttititw the loswes his estate has sustained in consequence 

of the encroachments of the Ganges. January 28 ; Nos. 30 

and 31. 
88*14. I*:l1er to Collector of Tirhut in reply, directing him to furnish 

a more particular account of the losses. January 28. 

8845. letter from Collector of Tirhut, reporting that the landholders 

will not deliver in list of their Village Accountants (Patwaris). 
January 28 ; No. 64. 

8846. Letter to Hoard of Trade, submitting a report from the Collector 

of Tippcroh regarding the adjustment of salt-land (Khdldri) 
rents claimed by the Rdjd. January 10; No. 20. 
8.S.J7. !,<'tt<T to Agent at Tamluk, approving estimate for the repair of 
embankments. January 14, 

FKWUJARY, 1800. 

8848, Letter from Accountant, transmitting report on receipts and dis- 
bursements of the late Commissioners for settling the Ardkdn 
emigrants. Kebnuiry 21 ; No. 36. 

KK.JC;, Utter from Collector of Hehar, regarding a re-settlement of 

196 BENGAL RECORDS. [FEB. 1800. 

Pargana Ekhil, the Zaminddri of Fathi Sinh. February 4; 
No. 56. 

8850. Letter to Collector of JBchar, desiring him to furnish a report 

on several circumstances relative to the above Zamindciri. 
February 4. 

8851. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting disturbances in Ghyas- 

pur, and soliciting instructions. February tS ; No. 19. 

8852. Letter to Collector of Behar, directing him to apply to the 

.-Magistrate of Behar or Tirhut, and to state in whose jurisdiction 
Raghtipur is situated, where the disturbances were committed. 
February 18. 

8853. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting that Mr. Hawkins has 

been prosecuted by Subhdn Sinh on the charge of illegal 
measures having been adopted by him, February 21 ; No. 26. 
8834. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, stating that the Boon! see 
no ground for his observations, as it is his duty to defend suits 
instituted against Government February ax. 

8855, Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting a letter from Secre- 

tary to Government regarding the compensation to be granted 
to proprietors of houses and lands at Ghdzfpur required for 
the use of the new Cantonments. February 7. 

8856. Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting a letter from the 

Secretary to Government regarding an additional quantity of 
land required for the Cantonments at SulUtnpur. February 7. 
S87. Letter from Collector of Benares, transmitting an order (Pnnvana) 
sent by him to Jnganntfth, together with a letter from Captain 
King regarding the irregularities committed by Jagnnnath. 
February 7 ; No. 1 2. 

8858. Letter to Collector of Benares, regarding the lands of Nuli Sinh 

which have been confiscated. February 7. 

8859. letter to Collector of Benares, regarding the confiscated lands of 

Sionath Sinh. February 7. 

8860. Letter from Collector of Benares, furnishing an explanation re- 

garding the fine imposed upon him by the Judge at Jminpur. 
February n ; Nos. 25-27. 

8861. Letter from Collector of Benares, enclosing list of servants of the 

family of the laic Jagat Sinh, the majority of whom are slaves, 
and proposing a grant of R.S. 30 or Rs. 40 for their support. 
February 21 ; No. 21. 

8862. Letter to Collector of Benares in reply, directing him to ascertain 


more particularly the number of servants and slaves of the 
deceased, and whether the whole are now necessary for the 
comfort of the family. February 2 1. 

8863. Better from Collector of Bhdgalpur, in reply to orders regarding 

marked rupees. February 4 ; No. 40. 

8864. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting a general account 

statement (Jamd Wdsil Bdkf and Jama Kharch) of Pargana 
Mandalghdt for 1205 Bengal era. February 4 ; No. 46. 

8865. letter to Collector of Bardwdn in reply, directing him to report 

on the remaining balances. February 4. 

8866. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, regarding the receipt of rupees of 

sorts in his treasury. February 7. 

8867. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, authorizing disbursement of the 

sum proposed for the repair of the Mandalghdt embankments. 
February 7. 

8868. Letter to Collector of Calcutta, directing him to deliver over to 

the Chief Engineer the ground purchased for the new canal. 
February n. 

8869. Letter to Collector of Calcutta, directing him to expedite the 

report required regarding the lands for the new canal. Feb- 
ruary 28, 

8870. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, returning a draft Sanad in 

favour of Mr. M'Rae, for correction. February 4. 

8871. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, returning a letter regarding the 

Ardkdn emigrants, for correction. February 1 1. 

8872. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, transmitting Settlement 

Account of the Kdpds Mahals for 1206 B.S. February 21 ; 
No* 40. 

8873. letter to Collector of Chittagong, directing him to supply infor- 

mation regarding lands held by the family of the late Gokul 
Ghoshdl. February 28. 

8874. Letter from Collector of JJehar, reporting the death of Nawdb 

Hhujjl Kull Khstn, and requesting orders respecting the con 
timumce of his Jdglr to his heirs. February 25 ; No. 4. 

8875. I ^tter to Collector of Beluir in reply, directing him to attach 

the Jiigir, and to report on the nature and date of the grant. 
February 25. 

8876. Letter from Collector of Dacca, submitting a petition from the 

Sazdwal of Idalpur, reporting the difficulty he meets with in the 
collection of revenue. February 7 ; No. 3. 
VOL. in. o 


8877. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, forwarding instructions on 

the above. February 7. 

8878. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting letter from Nawub 

Nasrat Jang regarding the pension of the late Hodi Ali Khan, 
February n ; Nos. 22 and 23. 

8879. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting that one of the suits 

instituted against the Chaudhris of Bakarganj has been decreed 
in favour of Government February 14; Nos. 12 and 13. 

8880. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to enfinve 

the decree. February 14. 

8881. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a petition from the 

purchasers of Chandradwip, complaining of difficulty in ^ettinj- 
possession. February 21 ; No. 13. 

8882. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, approving of measurr* 

adopted by him. February 21, 

8883. Letter from Collector of Dinajpur, reporting that all the lands of 

Rdjd Radhsi Nsith have been annexed to Kangpur. February 
145 No. 17. 

8884. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, requesting that the Collector 

of Rangpur be directed to dispose of a portion of the lands of 
Rjijd Rddhd Ndth to liquidate the arrears due from him in 
Dinajpur, and submitting a statement of lands belonging to the 
Rdni. February 14; Nos. 18 and 19. 

8885. Letter to Collector of Dinajpur, informing him that the Collector 

of Rangpur will be called upon to sell the huidti of the Raja, 
and directing him to make more particular inquiries regarding 
* the lands bought by the Rdnf. February 14, 

8886. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting letter and 

enclosures from the Collector of Benares, regarding tin: refusal 
of Jaganndth Sinh to return to Benares, and stating that he is 
still committing depredations and violences on the property 
and person of the inhabitants. February 7. 

8887. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending thai the 

Collector of Jessor be authorized to levy fines mentioned in his 
letter enclosed. February 7 ; No. 28. 

8888. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending th*: fine 

imposed upon the Collector of Benares by the Judge at Jaunjmr 
be remitted, February 1 1 ; No. 28. 

8889. Letter to Governor-C General in Council, recommending that the 

Collector of Silhet be authorized to confine Abdul Am and 


others until they deliver in papers required of them. February 
*7; No. 31. 

8890. Letter from Governor-General in Council, recommending that a 

suspension of revenue be granted to the Zamindar of Dharmpur 
for losses sustained on account of the casualties of the season. 
February 1 7 ; No. 33. 

8891. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting Mr. M'Cright's 

letter praying to hold ground in Tirhut. February 21 ; 
No. 24. 

8892. Letter to Governor-General in Council, submitting a letter from 

the Collector of Midnapur on the subject of disturbances in 
his District, and suggesting that the commanding officer be 
instructed to aid the Collector. February 21 ; No. 51. 

8893. Letter from Judge at HiSgli, submitting a decree relative to 

Mdlguziiri lands. February 14 ; Nos. 8 and 9. 

8894. Letter to Collector of Jessor, regarding the receipt of rupees of 

sorts in his treasury. February 4. 

8895. letter from Collector of Jessor, regarding fines to be levied on 

/aminddrs refusing to deliver in papers required of them. 
February 7 ; No. 27. 

8896. Letter from Collector of Jessor, forwarding applications for 

permission to hold ground in his District. February 1 1 ; No. t. 

8897. I 'ftler from Collector of Midnapur, regarding the Settlement of 

estates whose proprietors were minors during the formation of 
the Decennial Settlement. February 4 5 No. 58. 

8898. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, transmitting abstract state 

ments of increase and decrease in the rent (Jamil) of lands 
unengaged for during the Decennial Settlement, but which are 
newly assessed. February 4. 

8899. letter from Collector of Midnapur, submitting particulars of 

depredations committed by the Cluulrs. February 21 j No. 50. 
Kgoo. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, submitting account of rent- 
free lands Iwkmging to Rrij.-i Brajdnand, and stilling why 
only 342 bighds out of 668 have been sold. February 25 ; 
No. 17. 

8901, Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, directing him to pay the 

proceeds of the sale with interest into Court, leaving it to the 
Judge to determine whether the revenue is entitled to such 
interest February 25, 

8902. Letter to Collector of Murshidibacl, regarding compensation to 

200 BENGAL RECORDS. [FEB. 1800. 

be granted for ground taken for constructing embankments. 
February 7. 

8903. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, requesting report on the 

Pdkd sluices whether they answer the purpose. February 21. 

8904. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, regarding the receipt of 

marked rupees. February 4 ; No. 41. 

8905. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, transmitting a statement of 

Bhupendra Ndrdyan's lands for sale. February 18 ; No. 25. 

8906. Letter from Collector of Purniah, submitting petition of the 

Zaminddr of Dharmpur for a suspension of revenue in conse- 
quence of losses sustained from casualties of season. February 
ii \ No. 32. 

8907. Letter from Collector of Purniah, submitting the proposals of 

Rdjd Madhu Sinh to engage for the Jamd of lands held by tin- 
late Rezd AH Khdn, February 14 ; No, 34. 

8908. Letter to Collector of Purniah in reply, calling upon him for 

further report regarding the rent (Jamd) of the above lands. 
February 14. 

8909. Letter from Collector of Rdmgarh, regarding the inroads of the 

Marhattds in his District. February 4 No. 34. 

8910. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, directing him to submit a, state- 

ment of a portion of the lands of Rddhd Ndth to be sold to 
liquidate arrears due from him in Dinajpur. February 14. 

8911. Letter to Collector of Shdhdbdd, directing him to instruct lilt- 

legal agent (Vakil) of Government to apply to the Provincial 
Court for a revision of the decision passed in the case of Adlut 
Sinh, appellant, versus the Honourable Company, respondent 
February 14. 

89x2. Letter from Collector of Silhet, proposing to confine Abdul A/,iz 
and others until they deliver in papers required of them. 
February 1 1 ; No. 30. 

8913. Letter From Collector of Tipperah, regarding the appointment of 

Krishna Kdnt Mukharji of 3 annas share of Pargand Ilomin 
dbdd February 4 ; No. i. 

8914. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, stating particulars regarding 

Charpdtd lands. February 21 ; No. 7, 

8915. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, desiring him to conform to the 

orders respecting the salt-land (Khdldri) rents claimed by the 
Rdjd. February 2 1. 

8916. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting an abstract account 


of the re-settlement of his District for 1207 Bengal era. Feb- 
ruary 14; No. 24. 

Spry. Letter to Collector of Tirhut in reply, forwarding instructions on 
the above. February 14. 

8918. Letter from Collector of Jessor, attributing the increased expense 

in Pul estimates to the destruction of the embankments (Bdndhs) 
by the rayats. February 18 ; No. 28. 

8919. Letter from Collector of Jessor, respecting salt-land (Desf Khdldri) 

rents. February 25 ; No. 16. 

8920. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, transmitting copy of Board's 

resolutions respecting the arrears alluded to. February 25. 

MARCH, 1800. 

8921. Petition from (lauri Charan, Tdlukdar of Dalkdin Nadiyd, praying 

a reimbursement for embankment repairs made by him ; also 
for a deduction from his rent (Jama) on account of Khdldri rent, 
and requiring possession of Mauzil Jnganndthpur. March 4. 

Xf,22. Petition from Krishna Nilth, legal agent (Vakil) of Rdjd Lok Ndth, 
praying that the Collector of Murshidabdd !>e directed to post- 
pone the separation of Mauds I'rasiiuU and Knsindd from his 
estate. March 14 ; No. 37. 

9*3, Petition from Rdm 8ewak Mallik, legal agent (Vakil) of Rdjd Tej 
Chdnd, jimying that the Collector of Barrtwdn be prevented 
from attaching his lands, and requesting permission to deliver 
into the treasury one Idkh of rupees. March 14; No. 39. 

024. Petition from Rdjd Madhu Sinh, Zamfnddr of Tirhut, regarding 
the rent (Jumd) of Nagarbilsi, stating that the engagements 
entered into by him included that MuhaL March 18; No. 51. 

S(;2S. Petition from Sayyid Knmal Husain, legal agent (Vakil) of Nawdb 
Nasir-ul-inulk, complaining of <*ertain pim;hascrs having taken 
ixissession of his lands in Murshiddbdd. March 21 ; No. 25. 

Xe;;'6. Letter to Acting President, requesting him to issue a warrant 
(ItaKtak) for the attendance of Nilmani Hdldtir to deliver up the 
titlc-dml (Siuvul) received by him for lot llnripur. Man*h i r. 

8927. letter from Collector of Bchar, stating that his aj)plic.ntion to the 

<'ourt, of Appeal to prolong the period for the delivery of his 
answer to the suit of Indyel AH Khiin has not been complied 
with. March 4 ; No. 28. 

8928. Letter from Collector of Hehar, soliciting the decision of Govern- 

202 BENGAL RECORDS. [MAR. 1800. 

ment on certain points regarding the extension or reduction oi 
lands appropriated for the invalids of Thand Bardl. March 14 ; 
No. 25. 

8929. Letter to Collector of Behar, directing that the investigation 

should take place with regard to the extension of land, and tlu: 
quantity reduced under the Regulation of 1793. March 14. 

8930. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting a letter from Secretur) 

to Government, granting Rdjd Mitrajit Sinh a remission t;f 
Gayd duties. March 28. 

8931. Letter from Collector of Behar, in reply to orders regarding the 

invalidity of the title-deed for permanent grants (Mukarrari 
Sanads) of Ajit Sinh, and the assessment of his kinds. Man-1* 
28 ; No. 2. 

8932. Letter from Collector of Behar, regarding copy of a precept front 

the Civil Court (Dfwdni Addlat) regarding the suspension of tlir 
sale of the lands of Mirzd Ibrdhim, etc. March 28 ; No. 36. 

8933. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, informing him that he ought 

not to have postponed the sale on his own authority. March 2S. 

8934. Letter from Collector of Birbhtim, transmitting his report on tin- 

petition of the widow of Asad Zamdn Khdh. March 7 ; No. 6. 
8 935- Letter to Collector of Birbhtim in reply, informing him that Board 
intend to recommend to Government that Zamdn Khdn's widow 
be continued in possession on condition of her paying the just 
revenues of Government. March 7. 

8936. Letter from Collector of Birbhiini, reporting sums realized and 

outstanding against Mr. Frushard, proprietor of Cianulia. 
March ii ; No. 29. 

8937. Letter to Collector of Birbhtim, transmitting letter and cnrloKitit* 

from the Secretary to Government, regarding the employment, 
of convicts in the mines of his District, for his early sentiments. 
March 18 ; No. 48. 

8938. Letter to Collector of Birbhrim, desiring him to render assistan< <' 

to the Zamfnddr of Pdnehet in defending a suit whidi may bt 
instituted against him for the right of property in Parg.mi 
Maisend. March 21. 

8939. Letter to Collector of Benares, remitting the fine imposed upon 

him by the Judge. March 4. 

8940. Letter to Collector of Benares, directing him to submit n titlo 

deed (Sanad) for a rent-free spot of ground required by the 
Agents of Ndnd Farnavcse. March 14. 


8941. Letter to Collector of Benares, communicating Board's resolution 

regarding the appraisement by arbitration of the Indigo works 
of Mr. Auriol. March 18. 

8942. Letter from Collector of Benares, in reply to Board's order of the 

2ist February last, regarding the family and servants of Jagut 
Sinh. March 25 ; No. 30. 

89 1-3- Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, transmitting a statement of 
suspensions to be granted to certain Zamindars in consequence 
of the drought of the season. March u ; Nos. 18 and 19. 

8944. Letter to Collector of Bhdgalpur in reply, requiring further report 

on the subject March n. 

'#945. Letter to Collector of Bardvvdn, directing him to give Panehdnaml 
Datta possession of lot Haripur, and to call upon him to discharge 
the arrears ; but should he believe Nilmani Haldiir has misap- 
propriated any part of the revenues, to grant Panchanand an 
equivalent suspension, and to report the rase. Maich 4. 

8946. Letter from Collector of Barchvdn, reporting the balances due 

from Rdjil Tej Chand. March 18 ; No. 9. 

8947. Letter from Collec.tor of Barclwdn, reporting that the balances 

due from Rdjd Tej Chdnd are liquidated. March i<S ; No. 9.1. 

8948. Letter to Collector of Bardwan, transmitting letter from the Sub- 

Treasurer, reporting receipt of "Rs. TOO,OOO from Raja Tej 
Chdnd on account of his balances. March 18. 

8949. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, regarding the lands held b> 

the family of the late (lokul Ghoshdl March 25 ; No. 26. 

8950. Letter to Collector of Chiltngong, communicating instructions on 

the above. March 25. 

8951. Circular Orders to several Collectors, transmitting a letter and 

enclosures from the Secretary to the Government, regarding the 
employment of convicts in the mines of the several Districts (if 
there be any), for their report and sentiments. March 18. 

8/5j. Circular Orders to several Collectors of the Bengal Mahals, re 
Harding the new engagements to be entered into by leaseholders, 
whose lenses have expired with the Decennial Settlement, 
March 31. 

8953. Letter from (!olleclor of Dacca, stating that he has been requested 
to procure boats for the battalion, and requests orders whcthci 
he is to use coercion or otherwise*. March 18 ; No. 31. 

4X954, Letter to (!olk*c.tor of Dacca, directing him to use every exertion 
for the accommodation of troops, by informing the owners of the 

204 BENGAL RECORDS. [MAR. 1800. 

boats that they will receive full indemnification from Govern- 
ment March 18. 

8955. Letter from Collector of Dacca, enclosing a letter from the NawsJb, 

reporting the death of Haidar Khdn's brother, and praying for a 
continuance of pension to him. March 25 ; No. 15. 

8956. Letter to Collector of Dacca, desiring him to report on the peti 

turner's grounds for claims to pension. March 25. 
8937. Letter from Collector of Dacca, enclosing copy of a representation 
(Arzf) from the Nuib of Bozargomedpur, and recommending an 
advance of Rs. 7000 to certain Tdlukddrs. March itS ; N*a 
17. Authorized. 

8958. Letter from Collector of Dacca, submitting a letter from N'mviih 

Nasrat Jang, regarding a sister of the late Nasir-ud-din. March 
28 ; NOR. 29 and 30. 

8959. Letter to Collector of Dacca, directing him to furnish a genera I 

report upon the claimants to the pension of the late Nasirwl 
din. March 28. 

8960. Letter from Collector of Dacca, with translation of n letter from 

Nawdb Nasrat Jang, reporting the death of Ilodi AH Khdn. 
March 28 ; No. 42. 

8961. Letter to Collector of Dacca, requiring further information on the 

pension enjoyed by the deceased. March 28. 

8962. Letter from Collector of Dinajpur, reporting that the brick 

buildings of Rrfja Rifdhii Nilth, proposed by him for sale, 
were under the attachment of the Court. Manli 11 ; 
No. 35. 

8963. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, in reply to orders of the i.jth 

February, reporting that the lands therein mentioned an: the 
property of the wife of Rrijtt Riidhii NiUh, and en* losing state 
ment of balances due from him to Government. March 18 ; 
No. 36. 

8964. Letter from Judge al Dinajpur, requesting that a portion of the 

lands of Rrfj.i Rddhrf N*ith maybe sold in discharge of a <l<rree 
passed against Runf Saraswati. March 28 ; No. oi. 

8965. Letter to Judge at Dinrfjpur, informing him that the Collector hn.s 

been instructed to dispose of the i>ermament least* (iMimniti 
Ijiird) of Sherpur, for the recovery of arrears of revenue. 
March 28. 

8966. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter from 

the Collector of Jcssor, regarding the resistance made by ( Jangd 


Ndrdyan Rdi, proprietor of Pargand Hogld, and recommenarrljf"** 
that he be confined. March 4 ; No. 10. 

8967. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting letters from 

the Collector of Behar, regarding the claim of Indyet Khdn to 
the Altamghd of the late Fazl-ul-Nissd Begam, and copies of 
Board's proceedings on the same. March 4 ; No. 28. 

8968. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter from 

the Collector of Purniah, regarding the Settlement of the grant 
(Istimrari) of the late Rezii All, and recommending that the 
Settlement be concluded with Rdja Madhu Sinh. March 14; 
No. 17. 

8969. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter from 

the Collector of Silhet, requesting authority to confine certain 
proprietors who had refused to attend an officer (Amfn) de- 
spatched by him. March 14 ; No. 21. 

8970. Letter to G oven ic r-General in Council, transmitting a letter and 

enclosures from the Collector of Rangpur, recommending an 
additional fine to be levied cm the /amindars of Hrahimmknncla 
for resistance to the officer (Aiuin) deputed to attach their 
lands, and recommending, in lieu of the fines that they be con* 
fined. March iS; No. 16. 

8971. Letter from Mr. Auriol, regarding indemnification to be granted 

for his indigo kinds, and requesting it maybe referred to arbitra- 
tion. March ir8; No. 33. Agreed 

8972. Letter to Captain Wyiilt, forwarding a letter from the Secretary to 

Government, and the Collector of Jessor's representation, re- 

garding the sippy shells, forwarded to him for his explanation. 

March gi. 
I -otter from Collector of Jessor, requesting permission to con- 

fine (iiingii Ndrdyan Rdi for resistance to the Hoard's orders. 

March 4 ; No. 9. 
Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, directing him to institute a 

suit for the confiscation of his property, and informing him 

that the Board will address the Government for the imprison- 

ment of the offender. March 4. 
#975* Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting negligence of Captain 

Wyatt, on the receipt of some sippy shells. March 4; No. 26, 
8976. Letter to Collector of Jessor, transmitting copy of a letter from 

the Collector of Murshiddbdd, regarding the I'.ikd (masonry) 

sluices in that District, and directing him to report whether the 

206 BENGAL RECORDS. [MAR. 1800. 

same plans may be pursued in Jessor, and to furnish an estimate 
of the expense. March 7. 

8977. Letter from Collector of Jessor, complaining of having been fined 

by the Judge. March 24 ; No. 6. 

8978. Letter from Collector of Jessor, proposing grounds for a Regulation 

to prevent the circulation of defaced coin. March 21 \ No. 14. 
89.79-.- Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, directing him to conform 
to the orders of the 2oth February. March 21. 

8980. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, transmitting a letter from the 

Secretary to Government, regarding the police and settlement 
of Midnapur. March 7. 

8981. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, regarding Mahals in 

Maindchaurd, and forwarding a petition from Rdjd Brajdnaml. 
March 28; No. 33. 

8982. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, regarding the masonry 

(Pdkd) sluices in his District. March 7 ; No. 4. 

8983. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, transmitting copy of petition 

from the legal agent (Vakil) of Rdjd Lokndth, regarding the 
intended separation of Mauzds Kasindd and Prasindd from his 
estate. March 14. 

8984. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, transmitting for report 

petition of Sayyid Kamal Husain, regarding the lands of the 
Nawdb having been taken possession of by certain purchasers 
at sales^** March 21. 

8985. Letter ^-flrom Collector of Maimansinh, transmitting statement of 

of the proprietors of Alap Sinh for sale. March 4 ; 
Letter to Collector of Maimansinh in reply, directing him to 

advertise them for sale on the i2th April. March 4. 
987. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, transmitting a petition from Gauri 
Charan praying reimbursement for expenses of embankment 
repairs, and to be allowed a deduction on account of salt-land 
(Khdldri) rents, March 4. 

8988. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, transmitting letter front 

Secretary to Government, directing him to prevent the late 1 
inhabitants of the Kidderpur iklzdr from rebuilding their 
houses, and to adjust the allowances to be given them for the 
construction of their houses elsewhere. March 25. 

8989. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, enclosing petition from 

Rdjd Rdjkrishna, requiring an assessment on his lands equal 


to the receipts of the past years, deducting his monthly allow- 
ance (Mushdhani). March 25 ; No, 19. 

8990. Letter to Collector of 24 Pazgands, directing him to acquaint 
the Ra'jd that the Settlement already made is binding in per- 
petuity. March 25. 

99i. Letter from Collector of Purniah, transmitting corrected Settle- 
ment proposed to be entered into by Rdjd Madhu Sinh for the 
resumed Istimniri property of Rezd AM. March 14; No. 16. 

^992. Letter from Collector of Kdmgarh, stating that the Zaminddr of 
Kamgarh intends to prosecute the late manager (Diwdn) for 
exactions, and requesting orders for advancing money to the 
plaintiff. March 4; No. 31. Advance approved. 

8993. I-ctter to Collector of Kamgarh, directing him to express his 

sentiments with regard to the employment of convicts in the 
mines of that District. March 18. 

8994, Letter from Colin-tor of Kamgarh, stating that the Zamfndar of 

Kamgnrh having discharged his arrears, lie has released his 
lands from attachment, March 18. 

Si>i;s. Letter from Collector of Kangpur, enclosing a letter from the 
Collector of Dacca, refusing to receive in his treasury part of 
his remittance in consequence of the rupees being marked, 
March 14 ; No, 29. 

8990, Letter from Collector of Rangpur, transmitting representation of 
the officer (Am(n) deputed to attach the lands of Rdja 
Rdclhlndth Kai and Naba Kisor Rdi, Zaminddrs of Urdhman- 
kunda, stating that, notwithstanding the fines already levied, 
they still persist in opposition, and recommending a further fine. 
"March 28 ; No. 14. 

^997, Letter from Secretary to Government, regarding the desertion of 
UHJ Arakan emigrants. March 4 ; No. 2. 

8998. Letter to Secretary to Government, enclosing letter frointhe 

Collector of Jessor, regarding some shells despatched by him 
to Captain Wyatt* to be laid before the Governor-General in 
Council. March 4. 

8999. letter from .Secretary to Government, complying with the applica- 

tion of Ifikrfjf Pant, agent of Ndnd Famavese, for a piece 
of rent Tree land in Benares. March 14; No. i. 

9000. IiCttcr from Secretary to Government, transmitting resolutions 

of Government relative to the employment of convicts in the 
mines of Bfrbhum and Kdmgarh. March 18; No, i. 

208 BENGAL RECORDS. [MAR. 1800. 

9001. Letter from Secretary to Government, stating Government has 

reason to believe tbatKumfr Sibn&hwill institute a suit against 
the Zamincter of Pinchet for the right of property in Maisend, 
and directing that the Collector of BJrbhiim be instructed to 
assist the latter in defending it March 21. 

9002. Letter from Collector of Sdran, recommending that estates held 

rent-free without title-deeds be assessed. March it ; No. 17. 

9003. Letter from Collector of Silhet, reporting bad prospects of the 

first crop. March 21 ; No. 17. 

9004. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, stating that, in consequence 

of the Board's orders to apply to the Court of Appeal to rescind 
the orders of the Zild Court, regarding the outrage committed 
by the three-eighths or 6 annas sharer of Mirzdnagar, the Court 
was of opinion that the Sarbardhkdr was illegally appointed. 
March n ; No. 32, 

9005. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, directing him to revise 

the appointment March n. 

9006. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, enclosing a statement of fines 

which he recommends to be levied on certain landholders 
for refusing to deliver up papers. March 25 ; No. 10. 

9007. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, desiring him to state 

the nature of the papers. March 25. 

9008. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, in reply to Board's Resolutions 

on the lands of Rdjd Madhu Sinh, stating the steps he hs 
taken, and enclosing the petition of certain Revenue Farmers 
(Thikdddrs) regarding the re-settlement of the estate. March 
ii j No. 35, 

9009. Letter to Collector of Tirhut in reply, approving of the proposed 

re-seitlfiment, but directing him to tender the Settlement first 
"Hoi-he Rdjd at a rent (Janut) of Rs. 168,506, and in the event 
of his refusal, to farm it out as proposed by him, and to report 
accordingly. March xi. 

9010. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, transmitting petition and statements 

delivered in by the Zamfadilr of Tirhut regarding M.-ihni 
Nagarbdsf, with directions to transmit the Kzij.fs answer to 
the orders of the i ith,ancl a further report regarding the IWj.f s 
offers to engage for his Zcimfrultfrt. March 18. 

9011. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, informing him that (Jovcrnment 

permits Mr, M'Cright to hold fifty bighds of land in his District. 
March 25. 


9012. Letter to Sub-Treasurer, directing him to receive into the treasury 

one Idkh of rupees from the legal agent (Vakil) of Rdj Tej 
Chdnd of Bardwdn on account of his arrears. March 14. 

9013. Letter from Sub-Treasurer in reply, acknowledging receipt of the 

above money. March 18. 

APRIL, 1800. 

9014. Petition from legal agent (Vakfl) of Dhar Mdnik, Zaminddr 

of Roshanabdd, stating that the Collector of Tipperah had 
again submitted his report regarding the revenues of the Mdnik 
Mahal, though the Board had ordered a suspension of the 
demand, and praying that an order be sent to the Collector 
to suspend his demand. April i ; No. 29. 

9015. Letter from Collector of Behar, enclosing Captain Fraser's 

application for supplies, and explaining the cause of the in- 
conveniences met with by the Captain in marching troops 
through his District. April i ; No. t. 

9016. Letter from Collector of IJehar, stating that Rdjii Ritm Sinh and 

Bdbu Ndth Sinh will neither attend nor furnish papers for the 
division of Damrd, and recommending that a fine be levied 
upon them. April 4 ; No, 37. 

9017. Letter to Collector of Behar, stating that Government has 

abolished the Rdmgarh Collectorship and annexed it to his 
District. April 15. 

9018. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting a letter from Secre- 

tary to Government regarding the claims of Indyet All Khdn 
to the rent-free grant (Altamghd) of Fazl-ul-Nissd, Begam. 
April 23. 

9019. Letter to Collector of Benares, desiring him to furnish a corrected 

statement of lands held under Government management (khds) 
in consequence of the late disturbances. April 4 ; No. 7. 

9020. Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting a letter from the 

Secretary to Government, authorizing a temporary pension of 
Rs. 1 40 per mensem to the widow of Jaganndth Sinh till a 
determination has been taken regarding his lands. April 15-; 
No, 10. 

9021. Letter to Collector of Benares, desiring him to submit names 

of Superintendents (Ddrogds) he may have selected for the 
management of the atone quarries. April 15. 


9022. Letter to Collector of Benares, directing him to adjust the price 

of the new lands taken for the Cantonments at Jaunpur. 
April 15. 

9023. Letter from Messrs. Colvins and Bazett, offering their Indigo 

works for the new Cantonments. April 15. 

9024. Letter from Collector of Benares, transmitting Mr. Auriol's reply 

to his letter regarding the Indigo works offered by him to 
Government. April 18; No. 18. 

9025. Letter from Collector of Benares, proposing arbitrators for the 
'" valuation of the Indigo works of Mr. Aiiriol. April i*S; 

X"" No. 20. 

f '9026. Letter to Collector of Benares in reply, desiring him to name 
arbitrators, and to submit the names of those Mr. Auriol may 
have nominated. April 18. 

9027. Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting letter from Secretary 

to Government, regarding lands of Sio Prasanna Sinh and Jagat 
Sinh. April 23. 

9028. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, authorizing establishment fur 

attaching the Rdjd's lands. April 23. 

9029. Letter to Collector of Calcutta, directing him to assist Mr. Tkilfour, 

deputed to select ground for the new bdzdr near Kidderpur, 
and to adjust the claims of compensation. April i. 

9030. Letter from Commissioner of Kuch Behar, requiring authority to 

form a new Settlement of Kuch Behar, the engagements with 
the rayats having expired. April 18 ; No. 48a. 

9031. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, transmitting statement of 

charges incurred for settlement of the Ardkdn emigrants. April 
8 ; No. i, 

9032. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting a resistance made by 

the Zamfnddr to the attachment of his Tdiuks by the Amfn. 
April i ; No. 42. 

9033- Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, approving of orders issued 
by him to the Amin, desiring him to commit the Zaminddr to 
confinement if the state of his health will admit of it, and direct- 
ing him to annex the rent-free lands to the revenue (Jauui) of 
the estate. April i. 

9034. Ixitter to Collector of Dacca, transmitting for report a letter from 
the Secretary to Government, containing an application from 
the Nawdb to continue Sukind Begun'* pension to RifjW 
Khdnam, her heir. April 4. 


9035. Letter to Collector of Dacca, directing him to report whether 

Rdjd Rdjkrishna makes good his engagements for the payment 
of his arrears. April 8. 

9036. Letter from Collector of Dacca, in continuation of his letter of 

the 23d March, forwarding copy of a letter from the Nawab 
with regard to the claims to the pension of Hodf AH Khdn. 
April 8 ; No. 10. 

9037. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, desiring him to report on 

the title of the claimants. April 8. 

9038. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting petition from Alex- 

ander Faniotty and others, purchasers in Chandradwfp, praying 
that until they get possession their lands may not be sold. 
April 15 ; No. 54, 

9039. Letter to Collector of Dacca, desiring him, in reply, to furnish a 

statement of the arrears, and the amount he would recommend 
to be suspended. April 15. 

9040. Letter from Collector of Dinajpur, reporting that he applied to 

the Court to withdraw the attu< Aliment of Ritjd Rifdhd Ndth's 
lands, agreeably to orders of the iHlh, and transmitting ropy 
of the Judge's reply. April 4 ; No. 15. 

9041. Letter to Collector of Dinajpur in reply, desiring him to report 

the result of the reference made to the Sadr Dfwa'ni Addlat 
regarding the attachment, April 4. 

9042. Letter to Collector of Dinajpur, desiring him to furnish the 

Board with a Settlement (Jamdbandf) and measurement account 
of such of the Jdgfr of the late Riijii Rdjballabh as is situated 
in his District. April 8, 

9043. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter from 

the Collector of Jessor, reporting the neglect of the proprietors 
of Mahmiidsltiihi in producing papers, etc*, and recommending 
that they be fined, and in the event of their still persisting, to 
confine them. April 8 ; No. 15. 

90.14. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter from 
the Collector of Murshiditbdd, regarding the neglect of the 
Zamfndtfra in repairing the embankments (Bdndhs), and the 
construction of a new one at Kdlfgdchhd ; recommending 
that Captain Parlby be authorized to repair them, and charge 
the amount to the Zamincldrs' account, and that a new em- 
bankment (Hdndh) be constructed at the expense of Govern- 
ment April 8 ; No. 24, 


9045. Letter from Captain Wyatt, furnishing explanation regarding the 

sippy shells. April 15 ; No. 30. 

9046. Letter from Collector of Jessor, furnishing his opinion regarding 

the construction of masonry sluices in his District, and 
enclosing letter of the Superintendent of -Embankments (Puls) 
on the subject. April i ; No. 13. 

9047. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, informing him that the 

Board postpones passing any .orders on the above subject, 
until the utility of the measure may have been found on a 
survey of the embankments in the cold season. April i. 

9048. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting the refusal of Rdrnsan- 

kar Rdi and Gobind Rdi to furnish the papers required of them, 
and recommending fine and imprisonment. April 8 ; No. 14. 

9049. Letter from Judge at Jaunpur, transmitting a decree passed in 

the cause, Karam KMn versus Mirzd Bdbar Alf Beg, for the 
recovery of villages Manaird and Ghydspur. April 8 ; No, 19. 

9050. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, stating that the Zamfnddrs 

have made no progress in repairing the embankments (Bdndhs), 
mentioning the difficulty in recovering the amount expended 
by Government on their account last year, which he proposes 
to recover by a sale of the Zaminddrs' property ; and enclosing 
the Superintendent's letter proposing the construction of a 
new embankment (Bdndh) at the expense of Government at 
Kdligdchhd. April 8 ; No. 23. 

9051. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd in reply, desiring him to send 

a statement of the Zaminddrs 1 lands for sale, to recover 'the 
amount due from them on account of the repairs of embank- 
ments (Puls) in the last year. April 8. 

9052. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, transmitting for report a 

petition from Rddhdmani Debyd, claiming her share of a 
pension formerly enjoyed by Debt Prasdd, Zamfnddr of Rdj- 
shdhi. April 15. 

9053. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, enclosing petition of the 

Zaminddrs of Hirdj, praying for a pension in consequence of 

their distress owing to the separation of their Tdluks. April 

18; No. 3. 
9054- Letter to Collector of Maimansinh in reply, directing him to 

report what pension would be adequate to their situation and 

circumstances. April 18. 
9035. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, submitting petition of Gopf 


Mohan Thakur, with the report required of him on the Mih 
February last. April i ; No. 39. 

9056. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd in reply, stating that the lioaixi 

does not think the petition entitled to further considemtion. 
April i. 

9057. Letter to Collector of Nadiyti, desiring him to send n I Jung; d 

Almanac, authenticated by Brahmaniad astronomers. April S. 
1)058. Letter from Collector of Nadiyri, reporting that the Znitifncirir-. 
have neglected to repair the embankments (Bandhs), and 
proposing to depute his assistant to repair them. April a 5 ; 
No. 4. 

9059. Letter to Collector of Nadiyi in reply, desiring him to ascertain 

4-md report whether the /aminddrs had actually neglected tin* 
repair of embankments (iJaiiclhs), previous to deputing his 
assistant. April 25. 

9060. Letter from Collector of Nadiya, enclosing petitions of srvcnil 

persons complaining of the neglect of the Xnmindurs in rr|.iir 
ing the embankments O&ndhs), and recommcndm;* tl f y 
be mndo by (iovormiH'nt. April 29 ; No. 21. 

9061. ! Alter to Collector of Nadiy;i in reply, anthori/in; 1 , liim to in;d*t* 

tlio rq>airs, and charge them to the Xanu'ndars' at M mat. 
April 29 ; No. si. 

0062. Minute by Mr. Hatch, upon the petition of (Sopi Mohan Th.ikur, 

regarding the separation of certain [K-rnmncntly ftt-lcl f f'aft.mi 
Mukarrarf) Tdluks from his estate, and objecting to tin* trans- 
mission of it to the Collector for report, the Courts of Justin* 
being competent to take mgnizance of the ])etitiotKT T K rotii- 
plaint* April 23. 

0063. Letter to Collector of I'urniuh, approving settlement of thi* 

reKiuned Istimnlri lands of Rexil Alf* April 13. 

906.1.. Letter from Collector of 24 I'argantfs, reporting on the ground 
he proposes for the new \\AxAr near Kidderpur. April 4 ; 
No. 25. 

9063. Letter from Collector of 24 Parganas, stating that lu* hn givtn 
the nec'essjuy instructions to prevent the rebuilding of tlu- 
IMxitrat KIdderpur, and that he will re] tort on the romjit'ij. ,i- 
tion to be allowed to the sufferers, April 4 ; No. 26. 

9066. Letter to Collector of 24 I'argaruis in reply, desiring him to furnish 
Mr. Halfour with every assistance to enable him to adjust the 
claim* of the suflerers by fire to compensation, and to seltrt 
VOL. in. j* 


the ground for the Bdzar, he having been deputed for that duty. 

9067. Letter from Collector of Rajshalif, reporting on the petition of 

the legal agent (Vakil) of Rajd Lok Ndth. April i ; No. 21. 

9068. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi, transmitting petition from Gopf 

Mohan Thdkur, purchaser of Kdligdon, complaining of illegal 
separations. April 23. 

9069. Letter to Collector of Rdmgarh, informing him that Government 

has appointed him Collector of Bardwdn, and abolished the 
Collectorship of Rdmgarh, the Mahals of which having been 
annexed to Behar. April 13. 

9070. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, transmitting a statement of 

Raja* Rddha* Ndth's lands to be sold for arrears of revenue due 
in Dindjpur. April 4 ; No. 24. 

9071. Letter to Collector of Rangpur in reply, desiring him to sell the 

lands and discharge the arrears due in his own District first, 
and then carry the surplus for the discharge of arrears due in 
Dindjpur. April 4. 

9072. Letter to Secretary to Board, desiring him to advertise Kajii 

Rddha* Ndth's lands in Rdjshdhi, to be sold for arrears due in 
Dindjpur, April 4. 

9073. Letter from Collector of Silhet, transmitting a petition from the 

Company's legal agent (Vakil), reporting the institution of a 
suit against Government by Rdni Chandrakala* and others, for 
the recovery of Jdgir allowances in Pargands Lakshminsiri and 
Randighd, together with his report on the nature of their claims. 
April 8 ; No. 29. 

9074. Letter to Collector of Silhet in reply, informing him that the 

Board is unable to form any opinion upon the validity of the 
claims ; but as they can only be considered as pensions, the 
Judges are prohibited from taking cognizance of such oases, 
which ought to have been forwarded to Government, arid desir 
ing him to notice this in his defence. April 8. 

9075. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, desiring him to furnish a list 

of such of the Mahals of Fhitkdra' as require a Settlement 
to be made, with his opinion on the mode of settling them. 
April i. 

9076. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, transmitting a petition from the 

legal agent (Vakfl) of Dhar Mdnik, regarding a suspension of 
the revenues of the Mdnik Mahal, with instructions to suspend 


the demand till the decision of the Mdnik's suit is given by the 
Court (Addlat). April x. 

9077, Letter from Collector of Tirhut, stating that he has tendered the 

estate of Rdjd Madhu Sinh to the Rdjd, at a rent (Jamd) of Rs. 
1,68,506, and enclosing copy of an order (Parwdnd) issued to 
the Rajd, together with his reply. 

9078. Letter to Collector of Tirhut in reply, transmitting resolutions on 

the above. April 8. 

9079, Letter from Collector of Tirhut, in reply to letter of 24th Septem- 

ber last, regarding the proprietary right of Jalkar of Maksanpur, 
reporting that he had put the purchasers in possession, as the 
land appeared to have been the property of Rdi Kripd Ndth. 
April 29 ; No. 43a. 

9080. Letter to Translator to the Board, desiring him to inform Rdjd 

Lok Ndth that if ho is dissatisfied with the Collector of Rdjshdhf 
in separating the Taluks alluded to in his petition, he must 
apply for redress to the Court (Adulat). April i. 
yoSi. Letter to Translator to the Board, desiring him to inform Gopi 
Mohan Thrtkur that his petition of the *4th February cannot 
be complied with. April \. 

9082. Letter to Collector of Dacca, desiring him to purchase 3500 

Koddlfe (spades) for the use of the Ardkdn emigrants, and to 
send them to the Collector of Chittagong. April 29. 

9083. Letter from Collector of Jessor, requiring copies of certain papers 

relative to the shells forwarded to Captain Wyatt April 25 ; 
No. TO. 

9084. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhi, reporting that the land 

in the neighbourhood of Bodliyd is fit for the plantation of 
teak tree, and enclosing copy of his letter to Mr. Barnett, and 
that gentleman's reply, and requesting information on the 
extent of the plantation required by Government April 29 ; 
No. 46. 

9085. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhf in reply, desiring him to adjust 

the price of the above ground in concert with Mr. Barnelt, and 
the abatement to be given to the proprietors, and to report the 
result. April 29. 

9086. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhf, stating that there are no Sadr 

farms, except Chak Bakid, which is in the hands of Nabu 
Krishna, and recommending that it be continued in his hands. 
April 29 ; No. 48. 


MAY, 1800. 

9087. Letter to Accountant approving of the Settlement of Phitkara, 

and stating that the Collector of Tipperah is authorized to lake 
the usual engagements from the proprietor. May 2. 

9088. Petition from Rddhd Mohan Bdnarji, Zaim'nddr of Kusdingii, 

declaring that his lands are in a state of ruin, owing to the 
embankments (Bdndhs) not having been repaired. May 2 ; 
No. 24. 

9089. Petition from Pran Krishna Sinh, praying to be put separately in 

possession of a part of Pargand Bhulud. May 6. 

9090. Letter to Pran Krishna Sinh, informing him that Bhulnu i ron- 

sidered as a joint undivided estate, and directing him to apply 
for a separation. May 6. 

9091. Petition from sundry Tdlukddrs of Tappd Hazrddi, in Maimansinh, 

respecting devastations by wild elephants. May 20 ; No. 34. 

9092. Petition from Rdmgati Sarmd and Kdli Sankar Sarmd, Ghunutah- 

tds of Rdjd LokNdrdyan, etc., respecting a pension of Rs. 5080 
formerly paid, but recently withheld. May 24 ; No. 35. 
993- Application from Messrs Colvins and Bazull, respecting coin- 
pensation for their Indigo works at Chitrd, which cost them 
Rs. 30,000. May 13 ; No. 37. 

9094. Letter to Collector of Behar, approving of proposed abatement in 

the rent (Jamd) of Ajit Sinh. May 2. 

9095. Letter to Collector of Behar, authorizing him to fine landholders 

who refuse to deliver in papers required of them. May 2. 

9096. Letter from Collector of Behar, stating difficulties mot with in 

preparing statement of lands for sale. May a ; No. 39. 

9097. Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting a letter from Secretary 

to Government, regarding Jaganndth Sink's increased allowance. 
May 2. 

9098. Letter to Collector of Bfrbhtfu, transmitting a letter from Secretary 

to Government, directing remission of one year's revenue to the 
Zaminddr of Bdghmundf, May 9, 

9099. Letter from Collector of Birbhtfm, expressing doubts as to the 

complete realization of the revenue, owing to want of rain* 
May 9 ; No. 35. 

9100. Letter from Collector of Bfrbhiim, regarding the present impossi- 

bility of a re-settlement of lands in his District, and the losses 
sustained by negligent landholders. May 9. 


9101. Letter from Collector of Birbhiim, respecting arrears due from 

lands formerly held by Mr. Frushard in Ganutia. May 13 ; 
No. 31. 

9102. Letter to Collector of Birbhiim in reply, directing him to inquire 

on what terms Mr. Frushard is willing to engage for the re- 
newal of his Farm. May 13 ; No. 32. 

9103. Letter from Collector of Birbhiim, reporting that convicts might be 

employed in working iron mines in his 1 >istrict. May 20 ; No. 3 1 . 

9104. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, enclosing a letter from the 

Collector of Purniah, respecting the Jagfr of the late Roshan 
Bakht. May (?) ; No. 29. 

9105. Letter to Collector of Bhtlgalpur in reply, directing him to report 

on the extent of road and number of bridges in the above 
Jgfr, and the persons who repair them. May (?). 

9106. Letter from Collector of Bhagalpur, reporting that a. perpetual 

Settlement is concluded with RajaGopal Sinh, etc,, for Parganii 
Chanclanbhukhd. May 27 \ No. 56. 

9107. Letter from Collector of Uardwiin, in reply to letter of the* 

25th April, informing that Mr. Marriol has rontrarU-d with 
the Rilja for the repair of the embankments (Pub.;. May 2 ; 
No. 23. 

9108. Letter to Collector of Itanlwdn in reply, directing him to call 

upon the Zaminddr for an explanation, the above being contrary 

to rules. May 2. 
9109- Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, explaining allotment of the 

rent of Kdsipur, which is composed of several I 'arenas. May 

2; No. 31. 
9110. Letter to Collector of Rardwdn in reply, drecting him to forward 

a list of the ZamincloVs several estates, previous to proceeding 

to sale of lands. M.ay 2. 
91 rr. Letter from Collector of Jtaixlwdn, proposing to farm the lands 

whose leases expired last year to the Ritjd for one year. May 

6 ; No. 30. 
9112. Letter to Collector of Hardwjin in reply, approving of the proposi 

tion, provided the Rdjd will annex them to his principal estates. 

May 6, 
9113- Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, in reply to orders of the 2(i 

instant, transmitting list of estates belonging to tho 7uw(wl;ir. 

May t6; No. 17. 
9114. Letter from Collector of Baxdwtfn, reyortiiur that the Utijii has 


agreed to farm the lands, the leases of which have expired. 
May 29; No. 41. 

9115. Letter to Collector of Calcutta, directing him to purchase and 

send spades (Koddlfs) to Chittagong for the use of Arakdn 
emigrants. May 20. 

9116. Letter to Commissioner of Kuch Behar, directing that the inde- 

pendent territories of the Rdjd be at present continued under 
his charge. May 9. 

9117. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, forwarding extract of an 

advertisement for the information of Europeans. May 2 ; No. i. 

9118. Letter to Collector of Chittagong in reply, directing him to with- 

draw the advertisement, it being calculated to cause unnecessary 
alarm. May 2. 

9119. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, stating the measures adopted 

for the protection of Ardkdn emigrants, in consequence of the 
withdrawal of regular Sepoys, May 2 ; No. 25. 

9120. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, regarding waste lands in 

which invalids might be advantageously settled. May 6 ; No. 50. 

9121. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, regarding want of rice for 

the emigrants. May 6 ; No. 8. , 

9122. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, reporting that spades (Ko- 

ddlfs) cannot be procured in Dacca, and requesting that they 
may be sent from the Presidency. May 20 ; No. 30. 

9123. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, in answer to letter of the 

2d instant, stating that as it may be necessary to rernll thi* 
militia (Sibandis) from the Ardkdn emigrants, he will defer 
applying for a commission for them. May 27 ; No. 7. 

9124. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, reporting that he has supplied 

the emigrants with sufficient rice for the year. May 27 ; No. 10. 

9125. Circular Orders to Collectors, calling for reports how far agricul- 

ture and commerce is capable of improvement, by facilitating 
communication between towns, etc. May 9. 

9126. Circular Orders to Collectors of Dacca, Dindjpur, Sdran, Tipperah, 

and 24 Pargands, directing them to supply information respect- 
ing the mode of employing convicts. May 20. 

9127. Letter from Collector of Dacca, respecting Chandradwfp, whose 

proprietors are troublesome. May 2 \ No. 35. 

9128. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting on the claim of Kdjbf 

Khdnam to the pension enjoyed by Sukind Ucgozn. May 6 ; 
No. 3. 


9129. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to report 

whether Rdjbi Khanam was maintained out of the above 
pension. May 6. 

9130. Letter from Collector of Dacca, enclosing precepts issued by 

the Bdkarganj Court in the case instituted by Government 

against the defaulting proprietors of Bozaigornedpur. May 6 ; 

No. 24. 
M3i. Letter from Collector of Dacca, enclosing a representation (Am) 

from the Pleader at Bdkarganj Court, informing that the liukar- 

ganj Court has decreed to Government Rs. 51,072 against the 

Chaudhris of Idnlpur. May 13 ; No. 5. 
9132. Letter from Collector of Dacca, forwarding representations from 

the Ndib of HJozargomcclpur, respecting tho granting of Takuvi, 

re-suttlement of lands, attachment of Mahals, etc. May 13; 

No. 27. 
9133- letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, forwarding instructions on 

the above. May 13. 
0134. Letter from Collector of Dnrra, requesting orders on precepts 

issued by Judge at liakarganj respecting purchasers of lancl.i in 

Hamlwfp. May 16; No. ei. 

9135. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to apply to 

the Court of Appeal in the event of the Xila Judge lefusing to 
give possession to the purchasers. May 16. 

9136. Letter to Governor - General in Council, recommending waste 

lands in Chittagong to be assigned to invalids. May 2 ; 
No. 51. 

9137. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting letter from 

the Collector of Jessor, remonstrating against the Judge's order 
for releasing prisoners without requiring them to make good 
the sums advanced for their subsistence. Mny 6 ; N f o. 56. 

9138. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending suspen- 

sions to proprietors of lands in Bhiigalpur ou account of drought. 
May 13; No. 13. 

9139. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending Hint con* 

virts be employed in the Black Rock at Rdingarh, May 20 ; 
No. 33. 

9140. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting papers from 

Jcssor, explanatory of the misunderstanding between the Judge 
and the Collector, May 20 j No. 62. 

9141. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending sale of 


the Jdgfr of the late Rdjd Rdjballabh, no admissible claim 
having been made to it May 20 ; No. 72. 

9142. Letter to Collector of Jessor, directing him to explain his 

conduct towards the Judge. May 2. 

9143. Letter to Collector of Jessor, requiring abstract account Jama of 

the lands proposed to be transferred to Bardwdn. May 13. 

9144. Letter from Collector of Jessor, explaining the cause of the fine 

of Rs. 100 imposed upon him by the Court. May 20 ; No. 60. 

9145. Letter from Collector of Jessor, submitting statement of lands of 

Chakld Bhrfshnd to be sold for arrears. May 27 ; No. 31. 

9146. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, directing him to invest Rdni 

Swarnamayi with the management of her estate, if she pleases 
to hold it at a revised assessment (Jama)* May 2. 

9147. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, submitting a list of estates in 

which the embankments require repair, and of proprietors who 
require advances for the same purpose. May 8 ; No. 4S. 
Advance authorized. 

9148. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, transmitting account sales 

of the lands of the Zamfnddr of Rdjshdhf. January 13 ; 
No. 23. 

9149. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdcl, transmitting applications 

for remissions of assessment (Jama) on lands which have been 
appropriated to Government embankments (Ikindhs). May 
23 ; No. 13. 

9150. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd in reply, directing him to 

grant suspensions equivalent to rent of the above lauds. 
May 23. 

9151. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, reporting that I'anchdnuncl 

Dds, purchaser of Pukharid, has applied to the Judge for 
possession of his purchase, without effect. May 5 ; No. 17. 

9152. Letter to Collector of Maimansinh in reply, directing the 

purchaser to apply to the Court of Appeal if the Judge still 
persists in refusing to give him possession. May 6. , 

9153. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd in reply, transmitting a petition 

from Rdjd Sambhu Chandra Rdi regarding the distress of his 
family, as the monthly allowance (Mushdhard) has not been 
paid to him for a long period. May 13 ; No. 7* 

9154. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd in reply, stating that Hoard cannot 

interfere, and directing him to refer the Rdjd to the Court 
(Addlat). May 13. 


9155- Letter from Collector of Purniah, transmitting petition presented 
by Akbar Husain and Dadar Husain (minors) of Paryana 
Surjyapur, claiming the full amount of Mdlikdnd. May 2 ; 
No. 31. 

9156. Letter to Collector of Purniah in reply, refusing to admit the 
claims, and directing him to hold the minors' lands responsible 
for any arrears, as they are not subject to the Court of Wards. 
May 2. 

9 r S7- Letter from Collector of Purniah, reporting that Dadar Husain 
and Akbar Husain have been invested with the management of 
their estates, and that they complain of heavy assessment. 
May 6; No. 57. 

9158. Letter to Collector of Purniah in reply, directing him to submit 

the Mufassal Settlement of the estate as soon as possible, and 
the Board will afterwards determine as to abatement of assess- 
ment (Jama), May 6. 

9159. Letter from Colkrtor of Purniah, submitting a statement of lands 

to be sold in discharge of arrears due from the late Raja 

kddlut Kant May 20 ; No. 64. 
<ji6o. Later from Collector of Purniah, with a petition from the late 

JSurbardhkar of Parganil Siirjyilpur, respecting Takdvi advances 

to niyuts. May 23 ; No, 23. 
9161. Letter to Collector of Purniah in reply, informing him that 

Takitvi advances cannot be made to the rayats ; but if the 

proprietors choose to make the same themselves, there can be 

no objection. May 23. 
Letter from Collector of Purniah, attributing the deficiency 

between the demand and collection of revenues (Sadr and 

Hastobiid Jama") in Imam IJakhsh's share of I'argand Kdnkjol 

to the devastations committed by wild animals. May 27 ; 

No. 27. 
Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhi, reporting that Mr. Harriett has 

agreed to purchase some charity lands for the purpose of teak 

plantations. May 27 ; No. 15. 
<;r 64. Letter from Collector of Rdmgarh, reporting on the proposition 

for employing convicts in the mines. May 20 ; No. 32. 
9165, Letter from Collector of Knngpur, proposing a fine of Rs. 15 

per diem to be levied from Jswarf Chaudhrdni till she 

delivers in papers regarding the Mufassal Accounts. May 9 ; 

No. 5. 


9166. Letter to Collector of Rangpur in reply, authorizing him to levy a 

fine of two per cent, on her assessment (Jamd) till she complies 
with his request May 9. 

9167. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, reporting Settlement made of 

Rdjd Rjballabh's lands. May 20 ; No. 70. 

9168. Letter from Secretary to Government, requesting that the Col- 

lector of Benares be ordered to pay Rs. 100 instead of Rs. 50 
per mensem to Jagann&h Sinh. May 2 ; No. 8. 

9169. Letter from Secretary to Government, stating that the emigrants 

from Arkn are under no restriction ; and if they choose to 
leave Chittagong, they are at liberty to do so. May 23. 

9170. Letter to Collector of SMhdbid, approving of measures adopted 

by him, and directing him to submit statement of further 
advances necessary for the improvement of the country. May 
27; No. 14. 

9171. Letter from Collector of Silhet, reporting that the cause of no 

bidders appearing at land sales is, that the landholders dispose 
of portions of their estates at a low assessment fixed by them- 
selves, for a consideration. May 6 ; No. 27. 

9172. Letter to Collector of Silhet in reply, informing him that private 

transfers are invalid unless notified, and consequently no bar to 
the sales of land for recovery of revenue. May 6. 

9173. Letter from Collector of Silhet, reporting on applications made 

for bringing in waste lands under cultivation. May 23 ; No. 23. 
9174. Letter to Collector of Silhet in reply, stating that, previous to 
granting leases (Pattds), application must be made to Govern- 
ment, and a report submitted of the lands brought under 
cultivation. May 23. 

9175. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, approving of the Settlement of 

Phitkdr May 2. 

9176. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, reporting that the Ritjd has been 

put into possession of his estate under certain limitations, and 
transmitting a statement of sums receivable by the IWjd. 
May 6; No. 51. 

9177. Letter to Translator to the Board, directing him to inform Nasfr- 

ul-mulk's legal agent (Vakil) that the neglect of His Highness* 
Officers prevents the Collector of MurshiddMd from furnishing 
a report on his petition. May 16.' 


JUNE, 1800. 

9178. Letter from Accountant to the Board, with copy of a letter from 

the Collector of Dindjpur, respecting marked gold Mohazs. 
June 27 ; No. 6 

9179. Letter to Accountant to the Board, directing him to instruct the 

Collectors generally to receive only gold coin of standard 
weight. June 27. 

.yiSo. Petition from Rani Bhabdni, claiming proprietary right in Pargana 
I^atlddd, and praying that the Settlement of the estate be made 
with her. June 17 ; No. 26. 

9181. Petition from Babu Rdm Rdi, reporting sundry illegal purchases 

in Dindjpur. June 20 ; No. 13. 

9182. Letter from Collector of Behar, on the subject of advances for 

the repairs of embankments (Gilandazi). June 10; No. Jofi. 

9183. Letter to Collector of Behar, stating that, although the tfnmtinj* 

of advances to rayats and farmers is authorized by the kt'inito 
tions, yet the sanction of the Hoard is indispensable. June 10. 

9184. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting the sale of the premises 

lately occupied by the Putna Mint June 10 ; No, 137. 
9185* Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting the superiority of the 
Chitrd sealing-wax. June 13 ; No. 3. 

9186. Letter to Collector of Behar, directing him to remit the (Jayd 

duties to Matsaddd Rdm, June 10. 

9187. Letter from Collector of Benares, submitting a .statement of 

establishment of officers for the Stone Mahal. June 10. 

9188. Letter to Collector of Birbhilm, regarding the re-annexation of 

Mahal Chatnd to Midnapur. June 27. 

9189. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, submitting report on the final 

Settlement of Tappd Nayd Dds. June 10 ; No. 108. 

9190. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, reporting the extent of roads 

and number of bridges kept in repair in the Jagir of the late 
Rashan Bakht June 13 ; No. 22. 

9191. Letter to Collector of Bhdgalpur, directing further report respecting 

Brtertr police (Chaukuldrs), postal (I)dk) charges, etc. June 13. 

9192. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, approving of propositions for the 

resumption of all lands in Bishnupur which appear to have 
been alienated, June 10. 

9193. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, reporting transfer of Mahals 


comprised in lot Kunjban at a reduced assessment (Jamd). 
June 10 ; Nos. 93 and 94. 

9194. Letter to Collector of Bardwin in reply, referring to the transfer 

of Mahals, stating that the proposed inquiry is unnecessary. 
June jo. 

9195. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, submitting statement of lands 

for sale of Kunjlal, who, by altering the Mufassal papers, in- 
duced the rayats to abscond. June 10 ; No. 1 1 1. 

9196. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, reporting the fraudulent con 

duct of the Sazdwal of Pargand Bishnupur. June 27 \ No. 2<> 

9197. Letter to Collector of Calcutta, desiring an immediate report as 

to what Mahals can be separated from his District. June 10. 

9198. Letter from Collector of Calcutta, submitting a statement of 

Mahals in Panchdnnagaon, remarking that they could more 
conveniently be annexed to Hiigli than to Nadiyd. June s.j ; 
No. 20. 

9199. Letter from Commissioner of Kuch Behor, respecting the Settle- 

ment of Thdnd Behar. June 13 ; No. 23. 

9200. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, reporting great want of 

cash, and praying that a remittance of R.H. 20,000 be imme- 
diately made to meet the most pressing demands. June to ; 
No. 44. 

9201. Circular Orders to Collectors, directing them to report the causes 

to which the heavy arrears in their Districts are attributable. 
June 10. 

9202. Letter from Collector of Dacca, proposing to form a new Mufassal 

Settlement of Idalpur. June 10; No. roi. 

9203. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, stating that, under exist- 

ing circumstances, it is thought expedient to expedite sale 
of lands belonging to the Chaudhrfe of Idalpur. June 10 ; 
No. 105. 

9204. Letter from Collector of Dacca, detailing particulars relative to 

Tappd Hdvili Mdhmudpur, belonging to the estate of JWjii 
Rdjkrishna. June 17 ; No. 9. 

9205. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, stating that, in consequence 

of his statement, the Settlement of the above estate made by 
Mr. Armstrong is annulled. June 17. 

9206. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting that the sale of Par&an;i 

Idalpur is postponed in consequence of an appeal from the 
decision of the Zild Court June 17 ; No, 12. 


9207. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, approving of the measures 

taken by him, and at the same time directing him to expedite 
the final orders of the Court when issued. June 17. 

9208. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a representation 

(And) from the Amin deputed to make the partition (Batwdni) 
of Pargand Chandradwip. June 24 ; No. 41. 

9209. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, approving of the measures 

adopted for the recovery of the fine imposed upon the Zamincldr 
of Chandradwip. June 24 ; No. 43. 

9210. Letter to Collector of Diniijpur, requesting him to give suspension 

to the Zaminddr. June 20. 

921 1. Letter to Governor-General in Council, with copy of a letter from 

the Collector of Nadiyd, recommending that landholders who 
refuse to direct the attendance of the Village Accountants 
(Patwtlris) be fined 2 per cent, per month on the rent (Jam;!) of 
their lands. June 10 ; No. 10. 

9212. Letter to Governor-General in Council, reporting the sale of the 

premises lately occupied by the Patna Mint, with proposals for 
the sale of other old buildings, June 10; No. 138. 

9213. Letter to Governor General in Council, transmitting a petition 

from Gopi Mohan, respecting the Jdgir of the late Krfja 
Rdjballabh. June 13; No. la. 

9214. Letter to Governor-General in Council, respecting the resumption 

of Kdmingos* allowances proposed in a minute by Mr- Harring- 
ton. June ij i No. 3. 

9215. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending thai 

balances in Midnapur amounting to Rs. 87,333 be written off 
us irrecoverable, and the defaulters released from confinement. 
June 17; No. 23. 

9216. Letter to Governor-General in Council, with a letter and enclosure 

from the Collector of Uehar, respecting the refractory conduct 
of Sarddr Sinh, and recommending that he be fined. June 24 ; 
No. 31. 

9217. Letter to Governor-General in Council, enclosing account of 

Spades (Koddlb) sent to Chittagong by the Collector of 
Cakuttii. June 24 ; No. 5. 

9218. Letter to Agent at Ilijili, directing him to make a provisional 

Settlement of that part of the Chakld the lease of which is 
about to expire. June 10. 

9219. Letter from Collector of Jcssor, submitting an abstract Settlement 


of lands delivered to the Collector of Bardwun. June 10 ; 
No. 27. Approved. 

9220. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting that he has not been 

able to apprehend Gangd Ndrdyan, but has taken measures for 
the forfeiture of his estate. June 13 \ No. 16. 

9221. Minute by Mr. Harrington, on the subject of Kdniingos' allow- 

ances, the abolition of which had been already proposed. 
June 17 ; Nos. i and 2. 

9222. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, with a list of defaulters in 

confinement whose balances amount to Rs. 87,033, recommend- 
ing that the balances be written off, and the defaulters released. 
June 17 i No. 22. 

9223. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, directing him to receive from 

the Collector of Birbhiim charge of Pargand Chatnd. June 27, 

9224. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, with a letter from Secretary 

to Government, authorizing Captain Parlby's accounts foi 
opening a passage between the Bishrmpur Swamp (jhil) and 
the river. June 17. 

9225. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, reporting on the petition 

of several Tdlukddrs and Fanners, praying for remissions, their 
crops having been injured by wild elephants. June 17 ; No. 6. 

9226. Letter to Collector of Maimansinh in reply, directing him to 

submit a statement of expense necessary for erecting a Khudd. 
June 17. 

9227. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, submitting a list of landholders 

who have not directed the Village Accountants (Potwstrfc) to 
attend with their accounts. June 10 ; No. 8. 

9228. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, with letter from the Secretary to 

Government respecting the levying of authorized fines. June 1 7. 

9229. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, requesting orders on the repairs 

of embankments (Puls) in the lands to be sold. June 20 ; 
No. 3a. 

9230. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd in reply, directing that the repairs 

be provided for by a deduction of the assessment (Jarnd) of 
the lands sold. June 20. 

9231. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, with letter and enclosure from 

the Secretary to Government, regarding the separation of certain 
Mahals from his District, and their annexation to the jurisdic- 
tion of Nadiyd and Hdglf. June 10. 

9232. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargattds, enclosing reply of MalulrtJjtl 


Iswar Chdnd to an order (Parwdnd) sent to him regarding 
compensation for lands at Dam Dam. June 10 \ No. 41. 

9 2 33- Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands in reply, directing him to 
explain more particularly to the Rdjd the purport of their 
orders of 3d January ; and in the event of his declining the 
proposed compensation, to state what sum in money might 
be deemed an equivalent. June 10. 

9234. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, stating that he had tendered 
the Settlement to Rdjd Iswar Chdnd of the gross revenue 
statement (Daul Bandobast) of the Madrasd Mahal June 10 ; 
No. 49. 

9235- Letter to Collector of 24. Pargands, directing him to expedite 
the report on Bhdtpdrd, etc., adjudged to the Zaminddr of 
Nadiyd. June 10. 

9236. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, recommending that a small 

part of the Zild north of Calcutta be annexed to Htigli. June 

24; NO. 22. 

9237. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhi, recommending an advance 

of Takilvf in Pargand Chandi, as a means of restoring cultiva- 
tion. Juno 10 ; No. 11. 

933!$. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhf, reporting that Anand Debyd, 
widow of Krishna Prasiid Chakrabartti, is only eight years old, 
and proposing Gopf Ndth Chakrabartti as manager of her 
estate. June 10; No. 38. 

9239. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhf in reply, directing him to take 

charge of the estate on the part of the Court of Wards. June i o. 

9240. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhf, reporting that Rdni Brajcswari 

has prevented him from attaching and selling Tappd Aurang 
nagar. June 13 ; No. 6. 

924 1 Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi, directing him, in reply, to state 
what obstacles were put in his way to selling the above lands. 
June 13. 

9242. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhf, stating losses sustained by 

the purchaser of Pargand Bazudr, etc., by inundation, and 
proposing deduction of revenue. June 24 \ Nos. 10 and 11. 

9243. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, with letter from the Secretary 

to Government, directing the Jdglr lands to be let in Farm. 
June 27. 

9244. Letter from Secretary to Government, remarking that cultivators 

ore entitled by Regulation VI. of 1800 to dispose of their- 


produce in a crude state exempt from duty, but not manu- 
factured. June 10. 

9245. Letter from Secretary to Government, remarking that, should the 

Collector of Jessor again manifest disrespect towards the Judge, 
the most serious notice will be taken of his conduct ; fine in 
the present case remitted. June TO. 

9246. Letter from Secretary to Government, respecting separation of 

Mahals from the Htigli District. June 10 ; No. 39. 

9247. Letter from Secretary to Government, approving of the ground 

selected for the teak plantation, and requesting the Board lo 
direct the Collector of Rdjshdhi to deliver it over to Mr. 
Barnett, together with Rs. 100 per month to pay the establish- 
ment necessary for its management. June TO. 

9248. Letter from Secretary to Government, stating that, though the 

claim of Gopi Mohan to the Jdgir of the late Rdjit Rdjballabh 
is not entitled to further consideration, yet the proposition re- 
specting the proprietary right may not for the present be 
adopted, and directing that the lands be farmed for the present 
June 27. 

9249. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, respecting Dandnl AlIdhdMd, 

and the monthly allowance (Mushdhara) payable to Hari Bibi. 
June 13; No. 19. 

9250. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, stating thnt, although the 

payment of the monthly allowance (Mushdhani) due was autho- 
rized, it was not intended that an abatement of the rent (Jamil) 
of the Mahal should be made. June 13 ; No. 20. 

9251. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, stating that, unless fines be 

levied from defaulting proprietors, they will not deliver in the 
required papers. June 17 ; No. 4. 

9252. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, authorizing him to levy 

a fine of 2 per cent, per month on the annual rent paid by them 
(Jami). June 17. 

9253. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, transmitting a letter from the Secre- 

tary to Government, regarding the Settlement of Rdjd Madhu 
Sinh's lands. June 10. 

9234. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, respecting proposed inquiry into 
Mr. Domingo Lopez's estate. June 10; No. 51. 

9255. Letter to Collector of Tirhut in reply, requiring proof of actual 

deficiency in the above estate. June to. 

9256. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, submitting detailed Account 


Settlement of the Jdgir of the late Rdjd Rdjballabh. June 10 ; 
No. 53. 

9257. Letter to Collector of Tirhut in reply, submitting orders on the 

above, and stating that if the proprietors have engaged for their 
lands provisionally at the adjustment of their rent (Jamd), such 
Settlement should be considered permanent, subject to the anal 
orders of Government only. June 10, 

JULY, 1800. 

9258. Letter to Accountant to the Board, transmitting letter and account 

statement (Jarad Wdsil Bdki) from the Collector of Rdjshdhi of 
the resumed police lands (Thdndddri) of Chakld Ehitarid for 
1205 and 1206. July 29. 

9259. Petition from Fakir Rdi and Jaganndth Rdi, stating that a Mauzd 

belonging to them in Purgand Chainpur is farmed to one Mr. 
Bekaunls, and praying that the Mauzd, may bo continued to 
them. July i ; No. 49, 

9260- Petition from the widow of Asacl Zaintfn KLhdn, late Zatnfnddr of 
Bfrbhtim, respecting the apportioning of the assessment (Jamd) 
in lands which she held rent-free in lieu of her subsistence 
allowance, July 4 ; No, 14. 

9261. Petition from Kdlf Sankar Sen of Rdjnagar, Dacca, stating that 

the pension allowed to the widow and father of the late Rdjd 
RdjballaKh has been discontinued by the Collector of Dacca. 
July ii ; No. 22, 

9262. Petition from Rdm Sewak Mallik, legal agent (Vakfl) of RdjdTej 

Chdnd, requesting that the Treasurer be instructed to receive 
Rs. 80,000 in part of balance for 1206. July 18 ; No. 12. 

9263. Letter from Collector of Behar, requesting Board's orders whether 

stamp papers are to be instituted in Pargand Ndgpur, and stat- 
ing that if not, some difficulty might arise in the adjustment of 
claims in the Rdmgarh Court. July x ; No. 5. 

9264. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him to circulate 

stamps, unless he has grounds to exempt the operation of the 
Government Regulation ; if so, to furnish a report July j. 
9263. Letter to Collector of Bchar, transmitting decrees from the Judge 
at Rdmgarh against Rdjd Churdman Sinh of Paldmau, and re- 
questing report regarding the jungle lands, and any other lands 
which the Rdjd may possess- July x. 
VOL. in. Q 


9266. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting petitions for advances 

on account of embankment repairs (Gilanddzf), and for com- 
pensation on account of the resumption of the miscellaneous 
duties (Sdyer). July n ; No. u, 

9267. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, authorizing the advance, and 

directing him to take the necessary measures for repayment with 
interest July n. 

9268. Letter from Collector of Behar, submitting letters from Captain 

Cruthenden to Colonel Hutchinson, with petitions from several 
invalids at Mubdrakpur ; complaining of the ill-conduct of the 
latter, and requesting that measures be taken for their punish- 
ment. July 15 ; No. 38. 

9269. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him to apply for 

a Court Martial. July 15. 

9270. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting having visited Rdmgarh, 

and stating that he sees no grounds for exempting Ndgpur from 
the operations of the Regulations ; also proposing measures 
for the realization of Excise (Abkdrf) tax there, and the issuing 
of licences. July 22; No. 14. 

9271. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, adopting his suggestions, 

and directing him to inform the Rdjd that his claims to abate- 
ment on account of resumption of Excise (Abkdri), or abolition 
of miscellaneous duties (Sdyer), will be inquired into and ad - 
justed. July 22. 

9272. Letter from Collector of Benares, transmitting petitions from the 

Tahsflddrs of Mowdi, etc., reporting that the Royal Family and 
their dependants have taken possession of lands from pro- 
prietors without a writ for obtaining possession (Amal Dnslak), 
although positively restricted from holding land, and remarking 
that, if not prevented, troublesome consequences would result, 
July 29 ; No. 4. 

9273. Letter from Collector of Bfrbhiim, reporting on the balances of 

Mauzd Mayld, and stating that the efficiency is owing to the 
emigration of rayats. July i ; No. 50. 

9274. Letter to Collector of Bfrbhiim in reply, stating that Government 

will be asked to purchase the Mauzd, and to lease it out. July i . 

9275. Letter from Collector of Itfrbhdm, reporting having delivered over 

Pargand Chdtnd to the Collector of Midnapun July 1 8 ; No. i , 

9276. Letter from Collector of Bfrbhdm, reporting having received 

petition from the wicjow of the late AsacJ Zamdn Khtfn, who 


wishes only to possess Mahal Bdbujor for her support. July 1 8 ; 
No. 24. 

9277. Letter to Collector of Birbhtim in reply, informing him that, in- 

stead of complying with the widow's application, it would be 
preferable to assign her a pension in money, leaving her in 
possession of her dwelling-house. July 18. 

9278. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, submitting a report from the 

Mint Master respecting rccoinagc of filed rupees. July 15 ; 
No. ii. 

9279. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, reporting having attached the 

whole of the Mahals of the Zaminddr on account of past and 
current years 1 arrears. July 4 ; No. 17. Approved. 

9280. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting petition from Jago- 

bandhu Ndg, complaining that his Tdluks which were separated 
last year have been advertised for sale on account of arrears 
due by Rupndrdyan Sen, and directing him to suspend the sale 
if the complaint is true. July i i. 

9281. Letter to Collector of Calcutta, informing him that the Governor- 

General in Council has directed the annexation of Mahals to 
the civil jurisdiction of the Judge at IIugli t and requesting him 
to ascertain if any can be transferred to Nadiyd. July 8. 

9282. Letter to Collector of Calcutta, drawing his attention to the large 

accumulation of arrears in 1205, and requesting to be informed 
why earlier measures for their recovery were not adopted* 
July 29; No. 17, 

9283. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, in answer to Government 

orders respecting lands intended for Invalid Thdnds. July 4 ; 
No. 29. 

9284. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, submitting an establishment 

for the measurement of Shdhr Kasbd Mahals, the property of 
Government, and those in the hands of Government officers, 
owing to no offer being made for them at public sale ; also stat- 
ing the refractory conduct of the occupants, and his former 
proposition to depute his Assistant there. July u ; No. 40. 

9285. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, submitting a statement of 

certain lands in Shdhr Kasbd Mahal to be sold, recommending 
their purchase by Government, as there were no bidders when 
put up for sale on a former occasion. July r i ; No, 41. 

9286. Letter to Collector of Chittagong in reply, expressing surprise that 

any part of the lands is still in the hands of defaulters, after he 


has been instructed to purchase them on account of Govern- 
ment July 1 1. 

9287. Letter from Collector of Dacca, with representations (Arzis) from 

Messrs. Paniotty Alexander and other purchasers of Chandra 
dwip, complaining of the misconduct of the Amfn deputed to 
attach lands. July 4; No. 12. 

9288. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to investigate 

the nature of the complaint; and if Rdmbakht Amfn is culpable, 
to dismiss him. July 4. 

9289. Letter from Collector of Dacca, on the subject of the pension of 

the late Nasir-ud-dfn Haidar Khdn. July 4 ; No. 18. 

9290. Letter from Collector of Dacca, regarding the pension of Sufcirul 

Begam, stating that it appears from information that RiijM 
Khknam was maintained by it July 4 ; No. 2 1. 

9291. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, suspending passing onlera 

on the subject July n. 

9292. Letter to Collector of Dacca, transmitting petition from *Kiii 

Sankar Sen, with directions to report why the pensions allowed 
by Government to the widow and grandsons of Rdjd R.lj 
ballabh are withheld from them. July T t. 

9293. Letter from Collector of Dacca, on the subject of the Taluk in 

the name of Harindrdyan, with an explanation of the Settlement 
concluded by his predecessor, and forwarding a genealogical 
table of the family. July 25 ; No. 10. 

9294. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, remarking thnr, should thr 

sharers of the above Taluk be desirous of a partition, to direct 
them to apply for it according to the Regulations. July 25. 

9295. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, submitting an ;i<*rotmt 

measurement and Settlement statement (Jamabandf) of the* 
resumed Jdgir lands of the late Rdjd Rdjballnbh, and Mufhss:il 
Settlement of them for 1205, adding that a portion of them 
have been transferred to Rangpur. July 8 ; No, 42. 

9296. Letter from Collector of Dinajpur, in answer to petition of Itohu 

Rdni and Rdi Jaganndth Prasdd, regarding the Jifgfr of the late 
Rdjd Rdjballabh. July 15 ; No. 27* 

9297. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, submitting precept from the 

Sadr Dfwdnf Addlat to the Judge on the subject of tin* salt; at 
the property of Rdjd Rddhd Kdnt July 15 ; No. 41. 

9298. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur in reply, requesting report as to 

whether the building attached by the Court is Mdlgu&irf or 


Ldkhirdj land, and to give the title under which it is held. 
July 15. 

9299. Letter from Collector of Dinajpur, reporting having discovered 

that the embezzlement committed by Rdmkumdr was with the 
connivance of the proprietors, and recommending that the 
order of suspension be rescinded. July 18 ; No. 6. 

9300. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur in reply, directing him to take 

measures for the recovery of the arrears, as the orders for the 
suspension have been rescinded. July 18. 

9301. Letter to Governor-General in Council, with petition from the 

family of Rajd Rajballabh claiming rents of Jdgir lands 
outstanding at the time of the death of the Rdjd, and realized 
by the Collectors, together with an abstract account of the 
collections ; and recommending that it be paid, as the claim 
appears to be well founded. July 15 ; No. 32. 

9302. Letter to Governor-General in Council, enclosing letter from the 

Collector of Mitlnapur, recommending that, as tranquillity is 
now restored in the jungles, the proprietor of Rdipur be 
compelled to keep up the establishment of sinned peons (Paiks). 
July 22 ; No. 8. 

9303. Letter from Agent at IJijili, soliciting authority for nn Anrin to 

be deputed to Jaldmutd to adjust the resumed rent of lands 
held by suit manufacturers (Malangis). July 18 ; No. 2. 
9304* Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting Captain Wyatl's 
remarks on sippy shells purchased by Government. July i ; 
No. 40, 

9305. Letter to Collector of Jessor, requesting him to report on Mahals 

that have been washed away. July 22 ; No. 45. 

9306. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, transmitting account sale 

of lands in Sherpur and SultdnujLU, disposed of by him for 
arrears of revenue. July n ; No. 26, 

9307. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, with statement of arrears 

still due from the Zaminddr of Rdjshdhf on account of revenue 
and police tax in the above Pargands, and stating that the 
Zamindar possesses no other property except the dwelling-house 
occupied by Rdnf Hhahdni. July 1 1 j No. 27. 

9308. Letter from Collector of Murshiddklcl, transmitting a petition 

from Siirjya Nrfniyan Kdntingo, praying to be allowed .six 
months 1 time for the payment of balances due by him. July 
13; No. 17. 


0309 Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd in reply, informing him that 
the Board cannot discern any grounds for suspending the 
recovery of the arrears. July 15. 

9310. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, submitting an estimate 

of the cost for the erection of a Khedd for capturing wild 
elephants. July 15; No. 49- 

9311. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, reporting on the Districts which 

have suffered from inundation. July 25 ; No. 38. 

9312. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, submitting a petition from the 

legal agent (Vakfl) of the Zaminddr of Ukhrf, JWj;i Iswar 
Chdnd Rdi, regarding the inundation. July 25 ; No, 40. 

9313. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, reporting that the TnmimMr has 

paid part of his revenue, and executed agreement (Ikrdr) to 
pay a part in 15 days, and stating that Rs, 35,000 may remain 
uncollected in consequence of the effects of the inundation, 
July 25 ; No. 42. 

9314. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, with a petition from the Rdjrf 

of Nadiyd and Zaminddr of Ukhrd, praying for a suspension of 
revenue. July 25 ; No. 43. 

9315. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd in reply, desiring him to slate what 

measures have been taken for the recovery of flu* amount 
adjudged by the Court in favour of the Rdjd of Nadiya; dis 
approving his proposition to suspend Rs. 35,000 on umnint of 
the casualties of the season, and desiring him to submit ;i 
statement of lands to be sold for the recovery of nnrt'nrs. 
July 25 ; No. 46. 

9316. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, stating that the (lovcrnor- 

General in Council had directed certain Mahals to IK* nnm*xc*d 
to the Civil Jurisdiction of the Judge at Hdgli, and rt'f|!U'*tinf* 
him to ascertain if no more Mahals can be transferred to 
Nadiyd. July 8. 

9317. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, stating his innbility in 

ascertain the right of claims to pension (Britti) by ItaflimanK, 
and recommending an Amin to be appointed to investigate it, 
July ii ; No. 35. 

9318. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands in reply, directing lo report 

further on the difficulty referred to. July T x. 

9319- Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhf, reporting obstacles put in his 
way by Rdni Brajeswari in conducting the sale of Aurnn$ibdcl. 
July 15 ; No. 56. 


9320. Letter frorfi Collector of Rdjshdhf, reporting having withdrawn 

the attachment from the RdjbdrL July 29 \ No. 7. 

9321. Letter from Judge at Rdmgarh, requesting the Board to order the 

Collector of Behar to dispose of lands of Raja* Churdman Rdi 
of Paldmau, in satisfaction of a decree passed in favour of Mr. 
Johnson. July (?) ; No 53. 

9322. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, reporting that ninety tiger- 

skins were presented by the huntsmen (Shiktiris), who claimed 
the usual reward ; and suggesting, to prevent fraud, that they 
procure a certificate from the proprietors of the Pargand in 
which the tigers were killed. July 1 1 \ No, 8. 

9323. Letter to Collector of Rangpur in reply, approving of the sugges- 

tion, and directing that in every instance it be adhered to. 
July ii. 

9324. Lette* from Secretary to Government, transmitting a petition from 

Sio Prasdd and Raman Sinh, complaining that the Mahals 
belonging to the Rdjii of Turki hud been taken possession of 
by the officers of the Raja" of NepdL July 22. 

9325. Letter from Collector of Shdlulbdd, reporting on the necessity of 

police protection, and recommending the establishment of 
Invalid Tluinds in Damvdr and Uhojpur; also enclosing a letter 
from tha Magistrate, stating that a Police Station (Thdnd) at 
Kdthdr would tend to preserve peace. July 1 1 ; No. 19, 

9326. Letter from Collector of Shdhdbdcl, soliciting permission to 

appropriate 1500 bighds of land in Sasseram, the property of 
Government, for the support of an Invalid Thdnd. July 15; 
No. 36. 

9327. Letter from Collector of Silhet, reporting that the sister of 

Ghuldbrdm has instituted a suit against Government. July 25 ; 
No. 18. 

9328. Letter to Collector of Silhet in reply, directing that Amrdbatf be 

allowed to take possession of the Taluk, and on no account to 
involve Government in a law-suit July 23. 

9329. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, enclosing letters from Mr. 

Elliot, reporting on the ground at present occupied by him. 
July 1 8 ; No. 8. 

9330. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, directing him to specify 

the quantity of ground Mr. Klliot is desirous of holding. July 18. 

9331. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, with petitions from Chandra 

Ndrdyan and others, praying that a Settlement be made with 


them, and complaining of undue exactions and Mint duties 
levied by the Rdjl July 22 ; No. 31. 

9332. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting account statement 
gam Wsil Bkf) of the Jgir of the late Rdjd Rajballabh, 
made up to the period of his death. July 15 ; No. 26. 

9333- Letter to Collector of Tirhut in reply, stating that he was directed 
to furnish an abstract of the net collections of the Jdgir for the 
year 1205, and to report on the portion to which the heirs of 
the deceased Jgirdr were entitled. July 15. 

9334. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, submitting statement of balances 
due from the Jdgfr of the late Rdj Rdjballabh for 1205, and 
stating that the R^j^s officers (Amils and Mdlguzdrs) refuse to 
acknowledge the Rdj's balance. July 15 ; No. 30* 

9335- Letter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting a petition from Kdjil 
Jagat Sinh praying for the payment of his allowance, which has 
been withheld. July 22. 

9336. Petition from Sio Prasdd and Raman Sinh, complaining that 

Mauz Supard Pipr, belonging to the Rdjd of Turki, has been 
taken possession of by the officers of the Riljd of NepdL July 
18; No. 28. 

9337. Petition from Chandra N&dyan Chaudhri and others of Tipperah, 

praying a Settlement be made with them for the hill country. 

July 22 ; No. 28. 
933& Petition from Chaudhrfs, Fanners, etc. of Tipperah, complaining 

of undue exactions of rent by the Rdjd, and of illicit duties 

levied by him. July 22 ; No. 29. 
9339- Petition from Brind^ban Chaudhrf and others, complaining of 

exaction of rent on rent-free (Ldkhirdj) lands and mLscelkmeou.s 

(Sdyer) duties, etc., by the Rdjd of Tipperah. July 22. 

9340. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting petition from the 

Brdhmaiis of Chandradwfp whose rent-free lands were attached 
by the Amin. July 25. 

9341. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing the release of Uu 

above lands, as they were ordered to be attached under tin- 
supposition that they belonged to the Rdjd. July 25. 

9342. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, reporting that the bnlamv 

paid by the Rj for 1206 was from the proceeds of the 
sale of certain lands, the purchasers of which were desirous of 
having them separated from the Zamfnddfs estate. July 29 ; 

JNO* o 


9343- Letter to Collector of Nadiyd in reply, directing him to consider 
the above Zaminddri as a joint undivided estate. July 29. 

AUGUST, 1800. 

9344- Letter to Accountant to the Board, with letter from the Secretary 

to Government, directing an advance to be made from the 
Benares Treasury for the use of the Rdjd of Nepal. August 29. 

9345- Petition from Khanjar Ali Khdn, formerly Zaminddr of Colgong, 

regarding the discontinuance of his pension. August i ; No. 59. 

934& Petition from Rdmtanu Biswds, charging the Diwdn of the 24 
Pargands of having made interpolations in the Settlement 
(Jamdbandi) papers. August 8; No. 13. 

9347* Petition from Rain DuUfl DC, of Chanddr in Midnapur, complain- 
ing of over-assessment on his lands, and praying for relief. 
August 26 y No. 20. 

9348. Letter from Collector of liehur, enclosing twenty-seven petitions 

for Takiivi and Gilandassf August * ; No. 39. 

9349. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him to submit a 

statement of the Mahals for which the advances were required. 
August J. 

9350. Letter from Collector of Behur, reporting on the Courts (Kachdris) 

established at Gayd. August x ; No* 52. 

9351. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting a copy of his letter 

and proceedings on the claim of Mohan 1AI and Gani Rdm to 
shares of the permanent holding (Mukarntrf) of Bishnu Datta. 
August 8 ; No. 25. 

9352. Letter to Collector of Debar in reply, submitting Board's resolu- 

tions on the above. August 8. 

9353. Letter from Collector of Behar, respecting the mutinies in Muba- 

rakdbdd, and of the inability of the Invalid Courts Martial to 
punish them. August 15 ; No. xo. 

9354. Letter to Collector of Behur, directing him to take measures for the 

punishment of the offenders in concert with Captain Cruthenden, 
and to report the result August 15. 

9355. Letter from Collector of ISchar, reporting the re-settlement of the 

Talukd of Raja Kathi Ndrdyun. August 22 ; No. 25. 

9356. Letter to Collector of Behar, directing him to submit a statement 

of lands of the Hdjd of Paldmau to be sold in liquidation of a 
decree passed by the Judge at Rdmgarh, August 26. 

238 BENGAL RECORDS. [Aua 1800. 

9357. Letter to Collector of Behar, informing him that his District 

is to be supplied with grain from Dindjpur if necessary. 
August 26. 

9358. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting list of Mahals in 

which an advance of Takdvi is solicited. August 26 ; No. 21. 

9359. Letter from Collector of Behar, stating the readiness with which 

the Zarnfnddrs of Ghydspur have agreed to contribute to the 
repairing of embankments. August 26; No. 29. 

9360. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him to transmit at 

the close of the year an account statement (Jamd Wasil Jklkl) 
of Ghydspur. August 26. 

9361. Letter from Collector of Bfrbhtfm, transmitting an account state- 

ment (Jarad Wdsil Bdkl) of Pargand Chatmt, with copy of the 
excise (Abkdrf) accounts. August i ; No. 51. 

9362. Letter to Collector of Birbhiim, directing him to report cm the 

balances due from lands separated from Rdmgarh and annexed 
to his District August 8. 

9363. Letter from Collector of Bfrbhiim, submitting account sales of 

lands belonging to Mirzd Ldl Beg and Rrfjd Zamdn Khan, 
disposed of on the 7th. August 15 ; No. ar. 

9364. Letter to Collector of Bfrbhiim in reply, transmitting the 

instructions to be given to the purchasers. August 15. 

9365. Letter from Collector of Birbhiim, reporting fully on the law Is 

held by Mr. Frushard in Ganutid. August 19 ; No. 5. 

9366. Letter to Collector of Birbhiim, requesting him to submit ropy 

and translations of the lease (Pattd) granted to Mr. I*'ru;taml. 
August 19. 

9367. Letter to Collector of Benares, with copy of a letter from Secre 

tary to Government respecting the Royal Family. August 15. 

9368. Letter, from Collector, of Benares, transmitting translation of a 

letter from Rdjd Uditndrdyan respecting the Jrfgfr of KoM Asia, 
with his report. August 19 ; No. 37. 

9369. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, returning the deeds of tuilc 

of lands regarding the Invalid Jdgirddr Institution. August 
12; No. 5. 

9370. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, reporting on charts inrunvcl 

in the Jdgir lands of the late Roshan Bakht August ia* 
No. 26. 

9371. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting his Assistant's 

report on the progress made in ascertaining the cause of losses 


sustained by Government from the failure of revenue in Bishnu- 
pur lands. August 8 ; No. 45. 

9372. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn in reply, approving the expediency 
of continuing the lands of Rdjl Chaitan Sinh under charge 
of his Assistant* August 8. 

9373- Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, reporting an inundation of 

the Damodar river. August 29. 

9374- Letter to Collector of Calcutta, with copy of a letter from the 

Collector of Tipperah respecting potato seed. August 22. 

9375. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, with a letter from Secretary 

to Government respecting the Invalids. August 1 2. 

9376. Circular letter to Collectors of Behar, Bhdgalpur, Chittagong, 

Purniah, Sdran, Shdhdbdd, and Tirhut, regarding the rules to 
be observed in the assessment of lands of the heirs of Invalids. 
August 5. 

9377- Letter from Collector of Dacca, respecting the amount of fines 
to be levied from persons refusing to transmit papers required 
for the forming of Regulation 22. August 5 ; No. 2. 

9378. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to levy a 

fine of 2 per cent, on the amount of the rent (Jama) paid by 
them, August 5. 

9379. Letter from Collector of Dacca, requesting orders for his guidance 

when he may be disturbed in his Court (Kachdrf) by insulting 
and clamorous persons. August 5 ; No. 8. 

9380. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to prefer 

a complaint to the Judge in such cases. * August 5. 

9381. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting on the general state 

of his District, its Settlement, etc. August 12 ; No. 38. 

9382. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a letter from the 

Nawdb respecting succession fees (Peshkash Dfwtinl), August 
22 j No. xo. 

9383. Letter from Collector of Dacca, with translation of a representation 

(Anrf) received from the Sasdwal of Idalpur, reporting the 
commission of a robbery at Ddiitlpur. August 25 ; No. 17. 

9384. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting Account Settlement 

of Bozargomedpur, purchased on the part of Government 
August 25 ; No. 40. Approved. 

9385. Letter to Collector of Dacca, respecting the annexation of 

Rdjemlra Ndrfyan's Tdluk to his District. August, 15. 

9386. Letter frozii Judge at Dindjpur, transmitting statement of lands 

240 BENGAL RECORDS. [AUG. 1800. 

of Rdnf Saraswatf, to be sold in satisfaction of a decree. August 
i ; No. 30. 

9387. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur, requesting him to submit a 

statement of lands, and to attach the rent-free lands of Rdja 
Rddhd Ndth for arrears of revenue due from him. August i. 

9388. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, transmitting a statement of 

buildings belonging to Rdjd Rddhd Ndth. August 5 ; No. 35. 

9389. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur in reply, directing him to move 

the Zild Court to stay the sale of the rent-paying (Malguzdri; 
lands, and other property of the Rdjd. August 5. 

9390. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur, stating that the heirs of the 

late Rdjd Rdjballabh are authorized to receive the amount 
realized of the balances outstanding in the Jdgfr since his 
demise. August 8. 

9391. Letter to Governor-General in Council, with Proceedings relative 

to the Collector of Belial's application for commission to cover 
the responsibility of delivering stamps. August 5 ; No. 34. 

9392. Letter to Governor-General in Council, respecting lands claimed 

by the widow of Rdjd Balwant Sinh, and recommending that 
the Jdgir held by Sio Prasanna Sinh be given up to her. 
August 19; No. 38. 

9393. Letter to Governor-General in Council, with letters .and enclosures 

regarding the Settlement of Madrasd lands, the property of 
Iswar Chdnd. August 19; No. 50. 

9394. Letter to Governor-General in Council, requesting orders on the 

personal property of the Rdjd of Rdj-shdhi under attachment. 
August 22 y No. 1 6. 

939S- Letter to Inspector of Granaries, with a letter from the Collector 
of Shdhdbdd regarding the amount of grain, and requesting 
him to report what grain can eventually be spared for the 
District of Shdhdbdd. August i. 

9396. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting that Mr, Anderson had 

established Indigo works without the sanction of Government. 
August i ; No. 13. 

9397. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, directing him to call 

upon Mr. Anderson for an explanation. August i. 

9398. Letter to Collector of Jessor, directing a .supply of sippy 

shells. August x. 

9399. Letter from Collector of Jessor, on the subject of the lands of 

the Zamfnddr of Mdhmudshdhf. August r ; No, 33. 


9400. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, directing him to notify 

that the lands will be sold in one lot at the Presidency on 
the 1 6th instant ; but if it be not possible, to allot the land 
in portions, each bearing an assessment (Jama) of about 
Rs. 10,000 or Rs. 12,000. August i. 

9401. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting that the Tdighari estate 

has proved unsaleable. August 26 ; No. 23. 

9402. Minute by Mr. Plarrington, respecting the Madrasd Mahal. 

August 12 \ No. 18. 

9403. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, stating that the actual resources 

of the Mahals mentioned in his statement are inadequate to 
pay the rent assessed upon them. August i ; No. 34. 

9404. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd in reply, informing him that it is 

desirable to sell the estate in one lot, and requesting him to 
submit a corrected statement of the lands, and not to make an 
inquiry into its resources. August i. 

9405. Letter from Collector of Nadiyci, transmitting more particular in- 

formation respecting the inundation, nnd a representation (Ar/i) 
on the subject from Rdjst Iswnr Clu'ind Rili. August 26; No. 25, 

9406. Letter from Collector of 24 Pnrgands, requesting papers relative 

to pensions paid to Hnthmnns. August j ; No. 45. 

9407. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, acknowledging orders 

relative to the abolition of the Kdnrfngo's office. August i ; 
No. 54. 

9408. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, directing him to furnish a 

report respecting the property declared to belong to the Zamfn- 
ddr of Nadiyd. August i . 

9409. Letter from Collector of 24 Pnrtfands, reporting on the general 

state of the revenues of his District. August 5 ; No. 5. 

9410. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands in reply, transmitting Board's 

Resolution on the above. August 6. 

9411. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, directing him to call on the 

Zomfntldr to state what rent (Jamd) he is willing to pay for the 
Madrasd, Mahal. August 12. 

9412. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, in answer to orders of the 

6th June, transmitting answers of the Xamimldr of Nadiyd and 
his legal agent (Vakil) respecting compensation on account of 
lands, and the Settlement of the Madrasd Mahal. August 19 ; 
No. 42. 

9413. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, directing him to conclude the 

242 BENGAL RECORDS. [Aua 1800. 

proposed Settlement at a rent (Jamd) of Rs. 20,870, and trans- 
mitting instructions relative to Bhdtpdrd. August 19. 

9414. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhf, with extract of Board's Resolu- 

tions respecting Jot Biru Kdsimpur, and recommending that 
an inquiry be made into its assessment. August 8. 

9415. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhf, reporting that the Nawdrd estate, 

etc., belonging to Jagomohan Bhddurf, has proved unsaleable. 
August is ; No. 9. 

9416. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi in reply, directing the sale of his 

personal property in liquidation of his balance. August 15. 

9417. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhf, transmitting inventory of the 

effects of the Rdjd's house (Rdjbdrf) at Ndtor. August 22; 
No. 15, 

9418. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhf, directing him to report if the 

Rdjd's house (Rdjbdrf) is still occupied. August 22. 

9419. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, stating that the heirs of the late 

Rdjd Rdjballabh are authorized to receive the amount, which 
appears to have been realized on account of the balances at the 
time of the Rdjd's demise. August 8. 

9420. Letter from Judge at Rdmgarh, stating that a sum of Rs. 27,9.1 1 

is due from Rdjd Churdman Rdi, and requesting u sale of his 
lands. August 26 ; No. 10. 

9421. Letter from Collector of Sdran, reporting on losses occasioned Iy 

encroachments of the rivers, and requesting to know if any 
deductions are to be made from the assessment. August 8 ; 
No. 15. 

9422. Letter to Collector of Sdran in reply, directing him to furnish 

statements showing the actual losses in land and revenue. 
August 8. 

9423. Letter from Secretary to Government, authorising the Collector 

of Shdhdbdd to charge in his accounts Rs. 1600 expended in 
the clearance of lands, and approving the establishment of an 
Invalid Thdnd in Mauzd Danwdr. August x. 

9424. Letter from Secretary to Government, stating that the Tdluk of 

Rdjcndra Ndrdyan is separated from Tipperah and annexed to 
Dacca. August 15 ; No. 4. 

9425. Letter to Secretary to Government, recommending T.'ikdvf ml 

vances in Shdhdbdd not exceeding 15,000 rupees. August 15. 

9426. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting .1 letter /torn 

the Registrar of the chief Criminal Court (Nusdmut Addlut; on 

SMI. 1800.] BOARD 01* REVENUE SERIES. 243 

the subject of employing convicts in mines, which for the pre- 
sent is abandoned. August 15 \ No. 27. 

94 2 7 letter from Secretary to Government, approving the measures 
adopted with regard to ShdhdMd, in which District the rice crop 
may fail. August 15 ; No. 29. 

9428. Letter from Secretary to Government, confirming Settlement of 
Tlidnd (Kurh) Jiehar, and stating that Government has no 
claim to participate in the surplus revenue of the Raja. August 
19; No. 8. 

9429- letter from Collector of SMhdbdd, stating a want of rain, and his 
apprehensions in consequence. August i ; No. 24. 

0430, Letter to Collector of SliAhdktd in reply, directing him to report 

from time to time on the above. August i. 

0431, Letter from Collector of Shdhdbad, stating that various applica- 

tions have been in.uie for Takdvi on account of the destructive 

efferts of the last season. August 15 ; No. 15. 
04,$?. Letter to Collector of Sh.'ihabad, authori/ing the establishment of 

an Invalid Than.'i at D.mwdr. August 19. 
<M, ? ,v Letter to Colin tor nf Slmhaluid, authorizing an advance of Ks. 

15,000 as Takdvf anil (iilandd/i in his District. August. 26. 
<M.J4. Letter from Collector of Khahdbdd, in reply to orders of the rst 

instant, stating the expense incurred in clearing the jungle land 

in Kdthdr. August 29 ; Na 37. 
9435- ' Alter to Collector of Tirhut, bating that the heirs of the late 

Kitjif IWjballabh are authori/ed to receive the* amount realixed 

of the balance outstanding at the time of his demise, August 8. 
9436. 'Letter from Collector of Tippcrah, requesting thai potato seed 

may IKJ sent to his District. August 22 ; No. 4. 
Letter from Collector of Tippcrah, representing that several 

Hnihrnans have presented petitions respecting charity lands. 

August 29; No. 1 6. 
8. Letter from Collector of Tipperab, reporting arrangements made 

for the management of Gopdlpur estates, and the refractory 

conduct of (iltuldm Nabl. August 29 ; No. 32, 


9439. Letter from Accountant to the Hoard, transmitting statement of 
the land revenue and miscellauous (Sdyer) revenue of the 


Provinces for 10 years preceding and 10 years subsequent to 
the Decennial Settlement September 5 ; No. 44. 

9440. Petition from Khanjar All Khdn, respecting the continuance of 

his pension, without which his family will be reduced to great 
distress. September 19 ; No. 14. 

9441. Petition from Sio Ndrdyan Rdi, adopted son of the late Rani Bish- 

nupriyd, Zamfnddr of the 9 annas division of Pargand Tamluk, 
praying that he may receive his monthly allowance (Mushdhard), 
or be put in possession of his estate. September 19 ; No. 28. 

9442. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting deed of engagement 

(Kabuliyat) of the permanent leaseholder (Mukarrarfddr) of 
Sherpur Mdtd. September 5 ; No. 4. 

9443. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him to compel the 

permanent leaseholder (Mukarrarfddr) to pay Fatimd Khdnam's 
monthly allowance (Mushdhard). September 5. 

9444. Letter from Collector of Behar, relating to the death of Shujd 

Kuli Khdn, and the share held by him of the Jdgfr of the late 
Nawdb Manir-ud-dauld. September 5 ; No. 17. 

9445. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him to state what 

provisional allowance it may be necessary to make for the 
support of the sons and daughters of the late Shujd KuK Khdn. 
September 5. 

9446. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting the conclusion of a 

suit in favour of Government respecting Pargana Tapld, the 
escheated Jdgfr of the late Ghuldm Husain Khan. September 
19; No. 16. 

9447. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him to stale the 

extent of the Pargand, and the assessment he would recommend. 
September 19. 

9448. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting letter from Government, 

directing remission of Gayd duties. September 26. 

9449. Letter to Collector of Benares, directing him to proceed to the 

sale of the lands of the late Jagat Sinh according to orders of 

the 1 2th instant September 30. 
9430. Letter from Collector of Bfrbhiim, transmitting a statement of 

the revenue paid to Government (Sadr Janid) by Mahals 

affected by the drought September 5 ; No. si. 
9451. Letter to Collector of Bfrbhiim in reply, directing him to submit 

a statement showing the demand (Sadr Jamd) and the amount 

of collections. September 5 . 


9452. Letter from Judge at Bardwdn, requesting the sale of a portion of 
the Rilja's lands. September 5 ; No. 13. 

9453* Letter to Collector of Bardwan, directing him to submit a state- 
ment of the Rajd's lands. September 5. 

9454. Letter to Collector of Bardwan, directing him to proceed to the 
separation of Danishmand's lands, if the Raja does not 
interfere. September 23. 

9455- Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting a statement of 
proceeds of sale of rent-free (Ldkhinij) property forfeited to 
Government. September 26 ; No. 30. 

9456. Letter from Collector of Calcutta, reporting that potato seed is 
not procurable in Calcutta. August 5 ; No. 64. 

9457- Circular Order to Collectors, directing them in ail instances to 
state, when submitting statement of lands for sale, whether it is 
advisable to sell the lands at the Presidency. September 5. 

9458. Letter from Collector of I >a<x:a, reporting the result of measures 
adopted respecting a representation (Arxi) of the Sazdwal of 
Idalpur, who has been fined. September r6; No. 12. 

9-159- Letter from Collector of I>acca, forward ing two precepts issued 
by the Provincial Court respecting decrees passed against the 
Ziunfmlitr of Idalpur, September 30; No. 19. 

9460. Letter from Collector of Dacca, forwarding a representation 

(Arzf) from Chandradwfp respecting the tenures of the tenants. 
September 30 ; No. 29. 

9461, Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting copy of a 

letter from the Collector of Rdjshilhf, respecting the Rdjd's 
house (Riijbdrf), which is recommended not to be sold. 
September 9. 

<;.|62. Letter to Governor-General in Council, forwarding copy of a 
letter from the Collector of Kenares reporting the death of 
IJalm Rit]> Sinh, who enjoyed a pension of Rs. 12,000 per 
annum. September 9; No. 91, 

9463. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending the 

continuance of a religious endowment of Rs. 360 per annum to 
Goj>( Niith Snnmi. September 23 ; No, 4. 

9464. LctU'r from Hijili Agent, transmitting Rifjd Indra Ndrrtyan's 

proposals for fanning the Mahals alluded to in his petition. 
.September 5 ; No* 67. 

9465. Letter from Agent at Uijili, transmitting petition from the 

Zamimkir of Suj&nuUL September 16 ; No. 30. 



9466. Letter to Agent at Hijili in reply, informing him that petitioner's 

engagement cannot be broken. September 16. 

9467. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting on lands possessed by 

persons who have no right to them, and proposing to resume 
the lands. September 5 ; No. 14. 

9468. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, approving of the proposi- 

tion, but directing him not to go to law if the object can be 
effected without such measure. September 5, 

9469. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting Mr- Anderson's ex- 

planation respecting lands held by him. September 5 ; No. 15. 

9470. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting a decree passed 

against Mr. Ernest, late Commissioner of Chakld Bhdshnl 
September 9; No. ai. 

9471. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, informing him that it is un- 

necessary to appeal September 9. 

9472. Letter from Collector of Jessor, soliciting instructions respecting 

lands attached to Zamfnddrs' houses (Khdndbdri). September 
9 ; No* 64. 

9473. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, stating that, after the sale of 

a Zamlnddrf, no lands can beheld by the proprietor except those 
rent-free (Ldkhirdj). September 9. 

9474. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, respecting embezzlement com- 

mitted by Darpa Ndrdyan Majumddr. September 16 ; No. 1 1. 

9475. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, stating that further pro- 

secutions are unnecessary, and directing him to keep Darpa 
Ndrdyan in confinement till the amount has been recovered. 
September 16. 

9476. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, authorizing him to levy fines 

on landholders who have refused to deliver in papers showing 
the rates of rent (Nirikhbanclf). September 5. 

9477- Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, with Proceedings respecting 
the sale of certain property belonging to the Rdjd of Dindjpur, 
and directing him to move the Court to set aside the decree. 
September 5 ; No. 72. 

9478. Letter from Collector of Maimaixsinh, submitting propositions 

respecting the payment of the proprietary allowance (Mdlikdnd) 
to the Zamfaddrs of Hdzrddf. September 19 ; No. 2. 

9479. Letter to Collector of Maimansinh in reply, directing him to sub- 

mit a statement showing the amount payable to each of the 
Zamfnddrs, September 19. 


9480. Letter from Collector of Maimaflsinh, requesting that a deficiency 

which has arisen from the transmission of marked rupees be 
written off. September 19 ; No. 21. 

9481. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, transmitting petition from Rdjd 

Lok Ndth regarding the purchase of lands. September 12 ; No. 6. 

9482. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd in reply, directing him to report 

if there be any objection to the union of the Rdjd's estates. 
September 12. 

9483. Letter from Collector of Purniah, submitting petition from the 

Zaminddr of Pargand Gaur Hard. September 9 ; No. 66, 

9484. Letter to Collector of Purniah in reply, stating that, before inquir- 

ing into the alleged losses, he should call on the Zaminddr for 
accounts. September 9. 

9485. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, reporting that none of the 

landholders have furnished the papers required for the formation 
of the Quinquennial Register. September 5 ; No* 28. 

9486. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands in reply, directing him to send 

in a list of those landholders who have not complied with orders. 
September 5. 

9487* Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, forwarding Itoord'H address 
to Government respecting the Settlement of IJhdtpdrd, Sep- 
tember 26. 

9488. Letter from Collector of RdjshdM, submitting a petition from 

Netrdnand Sun, stating that his name has been subscribed to a 
petition presented to the Board, without his knowledge. Sep- 
tember 5 ; No. 43. 

9489. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhf in reply, directing him to sell 

Netrdnand's lands. September 5. 

9490. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdlifj, stating that the Rdjd's house 

(Kdjbdri) does not appear to be essential to the comforts of the 
Rdjd's family. September 9 ; No. i. 

9491. Letter to Collector of RdjshdM in reply, directing him to expedite 

his report on the petition of Rdm Bhakinf. September *6, 

9492. Letter to Secretary to Government, transmitting a letter and 

enclosure from the Collector of Behar, reporting the sale of the 
tribute elephants- September 16, 

9493. Letter from Secretary to Government, admitting the claims of the 

widow of Rdjd Balwant Sinh to the Xamfnddrf and Jdgir of 
Pargand Kola Asld, with certain reservations. September 30, 

9494. Letter from Secretary to Government, authorizing a pension of 

248 BENGAL RECORDS, [Ocx. 1800. 

Rs. 200 per mensem for the maintenance of the widow of the 
late Asad Zamdn Kh4n, former Zaininddr of Bfrbhiim. Sep- 
tember 30. 

9493, Letter from Secretary to Government, directing the immediate 
release from attachment of the Rdjd's house (Rdjbdrf) of Rdj- 
shdhf, with the effects in it, September 30. 

9496. Letter from Collector of Shdhdbdd, reporting want of rain in 

Pargand Chainpur. September 9 ; No. 31. 

9497. Letter from Collector of Shdhdbdd, proposing to recover posses- 

sion of villages surreptitiously obtained by Dasim Alf Khdn. 
September 9 ; No. 34. 

9498. Letter to Collector of Shdhdbdcl in reply, approving of the 

measures proposed to be adopted. September 9. 

9499. Letter from Collector of Sdran, respecting certain lands in, Cham- 

pdran that pay no revenue to Government, September 9 ; 

No. 27. 
9300. Letter to Collector of S4ran in reply, directing him to submit a 

statement of the lands. September 9. 
9501. Letter to Collector of Silhet, directing him to submit an estimate 

of the cost of building six boats for postal purposes. September 5. 

9302. Letter from Collector of Silhet, reporting the inundation of the 

country. September 26; No, 21. 

9303. Letter from Collector of Silhet, forwarding specimens of waste 

land leases (Jungle-buri Pattds) granted by his predecessor and 
himself, September 30; No. 37. 

9304. Letter from Collector of Bchar, reporting that the heirs of the 

late Shujd Kulf Khtfn decline to receive their pension. Sep- 
tember 30$ No. 22. 

9303. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him to report 
whether the family is in distress. September 30, 

OCTOBER, 1800, 

9306. Letter to Accountant to the Board, transmitting a letter from the 

Collector of 24 Pargands, directing him to forward the necessary 
instructions to Collector of Nadiyd, on account of the proprie- 
tary allowance (Mdlikdnd) due to Rdjd Iswar Chdnd RdL 
October 10. 

9307. Letter from Accountant to the Board, forwarding a statement of 


disbursements made by the late Captain Cox on account of the 

Ardkdn emigrants. October 24 ; No. 25. 
9508. Petition from Ramtanu Ld, stating that certain lands of his in 

Nadiya are about to be sold unjustly. October 21. 
9309. Letter from Collector of Behar, forwarding three petitions 

soliciting advance of Takavi. October 3 ; No. 9. 

9510. Letter from Collector of Behar, stating that, in consequence of the 

failure of the Farmer to pay the proprietary allowance (Mdlikdnd), 
he has paid it himself. October 7 ; No. i. 

9511. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, stating that the Board 

considers the payment as premature, and requiring further 

information. October 7. 
9312. Letter from Collector of Behar, respecting the escheated Jdgir of 

the kite Ghuliim Ilusain Khan. October 7 ; No. 9. 
9513. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him to apply 

to the Court to put him in possession of the Jagir. Octo- 
ber 7. 
9314, Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting a petition from the 

Raja of Niigpur respecting lands held by Jagirdars. ( )<:tober 7 ; 

No. 21. 

9515. Letter from Collator of Hchnr, transmitting a decree passed 

against Government in the case of in&yet Alt Khdn. Octo- 
ber 21 ; No. 48. 

9516. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting on the balances of the 

Rdjd of Nilgpun October 24 ; No. 43. 

9517. Letter from Collector of Birbluim, stating the reasons for having 

recommended further indulgences to sufferers by the drought. 
October 21 ; No. 23* 

9318. Letter from Collector of liirbluim, reporting that there appears 

to be no evidence to shake the validity of sales of lands in 
Panchet, by proving that the lands were bought by the Diwan. 
October 31 ; No. 18. 

9319. Letter to Collector of lUrlihiim in reply, transmitting instructions 

on the above. October 31 ; No. 190, 

9520* Letter from Collector of Bunlwan, reporting that Tdluk Nndibandi 
is assigned for the support of a god (Debottar). October 14 ; 
No. 5. 

9521. Letter to Collector of Burdwitn in reply, directing him lo proceed 
with the sale according to orders, and to explain the circum- 
stances lo the natives. October 14. 

2So BENGAL RECORDS. [Oct. 1800. 

9522. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, soliciting information respecting 

remission to be allowed in Ghusri. October 14 ; No. 19. 

9523. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn in reply, transmitting Secretary's 

report on the above. October 14. 

9524. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, submitting particulars 

relative to the purchase of grain by the late Captain Cox. 
October 24; No. 27. 

9525. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, submitting particulars of 

lands ordered to be resumed from the family of the late Gokul 
Ghoshdl. October 28; No. 18, 

9526. Circular Orders to Collectors, transmitting Government orders 

prohibiting the poppy cultivation. October 3. 

9527. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a representation 

(Arzi) received from the Amln in deputation to Clwndnidwip. 
October 3 ; No. 3, 

9528. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to institute a 

civil suit against the persons complained of. October 3. 

9529. Letter from Collector of Dacca, forwarding copy of a. precept 

from the Magistrate respecting the trial of the Zamfnddrs of 
Baikunthpur. October 3 ; No. 4. 

9530. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to depute a 

person to take charge of Baikunthpur. October 3. 

9531. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a letter from the 

Nawdb respecting the appropriation of the pension enjoyed by 
the late Nasfr-ud-din Khdn. October 3 ; No. 21. 

9532. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, forwarding Secretary to 

Government's letter for his information. October 7. 
9533- Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting proceedings upon 

the conduct of certain Tdlukda'rs in withholding revenues, 

October 7. 
9534. Letter to Collector of Dacca, transmitting orders on the above*. 

October 7. 
9535* Ixsllcr from Collector of Dorai, submitting u representation (Ar/f) 

from the Government pleader of Hdkarganj. October 7; 

No* 31. 
9536. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, suggesting th<; propriety 

of an immediate sale of lands of the Tuhsfhldr of .Bo/argomod- 

pur. October 7. 
9537^ Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting list of the Mi/Aunt 

pensions drawn out by the Nawdb. October 10; No* 1 1. 


& Letter to Collector of Dacca, transmitting letter from Secretary to 
Government regarding the pension of Puna Begam. Octo- 
ber 14. 

9539' Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting report on the 
Settlement of Pargand Bozargomedpur, purchased on the part 
of Government October 14; No. si. 

9540- Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting that suits have been 

instituted against him for having demanded the arrears due on 
Sibpur. October 17 ; No. 9. 

9541- Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, requesting him to defend 

the suits, but not to suspend the sales. October 17. 
9542. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, submitting orders passed in 

the Provincial Court of Appeal, respecting Rdjd Rddhd Ndth. 

October 14; No. 42, 
9543* Letter to Governor-General in Council, forwarding letters from 

the Collector of JMrbhiim, respecting suspensions applied for in 

consequence of drought. October 21 ; No. 27. 
41344. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting proceedings 

regarding arrears; due from the Zauiiiiddr of Ndgpur. October 

24 ; No. 44. 
95-1 5- letter to Governor-General in Council, submitting a letter from 

the Collector of Itardwdn, recommending rupees of sorts to be 

received in IJwhnupur. October 31 ; No. 30* 

9546. Letter from Agent at Ilijili, reporting on the petition of Rdi Deo 

R;li. October 28 ; No. 22. 

9547. Letter to Agent at Ilijili, directing him to report on the actual 

produce of the Niinkdr lands. October 28. 

9548. Letter to Collector of Jessor, directing him to report upon 

balances outstanding upon that part of the Zamfnddr of Rdj- 

shihfs lands situated in his District. October 17. 
9549- Letter from Collector of Midnapur, on the subject of the Rdjd's 

purchases in fictitious names (Bendmi). October 10 ; No. 14, 
c;s$o. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, transmitting Resolution con- 

taining instructions on the above. October 10. 
955 x. letter from Collector of Midnapur, submitting a statement of 

resumed rent-free (Bdd Zamin) lands disposed of. October 

2T ; No. 43- f , 

9553. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, approving of the sale. 

October xo. 
9553. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, forwarding copy of orders 

25* BENGAL RECORDS, [Ocr. 1800. 

sent to Bardwdn, respecting the purchase of Rdipur. Octo- 
ber 28. 

9554* Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, forwarding application 
from the Rdnf for the continuance of her monthly allowance of 
Rs. 4000. October 17 ; No. 4. 

9555- Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd in reply, informing him that 
the Rani receives Rs. 1000 per month. October 17. 

955<>- Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, directing him to report on the 
balances outstanding on that part of the Zaminddr of Rdjshdhi's 
lands as is situated in his District October 17. 

9557- Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, transmitting proceedings 
of the Provincial Court, with regard to the sale of the Rdjd's 
property. October 21 ; No. 33. 

9558. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, reporting sums paid into the 

Government Treasury by Rdjd Lokndth. October 28. 

9559. Letter to Collector of Maimansinh, agreeing to the request of tin; 

Tdlukddrs to be allowed to pay up balances by instalments. 
October 17 ; No. 18. 

9560. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, directing him to report on the out- 

standing balances on that part of the Zamfnddr of Rdjshdhi's 
estate situated in his District. October 17 ; No. 51. 

9561. Letter from Collector of Purniah, submitting petition regarding 

the permanent (Istimrdri) grant of the late Manim Beg Khdn. 
October 28; No. 6. 

9562. Letter to Collector of Purniah in reply, directing him to refer 

Rdjd Madhu Sinh to the Addlat October 28. 

9563. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, transmitting a statement of 

proprietary allowance (Mdlikdnd) payable to Rdjd Iswar Chdml 
Rdl October 10; No. 6. 

9564. Letter from Acting President, reporting his intention of visiting 

the Honble. Company's Studs, and of the inquiry he is about to 
make respecting the Dddrf fair. October 10. 

9365. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhf, directing him to report on 

balances at present outstanding in the Zamfnddrf of Rdjshdhf. 
October 17. 

9366. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhf, requesting to know how the 

officers employed to attach the Rdjd's house (Rdjbdrf) are to 
be paid. October 24 ; No. i. 

9367. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi in reply, informing him that the 

Rdjd is to be held responsible for the expenses. October 24. 


95 6$. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, informing of the sale of the 
whole of the lands of Iswari Chaudhrdni October 31; 
No. 70. 

9569. Letter to Collector of Rangpur in reply, directing him to submit 

an account sale of the lands. October 31. 

9570. Letter from Secretary to Government, stating that orders would 

be immediately issued to the proper authorities respecting 
robberies at Dacca. October 7 \ No. 6. 

0571. Letter from Secretary to Government, approving of proposition 

respecting lands held by Mr. Frushard, who must either pay 
the adjusted rent or relinquish the land October 21. 

0572. Letter from Secretary to Government, remarking that the head 

Court (Kachdri) of Behar is to be established at Patnd. Octo- 
ber 23f, 

9573- Letter from Collector of Silhet, forwarding detailed report of the 
damage sustained from inundation. October 7 ; No. 8. 

957,}. U'tttrr from Collector of Sdran, reporting upon the petition of 
Kifjjl Uantft Prasj'ul and Kumdr Dost. October 14; No. 13. 

<;57S- I<-tUtr to Coikrtor of Saran in reply, directing sale of their lands. 
October 14. 

NOVEMBER, 1800. 

95 76, Letter to Accountant to the Board, transmitting Chief Secretary's 

letter directing a monument to be erected at Benares. No- 
vember 7. 

9577. Letter to Ammntant to the Board, authorizing aix advance of 

TakAvf in Purniah. November 28. 

<;57< Application to Mr. Armstrong, with copy of a correspondence 
respecting a decree passed in favour of Khwdjd Ajatoon, for 
any explanation he may have to offer on the subject. Novem- 

IHT *t 

,,. Petition from Mir/A Ahmad Ali, legal agent (Vakil) of Sayyid 
Xulfifcnr Ah', whose monthly allowance (Mushahara) has been 
withhold, i-niyintf that the Collector of Tirhut be requested 
to report on it. November 7 ; No. 20. > 

,, 5 Ho. IVtitiun from Ifcirin Clunilra Datta, Tdlukdar of Pdikhdti, m 
lessor, suiting that his lands have been appropriated to the 
salt manufacture, but that no remission was granted him. 
November 14 ; No. 15. 

254 BENGAL RECORDS, [Nov. 1800. 

9581. Petition from Kumdr Anand, son of Rdjd Brajdnand, praying 
for monthly allowance (Mushdhard). November 25 ; No. 36. 

9582* Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting the receipt of tribute 
elephants from Nepal. November 28 \ No. i. 

9583. Letter from Collector of Benares, proposing compensation to 

be given for lands the property of Messrs. Colvins, etc. No- 
vember 1 1 \ No. 6. 

9584. Letter from Collector of Bfrbhtfm, respecting the pension to be 

granted to the widow of Asad Zamdn Khdn. November 18 ; 
No. 20. 

9585. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, respecting suspension of 

the order (Parwdnd) to attach rent-free (Ldkhirdj) lands. No- 
vember 28 ; No. 33. 

9586. Letter to Collector of Bhdgalpur in reply, forwarding instructions. 

November 28 ; No. 34, 

9587. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting petition from 

Rtijd Chaitan Sinh. November n \ No. i. 

9588. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn in reply, directing him to allow 

the petitioner a sufficient sum for his subsistence. Novem- 
ber n. 

9589. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, with a letter from the Secretary 

to Government for his information respecting rupees of sorts, 
and requesting a report as to the source from which the 
circulation is supplied. November a jr. 

9590. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, respecting mode of collecting 

revenue from Service (Chdkrdn) lands. November 25 ; No. 9. 

9591. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, regarding lands for Invalids. 

November 25. 

9592. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, approving of his having struck 

off Taraf Muhammad Husain from the list of lands of dis- 
qualified proprietors. November 28. 

9593- Circular letters to Collectors of Calcutta, Bardwdn, Daren, Jessor, 
Nadiyd, 24 Pargauds, and Tipperah, informing them of the 
appointment of managers to the estates of Rdjd Rdjkrishna 
and Gopfmohan* November 25, 

9394. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting his having deputed 
officers to take charge of Itoikunthpur. November 4 ; No. 14. 

9595- letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to reduce 
the establishment of Muhamrs, and to fix the Amfas 1 wages 
at a less rate. November 4. 


9596. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a letter from the 

Nawdb of Dacca. November n ; No. 16. 

9597. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a statement of 

lands of such of the purchasers of Chandradwfp as have not 
paid their purchase money. November 14 ; No. 34. 

9598. Letter to Collector of Dacca, directing that the pension of the 

late Haidar Alf Khan be continued to his son and family. 
November 21. 

9599. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting translation of a 

representation (Am) from the Sazdwal of Idalpur, complaining 
of ill-treatment. November 25 ; No. 47. 

9600. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a translation of a 

representation (Arzf) from the Tahsfldur of Talibubdd, stating 
particulars of an affray. November 25 ; No. 49. 

9601. Letter from Collector of Dimijpur, in answer to orders of 8th 

July last, respecting the Jifgi'r lately belonging to Rdja Kdj- 
ballabh. November 4 ; No. 32. 

9602. Letter from (iovcrnnr-(U*ncral in Council, submitting a letter from 

the Agent at Hijili proposing re-set llcinenl of Innds of Kiinf 
Sugawlhyji. November 14; No- 33. 

9603. Letter to Governor-General in Council, submitting particulars 

of a suit decreed ugainst Government in the Sadr Dfwdnf 
Acldlat November 21 ; No. 23. 

9604. Letter from Agent at Ilijili, submitting provisional Settlement 

of the Zamindarfs of Rdnf Sugamlhyd and Rdjd Narndrdyan 
Rdu November 14; Nos. 31, 32, and 32a. 

9605. Letter from Collector of Jessor, respecting the sale of Henckell- 

ganj, which had been suspended. November 4 ; No. 16. 

9606. Letter to Collector of Jessor, with orders transmitted to the 

Collector of Uardwdn, respecting tJie management of the estate 
of the late Rrijd Rdm J^oi'luin. November 7. 

9607. Letter to Collector of Jossor, respecting the sale of the 3 

and 4 nnnos shares of Pargund Mahniiidshdhf. Novem- 
ber ii. 

9608. 'Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting on the petition of Rdjd 

Rdm Lochan's widow. November 14; No, 10. 

9609. Letter from Collector of Murshuldbdd, transmitting precepts from 

the Civil Court (IXwanf Addlat), complaining of the Settlement 
of Mauli and liilundf. Noveml)er 28 \ No, %4* 

9610. letter from Collector of Maiuuuisinh, trunsnuuing a statement 

256 BENGAL RECORDS. [Nov. 1800. 

of Mdlikdna payable to the Zaminddrs of Hazradi. November 
25; No. 39. 

9611. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, stating particulars of lands for 

which no bidders appeared when put up to sale* November 4 \ 
No. 9. 

9612. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, respecting suspension to be granted 

to the Zamfndar. November 21 ; No. IT. 

9613. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, reporting his repeated failure in 

disposing of certain lands. November 21 ; No. 49, 

9614. Letter from Collector of Purniah, transmitting statement of the 

property of Rddhd Kdnt Ral November 4 ; No, 39. 

9615. Letter to Collector of Purniah, authorizing Takilvi advances 

required by him. November 28. 

9616. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhi, reporting on the petition of 

Mahdrdm Bhabdnf. November 28; No. 50. 

9617. Letter from Secretary to Government, deeming it inexpedient to 

enforce the Regulation respecting arrears due from Nippur. 
November 18; No. 13. 

9618. Letter from Secretary to Government, directing the Hoard in 

ascertain the extent of loss sustained by the Znmiwlar of 
Ndgpur from the incursions of the Rifjd of Sirgujd, to grant the 
Rdjd suspension equal to the amount, and then to require the 
immediate payment of the balance still remaining due from 
him. November 18. 

9619. Letter from Collector of Silhet, on the subject of waste land 

leases (Jungle-buri Pattds). November 4; No. 21* 

9620. Letter from Collector of Shdhdbdd, respecting the louses of the 

Farmers of Jahdndbdd. November 7 ; No. 14. 

9621. Letter from Collector of Sdran, stating particulars regarding the 

revenue contract (Thikdddrf) of farmed lands. November c i ; 
No. 46. 

9622. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, respecting balances due from 

Rdjd Madhu Sinh. November n ; No. 22. 

9623. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, informing him that the R;fj;l must 

make good his arrears, and recover the balances from the 
revenue contractors (Thikdddrs). November IT, 

9624. Letter to Translator, directing him to call upon Rdjkrishna and 

Gopi Mohan to furnish a list of their Mufassal Agents, 
November 7. 

9625. Letter from Collector of Dacca, submitting copy of a peti- 


lion from the purchasers of Chandraclwfp. November 28; 
No. 2. 

9626. Letter to Collector of Dacca, informing him, in reply, that it is 
unnecessary to comply with the request, unless with the view of 
the safety of the Pargana. November 28. 

DECEMBER, 1800, 

9627. Letter from Accountant, submitting statement of the advances, 

receipts, and balances of the Takavi of the Bengal District for 
1798-9. December 5 ; No. 18. 

9628. Petition from Mahdnlnf Saraswatf, j>raying that some means be 

allowed for her subsistence by Government. December 9; 
No. 57. 

9629. Petition from the legal agents (Vakil and Mukbuir) of the 

Zamfmlnr of Ndgpur and Rimgarh, praying that an Arnin be 
deputed to measure his lands. December 16; No. Si. 

9630. Petition from Sib Chanin and others, of Ikiikunthpur, in Da cm, 

praying that the Collector be directed to lake security for their 
estate. December 23; No. 10. 

9631. Letter from Collector of Hchur, transmitting a letter from the 

Magistrate regarding disturbances apprehended in the village of 
Kul. December 5 \ No. 35. 

9632. Letter to Collector of Itohor, directing that measures be taken to 

set aside the decree in favour of Sukind ISegam. December 
16} No f 36. 

9633. Letter from Collector of Beliar, complaining that the information 

of troops passing through his District is frequently sent too 
late, December 16; No, 2. 

9634. Letter from Collector of Hfrbhtim, stating his reasons for having 

declined to offer the police (Thdnddurf) lands to the Kajd. 
December 9 ; No, 56, 

9635. Letter to Collector of BfrbMm in reply, directing him to offer the 

lands to the Rdjd at the rent (Jarad) proposed by the Farmers. 
December 9. 

9636. Letter from Collector of liirhhtlm, stilting that the decrees alluded 

to in copy of a letter which came to him on the 8th instant, 
were transmitted by the Kill Court to the Court of Appeal in 
Calcutta, in the cause of the policemen (Ghdtwdls). Decem- 
ber 19; No, 40. 

258 BENGAL RECORDS. [DEC. 1800. 

9637. Letter to Collector of Birbhtim in reply, directing him to take 

measures to conclude a Settlement with the policemen 
(Ghdtwdls). December 19; No. 41. 

9638. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting a letter from 

Secretary to Government respecting the separation of Mahals 
from his District. December 5. 

9639. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, in reply to orders of the 28th 

October, regarding the purchase of Rdipur from Hfrdldl. 
December 16; No. 16. 

9640. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn in reply, approving of his payment 

to Hfrdldl for the surrender of his right in the Zamfnddrf of 
Ndgpur. December 16. 

9641. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, proposing the annexation of 

the remaining part of Bhogrdi. December 19. 

9642. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting particulars of pensions 

paid by the Nawdb. December a ; No* 22. 

9643. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting copy of a repre- 

sentation (Arzi) from the Sazdwal of Idalpur, complaining of 
obstacles in the collection of revenues. December 16 ; 
No. 60. 

9644. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting copy of a representa- 

tion (Arzf) from the Sazdwal of Idalpur, stating that Rublulld 
Sarddr has been killed in Jaldlpur. December x6. 

9645. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, approving of the steps he 

has taken in the matter. December 16. 

9646. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting correspondence 

between himself and Captain Hawkins respecting the march of 
troops through his District. December 19 ; No. i. 

9647. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to exert 

himself to have boats and ferries (Ghdts) in belter order in 
future. December 19. 

9648. Letter from Collector of Dacca, submitting proceedings of the 

Court of Appeal regarding the disputed Tdluk of Chandraclwip. 
December 19; No. 3. 

9649. Letter from Collector of Dacca, submitting letters from Lieutenant- 

Colonel Grant and Lieutenant Martin, complaining of the want 
of supplies- December 23 ; No. 18, 

9650. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur, transmitting orders respiting the 

Rdjd's share of Tappd Shdhpur. December 9. 

9651. Letter to Governor-General in Council, submitting a letter from 


Mr. Auriol protesting against the award made on his property. 
December 19; No. 27. 

9652. Letter from Governor-General in Council, submitting proceedings 

on claims preferred by Rdjd Rddhd Nath and Mahdnmf Bhabdnf 
to part of the escheated estate of the late Financial Minister 
(Ri Rdydn). December 19; No. 61. 

9653. Letter from Collector of Jessor, repotting that his best efforts to 

put the purchaser of Sdlbarat into possession have proved 
ineffectual. December 9 ; No. 58. 

9634. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, forwarding instructions. 
December 9- 

9635- Letter from Collector of Midnapur, stating that continued changes 
occur respecting proprietary right to Dands on account of 
transfers. December 3 ; No. 25* 

9656. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, furnishing instructions on the 
above. December 3 ; No. 26. 

9637. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, transmitting a letter from Secre- 
tary to Government regarding annexation of lands to his District. 
December 6, 

9658. T letter from Collector of Midnapur, submitting petitions presented 
by the T;Uukdn* of Atnarf, complaining of losses to be expected 
from the overflowing of the river. December 5 ; No. 32. 

9639. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, directing him to grant 
such indulgence to the real sufferers as he may think fit. De- 
cember 5 ; No, 33* 

9660* Letter from Collector of Midnapur, proposing the annexation of 
the remaining part of Uhogrdi to Midnapur. December 19. 
No. 8. 

9661. Letter to Collector of Midnapnr, directing the balances of Takdvf 

to be written off, and the defaulters released. December 19. 

9662, Minute by Acting President, on the title of the Xamfnddrs of 

"Rdjshdhf and Dinzljpur to the lands comprised in the Jdgfrof 
the late Kdi Rdydn. December 19; No. 57, 

9663. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, reporting on the forfeited 

lands of Chandra Ndniyan, and stating that 4 annas or one- 
fourth share of Tappd lla/rddf may be sold December 19; 
No. 31. 

9664, Letter from Collector of Nadiyi, submitting a statement of the 

arrears due from the Zamfml&r of Nadiyd. December 16 \ 
No. X9. 

260 BENGAL RECORDS. [DEC. 1800. 

9665. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd in reply, directing him to take 

early measures for the recovery of any arrears due from the 
Rdjd at the close of the year. December 16, 

9666. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, reporting that Mauzd Manohar- 

pur has been annexed to Bardwdn. December 16 ; No. 54. 

9667. Letter from Collector of Purniah, submitting particulars of Takdvi 

advances, receipts, and balances. December 5 \ No. 21. 

9668. Letter to Collector of Purniah in reply, directing that the balances of 

Takdvi be written off, and the defaulters released. December 1 9. 

9669. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, transmitting papers relating 

to the betel-nut and mango plantations. December 9 ; No. 8. 

9670. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands in reply, directing him to 

communicate the purport of the above papers to the Tdlukddrs, 
for any observations which they may make upon them. De- 
cember 9. 

9671. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhi, stating particulars respecting 

the Jamd of Mahal Sankrd, formerly the property of Rdjd Rdm 
Krishna. December 19 ; No. 32. 

9672. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhf, submitting instructions on the 

above. December 19. 

9673. Letter from Collector of Shdhabdd, submitting the provisional 

Settlement of the lands of Niirul Husain Khan's Tdluk. De- 
cember 2; No. 31. 

9674. Letter to Collector of Shdhdbdd, directing him to release the 

defaulters of Takdvi, and write off the balances. December 19. 

9675. Letter from Collector of Silhet, respecting lands proposed to be 

brought under cultivation. December 2 ; No. 24. 

9676. Letter from Collector of Silhet, regarding suspensions to bo 

granted to the Zaminddrs of Bansikurd. December 16 ; No. 63. 

9677. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, stating that the Farmers of 

Phitkard consider that the proceeds are not adequate to meet 
the assessed revenue. December 19 ; No. r6. 

9678. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, trusting that the balance 

will be realized as expected. December 19. 

9679. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, directing him to submit an 

Account Settlement of the Mahals in his District the leases of 
which have expired. December 19. 

9680. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting statement of a Mahal 

to be sold in satisfaction of a decree passed against the Rdjd of 
Paldmau. December 30; No. ix. 


JANUARY, i So i. 

1. Petition of Ilarikisor of AmfniUM, in Nadiya, praying for an 
allowance as compensation for his lands appropriated to the Salt 
I Apartment. January 6 ; No. 23. 

0682. Letter fn>in Collector of Benares, stating that he has deputed an 
Arnin to adjust the \ahie of the lands required for the Canton- 
ments at Jaunpur. January 27 ; Xo. u. 
3, Letter from Collector of Hirbhtiiu, stating particulars respecting 

lands held by policemen ((IhiiUvttls). January 13 ; No, 38. 
Letter to (Collector of iiirbhilin, directing him to make a Settle- 
ment of the lands according to orders of the xytli December 
last. January 13. 

9685. Letter from Collector of Dirbhum, reporting that the legal agent 
(Viihfl) of Nihnani Mitra hits applied for assistance in the suit 
ag,iiiii)f tin? Kiija of K;iuu;iuh. J,muar} 27; Xo. 29. 
</tS6 Lcilcr i<> (!oIU- t^r of iJiiblnim in nply, stilting that the expenses 

of lh- dcii-ncc arc to ! boruc by (lovennnciit. January 27. 
ijftKy. f *clfer to (!ollcci*r of Ik-bar, transmitting (lovenunent Proceed- 
ings mrc: iiiiiry iur dulcndiiig the .suit instituted by Sukind 
Hegnm. January 6. 

9688. Letter to Collector of Uelwr, transiuitting a letter from Govern- 
ment respe< tliitf the Nepal tribute elephunts. January 6. 
c> Letter from Collector of iJdmr, re<]uesting to be informed whether 
defaulters are prohibited to purchase the lands of others. 
January 53 ; No. i& 
0. Letter to Collector of Uebar in reply, stating that they are not, 

January 23. 

!. Letter from Cullcc.tor <jf JJhrfjjfalpur, reporting that the Takdvf 
balances in Rifjmahal have been recovered. January 16 ; 
No. 26. 

2, Ltjttvr from Ctjllw:t*r of lihagalpur, reporting the causes that have 
c|u:nift*il aj'.ainst tlie registering of rent-free lands. January 
1 6 ; No, 30. 

- .Letter from Collector of Uardwjin, forwarding corrected statement 
of lands assigned for religious purposes (Aimd). January 27 ; 
No. ss6. 
9694. Letter to Collet tor of Ibmlwdn in reply, directing him to proceed 

to the sale of the lands. January 27. 
v< tu. s 

2 6s BENGAL RECORDS. [JAN. 1801. 

9695. Letter from Collector of Calcutta, submitting establishment 

necessary to make the Decennial Settlement of the Town of 
Calcutta. January 20 ; No. 36. 

9696. Letter to Collector of Calcutta in reply, requesting to know if his 

own officers cannot make the measurement January 20. 

9697. Letter to Collector of Calcutta, transmitting Government orders 

regarding the ZiMs transferred to the charge of the Collector 
of 24 Patgands. January 27. 

9698. Letter from Commissioner of Kuch Behar, proposing to publish, 

for the information of the Hill Zaminddrs, parts of Section 2, 
Regulation I. of 1793. January 13 3 No. 8. 

9699. Letter to Commissioner of Kuch Behar in reply, approving of the 

issuing of the proclamation, and forwarding a copy of that 
published in Behar for his guidance. January 13. 

9700. Letter to Commissioner of Kuch Behar, directing him to deliver 

ove* charge to the Collector of Rangpur. January 27. 

9701. Letter from Commissioner of Kuch Behar, transmitting a letter 

from the Rtfjtf, relative to the resumption of lands exempt from 
the payment of revenue. January 27 ; No. 39. 

9702. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, submitting particulars of 

Pargand Kasbl January 9 ; No. 33. 

9703. Letter to Collector of Chittagong in reply, directing him to sell 

the larids, and to purchase them on account of Government. 
January 9. 

9704. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a representation (Arzf) 

from the Ndib of Pargand Bozargomedpur. January 6 ; No. 3. 

9705. Letter to Collector of Dacca, approving of his having sent an escort 

of Militia (Sibandfs) to protect the treasure there. January 6. 

9706. Letter from Collector of Dacca, forwarding I'rooeeclings of the 

Court of Appeal in a petition from the Chaudhrfa of Idalpur. 
January 23 ; No. 27. 

9707. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, stating that the Hoard con 

siders the Chaudhris should be permitted to proceed as paupers. 
January 23. 

9708. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding the Settlement 

of the resumed Jdgfr of the late Rjd Rdjballabh. January 27 ; 
No. 43- 

9709. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, submitting a statement of rent- 

free lands sold on the 29th November* January 2 ; No. 25, 


97 * - Letter from Collector of Munhidiiixf d, explaining the words * Khds' 

and * KMs Tdluks.' January 13 ; No. 5. 
97"- Letter to Collector of Maimansinh, requesting a statement of the 

forfeited lands of Chandra Ndrayan. January 6. 
9712. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargan;is, submitting list of 

Mahals for which there were no bidders. January 2; 

No. 1 6. 
97*3- Letter to Collector of 24 Pargan&s in reply, approving of the 

establishment to take charge of the Mahals. January 2. 
97*4- Letter from Collector of 24 I'arganus, regarding the College 

ground January 23 ; No* 7. 
9715. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargamis in reply, directing him to use 

his utmost exertion to make an early adjustment of the ground 

January 23- 
97 1& Letter to Collector of 24 Pargjiniis, transmitting Government 

orders respecting In.-; establishment, and transferring to him the 

dmrge of Calcutta. January 27. 
977* Letter to Collector of Kaitj.'.pur, directing him to rrrcive chnrgt; of 

Kuch Hchar. January .'7. 
97 '& Letter from Secretary to (iovermni'itt, approving of the delay 

which the Collector of Behnr has made in demanding the tribute 

of elephants from the Riljrt of NcpriL January 6 ; No, 13:1. 
97*9- Letter from Secretary to Government, <lirecting that an inquiry 

be made into the Htatu of the cnibnnkmentH (iUmlhs) in the 

neighbourhood of Singh.*, and that the Zamfnddrs l>e called 

upon to repair them. January 6 ; No. 14. 
9720. Letter from Secretary to <ioveriunrnt, directing that inquiry IK* 

made in which Mahals the Salt (Niuiak Ssiyer) revenue in 

Tirhttt has been <:oIlec,U*<L January 6 ; No. 16. 
Letter from Secretary to (lovcnmient, climcting I he Collector of 

Iteluir to restore their lan<ls to the proprietors if they have been 

illegally taken possession of by Cnptuia (Jreett. January 13; 

No& a and 3, 
Letter from Collector of Keintn, fonvarding report on losses said 

to have been sustained in Knsmrfr, and submitting statement of 

lands to be sold. January 30 ; No* sJ4. 

0723. I^ttertoCioHectorofSttran, approving of the statcmcitt, Janu- 
ary 30. 
9724. Letter from Collector of tiilhct, submitting a stutomcru of lands 

for sale. January 2 ; No. 6. 

264 BENGAL RECORDS. [JAN. 1801. 

9725. Letter to Collector of Silhet, approving the statement, and 

directing him to purchase the lands on account of Government 
if there be no bidders for them. January 2. 

9726. Letter to Collector of Silhet, approving of the mode proposed by 

him to make suspensions. January 6. 

9727. Letter from Collector of Silhet, submitting a list of ddBniltcrs in 

confinement for arrears. January 20 \ No. 21. 

9728. Letter to Collector of Silhet in reply, requesting information as 

to when the defaulters mentioned in the last para, can pay their 
arrears. January 20. 

9729. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, stating that the balances are flue 

from the Mdliks of Turki, and not from the rdyats. January 9 ; 
No. 36, 

9730. Letter to Collector of Tirhut in reply, stating that the Horml 

cannot exonerate Hdlddr Ldhu and others from the responsi- 
bility attached to them. January 9. 

9731. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, stating that Rdjd Miulhu Sinh 

has paid up his balances. January 13 ; No. 56. 

9732. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting a petition from the 

Ra*jd respecting his Zamfnddri. January 13 ; No. 59. 

9733. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, stating that he has prohibits! thr 

cultivation of poppy. January 13 ; No. 60. 

9734. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, stating that it appear* from the 

Kantingo papers that Rdjd Jadu Sinh is not entitled to 
subsistence allowance (Ndnkdr). January 16; No. 14. 

9735. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting revised Hfttlcnwnt 

of lands which comprised the Jagfr of the late Rdjd Kdjholltilih. 
January 27 ; No. 42. 

9736. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, requesting permission to issue 

an advertisement respecting the Village Accountants (Patwdrfe), 

January 9; No. u. Authorised. 
9737- Letter from Collector of Tipperah, reporting it to be a prevalent 

custom with purchasers to retire without demanding division of 

the lands, or entering into engagements for the payment o< 

the revenues. January 27 ; No. 21. 
9738. Letter from Accountant to the Board, transmitting partiriilars of 

sums realized from Rdjd Rdm Krishna January 6 ; No. 27, 
9739* Letter to Collector of Jessor, transmitting Account-nit's Irtirr 

regarding sums realized from the late Rdjd of K;{jsh;thf, 

January 16. 


9740. Letter to Collector of Behar, directing him to furnish a report 

regarding the Gaya duties. January 27. 

9741. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting that he has called upon 

the Rdjd of Paldmau to produce the accounts of his estate, and 
that as soon as it is possible he will transmit the required 
statement. January 27; No. 5. 

9742. Letter from Collector of Benares, transmitting statement of the 

annual compensation payable to Zaminddrs on account of 
Cantonments at Ghdzipur. January 27 ; No. 33. 

FEBRUARY, 1801. 

9743. Petition from Kdii Dds Pal, praying for a Taiukdilri lease (Patta) 

of certain lands in Nadiyd. February 3 ; No. 28. 

9744. Petition from Mahdrdja Tej Chdnd, Zaminddr of Bardwan, 

praying for an indulgence in the payment of his revenue. 
February 17 ; No. 33. 

9745* Petition from Gopi Mohan Thdkur, praying that the Collector of 
Ndlor be directed to put him in possession of Parsuni Mazkurf. 
February 17 ; No. 47. 

9746. Petition from Pardn Sinh, legal agent (Vukfl) of Rdjd Bikra- 

mdrjit Sinh, praying that the fine imposed upon his client be 
remitted. February 20 ; No. 2. ' 

9747. Application to Mr. Muenab, transmitting a letter and enclosures 

from the Collector of Chittagong, requesting to know if he has 
any other vouchers to adduce relative to the demands on 
Government made by flic executor of the late Captain Cox. 
February 27. 

9748. Letter from Collector of Behur, transmitting statement of adjust 

ment between sundry permanent leaseholders (Mukarrari) who 
appear to have chums to the consideration of Government. 
February 3 ; No. 38. 

9749. Letter from Collector of Behar, requesting copy of letter 

respecting the Jdgfr of the late Sujd Kull Khdn. February 6 ; 
No, 17. Transmitted, 

9750. Letter from Collector of Behar, submitting particulars regarding 

the village of Koch.* February 20 ; No. 19, 

9751. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, stating that the above is a 

joint undivided estate, and directing him to call upon the 
sharers to appoint a manager (Surbardhkdr). February 20. 

26$ BENGAL RECORDS. [FEB. 1801. 

9752. Letter from Collector of Behar, submitting petition from certain 

minors claiming the Jdgir of the late Sayyid Ghuldm Husain 

Khdji. February 20 ; No. 20. 
9753- Letter from Collector of Benares, stating causes of delay in sending 

the document for lands purchased by the Agent of Ndna 

Farnavese. February 24; No. 21. 

9754. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, agreeing with the Collector of 

Midnapur that Pargand Bhogrdi (Bagri, qy.) should be annexed 
to the Bardwdn District. February 3 ; No. 36, 

9755. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, reporting on the petition of 

Mahdrdjd Tej Chdnd. February 27 ; No. 32. 

9756. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn in reply, directing him to attach 

the lands if he thinks proper. February 27. 

9757. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, informing of his having 

deputed Amjns to measure the reclaimed waste (Noabdd) lands. 
February 17; No. 52. 

9758. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting translation of a deed 

of relinquishment sent by Gobind Datta. February 3 ; No. 43. 
97 S 9. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, authorizing him to accept 
the relinquishment, subject to the confirmation of Government. 
February 3. 

9760. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting letters between him 

and the Magistrate respecting Dutch and French Factories. 
February 10 ; No. 8. 

9761. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, reporting the death of Kdjrf 

Rddhd Ndth. February 3 ; No. 7. 

9762. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, stating particulars regarding 

Pargand Khulrd, since the proprietors will not appoint a new 
manager. February 6 ; No. 28. 

9763. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur in reply, approving of his calling 

upon the proprietors to vote, and requesting his report of tin* 
result. February 6 j No. 29. 

9764. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur, forwarding instructions on lands 

held by the armed Peons (Pdiks). February 27. 

9765. Lettef to Governor-General in Council, forwarding a letter from 

the Collector of Behar respecting surplus sums paid into the 
Treasury by persons holding parf of die forfeited estate of 
Akbar Alf. February 3 ; No. 39. 

9766. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending that the 

10.2 division of Bozargomedpur be taken on account of Govern- 


meat, and the arrears due from the proprietors be given up. 
February 27 ; No. 10. 

9767. Letter from Hijili Agent, transmitting a petition from Rdjd 

Ndrdyan Rdi, Zamfnddr of Sujdmutd. February 6; No. 51. 
Instructions forwarded. 

9768. Letter from Judge at Jaunpur, transmitting a decree, and request- 

ing sale of Balwant Sinh's lands. February 6 ; No. 2a. 

9769. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting particulars relative 

to the late sales of the 3 and 4 anna shares of Mahmiidshdhi. 
February 3 ; No. 40. 

9770. Letter from Collector of Jessor, relative to the Zamfnddr's further 

claims to the khds part of Mahmiidshdhi. February 3 ; 
No. 41. 

9771. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, transmitting account sale of 

lands lately belonging to the Rdjd, but held in the names of his 
servants. February 24 ; No. 30. Approved. 

9772. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, transmitting papers relative 

to the disputed right to ttondpdrd. February 17 ; No. 37. 

9773. Letter to Collector of Murshidabdd, transmitting orders on the 

above, ami directing him lo apprehend Thdkurdds if possible. 
February 17; No. 37. 

9774. Ixitter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, respecting lands held as 

park reserves (Ramnd) by the Nawdb of Murshiddbdd. Febru- 
ary 27 ; No. so* 

97 7 5. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, reporting that the Sndr Sar- 
bardhkdr of Rdjd Rdjkrishna has not caused the .attendance of 
Mufussal managers. February 6 \ No. 32. 

9776. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, transmitting a petition from the 

legal agent (Vakil) of Rdjd Lok Ndth. February TO. 

9777. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd in reply, authorizing the several 

villages of the Rdjd to be fanned into two estates. February 10. 

9778. Letter from Collector of Purniah, reporting on the losses sustained 

in Pargand Gaurehdnd from the encroachment of the river. 
February 10; No. 24. 

9779. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhf, forwarding copy of instructions 

sent to the Collectors of Dindjpur and Rangpur respecting the 
Xcunfnckfrl of the late Rdjd Rddhd Ndth. February jto. 

9780. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhf, reporting on the petition of 

Gopi Mohan Thilkur. February 27 ; No 9, 

9781. Letter to Collector of Kdjshdhi, stating that he has totally mistaken 

268 BENGAL RECORDS. [MAR. 1801. 

the purport of the orders on the above, and forwarding fresh 
instructions. February 27. 

9782. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, transmitting copy of orders 

forwarded to the Collector of Dindjpur respecting the successor 
to the estate of the Rdjd, and the balances due from him. 
February 10. 

9783. Letter from Secretary to Government, regarding the revision of 

the Tahsilddrf establishment in the Bengal Districts. February 
3 ; No. i. 

9784. Letter from Secretary to Government, directing that the Zarufnddri 

rights in the Mahals of the escheated Jdgir of the late Financial 
Minister (Rdi Rdydn) be considered to have reverted to the 
late Zaminddrs of Rdjshdhf and Dindjpur, and that they be held 
responsible for arrears due from it. February 10 ; No. 27. 
9783. Letter from Collector of Shdhdbdd, transmitting a statement of 
sums disbursed on account of Takdvi and Giland&i, February 
10 ; No. 7. 

9786. Letter to Translator, directing him to communicate the contents 

of the letters from the Collectors of Nadiyd and Tipperah to 
Rdjd Rdjkrishna and Gopf Mohan, February 6. 

9787. Letter to Translator, desiring him to inform the legal agent 

(Vakil) of Rdjd Bikramdrjit Sinh that the fine cannot be re- 
mitted. February 20. 

9788. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, reporting that the manner 

(Sadr Sarbardhkdr) of Rdjd Rdjkrishna has not caused UK- 
attendance of the Mufassal managers. February 6 ; No. 33. 

MARCH, 1801. 

9789. Petition of Prdn Sinh, legal agent (Vakil) of Riijd Bikramdrjit 

Sinh of Bhojpur, praying that the land may remain in his 
constituent's possession as formerly. March 17 ; No, 3. 

9790. Letter from Collector of Benares, on the subject of the investigation 

carried on against the officers of the Mint March 13 \ No. 34. 

9791. Letter from Collector of Birbmim, stating that the Rdjd* of 

Pdnchet has failed to pay up his balances. March 10; 
No. x8. 

9792. Letter to Collector of IMrbhiim in reply," directing him to mil 

upon the Rdjd again, and should he decline to pay, to submit 
a statement of his lands. March ro. 


9793- Letter from Collector of Bchar, reporting the death of Rdjd 
Jaswant Sinh. March 20 ; No. 9. 

9794 Letter to Collector of Behar, directing him to report whether 
he intends to recommend Pahlan Sinh as Sarbardhkdr, and 
whether the Rdnf is disqualified to manage the estate. 
March 20. 

9795' Letter to Collector of Bchar, forwarding Government orders 
respecting the Jdgir of the late Nawdb Nasir-ud-dauld for his 
report regarding its restitution to the family. March 24. 

9796. Letter from Collector of Behar, relative to the report on the 

Rdjd of Nitgpur's claim to compensation in consequence of 
the incursions of the Rj1j;i of Sirgujit. March 31 \ No. 64. 

9797. Letter to Collector of Bhngalpur, transmitting a letter and 

enclosures from the Collector of Purniah, and directing that 
the lands therein alluded to be left to him. March 6. 

9798. Letter from Collector of Eihiigalpur, recommending that the 

defaulters be charged with interest. March 25 ; No. 15. 

9799. letter to Collector of Jlhdgalpur hi reply, approving of the 

suggestion. March 25. 

9iSoo. Letter from Collector of IJhiigalpur, transmitting copy of corre- 
spondence with the Collector of Purniah respecting a tract 
of land in the middle of the (lunges. March 20; No. 18, 

9801. Letter from Collector of BMgnlpur, stating particulars of lands 

free of revenue on account of the Police Stations (Chaukis) 
in the passes (Ghdts) leading to the hills. March 24 ; No. 22. 

9802. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, transmitting result of his 

inquiries into the balances of the Seddrf Mahals. March 31 ; 
No. 86. 

9803. Letter to Collector of Btufgalpur, approving of his having prose- 

cuted Akal Muhammad, and directing that Duli Chdjid Dds 
be not prosecuted until he has positive proofs of his delinquency* 
March 31. 

9804. Letter from Collector of linnlwiin, stating that an embankment 

has been commenced by Mr. Marriot, the Ttrfjd's agent March 
6 ; No. 32. 

9805. Letter from Collector of IKanlwrfn, stating his opinion on the 

annexation of the Service (Chdkrdn) lands to the estate of 
the proprietors, with the opinion of the Rdjd on the subject 
March 27 ; No. i. 

9806. Letter from Collector of Chitlagong, transmitting Account Settle- 

270 BENGAL RECORDS. [MAR. 1801. 

ment of the Kdpds Mahals for the year 1207. March 6 ; 
No. 25. 

9807. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a petition from the 

widows of the late Chaudhris of BhdwdL March 3 ; No. 31. 

9808. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, approving of his having 

taken charge of Pargand BhdwdL March 3. 

9809. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting that the Mint House 

has been delivered over to him. March 3 ; No. 40. 

9810. Letter from Collector of Dacca, submitting a representation 

(Arzf) from the Sazdwal of Idalpur. March 3 ; No. 18. 

9811. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, approving highly of the 

conduct of the Sazdwal in realizing the revenues. March 3. 

9812. Letter from Collector of Dacca, submitting a petition from the 

Sazdwal of Idalpur on the subject of Tdlukddri and other leases 
(Pattds). March 13 ; No. 18. 

9813. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, stating that the leases 

(Pattds) are not to be granted. March 13, 

9814. Letter from Collector of Dacca, stating particulars regarding the 

assessment (Jamd) of Chandradwfp. March 13 ; No. 45. 

9815. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, transmitting instructions 

for a complete investigation of the balances. March 13. 

9816. Letter from Collector of Dacca, forwarding a letter from the 

City Magistrate, respecting the receiving charge of the French 
Factory lands. March 20 ; No. 6. 

9817. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, approving of the establish- 

ment for taking charge of the above lands. March 20. 

9818. Letter to Collector of Dacca, informing him of the Government 

orders for the purchase of Bozargomedpur on account of 
Government, and directing that the balance be written off. 
March 24. 

9819. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a letter from the 

Nawdb respecting the death of Haitul Nissd Khdnam. March 
24 ; No. 40. 

'9820. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to make 
inquiries regarding the family of the deceased. March 24. 

9821. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting proceedings in one 

of the Idalpur causes. March 24 ; No. 44. 

9822. Letter from Collector of Dacca, forwarding copy of a represent.'!* 

tion (Wdjibul-arz) received from the Ndib of Pargand Boxar- 
gomedpur. March 24 ; No. 48. 


9823. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, approving of his intention 

to proceed to sell the dependent Taluks of Bozargomedpur. 
March 24. 

9824. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a petition presented 

on the part of the purchasers of Chandradwfp. March 27 ; 
No. 3. 

9825. Letter from Collector of Dacca, forwarding a letter from the 

Nawdb of Dacca, respecting the pension of the late Hadf All 
Khdn. March 27 ; No. 13. 

9826. Letter from Collector of Dacca, forwarding a representation (Arzf) 

from the Government Pleader at Bdkarganj regarding Tdlukddrf 
Tenures in Bozargomedpur. March 31 ; No. 104. 

9827. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, respecting deficiency in rupees 

of sorts. March 3 ; No. 60. 

9828. Lc k tter from Collector of Dinajpnr, regarding estates irregularly 

brought under the jurisdiction of the Court of Wards. March 
24 ; No. 50. 

9829. fitter to Collector of Dindjpur in reply, approving of his not 

enforcing the immediate payment of balances. March 24 J 
No. 51. 

9830. Letter from Mr. Gladwin, reporting having given over charge of 

Calcutta to the Collector of 24 Varganas. March 13 ; No. 30. 

9831. Letter to Governor-General in Council, forwarding a letter from 

the Collector of Bhdgalpur, and recommending an advance of 
Takavf in Mahal ScddrL March 31 ; No. 88, 

9832. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter from 

the Collector of Chittagong, stating that the nature of the waste 
lands precludes the hope of establishing Invalid Thdnds. 
March 6 ; No. 30. 

9833. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting letters from 

the Collector of "Rdjshdhi regarding an application for abate- 
ment of the assessment (Jami) on account of inundation. 
March 13; No. 44. 

9834. Letter to Agent at Ilijili, regarding the produce of subsistence 

(Ndnkdr) lands. March 24. 

9835. Letter from Collector of Jessor, regarding the deficiency in old 

Sikkd rupees sent to the Mint for recoinage. March 24 ; No. 24. 

9836. Letter from Collector of Jessor, informing of his having sent Peons 

to secure Gopdl Rdi, the surveying officer (Amin) of Purgund 
Udvill March 17; No. 40. Approved. 

272 BENGAL RECORDS. [MAR. 1801. 

9837. Letter to Collector of Jessor, transmitting Government orders 

respecting Mahmiidshdhi embankments (Puls). March 24. 

9838. Letter from Collector of Jessor, recommending that Mr. Anderson 

the surgeon be permitted to erect Indigo Works. March 27 ; 
No. 9. 

9839. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, transmitting a statement of 

lands respecting which a dispute exists between Rdju Braja- 
nand and others. March 10 ; No. 36. 

9840. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, stating particulars of defaulters 

released from confinement, though they possessed property 
under fictitious names. March 24 ; No. 20. 

9841. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, stating particulars of balunat 

due from Basant Charan Bhuiyd. March 24; No. 32. 

9842. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, reporting that the ubove-mimetl 

defaulter was released by orders of Government. Mardi 24. 

9843. Minute by Acting President, stating that considerable arrears are 

due in certain Districts, and suggesting that a statement of 
lands be prepared. March 17 ; No. i. 

9844. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, transmitting a statement of 

actual resources of Tdluk Digdmbarpur. March 3 ; No. 39. 

9845. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd in reply, informing him that tin; 

transfer is considered null and void. March 3. 

9846. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, submitting a statement of the 

sale of rent-free lands. March 17; No. 6. Approved. 

9847. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, submitting petitions respecting 

the transfer of Tdluk purchased by Ham Krishna Chulliirji. 
March 24 ; No. 35. 

9848. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd in reply, approving of the transfer if' 

the estate be entire. March 24. 

9849. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, stating difficulties to be appre- 

hended in receiving accounts from the Zamfndar's people. 
March 24 ; No. 53. 

9850. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd in reply, directing him eventually 

to fine the Zarninddrs. March 24. 

9851. Letter from Collector of Purniah, transmitting a petition from the 

Zainfnddr of Shdhbdzpur complaining of loss sulTerod by him 
by diluvion. March 31 ; No. 3 1, 

9852. Letter to Collector of Purniah, directing him to ascertain the 

actual loss sustained. March 31. 

9853. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, forwarding translations of 


papers relative to betel-nut and mango plantations. March 6 ; 
No. 55. 

9854- Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands in reply, directing him to 
forward the original papers. March 6. 

9855. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, transmitting Government orders 

respecting ground to be appropriated to the cantonments for the 
body-guard, and directing immediate attention to it March 20. 

9856. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, transmitting Government 

orders respecting embankments under the charge of Salt Agent, 

and directing him to report on those under his own charge, 

March 24. 
9&S7* Letter from Collector of Rajshdhf, reporting having communicated 

the orders of the r6th to the Zamincldr and the Rant March 

3 ; No. 13. 
9858. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, transmitting letters from the 

Commissioner at, and Rdjd of, Kuch IJehar, relative to giving 

over charge of the District. March 3 ; No. r. 
9#S9* Letter from Collector of Rangpur, regimling villages in Pargand 

lirdhmankunda claimed by Sib Chandrd Rdi. March 24 ; 

Nos. 15-18. 

9860. Letter to Collector of Rangpur in reply, transmitting Hoard's 

Resolutions on the disputed lauds. March 24. 

9861. Letter from Secretary to Government, desiring that the Magistrate 

of Dacca be ordered to deliver over charge of all the I >utch 
and French factories in the District to the Collector, and the 
Collector to call upon the persons who have hitherto held the 
lands to account for the collections, and to report whether the 
buildings can be of any use. March 6 ; No. 40. 
0862. Letter from Judge at Shdhdbdcl, transmitting a decree, and re- 
questing sale of lands of Rdjd IJikramdrjit Sinh. March 3 ; 
No. 13. 

9863. Letter from Collector of Shdhdbdd, submitting a provisional Settle- 

ment of lands in Chuinpur. March 20 ; No. 33, 

9864, Letter from Collector of Silhet, stating particulars relative to the 

preparation of the Quinquennial Register. March 6 ; No. 43, 
. Letter from (Collector of Tirhul, stating particulars regarding the 

Nimak Sdyer Mahal. March 3 \ No. 56. 
. Letter from Collector of Tirhul, transmitting a petition of Mfr 

Sayyicl for fanning lands of Rdjd Gird Ndrdynn. March 20 ; 

No. 27. 


9867. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting a petition 

from Khdnam Kuli Khdn, and desiring a report regarding the 
resumption of the Jdgfr of the late Nawdb Manfr-ud-dauld in 
Behar. March 24; No. 61. 

9868. Letter to Secretary to Government, forwarding a letter from Col- 

lector of Jessor regarding Mr. Anderson's application to hold 
lands for Indigo Works. March 29. 

9869. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting a letter from 

Indigo planters, with directions that the Collectors in whose 
Districts the works may be situated be desired to report on 
the circumstances stated therein. March 27 ; No. 52. 

APRIL, 1801. 

9870. Petition ffom Kdsi Ndth Rdi, legal agent (Vakfl) of Mahdi&jA Lok 

Ndth, of Pargand Bdhdrband in Rangpur, complaining of the 
irregular conduct of the Sepoys. April 7 ; No, 32. 

9871. Petition of Anand Ndrdyan Sen, praying that the Collector of 

Dacca be directed to give him credit to all remissions to which 
he is entitled. April 10 \ No. 35. 

9872. Petition from Nar Ndrdyan Mandal, praying that the Collector of 

24 Pargands be directed not to interfere with his Gumushtds. 
April 17 ; No. 42,. 

9873. Petition from Mahdrdjd Rdjkrishna, praying that his old servants 

be continued in the management of his estate. April 17 ; 
No. 43. 

9874. Petition from Baidya Ndth Bdnarji, purchaser of land in Bardwdn, 

praying to be allowed to repair the embankments (Bdndhs) 
himself. April 21 ; No. 52, 

9875. Letter to Collector of Bfrbhfim, transmitting Government orders 

respecting Mr. Frushard's lands. April 14. 

9876. Letter from Collector of Birbhtfm, respecting the Rdjd of 

Pdnchet's balances. April 14; No. 14, 

9877. Lettet to Collector of Bfrbhtfm in reply, directing him to state it' 

the Rdjd was ever put in possession of Pargand Kdsipur. 
April 14. 

9878. Letter from Collector of Benares, forwarding Bdbu Manohur 

Dds's report respecting embezzlements in the Mint. April 4 ; 
No. 30. 

9879. Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting Secretary to Govern. 


ment's letter, directing him to submit a statement of pensions 
and charitable allowances reverted to Government. April 24. 

9880. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting that it was not his inten- 

tion to recommend Pahlan Sinh manager (Sarbardhkdr) of the 
estate of the late Rdjd Jaswant Sinh. April 7 ; No. 18. 

9881. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, informing him that the 

Board think that he should not interfere in the management of 
a legal agent (Mukhldr). April 7. 

9882. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmuting a decree passed in 

the Zild Court, regarding the rent-free estate held by Ghuldm 
Husain Khdn. April 7 ; No. 39. 

9883. Letter from Collector of Behar, soliciting instructions as to the 

mode of carrying Zulfikar Alfs lands to account. April 10 ; 
No. 26. 

9884. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, informing him that the 

decree of the Court must in the first instance be satisfied. 
April 10* 

9885. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting that the decision in 

favour of Sukind Itegam has l>ccn set aside. April 17 \ No. 19. 

9886. Letter from Collector of Behar, submitting n general report upon 

the police stations (Thrfntts) in his District April 24 ; No. 36. 

9887. Letter to Collector of Bhdgalpur, authorizing advances of Takdvf 

in Pargana* SeddrL April 14. 

9888. Letter to Collector of Bhagalpur, directing him to release from 

attachment the crops on the new-formed lands in Colgong. 
April 14. 

9889. f xstter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, transmitting a report as to 

the manner in which the guilt of Duli Chdncl Dds may be 
established. April 21 ; No. 35. 

9890. 1 Better to Collector of Bhdgulpur in reply, stating that the Board 

does not think it advisable to prosecute the aggressor alluded 
to. April 21. 

9891. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, forwarding a letter from Mr. 

Harrington, stating that he has purchased lands in Rdmkrishna- 
pur. April 4 ; No. 25. 

9892. Letter from Collector of Barclwdn, reporting having attached 

Kdsipur. April 7 ; No. 20. 

9893. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn in reply, directing him to submit 

a statement of Kdsipur entire. April TO. 

9894. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, stating particulars of the mode 


in which it is intended to form statements of the Rdjd's lands 
for sale. April 10 ; No. 24. 

9895. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, forwarding abstract statement 

of Kdsipur, ordered for sale. April 21; No. 54, 

9896. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn in reply, requesting to be informed 

if the 1 8 Tarafs exhibited in the statement have been engaged 
for separately. April 21 ; No. 55. 

9897. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn in reply, stating particulars of 

the 18 Tarafs composing Kasipur. April 28 ; No. 48. Ap- 

9898. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, transmitting a letter from 

Captain Price respecting the Invalid Station (Thdnd). April 
17; No. 34. 

9899. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting on the state of the 

French and Dutch Factories. April 4 ; No. 39. 

9900. Letter from Collector of Dacca, submitting copy of a petition 

from the officer (Arnfn) in Chandradwip regarding Tarafddr 
Mahals. April 14 ; No. 6. 

9901. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, stating that the Board does 

not think it expedient to grant leases. April 14. 

9902. Letter from Collector of Dacca, submitting a petition from Rdja* 

Rdjkrishna regarding disputes of land between him and Gopi 
Mohan. April 28 ; No. 43. 

9903. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to conform 

to orders of 6th February last as far as it concerns the sale 
of the Rdjd's property. April 28. 

9904. Letter from Dindjpur, submitting a statement of Tripurd Sundarf 

Rdnfs estates. April 17 ; No. 3. 

9905. Letter to Collector of Dmdjpur, requesting his opinion as to 

whether the estates could be disposed of more advantageously 
at Murshiddbad. April 17. 

9906. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting copy of a 

letter from the Collector of Silhet, recommending that an 
advertisement be issued for proposals to contract for the remit- 
tance of kauris from Silhet. April 4 ; No. 23. 

9907. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter from 

the Collector of Midnapur, recommending that the Records be 
kept in the Bengali language instead of Persian. April ro ; 
No. 41. 

9908. Letter from Agent at Hijili, reporting that Rdjd Debendra Ndrdyan 


Ri will relinquish his claim to the BhuiyaVi Khazdnl April 
21 ; No. 39. 

9909. Letter to Agent at Hijili, requesting further information on the 

above. April 21. 

9910. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting on the division of the 

Nawra* estate. April 7 ; No. 7. 

9911. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, directing him to state 

whether the rent (Jama*) assessed on each portion \vas fixed in 
proportion to the produce. April 7. 

9912. Letter to Collector of Jessor, authorizing Mr. Anderson to hold 

2 bighas of land. April 14. 

9913. Letter from Collector of Jessor, stating that Gopa*! Ra*i, the late 

Amin of Pargana" HaVili, who embezzled public revenue, has 
absconded. April 21 ; No. 16. 

9914. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting the reply of Ka*lf 

Sankar Ghoshl respecting his share of Pargana Hogla*. April 
28 ; No. 68. 

9915. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, directing him, in the event 

of the proprietors not choosing to appoint a manager, that the 
estate must be continued under Government (klids) manage- 
ment. April 28. 

9916. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, respecting the relinquishment 

of balances in his District April 4. 

9917. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, transmitting orders of Govern- 

ment, directing him to keep counterparts of the Registers in 
the Bengali language. April 24, 

9918. Letter from Collector of Murshida*bd, submitting proceedings on 

the purchase under fictitious names (Benmi) of Amadia" by the 
original proprietors. April 4 ; No. 27. 

9919. Letter to Collector of Murshidba*d, transmitting instructions on 

the above. April 4. 

9920. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, transmitting an advertise- 

ment issued for the re-sale of lots, the purchasers of which have 
failed to make good the payments. April 10 ; No. 64. 

9921. Letter to Mint Committee, transmitting letter and enclosure 

from the Collector of Benares respecting abuses at the Mint, 
and forwarding also some base rupees. April 28. 

9922. Letter from Collector of Nadiya", submitting account sale of lands 

for which no offers were made by individuals, and which were ac 
cordingly bought for Government April 4 ; No. 9. Confirmed. 
VOL. in. T 


9923. Letter from Collector of Nadiya 1 , requesting to know if he can 

depute persons to repair embankments. April 17 ; No. 21. 

9924. Letter to Collector of Nadiya", authorizing the above, but stating 

that the expenses are to be borne by the Ra*ja\ April 17. 

9925. Letter from Collector of Purniah, transmitting petition of the 

proprietors of Stirjyapur. April 4 ; No. 47. 

9926. Letter to Collector of Purniah in reply, authorizing an advance 

of Rs. 10,000 as Takdvf. April 4. 

9927. Letter from Collector of Purniah, transmitting a representation 

(Am) from Raja 1 Madhu Sinh. April 17 ; No. 32. 

9928. Letter to Collector of Purniah in reply, directing him to report 

from what sources the statement of the resources of Dharmpur 
were drawn out. April 17. 

9929. Letter from Collector of Purniah, transmitting a petition presented 

by the Agent of Ra"j Madhu Sinh. April 28 ; No. 45. 

9930. Letter to Collector of Purniah in reply, declining to comply 

with the application for TakaVf. April 28. 

9931. Letter from Collector of 24 Parganas, reporting on the petition 

of Nar Narayan Mandal. April 24; No. 12. 

9932. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargana*s in reply, informing him that 

it is not his province to interfere between the Zamfnda*r and 

his rayats. April 28 ; No. 13. 
9933- Letter from Collector of 24 Parganas, respecting the new College 

ground. April 28 ; No. 14. 
9934. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands in reply, transmitting orders 

for the completion of the adjustment. April 28; No. 16. 
9935- Letter from Collector of Rajshahi, stating that Anand Ra*m 

Bakhshf prays to be released from confinement by giving 

security (Ha*zir Zdmin). April 4 ; No. 40. Authorized. 

9936. Letter to Collector of Rajsha"hi, granting suspension to the 

proprietor of Bazudrs on his giving security. April 7. 

9937. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting a letter from 

the Magistrate at Tipperah, and directing that the Collector 
be instructed to report what abatements should be made from 
the rent (Jami) of estates contiguous to the new road. March 
10 ; No. ii. 

9938. Letter from Secretary to Government, directing that the Collector 

of Chittagong be ordered to pay Captain Price for the clearance 
of the land for the Invalids, and for the building of an hospital 
for them. April 14; No. 43. 


9939. Letter from Secretary to Government, desiring an opinion as 

to whether the collections of the Behar Province could not 
be made with punctuality by two Collectors. April 21 ; 
No. 44. 

9940. Letter to Secretary to Government, transmitting a letter from 

the Collector of Tipperah, requesting permission to hold lands. 
April 28. 

9941. Letter from Collector of SaYan, submitting a statement of losses 

sustained by the Zaminddrs. April 14 ; No. 45. 

9942. Letter from Collector of Sha*ha*ba*d, transmitting a statement 

of Ra"jd Bikrama'rjit Sinh's lands to be sold on account of a 
decree. April 21 ; No. 49. 

9943. Letter from Collector of Silhet, submitting particulars relative 

to the Kauri contract. April 4 j No. 21. 

9944. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, respecting the Settlement of Mulki 

Balia*. April 24; No. 13. 

9945. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, regarding the Charp&a* Mahal. 

April 21 ; No. 4. 

9946. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, submitting copy of 

special orders issued to his predecessor. April 21. 

9947. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, stating that accounts have 

been received from Roshanara* Khdnam, April 24 ; No. 46* 

9948. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, stating that if it be 

necessary to realize the fine by a disposal of land, he must 
sell part of Bard^kha't April 24; No. 47, 

9949. Petition from Rm Sewak Mallik, praying that the Sub-Treasurer 

be directed to receive Rs. 50,000 on account of the revenues 
of Ra*ja" Tej Chnd for the present year. April 24 ; No. 59. 

MAY, 1801. 

9930. Petition from Rdm Hari Bhattdchdrjya and others, claiming 
rent-free (Brahmottar) lands in Dacca. May i ; No. 18. 

9951. Petition from H^fiz Sa*dulla\ claiming a pension granted to him 

by Nawa"b Muhabbat Jang. May 5 ; No. 46. 

9952. Petition from Rddha* Mohan Ghosh, complaining of the Salt 

Agent of Khulna* having taken possession of a part of his lands 
in Pargana* Hogla* for salt manufactories (Kh&dris), for which 
no remission has been granted to him; also requesting that 
the sale of his lands be suspended, and that a deduction be 


granted him on account of the salt-rents (KhdMris). May 19; 
No. 62. 

9953. Petition from Netrnand Chaudhri, complaining of improper 

exactions by the officers of the Collector of Bardwdn, and 
stating that he is ready to pay up the arrears due from him 
on account of his lands which are advertised to be sold on 
the ist June, May 19 ; No. 63. 

9954. Petition from Sib Chandra Mukharji, regarding a demand made 

upon him by the Collector of Jessor for resumed lands allowed 
in lieu of collection fees (Saranj&nf B^iaftf), purchased by him 
from Nilmani Hldr, and requesting that the demand be 
relinquished. May 22 ; No. 13. 

9955. Petition from Bholdndth and others, inhabitants of Mdchud Bdzr, 

complaining of the Arnfn having turned them out of the Bdzdr, 
and farmed it to Mansukh Ri. May 26 \ No. 33. 

9956. Application from Mr. L. Ball, stating that he is ready to pay 

balance of revenue due from Nflmani Hdlddr, for which his 
lands are under orders for sale. May 8 ; No, 29, 
9957* Letter to Mr. L. Ball in reply, informing him of orders issued 
to the Sub-Treasurer respecting the amount to be paid into the 
Treasury on account of Nilmani Hlddr. May 8. Balance paid. 

9958. Letter from Collector of Benares, respecting the proprietary right 

of the Zamind&i of Jigopur (qy.), appropriated to the Cavalry 
Cantonments. May 26 ; No. 8. 

9959. Letter from Collector of Behar, recommending a penalty to be 

levied on certain defaulters. May i ; No. 24. 

9960. Letter to Collector of Behar, approving of tjie fine imposed upon 

lUjd Rm Sinh, May n. 

9961. Letter from Collector pf Behar, reporting that the proprietors 

of Koch resist the manager (Sarbardhkdr) in the management 
of the estate. May 5 \ No. 14. 

9962. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting a letter from Secretary 

to Government, containing authority for compensation to be 
paid to proprietors of lands unduly dispossessed by Captain 
Green. March 8. 

9963. Letter to Collector of Behar, communicating instructions respect- 

ing permanent leaseholders (Mufcarrariddrs). May 12 ; No. 35. 

9964. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, approving of the mode 

in which he proposes to dispose of the holdings (Mukarrarfs). 
May 12. 


9965. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting that the Kdndngos 

are not to be found since he has called upon them to deliver 
up their Records, and requesting instructions respecting the 
attachment of their property. May 12; No. 36. 

9966. Letter from Collector of Behar, communicating result of prose- 

cution of Mukrib Khdn for resisting the revenue officers in 
the execution of their duty. May 15 ; No. 8. 

9967. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, communicating the Board's 

opinion respecting the prosecution of Mukrib Khan, with 
directions to bring him to punishment in the mode pointed 
out by the Judge. May 15 ; No. 9. 

9968. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting that Indyet AM Kha"n 

has been put in possession of his lands, and the decree in 
his favour carried into execution. May 15 \ No. 32. 

9969. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting on arrears due from 

sundry under-renters (Mdlguzdrs), and recommending a fine 
and distress of the defaulter's property. May 15 ; No. 37. 

9970. Letter to 'Collector of Behar in reply, informing him that the 

Board cannot authorize distress in addition to the fine. 
May 15. 

9971. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting a further petition 

of the manager (Sarbardhkdr) of Koch, stating the refractory 
conduct of the proprietors of that Mahal in opposing his taking 
charge of their lands. May 19 ; No. ax. 

9972. Letter from Judge at Behar, requesting that the Collector be 

directed to sell such of the lands of Raja* Pitambar Sinh as 
may be requisite to liquidate the amount due to Rdja* Mitrajit 
Sinh. May 22 ; No. 27. 

9973. Letter from Collector of Behar, respecting the pension of Hdfiz 

Sddulla*. May 22 ; No. 42. 

9974. Letter to Collector of Behar, communicating authority of Govern- 

ment for the payment of the pension due to above. May 22. 

9975. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting a letter and enclosure 

from the Secretary to Government, containing orders for the 
delivery 'of the ground occupied by the Cavalry Cantonments 
at Mania* to the proprietors. May 22. 

9976. Letter from Collector of Bfrhhiim, requesting information with 

regard to the Rdja* of Pdnchet being put in possession of 
Pargana" Kdsipur. May 8 ; No. 28. 
9977* Letter to Collector of Bfrbhiim in reply, approving of his proposi- 


tion for attaching the above Pargana* on account of balances 
due from the Raja" of Panchet. May 8. 

9978. Letter to Collector of Bardwn, approving of advance to Mr. 

Harriot for repairing the embankments in the Rdja*'s estate. 
May i. 

9979. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, recommending a manager 

for the estate of Raja* Rajkrishna and Gopf Mohan in his 
District, and also establishment for making the collections. 
May 5 ; No. 39. Approved. 

9980. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting Sub-Treasurer's 

receipt, enclosed in a letter from Mr. L, Ball, for the amount 
paid into the Treasury on account of Nilmani Halddr, with 
directions to furnish an adjusted account of interest payable 
by him. May 12 - 3 No. 6. 

9981. Letter from Collector of Bardwa*n, transmitting a statement of 

net balance due from Nilmani Haider, for which his lands are 
under orders for sale. May 12 j No. 8. 

9982. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting a statement of 

entire estates assigned for religious purposes (Aima*), to be sold 
for the recovery of arrears of revenue. May 12 ; No. 53. 

9983. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, directing the sale of the lands. 

May 12. 

9984. Letter from Collector of Bardwa*n, reporting on interest due from 

Nilmani Haldar. May 15; No. 51. 

9985. Letter from Collector of Bardwan, submitting a statement of 

the whole estate of Kismat Muhammad Aminpur, the property 
of Kali Prasdd Rdi, for sale. May 19 ; Nos. 45 and 47. 

9986. Letter from Collector of Baldwin, reporting on arrears paid up 

by Ra*ja Tej Chdnd, and the release of his lands from attach- 
ment. May 19 j No. 53. 

9987. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, approving of the above. 

May 19. 

9988. Letter from Collector of Bardwan, requesting instructions as to 

the management of Bishnupur for the current year, and con- 
taining information regarding the estates. May 26 ; No. ai. 

9989. Circular to Collectors of Bhdgalpur, Birbhtim, Bardwa*n, Chitta- 

gong, Dinajpur, Jessor, Nadiya*, Raj'shalii, and Silhet, com- 
municating Resolutions of the Governor-General respecting 
the Tahsildari establishments of the Province of Bengal 
May 5. 


9990. Letter from Collector of Dacca, submitting a representation 

(Arzi) from the Ndib of Pargand Bozargomedpur, regarding 
repairs to the Treasury. May 5 j No. 16. 

9991. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to furnish 

an estimate for the above. May 5 ; No. 18. 

9992. Letter to Collector of Dacca, transmitting Board's Resolutions 

respecting the inconvenience of disposing of fractional parts 
of estates, and communicating instructions regarding the future 
disposal of lands. May 12. 

9993. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting on the petition of 

Rdja Rdjkrishna and Gopi Mohan respecting the appointment 
of officers to take charge of their estate. May 15 ; No. 3. 

9994. Letter from Collector of Dacca, submitting a representation 

(Arzf) from Messrs. Paniotty, Alexander, etc., purchasers of 
Chandradwfp, respecting the liquidation of arrears due from 
them. May 15; No. 22. ' 

9995. Letter to Collector of Dacca, communicating instructions on 

the above. May 15 ; No. 24. 

9996. Letter from Collector of Dacca, submitting papers and informa- 

tion regarding the Dutch and French Factories at his Station. 
May 22 ; No. 59. 

9997* Jitter from Collector of Din^jpur, transmitting a letter from 
the Collector of Murshiddbdd, and reporting that lotbandfs, 
including lands belonging to the estate of the late Stirjya 
Ndniyan Rdi, have been transmitted, and received the Board's 
sanction for sale. May 8 \ No. 25. 

9998. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur in reply, directing him to exclude 
from the statement of lands ordered for sale those belonging 
to Stirjya Ndrdyan Ri, and to furnish the Collector of Mur- 
shiddbdd with a statement of balances due from that part of 
the estate situated in the Dinijpur District. May 8 ; No. 27. 

0999. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting Proceedings 
relative to petition of the heirs of Syyid Ghulam Husain 
Khdn to hold Pargand Japl as a rent-free estate (Altamghd), 
with the Board's opinion thereon. May 26 ; No. 5. 

j 0,000. Utter to Governor-General in Council, communicating the 
Board's opinion respecting the safe-conduct granted to Rj 
Garur Ndrdyan Deo at the time of Mr. Vanderheyden's 
deputation to Rdmgarh. May 29 ; No. 23. 

10,001. Letter from Agent at Hijili, transmitting the decree against 


the Talukddrs of Bhuiya*mutd and Badgipur for the Bhuiyari 
Khazdnl May 8 ; No. 9. 

10.002. Letter to Agent at Hijili, communicating authority of Govern- 

ment for granting an abatement to the Zamfnda*rs of Suja*mut 
on account of the Bhuiydri Khazdna* of Bhuiya"muta\ etc., on 
his making over the right to such collections to Government. 
May 26. 

10.003. Letter from Collector of Jessor, stating that Sib Chandra 

Mukharji has set up a claim to suspension on account of salt- 
land rent (KhalaTi). May 5 ; No. 38. 

10.004. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting his having nominated 

a manager for the estate of Ra*ja* Kljkrishna and Gopi Mohan, 
and submitting proposed establishment for the manager. 
May 12 ; No. 20. 

10.005. Letter to Collector of Jessor, approving of the above. May 12. 

10.006. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting a statement of 

balances and interest due from Pargana* Naldf. May 12; 
No. 46. 

10.007. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, containing instructions to 

appropriate the proceeds of the sale of Pargana* Naldi, disposed 
of at the Presidency on the 2d instant. May 12. 

10.008. Letter from Collector of Jessor, recommending the release of 

Kabhu Gha*zi, a defaulter. May 19; No. 14. 

10.009. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, authorizing him to 

relinquish the demand against the above defaulter, and to 
release him from confinement. May 19. 

10.010. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting agreement (Ta*hud) 

executed by proprietors of the 9 annas division of Mahal 
Nawa*ra\ May 22 ; No. 17. 

10.011. Letter to Collector of Jessor, containing instructions on the 

division of the estate, and directing the sale to be postponed. 
May 22 ; No. 18. 

10.012. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting a decree in favour 

of the Zamfnda*r of Nadiyi, respecting his right to property in 
Henckellganj. May 22 ; No. 36. 

10.013. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, requiring information 

respecting Henckellganj. May 22 ; No. 38. 

10.014. Letter from Collector of Jessor in reply to above, submitting 

information respecting Henckellganj. May 29 ; No. 17. 

10.015. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, respecting the rent (Jama*) 


to be assessed on Henckellganj, and the estate to be tendered 
to the Zamfnddr. May 29; No. 18. 

r 0,0 1 6. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, transmitting a letter from the 
Secretary to Government respecting the Bhuiydri Khazand of 
iBhuiydmutd. May 26. 

10.017. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbad, with a report from the 

Superintendent of Embankments (Puls), respecting filling up 
hollows in the city of Murshiddbdd. May i ; No. 6. 

1 0,0 1 8. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, transmitting a statement 

of lands belonging to the late Siirjya Ndrdyan Rdi for the 
discharge of arrears of revenue due therefrom prior to its 
having been placed under the management of the Court of 
Wards, May 1 2 ; No. 3. 

10.019. Better to Collector of Murshiddbdd in reply, returning the 

statement of hinds, with directions to select an entire estate for 
the recovery of the amount due from Siirjya Ndrdyan's estate 
at large. May 12 ; No. 4. 

10.020. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd, transmitting a letter from 

Secretary to Government, containing instructions respecting 
the work to be executed on the High Road to and at 
Jiifarganj, Mny 19. 

10.021. Letter from Collector of MiirshiddbtLd, recommending the cut- 

ting down of the bamboo plantations in the neighbourhood of 
Murshiddbitd, which are stated to be prejudicial to the health 
of the inhabitants. May 29 ; No. 21. 

1 0,022. Letter to Collector of Murshiddbdd in reply, directing him to 

refer the matter to the Magistrate, May 29. 

10.023. letter from Collector of Natliyd, reporting on petition of Hare- 

krishna Rdi respecting salt-rents (Khdldrfs) in Bhabdnfpur, 
May 22 ; No. 55. 

10,02.}. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd in reply, directing him to apply 
to the Salt Agent of the 24 Pargands to know if there are any 
objections to the payment of the amount demanded by the 
proprietor of Bhabdnfpur. May 22. 

10.025. Minute by Acting President, regarding losses sustained from 

balance which has accrued in the Khds and Sarbardhkdri 
Muhals since the Permanent Settlement May 15 ; No. 33. 

10.026. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhf, containing propositions of 

Kdlf Ndth Biswds and Sib Ndth Rdi (in confinement on 
account of arrears for 1202 to 1204, decreed in favour of the 


late manager of R^jshahf Zamfndarl) for liquidating the 
balances due from them by instalments. May 5 ; No. 28. 

10.027. Letter to Collector of RajshaTii in reply, directing him to 

release the above persons on their executing the necessary 
engagements. May 5. 

10.028. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, transmitting representation 

of Zainfndars and Tdlukdrs, complaining that several indigo 
planters make advances to the rayats, and compel them to 
cultivate the indigo plant. May 5 ; No. 10. 

10.029. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, directing him to refer the 

complainants to the Court for redress. May 5. 

10.030. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, transmitting letters and 

declarations for the information of the Board, at the request of 
the proprietors of Indigo Works. May 8 ; No. 35. 

10.031. Letter from Judge at Rangpur, containing information respecting 

the order (Paxwna) issued by the late Acting Judge with 

regard to leases (Pattys) given by the Zammddrs to their 
rayats. May 19; No. 24. 

10.032. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, on the above subject May 

19; No. 31. 

10.033. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, communicating instructions on 

the above. May 19 ; No. 33. 

10.034. Letter from Secretary to Government, with decrees against 

Muhammad AH KMn and others, in consideration of which 
Government resolve that villages Hanbhpur, etc., in J'argand 
Zamn&, be declared confiscated, and desiring report with 
respect to the disposal of the lands. May 5 ; No i 

10.035. Letter from Secretary to Government, stating that additional 

ground is required at Barrackpur besides that occupied by 
the house of the Governor-General. May 8 No a 

10.036. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmiLg\ W cccc]ings 

^ Goverament in fte Military Department respecting the 
ground that was appropriated for the Fort at 13axar. May 8 - 

1*037. Letter from Secretary to Government, respecting the Salt 
(Nimak Sfyer) Mahal in Sarkar Tirhut, and Parganas JJiswa 
nath and Gadh^pur, and directing the Board fo 


1*088. Letter from Secretary to Gove^ment, fitting proceedings 


of Government, with directions to take measures for procuring 
ground for the site of a new powder magazine at Ma>a*pur. 
May 15; No. 18. 

1 0,039. Letter to Collector of Shdhdbdd, for a report respecting the 

ground appropriated for the use of the Fort at Baxar. May 8. 

10.040. Letter from Collector of Shalidbdd, requesting instructions with 

respect to exposing the Raja*'s lands for sale in the event of 
his not liquidating the decree of Court previous to the day of 
sale. May 12 ; No. 15, Instructions forwarded in reply. 

10.041. Letter to Collector of Silhet, communicating authority of Go- 

vernment for release of persons in confinement, and writing 
off arrears. May 12. 

10.042. Letter from Registrar of Sadr Dfwdnf Addlat, transmitting a 

petition from Sydm Sundar Pandit, requesting information 
whether any sums of money receivable by KumaV Biswandth 
Kal, or any other heir of the late Rdja" Rdmkrishna, is in 
deposit from which pleaders* fees can be paid. May 22; 
No. 64. 

10,0,13. loiter from Collector of Tipperah, transmitting list of persons 
who have been repeatedly requested to furnish information 
for the Quinquennial Register. May 5 ; No. 44. 

10.044. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, directing him to 

impose fines on proprietors neglecting to furnish information. 
May 5. 

10.045. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, communicating authority of 

Government for Mr. Ryley to hold the ground required by 
him in the Tipperah District May 12. 

10.046. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, submitting an application 

of Mr. Wall lo hold 50 bighds of land for a bleaching ground. 
May 29 ; No. 20. 

10.047. loiter from Collector of Tirhut, respecting the Salt (Nimak 

Suyer) Mahal re-let by his predecessor for 10 years. May 12 ; 

No. ss- 
io,o4S. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting Mukarrarf grant, 

under which the widow of Rdjd Narendra Ndrdyan Sinh 

claims a right to customary allowance on collections (Dastur- 

hdt). May 19; No. 1 8. 
10,049. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, directing him to furnish a copy of 

the engagements executed by the Farmer of Mauza* Kachraul. 

May 19; No. 17, 


JUNE, 1801. 

10.050. Petition from Rddhd Mohan Bdnarji, of Mahmrfdshdhi in Jessor, 

complaining of unjust demands for interest. June 2 ; No. 61. 

10.051. Petition from the legal agent (Vakfl) of the Chaudhninl of 

Sdlbdris in Zild Rdjshdhi, representing that a compensation 
granted for defraying Muharram expenses has been withheld 
for three years, and soliciting that the arrears be paid and a 
new title-deed (Sanad) granted. June 9 ; No. 59. 

10.052. Petition from Rdmhari Mandal and others, praying that the 

Collector of 24 Pargands be prohibited from levying certain 
taxes from them. June 30 ; No. 26, 

10.053. Letter from Collector of Benares, forwarding a statement of pen- 

sions which have reverted to Government. June 5 ; No, 36. 

10.054. Letter from Collector of Benares, in reply to orders, transmit- 

ting a statement of the Rdjd's Treasury and Court (Kachdrf) 
establishments. June 9 ; No. 3. 

10.055. Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting a letter from Secre- 

tary to Government, and directing him to provide the required 
milestones* June 23* 

10.056. Letter to Collector of Birbhiim, forwarding Government orders 

relative to Rdjd Garur Ndrdyan. June 9. 

10.057. Letter to Collector of Birbhiim, transmitting Government 

orders, and directing him to report if the Rdjd be in arrears. 
June 1 6. 

10.058. Letter from Collector of Bchar, respecting the proprietary 

allowance (Mdlikdnd) to be received from Kusumlf. June 
1 6; No. 46. 

10.059. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, approving of the mode 

proposed to ascertain the proprietary allowance (Mdlikdmi). 
June 1 6. 

10.060. Letter from Collector of Behar, requesting orders respecting the 

ancient permanent holdings (Mukarrarfs). June 23 \ No. 43. 

1 0,06 1. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him to be more 

specific on the above. June 23. 

10.062. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, reporting that he has 

apprised the Collector of Murshiddbdd of the balance clue 
from the late Sdrjya Ndrdyan. June 19 ; No. 16. 

10.063. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, transmitting a statement of 


^ proposed to be sold on account of arrears due from the 
proprietor of Pargana* Kharagpur. June 19 ; No. 26. 

10.064. Letter from Collector of Bfatfgalpur, transmitting his report on 

balances outstanding in Rijmahal portion of the District for 
1206. June 19; Nos. 49, 49a. 

10.065. Letter from Collector of Baldwin, with a letter of Mr. Bateman, 

requesting permission to hold land June 16 ; No. 55. 

10.066. Letter to Collector of Bardwin in reply, directing him to call 

upon Mr. Bateman for his licence to remain in India. June 1 6. 

10.067. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, with a letter from the Collector 

of Midnapur, and directing him to deliver over certain Mahals. 
June 1 6. 

10.068. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, directing him to state whether 

the seamen (Lashkars) have any waste lands. June 9 ; No. 2. 

10.069. Letter from Collector of Dacca, respecting the separated 

Ta*lukda*rs of Idalpur. June 2 ; No. 53. 

10.070. Letter from Collector of Dacca, stating particulars regarding 

Pargana* Bikrampur. June 9 ; No, 20. 

10.071. Letter to Collector of Dacca, directing him to proceed to the 

sale of the above. June 9, 

10.072. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting on the state of 

cultivation. June 23 No. 46. 

10.073. Letter to Collector of Dacca, transmitting orders from Govern- 

ment on a letter from the Magistrate at Dacca on the above 
subject. June 23 ; No. 47. 

10.074. Letter to Collector of Dina*jpur, directing him to submit a 

statement of lands of the late Abdulla* Beg for the recovery of 
arrears due in Purniah. June 12. 

10.075. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, regarding irregular sale of 

the estate of Netra*nand. June 16; No. 3. 

10.076. Letter to Governor-General in Council, respecting ground 

occupied by Mr. Frushard. June 2 ; No. 3. 

10.077. Letter to Governor-Gejieral in Council, forwarding report of the 

Collector of 24 Parganis regarding compensation to be made 
to proprietors of ground required for the new College, June 
9; No. 52. 

10.078. Letter to Governor-General in Council, forwarding a letter and 

enclosure from the Collector of Dinajpur respecting the 
purchases made by Mr. Fernandez under fictitious names 
(Benferf). June 12 ; No, 59. 


10.079. Letter to Governor-General in Council, forwarding a further 

letter from the Collector of Dindjpur respecting illegal 
purchases of Mr. Fernandez. June 16 ; No. 2. 

10.080. Letter to Governor-General in Council, forwarding a letter from 

the Collector of Tipperah, with Mr. Wall's licence for 
remaining in the country. June 30 ; No. 40. 

10.081. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, submitting a detailed 

adjustment of arrears due from Rdjd, Brajdnand. June 9 ; 
No. 26. 

10.082. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, submitting such of the 

papers as can be found regarding lands set apart as an 
allowance by the Nawdb. June 19. 

10.083. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, transmitting a statement 

of balances due from the late Siirjya Ndrdyan Rdi in several 
Districts* June 19; No. 38. 

10.084. Letter to Collector of Maimansinh, informing him that Govern- 

ment has noticed the heavy arrears in his District. June 23. 

10.085. Letter from Collector of Putniah, requesting sale of Abdulld 

Begfs lands in Dindjpur. June 12 ; No. 20, 

10.086. Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhi, stating that Mahdrdnf 

Bhabdnf agrees to be security for the balance due from Rddhd 
Ndth Sanydl. June 9 ; No. 22. 

10.087. Letter from Secretary to Government, forwarding a letter from 

the Judge at Tirhut, and another from Rdjd Madhu Sinh, for 
report. June 5 ; Nos. 3 and 4. 

10.088. Letter from Secretary to Government, stating that Rdjd Garur 

Ndrdyan is to be declared subject to the ordinary courts of 
justice, three months after this order has been promulgated* 
June 9 ; No. 16. 

10.089. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting a letter from 

the Magistrate at Dacca; for inquiry into the unusual inunda- 
tion. June 23 ; No. 45. 

10.090. Letter from Collector of Silhet, forwarding applications for 

holding Taluks bought on account of Government* June 5 ; 
No. 57. 

10.091. Letter to Salt Agent of 24 Pargands, transmitting a petition 

from the inhabitants of Magrd, with directions to inspect the 
embankments. June 16. 

10.092. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, stating having imposed fines 

upon the Zamfnddrs for neglecting to furnish the required 


information for the formation of the Quinquennial Register. 
June 2 ; No. 41. 

10.093. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, directing to be informed if Mr. 

Wall, who applied for 50 bigha's of land, is authorized to 
remain in the country. June 9 ; No. 13. 

10.094. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, stating that influenza 

prevails in the District. June 12 ; No. 30. 

10.095. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, reporting that he has 

nominated managers to the estate of Ra*jd Rajkrishna and 
Gopf Mohan, and submitting an establishment for them. June 
16; No. 84. 

10.096. Letter to Collector of Nadiyd, approving of the above, and 

directing to name a Sarbarhka*r also. June 16. 

10.097. Letter to Collector of Silhet, stating that Mr. Turin's proposals 

for the Kauri contract have been accepted. June 30. 

10.098. Letter from Agent at Hijili, reporting Rdja" Debendra Naryan's 

relinquishment of the Bhuiydrf Khazn June 23 \ No. 8. 

10.099. Letter from Collector of Shhbad, reporting on the petition of 

R^ja* Bikramdrjit Sinh. June 26 ; No. 9. 

10.100. Letter to Collector of Sh^h^b^d, stating that Mr. Webb is 

authorized to hold lands. June 13 ; No. 15. 

10.101. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, transmitting a letter from the 

Magistrate respecting the Charpa"ta" road. June 30 ; No. 32. 

10.102. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, directing him to report 

respecting the state of the country. June 30. 

10.103. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, forwarding Mr. Wall's licence 

to remain in the country. June 30 ; No. 39. 

10.104. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting a statement of an 

undivided estate for sale. June 26 ; No. 31. 

10.105. Letter to Collector of Jessor, transmitting orders on the above, 

which relates to Mahal NawaYl June 26 ; No- 32. 

JULY, 1801. 

10.106. Letter from Accountant to the Honble. Company, requesting 

instructions as to the probable amount of Kauris remittable 
by Mr. Tutin. July 10; No. 19. 

10.107. Letter to Accountant in reply, stating that about Rs. 1,60,000 

worth of Kauris are remittable. July 10. 


10.108. Petition from Nima*i Charan Mallik, stating that he is mortgagee 

of some of Raja" Tej Chdnd's lands, and praying that they 
be not sold. July 3 \ No. 47. 

10.109. Letter from Collector of Benares, transmitting instructions 

respecting adjustment of proprietor's claims for compensation 
on account of ground taken for Cantonments at Ghzipur. 
July 3 ; No. 14. 

10.110. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, stating that the Ra"ja* had 

paid up his balance, and that the Court had interdicted the 
sale of Haripur. July 10 \ No. 13. 

io,m. Letter from Collector of Bardwa*n, transmitting statements of 
the entire estates of the late Siirjya Na*ryan Hal July 14 \ 
No. 9. Approved. 

10.112. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting on the losses sustained 

by the Raja* of Ngpur from the incursions of the Raja* of 
Sirguja*. July 3 ; Nos. 26 and 27. 

10.113. Letter from Collector of Behar, requesting orders on the 

petition of several Brdhmans. July 3 ; No. 53. 

10.114. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, stating that the Board 

does not think that the Bralimans have any claim upon 
Government. July 3 ; No. 54. 

10.115. Letter from Collector of Birbhdm, stating that embezzlements 

have been fully proved against the attaching officers (Amfns) 
and village accountants (Patwdris). July 28 ; No. 23. 

1 0,1 1 6. Letter to Collector of Birbhilm, approving of his having sus- 

pended the demands against the Zamind&s who suffered from 
the embezzlements. July 28. 

10.117. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, respecting the future 

management of estates held khs. July 3 \ No. 11. 

10.1 18. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, requesting authority for an 

advance of Takavf in K^nkjol. July 3 \ No. 49. Authorized. 

10.119. Letter from Collector of Bha*galpur, proposing to postpone the 

sale of Raja 1 Ka"dir All's lands. July 17 ; No. 47. 

10.120. Letter to Collector of Bhagalpur, informing him that disputes 

between individuals cannot prevent sales of lands. July 17. 

10.121. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting on the inundation 

and state of crops in his District July 7 ; No. 35. 

10.122. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting documents pro- 

duced in support of Durg KumaVs claims on subsistence 
(Nankar) lands. July 21 ; No. 28, 


10.123. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting translation of 

the engagements entered into by Messrs. Paniotty, etc., for 
payment of balances on account of Chandradwip. July 24 ; 
No. 12. 

10.124. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, approving of the engage- 

ments, and directing him to expedite sale on account of the 
shares sold. July 24. 

10.125. Letter to Collector of Dacca, directing him to furnish an 

account statement (Jam Wsil Baki) of Bozargomedpur and 
Rdjnagar. July 24; Nos. 4ia and 56. 

10.126. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting particulars regarding 

the pensions claimed by the family and widow of the late 
Raja Rdjballabh. July 24 \ No. 4ia. 

10.127. Letter from Collector of Dinajpur, stating that Mr. Fernandez 

has applied for the separation of lands purchased by him. 
July 10 ; No. n. Approved. 

10.128. Letter from Collector of Dinajpur, transmitting a statement 

of lauds of the late Siirjya Ndrdyan Rai. July 17 \ No. 9. 

10.129. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur in reply, approving of the 

statement, and calling for his opinion whether the lands could 
not be sold more advantageously at Murshidibad than at 
his Court (Kachdrf). July 17 ; No. 10. 

10.130. Letter to Governor-General in Council, forwarding a letter 

from the Collector of Behar, recommending the imposition 
of a fine upon occupants of estates who have not notified 
their succession. July 3 ; No. 6. 

10.131. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter 

and enclosure from the Collector of Shalia'ba'd on the claims 
of the Brahmans to compensation for grounds appropriated 
to the use of the Port of Baxar. July 21 ; No. 20. 

10.132. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter 

from the Collector of Nadiy in exculpation of his conduct 
regarding the heavy arrears outstanding in his District. July 
21 ; No. 34. 

10.133. Letter from Collector of Jessor, submitting proposals for fann- 

ing Muhammadpur, K.dlida'spur, etc. for 10 years. July 17 ; 

No. 49- 

10.134. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, approving of the above, 

but directing him to explain why the resources of the Mahals 
have fallen short. July 7 ; No. 50. 
VOL. in. u 


10.135. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting on the petition of 

Ra*dha* Mohan Ghosh, and submitting letter of the Salt Agent 
on the subject. July 7 ; No. 52, 

10.136. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply; directing him to sell 

the lands of Ra*dha* Mohan. July 7 ; No. 53. 

10.137. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting an answer from 

the Zaminda'r of Nadiya* to his letter respecting Henckellganj. 
July 10 ; No. 50. 

10.138. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, directing him to com- 

municate to the Raja* particulars respecting the lease, and 
offer the Ganj to him at Rs. 500. July 10 ; No. 31. 

10.139. Letter from Collector of Jessor, stating particulars respecting 

Henckellganj. July 31 ; No. 21. 

10.140. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, approving of his proposals 

to farm the above. July 31. 

10.141. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting an instalment 

agreement (Kistbandf) executed by the ZaimndaYs Diwa*n 
for repaying- a suspension of Rs. 10,000. July 31 ; No. 32. 

10.142. Letter from Collector of Ra*jshhf, recommending advance 

of Takavi in Kismat Maria*. July 10 ; No. 9. 

10.143. Letter to Collector of Raj'shhi in reply, directing him to 

endeavour to let the Kismat in farm. July 10. 

10.144. Letter from Collector of Rajsha*hi, transmitting proceedings 

on a representation that Chuna" Dhukra" was purchased under 
a fictitious name by the Ra*ja\ July 24 ; No. 16. 

10.145. Letter to Collector of Rajshdhf, directing him to sell the above 

Mahal. July 24. 

10.146. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting a letter 

from the Magistrate at Bfrbhrfm, relative to the Rdja* 7 s means 
of subsistence, for report July 3 ; No. i. 

10.147. Letter to Secretary to Government, transmitting a letter and 

enclosures from the Collector of ShaMbdd respecting hemp. 
July 3- 

10.148. Letter from Secretary to Government, directing a suspension 

of Rs. 1500 to be granted to the Ra^ of Nagpur, July 24 ; 
No. 46. 

10.149. Letter from Secretary to Government, directing that no coercive 

measure be used to recover balances from the Ra'ja' of Nagpur 
without a reference to Government July 21 ; No. 41. 


10.150. Letter from Secretary to Government, stating that the Zamfnddr 

has no authority to make the Settlement of the Nimak Sdyer 
Mahal, and requesting the Board to report the best mode 
of making a Settlement of it without obstructing the manufac- 
ture of saltpetre. July 21; No. 47. 

10.151. Letter from Collector of ShtfhAbld, transmitting a letter and 

enclosure from the Commercial Resident at Patnd respecting 
hemp. July 3 ; No. 17. 

10.152. Letter from Collector of Shhbd, transmitting Provisional 

Settlement of Paudr. July 14; No. 27. 

10,153- Letter to Collector of Shdhdbdd in reply, directing him to state 
in what manner the Mahal was formerly managed, and what 
were the receipts. July 14 ; No. 28. 

10.154. Letter to Collector of Silhet, directing him to release the 

defaulters mentioned in his letter of 3oth June, and to write 
off the arrears. July 2 1 . 

10.155. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, stating that he is taking the 

deposition of rayats to ascertain the produce of Rdjd Madhu 
Sinh's lands. July 7 ; No. 2. 

10.156. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, directing him to report without 

further delay on the Tdluks in Kasm^r annexed to Sran. 
July 14- 

10.157. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting forms of engage- 

ments entered into by Farmers of Mulki Bali July 10; 
No- 54. 

10.158. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, transmitting orders of Government 

on the Settlement of the Nimak Sdyer Mahal. 

10.159. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, requesting instructions 

respecting the late property of Rj^ Naba Krishna. July 10 ; 
No* io- 

1 0,1 60. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, directing him to 

register the names of Rdjkrishna and Gopf Mohan as succes- 
sors to Rdjd Naba Krishna. July 10. 

10.161. Letter from Sub-Treasurer, stating that Rs. 19,856 were paid 

in payment of past arrears of Rj Iswar Chdndv July 24 ; 
No. 49. 

10.162. Letter to Sub-Treasurer, with instructions regarding the appro- 

priation of the proceeds of Rj Iswar Chdnd's lands sold 
at the Presidency. July 31. 

10.163. Letter from Collector of Behar, informing that the Rdjd of 

29 6 BENGAL RECORDS. [Jutv 1801. 

Paldmau declines to deliver papers required of him, and 
recommending that a fine be levied upon him. July 21 ; 
No. 17. 

10.164. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him to state 

in what manner he would enforce the proposed fine. July ax. 

10.165. Letter to. Collector of Behar, directing him to impose a fine 

on proprietors who have neglected to report their accession 
to estates. July 21. 

10.166. Letter from Collector of Bardwdi*, reporting that the Rdjd has 

paid up the arrears and satisfied the judgment of the Court. 
July 14 ; No. 14. 

10.167. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, regarding the Ihtimdniddri 

establishment of Calcutta and its environs. July 14; No. 29. 

10.168. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands in reply, directing him to 

furnish the account statement (Jamd Wdsil Bdki) of the several 
Ihtimdmddrs. July 14; No. 30, 

10, $69, Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, reporting that Rdjd 
Iswar Chdnd has sold his interest in the Madrasd Mahal to 
Prdn Krishna Biswds. Jtily 21 ; No. i. 

10.170. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands in reply, directing him to 

make the necessary transfer in the Register. July 21, 

10.171. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, directing him to pay Mr. 

Johnstone Rs. 5000 for compensation on account of the 
ground for the new College, July 21. 

10.172. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, staling that everything 

is ready for measuring Calcutta, July 24 \ No. 27. 

10.173. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, stating that he has 

appointed a manager to the estate of Rdjd Rdjkrishna and 
Gopf Mohan. July 31 ; No. 16. 

10.174. Letter to Collector of Bhdgalpur, stating that lands held by 

policemen (Ghdtwdls) cannot be resumed, July 28; 
No. 39. 

10.175. Letter to Governor-General in Council, regarding the claims 

of the widows and grandsons of the late Rdjd R&jballabh 
to monthly allowance (Mushdhard) from the Boaargomedpur 
and Rdjnagar estates, July 24 ; No. 42. 

10.176. Letter to Governor-General in Council, forwarding report on 

the petition of Prasanna Rdi and others, claiming suspensions 
for damages to lands by the Ganges. July 31 ; No, 7, 

10.177. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, respecting lands held rent- 


free on condition of the holders guarding the hill passes. 
July 28 ; No. 39. 

10.178. Letter from Secretary to Government, forwarding a letter from 

the Magistrate at Mirza*pur, directing that the necessary 
deductions be made in the assessment (Jamd) on the Zamfn- 
daYs lands, on account of ground relinquished for enlarging 
the town of Mirzdpur. July 28 ; No. 10. 

10.179. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting a letter from 

the Magistrate at Tipperah, directing that the necessary ad^- 

justment be made with the Chaudhrfs of Pargana Tora" on 

account of the ground occupied by the police station (Tha'na*) 

at Haj'iganj. July 28; No. n. 
i 0,1 So. Letter from Collector of Dacca, forwarding a letter from Kdlf 

Piasa*d Rai on the part of Raja* Rijkrishna, respecting Tapp 

HaVilf Muhammadpur. July 28 ; No. 42. 
10,181* Letter to Collector of Dacca, directing him to advertise for 

proposals to farm the above* July 28. 

10.182. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, remarking on the refractory 

conduct of GhuUm Nabf. July 31 ; No. 22. 

10.183. Letter from Collector of Nadiya\ transmitting a statement of 

lands belonging to Harekrishna Ra"i, but in possession of the 
Salt Agent. July 31 ; No. 18. 

io,t84. Letter to Collector of Nadiya* in reply, stating that he should 
have referred Harekrishna to the Court (Addlat) instead of 
deputing an officer (Amin). July 31. 

10.185. Letter to Collector of Nadiya*, transmitting account sale of 

lands lately belonging to Ra*ja* Iswar Cha*nd Rdi, sold on the 
i8th July, with directions to state the amount of arrears still 
due from him* July 31. 

AUGUST, 1801, 

1 0,1 86. Letter to Messrs. Keble and others, transmitting Government 

proceedings on theif application for the renewal of the lease 
of Bdnka Nal Tolls* August 24 ; No. 28. 

10.187. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting Government orders 

respecting the union of Behar Districts. August 1 1. 
j 0,1 88. Letter from Collector of Behar, stating that he thinks that the 
Ra*j of Paldmau would not resist the writ (Dastak) demanding 
a fine, August n ; No. 24. 

298 BENGAL RECORDS. [AUG. 1801. 

10.189. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting Government orders 

regarding an allowance to be made to the family of the late 
Sujd Kulf Khn, Manlr-ud-dauM. August n. 

10.190. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting a letter from Collector 

of Tipperah, to whom he is to send 100 maunds of potatoes. 
August 25. 

10.191. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting Government orders re- 

specting ground wanted for Cantonments at Gay. August 28. 

10.192. Letter from Collector of Benares, forwarding a letter from Rdjd 

Udit N&dyan, complaining against his manager (Dfwdn), and 
soliciting that he be vested with the management of his own 
estate. August 25 ; No. 39. 

10.193. Letter to Collector of Benares in reply, requesting to be in- 

formed of the original employment of the manager (Diwn). 
August 25. 

10.194. Letter from Collector of Benares, reporting on the Niinak 

Sdyer, or Salt Mahal, of Magrd. August 28; No. u. 
10,193. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, reporting having delivered 
over Mahals to the Collector of Midnapur. August 8 ; 
No. 21. 

10.196. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, transmitting resolutions of 

Government regarding seamen (Lashkars) who may apply for 
admission in the Invalid Establishment. August 25. 

10.197. Letter from Collector of Dacca, forwarding copy of a represen- 

tation (Arzi) from Rdjd Rdjkrishna's manager (Sarbardhkdr). 
August 4; No. 19. 

10.198. Letter to Collector of Dacca, directing him to collect the rents 

in the mode he thinks most proper. August 4. 

10.199. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a representa- 

tion from three proprietors of Chandradwfp. August 4; 
No. 28. 

10.200. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, stating that each of the 

dissenting proprietors may have separate possession of their 
shares. August 4. 

10.201. Letter from Collector of Dacca, stating that he has issued 

instructions to the manager of Chandradwfp, August 8 ; 
No. 25. 

10.202. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, stating that the subsist- 

ence (Nnkr) lands are to be included in the partition. 
August 8. 


10.203. Letter from Collector 1 of Dinjpur, stating that Siirjya NMyan's 

lands will sell as well in his District as anywhere. August 4; 
No. 2a. 

10.204. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur, directing him to sell the lands. 

August 4 ; No. 2b. 

10.205. Letter from Collector of Din^jpur, requesting orders respect- 

ing lands lately belonging to Mr. Fernandez. August 8; 
No. 39. 

10.206. Letter to Collector of Dinjpur in reply, authorizing him to 

dispose of them. August 8. 

10.207. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, transmitting account sale 

of Fernandez' property. August 21 ; No. 30. 

10.208. Letter from Collector of Din^jpur, forwarding a letter from Mr. 

Fernandez praying for relief. August 21 ; No. 31. 

10.209. Letter from Collector of Dinjpur, stating particulars respecting 

defaulters who wilfully withhold their revenues. August 25 ; 
No. 44. 

10.210. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur in reply, approving of his 

imposing the fine prescribed. August 25. 

10.211. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting reports 

from the Collectors of Midnapur and Jessor regarding Klntin- 
gos' allowances. August 4 ; No. 96. 

10.212. Letter to Governor-General in Council, recommending a fine 

of Rs. 10 per diem to be levied on the Rijd of PaL&nau. 
August ii | No. 25. 

10.213. Letter to Governor-General in Council, forwarding a letter from 

the Collector of Midnapur, stating the damages done by the 
rise of the river, and recommending assistance to be afforded 
to the rayats. August 25 ; No. 2. 

10.214. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting a letter from the 

Salt Agent of 24 Pargan^s respecting Malai. August 28 ; 
No. 31. 

10.215. Letter to Collector of Jessor, authorizing for the present sus- 

pensions on account of salt-land rents (KMl&is). August 28. 

10.216. Letter from Collector of Murshic&bdd, with a letter from the 

Superintendent of Embankments (Puls), stating the extraordi- 
nary rise of the river. August 18 3 No. 18. 

10.217. Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, transmitting account sale of 

Kismat SarfnCzpur. August 4 1 No. 64. 

10.218. Letter from Collector of 24 Parganas, transmitting an establish- 

300 BENGAL RECORDS. [Auo. 1801. 

ment statement for managing Rjd Rdj'krishna's estate. August 
4; No. 34. 

10.219. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhf, directing him to suspend the 

operations of the Regulations in Pargand Lashkarpur for the 
present, in consequence of the overflowing of the river. 
August 28 ; No. 35. 

10.220. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, directing him to inform the 

Collector of Murshiddbdd of the result of the sale of Rdjd 
Sdrjya Nryan ; s lands. August 25. 

10.221. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting orders for 

the discontinuance of the manufacture of salt in the Province 
of Benares. August 4 ; 'No. 10. 

10.222. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting a letter from 

the Magistrate at Bdkarganj, proposing to occupy the ground 
at Barisdl in consequence of the removal of the Court 
(KacMri) from Bdkarganj to that place. August 14 ; No. 7. 

10.223. Letter from Secretary to Government, forwarding a letter from 

the Magistrate at Bdkarganj, showing the indispensable neces- 
sity of establishing a Bdzdr at Barisdl. August 14 ; No, 9a. 

10.224. Letter from Secretary to Government, forwarding a letter from 

the Magistrate at Tipperah, and directing the Collector to 
report on the state of the embankments at and near the 
place where the casualty is stated to have taken place. 
August 18; No. 12. 

10.225. Letter to Collector of Sran, transmitting Government orders 

regarding the union of the Districts in the Behar Province. 
August it. 

10.226. Letter to Collector of Shhbdd, regarding the union of the 

Behar Districts. August n. 

10.227. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, regarding the union of the Behar 

Districts. August n. 

10.228. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting a statement of 

Mahals annexed to S&an in 1200 r.s. August 18 ; No. 20. 

10.229. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, forwarding instructions respect- 

ing the number of Bzrs worked by the Salt Agent August 8 j 
No. 17. 

10.230. Letter to Collector of Dacca, transmitting orders of Government 

directing an allowance of Rs. 300 to be granted to the family 
of the late RdjsC Rdjballabh. August 1 1. 

10.231. Letter from Collector of Dacca, forwarding a petition from 


Nflkanth Basu, styling himself the Farmer of the estate of 
the late Siirjya Ndrdyan Rdi. August 21 ; No. 20. 

10.232. Letter to Collector of Dacca, directing him not to comply with 

the petitioner's request, but to proceed to the sale of the 
above. August 21. 

10.233. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, reporting that the embank- 

ments (Bdndhs) of Durgdpur have burst, and that it may 
prove detrimental to the crops. August n \ No. 18. 

10.234. Letter from Collector of Bardwan, stating that the Ra*ja is 

extremely dilatory in paying his revenues. August 18 ; Xo. 36. 

10.235. Letter to Collector of Bardwan in reply, approving of his advice 

to the Raja. August 18. 

10.236. Letter to Collector of Bardwan, directing him to report iht 

result of the sale of the late Siirjya Ndrdyan's lands to the 
Collector of Murshiddbad. August 25. 

10.237. Letter to Collector of Dacca on the same. August 25. 

10.238. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, stating particulars of the 

inundation in his District. August 25 ; No. i. 

10.239. Letter to Collector of Bhdgalpur, directing him to report the 

result of the sale of Siirjya Ndrdyan's knds to the Collector 
of Murshidaba'd. August 25. 

10.240. Letter to Secretary to Government, regarding the failure of the 

embankments (Bandhs) in Murshiddbdd. August 25. 

10.241. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargands, directing him to state the 

boundaries of the Madrasa" Mahal. August 25. 


10.242. Application of Messrs. Taylor and Royd, transmitting copy 

of a letter written by them to the Collector of Bardwan on 
behalf of Raja Rdjkrishna. September 25 ; No. i. 

10.243. Petition from Birndth Rai, complaining of unjust confinement 

in Rdjshdhi. September 4 ; No. 42. 

10.244. Letter to Collector of Behar, authorizing a fine to be levied 

from the Zamindar of Palamau. September i. 

10.245. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting Government orders 

on the investigation proposed to be held to inquire into losses 
sustained by the holders of Government (khds) Mahals. 
September 8. 

10.246. Letter to Collector of Behar, directing him, if he thinks it 


necessary, to prepare a draft for the purpose of punishing 
persons who ill-treat the officers'of Government September 1 5 . 

10.247. Letter from Collector of Behar, transmitting an application for 

the purchase of land on which grain stores (Gold's) are 
erected. September 15 ; No. 53. 

10.248. Letter to Collector of Benares, directing him to report generally 

on the claims of Messrs. Colvins and Bazett September i j 
No. 4. 

10.249. Letter to Collector of Bhagalpur, transmitting orders of Go- 

vernment regarding lands held by Kaniingos. September i. 

10.250. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, stating that the Raj has 

paid up his arrears to the end of Srban. September 8 ; 
No. 20. 

10.251. Letter from Collector of Bardwan, reporting on the damages 

sustained on account of the rise of waters. September 22 ; 
No. 64. 

10.252. Letter from Collector of Bardwan, proposing further measures 

for the settlement of estates (Hudas) to be sold in MandalgMt. 
September 22 ; No. 105. Approved. 

10.253. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, directing him to report 

on the resources of lands resumed from Gokul Ghoshal. 
September i. 

10.254. Circular letter to Collectors, directing them to report the quan- 

tity of land held by Europeans in their respective Districts. 
September n. 

10.255. Report from Collectors, regarding the state to which the indigo 

manufacturers are, thrown by rival factories being erected too 
near each other. September 22 ; Nos. 76-96. 

10.256. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a statement of 

allowances receivable by the late Kaniingos. September 4 ; 
No. 57. 

10.257. Letter from Collector of Dacca, containing information regard- 

ing balances due from Bozargomedpur, JUjnagar, and Chandra- 
dwip. September 15 ; No. 41. 

10.258. Letter to Collector of Dinjpur, transmitting Government orders, 

and directing him to report on the sale of lands lately the 
property of Mr. Fernandez. September i. 

10.259. Letter from Collector of Dinjpur, proposing rent (Jam) of the 

escheated Jdgfr of the late Rajd Rajballabh, and recommending 
that it be sold. September 25 ; No. 9. 


10.260. Letter to Governor-General in Council, reporting on a petition 

transmitted through the Judge of Jessor respecting the Nawr 
estate. September n ; No. 42. 

10.261. Letter from Agent at Hijili, reporting that several embankments 

(B&idhs) have suffered, and the country is inundated. Sep- 
tember i j No. 21. 

10.262. Letter from Agent at Hijili, reporting the death of R4j 

Debendra N&dyan of SujamuteL September 4; No. 67. 

10.263. Letter to Agent at Hijili, directing him to take charge of the 

estate. September 4. 

10.264. Letter from Collector of Jessor, stating particulars regarding the 

inundation. September n; No. 21. 

10.265. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, regarding the lands of Darp 

Nryan directed to be resumed. September i. 

10.266. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, directing that relief be aiforded 

to the sufferers from inundation. September i ; No. 10. 

10.267. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, requesting submission of 

statement of Rjd Brajdnand's lands for sale. September i. 

10.268. Letter from Collector of Murshiddbdd, transmitting translation 

of an application from Rj Loknith. September 22 ; No. 29. 

10.269. Letter from Collector of Murshid^bdd, proposing suspension of 

the operation of the Regulation, in consequence of the rise of 
the river. September 29; No. 17. Approved. 

10.270. Letter to Collector of Nadiy, forwarding Government orders 

for the recovery of the suspensions granted to the Rdjl 
September n. 

10.271. Letter to Collector of Nadiy, directing him to continue to report 

on the damages caused by the inundation. September 8. 

10 .272. Letter from Collector of Nadiy^ transmitting a petition from 

theZammddrofNadiyl September 15 ; No. 17. 
10 273. Letter to Collector of Nadiy in reply, informing him that it is 
' preferable to attach the estate than to impose fines. Septem- 
ber 15 ; No. 19. 

10 274 Letter from Collector of Nadiyd, stating that the amount due 
1 from the Rj of Nadiy has been paid September 18; 

No. 8. t _ 

I0 2 75 . Letter from Collector of Rdjshdhi, reporting on the damage 

sustained by the rise of the river. September 22 ; No. 65. 
I0 276 Letter from Collector of Rjshif, submitting an establishment 
1 for the attachment of lands. September 22 ; No. 57. 

3<>4 BENGAL RECORDS, [OCT. 1801. 

10.277. Letter to Collector of Rdjshdhi, stating in his opinion that it 

would be preferable to impose fines than to attach the lands. 
September 22 ; No. 58* 

10.278. Letter from Collector of Sha*ha"ba"d, reporting want of rain in 

Zild Barhf. September 15 ; No. 34. 

10.279. Letter from Collector of Nadiya*, stating that the river has risen 

six inches since the isth. September 18 ; No. 63. 

10.280. Letter from Collector of Nadiytf, with a further report on the 

effects of inundation. September 29; No. 37. 

10.281. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter 

from the Collector of Tipperah, recommending that Mr. 
Harris be permitted to hold land applied for. September 25 ; 
No. 43- 

10.282. Letter from Collector 1 of Tipperah, transmitting an application 

from Mr. Harris to hold land. September 25 ; No. 41. 

10.283. Letter" from Collector of Tipperah, respecting the payment of 

compensation on account of salt-land rents (Khdldrfs) for the 
Kardwa* Zamfnda*rs. September 25 ; No. 44* 

10.284. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, forwarding correspondence 

with the Commercial Resident at Patnd respecting the Salt 
(Nimak Sdyer) Mahal September 22 ; No* 69* 

OCTOBER, 1801. 

10.285. Lette* to Accountant to the Board, transmitting Government 

orders regarding the demand of the Honourable Company on 
the estate of the late Mr. Keble. October 2. 

10.286. Letter to Accountant, transmitting a statement of villages 

heretofore held as LftJhirfj by Rja" Braja'nand, the assessment 
on which was approved on 3oth July. October 9 ; No. 13. 

10.287. Petition from James Holland and others, complaining that the 

Collector of Dacca will not attend to their petitions for 
separating lands. October 16; No. 43. 

10.288. Letter from Collector of Benares, stating that much land has 

been lost on account of the encroachments of the river. 
October 16 ; No. 3. 

10.289. Letter from Collector of Benares, transmitting a letter from the 

&ija* complaining of Sukh Ldl's malversation. October 2* - 
No. 50. ' 

10.290. Letter from Collector of Beliaf, regarding the allowances 


receivable by the late Sadr Kniingos of Behar. 
No. 12, 

10.291. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, directing him to report 

the age, etc. of the Kdmingos, October 16, 

10.292. Letter to Collector of Behar, asking for reply to orders re- 

garding the abolition of the two Collectorships in Behar. 
October 23. 

10.293. Letter to Collector of Bardw&i, transmitting certificates, with 

directions to pay the several pensions to the widows of persons 
destroyed by explosions of powder works. October 13. 

10.294. Letter from Collector of Bardwa*n, stating his opinion that an 

Assistant should be deputed to adjust disputes in Bishnupur. 
October 27 ; No. i. 

10.295. Letter from Collector of Birbhiim, transmitting a statement of 

Thanddarf, Bahalf, and ChaTsdn lands. October 2 ; No. 4Sa. 

10.296. Letter to Collector of Bfrbhiim in reply, demanding explanation 

on the above. October 2. 

10.297. Letter from Collector of Birbhiim, transmitting petitions from 

the purchasers of lands in Panchet, and reporting that he was 
not able to induce them to receive back their cash. October 
16 ; No. 25. 

10.298. Letter from Collector of Bfrbhrfm, stating having informed the 

Collector of Murshida'ba'd of the sale of Surjya N&ayan RaTs 
lands, October 9 ; No. 34. 

10.299. Letter from Collector of Bhagalpur, submitting a representation 

(Arzi) from 10 ZamuidaVs praying for separation. October 10 \ 
No. 27. 

10.300. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, transmitting a list of 

defaulters whom he proposes to fine. October 9 : No. 61. 

10.301. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, explaining particulars of 

the establishment entertained for the Ka'pa's Mahal. October 
20; No. i. 

10.302. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, explaining particulars of 

arrears due from undivided estates, but the rent (Jama 1 ) of 
which is collected from many persons. October 20 ; No. 5. 

10.303. Letter to Collector of Chittagong in reply, forwarding instruc- 

tions. October 20. 

10.304. Circular orders to Collectors, etc., directing that the cultivation 

of maize and potatoes be extended. October 13, 

306 BENGAL RECORDS. [Ocr. 1801. 

10.305. Letter from Collector of Dacca, transmitting a letter from the 

Nawdb. October 2 ; No. 50. 

10.306. Letter to Collector of Dacca in reply, directing him to stop the 

payment of the pension of the late Mirza* Mahdf. October 2. 

10.307. Letter to Collector of Dacca, transmitting Mr. Holland's petition 

for report. October 16. 

10.308. Letter to Collector of Dinjpur, directing that compensation be 

granted to Ba*bu Ra*m to the amount of 10 per cent, on the 
proceeds of the lands of Mr. Fernandez. October 27. 

10.309. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, reporting that the Ijara* and 

Punya* lands are said to have been in the Rj's family. 
October 30; No. 29. 

10.310. Letter to Collector of Dinijpur in reply, directing him to make 

over the lands to the warder of the shrine. October 30. 

10.311. Letter from Agent at Hijili, transmitting particulars respecting 

Birkul, under orders for sale. October 2 ; No. 16. 

10.312. Letter to Agent at Hijili in reply, directing that orders respecting 

the 9 annas division of the above be not carried into effect 
October 2 ; No. 17. 

10.313. Letter from Collector of Jessor, stating particulars respecting 

the purchase of Baishnabpur. October 2 j No* 48. 

10.314. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting that he has deputed 

a SazaVal to take charge of Henckellganj. October 9 ; No. 58. 

10.315. Letter from Collector of Jessor, transmitting a letter from Mr. 

Anderson for permission to hold 4 bights of land. October 
13 ; No. 26. Complied with, October 27. 

10.316. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, submitting particulars of 

lands in Maindchaura* claimed by Raja* Brajdnand. October 
9; No. n. 

10.317. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, forwarding instructions 

for assessing the lands* October 9 ; No. 12, 

10.318. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, requesting reply to proposi- 

tions respecting payment of pensions to Brdhmans, October 
16; No. 21. 

10.319. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, forwarding statement of 

resumed rent-free lands for sale. October 23 ; No* 57. 

10.320. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, directing that the lands be 

sold. October 23, 

10.321. Letter to Collector of Midnapur, transmitting instructions to 

afford relief to sufferers by inundation. October 30 ; No. 3. 


10.322. Letter from Collector of Maimansinh, stating devastations 

committed by wild elephants. October 9 ; No. 56. 
IO >3 2 3 Letter to Collector of Maimansinh in reply, stating that the 

Board does not think proper to establish a Kheda\ October 9. 
10,324. Letter from Collector of Nadiya", reporting that the river has 

fallen. October 9 ; No. 37. 

10.323. Letter from Collector of Nadiya*, forwarding translation of a 

petition from RaJ Sambhu Chandra. October 9 ; No. Si. 

10.326. Letter to Collector of Nadiya, directing him to refer Sambhu 

Chandra to the courts of justice for recovery of his monthly 
allowance (Musha'hara). October 9. 

10.327. Letter from Collector of Nadiya", transmitting a petition from 

the Tlukda"rs of Pargana* Anwarpur. October 13 ; No. 55. 

10.328. Letter to Collector of Nadiya" in reply, approving of the union 

of the estates. October 13. 

10.329. Letter from Collector of Purniah, transmitting a petition from 

Khosh Bakhsh regarding the resumption of a Jagir. October 
30 ; No. 34- 

10.330. Letter to Collector of Pumiah, forwarding instructions on the 

above. October 30 ; No. 36. 

10.331. Letter from Collector of Rajshalii, transmitting a petition from 

a defaulter, praying to pay his arrears by instalments. October 
9 ; No. 14- 

10.332. Letter from Collector of Rangpur, transmitting petitions from 

the representative of Ndzfr Deo Khagendra N&fyan respecting 
his stipend receivable from the Rlja* of Kuch Behar. October 

13 ; NO. 9. 

10.333. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, forwarding instructions on the 

above. October 13. 

10.334. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting a letter and 

enclosure from Mr. Edmonstone respecting the causes of 
inundation. Octobers; No. 18. 

10.335. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting a letter from 

the Hon'ble Court of Directors, calling for any further 
information that may have been obtained respecting the 
cultivation of potatoes, and directing that seed be afforded 
gratuitously where it may be required, and that measures be 
taken for extending the cultivation of Indian corn or maize. 
October 13 ; No. 48- 

10.336. Letter from Secretary to Government, directing that a prosecu- 

3 o8 BENGAL RECORDS. [Oar. 1801. 

tion be instituted against the Bhdgalpur Treasurer for the re- 
covery of Rs. 17,000, being part of a remittance plundered 
by gang robbers (Ddkdits). October 13 \ No. 3. 

10.337. Letter to Collector of Sdran, with orders regarding allowances 

payable to the Kdmingos. October 16 ; No. 16. 

10.338. Letter from Collector of Shdhdbdd, stating that a dreadful 

affray took place on the 9th August at Karsand. October 
13; No. 61. 

10.339. Letter from Collector of Shdhdbdd, requesting permission to 

advance Takavi to the amount of Rs. 10,000, October 23 ; 
No. 12. 

10.340. Letter to Collector of Shdhdbdd, directing that no advance 

shall exceed more than 5 per cent of the revenue paid to 
Government (Sadr Jamd). October 23. 

10.341. Letter to Collector of Shdhdbdd, granting leave to Mr. Rawlin- 

son to reside in his District. October 23 ; No. 46. 

10.342. Letter from Collector of Shdhdbdd, submitting provisional 

Settlement of Tdlukd Riippur for 10 years- October 23 ; 
No. 49. 

10.343. Letter to Collector of Shdhdbdd in reply, requesting to know 

if the land has been purchased on account of Government. 
October 23. 

10.344. Letter from Collector of Silhet, respecting the Mahals held by 

the late Kdmingos. October 15 ; No. 33. 

10.345. Letter to Collector of Silhet, approving of his deputing an 

Amfn to survey and measure those lands. October 16. 

10.346. Letter to Collector of Tirhut, transmitting a letter from Secre- 

tary to Government, containing particulars respecting Salt 
(Nimak Sdyer) Mahals. October 9 ; No, 69. 

10.347. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, relative to the allowances of 

the late Sadr Kdmingos. October 16 ; No. 14. 

10.348. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, transmitting petition from 

the Zaminddr of Bhulud. October 2 ; No. 12. 

10.349. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, authorizing Mr. Harris to 

hold 50 bighds of land. October 9. 

10.350. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, stating that the Rdjd has 

instituted a suit against the Salt Department. October 13 ; 
No. 24. 

10.351. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, slating particulars relative 

to the Rdjd's balances. October 13; No, 52. 

Nov. iSoi.] BOARD OF REVEb 7 UE SERIES. 309 

I0 35 2 - Letter to Collector of Tipperah, directing him to inform the 
R4j that he must adjust his claims with the Salt Deiaitnu'n: 
as soon as possible. October 13. 

I0 j353- Letter from Collector of Tipperah, recommending that sundry 
insolvent defaulters be released from confinement. October 

27 ; NO. 3. 

i>354- Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting a letter 
from the Collector of Benares, and submitting propositions 
respecting the lands which were cut away and carried from 
one side of the river to the other. October 16 ; No. 4. 

10 355' Letter from Collector of Chittagong, transmitting a petition 
from the Tahsildar of Lansikhali reporting the injury tiie 
estates have suffered from the encroachments of the river. 
October 27; No. 14. 

10,356. Letter from Secretary to Government, approving of the orders 
issued to the Collector of Midnapur for discontinuing the 
allowances for the support of the poor, on the demise of tho 
parties at present receiving them. October 23. 

I0 j357- Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting a statement 
of sums issued for the relief of the sufferers from the late- 
inundation. October 27 ; No. 10. 

10,358. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, relative to the revenue of 
the Bhuiydri Mahal. October 30 ; No. 23. 

NOVEMBER, 1801. 

I0 >359 Application from Dr. Anderson, requesting copy of Mr. 
Jenning's representation regarding his objections to his estab- 
lishing Indigo Works in Jessor, to enable him to reply thereto. 
November 27 \ No. 43. 

10.360. Letter to Dr. Anderson in reply, stating that Mr. Jcnning's 

application to prevent his erecting Indigo Works at Nilganj 
and Daulatpur has been refused. November 27. 

10.361. Letter to Mr. Ahmuty, late Commissioner of Kuch Uehar, 

transmitting orders, with directions to state if any further 
rules are necessary for the administration of the revenue in 
that District. November 6. 

10.362. Letter to Collector of Benares, forwarding orders relative to 

compensation allowed to proprietors of Mguzaxi lands 
attached to Jaunpur Cantonments. November 6. 


3io BENGAL RECORDS. [Nov. 1801. 

10.363. Letter to Collector of Benares, transmitting orders calling for 

the required information regarding lands lost by the encroach- 
ment of the river Ganges. November 24. 

10.364. Letter from Collector of Behar, stating the mode in which the 

revenues of villages, the property of deceased proprietors, are 
paid. November 6 ; No. 33. 

10.365. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting instructions on the 

above. November 6 ; No. 33. 

10.366. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting on the subject of 

forming the Behar Districts into two Collectorships. Novem- 
ber 13 ; No. 28. 

10.367. Letter to Collector of Behar, transmitting orders respecting 

fining landholders. November 24. 

10.368. Letter from Collector of Behar, respecting village Mukubpur 

and Shdistdpur, and regarding the profits arising from the 
ferry (Ghdt) boats. November 24 ; No. 40. 

10.369. Letter from Collector of Bardwan, stating the amount of Rdjd's 

balances, and proposing to impose a daily fine. November 
10 ; No. 47. Approved. 

10.370. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, stating that he has fined the 

lUjd, but ineffectually. November 20 ; No. 9. 

10.371. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn, directing him to forward a 

statement of Kdsipur to be sold. November 20 ; No. 10. 

10.372. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, recommending the nomina- 

tion of natives to investigate claims to pensions. November 
17 ; No. 28. 

I0 373- Letter to Collector of Bhdgalpur in reply, declining to comply 
with his request November 17. 

10.374. Letter from Collector of Bhdgalpur, transmitting particulars 

regarding Government (khds) Mahals and disqualified proprie- 
tors. September 24 ; No. 44. 

10.375. Letter to Collector of Bhdgalpur, directing him to exert himself 

to let the Government (khds) lands in Farm. November 24. 

10.376. Letter from Collector of Bhagalpur, reporting that a suit has 

been instituted against the Treasurer for the recovery of the 
amount of treasure plundered. November 27 ; No. 12. 

10.377. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, authorizing establishment in 

the Kdpds Mahal for managing the Flagstaff. November 6. 

10.378. Letter to Collector of Dacca, transmitting orders respecting 

annexations and separations. November 10. 


10.379. Letter to Collector of Dacca, transmitting orders respecting the 

Ba*za"r at Barisal November 10. 

10.380. Letter from Collector of Dina*jpur, transmitting papers presented 

by the Legal Agent (Vakil) of Ra*ni Saraswatf. November 
16; No. 8. 

10.381. Letter to Collector of Dinajpur, directing him to conform to 

orders of the 3oth October respecting the shrine at Purwa*. 
November 16 ; No. 9. 

10.382. Letter from Collector of Jessor, regarding a decision of Court 

with respect to Henckellganj. November 10 ; No. 10. 

10.383. Letter to Collector of Jessor, directing him to submit a draft for 

a motion to be made to the Court. November 10 ; No. n. 

10.384. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting that the proprietors 

of 80 villages have paid up their arrears. November 6 ; 
No. 67. 

10.385. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargands, proposing a new 

measurement of the town of Calcutta. November 1 7 ; No. 
29. Refused. 

10.386. Letter to Collector of Ra*jsha*h{, authorizing the advance of any 

sum not exceeding Rs. 1000 to sufferers from inundation. 
November 6. 

10.387. Letter to Collector of Rangpur, transmitting a letter from 

Secretary to Government, with directions to prepare draft of 
clauses of a Regulation respecting resumption of rent-free 
lands. November 6. 

10.388. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting reports from 

the Collectors of Nadiya*, Ra*jsha*hf, and Resident at Janglpur, 
regarding relief afforded to sufferers from inundation. No- 
vember 6 ; No. 37. 

10.389. Letter from Secretary to Government, directing that the pensions 

granted to Pandits for preparing a code of Hindu Laws be 
continued for life to their immediate descendants. November 
6 ; No. 47. 

10.390. Letter from Secretary to Government, directing that the villages 

of Kalfganj, Jizira*, and Kerdniganj be separated from the Zila* 
of Dacca, and annexed to the City jurisdiction. November 
10 ; No. 3. 

10.391. Letter to Secretary to Government, forwarding an application 

from Captain Robertson to hold 50 bigha's of ground in 
Bardwa*n., November r7 ; No. 7. 

3*2 BENGAL RECORDS. [Nov. 1801. 

$0,392. Letter from Secretary to Government, with Proceedings in the 
Military Department, and directing advance required for the 
discharge of arrears due to the officers in the Magazine 
Establishment at BMgalpur. November 27 ; No. 7. 

10.393. Letter from Collector of S&an, reporting on the subject of 

forming the four Behar Districts into two. November 13 ; 
No. 30. 

10.394. Letter from Collector of Shhbd, on the same. November 

13 ; No. 29. 

,395- Letter to Collector of Shihlbdd, informing him that the fine 
recommended to be levied on the proprietor of Mauzd Sekrali 
cannot be sanctioned, and requesting him to prosecute his 
inquiries regarding the illegal purchase. November 17 ; 
No. 4. 

10.396. Letter from 'Collector of Tirhut, stating that measures were 

taken to repair the embankments at and near the Factory at 
Singhid. November i ; No. 57. 

10.397. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, reporting on the difficulty of 

procuring papers from the proprietors (M^liks) of Pansar, 
and transmitting statement of the Mauz^ for sale. November 
10 ; No. 41. Approved. 

10.398. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, transmitting statement of 

balances due from Zulfikar AH, who prays that the interest 
due from him be remitted. November 13 ; No. 26. 

10.399. Letter from Collector of Tirhut, reporting on the subject of 

forming the Behar Districts into two Collectorships. Novem- 
ber 13 ; No. 31. 

10.400. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, transmitting orders respecting 

the release of defaulters. November 10. 

10.401. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, reporting obstacles met with 

in attaching the estate of Pandabr&n in Maichdul. Novem- 
ber 24 ; No. 4- 

T 0,402. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, forwarding instruc- 
tions. November 24. 

10,403. Letter from Agent at Tamluk, reporting having taken charge 
of Bnkdndl, and stating rates of toll. November 10; 
No. 16. 

10,404* Letter to Agent at Tamluk in reply, informing him that the 
Board awaits his reply regarding excavations, and approving 
of the rates of tolls. November 10 ; No. 17. 


10,405- Letter from Collector of Tipperah, stating particulars regarding 
Pargans Jugdid and Tori November 24; No. 45. 

10,406. Letter to Collector of Tipperah, authorizing the attachment of 
Jugdid. November 24. 

DECEMBER, 1801. 

10.407. Application of B. Mason, requesting the Board's sanction to 

the transfer of the Apail estate in Dindjpur, purchased by 
him. December i ; No. 12. 

10.408. Letter to B. Mason, transmitting a letter from Secretary to 

Government, and directing him to state on what terms he is 
willing to dispose of his right to the Apail estate to Govern- 
ment. December 15. 

10.409. Petition from K&idu Shh Fakfr, claiming compensation on 

account of the land taken for the College. December i ; 
No. 13. 

10.410. Petition from Bdbu Ranjit Sinh, requesting to be allowed to 

succeed his late father in managing the affairs of the Rdjd 
of Benares. December i ; No. 65. 

10.411. Petition from Mnik Kund and Bechu Kunda, complaining 

against Klf Charan Hldr for preventing their selling betel- 
nut as heretofore. December i ; No. 53. 

10.412. Petition from Rijd Gangd Prasdd Sbh and others, stating that 

the clerks (AmH) of the Judge and Collector have illegally 
purchased their lands. December 15 ; No. 61. 

10.413. Petition from Sib Nth Bhattdch&jya and others, claiming 

pensions (Nakad Britti) from certain Pargans in R4jshdhf. 
December 22 ; No. 32. 

10.414. Letter from Collector of Behar, regarding the pension to 

several Brdhmans claimed from the village of Gay Alamgfr- 
pur. December 15 ; No. 19. 

10.415. Letter to Collector of Behar in reply, containing observations 

on the above pensions. December 15 ; No. 20. 

10.416. Letter from Collector of Behar, recommending that rules in 

sections 15 to 21 of Regulation 14 of 1793 be extended to 
all cases of opposition to the Collectors and their officers. 
December 15 ; No. 57. 

10.417. Letter to Collector of Behar, stating that his proposition cannot 

3 i4 BENGAL RECORDS. [DEC. 1801. 

be adopted, and directing him to submit such additional 
rules as he may think necessary. December 15. 

10.418. Letter from Collector of Behar, reporting additional expendi- 

ture on account of making embankments in the Invalid 
stations (Thna*s). December 22 ; No. 20. 

10.419. Letter from Collector of Benares, reporting that he has taken 

charge of the ZamindaVf of Benares from Mr. Routledge. 
December 15; No. 54- 

10.420. Letter from Collector of Bhagalpur, reporting on Village Head- 

men (Mukaddams) who have refused to furnish the papers 
required for the formation of the Quinquennial Register. 
December 22; No. 17. 

10.421. Letter to Collector of Bhagalpur in reply, directing him to 

recommend a fine to be levied from the Village Heads 
(Mukaddams). December 22. 

10.422. Letter to Collector of jBhdgalpur, directing him to call upon 

Mr. Fombell to make good the deficiency in the Public 
Treasury, December 22 ; No. 34. 

10.423. Letter from Collector of Birbhiim, submitting a reduced 

establishment for the management of Mahal Nay^garh. 
December i ; No. 39. 

10.424. Letter to Collector of Bfrbhiim in reply, stating that the Board 

is of opinion that the establishment for the attachment of 
Nay^garh is too high, and directing him to state his opinion 
regarding the disposal of the defaulters' personal property. 
December i. 

10.425. Letter to Collector of Birbhiim, authorizing settlement of 

Udanpur for three years at a reduced rent (Jama*). De- 
cember i. 

10.426. Letter from Collector of Birbhiim, reporting on the means of 

subsistence possessed by the Raja*, and stating the extent of 
his lands. December 15; No. 23. 

10.427. Letter from Collector of Bfrbhiim, transmitting statement of 

service (Chakra"n) lands of the Zaminddr to be sold for the 
recovery of arrears due to Government on account of 1205 
and 1206 Bengal era. December 15. 

10.428. Letter to Collector of Bardwn, authorizing Captain Robertson. 

to hold the ground required by him. December 15. 

10.429. Letter from Collector of Bardwdn, transmitting copies of letters 

from Mr. Blunt, on deputation to Bishnupur, stating his 


apprehension of opposition from Rajd Chaitan Sinh, and 
recommending the Raja* and his family be removed to 
Bardwa*n until the objects of his deputation be completed ; 
also requesting to be furnished with an official seal. Decem- 
ber 18; No. 9. 

10,430. Letter to Collector of Bardwdn in reply, disapproving Mr. 
Blunt's proposition for Rj Chaitan Sinh's removal, but 
authorizing him an official seal. December 18 ; No. 12. 

1 0,43 r. Letter from Collector of Bardwa*n, transmitting instalment 
statement (Kistbandi) for the discharge of the balance due 
from Tha'kurda's Hazra" in confinement, and recommending 
that it JDC accepted, and that he be released. December 29 ; 
No. 79. Accepted. 

10,432. Letter from Collector of Chittagong, transmitting Proceed- 
ings held by him to ascertain the damage done to the 
estate of Gangd Dds by the encroachment of the river, and 
soliciting an abatement of the rent (Jama*). December 8 \ 
No. 51. 

*>433- Letter from Collector of Chittagong, transmitting abstract 
measurement and survey of the reclaimed waste (Noa*ba"d) 
lands resumed. December n ; No. 7. 

10.434. Letter to Collector of Chittagong in reply, with instructions on 

the above, and requiring further information. December 
ii ; No. 8. 

10.435. Letter to Collector of Chittagong, authorizing abatement on 

the rent 0amd) of the estate of Ganga* Ds. December 22. 

10.436. Circular order to the Collectors of Bfrbhiim, Chittagong, Jessor, 

Murshiddba*d, Maimansinh, Rangpur, Silhet, Behar, Bhdgal- 
pur, Midnapur, Dinajpur, Rajsh&ri, Tirhut, Purniah, 24 
Parganas, and Bardwdn, and Agent at Hijili, authorizing them 
to write off irrecoverable arrears of 1206. December 8. 

10.437. Letter from Collector of Dacca, regarding the Nawa*r estate, 

and reporting when the Nawa*ra* was first established. De- 
cember 15 ; No. 45. 

10.438. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting on lands stated to 

be held by boatmen (Dndis), in lieu of wages by the servants 
of the Nawdbs of Dacca and Murshiddba*d. December 15 ; 
Nos. 46 and 47. 

10.439. Letter from Collector of Dacca, reporting on balances annually 

withheld on account of the lands included in the Bricklayer's 

3i6 BENGAL RECORDS. [DEC. 1801. 

Jdgir belonging to the Bdhldl Bdtf NawM. December 15; 
No. 48. 

10.440. Letter from Collector of Dindjpur, requesting to be informed 

whether half-caste persons are to be considered as falling 
under the 38th Regulation of 1793. December 29 ; No. So. 

10.441. Letter to Collector of Dindjpur in reply, directing him to 

furnish a statement of lands held by persons described as 
half-castes. December 29. 

10.442. Letter to Vice-President in Council, transmitting application 

from Mr. B. Mason for permission to have the Apail estate 
registered in his name. December i ; No. 3. 

1 0,443. Letter to Governor-General in Council, with draft of a Regula- 

tion for authorizing distress and sale of personal property of 
defaulters, and for recovery of fines. December i ; No. 46* 

10.444. Letter to Governor-General in Council, transmitting abstract of 

expense incurred in adjusting the boundaries of the police 
stations (Th&als) in Behar. December 22 ; No. 21. 

10.445. Letter from Collector of Jessor, recommending the revenue 

of Kismat Pargand Sibpur, receivable annually by the Salt 
Agent of 24 Pargands, be in future paid to the Collector by 
the Salt Agent. December i ; No. 6. 

10.446. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting that the Tdluk- 

dars of Bardid have resisted the officer (Amfn) deputed to 
attach their estates, and recommending a fine. December 8 ; 
No. 34. 

10.447. Letter to Collector of Jessor in reply, directing him to report 

the circumstances of the proprietors, and the rent (Jamd) of 
the estate. December 8. 

10.448. Letter from Collector of Jessor, regarding the Nawdrd lands in 

his District December 15 ; No. 53. 

10.449. Letter from Collector of Jessor, reporting on the rent (Jamd) 

of Mauzd Bardid and the circumstances of its proprietors. 
December 18 ; No. 34. 

10.450. Letter from Collector of Jessor, regarding defaulters proposed 

to be released from confinement. December 29 ; No. 5. 

10.451. Letter to Collector of Jessor, authorizing release of the de- 

faulters under certain conditions, and requiring him to report 
the adjustment that he may make with them. December 
29 ; No. 6. 

10.452. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, requesting instructions with 


respect to lands in Ka"sijor ordered to be purchased on 
account of Government, provided adequate offers are not 
made for them by individuals. December i ; No. 10. 
10,453- Letter from Collector of Midnapur, with abstract account of 
sums applied to the relief of the poor who were reduced to 
distress through losses sustained from the late inundation. 
Decembers; No. 27. Approved. 

10.454. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, transmitting a statement 

and Settlement account (Jamdbandi) of lands claimed by Rajd 
Brajdnand in Maina'chaurd. December 8 ; No. 93. 

10.455. Letter from Collector of Midnapur, requiring further instruc- 

tions regarding a pension ordered to be paid by him. De- 
cember 15 ; No. 32. 

10.456. Letter to Collector of Midnapur in reply, stating that the 

pension is to be equal to the pay of the person destroyed 
by the explosion of the coining-houses. December 15. 

10.457. Letter from Collector of Nadiya*, transmitting a letter from the 

Committee appointed for ascertaining the cause of the late 
inundation, and his reply. December i \ No. 23. 

10.458. Letter to Collector of 24 Parana's, transmitting a letter from 

Mr. Rose, and directing him to report whether the ground he 
wishes to lease is registered as the property of Government 
December 18. 

10.459. Letter from Collector of 24 Pargana's, regarding the Govern- 

ment (khds) Mahals, and Mahals of disqualified landholders, 
and transmitting statements. December 22 ; No. 6. 

10.460. Letter to Collector of 24 Pargana's, requiring a detailed report 

of the heavy arrears outstanding in his District. December 

29; NO. 22. 

10.461. Letter from Collector of Purniah, transmitting a statement of 

the resources of the resumed Istimrari grant of the late Rdi 
Jagat Ballabh, and recommending a settlement with the pro- 
prietor. December n \ No. 27. 

10.462. Letter from Collector of Purniah, reporting on damages done 

to the estate of Bansibadan, in Pargana Shahbazpur, by the 
encroachment of the river. December 15 ; No. 30. 

10.463. Letter from Collector of Purniah, reporting on applications for 

suspensions. December 18; No. 13. 

10.464. Letter to Collector of Puraiah in reply, declining to recom- 

mend the suspensions proposed by him, but authorizing him 

3 i8 BENGAL RECORDS. [DEC. 1801. 

to suspend enforcing the public demands within the current 
year. December 18. 

10.465. Letter from Collector of Purniah, transmitting statement of the 

net receipts of the 8 annas or one-half division of Kdnkjol for 
the past eight years, since its annexation from Purniah to 
Bhdgalpur. December 22 ; No. 30. 

10.466. Letter from Collector of Purniah, transmitting a settlement 

account of Pargand Telidghari, the resumed Jdgir of the late 
Raja Roshan Bakht. December 27 ; No. 57. 

10.467. Letter from Collector of Sdran, transmitting report of the 

Kdniingos of Pargand Kasmar, regarding the pension claimed 
by Bhairab Datta Misra. December 18 ; No. 8. 

10.468. Letter to Collector of Sdran in reply, stating that the Kdndngo's 

report is sufficient to warrant recommending the continuance 
of the pension. December 8 ; No. 20. 

10.469. Letter from Secretary to Government, authorizing continuance 

of pension received by the late Rddhikd Dds to Sachinandan 
Dds, for the continuance of a religious establishment in 
Rdjshdhf. December i. 

10.470. Letter from Secretary to Government, reporting the confiscation 

of property belonging to Rddhd Kdnt Guha for resisting the 
process of the Court at Maimansinh, and directing the sale of 
it on account of Government. December 8 ; No. 7. 

10.471. Letter from Secretary to Government, transmitting letter and 

enclosure from the Collector of Nadiyd, reporting the expense 
incurred in purchasing grain for the relief of persons who 
have suffered from the late inundation. December 8; No. 22. 

10.472. Letter from Secretary to Government, approving of the senti- 
f* ' ments expressed tly the Board on the subject of a letter from 

proprietors of Incligb Works. December 29 ; No. 64. 

10.473. .Letter from Collector of Shdhdbdd, transmitting Provisional 
'^ettlengjght for ten years of the Sir Mahals, the property of 

Government December 8 ; No. 14. 

10.474. Letter to Collector of Shdhdbdd, directing him to inform the , 

Board whether Rdjd Bikraradrjit Sinh has declined taking 
-- feack-his lands.- December ir.* - 

10.475. Letter from Collector of Shdhdbdd, transmitting his Proceedings 

on pensions exceeding Rs. 50 per annum. December n; 
No. 31. 

10.476. Letter to Collector of Shdhdbdd transmitting Board's Pro- 


ceedings on the above for his information and guidance. 
December n. 

10.477. Letter from Collector of Tipperah, reporting on the encroach- 

ment of the river, and recommending that an opening be cut 
above Kumill. December 18 ; No. 14. 

10.478. Letter to Collector of Tipperah in reply, directing him to 

transmit a drawing of the new cut proposed by him to alter 
the course of the river Gumtf. December 15.